{ "20000": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first the cgi in this movie was horrible i watched it during a marathon of bad movies on the scifi channel at the end when the owner of the park gets killed it s probably one of the worst examples of cgi i have even seen even night of the living dead had better animation that said the movie had almost no plot why were they on that island in particular well it wasn t stated in the movie and why would the people keep coming into the cat s area makes no sense one thing that stood out in this movie was moderately good acting in what could be called a b made for tv movie movie the acting was very good parry shen stood out in particular if you have absolutely nothing to do on a saturday watch this movie it may be good for some memorable quotes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20001": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really liked tom barman s awtwb you just have to let it come over you and enjoy it while it lasts and don t expect anything it s like sitting on a caf terrace with a beer in the summer sun and watching the people go by it definitely won t keep you pondering afterwards that s true but that s not a prerequisite for a good film it s just the experience during the movie that s great i felt there were a few strands that could have been worked out a little more but being a lynch fan i don t care that much anymore and i loved the style or flair of this movie it s slick but fresh and the soundtrack is a beauty any music lover will get his kicks out of awtwb i can assure you i ll give it out music wise out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20002": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the film is about a sabretooth on the lose at a amusement park where teens are on a scavenger hunt since there are no rules they break into a building and start getting killed off the deaths are cheesy and are dumb but at least it had better effects then sabretooth i gave it a three because stacy was in it and i loved the movie sabretooth i thought it was okay but some deaths were off screen there was a dumb scene where the two teens kiss and the sabretooth s head pops out and the boy leaves his girlfriend behind leaving her to have her totally fake looking red guts out then the sabretooth gets up in the vents and bites the kids head off the end death with the owner was totally fake looking graphics even that death was stupid because the statues tooth went through his mouth and hangs there like that will support it and there is a scene when a goth girl loses her contacts doesn t find them and seems like she doesn t need the the film is idiotic and a waste of time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20003": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "barman just wanted to make a movie because he wanted to just as simple as that and he succeeded not only in his goal but also in making a wonderful movie especially visually he knows how to use pans slow motion sequences tracking shots crane shots etc in a beautiful smooth way this gives the movie a very relaxing feel to it the story is about the lives of very different characters who have nothing in common except one thing a party that they all attend to which also is the turnpoint of this movie the beauty of this picture lies not in the question how the characters have effect on eachother in comparance with a similar of course better movie like magnolia i simply don t think that that was barman s idea the beauty lies in the different details of experiences that people go through which makes or breaks their lives barman is very successful in telling those little stories that describe little experiences he knows people and antwerp the soundtrack of the movie is also excellent but not a surprise as we know that barman is also a very succesful songwriter and musician with his band deus the music is sometimes hot and at the same time relaxing which contributes to the sunny smooth feel of the movie other times we hear funky pop rock melodies which give some scenes the strength that they need there s only one flaw and that s the last half an hour was it the runtime which was breaking me up or weren t the last scenes that fresh and accurate than the scenes until then i can t figure it out all in all a beautiful sunny movie which lifts the belgian cinema up out of it s the breeze that flows through a girl s hair on a sunny afternoon making her even more beautiful it s the fresh breeze that makes you relax when it passes you at a crowded party when someone opens the door it s the breeze that carries the perfume from that beautiful girl sitting next to you in the park who you just met a week ago it s the breeze"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20004": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "everything about this film is hog wash pitiful acting awful dialog ugly native girls this movie sinks into oblivion the director must have been a weekend bender robert c is totally lost and has not got a clue on what is going on the college kids are worst no acting talent at all very stupid reasoning and just down right dumbbells special effects are for the birds the so called security force around this park belongs in toy land with stupid looking guns walkie talkies that are useless and a computer system that ranks with a roll of toilet paper if the park is under construction and nothing works why bother inviting potential clients until everything is complete the writers should be the first victims of the mess along with the producers and the crew the whole film belongs in a septic tank shot to another planet for viewing what a gem convicts should have to watch this so they can commit suicide"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20005": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this belgian film directed by tom barman singer of the well known group deus will not be favoured by everyone for the simple reason that there isn t a clear story or even a plot this movie just shows hours in a city here antwerp and allows you to watch and truly enjoy the dialogues the directing the humorous dario the osteopath bruno and tragic windman paul garcin characters there are several memorable scenes the windman on the beach the dance party at the end the kiss fan windman visits the osteopath clearly some other viewers didn t understand what s so beautiful and interesting in this movie they complain that this movie has no story etc but it s the atmosphere that keeps you watching and that will drag you into it if you didn t watch it yet be sure to listen carefully to the music the soundtrack is extraordinary just like tom barman and his group deus and ssst mondje dicht h don t tell anyone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20006": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "spoilers will be in this the movie could have been better if they had just had a different script director and cgi provider not much right the movie has a man starting his own theme park err zoo on a deserted island where people can see dinosaurs err sabretooths and it is called jurra oops primal park i do not mind rip offs because there are no original ideas for these kind of movies but this one just slaps you in the face with it r e p e a t e d l y there is even the creature s shadowed head on the design thing the sabretooths that are not sabretooths according to mr primal park just ancient killing cats are rather junky but the crowning accomplishment is the one i call sloggy because after disposing of one big cat a hero is relaxing a little because there is only one left enter the weird feeding guy who says nah we made three the third being a monster who pulls itself around with its front feet great groovy a group of college students are also on the island for a scavenger hunt there test to get into their cliques frat or sort always thought that needed a short nickname out of the ones who do live only one has completed their task so i got a kick out of that oh yeah the mandatory evil capitalist must die clique is in force with not one but two of them mr primal park s death is the most laughable thing you will see in one of these movies as a sabretooth statue s tooth jars loose courtesy of sloggy shrinks a few sizes and impales the man through the throat if i had only gotten away so easy i like sabretooth better than this spin off"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20007": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "any way the wind blows is tom barmans who is also know as front man of the rock formation deus debut movie entirely shot in antwerp belgium the movie starts on a sunny friday morning and skips rather superficially between the events that fill the day of a dozen of main characters when the movie ends you have a lot of stuff to think about because most of the different story lines are left wide open the movie has a purely instrumental sound track that will rock your socks off in most scenes the music truly enhances the general atmosphere and feel really making the movie hallucinating to watch at certain points of time the main scene in the film the party is very well shot the director didn t hesitate to use video clip techniques having his main characters dancing on one of the best sound tracks i ve heard lately the screenplay is great stuff camera angles and colors are very well chosen the costumes are very hot and very seventies too and i loved most of the acting the thing i liked most about the movie are the subtle touches of absurd surreal very dry or even cynical humor that interleave without claiming to be a comedy this movie certainly is not a comedy but rather an alternative piece of art it still manages to have its audience giggling and even burst into laughter at some times this is one more directors debut that shouldn t be an ending i hope to see more tom barman movies in the future because i had a good time cheers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20008": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "three giant sabretooth tigers created in a laboratory from mitochondrial dna a genetic breakthrough derived from fossil material are on the rampage accidentally set free through a series of events such as a computer geek s introduced virus in order to unlock security measures keeping the resort novelty shops closed during construction a security guard s leaving a gate open while searching for the missing page from a porn mag that flew away in the breeze that threaten the lives of those it comes in contact with the tigers are always hungry but are unable to digest what they eat so pretty much the tigers just rip their prey to shreds victims include a group of college kids the stereotypes include a goth girl jock and tech nerd security personnel and those somewhat developed rich scoundrels who we can easily despise and wish horrible death rounding out a series of bad sci fi channel flicks attack of the sabretooth has some of the most wretched computer simulated animals i ve seen yet and the final death sequence is so putridly presented you ll demand within the deepest recesses of your soul the time spent on this truly awful exercise in the creature feature canon there s some good dark humor deriving from heads being torn from necks but even here the prosthetic work is unconvincing prosthetic body parts and blood aplenty as victims are pounced upon crying for help and receiving none i m starting to sound like a broken record repeating myself in every user comment i write for these sci fi channel flicks i think maybe it s time to move on to other kinds of cinema robert carradine has a role as a ruthless businessman who is being wooed by his truly repellent ex brother in law nicholas bell the one opening primal park a resort zoo featuring genetically created sabretooth tigers as it s major attraction stacy haiduk still quite yummy is a security officer who attempts to convince bell to get the investors he hopes to goad into putting money in his multi million dollar project to leave the island brian wimmer is haiduck s lover and his role is a mechanic keeping operations running smoothly bell s fate at the end resulting from a dislodged tooth from a sabretooth tiger statue is the pits carradine spends a great deal of the film taunting bell his arch nemesis the tiger s point of view shows humans in a bright color as it moves towards them the film ultimately consists of characters walking through darkened corridors the tech nerd s virus cut off the power worried for their safety the college kids commit breaking and entering to score certain items needed it s a scavenger hunt type of activity to enter a fraternity sorority the cast playing these kids do not rise above their clich s"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20009": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "written on the wind is an irresistible wonderfully kinky film as only director sirk could have done it the movie is submerged in a bucket full of freudian symbols weird melodramatics and colorful contrasts the connection between financial success and moral decay is the film s main theme sirk seems to suggest that sexual dysfunction is one of the side effects of capitalism however i prefer to see the movie as a prime example of what sirk could do with kitschy material the palette of colors is particularly impressive the acting in the film is great too rock hudson and lauren bacall are terribly glamorous and give the film an aura of elegance but the movie belongs to robert stack and dorothy malone she deservedly won the best supporting actress oscar who manage to keep the film at a boiling point kudos to frank skinner s pulsating score russell metty s brilliant camera work every single shot is a masterpiece in itself and the production design department also the title tune is a beauty it s an unforgettable movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20010": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i remember watching attack when it first came out and caught it again recently the sci fi channel has run worse but not by much a shameless ripoff of jurassic park attack substitutes sabertooth cats for dinosaurs and they are on the loose devouring as many extras as possible the cgi is pretty bad and closeups of prosthetic cat heads are laughable we get some gore which helps a little wait until you see how the mad scientist who started this whole mess gets it other than robert carradine who has very little to do the cast is unknown apparently this was shot in fiji nice work if you can get it reminds me of all those low budget monster stvs that were popular in the s and s"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20011": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m not sure if this is some kind of masterpiece or just sleazy fluff elevated by the performances and visuals whatever the case i m sure i loved it from the wonderfully twisted lurid intertwining stories to the deliciously sinister performances from robert stack and dorothy malone to the vivid gaudy colour with which it s all captured this is high class trash and it s great fun not to mention the amusingly sly and thinly veiled sexual subtexts which permeate the entire film always threatening to escape from the image into the dialogue but never doing so i d be lying if i said that the film s sheer entertainment value didn t contribute to my love for it but there s some sort of bizarre artistry behind the unintentional or was it comedy and i really really dug that i could really get into this melodrama stuff"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20012": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have a piece of advice for the people who made this movie too if you re gonna make a movie like this be sure you got the f x to back it up also don t get a bunch of z list actors to play in it another thing just about all of us have seen jurassic park so don t blatantly copy it all in all this movie sucked f x sucked acting sucked story unoriginal let s talk about the acting for just a second the carradine guy who s career peaked in when he did revenge of the nerds which was actually a great comedy he s not exactly z list he can act he just should have said no to this s t bag he should have did what mark hamill did after return of the jedi and go quietly into the night he made his mark as a nerd and that should have been that i understand he has bills to pay but that hardly excuses this s t bag have i called this movie that yet o k i just wanted to be sure if i sound a little hostile i apologize i just wasted hrs of my life i could have spent doing something productive like watching paint peel and i feel cheated i ll close on that note thank you for your time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20013": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "written on the wind directed by douglas sirk and released in is like all of sirk s mid s films pure melodrama yet it is engrossing richly developed melodrama and sirk s trademark lurid colour expressionism throbbing barely repressed emotions symbolism and juxtaposition of the classes make this a film to crave the film opens brilliantly with the four central characters and the plot being introduced as the credits are still rolling sirk uses a clever flashback structure to take us into his world robert stack and dorothy malone are magnificent as the two hadley kids kyle and marylee he drinks and sleeps around with women she drinks and sleeps around with men they both are worth millions thanks to the hadley oil business hunky yet poor mitch wayne rock hudson is kyle s lifelong friend and marylee s dream lover enter into this sordid mess lucy moore lauren bacall a slim attractive young woman who falls under kyle s charms after he picks up a phone and flies her across the countryside one evening mitch loves her too but kyle wins her they quickly marry and kyle stops drinking but fate seems to be written on the wind and it is not long before a conniving marylee who will have mitch marriage or no marriage a secretly smitten mitch the confused lucy and the sad drunk kyle come to blows malone is just wonderful as marylee hadley thoroughly deserving her best supporting actress oscar she steals every scene she is in stack is almost just as good amping up the melodrama while still maintaining subtly and quiet desperation hudson and bacall are a lot more restrained than those two yet it is in keeping with the characters they play so what s all this melodrama really about it well a lot of things stack s powerful portrait of male inadequacy and fear for one thing sirk surrounds stack with phallic symbols throughout the film note his tiny little gun the oil derricks and the ultimate phallic symbol kyle s seeming inability to conceive children stack seems to be suffering from a massive male superiority complex made worse by his father s preference for hudson his sister s desire for hudson and his suspicion that his wife is carrying on with hudson with all this wealth kyle hadley still ends up at the wrong end of town buying cheap corn liquor like a bum it s about impossible dreams and having to let go of them the river where kyle marylee and mitch used to play when they were kids is constantly referenced throughout the film symbolising kyle and especially marylee s wish for the innocence and simplicity of youth in an excellent melodramatic scene perfectly pulled off by malone marylee s stands by the river and imagines herself again as a child with voice over of mitch telling marylee that she will always be his girl this is where sirk strikes a huge emotional chord with the viewer who hasn t dreamed about going back to that special place in childhood who hasn t at some point lived on a treasured memory who hasn t wanted something they couldn t have and hudson s last line of the film yes he gets no dialogue in the last or so minutes only close ups recollects on how far we ve come from the river marylee amazing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20014": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie had a lot of blood in it when the sabretooth attack it also i loved it when that guy and the women were having some good time and then the sabretooth attacked the women and ate her stomach and took the liver out that was the best and the ton sabretooth walking on its front legs hilarious to make this movie better more action and less talking if you know what i mean and also please please people who made this movie don t make anothwer movie like this movies ending cause it was terrible sabretooth alive and killed that women in the end this movie reminds me of the grudges ending always there s enemy left ok damn it this movie sucks i can t believe it i loved it when my lil bro got freaked from the attacks stomach takin out and the blood ya"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20015": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "an overblown melodrama typical of its period mid s and appropriate matin e food rock hudson the hulk everyone always falls in love with plays his usual stereotype role but whereas in giant made the same year when his material and co stars taylor dean were above average in this movie he is just not good enough to raise the calibre beyond a mushy tale of how difficult it is to be both rich and happy the self destructive brother and sister robert stack reeling his way through the film in a drunken stupor and dorothy malone playing a vampish poor little rich girl totally over the top end up the losers and hudson gets bacall who is rather wooden in this part which does not have enough character or wit to get her going to paraphrase oscar wilde the good end happily and the bad unhappily that is the meaning of fiction however i was interested to read that the film is based on a true story which vindicated the plot like other films of the period homosexuality is disguised in heterosexual terms maybe the film could be remade stack s character would ring truer if he was hiding homosexual feelings for mitch by marrying todd haynes s far from heaven greatly improved on all that heaven allows also directed by sirk perhaps haynes could remake written on the wind and give us a truly memorable film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20016": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the film starts with a manager nicholas bell giving welcome investors robert carradine to primal park a secret project mutating a primal animal using fossilized dna like jurassik park and some scientists resurrect one of nature s most fearsome predators the sabretooth tiger or smilodon scientific ambition turns deadly however and when the high voltage fence is opened the creature escape and begins savagely stalking its prey the human visitors tourists and scientific meanwhile some youngsters enter in the restricted area of the security center and are attacked by a pack of large pre historical animals which are deadlier and bigger in addition a security agent stacy haiduk and her mate brian wimmer fight hardly against the carnivorous smilodons the sabretooths themselves of course are the real star stars and they are astounding terrifyingly though not convincing the giant animals savagely are stalking its prey and the group run afoul and fight against one nature s most fearsome predators furthermore a third sabretooth more dangerous and slow stalks its victims the movie delivers the goods with lots of blood and gore as beheading hair raising chills full of scares when the sabretooths appear with mediocre special effects the story provides exciting and stirring entertainment but it results to be quite boring the giant animals are majority made by computer generator and seem totally lousy middling performances though the players reacting appropriately to becoming food actors give vigorously physical performances dodging the beasts running bound and leaps or dangling over walls and it packs a ridiculous final deadly scene no for small kids by realistic gory and violent attack scenes other films about sabretooths or smilodon are the following sabretooth by james r hickox with vanessa angel david keith and john rhys davies and the much better bc by roland emmerich with with steven strait cliff curtis and camilla belle this motion picture filled with bloody moments is badly directed by george miller and with no originality because takes too many elements from previous films miller is an australian director usually working for television tidal wave journey to the center of the earth and many others and occasionally for cinema the man from snowy river zeus and roxanne robinson crusoe rating below average bottom of barrel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20017": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "on the surface written on the wind is a lurid glossy soap opera about the sexual dysfunctions of a texas oil family but underneath it all is a deep social commentary on s life director douglas sirk scores again with another univeral sudser robert stack falls in love with lauren bacall the problem is that stack s best pal rock hudson loves her too when stack finds out he s sterile and bacall ends up pregnant the fireworks fly and the all too good dorothy malone won an oscar for her portrayl of texas biggest nympho who is shunned by hudson good epic soap opera"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20018": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "john candy need we say more he is the main reason you should see this film most people don t realize how gifted he was as an actor witness him changing from poor slob to horny jerk just a simple subtle facial change and off we go there are many great bits in this movie and many really dumb bits the best moments for me are the kung fu u scenes as well as the great moment when john in a trance goes up on stage and talks about how much he loves his girlfriend that is how much he and his genitals love his girlfriend i m sure reading this you might think this sequence sounds really crude it is but it is also very funny mainly because it is john candy doing this bit the story in general is pretty lame and eugene levy and joe flaherty both sctv alumni with candy are not given enough to do in the film levy has his moments especially filming the wedding at the end think rod serling and the great scene when he is talking to his mother on the phone overall a good movie if you have had a tough day and need to put your brain on stupid i give this one out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20019": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s a strange yet somehow impressive story about love personnaly i never run over such a twist off story in real life but i can image there is it s a story that promises to be sick from the title but after i watch it i didn t get this feeling of sickness which i would surely have regarding society rules it s something beautiful in this movie something impressive which i cannot contradict using any moral or society rules the movie focuses mostly on relation between kiki and alex you can see how this relation starts evolves and finally ends you feel the moment when this love blossoms the first whispers touchings you feel the connection and no moment i though this is immoral you even hope it will not break in the end it cannot break it s not right you feel the pain of being hart broken in the end but i need also to add a negative spin to this comment i don t know if the story is not somehow showed to give the feeling that these relations are sick only in form but not in content you don t have the total story but only fragments when movie has started the relation between kiki and sandu was already in place so no clue about the nature of the relation you feel only a tension between them a fight between the need for love and desire to break this relation i think this line of kiki to sandu says all i want to stop and if you love me you will do as i ask you this movie will probably stir some questions about what is love and what is to be moral and where s the limit between them i don t know if the idea of this movie is love conquers all even social and moral standards or love is beautiful no matter how or where but in my opinion this movie is already a success for the simple reason that it makes you think"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20020": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in the fiji islands the greedy and unscrupulous owner of the valalola resort primal park invites investors and guests for an opening party of his compound composed of hotel and zoo aiming to find partners for his discoveries when a bunch of college smalltime thieves puts a virus in the security system to participate in a scavenger hunt the greatest attractions of the zoo sabretoothes from the prehistoric age developed from dna found in fossils escape killing the hosts and guards for pleasure the incredibly lame and cheap attack of the sabretooth is one of the worst movies i have recently seen the characters are awful and not funny or pleasant and the story is a terrible jurassik park rip off with a bad collection of clich s basically all the lines and situations are poor and stupid but the winner is when the guard explains that the sabretoothes are bulimic and like to kill for pleasure my vote is three title brazil o ataque do dente de sabre the attack of the sabretooth"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20021": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "director douglas sirk scores again with this the grandaddy of all dysfunctional family films this lush trashy saga is a masterpiece beautifully combining all of the elements of sirk s soapers and strategically placing them all into one movie written on the wind very obviously influenced the s tv series dallas and dynasty as this is basically a feature length version of those later nighttime soaps lauren bacall wonderfully and subtly plays lucy moore a new york city secretary who marries oil baron kyle hadley robert stack unbeknownst to both of them mitch wayne rock hudson is also in love with the quiet but sexy secretary they all go back to kyle s family s mansion in texas where we meet his white trash slut of a sister marylee dorothy malone in an oscar winning turn yipee the sparks begin to fly from the romances to the catfights this is a campy trip not only does mitch have to fight the feelings he has for his best friend s wife but marylee tries to sleep with everybody since she can t have her one true love who is mitch topping it all off kyle learns he s impotent but somehow lucy ends up pregnant this is pure soap and pure melodramatic entertainment how can you not love it this film signals one of universal s most popular films and one of director sirk s best works some of the dialogue is absolutely sizzling and visual metaphors are thrown in every which way the theme of wind throughout is great the cast is great although bacall is completely underused despite receiving top billing behind hudson stack s oscar loss reportedly devastated him he considered this his finest performance and apparently was none too pleased to lose out and he did turn out a fabulous performance as the whimpering alcoholic what a stunning movie this film proves what i ve been thinking for ages sirk is the master of classic melodrama where s his oscar"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20022": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after a series of power outages on a remote island zoo genetically engineered sabertooth tigers are on the loose and mauling residents of the island man the sci fi channel has made some bad original movies but i think this might possibly be their worst so far this badly written and directed jurassic park rip off offers all the usual clich s mad scientists who thinks people killed by the monsters are expendable losses characters walking down long dark hallways alone brain dead teen characters who s only function in the film is to die a horrible death etc and unsurprisingly no suspense whatsoever the special effects are atrocious the puppet heads in close ups of the title beasties are bad enough looking like stiff plush dolls but the cgi which makes the computer generated dinosaurs in walking with dinosaurs look life like by comparison are just downright awful there s some gore but most of it looks pretty unconvincing oh and the death scene of the scientist at the end is truly one of the worst things i ve seen in years i couldn t even laugh it was so bad don t waste your time this one is just downright bad oh and here s some interesting trivia for you this film borrowed music cues from the sci fi film alien hunter which was far superior to this piece of crap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20023": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "spoilers spoilers released in and considered quite racy at the time douglas sirk s over the top candy colored melodrama is still a wonderful thing the plot concerns the goings on in an oil rich dysfunctional texas family that includes big brother kyle who is insecure weak wounded very alcoholic played by robert stack in a very touching vulneable performance and his sluty sister marylee played in an extreme manner by dorothy malone ms malone s performance is telegraphed to us via her eyes which she uses to show us her emotions which mostly consist of lust for rock hudson and jealousy for lauren bacall malone is the only actress i ve ever seen in movies who enters a room eyes first now don t get me wrong her performance to say the least is an absolute hoot and is one of the supreme camp acting jobs of the s but it is also terrible because as likeable and attractive as malone is she s not a very good actress and she s not capable of subtly or shading her performace is of one note she does get to do a wicked mambo and in a great montage as unloving daddy played by the always good robert keith falls to his death climbing a staircase sirk mixes it up with an almost mad malone doing a orgasmic dance as she undresses stack who should have won an oscar malone who won the award but shouldn t have are the real stars of the film the ones who set all the hysteria both sexual otherwise in motion while the real stars of the film hudson bacall fade to grey brown which are the colors that they are mainly costumed in hudson who was a better actor then given credit for plays the childhood best friend of stack s and the stalked love interest of malone s who moans groans over rock through most of the film but hudson wants no part of her and instead is in love with bacall who is married to stack no one is very happy no one is happy for very long the stack bacall marriage falls apart big time after a year and stack pretty much drinks himself into oblivion because he thinks he is sterile and can t give bacall a baby to prove that he s a man sirk who was a very intelligent man and had a long fascinating career both in films and theatre in germany ended his hollywood career at universal in the mid s with a series of intense vividly colored women s movies or melodramas although they were mainly adapted from medicore or trashy source material in sirk s hands they became masterpieces of the genre sirk had a wonderful sense of color design which he brought to play in these films filling his wide screen spaces with characters who played out their emotional lives among weird color combinations lighting make believe shadows and lots of mirroed reflections in written the characters are always peeking out of windows listening at doors or sneaking around so in the end after much violence an accidental murder a miscarriage more sirk ends the movie with a final startling scene of a reborn and reformed malone in a man tailored suit sitting at a desk foundling a miniature oilwell"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20024": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "considering john doe apparently inspired kyle xy s creator i was expecting its pilot to be quite interesting however i probably had too high expectations because i was quite disappointed by it first they turned the protagonist into a freak who had the crazy idea of showing off his amazing knowledge in front of an audience in a public area so after that scene i began to worry that it was just entertainment but the problem is that it got worse as none of the other characters were properly introduced they focused too much on john doe which made the story far less intriguing i was also slightly disappointed by dominic purcell s performance because i found he didn t make a believable john doe an other problem was the police story it really felt like d j vu and it wasn t a pleasant sensation it leads us to the worst issue in the bunch the episodic format i could already see the fillers coming one after an other so overall i was very disappointed by it and don t recommend it to anyone considering how bad it was i better understand now why the show got canceled in some way i have the impression that it missed its target developing characters to help the protagonist find his own identity it s sad because there was potential like the people he met at the club the production quality was also quite good and the casting correct but i ll never know if it got better probably not because i don t plan to watch the next episode"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20025": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in her autobiography laureen bacall reveals that bogie told her that she should not make such dud movies as this one or something like that at the time douglas sirk was labeled weepies for women actually he was restored to favor at least in europa after he stopped directing and when he filmed written on the wind sirk had only three movies to make tarnished angels a time to love and a time to die his masterpiece imho and finally imitation of life then there was silence actually bacall and hudson characters do not interest sirk they are too straight too virtuous dorothy malone who was some kind of substitute for his former german star zarah leander and her brother robert stack provide the main interest of the plot a plot constructed continuously most of the movie being a long flashback the instability of the brother and the sister from a family of rich texan oil owners is brought to the fore by garish clothes and rutilant cars that go at top speed in a derricks landscape malone s metamorphosis at the end of the movie is stunning suit and chignon toying with a small derrick she s ready for life the rebel is tamed now alone because she s lost hudson but anyway he was not in love with her this end is a bit reactionary but melodrama is par excellence reactionary three years later in imitation of life sarah jane susan kohner will be blamed because she does not know her place"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20026": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "my giving this a score of is not what i would give the original soviet version of this film it seems that american international a studio that specialized in ultra low budget fare in the s bought this film and utterly destroyed it slicing a two hour plus film into a minute film plus much of this minutes was new material such as the monsters so you know that this film bears almost no similarity to the original the original film appears to be a rather straight drama about the soviet conquest of space though i really am not sure what it was originally for insight into the original film read steven nyland s review it was very helpful by the way this was the third soviet sci film i ve seen that american international bought and then hacked apart to make a new film standard practice to a company that was willing to put just about anything on the screen to make a buck provided of course it didn t cost them much more than a buck in the first place this americanized film was about two rival world powers not the us and soviets trying to be the first to mars the tricky bad guys try but fail and the good guys rescue one of the idiot astronauts and then head to mars unfortunately they are temporarily stranded on a moon of mars where they see some monsters added by american international that are reaaaally cheesy and one does bear similarity to a certain part of a female s anatomy then they are rescued returning to earth heroes the bottom line is that the film was butchered turning an incredibly beautiful piece of art for the time being turned into a grade c movie because of this the soviets really had a reason to hate america i m just shocked that the horrible job a i did with this film didn t convince them to refuse to sell more films to these jerks it s worth a look for a laugh but the really bad moments that make you laugh are few and far between so the film is a dud not bad enough to make it a must see for bad movie buffs and too dopey to be taken seriously i would really love to see this movie in its original form it must have been some picture"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20027": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one thing about hollywood someone has a success and it s always rushed to be copied and another thing is that players give some of their best performances away from their home studio rock hudson got such accolades for his performance in the texas based film giant that universal executives must have thought let s quick get him into another modern texas setting similarly robert stack got great reviews for the high and the mighty as the pilot who was cracking under the strain of flying a damaged aircraft that it was natural to give him another crack up role both of these ends were achieved in written on the wind before hudson was the big ranch owner now he s the son of a hunting companion of robert stack s father who took hudson under his wing in other words the james dean part without the james dean racism from giant lauren bacall is the executive secretary of an advertising agency that stack s hadley oil company uses hudson likes her but she s dazzled by stack s millions and when he woos a girl he s got the means to really pursue a campaign she marries stack and last but not least in the mix we have dorothy malone who s stack s amoral sister who has a yen for rock but rock ain t about to get tangled up with this wild child dorothy malone spent over years in a whole bunch of colorless film heroine roles before landing this gem she got a best supporting actress award for her part as marilee hadley and it was well deserved if you like splashy technicolor fifties soap opera than this is the film for you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20028": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what is this a low budget sex comedy anyway it describes perfectly the people in spain they could come up with a better idea i mean they do this kind of movies since the s and people like them this is neither a teen comedy nor a family one you can t let your year old watch guys in bed kissing he ll never want to go to spain this should be rated r because only people seem to laugh watching s i m truly disappointed maybe i don t like gays which is quite an important part of the movie foreign humor is awful in films except kusturica stick with doing dramas if you want a new comedy try talladega nights"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20029": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "another classic study of the effects of wealth on a southern family is masterfully depicted in written on the wind kyle hadley has it all wealth a plane you name it kyle s best friend mitch has always gotten him out of difficulty mitch finished college kyle got thrown out mitch is not from a wealthy home kyle s family with hadley oil controls most of everything in the town while in n y kyle meets the girl of his dreams nicely played by lauren bacall after a whirlwind romance he marries her and brings her home there she meets her father in law who warns her how difficult kyle can be kyle sleeps with a gun under his pillow the bacall character meets kyle s sister mary lee a tramp if ever there were played to the fullest by dorothy malone who was voted best supporting actress rock hudson plays mitch the faithful friend a year of wedded bliss for kyle and his bride ends when kyle is told by the doctor that he can t have children it is when his wife reveals to him that she is indeed pregnant kyle thinking that the child is mitch s goes on a drunken frenzy and is accidentally shot dead in a memorable scene mary lee who has always loved mitch tries but is unsuccessful in blaming mitch for kyle s death in a memorable courtroom scene malone pulled out all the stops in finally admitting that kyle s death was an unfortunate accident her oscar was well deserved surprisingly robert stack brilliant as kyle hadley was nominated for best supporting actor and lost in an upset victory by anthony quinn as paul gauguin in lust for life douglas sirk was the master of soap opera films of the s written on the wind is no exception"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20030": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "strange almost all reviewers are highly positive about this movie is it because it s from and has chamberlain and curtis in it and therefore forgive the by times very bad acting and childish ways of storytelling maybe it s because some people get sentimental about this film because they have read the book i have not read the book but i don t think that s a problem film makers never presume that the viewers have read the book or is it because i am subconsciously irritated about the fact that english speaking actors try to behave as their french counterparts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20031": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "douglas sirk directs this over acted drama about the unhappy affluent kyle hadley robert stack and mitch wayne rock hudson are boyhood friends with different looks on life kyle is the womanizing son of an oil tycoon mitch works for the hadley oil company both fall in love with the same woman lucy moore but it is kyle that has the means to wow her off her feet and marry her sister marylee dorothy malone seems to be the town s nymphomaniac and carrying a torch for mitch who always seems to be the one to clean up the hadley s messes ambitious with pretension a little over the top but the stars make it a movie to see i was most impressed with malone rounding out the cast robert keith edward platt john lurch and robert j wilke"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20032": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as with the other episodes in this made for tv series expanding on the many adventures of the sea legend horatio hornblower s super human infallibility ruins all chance for suspense as little wesley crusher ruined many seasons of the next generation horatio hornblower invincibly saves every situation each and every clever solution inevitably comes only from the lips of horatio hornblower immeasurably superior hornblower s main trouble in this movie series seems to be tolerating the many error ridden characters above and below him in the chain of command a perfect being makes for dull story telling so superior is our hero that even those who attempt to help him are powerless to do something correctly unless hornblower is there to direct and control their every move what is the sense in telling a story about any person who cannot do wrong and will repeatedly win at everything every single time what is the point of watching such a story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20033": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after playing a nymphomaniac in written on the wind dorothy malone finally said good bye to her sweet sister wife roles and demonstrated an ability to play mantraps with the best of them she and gloria grahame played the same sort of tramps and for her efforts here in a very manipulative role malone won a best supporting actress oscar the film she s in is not quite up to oscar standards but it is a strong enough melodrama under douglas sirk s capable hands there s an almost noirish look to the explosive opening scene and it sets the tone for the rest of the sudsy fireworks in a story that has rock hudson lauren bacall robert stack and dorothy malone as its headliners domestic squabbles among the inhabitants of a wealthy family with an oil background are the primary focus of the drama with the accent on the strong supporting players stack and malone both of them seize the opportunity with both hands and stack too should have been awarded for his sterling job as the weak alcoholic brother driven to desperation by his own wild motives the nominal stars have less impressive work to do but do it with their usual skill and conviction hudson and bacall they play their more sympathetic roles with quiet authority and understanding the use of color is particularly striking as it usually is in a sirk film and yet it doesn t preclude me from thinking of the film as a technicolor film noir in the vein of leave her to heaven well worth watching with some interesting performances from the entire cast"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20034": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "to anyone not familiar with c s forrester s book this film should be interesting it is colorful well acted and depicts high adventure but to those of us who know the original stories it is appalling i could hardly sit through it for some reason screen writers seem compelled to rewrite the stories they are working on of course the spoken word is different from the written word and there are some episodes that would be difficult to film but why do the screen writers rewrite the story instead of just adapting it in this case the writers out did themselves just a few examples there was no mutiny on the renown the officers did take over the ship after the half insane captain was driven completely mad when he fell through a hatchway for reasons implied but never given there was no court martial the court of inquiry was conducted in an almost congratulatory atmosphere captain pellew does not appear appear in this part of the hornblower saga nor does col ortega s wife hornblower himself was never in the brig either on the ship or on shore there are plenty of such manipulations of forrester s story on a purely technical basis i think the film s repeated use of the flash back device hurts the continuity of the story why oh why did screen writers have to mess up a good story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20035": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "stack should have received the academy award for this performance period its a crime that he did not amazing how he humanizes a rich worthless character dorothy malone did earn a well deserved academy award for her performance in fact all of the acting in this film is excellent the plot begins with a taxi ride then an airplane ride then keeps moving on an emotional ride that will hold your interest throughout you will be entertained however this is only a blatant soap opera one dimensional percent soaper you might call it the ultimate soaper because the acting so thoroughly triumphs over the material excellently acted well directed but strictly within its soap genre i wouldn t even call it a melodrama such as mildred pierce or imitation of life while not denying the great entertainment value of this film you can only imagine what this talented cast and director might have achieved with more substantial subject matter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20036": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this god forsaken film is about three dumb millionaires who gather a bunch of people to play a deadly game and the winner gets a million dollars first of all the acting is terrible and the movie makes absolutely no sense at all it is not scary in the least bit it is so stupid that it made me laugh which is why it earned that star the movie is not violent at all but is pretty sleazy and focuses mostly on the women s breasts the whole time and some of the characters are very annoying and whiny plus the monsters in this movie are so cheesy and fake and not scary that it just makes you want to throw something at the screen last but not least the ending is terrible i don t want to give it away in case you actually are strange enough to see this piece of junk avoid at all costs not rated but should be r for nudity profanity and mild gore"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20037": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this gloriously turgid melodrama represents douglas sirk at his most high strung it eschews the soft wistfulness of all that heaven allows and the weepy sentimentality of imitation of life and instead goes for feverish angst and overheated tension and of course it s all captured in vibrant technicolor the cornball story has something to do with a friendship between rock hudson and robert stack that becomes a rivalry when hudson snags the affections of lauren bacall but who s really paying attention to the story dorothy malone won a best supporting actress academy award for her splendidly over the top performance as stack s sister who takes the family business into her own hands when no one else will a highlight of the film comes when this high spirited wild child breaks into a frantic dance in her bedroom unable to bear the restraints placed upon her by middle class propriety as so frequently happens in sirk movies the scene is both unintentionally hilarious in its absurdity and yet strangely moving in its effectiveness sirk came closer than anyone else to turning pure camp into high art satisfying the philistines and the high brows at the same time within the same films his was a unique talent and i don t know that there s ever been another film maker quite like him since grade a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20038": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a real head scratcher of a film by bill rebane who appeared to be getting worse in his trade throughout the eighties three crackpot millionaires invite nine people to a remote hotel to compete in a last person standing contest in which the final contestant will be given million provided he or she makes it that far a series of lame pranks are pulled on some of the guests while the others engage in what most adults would do under the circumstances namely get shatfaced at the hotel bar most scenes are merely an excuse to focus the camera on various female body parts including an opening dance number that is a crossover of american bandstand meets geriatric aerobics complete with hookers if there was any hesitation that white people can t dance this scene hammers the final nail in that coffin pay close attention for the nipple slip this continues on for about forty five minutes until bill rebane begins throwing darts at various plot twists and whatever he hits becomes the inspiration for the next scene making this one incoherent mess it s a game until it s not a game the three old coots are in complete control until they re not the hotel is possessed by a supernatural force until it becomes just props they re dead until they re not even the narrator at the end replies that he doesn t know what the hell happened i defy anyone to reason where rebane was going on this one the acting is dinner theater caliber minus the dinner most of the actors probably went back to their day jobs at the local stuckey s i give it a few points for the scene where the yuppie broad opens the closet and a skeleton is inside skull humping himself let s see gone with the wind do that this chilling classics collection is really becoming the bane of me bane get it like rebane i hate myself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20039": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "lauren bacall was living through husband humprey bogarts illness death when she did this film rock hudson was near the top of his s stardom dorothy malone is in excellent form and wins an oscar for support robert stack is nominated falls just short for his role the story is a little soapy from another time but just as worthwhile as most dramas amazing how well drunks can drive in this film also how quickly stack sobers up in a couple of the films early sequences you can see why the cast is so good actually production wise this film is very good you can tell bacall is distracted during this film as while her acting is fine she looks emotionally drained in some sequences the sexual references in this film are so mild that many of today s young viewers would not realize what they are film does a good job telling a story actually leaves a sequel to be made at the end though none ever was made though written beyond the wind would be a good title"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20040": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i remember i saw this cartoon when i was or my grandfather picked up the video of it for free at the mall i remember that it really sucked the plot had no sense i hated the fox that became casper s friend he was so stupid casper cried his head off if he couldn t find a friend so what get over it the only good part and i don t want to sound mean spirited was when the fox got shot and died at the end i laughed my head off in payback because this cartoon sucked so much the bad news is the fox resurrects and becomes a ghost i wish he had stayed dead i think i even gave the video of this to somebody because i hated it no wonder they were offering it for free at the mall if you have a child don t let them watch this they will probably agree with me that it sucks"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20041": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i think that the idea of the plot is perfect for exploring first of all the emotional experiences of the people involved and second as someone else wrote in a comment the implications of this kind of relationships incest and lesbianism in the romanian society so to begin with the second aspect to make it short it wasn t visible at all as for the first as i said it had much more potential i think that those kind of relationships carry much more tension much more tension and the potential tension didn t get through i think the soundtrack could ve been more than those few songs on the background and the theme wich was nice but not enough and not always in the right moments yeah i could feel the absence of a better soundtrack the actors i think that they were somewhere from to not enough sensuality in the key moments a total of mostly for the story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20042": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this complete mess of a movie was directed by bill rebane the man partly responsible for the truly infamous anti classic monster a go go as i was nearing the end of the cold i came to the unbelievable conclusion that this film was in fact even worse than that s shocker the story such as it is is about three eccentric millionaires who invite a group of people to their remote mansion to play a series of macabre games whoever manages to last the pace and survive to the end will win it s a very simple plot but rebane still somehow manages to make proceedings verge on incomprehensible things happen characters are completely forgotten about nothing makes too much sense and then it ends weirdly i mean what the hell was that ending all about exactly i guess you are left to draw your own conclusions production values and acting are without question of a pornographic movie standard in truth pamela rohleder shelly isn t even that good she is so unbelievably terrible she s compelling sadly the same thing cannot be said about this crap fest as a whole it s just a bargain basement rotter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20043": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "written on the wind is a douglas sirk s melodrama douglas sirk was rediscovered by the cahiers du cinema fassbinder etc that hailed him as a master director i think that it is because of the sophistication of his cinematography written on the wind offers luscious color images and gorgeous decors but i ask myself is this enough to carry a film the acting in written on the wind ranges from weak to fair excepting robert stack he is convincing as the weak spoiled playboy lauren bacall normally a powerful presence in the screen is miscast in this film dorothy malone as the seductress the care free femme fatale is ok but she lacks the strength for the role rock hudson is efficient but vapid the plot has very interesting ingredients the main characters are a rigid patriarch his alcoholic son kyle robert stack never loved by the disappointed father his frustrated and nymphomaniac daughter marylee dorothy malone lucy lauren bacall a woman of principles formerly a secretary and now married to kyle mitch rock hudson brought up together with kyle and loved by the patriarch secrets beyond the door a love triangle frustration fistfights laughter death etc well when i read the story summary on the back cover of the dvd i thought that i was in for a treat my mistake why i ll try to explain written on the wind takes itself seriously and tries to tell a dramatic story as i said before the acting in general is not good enough the intensity is lacking there are many strong scenes in the story but the actors just do an efficient job i think that maybe with italian or spanish actors those scenes would have been explored fully they would end for us in an explosion of laughter or tears what remains to us is the beautiful cinematography of douglas sirk for me this is not enough if you want to enjoy a good melodrama see aventurera"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20044": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one strange hacked together film you get the feeling that the bond company had to come in on this one i m not surprised there s no credits on it who would want to be associated with this film the acting of all involved is terribly stilted and the plot jumps around all over it all makes very little sense as i said before it looks like the bond company had to come in because it seems like there was alot of footage that wasn t shot that needed to be and all the music was very ill fitting library music cheap i guess very very odd i might actually buy a dvd of it though if it could let me in on what the hell was going on and what happened to this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20045": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the absolute summum of the oeuvre of that crafty dane douglas sirk born detlef sierck written on the wind compels our prurient attention in every gaudy frame from its justly famous opening sequence with the leaves blowing into the baronial foyer of a texas mansion and the wind riffling the pages of the calendar into a flashback the movie compresses into its minutes all the familial intrigue that was to fuel such later little screen knockoffs as dallas dynasty and falcon crest over their years long runs the combination of wealth and dysfunction is a theme americans in our dollar based society find irresistible brother and sister robert stack and dorothy malone are the spoiled troubled heirs to the hadly oil fortune boyhood chum rock hudson and new bride lauren bacall are the sane outsiders who try to keep the lid on the roiling cauldron it s been rumored that the story was based on libby holmann s marriage into reynolds tobacco money as always the misfits get all the scenery to chew and the best lines to spit out malone in her oscar nabbing performance as the boozing nymphomaniac with a jones for hudson gets to detonate a whole fireworks display of them hudson while good can t compete with all this over the top emoting bacall starts out strong but grows recessive a mere plot convenience no matter with a succession of set pieces shot in extravagant hues sirk gives an object lesson in how to turn out overwrought melodrama set in the lush consumer paradise of late s america nobody ever did it better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20046": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one lowly film it has no real plot we never are made privy to motivations other than wealth the characters are some of the worst actors ever to be put on film the threat seems to be supernatural but then it s being controlled by these three older people why are they doing what they are doing in order to strike fear into other members of the group i don t know there is some mist from a fog machine that rolls around in the halls and everyone seems to be scared of it does it do something i don t know there s some nudity for its own sake i m always surprised to see this in films this old things have actually settled down in this regard these days anyway the people run around like chickens ready for the ax they have no plan no resources no nothing there are about five silly climaxes in the film who are these people and is there a ghost or demon what happened to the other people i challenge anyone to tell me this with any confidence what a mess"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20047": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "on october the hard work geologist of the hadley oil company mitch wayne rock hudson meets the executive secretary lucy moore lauren bacall in the office of her boss bill ryan in new york and invites her to go to a conference with the alcoholic playboy and son of a tycoon kyle hadley robert stack on the way of the meeting he confesses that they had traveled from houston to new york to satisfy the wish of the reckless kyle who is his best friend since their childhood of eating a sandwich from club and the meeting was just a pretext to kyle s father jasper hadley robert keith mitch and kyle immediately fall in love for lucy and kyle unsuccessfully uses his money to impress lucy then he opens his heart and proposes lucy they get married and travel to acapulco and the insecure kyle stops drinking meanwhile kyle s sister marylee dorothy malone is an easy woman and has a non corresponded crush on mitch that sees her as a sister one year later kyle discovers that he has a problem and might be sterile and starts drinking again the jealous marylee poisons kyle telling that his wife and mitch are having a love affair when lucy finds that she is pregnant kyle believes that the baby belongs to mitch and his mistrust leads to a tragedy written on the wind is an overrated melodramatic soap opera with artificial characters and situations there are at least two great movies with characters with drinking problem the lost weekend with stunning performance of ray milland and days of wine and roses with awesome performance of jack lemmon robert stack has a reasonable performance and his character s motives for drinking are shallow and clich s in the end the forgettable written on the wind is entertaining only and never a feature to be nominated to the oscar my vote is seven title brazil palavras ao vento words in the wind"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20048": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie had what sounded like a good premise people facing their fears to win one million dollars unfortunately it did not turn out to be a good movie there are several scenes that are way too long and really pointless like the dancing scene a few scenes are just an excuse to point the camera at female body parts the acting is bad but some of the lines are amusing in their awfulness what s really strange is that towards the end of the movie it turns into like a minute western and at the end the twists of which their were several don t make sense with the rest of the movie it seemed as though the director just added stuff on because he thought it would look cool while conveniently ignoring the plot of the movie up to that point it just didn t make a lot of sense the only creepy thing was the old people dancing down the hall but that doesn t even come close to making up for the rest of this mess"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20049": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fabulous film rented the dvd recently and was floored by this stunning piece of work douglas sirk was a filmmaking genius and he gets performances out of rock hudson dorothy malone oscar winner robert stack oscar nominated and lauren bacall that words cannot describe paul verhoeven brilliantly payed homage to this film by having dorothy malone play sharon stone s murdering inspirational guru in his basic instinct what a great joke by turns the film is hilarious riveting campy biting trashy compelling and eye rolling it s definately the grandaddy of every tawdry big and little screen soap opera but none have had the dazzling style like you ll see here the camera work is smooth and polished the use of color is breathtaking the opening montage set to the title song is beyond memorable the one dimensional characters are unforgettable and the final image will have you scratching your head as to how the censors back then let it make the final cut while most older highly regarded films can sometimes be a boring chore to sit through written on the wind contains so much and goes by so fast that it s actually a shame when it ends thank you to mr sirk for crafting and todd haynes for drawing attention to what has now become one of my favorite films of all time see this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20050": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "for a good half hour or so i remember myself thinking hey this could very well be bill rebane s best achievement ever the opening sequences are atmospheric there immediately are some scary moments to enjoy and our director even refers to his own notorious stinker the giant spider invasion in a playful way the concept is shamelessly stolen from william castle s house on haunted hill with three old and extremely bored millionaires luring nine losers to an isolated mansion to win in an elimination game naturally the participants start vanishing quickly and one by one and it takes the remaining greedy boneheads too much time before they realize either the old folks are sadists or there s another murderer amongst them the film begins ends with an odd narrator telling a lot of senseless stuff that isn t relevant or even interesting to the plot but there s some nice t a to admire in the first ten minutes and that dumb bimbo shelly i believe she s called is really hilarious to observe after the first half hour naturally the inevitable happens and the cold turns into a textbook rebane production with retarded plot twists the dumbest dialogs ever and a total lack of excitement there wasn t any budget for bloody murder sequences but our multi talented director tries to compensate this with endless footage of disco dancing girls and an amateur rock band the film also has four or even five different climaxes and none of them are a slight bit satisfying maybe it was an inspiration for lotr return of the king avoid this film you ll live longer and happier"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20051": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "written on the wind was an enormously successful universal picture it could only be done by douglas sirk a man who saw the possibilities in the material he was given based on a popular novel by robert wilder and an adaptation by george zuckerman it had all the elements that make an excellent melodrama nymphomania a large oil fortune alcoholism incest and a mild touch of homosexuality mr sirk laid the path for what would follow later on in the soap operas genre mainly dallas and dynasty just to mention two the fact is this movie was shot entirely inside a studio most of the decor is phony like a lot of those s pictures written on the wind was shot entirely in a studio lot just look at the scenes that are supposed to take place in manhattan or miami or even the lake are one can see how the scenery is a painted backdrop mr sirk couldn t care less about realism as long as he could tell the story his own way we recently caught a screening part of a revival of mr sirk s work where people were laughing at some of the most dramatic moments especially during the scenes where rock hudson who plays the good mitch wayne appears there is also something graphic in the way that both robert keith who plays the patriarch jasper hadley and later on his own daughter the evil marylee caress the oil derrick that adorns the elder man s desk a sort of phallic object d art douglas sirk probably wanted his cast to give over the top performances which makes sense in the way dorothy malone portrays the nymphomaniac marylee and to a certain degree robert stack who overacts as kyle the tormented heir of the story that would probably be the easy explanation of what comes across the screen the only one that seems normal is lauren bacall who wasn t asked to make her lucy moore character appear to be anything but a grounded person caught hanging out with the wrong crowd together with his other hollywood movies written on the wind shows the genius of a talented director who gave the public just what they wanted to see stories bigger than life that could only be seen on the big screen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20052": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "am not familiar with the trilogy but came upon this film last night on showtime the film looked very well done with the set design and the cinematography but the screenplay was stilted and wooden the acting was fairly bad thought the two female leads were serviceable you never really believed anything the supporting actors said though there were the stereotypes bible thumping reverend without a hint of nuance authoritative captain hot headed soldier etc i am sorry to say that based on these deficiencies i clocked it straight away as canadian without knowing it to be such the telefilm canada end credits gave it away i know i m a horrible person maybe i missed something in the beginning but the hostility towards the girls is never explained here they are besieged in a fort by werewolves and the men are wasting time and energy brutalizing two young women for no reason focus people there s a bit more of a pressing situation beyond your walls than whether or not these girls are lesbians that s just my inference for the hostility directed towards them if they can aim and fire a gun you might as well make nice with them the question of their immortal soul can be resolved later also i guess this relates to the rest of the trilogy these girls are supposed to be the protagonists one of them murdered the indian guy at the end that saved one of their lives i guess one is just a victim of her condition who can t be necessarily blamed for her actions but the other is just a murderer who doesn t deserve her happy ending"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20053": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "another in the they don t make em like that category this story of a family with some real skeletons in its closet still qualifies as good clean sometimes over the top fun robert stack and dorothy malone are at their peak as the troubled hadley siblings and they really took the roles and ran with them malone won an oscar and stack was nominated in the supporting categories both honors being eminently well deserved they counterbalance the somewhat bland leads neither bacall nor hudson could ever be called bad actors but they ve both had better parts and played them far more convincingly than they do here it s kind of hard for me to accept rock hudson playing such a red blooded heterosexual as he does here but that s more of a personal bias than anything else but that doesn t take away from the movie s overall entertainment value which is considerable and this movie is extremely watchable if you re up some night and this movie comes on i d say watch it it s well worth it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20054": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a load of rubbish i can t even begin to describe how awful this film was the rating it has here is really hard to believe avoid particularly if you enjoyed the first ginger snaps the first one was well written well directed well executed a brilliant film with a fantastic aesthetic and atmosphere the second one was alrite decent as a self standing film but clearly not up to the level of the first the third is an insult to the series period i rate the films it s that bad oh and yes it really is set in the past the sisters are still called ginger and b fitzgerald all muddled in with some half assed native american mythology the sisters don t have any real story or progression or even a clear relationship they re just trying to survive and be together forever that s about as deep as it gets staggered that the girls agreed to be in this pile of shite after reading the script oh and another thing staging of action was terrible people appearing from nowhere regularly like the girls turn around and there s an elaborate candle lit setup with a mystic native american woman just sitting there about to go into a speech sets were terrible couldn t get away from the fact that it was all obviously based in a set which really didn t help also there was consistently snow outside the camp but not a trace inside on the set arrghh so bad i really was hoping it would be at least as good as the second one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20055": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "does any one know what the sports cars were i think robert stack s might have been a masseratti rock hudson s character told his father he was taking a job in iraq isn t that timely i have had dorthy malone in my spank bank most of my life maybe this was the film that impressed me loren bacall sure did have some chops in this film and probably out acted malone but malones s part made a more sensational impact so she got the oscar for best supporting role was loren s part considered a leading role old man hadley character was was probably a pretty common picture of tycoons of his era in that he was a regular guy who made it big in an emerging industry but in building a whole town he had forgotten his children to have his wife bring them up in time being widowed he realized that they were all he really had and they were spoiled rotten looking for attention so rather than try to relate to his children he blew his head off an ancient morality tale but seriously what were those sports cars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20056": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this could be a cute movie for kids my grandson watched it once he was watching it a second time i was watching some of it with him when the little bear gets lost on the ice burg and he is in the water he is trying to get to a piece of ice it says come back stupid ass fool i don t want my year old grandson watching movies with words like this in it that is why its rated for children should be child friendly that is what i would expect put out by warner brothers and g rated i would expect this to not have cuss words in it the words don t even fit the movie in most places as it seems added later and the movie drags out in many parts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20057": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "rich alcoholic robert stack falls in love with secretary lauren bacall he marries her and is so happy he stops drinking however bacall is secretly loved by stacks best friend rock hudson and stacks nymphomaniac sister dorothy malone lusts after rock throw in a few complications and the movie goes spinning out of control in a good way very glossy movie in beautiful technicolor with jaw dropping fashions and furnishings check out bacall s hotel room at the beginning everybody looks perfect and dresses in beautiful form fitting clothes basically this is a soap opera with grade a production values the story itself is lots of fun and some of the dialogue at the beginning is hilariously over the top the acting by hudson stack and bacall isn t that good but seeing them so young and glamorous is great especially stack when he smiled my knees went weak dorothy malone on the other hand is fantastic she deservedly won best supporting actress for her role she s sexy violent vicious and sympathetic all convincingly fun glossy trash don t miss it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20058": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this has got to be the cheesiest stupidest most retarded monster film of all time it s a complete joke that this even surfaced into theaters this is sort of like watching the loch ness monster in rural america this movie deserves to be thrown in a toilet and completely forgotten john carradine shame on you the people involved in this moronic pile of trash need to be lobotomized wait maybe i m giving them too much credit i m sure they were lobotomized before the filming how else can one explain the utter and sheer stupidity that this bucket of crap contains don t waste a minute of your life watching this don t even waste your time sending a review"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20059": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "director douglas sirk once said `there s a very short distance between high art and trash and trash that contains craziness is by this very quality nearer to art this statement defines his cinema perfectly a very unique body of work that includes classic stage adaptations adventure and war films westerns and of course his famous melodramas sirk s melodramas were as the very word signifies dramas with music the music sets the tone for his masterful style and every stroke of his brush sirk was also a painter leaves a powerful image on the screen turned canvas but this ain t life but its representation an imitation of life sirk never tried to show reality on the contrary none of the directors of his generation made a better use of all the technical devices provided by hollywood most notably technicolor to distinguish the artificial from the real thing let s remember that his golden period coincides with the time when hollywood films turned its attention into the social drama blackboard jungle rebel without a cause sirk always knew that cinema was meant to be something else another of sirk s statements summarizes this `you can t reach or touch the real you just see reflections if you try to grasp happiness itself your fingers only meet glass i defy anybody that has seen written on the wind to count the amount of mirrors and images reflected that appear on screen one ends up giving up therefore we are in a hall full of mirrors where there s no difference between real and its false copy nobody can say that the hadley are real people that town ain t real either with those hideous oil pumps all over the place so in this realm the acting is affected the decore is fake the trick is visible everything is pushed a little bit off the limit the sexual connotations of dorothy malone with the oil tower for example sirk was criticizing and theorizing at the same time `the angles are the director s thoughts the lighting is his philosophy in written on the wind we follow the fall of a traditional way of life both in a geometrical way and in terms of light and shadows the hadleys house with its different levels connected by the spiral staircase operates in a strictly metaphorical way a house that resembles a mausoleum that no party can cheer up as tragedy progresses from luminous daylight to shadowy night sirk s photography becomes an extension of the inner state of his characters and so are the colours of the clothes they wear drama is thus incorporated to every element at the service of the director s craft sirk considered himself a `story bender because he bended the standard material he was assigned with to his style and purpose written on the wind is a good example it wouldn t work in any other hands the other director that was using similar strategies was frank tashlin who was for s comedy the same that sirk was for melodrama their films are full of the machinery of american life advertising tv sets jukeboxes washing machines sport cars vacuum cleaners to depict its emptiness and decay i m inclined to think that their films were regarded in a different way by their contemporary audiences the game was played by both sides so it was camp now we regard them as `cult or `bizarre because we are not those spectators anymore that is why todd haynes s homage `far from heaven turns into a pastiche because it reproduces sirk s work nowadays as if nothing happened in between then sirk turns exactly into that painting hanging in the art gallery that julianne moore and the gardener discuss in the aforementioned film sirk understood the elements of melodrama perfectly there were always immovable characters rock hudson and lauren bacall here against which he could assemble a series of split ones his balance through antithesis is remarkable and not surprisingly we root for the split characters because these are the ones sirk is interested in too when robert stack flies the plane and `tempts lauren bacall with all sorts of mundane comforts of the world below them obvious faustian echoes we are strangely fascinated with him too as we are when the devilish nymphomaniac little sister painfully evokes her past with mitch alone by the river in the sirk s universe the studio often imposed `happy ends have no negative impact in fact they worked just great sirk was fond of greek tragedy and considered happy endings the deux ex machinea of his day thus the final courtroom scene fits well and one must also remember that the whole film is told in flashback so we know from the very beginning that tragedy will fall nevertheless over the hadley feud it was pointed out the many similarities between written on the wind with the godfather saga i absolutely agree and i m sure the parallel is not incidental both share the theme of the old powerful father head trying to keep his empire going while protecting his family the temperamental son portrayed by robert stack has an amazing physical resemblance with jimmy caan s sonny corleone the action of fighting her sister s male friend is symmetrical the non son in which the old man put his trust is also common in both films as the fact that both families carry the names of their town even details as the gate that gives access to the property and the surroundings of the house covered by leaves suggest that coppola had written on the wind in mind while setting his masterwork because both films deal with the subject of power the acquisition of power its manipulation and legacy even kyle hadley s sterility the event that hastens the turmoil is an issue easily tied to the central theme of power in this case a weakness in sexual power the other great film that deals with power and uses american life as its representation is citizen kane one wouldn t think at first of similarities between welles and sirk s films but there are a good many starting with the petrol business as the origin of the family s fortune and ending in the fact that mitch wayne rock hudson as charles foster kane was adopted by a tutor having his own father alive amazingly the same actor harry shannon perform both wayne and kane s fathers this detail is cannot be a coincidence written on the wind is a masterpiece in every aspect in execution and vision in style and technique a highlight in the career of this wonderful director some say that this is his best film in my opinion `magnificent obsession `all that heaven allows `there s always tomorrow and `imitation of life are just as good and for those who put sirk in the level of dallas or dinasty i wish them no happy end"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20060": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "true story of a late monster that appears when an american industrial plant begins polluting the waters amusing though not really good monster film has lots of people trying to get the monster and find out whats going on but not in a completely involving way give it points for giving us a giant monster that they clearly built to scale for some scenes but take some away in that it looks like a non threatening puppy an amusing exploitation film thats enjoyably silly in the right frame of mind my one complaint is that the print used on the elvira release is so poor that it looks like a well worn video tape copy that was past its prime years ago"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20061": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it is ironic that during the s when douglas sirk was at his most successful in terms of audience appeal he was virtually ignored by the critics he is now seen however as a director of formidable intellect who achieved his best work in melodrama written on the wind is about the downfall of a texan oil dynasty surrounded by worthless reputation alcoholism and nymphomania it is about the twisted fatal connections between sex power and money stack draws a compelling portrait of a tormented drunken destroyed by frustration arrogance jealousy insanity and some deep insecurities dorothy malone succeeds as an attractive woman with an excessive sexual appetites degrading herself for hudson and to other fellows in town her best line i m filthy in one frantic scene we see her shaking quivering and sweating to a provocative mambo in another weeping alone over a model oil derrick at her father s desk symbol of excessive wealth and masculine tyranny the frenetic atmosphere is both made palatable and intensified by sirk s magnificent use of colors lights and careful use of mirrors"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20062": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can not believe such slanted jingoistic material is getting passed off to americans as art house material early on from such telling lines like we want to make sure they are playing for the right team and manipulative framing and lighting a love divided shows it s true face the crass manner in which the irish catholics are shown as hegemonic the protestants as peaceful and downtrodden is as poor a representation of history as early us westerns that depict the struggle between cowboys and american indians the truth of the story is distorted with the stereotypes and outright vilification of the irish catholics in the story a corruption admitted by the filmmakers themselves it is sad that people today still think that they can win moral sway by making a film so easily recognized for it s obvious intent so far from attempting art this film has no business being anywhere in any legitimate cinema or library"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20063": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this film at the chicago reeling film festival to pick up on the previous reviewer s remarks the claustrophobic feel and off colors of the film is i sense quite intentional and conveys the sense of limited space drab architecture overall drabness that constitutes the urban environment of most people in eastern and central europe a bit shabby housing project style is how i d describe it and this is how many people live on the outskirts of larger cities i can t say that i m familiar with bucharest romania where the action unfolded but i have visited and lived in eastern europe for six months when i visited russia as a student for a semester my entire group had to drag their luggage seven stories up the staircase of a shabby student dorm building just as the heroine does when moving in with a woman because the elevators weren t working but i do concur with the reviewer that the claustrophobia and muted colors it s overdone for there are to be sure beautiful historic buildings parks squares you can find in bucharest or in any historic city center of eastern europe and bucharest s didn t get much of any footage in this film for me watching this film conveys well the claustrophobia that i would feel during my half year stay there feeling trapped and limited it makes you see why someone would want to immigrate and find a better life just as people if hope to escape from a united states urban ghetto also given the climate of homophobia say circa us in the s the two young women who fall in love with one another are forced to keep their love a very private matter hence the focus on their interaction in the apartment it s remarkable and commendable in my view that this queer themed film was even made in romania and i find the complaint of the previous reviewer about the poor film quality quite uninformed and patronizing it s unlikely that the director and producer drummed up much government support and funding for their film and they did the best they could with their likely limited resources the actors were fairly good and believable the dialog was overall well done and i could identity with these women the film offers an added twist to that of forbidden love between two young women kiki an energetic fun loving free spirit with a dark troubling secret her admiration and love for an abusive incestuous brother sandu falls in love with alexandra a bright bookish idealistic young woman who moves to bucharest to begin her college studies opposites attract and their personalities seem to complement one another though there is some tension between the ambitious studious intellectual alexandra and kiki who seems to be attending college to please her parents keeping their love hidden from their parents seems manageable though we don t get any sense of the tension it requires nor do we ever see or meet any other students hard to believe and the tension keeping their love secret would have entailed the chief threat to their love is kiki s brother and her difficulty in trying to severe her relation to him but kiki s love for alexandra seems to give her the strength she needs to finally severe this bond or does it that s what the suspense of the film focuses on as the narrative develops and i won t say how it concludes ironically kiki s love sickness isn t love for another woman but her illicit incestuous love for her brother thus loving a woman offers the potential cure to the sickness of loving a sibling though this feel of this film is stifling and claustrophobic overly confined to interactions between kiki and alexandra it was still engaging and moving to watch so i ll give it a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20064": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i could barely keep myself from either nodding off or just turning off this turd but i decided to stick it out if only for the reasoning that maybe something would happen this is the work of a writer producer director special fx kenneth herts who wants to make a statement on ecological damage while making a monster movie that s what he wanted anyway what it turns out to be is a lot of acting either slightly hammy or just mundane and without much merit and scenes that seem to repeat themselves as the monster attacks in the river waters oh and what luck a woman just happens to be naked in it even though there have already been disappearances this is just nonsensical stuff but i suppose it s not too harmful it s not very obnoxious at the least and once or twice we get a semi interesting peek at brazilian culture which is the father walking through town with his flock or other pieces of a semblance of hey this is not america but whatever hope the director had in casting mitchum or carradine is squandered on at best pedestrian and at worst excruciatingly banal and dumb dialog it doesn t help that when we finally get something of a good look at the monster and the action happens it too is stupidly staged and with only sleazy appeal usually i would feel sorry for a filmmaker who had a lot of problems getting a particular picture finished in this case it took the better part of the mid s but with monstroid or monster or whatever it s called nah if you happen to get the elvira dvd double feature of this bad print with bad transfer quality with blue sunshine make sure to skip this one unless of course you re an elvira die hard and can t help yourself to hear her luscious commentary personally i d rather get joel or mike nelson with the robots from mystery science theater on this roast turkey"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20065": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "robert stack never really got over losing a best supporting actor oscar for his role as kyle in written on the wind to anthony quinn s minute performance in lust for life stack plays the deeply disturbed alcoholic son of an oil tycoon he has lived his life in the shadow of the friend with whom he was raised mitch played by rock hudson they both love the same woman lucy lauren bacall who becomes kyle s wife kyle s sister marylee dorothy malone is a drunken slut who s in love with mitch their story plays out in glorious color under the able direction of douglas sirk who really dominated the melodrama field with some incredible films including imitation of life all that heaven allows magnificent obsession and many others make no mistake this is a potboiler and stack and dorothy malone make the most of their roles malone winning a best supporting actress oscar there s one amazing scene mentioned in other comments where she wildly dances to loud music as her father collapses and dies on the staircase we re led to believe that marylee sleeps with everyone including the guy that pumps the gas because she s in love with mitch mitch wants nothing to do with her he s so in love with lucy that out of loyalty to kyle he wants to go to work in iran to avoid temptation i doubt he d be so anxious to get there today no matter how much in love he was hudson and bacall have the less exciting roles here hudson s mitch is the good guy who s been cleaning up kyle s messes for his entire life and bacall is mitch s wife who finds herself in a nightmare when her husband starts drinking again after a year of sobriety sirk focuses on the more volatile supporting players in sirk s hands written on the wind is an effective film and the big scene toward the end in the mansion is particularly exciting the director had a gift for this type of movie and though he had many imitators he never had an equal"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20066": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "tough guys sexy women lots of swearing and a most unconvincing monster that rises from the depths of a polluted lake you d think monster would be fun but it isn t really it does star tony eisley and john carradine however and in my book that makes it worth viewing at least once in an interview with fangoria in eisley recalled that herbert strock had directed the bulk of the film but somehow kenneth hartford who only directed the footage featuring his children andrea and glenn portraying characters named andrea and glenn in a particularly inventive turn received full credit considering how awful the end result was strock was probably glad that he hadn t been credited monster has the look and feel of a mid to late seventies tv movie which is why i like to leave it on in the background every so often as entertainment it falls flat on its face but as a reminder of another age and a vanished type of film making it s very effective the only thing that s missing is a car chase"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20067": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "at the academy awards ceremony on march dorothy malone won the best supporting actress oscar for her torrid over the top portrayal of a spoiled heiress of a texas oil tycoon in written on the wind the potboiler adapted from robert wilder s novel was a veritable three ring circus showcasing alcoholism greed impotence and nymphomania malone s performance as marylee hadley a lonely rich girl who picks up men to assuage the pain of rejection from a former childhood sweetheart was representative of the movie as a whole mesmerizing to watch even as it resorts to the lowest common denominator melodrama written on the wind is ultimately the work of one man the incredibly gifted director douglas sirk an migr from pre world war weimar germany who left his european theater heritage behind to pursue a career in hollywood an extremely erudite man sirk made a name for himself in the s as universal studios reliable director of lavish soap operas most notably with ross hunter s productions of magnificent obsession all that heaven allows and imitation of life independent producer albert zugsmith offered sirk the opportunity to work outside the limiting constraints of universal s demure entertainments and create a more adult sensational product hence the sultry wind and its follow up s tarnished angels both released under the universal international banner it s anyone s guess why sirk didn t pursue loftier themes but apparently directing these exaggerated dramas appealed more to his artistic sensibilities written on the wind could be considered sirk s epic soap opera indeed it is so rife with human vulnerability and neurosis as depicted among the very rich that it is as compelling to watch as any real life domestic squabble among the rich and famous perhaps more so robert stack not an actor typically known for over emoting nearly matches malone in intensity with his offering of the weak willed brother kyle hadley a mere shadow of his patriarchal father when he finds out that he is unable to impregnate his new bride a beautifully leonine lauren bacall hadley goes off the deep end escalating an already serious drinking problem with a secret gun fetish that threatens to make him a human time bomb both brother and sister as venal and unlikeable as they are are presented as victims of their past giving them a human quality that makes them seem less monstrous and far more interesting than the good side of the family mainly bacall and the impossibly handsome rock hudson young hadley s old boyhood friend and business associate a surrogate son to the old man and malone s unattainable object of desire despite all the domestic co dependency on display it s not so much the story that is memorable here as the way it is filmed with a real panache for pictorial composition and editing director sirk draws his audience into this picture with the most heightened technicolor cinematography imaginable every single shot in this film is an eye filling canvas of saturated colors from the sight of a tank like pink cadillac pulling up to an enormous mansion s front doors to the garish decor of a luxury miami hotel a spectrum of hues almost blinding in their diversity action and dramatic scenes feature sirk s adept use of tilted camera angles shadowy lighting and cross cut editing shown to greatest effect in the scene where a rebellious drunken malone dances uninhibitedly in her upstairs bedroom to the loud blaring of a record player while her stricken father precariously ascends the huge staircase the scene is so riveting that you swear you are experiencing a great oedipal drama unfold what you re really watching is trash of an enormously entertaining kind gussied up in lurid technicolor and polished to perfection by a visual genius"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20068": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "monster is a mind numbingly awful movie about an evil american concrete factory are there any else in hollywood polluting the waters of the small colombian town of chimayo somehow creating a catfish like beast with a predilection for lamb and loose women james mitchum is bill travis the man who is sent down to chimayo by his foul mouthed boss barnes who himself can t keep his hands off of his secretary s rear to get to the bottom pun intended of the story while in chimayo bill must contend with an annoying reporter who apparently broadcasts all of her stories in perfect english directly back to america i guess in the seventies there was a market for news from small south american towns there is also a radical named sanchez that wishes to sabotage the factory for polluting the water which by the way also supplies the town with jobs for the locals but why let cold hearted economics get in the way of touchy feely enviro marxism pete the factory boss is unwittingly aided by the monster when he has sex with his ex girlfriend on the beach tells her that he is seeing the mayor s daughter juanita and it s over between them then she is promptly eaten that night a little side action without the evidence my hat is off to you sir john carradine rounds out the cast as a priest that believes the monster is sent by god to punish sinners you can see the contempt he has for being in this movie in his face might as well filmed him running to the local currency exchange to see if his check didn t bounce supposedly based on a true story so much so they say it twice in the opening credits this film is awful on all fronts filming began in and was abandoned until eight years later when kenneth hartford put his foot on the throat of monster by adding his two annoying children as new characters even putting his daughter andrea in top billing with mitchum and carradine the sound quality is nonexistent and most of the scenes seem as if someone smeared tar over the camera before filming this is made even more tedious during the many scenes done at night the monster itself is laughable as it rears its ugly rubbery head for the anticlimactic ending james mitchum along with his brother chris are proof that nepotism in the acting industry needs to be curtailed utterly unwatchable dreck shame on you john carradine"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20069": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the photography was beautiful but i had difficulty understanding what was happening was there a lot of symbolism the goldfishes do they mean something in thai culture there s not much plot not much happens and it just meanders along no real start no real middle and no real end rather unsatisfying really it was difficult to get into the characters as you never felt you got to know them it was difficult to know which scenes were imaginary and which were real the move felt chaotic and disjointed i don t know what the pang brothers were hoping to achieve maybe if i were thai it would make more sense"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20070": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "hey hulu com is playing the elvira late night horror show on their site and this movie is their under the name monsteroid good fun to watch elvira comment on this crappy movie have fun with bad movies anyways this movie really has very little value other than to see how bad the s were for horror flicks bad effects bad dialog just bad movie making avoid this unless you want to laugh at it while you are at hulu check out the other movies that are their right now there is episodes and some are pretty decent movies with good plots and production and you can watch a lot of them in p as long as you have a decent speed connection"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20071": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a young girl surviving as a prostitute a cheap hustler who wants to get the big score they meet each other in thailand you may think by the opening titles it s going to be a violent movie but it is also a story of love with two persons in their own struggle to get the money for a better way of life this film feels like an essay sometimes because of its changes of images but still refreshing this story is also about eros and thanatos it s not an original joke but it is well told says a character and that also applies to this one we ve seen the story but this way we see it thailand appears in hot tones the photograph going from one colored to a multicolored place and it captures the city as the cage of this imperfect persons there is also a good use of the music to dot the actions"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20072": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a wonderfully goofy example of a self produced written and directed vanity project while i was working as a crew member john carradine commented to me before the burning at the stake sequence this is the worst piece of sh t i ve ever worked on and i ve worked on a lot of pieces of sh t also an interesting moment earlier when jim mitchum was having trouble with his lines and started cursing in the courtyard location of the santuario a religious shrine in chimay at which point one of the local vato loco low rider onlookers growled show some respect man which apparently caused jim to remember where he was as he then made a very profound and heartfelt apology for his inappropriate behavior in any case the crew did the job on deferment and were never fully paid but came away with plenty of particularly bizarre stories like the night we caught the producer director s year old son entertaining himself by constructing miniature burmese tiger traps for us to break our legs in like they say ya gotta love the biz"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20073": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it was fabulous the photography editing cinematography music combined to transport us to the dangerous side of a tourist destination it was the enjoyment of slumming without going through the danger we were there the dream sequences and flashback sequence ending were fresh it spoke to me keep up the good work another of that genre is city of god also don t laugh the comedy desperately seeking susan nice ensemble types with great performances by all sorry i think training day fits that genre as well with fantastic performances by an ensemble cast i had to switch the channel on some of the gritty sequences but all in all a great film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20074": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i didn t know this was a silent movie with narration i don t care for silent movies the corny humor flickering lighting and film etc i m sure that attributes to the low score i assigned it it was about chapter before i found any interest in this story and had i had popcorn i may have thrown it at the screen maybe this appeals to the sci fi crowd the only thing missing was a zombie scene and a brain transplant i went with two other people on a friday night and there were a total of people in the entire theater isabella rosselinni narrated this movie the one enjoyable aspect of the movie no one left commenting how much they enjoyed this nor appreciated the unusual approach to telling this story i cannot recommend this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20075": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ve just watch films of pang brothers the eye and one take only when i watched the eye i was kind of disappointed about this two guys who i had heard good words about them before that film the eye has a really bad script especially the ending childish cliche and too coincident in my opinion but its still good in photography and experimental images so i decided to see one take only and i didn t disappointed again still great photography stunning image mtv style editing cool music and this time the story has a lot of indie spirit logical and beautiful you ll see some tiny plot holes but it doesn t cause any trouble with the storyline the only problem about this film is i get a bad dvd"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20076": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i should have never watched this movie the style of filming may be considered artsy to some but it is considered migraine inducing to me i think it may have had an interesting plot but since i couldn t watch it for long stretches at a time i missed a lot the flickering pictures and stop motion filming branded my brain i stopped watching mid way through and won t be back for a second try i suppose if i were home alone in my own lighthouse some dark and stormy evening this might be just the ticket ps not sure if the lighthouse film style thing can be considered a spoiler but i don t want to be blacklisted on my first review"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20077": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie was directed by victor nunez who also wrote the screenplay ulee s gold nice and straightforward writing that was nominated for the independent spirit award looking at ruby s day to day life what we see is a slice in the life of the young woman ruby ashley judd sisters won the independent spirit award best female lead for this role ruby is starting to live on her own and establishing her own identity she explores jobs friendships boy friends sex a typical young adult search the movie won grand jury prize at the sundance film festival as an independent film enthusiast i picked the movie because of sundance i appreciate this type of movie because it does not carry the hollywood baggage although the stories are completely different this reminded me of nobody s fool staring paul newman the later movie is a slice of the daily life of a common man i like that the story is very nicely told and all we had to do was sit and enjoy the story the only thing i am not sure about is the title i am sure that there are not that many bugs and flies in paradise as there are in florida as i am allergic to mosquitos florida is no paradise to me i itch all over thinking about florida i turn into a complete red boil i recommend this movie favorite scenes ruby and her friend rochelle bridges played by allison dean walking at the beach of panama city florida indeed the sand is very white i have been there favorite quotes necessity has always been a good excuse all that fuss over finding a man is not at all different now who is going to be and when and why"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20078": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one of those films that s more interesting to watch from an academic perspective than from an entertainment perspective i do my ratings based on how much i enjoyed or was entertained by the movie so i m giving it a if i were to rate it as an academic film though it would get a it is shot in a very interesting manner like a pseudo silent film with elements of sound effect and reality it s meant to convey disjointed memory and fragmentation of the mind and it is interesting in these respects however the film has a lot of disgusting elements to it that i didn t find all that entertaining they re mainly just disturbing it has some very interesting imagery too and some interesting concepts but some of the character relationships especially between the mother and son are pretty disturbing in all this film will either appeal to you or it won t for me it was interesting from an academic perspective but it wasn t a good watch and i ll probably not go back to it a second time if you re looking for entertainment from an academic standpoint"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20079": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie captures the essence of growing up in smalltown america for a young girl on her own the realism and subtle nuances offered to ashley judd s character ruby by the storyline capture what can only be described as a true to life setting in the panhandle of florida from the slam of a screen door to the lack of work the echoes of what life is really like on the red neck riviera provide rough choices for the young girl paradise did not come easy but she slowly overcomes obstacles and deceit and learns to be her own woman with a strength that flows from within ashley judd s winning smile and infectious gait exude warmth and command respect and admiration the careful pace of the character development resembles that of ulee s gold in starring peter fonda and also directed by victor nunez"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20080": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve noticed how all the other reviews of this film mention how wholesome and entertaining it is these people need to get out of the house more often i don t know why they re shilling for this vapid insipid brainless piece of fluff pat boone has absolutely no acting talent whatsoever and his ineptness is exceeded only by that of his co star pamela austin a former model yet one more reason to outlaw the insidious practice of inflicting talentless models on an unsuspecting moveiegoing public a foul habit that unfortunately persists to this day a good supporting cast terry thomas edward everett hortyon among others tries hard to make some sense out of this but to no avail i noticed that two directors shared credit although credit isn t the word i would use neither is director as for wholesome entertainment there are plenty of those types of movies available without torturing your loved ones by forcing them to sit through this find one of those films and skip this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20081": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i love ashley judd and think all of her movies are great ruby in paradise is one of her best it is a very understated movie that you really have to watch close to appreciate it a story of a woman trying to make it on her own and refusing to give in to temptations that would make her life easy some of her movies such as kiss the girls and time to kill probably did better at the box office and video rentals they were very good movies also but take the time to really look at ruby and i think you will agree it is one of ashley s best"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1]}, "20082": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "while not exactly offensive the version of the perils of pauline is certainly moronic the title might lead you to expect a tribute to pearl white the original pauline in the silent episode serial but for that you would be better served by the version starring betty hutton this version is like a mix of casino royale and the weakest of the elvis movies worst of all it is not a blend of these but more like someone scotch taped together segments from each so that the thing skips back and forth between the two styles what unity there is in the production comes from the pairing of pamela austin pauline and pat boone george steadman a good match because both lack even the most basic of acting skills imagine mandy moore playing opposite dan quayle austin would later play opposite john aston in evil roy slade with the talent disparity between them actually painful to watch in the mid s she was the dodge rebellion girl as such she was featured in a similar series of perilous situations imagine sandra dee in a dark blue jumpsuit when the automaker s ad agency replaced her with the dodge fever girl someone got the bright idea to showcase her in a feature film what story there is here begins with pauline growing up in the baskerville foundling home run by the actress who played mrs chatsworth osborne sr on dobie gillis george falls in love with her pauline not mrs osborne and sabotages several opportunities she has to be adopted george leaves to seek his fortune and year old pauline gets a job tutoring a young oil rich middle eastern prince when he tries to add the attractive blonde to his harem she runs away and goes from peril to peril these include african pygmies a year old millionaire who wants to freeze her until his one year old grandson is old enough for marriage the movie industry and the russian space program all this is intended to be silly and charming but manages only the silly part there is some effort to incorporate a silent film look to the action sequences by simulating the under cranking of a camera which speeds up the action unfortunately everything else film stock production design editing is depressingly s nothing here even approaches the images of pearl white strapped to a log moving toward a buzz saw or tied to railway track waiting for the approaching train then again what do i know i m only a child"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20083": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "allison dean s performance is what stands out in my mind watching this film she balances out the melancholy tone of the film with an iridescent energy i would like to see more of her"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20084": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what has ireland ever done to film distributers that they seek to represent the country in such a pejorative way this movie begins like a primer for film students on irish cinematic cliches unctuous priests spitting before handshakes town square cattle marts cycling by country meadows to the backdrop of anodyne folk music quickly however it becomes apparent that the main theme of the film is the big daddy o of irish cliches religous strife it concerns a protestant woman who wants to decide where her catholic fathered child is educated which would seem like a reasonable enough wish though not to the s county wexford villagers she has to live with rather than send them to a catholic school she decides to up and leave for belfast then scotland where a few more cliches are reguritated while she s there her father who looks eerily like george lucas and family back home are subjected to a boycott which turns very nasty i m not going to give away the ending not because i think people should go see this movie but because it s not very interesting one of the problems with the film is the central character we re supposed to sympathise with her but end up instead urging her to get a life the villagers are presented as bigots whose prejudices should be stood up to but traumatising your kids seems an innappropriate way to go about it in addition it takes on burdens which it staggers igniminiously under when it tries to draw analogies with the current northern ireland peace process the woman is told by her lawyer that she must lay down preconditions for her return the film is allegedly based on a true story but it s themes have been dealt with much more imaginatively and with less recourse to hackneyed cliches in the past"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20085": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m not much of an expert on acting or other movie details but this movie just hit me deep i don t think i ll ever forget it one scene especially i think that anybody who has seen the film will know of which one i am speaking is imprinted on my brain i also watched the similar movie lilja ever as referred to by a previous commentator it was also very moving but not quite as straight to the point and brutal if you are sensitive at all either will bring tears to your eyes but anjos do sol angels of the sun may stay with you forever this is very depressing subject matter but i think no i hope that the film succeeds in bringing more attention to it more people need to see this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20086": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "like some of the other folks who have reviewed this film i was also waxing nostalgic about it before i had the misfortune to actually watch it again alas my childhood memories of this film were completely untrustworthy and the perils of pauline is now revealed to be an embarrassing exercise in banal racist and plain boring film making even the presence of old pros edward everett horton and terry thomas can t overcome a rancid screenplay a horrible theme song and some wretched special effects in addition the stereotypical depictions of african and arab characters make for painful viewing especially considering this was produced in the immediate wake of the civil rights movement michael weldon s original psychotronic encyclopedia reports that the perils of pauline was originally produced for television but inexplicably ended up getting a theatrical release judging from the results that is a completely believable and baffling scenario"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20087": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is an intimate movie of a sincere girl in the real world out of hollywood s cheap fantasy is a very good piece of its class and ashley judd fills the role impeccably it may appear slow for thrill seekers though cool movie for a calm night"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20088": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve seen the original non dubbed german version and i was surprised how bad this movie actually is thinking i had seen my share of bad movies like ghoulies rabid grannies zombie lake and such nothing could ve prepared me for this it really was a pain to sit through this flick as there s no plot no good acting and even the special effects aren t convincing especially the so called zombies wearing nothing more than white make up and their old clothes so their good set wouldn t be ruined by ketchup and marmalade stains if you really want to waste minutes of your life then watch it for all the others don t do it because you will regret it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20089": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "another one of those films you hear about from friends or read about on imdb not many false notes in this one i could see just about everything here actually happening to a young girl fleeing from a dead end home town in tennessee to florida with all her worldly possessions in an old beaten up car the heroine ruby makes some false starts but learns from them i found myself wondering why why didn t she lean a bit more on mike s shoulder but she has her reasons as it turns out just a fine film the only thing i don t much like about it i think is the title"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20090": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a movie best summed up by the scene where a victim simulates disembowelment by pulling some poor animal s intestines out from under her t shirt too terrible for words"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20091": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in the sea of crap that hollywood and others continue to put out this is one of those diamonds in the rough a small simple movie that is very entertaining and leaves you with the feeling that you didn t just waste an hour and a half of your life ashley judd is really quite amazing in this movie i had never really been a fan or had noticed her before but going back and seeing this early performance of hers convinced me she s extremely talented watching this film was an assignment in a college course for me so i was skeptical i would even care i thought oh boy some dumb chic flick or feminist male bashing indie crap i was pleasantly surprised without analyzing the many relevant themes i ll just say if you haven t seen it do yourself a favor and check it out sometimes the down to earth slice of life movies are the best and this is a great one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20092": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this really is one of the worst movies ever made i consider myself a huge zombie film fan and usually tolerate bad acting lame special effects a dumb story and whatever you may encounter in second rate movies as long as the film has a good atmosphere story suspension or whatever to offer this one has basically no positive aspect to it and is third or fourth rate maybe worse some friends of mine and myself made a small movie during a week s holiday and definitely did a better job no zombie film though this flick is not even funny not speaking of anything else really bad and redundant special effects zombies that look like normal people except for a white additional skin pulled over their faces way to much fake blood i like realism a lot the combination of realism and zombie films being debatable but the presented gore is just plain silly the camera stays quite long with feedings scenes it gets boring and you cannot help but wonder why the zombies use weapons to kill their prey i will not go into the details of the dubbing others have done so although i am from germany myself and am at least a bit curious about the original version i will not waste more of my time with this movie keep away from it as far as you can"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20093": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my brother brought this movie home from the rental store and i remember expecting it to be such a bore i think the title especially put me off i can t ever remember starting a movie with such low expectations and being so completely won over i watched the movie twice before i let my brother take it back to the store it is very infrequent that a movie speaks to me the way this one did i was completely caught up in ruby s situation as she tries to make her way through her life the bad thing about this movie is that it seems to end so quickly i could have kept watching for hours another downside is that i have been unsatisfied with everything ashley judd has done since she is so perfect in this movie this film is easily in my top ten favorites of all time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20094": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is god awful not one quality to this movie you would think that the gore would be good but it sucks bad the effects are worse and the acting if you can call it acting is the worst i ve ever seen this movie was obviously shot on a camcorder and runs on a budget around dollars probably if you want to watch a good zombie movie than watch dawn of the dead or day of the dead if you want to watch a good cheap shot on video zombie movie like this but way better than watch redneck zombies please avoid this movie at all costs it is unwatchable and pointless you ve been warned i ve got nothing else to say about this stupid movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20095": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "victor nunez imbues this unsentimental tale of a young woman s emotional journey with a sense of poetry seldom seen in cinema by poetry i mean the sense in which the literary and the cinematic come into play there is something very literary about the film almost as if a novel has been adapted page by page to screen in this sense the film achieves depths many cannot but it is also rather slow at other times undercutting the depths it once achieved in favor of ennui the film s star ashley judd has not yet made a better film than her debut here she fits the role of lead ruby like a glove almost as if she didn t have to act she has true movie star presence in the film and hasn t really managed to convey the same allure in her later films although she was impressive in normal life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20096": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first i am not really a fan of the whole things eating flesh in disgusting new ways genre of film but i am a bad movie afficionado so my next door neighbor said he had the worst movie ever this one so we start watching it first and foremost it is recorded on a camcorder sans tripod second the voice of the skinny white doctor is dubbed by a large black man third none of the dialogue makes any sense fourth the zombie scenes though unconvincing and chockful of poor makeup and tomato paste lead me to believe the director and my next door neighbor are in need of psychological help it s funny for about minutes but it gets old fast it s so amateurish it s like watching a poorly dubbed high school video yearbook with zombies a note to anyone involved with this movie i want the minutes of my life i spent watching this before i fell asleep back"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20097": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this will be a different kind of review i ve seen this movie twice on tv and would like to have a copy because it talks about panama city and the beach in the winter time which is my favorite time to be there it was the first movie i d seen by ashley judd and she was great and i ve enjoyed every other thing i ve seen her in sundance s reaction made an impression on me too as did the director victor nunez who has directed and written several movies about florida this movie speaks to me and i ve seen nothing with which to compare it the plot speaks less to me than the surroundings well i told you it would be a different kind of review"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20098": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "wow not only is this film a new lesson in real bad taste but also a lesson in real bad film making don t get me wrong i appreciated the concept of zombie extreme pestilence but at the same time one must realize when a movie is terrible in case you missed out on the storyline the plot of zombie is about a government plane carrying toxic chemicals that so happens to crash into the wilderness causing the chemicals to spill turning locals into hideous looking zombies the next thing you know zombies are all over the city eating people alive while a goofy looking doctor and a government agent are trying to figure out the disease that s making these people eat one another hence the name extreme pestilence from then on all we see is zombies having a field day on every local in sight nothing but extreme and sickening disembowelments and dismemberments accompanied by endless buckets of guts and gore since this is a german film the film had to be dubbed into english and when you re not laughing at the feeding frenzies of the zombies the voice overs are quite hilarious and entertaining as well as user unratedx mentioned spoiler spoiler spoiler there is a scene in the film that crosses the line between what s acceptable and not acceptable hence the scene in which a woman who is carrying her infant baby is being wheeled around in her wheelchair by some dude and a horde of zombies come out of nowhere and attack them one zombie grabs the baby and rips it into pieces eating its organs as you hear the baby crying wow that is a new lesson in reallllllllly bad taste atrocious i tell you atrocious"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20099": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was the first movie i ever saw ashley judd in and the first film of victor nunez that i ever say and boy am i glad i did its quiet tone its relaxed pace its realistic depiction of a young woman just starting out in life its fine depiction of the struggles she has to go through to make her mark in life the decisions she makes based on real things the people she meets there is nothing wrong with this movie it is as close to movie magic as i have ever seen outside of the star wars movies and given what those films are like that means this film deserves a high rating indeed ashley judds acting mr nunez writing and its great simple worthwhile story make this a fine coming of age story and a wonderful movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20100": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one of the worst movies i ve ever encountered but i want to say that some of the criticisms i had heard turned out to be unwarranted as far as pure film making technique goes this director is competent he s held back by the limited budget and the vhs camera but the actual editing camera angles camera movements and scene staging are pretty professional i ve seen many movies where the directing was much worse at least the scenes flow in a way that is not confusing and he has a few clever shots here and there also the forest scenes contained a decent atmosphere there is only so much you can do with a vhs camera and he does a nice job as far as the technicalities go as far as artistic merit there is none the scene where the camera pans down so that we can watch a guy urinate in the woods for seconds sort of epitomizes the artistic style of the whole film this is pure trash total garbage the gore is decent for a film in this budget range it s obviously fake but there s lot s of it and it s very outlandish i saw the american version with the intentionally campy dubbing this was a good idea and it s the only thing that allowed me to make it through the film unfortunately it s overdone especially towards the end it s really a terrible film but i have to recommend it for it s camp value it s really hard to find a movie that s worse than this and that sort of puts it in a unique category"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20101": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ruby in paradise is a beautiful coming of age story about a young woman ruby lee gissing escaping her stifling roots to become herself although the title character is played artfully by the gorgeous ashley judd in likely her first movie role albeit one to be quite proud of the emphasis is not upon becoming somebody a la the next madonna whether jesus mother or the lurid attention hungry singer it instead emphasizes following ones instincts and being somewhat introspective about them to grow into one s ideal adult self note this isn t an action movie it uses an occasional voice over narration by ms judd while writing in her journal and oh i see i ve just lost the male half of the readers out there but be patient with this beautiful movie where we learn that one s bliss can be discovered in oh i dunno carrying water and chopping wood actor director writer todd field who played nick nightingale in eyes wide shut co stars as ruby lee s noble love interest one who helps her heal her idea of relationships implanted from youth but not even his character is the answer for ruby lee there s no external hero imposed upon her the ultimate message is that we are responsible for ourselves writer director victor nunez who also wrote directed ulee s gold did an amazing job showing a young woman growing into herself confronting age old challenges of good v evil along the way the supporting cast is also stellar and the music used particularly the cuts by chanteuse sam phillips whom i hear is the wife of t bone burnett is right on most especially trying to hold on to the earth now when i hear the first few chords of that song tears spring to my eyes pavlovian and unbidden not sure if it s the music or the indelible connection to the movie s quiet charming message of empowerment this movie is highly recommended for any young person trying to find his her way for any woman of any age it is a must see the downside it is not on dvd except in spanish we learned however that it is legal to make one copy of a vhs version which can be readily found online my beloved husband found someone with a vhs copy and got a dvd copy made for me although this treasure of a movie occasionally pops up on air on an indie channel usually you can t count on that when you might need it most as a tonic to soothe the pressures of the world so buy a copy for yourself this movie should have a major re release and it would if i were queen of hollywood figgy jones"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20102": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this review is based on the dubbed shock o rama video released on an undeserving world in how bad is it it s awful which is what a represents on the imdb scale but it s much worse than that it s nice to imagine that an original german language print might improve matters the comedic english language dubbing isn t funny at all but truthfully this is one of the worst amateur films of any genre you re likely to see the zombies in the film are as slow and clumsy as ever and they don t seem to have the ability to speak or think about anything beyond their next meal however they re also intelligent enough to operate chainsaws and malicious enough to know that western taboos about genitalia will no doubt enliven their dinner table conversation george romero s land of the dead posited a zombie nation that retained a shred of social coherence here zombies are nothing more than an empty canvas for the perverse imaginings of director andreas schnaas utterly without redeeming social value and even worse entirely lacking as entertainment zombie is a bad joke on anyone who wastes money on it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20103": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i cannot begin to describe how amazing this movie is suffice it to say anytime i m depressed about how unfair or futile things seem this is the movie i go rent to put me in the right frame of mind the background music makes you realize the easiness of existence and how simplicity provides for the greatest happiness the indian girl that sings is but one example of a character in this film who does not try hard and is happy as a result persifina the laundry co worker of ruby s ashley judd is another her eyes and smile could make the hardest person s day i watch this movie and i dream of better days to come or of a good conversation with friends and i realize that being alone ruby is alone quite often isn t the same as being lonely recommended for anyone who enjoys a thoughtful lull of a movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20104": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what in god s name happened here how does one go about creating what is practically a cheap knockoff of redneck zombies was zombie ever supposed to entertain someone anyone or even make a dollars profit but mainly what happened here zombie extreme pestilence was directed by a lunatic by the name of andreas schnaas who specializes in earth shattering gore films such as goblet of gore and anthropophagus and some of which contain profanity in the titles in the gore department this one isn t much different than the rest although the level of ineptness well earth shattering zombie extreme pestilence is as bad as peter jackson s dead alive is gory think about it getting too specific with the story would be a waste of time an accident involving chemicals causes the dead to come back and eat the living never has the concept been treated in such a manner the gore effects are a whole new low just a z grade nightmare i can t tell whether or not this was originally meant to be funny somehow i doubt the english dubbing was being very true to the original script but stranger things have happened the whole thing just reminds me of a shot on video introduction to a troma movie except it lasts a hell of a lot longer i ve seen only one film that was worse than this the chooper for proof that andreas schnaas is an actual director i would highly recommend nikos the impaler if you think you have no standards in what you look for in a bad movie give extreme pestilence a try but you ve been warned it takes nerves of steel to make it all the way through but if gore is all you re here for then you might be able to stomach this one other than that no atmosphere no and i mean no budget no entertainment value but mostly no pride show some pride schnaas updated after a few more viewings of zombie i ve had a change of heart or i guess i just get it now zombie is hilarious so nevermind the harsh words although extreme pestilence still only deserves one star"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20105": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "very slow paced but intricately structured and ultimately very touching a nice very true to life look at a small florida beach town in the dead of winter i ve been there and this is absolutely accurate it s also the debut feature of actress ashley judd and she makes a big impression here it s hard to believe this film is years old i remember seeing it in theaters and i recently rented ruby again except for the s looking clothes it has held up very nicely ashely is so radiant and touching here that it s hard to think of her subsequent career without wincing boy talk about failing to fulfill your early promise anyone seeing ashley here in ruby in paradise would assume this elegant natural beauty went on to all kinds of interesting art films and serious acting instead she has become the go to girl for dumb action films and slasher movies very disappointing but at least we have this lovely performance preserved to showcase her early promise as some other commenter s say this is not for everyone as it s very slow paced this is not an action film nor is it really a romance the director victor nunez ulees gold another excellent character study treats this ordinary young woman s life with deep respect allowing her story to build slowly and with a lot of detail in that way i think this is one of the most moving and respectful coming of age stories about young women that i can recall it s not about ruby s sexual awakening or how she lost her virginity but about her life choices and her growing maturity a lovely film if you take the time to watch it i think it would be a really excellent film to show teens and young girls or boys for that matter and give them a chance to think about and discuss it particular kudos to director nunez who also wrote the script which is so realistic and nicely detailed that i assumed all through the movie that it was based on a female written novel or memoir but in fact it s mr nunez s original work rated out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20106": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "seriously i mean very seriously when i first started watching the show i thought it was good but the plots just got worse the storyline were either too boring or predictable george isn t always funny he sometimes acts stupid his jokes are overdone his mom is the silliest character of the show how can a mother treat her own son that way okay if it was the daughter in law but this was her own son i give this show a just because the first few shows were a little funny the actors constance marie and masiela lusha do a great job don t know how these shows get to play for so long if you re really bored like i was and have nothing else to watch i d suggest you watch this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20107": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in northeastern of brazil the father of the twelve years old illiterate maria fernanda carvalho sells his daughter to the middle man of a prostitution organization tadeu chico dias to be employed as a housemaid and have a better life however the girl is resold to the farmer louren o ot vio augusto that deflowers her and he gives the abused girl to his teenager son to have his first sexual experience then she is sent to a brothel in a gold field in amazonas and explored his owner the despicable saraiva antonio calloni when maria escapes to rio de janeiro expecting a better life she is explored by the c ften vera darlene gl ria anjos do sol exposes the sad and shameful reality of child prostitution in brazil through the fate of the girl maria last year i saw lilja ever that tells an identical story in the former soviet union therefore this problem does exist in third world countries director and writer rudi lagemann presents a great movie exposing the reality but never showing nudity or explicit sexual scenes it is the debut of the promising fernanda carvalho who has an excellent performance in the role of a scared child fighting for survival most of the prostitutes are amateurs and it is impossible to recognize the famous darlene gl ria so different she is after many plastic surgeries the bitter and hopeless end of the story is also very realistic my vote is ten title brazil anjos do sol angels of the sun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20108": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this film opening weekend in australia anticipating with an excellent cast of ledger edgerton bloom watts and rush that the definitive story of ned kelly would unfold before me unfortunately despite an outstanding performance by heath ledger in the lead role the plot was paper thin which doesn t inspire me to read our sunshine there were some other plus points the support acting from edgerton in particular assured direction from jordan confirming his talent on show in buffalo soldiers as well and production design that gave a real feel of harshness to the australian bush much as the irish immigrants of the early th century must have seen it but i can t help feeling that another opportunity has been missed to tell the real story of an australian folk hero or was he in what i suspect is a concession to hollywood and selling the picture in the us oh well at least jordan and the producers didn t agree to lose the beards just to please universal guess i will just have to content myself with peter carey s excellent secret history of the kelly gang"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20109": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the film begins with vincent price about to begin his performance as a magician however mid way through the very successful show the police come and shut him down it seems that his old boss had cheated him out of the tricks price had created even those he made on his own time at home as a result price justifiably kills the evil man the problem is that while the viewer understood why price killed and most probably thought this was a good thing because price was a bit mad he just couldn t stop at one sort of like eating lay s potato chips the film was full of very creative and spectacular magic tricks including a huge circular saw and a crematorium for the shows great plot twists as well as exciting action one thing you can t say about this film is that it is dull while it s also far from subtle it is fun throughout though and well worth a look had i never seen vincent price s version of house of wax i probably would have liked the mad magician a lot more and scored it an or that s because while the mad magician is a wonderful film it s highly reminiscent of the film that preceded it house of wax the bottom line is that since house of wax was so successful the formula was re hashed in the follow up film both were made in d both have a plot where price has every justification to kill but he can t stop once he s committed the first and both are great fun to watch the biggest differences and there are few are that house of wax was in color and was more of a horror film and the mad magician was definitely more of a mystery my advice is to see this film and house of wax the price version only they are both terrific s horror films"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20110": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "beyond dirt cheap this shot on video exercise in ineptitude was difficult to get through it s got the typical gore that you d expect in a zombie movie but none of the required atmosphere to make it worth while what s strange is that this is an amateur german video and the version i saw is english dubbed the dubbers seem to be american fans penpals of the germans who can t decide whether they want to play it straight or turn it into a comedy one character a white german of course is dubbed by a black guy apparently who speaks with thick ebonics kno wahm sayin comrad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20111": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this film when i was about it blew me away then and in many respects it still does now but i am less inclined to see it as an accurate historical piece now there is precious little effort made to examine and interact with the racism and thus fails to recognise that the most potent anti racism weapon is to understand it at its very core in those who commit it what we get instead is a dichotomy on the one side beko and woods in d panoramic rainbow vision on the other two dimensional characters are portrayed as unapologetic unthinking evil this all makes for a great film story but it worries me that people see the portrayal as accurate"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20112": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i will keep this as short as possible as this piece of crap barely warrants a mention zombie is one of the worst films ever made right up there with schnaas other horrible zombie entry zombie doom aka violent sh t these films suck so bad that everyone involved in their creation should be shot i somehow managed barely to sit through zombie doom but zombie is so horribly inept even when compared to schnaas other horrible film that i had to fast forward through everything after the first minutes zero acting skills inept gore horrible camcorder style camera work ridiculous dubbing it just goes on and on i really can t find a single thing redeeming about this garbage and i can usually find something redeeming in just about any film this truly is one of the worst films ever made you ve been warned"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20113": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is using cinematography fantastically the depth of the camera catches each character denzel washington and kevin kline put on awesome performances though washingtons accent does die in certain scenes how is this movie laying forgotten unable to rent nor hire in recent times it threatens to be lost forever a worrying idea attenborough at his best since ghandi this master piece stands for what it should in movies such as these no worrying about gaining audiences rather a cry for freedom in the south african apartheid though critised for the biased nature the movie is faithful to the book by donald woods and faithful to the message intended to express to the world ta and peace"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20114": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a chemical spill is turning people into zombies it s up to two doctor s to survive the epidemic it s an andreas schnaas film so you know what the par for the course will be bad acting horribly awful special effects and no budget to speak of the dubbing is ridiculous with a capital r and the saddest thing is that i feel compelled to write one word about this piece of excrement much less the ten lines mandatory because of the guidelines placed on me by imdb my original review of merely one word crap wouldn t fly so i have to revise it and go more in to how bad it is but i don t know if i can so wait i think i may have enough words or lines rather to make this review pass which is cool i guess so in summation this movie sucks balls don t watch it my grade f"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20115": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was electrified when i first saw this in or steven biko is gone half way through the film but the resonance of his courage and wisdom is not forgotten i didn t when finally in south africa in it is also largely a story about friendship and loyalty when i was in south africa and heard the audience at a dance recital in natal sing nkosi sikelel iafrika my hair stood on its ends there is a lot to learn from this story for all peoples"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20116": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the secretary is one of those cheesy cliched thrillers that one is subjected to watching on a sunday afternoon when there is virtually nothing else on while the plot a demented woman becomes jealous of all who succeed over her in the office and decides to do whatever she can to stop them may be one of a kind i recognized countless plot twists probably taken from other tv movies that i had been subjected to for the very same reason to make matters worse i was not wild about the cast mel harris is one of those actresses who appears in so many tv movies as either a mom or some sort of victim of foul play or abuse that one must wonder the kind of life she leads in this one she gets the joy of playing a mom and a victim of psycho secretary sheila kelly who was not a very good choice as the villain while sheila kelly has made some good career moves singles breaking in and i guess law and order she is also beset by a string of pitiful tv movie roles and this one just adds to it as for the others i don t have any clear memories of them so that must say something this one will play on the lifetime network i think that s where i saw it but don t bother watching it unless you are too bored for words not that it will make you any more excitied"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20117": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have just finished watching this film in my gcse history class it was thrilling and was a brilliant insight to what actually happened to steve biko during the time of the apartheid law how anybody can say that this film was the most boring or dull and a half hours of their lives i don t know because it had me hooked from start to finish it was great how denzel washington portrayed him and showed how he was fighting against the apartheid law and to get equal rights for black people in one part steve biko says to a policeman we are just as weak and human as you are this is to show them that he and all of the other black people in south africa were no different to the whites donald woods inspired me because he fort for what he believed in and did not believe totally in apartheid he and steve biko formed a very strong friendship that shook south africa and went on to awaken the world i very much enjoyed this film and strongly recommend this to people it helped me see that racism is not right and that everybody is equal their fate should not be determined by the colour of somebody s skin n"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20118": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the temp didn t do much theatrical business but here s the direct to video rip off you didn t want anyway ellen bradford mel harris is the new woman at millennium investments a high scale brokerage firm who starts getting helpful hints from wide eyed secretary deidre sheila kelley deidre turns out to be an ambitious daddy s girl who will stop at nothing to move up the corporate ladder including screwing a top broker she can t stand and murdering anyone who gets on her bad side she digs up skeletons in ellen s closet tries to cause problems with her husband barry bostwick kills while making it look like she is responsible kidnaps her daughter and tries to get her to embezzle money from the company harris and kelley deliver competent performances the supporting cast is alright and it s reasonably well put together but that doesn t fully compensate for a script that travels down a well worn path and offers few surprises"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20119": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i keep watching this movie over and over and over i have to watch it at least once a week i am from africa and looking at that movie taught me some things that i didn t even know about africa denzel s movies are all full of lessons for people of walks of life i wish he was my own brother i have also seen and love your masala mississipi what a thrilling situation when denzel was trying to hook his brother up on the job reminds me of my teen ages when my brother was always mad with me about getting myself busy all the time my brother was always caring for my old father and he wants to see me the same way too by the way where did denzel get that african accent from in the cry freedom movie i have first seen that movie in africa and i didn t know then that denzel was american till i moved down here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20120": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "an actor s first film is usually something one can afford to miss it s often that first job where the lack of film experience by everyone involved is truly on display and this film is no exception but worse than that even by standards this is so bad it s hysterically funny filmed entirely in the chicago area on an obviously small budget most of the acting by the entire cast is stiff wooden and cartoonish a cross between a high school play and bad community theater noise from nearby traffic often drowns out the dialog and the dialog is truly bad very declarative in a way that comes off as forced and expedient rather than natural and organic scenes are contrived and choppy and even though the characters go through a span of years neither the children nor the adults age at all i do believe it s possible to make a christian film that s palatable to a large secular audience but too often the creators of such films are so focused on the message or in this case their own autobiographical ties to the project that good film production values are tossed aside i m sure it s no coincidence that the main character has the same name as the producer director editor and cast member luckily michael madsen was much more interesting and believable to watch in his subsequent films careers like his are certainly not built on films like this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20121": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first watched this movie on its release in and was greatly affected emotionally through a combination of guilt at what my fellow white human beings could do to innocent people and the reluctance of the outside world to really investigate these atrocities against man particularly moving was the funeral of steve biko made even more vivid and hard hitting by the south african anthem played at the time i have long believed that this movie achieved what nobody else had managed to open the eyes of the world to what was really happening in south africa i consider myself to be a normal right thinking person and i can attest to how this film changed my whole way of thinking about not just south africa but how we as white people perceive black people i have never seen any difference between people of any colour or creed but after viewing this film i physically changed my life and have spent the last years living in a predominantly black country and helping many people rise above their present standard of living and achieve that which they would not have thought possible the greatest reward i can honestly say i have received to be able to say that in my own small way i have contributed and redressed the balance a little but if more people thought like me and actually did something to help black people without seeking reward then the entire black population of this planet would be a little better off i challenge any right thinking person to watch cry freedom from beginning to end and not feel that emotion tugging at your heartstrings as you witness the schoolchildren brutally shot dead in sharpville for refusing to learn afrikaans the senseless murder of steve biko such a champion for his own people s rights and then ultimately to understand that all this is not merely a film albeit a magnificent one but that it all actually happened and less than years ago yes my friends watch this movie and then see if you can go out afterwards and party hard i couldn t i was too upset at knowing the truth that is the hallmark of a great film it was obviously the intention of sir richard attenborough to get this message over about south africa of course he has achieved it unless you happen to support apartheid god help you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20122": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "poor michael madsen he must be kicking himself to know folks have found out about this horrible flick i really can t think of anything worse i have ever seen except amateur porn it s that bad and all here wooden acting bad script crappy moral ending you hate it and it is in this movie my question is who the hell put into this piece of doggy doo at least we could have seen michael s sister virginia nude in a scene but i don t think even that would save this stinker for a cool guy that has made some exception movies i want to know what wacky church sponsored this piece of crapola"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20123": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "cry freedom is not just a movie it is a historical account heroic story and insight into the cultural background of a major event in history not only does denzel washington do a terrific job of impersonating a motivating determined hero steve biko but he delivers a message to the public about the horrors of south arfrican apartheid the story of biko an influential leader and his main influencee donald woods is a heartbreaking one but the ultimate success of his life can go beyond the atrocities committed in south africa cry freedom manages to communicate to its audience the optimistic aspect of the seemingly disturbing plot it is because of great films like this one that the public can become educated on terrible events in history great leaders who sought to end them and how we can never allow them to happen in the future because of this importance cry freedom is an amazing film that should be seen by all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20124": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i picked this dvd up at the dollar store the dvd was on the for rack but since it had michael madsen in it i thought that since i had never seen the movie i bought it anyway i must say that i didn t like the movie the movie played more like a documentary or an advertisement for religion than anything else i found that the director s use of flashbacks did not add to the story line for me i would have preferred to view the story line in chronological order i won t throw it away like one of the other commentators but it may be quite awhile before i would consider watching this movie again who knows since it was michael madsen s film debut maybe it might have some archival value at some future date"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20125": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the performance of every actor and actress in the film are excellently natural which is what movie acting should be and the directing skill is so brilliantly handled on every details that i am never tired of seeing it over and over again however i am rather surprised to see that this film is not included in some of the actors and director attenborough s credits that puzzles me aren t they proud of making a claim that they have made such excellent long lasting film for the audience i am hoping i would get some answers to my puzzles from some one possibly one of the knowledgeable personnel insider of the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20126": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am a huge michael madsen fan so needless to say i bought this movie without even renting it or anything this movie was so horrible i didn t even take it back to the store i wouldn t want anyone else to be subjected to this human poison i just threw it in the trash never mind the money it was worth the price to be able to throw it away the acting wasn t that bad it wasn t good or anything the story was horrible and the ending was something i despise he was a broken man alcoholic his life was a bunch of junk i thought his horse peanuts was an awful device to show his childhood innocence a dog would have been much much better i also hate religion so this ending without a doubt angered me jesus heals all i hate that i know people just like this that are huge christians and catholics and time will show that god doesn t heal all or anything it was a horrible movie if u have the option to see it pass or better yet buy it or rent it and throw it in the garbage and leave the coffee grounds on it in the morning"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20127": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a film that everyone should watch quite apart from raising hugely important points while south africa is on the road to recovery there are still many countries in similar situations now it is superbly directed while denzel washington gives in my opinion the best performance in his career so far kline also gives a good performance although perhaps not as stunning as washington s john thaw also puts in a good turn as the chief of police there are so many possible areas where a film on apartheid could fall down but all of these have been avoided it would be easy to simply portray white people as the bad guys and black people as the good guys but attenborough has not done this sure there were some white characters who seemed inherently evil such as the captain at the soweto uprising but to add extra dimensions to all the characters would make the film unbearably long some people complain about the length of the film as it is but i think it needs the whole two and a half hours to tell the whole story for it really is an incredible one the best scene in the film is that of steve biko s funeral when the whole crowd begins to sing the south african national anthem it is probably one of if not the most moving scenes i have seen if you haven t seen this film already watch it it may not be comfortable viewing but it s certainly worth it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20128": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "definitely an odd debut for michael madsen madsen plays cecil moe an alcoholic family man whose life is crumbling all around him cecil grabs a phone book looks up the name of a preacher and calls him in the middle of the night he goes to the preacher s home and discusses his problems the preacher teaches cecil to respect the word of god and have jesus in his heart that makes everything all better ahh if only everything in life were that easy the fact that this film looks as if it was made with about certainly doesn t help"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20129": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film moved me beyond comprehension it is and will remain my favourite film of all time mainly because it has almost every emotion all rolled into its minutes what is the hardest part for me to take is that whenever i want to hear the amazing music and songs from the film i have to put it into my dvd player so i was wondering if anyone anywhere knows who sings the songs in the film and where they can be found as i have looked everywhere i can think sporadically over the past years my favourite quote from the film is when in court the advocate says but your own words ask for direct confrontation isn t that a direct call for violence biko replies well you and i are in confrontation now but i see no violence craig robertson fife scotland"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20130": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this show is awful how is george wanting the death of his mother funny this show is terrible the parents are obviously horrible and the children should be taken to child services the daughter is a witch with a b and the son is just a complete brat george isn t funny especially when he speaks his loud and obnoxious brand of spanglish ernie is a loser but at least i ve chuckled at him a few times but mainly at how pathetic he is george s mother benny in an awful despicable character sure her husband left her but how anyone can laugh at the way she treated george as a baby is beyond me can someone explain to me how george s head being big is funny it s not even that big i ve moved on from characters because they re too awful and it would take hours for me to write and i frankly don t care enough i do care enough to tell anyone looking at this and wondering whether or not they want to watch this show that this show is an abysmal excuse for a sitcom and is not worth your time i give it starts because the wife is extremely attractive"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20131": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i think the weighted average for this film is too low i give it a very entertaining although over the top in a few places my wife says it passes the danielle steele test superb performances throughout particularly by andie macdowell"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20132": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "against all hope is a very poorly made sometimes painfully so movie this is michael madsen s first movie and it shows he isn t that good in it some people might find the story laughable an alcoholic realizes his life and family are falling apart so he calls a preacher as a last resort for help after telling the preacher his story he accepts jesus christ into his heart i actually found many of the religious scenes as when cecil moe madsen goes to a church but walks away from it pretty realistic i also liked how cecil knows his life is breaking apart and tries to get help but realizes only god can help him at the end he realizes with the help of god he can go through life without drinking again this movie is not well made at all the acting is bad the script could use some work and looks worse than my home videos but it has a good message now just because you become a christian doesn t mean you will automatically be able to stop an addiction or heal your broken family and cecil realizes this and works hard to stay on track overall if your a christian you will appreciate how this movie portrays christianity and if you aren t you may find yourself being called to find out more about the faith"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20133": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what is cry freedom like it is simply great and unique experience about making of south africa and how black people in that country were repressed by white people main character of the story is donald woods kevin kline chief editor of the newspaper daily dispatch in south africa woods writes several articles where he speaks critically about views of steve biko denzel washington soon woods meets biko and he changes his views about him and he also begins to understand what authorities are doing to black people in south africa right from the top even from the chief of police when biko dies in police custody woods decides that he have to write book about him and that no matter what he has to publish it but woods must escape from his country to get that book published and he must also put his family on second place so world can find out the truth attenborough managed to make a good movie about people with main message that black and white are the same cause we are all people story leads us to south africa and this movie is great way for the whole world to learn what happened in that land and i m disappointed that only people rated this movie this is movie from which we all can learn something although it is a bit long this story couldn t be presented in any shorter way because director wanted to show us how hard was for woods to get that book published after death of biko also relationship between woods and biko was shown great just like families of those two people and all the problems they are going through but sometimes sacrifices must be made biko s death so the truth could be reveled woods book"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20134": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "here s how you do it believe in god and repent for your sins then things should turn around within the next day or so until the last fifteen minutes this movie just plays as a bad recap of a drunk s crappy life his mom dies his stepmom s a b_tch his dad dies he drinks he gets married he has kids he drinks some more his wife gets mad he disappoints his kids the wife threatens to leave he calls up a reverend late night b c he wants to kill himself then after the recap happens that s when we get the left behind like subtle message he needed a paycheck this is the phrase i had to repeat over and over once credits started to roll so i wouldn t lose my respect for madsen madsen drops to his knees and begs christ s forgiveness once he does he walks outside and actually says that he sees the world in a different way he tells his wife that he s found god and that s good enough for her flip scene four months and the wife is tired of going to church end the movie as madsen walks by the bar and gives a soliloquy about how happy he is with christ and without alcohol final moment he gives a little dismissive wave to the bar i e sin house and give a gay miami vice after school special congratulatory jump in the air as the camera freeze frames see why i had to repeat the phrase he needed a paycheck man this movie is bad the b grade s production values don t help much the script could have easily been a touched by an angel episode it could have been knocked out in minutes plus commercials the acting is wooden and never believable even madsen of whom i m a big fan and is the sole reason i sat through this makes it clear that this is his first acting job and he doesn t know his a from his elbow yet on camera minutes into it i started to get discouraged this thing was like homework i just wanted to put it away and say that alright i saw half of it that s good enough but no if i sat through cheerleader ninjas i could sit throughout this the only reason i m not giving this thing a is for two points i love madsen i know it s not fair but it s great seeing the opening title introducing michael madsen sue me some of the dialogue is so bad that it s classic i ll stick some quotes at the end of this so you can enjoy them too that s about it to wrap it up this thing is a piece of crap that should stay flushed with the rest of the turds but hey look michael madsen see also tilt executive target my boss s daughter etc now i ve gotta rewatch reservoir dogs and watch madsen torture a cop to get my respect back for him see ya kids this stuff s gonna make me go blind but i m gonna drink it anyway madsen s first taste of cheap alcohol i don t understand everything seems so beautiful madsen walking outside after confessing to god i m going downtown later and pick up a bible and i m gonna get a haircut too madsen after converting at the dinner table because satan lives in your hair"}, "weak_labels": [1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20135": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "steve biko was a black activist who tried to resist the white minority governed south africa in much the same way as gandhi tried to resist the british empire s colonialism in india richard attenborough s film cry freedom is not about biko or apartheid as much as it is about donald woods the white liberal newspaper editor who risked his life trying to tell biko s story the film has a jarring point of view switch after biko dies in prison from tortuous behavior at the hands of south african police woods played by kevin kline must choose whether to do the right thing and flee the country to publish books about biko or allow his wife played by penelope wilton to pressure him into forgetting about the books in that case biko dies in vain what begins as a life changing friendship between biko and woods degenerates into a standard by the numbers escape over the border yarn after biko s death oscar nominated denzel washington is good in only his fourth film as biko but something is wrong in a film that tries to depict the struggles of apartheid by focusing more on the trials of a white family for more than half the film attenborough would have served his topic better by focusing on biko s rise to prominence instead of beginning where biko befriended woods perhaps a black actor in a leading role in a hour film wasn t exactly conducive to big box office but the film was a tremendous box office flop anyway film politics aside the film still entertains and sends a message or two albeit in pg sanitized fashion of stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20136": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in a summer that also boasted such repugnant stinkers as snakes on a plane and the da vinci code that s a pretty bold statement but i stand by it nonetheless superman returns like king kong months before it is overlong hyper indulgent and with cgi up to the eyeballs my god this stuff is doing my head in richard donner had the idea of keep it real for his outings and i do find his approach to the special and optical effects to be the most appropriate brian singer bombards us with so much cgi that it really takes you out of the story and constantly reminds you that you are watching a wannabe blockbuster that thinks that the only way to impress an audience is to spend million a totally irresponsible amount of money on obnoxious visual effects that don t live up to the hype we ve seen everything and been everywhere that cgi can take us there s no real atmosphere or involvement in this and for a film that is made up of this crap well you figure it out i ve read so many reviews from fanboy critics about how the movie has soul or a human heart or tender character moments puh lease we ve already had brooding superheros silently screaming you d love me if you knew who i am dozens of times already in recent years and sr offers absolutely nothing new in this regard even the plot is recycled garbage lex luthor a seriously mis cast and hammy kevin spacey plotting to destroy the landmass of america was done in the first film already and well that s your lot it s amazing that they managed to draw out this junk to painful hours even if the cast were likable it would make it less unbearable but brandon routh has the on screen personality of a mahogany hat stand kate bosworth is completely unconvincing as a pulitzer prize winning journalist james marsden is wooden as usual and kevin spacey really needs to either fire his agent or acquire some better judgement the only cast member i liked was the lovely parker posey but i m into weird looking girls every year films like this get bigger and more bombastic pretty soon we ll have million films studios need to realise that maybe they should start looking down instead of looking up for all the money that warner spent on this pile of crap for all the resources that this movie cost to make was it worth it in my opinion certainly not this garbage has put me of superman for life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20137": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a long film about a very important character from south africa stephen biko he is one of these blacks who did not survive apartheid who actually died a long time before their normal time the already old film though does not show how important biko was what he really represented his life and his teaching is reduced to little at best a few witty remarks the film being from the objective was to push south africa over the brink that would lead her to liberation so the film aims at showing how irrational the south african supporters of apartheid are in to show this the film has to look beyond biko s death hence to center its discourse not on biko but on a white liberal journalist and his escaping the absurd system in which he is living his escape is made necessary because of the victimization he is the victim of along with his family and because he wants to publish the first book on biko after his death and that can only happen in england the film shows a way to escape south africa while apartheid is still standing and killing so do not expect this way to be realistic and true it could not be but the film has tremendously aged because it does not show south africa with any historical distantiation the very distantiation that has taken place under nelson mandela s presidency and that is called forgiveness provided those who want to be forgiven speak up and out the film is strong and emotional but that very historical limit makes it rather weak today especially since the film does not mention the third racial community the indians panegyric books or films all have that defect they are looking at the person they are supposed to portrait from only one point of view that explains why the film has aged so much seems to be coming from so long ago as if nothing had changed at all a remake is necessary dr jacques coulardeau university paris pantheon sorbonne university versailles saint quentin en yvelines cegid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20138": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in my eyes this is almost the perfect example of hollywood ego only beaten by the new king kong movie superman is the original super hero and deserves to be treated with respect even though he wears tights brandon routh was the worst superman i ve ever seen from the start of the movie u just wanna shove a chunk of kryptonite down his throat he looks just silly wearing the costume but enough about him kate bosworth was a bad choise for lois lane she is supposed to be a hard ass reporter but in this movie she looks more like a schoolgirl the plot was weak and predictable wow he is actually supermans son who would have ever thought and the acting was horrible this movie has one good thing going for it and it s name is kevin spacey his portrayal of lex luthor was brilliant but even he could not save this movie what this movie needed was the cast of lois and clark except kevin spacey of course and a different story i watched this movie after watching the hills have eyes and i was chocked to learn that there existed worse movies then that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20139": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s a shame that this piece of work wasn t acknowledged as a piece of work it has everything a historical film must have a serious historical research outstanding performances of every actor involved and a discrete but great direction when i saw the movie i knew it should be a prototype for every biographical movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20140": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after a long period in the space looking for the remains of planet krypton superman brandon routh returns to earth he misses lois lane kate bosworth who got married and has a son with richard white james marsden meanwhile lex luthor kevin spacey plots an evil plan using crystals he stole from the fortress of solitude to create a new land and submerge the usa after so many delightful movies of superman with the unforgettable christopher reeve or tv shows like lois and clark and teri hatcher or smallville a great expectation was created for the return of superman in this bryan singer s version unfortunately the awful story is too long and boring with many unnecessary parts lack of emotion and overrated in imdb in addition the romance between lois lane and superman is something shamefully ridiculous the twenty two years old actress kate bosworth is wrongly miscast playing the role of a mature reporter and experienced mother of a five years old boy brandon routh is two years younger than tom welling who plays a teenager clark kent in smallville the character of parker posey kitty kowalski is actually a silly caricature last but not the least and in spite of being a terrific lex luthor kevin spacey is forty five years old therefore older and older than the rest of the lead cast the corny conclusion looks like a soap opera and is terrible my vote is four title brazil superman returns"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20141": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is an absolutely incredible film it shows south african racism from the perspective of the victims and provokes a feeling of anti racism in everyone who sees it it is the best historic film i have ever seen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20142": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as a long time fan of superman from the comics through the s series the first two of the chris reeves films and lois clark and finally smallville i was really hoping for something clever with superman returns instead we got lex luthor making another attempt at real estate conversion another superman beaten up while wearing kryptonite sequence and internal inconsistencies he couldn t stop himself falling into the ocean when stuck with of kryptonite but when lois breaks off of it leaving the rest embedded in him he can lift a continent into space really the only hero in the story was lois partner i can t remember his name off hand he did all kinds of life saving heroic things with nothing but guts and skill no superpowers no invulnerability just a normal human they keep making superman so small why can t we have superman battling brainiac or fighting to save the universe from general zod instead of lex s petty schemes oh i forgot they re doing that in smallville yeah i think i ll stick to smallville you probably should too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20143": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "cry freedom is a movie about how far people will go to find the truth the first half is an interesting portrayal of an unlikely friendship between activist steve biko and editor don woods played fanatically by dezel washington and kevin klein while the second half deals with woods looking for answers on biko s death although most people favor the first half of the movie which focuses on the unlikely friendship between biko and woods i found the second half about don woods struggle to have biko s story be heard around the world much more interesting"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20144": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it really doesn t matter that superman comic books are unbelievably naive and their target is ten year old what matters is that superman returns is bad movie in the beginning a question for you dear readers how many of you actually believe that superman will be defeated by bald kevin spacey anyone just as i thought no spoilers here so let s get to some major issues right now firstly this movie looks like commercial scene in the bar with superman clark kent drinking budweiser is only scene which looks as it supposed to imagine commercial of superman two and half hour long let s be serious this isn t amadeus or the departed you actually feel that this movie is way too long and special effects are not so special by the way secondly scenario is silly sometimes even if something is acceptable in comic in cinema it looks just stupid and it s like that in this case of course dialogs are disgrace i can t believe somebody took money to write them how many times we will be fed with villain making speeches how many times laws of physics will be raped jesus it s not only the matter of superman s strength but also a resistance of materials his dealing with how many times lois lane will be fooled by kent how many times hollywood producers will seek for a story in a trashy comic books since there s hard to make a good story why having a weak story for a starter it just doesn t work guys get a grip try harder please or just stay on this strike forever who cares i got the feeling that wga is permanently on strike no offense i m not questioning the lame money those people are paid but the quality of the product they deliver in this case there is no quality at all at this point you may ask yourself is it that bad yes it is thirdly acting is weak which is quite a surprise since bryan singer usual suspects is directing kevin spacey is having fun but he s the only one audience is rather not in the mood for jokes thing is that comic book hero can be developed into real personality with clear motivations but also with doubts fears some depth in this case nobody did that job and characters aren t really interesting finally whole effort of creators turns this movie into parody second unit is so bad that attracts attention since there s nothing interesting going on on screen anyway the harder they try if they try the funnier it gets but it isn t laugh you could expect final conclusion one word shame this particular movie ladies and gents is camp don t waste your time and don t waste your money too stay home read a book"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20145": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "richard attenborough is a director whose name is synonymous with the academy award winning gandhi back in i didn t know of any other work of his till i recently came across cry freedom released back in while it may not have been as popular as his gandhi it is every bit as gripping if not more and was released when south africa still had not got rid of the shackles of apartheid while most movies on social issues come out after the event had happened i guess this one released during the time the story is based on real life characters and events the book on which the movie was based was written by donald woods kevin kline a journalist who used to work in south africa until the end of the seventies it traces the origins of woods friendship with the charismatic black leader steve biko who is wonderfully portrayed by denzel washington i cannot imagine a better choice for the role washington exudes a natural charm and screen presence which biko s character required while initially woods was against what he felt was black racism being spread by biko after meeting the man he could not help being drawn into his struggles and ideas the bond between them grows stronger and woods and his family realise and become more sensitive to the plight of the people biko represents however finally tragedy strikes and woods must now concentrate on escaping from south africa with his book so that he can get it published and let the outside world know what is going on the second half of the movie is a gripping tale of his escape from south africa along with his family and will keep you on tenterhooks there are some deliciously humorous dialogues too the scene between biko and the lawyer in the courtroom is an example lawyer do you advocate violence biko i advocate a confrontation lawyer well isn t that violence mr biko biko not necessarily you and i are having a confrontation now but i don t see any violence however there are moments that bring you back to the horrors that pervaded the country before better sense prevailed the scene where the army opens fire on a protest by school children is gut wrenching and heartbreaking this is definitely a must watch i would suggest those not familiar with attenborough s work do take time out for this there are movies which make a lot of money and there are movies which make lives i would any day prefer the latter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20146": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "at the beginning i was happy to know about a new superman movie i though that will be great but it wasn t is a bad copy of the richard donner work lex is again a villain that makes no more else even played by kevin spice the evil plan is the same of the first movie of donner just a lot forced the script is predictable and simple all stuff luthor finds in a museum or an old lady the story is the wrong thing it must be the kevin smith script and may be it could be better i just hope a sequel without brian singer and with a new talent director to do something new and not a copy all read you later"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20147": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what a brilliant film i will admit it is very ambitious with the subject matter at a little over two and a half hours it is a very long film too but neither of these pointers are flaws in any way cry freedom despite the minor flaws it may have is a powerful moving and compelling film about the story of the black activist steve biko in his struggles to awaken south africa to the horrors of the apartheid it is true that the first half is stronger than the second in terms of emotional impact people have also complained that the film suffers from too much woods not enough biko i may be wrong but although it is biko s story it is told in the perspective of woods so woods is an important character in conveying biko s story to the world cry freedom visually looks amazing with the show stopping cinematography and the stunning south african scenery it was a visual feast the opening scenes especially were brilliantly shot george fenton s music brought real dramatic weight to most scenes it was subtle in scenes in the second half but stirring and dramatic in the crowd scenes the script was of exceptional quality the courtroom scenes with biko were enough to really make you think wow this is real quality stuff the first half with biko as the main focus constantly had something to feel emotional about whether it was the police s attack of the south african citizens or biko s death the second half entirely about donald woods carries less of an emotional punch but is compensated by how it is shot performed and written and there are parts that are genuinely suspenseful as well the performances were exceptional from the entire cast from the most minor character to the two leads there wasn t a single bad performance regardless of the accents that is but it is forgiven so easily by how much the performances draw you in denzel washington in one of his more understated performances gives a truly compelling performance as biko and kevin kline shows that he can be as good at drama as he is at comedy for he gave a suitably subtle performance to match that of washington s and the two men s chemistry is believable and never strikes a false note penelope wilton is lovely as donald s wife wendy and she is a great actress anyway out the supporting performances and there may be some bias two stood out for me one was timothy west who relishes his role as captain dewet the other was the ever exceptional john thaw in a brilliantly chilling cameo role as kruger lord richard attenborough s direction is focused and constantly sensitive as usual overall a truly wonderful film ambitious and long it is but never ceases to be compelling powerful and achingly moving a definite winner from lord richard attenborough and worthy of a lot more praise bethany cox"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20148": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i usually don t walk out of a movie but halfway thru i did this movie promised something different but i kept thinking haven t i seen that before spoiler alert back in the spaceship crashes and lands on earth well all these years later with a super adult on board no less this thing still manages to burn up and crash what this advanced civilization can t seem to develop landing gear for an industry that s so liberal we get to see another woody allen movie no blacks please superman runs around saving people making sure he sticks to europe and the us don t go into darkie areas please maybe i could stomach this about years ago but now now"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20149": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i think the context of the story has been covered by other posters so i would just like to write about the impact this film had on me i first saw this film the year of it s release around my school organised a trip to the cinema to see it for an re project i think we all went along of course excited because we were on a school trip to the cinema little did we know what we were about to experience to this day i still remember the feelings it invoked in me and i remembered crying a lot as were most of my friends i think at the age we were we found it shocking and quiet rightly outraged in our own youthful way it had such an impact on me that i joined the anti apartheid movement the same year i think it served it s purpose in my case"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20150": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this would be the worst film i d ever seen hmmm ok maybe tied with boogeyman then awful truly awful i had low expectations and it failed to meet them i honestly cant think of one good thing so here are the worst points the acting the plot the cgi xbox has better graphics seriously the plot the dialogue and finally the plot there are so many unanswered questions did they make a hour long movie then realize they hadn t put lex luthor and superman in a scene together and were forced to settle for the minute bit or did they actually think no one would notice that the main hero and villain have less screen time together than superman s son and the henchman he kills was half the budget spent on persuading kevin spacey to do it when superman goes to hospital why don t the doctors ask what the f do you want us to do he s a f ing alien we don t know jack about his anatomy what happened in the years superman was away to cause technology to advance years where the people who wrote good reviews watching the same movie and finally why just why btw for those of you wondering how come superman could lift an entire continent of krypyonite i think i ve figured it out since superman is unaffected by the kryptonite till he sees something green in the rocks it is clearly all in his head therefore the continent thing is just him suppressing his fear of shiny green rock either that or the writers are slack jawed half wits who didn t think that was a fairly obvious mistake"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20151": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what a movie i never imagined richard attenborough could have such a movie in him gandhi has always left me indifferent apart from ben kingsley s performance and i never considered attenborough a particularly good filmmaker but cry freedom held my interest like few movies have in recent times it s an exciting mesmerizing political movie with great performances by kevin kline and a young denzel washington kline plays donald woods a south africa newspaper editor who befriends the civil rights activist steve biko it starts as a difficult friendship for woods sees biko as a black supremacist preaching hatred against whites but biko with his kind words upbeat attitude and complete transparency wins over woods and introduces him to a reality about apartheid that woods knew nothing about biko is a decent law abiding citizen who altruistically stands up against all prejudice and the system that keeps down his people one night coming from an illegal meeting he s arrested and beaten to death the authorities try to hush up the matter because biko has become a huge personality in south africa but through the efforts of woods the truth comes out but what should be a triumph only becomes a nightmare as woods and his family become targets for the secret police this movie has an interesting structure it has in fact two narratives first it narrates the life and death of biko it s an amazing first half completely dominated by the charisma of washington in what may be his greatest performance yet the second half no less interesting narrates woods attempt to escape from south africa to publish a book about biko woods has become an enemy of state a banned person which means he can t meet people or leave his country plus he s constantly spied by the police kevin kline gives a great performance in this second half too although the first half is quite straightforward the second does interesting things with editing by giving flashbacks of biko and of events that show the repression against the black south africans some may argue this is to make it more interesting but for me the second half just as captivating as woods and his family devise a bold plan to escape south africa the last minutes were so heartbreaking i was in tears george fenton and jonas gwangwa s score certainly had something to do with it although i ve never been much of a fan of fenton cannot stand his gandhi score i do think the score for cry freedom is one of the most beautiful ever composed for cinema the movie thanks to the music married to the powerful images at times reached incredible peaks of emotion cry freedom is definitely not a movie just to watch because of denzel washington this is a movie to be cherished in its entirety acting writing music editing cinematography come together in a perfect synthesis to create an ode to the power of the human spirit this movie deserve a place alongside movies like the pianist life is beautiful and the shawshank redemption"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20152": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this show was absolutely terrible for one george isn t funny and his kids are snobby little brats he also treats his mother with no respect as a hispanic i am highly offended by this show and the way the characters are portrayed plus the dysfunctional family thing s been done to death for once i want to see something original what makes this show funny when other shows have done it millions of times i thought abc would come to its senses and pull this piece of garbage off the air but sadly we re going to have to stomach this until they jump the shark in my opinion they already did"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20153": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "crush examines female friendship for the most part avoiding the saccharine quality which spoils so many films with the same theme e g steel magnolias at the same time it reveals the power of a sudden passion to overwhelm and surprise the events depicted were highly improbable but the underlying emotional truth seemed very genuine to me not a film for the speeding vehicle and explosion crowd but grown up women are certain to respond with both laughter and tears"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20154": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "or it s a bird it s a plane no look it s a disaster or no need to look up in the sky or ok that s enough if singer tried to make a romantic titanic like movie to crash the box office record he failed the sr structure can t do this the dark and restricted color scheme i would call it wishi washi the boring usual dialogs the clown with advanced alien technology the missing fun and magic etc makes the movie completely disappointing it simply doesn t work the main thing at a character like superman is that he is a superhero that s the core the most important thing love trouble and a sadly lost depressive supersoftie can maximal only be a facet in a long superman movie not the whole time because then it is not a superman or superhero movie anymore it s like a and in this case a very bad and boring social study where every minutes a person flies around that s a big difference this movie is a joke holy skywalker this is superman so give us supervillains superaction and the most important thing superfun we want entertainment singer if you want to make a long soul love trouble drama about lost and sadly people then take normal human characters and make a yentl remake they say superman returns and then supersadlysoftie stands in the door maybe singer has tried to kill the legend without kryptonite but one bad movie can t do this don t give up they plan a sequel next time singer and warner brothers make a superhero movie not a depressive superlame soap or let it be a superhero movie means a colorful fantasy with a lot of fun and magic this movie is like a very cheap chocolate box with a super cover yes technically there are all sorts in yes there is a lot of small talks there are a few jokes a view action scenes etc but the only one what all these worse pieces have in common is their poor quality it s not more than a super boring patchwork and one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my live the ridiculous cast strategy cast them young as possible so we can make sequels in the next years gives the rest kate bosworth plays a year old star reporter she s looking like superman was full five years away so he slept with her years ago so she was looking like and a daily planet reporter wroting i spend a night with superman warner brothers that s too much routh is not so bad he is playing a little bit wooden but the whole movie is wooden so temporary good were marsden and sometimes posey the rest forget it even spacey this is not his terrain reeve hackman kidder were acting so easy with fun what a difference the jesus poses at the end are ridiculous too what the hell should that be the problem here is they mean this serious not as a joke next time spiderman or batman or ironman falls and rises like jesus or angels or they speak with god directly why not they are superheroes saving human lives every day so at least one talk with god every week should be possible oh my god maybe this was not the real announced movie instead it is from a bizarre dull parallel universe for the warner brothers this superlame depressive flick will be possibly the greatest disaster in history not only because of the money i understand how difficult it maybe was to create and transport some messages or feelings but showing lone lost and sadly people isn t new and thousands of movies or tv shows did it better in very old or new ones like magnolia and the flying frogs there were more impressive than this flying superwoman sorry superman of course singer and wb that s simply nothing in fact it s even more than nothing it s like a black hole that destroys the passion for comic superhero movies and steals us three hours of our life mrs smilla s little brother very angry and green like the hulk"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20155": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the true story of the friendship that shook south africa and awakened the world richard attenborough who directed a bridge too far and gandhi wanted to bring the story of steve biko to life and the journey and trouble that journalist donald woods went through in order to get his story told the films uses wood s two books for it s information and basis biko and asking for trouble the film takes place in the late s in south africa south africa is in the grip of the terrible apartheid which keeps the blacks separated from the whites and classifies the whites as the superior race the blacks are forced to live in shantytowns on the outskirts of the cities and towns and they come under frequent harassment by the police and the army we are shown a dawn raid on a shantytown as bulldozers and armed police force their way through the camp beating and even killing the inhabitants then we are introduced to donald woods kevin kline who is the editor of a popular newspaper after publishing a negative story about black activist steve biko denzel washington woods goes to meet with him the two are wary of each other at first but they soon become good friends and biko shows the horrors of the apartheid system from a black persons point of view to woods this encourages woods to speak out against what s happening around him and makes him desperate to bring steve biko s story out of the clutches of the white man s south africa and to the world soon steve biko is arrested and is killed in prison now woods and his family are daring to escape from south africa to england where woods can publish his book about steve biko and the apartheid when i first heard of cry freedom i was under the impression that it was a movie completely dedicated to the life of steve biko i had never actually heard of steve biko before i seen this film as the events in this film were really before my time but it s more about the story of donald woods and his journey across the border into lesotho as he tried to elude the south african officials woods was put on a five year type house arrest after steve biko was killed so in order to publish his manuscript on steve biko he had to escape because the manuscript would be considered treason in south africa and that could have resulted in woods meeting a fate similar to that of biko s the real donald woods and his wife acted as consultants to this film denzel washington is only in the film for the first hour and i was disappointed with that as i was expecting to see him for the entire movie but he was amazing as steve biko and captured his personality from what i ve read really well and his accent sounded perfect his performance earned him an oscar nomination for best supporting actor kevin kline delivers a excellent and thought evoking performance as donald woods and penelope wilton is excellent as his wife wendy filming took place in zimbabwe as needless to say problems arose when they tried to film it in south africa while in south africa the south african gestapo followed the film crew everywhere so they got the bad vibes and they pulled out and went to neighbouring zimbabwe instead despite everything and the fact that the apartheid didn t end til seven years later cry freedom wasn t banned in south africa but cinemas showing the movie received bomb threats richard attenborough brings the horrors of the apartheid to the screen with extreme force and determination he doesn t hold back at the end of the movie when showing what was supposed to be a peaceful protest by students in a shantytown turns into a massacre when police open fire on them the film ends with the names of all the anti apartheid movers who died in prison and the explanations for their deaths many had no explanation quite a few were epilepsy which is hard to believe and many more either fell from the top of the stairs or were suicide from hanging no one will ever know what really happened to them but i think it s fair to say that none of these men died at their own hands but at the hands of others or to be more precise at the hands of the police cry freedom is a must see movie for it s portrayal and story of steve biko it s also a searing and devastating portrayal of a beautiful land divided and in the hellish grips of racial segregation and violence"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20156": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "did the movie makers even preview this before they released it the script jumps from place to place without giving much explanation the beginning doesn t clarify if its a prequel or not it starts with superman s beginnings on earth and then jumps to a point after the last movie but doesn t really alert the viewer of this very confusing superman himself is weak and in need of prozac he is portrayed as a potential home wrecker a stalker and someone who is clearly depressed and confused this type of character rarely makes for an interesting hero the ending is absolutely ridiculous superman ending up in a hospital just made me want to kill him off myself i m seriously waiting for a snl skit where superman appears on maury povich and maury says the results are in in the case of the child superman you are the father to sum up ok acting by this superman and kevin spacey but horrible script the movie is basically unwatchable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20157": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "very rarely does denzil washington make a bad movie and come to think of it that goes for kevin kline and in this case this must count as one of their best films it is more about of film about how strong friendship can more than the story of steve biko although we do get an insight into what the man was like and how far the reporter and friend donald woods went to preserve the mans name and let the world know what a corrupt putrid society south africa was the direction is outstanding from david attenborough as it was for gandhi although if there is any critisism to be aimed it could be at the length of the film two and a half hours is a long time to sit through a historic movie what is amazing is how he manages to control all the extras thousands of people in both films this film really does open your eyes to what happened before the break up of aparthiet and you cannot fail to moved by it out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20158": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is a very poor attempt to make money using a classical theme i used to love superman movies but this one made me want to shoot myself very poor acting outrageous special effects and a plot equal to zero to summarize superman leaves earth because scientists discovered pieces of his home planet some were in space duh doesn t tell his girlfriend anything before leaving duh again takes off in a spaceship comes back i think years later and look forward to hooking up with his girlfriend again who is now razing his son which son in my humble opinion is at least years old and what about that lex luthor trying to grow a new continent in order to sell land please i vote out of for this movie only because i am not allowed to vote if you have anything else to do with your time don t go to see this movie and even if you don t have anything else to do stay home and watch tv"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20159": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s sad to view this film now that we know how the anc got shafted by international capitalism biko died for nothing much woods achieved little yes outright apartheid was abolished but all the apparatus of power was reserved by the minority whites leaving the anc government more or less impotent as naomi klein writes in the shock doctrine in the talks between the black and white leaderships the deklerk government had a twofold strategy first drawing on the ascendant washington consensus that there was no only one way to run an economy it portrayed key sectors of economic decision making such as trade policy and the central bank as technical or adminsitrative then it used a wide range of new policy tools international trade agreements innovations in constitutional law and structural adjustment programs to hand control of those power centres to supposedly impartial experts economists and officials from the imf the world bank the gatt and the national party anyone except the liberation fighters from the anc the statistical results are horrifying with not much change accomplished and aids flourishing viewing cry freedom in this light is deeply ironic actually tragic the anc has transformed itself from being the solution to being the primary problem"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20160": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was extremely poorly conceived from every angle except technological i stood and watched everyone waddle out of the theater their faces drained like their lives flashed before their eyes eyes wandering at their neighbor wondering if it was just them i mean how could the movie really be bad nobody ll admit it it s a classic case of the emperor wears no clothes who am i to question a movie containing a guy who stops a jet liner but the fact remains every member of the audience is thinking what i m writing right now i actually plagiarized their faces obviously lois is only aroused by power she won t even have a cup of coffee with the superman with glasses who doesn t stop jet liners it can t be the look in his eyes to the depths of his soul or anything like that in the old supermans she had some level of connection with him he wasn t priority number obviously but it strengthened her character that she was torn i bet henry kissinger would have even won this lois over before clark kent and now it s official kryptonite does to superman what eating at mcdonalds does to the avg person superman one he loses his earth dad then finds his real super dad the story is captivating every step of the way he s human he relates to people and he feels love for people he relates to highschool students he relates to people who feel different he relates the superman returns superman seems to relate only to superpeople and it seems he s just doing a job when he s saving people there s something about clark that lois likes she s really internally in love with him but can t admit it and when he comes into the picture as superman it throws a kink in the on the rocks love without superman she would ve fallen in love with clark at least that s what the movie points to whether it was the intention or not superman returns is a love story between a woman and superman clark is like a pile of horse maneur to lois literally superman two i just watched it again as a kid i thought i enjoyed the action but now i know it was the story that held me then too watching it over and over again if i saw superman returns as a child i would ve hated it then too i think there is so much heart and soul and superpower going around in this movie it s sick superman gives up his powers for love as a world plot is going on and meanwhile meanwhile lex luther s got something fantastic up his sleeve superman three now there s a three way love story between superman and lana and clark only humanity wins and clark