[ { "template_key": { "p": "P85", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q23691" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what anthem is associated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1201", "s_types": [ "Q149918" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the space tug of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the space tug of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's space tug?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "With which space tug did ", "right": " reach its target orbit?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "What was the space tug for the communication satellite ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1383", "s_types": [ "Q486972" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284", "Q12076836" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In which 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"s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1402592" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in which archipelago?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which archipelago does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "What island group does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3975", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the secretary general of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has whom as their secretary general?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who is the secretary general of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who's ", "right": " 's leader?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "who serves as secretary general of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's secretary general?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the leader of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P449", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1616075" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "on which television station was ", "right": " first broadcasted?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what television station is the original broadcaster of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P750", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1331793", "Q19364326", "Q104649845" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is distributed by what company?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who distributes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the company that distributed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P607", "s_types": [ "Q178561" ], "o_types": [ "Q198" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which war?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "which war is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P170", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q178885" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the deity that created ", 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"interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a consequence of what event?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P451", "s_types": [ "Q729" ], "o_types": [ "Q729" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what animal is known as ", "right": " 's partner?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's partner?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6758", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q847017" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the sport club that ", "right": " supports?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what sport club does ", "right": " support?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P710", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q1914636" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " known for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What event 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"what is the kind of fruit that is procduced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what type of fruit does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what is the fruit type of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q47461344" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is from which country?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q16334295" ], "o_types": [ "Q15634554" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the state that ", "right": " is located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In which state ", "right": " is settled?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "In which state ", "right": " is 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"interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who authored ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P50", "s_types": [ "Q38829" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the person that created the ", "right": " breed?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "who created the ", "right": " breed?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P793", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q178561" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what significant battle is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what significant battle happened in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P793", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q186361" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was ", "right": " punish for?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" } ] }, { 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"interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "who was a source of interest of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P65", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1254933" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In what observatory was ", "right": " discovered?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "What observatory discovered ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was discovered in which observatory?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P8324", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5633421" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what scientific journal is funded by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what scientific journal does ", "right": " fund?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2746", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [] 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"right": " interact with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which oxygen compound does ", "right": " interact?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what does ", "right": " interact with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P129", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35456" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which medicine does physically interact with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what medicine does interact with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P800", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "by who was ", "right": " created?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "who did create ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P800", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the creator of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "who is the author of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P461", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " the opposite of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the opposite of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P144", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q483394" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what genre is ", "right": " based on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is based on what genre?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P144", "s_types": [ "Q2990593" ], "o_types": [ "Q151885" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which 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"interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's sibling?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the sibling of whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " a sibling of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the sibling of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's brother or sister?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who has ", "right": " as their sibling?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's sibling is called?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who is known as ", "right": " 's sibling?", "source": "interface:60d435450a3c607d3d1fff2b" }, { "left": "Who had ", "right": " as their sibling?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who has ", "right": " as thier sibling?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has a sibling, who are they?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's sibling is who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P822", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the mascot of which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization has ", "right": " as its mascot?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the mascot of what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that has ", "right": " as its mascot?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1898", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q263478" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the lowest note of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what is the lowest note that ", "right": " can produce?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P112", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " founded what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that was founded by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what organization was founded by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " founded?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization was founded by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P69", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5341295" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was alumni of which institution?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was an alumni of which educational institution?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "Which educational institution was ", "right": " alumni of?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was an alumni of which school?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P837", "s_types": [ "Q15275719" ], "o_types": [ "Q14795564" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what day of the year does ", "right": " occur?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3320", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which entity has ", "right": " as board member?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a board member of what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P180", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q17537576" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which artistic work depicts ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main subject of which creative work?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " depicted in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P98", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q2352616" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was the editor of what catalogue?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P547", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5003624" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which monument commemorates ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which memorial commemorates ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was commemorated by which memorial?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what 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"interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q49773" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which social movement did ", "right": " inspire?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "which social movement is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q186081" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what period has been named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "What event has been named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "which event is the eponym of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2596", "s_types": [ "Q515" ], "o_types": [ "Q82794" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "to which culture does ", "right": " belong?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what culture is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with what culture?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P97", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q216353" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what title was held by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the title of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What noble title did ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what title did ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's title?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P97", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q355567" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what title was held by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the title of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what title did ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's title?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the title held by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P545", "s_types": [ "Q5389" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who lit the torch for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P485", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q13226383" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where are the archives of ", "right": " stored?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the location of the archives of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " 's archives be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" 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"right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's competition class?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P47", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the municipality that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what municipality borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which municipality shares border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which municipality?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with which municipality?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P47", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q13396669" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which province-level division is bordered by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which province-level division shares border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what province-level division shares a border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with which province-level division?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q56552233" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which road book has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of which road book?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which road book has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which road book is ", "right": " a main subject of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q25379" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of what play?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of which play?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which play has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q61855877" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the episode in which ", "right": " is the main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which episode was primarily based on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which episode has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which episode has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Is ", "right": " the main topic of which episode?", 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"templates": [ { "left": "Which record label did ", "right": " replace?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "What record label did ", "right": " replace?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the successor of what record label?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1365", "s_types": [ "Q8142" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what former currency was replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what currency did ", "right": " replace?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3342", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11862829" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "To which academic field did ", "right": " bring an important contribution?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a significant person in what academic discipline?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " brought a significant contrbution to what academic field?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "To what academic discipline did ", "right": " bring a significant contribution?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P5028", "s_types": [ "Q11424" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who created the sound designs for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's sound designer?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's sound designer goes by what name?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the sound designer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's sound designer?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1435", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's heritage designation?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the heritage designation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P631", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q811979" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what notable architectural strucure did ", "right": " design?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the structural engineer of which notable architectural work?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2079", "s_types": [ "Q2424752" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's fabrication method?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "what method was used to produce ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P702", "s_types": [ "Q2393187" ], "o_types": [ "Q7187" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is encoded by which gene?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which gene encodes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the gene that encodes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P466", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q7540126" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where are the headquarters of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "where are ", "right": " 's headquarters located?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "where are ", "right": " 's headquarters?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P495", "s_types": [ "Q2095" ], "o_types": [ "Q10864048" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "from which country is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P495", "s_types": [ "Q811979" ], "o_types": [ "Q6256" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what country is ", "right": " from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's country of origin?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P676", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1344" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " wrote the lyrics for which opera?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which opera has its lyrics written by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6216", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q50424085" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the copyright status of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "What is the intellectual property status of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3306", "s_types": [ "Q11424" ], "o_types": [ "Q27253938" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's icaa rating?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the icaa rating of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P828", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " due to?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is due to what?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "what caused ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the cause of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a consequence of what?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a consequence of what?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "what is the cause of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { 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"interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P682", "s_types": [ "Q8054" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what biological process is ", "right": " involved in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is involved in what biological process?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P859", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q4801521" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " sponsored which arts festival?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the festival that ", "right": " sponsored?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the festival that was sponsored by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " sponsored which festival?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which arts festival was sponsored by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P706", "s_types": [ "Q55659167" ], "o_types": [ "Q12323" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What dam is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "What is the name of the dam of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "What dam is in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P25", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's mother?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "who is the mother of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6275", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1047437" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the organization that represents the copyright for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's 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theme that ", "right": " is associated to?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "which musical work is the theme of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1eb4432b5035ba082e0" }, { "left": "which musical work is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the theme of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P39", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q216353" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was the position held by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's title?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's title?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the title held by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" }, { "left": "What was the title held by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:624dc1cd4432b5035ba082df" 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[ "Q148578" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "in what space observatory was ", "right": " discovered?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" }, { "left": "in what space observatory was ", "right": " first observed?", "source": "interface:624dc1c24432b5035ba082de" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P287", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q29048322" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which vehicle model was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " designed what vehicle?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P85", "s_types": [ "Q11514315" ], "o_types": [ "Q23691" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the national anthem of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the anthem for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's national anthem?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's national anthem called?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1589", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q618123" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What geographical feature is the lowest point of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's lowest point?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The lowest point of ", "right": " is what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is the lowest point of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1589", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q811979" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the lowest point in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "The lowest point in ", "right": " is what?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's lowest 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"interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "when does ", "right": " end?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "in what month does ", "right": " end its season?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What month does ", "right": " 's season end?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What month does ", "right": " 's season end each year?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P180", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q55983715" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What does ", "right": " depict?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a depiction of what?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is depcited in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What does ", "right": " portray?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P655", "s_types": [ "Q7889" ], "o_types": [ "Q4830453" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which company translated ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The video game ", "right": " was translated by which business?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who translated ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which business translated ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was translated by which business?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who did the translation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P87", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1344" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's opera?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's opera called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the librettist of which opera?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the opera that ", "right": " is the librettist of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the librettist of what opera?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What opera was ", "right": " the librettist of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which opera has ", "right": " as its librettist?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1383", "s_types": [ "Q515" ], "o_types": [ "Q702492" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what urban area?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the urban area of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is contained within which urban area?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which urban area 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[ "Q16334295" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the patron saint of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2925", "s_types": [ "Q15284", "Q12076836" ], "o_types": [ "Q215627" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the domain of which saint?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2925", "s_types": [ "Q515" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is a patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The patron saint of ", "right": " is whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's patron saint?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, 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"Q891723", "Q46970" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which airline has its hub in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "The hub airport for which airline is in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the airline hub of what airline?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P113", "s_types": [ "Q43229", "Q1549591" ], "o_types": [ "Q46970" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which airline has its hub at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is an airline hub of which airline?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is one of the hubs for which airline?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which airline uses ", "right": " as a hub?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P36", "s_types": [ "Q486972" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What administrative territory has ", "right": " as its capital?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "In what administrative territory is ", "right": " the capital?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " the capital of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the capital of what administrative division?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1366", "s_types": [ "Q19953632" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " replaced which organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which organization was supplanted by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization was replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " replaced by?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization was ", "right": " succeeded by?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1366", "s_types": [ "Q43229", "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q16334295", "Q15642541" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who-geographic territory was supplanted by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was replaced by which entity? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who-geographic territory was replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was replaced by who-geographic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was replaced by who-geographic territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " replaced who-geographic territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which group replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1366", "s_types": [ "Q18127" ], "o_types": [ "Q18127" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " replaced which record label?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " replaced what record label?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which record label was replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q133346" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which border has part in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which border is a part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the border of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which border is a portion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which administrative territory includes part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which administrative territory contains ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which administrative territory includes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is part of which administrative territory?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which administrative territory is a part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q17537576" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which creative work contains ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is contained 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"interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is known for what historical fact?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What historical fact is ", "right": " known for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15642541" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what human-geographic territory is ", "right": " comprised of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the geographical area of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who-geographic territorial entity is a part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the human-geographic territory of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who-geographic territory is a part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is comprised of what human-geographic 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"source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what language family?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what family of languages?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is within what language family?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2996394" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is included in what biological process?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What biological process is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what biological process?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q6999" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What astronomical object is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What astronomical object has ", "right": " in it?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2737588" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which electuary?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What electuary is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q605704" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What group of a dozen contains ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is part 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"?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which property is a part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which property is affiliated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q9388534" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which archive?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q12139612" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What list is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1900326" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What network is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what network?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what network does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q17334923" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What location has ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P527", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1387659" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What school of thought does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which school 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"Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1002697" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the periodical that was published by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " published what periodical?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which periodical did ", "right": " publish?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the publisher of which periodical?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P101", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q268592" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What industry does ", "right": " work in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's field of work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P101", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1914636", "Q1047113" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What field does ", "right": " work in?", "source": 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"o_types": [ "Q12076836", "Q1048835", "Q1549591" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the city where the movie \" ", "right": " \" was filmed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where was the filming location for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Where was ", "right": " 's filming location?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where was ", "right": " filmed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was the filming location for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which city was ", "right": " filmed on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P208", "s_types": [ "Q177634", "Q56061", "Q1048835" ], "o_types": [ "Q7188", "Q35798" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What executive body controls ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What executive body is 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"right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is governed by what executive body?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which government is the executive body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P208", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15708736" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which state authority is the executive body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what state authority as its executive body?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's executive body?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the executive body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's executive body goes by what name?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the 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"interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was killed by what person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the person who killed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P190", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the municipality that is twinned with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the municipality that is twinned administrative body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which municipality has ", "right": " as its twinned administrative body?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is twinned with what municipality?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which municipality is twinned administrative body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which municipality is twinned with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1625", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which song shares its melody with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What song has the same melody as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What song uses the tune of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2541", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q82794" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " operates in which geographic region?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1343", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q212805", "Q35127" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's website?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What 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"o_types": [ "Q2252176" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is one of the subjects of which liezhuan?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which liezhuan describes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is written about in which liezhuan?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is described in which liezhuan?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P5004", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization opposes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization is in opposition to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is opposed by which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who opposes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { 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"Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15239622" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "On what disputed territory is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located on what contested territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located on what disputed territory?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P706", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q82794" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located on what geographic region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "In what geographic region is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which geographic region is ", "right": " located on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P706", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q39816" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What valley is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What valley can you find ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in which valley?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In which valley can you find ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P706", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q160091" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which plain is ", "right": " located on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what plain is ", "right": " on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " can be found on what plain?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located on what plain?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P706", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q23442" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What island is ", "right": " located on?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is on which island?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which island is ", "right": " on?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " can be found on which island?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P706", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q399984" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located on which hemisphere? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which hemisphere of the earth is ", "right": " located on ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P38", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q8142" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " uses what as its main currency?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is used as the currency of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is accepted as the currency of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the currency of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the main currency in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P38", "s_types": [ "Q11514315" ], "o_types": [ "Q28783456" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " used which currency?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's currency?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was once the currency of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the currency of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the official currency of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What currency was accepted in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" 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"interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who is married to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who has ", "right": " as spouse?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's spouse?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who is the spouse of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that is married to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the spouse of whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " married to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P452", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what industry does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the industry that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what industry?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What industry is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which industry?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which industry?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P452", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q8187769" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the industry that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which industry?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what industry is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's economic activity belongs to which industry?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { 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"interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P452", "s_types": [ "Q167270" ], "o_types": [ "Q8148" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the industry that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what industry?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what industry is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what industry?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which industry does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what industry does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P913", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3241972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the notation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which character has the ", "right": " notation ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the notation of the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1308", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q4164871" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the position held by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's title?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which position is fulfilled by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P449", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q141683" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was first aired on what network?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what network did ", "right": " first air on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " originally aired on what network?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which network was the first to air ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the original broadcaster of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P366", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the main use of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " mainly used for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the main purpose of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's main use?