get the path of the current python module
get the path of the python module `amodule`
path = os.path.abspath(amodule.__file__)
fill list `myList` with 4 0'
self.myList.extend([0] * (4 - len(self.myList)))
drop duplicate indexes in a pandas data frame `df`
pack elements of list `i` as arguments into function `foo`
generate list of numbers in specific format using string formatting precision.
[('%.2d' % i) for i in range(16)]
dictionary `mydict` in descending order based on the sum of each value in
sorted(iter(mydict.items()), key=lambda tup: sum(tup[1]), reverse=True)[:3]
get top `3` items from a dictionary `mydict` with largest sum of value
heapq.nlargest(3, iter(mydict.items()), key=lambda tup: sum(tup[1]))
get index of character 'b' in list '['a', 'b']'
['a', 'b'].index('b')
et font size of axis legend of plot `plt` to 'xxsmall'
plt.setp(legend.get_title(), fontsize='xx-small')
Python: Convert a string to an integer
int(' 23 ')
extract the 2nd elements from a list of tuple
[x[1] for x in elements]
get the opposite diagonal of a numpy array `array`
flatten list of tuples `a`
bstitute two or more whitespace characters with character '|' in string `line`
re.sub('\\s{2,}', '|', line.strip())
print float `a` with two decimal po
print(('%.2f' % a))
print float `a` with two decimal po
print float `a` with two decimal po
print(('{0:.2f}'.format(round(a, 2))))
print float `a` with two decimal po
print(('%.2f' % round(a, 2)))
limit float 13.9499999 to two decimal po
('%.2f' % 13.9499999)
limit float 3.14159 to two decimal po
('%.2f' % 3.14159)
limit float 13.949999999999999 to two decimal po
limit float 13.949999999999999 to two decimal po
load a tsv file `c:/~/trainSetRel3.txt` into a pandas data frame
DataFrame.from_csv('c:/~/trainSetRel3.txt', sep='\t')
et UTC offset by 9 hrs ahead for date '2013/09/11 00:17'
dateutil.parser.parse('2013/09/11 00:17 +0900')
pass a list of parameters `((1, 2, 3),) to sql queue 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IN %s;'
cur.mogrify('SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IN %s;', ((1, 2, 3),))
m all elements of twodimensions list `[[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5, 6]]]`
sum([sum(x) for x in [[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5, 6]]])
Retrieve an arbitrary value from dictionary `dict`
ess an arbitrary value from dictionary `dict`
group dataframe `df` by columns 'Month' and 'Fruit'
df.groupby(['Month', 'Fruit']).sum().unstack(level=0)
list `mylist` of tuples by arbitrary key from list `order`
sorted(mylist, key=lambda x: order.index(x[1]))
a list of dictionary `persons` according to the key `['passport']['birth_info']['date']`
sorted(persons, key=lambda x: x['passport']['birth_info']['date'])
emove the fragment identifier `#something` from a url ``
download to a directory '/path/to/dir/filename.ext' from source ''
urllib.request.urlretrieve('', '/path/to/dir/filename.ext')
emove all duplicates from a list of sets `L`
list(set(frozenset(item) for item in L))
emove duplicates from a list of sets 'L'
[set(item) for item in set(frozenset(item) for item in L)]
erminate process `p`
delete all values in a list `mylist`
del mylist[:]
hrow an error window in python in window
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, 'Error', 'Error', 0)
emove empty strings from list `str_list`
str_list = list([_f for _f in str_list if _f])
emove newlines and whitespace from string `yourstring`
re.sub('[\\ \\n]{2,}', '', yourstring)
emove the last dot and all text beyond it in string `s`
re.sub('\\.[^.]+$', '', s)
emove elements from an array `A` that are in array `B`
A[np.all(np.any(A - B[:, (None)], axis=2), axis=0)]
Write column 'sum' of DataFrame `a` to csv file 'test.csv'
a.to_csv('test.csv', cols=['sum'])
all a Python script
exec(compile(open('').read(), '', 'exec'))
all a Python script'', shell=True)
a zipped list `zipped` using lambda functio
sorted(zipped, key=lambda x: x[1])
w do I sort a zipped list in Python?