s inner nature beats superman s power because when his supermoral nature is gone and he s superhuman who does human things with his superpowers she sees it s not the power of superman that she s in love with it s not superpowerman but supermortalman that she loves and who s really super and when she tells clark she prefers him to superman he is elated he has made a human connection again he wants to be accepted for who he is not just for his ability to bend steel this is the kind of stuff that s missing from superman returns clark super sneezes to help the kid get a strike humanity again plus it s an ineresting use of superpowers he s not just using straight brute strength he crushes the coal into a diamond for his woman because she had to sell hers love is the only thing that drives him to use his powers other than for saving it seems there s nothing at stake in superman returns even in superman three we see the damages caused by the nemesis world domination plot we see suffering we see how it effects pryor and others and people in the middle of it there s no damage esp emotional from lex s plot to sink the us we see a glob of crystal thrown into space superman had to get very creative in the first three supermans in order to stop the plot against him he couldn t just access his superpowers in the first one he had to stop two missiles going in different directions and then break his universal mandate and erase history to save lois life this was thirty years ago in the second one he had to outsmart three guys that he was already more powerful than but combined with lex s genius and the villains immoral tactics superman s overpowering wasn t enough he had to work one against the other and outsmart them in superman iii again his superpowers weren t enough to win he had to outsmart a computer that calculated everything it saw he couldn t use straight aggression on the computer because it calculated it in advance so he had to use a benign acid that would only become deadly to the computer after the computer responded to the aggression and he found that acid earlier when he couldn t simply use his superpowers to blow out a fire because it was a chemical fire so he had to use his superbrains he couldn t carry water so he froze a lake and dropped it on the fire now in superman returns he simply lunges the island into outerspace like a night temp for ups he doesn t need to figure anything out he just uses his super strength and lex luther s brilliance was shown at the premeditation level of a junkie who just ran out of junk to say nothing of the fact that he threw that island into outerspace after getting stabbed with a knife of kyrptonite right in the bloodstream and the island itself was dripping kryptonite spores in his face but he just averted his eyes and nose like it wasn t grey poupon he was looking at"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20161": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "an overlong but compelling retelling of the friendship between civil rights leader steve biko and donald woods the first half of the film is the strongest where we see the bond formed between the two men and how they help each other out but the second half isn t as strong due to the elimination of the biko character still its a compelling film with great performances by kline and washington in the film that put the latter on the map washington was also was nominated for best supporting actor for the first time overall a well made film that could have been trimmed down a bit ____________________________________"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20162": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw the movie last night and i really wanted to like it my expectations for the movie had been going up and down ever since i heard it was being made some days i d see something spectacular and some days i d be disappointed yet being the kind of fan i am i had high hopes for this movie but in the end i was sorely disappointed while i love the richard donner movies i didn t like their sometimes campy nature or the changes they made to superman s character and his powers singer however chose to take the worst elements of the donner movies and put them in his version while his lex luthor is slightly darker he s still nothing more than a shyster a conman and a common criminal he s no more intelligent than when gene hackman played him kevin spacey does his best to play luthor well but ultimately he falls victim to shoddy writing and unremarkable dialog his henchmen are more two dimensional than even comic book henchmen most of them literally have no dialog in the movie spoilers ahead kitty kowalski is almost exactly the same character as ms tesmacher she seems to be as evil and cold as lex luthor but she proves to be just an underling who melts after seeing superman in trouble and quite predictably betrays luthor the biggest disappointment in the movie was frank langella as perry white i wasn t a huge fan of the over the top perry white in the donner movies but at least he had a soul he was after all said and done a veteran reporter who cared about the truth and a good story langella s perry white is nothing but a corporate stooge he wants everyone to concentrate on the superman related stories because they sell papers even though every other paper is doing the same thing he doesn t care about the real stories the real mysteries like the black out and what lex luthor is up to now that he s out of prison the worst thing about langella is that he s dull some actors can be quiet and sober and yet have an undercurrent that lets you know that still waters run deep frank langella is puddle brandon routh is not a bad actor he s ok but again there is not a single memorable line in the whole movie not the actor s fault his movements are clearly meant to look graceful like even the slightest movement of his fingers effects the way he flies but it still looks choreographed and artificial lois lane while badly written was surprisingly well acted by kate bosworth unfortunately again for a pulitzer prize winning journalist and writer she is about as eloquent as any teenage on dawson s creek james marsden was my favorite actor in the whole movie mostly because he looks more like superman than even routh without any superpowers he manages to figure out lois lane s message flies a plane to the location gets on board luthor s yacht and rescues lois and her son the only moving moment in the movie is when they are all trapped pantry as it is flooding with water and the ship is sinking you see them slowly going being immersed in the water you know superman s going to come by at the last moment to rescue them but still you can t help but feel sorry for them as i said before the plot is very haphazard unlike singer has said this is not a movie about a superhero returning and trying to find his place in the world as soon as he returns the world welcomes him back with open arms lois is the only one who s not happy to see him back even luthor is happy to have superman back because it gives him a chance to settle the score with the man of steel superman is shown to be probably one of the dumbest heroes in the universe a big green piece of meteorite is stolen from a museum lex luthor is out of prison he now has knowledge about superman s powers and weaknesses and yet he s still not able to connect the dots enough to know luthor would be using kryptonite against him according to the movie the only thing superman is good for is lifting really really heavy things the action sequences are all incredibly predictable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20163": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as anyone old enough knows south africa long suffered under the vile racist oppression of apartheid which completely subjugated the black population one of the most famous anti apartheid activists was steve biko who was murdered in jail following the murder reporter donald woods sought to get biko s message out to the world in cry freedom woods kevin kline befriends biko denzel washington before the latter is arrested on trumped up charges when woods attempts to spread biko s word he and his family begin living under threat of attack and they are finally forced to flee the country the last scene gut wrenchingly shows police firing on protesters as one of two movies along with a world apart that helped galvanize the anti apartheid movement cry freedom stands out as possibly the best ever work for all involved"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20164": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i guess this movie is a fitting tribute to the first superman film as it is just as crummy and painfully long as the original after an opening scene consisting solely of murky intergalactic visuals the credits pay homage to the even crummy looking for their time futuristic sweeping credits of the original superman film then there is some more murky stuff ma kent sees some kind of murky ruckus on the farm and spends a good portion of my life slowly walking up to some debris in the cornfield then superman sneaks up on her and faints next we catch up with lex luthor in a scene about many murky close ups of an old lady as she dies we don t see luthor s face until the end of the scene an early instance of the film s drive to leave no hackneyed stone unturned lex luthor is a guy who doesn t like superman because he is not human also he probably doesn t like humans either as the movie occasionally features some kind of plot about lex luthor planning to kill most of earth s population after a while clark kent shows up back at his old job i forgot to mention he had been away on a five year trip where nothing happened then he finds out lois lane has an illegitimate kid and is dating cyclops it upsets him so much that he loses control of his super strength to such an extent that he accidentally breaks a picture frame at this point we see that miss lane is on some kind of jet attached to some kind of space shuttle it is some kind of important event on account of it is on television then we learn that there are people in a control room monitoring this event there are also people watching it on television and there are pilots in the cockpit the film then reminds us that these people are involved by cutting between them for most of the summer as the events leading up to the inevitable disaster started to build i excused myself to get a soda i accidentally walked back into the wrong theater and watched that movie about al gore showing slides in its entirety i tried to find my way back to superman returns but i somehow wandered into prairie home companion which i watched twice in a row then it was time to stop messing around i walked back into the first theater found my seat and looked up to see that the impending lois lane space shuttle disaster was almost upon us still it seemed to be taking forever so i wandered around the theater met a girl got married raised a son and sent him off to college while attending my son s medical school graduation i remembered that i should probably check in on superman returns so i excused myself and raced back to the theater only to learn there was no need to hurry it still took about another half hour before things went wrong for space shuttle lane when they did superman saved everybody which was pretty cool and then there is a a subplot where superman turns really creepy and starts stalking lois lane and her family with his x ray vision and super hearing then he tries to get her to cheat on cyclops who seems like a good guy meanwhile lex luthor is involved in some kind of contest to display every possible generic villain behavior before the end of the movie i forgot to bring my scorecard home with me they give you one at the door but i think he scored damn close to one hundred percent i hope he wins the million dollars at this point things start to gear up for the big murky finale i think maybe the projector was broken on account of the movie seemed to be in some kind of loop for a while here i remember seeing murky things growing out of the water superman getting sick superman getting better back to the murky things he s sick again no wait he s okay again then lex luthor unleashed his final bad guy move yelling at his girlfriend a little bit then superman died and came back to life i thought the movie was over so i left ninety years later the nursing home where i lived felt a little chilly i realized i left my sweatshirt back in the theater and i went to retrieve it when i did i was slightly surprised to find that superman returns wasn t over yet i tried to ask some of the viewers what i missed but most of them were only skeletons with long gray beards by now i sat back in my old seat and watched as lois lane puttered around her house for a while then superman showed up and started quoting the beginning of the movie and since i already saw that part i thought it was okay to leave so that is my review of superman returns oh also if you like jokes about people eating dogs or jokes about one dog eating another dog you will love this movie on account of there are two jokes like that in it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20165": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "cry freedom is an excellent primer for those wanting an overview of apartheid s cruelty in just a couple of hours famed director richard attenborough gandhi is certainly no stranger to the genre and the collaboration of the real life mr and mrs woods the main white characters in their book and in this film lends further authenticity to cry freedom the video now in release actually runs a little over and a half hours since minutes of extra footage was inserted to make it a two part tv miniseries after the film s initial theatrical release while the added length serves to heighten the film s forgivable flaws uneven character development and blanket stereotyping in particular another possible flaw the insistence on the white characters fate over that of the african ones may work out as a strength viewing crying freedom as a politically and historically educational film as i think it should over its artistic merits the story is one which black africans know only too well though the younger generation may now need to see it on film for full impact it is the whites who have always been the film s and the book s target audience hopefully driving them to change now twelve years after the movie s production cry freedom is in many ways a more interesting film to watch almost ten years after black majority rule has been at least theorically in place s cry freedom s ideals remain by and large unrealized it therefore remains as imperative as ever for white south africans particularly the younger ones who have only heard of these actions to see it and absorb the film s messages in total contrast to american slavery and the jewish holocaust s exposure south africans struggles have been told by a mere two or three stories cry freedom cry the beloved country ok count it twice if you include the remake and sarafina did i miss one all three dramas also clumsily feature american and british actors in both the white and black roles not one south african actor has played a major role white coloured indian or black and yes i did miss another international south african drama mandela and deklerk though this also highly recommended biopic was released after black majority rule was instituted mandela was played by a black american sidney poitier who also starred in the original s a themed cry the beloved country while the afrikaner deklerk was played by a bald very british michael caine a good performance if you can dismiss that the very essence of afrikanerdom is vehement anti british feelings until local sabc tv and african films start dealing with their own legacy cry freedom is about as authentic as you ll get as villified as the whites particularly the afrikaners are portrayed in the film any observant non casual visitor to south africa even now in not to mention when cry freedom takes place will generally find white s attitudes towards blacks restrained even understated looking at cry freedom in hindsight it is amazing that reconciliation can take place at all and it is but cry freedom at time shows not much has really changed in many people s minds yet and that the black africans goal to freedom and reconciliation is still ongoing this is why if you re a novice to the situation cry freedom is your best introduction"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20166": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "special effects good script terrible no plot no depth no meaning this film rendered superman as a meaningless hero a hero with no archetype in the original film he represented america in the cold war here he represented nothing but a hulk sure the actors were fine kevin spacey was a fine choice among others this still does not resolve the problem that this film had no depth whatsoever i cannot see how anyone can come away with anything meaningful from this film when superman was and is daily created to be a meaningful hero in not only comics but also in people s minds this was a real waste of money considering how many directions this film could have taken just a few instances lex luthor could have been a villain of global corporatism political domination totalitarianism and on and on and on he was just another goofball hackman incarnation and superman for what did he stand in this film nothing but another hack savior figure wait until it comes to the dollar theater if you see it at all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20167": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "billed as the story of steve biko played excellently by denzel washington as you d expect this was actually more the story of donald woods played by kevin kline this was undoubtedly the making of kline as a serious actor and he was surprisingly good in the role attenborough gave this the sort of direction you d expect and the often spectacular scenes of the masses were those of the sort that only he can get across the remainder of the cast was competent enough and did a good job in what ends up as an ultimately sad tale of a south africa that is still nowhere near the distant past"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20168": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first let me just comment on what i liked about the movie the special effects were fantastic and very rarely did i feel like i was watching a video game there that is the last nice thing i have to say about this film in fact i would just like everyone reading this to take note that i can t even put into words how hard it was for me to write this review without swearing i have innumerable complaints about the film but four major complaints jump to mind my first major complaint has to do with the incredible cheesiness of the plot twist if you can call it that since most people probably saw it coming a mile away where lois s year old son turns out to be the super powered child of superman when the crying super child throws a piano at lex s henchman to save his mother i almost got up and left the theater singer could have made a much better superman movie without resorting to cheap gimmicks like a seemingly fragile but latently super powered illegitimate child it s been days since i saw the movie and i still want to vomit my next major complaint has to do with the fact that superman lifts a continent made out of kryptonite up into outer space it doesn t take comic book guy from the simpsons to point out what s wrong with that i don t know how many comic books brian singer has read but when superman is exposed to even a small amount of kryptonite he barely has the strength to stay on his feet whoever had the idea to have him fly a large island made out of his greatest weakness into space has no business being associated with any superman related projects ever again the concept is as ridiculous as making a dracula movie where the title character has a stake through his heart and still manages to fly a spaceship made out of garlic into the sun why not just have superman eat kryptonite he can eat it and then brush his teeth with it and then go to sleep in kryptonite pajamas that s not any more absurd then having him hoist a continent of kryptonite into space and then fall powerless through the atmosphere without burning up in re entry or splattering all over central park when he hits the ground my third major complaint has to do with the fact that singer slaps movie goers across the face with religious symbolism the entire movie i have to take issue with his characterization of superman as the only son of a god like jor el sent to earth to be a savior jor el wasn t all wise he was just a scientist and he didn t send his son to earth to be a savior he threw him in a rocket and hurriedly fired it into space because his planet was about to explode i ll buy the christ allegory if brian singer can show me the part in the bible where god sends christ to earth because heaven was about to explode and then radioactive pieces of heaven become christ s primary weakness furthermore the crucifixion scene where luthor stabs superman in the side with a kryptonite spear just makes me want to slam my face into a brick until i m too brain dead to notice the brazenly obvious and inappropriate symbolism that will be tainting the man of steel for the foreseeable future they might as well rename this movie superman returns the passion of the christ and speaking of luthor my last major complaint has to do with singer s depiction of lex luthor lex luthor is a shrewd cold hearted business tycoon who is more apt to run for president which he does in the comics than try to destroy the world the man wants money and power he wants to be in charge not wreck everything yet the luthor we see superman returns as well as all the previous superman movies is a wacky theatrical dunce who comes up with zany schemes to destroy the world if singer had the slightest loyalty to the characters instead of the quite awful previous superman movies this film might not be such an unbearable travesty maybe singer s next project can be a batman movie where he focuses on the interpretation of batman from s tv show zam whap pow to summarize i don t know what i hate more the movie itself or the fact that so many people seem to be giving it good reviews everyone is entitled to their opinion but if you don t hate this movie then your opinion is wrong i sincerely encourage anyone who reads this not to see this movie if you haven t already don t see it don t buy it when it comes out on dvd don t rent it basically don t contribute any money towards it in any way this movie does not deserve to make any money in fact i think that for every person that sees this movie bryan singer should be fined billion dollars if you re a superman fan and you really want to see this movie just bend over and have someone kick you in the balls and you ll get the same experience without having to waste hours of your time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20169": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film is quite simply brilliant the cinematography is good the acting superb and the story absolutely breathtaking this is the story of donald woods a white south african who thought himself a liberal until he found out the reality of apartheid kevin kline is completely convincing so much so that when donald woods himself appeared on tv some years later i recognised him from kline s portrayal denzel washington also turns in a masterful performance as ever i urge you to watch this it is long but it is worth your patience because it tells such an incredible story remember folks this really happened"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20170": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "along with days in the valley i think this is one of worst movies i ve ever seen just another of the long line of tarantino rip offs that have emerged since pulp fiction the atmosphere the movie creates is amusing for the first five minutes but then the film makers make the unforgivable mistake of allowing unnecessary and grotesque violence to up the hip quotient you re better off skipping this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20171": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i show this film to university students in speech and media law because its lessons are timeless why speaking out against injustice is important and can bring about the changes sought by the oppressed why freedom of the press and freedom of speech are essential to democracy this is a must see story of how apartheid was brought to the attention of the world through the activism of steven biko and the journalism of donald woods it also gives an important lesson of free speech you can blow out a candle but you can t blow out a fire once the flame begins to catch the wind will blow it higher from biko by peter gabriel on shaking the tree"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20172": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the beginning of the s brought many quirky and off beat independent films a particular sub genre of which is the semi spiritual desert crime movie others of note are wild at heart from dusk til dawn and to a certain extent natural born killers good films like those spawned junk like highway destiny turns on the radio and this ineptly surreal anti masterpiece under the hula moon it s a comedy that aims for a certain emotional tone attains it but keeps going to the point of irritation while the pursuit across the spirit world of the desert and the casting of chris penn are good ideas the film is not dirty enough or hard enough to be a good crime movie and isn t focused enough on laughs to really be a comedy i won t blow the ending but let s just say it s bad the film is basically a bad side effect of genre cancer this is the dregs of indie mania"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20173": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "great battle finale and nice sets help keep this often slow movie enjoyable at times it had me checking my watch although there were enough memorable moments to make the film stand out in my mind days after watching it the ending should surprise even those familiar with the nibelungen story line"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20174": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "outside of the fact that george lopez is a pretentious jerk his show is terrible nothing about lopez has ever been funny i have watched his stand up and have never uttered any resemblance to a laugh his stuff comes across as vindictive and his animosity towards white people oozes out of every single pore of his body i have laughed at white people jokes from many a comedian and love many of them this guy has a grudge that won t end i feel bad for hispanics who have only this show to represent themselves the shows plots are always cookie cutter with an hispanic accent canned laugh at the dumbest comments and scenes might be why this show is always on at am in replay"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20175": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a very moving picture about forty something best friends in a small england town one finds a passionate loves and a new beginning with a younger piano instructor when tragedy strikes and hearts are changed forever definitely a film to have a box of tissues with you a powerful piece of work this is definitely one of my favorite films of all time spoiler spoiler alert spoiler the main character is taken by her young handsome piano instructor and a passionate romance blossoms her two jealous friends play an immature prank which quickly leads to tragedy she loses her love and her friends in one foul swoop in the end a unexpected surprise pulls them back together in my opinion her forgiveness is not warranted"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20176": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "so far nightmares and dreamscapes has been erratic and disappointing the first segment directed by brian henson may have offered little in the way of groundbreaking storytelling or real scares but at least it was well directed suspenseful and visually interesting with solid acting by william hurt and very impressive special effects for a mini series however the second story in the series was just dreadful and not in the good way the screenplay is bad requiring the shallow unlikable protagonists to act illogically in order to move the plot and having characters ramble on endlessly for the purposes of clunky unnecessary exposition the acting is overdone and unconvincing and i felt far more empathy for a cold blooded killer in the first story than for the newlywed couple in the second the director used a million tricks to try to make the narrative spooky but with the amateurish acting and writing the end result looks like a freshman year film school project with camera moves for their own sake and little in the way of plot or tension if the rest of the series continues like this i ll be sorely let down i look forward to william h macy s installment and hope he gets a decent director and screenwriter for his segment so far the quality is far too inconsistent to predict either way"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20177": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in die nibelungen siegfried siegfried was betrayed now kriemhild seeks revenge she marries hagen and through a series of events finally engages in a very drastic but fitting action at the end one of the things about watching this movie nowadays is that we can look at certain portrayals attila the hun called etzel in the movie is shown as the strange person from the east possibly an allusion to the soviet union obviously it was not fritz lang s fault that hitler used the nibelungenlied for german national pride in the third reich but one can see what the fuhrer liked about the story nonetheless this is an absolutely formidable movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20178": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "with its companion piece masters of horror nightmares and dreamscapes can only be seen as the absolute nadir of the genre that began so auspiciously with the twilight zone and the outer limits of course part of the problem is that it does nothing to be of any interest to a comparatively adult audience instead aiming at ten year olds who are only able to count body bags and scarcely that and so grossness is king and king is grossness stephen king is simply illiterate in general he has the aptitude for storytelling of bart simpson since he cannot read his sole inspiration is the movies true the cinema is not such a bad place to start since it has generally escaped the onslaught of realism but these films are only the rumor not the thing and if you want to write you have to dig deeper of course only pickman had monsters as close acquaintances but even so it should be clear to any undergraduate that vampires are not dracula and lugosi at least autopsy room four is a clear indication of what is wrong one can almost imagine this pathetic dolt sitting as his desk trying to come up with something scary not mind you trying to describe accurately the horror of the system of which he is an integral part making the stupid stupider but trying to come up with a scary story for his little nephew suppose you were paralyzed and people thought you were dead and started to cut you open like they do at those autopsy things wouldn t that be gross and that boys and girls is the story what about characterization oh yes he s one of these suits who never really appreciated life you know and now it s too late right and he s shouting well they can t actually hear him you know he s saying that he s going to sue the hospital but he s not such a big shot anymore you see lying there or is it laying i can never remember and all and he s thinking oh no please please don t cut me and this is terrible lying or laying like that now wouldn t that be a great story you know i read somewhere that a snake bite can do that i think it was that great medical authority agatha christie what was the name of that snake again oh yeah a boomslang has quite a ring to it doesn t it let s make it a peruvian boomslang sure steve that s great except that boomslang is afrikaans you moron but how can you really tell that the target audience is children and not simply mental defects it s easy there s no sex well there is but it s the kind glimpsed through a crack in the door to our parent s bedroom modern filmmakers are really big on the erotic aspects of the genre the monster the female victim the chase but unlike universal and lewton they have no idea what s going on all that s really left is the giggling outside the sm club and the fascist credo that people with sexual preferences are intrinsically evil in spite of a certain discrepancy in size king kong knew exactly what to do with fay wray freddy krueger can only kill her and since there s no real titillation in that he has to torture her first not in any way that might excite her you understand since that would upset our puritan sentiments and so horror and romanticism become simply unpleasantness and the grooming of psychopaths our hero you see is a rubber fetishist and can only get a boner if someone touches him you know down there with you know rubber gloves giggle and that s what they use in autopsies and that s how they discover that he is in fact you know obviously this is the author at the height of his inspirational powers too bad they cut it out since it might have upset the five year olds watching the show"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20179": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fritz lang s german medieval saga continues in die nibelungen kriemhilds rache kriemhild margarete schoen wants to avenge her murdered husband siegfried her brother is too weak to bring the murdered hagen to justice kriemhild marries etzel the king of the huns rudolf klein rogge she gives birth to a child and invites her brothers for a party etzel and the other huns should kil hagen but he is protected by his brothers we see a huge battle of life and death begins and she sets the whole place on fire eventually hagen is dead and so is kriemhild these movies deal with great themes such as revenge and undying love sure we have later seen some better movies made of those topics but this was one of the early ones"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20180": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve barely just made it through one episode crouch end the dialog was stilted and down right cringe worthy the acting was tragic eion bailey despite his best attempts to be dramatic remains mostly expressionless his eyebrows hint at a recent botox treatment claire forlani could have just as easily been playing the damsel in distress in a silent movie the characters were cartoons each playing their stereotypical cog in the plot mostly random meandering plot cheesy special effects can be excused given the tv miniseries budget but attempts to create suspense and surprise through distracting cinematography added to the unwatchability i get the feeling that the ending was supposed to be witty and surprising but it was lame and had little to do with the rest of the story if i had to compare it s overall quality to something else i d put this episode of nightmares and dreamscapes on par with the nbc s hercules"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20181": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i finally got my wish to see this one in a cinema i d seen fritz lang s film on video some years ago i d been hoping that ideal screening conditions would work their magic conditions were ideal at cinematheque ontario pristine full length print intertitles in the original gothic script german with simultaneous english translation accurate without being too literal live piano accompaniment ideal the film s magic sputtered for a little while but ultimately failed to catch at least for me this film bears no real relation to wagner s ring cycle as i already knew but some may not wagner had adapted the th c niebelungenlied to his own purposes part i of fritz lang s epic siegfried has much that will be familiar to listeners of wagner however kriemhild s revenge is the story of siegfried s wife kriemhild her marriage to king etzel attila the hun and her desire for revenge against hagen and gunther the rechristened nibelungs for the murder of siegfried the spectacular conflagration in this film presumably evolved and expanded in the wagnerian mythos into his g tterd mmerung his twilight of the gods and the end of valhalla this film remains earthbound most of the film is spectacular the massive sets rival those of cabiria which inspired griffith s intolerance their decoration sets a new benchmark in barbaric splendour there s a huge cast of scarred mangy huns and art deco burgundians and battles battles that never seem to end in fact kriemhild is very successful in her plan of revenge she manages to destroy all around her her loyalty to her martyred siegfried seems not to stem so much from love or devotion but from something closer to psychosis lady macbeth cried out unsex me here she knew she was emotionally unprepared for what she needed to do but kriemhild displays no normal human emotions and certainly nothing one equates with the feminine principle she is already top full of direst cruelty to borrow shakespeare s phrase from the outset margarethe sch n and her director convey this with a glower i don t want to exaggerate but that glower is virtually the only expression ever to animate kriemhild s face it s the ultimate in one note performances it s clearly intentional however not simply a case of poor acting what we have then on offer is a one dimensional sketch of an avenging fury some might see kriemhild as an empowered heroine i just see the film as misogynistic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20182": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just saw the third week of stephen kings nightmares and dreamscapes mini series meaning i saw episodes so far i have to say that the stories are really weak i have read stephen king s skeleton crew a collection of his short stories that was published way back i recall most of the stories were average to poor but there was one that was really excellent if not outstanding what i m trying to say is that just because this mini series is from a collection of stories from stephen king does not mean that it will be any good in fact if his previous collection of short stories are of any indication then most of this mini series will be average to poor in stephen king s defense i have not read these new short stories perhaps they are good as stories in a book and not readily adaptable to television or perhaps it was the fault of the scriptwriters in trying to write an interesting script who knows also these short stories may have been made exclusively for this mini series and not not for print purpose maybe that may have been the problem if stephen king had submitted these crap stories to an editor i am sure the editor would have immediately told him to make it more interesting because as is it is simply boring what is clear from all of this is that the problem is with the stories script and not the actors and actresses because this mini series has some excellent people acting on it seeing this mini series really makes me appreciate those old twilight zone series each series was only half an hour but it was compelling and riveting i don t understand why this mini series could not accomplish similar feat i am sure this mini series had a good deal of money to make a good mini series but unfortunately something must not have clicked for instance this week there were two episodes shown the first involved a horror story writer who buys a picture drawn by an artist who committed suicide the writer begins to see changes in the picture as he is driving homeward feeling uncomfortable he throws away the painting but it keeps appearing near him also the portrait of an individual in that picture is killing people and is out to kill him i will not even mention the second episode for this week involving criminals and their loot because it was even more boring than this episode this premise is interesting and so the story should be good but after seeing it i was frustrated because there were too many gaps in the story as well as extraneous materials that was shown that did nothing to help the story after the last scene i was left with more questions than answers i tried for weeks to get into this mini series but it was just too aggravating due to poor stories script if this was a movie i would have recommended that people should wait for the movie to come out on cable or such i would not even recommend that it be rented in your video store however given that this is on tnt a cable channel i would say if you have not seen it already then try it for one week if you do not like it that week then you will not like the past series nor the future ones since they all share the same boring trait"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20183": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in some ways the wrath of kriemhild surpasses siegfried s death but it also loses some of that film s greatness the plot of this one is more cohesive than the first which is quite amazing the second half of the actual poem is a lot sloppier and a lot harder to tread through until that is you get to the climactic battle scenes only the iliad s are better lang and harbou embellished the huns the poet compiler of the nibelungenlied didn t know a hun from his right ball and as a result they are more or less the same as the burgundians in custom for example although the poet clearly describes etzel as a heathen which is kriemhild s main concern as rudiger tries to persuade her to marry him when she gets to hunland the first thing she does is go to mass the huns here are clearly heathens they re almost like caveman the depiction of them is hilarious especially verbal the jester who has two marvelous scenes etzel s character has been given more weight he is much more formidable all he does is bemoan his fate in the original poem lang and harbou are masterful at building suspense especially at the banquet scene which is intercut with verbal s second performance to an amazing effect however as is the nature of this half of the poem the film s amazing technical accomplishments are missing in this one for the most part except for a dazzling sequence where etzel s hall burns down with the nibelungs inside the one thing i do have to object to is the way harbou changes the ending spoilers in the poem after hildebrand captures hagen and gunther they are imprisoned kriemhild visits hagen in his cell and demands that he reveal where he has hidden the horde he refuses and she herself decapitates her brother when hagen still refuses she decapitates him hildebrand or possibly dietrich is so disgusted that a woman would presume to murder a great warrior that he in turn decapitates her calling her a devil woman etzel who is much weaker in the poem than he is here says something silly like ah me i can understand why they would want to keep a unity of time and place as hildebrand brings them from the castle to retain the prison settings of the two deaths would make the film very anticlimactic i also understand why they didn t have hildebrand kill kriemhild his character is much reduced here his name is only mentioned once but to have kriemhild kill herself adopting brynhild s death from the icelandic sources is just catering to the audience instead of challenging them the point of the poem is that kriemhild s wrath goes far beyond it should into the realm of pure evil here we simply have her die for her lost love it s not as interesting"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20184": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i usually don t write reviews but i can t understand why this is rated so high and wanted to give a warning to horror lovers since i can only assume that all those high ratings were given by average tv watchers i have only watched the first two episodes but those two were so clich it wasn t even funny any more the same old stories you ve probably seen read a couple of times already living toys evil things from other dimensions and it s not just that these stories aren t innovative they are also pretty bad versions of those clich s i d prefer e g chucky and silent hill over those two episodes anytime and don t even ask about the visual effects the ones in the first episode are alright but the ones in the second awful looks like some film student s project gone wrong blood or gore erm nothing worth mentioning it might be interesting for some ten year old kid who probably hasn t seen read that many scary stories yet although i d rather recommend beyond belief now that s what i call a decent mystery tv show but for an adult horror fan this is worthless i only gave the points because there is in fact some beautiful cinematography especially in the second episode and some nice acting"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20185": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "please see also my comment on die nibelungen part siegfried the second part of ufa studio s gargantuan production of the nibelungen saga continues in the stylised symphonic and emotionally detached manner of its predecessor however whereas part one was a passionless portrayal of individual acts of heroism part two is a chaotic depiction of bloodletting on a grand scale as in part one director fritz lang maintains a continuous dynamic rhythm with the pace of the action and the complexity of the shot composition rising and falling smoothly as the tone of each scene demands these pictures should only be watched with the note perfect gottfried huppertz score which fortunately is on the kino dvd now with this focus on mass action lang is presented with greater challenges in staging the action sequences in his earliest features were often badly constructed but now he simply makes them part of that rhythmic flow with the level of activity on the screen swelling up like an orchestra but just as part one made us witness siegfried s adventures matter of factly and without excitement part two presents warfare as devastating tragedy in both pictures there is a deliberate lack of emotional connection with the characters that s why lang mostly keeps the camera outside of the action never allowing us to feel as if we are there and this is significant because involving the audience is normally a distinction of lang s work that s also why the performances are unnaturally theatrical with the actors lurching around like constipated sleepwalkers nevertheless kriemhild s revenge does constantly deal with emotions and is in fact profoundly humanist the one moment of naturalism is when atilla holds his baby son for the first time and lang actually emphasises the tenderness of this scene by building up to it with the wild frantic ride of the huns the point is that lang never manipulates us into taking sides and in that respect this version has more in common with the original saga than the wagner opera the climactic slaughter is the very antithesis of a rousing battle scene why then did hitler and co get so teary eyed over it a fact which has unfairly tarnished the reputation of these films because the unwavering racial ideology of the nazis made them automatically view the nibelungs as the good guys even if they do kill babies and betray their own kin for hitler their downfall would always be a nationalist tragedy not a human one but for us non nazi viewers what makes this picture enjoyable is its beautiful sense of pageantry and musical rhythm when you see these fully developed silent pictures of lang s it makes you realise how much he was wasted in hollywood rather than saddling him with low budget potboilers they should have put him to work on a few of those sword and sandal epics pictures that do not have to be believable and do not have to move us emotionally where it s the poetic operatic tonality that sweeps us along"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20186": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "man i really wanted to like these shows i am starving for some good television and i applaud tnt for providing these opportunites but sadly i am in the minority i guess when it comes to the cinematic stephen king as brilliant as king s writing is the irony is that it simply doesn t translate well to the screen big or small with few exceptions very few the king experience cannot be filmed with the same impact that the stories have when read many people would disagree with this but i m sure that in their heart of hearts they have to admit that the best filmed king story is but a pale memory of the one they read the reason is simple the average king story takes place in the mind scape of the characters in the story he gives us glimpses of their inner thoughts their emotions and their sometimes fractured or unreal points of view in short king takes the reader places where you can t put a panavision camera as an audience watching the filmed king we re left with less than half the information than the reader has access to it s not too far a stretch to claim that one becomes a character in a king story they read whereas one is limited to petty voyeurism of that same character when filmed for as long as king writes hollywood will try shooting everything that comes out of his word processor without any regard to whether or not they should i don t blame the filmmakers for trying but it takes an incredible amount of talent and circumspection to pull off the elusive stephen king adaptation that works the task is akin to turning lead into gold or some arcane zen mastery oh well better luck next time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20187": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this film last night at a special movie theater showing in n rnberg and it was superb i do have to admit that the original music composition of the cello player and percussion xylophone player influenced the mood of the film but the film itself also had force in its portrayal of the tragic nibelungen saga if you are interested in silent films or in the nibelungenlied i highly recommend this film the costumes were fantastic and creative the sets were opulent and exotic and the acting was dramatic and breathtaking as is typical of silent film tragedies unfortunately i have not seen the first part of this film duo that concerns siegfried the story of this second film begins after siegfried s death when kremhild gudrun in the norse versions of the story begins to plan her revenge against her brothers also i watched this film in german i am a native english speaker and have a basic german knowledge it was difficult to read the subtitles what do you call that in silent films at first because of the old style german script so i advise that if you watch it in german that you make sure you can differentiate your k s f s and s s in the old script"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20188": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the first episode set the bar quite high i thought it starred william hurt as a hit man who is contracted to kill a toymaker we are given very little information on his character or who is paying him to kill indeed the episode is notable for having no dialogue at all returning to his modernist penthouse he is delivered a package containing toy soldiers this gives him a smile but he dismisses it and goes about his business but he is in for a night of hell the soldiers are alive and are about to wage war driving jeeps shooting machine guns and bazookas and even flying helicopters the special effects are good for a tv show and it becomes quite tense as he dodges around the apartment using his wits to survive sometimes getting the upper hand and other times not i wont spoil the ending but suffice to say it was a clever little twist this gave me hope for the rest of the series but i was in for a disappointment the other episodes were all rubbish and i lost interest by the fourth one stephen king adaptations are always a mixed bag and these are no exception"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20189": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "canto how kriemhild mourned over siegfried and how king attila woos her through his ambassador r diger von bechlarn kriemhild margarete sch n insists on having the head of the killer of her beloved husband hagen tronje hans adalbert schlettow but her brother king gunther theodor loos refuses her request when king attila of the huns woos kriemhild through his ambassador r diger von bechlar she makes him promise through oath in the name of his king that no man would ever offend her hagen tronje hides the nibelungen treasure in the bottom of a lake canto how kriemhild takes leave from her homeland and how she was received by king attila kriemhild brings some earth from where siegfried died and travels to the court of the huns where she is welcomed by attila himself who also promises through oath to defend her canto how king attila besieged rome and how kriemhild summoned her brothers when kriemhild delivers a baby boy attila returns to his realm and asks kriemhild what she would like most to please her she asks him to invite her brothers to come to his kingdom canto how kriemhild receives her brothers kriemhild insists on having the head of hagen tronje but her brothers keep loyalty to their friend and again do not accept her request canto how the huns celebrated the summer solstice with the nibelungen kriemhild asks attila to kill hagen tronje but he refuses since in accordance with the laws of the desert a guest is considered sacred kriemhild offers gold to the hums for the head of hagen tronje there is a fight and hagen tronje kills attila s son canto the nibelungen s distress the huns lose the battle against the nibelungen but keep them under siege inside attila s castle kriemhild promises to spare their lives provided they deliver hagen tronje but her brother gunther tells that german people are loyal with their friends canto the nibelungen s end after the death of r diger von bechlarn giselher and gernot hagen tronje and guhther are finally captured kriemhild kills hagen tronje ending her revenge with the destruction of the nibelungen the conclusion of the poetic saga of siegfried through kriemhild s revenge is also told through seven dramatic cantos the nature of the first part is a magnificent tale of fantasy adventure romance and betrayal the second part is a dramatic story of hate revenge and loyalty the solid screenplay with a perfect development of the characters the excellent performances of the cast and the awesome direction of fritz lang produced another epic ahead of time margarete sch n is impressive with a total different woman obsessed and inflexible in her revenge wish the costumes that kriemhild wears are also very impressive and her acting is based on her face and look i was a little disappointed with the reaction of attila after the death of his only son since i found it too passive my vote is eight title brazil os nibelungos parte ii a vingan a de kriemshild the nibelungen part ii kriemhild s revenge"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20190": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the majority of stephen king s short stories are little gems with original ideas that don t take a long time to develop basically lean and mean he sets them up quickly in a scarce number of pages you read em and you re finished before you know you ve begun they re like the equivalent of a carton of mcdonald s fries they taste really good and you know there s not much nutritional value in them re from a literary standpoint they don t say much about the universal human condition but you re still gonna scarf em down just don t be a pig and go for the extra super sized portion and fill up on too much grease too much grease is a metaphor for the prose in king s novels when find yourself reading one of them and saying come on enough with the pop cultural observations or clever yankee asides get on with the story already he has compiled four books of short story collections i ve read them all from nightshift to the latest everything s eventual and they all display an efficiency of getting to the point which is sometimes sorely lacking in his tome sized novels but his short stories never overstay their welcome which brings us to the tv adaptations of nightmares and dreamscapes how in the hell did they the series producers get a green light to turn stories that usually averaged pages into minute episodes i ll tell you how two words stephen king stories with his name on them probably didn t come cheap and one hour shows enable more advertising than half hour ones so what should have been an anthology of mostly or minute episodes is turned into double that length and double the commercial time ka ching i m not going to waste time synopsizing the plots of these stories this review supposes you have already read the stories and or seen the show what follows is merely my gut reactions to what tnt presented of the four installments so far here s my ten cent assessment from first to worst battleground not a classic by any means but hey how could anyone argue with keeping william hurt from opening his trap by filming this episode without a single line of dialog and the tongue in cheek reference and destruction of the killer zuni doll from trilogy of terror proved to me the producers and the writer of the teleplay who is richard matheson s son the writer of tot knew their mission with this one was to make the action deadly yet at the same time fun it took longer to get to hurt s apartment than it should have but i think it fulfilled it s objective umney s last case liked this one primarily because of william h macy s performance i think the writer umney should have appeared in the story sooner into the private eye umney beginning because he was the actual reality of the story and anyone familiar with the king short story probably half if not more of the audience knew the chandleresque set up was due to get interrupted by the writer s reality so let s get on with it already and cut out the cute and clever hard boiled repartee private dick banter already once the writer umney s family tragedy began to reveal though i thought the show developed an emotional connection that made the viewer me at least feel sympathy for the real life macy s attempt to escape his sorrows by usurping his fictional creation s exciting life the end of the whole mess uh this title is how i felt about this episode when it was over after twenty minutes i was ready to scream at the tv ok we get it already the younger brother is a mega mensa genius prodigy extraordinaire we know from ron livingston talking to the camera time is running out for me not fast enough i thought that the young whiz kid is going to discover something really bad for humanity we know this because he s already built an airplane but almost died because he couldn t steer it out of the path of a tree and he blew up his chemistry lab while teaching himself chemistry to think the end of the world could have been prevented if only this kid had some more parental supervision so much time was wasted on establishing the uber genius of henry thomas when we finally get to the resolution of his discovery the end of the world through unintended idiocy how much do we get to see of the world ending a cheap video shot of a reporter starting to forget what she s reporting on and brief radio broadcasts announcing the day of judgement is at hand oh and the brother s parents drooling and singing old songs my point is if your story is really about the end of the whole mess world i wanna see the mess as it goes up in flames and crashes and burns talk about ending with a whimper indeed crouch end this episode just ticked me off totally i could have lived with the taking forever exposition of the happy couple arriving at their hotel playing slap and tickle having lunch and getting a taxi that was half the episode right there if once they finally crossed over into crouch end the episode delivered the chills but it failed miserabley not only wasn t it scary it was practically laughable ooh look a kitty wait it turns oh my god look at it s scary eye uh huh they could have gone a long way towards filming the crouch end sequence at night instead of in daylight too things you might unintentionally find funny can become scarier when you see them in the night shadows but i guess the budget wasn t high enough to shoot at night on the fake london sets they slapped together for this one on the page this is a very scary story about tourists wandering into places they shouldn t and the terrible things that might lurk just around a corner there the only terror in this adaptation was the directing and acting those were truly horrifying overall series average so far"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20191": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after repeated listenings to the cd soundtrack i knew i wanted this film got it for christmas and i was amazed marc bolan had such charisma i can t describe it i d heard about him in that way but didn t understand what people were talking about until i was in the company of this footage he was incredible clips from the wembley concert are interspersed with surrealistic sketches such as nuns gorging themselves at a garden party as marc bolan performs some acoustic versions of get it on etc i m still learning the song titles george claydon the diminutive photographer from magical mystery tour plays a chauffeur who jumps out of a car and eats one of the side mirrors nothing i can say to describe it would spoil it even though i put the spoilers disclaimer on this review so you would just need to see this for yourselves it evades description yes i love the beatles and was curious about ringo directing a rock documentary that was years ago now i finally find out it s been on dvd for years but it s finally in my home it s an amazing viewing experience even enthralling now the dvd comes with hidden extras and the following is a copy and paste from another user there s two hidden extras on the born to boogie double dvd release from the menu on disc one select the bonus material and goto the extra scenes on the extra scenes page goto scene take and keep pressing left when the cursor disappears keep pressing right until a star logo appears press enter from the main menu on disc two select the sound options on the sound options page goto the i think thats right option and keep pressing left when the cursor disappears keep pressing right until a star home video logo appears press enter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20192": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film was basically velvet goldmine if the writers of party of five got a hold of it and made it a t v movie the film lacks what velvet goldmine had which was good acting writing and basically everything else the film had some of the worst writing i ve seen since wild wild west it definitely needed to be interesting i know vh has become a household name for their behind the music shows which are a lot better than all this which would have worked if it was a behind the music episode but didn t and feel flat on it s face"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20193": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you re a t rex marc bolan fan i recommend you check this out it shows a whimsical side of marc bolan as well as ringo starr apparently having a pretty good time shooting some of the scenes that aren t part of the concert but fun to watch leaving you with a sense of getting to know them as just people and when the concert is shown a talented musician both playful and professional that rocks and seems to impress the screaming girls watching him in concert you would never know that being a rock star is a job but just having a great time playing some great songs with some good friends like elton john and ringo starr appearing in some of the live performances true there are a few songs missing that i would like to have seen on there but like any album it can t have everything i just bought this in but if i would have know it came out in i would have definitely bought it years ago sad and strange that a man with so many songs about his love for cars would never learn to drive and would die in a car crash"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20194": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "serge farnel made a very precise critics of this film in the revue the rwandese night www lanuitrwandaise net a critics which shows how france was behind all the situation undergone by the united nations in rwanda the un soldiers were in a dangerous situation while the french soldiers were warmly welcomed by the genocide forces the day before ten un soldiers had been killed by the genocide forces that is why the un soldiers decided to protect their own lives by driving behind the french trucks by doing so they gave up the tutsi which is unforgivable of course but we must keep in mind that the french soldiers organized this situation"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20195": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "panned by critics at the time but loved by the fans this film has now become a classic mixing supposedly surreal footage shot at john lennon s home among other places with live footage of marc bolan t rex at their very best this film is not just a must for everyone who s liked marc bolan but gives a fascinating insight into the era these were the times when marc was hobnobbing with the likes of ringo starr of the beatles [who directed it] and you can even find a brief spot from one reg dwight [elton john to you] bashing the ivories in an amazing [and never officially released] version of tutti frutti and rocking and ballad versions of children of the revolution there s also wonderful scenes featuring chelita secunda [said to have created glam rock with her use of glitter etc] mickey finn and even the actor from catweazle the best scene for me is in the garden when marc leaves the dining table sits down cross legged in front of a string section and knocks out acoustic versions of classics such as get it on and the slider highly highly recommended five stars [out of five] rory"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20196": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched this show and i simply didn t find it funny at all it might have been the first episode lately i realize abc is playing a lot of stupid shows nowadays and is going down as a station all the characters on this show are pretty bad actors but even if they were good the jokes and script are pretty horrible and would still bring the show down i would say that i believe this show will be cancelled but seeing as how abc is doing pretty horrible for quality of shows they are playing they might just keep this one simply because it s average compared to them"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20197": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the first word which comes into my mind after watching this movie is beauty beauty is all around in actors play andie is superb as always in well designed shots and in authors red line idea the love i think the kenny s character is the only white spot in these three womens otherwise boring and predictable life his interaction makes andie s character living as entertaining as it could possibly be when he s gone it became obvious that we cannot really appreciate and hold to our inner believes and sacred desires the fact that andie successfully recovers from this loss is nothing bad instead it shows that life prevails in any forms even in this small british village which is shown perfectly another reason i love this movie is that it is so british in all ways all that houses and fags and accents and andie again is doing superb job it is a shame that this movie got such low marks out of ten"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20198": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is told through the eyes of a young teacher at a catholic school watching as the rawandan genocide un furls around him the movie starts off with a brief explanation about the past history and rivalry of rawanda then it jumps to the story as told through the eyes of a young idealistic new comer a young teacher who doesn t take life or the situation too seriously as he and the driver approach a road block he plays around with his drivers i d not realizing that this is a serious moment and that if the driver can t identify himself as being of the right tribe to the soldiers they ll be killed and thats how he treats the unfolding story of chaos and unfolding around him suddenly realizes that every rawandan including his driver is involved and that the europeans soldiers and tourists cannot and will not help the media cameras cannot stop machete s and there s too many machete wielding militia men too shoot the title comes from the armies captain saying he s going to shoot the dogs eating the dead bodies around his compound but won t shoot the militia men that are killing people around the compound mainly because they haven t fired at the soldiers yet finally he realizes the hopelessness of the situation and the guy who tells the evacuation team that he wants to give up his seat for one of the intended victims flees with his tail in between his legs rather than face immanent death with the school kids he s promised not to leave behind it s more of character study and a come to jesus moment for one character than a story about the genocide in rawanda this movie didn t have to take place in rawanda it could have taken place any one of the genocidal hell holes going around this world at any given time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20199": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "born to boogie is a real find though a rock fan for nearly thirty years i only first saw the film a few days ago and rank it among the top rock films of all time the music s terrific the cream of t rex and the visuals consistently exciting and unusual leaving this viewer craving any more past directorial efforts of ringo starr who did a fine job here if you love the music you ll be in t rextasy throughout as marc bolan really is the star of the piece front and center even the fact that some songs are repeated doesn t matter a bit different venues costuming musical arrangements and bizarre visual concepts are all used to lend different textures and a great deal of upbeat humor to what could have ended up as only a concert film in other hands as rich and full packed as born to boogie is the film s only about an hour long but what is there is totally satisfying therein lies my only criticism the video package states something like minutes and at least one online source claims the film to be minutes but apparently it s more like minutes of rocking fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20200": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i thoroughly enjoyed a man called horse when it was released in but return played like a typical sequel everything about it budget script plot casting and acting was inferior to the original gale sondergaard as elk woman an elder of the yellow hand tribe looks nothing like an indian and neither do half of the other indians who were played by italians mexicans and latinos with cheap wigs and the old guy who played the chief acted more like a fat old squaw than a fierce leader of warriors he even used the bow like a woman finally richard harris who did such a superb job in the original seems to be coasting this time around i guess he couldn t resist the easy paycheck he got for reprising his role as horse to be fair there are some interesting moments in the movie such as horse s undergoing a painful purification ritual to find his vision and rally the yellow hands against their indian enemies and white oppressors but on the whole return is uneven boring corny and predictable just like most sequels"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20201": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is indeed a treat for every bolan fan some might think that it s a little over the top and that it is only about ringo and marc s egos but i think it s similar to any other concert video except for the fact that this is marc bolan not just any guy i especially liked the music video for children of the revolution with elton john and ringo starr this clip alone is worth all the money i can t believe they did not release this version as the single the movie is really superb especially for us danes now i wasn t alive during the s but danes in general was totally shot out from what was happening around them the media didn t play or show any of the popular music back then including marc bolan and t rex they only played a little with the doors only the really popular songs though so i know from my dad that seeing this gives him back a part of his youth he never got to experience i wont make this too long so if you re the least bit fan of marc bolan you need to see this you might find it boring or as said before a little over the top but at least you ve seen one of the best musicians ever in action only thing that disappoints me a little is that ride a white swan isn t on the tape but i forgive it since jeepster and get it on are so wonderfully played"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20202": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "caught this by accident on a t v showing and could hardly believe how utterly awful the whole experience was by comparison the original a man called horse was spell binding because it held one s interest throughout but this piece of nonsense words fail me it was bad enough to have some kind of a story presented with all the impact of a wet loaf of bread but that error was compounded by the obvious lack of subtitles throughout whenever the so called sioux spoke for goodness sake couldn t the film makers have found enough north american indians who were also actors and near actors to perform as indians in this farrago instead of the imposters they actually used i also found it quite embarrassing watching richard harris cavorting all around the countryside at the obvious behest of the director standing just behind camera telling him to run and jump from pointless point a to pointless point b just to make up film footage and minutes absolutely terrible in all respects"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20203": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "so halfway through the season i got so caught up in school and my activities that i didn t realize that the show had been canceled halfway through which is crap i think the followers of this show should write fox and ask them to at least finish filming so that a the season can be released on dvd later maybe then they ll see how many people were disappointed that the show didn t survive its first season i loved the show and looked forward to it every thursday after the oc can you imagine my disappointment when i came back to try and watch the show only to discover that it had disappeared needless to say i m not very happy with fox right now even more so after discovering that no ending was filmed i mean if you re going to work on a project at least finish it to see what happens a half filmed show is like a half made car it s pretty much useless fox film the damn ending and give some of the show s fans some peace"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20204": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a weak sequel it lacks the interest and light touch of the magnificent man called horse in nearly every aspect and when compared to each other they hardly seem to be the same genre the return is almost a parody of the first and tries to evoke different indian ceremonies but comes across as trying way too hard to bottle the magic of the first in this film the tribe is lost and abandoned having lost their homelands modern life has encroached on paradise and they are living in abject misery and poverty perhaps this is the point the first film took us to a place where we would want to be a simpler time this takes us to broken indians in a miserable world and the white man is the hero and savior which rather negates the whole idea of the film the beauty of the first lay in the fact that the white man learnt and discovered that real civilization lies in values rather than western materialism in the second film this is all but lacking and so we end up with a weak film a huge disappointment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20205": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i can t believe that they took this off the air especially when they only had a few more episodes left my daughter sister and a few of my friends loved watching this show we were so upset when they stopped showing this because of so called ratings it is not fair to the people who were watching this show since the beginning we had a right to see the end i wish they would take an overall vote from all people with a times a year voting system they could send out papers in the mail and we as viewers could give an overall vote on all programs that we watch or have heard about this could also help promote a new show people would see it and wonder what it is not only could you see what the viewers are watching you could also use this as a tool for free advertisement for tv and cable channels we want to see the other episodes bring it back"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20206": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "no one goes to a movie like the hills have eyes and expects the second coming of citizen kane the same is true for the majority of low rent horror flicks especially those roger ebert has dubbed dead teenager movies the hills have eyes definitely qualifies as a dead teenager movie only here the teenagers have been given the superficial appearance of military trainees some will argue the line it s only a movie when questionable facts are raised in a movie review but i ve always been a firm believer that all good fantasy must be rooted in reality in order to be effective in the hills have eyes we re to believe the main characters are military people on a training exercise but they look and talk like high school kids camping in the desert the dialog is awful and frequently vulgar to excess though the films aren t nearly comparable i kept imagining these soldiers being in platoon and shuddering with dread very little about the characters evokes a soldier other than rifles and fatigues radio transmissions are carried out like teenage phone conversations a colonel is addresses as hey asshole by a private and nobody seems to have the slightest idea what to do or any sense of command structure when things begin to go wrong i think of the soldiers in james cameron s aliens a film of pure fantasy and how even those futuristic marines behaved like real soldiers despite their fantastic situations fantasy rooted in reality i try to begin watching a movie as a on a scale of and judge it s strengths and weaknesses from there you have to allow concessions for the material there s no way star wars is as good of a movie as the godfather on equal terms but both are excellent examples of their type in that respect while the hills have eyes is a pretty dreadful exercise in amateur and immature writing it s only modestly worse in that regard than the typical dead teenager movie on a technical side the movie appears to have decent production values and is pretty well made from that perspective scenes that are intended to shock or which are intended to evoke urgency or suspense generally work so while watching the hills have eyes may indeed be a fate worse than death there are certainly far worse horror flicks in circulation it s worth a watch for those who enjoy this type of stuff without the usual fanboy baggage or those who don t tend towards thinking every movie they see is either the best ever or the worst ever of all time if you don t get horror especially the dead teenager variety you re not likely to have a good time with this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20207": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really love this show it s like reading a book and each chapter leaves you wanting more it gets you thinking about what is going to happen in the next episode and the struggle of trying to maintain their friendship throughout the years after each episode ends it leaves a sweet bitter taste in your mouth knowing that one the show was good you can t wait for the next episode and it really gets you thinking about what actually happens to the friends throughout the twenty years and two the fact that the show has been put on hiatus and we will not see the show finish in it s entirety fox obviously do not know what they have done they claim that they are losing viewers in the category they clearly do not know what people want to see if they got rid of a good show such as reunion i have one query though that i would like to raise if they were to bring the show back and it went on for another season how would it work since each episode is done in the period of a year and the story is based on what happens in the span of twenty years your answers are most welcome bring back reunion bring back reunion"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20208": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "thhe remake was a superior movie remake in every way most remakes end up being total garbage but under the very talented direction of alexandre aja became one of the best ever made in terms of remakes and also as far as the mutant inbreed human sub genre of horror is concerned in steps part directed by another individual martin weisz and written by the father and son combo of jonathan and wes i cannot make a good horror movie to save my life anymore craven and if this is any indication of weisz directing skills and young craven s writing skills we are all in for a painful future as thhe not only fails to be as good as the first but also fails to entertain on any level we start off with a fairly graphic mutant baby birth which though is rather cool will not prepare you for the utter garbage that is to come only hint to what could have been in this film we then get to see a crew of scientists who all to briefly are introduced and dispatched by our radiated rejects in steps our main cast of army reservist to save the day this is where the major problems begin from very sub par acting yes even for this kind of movie to the horrible characters to the lack of true carnage for most of its running time thhe becomes a labor to watch as a lot of nothing happens as idiotic soldiers make mistake after mistake only to meet there demise not by the mutants but themselves think the marines in aliens only the exact opposite and you have the idea of how well these soldiers are trained this is the true shame of the film as most of the hills occupants do not get the kills you would like to see like in the first film in fact if this did not have thhe attachment in the beginning and the brief overview in the beginning tying this loosely to the first this could have nearly been a sci fi channel original the mutant mountainbillies as well are not as amusing this time around in fact in a lot of way they are far inferior to our prior batch as they all come off as being rather under designed and uninteresting also the one that took the cake was the sloth like mutant you know sloth from the goonies who helps them out in the rd act i was waiting for him to ask for a baby ruth or start going on about rocky road ice cream truly disappointing and shameful is the only way to describe most of the goings on here the gore is in the film but not nearly as visceral as the original in fact it seemed toned down for the most part as other than the mutant baby birth scene there really isn t anything that stood out like in the first another major strike against this movie so what did work here the answer is nothing at all this felt like a sequel designed specifically to make money off the success of the first and not to make an actually good film i can go on about the crappy drill sgt the radio man that has a speech impediment that s right he is the kind of guy i want radioing in for help in a real crisis or the pacifist fighter that resembles the exact same character mold as our hero in the first film but i believe you get the point this movie is not even in the same league or even the same planet as the first it should have been given another title and been added to the saturday night line up on the sci fi channel a true shame as a solid sequel could have been made but alas it looks like another horror movie that drops the ball on nearly every level and will get one of my lowest scores as i give thhe the same score as its part dreadful words cannot describe how bad this movie is a total polar opposite of its predecessor in every way uninspired and down right unnecessary next time guys if your going to make a sequel this bad don t even bother please don t go support this garbage at the theaters save your money and thank me later"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20209": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "so fox pulled the plug midway through a drama mystery how lame is that do they expect us to invest our time in their new shows when there is a realistic risk of never finding out what happens why weren t the remaining already filmed episodes aired in the us they were broadcast elsewhere hey fox are you listening this was a great show but you left us hanging if you re going to introduce new drama mysteries at least air a conclusion before abruptly ending mid theme every time something like this happens and it seems to happen a lot with you i e fox there are more of those who will wait and see before investing their time this means you will see an artificially low interest share and are more likely to end the series see it is a vicious cycle don t let us down again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20210": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "you know i went to see the hills have eyes wanting to like it i really enjoyed the original and the remake was fairly entertaining they obviously had more money to throw around than wes craven did on special effects the second time around even though i still prefer the original film the remake was done well and it was kind of a guilty pleasure for me bloody intense and great special effects in short a great popcorn movie for any horror fan which brings us to the hills have eyes man where do i start the plot or lack of one is paper thin we are not exactly breaking new ground here the military has decided to monitor the area and all of these people turn up missing so what do we do now let s send in the national guard to investigate in true hollywood fashion we need to make them the dumbest and worst soldiers ever seen gee i ve never seen that premise before to make a long story short you have the mutants killing off the moron soldiers one at a time in graphic fashion once again the special effects by nicotero are great but the kills no matter how graphic become boring and predictable honestly it seemed to me that this flick was done just to grab a quick buck it was bloody and graphic but i found it predictable boring and not scary at all for me it would have been nice if this film contained one original thought wes craven and his son shared the writing duties and he has been involved with many of my favorite horror films but sadly this isn t one of them"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20211": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m usually not too into a specific show save for the o c desperate housewives hey i am but no kidding after one episode of reunion i was hooked i can t even say how bummed i was that it s time slot conflicted with bush s speech last night because i was really looking forward to the episode which will now air next thursday again that conflict was disadvantageous because being a new show it needs to build up a following and having the second episode pushed back a week kills some momentum that said tv doesn t always have to be emmy worthy to be enjoyable i don t expect reunion to take home any prizes but i do expect it will be able to capture my attention all season ever watch the first few episodes of a beloved show years later sometimes you wonder how you ever got hooked character building takes some time the one episode for each year idea is wonderful in my opinion the only other show i can recall doing something similar is with each episode being an hour and having an eventful year is more realistic than a day that eventful please give this show a shot relax about art form it s just tv"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20212": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "just recently i ve been obsessing over and anticipating this movie so much that i almost had to see it well having just seen it today the rating is completely understandable i think that if you anticipate something so much that it becomes a dire need it turns out not to be worth it sure the hills have eyes has its moments it has a very cool and well developed storyline that ties in well with the actual product itself but the whole thing is so self indulged that it becomes so hard to follow and if it weren t for wes craven s production on this film it wouldn t be anything to do with the original remake but the whole thing makes you go is this supposed to be horror or comedy because there are lots of ridiculous randomly placed jump moments and stupid one liners i e there s a hand in the sh er or you motherfu er i ll kill you all damn sons of b tches and the acting god don t even remind me how bad it was storyline this part contains spoilers beware the movie begins with a woman giving birth to a mutant baby ooh la la and then the screen fades to black with the movie s title appearing and a monologue then we go to this office where there are randomly placed war veteran mannequins we find that this is for this one scientist keeping track of people looking for mutants the box to keep track of audio feeds is gone and everyone dies after that tone setting opening you d expect more then we go to this one team of military recruits training in baghdad as the captain parades them a good job at stupidity their last day of training is in new mexico the desert where the family in the last thhe had stayed because they were stuck while in training things go ultimately wrong people die and do i need to tell you any more because right now i have the attention span of a goldfish just forcing myself to sit here and type this the thing that s wrong with thhe is that it just dosen t work no flashbacks here and the ending is pretty safe but with a twist a stupid one that is i m pretty sure the ultra super director s cut with a holographic cover and a ticket to the hills have eyes will showcase all of it s alternate endings but at this point i m not sure if i care so by all means if you loved the first thhe so much it s almost a sin not to see this then by all means see it but if else then avoid at all costs it s for your own good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20213": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "believe it or not at minutes this film for is a full length film very very few films were longer than that back then but that is definitely not what sets this odd little film apart from the rest no what s different is that all the actors with the exception of one frog are bugs yes bugs this simple little domestic comedy could have looked much like productions starring the likes of chaplin laurel and hardy or max linder but instead this russian production uses bugs or i think models that looked just like bugs chaplin and laurel and hardy were yet to be discovered and i assume linder was busy so perhaps that s why they used bugs using stop motion the bugs moved and danced and fought amazingly well and a heck of a lot more realistically than king kong years later the film starts with mr beetle sneaking off for a good time he goes to a bawdy club while his wife supposedly waits at home but unfortunately for mr beetle he is caught on camera by a local film buff plus he doesn t know it but mrs beetle is also carrying on with a bohemian grasshopper painter of course there s a lot more to this domestic comedy than this but the plot is age old and very entertaining for adults and kids alike weird but also very amazing and watchable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20214": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was just plain dumb i do not think it was scary at all i went in hoping to be shocked and scared but was mostly laughing some of the scenes were just to fake and thrown together blood scenes were extremely over cg and some of the mutants were ridiculously gay looking it also sucked because the acting was just plain horrible u think they could get some good actors and most of the characters i hated just because how stupid and lame they acted even though they were supposed to be in the military i get to watch movies for free and seen many people walking out im guessing because it was so dumb kinda glad i didn t have to pay for it in short dumb ass movie don t see it but then again thats my opinion"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20215": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the best animated movies i ve ever seen in my life this isn t just a fun movie or a well made movie this is a landmark in the art of animation and even if it weren t just the technical skill that went into making it would grant it a place in the history of animation wladyslaw starewicz created a stop motion movie about the secret life of beetles he imagined a coherent world of insects with jobs houses nightclubs movie houses even little props like posters and bicycles and paintings in this movie he tells a simple tale of hypocrisy and revenge mr beetle has an affair with a dancing dragonfly much to the chagrin of a grasshopper but he s a cameraman and decides to shoot the fling mr beetle returns home and finds mrs beetle having her own affair mr beetle chases the lover away but forgives his wife the two make up and go out to the movies and the movie they watch is mr beetle and the dragonfly described thus it sounds banal but once seen it becomes a gripping work of cinema along with emile cohl and jiri trnka wladyslaw starewicz pretty much invented everything that future animators would use in their work for that reason he must not remain forgotten"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20216": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the film picks up after last years remake with the military setting up electronic surveillance equipment in the desert where the attacks in the first film happened the crew is killed not long before a group of soldiers on a training exercise show up to find no one around you can fill in the rest this is a paycheck picture all around there seems to be no passion in anyone s performances nor in anyone behind the camera this is a movie that was made for the money and nothing else on some level this should have worked it could have been a more horrific southern comfort where national guardsmen run afoul of some people in the swamps but instead its not much of anything in large part you can blame the script written unbelievably in part by wes craven which hits the same old targets again and again add to the mess the fact that the direction is dull and the set up of sequences is so lack luster as to remove any inherent tension in any scene its not bad as such but badly made and dull let me put my feelings into context the reason i saw this film was because a local multiplex screwed up and ran this film instead of the kids flick the last mimzy and i wanted to see what caused the out cry i mean the films have so much in common he says sarcastically i m convinced that this film will only scare those who like the last mimzy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20217": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this short is a puzzlement words fail me here as this is almost indescribable technically exceptional after more than years the visuals are remarkable and even occasionally amazing this is not something you watch if you like things that are mundane or normal because it most certainly is not either this be an odd one gang well worth checking out but if things like ren and stimpy make your head hurt you may want to skip this recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20218": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "despite positive reviews and screenings at the international festivals this movie is not for everyone the story is very similar to other movies in which a teenage girl from the family of immigrants needs to overcome many common personal problems of her age and also to struggle against the pressure of ethnic traditions in her family she does that by choosing some kind of sport and with the help of a local boy that for some reason falls in love with her she confronts her problems and wins in girlfight it s boxing in bend it like beckham it s soccer and now it s kung fu but fighter is much inferior product than these two it was simply embarrassing to watch it semra turan the actress that playing the role of a teenage girl maybe can do a lot of things but one thing she can t do is to act her presence on the screen is anemic and clumsy the dramatic situations in which she tries to show some emotions are dreadful her body and facial language are of amateur actress badly instructed by the director the rest of the cast is a little better but they just cannot save this clich movie with stereotypical characters and shallow plot besides a few relatively good moments this movie has nothing new or interesting to offer even the kung fu fighting is not a reason to watch this it s just so boring the slow motion was really unnecessary the choreography was basic and lacked the inspiration and most of the kung fu scenes are just training or standing in all kind of kung fu positions not actually fighting not to mention how ridiculous it looks when a small and skinny girl fights big and muscular boys and knocks them off their feet the only reason this movie has been noticed at all is because it s european it s very easy to publicize this movie a first martial arts film from denmark but don t be fooled it s not it s just a drama about stupid teenage girl and her problems which are by the way not really convincing bad movie with embarrassing lines acting and story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20219": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "well i thoroughly enjoyed this movie it was funny and sad and yes the guy andie macdowell shagged was hot interesting realistic characters and plots as well as beautiful scenery i think my mum would like it i still think they should have been allowed to call it the sad f kers club though"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20220": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "alexandre aja s remake of the hills have eyes was one of the bright spots of not only was it a remake of a classic horror film but it was pretty damned good too so nearly a year later we are being treated to the sequel to that remake while original scripter wes craven is back as producer and co scripted this film just fails to rise to the level set by the original and the remake a group of military trainees stop by in the desert to check in on some scientists and find themselves run afoul of the mutant family from the first film at least those that remain plus some new ones there s plenty of gore to be had here what annoys me about this film is the utter lack of characterization the viewer does not give a damn about what happens to any of these people because we haven t gotten into them even the mutants had some characterization last time out and this time nothing gore for the sake of gore is pointless there has to be a reason for this to happen for it to be interesting nothing that happens here is interesting and what is it lately with rape scenes in films here we get yet another one for no real reason hopefully this is one set of hills that won t be visited again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20221": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "an absurdly hilarious and strikingly human tale of the jealousies and infidelities surrounding a beetle marriage russian animation pioneer wladyslaw starewicz s mest kinematograficheskogo operatora the cameraman s revenge or the revenge of a kinematograph cameraman is a delight of early animation brimming with highly effective stop motion puppetry and no shortage of imagination mr and mrs beetle have a completely uneventful marriage and both yearn for more excitement in their lives mr beetle s desires can only be satisfied by the beautiful exotic dancer at the gay dragonfly night club whom he visits whenever he takes a business trip to the city she is the only one who understands him a fellow admirer of this dancer an aggressive grasshopper is jealous that mr beetle has stolen his lady and as fate would have it he is also a movie cameraman the devious grasshopper follows mr beetle and his acquaintance to a hotel room where he films their exploits through the keyhole meanwhile mrs beetle has likewise acquired a friend to add excitement to her life he is an artist and he brings her a painting for a present before they both settle down on the couch for some intimacy at that moment however mr beetle returns home and witnesses the entire spectacle as mr beetle bashes through the front door the artist friend clambers up the chimney but he doesn t escape without mr beetle first venting his anger and frustration upon him there is a certain irony in the statement that follows mr beetle is generous he forgives his wife and takes her to a movie he is generous enough to forgive her and yet he had been equally unfaithful just minutes earlier at this point in time however we still haven t forgotten the jealous movie cameraman who had been plotting his revenge and it is no surprise when he turns out to be the projectionist for the film mr and mrs beetle are attending suddenly intercut into the film they are enjoying is the footage of mr beetle s disloyalty and the angry wife hits him across the head with an umbrella before the frightened and angry husband dives through the theatre screen in search of the grasshopper in the final scene both mr and mrs beetle now somewhat more appreciative of each other are serving time in prison for the fire that broke out when mr beetle sought his final revenge we do indeed hope that the home life of the beetles will be less exciting in the future this film may appear to be a mere story of the comings and goings of a miniscule insect species but starewicz is communicating so much more than that this isn t a story about beetles it is a story about us and it s startlingly accurate isn t it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20222": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as has been stated countless times the hills have eyes is not a remake of the generally disregarded mid s sequel to wes craven s original but wishing to give this postmodern sequel to a remake the official stamp of diminishing returns craven himself a double threat alongside his son jonathan has decided to pen a film that is of the same quality in plain english horrible former music video director martin weisz takes the reins from alexandre aja and is clearly in way over his head yet one wonders how anyone could have created a watchable film from the cravens screen writing scrawl not only are the characters in this case a gang of goofball national guards wo men sent to investigate the turbulent hills of the original remake completely obnoxious and prone to really annoying genre pitfalls played without a lick of irony mind you but they are constantly cracking jokes that aren t funny after viewing their total ineptitude during a training exercise their fate against the repulsive roaming cannibals is painfully obvious only this time out as in the original s sequel the script is so simplistic barely existent actually that any potential subtext is jettisoned in favor of upping the ante in repulsive shocks we re treated to a combo childbirth murder during the opening credits plus a gratuitous rape for those who haven t ejected the dvd by the midpoint even the mutants in this outing are personality free freaks of no memorable stature the tacky rubbery looking makeup fx seems like the rest of the film to be trying to hide its face from embarrassment i really groaned at the lame surprise at the end of aja s otherwise excellent film and the producers quite literally go for broke at the end of hills setting the stage very lamely setting the stage for a third installment yet the cravens and weisz have created a film that is such a cynical bastardization of what made the versions work that they d be hard pressed to find an audience after this insulting slap in the face"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20223": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the cameraman s revenge is an unusual short not because of the subject matter adultery or because it s animated winsor mccay had introduced little nemo on film by this time but because it depicts bugs to tell the story ladislaw starewicz had originally wanted to film actual bugs fighting but couldn t get them to do it on camera because of the hot lights they suffered through so he took dead ones and started using stop motion techniques to manipulate movements to his satisfaction this short does a good job of putting human characteristics on little creatures such as riding motorcycles painting filming kissing and dancing starewicz would also make frogland and the mascot but his first notable work would be this one if you re interested in this and the other shorts mentioned check your local library to borrow the dvd the cameraman t revenge and other fantastic tales from image entertainment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20224": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m no horror movie buff but my wife s nieces and nephews are so i saw the first movie it was gruesome and tense but not my taste still good though for similar reasons at this very moment i am being exposed to a sequel the premise itself is beyond absurd i can buy that disasters occur in the desert i can buy that mutants exists i can even buy that the events might be so weird and strange that the military may decide to get involved it is unlikely yes but i m willing to suspend my belief however under no circumstances am i willing to believe that the military squad assigned to recon such an area would be unable to fend off the mutants being a member of the united states army i can assure that while fresh recruits may lack the seasoned eyes and experience of combat soldiers any such recruits would be integrated into a capable squad a squad of armed soldiers is not about to be taken out by a few mutants with knives that s just the way it works squad movements vastly superior firepower and of course radio support would ensure nothing less than total victory i m not saying you wouldn t have casualties but as soon as the area was verified as hostile military training would take precedence no one would go off on their own even to use the bathroom and if it were discovered that the area was so infested with hostiles that the squad was unable to handle the danger they would radio in for backup and believe me their radios would not be jammed if there was a chance that normal radios would not do the squad would have a military issue satellite phone chances are if they were unable to check in every hour a search would be called in order to accept this movie you must accept that our soldiers are incompetent fools with incompetent leaders and an incompetent chain of command while it may still be true that the most dangerous thing in the world is a lieutenant with a map and compass our military forces are filled with intelligent well trained competent soldiers mutants with knives are far below our ability to deal with with the whole execution of the movie depending solidly on the impossible to imagine the film fails to deliver instead we are expected to believe that our soldiers sailors and airmen are incapable of dealing with even the most mediocre threats as a combat veteran i find the movie insulting"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20225": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ladislas starewicz s curiosity with insects and cinema melds into a short film about a love triangle between mr beetle an artistic grasshopper and mrs beetle the rather simple story of an adulterous beetle couple that both seek stimulation outside their marriage is similar to a biograph or vitagraph short of the time starewicz s twist on the story is to use embalmed beetles with wires straightening the legs in frame by frame animation the story builds as mr beetle is unknowingly caught on camera with a dragonfly from the local nightclub by a jealous grasshopper when mr beetle comes home to find his wife in the arms of her artistic friend he chases her around angrily but eventually forgives her and takes her out to see a movie however mrs beetle soon learns of her husband s infidelities as the movie they watch is the jealous grasshopper s footage of mr beetle and the dragonfly together mrs beetle thrashes mr beetle with her umbrella mr beetle jumps through the screen and they both end up in jail after the projector they wreck catches on fire the insects are placed in humanized settings such as a house or a nightclub and are given human characteristics of jealousy anger lust and revenge the insect characters carry briefcases drive motorcars and even wear shoes yet they also twitch their antennae and open and close their mandibles as real insects would the novelty of the story doesn t wear itself out even after multiple viewings but as fluid as the movements are the film moves slowly action happens with intricate detail but rapidity and a quicker pace of filming is lost in the process despite its pace the film is an excellent example of starewicz s early puppetry and is highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20226": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "no plot crappy acting and pointless gore this is supposed to be a horror movie there s no fear or suspense just boom bang gore then done some kinda marines are in the desert for some weird crappy reason and they get hunted down by those mutated beasts from the first movie which was good and should have been left it at that this is just another excuse for money and use of pointless violence just like the saw sequels they know no matter how pointless the plot is and the more gore they can add people will see it i miss good suspenseful horror movies come on hollywood you can do much much better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20227": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "for animation buffs it s a must but even general audiences will enjoy the cameraman s revenge a very early example of pixilation by the hard working pioneer wladyslaw starewicz starewicz and his helpers painstakingly manipulated a cast of flexible insect figures to tell this story paving the way for the likes of willis o brien george pal ray harryhausen and legions of modern digital effect creators the cameraman s revenge is only about minutes long but packs in lots of amusing detail as the story follows the amorous adventures of two beetles from their home to a nightclub a hotel a cinema and eventually a prison cell there are two brief dance numbers at the nightclub performed by a frog and a dragonfly a scuffle between a beetle and a grasshopper and a large scale donnybrook at the cinema which ends with the projector bursting into flames pretty elaborate goings on for when even john bray and winsor maccay were just getting started and walt disney was still in grade school it s interesting to note too what an impact the alteration of a silent movie s title cards can have on the story being told i ve seen two versions of this film offered by two video companies and watched them back to back and although the image content itself is almost identical two different sets of intertitles tell two very different stories and the plot outline someone provided above tells yet a third story which suggests that there s another version out there somewhere the british film institute s print which has rhyming intertitles tells the story of two sibling beetles each secretly married who hide this information from one another in order to inherit their late father s fortune the other russian print tells a simpler story of married beetles who are each guilty of infidelity in the russian version mr beetle visits his girlfriend at the gay dragonfly nightclub while in the english version brother bill beetle visits his wife at the music hall personally i prefer the straightforward and spicier russian story the bfi version tries to cram too much plot into what should be a simple tale and some of the rhymes are a bit awkward still in any rendition the cameraman s revenge is a delightful film and would make an ideal lead in to that other great animated work which features beetles yellow submarine"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20228": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "wow this is the worst movie ever the only reason i signed up for imdb was so i could complain about this movie i have never walked out of a theater or stoped a dvd but i almost stopped this one and i should have but i watched it all the way to the end just to get let down again with an absolutely terrible ending wow if this is all that wes craven can produce his time is long up i ve never seen the first one and will never after watching this its terrible acting with a terrible plot hey looks someone is shinning a mirror at us lets go check it out and the sad part is that when this movie came to dvd it was completely checked out at blockbuster forever so i feel bad for all the people that saw this junk"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20229": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film has special effects which for it s time are very impressive some if it is easily explainable with the scenes played backwards but the overlay of moving images on an object on film is surprisingly well done given that this film was made more than years ago"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, 1]}, "20230": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i couldn t believe my eyes once i ve watched this movie there s no point in it either then blood and violence unlike other scary movies that had gore and a meaning to it this movie is just blood gore and killing one after another this movie isn t interesting at all has no meaningful plot or story line nor does it have an intelligence in it the blood looks very fake and this movie overall is pointless don t even waste your time with it it s just an hour or two of mindless violence it has many bloody scenes that aren t scary but just plain revolting this is probably the worst horror film i have ever watched out of all the horror films i ever saw"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20231": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "tess of the storm country was a mary pickford vehicle i had intended to get for some time i finally found a vhs copy for a reasonable price and got to enjoy it mary gives her typical spunky innocently sexy portrayal of a wrong side of tracks girl who wins the heart of a rich heir only this time the stakes are higher a false murder charge an illegitimate child and ensuing case of mistaken motherhood and contemplated suicide one can see why pickford wanted to redo this one the story is a real morality tale the kind that she loved to star in the controversial topics aren t always spelled out plainly a viewer has to pay attention and pick up on hints to catch everything that is being implied on first viewing although everything is more or less explained in the end about the only negative remark i can make would be concerning jean hersholt and the dog hersholt whose character ben letts looks to be about pounds bigger next to mary of course is sent fleeing in panic when a pound chocolate lab charges toward him then to top it off or maybe to justify his perplexing fear of the dog it manages to pin him to the ground and somehow injures him so badly that he is still struggling to get up much later as a bad storm hits this is the same lovable lab that sleeps with frederick lloyd hughes and cuddles with mary yet mary later throws boiling water in ben s face which barely slows him ok i ve vented about ben and the chocolate lab other than that the movie was quite touching and certainly held my attention pickford s supporting cast was strong and believable this is certainly among her better films"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20232": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie pretty much sucked i m in the army and the soldiers depicted in this movie are horrible if your in the military and you see this movie you ll laugh and be upset the entire movie because of the way they acted as a squad it was ridiculous they acted like a bunch of normal people with army uniforms on not knowing what to do it was a pretty gory movie i d have to say the least there was a couple scenes where they try to make you jump i d recommend seeing it if you are bored and want to see a violent gory movie it will be a better movie also if your not in the military i also would have to say i liked the first one better than this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20233": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "mary pickford often stated that tess skinner was her favorite movie role well said she played the part twice and for this version which she herself produced she not only had to purchase the rights from adolph zukor but even give him credit on the film s main title card needless to say her portrayal of this role here is most winning indeed in my opinion the movie itself rates as one the all time great experiences of silent cinema true director john s robertson doesn t move his camera an inch from start to finish but in robertson s skillful hands this affectation not only doesn t matter but is probably more effective a creative artist of the first rank robertson is a master of pace camera angles and montage he has also drawn brilliantly natural performances from all his players jean hersholt who enacts the heavy is so hideously repulsive it s hard to believe this is the same man as kindly dr christian while lloyd hughes renders one of the best acting jobs of his entire career true it s probably not the way mrs white intended but it serves the plot admirably as otherwise we would have difficulty explaining why the dope spent a fortune on defense but made not the slightest attempt to ascertain who actually fired the gun that killed his future brother in law needless to say this particular quality of the likable hero is downplayed by jack ging in the bowdlerized version which also totally deletes the author s trenchant attack on smug middle class christianity notice how the well washed priest here moves forward a pace or two in surprise at the interruption but then makes no attempt whatever to assist our plucky little heroine in the performance of duties that he himself was supposedly ordained to administer this is a very moving scene indeed because it is so realistically presented tess also provides an insight into the work of another fine actress gloria hope whose work was entirely confined to silent cinema she married lloyd hughes in and retired in to devote her life completely to her husband and their two children lloyd hughes died in but she lived until easily contactable in pasadena but i bet no one had the brains to interview her another opportunity lost to me forrest robinson only made a middling impression as skinner i thought he was slightly miscast and a brief glance at his filmography proves this he usually played priests or judges but david torrence as usual was superb in all an expensive production with beautiful photography and marvelous production values"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20234": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "isn t anyone else tired of that old clich where a nearly dead person shows up in a horror film gives us some informations and then blasts his head off for no apparent reason i know i am the sad thing is that it s use in this film is worthless if you have seen the first film the first remake i should say then the information given is completely worthless because you would have already known it i guess you can that it isn t worthless to the main characters but then why does the idiot shoot himself in the head wouldn t he want to live sure he would have died anyway this is the second film to be titled the hills have eyes ii the first being the sequel to the original s film this is where it gets a little complicated for someone like me see i m probably part of minority of people my age that even knew there was a hhe to begin with much less an original hhe and now that we have a sequel to a remake and the fact that this sequel is named exactly as the sequel to the original hhe it just makes it worse but anyways wes craven s original hills have eyes was decent in the end though the idea was better than the presentation but he most likely had a low budget to be quite honest wes craven isn t that good of a horror director he s only made a few good horror movies nightmare on elm st new nightmare a few alright ones scream and a bunch of horrible ones cursed shocker vampire in brooklyn oh yeah and he made swamp thing as well but the original hhe falls under the latter category i ve only seen a few minutes but it was terrible now he has co written the new hhe and it s such a disappointment last year s hhe remake was even better than the original film it was tense i guess it had to do with the fact that the main characters were a family and not a bunch of beer and pot and sex crazy teenagers it made us feel dirty for the first hour we were in hell and finally in the last few moments the good guys got revenge on the bad guys and it felt good this new film has no tension no suspense whatsoever just violent things happening to mostly stupid people there is hardly any menacing presence here just ugly hobos hiding under rocks i m getting tired of horror movies where people die because of the stupid mistakes they keep making it was just the other day that i watching deep blue sea where samuel l jackson kept on walking around the water while giving the speech and then he gets eaten by a shark only because the idiot stayed to close to the water something that nobody would do in the given situation here is the exact same thing people go off by themselves to take a leak even though they know people are dying seriously couldn t a potty break wait and then when you think people would have learned someone else goes of by themselves seriously isn t more scary when the characters are bringing their a game and still losing i would think so it even under delivers it should have made the first remake look like the fog remake which was less menacing than an episode of becker more bad guys more time in the caves more tension more of everything but it actually downgrades less bad guys no tension sure we have more time in the caves but not a whole lot happens there in the end it only seems like there is two or three bad guys the last film made it seem like a whole tribe of people where is this tribe who keeps on watching them through binoculars seriously these are the things this film should have brought us but it ends with the exact same promise that the last film gave us with that exact same being watched scene come on i ll give the devil it s due the look of the film is good but thats it i don t even think fans of gore will like this though i m probably wrong there is gore though most of it is sped up while in the dark but without the tension and characters you even care about the gore does nothing in my book in the end you re not frightened you re not shocked unless you re an year old girl you don t even feel like you have seen anything new"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20235": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film does not fail to engage and move even in to an audience only familiar with modern over produced sound and computer enhanced techniques the experience of the movie goer in who could only see this in a cinema with others on their big screen must have been truly profound and a thoroughly satisfying experience one has to ask could a film maker today make a two hour silent movie and make it interesting and achieve the same structure tempo and balance as this movie has silent film making was pure art it had to hold the attention through its structure direction and acting there was no padding out with more words or computer generated distractions a poorly made or uninteresting silent movie is unwatchable this film needs to be put into context for those who might be disconcerted with the mention of christian themes this is not a christiany film it is not selling anything these themes along with reference to current moral standards often appear in this era also church going on sundays was a national past time christianity was a given in most households thus the film is only depicting normal life as it was then the themes would have rung true and deep at the time it is most odd given the strong support to good christian thinking of this particular movie and it is not preaching religion to anyone only highlighting the difference between hypocrites and the honest that in a pastor in an open debate with a representative from the film industry with a large crowd denounced pickford as an example of immorality along with some other individuals he named ny times maybe they should have watched this movie that also came out in and learned some lessons the pastor complained that since the film industry had started church attendance had dropped the film representative in the debate however made the following observations that saloon attendance had also dropped that there were far more pastors in prison than actors fact and that selecting a few examples from among the many was not representative of the whole thus there was an ongoing battle between church and the film industry during the early days of film this is a wonderful film about being honest and true to family friends and to be willing to make sacrifices mary pickford naive honest feisty full of happiness and joy faithful humorous and silently sacrificing though poor and uneducated she represented the perfect character this however is not thrust down our throat but revealed bit by bit through the film this is reminiscent of some modern chinese films where characters are slowly languidly revealed over the course of a film and it is this tempo that creates a stronger connection with the character it has a smooth even tempo for the first half that builds all the elements for the last section the last minutes are great film making and it has to be appreciated it was achieved without the benefit of sound running dialog it was achieved through deft acting and great directing it is sometimes surprising to realize that at the end of the film you haven t hear a word spoken but it feels like you have heard everything the supporting cast put in great performances especially gloria hope jean hersholt and lloyd hughes the final few minutes are typical pickford understated humor as she goes outside under the pretext of sweeping the snow a near perfect balance and ending this is a special type of touching humor that should not be underestimated chaplin used this device often and copied some of from pickford another special observation to be made about silent films and especially pickford films is that the star often has to hold the camera for much of the movie without the audience becoming jaded or bored with the actors over exposure that pickford is usually thoroughly the center of attention through most of her movies but the people still couldn t get enough of her is a testament to her fine acting ability"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20236": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i appreciate the need to hire unknowns for these kind of horror movies but they should at least hire some proper actors the sergeant especially is guilty of using his monotone to bulldozer every single line he has but let s face it the lines aren t really important there isn t really a recognisable plot so most of the writing involves the words f k s t m f r and other assorted bad language in place of proper dialogue the story as it is is mostly made up of seemingly random gore and death with a couple of cringe worthy surprises which happen around minutes after you see exactly what s going to happen not only this but there are several glaring plot holes and continuity errors why are they going in there didn t he have a weapon wasn t he dead so it makes the whole film seem as if it has been cut down by the several hours it would take to fix them another film which simply relies on blood and gore instead of any real cinematic experience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20237": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "tess of the storm country is possibly the best movie of all of mary pickford s films at two hours it was quite long for a silent film yet continues to hold your interest some years after it was filmed mary gives one of her finest performances at times the role seems like a greatest hits performance with bits of mary the innocent mary the little devil mary the little mother mary the spitfire mary the romantic heroine etc characteristics that often were used throughout a single film in the past the movie is surprisingly frank about one supporting character s illegitimate child for and at one point our little mary is thought the unwed mother in question if the academy awards had been around in no doubt the best actress oscar for the year would have been mary s"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20238": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "my god this movie was awful i can t complain about it too much i went to see it just to be grossed out it did suffice sort of it s funny that the most disgusting part of the movie was in the very very beginning where the woman is extremely vividly forced to give birth to a horribly mutated baby i also think that it s funny that the most notable actor in the movie was the hispanic soldier who was a supporting actor in next friday everyone in the movie did a horrible acting job it was some of the worst acting i ve ever paid to see i also expected that it would be much more gruesome than the first one it wasn t i expected it to be more gruesome because it s a sequel and horror movie sequels are usually much less successful than their predecessors i expected it to be more gruesome since gore and violence usually sell a horror movie these days grudge saw jeepers creepers dead silence but it actually wasn t nearly as gruesome as the first one which was yet another disappointment the mutants in the first one were kind of disturbing but the filmmakers were trying so hard in this one to make them creepy that they were absolutely hilarious i also hated the entire concept of showing the clip of the female soldier s son on her camera phone saying i love you mommy four times it was stupid to show it in the first place because they were just trying to make us feel worse for the vulnerable mother than the rest of the soldiers and it was even more stupid to keep trying to make us feel even worse for her by showing it three more times for no reason this movie was a joke"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20239": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "had this been the original version of tess of the storm country also starring mary pickford i probably would have rated it a lot higher as this sort of extreme melodrama and sentimentality was pretty typical of the teens however by this film was already starting to show its age and compared to many of ms pickford s other films such as daddy longlegs sparrows my best girl and suds tess comes up a tad short and not every pickford film merits a even if she was america s sweetheart now this isn t to say that it s a bad film it certainly isn t but i just can t see how so many have given this film a the film has a very long and complicated plot especially because most films of the era were shorter a rich old crank builds a mansion at the top of a hill next to the river at the bottom of the hill are some dirty squatters who he hates but who he cannot evict so he tries to come up with a variety of ways to get them off the land one ends up in tragedy when his daughter s fianc is killed in a scuffle with the po folks the man accused of the murder is dear old mary s father though he is innocent to make things a lot worse the only witness to the real murder won t talk and the dead man had gotten his fianc e pregnant so at this point we have an innocent man in prison waiting to be executed and a pregnant lady afraid to tell her sanctimonious father she is in the family way there s a ton more to the film such as the crank s son falling in love with mary but it s best you just see the film for yourself the film excels in some ways the plot while very complicated is also rather interesting and the cinematography is top notch the very final scene is also pretty cute however there is so much overt sentimentality you can practically cut it with a knife mary is so good and so sweet and so plucky at times the viewer might find it all a bit hard to take while it worked great in making her the biggest star in the world today it s very dated this is not true of all her films but this one certainly is by the way the image entertainment dvd is of decent quality though a few scenes are badly degraded something that isn t very surprising considering the age of the film also the only extras included are a brief filmography"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20240": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this ludicrous and inept film is certainly the most misguided version of hamlet to ever reach the screen branagh s approach to the material can only be described as vulgar going to such lengths as depicting ophelia in a straight jacket having fortinbras army appear suddenly on the horizon looking very much like the climax of monty python and the holy grail when the palace is apparently guarded only by francisco who shouts the very un shakespearean cry of ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack before being gunned down and multitudes of star cameos that harken back to the days of jimmy cagney s bottom and mary pickford s kate branagh chose to set his film in an edwardian setting but at the same time decided to employ an almost uncut text so that frequently the dialogue that is firmly rooted in elizabethan mentality makes no sense in the context that it is being performed and branagh does not concern himself with such textural subtleties as the ambiguous nature of hamlet and olphelia s relationship treating the audience to a vulgar nude sex scene between the couple that tosses any ambiguity right out the stained glass window the uncut text does allow branagh to indulge in his favorite cinematic pastime more footage of kenneth branagh this is never so apparent as in the how all occasions inform against me speech that ends the first half of the nineteen hour film at least that s how it feels which attempts to play to a dramatic crescendo along the lines of gone with the wind s i ll never be hungry again this may serve branagh s ego but it does not serve shakespeare or the speech when i saw the film in the theater i leaned over to my companion and snickered great moments with mr hamlet branagh saves the funniest and most tasteless moment for last when he attempts to out do the olivier film and its justly celebrated death of claudius by having hamlet jump from off a high tower onto the monarch impaling him with a sword branagh s dane does in the king by heroically throwing an apparently magic rapier from across the palace to run through claudius heart with a super hero s bulls eye the only thing that saved the moment from being unbearably maddening was that it was so off the wall funny while this film has been praised in some quarters as a serious depiction of the tragedy it is in fact nothing but a star studded display of a once talented filmmaker being overtaken by his own narcissism the emperor has no clothes and this hamlet has nothing to offer but a few unintended laughs and the appalling sight of one man s ego out of control"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20241": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "me being of irish origins loved this movie not only was the guy hot and funny he was also sincere and honest i loved the girl who he fell in love with too she was pretty they were such a cute couple the ending was so sad love this movie although it is a little dirty it reminds of a british or irish version of prime if you liked this movie you should watch prime same story line young guy falls for older women older women falls for young guy to a lot of paths cross in the end the best decision is made or task is completed don t have anything else to say without ruining the whole movie all though i thought the french guy was ugly less appealing to me umm if you like irish movies i would recommend circle of friends that movie is so good quick quote you might not get unless you watch it well thats my dinner ruined lol"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20242": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "martin weisz who directed the solid rohtenburg will be taking the heat with wes craven for another shabby the hills have eyes the memory of the legendary original which boasted an unbelievable storyline and a dog having a flashback will be erased forever by this more technically polished remake in name only a bunch of national guardsmen and women are sent to a desert research area surrounded by hills filled with mutants one by one the weekend soldiers are picked off that s it there is some hardcore violence and a reasonably brutal rape scene but there is precious little else to get excited about the film s heroes are the usual bunch of clich s and the mutants a far cry from craven s original family mostly resemble brian thompson from cobra coupled with some creatures stan winston had left over from the wrong turn shoot much of the action takes place in caves ala the descent and is well shot by sam mccurdy a laughable aspect is wes and jonathan craven s addition of a sympathetic mutant who skulks around his cave like leatherface in hooper s original chainsaw weisz will be blamed for this dull debacle but he s not really at fault because he does his best to maintain suspense and squeeze some freshness out of the contrived situations not a fan unfortunately"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20243": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i had never seen a silent movie until july i had never seen a movie with mary pickford in it i ve seen thousands of movies very few are hypnotic to me i found last of the mohicans and unforgettable ray liotta to be hypnotic so consider the source as you read this i started watching tess of the storm country on tcm just to see who this mary pickford was who has been credited by many for launching hollywood i had no idea what i was in for two hours later i snapped out of it and realized i d watched one of the most beautiful women i had ever seen playing a role perfectly suited to her imagine a movie fan in having never seen anyone that gorgeous and that expressive before you would have to see her again and again the setting was perfect for a girl that expressive she was a poor squatter couldn t speak the king s english but you had to admire her what a movie time to start my mary pickford movie collection"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20244": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the premise of this awaited sequel was really good and after the huge success of the remake i expected a lot sincerely the sad truth is that this movie is really absurd and inept the situations are dumb and beyond reason and the acting is truly awful this time there aren t likable characters or violins unlike the remake also the gore is not that abundant and when it happens it s truly bad the violence is minimal and it s a shame because there are many arguments that make you think that there s room for heavy violence i mean there s a swat team that is hunting a family of cannibal mutants you surely expect something different when i watched it on the movies i wanted my money back anyways this is a clear example of how rushed out movies turn out to be a mess and demonstrate poor quality on all aspects a mess that let down the fans of the remake like me that s why sequels are never welcomed at least this movie isn t as terrible as the sequel to the original"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20245": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "uneducated defiant beautiful tess of the storm country is the daughter of a fisherman squatting on a rich man s land spirited bold she captures the heart of the millionaire s son but violence terror sudden death are what will haunt her immediate future before she can claim the sweet peace of happiness mary pickford is utterly charming in this splendid heart wrenching film she considered tess to be her favorite role and she fills it with all the spunky joy enthusiasm which made her for years the world s most popular movie star the story has all the essential elements for a modern fairy tale with mary the lovely distressed heroine beset by all manner of dangerous stressful situations the atmospherics are first rate with the outdoor fishing village sets being particularly well conceived in the supporting cast jean hersholt stands out as the vile villain who tries forcing pickford to marry him hersholt a very gentle soul off screen manages brilliantly to depict his character s complete moral corruption this was actually the second time pickford filmed tess a version had been one of her first important films but its production values were a bit antiquated by the standards of the s no close ups for instance and mary producing her own films powerful enough by to make whatever film she wanted decided for the only time in her career to remake a film the end result certainly lived up to her expectations both films were very popular at the box office a fascinating study for some future film researcher would be the influence of christianity in mary pickford s life it certainly runs like a golden thread through the silent movies she produced although the romanticism inherent in the very nature of silent cinema might cause these spiritual sentiments to appear somewhat awkward today we are compelled to accept them as sincere reflections by their very repetition of mary s heartfelt beliefs in tess one beautiful scene in particular stands out in this regard pickford is teaching herself to read using a bible she indicates to lloyd hughes who plays her sweetheart a word from near the back of the book that she does not understand he mimes it for her the word is obviously `crucified and eyes turned heavenward as the full meaning of the sacrifice dawns upon her mary s face becomes positively beatific a splendid new orchestral score for tess has been supplied by jeffrey mark silverman which perfectly underscores the beauty pathos of this wonderful film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20246": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "okay let s not get confused here if this is a sequel to a remake of an original horror classic does that mean it also automatically is a remake of the original horror classic s sequel here s to hoping that s not a general rule as wes craven s own sequel to the original the hills have eyes released somewhere during the mid s is easily one of the worst and absolute most redundant horror movies ever made part two didn t have an actual plot and re used footage of the original only to further exploit the success of the genuinely gritty and petrifying premise craven also wanted us to believe even dogs suffer from flashbacks and painful memories as the loyal german shepard of the carter family re experienced his bloody fight with one of the mountain hillbillies there were quite a bit of alarming signs indicating us that this sequel would be a horrendous failure as well the remake came out barely one year ago and here s the sequel already the incredible speed of its release righteously causes you to question the quality of the script don t they need a little more time if they want to come up with a film that should be scary menacing and disturbing with his excellent film alexandre aja nearly single handedly altered the general opinion about horror remakes as he had the courage and intellect of changing essential elements in the plot and adding more nauseating gore than anyone could ever had hoped for also aja is quite a talented young director and made himself noticed with his french instant cult classic high tension but who is this new director aja s the hills have eyes was an unexpected hit appreciated by both experienced and older generations of horror fans as well as the younger and over enthusiast target groups it s a really good film and even though an avalanche of new sequels and clones will be inevitable it s highly unlikely that one of them will ever equal the surprising quality level of aja s smashing hit bearing all this in mind plus a rather large dose of personal skepticism i must admit this rushed sequel really isn t as awful as anticipated the screenplay is routine and clich d horror fodder introducing a fairly large number of characters with few or even no backbone and tastelessly depicting how they get slaughtered by traditionally repulsive looking freaks after the events of the first film the us army has set up a camp in the middle of the new mexican desert to investigate the effects of the nuclear tests which took place there in the s and s for the horribly mutated survivors of the miner s community that stayed there during the radioactive testing the scientists and researchers form a tasty starter until the main course of incompetent soldiers arrives by truck they are just supposed to drop off food and supplies but encounter their ultimate military training exercise when faced with the relentless humanoids that live inside the remainders of the mines this basically is just another by the numbers slasher with dumb characters who are even after losing several of their friends already still stupid enough to separate themselves from the group and act like easy targets to kill it s also very easy to point out which ones will make it out of this adventure alive especially when one of the soldiers is against all types of violence and another one continuously stares at video images of her cute year old son the hills have eyes ii completely lacks as to be expected originality logic and plausible situations the mutated miners aren t nearly as menacing as their colleagues in part one mainly because they aren t organized this time and only just behave like drooling and sex hungry prototype monsters since you don t care for the amateur g i joe heroes and definitely don t feel any sympathy for the eyes in the hills this film is a whole lot less compelling and involving than last year s original most peculiarly this second film isn t nearly as violent and gory as the first sequels usually compensate the lack of suspense and the absence of surprise twists with extra bloodshed and more graphic killing sequences but the action in this sequel is really tame compared to the sick footage featuring in its predecessor there are a handful of scenes to satisfy the bloodthirsty horror fanatics mainly showing soldiers falling down cliffs or getting shot by their own guns but there sadly aren t any outrageous pick axe battles or virulent dog attacks what a shame what s the point of a sequel if it even fails to surpass the level of grossness and or gratuitous filth of the original luckily enough the film is never boring or unnecessarily sentimental and you ll have the most fun spotting all the things that don t make the slightest bit of sense for example wallets falling out of people s bloodied heads women without any muscle power cast as tough ass soldiers and my personal favorite assigning the one soldier with a speaking disability to operate the radio communications"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20247": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "here is proof of why mary pickford was `america s sweetheart in this rather complex drama mary plays the young daughter of a squatter that dare to dream of a relationship with the son of one of the `hill toppers the scenes where they steal a kiss and otherwise fall in love are simply delightful she is even willing to take a bath that mary could pull this role off at the age of is simply amazing and somewhat due to her diminutive stature tess must face numerous physical and emotional challenges she does so with spunk not seen in many heroines of the time tess packs a wallop and is not shy about fighting with anyone why she agrees to help the `hill topper daughter is beyond me but she sacrifices her own happiness in order to keep a deep secret pickford s close ups are wonderful danish born jean hersholt is simply wonderful as the villain the scene in which he manhandles a small baby is enough to make you throw vegetables or whatever at the movie screen if forrest robinson who plays daddy skinner had worn a beard he would have been a match for the model used in those world war i recruiting posters of uncle sam wants you although the story is somewhat predictable and slow in the beginning it is worth the investment in your time to see the piece or pure `americana the film highlights choices available to us all involving making someone else happy and what it is to be a real christian recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20248": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "thhe is entertaining in that you ll laugh a lot and cringe and probably say oh sh t and get your face away from the goddamn hole you dumb s or things along those lines but i don t know if its really worth seeing i was very annoyed throughout the entirety with the horrible military characters who don t seem to know the first thing about combat yes there was more violence gore and a higher body count than the first one but i am still am debating whether that cancels out my feeling throughout the whole movie about how ridiculous it is and not a good ridiculousness like dead alive or feast my time would have been better spent watching aja s remake for the th time so go for some laughs or go for some gore but don t go hoping to come out of it satisfied"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20249": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is an eye opener for those who can only the glamorous lifestyles of the stars it tells you how people who would like to do good are not able to plus the bomb blast scene is very real what you read and are taught just does not happen can raise your bp level by all actors played their role very well some scenes may could have been avoided to include teenagers this movie is quite adult in nature not a movie that can be seen with family casting is great"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20250": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the hills have eyes ii is what you would expect it to be and nothing more of course it s not going to be an oscar nominated film it s just pure entertainment which you can just lose yourself in for minutes the plot is basically about a group of national guard trainees who find themselves battling against the notorious mutated hillbillies on their last day of training in the desert it s just them fighting back throughout the whole film which includes a lot of violence which is basically the whole film as blood and guts are constantly flying around throughout the whole thing and also yet another graphic rape scene which is pointlessly thrown in to shock the audience i d give the hills have eyes ii out of for pure entertainment and that only although even then i found myself looking at my watch more and more as the film went on as it began to drag due to the fact it continued to try and shock the audience with graphic gore and the occasional jump scene just to make sure the audience stays awake the hills have eyes ii is just decent entertainment something to pass time if you re bored and nothing else"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20251": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is yet another tell it as it is madhur bhandarkar film i am not sure why he has this obsession to show child moles ion and g y concepts to the indian filmy audience but i find some of those scenes really disgusting what s new it is a nice piece put together by bhandarkar where he shows the story of an entertainment reporter played by leading lady in the famous film mr mrs iyer what makes this movie different is that it also covers the stories of people that this reporter interacts with or is friends with such as her roomies her colleagues film stars models rich people and others featured in the entertainment page in her newspaper noticeable it is another good performance from mrs iyer she is likely to be noticed for this role she does selective roles but shines in them she is noticeably de glamorized and less beautiful in this film but then entertainment reporters are not supposed to outshine the people they cover right verdict madhur has come up with another good movie that brings social issues to the limelight very nicely however this movie loses focus and one is not sure what the director is trying to convey is he trying to show us the glitz and glamor of the rich people or is he trying to show us the life of an entertainment reporter and contrasting that with the life of the real crime reporter is he trying to tell us how the government and rich folks rule the press or is he trying to illustrate the issues with child abuse and g y folk the other concepts brought forth include the unwritten rule that young women have to sleep with directors or co stars if they wish to enter bollywood in addition he talks about how flight assistants get sick and tired of their jobs after a while and resort to extreme measures by marrying much elder people etc he also talks about unhappy women and spoilt kids in rich families this was all okay for me but might be too complex for an average movie goer who just wants to relieve some stress from day to day work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20252": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "last year s remake of the hills have eyes was one of the better attempts to update the vaguely exploitational horror flicks of the s for a new audience alexandre aja allowed for an admirable degree of character development and when the violence started it was mean and savage and all carried out in a landscape of impeccable photography and production design i was one of the few people who actually thought that it was better than the original and looked forward to a second visit to the particularly dark and cruel world of the savage desert mutants the hills have eyes released just a year after the original seems a rushed and ill conceived attempt to cash in on the franchise with little thought to quality jonathan craven s screenplay could have been written in a weekend and given the speed with which this movie made it into cinemas probably was it falls back on every hackneyed genre clich in the book while offering absolutely nothing new to the desert mutant mythology i always let out a groan of disappointment when a sequel replaces civilian characters with the military soldiers are always so lazily written and never fail to thoroughly bore with crude caricatures of strutting macho bullshit in my mind aliens was the only movie to successfully make such a transition due to james cameron s talent not simply for directing the best action sequences around but never forgetting that an audience has to care about the people being butchered he was also ably assisted by some genuinely talented actors with the hills have eyes it s clear that video director martin weisz is no james cameron and the cast of television bit parters haven t the talent or even the inclination to turn their cardboard cutout characters into anything approaching living breathing human beings needless to say every character is a broad and generic clich they act in dumb and illogical ways making dumb and illogical decisions that lead them to predictably dumb and illogical deaths the latter half of the movie becomes just another tedious chased through dark corridors scenario the descent on which sam mccurdy coincidentally also worked as cinematography proved that even this most derivative of sequences can still be carried out with genuine originality and suspense but we see no such innovation here the hills have eyes is just a very lazy movie devoid of any suspense tension or surprise with not a single individual involved remotely interested in producing anything of quality it s a tame and tired excuse for a sequel and deserves to spend the rest of its life in a blockbuster s bargain bin"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20253": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "page is a great movie the story is so refreshing and interesting not once throughout the movie did i find myself staring off into space konkana sen did a good job in the movie although i think someone with more glamour or enthusiasm would have been better but she did do a great job all the supporting actors were also very good and helped the movie along boman irani did a great job there is one thing that stands out in this movie the story it is great and very realistic it doesn t beat around the bush it is very straight forward in sending out its message i think more movie like this should be made i am sick of watching the same candy floss movies over and over they are getting hard to digest now everyone should watch page it is a great film just my cents"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20254": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the hills eyes ii one of the most pointless and blatantly stupid sequels to come around in some time is minutes of incompetent film making at its finest or worst however you choose to look at it while s hills remake was one of the year s best and truly frightening horror films this sequel takes every spark out of what made that such an accomplishment part never gets off the ground and neither does its mind numbing dialogue worst of all it s not that scary s remake followed a family who find themselves in the middle of the new mexico desert deserted and one by one being picked off by deranged and sadistic hill people people who as a result of the military testing the atomic bomb on their land years ago have become who they are surviving off travelers who wander into the region the sequel puts audiences in the same desert now occupied by the military as they covertly investigate the hills and what might have happened to that poor family when a group of military trainees are brought to the campsite they find it deserted with no signs of life a grim reality soon befalls them as they come to the realization that they re not alone and the bloody fate that was handed to many before them will soon become their destiny it doesn t take a genius to realize that hills has no legitimate reason to exist but because last year s remake was received well both at the box office and by critics it came to no surprise that a sequel would be rushed into production while there s still money to be earned there s no rhyme or reason to it this time around just an unbelievable and ridiculous set up to pave the way for thoughtless characters unoriginal killings a non existent story and slipping interest originally director alexander aja made craven s cult classic into a remake that was a unique and thoroughly disturbing experience one that gruesomely crossed the line on more than one occasions its frank display of violence sadistic torture well rounded characterization and white knuckled suspense were all effectively used to shock and repulse audiences the second time around it s rehashed hand me downs there s no style no grit it tries to build up tension by dismembering bodies when all it really does is make for a been there done that kind film where even the gore seems tame compared to more recent bloodbaths it s a sad state of affairs when deformed mutants who capture women for breeding purposes fails to keep your attention it s a bore nothing more hills has no bite despite a jump or two here and there there s nothing very scary about this by the numbers horror flick it feels like something you d see on the sci fi channel only with some f bombs a blood splatter here and there a rape and a graphic birth scene that s more gross than shocking it s cheap and with hills you reap what you sew with no effort given you can t expect anything in return replacing aja with martin weisz as director was the film s first big mistake all he does is drain the film of any sort of emotional resonance but even more shocking is the uncharacteristically bad script penned by wes craven and his son jonathan craven you ask how bad could it possibly be this is the kind of dialogue that makes any comparison look like shakespeare craven has had his fair share of clunkers in the past but i d never expect something like this from him it s so unintentionally funny you have to wonder is craven playing a joke on this or did he dump this one on his son after the studio payed him off the film s characters are one dimensional talking heads with no emotions or common sense the acting is just as bad the only character who may win you over is napoleon napoli the scrawny kid who doesn t fit in with the others even the deranged and instinct driven villains who we might have found some favor with in the deepest of our thoughts a year ago are met with indifferent you don t hate them you don t like them you honestly couldn t care less just like this movie even if you were giddy with fear during the hills have eyes as i was you ll have a tough time finding anything to enjoy in this piece of garbage it s as generic as generic gets and there s absolutely nothing here we haven t seen done many times already i can t express this enough avoid the hills have eyes ii like the plague it s frightless unoriginal frantic and a bore stick to the remake or craven s original vision because if you don t walk out after the first thirty minutes don t say i didn t warn you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20255": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "page out of stars madhvi konkona sen enters her boyfriend s house and its empty she looks here and there and then goes in his bedroom and you get the picture ah another girl that two timing baddie and yes indeed he his two timing her but it s a guy this time around and i say brilliant end of spoilers the above scene is not a spoiler really but for me it was so i didn t want to take a chance when asked upon as how was this film my friend answered oh it just an expos of the p people which made me believe that ill be watching a stupid movie if nothing more when i went to the theater i thought to myself i better get a pen and a paper to jot down the bad things about this film but i was proved entirely wrong and then some because i could muster only the goods this film was great great not because it is offbeat and noncommercial cinema like storyline but because of the cleverness in the screenplay and how this movie tells you how to handle a movie brilliantly which could have been a dumb and senseless movie if given in the wrong hands konkona sen sharma is grace she is so damn beautiful who has nailed her role perfectly as if she was born to play this part one of the most charming actresses i ve ever seen but this is not the only performance which is good in the film there s sandhya mridul boman irani and atul kulkarni particularly sandhya mridul who just fires up the screen and guess what even the unusually accented tara sharma speaks normally the movies stars off with some silly old parties of the hush hush celebrities of the film industry et al and you get the idea of what this movie will be about and for about half hour through the film you feel just about the same but then the movie picks up the pace grabs onto a good storyline and never lets go of it even boman irani agrees to that statement it was a good story madhvi thank you the great thing is that it tackles the issue of how silly these people are with style and does not make it over done and also tackles the social issues and does not make them boring in the end its all a roller coaster ride and madhvi informs us that by just smiling at all these people just the reason why i love watching films ecstatic film making the screenplay is beautiful clever and witty"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20256": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "okay i ve tried and i ve tried but i still don t get this guy maddin thing tales from the gimli hospital left me cold that movie about the austrian villagers and the one about the ice nymph were pretty to look but lacking in the story department and this nudie movie about abortion and hockey is just boring i m glad maddin has an appreciation for silent film but i dislike his films for the same reason i dislike the films of quentin tarantino they re empty homages to better more imaginative films films that advanced the art form or broke new ground and are all style and no substance no amount of jump cuts and odd camera angles can disguise the fact that maddin is an unoriginal david lynch wannabe though he does have one advantage over tarantino he generally doesn t write embarrassing dialogue because most of his films rely on intertitles the bottom line is maddin s schtick is clever clever film making for aspiring film majors"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20257": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "madhur from chandni bar started making realistic films which some people called dry he made satta which was another realistic though filmy film but a great film aan men at work was a formula film by him which flopped he returns with his superlative page a film which dwelves into the lives of journalists and it s a brilliant film the film is well narrated though the half baked romantic portions of konkana could be avoided but that is forgiven the entire upendra limaye track is superb too while the atul kulkarni track is great too the dial between manoj joshi and his friends are funny at first but repetitive at times the subplot of bikram tara is brilliant and so is the entire hospital scene and also the final child abuse which shocks you the film has a open ended ending which is nicely handled madhur does a great job music is okay konkana excels as madhavi using her expressions to the best tara sharma is decent except her voice sandhya mridul is good as usual upendra limaye excels in his part as the cop one of the talented actors sadly he isn t used well nowdays atul kulkarni too is good in his small part boman irani is restrained and does a great job rest are okay"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20258": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve seen many of guy maddin s films and liked most of them but this one literally gave me a headache john gurdebeke s editing is way too frenetic and apart from a tour de force sequence showing a line of heads snapping to look at one object does nothing but interfere with the actors ability to communicate with the audience another thing i disliked about this film was that it seemed more brutal than maddin s earlier works though his films have always had dark elements his sympathy for the characters gave the movies an overriding feeling of humanity this one seemed more like harshness for harshness sake as i m required to add more lines of text before imdb will accept my review i will mention that the actor playing guy maddin does manage to ape his facial expressions pretty well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20259": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "yet again madhur bhandarkar takes you on a ride to the wild side and a remarkable one it is literally and figuratively mumbai hi society stars and starlets glam dolls and witch doctors business tycoons and broker types yep the whole stinking lot are in sharp focus here in typical tabloid fashion their worlds unfold with every colorful story a clever sub plot in itself a struggling starlet dumped by the producer after getting her pregnant the stewardess and her high profile husband the pedophile businessman and his neurotic wife the reporters and the police captain all shades on display and countless hues in between bhandarkar does a swell job of digging up the dirt on the drama kings the dancing queens and the living dead atul kulkarni packs a punch as does boman irani and sandhya mrudul konkona sen sharma is effective as the ex crime beat reporter but she could have been dolled up a little in keeping with the job change and the party circuit highly focused running time min and refreshingly different film well worth the money"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20260": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "corridors of time the movie you can watch if you re looking for a sophisticated way of suicide some use guns ropes or gas but you want to ruin your brains do not wait any longer corridors of time is probably one of the biggest possible mistakes thinking christian clavier is able to act and to bring you fun i do not miss the francs this poor thing cost me sometimes one has to reset its evaluation system looking at the absolute zero this film deserves a but that s only because i like jean reno too bad for him he also stars in ronin i think i m gonna dislike him"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20261": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "madhur bhandarkar has given it all raw but the best part is he hasn t forgotten to give the ingredients it has come short and crisp to the viewer and it is the audience to make the choice now page is a revelation of the naked truth irrespective of the crudeness attached to it madhavi konkan sharma is a journalist and enjoys her work a simple and peaceful life adores her with a caring boyfriend and a nice roommate pearl she covers the page celebrity page of nation today where she has a very supportive editor deepak suri boman irani but life takes turn for her as she hits the first bump and takes herself away from page and goes into crime bit omigosh a whole new world was waiting for her there she is shocked excited stunned with the revelation her reaction has resulted in losing the job at the end she is back to page now when she meets any celebrity in a party she knows the actual looks of each hidden under the illusive face the movie has a message and it is crude the audience needs to get it in their own color the theme and the screenplay was fantastic there are some very good thoughts applied to prepare the audiences like the foreplay club is shown before the pedophiliac exhibition the short suspense before gay actions in bathroom the dialogs are strong and the actors are really good at delivering it charu mohanty s words speaks volumes and he is very successful in uttering those two words with such ingenuity it leaves an impact the set selections could have been better the songs don t stand anywhere but they were needed in the background atul kulkarni has a small role with high impact there were a few flaws visible atul kulkarni explaining konkan sharma that honesty should be tagged along with intelligence there could have been a better dialog as this sounds like a preach the meeting between thapar and his daughter doesn t call for acting that scene looks very unprofessional overall it is a must watch movie with selective options before the pedophilia incident that may spoil your mood"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20262": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this film on its release and have watched it or more times including last week i regret i have to be a voice of dissension with regard to mr branagh s performance this is really a glorious sumptuous film to say nothing of ambitious at over hours long beautifully shot and designed derek jacobi julie christie kate winslet richard briers and many others do fine jobs then there s kenneth branagh if ever there was a vanity project for an actor this is it and mr branagh spares nothing in putting the ham in hamlet from the stunt casting which gives us the worst performance ever by the woefully miscast jack lemmon to the bits of distracting business thrown in to infuse a sense of naturalness to his own performance which runs the gamut from throwing away the single most famous soliloquy in all of literature to screaming every line of others his performance confirms that while he may come across better on stage where bigger is necessary he has never been a great film actor the scenery budget could be charged to catering mr branagh eats so much of it his performance is a perfect example of why people don t go to see shakespeare full of sound and fury signifying nothing and if there is fault to his direction it is that he keeps the camera firmly glued on his overblown performance no matter what theories people may posit on the bard he was after all is said and done a playwright the brilliance of his plays rest in the fact that his themes are universal and timeless although there is no right way to play his plays there is most certainly great acting good acting and bad acting shakespeare himself gives instructions to the players in the text of hamlet itself it amazes me how mr branagh mouthed it but did not hear it it was an example of spending too much time working out how he s going to say something and too little figuring out what he s saying while mr branagh has certainly done a wonderful job in mounting some entertaining productions he would be wise to stay behind the camera and allow those who know the art of acting to practice it his direction has always been better than his acting i still give him immense credit for resurrecting interest in filming shakespeare he set a great template for other productions and it would be interesting to see him onstage from about rows back but i do hope he chooses to direct more and act less is it worth seeing certainly there are many little joys to be found in the film but it s a long long movie and by the end one may feel less that they enjoyed than survived it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20263": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "andie macdowell s facial expressions are great again in this movie when you enter and have been single for a while or all your life you may feel you are wasting away the movie is a sweet reminder that love can be found just anywhere if your antennae is acutely active i liked the quick sexual encounter which must be out of character for a normally reserved school teacher macdowell her ex student is cute enough still carrying a crush on his teacher for so long there are some parts that i thought rather unrealistic or unpractical though for example at a scene where the other women s jealousy override and a scene was set up to make andie macdowell dump the young man would a mature police officer the other friend of macdowell allow her friend to do such a sinister act is it so easy for anyone to not stop in front of a car of course accidents happen all the time but i hoped to see the heroine get happily married with the first man she got involved with that was the hardest part to believe for such a beautiful woman to stay single for so long maybe the movie producers are aware of the fact that many romance between an older woman and a younger man do not last for long beside they know that a happy ending would not appeal to the public especially to jealousy women over who are waiting some miracles to happen the sad ending with a glimpse of hope for the sad woman who lost her true love is sweet but if the man continued to live would that last for how long nobody knows nonetheless it s a movie to make you want to watch it again sometime later a year later maybe"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20264": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the original les visiteurs was original hilarious interesting balanced and near perfect lv must be a candidate for worst first sequel to a really good film in lv everyone keeps shouting when a gag doesn t work first it s repeated another times with some vague hope that it will eventually become funny lv is a horrible parody of lv except of course that a parody should be inventive if you loved lv just don t see this film just see lv again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20265": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie is a real show of how unemotional and selfish the upper society has become it has plenty of characters and each and every character is representing a different category of person no character is good and moral unlike the heroes of all the typical indian movies and no character is bad rather all are just different the movie is a very perfect mixture of emotions drama and entertainment for the very first time i liked a movie that has raised some social questions i would recommend all to see the movie madhavi sharma is a journalist who covers those hip shaking parties of bollywood for the page of the newspaper but this is the story of how she becomes a crime reporter for the newspaper but this is not all then it shows how she couldn t survive there and when she helped rescue some innocent children how brutally her voice is suppressed even she is fired from the job then she couldn t find a job of crime reporter and has to do page again not only her but a very very large number of characters are interwoven in the movie and all gives different feeling while watching the movie i would really congratulate the director for making such a great movie please do not afford to miss it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20266": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in the visitors was an enormous hit in france so the sequence was inevitable and unfortunately this sequence ranks among the worst ones ever made this is a movie that doesn t keep its promises indeed it s supposed to tell a sole story jean reno must go in the twentieth century and take christian clavier back in the middle ages so that time can normally follow its course the problem is that clavier feels completely at ease in the world of the twentieth century and so make him get back in the middles ages is rather hard instead of this the movie goes on several other stories without succeeding in following the main plot as a consequence the movie becomes sometimes muddle headed sometimes a bit of a mess but the movie also suffers from the performance of nearly all the actors reno and clavier fall into the trap that however they could avoid in the first movie they re going over the top and become annoying then why did jean marie poir the film maker engage muriel robin in the female main role he made a mistake because she seems ill at ease and is absolutely pitiful the other actors aren t better marie anne chazel is nonexistent and christian bujeau unbearable of course the movie contains a few good moments with efficient gags but it often falls into vulgarity and easiness certain sequences and dialogs are affected it also appears hollow because poir takes back elements that secured the success of the first movie thus a young girl takes reno for a close relative of her family and asks him to take part in her wedding a labored and disappointing follow up anyway what s the interest of this movie otherwise commercial"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20267": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "madhur bhandarkar goes all out to touch upon taboo issues and gives the most realistic picture of the modern society one gets the impression of the director even from his earlier movies like satta and chandni bar the issues just hinted on in the latter movie are explored and exposed in totality here the casting is amazing and one can see the judgements on each scene from many angles mostly the movie leaves you wondering on lots of facts around as you start guessing the things you end up at most being close but missing the mark in many a scenes it leaves a lasting impression in the end actors to watch are konkana sen sharma boman irani atul kulkarni among others the dialogues are well written and you feel you ve lived around some of these people there are still some scenes that make you think of more depths the songs are in the background saving time and lata s voice in a very meaningful song kitne ajeeb leaves you feeling you re left all alone in the midst of the modern society"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20268": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "everybody who wants to be an editor should watch this movie it shows you about every mistake not to do in editing a movie my grandma could have done better than that but that s not the only reason why this movie is really bad it s actually so bad that i m not able to write a sentence without exclamation mark if the first episode of les visiteurs was a quite good familial comedy with funny jokes and cult dialogues this sequel is copying badly the receipe of the first one the funny parts could be counted on one hand and maybe half of it clavier is over acting his role even more than in the first part robin is trying to act like lemercier because she s replacing her but that s grotesque lemercier is lemercier robin is robin even if muriel robin can be funny by herself on stage she is not in this movie because she s not acting as she used to act i know that it should be hard to replace somebody who was good in a role lemercier obtained a c sar award for her role in the first movie but she made a big mistake instead of playing her role she played lemercier playing her role as for the story it s just too much of course we knew at he end of the first movie that there would be a sequel but poir and clavier should hae tried to write a more simple story like the first episode the gags are repetitive childish and d j vu no really there s no more than funny parts in this the only good things might be the costumes and some special effects so you have only reasons to watch it if you want to learn how to edit awfully a movie if you want to waste your time or if you really need a brainless moment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20269": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the first review i saw of page said what is madhur bhandarkar finally wants to say should he say something so decisive the most beautiful thing about page is it doesn t take sides no propaganda whatsoever this is the film that captures so many angles of an issue i don t know what do i call as an issue here and yet like any mediocre movie doesn t come up with an solution i was so intrigued when i realized that the movie ended almost in the same scenario just like it started the movie defines so many characters who are completely with completely different priorities and different ideologies and yet they are all a part of the system which is all the more apathetic i wish i can say more but there would be more spoilers ahead so watch page if you wanna see one of the most mature films of the recent times"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20270": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is so bad and gets worse in every imaginable fashion its not just the poor acting and script nor is it the lame and perverse time one wastes on watching it what really puts this film in my hall of shame is the apparent struggling that the writers and producers do with the film to try and make it funny the actress replacing jean reno s descendant is to old and learned her lesson in the first film so they add a new girl who is to be married nearly all of the original extras and gags return however this time makes me want to ripe my eyes out of my sockets because it s a waste of perfectly good film the torture of the constant camera cuts and shots in any scene in this movie can put the viewer into violent convolutions this second film takes the successful original and drags it out of its coffin and parades the corpse out in the public square and perversely degrades not only the original idea and its legacy but our intelligence as well this film unlike the spruce goose could not fly for it had no plot in the principals returning for a necklace no script since it was apparently written and added to daily no attention to camera or shots in mind poor lighting and special effects done for the sake of doing so this film would not even pass for a student film in basic film how this pile got through no one can tell it was a big loosing investment and it appears that no one had the strength to put this unnatural cruel mistake out of our miseries this movie has one good part its end this film is my worst film of all time finally howard the duck is no longer the goose"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20271": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "page is most definitely a very enthralling and captivating eye opener that very cleverly exposes the hypocrite lifestyles of mumbai s elite from the fake kisses to the plastered smiles page leaves no stone unturned in revealing the shocking lives of the rich and the famous backstabbing gossip corruption and scandal lurk in every dark corner in the world of glitz and glam humanity and generosity are analogous to an oasis in the desert in this world where social darwinism is the prevailing mentality everyone is constantly craving for more money more fame and a higher reputation driving them to do the most shameful things imaginable ranging from signing film contracts at a funeral to child molestation anything is possible in this metropolis where there is a such a wide gap between the social classes the audience sees the ugliness of both of these classes through the eyes of the protagonist she observes the suffocating atmosphere and the mind boggling frenzy that the socialites live in bollywood business tycoons politicians and the underworld are all intertwined in a completely convoluted mess kitne ajeeb hai is a nice track as is the peppy kuan main doob jaongi terrific film with excellent character development"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20272": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in a way corridors of time is a success story because the movie reaches its goal being seen by thousands but it fails at making them laugh les visiteurs has had its success because the subject was an original way of considering the time travel forget about zemeckis s back to the future here comes the old france the middle age knight and its nearly barbaric way of life full of pride funny thanks to the ancient words he uses montmirail can sometimes be disgusting but he keeps his honor then comes the sequel nobody had foreseen the tremendous success of les visiteurs the first and it s no use being a movie expert to realize that the corridors of time has been made for money the general story begins after the end of les visiteurs and immediately tries to justify the sequel with a time paradox that would have needed some second tought explanation it s no use trying to get back the jewelry jacquouille has stolen don t you remember this nice red shiny and expensive car he bought at the end of the st episode where do you think he found the money selling the jewelry and that s only one of many holes poir tries to avoid and fails let s have a look at the characters montmirail doesn t change he s just a little more boring regarding frenegonde that s another story val rie lemercier decided not to compromise herself in this sequel to avoid getting stuck in the bourgeoise role and muriel robin tries to imitate her in a way that i found so pitiful i nearly felt pain for her and poir doesn t realize that a cast of humorists isn t enough to make a good comedy forget about the time travels about the digital effects concentrate on the story and you ll see that there s enough room on a mail stamp to write it times the main interest of this film is the landscapes a movie for youngsters let s say up to years old"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20273": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "madhur bhandarkar directs this film that is supposed to expose the lifestyle of the rich and famous while also providing a commentary on the integrity of journalism today celebrities party endlessly they like to be seen at these parties and to get due exposure in the media in fact the film would have us believe that this exposure makes celebrities out of socialites and the newspapers have a huge hand in this imo there is much more synergy between the celebrities and media and it is a i need you you need me kind of relationship however the media needs celebrities more and not vice versa anyhow in this milieu of constant partying is thrown the social column page of the newspaper reporter konkana sen sharma she is shown as this celebrity maker very popular at the social gatherings she has a good friend in the gay abhijeet and in the struggling model rohit bikram saluja she rooms with an air hostess the sassy pearl sandhya mridul and a struggling actress gayatri tara sharma the editor of the newspaper is boman irani and a firebrand crime beat reporter is played by atul kulkarni the movie has almost too many plot diversions and characters but does work at a certain level the rich are shown to be rotten to the core for the most part the movie biz shown to be sleazy to the max with casting couch scenarios exploitation of power hunger for media exposure into all this is layered in homosexuality a homosexual encounter that seems to not have much to do with the story or plot rampant drug use pedophilia police encounter deaths in light of all this pearl s desire to have a super rich husband a socialite daughter indulging in a sexual encounter in a car the bitching women all seem benign ills the film has absolutely excellent acting by konkana sen sharma atul kulkarni has almost no role a pity in my opinion but the supporting cast is more than competent boman irani is very good this is what saves the film for me mr bhandarkar bites off way more than he can chew or process onto celluloid and turns the film into a free for all bash i wish he had focused on one or two aspects of societal ills and explored them more effectively he berates societal exploitation yet himself exploits all the masala ingredients needed for a film to be successful we have an item number in the framework of a bollywood theme party the drugged out kids dance a perfectly choreographed dance to a western beat i hope the next one from madhur bhandarkar dares to ditch even more of the hindi film stereotyped ingredients the film is a brave albeit flawed effort certainly worth a watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20274": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "les visiteurs the first movie about the medieval time travelers was actually funny i like jean reno as an actor but there was more there were unexpected twists funny situations and of course plain absurdness that would remind you a little bit of louis de funes now this sequel has the same characters the same actors in great part and the same time traveling the plot changes a little since the characters now are supposed to be experienced time travelers so they jump up and down in history without paying any attention to the fact that it keeps getting absurder as you advance in the movie the duke jean reno tries to keep the whole thing together with his playing but his character has been emptied so there s not a lot he can do to save the film now the duke s slave helper he has really all the attention the movie is merely about him and his being clumsy annoying stupid or whatever he was supposed to be fact is this character tries to produce the laughter from the audience but he does not succeed it is as if someone was telling you a really very very bad joke you already know but he insists on telling that joke till the end adding details to make your suffering a little longer if you liked les visiteurs do not spoil the taste in your mouth with the sequel if you didn t like les visiteurs you would never consider seeing the sequel if you liked this sequel well i suppose you still need to see a lot of movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20275": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "page is one of those films madhur bhandarkar makes to expose societal filth the film is compelling but like most of bhandarkar s films it is one sided and overly pessimistic this film is all about tabloid journalism gossip celebrities the film exposes the lives of socialites whose lifestyle is disastrously boastful peculiar and repulsive they party they care for nothing but fame they plan parties at funerals they are craving for more money and a higher reputation they will do anything to get due exposure in the media to get their names boldly printed on the daily newspaper s social column known as page with huge photographs which will be the center of people s discussions they are attention seeking salacious and hypocrite the film industry is shown as sleazy with casting couch being a common phenomenon among filmmakers that s where our lovely heroine a young social column reporter madhvi sharma is thrown all these people from mumbai s elite depend on her articles and she is the right person to befriend at these parties if you want her to mention you in her article later in the film we learn that even those who are madhvi s friends are no different from these high society people this was tough viewing for me although the film is unquestionably brave and the issues it deals with are interesting the film s music is average the only passable songs are kitne ajeeb and huzoor e ala sung by the two melody queens lata mangeshkar and asha bhosle respectively otherwise the soundtrack is bad one song which was particularly horrendous is filmy very filmy the film s writing is quite good the second half is far better than the first as it turns more matter of fact and exposes much more important issues such as terrorism and child abuse that s where the film has to be applauded it was sad to know that people prefer to ignore such crimes out of fear and konkona sen sharma s character s disappointment was very easy to relate to she was excellent throughout the film and her acting in the last few scenes was particularly impressive atul kulkarni s part was very small but he did full justice to it boman irani is solid as the newspaper s editor sandhya mridul is lovable as madhvi s sassy roommate pearl who marries an older man for money and is honest enough to admit it the film s ending is really well done and provides a certain sigh of relief after the unimaginably tough proceedings page is a good film it is interesting and at times moving but the level of its interest and its general quality are marred by its exaggerated overly messy and negative portrayal of the rich and famous"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20276": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "at a panel discussion that i attended after viewing this film the filmmakers stated that one should look at this not as a movie but a provoker of thought well the only thoughts that were provoked from me were of the time wasted watching the movie the gimmicks of the film documentary style futuristic setting served as distractions of what was supposed to be a thoughtful examination of the abortion debate this film illustrates the problem when people try to use film as a platform for their political views usually a very boring movie that preaches to the choir"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20277": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i did not like chandni bar from the same director i did not watch his other movies they came and went but page is nicely made seems real like satya from rgv did the mental sickness of the so called high society is the summary of the movie in the midst of all the sickness its difficult to lead a normal life which the protagonist konkana sen does serious movie not to be watched with children or expecting wives page of newspapers is the usual place for reporting the activities going on in the parties of the rich and elite who indulge in much more filth then what is reported how this page is also a business prospect is shown in the movie event management firms get paid to arrange parties and make a rich but not famous people famous overnight by clicking photographs with the celebrities invited to the party the western culture has crept into the high society of mumabi quite deeply the movie shows it boldly no holds barred madhur bhandarkar starts a new journey from here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20278": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the makers of this film have created a future where not only is abortion and birth control illegal in every state but women are prosecuted for murder and sent away to serve long prison sentences in other words this film is every liberals worst nightmare the political agenda is so heavy handed here and the style of the film is so low key that it just loses steam pretty quickly regardless of which side of the fence you re on i d recommend skipping it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20279": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the write word what you see is what you get not really what madhur bhandarkar s brave and brilliant page does is destroy the myth attached to the glam and glitterati that colour the pages of our newspapers and whose lives read party habits we follow with such maniacal fervour which only our intrinsic voyeuristic streak can explain the page phenomenon is as deplorable as it is enigmatic how exactly did it gain such control over the printed word and when did it start to encroach into the front page is subject for another debate bhandarkar cleverly avoids that he is concerned only with the mechanisms of this grotesque existence and in doing that he pieces together the various elements of this way of life like robert altman although i m not comparing bhandarkar to altman s genius bhandarkar uses myriad characters to further his motive whether it is a page wannabe nri the gate crashers the newly rich an upcoming model a socialite politician or an erotic novella authoress all the characters are introduced with an objective and each of them has a separate character sketch even if their parts may be miniscule and therein lays the film s appeal konkona sen sharma plays madhavi sharma a young and talented journalist who covers page for nation today initially content with her job she soon begins to see the ugliness of this underbelly that is covered by its fake and cosmetic profligacy but bhandarkar resists the temptation to make this subject into a moral policing movie and avoids concentrating on one character alone hence the movie is not only about madhavi but also equally about deepak suri boman irani madhavi s editor who passively accepts his role as a cog of a larger machinery anjali thapar soni razdan a socialite suffocating from the social pollution abhijeet rehan engineer a homosexual make up artist and madhavi s roommates pearl sandhya mridul the sassy airhostess and gayatri tara sharma an aspiring actress it seems like an impossible task to assimilate so many characters and more in one story but full credit to nina arora and manoj tyagi for penning a tight screenplay the dialogues by sanjeev datta and bhandarkar have been written with great attention to detail any narrative no matter how good can fall flat with the lack of genuine performances thankfully page brims with actors and not stars konkona goes through her author backed role with effortless ease ditto boman sandhya mridul gets the best written part but almost overdoes it atul kulkarni is wasted though with an underwritten character at times the director seems too keen to incorporate as much as possible paedophilia homosexuality etc but the contexts in which they are used do not make them look rushed ultimately bhandarkar s attempt is to satiate our voyeurism but he takes it a step further he takes us inside the photographs and exposes us to the gruesome realities of this sect of humanity that strangely seems to be living in a different and remote world these are the same people that indulged in new year s revelry while a few hundred kilometers away their fellow countrymen had been ravaged by nature s ferocity clever writing skillfully incorporated songs able performances and a genuine feeling of sincerity are what make this film worthy in spite of its lack of finesse and poor production values page is an optimum way to enter a new year of cinema abhishek bandekar rating poor average good very good excellent th january"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20280": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am a big fan of the original book and this adaption is simply bad first of all it had trouble deciding if it is a kiddie toon or an adult one that caused a strange mix of an adult story and some pretty violent scenes with a silly little duck that keeps giving funny moments in the beginning but that s hardly important the film is simply boring unmoving and not true to the original story it simply fails to transfer to the picture all the points orwell tried to make to his book spoiler second revolution haven t they guys learned anything who be the next napoleon then benjamin"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20281": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as the story in my family goes my dad milton raskin played the piano for the dorsey band after sinatra joined the band my dad practiced with him for hours on end then at a point in time my dad told sinatra that he was actually to good to be tied up with such a small group band and that he should venture off on his own by that time sinatra had enough credits under his belt to do just that dorsey never forgave my dad and the rest as they say is history i have some pictures and records to that effect and so does berkley university in california i have seen just about every sinatra movie more times than i wish to say and his movies never get old thank you frank"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20282": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first off i have to say that i loved the book animal farm i read it with my th grade class and it was great we also decided that watching the movie would be beneficial the movie was so disappointing to me the movie cuts out some characters and misses a lot of the main points of the book it skips around a lot and doesn t explain anything in detail if someone was watching this movie without having first read the book they would be confused the most disappointing thing in this movie to me was the ending the ending in the book was the most powerful and in the movie they changed it it was supposed to be the pigs and men in an alliance and sort of melting together but instead the movie made it seem like the animals were going to rebel against the pigs to sum up i don t think that this movie captured the real meaning that orwell portrayed in his book"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20283": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as with most of eleanor powell s films this one plays out along the flimsiest of plots for some reason oh it is explained she s selected to transport a magnetic mine to cuba good guys and bad guys compete for the mine and who is who gets confusing but as always powell s dancing is superb and worth the price of admission and in this one lahr plays his cowardly lion evoking warm memories of that technicolor film of a fringe benefit is hearing a young frank with that wonderful voice and skinny vulnerability that he abandoned for his wise guy persona later on in addition the great drummer buddy rich has a wonderful time displaying his virtuosity watch particularly for his unique duet with dorsey s trumpet man ziggy elman i say unique perhaps in ignorance but i know of no other drum trumpet sequence like this one on film or records this film is fun even skelton s goofy persona is relatively restrained powell shows again that she is the greatest film dancer ever"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20284": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as an inspiring director myself this movie was exciting to watch with criticism in mind shot with low end digital camera probably with mm adapter for dof the editing is good acting decent sound effects aren t too over the top i would have give it a for an indie film but the story aren t that interesting it s more on the drama side character developments than a horror flick it s not for those who wants to get spooked startled frightened grossed out or sit down with popcorn to just enjoy honestly this movie would be good if we were still in the s this movie is about a family who has a dry field and that is just that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20285": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thought this was one of those really great films to see with a bunch of close friends i laughed and cried and laughed and cried at the same time it was just really touching although not a new concept this was a very well made film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20286": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "animal farm was a very good read about the dangers of totalitarianism how good ideals can be changed and distorted by those who are ignorant or rule with an iron fist and an empty head sadly this movie does not portray either of these what we re shown is a propaganda piece with a lot of finger waving and pointing the animation and the direction were good considering the budget and the time period but the very essence of george orwell s novel is sorely missing if you re one of those who want to see how not to adapt a novel or are just interested in seeing an adaptation of this brilliant novelette then by all means watch i just found this one to be somewhat mediocre just one man s opinion however the remake is a notch below but not by much"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20287": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the plot of this enjoyable mgm musical is contrived and only occasionally amusing dealing with espionage and romance but the focus of the film is properly pointed upon the tuneful interludes showcasing the enormously talented and athletic tap dancing eleanor powell abetted by tommy dorsey and his orchestra featuring ziggy elman buddy rich and frank sinatra red skelton shares top billing with powell and he and sidekick bert lahr are given most of the comedic minutes although skelton is more effective when he if it can be believed performs as powell s love interest with virginia o brien actually providing most of the film s humor as the dancer s companion the technical brilliance of powell is evidenced during one incredible scene within which buddy rich contributes his drumming skills and which must be viewed several times in order to permit one s breathing to catch up with her precision director edward buzzell utilizes his large cast well to move the action nicely along despite the rather disjointed script with which he must deal and permits powell s cotangent impossibilities to rule the affair as is appropriate"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20288": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is a portrait of the half spastic teenage boy benjamin who has to visit a boarding school because of his lousy marks in math he didn t make the best experiences in life before and got serious self esteem issues after a rough start at his new school he starts making friends falls in love with a girl and does some american pieish teenage stuff beside some comedy elements the film is told in a very serious way focussing on benjamin and his problems if you already don t like this story outline save your time and watch something else if you do please be aware of the following benjamin is a total loser whatever he does he does it terribly wrong and then he goes for self pity all the time for me he wasn t that kind of charming loser who you can feel sympathy for and laugh with instead he and his behavior really annoyed me and with my own teenage years not so far behind i could barely stand watching the film hardly tries to be realistic and the story seems to be but from my experience the characters just aren t except for janosch maybe and yes i know this film is based on an auto biography written by a year old but having some experiences with german schools and german youth myself i don t believe him showing the sexual awakening really is an important thing for a film with this subject but i doubt that teenage boys do an ejaculate on the cookie contest where everyone has to hit a cookie with his sperm during mass masturbation in the woods and the loser has to eat the sperm wet cookie afterwards although it kinda amused me in a contemptible way it s nor funny neither underlining the serious attempts of this film there s a sub plot about benjamin s family and his father betraying his wife still i don t know why it s there and where to put it it just bored me well i personally hated this film for having the character of benjamin being without a message concept scheme whatever and it s failing attempts to be dramatic and serious however i can image that some people may find it sensible and touching if you liked the other sister you ll probably like this one too i hated both year old boys shouldn t write an autobiography and if they do it doesn t seem to be the best idea to make a film out of it out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20289": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what fun bucketfuls of good humor terrific cast chemistry skelton powell lahr o brien dynamite dorsey driven soundtrack miss powell s dance numbers have exceptional individual character and pizzazz her most winning film appearance"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20290": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after stopping by the movie store to find something to watch we stumbled on this it looked appealing from the summary at least so we gave it a try and here s the kicker the first minutes are interesting it s actually enjoyable oh wait spoke too soon somewhere in there the movie took a disgusting turn into fundamental right wing christian brain washing not entirely sure what happens but i think the screenplay writer found god somewhere in there finished writing this script and had no time to edit it because he had a kkk meeting to get to with his friends from the westboro church and his hood wasn t clean can they put warnings on this i refuse to support this religious idiocy much like video games have rating systems movies need some sort of symbol maybe a small cross in the bottom corner to show us that a movie is going to take a turn for the worse unless you share sentiments with whatever moron came up with this story and will have your bible open in your lap while you watch this and plan on how you ll convert your neighbors don t waste your time it s some of the worst junk that s come out in a very long time and the radical religious nuts don t need anymore funding"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20291": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ship ahoy was probably made in order to showcase mgm talent the film is a fun trip on an ocean liner on its way to san juan puerto rico at the time in which the country was involved in wwii this was typical fare for the studios which gave the movie going public light weight entertainment as a distraction during those difficult times the country was living the beautiful eleanor powell is seen at her best in some musical numbers where she clearly shows us she was a dancer to be reckoned with red skelton is also seen in a straight part with not too much clowning as he pursues the beautiful ms powell on the ship that is bringing them to puerto rico the irresistible bert lahr has good opportunities in the film to show he was a funny man also virginia grey is seen as a fun girl who is not fooled by anyone there are good musical numbers featuring tommy dorsey and his orchestra in which one sees among others the amazing buddy rich who has a few solos with mr dorsey and ms powell a young frank sinatra appears also as the lead singer of the band backed by the pied pipers this is a nostalgic trip that should be savored by fans of this genre which mgm totally controlled"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20292": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the deceptive cover title and very small hidden print of power of prayer tricked me into renting this movie it started out really well and pulled me in i really liked it between and s of it the film started throwing in things that were not set up and made no sense my first thought was this is not written by someone who knows how to tell a story i ended up re watching parts of the movie thinking i had missed something by the time i reached the last of the movie it was all boring annoying religion thumping dialog that made no sense said nothing and was annoying to listen to i turned off the sound and did a fast forward to the end don t waste your time with this flick beware of dvds labeled whitlow films and level path productions and i m a practicing catholic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20293": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie with my friend and we couldnt stop laughing i mean there was nothing scary about this movie it was funny all the lines freddy said were hilarious i think they shoudln t have even made a new nightmare and just gone to freddy vs jason although some parts were gross like the head blowing up and any elm street film from sucked this was the best besides number i wouldnt recomend this movie if you want a good horror but if you have nothing else to do rent this and you ll laugh alot i want to see the texas chainsaw massacre i think it would be scary freddy s dead the final nightmare overall grade b"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20294": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "things i learned from the list a decent cinematographer a hot girl who can act and malcom mcdowell couldn t stop this movie from sucking blockbuster won t give you your money back even when he reads the script and says ugh really malcom mcdowell still tries chuck carrington desperately needs acting classes hire a writer jesus hates me too and punished me by making me pay to see this movie when making a movie you don t need an ending just leave everything unexplained unresolved an uninteresting enough so that the audience falls asleep before the ending genius any random landlord can cure death just by drawing a cross on a window so make friends your maid can sing you back to life chuck carrington still needs acting classes your roommate will hate you and make fun of you if you bring home this movie apologies will not be accepted"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20295": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "warning tons of dead giveaways don t read if you haven t seen this series or you can whatever they re are few words to describe a movie that claims to be the last and comes out with another liars cheats maybe even some words that can t be uttered but when elm street freddy s dead shows everyone who thought the series got old and wanted to stop seeing him or people who wanted their hero or villian just stops for his final breath this film was it this film starts with a parody of wizard of oz then you see a kid who is named only as john doe who is the last child in springwood ohio leaves and gets out of freddy territory a woman who resides at a hospital place to get kids off their feet kind of place meets this boy and at the same time has a dream about a man a water tower and a promise of a secret floating in her mind goes back to springwood to figure out this frightening vision and soon finds out that she is freddy s child and we soon find out that freddy can only leave springwood if his daughter can be a sort of host for him and beyond that fright ensues this film seems to hit the nail on the head of everything you wanted to know this film has tons of humor and cameo appearences like rosanne barr and tom arnold alice cooper johnny depp and a very young breckin meyer playing a teenage stoner who sees psychadelic vision of flowers and iron butterfly s in a gadda da vida then gets stuck in a super mario parody of sorts this film will either make you hate this movie or like krueger even more the best of the best"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20296": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i believe in keeping religion out of government and out of the movies when i want a sermon i ll go to church but i don t want one from a movie i don t mind some supernatural themes after all religion is about as supernatural as you can get but this movie had so much preaching in it that i was really annoyed the landlady reminded me of witches that of seen in other movies the bad guy even looked like he had horns and what a silly ending the hero went into the meeting and yelled at all of those old men and that broke the spell if only life were that simple i think that when movies are that stupid they ought to be distributed with a warning danger preaching contained herein"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20297": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first of all i have to start this comment by saying i m a huge nightmare on elm street fan i think it s the greatest horror series ever for me freddy is the boogeyman of course freddy s dead which tried to be the last chapter back then is a weird movie it doesn t have the same atmosphere than the previous films freddy has a lot of screen time some think it makes him less scary which i do agree and that s in my opinion exactly the point this movie exists so we can know freddy a little better who he is who he were how he became the man haunting our dreams for some people it s a bad thing it s better if we never know because it s scarier not to know why evil is evil obviously those people won t like rob zombie s remake of halloween to truly enjoy this one you have to see things differently it s not about a strange guy hiding in the bush of your dreamland waiting to scare the hell out of you this was the first one and it was awesome as the years passed by freddy killed more and more people and nobody could ever get rid of him for good now it s time to learn about the nature of this evil the psychological aspects of freddy s realm of terror beside the story of freddy s past i also really liked the atmosphere of the movie no more kids in springwood only crazy grown ups the nightmare scenes