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is mainly used for what?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P750", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2442401", "Q1660312" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was distributed by which record label ?", "source": 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"right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the company that distributed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was distributed by which company? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which public company distributed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P750", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1762059" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which film production company is the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which company distributes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which film production company distributed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which production company is the distributor for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P750", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q18043413" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which supermarket chain distributes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who distributes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who distributed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { 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"source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the distributor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What business distributes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the company that distributed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is distributed by which business?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was distributed by which business?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is distributed by what company?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2632", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q210999" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the place where ", "right": " was detained?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was detained at which psychiatric hospital?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which psychiatric hospital was ", "right": " 's place of detention?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which psychiatric hospital was ", "right": " detained at?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2632", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q152081" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was held in which concentration camp? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which concentration camp was ", "right": " held in ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "where was ", "right": " detained?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was detained where?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's place of detention? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P607", "s_types": [ "Q178561" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was a part of what conflict?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What war was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "In what war did ", "right": " take place?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What conflict was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P607", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q645883" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " participated in which military operation?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which military operation did ", "right": " take part in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What military operation was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what military operation?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what military operation did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P607", "s_types": [ "Q180684", "Q645883", "Q7184903" ], "o_types": [ "Q103495", "Q11514315" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which historical period was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was part of which world war?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which world war was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1299", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q47461344" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which written work depicts ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is depicted in which written work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1299", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5707594" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which news article depicts ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " appears in which news article?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is depicted by which news article?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P177", "s_types": [ "Q12280" ], "o_types": [ "Q355304" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of the watercourse beneath ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is crossed by what body of water?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located on what body of water?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what body of water does ", "right": " cross?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which watercourse does ", "right": " overfly? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which watercourse is crossed over by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P669", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q79007" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located on what street?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which street is ", "right": " located on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is on what street?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "On what street is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what street is ", "right": " located on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the street where ", "right": " is located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P769", "s_types": [ "Q35456" ], "o_types": [ "Q35456" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which essential medicine does ", "right": " have a significant interaction with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which essential medicine has a significant drug interaction with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which essential medicine has a significant interaction with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P462", "s_types": [ "Q7210356" ], "o_types": [ "Q56053097" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which html4 is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which html4 named color is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which html4 named color is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what color is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P170", "s_types": [ "Q15401930" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was the creator of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is credited with the creation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P170", "s_types": [ "Q4406616" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created by what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created by which organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who was the creator of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P170", "s_types": [ "Q732577" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was the creator of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's creator?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who came up with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P170", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is the creator of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who is credited with creation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is credited with the creation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created by what person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3730", "s_types": [ "Q193622" ], "o_types": [ "Q193622" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which order is the next higher rank of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the next higher rank of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the next lower rank of what order?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2512", "s_types": [ "Q581714" ], "o_types": [ "Q581714" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which animated series is ", "right": " a spin-off of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which animated series is ", "right": " an extension of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a spin-off of which animated series?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3931", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q188860" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " holds the copy rights to which software library ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " owns which software library?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which software library is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P859", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q431289" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's sponsor?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is sponsored by who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is sponsored by which brand?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the company that sponsors ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who sponsored ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which brand is the sponsor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P859", "s_types": [ "Q40218" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What organization sponsors ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is sponsored by which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that sponsors ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was sponsored by which organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which organization is the sponsor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who backs ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's sponsor is which organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P859", "s_types": [ "Q618779", "Q1656682" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is sponsored by which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organization sponsors ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that sponsors ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization is the sponsor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is sponsored by what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who backs ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P123", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q25379" 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"what is the name of the sports website that ", "right": " published?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the website that ", "right": " published?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the website that was published by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " published what website?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P123", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q11032" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what newspaper did ", "right": " publish?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the newspaper that ", "right": " publishes? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "The newspaper published by ", "right": " is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " published what newspaper?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P123", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q47461344" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " published which book?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "For what written work did ", "right": " serve as the publisher?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which written work was published by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the publisher of what written work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " published what book?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P123", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1002697" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which periodical was published by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the publication that ", "right": " published?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the publisher of what periodical?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what did ", "right": " publish?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was released by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What periodical did ", "right": " publish?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1542", "s_types": [ "Q18123741" ], "o_types": [ "Q16521" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is an effect of which taxon?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which taxon causes ", "right": " as an effect?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1542", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q645883" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the military operation that resulted in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What military operation resulted in ", "right": 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"s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q813912" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What condition led to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the outcome of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1542", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q180684" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what conflict resulted in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the conflict that resulted in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which conflict caused ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was caused by what conflict?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which conflict led to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1542", "s_types": [ "Q26907166" ], "o_types": [ "Q234460" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which texts have their outcome as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which text has its outcome as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What text resulted in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a result of what text?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What text was ", "right": " a result of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2872", "s_types": [ "Q15284" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What organization is ", "right": " 's visitor centre?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What organization serves as the visitor's centre for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What organization is the visitor centre for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P451", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is ", "right": " in a relationship with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's significant other?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's unmarried partner?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who has ", "right": " as relationship partner?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's lover?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's partner?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who has ", "right": " as a relationship partner?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who is the unmarried partner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who has ", "right": " as their relationship partner?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who is the domestic partner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the partner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's partner's name?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's partner?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1079", "s_types": [ "Q26540" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the company that is the launch contractor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organization was contracted to launch ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which organization was tasked with launching ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was launched by which contracted organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which organization is the launch contractor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organization was ", "right": " 's launch contractor?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's launch contractor?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2936", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What language is used by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " uses what language?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P634", "s_types": [ "Q12973014" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's captain?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who was the captain of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "the captain of ", "right": " went by what name?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of the captain of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who served as captain of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P710", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q16722960" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what event was ", "right": " a participant of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what event did ", "right": " particiate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what event did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " attended what event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P710", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q750215" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what mass murder?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which mass murder spree did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which mass murder has ", "right": " as its participant?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a participant in what mass murder spree?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What mass murder spree was ", "right": " a participant in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the mass murder that ", "right": " participated in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P710", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2401485" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What expedition did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what 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"o_types": [ "Q46831" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What mountain range does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What mountain range is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which mountain range?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is in which mountain range?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What mountain range is ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which mountain range?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P84", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q317557" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was the architect of which parish church?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which parish church was ", "right": " the designer of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which parish church did ", "right": " design?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the parish church that ", "right": " designed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What parish church was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which parish church was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " designed which parish church?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's parish church called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the designer of which parish church?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What parish church was ", "right": " the architect of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P84", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q160742" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what did ", "right": " design?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the architect of what abbey?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " an architect of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which abbey was ", "right": " the designer of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P84", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5003624" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What memorial was ", "right": " the architect of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which monument was ", "right": " the designer of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the architect of what memorial?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P84", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q16560" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The architect ", "right": " designed what palace?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what palace was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the architect of what palace?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the palace that was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which palace was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What palace was ", "right": " the architect of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which palace was ", "right": " the designer of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P737", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q49773" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which social movement was influenced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which social movement was ", "right": " an influence for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P737", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q968159" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which art movement was influenced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the art movement that ", "right": " influenced? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was the art movement that ", "right": " influenced? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P737", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q47461344" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the influence for which written work?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What written work was ", "right": " an influence for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What written work did ", "right": " influence?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P84", "s_types": [ "Q6671777" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who was the architect of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the architect responsible for designing ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who designed the architecture of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who designed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of ", "right": " 's architect?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1891", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q46337" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which manifesto has ", "right": " as its signatory ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "How many signatories did ", "right": " 's manifesto have?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a signatory of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1891", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q820655" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "For which legislative act was ", "right": " a signatory?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a signatory for which legislative act?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which legislative act has ", "right": " as its signatory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1891", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q878249" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " served as a signatory for what alliance?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which alliance has ", "right": " as a signatory?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a signatory of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " the signatory of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which alliance has ", "right": " as its signatory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1891", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7755" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was signed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was signatory to which constitution? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " signed which constitution?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what did ", "right": " sign?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the constitution that ", "right": " signed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The constitution for which ", "right": " is a signatory is called what ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which constitution has ", "right": " as its signatory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1891", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q646754" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was the signatory of which open letter?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the letter that ", "right": " signed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " signed what open letter?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the open letter that is signed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was the open letter that ", "right": " was a signatory of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P118", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q623109" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which sports league does ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the league that ", "right": " plays in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " plays in what league?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's league is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which league does ", "right": " belong to? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1046", "s_types": [ "Q634" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "How was ", "right": " discovered?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the discovery method of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the method of the discovery of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was discovered using which method?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What method was used to discover ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's provenance?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P5096", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q40218" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which spacecraft is ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a member of what spacecraft?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What spacecraft crew is ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which spacecraft had ", "right": " as its member?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of the crew for what spacecraft?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What spacecraft crew is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a member of which spacecraft?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P5096", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q177597" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a member of what naval vessel?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which naval vessel is ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a member of which naval vessel?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of the crew of which naval vessel?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P4379", "s_types": [ "Q7278" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the youth wing of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "the youth wing of ", "right": " goes by what name?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the youth wing of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization is the youth wing of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's youth organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P92", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7748", "Q820655" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which law is the main regulatory text of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is regulated through which text?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the main regulatory text of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which text is concerned with regulating ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which text outlines the regulations involving ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P92", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q47461344" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the main regulatory text for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the main regulatory text that guides actions in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3764", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1092864" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is pole position in what pau grand prix?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the pau grand prix where ", "right": " is pole position?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " held the pole position at which Pau Grand Prix?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3764", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11924610" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was pole position in which Formula One Grand Prix?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was pole position in which F1 Grand Prix?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " earned pole position in which Formula One Grand Prix?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3764", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q16510064" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which sporting event has ", "right": " as the pole position?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3403", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q34876" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " has the same borders as which province?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares the same borders as what province?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What province has the same borders as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3403", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q13360155" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in which county?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What county is in the same territory as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What county is coextensive with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3179", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q166620" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which drainage basin has territory overlapping ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which drainage basin partially overlaps ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which drainage basin has some of its area coinciding with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P159", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the location of the headquarter of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "the headquarter of ", "right": " is located in what city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": " 's headquarter?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where is the headquarter of ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is based in what city?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P159", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Where is ", "right": " 's headquarters?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where is the headquarter of ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where is ", "right": " 's HQ?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which municipality is the headquarter location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the location of ", "right": " 's headquarters?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P159", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q41176" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where is the headquarter of ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which building is the headquarter location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P520", "s_types": [ "Q2811" ], "o_types": [ "Q15142889" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is used as arms by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what kind of weapons does ", "right": " use?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " uses what arms?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what arms does ", "right": " use?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what are the weapons used by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which weapon family is an armament of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is an armament of which weapon family?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P36", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which city is known as the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P36", "s_types": [ "Q3024240" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "the capital of ", "right": " is associated with who settlement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city is known as the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the settlement that is the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which city was the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P36", "s_types": [ "Q19953632" ], "o_types": [ "Q2974842" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which city serves as ", "right": " 's capital?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what city serves as capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what city serves as the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what city serves as ", "right": " 's capital?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What lost city was the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P150", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q107390" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which federated state has ", "right": " as its administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the administrative territory of which federated state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what federated state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which federated state has ", "right": " as an administrative territorial entity? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P150", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which historical country contains ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is part of which historical country?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which historical country contains ", "right": " as an administrative territorial entity?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P150", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q13221722" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the administrative territory of which administrative country subdivisions?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the administrative territory of which country subdivision?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P150", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in which municipality?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which municipality contains ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the municipality that ", "right": " is located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what municipality?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the municipality in which ", "right": " is located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P150", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q19953632" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what former administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which former administrative territory contains ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the former administrative territory of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what former administrative territory is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's former administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In which former administrative territory is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3461", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q17127659" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which terrorist organization was designated thus by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has designated which organization as a terrorist organization?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P641", "s_types": [ "Q16510064" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which sport is ", "right": " a sporting event in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a sporting event in which sport?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P641", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's sport?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what type of sport does ", "right": " play?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What sport does ", "right": " compete in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What sport does ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " plays what type of sport?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " plays what sport?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what sport does ", "right": " play?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P641", "s_types": [ "Q16510064" ], "o_types": [ "Q349" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's sport? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what sport was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which sport was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P641", "s_types": [ "Q4438121" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's sport? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which sport does ", "right": " play?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which sport does ", "right": " participate in ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what sport does ", "right": " play?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P366", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2695280" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What technique uses ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What technique does ", "right": " use?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which technique has its main functionality as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which technique mainly plays the role of a ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P366", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2424752" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the main use of what product?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What product's main use is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P127", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization owned ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is owned by who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which organization does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who is the owner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P127", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q178885" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is ", "right": " owned by?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the owner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's owner?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was owned by which deity? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was the name of the deity that owned ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P127", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q41176", "Q43229", "Q1497375" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is owned by which organization? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P161", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q17317604" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of professional wrestling event starring ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which professional wrestling event has ", "right": " in its star cast?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a cast member in which professional wrestling match ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what professional wrestling event does ", "right": " star in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " stars in what professional wrestling event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the professional wrestling event that ", "right": " stars in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P161", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q208569" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In which studio album is ", "right": " a cast member? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a cast member in which studio album? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P684", "s_types": [ "Q7187" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Whose ortholog is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the ortholog of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P770", "s_types": [ "Q11446" ], "o_types": [ "Q1190554" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What caused the destruction of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P945", "s_types": [ "Q16887380" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " serves which organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which organization is served by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P945", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q19953632" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which former territorial entity was ", "right": " loyal to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was loyal to which former territorial entity?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " swore allegiance to which former territorial entity?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which former administrative territory is the country of citizenship of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1365", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5589178" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which regime replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the regime that succeeded ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the regime that replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was replaced by which regime?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which regime supplanted ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1365", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which state supplanted ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the state that replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which state replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which state was ", "right": " replaced by?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was replaced by which state?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which state replaces ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the state that succeeded ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P399", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q6999" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " a companion of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which astronomical object is the companion body to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a companion to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is a companion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which astronomical object is a companion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a companion of what celestial object?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P399", "s_types": [ "Q523" ], "o_types": [ "Q523" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which star is a companion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the star that is a companion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a companion to which star? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which star is ", "right": " a companion of? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P286", "s_types": [ "Q13393265" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the head coach of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's coach?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the coach of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's head coach?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The head coach for ", "right": " is named? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's head coach?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the head coach of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P542", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who officially opened ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who officially opened ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:60d435450a3c607d3d1fff2b" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that opened ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the person by whom ", "right": " was officially opened? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was opened by which person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P793", "s_types": [ "Q483247" ], "o_types": [ "Q16334295" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was a significant event for what group of humans?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who was affected by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " affected what group of humans?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P793", "s_types": [ "Q3249551" ], "o_types": [ "Q10864048" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which 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is ", "right": " associated with? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which sovereign state is ", "right": " a significant event of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which significant event is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P793", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was a key event in the life of which city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who settlement is ", "right": " a significant event of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city has ", "right": " as a significant associated event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P793", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q618123" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Where did the significant event known as ", "right": " occur?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" 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"templates": [ { "left": "What atrocity was ", "right": " convicted of?