en_110949_0 The new auditorium, built at remarkably a low cost at the Ampara Combat Training School premises was formally opened on Tuesday (8) during a brief ceremony by its Commandant, Brigadier P.A Dharmasri Kahapola. en_110949_1 Constructed by troops at the CTS themselves using local raw materials, the entire building cost the CTS only a sum of Rs 5 lakhs. en_110949_2 After the formal opening, the CTS Commandant in a brief speech highlighted the importance of career development training, related to All Ranks in the Ampara CTS. en_110949_3 An all rank tea at noon drew the day's simple ceremony to an end. en_110949_4 Lieutenant Colonel D.U.N Serasinghe, Commanding Officer, Combat Training School, Instructors, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the opening ceremony.