are all great the soundtrack is awesome especially the opening song called i m awake now performed by goo goo dolls in my opinion the final nightmare is a horror masterpiece and i can t believe it s so underrated maybe it is misunderstood or i have different tastes anyway all freddy fans should watch it it has a lot of scary moments as well as funny moments too and a lot of cameos get yourself ready for something different and you might not be disappointed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20298": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have nothing against religious movies religious people need something to watch on a saturday night i guess but what really ticks me off is when the write up on the dvd box does not indicate this fact to the potential viewer passing off religious propaganda as entertainment is not cool bro and even if i was a religious person i would have to agree with most of the other posters here this movie was a mess poorly directed poorly acted poorly edited and the attempt at a soundtrack was hilarious the fake accents were terrible the characters were mainly stereotypes and continuity was out the window the only reason we sat through this lame waste of time was that it was too late to watch another movie instead should have just gone to bed absolutely no redeeming qualities to this movie unless you are the religious type who will immediately endorse anything that will preach your beliefs to the unbelievers even if it s a pile of garbage if you aren t avoid this at all costs do not be deceived by the box write up"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20299": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "okay i am a fan of the nightmare series and everyone says on here that this is the worst but it s not haven t s you seen freddy s revenge wtf that was the worst of all now this movie is pretty decent and it sticks to the freddy story and it s cool that he had a daughter etc etc and then i found out it was in d i was so excited i remember when i saw it on the dvd box set i instantly skipped to the d sequences quite a lot was in d though like lisa zanes hand dream demons freddy s claw more than once lezlie dean holding a knife lisa zane with a baseball bat doc s hand freddy s head exploding i truly loved this movie because it was in d but i wish the whole movie was in d not just the last minutes by the way it s minutes not ten"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20300": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "then they will have a proper place to file this crap sorry not a mystery as claimed it is religious mumbo jumbo i kept waiting for the unimaginable evil that was promised me but the evil in this flick would only be unimaginable by a five year old with learning disabilities i can t believe that they actually managed to find some bigger name actors willing to be involved in this embarrassment unfortunately it has forevermore changed my opinion of them and i will likely avoid anything they do in the future i m also a little cheesed off that i now have a writer s name and director s name to memorize as i ll be avoiding anything they do like the plague from now on too it s really unfortunate that all the religious fanatics posting on here and saying that this movie is out of etc will get their reviews posted first this could lead to more people getting tricked as i was into believing this movie was something other than religious preaching well it s off to the video store to get my money back for false advertising too bad they can t give me back the minutes i wasted watching this thinking that it was actually a hollywood horror supernatural film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20301": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if your a hard core freddy fan then you might not like it this seems to be a spoof of the nightmare series not much to see here the only reason it holds it self up is the back story on freddy the one thing that is always great in nightmare movies are the death scenes but the death scenes were very crappy in this the visual effects were great and the acting was ok but the back story was excellent basically freddy s story comes full circle in this i have read bad reviews for this but i actually enjoyed this despite its many flaws a nightmare on elm street freddy s dead the final nightmare a nightmare on elm street the dream master a nightmare on elm street the dream warriors a nightmare on elm street the dream child a nightmare on elm street freddy s revenge i recommend it if you enjoy the series this is were freddy is fully explained but thats all there is next on my list wes cravens new nightmare"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20302": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "didn t know anything about the film or that it was based on a best selling book tried guessing from the opening scenes what it would be about best guess buried treasure and a death list that lasted about minutes when i got the sneaky suspicion that the film was crap i ll not bore you with how bad the plot and acting were but anyone who gave it more than two stars must work for the film makers i watched until the hero jumped into his corvette to rush to the hospital he had his on his suit shirt and tie arrived at the hospital in jeans and a t shirt couldn t even get the continuity right i got the christian theme hard to miss it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20303": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "freddy krueger the dream stalker from elm street returns the great character actor robert englund is back in this sequel of nightmare dream child i hope i got the number correctly there s been so many and this one is one of the best especially for the cameos by rosanne barr then arnold tom arnold johnny depp who did the very first nightmare in alice cooper singer you will see freddy as a tormented child a teenager who loves pain and as a family guy creepy the effects are very funny and creative the cast also includes lisa zane billy s sister breckin meyer road trip yaphet kotto alien live and let die and amanda donahue father knows best i was one of the people who saw this in d well the ending i love d movies i missed the first d wave in i wasn t even born yet the second wave was in i like all the freddy movies this one stands out as one of the better ones not counting the first which was absolutely brilliant freddy became the new monster of the s and s along with jason voorhees chucky micheal myers and leather face can you imagine a film with all of them i recommend this to all freddy fans and horror fans alike that freddy is such a cut up out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20304": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just finished watching this movie it wasn t ridiculously bad but i m really disappointed with it i m not really sure why someone would make a movie like this it was marginally entertaining but i feel like the people making it had a lot of disagreements on what they were making monday the writer was in charge tuesday the director wednesday the guy who gets the coffee etc it almost seems like they really wanted to make a couple different movies but only had the time and money to make one someone else commented that the acting was really good but i d have to disagree then again if the actors were able to keep a straight face during the filming perhaps they re better actors than i give them credit for the back of the dvd gives the impression that the movie would be a mystery something along the lines of a historical law and order or national treasure it starts off like that but then out of nowhere it takes a turn towards a bad episode of the twilight zone or what was that other show that wasn t as good a bad episode of the outer limits my main complaint about the movie is that it is just so played out there s the evil guy with spiked white hair there s the love interest who when she first appears the wind actually blows through her hair seriously once you realize it s a christian movie the end is also pretty easy to spot the cinematography was poorly done especially in the opening scenes way to put your best foot forward it wasn t atrocious for most of the movie but there was the occasional ridiculously bad shot of an old lady praying arms up in a dark room while lightening is striking the sort of thing that just makes you a little bit embarrassed to be watching the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20305": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie freddy s dead the final nightmare is just as horrific and disturbing as every other nightmare on elm street yes it has comedy essence about it so has all the other films but how can anyone possibly say that you wouldn t find freddy krueger scary if you were to come across this man in your dreams you wouldn t find him even more scary with a comic essence about him because his comedy shows that he doesn t care at all about killing you that he finds it extremely funny and freddy also plays comic mind games with them which in its own way is very disturbing by using his comic ways i think that makes the horror movies nightmare on elm street what they are today the writers are extremely clever making krueger comic and scary as oppose to jason vorhees who doesn t say anything and hasn t got the wit to truly frighten his victims this movie is about as good as freddy s wit gets and i would recommend it to anyone with a sense of humour and by the way don t fall asleep"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20306": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a film with very little positive to say for it firstly it has zero pace and is positively lacking in any drama besides being remarkably slow the empty acre seems dedicated to using the same stock footage again and again i lost count of how many times i had seen that field at night or that bit of cracked earth it also has the fundamental flaw of thinking that if the audience don t know about things they will be gripped rather than just confused so with no signs that there are any issues we suddenly find the marriage is not what it seems to be despite being given the impression that it s fine we find jacob is possibly the worst farmer in the universe as he seems to spend no time on the farm and also seems to have bought land with a wholly useless acre beth has a key to a warehouse of books there are innumerable other questions some of which are resolved later in the movie much later in fact too late and on the point of the acre horror filmmakers note that large inanimate objects are inherently not scary and also if they re meant to be an acre big then make them so there is also a frightening lack of reasonability as beth the best performer in the piece followed by jefferson the cop suddenly appears to be accused of everything under the sun just because she is on medication with the full ten minutes plus of running round the fields looking for the missing child did he crawl out of the window he s six months old the film descends into badly written scene after badly written scene bad plinky plonk horror music fails to add atmosphere often bad films can be amusing but not the empty acre which is just bad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20307": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ok i admit i think kenny doughty looks amazing in this movie but beyond his good looks the movie is carried by a sometimes predictable but reasonable plot starting out we re introduced to the three lead females of the movie one a headmistress very concerned about her image and never married a police officer with child and a bad ex to go on about the third a power status hungry doctor with a desire for recognition and three ex s they are almost the first wives club and indeed there is much verbal bashing of ex s involved as well as some he left the credit card behaviour characters set the movie continues mcdowell s character the headmistress arrives late at a funeral where a young organist filling in for the regular player doughty catches her eye what will her two friends say about the ensuing mischief will they live happily ever after a tissue or two recommended if you re the teary type the end uplifting but maybe not what you d expect all in all a great movie which stands out amongst the current choices of action special effects and schlock horror"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20308": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "how sad there is no option to post a mark lower than i watched this piece of nonsense and could barely believe what i was watching every single part of the film was awful music acting direction story everything simply everything i actually found myself laughing out loud at various points in the film i particularly loved the bit where our hero is dashing through the hospital in soft focus slow motion and knocks the clipboard out of the nurses hand because well just because product placement crucifix s crucifi everywhere if you are of a christian persuasion and very easily satisfied you may like this movie if you do like this movie you really need to get out more"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20309": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "freddy s dead the final nightmare was the last film to feature freddy krueger as a solo act not as an entity or a co star the years of killing have taken a toll upon the town of springwood it has gotten to the point that the little city has become a virtual ghost town the parents who killed freddy krueger so many years ago have all paid the ultimate price only the mad inhabit the town and the survivors are scattered everywhere but that doesn t stop freddy from seeking out his final revenge no matter how they try to stop him he always comes back for more but this time he finds out a little more about his old life can the kids finally stop freddy for good what is this secret that is buried in freddy s twisted mind to find out you ll have to watch freddy s dead the end was originally filmed in d a fitting way to end the franchise freddy learns something about himself and his perverted life and he gets to go out in a bang lisa zane yaphet kotto and freddy krueger star in this final installment rosanne tom arnold and johnny depp make special appearances a whole lot better than the last one but it s filled with a few dated jokes if you enjoy the series then you don t want to miss out on this one i have to recommend this movie for freddy fans"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20310": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the imdb plot summary in no way describes the essence of this film it should have read be prepared to be catapulted back to the prison of the rd pew from the back of your family s church at years old listening to the preacher drone on about god s will while all you can think of is getting back home to your lego it starts off well intentioned building intrigue by planting some real and surreal clues such as renny s how did the cut on my thumb heal so fast moment it then slowly morphs into a christian jamboree sacrificing its plot completely in a wash of evangelistic induced babble i believe i counted the use of the word pray about times in a five minute span near the end after the st i tried to twist the context of the word to its synonym prey sadly this little mind game of mine made the film at least bearable for the last minutes plus it made me laugh whenever a character would say prayer preyer to me as it became totally zany indeed even my catholic wife sunk in her chair from boredom almost to the point of ending up on the floor for all the salivating christians who ranked this film stars i suggest sticking with your theology reinforcing safety standards like circle square the ten commandments anything from narnia jesus christ superstar and the like stay away from more cerebrally challenging subject matter in films such as jesus camp the god who wasn t there what would jesus buy or the soon to be released religulous maybe robert whitlow s book is better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20311": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "now all the kids and teenagers of springwood ohio are all dead expect for one teenager shon greenblatt is still alive freddy robert englund is letting him go and the teenager doesn t have much of a memory when he s arriving in a new town when a tough female psychologist lisa zane tries to break though the new patient she s finds out where he s from she brings him along to springwood to spark some memories but three teens lezlie deane breckin meyer and ricky dean logan who unexpected came for the ride once they arrived in springwood the psychologist has some memory that she did lived in that town before as a child while freddy knows the true secret of her true identity directed by rachel talalay ghost in the machine tank girl made a grim but somewhat oddly different sequel with some visual style and funny moments for this horror fantasy thriller yaphet kotto alien has a supporting role as a psychologist expert on dreams this has some ingenious visual effects not everyone will love the climax especially in d and some good style in its storytelling this one did out gross some of the film s series at the box office dvd has an strong anamorphic widescreen transfer also in pan scan and an strong dolby digital surround sound dvd has the original theatrical trailer jump to a nightmare opinion and cast crew information the elm street series box set the eighth disc has interviews with the the cast crew of this sixth film the sixth film is also in d for the film climax but you could watch it at d also this is the last of the elm street films until wes craven resurrected freddy into a different darker style in new nightmare and the silly but surprisingly enjoyable spin off horror film freddy vs jason watch for robert shaye co owner and co ceo of new line cinema roseanne barr tom arnold johnny depp and alice cooper in amusing cameos written by michael de luca john carpenter s in the mouth of madness from a story by the director"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20312": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it started out with an interesting premise i always like civil war stuff and ancient secret societies the more the film progressed the more i realized that this was a b movie at best in the latter half it quickly became a c movie then d then f then i wish that this wasn t a rental so that i could put it in the microwave i can t say that the acting in all cases was awful just most the writing however i never read the book maybe the book is well written the screenplay was written by a year old it was ridiculously shallow the dialog drab and uninteresting the characters about as interesting as a pound bag of fertilizer i really hated this movie as did my wife i am a christian and i have no problem with movies that promote or support christianity this movie did a great disservice to the cause awful terrible worthless if you liked it i strongly recommend superman"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20313": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "freddy has gone from scary to funny in this th installment in the nightmare series it s been years well actually since this film takes place in and freddy has killed every last kid on elm street except one john doe jacobb from part even doe the film gives on hint who he is in which he uses to bring more children to come to elm street not only does freddy gets his wishes but he also gets his daughter back to elm street when she finds out what is happening she and other kids decide to kill freddy once and for all we also get to see some of freddy s eerie backgrounds rachel talalay who has been contected to the nightmare series for a long time by now many people hate this film but i liked it it tried to bring out what freddy was doing with his wisecrackes comdey and makes the series more funny than scary so this film is really a comdey sore to speak it is not the wrost in the series part still holds it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20314": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "at the beginning we get to see the start of a secret council of some sorts it all looks very promising from the get go with some supernatural elements thrown in the mystery gets more interesting by the minute the main character who seems like a good bloke gets into trouble because of his claim for money he is entitled to temptation and other factors you really empathize with the guy and you want to know what exactly is going on normally a person in his situation would have several options somehow he does not have those options in this movie there only seems to be one solution even when it is clear it is not his fault out of the blue he encounters characters who talk about church prayer and god and they provide the answer for his problem it should be obvious at a point in the movie what this solution is now let me say that there is nothing wrong with this message since it always is helpful but was it really necessary to disguise this message this religious element actually ruined the viewing experience for me while the message is good it s simplicity can t escape the fact that in real life more needs to happen to resolve issues presented in this movie the mystery that is presented to us never gets solved in stead you are forced to deal with another topic that essentially has nothing to do with the plot don t get fooled because of malcolm mcdowell the once brilliant actor is adequate but if you watch closely you will see that he is not serious at all he really must be desperate for money otherwise what would posses an actor of his caliber to act in a movie like this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20315": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i guess i m part of the silent minority who enjoyed this film is it one of the best of the nightmare series maybe not but i had lots of fun with it freddy krueger reaches his evil wisecracking potential since parts and kind of lagged the series down i felt this so called final installment new nightmare is the real finale brought the series out of its slump there are some great nightmare sequences including one where breckin meyer plays a stoner who gets trashed falls asleep and gets stuck in a video game to which freddy controls this is both a highly original and hilarious sequence especially when we see him out of the dreamscape hopping around like super mario and freddy belts out the funny one liner great graphics and since the movie was made about years ago it brought back memories when freddy started controlling the game with the powerglove anyone who remembers the first bit nintendo remembers the powerglove the cast is superb lisa zane is perfectly cast in the lead i haven t seen yaphet kotto since the running man and i think the last time i saw that film was about years ago he s another great underappreciated actor who possesses a powerful screen presence and who can forget the cameos the best one is by johnny depp from the first nightmare playing a spokesman for an anti drug commercial the d sequence at the end is really awesome so for those who are looking to check this film out please rent or buy it on dvd hopefully all the editions come with the d glasses but i m sure the video edition has the d element removed i personally didn t see many things wrong with the film it even elaborated on freddy s backstory the film is a great mix of humor and scares and the gross out effects are terrific could this have given better justice to the franchise of course it could have but rachel talalay did a fine job and finding the perfect conclusion is easier said than done and in closing i loved the montage over the opening credits fans of the series will be delighted and will look at it as a tribute to beloved freddy my score out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20316": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "unless you are an evangelical christian then make like an egyptian and avoid like the biblical plague awful why oh why does imdb list the most favourable reviews at the top of the list it was due to one of these that i have just wasted the end of what started out as good evening on this claptrap the plot premise started out strong enough i was drawn into the film and was interested right up to the point where the bible sermons took over what a waste this film has so incensed me that i have registered with imdb for the first time just to complain about it i hope at least that by doing so i save someone else s evening hay what a christian act on my part"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20317": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a great show and will make you cry this group people really loved each other in real life and it shows time and time again email me and let s chat i have been to australia and they real do talk like this i want you to enjoy five mile creek and pass on these great stories of right and wrong and friendship to your kids i have all episodes on dvd r that i have collected over the last years see my five mile creek tribute at www mikeandvicki com and hear the extended theme music let s talk about them these people are so cool"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20318": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "germans think smirking is funny just like americans think mumbling is sexy and that women with english accents are acting i had to cross my eyes whenever the screen was filled yet again with a giant close up of a smirking face one of those housewife hacks corporate mainframe tales where she defrauds a bank by tapping a few random keys on her home pc which is connected only to a power socket the director obviously loves the rather large leading lady can t say i share his feelings there s quite a funny bit when the entire family sit in front of the television chanting tonelessly along with the adverts apparently this review needs to be one line longer so here it is"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20319": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in the opening scenes of this movie a man shot arrows through his hotel room into another man s bathroom and blew out all the lights this must have been very hep for but rather way way out and had nothing to do with the film robin hood did not make an appearance as far as i could see however bette davis daisey appleby the whales of august was very young and attractive and performed one of her best roles in a long career in hollywood daisey never stopped teasing or being very sexy with her nightgowns and so called swim suit on her yacht with george brent johnny jones the spiral staircase daisey even proposed marriage to johnny in a ferris wheel upside down and even got a black eye davis and brent made a great couple one suppose to be very rich and the other a very poor reporter off stage davis and brent were having a real torrid love affair which is good reason why there was sparks when these two appeared in this film if you liked bette davis and george brent this is the film for you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20320": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "not sure why this movie seems to have gotten such rave reviews while watching bang one night on tv i found myself bored by the nonsensical random plot which was occurring on screen the entire movie seems to be nothing more than an exercise in meaningless artsy fartsy self indulgence on the part of the filmmaker the fact that the director writer goes by a one name moniker only reinforces this sense of pretentiousness those interested in indie flicks would be better off looking for something better written and dare i say more entertaining than this complete waste of time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20321": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is an excellent example of early bette davis talent the production is above average for timeframe i cannot understand why the owners of the rights to this film have not put it on dvd owners please please release it i would buy it immediately i have not seen it in more than thirty years on television but remember it well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20322": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was made for people who found gremlins too serious and critters to hardcore like many of the critters trolls gremlins movies of the s this movie is bad the sad part is that there s no punchline to that comment it s just bad and not in a funny way the problem with this miniature monster movie is that it actually tries to be funny and ends up being as successful in doing that as howie mandell was in walk like a man what made the other s horror movies into classics was that they were genuinely trying to be scary but were hilarious because they failed so miserably someone must have told bettina hirsch yes the bettina hirsch she had a knack for comedy before she started directing this movie unfortunately they were wrong sure seeing a weird little mutated cross between a ferret and a tumor wearing a brown trenchcoat and throwing pool balls at an outcast from the lost boys is amusing but not enough to save the movie by far the most annoying part of the movie is the paul character his paul reiser wannabe schtick is enough to make you start fast forwarding from the time of his first scene until the ending credits only stopping once to see a scene where a munchie throws pool balls at a guy not that i did that so the bottom line is run don t walk to your nearest blockbuster and shake hands with the manager and thank him for not having the grapes to stock this pile of garbage on the shelves"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20323": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "at first sight this movie doesn t look like a particular great one after all a bette davis movies with only votes on imdb and a rating of must be a rather bad one but the movie turned out to be a delightful and original surprise you would at first expect that this is a normal average typical s movie with a formulaic love story but the movie is surprisingly well constructed and has an unusual and original story which also helps to make this movie a very pleasant one to watch the story is carried by its two main characters played by bette davis and george brent their helped by a cast of mostly amusing characters but the movie mainly involves just around them two their character are involved in a most unusual and clever written love story that work humorous as well it makes this movie a delightful little comedy to watch that is perfectly entertaining the movie is quite short just over an hour long which means that the story doesn t waste any time on needless plot lines development and characters it makes the movie also rather fast paced which helps to make this movie a perfectly watchable one by todays standards as well it does perhaps makes the movie a bit of a simple one at times but this never goes at the expense of its entertainment or fun a delightful pleasant simple romantic comedy that deserves to be seen by more"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20324": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when i saw this movie i couldn t believe my eyes where these hilarious creatures dustbin muppets with big pointy teeth really meant to be scary or where they designed to have a good laugh i sincerely hope so if you watch carefully you can even see the strings operating them better dragging them across the screen the whole was rather funny than scary and i had a good time watching the movie because i was amazed by its overall incapacity to have only one good part it is one big joke from beginning to end and i believe this movie belongs into a new category so unbelievable crappy you ll be laughing from beginning to end i m not even gonna try to comment on the acting or all the other things"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20325": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film got terrible reviews but because it was offbeat and because critics don t usually get offbeat films i thought i d give it a try unfortunately they were largely right in this instance the film just has an awkward feel too it that is most off putting the sort of feel that is impossible to describe but it s not a good one to further confound things the script is a dull aimless thing that is only vaguely interesting the immensely talented thurman just drifts through this mess creating barely an impact hurt and bracco try in vain to add something to the film with enthusiastic performance but there is nothing in the script it may have been less embarrassing for them if they had merely chosen to drift and get it over with like thurman one thing the esteemed film critics did fail to mention however is that the film is actually quite funny whether it be moments of accurate satire or some outrageously weird moments like when the cowgirls in question chase hurt off their ranch with the smell of their unwashed ahem front bottoms because of the chortles acheived throughout while i wouldn t recommend this film there is entertainment to be had and watching even cowgirls get the blues is worthwhile for something different"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20326": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i suppose all the inside jokes is what made munchies a cult classic i thought it was awful though given the ridiculous story and the nature of the characters it probably could ve been a much better and funnier movie maybe all they needed was a real budget munchies as many viewers have pointed out already is something of a gremlins parody hence all the references to the movie the movie begins somewhere in peru during an archeological dig an annoying dufus named paul aspiring stand up comedian who offers no sarcasm or witty jokes during the movie despite his career plans is holed up with his dad in the caves his dad is an unconventional kind of archeologist searching the caves not for artificats or mummies or anything but proof of u f o s and that s where the munchies come into the picture hidden in the crevice of a rock is an ugly little mutant that looks like a gyrating rubber doll with a gizmo voice they name him arnold stash him in a bag and bring him home so paul s dad can finally show proof of extra terrestrial life paul the idiot that he is breaks his promise to his dad to watch arnold a wager he made with his dad if he loses it s off to community college to get a real career the creepy next door neighbor with the bad rug cecil television veteran harvey korman wonders what his neighbors are up to so he and his lazy son some airhead hippie type who looks more like they should ve made his character a biker or heavy metal enthusiast to go and snatch arnold why a get rich quick scheme of course and of course even cecil s son is too dumb to look after arnold and after a few pokes and prods at arnold he multiplies into more munchies this wasn t even a movie that was so bad it was good it was just plain awful i was hoping that the munchies would ve mutated and killed the morons that were always after them even paul and his girlfriend at least it would be one way to get rid of all the bad acting in this movie that really hams up the movie not to mention poor special effects that look like hand puppets and really bad writing all around it wasn t even funny not even that young cop who can really give you the homicidal twitch in your eye like i said munchies if they had been given an actual budget and better actors they might ve been able to pull off a good parody pass"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20327": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was an excellent film i don t understand why so many people don t like it there was so much in it to connect with so many beautiful images and so much compassion in the things that weren t said i was thoroughly entertained and was left with a feeling of joyous exuberance just as i am when i finish most any tom robbins story now i haven t read this particular book of robbin s so i don t now how this matched up but i can t imagine this movie could have been a very bad interpretation the movie left a lot for you to define yourself which is the best part of any tom robbins novel dreaming up the details to all of you who said this was the worst movie ever i pity what little must be left of the dimming light in your hearts far from the worst ever this movie was glorious long live the whooping crane"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20328": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "five minutes after watching this i logged on to imdb to warn all of you out there not to bother with this movie genre horror it had moments of mild suspense and throughout the whole movie i was thinking to myself somethings gotta happen soon it did not when the movie ended i felt so embarrassed for the writer director i ve never been the biggest fan of patrick rea this guy just does not know how to make movies and after watching this sorry excuse of a horror flick i ve gone from not been the biggest fan to will not watch another of his works i was taken in by the plot summary please don t make the same mistake i gave this movie a for the actors they were not bad and it wasn t there fault they got such bad direction"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20329": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "crush provides a combination of drama humor and such irony that i find the english establish very well when it concerns matters of the heart mostly known for directing john mckay wrote this wonderful screenplay about three forty something friends in a small town in england all three professional women down out of luck with men formed a ritual ladies night gathering with gin fags and sweets intake included with endless chatter of their dates erroneous behavior or the needs of their libidos andie macdowell once again thrown by the surrounds of the british which is where i find she exudes the most is absolutely charming as the head mistress of a prestigious school who becomes involved with a younger man small town gossip and the disapproving jealous friends great supporting cast conflicts with her relationship unfolding a series of brutal unfortunate events and showing us the many difficulties when one is in pursuit of true happiness keep in mind the main premise of this film is friendships and the ending shows us exactly that this is the type of film you either love or hate which is why i believe a lot of mix reviews and not that greatest success resulted when this film was released as i m sure most are just unearthing the film now i very much enjoyed this film and highly recommend for those in the likes of such films as love actually and three weddings and a funeral not to mention the soundtrack is extraordinary perfectly capturing those crucial moments"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20330": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the annoying mouse and lullaby really got to me and really had nothing to do with the story it s something i would have done my st year in film school very sad additionally the story just seemed to drag on for no apparent reason there were too many things just thrown in there that had nothing to do with the story which makes me feel that the creative team didn t really know what they were doing or just that it should have been shorter which would have been a blessing not a crime as i have just watched all of the episodes up to this point over the past week i d have to say that this was by far the worst and i just wanted to warn others not to start with this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20331": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "even though it has one of the standard revenge price plots this film is my favorite of vincent price s work gallico has that quality that is missing in so many horror film characters likeability when you watch it you feel for him you feel his frustration the injustices against him and you cheer him on when he goes for vengeance even though he frightens you a little with his original fury as the film goes on his character becomes tragic he s committed his murder but now he must kill to cover that up and again to cover that one up and again your stomach sinks with his soul as it goes down its spiral like watching a beloved brother turn into a hood even if the revenge story is of old the plot devices themselves are original gallico uses his tricks to kill in more and more inventive ways a shame this one isn t available for home veiwing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20332": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the title creatures wreak havoc at a peaceful little desert town that s basically the whole plot for this film and while the scenes devoted to the munchies themselves are somewhat fun in a lowbrow kind of way all the rest is just filler and bad filler at that from the hero who is a painful woody allen wannabe to the ultra dumb town cop it s hard to pick the most irritating character in the film there were some times when almost all of them were on the screen together and i was thinking ok at least the girlfriend is cute but why do we have to put up with the rest of those morons the film is also filled with pop references from ozzy osbourne to linda blair which probably made it already dated by the early s"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20333": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i admit the first time i watched even cowgirls get the blues i didn t think it was very memorable in any regard but now after viewing it the th time i admit that it has very much grown on me the characters of sissy ms jellybean and the countess have become very endearing and the romance between sissy and jellybean seems very sweet though the plot is very weak i think the satirical humor more than makes up for it then there s the kick ass soundtrack which features the tremendously talented k d lang who reminds me a little of patsy cline at her best i can t think of any movie that has grown on me after an inauspicious first impression as much as cowgirls has"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20334": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "and that s a bad thing because at least if this had been a troma film it would have had wanton violence and a greater sense of anarchic abandon that might have brought my rating up a bit so what we have instead is a very tame rated pg barely lukewarm low budget roger corman produced it with an unknown director who has subsequently remained unknown gremlins critters wannabe with almost exclusively flat humor little of the logic that made gremlins work so well fantasy logic or not no suspense no sense of adventure and no violence or nudity to make up for it although i m sure some of the problems with the film are inherent in the script let s face it no one could deliver these jokes so that they would be funny it seems like the biggest blame has to fall into the lap of the director bettina hirsch in more capable hands munchies could have been entertaining after all it starts out like many great adventure films simon waterman harvey korman and his son paul charles stratton are in peru on an archaeological dig simon is a bit of a wacky archaeologist who is always floating theories about the connections between ancient sites and alien civilizations for example he thinks he sees evidence of laser cutting on ancient stonework so they re at machu picchu looking for more evidence of simon s theories when they happen upon a secret chamber inside they quickly find the animal they later dub arnold one of the titular munchies they take arnold back home to their small california desert town simon who thinks that arnold is probably an alien creature has to go off to a colleague s lecture and he plans on telling the colleague that he finally has an alien specimen paul and his extremely cute girlfriend cindy nadine van der velde are left in charge of arnold but as they haven t seen each other in a long time they leave arnold unsupervised while they hop in the sack meanwhile simon s brother cecil played also by korman in a dual role owner of a successful snack foods company is eager to buy off simon s home and land they re adjacent to his own simon doesn t want to sell so cecil hits upon a scheme to steal arnold things gradually spiral out of control and the munchies who have a mean streak to go along with their cravings for junk food begin to overrun the town that reads better in a summary than it plays on the screen the best shots in the film are those with natural landscapes in the background such as when characters are driving on the outskirts of the desert town interiors with the exception of cecil s home tend to look like poorly decorated cheap sets and more importantly they tend to show that hirsch is not very skilled at blocking and setting up shots oddly given the paucity of the production design overall cecil s home is quite a gem imbued as it is in overblown s style down to the smallest details and cecil s stepson dude jon stafford was an amusing counterpoint too bad then that he s out of the film so quickly at any rate korman is a fun actor but he comes across much better here as simon than as cecil unfortunately simon ends up being absent for most of the film cecil who is differentiated physically by a ridiculous wig and facial hair is not only the evil capitalist of the film he s one of korman s classic inconsiderate boorish characters that was one of his specialties frequently capitalized on in carol burnett show skits unlike the carol burnett show which tended to succeed because directors clark jones and dave powers had a studied way of pushing the skits just to the brink of chaos hirsch reins korman in way too far and the cecil character just doesn t work the way it should there are a lot of other director related problems not the least of which is wonky pacing and editing which completely sap any possible suspense or compelling dramatic impact from the film even scenes that should have been shoe ins for amping up the drama such as when the munchies are harassing an old lady on the road are put together far too awkwardly to have much affect there are also serious logical problems with the story as it stands where did the munchie in the chamber at machu picchu come from the film s trailer seems to show an answer to this but it was edited out of the final cut a more serious problem is that unlike gremlins there is no clear reason for munchies to go from cute cuddly furballs to menacing monsters it just happens further because munchies was kept pg and the violence remains toned down when the creatures are in their monster phase they re never very threatening they re also easily dispatched at least temporarily admittedly the gist of the film isn t suspense horror compelling drama or any of that other stuff but humor it s intended more as a spoof of gremlins and the countless rip offs in its wake the only problem with that is that the film just isn t funny even though i chuckled a couple times a surprisingly high percentage of the jokes are bland clich s too much of the remaining material consists of non sequiturs given bad timing from hirsch it all just falls flat there was potential to make a film that while a spoof was both funny and frightening hilarious and disturbing cheesy and suspenseful all at the same time ala killer klowns from outer space too bad then that munchies comes nowhere near that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20335": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "worst movie of all time wow whoa now you cannot be serious maybe it s all about what you expect a movie to do to you i live in oregon so i got to enjoy the beautifully filmed shots of familiar yet still amazingly beautiful smith rocks and other areas in central oregon as well as the sweet cameo of our own ken kesey and ken babbs looking down on baby sissy s cradle at the beginning of the movie those alone were enough to spur me to give the movie a better than average score or maybe it s all about what expectations you have having read the book ages ago and thinking to myself goodness no one could ever make a movie out of this interesting quirky weird book especially years later when mores morays can t put in the accent mark online have changed i was actually quite pleasantly surprised when i first watched the movie when it came out in and even liked it more today watching it again sissy was exquisitely cast and i don t care what you all say i was also pleasantly surprised at rain phoenix s and john hurt s performances i am not a lesbian nor bi nor trans but have met many folks who are similar to the folks they were supposed to portray and those real folks kinda acted the same way as these actors acted stilted a bit stage ey always a bit on gus van sant is one weird native oregonian but by garsh he done a good job adapting this crazy book imho"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20336": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "cute and playful but lame and cheap munchies is another gremlins clone to come out from the s i m not much of a fan of the imitations first it was the excellent gremlins then came the very average critters lets not forget the lousy ghoulies but the complete pits would have to go to hobgoblins is there more now munchies for me would have to fall somewhere between ghoulies and hobgoblins actually i probably found it more entertaining than ghoulies but i preferred thst one s darker tone from the get go it plays up its goofy nature which it s better for it but due to that nature the hammy acting alix elias and charlie phillips can get rather overbearing that you rather just see the munchies running amok that s where the fun occurs mostly light hearted fluff though as the story mainly centres on the munchies who are either hungry horny and destructive in a whole bunch of supposed comical encounters some moments do work in the small desert town as a couple of people are on the chase it s silly but strangely engaging thanks to the zippy pacing the creatures themselves look rather bland and poorly detailed as they re basic dolls being chucked about where their personalities arrived from is that they can actually speak and with attitude charlie stratton and a feisty nadine van der velde who was in critters were fair leads harvey korman was acceptable in two roles robert picardo also pops up amusingly low cut entertainment for the undemanding"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20337": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the film is exceptional in it s gay iconography and extends this beyond the asthetics to the music and cast throughout the whole film exists a childlike wonder as seen through the eyes of the main character her lighthearted take on the world around us is comical and beautiful in a way it s a slacker movie for girls watch this is you fancy a relaxing entertaining mid night movie buy this if you like diferent takes on the world of media and love combined"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20338": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i think i watched this movie but don t quote me as i may have fallen asleep during watching it as it didn t exactly grip my excitement and imagination at least i know i watched enough of it to know i won t be watching it again soon or ever jeez talk about lame really lame totally lame it wouldn t even appeal to a six year old it basically had no worthwhile dramatic impact zilch nada just shlock turned into dreck comedy that was supposed to be comedy ya coulda fooled me ee ee now if the aliens had been insatiably carnivorous like in the movie critters we could have had the human characters do something a little more profound than be overly smugly cutesy like yelling and screaming and running for their lives so they wouldn t be eaten so the story could be something more exciting than watching paint dry don t bother watching this it s not worth the effort you can find something more interesting to do like watching paint dry or falling asleep"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20339": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie the first seconds the voice of t r took me on to the journey well i disliked the big glued thumbs in the beginning but the absurd humor it and the gordious looks of both sissy actors i do not know who played the young her but she was great and so was uma the two other people who where in the cinema went out after about half an hour i was with a friend and it is always a test to watch a movie i like good with one of my friends and we both enjoyed it too the maximum hilarious laughs sadness about the realistic police normalos both of us fans of t robbins books i found it well done thought that robbins would also approve though i do not have an idea if he likes the film or not i would love to see the cut out stuff i heard that gus v sand had to take out lots of scenes because of the first time viewers or the producers well still it is an artistic movie much too short though it is one of my all time favorites and i am aware of it that the majority of people can t stand that kind of movie and assume that people who enjoy that films are whatever they think what a pity hopefully there will come the day that there will be a dvd with the full material hoping to see more of crispian keanu expecting to see her baby and all if you have the chance to see it think twice and enjoy it if you made the choice to watch m"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20340": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ridiculous looking little boogers that spawn foam and reproduce themselves so far for the horror elements this movie has all the rest of munchies plays out like a really retarded comedy that s so stupid you won t find it funny anymore after about minutes i can imagine little kids cheering for these little boogers but adults will be left with only those supposedly smart references translating to on screen stuff like capt kirk s log entries from star trek the most well known scene from e t a blatant statement from the filmmakers going look we re cashing in on gremlins success here and a cardboard cut out of clint eastwood telling us what about his western movies exactly that last one was totally lost on me oh yes and chemical waste disposal in caves seems to be a bad thing don t know where they got that idea from not to say that munchies is the most insufferable film to sit through for that matter it s just really really dumb and if you manage to crack a smile while watching it you ll probably feel as dumb yourself for having done that after the film s finished good badness yes but only if dumb retarded ridiculous are criteria you re looking for and well uhm"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20341": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you have ever read and enjoyed a novel by tom robbins you will appreciate this movie as a whole hearted attempt to translate his outrageously unconventional writing style into a workable piece of big screen art the actors and the direction of this film are both good the only trouble with the film as i can see it is that robbins can relate ideas and sentiments with his words that were still beyond hollywood s capabilities at the time this film was shot given both the irreverence of today s movies as well as the willingness and abilityof today s audiences to delve into the bizarre i think even cowgirls would receive a better reception today than it did when it was originally released"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20342": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "munchies starts in deepest darkest peru looks more like a dirt road to me where archaeologist simon watterman harvey korman his son paul charles stratton are on an expedition simon thinks that ancient aztec buildings were in fact spacecraft control centres he is on a mission to gain proof that alien lifeforms have visited earth while in once such structure he discovers a strange small creature which he sticks in his backpack takes back home with him to the small american town of sweetwater in california simon feels that the creature is the proof he has been looking for for some inexplicable reason decides to leave the thing at home while he goes to share his discovery simon ask s paul his wife cindy nadine van der velde to take care of it meanwhile simon s brother fast food businessman cecil watterman harvey korman again steals the creature so his brother won t make any money out of it but his idiotic stepson dude jon stafford has a fight with it chops it up with a knife but the individual parts grow back into separate little creatures that proceed to cause much havoc amongst the townspeople directed by bettina hirsch this has to be one of the worst horror comedy s ever if not the worst the script by lance smith is so unfunny it s painful every joke in munchies misses the target by the proverbial mile i doubt the humour in this piece of crap would even appeal to pre teens there just isn t anything even remotely funny or even amusing in munchies as far as i m concerned the basic story is crap too they just happen to find this creature running around with no explanation of what it is why no ones ever seen it before how it manages to learn english so quickly how it learns to drive etc the whole thing is a big gremlins rip off with none of the elements that made that film so good the character s are moronic the stupid deputy charlie phillips his dad hardy rawls cecil wearing an embarrassing wig fake moustache his air head wife melvis alix elias more besides they just plain embarrass are ridiculous i defy anyone to find any of this rancid rubbish funny basically munchies fails spectacularly at being either a comedy or horror ends up being yes you ve guessed it crap director hirsch was obviously working with a low budget here it shows the entire thing takes place in two houses the desert some caves a miniature golf course this is really cheap incompetent film making the special effects on the munchies themselves are really awful their just dolls that have no movement unless someone off camera pulls a string attached to it s arm i cannot stress how bad the effects are these things wouldn t convince my year old nephew as proved by me him yesterday total incompetence all the way this film sucks technically the film is terrible bad special effects lame production design rubbish sets well just everything s crap the acting is rotten through through from the cops to korman who has two roles both of which prove he can t act isn t funny munchies is a really bad film that fails in everything that it tries to achieve sure watch it if you want i won t stop you but just don t say you weren t warned my advice would be to watch gremlins again instead but the decision is yours"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20343": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i feel very sorry for people who go to movies with a pad and pencil to write down flaws and keep notes on how bad a movie is i feel equally contempt for people who go to movies and can t suspend reality and or let themselves enjoy minutes aways from their boring or busy lives get a grip people ecgtb is a very entertaining movie if you take movies seriously this is not for you if you are expecting the movie to resemble the book in any way this is not for you but if you enjoyed the utter hilarity of priscilla queen of the desert or the what the hell am i watching of moulin rouge or the gross out comedy of the sweetest thing then let yourself escape to cowgirls it has some really funny parts hilarious actually it also has some really good music kudos to kd lang also did i mention it has minutes of uma thurman need i say more"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20344": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "not a knock on korman as he was very funny on the carol burnett show he was also good at playing secondary characters in mel brooks movies high anxiety comes to mind he is however not a person who can carry a movie in dueling roles no less this one is basically a gremlins knockoff following a tradition of such movies as critters and ghoulies it is not a very good knockoff either on par with ghoulies but with a much lighter tone to it as it is no where near as dark as that movie got in fact this one is too light and frothy and unfortunately many of the jokes end up falling flat though i did give it a for a score this is only because there is a movie that is even a worse gremlin knockoff if you watched mystery science theater you know the one i am talking about the infamous hobgoblins this one has a guy finding a little critter in some underground place i only saw this movie once a long time ago so i don t remember everything to clearly and it starts out friendly enough however this creature quickly becomes unfriendly and of course more are spawned and that is the movie more misses than hits in the joke department and it is also really lame to see korman playing the evil brother role best to skip this one but then you may want to check it out just for kicks"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20345": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gus van sant has made some excellent films i truly am a fan however i can t help but feel that the cerebral edge of tom robbins book even cowgirls get the blues is lost in translation to the big screen alone tom robbins and gus van sant are incredible visionaries and towers of talent ultimately though this one just didn t work it wasn t that the characters weren t well developed or the plot and content didn t come alive it s just that our imaginations are much more powerful when reading a book like this we re taken away to a different time and place and we sometimes think the worst and or the best and it adds to the overall roller coaster of the book as it neatly unfolds according to the author s precision movies however can leave one with less of the imagination and emotion roller coaster detracting from the overall experience this is what i believe happened here i suggest reading the book"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20346": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "an excellent performance by alix elias highlights an otherwise mis directed and confused pile of dreck i have seen this movie perhaps times and with each run through i find less and less pleasure why are munchies so lustful is that ever explained are they a reflection of our wanton boorish animal selves if they are why not make it more obvious why not peal back just a touch of the subtlety that plagues this movie and make that connection explicit another part of this movie that bothers me to no end motorcycles the jacket the little monster wears on the front cover seems to suggest street wise traveler the sun glasses say pretty cool dude with all this i m ready for easy rider meets the muppets all i get is munchies what gives stick to the gremlins series if you re a fan of diminutive wise cracking reptile puppets it ll give you the treatment you deserve"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20347": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i could not agree less with the rating that was given to this movie and i believe this is a sample of how short minded most of spectators are all over the world really are you forgetting that cinema used to be a kind of art before some tycoons tried to make it only entertainment this movie is not entertainment at least not that easy entertainment you get on movies like titanic or gladiator it has style it is different it is shocking that s why most of you have hated it so much because it does not try to be pleasing to you it s just a story a very weird one i admit but after all only a weird story it is not a great story not even a great cinema work but i believe it is worth a stars rating only for the courage of both author and director to shot a story that is not made to please the audience thus selling billions of copies and making the big studios even richer this movie is for me european artistic like movie made in the us and everyone involved in the making of it deserves respect be it for the courage or be it for the unique sense of humor"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20348": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i didn t expect much when i saw this at the palm springs film fest this weekend it was an alternate choice when two other films were sold out still i held out hope it sounded a bit much like bride and prejudice l a guy falls for an indian beauty parental conflict blah blah blah b p was not perfect but it was an enjoyable film with some good laughs and likable characters my bollywood bride had none of that the acting seemed stilted and way to by the numbers characters were so clich the story seemed like it could have been written by high school freshman drama student technically the sound really bothered me it seemed as if there was a lot of over dubbing of dialogue i mean a lot i know sometimes it s necessary but it sounded like half the film was shot in a closet and it became very distracting two stars is being somewhat generous"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20349": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i recently found a copy for at a video store and snapped it up eagerly while the music and obviously graphics aren t up to the standards of my favorite of the series beyond the mind s eye i am still entranced by one segment stanley and stella in breaking the ice the music is brilliant and the emotions feel real the clip on odyssey s website doesn t have the story nor the music unfortunately"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20350": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "unbelievable this film gets a out f this has to be one of the worst films i have seen in years not only was the acting incredibly bad the storyline if you can call it that was just as bad offcourse everyone knows what s going to happen within the first minutes which is not a bad thing if you can captivate the audience during leading up to that moment that however is not the case there is no action no suspense not even a spark between the leading actors it was unfortunately a waste of my time and certainly a waste of my money and the of merely for trying"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20351": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when this first came out my dad brought it home we were amazed by it it was so different from anything we had seen before i was looking for a specific movie last night and i found the mind s eye again the box is falling apart and i am surprised that the tape still works although it is not finding nemo quality graphics it is still very good they should sell this again it is a landmark for computer animation imagery highly recommended this is what it is the mind s eye is a spectacular odyssey through time your journey begins at the dawn of creation and moves through the rise of man and technology travel in the world of abstraction and on into the future with breathtaking computer animation imagery the mind s eye joins the imaginations of over of the world s most talented computer animation artists with a powerful original music soundtrack this unique collaboration takes you on an incredible voyage into the mind s eye"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20352": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "here is what happened head of bbc needs to make programmes aimed at different audience to bbc and bbc to keep licence and job lenny henry offers his unfunny friends up head of bbc snaps them up completely ignoring the fact that they are not funny worst of all it is arguably racist as all the characters play up to bad stereotypes if a white person did this kind of thing there d be uproar trash"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20353": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kenny doughty as jed willis is sexier in this role than any male porn star even though he keeps his pants on the movie tore at my heart reminding me of the intensity of the big explosive love of my life i don t think i can think of another movie except perhaps zeffirelli s romeo and juliet that captures that giddy joy that well the other draw of the movie is the very english eccentric characters enjoying the scandal vicariously in that sense it is much the same appeal as midsomer murder or a miss marple mystery without the mayhem this is a great antidote to the mock horror currently popular in the usa an any relationships between people of different ages"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20354": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw most of my bollywood bride today at the iaac film festival in new york and had to leave the theater due to feelings of nausea welling up within me i ve seen bollywood movies and i ve seen satires of bollywood movies this movie couldn t decide which one it wanted to be so it ended up being a joke on itself it seems to have been liberally copied from movies like bride and prejudice and bollywood calling and what a sloppy lazy job at that how can bollywood ever be weaned off of its determination to stick to overused well trodden scripts is there no one who can bring to the screen the millions of real fascinating stories that surely exist and transpire in the land of a billion people the over smart auto driver the cow on the street gratuitous scenes of foreign locations pointless scenes of mumbai streets they re all in there every possible clich about india has been faithfully included so sickeningly predictable ugh acting performances are weak across the board except for neha dubey who is talented and beautiful one wonders why she would pick a project like this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20355": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when this first came out my dad brought it home we were amazed by it it was so different from anything we had seen before i was looking for a specific movie last night and i found the mind s eye again the box is falling apart and i am surprised that the tape still works although it is not finding nemo quality graphics it is still very good they should sell this again it is a landmark for computer animation imagery highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20356": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it wasn t notable enough to be truly horrible it was just incredibly lame the story was not half bad but the execution was just horrendous to start with it moved too fast for us to emotionally get involved with what was going on it was just paced badly the dialog was so utterly un sparkling just flat and boring and the characters cripes almightly they made deadpool boring how the hell do you make deadpool boring he wasn t even funny he wasn t crazy he was just an annoying guy with a couple of swords he did not even know how to use properly gambit was boring and since when did he have telekenisis to make the cards just float and fly around or super strength to leap hundreds of feet into the air and what the heck was up with all the stupid helicopter moves i mean we know they are mutants but they still exist within the realm of physics a round bo staff is not a helicopter blade you cannot fly by twirling super duper fast which gambit wouldn t be able to do anyway nor deadpool especially when using it as a replacement for real fight choreography and this film stands as proof that wire work should only be used by fight coordinators who know wth they are doing and know better than to use it in every single shot as a replacement for real fight choreography three of the most physical fighters in marvel comics logan creed and wilson and some of the worst fight choreography i have ever seen in recent film memory it was as if the stunt coordinator just shrugged his shoulders and left it all up to the special effects guys and then you had the break out with all these mutants who did nothing even mutants who had been shown in their cells to have powers nice to see a quicksilver nod did f all when they got out only emma really lame for this film frost and cyclops did something and since when was logan so pretty and the stupid the bullet will take his memory away don t you think xavier and the x men would have noticed the big freaking bullet holes in his adamantium skull when they x rayed him in x i felt sorry for liev schrieber man he actually brought in a good sabretooth considering the script he made one of marvel s more simple super villains feel real but he could not save the film from it s own epic lameness seriously this was daredevil level of suck decent story good actors absolutely horrible execution"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20357": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as a kid i loved computer animation although it was extremely limited and the tools were almost nonexistent this movie as i sat in awe and watched the amazing images and almost hypnotic music shaped the desire in me to create moving things in the computer this is a whole package deal between the music and the video that really packs a one two punch if you know any child that wants to get involved in computer animation this is a must have i still almost years later rate this movie as one of my top favorites the originality i think is still unsurpassed by most of today s mcmovies that hollywood spits out i am currently wanting to see if i can re make it on my own if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then this movie deserves a ton of imitation"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20358": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "most would agree that the character of wolverine is one of the most intriguing characters in comic book history i m no marvel expert but i did grow up with the adventures of the x men and definitely approved of hugh jackman s now widely known portrayal of the scruffy logan i enjoyed the first x men found the sequel too heavy and messy and liked the third one as comic book entertainment all through the three movies i probably enjoyed jackman more than anything else i figured the idea of making an origins movie about wolverine could very well end up being a better movie than all of the three x men movies if we concentrate on one character i figured there could be a movie that achieves what i found the second movie failed at being a fairly complex and character driven comic book adventure the reason that the wolverine movie fails is not because the competition is tougher after the dark knight it s not even because of a plot development that is beyond obvious and rudimentary even though that certainly isn t good no it s because the movie doesn t even seem to try to begin with this does not qualify as good entertainment there is something about the action in this movie that comes off as so very very automatic with no greater special effects or elements of suspense and when one event will make you predict the following five it almost feels like an uwe boll movie imitating an action adventure movie concept that you ve seen a dozen times before of course nothing in this movie is as downright awful as a piece of bolls t but when everybody s talking clich s as if they are part of a chain of events that is so standard you at least make the connection and that surely is bad enough but there is an even bigger problem even a generic action movie is a generic action movie and by the way that makes you forgive a lot of plot holes and character stupidities i think you find the most fundamental flaw in the very title i mean origins really what to the people behind this movie think about that title what do they mean you want to know the origins of wolverine he grew up with his brother they ran away from home during dramatic circumstances then they went off to war all of them the civil war world war i and ii and vietnam too why did they do this still unknown eventually the brother sabertooth played by liev shrieber became evil how you ask i don t know it was somewhere between omaha beach and hanoi yeah but why you still ask i just said i don t know the movie doesn t explain he s evil alright yeah but you know origins yeah well that s an origin i mean duh anyway eventually they end up with a super secret team of mutant elite soldiers something with the government ho hum wolvie gets enough and leave his brother for six years he s a happy lumberjack with a loved one who ends up a little defenseless around the time sabretooth suddenly appears again yeaaah but whyyyy oh shut up and wolvie decides to be a guinneapig for a bunch of evil scientist who make him a flesh covered metal war animal he goes after all the bad guys and they come after him and after all the fighting he ends up with his memory wiped cue x men the first movie there that s the origin you can also find it on the back of the dvd cover the actual movie won t tell you anything else with no worthwhile scenes of action no good heroes villains or characters in general lines from my couch audience fat suit token black guy oh i give you in cash if that girl survives this movie that is supposed to be gambit mmhm yeah well uh huh right not one line of memorable dialog and zero lines to cover a t shirt with added to that the common stupid things that ruin the plausibility in general that you might usually forgive well that sounds pretty much like a waste of time right fans will check this out or have already there s no stopping that but if you liked the x men movies for no other reason than that they were well made and entertaining see them again and do yourself no favors by trying to look for origins where there are none"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20359": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "these things have been floating around in my head for damn near years now some pieces of this work were really memorable id love to see another more current example of cg showy offy stuff actually i d love to be part of it if i d would of had the chance to just say what i wanted and thats it i wouldn t have to write all this extra in order to make lines if text as this website requires i mean really this almost discourages me i mean luckily for the guys that made the movie i really liked the minds eye and it took me times to have enough lines i hope you don t get me on the misspelling yup you did"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20360": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "soulless milking of cash cow franchise generic superhero flick cgi showcase gavin hood s a series of improbable events combinatoric iteration of mutant fight scenes strung together by inane exposition justifying formation dissolution of arbitrary alliances i m not expecting shakespeare here but the clich per minute meter was off the charts primal scream while looking skyward and kneeling over murdered girlfriend renegade military commander predictable double crosses revenge sought for slain lover erased memories evil character discovering morality at last minute misguided failures to execute nemeses after defeating them in melee lover not really dead lover actually acting as spy for hero s arch nemesis girlfriend spy actually falls for protagonist good people work for antagonist in order to save kidnapped family members evil mastermind fails to honor promises to reluctant employees kindly old couple care for weary hero and get murdered for their troubles certain deaths averted as third parties arrive on scene before coup de grace hero reluctantly joining secret government agency abandonment of elite squad in protest over slaughter of innocents scientists unable to control indestructible killing machine of their own creation outdated but lovable government secret weapon kills off better designed but heartless successor hero strolls away from wreck and casually lights a trail of gasoline behind him after everyone has given up flatlined heart monitor picks up a pulse evil mastermind explains plans to hero he no longer sees as a threat hero refuses to kill defeated foe because he s better than that transparent comic relief character makes hilarious understatements and offbeat comments cheerful psychopath revels in random murderous rampages nigh indestructible goliaths hurl one another through a series of walls and other physical traumas that would kill a mere mortal man dispatches dozens of gun wielding enemies with nothing but skillful swordplay common sense and the laws of physics biology and chemistry temporarily abandoned antagonist using loved one s murder as justification for misguided crusade i could go on but this is just exhausting if you re over the age of twelve and not living in mom s basement there s probably nothing here for you depressingly enough it s not too far off of par for superhero movies so discount all i ve written if you can t get enough of the genre"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20361": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this has to be the all time best computer animation classic even though most of the animations where experiments they have an artistic quality that has stood the test of time twelve years after it s release i have gone back to watch this video and found some inspiration for new types of computer graphics some of the techniques used in this video have never been full explored"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20362": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film was slated to be a blockbuster film and it really is this is the type of movie that is made to eat popcorn to and watch the flashy graphics with that in mind the movie delivers perhaps not as well as the ultra flashy iron man but well enough outside of the popcorn munching action and special effects the film drops off of the cliff faster than wile e coyote many viewers myself included will complain about how most of the characters were severely altered but that only makes the film a poor adaptation not a poor film this film is unsatisfactory for other reasons the makers focused more on making it appealing to the eye than they did to the mind the characters that have been long awaited and promoted are reduced to scene cameos the main characters of wolverine victor creed never called sabertooth in the film and colonel stryker are well developed i was pleasantly surprised by liev schriber s performance the rest of the characters are tossed to the wayside to make way for the all important eye candy wolverine s character is fully developed after minutes as is sabertooth though victor does pull off some surprises late in the film the final boss of the film is a twisted and perverse adaptation of the original character and barely gets any development to show just why he is the way he is the filmmakers obviously felt that all they really needed to do was create a bad ass character who could do anything they wanted and slapped on the name of a popular character very disappointing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20363": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i probably saw this movie first in about since then i ve returned to it many times it s great i especially like the first and second clips creation and civilization rising wow this was so cool back in the glory days of cg animation cg is way older than i am as i know the film tron was made years before my time but this film was a landmark in the early s it was probably the first collaboration of different cg experiments set to music i like it so much i think i ll go watch it now bye"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20364": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "all of the x men movies were great and i mean all of them including the long hated x men they had solid characters magneto and xavier were the best ones in my opinion and a good story arch i was all excited when i heard this movie was on production and my expectations grew bigger and bigger until i saw the movie i was so disappointed hugh jackman is not a bad actor his best movie is the fountain although you won t hear about this movie when they talk about the actor and his acting is not what screws the movie up the whole film is plagued with lots of meaningless characters that add nothing to the plot like blob or gambit which were tossed there to make fans believe that the film makers had read the original comics i am a fan of xmen i have read many many of their stories and this movie respected none of them none not even the continuity it doesn t respect weapon x project or the relationship between wolverine and sabretooth or emma frost the motivations for wolverine are plain stupid and seen in millions of movies revenge for the death of a loved one oh what i was expecting the whole darn movie was a berseker moment for wolverine similar to the one he has in x in the school when stryker men come in and he alone decimates the enemy forces but hey this is fox this a family flick and you will not see explicit violence from the most violent and gruesome marvel hero besides i had a feeling of constant dej v with this movie because wolverine s origins are already explained in x we already know how he got his adamantium skeleton so it kind of does not make sense to make a movie of something we already know i personally believe that wolverine is one of those few characters that does not need a solid back story because mystery is the nature of the character do we really want to know how the joker got his scars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20365": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is an odysessy through time via computer animation supposedly th work of over artists made in the late s and released in this was cutting edge stuff for the day i thought it was good and quite interesting in spots most of the short scenes made no sense just forms evolving into other forms but that was fun to watch this is all about visuals not really about any kind of a story there were some strange sequences in which odd looking men creatures would dance around with birds overheard all of it is computer animated which was new back then even the term computer animated was not well known it s simply a chance to show off this new technology in short bits of cartoon like happenings with beautiful colors and imaginative scenes no words just pictures with electronic music stoners must have really loved this it s a nice intriguing minutes of eye candy and head candy by today s cg effects this may have lost impact but i think you d still be entertained by this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20366": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "where to begin how about with the erroneous synopsis x men origins wolverine tells the story of wolverine s epically violent and romantic past his complex relationship with victor creed and the ominous weapon x program his epically violent past turns out to exceptionally non violent his relationship with creed is so glossed over it s difficult to understand how they have any connection at all we are thrown from one point in the opening scene that shows them as children on the run to a montage of war scenes that they have fought in throughout their long lifespan and finally to the present where they are a part of a hardcore government team of assassins there is nothing by way of showing their relationship as brothers at all nothing complex is laid down for us to believe is authentic or even loving the romantic element of the movie between silverfox and wolverine was forced and abrupt we are thrown into a romance so fast that it s over before you can blink an eye having just introduced the character silverfox is killed off roughly fifteen minutes later we are left wondering why we should care about this who was she anyway for a pivotal element of this weak revenge driven story the romance is surprisingly unexplored it was rushed in simply because it was required oddly enough when wolverine finds that his love is dead he leaves her in the woods to rot as he goes off to find sabertooth being the romantic that he is this was out of character for him yet necessary to serve the plot in pulling off a very predictable surprise as for the weapon x program lets just say that after the painfully crippling procedure wolverine is up and running eventually he arrives at the home of a conveniently old yet overwhelmingly loving couple surprisingly ma and pa kent aren t alarmed when finding a naked sweaty man in their barn is it any wonder what fate awaits them in the previous films and the comic books the main reason that wolverines amnesia plagued him partly hinged on the fact that he was said to have been viciously evil and coldblooded knowing this was the case did he really want to remember such horrors or keep them hidden and continue his current more positive lifestyle of fighting against the villains of the world alongside his team mates as hinted to in x x men united when stryker gives up some of his secrets it is said that wolverine would be disturbed if he had known of the evil works they committed together this film sets up the team fairly well only they don t really do much of anything no disturbing violence no ruthless actions they merely harass a few natives in foreign lands for the ten or fifteen minutes they are on screen it seems that wolverine wasn t an evil man under stryker at all instead he was constantly trying to put a leash on his brother sabertooth which consequently was the violent agent we all thought wolverine was eventually he just leaves all together no conflict of duality here at all idiotically removing that character conflict of good and evil dulled the story immensely they may as well have given him rubber claws there were a ton of other errors in this film that contradicted the x men trilogy including the introduction of one of the lamest deus ex machinas to ever hit a script magic memory erasing bullets really apparently they are the only thing to bring down wolverine yet this was apparently forgotten when agent after agent was sent to bring him down with bullets and bombs that would surely not work on him at all another problem with this film is that it tried to focus on wolverine while throwing in a ton of other mutants which did little to nothing at all interesting characters were mere window dressing and did nothing for the story most were in the film for minutes max and yet you find yourself wishing we saw more of them and less of wolverine fred dukes the blob but not the comic version can punch a launched tank missile with little to no physical damage to him at all but a simple headbutt from wolverines metal noggin is enough to daze him cyclops optic beams which instead of being concussive force are now more akin to lasers can burn through buildings but when fired at sabertooth directly it simply smashes him into the ground without even damaging his clothes adamantium trench coats anyone the gravity defying mutant gambit instead of utilizing his signature cards is made into some sort of crazy acrobat in one poorly edited scene he is knocked unconscious by wolverine then amazingly enough a few minutes later he is on a rooftop running towards wolverine how he regained consciousness ran away a few blocks climbed up a building then ran back to wolverine and sabertooth in the middle of a scratching match is a mystery yet to be explained some have excused this films weakness by claiming it was made from a comic and therefore should be weak on character and heavy on flash the idea that this movie being a comic film is flimsy and superficial because of that fact is incorrect the comic book source material the real origin of wolverine is a story worth bringing to the screen it doesn t sugar coat his past nor treat the reader like mindless cgi junkies it is a well crafted story and although retold and readjusted over time began with weapon x by barry windsor smith a much more intense and exciting story this fox film should seriously be forgotten anyone have that magic gun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20367": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "well well roeg touched a bit of a nerve there didn t he he was a genius while he was cataloguing his various characters descents into psychosis for a couple of decades but as soon as he has the bad taste to suggest that redemption or even some good advice might be found in the bad old catholic church the hipper than thou alternative movie crowd gets extra vicious worse still theresa russell s character faced with experiences that nothing in her avowedly rationalist outlook has an explanation for is unwillingly forced to deal with those experiences on another level that of the spiritual you know the realm of the ignorant and superstitious the sort of thing that the art house cinephiles are supposed to be above oh the horror so she finds her marriage the idea that it might be a uniquely important commitment affirmed by what seems uncomfortably like divine intervention people who find this idea prima facie offensive could maybe ask themselves why they instinctively jump into attack mode at being challenged to take seriously the idea of a spiritual dimension to their lives but they probably won t sure this film has some problems notably talia shire s delirious hamwork as the overwrought nun s style attire and all and the dialogue between marie davenport and the young priest in their last scene is straight out of the spellbound school of glib interpretations though hitchcock s movie escaped similar charges due to the source of wisdom having impeccably secular credentials as a freudian psychoanalyst but sadly nicolas roeg appears to have copped a critical mauling as much for even asking the question as for the possible answers this film presents"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20368": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "cement is a bad movie about a bad cop penn with a bad attitude and a bad disposition who has a bad guy in a bad way up to his cajones in fast drying concrete while we re waiting for the cement to dry and the film to figure out what it s about we re periodically jerked back in time without rhyme or reason so we can watch events leading up to the cement thing a boring junk flick overall cement suffers from lack of a story a clumsy execution and that most ubiquitous of filmdom s faults no reason to care a time killer for the needy couch potato at best d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20369": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after reading the other tepid reviews and comments i felt i had to come to bat for this movie roeg s films tend to have little to do with one another and expecting this one to be like one of his you liked is probably off the mark what this film is is a thoughtful and unabashed look at religious faith the only other film like it in terms of its religious message would have to be tolkin s `the rapture i am astonished that anyone could say the story is muddled or supernatural it is a simple movie about catholic faith miracles and redemption though you would never guess it till the end it is also the only movie i can think of whose resolution turns literally on a pun as a happily fallen catholic myself i know what the movie is about and i find a sort of fondness in its ultimate innocence about the relation between god and man but if you are not familiar with the kind of theology on which the film is based then it will go right over you head as a film as opposed to a story `cold heaven it is not ground breaking while `the rapture is heavy with pictorial significance and cinematic imagery `cold heaven downplays its own cinematic qualities there are no striking shots no edgy effects no attempts to fit the content to the form it is workmanlike shooting but subdued nor does it have dialogue or acting to put it in a class of high drama it is a simple story that unfolds simply it may seem odd but at the end the mystery is revealed it looks ambiguous but with a single line the ambiguity vanishes in a puff of catholic dogma in this regard `cold heaven has at its heart exactly the same sort of thing that drives a movie like `the sting or `the sixth sense or `final descent or polanski s `a pure formality all of these are films with a trick up their sleeves they may frustrate you along the way but they have a point an obvious one indeed but the fun is at least in part in having been taken in still even if it seems like little more than a shaggy dog story with a punch line it is worth watching for way it directs and misdirects you try it especially if you are or have ever been a catholic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20370": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i found the writing in this movie absolutely terrible the only thing that saved this movie from me rating it as a out of was lacy chabert s performance who i thought played the multiple personalities really well for me she was definitely the highlight of this movie dina meyer was pretty as always but i found her role pretty bland so i don t think one can say that her acting was great as for the male lead armand assante his interpretation of the role reminded me mainly of doctors in cheese s hospital series all of that i could have lived with however the terrible terrible terrible end solution the role of the psychic and even the role of psychic were just some of the worst writing i have seen in a long time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20371": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i loved this movie in fact i loved being an actress in this movie iwas featured as a pregnant teenager in the second half of the movie you may remember me more clearly in the classroom scene when the werewolf was exposing himself on film i was the female in the front row with my hands planted on my face in reaction to what we were watching on the movie projector in fact they double took me a few times so it s hard to miss that mistake thumbs up to full moon high wish it come to cable soon cheryl lockett alexander leesville louisiana i loved this movie in fact i loved being an actress in this movie iwas featured as a pregnant teenager in the second half of the movie you may remember me more clearly in the classroom scene when the werewolf was exposing himself on film i was the female in the front row with my hands planted on my face in reaction to what we were watching on the movie projector in fact they double took me a few times so it s hard to miss that mistake thumbs up to full moon high wish it come to cable soon cheryl lockett alexander leesville louisiana"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20372": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i found myself very caught up in this movie at least at the beginning and any credit i give to this movie is lacey chabert she was fantastic but thats where it ends i seem to be very good at figuring out who the killer is and i like it when a movie is able to completely baffel me but i felt out and out lied to they whole time they lead you in one direction and then suddenly they decided to go in a completely different direction at the end they gave no hit to it at all thats not misleading that very bad writing and planning someone did not think at all i felt the movie would have been much better if they had stuck to the plot that the lead you on they also seemed to not answer anything why did jane maria burn down the professor s house its a great pity as i felt it started out as a relatively good movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20373": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "no doubt intended as a totally campy joke full moon high portrays s teenager tony walker adam arkin accompanying his father ed mcmahon on a trip to romania sure enough tony gets bitten and grows fur and fangs whenever there s a full moon a particularly interesting aspect in this movie is that he can t age as long as he has the werewolf curse and that he has to fulfill a destiny even if it takes twenty years but otherwise the movie s just plain funny once it gets going ed mcmahon s character is an over patriotic right wing yahoo he thinks that everyone should have listened to joe mccarthy kenneth mars s coach principal is a tense dweeb and then there s more one of the most eye opening cast members is demond wilson best remembered as lamont on sanford and son as a bus driver who gets a big surprise but probably the funniest scene is the changing of the presidents then gag with gerald ford really summed him up anyway it s a real treat considering that alan arkin who plays a zany psychiatrist just won an oscar on sunday night and thanked his sons i wonder whether or not he remembers co starring with two of them in this movie aside from adam his son anthony also has a small role quite funny also starring elizabeth hartman ps director larry cohen is probably best known for the killer baby flick it s alive"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20374": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "picture the scene where a bunch of scriptwriters sit around a table and one says lets have a black woman approach an unsuspecting member of the public also black in the street and ask him if he is black then walk away the other writers fall about laughing hysterically until one suggests they repeat it in every episode more laughter now if you think the premise is funny and the show contains many such types of situation you will enjoy this show for the rest use your zapper and find something more entertaining like watching paint dry those that have written glowing reports of this show should either get out more or be forced to watch television comedies that are really funny another example of the humor in the show a girl tries to get out of paying at a supermarket checkout by trying to hypnotise the cashier marginally funny the first time but why repeat it over and over in different shows with different cashiers i could give other examples but these just might be treated as spoilers divulging why this comedy just is not funny at all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20375": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "having no knowledge of this film prior to seeing it on rialto channel i found it to be a pleasant poignant and enriching film the casting was excellent i loved all the characters they were a little exaggerated in places but this is a film the way it looked and the enjoyably giddy ride the main character took until it turned badly as real life can and does yes i thought andy macdowell was great i was particularly interested to watch this film once it began because people so often joke about her acting abilities i find this quite wierd because she s always a solid actress in my opinion i loved the bit at the end where andy s character said sometimes i feel he was never here etc it was so completely how it really is in a situation like that which i can personally identify with then there was that gorgeous classical piece nocturne i think by chopin which was a beautiful way to end bar the light comedy at the end which was probably unnecessary i say well done to the film makers i have seen s of worse films"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20376": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this horrible the acting costumes production values editing the script everything about this film is as bad as it can get it looks as if it was filmed with a video camera can you give a movie a negative rating watch the ring instead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20377": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "full moon high of dir larry cohen stars adam arkin ed mcmahon roz kelly tony arkin is your average ordinary high school guy prepping for the big homecoming game girlfriend trouble and growing hair in strange places you know the usual but the hair in strange places part gets a wee bit out of control when a trip to transylvania with his father yes mcmahon leaves him with a wicked case of the furballs now doomed to walk the world forever young as a werewolf how will adam get any girls full moon high is not often talked about but it is a silly and entertaining horror spoof larry cohen q the winged serpent the stuff incorporates as many gags as he can possibly come up with as writer director arkin h halloween years later shows nice timing in the lead role if you happen to be a fan of spoofs like airplane and student bodies i think you ll have fun with this chuckle fest"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20378": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the plot of corpse grinders is very much similar to the original corpse grinders what is left that is different from the other film consists of weird aliens it is my belief that this film would be the worst film on imdb if anyone had actually watched it the plot is disconnected and in several way too many instances makes absolutely no sense whatsoever the real wonder here is why in the world was this sequel created to such an unsuccessful and horrendous but still somewhat better film i would highly recommend this film if you enjoy watching terrible movies for a good laugh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20379": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it just funny watch it ok they want lines so there this is a spoof of s s werewolf movies lots of satire some political feels like an early clouseau movie probably due to alan arkin but with less slap stick if you like the naked guns movies you ll like this too once again less slapstick in this one actually the humor ranges from light sexual innuendo unavoidable in a teen comedy to really poignant socio political satire the transformation of the moon high school from s to s is really funny the sequence with the changing presidential portraits is brilliant ok maybe not brilliant but still hilarious there are tons of histarical cracks starting from the s cold war paranoia and the late s inflation anyway just watch the movie if you get a chance"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20380": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in a far away galaxy is a planet called ceta it s native people worship cats but the dog people wage war upon these feline loving people and they have no choice but to go to earth and grind people up for food this is one of the stupidest f k ng ideas for a movie i ve seen leave it to ted mikels to make a movie more incompetent than the already low standard he set in previous films it s like he enjoying playing in a celluloid game of limbo how low can he go the only losers in the scenario are us the viewer mr mikels and his silly little handlebar mustache actually has people who still buy this crap my grade f dvd extras commentary by ted mikels the story behind the making of and a half minutes minutes seconds of behind the scenes footage ted mikels filmography and trailers for the worm eaters girl in gold boots the doll squad ten violent women featuring nudity blood orgy of the she devils the corpse grinders"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20381": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in this send up of horror films s cold war paranoia reagan era america and high school films adam arkin plays tony the star quarterback of full moon high in the s he and his father ed mcmahon travel to communist romania and while he s lost in the streets one night he is bitten by a werewolf when he returns stateside he cannot control his animalistic urges and goes on a killing spree frustrated he flees town decades later the immortal tony returns to town and re enrolls in highschool he still can t control his transformations and the townspeople and his friends realize he s not quite human it all culminates during the schools big football game i expected this to be one of those so bad it s good films from the early s but i was surprised that the film was actually legitimately funny the cast including kenneth mars as a pervy coach roz kelly as tony s lusty former flame demond wilson as a bus driver and alan arkin as a oddball doctor go all out with hilarious results while watching this film i was struck by how similar the writing and humor were to family guy full moon high has that same anything goes attitude and never takes itself seriously"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20382": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am a huge fan of ted v mikels and the original corpse grinders is the main reason why but this is quite possibly the worst film i have ever seen even the brilliant casting of the legendary liz renay desperate living could not save this worthless piece of garbage this film should serve as a lesson to all past present and future film makers when you have a film as successful as the original corpse grinders was you should probably leave sleeping dogs lie and you should definitely not try to revitalize it over twenty years later unless you have the financial backing to pull of a superior sequel such as herschel gordon lewis did with blood feast all u can eat even if you do decide to do this you should probably spend a little bit more money than you did on the original and for god s sake never film a movie onto video why do film makers even attempt to do this when everyone knows the quality is going to turn out hideous i personally have yet to see one film made in this fashion that s even worth the powder to blow it to hell if you can t afford to make a sequel that is better than your original film then sell the rights of the film to someone who can and what was ted v mikels thinking about or smoking when he wrote this god awful script i mean come on dog and cat aliens from another planet a cardboard box painted to look like a devastating machine capable of grinding up human bodies bones and clothes and all if any of these actors aside from liz renay were paid more than five dollars for their hideous performances than they are grossly overpaid avoid this film at all costs and watch the original instead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20383": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while visiting romania with his cia dad tony adam arkin quite a talented high school quarterback seen as the savior to lead his team finally to a victory over rival simpson is told by a would be palm reader in romania the people are not allowed many books so she took up palm reading that he would be bitten by a werewolf when the moon is full don t make any appointments you will be busy well who would have thunk it tony is in fact bitten and his life would be forever changed after his father unfortunately dies in a mishap within his bomb shelter under odd circumstances firing at his werewolf son inside a metallic bomb shelter isn t a very good idea especially if the bullet doesn t leave the room and bounces around like a pinball gone berserk tony travels the land through endless years until he s tired of packing and returns decades and many us presidents later to hopefully lead his football team to a win over simpson a task he abandoned long ago what was once a very white clean cut high school has indeed changed into a ghetto of drug use violence and perversion to get an idea of what the early s full moon high school s prom party resembles think studio with teenagers larry cohen s parody of werewolf flicks among others things is crammed full of gags homages and in jokes my favorite sequences contain one in the sex ed classroom where tony reveals to the s class his werewolf transformation and the introductory scene to dr brand alan arkin who steals the film when kenneth mars isn t on screen quite possibly the worst psychiatrist on earth his task to talk down a jumper leads to two men falling off a balcony the jumper and a fireman trying at first to talk him out of it both fuming mad at brand brand even tries to get tony to sign a waver for his body s being donated to science so he can get his wife a fur coat kenneth mars had me rolling in the floor as a homosexual football coach and later in the s as the principal who likes to pat his players on the behind his scene where tony s unloading the truth to the sex ed class is classic the film is loaded with inspired casting choices just littered with funny characters and the cast interpretations such as ed mcmahon as a very conservative military blowhard who actually looks identical to joseph mccathy standing next to his photo in the bomb shelter always talking about commies joanne nail as bulging eyed ricky in present day who falls for the werewolf elizabeth hartman a patch of blue as a mousy nerdy sexually molested and molester teacher who finds an attraction towards tony james dixon as a deputy his great scene has him stealing a line from his police chief reciting it to dr brand who begins mouthing the words to himself for memorization roz kelly as jane an undyingly devoted female desiring tony for only herself constantly demanding he ravish her and bill kirchenbauer as flynn tony s long time pal and now the police chief who only got jane after his friend left town can not forget jm j bullock as flynn s closeted gay son trying to fit in at the school hoping to find a dame with hilarious results i like how the film pays homage to the werewolf genre such as when he s on the prowl he s often referred to in the papers as jack the nipper because he likes to bite his victims on the cheek and i m not talking face he s seen more as an annoyance than danger the homages to carrie and psycho are nice and the violin shtick is also amusing cohen tosses so many zingers at the viewer eventually one has to stick obviously in a comedy such as this not every joke hits it s mark but many do the cast makes this worthwhile the film looks cheap on the typical larry cohen budget notice the s scenes where the obvious old cast members that would show up down the road wear glaring wigs loved adam in the lead he is the perfect foil for the gags that follow him and the zingers he lets fly from cohen s script the film moves quickly rarely catching a breath i liked this horror comedy more than most it seems"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20384": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ted v mikels s film corpse grinders is minutes of excruciating cinematic swill the plot is pretty much a mixture of nonsensical business dealings among people who grind corpses into cat food while cat aliens who are losing a war with dog aliens looking to get some of this cat food watching this movie i began to look for any kind of distraction anything to reassure myself that i was doing something else besides losing my mind from the inside out several scenes go on for far too long as characters take forever to do simple things i ve heard that mr mikels doesn t like to use jump cuts too often fearful that they will confuse his audience i m not sure if this attitude is avant garde or just stupid try as i might i could not bring myself to care about any of the characters in the unnecessarily huge cast well with the possible exception of the old men who are the caretakers of the factory the majority of the cast are a bunch of no talent amateurs who don t even bother to learn the lyrics to amazing grace before they have to sing it on camera although perhaps the blame should go to the poor sound quality since i only actually heard around of the dialogue while watching the dvd this is quite possibly the worst film to ever be shot i ve listened to snippets of the commentary and mr mikels comes off as a surprisingly sweet old man what the hell was he doing making this kind of trash i d like to hear the explanations from the old men who had to lie shirtless on a metal conveyor belt waiting to be ground up movies i ve long hated suddenly seem a lot better i long for the intermittedly appropriate music of excalibur and the consistent lighting of dawn of the dead i need to go do something anything don t see this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20385": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m not kidding about that summary and vote the video distributors have packaged this as just another typical s werewolf movie but it is in fact the greatest parody of the horror genre that you can imagine having done for the horror movie what blazing saddles did for the western i have seen plenty of comedies good bad stupid weird etc usually walking away unimpressed and i think that comedy must be the most difficult genre for filmmakers and actors to work in it takes just the right kind of touch to make things successful and part of that is having good ideas full moon high is bulging with good ideas so many in fact that it can easily put the zucker abrams team of airplane and naked gun to shame one of the best of these is the very presence of ed mcmahon in a starring role as a john birch style right wing crackpot the jokes non sequiturs wisecracks and word play are literally non stop and everything including the kitchen sink has been thrown in the ironic tone is very similar to that of back to the future some people i e almost every reviewer here must have been turned off by the spirit of anarchy here but i almost died of laughter and this is one of those movies in which you never know what kind of insane situation will transpire next since b movie extraordinaire larry cohen had not made a straight comedy before this one gets the sense that he was making up for lost time by including any joke he or his collaborators could think of if mel brooks had made this the critics would have labelled it a comic masterpiece but because it was made by cohen it has been dismissed as schlock critical reviews have called this movie too silly silly what is a comedy supposed to be serious anyway i laughed out loud more for this movie than any other i can think of cohen makes fun of everyone himself included with plenty of references to his usual brand of low rent film making he and the actors must have had a complete blast making this the humor is very mel brooks ish and anyone who loves jewish humor or watches a lot of b movies especially horror will love this trust me the movie isn t too hard to find and as long as you accept it for what it is a roller coaster of belly laughs with no pretense of social value whatsoever then you ll truly enjoy it one sidenote this movie should somehow go down in history as the one thing bob saget ever starred in albeit briefly that was actually funny"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20386": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "want a great recipe for failure take a s y plot add in some weak completely undeveloped characters and than throw in the worst special effects a horror movie has known let stew for a week the amount of time probably spent making this trash the result is corpse grinders a movie that takes bad movies to dangerous and exotically low places the movie utterly blew my words cannot convey how painful it was to watch this is not one of those bad movies that you and your friends can sit around and make fun of this is not plan from outer space this is a long boring sad waste of time corpse grinders ii is the biggest waste of energy and talent i have ever seen i depresses me when i realize that people actually took time out of their lives to act in this shit if you can call it acting but than again when you have poor direction poor storywriting poor everything acting is the last thing to criticize this movie is like a huge disgusting turd that you yearn to quickly flush out of existence fearful that a friend or loved one might somehow see it i really with i could somehow destroy every copy of this film so it will not pollute the minds of aspiring filmmakers thank you ted v mikels for giving me new found respect for every movie i have ever seen you have shown me what is truly awful and why i should appreciate all those movies that are merely crappy or boring"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20387": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "silly movie is really really funny yes it s got its dead moments it can be a bit too obvious it declines a bit in the second half and the story is an incoherent mess but it s laugh out loud funny all the way and it s worth seeing just for ed mcmahon as a right wing kook this movie is in the same class as elvira mistress of the dark another incredibly funny underappreciated film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20388": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the original exploitation classic though far from enjoyable on almost any level concerning some guys who turn cats into human flesh eating monsters because the cat food they make is made with people is remade with scifi elements added the cats can t get enough and when the flesh tainted food runs out the cats turn on their owners poorly put together on almost every level this is an example of the absolute bottom of the barrel material that used to actually play movie theaters in the early s updated with alien cat and dog races battling for supremacy director ted mikel is a hack but is so lovable a person i generally like the guy thanks to his smile inducing interviews and commentary tracks that you can pretty much excuse the garbage he mostly turned out mikels wanted to make films and he didn t care how they turned out so long as he was producing something more power to him but i wish he wouldn t subject us to his home movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20389": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i don t know why people except a lot from low budget indie films but i enjoyed this one as i m a fan of urban horror there s not too many urban horror movies out there so when i saw this one on the shelf just the title alone peaked my curiosity so i decided to check it out and i was surprised it s not too often you run into a low budget indie horror film with great acting and a good story is it low budget yes can you tell that it s low budget yes but once you start watching the movie you become so wrapped up in the story that it doesn t matter i like hip hop music too and the soundtrack is nice i don t know what s up with all these bad reviews for this film all i hear is worst movie ever have these idiots seen every movie out there there s thousands of movies out there how can you categorize one as the worst ever a video not movie like zombiez may be the worst film i ever seen but i can t say that it s the worst movie ever since i haven t seen every movie out there bottom line these people who gave this movie bad reviews are probably from the suburbs listen if you don t like minority based urban films the ghetto films hip hop etc then why watch these types of movies knowing that you don t like this type of stuff sure this is a horror film but it s not just a horror film but it s an urban horror film with a multi cultural based cast i don t like tv shows like dawson s creek or the o c they suck to me films like garden state wedding crashers and i heart huckabees suck to me i m a guy from new jersey and these shows and movies suck to me why because i can t relate to them they don t peak my interest just common sense believe me i will never watch garden state garden salad wedding crashers here s a sequel to torture you again since the first sucked so bad and i heart huckaboring now back to this movie in regards to saint s comment above i don t know if this guy was smoking crack or got knocked stupid by his drunken dad before he watched the movie but to me everyone did a great job the actor who played ricky i forgot his name did a very good job i m an aspiring actor myself taking theater at my school and i had to do a play where i had to cry and it s not easy to be emotional in a scene so i give props to actors who have to do an emotional scene and can pull it off anywho i liked this movie and never heard of these actors and directors before but you bet i ll be looking out for their stuff for now on and if they are reading this bring on the sequel i m out jerzee representin"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20390": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is awesome i watched it the other day with my cousin jay jay he said it was alright but i think it rulezzz i mean it s so cool ted v mikels is so brave and smart he made a movie totally unlike those terrible hollywood films like the matrix and stop or my mom will shoot it could have been better though i like ninjas and pirates i also like that big talon that the funny man wears i think he s the coolest guy since that domino pizza claymation guy not only does this movie look really cool like those out of focus movies my dad made of my birthday when i turned but it tells a complex tale with dozens of characters that seem to be totally unrelated but they all meet up in the end it s genius how this web is woven to make everything meet up i wish ted v mikels would make a sequel but it needs more aliens and a pirate"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20391": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "welcome to oakland where the dead come out to play and even the boys in da hood can t stop them this low budget direct to video production seems timed to coincide with the release of land of the dead the latest installment of george a romero s famed zombie series the ghetto setting and hip hop soundtrack may provide additional appeal for inner city gore hounds ricky carl washington works at a medical research facility while raising his kid brother jermaine brandon daniels but the teenager bored by macaroni and cheese dinners in their tract house would rather spend his time hanging with street friends marco and kev apparently there is not a lot for african american high school dropouts to do on this side of the bay except deal drugs and scuffle with the homeys including rival latino gang bangers ricky plans to sell their late parents house and move inland to the castro valley a more middle class and presumably safer environment unfortunately before this can happen a drive by shooting leaves jermaine dead on the porch grief stricken ricky tries a last desperate ploy he tells scotty his lab assistant to steal some of the experimental cell regeneration formula they have been testing on rats when a double dose fails to revive jermaine there is no choice except to call but a funny thing happens on the way to the morgue the boy is reanimated as a sputtering growling zombie chews the ambulance drivers and staggers off into the night bent on revenge and hungry for fresh meat the feeding frenzy infects more victims and before the night is over the east bay is a battleground between the living and the blood spattered undead the horror genre has seen more than its share of cheap movie makers from ed wood to herschel gordon lewis to charles band but low budgets do not necessarily mean bad films consider val lewton s programmers cat people the leopard man isle of the dead roger corman s poe quickies romero s night of the living dead and john carpenter s halloween the difference between memorable and awful has more to do with talent and ambition than money hood of the living dead is more fun than several hundred million dollars worth of recent high priced horrors cheapness has its charms in truly cheap films actors wear their own clothes amid real settings here the tract houses have freshly painted walls in neutral matte tones lending a bleakness as oppressive as douglas sirk s bourgeois melodramas of the s lines seem more improvised than scripted so what the hell are we gonna do now just keep your eyes open for any f n thing that looks out of the ordinary ricky and scotty call their boss who calls an ex military man named romero i have a huge bitch of a problem that we have to take care of fast not a problem says the merc closing his phone and grabbing his guns everybody has guns and even when fighting zombies they re on their cell phones as who isn t nowadays information is exchanged with naturalistic understatement what happened we got into it with some crazy motherfockers deja f n vu it s that park zombie again ricky even has to blow his twitching girlfriend away saying only she s gotten out of hand unlike most zombie movies this one provides a motive for mayhem jermaine takes revenge on the gang bangers who shot him who in turn continue the rumble this is urban film making that implies its own social commentary a near guerrilla production suggesting a future for low budget horror that reflects real life instead of supernatural clich s the brothers quiroz who have trademarked their name as if in anticipation of a new movement may inspire others to tell stories arising from personal experience rather than imitating tired hollywood product considering their limited resources jose and eduardo quiroz have made a cheap but technically acceptable feature about people they know photographer rocky robinson gets the job done music by eduardo quiroz is no simpler than carpenter s haunting halloween theme and hip hop songs by the darkroom familia and others add atmosphere the result is promising if not exactly exhilarating they are learning their craft and unlike lewis and wood who never got any better their next may be one to watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20392": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "actually the movie is neither horror nor sci fi with a very strong christian religious theme this movie delivers minimal content and no suspense second tier actors do half decent jobs of reading their boring roles the only good performance is by sydney penny who plays a role of a mother of i won t spoil the movie it s either christ or anti christ avoid watching this movie unless you a christian religious fanatic obsessed with apocalypse being a non christian i had to force myself to watch this movie just because i wanted to write this review it s a pity that sci fi channel had to air this movie at the peak evening time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20393": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "let s get some things straight first zombies don t exist so the filmmaker can have them walk run hell even fly if he wants to that s what makes this original zombie movie so good everything they did was so damn original i hate it when filmmakers do everything like romero or when fan boys expect everything like romero some idiots think that zombies should only growl like a typical romero movie once again zombies don t exist so a filmmaker can make zombies whistle if he wants the zombies in this movie all look very good but obviously they are not decaying corpses since they just freaking died they are pretty messed up though and full of chopped faces and blood one of the coolest scenes was a half eaten cat it looked so damn real my daughter cried when she saw it this movie got really good reviews in fangoria and rue morgue so that made me want to go see it i m glad i listened they are always right when it comes to real horror fan s tastes out of go rent it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20394": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i guess if you are into the sci fi and horror stuff it might be interesting the acting was okay but not great the two pregnant girls are supposed to be fifteen but are played by obviously older actresses who turned out to be twenty and twenty one at the time the plot is okay but the story does jump around a bit leaving one guessing whether you re in boston or pennsylvania the priest seems to use warp speed between the two the catholic church is portrayed as having a secretive sect for investigating events which only happen to those of that faith what if the two girls had been protestant would the catholics of cared therefore some what contrived who knows some day the catholic church might even learn what the bible teaches if you miss this one don t feel you ve lost anything"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20395": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there have been race pictures almost from the beginnings of the movie business films starring almost entirely black casts have been made by segregated poverty row studios more often than not owned by caucasians for ghetto theaters with the growing urban blight during the s this idea was revived with a wave of blaxploitation pictures made for urban grind houses which overlaid black actors and funky atmosphere over traditional b movie plots this trend even spread into horror features with titles like blacula blackenstein and sugar hill serving up blaxploitation versions of monster standards and it didn t die with the closing of most urban theaters it just slowly eased into the video age and continues with low budget direct to dvd releases like this one ed and jose quiroz s hood of the living dead adopts the recent popularity of horror movies for the hip hop audience ricky carl washington is a young scientist in oakland trying to keep his younger brother jermaine brandon daniels out of trouble after the death of their parents after jermaine is shot by drug dealers in a drive by ricky decides to use the experimental cell regenerating formula he s been working on in an attempt to save the teen s life apparently his efforts are for naught and jermaine s body is taken away however the body never makes it to the morgue jermaine re animates in the coroner s van as a flesh hungry zombie he kills the drivers then goes after the gang that killed him spreading the zombie infection wherever he goes having heard from jermaine s friends kevin derek taylor ii and marco raul martinez about the attack on the gangsters ricky feels that the only thing to do is to capture jermaine and try to cover up the whole matter before he and his accomplice scott chris angelo get arrested for the mayhem they ve caused however they soon find that the contagion is spreading too fast for them to control it by keeping things simple the quiroz team manages to produce an entertaining little horror feature without overextending themselves to the point where things start to look shoddy along the way they also add in a few interesting bits of business when first confronted with a zombie scott tells ricky shoot him in the head like in the movies an effective as any way to discover how to kill zombies an extra twist is added when the first head shot doesn t kill the brain adding to viewer unease another good point is that the soundtrack makes only limited use of sub eminem style rap laying in standard creepy music throughout"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20396": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "thanks to the bbc for this show i used to suffer from an inferiority complex i hated leaving the house talking to new people and i had an overwhelming sense that people hated me however after watching one episode of non blondes my fortunes started to change after episode i started applying for new jobs wearing fashionable clothes and i actually felt talented when the series had finished i was running the sales department at work banging a plethora of women and frequently won the karaoke competition down my local if you ever have a confidence crisis and don t know where to turn then take a trip down to poundland and pick up the dvd it s only p"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20397": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a refreshing enjoyable movie if you enjoyed four weddings and a funeral peter s friends etc you will see a number of familiar and talented actors made me laugh made me sad i view movies for entertainment and english set movies generally fit that bill for me enjoy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20398": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this piece of crap might have been acclaimed years ago but it is one of the most racist movies ever made with the native american indians played by white men the right wing republican james stewart was a huge racist in real life just like his close friend john wayne in stewart had actor hal williams fired from the jimmy stewart show a short lived series that mercifully flopped just because williams was black as if that were not bad enough this film is very dated and boring watch dances with wolves instead for a less racist view stewart was in his forties when this awful movie was made and even with his ridiculous wig he still looked like a paedophile chasing after year old debra paget i m surprised it was even allowed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20399": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ll be honest i got this movie so i could make fun of it i mean come on hood of the living dead what other reaction could i have the thing is though the movie and its makers decided that it wasn t going to be made fun of instead it was going to try its best to be a good movie and you know what it came awfully close a little less cheese in the incidental music a little more professionalism in the photography the acting the incidentals like the props love the best buy bag well it s not a classic of the zombie movie genre but it s still a pretty neat little movie on its own and the acting writing and pacing are all surprisingly better than i would have expected there s even some decent humor as two of our leads debate how to decide if a dead zombie is really dead if you can overlook the low budget which leaves its fingerprints in everything alas and the almost constant profanity this can be a pretty fun time at the movies no it ain t great yes it could have been better but the makers the actors the crew they all tried to make a good film instead of a camp classic and that counts for a lot the line of campy zombie films is a mile long and thank you guys for not adding to it kudos to the quiroz brothers i d love to see what they do next and hey somebody give them a budget"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20400": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the explosion of tv channels must be eternally grateful to the randolph scott western production line because any any moment there must be one of what seems like a hundred randolph scott movies playing on at least one no budget station man behind the gun is a typical early s period melodrama with pre wwii production values that relies on a historically topical murder mystery plot peppered with action scenes to disguise the script s complete absence of character development and thus lack of suspense in years to come the role of these films would be taken over by tv shows like gunsmoke bonanza etc and these actually did the job better randolph scott looking particularly grizzled in this is the good guy struggling against the bad guys against whom he will eventually prevail there s no more interest in what he goes through emotionally than in what his horse is feeling unless you count wondering whether he ll sort out the initial misunderstanding with the female lead by the end the music is a stronger indication of the emotional state of the characters than the acting is but it s fine if that floats your boat and i wouldn t berate you for enjoying diagnosis murder either workmanlike pedestrian and ageing rapidly stars for being competently put together for artistic endeavour"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20401": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "man if anyone was expecting a great zombie movie after reading that title then you are a retard and you deserve to be disappointed as for myself i was expecting a low budgeted cheeseball zombie flick and that s exactly what i got i wasn t disappointed at all i thought it was a cool little movie the zombies were exactly as they should be because all of the zombies had just been turned so they are freshly undead zombies obviously they did that because it would ve been pretty costly if they had done full on rotted zombie fx i understood the whole thing i have no idea how anyone could seriously nitpick this movie it s called hood of the living dead for the love of god would you watch redneck zombies and any uwe boll movie and actually expect it to be great of course not so why there are some morons on imdb whining like school girls about this movie i ll never understand oh and yes there are worse movies out there so stop saying that this was the worst you ve ever seen cause you know you re full of it you ever watch zombiez or feardotcom or house of the dead those are some of the worst i ve ever seen if you can t see that it s just a low budgeted zombie movie obviously made by zombie movie fans then something s wrong with you i just had fun with it thumbs up from me and i d also like to see a sequel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20402": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "oh dear what a disappointment i ve been watching old westerns on british tv for decades and i wasn t aware of this one until its showing yesterday most other scott westerns come around every few years or so and are usually worth watching again the rich colour and outdoor sets were good but that s all i can say about this film i have to agree with most of the other negative comments already made several times i felt like turning it off and finally i did halfway through something i hardly ever do scott seemed unusually oily in charming the girls his two sidekicks were annoying and so was the mexican bandit lad and i ve a feeling the army uniforms were years or so too modern not that this has bothered makers of many other westerns perhaps it got better in the second half but i couldn t be bothered to wait and see"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20403": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when i watch a low budget film i know what to expect i expect the acting not to be as good budget reasons i expect the lighting not to be as good budget reasons i expect the sound not to be as good budget again stop judging these low budget movies like a big budget film i m a filmmaker myself so i understand the budget constraints on a low budget film stealing locations shots etc the list goes on and on i don t want to say all the acting was bad jose rosete chris angelo victor zaragoza are good raul martinez is a natural not sold on carl washington yet he has to understand that every line is not important some are throw away lines i say if a film makes you want to see what happens next it s a good film i liked this movie i gave it an i wanted to see what was gonna happen next great job quiroz brothers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20404": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m a huge randolph scott fan but this film is a dud the whole thing has a canned fake soundstage feel to it with truly awful rear screen projection it has a good plot idea that the screenwriter has successfully buried in a nitwit script which makes it impossible for the audience to become immersed in the action and truly care about any of the characters the directing is pedestrian and only accentuates how bad the script is instead of helping to improve it i ve seen plenty of thoroughly enjoyable soundstage productions before but this is not one of them all it does is make you appreciate the gritty scott boetticher films all the more randolph scott is tanned trim and shines that million dollar smile throughout he s always a pleasure even in the worst of his films aside from scott the other main reason i wanted to see this movie was due to how much i enjoyed ms wymore in errol flynn s movie rocky mountian in man behind the gun she is just as beautiful and you can tell she s a good actress but she was forced to say some pretty dumb lines and the blocking she was given by the director was truly awful i ve only seen phil carey in operation pacific and he plays the exact same character here an arrogant pain in the butt you want to beat into unconsciousness i guess it proves he s a good actor he made me hate him there are some lame attempts at comic relief that only detract from the film in my opinion although there are many elements to knock i must say that i found myself truly enjoying the two spanish songs sung in the musical numbers but that s not why we go to see randolph scott movies right there are definitely worse scott films out there and this one certainly isn t unbearable but it also certainly couldn t be deemed anything beyond mediocre"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20405": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "good times working with the quiroz brothers and the entire cast on this project as the guy on the bench i was amazed how well they accomplished capturing all the identifiable traits of a true b horror film hopefully i will have the opportunity to work with pumpkin patch pictures team again in the future i moved to detroit shortly after completion and have been recognized in public on several occasions since the release one time was actually in the video store and the girl damn near lost her mind it was pretty funny and that was my st real autograph moment as i signed her receipt one day i asked the girl at blockbuster if the movie is rented often and she confirmed by looking it up in the computer at the time it was renting more than ring which was also a new release at the time the title really captures immediate interest in the more urban markets she also noticed on many occasions the movie had not been returned by the customer leading me to believe the movie is just so good people don t want to give it back watch out for zombies when in the hood cause they will get ya jaysun barr guy on the bench"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20406": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a family traveling for their daughter s softball league decide to take the scenic route and end up in the middle of nowhere the father is an avid photographer and when he hears of an old abandoned side show in the town he decides to take another detour to take some photographs of course the side show is filled with inbred freaks who promptly kidnap the women and leave the young son and father to fend for themselves the only cool thing about this film is how the family actually fights back against their inbred captors other than that there s nothing worthwhile about the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20407": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "according to this board i guess either you love it or hate it usually how it goes with all movies there is no need to get testy with others though all we are doing here is giving opinions i rented this movie last night and i want to come and throw my opinion in the mix i was surprised by how many people are thrashing it though there s a difference between a movie fan and a horror movie fan i m a horror movie fan most plain ol movie fans don t like horror movies so many low budget cam corder looking movies are coming out these days it s hard to keep up and what makes it tough to stay into these movies is how bad they are i wanted to come and write a review about hood of the living dead because it s pretty damn good compared to the rest of the junk out there it s nothing special but it s those horror film makers that try to be too serious that end up making a horrible horror film i really liked this one you telling me there is no effort in this one and one more thing i bet all of you have all of these huge dvd collections that you are so proud of nothing but major motion pictures right nothing wrong with that but you have to know how to appreciate low budget independent i knew what i was getting when i watched this movie i m not going to be upset because i thought it was going to be some million dollar movie some of you might need to stick with watching the matrix over and over again and stop trying to compare everything to the matrix and if most of you are under that explains everything good movie folks check it out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20408": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i blind bought this movie and am pretty upset that i paid as much as i did but i would say that it s at least worth a rent for some cool deaths and laughable acting it is not a good movie in any way but i must say that i was pretty darn entertained i guess it could be called so bad it s good as i said the acting is awful i feel like i could have done a better job showing at least any emotion the story is nothing new and has been done better i guess i just have a soft spot for any carnival esquire type film i would say rent this or download it but definitely don t buy it it is not worth more than one watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20409": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "hood of the living dead had a lot to live up to even before the opening credits began first any play on of the living dead invokes his holiness mr romero and instantly sets up a high standard to which many movies cannot afford to aspire and second my movie watching companion professed doubt that any urban horror film would surpass the seminal leprechaun in the hood skeptical we settled in to watch we were rewarded with a surprisingly sincere and good hearted zombie film oh certainly the budget is low and of course the directors amateurs friends populate the cast but hood of the living dead loves zombie cinema cheap yeah but when it s this cheap you can clearly see where love holds it together ricky works in a lab during the day and as a surrogate parent to his younger brother at night he dreams of moving out of oakland before this planned escape however his brother is shot to death in a drive by ricky s keen scientific mind presents an option superior to cpr or injections of his lab s experimental regenerative formula sadly little bro wakes up in an ambulance as a bloodthirsty oakland zombie chaos and mayhem i think it s more economical to eat your enemies than take vengeance in a drive by but then again i m a poor judge of the complexities of urban life how poor a judge in response to a gory scene involving four men i opined ah ha white t shirts on everyone so the blood shows up economical i used the same technique in my own low budget horror film jordan replied no that s gang dress white t shirts were banned from new orleans bars for a time as a result oh a lot of the movie is set in someone s living room so there s a great deal of hanging out and waiting for the zombies but the characters are sympathetic and the movie is sincere it surpasses its budget in spirit zombie explanation when man plays god zombies arise or perhaps follow fda approved testing rules before human experimentation contribution to the zombie canon this is the first zombie movie i ve seen with a drive by shooting as far as the actual zombies go infection is spread with a bite as usual but quite unusually head shots don t work it s heart shots that kill zombies have pulses the absence of which proves true death and these zombies make pretty cool jaguar growl noises gratuitous zombie movie in joke a mercenary named romero groan favorite zombie jaguar noise little brother zombie of course"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20410": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yet another movie about a group of less than intelligent individuals on a road trip who wander off their original travel route for either a short cut or in this case to visit a run down side show attraction the results as expected are not at all good as this particular side show is home to a bunch of lunatic in bred residents who were escaped prison inmates from years before the father who is apparently a professionally photographer just has to stop and take pictures of the place only to find that it still inhabited the various members of the family wander off to view the various attractions only to be scared away thinking they made it safely on their way the van tire explodes surprise leaving them to seek refuge and accommodations in the small town which we find out is inhabited solely by the freaks surprise this film plays out as expected with the family being stalked and killed by the freaks there is some fighting back on the families part but these are probably among the worst scenes in the film as they are badly executed there is nothing remotely original here unless you count the totally inappropriate soundtrack that is played during particular scenes that completely ruins the atmosphere and mood of the film the acting is about as bad as i have seen in quite some time by everyone involved it is pretty bad when your cast is out acted by the cast of camp blood the special effects are lousy and the ending made me want to punch my television still though despite all the negatives i somewhat enjoyed this film it definitely has a so bad it s good vibe to it i made it through the entire movie and was even pleasantly entertained once i got past the ridiculously clich d plot terrible acting and cheesy special effects though the ending left me feeling cheated and angry particularly because the film is not that great to begin with and the ending makes the entire film pointless bottom line i can list countless films that if you have seen them you have seen this the difference is most of those film are better though not a complete waste this film is pretty bad and not remotely scary my grade d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20411": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "most of the bad reviews on this website blame hood of the living dead for one or more of the following reasons it is a low budget movie with virtually no acting it was so bad it made me laugh it is something i could do myself i won t even discuss the first point because it is a very subjective matter whether you like low budget and independent stuff or not i must say however that i still fail to understand people renting such a movie as hood of the living dead and then looking surprised when they realize it is not as polished and cute as a romantic comedy with lindsay lohan or matthew mc conaughey as for the second point i really don t see what s so wrong with laughing i personally like to laugh and love movies that make me to be they comedies or horror flicks when in hammerhead i saw this girl stepping into a puddle and the shark man came out of it to eat her i just cracked up and i was grateful that the director made such a stupid scene and gave me ten seconds of pure fun honestly laughing just makes me feel good while it seems that many people writing reviews see it as a bad bad thing if you only want to feel sad and scared while watching a movie hood of the living dead and low budget flicks are definitely not for you but please don t come and tell us that you find them laughable we already know it this is most probably why we decided to watch the movie in first place however it is the third point that leaves totally baffled just several years ago people were lining up out of theaters to see blair witch project which is a way more rudimentary boring plot less and bad acted movie than hood of the living dead and takes itself way too seriously too moreover half a million people go on youtube every day to see the short films of lonelygirl which is certainly something everyone with a cute girlfriend a room and a webcam could do not to talk about all of the even more amateurish videos you can find there why don t people blame those clips for bad acting and non existing plot i think it is one of the best things of our times that everyone with affordable technology and a bunch of friends can make their own movies and share them with people that have similar interests and i feel a certain admiration for people who spend their weekends with their friends making a honestly bad yet refreshing piece of trash like this rather than shopping at the mall or playing video games alone leave aside your biases and your desire to sound like a smart film critic by attacking b movies and you ll see that hood of the living dead can bring you almost as much fun as it did to its makers if you have a taste for refreshing and enjoyable home made horror movies i recommend zombiez the ghosts of edendale the killer eye monster man don t look in the basement the worst horror movie ever made redneck zombies jesus christ vampyre slayer and habit"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20412": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after seconds you already realize that there was no real budget for this cheap knock off the story is taken from great movies like texas chainsaw massacre and hills have eyes i like those kind of movies even if they re duplicated well wrong turn timber falls carver but side sho is hard to watch the actors are really bad the dialogue is cheesy and the music is stupid and totally misplaced you do not care at all what happens to the characters the so called bad guys are also not interesting at all and rather stereotypical so how about the blood and gore well there is some although it is rather cheap and the action is executed very poorly points just for the gore and blood but do understand that this is hardly worth a look even for the gore hounds"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20413": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thought the movie i do they don t was fantastic in the past i ve watched rob estes on suddenly susan melrose place and also josie bissett on melrose place and loved seeing them together again in i do they don t they have great chemistry together i guess being married in real life helps that in the movie they are both widowed with children and careers and they fall in love and try blend their already busy chaotic families together without dropping the ball of course they stumble but they keep it together which is what working and raising a family is all about so many people have been talking about this movie all good and the movie left us wanting more this would make a great series appealing to many ages it would be so nice to see a real life down to earth family show like this that portrays the reality of so many of our lives today instead of the so called reality tv that all the stations are overwhelming us with these days someone tell the people at abc family they have the start of a new series here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20414": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a family looking for some old roadside attractions to include in the father s coffee table book come across an ancient decrepit old freak show run by an eccentric one eyed man when their family van breaks down upon leaving the sideshow they re forced to stay at a nearly abandoned fishing camp that was the site of a prison break decades prior there have been many films in the freak subgenre of horror ranging from tod browning s beloved freaks to alex winter s hilarious freaked those are both classics or soon to be with freaked side sho however never will be and if it ever does reach classic status well it will be an obvious clue to the sad state of our genre from the ridiculously bad opening song to the year old daughter that s obviously older than her natural mother this film did not have much going for it the writing was subpar but not completely awful just boring the direction was poor and the rare freak effects were pretty horrendous and unbelievable the acting was abysmal and the casting was even worse anyone who would believe the ages of these two camp age teenagers must not have met a teenager in a long long time there was far from enough gore violence to make up for the lack of any other quality and when there was a bit of violence it was not well done at all and i can t forget to mention the ending fight scenes which were with all honesty some of the worst i ve ever ever seen in a film overall this is an easily forgettable and poorly made horror film that deserves to be left alone at the bottom of the dollar bin final verdict"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20415": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "rob estes josie bisset and a crap load of kids that look nothing like either of them basically rob and josie have a shotgun wedding on a drunken night during a vegas vacation they each come home to find that their respective children already know of the nuptials due to tabloid like not so fodder they rob and josie move both of them and their eight kids into one or the other s house rob builds furniture i think which is close enough to frank lambert s patrick duffy construction job on the much similar step by step to warrant eternal mockage josie is some sort of cookie making queen though it doesn t look like she makes any of the cookies not close enough to carol foster s suzanne somers hairdressing job to warrant likeness mockage but hilariously preposterous enough to warrant atrocity mockage unlike step by step they were a couple before the vacation and actually knew one another s last names or so one assumes if their serious enough about a relationship to take a trip together anyhow there are eight kids moira sandy jeff lily daisy nathan andrew l and andrew b i personally think they should ve just called the younger andrew andy there s a lot of product placement particularly for soup at hand which is disgusting and listerine pocket packs there are also some stupid senseless moments it s also not a great film to promote happy families but hey rob estes this concludes my review of step by step on some really bad drugs watch it for rob estes and his pretty eyes there are some great pretty eyes shots"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20416": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "from the decrepit ranks of the already over saturated hillybilly horror sub genre comes this woeful tale of a vacationing family terrorized by inbred rednecks sound familiar well it most definitely should to anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the horror genre there is absolutely new here the film seems content to recycle all thee old worn out clich s deformed hicks a peaceful family turned gun toting killers when push comes to show the rebellious daughter the one freak who s good at heart etcetera but does even that half heartedly enough to make this an utter waste of time this is forgettable dreck but humorously enough lead j d hart once starred in a movie called films that suck earlier in his career quite an ironic omen indeed my grade d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20417": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "how nice to have a movie the entire family can watch together josie bissett and rob estes who are married in real life play a couple who marry in las vegas on a whim and then not only have to break the news to their kids but then have to try to meld their respective households each has two boys and two girls into a cohesive family unit what transpires when the group which includes four teenagers two preteens and two younger children makes one wonder at first if there can ever be true happiness for carrie and jim the fights between the kids and one little love affair between two of them make one wonder if everyone will ever be able to get along more interesting than the brady bunch what this is a totally enjoyable way to spend a couple hours recommended as a feel good movie for all ages"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20418": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i wasn t sure how to rate this movie since it was so bad it was actually very funny i m not a gackt fan by any means though he is talented despite the weird pseudonym that sounds like a cat coughing up a hairball i always thought hyde was talented though faith is an interesting album but on topic here folks this movie is ridiculous it s so over the top and nonsensical it s almost like a parody of supernatural action films the movie has almost no plot here except it s just about vampires with gangster friends in a way this film almost reminded me of spider man with how there were too many ideas which resulted in not enough time to pay attention on one of them the action scenes were laughable quickly edited almost hard to understand with choreography that s so laughably bad though hyde looked very stylish during the action scenes but that s this film s only such redemption i m a sucker for good action movies but the action was horribly done though the final shootout was ok and the highlight of this otherwise depressing movie it keeps jumping between genres not a good thing it wants to be a drama or an action flick or a horror or a romance what the hell if this review is making you mad why is it because gackt and hyde are your love don t fool yourself this movie is bad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20419": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really truly enjoyed this movie which is why it surprised me that it got such a low rating from so many users at this site i am not saying that it is a cinematic masterpiece but it was a great way to spend a cold snowy saturday night it is funny poignant and a great tales of the ups and downs of female friendships lasting through difficult times and the bad things that female friends tend to do to each others fess up ladies we have all been there bill paterson shines as the reverand gerald marsden and andie mcdowell proves that she can be a fine actress when the role is right and she puts her mind to it and truly there is the best wedding escape that i have ever seen or dreamed up in this film more guts than anyone i have ever known you will laugh and you will cry ignore any marketing campaigns and how this film is being marketing it is a hidden gem that should have done tonnes of box office now i have to look around to purchase a copy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20420": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "guy de maupassant was a novelist who wrote a novel about a man a poor man without any moral qualities he only wanted to success in a society where all the people the politic men the businessmen the journalists the women are corrupt the only king is money the maupassant hero charles forestier is going higher and higher in the society scale thanks to his seduction poser he is in love with all the women who could help him in his action to climb the society stapes at the end of the novel he married himself with the biggest daily paper owner s daughter in the greatest church of paris la madeleine le tout paris is there he has a fortune and more he will become a member of parliament and later a minister the useless women are out of his view but he is always keeping in touch with the pretty and the usefull women the picture the private affairs of bel ami is a story of morality it is everything but not a story in the maupassant idea why had they put bel ami in its title"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20421": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "eye in the labyrinth is not your average giallo and to be honest i m not really sure that it really is a giallo but giallo or not despite some problems this is certainly a very interesting little film i m hesitant to call it a giallo because the film doesn t feature most of the things that make these films what they are but many genre entries break the mould and this would seem to be one of them the film doesn t feature any brutal murders as many giallo s do but this is made up for with a surreal atmosphere and a plot just about confusing enough to remain interesting for the duration the plot seems simple enough in that it focuses on a doctor who is murdered by julie his patient who for some reason she sees him as her lover and father and is offended when he walks out on her we then relocate to a big house lived in by a number of people but nothing is really what it seems as there are a number of secrets surrounding various events that happened before julie s arrival the film seems to be professing something about how the mind is like a labyrinth this never really comes off and i preferred to just sit back and enjoy what was going on rather than worrying about what point if any the film is trying to make eye in the labyrinth is directed by mario caiano the director behind the excellent night of the doomed some years earlier he doesn t create the atmosphere as well in this film as he did in the earlier one but the surreal aspects of the story come off well and the mystery is always kept up which stops the film from becoming boring the film stars rosemary dexter who provides eye candy throughout and also delivers a good performance most of the rest of the cast aren t really worth mentioning with the exceptions of adolfo celi who is good as the villain of the piece and alida valli whom cult fans will remember from a whole host of excellent cult flicks the film does explain itself at the end which is lucky as i m sure i m not the only viewer who was more than a little confused by then overall this may not be classic stuff but its good enough and worth seeing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20422": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as the s came to a close king kong s adopted daughter went ahead and made a tearful announcement her show as coming to an end while miss winfrey was tearing up i was laughing and screaming like a wild indian from the old west so what does oprah do she takes famous people and puts them on her show what kind of famous people people who ve suffered just like her except these people have lost more than their virginity they ve suffered melted faces true story missing limbs true story see end of paragraph and spousal abuse too many to count and somehow they come on the show and tell their story as if we haven t heard it before tons and tons of times bethany hamilton i ve heard your tale about losing an arm to a shark since day one which was october st don t tell me you have no hard feelings but the biggest thing probably on oprah was michael jackson s interview in after being accused of being a child molester sadly mr jackson has since passed away but that one particular show told about michael s personal life something not many people knew about at the time oprah s real influence comes from middle aged women and soccer moms they seem to think she s like a personal jesus sometimes but all i see in oprah is some big ghetto lady who made it big and she s just showing off how rich she is i m glad her shows going to end soon we need better television programs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20423": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this little seen movie is a languid and laid back giallo it veers away from some of the clich s of the genre and adopts a looser approach it s about a woman searching for her missing lover a psychiatrist who has suddenly vanished for no apparent reason her search leads her to a villa populated by a group of eccentric individuals in true giallo style murder is never far away the cast is really rather good we have aldofo celi thunderball alida valli suspiria horst frank cat o nine tails and a very young sybil danning s scream queen the lead actress is rosemary dexter and while i am not familiar with her she does a good job in leading the picture one of the defining features of eye in the labyrinth is its music atypically for a giallo it features a jazz rock fusion soundtrack this score composed by roberto nicolosi is reminiscent of miles davis especially his work on in a silent way it s an excellent soundtrack and really gives this movie a different feel than most gialli the fusion groove accentuates the languid atmosphere and compliments the sunny sea front scenery that the film is mostly made up of this is a giallo so we really need to talk about the murder set pieces well this film falls a little short in this regard it s certainly not devoid of them but they are few and far between the opening dream murder being probably the best on offer as well as a memorable burning car sequence but this really isn t a particularly violent film still i don t think it should disappoint too many seasoned fans of the genre the mystery is fairly compelling and it has enough eccentric characters the idiot boy saro and that unsettlingly inappropriate dubbed accent and moments of the bizarre to satisfy while the sleaze factor is upheld with a smattering of nudity throughout eye in the labyrinth plays like a giallo version of an agatha christie mystery as it features a group of unsympathetic characters in a villa all under suspicion of murder we have the obligatory flashbacks detailing their connections with the final hours of the highly unsympathetic murder victim while this isn t a grade a example of the genre it s certainly an appealingly different one as it doesn t borrow too heavily from other films of the sub genre for giallo enthusiasts i give this a thumbs up and hope one day it s given a nice dvd transfer it certainly deserves the treatment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20424": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "really does any week go by that oprah doesn t remind us that she was abused as child she makes herself the focus of every interview oprah cannot resist commenting on the answer to every question she asks she often interrupts guests before an answer is finished to interject her own aside or anecdote directors are obviously instructed to focus on her closeup reaction rather than guest s faces because that s what counts what oprah feels what oprah says oprah oprah oprah it s always all about oprah oprah says feel sorry for me i was so poor feel the pain of my battle with my weight feel my hurt when i m turned away from a fancy store after they ve already closed feel good for buying my magazines and books feel good for my success feel good when you give to my charity to make me look good feel good for making me rich beyond belief my interpretation of her point of view you viewers are all deeply flawed and you need my daily advice i have all the answers for your life though i have nothing in common with you plebes i have never been married nor do i want to be i have never had to raise a family but i know all about it i have little respect for men or marriage i clearly prefer people like me over others witness legends ball gayle is my best friend but we are not gay as of the heading on her website actually reads oprah com is your leading source for information about love life self relationships food home spirit and health how presumptive and obnoxious is that in june she crashed two private wedding receptions in oklahoma to gather footage for her september shows she keeps promising to quit tv but her yapfest drags on with no end in sight contrary to what she thinks oprah is neither a queen nor a goddess nor on a personal mission from god she s just one very lucky overweight black woman who copied phil donahue s style and called it her own she happened to be in the right place at the right time and knew exactly how to suck up to the right demographic oprah is the p t barnum of this age and it amazes me that people cannot see through her facade so ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and you too oprah if you can fit that inflated ego through the door this way now to the great egress"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20425": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "giallo fans seek out this rare film it is well written and full of all sorts of the usual low lifes that populate these films i don t want to give anything away so i wont even say anything about the plot the whole movie creates a very bizarre atmosphere and you don t know what to expect or who to suspect recommended the only place i ve seen to get this film in english is from european trash cinema for"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20426": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the seventh sign has a great opening hook as the israeli defence force come across a terrorist base this is the type of hook that is a must when writing a script it grabs the reader audience and the introduction of david bannon as he rents a room from abby and russell quinnn telegraphs the point that this is a man who`s not who he says he is however after the great opening third i found the rest of the movie confusing and uninvolving with a large number of plotholes and isn`t all that different from umpteen other supernatural thrillers that i`ve seen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20427": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i love this tv series so much it contains animation that is interesting and beautiful i cant believe that they cut it off tv and also that i never found out whether cybersix and data die or not apparently they survive but i m not sure cybersix was by far the best tv show ever i know its to late to hope they will start the series over again so i m really glad i got to watch it i luved it so much its about a women by the name of cybersix she is not human she goes by adrian sieldman a man teacher at a highschool now cybersix is actually a women she is just disguised as a man in the day by night cybersix patrols the city a guy by the name of von reichter is the one who created cybersix and once he finds put she is alive he uses everything he can to capture her if u have never watched it before u should totally download it it was the best tv show in the world why did they cut it off some people have issues but i m glad i got to watch the episodes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20428": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "dull demi going thru the motions ditto prochnow ominous portents that elicit yawns michael biehn trying to be dynamic which ain t his shtick to quote buffy summers if the apocalypse comes beep me going back to sleep now"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20429": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "have you ever or do you have a pet who s been with you through thick and thin who you d be lost without and who you love no matter what betcha never thought they feel the same way about you wonderful wonderful family film if you have a soft spot for animals this is guaranteed to make you cry no matter your age i used to watch this movie all the time when i was a little kid and i find that now at age sixteen i love it as much as i did then i could never decide on a favorite character then and i still don t think i can i love all three of the animals the dialogue seems very real and comfortable like a loving but feuding family i do love chance and how at the end he says that he has a family at last cheesy yes but one must remember that this is meant to be a family film and it fulfills that role perfectly sassy has just the perfect dose of sassiness and shadow is the perfect leader role model to the young adventurous chance the animals way outshine the humans but of course most of the teary moments are to be had during an interaction with them ie rescuing molly and the end not to mention the incredible soundtrack that gives each moment even more emotion and an accompanying heart swelling feeling i give this to be compared to and even rated better than cats and dogs and babe"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20430": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie confuses religious ethics and ideals so much that it fails to create coherent argument against the death penalty on any level by presenting the lawful execution of a convicted murder as the catalyst for the apocalyptic end of mankind the movie elevates a parent killer to the status of martyr for christ somehow according to the plot god is outraged that society has chosen to rid it s self of a fanatic who killed his own parents by starting them on fire while they slept defenselessly in their beds yet this same god has no indignation for the acts of the killer the lead character an nonreligious pregnant suicidal woman ultimately gives her own life in a defiant but implausible attempt to unsuccessfully save this convicted killer in other threads of the underdeveloped plot jesus comes back as a powerless and frustrated vagabond to symbolically unleash the wrath of god the modern lackluster incarnation of christ not just dehumanizes him but mocks the messianic ideal of all religions as well he is unable to affect humanity for good and unemotionally skates the edges of life waiting for mankind to destroy it s self meanwhile with little help from jesus the mentally unstable pregnant woman finds herself with the ability to reincarnate herself into her newly born soulless child which somehow saves all of mankind from the wrath of the almighty i also interpreted that as a statement in support of abortion on some levels this movie which attempts to weave many religious themes into a thriller fails to make any religious point that i could clearly interpret except to mock people s beliefs it raises many questions that it never even attempts to answer it disregards the religious values of its audience while attempting to portray an asinine version of their fulfillment silly"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20431": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i am a fan of animal movies if you can take a plot and put animals as the main actors you will usually win me over homeward bound did just this they took a plot that has been as old as time and put a new spin to it it was a complete success it is very much an archetypal movie you have the obi wan of the group shadow who is wise and logical you have the lovable but impetuous and untrusting chance and the prissy princess who thinks that she should be pampered and praised these three personalities bounce off of each other very well i also like how they made chance and sassy such dynamic characters and they did not overdue it most people say that it cannot be good because it is too much of a kids film what they are forgetting however is that it is supposed to be a kids film and this still does not take away from the acual movie this is a good movie to watch when you are bored and you just want to watch a movie it is a disney movie without the cartoons an air bud movie with a better plot i would without a doubt advise you to watch it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20432": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "one word boring the young demi looks good but she s pregnant point for that d the movie is not scary at all the first scenes looked little crappy i could render better clouds with my laptop and after effects but that was then and now is now some movies do not get old well this is one of them not worth renting or buying get something better instead like the exorcist next d oh the drama part in the beginning just and simply suxor d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20433": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is a true masterpiece it really is it s rare you come across such a heartwarming flick full of fun laughter heartbreak and with a little drama to keep you on your toes a true family film homeward bound tells the story of three brave pets who set out to cross the rocky mountains in an attempt to find their owners following the changes they go through and the obstacles they encounter along the way one of the truly stunning things about this movie is its ability to give animals human personalities the voice acting is that good shadow is a wonderful character old wise and brave and watching him trying to save sassy in the river was a very powerfully moving moment chance who wouldn t love a dog like chance he s got to be the most mischievous and lovable pup ever shown on the big screen and sassy is very witty for a cat she had me in stitches when she was mocking the keeper here kitty kitty kitty not on your life chubby there were also lots of well made emotional scenes such as sassy going over the waterfall i was truly scared for her shadow falling in the ditch almost in tears and then the fantastic ending when all three pets return home including good old shadow a favourite for all time anyone who doesn t like this film must just not like animals rent it or buy it now and it ll leave you with happy memories that ll last a lifetime"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20434": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when i saw this film on fearnet i thought it would be a scary movie apparently it wasn t i have no clue how this movie was allowed to be featured on that site fearnet is a site that shows scary horror movies the acting is wonderful from all the actors i hated the story the story was stupid the movie starts out with a man with a scroll with a signia stamped onto it he breaks the seal and certain disasters happen the water turns to blood the oceans die out the moon turns red etc the female character was annoying as well a lot of the stuff she did didn t make sense like when she sees a piece of paper with a date on it coincidentally it s the date she s expected to give birth to her baby and she starts freaking out about it and starts researching it and asking religious people what it all means spoiler alert the two worst things happened in this movie are the execution of a mentally retarded man who claimed that god told him to murder his parents and the end where demi moore dies after giving birth to her baby and transferring her soul into it here s what happens the mentally retarded person gets shot and killed and the apocalypse begins demi moore gets into a hospital in the middle of a massive earthquake and gives birth to her child she touches her child s head transferring her soul into the child and then dies then the apocalypse stops why does god all of a sudden have a change of heart he gets furious when the governor allows the execution of a mentally retarded man then he s all about forgiveness once a lone woman transfers her soul into her baby end spoiler the movie is pretty stupid it s another religious end of the world propaganda piece the acting from demi moore and michael biehn and everybody else is excellent that s about all there is i give this movie stars out of good acting with a lot of nonsense"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20435": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched this film so many times through my child hood that even to this day i can pretty much re sight all of the dialogue and when i watch it now it just makes me happy and surprisingly still laugh i think it s amazing how they managed to train animals especially the cat to the extent that they are able to play the main role of a feature film however watching it now i can also unfortunately notice that it isn t the masterpiece i once thought it was but i prefer to remember how i felt about it when i was younger watching it on vhs on my fist tv that would cloud the image in yellow and and bearing in mind it is a children s film that is why i would still definitely give it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20436": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the seventh sign borrows a lot from rosemary s baby and the omen it actually blends the two stories even its title recalls bergman s the seventh seal nevertheless it begins well enough with all the omens scattered on the whole earth and in parallel a seemingly distinct plot with moore s husband trying to save a poor boy who killed his parents who were brother and sister from death penalty this time both christian and jewish religions are called to the rescue even the wandering jew is involved which makes the lines sometimes unintentionally funny have you ever been to sunday school but they taught me that god was love the best scene imho is the short dialog between priest john heard who does not seem to take things seriously too bad he was not given a more important part because his laid back acting is priceless and the young jew demi moore probably registered the same desire as ex husband bruce willis saving the world she does not save the movie for all that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20437": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i haven t seen the original incredible journey since i was a child so i can t really compare the two versions this version tells the story of three animals two dogs and a cat whose owners leave them with friends in the countryside when the father of the family has to take a new job in san francisco the pets believing that they have been abandoned escape and set out on a long homeward journey through wilderness this story might have been most easily filmed as a cartoon but both versions are in fact live action films made using real animals one major difference is that in the later version the animals speak in human voices giving each its own distinct personality something that was not done in the original film a similar device of talking animals has been used in other recent children s films such as racing stripes some critics have been rather sniffy about the use of this device but my own view is that giving the animals distinctive personalities of their own helps to strengthen the film rather than weaken it the animals were voiced by big name stars don ameche michael j fox and sally fields both dogs are male and their relationship parallels that between many humans in buddy buddy movies shadow a golden retriever is the wise experienced older dog chance the younger one is brash cocky and impulsive to british eyes chance looks like a boxer but is actually an american bulldog which is apparently a different breed to its british cousin sassy the cat is female with a rather prim and proper personality she is very proud of her status as a cat which in her eyes makes her vastly superior to any mere dog cats rule dogs drool from an adult viewpoint the film has a number of faults it can be sentimental some of the incidents such as the one in which the animals manage to catapult a mountain lion into the river are quite incredible and the human characters are all completely forgettable this however is a film which is mainly aimed at children and i suspect they will enjoy it immensely certainly any animal loving child will do so comments by some professional critics such as james berardinelli who complained that the animals voices lessened the film s grandeur only serve to strengthen my view that professional critics are not always the best guides to children s movies i doubt if many playground conversations about homeward bound concentrated on its supposed grandeur one thing adults will appreciate is the photography of california s sierra nevada mountains they may also appreciate the film s blend of humour and excitement as the runaway pets encounter perils such as bears mountain lions and porcupines in the wilderness this is a very enjoyable family film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20438": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s official folks hou hsiao hsien doesn t have a thought in his pretty little head are you wondering why he chose shu qi as his muse shu or is that qi doesn t appear in this one instead we get a snaggletoothed yo hitoto apparently a pop star in japan judging by her song at the end she s a pop star just like the girl who serves you at rockin curry is a actriss and a wasted tadanobu asano typically an indicator of quality who is required to do nothing here but stand around and look like a mumbling asian hipster and is too old to manage even that hou s philosophy life is limbo a big nothing feel it and move on i d like to do that but hou gives us nothing to feel in cafe lumiere beyond a bland photo essay of life in tokyo circa and the flabbergasting observation that people are ships that pass in the night no make that trains that pass in the day never connecting each hurtling to its own destination usually some variant of a dark tunnel or maybe a bridge if they re lucky yikes flowers of shanghai is one of the most rarefied technically accomplished and mesmerizing films of all time how could the same director who created the opening shot of that film which features about twelve actors conversing at machine gun speed for about ten straight minutes an impossible directorial feat get trapped making this laconic sub jarmusch reality porn for two films in a row now millennium mambo may be dead weight but at least it has two great shots shots that hint at hou s true calling as the film equivalent of odilon redon those shots are the sex scene with the arrhythmically blinking lights and the opening shot of shu qi floating down a blue corridor his m o while making cafe lumiere seems to have been to remove the two great shots from millennium mambo to make it more consistent you be the judge if that sounds appealing hou does not need to refine you cannot refine the limbo idea further than flowers of shanghai he needs to expand to bloat outwards to release the inner expressionist and genre revitalizer that is being squandered so senselessly on clich d minimalism it s time for him to do a live action remake of akira or something this kind of art film where the actors are supposed to be authentic because they are held facelessly in long shot and speak in monosyllables is now every last bit as safe ghettoized and stagnant as the hollywood action blockbuster what is the connection between reality and people who can t talk it seems to me that people in real life never stop jabbering then again considering that alone brought big budget movies as diverse and rich in ideas as aeon flux the island and king kong it s now safe to say that even michael bay has surpassed hou and that s really sad the good news is that though hou is in his s it frankly feels to me as if he hasn t even begun there are a couple moments in this film that show the promise is still there such as a moody bit early on in the bookstore when the room dims to a bloody sunset red while hitoto talks about babies with the faces of goblins but whatever fear is holding him back however comfortable it is to make the same film over and over and be hailed by the gullible and pretentious as the savior of cinema hou your time as the darling of the rotterdam venice toronto berlin and whatever else film festivals is almost up and people are catching onto your ruse double quick two words for you atom egoyan two more words or maybe three tsai ming liang you are now cribbing from both of these tedious frauds who are about to go up their own dark tunnels forever risk your shirt on a sci fi epic sell out be reviled but leave the social critiques to people that have no eye and no heart let your painterly talent express itself to the full you re not going to ever get out of limbo otherwise"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20439": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "spoilers alert homeward bound the incredible journey is an important film from my life because it s the first film i remember seeing in the cinema of my home town as a year old scamp the story is based on the sheila burnford novel and is a reason why it s not possible to write this one off as a brainless lassie clone the basic story two dogs and a cat happily live in the seaver family when the new husband to the mother of the three children gets a job in the city and they have to temporarily move into inner san francisco while the animals are sent to a ranch to live for a couple of months the bonds between the animals and the children they watch out for are especially strong and shadow the golden retriever and sassy the himalayan cat are heartbroken as the children are though the young and happy go lucky american bulldog known as chance is a little less concerned and somewhat cynical due in part to his voice over explaining his being abandoned as a pup picked up to an animal shelter and being bought by the family though his growth as a character during the story provides much of the important storytelling the three pets escape the ranch and head off into the wide and dangerous wilderness fantastic wilderness settings by the way driven on by shadow s instincts of direction they meet several perils along the way hoping to make it home while the family and the ranch hosts are suddenly concerned about the animal disappearance there are funny moments all the way through great dialogue between the three animals and hilarious lines see memorable quotes and a touching comradeship that grows between the main characters during the course of the storytelling punctuated by moments of sadness such as when sassy s arrogance of trying to cross a river without getting wet causes her to fall in the river and get washed down a waterfall leaves a moment of loss that is felt deeply by the viewers somehow though i fail to see what the inclusion of saving the girl lost in the wilderness adds to the story and the journey they take somehow it seems a little unnecessary as part of the story the ending cranks the stakes higher when shadow falls into a pit in a trainyard and having hurt his leg finds it hard to get out and gives up exhausted followed by chance climbing in with him to persuade him to climb out telling him how important he is to him and how he s pushed them this far so he shouldn t throw it all away so easily the way that this scene brilliantly done isn t concluded leaves an ambiguity that carries on into the final scene when chance and sassy return home but shadow is nowhere to be seen then just as all seems lost he slowly appears and is reunited with the family chance s conclusion at the end speaks of the comradeship that has developed between he and his fellows on the journey and the realisation to what home really is from his long journey to get there leaves a fine epilogue to demonstrate how much his character has grown but also how the other two have as well hang on a second i think i m going to cry anyway i haven t read sheila burnford s book so i don t pretend to know where the differences between book and film lie but this is a film that all the family can watch and while the tots will love the talking animals older viewers will understand the plot line better as i found when i watched the film again after several years without seeing it this film is a masterpiece in cinema and i suggest that if you haven t seen it you go out and get it and please avoid the sequel see my review for homeward bound ii"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20440": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "unless you are already familiar with the pop stars who star in this film save yourself the time and stop reading this review after you ve reached the end of the next sentence forget you ever stumbled upon this film and go watch something else but if you insist on reading consider lame vehicle for japanese teen idol pretty boys featuring nonsensical convoluted plot that drags out for an insufferable amount of time until you re ready to scream nothing in this film makes sense it s an endless series of people expressing various emotions from joy to anger from happiness to tragedy for no good reason we can obviously see something incredibly dramatic is happening but we just don t give a crap why cause there s no backstory by the time this film is over you will be sick and tired of these stupid lanky girly stars faces you ll be revolted at having spent all this time watching them smile sneer cry look mysterious be serious and any other pointless expression they slap on their faces that some moron would ever go so far as to refer to this piece of insipid trash as being the soul of any of its actors should prove to you beyond the shadow of a doubt what the trailer and countless adoring comments on this site will not tell you only the converted mindless minions will like this film the majority of them teenage girls with a pathological adoration for anything androgynous freud would have a field day unless you re one of these mindless fans stay the hell away from this abomination"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20441": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was very surprised how much i enjoyed this film i thought it was funny sexy painful and warm andie macdowell s performance was nuanced and vulnerable for once the director of a macdowell film did not make her beauty another character in the film the romance between kate and her young man is lovely to watch and it plays out very well her relationship with her friends is both a thorn and a balm in her life imelda stalinson who has been a mvp in so many british films does a great job in this there is some tragedy in this but i think the film is saved in the end by the brilliant acting clean direction and witty writing the film quality is excellent and the music is good too though unavailable on sound track"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20442": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "cafe lumiere is a beautifully photographed nullity unacquainted with the work of the director i am well acquainted with the filmmaker he is supposedly paying tribute to ozu yasujiro while not even approaching ozu in greatness hou has communicated nothing of ozu s depth of emotion and concentration on meaning within a closed space one of the things he misses entirely is ozu s attention to character we are not even introduced by hou to his lead character a perfect blank page there are no medium or close shots of his people one of the dvd extras offers interviews with the actors and gives us precisely what hou doesn t a good look at their faces there was a great spanish film by bardem called nunca pasa nada which translates to something like nothing ever happens that would be a far better title to this pointless exercise all through the film we are given clues about an obscure taiwanese composer some of whose work we hear on the soundtrack but the clues like everything else add up to nothing unless you re a trainspotter this film has nothing to recommend it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20443": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first of all i loved bruce broughton s music score very lyrical and this alone added to the film s charm the best aspect of the movie were the three animals superlatively voiced by michael j fox sally field and the late don ameche whereas fox has the funniest lines ameche plays a rather brooding otherwise engaging character the voice of reason and field adds wit into a character that is always seen telling chance off the humans weren t as engaging and sometimes the film dragged but that is my only complaint this is one beautiful looking film with beautiful close up shots of canada i believe although the film itself is quite long there is never a seriously dull moment and this is advantaged by the voice work and a well written script all in all a charming and perhaps underrated film with a from me bethany cox"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "20444": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve given k h jik a low score not because it was a bad movie but because it doesn t do anything worth praising i ve not seen any of hsiao hsien hou s work before but for the uninitiated me included k h jik is advertised as a homage to yasujiro ozu a japanese director whose last film was way way in the film is an extremely sparse work containing very little dialogue story music or emotion yo hitoto plays yoko a jobless wandering character who spends her time in her local coffee shop or loosely investigating a taiwanese composer she likes tadanobu asano plays her friend who works in a cd shop and occasionally indulges his otaku interest in trains and that s about all it we watch as yoko drinks coffee alone walks around waits for a train catches a train falls asleep on the train the kind of mundane reality anybody in japan can see on a daily basis hou captures these ordinary moments of these characters life but without any meaning to these vignettes it s an entirely pointless film to make or watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20445": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a really nice and sweet movie that the entire family can enjoy it s about two dogs and a cat who are taken away to live with someone else for a little while but the animals don t understand and they escape and go to find the family on their own the cat is named sassy and she lives up to her name chance is the younger dog who knows a lot about life on the inside of the pound shadow is the older and wiser dog who senses things put those three together on an adventure and it makes for a happy and fun filled time there are no special effects of the mouths moving so it isn t cheesy at all it s the best talking animal movie that i ve seen so far it s a really good movie for families"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20446": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am a relative latecomer to the transcendent work of film auteur yasujiro ozu whose masterfully understated views of japanese life especially in the post wwii era illuminate universal truths having now seen several of his landmark films such as s late spring and s tokyo story i am convinced that ozu had a particularly idiosyncratic gift of conveying the range of feelings arising from intergenerational conflict through elliptical narratives and subtle imagery it is taiwanese director hou hsiao hsien s keen aspiration to pay homage to ozu on his centenary with this generally enervating film among with co screenwriter t ien wen chu hsiao hsien appears to get the visuals right but does not capture the requisite emotional weight that would have made the glacial pacing tolerable the story concerns y ko a young japanese writer researching the life of mid th century taiwanese composer jiang wen ye in tokyo after coming back from taiwan where she taught japanese after drawn out minutes of character set up she reveals to her father and stepmother that she is pregnant by one of her students in taiwan at the same time y ko s coffeehouse friend hajime who runs a used bookstore has an obsession for trains and seems likely to be in love with her hsiao hsien connects this slim plot line with a series of shots held for inordinately lengthy takes as the frame composition changes there are also long stretches of silence as well as an abundance of scenes featuring trains while these techniques are consistent with ozu s style hsiao hsien cannot seem to dive into the characters psyches the way ozu did with maximal fluidity and minimal theatrics in particular y ko s plight seems rather non committal in the scheme of the drama presented and her parents reaction overly passive to hold much interest in fact the whole film has an atmosphere of exhaustion about it which makes the film feel interminable the performances are unobtrusive though hardly memorable j pop music star yo hitoto brings a natural ease to y ko while tadanobu asano is something of a cipher as hajime the rest of the characters barely register even nenji kobayashi and kimiko yo as y ko s parents cinematographer lee ping bing provides expert work though he violates a cardinal rule of ozu films by not keeping the camera stable during shots hitoto speak sings the fetching pop song used over he ending credits hito shian the dvd includes an hour long french made documentary m tro lumi re which actually does help provide some of the context for hsiao hsien s approach to the film it includes excerpts from ozu s films in particular equinox flower to show the parallels with this film though surprisingly no mention of either tokyo story or early summer the obvious basis for some of the scenes and situation set ups there are also edited interview clips of hitoto asano and hsiao hsien as well as the film s trailer"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20447": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of my favorite family movies loved it when i was little and it still holds up with me now that i m older i still laugh at all the same old jokes and might even shed a tear a times i never have much cared for animals talking or at least un animated ones but this one i ll stand up for it s a pretty old movie but it will always hold a place in my heart there aren t any other live animal movies that i can think of at the moment that i even could compare with let alone like as much as this one i might be giving too much praise to this movie but i don t think show i really holds that great message that home is where the heart is or at least that s the message i gained from it definitely recommended for a good old family movie night"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20448": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "while the acting and directing could be argued as having some merit the storyline is a very poor wannabe vietnam movie with the country name simply changed at the very least for a movie to hold some credibility try and have some semblance of accuracy in equipment weapons and tactics nevermind the gross misrepresentation of the behaviour of the troops as a norm aside for the limited use as silly propaganda about the south african defence force it serves little purpose definitely no entertainment value aspiring movie makers this is how not to make a war movie do some research and have some pride in your product"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20449": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a story of two dogs and a cat looking for their way back home old and wise golden retriever shadow young american bulldog chance and himalayan cat sassy flee from the ranch and go into the wilderness to be reunited with their family homeward bound the incredible journey is a family adventure directed by duwayne dunham it s a remake of a film this movie got a sequel three years later michael j fox is the perfect man to do the voice over for chance fox has some youthful energy he brings to the role sally field does great voice work as sassy don ameche is fantastic as shadow this was this veteran actor s second last movie also the visible actors are great kim greist plays laura burnford seaver robert hays is bob seaver benji thall plays peter burnford veronica lauren is hope burnford kevin chevalia is jamie seaver jean smart portrays kate it s quite amazing to watch these pets trying to survive in the wilderness we see sassy taken by the river and she seems like a goner the bear scene is exiting and funny chance has no chance with that big hungry bear and his meeting with the porcupine looks painful this is some great fun for the whole family"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20450": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok this movie was really unique shall we say carrie fisher was by far the most talented in the movie even though it is said she had a coke problem during the movie but she said that she can t remember to much of it well thats her excuse but whats everyone else s i can t imagine they all had a coke problem whatever it wasn t all that bad i mean i guess the plot was ok and it had some pretty funny moments although the part where the guy gets that thing shoved in his head was a little too violent for my taste oh well i guess i was disappointed cause carrie fisher is like so awesome and this movie did nothing for her"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20451": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "great voices lots of adventure and clever dialogue make this a very good movie the addition of character to the three lead animals gives the story a lot more depth and meaning particularly the relationship between the older fellow shadow and the young hellraiser chance the earlier versions of this film were unable to give the animals any real personality or motive which is done perfectly here sally field is lovable in anything but really shines in this film as the proud feline sassy great contrast between cat and dog perspectives on life and just the right amount of spirit and warm fuzzies to make the plot and resolution excellent there s even an uplifting score and beautiful mountain scenery definitely perfect for an evening alone or with the kids hats off to disney"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20452": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "carrie fisher has stated on more than one occasion that she made this movie during a period of her life when she had a heavy cocaine problem and she doesn t remember very much of it that would explain why she made this film but it doesn t explain why anyone else in the cast or crew did i can t believe that everybody had a coke problem this has to be one of the absolute worst movies ever made and that s saying something the blame can t be laid at the feet of director tim kincaid or writer buddy giovinazzo as it is obvious that this picture wasn t written or directed by anyone apparently it just spontaneously came together as there is little evidence of coherency consistency design plot sense intelligence or anything else what is really amazing is that there were some actual professionals who were involved in this glop co star robert joy has done good work in other films and composer jimmie haskell and cinematographer arthur marks are both industry veterans marks also having been a director and not a bad one why they got involved in this steaming pile of offal is beyond comprehension tim kincaid the alleged director has made quite a few low rent sci fi and horror films and having seen most of them i can tell you that not a one of them is any good this one though is by far the worst thing he s ever done and that is a major accomplishment on his part everything absolutely everything about this movie is th rate at best the cinematography is terrible the acting is laughable the special effects make plan from outer space look like spider man the story is trite derivative and stupid don t waste your time even looking at the video box cover let alone renting it a complete utter annoying total dud"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20453": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the greatest child pet movies ever created i cry every time i see shadow yelling wait wait for me peter as the family car is pulling away this is a must see if you love animals best movie ever the lines in the movie are sometimes stupid like when sassy says to chance cat s rule and dogs drool lines like this i could do without but when i was six i bet i loved that line the storyline may seem hooky to some but i like it shadow as the older dog who s preparing chance to take over for him when he s gone is really moving when you think about it it reminded me of my childhood dog i think everyone can find a piece of themselves in homeward bound"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20454": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie should be number one on the bottom the acting is so horrible that when my son and i watched it we nearly got physically ill and the story is worse i could go on and on about how bad it is but all i really wanted to do was add a warning to frankbob s review as i see no one else has gone to the trouble of doing so yet don t waste your time money energy or anything else on this movie thank goodness we saw it on tv so we didn t spend anything on it had we i would have been forced to write the people responsible for this abomination and be forced to hurl an execration in their general direction in conclusion i would like to say that i have always enjoyed watching carrie fisher act but i am sad to say that she is not worth watching in this particular film don t spoil your opinion of carrie by viewing it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20455": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is simply a classic film where the human voices coming from the animals are really what they re thoughts are i don t know whether my video copy has a scene missing but it never shows how the dogs got out of the pit it also shows an animals survival instinct and tracking abilities put humans in the same position ant the helicopters would be out for once an original film is improved by a remake as the voice over for the first has been removed only the use of animals can work in a film of this kind because using people would have had to spice out the story by turning it into murder proving that after all animals are more interesting than people"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20456": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "whoa in the twin cities we have a station that shows a big bad movie monday through friday tonight s nugget was a film with carrie fisher called she s back about a really annoying woman who ends up getting murdered when thugs break into her house bea beatrice comes back to haunt her husband she wants him to seek revenge on her killers hence she s back and she won t let him rest until he does so she irritates him endlessly and the viewers too this movie is truly one of the worst movies i ve ever seen hey i like bad movies though my fave movie is xanadu i was really shaking my head throughout the whole film wondering who thought this would be a good idea for a movie bea is just so annoying the plot is silly the acting is bad the story well you get my drift anyway if you wanna see a really bad movie really really bad movie check this one out you won t be disappointed heh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20457": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "hey guys i have been looking every where to find these two movies and i can t find them anywhere in my local area i am australian could you please help me and tell me where i can buy it from in general home ward bound and are the best movies i have ever seen and are good for people of all ages it was my favourite movie wen i was and it still is even now when i am a teenager it is a great movie for the whole family my entire family loves this movie except for my younger sister because i have watched it that many times that she is sick of it i love this movie and i cant wait till i can buy it again on dvd sally"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20458": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "prot g runs in a linear fashion expect no fast paced action and neither will you find yourself with baited breath because there are simply no seating on the edge moments there is not much of a crux so don t expect one either i would not fault the acting the show would have been much worst if not for wu s acting which was the film s only saving grace and oh that cute little girl too the humour is at best weak and the show must as well pass off as an anti drug campaign which employs the usual shock tactic esp in the scenes with zhang to tell us stuff that we already know i e drugs break up families heroin drives you crazy it is not so easy to wean off you will fall into a vicious cycle i know it may seem all a little harsh but i feel that the show is far from seamless and somewhat patchy spoiler alert take for example when andy lau got brought to the police station what we were just told oh we have all the tapes and evidence against you since and that is how he got caught nope no chasing car action just a jump of scene which kind of undermined wu s role as an undercover in the first place i suspect the lack of creativity is attributed to the fact that it is after all a production of mediacorp raintree a singaporean production film company"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20459": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really liked the film at ending i was in tears this film is incredible go watch the movie you will enjoy it i could have given it ranking more than i liked the teasing between chance and sassy i like the leadership of shadow overall this movie was perfect its sequel is good but not good as this movie i think there should be a third sequel to it not only this film attracts children but also adults my whole family enjoyed this film chance was full of humor sassy is an intelligent cat again i say this movie is a must watch the more u see this movie the more you are attached with this movie this movie is a classic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20460": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "andy lau stars in another cop undercover tale daniel