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1434", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q559618" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " occurs in which fictional universe?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What fictional universe is ", "right": " set in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " takes place in which universe?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What fictional universe does ", "right": " take place in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " takes place in which fictional universe?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which fictional universe does ", "right": " appear in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2756", "s_types": [ "Q11424" ], "o_types": [ "Q23790276" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's EIRIN film rating?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "how does eirin classify ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the eirin film classification of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which eirin film classification does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the eirin film rating of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P4967", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What requires ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a requirement for what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a prerequisite for what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " a 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"right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What state can ", "right": " be found in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which state does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which state is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q17334923" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what state?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which state is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which state is ", "right": " situated in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which state is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what state is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q133156" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which colony is ", "right": " situated in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q1422299", "Q1194058" ], "o_types": [ "Q15642541" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In what country is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what country?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What country is ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what country?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q28877" ], "o_types": [ "Q19953632" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was located where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q20162172" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a language spoken in which country?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "In which country is ", "right": " spoken?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is spoken in which country?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q13418847" ], "o_types": [ "Q15642541" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What country did the ", "right": " occur?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where did ", "right": " take place?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " took place in what country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q80071" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " originates from which state?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " comes from which state?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q15401930" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which state is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q1151067" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which state is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what 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"source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P17", "s_types": [ "Q15621286" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the state that ", "right": " is a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what state does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is based in which country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What country is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which state is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what state is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P690", "s_types": [ "Q43460564" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the space group of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What space group does ", "right": " belong to? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the space group of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what space group is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's space group?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the space group of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1376", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which municipality has ", "right": " as its county seat?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the county seat of what municipality?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the capital of which municipality?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which municipality has ", "right": " as its capital?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the county seat of which municipality?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1376", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " the county seat of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which administrative territory has ", "right": " as its county seat?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the county seat of which administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the county seat of what administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What administrative region has ", "right": " as its capital?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the capital of what administrative territorial entity?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1376", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q67770276" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which historic county has ", "right": " has its center of administration?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What historical count was ", "right": " the capital of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the historic county that has ", "right": " as its county seat?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the county seat of which historic county?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the capital of which historic county?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What county was ", "right": " the capital of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which historic county has ", "right": " as its county seat?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the capital of which county?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1376", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1620908" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the county seat of which historical region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What region was ", "right": " the capital of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which historical region has ", "right": " as its county seat?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which historical region has ", "right": " has its center of administration?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the capital of which historical region?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what historical region is ", "right": " the county seat of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the capital of which historical region?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the county seat of what historical region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What historical region had ", "right": " as its capital?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1376", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which historical country's capital was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the capital of which historical country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the capital of which former country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1376", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q19832712" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which historical administrative division is ", "right": " the capital of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the capital of which historical administrative division?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1376", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q19953632" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what former administrative territory is ", "right": " the county seat of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what has ", "right": " as its capital?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which former administrative territory has ", "right": " has its?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which former administrative territory has ", "right": " as its county seat?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "When was the capital of ", "right": " a former administrative territorial entity ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which former administrative territory has ", "right": " has its center?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which capital of ", "right": " was a former administrative entity ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Is the capital of ", "right": " a former administrative territorial entity?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1376", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3146899" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which diocese of the catholic church has ", "right": " as its capital?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the capital of what diocese of the Catholic Church?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1387", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q12909644" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the political ideology of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's political ideology?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's political alignment?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the political alignment of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " follows what political alignment?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P927", "s_types": [ "Q2996394" ], "o_types": [ "Q103812529" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In which organ can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " occurs in which organ?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the anatomical location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P58", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5398426" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was the screenwriter for which television series? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what show does ", "right": " write?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which television series is ", "right": " a screenwriter of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which television series did ", "right": " write? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the show that is written by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the show that ", "right": " wrote?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P58", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11424" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the movie that is written by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the screenwriter for what film?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What film did ", "right": " screenwrite?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the screenwriter of what movie?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which film is ", "right": " a screenwriter of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P664", "s_types": [ "Q1656682" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization is the organizer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that organized ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization is responsible for organizing ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that organizes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is organized by what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was organized by what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P6", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q19953632" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which former administrative territory has its government headed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the administrative leader of which former administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which former administrative territorial entity did ", "right": " head?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which former administrative territory has a government lead by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P6", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the administrative leader of what state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which state did ", "right": " serve as the head of government ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which state has ", "right": " as its head of government?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which state has its government headed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The state in which ", "right": " was head of government is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " headed the government of which state?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which state has ", "right": " as its administrative leader?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P8872", "s_types": [ "Q7187" ], "o_types": [ "Q189118" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a marker for which cell type?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a marker for what cell type?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What type of cell is ", "right": " a marker of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what cell type is ", "right": " a marker for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P189", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7881" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What skeleton was discovered at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the place where what skeleton was discovered?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the skeleton that was discovered at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the skeleton that was found at ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the location of discovery of what skeleton?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what was the name of the skeleton that was discovered at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P189", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q795052", "Q7239" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was discovered on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who was discovered at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organism was discovered in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which individual was discovered at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was found at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that was found at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P189", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which entity was discovered in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which entity was discovered at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the entity that was discovered at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was found at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was discovered at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was discovered in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P501", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the state that is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which state is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which state is enclaved within ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P501", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is enclaved within which territorial entity ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which administrative entity oversees ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which administrative territory is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the administrative territory in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P793", "s_types": [ "Q515" ], "o_types": [ "Q8065" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which natural disaster is a significant event associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which natural disaster was a significant event in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P793", "s_types": [ "Q180684" ], "o_types": [ "Q625298" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which peace treaty was created as a result of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " resulted in the creation of which peace treaty?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " led to the creation of which peace treaty?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P793", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q750215" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the site of which mass murder?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What mass murder occurred in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P793", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q192909" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's scandal ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P793", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q645883" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what event is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What military operation was a significant event for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with what significant event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which significant event is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6886", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q17376908" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which languoid is the writing language of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P129", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2393187" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What interacts with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which molecular entity can interact with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which molecular entity interacts with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P931", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q62447" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is served by which aerodrome?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which aerodrome serves ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is served by what aerodrome?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What aerodrome serves ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which aerodrome serves the place named ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's aerodrome?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's aerodrome called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P195", "s_types": [ "Q8205328" ], "o_types": [ "Q41176" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " safeguarded in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what building's collection?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " preserved in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What building's collection is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P126", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q121182" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is in charge of maintaining which information system?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which information system is maintained by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " maintains which information system?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " maintains what information system?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P126", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q8513" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what database does ", "right": " maintain?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what database is maintained by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " maintains which database?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which database is maintained by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1037", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q2659904" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which government organization is directed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the director of which government organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " directs which government organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the government organization that ", "right": " directs?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which governmental organization is directed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which government organization is ", "right": " the director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1037", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7094076" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which online database is directed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the manager of which online database?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which online database does ", "right": " direct?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " directs which online database?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which online database is ", "right": " a director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which online database is ", "right": " the director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the director of which online database?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1037", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q33506" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the head of what museum?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which museum is ", "right": " a director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which museum has ", "right": " as director/manager?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the director of what museum?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which museum is ", "right": " the director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1037", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization is directed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P500", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q532" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of the village that is an exclave of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P500", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which administrative territory is an exclave of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which administrative territory is the exclave of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which administrative region is an exclave of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1075", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q3918" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the rector of which university?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What university is ", "right": " the rector of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where does ", "right": " serve as rector?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which university has ", "right": " as its rector?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P175", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q215380" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which musical group performs ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which ensemble performed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was performed by which ensemble?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P937", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q33506" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where is ", "right": " employed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " works at which museum?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What museum does ", "right": " work at?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which museum is the work location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's place of employment?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P937", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q23442" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The island where ", "right": " works is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the name of the island where ", "right": " works? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " works on which island? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P937", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where does ", "right": " work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " works where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " employed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which state is the work location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's place of employment?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the work location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P937", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q52551684" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of the place that ", "right": " once worked?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " once worked in what geographical location?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Where did ", "right": " once work?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3095", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q28640" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which profession is ", "right": " practiced by?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with which profession?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is practiced in which profession?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what was the profession of ", "right": " practitioners?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2650", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which historical country is ", "right": " interested in? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's work centered around which historical country ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2650", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q12909644" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what political party did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's political ideology of interest?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's political affiliation?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P65", "s_types": [ "Q6999" ], "o_types": [ "Q4213" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was discovered with which telescope?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was discovered where?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which telescope was ", "right": " discovered with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where was ", "right": " discovered?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What telescope was used to discover ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P166", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q188823" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " received what scholarship?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what was awarded to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What scholarship was awarded to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P166", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q618779" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which award was received by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what award was given to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " awarded with?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what award did ", "right": " win?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what award was won by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which award did ", "right": " receive?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P166", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q106594041" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " received an award at what annual music 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"source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which award was given to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the certification that was awarded to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which certification was given to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P166", "s_types": [ "Q47461344" ], "o_types": [ "Q618779" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which award was received by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What award did ", "right": " receive?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what award was given to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which award was ", "right": " awarded with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " received what award?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { 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"s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q13226383" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which facility is an auxiliary of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What facility is a subsidiary of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what facility as a subsidiary?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is a subsidiary of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which facility is ", "right": " the parent company of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P355", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q46970" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which airline is ", "right": " the parent company of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which airline is a subsidiary of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " serves as a parent company to which 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"interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In what state is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which state is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q27043950" ], "o_types": [ "Q271669" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which landform is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q811979" ], "o_types": [ "Q82794" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in which geographic region? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which geographic region is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In which geographic region was ", "right": " located? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q15401930" ], "o_types": [ "Q3257686" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Where can you find ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Where is ", "right": " found?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q2424752" 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"source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In which municipality is ", "right": " located? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q618123" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061", "Q1048835" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which administrative territory is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what administrative territorial entity?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In what administrative unit is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": 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"right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in the administrative territorial entity of which city?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q106458883" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What state is ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is in which state?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q2990593", "Q7184903" ], "o_types": [ "Q12076836" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What territory is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which administrative territory is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In what administrative territory is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q28877" ], "o_types": [ "Q13220204" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which administrative country subdivision is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what administrative country subdivision?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P131", "s_types": [ "Q223557" ], "o_types": [ "Q271669" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "On what landmass can you find ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "On which landform can you find ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Where is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2408", "s_types": [ "Q15621286" ], "o_types": [ "Q71266556" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which armed conflict was set within the same time period as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was written in the same time period as which armed conflict? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2408", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q3186692" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "in what year is ", "right": " set?", "source": "interface:automatic 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"interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " originates from which language?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which language is ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what language is ", "right": " written in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P407", "s_types": [ "Q2431196" ], "o_types": [ "Q17376908" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which languoid does ", "right": " belong to? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the languoid of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is composed in what languoid?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the language of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which languoid is ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The language in ", "right": " belongs to which 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"interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what sea is home to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the sea of ", "right": " called ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's sea called? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the sea where ", "right": " is located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " are located in what sea?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which sea surrounds ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P4330", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q46831" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what mountain range is ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which mountain range contains ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the mountain range where ", "right": " is located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the mountain range that ", "right": " is located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what mountain range?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2894", "s_types": [ "Q205892" ], "o_types": [ "Q41825" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " landed on what day of the week?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What day of the week was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2095", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the co-driver of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is the co-driver for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's co-driver?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2522", "s_types": [ "Q15416" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who won ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that won ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who triumphed in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who achieved victory in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who won the victory on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who won on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who came out on top in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P437", "s_types": [ "Q7366" ], "o_types": [ "Q106043376" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was released in what format?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What was the format that ", "right": " was distributed in on release?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What format was ", "right": " released in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1542", "s_types": [ "Q13418847" ], "o_types": [ "Q740464" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " had what effect on law and legal mandates?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was the historical legal outcome of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was the legal effect that ", "right": " had on history?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was the legal outcome of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the effect of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1542", "s_types": [ "Q13418847" ], "o_types": [ "Q1864008" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the effect of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was an effect of the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " resulted in which legal act?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What legal act was an effect of the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " had what effect?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1542", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q11514315" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The historical period of ", "right": " caused what?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " has effects on which historical period?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is caused by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the effect of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What did ", "right": " cause in history ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P144", "s_types": [ "Q188451" ], "o_types": [ "Q188451" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What genre of music is derived from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which music genre does ", "right": " extend upon?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What genre of music is ", "right": " based on?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P144", "s_types": [ "Q4026292" ], "o_types": [ "Q7725634" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is based on what literary work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What literary work served as inspiration for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P703", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q16521" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which taxon is ", "right": " found in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In what taxon can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " can be found in which taxon?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "In which taxon can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P825", "s_types": [ "Q811979" ], "o_types": [ "Q18563354" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is dedicated to who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " dedicated to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which religious character is ", "right": " dedicated to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is dedicated to which reigious character?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2176", "s_types": [ "Q43460564" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of a disease treated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what health problem requires ", "right": " to be prescribed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What medical condition is treated using ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is used to treat what medical condition?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of a drug used to treat ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1576", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q32090" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What lifestyle did ", "right": " practice? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the lifestyle of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's lifestyle?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what best describes the lifestyle of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's lifestyle?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P129", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q20026787" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " physically interacts with what chemical component?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "With which chemical component does ", "right": " interact?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which chemical component does ", "right": " interact with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " interacts with what chemical component?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P129", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q174211" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What organic compound does ", "right": " interact with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " interacts with which compound?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What organic compound does ", "right": " physically interact with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " interacts with which organic compound?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " physically interacts with which compound?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " physically interacts with which organic compound?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which chemical compound does ", "right": " interact with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3075", "s_types": [ "Q9174" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the official religion of what state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1346", "s_types": [ "Q602884" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization emerged victorious in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that won ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was won by which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the winner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What organization was the winner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P800", "s_types": [ "Q223557" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who has ", "right": " as their notable work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the notable work of who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who's notable work is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "whose notable work was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P800", "s_types": [ "Q16521" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the notable work of who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "whose notable work was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The taxon ", "right": " is the notable work of who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who has the taxon ", "right": " as part of their notable works?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who has ", "right": " as their notable work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P800", "s_types": [ "Q2465832" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is notable for their work on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Whose work was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the work of who?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "whose notable work was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a notable work done by who? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P800", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q16887380" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "whose notable work was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which group has ", "right": " as a notable work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who has ", "right": " as their notable work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is known for creating ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P800", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who created the notable work ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who is known for creating ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who has ", "right": " as their notable work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "whose notable work was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1622", "s_types": [ "Q1496967" ], "o_types": [ "Q14565197" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which direction is the driving side in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P397", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q44559" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the parent astronomical body of which planet outside the solar system?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the planet whose parent is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the parent of what planet?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the parent astronomical body of which extrasolar planet?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the parent of which extrasolar planet?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P201", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q4022" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which river gushes out from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What river outflows from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what river flows from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which river discharges out from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P201", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1267889" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " 's outflow is where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what body of water does ", "right": " flow through?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " flows through what body of water?