{ "rules": [ { "rule": [ [ 7, 0.5, false ], [ 13, 0.5, true ], [ 24, 0.5, false ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 98.61, "support": 48 }, { "rule": [ [ 7, 0.5, true ], [ 19, 0.5, false ], [ 12, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 96.67, "support": 19 }, { "rule": [ [ 18, 0.5, false ], [ 7, 0.5, false ], [ 25, 1.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 89.19, "support": 25 }, { "rule": [ [ 15, 0.5, true ], [ 5, 0.5, true ], [ 3, 0.5, false ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 74.14, "support": 74 }, { "rule": [ [ 25, 1.5, true ], [ 23, 0.5, false ], [ 12, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 50.0, "support": 95 }, { "rule": [ [ 8, 0.5, false ], [ 25, 1.5, true ], [ 18, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 74.86, "support": 108 }, { "rule": [ [ 13, 0.5, false ], [ 17, 0.5, false ], [ 6, 1.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 88.97, "support": 188 }, { "rule": [ [ 14, 0.5, false ], [ 17, 0.5, false ], [ 7, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 91.69, "support": 199 }, { "rule": [ [ 6, 1.5, true ], [ 14, 0.5, false ], [ 25, 1.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 57.03, "support": 163 }, { "rule": [ [ 5, 0.5, true ], [ 7, 0.5, false ], [ 6, 1.5, true ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 56.23, "support": 226 }, { "rule": [ [ 13, 0.5, false ], [ 17, 0.5, false ], [ 23, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 65.52, "support": 182 }, { "rule": [ [ 14, 0.5, false ], [ 8, 0.5, true ], [ 13, 0.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 72.7, "support": 239 }, { "rule": [ [ 13, 0.5, true ], [ 28, 0.5, true ], [ 7, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 100.0, "support": 65 }, { "rule": [ [ 5, 0.5, true ], [ 14, 0.5, true ], [ 4, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 77.19, "support": 34 }, { "rule": [ [ 5, 0.5, true ], [ 28, 1.5, true ], [ 25, 1.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 75.35, "support": 327 } ], "rules_description": [ "if (SSLfinal_State > 0.5) and (URL_of_Anchor <= 0.5) and (DNSRecord > 0.5) then class: -1 (proba: 98.61%) | based on 48 samples", "if (SSLfinal_State <= 0.5) and (on_mouseover > 0.5) and (Request_URL <= 0.5) then class: -1 (proba: 96.67%) | based on 19 samples", "if (Redirect > 0.5) and (SSLfinal_State > 0.5) and (web_traffic > 1.5) then class: 1 (proba: 89.19%) | based on 25 samples", "if (SFH <= 0.5) and (Prefix_Suffix <= 0.5) and (having_At_Symbol > 0.5) then class: -1 (proba: 74.14%) | based on 74 samples", "if (web_traffic <= 1.5) and (age_of_domain > 0.5) and (Request_URL <= 0.5) then class: -1 (proba: 50.0%) | based on 95 samples", "if (Domain_registeration_length > 0.5) and (web_traffic <= 1.5) and (Redirect <= 0.5) then class: -1 (proba: 74.86%) | based on 108 samples", "if (URL_of_Anchor > 0.5) and (Abnormal_URL > 0.5) and (having_Sub_Domain > 1.5) then class: 1 (proba: 88.97%) | based on 188 samples", "if (Links_in_tags > 0.5) and (Abnormal_URL > 0.5) and (SSLfinal_State <= 0.5) then class: -1 (proba: 91.69%) | based on 199 samples", "if (having_Sub_Domain <= 1.5) and (Links_in_tags > 0.5) and (web_traffic > 1.5) then class: 1 (proba: 57.03%) | based on 163 samples", "if (Prefix_Suffix <= 0.5) and (SSLfinal_State > 0.5) and (having_Sub_Domain <= 1.5) then class: 1 (proba: 56.23%) | based on 226 samples", "if (URL_of_Anchor > 0.5) and (Abnormal_URL > 0.5) and (age_of_domain <= 0.5) then class: 1 (proba: 65.52%) | based on 182 samples", "if (Links_in_tags > 0.5) and (Domain_registeration_length <= 0.5) and (URL_of_Anchor > 0.5) then class: 1 (proba: 72.7%) | based on 239 samples", "if (URL_of_Anchor <= 0.5) and (Links_pointing_to_page <= 0.5) and (SSLfinal_State <= 0.5) then class: -1 (proba: 100.0%) | based on 65 samples", "if (Prefix_Suffix <= 0.5) and (Links_in_tags <= 0.5) and (double_slash_redirecting <= 0.5) then class: -1 (proba: 77.19%) | based on 34 samples", "if (Prefix_Suffix <= 0.5) and (Links_pointing_to_page <= 1.5) and (web_traffic <= 1.5) then class: -1 (proba: 75.35%) | based on 327 samples" ], "config": { "n_trees": 15, "max_depth": 3, "max_features": 4, "used_data": 0.1 } }