wu plays nick who is working for the cops and is also close to the top of a drug dealing gang lau the movie begins as we watch the police try to make a drug bust only to see it go to pieces we then are introduced to the young drug addicted mother and her daughter living near nick and to his cronies and the cops and minutes in i shut off the movie and put on the news well acted and great to look at this is as uninvolving a movie as i ve seen in a long time its not bad as such its just you really don t care i mean i really didn t care at all i actually started to do something else completely forgetting i had on a subtitled movie on thats how much i didn t care i wish i could have hated the film but the film is such a nonentity that it made almost no impression on me its not even something i could sleep to its just something to ignore come on the box called it the chinese scarface what after he was dead this is one to avoid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20461": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a really cool movie i remember first seeing it when i was really young and i used to watch it all the time like once a week shadow was my favorite character in the movie homeward bound is really funny and its really cool how they train the animals to do all those things parts of the movie are sad though such as when sassy the cat falls down the waterfall and when shadow falls in the hole at the end i have seen the second homeward bound but i gotta say its not as good as the first shadow is the smart one sassy is well sassy and chance is the funny idiot i recommend this movie to anyone who likes comedies or talking animals this is one of my top ten favorite movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20462": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when you see boris karloff and bela lugosi as co stars you expect to find a well done horror movie but this was actually quite different representing as it did what i would describe as an early effort at science fiction karloff and lugosi both play scientists rukh and benet respectively competitors to an extent until rukh wins benet over with a demonstration that proves his great theory the science here was to say the least a bit rough around the edges thus science fiction with the emphasis on the fiction but somehow rukh harnesses some sort of ray from andromeda that allows him to look at the earth several thousand million years ago in that pre historic time a huge meteorite slammed into africa leaving deposits of a substance the scientists call radium x which can heal and destroy a large portion of the movie is set rather tediously in africa on a search for the meteorite deposits which rukh eventually finds and harnesses to create a great weapon unfortunately infecting himself with some sort of disease that makes him a great weapon as well karloff and lugosi were both pretty good here lugosi pulls off a role in which he s the good guy pretty well although i frankly found him a bit unconvincing especially during the scenes set in africa the story also plodded along a bit and while it held my attention it didn t captivate me given that this is really a sci fi rather than a horror flick and that sci fi was in its very early stages i suppose the movie needs to be cut a bit of slack it was ok nothing more but also nothing less than that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20463": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "too bad a couple of comments before me don t know the facts of this case it is based on actual events a highly publicized disappearance and murder case taking place in the wilmington de philadelphia pa region from through i have to admit i was highly skeptical of how hollywood would dramatize the actual history and events and was actually quite impressed on how close they stayed to what was constantly reported on local newscasts and philadelphia inquirer news stories throughout the time period of course i immediately pointed out that the actress who i really like in cold case who played fahey looked nothing like her anne marie was actually prettier i have to admit though that mark harmon really nailed the type of personality that was revealed as capano s and the behavior that capano exhibited throughout this period details of the case were right on no deviations of dramatic effect even down to the carpet gun furniture and cooler in conclusion i also wanted to add that i have met tom carper many times at various functions a good man despite being a politician and i am so glad that he pulled the strings in the federal realm necessary to solve this heinous crime guys like capano are real and it was great to see him finally put behind bars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20464": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i rented it because the second segment traumatized me as a little kid i snuck downstairs really early one morning started watching hbo and the raft segment terrorized me good this time around i still enjoyed the raft although i couldn t tell whether it was for nostalgic reasons or if it was actually a good short the other two segments were complete trash i can t believe a producer somewhere payed to make this junk all i ve accomplished by watching this was to ruin one more childhood memory creepshow will now join rad among my list of tainted childhood classics"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20465": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there have been countless talking animal films in the past the majority of which either feature animals mouths digitally animated to nearly match the voice acting or are ridiculously amateur homeward bound the incredible journey is neither this film doesn t need the infant pleasing addition of moving canine lips or gesturing feline limbs it has the ability to make you believe that the animals are authentically talking to one another and you can get rather emotionally attached to them at heart as all great boy and and his dog films should homeward bound is the epitome of all family friendly animal romps to me and boasts some beautiful cinematography an inspiring soundtrack from the genius of bruce broughton and an impressive cast michael j fox chance sally field sassy don ameche shadow frank welker voice god various it is a modernised version of the children s classic work of fiction the incredible journey which was made into a semi documentary film by disney long long ago in the sequel lost in san fransisco isn t nearly as good a film but extends the adventure of my favourite furry footed friends and is a fun urban twist on the grand outdoor adventure theme want to entertain your children with a witty pretty heart warming mini epic without the idiotic and often utterly ridiculous comedy of modern children s cinema parents buy all three films for your children now thank you disney for bringing a tear to my eyes with each time i watch this early s classic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20466": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "five years after the original creepshow another inferior horror sequel is penned by george a romero and stephen king creepshow this time there are only three stories instead of five none of the three stories is really original or distinguished either the first story is a horror staple formulaic story about a wooden indian statue seeking revenge against the killers of its owners the effects are really neat in this story but it s just too familiar to be compelling enough george kennedy and dorothy lamour play the elderly store owners the second story the raft is a stephen king story it s about four teenagers that unwittingly spend the day on a wooden pallet in the middle of an isolated lake soon the kids are screaming for their lives as a watery blob does each of them in for no apparent reason however instead of being suspenseful the kids are saddled with bad dialog and dopey headed behavior preventing us from really caring about what happens next there is also some unintentional humor in this segment the third and final story is the hitch hiker which is actually a retread re adapted for creepshow the original story by lucille fletcher was filmed in as a film noir suspense film then it was adapted for a famous twilight zone episode featuring inger stevens the hitch hiker works the best out of these three offerings but it s not without its problems either lois chiles plays a cheating spouse who ends up running over a hitch hiker or so she thinks however we don t know whether to sympathize with her or condemn her as in many average stories of this type the characters exist merely to tell the stories with their twists and turns the wrap around story with the bullies seems a bit out of place tom savini appears as the creep in this installment the good thing is there haven t been any more sequels of stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20467": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "homeward bound the incredible journey is one of those wonderful old movies about house pets deserves a place among the great movies of its genre and even the cinema world in general together with other animal movies like old yeller napoleon fluke and air bud this means it is more than just a movie about pets can this possibly be just a remake it is too good to be a remake i know this one by heart since my early teen years when i was it s a family movie to treasure it s emotional thrilling adventurous exciting entertaining humorous charming sweet nostalgic beautiful heartwarming and sometimes dramatic it s one of those movies to put a smile on the faces of those who appreciate this kind of films this movie does not lack qualities it has a well thought story enjoyable characters excellent and relaxing instrumental soundtrack dazzling sceneries landscapes of the magnificent sierra mountains in oregon speaking of the vistas it s not all mountains forests trees rivers waterfalls sunsets in conclusion all of pure nature s wonders truly a full panorama the main human characters are nice well developed and well portrayed by respective actors robert hays is awesome as the kind hearted dad bob seaver kim greist is good as laura burnford veronica lauren is equally good as hope kevin chevalia is conventional as the youngest and cute brother jamie his appearance actually reminds me very much of kevin corcoran in old yeller benj thall is great as peter burnford when it comes to our quadruped pals shadow is my favorite shadow is the loyal wise mature beautiful caring and loving old golden retriever brilliantly voiced by don ameche chance the american bulldog is the opposite of shadow he is carefree silly impatient anxious clumsy hilarious and loves to play voiced by the talented michael j fox chance just can t stand still sassy is the epitome of cats s image elegant independent very confident and self proud with a typical cat attitude but with a certain feline charm sassy is a seal point himalayan cat one of the most beautiful cat breeds sassy is voiced by sally field who also does a good job our four legged friends are themselves great actors by nature ben as shadow rattler as chance and tiki as sassy it s an underrated movie but a classic by its own right its sequel is clearly inferior this should definitely be on top"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20468": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "sequels have a nasty habit of being disappointing and the best credit i can give this is that it maintains that old tradition these three tales aren t anything as good as any from the original creepshow by far the best of the trio involves a wooden idol which comes to life to take revenge on the thugs who killed its owners the second story is about a lake monster which seems to be nothing more than a lot of floating slop makes you wonder how anybody could possibly be scared of it the third story includes a cameo from stephen king as a truck driver but other than that is a pretty unmemorable tale concerning the victim of a road traffic accident who comes back from the dead for the person who knocked him down watch the original creepshow instead or if you already have done then be happy with that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20469": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "very few so called remakes can be as good as the originals this one crosses that border with flying colors just a remake i don t think so i saw it theatrically at the age of nine and was completely entranced and enraptured by the film the film certainly invites comparisons to its counterpart the earlier film is also a enjoyable and entertaining movie but admittedly it tends to feel more like a nature documentary than a film this update is more epic and cinematic still i thoroughly recommend both films this film is certainly a must see for an animal lover we have the wise old golden retriever shadow the sharp sarcastic himalayan cat sassy and the young fun loving american bulldog chance the animals are brilliantly voiced by don ameche sally field and michael j fox respectively there is virtually nothing offensive in the film there is a bit of scatological humor but nothing extreme no hard violence save a few tense scenes involving a pounding waterfall an angry porcupine and a dark railroad shaft hilarious scary moving and above all real it surprised me to see that this film didn t win any awards not one nevertheless i will have to say this is just as good as some of the best picture nominees nowadays"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20470": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am a big fan of old horror movies and since i am middle aged old to me is a movie made before with most being made in the s to s period i am not a big fan of more modern horror movies with one exception being creepshow which i thought was great i could reminisce about the stories there but i really really enjoyed the monster in the box story with hal holbrook and also the one about the really clean guy was a great ending all the stories were great though so why did i like them so much the characters had some decent development the lines were very plain about who was good and who was bad the horror bits were heightened with a close up of a face aghast with fear and the funny bits were really funny this sequel is either greatly lacking of these elements or they are totally absent i am writing this only having watched it partially because the movie was a complete waste of time and i turned it off to do other things like write movie reviews on imdb com lol when george kennedy and an old dorothy lamoure get top billing it s telling you something of also romero s expertise is hard to find here they must had told him to tone it down to a pg standard i don t know what this was rated at but it looks pg to me and that s not a good thing for a movie with nothing else going on it s shown on the encore cable channel if your dieing yuck yuck to see it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20471": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ve seen this about or times and haven t regretted it homeward bound is not just a typical animal movie its unique fun and bursting with adventure the things that make it a fun movie are the animals obvious who are wonderfully trained a very good effort"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20472": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "creepshow is little more than a pale imitation of the original designed with little purpose other than to cash in on the name of the previous film it even amplifies the flaws of its predecessor which was often predictable and heavy handed still the first time around there were enough thrills to make up for it s periodic lulls resulting in an uneven but overall fairly entertaining effort the sequel has few worthwhile moments so the transparency of the stories are even more apparent once in a while it delivers but most of the time it just lingers there as in the original all the stories revolve around the common theme of revenge and just desserts a wooden indian comes to life wreaking vengeance upon the killers of its owner teenagers are devoured by an aquatic monster a hitchhiker returns from the dead to pursue a careless motorist none of these premises are inherently bad in themselves but they are utterly lacking in inspiration there are few surprises and no scares this a textbook example of unmotivated by the numbers filmmaking it doesn t help that this cheap looking movie suffers from a flat directorial style although to be honest there wasn t much to work with in the end the second story comes off best but not by much for the most part the performances are okay at best george kennedy as the ill fated general store owner does an adequate if not particularly inspired job dorothy lamour on the other hand is quite good as the guilt ridden motorist evoking sympathy for her plight despite the predictable redundant material however most of the characters are pretty thin overall one would think that creepshow would have turned out better george romero who directed the original returned to pen the screenplay based on more of stephen king s stories makeup effects artist tom savini turns in some good gory work so why is the film a letdown i guess romero didn t really want to make a second film but was forced to do so for financial reasons it was a decade of horror sequels clones rip offs and whatnot so this one was certainly inevitable i can imagine the guy writing the script in a hurry picking up his paycheck and running off i guess he had to do what was necessary to get his own projects financed we can t blame him rating out of released by new world pictures"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20473": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it surprises me how much i love this movie despite the fact that i don t really like dogs fox field and ameche do a wonderful job with the voices of chance sassy and shadow and the acting by the animals themselves is just amazing i have seen this movie times already i know that sounds scary but it s true and every time the ending scenes still get me i highly recommend it to people of all ages and especially to animal lovers it is indeed my all time favorite movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20474": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "creepshow had a lot of potential they just didn t put enough time in perfecting it the stories were pretty cool and creepy enough but it was lacking it s a good movie but after you ve seen it once you might want to see it again this movie could of been better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20475": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie was awesome it made me laugh it make a bawl and most of all it has talking animals in it this movie should be seen by all kinds of people it is one of my favorite movies and i just love it so much that i just had to comment on it it rox it is so heart felt and a wonderful storyline that makes up a great and heartfelt movie my favorite character is shadow this is because i think that he is the most interesting and charming i used to have a golden retriever just like shadow i miss him so much he was my best friend and i knew that when he died he would be in a happier place but i miss him with all of my heart this movie is the best i love it and everyone should love your pets no matter what they do cherish them forever"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, 1]}, "20476": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "creepshow is the ill fated sequel to the george romero s overrated original creepshow any sequel following a romero film that s not directed by romero himself has got some large shoes to fill mostly because of the romero fans out there who think he s god i didn t care much for the first film and funny enough i didn t care much for the sequel the film series had so much potential but it was short lived because both films were less than stellar the biggest problem with creepshow was that it only had three stories excluding the in between story and because the first story sucked beyond belief it only left the chance for almost half of the movie to be really good i saw cs at the movies and the first segment was a real groaner anything dramatic with george i can t act kennedy is automatically doomed and the indian statue story was too hokey and simply didn t belong in this sequel so after a really trite and dull start there were only two other stories left to reverse the fiasco of the aborted beginning and unfortunately the two other stories weren t great enough for me to forget the first story the raft and the hitchhiker are moderately successful moderately because though the two other segments have their moments they still sorta fall flat the two last stories are basically stretched out for too long it s not that i wanted the stories to happen at a dizzying pace and end fast but both good ideas found within those stories were sorta nullified by the fact that they were slow and padded and eventually fell flat when the segments needed to be more energized more erratic and with punchier endings also if the two last stories hadn t been stretched out to pad the movie or had all three segments been more brief with better editing and direction they could have added a much needed fourth story to the bunch having only three padded segments made for a boring feast the acting and writing in both the raft and the hitchhiker segments are from awful to good i like lois chiles in the last segment it s probably her best moment on screen aside from her role as bond girl holly goodhead in moonraker and in death on the nile but even her role is difficult to understand at times because of the serviceable direction and the unfocused story are we supposed to hate her or sympathize with her are we supposed to sympathize with the annoying hitchhiker if the hitchhiker s body was found by other people on the road what was he when he attacked chiles was he a ghost or a zombie or what how did the body eventually left the presence of the other people who found him dead in order to attack chiles the whole thing is not very clear even for a supernatural story and the ending is rather dull and uneventful as for the infamous the raft story well the acting is mostly on the awful side and none of the characters are sympathetic or interesting the characters would have been more interesting had the actors played themselves none of the actors are convincing in their specific roles paul satterfield looks smarter than the dumb jock he s playing and the actress who plays his girlfriend is not very convincing as the typical bitchy slut she seems too timid the same could be said with the two others who play the plain teens the idea of the killer oil slick is interesting and creepy but not well executed there should have been a fifth character to the story maybe a homeless man or a ranger who lurks around the lake and knows about the oil slick and could have been the watery monster s alter ego of sorts as creepy as the oil slick is it doesn t make for a compelling character and the way the story ends everything seems pointless no punch to it whatsoever except for the few titillating aspects which always seems to make boring things worthwhile seeing creepshow at a theater was basically a waste of money and time cs is more rental material than something you pay to see on the big screen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20477": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as a kid i thought this movie was great it had animals it had beautiful music and it had my favorite actor michael j fox now i still love this movie for different reasons it has well trained animals that are put through various stunts and scenes that look excellent on camera it has beautiful well written musical that fits the scenes perfectly with rousing fast paced melodies and the heart wrenching main theme that still makes me cry even when people hum it and it has my favorite actor michael j fox based on a book this is the story of three house pets an intelligent overly trusting and considerably paternal lab by the name of shadow a witty and vain but still smart cat with a fear of water named sassy and a street smart ridiculously curious and slightly neurotic bulldog chance the three are taken to a friend s farm when their family goes away dismayed and worried the pets break out and plan a trip across the sierra mountains for the trip of their lives a truly incredible journey so what maybe home is just over that mountain but what if it isn t i suggest homeward bound for people that like the three amazing actors providing the voices for the lead animal characters and for anyone else that yeah everyone go watch it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20478": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i might not be a huge admirer of the original creepshow but its trashy sequel makes that anthology look like perfection and to think i was going into this expecting to like this one more five years after its predecessor george romero gets back on board the ec comic style trail and on this outing pens the screenplay for steve king s three stories though the direction is handed off to michael gornick the film mostly falters in that aspect with uneven brushes by gornick but most of the blame would have to go to romero s dreadfully static and unbearably cringe like script especially in those dialogues streaming through the first and final story moralistic messages that came from mostly a sour bunch of characters simply took over the black humour oh it was painful and the same can be said about the lively rotten music score accompanying the picture loosely linking the three tales old chief woodenhead the raft and the hitchhiker together is a mildly curious and effective wraparound story done in nostalgia s animation form i rather liked this segment and the wisecracking creep character was a glowing light the first story old chief woodenhead sees two elderly proprietors george kennedy dorothy lamour of a general store in a dying native community dead river get robbed and eventually killed by a couple of punks dying to live it up in hollywood in front of the store is a wooden statue of an indian chief that comes to live to avenge their deaths listen to george kennedy waffle and waffle on for minutes about how he s committed to his great community what a nice touchy feely time well just like kennedy s speeches this is one monotonously colourless and overdrawn item that never makes good of a fine premise the overbearing script is plain inane and the performances are suitably so these two factors really added to my headache when the indian comes alive and turns avenger the goons meet a very quick though grisly death in the proper fashion the effects were commendably done but what about that free flowing hair how could hollywood knock that lock of hair back ugh second story the raft follows a group of dope smoking and yahoo teens heading up to a secluded lake after swimming to the raft in the middle of the lake they get trapped on the platform because of an ominous looking creature lurking in the water now this is much better much better what starts of as your basic teens run afoul turns into a mysteriously creepy set up that s full of tight and claustrophobic tension and it doesn t even cop out on the flashes of nudity or spiteful splatter quite morbid it is and that goes for its sense of humour too the surprisingly ironic ending has a beautiful touch to it the performances from the nobodies are acceptable without making a huge mark gornick s direction sticks to the nasty and rather gooey side while the alarming music score on this occasion pressed the right chords the sludge like creature in the lake like many have mentioned looks like an icky black tarpaulin yeah you re reading that right floating on the water finally number three concludes with the hitchhiker a wealthy but sexually lacking woman is on her way back home after being with her male gigolo but she s is running late thinking of some ideas to explain for her lateness if needed she skids off the road and accidentally hit s a hitchhiker instead of checking or getting help she drives off in the hope getting home before her husband soon enough she s being terrorised by the mangled corpse of the dead hitchhiker not awful but i really didn t get into this laughably ludicrous exercise at all compared to the first two this one was so different in tone and tried to tickle the funny bone instead lois chiles was okay in the lead role but that constant assuring and the little conversations she has with herself became pitifully aggravating and downright tired the vivid make up effects are well displayed and dripping with vision when she hit s the hitchhiker that s when it becomes hectic cheesy and over the top in its execution from there onwards we endlessly hear our supposedly dead hitchhiker repeat and repeat and repeat the line thanks for the ride lady this happens every time she decides to run over him have a little courtesy for the dead darling in all the second short story the raft and the unpleasantly well conceived effects is what lifts this extremely inferior sequel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20479": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is definitely one of the greatest disney movies ever made it s a real pleaser to anyone it ll make you laugh it ll make you cry and it ll put you into suspense basically what homeward bound is about is three household pets who are sent to live on a farm while their owners go on vacation they don t know what is going on and desperately wanting to go home they escape from the farm and try to find their way home through the wilderness this is one of the last movies that don ameche starred in he provided the voice of shadow the old wise and friendly golden retriever also starring in this movie was sally field providing the voice of sassy the himalayan cat but seriously what this movie is all about is chance voiced by michael j fox my all time favorite actor chance is basically all you d expect from a dog lovable playful energetic and goofy and every time i crack up when watching this movie it s because of chance it s like the comedy never ends this movie is also very sad at times it sometimes reminds people of the times they ve been alone or when they lose their pets one scene that always puts me in suspense is the scene where the trio is trying to escape from the pound i especially feel shocked at the part where chance gets his collar caught in the fence and almost doesn t make it the movie had other suspenseful moments but none to me seem more suspenseful than that one overall it s a wonderful family movie if you enjoyed this movie you ll probably enjoy the sequel too i give this movie a solid out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20480": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "we ve all been there sitting with some friends watching a bad movie laughing at how terribly it was made and how poor the acting was eventually the credits roll and everyone looks around and says how is it possible such a movie was made who paid money to have this script made into a feature film well jigsaw is not that kind of film instead of asking how this garbage was budgeted you wonder why the makers were shot out of a cannon into the sun yes jigsaw is quite possibly the worst movie ever made or conceived this coming from a guy who has seen campfire stories and fever lake the film starts out in some kind of college class what kind of class i am unsure but it is imagined to be an art class now these dorks have been given a final project by their idiot teacher five of them are given pieces of a mannequin and told to design it in any way they see fit and since there are only five pieces the other students in the class receive and automatic a oddly enough there are only six students in this entire class so the one goth chic gets a free a good for her a week passes and the five students plus teacher plus one hillbilly husband meet in a bar to discuss their and complete their project they put the pieces together head arms legs and inform the others why they chose their specifics designs now these creative geniuses used the week to their full advantage one puts a saw blade in the left hand the other gets a sawed off shotgun the right leg gets a bunch of broken ceramic glued to it and the left some magazine clippings the head is the worst getting a camera in the eye ala hellraiser with some bottle rockets for a stylish mo hawk after they have all spilled their guts about their specifics designs the now drunk teacher says they are to burn the mannequin now aptly named jigsaw now up to this point it has been standard horrible movie fair bad acting dialog and everything else but has still been pretty plausible yet after jigsaw catches fire things take a turn for the worst jigsaw comes alive how you ask i have no idea he just does because the writers couldn t think of a realistic way for two pounds worth of molded plastic to become alive come on guys a bolt of lighting a traveling voodoo priest anything could have worked so once jigsaw comes to life he uses his new abilities of walking very slow and stilted with the use of his molded fingers to wreak havoc first he kills the cool guy with some barb wire this guy who was about to get it on with a hot chic decides drinking ground beer off in the distance is more important than what is in front of him with him gone jigsaw shoots the sexy girl in the face and then gives an old man a heart attack with a slight twist of his head he then saws up a nasty looking southern woman and then her hillbilly husband jigsaw then kills the nerdy guy with some headless deception did i mention jigsaw was taking body parts off his victims to make a human version of himself no well its not important they don t even show his macabre creation they don t even show him steal away a torso from his poor creators maybe he was trying to create the head detective from in living color so after these five have been killed the teacher and the nerdy girl are all who is left the teacher figures out that jigsaw only needs a head to finish his masterpiece since he is still uninterested in that torso thing so being the coward he is the teacher ties up the girl as a sacrifice to jigsaw who comes in only to go for the teacher with his electric buzz saw which isn t even plugged in that is where the freaking movie ends we don t even get to see the teacher get killed or what happens to the girl let alone an explanation why jigsaw came to life or how he cleaned himself off after being burned this movie is so shameful it has too be seen it is only minutes so it is a small part of your day for the memories of a lifetime jigsaw jigsaw jigsaw thank you total recall the judge has ruled watch jigsaw only if your plans of severing off your genitals seems played out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20481": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this film when i was around or years old and didn t really think it was anything particularly special as time went on i watched it a few more times and it started to grow on me as i started to understand the morals of the film which i will come to later for a while i left this film alone and didn t watch it for a while when looking for an old classic film to watch a few weeks ago now being i dug out the vhs of homeward bound after watching this i was left on a natural high that i couldn t really explain the film gives an overwhelming sense of joy that you never really expect the films nature of three completely different animals collaborating together to find their way home really sends a message home that no matter how different you are you can always find common ground something that you all need the way the personalities of the characters is chosen is truly fantastic in that you have an old knowledgeable wise golden retriever looking after or guiding chance the fun loving if slightly clumsy young american bulldog with sassy the clever vulnerable but confident cat the film follows these three friends or companions on a journey that is so realistically impossible it creates magic in that you start to believe that this journey can happen i don t want to sound like a soft tissue grabber when it comes to films i assure you i am quite the opposite but the most uplifting part of this film is without a doubt shadows return when shadow desperately tries to escape and chance and sassy painfully are told by him to leave when both animals return to their beloved owners there is a silence until shadow limps over the horizon to the awe of all there is a fine line between heartwarming and corny rubbish but this film is pure magic even at the age of this film may not be lord of the rings but for disney to produce such a fantastic film using animals and for it to uplift myself in the way it does even at this age it deserves"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20482": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok another film bought by me and joe swatman ok this isn t the worst film i ve reviewed this week but it still sucked royaly we had a lot of fun watching this piece of crap the monster jigsaw is a mish mash of all these dysfunctional students ideas u just know ur in for trouble when someone equips him with a buzzsaw and a sawed of shotgun the film wasn t as gory as we hoped i mean on of the deaths is a heart attack again i think the acting sucks sum of the actors must be porn stars and one get into her undies for what ever reason the absolute worst part is the ending it leaves it open for a bit of a jigsaw but thats never gunna happen lets face it my ratings funny mock how much fun we had mocking it acting generally"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20483": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "homeward bound is a beautiful film y know the part where shadow falls down the ditch thingy i cried considering i was only six i cried it takes a lot to make me cry the dogs and the cat are excellently trained a nice family movie not for completely hardened non fluffy people or animal haters but could for soft as crap a k a people like me a good film overall"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20484": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a somewhat dull made for tv movie which premiered on the tbs cable station antonio and janine run around chasing a killer computer virus and that s about it for trivia buffs this will be noted as debuting the same weekend that the real life melissa virus also made it s debut in e mail inboxes across the world"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20485": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "thomas capano was not anne marie s boss tom carper the governor was that is the reason the feds became involved he called clinton and asked him to get the feds involved in the case i lived outside of philadelphia at the time so the case was front page news every day i also read ann rule s book and saw the city confidential segment on a e tom capano was a megalomanic sp an uber controller and a monster he claimed to love ann marie but all he wanted was someone that he could control when she wouldn t let him do that anymore he killed her the ultimate form of control i think it s a waste of money that he is still alive"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20486": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "whether you want to spend nearly hours of your life watching this depends how you like your horror movies if you like them so god damn awful they re hysterical watch away jigsaw is without a doubt the worst movie i ve seen in my life and i ve seen long time dead and i say this as a fan of the low budget horror gore genre and having seen a good few to compare it to i m not even going to go into the specifics of what makes this movie was bad as it is the only good thing about it is it s so so terrible it s one of the funniest things i ve seen in years if you can find this to rent cheap it s definitely worth watching if you were involved in making it shame on you o imdb need to introduce a ranking especially for this movie it thoroughly deserves it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20487": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is definitely on the list of my top favorites the voices for the animals are wonderful sally field and michael j fox are both brilliant as the sassy feline and the young inexperienced pooch but the real standout is don ameche as the old faithful golden retriever this movie is a great family movie because it can be appreciated and loved by children as well as adults humorous and suspenseful and guaranteed to make every animal lover cry happy tears"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20488": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am not sure who is writing these glowing reviews for this movie but trust me it stkinks i have seen hundreds of horror films and slasher flicks and this one is lame it is only about min long and believe me that is all i could take plot is terrible acting is even worse and there is no development at all even the david cocteau films are better than this run away from jigsaw i expected to hate the acting which can be forgiven in direct to video movies if the plot is good this had no scares very little gore and a truly unattractive cast i watched this with three other friends who i hope are still talking to me they wanted me to fling the disc out the window i can not believe anyone could have given this tripe a good review"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20489": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a great movie for all ages its the story about three animals how have to find their way home there is a bit of a twist at the end and mainly throughout the whole movie you never know what is going to happen next this movie makes you cry and makes you laugh you just don t know what going to happen next the trek home is all beautiful with all the wonderful wildlife scenes they producers also spent a lot of money for this movie and it shows too the animals in this movie were well trained and are great actors actress themselves everything about this movie is great out of the whole way rent or buy it today i can guarantee you will love it the whole family will"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20490": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i love b movies but come on this wasn t even worth a grade the ending was dumb b c there was no real ending not to mention that it comes to life on its own i mean no lighting storm or crazy demonic powers slow as hell and then they just start killing off the characters one by one in like a min time period and i won t even start on the part of the thing killing the one guy without its head and then you don t even get to see what jigsaw even does with his so called new jigsaw puzzle unless you have nothing better to do id watch paint dry before id recommend this god forsaken movie to anyone else oh and to make it even better the other movie totem you can see the guy throwing the one creature in the basement scene from the window that was funny as hell and probably the only good part of watching that waste of film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20491": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watch this movie all the time i ve watched it with family ages to and everyone in between they all loved it it really shows the true scenes a dog has and the love and loyalty you get from a pet just beautiful it s great for thoes who love comedy movies the tear jerker movies or even just pets the music is wonderful the animals spectacular the scenes truly thought out and the characters perfect what i liked about the characters is the true and nicely mixed personalities shadow the oldest a golden retriever he s the wise one filled with the wisdom and mindset of any dog chance the american bulldog puppy is basically a puppy with a witty side the comical character and sassy the hymilayan cat she s the real cat who shows what a real cat will do for their owner the real girly one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20492": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i go to a lot of movies often i bring my year old son i am so glad i did not bring him to this one there are many references to sex and a skinny dipping scene however that is not the primary reason i would not take him to it the trailers lead you to believe it is a light hearted comedy nevertheless virtually all of the funny moments are in the previews i kept waiting for it to get interesting funny or anything but serious however i nearly fell asleep as the plot less story dragged on i understand that dogs can be great company that being said the entire story focused on a poorly behaving dog that the owners were not savvy enough to train if a human caused this much damage and mayhem that person would be banned the worst movie i ve ever seen with jenifer aniston or owen wilson a waste of their talent the best way to sum up this movie is couple gets unruly dog couple falls in love with dog dog dies couple sad the end"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20493": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "maybe i m a sap but this is the sweetest movies ever i saw it for the first time when i was around or and i cried my eyes out between then and now embarrassed at age i have seen it over times and have sobbed each and every one of them don t worry they re tears of happiness and it s not all sap there s a lot of humor and comedy in it too usually the whole talking animal thing can be a huge drag but in this movie it s not the case my only word of advice even if you love this don t see the sequal cornyness i suggest everyone checks this out you won t be sorry no matter how old or young you are"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20494": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s interesting at first a naive park ranger colin firth marries a pretty mysterious woman lisa zane he s only known for a short time they seem to be happy then she disappears without warning he searches for her and after a few dead ends stumbles upon some of her abused childhood and sleazy recent past which may include criminal activity and then it seems the filmmakers didn t know what to do with the story the beginning while not as suspenseful as it sounds is at least watchable then it ceases to be interesting or even make much sense and the ending is so lame so dull and so devoid of any excitement or intelligence you ll think the screenwriters didn t know what to do with it and got bored trying what a sorry waste of a good idea"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20495": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i found this film to be the usual french slap in america s face the camera all too often focuses on fat people on sloppy homes and on tacky rural areas while the narration seems to sympathize with and admire the small town folks who are introduced to the viewer the cinematography exploits and demeans them there were undoubtedly thin people to be seen in glencoe and neat organized homes but malle chose to show us the worst of what was there to be seen i can only hope that some american filmmakers will go to france to reveal to the american public its worst elements i can assure you as a frequent visitor to france that all is not well there foreign immigrants are not readily assimilated thus creating severe social inequities but americans are not eager to unmask the french for their prejudice toward their own compatriots and their envy toward the u s so we re not likely to see films on the subject"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20496": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as i sat in front of the tv watching this movie i thought oh what alfred hitchcock or even brian depalma could have done with this chances are you will too it does start out intrigueing a british park ranger living in los angeles collin firth marries a pretty demure brunette woman lisa zane whom he met in a park only a short time ago then one day she dissappears the police are unable to find any documentation that she ever existed and firth conducts his own search so far so good just as he s about to give up he turns to his womanizing best friend billy zane and they stumble onto her former life in l a s sordid underground of drugs nightclubs and ametuer filmmaking and then to her history of mental instability at that point firth s life is in danger and the film falls apart none of the characters from lisa zane s past are remotely interesting the film moves slowly and there s very little action there is a subplot regarding missing drug money but it s just a throwaway no chases no cliffhanging sequences and no suspense just some dull beatings and a lot of chat by boring characters one thing worth noting lisa zane and billy zane are brother and sister but they never appear in a scene together by the end of the movie you re torn between wondering what might have been and trying to stay awake"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20497": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just love malle s documentaries they are so effortless and simple but still so fascinating i have no idea why this documentary works it is about glencoe minnesota people live there and nothing happens really but still malle manages to make it fascinating and interesting his love for humanity even racist or homophobic people is so overwhelming that you just can t help but also to fall in love with them too malle filmed most of it in he came back years later to see what had changed this would have been a good film without the material years later but this small addition makes it great it may sound like malle was just doing what has been done in the up series but in fact it is not the up series are about people malle s emphasis is not so much on what happened to each person but what has happened to this community and the change is great is the reagan era and the farmers are suffering once a proud community now no one sees much future at all and parents hope their children will educate them self and do something else than farming this documentary is quite relevant today our financial crises today started because of what was happening then just take a look to these final words in the film spoken by an older lawyer from the town in well i have high hopes for this country because the things that are going on right now can only be characterized in my mind as an obsession with greed and a nation doesn t live long with that obsession and particularly a democracy that there s good there s good a lot of good in this country and a lot of good people and they aren t gonna they aren t gonna subscribe to this philosophy of greed that s going on now it s horrible unfortunately it took more than years and a hell of a headache before that happened"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20498": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "you believe in god or you don t you believe in jesus or you don t you believe he is the son of god or you don t the choice is up to you director denys arcand has really done everything he could to bring back jesus to a mere historic figure social worker son of two humans instead of the son of god the holy spirit and mary who opened heaven again for us encouraging the big bang a world come from evolution instead of seeing the beauty of creation the film depicts a theologian bringing some modern findings to the actor who plays jesus in the passion play who happily incorporates them in his play the depicted priest who runs the sanctuary where the passion play is performed in montreal has a sexual relation with one of the female players of the passion play instead of showing his love for god through celibacy more often than not the director s abhorrence of the church is clearly visible the director has tried to make a parallel between jesus life and the passion play actor s life this is an admirable attempt but depicting the resurrection with the transplantation of the passion play actor s organs in other bodies signifies how the director thinks about jesus my opinion is not important god s opinion is but i wouldn t want to stand in the shoes of the director and actors when standing before jesus throne"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20499": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "revenge is the theme of this denzel washington thriller that offers its share of action mayhem murder and grisly bloodletting the essentials are a bodyguard s search and destroy mission as his charge young dakota fanning is kidnapped from school which is exactly what washington was hired to prevent the mexico city locations are as chaotic as the storyline moves towards its predictable violent conclusion with plot twists along the way washington a former cia operative with a drinking problem gets a good reference from a former fellow agent which sets in motion the plot s outline washington and fanning have a great chemistry between them and after a troublesome beginning the bodyguard and his charge become the best of friends christopher walken rachel ticotin radha mitchell giancarlo giannini and mickey rourke comprise the good cast in support of the two stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20500": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well jesus of montreal is basically an intelligent movie the actors are indeed good and the technical side of the movie is okay but although i was very interested in the topic and like to think and discuss about religion i am an atheist it was hard to force myself to watch the movie to the bitter and in my opinion somehow unconsciously funny end why is this movie so incredibly boring i don t know it just is and so it is not recommendable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20501": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "basically the movie might be one of the most mesmerizing titles made by either of the two scotts ridley and tony let s make it straight the movie deserved its hype as one of the most stylish actioner thriller ever made when it comes to disgruntled tragic heroes denzel washington and tony scotts really make a perfect duo both this movie and deja vu are better thrillers you can expect washington really got very comfortable in the shaky cameras and every executing scenes in the movie one would easily be related to his character s emotions therefore enjoyed all the killings on the road it s a success that they created a super dark mexico city with a lot of shits happening one would be easily convinced by the extent of corruption depicted in man on fire i don t know what would the mexicans think when they watch this well let s face it again it s among the best of the death wish genre but it also suffered from extensive amount of violence it s a bit annoying that they justify the actions of a vigilante by making the movie very realistic and let denzel washington play the missing sheep type of tragic hero in the end they even had the kidnapper shot in his own swimming pool like a documentary i was checking on imdb if the movie was based on real events for that so that s for your consideration if you also finds the movie s theme is a little bit phony at the end i hope one would not take this movie for real for art direction editing cinematographic denzel washington"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20502": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film really disappointed me the acting is atrocious unbelievable and it s about actors the story is incredibly obvious a group of independent actors stage a passion play and in turn they start to live out the lives of the characters they play i ve been watching a lot of movies lately thanks to netflix and this is the first one i haven t watched all the way through in a long time i felt i didn t need to see the end we all know the end of this story for some it seems this modernization of the gospels is either sacrilegious or enlightening i cannot speak to any of this as i wasn t raised in the christian church that being said i was raised in the us and i live in an increasingly christian culture i m curious enough about jesus and about the modernization of the religion for better or worse i haven t seen mel gibson s version but i m guessing that those who liked that one will like this except for the most conservative i just wish this was a better film lots of these reviews praise arcand s direction and especially the cinematography i liked neither the film itself is rather prudish and preachy i didn t believe the characters personae and i was never involved with their on screen lives the play within the play is very much dated and would not i think carry it s own weight in a real time production but that s beside the point what i really needed for this to work would have been stronger development of the characters and the plot to support the philosophical and theological questions the film would like to be about and the musical choices are obvious and unoriginal there were two examples of this that come easily to mind firstly there is a reenactment of the parable of jesus driving the money lenders from the temple the lead actor who has fallen for the woman who will play magdalene and who is also a model and dancer becomes enraged that she must debase herself by auditioning for a commercial with a wicked producer and plenty of panting men in the audience with her pants off he trashes the place and chases them all out i guess this is the level that the film wishes to reach the romance between these two is entirely arbitrary and not at all emotionally realized and the scene is played out like a high school rendering of death of a salesman i e not well please stop hitting me over the head with this high handed significance the other is the relationship between the other female lead and the priest who has asked them to do the play and who eventually turns against them and betrays them to the nowadays corrupt church why why does she sleep with this guy it brings him so much pleasure and me so little pain ah the saintly whore and the lovable old coot it seems to be just enough for arcand to signify but not worth the trouble to enrich and enliven these characters they are going through the motions and i m reaching for the eject button feel free to write me off as bored jaded or just not interested feel free to watch this movie and see the passion in all its beauty sadness and inspiration delivered as an amateurish and gimmicky charade feel free to have all your preconceived ideas affirmed and see any shred of artistic integrity forsaken for monotonous drivel but don t say i didn t warn you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20503": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film contains the one ingredient that all revenge movies should have and that is true emotion sorrow love laughter anger there are so many emotions thrown into this film from start to finish this film is immensely captivating the plot on paper sounds like the usually rubbish that is mostly thrown in the faces of the audiences but don t be mistaken this film is powerful washington as always puts on a great performance the plot in a nutshell man suffers from depression a young girl brings life into him kids gets kidnap man wants revenge doesn t sound like anything special but it far superior than any other similar film out there for instant taken is a similar film but when you compare them both man on fire wins hands down the characters are engaging and everyone puts in a great performance and the directing is great mexico city feels alive it looks like mexico city it smells like mexico city everything is portrayed brilliantly the style of direction was something i enjoyed and brought the best out of mexico city this is one of those films you ll bring out once a year to watch again or a film that you ll beg your family and friends to watch from start to finish you are rooting for the main protagonist making it a roller coaster journey there enough action to keep you happy there enough character development to please you and then there s washington to bring a smile to your face watch this film you won t be disappointed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20504": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film was slow but tedious and the acting often drifted into the land of ham redgrave s character was unappealing as the something woman trying to compete with thurman s something for the love of fox s character why is beyond me the title of the movie should have been shallow people on the lake the actors played like they were in a rehearsal a dreadfully predictable ending to boot i can t believe this is on this website as a comedy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20505": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "tony scott can make good films and bad personally i think he can be a bit flashy and trashy and his work obviously suffers in comparison with that of his rather famous brother but this is quite possibly his best film what makes this film so great is that scott gives denzel on scorching form better than training day and the revelation who is dakota fanning time to develop a relationship of real warmth and tenderness the set up is absolutely not boring although it takes time it is involving and takes us on a little journey into the characters including a superb role for radha mitchell as the mother this all serves to make the action so much more effective as we are so invested in the characters for all their all too obvious weaknesses this film has you on the edge for its entirety and doesn t cop out at the end either the film would of course be nothing without washington i often wonder why he seems to get so many duff roles when he quite clearly is as good as almost any leading man out there i can only really think of one daniel day lewis who has more on screen power these days this film should have been huge given his status and the strength of his performance and the quality of the film it just goes to show you that if a studio doesn t back a film to the hilt it ends up going straight to video i wish i d got the chance to see this on the big screen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20506": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve just lost hours of my life watching this mindless plot i could make a better movie with my cellphone camera how do they manage to get actors to play in those movies porn movies have better scenarios and effects i wish i had those hours back the only good thing about this movie is the cast even though their acting skills in this one could not lift this movie to passable the rest was just way too bad it s the type of movie that i d recommend using to torture prisoners into scaring them straight even worse i saw a translated version of this flick imagine a bad movie with an even worst translation yikes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20507": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "to those who have not followed the anne marie fahey murder case you are missing out one of the saddest yet complicated murder of all the murderer is popular delaware attorney tom capano and the victim is the delaware governor s scheduling secretary anne marie fahey their relationship was a well kept secret until her disappearance and murder she wanted to leave him but he just wouldn t let her go so easily on the other hand he had a mistress and a wife and four daughters where did he find the time to have two mistresses and a domestic family life besides the case is extremely complicated and fascinating for a four hour mini series while the actress who plays ms fahey does a fine job she does not have her dark long hair his other mistress is definitely more attractive than the actual woman mark harmon is better looking and does an emmy award winning performance as tom capano it would be better with actual delaware and philadelphia locations with ann rule s executive producing she adds accuracy to anne marie s characteristic of organization and her personal battle with an eating disorder these bits of information might be overlooked by any other executive producer or director if you have not read the book it is well worth it ann rule is a fascinating storyteller of true crime it is ironic that mark harmon plays tom capano he also played ann rule s former friend and subject ted bundy in an another book adaptation many years ago he was brilliant then and now he does an above average job with an amazing story even president clinton offered his assistance in the anne marie fahey case and now the former governor tom carper is now the united states senator for delaware who defeated longtime popular incumbent senator richard roth in the november election if you don t think the movie is interesting then the read rule s book"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20508": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this service comedy for which peter marshall joanne dru s brother and later perennial host of the hollywood squares and tommy noonan were hyped as the new lewis and martin is just shy of dreadful a few random sight gags are inserted everyone talks fast and nothing works quite right there s one scene in which noonan is throwing grenades at officers and politicians in anger they re about five feet apart noonan is throwing them in between and the total reaction is that everyone flinches in the midst of an awfulness relieved only by the fetching julie newmar there are a few moments of brightness marshall and noonan engage in occasional bouts of double talk and argufying and their timing is nigh unto perfect clearly they were a well honed comedy pair it isn t enough to save this turkey alas"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20509": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "man on fire tells a story of an ex special forces guy with a drinking problem who accepts a job as a personal bodyguard of a little girl in mexico during the wave of kidnappings for ransom at first he s not to friendly but then they befriend with each other he decides to stop drinking etc etc then one day she gets kidnapped and killed and he won t stop at anything to get the revenge that s basically the story of man on fire but expect some big twists at least a few times including the ending which is beautiful and will probably make you cry that s also because of the great music harry gregson williams with lisa gerrard gladiator composed but the strongest part of the movie wait the thing is everything here is perfect first acting denzel washington is at his best mickey rourke and christopher walken good as always great radtha mitchell and amazing young dakota fanning and that s not the end of the list then come the cinematography which is dazzling and along with superb editing should have won an oscar for sure the story is not just a revenge movie the story is intelligent the story makes you think and is pure beautiful really this is one of those movies you need to see in your lifetime at least once"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20510": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the rookie suffers from so much there are the random musical songs interspersed through the movie the long pointless script and enough grating slapstick to make jerry lewis blush noonan and leavitt just don t know when to quit it takes a full hour before the story finally gets to the main plot and the characters are shipwrecked then the guys start playing japanese sailors with the standard racist caricature of the day it is a shame the funniest parts of the movie are when noonan and leavitt are playing the stupid stereotyped japanese guys but it gets pretty tiring after switching back and forth between two sets of characters then it just abruptly ends even a naked julie newmar in a towel can t save this one there is really little charm in the movie and it is over a half hour too long the story just flounders along trying to set up funny situations and failing stick to martin lewis at least deano had charm and jerry had that animated face"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20511": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in mexico city the former cia assassin and presently an alcoholic decadent man john creasy denzel washington is hired by the industrialist samuel ramos marc anthony with the recommendation of his old friend rayburn christopher walken to be the bodyguard of his young daughter pita dakota fanning and his wife lisa radha mitchell pita changes the behavior of the cold creasy making him live and smile again and he feels a great affection for her when the girl is kidnapped and creasy is informed that she was murdered by the criminals he swears to kill each one responsible for the abduction man on fire is almost a masterpiece and will become certainly a classic in the future the story is excellent never corny and although having minutes running time the viewer does not feel time passing the cast is composed by excellent actors and actresses their performances are outstanding highlighting denzel washington dakota fanning and radha mitchell the cinematography has wonderful moments and the screenplay has stunning lines i personally loved when the character of christopher walken explains to manzano giancarlo giannini that creasey s specialty is death and he is preparing his masterpiece i agree with the user that commented that man on fire is one of the best if not the best film of the year in this genre my vote is ten title brazil chamas da vingan a flames of the revenge"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20512": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s hard to tell if noonan and marshall are trying to ape abbott costello martin lewis curley larry or some other comedy team but whoever it was they were trying to imitate they failed miserably there s barely one weak laugh in this whole incredibly stupid picture noonan who helped write the alleged script and marshall have no chemistry whatsoever marshall seems to be trying for a dean martin type of devil may care coolness but he doesn t come even remotely close god knows what noonan thought he was doing but being funny sure wasn t it he seems to think that flapping his arms and legs a lot and staring dumbly at everyone and everything is the height of screen comedy maybe for him it is but not for the audience i remember seeing this in the theaters when it came out it was on the bottom of a double bill with a three year old jeff chandler western pillars of the sky which was pretty good and a three stooges short sappy bullfighters which wasn t and about minutes into this thing all the kids in the audience were throwing stuff at the screen it was so staggeringly unfunny that it didn t even measure up to the worst of the three stooges shorts i stayed around for the end of it not that i wanted to but my folks weren t due to pick me up until after the movie ended and by the time this mess was over i was the only one in the theater i saw it again about or so years ago on cable one night and stuck around to watch it to see if it was as bad as i remembered it was worse the only thing it had going for it was julie newmar who was as smokingly hot as ever other than her this thing has absolutely nothing to recommend it the two of them also play japanese soldiers and the way they do it makes jerry lewis infamous playing of japanese characters as thick lensed buck toothed gibbering mental defectives look benign by comparison marshall went on to host hollywood squares and noonan kept trying his hand at making movies but most of them were almost as bad as this not quite though as i don t think anything could be quite as bad as this a truly pathetic waste of film don t waste your time on it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20513": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i am amazed that movies like this can still be made i watch all kinds of movies all the time with my friends and i can say that this is one of the best i ever seen never thinked that a movie of minutes can make me think about it on and on washington charismatic and intense as ever plays creasy a washed up ex counter terrorist agent who s taken to the bottle once he s assigned to protect young pita dakota fanning in mexico city his emotional and redemptive arc is jump started in the way only an adorable little girl can provide inevitably pita is kidnapped by thugs and creasy decides that most of mexico city must pay the price for daring to take away his character s teddy bear clutching catalyst yes he has become a man on fire you must see this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20514": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in sum overlong and filled with more subplots than swiss cheese has holes the director and co writer says he wanted to mix genres in this case drama and comedy well at least here these two mix like vinegar and oil to boot the comedy is not very funny and juvenile additionally the film is not really realistic liberties are taken regarding the legal system in committing french citizens against their will and the apparent ease of absconding with drugs in french hospitals i watched this film on my big screen tv at home and found myself shouting at the film to move on eventually toward the end i fast forwarded the final long speech one of the main characters makes to his ex lover s son by that time i was worn out by the preposterous confused plot that deals with a dead lover marriage of convenience and a nutty ex lover at times the plot diverts to the families of the two main characters and then reverts back to one of them either ismael or primarily nora to the detriment of the audience viewpoints keep changing from nora and ismael her ex lover confined against his will in a psychiatric hospital there probably are two potentially interesting films here neither of which are well developed the epilogue does not really wrap up many of the sub plots and seems to want the viewer to believe nora somehow will find happiness although given her circumstances in real life the chances are equivalent to a snow ball s chance in hell the actors do their best and are appealing but this is not enough to overcome all the glaring faults of poor writing editing and lack of focus"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20515": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s hard to top this movie in several ways everything works really well here the casting acting script and cinematography are all first rate for the moviegoer it s a moving violent story of love and human redemption for the film critic there s plenty of sharp technique and technical merit there are some tactical blunders and as has been discussed on the boards the ending lacks realism if one is rigorously formal with the cia agent training angle however i took the ending as being more moving due to the fact that rather than pursue the cia agent s pragmatic approach creasy basically commends his soul to the ultimate without considering the consequences like jesus himself creasy becomes superhuman through his sacrifice whether it actually makes pragmatic sense or not in any case i appreciated the fact that creasy dispenses with conventional bourgeois morality and just caps the bad guys one by one in his methodical quest for justice which actually results in redemption both for himself and the innocent in any case this film is very much worth watching if you re at all attracted to the genre an excellent soundtrack great writing flawless casting and solid performances across the board make this a top or better film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20516": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "too many secondary plot lines without a primary one too many hot buttons are pushed without any reason they managed to stuff this boring film that does not say anything with every drama element that is out there death divorce money issues parenting problems suicide psychological problems drug abuse adoption rejected love traveling problems sex generations misunderstandings robbery legal issues guns medical ethics deep real love you would think that it would make for an interesting movie but hell no all these events are secondary to something primary which is not there boring not to mention that the super deep and super long lecture to the child at the end of the film is a total nonsense pity oh forgot to mention the actors all of them are quite good that s what kept me from turning it off to bad their talents went to waste the film is well shot too the light the motion etc of every episode that s all in place it s just the meaning that s missing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20517": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "man on fire is definitely one of the best drama crime thrillers i have ever seen despite having a slow beginning the story is so amazingly complex and sensitive that it sticks together rather well this is denzel washington s perfect role in which he plays a body guard called creasy that is tormented by his past and is an alcoholic but never gives up on his duty to save his latest prot g e pita dakota fanning plays pita the very smart enthusiastic little girl that loves so many things and acts in a very convincing manner she has a great future ahead of her as i said the story is somewhat complicated in order to fully understand it you must watch it a couple of times this film is made in two parts there s the first hour where everyone is happy nothing s wrong everyone s just living their lives happily until the kidnapping of pita occurs and where creasy is almost killed and then there s the second part the rest of the film where suddenly everything becomes complicated and somewhat gruesome and disturbing when creasy s recovered from his severe injury and starts chasing and killing the numerous criminals and la hermamdad that were responsible for the planning and execution of the kidnapping of pita denzel washington shows us his most up to date acting talents alongside many other talented actors which have a great future ahead of them it is a real shame that this film hasn t been acknowledged enough washington really deserved another oscar for his performance and so did fanning and the director and even maybe the visual effects which were of very high quality if you like excellent slightly deranged suspenseful thrillers this is the one to see the most amazing thing is that elements of this film are actually based on a real story and real characters"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20518": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "kings and queen is a bloated french drama that rambles on for an interminable two hours and thirty two minutes to no discernible point or purpose the film features two stories that seem unrelated at first but which eventually connect with one another about halfway through the movie the first centers around nora and her struggles with various men in her life including an elderly father who discovers he has only a few days left to live the other story involves a young man named ismael a violinist who finds himself placed unfairly he believes in a mental institution through the machinations of an unknown third party after traveling along on separate tracks for awhile these two narrative strands eventually come together when we learn that ismael is a former lover of nora s and the man she has chosen to adopt her son from an earlier tragic relationship with a bit more focus and a considerable amount of streamlining kings and queen might have been a potent engrossing drama about modern day relationships it certainly has moments of tremendous insight and emotional power and the performances are for the most part complex and touching but taken as a whole the film meanders and maunders to such an extent that quite frankly it begins to wreak havoc on our patience and to wear out its welcome early on even more distressing is the fact that even though we spend what seems like a mild eternity in the company of these people we really don t know quite what to make of any of them when the show is finally over for instance nora s father on his deathbed writes a withering diatribe against his daughter s character that simply doesn t gibe with the woman we ve been looking at for well over two hours nora is admittedly no mother theresa then again who is but she certainly doesn t deserve the invective thrown at her by her very own father nora could be accused of being confused indecisive a bit self absorbed at times but evil enough to have her father wishing he could give her his cancer and make her die in his place i don t think so perhaps this film is simply operating at a level of depth that i was unable to fathom but my suspicion is that even writer roger bohbot and co writer director arnaud desplechin would have trouble fully explaining their purpose here this is a well acted pretentious bore of a film that takes the viewer on a long rambling voyage through a sea of personal crises a journey that leaves him no wiser or more enlightened at the end than he was at the beginning"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20519": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this comment does contain spoilers there are few actors that have an intangible to them that innate quality which is an amalgamation of charisma panache and swagger it s the quality that can separate good actors from the truly great i think george clooney has it and so does jack nicholson you can look at clooney s subtle touches in scenes like his one word good bye to andy garcia in ocean s when they just utter each other s name disdainfully terry danny you can pick any number of jack s performances dating as far back as five easy pieces in the diner to a few good men and his court room interrogation scene these guys just have it you can add denzel washington to the small and exclusive list of actors who exudes that terrific trait in everything he does if you look at some of his explosive borderline diatribes in the siege to his impressive tribute to malcolm x in spike lee s film of the same name you can see that there is no finer an actor working today i don t mention all of this to insinuate that man on fire is perfect just because of denzel s work but he is definitely the cog of the production i was literally mesmerized with some of his scenes that are raw emotional and incendiary all at the same time washington plays creasy a former spy or cia agent or one of those covert government operatives he has pretty much hit rock bottom as he has become disillusioned with the life that he has led he has killed and perhaps done things that are best left unsaid and this has made him a hardened and bitter man his friend and perhaps mentor played very reservedly by christopher walken is living in mexico making a very comfortable living by providing body guard services for the rich apparently the kidnapping business in mexico is so vibrant that these paid former s e a l s and such can do very well while providing a needed service creasey needs the work and accepts a job with a well to do family who seems to be in some financial difficulty marc anthony is fine as samuel radha mitchell is tantalizingly sexy as his wife lisa and dakota fanning is just unbelievably and precociously brilliant as pita i don t know how a child of her age can have such range to play the characters that she does but her interpretation of pita is nothing short of oscar worthy the film s entire first half is dependent on the relationship between pita and creasy and if there was a weaker actress in the role perhaps that emotional synergy would not have come across so succinctly but fanning is nothing short of remarkable in the role it is the relationship between pita and creasy that drives this film to the apex of cinema together they are perfect and there is a real bond developed between them tony scott directs with a frenetic urgency and his eye for visual flare has never been better i am interested to see how his next film domino turns out i think scott is one of today s under rated directors and with more films like this one his name will surely be elevated to icon status the story has creasy really taking to pita and vis ca versa there is a definite connection between the two of them and perhaps it stems from the fact that although pita loves her dad he is not around much he is a philanthropist and obviously has little time to spend with his family soon creasy is taking pita to her swimming competition he is reading her bedtime stories and she is naming her teddy bear creasy it s not just a friendship between them it is more of a kinship and a deep parental love seems to be present the film changes gears when pita does get kidnapped and held for ransom and creasy is is almost fatally injured trying to protect her this is where the story becomes thick with innuendo and ripe with deceit as the plot pieces get unraveled like an onion and this is where denzel becomes a tour de force like i said earlier i have seen denzel give some outstanding performances in films like crimson tide and training day but never have i seen him like this he is a man possessed and with the possibility of pita being dead he becomes a literal man on fire it rages in him as he hunts down and dishes out his brand of comeuppance denzel s anger and acerbity are ubiquitous and not easily quelled as he hunts down each person responsible for pita s violation this all vigilante justice as the mexican authorities always seem to be one step behind also what is paramount to this film s audacious brilliance is that there are few films that actually give the criminals their due comeuppance i have often been frustrated to watch films where the bad guys get let off easily they inflict all kinds of torment for the entire film and then they take a bullet and die but not in this film writer brian helgeland sees to it that retribution here is unequivocal and it is painful the perpetrators here feel creasy s wrath and they experience the torment that he unleashes there is nothing gimmicky about his brand of justice he needs information and someone loses a finger he wants answers and a homemade bomb is placed in places that are meant for other things there is no punches pulled here and this is one of the true strengths of the film man on fire is one the five best films of now that it is out on dvd my recommendation is to get the se it is loaded with bonus features that include about hours of documentaries and different commentary tracks"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20520": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "rois et reine is a sprawling mess of a movie which will probably irritate as many viewers as it delights it focuses by turns on ex lovers nora emanuelle devos and ismael mathieu amalric as they each confront a major crisis in their now separate lives while nora s story is played straight and is sombre in tone ismael s is played mainly for laughs although it s not particularly funny nora s crisis is triggered by the terminal illness of her father louis maurice garrel and ismael s by his sudden incarceration in a mental hospital at the instigation of a mysterious third party ismael and louis are just two of the males who have shaped nora s life and in turn have been shaped by her the most notable others being her now deceased first lover pierre and their young son elias as events past and present are played out for the audience and the ex lovers become involved in each other s lives once more it gradually emerges that nora s personal take on her life story may be less reliable than first meets the eye cult director arnaud desplechin has fashioned a considerable oddity here one which has garnered major plaudits in france he wilfully eschews established narrative convention and develops the movie via a series of dramatic shifts in mood and tone had this approach been founded on a coherent unifying core idea or theme it might have worked but it s not clear in the end what exactly desplechin s film is actually about heavy handed allusions to greek mythology and freudian theory are evidently freighted with meaning but at least for this unschooled movie goer remain less than helpful in illuminating and interpreting the lives of the characters at other times the treatment lapses into kitsch but the use of the anodyne moon river as the film s theme tune suggests this is probably deliberate spoiler alert i suspect a major theme of the movie is the not very original observation that how we see ourselves can differ radically from how others see us or even how we think others see us this idea is most obviously represented in the film by the violent death of pierre and the revelation contained in louis secret diary but unfortunately both events seem entirely disconnected from what has otherwise been revealed to the audience of pierre and louis respective relationships with nora this seems a cheat on desplechin s part as if he is thrusting the idea upon us in unmediated form rather than illustrating it more subtly in the natural course of the narrative one or two darkly surreal touches imply the presence of an alternative but largely unconscious world of persons stripped frighteningly bare but again these are felt more as pretentious intrusions of film making technique rather than eruptions from a deeper reservoir of truth inherent in the story in fact for all its heavy handed hints at depth the characters are curiously undeveloped and unnuanced as if they function more as ciphers for their creator s many ideas about people rather than as real people in their own right much of the detail of their lives seems arbitrarily applied rather than organic for example ismael as we are constantly reminded is a viola player but more than two hours pass before we actually see or hear him play and the effect of his chosen instrument or profession upon his personality is never elaborated hence he may just as well be a marine biologist or a trapeze artist amalric brings a certain manic charm to the unhinged but ultimately sane ismael but i found devos cloying and monotone which may be intentional however as the elusive nora meanwhile jean paul roussillon as ismael s father elsa wolliaston as his psychoanalyst and magalie woch as the psychically wounded but defiant sinologist he befriends in hospital make the biggest impact amongst the supporting actors catherine deneuve s in it too though her role is little more than a self referential cameo ultimately rois et reine is very much an acquired taste should it fail to push your buttons it s very likely that desplechin s undisciplined and florid approach will frustrate and exasperate even as you somehow keep watching"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20521": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is an excellent heartbreaking movie it is by far the best i ve seen that depicts the current reality in latin america kidnappings corruption ruthless and greedy police officials and heartless mayhem towards innocent victims denzel washinton gives the most moving performance in his career in my opinion dakota fanning is an amazing young actress the relationship between washington and fanning is wonderfully written and portrayed i believed every minute the cast is brilliant christopher walken mickey rourke are great as always walken lights up the screen for me like no other actor i would have loved to see more of both of them the authentic locations are remarkable the camera work is interesting and different there are many famous latin actors in the cast making it all the more interesting for people familiar with latin american cinema i highly recommend this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20522": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m sure this was one of those woah attractions in when epcot opened but now it s just silly the film s message is clich the circle vision is disorienting and that awful song at the end is grating and i really wish they d install seats after so much walking all you want to do is sit down for a few minutes and when you hear there s a film to see it sounds pretty glamorous you get entertained while sitting down right wrong you re standing there for minutes leaning against a short little railing disney should make a newer maelstrom like attraction to liven things up and replace this dull lackluster film not fun skip it in fact skip canada altogether unless you re eating there move directly to the united kingdom"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20523": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "man on fire was hot i love a classic tale of good ol revenge and what better cause for revenge than the kidnapping of an innocent little girl the writers did an excellent job in this movie of building the relationship between creasy denzel washington and pita dakota fanning so that the viewer would understand and actually feel the drive creasy had to rescue pita it was also good that creasy wasn t a choir boy type trying to rescue pita through the proper channels but instead used torture tactics and street smarts some may say torture is wrong regardless and you may be right but when you see the pain creasy goes through due to the loss of pita and the sheer passion he has for getting her back you can t help but side with creasy and pull for him to be even more merciless there would be no progress if creasy used diplomacy to deal with the different nefarious gangsters and criminals and he knew that creasy s quest ended with the return of pita to her mother and creasy dying in the vehicle of the bad guys but creasy s death did not diminish the effectiveness of the movie it in fact enhanced it by showing that creasy was willing to die to get pita back his death was noble in fact denzel does an excellent job as do the writers this movie deserves good marks because it definitely was a good movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20524": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "anita and me seems to be little more than an excuse for meera syal the author of the novel and screenplay to air her prejudices grievances and general antipathy towards the english the general sentiment of indian superiority over the english in this film is foul the english people in this film are portrayed as overweight violent foul mouthed promiscuous engaging in child neglect stupid uneducated racist ugly eating poor food and dim witted tellingly only by turning to indian culture can the local priest be redeemed at the end of the film by contrast the indian family are beautiful clever educated can speak many languages are caring and loving parents and grammar school fodder the film is so insidiously prejudicial that i am astonished the bbc funded it at all had it been the other way round an english family in an indian community depicted this way the film would have been seen as racist there were a few moments where my eyebrow shot so far up my forehead i thought it would lodge in my hairline first the gossip scene between the women at the divali celebration undertext the english are dirty and promiscuous and the men undertext english women are prostitutes second the meal with anita where neema s family lie to her about cutlery undertext the english are so stupid you can make them do anything but the underlying contempt towards anything english even english weddings are an object of scorn is evident all the way through the film the character of anita was drawn so appallingly almost the fallen woman trope that i finished the film feeling angry this is not a bend it like beckham where the humour is focused on loving exaggerations of a community s behaviour and customs from somebody within that community and is a film about two girls from different backgrounds coming together instead anita and me seems to convey that a form of cultural apartheid is inevitable as the english are almost an version of the indian untouchable caste and this is underscored by a thinly veiled series of attacks upon the film s other community the english i felt anita and me is a hate filled grievance based piece of work on that basis the bbc should not have funded its production"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20525": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i get teased all the time by family and friends for my tears over movies and they were not disappointed when i watched this one i cried numerous times but believe me it was not over sappiness i ached for the family and i ached for this man as he tried to redeem himself the only way he knew how denzel was fabulous as always and so was chris walkin mickey rourke i did not even recognized though the years have not been kind to him my husband is not one to re watch movies unless they are historically accurate war movies snore he has watched this movie times now and i am going to have to get the dvd to watch it again because he has worn out the tape and it jumped the whole time i was watching"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20526": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i had high expectations following my beautiful laundrette bend it like beckham and less so east is east the histories of british asians fitting into their adopted home has had many good runs on the big screen as well as a number of excellent tv and radio series goodness gracious me etc this one falls flat inspite of a good start it rapidly went down hill ultimately this was a horribly typical bbc effort complete with strong regional accents whacky over acting characters a those were the days soundtrack and lots of issues in an attempt to be worthy i found myself cringing at many points during this film the writing is predictable every possible cliche was dragged out and aired in fact i have trouble thinking of any cross cultural cross generational devices that could have been used that weren t the characters were thin and cliched the eccentric non conformist minister the well meaning but ultimately racist old woman the over weight overbearing aunt the pushy indian parents the working class neighbour the wise profound grandmother the motorbike riding thug the script was weak with every chance to shock the audience with overt racist dialogue from the two dimentional racist white characters taken and why it had to be set in the s apart from needing an excuse for a s soundtrack is a mystery possibly it make unbelievable characters slightly more believable to people born after i don t know even these things aside good acting could have carried this into respectable obscurity instead the usual bbc comedy suspects were wheeled out to ham it up bend it like beckham had far better comic acting and serious acting in fact than this with a virtually unknown cast in summary a lazy cliched script over acted in a dull predictable story give it a miss"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "20527": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when i remember seeing the previews for this movie and not really thinking much about it it was almost one of those movies that when you see the preview its stunning and then when it comes out you hear nothing and totally miss it and your memory totally doesn t correct the mistake of missing it man on fire was one of those movies i was curious on a rental one time and i decided to take it home with me my precious blockbuster rental in my hands i watched it and witnessed such a beautiful movie it is like none other drama and action combined to create something amazingly spectacular the cinematography done by tony scott is extremely well done and unique unlike another movie the subtitles can explain something without even listening to the actual voices and the music is very intriguing for the setting i got into this movie and ended up buying it as soon as i could scurry out of the household and head over to best buy i ve watched it several times now denzel washington creasy does an amazing job with becoming this lost minded ex special forces man with no reason to live dakota fanning pita puts life back into him with her undying love for him right from the start they bond and become good friends until she is kidnapped by notorious gangsters part of the brotherhood la hermandad creasy denzel tells the mother of dakota fanning that he will hunt down the killers fearing that pita is dead this is where creasy really shows the person he can become he uses his contacts from pita s kidnapping and creasy s hospitalization to find one of the men and he begins his pursuit my favorite line of all is in this movie when christopher walken tells the afi agent that a man is a work of art in anything that he does cooking whatever creasy s art is death he s about to paint his masterpiece he plays a very unique roll of creasy s old partner and friend after finally pursuing the brother of the voice leader of la hermandad creasy arranges a meeting to trade pita for himself and the voice s brother in the end creasy dies from being shot earlier and his wound getting infected and massive blood loss it is a very sincere and sad ending but a great one i love this movie and recommend it to anyone that is looking for a memorable flick the story is in depth everything is explained from beginning to end and nothing corny at all in any way or manner"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20528": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok the movie is good but i give it a because the idea of a computer virus becoming an organic virus is pure fairy tale this kind of crap just adds to those uncomputer savvy moron s paranoid delusions that a computer virus is exactly like an organic virus first of all strings of code and dozens of s and s add up to computer virus an organic virus is much more complex even though it s way tinier though it s considered one of the simplest forms in the universe organic virus s attach burrow into your cells and attach themselves to the rna then change your own rna code explain to me how something like that could be processed from a monitor maybe the radiation has some effect on the user s cornea that turns your eyeballs into these viruses i could see that but obviously the writer didn t think of that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20529": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this excellent drama had me in suspense the whole time i could not take my eyes off the screen for one second because every word kept connecting the pieces to this puzzling murder this movie really touched me because it showed how sad and hard life can be i really did cry in the end which i don t want to give away it also let me realize how cruel and sickening people can be when it comes to murder the cast was also very good the only bad cast member was the actress who played anne marie the actress did a great job but the director didn t i say this because he found someone who didn t look a single bit like anne marie fahey herself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20530": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "anita and me is a drama about growing up in multi ethnic britain rather like bend it like beckham or more closely east is east with which it shares a s setting the tone is resolutely chirpy in spite of the dour black country accents but the film lacks east is east s vigour and the result seems rather thin and trite moreover the portrayal of the film s central relationship between an asian girl and her white friend is insufficiently deep to justify the way that the movie is structured around it i have also grown tired of films where the hero years to be a writer this is naturally often something that real writers have experienced but hardly a fresh element in a fictional story east is east was fun and sharp anita and me seems obvious and dull in comparison"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20531": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kidnappings in mexico are as common as honeys giving me their phone numbers so if you re rich then you ll need a good bodyguard to keep you and your kids safe a couple hires a washed up bodyguard called creasy to protect their adorable kid pita at first their relationship is a tad buggy but after a while creasy eases up to the girl and the two develop a father daughter relationship one day pita is kidnapped and creasy is badly injured in the process when he wakes up he finds out that the girl has been killed due to a ransom negotiations that went wrong and this sets creasy on a path find the men responsible for her death and make sure they are brought to his brand of justice keep some tylenol next to you while watching this movie because you will need to take some after watching it i really love the story here of going to the extreme to obtain revenge because most movies usually just want revenge but really never go too far where as this movie they show how far a man can go to do what he feels is right the only problem is the annoying visual style which will either make you hate the movie or hate tony scott i really feel sorry for the cinematographer because i m sure he came into this movie thinking he was going to be filming an action movie and probably got all excited but instead he got stuck being the dp for a filmmaker that feels that the whole movie should look like it s been possessed by demons i wouldn t have mind if the crappy visuals were restricted to a few action scenes but when it s spread through out the whole movie then that s when we have some problems the same annoying style was recently used on domino and much like with this movie the style did hurt that otherwise great movie another person i feel sorry on this movie was the soon to be great harry gregson williams who had the impossible task of trying to compose music out of the jagged images somehow williams wrote some decent music for the movie but i m sure if the movie had been more stable then the music would have turned out a lot better the sound is wrongfully used throughout the movie and instead of enhancing the movie experience it rather makes you feel like you re being punished the overuse of the subwoofer is irritating as every seconds or so you can hear an ungodly low end sound coming out of it i don t know why scott thought the audience needed to be bombarded by the subwoofer but it really takes you away from the movie the acting in the movie is a beast despite the visuals little fanning does yet another great job here and the scene at the end of the movie just breaks my heart if the end of the movie doesn t make anyone cry then they re dead on the inside denzel washington breaks his rule of not making any action movies with this movie and luckily for him he gets to play a great character the whole idea of a man that s lost in life and all of a sudden due to a tragedy finds a purpose in his life is nothing new but washington brings some heart and emotion to the otherwise flat character i love how we witness him from being a loner to actually learning to have emotion and after the kidnapping becoming a cold instrument of revenge radha mitchell plays marc anthony s wife and she along with fanning are the two reasons why i can t hate the movie too much j lo s husband comes and goes in the movie but he doesn t really stand out much mickey rourke and chris walken all have minimal roles in the movie but they do make an impact one thing that makes me laugh is how the filmmakers try to makeup for the crappy way they portray mexico by calling it a fine city at the end of the movie a little too late for that if you ask me let s hope that tony scott is done with this phase of intentionally trying to ruin his career because a filmmaker as talented as him can and must do better than this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20532": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "paint by numbers story and mediocre acting saved by some authentic color and a few moments that are really wonderful and deeply felt it does effectively capture the delicate transition of a girl into adulthood and deals very sensitively and inventively with the cultural conflict the main family experiences unfortunately this germ of a good movie is imprisoned in an aimless and extremely convoluted plot that manages to incorporate religious strife a conflict over a road construction project the sex life of secondary and even tertiary characters a mysterious man who lives in the woods a bunch of racist hooligans at least three different carnivals the intricacies of local church politics and on and on and on and all of that doesn t even include the actual central plot which is only about the hopes dreams and frustrations of two girls and their entire families at the turning point of their lives i was actually shocked when i realized the whole thing was supposed to take place over the course of one summer and that so much movie got accomplished in hours ultimately the movie is melodramatic every plot point is predictable major life altering events happen and then are forgotten about minutes later and some of those events are extremely distasteful most shockingly the fact that one of the characters is involved in a horrible crime in a totally predictable twist and then is completely forgiven and the entire incident forgotten about from then on similarly a secondary character is introduced solely to die a couple minutes later and provide another twist it s all totally mechanical right up to the ending that neatly ties up all the loose ends well not all of them just the ones the movie thinks you care about"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20533": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "you know you re in for something different when a movie has christopher walken playing the part of a professional hit man and he isn t even one of the bad guys although it could do with some judicious trimming here and there man on fire is a generally effective crime drama that ranges in tone from the openly sentimental to the downright brutal and just about every tone imaginable in between denzel washington stars as creasy a former cia assassin who has recently quit the business and is seeking some sort of redemption for the sins he s committed so far he s been looking for answers in a bottle and the bible and not doing all that well with either as the movie opens mexico city has been ravaged by a series of kidnappings aimed at the powerful and well to do possibly perpetrated by the very police force assigned to keep law and order in the community creasy accepts the position as bodyguard to the daughter of a wealthy business owner who rightly fears for her safety the first third of the film is devoted to the growing friendship between creasy and his charge pita a sweet little girl who slowly but surely works her way into creasy s initially hardened heart and affections the last two thirds of the film turns into an avenging angel melodrama as creasy systematically seeks out and eliminates all those responsible for a tragedy that occurs early on in the story based on the novel by a j quinnell man on fire astutely written by brian helgeland and flashily directed by tony scott is a coolly efficient action picture that never shies away from the raw brutality of its subject matter it takes a risk in asking us to identify with a man who is for all intents and purposes achieving his redemption by torturing and murdering admittedly disreputable people these scenes of carnage and violence are both intense and suspenseful even if they do at times border on the exploitative even better are the quiet intimate moments between creasy and pita in the early parts of the movie washington and the wonderful dakota fanning establish an natural easygoing rapport that helps to set the stage for the chaos and turmoil to follow washington carries the movie with his quality of stoic righteousness making us understand his character on an emotional level even if what he is doing eludes us intellectually in addition to the two leads there are solid performances from walken marc anthony radha mitchell mickey rourke rachel ticotin and giancarlo giannini but it is washington and the delightful ms fanning who steal the show man on fire would have been better with about a half hour taken out its running time but this is still a better than average crime thriller"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20534": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i remember seeing this movie a long time ago on television i remember the premise of the movie being about a bunch of hotel occupants being attacked by man eating ants what i didn t remember was how awful it was i recently caught this movie on television late at night i m sure it must have been a mistake because movies like this usually disappear from existance and are never to be found again suzanne somers at the pinnacle of her career playing chrissy on three s company plays a vacationer at lakewood manor constructions workers are installing a swimming pool outside and accidentally disturb an ants nest or should i say a man eating ants nest one of the workers actually gets attacked by the ants one minute he s picking them off his clothes one by one the next minute he s covered in them the next scene shows a skeleton in the dirt if you thought that was pretty far fetched you should see myrna loy playing a wheel chair bound resident who gets airlifted out of the manor via helicopter i could almost picture her thinking in relief that she was getting airlifted out of the movie the final scenes depict suzanne robert foxworth and a third guy sitting on the floor of a hotel room with their backs to each other blowing through straws and covered in ants that s basically the movie there s really no disaster appeal or big star draw to the film it was intended to be a grand scale television event at the time now it s lucky if it gets dumped in a am timeslot on your local television station if you want to catch suzanne somers at her best then watch an episode of three s company if you want to see myrna loy doing anything to put bread on the table and pay the bills then watch this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20535": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "although released among a flock of revenge minded action flicks kill bill vol the punisher walking tall man on fire works as well as it does thanks in large part to the always watchable denzel washington one of the best actors around today in man on fire based on a j quinnell s novel first filmed in with scott glenn washington plays a down on his luck ex mercenary who has now stooped to drinking from a flash of jack daniels until his old partner christopher walken offers him a chance at redemption he is hired on as a bodyguard to the year old daughter dakota fanning of a mexican businessman marc antony and his american born wife radha mitchell while he and fanning work like oil and water first not mixing very well he really gets to form a bond with her encouraging her to do better at swimming while he at the same time attempts to deal with the demons of the past it is that very bond that will force washington back into his old line of work when fanning is kidnapped and held for a million ransom and he is nearly killed with almost any other stock action hero schwarzenneger segal etc the subsequent bloodbath would be the same repetitive schlock we ve seen a million times before but washington s character though he s killing for a reason does not particularly enjoy doing what he does still he gets help from a very intrepid mexican newspaper reporter rachel ticotin out to expose la hermanidad the brotherhood the kidnap gang responsible for fanning s abduction man on fire is flawed to some extent because of the hyper camera work nearly headache inducing montage editing and various film stocks that are par for the course of its director tony scott top gun crimson tide but which are not necessarily unique to him witness oliver stone s use of montage in jfk or sam peckinpah s in his classic s and s films still scott gets a very good performance from washington as well as fanning who comes across as far more than a typical movie brat kid harry gregson williams south of the border spanish guitar score is enhanced by soundtrack splashes of chopin debussy and even linda ronstadt s classic country rock version of blue bayou although the film overall is quite violent it is no worse than most action films of the last ten years and overall it is much better than most"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20536": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is another one of those humans vs insects eco horror features a theme that was popular in the late s only you can t really call it horror there s zero suspense and no gruesome events in other words this movie is pretty lame it s not that it s really bad or something it s just very boring a construction site near a hotel uncovers a big nest of ants later on we learn that probably due to different sorts of pesticides used in the past their bite became poisonous some people get bitten and rushed to the hospital and it takes ages for the residents of the hospital to figure out what s going on robert foxworth figures it out first and then you can see him go berserk with a digging machine for what seems like several hours then they flee in the house waiting to get rescued and man you should see all the efforts they make for rescuing them i won t spoil too much but at one point they even use a big helicopter all the time when i was watching this i sat there thinking come on people you all got shoes on just run out of the building i m sure a bunch of ants won t catch up with you it s all pretty ridiculous of course lots of close ups of crawling ants are shown throughout the whole movie ants in the garden ants in the garbage ants in the kitchen ants on the roof ants in the bedroom ants in the sink and the best part ants crawling on people s faces while the actors are breathing through straws but when you see groups of ants in wider shots they indeed look like black rice the set designers glued to the wall one small surprise came near the end no it has nothing to do with a twist in the plot it was just that brian dennehy made an appearance as a chief fireman ehrr what more can i say this movie is called it happened at lakewood manor but the box art of my copy read ants and the title during the opening credits was panic at lakewood manor there you have it now since this is a made for tv movie from the s i ll be once again extremely mild in my final rating now the savage bees another humans vs insects tv movie from was much better than this one i even feel i have to go back and add a few points to its rating after having seen ants lacking suspense action thrills shocks and creepiness the only thing you ll be left with after seeing ants is an annoying itch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20537": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there are many reasons to watch this movie to see the reality that whips latin america with regard to the kidnappings thing the police corruption at continental level among so many realities that we live the latins the performance of denzel wahington was brilliant this guy continues being an excellent actor and that it continues this way dakota fanning just by years an excellent actress has become and i congratulate her the rest of the movie was of marvel i have it in my collection i hope that they are happened to those producing of hollywood to make a movie completely in venezuela where they show our reality better with regard to the delinquency the traffic of drugs or the political problems they have been few the movies that they play venezuelan land for example aracnophobia jungle jungle dragonfly they should make more as well as they make in mexico the song una mirada i hope that it leaves in the soundtrack it is excellent my vote is"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20538": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a pretty worthless made for television movie that pretty much follows the killer insect script ants mysteriously turn into killer ants near a hotel i think it is from the hotel food because the sewage from the hotel kitchen drains directly into the ant bed there is a lack of suspense in this film and it is not scary either watching a bunch of ants sting their victims is not very terrifying spoilers section the stupidity of the hero is near incredible he is told that the health inspector that the ants could not be the hero it has to be a mysterious virus after the inspector says this the hero takes his bulldozer and wrecks the huge ant colony this disturbs the millions of ants and traps the people in the hotel end spoilers overall this movie is extremely lame i don t understand why it got a dvd release when so many deserving movies have none my only guess for the dvd release is that suzanne summers is featured in the film this is a movie to avoid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20539": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i liked this film a lot it s dark it s not a bullet dodging car chasing numb your brain action movie a lot of the characters backgrounds and motivations are kinda vague leaving the viewer to come to their own conclusions it s nice to see a movie where the director allows the viewer to make up their own minds in the end motivated by love or vengeance or a desire to repent he does what he feels is right will god ever forgive us for what we ve done it s not a question mortal men can answer so he does what he feels he has to do what he s good at what he s been trained to do denzel washington is a great actor i honestly can t think of one bad movie he s done and he s got a great supporting cast i would thoroughly recommend this movie to anyone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20540": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i remember watching this movie when i was young but could not recall the title to it then going through horror movies i find it and think to myself that is the title this movie is a kind of combination disaster film insect attack film with fewer notable stars in it it is also somewhat boring too as it has that television vibe to it where you can see the movie fade out for commercials and such the plot has this sort of resort being invaded by ants i think they were a bit disturbed by construction or something going on nearby but do not quote me on that the most memorable ant attack for me in the whole flick was the first one involving the kid who falls into the swimming pool after being swarmed and of course summers attack scene too what else stands out in this one is the very goofy ending where the survivors use cardboard tubes to breath through in the end though like most television movies this movie is very tame and not very scary in the least unless you panic at the sight of ants"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20541": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "here s a gritty get the bad guys revenge story starring a relentless and rough denzel washington he s three personalities here a down and out low key now drunk former mercenary then a loving father type person to a little girl and then a brutal maniac on the loose seeking answers and revenge the story is about washington hired to be a bodyguard for a little american girl living in mexico where kidnappings of children occur regularly at least according to the movie he becomes attached to the kid played winningly by the child actress of our day dakota fanning when fanning is kidnapped in front of him washington goes after the men responsible and spares no one beware this film is not for the squeamish this is stylish film making which is good and bad i liked it but a number of people found it too frenetic for their tastes as the camera work is one that could give you a headache i thought it fit the tense storyline and was fascinating to view but it s the shaky camera not for all tastes besides the two stars there is the always interesting christopher walken in an uncharacteristically low key role and a number of other fine actors the film panders to the base emotions in all of us but it works"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20542": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "is there a book titled how to make a movie with every man vs nature clich imaginable if not ants would make excellent source material for the chapter on killer insects ants doesn t have one shred of originality to be found at any point of its minute runtime i suppose the most surprising thing about ants is that they actually stretched the film to minutes the set up the characters the various sub plots the death scenes and the way the ants are presented have been done before any number of times and in most cases much better it s amazing that so many of these insects on a rampage films were made in the s because they re all basically the same movie and can someone please tell me what in god s name myrna loy is doing in this monkey turd of a movie a woman as talented and classy as loy deserved better than ants as one of her final movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20543": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "mean spirited ugly nasty retro action thriller about a bodyguard who is determined to find and destroy the killers of the girl he was supposed to protect this film is almost an anachronism in today s politically correct atmosphere director scott doesn t have any desire to apologize for the inherently immorality behind the film s dramatic structure scott is either not aware or doesn t care for years of social advances i really don t think we will see a more violent film any time soon so you better go and see this one while you can despite its relentless grimness i think the movie is a powerful example of cinema at its most sinister exploitative and effective scott has a tough thing to sell but i think i m a buyer the extraordinary technical aspects of this film are just too effective for me to ignore scott s directorial choices are simply astonishing and he pulls a great performance out of denzel washington sensitive souls need to stay away from this one but i recommended it to those viewers looking for a great action filled movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20544": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "even for a tired movie model as the nature vs man cycle that prevailed so predominantly in the s ants falls miserably short of being even somewhat effective though entertaining for reasons it was not intending it is sooooo preposterous apparently these ants that are bulldozed near an inn have been eating poisonous waste for decades and have now adapted by emitting poisonous bites hundreds of these bites being fatal watching actors of some notoriety clumsily fall amidst tiny black specks is painfully funny in a not so good but very bad way so many scenes just look ludicrous a boy trying to fall in a dumpster whilst being attacked suzanne sommers crying out in horror while lounging in bed robert foxworth and lynda george breathing through pieces of wallpaper bernie casey faking a gam leg and the list goes on and on the peril shown ranges from ants crawling from a drain to black lines of ants all over the walls the cast for the film is not bad on paper but none of these actors seem to believe in the material poor myrna loy has to sit in a wheelchair through this horror i hope she found a good use for the money for it is obvious that was the only reason a woman of her pedigree would be in this nonsense although it is quite a bad film it is watchable once for me and does have many of those seventies bad film qualities start studded actors embarrassing themselves that made for tv feel and the dreaded creatures of nature reeking vengeance on man this time man must push his hand into a pile of ants to be affected really quite dreadful"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20545": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is by far one of the better made movies and didn t leave me disappointed at all the sound track along with finely shot hand held camera work was exquisite the are always chances a movie won t hold ones beliefs as well as another but i felt that rhythm of this picture and the timing was excellent dakota fanning is rapidly becoming a staple in movie that require a child with an old soul personality and she has never disappointed me with her talent as for mr washington and of course christopher walken they both exceed the challenge of showing the darkest sides of humanity trying to move to the light"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20546": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "not only was he invariably annoying to listen to but he had no jokes i swear some fobby asian guy telling yo momma jokes would ve been funnier than leary s crap well maybe funny for a couple minutes but at least i ll be able to laugh at least once leary claimed he stopped taking drugs during one of his jokes apparently he was still high on something he was just some crackhead imprecating rants mostly drug related one of his jokes was something like i wouldn t use crack especially having the same name as between my ass oh man how did he come up with that one i swear the only guy that needs to shut the f k up is denis leary thank god i didn t have to see him live this guy totally sucks if you re easily amused by swearing and jokes where you can come up with yourself then waste your time with this junk"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20547": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i loved this movie i m a mexican and was in the least offended by it in fact i think this movie should be shown at police headquarters all over mexico it s a sad truth that our police system is as rotten as a month old corpse it angers me to read in the news how killers kidnappers and other slime go free by paying a laughable fine or live like kings inside prison cells we should have someone like creasy denzel washington s character a bodyguard turned vengeful vigilante kidnapping is flourishing industry down here at least in the big cities i actually wish real life kidnappers could suffer the same fate as the one s creasy did his fine job upon that would be so marvelous sorry i am that resentful man on fire is a gripping film that you can t miss it might be hard on some of you if you aren t used to reading subtitles mexicans do that all the time while watching american movies but the effort will be well worth it some of the editing is a bit fuzzy kind of like traffic remember another brilliant take on how corrupt mexico is the movie starts out a bit slow but the pace picks up frantically by the second half i swear you ll be cheering as you watch denzel washington dispatch the wrong doers his performance is nothing short of excellent the ending no spoilers ok is a bit sad but i m sure you ll like it anyway man on fire is one of the year s best movies a must own for a dvd collection out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20548": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this by far one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my life i gave up to watch it after an hour and regretted that hour a lot the acting is horrible and there is almost no plot my guess is that someone came up with a strange shape of an animal and started to make a story around of it borrowing some ideas from movies like resident evil and aliens doesn t result in a movie like them if this going to be a top korean movie i d rather won t bother to see even a korean movie trailer by the way this movies is a good reason to believe that not necessarily a high rating means the movie is promising i think every korean who has internet for online gaming rated this movie over the even though has no clue what it is about"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20549": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this has to be one of the best if not the best film i have seen for a very very long time had enough action to satisfy an fan and yet the plot was very good i really enjoyed the film and had me hooked from start to finish added blood and gore in there but brought the realistic nature of what happens to the front of the film and even had a tear jerker ending for many people i should think it is a must watch for anyone seen many reviews slating the film but to be fair most the films that get bad reviews turn out to be some of the best this proves it once again rent this film buy this film just go out and watch this film you will not be disappointed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20550": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in some ways the concept behind the storyline was a rather interesting blend of several typical movie types in an interesting combination however no point in this movie was so obvious that it did not deserve lingering close up shots i felt as though i had been beat over the head with the so called mysterious explanation for the disease killing people the writer appears to have simply lifted clich s from other movies as a substitute for writing lines adapted to actual characters the actors did not help matters no chemistry i guess they were supposed to develop some kind of attraction if only for the reason that such is an essential element of these stories however the writers didn t work very hard to develop the chemistry sure they re both attractive but whether they re attractive to each other seemed to be an open question the confidence turner s character shows in sabato s developed far too quickly and for no particular reason sabato s character is supposed to be a discredited doctor who just can t seem to play by the rules think of the jeff goldblum character in independence day usually that kind of character is supposed to demonstrate some kind of talent or brilliance sabato s character does not he s cassandra with just the crazy and all the prophetic skills of a magic eight ball he appears to be right by random chance the death scenes are comical every actor was really trying more than a little to hard to demonstrate the agony inflicted on them the symptoms looked like bad claymation sort of like that video from the s peter gabriel i think"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20551": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "he is the quintessential narcissist and manipulator in this case portraying attorney and murderer tom capano kathryn morris is sympathetic as victim anne marie fahey but in the beginning is a bit too much the victim we are sorry for the situation but become simultaneously disgusted after seeing his victimization of several other women including rachel ward as well the sad part is where she is actually getting help with her self esteem issues and capano actually had her psychologist killed pretty hard to believe but this was based on a true story there is a cameo with olympia dukakis excellent as capano s mother all in all an interesting story because it is based on a true murder and you will want to read ann rule s book to get the accurate details"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20552": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the original book of this was set in the s but that won t do for the tv series because most people watch for the s style ironically the tube train near the end was a s train painted to look like a s train so the underground can play at that game too hanging the storyline on a plot about the jarrow march was feeble but the s version had students who were beginning to think about the world around them so i suppose making them think about the poverty of the marchers is much the same thing all the stuff about japp having to cater for himself was weak too but they had to put something in to fill the time this would have made a decent half hour show or they could have filmed the book and made it a better long show it is obvious this episode is a victim of style over content"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20553": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i loved the real mc coys it is too bad that lydia reed has decided to be forgotten and not appear she was excellent in the show of course walter brennan was great as well as tony mart nez i loved it when he called amos se or grampa i have purchased season i on dvd and i cannot wait to buy seasons if only there would be more shows on television like this one everything would be better this show appeared briefly in the summer of but then disappeared god bless all the departed members of the cast and please llydia reed make yourself known again to the public you are loved and respected the real mc coys will live forever"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20554": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is really a new low in entertainment even though there are a lot worse movies out in the gangster drug scene genre it is hard to have a convincing storyline this movies does not i mean sebastians motives for example couldn t be more far fetched and worn out clich then you would also need a setting of character relationships that is believable this movie does not sure tristan is drawn away from his family but why was that again what s the deal with his father again that he has to ask permission to go out at his age interesting picture though to ask about the lack and need of rebellious behavior of kids in upper class family but this movie does not go in this direction even though there would be the potential judging by the random backflashes wasn t he already down and out why does he do it again so there are some interesting questions brought up here for a solid socially critic drama but then again this movie is just not because of focusing on cool production techniques and special effects an not giving the characters a moment to reflect and most of all forcing the story along the path where they want it to be and not paying attention to let the story breath and naturally evolve it wants to be a drama to not glorify abuse of substances and violence would be political incorrect these days wouldn t it but on the other hand it is nothing more then a cheap action movie like there are so so many out there with an average set of actors and a vinnie jones who is managing to not totally ruin what s left of his reputation by doing what he always does so all in all i just can t recommend it for vinnie and for the editing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20555": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "although i didn t like stanley iris tremendously as a film i did admire the acting jane fonda and robert de niro are great in this movie i haven t always been a fan of fonda s work but here she is delicate and strong at the same time de niro has the ability to make every role he portrays into acting gold he gives a great performance in this film and there is a great scene where he has to take his father to a home for elderly people because he can t care for him anymore that will break your heart i wouldn t really recommend this film as a great cinematic entertainment but i will say you won t see much bette acting anywhere"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20556": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i already know that critics and some audiences say that it was a satire there were numerous political and social messages the names make refer to some other names etc it might be i cannot realize such things i don t want to do anyway because i am not interested in i am interested in cinema as for the movie itself again it is said that the movie is clever and dramatically powerful i could not see anything which we don t see in monster movies except the scene which takes place in a office in the second half yes that scene says somethings about humanity but it does not make the movie brilliant the movie is entertaining mildly and exciting in some moments or scenes but no more than that as for the biggest flaw of the movie it is visual effects it was just shocking i could not pull myself together for a while because i had expected a realistic monster because it is not one of the old gojira movies it was made in but it was not it is like if you don t believe that there is a monster you cannot care about if you agree with me about this i highly recommend you cloverfield that is extremely realistic the design of the monster is not interesting but at least planned there is an effort dramatically powerful critique some critics talk about it as if it is a kurosawa movie yes it is rather a drama than a thriller or action but it should not mean that it is dramatically powerful i don t want to compare the host with other monster movies but i try to mean that the host does not do something that other monster movies do not do by the way may be some people call the movie masterpiece because of their sympathy for asian cinema yes i like asian cinema too but this is the fact"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20557": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "dont read any plot summaries because in words the plot might seem trivial brain dead and pointless the film is excellent the acting by both denzel and dakota she will go sky high trust me on that are just fabulous and the plot is mind blowing actually fabulous is a small word to use for such talented actors the film is just based on actual facts and some characters are not fictional a fact that adds up to the shock that i was having during and after the film if you are fond of both actors and of somewhat deranged films you still haven t watched your favorite one yet trust me in the end you will have a weird and inexplicable feeling the film is awesome see it rent it buy it or whatever just don t miss it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20558": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "monster he was great i loved the special effects which created this monster which looked like an updated version of the creature from the black lagoon the scenes with this beast roaming the land and capturing people ranged from good to jaw dropping social commentary much of the story takes place in the quarantine area as the doctors under orders from the government state that sars like disease is out there in a nutshell we get the familiar government cover up story you know i expect this liberal paranoid mindset with hollywood films always painting our government as corrupt but it looks like the koreans are copying the format and it s very tedious in here it takes away from the excitement and suspense of this monster it just drags the film down the main family featured in the film has to watch from a distance while the young girl in their family presumed dead was hauled off by the creature moral a typical don t pollute the water message because this is what can happen a horrible mutated monster this used to be the anti nuclear bomb message from the when radiation caused giants ants spiders fish or whatever in those schlocky sci fi films now its environmental issues that are the focus the humor this was mostly stupid i normally laugh at slapstick but this wasn t funny i don t know if the korean sense of humor is that pitiful or the film was purposely trying to be ultra corny with a take on the old godzilla movies let s hope it s the latter transfer the video transfer was good this was a sharp looking picture and sound was decent with a lot rear speaker crowd noise i watched this in korean with the english subtitles that might have been a mistake as the korean guttural voice sounds got annoying after a half hour overall this had a promise but turned out to be a big letdown and even boring in too many spots which is inexcusable for a modern day monster film two hours was way too long for this story how this film drew record crowds in korea i don t know they must not have much in the way of films to enjoy and support"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20559": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "certainly one of the finest movies i have seen for quite some time exquisite direction and flawless acting make this a very entertaining and often moving film denzel washington plays one of his most engaging and emotional roles to date and the rest of the cast perform beautifully christopher walken is of course superb in his part although he did not appear as often as i would have liked a story of ultimate greed that backfires is offset against a childs innocence and love this is also a film for action movie lovers as it has its fair share of bullets rockets and revenge the location of mexico city adds a feel of seediness and corruption which in itself is an eye opener all in all a truly gripping film from beginning to end highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20560": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a terrible movie rotten tomatoes had a good rating for this too don t be fooled by the positive comments it wasn t scary it wasn t funny it wasn t clever it won t even hold your attention i just wasted hours of my life viewing this crap fest the computer generated monster was interesting to see the first couple times after about minutes it no longer entertained the dialogue was terrible must be a translation thing another negative that stood out was the idiot americans were portrayed and they were all lacking character intelligence and judgment now i will write a couple of lines to pad this since we have to have the employees at the video store should have slapped me for bringing this title to the counter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20561": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have seen maslin beach a couple of times both on free to air tv in brisbane i won t go into whether it is good bad or otherwise as others have well and truly covered this i will say that it is so australian only in australia can we have a film about relationships among people spending the day as naked as the day they were born and to view it on free commercial television i have a friend from the us who is constantly amazed at what we put on our free tv compared to her home country sex and the city and huff are just too examples despite our government trying to turn us into the st us state it is good to know at least some things remain truly aussie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20562": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "don t be deceived as i was by the glowing reviews quoted on the dvd box wildly entertaining a seriously scary freakout and the worst of all on par with jaws this movie is none of the above normally i don t bother with writing bad reviews for films but i can t believe this one is resting at a comfortable on imdb it doesn t deserve it after a so so opening daylight attack by a monster created by what else chemicals dumped by lazy scientists this movie goes absolutely nowhere and it goes there sloooowly basically and improbably a girl is snagged by the monster i ll give them points for a good creature design but this ain t no weta creation and her semi comical family spend an hour and a half tracking her down in the sewers surrounding the han river their search lacks any suspense again someone called this on par with jaws and by the time they find her you realize it was all pretty much pointless other than that a big bulk of the movie is committed to a government quarantine that culminates in one funny scene involving a guy spitting in a gutter in front of a crowded bus stop blech this was bad i m not kidding you want to see a rotten monster movie rent deep rising at least you ll save minutes of your life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20563": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is great entertainment to watch with the wife or girlfriend there are laughs galore and some very interesting little nudist stories going on here the actresses are all very interesting and definitely worth watching in their natural beauty maslin beach life is full of diverse nudists and personality types the australian coast scenery is simply splendid to see what a place to visit to say the least and one day it may become my hideaway i really enjoy this movie and every time i watch it i enjoy it more i would love to see more of these characters and i always wonder what became of them although the plot is somewhat soft this movie is of course a great excuse to just sit back on the couch and enjoy the wonderful and famous maslin beach with these wonderful nudists and their own personal stories"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20564": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first of all let me say the first minutes are great the monster looks superb and the cgi is reasonably done it s a shame then that the rest of the movie is such a disappointment spoilers below from the opening scene we can see this movie is anti american normally this sort of stereotyping wouldn t bother me we brits get enough from hollywood but here it s not subtle about making the americans brain dead morons it goes past the point of realism and your left wondering if a yank has raped the directors mother the grieving scene was really poor and the part of the movie where it starts going downhill here we are introduced to the olympic medallist auntie and drunk uncle who walk into the memorial and start blaming the father for his daughters death then hitting him before they all start rolling around on the floor crying hardly realistic bonding at a time of crisis the whole virus sideline is ridiculous if the americans know there isn t a virus why are they wasting time money and resources investigating the us government agent orders the brain drilling of an innocent korean for nothing making the americans look evil or stupid it wasn t helped by the fact this guy was cross eyed for comical effect the movie is about hunting the monster us and korean special forces are assigned to finding the creature although through out the movie they are invisible the only people hunting the monster in the whole of korea is the main family and some random tramp who appears at the end to save the day naturally a few us korean agents try to stop them along the way the sister was only included in the movie so she could make the vital shot at the end it was clich d you knew it was going to happen but to make it worse she does bugger all until that part and my final annoyance how the hell did that kid survive at the end the monster had been swimming with it s head underwater for about minutes why didn t the monster eat the kids in the first place"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20565": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "maslin beach is a real nudist naturist beach south of adelaide on the fleurieu peninsula in south australia it is also the name of an australian film that used the beach as a location maslin beach is labelled a romantic comedy this could be slightly misleading as it is not a hilarious film nor is it really romantic in the traditional sense but it does have light hearted moments much as life itself there are also moments of sadness too it is also entirely shot at the nudist beach mentioned above and nudity runs throughout the length of film the viewer quickly learns to accept this as normal and concentrate on the plot not the copious amount of flesh simon and marcie michael allen and eliza lovell arrive by car at a beach side car park they take their belongings to the beach and while they are walking a voice over from simon talks about his confusion about what real love is the rest of the film is an exploration of this framed by one complete day at the beach the basic story is of what happens to simon s love life but there are also many other characters highlighted in several separate vignettes when they arrive at the beach both simon and marcie appear bored with each other marcie sees them as a romeo and juliet romantic couple simon is just bored with it all next we are introduced to gail bonnie jaye lawrence paula zara collins and jenny jennifer ross they are walking down the beach together discussing gail s chances of finding the perfect man aided by the powers of a necklace that brought good luck to her grandmother however there are many more interesting people on the beach not all of them attractive and young part of the realism of this film to service the beach s patrons there is a flatulent short sighted ice cream salesperson with a van this is ben gary waddell who is a friend of simon and is also his unofficial counsellor i would think that this character is the main comic element it is hard to say though as there is nothing about ben that would make you laugh aloud unless you were intoxicated male and very young maslin beach does have a major redeeming feature though and that is that it does not dwell too long on any one subject as the quality of acting is variable the script is suspect and everything about maslin beach is cheap the lack of continuity is a positive boon in fact there is something about this film not the nudity that i find appealing it is hard to define what it is but it could be something to do with its bluntness and downright aussie attitude to carnal matters the camera work in maslin beach deserves a mention sometimes it is very good with some stunning static shots and pans of the beach cliffs and a sunset as nudity is a major factor in this film framing is an important aspect of the camera work there is no sense of gratuity in the framing meaning that the framing is done so that the camera does not dwell on private body parts this helps to ease any sense of viewer discomfort from being within the subject s personal space and makes the film more tasteful not an easy task given the location for filming maslin beach is neither a skin flick for post pubescent testosterone charged males nor a mills and boon romance for under appreciated women maslin beach does not seem to fit anywhere in genre the actors are not attractive in the baywatch sense and are just normal people that you would see on the beach anywhere it does not have a message to put across and it would not even act as a tourism advertisement other than perhaps to naturists apart from the australian accent the filming could have been in any sunny country what makes this film distinctly australian is the fact that it is pointless cinema verite and only australian cinema and other medium sized national cinemas could consider such a rash option at the same time these medium sized cinemas have room for experimentation in the quest for identity and a flop is not going to damage their reputation too much it is always possible given that maslin beach is now a collector s item that the film might become internationally popular but it is very unlikely during this critique i have been sounding highly negative at times about maslin beach this is not the real position as i found the film very easy to watch i enjoyed it as a reflection of near reality and real people and problems the problems confronted in the film are those of the everyday and a little low on spectacle this does it no harm in my view and i wish that more films dealt with the everyday like this there is a connection here with the cinemas of europe and with french film in particular they rarely deal with major disasters or catastrophes but with the everyday hollywood is in direct opposition to this and rides the crest of the hyper real action drama angst wave the pace too is much faster in hollywood but it is not reality maslin beach is not exactly jacques tati either but it is on the right track even if it does ignore issues of multi culturalism equality gender orientation and so on that are of such importance in current cinema i am sure that you will either love or hate this film with little room for a middle ground"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20566": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "gwoemul the host due to pollution in the han river a mutated beast goes on the rampage the youngest member of the park family is snatched by the beast and it is up to the rest of her family to find her before she becomes the beast s latest meal firstly i love monster movies mutated bears over sized alligators packs of ravening komodo dragons the whole lot creature features are my favourite kind of horror film so i really wanted to like the host but it wasn t to be there were three major problems with it the first can be seen with a quick look at it s imdb page genre action comedy drama fantasy horror sci fi thriller too many damned genres it took itself too seriously to be a comedy and yet was too light hearted to have any real message though it did seem to be trying to make some kind of statement anti pollution anti american or anti government the drama was misplaced and mixed in a confusing mish mash with all the other styles secondly after the initial monster attack nothing happens for almost the entire film the central family wander about looking for one of their own while the governments of korea and america apparently do nothing and that s it they just wander about occasionally hitting one another presumably for a bit of comedy relief this lack of action made my attention wander and apparently it did the same for the director as whole plot threads go unresolved a mystery plague invented by the evil americans is completely forgotten about and is never resolved and lastly the film is clumsily political it paints the americans as being stupid and evil but gives us no american characters with any more depth than a cartoon villain the opening scene has the most obvious stupid american vs wise korean moment with a korean morgue assistant asking his boss the coroner not to pour chemicals into the han river the american coroner all but cackles maniacally as he orders the assistant to carry on as well as being racist it s lazy film making and there is no excuse for that on the plus side the monster is good kind of a mix of the relic and deep rising some of the movement effects are quite cool and the initial monster chase through the park is a lot of fun there are also some nice shots in the film some of which remind me strangely of the way firefly was filmed shuddering cameras out of focus shots etc there is also a nice scene at the end where the hero and a little boy he has saved are sitting in the family s mobile food stall it s night time and snow is falling the street lamp is giving out a cold light but the food stall has a warm glow coming from it overall i was really disappointed by this film i d been looking forward to a decent creature flick and instead i get some pseudo political horror comedy lite looking at the comments on imdb i can t help but think that if this had been a us production it would have been slated just cause it s a foreign flick doesn t mean it s any good there have been some great movies out of korea in recent years the vengeance trilogy and brotherhood for example but this certainly isn t one of them for once i m in favour of a remake tighten up the directing improve the scripting and this could have been a nice film as it is it s not worth a couple of hours of anyone s time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20567": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i bought this game on ebay having heard that it was a similar game to elite the gameplay is indeed very similar and is very addictive once i d played it a couple of times i immediately went back on ebay and bought copies for all my kids so they could join in the fun too i have played this game right through and the storyline makes it feel as if you are actually in a movie it s brilliant if you have trouble feeling free to explore because of the restrictive nature of the storyline in the single player game simply set up a freelancer server on your own pc easy to do and the software is included and play to your heart s content there are still a huge number of freelancer servers on the internet so multiplayer is no problem and is not all that threatening because you don t often meant other players unless you want to so go get a copy of this game learn it by playing the single player campaign then set up an online presence and enjoy yourself the depth of this game is staggering with huge systems to explore and wrecks to find as well as all sorts of other things to discover hidden planets wormholes secret bases the list is nearly endless fantastic game and especially as you can get it for a couple of quid on ebay get one with the full written manual if you can blue box not xplosiv red box it s loads better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20568": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what this movie does well is combine action and horror with comedy and drama in a unique way that teases more emotion form the audience than a typical horror movie unfortunately with disjointed storytelling frustrating plot holes and contradictory scenes this movie mainly caused me frustration and is hardly the greatest monster movie ever let s start with the good stuff comedy acting and special effects from the get go this movie starts off fast paced and cheeky the opening scene the monster s origin is campy and quick paying homage the the classic environmental disasters that have given birth to so many other monsters the pacing is fast which was a welcome break from the long and often pointlessly dramatic opening scene from other monster flicks and allows the movie to jump right into the action with in the course of minutes you get the why where and how of the beast and are ready for action in this the movie delivers after another short and well shot sequence the characters are introduced the lazy son and his precocious little girl kind grandfather and talented sister aunt and of course the monster the characters are introduced in context to each other and their conflicts are instantly apparent allowing the audience to feel for them when the monster shows up suddenly to wreak havoc in the river area where they live and work the monster it s self looks great alien yet familiar kinda like a dog and fish pooped out by a squid the effects of the creature are second to none and although it looks strange it is believable and at no point in the movie could you see it s strings even the movement of the monster was horribly familiar like a growing and excited rottweiler on linoleum the monster barrels through the crowd slipping on surfaces crushing and eating those in it s path when the monster s path intersects with the family and tragedy ensues it truly is a painful moment and you can feel the need for revenge but from there on out the movie s appeal begins to unravel following the dynamite beginning the movie quickly loses focus and continuity plot lines are introduced then abandoned characters change their position for no apparent reason and comedy is interlaced into dramatic scenes confusing intent while obstacles appear and disappear seemingly at random as for the comedy let me say this i m willing to accept that a lot of the humor is probably cultural i am not familiar with korean humor so maybe things were lost in translation however as an asian studies major in college and as someone who has been living in japan for the last years still here i d like to think i have a better grasp on asian humor than the average white guy that being said there were many parts of the movie that i understood were supposed to be funny but to me weren t spoiler for example after the initial attack where the young daughter is lost the family is at the funeral everyone is mourning a new character is introduced a brother and tension is raised even higher as it becomes obvious that the two brothers are at odds with one another they both begin to grieve for their loss and wind up competing with each other over who is grieving harder this competition is at it s core funny two brothers who dislike each other so much they even compete at a funeral it shows the prickly nature of familial love common in asian comedy this subtle slap stick comedy poking fun at family and ritualized mourning is supposed to be funny but seemed really out of place in the context of a lost little girl end spoiler then come the plot holes there are so many points brought up in this movie that are never explained or worse are explained and fretted over only to be proved impotent and pointless in the end finding out an obstacle isn t an obstacle can be a good thing for a character but you d expect some comment to that nature instead the audience is barraged by moments of anti climax when problems just aren t there anymore and no one gives an indication that it was ever a problem to start so i ask you why even bring it up in the first place this was prevalent through out the film as problems gave rise to new problems and suddenly the world of the movie is filled with opposing forces that never resolved each other of course introducing new and greater problems is a time tested story telling tradition but if the introduction of a new arc leads the the forced shortening of another you would expect at least that the new arc gets full explanation not in this movie instead it was as if you get several stories each only explained of the way and in the end the parts never converge to complete the whole again i m willing to accept that a lot of this might be cultural maybe its in korean story telling tradition to put comedy inside a tragedy maybe it s normal for stories to go all over like a child who colors outside the lines on every page but never finishes one maybe it s ok to present a problem in order to develop the plot but then remove that problem randomly without any apparent solution or catharsis or maybe these are all hallmarks of sloppy work and bad storytelling rampant in a movie that seems to have a much better reputation than it deserves"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20569": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a great game okay perhaps it didn t have some of the features it was meant to have but digital anvil have still come up with a good game there is a certain similarity to elite you can trade pick up weapons and cargo off destroyed ships go on missions however this game features a heavily scripted mission it is a great mission the control system is different it uses the mouse you basically fly you spaceship around a system and work your way up the game features some pretty good graphics even through it was made in it should run well on even a modestly specified pc the story features some great voice acting from john rhys davies george takei jennifer hale she appears in every computer game stick with the story it gets better and better as it goes on there is even a race section where you and an opponent have to race your spaceships around a course it involves you going through rings this section took me a while to beat it adds variety to the game some sections are a little tough here and there but overall you can beat this game the game has an active mod scene on the net pick up some mods to extend the game i haven t played any of the mods yet sadly a sequel to this was cancelled a shame"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20570": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i really really didn t expect this type of a film outside of america how anyone can take the subject of sexually abusing children and turn it into a thriller is just sick auteuil whom i had previously admired going around like some sort of child saving rambo was ignorant and insulting to all the children being sexually exploited around the world what s doubly depressing is that the stunning and ground breaking film happiness came out the year before this film menges and his cohorts should be ashamed of themselves it s admirable to read some of the comments by the more intelligent viewers out there they were able to see the shoddy and ridiculous handling of this topic those of you who think this is great cinema display a disgusting amount of ignorance and you need to watch happiness to open your minds to the true horrors of pedophilia do you think your child is more likely to be kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery or be molested by a neighbor teacher friend or even a relative hmm i wonder if they are going to make a film about international child slavery of whatever kind they owe it to everyone to make it realistic and emotionally involving instead of this button pushing crap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20571": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this game is very addictive i kept playing it for hours straight until late at night but also the fact that you can t save a game when you are in space contributed to this at times i just had to play on in order not to loose any game data so yes freelancer is addictive but also quite flawed also for instance something that extremely bothered me was that you couldn t skip any of the cut scene s with as a result that at times you had to watch the same few minute cut scene time after time a great opportunity for me to multitask to check my e mail or have a chat with my friends and more things like that while i had to wait for the cut scene to be over the story starts of promising but the further you get the more ridiculous it all gets also the game also ends quite abrupt at least it did so for me it is quite obvious that they are hinting at a upcoming sequel i don t know if a sequel is in the works at the moment but i am sure that most likely i will pick one up once it will be released the gameplay is very easy even for those who are not familiar with flight games to put it boldly every fool can play this game yes some levels are quite hard and require lots of effort it took me about weeks for me to finish this game which might be a bit too short but thank god for the multi player option it allows you to keep playing short missions just like the single player game once you have completed it by the way even though lot s of mission are the same it just simply stays cool to be in the middle of the at times massive dogfights the graphics are good but just not anything revolutionary or anything addictive game but beware of its flaws"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20572": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "for daniel auteuil `queen margot was much better for nastassja kinski `paris texas was much better the biggest disappointments were from chris menges `crisscross and `a world apart cannot even be compared with this one and goran bregovic for use of a version of the same musical theme from `queen margot for this movie attention to the end of the film if this was an american pop movie i would not feel surprised at all but for a european film with more independent actors and director a similar common approach about child abuse with no original insight is very simple minded and disappointing there are those bad guys who kidnap and sell the underage people there are those poor children who hate people selling them and wait to be saved by someone and finally there is that big hero who kills all the bad guys and saves these poor children from bad guys every character is shown in simple black and white terms the good versus the evil plus from the very beginning i could understand how the story would end is this the end of the history of child sexual abuse i believe that the difficult issue of child molestation and paedophilia is much more complex than how it is portrayed in this not very original movie i think this movie was not disturbing but very disappointing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20573": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as far as i know this show was never repeated on uk television after its original run in the late s early s and most episodes are now sadly missing presumed wiped series from however still exists in its entirety and i recently got the chance to watch it all the best part of decades on after rushing home from school freewheelers was essential viewing for me and many of my contemporaries back in those halcyon days of flared trousers slade and chicory tip and watching it again brought a nostalgic lump to the throat never mind the bad hammy acting the unintentionally amusing fight scenes plot holes wide enough to pilot a large ocean going yacht through and the frightfully frightfully rada accents of the lead players no forget all that because freewheelers harks back to a bygone dare i say golden age of kids tv drama when the shows were simply about rip roaring fun and didn t take themselves so seriously before they became obsessed with all the angst laden ishoos that today s screenwriters have their young protagonists fret over such as relationships pregnancy drugs stis etc no doubt if it were remade for a modern audience in these days of all pervasive political correctness the boss figure would be a black female one of the young male heroes would be a muslim the other would be a white lad confused about his sexuality and the girl would be an all action go getter with an iq off the scale who d be forever getting the lads out of scrapes and making them look foolish in other words a million miles removed from wendy padbury s deferential ankle spraining washer upper it s a show that s very much of its time but is that a bad thing i for one don t think so"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20574": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in the lost son a private eye searching for a missing man stumbles upon a child prostitution ring this film incorporates all of the worst stereotypes you could imagine in a worst case scenario that exists only in the minds of hollywood the press and ag john asscrap if you get a chance to see this you d be better off getting lost yourself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20575": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ah true memories i lived in holland at the time and looked eagerly forward to it every sunday evening and later tuesdays i saw it during my s very good for my at the time school english as dutch tv provides subtitles for other languages except for kiddies shows nowadays so you would hear the original voices and language the best series were the first three ones and then after the third series the great character nazi von gelb who was such a formidable enemy disappeared from the series i don t think they ever really caught him he always escaped leaving room to have him appear again in a next story because evidently the series also was distributed to germany and a nazi enemy wouldn t go over very well too bad because geoffrey toone did such a wonderful convincing job of portraying the intelligent nazi aristocrat who had this ongoing obsession to take revenge on england it was a true delight to see this kind of high quality performance in a youth series but ronald leigh hunt was a good counterpart and the youngsters were so normal they were very believable to me at the time and as a kid i could just imagine to be part of these youngsters who at the time were about four years older than me it was a very exciting series to me standing out in my memory of those times as a special show with the prisoner as well i hope they will publish a good quality dvd of the series that would be wonderful even the bad copies around are still enjoyable to watch the later series were not as good watered down and just not as much fun as the first three hopefully they also find the other series with von gelb to be put on dvd greetings from canada"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20576": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "actually this flick made in has pretty good production values the actors are attractive and reasonably talented there aren t a bunch of clowns running around blasting away expending hundreds of rounds but never hitting flesh nor are there wild car chases crashes where thousands of dollars worth of beautiful machines are uselessly trashed the interiors look respectably modern architecturally and the equipment looks up to snuff well there is that high tech computer room furnished with what look like leftovers from a s electronics lab and the pancake make up on the corpses cracked me up not pancake make up in the conventional sense but what looks like dried pancake batter slathered over their exposed skin this is supposed to support the idea that the bodies have calcified though how the virus would accomplish this transmutation is an exercise left for the student viewer ah yes the virus i would like to tell you that this is not the absolute worst premise for a sci fi horror flick i know of but i can t a computer virus that is transmitted via a television or computer monitor screen and becomes a lethal biological pathogen gimme a break warp drives a la star trek are one thing but photons becoming viruses this is so silly the desired fright factor just isn t realizable the flick could have used one of those awful dream sequences where the dead come alive or have a cat jump out of the closet or something because the viral thingamajig isn t doing it one presumes robert wagner has the same excuse for playing in this inanity that lord oliver gave for some of his later trashy venues he needed the money no other comparison between the two should be construed however"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20577": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i couldn t have been more thrilled just eight years old back in i was going to see a star wars movie at the theater the best day of my life was about to happen to that time my only star wars experience had been a few hbo showings of star wars i hadn t even seen the empire strikes back yet and boy did that day deliver for my less critical eyes jabba big rebel spaceships the emporer a green bladed lightsaber wow since that magical day i must have watched this movie hundreds of times i can t even form an accurate estimate at this point with those multiple viewings i have of course observed that this movie the real episode iii does have its flaws of course in the context of a star wars movie those flaws are more like quirks millions had had their magical day in and in may of i had mine and this was my star wars movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20578": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am very surprised by the positive comments because there were four of us that saw this at one screening and we all walked out we personally felt that it was painfully slow to watch and couldn t sit through the whole movie and we really tried to stick with it in particular those in the group who really wanted to like it because of their personal experiences with sexual orientation alienation in the school years depicted didn t like or identify with it at all that said it is great to see that this film really resonated with a lot of people here on the boards and with reviewers that s the beauty of the subjective art form of film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20579": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i previously thought that this film was the lamest of the muppet films i would like now to retract that statement in my opinion now the lamest muppet film was the tv movie it s a very merry muppet christmas am it s a wonderful life rip off that was truly dreadful muppets take manhattan is nothing special but miles more enjoyable than merry muppet christmas the best songs are that you can t take no for an answer song the one the muppet babies sing and the songs for the big finale itself as i loved the muppet babies tv show i loved the muppet babies sequence here i m told that it was what inspired the muppet babies show the manhattan melodies show itself was the real showstopper with muppets from sesame street even appearing for the wedding as kermit puts it in his final line what better way could anything end but i wish that what was between the beginning and end was a bit more entertaining there are cute cameos from brooke shields and gregory hines and a great dance sequence from rizzo and the rats choreographed by the late great jim henson himself and the film certainly entertains i must state though that muppet movie great muppet caper and muppet christmas carol are the three defininitive muppet movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20580": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i really must have caught a different film from the rest of the commentators on this site because at a screening of the film last night the audience was so mortified by the dialoge that i m not even kidding half walked out shot as if the filmmaker thought he were approaching some daring new territory by presenting a homosexual coming of age story the film utilizes david lynch inspired visuals with fassbinder inspired acting the performances in this film are so dull and bored that i figured one of the actors was going to pass out by how uninspired they seemed to be by the script what s worse is that it s colored like an episode of miami vice i don t know who this director thinks he is maybe he has pretensions of the surreal like bunuel jordowsky etc but the problem is that all of the afore mentioned directors display a level of erudite sensibility that is sorely lacking here i could understand the meaningfulness of this film about ten years ago but when we ve got masterpieces such as bad eduction mysterious skin and show me love why bother with this cinematic turd there is nothing new to be seen here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20581": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was the best muppet movie i ve seen ever i happen to know that miss piggy s fantasy of meeting as infants was the cause of muppet babies the songs will remain in my head forever only saying so because that stupid nickelodeon show hey dude song still remains in my head sorry a little off the topic there but anyway what i like is animal after the credits saying bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye hasta luego that made me laugh so hard my absolute favorite is the play at the end i was surprised that the sesame street characters popped in at the wedding i m just glad this movie was very entertaining i borrowed it from the library and now i have bought it because i can t keep the library s copy forever in conclusion i proclaim this is the best movie i ve ever seen in my case it s even better than austin powers in goldmember which was my favorite movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20582": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as a lesbian i am always on the lookout for films relating to gays lesbians however with this kind of crap out there it would be enough to discourage any audience i kept waiting for something to happen anything a story to develop or just for it to make some kind of sense neither occurred it was just meaningless scenes unconnected in any way with anything the film failed to conveyed any kind of story or depth to the character after an hour or more of this nonsense i simply turned it off don t waste your time on this absurdity star and it doesn t even deserve that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20583": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as far as the muppet line goes however this is not the best nor the second best this was marketed towards the kiddies but has some dark and emotionally upsetting adult moments to which parents may not wish to expose their children one of which showcases miss piggy going postal in a jealous rage which lasts basically throughout the duration of this work beyond that however the story is progressive and highly entertaining one scene in which joan rivers and miss piggy go berserk in a department store is simply hilarious and there are other parts of this work which contain the same level of levity and fun i like this very much and enjoy it still today it rates a from the fiend"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20584": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "one would think that a film about a young person s coming to terms with his burgeoning homosexuality would be anything but boring think again this production should be bottled and sold as a cure for insomnia because it s about ten times as potent as any sleep aid on the market it s almost as if the film maker considered making a movie but got lazy and decided instead to run a series of random and randomly boring images and go nowhere scenes throw in a couple of actual scenes featuring actual acting pretend that good lighting ins t important in the film making process and wrap it up under the auspices of an arthouse film this is exactly kind of crappy product that makes it easy for a lot of traditional film makers to poo poo the indie film movement and which keeps the general public from more easily embracing indie films if you re interested in films covering this subject matter you d be much better off tuning in to some of the great short films available at logo s website or renting get real better yet read stone butch blues whatever you do skip this long winded piece of dreck"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20585": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "yes it s another great magical muppet s movie and i adore them all the characters the movies the tv show episodes it s the best comedy or musical tv show ever and all the artists behind it but here they did such a rare fatal mistake and i m surely talking about the weird ending i think it s very dangerous to involve that much in american drama and end a love affair by marriage we as all the poor viewers feel so free or maybe happy for the absence of its annoyance peevishness and misery so we all enjoy these stories which gather cute heroes as couple in love without the legitimate bond like mickey mouse and minnie superman and lois lane dick tracy and tess etc so with all of the previous couples and their likes i bet that you feel safe serenity and peace therefore when you look at what the makers of this movie had already done you ll be as mad as me they made the weak miserable creature kermit marry his daily nightmare the most vexatious female ever miss piggy this is a historical change by the measures of the american entertainment s industry and it was pretty normal to have a negative impact upon the audience whom just refused to bless or believe or being satisfied with that sudden marriage even the pathetic frog didn t have the time or the proper opportunity to think or to decide anything therefore no wonder at all when you know that this movie is the most failure one in their cinematic serious grossing only millions vis vis millions earned by the first one the muppet movie five years earlier simply in this movie they took manhattan and my rest too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20586": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "wild tigers i have known it will only be showing in big cities to be sure it is one of those films so artsy that it makes no sense what so ever except to the director i hate those and all of those oh so alternative artsy people try desperately to find metaphors in what is evident horseshit there was no plot no story no moral no chronology and nothing amusing or even touching to me it was a bunch of scenes thrown together that had nothing to do with one another and were all for show to show how artsy and visual they could get it was an attempt at yet another teen angst film but missed the mark on every level humanly possible then the credits roll i was waiting for it to make sense i was waiting for the good part i own about independent films in my dvd collection many of which could arguably be called art house films this will not be amongst them you will be very angry at yourself for paying to see this film much less ever buying it on dvd"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20587": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "but if you like the muppets i defy you to dislike this one basically the same plot regurgitated this time new york not la it features a lot of fun cameos and muppet hi jinx a lot of the muppets leave the film pretty early on as it centers around kermy and miss piggy i happened to have enjoyed it greatly fun to watch with your kids"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20588": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "about the only thing i liked about this film is that there was just enough in it to keep me in my seat to the end i kept thinking that maybe in the next scene things would gel alas those who like gus van sant s films especially his later ones will probably like this personally i find van sant s films to be dull pretentious and facile well he was an executive producer for this film so it is no surprise that the film could almost have been made by him although personally i actually liked this better than van sant s latest efforts e g elephant contrary to many here i did not think the film was difficult to understand or disjointed i thought that above all it is a film that wishes to portray a certain mood the mood of an adolescent moving slowly into the adult world but so slowly that the changes are barely visible if at all but i feel that the problem with the film is that mood is not enough and not only that but that the mood painted here is to my mind incorrectly chosen for the story that is supposedly happening the dream like quality so closely linked to nature is beautifully captured here but it is a mood which belongs much more to a much younger child one who really still does get totally caught up in watching nature unfold waves on a beach grasses and flowers spiders etc the rhythm of the film reminds me of my summers when i was about eight or nine there is a languor to the film that is in opposition to what should be a very tense time in an adolescent life when you are caught up in a crush on someone or being the object of bullying at school you are anything but languorous there are only two moments that truly worked for me in the film spoilers here first when logan drops the groceries and his mother throws a bit of a fit the frustrations of an adult dealing with a klutzy kid especially with no father present seemed real to me the second and only part of the film with any tension to it were the scenes where leah logan s re creation of himself phones rodeo and tries to seduce him into phone sex the first reason i liked it is because the person who did the voice over of leah was the most convincing actor in the entire film it made me think of claire danes from my so called life the voice even sounded like claire she and rodeo had the only scenes that seemed totally believable between the kids and what i especially liked was the fact that rodeo only pretended to play along it was perhaps the best moment in the film as finally we got some character development all in all a somewhat misplaced effort we will have to see what he does in his next film before we can really say much about the director s possible talents in the meantime if he can get away from van sant s influence it might do him a world of good who is this director anyhow one of van sant s boy toys"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20589": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this movie in the theater when i was years old and it still cracks me up the muppets are so cool and they approach show business in a refreshingly naive way my favorite scene is when the rats start a whispering campaign on behalf of kermit at a fancy restaurant this is one smart and funny movie for kids and parents alike long live kermit miss piggy and the rest of the gang"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20590": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first of all this film is glacially slow moving and i can see most viewers losing patience with it altogether in the first thirty minutes the film s subject matter was one i think would form the basis of an excellent film what was most lacking here was a plot that would advance the underlying themes it s unfortunate because in the hands of a writer like say lanford wilson i think symbolism like a mountain lion invading a school campus could take on great tragic proportions without being heavy handed i think with a good script supporting the film the same filmmaker with the same tastes and even with the same actors who didn t really even get a chance to impress me might have been able to present a meaningful and touching depiction of the pains and struggles that a boy goes through when he develops a powerful crush on an older boy that he admires however i m sorry to say that without this foundation and armed with a vague dull witted and vastly uninteresting script without any sort of plot in sight and lacking any sort of sensible structure for example after viewing it i believe you will find that you cannot point to climactic scenes and instead will find yourself enumerating well maybe that scene or that one were climaxes the result is minutes of tedium without a good plot we never get terribly interested in any of the characters their trials and difficulties are simply dull and boring without a good plot dramatic devices and surrealistic directorial liberties become puzzling and confusing rather than enhancements to the story line i never really could believe for example the creation of leah and i think that most viewers would be utterly baffled by the conventional way in which her telephone calls were filmed as the film stands i m afraid it s one i cannot recommend at all what i can never understand is why a film like this one isn t re made by an enterprising film maker instead of all the mediocre remakes of films that were superlatively good in the first release all it needs is a good script written by good writers and i think this film could be easily turned into an unforgettable classic about an aspect of male coming of age that is rarely treated in drama all the elements that were so tedious and seemed so recherche in the film the messages written on the boy s belly the leah scenes the television screen fantasies could become rich if underpinned with a good storyline i see in quite a few comments that people are talking of this film as somehow being about a gay subject and i think that s mistaken obviously the crush depicted is that of a newly pubescent boy on an older adolescent boy but the character of logan is far too young to have settled on any particular sexual choices and indeed in his depicted masturbation fantasies we see all sorts of stimuli sexual and non sexual as we would expect in a very young boy like him i believe crushes such as logan s are common among male youths who grow up to have a decided preference for female sex partners"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20591": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "don t think of this movies as just another kids movie the whole family can enjoy it its a strange mix of a movie as its seems to have a movie within it but at least it does make sense at the end unlike modern films it does give you all the elements of a film decent plot good characters well it does star the muppets a list of lesser celebs which films would clamour for what is surprising is the fact that it can be a roller coaster of emotions some sad some heartwarming some funny and some serious it all makes an enjoyable family film that everyone can watch together the celebs in the film are actually top stars of the day but there is only one true star of the film and no one dare outshine miss piggy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20592": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i haven t actually finished the film you may say that in this case i have no right to review it especially so negatively but i do only because i stopped it on account of i couldn t watch anymore i got over halfway and i only got there by promising myself something good was just around the corner this film is so tiresome so lackluster that i was actually insulted i haven t read many of the other reviews so i m not sure if there are other homosexual teens who have suffered through it but i am homosexual and i did go through similar revelations day dreams issues etc etc there were maybe two moments where i actually felt this film could go somewhere where i felt it may have some inkling of meaning or relativity but these hopes were dashed the moment the next set of clich ridden narration came on i mean just look at the quotes on the imdb page unfortunately you re not able to hear the scratchy play back nor the echo ey fades if you re just read the quotes because they are just too painful ridiculous stupid to miss i did give the film three stars and all three of those stars go to the films cinematographer who did a fantastic job attempting to transform archer s tired concepts into something watchable mind you i pray he wasn t the one who decided to include all the long shots of tv closeups another unnecessary clich already over done in films such as korine s gummo i think it is extremely fitting that this film premiered at sundance only because archer had connections in the festival via volunteer work he did by the way because sundance seems to be the one festival where clich heavy drivel like this is still accepted as arthouse no it s not art house i m afraid it s just plain s t house do not watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20593": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "stars julianna donald lonny price and louis zorich cameos art carney brooke sheilds liza minelli james coco joan rivers dabney coleman linda lavin gregory hines and others muppeteers jim henson as kermit rowlf dr teeth swedish chef waldorf ernie and others richard hunt as scooter janice statler and beaker frank oz as fozzie bear miss piggy animal bert cookie monster and sam the eagle jerry nelson as camilla the chicken floyd pepper lew zealand crazy harry and pops dave goelz as gonzo zoot beuregard and bunsen hunnydew steve whittemire as rizzo the rat and others another great muppet flick this time kermit fozzie miss piggy scooter rowlf the electric mayhem gonzo and camilla the chicken are out of college and starring in a musical that they re trying to get on broadway after miserably failing at getting it produced they all split up and go their separate ways i love the characters and cameos the songs in the film are together again look at me here i am saying goodbye and i m going to always love you rat jazz and he ll make me happy frank oz directs this movie excellently and all the actors do a great job acting like the muppets are real see it minutes rated g my rating a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20594": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "wow i hated this movie the subject matter should have resulted in a really fine film and the lead actor was definitely sensitive and talented enough to handle the topic but the script if there even was a script is a mess this is less a movie than a random slide show that goes nowhere i d say it goes nowhere fast except that it s actually the longest minutes you ll ever sit through as i ve mentioned the lead actor is good so is faruza baulk sp as his sometimes harsh but ultimately loving and accepting mother the film makers have a lot to answer for here because this is a mess a real shame because i really wanted to like this movie but it s basically out takes from a movie that never got made skip this one it wasn t even worth the i shelled out for pay per view"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20595": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in this muppet movie kermit miss piggy fozzie gonzo rowlf scooter camillia dr teeth floyd animal janice and zoot are college graduates who decide to bring their successful college musical manhattan melodies to broadway unfortunately no producer will even meet with the muppets after being denied by too many producers scooter suggests that the muppets decide to move on on their own however kermit still believes that he can get his show on broadway but after he finally does and let s everybody know that he sold the show kermit get s amnesia and the others don t know where he is this features many great scenes including a live action sequence that introduced the muppet babies a wedding sequence filled with muppets including the sesame street cast and traveling matt from fraggle rock scooter as a movie theatre usher and a scene where rizzo and the other rats cook breakfast my only complaint is that more characters weren t included more sure many of them appear at the wedding but there should have been some significant roles for bunsen beaker beauregard and sweetums and lips should have been part of the electric mayhem in this movie like he was in the muppet show s last season and the great muppet caper and miss piggys dog foo foo should have been with her as well after all rizzo the rat also performed by steve whitmire had a big part in this movie and he wasn t very well known at the time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20596": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i read the half dozen other user comments on this board and it seems as though the opinions vary greatly i have to agree with those who found this movie to be awful it pains me to write that since i would have hoped this would have been great or i wouldn t have bothered to see it the other day i like supporting indie cinema especially if they are gay themed but this movie is almost too much to tolerate those that walked out as i considered doing after about three minutes probably didn t mind shelling out or just figured it was going nowhere fast and not going to improve maybe i am slightly more optimistic than they are either that or they didn t pay to get in in the first place logan is bored he s a klutz he s gay i m okay with that the problem is that because the main character in a movie is bored does not necessarily mean that the movie about him has to be boring also there are endless scenes of this kid just laying around like a load of laundry re establishing everything that you already learned in the first scene and the second scene etc etc nothing or no one goes anywhere no one says anything even remotely insightful or funny or interesting probably most appalling of all is that i didn t feel the slightest bit of empathy for logan that in itself is a major accomplishment he didn t grow he didn t change he didn t learn there is no one to teach him anything he didn t do anything and neither did the movie scene after scene of the same thing do not a movie make additionally the title makes no sense at all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20597": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the muppets take manhattan is different in a lot of ways to every other muppet movie made so far for one it remains the only muppet film not owned by disney as of the film still belongs to th century fox cbs fox at the time of its release even though disney owns the rights to the muppets also this film has a story line that s very non linear and events that are otherwise unpredictable of course it s very hard to beat the original muppet movie from especially since that movie had more memorable songs than manhattan does however one way in which the muppets take manhattan is better than the muppet movie is perhaps the surprisingly realistic scenarios in the first movie all the muppets really have to do is go to hollywood walk into an agent s office and they are immediately given a rich famous contract in this movie the muppets learn that they actually have to work for their desired success and it s a lot harder to do that especially in the entertainment business than they initially thought that s an important and often times overlooked message provided one is willing to suspend the disbelief that the muppets being small and made of cloth don t necessarily have to live in a spacious place or even eat respectively above all their struggle to make it after graduating college creates a very good story another note the celebrity cameos in the movie were cool and they surprisingly managed not to take away the spotlight from the muppets that ability right there is a testament to henson and how appealing the muppet characters were even to adults where manhattan falls flat and this is where i m sure people will disagree with me is with some of the key songs especially in the end i thought the wedding song he ll make me happy was too somber for such a happy occasion as a wedding it sounded more like a song that s played at a funeral every time i watch this movie hearing that song makes me unusually depressed especially when the film begins on such an upbeat number as together again and ends happily for that matter saying goodbye was a sad number too but it fit better into the movie because the muppets were disbanding and weren t sure they were going to see each other again that last song was such a let down and perhaps even added to younger viewers misery of seeing their favorite muppets leave the big screen the muppets take manhattan is overall a good film and one that marches to the beat of a different drum than the other muppet films including the newer ones made after the deaths of jim henson and richard hunt fortunately the film marches in the same direction as well i just wished the film ended on a better song that wasn t quite so melancholy plus disney should have gotten its hands on this film s copyright and given it a proper dvd release maybe it will someday we ll see"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20598": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "despite its stereotypes virtually no name cast and an obviously low budget i thought this film was alright much better than i expected it to be i was skeptical at first the idea of a computer virus that can also infect people seemed a little ludicrous to me but in the end i thought the film handled the concept well even if some scenes were a little clich d the cast was quite good and the two leads seemed to take their roles very seriously i couldn t help thinking though that janine turner is a bit of a geena davis look a like maybe it s just her face or the make up hair and clothes she had in this movie but it just kept nagging at the back of my mind the whole time while it s not a must see or a great film by any standard fatal error is an entertaining flick that will keep you watching until the end"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20599": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i suppose jedi is now chronologically to be considered the very last entry in the popular saga and it s a very good one as were several of these i liked how directly this sequel took off after the empire strikes back and i appreciated the maturity of luke skywalker as a character and also mark hamill as an actor after hearing so many negative things about the ewoks they weren t so bad i enjoyed the thrilling chase within the woods and i felt there was a lot of well realized emotion with this chapter the ending with some new additions i presume successfully weaves all chapters into a wonderful tale of fantasy i know many true star wars fans hated george lucas for changes he made to the original films but being a relative novice to these movies rather late in life and not missing what i didn t already know i think he made these movies work perfectly as a whole entity oh and err carrie fisher looked quite delicious in her skimpy outfit"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20600": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "had some lovely poetic bits but is really just an artsy fartsy toss together with no direction or resolution how do these people get through film school who gives them money to make this crap could have been so much more fine lead actor and i always like fairuza balk but come on the alt rock metaphor of just staring vacantly unable to find anything compelling is just so tired and it sure doesn t make for good films the director needs to go away and live life for a good long while and not come back to the camera until they really have something to say this is like the throw spaghetti at the wall school of art making just juxtapose a bunch of earnest imagery and hope hope hope like hell that poetry emerges that can work if the director actually has any kind of vision or has a brain that knows when it s in the presence of potential but here it s just space filler of no consequence i felt the lazy ending coming moments before it hit and was yelling you lazy bastard at the screen when the credits popped up"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20601": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i found this to be the most enjoyable muppets movie because i felt it was the most light hearted and had the best comic delivery on most of its lines the muppets try to go on broadway to sell an original musical they ve written but along the way they run into the usual problems including kermit s memory loss here while there aren t as many great cameos here as in the original muppets movie there are some including joan rivers and dabney coleman simply the timing and delivery of so many of the lines is great and the situations the muppets find themselves in are hilarious the original songs are also good here and the ending is satisfying there is not much else to say about the film but muppet fans should see it for sure it is the funniest muppet movie and is sure to be enjoyed by all out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20602": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "visually disjointed and full of itself the director apparently chose to seek faux depth to expand a minute plot into an minute snore fest the moments that work in this film are very limited and the characters don t even feel real how could you feel invested in a main protagonist who was made so surreal substantively and stylistically it all feels like a quirky dream sequence jarring irregular camera work awkward silences and gaps in action and what s with the little spider image crawling across the screen whoever thought of that needs to go back to film school it added no meaning just cheese and didn t even stylistically work with the rest of the film assuming the film even had a style which is a close call what a flop"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20603": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the third muppet movie is perhaps the most relaxed and pleasing with the gang taking their modest college musical to the bright yet volatile lights of broadway filled with typically na ve optimism of course their first attempt fails and kermit leader of the group and author of the show blows his top so the others all go their separate ways so that he won t have to feel responsible for them kermit himself befriends a young wannabe fashion designer making ends meet by serving food at her father s diner the old man then has a line in particularly tortuous non sequiturs we get the usual cameo appearances by a variety of stars art carney as a producer james coco as an overzealous dog owner dabney coleman as a confidence trickster elliott gould who was also in the muppet movie [ ] gregory hines liza minnelli as herself having her portrait at a classy restaurant replaced by kermit s sporting fake moustache as an ostensibly celebrated entrepreneur in a ruse to attract publicity to the muppets show brooke shields and even director john landis in possibly the film s funniest scene as a broadway producer before whom kermit appears acting streetwise and chummy and hilariously donning shades and an afro wig the other muppets more or less go through their typical paces with regrettably less space given to gonzo this time around while miss piggy is something of an acquired taste with me the scenes in which the latter spies on what she takes to be kermit s romance with the waitress and especially her violent reaction to this are undeniably funny what disappoints however is the climactic show itself after a fairly redundant midsection wherein kermit gets amnesia and eventually picks up advertising on madison avenue which rather than the expected splashy routines procures nothing more original than the wedding ceremony of kermit and his eternal flame miss piggy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20604": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i see that someone already thought of a similar analogy which was similar to the first thing that came to mind after i watched this movie they said that the ingredients were there but there was no plot besides the sexual scenes which bordered on child porn which i feel could have been edited out or been presented more suggestively in nature rather than graphically i would liken this movie to a recipe that s been torn in half it s kind of like being handed a list of ingredients with no directions on how to put them together into a finished product from the start character development and story development are lacking unfortunately many times in this monotonous drivel we are teased with bits of plot and we think ahh ok finally we are going to find out something more about why this scene is going on or who this character is or maybe we are finally going to get to know and appreciate this character more or understand and get involved more with this inter character relationship etc but no such luck on the contrary many times i was tempted to just turn it off more than once but stuck it out when the carrot was dangled only to find that whatever mini plot within whatever mini plot and that poorly presented was just a ruse why i stayed with it till the end is a mystery other than usually ifc has better selections and they gave it stars another mystery it s not that the characters aren t likable to some degree or that you can t identify with them or their humanness at all it s just that this could have been so much better with just a little more effort i notice this was shot around santa cruz and find myself wondering if it was someone s film school project i wish i could have given this a better review but honestly it was a frustrating and disappointing waste of an hour and a half"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20605": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "jim henson s muppets were a favorite of mine since childhood this film makes me feel like a kid again okay the muppets are back with miss piggy and kermit the frog and their friends the premise is that they are trying to get on broadway in a musical show in where else but new york city you will see cameos by the then new york city mayor ed koch anyway the film turns this year and i hope the kids of today will learn to appreciate the lightheartedness of the muppets gang the problem with the show is kermit goes missing and the gang has to find him in new york city it s worth watching for kids and even sentimental adults like myself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20606": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after watching this movie on dvd i watched the trailer the voice over describes the movie as surreal well there s surreal and there s surreal there was really only one part of the film that seemed surreal to me but frankly it was more confusing than surreal the other unusual imagery particularly the lunchroom scene where everybody is on the floor were so nonsensical they had no meaning i don t mind imagery that doesn t mean anything but these scenes just seemed irrelevant my impression is that the director was trying to convey logan s inner monologue i don t know what else would explain what was going on unfortunately nothing i saw gave me any clue what logan was thinking about what his perspective was or even his emotional state all i could tell was that he wasn t particularly happy with his physical appearance and that he had a crush on an older boy i thought the ending signaled what the relationship between the boys had become but not much else did purposely juxtaposing ambiguous scenes with those that were more straightforward seemed more like a cop out than an artistic decision still as tiresome and as content free the movie was for me it was a definite change of pace i very much liked madagascar skin and i had the feeling this movie aspired to that kind of narrative and perhaps even style it didn t even come close for me there s no question about it this movie deserves an a for effort but a d for execution"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20607": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was the third muppet movie and the last one jim henson was around to take part in the making of before his premature death in the first three films starring the famous characters were all made and released into theatres before i was born i originally saw the first and second installments in the original trilogy the muppet movie and the great muppet caper around the mid nineties as a kid but didn t see this third one the muppets take manhattan until april this was shortly after i had seen its two predecessors and s muppet treasure island for the first time in many years this third muppet movie definitely didn t disappoint me the first time i saw it and my second viewing nearly three years later may not have impressed me as much but if not it certainly didn t go too far downhill the muppets stage musical manhattan melodies turns out to be a big hit on their college campus they are graduating from college so they will soon be leaving but decide they will all stay together and go to manhattan to try and get their show on broadway after their arrival they begin searching for a producer but after many rejections they finally decide to part and go find jobs most of them leave town but kermit stays and is still determined to find the right producer and reunite the muppet gang he gets a job at a new york restaurant owned by a man named pete the frog quickly befriends pete s daughter jenny an aspiring fashion designer who currently works at her father s restaurant as a waitress as kermit continues his attempts to reach stardom now with the help of jenny he doesn t know that miss piggy has secretly stayed in new york and is now spying on him she begins to see kermit and jenny together and to her it looks like they re getting close which leads to jealousy when i saw this movie for the second time it looked disappointing at first it seemed a little rushed unfocused and maybe even forgettable around the beginning there are some funny bits during this part of the film such as animal chasing a woman through the audience on the college campus but for a little while the film seemed bland to me compared to its two predecessors fortunately it wasn t long before that changed the film is entertaining for the most part with saying goodbye the poignant song the muppets sing as they part and a lot that happens after that the two funniest parts might be miss piggy s tantrums after she sees kermit and jenny hugging but there were definitely many other times when i laughed such as poor fozzie trying to hibernate with other bears the muppets still have their charm and comical antics which obviously also helps carry the movie for the most part as does the plot a simple but intriguing one for all ages there are some weaker moments such as the muppet babies sequence and juliana donald s performance as jenny is lacklustre but neither of these problems are too significant and are far from enough to ruin the entire experience i would say the muppet movie the film that started the franchise in is the best of the original trilogy and that seems to be the most popular opinion this third film is probably the weakest of the three but all of them are good unlike muppets from space the third of the theatrical films in the franchise made after henson s sad passing at least the muppets take manhattan is still the muppets i won t go into details about what i think of the muppets film released twenty years after their first one since i ve already explained in my review of it why i found it so disappointing and even though it does have some appeal i m clearly not alone however every theatrical movie starring the lovable muppets that was made during