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which waterway discharges out from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The outflow from ", "right": " goes where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P144", "s_types": [ "Q58778" ], "o_types": [ "Q58778" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which system is derived from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is based on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which system is adapted from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the system that is derived from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what system is based on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the basis for what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P144", "s_types": [ "Q82799" ], "o_types": [ "Q82799" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the root name of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the origin of the name ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which name is derived from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Whose name was ", "right": " derived from ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " based on ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's full name?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where does the name ", "right": " come from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where does ", "right": " come from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What name is ", "right": " based off of?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Whose name was ", "right": " based on ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2175", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q12140" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the medication that is used to treat ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the treatment for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What medication is used to treat ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is treated with which medication?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is treated with what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is a known medication used for the treatment of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which medication is used for treatment of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What medication can you use to treat ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q17339814" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What group of chemical substances is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q216353" ], "o_types": [ "Q1307214" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is part of which form of government? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which form of government is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what form of government?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what government does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q170584" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which project is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What project is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which project is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what project?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which project?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] 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"?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which location is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q155076" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which juridical person is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is part of which juridical entity ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which juridical person is ", "right": " under? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q6999" ], "o_types": [ "Q6999" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is part of what astronomical object?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What astronomical object is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what historical country?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what historical country is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a part of which historical nation?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What nation was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a part of which historical country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which historical country is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3249551" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What process is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" 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"interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q6881511" ], "o_types": [ "Q223371" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which stock market index? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what stock market index does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what stock market index?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which stock market index is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q8928" ], "o_types": [ "Q47091885" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in which hemisphere?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which celestial hemisphere is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q215380" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which musical group is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which musical ensemble?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What musical ensemble is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which musical group?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q49773" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what social movement is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which social movement is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what social movement does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which social movement?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what social movement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What social movement includes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q34394" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which mythos?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What mythos is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P361", "s_types": [ "Q17334923" ], "o_types": [ "Q82794" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which geographic region is ", "right": " a component of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what geographic region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what geographic region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which geographic region is ", "right": " a part of? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which geographic region? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3095", "s_types": [ "Q12737077" ], "o_types": [ "Q1914636" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What activity is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the role of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what does ", "right": " do?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a practitioner of what activity?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which activity is practiced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1071", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3918" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the university where ", "right": " was created?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created at which university?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which university was ", "right": " created at?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created in what university?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1071", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7930989" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which city is the location of creation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city/town is the location of creation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created in what city/town?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1071", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2221906" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the location of creation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the location of creation for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where was ", "right": " created?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In what geographic location was ", "right": " created?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where was ", "right": " formed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created in what geographic location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P286", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the 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association?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the movement that ", "right": " is associated with? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which voluntary association was ", "right": " linked with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which voluntary association was ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the voluntary association that ", "right": " was linked with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The movement associated with ", "right": " is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was linked with which voluntary association?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P135", "s_types": [ "Q15401930" ], "o_types": [ "Q968159" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which art movement was ", "right": " linked with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was associated with what art movement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which art movement does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which art movement was ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was linked with what art movement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with what art movement?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P135", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which movement is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " known for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 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"what is ", "right": " 's brand called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what brand is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's brand?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's brand is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1716", "s_types": [ "Q2424752" ], "o_types": [ "Q7184903" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the brand name of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the abstract object that is sold by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which brand does ", "right": " belong to? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1479", "s_types": [ "Q483247" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is an indirect cause of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what as a contributing factor?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1302", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q46622" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the primary destination of ", "right": " 's controlled-access highway ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was the primary destination of ", "right": " 's controlled-access highway ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1302", "s_types": [ "Q486972" ], "o_types": [ "Q34442" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the road that ", "right": " is located on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which road has ", "right": " as its destination?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located on what road?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what road does 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"Q7930989" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What location is the origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Where was ", "right": " formed?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What location was ", "right": " formed in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Where is ", "right": " 's origin?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P740", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q41176" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which building is the location of formation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P740", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " comes from which state?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P740", "s_types": [ "Q7257" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The location of formation for ", "right": " is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which municipality was the starting location for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P112", "s_types": [ "Q106559804" ], "o_types": [ "Q340169" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " founded which communication medium?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the communication medium that was founded by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which communication medium was founded by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P112", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q618779" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what award did ", "right": " create?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What award did ", "right": " establish?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what 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"Q3778211" ], "o_types": [ "Q1656682" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What event was created by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which event was founded by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what event did ", "right": " create?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the event that ", "right": " founded?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the founder of what event?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " founded what event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P69", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q875538" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is an alumni of what public university?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what public university is ", "right": " an alumni of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which public university is ", "right": " an alumni of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is an alumni of which public university?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What university was ", "right": " educated at?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which university did ", "right": " attend?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was educated at which university?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P140", "s_types": [ "Q9174" ], "o_types": [ "Q1530022" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the religious organization that is related to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which religious organization is ", "right": " a part of? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is related to which religious organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which religious organization does ", "right": " relate to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which religious organization? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P140", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q9174" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which religion does ", "right": " relate to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what religion does ", "right": " follow?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is related to what religion?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's religion?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's religion called ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which religion does ", "right": " belong to? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P140", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q1530022" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which religious organization does ", "right": " relate to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which religious organization does ", "right": " correspond to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is affiliated with which religious organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " is affiliated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the religious organization that ", "right": " is affiliated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P140", "s_types": [ "Q3024240" ], "o_types": [ "Q5390013" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what religion does ", "right": " follow?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the religion associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the religion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3320", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In which organization is ", "right": " a board member? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what organization does ", "right": " serve on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a board member of what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a board member at which organization? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1344", "s_types": [ "Q106559804" ], "o_types": [ "Q180684" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What conflict was ", "right": " a participant in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what conflict?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which conflict did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in which conflict?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What was the name of a conflict that ", "right": " participated in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what conflict did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1344", "s_types": [ "Q16334295" ], "o_types": [ "Q1920219" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what social issue did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What social issue did ", "right": " take part in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what did ", "right": " advocate for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which social issue did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what social issue?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1344", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q83267" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which crime did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " committed what crime?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What crime was ", "right": " a participant in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was involved in what crime?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what crime did ", "right": " commit?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in which crime?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " committed which crime?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's crime?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1344", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1656682" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was the name of the event in which ", "right": " participated?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which event did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a participant in which event?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of the event that ", "right": " participated in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what event did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1344", "s_types": [ "Q106559804", "Q3778211" ], "o_types": [ "Q386724" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the work that ", "right": " participated in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which work did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which work is ", "right": " a participant in? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1344", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1656682" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The event in which ", "right": " participated was called what?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a participant in which event? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " participated in what event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which event did ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "interface:automatic 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"source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P180", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3305213" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which painting portrays ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the subject of what painting?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which painting depicts ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is depicted in what painting?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P180", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q17537576" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which artistic work depicts ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P180", "s_types": [ "Q178561" ], "o_types": [ "Q3305213" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In which painting was ", "right": " depicted? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with which painting?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the painting that is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the painting that depicts ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which painting depicts ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was depicted in which painting? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with what painting?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P180", "s_types": [ "Q618123" ], "o_types": [ "Q234460" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the subject of which text?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the text that is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which text depicts ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is portrayed in which text?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P190", "s_types": [ "Q486972" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is twinned administrative body with which city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city has ", "right": " as its twin city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city is twinned administrative body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which city does ", "right": " have a twinned administrative agreement with? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the name of the twinned administrative body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P190", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's twinned administrative body?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is twinned with which city?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What city is twinned with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which municipality is twinned administrative body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is twinned with which municipality?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which municipality has ", "right": " as its twin city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P190", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q1048835" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what political territory is ", "right": " a twinned administrative body with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a twinned administrative body with which political territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a twinned administrative body with what political territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1028", "s_types": [ "Q193622" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's donor?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who donated ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was donated by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P98", "s_types": [ "Q106559804" ], "o_types": [ "Q386724" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which work did ", "right": " edit?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the editor for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what was the name of ", "right": " 's editor?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which work did ", "right": " act as an editor for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The work of ", "right": " was edited by who? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P98", "s_types": [ "Q106559804", "Q3778211" ], "o_types": [ "Q2217301" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " edited which serial?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which serial did ", "right": " edit?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which serial was edited by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what was edited by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what did ", "right": " edit?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the editor of which serial?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P98", "s_types": [ "Q106559804" ], "o_types": [ "Q234460" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was ", "right": " the editor of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the title of ", "right": " 's book?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was the text that ", "right": " edited? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which text did ", "right": " edit?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the editor of which text?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which text did ", "right": " act as an editor for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P371", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q15416" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What show does ", "right": " present?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is the name of the show presented by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What show is 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"interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was the official religion during ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was adopted as the official religion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3075", "s_types": [ "Q19953632" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what religion does ", "right": " follow?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the official religion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was the official religion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's official religion? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " practices what religion?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What religion did ", "right": " practice? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what religion does ", "right": " practice?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the religion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3403", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q13220204" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which administrative country subdivision is coextensive with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is coextensive with which administrative country subdivision?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the administrative country that is coextensive with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which ADM2 is coextensive with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1906", "s_types": [ "Q7275" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the head of state's office in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the title of ", "right": " 's head of state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the office of the head of state called in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the office held by the head of state in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1582", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q21871294" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " comes from what group of organisms?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a natural product of what living organism class?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the fruit of what living organism class?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P547", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q838948" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which 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" is commemorated by a monument, what is it?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's memorial?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is commemorated by what monument?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P547", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q17537576" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What creative work is in commemoration of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is commemorated by what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is commemorated in what artistic work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is commemorated by what artistic work?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P5025", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q899409" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What gens did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's gens?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belonged to what gens?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the gens of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P4969", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which entity was derived from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which entity has ", "right": " as its narrative work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which entity has its narrative set in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was one major derivative of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What work or entity did ", "right": " inspire? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1416", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what organization does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization is ", "right": " affiliated with?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization is ", "right": " affiliated to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a member of what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1416", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What organization is ", "right": " affiliated with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which organization is ", "right": " affiliated with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is affiliated with which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization is ", "right": " affiliated to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is affiliated with what organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " is affiliated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P403", "s_types": [ "Q2507626" ], "o_types": [ "Q55659167" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the outlet of which natural watercourse?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which natural watercourse has ", "right": " as its outlet?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3448", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the stepparent of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's stepparent?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's stepparent?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2238", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the official symbol of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's official symbol?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2238", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q21871294" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's official symbol?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the official symbol of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P398", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2537" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's child astronomical body?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What natural satellite is ", "right": " 's child astronomical body?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what natural satellite as a child astronomical body?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is orbited by what satellite?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P398", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q634" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What astronomical body does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has which child astronomical body?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which child astronomical body belongs to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What planet belongs to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P398", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q318" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " has which child astronomical body?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which galaxy is a child of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has which galaxy as a child astronomical body?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What child astronomical body belongs to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which galaxy is a part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1142", "s_types": [ "Q1048835" ], "o_types": [ "Q12909644" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which political ideology does ", "right": " believe in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What political philosophy does ", "right": " follow?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's political philosophy?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " follows which political philosophy?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " follows which political ideology?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the political philosophy of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1056", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q6881511" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the company that makes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a product of which enterprise?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which enterprise produces ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the company that produces ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which enterprise makes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who makes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1056", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q811979" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is produced in what architectural structure?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is produced in what building?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P30", "s_types": [ "Q82821" ], "o_types": [ "Q5107" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "On which continent is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located on which continent?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { 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"s_types": [ "Q6999" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what asteroid group?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the asteroid group that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the group that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the minor planet group to which ", "right": " belongs ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what asteroid group is ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q108163" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What proposition is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the namesake for what proposition?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What proposition has 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"interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2996394" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which biological process is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The biological process named after ", "right": " is what?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q21871294" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which living organism class has ", "right": " as its namesake?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What living organism class is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the eponym of what living organism class?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the living organism class that is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q10856962" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What human name is ", "right": " the origin for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q180684" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which conflict derives its name from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is the conflict that is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q65943" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What theorem is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15632617" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which fictional human derives their name from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q60153785" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which fictional radio station is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What fictional radio station is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " served as inspiration for the name of which fictional radio station?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P138", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q179461" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What religious text is named after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which religious text has ", "right": " as its namesake?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the namesake of which religious text?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What religious text is ", "right": " the namesake 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"interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which artistic work was honoured with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which artistic work received ", "right": " as an award?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was given to which artistic work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P166", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the person that was awarded with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was received by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who was the winner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who received ", "right": " award?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was honoured with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was an award received by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who received ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who was awarded with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was given to which person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2596", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q8432" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what civilization's culture?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to the culture of what civilization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What civilization's culture does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2596", "s_types": [ "Q839954" ], "o_types": [ "Q41710" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's culture?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the culture of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the culture associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which ethnic group does ", "right": " correspond to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15284" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the municipality that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what municipality borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which municipality shares border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What municipality does ", "right": " share a border with?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which municipality?", "source": "interface:automatic 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"?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is bordered by what former administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q515" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is next to which city?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the city that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city is next to the border of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located directly next to which city?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which city has an adjacent border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city shares border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2198484" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the municipality that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which municipal district has an adjacent border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with which municipal district?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which municipality?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which municipal district is next to the border of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which municipal district shares border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3957" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which town is next to the border of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which town shares border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with what town?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the town that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What town is adjacent to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which town?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What town borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the settlement that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the settlement that shares a border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city shares border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with what city?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q205895" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which landmass shares a border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "The landmass that shares a border with ", "right": " is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the land mass that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which landmass has an adjacent border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which landmass is next to the border of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what land mass borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q82794" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the region that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with which geographic region?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which geographic region is next to the border of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which geographic region has an adjacent border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders what geographic region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which geographic region shares a border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which administrative territory has an adjacent border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is bordered by what administrative territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the administrative territory that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35145263", "Q15324" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which body of water shares a border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P609", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q13405588" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the end point for which long-distance trail?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is where which long-distance trail ends?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which long-distance trail ends at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P609", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q34442" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the end point of which road?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which road has ", "right": " as its departure point?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which road ends at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the terminus of which road?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What road terminates at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P609", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q18019452" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the departure point of which a road?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which a road has ", "right": " as its departure point?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P98", "s_types": [ "Q47461344" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who served as editor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What was the name of ", "right": " 's editor?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who was the editor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P91", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q17888" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's sexuality?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's sexual orientation?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which sexual orientation does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the sexual orientation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what sexual orientation does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P485", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q1030034" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where are the archives of ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that houses the archives of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "the archives of ", "right": " are housed in what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that houses ", "right": " 's archives?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P485", "s_types": [ "Q1048835" ], "o_types": [ "Q166118" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where are the archives of ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " archives be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the location of ", "right": " archives?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can the archives of ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P485", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1030034" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " are stored at which GLAM?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where are the archives of ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that houses the archives of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which GLAM is responsible for the storage of ", "right": " 's archives?