zipped.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
a dictionary `y` by value then by key
sorted(list(y.items()), key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
g beautifulsoup to select div blocks within html `soup`
soup.find_all('div', class_='crBlock ')
emove elements from list `centroids` the indexes of which are in array `index`
[element for i, element in enumerate(centroids) if i not in index]
list duplicated elements in two lists `listA` and `listB`
list(set(listA) & set(listB))
download from http and save as file.gz
testfile = urllib.request.URLopener() testfile.retrieve('', 'file.gz')
download file from http url and save as file.gz
urllib.request.urlretrieve('', 'file.gz')
download file from http url `file_url`
file_name =
et an array of unicode characters `[u'\xe9', u'\xe3', u'\xe2']` as labels in Matplotlib `ax`
ax.set_yticklabels(['\xe9', '\xe3', '\xe2'])
get a list of all integer points in a `dim` dimensional hypercube with coordinates from `x` to `y` for all dimensio
list(itertools.product(list(range(-x, y)), repeat=dim))
vert unicode string `s` into string literal
how to format a list of arguments `my_args` into a string
'Hello %s' % ', '.join(my_args)
earch and split string 'aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff' by delimiter '(ddd)'
re.split('(ddd)', 'aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff', 1)
egex search and split string 'aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff' by delimiter '(d(d)d)'
re.split('(d(d)d)', 'aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff', 1)
vert a list of dictionaries `d` to pandas data frame
plit string This is a string into words that do not contain whitespace
"""This is a string""".split()
plit string This is a string into words that does not contain whitespace
"""This is a string""".split()
python pandas: apply a function with arguments to a serie
my_series.apply(your_function, args=(2, 3, 4), extra_kw=1)
emove all duplicate items from a list `lseperatedOrblist`
woduplicates = list(set(lseperatedOrblist))
m of product of combinations in a list `l`
sum([(i * j) for i, j in list(itertools.combinations(l, 2))])
egular expression for validating string 'user' containing a sequence of characters ending with '' followed by any number of digits.
vert all of the items in a list `lst` to flo
[float(i) for i in lst]
ltiply all items in a list `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]` together
from functools import reduce reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
write a tuple of tuples `A` to a csv file using pytho
Write all tuple of tuples `A` at once into csv file
python, format string {} %s {} to have 'foo' and 'bar' in the first and second positio
"""{} %s {}""".format('foo', 'bar')
Truncate `\r\n` from each string in a list of string `example`
example = [x.replace('\r\n', '') for x in example]
plit elements of a list `l` by '\t'
[i.partition('\t')[-1] for i in l if '\t' in i]
earch for regex pattern 'Test(.*)print' in string `testStr` including new line character '\n''Test(.*)print', testStr, re.DOTALL)
find button that is in li class `next` and assign it to variable `next`
next = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('>a')
get the size of file 'C:\\Python27\\Lib\\'
eturn a string from a regex match with pattern '<img.*?>' in string 'line'
imtag = re.match('<img.*?>', line).group(0)
Rename a folder `Joe Blow` to `Blow, Joe`
os.rename('Joe Blow', 'Blow, Joe')
find overlapping matches from a string `hello` using regex
re.findall('(?=(\\w\\w))', 'hello')
vert 173 to binary string
vert binary string '01010101111' to integer
int('01010101111', 2)
vert binary string '010101' to integer
int('010101', 2)
vert binary string '0b0010101010' to integer
int('0b0010101010', 2)
vert 21 to binary string
vert binary string '11111111' to integer
int('11111111', 2)
delete all digits in string `s` that are not directly attached to a word character
re.sub('$\\d+\\W+|\\b\\d+\\b|\\W+\\d+$', '', s)
delete digits at the end of string `s`
re.sub('\\b\\d+\\b', '', s)
Delete selfcontained digits from string `s`
s = re.sub('^\\d+\\s|\\s\\d+\\s|\\s\\d+$', ' ', s)
ate string `s` up to character ':'
s.split(':', 1)[1]
print a string `s` by splitting with comma `,`
Create list by splitting string `mystring` using , as delimiter
emove parentheses only around single words in a string `s` using regex
re.sub('\\((\\w+)\\)', '\\1', s)
webbrowser open url `url`
webbrowser open url '''')
hange the background colour of the button `pushbutton` to red
self.pushButton.setStyleSheet('background-color: red')
pply a list of functions named 'functions' over a list of values named 'values'
[x(y) for x, y in zip(functions, values)]
dify the width of a text control as `300` keeping default height in wxpytho
wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, size=(300, -1))
display a grayscale image from array of pixels `imageArray`
imshow(imageArray, cmap='Greys_r')