henson s life is good entertainment for the whole family even if the second and third installment each showed a slight decline in quality after the one that directly preceded it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20608": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "sitting down to watch the th season of the bachelor on the wings of love i knew i would be in for an interesting time i had watched some of the previous seasons of the bachelor in passing watching an episode or two and missing the next three or so i find that the bachelor is often appealing and intriguing though its quality and morality are often lacking on the wings of love details the journey taken by jake a year old commercial pilot from dallas texas to find true love as true a love as one can find in a season long reality drama dating show jake meets beautiful girls from all over the country he begins to get to know them a bit but it is mostly superficial how well can you get to know someone in a few minute conversations jake tries to make his true intentions known from the very beginning at least to the audience he noted that he doesn t just want love or a good time but he wants a fianc or wife we can only assume that he has made this clear to the women in the competition as well if that is the case it might explain to a degree some of the women s actions the women are super competitive while they don t even know jake at all yet they are still in it to win it no matter what the cost not only were the women competitive but they were also confident and catty threats backstabbing and warnings of watch out all show that these women weren t there for a good time either jake noted that he was not just looking for sex appeal but looking for a connection however the girls pulled out all the stops to try to impress jake with said sex appeal they arrived at the mansion in skimpy dresses either low cut or short while some girls seemed to maintain their sense of decorum others missed that memo altogether one girl channy noted that jake was a good guy to whom she could be a naughty girl she went on to say that jake could land on her runway anytime she got flack from the other girls for her provocative statement which showed their take on these situations so a reality dating show couldn t be that bad could it besides the obvious issue of sex driven attraction there are other issues that mar this seemingly harmless show is this the right way to find a future mate vying for someone s attention by flaunting oneself to extreme proportions unfortunately however that is what america has reduced dating to these days pleasure and sex without commitment and a little happiness on the side another problem is the premature emotional attachment by which many of the girls bound themselves to jake a few girls in particular seemed to be overly attached one girl said if i don t get that first impression rose it will kill me as mentioned before they don t even know him yet and she was talking about a specific rose not just one of the roses to keep from being eliminated michelle in particular seemed to have some issues with attachment to jake the other girls noticed it too after one particular michelle outburst vienna asserted that michelle had a mental breakdown and we ve only been here an hour michelle got the last rose of the evening on the first show narrowly missing elimination and was extremely emotional about it the other girls thought it was simply ridiculous another girl also cried but because she was eliminated it began with survivor and from there it just took off reality tv it shows our entertainment interests as a country if we weren t watching the shows and giving them good ratings the networks would not continue to run them the only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that enough of america is hooked one thing is clear america in general loves reality tv and its ensuing trappings this begs me to question why is it that we even like reality tv what is it about it that draws us to it is it because we see the similarities to our own lives or is it because we want to be sure that we are more stable and less pathetic than others whatever it is that draws us to it we should be careful of the media and entertainment that we allow to fill our minds i m not saying that all reality tv shows are bad however i am saying that we need to evaluate each one episodes used for critique season premier and episode"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20609": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when i first saw this film in the s i was in my middle teenage years and somewhat reluctant to see this since i considered myself grown up and out of the sesame street muppets age i honestly don t remember if i liked it at the time or not however somewhere in college i watched this film again and it wound up going and staying into my personal best films ever collection this film is loaded with humor that goes far above and beyond what one would have expected from the muppets i mean obviously the muppets always have appealed to adults and children because there s humor geared towards both generations but come on janice is accidentally overheard telling someone i don t take my clothes off for anyone even if it is artistic there s a joke from a father to a son that if the son in love with kermit the frog then the father doesn t want to hear it gonzo saves a chicken with mouth to mouth resuscitation sp and afterwards says i think we re engaged now these and plenty of other moments in the film had me rolling add to that very smart dialogue very smart new york broadway wink wink humor the usual large amount of celebrity cameos and some really enjoyable songs that don t border on kid level cheesy whatsoever this film is a masterpiece i don t throw s out on a regular basis but this one deserves it over years later this film totally holds up perhaps even more so the muppets never were and never will be again as funny and smart and just plain brilliant as this film was and is q"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20610": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yes even as a fan of shows like survivor and the apprentice this show is pretty bad i didn t mind the first couple of shows but then realizing how pathetic everyone was to actually go on the show in the first place the antics of alex and aaron giving men a bad name at the way they cheated on or dumped their choice at the first opportunity really was not a good look for the show ryan you can have trista she had the most annoying voice i ve ever heard on television and she definitely wasn t the smartest girl around very media savvy but i doubt there s much more there i haven t really watched any of the shows since apart from the occastional re run on daytime tv i think the point of reality tv is to treat it as entertaining trash view it as something you can laugh over and don t have to think too hard about i don t watch csi its like reality tv tired and clich d but you have to think too much anyway while watching a couple of thoughts on some reasons fro going on the show at the very first the woman tell all woman such as amy who had a lot of class about her commented that she had tried every scene aka the bar and club scene to meet a guy and it wasn t happening for her hey amy how about joining a club getting a hobby doing charity work changing your job to one where you meet more guys gees all i know is that going to a bar is not the ideal place to meet a future partner amy and many of the other girls seemed to be obsessed with the idea of meeting the perfect man clue to ladies he doesn t exist there are however many great guys out there that would make great husbands some who may be right for you they may not earn six figures a year or be a jfk junior look alike but they are great guys all the same the shallowness of woman on this show is quite unbelievable im still a youngster at was lead to believe that woman gradually grew out of their shallowness as they got older and more realistic about their future partner this show is proving otherwise overall this show does a lot to confirm many stereotypes of how woman view men in society it really is a terrible show and i think all of these types of shows should just stop being made the best dating shows by a country mile are blind date and the fifth wheel because they are fun nothing is manned more between the couples than a simple night out the bachelor sadly takes itself way too seriously"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20611": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i love this film the songs and story lines are great fun and the song saying goodbye always moves me what a brilliant thing to do to bring puppets to life in a way that you actually care about these things made of cloth and fabric and whatever great voices and great talent why were all the other muppet films that came after this one so much less interesting moving and funny is it that mr henson is just so very missed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20612": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it makes one wonder how this show is still on the air there s been one couple that has stayed together married and has children but everyone else has broken up what s the point of continuing this the show can be entertaining at the beginning you see all the girls swooning over one man that almost all of them like instantly it s just like in real life the girls start to take sides bitch one another out and show their true selves or so we think but that one man is left to decide who to pick that he thinks he can marry and live happily ever after what is true love exactly how can you fall for someone when you re forced to pick them this show is unbelievable you thought dating online was bad but people have to go on tv to find love it s not realistic how could a girl be with a man when he is going out with several others making out with them none of these questions are answered and finally when the show ends you know there won t be a happy ending in the future for all we know everything is scripted"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20613": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "throughout this film you might think this film is just for kids well it is mainly pointed towards them but it s also well rounded enough with the jokes pointed also at the adults in the audience this time around the muppet gang try to get on broadway with the dire straits keeping them from getting it produced leading them to splitting up but kermit won t stop and his determination keeps things moving along until after getting the deal together he gets hit by a car and sent into amnesia it s a send up in part of those old starring vehicles from the s with musicals actually as the topic of a musical only here there s the usual lot of zaniness and wonderful moments thrown into a pot of hysterically funny moments lou zealand s boomerang fish gonzo s water stunt display the whisper campaign among many others but also with a lot of heart too the muppet writers aren t shy of the conventions on the contrary they embrace them to the point where it s almost refreshing to see such a lets put on a show story where through thick and think the characters will meet their dream while not as totally original in scope as the muppet movie it s got many catchy and memorable songs excellent locations all over manhattan and even some intonations of inter species dating and marriage cameos include liza minneli a frog elliot gould as the cop brooke shields propositioned by a rat edward i koch gregory hines and joan rivers so get ready to sing along or just have a lot of big laughs and romantic yes romantic times with one of the best muppet movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20614": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched this movie to the end and that was really not easy it is so boring bad played and in nearly every detail stolen from blair witch project that you can t believe the makers take this serious even harder to believe is how this product made it onto vhs and dvd so if want to see a horror movie just watch scream but if you want to laugh out loud and have a good time watching some kids running through the woods screaming at each other and showing of their inability watch dark area"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20615": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when i saw it for the first time i was really impressed the director made such a mysterious atmosphere especially in the end through all the story spectators can expect that richard will really kill thomas or he will do it first but the main point was not conflict but friendship older and mature one prayed himself to save the younger who has the whole life to life it is amazing every time i watch it i enjoy of course it is pretty violent like every action movie but i think it is acceptable thanks a lot louis liosa and tom berenger amazing film i advice everyone to see it i am sure people wont regret and will really have a good time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20616": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "please do not waste any money on this movie it really is nothing more than a boring german blair witch ripoff made by some high school kids i couldn t finish watching it and usually i like watching all kinds of b movies how on earth could they find a distributor for it funny however check out wikipedia for dark area the guy who wrote the entry must be completely out of his mind maybe he got loads of money from the producers money that should have been spend on actors camera and editing even that wouldn t have helped since there is absolutely no interesting idea behind this film unfortunately dark area has already gotten too much attention please director producer and author of this movie stop making movies like that you are not doing yourself a favor the world would be a better place without this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20617": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is the best movie i`ve ever seen thomas beckett richard miller two mankinds who want to survive in the jungle of violence and madnes one shot one killed you must kill if you getting doubt about something you must survive p p i appologise of my bad worst english"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20618": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a friend of mine bought this very cheaply and decided to give it to me as a birthday present i thought i d never watch it cause i knew it was a joke and the cover of the dvd looked pathetic but then my friends and i got really bored and watched it from start till finish i know quite an accomplishment but it really is a masterpiece it s hard to describe you should see it it s a real lesson on what people are capable of when they believe they re creative and smart and really aren t the acting is sous terrain you can actually see the leading lady laugh on some occasions she s definitely the worst the story is to stupid to be summed up and really everything in this film sucked please pay special attention to the sheriff the guy is an adult and therefor has absolutely no excuse to be involved in this he s extremely bad as well whatever it did have some hilarious moments check it out haha"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20619": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i am curious of what rifle beckett was using in the movie and also the caliber of the bullet that he was suppose to be firing if this is loosely based on carlos hathcock s sniping i am guessing that it is a mm round i am also curious of the rifle itself he also made a comment in the final sniper movie about the rifle that the vietnamese man let him use that belonged to his father beckett mentioned that he thought it was the best sniper rifle ever made i would like to know which rifle that is also i know that this particular rifle was made around wwii or beforehand i just couldn t get a close enough look at it watching the movie to identify it as for mr hathcocks kills his longest shot was miles and he had confirmed kills and unconfirmed kills after his wounds somewhat healed from being burned in vietnam he spent the rest of his career teaching snipers in the usmc the skills that they would need in the field his sniping career is still mentioned to our brothers and sisters that train in the usmc i found out his name from my friend who is a former marine any information would be great"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20620": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "like so many media experiments this amateurish effort contains seeds of a very interesting social commentary in the years since it was released the premise has been made less outrageous by real world events in software development and i found it less boring than the previous commentator for that reason i imagine the director clearly is a fan of hitchcock and it s too bad that the film was not better executed but in fact it is nearly a parody of pulp fiction including the soundtrack screeching at us when we are supposed to pay attention one can almost see the exclamation points and capital letters on a yellowing page i have to admit i found it rather entertaining for all these reasons and more sometimes the slick has less to offer us and i would recommend it to anyone interested in deconstructing it for education purposes oh yes and even though the seams showed and it creaked a lot my heart rate went up and i was reluctant to get up and take a break"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20621": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i know i know it was a good ending but sincerely it was awesome i love when a movie ends on a terrific dark nature but this time i was impressed with darth vader turning against the emperor i really stayed astonished the anguishing sequence in that film was when luke is tortured and defeated by the emperor darth sidious he is about to be destroyed when darth vader dark lord of the sith eliminates his dark master a nice sacrifice the cinematography of this film is impressive i was surprised with all the vessels of the rebel battle ships and all imperial war ships and super star destroyers i loved the new race they brought on screen the mon calomari the ewoks the sullesteian lando s co pilot and many more most of my favorite scenes are in that film when vader destroys the emperor and is fatally wounded when luke sees the spirits of obi wan and yoda and then it shows up anakin skywalker sebastian shaw the greatest scene in star wars when leia slays jabba strangling the hutt crime lord i personally like the script and the battle of endor presenting a ground and space combat as well the best duel of star wars between darth vader v s luke skywalker on the death star post script the scenes with leia in the slave bikini are memorable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20622": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "not too keen on this really the story is pretty horrid and unconvincing i enjoyed the first minutes bill nunns good after that it was pretty appalling tim doesn t fit the role he comes across as a smug self inflated ass pruitt taylor vince is entirely unconvincing as a trumpet player it s a idealist film and as a musician feel slightly offended after watching it there s no scenes of practising or playing with his fellow band mates he s completely self indulgent i find it hard to build any relationship with this kind of character maybe i m watching the wrong film if you have no real passion for life or sense of what musics all about then happily indulge in the suspension of disbelief and watch this waffle"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20623": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was another great tom berenger movie but some people are right it was like another sgt barnes character but it was still awsome tom berenger played a great sniper in the jungles of panama billy zane was a wuss at first just like cpl upham from saving private ryan but then he got a little more aggresive in the end sniper was awsome and action buffs should watch it i remind you it wouldnt have as much action as a reg action flick i got this one on dvd too and it is excellent"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20624": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the american humane association which is the source of the familiar disclaimer no animals were harmed the registered trademark of the aha began to monitor the use of animals in film production more than years ago after a blindfolded horse was forced to leap to its death from the top of a cliff for a shot in the film jesse james needless to say the atrocious act kills the whole entertainment aspect of this film for me i suppose one could say that at least the horse didn t die in vain since it was the beginning of the public waking up to the callous and horrendous pain caused animals for the glory of movie making but i can t help but feel that if the poor animal had a choice this sure wouldn t have been the path he would have taken"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20625": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one military drama i like a lot tom berenger playing military assassin thomas beckett this marine is no nonsense in your face and no questions asked kind of person who gets the job done there you have billy zane the phantom and others who plays richard miller a former swat form d c works for the government and takes orders only from them who needs a bureaucrat i don t when these two are paired sparks should be flying and how however beckett teaches the young bureaucrat on how it works when the other sniper hits it s wits vs wits cat vs mouse gunman vs gunman and when the seasoned sniper is caught it s up to miller to put politics aside and save him who needs politics when you a pro like beckett he took orders from no one but himself plays by the rules and not the book and mutual respect is brought out despite the politics the movie was a direct hit watch it rating out of stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20626": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this had a great cast with big name stars like tyrone power henry fonda randolph scott nancy kelly henry hull and brian donlevey and a bunch more lesser but known names with shorter roles it also had technicolor one of the few movies made with it in now the bad news regrettably i can t say much positive for the story it portrayed the james boys in a totally positive light and hollywood has done that ever since why these criminals are always shown to be the good guys is beyond me this film glamorizes them and made their enemies the railroad people into vicious human beings the latter was exaggerated so much it was preposterous well that s the film world for you evil is good good is bad hey hollywood here s a news flash the james boys were criminals really look it up"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20627": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "just as tom berenger put you into the soul of sgt barnes he has done it again with thomas beckett if i thought his world was folding in on him in the first scenes it was nothing compared to how much more i felt during the last scenes great movie even for a girl"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20628": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in a college dorm a guy is killed by somebody with a scythe his girlfriend beth dorie barton discovers him and tries to commit suicide she s institutionalized a year later she s out has a new boyfriend named hank joseph lawrence and is about to spend spring break with hank and four other mindless friends in a big beautiful condo in florida naturally the killer pops up for no reason and starts killing again lousy slasher thriller a textbook example of how not to do a low budget horror movie for starters large portions of this film are endless filler of these six idiots videotaping themselves having fun more fun than the audience getting drunk acting stupid etc etc also there is no nudity in here at all i m not saying a horror film needs nudity but anything to liven this up would have helped none of the deaths are really shown you hear them are only a little bloody and there is no gore there s one real gruesome one but that s not till the end with a few exceptions the acting sucks dorie barton is dreadful as the main woman and tom jay jones is lousy as oz chad allen pops up as brad and he s terrible lawrence is actually very good handsome and hunky and giving this crap his all and jeff conaway pops up in a small role doing a pretty good job logic lapses abound after they realize a friend has been killed two of the girls casually talk about sex baston s non reaction to seeing a friend getting killed is kind of funny and what happens to lawrence his character disappears without a trace at the end dull stupid no gore no nudity skip this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20629": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "zane and beringer will keep you on the edge of your seats i don t typically go for military war movies but this was worth my time it was serious but it was also humorous beringer s character proved to be heroic and honest no matter what you know that he s got your back zane s character developed throughout the film he wasn t just a suit he definitely proved that he could be a hero and handle a gun the ending through me a little though it didn t really go with the action throughout the film but i m glad that i saw it nonetheless it s worth checking out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20630": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i know slashers are always supposed to be bad but come on what the hell is this it s like a bunch of year olds saved their lunch money and started filming this by the end of their week anyway six young people all go to the same house to get killed off screen we have the brainy one the slut the other slut the black guy the killer stereotypes like that after one gets eaten by a shaking boat the others all get stalked by some guy who wears a mask the people at the poor box rejected there s one pretty decent murder somewhere in the middle but then it s back to even more boredom and especially more false scares seriously we actually know it can t be the killer when a person gets attacked because the guy sure loves to take his sweet time for everything after every character you expected to die dies the standard ugly blonde chick and her soon to be boyfriend eventually get captured by the killer they get like pushed down and then faint and the killer reveals himself i think the writers of this movie just took a blindfold and a pen and put it somewhere on the list of characters the motive is just lame and don t even get me started on the damn secret the killer then of course takes way too much time to explain everything and then about ten minutes extra in which he slices up his own arm for some reason and eventually gets overpowered by a guy with a gun hey no fair really one of the most awful movies i ve ever seen i could enjoy myself more by watching a lindsay lohan movie i swear i mean sure most s slashers sucked as well but at least they threw in some t a this movie just has nothing going for it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20631": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there are few movies that appear to provide enterntainment as well as realism if you ve ever wondered about the role of snipers in modern war take a look at this one i just loved the scene where hundred soldiers get shooting at the jungle no one quite sure where that shot came and they nicked one scene to saving private ryan so it has to have some merit in the scene"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20632": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one of the worst horror movies i have ever seen unfortunately i am a horror movie buff and will rent any horror movie unless it s not made for t v when looking at the box it says it is rated r for gore and some language where was the gore was their one good death scene where you actually saw gore i could have overlooked that if there had been some brief nudity or some good dialogue there wasn t even one remotely witty or amusing line in this lame movie sometimes horror movies are awesome because they are so stupid but this was just sad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20633": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sunday would not be sunday without an action movie and when you want intense combat you turn to tom berenger platoon here he plays a sniper in the jungle going after rebels and drug lords life s a bitch so he gets a green office type billy zane to help on the mission the film is in the hands of luis llosa who stunk up anaconda he doesn t do much better here but berenger makes the movie worthwhile sure it may be a little long who wants to see a lot of walking through the jungle but is is good tense action when the time is right"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20634": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "do you guys wanna know a secret this movie sucks well actually i don t know because if you allow yourself to be indulged by plagiarised versions of original movies then perhaps you may find this movie astounding this movie being a plagiarised copy of i know what you did last summer the first minutes of the movie is based on a typical story setting a bunch of so called cool teenagers relishing their vacation in florida and being themselves by behaving very much like the juveniles they are the only insight we get at this point is the extent to which the director succeeded in illustrating a pretentious sense of adolescent decadence within the characters the second half hour of the movie gains a little momentum and begins to illustrate a start to the no where near unprecedented killings the third half hour of the movie will most definitely remain a mystery to me because i switched it off before i could further delude myself into thinking that the movie may still have something interesting and original left to show as far as the story is concerned it can easily be explained in a few lines a bunch of teenagers go to florida on vacation while they are busy partying they slowly and i mean slowly begin to get killed because they know some sort of silly secret the only thread to the killings is that all victims were matriculates of a common high school one thing that did however amaze me about this movie was how much betty im not sure about her name the blonde character looks like reese witherspoon another thing that amazed me about the movie was that it made me jump from my seat a few times does that make it a work of art absolutely not because my year old niece made me drop a glass of orange juice because she boo ed me when i was just about to go through the guest room door whats the difference between the director and my year old niece do you wanna know a secret i m not sure about you guys but i don t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20635": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "some guys think that sniper is not good because of the action part of it was not good enough well if you regard it as an action movie this view point could be quite true as the action part of this movive is not actually exciting however i think this is a psychological drama rather than an action one the movie mainly told us about the inside of two snipers who definitely had different personalities and different experiences tomas beccket who was a veteran and had confirmed kills looked as if he was cold hearted however after beccket showed his day dream of montana we can clearly see his softness inside it was the cruel war and his partners sacrifice that made beccket become so called cold hearted millar on the contrary was a new comer a green hand and was even not qualified as a sniper billy zane did quite well to show millar s hesitation and fear when he first tried to put a bullet through one s heart as what beccket said what he thought about the actuall suicide mission was that it could be easily accomplished and then he could safely get back and receive the award these two guys were quite different in their personalities and i think that the movie had successfully showed the difference and the impact they had to each other due to the difference in their personalities these two snipers quarreled suspected each other and finally come to an understanding by the communication and by what they had done to help even to save the other sniper isn t a good action movie but a good psychological one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20636": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok a slasher movie a very very stupid slasher movie we got your stereotypical teenagers in a house thing going we got a fbi agent that s seen dirty harry one time too many so what s the secret punks we got about different little camera shots and scene that make no sense at all hey man i m fixing the sprinklers that guy was my favorite part of the movie suddenly there s a preacher tied up on a couch watching home movies he gets killed they follow the killer into the middle of nowhere with no cops suddenly she s in a church wearing a wedding dress i swear this is the stupidest slasher movie i ve ever seen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20637": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one shot one kill no exceptions a must see if you are into marines or snipers two big thumbs up great overall storyline great camera work good drama action details and more pretty close to the real thing but this isn t a film to breakdown and pick out the editing faults this is to sit back and have a good mins the plot has some depth but this movie isn t really about making you think its about enjoying the sniper lifestyle and action sniper and are pretty good follow ups but the first is still the best overall movie tom berenger does a great job playing his character and showing the hidden side of the sniper life the plain of dealing with all of the death must see for sniper fans"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20638": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "spoilers redicules slasher film that makes no sense at all with a killer running around dressed in a black robe and wearing what looks like a pull over peter lorre rubber mask were told early in the movie almost the very first scene that young beth morgan was in rehab due to heavy drug use after her boyfriend was murdered in tennyson collage about a year ago it s also brought out that fbi agent sacker s jeff conaway who s obsessed in catching the killer daughter was also murdered in tennyson around the same time by the time the movie do you wanna know a secret is over it s never explained just what those two killings back in connecticute has to do with the slaughter in florida of some half dozen collage students a year later other that the killer at least in the murder of beth s boyfriend wore the same silly halloween outfit at spring break in the sunshine state the six students spend their vacation at a beach house and before you know it they start getting knocked off one at a time starting with computer geek brad clyton chad allen the killing even spill over into town with a number of people who have nothing to do with the targeted student including the police chief gavin jack mcgee getting sliced open the masked killer saves beth for last in this weird ceremony at a deserted church in what looks like the florida everglades he then finally reveals who his is and what he intentions are which make as much sense as the movie does none trying to scare it s audience all the movie does is confuse and bewilder it with a number of not too convincing slasher scenes the most effective ones having the victim oz washington tom jay jones survive at least three attempts on his life and ending up together with agent sacker the hero in the film oz also had a vicious cut on is foot from a large splinter of glass that almost cut it in half and crippled him but later he miraculously recovered after getting arrested for a murder he didn t commit in fact he had it out two more time with the killer with him not as much as having a slight limp in his walk it also made no sense at all why oz and beth went on their own to tack down and catch the killer instead of calling the police with a cellphone that oz had instead beth s boyfriend who loses his head over her in the movie hank ford joseph lawrence is also very unconvincing as well as the two girls at the beach house they together with with beth oz end up being the killers victims and then somehow disappearing from sight for a moment you didn t know if they were really killed at all or if it was some kind of hallucination on oz s or the local police part until the off the wall final scene where they popped up in the church we also get an insight on a previous relationship between tina and hank with her drunk and acting obnoxious trying to get it on with hank as beth walks in without hank and tina even noticing her that seemed to have upset beth even more then her boyfriend being murdered at the beginning of the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20639": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "two snipers travel deep in the jungles in search for their targets a slimy south american drug lord and a prominent general moderately successful at building a brooding atmosphere sniper is by most accounts a very solid thriller taking it s time establishing it s characters and their plight and climaxing in some good action sequences director llosa isn t always successful at maintaining the sombre mood and could have tightened the story somewhat some detours here don t add up to much but this film is far better than his stallone stone travesty the specialist billy zane usually incredibly tiresome does surprisingly well as the inexperienced sniper teamed up with veteran berenger as for berenger this film proved to be his last good big budget hollywood venture he can do these kind of roles in his sleep and he s very convincing here reprising the role twice more in direct to dvd sequels"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20640": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this mindless movie is a piece of crap and boring like the full house repetitions for all the people who want to see a great exciting and cool horror movie shouldn t even think about watching this bunch of mindless work a f in my opinion i have one question what were they thinking let s make a list bad script bad script bad script bad acting bad directing and last but not least a bad script i mean i am not like grumping about every movie but i was disappointed when i watched it this movie should be banned into a box locked and sunk down into the sea so please don t do something like this again please please please"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20641": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sniper gives a true new meaning to war movies i remember movies about vietnam or wwii lots of firing everybody dies bam bam sniper takes war to a new level or refinement the movie certainly conveys all of the emotions it aims for the helplessness of humans in the jungle the hatred and eventual trust between beckett and miller and the rush of the moment when they pull the trigger a seemingly low budget film makes up for every flaw with action suspense and thrill because when it comes down to it it s just one shot one kill"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20642": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have read the novel reaper of ben mezrich a fews years ago and last night i accidentally came to see this adaption although it s been years since i read the story the first time the differences between the novel and the movie are humongous very important elements which made the whole thing plausible are just written out or changed to bad if the plot sounds interesting to you go and get the novel its much much much better still out of since it was hard to stop watching because of the great basic plot by ben mezrich"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20643": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as most off you might off seen star wars return off the jedi you may knows its a good movie but as you might have seen on video they m might have a party at the end and they just probably end the movie with the party with no a spirits or anything but on the original one live tv when they are partying but before i say more when ben obi wan dies in the imperial ship or death star they saw him disappear and yoda dies from either old age or internal illness but because luke killed darth vader real name anakin skywalker when they all are partying at the end when luke or someone stops the spirits off ben and yoda stands starring at him and smiling while another spirit appears is its darth vader but not as a sith as the old usual selve off him and started smiling with ben and yoda i reckon that made the movie ending a little bit interesting but the producers or anyone should off made a spirit off padme and mace windu and other jedis that got killed with younglings under there arms in the back ground"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20644": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in a college dorm a guy is killed by somebody with a scythe his girlfriend beth dorie barton discovers him and tries to commit suicide she s institutionalized a year later she s out has a new boyfriend named hank joseph lawrence and is about to spend spring break with hank and four other mindless friends in a big beautiful condo in florida naturally the killer pops up for no reason and starts killing again lousy slasher thriller a textbook example of how not to do a low budget horror movie for starters large portions of this film are endless filler of these six idiots videotaping themselves having fun more fun than the audience getting drunk acting stupid etc etc also there is no nudity in here at all i m not saying a horror film needs nudity but anything to liven this up would have helped none of the deaths are really shown you hear them are only a little bloody and there is no gore there s one real gruesome one but that s not till the end with a few exceptions the acting sucks dorie barton is dreadful as the main woman and tom jay jones is lousy as oz chad allen pops up as brad and he s terrible lawrence is actually very good handsome and hunky and giving this crap his all and jeff conaway pops up in a small role doing a pretty good job logic lapses abound after they realize a friend has been killed two of the girls casually talk about sex baston s non reaction to seeing a friend getting killed is kind of funny and what happens to lawrence his character disappears without a trace at the end dull stupid no gore no nudity skip this one rated r for graphic violence and some profanity"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20645": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this will be somewhat short first don t listen to the critics as it is not as bad as most say it is sniper uses a classic movie formula which many dismiss immediately as flawing the movie while sniper does not reflect the truth about how our country s military snipers work it does give those who know nothing about the professional sniper a glimpse into the world of the sniper and yes the movie has many flaws but what movie doesn t there are many good scenes and good acting by tom berenger i have to say the worst scenes are at the beginning of the movie with billy zane in the helicopter followed by zane in the marine s bar scene the best scene in sniper is with berenger in the middle of a field with the opposing force sweeping it also there are plenty of good shots of the jungle and some classic shots using the camera as though you are looking through a riflescope and yes the sniper motto is `one shot one kill judge sniper for yourself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20646": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "good deaths good mask cool axe good looking girls but watch out no plot and little scares completely lower it s standards they tried to make an i know what you did last summer but ended up making a scream but hey what do people expect from a horror movie answers totally vary rent it if you want but i regret ever seeing it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20647": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "despite some negative comments this film has garnered in the imdb pages it s still worth a look as this is a story about survival and camaraderie between two different men with different mentalities while in a difficult mission in the panamanian jungle peruvian director luis llosa takes us along to watch this thriller set in panama the film has some good moments as beckett the veteran marine takes a newly arrived man recently sent to try to eliminate a notorious drug cartel head and the corrupt army general who might be the next president of the country the only problem miller has no experience in what he has been entrusted to achieve miller the arrogant newly arrived man to the jungle and to the guerrilla warfare between the military and drug lords against the infiltrated american intelligence men learns a valuable lesson from beckett what looks good in theory is irrelevant in the jungle tom berenger is an actor who doesn t register much as he proves in this movie but in the context of the movie he is right as a man of a few words billy zane playing miller does what he can with a role that doesn t afford him any glory until the crucial end for lovers of action film sniper offers an minutes of action that with a bit of trimming would have made a more satisfying movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20648": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the secret is this movie blows sorry but it just did spoiler in this bad riff on i know what you did last summer and scream beth played admirably by dorie barton joins several friends on a spring break trip the group rents a fancy house and tries to enjoy a fun vacation then the deaths begin first one then another then another of the friends is murdered leading to a sad and trite climax with predictable results one note dorie barton is the poor man s reese witherspoon she looks like reese acts like reese and could pass for reese in a police lineup maybe that s how they cast her anyhoo decent cinematography and fair acting could not quite make up for bad dialog and terrible writing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20649": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "spoilers the film sniper is undoubtedly based on the exploits of legendary us marine sniper carlos gunny hathcock the unassuming soft spoken mister rogers look alike who ran up a score of as much as confirmed and unconfirmed vietcong and north vietnamese military kills during his two tours in nam which shows just how deadly and effective a trained military sniper really is tom berenger is cool clam and deadly as sgt thomas beckett who s at the end of his career as a top us marine sniper but who later in the movie realizes that a life as a civilian will be pointless since there s nothing outside for him to do with his skills that he learned in the us marines unless he decides to become a mob hit man backett reluctantly accepts his fate as a lifetime professional killer for his country the story of the film sniper is focused on sgt beckett with the assistance of former sharp shooting silver medalist and us government agent richard miller billy zane being sent deep inside the panamanian jungle the two snipers are to take out rebel general miguel alveraze frederick miraglittoa and colombian drug king pin raul ochoa carlos alveraze who s supporting him in a planned a military take over of the country we see earlier in the movie sgt beckett scope and take out a rebel leader which i feel was the best scene in sniper for it shows step by step how sgt beckett with the help of his spotter cpt papich aden young does his job there s also a sub plot that was later aborted in the movie about a rebel sniper desilva eward wiley who was stalking beckett and who later killed papich as they were both waiting to be lifted out of the jungle by a military helicopter you would have thought that a deadly cat and mouse was being played out between the two that would culminate when the movie ended but sgt beckett had no trouble at all in dispatching desilva early in the film by using an unsuspecting miller as bait what hurt the movie the most was ironically the last fifteen or so minutes when the story went from a one shot one kill sniper movie to a rambo like ending with sgt beckett and agent miller fighting off an entire battalion of rebels with bullets flying as thick as a london fog sniper is still well worth watching for the fact that it tells the story about a person who until now has not really been glamorized in war movies a solitary killer who kills with the precision and skill of a master diamond cutter or accomplished neurosurgeon and who does it in total secrecy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20650": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i normally have no problem walking away from a bad movie however this was an unique case this movie was so bad that i actually sat through the whole thing almost praying it would have one minute of good movie time to justify the hour and a half that was wasted needless to say i was brutally disappointed set at a beach house where a group of college friends are celebrating vacation this movie suffers from numerous problems making it not worth seeing first there are gaping plot holes second very few of the c list i don t even dare call them b actors can act worth a damn so any scenes that have potential fail miserably third the rate of the film is very choppy and awkward to watch most of the time making suspense building very difficult leading to very few surprises for the audience fourth and most importantly the ending is completely anti climatic partially because of how it ends setting who the killer turns out to be and partially because the dialog is just atrocious to the films credit it is the only movie that i will ever say is the worst movie i have ever scene and i ve seen a lot so just like a bad joke you would have been all the happier never hearing the next time someone asks you if you want to know a secret you will be yelling no you really don t as you run in the opposite direction"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20651": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ve heard people who say this movie is dull dull dull i don t think they were watching the right movie this isn t the prototypical action movie thank god this is a psychological drama about the rookie and his mentor that just happens to be about killing people in this way it works extremely well with terrific performances from berenger and zane who doesn t sleepwalk through the movie like he has in other roles he actually looks like he s acting i was disappointed with the action towards the end a lot of it didn t make much sense and was unsatisfying given the buildup from the rest of the movie but watch zane s face as he panics alone while berenger does the dirty work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20652": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well ok i watched this movie a little over years ago and now i pulled it out of the dusty shelf to watch it again and i must say i actually think this movie is good this movie caught a buzz as the bootleg i know what you did last summer much like final stab was to scream and well this movie isn t that bad i mean it had flaws and of course it would be laughable to release this in the theaters but still for a midnight popcorn flick this movie is not half bad it has some scares and some really hot women i might add plus it shows off joey lawrence s new beefy look though obviously even that hasn t won him any big hollywood roles either i feel bad for the man he had such a career in the early and mid s with blossom some disney movies and the everlasting lawrence brothers show joey lawrence was a bit player in the sitcom scene but then like in a degree turn his career went south only doing low budget movies like this one the movie also throws you off guard in it makes you think between the crew there really is a secret that someone knows to only be disappointed in the end to find out the secret it also throws you off on who the killer is i had an idea but still woulnd t think the killer was who he was but his motives combined with the secret was a huge letdown now had there been a secret that was let out this movie could ve been one of the better b rated movies but also i am a sucker for college themes and i also in college went on spring break in a mansion sized beach house similar to the one in here so it just made me feel sentimental about this movie a so so slasher flick good for a midnight movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20653": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "firstly this is simply the funniest movie i have ever seen it incorporates perfectly timed slapstick sexual humour and cleverly thought up stand up but it goes deeper than that the souler opposite is an original love story something we don t see that often that gave me hope that there is love out there that two people who love each other can work through their adversity and that such a comedic take on life something i believe we all should have can be accepted by the people that really matter chris meloni gives a such a convincing performance as barry singer that he should have won an oscar the film is brilliantly written and i hope we will be seeing more films from everyone involved in the future"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20654": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am so confused what in the world was this movie about what was the killer s motivation he seemed quite angry but i have yet to figure out why nothing in this movie made sense it had zero depth or less than zero depth which i guess would make it a hill or a pile of crap the acting was horrible when i searched for a few of the actors in this movie they had been in very few things that i had heard of and that came as absolutely no surprise i can t decide whether to feel sorry for them for the embarrassment of being in a movie this bad or to feel that they should never be offered another acting job again starting now seinfeld reference really though don t waste your time with this there s so little substance that there s nothing there even just to make fun of this was undoubtedly one of the worst slasher flicks no one of the worst flicks of any kind that i have ever had the misfortune to watch and i ve seen quite a few"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20655": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i finally got myself set up on mail order dvd rental so i could find movies not available to me in the stores i chose the souler opposite because i love christopher meloni and also like small often ignored films this one is such a treat meloni has such charm in this part it s easy to pigeon hole him is you only ever see him as his alter ego elliot stabler losvu in this film meloni is an out of step unattached mid lifer who is hitting the skids in many ways only to find a path to happiness in someone unexpected the relationship drawn between barry meloni and tim busfield s character is realistic and not over done i haven t seen busfield since something and he was fun to watch but it was all chris film i became such a fan girl all over again it is a bit slow in the beginning i will admit i thought some of the flashbacks could have been edited down but overall this film will delight you male or female as it has an honest refreshing view of relationships today"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20656": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "no didn t think so well in that case all you have to do is stay far far away from do you wanna know a secret as it s just the umpteenth pointless post scream slasher with absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever the plot is extremely ridiculous the characters are insufferably dumb the gore factor is negligible and the whole thing is just plain boring as you can derive from the title already this film is mainly inspired by i still know what you did last summer as the events take place in a similar setting and the killer s motivations are equally stupid why anyone would want to steal ideas from junk like ikwydls is a complete mystery to me anyway at least that film could depend on the precious rack of jennifer love hewitt whereas the girls in this junk are apart from brainless also terribly unattractive one year after the still unsolved murder of her boyfriend beth morgan her new adulterous lover and four other simple minded college students go to florida to spend their spring break holiday in a fancy beach house the killer hasn t made a move all year but now he follows the posse to florida and starts butchering them whilst leaving behind the titular message as some sort of business card you really don t need to be a horror expert in order to quickly figure out which face hides behind the unspeakably ridiculous mask and the writers attempts to put you on the wrong track are downright embarrassing since the plot is so thin most of the film is purely irrelevant padding including the sub plots regarding the incompetent floridian police force and the mysterious fbi inspector who seems to have a personal score to settle the murder inexplicably happen off screen don t you hate it when that happens there isn t even any gratuitous t a to enjoy and you better don t get me started on the quality of the dialogs suffering through crap like this only makes you realize that the delightful spirit of the s slashers is gone for good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20657": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "who knew they could be so funny christopher meloni and janel moloney are known more for their outstanding work in some of television s hottest dramas law order svu and the west wing put them together on the big screen and what you get is an engaging romantic comedy with plenty of laughs the actors develop the story s ongoing relationship with impressive skill leaving the audience bound to fall in love with barry singer meloni despite the fact he s a standup comic who also happens to be a mean spirited sexist jerk you ll be rooting for him even as he takes all his insecurities with the opposite sex and chases thea moloney halfway around the country in hopes of winning her heart they have so little in common but when barry finally opens his heart you ll wonder why thea keeps running away the souler opposite is a wonderful movie with an incredible cast and a gifted writer well worth your time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20658": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "simply awful slasher molded from the i know what you did last summer type of fodder has beautiful wealthy college students spending spring break in a florida condo being murdered one by one a misfire in every category imaginable from properly built suspense to the executed death sequences nothing is handled properly and the characters leave little more than caricatures you root to see decimated as quick as possible del tenney the curse of the living corpse i eat your skin of all people executive produced co wrote and stars as a priest in a pivotal role whose relationship to the killer i guess means something to why he s psychotic the revelation of the killer is awkwardly handled and ineffective probably not surprising a soul who watches it there are a lot of attempted jump scares with one character popping out to frighten their friend which couldn t even manufacture a few cheap thrills because they are so calculated in such a tepid way most of the attacks occur off screen with bleeding throat cuts or pools representing the only real display of violence the protracted finale where the killer goes on and on with the actor desperately trying to make his villain as diabolical and demented as possible is embarrassing and tense less there s not one single positive to derive from this clich d and dull exercise with the pretty cast making little effort to rise past their one dimensional roles and for pity sake they could ve at least allowed us to see joey lawrence get decapitated or something for withstanding the misery of sitting through this junk heap for agonizing minutes dorie barton as the heroine final girl beth morgan who the killer seems to be obsessed with couldn t be more vacuous and uninteresting oh she was in rehab and takes pills for her nightmares such intriguing exposition chad allen cast against type as a very intimidating friend of the group who happens to disappear from the film first setting up the idea that he s the first victim has a tough hill to climb with his role so steep he eventually stumbles rolling uncontrollably with no end in sight jeff conaway needing some cash i guess has the beleaguered fbi agent role whose daughter s murder motivates him to seek out the killer leading him to florida jack mcgee has his usual a hole role as a smart mouth florida police chief who is often nose to nose with conaway s agent oh the answer to the title s question not really because once you get the answer you will wonder why you bothered with this anyway"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20659": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i happened upon this film by accident and really enjoyed timothy busfield s character is without redeeming qualities and at one point busfield and star meloni ogle women as they pass by meloni s take on the parade is different from busfield s janel maloney is terrific she looks very much like tea leone but the major difference here is that janel can actually act some very nice things in this film and well worth your attention when it s on cable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20660": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "suppose you ve been on a deserted island the last ten years haven t heard of scream and left when halloween part entered the cinema then this movie would have been a blast and a completely new vision on the horror scene at the moment a rating is on imdb and it doesn t deserve a that low appreciation slashing all the way like i know what you did and a who is it that when getting to the end convinced me of that who and why no big surprise just a nice flick to watch with a cola popcorn and no urge to get a difficult plot deep characters if the video rental is out of the top titles you can take it without a risk but don t expect a masterwork i ve seen a lot worse"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20661": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "come on they did that on purpose two of my current faves on tv meloni from oz and l and o svu and janel from west wing hook up for a nice little sleeper character study plot s nothing fancy but the acting is right on the mark tim busfield shows up for some neat bits worth a look"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20662": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a warning to you not to be seduced by the names bigelow and red _undertow_ is pointless and unengaging and made me think often of a phrase by twain about wishing all the characters would be drowned together when someone brings up the category of worst films ever made it s not the likes of _plan _ or _attack of the killer shrews_ that i think of it s the likes of this what a complete waste of time my own and everyone who was involved with this flick"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20663": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "overall i would have to say that i liked the movie some of the fight scenes are really good especially the fight against leung ka yan one point that really bothered me was the fact that they used an asian to play a black man i mean really talk about bad taste during a fight scene you see one of the fighters on the floor is laughing otherwise sammo copies bruce lee s fighting moves perfectly out of stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20664": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i rated this movie a since the plot is so unbelievable unbelievable judge for yourself be warned the following will not only give away the plot but will also spoil your appetite for watching the movie a computer virus designed by a frustrated nerd sends out a code through television screens and computer monitors when the code in the form of light enters the eye it can access the electrical system of your body what it does is forcing the body cells into excretion of calcium within seconds after infection the patient reaches for his neck develops tunnel vision his skin will turn white of the calcium after which he falls and his hand and scull will crack in a cloud of chalk this virus is very intelligent when it finds out that a blind computer expert is trying to disassemble the code with a braille output device operated by hands the device is set on a very high voltage which causes severe burning wounds on the skin of the expert s head the virus also senses aggression against remote controls and the keyboard of an atm fortunately it could be stopped by throwing over outdated desktop pc s in a rack and electrocuting the nerd with his back on a broken computer and his feet in some spilled water oh dear"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20665": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "no there is another because every star wars fan had to have an opinion about i ii iii and because that opinion was biased since we missed so much the atmosphere and the characters of the original trilogy i will state the good points of the return of the jedi and a few corresponding bad points of the prequel of course i loved the music the special effects the two droids but this has been overly debated elsewhere what we get in the original trilogy and in this particular movie a strong ecological concern anti militarist positions fascinating insights about the jedi order and the force cute creatures harrison ford s smile a killer scene near the ending when vader looks alternatively at his son and at the emperor the lightning of the lethal bolts reflected on his black helmet and when he grabs and betrays his master to save luke thereby risking his own life oh boy what is wrong in the prequel inmho the whole human factor element that the original cast was able to push forward is somehow missing the force seems to be more about superpowers and somersaults than about wisdom too many jedis at once and too many light sabers on the screen the lack of experience of a few actors too often threatens the coherence of the plot by the way if you enjoy the theory of the force as explained by obi web obi wen i mean and yoda then you should read a few books about buddhism and the forms it took in ancient japan the magic of star wars imho lies mainly in the continuing spiritual heritage from a master to his apprentice from a father to his son albeit the difficulties de mon me ton me from my soul to yours as would write bejard to the late zen master t deshimaru"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20666": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "just below the surface lies what a simply awful movie is what as other viewers have justifiably commented the storm sequences are just plain ridiculous chopping already sodden firewood in the pouring rain now that s smart menace foreboding sexual tension for those read dull contrived dull contrived and dull overly contrived i want to say thank god for mia sara s shower scene but in retrospect i think the producers of the film having seen the completed mess realised that they had to put something in to make it half way worthwhile at all so it just becomes yet another contrivance do yourself a favour and give this a miss"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20667": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the most agile fat guy in martial arts does it again an early sammo film that has him imitating his character s hero bruce lee sammo is amazingly lee like in his actions and fighting the way he slips into bruce s style and then back to his own more familiar kung fu is a joy to watch and shows how accomplished and adaptable he is at his art throw in a bit of slapstick humour so beloved of this type of flick and this a movie that has it all comedy some unintentional like the fake black guy action and some incredible fight scenes a great beer and buddies movie that is worth an hour and a half of anyone s time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20668": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the viewer leaves wondering why he bothered to watch this one or why for that matter anyone bothered to make it there is no plot just random scenes of ridiculous action mia sara s shower scene appeals to the male libido but that s not much reason to make a movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20669": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one of hung s better early efforts the humor is dead on in parts as hung tries to imitate lee s moves and facial expressions and also in a bit where hung pokes fun at jackie chan s drunken master the action is also pretty good especially when hung takes on a trio on martial arts experts at the end it s not the greatest film but pretty good for s kung fu especially if you re a fan of hung and or lee be warned though most video versions of the movie have pretty shoddy quality there is also a character in blackface which some people might find offensive sammo hung is a rural swine herder who moves to hong kong to fight off some bad guys sammo turns on his dead on bruce lee impersonation when fighting this film is often billed as a parody of bruce lee s enter the dragon but it s not exactly that sammo is a rural swine herder obsessed with bruce lee who moves to hong kong to help his relatives run a small open air restaurant once situated at the new job he is forced to defend the eatery from local gangsters looking for protection money when sammo switches into fighting mode he switches on his bruce lee impersonation which must be seen to be believed this film is pretty sloppy in many of the fight scenes sammo battles against people who are obviously actors rather than martial artists and there s one character who s supposed to be black who is played by an asian man in heavy and preposterous makeup but what this film lacks in budget and accuracy it more than makes up for in atmosphere and energy highly recommended for a good mood"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20670": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i sat through this turkey because i hadn t seen it before and because the premise sounded like it had potential it was mildly entertaining until the hurricane sequence at the height of the storm the wind is strong enough to blow windows out of the house yet the trees in the background are perfectly upright and not a leaf is moving in fact when the characters move outside the house bright sunlight is visible illuminating the treetops at that point whatever credence the filmmakers had developed evaporated faster than the highly localized rain in their film too bad all hurricanes aren t like this one it would surely help our homeowners insurance rates here in the sunshine state"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20671": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is not a kung fu movie this is a comedy about kung fu and if before making this film sammo hung hadn t spent some time watching films by the great french comic filmmaker jaques tati i ie e g esp jour de f te he is certainly on the same wave length personally i think tati s films are hilarious but they re not to all tastes some have told me that they loathe his work i ve never figured out why but i think it s because the character that tati usually plays himself is so totally dead pan so unaffected by the events around him which he is usually causing that many miss the more subtle comic bits happening around him at any rate tati s main shtick or at least his best known is to take a pretentiously upright petite bourgeoisie with th century sensibilities and drop him into th century france where he must confront a society that is largely defined by the gradual eroding of those sensibilities he usually has serious difficulties with little things like record players or radios he s a hazard in a car but the world s no safer when he rides a bicycle but through it all he never loses his aplomb which is derived from his inner recognition that the nineteenth century was more interesting than the th overall in a similar fashion the character sammo hung himself plays is a country boy come to the big city of hong kong utterly convinced that what makes the city interesting is that bruce lee made kung fu movies there this gets him into trouble in small ways since he takes in stride happenstance which would never be noticed in a small town but which are deemed inappropriate in a big city such as the moment when he appears to be urinating in the street a cop stops him only to discover that hung is actually just squeezing water out of his shirt soaked during an accidental dip in the bay what s interesting about this gag is why it is hung doesn t understand what the cop s fuss is all about in a country town as long as no one s looking if you gotta go you gotta go in other words hung is not really urinating in the street but he certainly would and what s the problem officer of course hung s obsession with bruce lee also gets him into big troubles as well he beats a gang of thugs who have refused to pay his restaurant owner uncle of course in a bruce lee movie the thugs would be considered trounced and they would have learned their lesson but in hung s hong kong reality unfortunately prevails and the thugs return when he s not around to trounce his uncle of course hung finally triumphs in the end just as tati always did characters like this must always triumph at least in comedy because they are completely innocent and as such despite their comic missteps and misunderstandings they really represent what is best in the humans we admire and wish to be we don t really want to be bruce lee who has to experience the loss of all of his friends before he gets a chance to beat the bad guy we in our own innocence really want a world where lee s heroics are possible unfortunately that world only exists on film ah but what if and in that question we find sammo hung at his comic best"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20672": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as a premise this backwoods version of the dead calm storyline had promise however director eric red s inability to render a convincing hurricane leads to a deluge of continuity and lighting errors ultimately the viewer is more spellbound by the bizarre weather effects than the intended storyline intermittent spates of ham fisted over direction are similarly distracting charles dance doing an inbred backwoods hardass schtick does his best to save the movie but ultimately undertow squeals like a pig and has more ham to boot"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20673": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is of of sammo s great early comedy films this isn t a parody of enter the dragon the main character sammo is obsessed with bruce lee and emulates him freakishly well for a man of his size nominal story about how his fighting keeps causing his loved ones trouble then fighting oh the fighting good fast paced scenes with high impact the white guy who plays a boxer looks like he really gets hurt by one of sammo s kicks the funniest bit of this movie was purely unintentional there is a jim kelly looking guy one of three experts hired to take out sammo but he was a chinese guy in blackface with an afro wig come on didn t they have any real black people in hong kong in well i guess i ve seen enough white fake as hell chinese people in old american movies too this is one is for any sammo or bruce lee fan"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20674": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "oh dear what a horrid movie the production was so cheap and nasty remember the shot from the natural where the lightning hits the tree leaving a glowing stump that roy hobbs makes a bat from well the producers of this movie used that same scene to prefix a scene where a tree branch slammed into the house i wonder if they paid to use the footage from the natural or did they just hope that no one who would watch the film would pick it up then at the end where they were getting trying to get away in the truck such over acting in the cabin a really bad film a really bad film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20675": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "enter the fat dragon is one of the funniest martial art movies i had the opportunity to see sammo hung portrays a chinese farm boy that comes to visit a city friend just like tang lung of way of the dragon wherever sammo goes trouble starts therefore he has to rely on his martial art skills to solve the differences luckily sammo s character learns martial arts by imitating and mimicking his idol bruce lee he even strokes his nose with his thumb exactly the way bruce lee does and also releases his screeching yell he also uses nunchucks in a scene it was like watching a fat bruce lee there s a great showdown near the end of the movie which consists of foreign fighters sammo has to encounter each opponent one by one sort of like the game of death where each fighter possesses a different martial art discipline from one another this is one of the films i really enjoyed watching and also the very first sammo hung movies i ve seen excellent fight scenes and a lot of laughs a rare classic sammo hung film i highly recommend for all you martial art fans out there"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20676": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the film began with wheeler sneaking into the apartment of his girlfriend her aunt edna may oliver a person too talented for this film didn t like wheeler a sentiment i can easily relate to the aunt decided to take this bland young lady abroad to get her away from wheeler they left and wheeler invested in a revolution in a small mythical kingdom because they promised to make him their king at about the same time woolsey was in the same small mythical kingdom and he was made king so when wheeler arrived it was up to the boys to fight it out but they refused because they are already friends which greatly disappointed the people as killing and replacing kings is a national pastime i am a huge fan of comedy from the golden age of hollywood the silent era through the s i have seen and reviewed hundreds if not thousands of these films and yet despite my love and appreciation for these films i have never been able to understand the appeal of wheeler and woolsey the only comedy team that might be as bad as the ritz brothers despite being very successful in their short careers in hollywood cut short due to the early death of robert woolsey i can t help but notice that practically every other successful team did the same basic ideas but much better for example there were many elements of this film reminiscent of the marx brother s film duck soup yet cracked nuts never made me laugh and duck soup was a silly and highly enjoyable romp at times woolsey talked a bit like groucho but his jokes never have punchlines that even remotely are funny in fact he just seemed to prattle pointlessly his only funny quality was that he looked goofy surely not enough reason to put him on film additionally wheeler had the comedic appeal of a piece of cheese a piece of cheese that sang very poorly a missed opportunity was the old vaudeville routine later popularized by abbott and costello as who s on first which was done in this film but it lacked any spark of wit or timing in fact soon after they started their spiel they just ended the routine so prematurely that you are left frustrated i knew that who s on first had been around for many years and used by many teams but i really wanted to see wheeler and woolsey give it a fair shot and give it their own twist once again i have found yet another sub par film by this duo while i must admit that i liked a few of their films mildly such as silly billies and the rainmakers which i actually gave s to on imdb this one was a major endurance test to complete something that i find happens all too often when i view the films of wheeler and woolsey where was all the humor"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20677": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sometimes realism can work against the effectiveness of a film that s no problem here the sets are cheesy inside and out the fog is ubiquitous half disguising the shabbiness of the production if there s a bar the name painted on the front window says simply wine and spirits the result is a claustrophobic set of scenes not a single shot of a city or even a fake skyline that s the kind of dublin this story is about just as jack the ripper movies are about seedy foggy cobblestoned whitechapel who would want it any other way how could it have been any other way with no bankable stars a minuscule budget and a four week shooting schedule the acting follows suit outrageously hammy on everyone s part sometimes my god it s positively excruciating mrs mcphillips moaning after frankie is shot dead outside the house victor mclaglin however delivers exactly the right kind of overdone performance wardrobe has stuffed him into a too small jacket so that he seems to be bursting out of it like frankenstein s monster his every movement seems to go a little farther than it was intended to when he slaps his cap on his head he bops himself on the temple a big blustering blubbering baby he seems constantly drunk he betrays his best friend for the reward money which will take him and his would be girl to america not a good guy in the ordinary sense yet we wince as he begins to spend the pounds more and more of it during a wild alcoholic night because every expensive and grandiose gesture takes him farther from his dream i wouldn t argue it but i can understand why he won an oscar as for max steiner s score wow every movement already overdone is not only underlined by the mickey mouse music but highlighted in glossy yellow it shouldn t have happened the heavenly choirs the endearing young charms the minstrel boy the gurgling tune while mclaglen drinks from the bottle it would have been better off with no score at all well how is it as a whole dated by any measure but not a product of its times that s why i admire it yes the symbolism is clumsy at times mclaglen a real dummy bumping his head against a hanging sign the fog the blind man but what impresses me is how little of this was being tried at the time what strikes us as overly arty today was in something quite different from what was seen in most of the programmers being ground out at the time if it falls short at times it doesn t matter the movie was an act of courage politically and morally as well as poetically the legion of decency condemned it because of a scene in a brothel a director s goal should exceed his grasp or what s a script for watching it now however in the story is more disturbing than ever john ford obviously sympathized with the irish rebels they kill but only out of what they see as necessity he knows too much to live what if he goes to the tans oh it s not me self i m thinking of but all of us of ireland herself the irish are sentimentalized and sympathetic i wonder if the jihadists in the middle east don t use a similar logic to justify their acts of violence"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20678": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "inept boring and incoherent supernatural thriller in which college student cassie melissa sagemiller is the constant victim of hallucinations and nightmares after a car accident claims the life of her boyfriend sean casey affleck i can t begin to tell you how bad this is nothing of any importance ever happens nor is there ever any sort of actual entertainment value i did not like this cast in this particular film they are all sadly unconvincing then again their roles are no good to promote this as a horror film is a joke where are the scares there s no sense or suspense there are a few good songs but that s about it how on earth did this project get the green light writer director steve carpenter has no discernible vision or talent that i can sense worst of all the conclusion really makes the whole movie pointless the alleged killer cut that i watched is minutes of pure tedium"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20679": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this picture in walked away with all kinds of ocars for best director john ford actor victor mclaglen and music by max seiner victor mclaglen gypo nolan call out the marines gave an outstanding performance as an irish rebel who belonged to a rough and tough crowd who were all fighting for a cause and at the same time getting poorer and poorer with plenty of drinking gypo nolan made a bad mistake when he decided to become an informer for his best friend in order to take a trip with his gal to america and a new way of living preston foster don gallagher guadalcanal diary gave a great supporting role as the leader of the irish rebellion and was anxious to capture the informer of his group gypo nolan becomes haunted by his betrayal of his friend and begins to feel just like a judas great film for and wonderful acting by mclaglen but rather depressing in every aspect of the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20680": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what s wrong with this film many many things the editing tries too hard to look good and does nothing but confuse the viewer whilst also supplying him her with a powerful headache the plot is muddled and obviously prolonged from what started as a short story or film the plot only makes for less than ten minutes of good story and this is just stretched out painfully until it reached the minimum length for a feature film we all know what happens to things when we stretch them right exactly they get thinner in the end the plot is just so paper thin that you might even miss it if you aren t paying attention which is hard to do when watching this movie the acting is not even slightly impressive the characters are poorly written and dull uninteresting one of the worst things that are wrong with this film is that apparently whoever was in charge of the score soundtrack had no idea what the movie was or what it was supposed to be about not that i blame him i couldn t figure it out either as a result half of the music in the film doesn t fit the scenes at all also what was with all the sexual undertones between eliza dushku and the main character naturally this was in order to attract young males but it was just so cheaply done and did the first scene have anything to do with the rest of the film on any conceivable level at all the two creepy guys didn t seem to have anything to do with the film at all they were just there in order to have some chase scenes i doubt anyone would really enjoy a film so poorly put together and such a shameless and awful hollywood like attempt at a somewhat interesting idea but i digress i recommend this to teenagers with low attention spans who don t mind a really bad horror thriller as long as there s some sex and gore in it although that may only be true for the killer cut which i saw"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20681": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in the mid s hollywood was regaining its confidence after the difficulties of the talkie transition although all the technical problems of sound had been solved very quickly it took longer to resolve the questions of how talking pictures should look how they should be structured and how they should be acted the informer is a key picture in that it shows the extent to which wordless moments can convey story asserting the power images without ignoring the necessities of sound and dialogue this is not to say the informer is truly a throwback to the golden days of the silents for one thing many silent pictures were not so purely visual in their narrative and were overburdened with title cards but what the informer has is the self assuredness to extend moments between dialogues to focus on reactions more than speeches and to let shots play out simply for atmosphere director john ford for all his capability was a filmmaker who appears to have put in effort in proportion to how interested he was in the material if he thought a story was silly he just did it half arsed luckily the informer with its depiction of community honour working class life and most importantly irish setting was everything ford loved and the result is one of his finest works in it ford only really employs too kinds of shot the first is of places the dublin streets shrouded in mist and darkness so their furthest depths cannot be seen dingy interiors where the walls and ceilings seem to press in on us the second is of faces striking close ups against plain backgrounds usually without dialogue focusing us upon the inner conflicts of these people lead man victor mclaglen fits perfectly within this character and this manner of filming him mclaglen s performance does not look like much being as it is about drunk act but the other is heartfelt emoting as here and there his gypo nolan has what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity with such performances are oscars won mclaglen is backed by a spot on supporting cast among whom there are no weak links in particular it is nice to have donald meek and una o connor usually only seen in comic relief roles playing straight dramatic parts for once although meek s appearance does contain one or two jokes the tone of the scene and much of his manner is serious not only do these two deliver incredibly deep performances their familiarity to most viewers as comedy players gives an added note of poignancy to their part in this tragedy rko who produced the informer were perhaps the most adventurous and willing to take risks of all the major studios thanks to this we are able to see a dismal story with a despicable anti hero at its centre which could easily have been a clunky over earnest mess instead filled with a moody atmosphere and depth of character which keeps us watching and draws us into its world"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20682": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "having seen the hot eliza dushku in the pretty good wrong turn i decided to pick this one up instead of return of the living dead of all movies haven t seen that one yet but considering it is one of the most highly acclaimed horror movies ever safe to say i made the wrong choice there is simply nothing to recommend this movie and i am talking about the supposedly superior killer cut it didn t even have the youthful sex appeal of mediocre to poor movies like i know what you did last summer or valentine or urban legend it simply made no sense held no excitement had very little interesting acting or compelling writing the release date was apparently put off numerous times for about a year running and the reason is obvious the whole movie comes off as a bunch of meaningless scenes thrown together haphazardly to meaningless effect get wrong turn instead if you want to see dushku i would like to see a movie with her and the super hot elisabeth harnois but i don t think even that would have made this movie watchable casey affleck so promising in good will hunting is awful here he seems to lack both intelligence and guts that s enough on this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20683": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "like many people here i started out finding my patience being tried by this film by the end i actually shed a few tears it seems to be in the nature of most old films to drag for th length and then catch fire right at the end older film goers learned to bide their time patiently through the slow parts calm in the knowledge that the big payoff is on the way but that isn t quite accurate you see to earlier audiences what are to us the slow parts were the main body of the story they watched and found anecdotal and thematic interest there modern audiences post spielberg are in a constant state of waiting to be hit with a small climax every two minutes when they see older films it s the inflation problem of modern movies well that isn t going to happen it is not necessary to apologize for these films it is simply that you have to adjust your expectations and personal rhythm when you watch them at this point the difference between avatar and the informer is like the difference between euripides and a traveling production of rent think about it for a minute or two not to strain at the obvious but euripides still deserves a hearing the exciting part for most modern viewers begins with the ira tribunal scene and escalates to the final couple of minutes which if you are at all on board or even paying attention by that time will tear your heart out it s not some high tone universal abstract plea for forgiveness it s a plea from one dimwit and those who feel sorry for the big lummox for a little mercy it s that personal and that embarrassingly naked an appeal for after being mad at gypo irritated at him thinking this is the dumbest character of all time you finally find yourself won over by the scene of gypo s erstwhile girlfriend pleading to another woman to talk her man into going easy him the film may be sentimental but the sentimentality is not cheap as some here have charged there s a matter of life and death that plays out here and as long as you take the proposition of one life to a customer seriously it s sentimentality wrung out of the most serious stuff of and the fault for it not being of is my own and in some measure yours if you are reading this we have all asked for more ever more faster ever faster until we cannot put ourselves in just yesterday really as easily as we should be able"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20684": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film concerns a very young girl cassie melissa sagemiller who leaves her family and heads off to become a college freshman one night cassie and her friends decide to go to a wild party with plenty of drinking and dancing and cassie is riding with her boyfriend who she likes but never told him she loved him as cassie was driving a car was stopped in the middle of the road and she was unable to avoid an accident and as a result there is a bloody loss of lives along with her boyfriend cassie becomes very emotionally upset and has nightmares which cause her to have hallucinations about her boyfriend coming back to life and encounters men trying to murder her and she is struggling to find out who her real friends are who wants her dead and will she survive this entire horror ordeal cassie dreams she is being made love to by her boyfriend after he died and finds another guy in her bed and is told she was asking him to make love this is a way out film and not very good at all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20685": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just saw this film on turner classic movies last night and was blown away by victor mclaglen s performance in every sense of the word a tour de force the atmosphere of dublin evoked through the cinematography and production design really foreshadowed techniques used in the best film noirs of the s and early s very nice attention to detail also during frankie mcphillip s wallace ford s wake the mourners are all praying in gaelic max steiner s score is unforgettable as in later films such as s gwtw he appropriated folk ballads to lend local color and a sense of place and time john ford already a film giant in"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20686": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "robert wagner is the evil boss of digicron a telecommunications company with a virus that kills people so you re saying that the software virus has become a real virus that can kill people that may be medically possible but not possible from my system i m having to write some new virus software of my own to trap it it may take some time but it s not going after software it s killing people watch out for the i m into virology love moment and perhaps first ever film plot to feature death by braille keyboard"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20687": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "return of the jedi is often remembered for what it did wrong rather than what it did right and that is a shame because the last chronological installment in the star wars saga is a shining example of epic storytelling it manages to wrap up all story lines of the previous movies in one grand finale and does so very convincingly yes there are ewoks cute and cuddly bears that arguably served to broaden the star wars demographic and in the middle the movie tends to slow down a bit but the final hour is arguably the best piece of the entire saga where luke finally comes face to face with darth vader the most recognizable villain in movie history return of the jedi did so many things right that people tend to overlook it presented an incredible conclusion to the darth vader storyline which went from slightly implausible in the empire strikes back to very convincing here an exciting opening at jabba s palace a masterful performance of ian mcdiarmid as the emperor luke finally coming into his own the resolution of solo and leia s romance and the extremely powerful final moments on the endor moon yes there are slight annoyances but they are the annoyances of a generation of moviegoers who ve had time to nitpick every single scene it s still a magical and moving piece of cinema that also serves as a great final chapter it s not a good movie it s fantastic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20688": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a bad bad movie i tried watching without fast forwarding that failed after about minutes i stopped the movie went on line to see how many minutes this disaster was only minutes whew it was a confusing boring movie i don t think anyone can get knocked down by getting hit with a fluorescent bulb much less gutted by one the one funny thing is that i watched the killer cut version of the movie the box boldly states more blood more sex more terror than the theatrical release yikes if this movie was horrible with all those claims i wonder just how lame the un killer cut was if you want to see a great movie about the world of the living the world of the dead watch any of the night of the living dead series"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20689": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "spoilers powerhouse movie that shows how men in desperate situations can go so far as sacrifice their best friends and family members and not realize what monsters that they are by doing it until like in the case of bull like gypo noland victor mclaglen it s too much too late it s and the hight of the black tan irish revolt against the mighty british empire with the tans british occupying troops on the lookout for wanted irish republican rebel frankie mcphillip wallace ford wanted for the killing of a briish soldier gypo a good really the best friend of the fugitive mcphillip is down on his luck not having a job with his girlfriend katie margot grahame forced to turn tricks in the dublin red light district in order to pay her rent after an outraged gypo worked over a potential john who want s to spend a few hours with katie for a shilling or two an angry katie tells the not so bright gyro that he s preventing her for supporting herself with the only bankable asset she has her body katie also tells gypo that he should wake up to reality and realize what a desperate situation that she s in telling the mind numbed gypo that it would only cost ten pound sterling for her to go to america and get out of the poverty of ireland gypo suddenly remembers a poster of his good friend frankie mcphillip that he just saw announcing a reward of pound sterling thats enough money for both him and kaite to travel to america gypo going to a local dublin flop house and soup kitchen to get a free meal is startled to run into his friend frankie mcphillip frankie tells him that he snuck into dublin to see both his mother mrs mcphillip and sister mary una o connor heather angel and if he can make sure that everything is safe for him to go home and later leave for his irish republican unit outside the city all gypo can see in frankie s face is the pound sterling reward for him being turned into the police without as much of a second thought after he assured frankie that everything is all right gypo secretly goes to the police and informs on his friend who s later shot and killed in a police and tan shootout in his moms house with the deed done the chief of police hands over the pound sterling much like thirty pieces of silver to an almost emotionless gypo who takes it and sneaks out the back door of the police station so that one one can see him you can see in the police chief s face and actions that he has nothing but utter contempt for gypo s betrayal of his friend frankie mcphillip even though he was wanted for murder and an enemy of the british empire that s how low traitors or informers are held even by those whom they secretly work for gypo turns out to be his own worst enemy after his betrayal of frankie as his conscience takes control of his mind gypo sees and hears everyone including his unsuspecting girlfriend katie pointing a finger and implicating him in frankie s betrayal and death at the hands of the british authorities gypo s guilty mind has him getting himself royally and gloriously drunk on the reward money that by the time he s forced to to admit his crime to his irish republican army colleagues who had the almost dead drunk and slobbering gypo on trial the money was just about gone in his partying drinking and whoring whatever good feelings if that s possible that you had for the weak minded and strong shouldered gypo was completely demolished when in an act of total desperation in order to keep from getting shot he falsely implicate an innocent man mulligan donald meek in his crime of informing on his friend frankie mcphillip which is quickly exposed as a total fabrication by non other then the guilt ridden gypo himself the dye is then cast as straws are drawn for who would be the one to put a bullet in gypo s head for the final gut spilling chapter of this heart wrenching and unforgettable crime punishment classic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20690": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "may i start off by saying that casey affleck is a very talented actor and i respect his work very much i wish he was in more movies that showcased his talent with this said soul survivors was a very very bad movie very bad i would have to say that i lay almost all the blame on the poor script affleck is a very talented actress wes bentley had an outstanding performance in american beauty melissa sagemiller did well and eliza dushku is currently the it girl in hollywood i don t think any of the actors really got into the script and i understand why to say that this movie belongs to the horror genre is an overstatement it did have the twists and turns you would expect but they just didn t lead anywhere except to more confusion i just found the ending very anti climatic because it just didn t seem to make any sense or really answer any of the questions that i had about the storyline i wish i could give this movie a good review but i can t in all honesty the only thing i think you will find scary about this movie is that you paid for it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20691": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "victor mclaglen s performance is one of the finest in film history i think we can all feel for gypo because we ve all struggled with what is right and what isn t and been wrong this was one of the first art house pictures to be released by a major american movie studio rko radio pictures joseph h august s cinematography is at its very best here however august s stunning portion was mostly overlooked he didn t receive the oscar nomination he rightly deserved this is a psychological drama with thought philosophy sadness all conveyed with as little words as possible"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20692": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m just quite disappointed with soul survivors it doesn t worth even a comment in this forum the script is very poor as well as all the acting and for our entertainment it features a pointless plot please do yourselves a favor be a real survivor don t waste your time in this piece of crap someday you ll thank me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20693": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "yet again early morning television proves an invaluable resource for films that i otherwise would never have been able to track down at four o clock in the morning i stumbled out of bed to begin recording the informer my fourth film from prolific american director john ford and an excellent one at that set during the irish civil war in the screenplay was adapted by dudley nichols from the novel of the same name by liam o flaherty though he was born in the united states and is most renowned for his americana pictures both of ford s parents were irish which explains the director s decision to direct the film victor mclaglen plays gypo nolan a brutish but well meaning ruffian who informs on an old friend frankie mcphillip wallace ford in order to claim the reward for his girlfriend katie margot grahame when frankie is killed during his attempted arrest the irish republican army of which both frankie and gypo were members begins to investigate the traitor behind the incident every clue bringing them closer and closer to the real culprit meanwhile gypo is plagued with guilt for his friend s untimely death and descends into a bout of heavy drinking that rivals don birnam in the lost weekend in its excessiveness as gypo drowns his sorrows in copious volumes of alcohol trapped in a vicious little circle of depression his extravagant spending captures the attention of the investigating ira members for the one time in his life gypo finds himself surrounded by admirers including an amusing j m kerrigan who enthusiastically clap him on the back and christen him king gypo for his physical might however it s obvious that these people feel no affection for the man and are simple showing him attention to exploit him for money the additional brought by frankie s death could never buy gypo an assembly of friends indeed in a bitter twist of irony the money was only made possible by the betrayal and loss of one of his only good companions a relatively simple fellow gypo could not possibly have fully considered the consequences of his actions and is eventually offered forgiveness on account of his not knowing what he was doing but his foolishness must not go unpunished criticism is occasionally levelled at ford s film for its allegedly propagandistic support of a terrorist organisation though this stance obviously depends on one s personal views i certainly don t know enough irish history to pass judgement there s no doubt that the film portrays the irish republican army as selfless dedicated and impartial a proud piece of irish patriotism if i ever saw it however the main theme of the story is that of betrayal driven by intense poverty one ordinary man betrays the confidence of his good friend and comes to deeply regret his actions the tormented gypo is played mainly for pity and victor mclaglen gives a powerful performance that betrays a lifetime of unsatisfying existence culminating in one terrible decision that condemns him to an uneasy death the informer was john ford s first major oscar success winning a total of four awards from six nominations including best actor for mclaglen who snatched the statue from the three way favourites of mutiny on the bounty best director and best screenplay for dudley nichols who declined the award due to union disagreements"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20694": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have anticipated the various sci fi and thriller type movies this summer but was so disappointed about this particular film while some people walked out of the film i decided to stay only to laugh along with the other moviegoers at the acting lack of suspense ridiculous ending and difficult to follow story line i found myself almost as confused as the main character in the film the only redeeming quality of the film was the soundtrack this is one of those budding star films which they later regret doing in retrospect i wouldn t even rent this one let alone pay more than to see"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20695": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this amazing oscar winner in total and john ford s first academy award winner is simply spellbinding with a pounding score by max steiner called an art film because ford had very little money to make this great story about guilt and retribution and greed and stupidity but what makes this movie such a classic is the direction and astounding photography and use of fog and lighting that was so different from the usual american film and more in the tradition of german expressionism and the oscar winning performance by victor mclaglen as the drunken gypo is simply unbelievable basically the movie takes place in ireland and gypo turns in a friend in the rebel movement to the english to collect pounds to give to his girlfriend but having all that money he starts blowing it on an all night drunk and giving it away while the leaders of the movement are trying to track down the informer the whole movie is one night in a dark and foggy ireland and a cast of characters that are memorable but all along the whole world of gypo is closing in on him both psychologically if i had to pick maybe three directors to have all their movies on a deserted island forever and nobody elses john ford would certainly be one of them what a truly remarkable movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20696": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "had i watched it in my teenage years this movie was mildly entertaining what i liked about soul survivors were the gothic atmosphere during the party scenes and the constant flips between dream and reality had there not been movies like the th sense and don t look now i would have been surprised by the ending"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20697": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "john ford is one of the most influential and best remembered american filmmakers in the history of film his name usually associated with the western film genre however john ford s arguably best film is not a western at all but a seedy drama set in the irish fight for independence in the early s s the informer times are tough on many in ireland and the burnt out gypo nolan is caught in a web of poverty and desperation and the walls are closing in gypo is big but he is not the brightest bulb on the tree has a warm heart but a short fuse and never seems to really think things all the way through but he is not a criminal or a self centered pig walking the streets starving with no where to live the hulking gypo nolan finds the prime lady in his life katie madden on the streets soliciting herself because of her own desperate situation and starts to dream about taking her to the united states if he only had the pounds to pay for it as luck would have it his friend frankie is back in town with a pound price over his head and gypo is desperate enough to inform the police of frankie s whereabouts gypo with the new pounds of blood money earned finds this foggy night particularly foggier as guilt swells all over him and the ira invests all their resources to find frankie s informer victor mclaglen portrays the fallen gypo nolan and definitely deserved the best actor oscar he was awarded for this film his brutish stupid and tender turns give the character dimension and mclaglen is only second to dudley moore s character arthur bach from the film arthur as the most entertaining cinematic drunk margot grahame s performance as katie madden is also excellent but she and mclaglen are the only members of the cast who truly impress preston foster is especially miscast as an ira head mainly because he is most obviously not irish and j m kerrigan borders on irritating throughout his role in the film but this disappointing supporting cast is the film s only poor point often overshadowed by some of ford s better known westerns like the searchers or the man who shot liberty valance the informer is easily one of john ford s best films if not his very best beginning what would be a long career of oscar nominations and wins for john ford the informer won four oscars including one for him for best director in ford and company s use of shadows and light in the film is particularly engaging and vital to telling the story gypo s walk through the streets is narrated by the gloomy state of the town and the glaring accusations of the street lamps each shadow constantly reminding him of his dark deed ford s command of this technique was amazing to watch if the informer was made years later thus making the genre requirements it would probably be considered one of the best films noir of all time but that does not hinder it from being remembered as an excellent classic film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20698": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "steve carpenter cannot make horror movies first of all the casting was very wrong for this movie the only decent part was the hot brown haired girl from buffy the vampire slayer this movies has no gore usually a key ingredient to a horror movie no action no acting and no suspense also a key ingredient wes bentley is a good actor but he is so dry and plain in this that it s sad there were a few parts that were supposed to be funny continuing the teen horror comedy movies and no one laughed in the audience i thought that this movie was rated r and i didn t pay attention and realized it had been changed to pg anyway see this movie if you liked i still know what you did last summer that s the only type of person who would find this movie even remotely scary and seriously this is to you steve carpenter stop making horror movies this movie makes scream look like texas chainsaw massacre"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20699": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "maybe it s because i looked up the history of the irish troubles in the s and then the sad civil war that engulfed the free state after the signing of the treaty before watching this movie anyway the sudden turn at the end brought tears to my eyes victor mclaglen isn t as famous today as he was back then and he should be better remembered in this film i think he s playing himself as he would have been without his innate talent and brains for example the scenes where his buddy in the crowd is challenging men to fight with him is probably quite reminiscent of what mclaglen actually did in earlier years when he was a world class bare knuckles boxer john ford is partly responsible for that the imdb trivia section shows how he tricked mclaglen into getting a really bad hangover for the trial scene this director also could bring out a lot in his actors even without such tricks mostly though mclaglen is firmly in control especially when his character is almost totally blotto which is difficult for an actor to do believably and he also plays gypo nolan with a depth and emotional power that is surprising for someone who has only seen mclaglen later in his career in the quiet man i especially like the contrast between this role as an ira man and the much more obviously controlled performance he gave as the ira man denis hogan in hangman s house in the quiet man of course mclaglen is a country squire at odds with the local ira victor mclaglen was big and bully in the old fashioned sense of the word but he was a good actor too and capable of wide range and fine nuances of performance that we just wouldn t expect of a such a man today it s a rather sad comment on our own set of expectations and prejudices ford as usual packs a lot into a little bit of film all the characters are excellent though the commandant s mostly american accent is distracting note there be spoilers ahead knowing that gypo once drew the short straw and was ordered to kill a man but let him talk his way out of it instead we really empathize with the man who draws the short straw for executing gypo and the humanity he shows most notably when they go to take gypo in mary s room john ford really shows his genius here taking what could have been a gruesome and yet expected outcome to the whole story and instead using it to set up a totally unexpected and yet very satisfying ending that makes us think not just of gypo and the other characters but of poor ireland during that tortured time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20700": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "melissa sagemiller wes bentley eliza dushku and casey affleck play young students at middleton college in the town of middleton the four teenagers form two love triangles one night during an ominous full moon they drive and argue along a slippery and twisting mountain road not looking properly they careen into another car and one or more of them are killed the ghostly nightmare begins pretty lousy and politically correct horror flick without gore and nudity it s obviously influenced by carnival of souls the cinematography is decent unfortunately there is zero suspense out of just another instantly forgettable teeny bopper trash"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20701": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one of john ford s best films the informer doesn t feature any grand scenery of the american west instead the intense drama ford was known for plays out on the no less rugged terrain of british character actor victor mclaglen s face the former prizefighter who once faced joe louis in the ring delivers an academy award winning portrayal of disgraced ira soldier gypo nolan on the worst night of his life the plot is gracefully simple in dublin a starving and humiliated man who s been thrown out of the ira for being unable to kill an informant in cold blood himself becomes an informant for he betrays a friend to the tans and for the rest of the night he drinks and gives away his blood money in rapidly alternating spasms of guilt denial self pity and a desperate desire to escape the consequences of his actions it is the remarkable complexity given to the character of the seemingly simple gypo that is the film s most impressive achievement in most movies a burly lout of gypo s type would be cast as the heavy he d have at best two or three lines and be disposed of quickly so the hero and the villain could have their showdown in the informer gypo himself is both hero and villain while the showdown is in his inner turmoil every bit of which is explicitly shared with the audience because liam o flaherty s novel had previously been filmed in rko gave ford a very modest budget the director and his associates particularly cinematographer joseph h august turned this to their advantage in creating a claustrophobic masterpiece about a man at war with himself in addition to mclaglen s oscar the informer also won john ford his first along with wins for best screenplay and best score"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20702": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first off let me say that this has to be on the top of my list of boring movies nothing and i mean nothing in this movie is even remotely thrilling most of it is very confusing and as it progresses you just wish it would end some people want a movie that makes them think through the entire thing to which i say more power to you i on the other hand just want to be entertained which brings me back to this stinker entertainment it is not this movie is stupid and a complete waste of time seems that most here agree also most of this didn t make any sense and by the time you think you have one scene figured out another lame scene comes around and well i guess you see where this is going avoid this one sucks bad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20703": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "today if someone mentions the name victor mclaglen the response most likely will be who or perhaps why well believe it or not victor mclaglen won the academy award for best actor in this film which is about a poor desperate man who is willing to sell out his best friend for carfare to the united states it s an interesting movie which shows how low even the most well meaning shnooks will go just for a few bucks the movie takes place in british dominated ireland and while all the other characters are either directly or indirectly fighting for the political independence of ireland all mr mclaglen s character is concerned about is getting money and getting drunk the movie makes one wonder whether political activism is worth all the trouble because while the activist is struggling to make a point many others not only do not care they don t even know what the fuss is all about the morale of this movie is look out for the friend he may sell you out for a dime"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20704": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i didn t have huge expectations for this film when renting it for at the video store but the box at least showed a little promise with its killer cut of more gore more sex can t go wrong there well needless to say the box is a fraud how in the hades did actors and actresses of this caliber sign on for a film this low it all opens with a drunken college girl walking out of a frat house or some other building like that and saying some useless crap to her boyfriend as a camera on a bad steadicam follows her then she gets chased by some dude in a clear plastic mask and grabbed by another they slit her wrists for no real reason and you can see when they cut her that someone drew the cuts with what looks like a crayon from there repeat the same theme of the girl getting chased killed unbrutally by two guys for about more minutes add in one tit shot that is soul survivors i wouldn t have had a problem with this film had the box not frauded me into renting the flick if i rent a bad film that claims to have more violence and sex i want more violence and sex one full frontal shot in minutes from a chick who is clearly androginous and gore that would not scare a child does not cut it if this is the killer cut what is the theatrical cut of course i doubt this garbage was actually put into theaters in the first place shame on the actors in this film i could see them making their screen debuts in here because they have not done anything before but they were all established before this was released i don t know if it was filmed before they had all been established and the studio sat on the film until they were semi big names or not but what i want to know is they really spent million on this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20705": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "to watch this film from start to finish without bursting into laughter at some point requires almost an act of faith as one has to keep saying to oneself it s old it s a classic be kind not because the movie is so bad but because at its best it s so good this is one dated movie it s also a classic if a tarnished one i m not inclined to laugh at people anyway on principle and i get more than a little irritated when others do so to make fun of the informer to my mind is a little like giggling at an idiot savant when he dribbles his orange juice all over the tablecloth yes one says to oneself he is an idiot and yet when he s on top of his game he is also a true savant the same is true for the informer which is on occasion very dreadful indeed and yet it boasts splendid photography some fine acting a wonderful score and a good decent simple story in the end which i won t give away politics religion and psychology come together in a church in such a way as to make the scene seem corny and over the top and yet so is life sometimes uneducated people of simple faith behave differently from us presumably brilliant modern folks and the scene isn t so much unbelievable i buy it but i know the irish as embarrassing yet people do behave that way they do say things like that not everyone is hip and it may not even be desirable for everyone to be hip are people today so much superior to those of seventy or eighty years ago and in what way i don t think so we re just different now go watch the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20706": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "an incoherent mess with a gratingly deafening sound track soul survivors is the latest entry in the who s dead and who s alive genre of horror films two teenaged couples sean and cassie and matt and annabel prepare to go off to different colleges but before they part until thanksgiving break they attend one last fling at a rave type party in some burnt out church at the suggestion of lusciously slutty annabel eliza dushku a k a faith the other vampire slayer motiveless creepy guys start paying far too much attention to cassie the generic melissa sagemiller for reasons that are never explained and before long the quartet leave the party driving away in their suv they are pursued and then passed by the motiveless creepy guys who promptly and inexplicably do an intentional in the middle of the highway causing a nasty and fatal accident as the suv flips over an embankment and plunges into a river sean is killed or is he and cassie spends the rest of the movie coping with loneliness and guilt she was driving when she s not being haunted by sean s ghost or chased by those motiveless creepy guys much unexplained incoherence follows as cassie s mental state degenerates further until we reach the predictable conclusion so who is dead and who is alive after ninety minutes of this purgatory who actually cares"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20707": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "victor mclaglen the title character of john ford s the informer reminded me of the circus man from fellini s la strada anthony quinn played the brutish man who may have even been influenced by the pug faced oscar winning performance given by mclaglen poverty stricken dublin is the true life atmospheric setting of the picture which takes place in dense fog and a long damp night are the main elements of a story about deep irish patriotism and the fight of the irish republican army the conflict of individuality and the cause is what makes the informer tick mclaglen s large simple character just wants to go to america and we re reminded by signs of the price for a ticket frequently two different signs become the psychological centerpiece for the drunken irishman one is the previous the other a wanted sign should he do it and get the money to go john ford once famously said my name is ford i make westerns after seeing this film he obviously could do a heck of a lot more the serious social issues dealt with here are heartfelt and ones you will find yourself thinking about and the look of the piece is amazing consisting of long dark shadows cutting into a miserable ireland night ford was always known for his luminescent gorgeous cinematography that helped to foresee the conflicts within his characters this is hard in color but he did it in pictures like the searchers painting john wayne in a sometimes vicious manner victor mclaglen s performance not only benefits from the lighting but by the sheer simplicity of his acting he shoves a lot he knocks people out he is a brute who knows no better he should however know whether or not to cross the ira see the film to find out the gritty details see it also for mclaglen and ford s patriotic portrayal of the ira max steiner s score is innovative in how it matches gestures of the characters placing more emphasis on them this was usually only seen in silent films especially chaplin the topic of naming names or informing is obviously still important just look at how the media covered this year s oscars giving much attention to the elia kazan scandal"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20708": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this has the logical consistency of marshmallows filled with ketchup and the overall aftertaste is just as disgusting will be used in the th circle of hell at recreation time just plain torture i would rather choose to watch minutes of my computer going through blue screens of death than watch this appalling drivel again ever horrible horrible horrible you know the good thing about swiss cheese is that along with the holes you get some cheese here it s only holes and the excitement factor well that turns watching paint dry into an adrenalin rush and an olympic speed sport my brain hurts from trying to work out who ok d this drivel did they think about the premise i sincerely hope not otherwise there is no redemption the only consolation is they had the pleasure of sitting through the rushes made for tv should not be a synonym for sure let the horses bowels run loose across the living rooms our audience are idiots i was hooked just to know how it could get any worse this is not a good sign folks hallmark should be ashamed for releasing it i should be ashamed for watching it i am ashamed i m off for a long shower"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20709": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "star wars episode the best star wars ever its the first movie i ever sean were the bad guys win and its a very good ending it really had me wait hing for the next star wars because so match stuff comes along in this movie that you just got to find out more in the last one whit al lot of movies i always get the feeling that it could be don bedder but not whit this one and i will never ever forget the part were wader tels luke he is his father way too cool also love the bob feat figure a do hes a back ground player if you never ever saw a star wars movie you go to she this one its the best thanks lucas"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20710": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is not a very good movie but it s not a stinker either it is very confusing and unnecessarily long so rent it at your own risk my gf and i have figured this movie out we think so here it is major spoilers below firstly this movie is actually quite simple after you remove all of the confusing unconscious dream state junk of the movie ignoring the junk what really happened is this a group of school friends go to a rave one night they leave and get into a car accident where everyone but cassie and sean die that s the simple cut down version that s right i said sean bear with me right after the accident cassie lays in the hospital stuck in between life death right up until the very end of the movie this is where the dream part starts the movie is called soul survivors right cassie s mind and soul carries on after the accident interacting with the other souls annie matt raven the weirdos and jude along with images conjured up by her mind sean school and everything else around her the souls continue doing what they were defined as annie the rave going chick the weirdo killers from opening scene father jude still helping people etc we are then taken on a very long ride shown lots of images many of which my gf and i still can t tie in but it all boils down to it not being cassie s time to die at the end cassie wakes up in the hospital after being dead for a while her family and sean are there this is reality again she s ok then the director adds a little extra spice by trying to confuse us again by showing a little dream snippet of her in the wheelchair being strangled but this part is really just a nightmare and she wakes up beside sean obviously still dealing with her traumatic experience due to space restrictions we didn t cover every little thing but feel free to drop us an e mail if you want to"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20711": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i don t doubt that victor mclaglen won his best actor oscar for this film by dint of a three way split among the mutiny on the bounty leads of clark gable charles laughton and franchot tone who were all in the same race but the informer is still a fine film because john ford wouldn t have gotten his first best director oscar if it wasn t no split involved in his award the movie and the story by liam o flaherty that it is based on involves a poor simpleton of a man named gypo nolan who was once a member of the irish republican army he was cashiered out of it for some imbecilic stunt he pulled and wants back in he s down to his last pence and if he can t get back in wants enough for passage to america there s a twenty pound reward for information leading to the arrest of a former comrade named frankie mcphillip played by wallace ford in a moment of weakness he goes to the black and tan constabulary and informs on mcphillip the ira is pretty anxious to find out who ratted mcphillip out and they re pretty certain it was mclaglen he hasn t the wit to really cover his own tracks he does make a feeble effort to implicate another man named peter mulligan played by donald meek he also picks up a hanger on played by j m kerrigan the whole action of the informer takes place in in dublin from about six in the evening to early the following morning of a necessity it is shot in darkness and shadows making it possibly the first noir thriller had it been done post world war ii the informer would have ranked as a great noir classic like odd man out or the the third man which it bares a lot of resemblance to john ford knew this world very well he took some time off during the rebellion and was in ireland at the time and had a brother who was in the ira his real name before having it anglicized was sean o fiernan preston foster plays the ira commandant dan gallagher in the book gallagher is a harder and meaner man than foster has him here my guess is that john ford wanted him as a sympathetic character to give movie fans some rooting interest he makes it clear that foster has to eliminate the informer because the black and tans will grab him and get quite a bit more out of him and put the whole organization in peril the ira trial scene is the highlight of the film when foster asks donald meek whether he recognizes the authority of their court meek ain t in a position to say no the king s justice and writ does not run here it graphically illustrates at that point despite occupation by army troops and constabulary the british are indeed losing their grip on the population of course the informer a rather grim story has its john ford touches but rather fewer than you would expect even as mclaglen is spending his money on a drunken spree the ira is constantly in the shadows watching him and counting every farthing the informer is a tale well told about ireland in a grim and dismal time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20712": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i wanted to watch this movie because of eliza dushku but she only has a smaller part in it and her character isn t very likable however the main character played by melissa sagemiller is extremely beautiful and a perfect delight to look at throughout the movie this is really nothing but a showcase for her looks and talent she does a very good job the story itself is on the face of it pretty nonsensical after a car crash some friends are possibly dead but keeps on living their previous lives while all sorts of mysterious things happen some bad guys are after them but we never really find out who they are possibly they were the ones in the other car but we certainly don t hear anything about why they are after them the final scenes especially seem filmically ambitious but i can t get anything coherent out of it the opening scene where the bad guys who wear some strange masks cut a blond girl s wrist and gather up some of her blood is never explained or followed up on unless the bad guys are supposed to be a representation of the surgeons who re trying to pull cassie sagemiller back from the dead but no that doesn t seem to work the bad guys are just bad guys they really just mess up a story that might otherwise have been interesting in a supernatural story about death and love and sacrifice who the hell needs bad guys out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20713": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film deals with the irish rebellion in the s and more specifically one man s life after he informs on a friend for the bounty on his head and the subsequent consequences watching the film i got the feeling that you could take the script and with just some minor updates do it again and it sadly would still fit contemporary events but te remake wouldn t be nearly as good a magnificent performance by victor mclaglen for which he deservedly got an oscar and a fine ensemble cast that includes most if not all the actors with brogues in hollywood at the time most of them recognizable character actors either established at the time or just starting out a very good film well worth watching highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20714": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a possible spoiler or two soul survivors is quite possibly the worst theatrical released movie ever nothing makes sense at all there s some plot about a girl who has strange visions of people who may or may not be dead the entire movie is just a bunch of random shots of things that don t really tie together by the end of the film tha acting is non existent the camera work is jerky and the script is so confusing it just makes the movie even harder to watch i kept waiting for something to tie the movie together but nothing came definitely the worst film of the year stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20715": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "magnificent and unforgettable stunningly atmospheric and brilliantly acted by all i really cannot understand what sort of people are panning this masterpiece and giving the preponderance of votes as and nine ones this along with grapes of wrath is john ford s greatest movie i would say that long voyage home is next in line though quite a way back rating it deserves a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20716": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if the writer director is reading this and i imagine you are since you should now be out of work then i must tell you i have seen some bad movies in my time but this one gets the distinction of having the worst premise i ve ever heard spoilers nothing happens a total waste of time i laughed out loud at the end side note if the whole movie was her in a coma then does the scene where she sleeps with that guy mean someone raped her while she was knocked out utter rubbish"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20717": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a brilliant portrait of a traitor victor mclaglen in oscar winning performance who is hounded by his own conscience mclaglen plays an ira rouge who betrays his leader to collect a reward during ireland s sinn fein rebellion the scenes showing fights and mob actions are very realistic focusing on the desperation within individuals the lack of hope for a better future seems to be a fate worse than death director john ford superbly creates an murky and tense atmosphere enhanced by the foggy and grimy depiction of the irish landscape max steiner s dramatic music score adds to the cinematic delight oscar winner also for best screenplay nominated for best picture this is one of hollywood s classic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20718": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "like a relative that gives you a bad gift soul survivors has its heart in the right place but trips up with a bad execution stephen carpenter s writing directing effort borrows freely from other better films such as jacob s ladder and abre los ojos open your eyes for those who haven t seen either of these films i won t give the premise away suffice to say it s not nearly as well handled here than in those two superior films melissa sagemiller stars as cassie about to go away to college her current boyfriend sean ben affleck and ex boyfriend matt wes bentley both friends and annabel acerbic eliza dushku are in a car accident after being pursued by two killers in transparent masks she survives the wreck but while attending college has visions of the hospital ordeal and dead people reappear and disappear leaving her in a state of total confusion who is dead who s alive what s real soul survivors has the look of a bad been there done that gore filled blood splattered body stacking teen exploitation flick true it has its share of killer stalking the victim scenes plentiful repetitive and mind numbing but at least it attempts to build suspense through ideas rather than cliches unfortunately rather unsuccessfully it breeds confusion much more often than cohesion as the story becomes jumbled messy and incoherent near key points of the mystery predictable as it is horror fans who pick up a copy will have no idea they are in for a film that is more concerned with building an uneasy facade of reality than delivering a body count credit goes to carpenter for attempting to create something beyond a derivative teen horror flick too bad he s created a derivative psychological thriller sagemiller also deserves kudos for showing strength in the central performance actually developing her character and evoking some sense of emotion as the unraveling cassie it s great the filmmakers try something different but the film ends up a mixed bag and failed experiment out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20719": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gypo nolan victor mclaglen is as poor as anyone on earth living in s ireland gypo and his fellow irishmen are part of an underground rebellion against the oppressive brits one particular rebel wanted for murder by the english arrives back into town secretly he thinks he can trust his friend gypo but the reward proves too tempting gypo gets his friend killed and sinks into a pit of despair and drunkenness meanwhile the other irish rebels are searching for the informer right away gypo with money burning a hole in his pocket is their main suspect but they who are his friends don t want to believe it the story of the informer is simple in its plot but complex in its moral and emotional issues it s easily one of john ford s most emotionally involving films what gypo did was wrong but we can certainly understand his motives we also understand his sorry character and there s a lot of sympathy that arises for him the script is very suspenseful as well it s the kind of suspense where we are pretty sure we know how everything will end up so we have to grit our teeth and bear along with it the acting is remarkable victor mclaglen who acted in many of ford s films probably gave his best performance here and won an oscar for it every other performer in the film deserves his or her kudos in addition to an amazing script and acting the informer is one of john ford s most expressionistic films i love the darker side of ford in its mood as well as in its themes the informer reminds me of two of my other favorite ford films the long voyage home and the fugitive it s also a bit similar to the grapes of wrath in these respects"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20720": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "final score out of after seeing jay and silent bob strike back i must have been on a big eliza dushku kick when i rented this movie soul survivors is a junk psychological thriller dressed up like a trashy teen slasher flick even to the point of having a masked killer stalk a cast of young up and comers like dushku wes bentley american beauty casey affleck drowning mona and likable star melissa sagemiller luke wilson is also in there ridiculously miscast as a priest the movie the brainchild of writer director stephen carpenter seems like a mutant offspring of open your eyes or vanilla sky and movies where a character and the audience is caught in a world of dillusion caused by an accident death the movie keeps churning out perplexing images and leaves us in a state of confusion the entire running time until this alternate reality is finally resolved i don t think these movies are that entertaining by their very nature to begin with but ss is rock bottom cheap trash cinema any way you slice it the visuals the script the acting and the attempt at any originality all are throwaway afterthoughts to movies like this plus it s pg so it doesn t even deliver the gore or t a to sustain it as a guilty pleasure even the unrated version is tame i had heard that the movie contained some hot shower scene between dushku sagemiller as the movie fell apart in front of me and all other entertainment seemed to be lost i found myself waiting patiently for the shower scene at least i would get something out of this then it comes the two girls get paint on their shirts they jump in the shower fully clothed and scrub it off that s it people thought this was hot soul survivors is one of those drop dead boring movies that is so weak and inept that it is hard to have any feelings at all toward it it puts out nothing and is hardly worth writing about in the end it leaves us empty carpenter s finale is a mess of flashing light and pounding sound and that s probably the most lively part it will no doubt be making the rounds as a late night staple on usa or the sci fi channel due to it s low cost and pg rating and that s probably best for it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20721": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have decided to not believe what famous movie critics say even though this movie did not get the best comments this movie made my day it got me thinking what a false world this is what do you do when your most loved ones deceive you it s said that no matter how often you feed milk to a snake it can never be loyal and will bite when given a chance same way some people are such that they are never grateful this movie is about how selfish people can be and how everyone is ultimately just thinking about oneself and working for oneself a brother dies inadvertently at the hands of a gangster the surviving brother decides to take revenge through this process we learn about the futility of this world nothing is real and no one is loyal to anyone amitabh gave the performance of his life the new actor aryan gave a good performance the actress who played the wife of amitabh stole the show her role was small but she portrayed her role so diligently that one is moved by her performance chawla had really great face expressions but her role was very limited and was not given a chance to fully express herself a great movie by raj kumar santoshi his movies always give some message to the audience his movies are like novels of nanak singh a punjabi novelist who s novels always had a purpose and targeted a social evil because they have a real message for the audience they are entertaining as well as lesson giving"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20722": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this su k why do they have to make movies that they must know su k from the beginning i mean look at alien from if the movie you r about to make is not better than anything made billions of years before why make it i had problems with the plot and who the main character was that s not good either"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20723": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "family is about two families who are after each other s blood viren sahay amitabh bachchan is an underworld don operates from bangkok he has a family in india once by mistake he kills shekhar akshay kumar like viren sahay he also has a family a brother wife and parents aryan aryaman shekhar s brother is out to take revenge of his brother s death he kidnaps viren sahay s family for the same reason the film has got one turning point amitabh bachchan second half of the movie belongs to him completely where instead of his dialogs expression matters more akshay s minuscule role has also put him at par with amitabh i didn t understand what bhumika chawala was doing in this movie there were a few loose points in the script like amitabh has been shown as the most wanted criminal of the city still he walks scot free in the city kidnapping of his family is also seemed vague how can the family of such a big don doesn t have any security cover"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20724": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie a long time ago luckily it was for free i have to be one of the maybe twenty people who saw this movie in the theater i don t remember a whole bunch of it but i do remember i was incredibly bored the plot made no sense and when i came out of the theater the only thing i could say was at least now i know what the worst movie i ever saw was i just was incredibly bothered by one thing if they can make the temperature as they approach the sun low enough for humans to survive why can t they turn it down to a comfortable temperature instead of being all hot and sweaty how stupid do they think we are"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20725": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a movie made for contemporary audience the masses get to see what they want to see action comedy drama and of course sensuous scenes as well this is not exactly a movie that one would feel comfortable watching with entire family it isn t for eyes of children i had to fast forward quite a number of scenes if it is just entertainment you are looking for then this movie has it all the songs are catchy a lavish production i must add however the message of the movie is not universal it emphasizes on the idea of karma that is if you do good you will get good and if you do evil you will get evil the fruit of good deeds is good while the fruit of evil is evil in real life this is not always true it is well known that most people do not get justice in this world while it is true that some evil people do meet with an evil end there are many who escape and then there are many people who do good and yet in return they meet with a sorry end if you don t care about the message and all you want is an escape from worldly reality this movie is an entertainer alright"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20726": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the world is facing imminent destruction and a suicide mission is sent to the sun to avert catastrophe by firing a bomb into its fiery heart yes it s solar crisis aka crisis which burned up a huge chunk of change that s never apparent on screen back in and returned barely enough to buy a happy meal for each of the cast in japan before going straight to video remember them in a re edited version credited to one alan smithee the plot hook s pretty much the same as sunshine suicide mission to the sun saboteur on board logic cast adrift except that this time they re not trying to reignite the sun but to prematurely detonate a solar flare before it can reach earth with a talking bomb voiced by paul williams who wants to be promoted so the crew will take him more seriously given that the cast also includes jack palance at his most dementedly ott charlton heston at his most rigid top liner tim matheson at his most anonymous the original hills have eyes unforgettable michael berryman you may not remember the name but you do remember that face and peter boyle as the industrialist out to sabotage the mission because er if it succeeds the world will be saved but his share price will go down you d expect if not a laugh a minute at least a laugh every reel no joy this is the worst kind of bad movie a boring one the fate of the world may be hanging in the balance but the whole film is shot with a complete lack of urgency or momentum at the same unvarying deadly slow pace there s low key and there s walking through it but here the cast don t even do that instead they just stand still looking at screens in near darkness for most of the time you keep on hoping for paul williams talking bomb to suffer an existential crisis but instead the film just stands there doing next to nothing literally this is one of the most inert movies ever made so inert that if clive owen had been cast he d almost have looked lively by comparison even a poorly explained suicidal repair attempt fails to raise a fritter of interest since it mostly involves yep the cast just standing still looking at screens in near darkness even when the bomb prematurely goes into countdown before being launched they deal with the new crisis by standing still looking at screens in near darkness as if they had all the time in the world merchant ivory films have better action scenes things aren t much livelier down on earth where the movie spends most of it s running time with matheson s son chuck s grandson corin nemec trying to hitch a ride to the spaceport across an arid landscape with palance s insane desert artist looking for that note out there while the chicks still dig me while waylaid by rejects from a mad max ripoff and evil corporate suits who track him down so they can release him on a nice beach just don t expect logic if you haven t already guessed that much best moment a ditzy girl in a bar describing jack palance as an old guy with white hair and a face like rotting leather though chucky baby taking out the villain s aircraft with a bazooka fired from the hip from an office window or beating up a barfly who likes his beret are welcome morsels of camp in a film that for of it s running time offers a whole lot of nuttin richard c sarafian s slightly longer original cut that played in japan offers an additional six minutes but cries out to be cut down to a more manageable minutes the director of vanishing point must have thanked his lucky stars when the re edit gave him an excuse to take his name off the film a film so bad it s not good and painfully unfunny with it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20727": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "even though this was a disaster in the box office it is my favorite film it gives a powerful message of family it has a lot of violence and has one song with a bunch of girls in bikinis compared to other bollywood films the action scenes in this movie are more realistic it is an incredible combination of akshay kumar and amitabh bachchan if you want to see the indian godfather amitabh portrays that in this film don t read reviews by critic they re just ignorant this movie has good mix of comedy romance drama and especially action so if you want to see action more realistic than main hoon na still good movie this is the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20728": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yet another movie with an interesting premise and some wondrous special effects falling right into the trash can boring direction and performances with the exception of the lovely annabel schofield who is much cuter as a brunette and probably deserves better material and the ever earnest charlton heston earn the rating of a real stinker it s amazing to watch heston perform up to his usual par and display how really bad this movie is he even plays in a sub plot that kept me interested just to see how it tied back into the main line of the movie the way they ended up resolving it was that they didn t it simply falls off the end really don t waste your time on this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20729": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "not many reviews hence thought i would add one do not go by the other reviews this was a excellent movie rks is one of the very few indian directors that can actually put together a really good movie ab and akshay given yet another example of great acting as does bhoomika too which was a little unexpected but great to watch am surprised there has not been much hype around release or filmfare other awards nominations considering how good the movie was better then khakee i thought and i thought khakkee too was good movie is a fairly long movie but definitely worth it and while watching it definitely does seem long cant wait for rks next movie and the next ab akshay movie they always seem to do well together e g waqt bhoomika too has acted really well in the movie and should do really well if she continue in the same fashion in the future"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20730": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i didn t expect much from this tv movie you have to set the bar lower than you would for midget limbo for any tbs movie starring antonio sabato jr still it managed to disappoint failing even to be a good bad film every scene was by rote as if someone had cut and pasted scenes from a dozen movies and tv shows dealing with big business conspiracies into the script leaned back and said my work is done it s all cliche all predictable and even worse the actors are forced to look like they re taking it seriously even when the plot developments are laughable do yourself a favor watch the x files if you re in the mood for paranoia they handle it better also let anyone know that sitting through fatal error is just that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20731": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "dear readers the final battle between the rebellion and empire the second death star is nearing completion and when it is completed it will spell doom for the rebel alliance luke skywalker now a jedi knight returns from tatooine with han solo and princess leia now revealed as luke s twin sister they agree to lead the attack on the shield generator on the forest moon of endor while lando calrissian leads the attack on the death star little do they know that a most ingenious trap has been laid for them and the emperor palpatine himself is personally overseeing the construction of the second death star return of the jedi is my favorite of the original trilogy it s got action drama romance great battles fantastic acting amazing fight scenes and awesome music by john williams mark hamill is fully matured now into a jedi knight gone is the naive farm boy and in his place is a calm relaxed jedi determined to save the galaxy leia is still cool in this film as well as han and lando p r and chewie do their roles to a t while james earl jones still is cinema s greatest villain darth vader ian mcdiarmid is also an excellent villain as the twisted and brutally ruthless emperor palpatine the action sequences of this movie are breathtakingly amazing and the sword fights are serious and gritty john williams s score is still cool and enhances the film by several levels signed the constant dvd collector"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20732": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i had high hopes for this film since it has charlton heston and jack palance but those hopes came crashing to earth in the first minutes or so palance was ridiculous not even heston s acting or annabel schofield s beauty or brief nude scenes could save this film some of the space effects were quite good but others were cheesy the plot was ludicrous even sci fi fans should skip this one grade f"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20733": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "well i get used after awhile to read comments about these movies that don t reflect my experience at all to me amitabh was a better villain here than in some of his most famous movies he was a die hard villain a no apologies villain to me it was a breath of fresh air to see him in a role where his villainy isn t sort of undercut in some way the kid who played aryan was probably over his head with this cast there i think maybe the director could have done better but to be honest the very best part of this movie was shernaz patel she is an unsung heroine a true veteran thespian who is overqualified for every role she is offered but i must say i appreciated her contribution greatly as she played virendra sahi s wife she may be given little to do but she does everything with total conviction i m sure she sailed right over the heads of most of the audience so if you are in a habit for settling for bollywood average you won t get much out of this movie but if you constantly search for something more then this might give you some of what you ve been missing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20734": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "one of the requirements of science fiction at least before it starts to become satire is that it be somewhat plausible i would think that an anti matter bomb would do considerably more damage than for what it was intended but i ll leave that to the physicists who might have seen solar crisis it is a crisis the earth is facing because solar flares are getting totally out of hand they re getting close to earth so much so that it s become unseasonably hot as if the entire earth were death valley the answer is an anti matter bomb which a space ship will have to take to the sun and explode it there that will divert the flares off in say the direction of say mercury providing it s not in direct alignment with the earth who to deliver it but captain tim matheson and his crew that is if he can keep his mind on the business at hand and not on runaway son corin nemec taking care of the personal side of the family problems is admiral charlton heston matheson s father and nemec s grandfather there s a villain here too peter boyle who is the ceo of a multi national corporation which in this crisis is trying to control the world s food supply for the survivors the idea he might not survive doesn t enter into his thinking he s doing his best to sabotage matheson s mission solar crisis seems like a bad mix of a space odyssey and voyage to the bottom of the sea boyle seems to be taking his cue from gene hackman as lex luthor in superman apparently he s the only one in the cast who realizes he s in a turkey and overacts accordingly the rest of the cast are stalwart true blue and dull except possibly desert rat jack palance who finds nemec and cares for him the key here is that the film was directed by that noted hollywood purveyor of flop films allen smithee the film gets as much as four stars for the cast involved and it was out in time for a thanksgiving carving"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20735": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "brilliant movie the drawings were just amazing too bad it ended before it begun i ve waited years for a sequel but nooooo"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20736": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it was one of those late night it s there i saw it things sometimes they are great this one was awful but it really shouldn t have been the movie had a really good cast how can you fail when you have charlsten heston and jack pallance we re talking oscar winner turf here it had good special effects it even had some really good tits and i mean nicely shown full breast with full nipple and at one point even some beaver but it didn t compensate for the one missing ingredient a story the plot was ludicrous i don t mean the solar crisis sun exploding stuff but that was bad enough it was the rest of the stuff the oh so stupid and totally predictable evil corporation stuff man that just stank no amount of good acting or cool space ships or fight scenes could get around that one i have seen the same cast members be incredibly good i have seen wonderful science fiction movies that had miniscule casts and budgets all the difference is in the writing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20737": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s been quite some time since i ve watched this lotr i am currently hunting for a copy to purchase bakshi s work is quite true to the original work the visuals are engrosing and sometimes haunting drawbacks occasionally the movie is confusing or muddled there are one or two times where the storyline slows to a crawl but overall buy this movie it s great for kids adults and collectors"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20738": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "disowned by richard c sarafian this disaster stunk up japanese theaters before coming to the states and going immediately to video where it was not seen again until the turner networks needed something other than infomercials to fill their am am time slots and found this tape at the bottom of their bin the smithee name is supposed to be used when the studio hacks the movie so badly that the director no longer wants his name attached to it but i m afraid that sarafian can not blame the studio entirely on this one the actors mostly recent graduates of overacting deliver one cornball line after another the plot is convoluted the special effects are unimpressive the parts that aren t laughable are just plain boring the script or the book must have been good why else would palance matheson boyle or heston agree to appear in this dud but something went horribly wrong from the page to the screen summary avoid not even bad enough to be so bad it s good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20739": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you have read the books then forget the characters that tolkien built in your head the representation of hobbits dwarves etc have had the disney treatment the dark riders are excellent and as i had always imagined from the books cinematically this is an excellent film mixing live motion and animation to produce amazing effects for the year i only wish he bakshi had been given the money to complete his epic it s worth having the video as they will be worth a bit after the lord of the rings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20740": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i picked this title up from a friend who had it sitting in his exhaustive dvd video laserdisc collection so luckily i didn t personally have to pay for it i had an inkling that it would be a bad film but i know what a truly bad film is after watching greats like children shouldn t play with dead things and the incredibly strange creatures who stopped living and became mixed up zombies and now there is truly nothing that fazes me unless it is astoundingly bad solar crisis is bad but it doesn t reach that sweet spot of absolute pain that some movies are at anyway the general plot is that the sun is about to unleash a huge solar flare towards the earth that will essentially destroy it in order to counter act this imminent threat humanity has assembled a spaceship and crew whose duty it is to fire an antimatter bomb which the opening describes as the biggest explosive ever into the sun which through some convoluted sci fi logic will cause the flare to shoot out at a different angle leaving earth unharmed never mind that what i have just described to you sounds like a bad episode of the original star trek even with an ensemble cast charlton heston peter boyle and jack palance solar crisis can barely manage that level of mediocrity thanks to a plot that starts simple yet becomes increasingly nonsensical as time wears on the crowning achievement of this debacle of a movie is the addition of a villain character played by boyle who insists on sabotaging the mission through means that are never explained he sends an evil minion with an embarrassingly bad haircut to exercise some sort of vague electronic mind control over the space crew s genetically engineered scientist played by female lead annabel schofield why is he sabotaging the mission because by his moronic viewpoint he believes the flare won t happen and that when it doesn t he will become fabulously wealthy because he has dug his evil claws into the stock market in effect you have a villain with the most absurdly stupid motivation imaginable the film s plot becomes amazingly convoluted and develops very slowly in time tapping the use of characters who have only vague or uselessly brief roles in the storyline i could sit here and explain in detail precisely what happens to demonstrate the sheer inability of the screenwriter to make a plot that actually clicks or holds your attention but i am sitting here writing this review on microsoft word and i know for a fact that this would take three pages and i would only succeed in losing your interest but then again you would probably get the same effect from watching the film anyway the film is miserably bogged down with exceedingly poor dialogue imagine if all that ever happened on the star trek enterprise was that the characters spewed sci fi jargon back and forth at each other yes i know they already do that but imagine if that s all they did and that they used said jargon to set up vague and near nonsensical scenes that produce no excitement tension or interest in the viewer whatsoever this is best exemplified at the point when a character in a zero g environment screws a bolt back onto a metal box before proceeding to cry in agony for a couple of minutes before suddenly exploding the script alludes previously to the character risking an explosion but doesn t bother to give any solid answer as to why or how this occurs nor why he can t really escape in totality you have a sorry cross between the bizarre and the laughable then we have several scenes where dramatic build up leads to nothing jack palance s performance is wasted on a character that serves only to drive the boy hero don t ask around the desert before getting roughed up and killed by a bunch of suits on his death bed palance finally tells our boy hero his last name while wearing a horrible bruised makeup job that makes it look like somebody put a balloon under his eyeball which he kept quiet about before colonel travis j richards the boy repeats it quietly after he expires giving viewers the impression that the name is of some significance later on in the film perhaps charlton heston s grizzled admiral character knows him and the plot will advance thereby once his name is repeated something anything nope sorry any hopes you have will be dashed when this moment turns out only to be another of many pathetic failed attempts at creating drama for a character so flat and hackneyed that it will forever be a stain on palance s career just as those of the rest of the cast are similarly marred completing the film is a painfully abrupt ending featuring schofield piloting the bomb into the center of the sun in an effort to redeem her deeds while under the villain s spell a climax which features another of the film s considerably well done visual effects sequences that even for the visibly elaborate care put into them still always manage to make the film look just as chintzy as it really is the saddest part about this film is the obviously large budget tragically wasted on a stinker of a script and a supporting cast behind boyle heston and palance that manage to nail the coffin shut with pure over acting grade d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20741": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just bought this movie on dvd and watched it for the first time the other night i ve been a fan of tolkien s work for about years now ever since i got out of high school i didn t grow up on this movie perhaps my mother kept me away from it it s definitely not for children not that it s bad in a graphic sense but that the themes would go right over most year olds heads overall the animation was excellent considering this was made in i thought the story followed the book fairly well in a loose sense but i am bothered that bashki didn t just add another minutes or so and tack on the return of the king parts that would ve made it the ultimate movie i was bothered by it s abrupt end and then when i heard return of the king sucked i was bothered even more too bad it wasn t one great animation film it might have garnered a higher vote from me i give it a i can only hope peter jackson will do the books justice with the new live action lotr"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20742": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "oh the hilarity oh the joy another film that is so bad it s good or so i thought in actual fact this one misses the so bad its good phase and goes sadly straight to the could have been so bad its good but they screwed it up and made it plain bad for a start its way too long cut half an hour and it might have been more endurable then put in such ludicrous plots as the man who is sabotaging the mission to save the earth because he has all the food stockpiled and he ll be rich if the mission fails duh or the talking bomb plot device last seen in dark star guess what just like in dark star the bomb has a malfunction hmmmm add in a dash of we can t act our way out of a kindergarten play and you have solar crisis in a nutshell light relief is to be had in the form of jack palance or jack pants as we called him in this flick whose sole purpose in the film is to drive a kid around the desert and telephone the kid s dad to come pick him up eventually between driving and phoning jack dispenses pointless drivel and leers and cackles a lot but contributes little to the story such as it is in short he s the best bit of the movie my award for the most ironic line delivered straight faced goes to charlton heston who when meeting his eldest son for the first time in ages comments that his son looks a little out of shape whilst he himself is standing there with his gut bulging over his waistband and in dire need of a captain kirk corset also amusing is the bad guy s top henchman who has a bright white hairstyle that kept making me think of andy warhol for some reason apart from these hilarities there s little to recommend this movie the ending is a sequence copied from but mercifully shorter than the end sequence from tips for enjoying this movie more if you are foolish enough to watch it like i did any time the bomb speaks imagine it s called tarquin trust me it works whenever chuck heston is on screen and about to speak pre empt him by reciting a line from planet of the apes such as get your filthy paws off me or similar whenever the female lead is looking stressed this is most of the time keep hoping against hope that she s having an aneurism and will die soon during the interminable the ship s broke again scenes keep hoping the tech engineer guys will spout a scotty ism like you cannae change the laws of physics or some such crap other than that do what it takes to get you through this one i dozed off half way through and woke to realise i hadn t missed anything nor had the plot laughable though it is advanced any so don t worry about tuning out for a few you won t miss anything"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20743": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one thing i can say about this movie is well long very long i actually recently purchased this movie a couple of months ago seeing that there was a new version coming out i was happy to find that it was made in because the s even though i never lived in them is actually one of my favourite decades especially for the music when i watched this movie the story was actually very good at the start but then after about mins it started to get very boring and repetitive i will admitt the animation did impress me it was nothing i had ever seen before and was well pretty cool to see but the movie honestly could of been a bit better it could of had alot more talking and story to it than just to minute scenes that just had wierd fighting then for the last or minutes the movie picked up and got good again but ended unexpectedly in my opinion i thought it was extremely long i know its minutes over hours and that is still long for a cartoon but since it was boring for most of the movie it made it seem like it was hours long but overall it is an okay film i guess and i will watch it again on one of those nothing to do days i will see the new one and i hope it is better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20744": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when i had first heard of solar crisis then got a load of the cast i wondered why i had never heard of a movie with such a big cast before then i saw it now i know for a movie that encompasses outer space the sun vast deserts and sprawling metropolises this is an awfully cramped and claustrophobic feature it feels like everyone is hunkered close together so the camera won t have to pull too far back and the effects while good are pretty underwhelming we re talking about the imminent destruction of the planet earth if a team of scientists and soldiers cannot deflect a deadly solar flare but other than shouting sweating and a red glow about everything there s no real feel of emergency don t get me started about the cast what heston palance matheson boyle et al are doing in this movie without even bothering to act with any feel for the material is anyone s guess makes you wonder who else s condos aren t paid for in hollywood and as far as the end goes well let s just say it s tense and intriguing but it s too little too late in an effort like this if it had kept up that kind of pace all through the film maybe i would have heard of solar crisis sooner two stars mostly for lost opportunities and bad career moves i wonder how alan smithee keeps his job doing junk like this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20745": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i recently rented the animated version of the lord of the rings on video after seeing the fantastic live action version of the film the lord of the rings live action trilogy directed by peter jackson will undoubtably be far better than george lucas star wars prequel trilogy episodes will ever be as the real fantasy film series of the st century i remember seeing the animated version as a child and i didn t quite understand the depth of the film at that time now that i have read the books i understand what the whole storyline is all about to be sure some of the characters are quite silly samwise gangee is particularly annoying almost as much as jar jar binks in star wars episode one awful but i have to say it follows the book rather closely and it goes into part of book two the two towers the good things are that the action is somewhat interesting and some of the animation is quite remarkable for it s time the bad things are that it ends upruptly halfway through the two towers without any result of frodo s quest to destroy the one ring and the animation looks quite dated compared to today s standards overall not as bad as many say it is but the live action version is the new hallmark of the lord of the rings at least ralph bakshi took the script seriously peter jackson has said that the animated version inspired him to read the books which in turn caused him to create one of the greatest fantasy series ever put on film so we can at least thank ralph bakshi for that matter i ll take the animated version of lord of the rings over the live version of harry potter anyday a out of a scale of far less violent than the live action version but nowhere near as good for diehard fans of the books and film versions of the lord of the rings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20746": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie lacks credence with the helicopters which didn t exist until the s but no woman would do what was done here even a woman before the women s movement of the s and s about the only portion of the movie that you could believe in was that germany would want to know where the landing would be ignore for the moment that the british had captured all the spies but even if they had not they wouldn t have let one roam around like this just to reassure the germans that the landing would be at calais it isn t one major thing that makes the movie not work it is the culmination of all the things wrong that makes the movie fail bad directing bad scripts no attempt at authenticity at all all combine to just make the movie fall flat generally speaking spies should fade into the woodwork the suspense comes in with the spy wondering if the information they have is valid or not and worrying about being detected on this one that game was over from the start this spy was doing anything but spying your only chance at getting something that has some credibility and instills some suspense may be to read the book"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20747": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there seems to be only two types of reviews of this film on the net those who hate it and curse ralph bakshis name and those love it and call it work of genious i m inclined to be in the middle i am forced to agree with most of the criticisms of this film e g the cruel cutting of the story badly rotoscoped charecters over acting etc but dispite this i still love this film the rotoscoping when done properly adds an eerie lifelike dimension to the charecters and the final battle scene at the end of the film is fantastic the surrealistic scenes when the nineriders chase frodo are stylish and well executed and the musical score magic sadly the bad points outweight film but if you can bring yourself to ignore them it is a great film no doubt i ll be lynched by an angry mob of people who hate this film after writing this review ah well such is life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20748": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "to make a good movie you either need excellent actors or an excellent director you need at least one of the two in this eye of the needle we have none i don t even remember the name of the director he mustn t have done much in his career i like very much donald sutherland but he absolutely cannot be the main actor in a movie he falls short sutherland is excellent in a movie when he appears for not more than minutes i would say for instance that sutherland was excellent in jfk of oliver stone when he talked to kevin costner on the bench of a park for minutes non stop without even taking a breath wonderful but sutherland being the principal actor in a movie is no good kate nelligan she is probably good for tv series the dvd is awful terrible colors terrible light i couldn t even appreciate the scenery of storm island for how lousy the photography was this ken follett story was good but it s a pity they turned it into an uninteresting movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20749": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i remember watching this late at night on black and white tv long before a live action version was so much as a twinkle in peter jackson s eye and being very impressed finally getting my hands this week on a vhs copy that was being thrown away and isn t that just par for the course i had the chance to revisit this film and found that it still stands up quite well although it s not quite the success that memory had painted i have to confess to a certain bias here some reviewers announce themselves as confirmed jackson lovers others as jackson haters i m not exactly either i was a devotee of the bbc radio adaptation by brian sibley originally broadcast in and instantly recognised the voice of gollum here peter woodthorpe would reprise this performance almost note perfect for the radio three years later i must say however that where i found jackson s films an increasingly indulgent disappointment the bakshi version for all that it has been cut to the bone is actually more accurate yes there are the usual understandable changes here it is legolas rather than arwen who is substituted for glorfindel as the elf sent from rivendell to meet the party and there is a great deal of telescoping of the action the only exception to the latter as others have remarked is the oddly extended sequence at the ford of rivendell where the ringwraiths having demonstrated a chilling ability to freeze and draw back frodo in mid flight which they deploy again when he defies them after crossing the river then for some unexplained reason simply chase after him in a prolonged straight gallop which is initially nightmarish but pointless plot wise and definitely goes on too long i would also agree that the balrog is unsatisfactory due partly to bad animation and that gandalf windmills his arms too much but having watched both approaches to the film i feel more than ever that the animated route is the one to take in a tale that is half myth oddly enough one thing that is included is a snippet of aragorn s story of beren and luthien the extreme literalism required by live action filming where everything from monsters to mail shirts has to be created in detail to appear on camera is counter productive latex faced or cgi monsters are less monstrous than sketchily drawn shapes heroic costumes tend to look rather silly worn on real bodies and hobbits or dwarfs with non human body proportions are easy to animate but hard to film convincingly many reviewers have cited the sniffing ringwraith in the woods with its crippled half human movements as one of the scariest moments in the film it certainly frightened me silly when i saw it for the first time alone in the dark the extreme stylisation of the introduction plus a voice over done with great skill and economy to sum up the back story in a few sentences works very well to depict an almost mythical era and the change to the comic book rusticism of the shire i particularly like the proudfeet corresponds effectively to the similar change in tone of tolkien s prose i did feel that there were some missed opportunities where the potential of animation could have been used to great effect gandalf threatening bilbo with his true power in the opening scenes bilbo seeming to become a gollum like creature under the influence of ring lust at rivendell and galadriel s famous temptation speech all were drawn more or less straight where it would have been trivial to distort the scene to reflect the hobbits changed perceptions but generally speaking the changes in detail and palette firelight hues at bree bright colours re emerging at rivendell and in the fangorn clearing dirty greys and browns for moria and the desolate lands work well to reflect the mood of the various episodes where a live action approach simply doesn t allow you to blur the background or sketch in a stylised setting as a fan i didn t care for either jackson s or bakshi s depiction of lothlorien again i feel that the radio soundscape was the best evocation i ve come across of a beautiful slightly uncanny woodland paradise caught out of time and i feel that bakshi got the elven singing at this point pretty badly wrong but i do like the little montage at this point showing the various members of the company relaxing together after their travails in moria aragorn giving a hobbit fencing lesson here is as charming and equally uncanonical a spectacle as boromir engaging with the hobbits in hollin in the jackson version the depiction of aragorn as convincingly weatherworn ranger is good throughout this film viggo mortensen s scruffy jesus look really didn t work for me although it would have been interesting to see how they planned to clean up the character in the second half for gondor s benefit john hurt unsurprisingly gives a sterling vocal performance as does a resonant william squire in the part of gandalf the hobbits are i suspect intended to reflect contemporary youth as audience identification figures i find the animated style their proportions are much more cartoonish than those of the human characters works well to differentiate them and the whole hairy feet thing as drawn here comes across as much more plausible than in more literal depictions including much fan art personally i have less objection to boromir as viking he was always a fairly bludgeoning type than to beardy aragorn illogical they were both numenorians after all although i am clearly in a minority here the big flaw in this picture is always going to be the fact that it was an unfinished project with a bizarre tacked on voice over ending attempting to resolve matters a pity it would have been interesting not to mention less frustrating to see what bakshi planned to make of shelob and minas tirith never mind the dead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20750": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i don t know what it is about donald sutherland s acting style or vocal style but he always seems to be acting from behind a massive wad of soggy kleenex he s just i don t know thick somnambulistic on meds weird that said i just saw the flick again for the first time since its original release and frankly i don t remember it ending anything like that a bad ending too because nothing gets tied off what about the dead husband the annoying child and was the kid dubbed the scotland yard and military pursuers i would have liked something wrapping things up and giving some dramatic closure to it all not just the big panoramic pull away and what woman sleeps with the man she knows just killed her husband even if she was trying to allay needle s suspicions to protect her kid she could always have had a headache that last encounter made me feel way too itchy and uncomfortable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20751": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "with the release of peter jackson s famed lord of the rings trilogy it is even easier to dismiss ralph bakshi s animated lord of the rings film as inferior i agree with the majority that jackson s trilogy is the essential film adaptation of tolkien s work but that does not prevent me from enjoying bakshi s ambitious pioneering effort jackson has admitted that he received at least some inspiration from seeing bakshi s film and there are some clear similarities between their adaptations the film s colorful picturesque backdrops are excellent and the score is memorable i was for the most part satisfied by the drawings of the characters the pairs of pippin and merry and eowyn and galadriel are mostly indistinguishable from each other visually the balrog and treebeard were unimpressive but these points didn t bother me very much however the nazgul are aptly drawn and made sufficiently eerie the only character representation i was bothered by was sam s he was made to look unbecomingly silly this film is novel for its animation techniques in addition to hand drawn characters live actors are incorporated into the animation through rotoscoping it is quite apparent which characters are hand drawn and which are rotoscoped but none the less i found that the film s style was a novelty the use of rotoscoped live actors for the battle scenes was a good decision and helped these scenes turn out well the voice acting was generally of high quality particularly good was john hurt who provided an authoritative voice for aragorn aragorn isn t a favorite character of mine from the stories but backed by john hurt s voice he was my favorite character in this adaptation my other favorite was william squire whose voice is appropriately strong for gandalf the only actor who seemed inappropriate was michael scholes as sam whose voice acting was irritating and added to sam s unfortunately silly image the only other bothersome part of the voice acting is the mispronunciation of character and place names particularly strange was the decision to frequently have saruman referred to as aruman in producing this film ralph bakshi expected to have the ability to produce two films hence this film contains about half the story from the start of the fellowship of the ring to the end of the battle at helm s deep in the two towers the obvious implication of this is that the film s story is a highly condensed version of the story from the books i enjoy the original stories and more thorough adaptations but the liberties taken to compress the story didn t bother me even the choice to leave arwen out of the story enough of the key elements of the story were in this film to keep me engaged for the duration and there was even a novelty in being able to breeze through half the lord of the rings story in minutes the battle scenes were impressive and in particular the orc march to and battle at helm s deep were tremendous ralph bakshi s version of the lord of the rings isn t perfect and no doubt a number of lord of the rings readers lament the cuts to the story however for me the drawbacks of this film were minor compared to the thrill of seeing an effective adaptation of half of a great trilogy my only strong lament is that i am unable to see the second part of this first great tale of the lord of the rings since bakshi was not given the budget to create a sequel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20752": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "extremely disappointing film based on the james michener novel what was even worse was marlon brando s performance his southern drawl was ridiculous i found myself laughing when he spoke as he sounded like an elderly southern lady coming home to roost brando so great in previous films was reduced here to a laughing stock tyrone power in witness for the prosecution should have been nominated for best actor instead of brando here the film dealing with racism dealt with the u s government s attempt to avoid marriages between u s soldiers and japanese women brando was stone faced throughout the movie his moving from anti these relationships to a pro one occurs when he finds love with an asian woman his emotions and talk made it difficult to see how he could espouse such new views only the lord knows why red buttons and miyoshi umeki received supporting oscars for their performances nothing about either performance was equally impressive umeki s appearance on the screen was short and without much of anything being depicted on her part a better performance in this film was done by miiko taka who did nicely as brando s love interest she showed great emotion as the anti american who found love with the brando character her face was etched with the unhappiness she had for losing her father and brother in world war she realized that her dancing was not her way out of this existence that she was living martha scott went from the hebrew mother yochobel in the ten commandments to the bigoted mother of brando s love interest at first her performance together with the one of ricardo montalban was wasted patricia owens as brando s first love showed depth and conviction in her performance"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20753": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i only wish that return of the jedi have been directed by somebody else i mean there is far too much ewoks scenes completely unnecessary besides this time our heroes look like different people princess leia no longer fights with solo luke looks boring darth vader is not as evil as before and yoda just dies but there are many extraordinary things going on this episode that i just can t hate it some spoilers jabba the hut the sail barge attack sequence the emperor now that s evil the speeders chase at the endor forest the last battle the dark side seduction scene the return of anakin to the good side of the force and the last celebration some of those are so good that they can bring tears to your eyes if some scenes would have been cut and another director was hired this would have been as perfect as episode and but still is extraordinary out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20754": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am partly a fan of miyazaki s work i say partly because most of his films fall into two categories brilliant and boring sadly this film falls into the later category this film suffers from the same fundamental problems as miyazaki s recent film howl s moving castle an intriguing premise is set up but then immediately reduced to little more than a backdrop for some unfathomable events that only serve to confuse the plot rather than explain it the first third of the film reveals the post apocalyptic world the story is set in and actually looks like an very interesting story is about to unfold from then on things go down hill the middle part of the film is mostly made up of thinly veiled eco propaganda and the ending is heavily marred by the reliance on the kind of impenetrable spiritualism which ruins a large number of japanese animated films overall the film feels as though someone ripped out every other page from the script before passing it on the the animators what is left is something which is visually stunning although sadly the version i saw was an nth generation copy with poor colour which gives rise to the common myth that nausicaa shows her bare bottom when flying but which makes little sense and ultimately left me confused"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20755": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when a small hobbit named frodo baggins inherits a magic ring from his uncle the wizard gandalf investigates and discovers that the ring is an ancient creation of an evil dark lord should the ring end up back in his hands he will regain his power and destroy middle earth frodo and his loyal friends set out on a a quest to destroy the ring with a band of warriors this is an underrated adaption of the classic novels as it only covers the first half of the story regardless this is an epic and wonderfully animated film the animation is superbly done with rotoscope which is tracing over live action footage ralph bakshi worked well with the low budget he was given the film also boasts a grand music score by leonard rosenman that fits every scene there are a few plot holes with the script but that has to be excused considering the original deal was to make the book trilogy into two films much had to crammed in the first one my biggest gripe is some of the character design samwise was a bit too goofy while the other hobbits act completely normal the other characters are actually well written for the screen and the voice actors do a great job i was pleased that legolas is actually a bit more helpful to the plot the rotoscoped orcs are more comical than frightening while the ringwraiths are eerie and nightmarish another problem is that the evil wizard saruman is called aruman thanks to the writers overall i think a little more money and better writers would have done this a lot of justice but there is something charming about it ralph bakshi made a valiant effort of making screen adaption of these classic stories the film suffers terribly from being overshadowed by the live action films but it s still a great movie for animation lovers of all ages"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20756": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a review of the later english release by disney featuring alison lohman patrick stewart and co i really wanted this film to be good really really i m a huge fan of princess mononoke and spirited away and after seeing all the glowing reviews on this earlier miyazaki film i was eager to see it but i was shocked shocked i say at the quality of this film those later films boast well crafted plots dimensional characters and the best film music since well ever this film just doesn t come close might as well start w the positive aspects though like all miyazaki films this one is still very imaginative with a bizarre fantasy sci fi setting in a post apocalyptic world where insects are the dominant species nausicaa can also boast some far superior animation to other films from its time though not as beautiful and fluid as miyazaki s later films and the english voice acting is quite well done but this film just isn t good the characters are all cardboard from saccharine sweet little nausicaa to the ruthlessly evil tolmekians to everyone in between once you ve seen each of them for seconds you ve seen all there is and the fact that the plot just ambles along doesn t help then there s the music now hisaichi is hands down my favorite film composer but nausicaa doesn t do him justice half the music is s keyboards on overdrive and it usually enters and leaves so abruptly that it distracts the visuals rather than helping them i highly suspect that hisaichi was told to compose a lot of the music before he even saw the picture but wait there s a great message with this film right let s all save the environment too bad that this film hits you over the head with it like a sledgehammer there is a scene in which nausicaa hugs a tree no really i ain t kidding it makes me a little sad to talk about how lame this film is but for some reason all the other reviews on imdb seem to adore it and when the characters have to talk to themselves in extended sentences to tell you what s going on that s lame if you re the kind of person who worships anime enjoys s music and plants a tree every arbor day you will probably like this film otherwise save your money for his later films because they rock big time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20757": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "peter jacksons version s are better films overall from objective point of view that being said they are not my favorite screen versions of lord of the rings and let me explain why firstly the acting of the on screen characters is just too ordinary and uninspiring with jackson s lotr the whole cast is too run of the mill are you claiming that those silly cartoon characters of ralph bakshi version are better actors than real people one could ask well they are not really silly save for hobbits later about them and they certainly pack more personality than jackson s party even with much more limited dialogue time and that is because of superior _voice_ acting of the bakshi s lotr take aragorn for example in this version his voice is deep and charismatic with full of authority aragorn the lord and with a seasoned rasp aragorn the ranger this is due to john hurt s brilliant voice acting compare that to viggo mortensen s rather high pitched sound with no soul and the duel gets quickly uneven hurt beats mortensen hands down and then there is gandalf probably the most dominating and the most popular character in the whole saga in this bakshi version gandalf william squire is a real wizard and by that i don t mean he shoots bolts from his fingertips he does not but his presence is just captivating he is a mystical powerful and can switch from gentle old man to a scary person with ease add to that his looks tall old as the ancient oak beard long as his body sharp eyes wizardy hook nose and of course the classical wizard hat a perfect gandalf just like in the books ian mckellen s gandalf in the other hand is simply just too boring he looks too human sounds too human acts too human and wears no hat or wields no sword yes a sword in this bakshi version gandalf scores couple of bloody orc kills with his sword as he did in the books and those are stylish slow motion kills gandalf is not a power to be messed with and it must be noted that while i m sad to say this the great christopher lee didn t bring saruman alive fraser kerr in this movie did even with a very limited screen time and lines before i move completely to visual aspects of the movie it must be mentioned that the voice acting and the general presenation of the orcs are also superior to jackson s pretendeous bad guys bakshi s orcs taunt their enemies or each other constantly with growls screams and nasty language they are more believable as monsters and are more faithful to the book in my opinion and finally the black riders or the nazgul those ultimate bad guys are scary ghosts in this one not just some riders wearing black and they speak with haunting voice which mesmerizes their victim my favorite scene in the film is when the nazgul are chasing frodo near the river while peter jackson couldn t do anything but show the riders simply chasing the party bakshi throws in a nightmarish dream with some cool slow motion scenes and thundering sky but as much i like this film more than jackson s the latter are if only technically still better and that is because of some key visuals as you know bakshi lotr features a mixture of animated characters all hobbits and the main cast and real actors covered with paint i don t really have a problem using real people in animation this way but they just don t fit very well with traditional cartoon figures this is especially true with humans riders of rohan tavern people etc orcs are different matter since they are meant to look very distinctive from other characters orcs while played by humans with animation mix look far superior to jacksons version they have brownish green skin shiny red eyes flat face and pointed teeth biggest screw up in this films visuals howerver are the hobbits while i prefer almost every character in bakshi version compared to jackson the latter has clearly superior hobbits in fact they are perfect with bakshi you get some irritating and rather poorly drawn humanoid disney bambies and you are forced to spend a lot of movie time with them so be warned again the voice acting is ok with them too but the actors mouths cannot save the immersion damage made by these little weasels well i never really liked those halflings anyway general failures in the bakshi script are well known limited playing time with limited budget and a lot of missing scenes so while this film covers nearly half of the story it doesn t do it in extensive detail compared to jackson s version in a summary the ralph bakshi version of lotr has a superior overall atmosphere it feels more like middle earth overall voice acting music i really dig the fantasy score by kont rosenman gandalf aragorn one of the john hurt s finest roles king theoden orcs black riders elrond he s not some fairy hippie in this one while jackson version is better because it covers the whole story overall visuals and special effects gollum smeagol balrog hobbits lord of the rings by ralph bakshi even with it s well known shortcomings is one of the best animation films ever made and it captures the atmosphere of tolkien s fantasy world very well if not perfectly i ll give it a score of out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20758": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "tom wolfe s sprawling brilliantly observed satiric novel of life among new york snobbery gets a glossy look here but is nevertheless not well served the film suffers not merely from the miscasting of everyman tom hanks as an uncaring yuppie kewpie doll melanie griffith as a manipulative southern belle and bruce willis as the darling of new york s literati the most serious miscasting was in the director s chair robert altman might have breathed life into these unlikeable characters and made them interesting but brian de palma for all of his visual sophistication has never had an eye for the nuances of the human experience the resulting film looks good but seems blah toward its subject of dehumanization in favor of status honestly if a satire does not make the viewer angry what is the point"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20759": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i happened upon this movie as an year old on a cold dark november afternoon i was outside playing all day freezing and when i came in around pm i had a cup of hot cocoa and sat down in front of the tv with a blanket i was surprised to be watching a cartoon that wasn t all happy and silly and was in fact dark and moralistic it captured my imagination i m sure it misses the text and is abbreviated in all the wrong places for the tolkien purist but it still captures the spirit of the story the choice to carry a burden for the good of others the consequences of selfish rash decisions etc the quality of animation leaves room for complaint but the one place where this movie clearly rises above the new films is the voice characterizations john hurt is great in this if you don t like how the character is drawn look away and just listen to him his voice is extraordinary i ve seen it again many many times and it always brings me back to that time as a kid thirsty for some magical adventure it s for this reason i say lucky the film is nostalgic for me so i overlook its shortcomings but between john hurt and tolkien s fantasy it still reached me and still does"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20760": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "based on tom wolfe s satirical novel that was praised by all i have not read it yet tom hanks stars as a wall streeter who accidentally kills a black boy while lost in a bad part of nyc willis stars as the reporter who starts hanks on his downward spiral the characters are very thin and there seems to be no empathy for anyone in this movie and for a comedy or a satire there arent a lot of laughs either melanie griffith had her breasts done during filming so a fun thing to do is to see if her boobs change size during different parts of the film this will keep your mind off other things like the lack of script or humor on a scale of one to ten"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20761": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my friend had the idea of watching the animated lotr after seeing the peter jackson return of the king so i finally bought it off e bay thinking right from the start it was going to suck actually it really wasn t as bad as i thought it would be the animation was good for its time they used a unique method of blending live action with animation to create some interesting effects and the guy who did the voice for frodo sounded somewhat like elijah wood not the greatest adaptation of a book but trust me i ve seen a lot worse it skips quite a lot of things since both fellowship and the two towers are compressed into one two hour movie definatley worth a watch kids might like but still absoutley no comparision with the peter jackson trilogy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20762": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as someone who has both read the novel and seen the film i have a different take on why the film was such a flop first any comparisons between novel and film are purely superficial they are two different animals the novel is probably intended as a satire but it arrives as a cross between tragedy and polemic instead any comedic elements such as those which later formed the stylistic basis of the film version are merely incidental to the author s uniformly cynical thrust and lest the omnipresent white suit of the author fool you into thinking this is another mark twain think again a more apt literary precedent would be the spectre of ambrose bierce in a top hat and tails tom wolfe is equal parts clown and hack more celebrity than author always looking for new grist for his self absorbed mill it is therefore no wonder that the excellent production skills and direction lavished on the making of the film were doomed from the start unlike true satire which translates very well into film polemics are grounded not in universally accessible observations on some form or other of human behavior but in a single minded attack on specific people whether real or fictional straw men who have somehow earned the wrath of the writer any effort to create a successful filmed story or narrative from such a beginning must have a clean start free of the writer s influence or interference having said that i too find fault with the casting it is not merely that incompetents like bruce willis and melanie griffith fail to measure up but that real talents like tom hanks f murray abraham and morgan freeman are either totally wasted or given roles that are mere caricatures there is enough topical material here for a truly great film satire but it fails to come even close"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20763": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first of all no adaptation is ever as good as the book especially when you re dealing with master writer like tolkien this adaptation wonderfully synthesizes tolkien s universe with s psychedelia aesthetics and liberal culture yes the animation and background painting is sometimes a little rough in its technical execution but it s beautiful none the less and very evocative in terms of giving a unique sense of place to each of the scenes beyond the absolute uniqueness in imagery is the absolutely outstanding voice acting acting that s far superior to the acting in the new live action movies and while the cell animation might not be the most technically proficient animation it superbly captures the expressive bodily and facial gestures of the acting while at once not forgetting to be subtle and nuanced the background paintings vary from traditional fantasy motif to outright abstraction but the transition to abstracted settings is always motivated by the narrative and contributes greatly to the themes of the film if you re a person who has to have extensive computer rendering in a film so that everything is visualized for you then i can see how you might not like this movie but if you enjoy superior acting transcendental imagery and jrr tolkien then this film is a must see"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20764": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the point of wolfe s original novel indeed the point of the whole story is that things take place because of a carefully calculated sense of expediency the goal is survival within a particular kind of life style the novel is full of malice the only relationship that rings emotionally true is that between sherman and his daughter campbell and that s only touched upon that aside everyone is out for what he can get in the way of publicity power money or self aggrandizement wolfe was criticized for hitting every character and every social segment of new york city over the head his response was a denial after all he lived in new york himself and belonged to a neighborhood improvement committee and other admirable organizations exactly the qualifications one would want on his resume in order to deny that he disliked new yorkers wolfe has a phd in american studies from yale and is no dummy those supposed weaknesses are what made the novel memorable nobody was any good and sherman mccoy wound up broke a professional protester for social justice the movie throws all of that away and imposes a moral frame on the story that simply doesn t fit wolfe did his homework the novel was rooted in reality every event was not only possible but thoroughly believable wolfe might have made a great cultural anthropologist he knows how to get inside a system and record its details yes any of us might have found ourselves as sherman and his mistress do stuck in the south bronx threatened by a couple of black kids and making a getaway after bumping into one of them that scene is transferred neatly from print to celluloid but after that scene the movie seems not to trust its audience and at times become frantic in its attempt to spell out its message however nebulous the message is sherman might accidentally hit some kid and be arrested for it as he is in the novel but he would not immediately upon his release from jail go back to his phenomenally expensive condo take out a shotgun and start shooting into the ceiling with it as he does in the movee in what s supposed to be a funny scene ceiling plaster falls all over the party guests and they scurry away shrieking it simply would not have happened the movie has left the novel s unspeakably detailed reality in the dust wolfe s sensibility the work he put into capturing the real has been lost what we get instead is a noisy fantastic and silly scene that doesn t do anything except wake the audience up similar empty scenes follow screaming out for wolfe s verisimilitude the movie also fails because it thrusts a lot of sin and redemption into an entertaining story of moral nihilism here we see don juan in hell at the opera we get lectures on redemption from a poet with aids we see a lot of guilt in sherman a black judge who preaches from the bench and gives one of those final speeches about how we all have to start behaving nicely again a reporter who feels sorry for sherman after turning him into a sacrificial lamb and a happy ending in which sherman gets off by breaking the law with an idiotic grin the scene sits on the movie like a jester s cap on a circus elephant s head the movie not only makes points that are already trite and unoriginal it overstates them as if the audience were incapable of absorbing any subtleties it s not the acting or the direction that s poor the film s not bad in those respects and the photography is pretty good too including two rather spectacular shots the gargoyles of the chrysler building and the landing of the concorde it s the script that is thoroughly botched the first half of the movie roughly is okay in conception and execution it keeps some of the little details from the novel sherman and judy s dog is named marshall who the hell would name a dog marshall it loses its focus almost completely in the second half and on the whole is barely worth watching wolfe s cynical redneck right wingism may be offensive to a lot of people but he s got the cojones to lay his percepts out alas the writers and producers did not have the courage to pick them up and thus blew the chance to make a fascinating study of new yorkers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20765": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m fond of this film and it vexes me that so many reviewers rank it below the peter jackson trilogy a filmed novel is always interpretive in particular an animated film relies on the artist s vision and should be judged on its own terms speaking as a purist this is a finer homage to tolkien than the updated version while this film has its flaws it stays truer to the source especially so far as the characters are concerned in the jackson version tolkien s frodo is barely recognizable from the first scenes he is portrayed as a weakling constantly wavering manipulated by forces around him and never standing on his own two feet this is physically and metaphorically true you wonder why fate chose this limp biscuit to carry the one ring to the cracks of doom jackson unforgivably rewrites tolkien and robs frodo of his finest moment when he allows arwen to rescue him from the ringwraiths bakshi s version respects the original presenting a frodo who demands the wraiths go back and trouble me no more bakshi sustains frodo s character as tolkien conceived it we see his decline as the weight of his burden increases frodo is so pivotal to lord of the rings you wonder why jackson took such liberties he does so with numerous characters since character development