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's archives can be found 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"interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " 's archives be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which educational institution does ", "right": " have archives in? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P57", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q15416" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " directs which television programs?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what show is ", "right": " the director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which television program is ", "right": " a director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P57", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7777570" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which theatrical production is ", "right": " a director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which theatrical production did ", "right": " direct?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's play called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the theatrical production that is directed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which theatrical project did ", "right": " manage?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the director of which theatrical production?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's play?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P57", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11424" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the director of which film?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What film did ", "right": " direct?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the film that is directed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which film is ", "right": " a director of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What film was directed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the movie that is directed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P263", "s_types": [ "Q24334893" ], "o_types": [ "Q178885" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which deity has its official residence at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the deity that is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is home to which deity?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the official residence of which deity?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the official residence of which deity? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which deity had ", "right": " as the official residence? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the deity that lives at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P206", "s_types": [ "Q15284" ], "o_types": [ "Q863944" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The land waters located next to ", "right": " are called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which land waters is located next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which land waters are located next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P206", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q131681" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which reservoir is located next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located next to what body of water?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what body of water is next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in or next to which reservoir?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What reservoir is ", "right": " located in or next to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P127", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q15640053" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "the city of ", "right": " owns which tram system?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's tram system?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the tram system that is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's tram system goes by what name?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " owns which tram system?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which tram system is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P127", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q18127" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of which record company?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the record label that ", "right": " owns?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what record company does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " owns which record label?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's record company?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which record label is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P127", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q509028" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of which ranch?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which ranch is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P127", "s_types": [ "Q155076" ], "o_types": [ "Q7835189" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's transport district?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What transit district is ", "right": " in charge of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which transport district is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of which transit district?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's transport district?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is in charge of transportation in which district?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P127", "s_types": [ "Q3918" ], "o_types": [ "Q773668" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's open-access journal?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which open-access journal is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's open-access journal called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What open-access journal does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:60d435450a3c607d3d1fff2b" }, { "left": " ", "right": " owns which open-access journal?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P5353", "s_types": [ "Q3914" ], "o_types": [ "Q398141" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is part of which school district?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's school district?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what school district?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what school district is ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the school district of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P885", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q355304" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is where which watercourse originates?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What body of water originates at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which watercourse has ", "right": " as its place of origin?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P885", "s_types": [ "Q618123" ], "o_types": [ "Q4022" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the origin of which river?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which river originates at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which river has ", "right": " as its place of origin?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3919", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q17537576" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " contributed to what creative work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a contributor for which creative work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What creative work did ", "right": " contribute to?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P483", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q222910" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which compilation album was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P483", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q482994" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the album that was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which album has ", "right": " as its recording location?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " served as the recording location for what album?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What album was recorded in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which album was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P483", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q209939" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the album that was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which live album was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which album was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What album was recorded in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P483", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q169930" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was the extended play that was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What EP was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the extended play that was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the place where what EP was recorded?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which EP was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which extended play was recorded at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3354", "s_types": [ "Q11173" ], "o_types": [ "Q15304597" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is positively therapeutically predicted by what sequence variant?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is a positive therapeutic predictor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P533", "s_types": [ "Q83267" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is responsible for the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who is the target of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who committed the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P533", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was the target of the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2094", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1744559" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In which competition class does ", "right": " compete?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's competition class?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the competition class of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2094", "s_types": [ "Q27020041" ], "o_types": [ "Q1744559" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the classification of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What sports classification does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's competition class?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is part of which sports classification?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P5658", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q14565197" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "On which side does railway traffic travel in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's railway traffic side?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P6087", "s_types": [ "Q155076" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " 's coach is who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " ' coach?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's coach?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the coach of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's coach?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P87", "s_types": [ "Q838948" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who wrote the lyrics for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who wrote ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the writer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P66", "s_types": [ "Q8436" ], "o_types": [ "Q3502482" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the cultural region where ", "right": " is located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where is the ancestral home of ", "right": " located ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "where can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the cultural region of the ancestral home of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what cultural region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which cultural region is the arena of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P425", "s_types": [ "Q12737077" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is in which field of occupation? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which field of occupation does ", "right": " belong to? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P425", "s_types": [ "Q12737077" ], "o_types": [ "Q1914636" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "A ", "right": " is someone who does what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P807", "s_types": [ "Q9174" ], "o_types": [ "Q9174" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which religion was ", "right": " separated from? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " stated by its separation from which religion? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was separated from which religion? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which religion is separated from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P137", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q8513" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What database is operated by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P137", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q35127" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What website is operated by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which website was managed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the operator of what website?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1462", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the organization that standardises ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization takes care of standardising ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P157", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was the killer of who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who was killed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who did ", "right": " kill?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P263", "s_types": [ "Q21070598" ], "o_types": [ "Q27096213" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the geographic entity where ", "right": " lives?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " lives in what geographic entity?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P263", "s_types": [ "Q4164871" ], "o_types": [ "Q17334923" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the official residence of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which location was ", "right": " a resident of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where did ", "right": " live?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Where was ", "right": " 's official residence?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P803", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q216353" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the title of ", "right": " 's professorship ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What title does ", "right": " hold?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of title held by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's title?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " holds what title?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P59", "s_types": [ "Q6999" ], "o_types": [ "Q1074076" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " can be found in which Chinese constellation?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What Chinese constellation can you find ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which Chinese constellation?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What Chinese constellation is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P59", "s_types": [ "Q6999" ], "o_types": [ "Q4193029" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what zodiacal constellation is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What constellation is ", "right": " in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with which zodiacal constellation?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which zodiacal constellation is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P634", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q12973014" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the captain of which sports team ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which sports team does ", "right": " captain?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which sports team has ", "right": " as its captain?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the captain of what team?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1431", "s_types": [ "Q2431196" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the executive producer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who executive produces the show \" ", "right": " \"?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the executive producer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the showrunner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's executive producer?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P159", "s_types": [ "Q15284" ], "o_types": [ "Q1002697" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the periodical whose head office is at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What periodical is headquartered in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "The headquarters of what periodical are located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which periodical has headquarters located at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which periodical has its head office location at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the periodical whose head office is in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P47", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2507626" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which water area is bordered by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is bordered by what body of water?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which body of water is next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with which body of water?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what body of water is ", "right": " bordered by?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P47", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q82794" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " borders what geographic region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What geographical region does ", "right": " border?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the geographic region that is bordered by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is bordered by what geographic region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the geographic region that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with what geographical region?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which geographic region is bordered by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P47", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q7930989" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What city shares a border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which city shares a border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which city borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What city borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with which city?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city/town is bordered by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " borders which city/town?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P47", "s_types": [ "Q486972" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which city shares border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the settlement that borders ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What settlement does ", "right": " share a border with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with what settlement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " shares a border with which city?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " and which settlement share a border?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the settlement that shares a border with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P206", "s_types": [ "Q15324" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What community is located next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the settlement next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which city is located next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the settlement that is located next to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located next to what settlement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What populated place is ", "right": " located next to?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q685935" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which trade magazine has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what trade magazine is ", "right": " the main topic of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the primary topic of what trade magazine?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main subject of what trade magazine?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q13433827" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which encyclopedia article is the main subject of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which encyclopedia article has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q223638" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which guide books have ", "right": " as their principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which guide book has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the guide book that is centered around ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which guide book has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which guidebook has ", "right": " as its main subject? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of which guide book?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q571" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of which book?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of what book?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the book in which ", "right": " is the main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which book has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which book's main subject is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q8261" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which novel has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the novel that is centered around ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which novel has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What novel has ", "right": " as its main subject?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which novel is ", "right": " a main subject of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the primary topic of which novel?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main subject of which novel?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q53731850", "Q571" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the book that is centered around ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which book has ", "right": " as its primary topic? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which book has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of which book?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7366" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of what song?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which song has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which song has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3305213" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the painting that ", "right": " is the principal topic of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which painting has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main subject of what painting?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the principal topic of what painting?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of which painting?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What painting depicts ", "right": " as its main subject?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the principal topic of which painting?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q8513" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which database has ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which database has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which database has ", "right": " as a main subject? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of which database?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q33506" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the museum where ", "right": " is the main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which museum has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which museum has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main topic of which museum?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main subject of which museum?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which museum is ", "right": " the main subject of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" 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topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which television series has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q4989906" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which monument is about ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which monument has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main subject of what monument?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which monument has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q860861" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which sculpture has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which sculpture has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What sculpture is ", "right": " the main topic for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the main subject of which sculpture?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P921", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1002697" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the main subject of which periodical?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which periodical has ", "right": " as its main topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which periodical has ", "right": " as its principal topic?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which periodical has ", "right": " as its main subject?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P737", "s_types": [ "Q1792644" ], "o_types": [ "Q49773" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What social movement had an influence on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What social movement influenced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was influenced by which social movement?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which social movement was ", "right": " influenced by?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1911", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7187" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which gene has greater expression in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which gene has increased expression in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is due to increased expression of which gene?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P841", "s_types": [ "Q21070568" ], "o_types": [ "Q14795564" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the feast day of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "When is the feast day of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What date is the feast day of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "when do we have the feast day of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's feast day?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P9493", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1030034" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " has artist files stored at which GLAM institution?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which GLAM institution holds the artist files for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P162", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q134556" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was the producer of which single?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the producer for which single?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What single did ", "right": " produce?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which single has been produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P162", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q11424" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of the film produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's film?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the title of ", "right": " 's film?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the producer of which film?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which film did ", "right": " produce?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's film?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which film has been produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's film called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P162", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q15416" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the producer of which show?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the show that ", "right": " has produced?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the show produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which show was produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which television program has been produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the producer for which show?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P162", "s_types": [ "Q215380" ], "o_types": [ "Q482994" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the album that was produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which album has been produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "For which album did ", "right": " serve as a producer?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " served as the producer for which album?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P162", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q222910" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What compilation album was produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which compilation album has been produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the record producer for what compilation album?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the producer of what compilation album?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3216", "s_types": [ "Q11424" ], "o_types": [ "Q26678730" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the classind classification of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's BARS rating?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "how does classind classify ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which classind category was received by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "how is ", "right": " classified in classind?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's ClassInd rating?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the classind rating of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " rated according to BARS?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P177", "s_types": [ "Q35145263" ], "o_types": [ "Q12280" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the bridge that is over ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which bridge is ", "right": " crossed over by?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which bridge crosses over ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is crossed by what bridge?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which bridge crosses ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is crossed by which bridge?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P688", "s_types": [ "Q7187" ], "o_types": [ "Q8054" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " an encoding for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which protein is encoded by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the protein that ", "right": " encodes?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is an encoding of what protein?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which protein is ", "right": " an encoding of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1336", "s_types": [ "Q1048835" ], "o_types": [ "Q7210356" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was claimed by which political organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1018", "s_types": [ "Q20162172" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the organization that regulates ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization regulates ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's regulatory body?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization is the regulatory body for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization is in charge of regulating ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is regulated by which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1290", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was ", "right": " 's godparent? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " a godparent of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2546", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is ", "right": " 's sidekick?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who does ", "right": " have as a sidekick?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's sidekick? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who is the sidekick of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is a sidekick of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P8345", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q196600" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the media franchise of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which media franchise?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which media franchise did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P26", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's spouse?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is married to who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " married to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2293", "s_types": [ "Q7187" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the genetic association of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is genetically associated with what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's genetic association?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what genetic association?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What does ", "right": " have a genetic association with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P106", "s_types": [ "Q95074" ], "o_types": [ "Q12737077" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's job?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what does ", "right": " do for a living?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's occupation?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the occupation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2634", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q12132" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " posed for photos in which calendar?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "In which calendar was ", "right": " a model?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a model in which calendar?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2634", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q3305213" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What painting was modeled after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is seen posing in what painting?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " posed for what painting?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3773", "s_types": [ "Q8054" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is an antagonist of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the antagonist of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q15632617" ], "o_types": [ "Q14623646" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " had a membership for what fictional organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what organization was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what fictional organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which fictional organization was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " was a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q3024240" ], "o_types": [ "Q1127126" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what military alliance?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what military alliance was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " held membership in what military alliance?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what military alliance did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a part of what 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member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the organization that is a member of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of the organization that ", "right": " was a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organization is a member of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " was a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q874405" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a member of which social group?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what social group did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what social group?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what social group was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What social group does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which social group was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q3024240" ], "o_types": [ "Q19953632" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what former administrative territory was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which former administrative territory was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q24354" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what theatre?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what playhouse?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What theatre was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q968159" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what art movement was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what art movement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What art movement is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with which art movement?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which art movement was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a part of what art movement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a member of which art movement?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q194166" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which consortium is ", "right": " a member of? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what was the name of the organization that ", "right": " was a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q1530022" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which religious organization does the ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what was the name of the religious organization that ", "right": " belonged to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what religious organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a part of what religious organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the religious organization that ", "right": " was a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which religious organization was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P463", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5398426" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what television series?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What TV show was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which television series was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P725", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q15416" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What show features ", "right": " 's voice acting?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what show featured ", "right": " as a dubbing artist?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a voice actor on what show?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What show did ", "right": " voice act in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which television program did ", "right": " dub for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P725", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11424" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which film was ", "right": " a voice actor for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " voice acted for which film?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the voice actor for what film?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " voice acted for what film?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which film did ", "right": " dub for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what movie featured ", "right": " as a dubbing artist?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's voice acting was featured in what film?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What film features ", "right": " 's voice acting?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What film did ", "right": " voice act in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What film was ", "right": " a voice actor for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which film had ", "right": " as the dubbing artist?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P61", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11862829" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the inventor of which academic discipline ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P61", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q179661" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which treatment was invented or discovered by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the discoverer of which treatment? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which treatment did ", "right": " discover? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "The treatment invented by ", "right": " is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which treatment did ", "right": " invent? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " invented or discovered which treatment?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what treatment did ", "right": " come up with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P61", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q15401930" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's invention or discovery?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What did ", "right": " discover or invent?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What was discovered or invented by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " discovered or invented what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P61", "s_types": [ "Q15265344" ], "o_types": [ "Q192909" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was the discoverer of which scandal ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what scandal did ", "right": " create?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which scandal did ", "right": " discover? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P61", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q271669" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was the landform that was discovered by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which landform did ", "right": " discover? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3091", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q4271324" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the mythical character that rides on a ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which mythical character rides on a ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which mythical character rides a ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3716", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q187588" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what social class?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's social class?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what social class does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which social class is ", "right": " affiliated to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which social class?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What social class is ", "right": " said to be a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which social class does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the social class of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P163", "s_types": [ "Q1496967" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's flag?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the flag associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's flag?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the flag of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " uses which flag?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what flag does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the flag of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What flag does ", "right": " use?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1840", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What organization investigated ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was investigated by which organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P542", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1656682" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which event was officially opened by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " opened which event?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What event was officially opened by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which event did ", "right": " officially open?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2389", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q4164871" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who serves as the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has which position as its director?