propels the plot to its inevitable conclusion bakshi s film better explores the companionship between legolas and gimli in a few judicious scenes that are completely lacking in jackson s version similarly we see boromir horsing with pippin and merry furthering the idea of fellowship for my liking the camaraderie is more developed in the animated version than the live action tolkien s poetry is an important ingredient in the novels and bakshi makes tribute to this in one of my favorite scenes when frodo sings the merry old inn song minutes before stumbling into strider the cheery tune is chillingly juxtaposed with the darker theme music when seconds later invisible to his friends but visible to the wraiths frodo is dangerously exposed this is one of the most atmospheric portions of the film and chills me whenever i see it the well documented budget time restrictions limit this film s final impact but had it been completed it may have resonated with more viewers as it is it s worth a look even its detractors admit that peter jackson derived much of his inspiration from this prototype"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20766": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "most book adaptations are bad but this film left out key parts of the storyline and changed the description and some characters they rewired the storyline and combined scenes and changed the order they added ridiculous things into it that never happened in the book and would never happen if i hadn t read the book beforehand it would have been an incredibly dull film it didn t make you care about the characters like them or dislike them it turns the characters into jokes awful ridiculous waste of two hours of my life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20767": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first of all the only reason people keep bitching about this film is because they can t stand a few parts of the true story being altered well guess what peter jackson s film wasn t a perfect rendition either well enough ranting this is a very beautiful film the backgrounds are gorgeous and taken from well known tolkein artists the film covers about half the trilogy fellowship of the ring and up to the battle of helms deep in the two towers and moves at a good pace the voice casting is top notch and the most of the characters look like i imagined they would samwise is a bit too ugly for my tastes but aragorn looks awesome the film has a great score that completely supports the movie if you enjoy good fantasy stories but hate reading the books are even better give this movie a try keeping in mind it was made odd years ago also of particular note peter jackson s adaption of fellowship follows almost exactly the same strand as ralph bakshi s jackson has said many times how much he admired bakshi s effort"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20768": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "regarded by many critics as one of the biggest stinkers of all time certainly the biggest stinker of director brian de palma s career sherman mccoy tom hanks is a smug rich boy whose life goes to pieces when he and his lover maria ruskin melanie griffith are involved in a hit and run his story is chronicled by another smug guy reporter peter fallow bruce willis well as i said in my summary what is this movie supposed to be it seems to combine comedy drama and satire but it sure doesn t add up to much it s undermined by unimaginably loathsome one dimensional characters who you d never want to have the displeasure of meeting in real life i m no big fan of the novel i started reading it once but couldn t finish it because it wasn t to my liking but it s obvious to me that those who did do enjoy the novel consider this film to be a complete travesty i ve never seen so many talented actors strive to hard to give a below average movie some semblance of quality and fail what a waste the problems start with casting nice guy tom hanks in a role that is clearly supposed to be unsympathetic and the role of peter fallow in the novel was that of a brit bruce willis is badly badly miscast in the role what was the thinking there alas not even morgan freeman can escape the film with his dignity intact being obliged to deliver a lame heavy handed lecture on decency after the climax this movie ends up turning into an absurd farce i liked the assemblage of talent for that i will give it four out of ten but i m sure some people will say a much better movie could have been made from the source material"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20769": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "godard once said a way to criticize a movie is to just make one and probably the strongest kind that could be made about ralph bakshi s take on tolkien s magnum opus the lord of the rings has actually been made by peter jackson the recent trilogy to me aren t even total masterpieces but they are given enough room with each book to breath in all the post modern techniques crossed with classical storytelling to make them very good sweeping entertainments but as one who has not read the books i end up now looking upon the two versions live action albeit partly animated in its big visual effects way and animated albeit partly done with actual live action as the framework in relation to just the basic story not even complete faithfulness to the books and with bakshi s version it s almost not fair in a way as what we do see is really not the complete vision not what jackson really had probably final cut robbed of return of the king s big climactic rush of the story and with the other two parts becoming rushed i ended up liking it more for what it did within its limitations though as such those same limitations make it disappointing what s interesting too after seeing the jackson films first which i also slightly regret being that i might ve reacted to this differently when i was younger and prior to five years ago is that the basic elements of the story never get messed up with everything that is really needed to tell the fellowship of the ring story is actually pretty much intact and if anything what was probably even more gigantic and epic in tolkien s book is given some clarity in this section the actors playing the parts of the hobbits and the other heroes are more or less adequate for the parts with a few parts standing out john hurt as aragorn and william squire as gandalf the lack of extra characterization does end up making things seem a little face value for those who ve not even seen the other films or read the books and can t put them into context but there is some level of interest always with the characters and here there s a more old fashioned sensibility amid the large aura of it being more this is not a garden variety disney adaptation warts and all this is a bakshi film with his underground animation roots colliding with the mythical world of middle earth and what bakshi and his animation team bring to the film is one that ends up giving what is on screen in all its abbreviated form its hit or miss appeal along with being not totally complete as a film or as stories the form of the film is an experiment to see if something can be entirely rotoscoped the results end up bringing what seems now to be retro but at the time of course was something that was a rough crazy inspiration on the part of the filmmakers might it have been better with more traditional drawn animation in some parts yeah it does become a little noticeable as was also the case in bakshi s american pop that the main characters move in such ways that are a little shaky like some kind of comic book form done in a different way still there s much i admired in what was done the orcs for example i found to be really amazing in they re surreal surroundings they re maybe the best part of the combination of the animation on top of the live action especially during parts where there isn t battle footage that s really the real hit or miss section as there isn t continuity from the good and bad rotoscoping and the chiaroscuro comes through with big shapes on top of horseback it s creepy in a good way and the backgrounds while also very rough and sometimes too sketchy are beautiful with the mixtures and blasts of colors together it s almost something for art film buffs as much as for the ring nuts so how would i recommend this animated take on the lord of the rings i don t know to tell the truth it s certainly a good notch above the other tolkien animated film i ve seen the hobbit and i ve yet to see the animated rotk and there is some real artistry going on there s also some stilted dialog an all too rushed two towers segment with the most intriguing character gollum being reduced to maybe two scenes in all and seeing something as fragmented like this ends up only reinforcing the completeness of the more recent films if you re a fan of the books contemplating checking this out i would say it s worth a chance even if it s one of those chances where you watch for forty minutes and then decide whether to stop it or not as for it fitting into bakshi s other films i ve seen it s an impressive ambitious and spotty achievement where as with lynch s dune it s bound to draw a dark mordor like line in the sand between those who hate it passionately and those who don t i don t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20770": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one of the most atrocious rewrites i ve ever viewed if they want to make a movie with a lousy story they should refrain from giving it a title of a fine book there is hardly a relation between wolfe s book and this movie other than the title i don t mind changes if they help a story flow on screen at least the changes shouldn t hurt the final product the last scene in the movie is painfully unconvincing the actors are miscast the director and or screen writer obviously could not decide whether to make a lame comedy or preach an unconvincing sermon if you ve seen this movie and disliked it try the book if you ve seen this movie and liked it read the book"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20771": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as an animated film from this is pretty good generally well above the standard of the days when disney hadn t done anything good in years and tolkien cared little for disney anyway it gets major points for innovative and careful camera work applying cinematic techniques with relative success the much maligned rotoscoping actually works pretty well especially with the ringwraiths and the opening narration however it is so drastically overused possibly as a money saving technique that it detracts from the overall effect the same technique that makes wraiths spooky and otherworldly doesn t fare so well in the prancing pony as for the adaptation of the story it s actually quite good we lose little bits here and there minor details such as the old forest and tom bombadil the gaffer and the sackville bagginses we compress a few characters such as revising legolas as one of elrond s household and an old friend of aragorn s but that s a rather wise decision for film in books you have room to include the references to the larger world of the elves and middle earth s vast history in film you trade that for visuals and sound that convey the same elements in a different way nothing critical is truly lost here and although i have minor quibbles about some of the changes i m generally pretty happy with it if only the dratted writers had managed to remember saruman s name he s frequently referred to as aruman a decision probably made to make him more distinct from similarly named sauron it took me a second viewing before i was certain i hadn t misheard it it s also annoying that boromir is a bloody stage viking and irritable from the start however gandalf is excellent and most of the rest of the voicework is excellent if only john hurt weren t too old to play aragorn i love his voice of course with the film ending at the midpoint of the story there s a vast disappointment built in what makes it far far worse is the altogether miserable job done by the rankin bass crew on the sequel that they were permitted to do return of the king after butchering the hobbit remains a huge mystery they seem more interested in bad songs than in proper storytelling for all its faults this film s heart is solidly in place and it tries very hard to accomplish a nearly impossible task i can only hope that the upcoming series of films keeps as true to its vision"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20772": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was a great book and the possibilities for a truly great film were definitely there but the casting decisions completely wrecked the movie hanks is a great actor to be sure but lacks the smarmy morally ambivalent characteristics needed for the lead role jeff daniels would have been my choice putting melanie griffiths in for eye candy reasons is understandable but again she did not portray the depth or ambivalence so need to pull this off this movie is a great example of how every decision even those early on in the movie production can make or break a file"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20773": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "more than twenty years before peter jackson s visionary adaptation of the lord of the rings there was this animated effort from director ralph bakshi an ambitious and reasonably faithful version of the story this has sadly been rather over shadowed by the jackson trilogy indeed many reviewers here on the imdb mainly those who saw the newer version first seem to be fiercely unkind to this version but if one applies a little common sense and takes into consideration the time when it was made and the technical possibilities that existed at that time then they will realise that this is a pretty good film indeed it was shortly after seeing this animated movie back in the early s that i sought out tolkien s book and immediately became a lifelong fan of these richly detailed middle earth adventures so in some respects i owe this film a degree of acknowledgement as the film which shaped my literary tastes forever sauron the dark lord of middle earth forges an all powerful ring that gives him incredible power following a great battle during which sauron is defeated the ring falls into possession of a king named isildur but instead of destroying it he foolishly chooses to keep it for centuries the ring passes from hand to hand eventually coming into the possession of a hobbit named frodo baggins who lives in a peace loving community known as the shire frodo learns from a wizard named gandalf that his ring is in fact the one ring the very same that was forged by sauron all those centuries ago and that its master is once again searching for it in order to restore his dark power over the entire land frodo embarks on a perilous journey to protect the ring with three other hobbit companions but every step of the way they are hunted by sauron s ring wraiths the black riders there follow many adventures during which a company of nine adventurers is formed to guide the ring to the only place where it can be unmade mount doom in the land of mordor the film concludes with frodo and his best friend sam on the borders of mordor closing ever nearer to their horrifying destination meanwhile gandalf and the other members of the company fight off a huge army of orcs at the legendary fortress of helm s deep this version covers just over half of the original book a second instalment was planned to bring the story to an end but was sadly never completed while the ending feels abrupt it does at least end at a sensible point in the story one has to feel a little frustration and regret that no sequel exists in which we might follow these animated heroes to their eventual goal the animation is passable with a nice variety of locales and characters presented in interesting detail the music by leonard rosenman is suitably stirring and fits in appropriately with the epic narrative the voice overs are decent too especially john hurt as aragorn and peter woodthorpe as gollum on the other hand michael scholes who provides the voice for sam is rather campy and goofy which is not well suited to the character the lord of the rings is a commendable attempt to visualise the staggering book on which it is based"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20774": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i was expecting a little something from k i mean it did look like a cute movie that i could get into i always did love the dog comedy movies but it looked like it was supposed to be jame s movie not jerry lee s the plot was pretty lame and the two love interests really didn t have chemistry to begin with not to mention that james seemed to have a total sexist view in the movie despite the fact the writer wasn t going in that direction james just really ticked me off for more than half the film the dogs were the true stars and that s pretty sad that they out shined the actors so i m glad it s not just me on imdb who agrees that this was a pretty stupid movie but hopefully james will realize it was his brother jim who was the talented one no offense but not everyone can be their star sibling don t you wish ashlee simpson would take that same advice d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20775": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a very good movie a classic sci fi film with humor action and everything this movie offers a greater number of aliens we see the rebel alliance leaders and much of the imperial forces the emperor is somewhat an original character i liked the ewoks representing somehow the indigenous savages and the vietnamese excellent references i loved the duel between vader and luke which is the best of the saga in return of the jedi the epilogue of the first trilogy is over and the empire finally falls i also appreciated the victory celebration where it fulfills vader s redemption and returns hi into anakin skywalker spirit along with yoda and obi wan it gives a sadness and a tear the greatest scenes in star wars are among this movie when vader turns on the emperor luke watches and finds comfort in seeing obi wan yoda and his father version not hayden christenssen the next best scene is when luke rushes to strike back darth vader to protect leia there is a deep dark side of this film despite there is a good ending i felt there was much more than meets the eye and as always the john william s music will bring the classicism into star wars universe"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20776": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have to say i am really surprised at the high ratings for this movie i found it to be absolutely idiotic the mother gets visions when she touches certain things or people and one thing she touched twice made her vision continue just seemed so ridiculous deedee pfieffer s performance was awful i thought she was very irritating the girl who played lori did a good job and so did most of the supporting cast for what they had to work with i usually love lmn and am very open minded when it comes to movies but this movie seemed to have a ridiculous plot and over the top acting and it just was not for me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20777": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really enjoyed the reunion a lot i would have rated it a if they had had hassie and little luke there wasn t even a mention of where they are today or why they didn t participate in the reunion they were very popular characters and i think it was a mistake not to give an explanation about their lack of appearance anyway i was glad that tnn ran the series again i had been looking for episodes for years and what a joy to be able to tape the whole series i may have missed a few episodes jenny hanahan"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20778": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "bonfires of the vanities is a film drenched in flop sweat i can recall no film that has tried so hard to be so unrelentingly outrageous provocative and important yet failed so consistently across the board it is like a stand up comic who s not getting laughs but can t leave the stage the harder the film tries the louder each attempt at a laugh results in a resounding thud the desperation the film displays is so glaring it almost rouses pity for all those involved the film achieves laugh out loud status only twice once is in the sight of geraldo rivera playing an obnoxious arrogant and amoral tv tabloid journalist which is funny only because he apparently doesn t realize he is playing himself the other scene that deserves to be laughed at is the film s final big moment wherein the judge played by morgan freeman delivers the sanctimonious lecture about what morality is it s what your mama taught ya the pomposity of the moment is insulting to the point of being absurd yet one must admit it is a noble effort it does have a good if poorly cast band of actors who try to make characters out of cardboard thin caricatures the film looks professionally made and the little cinematic flourishes that director brian depalma just loves are apparent if not particularly effective but the film which apparently wishes to be a commentary on modern morals and ethics never arises above the level of cartoon satire requires style farce requires energy even sitcom requires timing but the best bonfires can muster is desperation in the end you don t want to laugh you just want to turn away"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20779": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film in my opinion is despite it s flaws which i maintain are few an utter masterpiece and a great and glorious piece of art what mr bakshi has done here is to create an utterly beautiful film and has shown his immense talent and versatility as a director of animated films he does not receive th of the credit he deserves for literally saving the art of animation for an adult audience if it were not for mr bakshi i don t believe animation would have survived the disney onslaught what is more with the lord of the rings he has not only created a beautiful animated film but he has created an entirely new art form unfortunately one that never quite made it off the ground most people will complain about the use of rotoscoping in the film the use of live action images which are used as background images and often animated over using various techniques from what appears to be small amounts of tinting to full blown animation but i feel that the people who complain about it simply cannot accept an art form which is out of the norm no this is not disney animation no it s not live action no it s not cheating what it is is a new fascinating and absolutely wonderful art form something so fresh and so new that it feels completely at home in such a fantastic tale as the lord of the rings bakshi s pioneering use of this technique brings the subtleties of middle earth to life is a very dark and mysterious way in particular the darker of tolkien s creatures particularly the nazgul are realized in a way that traditional animation or live action have not been able to accomplish peter s beagle s screenplay based very little as i understand it on an early draft by chris conkling is a very loyal adaptation of tolkien s works where possible he uses dialogue directly out of the novel and it feels at home in the world which bakshi has created there are many cuts that were made to fit the first book and into a single hour minute film but there are very few changes to the storyline there are a few holes which it would have been nice to have filled the reforging of narsil the gifts of galadriel the huorns at the battle of the hornburg but again with the time limitations he had already the longest animated feature in history these are certainly understandable though it makes one wonder how they could have been explained in a sequel also there is the delightful one of my favorites score by leonard rosenman who also scored barry lyndon and star trek iv the score for which is clearly based on his lotr work it is bombastic and audacious and dare i say perfect it stands on it s own as an orchestral triumph but when coupled with the images of the film it enters a whole new world of symphonic perfection so far from the typical hollywoodland fare that it turns many people off the voice actors are wonderful of particular note is john hurt as aragorn who just oozes the essence of strider the character design is also wonderfully unique though not often to everyone s taste but remember that it is the duty of the director of an adaptation to show you what he she imagines not what you might have imagined and so aragorn is realized with a distinctive native american feel and boromir appears in viking inspired garb this is perhaps not what you imagined but i can only applaud mr bakshi for showing us what he saw it also might be noted that he spent a significant amount of time with priscilla tolkien in developing the character outfits for the film one farther word the flight to the ford sequence in my opinion is one of the most subtlety beautiful sequences ever to be caught on celluloid bakshi is not afraid to slow down the pace for a moment and his mastery is clearly shown by the incredible tension is able to build bakshi s artistic ability and tolkien s incredible work fuse in this sequence to a glorious peak which has yet to be equaled the recent dvd release by warner brothers is sorely lacking while we can offer our eternal thanks that the film is finally available in widescreen format the package is woefully short of extras how glorious it would have been to have had a director s commentary been able to see the minutes of extra footage that were removed for the theatrical release another delightful addition could have been the assembled the live action footage which was later animated over also present in the dvd release is the utterly horrible voiceover at the end of the film which is a departure from the simple voiceover which occurred in the very final frames of the film this version is plastered and poorly rendered right over the musical climax of the score of course the greatest tragedy of all is that the sequel was never made we will never be able to see bakshi s interpretation of gondor of shelob of faramir of the cracks of doom of eowyn s battle with the witch king or gandalf s confrontation with him we will never be graced with bakshi s image of denethor or the palatir or the paths of the dead it is a shame beyond all shames that we will in the end have to accept peter jackson s glitz and glitter hollywood action film version of these later events in tolkien s masterpiece but i suppose even that is better than having no cinematic version at all david"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20780": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s frequently said that movies can never equal the original book well in this case not only the movie is not as good as the book but is an insult to the book i d rather see milan kundera s novel turned on fire than into this something which the director probably calls adaptation all the beautiful philosophy that asks is it better to carry a heavy load on your shoulders or cope with the unbearable lightness of being is put aside and instead all the movie deals with is daniel day lewis i cannot say tomas sexual adventures with his dumb wife his mistress and his other mistresses fran ois truffaut already said it bad directors make bad movies don t waste your time and money read the book instead it s really worth it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20781": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there be very little doubt that hg wells is the most influential writer of the th century jules verne has some claim to be the father of science fiction but his stories were more adventure stories using marvellous inventions as plot devices wells was profound and brought subtext to his tales perhaps his greatest legacy is that there s very little if any evidence that people believed in life on other planets before the th century where as now many people including richard dawkins consider it a near certainty there s no evidence of this of course and one can t help wondering that is was wells who introduced this to human thinking undoubtedly it was wells that planted the seed things to come was adapted by wells himself from his own novel it is rather obvious however that he is unable to tell the difference between the technicalities of writing novels and writing screenplays the dialouge is often laden heavy handed and unconvincing one case in point is the two pilots from opposing sides discussing the nature of war why must we murder one another why this mirrors the criticism near naked contempt that orwell had of wells in his essay wells hitler and the world state and it is true that wells anti war message is painfully overstated it d be impossible to believe a conversation taking place between an raf pilot and his opposite number in the luftwaffe a few years later that said it is absolutely fascinating watching a film from predicting a world wide war taking place in that heralds the end of civilisation there s a striking and haunting imagery as a child bangs a drum as a phantom army marches in the background and the collapse of society and the fear of the wanderng sickness is wonderfully realised even the rather lazy storytelling of showing the year of the setting has a compelling nature it s the images that makes this film along with arthur bliss score that makes the film so memorable and to be fair wells does ask the question the universe or nothing what shall it be in short this is a film whose flaws are easy to forgive"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20782": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "oh i heard so much good about this movie went to see it with my best friend she s female i m male now please allow me a divergent opinion from the mainstream after the first couple of dozen take off your clothes we both felt a very strange combination of silliness and boredom we laughed at it not with it we dozed and would have been better off staying in bed we were convinced we had spent money in vain and we had the plot was incoherent and the characters were a group of people about whom it was impossible to care a waste of money a waste of celluloid this movie doesn t even deserve one out of ten votes but that s the lowest available i m not sure why this movie has the reputation that it does of being excellent i don t recommend it to anyone who has even a modicum of taste or intelligence"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20783": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "things to come is an historic film along with metropolis it stands as one of the first great science fiction spectacles it is also one of the first doomsday movies it is remarkable how the filmmakers predict the start of the second world war within a year and even in a subtle way the year it would end in the real world but then the film departs from reality depicting a world ravaged by war only substitute poison gas for nuclear weapons which of course did not exist in the last half hour of the film is an incredible sight making groundbreaking use of models and matte paintings later to become staples of the science fiction genre it is sad that after things to come sci fi would become identified with cheaply made b movies a stereotype that wouldn t be broken until a space odyssey more than years later if they d stuck with the quality of the effects in this film things would have been very different in hollywood raymond massey and some of his co stars play multiple roles in this film to good effect massey plays a great doctor who like role as a pilot from an advanced for civilization who tries to win over the populace of a devastated country ruled by a simple minded warlord a very effective performance by ralph richardson ultimately the storyline covers years but that s a big problem with this film there really isn t a cohesive storyline perhaps in such an episodic film somewhat reminiscent of intolerance actually it s hard to have a conventional plot but i felt more could have been made of the material and although the visuals in the final third of the picture are indeed stunning and worth the price of admission the plot is nonexistent and the movie itself suddenly ends just as it is getting interesting maybe the producers were thinking of another future sci fi innovation a sequel things to come is a film every serious sci fi buff should see at least once unlike metropolis however it might not bear repeated viewings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20784": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is possibly one of the worst movies i have ever seen i don t care what the critics say it s bad i think the problem is with kundera s novel it s not that it s unfilmable it s just that like of his work it s pretentious and overdrawn he seems to be enamored with himself his characters come off as navel gazing and his novels as a whole are misogynistic i have read many of his works even his socialist realist poetry that was truly awful i just don t understand what the fuss is about characteristics like the self absorption in his novels make for infuriating reading in a movie all the things that i dislike about kundera were magnified maybe i just missed something but i don t think so on a side note i cannot believe that this is a criterion collection dvd no way is this movie that essential"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20785": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was the most costly film when produced sir alexander korda and h g wells were both distressed by its poor ratings for good reason it was and remains far ahead of its time aside from the seemingly poor direction probably editing at the very beginning the work moves along to a stunning conclusion whether its sir ralph richardson s boss role or even better his wife s sir cedric s as adversary to space faring raymond massey s john cabal center role all deliver mind boggling performances the scene with mr korda s incomparable set of the small girl child running out to an absolutely never to be matched scene commenting life just keeps getting lovelier and lovelier that swiftly brings tears to any parent grandparent this is not a film for the young unless experienced and rather those who have seen the horror it opposes sure the phony parachuting looks hokey while using a magnetic cannon now termed mass driver may be viewed as ridiculous vs rockets give sir korda a break mr wells made that choice and at million this film went way beyond over budget so he concentrated on what he could manage the true power of this greatest of cinema rests in john cabal s final statement of human destiny his friend passworthy doubts the wisdom of space faring saying we re such little animals john cabal s proper response is paraphrased yes little animals and if that is all we are we must live and die as such they are standing under a large astronomical telescope he sweeps his hand over the night sky yet we may have all the universe or nothing then the final chorus breaks in which shall it be this is not star wars blade runner anything you may consider great this is the real thing i remind all of steven hawking s most recent address upon his latest medal of honor humanity must leave earth or die the very core of this work i love standard entertainment yet this relic for the wise viewer offers far more which shall it be be in the proper mood whatever that takes this will take your breath away i guarontee overall for humanity the most significant of cinema since posting i note many have commented on the poor media quality of surviving examples in the s i developed a proprietary colorization process which required a clean original this led me to michael korda who sadly noted all were gone so we must relish what remains sad but true"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20786": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yeah cheap shot i know but this movie is a great example of how a collection of signifiers of deepness political turmoil love lust can be combined haphazardly to great critical acclaim see also american beauty kaufman s movie plods along with gratuitous sex scenes interspersed with often painful dialog sequences in one scene i counted three different generic european accents affected by the actors and displays of state might run amok yet fails to tie them together into the coherent meditation kundera offered and in its over long three hours it manages almost completely to gloss over franz the missing fourth piece in the love triangle that lies at the heart of the plot and in this manner sacrifices the novel s central mechanism of displaying the spectrum of emotions and of power relations that obtain in love affairs it also fails to even include token screen time for tomas son used in the novel to exemplify some of the political points kundera was making in the novel combined with the overweening soundtrack these flaws make this movie s three hours unbearably weighty in tone yet light in content"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20787": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is an amazing movie from although the first hour isn t very interesting for the modern viewer the stylish vision of the year that comes afterwords makes up for it however don t plan on being able to understand all of the dialog the sound quality and accents it s american but s american make it difficult basically the story is a sweeping year look at a fictional us town called everytown it spans from when a war is on the horizon to when technology leaps forward and creates its own problems the first one hour is a bit slow although it s tough to tell what audiences back then would have thought the events suspense and visuals are pretty low key in today s terms however when it gets to the future it s just plain fun to watch the large sets and retro sci fi look of everything is hard to beat unless you have great listening abilities this movie is hard to listen to i think i understood only of the dialog it could use closed captioning if you re a sci fi fan this is one of the genre s classics and is a must see well at least after the first hour for the average viewer wait until there s a closed caption version and then watch it if you re comfortable with movies of this time period"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20788": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "harsh yes but i call em like i see em i saw this in the late s and it was truly one of the most awful boring films i ve ever forced myself to watch yes the cinematography is lovely the czech settings are truly stunning the political backdrop is enticing but unlike similar historically set stories e g _dr zhivago_ qv this one failed to make the politics relevant to the story or even interesting sure olin and binoche are beautiful but this film manages to make even erotic scenes plodding and slow i m all for romance but this movie was so boring i started hoping the russians would shoot them all and put an end to my misery i m sure if i d read the book the story would have made a bit more sense however life s too short to expend any more time on this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20789": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "synopsis the future as seen from england as war loomed over europe the salvation of mankind will not be found in the politics of the past it is up to the brave new world of science to overcome man s past mistakes concept in relation to the viewer beware your leaders and what you are told thinking outside the box can lead to a brighter tomorrow there will always be descent and fear and learning to overcome it is our only hope pros and cons i had seen this film long ago and recently downloaded it off of the internet it is in the public domain this is a fascinating work on numerous levels since it is a story about the future as seen from it has obvious flaws this vision of the future is both terrifying and whimsical this film was cutting edge for its day the special effects are very good as is the story line the acting suffers a bit in the british theatrical sense in that it can lean a bit toward shakespeare one of the underlying themes of the film is that science and technology can solve all our problems which we now know is not always true the films other plot line is that charismatic leaders are a curse of human existence and will probably always be with us the underpinnings of almost all later science fiction movies can be seen in this film the set design and wardrobe of forbidden planet the failings of technology in a space odessy even the lush landscapes cityscapes of star wars owe some amount of inspiration to this film the ending of the film leaves the viewer a bit perplexed while it is optimistic in its ending sequence of reaching for the stars we are left to wonder if mankind will ever be able to make it even as we reach there are those that are trying to hold us back this films vision of the future while interesting is also a bit humorous by todays standards huge flying machines and guns that could shoot people into space never materialized in the real world but in they were considered the next logical step many great british actors are in this film as young men cedric hardwicke and ralph richardson are the most recognized and their oratory skills are evident here raymond massey is a curious choice to play the lead character cabel his character almost comes across as the new christ sent to save the world from its own destruction with the new religion of science this is a good piece of cinema history whose themes are still relevant today even if its vision of the future missed the mark"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20790": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "seriously why do american and frech actors pretending to be czechs need to speak perfect english with a fake russian accent i am a man so i enjoyed the gratuitous nudity but a soft porn flick would have more of that and at least wouldn t pretend it s artistic all the political statements where painfully didactic has the director heard of subtlety the acting was also woody and melodramatic and the comic relief was never funny the characters were very shallow and i just couldn t identify with them at all the bit where i did laugh was when they cut the actors into archival footage of the demonstrations in prague and they were black and white and then sepia to match the footage just ludicrous i read many of kundera s short stories not the unbearable lightness of being and there are good things about his style of writing although his themes are one big male fantasy and i have to say the film did not convey any of the goodness of kunderas style"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20791": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is difficult to watch in our fast paced culture of the st century but it is worth it for the messages that it conveys chiefly the consequences and ramifications of technology upon society specifically when that technology is used for warfare this movie presents a full circle cycle of dehumanization and rehumanization as influenced by the advent of technology and the subsequent deconstruction of civilization and therefore serves as a cautionary tale against the misuse of technology but as the circle completes itself familiar themes and sentiments pop up again to present self serving rather than self destructive ways that humanity may utilize technology brilliant for it s time the picture and sound quality may pose a challenge for some but as a landmark in the history development and evolution of the sci fi genre it is a must in the end free will and free choice are once again posed to humanity as a means for controlling our own destiny rather than having it served to us by someone else or indeed the state of society itself as shaped by world events those who are downtrodden by what life throws their way sometimes tend to remain so but yet there is always a glimmer of hope and continuity that remains as this film posits as far as qualifying as sci fi one of the biggest common demoninators of that genre is it s speculative nature it asks us the questions what if these events happened this way and what effect would it have on society or the individuals within it how would we react as far as influence this film projects those speculative sciences that make sci fi as unique as it is and keeps us asking those important questions"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20792": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is quite boring there are snippets of naked flesh tossed around in a lame attempt to keep the viewer awake but they don t succeed the best thing about the movie is lena olin she does a masterful job handling her character but day lewis garbles most of his lines kaufman clearly had no idea how to film this the incongruities in bouncing between domestic household marriage issues and political crises are badly matched character attitudes change without explanation throughout badly disjointed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20793": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "with such actors as ralph richardson raymond massey cedrick hardwicke and margaretta scott how can you go wrong very unusual scenics especially the modern ones the realization of the modern machinery is very effective here you have ray gun blasts from building vehicles that help clear the area so new structures can be made although she s much younger in this film it s not very hard to figure out who the future mrs pumphrey from the bbc series all creatures great and small is going to be really effective reappearance of both raymond massey and ralph richardson the musical score is by the renowned swiss composer artur honegger and it is also unusual for the time it looks like they used really large sets or the effects make it seem that way lastly it s a really good story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20794": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after reading the book which had a lot of meaning for me the movie didn t give me any of the feeling which the book conveyed this makes me wonder if kaufman even liked this book for he successfully made it into something else either that or he is simply bad most importantly where is the lightness from the very first scene music drownes out most of the dialogue and feeling and this continues right through the movie i think the makers thought that by having upbeat music playing right through the movie this would make the story feel light however they have completely failed here instead the music manages to give everything that movie feel in a way dramatising events so that we linger on them so that everything actually feels heavy another example of the how this adaptation fails is by embellishing the story line making it more dramatic in the movie we see franz passing tomas on the street who is on his way to see sabina the introduction of this chance meeting passing which im sure didn t happen in the book gives tomas story more significance than it does make it light there are many other examples where the continuity of the story has been changed imo for the worst however this might have been done because the book simply doesn t convert well into a movie such is kundera s style this makes we wonder if all the generous reviewers on this site were writing with their book and movie experience in mind rather than writing about just the film a film which is as long as it is uncompelling for those who haven t read the book yet i recommend just reading that for those who have i have to say you will just be wasting your time and probably end up here writing similar stay clear warnings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20795": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have things to come on d v d and it s very clear compared to my vhs version the audio is fair but can be hard to understand at times i liked the movie so much that i searched for a copy of the book and found it it gave details of why some things happened the best things about the movie are the small things that i didn t notice at first such as john cabal playing with a toy airplane at a christmass party like it was a dive bomber out dateing sea power by naming a battleship dinosuar ships sunk by air power an undeclared enemy sneak attack by airplanes swept flying wing planes strong rolls for the women through the entire movie there are more see the movie to enjoy them"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20796": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "contains spoilers i did not like this movie at all i found it amazingly boring and rather superficially made irrespective of the importance and depth of the proposed themes given that eventually we have to die how should we approach life in a light way like tomas in a heavy way like tereza or should we find ways not to face that question like sabina how much is fidelity important in a relationship how much of the professional life can be mutilated for the sake of our loved ones how much do we have to be involved in the political life and the social issues of our country unfortunately i haven t read kundera s novel but after having being let down by the movie i certainly will i want to understand if the story was ruined by the movie adaptation which is my guess or if it was dull from the beginning i disagree with most of the positive comments that defined the movie as a masterpiece i simply don t see the reasons why what i see are many flaws and a sample of them follows the three main characters are thrown at you and it s very hard to understand what drives them when making their choices the secondary characters are there just to fill the gaps but they don t add nothing to the story and you wonder if they are really necessary i did not like how tomas was impersonated nothing is good for him he is so self centered and selfish he is not human in some sense but when his self confidence fails and he realizes that he depends on others and is emotionally linked to someone i did not find the interpretation credible it s very unlikely that an artist like sabina could afford her lifestyle in a communist country in on top of that the three main characters are all very successful in their respective professions which sounds strange to me a how can tereza become effortlessly such a good photographer b how can they do so well in a country lacking all the economic incentives that usually motivate people to succeed the fake accents of the english spoken by the actors are laughable and i am not even mother tongue moreover the letter that sabina receives while in the us is written in czech which i found very inconsistent many comments praised the movie saying that prague was beautifully rendered i guess that most of the movie was shot on location so it s not difficult to give the movie a eastern european feeling and given the intrinsic beauty of prague is not even difficult to make it look good i found the ending sort of trivial tereza and tomas finally happy in the countryside far away from the temptations of the metropoly distant from the social struggles their fellow citizens are living detached from their professional lives die in a car accident but they die after having realized that they are happy indeed so what had they died unhappy would the message of the movie have been different i don t think so i considered it sort of a cheap trick to please the audience the only thing in the movie which is unbearably light is the way the director has portrayed the characters you see them for almost three hours but in the end you are left with nothing you don t feel empathy you don t relate to them you are left there in your couch watching a sequence of events and scenes that have very little to say i hated the stop the music in the restaurant scene which some comments praised a lot why sabina has got such a strong reaction why franz agrees with her i really don t see the point the only thing you learn is that sabina has got a very bad temper and quite a strong personality that s it what s so special and unique about it after all these negative comments let me point tout that there are two scenes that i liked a lot that s why i gave it a two the naked women photoshoot where the envy the jealousy and the insecurities of sabina and tereza are beautifully presented the other scene is the one representing the investigations after the occupation of prague by the russians tereza pictures taken to let the world know about what is going on in prague are used to identify the people taking part to the riots i found it quite original and tereza s sense of despair and guilt are nicely portrayed finally there is a tiny possibility that the movie was intentionally designed in such a way that tomas types are going to like it and tereza ones are going to hate it if this is the case i strongly doubt it though then my comment should be revised drastically"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20797": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "h g wells story the shape of things to come was made into a movie in very well made science fiction tale about a war that lasts for decades great cast includes raymond massey arsenic and old lace sir cedric hardwick ghost of frankenstein ralph richardson time bandits and margaretta scott early glimpses of helicopters holograms a rocket ship and futuristic cities this film was ahead of its time directed by william cameron menzies invaders from mars its very enjoyable much like the earlier movie metropolis but avoid the so called sequel the shape of things to come that was made in this movie has nothing to do with the original h g wells like jules verne had a vision for the future with his stories a classic science fiction movie out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20798": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if you are one of the people who finds according to jim great television comedy this is going to rock your world and might i add kudos for proving that good talent good writing and a charismatic star are all you really need on any network other than abc which prefers to air crap like jim belushi s show year after year k is a big steaming brown german shepherd sized thank you for all of the geniuses who loved the first movie it s exactly what fans of that film and the lesser belushi deserve jim s comedic chops and choice in projects are never far behind his ability to butcher a blues standard look for him to try to showcase all of his diverse lacks of talent into every project he hurls at the public like a surly zoo chimpanzee if you enjoy jim s work this movie is your reward"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20799": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is probably the best of all of the star wars movies the starting point of the movie was almost like episode iv spacey cabaret music and thoughts of a cabaret place where the seriousness of mobster jabba the hutt was getting even more serious he ordered luke to die in a basement pit by the bone crushing teeth of bantha who looked almost like a cross between a bear and a shark luke s jedi powers eventually finish the monster off adding to the sneaky rescue of han solo who was frozen alive at the end of episode v jabba was very angry about this that luke was sentenced to die at the sarlacc pit outside but all of the star wars good guys especially r d had other ideas and those other ideas fended off luke s execution in the end most of jabba s soldiers died and princess leia was able to use the force to fatally choke jabba to death like in episode iv the death star in episode vi makes its appearance as i analyzed the rebel fleet attacking the imperial fighters around the death star the star destroyer personnel i guessed sped up the arming of the main laser using the imperial fighters as a diversion the star destroyers that lined up were ready to attack but was called off and instead the laser weapon on the death star was fired in surprise once it fired the rebel fleet s only hope was that the death star s deflector shield was going to be knocked out and this affected lando so much because he wanted to destroy the death star but he couldn t until the shield was taken out and it was taken out with lando s increasing impatience like in episode v the imperial walkers make their menacing appearance with their twin cannons killing at least one of the ewoks but the ewoks found ancient yet unusual way to deal with them for instance chewbacca as well as another ewok was able to commandeer one of the walkers and actually used that to destroy from behind one of the walkers and the other ewoks used logs to knock out two other walkers it is amazing what luke could do with his jedi powers on his light sabre like for instance the scene on endor where luke deflects incoming laser shots from a storm trooper speeder bike and using the sabre to knock out part of the bike or in a climax using the sabre to break off his own father s arm during the final sabre fight with sith vader you probably know the ewoks celebration after the death star was blown complete with a short display of fireworks drumming on the spoils of victory e g storm trooper masks and luke finally meeting up with leia after luke s own nemesis darth vader now dead is burned on a pyre the celebration include ewoks singing but i think lucas did not buy that even with the strong respect of film composer john williams on the home movie version i think lucas himself wanted a different ending in addition to the celebration on endor he wanted shots of celebratory scenes on the several surviving rebel planets including a celebratory laser shot that destroys the statue of the sith the ewoks song was replaced by an alternative instrumental piece he probably wanted the extra stuff to prove that with the death star s destruction balance had been restored to the rebel galaxies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20800": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i think phillip kaufman read the cliff s notes version of the kundera novel and then set about making this film okay of course it won t have the punch of the original kundera s novels are great because of his manipulation of the narrative concept his ability to step in and out of stories he constructs this film does not even try the one dream sequence of tereza s so vital to the atmosphere of the book is reworked and makes no sense whatsoever also and this is perhaps a lesser point daniel day lewis looks a lot like ben stiller in this i know it s not really a valid complaint but hey a perfect example of the hollywood izing of otherwise fine literature"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20801": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "amazing effects for a movie of this time a primer of the uselessness of war and how war becomes a nurturer of itself a wonderful thing about this movie is it is now public domain and available at archive org no charge no sign up necessary watch it in one sitting and you will be propelled i plan to share this flick with as many people as possible as i had never heard of it before and i am a hard core sci fi fan i would like to see how others react to this movie watch it rate it tell us what you think"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20802": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "another great movie by costa gavras it s a great presentation of the situation is latin america and the us involvement in latin american politics the facts might or might not be accurate but it is a fact that the us was deeply involved in coups and support of latin american dictatorships despite this though the spirit of the movie follows the typical leftist communist propaganda of the cold war era costa gavras is a well known communist sympathizer and his movies are always biased for example he presents the us actions as brutal and inhumane while representing tupamaros extremist activities as something positive as it turned out it was a blessing for uruguay and the rest of the latin america that the us got involved europe is filled with poor east european prostitutes i never heard of poor uruguayan or chilean girls prostituting themselves en masse as it happens in most east european countries the us was fighting a dirty war and god bless us all the monster of soviet communism was defeated it is unfortunate the us had to do what it did in latin america and elsewhere but sometimes you need to play dirty this is not an idealistic world as costa gavras and matamoros like to believe had matamoros come to power in uruguay we would ve had another ukraine in latin america all in all this movie follows corrupt and bankrupt leftist ideology of times past and tries to pass it as idealistic and morally correct"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20803": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "things to come is indeed a classic work of speculative fiction both an essay on the destructive nature of war and the terrors of progress it makes some surprising accurate depictions of the war that was to follow a few years later but is woefully naive in it s utopian ideals raymond massey cedric hardwicke and ralph richardson make up a fine cast although the drama is played more as a stage piece than a work of cinema there are grandiose if somewhat stilted speeches often delivered as if the actor is trying to reach the back of the theater however there are some profound words there is technology the savior of mankind or the instrument of its destruction the film is a visual feast if one can detach oneself from the age of the effects sure hollywood is more sophisticated today but rarely as inventive for the imaginative the third act is a treat a world with underground cities massive deco bombers space cannons gyro copters and secret organizations of scientist saviors it has all of the makings of a sci fi pulp adventure but instead uses the trappings for a philosophical exercise things to come and metropolis were the hallmarks of neolithic hollywood science fiction cinema they are operatic in scope and visually inspiring technology has long left them behind but their ideas still burst forth there is an artistry there one with more heart and emotion than the computer generated mass produced cinema of today these films are the products of artisans not industrialists"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20804": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "hanna barbera sucks the life out of another famous property the violence is watered down the stories are formulaic the animation is bad the music is obnoxious and repetitive and frankly the show just isn t funny at the time h b put every one of its series through the same clich d situations regardless if it fit the world of the cartoon or not thus popeye and bluto appear in a recurring segment as cavemen hey popeye is popular and the flinstones are popular put em together and you can t miss also in an apparent ripoff of private benjamin olive oyl and the goon have a regular segment that features them as new army recruits seriously why adding to the annoyance factor are the public service announcements in every episode standard practice at the time for cartoons but still annoying popeye lectures his nephews on crossing the street safely recycling and are you ready for this the dangers of smoking i swear i m not making that up the only charm remaining from the original cartoons is that jack mercer the voice of popeye from the early days continues the role here worth checking out once just to get a new appreciation for the old fleischer shorts otherwise avoid at all costs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20805": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "geniuses william cameron menzies and herbert george wells craft this extraordinary anticipation film with ambition and scope hard to find today they predict world war ii and the way great britain was attacked and also the fact that the war would be followed by a space race they change the timing in the film the war and the space exploration are much longer but there are so many qualitatively correct things that it s amazing we even see an helicopter the film is older than them unforgettable giant planes and a futuristic meritocracy of scientists that seem romans with bubble helmets if you can see through those funny costumes you may appreciate the state of the art architecture by masters from the s well s vision of a rationalistic society interesting reflections on the nature of power and john cabal as archetype of the adventurous and inventive human being the one that chooses to shape reality and not to be shaped by it out of inspiring like that final monologue by john cabal"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20806": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "popeye and big foot popeye s engine company getting popeye s goat i used to lap these up as a kid but catching an episode of the series comprising three cartoons back to back now i e several years later they preceded the theatrical screening of the pirate yarn raiders of the seven seas [ ] i can see how they don t hold up all that well the character of popeye isn t exactly sympathetic to begin with olive oyl distinctly overbearing and bluto s antics failed to elicit much interest either in short the scripts were alarmingly thin fairly awful and generally unfunny to boot they re strictly juvenile fare yet i doubt today s kids would even have the patience to stick with them furthermore the animation style is unattractive taking each short per se i guess they improved from one to the other after the initial shock one adapted to its mediocre quality as it were so that the third cartoon easily results in being the most enjoyable of the lot popeye is entrusted with a mascot army goat whose immense appetite causes him no end of mischief hardly original i know but always an amusing ploy one interesting element here was that the shorts were bookended with popeye delivering moralistic bits of wisdom to the kids in the audience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20807": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this sci fi masterpiece has too many flaws after the editors had butchered it after its opening in visually it is a wonder to behold but the script allows too many intellectual speeches about war and progress this gets very corny when the actors are given to recite a lot of high minded messages at all times raymond massey and cedric hardwicke both great actors come off as quite a pair of fanatics ralph richardson is very good as the the boss a megalomaniac warlord the prediction of world war ii was very eerie considering that the world was on the brink of the most devastating conflict in human history at the time i m sure glad that war didn t turn out as it did in the movie there are some visually stunning montage sequences bridging the leaps of time between the movie s different episodes although its not as entertaining as i hoped it would be this movie sticks in your mind long after you ve seen it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20808": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "mainly because ju on boasts an outrageous forty minutes worth of material literally taken straight out of the first ju on and when you consider that the sequel only runs for minutes that leaves you with original minutes worth of film ho hum i found that deeply irritating as if viewers simply wouldn t remember the same stuff not to mention dull having to watch it all over again ok that complaint aside the byline for ju on was that it was supposed to explain a lot of the unanswered questions from the first movie which frankly over minutes simply doesn t go far enough to making any kind of sense of the original s highly convoluted storyline there are however some really nice new horror sequences which show how good the film might have been had it had some time to develop and some of the questions raised by the original some but not all are answered so in conclusion if you loved the first original movie and want to see some further developments on the story go for it but just remember to keep your remote control to hand with your finger on the fast forward button for forty minutes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20809": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if scientists behaved in a way that h g wells was confident they would in the future history wouldn t quite have turned out the way it did in things to come were almost years past the point that wells wrote the shape of things to come on which this film is based and no closer to the world he describes than before in some ways farther away though such well known players as raymond massey ralph richardson and cedric hardwicke are in the cast they re more caricatures than real characters it s the main weakness with the film it s devoted to wells s philosophy of science will solve all problems and the rest of us are backward fools massey s characters two generations of the same family holds that supremely optimistic view cedric hardwicke is a skeptic who feels man is rushing too far forward and ralph richardson is a warlord arisen from the destruction of another thirty years war fought with modern weapons by the way as the atomic bomb had not been invented poison gas was deemed to be weapon that almost destroys mankind according to wells science and conquest can never mix scientists as a group are far too above the world of politics to engage in such things in wells s lifetime scientists certainly fled the rightwing fascistic governments of hitler and mussolini those same folks however in order to defeat them subordinated themselves to the allies and fashioned the atomic weapons that ushered in the modern age if they behaved as wells would have liked them to someone like albert einstein would have headed a junta of scientists who would have established a new order after world war ii wells got it wrong both in time and in development he apparently never envisioned the computer as well as atomic power computer programmers are far more likely to be our rulers in a brave new world than scientists at the moment still things to come aided by the direction of william cameron menzies and the sets created offer an interesting glimpse into the mind of h g wells certainly a respected thinker of his time though he didn t quite get right the shape of things to come"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20810": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was the most horrible movie watching experience i have ever had to endure and what is worse is the fact that i had to watch it and didn t have the opportunity to stop it because it was for school admittedly the storyline was decent but i found the acting terrible the exception was marianne jean baptiste i thought her performance was wonderful she was the only highlight without her i doubt i would have been able to bear watching the film every time i hear somebody say daarling i cringe i nearly attacked a customer the other day because they said it it made me remember one of the worst one and a half hours of my life i apologise if this has offended anybody i am only expressing my opinion"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20811": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the first parts seek to reduce to absurdity the rise of wasteful wars and rule by nationalist barbarians the rd part speculates that progress and exploration toward the moon and beyond is the key to ensuring a meaningful use of human talents and resources it has speeches that some viewers dismiss as naive or bombastic but that make others tingle with excitement it depicts a space gun launcher and a helicopter along with inventive mass communication devices elevators flat screen panels and wireless intercoms it s probably incorrect about windowless buildings in the future but it portrays a child like vision of boundless scientific technological investigation to me it seems like a movie about a group of rational minded thinkers guided by a spinozean like morality in their quest to immortalize themselves and live ethically through scientific advancement and a unified world government the pro progress characters such as the two cabals believe humanity could live forever by preserving our experiments and progress for future generations always standing on our humanity as if on the shoulders of giants arthur c clarke author of a space odyssey suggested this film to stanley kubrick as an example of an excellent sf movie kubrick hated it and said he would never watch another movie based on clarke s suggestions source clarke s special millennial introduction to his novel though the late clarke kept suggesting it at the top of his list whenever someone asked him about the best sf movies it has a beautiful menzies art design but mediocre special effects esp the toy tanks i personally loved it and think it excellently captures the zeitgeist of modernity it is a bit naive about the plausibility of creating a society without crime for an extended period of time it also seems implausible about the inevitability of progress it seems to me we could just as easily go right back to the dark ages or at least become so stagnant in science that we kill ourselves off through overpopulation or through our inability to escape the next major natural disaster but it nicely portrays the importance of taking risks against public and nanny outrage for potential threats of space accidents and deaths it challenges us to choose the side of progress over petty desires for safety or comfort or happiness cabal too much rest and too soon and we call it death but for man no rest and no ending he must go on conquest beyond conquest this little planet and its winds and ways and all the laws of mind and matter that restrain him then the planets about him and at last out across immensity to the stars and when he has conquered all the deeps of space and all the mysteries of time still he will be beginning cabal if we are no more than animals we must snatch at our little scraps of happiness and live and suffer and pass mattering no more than all the other animals do or have done he points out at the stars it is that or this all the universe or nothingness quotes from screenplay if this sounds like a rationalization for devoting all of society to progress then the council members of the world government will seem like technocrats but actually those technocrats allow their citizens to become artisans or pursue other passions freely and they would have to be suppressed by government bans laws against science and experiment and other mandates and restrictive uses of power that would turn their critics into tyrants in fact a huge group of rebels in the plot feel belittled by all the council s developments of science and technology so they try to put a stop to progress and an end the council s freedom to experiment the progress oriented council will not suppress the free speech of the rebels though only preparing its peace gas in times of emergency and merely wanting the freedom and space to pursue its progress so it s also a story about the freedom to do science just as much as it s about the wonders of progress many people in our society would actually agree with some of these basic premises except in cases of social bias many want to ban cloning for example or naturalism some don t want us to progress freely and would rather we just become extinct in due time while enslaved to the earth or fear reason some believe we aren t ready for advanced science technology since we might destroy ourselves but cabal the president of the council has an answer to the problem of danger our scientific revolution did not abolish death or danger it simply made death and danger worth while screenplay"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20812": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have seen a lot of movies this is the first one i ever walked out of the theater on don t even bother renting it this is about as boring a soap opera as one can see at least you don t have to pay to watch a soap opera though"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20813": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "h g wells in was past his prime and the books of his that will survive were long gone by he was coming to the end of his life and he was confronted to his dream gone sour at the very beginning of the th century he defended the idea that the world was doomed because the evolution of species natural biology on one side and marxism market economy on the other side were necessarily leading to the victory of the weaker over the stronger due to the simple criterion of number the weaker were the mass of humanity and the stronger were the minority elite he defended then a strict eugenic policy with the elimination of all those who were in a way or another weakening the human race first of all the non caucasian with the only exception of the jews who would disappear thanks to mixed marriages then within the caucasian community all those who were not healthy the alcoholics the mentally disabled all those who were genetically disabled etc that was not hitler that was h g wells and that was not after the first world war that was more than ten years before and twenty years before the first world war he had published the time machine that defended the idea that the human race left to its own means and due to the vaster cosmological evolution of life on earth would see the differentiation of the human race into two species the working class would become a subterranean laborious species and the bourgeoisie would become an idle surface species the point was in the novel that the surface sophisticated and weak idle species was the prey of the other species who were the predators wells was convinced humanity was in danger and politicians were supposed to stop this evolution by imposing a strict eugenic policy the first countries to follow this injunction were the scandinavian countries who were also the last to drop it only very recently for some of them the film here proposes a vision of with a world government that is absolutely dictatorial in the fact that there is no election no parliament no really democratic institution only peace imposed by military conquest and the government is dominated by one man or at the most one man and his few councilors and in that future world all absolutely all human beings are caucasians wells was able to imagine humanity being completely white by amazing wells envisaged some kind of a rebellion but that would be short lived and lead to nothing at all the last sentences are the vision of this white civilization conquering the whole universe when contemplating the sky and its stars and planets frightening and that was produced in all the more frightening since nowhere the slightest mention of hitlerism fascism japanese imperialism or stalinism can be found but it is essential to have that film in a good restored edition because it is crucial to have a full vision of h g wells we are obviously very far away from the brave new world of absolute democratic social selection or the animal farm of the dictatorship of the porcine proletariat or the of the abstract mediatic dictatorship of big brother this vision is at least just as much frightening as the three others and i only want to compare wells with the british science fiction writers of his days it would be unfair to go beyond this reveals that in england in these first three decades of the th century there was a tremendous fear among intellectuals the fear that the future would only be somber bleak and in the form of an impasse of some kind dr jacques coulardeau university paris dauphine university paris pantheon sorbonne university versailles saint quentin en yvelines"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20814": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "horrible people ought to be the subtitle of this horrible film if you want to see ordinary people doing ordinary things then look out of your window at real life but if you want to see unpleasant people doing dull things you ll have to watch this horrible film by mike leigh the characters talk at length but never actually manage to communicate with each other why not presumably because leigh things that all of us are as ineffective and pathetic as his actors and he wants to film real life but we re not and he failed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20815": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this film years ago on n y television and thought it was a depressing look at the future wells sees restriction of private freedoms as a good thing no private airplanes the year plus war in the film was the reason this film was not shown to british film goers doing the war the concept of the future and the korda an co concept of the the machines of the future are the real stars of the film the very best acting performance is that of ralph richardson as the boss a combination of winston churchill and edina from absolutely fabulous comedy series it is interesting to note that the boss s negative personality is somewhat similar to the war time churchill"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20816": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well eyeboy i must say that it pleases me to no end when someone singles me out and tries to make fun of me especially when it is someone who seems as intelligent as you do my favorite part of your post was but no big bang bang good guy bad guy here kimosabe me suggest you stick to movie with lotsa bang bang well said i do like action movies especially if they are well done but i also like movies that don t have a whole lot of action as long as they are well done i m sorry but secret s and lies does not fit into that category and is simply a very bad movie i really don t see very many non american films so maybe i was spoiled and didn t realize how bad foreign films really were when i saw secrets and lies perhaps if i judge foreign movies by a different standard i could some day see how secrets and lies could possibly be one of the highest rated movies on the imdb hmm if true that is very scary jeremy barger bits midohio net new e mail"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20817": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "saw it first in on some german tv channel and was hooked immediately afterwards i saw this movie around times in cinemas and nowadays i have a videotape which i watch at least once a year this movie is excellent in every aspect direction acting cut musical score the sets are outstanding and very impressive the idea of a devastating world war starting in the late thirties seems like prophecy for a film the dictator of everytown is pure mussolini and raymond massey is just charming believable and ideally cast as the hero the positive tone towards technology and progress is quite refreshing by todays usually pessimistic standards especially the finishing scene which always brings a tear or two to my eyes even after watching the film so many times this movie is good on tv but it was made for the big screen so if you have an opportunity to see it in some cinema please do it s overwhelming"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20818": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first of all there wasn t really anything in this movie that grabbed me really it wasn t a bad movie just another movie where i said well that wasn t anything special after i d seen it there was probably drama and stuff but it simply didn t grab me but more seamed semi dull as i said in the headline it seamed very cheap in a way the quality of the film itself the images seamed like a low quality and reminded me more of some cheap made for tv movie than a well respected english film maker the camera angles and shots were very amateur like in my opinion didn t really have any close up shots or similar effects to produce interesting scenes i haven t seen many english films and the ones i ve seen didn t really impress me more than this and they seamed kind of similar done with the camera work colors and such game tried to be more cool hip smart see my review of lola rennt about this if you wish but didn t succeed for me either overall just a little indifferent movie that wasn t anything special at best i m afraid and basically unfortunately over two hours wasted"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20819": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i think the opening minutes of this film is perhaps one of the most exciting filmed with the brilliant music score working to build tension to a shattering climax what cinema goers made of this in the s i can only imagine the times said at the time a miracle has come to the screen watch it and marvel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20820": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the original was a good movie i bought it on tape and have watched it several times and though i know that sequels are not usually as good as the original i certainly wasn t expecting such a bomb the romance was flat the sight gags old the spoken humor just wasn t this may not have been the worst movie i ve ever seen but it comes close"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20821": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when i think of return of the jedi i think epic yeah ewoks were in there so what they re an interesting add to the movie not to mention they are similar to the vietcong who were also able to take down a technologically advanced army with primitive acts jedi is definitely more darker then the rest of the movies emperor palpatine portrayed by the amazing theater actor ian mcdiarmid was one the best parts of the movie palpatine is so evil and vicious vader looks like mr rogers compared to him speaking of darth vader what an amazing end to such an iconic character vader is truly a modern day greek tragedy and i think people can now especially understand and appreciate this after revenge of the sith came out his redemption at the end was moving and really brings a happy yet bittersweet feeling to you the best part was of course the special effects it s amazing how a film from the early eighties can still stand the test of time with it s graphics the scenes at jabba s palace leia looks amazing in that metal bikini and of course the epic three way battle at the end are still stunning to look at in all jedi s deep plot and emotional moments primarily between luke vader and palpatine and when luke reveals the truth to leia and incredible special effects is a fitting end to one of the most beloved franchises in cinema history"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20822": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "at least among those movies with votes or more nominated for best screenplay written directly for the screen brenda blethyn nominated for best actress in a leading role nominated for best picture i always disagree with many of the oscar picks but this movie might very well be the worst movie of all time to be honored by the academy the writing and acting were both horrible blethyn s perfomance in particular was one of the worst i ve ever seen and probably the most over rated acting performance of all time awful movie not worthy of the big screen and not worthy of any cable or television channel that has ever played it including hbo where i saw it i am only thankful i didn t actually pay to see one of the most over rated movies of all time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20823": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "things to come is an early sci fi film that shows an imagined world or everytown through years you can break it up into about different scenes or parts the film spans from to and is mainly about how this ruler or the boss wanted to get the capability to fly in airplanes again after everytown was bombed and war broke out this film only has about faults it s audio is muddy and video had some quirks the characters aren t deep at all and the overall plot isn t altogether solid the plot is lacking something that i can t put my finger on it just seems a little fluffy but if you love sci fi and are interested in what h g wells though might happened in the next hundred years this is a must see it s worth seeing just to learn of what everyone was fearing a long drawn out war because they were just about to go to war with germany and there was a threat of biological weapons and everything things to come is a pretty good movie that most people need to see once"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20824": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "time is precious this film isn t i must learn to ignore critics who rave about small films like fargo and this complete waste of time the theater was packed and everyone left with the same reaction is this the film the critics are raving about what a piece of crap the hook of this film is the upwardly mobile black daughter seeking out and finding her white trash family get it the acting is superb the production lighting sets editing sound is about steps above a minutes story the characters are shallow and unintelligent i was insulted by the fact that these people could not figure out about each other what was blatantly obvious to the audience the audience was murmuring to the movie screen what the characters should say next i have had more fun doing the laundry"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20825": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the message of a world on the brink of war is disregarded by the masses the mythical city of everytown in represents england in general but it could just as well stand for any nation of the world when war finally does arrive it s ravages continue not for another five years but until at which time everytown is completely destroyed adding to the desolation and toll on humanity is the wandering sickness a pestilence that continues for another four years things to come balances both a fatalistic and futuristic world view where science holds out a hope for a revived civilization the wings over the world concept plays out a bit corny though it s spokesman cabal raymond massey is unwavering in his mission and dedicated to his cause if he fails others will follow this message is continually reinforced throughout the film brought home convincingly in massey s end of movie speech man s insatiable need to test the limits of knowledge and achievement requires an all the universe or nothing mindset the film s imagery of automation and machinery in the second half is reminiscent of the great silent film metropolis as everytown is rebuilt and transformed by the year the spectacle of the city s rebirth strikes a resonant chord as architecture of modern cities of today suggest the movie s eerily prophetic vision is coming to fruition where the movie gets it wrong by sixty seven years though is man s first mission to the moon but in a hundred year timetable probably seemed more legitimate than things to come is one of those rarities in film a picture that makes you think which side will you come down on the forces for advancement in the face of uncertainty or maintain the status quo it s not a comfortable question as both choices offer inherent dangers and unknowable outcomes those who choose to be bystanders risk being swept away by forces beyond their control"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20826": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "painful to watch and not entirely for empathy with the struggles of the characters two of the main characters cynthia the mother and monica the acknowledged daughter spend the great bulk of the film pathetically mewling and bitterly bitching respectively their characters are so firmly established that their redemption into tolerable personalities after a quick family catharsis is unbelievable it wasn t worth the wait i wish a worthy pitch for honesty among families was less of a headache to view"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20827": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i never saw this movie until i bought the tape last year i was enthralled and entertained it has all the elements of what i love to see in a sci fi story in a book or on the screen there s social commentary speculation and a good story there s something eerie and amusing watching a view of the distant future of the s and s i think it s a must see and not only for sci fiers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20828": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "spoilers wow this is a bad one i did a double take when watching an old star trek episode the other day it was the one where everyone gets infected with that space sickness and then go a bit nuts and there was stewart moss a k a the unlikable hero of it lives by night he played the first crewmember infected who dies from terminal depression all i could think was that he d watched his own movie too many times that s what caused the depression this movie is full of truly unlikable people there is no redeeming character in the film not one it s very hard to feel bad about dr beck s turning into a bat or whatever he actually turned into because you just don t like him and you don t like his shrill bony wife or the nasty sleazy sgt ward or dr mustache love so why would you invest any time or energy in this movie where there is no empathy with the characters there is no reason to bother caring about it not to mention the horrible cinematography which made it look like they d filmed the movie through urine and the five cent bat special effects many of which appeared to be pieces of paper thrown into a fan to simulate hordes of bats flying not the worst film i ve ever seen on mst k but down there in the bottom ranks definitely"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20829": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "things to come movie review by kwrice here is another wonder filled science fiction film from a different time and place it is a film i ve only seen in truncated parts but art should be taken as a whole i experienced this film as it was designed in a darkened theatre on a silver screen with whirling reels of film and an audience to share it with that audience and myself were effected by this film one woman who lived through ww ii was choked up by the remembered ravages of war and replenished by the positive albeit corny ending the things that caught my attention from the beginning were the initial credits the first thing we see is h g wells in bold angular block copy much like the superman of yore it is not the film title but the creator s title and then before any other humans such as actors or production are listed the director william cameron menzies is up there who you ve probably seen his work before around the world in days pride of the yankees and gone with the wind he did not direct after this sci fi epic opera he and mr wells created but his film imagery sets and design are very recognizable that imagery is very effecting i recognized images from many other films that have paid homage to this classic the recent hitchhiker s guide to the galaxy is obvious along with bugs bunny fantasia monty python and the holy grail sky captain the world of tomorrow night of the living dead and more that i know of but which titles escape me this is real special effects here scenes now done with cgi are done with actors big sets and detailed models this film was made in and it s obvious it meant something to the other auteurs wells and menzies also worked with bliss doing the music and korda the producer to create a masterpiece with message warning and sermon the lines the shakespearean actors cedric hardwicke ralph richardson and raymond massey speak sometimes sound preachy but i also heard lines i still hear now these toys children have nowadays are nothing like i had when i was child it ll help develop their coordination what do we need books for what do we need to read for we don t need cars there s nowhere to go we have all we need right here there will be no war but war there is the naive citizens of everytown refuse to see the literal writing on the wall the never ending war explodes christmas eve the little boy wanting to be a good soldier like his daddy is an image that will likely always stay with me this is the world of that wore blinders to hitler s appeasement this war does not end the poison gas of the aerial wars segues into the second act it is another dark age no government no services and people carried along and cheering the war that no one remembers anything about plague warlords and bullying to get the planes flying for fuel that no longer exists loved ones are shot in the street before they can carry the plague to another midway there is a marvelous vignette about the rolls royce that is a much needed respite mid way into this lands a futuristic plane that heralds the future that future is the third act the world has rebuilt itself with the help of that puny animal man helicopters fly in this film before they were even invented the plumber s helper has other uses than the dalek s or glenn miller s wide screen plasma screens beguiling the masses and orators inciting the people to tear it all down beware the concussion you have been warned the city father warns the riotous populace so be warned this film might hit you like it hit me there are some cute miscues and miscalculations but the thought provoking idealism is what is really worth pondering again and i do want to see this artful film again others criticize mr wells vision it is very easy to work with hindsight regarding things costumes and foley miscues i believe mr wells things to come is not about things but is actually about concepts social trends and philosophical ideals besides we are now just beginning the new millennium and are not in the time still to come this is not cheap cardboard british science fiction but worthwhile epic filmed opera sans singing that as a whole concept overcomes some minor dated shortcomings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20830": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie that shoots scenes of a scenic caverns tour remember no one from this movie except for michael pataki who dished out extreme pain as jc in five the hard way he s the really annoying sheriff who i did applaud when he practices nightstick on our rabid doctor probably the most laughs you will have is with dr beck s epileptic seizures out of nowhere could mrs beck be anymore wooden seriously if you took a foot branch stuck it in a hot tub you wouldn t be able to notice a difference the dread and suspense is looking over at the clock wondering when the credits will roll watch it as a late night movie mstified but don t go out of your way"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20831": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "aside from the great movie metropolis this is about the oldest pure sci fi movie while at times the film is a bit preachy and the acting can be a bit broad it is a great film for two reasons first it is extremely original in both style and content even in the st century there are no films i can think of that are anything like it second for its time the special effects were absolutely incredible using matte paintings models and huge casts to create amazing scenes of both a post apocalyptic world and a vast city of tomorrow sure you could sit back and knock the film because by today s standards the effects are only so so but you must appreciate that this was state of the art when the film came out in and it must have really amazed audiences in many ways the sets look highly reminiscent of the modern cities featured at the world s fair i think the movie is also interesting because it seems torn by the question are people really that stupid or are we destined for greatness the end result seems to be a little of both how true a final note i saw this twice on tv and just a short time ago on video all three times the sound and print quality stank particularly the sound if this is available on a dvd hopefully it is a lot cleaner and will provide optional captioning as the sound on the video kept cutting out i really would have appreciated this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20832": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the bat people is a really bad film that deserved the mst k treatment just as well like that other film the creeping terror in it we are in some sort of mountainous terrain full of bats we see many things happen like bats flying out and attacking and stuff station wagon chases mishaps at the emergency room and much more all this plus the cheesy mediocrity of the s hey think mitchell here making the bat people actually one of the very best of the last mystery science theater episodes made in the series moviewise it s awful it should be avoided like the plague unless tom servo and crow are watching with you the bat people more like the bad people lol of course"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20833": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "things to come is that rarity of rarities a film about ideas many films present a vision of the future but few attempt to show us how that future came about the first part of the film when war comes to everytown is short but powerful ironically film audiences in its release year laughed at reports that enemy planes were attacking england appeasement was at its height wells prediction was borne out all too soon the montage of endless war that follows while marred by sub par model work is most effective the explanatory titles are strongly reminiscent of german expressionist graphic design the art director was the great william cameron menzies and his sets of the ruins of everytown are among his best work margaretta scott is very seductive as the chief s mistress the everytown of the st century is an equally striking design the acting in the st century story is not compelling perhaps this was a misfired attempt to contrast the technocratic rationality of this time with the barbarism of unfortunately the model work representing angry crowds rushing down elevated walkways is laughably bad and could have been done much better even with s technology this is particularly galling since the scenes of the giant aircraft are very convincing this is redeemed by raymond massey s magnificent speech that concludes the film rarely has the ideal of scientific progress been expressed so well massey s final question is more relevant now than ever in an era of severely curtailed manned spaceflight the scene is aided by the stirring music of sir arthur bliss whose last name i proudly share unfortunately the vhs versions of this film are absolutely horrible with serious technical problems most versions have edited out a rather interesting montage of futuristic workers and machines that takes us from to i hope a good dvd exists of the entire film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20834": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i didn t think this was as absolutely horrible as some people apparently do it passes as one of those cheesy horror movies you might waste time with in the middle of the night when you can t sleep although admittedly it s no better quality than that it s true that the acting isn t great i thought marianne mcandrew as cathy beck for example came across as completely passionless but the main problem is that several aspects of the plot didn t really make sense to me the becks are on a trip described by john stewart moss as part work and partly the honeymoon they never had now that s romantic the work part has something to do with touring caves which in itself sounds strange how does being part of a tour group through a cave relate to anyone s work but it gets stranger when we find out that he s a doctor doing research in the area of preventative medicine huh that connection completely lost me bitten by a bat while he s in the cave he begins to transform into what i guess was supposed to be a human bat hybrid although when we finally see him in makeup he looks a lot more like an ape man of some sort and a killing spree starts here s another problem the first killing is a nurse in a hospital at first everyone thinks her death was an accident the second murder is of a young girl who is described as having her throat ripped out the sheriff michael pataki then tells us that her death was similar to the nurse s meaning throat ripped out how could anyone think that was an accident and what s with the sheriff he seems pretty no nonsense until the scene in cathy s hotel room when he takes a swig of liquor and then almost rapes her after which everything seems to go back to normal it s saddled with an ending that left almost everything unresolved and also with one of the most irritating theme songs i ve ever heard in a movie even for all that there was something here that kept me watching sometimes pure cheesiness can get you through an hour and a half pretty bad yeah but not as awful as some people say"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20835": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i must admit a slight disappointment with this film i had read a lot about how spectacular it was yet the actual futuristic sequences the age of science take up a very small amount of the film the sets and are excellent when we get to them and there are some startling images but this final sequence is lacking in too many other regards much the best drama of the piece is in the mid section and then it plays as melodrama arising from the high concept science fiction nature of it all and insufficiently robust dialogue there is far more human life in this part though with the great ralph richardson sailing gloriously over the top as the small dictator the boss of the everytown i loved richardson s mannerisms and curt delivery of lines dismissing the presence and ideas of raymond massey s aloof confident visitor this boss is a posturing convincingly deluded figure unable to realise the small fry nature of his kingdom it s not a great role yet richardson makes a lot of it everytown itself is presumably meant to be england or at least an english town fairly representative of england interesting was the complete avoidance of any religious side to things the things to come seem to revolve around a conflict between warlike barbarism and a a faith in science that seems to have little ultimate goal but to just go on and on there is a belated attempt to raise some arguments and tensions in the last section concerning more personal life yet one is left quite unsatisfied the film hasn t got much interest in subtle complexities it goes for barnstorming spectacle and unsubtle blunt moralism every time and of course recall the hedged bet finale raymond massey waxing lyrical about how uncertain things are concerning the question of the film being a prediction i must say it s not at all bad as such considering that one obviously allows that it is impossible to gets the details of life anything like right the grander conceptions have something to them a war in well that was perhaps predictable lasting nearly years mind a nuclear bomb the super gun or some such contraption in a technocratic socialist we don t believe in independent nation states type government in britain after hmmm sadly nowhere near on that one chaps no real politics are gone into here which is a shame all that surfaces is a very laudable anti war sentiment generally it is assumed that dictatorship whether boneheaded luddite fascist as under the boss or all hands to the pump scientific socialism will be the deal and these implications are not broached while we must remember that in there was no knowledge at all of how nazism and communism would turn out or even how they were turning out the lack of consideration of this seems meek beside the scope of the filmmakers vision on other matters much of the earlier stuff should and could have been cut in my opinion only the briefest stuff from would have been necessary yet this segment tends to get rather ponderous and it is ages before we get to the richardson massey parts i would have liked to have seen more done with margareta scott who is just a trifle sceptical cutting a flashing eyed mediterranean figure to negligible purpose the character is not explored or frankly explained or exploited except for one scene which i shall not spoil and her relationship with the boss isn t explored but then this was the s and there was such a thing as widespread institutional censorship back then edward chapman is mildly amusing in his two roles more so in the first as a hapless chap praying for war only to be bluntly put down by another massey character massey himself helps things a lot playing his parts with a mixture of restraint and sombre gusto contrasting well with a largely diffident cast save for richardson and scott and chapman slightly i would say that things to come is undoubtedly a very extraordinary film to have been made in britain in one of the few serious british science fiction films to date indeed its set piece design and harnessing of resources are ravenous marvellous yet the script is ultimately over earnest and at times all over the place the direction is prone to a flatness though it does step up a scenic gear or two upon occasion the cinematographer and mr richardson really do salvage things however respectively creating an awed sense of wonder at technology and an engaging jerky performance that consistently beguiles such a shame there is so little substance or real filmic conception to the whole thing powell and pressburger would have been the perfect directors to take on such a task as this they are without peer among british directors as daring visual storytellers great helmsmen of characters and dealers in dialogue of the first rate things to come as it stands is an intriguing oddity well worth perusing yet far short of a metropolis tis much as silly in wells words as that lang film yet with nothing like the astonishing force of it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20836": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "currently this film is listed on imdb as the nd worst film ever made which is exactly why i rented it from netflix however i am saddened to report that the film while bad is no where near bad enough to merit being in the bottom films ever made list i have personally seen at least films worse than this one hardly a glowing endorsement but it just didn t meet the expected level of awfulness to be included on this infamous list the film begin with stewart moss and marianne mcandrew on their belated honeymoon by the way they are married in real life as well he s a doctor who is obsessed with bats and insists they go to a nearby cave once there they behave very very very stupidly hallmark of a bad film and are soon bitten by a bat according to this film bats love to attack people and there are vampire bats in the us both of which are not true at all oddly after being bitten the man doesn t even bother going to the hospital the first thing on anyone s mind especially a doctor is to get medical help immediately but not this boob soon he s having seizures yet he still isn t interested in seeking help again and again you keep thinking that this must be the stupidest couple in film history after a while he eventually goes to see a doctor and is sent to the hospital but by then it s too late and his attacks become more violent and he begins killing people to suck their blood when it s totally obvious to everyone that the man is a crazed killing machine the wife who like her husband has a grapefruit for a brain refuses to believe he s dangerous even after he attacks people steals an ambulance and runs a police car off the road now most of the time moss is going through these episodes his eyes roll back and he looks like a normal person oddly however a couple times he develops bat like hands and towards the end they used some nice prosthetics on him to make him look quite bat like had this been really cheesy the film would have merited a in the very end in a twist that hardly made any sense at all the wife inexplicably turned into a crazed bat lady and had a swarm of bats kill the evil sheriff how all this was arranged was a mystery as was moss and mcandrew s belief that this film would somehow help their careers though they both have had reasonably long careers on tv playing bit roles since overall very dumb the plot is silly and makes no sense and strongly relies on people acting way too dumb to be real not a good film at all but not among the worst films of all time either note for some reason imdb shows the graphic for the three dvd set for it s alive and it s two sequels of the web page for the bat people while the bat people has been seen with the title it s alive the two movies are not at all related it s easy to understand the mistake especially since they both came out in but the movie i just reviewed starred stewart moss and marianne mcandrew and the other film starred john ryan and sharon farrell"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20837": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while a bit preachy on the topic of progress as the saving grace of mankind this is still a stunning film that presages the science fiction special effects blockbusters that would take another years to arrive on the silver screen it predicts the global chaos of wwii but expands on the premise by having the conflict last years and then tells the epic tale of man s struggle out from under the rubble and into the wilds of space the acting seems wooden and strangely sterile but this is perhaps a result of its contrast with the visuals which must have been utterly breathtaking at the time of the movie s release and which still impress today this is a film not to be missed by anyone at all interested in the sf genre"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20838": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok don t let my summary fool you this movie sucks hard but the worst movie ever this movie was terrible in ways people shouldn t have to rack their brains to describe but it is in no way worse than manos the hands of fate hobgobblins horrors of spider island or a small handful of movies as a review the movie sucks it s terrible don t see it with out mst or you may develop health problems but there are worse movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20839": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this as a child living in east london the scars of hitlers luftwaffe were all too evident and the landscape of the movie was reminiscent of our street i remember having nightmares after seeing it the odd thing is it really hasn t dated if viewed as a piece of social history in cinema fiction apart from a globally destructive war the scale of the machines was badly awry more nano technology now but overall an excellent and well crafted work it was interesting to see how space travel was perceived back then i would think that firing a spacecraft from a gigantic gun would almost certainly kill the astronauts however much was right mans desire for war mans inhumanity to man the means of war as a catalyst for development"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20840": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i dunno sometimes you try and try and try to be charitable towards all the b thru z grade movies out there but once in a while a particular movie just tests your patience until you want to slap everyone involved bat people which i saw under the title it lives by night is just such a movie you can t watch this without thinking that it really should have been an episode on night gallery and not one of the better ones either the movie has something to do with a doctor who gets bitten by a bat and consequently starts to morph into a were bat who drinks human blood actually you d think if he was turning into a real bat he d be eating mosquitoes by the gallon bucket but because this is a cheap lurid horror movie blood s the word in spite of the fact that he has grand mal seizures at the drop of a hat and black out episodes almost every night his friend and fellow physician dr mustache aspen extreme insists that he s just having an allergic reaction to the rabies shots meanwhile the world s most obnoxious and stereotyped county sheriff suspects the doc of being responsible for the brutal murder and exsanguination of several local girls and one wino also meanwhile the doctor s wife decides that denial is a river in egypt and alternately patronizes him and nags him to distraction it s not so much that the acting is bad you can tell that the actors are making professional level choices and are trying to bring some juice and life to the script even the guy who plays the sheriff okay it is pretty bad but it s bad in a clich d wooden professional way it s just that everything about the acting the way the scenes are paced the costumes the dialog the script and the story line in general sets your teeth on edge and makes you want to well slap everyone involved i think the movie had an outside chance at being a spooky unsettling little cult favorite but the director needed to beat michael pataki an experienced character actor with a chair until pataki agreed to act and not just channel dennis weaver he also needed to find a script that made a little more sense with regard to the whole bat bites human who then turns into a bat scenario he also needed the actor who played the doctor to find a little more physically believable bit of stage business for his episodes instead of resorting to man has a seizure page from the little golden book of clich d acting mannerisms he needed to rework the whole wife character make her both more intelligent less shrill and waaaaay more observant i would never voluntarily watch this film again except with the help of mike and the bots it s bad but it isn t bad in a silly humorous or interesting way still better than battlefield earth or waterworld though"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20841": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this early sci fi masterwork by herbert george wells with music by arthur bliss is a powerful piece of film making adapted from wells somewhat different work by the author it presents a look at the human future with the subject of periods of war as versus periods of peace the structure is that after a contrasted pair of episodes of normalcy and gathering clouds of war the script allows the war to happen two families the cabells and the passworthys disagree about what may happen passworthy takes a hopeful view of civilization s automatic progress cabell is the thinker the doubter their city everytown obviously london becomes wrecked by a war featuring tanks a magnificent war march by bliss and the end of civilization the second portion finds people living in the wreckage of what had been the city under a boss played with bravura by ralph richardson whose woman lovely margaretta scott is as fascinating a dreamer as he is a concrete bound dictator type he is trying to rebuild old wwi airplanes so he can attack a nearby hill tribe to complete his petty kingdom a young scientist complains about having his work continually interrupted demands for planes etc everlastingly this is wells comment on war versus progress the survivors are subject to a plague called the wandering sickness also enter a modern flying machine piloted by the cabell of the first section of the film now part of wings over the world an international scientists coalition who are planning to end warfare forever this flight suited modernist has fascinating conversations with the boss and his woman their attraction being evident then boss sends up his aircraft against them the scientists come with huge numbers of planes and drop the gas of peace onto the ruins of everytown only the boss dies fighting too hard against the pacifying the film then shows ore being mined and by slow steps being made into the girders of a magnificent new futuristic city of towers in section three a future cabell argues with a future passworthy over the morality of human science passworthy wonders if they have a right to send men to the moon cabell champions man s right to advancement and the need to expand his horizons the son of passworthy and cabell s daughter are the astronauts being sent theotocopulos a religious minded luddite makes a fiery speech on a huge screen in the city s forum and leads an attack on the space gun that is to fire the new rocket free of earth s gravity the climax of the plot is the firing of the space gun successfully the denouement and ending is a speech by cabell praising worth and science that is universally considered to be the most profound defense of the mind ever penned it is all the universe or nothing cabell tells passworthy which shall it be as cabell raymond massey gives perhaps his greatest screen performance he is thoughtful compassionate and reasonable a true scientist as the rabble rouser who wants to end the age of science cedric hardwicke is perfect and powerful edward chapman playing passworthy does admirably impersonating the voice of convention and fear the storyline is logical frequently beautiful and always interesting given the near extinction of mankind the idea of a civilization run by rebuilder scientists is rendered plausible and credible to the viewer this is a triumph for the director william cameron menzies for bliss and for all concerned listen to the dialogue with someone you love within its constructed limits this is a thinking man s drama debating two possible human futures progress or its reactionary opposite"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "20842": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am very disappointed with k the original good quality of k doesn t exist any more this is more like a sitcom some of casts from original movie returned and got some of my memory back the captain of dooley now loves to hit him like a scene from old comedy show that was crazy what s the deal with the change of police it seems like they are now lapd not san diego pd it is a completely different movie from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20843": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was but a babe in arms when george lucas was wowing the world with his out of this world saga chronicling the adventures of young luke skywalker and the notorious darth vadar but even today years on i can appreciate the genius that is lucas and the incredible imagination he s been blessed with in a new hope lucas showed a new way to tell stories as he introduced us to such memorable characters as the plucky princess leia the rougish han solo and the spirited luke skywalker as well as that best loved of villains the sinister darth vadar in the empire strikes back he went all out to show us special effects can add to a tale and managed to something no one thought you could do on screen he made a film with no specific end or beginning and it went down a treat return of the jedi is a fitting end to a saga that will stand the test of time when the empire srtikes back ended with encasing of the lovable rouge han solo in carbonite to be delivered to jabba the hut and young luke reeling from the discovery of a terrible truth about his father we were left with the feeling that things were going from bad to worse vadar it seemed had won the day how we asked could the rebels ever recover from this blow in lucas stunning and captivating final chapter we are kept on the edges of our seats from han s daring rescue from jabba s palace to the the final climactic battle on the death star between luke and vadar as luke struggles between fulfilling his duties as a jedi and rebel fighter and attempting to reawaken the good he believes is still in his father s soul old friends like the smooth talking lando calrissian and the ever lovable chewbacca reunite for one final battle to end all battles as a new darker more dangerous enemy emerges in the form of the emperor himself played by the brilliant ian mcdiarmiud how he missed out on an oscar is a mystery desperate to turn luke to the dark side even if it means betraying his apprentice darth vadar all in black with his red eyes ghostly white disfigured face and sinister laugh he truly is a terrifying addition to the story and is the undisputed master of the events that unfold his new and improved death star spells disaster for the rebels but the brave group launch one last desperate attack to end the empire s reign for good lucas managed to incorporate three different stories at once and keep the action going so that the audience is riveted we watch in excitement as han and leia attempt to bring down the shield around the death star from the forest moon of endor with the help of some adorable ewoks who i really do not believe take from the movie at all in fact i feel they provide a sort reprieve from the tension of the battles at and in the death star and hindered by legions of stormtroopers and imperial officers we cheer on lando and the other pilots as they take on the mighty imperial fleet and risk life and limb to fly into the deatn star to destroy it once and for all and we watch with bated breath as vadar and the emperor attempt to turn luke to the dark side while he in turn tries to turn his father back but for me the most difficult and yet compelling battles is that going on inside darth vadar for rotj is a battle of emotions and feelings vadar is caught between his loyalty to the emporer and the empire and his fatherly inclinations to luke never did i think that a mask could show emotion but some how one can t but see the confusion and pain on vadar s face during the final scenes as the emporer turns on luke there is more depth and emotion to vadar than i believed a villain especially one more machine then man could have and that i think is what makes him so accessible he is conflicted the apprentice as much as the master the victim as much as the villain without ruining the end too much vadar s final scene is the most poignant and wonderful in the trilogy so in conclusion what can i say george lucas is the master of the saga star wars is the most compelling and engaging sagas i ve seen in a long time and i have yet to see another saga rival it return of the jedi has all the ingredients necessary to provide the ending lucas masterpiece deserves it s action suspense romance tragedy redemption joy all rolled into one and it s memorable characters wonderful special effects and catchy music make both a great movie in its own right and an ending that lucas can be proud of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20844": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "while exploring some caves with his wife a doctor is bitten by a bat which causes some alarming side effects occasionally creepy atmosphere and some decent though under used makeup effects don t save this b horror flick from being a sub par tale of man becomes creature the bat people aka it lives by night suffers from its senseless story that s awkwardly plotted and lackluster in pacing the plot never seems to go anywhere much and the movie never offers an explanation for what happens or even a satisfying conclusion for it all the cast is fairly mediocre in their performances still i give the film some points for its haunting theme song and nice filming locations the makeup work of the late stan winston is pretty good too but it doesn t get much of a showcase here a missed opportunity for sure definitely one of the lesser man creature flicks out there out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20845": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "just a note to add to the above comment fear of a black hat doesn t have the criminal who s image has been ripped off by the band that s in cb easily confused as the two films are so similar but black hat is vastly the superior of the two yeah"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20846": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "unless the title is supposed to be some kind of spoiler for the wife s transformation the fiends ruining it for us anycase if this movie wasn t made for tv it should have been it s so remarkably low budget underscripted underacted and hits every s cliche except disco nobody is likeable and you could careless what happens to anyone in this one eminently forgetable except for the bad bad performances"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20847": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you like rap or hip hop watch this movie although it s funny if you don t get the references as a straight comedy haven t seen much of the much hyped cb but what i did see didn t have the heart that this little stormer has haven t heard from the people involved since which is a surprise the film is very similar to spinal tap which is no bad thing and i think a lot of the dialogue while priceless in tap is funnier here probably because i m more into rap than rock theses days so my own judgment does cloud that point the rap songs are funny as hell and it s basically spot the reference for most of the film not all of them are in your face which means the physical comedy and the one liners get priority over the take offs great fun one to watch twice if there ever was a movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20848": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "really the use of stock nature documentary of swarming bats employed by the bat people is some of the most effective ever there are shots of teeming bats hanging from the ceilings of caves swarming bats flying out of caves or swirling about near the mouths of caves that alone is enough to be unsettling imagine all of them swarming after you and they do indeed swarm in what should have been a show stopper sequence that happened at about the forty minute mark a downright inappropriately hilarious sequence where a teeming swarm of bats seem to attack a police car splattering across the windshield like bloody broken eggs the problem is that this sequence happens about fifty minutes too late to save the film most of which consists of one or more people running around screaming waving their arms about at jabbering excitedly about some poor goofball who managed to get bitten by a bat during his vacation the fear is that he is coming down with rabies which does indeed suck so their vacation is ruined as the plot synopsis on the top of the bat people s reference page does indeed point out so here is an effective summary of the movie a young couple goes on a romantic getaway which is ruined when the guy is bitten by a bat they bravely try to stick it out but he starts raving trying to convince those around him that it s a bit more involved than rabies that he can t control himself and they everyone should keep away now when some one is frothing at the mouth covered with sweat eyes boggling about like one of the cheaper muppets and screaming at you to get away from me you get away from him you don t try to give him drugs you don t try to tell him you love him you give the guy his space go home and try that scenic getaway next year but no the people in this movie all behave like morons insist on pushing the guy to his brink and he flips out mutates into a part man part bat type creature and kills a bunch of non essential secondary characters nothing wrong with that but the movie forgets that it s a low budget creature feature and tries to be some sort of psychological study instead of a monster movie we get lots of people running around trying to get this guy to take a chill pill and eventually he runs off into the hills looking very much more human than he should have people insist on trying to chase him down and pay the expected price the main thing wrong with the movie is that this should have happened in the first fifteen or twenty minutes thirty tops and the movie should have been about the guy after he had turned into a bat person rather than about the journey there it takes a good eighty minutes to really pick up steam on that front with some interesting character sketches along the way involving the always entertaining michael pataki as a small town cop who s lost his moral edge and the late paul carr as a physician friend who doesn t quite get the message the movie is dreadfully boring about fifteen minutes too long and missed the opportunity to be a nice forgettable little creature feature about a mutant run amok like the italian horror favorite ratman which i watched today and was sadly inspired to try this one after seeing me and my bright ideas though the scene with the cop car was a howler too bad we couldn t have had another twenty minutes of that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20849": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i don t remember when i first heard about this movie but i rented it about six years ago and it still remains one of my favorite comedies i will admit you probably will despise this movie if you know nothing about rap music but if you are a rap fan even a casual one you will love the inside jokes and references one of the best lines in the movie is about the difference between a b and a h i still use this line today and get lots of laughs with it one of the best performances comes from larry scott who played nerd lamar in `revenge of the nerds it is unfortunate that this movie will likely never get a dvd release"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20850": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie is just as fun as staring at the sun sheriff pataki is a total retard that loves nothing better to do than sit on his fat rear making a smoke ring from his puffy cigars and drinking booze while the doctor acts like a zombie version of nicholas cage sucking up all that so called blood which in reality seemed like fruit punch most of all the plotting seemed very horrid to even call this piece of crap a movie the rest of the characters in this movie are total wastes of time the ending was awful the outlines were cheesy and the scenes were terrible what else more should i say to you viewers out there my advice would be to get your rabies shot if you ve already watched the movie this movie may give you the foam in the mouth if you didn t get your up to date shots"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20851": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "well i don t personally like rap but i still found fear of a black hat hilarious i m sure i didn t get some inside jokes but some i knew and it was funny enough to make me laugh just after i d stopped laughing i m a big fan of spinal tap so naturally i had to check this out it was deriviative from this is spinal tap sometimes blatantly but this film still stood on it s own as an original intelligent and funny satire my personal favorite back in the time of slaves they didn t have hats to protect them from the sun so at the end of the day they were too tired to revolt now we have hats"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20852": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a man wakes from a nightmare about bats he and his wife go out into the desert for a picnic on their honeymoon he seems to hear a strange noise and she is disturbed by the sight of a bat crawling across their picnic blanket he wants to go on a tour of a cave which has something to do with some kind of work he is doing but she wants to enjoy their honeymoon she relents they go on the tour but leave the group to make out she falls down a slope where she is disturbed by insects he follows her he hears the strange noise again and seems to know a bat is approaching one does and gets in her hair he fights it off her and it attacks him biting his forehead they get out of the cave but when they are in a gondola at a ski resort he starts having seizures in which he has hallucinations or visions of bats attacking people he becomes angry when this happens he s unable to drink alcohol without spitting it out his wife worries about rabies and he starts a pasteur treatment for that but reacts violently to the injection and then some people are killed we see parts of the man s transformation into a bat person it seems it is not just in his mind whether the bat bite causes these transformations is not clear since he already was having some symptoms prior to the bite while the title seems inappropriate the implication at the end is that the same thing is happening to another person not a very good movie but i liked the variety of the desert cave and ski slope locations and some of the weirder scenes i didn t think this was as bad as other people do and i didn t think the movie bats was as bad as others think either i rated that one a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20853": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "is just as good as the original very nearly achieves greatness because of cundieff s remarkable ear for music and dialogue skewers the self important swagger of the hip hop poseurs the group niggaz with hats nwh are every rap group you ever heard and utterly self parodic wardrobe is unbelievable buy the oop soundtrack if you can"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20854": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie promised bat people it didn t deliver there was a guy who got bit by a bat but what was with the seizures and the stupid transformation where was the plot where was the acting who came up with the idea to make this why was it allowed to be made why why i guess we ll never know"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20855": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i am shocked shocked and dismayed that the of you imdb users who voted before me have not given this film a rating of higher than that s a c if i could give fobh a i d gladly do it this film ranks high atop the pantheon of modern comedy alongside half baked and mallrats as one of the most hilarious films of all time if you know _anything_ about rap music you must see this if you know nothing about rap music learn something and then see this comparisons to spinal tap fail to appreciate the inspired genius of this unique film if you liked bob roberts you ll love this watch it and vote it a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20856": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok so guy gets bitten by a bat and then turns into a bat well sorta i can only assume this made sense to someone at the time aren t bats supposed to fly use radar and eat bugs instead of attacking humans tho"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20857": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is a great mocumentary it follows the rap group nwh made up of ice cold tasty taste and tone def through their unique path to gangster rap highs lows and back to highs through trouble with women egos cops and whitey this group gets to the top of the gangster rap world as this movie goes to the top of mocumentaries i know everybodies favorite mocumentary is this is spinal tap for very good reason however i think that if in the right mood this movie is simply better the laughs never end even for someone not into the rap culture i m a white guy that has no interest in rap music culture or anything else associated with it however i love this movie rusty cundeif who wrote the screenplay songs and starred in it showed great potential and it is a shame that i haven t seen him since fear of a black hat however i have seen him one more time than you have and is that that i recommend fear of a black hat to you for quick laughs remember don t shoot to you see the whites of their eyes no don t shoot to you see the whites fym and enjoy the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20858": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "stewart moss stars as a scientist who is on a working trip with his wife and one gets the feeling that he was picked for this role for his ability to roll his eyes back in his head imagine the auditions for this can you no that s not quite it thank you next anyway he s bitten by a bat and then he s either changing into some kind of bat creature and killing people or he s not for no one else sees his strange transformations but he himself seems to think that he s changing because his wedding ring pops off when his hands turn into claws etc to its credit the movie does kind of hold back on whether he s just nuts or whether he s actually transforming into something until almost the very end this has some good locations sort of a decent atmosphere at times but unfortunately none of that can make up for the somewhat lame story and the wonderfully bad acting kind of fun in a so bad it s good way but leans more towards just plain bad out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20859": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you like cb you have no idea what you re missing if you haven t seen this film yet this movie is crazy hilarious and incorporates a lot more about the hip hop industry than any other parody movie it is unfortunate that this movie has not been released on dvd because it is one movie that everybody i ve ever watched it with has loved and wanted a copy if you really want a good laugh and you like hip hop and are a little familiar with some old school performers definitley rent this movie there aren t that many video rental places that have copies of it but if you happen to come across one you will not be disappointed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20860": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the bat people is a proud resident of the imdb bottom every once and a while the movie suddenly vanishes from the infamous list depending on whether there are new movies with paris hilton in the lead or documentaries about american idol stars but it always reliably returns sooner or later and why because unlike the majority of crap in that list the bat people is a legitimate bad film and it deserves to be on there regardless of any media influences or internet buzz this nearly isn t the worst film ever made since the basic concept definitely has a certain charm and ingenuity but it s still indescribably difficult to sit through the whole thing the script is incredibly boring with absolutely unnecessary padding footage and gigantic gaps in continuity and yet the main characters still remain total strangers throughout the entire film other than a sensible screenplay the film also lacks spectacular killing sequences and the make up effects although courtesy of a young stan winston are ludicrously inept and remain largely unseen until the end of the film the film s title is inaccurate as people refers to a number in plural whereas the story actually just revolves on one bat person much more than bruce wayne the real batman plays in this movie and he as well has a genuine bat cave and a bat mobile a stolen ambulance the plot introduces a young couple on their honeymoon weekend exploring caves they wander off from a guided tour group and he gets bitten by a bat whilst trying to protect his wife from the animal s vicious attack worried that he might be infected with rabies he undergoes an intense treatment at the local hospital but still this doesn t prevent him from slowly transforming into a bloodthirsty bat creature he kills random people at night and toys around with the suspicious police sergeant whilst his loving wife is still vastly convinced the awkward behavior is exclusively due to allergic reactions to the rabies treatment sure honey the script never explains why a bat would attack people and how come john always changes back into a normal human being at the dawn of a new day instead of gradually turning into a permanent state of bat guano so basically the bat people is a variation on the good old werewolf theme but obviously not a very interesting one the concept showed a lot of potential but somehow the sub plots center on whiny drunks and perverted sheriffs instead of on ghastly monsters some of the settings and exterior filming locations look impressive the misfit song playing during the credits is strangely catchy there s a nice bit of gore during the climax finally and main actress marianne mcandrew is ravishing to look at though not to listen to this truly bad and boring film s current listing in the bottom is spot number and personally i hope it sticks somewhere in that region the list simply wouldn t feel and traditional without the bat people"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20861": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "cb was awful but it may have given cundieff the idea to it better more like spinal tap than anything else the film is clever from the start surprising anyone who saw it back in the mid nineties the performances are played for laughs but not so much so that they are cartoon characters more like marx brothers these guys are real and slightly diverse they react to situations like any of us might well we may not throw a tantrum when our performance hats are late to the gig or pull guns and beat down a record company exec but you get the picture n n as w with h hats takes itself seriously enough to reel you in then you re hooked rent or get this at all costs even if you re not really into rap music this will still leave you gassing out loud comparing this to cb is like comparing george lucas star wars to gil gerards buck rogers i think you see my point"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20862": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "or maybe that s what it feels like anyway the bat people is about as flat as a rug bland as a sack of flour and as exciting as a rock and as intelligent as all three combined okay plot in a nutshell fitting vessel that a doctor moss gets bitten by a bat while checking out a cave with his wife mcandrew and subsequently turns into a bat well not exactly a bat but a bat like creature that looks more like a werewolf who kills his victims in a first person camera viewpoint but then there s the business of the sheriff pataki who is about the worst kind of sheriff the hick kind he hassles people he leers at married women he steals handkerchiefs from haberdasheries the fiend he smokes with one of those cigarette holders in his mouth and talks at the same time making him look and sound like buford t justice in smokey and the bandit and this is the worst part he s the most likeable character in the whole film the whole film though is just tv movie of the week like crapola guano in this case it s an aip for crying out loud what did you expect oscar caliber stuff and what else can you say about a film that not even mst k can save how about no stars for the bat people full version or mst k version by the way if there s ever a sequel for this movie i m burying my tv"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20863": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fear of a black hat is a superbly crafted film i was laughing almost continuously from start to finish if you have the means i highly recommend viewing this movie it is by far the funniest movie i have had the pleasure to experience grab your stuff"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20864": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the biggest one that bugs the hell out of me is that they say zues takes dutch commands but she is speaking german to him the languishes are completely different its like saying well he takes french commands and start talking spanish james belushi gives more the feeling of being a comedy actor not a detective in the slightest the role just doesn t fit him even if its mend to be a comedy to many stereotype predicable stuff typical comment or comebacks if you don t look at those things i think it could be a nice movie to watch if its ever on tv but i wouldn t suggesting renting it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20865": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after empire strikes back return of the jedi is my second favorite movie from the star wars series luke went to tattoine to save han solo from jabba at the same time the galactic empire is doing in secret the construction of a new space station like the previous death star if this station stays totally constructed it will be the end of the rebel alliance both vader and the emperor are impatient because of the delay of the new death star and they need to kill many of their commanders to have the project made in schedule r and c po are inside jabba s palace to send a message from luke to jabba where lukes pretends to negotiate han s life he gives r and c po as a gift to jabba as part of his plan jabba does not accept the negotiation since he is using han solo as a piece of his palace s decoration han still is frozen in carbonite lando is hidden as jabba s guard and chewbacca is also gave to jabba by a reward hunter when the same hunter tries to save han solo and makes him stay in human form again we see that is actually princess leia in a disguise the problem is that jabba discovers leia s plan and takes her as his slave while han is thrown away in chewbacca s cell luke comes as a jedi knight to rescue his friends at his first try to kill jabba he falls into jabba s monster cell bantha but easily kills it jabba stays angry and decides to thrown han chewbacca and luke to sarlacc a big creature from the desert who stays years digesting it s food luke han and chewie has success in scape again and even boba fett dies when han accidentally throws him in to sarlacc s mouth leia kills jabba and goes after han luke and chewie as well c po and r everybody s safe again luke decides to go to dagoba to complete his training as a jedi as well his promise to yoda the problem is that yoda is too old and sick since he already has years old and before he dies yoda says to luke that he does not need more training but to really be a jedi he must fight with vader again he confirms to luke that vader is luke s dad and that there is another skywalker besides luke in his last moments yoda asks to luke to remember his advices about the temptation of the dark side and to luke transmit his jedi knowledge to other people when yoda dies obi wan s spirit shows up to luke and tells him that luke s father killed his good side anakin to become darth vader and also that he is more machine than a man since he became a sith luke stays worried about killing his own dad and says that he feels that his father still has kindness obi wan tells luke that his twin sister is leia and says the reasons why luke and leia were separated since babies he gives his last advice to luke saying that if he refuses to kill vader the emperor will win the war at the same time the emperor says to vader that he must give luke to him when he shows up since luke is stronger than before and they both needs to combine their efforts to bring luke to the dark side now we are going to have one of the best battles from the star war series when the rebel alliance plans to attack the new space station the death star luke will confront vader and the emperor and leia han and chewie needs to turn off the death star power field with the help of the ewoks little creatures who looks little bears this is for sure one of the most exciting star wars of all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20866": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie on mystery science theater when it was called it lives by night that title is much less misleading than batpeople in fact it would more accurately be called batperson this movie is about a doctor who studies bats i am thinking because he wants to make a better cure for rabies this is not really clear what is clear is that he and his wife take a tour of a cave and he gets bitten by a bat why a scientist needs to take a tour to study bats is beyond me shouldn t he be able to go in by himself well after being bitten he and his wife go on their honeymoon where he starts having fits they go to the worst doctor ever the guy stays in the hospital and kills a nurse in the end the guy kills people and his wife stands by him and you are supposed to be rooting for him instead of the sheriff investigating the murders"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20867": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this movie on some movie channel hbo some time ago i was a fan of public enemy nwa and other early rap and had seen cb in theaters anyway the promo for it caught my eye and i wanted to see what it was all about well right off the bat i knew it was going to be good warning and i was right the parody songs alone make this movie worth watching over and over my peanuts but the overall flow and delivery of the movie was great you ve got to love the satire of rap groups obviously nwa certain rappers eazy e flava flav ice cube and the humor of the three members of nwh who can forget tone deaf scratching with his ass it s too bad this movie didn t get the credit it deserved as it was overshadowed by cb during their releases but in my opinion is a much better film if you know and like s gangster rap you ll be watching and laughing with this movie for a long time if you aren t into or don t like rap you ll enjoy the jokes at the expense of the genre"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20868": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "watching it lives by night makes you wonder just who in the world greenlit this crap a newlywed couple go spelunking on their honeymoon get attacked by bats and the husband starts to run around in his pajamas attacking various people and where exactly are they they re in the desert then they re skiing then they re in a small town that looks like it has mountains nearby the town is run by a sheriff who likes to watch and has a personal vendetta against whiny doctor boy the ski hospital is run by a really groovy guy with a nice thick mustache and the wife looks like mary tyler moore or marilyn quayle there s no dramatic tension and the ending will leave you filled with anger special effects and makeup guru stan winston did the effects for this movie i guess you have to start somewhere"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20869": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i picked up the movie with no cover and not even knowing what it was but when i watched it i laughed so hard it is now one of my favorite movies of all time rusty and the guys created a masterpiece i would highly recommend this movie to any one with a sense of humor thank you rusty for giving us something to laugh at"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20870": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after being bitten by a bat in a cave a doctor named john beck undergoes an accelerating transformation into a man bat creature his wife assures him that there s nothing wrong with him it s all just due to rabies or the anti rabies drugs he s taking the local cop thinks that john is responsible for several gruesome murders the bat people by jerry jameson is one hell of a horrible film the script is deadly dull and there is no gore nor nudity this pointless piece of crap is so mind numbingly boring that you ll scratch your head in a total disbelief after suffering through it even the design of a man bat creature by a young stan winston is completely pathetic and unmemorable avoid this stinker like the plague out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20871": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "chances are you ll think this movie is incredibly stupid the first time you watch it but if by chance you watch it a second and third and fourth and fifth time i m well into the hundreds by now you will find yourself spitting a line from it here and there and cracking yourself up my friends and i have actually thrown fear of a black hat parties to get more of our friends as they say down with the riots"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20872": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i had the distinct displeasure of seeing this movie at the vancouver international film festival i have been attending this festival for over years and i have certainly seen some poor movies on occasion however first bite has reached a brand new low in film in spite of being shot in beautiful locations with the occasional exquisite close up of fabulous food the movie contorts an excessive number of plot twists and stilted characters until i was practically begging for it to end the lead actor david la haye completely failed to show any character development throughout the movie portraying a pompous chef from beginning to end additional sub plots such as eating disorders were developed so poorly and completely did not fit within any context that the movie had shown up to that point a theme of mysticism was used as a poor attempt to conceal a movie that achieves nothing goes nowhere and completely disappoints"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20873": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "its too bad that no one knows anything about this movie and it gets old telling people it s rap s version of spinal tap and you know im sorry i dont have any better comments but damnit go get the movie and watch it and then make all your friends watch it too just like im gonna"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20874": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just saw this at the vancouver international film festival the synopsis in the festival guide sounded pretty good so we decided to check this one out i m sorry to say i was very disappointed besides being poorly written it was boring i won t take away from the actors as there is not much they could do with this bad script first bite was clich without being ironic over the top seriousness without being funny the movie would have been better had hunt hoe went with a campy horror feel instead he took himself to seriously and this resulted with a boring film i can t recommend this film it felt too long and all in all just plain weak"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20875": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "having seen both fear of a black hat and this is spinal tap i can honestly state that while similar both movies are truly must see there will be many times in fear that will have you in hysterics it is no wonder why both movies have such a huge cult following fear will soon be available on dvd rent it if you must but the only way to fully enjoy this movie is to have it for yourself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20876": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is so bad i can t believe it was actually shot people who voted or and even are you insane did we really watch the same movie or the same sh should i say everything is bad in this film the story is there a story is going nowhere completely incoherent the acting some dialogs are simply just ridiculous the music score what the is that the editing and especially the artistic direction a pure disaster reminds me the old macist movies to give you an example of the amateurism of the production the mermaid s costume is a sleeping bag with spangles sticked on it i m not joking that s exactly what it is another example of the enormous mistakes we find here you see in a scene an extra a fat woman of about pounds who s talking on her cell phone the next shot which is in a complete different location you can see this same woman still talking on her cell phone yes it goes that far a big huge waste of money useless"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20877": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this movie about years ago and i was expecting something funny similar to cb i was blown away i was on the floor laughing my butt off this movie is so great way better than cb the characters the songs the plot everything top notch independent film that was given two thumbs up by siskel and egbert and if two old white guys can understand the humour in this flick you know it s good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20878": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "st watched out of dir john bianco pretty lame gangster movie about a godfather like family in brooklyn who like to say four letter words a lot and kill people the only thing of interest here was their attempt to show the feds being a lot like the gang this is the only attempt at good film making the rest of the movie was predictable and cheaply made the quality of the photography on some of the scenes inside bars and floozy joints almost made you think there was a problem with your dvd player because of the bad contrasts and some of the actors were hard to hear at times because of the bad sound the acting was pretty much characatures of all your favorite gangsters from better movies with corny names like vinnie `knuckles and jimmie `tattoos and the plot pretty much followed those patterns as well so go see a better gangster movie before you put your money out for this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20879": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i cannot stop saying how much i loved this movie this movie is one of the least known and one of the funniest movies i have ever seen the movie follows the exploits of a rap group nwh ni rs with hats it goes from the beginning of the group to the end of the group after it s tragic break up following the group is documentary maker nina blackburn the movie is on a shoestring budget but it does not seem to matter this is a very well made well produced film and the performances by all of these actors and actresses are excellent the main strength of this movie is the writing there are so many brilliant lines and takeoffs on rap in this movie it is unreal spoiler there are takeoffs on actual rappers like mc slammer vanilla sherbert ice cold tone def tastey taste and songs booty juice grab your dick etc rusty condieff has made an excellent film in the movie he plays rapper ice cold the movie does not quit it is funny from the beginning to the end the movie works so well because it becomes outlandish on occasion but it strikes that line where it is funny without going too far out there listening to the three leads try to talk some kind of philosophy was one of the best parts of the movie like tone def telling a record producer when you take the bus you get there and the producer responding that s deep the group portraying n w h has some sort of natural chemistry to them they work so well together and they manage to pull this movie of to where there is not a week moment in the film what really makes this movie so good is how true to some of the rap groups of the time this movie is many rap groups had problems with violence with censors and like nwa the group only became popular when the establishment began to make a big deal out of the controversial lyrics i like this movie because it is offensive there is something here to offend everyone in a good natured way the movie has a takeoff on a good number of people too outside of rap the funniest being of spike lee where they came up with this dialogue i cannot imagine the movie has line after line that will have you rolling on the floor as i said before the writing is just excellent i am not surprised that this movie met such limited release it is an intelligent controversial and even thought provoking film this is too much for mainstream despite the fact it is hilarious and nearly flawless in it s production there are no major stars but a lot of familiar faces including marc lawrence who plays tone def watch this movie at the very least you will definitely have an opinion of it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20880": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was a confusing piece of garbage you never knew what was going on the characters were poorly written and for the most part they were totally unsympathetic except for gus played masterfully by george eads i hate this movie but compared to others dark harvest dracula s curse it should have won an academy award it was particularly sad to see a talented actor like george eads in such a disgraceful and tacky film lifetime you have sunken to whole new low someone needs to make sure that this director never works in movies again also was this supposed to be a horror film because it was a lot more funny than scary for shame lifetime for shame"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20881": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fear of a black hat is a hilarious spoof of hip hop culture it is just as funny as this is spinal tap if not funnier the actors are incredible and the documentary style is superb mark christopher lawrence is a tremendous talent that should be starring in a lot more films this film is a true cult classic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20882": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "did i miss something here this adaptation has everything that brookmyres first novel had everything apart from the story the laughs the black humour the political intrigue the characterisations the plot and some semblance of sense spoilers godamnawful from beginning to end they made a mockery of the plot they had a romance between parablane and a cop and what was that all about dr slaughter was portrayed as a bystander and who the hell was annette crosby supposed to be it looked like they had made a three hour adaptation then chopped it down to minutes even though the minutes seemed to last forever please please do not do this to any other of brookmyres books especially country of the blind"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20883": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have zero interest rap and in ghetto culture i m white and like classic rock however that did not stop me from appreciating this fantastic comedy its pretty much a sequel of this is spinal tap in the sense that it is the same movie just about rap instead or rock yet it s hilarious there are many funny jokes but not without a few jokes that just fall flat the characters are all very funny and believable i watched just because it made me laugh at a m and any movie that can do that warrants at least a test screening one of the reasons why this movies was so funny was that it makes fun of rap from a different rap today is concerned with the wrong things and get by with studio noise and little talent this movie comes from a time where rappers deserved more credit overall it s a funny movie with many jokes about racism sex and music culture among the more obvious themes of humor this is highly recommend for any fan of this is spinal tap they are essentially the same movie just about different worlds and yes the same jokes work in both movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20884": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what an absolute pile of pants having read chris brookmyre s books religiously since i came across quite ugly i was delighted to find out that this drama had been commissioned i obviously had too much faith nesbitt is probably the best thing in this show and even he doesn t quite fit how anyone can read the book and then adapt it to this piece of dross is beyond me entire characters are changed situations are dropped and to see parlablane s dramatic break in reduced to nesbitt doing a quick chin up and sliding open a bay window it brought tears to my eyes i dread to think what s going to happen with country of the blind if this is the benchmark please just avoid it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20885": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this movie when it came out in and just watched it recently and it is still funny i don t know if you have to understand hiphop in the s but it helps if you do in the s when nwa and public enemy were at the top there were internal strife within the groups and members when their separated ways ice cube easy e etc also there were the wanna b s accessible rappers that start making the scene vanilla ice freedom williams from c c music factory etc this movie makes fun of all of that in a way that seems like it s an actually documentary kasi lemmons plays an interviewer that spends a year in the life of a fictitious rap group name n w h the members of the group are ice code rusty condieff director tasty taste larry b scott revenge of the nerds and tone def mark christopher lawrence they are an up and coming rap group whose politics makes them controversial whats good about this film is that it is so thourough in its portrayal of the hiphop industry of the s and they way it pokes fun at it but if you know s s rap you know how much of this stuff is true still on it s own without hip hop knowledge it is still a funny funny movie and for all of those who ask yes spinal tap came first but spinal tap is not the first spoof movie either this in my opinion is equally as funny and in some ways better than spinal tap as spinal tap is to heavy metal fear of a black planet is to rap and the songs are off the hook also the dvd is chalk full of extras to include music videos of nwh as a group and as solo artists brilliant performances by rusty condieff and larry b scott"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20886": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was just plain bad just about every cop movie clich is present and accounted for bad guy gets away check partner check wacky personality clash with partner check rookie with something to prove check rookie shows up grizzled veteran check about the only ones it didn t touch on were idiot shoot themselves in the foot and retirony but i guess they re saving those old chestnuts for dooley s next outing add in the battle of the sexes with girl power along with tired old sight gags and banal overdone material like dooley s prize car getting trashed all the time and you have the recipe for one really bad movie avoid this one at all costs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20887": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "thanks to kevin smith a bunch of geeks are running around saying that return of the jedi isn t any good because it s actually fun to watch and oh no muppets are involved that makes it bad everyone liked return of the jedi until someone in a kevin smith movie made a negative comment about it now all of a sudden people people look at you like you have some kind of disease if you mention how much you like it this movie is so much better than anything kevin smith ever even considered creating that it boggles my mind that the man would even think of denouncing it this movie is good fun it s just as awesome as i remember it being when i was six enjoy this movie for what it is and stop stealing kevin smith s opinions his aren t correct and that ewok song at the end ruled i bet you people don t even enjoy ewoks battle for endor i m going to set you all on fire"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20888": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if you want an undemanding and reasonably amusing hour or so then it s ok to watch this it s not all that bad really yeah it s got more lapses in logic than i care to describe here and might tax the patience of people like myself i have to admit who are inclined to throw things at the tv on occasion but it s funny at least just because it s not always intentionally funny there s no need to let that get you down however if you ve read the book or any of the other books by brookmyre then you d probably best avoid it i ve read them all and when i first watched this film i despised it i ve trashed it in detail and at great length on another site in fact the tv plot bears practically no relevance at all to that of the book and served only to outrage and infuriate many faithful and admittedly rabid brookmyre fans best bit of advice watch this then read the book and only then make your comparisons and submit your judgement"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20889": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my kasi lemmings certainly is a fair looking woman this film is a lost gem a dead on satire mockumentary of the early s hip hop scene when mc hammer had just began to fade away into that good night we follow the three members of the nwh as they embark upon their picaresque journey of would be riches and fame and like nickolas nickleby at the end they finish their journey not far from where they started but at least a little wiser and lot less naive this is one of the best films that no one has ever heard of but it s the kind of film you either love or hate a lot like company man in this regard i regard this movie like the islands of upstate new york it s a wonderful little secret you want to keep to yourself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20890": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "leslie sands stilted play deadlock becomes a poor choice vehicle for bette davis and gary merrill just after their joint success in all about eve after killing her spouse a scheming woman is visited by her husband s best friend who passes himself off as her husband once others begin stopping by the house irving rapper one of bette s best directors from her peak years is sadly unable to elevate this ridiculous material in which davis is curiously aloof and restrained until the outrageous finale where she thankfully pulls out all the stops production and supporting cast strictly second rate only for bette davis completists from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20891": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw it in a posh movie theater where the audience is usually white educated and urban the showing i attended had a sprinkling of african americans and it made the difference in audience reaction between the two groups a wonderful social commentary on the state of race relations in this country basically the white folks were afraid to laugh or laughed nervously at the funny bits and there are many because they d be laughting at blacks while the blacks also stayed pretty silent because many couldn t laugh at themselves in front of the whites i on the other hand being asian and thus belonging to neither group had a great time viewing this satire of rap culture and its egos trappings values pseudo philosophies the cast is talented and does at great job becoming the characters portrayed the songs are too funny to be believed this film is one of the best pseudo documentaries to come along including a mighty wind"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20892": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "don t drink the water is an unbelievably bad film it s based on a broadway play by woody allen it stars jackie gleason the comic genius behind the honeymooners the director howard morris has appeared in several mel brooks comedies life stinks high anxiety silent movie and has made a mark in animation characters he has voiced include gopher from pooh jughead archie and beetle bailey what went wrong i think the problem is that the premise is played out too seriously to work effectively allen s original play was tongue in cheek which is why it worked on broadway and in allen s remake the screenplay by r s allen and harvey bullock beats the premise to death and makes too many changes from the original play making gleason s wife an airhead in this version when she was a headstrong woman in the original is just one example of why this doesn t work the acting isn t much better gleason does the best he can with the material but he can t save this gleason was a comic genius but also a fine actor as he demonstrated in the hustler and soldier in the rain his abrasive personality could have worked here but the lousy script doesn t even give him a chance too bad estelle parsons airhead wife will drive you nuts after minutes see how soon it ll take for you to want to strangle her that is also a shame because she is also a fine actress having turned in two exceptional performances in bonnie and clyde and rachel rachel none of the other actors do particularly well either woody allen hated this film so much that he remade the film in with himself and julie kavner marge simpson in the leads they manage to hit all the right notes and the film itself is a comic masterpiece it s finally on video after a long battle over rights do go out and find that version all the original is good for is clearing out unwanted guests who overstay their welcome out of stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20893": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ve just read the most recent remarks about this movie and i would like to respond you re probably not familiar with the original story of rap group n w a which dates back to the beginning in in ice cube left the band to go solo and ultimately in the band breaking up when dr dre left which led to a lot of beef starting with the departure of ice cube and dr dre in this story was somewhat based on that further more this movie was a minute laughing spree the way they explained the bootie juice song to be a political statement was hilarious not to mention the love song tasty was hooking up and when vanilla sherbert got his ass kicked just like the record company executive is also hilarious and having they re managers getting shot every time too people who didn t enjoy this movie probably didn t get it or were complete idiots my opinion"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20894": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the toy box bomb sure i like looking at nude women while i prefer hardcore porn flicks i ll take softcore exploitation grindhouse junk like this too under the right circumstances well these aren t the right circumstances these aren t any circumstances there s supposed to be a horrific subplot lurking in here somewhere but i ll be damned if i can untangle it this is another of those amateurish steaming piles of badly made manure that bores you to tears rather than stimulates you despite all the simulated sex going on all over the place bah if i want to see good sex scenes i ll watch the real stuff"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20895": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a really funny film especially the second third and fourth time you watch it it s a pretty short film and i definitely recommend watching it more than once you will get it more the second time it s like spinal tap but the rap version it has a lot of attitude in it which can be a negative thing in rap influenced films but it s just a total p s take and isn t a problem because of the irony it creates plenty of stand out bits one of those types of films which you will find yourself quoting lines with your mates and it will raise laughter my personal favourite part is the guerrillas in the midst section great video superb"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20896": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the long list of big names in this flick including the ubiquitous john mills didn t bowl me over to the extent that i couldn t judge the film on its actual merits it is full of stereotypes caricatures and standard set scenes from the humble air ace hero to the loud mouthed yank flyer the music track was such that at one point about an hour before the end i thought the film was over loud rising crescendo grand flourish and finish then silence but then the movie continued i found no real storyline haphazard writing but smartly pressed uniforms and the pretty jean simmons pre nose job with a rousing little ditty i cannot say that this picture has any of the ingredients which make a film great i found it maudlin mawkish and minor"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20897": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "okay my title is kinda lame and almost sells this flick short i remember watching siskel ebert in talking about this movie and then playing a clip or two not being a rap conscious guy although i could identify snoop dogg vanilla ice and mc hammer music i wasn t much interested when they started talking about the film but then s e showed the scene where the band explains how they picked their name using some shady logic and a bunch of made up facts and then another scene where the band and their rival band both visit a school to promote getting involved and of course nwh comes up with some info about how the rival band leader is a loser because he got good grades in school and was on the yearbook committee so i filed it away that i should see this movie a couple of years later this thing shows up on hbo and i recorded it only to laugh my butt off for hours yes it has a spinal tap kind of rhythm to it even the documentarist takes essentially the same tone in setting up the clips and the band follows a similar path what i now call the behind the music phenomenon smalltime band has good chemistry gets famous too much money too fast squabbling drugs some type of death band breaks up then reconciles finishing with a hope for more albums in the future and fade to black the one thing that is true is that in spinal tap you catch the band perhaps with a little more success in their past but tap drags at some points and in my mind is reduced to laughs that are set up by specific scenes oh this is his rant about the backstage food this is spot where he wants the amp to go to eleven this is the spot where the guy makes the pint sized stonehenge etc contrasting to foabh which seems to have more unexpected humor you can see some of it coming but there isn t a big setup for every joke sometimes the jokes just kinda flow cundieff and the other actors in the band had a real chemistry that worked also the direct references to vanilla ice hammer and a bunch of other caricature type rappers really worked well this strikes me as a film you watch once to get the main story and laughs and then go back and watch to catch the subtle jokes and the songs is my peanuts better than big bottom from spinal tap i don t know but they re both damn funny tone def s awful video during his awakening phase is so bizarre yet so funny i could go on awhile but save your time and don t waste it on cb i watched the first half hour and got bored you don t get bored on foabh there are slightly less funny moments but you can never tell when something good is about to happen perhaps my favorite scene is when ice cold and tastey taste name ripoffs if i ve ever heard any discover they ve been sharing the same girl at one point you ve got those two pointing guns at each other and the next thing you know the manager the photographer the girl and i think even tone def are in the room pointing guns at each other switching targets back and forth and of course someone does get shot i did find it odd that nwh s managers suffered similar fates to spinal tap s drummers although none spontaneously combusted i don t think there were enough similarities that i cannot ignore the likelihood that cundieff saw spinal tap prior to writing this film although this is clearly much more the spinal tap of hip hop while some similarities exist the humor is different and the movie seems more like a real documentary maybe because we don t recognize a single actor in this thing even the guy who played lamar from revenge of the nerds all in all this movie has in my opinion street cred kinda like nwh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20898": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i actually prefer robin williams in his more serious roles e g good will hunting the fisher king the world according to garp these are my favorite robin williams movies but seize the day although well acted is one of the worst movies i ve ever seen and certainly the worst robin williams movie even worse than death to smoochy club paradise and alladin on ice every good story is going to have its ups and downs this movie however is one giant down i don t need a feel good hollywood cheese fest but i ve got to have something other than minutes of complete and utter hopelessness this movie reminds me of love liza which is actually worse because it seems that the only point of the movie is to see how far one person can fall the answer who cares"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20899": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m too old to know or care exactly what the difference between rap and hip hop is and being canadian it s likely that i ve never actually seen mtv but i m not certain but i thought this film was very funny when i saw it a bright little satire hip hop culture is so pervasive these days that it s difficult not to keep hearing about it over and over if only we could say the same about bagpipe music i got most of the jokes at least i think i did sure it s derived from spinal tap but there are lots of targets that could stand a tap treatment just not the carpenters they re sacred"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20900": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "prom night is an ok horror movie but prom night is way better and this movies about how the prom queen mary lou in gets killed by her boyfriend and comes back years later for revenge the best actor in this movie is micheal ironside and the movie stars other ok actors and actress like justin louis i wendy lyon lisa schrage and richard monette i and there are some good gore scenes like when mary lou kills the girl that is trying to hide in her locker by crushing the lockers together and how one of the students are on the computer and mary lou electrocutes him to death over all this is an ok good horror movie and my rating is out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20901": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after a big tip of the hat to spinal tap this movie is hilarious anyone who grew up watching mtv will love it and if you didn t rent it anyway the my peanuts and a gangster s life videos are worth the three bucks alone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20902": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "hello mary lou prom night ii starts at the hamilton high school prom of where mary lou maloney lisa schrage is cheating on her date bill nordham steve atkinson with bud cooper robert lewis bill finds out is devastated meanwhile mary lou is announced prom queen takes to the stage to accept her award bill still hurting decides to play a practical joke on mary lou so he throws a firecracker on stage but the still lit fuse catches mary lou s dress setting it her on fire within seconds mary lou is toast years later hamilton high is soon to hold it s annual prom night bill micheal ironside is now the principal has a teenage son named craig justin louis who is dating vicki carpenter wendy lyon are both planning on going to the prom together bud richard monette is now a priest that terrible night years ago still haunt both bill bud one day vicki is looking around the schools basement when she discovers a large trunk which she opens this turns out to be a bad move as the vengeful spirit of mary lou is set free is intent on claiming her crown as prom queen in her spare time sets out to avenge her untimely death first up is jess browning beth gondek whose death is put down to a suicide mary lou begins to posses vicki s body as the night of the prom draws nearer after disposing of some competition in the shape of kelly hennenlotter terri hawkes who tries to fix the prom so she wins mary lou in vicki s body is crowned hamilton high prom queen which allows mary lou herself to come back from the dead to make an unexpected appearance really liven the party up with absolutely no connection to the original prom night directed by bruce pittman i thought hello mary lou prom night ii wasn t a particularly good film the script by ron oliver concentrates more on supernatural elements rather than cheap teen slasher themes whether this was a good or bad decision will depend on your expectations i suppose personally i found these different elements didn t really gel or work that well together at all the whole film was far to slow to be really enjoyable after the opening sequence where mary lou dies no one else is killed until the half hour mark then the film plods along for another half an hour until vicki is finally possessed the film finally picks up momentum for the climax where an evil mary lou kills a whole one person at the prom before she is supposedly defeated come on horror film fans you did expect that clich d killer not dead ready for a sequel ending didn t you don t expect a hight body count just five throughout the entire film none particularly graphic although i did like the way monica beverley hendry as beverly hendry tried to hide in a shower room locker which mary lou crushed resulting in poor monica s blood oozing out the supernatural side of hello mary lou prom night ii is depicted by vicki having lots of hallucinations for the first hour mary lou controlling objects during the latter stages including a couple of creepy shots of a rocking horse which comes to life the blackboard scene is quite good as well as it turns into water zombie hands drag vicki into it the slasher side of hello mary lou prom night ii isn t outstanding i did like mary lou herself as she churns out the obligatory one liners she made for a good villain even if she didn t get to kill enough people oh yes i did get the running homages to various other horror film director s with almost all of the character s sharing last names with one this obviously adds nothing to the film but is a nice little touch i suppose the acting is ok but the normally dependable micheal ironside looks lost uninterested almost as if he s asking himself what he s doing in this if he ll ever work again forget about any gore someone is hanged there is a stabbing with a crucifix that happens off screen someone is impaled with a neon light a computer goes crazy electrocutes someones face mary lou bursts out of vicki s body at first as a rotting zombie which was quite a cool scene there are some full frontal nudity shots in the girls shower as well if that s your thing to give it some credit hello mary lou prom night ii is ok to watch has reasonable production values throughout is generally well made overall i was disappointed by hello mary lou prom night ii it was just too slow ultimately uneventful to maintain my interest for nearly minutes i m not sure whether it deserves a or star rating i ll give it a as there s nothing specifically wrong with it i suppose i ve sat through much worse films but it just didn t really do anything for me i m afraid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20903": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "rated r for strong language violent content and some nudity quebec rating canadian home video rating a fear of a black hat is one of the funniest most original comedies i have ever seen its basically a gangsta rap version of the film this is spinal tap its a shame not many people have heard of this gem of a film if you manage to find this film anywhere don t hesitate to buy it even if you don t like rap music there are not too many comedy films that i give a perfect to the only ones i can think of at the moment are this film clerks the world according to garp the year old virgin and chasing amy this film is a hilarious stereotype of the gangsta rap culture the movie is about a woman named nina blackburn who is making a documentary about the fictional rap group n w h n z with hats they are basically the stereotype of a rap group making many controversial rap songs about killing and being a gangsta fear of a black hat is an excellent comedic film and i recommend it even if you are not a fan of the gangsta rap scene its a shame this film is not in the top runtime min"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20904": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what is the point of creating sequels that have absolutely no relevance to the original film no point this is why the prom night sequels are so embarrassingly bad the original film entailed a group of children hiding a dark secret that eventually get them all killed bar one in a brutal act of revenge can someone please explain to me what a dead prom queen to be rising from the grave to steel the crown has to do with the first movie then prom night had continuous plot holes that left the audience constantly wondering how did that happen and why should that happen but in the end i guess you could call it one of those movies that is so bad you end up laughing yourself through it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20905": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fear of a black hat is everything the much weaker cb should have been rusty cundieff s satirical eye is ruthless as he folds spindles and mutilates every aspect of hip hop trends and culture does foabh resemble spinal tap yes a bit is it derivative of spinal tap no not really the aim is more focused the satire is better focused and to be honest it s funnier"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20906": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is only related to the first movie by the name the plot has nothing to do with the first and the whole movie stinks i have no idea what they were thinking but this movie is so bad avoid this at all costs the first movie in the series is acceptable as a slasher flick and so is the fourth but this one and the rd are rubbish"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20907": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "okay this movie is a pure pleasure it has the ever so violent horror mixed with a little suspense and a lot of black comedy the dentist really starts to loose his mind and it s enjoyable to watch him do so this movie is for certain people though either you ll completely love it or you will totally hate it a good movie to rent and watch when you don t got anything else to do also recommended psycho iii"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20908": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just got the uk disc special edition of superman for about the additional stuff includes the feature superman and the mole men so i slapped it into the dvd player last night and here are my findings some initial disappointment i hadn t checked and i think i had it mentally tagged as one of the kirk alyn serials i m not a huge fan of george reeves as superman and i hadn t seen anything other than the odd clip of kirk alyn but hey ho never mind this black and white production runs for less than an hour it has the feel of a couple of episodes of one of reeves early tv series a two parter put together for cinema release although imdb says it was filmed as a cinema release in advance of the first tv series in any event it s an odd choice for reasons i ll get to later i m of an age where i recall tv and movie productions which are limited to one or two locations and sets so there were no major surprises here even so for a low budget movie this one is really low budget the story concerns the small town of silsby population which puzzlingly is also home to the world s deepest oil well miles the story opens with the well s foreman hurriedly taking steps to close the well down this conflicts with the arrival of metropolis reporters kent and lane to report on the well at the behest of the oil company as clark is sniffing out the fact that the drill has emerged into a radioactive cavern miles down a couple of odd little guys small in stature big in head black in jumpsuit and bushy in eyebrow emerge from the capped off drillshaft and start mooching round town with puzzled expressions on their faces a deep breath now here is the remaining plot of the picture the little guys scare some kids so jeff corey playing the town s rampant xenophobe incites some pals to kill these creatures superman steps in moderately ineffectually and catches one of the little guys who has been shot and takes him to the local hospital corey s pals burn down the shack the other little fellow has hidden in and assume he is killed but he escapes and legs it down the shaft corey incites a lynch mob despite the sheriff arresting him to hang the hospitalised mole man superman stops them entering the hospital and takes the injured chappie to the shaft to return him to his fellows a total of mole men emerge with a weapon of some sort which they fire at jeff corey i call this an aargh gun because its sole effect seems to be to make corey go aargh and superman saves him he immediately changes his ways because of amazement at superman saving him after the way he has behaved the mole men go back down the shaft the end despite the film only being an hour long there is an inordinate amount of creeping around bewareing and pursuing i have left out all the mole man creeps from a to b looking out to make sure no one is following him stuff the mole men are never engaged in any way whatsoever they have no dialogue they just turn up get persecuted and go back they do look a little creepy but they are hardly the bug eyed monsters that the town s reaction implies reeves is quite a good clark kent very much a hard nosed reporter much more so than phyllis coates rather indifferent lois lane but he is a terrible terrible superman not only does he not look the part at least his hair is dyed black in this which is an improvement from the rather light hair he sported in some of the tv episodes the way he plays it is all wrong in my book i m sure he was told to strike the pose which superman does constantly but someone should have told him that it should be fists on hips not fists on ribs and he plays superman as a rather strict and touchy schoolteacher he doesn t actually wag his finger in remonstration but he may as well have done and superman does a huge amount of walking around i say a huge amount he isn t actually in it all that much and a bit of running he takes off and lands a couple of times but isn t seen in flight at any point oh some bullets bounce off him and he uses telescopic vision as clark but with no accompanying visual effect in fact visual effects are conspicuous by their absence and the few which are present aren t very good i ve tried to consider this effort by reference to the standards of the time but even by those standards i think it s a pretty threadbare effort thankfully production standards on the tv series were higher and at least they took the trouble to come up with stories which had a bit more to them something of a disappointment i shan t be watching it again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20909": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film is to my mind the weakest film in the original star wars trilogy for a variety of reasons however it emerges at the end of the day a winner despite all its flaws it s still a very good film even if a lot of its quality depends on the characters that have been built up in the superior installments one problem here is the look of the film which isn t very consistent with the other films i put a lot of that down to the departure of producer gary kurtz the first films have that dirty lived in look with all the technology and so forth in jedi on the other hand even the rebels look like they just stepped out of a shower and had their uniforms dry cleaned this makes for a much less textured film also the creatures were excessively muppet like and cutesy at this point it seems like the film makers were more concerned with creating the templates for future action figures than with the quality of the film itself another aspect is its lack of originality where star wars created a whole new experience in cinema and empire brought us to alien worlds of swamps ice and clouds jedi lamely re cycled the locations of the first film first we are back on the desert planet tatooine and then we are watching them face another death star maybe the emperor couldn t think of anything new but you d think lucas or kasdan could also we have these ewoks who really are just detestable made for mattel teddy bears in a recycled version of what was supposed to be the big wookie fight at the end of star wars if they hadn t run out of cash it just feels like lazy construction the most unfortunate aspect of jedi for me is the weak handling of the han solo character whereas he is central to the plot of the first films here he is struggling for screen time trading one liners with the droids instead of a real drama we re stuck with the lame pretense that han is still convinced leia loves luke as if the conclusion of empire where she confessed her love of him had never happened the whole thing is very contrived and barely conceals the fact that the solo character was not part of this film s central story after his rescue ford for his part looks bored and lacks the style that distinguished his earlier performances this is more like a s ford performance bored and looking above the film itself fisher for her part is visibly high in some scenes lando an interesting character introduced in empire here is stuck as the ostensible person we care about in the giant space battle only hamill given an interesting development in the luke character is really able to do anything new or interesting with his character probably he was the only major actor in the film who still cared about his work and to be fair the script gives him a lot more to do than the other characters really it is his story and the other characters are only there as part of the package ian mcdiarmid does excellent work as well as the emperor the film would sink if he had been too far over the top as he was at times in the new films visually and in terms of effects work other than the clean look of everything it s hard to find fault jabba is a very effective animatronic character one of the most elaborate ever constructed the space battles towards the end are very impressive ultimately this film coasts to success based on the accomplishments of its forebears but on its own it is a satisfying piece of entertainment and imho far superior to any of lucas later productions"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20910": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "and not in a fun to watch way it s just bad it s shocking that people have posted positive things about it here the story sucks the acting is bad it s not scary the special effects aren t special oh no the blackboard has hands coming out of it oh gee the mirror turned into water the hair clothes and makeup in the s scenes aren t accurate and they got a middle aged man with a receding hairline to play the high school version of himself this is like later on nightmare on elm street stuff i enjoy sitting down to watch a cheesy horror movie as much as anyone else but there are better bad ones out there to choose from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20911": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "brian yuzna is often frowned upon as a director for his trashy gore fests but the truth is that his films actually aren t bad at all the re animator sequels aren t as great as the original but are still worthy as far as horror sequels are concerned return of the living dead is the best of the series and society isn t a world away from being a surrealist horror masterpiece this thriller certainly isn t a masterpiece but it shows yuzna s eye for horror excellently and the plot moves in a way that is always thrilling and engaging i m really surprised that a horror movie about dentistry didn t turn up until as going to the dentist is almost a primal fear it s running away from a tiger for the modern world dentistry doesn t frighten me but surprisingly i would appear to be in the minority the plot follows perfectionist dentist dr feinstone he has a nice house a successful career and a beautiful wife pretty much everything most people want however his life takes a turn for the worse when he discovers his wife s affair with the pool cleaner and his life isn t the only one as it s his patients who feel the full brunt of his anger when it comes to scaring the audience this movie really makes itself however credit has to go to the director for extracting the full quota of scares from the central theme the fact that he does a good job is summed up by the fact that i m not squeamish about going to the dentist yet one particular scene actually made me cover my eyes the film follows the standard man going insane plot outline only with the dentist you always get the impression that there s more to the film than what we re seeing it isn t very often that a gore film can impress on a substance level and while this won t be winning any awards the parody on the upper class is nicely tied into the plot the acting while b class is actually quite impressive with corbin bernsen taking the lead role and doing a good job of convincing the audience that he really is a man on the edge i should thank brian yuzna for casting ken foree in the movie the dawn of the dead star doesn t get enough work and i really love seeing him in films the rest of the cast doesn t massively impress but all do their jobs well enough overall the dentist offers a refreshing change for nineties slasher movies the gore scenes are sure to please horror fans and i don t hesitate to recommend this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20912": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "mary lou is a slut whose spirit seeks revenge on those who let her come to her fiery doom back in well the movie mainly takes place in the movie falls into the s trap of weird stupid special effects including some weird demented looking rocking horse anyway mary lou s spirit does bad things to people and tries to take over one person s body whether or not she succeeds you ll have to watch to find out anyway the movie is largely boring and based around a bunch of worthless characters this also isn t really a sequel the only thing in common with the first is the name of the high school it has the avg horror flick fall backs gore pointless nudity knocks against the catholic church basic stuff boring movie the acting is decent enough to give it a out of you can waste your time doing something else"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20913": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when i saw the dentist i thought it was very cool but this movie is not for everyone especially people who do not like gory scenes as the dentist has lots of gory scenes that s why it has it s r rating it s about a beverly hills dentist dr alan feinstone who finds his wife brooke cheating on him with the poolman it s best to go to your dentist before you watch this but if you don t like going to the dentist already then it s best not to watch this as you may be put off going for life the dentist has the best bloody revenge in it that i ve ever seen who has ever seen a movie that has a dentist spoiler pull out all his cheating wife s teeth and cut out her tongue with no anesthetic overall awesome flick but not for everyone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20914": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "your attitude going into prom night ii will determine how much joy you take away from the film if you re expecting a horror masterpiece look elsewhere if you like campy movies that are rather fun to watch unfold you ll like this lisa schrage has the time of her life playing an over the top mary lou and wendy loyd channels schrage s rage perfectly during her time possessed not classic cinema but a fun way to kill a couple of hours with a wicked ending"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20915": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as dr alan feinstone corbin bernsen turns a marvelously deranged performance in the dentist with his already obsessive compulsive tendencies in high gear the irs hounding him and a very suspicious acting wife dr alan feinstone is losing his sanity more and more each day when the doc indeed does realize that his wife is having an affair with the local pool boy it sets off a string of events that lead to torture murder ant total mayhem the dentist is a solid film bernsen makes the character of dr feinstone relatable and hateable at the same time even though he is completely out of his gourd the audience will still feel sympathy towards him that my friends is damn good acting a nice solid cast of supporting actors round out this gem of a film excellent direction good killings and gore and effective pacing will keep you entertained throughout the movies run highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20916": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i agree with everything people said on this one but i must add that the soundtrack is probably the worst one i have ever heard my entire life there are actual vocals during times when you are supposed to be listening to the actors talk and the vocals are like a broadway version of danzig singing the darkness of the forest oh the darkness of the dark dark forest or something else so unthreatening the singer has a terrible vibrato and has been recorded with a treble y microphone over some synthed up string section and fake drum beats it s horrible yes the male leads are awful so are the female ones this is one bad case of gender stereotyping it s so bad everything they say revolves around being a male or a female just playing up the stereotypes to the max makes me sick soooo boring the children were so echoey in their lines you couldn t understand them and why do female ghost children always wear cute little bows in their hair pretty blue dresses and long hair and ghost boys always wear clean cut slacks with cute little shiny blond hair not scary stupid daddy s face was way too blemish free and clean to be that of a man living in a cave nice beard and bangs pa did you perfectly cut those with a knife yourself or did you stroll into town and go to the salon stupid movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20917": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "corbin bernsen gives a terrifically intense and riveting performance as dr alan feinstone a wealthy and successful beverly hills dentist who s obsessed with perfection when he discovers that his lovely blonde babe trophy wife has been cheating on him and the irs start hounding him about tax problems feinstone cracks under the pressure and goes violently around the bend director brian yuzna working from a suitably dark witty and demented script by stuart gordon dennis paoli and charles finch exposes the seething neurosis and psychosis bubbling underneath the squeaky clean well manicured surface of respectable affluent rich america with deliciously malicious glee moreover yuzna further spices up the grisly goings on with a wickedly twisted sense of pitch black gallows humor bernsen positively shines as dr feinstone he expertly projects a truly unnerving underlying creepiness that s right beneath feinstone s deceptively calm and assured veneer the supporting cast are likewise excellent linda hoffman as feinstone s bitchy unfaithful wife brooke earl boen as smarmy meddlesome irs agent marvin goldblum molly hagan as feisty assistant jessica patty toy as perky assistant karen jan hoag as jolly office manager candy virginya keehne as sweet gawky teenager sarah ken foree as thorough no nonsense detective gibbs tony noakes as gibbs equally shrewd partner detective sunshine michael stadvec as womanizing stud muffin pool cleaner matt and mark ruffalo as on the make sleazeball steve landers the first rate make up f x are every bit as gory gross and upsetting as they ought to be the polished cinematography by levie isaaks boasts lots of great crazy tilted camera angles and a few tasty zoom in close ups alan howarth s spirited shuddery score also hits the flesh crawling spot an enjoyably warped treat"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20918": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie at an actual movie theater probably the one with my cousin and uncle we were around and i guess and really into scary movies i remember being so excited to see it because my cool uncle let us pick the movie and we probably never got to do that again and sooo disappointed afterwards just boring and not scary the only redeeming thing i can remember was corky pigeon from silver spoons and that wasn t all that great just someone i recognized i ve seen bad movies before and this one has always stuck out in my mind as the worst this was from what i can recall one of the most boring non scary waste of our collective and a waste of film i have read some of the reviews that say it is worth a watch and i say too each his own but i wouldn t even bother not even so bad it s good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20919": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie was very enjoyable though you ll only like it if you hate going to the dentist but aren t afraid of a movie where one of them goes beserk you love horror movies i particularly liked the fact that some care was given to explaining the brute actions of the main character the fact that he s totally obsessed by cleanliness especially in the mouth and then catches his wives providing some oral pleasure to the mud covered pool man is a pretty believable reason to go overboard liked it i give it an"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20920": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s a ghost story it s a cannibalism story it s a revenge story it s a very poorly done film with a lot of violence i suppose it follows cheaply along the lines of every slasher movie you ve ever seen it has the usual isolated place the cocky campers heading off to the wilderness granted there are some pretty intense scenes it s just so dull bad editing and the whole works there are ghost children who sound like they are talking into a wastebasket i m not really sure what rules the ghosts and the psycho with the seed cap are playing by it also has the gross out scene where a man eats a piece of meat which is actually what s left of his wife a friend of mine once asked me why it is necessary to show this kind of gratuitous sick violence i fear that it s just another step in our desensitized evolution three is no cleverness here no tongue in cheek only a sad waste of time lots of blood little plot"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20921": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the dentist was made on the time when almost every profession had it s psycho we had mad police officers ambulance men secretery s and that was just for starters the dentist came suprisingly late because going to dentist is usually everyman s nightmare the plot is twisted super clean dentist doctor feinstone lives perfect life in his great white house he has beautiful blond wife and great place to work as a dentist dark clouds are coming to his horizon in the form of nasty irs guy terminator s earl boen dirty pool cleaner cleaning his wife and suddenly everyone s teeth seems to have gone through dark filter he goes nutso and starts to take care of people teeth in the nasty way and you don t want to come to his path crew were professional producer director brian yuzna had produced stylish horror movies like re animator and from beyond he directed the sequel to re animator and his first movie society was nice spinoff from john carpenter s they live film s producer pierre david is known from movies like scanners cast was great corbin bernsen really suprised me i knew him from la law and major league but i could newer dream him as a psycho dentist he was actually great in his role and he was kind of sad person linda hoffman was beutiful and dumb as feinstones wife micahel stadvec did not have much line s but after i saw him with ladies of the neighbourhood i knew my future profession ken foree dawn of the dead from beyond was nice sight as cop on the case virginya keehne was the innocent teen who is about to be next client to feinstone final warning if you re like me and have problem with dentist s then maybe you should skip this one but if you want to try than you should prepare yourself with dark humor and lots nasty drillings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20922": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i sought out a copy of the forest because i was watching a vh special i think where are they now and saw the video box flash across the screen during a segment on the actor corky pigeon he played the male child ghost in this b horror horrible but i remember him from his character freddy on the silver spoons television show this flick s a major letdown there s nothing here it actually took me four months to watch it from start to finish i kept stopping it in boredom setting it aside and forgetting about it then stumbling on it and trying once again to get through it obviously the angle of this film that was intended to set it apart from its counterparts was the supernatural element the apparitions and obviously here that doesn t work i can t stand the male leads i kept expecting them to look down at their palms during the longer dialogue scenes in order to read cheat lines the situation at the beginning where the couples decide to go camping separately is awkward and plain dumb i guess the only positive thing to say about this one is the scene where the guy falls and breaks his leg you can see the bone sticking out of his flesh it s fairly good gore makeup there man i m really reaching for a positive now huh the only other no budget horror film on a level as bad as this one would be home sweet home"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20923": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is very great the acting is fine with excellent casting of corbin bernsen as the perfectionistic dentist who freaks out and tortures his patients in the beginning he sees his wife with the poolman and then he goes crazy he also takes revenge on his wife and the poolman beside the patients he tortures the most special effects are also beautiful although some are really fake like a drilled out tongue that has laid for night outside and is still red in the morning but the torture scenes are absolutely well done though this movie has the weak point that it is very slow between the heavy parts are sometimes just extremiously boring parts but for the real horror thriller fan this is a must watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "20924": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the forest isn t just your everyday standard slasher backwoods cannibal fare it also has an interesting mix of supernatural elements as well the story is about two couples that hike into the forest on a camping trip a cave dwelling cannibalistic woodsmen and the ghosts of his dead wife and two children soon terrorize them there is something you don t see every slasher director don jones gets an a for effort although the film itself falls flat on just about every level the acting is just simply average except for jeanette kelly who plays the dead wife of the woodsman michael brody aka gary kent the film opens with some beautiful shots of a couple hiking through a valley and into a forest they realize too late that someone is stalking them they are both dispatched in typical slasher fare our killer uses a trusty hunting knife throughout the entire film except during a flashback when he implements a handsaw pitchfork and rusty saw blade to dispatch his cheating wife s lover the forest has a good story line but the movie just doesn t work along with it i found it pretty boring with simply crappy acting"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "20925": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first it was jack the ripper now it is alan feinstone the crazy dentist tortures people in horrific ways quite realistic at times but some of the acting is abysmal and comical especially from corbin bernson in some scenes there is dental torture that will really make you cringe"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20926": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a truly disturbed cannibalistic psychopath john gary kent under the pseudonym michael brody who lives in a cave stalks campers who make the unfortunate mistake of backpacking in his wilderness steve dean russell and his buddy charlie john batis get into a playful argument with their wives sharon tomi barrett the late real life wife of gary kent teddi ann wilkinson over surviving in the woods camping by themselves to prove a point the gals decide to head for the wilderness out of los angeles for a camping trip disturbing their partners to the point that they soon follow afterward falling prey to john teddi is soon killed as sharon runs for her life as the men arrive late to the wilderness due to their truck s overheating afraid tired and paranoid sharon receives some very unusual assistance john s ghost children that s right john s children remain in the wilderness ghostly apparitions which spy on those who exist in the woods taking a special liking to sharon helping guide her to safety and her friends meanwhile steve and charlie soon find shelter from a down pour and the darkness of night in the very cave where john lives cooking over a burning fire the meat simmering is actually from charlie s wife teddi unknowingly charlie eats from the meat when offered by john who finds the outsiders inside his dwelling place anyway soon worried about their wives steve and charlie set out to find them as morning breaks meanwhile john goes a hunting with charlie steve and sharon in a fight for survival when steve suffers a compound fracture stumbling between two massive rocks over a flowing river he will be handicapped only increasing such an already nightmare scenario with sharon following her ghostly young friends to potential safety they even at one point plead with their father to not kill her charlie unfortunately doesn t have such friends director donald jones who also wrote it and went broke funding the film smartly shoots the film in such a breathtaking gorgeous location in the sequoia national park in california where those gargantuan trees tower to great heights and i basically watch backwoods slashers for this very purpose for some strange reason i didn t particularly find jones direction of the setting very atmospheric the dread was missing although there are some rather disturbing attacks by john using his knife shot in a clever way jones camera suggests more than what is actually on screen yet somehow still achieves that gasp at what john is doing to victims within such a picturesque landscape to see innocents preyed upon by a maniac that kind of increases the terror city folk attempting to spend a nice few days in a different place to smell the clean fresh air enjoy the sights of a lovely view only to find themselves stalked by a creepy predator with a very intimidating knife providing the back story to why john is the monster he is jones allows us to witness his memory flashback in discovering his wife s adultery and reacting accordingly she is also a ghost in the wilderness looking for her children wishing to punish them for being naughty killing both her and the lover in bed a refrigerator repairman the children sad and depressed committed suicide and now haunt the wilderness still interacting with their pa or whoever they so choose i realize such a novelty as ghost children in a backwoods slasher is unique and appreciated by some but i found the idea rather hokey and too silly to take serious they do help our heroine escape a few potentially dangerous situations but it was awfully hard for me to keep from giggling uncontrollably the music i found hideously s and the performances aren t mind blowing i mean i could react to the situation they were in because it is indeed quite terrifying to find yourselves in an unfamiliar and hostile territory being hunted by someone who knows the area so well i think the film is similar in many ways to don t go into the woods alone except that the forest has the aforementioned ghost children their voices echo when talking to sharon their father or each other gary kent looks like a filthy george lucas with tattered clothes and humanity lost as i mentioned above the violence isn t as grisly as what is suggested because director jones is able to effectively cut away from a great deal of knife penetration yet the way he stages the set pieces leave you rather unsettled such as teddi s murder the violence mostly silhouetted on the surface of a nearby huge stone formation her pleas for john to stop and once stabbed several times attempts to crawl away from her predator only to be finished off a hanging corpse john is skinning i ve seen better and worse of this type of slasher film it s rather mediocre at best with some effectively shot scenery i don t really think it s particularly memorable for the exception of the ghost children"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20927": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the dentist starts on the morning of dr alan feinstone corbin bernsen his wife brooke s linda hoffman wedding anniversary on the surface mr mrs feinstone seem to have a nice life a beautiful home in los angeles he has a successful career with responsibility but beneath things are very wrong alan discovers that brooke is having an affair with matt michael stadvec the swimming pool cleaner to add to his humiliation alan then discovers that matt is also having sex with paula roberts lise simms one of his next door neighbours to top it all off he owes the irs who are breathing down his neck a shed load of money alan starts to lose his mind he convinces himself that everything is decayed rotten just like his patient s teeth it s up to him to fix it that morning at work he begins to take his frustrations anger out on his patients first he injures a young boy named jody brian mclaughlin he sexual assault s a patient named april reign christa sauls after he hallucinates that she is his wife deliberately performs an unnecessary painful procedure on another alan also begins to take drugs as he completely loses it goes homicidal starting with his adulterous wife pool cleaner directed by brian yuzna i thought the dentist was a good film tried something a bit different the script by dennis paoli stuart gordon charles finch is more of a psycho thriller than straight slasher which came as a surprise to me as i was expecting the latter it would have been easy to make a teenage slasher film like friday the th with a high body count a wise cracking dentist villain but what the dentist actually turned out to be is very different the dentist is at heart a character study of one mans descent into madness it does a fine job although having said that i m not sure what he goes through is enough justification for his subsequent murderous actions it moves along at a nice pace has a nice narrative in which i liked the constant connection alan makes between the decay he sees in his patients the decay he sees in the world around him is an entertaining way to pass odd minutes it goes without saying that anyone with a phobia about the dentist probably should give this one a miss or you ll never go again i liked the ending too where the tables are turned i ll say no more director yuzna does his usual fine job here in fact i don t think i ve seen a yuzna film that i didn t enjoy to some extent he obviously predictably takes the opportunity to play on our fear of the dentist with some nice dental torture set pieces including pulling people s teeth out sexually molesting them performing operations on drugs torturing people with the dreaded dentist s drill there are some other gore scenes as well a dead dog someone gorily slashed with a knife cut out tongues yuzna gives the film a certain style on what was probably a low budget he likes to tilt his camera which make for some nice angles i liked the shot where the camera is above someone being knifed huge sprays of blood splatter on the floor in a nice wide overhead angle technically the dentist is fine decent cinematography music production values although some of the special make up effects look a little unconvincing the acting is pretty strong from everyone involved with corbin putting in a good crackpot performance the ever cool genre favourite ken foree turns up as detective gibbs one of los angeles finest the dentist didn t turn out like i had expected all the better for it if your a horror fan perhaps want something a bit different then this is well worth checking out i liked it think it s definitely worth a watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20928": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie starts with a pair of campers a man and a woman presumably together hiking alone in the vast wilderness sure enough the man hears something and it pangs him so much he goes to investigate it our killer greets him with a stab to the stomach he then chases the girl and slashes her throat the camera during the opening scene is from the point of view as the killer we next meet our four main characters two couples one in which is on the rocks the men joke about how the woman would never be able to handle camping alone at a double date sparking the token blonde s ambition to leave a week early unexpectedly the men leave the same day and their car breaks down they end up arriving in the evening when the men arrive they are warned about people disappearing in the forest by a crazy ralph doppleganger they ignore the warning and venture into the blackening night and an eighties song plays in the background with lyrics about being murdered in the dark forest the men get lost in the next scene we realize that this isn t just another the burning clone but a ghost story the women scared and lonely are huddling together by the fire two children appear in the shadows and decide to play peeping tom well they are obviously ghosts by the way their voices echo their mother appears with blood dripping from a hole in her forehead and asks the two ladies if they ve seen her children before disappearing of course the children run home to papa and tell him about the two beautiful ladies by the river this causes quite a stir and he gets up grabbing his knife from atop the fireplace daddy s going hunting the little girl exclaims with bad acting it is apparent here that the dad isn t a ghost like his children freaked out by something in the woods the token blonde splits running blindly into the night carrying a knife she encounters the father who explains he s starving and it will be quick this doesn t make sense because of the panther growls we heard earlier maybe he s allergic are panthers honestly even in california she ends up wounding him slightly before getting stabbed in the head a thunderstorm erupts and the men seek shelter which turns out to be where papa resides clearly someone lives here because there s a fire and something weird is roasting over it the children appear and warn them of papa who shows up moments later they disappear as soon as he arrives for whatever reason our killer only goes after females he invites the men to have something to eat and tells us the story about his ex wife we are given a flashback of his wife getting caught cheating the old man doesn t tell them however that he kills her and her lover afterwards but daydreams about it we aren t given the reason for the children s demise the men go to sleep and are left unharmed the next morning the men discover the empty campground of their wives after a brief discussion they split up one is to stay at the campsite while the other goes and gets help the one that is going back to his car breaks his leg we are then reunited with the children as they explain to the surviving woman that they are ghosts who killed themselves from being sad about their mother they agree to help the woman reunite with her friends the following scene defies the logic of the movie when papa kills the guy waiting at the campsite he was also dating or married to the blonde somehow the children realize he is murdered and tell the woman about it she decides to see it for herself and obviously runs into the killer luckily the children make him stop by threatening to leave him forever you know where this is going overall the movie deserves four stars out of ten and that s being generous for all its misgivings the musical score is well done it s still watchable too there are some camera angles that look professional and some of the sets are done well the plot is unbelievable there is such a thing as willing suspension of disbelief but with the toad miles away i can t imagine the token blonde would take off like that in the middle of the night i mean come on alan skip bannacheck"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20929": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a gory mess and pretty convincing corbin bernson is very much in command of this movie with his slick portrayal of the loony control freak eponymous practitioner linda hoffman plays his cheating wife and she is very easy on the eye unfortunately for her the little tryst with the pool guy brings severe punishment in a way the good doctor knows best shame about that pretty smile the last half hour of the movie is devoted to bernson s character losing it completely and the spotlight falls on a young actress called virginya keehne an extremely talented performer she hogs the limelight from the moment the braces come off nice legs too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20930": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "back in the s wpix ran the adventures of superman every weekday afternoon for quite a few years every once in a while we d get a treat when they would preempt neighboring shows to air superman and the mole men i always looked forward to those days watching it recently i was surprised at just how bad it really was it wasn t bad because of the special effects or lack thereof true george reeves superman costume was pretty bad the edges of the foam padding used to make him look more imposing being plainly visible and true the mole men s costumes were even worse what was supposed to be a furry covering wouldn t have fooled a ten year old since the zippers sleeve hems and badly pilling fabric badly tailored into baggy costumes were all painfully obvious but these were forgivable shortcomings no what made it bad were the contrived plot devices time and again superman failed to do anything to keep the situation from deteriorating a lynch mob is searching for the creatures rather than round up the hysterical crowd or search for the creatures himself he stands around explaining the dangers of the situation to lois and the pr man the creatures are cornered again he stands around watching and talking but doesn t save them until they re shot luke benson the town s rabble rouser shoots at him attempted murder to any reasonable person but superman releases the man over and over to cause more problems superman had quite a few opportunities to nip the problem in the bud but never once took advantage of them that said both george reeves and phyllis coates played their characters well seemingly instantly comfortable in the roles if only they had been given a better script to work with"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20931": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first i d like to say that while i know my share about star wars i am not a fanatic i do not know how many chromosomes a wamp rat has or the extended family of tk what i know is this star wars all the movies less so with episode though captured something magical it s hard to say what what button lucas has found and boldly pressed but it works star wars is more than a movie it s an idea how may you ask i shall explain star wars touches on the most universal of stereotypes good vs evil it does this so obviously so profoundly that literally any person from any environment can understand episode vi does the very well concluding the epic struggle between a son and his used and manipulated father yet also with the addition of the prequels reveals even more to the hinted back story suddenly it s darth vader at the front and viewers realize that it s the story about anakin not just luke but even before there was amazing depth to it all it felt real as if capsule fell from the sky into lucas s lap detailing a historical account of a galaxy far far away star wars is definitely something far above the norm and i must admit whenever i see them particularly this one i feel very small i feel as though i ve been thrust into a world where good and evil are so clearly defined i get a tingling feeling when i see them a feeling that something somehow has touched me more than any physical thing could ever hope"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20932": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a friend and i went through a phase some alot of years ago of selecting the crappest horror films in the video shop for an evening s entertainment for some reason i ended up buying this one probably v v cheap the cheap synth soundtrack is a classic of its time and genre there s also a few very amusing scenes among them is a scene where a man s being attacked and defends himself with a number of unlikely objects it made me laugh at the time doesn t seem quite so funny in retrospect but there you go apart from that it s total crap mind you but probably worth a watch if you like films like chopping mall yes i ve seen that too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20933": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as if most people didn t already have a jittery outlook on the field of dentistry this little movie will sure make you paranoid patients squirm a successful dental hygienist witnesses his wife going down on the pool man on their anniversary of all days and snaps big time into a furious breakdown after shooting an attack dog s head off he strolls into work and ends up taking his marital aggression out on the patients as he plans what to do about his slut of a wife there are plenty of up close shots of mouth jabbing tongue cutting and beauty queen fondling as well as a marvelously deranged performance by corbin bernsen the scene in which he ties up and gases his wife before mercilessly yanking her teeth out is definitely hard to watch a dentist is absolutely the wrong kind of person to go off the deep end and this movie sure explains that in detail the dentist is incredibly entertaining fast paced and laughably gory at times check it out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20934": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i mean of all the obscure overlooked low budget horror movies waiting to be re discovered in a dvd release why pick the forest i love ultra low budget direct to home video or other alternative release horror i love s hacker horror i love backwoods slashers with fools wandering off into the night to be chased murdered and eaten by psychopaths i am all for the idea of non professionals working on a horror movie as a way to maybe break into the industry or just making a movie because they want to make one i am all for using found public locations non actors no name talent behind the camera and in the studio no problem the most evocative image from the forest is it s opening shot of a couple walking in the distance across a forest into the woods we see them as tiny vulnerable creatures entering a dank gloomy world where humans may not be the top of the food chain or most feared predator then the film takes a dive never recovers we briefly meet the backpacking couple just as they realize that they are being stalked they get separated both are butchered and then we meet the movie s protagonists as they drive their car in a traffic jam they meet up with their respective mates and decide to take a camping trip sounds of snoring fill the room as people who came over to watch a movie fiddle with their cell phones text messaging people not there telling them how much the movie sucks this film is too slow this movie is too boring and this movie is too talky which wouldn t be such a bad thing if the writers had given the people something to say other than the most stupid asinine and unnecessary things you know your horror movie is in trouble when the character with the most interesting lines is the droopy faced park ranger who warns everyone away from the cannibal woods and speaking of these woods they look about as far away from civilization as the overgrown vacant lot behind the soccer fields only with bigger rocks and a stream flowing through it there are impressive shots of the forest primeval but no real sense of being out in the middle of it if any one of the characters just sat down on the trail and waited long enough someone would amble by what is worse about the film is that it fails to generate any human interest i don t know who these couples are and don t care what happens to them the hermit cannibal slasher guy is uninteresting even when pretending to saw freshly cooked meat off the leg of one of his victims to serve grisly bites to her boyfriend who just happens to seek shelter in his cave the irony of which is the epitome of underwhelming coupled with a deliberately ominous synthesizer music score cinematography that suspiciously looks like someone strapped a camera on a dog and it follow people s movements a lack of appreciable gore nudity lurid thrills and unwholesome atmosphere and what we have here is a horror movie that isn t even as frightening as a pbs educational tv show about how magnets work i don t mean to dish it out to the people behind this film since they obviously went into the project with next to nothing did not push themselves to be creative and ended up with just another boring movie about some maggot chasing women through the woods with a knife there is nothing wrong with that concept what is wrong is the unimaginative and utterly pedestrian way this was executed right down to the utterly pointless conclusion when the film simply peters out at about the minute mark the best thing that you can say about the forest is that it is over relatively quickly and there isn t much to command a repeat screening hence my confusion at why anyone would feel the need for a dvd release it was fine as a prism video rental years oddity as a dvd it will be rack fare inside a month of hitting the shelves there is little or no urgency to see the film unless you are considering making your own ultra low budget backwoods hacker set in a public park where nobody can charge you money for filming there here is a guide of steps to avoid making with all that said and done the film did have one interesting sequence or rather one sequence that was so pathetic and ineptly thought out that it becomes an enigma in an otherwise cut dried film the madman comes home to find his wife in bed with the local contractor he dispatches his beloved arms himself with a kitchen knife that looks like it was made just to be used in a horror film and takes off after the interloper the guy corners and attacks his quarry who sidesteps runs away only to have the psycho materialize in his footsteps with a bigger badder weapon the psycho attacks again and the guy gets away the psycho materializes again and once more the guy gets away then again finally on the fifth try the psycho trips the dude so to fall on some sort of a bladed contraption how did he keep materializing armed with bigger badder weapons like that is there some supernatural element to this psycho since the film never makes it clear either way the scene is just an enigma staged to build some tension it s purpose remains unclear the whole film is like that really existing without any need to be made and executed in such a ham fisted uninteresting manner that one cannot help but wonder what the point of it was and ample evidence that just because you can release a movie on dvd that doesn t mean you necessarily should"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20935": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i realize this review will get me bashed by the expert film critics patrolling this site but i will defend this film the dentist is actually a really good film the acting isn t always top notch but the thrills are good and the story s good plus you see linda hoffman s boobies not that i m an expert in this field but the direction seems good and the plot makes sense corbin makes a great creepy dentist it does to dentists what jaws does to sharks ish it obviously had a fairly limited budget but they did well with it what they could and developed the characters well those that count the end"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20936": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a cannibalistic backwoods killer is on the prowl and two bickering couples might be his next source of protein in this bargain basement friday the th clone cheapie there s literally nothing of interest to see in this one the killings are surprisingly sparse and when they do happen completely amateurish it also adds ghosts into the mix for no reason what so ever i felt drained after watching it as if my brain was liquefying and draining out my nose and it remains without a doubt donald jones worst movie if you re thinking of renting it because of code red s snazzy new dvd re release don t bother my grade f"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20937": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i remember being terrified of movie blood when i was younger and gradually getting less so until getting jaded enough as i m sure many other viewers have become so that the barrage of gory films produced in last few years have entertained me but not scared me or made me squirm the dentist turned that around the setup seems simple a mentally unstable dentist wreaks havoc on the insides of mouths and perhaps bodies as well a clever twist though is that the dentist is the film s protagonist so instead of being some one dimensional bad guy with no clear motivation his development is the most extensive of any character and he is very human and believable the viewer thus feels sympathy for him as well as his victims and instead of hoping for justice to come to him i found myself hoping he would somehow find a way to cover up his tracks and return to a normal life what really makes a horror movie is the violence and the dentist does it better than any other film i can think of first off the film has tons of tension which is something that modern gore films tend to lack in one scene the dentist is emotionally distraught and has to see a young child patient for the first time as he reaches into the child s mouth you hope that for the dentist s and the child s sake the encounter ends without injury i won t spoil what happens second when the gore does come it hits all the worst squirmy nerves once again i won t give anything away of course being a movie that you ve never heard of it does have flaws most importantly it s exclusively for horror fans also as another reviewer mentioned by taking place over a span of just a few days we don t really get any background on the characters and the tension drops a little bit during the very end but really the fact that we would even want to know background about the characters is evidence to how good it is and the bulk of the film is solid enough that any small lapses in tension can be forgiven it s strange after years of being accustomed to movie gore to suddenly want to cover my eyes at the sight of blood the dentist made me scared and thoroughly uncomfortable and for this it earns my full approval"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20938": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "one of the most boring slashers ever if you can even call it that i wouldn t watch this if it even ended up being some kind of porno movie which it completely resembles the fact that you re watching a small group of middle aged people in the woods is really unbearable they made these kinds of movies for teens so who were they really aiming for when they made this sleep fest my favorite part of this movie is the cover art and it s the only reason i chose to seek out this movie which happened to be part of a suspense classics movie pack and after seeing the other movies in this pack you ll realize that it belongs nowhere else so if you re in the mood for a decent slasher in the woods i recommend just before dawn and the final terror"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20939": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the brilliance of this movie is that even a competent dentist is pretty scary it s one of man s primal fears this movie is the nightmarish image every kid has to go through in the waiting room corbin bernsen gives a surprisingly non lackluster performance as a crazed dentist who i guess tries to kill people but he only works on their teeth so it s not really working out in a particularly gory scene we find so so actor earl boen having his teeth completely destroyed with drills and whatnot which i guess is the absolute worst you can do when you re a killer dentist it s a typical brian yuzna situation not well written but there s gore the plot is shoddy and at times seems to be made up on the spot but hey it s a killer dentist movie we ve all thought of it but they did it first"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20940": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the title of this obscure and almost righteously forgotten s slasher inevitably reminds me of the cure s mega smash monster hit song with the same title hence a piece of the lyrics in the title section of this user comment also i didn t have anything else to say that was useful anyway but hey the forest isn t totally hopeless and not even that bad actually if nothing else at least it obeys the admittedly unwritten first rule of s slasher kill someone within the first minutes of playtime sure you ve heard about the basic premise of this film a dozen times before but don t let that discourage you from watching it as the forest has a couple of things more to offer than just an appealingly sinister cover image it s actually a bit of an atypical s slasher the main characters aren t ordinary brainless teenagers and the script has solid ambitions towards supernaturalism the concept isn t always successful let alone plausible but it s more than interesting enough to hold your attention and there are even are a couple of surprisingly strong moments of tension and plot twists to enjoy two married couples decide to go camping in the most isolated woods of california but due to a stupid bet the wives travel separately from their husbands barely set up for the night they receive uncanny visits from a mother looking for her two children the children themselves and finally the father who s out hunting for human flesh the demented family may be real or imaginary but the women are definitely in danger and by the time their husbands arrive they have already vanished the men too encounter the family and they find out more about the slightly dysfunction background the forest is a weird and unusual film to say the least it s not exactly a masterpiece of plotting but the thoroughly strange atmosphere will certainly appeal to open minded fans of s horror the murders are fairly gruesome and will filmed including a slit throat and a painful saw massacre and the filming locations are stunningly beautiful the more you contemplate about the story and its abrupt twists the less it makes any sense so my advice would just be to enjoy this odd viewing experience for as long as it lasts and not a minute longer the acting performances are just above average the music is okay and at least director donald jones also responsible for the s exploitation sickie schoolgirls in chains tried to be a little more creative that the majority of s horror films too bad it ultimately fails"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "20941": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i love this movie as a kid this was one of the first movies i saw that made me flinch sure it is mild now but back in the day it was awesome dentists are one thing so many people fear so why not do a movie about a killer dentist it s cheesy it s fun sometimes it s scary but it is awesome and i have always had a love for medical horror and corbin bernsen plays dr feinstone perfectly no one could have done it better and for a low budget horror film the effects and such are quite good and i also love the theme music it goes well with the film ken foree dawn of the dead is also in this one playing a nosy cop and does a fine job there is a fair amount of blood and some really cool torture death scenes check this one out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20942": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the mood of this movie is pretty good and it captures the feel of the s well with some good performances however the script is run of the mill with the exception of a couple of comedic moments and comes off as being weird where i expect it was intended to be edgy the characters are totally over dramatized and unbelievable and full of right wing clich s that the script writer probably saw watching a panorama documentary on the national front the biggest problem is this movie has no real story it ticks all the right arty boxes but nothing actually happens and at the end you are left wondering what the point was very disappointing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20943": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "before we begin i have a fear of dentists this movie gives me the creeps and even makes me cringe that is what i love about this film the movie is kind of boring for that i take stars off spoiler alert the movie revolves around dr alan feinstone who has just found out his wife has been cheating on him soon he begins to have hallucinations and begins torturing his patients killing co workers and he has even tortured his wife to death and killed the man he was having an affair with end spoiler the movie is very bloody and gory i would recommend it if you are into gore i give this film stars out of dr alan feinstein is not your normal everyday dentist"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20944": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched this film last night with anticipation but really wasn t very impressed with the exception of combo i thought the acting was poor and the narrative was limited it came across like a made for tv drama i felt that the film was very contrived the whole set up of hammering in the context at the start yes we get that this is s britain you can stop now was tiresome and gave a very one sided view of what life was like in s britain poverty war juxtaposed with royalty margaret thatcher yet nothing in between there were actually middle classes who existed back then just ordinary working people with a decent wage and a mortgage the falklands clips also seemed to be added randomly towards the end for dramatic effect i presume the sequence of events felt a tad disjointed as the characters moved one one action to the next without us seeing how their mindset could ve changed so quickly the relationship between shaun and smell was toe curling i couldn t even look during the snogging scene i find it very hard to believe that she would ve been attracted to a boy who was not only so much younger but also looked so much younger i know there were only four years between them but four years is nothing once you reach your twenties yet it s a huge difference in your teens in my experience that kind of teen age difference only occurs when the girl is the younger one since girls mature so much quicker and are more on the wavelength of boys a few years older sorry but i didn t buy it an unnecessary plot point created for shock value the ending was somewhat abrupt and again contrived if the flag throwing incident was supposed to be iconic then it fell somewhat short in my eyes it bugs me that british films only concern themselves with either the upper classes or the poverty stricken don t get me wrong i love trainspotting and four weddings has its charms but can t we brits come up with anything different why are our films always so hung up on the class system i was born in so wasn t much different in age to shaun would ve been in i grew up in a single parent family on a fairly down trodden council estate in a city in england however my childhood experiences were vastly different to those portrayed in the film i don t even remember racism being an issue although i m not saying it didn t exist this is england not in my experience the bottom line is that i felt this film lacked substance and i was completely bored and unimpressed throughout"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20945": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the dentist is a really good thriller and pretty disturbing i think we can all agree that the chances of running into a psycho dentist are much bigger than running into monsters vampires or zombies that s exactly why this movie is so scary during this film you ll probably think about your own dentist a few times whether he s capable of doing such things you better pray his wife doesn t cheat on him that s what the story is all about a respected dentist in la snaps when he finds out his wife is cheating on him with the pool boy that must be the greatest profession in the world by the way poolboys always take advantage of the housewives when the husband is at his work from then on our dentist dr feinstone can only thing about taking revenge he can t concentrate on his patients anymore and a couple of them get hurt things aren t made easier for our dentist when he s chased by an annoying tax controller a curious cop and a suspicious staff member of his at one point dr feinstone can t take it anymore now he s not only after his wife but after everyone who comes near him the dentist is written and directed by brian yuzna and co written by stuart gordon you can take that as a recommendation to itself these persons already gave us a few great horror movies and personal favorites of mine like re animator from beyond and society with the dentist they succeed once more to bring an entertaining and very chilling thriller this film came right on time actually the decade hadn t brought us many great horror films so far i m not at all saying this is a masterpiece but it s a nice change corbin bensen is great as the dentist obsessed by hygiene i remember him mostly as a comedy or drama actor but he can sure handle a psychotic character the rest of the cast does good work too the woman who plays feinstone s wife is really attractive also it was great to see ken foree acting again the actor from my all time favorite movie dawn of the dead plays the cop in this film yuzna casted him in from beyond too years ago and i thank him for that i don t recommend this movie to everyone if you have a weak stomach i ll advise you to skip it but if you do watch it you ll enjoy it very much you ll be disgusted but that s an extra reason i think it s been a while since i was really freaked out by watching a film it s a great topic to handle in the genre and yuzna does it in a great way too bad this film was followed by a completely unnecessary sequel my humble opinion on the dentist"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20946": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "minutes of mindy mindy is a tease to boyfriend bill mindy prances at the high school dance mindy hitchhikes to big sur shoplifts a loaf of shepherd s bread mindy nearly gets gang raped ah the pleasures of crown international drive in features you must remember that these films were never designed to be watched start to finish on dvd players they were made as minutes of ambiance so the teens of the s would have a soundtrack as they got it on in their pintos and citations the lack of pacing and structure didn t matter to the original audience they probably only tuned in when the t a on screen matched what they were up to out in the parking lot the film is really irritating when watched as a story it s a lot more fun to talk about it than watch it my favorite inanities bill and his friend accompany the teacher to find mindy with no luggage or change of underwear they spend nights sharing a motel room with the teacher just like in real life after being abducted and nearly raped by depraved bikers and after their innocent friend pan is savagely beaten mindy and her girlfriend find an unattended motorcycle on the road mindy immediately brightens up and chirps i m going to big sur but again it s a lot more fun to talk read about than sit through"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20947": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m surprised no one has thought of doing a movie like this before horror is often most effective when it uses real life unpleasantness as a theme and nobody except for steve martin in the little shop of horrors likes going to the dentist tooth torture has been done before see the marathan man for example but this brings the terror into suburbia the plot revolves around a dentist dr alan feinstone corbin bernsen who descends into madness now our dear doctor wasn t playing with a full deck to begin with but driven by jealousy and an obsessive compulsive disorder he begins to reek havoc on those around him the doctors spiraling mental condition is kinda close to what we see in micheal douglas s character in falling down but with a horror edge written and directed by horror stalwarts stuart gordon and brian yuzna its witty and has a great flow also featured playing a cop is the ever welcome ken foree now i believe this movie would not work without the absolutely fantastic performance from corbin bernsen having really only seen him in la law before i was blown away by his acting the sequel the dentist is also worth watching but slightly under par compared to the original ttkk s bottomline a fun movie with some scenes that will make you cringe capped pun intended by a great performance from bernsen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20948": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "have you ever sat watching a movie when or minutes have gone by and suddenly you realize that you have actually seen the movie before that happened to me with the young graduates the cover of the video box if you can find the video is extremely deceiving i d swear that the two women on the cover aren t even in the film anyway i was either born a decade too late to appreciate the finer points of this film or it is simply pointless junk i m heavily leaning toward the latter but i guess some out there have developed a connection to this movie hmm plot a plot let s see there must be a plot around here somewhere nope i can t find it it s pretty much about some high school seniors acting dopey and doing drugs and speaking in a language that became outdated decades ago one of the female students has a crush on her teacher the teacher has a frigid wife whom he indeed refers to as an iceberg so he is receptive to the girl s advances there s a lot of driving around and inane dialogue and plenty of spastic dancing our cat booboo was transfixed by the dancing high school kids she watched with amazing intensity as the dancers gyrated and shook out on the dance floor it s nice to see that at least one species has found something interesting in this relic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20949": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "not that many films have truly exploited the fear of going to the dentist that many people have those in the profession have some genuinely intimidating looking instruments give writers dennis paoli stuart gordon and charles finch for deriving maximum make you squirm in your seat shock value from their premise corbin bernsen in a nicely nuanced performance is alan feinstone dedicated dentist whose train jumps off the tracks early on an unbalanced obsessive compulsive he starts dwelling on thoughts of decay even imagining it where there isn t any and also equating decay with corruption of society in general having witnessed his unfaithful wife brooke linda hoffman getting it on with their pool boy he determines to punish her at the same time he s under pressure from a smarmy i r s agent earl boen best known as dr silberman from the terminator franchise to do a favor in exchange for the agent keeping his mouth shut about feinstone s financial affairs feinstone starts to perceive everybody around him as decayed in one way or another and he goes on a murder spree as police detective gibbs the always welcome ken foree picks up his trail director brian yuzna clearly has great fun with the script it allows for some genuinely nasty and remarkably entertaining gore scenes that do just as well as creating sympathy for the victims as thrilling the audience the script gives the feinstone character some fine lines of dialog and is overall quite sly and amusing with large doses of pitch black humor such as feinstone ordering a victim to get their tongue out of the way brooke and the i r s agent figure in particularly effective torture scenes the makeup effects are for the most part quite good and the film does a fine job of maintaining its forward momentum as feinstone with his relentless drive for perfection switches from respected professional to unhinged killer in record time foree always cool and fun to watch is rather wasted in a standard issue detective role but there s some enjoyment in watching boen play his slimeball part to the hilt hoffman and christa sauls provide very appealing eye candy and a pre fame mark ruffalo can be seen in a small supporting role but this is all very much bernsen s show as he sinks his teeth pardon me for using that expression into his plum leading part with total conviction the dentist ranks as one of the more original and interesting horror films to come out of the s"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20950": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a trio of treasure hunters is searching the west indies for a hidden fortune the lure of gold makes for a rise in tension as the men come closer to the treasure s location the deep sea divers hope to track down the gold but find that greed and hatred leads to murder according to the dvd sleeve s synopsis manfish is the name of their boat not a monster the skeleton who gives muscular captain john bromfield as brannigan his half of the treasure map is very good old salt victor jory as professor provides the other half of the map first mate lon chaney jr as swede plays dumb and sexy tessa prendergast as alita guards the rum not very well obviously serious editing and continuity problems mar the picture which otherwise might have amounted to something manfish w lee wilder john bromfield victor jory lon chaney jr"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20951": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this would have been so much fun to see in a theater back in there is a guilty pleasure corner of my movie taste which really appreciates really well done shocker movies the dentist is panned sometimes probably because people usually have strong feelings over dental matters maybe the ada launched a campaign against it since dentists report they have to apologize for this movie and for the marathon man which only has one scene comparable to the many in the dentist it s amazing to note that according to the trivia page the movie was shot in days of course post production can take longer than movie shooting sometimes and the editing for the dentist is picture perfect the quick cuts heighten the tension so much that in the scene where the dentist takes care of his wife there s only two quick cuts showing what is happening the rest is left to our very fertile imaginations corbin bernsen was a good choice for the role since he has lots of experience playing psychologically off characters and he completely sold the obsessive compulsive aspects of the dentist for me the pacing of the movie was just right the film makers reveal the wife s naughtiness in just the right way all of the characters in the dental office look like they are actual people working in a real office there s lots of tension while they are dealing with impatient people awaiting the dentist s arrival meanwhile the dentist is off on the cusp of a huge psychotic breakdown unlike so many movies of this genre the script is very very tight all the victims fall into the dentist s trap in very calculated ways two law enforcement types even get involved in a little subplot that ends up creating a shocker of a showdown near the end definitely not for the faint of heart or the dental phobic but a real roller coaster ride and heavily recommended for fans of intelligent gorefests"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20952": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "you re not going to shoot those little creatures in the first place they haven t done you any harm in the second place they may be radioactive ah the joys of no budget s sci fi yet despite the odd gem like that superman and the mole men is pretty uninspiring going even with a lean minute running time it s beyond cheap the one shot of superman flying is an incredibly inept few frames of animation and pretty dull with it though it has a surprisingly altruistic message the mute mole men diminutive actors with enlarged skulls and fur coats who look more like mr mxyzptlk without the hat than subterranean critters released from their underground world by oil drilling are not malicious merely misunderstood and george reeves man of steel tries to prevent the local small town mob led by jeff corey from killing them an interesting counterpoint to the paranoia of the day perhaps but with little more than good intentions to recommend it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20953": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thought that rotj was clearly the best out of the three star wars movies i find it surprising that rotj is considered the weakest installment in the trilogy by many who have voted to me it seemed like rotj was the best because it had the most profound plot the most suspense surprises most emotional especially the ending and definitely the most episodic movie i personally like the empire strikes back a lot also but i think it is slightly less good than than rotj since it was slower moving was not as episodic and i just did not feel as much suspense or emotion as i did with the third movie it also seems like to me that after reading these surprising reviews that the reasons people cited for rotj being an inferior film to the other two are just plain ludicrous and are insignificant reasons compared to the sheer excellence of the film as a whole i have heard many strange reasons such as a because yoda died b because bobba fett died c because small ewoks defeated a band of stormtroopers d because darth vader was revealed i would like to debunk each of these reasons because i believe that they miss the point completely first off who cares if bobba fett died if george lucas wanted him to die then he wanted him to die don t get me wrong i am fan of bobba fett but he made a few cameo appearances and it was not lucas intention to make him a central character in the films that star wars fans made him out to be his name was not even mentioned anywhere in the movie you had to go to the credits to find out bobba fett s name judging rotj because a minor character died is a bit much i think secondly many fans did not like yoda dying sure it was a momentous period in the movie i was not happy to see him die either but it makes the movie more realistic all the good guys can t stay alive in a realistic movie you know otherwise if all the good guys lived and all the bad guys died this movie would have been tantamount to a cheesy saturday morning cartoon another aspect to this point about people not liking yoda s death well nobody complained when darth vader struck down obi wan kenobi in a new hope many consider a new hope to be the best of the trilogy why was obi wan s death okay but yoda s not hmmmmmmmmmmmm another reason i just can not believe was even stated was because people found cute ewoks overpowering stormtroopers to be impossible that is utterly ridiculous i can not believe this one first off the ewoks are in their native planet endor so they are cognizant of their home terrain since they live there if you watch the movie carefully many of the tactics the ewoks used in defeating the stormtroopers was through excellent use of their home field advantage since you lived in the forest all your life i hope you would have learned to use it to your advantage they had swinging vines ropes logs set up to trip those walkers and other traps the stormtroopers were highly disadvantaged because they were outnumbered and not aware of the advantages of the forest the only thing they had was their blasters to add it was not like the ewoks were battling the stormtroopers themselves they were heavily assisted by the band of rebels in that conquest i thought that if the stormtroopers were to have defeated a combination of the star wars heros the band of rebels as well as the huge clan of ewoks with great familiarity of their home terrain that would have been a great upset lastly if this scene was still unbelievable to you how about in empire strikes back or in a new hope where there were several scenes of a group consisting of just han solo chewbacca and the princess being shot at by like ten stormtroopers and all their blasters missed while the heros were in full view and not only that the heroes of course always hit the stormtroopers with their blasters the troopers must have very very bad aim then at least in empire strikes back the battle of endor was much more believable since you had two armies pitted each other not heroes against a legion of stormtroopers don t believe me check out the battle at cloud city when our heroes were escaping lando s base or when our heros were rescuing princess leia and being shot at somehow they missed as han solo and luke were trying to exit the death star the last reason that i care to discuss others are just too plain ridiculous for me to spend my time here is that people did not like darth vader being revealed well in many ways that was a major part of the plot in the movie luke was trying to find whether or not darth vader was his father annakin skywalker it would have been disappointing if the movie had ended without luke getting to see his father s face because it made it complete by annakin s revelation it symbolized the transition darth vader underwent from being possessed by the dark side in his helmet and to the good person he was annakin skywalker by removing the helmet the point is that annakin died converted to the light side again and that is what the meaning of the helmet removal scene was about in fact that s is what i would have done in that scene too if i were luke s father isn t that what you would have done if you wanted to see your son with your own eyes before you died and not in a mechanized helmet on another note i think a subconscious or conscious expectation among most people is that the sequel must be worse even if it is better that preceding movies is another reason that rotj does not get as many accolades as it deserves i never go into a film with that deception in mind i always try to go into a film with the attitude that well it might be better or worse that the original but i can not know for sure let s see that way i go with an open mind and do not dupe myself into thinking that a clearly superior film is not as good as it really was i am not sure who criticizes these movies but i have asked many college students and adults about which is their favorite star wars movie and they all tell me except for one person that said that a new hope was their favorite that it is rotj i believe that the results on these polls are appalling and quite misleading bottom line the return of the jedi was the best of the trilogy this movie was the only one of the three that kept me riveted all throughout its minutes there was not a moment of boredom because each scene was either suspenseful exciting surprising or all of the above for example the emotional light saber battle between luke and his father in rotj was better than the one in the empire strikes back any day finally i hope people go see the phantom menace with an open mind because if fans start looking for nitpicky insignificant details or see it as just another sequel to trash the movie such as this movie stinks because luke is not in it then this meritorious film will become another spectacular movie that will be the subject of derision like rotj suffered unfortunately"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20954": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the reason the dvd releases of this film are in black and white is because nobody can get their hands on a color print of this public domain film a modest sea story at best distributed for television thru allied artists dvd s or vhs on the market at this time for this title are all coming from the same mm television print films distributed for television prior to were often distributed in b w prints because the bulk of viewers did not have color sets anyway striking b w prints for television was also cheaper as it often involved quite a few prints to cover all stations running a film on a syndicated basis"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20955": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is an entertaining movie actually might make you uncomfortable since it isn t some undead psychopath or sociopath its your everyday doctor how scary is that got some good actors and actresses in this movie though some where unappreciated like virginya keehne as sarah ken foree who you might recognize from rob zombie s devils rejects and halloween co stars as our detective on schizoid dr alan feinstone s corbin benson trail short little summary is this dr alan feinstone a guy who has a sexy wife nice house and is a great dentist everyone loves until he catches his wife cheating on him with the pool cleaner then he starts having hallucinations that his patients teeth are all rotted and that the female patients are his wife as he starts going nuts in this thriller but before that nice guy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20956": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i went to see this movie actually i went to see family portraits which contains cutting moments other short films by douglas buck at the mar del plata festival argentina i just couldn t watch it i had to cover my eyes after the st half of cutting moments and take a peek every once in a while by the time it was over my stomach was upside down and i felt light headed i just had to leave the cinema a few minutes after the nd short begun btw of course i was not the only one who left the room it was waaaay too violent and disgusting for me i am impressed by the many brave people who actually loved it i just don t get how you can love that kind of movies the shocking and bloody and horrible images i saw got really stuck in my head for like two days i also try to analyze the story my boyfriend did see the whole thing and told me about it and i just don t think it makes any sense i mean that amount of violence and stuff makes no other sense than to try to shock people and that s not a good enough reason i think there s absolutely nothing in this movie that i can say well at least x thing about it was good but well i guess i will never understand that kind of films"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20957": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "doctor feinstone is a dentist he has a beautiful wife and a huge house with a pool suddenly he discovers that his wife is making out with the pool attendant he realises that behind everything clean there is decay he starts to torture his patients corbin bernsen is brilliant as the deranged dentist he is completely believable there is surprisingly little gore but the scenes of dental torture are quite nasty and grotesque highly recommended the dentist is also worth checking out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "20958": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ludicrous violations of the most basic security regs are only the beginning it s hard to see how they achieved such abysmal trash on such a low budget i turned it off once then got curious to see if it could get any worse it did"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20959": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "director brian yuzna has had an uneven career in the horror genre creating masterpieces such as return of the living dead or bride of re animator but at the same time he has done awful movies such as faust love for the damned or the mediocre progeny he is obviously better in the seat of producer where his work producing stuart gordon s films has been superb the dentist is one of his lesser works as director but the low profile it has benefits the film and its lack of pretensions makes it a very enjoyable experience it tells the story of dr alan feinstone played superbly by corbin bernsen a successful dentist who one day discovers that his perfect life is not really as perfect as he thought when he discovers that his beautiful wife linda hoffman has an affair with the pool boy this event disturbs his mind and puts him in a killing spree as he takes revenge on the world for being so filthy the premise is very well handled by yuzna as he takes us on a ride following feinstone s day of revenge what makes this movie different from most slashers is that we are not in the victim s perspective we follow feinstone because he is the main character we witness how he goes from respected professional to psycho murder in a day yuzna manages to give the movie the exact amount of suspense but adds a good dose of dark humor that really helps the movie most of the success of the premise is in bernsen s performance as feinstone he can make you feel sympathy and hate towards him at the same time and the subtle humor his character has is another aspect that aids the film the rest of the cast is not as good and i think that their sub par acting hurts the film more than it should a notable exception is ken foree as the detective trying to catch feinstone while his part is quite small he makes a great job with it with a dentist as killer gory scenes are expected and brian yuzna delivers great sfx in the correct amount it s good to see that he does not go over the top with it as he usually do and i dare to say that this is a highlight of the film it has the exact amount of gore that is expected nothing less and nothing more yuzna restrained himself of his common excesses and the result is great while this is not among yuzna s most well known films i would say that it is one of his best sure it is not classic material as his masterpieces but it is a movie that entertains and never gets tiresome or boring it is a low budget simple film but for what it is i think it rocked"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "20960": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a rather tame fluff piece concerning ww ii codes being broken stolen etc the acting is about what i expected from this cast of mgm b actors one big caution jean rogers who did such a great job playing the very sexy dale arden in the first two flash gordon serials is just awful in this movie her character is extremely annoying she absolutely never lets up with her overacting we are supposed to believe that during the height of a world war in what would obviously be a top secret code facility she would be allowed to just pop in and out of any office of her choosing although she has no official function from that standpoint i m sorry that i ever watched this film it has forever changed my perception of ms rogers talentwise she is an extreme lightweight lee bowman is his usual self meaning that he is merely adequate"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20961": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i remember this movie in particular when i was a teenager my best friend was telling me all about this movie and how it freaked her out as a kid of course being the blood thirsty gal that i am i had to go out and find this movie now i don t know how to put this without loosing credibility so i m just going to say it i actually had fun watching this movie i know that it s stupid not the best story and beyond bloody and gruesome but that s what i was looking for and the dentist delivers in the scares blood sex and crazy psychopaths sometimes i just need a fun movie like this to just let loose and get grossed out by dr alan feinstone is obsessed with order and cleanliness on the day of his wedding anniversary he spies his wife brooke having sex with their filthy pool man matt at his dental practice feinstone s first patient of the day is young jody saunders there for his very first dental appointment feinstone begins to clean jody s teeth everything goes smoothly at first until he imagines that jody s teeth are brown and rotten his dental pick slips stabbing jody in the gums jody s mother picks up her crying bleeding child and leaves angrily feinstone sees his second patient beauty queen april reign alone with april feinstone sedates her with nitrous oxide so that he can fill a cavity in one of her molars as she drifts off into unconsciousness feinstone imagines that she has transformed into his wife he begins kissing and fondling her on the dental chair then begins to choke her april starts to cough and half wakes up from the gas feinstone snaps out of his trance and quickly re buttons april s blouse feinstone decides to end the day early and sends his staff and patients home later that night brooke meets feinstone at his practice he reveals his new italian opera themed patient room he encourages brooke to try out the room s dental chair when she does feinstone binds her to the chair and sedates her with nitrous oxide with operatic music blaring in the background he begins to pull out brooke s teeth feinstone has gone off the deep end and is definitely not going to let anybody stand in his way of cleanliness honestly as silly as this movie sounds i did have a lot of fun watching the dentist the best scene without a doubt is when he teaches that nasty irs agent a lesson in hygiene that i m sure he ll never forget man i don t think i ve brushed my teeth so much after i watched the dentist yeah i am going to warn you this movie is in no way for the faint of heart it s very bloody there s stabbing gun shots and just these brutal dental torture scenes that will make your stomach turn yet somehow i just enjoyed this movie if i ever want just a good gore movie that was made for true horror fans i slip it in my dvd player and that s the tooth lol i am so funny um yeah i try give me a little credit"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20962": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is almost like two films one literate and engaging the other stupid and clich d it s really a shame all the problems weren t worked out with the writing but considering how quickly most b movies were written and produced this isn t too unusual it s a real shame though as this could have been a very good film first the good the movie is original and involves wwii code breakers this is pretty fascinating and i liked watching the leading man lee bowman go through his paces as a master code breaker in fact the first two thirds of the film was very good but now for the bad the film just went on way too long and lost steam at about minutes additionally jean rogers role as the kooky girlfriend must rank as one of the worst written and distracting roles in film history for every smart move made by bowman the idiot rogers then stepped in to screw things up as some sort of misguided comedy relief if her role had been intelligently written the overall film would have improved immensely instead watching her it s hard to understand how we actually won wwii"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20963": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after witnessing his wife linda hoffman engaging in sexual acts with the pool boy the already somewhat unstable dentist dr feinstone corbin bernsen completely snaps which means deep trouble for his patients this delightful semi original and entertaining horror flick from director brian yuzna was a welcome change of pace from the usual horror twaddle that was passed out in the late nineties although the dentist is intended to be a cheesy fun little film yuzna ensures that the movie delivers the shocks and thrills that many more serious movies attempt to dispense despite suffering somewhat from the lack of background on the central characters and thus allowing events that should have been built up to take place over a couple of days the movie is intriguing generally well scripted and well paced which allows the viewer to maintain interest even during the more ludicrous of moments the dentist suffers on occasion from dragging but unlike the much inferior sequel there are only sporadic uninteresting moments and in general the movie follows itself nicely corbin bernsen was very convincing in the role of the sadistic deranged and perfectionist dr alan feinstone the way bernsen is able to credibly recite his lines especially with regards to the foulness and immorality of sex particularly fellatio is something short of marvellous while many actors may have trouble portraying a cleanliness obsessed psycho without it coming off as too cheesy or ridiculous bernsen seems to truly fit the personality of the character he attempts to portray and thus makes the film all that more enjoyable had the dentist not been intended to be a fun almost comical horror movie bernsen s performance would probably have been much more powerful sadly the rest of the cast including a pre fame mark ruffalo failed to put in very good performances and although the movie was not really damaged by this stronger performances could have added more credibility to the flick the dentist is not a horror film that is meant to be taken seriously but is certainly enjoyable particularly i would presume for fans of cheesy horror those who became annoyed at the number of scream clones from the late nineties may very well find this a refreshing change as i did a seldom dull and generally well paced script as well as some proficient direction helps to make the dentist one of the more pleasurable cheesy horrors from the s on top of this we are presented with some particularly grizly and on the whole realistic scenes of dental torture which should keep most gorehounds happy far from perfect but far from bad as well the dentist is a flick that is easily worth watching at least once my rating for the dentist"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "20964": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "oh my i decided to go out to the cinemas with some friends wanting to watch one of those mild feel good christmas movies and i walk out disgusted the movie failed full stop paul giamatti who i consider as a good actor played his character and roll just horribly along with vince vaughn who has always been a personal favourite of mine they try and turn a christmas movie into some new style sort of bad mixed with good but it all turned out very wrong the first ten or so minutes weren t too bad but once we saw santa it was over it didn t get any better the rate stayed the same there was no character development and certainly is one of the worst christmas movies ever invented don t watch it whatever you do"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20965": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this gem for gore lovers is extremely underrated it s pure delight and fun gratuitous servings of blood insanity and black humor which can please even the most demanding lover of the genre a full exploitation of the almost universal fear of dentists and flawlessly shot only for the connoisseurs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20966": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "did anyone read the script this has to be some of the worst writing and directing of the entire year three great actors paul giamatti rachel weisz and miranda richardson couldn t pull this one out about two thirds it looked like giamatti eyes were saying i can t believe i signed the contract it s not the worst movie i ever saw but it s on the really really bad christmas movie list not enough lines but what else can be said okay the movie just doesn t move with vaughn s con man dialogue his character is just a creepy guy that you just can t get past it was just a lackluster walk through that no one seemed to be able to get into"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20967": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i love the satan pit david tennant is such a great actor and so is billie piper who else loves will thorp to pieces he is so cute isn t he i hated the bits where he got possessed by the devil and where he got told to go to hell as rose so bluntly put it mind you he was quite funny when he said rose do us a favour will you shut up mr jefferson was so brave wasn t he dying to save the others i felt really sorry for toby will thorp when he came out of the possession for the nd time because he was so scared i was like oh my god if i was rose i d be so scared for him and when she hugged him i was like grrrrrr he s mine hands off but i thought that was really sweet and the doctor well i thought he was gonna say to ida tell rose i love her but he didn t oh well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20968": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i went into this movie expecting it to be really god awful and it was i really felt sorry for the star studded cast kathy bates was a wonderful actress before she made this movie vince vaughn and paul giamatti were disappointing as usual but miranda richardson couldn t put in one of the fabulous performances i know and love her for fred s dad played by trevor peacock of vicar of dibley fame amongst others had about one line the plot was predictable and all over the place and the humour was lacking however there was one part of the movie where santa enters the house of a jewish family that made me laugh just because their expressions were classic don t see this movie unless your only other alternative is having a head on collision with a train actually maybe the train would be better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20969": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "anyone find it interesting that the ood look strangely similar to the great cthulhu of h p lovecraft vintage hmmm great pair of episodes not referring to billie piper as most seem to do in the impossible planet and the satan pit also the link to legion i think also used in who before and also referring to satan in various novels post exorcist era great suspense episodes utilising fear and faith elements the new team for these who s are working great magic for tv this certainly creates new fears and hide behind the sofa feelings not seen for many many years in this continuation of a superb bbc series pity it is confirmed by the bbc that billie piper is quitting perhaps not permanently after end of series o"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "20970": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the most ridiculous thing about this ridiculous movie is its conceit that if one becomes a saint he or she and his or her family and his or her significant other live forever let s forget that in order to become a saint the saint must be dead and saints don t have significant others that for a millennium nick has been the jolly elf to fred s scrooge is never even hinted at open on nick learning how to make toys then on fred learning how to run numbers nick giving a sick child a dolly fred repossessing the dolly along with the family farm after a few more such episodes morph to present day fred venting his spleen at siblings anonymous as his fellow losers nod in empathy there i just wrote a more cohesive storyline than this idiocy this santa who is one ho ho ho ho ho away from a massive coronary is a neurotic wuss saddled with the queen of the harpies an operation straight out of mega mall hell and answers to a board huh which just gave the easter bunny his pink egg oh and his right hand man is a ditzy blonde in a skin tight mini dress and go go boots ho ho ho ho ho but what really sent me over the edge was slam being named on the naughty list shouldn t a naughty list be reserved for the future hitlers and stalins children who are the true embodiments of evil nope to old sausage fingers a good boy who lashes out because he is unwanted and unloved is the demon seed the nimrods behind fred claus should be boiled in their own pudding bah"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20971": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thoroughly enjoyed the first part of this two parter the impossible planet and was slightly worried that the second part wouldn t hold up quite so well as has been true in the past of the two parters of the past who series but thankfully my fears were unfounded as i found myself enjoying this episode as much as the previous one anyway we start off with the surviving crew members on the run from the ood whom have become the devil s pawn there is also a bit of philosophizing on the doctor s part in the episode that i quite enjoyed needless to say it was a good solid doctor who story might be a tad too intense for the younger viewers though my grade b"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20972": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s always tough having a sibling doing better in their life than you always a struggle to get out from under that shadow and not let bitterness keep you away from your family so imagine that your older brother is santa and then imagine how tough that must be that s the premise here vince vaughn plays the titular fred an embittered loser who spends a lot of his energy making sure that people don t go around expecting good things to happen to them or giving his brother santa played by paul giamatti too much praise for simply being the limelight hogging fame hungry slightly creepy guy that fred would want to portray him as then wouldn t you know it fred needs a financial favour and so has to make up for it by helping his brother on the run up to christmas and hilarity and life lessons ensue well that s what should happen the reality is that we get a christmas movie featuring a few good moments of vaughn s patented fast talking a ridiculously out of nowhere music video moment kevin spacey playing an auditor out to close down santa s operation and he s one of the weakest baddies i have seen in some time not enough of the gorgeous elizabeth banks in a lush christmas outfit too much of john michael higgins in his elf outfit to be fair he s a highlight though and a movie that s too swimming in bitterness to feel like good seasonal fare yet too schmaltzy in it s latter half to feel like a fun poke at all the bad things about the commercialism of the time rachel weisz is along for the ride too as is kathy bates but it s really nothing more than a movie for vaughn and if you like his style you will find something to enjoy here unfortunately there s very little else to recommend this seasonal stinker outside of vaughn s rantings the script barely throws up anything decent with the exception of one particularly good scene involving a hilarious support group dealing with a very specific problem david dobkin s direction is as mediocre and staid as the p christmas card that you send the auntie you haven t seen in years and he seems to think that simply putting the ingredients together without a good mix or decent care taken will guarantee a delicious christmas pudding nope we get a burnt bland lump with too much sugar on top forget this and stick the hilarious elf on again if you want a great modern christmas comedy see this if you like the santa clause santa baby the santa clause the escape clause"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20973": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was an excellent part episode although i had never been seen the older ones i never thought the doctor would go up against anything that is paranormal extra terrestial of course but not paranormal this episode brings the things that we most fear and how would we humans in a futuristic time would fight and defeat real live evil when most odds say that would be impossible being that it s a family film i am surprised that they brought some stuff in like fear and faith especially if its also going to entertain american audiences but who care about what yanks say we rock doctor who has shown potential ever since from episode one from the new series in first being so harmless to scary from fun to serious from light to darkness i hope many old fans will one day soon say the old doctor who has returned out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20974": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is notable for three reasons first apparently capitalizing on the success of the two superman serials this low budget feature was made and released to theaters marking george reeves and phyllis coates initial appearances as clark kent superman and lois lane part of the opening is re used in the series outside the town of silby a six mile deep oil well penetrates the hollow earth allowing the mole men to come to the surface forget about the other holes those in the plot second unlike most sf invasion films of the fifties the hero plays a dominant and controlling force in preaching and enforcing tolerance and acceptance of difference against a raging mob of segregationist vigilantes no mild mannered reporter here clark kent knowledgeable and self assertive grabs control of the situation throughout i ll handle this even assisting in a hospital gown in the removal of a bullet from a mole man as superman he is gentler than clark towards the feisty lois but is also the voice of reason and tolerance as he rails against the vigilantes as nazi storm troopers third you will notice that the transition from the fleisher like cartoon animated flying of superman in the two serials to the live action flying in the adventures of superman had not yet been made"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20975": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "return of the jedi is certainly the most action packed of the series and is a fine conclusion to the star wars saga with han solo imprisoned by jabba the hut and the empire building a new death star the rebel alliance is facing an uphill struggle against the dark side and only our favourite heroes can pull it off the opening sequence set on tatooine we see jabba s palace a pit of slavery and scum and new home to han solo as luke and the gang prepare for his rescue and with luke s jedi powers they have the edge we also witness a tremendous triple battle at the end han leia and chewy battle it out on endor desperate to deactivate the shields protecting the death star the rebel fleet led by lando battle with the imperial fleet while they wait for the shields to go down and luke has a final showdown with darth vader an epic end to a classic saga and it s only just of the pace of the first two"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20976": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "my take a tired formula christmas comedy the laughs are tired and the talents behind it seem to be too i love the holidays as much as the next guy even if i often have a bad case of the holiday blues but it seems it s just being a dumping ground for a bunch of holiday comedies that would be bad movies on any day of the year but that doesn t make them any less painful during the season as if we already had enough santa clause movies three and gulp still counting who wants to see a movie about his brother in a plot that would be at home with disney s santa clause franchise save the occasionally crude humor and santa s little helper wearing a short skirt fred claus is a one joke premise that goes on for minutes sure jolly ol saint nick has a brother but where does it go from there it s a shame really fred claus is blessed with a cast that could have made it an enjoyable christmastime comedy that will probably melt away along with the snow but it would have been so much better than this vince vaughn is your typical snob but we are led to believe he s really the long lost brother of the never aging santa paul giamatti who invites his good ol brother to visit mrs claus miranda richardson is reluctant and worse an efficiency expert kevin spacey has come to keep a watchful eye on father christmas and his this close to being shut down hah and guess who plays santa s mother kathy bates of course elizabeth banks is santa s helper charlene john michael higgins is one of the elves and rachel wiesz plays fred s girlfriend si don t know if i d praise the casting or to bash it here we have some familiar faces to add a touch of quality but they re given way too little to work with as for humor the best that fred claus could possibly come up with is santa s brother being his exact opposite and some joke about a dj elf i have to admit i had a few giggles involving fred attending a group counseling for celebrity brothers where he is joined by stephen baldwin roger clinton and frank stallone but the giggles begin and end there worse still the movie even succumbs into sentimentality that s supposed to make us feel good and teach us a lesson about what christmas really means apparently what christmas means to hollywood is getting as much of our leftover christmas shopping money as they can rating out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20977": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is without a shadow of a doubt one of the scariest and most intriguing episodes of doctor who this is a thrilling psychological ride and you will probably find your own beliefs being thrown into question riddled with spine chilling moments this is an episode no who fan can afford to miss starting from when the pit was opened after the events in the impossible planet the doctor and ida are trapped and are running out of air with no other alternatives they decide to find what lies at the bottom of the pit an event which surpasses even the doctor s expectations whilst there the doctor is forced to make what he considers to be the ultimate sacrifice meanwhile rose and the other members of the planet try to find a way to fend off the ood whose minds have been poisoned by the beast also is toby zed truly cured of his possession by the beast"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20978": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "fred claus somehow avoids becoming this year s the santa clause by at least having a bit more amusing moments than that tim allen starrer but it doesn t mean that it s got enough going for it that s worth a trip to the theater as holiday movies go it s contrived and sentimental but actually that could be the least of one s concern as fred claus boasting of having david dobkin shanghai knights the wedding crashers at the helm contains virtually nary a genuinely funny moment as it clumsily treads the line between a boorish vince vaughn vehicle and a fuzzy christmas film in the end it amounts to not much of both and with a cast that comprises of paul giamatti kevin spacey rachel weisz and kathy bates all the more it leaves one disappointed vaughn plays fred nick s giamatti older and estranged brother who once upon a time left him and their parents bates and trevor peacock after having had enough of enduring his parents favoritism of his younger sibling nick grows up to be santa claus and as the voice over tells us time freezes on you and your family when you become a saint while fred becomes a yuletide jaded repo man in chicago who s having a hard time remembering his girlfriend wanda s weisz birthday he runs in trouble with the law and had to call his younger brother who eerily looks at least a decade older than him to bail him out of jail nick agrees but only if fred agrees to help out on the toy wrapping business up in the north pole fred reluctantly agrees but his cynicism clashes with santa and the elves perpetually cheery nature even as an efficiency expert spacey is checking on the toy factory operations only too happy to have the whole arctic operations shut down if things fail the film as said does have its moments but the padded running length stretches them thin across its duration in between are piles of christmas film clich s that were handled better in say elf and the attempts at sentimentality are as endearing as last year s fruitcake vaugn as usual brings on his coarse charm to the table but the neutered script of dan fogelman keeps him from really doing his thing giamatti underneath the bad fat suit brings a jolly old charm to his iconic character but unfortunately has to play second fiddle to fred spacey brings his game face but his turns usually end as unfunnily vapid ultimately fred claus becomes a forgettable film that falls below what those involved in it deserve sure there are worse ways to start the season at the cinema but there are certainly far better ways"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20979": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the impossible planet and the satan pit together comprise the two best episodes of the new doctor who s second season having said that it should be obvious that much of the story basically transposes the plot of quatermass and the pit to an outer space setting with the history of the universe intertwined with that of the beast these episodes cement the emotional ties between rose and the doctor whilst also highlighting rose s increasing self confidence establishing her as a not quite equal yet but getting there partner with our beloved time lord also of note is matt jones elegant screenplay which decreases the occasional over reliance on one liners for the doctor and the performances of the entire cast most notably the excellent shaun parkes as acting captain zachary cross flane"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20980": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well i have to say this movie was so bad that i would have walked out if i didn t have to review it for work and the worst part is i wanted to see it so badly that i drove all over the city paid parking two times because the newspaper listings were wrong vince vaughn plays the guy he always does the only time i ve seen him play someone else was in that movie with john travolta anyways the plot has potential it sounded great in the preview but it is filled with totally ridiculous predictable weak plot turn points and i was hoping that this would be one christmas movie where christmas didn t have to be saved and that santa didn t need a replacdmetn but nope the only cool part was the sleigh rides and the little bladck kid was the best character i m sure this movie would be great for young kids but for adults it s so lame that it s chore to sit through"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20981": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this two parter was excellent the best since the series returned sure bits of the story were pinched from previous films but what tv shows don t do that these days what we got here was a cracking good sci fi story a great big really scary monster imprisoned at the base of a deep pit some superb aliens in the ood the best new aliens the revived series has come up with a set of basically sympathetic and believable human characters complete with a couple of unnamed expendable security people in true star trek fashion some large scale philosophical themes love loyalty faith etc and some top drawer special effects i loved every minute of this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20982": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "okay during this past thanksgiving break whilst having the whole family together everybody decided to go see a movie and since fred clause was voted majority thats what we went and say to start off the movie had so many plot holes it was pathetic simple explanations of why a certain event was happening was void example who the heck is trying to shut down santa clause is it some sort of corporation a little explanation would of been lovely second the movie tossed you flimsy characters that evoked no sympathy from you about their feelings or actions example the little elf named willie and the only tall girl in the elf village they see each other twice and then they are a couple and i could of cared less because this movie didn t make me care third i suppose this was suppose to be a family film its rating was low at just pg for a family film there were several articles of suggestive conversation it didn t bother me but if i were a parent i could see a problem through the whole movie paul giamatti looked extremely bored with his role but honestly he was the only one worth watching in the movie vaughn had a few funny moments but played the same character he has for the last two movies mouthy frat boy nothing against vaughn he s been good in other movies so this movie gets a out of stars from me just because somebody had to put in the effort to produce film and release this flick in my opinion i would definitely pass on this flick or if you have to see it save it for a rainy day rental"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20983": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "main theme in this dirty harry is that revenge is a dish best served cold sandra locke is as cold in this film as she is beautiful locke is an normally but with a deadly pistol in her purse cocked for the bad guys she climbs all the way up the scale to a having been gang raped along with her younger sister some years ago locke as jennifer spencer has tried to block out the attack from her life as best she can her sister tho is almost comatose as a result of the trauma so the memory is never far from her mind one day jennifer sees one of her attackers on the street in s f she buys a pistol follows him to a bar lets him pick her up then when they re alone in his cadillac beginning to make love she shoots him once in the genitals once in the brain this in the opening scene ya gotta love this spunky lady she s got her priorities straight plus jennifer is a professional artist putting all her anger on canvas until now after executing her first perp jennifer curiously watches det insp harry callahan process the fresh crime scene after the body is found in the caddy then she insults some creepy teenage bucks who are hassling women on the street visits her sister in a nursing home then goes a hunting in san paolo ca up the coast where the rape event took place years ago with more bullets in her suitcase and more resolve in her mind our heroine relives the rape inside her head with vivid recall as she comes closer to executing each subsequent rapist not uncommon to us right wingers when it comes to sentencing or executing a violent criminal don t be sorrowful for his own wretched humanity we remember the crime and the suffering he inflicted such recalled events steels jennifer to pull the trigger on each of her attackers once in the genitals once in the brain throughout the movie scenes of jennifer s revenge are interspersed with good il dirty harry blowing away some gangstas in a coffee shop remember go ahead make my day later on he threatens to step on a punk kid who d just insulted callahan in a courthouse elevator like he d step on dog s t leaving a young female govt employee staring after clint as if to say i want to have your baby my favorite scene is only about minutes into the action when harry threatens and frightens a murderous mafia boss named threlkis into a fatal coronary during his granddaughter s wedding reception at the mark hopkins hotel michael grazzo pantangeli in godfather ii does a wonderful job as the sinful mafia don even if he s only in one scene dying in a most convincing manner however harry s troubles aren t over with yet the elevator punk s gang and threlkis henchmen each attempt to assassinate harry in two close ordered scenes and most of them bad guys end up dying horribly yup some of the gun play comes off as uninspired screen violence looking like clint the director may have been tired that day of shooting this movie but there s only so many ways you can dispatch a man with bullets the punk kids die much more creatively though as they both burn to death and drown in s f bay warms my heart with so much violent intent directed at insp callahan his bosses send him to san paolo to try to get some background on the caliber vasectomy killing as jennifer spencer s crime is now known but not before harry delivers one of his famous sermons to the chowder headed liberals love that harry while our hero up annoying the local cops and citizens in san paolo two more murders happen same m o on a sleazy lazy fisherman and on an equally creepy hardware entrepreneur then harry meets jennifer they find they both agree on subjects such as law and order making the guilty pay etc could a hot love scene be in the offing soon we re led to believe just that characters abound in this real man meets real woman crime drama and we get to meet a brassy bull dyke named raye parkins who s both irritating and entertaining raye set up jennifer s rape for her boyfriend years before and she ll get hers eventually the san paolo police chief played by reliable eastwood co star pat hingle the hanging judge in hang em high is strangely at odds with callahan s detective work related to the cal vasectomies until we find out that his own adolescent son was one of the gang of rapists much like jennifer s sister chief janning s son is now a comatose adult but driven mad by guilt it can t end here though the dyke s rapist boyfriend mick now a kinky sex jerk of a criminal drives in from vegas becuz raye s dropped a dime on jennifer summoning him up to san paolo to prevent more executions mick sleeps at raye s house but his timing is all wrong and he s arrested before he can spend more time with raye mostly due to the fact that she s since been sent to the island of the eternal lesboes by a shot from jennifer s revolver psycho mick makes bail at long last with jennifer gunning for him a desperate chase ensues as harry tries to keep these two from killing each other it all turns out well in the end with the good gal and the good guy walking off into the sunset together to a beautiful roberta flack blues song"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "20984": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "how hard is it to write a watchable film with vince vaughn paul giamatti and kevin spacey apparently very difficult for the writers here i still have no idea how santa is younger and looks years older than vince who plays the big brother i must have missed that part of the story but in reality it really didn t matter many scenes seemed out of place and contrived the kind of funny notion scenes that are drug out way too far to where any sense of comedy is lost the director producer tried to go tear jerker at the end which would have been suitable if anything leading up that point had been worth following ugh major disappointment i can see how some people might enjoy this ok since many people will take any garbage they re fed but i would strongly encourage waiting for dvd on this one not worth the it takes to get your family to the movies these days"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20985": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "despite the other comments listed here this is probably the best dirty harry movie made a film that reflects for better or worse the country s socio political feelings during the reagan glory years of the early s it s also a kickass action movie opening with a liberal female judge overturning a murder case due to lack of tangible evidence and then going straight into the coffee shop encounter with several unfortunate hoodlums the scene which prompts the famous go ahead make my day line sudden impact is one non stop roller coaster of an action film the first time you get to catch your breath is when the troublesome inspector callahan is sent away to a nearby city to investigate the background of a murdered hood it gets only better from there with an over the top group of grotesque thugs for callahan to deal with along with a sherriff with a mysterious past superb direction and photography and a at times hilarious script help make this film one of the best of the s"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20986": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "every christmas eve i make my kids endure yet another showing of it s a wonderful life i also thoroughly enjoyed bad santa so sue me i admit it i like cheesy schmaltzy movies i like excellent intelligent ones too but as with so many things variety is a good thing what would the christmas season be without the annual cinematic ka ching ka ching of santa in all his guises from edmund gwenn to billy bob thornton fred claus will make no one forget bedford falls but i do not believe a christmas film should have to reach iconic stature to succeed fred is a perfectly ok holiday movie with enough humor for the adults and sufficient charm for the kids my wife and i laughed a lot even if most of the humor was obvious and vince was just being vince paul giamatti was a top notch santa which helped a lot not a great flick and unlikely to become must viewing for anyone s annual christmas traditions but my wife and daughter and i enjoyed it for what it was holiday schmaltz with a small dash of spice there s nothing wrong with that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20987": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sudden impact is the best of the five dirty harry movies they don t come any leaner and meaner than this as harry romps through a series of violent clashes with the bad guys getting their just desserts which is just the way i like it great story too and ably directed by clint himself excellent entertainment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20988": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "painfully bad christmas film that has an equally painfully bad performance by vince vaughn who is paying his usual frat boy self but this time for a children s movie but with out the wit or charm that is in his r rated films vaughn seems like he s on autopilot though most of the film and he keeps running into walls with his lackluster performance after minutes into the film you would be in touch your inner scourge and say bahumbag at how unfunny this film is and after another minutes you will want to walk out over how unbearable the film has gotten during that point out of all the actors involved in this mess only paul giamatti and rachel weisz brings some life to there perspective paper thin roles and that s manly because they are both way too good of actors to be in this film paul giamatti brings some depth and warmth to the character of saint nick himself but he s forced to vaughn s level of juvenile behavior when they are doing their sad sibling infighting you can see in giamatti face that he s not having fun with his role and it painfully shows in certain parts of the film rachel weisz brings a sense of fun and spirit to her role but she really does not have much of a character to work with and you can see in her face that she s well aware of that so much so that she seems irritated in certain parts of the film fortunately for her she s not in the film much at all and is able to save some face unlike giamatti who looks like he s about to fire his agent by the end of the movie the direction also feels uninspiring like there is no feeling or flow to be had and this is a supposed to be a holiday movie but it ends up feeling like you are just staring at a fancy widow display that is being torn down i don t know what went wrong here but with only two actors involved giamatti and weisz trying their best to at least bring something to the table with a unfunny script they had to work with spotty direction with no feeling for the subject at hand and this is a christmas movie of all things and a actor who just does not care about his performance vaughn you have a very unevenly bad film that is very painful to watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20989": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i dont know why people think this is such a bad movie its got a pretty good plot some good action and the change of location for harry does not hurt either sure some of its offensive and gratuitous but this is not the only movie like that eastwood is in good form as dirty harry and i liked pat hingle in this movie as the small town cop if you liked dirty harry then you should see this one its a lot better than the dead pool"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20990": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just saw this film tonight and i have to say that it s a mess i love vince vaughn but he ends up more annoying that funny here and the film is more than less a remake of the crappy s classic santa claus the movie but with out the camp or the bad sheena easton song at the end the story is your run of the mill black sheep in the family who comes back to face his family for the holidays kind of thing but with north pole as its setting of course fred vince vaughn is the family screw up who comes home after a series of set backs that include his girlfriend rachel weisz in a cameo role dumping him so he comes home to face his parents and his more successful brother santa claus paul giamatti and wacky high jinks follow with a bit of sibling rivalry and a bit of anarky as well that threatens all of christmas now if you think you know the ending of this film i think you would be right because it s predicable to the hill as for the acting vince vaughn plays the same lovable loser he always plays but this time he ends up more annoying than likable miranda richardson plays mrs claus but the role is more than less one note elizabeth banks plays santa s assistant but she s not much of a character at all other than a neurotic joke and poor kevin spacey ends up basically playing the same person he plays in the film glengarry glen ross but a little more anal the only two actors who come out of this film with their dignity intact is paul giamatti who brings a real sincerity and warmed to his role as santa claus but he looks somewhat embarrass to be in the movie and you can t blame him and rachel weisz who manages to do a lot more with a very small role than most of the main actors do with theirs which is a shame because both rachel weisz and paul giamatti deserved a lot better than what this script gave them to put it in a nutshell a major disappointment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20991": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "excellent good fair poor `go ahead make my day the fourth picture in the series is directed by eastwood himself who was rumored of directing most of magnum force and he brings back the violent society from the first two films however the film still lacks impact and believability this film was released in the early ` s the time of regan and the young republicans the premise of a raped woman taking vengeance on her rapist doesn t appeal to this time frame this plot would have been better for the enforcer which actually would have made it a good movie what sudden impact needed was a plot like in wall street but with dirty harry in the middle rating stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20992": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "alien hunter out of is it me or does every movie that starts in roswell new mexico suck take alien mixed with the thing mixed with contact mixed with of all things on the beach the andromeda strain the classroom scene from raiders of the lost ark and a throw in a little stargate to boot derivative doesn t even begin to describe this movie of course with nothing original plot wise they amp up the gore and sex right nope gore is a blink and you miss it affair and sex is all tease james spader causally mentions he needs a shower and the delectable leslie stefanson asks to join him he turns her down aggh in fact if a movie ever needed a shower scene to liven things up this is it i mean if your going to have impossibly good looking women in white bathing suits wandering around an antarctica research base why not go for broke with about seconds of actual thrill in the entire movie alien hunter is remarkable serious and slow going for a sci fi adventure needed a much better plot twist to liven it up and by the way the alien itself is a horribly clich d artifice and has virtually no screen time for someone who shares half the title i also inquired during viewing what is with the children of the corn in space motif note that since jason of friday the th fame pinhead from hellraiser and that leprechaun have all traveled to space to slay nubile teenagers why not the cornfield the characters in the cornfield dress like logan s run extras and i was just waiting for the stalks to come alive and attack them that however would have been exciting and apparently against this movies covenant the acting is mostly fine as spader reprises his stargate role while stefanson and janine eser model the latest in antarctic beachwear john lynch however read the whole script and acts the like the insane bad guy well before the story would indicate it alien hunter is a disappointing derivative slog that makes me pine for a proper children of the corn in space movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20993": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "dirty harry has to track down a rape victim who extracts revenge by shooting her assailants in the goolies before killing them probably a more apt punishment would be to let them live after the initial shot and let them suffer forever like she and her sister has anyway an action packed story set again in san francisco and santa cruz the chief rapist played by andy drake is suitably vile and gets his punishment at the end of course not a classic movie but better than the others except for the original dirty harry"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20994": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am oh soooo glad i have not spent money to go to the cinema on it it is nothing more than compilation of elements of few other classic titles like the thing final fantasy the abyss etc framed in rather dull and meaningless scenario i really can not figure out what was the purpose of creating this movie it has absolutely nothing new to offer in its storyline which additionally is also senseless moreover there is nothing to watch the fx es look like there were taken from a second hand store you generally saw all of them in other movies but it is definitely a good lullaby"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "20995": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after what was considered to be the official dirty harry trilogy with the enforcer to be the final chapter in the series dirty harry is back older more dirtier and grittier than ever since the original classic dirty harry in the past has killed a psychopath killer vigilante cops and vietnam veteran terrorists but now he s after a new killer a killer who wants payback by gunning down her attackers sudden impact brings a new meaning and more darker tone to dirty harry callahan is on a new murder case that is circling back to a woman played by sondra locke who was brutally raped along with her sister who is left traumitized ten years after she s out for revenge by gunning down her attackers at the same though callahan is on a heat of trouble by his superiors after he provokes a mob boss to a heart attack of which the mob are hunting him as well so in order to let the heat die down within the city harry is on order to take a vacation on a seaside town but at the same time the raped victim is in town as well while hunting her attackers one by one harry is on the investigation and finds the killings very similar as he homes in on the killer s trails sudden impact in my opinion has to be one of my top revenge films as well as being the second best dirty harry movie yet far better than both the enforcer and the dead pool combined sudden impact has what the original dirty harry had a dark tone with entertaining value so do you feel lucky punk"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "20996": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the domino principle is without question one of the worst thrillers ever made hardly any sense can be made of the convoluted plot and by the halfway point you ll want to throw your arms up in frustration and scream i give up how gene hackman and director stanley kramer ever got involved in this mess must only be summed up by their paychecks i hope they spent their money well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "20997": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "despite the feelings of most star wars fans in my opinion return of the jedi is the greatest cinematic film ever created ever since the first time i saw it it s depth intensity special effects and moving story have overwhelmed me the film was so well put together that it has been able to stand the test of time over the last years filled with powerful action as the climax of the original trilogy george lucas gives us a rousing finish of the star wars saga in jedi film summary contains spoilers for those who have not seen it after the empire strikes back left us hanging for long years we finally find the end of the story in return of the jedi darth vader in emotional turmoil makes a surprise visit to a new uncompleted death star to oversee it s construction the emperor is first seen in this film as he has the ultimate plan to destroy the rebel alliance and bring young luke skywalker to the dark side luke lando leia chewie and the droids all travel to tatooine to rescue the frozen han solo from the crime lord jabba the hutt after han has been rescued and jabba defeated luke returns to dagobah to find a dying yoda where he learns the awful truth darth vader is in fact his father the rebel heroes regroup with the rebel fleet now joined by other species and races including the mon calamari the rebels must make a all or nothing plan of attack to destroy the death star before it is completed while lando heads the space attack in the millennium falcon the rebel heroes must disable the death star s shield generator on the forest moon of endor it is here that the rebels happen upon the furry but mighty ewoks during the the two part intense battle a third battle must take place as luke willingly delivers himself to vader in an attempt to convince him to leave the dark side in emotionally charged sequences luke must face his father as the emperor lures out his dark emotions as young skywalker is about to face his death at the hands of palpatine vader turns on his wicked master to save his son s life filled with a deep timeless story of good vs evil return of the jedi is a spectacular emotionally charged film that redeems the good in all of us"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20998": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "lifetime did it again can we say stupid i couldn t wait for it to end the plot was senseless the acting was terrible especially by the teenagers the story has been played a thousand times are we just desperate to give actors a job the previews were attractive and i was really looking for a good thriller once in awhile lifetime comes up with a good movie this isn t one of them unless one has nothing else to do i would avoid this one at all cost this was a waste of two hours of my life can i get them back i would have rather scraped my face against a brick wall for two hours then soaked it in peroxide that would have been more entertaining"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "20999": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched the mccoys reunion and was glad to see richard crenna and kathleen nolan and tony martinez to see them now was wonderful because i always watched the show growing up so when the tv said that there was going to be a reunion i was so excited the only thing i could not figure out is why lydia reed hassie mccoy and michael winkelman little luke was not on there i know that walter brennan had died so i got on my computer and tried to find out about them and found this site so if there is anyone out there that can tell me what ever happened to lydia reed hassie mccoy and michael winkelman little luke i would be thankful i have searched everywere and no luck the only thing i could find out about michael winkelman is he was supposed to be born in this show had value and morals each show gave a lesson to be learned the shows today dont have that the whole cast was incredable the only thing better than finding out obout them would be to meet them so since that is impossible if there is anyone that can help please do thank you glenda"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21000": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie couldn t decide what it wanted to be there were a couple of sub plots that for awhile made you think these items would all come together in the end but they didn t if you want a alien in the frozen waste story stick with the s version of the thing not the abomination that was remade in gore o vision years later i couldn t get over the fact that the alien looked pretty much recycled from independence day the bare minimum sets would have been more effective if they had hired actors who could actually act and carry off the intended mood lots of scenery chewing with little payoff"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21001": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "clint eastwood has definitely produced better movies than this but this one does not embarrass him dirty harry catches everyone s attention and unless one wants to watch romance there is no reason why you won t like him he is cool because he is dirty is great because he kills without much thinking is perfect because he gets the bullet right through your heart and a hero because he doesn t care from what i have seen in movies in which eastwood acts the character of the lead role always captivates the audience in white hunter black heart he is the crazy director in in the line of fire he is the old un while here is the almost jobless with his job that is to say he makes work for himself doesn t care one damn about his superiors who practically send him out for a vacation based on a rape victim this movie is promising for all the no non sense movie watchers the movie has nothing that goes away from he central plot however what makes it slightly inferior to the better movies of eastwood is that though the character of the lead role is captivating the plot is not as it is far too obvious from the beginning it is not a movie that is going to make you sit at a place without moving also there are too many people far dirtier than dirty harry"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21002": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "snuggle down in your favourite chair and switch on the play station as you toss this into the waste disposal unit spend a useful min living your favourite game disjointed poorly filmed non directed junk it takes a bits from several other science fiction movies and badly attempts to join the parts into a pathetically weak story there s nothing new here the filmmakers do not seem to realise that providing simple entertainment would achieve a monetary game but a touch of skill ingenuity and flair is required to turn it into a good film any money spent watching this is a waste and personally i would like my min of life back"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21003": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sudden impact tends to be treated as eastwood s artistic failure at a point in his career when he had established a good reputation as a director the reason is actually not the film itself but the attitude it takes towards vigilantism which it seems to support in some places it actually owes more to death wish than the original dirty harry film one might argue if that is so at the end of the day it s a film about guilt justice and retribution for me at the end of the day it s more empathy than sympathy however in view of all these arguments it is easily overlooked that sudden impact is an awfully well made film forget the go ahead punk make my day scene that s iconic but not original but look at the views of san fransisco taken from the air zooming in on the city the first or minutes are quite spectacular or have a look at the brilliantly made scene where sondra locke s character visits her mentally ill sister in hospital eastwood makes great use of the juxtaposition of faces so all in all sudden impact is a very visual film that really shows how mature eastwood is as a director and if i remember correctly it was actually the first time eastwood put that on screen albeit in an action film of debatable ideology also i think this is the first well paced film eastwood directed although eastwood has enormous talent as a director dramaturgy has always been his weak point see play misty for me breezy etc thepace of the narrative leads to the visual elements being well integrated into the film and not distracting from the story the only thing that is really annoying is the farting dog"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21004": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "is it a remake og the thing i think it is there are so many factors from det previous movies do deny it so the acting is bad james spader does a superlow stargate re enactment of himself with his coffy mug and his somwhat strange thinking movements but that s about it the other actors i did t even notise you don t get the feeling of getting to know anyone of the main characters and the plot evolvement is slow boring and yah i know what is about to happend in mins score music is ultraboring imean there are alot of ubertallented people out there that would make scores for a coke and a credit but this is major crap some of the special effects are nice if it was made in early s if you like slimy aliens chills and thrills don t whatch this movie its a dull combination of the thing alien outbreak and some jerry bruckheimer michael bay production gone really really bad now this combination would be cool if somone knew what they where doing and the only ones on this production that knew that was no one though i have seen far worse i would not recomend this movie to anyone but if you are up one cold night and just wanna glanse at something it will pass the time slowly"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21005": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was without a doubt the best of the dirty harry series from the opening credits you re swept up in a revenge tale that hits hard and is profoundly engrossing sondra locke is perfect in the role of a traumatized woman out for revenge eastwood has many aside sequences that have nothing to do with the plot but show harry at his bad assed best loaded with unforgettable characters in minor roles this film rocks and should serve as the standard for detective action flicks this is the one dirty harry flick that s raw and devoid of any fluff i can watch this again and again okay not in one sitting because it s a gratifying out for revenge yarn the pace is quick and several of the scenes are unforgettable go ahead make my day you feel lucky punk classic eastwood as only eastwood with his anguished rubbery expressions and whispery menacing voice can do it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21006": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "begins better than it ends funny that the russian submarine crew outperforms all other actors it s like those scenes where documentary shots spoiler part the message dechifered was contrary to the whole story it just does not mesh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21007": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when this film was originally released it was promoted with the notably unimaginative tagline dirty harry is at it again whatever this pitch lacks in originality is more than compensated for by it s complete and total accuracy sudden impact retains all the aspects that made the previous three dirty harry movies so successful tight pacing a compelling plot strong supporting characters endless gunplay and bone dry humor some of these elements are not only retained but amplified this is easily the darkest bloodiest and most overtly right wing installment of the franchise the plot is somewhat intriguing after killing a ridiculous number of hoodlums inspector callahan is sent on a forced vacation by his superiors to the sleepy coastal town of san paolo he is tasked to investigate the background of a recent homicide victim who was shot in the genitals before being put out of his no doubt considerable misery by a second shot to the head early on in the film the audience is made aware of the identity of the killer an artist named jennifer spencer sondra locke who is hunting down the thugs who gang raped her and her sister at a fun fair some ten years earlier this incident is shown in a very disturbing flashback snippets of which recur before each new murder as more bodies start to appear with the same m o it becomes clear to harry that both the local police chief and his new love interest guess who know more than they are telling to make matters even more complicated the one time rapists realize who is hunting them and start to hit back hard sudden impact offers relentless action from beginning to end clint eastwood directed this film himself and expertly handles a series of set pieces that culminate in an exhilarating climax sondra locke s performance effectively conveys the blend of ruthlessness and fragility that define her character that having been said it is fair to wonder if another actress who was not eastwood s off screen companion at the time could have brought more charisma and dramatic weight to the role theresa russell and cybill shepherd jump to mind as possible candidates members of the supporting cast that punch significantly above their weight include albert popwell as harry s partner horace paul drake as the psychopathic mick and the truly scene stealing audrie j neenan who portrays the vicious ray parkins however the film has some notable problems some of the subplots the animosity between harry and a gang of twentysomething hoodlums a mob vendetta against him take up too much screen time and don t really have any bearing to the larger story their only real use is to raise the body count to absurd levels in the first half of the film it sometimes appears that dirty harry shoots people more often than he has to use the restroom however the film moves into top gear as it progresses and the triangulated cat and mouse game between callahan spencer and her former tormentors assumes prominence this second hour makes it clear that a more stripped down and slightly refocused screenplay would have given sudden impact the potential to be a first class neo noir style thriller that could have taken the series to new levels but still have contained more than enough magnum heroics to satisfy the harry loyalists instead we get the film that eastwood and warner bros clearly wanted to make a superbly executed but prototypical eighties action flick that mostly declines to particularly challenge the intelligence of it s intended audience this was by far the biggest grossing of the series at the box office and it is not hard to see why though not the film that it could have been this is still big trigger happy fun even after repeated viewings it s going to make your day"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21008": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "an unoriginal overly predictable and only mildly entertaining low budget rehash of a sci fi formula that we ve all seen a hundred times before a group of scientists in isolation confronting some unknown alien something and in of all places surprise surprise antarctica the film features james spader and an almost nameless supporting cast with the exception of carl lewis who s actually not that bad for a non actor who deliver ho hum performances that do little to invigorate the script s unimaginative dialogue to make things worse the film s pace is slow there s almost no subplot and the few action sequences are stereotypical and not that exciting its little wonder that this thing went straight to dvd what is a wonder is why spader an excellent actor at times who won the cannes best actor award for `sex lies and videotape and did a splendid job in the innovative sci fi flick `stargate chose to sign onto this lackluster project or maybe not if you look at his career for it seems he has invested his talents in more misses than hits the most remarkable thing about `alien hunter is how they managed to cram in so many elements from so many great sci fi films and still have the thing turn out so listless and contrived there are huge borrowed bits from `the thing both howard hawks original and john carpenter s excellent remake `contact and `outbreak a few hints of `alien ce k `the andromeda strain `kubrick s ` i e the `alien black box and `mission to mars i e the mystery message and even a little dash of `sneakers and `a remarkable mind although not sci fi films they share a `cryptology connection hell there s even cornfields and antarctica just like the recent `x files movie and the luminous translucent spaceship at the end looks exactly like something that was plucked from an outtake from `the abyss its all been done before and done a whole lot better although i will admit there were a few mild surprises towards the end i could say a little bit more about the plot but there s absolutely no need you already know over half this movie without ever seeing it out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21009": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sudden impact was overall better than the enforcer in my opinion it was building up to be a great movie but then i saw the villain s and was disappointed sudden impact was different than the previous installments the plot went a different direction in this movie as dirty harry doesn t take as much of a police approach this time around we also don t see the villain s until later which means less screen time for them which is better for us all clint eastwood once again steals the show as dirty harry enough said pat hingle was enjoyable as chief jannings harry s new assigned boss bradford dillman seemed to change his name to captain briggs here either way he wasn t any different michael currie is decent as lt donnelly harry s annoying superior i personally enjoyed kevyn major howard as hawkins the young punk who has a vendetta against harry albert popwell was excellent as horace harry s buddy audrie j neenan was good as ray parkins a famous lesbian around town jack thibeau was well cast as kruger a pervert now for the really bad part sandra locke eastwood s long time lover was horribly miscast as jennifer spencer harry s love interest and paul drake was just horrible as mick the movie would have been so much better if not for better writing and acting on some parts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21010": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "very bad acting and a very shallow story not even a decent b movie events that were suposed to be shocking like humans geting on board an alien ship were boring and very lame this is one of the worst sci fi i ve ever seen i saw the stars and decided to watch it since i like the genre but it sucked so bad now there s really very few good movies on alien subject i think because most of them are low budget i give it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21011": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in don siegel s masterpiece dirty harry clint eastwood epitomized the super tough super cool unorthodox no nonsense cinema cop with his role of the eponymous inspector dirty harry callahan two sequels followed the first of which magnum force tamed down on the delightfully politically incorrect attitude of the first one that had outraged many critics but enthused audiences the second sequel the enforcer was grittier again and was promoted as the dirtiest harry of them all this title however truly belongs to the fourth film in the series clint eastwood s own sudden impact which is doubtlessly the grittiest nastiest most violent and downright dirtiest of all harry films and in my humble opinion the second best after the masterpiece original warning spoilers ahead in a small town near san francisco a mysterious sexy lady sondra locke lures men into being alone with her what these men don t know is that mysterious beauty is their former rape victim longing for bloody revenge as fate wants it san francisco s toughest cop inspector dirty harry callahan who has been suspended once again for angering his superiors spends his leisure time in this exact little town sudden impact is the dirtiest callahan film in several aspects the film is extremely gritty and graphically violent harry callahan himself is dirtier than ever not afraid to make use of his magnum in order to stop trouble harry treats punks as they are to be treated and even allows a person to get away with several murders because the revenge murders are justified in his opinion clint eastwood is as always brilliant in the role of harry callahan eastwood epitomized coolness and bad assery as the man with no name in sergio leone s dollar trilogy and he did so again in the dirty harry films sudden impact gives us the dirtiest harry we have ever seen eastwood s real life girlfriend sondra locke fits very well in the role of the vengeful beauty the great pat hingle who had already worked with eastwood in ted post s tough minded western hang em high in plays the police chief of the small town the film furthermore includes a wide range of truly despicable scumbag characters including a pathetic criminal played by kevin major howard best known for his role in stanley kubrick s full metal jacket and a woman named ray perkins audrie j neenan doubtlessly one of the most disgusting and despicable female characters ever in cinema albert popwell who played the bank robber in the famous do you feel lucky scene in dirty harry and the black militant leader in the enforcer is also part of this one again this time as harry s colleague and buddy overall sudden impact is the grittiest dirtiest and probably the most violent of all dirty harry films though the dead pool isn t exactly tame either and my second favorite after the brilliant original an absolute must see for callahan fans and highly recommended to all lovers of police thrillers and cinematic bad assery my rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21012": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "with one of my very favorite actors james spader i expected this film to be at least tolerable it wasn t after the first half hour i watched the rest of it with the remote control in my hand so the fast forward was at the ready so trite so standard one knows what s going to happen in each scene one can even predict the dialogue word for word this is one of those movies that makes one scratch ones head and say how did this movie ever get made in an effort to say something positive i ll add that there are some mildly entertaining special effects but on the whole if you ve seen sci fi movies or you are over years old do yourself a favor and skip this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21013": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "clint eastwood returns as dirty harry calahan in the th movie of the dirty harry series clint is older but he s still got it harry was told to have a vacation after some trouble that happened because of a robbery where the memorable make my day catchphrase comes from but the city he took a vacation was worse a woman turned vigilante after a rape attack in a funfair and starts getting the punks one by one the last movie to see sandra locke in a clint eastwood movie an improvement after the enforcer which was a bit more of a comedy and less serious clint eastwood s sunglasses were gargoyles which are best known for the sunglasses that are worn by arnold shwartzeneger in the terminator worth a watch if you like clint eastwood the dirty harry films or like action crime thrillers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21014": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "recap something mysteriously dense that transmits radio signals is discovered in the ice of antarctica the mysterious block is dug out and brought to a research station on antarctica julian rome a former seti worker is brought in to decipher the message problem is that one of the researchers is a old girlfriend of his and the situation quickly turns awkward especially since the other female researchers practically throw themselves at him and the block of ice with the thing inside is melting unnaturally quickly soon the object is in the open the mystery continues though as the object generates a huge amount of electricity it is decided to open the object but just before that is done julian decodes the signal do not open but too late and the object explodes as it is finally breached and two things unleashed on earth the first is an alien that had been dormant in the object and the other is a virus that instantly kills the research staff and washington that is suspiciously updated on this historic event decides that those things can not be unleashed upon the earth so a russian nuclear submarine carrying nuclear weapons is sent to antarctica comments the movie holds a few surprises one is carl lewis who surprisingly puts in a good acting performance and the other is that the special effects that are beautiful well worked through and a lot better than expected unfortunately the story holds a lot of surprises of its own and this time not in a good way actually it is so full of plot holes that sometimes the movies seem to consist of almost randomly connected scenes it is never really explained why washington know so much why washington is able to command russian submarines why the object is in the antarctic and has woken up now it is really puzzling that the alien pod is transmitting in understandable english some might want to explain this with that the alien had been to earth before and knew the language and obviously chose english why but then it is very confusing why the nice aliens that apparently want to save the earth from the virus send their do not open message encoded and finally the end is as open as an end can be the movie is a little entertaining but too much energy from me must be diverted to fill in the voids in the plot therefore the total impression of the movie is not too good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21015": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sudden impact is a two pronged story harry is targeted by the mob who want to kill him and harry is very glad to return the favour and show them how it s done this little war puts harry on suspension which he doesn t care about but he goes away on a little vacation now the second part of the story someone is killing some punks and harry gets dragged into this situation where he meets jennifer spencer a woman with a secret that the little tourist town wants to keep quiet the police chief is not a subtle man and he warns harry to not get involved or cause any trouble this is harry callahan trouble follows him the mob tracks him to this town and hell opens up as harry goes to war meanwhile the vigilante strikes again and the gang having figured it out is ready for her jennifer spencer is caught and harry comes to her rescue during the film s climax sudden impact is not the greatest dirty harry but at the time it gives us a harry that is very much an anti hero ready to go to war just to pursue justice again not the best not the worst but the one with the most remembered line go ahead make your day"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21016": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "hey everybody i ve got an idea we found this egg shaped thingie from outer space so why don t we thaw it out and open it up yes i know that would be the dumbest thing a scientist could do and it could be filled with contaminating bacteria or viruses unknown to earth and could potentially wipe out the human race but hey i want to know what s in it and nobody tell nasa they might take it away from us wow this thingie gives off vibes yes really strong ones on contact so don t touch it but it s okay to cut it open hi there handsome check out my nips later that day do not open uh oh we have to run all the way to the lab and tell them not to open it because we don t have phones or radios or intercoms even though we have a gazillion dollars worth of other equipment here i ve never seen such organic technology yeah lemme take this stick and stab it i m getting out of here i don t care if i do kill the other billion people on earth nobody s nukkin me look it s the friendly aliens from the abyss they want us to come with them the end"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21017": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i liked nearly all the movies in the dirty harry series with the exception of the one i think is titled enforcer deadpool was a bit weak in areas too but i still enjoyed it this one is one of my favorites of the series if nothing else for the great line of go ahead make my day this one also features an interesting albeit familiar plot of someone killing those that have done her wrong just think magnum force with less mystery about who is behind the killings and you have your plot granted there is a bit more than that as this one does feature a very nice final showdown at an amusement park it also features dirty harry getting a bulldog as a gift and it tripping up sandra locke in a rather humorous scene the only question that remains is why clint eastwood had to have the rather mediocre actress sandra locke in so many of his movies she brings the score down a point every time even when overall the movie is enjoyable to me granted she is not to bad here but her character could have been so much better by someone else another problem with this movie and other dirty harry movies at times they almost seem to be advertisements for guns i like guns as much as the next person but do we really need scenes of him explaining all the different strengths of his newest weapon and how many bullets it holds still very nice entry into the dirty harry series of movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21018": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the acting other reviews notwithstanding was remarkably well done brad pitt handles the role of an annoying obnoxious austrian climber quite well other acting is fine the story could have been riveting but somehow it misses one never really understands or cares for the characters shown and so the story which could have been quite dramatic fails to draw in this audience beautiful scenery and cinematography a remarkably dramatic true story important events that shaped the world that we live in but i could not try as i might involve myself in this story as an unabashed brad pitt fan i consider him one of the top actors of his generation i expected to love this flick and yet it left me cold it could be a failing within myself but i tend to point toward the creative end of this movie direction scriptwriting production editing somehow they lost me it s a shame because it could have been wonderful good acting dramatic story beautifully shot it should have been magnificent it wasn t probably worth watching just to make your own mind up on it but don t expect too much and perhaps you won t be as disappointed as i was mostly it bored me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21019": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "clint eastwood would star again as the battle weary detective harry callahan but would also direct the fourth entry in the dirty harry series sudden impact again like the other additions brings its own distinguishable style and tone but if anything it s probably the most similar to the original in it s darker and seedy moments and bestowing a classic line go ahead make my day but some of its humor has to been seen to believe a bulldog named meathead that pisses and farts oh yeah however an interesting fact this entry was only one in series to not have it set entirely in san francisco the story follows that of detective callahan trying to put the pieces together of a murder where the victim was shot in the groin and then between the eyes after getting in some trouble with office superiors and causing a stir which has some crime lord thugs after his blood he s ordered to take leave but it falls into a working one where he heads to a coastal town san paulo where a murder has occurred similar in vein bullet to groin and between eyes to his case there he begins to dig up dirt which leads to the idea of someone looking for revenge to be honest i wasn t all that crash hot on eastwood s take but after many repeat viewings it virtually has grown on me to the point of probably being on par with the first sequel magnum force this well assembled plot actually gives eastwood another angle to work upon even though it feels more like a sophisticated take on the vigilante features running rampant at that time quite literal with something punishing but luridly damaging it s like he s experimenting with noir thriller touches with character driven traits to help develop the emotionally bubbling and eventual morality framework his use of images is lasting due to its slickly foreboding atmospherics dark tones brooding lighting like the scene towards the end akin to some western showdown of a silhouette figure harry with his new automag handgun moving its way towards the stunned prey on the fishing docks it s a striking sight that builds fear mixing the hauntingly cold with plain brutality and dash of humor it seemed to come off a major plus with these films are the dialogues while i wouldn t call sudden impact first rate it provides ample biting exchanges and memorably creditable lines you re a legend in your own mind don t you just love hearing harry sparking an amusing quip before pulling out his piece the beating action when it occurs is excitingly jarring and intense the only way to go and the pacing flies by with little in the way of flat passages lalo schfrin would return as composer after the enforcer had jerry fielding scoring bringing a methodical funky kick which still breathed those gloomy cues to a texturally breezy score that clicked from the get go bruce surtees an eastwood regular gets the job behind the camera where he did a piecing job with dirty harry and gives the film plenty of scope by wonderfully framing the backdrops in some impeccable tracking scenes but also instrument edgy angles within those dramatic moments eastwood as the dinosaur callahan still packs a punch going beyond just that steely glare to get the job done and probably showing a little more heart than one would expect from a younger callahan this going by the sudden shift in a plot turn of harry s quest for justice by the badge even though he doesn t always agree with it i just found it odd a real change of heart across from him is a stupendous performance by his beau at the time sondra locke her turn of traumatic torment being senselessly raped along with her younger sister is hidden by a glassily quiet intensity when the anger is released it s tactically accurate in its outcome paul drake is perfectly menacing and filthy as one of the targeted thugs and audrie j neenan nails down a repellently scummy and big mouthed performance these people are truly an ugly bunch of saps pat hingle is sturdy as the chief of the small coastal town in smaller parts are bradford dillman and the agreeably potent albert popwell a regular in the series but under different characters how can you forget him in dirty harry yes he is bank robber that s at the end of the trademark quote do i feel lucky well do ya punk"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21020": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what did producer director stanley kramer see in adam kennedy s novel and kennedy s very puzzling screenplay were there a few pieces left out on purpose and what about gene hackman richard widmark edward albert eli wallach and mickey rooney what did they see in this very muddled story and why did candice bergen who gave a horrible performance accept such a thankless role the domino principle wants to be on the same footing as the parallax view or the manchurian candidate and misses the mark by a very wide margin a major misfire by stanley kramer"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21021": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this final entry in george lucas s star wars movies is often regarded as the weakest of the lot however this is not to say that it is a totally worthless entry in the series on the contrary sure it s not as groundbreaking as its predecessors and a bit more slow going at times but return of the jedi still offers a lot to warrant the price of admission the first third of the movie where luke and his friends rescue han from the palace of jabba the hutt is a classic jabba a truly disgusting blob of bloated flesh who speaks in his own language not only makes a great villain but a memorable one too it must have been a nightmare to construct this giant puppet much less give it the spark and life that we see on the finished product actually what also makes this sequence fun is the clever use of puppets for the various members of jabba s court including the intimidating slavering rancor and scary sarlaac pit monster it builds masterfully to its climax and pulls punches all the while things get a little bit slower around the second act where luke discovers that he and leia are related by blood and when we travel to the forest planet of endor home of the cuddlesome yet stalwart ewoks most of the complaints about return of the jedi that i ve read seem to be centered on these furry creatures in that they somehow disrupt the tone of the saga i don t totally agree with that although this moment is probably played out a bit longer than it should however their leader wicket played by warrick davis is a delightfully memorable creation and watching how they handle the imperial troops technology with their simple natural weapons provides a nice contrast by the time we get to the third act though the pace picks up again as we intercut between the ewoks battle against the troops lando and the rebel forces launching an attack against the empire s all new half completed death star and luke s final showdown with darth vader and the emperor the latter ties with the jabba palace sequence as the highlight of the movie mark hamill flexes his acting chops once again as luke skywalker in these scenes and watching him as a fully matured jedi knight makes for an unforgettable performance also as iconic as james earl jones voice as darth vader is he is rivaled only by the shriveled crone like emperor played with deliciously raspy frightening evil by ian mcdiarmid the tension between this trio heightens the excitement of this climactic moment which is appropriately darkly lit and menacingly underscored the star wars movies have always set standards for special effects and the technical work in return of the jedi can easily hold a candle to its predecessors the space battle fights are as exhilarating as always and the speeder bike chase through the forest is a knockout of course given that this movie was made after a new hope and the empire strikes back it probably shouldn t be so surprising that the special effects have reached an even greater level of excellence the acting is classic star wars fare hamill harrison ford and carrie fisher all mature and deepen into their roles and anthony daniels provides more hilarious moments as c po frank oz s yoda only appears in two scenes but he makes the most of it and yes there s also john williams music all told while return of the jedi falters a little bit in the middle the first and third acts deliver in style making this a rather satisfactory finale to one of the greatest sagas ever in george lucas re released the classic star wars in digitally restored and revamped special editions which featured added in effects and or shots as well as some enhancements of the three return of the jedi appears to have caused the most commotion with star wars fans perhaps it can be due to the jarringly out of place albeit funny if you re not so easily offended jedi rocks musical number in jabba s palace which although technically amazing does disrupt the flow of the film however i did like the ending montage scenes where we see victory celebrations occurring on the various planets of the galaxy this dvd version features yet more tweaking we get to see more montage finale scenes notably on naboo where we hear what sounds like jar jar binks screaming wesa free and in what is probably the most controversial change hayden christensen as the specter of anakin skywalker in the closing scenes probably due to the intense and unfair disdain fans have for his somewhat shaky work in episode ii attack of the clones it seems inevitable that fans would put this edition down for that alone however if you re watching the star wars saga chronologically and contemplating about it chances are you may react a little differently nonetheless it is an issue that fans have raised so it s probably best to be warned beforehand as nice as it would be to have lucas release the original versions of these three classic films he nonetheless stands by what he said about these revamps being the definitive editions of his classic trilogy and when viewing the star wars movies altogether as one complete saga as lucas intended it actually makes sense to keep them technically and aurally consistent the original films will always be engraved in our memories but these new incarnations are just as much fun if one can give them a chance"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21022": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok here it is nazi mountaineer befriends the dalai lama what we do is first we get a major star with no idea whatsoever how to do a germanic accent and we let him flounder around between french german american and british for over hours then we concoct a series of wildly improbable events and space them apart very widely so that the plot inches along almost imperceptibly but just to make sure the viewer doesn t fall asleep we throw in details which are shockingly absurd such as our hero smoking a cigarette at an altitude of feet naturally we must also remember that our target audience does not want to read too many subtitles so we have every character even the lowliest peasant in the forbidden closed off city of lhasa in speak perfect english also with dubious accents of course the trickiest part is how to handle the spiritual and political aspects of the story so what we do is this we have the dalai lama befriend the now reformed nazi because the latter is so good at fiddling with film projectors radios antique cars and any other devices with represent the freedom of the capitalist west in return our hero learns from his young proteg a kind of vague undefined buddhism which is never really brought out or treated in a serious fashion we also have lots of scenes with the hero flaunting all the marks of respects and protocol which the rest of the tibetan society accords the dalai lama even as we pretend that the hero has deep and profound reverence for these people and their spiritual leader in other words we just expect the audience to believe that this guy is now a buddhist sort of in his own way even though we ourselves don t seem to know what his transformation entails or how far we want it to go and last but not least we hang a statistic onto the end of the film about how appallingly the chinese have treated the tibetans which is certainly true thus opening ourselves up to charges that we have made a political movie even though it is nothing of the sort so zat ist my idea vat do you zink can ve make zis movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21023": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "clint eastwood reprises his role as dirty harry who this time is on the case of a vigilante sondra locke who is killing the people that raped her and her sister at a carnival many years ago eastwood makes the role his and the movie is mainly more action then talk not that i m complaining sudden impact is indeed enjoyable entertainment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21024": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i read the book years in tibet from heinrich harrer and was fascinated of it then i immediately grabbed the dvd and started to watch the movie i remember the first time i saw it back in i kinda liked it well now i watched it again in full knowledge of the book it is based on and soon i realized how wrong it all was told when they enter lhasa the people start to stick their tongues out of their mouths and thewlis and pitt have the impression that its the way to say hello in tibet so they greet back in the book harrer explains that sticking the tongue out is a sign of absolute humbleness and loyalty in tibet and they may do it in front of the dalai lama but certainly not for these two europeans not only the mother but even the dalai lama himself was wearing glasses in the public in the book harrer mentions that no one in tibet wore glasses to that time sorry forgot the reason but its explained in the book too the young dalai lama did but only when he was alone and nobody could see him and what about that mao tse tung lookalike destroying the mandala in front of the young living buddha childish and the tailor made harrer and aufschnaiter tibetan clothes not european designer suits why are so many events that really happened eliminated from the story just to fill the time with a fictional love interest the female tailor that is completely unimportant just like the whole story about harrers son rolf not one word is mentioned about him or even any family member of harrer in the book but that was ok for me because years in tibet is not a book about harrers person its about tibet i m very disappointed by this adaption of the famous book and i bet heinrich harrer was too stars just for the cinematography"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21025": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "having never seen the original dirty harry i judged this movie on a clean slate and i must say i quite enjoyed it sure some of the acting by sondre locke made me a little squeemish but hey it was the s but even if you can t get past her and i almost couldn t or her revenge killings which seemed a little overdone p it s worth it just for dirty harry or at the very least the bull dog he affectionately names meathead p"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21026": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve read all the comments on this film i am a great admirer of the dalai lama as such i read the book upon which this film was based the movie is an ugly and demeaning fictionalization of the truth i do not criticize it for altering small details or events for dramatic purposes it is not a documentary but the script changes the impact reaction realities and changes in every main character it vastly alters the real relationship between harrar and the young dalai lama from the ridiculous rivalry for a tibetan woman which demeans the culture of tibet to harra s music box gift to harrar s change of heart everything about this movie is false except for the amazing photography i understand that the shots of the potala the palace were smuggled out of tibet however changing a real story about the relationship between two people one of them very important to this world in order to build up a movie star is sad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21027": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "director star clint eastwood s sudden impact is an intriguing addition to the dirty harry series a combination of crude film making and genius it s mediocre and silly in parts brilliant and classic in others with compelling gripping pacing there are numerous echoes of the first film here the shoot em up make my day scene recalls the do you feel lucky one one of the villains is as viscerally repugnant as the first film s scorpio an actor who played a minor baddie in the first one returns here as harry s partner just to name a few harry callahan is still at odds with the higher ups in the department still mean still tough but now he s older and wearier his constant conflicts with his superiors are a metaphor for his inner conflict a respect and reverence for the law versus a desire to serve the pure spirit of justice the two things not always being compatible this incompatibility is the underlying theme of the series the first film posed a simple question what about the victim s rights do they outweigh those of the criminal vice versa depends that film s answer was controversial prompting a sequel the highly enjoyable magnum force which set out to draw the line between harry s brand of justice and pure heartless vigilantism dirty harry like many of clint s other roles is the personification of vengeance the protector of the the defenseless this movie however brings it back to the victim in this case jennifer portrayed by sondra locke who decides to avenge the rape of herself and her now incapacitated sister by ruthlessly hunting down and ritualistically executing the men and one woman who committed the crime without going into a play by play of the whole movie i will say this i mentioned earlier that sudden impact echoes the first film it actually also sprinkles in little references and in jokes from the whole series the confusion concerning the captain s last name is an example an intentional prank i believe the relationship between callahan and jennifer is neat has our rogue cop hero found a soul mate in this lady vigilante and is she a vigilante or a victim justifiably standing up for her and her sister s tarnished rights the exchange between these two at the very end of the film is a poetic denouement of the series one which i personally as a fan found quite moving that last scene alone makes sudden impact the legitimate climax to the dirty harry collection the perfect answer to the conflict posed in the first film not to knock the dead pool that excellent movie was a relatively light hearted suspenseful yet comic thriller featuring harry callahan rather than a character defining film like this one this movie did well in the theaters audiences in the reagan era found harry and his ilk quite appealing and the president himself frequently quoted go ahead make my day"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21028": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can t believe it imdb really does have every tv show known to man i have not seen this show in over years i only remember two episodes and i barely remember those i remember that tony may not been on from the start because one of the episodes i remember is the one in which everybody trying to get tony to join but he rejects them but typically at the end of the show he becomes a member of power house with everybody cheering the other one i remember is the one where lolo for some reason pretends to be dead complete with funeral and mourners i don t remember why he plays dead or how the show ends this is one of those shows that i convinced myself that i must have dreamed up since no one else had ever heard of it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21029": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "anyone witness to our justice system or lack thereof will find this film truly satisfying there weren t too many shades of gray with regard to characters or plot virtually every character in this film epitomized what is best and worst about our society the popularity of this film is probably due to the fact that most of us at one time or another have had to deal with scumbags along with the namby pamby lily livered melee mouthed bureaucrats that empower them in the name of political correctness the performances across the board were compelling i sympathized with the rape victim while at the same found it gratifying to see her wipe the smug vicious arrogance off the faces of her former attackers in particular i found the dyke one of the ugliest characters in all of the films i ve seen so it was nice to see her former victim shut her mouth for good the lead rapist and psychopath was equally ugly so it was only fitting that dirty harry himself offed him in a loud grotesque fashion in the end this was the only sequel in the dirty harry saga that equaled the first"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21030": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this doesn t quite plumb the depths of creepshow but it comes close it also uses the same technique of using some of the same actors in multiple roles throughout the anthology which is distracting to say the least it also rather irritating rips off the twilight zone with the bookshop being comparable to serling s later night gallery unfortunately the producers writers forgot that serling would build up sympathy for his characters before messing them over none of the characters are particularly sympathetic or interesting until the last segment framing story adam west is well himself he doesn t go the bruce wayne batman campy s route but he rarely does he simply plays the not particularly enigmatic jay there s an ominous spine chilling name to compare to the likes of dr terror eramus and the cryptkeeper and makes some mildly awkward creepy statements abernathy seen rod serling s a stop in willoughby then you ve seen this the red herring of the nutso wife is introduced to no purpose but even the main character s friend identifies him as a wimp as well directed as can be expected but basically incoherent nex s diner reminiscent of various serling time travel stories mixed with steve allen s a meeting of minds most of the actors aren t too bad except for josh astin as cassius who manages to walk talk and even breathe awkwardly and the idea is mildly interesting but like abernathy it doesn t go anywhere the main character raises some relatively reasonable questions bugs out a bit who wouldn t and for some reason he ends up banished to a nuclear wasteland life replay not a bad little piece and manages to predate both click and creepshow i suppose it says something that people are fascinated by the magical properties of remote controls the main character is mildly sympathetic nothing substantially innovative here but it s okay fighting spirit you see the twist coming a mile away but like the main character it has some heart and it s a decent story of defeat and redemption finale so why do people end up in cold storage in silver lame suits don t know and doesn t make sense so all the protagonists wandered into the bookstore and became trapped kinda undermines the happy ending with the boxer thanks guys and the guy in the first segment died so how did he get trapped did he visit the bookstore before he died got trapped and didn t die what huh i supposer this isn t expected to make sense because it s supernatural but still overall basically not dissimilar from the two newer twilight zone series or some episodes of tales from the darkside or monsters the last two stories and part of the second are probably worth your time but there s nothing really spectacular here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21031": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "inspector dirty harry callahan once again angers his superiors with his maverick approach to police work refusing to take a vacation he is given a simple case which takes him outside of san francisco however he soon discovers a link between a recent murder in the city and a murder outside of the city which leads him to the trail of a revenge killer as an entry in the dirty harry franchise the film starts with some very promising moments including the legendary go ahead make my day line that eastwood delivers wonderfully through clenched teeth before single handedly foiling a robbery very badass and it just what fans can expect from him however the film soon shifts gears and focuses on the mysterious revenge killer the problem is that this killer isn t all that mysterious as she is characterized as much as harry is this really detracts from the presence of the main character who ruled all of his previous film appearances with pardon the pun magnum force on the bright side this new storyline does draw several parallels to harry s own unorthodox methods and gives his character dramatic depth that was not there before but fans that were looking for another badass harry outing will more than likely be somewhat disappointed however a tense climax ends the film on an exciting note so if you don t mind something a little different it is a good movie for fans rated r for violence and a rape scene"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21032": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i actually felt bad for the actors in this thing no doubt a high school drama class could do a better job or at the very least as well a job the actors must have thought this would be their big chance working in a film it certainly was not besides the terrible acting the stories were boring and for the most part predictable the one about the remote control didn t even make any sense to bad cause it had the best premise in the bunch i m all for supporting low budget films and giving new film makers a fair chance but this turkey is a waste of time and an insult to the viewer i only watched it because of some good comments posted here they must have been planted by people with ties to the film you may fool people into watching this but you can t fool them into liking what they saw i gave it a instead of a because at least the boxer story tried to be heart warming sure it failed miserably but it tried i reserve s for the worst of the worst do yourself a favor and skip this dribble i wish i had"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21033": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s a strange thing to see a film where some scenes work rather weakly if only in comparison to other films in its legacy and others in a sub plot or supporting story are surprisingly provocative and strong sudden impact is one of those cases where clint eastwood as star producer director shows when he can be at his best or at his lessor of times when dealing with a crime mystery detective story in his dirty harry fame we get that make my day line and un like in the first film where his do i feel lucky speech was playful and cool the first time and the second time at the end tough as nails here it s switched around he gets into another shamble with the department as usual when he tries to fight crime his way in particular with a diner robbery inspiration for pulp fiction and with a high speed pursuit with a senior citizen bus he s told to take a vacation and that s the last thing on his mind this whole main plot isn t very convincing aside from the expectancy of the story and lines which just adds to the frustration but soon his story merges with the sub plot that eastwood develops from the start enter sandra locke s character jennifer spencer whom we soon learn after some appropriately mysterious scenes that she and her shy sister were victims of a cruel unjust sexual assault err outright rape and is sleekly undercover like getting revenge her scenes and story are the strongest parts of the film the most intense and finally when it goes into callahan s storyline he s getting facts in the same small town she s in on a murder the film finally finds a focus between eastwood s classic form of clearly defined good vs evil though sometimes blurred to be sure eastwood films the flashbacks not to say too much about them expertly in a fresh experimental style the trademark lalo schifrin score is totally atmospheric in these scenes and in others it almost seems like a couple of times an art house sensibility has crept into eastwood s firmly straightforward storytelling style which helps make the film watchable it s a shame though that in the end it goes more for the expectable or maybe not expectable points and until the third act callahan doesn t have much to do except his usual it s smith wesson and me shtick however with locke he gets out of her a very good performance more subtle and touching than the one in the gauntlet and an exciting climax at an amusement park in a way i do and don t agree with ebert s remark that it s like a music video in eastwood s style here i admit there is comparisons with the simplicity of both the directness but the scenes where eastwood does break form are superior to those of any music video it s cheesy it s hard edged it s not up to par with the first two harry pictures but hey there could be worse ways to spend a couple hours with the master of the"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21034": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "and maybe as fred sandford used to say one across the lips that to those who released this film on an unsuspecting public and perhaps to the person in rue morgue who called this a fender hellbender and said it was good five young girls apparently taking a short cut home from a high school football game become lost and stop to ask directions at some small store in the middle of nowhere while there the driver accidentally hits a parked suv knocks out a headlight but the girls all decide to just leave not go find the driver but the driver does come to find them and it s not just that the headlight on her vehicle got dinged it s for another reason that the girls do not yet understand when the driver does first catch them she yes it s a she brandishes a shot gun makes them strip down and keeps screaming at them how much did you see of course the girls are scared to death don t know what she s talking about as the night rolls on the girls end up in a cat and mouse game with the driver of the suv who manages to inflict all manner of injuries on the girls who are remarkably resilient to shot gun blasts and screwdrivers where they didn t want them eventually they come to find that something happened back at that store after they left that is the reason for this woman s psychotic rage and eventually they have a chance at revenge and take it about as far as they can go there are elements of this film that are rather disturbing and scary but unfortunately those moments are undermined by bad acting bad dialog and huge lapses of credibility one girl is hit by a shot gun blast and appears to be mortally wounded and she s feeling cold her life is passing before her eyes but she got better and how far can a mini van run on an almost empty gas tank at speeds of miles per hour i need one of those things it apparently gets great mileage there should have been an ending when the girls got their revenge but the film goes on for a bit after that which is an anti climax but they at least learn some of what set the woman off and the driver is still worried about messing up her mom s van which is obviously the least of anyone s worries so this isn t the worst film i ve seen but it s too amateur to be good and yet a bit too scary and gruesome at times to be completely terrible but it does take the cake for plenty of shrill hysterics and you ll want to put two across your ears if you watch this which by the way i don t necessarily recommend out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21035": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "spoilers spoilers after two so so outings magnum force and the enforcer dirty harry seems to have regained his stride in sudden impact a gripping thriller that wisely plays to its strengths the charisma of clint eastwood who also directed and a story that spends just enough time on exposition and reserves its energy for the big scenes for once the case takes harry outside his native san francisco where he s again in trouble with his superiors for his shoot first ask questions later tactics to the hamlet of san paulo there warning potential spoiler a group of lowlifes is being gruesomely murdered one at a time by a woman whom they gang raped years earlier and whose sister has been in a state of catatonia ever since the attack the killer is portrayed by sondra locke and she makes the character of jennifer spencer an interesting mix of compassion and cold bloodedness locke s cold eyes and frosty voice when either trying to comfort her hospitalized sister or dispensing vengeance toward the rapists are very effective in painting a portrait of a woman wronged whose years of suffering and rage are now beginning to bear deadly fruit the rapists are a despicable lot especially the leader who has psycho nutjob practically stamped on his forehead and a lesbian who seems almost one of the guys despite her anatomical inability to participate the flashback scenes while not graphically explicit are nightmarish enough and clearly intended to make the audience cheer for jennifer as she kills her assailants some will dismiss sudden impact as trash a mindless manipulative revenge tale on a certain level this is true but it s well done trash what works to the movie s advantage is the strength of the sondra locke performance giving us a complex character whose wounds are more visible in her paintings than in her gestures or speech what we have here is an action movie with a point of view you can take or leave the idea that some wrongs deserve to be punished by any means necessary but as the mystery behind the slayings becomes clear to harry a realization that wisely is not spelled out with dialogue he is presented with a choice what to do about a killer whose motivations he can sympathize with but whose conduct he is bound by law to not tolerate this makes the story more interesting than the usual dirty harry fare the movie s other redeeming quality is eastwood s direction this is after all a dirty harry movie and eastwood knows the character better than anyone else the movie is directed with style and wit and edited to give the action scenes a big payoff some of the best harry moments in the entire series are here including harry s best known line go ahead make my day sudden impact is a movie that has the courage of its convictions in presenting a tale about a despicable crime and the brutal consequences that follow it is also a riveting detective story well made and well told and it is certainly never dull on those criteria it succeeds tremendously"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21036": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "five across the eyes starts as five young teenage girls are driving home in time for their curfew they stop off at a store accidentally hit another car decide to just drive off leave it soon after the other car forces them to stop a crazy woman with a shotgun gets out shouts at them makes them take their clothes off makes them pee on them then randomly drives off shaken shocked the girls think their ordeal is over but the crazy woman comes back for seconds as she seems intent on killing the terrified girls who are lost are low on gas produced directed by greg swinson ryan theissen with swinson writing the thing theissen responsible for the cinematography editing i have to say that five across the eyes is easily one of the worst films i have ever seen if not the worst i mean i m struggling to think of a film i have seen that s worse now let me start off by saying that i am sure a lot of the film making decision taken here were deliberate to try provoke atmosphere tension realism suspense but there is not one aspect of five across the eyes that i didn t hate it to be honest it looks like a bad home video that has been put up on youtube even then it s still slightly embarrassing a frankly worthless waste of odd minutes of my time that i could have been doing something more entertaining fun like pulling my fingernails out with pliers the reviews on the web seem quite positive but on the imdb the amount of star comments is revealing they can t all be wrong right it s message board which i think is much more of an indicator of what the average person thinks it s absolutely trashed by just about everyone the phrase the worst film i have ever seen is used a few times to be fair most of these negative comments mention th same things i have to agree with them the story is terrible alright i suspect it s meant to be minimalistic but this minimal there s never any reason or explanation for the events that happen it just feels totally random it goes on for ages the amount of plot here would struggle to fill a thirty minute made for telly program let along a full length feature the dialogue is awful with these annoying girls who don t seem to have a brain cell between them taking about random stuff screaming a lot oh god the screaming there are seemingly endless scenes of these girls screaming or crying or whining which not only irritates annoys prevents any sane viewer feeling any sort of sympathy for them it also makes what they are trying to say almost impossible to hear properly then there s the real killer the entire film is set shot within the confines of a mini van seriously the camera never leaves this car as you can imagine it gets really boring add that the low body count of just one person killed on screen five across the eyes is a film that i hated with a passion on a technical level again i can see that the film making style here was a deliberate choice but i have to be honest again say five across the eyes is the worst looking film i have ever seen as a fan of film i like my films to look like proper films as it s a visual medium i definitely don t want them to look worse than the average youtube video or my home films shot on a camcorder while i was drunk it really does look that amateurish that bad it s a complete eyesore i hated every moment of every second of it just think the blair witch project only ten times worse looking sounding you will be almost there there are times during five across the eyes when you literally can t tell what s going on or happening because of the camera work the almost pitch black grainy contrast levels the violence is tame too with a few splashes of blood a stabbing at the end low budget doesn t even begin to describe five across the eyes with a supposed budget of about this is easily one of the lowest budgeted films ever given a wide release the two vans in the film were owned by members of the production that s basically pretty much the entire budget right there the locations the acting is pretty bad by the main cast i just hated all the fake put on crying screaming that didn t convince at all but did irritate immensely five across the eyes will go down as one of the worst films i have ever seen i have seen a few films whenever anyone now ask s me what s the worst film i have ever seen five across the eyes will definitely get a mention i hated it every single aspect wretched moment of it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21037": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "with this movie being the only dirty harry movie which clint eastwood not only stars but produces and directs as well you know it s got to be good although some say that the enforcer is the best out of the series i completely disagree in my opinion apart from the original dirty harry sudden impact and magnum force are the only two worthy of being in the series although the enforcer is an alright film with a couple of good action sequences it doesn t get the dirty and gritty impact that the other three films do this film captures all the excitement that makes a clint eastwood film good and it s got the quotes that make a dirty harry film good in diry harry it s well do ya punk in magnum force a man s got to know his limitations and in this it s go ahead make my day also in this film it s nice to see a change of scenery as you get a bit tired of seeing the same old san fransisco streets in the other films in the series with great acting by clint eastwood and co star sandra locke and good directing by clint this is in my opinion the best dirty harry sequel ever"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21038": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i never finished this movie for a reason it was dreadful and thats just the acting i wasn t even sure what the film was about tbh it didn t make a lot of sense and the violence was awful i mean ususally i like some nude in a film lol but it was just sick because of what was happening all the characters annoyed me and it was just full of loud screams and the camera was shaking at parts and it looked like a sequel to the blair with project but without any good qualities this is one of the worst movies i have seen in a long time and would like my time back please i wouldn t recommend this film to anyone or even consider it n"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21039": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "with harry callahan getting up in years the inevitable `old man with a chip on his shoulder story had to come into play eventually callahan looking fragile sometimes and out of place his demeanor still was unwavering thankfully this film took some time off to develop a different type of story one that might reinvent the dirty harry and the whole genre while the film fell short in doing so it was still an excellent addition to the series even if it was getting a little out of place during a time of silly fashion trends and new wave music"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21040": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "im the type of person who always goes to horror section when i m picking a film so i picked five across the eyes i was disgusted with this film and thought there was no story line and no point that you could enjoy it it made my skin crawl to think that people like to watch films that just encourage violence for the hell of it it was low budget and very rubbish i think i could of done better myself i think that it was the worst film i have ever seen in my life and you should not bother to watch it the actors were rubbish the camera was awful the picture was bad and the sound was not up to scratch i think it was a little bit like a cheep rip of off the baler which project and it has not worked at all it was foul"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21041": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the dirty harry series began with very gritty cop action and was almost immediately lightened up for magnum force by the time that the enforcer rolled around dirty harry was little more than a television cop show saved only by tyne daly after a break of seven years dirty harry has finally gone back to his roots maybe he s been gone for too long this time clint eastwood makes the first well directed harry film since don siegel made the first which helps considerably harry is a darker character once again not the nice cop he had become he can once again say things like go ahead make my day and really mean it sudden impact is a true dirty harry sequel the enforcer should never have been made out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21042": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "stanley kramer directs an action thriller and leaves out two key things action and thrills the domino principle features gene hackman as a convict sprung from prison in order to perform some mysterious task richard widmark edward albert and eli wallach are his operatives they presumably work for the government but that like most of the movie s plot line is never made clear hackman asks a lot of questions that never get answered so the film goes absolutely nowhere while it strives to be like night moves and the parallax view the domino principle mixes up ambiguity and mystery with confusion and boredom the film is extremely well photographed but even that works against it kramer s direction is devoid of any style it s a very sunny movie the acting is fine with hackman proving he s pretty much incapable of being bad widmark and wallach are suitably nasty and albert is well cast as widmark s cruel lackey even the usually obnoxious mickey rooney is pretty good as hackman s sidekick one oddity however is the casting of candice bergen as hackman s wife we re told she s done time in prison and she seems to be trying to put on some sort of southern twang kramer s idea of making her appear to be trailer trash is to have her wear an ugly brown wig it s a role better suited for the likes of valerie perrine or susan tyrell"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21043": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after star wars a new hope redefined science fiction and the empire strikes back redefined star wars it s hard to believe that the third and final film of this trilogy can manage to be as good as the other two but this one really does a nice job the first part of the film resolves the cliffhanger left by the previous one with an elaborate escape plan that is in keeping with the incredible suspense and action of the first two films then the film moves back to the rebel alliance and what s going on in the war there is a lot of action in the scenes building up to the rebellion s final confrontation with the emperor when the battle begins the audience is already on the edge of their seats from everything leading up to it and this final battle is even more intense than those from the other films this climax is definitely more dense with action than any other part of the trilogy with the most at stake for the rebellion this is continually changing between a ground battle between the rebel strike crew on land including han solo chewbacca and leia the battle raging on in space including lando and a confrontation between luke and the emperor on the new death star which leads up to another duel with darth vader it is really intense since the rebels constantly seem to be losing the battle that will determine the outcome of the war and there seems to be no escape although i think the idea of ewoks overpowering stormtroopers is a bit far fetched it didn t seem very unrealistic since they were more of a distraction that the rebels could use rather than an actual threat to the stormtroopers although they did have some luck fighting them there is also a twist or two at the end that nobody saw coming which may not be quite as stunning as that of the empire strikes back but still complete a very spectacular trilogy very well with the light tone of a new hope and the more sinnister tone of the empire strikes back this film really completes them by combining the two in this grand finale the special edition for return of the jedi concentrated on what would have been nice to change since not much of the original really needed it fifteen years of technology advancements didn t seem to make up for fifteen years of deterioration as far as the rancor scene is concerned and there still is the occasional disappearing tie fighter but other than that it was good the gaping non threatening sarlaac s mouth was given moving tentacles and a huge fly trap looking head that emerged which definitely added to the suspense also the disco was taken out of jabba s palace and the lame ending of the original was replaced by a huge victory celebration spanning the entire galaxy instead of just a small ewok village which was the case of the original and that didn t really end a story this big the way it deserved it s hard to say which of the three films was the best but since it s all part of the same story the over all trilogy is like one big outstanding film a third must see for film fans"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21044": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "less than minutes into this film i wanted it to end as it was painful all this horror movie was about was a group of whiny bitches doing stupid things for minutes arguing crying and screaming do not let the positive reviews fool you as this really is a terrible movie and you really shouldn t watch it the movies plot had potential to be something great but it just doesn t happen a group of five teenage girls are driving home one night when they find themselves being pursued by a crazed female driver who wants to kill them two minutes into the movie and the characters are already arguing and this doesn t stop all we have for minutes is a bunch of girls whining crying screaming acting and arguing none of the dialogue is even remotely interesting too so you don t get to really know these characters or enjoy them the acting was terrible and i was shocked to find out that these characters were meant to be teenagers none of these women looked a day under and one of them easily looked like she was nearly years old at least get people who look the age none of them gave even remotely decent performances and just seemed like they were picked off the street or were friends of the director with no acting abilities the actress who played the killer overdone it but she at least showed something that the other girls didn t a little bit of talent the characters don t help things because these girls are a bunch of whiny stupid bitches that is all i can really say about them and it did not help that they all survived if i have to go into detail in one scene the girls are being chased by the killer and having their car knocked a lot one girl injures herself and is whining about it four of them aren t wearing seat belts what do you expect one of your friends is being brutally attacked by the killer and you all just happen to be conveniently too hurt to help whatever the filming of the movie is absolutely terrible i don t care if this movie had a budget the size of a peanut the filming was terrible and it was like watching a pirated version of a movie the cameraman was clearly in the car with the girls pushed up against a window somewhere and the amount of times the camera blurred out shook and brushed up against an actress was horrendous it was also grainy and at times you couldn t hear what characters were saying not that it was anything worth listening to supposedly the killers car in the movie that supposedly got hit even though we only heard the accident is actually the directors car in real life no wonder they didn t show the car getting hit this movie is so cheap they can t even show a car getting a little scratched up oh gotta mention the soundtrack also if that s what it was it was horrid sad one second then hard rock the next at the end of the day five across the eyes just feels like a terrible home movie filmed in the middle of the road at night with a bunch of stupid girls screaming and arguing for minutes it doesn t help when the script is terrible the scares tension suspense and hardly even any gore to make up for it are absent the acting is terrible and the picture quality and filming are horrendous this was a horrible low budget movie avoid it at all costs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21045": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the fourth in the dirty harry series this film features one of the most despicable ugliest unlikable profane disgusting females i have ever seen on film ray perkins played by audrie neenan she is the modern nasty low life version of the detour character ann savage her foul mouth and gutter attitude turned me off so much i never watched this film again until i acquired a profanity filter which shut her up and least some of her then i could enjoy the rest of the movie everywhere harry callahan clint eastwood goes violence immediately follows within minutes it happens so often it s almost laughable but it makes for a fast moving entertaining film with a satisfying ending as all the scumbag villains are eliminated one by one this is a very sophomoric film that appeals to our base instincts and connects sad to say most of us like to see these dirtballs get it in the end and who does it better than dirty harry"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21046": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film attempts to follow the genre of low budget hand held camera flicks that have proved to be very effective and successful this one fails and how it s amazing how many so called awards this piece of garbage has got plastered on the cover it makes you wonder what these critics were on when they actually submitted this words fail to describe just how absolutely appalling this movie really is seriously it s that bad i watched it in minutes flat on almost continual fast forward from rubbish lighting to dreadful directing grainy visuals to muffled sound and of course not forgetting the abysmal acting this was one completely and utterly pathetic piece of so called film making it seriously has no redeeming qualities whatsoever save your cash and watch a decent low budget horror flick there are plenty out there dead end the blair witch rec to name but a few avoid this rubbish at all costs do not waste your money or time on this piece of trash pretending to be an actual film take heed of all the other comments you ve been warned"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21047": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sudden impact is the th of the dirty harry films and one of the best traits of these films is that they don t really degrade in quality from one film to the next thus sudden impact provides another thrill ride through the life of dirty harry callahan this time harry attempts to solve a series of murders while on vacation harry s always on the job it seems clint eastwood plays harry as he plays all his men of action slow deliberate and without fear as the first of the dirty harry films to be made in the s sudden impact lacks a bit of the s feel that characterizes the first three films this doesn t mean that it s quality is any less bottom line brimming with intensity and action sudden impact is another worthy addition to the dirty harry series"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21048": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "um okay i guess i get the whole shaky cam gorilla style filming technique but unfortunately i think a gorilla could have made a better movie this thing was just a complete mess from the get go bad acting bad directing bad story and horrific cinematography how this piece of garbage was released i will never know but it has and unfortunately i watched it filmed on location in tennessee by the directing team of greg swinson and ryan thiessen harry and lloyd five across the eyes i m assuming is supposed to resemble a blair witch type film but falls short okay it nose dives off a cliff i was actually embarrassed for these young women whom i m sure were promised hollywood stardom but ended up in this dung heap the dialog is ridiculous and actually aggravates you as you listen to it how this is supposed to be a horror flick is another mystery as there is nothing even remotely scary about it except for the fact that i watched it try this one on for size there is of you and of her do the math and beat her ass the end saddly it went on and on for more minutes of mind numbing stupidity i saw it for free and wanted my money back"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21049": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the vigilante has long held a fascination for audiences inasmuch as it evokes a sense of swift sure justice good triumphs over evil and the bad guy gets his deserts it is in fact one of the things that has made the character of dirty harry callahan as played by clint eastwood so popular he carries a badge and works within the law but at heart harry is a vigilante meting out justice `his way which often puts him in conflict with his own superiors as well as the criminals he s pursuing but it s what draws the audience anyone who s ever been bogged down in bureaucratic nonsense of one kind or another delights in seeing someone cut through the red tape and get on with it even if it s only on the screen and that satisfaction derived from seeing justice done and quickly is one of the elements that makes `sudden impact directed by and starring eastwood so successful in this one the fourth of the series while working a homicide harry encounters a bona fide vigilante at work an individual whose brand of justice parallels his own with one exception whoever it is he s definitely not carrying a badge in his own inimitable way inspector callahan has once again ended up on the bad side of the department and is ordered to take some vacation time so he does as only `dirty harry can in a small town north of san francisco harry finds himself smack dab in the middle of a homicide case which he quickly links to a recent murder in san francisco because of the unique m o employed by the perpetrator unaccountably harry encounters resistance from the local police chief jannings pat hingle who advises him to take his big city tactics and methods elsewhere not one to be deterred however harry continues his investigation which ultimately involves a beautiful and talented young artist jennifer spencer sondra locke gradually harry discovers a link between the victims the burning question though is where does jennifer spencer fit into the picture eastwood is in top form here both in front of and behind the camera and it is arguably the second best of the five film series right behind the original `dirty harry it had been seven years since the last `harry offering `the enforcer but eastwood steps right back into the character with facility and renewed vigor and this one definitely benefits from having him in the director s chair as he is able to recapture the essence of not only his own character but that `spirit that made these films so successful and he does it by knowing the territory and establishing a continuity that all but erases that seven year gap between s and as with all the films he directs eastwood sets a deliberate pace that works perfectly for this material and creates just enough tension to keep it interesting and involving from beginning to end the screenplay by joseph stinson is well written and formulated to that distinctive `dirty harry style the dialogue is snappy and the story itself conceived by charles b pierce and earl e smith is the most engaging since the original `dirty harry as it successfully endeavors to play upon the very personal aspects of the drama rather than entirely upon the action the characters are well drawn and convincing and of course this is the film that gave us one of harry s best catch phrases `go ahead make my day as harry clint eastwood perfectly embodies all of the elements that make this character so popular he lives by a personal moral code a true individual made of the kind of stuff we envision as that of the pioneers who settled this country and made america what it is today harry personifies that sense of freedom and justice we all strive for and hold so dear possibly more so today than ever before no matter who we are or where we come from there s undeniably a part of us that wants to be harry or at least have him around `dirty harry is an icon of the cinema and it s impossible to envision anyone but eastwood portraying him for better or worse eastwood `is dirty harry without question just as sean connery is james bond and basil rathbone sherlock holmes sondra locke is entirely effective here in the role of jennifer spencer a young woman wronged and out for vengeance or as she sees it `justice she manages to bring a hard edged determination laced with vulnerability to her character with a convincing introspective approach that is far beyond what is typical of the `action genre even amid the violence locke keeps her focus on jennifer and the traumatic events that have brought her to this stage of her life her portrayal makes a perfect complement to eastwood s harry and becomes in philosophy and deed something of his counterpart in supporting roles two performances stand out paul drake as mick creates the best `psycho since andy robinson s dynamic portrayal of the serial killer in the original `dirty harry with actually very limited screen time drake establishes a genuinely disconcerting presence that is believable and convincing which adds much to the purely visceral response of the audience this is the guy you can t wait to see harry take care of in the end also effective is audrie j neenan who makes her character ray parkins the epitome of the proverbial `low life who can be found in any bar in any city it s a performance that evokes a gut level response and it adds greatly to the credibility of the film in that it helps provide that necessary sense of realism the supporting cast includes albert popwell horace mark kevloun bennett and nancy parsons mrs kruger with a perfect blend of drama and action `sudden impact dispenses justice that is a fulfilling respite from reality the perfect justice of a not so perfect world that makes for a satisfying cinematic experience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "21050": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "definitely definitely the worst film i ve ever seen no questions asked contradictors of this opinion might argue that this title should not be judged by the same criteria as others since it s an independent low budget film but c mon already the amateurism and meager innovation is horrifying agreeing with everything that has been said about this film for example the mind numbingly weak acting when it s this bad you take another go at shooting the scene god damn it the thing i found the most annoying was the total lack of common sense in the script assuming such a thing existed during the production there was an obvious absence of a dialogue with respect for the viewers the girls switched personalities several times and they seemed to show absolutely no sing of any rationality or even brains five relatively fit girls against one slight female psychopath gang up on her why don t you the only thing that can be regarded as somewhat of a conquest for this title is the camera not leaving the van at any time thus the viewer seeing everything from inside it which is as the rest of the film a good idea executed exponentially dreadfully oh and by the way this movie is nothing like the blair witch project or cloverfield or any other title filmed with a hand held camera this is an effect and not a trait used cleverly it can be breathtaking but in this case it s an excuse for inadequate cinematography"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21051": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when i first saw this film in london in i was bowled over i had never seen a film like this before it had a strange hypnotic effect quite unlike the films that i had seen previously and it left a lasting impact i believe that odile versios marina vlady are sisters if not twins certainly the interaction is amazing in its power to influence the viewer if this has been converted to dvd in region format and in the original french language i would love to hear about it where it can be purchased"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21052": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "watching this movie l thought to myself what a lot of garbage these girls must have rocks for brains for even agreeing to be part of it waste of time watching it faint heavens l only hired it the acting was below standard and story was unbearable anyone contemplating watching this film please save your money the film has no credit at all l am a real film buff and this is worse than attack of the green tomatoes l only hope that this piece of trash didn t cost too much to make money would have been better spent on the homeless people of the world l only hope there isn t a sequel in the pipeline"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21053": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "toi le venin is robert hossein s masterpiece and one of the great thrillers of the fifties based on a frederic dard novel a writer the director often worked with see also le monte charge which hossein did not direct but in which he was the lead too the screenplay grabs you from the first pictures on a desert road by night where a beautiful blonde might be the fieriest of the criminals to the mysterious house where he finds his femme fatale and her sister then begins a cat and mouse play one of the sisters is in a wheelchair but is she really disabled which one is the criminal who tried to kill the hero on that night the two actresses marina vlady and the late odile versois were sisters turn off all the lights before watching highly suspenseful"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21054": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "do not watch this sad excuse for a film i have wasted time and money on this and am pretty p sed off about it the acting is comparable with high school plays the script is shocking there is no plot twenty minutes from the end which i believe i should be rewarded for reaching i had a headache from all the screaming crying and wailing the five girls make the majority of the violence is rare for a film nowadays suggested rather than graphically depicted but i found the characters so damn irritating that i wanted to see them and indeed every single person involved in the making of this piece of s t die in the most horrible ways possible i spend ten more minutes of my life saving you from a very poor minutes of yours don t do it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21055": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "strange enough all the previous comments merely described the beginning and left the details over i feel a necessity to confirm that this is a family work since marina vlady was also robert hossein s wife and the excellent jazz music was written by te director s father andr under these circumstances no wonder it was a really good thriller seen when issued and immediately identified with the music the suspense was flawless and maintained throughout until the end robert hossein at the time one of the best european players managed to impose himself also as a top screen and stage director he s still putting up great stage shows with a preference for religious subjects harry carasso paris france"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21056": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "given that a lot of horror films are based on the premise that one or more of the central characters does something stupid at some stage during the proceedings the girls in this film would be collecting gold silver and bronze at a darwin awards olympic ceremony a mentally disabled baboon would have made better choices than they did and would have screamed a lot less while doing so if you like films with a grainy picture deliberately amateur camera work my year old grandmother wields a camcorder with better results extremely poor sound and no discernible plot narrative then this is your ideal film also note that you should enjoy the following women screaming for no reason women whining for no reason in fact reason and logic don t appear much in this film for example we have to find stephanie yeah i can t believe i was speaking to her like last night she called you last night yeah she wanted to talk about some date she got asked one what how come she didn t tell me as in our friend is being chased by a serial killer with a shotgun and an array of grisly weapons but i have a problem with the fact that she didn t tell me she was going on a date okay so the budget is low that doesn t mean you have to make it look like it cost half the budget the score is interesting since all with the exception of one tracks have been written and performed by the writers directors of the film itself in fact it would appear that the entire budget has been blown on sampling a track by the duskfall a death metal band from sweden the most worrying thing of all in the entire film is the ending which leaves us with the possibility for a sequel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21057": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "we re talking about a low budget film and it s understandable that there are some weaknesses no spoilers one sudden explosives expert and one meaningless alcoholic but in general the story keeps you interested most of the characters are likable and there are some original situations i really like films that surprise you with some people that are not who they want you to believe and then twist and turn the plot i applaud this one on that if you know what i mean try to see also nueve reinas nine queens a film from argentina"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21058": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ll keep this fast and sweet five girls on their way home from a football game decide to take a short cut that leads them down a deserted forest ridden road of course nothing but good things happen to them and they safely arrive at their destination alright they don t soon they re hunted down by a deranged chick who has some severe mental issues and what ensues is minutes of sheer boredom i hope to never see any of these actors in any movie ever again their screaming screeching voices gave me a headache and the script was so poorly written that it included a lot of repeat phrases and nonsensical hysterical screaming all in all one of the worst cheap horror flicks i ve ever seen and i ve seen a lot"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21059": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "an interesting thriller that has paul winfield as a detective on the case of a murder paul winfield was an underrated actor who pulled off all his roles with such ease it was hard to tell the man was even acting maybe most known by younger viewers as the voice narrator of city confidential winfield ends his career with a so so movie but as always winfield shines a treat to watch erika eliniak is well erika eliniak nice to look at but leaves a lot to be desired in the acting department though to be fair this is one of her better efforts bottom line a watchable thriller that shouldn t be missed by any paul winfield fan a decent telefilm to help send paul winfield off to celluloid heaven what an actor he will be missed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21060": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the problem with this movie is that it is shot on the worst possible camera and the film is blurry and grainy maybe it s just the fact that whoever was holding the camera couldn t hold still because they were having a seizure or something there is also way too much poop and vomit in this movie there is someone vomiting every twenty minutes and it makes me think that this was made by some bulimic or something it was disgusting then there is the annoying high pitched screaming that goes on and on and on and doesn t stop until the credits roll i also didn t like when all her friends were being shot or not i don t know and she goes in the van and puts band aids on that was just really really stupid to even have that in a movie how much gas can a person siphon to get a van going it must be a whole lot because they don t run out of gas for the rest of the movie it was a terrible movie and i would highly suggest not ever seeing it in your whole entire life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21061": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s hard to tell you more about this film without spoiling it i enjoyed it because i wasn t expecting what i was seeing but an ordinary sex drama so it s a pscyho sexual thriller in which nothing is what it seems it features emmanuelle seigner no stranger to the genre and to nudity in which her husband polanski had directed her and a creepy performance did i say creepy yes creepy from toreton bernard tavernier s actor it looks like a pascal bruckner meets roman polanski better than bitter moon like a chabrol gone astray or clouzot thriller i have seen someone mentioning les diaboliques but closer to georges franju s les yeux sans visage eyes without a face the godfather of dr phibes and more a gem i am just afraid they will blow this into a hollywood remake like they did with nighwatch and the vanishing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21062": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "contains miner spoilers i have seen a number of decent indie horror films such as the hamiltons the boys love mandy lane and cabin fever unfortunately i felt five across the eyes does not fall into this category from start to finish the film is plagued with amateurish acting resonating from a very poor script god only knows why the writer s thought dialogue such as no don t go out there don t go out there she ll get you if she gets you she ll kill you and if she kills you you re dead is of movie quality this film displays very little character development and to be honest i couldn t care less about what pain and torture was inflicted upon them as they are just a group of ditsy college girls who show almost no redeeming qualities all they do is cry and whinge throughout the entire movie and if the girls aren t crying their arguing when they do converse the topics are completely random about dating boys or how one of the girls father was recently cremated appropriate subjects when you re being chased by a psychotic killer the soundtrack is also abysmal exhibiting corny techno music during both the start and end credits although hearing the credit music knowing the end was nearing seemed like heaven the camera work is appalling and at times makes the film unwatchable i m guessing due to having little or no budget the director was limited to just one digital camera which resides in the girls car almost the entire movie i think this was an effort to stick the audience as close to the action as possible to feel and experience what the girls are going through but due to a very shaky camera grainy picture and being too close to the action it can be hard to tell what is going on during action scenes and is simply chaotic it s one thing to make a film subjective but it s another to have action on the screen that an audience can t decipher because of the poor cinematography i understand that five across the eyes is a low budget indie film but that does not excuse the extremely poor quality there are no redeeming factors to this film bad acting poor scripting shoddy camera work and no story in light off all this i decided to give the film out of as it left me very disappointed wanting a meteor to hit the earth bringing me sweet relief its minutes off stupid college girls crying arguing aimlessly running and having random inappropriate conversations however how many times do you get to see girls defecating into their hands and throwing the crap onto the windscreen of a chasing car"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21063": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a quite slow paced movie slowly building the story of an ex stripper who begins a new family life with a complete stranger the viewer slowly feels that there s something wrong here i really loved this movie even though it leaves a slight bitter taste in the end it is clever well paced and very well acted both philippe toretton and emmannuelle seigner are deeply into their characters the little son pierrot is also very touching a thriller which does