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P141", "s_types": [ "Q16521" ], "o_types": [ "Q82673" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the IUCN conservation status of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:60d435450a3c607d3d1fff2b" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's IUCN conservation 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situated at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the public library of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the public library that is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which public library has its location as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P276", "s_types": [ "Q618123" ], "o_types": [ "Q178561" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What battle occurred at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which battle has its location as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the site of which battle?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the location of what battle?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1365", "s_types": [ "Q34770" ], "o_types": [ "Q34770" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What language was replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What language did ", "right": " replace?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " replaced which language?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1365", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q19832712" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which historical administrative division is supplanted by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " replaces which historical administrative division?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which historical administrative division is replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1365", "s_types": [ "Q355567" ], "o_types": [ "Q355567" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which noble title is replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " replaces which noble title?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1365", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q728" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What weapon was replaced by the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " was the replacement for which weapon?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " replaced which weapon?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the weapon that is replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " replaces what weapon?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What did the ", "right": " replace?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " replaced what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What was replaced by the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P610", "s_types": [ "Q618123" ], "o_types": [ "Q54050" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which hill is the highest point of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the highest point of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P610", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q3393392" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the highest peak of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's highest peak?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the highest peak in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the highest point in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P610", "s_types": [ "Q1048835" ], "o_types": [ "Q35145743" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the zenith of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the highest point of who-made landform?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which is the zenith of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's zenith?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P610", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q271669" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which landform is the highest part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which is the zenith of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the zenith of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which landform is the highest point of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's zenith?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which is the highest peak of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P610", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q811979" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the highest point in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what as its highest point?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P176", "s_types": [ "Q15401930" ], "o_types": [ "Q167270" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is produced under what trademark?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What trademark is ", "right": " produced under?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which trademark is the producer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P840", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q47461344" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which written work takes place in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which written work has its narrative set in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the narrataive location of which written work?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P840", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q207628" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What piece of music is set in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which musical composition has its narrative set in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P840", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2431196" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the location of the narrative of what audiovisual work?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1594", "s_types": [ "Q1301203" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who was the judge in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the judge of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of ", "right": " 's judge?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's judge was who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what was the name of the judge in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the judge in the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which judge oversaw the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3342", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " is a significant person in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a significant person in what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a significant person to what organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a key person for what organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6885", "s_types": [ "Q486972" ], "o_types": [ "Q52551684" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what historical region?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the historical region of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In what historical region is ", "right": " located?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2341", "s_types": [ "Q1288568" ], "o_types": [ "Q41710" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what ethnic group?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which ethnic group is ", "right": " native to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what ethnic group does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which ethnic group is ", "right": " indigenous to?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the ethnic group that ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the ethnic group that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2341", "s_types": [ "Q45762" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the indigenous language of which historical country ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is indigenous to which country?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which historical country is ", "right": " native to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was once indigenous to which country?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the historical country that ", "right": " s come from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is native to what historical country?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was once spoken at?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " s come from what historical country?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Historically, ", "right": " is indigenous to which country? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "The historical country to which ", "right": " belongs is known as what ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the historical country that ", "right": " is native to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2341", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1620908" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is native to what historical region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which historical region is ", "right": " native to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what historical region is ", "right": " native to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what historical region is home to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is indigenous to what historical region?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What historical region is ", "right": " indigenous to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2341", "s_types": [ "Q11042" ], "o_types": [ "Q3624078" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is native to which sovereign state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which sovereign state is ", "right": " indigenous to?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which sovereign state is ", "right": " native to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is indigenous to which sovereign state?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3342", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who contributed significantly to the outcome in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who is the most important person in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with what important person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who features prominently in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "A significant person in ", "right": " is?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2499", "s_types": [ "Q623109" ], "o_types": [ "Q623109" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What league is the ", "right": " directly below?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What league is above the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " is below which league?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " is directly below which league?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P156", "s_types": [ "Q968159" ], "o_types": [ "Q968159" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was replaced by what art movement?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which art movement is the successor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What art movement followed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the art movement that replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What art movement came after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was followed by what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was followed by which art movement?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P156", "s_types": [ "Q1656682" ], "o_types": [ "Q1656682" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is a sequel to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " precedes which event?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is followed by which event?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " is followed by which even ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which event is the sequel to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a sequel to what event?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what event is ", "right": " a sequel to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P156", "s_types": [ "Q32880" ], "o_types": [ "Q32880" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which architectural style is the successor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was followed by which architectural style ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " style was succeeded by which architectural style ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was preceded by which architectural style ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's architectural style was followed by which style?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what style of architecture was replaced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was replaced by what style of architecture?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the style that is the successor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was preceded by which style ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P156", "s_types": [ "Q2424752" ], "o_types": [ "Q2424752" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the product that is the sequel to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the sequel to ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What product followed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's sequel?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was followed by what product?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which product is the sequel to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the sequel to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What product came directly after ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1435", "s_types": [ "Q618123" ], "o_types": [ "Q30634609" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what heritage designation does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has which heritage designation?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the heritage status of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what heritage designation?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What heritage designation was given to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1435", "s_types": [ "Q82821" ], "o_types": [ "Q30634609" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " has which heritage designation?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the heritage status of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which heritage designation was given to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was given which heritage designation?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What heritage designation was given to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what heritage designation does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1066", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who was ", "right": " 's teacher?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the teacher of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a student of whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who taught ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the teacher of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what was the name of ", "right": " 's teacher?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the prot\u00e9g\u00e9 of whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that taught ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who 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"right": " was an underlying cause of what conflict?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1027", "s_types": [ "Q618779" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The ", "right": " is conferred by which organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What organization awards the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which organization bestows ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " is awarded by which organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What organization confers the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which organization awards ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that awards ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P375", "s_types": [ "Q40218" ], "o_types": [ "Q697175" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which rocket was used to launch ", "right": " into space?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What was the carrier rocket for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was launched into space using what kind of vehicle?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what vehicle was used to launch ", "right": " into space?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which is the launch vehicle for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1884", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1048314" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the shade of ", "right": " 's hair?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what color is ", "right": " 's hair?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's hair color is what?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q8502" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what mountain did ", "right": " live on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " lived on what mountain?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the mountain that ", "right": " lived on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of the mountain that ", "right": " lived on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What mountain did ", "right": " have a residence on?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " had a residence on what mountain?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1620908" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which historical region was ", "right": " a resident of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what historical region did ", "right": " live in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " lived in what historical region?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's residence was in what historical region?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is the historical region that ", "right": " lived in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " lived in which historical region?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q6256" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which country is ", "right": " a resident of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which country does ", "right": " reside in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a resident of which country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q515" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which city was ", "right": " a resident of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " lived in which city?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where did ", "right": " live?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a resident of which city?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What city did ", "right": " live in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q19953632" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was the place of residence of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q20719696" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Where does ", "right": " reside?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's place of residence?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the place of residence of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " resides where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1496967" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which territory was ", "right": " a resident of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where was ", "right": " 's residence?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a resident of what territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " lived in what territory?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where did ", "right": " live?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7930989" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which city/town was ", "right": " a resident of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the place of residence of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where is ", "right": " 's residence?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's place of residence?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P941", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q15401930" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which product inspired ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what was the inspiration for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What served as inspiration for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " inspired by?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which product was ", "right": " inspired by?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what inspired the creation of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what inspired ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P941", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Whose work was a source of inspiration for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who was an inspiration for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who inspired ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P275", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q77205602" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is protected by which copyright license?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which license is used to protect ", "right": " against piracy?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What copyright license protects ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which license is ", "right": " issued under?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's copyright license?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P179", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q20937557" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What series is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which series is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is part of which series?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of what series?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which 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"what is the name of the organization that ", "right": " chairs?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization whose chairman is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " a chairperson of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "For which organization does ", "right": " serve as chairperson?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1321", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q70208" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What part of Switzerland does ", "right": " come from?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which municipality of switzerland is the origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is from what part of Switzerland?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where does ", "right": " come from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the municipality that ", "right": " comes from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P747", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q17537576" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What creative work was translated into ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What creative work is the original of the translation titled ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the translation of which creative work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6379", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q207694" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where is ", "right": " preserved in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the art museum where ", "right": " is located?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which art museum contains ", "right": " in it?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the art museum that ", "right": " is in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has works in the collection of which art museum?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which art museum houses ", "right": " 's work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is in what art museum?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which art museum houses the work of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6379", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q33506" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " 's work collection are in which museum? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which museum does ", "right": " have work in? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which museum does ", "right": " have collections in?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6379", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q2668072" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which collection contains ", "right": " in it?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's works are in which collections? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What collections do ", "right": " 's work belong to ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which collection does ", "right": " have works in? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6379", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1030034" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " 's works are in which GLAM?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which GLAM contains ", "right": " 's work collection ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1598", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which bishop was consecrated by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the consecrator of which bishop?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which bishop did ", "right": " consecrate?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P631", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q2466889" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a structural engineer of what hydraulic structure?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " the structural engineer of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Structural engineer, ", "right": " , works with what hydraulic structure?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P162", "s_types": [ "Q16887380" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of the producer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who is the producer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who was the producer on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who produced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P162", "s_types": [ "Q2188189" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was produced by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who created ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was ", "right": " produced by?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was ", "right": " created by?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the creator of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who produced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the producer of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P123", "s_types": [ "Q1002697" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which organization is the publisher of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was released by which organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization released ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organization published ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that released ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who published ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the name of the organization that 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" ", "right": " was released by what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P488", "s_types": [ "Q4830453" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's chairperson? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who was the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who chaired ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who served as chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who served as the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of ", "right": " 's chairperson?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P488", "s_types": [ "Q20853538" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, 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"interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what was the name of the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who served as chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was ", "right": " 's chairperson?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P488", "s_types": [ "Q3918" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " had who as a chairperson?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who served as chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of ", "right": " 's chairperson?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who served as the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was a chairperson for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who chaired ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P488", "s_types": [ "Q1649443" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was the name of ", "right": " 's chairperson ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who was the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of the chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is chaired by who? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's chairperson ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who served as chairperson of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who 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"P37", "s_types": [ "Q1496967" ], "o_types": [ "Q34770" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the official language of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P7888", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was merged into what organization?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What organization was ", "right": " merged into?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1376", "s_types": [ "Q1496967" ], "o_types": [ "Q486972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the capital of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P172", "s_types": [ "Q7275" ], "o_types": [ "Q41710" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the ethnic group of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's ethnic group?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2079", "s_types": [ "Q2095" ], "o_types": [ "Q1799072" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "how is ", "right": " made?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "how is ", "right": " fabricated?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which method is used to fabricate ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What method is used in the fabrication of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2079", "s_types": [ "Q4502142" ], "o_types": [ "Q11177771" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was created using what technique?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What artistic technique was used to create ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is made using what artistic technique?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created using which artistic technique?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created using which technique?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what artistic technique is used to make ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was created using what artistic technique?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "how is ", "right": " made?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which artistic technique is used to fabricate ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2849", "s_types": [ "Q2996394" ], "o_types": [ "Q72070508" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which group or class of molecular components is produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What group of molecular entities is produced by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " produces what class of molecular entities?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2554", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11424" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which film has ", "right": " as the production designer?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the production designer for what film?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What film was ", "right": " the production designer for?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P186", "s_types": [ "Q8205328" ], "o_types": [ "Q1493054" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is made from what type of wood? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which type of wood is used to craft ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What type of wood is ", "right": " made from? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which type of wood is used to make ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what kind of wood is ", "right": " made from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which type of wood is used to manufacture ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is made using what kind of wood?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P186", "s_types": [ "Q3305213" ], "o_types": [ "Q3300034" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is made using what kind of painting material?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is made from what type of material ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which painting material is used to make ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " made out of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the material used in painting ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is made with what type of painting material ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P495", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q6256" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " originates from what country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " comes from what country?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the country that ", "right": " originates from?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P495", "s_types": [ "Q2095" ], "o_types": [ "Q3502482" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " comes from which country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which cultural region is the origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " comes from which cultural region?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which cultural region is the country of origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which cultural region does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P495", "s_types": [ "Q7257" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The ideology known as ", "right": " originated in which historical country?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where does ", "right": " come from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " originated in what historical country?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the country of origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where did ", "right": " originate?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What historical country did ", "right": " originate in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P495", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The historical country from which ", "right": " originated is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the name of the historical country from which ", "right": " originated? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's country of origin? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the country of origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the country of origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P495", "s_types": [ "Q16521" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where is ", "right": " from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where did ", "right": " come from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where does ", "right": " come from?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P495", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1496967" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the country that ", "right": " originated from?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which territory is the country of origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the country of origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3015", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q206021" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " plays backup or reserve for which flight?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which flight has ", "right": " as its backup?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is on the reserve team for what flight?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is part of the reserve crew for what flight?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What flight is ", "right": " part of the backup crew for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P822", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q18670161" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's mascot?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's mascot? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which mascot is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's mascot called? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who is the mascot for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the mascot that is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the mascot of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P35", "s_types": [ "Q19953632" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's leader?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the head of state in the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who is the head of state of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the chief of state of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P35", "s_types": [ "Q7188" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the head of state of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's head of state is whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's head of state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P7047", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization is the enemy of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organization is an enemy to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P832", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q1197685" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of public holiday associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the public holiday associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P725", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The name of the voice actor in ", "right": " is what?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who did the dubbing for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who voice-acted the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that dubbed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is the voice actor in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that did the dubbing for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "the dubbing for ", "right": " was done by which person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the voice actor in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P398", "s_types": [ "Q3132741" ], "o_types": [ "Q523" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which star has ", "right": " as its satellite?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What star is ", "right": " a child astronomical body of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to what star?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which star does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which star is ", "right": " a child astronomical body of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the child astronomical body of what star?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the child of which star?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P676", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q2188189" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What musical work has lyrics written by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " wrote the lyrics for which musical work?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " wrote the lyrics for what musical work?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which musical work did ", "right": " write the lyrics for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which musical work has ", "right": " as its lyricist?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which musical work did ", "right": " pen down the lyrics for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P676", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7725634" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was ", "right": " the lyric writer for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What did ", "right": " write the lyrics for?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " wrote the lyrics for what?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P57", "s_types": [ "Q47461344" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is the director behind ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is the name of the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was directed by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who was ", "right": " directed by?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who directed ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P611", "s_types": [ "Q44613" ], "o_types": [ "Q3355750" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's religious order?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the religious order of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P611", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q9174" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the religion of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what religion does ", "right": " follow?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What religion does ", "right": " practice?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " practices what religion?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's religion?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what religion is ", "right": " affiliated to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " follows what religion?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P611", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q2061186" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which religious order?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What religious order is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which religious order?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What religious order does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P559", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q355304" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which watercourse terminates at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the terminus of what watercourse?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the watercourse that ends at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P559", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q4931513" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which boat service terminates at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the boat service that terminates at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is where which boat service ends?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the terminus of which boat service?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What boat service ends at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which boat service has ", "right": " as terminus?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the terminus for which boat service?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1444", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q228388" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the train that ends at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which train ride finally halts at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which train rides finish the journey at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1444", "s_types": [ "Q1496967" ], "o_types": [ "Q569205" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which rally raid had ", "right": " as its destination?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the rally that ends at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which cross country rally ", "right": " finished in?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what rally raid ends at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P4323", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q878123" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which racing had ", "right": " in its young rider classification? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was categorized in the young rider classification of which racing? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is categorized in the young rider classification of which race sport? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1830", "s_types": [ "Q431289" ], "o_types": [ "Q783794" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the company that owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which umbrella company owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what company does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the parent company of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1830", "s_types": [ "Q2095", "Q167270" ], "o_types": [ "Q6881511" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is owned by what enterprise?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's company?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What enterprise is the owner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1830", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was the owner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was owned by who? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1830", "s_types": [ "Q4830453" ], "o_types": [ "Q6881511" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which enterprise is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of what other enterprises?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the enterprise that is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is owned by who?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the company that owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of which enterprise?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1830", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is owned by which organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what organization does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's owner is which organization?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What organization is the owner of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P868", "s_types": [ "Q1496967" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is one of the foods that is related to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is traditionally associated with what food?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What food is traditionally associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of a food related to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is a food related to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the food related with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1433", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5633421" 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is the name of the person that heads ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the head of government of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The head of government of ", "right": " was called ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the name of the person who historically headed ", "right": " 's government ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6", "s_types": [ "Q515" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is in charge of the government of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is led by who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who is the head of government of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's head of government?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { 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"interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's head of government?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6", "s_types": [ "Q2659904" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is the head of government of the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " 's head of government is who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who is the ", "right": " 's head of government?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6", "s_types": [ "Q7275" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is the head of government in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's head of state?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P6", "s_types": [ "Q19953632" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was the head of government of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who is the head of government of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was ", "right": " 's head of government?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P4614", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q166620" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the drainage basin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P4614", "s_types": [ "Q515" ], "o_types": [ "Q166620" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the drainage basin of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's drainage basin?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's drainage basin?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1037", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the head of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who directs ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's director?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1037", "s_types": [ "Q7075" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the person that directs ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's director?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is directed by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is directed by what person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is managed by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1037", "s_types": [ "Q783794" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who directs ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's director?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " ' director?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is the manager of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P131", "s_types": [ "Q15284" ], "o_types": [ "Q759421" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's nature reserve?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which nature reserve has its location as ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the nature reserve in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the location of which nature reserve?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which nature reserve is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P131", "s_types": [ "Q15284" ], "o_types": [ "Q152081" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which concentration camp is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what concentration camp is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the location of which concentration camp?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P131", "s_types": [ "Q15284" ], "o_types": [ "Q182676" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which mountain hut is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the location of which mountain hut?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What mountain hut is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the mountain hut in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1340", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q23786" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What colour are ", "right": " 's eyes?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What eye colour does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what colour eyes?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P410", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q28640" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what did ", "right": " do for a living?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's military rank?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3092", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11424" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was a crew member for which film?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which film has ", "right": " as crew member?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a crew member in what movie?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the film for which ", "right": " served as a crew member?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the name of the film that ", "right": " was a crew member for?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P27", "s_types": [ "Q33829" ], "o_types": [ "Q6256" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the country in which ", "right": " people live?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What country's citizenship do ", "right": " hold?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "where do ", "right": " live?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where do ", "right": " people live?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the country in which ", "right": " live?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What country do ", "right": " live in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P664", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q2020153" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was the organizer for ", "right": " 's academic conference?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the conference that ", "right": " organized?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " organized which academic conference?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " organized what conference?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what conference was organized by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which academic conference was organized by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P664", "s_types": [ "Q4671277" ], "o_types": [ "Q625994" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " organized which convention?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " served as the organizer for which convention?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which convention was organized by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P840", "s_types": [ "Q11424" ], "o_types": [ "Q1048835" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is set where?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which political territory is the narrative location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " set?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which is the narrative location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Where is the setting of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P840", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q7275" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " 's narrative is set in which state?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which state is the narrative location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " takes place in which state?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " set?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the narrative location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P840", "s_types": [ "Q11424" ], "o_types": [ "Q515" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which city is ", "right": " set in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is set in which city?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which city is the narrative location of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What city is ", "right": " set in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P840", "s_types": [ "Q17537576" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What serves as the main setting in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the setting of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what location is ", "right": " set in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "where is ", "right": " set?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which narrative location is ", "right": " set in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P417", "s_types": [ "Q28640" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is the patron saint of ", "right": " s?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the patron saint of ", "right": " s?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P417", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's patron saint?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " ' patron saint?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's patron saint?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the patron saint of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The patron saint of ", "right": " is who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P417", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q21070568" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic 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"interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who is the patron saint for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which patron saint is ", "right": " know for?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P417", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q12405827" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the patron saint of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The patron saint of ", "right": " is which biblical character ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's patron saint?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which biblical character is the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who in the Bible is the patron saint of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P682", "s_types": [ "Q7187" ], "o_types": [ "Q64732777" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is involved in what biological phenomenon?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is involved in which biological phenomenon?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "The gene ", "right": " is involved in which biological phenomenon?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which biological phenomenon is ", "right": " involved in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the biological phenomenon that ", "right": " is involved in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P680", "s_types": [ "Q84467700" ], "o_types": [ "Q2996394" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the molecular function of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which 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{ "left": " ", "right": " sponsored which award ceremony?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the award ceremony that ", "right": " sponsored?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the sponsor of which awards ceremony?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P859", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q11446" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which ship was sponsored by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the ship that was sponsored by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What ship did ", "right": " sponsor?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " sponsored which ship?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P859", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q11483816" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which annual 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"right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what competition did ", "right": " win?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was the champion of what competition?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3823", "s_types": [ "Q34770" ], "o_types": [ "Q29051545" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the language status of ", "right": " on the EGIDS scale?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the ethnologue language status of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has what ethnologue language status?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's ethnologue language status?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which ethnologue language status does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "According to the EGID scale, what 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"source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the company that owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which brand contains ", "right": " as its subordinate?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What brand is ", "right": " a subsidiary of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P355", "s_types": [ "Q167270" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization is the parent company of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organization is a subsidiary of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that owns ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P137", "s_types": [ "Q1183543" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which organization operates ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What organization manages ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that runs ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is operated by what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P137", "s_types": [ "Q27096235" ], "o_types": [ "Q176799" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the military unit that operates ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the military unit that runs ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is operated by what military unit?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What military unit operates ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What military unit is in charge of operating ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which military unit operates ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is operated by which military unit?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P706", "s_types": [ "Q271669" ], "o_types": [ "Q820477" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what can be found in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What mine is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is the name of the mine located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P25", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q21070568" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who was ", "right": " 's mother?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the mother of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was the potentially fictional mother of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who was the mom of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was the name of ", "right": " 's mother?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2283", "s_types": [ "Q66715801" ], "o_types": [ "Q34379" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which musical instrument does ", "right": " use?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of the instrument that ", "right": " usually plays?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2348", "s_types": [ "Q1620908" ], "o_types": [ "Q11514315" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What historical period did ", "right": " exist in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a part of what period?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " existed during which historical period?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a part of what historical period?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which historical period did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what period was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2348", "s_types": [ "Q26907166" ], "o_types": [ "Q11514315" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "when did ", "right": " take place?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which historical period did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What historical period did ", "right": " take place in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "When was ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { 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{ "p": "-P1049", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q178885" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who is the diety of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's deity?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which deity is honoured by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the deity that is honored by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which deity is worshiped by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the deity that is worshipped by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1049", "s_types": [ "Q9332" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is worshipped by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What does ", "right": " worship?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P825", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q41176" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which building is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what building is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P825", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q1445650" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the holiday that is devoted to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What holiday is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which holiday has dedication towards ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P825", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q11424" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the film that is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the movie that is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which film was dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which film was ", "right": " dedicated to?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P825", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q83620" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the name of the thoroughfare that was dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which thoroughfare was dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P825", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q174782" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what square is devoted to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is dedicated by which square?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which square is ", "right": " dedicated by?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Which square is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what square is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P825", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q2188189" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which musical work was dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which musical work is devoted to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P825", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q638" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the music that is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What music was dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What music was a tribute to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P825", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q179700" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which statue is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's statue?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " has which statue dedicated to it?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the statue that is dedicated to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P8047", "s_types": [ "Q42889" ], "o_types": [ "Q56061" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which administrative territory is the country of registry of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is registered in what administrative territory?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What administrative territorial entity is ", "right": " registered in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P552", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q10927834" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which laterality is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's dominant hand?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the handedness of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's handedness?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P674", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7725634" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which literary work has the character ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The work in which ", "right": " features is titled what?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "In which literary work is ", "right": " a character?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P674", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q17537576" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the work that features ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " known for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of the person who plays a role in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which artistic work has the character ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who plays the most prominent role in ", "right": " 's creative work?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what the name of the creation which ", "right": " is a character of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "In which creative work is ", "right": " a major character?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P915", "s_types": [ "Q618123" ], "o_types": [ "Q15416" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what was the name of the show that was filmed at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which show was filmed at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What show took place at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what show was filmed at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which television program was filmed at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1441", "s_types": [ "Q14897293" ], "o_types": [ "Q7889" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which video game features ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is present in which video game ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Which video game does ", "right": " feature in ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "where does ", "right": " appear?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1441", "s_types": [ "Q15632617" ], "o_types": [ "Q7725634" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "where does ", "right": " appear?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " Beast Boy?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1074", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q95074" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which character is a fictional analog of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the character that is based on ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which character is a fictional version of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is a fictional analog of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which fictional character represents a fictional analog of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P50", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q581714" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the author of which cartoon series?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the animated series that is written by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which animated series has ", "right": " as its author?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which animated series is ", "right": " an author of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's animated series?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the author of which animated series?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P50", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q21198342" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is an author of which manga series?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " authored which manga series?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's manga?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which manga series is ", "right": " an author of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's manga called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which manga series has ", "right": " as its author?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the manga that is written by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P50", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q856058" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which bible edition is ", "right": " an author of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " wrote what bible edition?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which Bible edition did ", "right": " author?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the bible edition that is written by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the author of which bible edition?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which bible edition has ", "right": " as its author?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " authored which Bible edition?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1268", "s_types": [ "Q2385804" ], "o_types": [ "Q13580678" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's multi-sport club called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's multi-sport club goes by what name?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is represented by what multi-sports club?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which multi-sport club represents ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's multi-sport club?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the multi-sport club at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1268", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q18670161" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which mascot represents ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's mascot called? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "The mascot that represents ", "right": " is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's mascot?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the mascot of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1532", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q3024240" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which historical country did ", "right": " play for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what historical country did ", "right": " play for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which country did ", "right": " play for?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the historical country that ", "right": " played for?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " competed as a representative of what country?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " played for what historical country?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " played for which historical country?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What country did ", "right": " represent when competing?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P741", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q10927834" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What hand does ", "right": " play with?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is left or right handed when playing?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Is ", "right": " left or right handed when playing?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " plays with which hand?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What hand does ", "right": " use to play?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P39", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q1752346" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of which assembly?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what assembly was ", "right": " a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was a member of what assembly?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the assembly that ", "right": " was a member of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1268", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what organization does ", "right": " represent?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which organization does ", "right": " represent? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is the name of the organization which ", "right": " represents? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization is represented by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a spokesman for what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the representative for which organization? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2293", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q863908" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which nucleic acid sequence is herditarily associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the nucleic acid sequence of ", "right": " 's genetic association? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is linked to which sequence?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what sequence is ", "right": " linked to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which nucleic acid sequence is genetically linked with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2293", "s_types": [ "Q2057971" ], "o_types": [ "Q7187" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which gene is genetically associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which gene is genetically linked with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the gene that is linked to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P1382", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q52551684" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which historical location overlaps with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the name of a historical geographic location that overlaps partially with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is partially coincident with which historical location?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which historical geographic location overlaps with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " overlaps with which historical geographical location?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1412", "s_types": [ "Q21070598" ], "o_types": [ "Q2315359" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which historical language does ", "right": " speak in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " spoke which language?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What language did ", "right": " speak?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What language was spoken by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which historical language is spoken by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " speaks what historical language?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1412", "s_types": [ "Q16334295" ], "o_types": [ "Q1288568" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the modern language used by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which modern language does ", "right": " speak in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the current language of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which modern language is spoken by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " use what modern language?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2839", "s_types": [ "Q16521" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the gait categorization of the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What kind of gait does ", "right": " have ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the gait of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1830", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q33506" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's museum?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which museum is ", "right": " the owner of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which museum does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of which museum?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1830", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q41298" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of which magazine?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which magazine does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which magazine is ", "right": " the owner of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1830", "s_types": [ "Q7930989" ], "o_types": [ "Q23413" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " owns which castle?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's castle?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What castle is a part of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's castle called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What castle belongs to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1830", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q483110" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the stadium that is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's stadium?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of which stadium?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what stadium does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which stadium is owned by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1830", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [ "Q1002697" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which periodical does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of which periodical?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Which periodical is ", "right": " the owner of?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1830", "s_types": [ "Q486972" ], "o_types": [ "Q641226" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's arena?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's arena called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what arena does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1830", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q4830453" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What business does ", "right": " own?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's business?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the owner of what business?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P598", "s_types": [ "Q781132" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was the commander at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who was in charge of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What was the name of ", "right": " 's commander ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who was the commander of the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "who is the commander of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's leader?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P598", "s_types": [ "Q7930989" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was commanded by whom?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's commander is who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's commander?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's commander?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who commanded ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "who is the commander of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P598", "s_types": [ "Q1229765" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is the commander of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " commanded by?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is commanded by who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "Who commands ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P209", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's highest legal authority?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the highest judicial authority of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the highest legal authority in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the highest legal authority of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's highest judicial authority?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P2922", "s_types": [ "Q1656682" ], "o_types": [ "Q47018901" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " happens in what month?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what month is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " takes place during what month?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What month does ", "right": " occur?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1454", "s_types": [ "Q167270" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the legal form of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is what kind of legal entity?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what kind of legal entity is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1454", "s_types": [ "Q43229" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's legal form?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the legal form of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what type of legal form is ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's legal structure?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P2341", "s_types": [ "Q82794" ], "o_types": [ "Q17376908" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the languoid that is native to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the birthplace of which language?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What language is native to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which languoid is 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"source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What group of humans is from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who lives in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P194", "s_types": [ "Q19953632" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which entity is the legislative body for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the legislature of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's legislative body?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The legislative body of ", "right": " was called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's legislative body goes by what name?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What was the legislative body of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P194", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q4164871" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's legislative body?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's parliament?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the legislative body called in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the parliament of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the legislative body in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3729", "s_types": [ "Q216353" ], "o_types": [ "Q216353" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the rank directly below what title?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the next lower rank of what title?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3729", "s_types": [ "Q193622" ], "o_types": [ "Q193622" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the next lower rank of which order?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3729", "s_types": [ "Q4164871" ], "o_types": [ "Q56019" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What rank is ", "right": " directly below?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is directly below what rank?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the rank below what rank?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P306", "s_types": [ "Q7397" ], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The operating system for ", "right": " is what?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What operating system is ", "right": " on? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the operating system of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's operating system?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P708", "s_types": [ "Q24398318" ], "o_types": [ "Q665487" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the diocese of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the diocese of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the diocese of ", "right": " called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's diocese?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " belongs to which diocese?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What is the name of the diocese that ", "right": " belongs to?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a part of which diocese?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the diocese of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P210", "s_types": [ "Q50231" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is the name of the political chief representative of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " 's political chief representative?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who is the political chief representative of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's political chief representative called?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's party chief representative is whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's party chief representative?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3018", "s_types": [ "Q180684" ], "o_types": [ "Q473972" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which protected area is ", "right": " located in?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What protected area does ", "right": " take place in?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is located in what protected area?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P3730", "s_types": [ "Q618779" ], "o_types": [ "Q618779" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What award is ", "right": " the next higher rank of?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What award does ", "right": " surpass?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1057", "s_types": [ "Q422649" ], "o_types": [ "Q37748" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which chromosome is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "With which chromosome is ", "right": " associated?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the chromosome that ", "right": " is associated with?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is associated with which chromosome?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the chromosome that is associated with ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which chromosome encodes ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1897", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q263478" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "The highest note of ", "right": " is what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's highest note? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1038", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who is related to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is a relative of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is related to who?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is related to which person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that ", "right": " is related to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is a relative to who?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what is the name of ", "right": " ' family member?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's relative?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's relative ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who is a family member of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "Who is ", "right": " 's notable relative?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who is one of ", "right": " 's relatives?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "who is ", "right": " related to?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who are ", "right": " 's relatives?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is related to what person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person that is related to ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is the relative of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1035", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q216353" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the title of ", "right": " 's honorofic suffix?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "What title 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"interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "which administrative territory is the successor of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What administrative territory replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P112", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q43229" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was founded by which organization ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "which organization founded ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which organization was the founder of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was founded by what organization?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the organization that founded ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P112", "s_types": [ "Q3024240" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who founded ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the founder of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who founded the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P112", "s_types": [ "Q56061" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "who founded ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who was the founder of ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who was ", "right": " founded by?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was founded by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P740", "s_types": [ "Q15284", "Q12076836" ], "o_types": [ "Q1331793" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What media company was created in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What media company was formed in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What media company originates from ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What media company was founded in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P119", "s_types": [ "Q41176" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the tomb of which person?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the person whose tomb is located in ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Who is buried at ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is the location of which person's tomb?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who has ", "right": " as his/her tomb?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "who has ", "right": " as resting place?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P543", "s_types": [ "Q5389" ], "o_types": [ "Q5" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who gave the Olympic Oath for the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "Who gave the Olympic oath for the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "The Olympic oath was given by who for the ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "In the ", "right": " the Olympic oath was given by whom?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P237", "s_types": [ "Q11514315" ], "o_types": [ "Q14659" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's coat of arms?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which coat of arms serves as the ensign for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the coat of arms for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P237", "s_types": [ "Q15642541" ], "o_types": [ "Q80071" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's ensign?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the ensign for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which symbol serves as the heraldic design for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is the symbol on ", "right": " 's coat of arms ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P237", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q14659" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What coat of arms did ", "right": " bear?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which coat of arms serves as the ensign for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's ensign?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's coat of arms?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the ensign for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " bears which coat of arms?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P287", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q629206" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " was the designer of which computer language?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is the name of the computer language that was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " designed which computer language?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the computer language that ", "right": " designed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which computer language was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which computer language was ", "right": " the designer of?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P287", "s_types": [ "Q35120" ], "o_types": [ "Q7889" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is the designer of which video game?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which video game was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " designed which video game?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " designed what video game?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the video game that ", "right": " designed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which video game did ", "right": " design?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P287", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q7397" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "which software was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of the software that ", "right": " designed?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " designed what software?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "The software designed by ", "right": " is called what? ?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": " ", "right": " designed which software?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "-P287", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q11019" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " designed which machine?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what machine was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was ", "right": " 's invention?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which machine was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what was designed by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " designed what machine?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What machine did ", "right": " design?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P511", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's honorific prefix?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's title?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "what is the name of entity conferred upon ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " referred to as?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's style prefix?", "source": "interface:61c047634fecdb198508d4ae" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P511", "s_types": [ "Q216353" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": " ", "right": " is addressed with which title?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What title is used to address ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": " ", "right": " is addressed using which honorific prefix?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What honorific prefix is used to address ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P511", "s_types": [ "Q4164871" ], "o_types": [ "Q35120" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the honorific prefix used for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" }, { "left": "what title does ", "right": " have?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "Which honorific prefix is used for ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c048294fecdb198508d4b0" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P3091", "s_types": [ "Q5" ], "o_types": [ "Q57814795" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What domesticated mammal does ", "right": " ride?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "which domesticated mammal is ridden by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What mammal does ", "right": " ride?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What mammal does ", "right": " ride on?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what does ", "right": " ride on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "which domesticated mammal does ", "right": " ride on?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": "What mammal is ridden by ", "right": "?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "What does ", "right": " ride?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" }, { "left": "what is the name of the domesticated animal that ", "right": " rides?", "source": "interface:automatic labeler" }, { "left": " ", "right": " rides which domesticated mammal?", "source": "interface:61c0480b4fecdb198508d4af" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P364", "s_types": [ "Q11424" ], "o_types": [ "Q33742", "Q1288568" ] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What language is the film ", "right": " in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language is used in the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language is featured in the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language was ", "right": " in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is spoken in ", "right": " ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language is used in the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language is spoken throughout ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "whats language is spoken in the movie ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language is spoken in ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language do characters in the film ", "right": " speak ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what's the default language of ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is the language used for the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which language is used throughout the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which language is ", "right": " portrayed in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language are they speaking in the movie ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What is the language spoken in the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is the language used in ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language is in the movie ", "right": " ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is the spoken language in ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { 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"simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is the language of ", "right": " the film?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "in what language is ", "right": " written ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language is primarily spoken in ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "Which language is the film ", "right": " shot it?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language do the characters speak in ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what was the language spoken in the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "whats the spoken language in ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "Which language is the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "Which language is the film ", "right": " ibn?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what to the actors in ", "right": " speak?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language is spoken in the movie 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"right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language was the drama ", "right": " filmed in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language is used in ", "right": " (film)?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What type of language is the film \" ", "right": " \" in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "\" ", "right": " \" is filmed in what language?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "The characters of ", "right": " speak what?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language is spoken throughout the movie ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "\" ", "right": " \" was filmed in what language?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language was ", "right": " filmed in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language was spoken in the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language is spoken in ", "right": " ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { 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"right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": " ", "right": " was written and filmed in this language.?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "of which language is ", "right": " in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language is spoken in ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which language is the ", "right": " film spoken?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language is the film ", "right": " filmed in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what language is in the film ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which language is spoken in ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language was the film ", "right": " done in?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which language is ", "right": " spoken in ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is the primary language of ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What language is the movie 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"right": " played in the top third, which position did he play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "name the football position that ", "right": " plays?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " playing position?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what positions has ", "right": " played ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "Which position did ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What is the soccer position played by ", "right": " ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's position?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which position in football does ", "right": " play as?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what soccer position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position did ", "right": " play in soccer?", "source": "simple-questions" }, 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"simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position is the football player ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": " ", "right": " 's soccer position. ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position is played by ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is the football position of ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "Which position in football is played by ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which position does ", "right": " have?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What position did soccer player ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position does ", "right": " (footballer born 1944) play in football?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position does ", "right": " play on a football team?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position does 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"source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What position did ", "right": " play ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position does ", "right": " play in soccer?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "Which position does ", "right": " play in football?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which position in soccer does ", "right": " play ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position in football does ", "right": " play as?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which position does football player ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position does footballer ", "right": " play ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position does ", "right": " play at in soccer?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what football position does ", "right": " hold?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "WHat position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position 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"source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's position?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what soccer position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What position does footballer ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what is ", "right": " 's position ?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position has ", "right": " played in his career?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which position in soccer did ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which position did ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "what position is ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": " ", "right": " plays what football position?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "What position is ", "right": "?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { "left": "which defensive position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "simple-questions" }, { 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"?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who designed ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the architect that designed ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The architect of ", "right": " is whom?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the architect involved with ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the designer of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the designer of ", "right": " 's name?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the name of the architect who worked on ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which person is the architect of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was ", "right": " designed by?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "By which person ", "right": " has been designed?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The designer for ", "right": " was?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the architect of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which architect was responsible for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the main designer of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which designer was responsible for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the architect or designer of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The architect of ", "right": " was whom?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was mainly responsible for the design of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which person was the architect of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P149", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which is the kind of art style of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Of what style is ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The art style of ", "right": " is what?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P50", "s_types": [], 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"zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who wrote the work ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which person has written ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was ", "right": " written by?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the author of ", "right": " 's name?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the writer of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the name of the author of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which author wrote ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What author wrote ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who wrote ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The one who wrote the ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who wrote the ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who authored ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who wrote the novel ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the creator 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"zero-shot" }, { "left": "When was ", "right": " born?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The date of birth for ", "right": " is what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The birth date of ", "right": " is what?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P570", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was the date of ", "right": " 's death?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the date of death for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "On what date did ", "right": " expire?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What date did ", "right": " die?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year did ", "right": " die in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The date of death for ", "right": " is what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which is the date of death for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When was ", "right": " 's death?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year did ", "right": " die?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When did ", "right": " die?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The year ", "right": " died was what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the date of death for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What date did ", "right": " die on?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The death of ", "right": " occured on what date?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the date of death of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When did ", "right": " 's death occur?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "On what date did ", "right": " die?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When did the life of ", "right": " end?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the death date of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "On which date did ", "right": " die?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the date of ", "right": " 's death?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P57", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who was the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who id the director for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The director of ", "right": " is what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who had the role of director in ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Under whose direction was ", "right": " produced?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the name of the director for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which director worked on ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the director for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": " ", "right": " a 2001 german drama film directed by?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which director helmed the movie ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the director for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the person who directed ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was responsible for the direction of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was ", "right": " was directed by?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who served as director for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was ", "right": " directed by?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The director of ", "right": " is who?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the name of the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Whose direction is ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the director of the film, ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who directed ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who directed the film ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The main 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"source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was responsible for the direction of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the film director that directed ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which director worked on the film ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The movie ", "right": " is by whom?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was responsible for directing ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who directed or edited ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who had the role of director in ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P703", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In what living being can ", "right": " be found?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What species is ", "right": " specific to?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which species has the ", "right": " 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"zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P571", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What year was ", "right": " founded?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what year was ", "right": " founded?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is year of inception of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what year did ", "right": " originate?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year was ", "right": " formed in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In which year was ", "right": " incepted?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When did ", "right": " come into being?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In which year was ", "right": " established?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In which year was ", "right": " formed?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year was ", "right": " established?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When was ", "right": " established?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which year witnessed the 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"source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the inception year of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The year that ", "right": " was created was?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what year did ", "right": " first exist?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P452", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which industry is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1303", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What instrument did ", "right": " played?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which instrument did ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which musical instrument does ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What musical instrument does ", "right": " associate himself with?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What instrument does musician ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which musical 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"right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The instrument ", "right": " played is what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the main instrument that ", "right": " plays?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What instrument was played by ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What instrument is ", "right": " proficient in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What musical instrument did ", "right": " specialise at?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which musical instrument is related to ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the instrument played by ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which instrument was ", "right": " playing?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P870", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What type of instrument is used to play ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What instrument was ", "right": " written for?", "source": "zero-shot" }, 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"right": " is in?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P118", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which league did ", "right": " join with?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which soccer league is ", "right": " in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What league did ", "right": " play in the top league for?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What league does ", "right": " participate in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What football league is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The team ", "right": " is a member of which sports league?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which is the league of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What league was ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1408", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What city is ", "right": " located?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What town is ", "right": " 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"right": " is on is what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the astronomical body that ", "right": " is located on?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which planet is ", "right": " located?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "On what planet is ", "right": " on?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The astronomical body that ", "right": " was located on was what?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P740", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the city of origin of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what city or state did the formation of ", "right": " occur?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the name of the city or state where ", "right": " was formed?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What city is the band ", "right": " from?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the home city of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What city was ", "right": " formed in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "From what city is the band ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P676", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who wrote ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The track ", "right": " was by who?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the name of the singer or writer of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who recorded ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which artist is known for writing ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Whose song is ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the writter of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The song ", "right": " was by whom?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who are the ", "right": " lyrics by?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What artist created ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Whose work was ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the songwriter of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1196", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What cause of death was listed for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Was the death of ", "right": " an accident or suicide?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In one word, how did ", "right": " die?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the cause of death of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P241", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What army was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "To which branch did ", "right": " belong?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What armed force was ", "right": " in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What armed force did ", "right": " serve in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the military branch for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "With which military branch did ", "right": " hold a command?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What military organization did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What organization was ", "right": " involved with?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who did ", "right": " serve for?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what military organization did ", "right": " serve?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which armed forces did ", "right": " serve?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which military did ", "right": " serve with?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which entity was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What army did ", "right": " serve in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what military branch did ", "right": " serve?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What military branch did ", "right": " serve?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which armed forces utilised the service of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which military branch is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What military branch was ", "right": " in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What branch was ", "right": " part of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What military was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What military branch did ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What military branch was ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What military branch is ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "With which military branch did ", "right": " serve with?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What armed force was ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P410", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What ranking did ", "right": " hold in the military?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What along with privateer was ", "right": " 's military rank?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P403", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What river does ", "right": " form a part of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What river is ", "right": " a tributary of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What river does ", "right": " turn into?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The body of water that ", "right": " is near is what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " a tributary of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Of what river is ", "right": " a tributary?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What river does ", "right": " connect to?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What does ", "right": " flow into?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What body of water does ", "right": " join?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which river system contains ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P138", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is ", "right": " named after?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The ", "right": " was named for whom?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Whom is ", "right": " named after?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the ", "right": " named after?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P103", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the national identity of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The nationality of ", "right": " is?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the native language of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What nationality is ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What nationality of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What nationality was ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the native language of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the language of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which was the nationality of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the native tongue of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The nationality of ", "right": " was what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which ethnic group does ", "right": " belong?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P97", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was the title that ", "right": " held?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What noble title does ", "right": " hold?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1411", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What award was ", "right": " nominated for?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " nominated for?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P466", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What team uses ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P106", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's occupation?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What kind of occupation does ", "right": " have?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's career?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P171", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What family does ", "right": " belong?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which family is ", "right": " a part of?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The genus ", "right": " is a part of what family?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which was the family of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which family does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What kind of family is ", "right": " of?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P19", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "In what city was ", "right": " born?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the city of birth of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the place of birth of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's city of birth?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what city was ", "right": " born in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's birthplace?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What city was ", "right": " born in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which city was the birthplace of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the birthplace of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Where was ", "right": " born in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What city was ", "right": " born?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the birth place of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the name of 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"zero-shot" }, { "left": "The date of ", "right": " was what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the full date that ", "right": " crashed on?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When did ", "right": " occurr?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The point in time of ", "right": " was what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When did ", "right": " occur?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The point in time of ", "right": " was when?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "On what date did ", "right": " occur?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The date of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P413", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which is the position of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What position did ", "right": " have on the rugby field?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What football position did ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What position did ", "right": " play in football?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What position is played by ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What role does ", "right": " play in football?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's position on the field while playing football?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the position of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What field position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the football position of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What position does ", "right": " play on the field?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What position in football did ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what capacity did ", "right": " play football?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which player position does ", "right": " belong to?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In football, which position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What position did ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is ", "right": " 's position in football?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " specialty in their profesisonal sport?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In which position does ", "right": " play?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the position that ", "right": " plays called?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "At what position on the field did ", "right": " play football?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was ", "right": " 's position?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the position ", "right": " plays in football?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's position?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the position of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What position was 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"?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which programming language is ", "right": " written in?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P577", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What is the publication year of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the year of publication for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The year that ", "right": " was made was what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the release year of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which year is ", "right": " released?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the publication date of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year was ", "right": " created?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The year of ", "right": " was what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the publication year of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which was the publication date of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what year was ", "right": " published?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which was the year ", "right": " was made?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what year was ", "right": " created?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year was ", "right": " realeased in?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what year was ", "right": " released?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In what year is the film ", "right": " released?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year was ", "right": " released?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When was ", "right": " published?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When was ", "right": " released?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which was the year of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year was ", "right": " made?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When was ", "right": " made?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the year that ", "right": " was released?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which is the publication date of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When was ", "right": " in theaters?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The date of publication for ", "right": " was what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What year did ", "right": " come out?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the year of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The publication date of ", "right": " is what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the year in which ", "right": " was made?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "When did ", "right": " come out?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P264", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Which was the record label for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the name of ", "right": " 's record label?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What label was responsible for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was the record label of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P1366", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "By what was ", "right": " replaced?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What was replaced ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which replaced the ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P551", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "What city is ", "right": " associated with?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What city is ", "right": " from?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { "template_key": { "p": "P58", "s_types": [], "o_types": [] }, "templates": [ { "left": "Who served as director for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "In which ", "right": " a 1909 american silent drama film directed by?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which was the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the director for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who is the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The person that directed ", "right": " was what?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who directed ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which person directed ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What is the name of the director who directed ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the main director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The movie ", "right": " was directed by whom?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "The film ", "right": " was directed by whom?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was ", "right": " directed by?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was the director of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Who was responsible for the direction of ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] }, { 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"left": "What is the vocal range for ", "right": "?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "Which was the voice type that ", "right": " had?", "source": "zero-shot" }, { "left": "What voice type does ", "right": " have?", "source": "zero-shot" } ] } ]