not seem like one a very unconventional movie very particular atmosphere throughout the whole movie though you might feel awkward a few times with a couple of scenes i ll give it a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21064": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there are really two sections of this film firstly there s the laughable prologue to the film which is so hysterical and cornball that it would almost feel appropriate that the the simpsons troy mcclure should be doing the narration then the rest of the film begins starting off with a title song which really doesn t fit in with the rest of the film which while technically ok is killed by a vague inconsistent and unconvincing plot and not just uninteresting characters but characters that make no sense this is especially so with mickey rooney s spiventa who was supposedly in on the plot and part of the organisation the whole time yet what would have happened had hackman made the seemingly arbitrary decision to take him along when breaking out in that case he would ve been a totally superfluous and unnecessary character which in the end he still is the overall problem of the film is that it s totally unwilling to put any detail on who or what is behind this conspiracy it s as if the filmmakers didn t have the courage to imply that a particular section of society would be capable of creating such an organisation and instead settled on the hope that a lack of explanation would suffice and the audience would form their own conclusions put simply the film fails on all levels"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21065": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the last film in lucas saga is a lavish spectacular looking production it is often considered the ugly duckling of the original trilogy but i think it is a notch above episode iv and just a notch below episodes iii and v in fact i think it is the third best film in the part saga as far as i m concerned it is still a grandiosely entertaining film it is not a movie with a beginning climax and ending the film s mechanism operates with only one goal in its mind bring closure to lucas universe there is an air of finality attached to the whole thing which makes the film a little too sentimental but emotionally rewarding also it is a lot of fun new characters are introduced and old ones face new unexpected challenges c po and r d provide as usual great comic relief leia and solo are a wonderful romantic duo and luke is still a great character to identify with again it is luke s and vader s inner conflict what gives the saga its backbone lucas aggressive imagination is still very much apparent and the film s themes of loyalty hope and redemption resonate strongly i m glad lucas eventually dropped the idea of making episode vii viii and ix because this film is a great bookend to a long fascinating and captivating saga not a perfect movie but fun in the best matin e style"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21066": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m dumbfounded yes that s right i m really caught here no way did i find it awful but on the other hand it was a frustrating experience in macabre hysterical and murky incoherency the idea behind such a trim minimal low budget indie production isn t bad but it s a confused muddle and in the end didn t do anything for me it s amateurish and simple it wants to exploit beyond reasoning and do so in that of late fashionably rapid filming style we have the documentary laced hand held camera moving everywhere despite never leaving the van and sometimes feeling unfocused and blurry making certain details hard to figure out lately you kind of get use to it but there are times when it does become too distracting and even nauseating keeping it still will help the context has little groundwork which has five teenage girls on their way home from a football game late at night and becoming lost on the back roads at a road side store they become involved in a minor accident which smashes an unoccupied suv headlight scared they flee and not too long that one light suv appears behind them soon to make their night an unforgettable ordeal in terror spending most of the time playing out a drawn out noisy and relentless cat and mouse game as for being disturbing i guess that depends some moments can make you squirm with its attention to pain desperation and demented brutality with good use of piercing sound fx that seem to be more favoured over the imagery and not forgetting the alienating background sound effects but also i found myself snickering too in passages it can be repellent and intense with a real gradual rush but hardly believable the injuries of random characters never seem as serious like you were to believe despite obviously they should be watch how blood runs freely but it s not entirely convincing and can get dull the constant nocturnal car chase could only do so much before getting repetitive we get screaming spewing bleeding running cursing body fluids and so on quite unpleasant details followed too with little really to do it needed a much stronger script than the measly forced one that was penned up too many cringe moments arose from it and there was not much in the way of depth for the characters and situation they were in it was about set pieces waiting for next torturous encounter and it drew it out long enough helping out is it had an unpredictable pattern the performances jennifer barnett angela brunda danielle lilley sandra paduch and mia yi are workman like with their distraught characters and draw an authentic chemistry to make up for the script s weaknesses in its character foundation veronica garcia s flipped out bug eyed intensity as the loony driver of the suv was something yeah something her character s real motivation for terrorising the girls and her unstable state of mind is virtually non existent i guess being psychotic was good enough now probably the most unnerving thing i came across in the feature was that hideous soundtrack terrible techno music to cheesy hard rock and an overwrought closing score it never felt overdone or got in the way but it did stick out like a sore thumb co directors greg swinson and ryan thiessen try to get the most out of their slight resources but even with it edgy spirit it ends up being something quite ramshackle maybe it was enjoyable to make but watching it just wasn t the case"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21067": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "eglimata crimes is a story about little crimes everyday people commit that in a crazy scenario could lead to the absolute disaster one of the smartest greek series ever actors like ketty konstadinou and maria kavogianni showed a whole new dimension of themselves and talent and gave us moments of incredible guilty laughing every viewer seemed to recognise the bad side of their self in one of the characters or at least a side of their self they wish they had actors of every age that played bigger and smaller parts gained an equally big space in greek audience s heart my personal favourites apart the first two i mentioned are vassilis haralambopoulos athinodoros prousalis and stavros nikolaidis but so many amazing actors passed by some episodes from time to time whoever around the world understands greek should find a way to watch this series even though it s been more than years that it was on tv in greece they keep repeating the series ant in every chance there is like summertime or early afternoon zones we ll never forget eglimata or any of the casting crew"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21068": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "may contain spoilers but doubt it can actually be spoilt five across the eyes can be summed up in one word amateurish this film tries it s best to be different from most films by the blair witch type of filming it doesn t work it just ends up looking and feeling like somebody had a cheap video camera a van and decided to make a movie the story has no explanation the protagonist is given no real motivation and looks like a lesbian wearing a power suit compared to the five girls and there is no violence to speak of just the sounds of screaming and crunching the whole film takes place inside a van which means decent scenery is out of the question the five girls really do their best with what they ve been given but on the whole come across as pretty terrible actresses although with the material given it s hard to judge if they can actually act they spend the whole movie screaming squealing and whimpering so much that half the time it s hard to make out what was said and the cameras are so bad it s actually hard to tell who said it this video paints itself as a violent torture film but is in fact just five girls in a van screaming in terror that literally sums up the whole movie we then get to the end after what seems like hours of constant screaming and all five girls are still alive with one minus a finger the only thumbs up get it finger lol is for the poor actresses who tried hard and probably lost their voices and their pride after making this terrible movie do not judge this by the poster you ll be very let down"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21069": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "add pure humor quick and unique sentences sex unfaith sex love lies dark deadly thoughts secret plans fun black humor sex again black dresses needed for the unlimited funerals eglimata or in english crimes our heroes are two married couples their relatives their friends and neighbors there is soso and alekos and flora and achilleas two married couples who have everything but not real love flora is the mistress of alekos and when soso finds what s going on she is planning with her best friend pepi to kill alekos and look like an accident many plans were made but everyone else dies except alekos achilleas find s out that he has a sister who is a hooker and tries to put her in the right road korina is a temptation to mens but her tries to get married all goes wrong since when they learn her past freaks and leave and she ends up marrying a rich farm man as for the other roles they are like they are from cartoons grandpa aristidis which fakes that he is paralyzed machi is his nurse who is secretly marry to aristidis for his fortune johny son of machi who has it ok with everybody to have all the benefits michalakis who has only one purpose in life to suicide but he is unable to do it so he is desperate every time i see the replays and every time when it finishes i miss it one of my favorite all time classics"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21070": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "five across the eyes ain t worth one off the wrist i must admit at one point i was really worried for about seconds nobody made a noise and i thought my speakers had blown or that i had gone deaf with the constant screaming and high pitch yelling me and the speakers are ok now thanks for asking funnily enough that was the best bit of the film i won t waste your time telling you the plot read the other comments for that if you have bought this dvd but not yet unwrapped it don t take it back and demand your money back i ve wasted mine don t do the same i was actually shouting at the telly they re over here in the car look for the camera lights and get the camera man first i have left the swear words out but you can guess where they go if anybody would like to buy this film it s really good it s yours for a ten quid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21071": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "along with aparadektoi the best greek comedy series ever lefteris papapetrou writes and antonis aggelopoulos directs in a magnificent way soso alekos flora achilleas grandpa aristides machi johnnie corrina and michalis in a few words alekos a butcher living in a district around the center of athens is married to soso one day he meets flora an old date of his who now is married to achilleas and lives along with her father in law and his caretaker machi machi also has a son named johnny who appears at the end of the first period and the entire second one the rest main characters are michalis alekos s assistant at the butcher s and bi sexual and corrina achilleas s lost sister who has turned up to be the best prostitute in the entire athens the main story of the series is soso s attempts to kill alekos because he is cheating on her but everything else happening in that are not of lower importance brilliant screenplay with an excellent plot poisonous quotes awesome performances and a great directing original idea and especially the shootings were something that was done at the greek television for a series of the greek television for the first time e g scenes shot under water surely a serial you will never stop enjoying"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21072": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was probably the worst movie ever seriously i could actually do better myself it wasn t even set up properly it s like this movie had a budget and left with change don t watch it i didn t even get all the way through this movie had to turn it off i ve give this a because it was hilarious how the producer of this movie wanted it to be a horror movie but actually turned into a really bad comedy basically a bunch of girls crashed into a car broke a headlight and the owner of that car went after them the bit that i saw was a women with a gun telling a load of girls to take all their clothes off what the hell it must be some kind of cheesy porn movie as well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21073": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fido is a story about more well mannered zombies who have been trained to serve the human race all falls apart though when young timmy s zombie fido eats the family neighbor from then on disaster well maybe not disaster but to some extent chaos occurs most of the people treat their zombies with fairness and one such character sleeps with his zombie very funny part of the movie if not also very disturbing too and we find the loving fido whatever he may do this is a very funny and unique film especially for the zombie genre it is also probably one of the least violent of zombie movies no negativity in this statement i very much recommend it to people who are looking for something funny and different i rate this rated r for zombie related violence"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21074": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the writers and producers of this little outing have plummeted new depths of depravity did writer s block set in so badly or had ideas dried up so much that they were forced to include a disgusting scene where a young woman defecates in the back seat of a van and then promptly throws the excrement at the car behind mind you at least this summarises what this film is worth we had already been treated to one of the other women urinating over one of her friends at gunpoint as well as numerous episodes of graphic vomiting once would have sufficed we got the message this really is taking toilet humour to another level had the script and acting been better then i could have easily forgotten that i was watching a film shot entirely on low budget video this was a fairly original storyline with a clever the only piece of direction in that we only ever got to take the viewpoint from inside of the van thus making it feel much more real we never got to see inside any other locations such as the store or the field where several of the women disappeared and this could have added much needed tension the script was dire lines like i don t feel too good i want to go home after one of the girls has been pursued by a psychopath subjected to rape by a screwdriver and shot at seem a little undercooked the acting was diabolical apart from the maniac did all the main actresses in this learn acting by taking a correspondence course during a long postal strike the sound was so bad that i had to watch the entire film with the subtitles on the director seemed to have an easy job in this it seems that the only direction he must have given was scream girls and as for the screaming if you watch this please be sure to have some paracetamol at the ready"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21075": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fido is to be commended for taking a tired genre zombies and turning it into a most original film experience the early s atmosphere is stunning the acting terrific and the entire production shows a lot of careful planning suddenly the viewer is immersed in a world of beautiful classic cars eisenhower era dress art deco furniture and zombie servants it would be very easy to dismiss fido as cartoon like fluff similar to tank girl but the two movies are vastly different fido has structure a script that tells a story and acting that is superior make no mistake this is a daring black comedy that succeeds where so many others have failed highly recommended merk"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21076": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as horror fans we all know that blind rentals are a crap shoot sometimes we find a real gem but many times we find that the film we ve just spent our hard earned money on is nothing more than a putrid steamer made worse by the completely undeserved rave reviews and film fest awards listed on the box such is the case with five across the eyes a title i m sure is a double entendre referring to both the films budget and the compulsion anyone watching it might have to using all five fingers to stab their eyes out the story or at least what the ahem writers think passes for one centers on a group of teen girls who unwisely decide to go on a backwoods joyride late at night after leaving a football game and run afoul of a crazy woman who plays cat and mouse with them as punishment for what she thinks the girls found in her car after a fender bender in a gas station parking lot in fairness it s an interesting idea some of the best horrors have very simple story lines it s in the execution of five across the eyes that this idea falls flat the film tries to be a cross between the blair witch project with its shaky camera work and the texas chainsaw massacre in its bare bones approach to the material but succeeds at being neither what we get instead are redundant scenes of chase torture release chase torture release in that order for minutes with long interludes of bitching moaning and incoherent rambling acting as plenty of padding in between chase sequences the look of the film is incredibly grainy and dark which in a better made film might have enhanced the tension and the realism here it s merely annoying the characters are undeveloped and the viewer is hard pressed to find anything to sympathize with them one character stops to get a first aid kit and tend to some scrapes on her face while gunshots heard in the background indicate her friends may be getting killed another girl mutters hilariously dumb lines like don t go out there she ll get you if she gets you she ll kill you and if she kill s you you re dead it was an accolade from fangoria magazine and dreadcentral com listed on the box that compelled me to check this one out talk about a fake orgasm perhaps my expectations would have been met had this been in the comedy section i m all for low budget indie horror but this one takes the crap cake give five across the eyes or fate get it a pass razorfriendly gives fate slash out of five"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21077": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "who says zombies can t be converted into useful members of the community certainly not the makers of fido who take us to a never never land version of the s where the undead have been turned into butlers and servants for the burgeoning middle class timmy robinson is the all american boy who becomes emotionally attached to the family s new full time domestic a recently resurrected zombie whom timmy has affectionately dubbed fido all of this has been made possible by zomcom a big brother type organization that has found a way to render the zombies who were originally brought to life by radiation from outer space manageable and docile at least most of the time this twisted modern day spin on the tv series lassie it might easily have been entitled a boy and his zombie takes slyly satirical swipes at such pre s concerns as obsessive social conformity here keeping up with the joneses means having more zombie servants than the folks next door the sterility of suburban life the corporate control of civic affairs small town corruption and nuclear family values all played out in a beautifully designed setting of parti colored houses and immaculately manicured lawns the movie doesn t hit the audience over the head with its message nor does it engage in endless hyperbole to generate laughs instead this is a low keyed subtle little satire that elicits appreciative chuckles rather than full bellied guffaws much of the humor derives from the incongruity between the placidness of the setting and the cavalier attitude towards death demonstrated by the fine citizens of the community life magazine has been replaced with a periodical entitled death magazine despite some playfully graphic violence the movie stays true to the spirit of innocence we generally associate with both the s itself and the cheesy low budget horror movies that were so much a part of the pop culture scene of that decade k sun ray carrie ann moss and dylan baker are amiable and appealing as the wide eyed timmy and his cleaver esquire parents with slightly sinister undertones while billy connolly accomplishes the well nigh impossible task of bringing a great deal of humanity and depth to the role of a resurrected corpse this is what lassie might have been had timmy s best friend been afflicted rabies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21078": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can t believe this is on dvd even less it was available at my local video store some argue this is a good movie if you take in consideration it had only a budget i find this funny i would find it very bad whichever the budget still more funny i read the following in another review dramatics aside if you love horror and you love something along the lines of duel updated with a little more story and some pretty girls thrown in you ll love this movie what this is a shame comparing those two movies i give a since i can t give a i just don t see any way this movie could be entertaining"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21079": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "due to the invention of a the domestication collar flesh eating zombies are brought under control and become productive members of society however they perform menial tasks the servile dead attend to those living in fenced us s styled small towns while untamed zombies roam around in the wild zone in the town of willard pre teen k sun ray as timmy robinson lives with parents carrie anne moss and dylan baker as helen and bill robinson alas the robinsons are the only family on their street who do not own a zombie their new neighbors the bottoms have six so to keep up the robinsons obtain zombie billy connolly as fido unfortunately mr connolly s domestication collar is damaged by an old lady s walker and he eats her then new and hungry zombies infest the town meanwhile young ray has grown attached to connolly the boy and his zombie are like tv s timmy and lassie and the robinson family find it difficult to cooperate with the controlling zomcom authorities fido doesn t go far enough into its own intriguing wild zone but it is a colorful stylish and amusingly satirical addition to zombie film lore ray and the cast perform well individually with nubile zombie sonja bennett as tammy and owner tim blake nelson as theopolis the most memorable pair director andrew currie and crew including rob gray design jan kiesser photography don macdonald music and james willcock design deservedly won awards fido andrew currie k sun ray carrie anne moss billy connolly dylan baker"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21080": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "how in the name of all that s holy did this film ever get distribution it looks as if it has been shot on someone s mobile phone and takes the screaming girl victim scenario to whole new depths they literally scream for the full minutes of the movie and that s all they do there is no plot no tension no characters and not a lot of acting just screaming and more screaming i gave up after fifteen minutes and fast wound through it to see if anything happened it doesn t except for screaming of course odlly enough the act of going through it on fast forward highlights another problem there is no camera work to speak of every shot looks like every other shot middle distance one angle dull dull dull it s not so bad it s good it s just plain bad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21081": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "for the life of me why did this film receive an r rating while it is about flesh eating zombies believe it or not it s actually a pretty good family friendly film at least if your kids are age and older unlike the traditional zombie films this one has an excellent sense of humor as well as a traditional values albeit a bit twisted the language isn t a serious problem there is no nudity and the film style is definitely geared towards kids much like the old tv show eerie indiana yet some knucklehead slapped an r rating one it believe me most kids have seen worse violence than this and it just seems silly to make audiences think this is an adults only film the story is set in a parallel type world while the fashions cars and mores appear circa in this bizarro world there has been a fierce recent zombie plague that resulted in the zombie war and massive changes in everyday life at school kids are trained in armed combat and there s a cute scene late in the film where the father gives his son a handgun and tells him to keep it in his backpack just in case as for life outside of school it s pretty weird as well as people now have learned that zombies aren t such a bad thing heck using shock collars and training they can be made into slaves who can do your housework clean streets deliver milk or in the case of a really sick guy be your special friend this film deals with one particular family that finally buys their first zombie slave played by billy connally mom is thrilled and her son slowly becomes the zombie s friend dad on the other hand isn t convinced as he was forced years early to kill his own zombie father and he hasn t yet gotten over this funny irreverent and unique this film needs to be seen by a much wider audience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21082": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film was positively the worst film i have ever watched i couldn t sit through the whole thing i also think writer must have some weird fetish for women peeing puking and crapping i mean what was that all about i cant believe this was even made and am disgusted at have ingwasted a rental fee the quality both picture and sound are terrible the acting well doesn t exist it was a poor excuse for a film and the scenes of pee crap and puke were reminiscent of girls cup urghh avoid at all cost the girls looked like they had been picked off the street and only got the part cos they d be willing to take their tops off while these girls have nice bodies it certainly didn t make up for the fact their shrieking was awful unconvincing and a pain to my ears this was like possibly worse than an ammateur school production without any proper direction and hey there is no need for a set as it all seems to revolve around a car definatey not one to buy folks sorry if my first comment is terribly negative but i could not find anything positive to say and i would like to think i may save someone else wasting their money like i have"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21083": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really enjoyed this movie the acting by the adult actors was great although i did find the main kid a little stiff but he carried himself very well for being a new talent the humor is very sublime and not in your face like most hollywood comedy junk i e the nutty professor if you have a short attention span and are used to the typical hollywood stuff you probably wouldn t like this as it is a bit slower paced i picked it up on blu ray and i have to say the image quality is top notch probably one of the better looking blu rays i ve seen so far the extras were cool too they deleted quite a bit but that s probably a good thing as most of the deleted scenes didn t really add anything"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21084": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this really is the most dreadful film i have ever seen i simply have no idea how anyone has the audacity to put this on release the production standards are atrocious there is no pretence here at cinematography the camera work scripting acting and sound are unbelievably crass i think there is a plot but it could have been done in minutes sparing us the time to watch it the hysterical neurotic girls at the centre of this piece have no credibility whatsoever i would urge anyone to avoid spending any time or money on this title it is truly atrocious jdd december"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21085": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in the immortal shaun of the dead we are introduced to a london where the slackers and the high and mighty alike are forced to battle flesh eating reanimated corpse versions of their friends and family at the end of the film it is suggested that the zombies are rendered harmless and used as cheap labour fido presents us with an epilogue to shaun set in s america in a hilariously witty and original what if movie the film is set post zombie apocalypse for a change after the terrors of the zombie wars ended by the creation of the zomcon company and their patented zombie collars which make the corpses as docile as lambs every town in the world is fenced off from the wild zone the once fertile landscape torn asunder by the surviving zombies and left overs from the apocalyptic wars the idyllic town of willard is your typical pristine s suburbia with one small difference social status is measured by a family s amount of domesticated zombies unfortunately the robinson family has no zombies whatsoever due to their patriarch bill s fear of the reanimated dead timmy robinson and his mother helen both suffer from the pressures of suburban life until the day that helen purchases a zombie servant in a desperate attempt to impress the neighbours the zombie earns timmy s love when he rescues him from a pair of violent bullies and the two form a bond to rival the classic boy and his dog clich a boy and his zombie timmy names his pet fido and he soon becomes an aid for both timmy and helen to escape the prison like routine bill has put them in but when fido s domestication collar goes on the fritz and he devours the elderly mrs henderson the robinsons have to contain their connection the sudden wild zombie epidemic and still manage to keep their beloved fido a film whose sharp wit and satirical gore carry it just as much as its all star cast including the matrix s carrie anne moss as helen robinson and billy connelly as fido fido is a zom com for the ages with some rather twisted subplots for example the sweet and unsettling feelings that helen and fido begin to have for each other and a poignant commentary on s suburbia and the zombie genre the film manages to bring out the worst and the best in its characters while still enabling you to care for them fido is by far one of the best dark comedies i ve ever seen one of the best films that i ve seen in a long time and the best zom com since the incredible shaun of the dead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21086": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first it takes a full half hour to get hackman out of jail and to start doing the job what a waste of time we all know hackman is getting out to do some job for his masters why waste almost a third of the movie on these sequences then hackman stays in a hotel and the story arc again goes nowhere simply proving to us that hackman is under close watch and anything he says or does is know by the masters again another minutes then more wasted time showing the reunion with his wife all of this should have taken minutes at most simply as a set up for the real action intrigue and plot twists by the time the real action gets going i was so bored that i just wanted the movie to end hackman is great as usual and the other actors as well but this is a dud of the first magnitude"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21087": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "up until the sixth and last episode of the star wars saga which finally ended in i had always looked at this entry as my favorite film of the long running series the varied action scenes and really different characters jabba the hut furry woodland creatures etc made this a particularly appealing movie none of the action ever focused too long in one spot either the last half hour exemplifies this the most as the scene switches every few minutes from the woods to the battle among space ships to the individual laser duel between luke skywalker and darth vader another nice characteristic this film had that the two previous did not was the absence of in fighting between two of the stars gone was the incessant bickering between carrie fisher and harrison ford finally everyone was on the same page it was nice to see in the end this was simply a wonderful adventure tale more than anything else"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21088": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "do not waste your time watching this unless you want to study it for all the wrong things you shouldn t do to make a good film i am not one to usually review a movie but this one is personal i wasted precious time which they cannot give back i feel compelled to write this report to warn others not to waste their time watching this crap if this was a student project i would have to say not bad but only for the first min after that it gets annoying the screaming the bad audio the bad video a good camera man could have made it much better and yes whats with the blair witch effect no budget i was hoping it was going to get better but it doesn t now how the hell did it deserves a is more fair but for wasting my time i have said my peace"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21089": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was also on hand for the premiere in toronto this film was sort of a consolation when i thought i wouldn t be able to get in to see my first choice well i was totally blown away by the time i got to the theater i could remember little other than the basic plot of the movie yes i actually forgot who was even in it terrific performances from the entire cast carrie anne moss was great in a true departure from her days as trinity as for billy connolly i think not since chaplin has an actor played so brilliantly with no lines what so ever the kids were also great definitely check this one out if you get the chance and by the way i got to see my first choice anyway and this was way better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21090": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie has many problem associated with it that makes it come off like a low budget class project from someone in film school i have to give it credit on its campiness though many times throughout the movie i found myself laughing hysterically it was so bad at times that it was comical which made it a fun watch if you re looking for a low grade slasher movie with a twist of psychological horror and a dash of campy ridiculousness then pop a bowl of popcorn invite some friends over and have some fun i agree with other comments that the sound is very bad dialog is next to impossible to follow much of the time and the soundtrack is kind of just there"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21091": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fidois a very odd film and in many ways a very good one my first thought after viewing was how the hell are they going to market this thing if shaun of the dead is a romantic comedy with zombies fido is a boy and his dog story blended with fifties nostalgia comedy with zombies doesn t exactly trip off the tongue fido has little of shaun s carnage gore belly laughs it is a different beast altogether forgive the pun fido kicks off with a black white information film that explains the back story humans have won a war against zombies by developing a control collar that subdues the flesh eaters into dumb servants at first i thought we we were in for a fifties cold war paranoia parody a la matin e but we are soon hurled into a world of bright primary colours and fifties middle class nostalgia young timmy robinon is a lonely kid who doesn t fit in at school his mom is would be social climber and his dad is nervy and detached seeking to keep up with the joneses mom carry anne moss has acquired a zombie jimmy is disinterested at first but fido billy conelley soon proves a great buddy for jimmy until his collar goes on the blink fido is not a horror film but my problem with the movie is figuring out exactly what it is much of the humour is of the light family variety and sometimes the plot line is too heavily reliant on the boy and his dog family moments yet the film is shot through with wonderfully dark truly funny moments which while welcome will ensure an r rating for what is for extended periods a family comedy the film looks gorgeous and is wonderfully performed by all involved despite its difficult tonal problems i hope this movie finds a niche as it s quite a little gem in this year s deluge of cinematic crap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21092": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after just watching five across the eyes i gotta be honest i just didn t like it i had read so many good reviews on this movie but i just did nt get where these reviews have came from i have got a lot of time for newcomers into film making and i m sure the directors will do well for themselves but the budget they had was the main problem there was two cameras used in the entire film which was ok but they seemed like really cheap cameras another problem was the sound you get all these girls screaming and shouting all at the same time all talking on top of each other it s just impossible to hear what they re saying it had a good idea going for it in a nutshell they hit a parked car then drive off a short while later they are getting chased by the car they hit driven by a mad woman who wants to kill them and has plenty of chances to do so and on the other hand the girls have plenty of chances to escape but don t very frustrating i only just scraped through this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21093": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched fido on some movie channel and i have to say that i ve become an instant fan the film feels like a comic book that perfectly captures the look and feel of the surreal s you know the wholesome decade when they danced to elvis while dropping nuclear bombs in the desert just for the heck of it people were so naive back then that it s frightening and the idea that those clean cut folks would find it normal to have zombies as pets actually works here kudos to this canadian production the colorful crisp cinematography and the excellent cast including carrie anne moss billy connolly henry czerny and the kid it s a shame this film wasn t a bigger hit it deserved more recognition it s much better than the stuff from tim burton or the shaun of the dead team oh well it s an instant classic nonetheless"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21094": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the word in the summary sums it up d oh five girls get lost trying to find their way home when they stop at a store to get directions they hit a parked car breaking one headlight on it they flea the scene in fair of getting in trouble but suddenly they see one headlight coming up behind them ooooh from there out everything is screaming crying and violence when they try to get away from this crazy person who lost it because of a headlight well the screaming and crying pretty much stays through the entire movie very annoying the movie is shot with a cheap camera trying to make it seem real or shocking i guess it s just embarrassing and useless though in lack of anything better to compare it with blair witch style the screaming and crying for pretty much the entire movie with crappy sound was over the top annoying you literally get a headache i m sorry but this was not scary only an annoying painful piece of crap movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21095": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in an alternate s where an outbreak of the undead caused by a mysterious space dust has been contained through the use of special electronic collars a young loner timmy finds a friend in fido billy connelly his family s recently acquired domesticated zombie fido quickly becomes a surrogate father to timmy whose real dad is unable to adequately express his love for his son or for his hot to trot wife played by the gorgeous carrie anne moss having been psychologically scarred as a child when he was forced to shoot his own father who tried to eat him timmy runs into a spot of bother however when his putrid pal s collar goes on the blink and he attacks and kills an elderly neighbour with the authorities on fido s trail trouble brewing with a pair of local bullies and his mother forming a bond with their undead house help will timmy be able to hold on to his new found friend a refreshing take on the whole zombie schtick fido is a thoroughly entertaining deliciously dark comedy that should appeal to anyone with a slightly twisted sense of humour taking the romero zombie verse and transplanting it into s small town america is a stroke of genius and the result is simply one of the most original films to tackle the whole reanimated dead theme that i have seen connelly s fido is a cinematic zombie worthy of inclusion in the undead movie hall of fame along with day of the dead s bub and return of the living dead s tarman it is not often i feel empathy for a walking corpse but the big yin s performance is so fine that i actually found myself rooting for the big blue bag of pus the rest of the cast also give commendable performances with young k sun ray as timmy and ms moss deserving special mentions ray because for one so young he puts in a particularly assured turn and moss because she is so bloody yummy this is the third zombie film that i have watched this week the others being the somewhat disappointing planet terror and the rather fun flight of the living dead and to my surprise it is also the best director andrew currie has given fans of the genre something truly original to treasure and is a talent to be watched in the future out of rounded up to for imdb"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21096": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i think this movie was supposed to be shocking but the only way in which it is indeed shocking is how shocking badly it s been made and simply is it s one and a half hour of torment even more so for the viewer than for the characters in the movie the five girls sure the main characters get their bloody piece in a bad way which is basically fine since it s a horror movie and i usually like horror movies i ve no problem with violence in these type of movies per se however all the violence in this film serves no end whatsoever it s no spectacle other than that it s simply grotesque it s so lame it even gets boring and really quick too the worst thing if the above wasn t bad enough for ya about this movie is that they ve tried to copy the blair whitch project by filming with cheap hand held cameras but again this too serves no end whatsoever in the blair which sure enough there s an explanation namely they are their with a camera looking for the blair witch in this film there s no other explanation than hey ya ll we wanted this to look like the blair whitch the sound in the movie is also something to get depressed about the girls are screaming so hysterically that many a time you can t make out what they re saying also no effort has been made to make anything any better sound wise or other wise than finally there s the soundtrack which is just as bad as the rest and varies from cheap euro house to the worst grungy hard rock my advise don t watch this under any circumstances"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21097": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "loved it what s not to like you got your suburbia you got your zombies you got your family issues you got your social dilemmas you got yourself one fine retro s style flesh eating under class held at bay by an uneasy worried about whether they re the next meal upper crust you couldn t ask for more cast is superb carrie ann moss is absolute perfection as a debutante social climbing housewife she s both wanton and criminally conspiratorial every fellow s dream k sun is really great as the son just trying to be as normal as possible in this nightmare existence and somehow succeeding he s a genuine screen presence very photogenic and natural without naming them all the rest of the cast is wonderful henry czerny plays a suspicious policeman with honed instincts and little squeamishness as if it s his everyday persona billy connolly is delightful as fido a fine actor i wish that he had played the title role in braveheart with gibson directing my sense is that his william wallace would have been closer to the actual character his fido is contained yet accessible a nice touch in short a great and marvelous satiric poke at morals values social pinnings feelings growth coping in uncertain times and compensatory adjustments to impossible conditions a true reality show"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21098": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can t believe anyone liked this movie i ve seen a lot of low budget indie films but this one absolutely sucked low budget doesn t mean the movie has to be demented horror doesn t mean the movie has to be demented there was nothing scary about this movie at all it was just a gore fest and a particularly disturbing one at that the acting was average considering they were all unheard of actors but the story was pathetic the dialog was pathetic the movie tries to come off as artistic or something this is not one of those really great indie films that cost only thousands of dollars to make but are incredibly well done this was nothing more than an excuse for some extremely sick people to put their perverse obsessions on film other reviews here also said that the soundtrack sucked that s because most of it was written by the same person and some of the songs were written by one of the writers of the movie there were no redeeming qualities to this movie at all a complete waste of my time and money"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21099": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "even without speaking a word billy connely is wonderful as a zombie carrie ann moss as mom even better zombie girlfriends my father thied to eat me i never tried to eat timmy and i thought dawn of the dead was good it s kinda like airplane meets meats night of the living dead sponsored by zomcom and don t forget my head coffin and fido in an aloha shirt is just way cool and yes the social comment is just too much to even begin to comment on sufice it to say it all really works"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21100": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "daddy s girls florence lawrence and dorothy west receive some terrific news at the local post office unaware they are being stalked by burglar charles inslee meanwhile father david miles receives a message from young robert harron which necessitates daddy leaving home so when the young women return they can be home alone as the vulnerable pair bed down for the evening the local grand ball of the black and tans gets underway and a dark skinned drinker portends additional danger for d w griffith s dynamic duo mr inslee has one of his better biograph roles stealing the film from the girls and daddy ironically director griffith appears as one of the black faced extras at the black and tans ball biograph girls lawrence and west are suggestive of later griffith girls lillian and dorothy gish especially in orphans of the storm and they are excessively affectionate in bed the racist tone is unfortunate since the story of a burglar redeemed by saving his potential victims from a greater danger is intriguing the girls and daddy d w griffith florence lawrence dorothy west charles inslee"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21101": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ok i didn t know what to expect when i saw the cover to fido honestly when i came across it in the video store i was tempted to rent this movie but nothing about it really grabbed my attention but when i was looking around in netflix they were advertising this like crazy if i liked goofy scary movies so i figured to just give it a shot i m so glad that i did watch it this was just a great movie it was absolutely hilarious and so charming to watch like i said it s pleasantville meets night of the living dead it s just a great concept what does happen after a mega zombie attack as we see in another zombie comedy shaun of the dead they have fun by making the zombies left over as handy citizens this is a very overlooked horror comedy movie i think a lot of people were just so blown away with shaun of the dead that this got the boot but it s a great story and the cast was perfect and made this into just a really funny movie in a s alternate universe where radiation from space has turned the dead into zombies this radiation still plagues humanity as all those who die after the original contamination turn into the undead in order to continue living normal lives communities are fenced with the help of a governing corporation named zomcon zomcon provides collars with accompanying remote controls to control the zombies hunger for flesh so as to use them as slaves or servants in the town of willard a housewife helen buys a zombie in spite of her husband bill s zombie phobia their son timmy befriends the zombie naming him fido one day fido s collar malfunctions and he kills their next door neighbor who turns into a zombie timmy kills the zombified neighbor when a pair of local bullies are blamed for the missing neighbor they capture fido and timmy helen comes and rescues timmy and fido from the bullies and they try to forget about the whole thing several days later the neighbor s body is found and the murder is traced back to fido who is taken away to zomcon where the public is told he will be destroyed timmy learns through a friend that fido is simply working in a factory at zomcon timmy sets out to rescue him with the help from his neighbor with a zombie girlfriend in hopes to get fido back i really do highly recommend this movie if you get the chance to see it it s so silly but a lot of fun billy connelly did a great job as fido and really brought no pun intended a lot of life into the character i think the scene that made me laugh the most was when timmy has to burry the old lady that fido attacked and killed his last words to her were so funny you weren t really nice but you liked flowers so and he buries her in the garden not to mention the neighbor with the zombie girlfriend sick disturbing wrong but classic laughs i still love how even though this is like the leave it to beaver esquire type of world there still is a lot of gore in the movie so if you do have a chance to see fido take it i promise some good laughs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21102": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yet another british romantic comedy which audiences all over the world seem to have a ravenous appetite for this feeble effort is an unintentional parody of the genre all the classic clich d scenes are here from ridiculously elaborate misunderstandings to running after departing trains to declare one s love the characters are one dimensional caricatures save for love hewitt who manages to bring some cohesion to the film things threaten to spiral out of control in the plausibility department as the film progresses our good natured suspension of belief finally comes crashing down during the preposterous ending if you re looking for a bridget jones notting hill kind of experience you won t find it here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21103": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as soon as i heard about this film i knew i had to check it out well i heard about it then i found the trailer after that that s when i knew i had to see it and i am so glad i did you want to see classic television mixed with zombies no then get lost fido is a movie unlike anything i ve ever seen well actually it kind of is it s kind of like a lassie episode and a zombie film though when combined it feels completely new and original fido is about a little boy named timmy and his new pet fido well this new pet ain t no squawking parakeet or some potty trained puppy it s a re animated dead guy a zombie a large radiation cloud engulfed earth which led to all of the dead rising which ensued the zombie wars though through the genius of reinhold giger lead scientist of zomcon he discovered that if you destroy the brain the zombie will perish thus giving us the edge and the win in the zombie war though due to lingering radiation whoever dies becomes a zombie which can be a problem especially with the elderly though zomcom steps up again with more breakthroughs especially with the domestication collar the collar stops the zombie s need for human flesh and thus making it harmless as a household pet but not all is perfect in this zombie utopia collars break old people die and well i ll just let you watch this incredibly unique flick fido is a fantastic idea brought to fruition with an all star cast and great writing fido rises above most in the comedy horror genre there are plenty of funny and original situations that really had me entertained though after seeing the film i personally think the movie would have been better in black and white at less than minutes the movie doesn t go on for too long and moves from scene to scene at a good rate it ll probably end up being a cult classic of sorts since it s not really a laugh out loud comedy or even a horror movie it s a comedy family zombie film immersed in the vibe if you thought anything i said here was interesting by all means check this film out but if you re still on the fence swing your leg back over and stay there outta"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21104": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there have been more interesting polish documentaries on worm farming in brail_ the competition worm farming had a better plot and more interesting characters i was physically ill after watching this movie the cheating husband i think dougray_scott_ was a joke in every meaning of the word poor jennifer must really need the work and what was with the accent the locations and random meetings reminded me of a high school prank and showed the humility of a year old in cooking class it was that bad that i think i will write the sequel named this is not a laxitive thank you for listening it was a great weight of my conscious"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21105": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when you see the cover of the dvd you re convinced this is some class b cheesy cheapie a film made for in somebody s backyard wrong this is quality material and really good it s a comedy and a clever one at that it also is very touching in spots with a nice spot of kindness the production values are very good this looks excellent the actors are known the film s direction and sets are great it s amazing who would have thought carrie ann moss playing against type is terrific as helen robinson the june cleaver like wife billy connolly is great as the grunting good hearted zombie fido tim blake nelson mr theopolis is a hoot is the neighbor with the sexy zombie girlfriend tammy and henry czerny and dylan baker as dads check are excellent too k sun ray as young timmy robinson shouldn t be overlooked either in fact he probably has more lines in the movie than anyone if i explain the story it will sound so stupid that few of you would watch it you ll just have to take the word of the people here who liked it and found it to be a very very pleasant surprise you need a dark sense of humor though an appreciation of the absurd"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21106": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "hiya folks well this movie sucks really think love actually in reverse nothing fits quite right nothing is coherent and certainly nothing makes you laugh love is rare in this film it is a total flop as indicated however there are three redeeming points about this mangled potential of a film a with a star billing of jennifer love hewitt there will be hordes of guys who will submit with grace to viewing this just to catch a glimpse of the petite hewitt with form fitting clothing to tell you now guys there are some promising scenes but it s really weak eye candy the possibilities here are watered down nevertheless i watched the whole thing tempted by the next scene of you know what titillating b the ending is romantic and positive that it s contrary and over the top is relevant yet for me was still a positive point c dougray scott plays an amourous friendly guy refreshing thank you not worthy of your or so dollars s of the way through i was convinced jennifer love hewitt was becoming the next softcore legend although i ll take that back for now it hinges greatly on her next film oh and her sister is way stupid her husband is way stupid and what the heck she s way stupid next time can t wait for the next love actually with jlh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21107": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my goodness this movie really really shows the talents of actors billy connelly flexes his acting muscle truly an amazing man if you look at him in absolution as a rebel boondock saints as a madman killer and then finally in fido as a zombie his character in fido looks from cute to frightening absolutely fabulous cariie ann moss is no hack either jumping in career from matrix and momento as a darker character to a heart warming conservative s housewife rare these days to see actors being able to not be so type casted now onto the storyline no spoilers don t worry this movie would make max brooks author of zombie survival guide world war z happy with joy finally a well done twist of zombies and comedy if you like zombies if you don t like zombies if you are just bored or if you are too busy go see this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21108": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "gene hackman gets himself busted out of prison by a nameless government agency who want him for an assassination it s a given of course that hackman has the proficient skills for the job nobody tells him anything though he s given as the audience is given bits and pieces of information that s supposed to be suspenseful instead it s annoying and boring hackman goes through with the mission but the getaway is messed up and the guy at the top of this mysterious entity orders everybody dead to cover it up so everyone in the cast dies and at the end you don t really care one of the other reviewers pointed out that the film was originally twice as long almost three hours and got chopped down quite a bit maybe something really was lost in the translation but i tend to think it was a mercy act on the audience a very talented cast that had people like richard widmark candice bergen mickey rooney eli wallach and edward albert is so thoroughly wasted here it s a crime and we never do find out just what federal agency was doing all this the fbi the cia the dea or even the irs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, 0, -1]}, "21109": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when it comes to creating a universe george lucas is the undisputed master and his final star wars film is very very good and more appropriately rated in comparison to the two previous films in the original saga having recently seen revenge of the sith really puts this movie in perspective the final battle seems even more climactic knowing what anakin skywalker went through at the manipulative hands of the emperor it also makes the final battle between luke and vader more bitter considering the love he felt for padm and the love she felt for her children actually while the new films especially episode ii are inferior to the original films they are good for one reason only they make the old films seem even better mark hamill does an exceptional job in this movie he really brings the changes luke has gone through seem real in all fairness i believe that he should have become a big actor based on these films because he really does a great job harrison ford is still good however you can feel that he has done raiders and blade runner in between the two final chapters of star wars because he seems to have grown quite a bit he adds more comedy obviously inspired from raiders to the character which works brilliantly in short han solo is better than ever carrie fisher was never really a good actress but she does a decent job and is certainly passable ian mcdiarmid appears in this film and having seen episode iii i can safely say that he is one of the most accomplished villains ever james earl jones still provides the voice for vader and he is still very very good in terms of how the movie looks its pretty safe to say that the star wars universe looks better than in either of the previous two movies but this was always lucas fort so that is really to be expected the final battle over endor is very well made both in terms of the general effects and tension wise it was also a nice touch that lucas decided to have three battles take place at the same time as it added to the overall tension of the climax the only thing i feel is dragging the movie down from an otherwise deserved are the ewoks these little creatures are so annoying they almost ruin every scene they are in besides i find it to be a little to kiddy when a group of teddy bears with bows and arrows can defeat a squadron of storm troopers with laser guns and mighty machinery all in all return of the jedi is a very good movie but the fact that richard marquand is a less accomplished director than irvin kershner does that the overall feel of the movie is less than brilliant also george lucas stupid decision to add the ewoks to the universe does that the film falls short of brilliance"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21110": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ordered the movie from korea because i was an extra in it and was interested to see how it turned out having watched it i can say that i am ashamed to have had any part of it i feel embarrassed not only for myself but for everyone else who had any part in the making of this mockery of british comedy from beginning to end the film is predictable tedious dull monotonous and cringe worthy to the point that on several occasions i actually looked away from the screen in dis belief until you actually see the movie it is difficult to conceive how un romantic and un comedic a romantic comedy can be it s not only a bad story but a badly made film in one scene you can actually see a runner or assistant director showing the s a s when to wipe across i will post details of this in the goofs section on the up side it did fill me with emotions disappointment rage embarrassment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21111": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film takes place in the s according to this the dead called zombies have arisen to eat the living however a company has developed a collar that when put around the zombies neck makes them docile and perfect servants the robinsons mom helen carrie anne moss dad bill dylan baker and son timmy k sun ray hire a zombie because everyone on their block already has one tim names the zombie fido billy connolly and becomes friends with him but his dad hates him and timmy looses control of fido and things go wrong as you can see this is among many other things a takeoff on the lassie series with fido being a stand in for lassie timmy was named that for a reason every single of the famous lassie episodes are spun here my favorite is when timmy sends fido off to get help before the zombies eat him also it s a satire of those s douglas sirk films where everything is bright and colorful but dark secrets are tearing people apart the characters wear very bright s clothes moss is always in a dress the furnishings settings and cars especially are all s in hyper bright colors even when the script becomes repetitious there s always something to look at the script is good but there are only so many lassie jokes you can make the melodramatics are kind of silly but the cast pulls it off everyone here is excellent and right on target even connolly as an emotionless zombie does a good job moss is the best playing each line for all its worth but never going overboard this isn t for everybody of course the satire may be lost on most people and the gore is pretty tame the gore is done so casually and with happy music playing over it it s hard to take it seriously so for some people this will really work i give it an"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21112": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "watching truth about love is this a double entendre about the star is like plugging in white noise or manufactured water sounds to help you sleep you put it in the dvd slot because there is nothing else left on the store shelves and you are in need of distraction after a hectic day and it works for that for that purpose being a british romantic comedy it is a bit more the story is a rather simple one about a wife alice jennifer love hewitt married to an increasingly distant husband sam jimi mistry who has put their love life on hold due to the burdens of his busy law practice his partner archie dougray scott is fond of both sam and alice but has a longtime attraction to alice that goes beyond friendship alice pals with her sister felicity kate miles a free love advocate who encourages alice to have affairs on valentine s day after a drinking binge with her sister alice mails a card to sam signed anonymous as a test to see if sam responds testing his fidelity at the same time archie mails a radish seed packet to alice on which he has inscribed a suggestive love not both have ex post facto regrets sam in fact is spending time with a lover katya branka katic and is indeed cheating on alice alice arranges assignations with sam via email and phone calls and plans to meet sam in disguise as anonymous to test his fidelity the entire cast of characters gets caught up in the silly charade and the ending proves that real love must be based on truth and how that results in the various pairings is the surprise of sorts of the fluffy script british comedies work because of the quality of writing and the tight quality of acting perhaps had director john hay elected to cast a british actress as alice instead of pasting a phony accent on jennifer love hewitt the result may have been improved but in the end this story by peter bloore bounces between mildly humorous and pathetic in its messages one terrible distraction is a musical score that is consistently so loud that it covers all the dialogue and is intrusive there are some nice scenes of london and a few moments of passable humor but in the end this little film is truly best utilized as background music white noise grady harp"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21113": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "and this somebody is me and not only me as i can see here at imdb or when leaving the theater why did the people love it it s obvious everybody knows zombies by now at least the horror fans by heart and the others through the dawn of the dead reinvention or resident evil movies etc or at least they thought they knew everything about zombies that is until this movie came along and you ll see zombies in a new light perhaps this is not a horror movie although it does contain some violent scenes but is rather a comedy a satire to be precise and it never runs out of steam that is why i rated it so high pacing wise it s incredible the acting is great and the script has no obvious mistakes quite the contrary it s a gem and if you re only a little bit interested in zombies you ought to see it and even if you dislike them watch it because it s a great comedy movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21114": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "whattt was with the sound it sounded like it was all dubbed otherwise bad plot bad accents bad even dougray and we live in scotland acting bad harp bad sex scenes bad cringeworthy still we watched it until the end in disbelief how could such a good roll call of actors perform so badly will they ever get a decent job again bad bad bad by the way we gave it because we at least were enticed to watch it to the end due to its bizarre plot etc and to the older reviewer i totally agree it was like a romantic farce from the s how did it get made in ok ok there were some ok bits they had a nice house in bristol dougray had a nice boat jennifer looked nice in a little outfit but how come the sister got all the men"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21115": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a year or so ago i was watching the tv news when a story was broadcast about a zombie movie being filmed in my area since then i have paid particular attention to this movie called fido as it finished production and began playing at festivals two weeks ago fido began playing in my local theater and just yesterday i read a newspaper article which stated fido is not attracting audiences in it s limited release with the exception of our local theater in fact here it is outdrawing all other shows at the paramount theater including of course this makes sense as many locals want to see their city on screen or spot themselves roaming around in zombie make up and for any other locals who haven t seen fido yet but are considering it i can say there are many images on screen from the school to city park to the forbidden zone that you will recognize in fact they make the okanagan valley look beautiful that s right beautiful scenery in a zombie movie however fido itself is a very good movie yes despite its flaws it is better then most of the other movies playing in my local market fido is best described as an episode of lassie in which the collie has been replaced by a member of the undead this is a clever premise and the movie even goes further by taking advantage of the s emphasize on conformity and playing up the cold war paranoia which led to mccarthyism furthermore it builds on the notion that zombies can be tamed or trained which george romero first introduced in day of the dead k sun ray plays a small town boy who s mother carrie ann moss longs for a zombie servant so she can be like all the other house wives on her block however his dad dylan baker is against the idea as he once had to kill his own zombie father eventually the family does acquire a zombie named fido played by billy connolly and adjusts to life with the undead billy connolly was inspired casting he is able to convey fido s confusion longing hatred and loyalty through only his eyes lumbering body and grunts connolly shows that he can play understated characters better than his outrageously comedic ones this is his best role since mrs brown fido follows in the footsteps of other recent zomcoms such as shawn of the dead and zombie honeymoon being someone who appreciates bruce campbell and misty mundae movies more than eli roth and jigsaw ones i prefer humor over gore in my horror however i understand the criticism of those horror fans who feel there is not enough undead carnage in fido yet i am sure patient viewers will be rewarded by the films gentle humor the movie does break down in it s third act it s as if the writers were so wrapped up in the cute premise of domesticated zombies in the s they forgot about the story arc however given my interest in horror comedies and my appreciation for seeing the neighborhood on screen i rate fido out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21116": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie had a cute opening i truly believed i was in for one of the best romantic comedies i ve seen in a while there was something particular foreign about the way the movie was set up realistic yet somewhat abstract and mystical but then the story line started becoming more and more unrealistic to say that the ending was corny and predictable would almost be an understatement the most typical romantic ending where everything goes great for every likable character a scene where the main character realises that he has made a mistake and chases the woman of his dreams only to confess his love for her in front of a sympathetic crowd of on lookers come on in the end the good guys win bad guys loose you get the picture a waste of a potentially interesting movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21117": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is the first must see film i ve seen in the last year it s wickedly funny incredibly original unbelievably great looking they went for this super cool wide screen technicolor look that s awesome to behold and it actually has depth in character and in what it says about society it s really smart satire that nails everything from homeland security to race issues while at the same time leaving you laughing and realizing how much are world lives in fear carrie anne moss turns in a comedic performance i never imagined would come from her she s sweet funny and sexy billy connolly is great as fido who can only grunt and moan and dylan baker as the dad is priceless in fact the whole cast is perfect henry czerny as the bad guy tim blake nelson as the neighbor with the hot sexy zombie girlfriend getting the idea now funny though provoking and just all round amazing go and see this movie it s like nothing you ve ever seen before"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21118": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve seen better production quality on youtube i pity the actors as the writing was terrible and the direction shocking not sure how they could get the lines out i really doubt any actor would have been able to salvage this movie no matter how good they were the characters were not developed at all and there was no real cohesion in the plot which just seemed to go nowhere much it s a shame really as the premise for the movie was good and with better production quality direction and script it could have been a decent movie it certainly was not a comedy unless you laugh out loud at the dubbing which was amateurish even the english actors sounded weird"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21119": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "set in a middle class neighborhood in the imaginary town of willard in the s this dark comedy with a light touch toys with such american obsessions as gun mania and violence materialism and keeping up with the joneses fear of others slavery golf and the disposing of the dead yes it all sounds a bit heavy but trust me on this it s nearly as light as a feather zombies are featured prominently among the characters crucial questions arise such as who will become a zombie of the willard folks choose this final path while only prefer a traditional funeral who owns how many zombies to do their bidding like robots they ve become a mark of social status and what is the range of possible relationships that can be worked out between the living and the sort of reincarnated dead somehow director andrew currie who also co wrote the lively screenplay with robert chomiak and dennis heaton keeps this improbable material percolating along for an hour and a half without once faltering for want of a good laugh a super cast helps carrie anne moss billy connolly dylan baker henry czerny tim blake nelson mary black and sonja bennett are the principals aided by young k sun ray as timmy the innocent kid with a good heart who acts as fair witness to all the lunacy of the grownups having seen her only in memento and the matrix i had no idea that ms moss had such fine comedienne chops the production design and music are exquisitely s to a tee maybe this one isn t for everybody it surely will be a hard film to beat for my annual bizarro award but intelligent comedies that stay funny from start to finish are among the hardest won achievements in movie making for me anyway fido is a hoot my grades a seen on"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21120": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "at least it s not full of sensless violence or fluff it s also not very full of thought or a smooth storyline this story had some potential but the director appears to have lost site of the green the story is disjointed and goes off in strange directions to no conclusion i also don t believe the director spent much time around a golf country club either some of the depictions are absurd not very engaging"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21121": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fido is a cute comedy that deserves wider recognition especially considering the mainstream crap that is supposed to entertain us these days as has already been pointed out this is hardly a real zombie film but rather a sweet satire that employs the undead to point fingers while there are necessarily some bloody scenes there is almost no gore and the way this movie is presented feel good s style i can t imagine anyone being actually scared or turned off by fido his fellow sufferers while the cast is generally good i felt that moss and nelson stood out the humor is not in your face but rather subdued there s a lot of attention to detail and i caught myself smiling benignly several throughout the movie this is certainly no masterpiece of cinema but it doesn t strive to be instead currie succeeds in delivering a heart warming black comedy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21122": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the only word i can think of to describe this movie is ordinary the plot line about gary sinise s character attempting suicide is a ridiculous premise and c mon living as some sort salingeristic hermit or recluse in a shack driving golf balls into the ocean because he couldn t handle life in the lucrative pro am golf community cry me a river i wish these were my problems i do enjoy dylan baker and sinise but this movie was clearly a bad choice or a pay check for sinise the scene in which little timmy price gets verbally abused by the other club member in front of his father during the tournament is so over the top that i am embarrassed to watch it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21123": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "saw this movie at the vancouver film festival and thought it was deadly smart stylish and funny the cast was rock solid great work by carrie anne moss dylan baker tim blake nelson billy connelly and up and comer alexia fast weirdly i found myself thinking about the movie for days after seeing it writers dennis heaton robert chomiak and andrew currie layered in a lot of political subtext but didn t whack you over the head with it the world they created had depth and made sense there is a giddy carnivorous spirit to this movie fido is guaranteed to cure grumpiness loved it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21124": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a gentleman s game uses the game of golf in a country club setting to illustrate an adolescent s discovery about honesty prejudice and other life lessons several times i thought i knew where this film was heading only to be proved wrong unfortunately i m not so sure that the filmmakers ever knew where it was heading either the defining moment in this movie is probably the scene in which gary sinise mocks the karate kid and debunks any notions that he s going to become a mentor to the adolescent golfer it s refreshing in a way that this movie refuses to follow most of the simplistic and over worked movie formulas however too much of it still comes off as contrived at the drop of a hat people drop all pretenses of civility or fail to stick up for the things in which they believe or are exposed for something far less respectable than their place in society assumes unfortunately there is often no resolution to these moments and except for the fact that the club serves as backdrop for them there is no real continuity or linking of them it s a shame that the writers and director could not salvage a better film especially given some of the talented actors and potential in the setup"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21125": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "just saw the world preem of fido at the toronto international film festival and thoroughly enjoyed it here we have a welcome reworking of a genre widely thought to have been pioneered certainly fleshed out extensively and successfully by george romero but this is a canadian film by a canadian director and it s a comedy and yes i actually think it is better than shawn of the dead thoroughly believable and perhaps even more importantly enjoyable performances by dylan baker carrie anne moss and young actor k sun ray whom i suspect we ll be seeing a lot more of in future features however i must confess that i most enjoyed the delicious turn by tim blake nelson as neighbour mr theopolis essentially playing a willing animated version of victor van dort from the corpse bride or for those who ve seen the film wouldn t that read even better here as the corpse pride and of course scotch actor billy connolly in his least animated yet somehow deeply moving role as the titular character just think he would not have gotten this role had it not been for peter stormare s commitments to prison break as was revealed in the q a following thursday night s screening i can t help but speculate that the screenwriters must have drawn a lot of inspiration from day of the dead s zombie bub i am not keen on ever revealing plot details during a comment and i won t start now suffice it to say that fido is not one of those dour graphically gory zombie films you can rely on from romero rather it is a film that will have you constantly chuckling and although and i did have to think back carefully to be sure there is a fair dose of blood letting and violence the delectable humour so well enhanced by the surreal milieu created by director currie and his co screenwriters goes a long way towards making this seem like a feature that ought to be rated pg i urge you to go see this little canuck gem i ll certainly be buying the dvd once it emerges hopefully by next summer"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21126": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i had the good fortune of reading the book before seeing the movie it was an epic of adolescence a dream of summers gone a great potential indie film or big budget drama it somehow got into the hands of a hack who clearly took notes watching boogie nights and rushmore without actually learning anything at all the script loses the meat of the book in favor of forced emotional notes and low brow gags i feel sorry for the actors since the characters in the book were rich and textured but cut down to embarrassing charactures in the film mason gamble is great when given the opportunity as is dylan baker but the skeleton that remains of the story plays out like a bad after school special poor people good rich people bad though it s almost worth watching to see the southern california beach where gary sinise parks his trailer which is meant to pass for a bay in delaware it s a good book but an embarrassing turn for first time director mills goodloe k"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21127": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "at a risk of sounding slightly sacrilegious on first viewing i m kind of inclined to put this right up on a par with shaun of the dead now given i view simon pegg as an unquestionable comedy genius i realise this is a rather big claim and to what extent you agree with that last statement may be a good preliminary gauge of whether fido will appeal to you in a way the comedy picks up where shaun left off except we re back in the original s living dead era stereotypical middle american small town the zombie wars are over and zombies themselves are becoming more well adjusted useful members of the community this so we re informed at the outset is largely thanks to the scientific advances made by the good people at zomcom a nice play on romantic comedy perhaps the beauty of the film lies in its dead pan depiction of a respectable neighbourhood maintaining core values while making a place for zombies and the special hazards they pose the charm and balance with which it does this is near enough perfect themes you might expect from a more mainstream kitsch comedy come through the veneer of good clean living keeping up appearances repressed emotion muddled parental values social decorum and the plight of the alienated individual it s a story told with happy heart and wide appeal that is brought to life vividly by the film s all round strong cast it s one of those works where it really shows through that everyone involved got a kick out of taking part it s also fun imagining what billy connelly learning his script must have been like so in conclusion it is probable you will appreciate the humour of this film unless your father tried to eat you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21128": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie way back when it premiered it was based on the notion that autistic children could communicate with typed out messages with someone else merely aiding them and guiding their hands then suddenly these children many of whom weren t even observing the keyboard or the screen when the messages were being typed out they could be looking up at the ceiling in some instances but their moderators were eyes glued on the keyboard began typing messages of abuse from their parents and other persons sending parents and child welfare agencies in a proberbial tizzy left and right this whole thing was proved a fallacy when a third person presented a folder opened it to the child and said type the picture you see then as the presenter turned the folder to the moderator a fold would fall down revealing another different picture so while the child may have seen a dog the moderator saw something like a boat every time every bloomin time the name of the picture typed was what the moderator had observed never what the child was shown so who was doing the typing never the child this movie further took a disastrous turn with as the australia poster stated the person who molested the child in the movie was in the situation trying to help the child had melissa gilbert never put her son in that place he wouldn t have been molested is what the movie says he was better off under her supervision if i turn my kid over to your organization for aid and he gets molested instead do you think i m going to be keen to listen to anything you have to say after that not likely i think it is a safe bet that all of these accusatory messages that these kids were typing out that this movie was based on they never accused someone within their operation as took place here unfortunately i do recall that the movie gave a very good performance from gilbert as the mother of an autistic but other than that the movie really didn t do much the worst by far was the child typing at the end to patty duke and we hear the mechanical voice read back what he typed we won this child was molested if you cut my leg off and i take you to court and you are found guilty of damaging me assault whatever then that is legal justice but it doesn t bring my leg back at best in my condition i will view it as a hollow victory whatever chance this child had at what is perceived as normalcy with the autism alone is further damaged by the molestation a normal child has enough to contend with from such an experience it s utterly superficial to think that you must look upon any situation and go we won if that person is found guilty in court just a bad handling of a situation and circumstances all the way around here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21129": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i suppose the ultimate curse of attending the toronto film festival is your release date time table get messed up quite frankly i m just happy fido got picked up for us distribution in any case ever seen shaun of the dead good how about lassie able to reconcile the two well if you can your name might be andrew currie canadian helmer of the first ever family themed zombie comedy or zomedy seriously that s what the press book in toronto called it though not as violent dry or british as shaun of the dead fido remains true to its roots a devotion to old s black and white television including both lassie and the infamous sci fi pulp that was being pumped out during the period fido s talented headliners carrie anne moss billy connelly dylan baker and tim blake nelson stand as a testament to the brilliance of the script the film explores all the implications of its premise a world where zombies have been converted to servants because of the sheer number of them due to a strange accident what would you use your new undead servant for a butler manual labor a pet unspeakable acts fido tackles all these possibilities in a sweet and surprisingly classy way with much thanks to the work of connelly as one of said zombies and young tv actor k sun ray who seems at times to be a better young elijah wood than the young elijah wood was if you re expecting another shaun of the dead don t waste your time there s not nearly enough gore and pokes at the genre to satisfy you and you ll just leave the theater bitter and depressed but if you re willing to take a look at what happens to shaun of the dead when it jumps across the lake you re in for a treat think of fido as the sensitive more often beaten up little brother to shaun of the dead s rebellious loser and you re starting to get the drift if you like or at least tolerate zombies small children and loads of deadpan satire fido s the film for you if that s not the case well you know the drill just hit em square between the eyes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21130": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can t believe they got the actors and actresses of that caliber to do this movie that s all i ve got to say the movie speaks for itself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21131": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away there was a boy who was only two years old when the original star wars film was released he doesn t remember first seeing the movie but he also doesn t remember life before it he does remember the first star wars themed gift he got a shoebox full of action figures from the original set he was too young to fully appreciate how special that gift would be but years later he would get what to this day goes down as one of the best gifts he s ever received another box full of action figures ten of the final twelve he needed to complete his collection it s now legendary in this boy s family how the last action figure he needed anakin skywalker stopped being produced and carried in stores and how this boy went for about ten years until he got into college trying to track one down and finally bought it from someone on his dorm floor for a bag of beer nuggets don t ask it s a northern illinois university thing i can t review star wars as a movie it represents absolutely everything good fun and magical about my childhood there s no separating it in my mind from christmases birthdays summers and winters growing up in the winter my friends and i would build snow forts and pretend we were on hoth i was always han solo my friends dad built them a kick ass tree house and that served as the ewok village they also had a huge pine tree whose bottom branches were high enough to create a sort of cave underneath it and this made a great spot to pretend we were in yoda s home i am unabashedly dorky when it comes to star wars and i think people either just understand that or they don t i don t get the appeal of lord of the rings or star trek but i understand the rabid flocks of fans that follow them because i am a rabid fan of george lucas s films i feel no need to defend my opinion of these movies as some of the greatest of all time every time i put them in the dvd player i feel like i m eight years old again when life was simple and the biggest problem i had was figuring out how i was going to track down a figure of anakin skywalker grade for the entire trilogy a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21132": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first off i would like to point out that while i am not an expert the way the trial was handled will insult your intelligence firstly the prosecution never proved that facilitated learning actually works irresponsible for both the prosecution because they can get an appeal and the defense for not acting on this as another commenter said facilitated learning was proved untrue secondly they used terry as the translator who has personal interest and even will testify in the trial which is just stupid if the court had allowed him to testify that way they would have brought in someone neutral otherwise they would be just asking for an appeal thirdly this child was never asked specific questions about the defendant by the prosecution birthmarks details of the event etc and even when asked by the defense specific questions like when it started he could not answer if that isn t reasonable doubt i don t know what is and a competent lawyer would have gotten an acquittal bottom line it starts off well with the pressures of being the parent of a child with autism but the trial makes this movie wholly unbelievable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21133": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "those french and those germans sure have a long history of not liking each other it is interesting to note that kamerdaschaft or comradeship in translation takes place in only a few years later hitler would siege germany and begin his plans to take over the world france being a casualty of his ambitions but these are times of sereneness compared to the future a group of miners at the border try to cross over to france to get work they are spurned back and later at a nightclub by their french neighbors then a disaster happens in the mines of the french and a well crafted and written scene a troupe of german miners decide to come to the rescue a simple story is it not pabst was a poet of silent cinema and i am not sure if this is his first sound movie or not but his poetry is there to be discovered he isn t fussy but brings a rugged realism to the ordeal ther is even a flashback to a wwii event that beckons the point of this story supposedly based on a real event the movie does the events proudly with directness and terseness smetimes that s what a movie needs to be"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21134": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i looked forward to watching this film and then realised that any hope of a coherent dialogue between the actors was swamped by the unnecessary swearing now i am not a prude in any way but to shout obscenities at each other does not a good film make ewan bremner is arguably one of the worst actors in the world at this time witness his performance in the god awful life of stuff his cockney accent is almost as bad as his edinburgh accent avoid how many more of these films kiss kiss bang bang beautiful creatures do we have to suffer before the film makers realise that the f word the c word etc does not replace proper dialogue"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21135": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sentimental and naive but undeniably affecting emotional man helping man plea in this case personified as german and french miners forced to be closed off from each other after the great war thanks to a new border leading to disillusionment on the german side as the french are the bosses but when a fire begins on the french side the common decency of the german men lead to assistance safety and even friendship this was a plea that would fall on deaf ears within the decade as a certain man from pabst s own side would break that piece and turn the great war into merely a prelude but it is obvious to me that pabst really believes or at least wants to hope for this kind of fundamental humanism as this film radiates with this optimism whereas his more flippant cynical adaptation of the threepenny opera lacked the bite needed to make that work work also furthering his honest belief are the fact that the characters here are not simplistic mouthpieces for positions but real people with real families whose home lives we are privy to as well these are ordinary working class men who just happen to believe in the worth of caring and treating right your fellow man and in this day of individualist opportunism i ll take a little thinning in my plot to get a positive message that represents a point of view that i think we can all aspire to note apparently the ending is cut on most prints where the french rebuild the mining gate closing off the men once again this is a brutal turn of events and may have made the film a better overall film but i would have lamented it souring the positives vibes of the final sequence so in short i m glad it was clipped grade b of of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21136": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is truly terrible painfully irritating stylised performers screech and mug gratingly incoherent dialogues which take place in scenes which seem to have no purpose no beginning middle or end cut together without any apparent narrative or even cognitive intention all in the service of some entirely uninteresting and almost undetectable story what makes it worse is the film s pretentions to style suddenly a remote head crane shot spirals downwards and without any apparent reason there are sudden whip pans or wobblyhand held sections all this style merely serves to magnify the almost unbelievably huge misconception of the project and the almost offensive vacuity of the material definitely a candidate for the worst film ever made"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21137": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "valliant effort to use a mining catastrophe as a vehicle to pronounce this director s distaste for war the audience not only learns a great deal about early mining rescue procedures but we learn that europeans at the interval between wwi and wwii had concerning pacifists for lack of a better term the speeches given by both representatives of each country at the end of the film are inspiring given the time although the revised edition through the transfer technology of early foreign films cuts off characters heads at times this film holds it s own in many different aspects character analysis lighting techniques historical content and a scenario that has tested and inspired many a writer and filmmaker pabst went on to direct and put to screen weil brecht s three penny opera starring the original star lotte lenya"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21138": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "mojo is a story of fifties london a world of budding rock stars violence and forced homosexuality mojo uses a technique for shooting the s often seen in films that stresses the physical differences to our own time but also represents dialogue in a highly exaggerated fashion owing much to the way that speech was represented in films made in that period i have no idea if people actually spoke like this outside of the movies but no films made today and set in contemporary times use such stylised language it s as if the stilted discourse of s screenwriters serves a common shorthand for a past that seems in consequence a very distant country indeed and therefore stresses the particular rather than the universal in the story mojo features a strong performance from ian hart and annoying ones from aiden gillan and ewan bremner the latter still struggling to build a post trainspotting career but feels like a period piece a modern film incomprehensibly structured in an outdated idiom rather dull actually"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21139": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film along with westfront are my favorite pabst directed films and i enjoyed them more than his much more famous films which starred louise brooks such as pandora s box it s probably because both are very similar to the neo realist films that the italians perfected in the s and s this style film called for using non actors just typical folks in everyday settings in order to create intensely involving and realistic films in this case the film is about french and german coal miners so appropriately the people in the roles seem like miners not actors the central conflict as the film begins is that there is a huge mine located on the franco german border instead of one big mine it is divided at the border and german workers are not welcome in the french mine despite there being greater unemployment in germany this language differences illustrated wonderfully in a dance hall scene and wwi conspire to create a huge rift between the factions resulting in a we vs they mentality later an explosion causes a huge collapse in the french and the germans refuse to sit back and do nothing risking their own lives they prove that there is true comradeship between miners and men in general the film is a strong criticism of xenophobia and tried in vain to get the german audiences to see the futility of war and hatred it was a gorgeously moving film with some of the scariest and claustrophobic images i have ever seen considering history though the film s impact was minimal at best it s a real shame as like this one westfront j accuse gance and all quiet on the western front milestone had great messages of peace and harmony but ultimately were failures in positively swaying public opinion so from a historical point of view it s an amazing and sad relic that is well worth seeing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21140": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a film where the actors are all fine especially brigitte bako and erik palladino in a film where every one of the three couples meet in a situation that feels verrrrry forced to be either cute or to set the story in motion in other words it feels like they are contrived movie scenes not like real life even if women who work at peep parlors ever go out with one of their customers it just doesn t seem realistic at all the way it is written in this film also when one of the characters meets the overweight woman in the film it feels artificial the way they look at each other seconds after arguing again the actors are all good and moments of this film are nice but overall yet another indie that could have used some rewriting before production got rolling"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21141": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "based on an actual mining disaster this early german talkie with english subtitles still remains one of the most effective docu dramas ever filmed featuring many non professional actors kameradschaft gives a chilling view of the friendship that binds the mine workers regardless of which side of the french german border they may be from a deadly accident brings out the very best in everyone nullifying any superiors orders a fellow miner in need will receive the help of his comrades even at threat of great loss including life this film reminds of the self sacrificing heroism shown by the nyfd following the attacks putting aside any formal rules and regulations these men and women in uniform knew only one cause to save lives and to find their fellow fire fighters more than years later kameradschaft still has the strong and timeless message a friend in need is a friend in deed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21142": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "she has been catapulted from to with magic dust involved courtesy the year old matt but nothing is made of that except as an unexplained device new york city especially central park but also every other slice of the place incorporated into the movie seems hope filled and easily livable and save for lucy there s no villain in jenna s adult life and even lucy is not cast as monstrous only as a nasty year old grown years more devious chris the one time boy object of jenna s yearning is now a porky cab driver and you have seen enough films to know that matt will play a major role in jenna s future you don t know quite what might impede this before it is finally achieved though i m here to whisper in your ear so to speak that the device is not unique in fact not only is this a variation on the theme of tom hanks big though nowhere near as fine it is also a strictly by the book version of this subset of the cinderella story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21143": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the name of this film alone made me want to see just what it was all about so i taped this film during the early hours of the am if you ever wanted to see what miners had to go through during the early days and actually see a dramatic scene when the mine crumbles in on the men this film clearly wants to show that germany and france can work together and be friends after ww i and how the germans came to the aid of the french miners much to the unbelief of the french townsfolk the actors were all outstanding with unusual scenes in the mine with a horse and a small young boy who worked in the mine there is an old old retired miner who manges to go down the mine by ladder when the elevator breaks down if you are a real film buff this is a film you will not want to miss"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21144": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what the bliep is it with this movie couldn t they fiend a better script all in all a nice movie but it has been done more than once up till the end i thought it was okay but the going back to the past part barf so corny was waiting for the fairy god mother to appear but wow that didn t happen which is good i loved big with tom hanks but to see such a movie in a new form with another kid who wished that he she is older bigger that just is so pas just watch till it comes out on tv don t get me wrong but it ain t all that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21145": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this the finest achievement from georg wilhelm pabst s social realism period is based upon a tragedy in early that claimed the lives of nearly french miners as a coal dust explosion deep in mines at courrieres in northern france took place after a fire had smouldered for three weeks eventually releasing deadly pit gas that brought about the fatalities estimable designer erno metzner creates stark sets that simulate the tragedy providing a perception of reality augmented by matchless sound editing with the only music being produced by integral orchestras during the beginning and ending portions of a work for which aural effects possess equal importance with the eminent director s fascinating visual compositions pabst s manner of invisible editing that segues action from shot to shot through movements of players proves to be smoothly integrated within this landmark film that also showcases sublime cinematography utilizing cameras mounted upon vehicles enabling the director to shift amid scenes without having a necessity of cutting although the work s cardinal theme relates to socialist dogma the unforgettable power of this film is held in its details born of pabst s nonpareil skill at weaving numerous plot lines into a cinema tapestry that stirs one to admiration for german rescue squads of whom their fatherland is greatly proud while no less despairing of disastrous losses to the families of french victims certainly a seminal triumph fully as stimulating today to a cineaste as it was at the time of its first release"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21146": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m beginning to see a pattern in the movies i give a to they are almost all movies that my wife made me watch maybe i should stop having faith in her taste in movies anyway this is typical drivel aimed at pre teen girls but done even more poorly than usual once again the writer broke the cardinal rule of any movie he she made the main character unlikable she starts off by being a complete b tch to her friend at the beginning and then finds out when she becomes that she s basically a sh tty person having affairs etc why the f would we feel for this person ok let s say we can get past that jennifer garner is about as far from attractive as you can get without having some sort of deformity i don t know if it s her or the writer s fault but her character goes well beyond my threshold for annoyance here s a tip for future filmmakers year olds are not entertaining they re annoying far and away the most embarrassing moment in the movie came when they danced to thriller holy crap that was painful it showed her practicing that dance at the beginning that explains why she knows it but an entire club full of people argh the macarena would be more believable all of a sudden she s completely incompetent and has no clue how to do her job and no one notices at least tom hanks character on big had a job that made sense to a child these body switching child becoming adult overnight movies are really getting out of hand and this is by far the worst one yet"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21147": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "brown of harvard is a hard movie to pin down we expect a lot more from our movies these days so it helps to remember that audiences in the s were a bit more innocent william haines is charming as the rogue who has to stumble through pain and humiliation to find success and even glory all of the relationships in the movie feel very stilted except for the homoerotic tie between billy and jack pickford the town nerd the movie has everything romance tears love death and even sports it s a great education in how society has changed in the th century"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21148": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is horrible everything in it has been done before there is nothing original i cannot stand when writers don t come up with their own plots a girl makes a wish on her th birthday and wakes up as an adult hmm sounds a lot like a movie in the s called big what is even more annoying is jennifer garner s acting she doesn t act like she is she just acts like she is stupid from then on you can guess the whole plot she gets a good job and it just so happens that a friend she had at works with her wow how awesome but no her friend is bad and turns on her trying to get her job but of course she wins in the end when she comes up with a great idea there s also a dancing scene in the movie that i ve seen a thousand times before i hate this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21149": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is apparently the second remake of this film having been filmed before in and and in so many ways it reminds me of the later film a yank at oxford both films concern a conceited blow hard who arrives at one of the top schools in the world and both ultimately show the blow hard slowly learning about teamwork and decency in this film william haines is tom brown and his main rival bob is played by frances x bushman and in a supporting role is jack pickford always remembered as the brother of mary of these three pickford comes off the best as the sympathetic loser who becomes tom s pal he actually has a few decent scenes as well as a dramatic moment just before the big game all the standard clich s are there and the movie because it was done so many times before and since offers few surprises however it is pleasant film and is enjoyable viewing in my opinion for a better silent college film try harold lloyd s the freshman it s football scenes are frankly more exciting and harold is far more likable and sympathetic than the annoying tom brown the freshman is probably the best college picture you can find from the era another reason why brown at harvard is a lesser picture is that william haines played essentially the same unlikable and bombastic character with the same plot again and again and again such as in westpoint and the smart set among others and if you ve seen one of these films you ve seen them all well made but certainly not original and because it is just a rehash of his other films anyone giving the film a score of is strongly advised to see these other films i just checked and saw this this small film was the highest rated film on imdb from the talk about over rated there are dozens and dozens of better films how this film got to be is anyone s guess"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21150": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this esteemed production has it s fans but to paraphrase the classic bad review of mary reilly moby dick is like a painting only slower this is because the philosophical grounds for a movie production are never to make a great film rather it s to substitute the lack of a strong guiding idea in this case for a books transference to film with a list of hopelessly atomized undynamic but dazzling conceits in an effort to trick viewers into thinking they ve seen greatness as viewers critics are apt to fall for this oscars follow feeding the whole dumb equation i don t share in the pleasure all these reviewers found moby dick is stunningly uninvolving actors dutifully recite essays about jonah moby dick the ocean moby dick moby dick all things that can t respond and not one of which is absorbing in the slightest it s dramatically inert it doesn t build in narrative terms moby dick as a movie is little more than a foregone conclusion in search of an actual story after half an hour i was muttering oh terrific another oath another minute soliloquy in the failed effort to involve you it s a pretty campy overacting showcase a lot of grey hair here starbuck is supposed to be a golden god one knows one is looking at a great director when he makes the medium his own rather than trying to replicate the feel of someone else s paintings palette or reverently embalming a classic as huston does here paintings and books are nice but they re a different mediums a movie like this fails to grasp that an honestly enjoyable piece of crap village of the damned is better in most respects than an insufferable piece of culture this is the eat your vegetables school of film making one appreciates the work that must have been done to make the movie but not the narrative only a few segments reflecting maritime research are interesting the recording of shanties as a means of structuring work various sea efforts and the technology of whaling and that doesn t call for a two plus hour movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21151": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ve been intrigued by this film for a while in part because of the extremely high score here on imdb a average with over votes gives it the highest rating of any accessible silent film how had i not heard of this film before this website well you can t always trust the ratings this is actually a very good film preserved quite well if the fine vhs transfer i rented is any indication excellent acting by the principals especially william haines as brown and good location work at cambridge with some fine action footage in the climactic harvard yale football game but the story must have seemed a hoary chestnut even in obnoxious self centered and charismatic guy goes to school and gets put in his place becoming in the process a caring self sacrificing friend i doubt people in found much that was really exciting in the last few reels the predictability factor is high still it starts out very well and is certainly deserving of being remembered if not praised to the heavens maybe the previous voters are mostly harvard men edit now voters and the score has actually climbed to seriously folks there is ballot stuffing going on here i defy anybody to explain why this is a better film than metropolis or the general"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21152": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i love these actors but they were wasted in this flick i can only wonder what were they thinking agreeing to this crap debra winger just phoned it in dennis quaid and arliss howard were caricatures some people thought it was deep well if you liked breaking the waves you ll probably like this too i hated both"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21153": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m sick of people whining about ewoks true they re not the best thing that ever happened to star wars but they did happen so deal with it besides they are cute and i don t care if they re marketable yubb nubb this movie always leaves me in tears it s perfect the end could not be better i m excited for the phantom menace because it will suddenly throw the focus of the whole story from luke to anakin i love how he is revealed at the end it would be too unresolved any other way so those of you who are complaining that vader s helmet was removed take a moment to think about it it s very effective vader the man who hid behind a mask for years is finally revealed as a sick looking man he is not entirely machine he s vulnerable i don t know how the casting director happened to pick such good actors in a new hope they all do so well they are believable characters hamill does an excellent job with his dramatic character development fisher does a fine job being a female role model i mean come on she killed jabba even when so many others had failed harrison ford need i say more the music is once again brilliant it s so very touching and significant when you can pick out character themes at different parts of the movie the best climax is when luke shouts nooo and jumps out to fight his father in the final battle john williams is nothing short of a genius what an amazing man already the movie has so much more meaning for me because of episode i i can t wait to finally see it in the theatres can i wait and then watch the original trilogy yet again bravo"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21154": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "non existent plot tons of poorly directed super cheesy scenes snipers world famous sharpshooters who can t even hit their targets a few feet away plus what s up with the ending a bunch of law enforcers vandalizing a carnival s shooting gallery wth technical mistakes how many bullets can you fit into a magazine of a glock these people fire their guns without the need of reloading the movie is so bad that even senior hollywood actor like michael biehn aliens terminator can t save this junk do not watch this movie i realized that i wasted some good minutes of my precious life on this one hopefully the director would either stop making movies or learn more for his next movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21155": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is an extraordinary film that tricks you constantly it seems to be heading toward cliche at several points and then something astonishing will happen that genuinely startles it would give away too much to say much more but stick with this film and you will be richly rewarded william haines is absolutely delightful he is certainly a star that deserves to be re discovered the gay subtext in his relationship with jack pickford is amazing there is even a scene where haines rubs pickford s chest pickford has a cold both actors play this sub text subtlely and with great depth of emotion so that there are moments that are very moving and i never thought i could get so involved in a football match as i did in this movie and i don t even understand the rules also excellent is francis x bushman s son ralph as haines rival for the girl yes it s not completely a gay movie wonderful silent classic a great example of twenties commercial cinema with an edge"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21156": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "handsome guys with bad haircuts beautiful girls without any clues stupid gangsters who cannot shoot straight from dragon dynasty comes the hong kong gangster drama dragon heat for reasons which will probably forever be completely obscured the production and casting call for this criminals on steroids movie somehow got both maggie q and michael biehn to sign on as villains but they don t get all that much to do in this horrid slug fest they are two of the best contemporary actors around each with their own resume and list of accomplishments and biehn in particular has had the courage to take some rather challenging and non heroic roles maggie q was the super bad mai in live free or die hard so nuff said biehn is of course famous for being the soldier from the future who made the terminator of such a believable science fiction fantasy romp by crashing up against big arnold who is now the governator of california michael biehn is almost wholly wasted in this terrible train wreck of a police drama there is absolutely no reason for that as the incredibly convoluted plot given mostly in chinese as it is a hong kong story could have been better elaborated for non chinese audiences with a foreign narrator in other words if biehn had been used as something like an interpol observer or coordinator or an agent under deep cover who needs to get some splaining given to him every five or ten minutes that would have been great but no he s brought in as a part of an odd group of special forces type bad guys who seem to be freelancing their own corrupt deal in the middle of somebody else s totally corrupt deal involving the local king of corrupt deals yes there i said it all confused me too welcome to the party pal in the truly superb hong kong crime drama known by its english title as breaking news there are also a number of fascinating characters at work but there is only one story line in the plot bad guys vs good cops in this wretched and excessively violent foray into the world of a hong kong triad or gang it seems that the hot shot police force is little more than a parade of ducks in a shooting gallery the way the criminals mow them down so not surprisingly there s an almost otherwise incomprehensible scene several scenes in fact where kids are trying to shoot wooden ducks in an arcade game to win stuffed animal prizes and so the hot shot good guy police officers quite naturally intervene on their behalf so that the arcade owner has to give up the kewpie dolls there s also a half hearted attempt at creating a love interest between one of the visiting cops and the sole female visiting cop the visiting cops are supposed to be material witnesses against the triad gangster leader who gets hijacked on the way to his court appearance but not by his own team but by the mercenaries biehn maggie q and some others these killers all want something but we don t get to learn about what it is until the very end of the film that was a stupid mistake inside of the overall story you cannot build suspense in a crime drama without something to obtain or get or get away from being introduced very early in the story add to that some cut away scenes done for purely artsy effects all showing the bad bad guys and the regular bad guys recent pasts and any film buff can readily understand why this barking dog gets a rating from this fan of all things cinematic with criminals and conspirators and hong kong"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21157": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one of the biggest hits of brown of harvard is a exciting comedy drama featuring regatta and football scenes that gave william haines the role he needed to become a major star it s patented haines all the way brash smart aleck who takes nothing serious until he is rejected by everyone wises up and becomes a man hero and wins the girl no one worked this formula like haines a terrific comic actor little annie rooney with mary pickford show people with marion davies haines could swing from comedy to tragedy with a change in facial expression he is a total joy in this film as he was in tell it to the marines with lon chaney and west point with joan crawford where he repeats the formula mary brian is good as the girl jack pickford is very good as the sickly roommate ralph bushman is the rival edward connelly mary alden david torrence guinn williams and grady sutton co star this film is noted now for its homoerotic relationship between haines and pickford and for being john wayne s film debut as a yale football player but i never spotted him haines was a top five box office star starting with this picture through it s a shame he has been largely forgotten and that most of his films appear to be lost he was one of the most appealing and talented actors of his time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21158": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "at the end of dragon heat all i could think of was why i bothered sitting through the whole thing the film s premise is interesting and that as well as maggie q is what attracted me to the film in the first place but was i ever disappointed writer director daniel lee can t hold a candle to the likes of john woo ringo lam and corey yuen this has to be one of the most annoyingly directed films i have ever seen lee is so wrapped up in his visual style and i use that phrase incredibly loosely that he fills the film with completely needless black and white stills freeze frames slow motion fast motion and other visual nonsense i suppose he did all that to make up for the lack of a good story or dialogue the action scenes are nothing special and play out like some hopped up music video more than anything else there is little to care about any of the characters including two supposedly professional snipers who couldn t hit the broad side of a barn from the inside who are then laden with some of the cheesiest dialogue i have seen in one of these hong kong actioners the plot is devoid of any twists and turns from the initial set up everything unfolds in predictable fashion and lee feels the need to keep reminding us of the characters back stories in case we didn t get it the first several times this is awfully amateurish writing and film making and wastes the talents of sammo hung michael biehn and maggie q though to be frank i am hard pressed to remember biehn being in any good film that was not directed by james cameron if you really are in the mood for a great hong kong actioner you are much better off sticking to some of the staples john woo s the killer and hard boiled ringo lam s city on fire which quentin tarantino stole for reservoir dogs or his point blank remake full contact or even check out yuen s so close a supremely entertaining yet preposterous popcorn flick and there s always the terrific french police actioner the nest true most if not all are a bit over the top but they were films that remain exciting thrilling and even suspenseful they have characters we care about and mind blowing action sequences dragon heat on the other hand is just terribly mediocre the trouble is that lee has not made a bad action film he has made a dull one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21159": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a family mother patricia clarkson father jake weber son erik per sullivan go out for a family get together in some remote house in the middle of winter they accidentally hit a deer while driving there this angers some of the locals especially otis john speredakos and things slowly very slowly go wrong i was expecting the worst when i started watching this the bulk of the reviews for this on this site are extremely negative well i disagree first off it s not a horror film the horror doesn t even begin until the closing minutes it plays more like a family drama with horror elements thrown in on that level it s pretty damn good first the bad stuff the pace is way too slow jake weber is a horrible actor way too many false dream sequence scares the wendigo barely figures into the film and the clear view we get of the wendigo at the end is laughable the good stuff pretty good dramatic script clarkson is excellent as the mother some great direction with eerie sound effects which are a little scary a pretty explicit hot sex sequence between clarkson and weber which actually is necessary for the integrity of the plot pretty good acting by sullivan only at the time and speredakos and a completely unexpected tragic ending i think many people are annoyed with this film because it s being pushed as a horror film which it isn t so if you can ignore that i think you might like it i m giving it a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21160": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a lot of promise and nothing more an all star cast certainly by hk standards but man oh man is this one a stinker no story that s okay the action will make up for it like most hk action flicks what the action is terrible corny and sparse dragon dynasty s releases up to this point are by and large superb and generally regarded as classics in asian cinema this is a blight they managed to wrangle a couple of actors from infernal affairs but they can t bring life to a disjointed script there are scenes of dialogue where two or three lines are spoken with a cut in between each and no continuity in what the characters are saying you almost feel like they re each giving a running monologue and just ignoring the other characters michael biehn is made of wood really sammo hung uses a stunt double no way yes way stay away"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21161": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you want scream or anything like the big studio horror product that we get forced on us these days don t bother this well written film kept me up thinking about all it had to say importance of myth in our lives to make it make sense how children interpret the world and the violence in it our ransacking of the environment and ignorance of its history and legends all here but not flatly on the surface you could technically call it a monster movie even though the wendigo does not take physical form until the end and then it s even up to you and your beliefs as to what s happening with the legendary spirit beast some standard thriller elements for those looking just for the basics and the film never bores though in fact the less you see of the creature the better fessenden successfully continues george romero s tradition of using the genre as parable and as a discussion forum while still keeping us creeped out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21162": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ahh this film had so much potential a good cast of quality b actors the thighs of jessica simpson and that is about it i believe some guy in some unnamed marketing department had an idea basically lets do a kind of legally blond film but do it in new york that big bright city of chances power and money and where everyone is a heartless power money hungry person let s add to this jessica simpson small town bimbo that brother of owen wilson and for some no apparent reason andy dick only because of him you should ignore this film basic story line boy leaves girl for ny girl follows boy cheats girl stays in ny with cousin gets a job under false pretenses mucks up is courted by other boy brother wilson and together save the day and kiss a few words come to mind when reflecting upon this film i e dire awful unbearable intolerable and xenophobic just don t watch this film you will be happier one reviewer referred to guantanamo and i definitely agree with him this film induces shock and i know what you are thinking at least at some point will i see simpson naked or close too it s not gonna happen spare yourself the time and youtube her you will have better sexy time the films editing is flimsy the acting is unbearable and why do they use blue screens in conclusion this is cinematic treason which should be punished to the maximum another question why does willie nelson always play a kind of father figure in almost every jessica simpson flick and why are there no black latin asian or european people in this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21163": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is excellent i found it very interesting i thought the wendigo legend was pretty cool the acting was also great as well as the costumes production photography directing and script a very happy family on vacation gets stranded in the middle of nowhere after they hit a deer a huntsman then appears and is very angry and outraged over the fact that one of the deer s antler s is broken he then starts to stalk the family and weird things start to happen to them see this movie it s worth it kudos to the cast crew and filmmakers two thumbs way up"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21164": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first of all excuse my bad english of course only a movie starring jessica simpson can include serious goofs like this i m a norwegian and i felt offended and shocked the makers of this movie did not take the time to do their research upon making this american norwegian movie even wikipedia is more accurate when it comes to facts about this country so i m posting my corrections out of my frustration the country is named norway not norwegia da is russian not norwegian norwegian priests never use those black capes with that white paper by the neck as the protestant church is the dominant by far it s true we have a native traditional folk outfit that we only use like twice a year but the outfit in this movie is more like a german outfit i could not understand the so called norwegian in this movie jessica was not making any sense neighter did the norwegian priests the only thing i recognise is the norwegian flag and the viking hats but that s so stereotypic what people think about norway vikings o gosh well i guess the people who made this film will never read this comment but at least i cleared some things up and got rid of some of that frustration i m proud of my country and i d love if people in the us were less stereotypic and more accurate when they talk about this country that was all lenge leve norge p"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21165": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "wendigo is a pretty good psychological thriller the film has some great drama between the characters and some good creepy scenes the acting is good the characters act like a normal family the wendigo effects are good the deer form reminded me a little of the rabbit in donnie darko the film sees a family going to stay at a house for a while but accidental hit a deer a group of hunters arrives and one of the hunters named otis starts to argue with the dad george after the car is lifted they drive off to the house the son miles is a little shook up about the deer but his parents try to tell him that it s natural for things like that to happen that night while he s in bed he starts to see weird things in bedroom the next day they go into to town and miles meets a man at the counter who gives him a little statue of the wendigo when miles shows kim the statue and tells her that a man at the counter gave it him the owner says the she only works there once returning home george takes his son sledding and while there sledding he s knocked off the board and miles is chases by the wind after gaining conciseness they go looking for george they find him outside the house where he tells them he was shot in the hospital kim tells the sheriff that otis may have shot him the shrieff goes to otis s place where he s bashed over the head with a hammer as otis drives down the road he finds that the wendigo is after him wendigo is a pretty good thriller that has some chilling moments check this out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21166": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i knew this movie wasn t going to be amazing but i thought i would give it a chance i am a fan of luke wilson so i thought it had potential unfortunately a lot of the movie s dialog was very fake sounding and cheesy i think that aquafresh gave some money towards the production of the film because they were seriously dropping some hints throughout there is a shot where the aquafresh sign sticks out at you that you can t help but notice it maybe they should have focused on writing and acting more than how many times can we drop aquafresh products in the movie without people getting annoyed the movie had its moments but i m glad i didn t spend to see it in the theater"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21167": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "now this is what i m talking about finally a low budget horror outing that uses its limitations to its advantage wendigo while occasionally flawed is a triumph of the imagination granted it leans heavy on evil dead style camera moves for its moodiness but it s still a damn sight better than of direct to video dross the story is pretty simple a family takes a vacation at a remote cabin and are menaced by one particularly unhinged hunter but director larry fessenden really knows how to build suspense and add layers of unsettling creepiness through the use of the mythical wendigo is it real is it all in the boy s imagination is it an externalization of the child s emotional state some have quibbled that the film is unsatisfying because it s left to you to decide don t be put off by such petty nonsense a film that makes you think is not one to avoid it s one to rejoice in"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21168": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this might be unbelievable but this movie has grossed in russia it s shown in almost all cinema theaters and still running well i have no idea why distributors put their eye on this particular uh movie which had almost no screening around the world that s some kind of enigma haha maybe it was based on the fact that another movie pledge this with paris hilton which was as well released only dvd almost everywhere had major screenings in russia and grossed more than mln besides both movies had a lot of promotion like there were the banners all over the city tv commercials and etc speaking about movie i d say it s dull and absolutely boring it could be better really even if it has jessica simpson"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21169": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a haunting piece that the discerning horror film fan will fall upon with gratitude keep your freddys and your jasons this film is in the same company as the haunting the original lyrical and truthful it stays with you long into the night much like those terrifying cbs radio mystery theatre shows a smart rent"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21170": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the story goes something like this a small town girl katie jessica simpson decides to visit her boyfriend in the big city when she arrives she discovers he isn t quite as faithful as he should be katie then ends up venturing into the adventure that is new york filling in as bike messenger comedic and charming mishaps ensues she falls into a hole in the ground and thus meets charismatic good guy ben luke wilson it s not love at first sight at least for her but destiny and ben won t give up quite that easy being just a small town girl and blonde a couple of evil executives at a building firm decides she s the perfect scapegoat for their cunning plan misunderstandings with hilarious and sad consequences follow however this is one blonde who won t take it lying down people being judgmental of this film will soon enough be proved wrong the jokes are confident and fitting and the story well developed the relationship between katie and ben feels so natural that it puts anything godard has created to shame the multi talented jessica simpson once again surprises with a strong role only she could pull off simpson really is the marilyn monroe of our day there s even one scene honoring her she balances perfectly between vulnerable and whimsy katie really does show us that you can t judge a book by its cover luke wilson is as charming as ever even if he was covered in manure that man would be as appealing as anyone his light touch puppy dog eyes and laid back manner makes it difficult to resist andy dick plays the role he was born to play one of the two diabolical executives he really cannot be underestimated the strength of the performance lies in his restraint it s remarkable because most actors would just run away with it and play it for cheap laughs not this guy in conclusion director scott marshall has crafted an intelligent and frequently hilarious comedy that is destined to become a classic alongside masterpieces of cinema like epic movie and norbit kudos to everyone involved in this especially jessica simpson her sincere smile and whole hearted laughter would make even the toughest man break out in a big grin you may be tough but you re not that tough warmly recommended to everyone who wants to be swept off their feet and see a romantic comedy that for once feels honest thank you for this film oh and the soundtrack rocks now if you still haven t gotten it i m being sarcastic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21171": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you want scream or anything like the big studio horror product that we get forced on us these days don t bother this well written film kept me up thinking about all it had to say importance of myth in our lives to make it make sense how children interpret the world and the violence in it our ransacking of the environment and ignorance of its history and legends all here but not flatly on the surface you could technically call it a monster movie even though the wendigo does not take physical form until the end and then it s even up to you and your beliefs as to what s happening with the legendary spirit beast some standard thriller elements for those looking just for the basics and the film never bores though in fact the less you see of the creature the better fessenden successfully continues george romero s tradition of using the genre as parable and as a discussion forum while still keeping us creeped out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21172": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie had all the elements to be a smart sparkling comedy but for some reason it took the dumbass route perhaps it didn t really know who its audience was but it s hardly a man s movie given the cast and plot yet is too slapstick and dumb blonde to appeal fully to women if you have seen legally blonde and its sequel then this is like the bewilderingly awful sequel great actors such as luke wilson should expect better material jessica simpson could also have managed so much more rachael leigh cook and penelope anne miller languish in supporting roles that are silly rather than amusing many things in this movie were paint by numbers the various uber clich montages the last minute misunderstanding even the kids party chaos this just suggests lazy scriptwriting it should be possible to find this movie enjoyable if you don t take it seriously but it s such a glaring could do better than you ll likely feel frustrated and increasingly disappointed as the scenes roll past"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21173": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film is more about how children make sense of the world around them and how they and we use myth to make sense of it all i think it s been misperceived everyone going in expecting a stalkfest won t enjoy it but if you want a deeper story it s here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21174": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "blazing saddles it s a fight between two estranged brothers dennis quaid and arliss howard both of whom can ignite fires mentally they square off over childhood differences with dippy love interest debra winger caught in the middle director glenn gordon caron the tv whiz kid behind moonlighting smothers the darkly textured comedy in vince gilligan s screenplay with a presentation so slick the movie resembles an entry from an over enthusiastic film student on a fifteen million dollar grant it has the prickly energy of a big commercial feature but a shapeless style which brings out nothing from the characters except their kooky eccentricities these aren t even characters they re plot functions barely released to theaters the film is a disaster although strictly as an example of style over substance it does look good winger is the only stand out in a cast which looks truly perplexed from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21175": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "perspective is a good thing since the release of star wars episode i the phantom menace claims and counter claims of just how episode s ii and iii will eventuate has taken the spotlight off the original star wars films making them part of a cohesive whole rather than segregating the older and new films into separate trilogies what the new films have done is allow fresh perspectives to be placed on the older films this new outlook allows us to greater appreciate what has often been viewed as the weakest of the original trilogy return of the jedi often derided for its overly cute factor rotj is in a sense as strong as the original and only slightly less impressive than the nearly perfect the empire strikes back indeed the cute element of rotj namely the ewoks remains a weak link in the entire series did george lucas place the furry midgets in the film purely for the merchandising possibilities only he can answer that question this cute factor aside the film is a brilliant full circle and evolution of the saga following on from the conclusion of the empire strikes back luke skywalker mark hamill follows his rebel alliance friends to tatooine his home planet to rescue han solo harrison ford the space pirate turned rebel hero who was captured by jabba the hutt for overdue debts skywalker is a changed man since leaving tatooine with ben obi wan kenobi alec guiness to fight the evil empire now swathed all in black luke s discovery of his origins have left him confused and torn his psychological make up is not as strong as his outward appearance would suggest while he might aim to always assist his rebel friends he yearns for another chance to confront the evil darth vader again despite his unassuredness as to whether he will destroy him or eventually turn to the dark side and join vader at the emperor s side early scenes in tatooine are impressive from jabba s lair to his floating palace and the almighty sarlac an intenstine that lives in the sand lucas cgi enhancements to the film in actually worsened the overall effect of the sarlac making it look fake and overdone the battle scene on tatooine is outstanding and is one of the more memorable of the saga luke almost singlehandedly anihiliates jabba and his cronies proving his prowess as a jedi is now almost complete when luke returns to the degobah system to visit the ailing yoda one more time the viewer is let down by yoda s distinct lack of screentime undoubtably the star of the empire strikes back yoda is all but erased from the story as the progression of luke s destiny is played out on screen rotj really is luke s film perhaps even more so than the original his journey carries the movie as he moves closer to his confrontation with darth vader and his fate the other rebel characters certainly work in his shadow the romance between leia carrie fisher and solo is all but non existant unlike in empire in fact only leia s character is developed in rotj solo s character seems to fade as the facets of his personality have become too familiar in the first two films their roles are consigned to working alongside the rebels to destroy an all new death star that nears completion this time the emperor himself is overseeing the final stages of construction the empire intends to crush the rebellion once and for all while the emperor himself schemes to bring the now powerful skywalker to his side to work alongside or is that replace darth vader the emperor is a different kind of evil for this film less cunning than governor tarkin peter cushing from star wars more deeply psychologically dark than anything else played brilliantly by ian mcdiarmid the emperor is just one of those characters you love to hate all the other actors are well entrenched in their roles hamill surprises as the more wisened luke making his character s progression from whiny teenager impatient student to enlightened warrior one of the few real character developments of the series ford s role is waring thin as all his charm and charisma was spent in the first two films he was the real star of the first film after all fisher s leia is more of a prop at least unti the end of the film where she learns things about herself that she was never sure about add in favourites like alec guiness as kenobi yoda and the loveable chewbacca c po and r d and the series resembles a family more than a cast despite the film s corny forest battle involving the ewoks and the empire it ends well and includes a three way battle sequence on endor in space and on the death star each with very impressive special effects the music as always is brilliant and captures the mood perfectly in every instance just as the blue danube worked perfectly for a space odyssey john williams score is as much a part of star wars folklore as light sabers and the force lucas left the ending open to interpretation meaning there could have been more episodes made indeed sci fi fans have created their own versions of episodes vii viii and ix in their heads over and over again rotj works when given a chance and furry cute animals aside is a good finish to the series when all six episodes get to be viewed together this saga could well be the best ever made is it already the addition of episode i changed the landscape of the series this is why return of the jedi can now be viewed in a different light and be given a whole new appreciation nearly years after its release"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21176": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "watching this i mainly noticed the ad placements dhl aquawhite strips rockstar and more it s one product placement after another it s quite obvious how this movie got its funding jessica simpson s acting is laughable any dick shouldn t ever get work because he plays the same lame character the story is just a backdrop for this very long commercial i can t believe this movie was even considered for theatrical release the longer you watch this movie the more you re embarrassed for everyone involved the only minor saving grace is larry miller and rachael lee cook who gets almost no screen time as jessica s cousin i m embarrassed i watched the whole thing i would recommend avoiding this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21177": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "george and kim are traveling with their young son miles to a remote cabin in upstate new york when their car hits a deer and swerves into a ditch but what seems to be a mere occurrence of misfortune marks the beginning of a terrifying journey where myth becomes reality and a flesh eating spirit half animal and half man wendigo haunts a small town wendigo by larry fessenden is a thought provoking horror film that often tenderfoot s into a somber family drama the acting is great the characters are well developed and there are some bone chilling moments the subtle glimpses of wendigo are handled effectively and it s never clear what is real and what is imagined or even if the story is taking place entirely in miles head overall wendigo is my first contact with larry fessenden s work and surely won t be the last give this film a chance if you don t mind watching something unconventional out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21178": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was a silly movie with a predictable storyline and dreadful acting willy nelson was as stiff as his braids the movie just seemed like a very long advert for the bright red lipstick that jessica simpson wore especially as there were so many close ups on her face the premise was not amusing and as i said soooooooo predictable whatever money was spent on making this movie was a shameful waste any allusions to other old marilyn monroe movies did not enhance the viewing of blonde ambition at all it was also so unbelievable jessica simpson being able to step into an executive secretary position at the drop of a hat that was laughable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21179": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "from the first scene i was really excited i can tell this is going to be awesome i thought the acting was so good i felt as though i was eaves dropping on these peoples lives the music too was exquisitely unsettling the plot started with a sudden event and then drifted forward one could sense toward some irrevocable fate the build was slow but i personally love that kind of thing as long as the quiet tension stays on track and doesn t get derailed before it s ready to pay off so everything s going fine and then the fireworks begin and before you know it the credits are rolling what was all i and my movie night companion could say if you understand the director s intentions the blunt ending does make sense for those of you who have seen the movie already check out the very fascinating and hilarious interview with larry fessenden at filmcritic com but i can t help saying it was not pulled off quite right this probably could have been resolved with as little as ten more minutes of material before the climax in any case it s too bad those ten minutes could have made all the difference in the world but for those of you who don t write or make films you should know that crafting a story arc with the proper timing is a huge pain in the butt and i am certainly not making this critique from any kind of pedestal wendigo feels to me like a masterpiece that was given up on before it was finished but hay i d take a blunted masterpiece any day over an over produced piece of dog poo over compensated with too many digital effects like most horror movies these days one other comment some of the monster scenes left me confused as to whether i should be scared or laughing i don t know how to explain it but there was a distinctively monty python feel about this monster in his more blatent monster forms although this may sound like a terrible criticism for a horror movie i don t know it still worked for me in some crooked way i will never look at deer antlers in the same way again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21180": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "by now you should already know about this film the jessica simpson bomb that pretty much went straight to video limited anemic theatrical run basically ms simpson s katie travels from a small town in oklahoma to visit her boyfriend to surprise him only to find him in bed with another woman she is stranded but has one friend rachel leigh cook whom i wish we saw more often in film who lets her stay katie ends up getting a job via two conniving co workers penelope ann miller and the always amusing andy dick who are just using katie to get the president of the firm larry miller ousted this is strictly a b movie its not meant to be profound jessica simpson is not a great actress by any means but she is pretty much beautiful and never truly annoying the film is watchable in that its not an abomination but its throwaway fluff in a cameo penny marshall is funny a subtle in joke about milwaukee made me chuckle and there is a funny scene involving norwegian priests don t read too much into this so not horrible but easy to skip your safe bet is to watch it on television if it ever does again not good but not a profound disaster"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21181": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "possible spoilers the biggest part of the movie that doesn t work is the wendigo and when your title character fails your movie usually isn t far behind it the filmmakers interpretation of the wendigo s form is interesting and can be properly menacing when filmed correctly when the fleeing killer sees the wendigo in a flash in his rear view mirror for instance and the tree form was actually very good however as a monster character it never really comes to life we don t get much of an explanation for its behavior and what we do see from it doesn t jibe with either the story told in the movie itself or any wendigo lore i ve ever read i think one of the main reasons that the monster fails is that it isn t given enough to do in the movie when you boil this film down to its bones what you have is a suspense thriller with a little bit of a supernatural element instead of a movie about a monster the cinematography is good though a little cheesy the filmmakers use scenery lighting and time of day to convey atmosphere and mood rather well the character of otis comes across as truly dangerous and unpredictable making him the real monster in the film it might have been more effective to explain his behavior as him being possessed by the hungry spirit of the wendigo which would also be a more accurate representation of the real legend i have heard unconfirmed reports from a newsgroup that the reason the wendigo doesn t do much is that when the monster suit was built it wound up so heavy and and uncomfortable in order to mimic the stance of it standing on cloven hooves the performer had to walk on his toes that it was nearly impossible to run walk or otherwise perform in it thus the many flashes of the creature standing still and the obvious sped up footage of it running i stress that these reports are uncomfirmed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21182": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is an embarrassment to everyone and everything used in making this joke i personally don t care one way or another about jessica simpson and her talent or whatever so many people find fascinating about her just as a movie this is something that wouldn t even get a passing grade in film school the script is a mess the acting is atrocious and the fact luke wilson co writer of bottle rocket did this makes me wonder what the hell he was thinking he did old school for crying out loud this doesn t even belong in the same state as my old school dvd please for whatever reason do not watch this i see there is a comment that this is so bad it s good but that frankly is too kind when will we stop seeing singers that obviously can t act keep trying to i hope ends soon the worst part is that there are actually some decent actors penelope ann miller rachel leigh cook luke wilson who are part of this dump as far as the plot well it is almost non existent and so poorly done and written yes i know it s another rehash i very much doubt anyone will remember anything about this please whatever you do don t waste your time but if you do feel sorry for the actual actors involved for wasting their time doing this bomb jessica simpson you re pretty but stick to singing although i m not much a fan of that either and whoever did this film i wouldn t put this on your resume because you can t give a zero"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21183": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a solid b movie i like jake weber his understated delivery is refreshing in a time of over the top performances i liked the relationship between the father and son i liked the family dynamics the wendigo looks silly but it is a representation of the kid s toy and the dead deer it s an amalgamation like see this is a psychological story not a freddy slash em up instant gratification flick watch it and reflect on your inner child and what the movie might have to say to you and you ll be fine nice work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21184": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "who wrote this some guy named john cohen i guess this was the first screenplay he s ever worked on someone should ve told him you re supposed to write dialog that sounds like something someone actually might say and who directed this scott marshal son of gerry marshall my the nut has fallen far from the tree someone might have wanted to let him know that you can in fact shoot a scene in a cab in new york and it will look real and you won t have to fake it with a blue screen for no reason might have also wanted to let him know he should stay away from jessica simpson but hopefully he s learned that lesson now and jessica simpson naturally she can t act hell she makes jessica alba look like audry hepburn and yet she s starring in this movie oh wait it was produced by her father okay that s why she got the part that s really the only reason i can think of so should i be surprised it s bad no should i be amazed at how bad it is i think a lot of people would if they saw as much of it as i did i mean you expect a movie starring jessica simpson to be bad but this it s not just bad it s the complete opposite of a classic film think of a great woody allen movie this film is as bad as that film is good it s the anti annie hall i am so glad i didn t pay to see it i stopped watching ten minutes in cus i couldn t go on no doubt i would ve walked out of the theater sooner in fact i wonder how many of the people who saw it per theater actually stayed and watched the whole thing the film starts out laughably bad and then goes to the point of being so bad it becomes a kind of chinese water torture and then around when the first act is ending you realize it ll only get worse and that s when you either need to leave or kill yourself in conclusion this film goes under the category of being so bad it should be used in place of water boarding at guantanamo bay although some prefer the water boarding"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21185": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of those unique horror films that requires a much more mature understanding of the word horror in order for it to be appreciated the main thing people may fail to realize that this story is told through the point of view a little boy and as with most younger children he gets frightened easily mainly because he simply doesn t understand things like why his father is hardly ever there for him from watching the film you can see the husband arguing with his wife the balance between work time and family time and you can easily understand it but the little boy doesn t also one can imagine the boy being afraid of the woods as it is established early on in the film that the family is from the city also in the beginning as the family is traveling to the house they hit a deer then get held up then they argue with the locals about it and the little boy surely didn t find this introduction to the woods pleasant at all the wendigo is ultimately what his young innocent mind fabricates to explain all of this there is the american indian legend but when looking at the scene where the young boy hears about about it it is explained to him like bluntly and simplistically not because that s what the wendigo actually is but because that is how he understands it when you look at the film from this point of view you can really begin to appreciate it obviously it was low budget and shot cheaply but the jumping montages use of light and general eeriness more than make up for it and the final question the film asks is is it all in your head or is it really out there rated r profanity violence and a sex scene"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21186": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is probably one of the worst movies i have ever seen jessica simpson not only lacks any acting skill but the script is incredibly shallow and lame you actually hear serious dialogue that goes i love you more no i love you more i stopped watching the movie online after the first half hour i couldn t take it anymore her southern girl charm just doesn t work and is really quite annoying her attempts at slapstick humor fall flat and she delivers lines like she is reading the script right off the page poor luke wilson did he not read the script before agreeing to do this or did he fall for papa joe s jessica s dad and also the producer of the movie promise of big profits hopefully he now knows better than to sign on to another movie like this luke wilson is actually a good actor i hate seeing the pained look on his face as he suffers through the bad dialogue also i think the previous commenter giving this movie an out of was probably either involved in the movie somehow or hired by papa joe to give the movie a better rating no one in their right mind would actually find this movie engaging jessica has lots of money right maybe buy some acting lessons"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21187": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you like horror movies with lots of blood and gore tons of jump scare moments and unrelenting escalating scenes of excruciating death then look elsewhere if you like quiet moody thoughtful horror which casts blood aside in favor of a genuine feeling of dread then wendigo is for you thoughtful stressed out george his psychoanalyst wife kim and their young son miles are heading out to the snowy countryside for a long weekend vacation away from the city on the way up george hits a stag with his car the hunters who had been pursuing the deer are not thrilled when they find that george has ended their chase in particular deranged hunter otis takes it personally he follows the family to their vacation home making sure they see him he spies on george and kim as they have sex he fires through their windows with his rifle when they aren t home letting them discover the ominous holes in their windows and walls when they return when kim takes miles to the drugstore in town miles is attracted to a small sculpture in a display case carved to resemble a man with the head of a stag a native american man tells miles that this is the wendigo a spirit of the woods who has a taste for flesh and is always hungry miles takes the figure home with him already haunted by the death of the deer the day before that afternoon when he and his father go sledding george is shot and miles pursued through the woods by a creature barely glimpsed or is he just in shock and imagining the whole thing hours later george is rushed to the hospital and miles still clutching his statue either faints dreams or goes on a vision quest in which the wendigo returns this time the angry flesh eating god part tree part stag and part man is hunting for otis who has finally gone over the edge wendigo is a beautifully made film almost totally silent but for the wind howling through the snow covered trees okay so the monster itself is kind of fakey looking but it s a small flaw more than made up for by the genuine feeling of tension and dread that creeps through every frame of the film and the eerie backdrop of the silent snowy countryside the performances are great particularly by jake weber as the moody and thoughtful george and patricia clarkson as his sweet but no nonsense wife they are a happy couple with their share of common problems and it is the strength of their relationship and their love for each other that makes this film powerful watching this film is often like watching someone s home videos so realistic are the performances this movie is not for everyone a lot of people may find themselves totally bored waiting for the hideous lovecraftian beast and bloody revenge that never come we can never really be sure if the wendigo even exists seen as it is through the eyes of a sensitive child and also later through the eyes of a madman this is more a psychological drama than a horror film but it has more than enough creepy elements in it to satisfy fans of subtle horror"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21188": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "contains spoiler from both original and movie versions i am a huge fan of notre dame de paris musical i also read book this summer and i watched movie today in the beginning i was hopeful to watch a good film especially when i saw imdb point first scenes were good but i actually waited for theaters scene directly from book but it was normal but when esmeralda kisses gringoire i felt something is wrong they don t even kiss in book even in musical and there were huge gap why esmeralda being judged by sorcerer in the book she teaches her goat how to respond numbers of clock or write word phoebus wait there were a phoebus weren t there in this movie he is some soldier junk nothing more the creators made quasimodo s love to show around and they even canceled frollo s love but notre dame was frollo his thoughts his struggles between love of god and love of human in movie we cant find anything like that all we have is some villain who is really bad and kills people whose clashes with his thoughts and not mentioning phoebus not mentioning love of frollo not mentioning jehan brother of frollo not mentioning mother of esmeralda maybe it is ok the storyline would have chopped much they even not mentioned the real story another ps frollo wasn t a opus dei or some cult member he actually in interest with alchemy he tries to make gold he was stuck in science and religion finally don t watch this movie it is some kind of directors edition to real masterpiece and if you have watched it before read the book god have mercy on you you must read to book immediately this movie is worse than hunchback of notre dame ii the animated movie spend your time with watching notre dame de paris musical enough said"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21189": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "larry fessenden has been thrashed by most of the comments on this forum well the worst mistake evidently is the marketing of the movie and the way the dvd might have been targeted obviously this is not a true horror movie at least not for people expecting anything that will be gory and instantly satisfying wendigo is basically a film that seems to be told from the mind of the young miles things that are not readily understood by children tend to stay in their young minds and ultimately dominate their fears and the menacing world they can t comprehend it is obvious that kim the mother is a psychologist but she has no clue to what is going on in the mind of her son this is also a story of alienation it s clear that the father george is a distant figure perhaps a workaholic who seems to be living in a different world miles fears reach a point of crisis during the week end in the country that part of new york state with its winter landscape barren trees play havoc on the little boy s imagination it doesn t help that he encounters a strange figure in town it creates even more doubts in his young mind ultimately miles world comes crashing down on him and he can t do anything even evoking the wendigo spirit the film is well paced and acted patricia clarkson is excellent no matter where movie she is in jake weber is perfect as the distant father who has an opportunity to come closer to a son he doesn t understand erik per sullivan as miles conveys the inner turmoil within him i thought he was extremely effective since the whole movie is miles own take on what s going on around him finally john spredakos is perfect as the menacing otis a man who resents the world for the way he has turned out instead of putting this movie down future viewers should approach it with a open mind"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21190": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is very much a television version of the tale the film starts out like an episode of xena with little meaningful dialog or character description it does get a bit more substantive after a while but all characters are still cartoonish salma is the exotic beauty richard harris is an evil and sexually repressed frollo fiending to bust a nut up in salma the other characters including quasimodo are quite forgettable its also a sorta liberal version of the story frollo is a suppressor of enlightenment ideals like the abbot in name of the rose and quasimodo is a champion of liberty the shadowy side of the quas character is ignored though he does pour liquid led on people he is really only an outsider in that he looks different and enjoys playing with bells more than the average person perhaps the film is intended for children but i doubt it considering frollo flogs himself bloody to amend wanting to spank his monkey a mostly uninteresting and forgettable but not awful and sometimes entertaining rendition of the tale"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21191": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kim patricia clarkson george jake weber and son miles erik per sullivan are headed to the country for winter weekend relief from manhattan s bustling metropolis on the way they hit a buck and end up stuck in the snow a group of hunters who were tracking the buck come along rather than helping at least one of the hunters otis john speredakos is mad because the accident cracked the buck s antlers george kim and miles are disturbed by otis and even worse we quickly learn that otis has learned where they re staying meanwhile miles is given a wendigo a kind of indian shape shifting spirit monster token by an indian whom only he has seen is otis a psycho out to get our heroes are there wendigos in the woods i can see where wendigo would have a number of problems appealing to viewers it is a fairly low budget film with technical limitations frequently showing through much of the film and maybe all of it is not really about the titular creature and perhaps the fatal blow for many people it has a very ambiguous ending with a number of questions left unanswered if you are discouraged by such endings and you do not like films that have an aim of making you think about and discuss what everything meant do yourself a favor and avoid wendigo personally i like films like that i usually prefer some ambiguity the marketing of wendigo is geared towards those who want a quick scary creature flick where they d expect a grand battle with some supernatural monster who is defeated in the end and everything is tied up neatly except for an opening for wendigo the monster returns but that s not what this film is wendigo is much more thoughtful and poetic than the surface of such a creature flick would suggest to most people heck writer director larry fessenden even has a character george reciting robert frost the frost poem and george s comment that frost can evoke complex imagery and atmosphere out of seemingly simple things is the key to the film one of the best things about the film is its complexity in a way there are four different films occurring at the same time a thread from each character in george s thread he isn t exactly the happiest or most pleasant guy in the world and he has some parenting problems for him the film is a realistic horrific descent of his life going from bad to worse in patricia s thread she s looking for rejuvenation of her life and family she s a psychologist mostly denying the problems around her hoping that they ll go away and get better in otis thread he s even more down on his luck than george and george s arrival into his life symbolizes the final crack in his psychological armor and in miles thread which is probably the most important of the film life is like a grand poem due to his youthful innocence and interpretation of the world but this is a horror story after all albeit one with a glimmer of hope and the events in the film give miles poetic interpretations a dark turn still when everything is said and done he seems to be the only one retaining his composure due to the poetic outlook even though the film is low budget there are a lot of well executed higher budget ambitions fessenden and director of photography terry stacey find some great shots in beautiful locations and created some interesting slide show like montages such as the cards or the indian wendigo images from the book there are also interesting more traditional montages such as miles nightmare wendigo is better shot and edited than many big budget films other technical aspects are good for the budget the wendigo appearance at the end worked for me and was appropriately ambiguous the lighting was usually good there were a few times that dark scenes weren t as clear as they could have been but it seemed to be more of a problem with the film stock it could have been digital instead or transfer i thought the performances were good and far more realistic if you value that than the majority of films although i didn t really notice the score it must have been okay or i would have noticed it with a negative judgment overall wendigo is a very good film that deserves to be watched without preconceptions as long as you don t mind having to think about the movies you watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "21192": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a shame that alan clarke has to be associated with this tripe that doesn t rule it out however get a group of lads and some stellas together and have a whale of a time running this one again and again and rolling around on the floor in tears of laughter great wasted night stuff al hunter homes in on a well publicised theme of the late s that hooligans were well organised and not really interested in the football itself often with respectable jobs estate agent but how clarke can convince us that any of the two bit actors straying from other tv productions of low quality grange hill or soon to go on to poor quality drama eastenders can for a nanosecond make us believe that they are tough football thugs is laughable are we really to believe that the icf on whom of course the drama is based would ever go to another town to fight with just six blokes the icf would crowd out tube stations and the like with hundreds andy nicholls scally needs to be read before even contemplating a story of this nature the acting is appalling and provides most of the laughs oldman is so camp it is unbelievable most of them look as though they should be in a bubble of bath of mr matey a true inspiration to anyone with a digital video camera who thinks they can make a flick go for it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21193": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "good sequel to murder in a small town in this one cash and his police lt buddy unravel a sticky plot involving a nazi criminal a philanthropic witch and a family of screw ups and their wierdo helpers as in the original the viewer is treated to a nice little mystery with distinctive sights and sounds of pre war america go see it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21194": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m sorry but this is such a bad movie it s hilarious football hooligans arguing in a travel lodge suits shades alan clearly had no idea what he was talking about when he made this it is as far from the truth as you can get the casting was atrocious gary oldman as a football hooligan he doesn t look scary act scary or even come across as someone who would like football and as for yeti what the hell suits shades and sitting in a travelodge childishly taunting each other with its about time you got your nappy on please and the yeti s gang spraying the icc s underwear i don t see how anyone can even take this film seriously its possibly the most inaccurate portrayal of the crisis of the late eighties hooliganism i have ever seen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21195": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "pleasant diverting and charming the best part is the swing numbers especially the rendition of my buddy partial though it may have been the acting was a bit over the top in areas but the mood set by wilder is so pleasant it is hard not to enjoy this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21196": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "let s see in the st elsewhere finale we found out that there was no hospital and that every thing had been in the mind of an autistic child newhart ended by telling us that it had all been a dream and roseanne ended by telling us that it all had taken place in her mind very creative annoying was more like it yes it was just a tv show and wasn t at all reality it s just that when you get caught up in a great movie or tv show you end up at least wanting to believe that it s all real at least as far as the reality it portrays on screen this type of series finale had been done twice before and was old hat frustrating and simply not fun to watch now newhart being all a dream at least done in a creative way that far exceeded the expectations of anyone who loved the show the idea itself was not too engaging but it was so brilliantly done that its arguably the best series finale ever roseanne left me feeling cheated after being such a loyal fan"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21197": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i noticed that a new hope and the empire strikes back are in the top but that this one isn t even in the top this movie has a bad reputation because of ewoks but there are so many reasons to love this movie the rescue of han solo from jabba this official wraps up the han solo in debt sub plot that was established when we first met the character in a new hope the emperor was finally revealled well alright this might not work as well now that the prequels are out but this was the first time we saw the emperor as kids the speeder bike chase alright so this was a special effects moment but it was definitely one of the most memorable and exciting moments in all the films the part climax the battle of endor led by han and leia luke confronts his father the fall of the emperor the destruction of the second death star lando s moment the final celebration with our heroes like i said this movie gets a lot of crap because of the ewoks but i think it s kind of cool that while the entire galaxy celebrates the fall of the empire our heroes are having their own private party in the woods with each other all in all this was a great final chapter for our heroes and a fitting end to the star wars story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21198": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "alan rudolph is a so so director without that special touch as an example there was one shot in the secret lives of dentists in the dental office which could have expressed the entire relationship between the husband and wife rudolph squandered it the camera is in the hallway looking through the doorways of the two dental offices with dana and dave each alone in their respective rooms you get the idea of their desolation and isolation but not much more the lighting the colors the body language the facial expressions could all have been vastly improved upon if i were directing i would have spent all day if necessary to get that shot right that s the beauty and power of film it can express so much whole lives in a matter of seconds the shot with the toddler stepping in the puddle of puke could have been improved on the child should have shown more fascination with the puddle should have stomped and shuffled her feet should have had her head bent down to look at the puddle with all her attention campbell didn t deliver he plays a uncommunicative man true but instead of conveying his inner turmoil in voice gesture body movement the film relies on voice over narration and dialogue with his imaginary macho alter ego played by denis leary"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21199": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is just one more example of the absolute genius of gene wilder he wrote and starred in this terrific mystery no one could have done it better the suspense was palpable throughout i wish mr wilder would grace us with another of these i have enjoyed everything i have ever seen mr wilder in but i had no idea how truly talented he was until i saw murder in a small town and this follow on he truly has a firm grasp on what audiences want and how to deliver it in his writing and of course in his brilliant acting his subtle wit comes through in spades i would recommend this movie to anyone who likes mysteries and or gene wilder s film work his star just gets brighter and brighter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21200": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "an idiotic dentist finds out that his wife has been unfaithful so no new story lines here however the authors managed to create a stupid disgusting film if you enjoy watching kids vomiting or seeing a dentist imagining that he is pulling all his wife s teeth out in a bloody horror type go see or rent the film if not move on to something else my fair lady anyone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21201": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the lady in question starring gene wilder is a well acted mystery drama that reminds me of the old black and white raymond burr perry mason series both perry and cash kept me guessing right up to the end there were many suspects with a motive for the murder but i had no idea which character it would be gene wilder has a special charming wit about him even in his facial expressions and vocal inflections which make him perfect for the part the portions of the movie which portrayed actors acting was done very well i m sure this is an additional challenge for the cast to pull off i am not surprised to see that he did some of the writing for the movie even his singing was a delight i like him in this role more than his former sillier roles like the young frankenstein and willy wonka i am hoping a e will continue this series they ought to call it something like the a e gene wilder mysteries the music fit the period i enjoyed the cool live combo and the swing tunes i was a little unclear at the beginning whether we were seeing a flashback or whether the action was taking place in that time period and i do not agree that the inclusion of profanity is necessary to the flow of the script to me that always distracts overall my wife and i thoroughly enjoyed this second in a well crafted start in what we hope will be many others just like one of our other favorites raymond burr s perry mason"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21202": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s common practice for a film about repression to be somewhat muted in style and tone there s a difference however between using restraint and encouraging narcolepsy among audience members in the secret lives of dentists starring campbell scott and hope davis director alan rudolph plays as close to the vest as possible with the result being a film that never amounts to much beyond a rumination on how teeth are a metaphor for married life scott gives a fine performance in the role of david hurst a dentist married to another dentist davis rudolph sets up the dynamic of their relationship quickly he is completely absorbed in the day to day duties of being the parenthood she is quietly disillusioned with their frantic family life and then ratchets up the tension when scott may or may not witness his wife with another man from this point on the film focuses on whether or not david is going to confront his wife dana about her possible adultery or whether she will beat him to the punch and leave for good from time to time david is treated to visits from an imaginary friend in the form of a former patient played by denis leary borrowing heavily from brad pitt s tyler durden in fight club while there is enough uncertainty about dana s infidelity and david s instability to warrant examination the last two thirds of the film are embarrassingly empty of theme or narrative instead rudolph creates drama out of a nasty fever that travels slowly through the hurst family culminating in a pointless hospital visit at the film s climax the film never picks up on the hints at what david is really capable of if he wasn t so dedicated to his family neither does it spend much time looking at dana s precarious balancing act between her family life and her other more fulfilling ambitions by choosing to spend the majority of the film worrying over a fever gone awry rudolph kills the momentum of his film by the time the fifth member of the family shows up sweating and sickly the film has used up all the good graces of scott s well measured performance david and dana end up retracing their steps over and over again until a less than cathartic finale with nothing to build on over the last hour the conclusion seems awkward and patched on the secret lives of dentists takes a common theme and does nothing to improve upon it altogether a disappointing unimaginative film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21203": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a delightful if somewhat predictable tv movie though i admit a little bias as far as i m concered the more gene wilder in this world the better i d love to see numerous additional movies detailing the adventures of larry cash carter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21204": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yeh i know you re quivering with excitement well the secret lives of dentists will not upset your expectations it s solidly made but essentially unimaginative truthful but dull it concerns the story of a married couple who happen to be dentists and who share the same practice already a recipe for trouble if it wasn t for our separate work lives we d all ditch our spouses out of sheer irritation campbell scott whose mustache and demeanor don t recall everyman so much as ned flanders from the simpsons is the mild mannered uber dad husband and hope davis is the bored stiff housewife who channels her frustrations into amateur opera one night as dad the daughters attend one of davis performances he discovers that his wife is channeling her frustrations into more than just singing he witnesses his wife kissing and flirting with the director of opera one nice touch we never see the opera director s face dreading the prospect of instituting the proceedings for separation divorce and custody hearings profitable only to the lawyers scott chooses to pretend ignorance of his wife s indiscretions already the literate among you are starting to yawn ho hum another story about the pathetic sniveling little cuckold but rudolph who took the story from a jane smiley novella hopes that the wellworn ness of the material will be compensated for by a series of flashy postmodern touches for instance one of scott s belligerent patients denis leary kept relatively and blessedly in check will later become a sort of construction of the dentist s imagination emerging as a devil on the shoulder advocate for the old fashioned masculine virtues dump the b h etc when not egged on by his imaginary new buddy scott is otherwise tormented by fantasies that include his wife engaged in a three way with two of the male dental assistants who work in their practice it s not going too far to say that this movie is eyes wide shut for real people or grown ups at least along those lines campbell scott and hope davis are certainly recognizable human beings as compared to the glamourpuss pair of cruise and kidman further the script for secret lives is clearly more relevant than kubrick s as proof i offer the depiction of the dentists children particularly the youngest one who is about or years old and whose main utterance is dad dad dad dad dad dad this is family life all right with all its charms the movie would make an interesting double bill with kramer vs kramer as well one can easily trace the feminization of the american male from to in this movie dad is the housewife as in kramer but he is in no way flustered by the domestic role unlike dustin hoffman who was too manly to make toast here scott gets all the plumb chores such as wiping up the children s vomit cooking cleaning taking the kids to whatever inane after school activity is on the docket and all without complaint and without directorial commentary it s just taken for granted the film has virtues mostly having to do with verisimilitude however it s dragged down from greatness by its insistence on trendy distractions which culminate in a long scene where a horrible five day stomach flu makes the rounds in the household we must endure pointless fantasy sequences initiated by the imaginary ringleader leary whose existence by the way is finally reminiscent of the brad pitt character in fight club and this finally drives home the film s other big flaw lack of originality in this review i realize it s been far too easy to reference many other films granted this film is an improvement on most of them but still the secret lives of dentists is worth seeing but don t get too excited about it not that you were all that excited anyway i guess"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21205": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as a minute experience it is not up to the standard of `drive as the actors clearly learnt their trade at the `who am i academy while the action sequences are generally no better than those in the superb mark dacascos beat em up however those who enjoyed `drive and i thought it was wonderful will undoubtedly enjoy this too you certainly won t rewind back to the start and watch it all again but you will definitely flick back to some of the action scenes for a long time to come it is refreshing to see that the art of quality fight choreography is still being practiced even if not in hong kong and i would love to see what these guys could do with the budgets time and respect afforded to the likes of yuen woo ping and corey yuen kuei if you sit through the first half hour and aren t sent crazy by the atrocious dialogue then you are in for a treat bosch is magnificent and can really bust a move with some magnificent acrobatics kicks and simple acts of bravery if you are fortunate enough to be within miles of a copy then track it down and watch it it s not shakespeare in fact it s less articulate than coolio in `china strike force but you will be impressed with both the moves on display and the pain felt by the stunt team i m pretty sure there s no safe way to land directly on your head or be forced to head butt a wooden roof by a speeding car"}, "weak_labels": [1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21206": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there may something poetically right in seeing dentists suffer suffer they do in this dreary truly dreadful film but they cause the audience to undergo pain of the non dental variety too if you ever wanted to see a movie full of screaming kids barfing kids sick kids lots of long long meaningful glances a deadpan wife and a concerned husband it s all here for you boring overlong it stands out as one of those examples that scream out why is there a saving grace yes there is there is a short scene from nabucco with some pretty good singing save your money or if it s on tv or cable save your time you can always read a book or make an omelette"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21207": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie has great fight scenes now its true that the acting is a little rough but if i wanted to see a movie based on acting skills i would watch a cheesy movie like american beauty but if you want to see a movie with true martial arts in it and with amazing stunts without the use of wires and flying threw the air like so many movies around now which are over killing the matrix then watch this now it s true the two main stars in the show where in the kid show the power rangers and another cast member of that show has a bit part in this movie but hey the fight scenes are enough to make jet li p s his pants and the stunts are worthy enough for jackie chan to sit threw and admire"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21208": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i tend to like character driven films i also think hope davis turns in consistently good work so i had high hopes for this movie those hopes were soon dashed the main flaw with this movie is the direction there are a lot of scenes that are daydream sequences the movie makes frequent use of the denis leary character as the alter ego of the campbell scott character it doesn t work for me at all this would have worked better as a play than a movie there are problems with the plot as well it is important that the characters in a movie take a journey and end up in a place different from where they started i didn t feel that the characters grew in the experiences portrayed in the movie finally the editing wasn t well done either there was a very big sag in the middle of the movie that was exceptionally boring except for acting which i felt was consistently strong this movie failed in almost every aspect of cinema"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21209": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "robert urich was a fine actor and he makes this tv movie believable i remember watching this film when i was and when seeing it a second time my opinion stays the same people lose who they were when enter this exclusive club in a computer rich californian town urich try s to figure out what is wrong with his family and i love the halloween space suit idea brilliant this film is about the battle of one s sprit tv quality that exceeds the big budget gangs of new york i wonder if robert urich was the compassionate man he portrayed in many of his movie i hope so or out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21210": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "basically a dentist husband wife team and their daughters deal with infidelity the premise is interesting the acting is good and the music although sometimes abrupt and without direction is pretty cool the problem is the plot the husband dentist drops his wife off backstage at an opera before the show she has a minor role and then walks back in to give her something but sees her with another man the rest of the movie deals with his angst about this episode his visual hallucinations and a macho alter ego denis leary a former patient of his and his fear in confronting his wife lest he will have to do something about it i won t tell you the ending but let me say that the film goes nowhere and the ending is like a sputtering whimper the motivations of the characters are missing why is she cheating on him he s a dentist decent looking good father the film doesn t say who s she doing it with don t expect any answers on that either why does he want to keep the marriage going in spite of all this who knows what purpose does all the kids vomiting serve where is this film going good performances by campbell scott and hope davis and denis leary as comic relief are completely wasted by this stilted nonsense which doesn t know if it wants to be american beauty or a family film a root canal is more interesting avoid it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21211": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "everything is idyllic in suburbia when the little family moves in as the father have got a new job in a computer company there but no paradise would be complete without its snake strange things happens as the family joins the local country club without the husband as it certainly holds secrets the father is not a joiner but pressure is on him to join as everyone who is anything in the neighborhood and at work are members robert urich s good guy part is a bit tepid but joanna cassidy as good natured housewife turning nasty sizzles suspenseful and well made chiller with a bitchy susan lucci as club chairperson look out for cult favorite michael berryman in a bit part as a valet the movie captures the sense of paranoia and the special effects final is worth waiting for i have seen this movie quite a few times"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21212": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ugh where to begin first campbell scott s non stop angst becomes a real turn off after awhile a very short while as he internalizes his mounting anguish curiosity and anger only we don t care these characters as presented by the writer and director are wholly unlikable and therein lies the key they haven t given us anything to make us care if they are adulterous and whether or not they are still in love with one another when scott quietly tells his wife i could kill you before their three daughters at the dinner table after the shock of his selfishly poor timing wore off i almost wished that he had and then done the same thing to the smug wisecracking apparition of denis leary before being hauled off the the looney bin an utter waste of time and perhaps only perhaps resources"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21213": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a classy film pulled in directions to its advantage it is directed by wes craven on the downside the tv film budget shows what could have been so much more with a larger budget it moves along as susan lucci draws robert urichfamily into her clutches and trying to persuade him into the secret of her health club his latest invention a spacesuit which can analyse people or things becomes unexpectedly useful in his new neighbourhood anyone seeing this should pay attention to susan lucci her looks and performance had an unexpected repercussions a few years later the actor scientist and parapsychologist stephen armourae is a fan of this film and wrote a review of this film lucci became subject of a portrait by him followed as the basis for works of a sitter called catherine lucci and barbara steele s portrait in black sunday were used as references for the catherine portraits which were immediately withdrawn by armourae probably due to a personal nature between the artist and catherine so by seeing both films we can get an insight into another story and the appearance of unknown woman that would make an interesting film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21214": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was not very entertaining certainly no where as original or as good as a christmas story the characters except the youngest try to emulate the preceding actors and they fail the hillbilly neighbors come out of nowhere as they weren t a part of the first movie this really sucked might have been good with the original cast then again maybe not because the story is so weak skip it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21215": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "better than the typical made for tv movie invitation to hell is blessed with excellent casting urich lucci cassidy mccarthy pre murphy brown joe regalbuto soleil moon frye and a high concept update to the familiar faustian plot urich is likable as always and lucci is particularly fetching and devilishly over the top in the mother of all femme fatale roles kind of a hybrid version of stepford wives and they live the movie commits early to its apocalyptic miltonesque vision and horror fans will likely not have many complaints until the soppy maudlin denoument"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21216": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a christmas story is a holiday classic and my favorite movie so naturally i was elated when this movie came out in i saw it opening day and was prepared to enjoy myself i came away revolted and digusted the anticipation that rang true in a christmas story is curiously missing from this mess a red ryder bb gun is better to get than a chinese top and it is not very funny at all charles grodin is good but the buck stops there bottom line star don t even bother"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21217": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when the scientist and family man matt winslow robert urich finally accepts the invitation to work the micro digitech corporation in a space suit project he moves with his beloved wife patricia joanna cassidy and their son robbie barret oliver and daughter chrissy soleil moon frye to a huge modern house in the corporation compound they meet their friend tom peterson joe regalbuto and his family completely adapted to the new lifestyle and tom invites the winslow family to join the steaming springs country club tom tries to seduce matt telling him that every member of the club has a meteoric professional ascension in micro digitech but matt is not tempted with the offer later he is introduced to the director of the club jessica jones susan lucci that befriends patricia and convinces her to join the club with her children matt feels the changing in the behavior of his family and decides to investigate the club finding an evil secret about jessica and the members in the s when i saw invitation to hell i liked this movie that partially recalls the stepford wives with people changing the behavior in a suburban compound i have just seen it today and i found a great metaphoric message against the big corporations when people literally sell their souls to the devil to climb positions and earn higher salaries i am not sure whether the author intended to give this interpretation to the story but i believe it fits perfectly my vote is seven title brazil convite para o inferno invitation to hell"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21218": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i heard about this film and knew it wasn t real good but i started watching the film on my film channel and was interested this could be a really great darkly black satire on todays morals in media the small featurettes on every contestent were good it build up to something i wouldn t wanna miss but when the so called show starts everything becomes implausible cheap and rather silly here s where the writer should have added something that would make people think but instead it s wrapped up and assuming people are this dumb the ending is so bad i give it a even if the film starts of promising"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21219": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i will admit i thought this movie wasn t going to be any good but i soon changed my mind the movie was keep you guessing as which direction it s going pierce broson is amazing in his role as a hit man who suddenly becomes burned out asks a man he met at a mexican bar for help greg kinnear is an awesome straight man as his role as a mild mannered man from denver who starts a innocent conversation with pierce at a mexican bar the movie will have you laughing as pierce delivers hilarious one liners mostly about sex the imaginary in this movie is very well done especially at the bullfight scene when pierce sees himself when trying to finish his last jobs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21220": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie sucked it really was a waste of my life the acting was atrocious the plot completely implausible long long story short these people get terrorized by this pathetic crazed killer but completely fail to fight back in any manner and this is after they take a raft on a camping trip with no gear and show up at a campsite that is already assembled and completely stocked with food and clothes and the daughters headphones additionally after their boat goes missing they panic that they re stuck in the woods but then the daughters boyfriend just shows up and they apparently never consider that they could just hike out of the woods like he did to get to them like i said this movie sucks a complete joke don t let your girlfriend talk you into watching it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21221": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fortunately for us real mccoy fans most likely all baby boomers who grew up in the late s and s three of the adult actors actress appeared when they did for the reunion show in tony martinez and richard crenna both died shortly thereafter as enjoyable as it was to see luke sugar babe and pepino together again it was equally mysterious about the complete absence of any mention of lydia reed and michael winkleman it is my understanding that little luke had passed away in but i m not sure how there is no information about hassie on the internet that i can find very curious why they were not even mentioned it was so conspicuous their absence from the reunion show that i suspect that the family of michael and lydia herself if still alive either requested to be left out of the discussion and therefore their desire was granted or tnn could not find any trace of either michael or lydia like the rest of us they seemed to have vanished therefore it would be the safest policy to leave them out of the conversation all together otherwise the retrospect on walter brennen was wonderfully done they made no bones about it it was grandpa who made the show such a success i remember as a child mimicking grandpa s gimp walk and my parents laughing as i m sure a million other children did back then one annoyance that did bother me a bit was the tendency for richard crenna to dominate the discussion at times interrupting tony and kathleen to make a point in fact although tony martinez seemed completely capable to contribute to the conversation he was not allowed to speak out and say too much during the reunion show unfortunate since i wanted to hear from all three equally all in all the reunion show was a real treat for me i ve watched it on dvd several times and have enjoyed it each time dodgerdude"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21222": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is an in name only sequel to a christmas story originally entitled a summer story ralphie narrates his family adventures during the summer when they moved to a small hick town in the middle of nowhere hilarity unfortunately does not ensue the original worked because of its irreverent nature and honesty everyone could relate to it this one is simply stupid and not very funny at all charles grodin s last movie no wonder it s one of his poorest roles i felt sorry for him mary steenburgen is given little to do everything s formulaic and you have to wonder why they even bothered and i mean come on a competition with spinning tops sadly it s the best part of the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21223": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "its no surprise that busey later developed a tumor in his sinus cavity this film is also a poor decision but one i enjoyed fully the first minutes is the most uninspiring minutes in any film boring bad dialouge and then with a spiderman stance busey yells the best worst line in any film ever created your worst nightmare butthorn i coughed up some of my egg nog laughing so hard that line resonates so well it even tops clooney s infamous hi freeze i m batman line other classic moments is busey constantly getting upset for people reminding him that he got his ex cia partner killed which he did by accidentally shooting him in the chest all made possible by a super slow motion flashback sequence that makes watching paint dry seem exciting there s an ashtray to the nads punches to the face and a that wasn t my fault and you know it well the footage shows him missing the bad guy and hitting his buddy so other scream out loud moments has to be his ex girl friend dropping a grenade to the ground to enable his escape a plan that defies all logic physics and absurdity and lastly when mcbain jumps out of the thunderblast during intense guerrilla warfare and starts to run and hurdles a small object i almost wet myself some of busey s best work by far rent or buy it today butthorn my vote is a perfect on the poo meter that is"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21224": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "really bad why anyone thinks this is a good film let alone funny is a true mystery i like comedies as much as the next man and i loved a christmas story the fact that it has the same director and was based on the same writer s memoirs has me completely puzzled as to why this film is such a complete failure on every level charles grodin is woefully miscast as the father for starters for another it does not seem to have the same pacing it just doesn t flow well everything seems tired and forced the joy of life that permeated the first film is completely absent here you just want the movie to end i wouldn t even recommend this movie for curiosity seekers who enjoyed a christmas story it s that bad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21225": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gary busey is the title character frank bulletproof mcbain your standard issue reckless maverick cop who s earned his nickname because no matter how many bullets he takes and counting he never stops going after the bad guys when a cutting edge u s tank dubbed thunderblast is driven across the border into mexico it s nabbed by revolutionaries terrorists led by general brogado rene enriquez and libyan colonel kartiff henry silva who s aligned himself with russian villains the army personnel involved are kept as prisoners chief among them devon shepard darlanne fluegel who happens to be mcbain s ex girlfriend mcbain is then recruited by the army for a rescue mission busey may not have the physical presence of say someone like schwarzenegger who would have been another appropriate lead for a film of this type but he s a blast as a self confident dude who s quick with the wisecracks fluegel is a great female lead she not only looks incredibly sexy but makes for a fine butt kicking action babe enriquez silva juan fernandez and the always welcome william smith as a russian major are loathsome scum in the classic action movie tradition the supporting cast is quite full of familiar and reliable character actors l q jones r g armstrong thalmus rasulala lincoln kilpatrick mills watson luke askew danny trejo and cary hiroyuki tagawa t l lankford and b j goldman supply the script based on a story by lankford and veteran b director fred olen ray it s the kind of script where you just know the writers have their tongues in their cheeks they know their material is absurd and cheesy and just have fun throwing credibility out the window veteran action director steve carver keeps it moving and delivers a respectable amount of gunfire explosions and general all out mayhem bulletproof is good fun for the action fan who doesn t mind switching off their brain now and then and just enjoying a generous assortment of violence and humor"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21226": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "funny how a studio thinks it can make a sequel to what was a classic christmas story with an entirely new cast and expect it to float sure they used various actors for batman but in that instance batman was a classic character before any of the actor donned his cape in this instance you had a classic character in the blond headed horn rimmed glasses wearing ralphy that wanted a red ryder bb gun for christmas somehow we are supposed to forget him and accept another little boy that share no resemblance to the original if i had not known it was a sequel i wouldn t have guessed it from the cast except of course charles grodin tries so hard to imitate darrin mcgavin that your are constantly reminded that the original was far better in the end it might have work if they had cast the movie better they should have looked for look a likes or simply ignored the original and not tried to copy its look and feel this one is just a cheap imitation the ralphy evokes no sympathy just a desire to seem his character shoot his eye out or die"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21227": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "guns blasting buildings exploding cars crashing and that s just the first ten minutes this action packed film involving a rogue ex cia mercenary who can t seem to die no matter how many times he s shot hence the title is pretty decent tough and toothy gary busey usually cast as a villain in these kinda flicks has his usual crazy charm but is a bit more subdued after all he s carrying the entire show which doesn t mean there isn t a lot of terrific supporting roles including william smith luke askew mills watson r g armstrong henry silva lincoln kirkpatrick thalmus rasulala and several other forgotten character actors there s enough smaller action sequences to hold up the entire story busey has to free a group of kidnapped american military elites and return a high tech supertank a normal tank with a cheesy add on pasted to the top back to the states but does america deserve this killing machine any more than the bad guys this question is asked of course like in any film centering on the cia but without getting preachy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21228": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "since its release in a christmas story the jean shepherd narrated story of his alter ego ralphie has become a true classic my summer story however still has shepherd as the narrator but it has absolutely none of the charm and the characters are nowhere near the caliber of the original film my summer story is basically a mishmash of mediocre and just plain not very interesting stories which include hillbilly neighbors and battling tops charles grodin who i normally like is extremely unlikeable in the role of the father more aptly handled by darren mcgavin in the original and his character never seems anything but forced kiernan culkin is a poor substitute for ralphie and the little brother is all but forgotten here only mom seems to have any worth here and perhaps that s because she beans a cinema manager with a gravy boat when he pushes his luck too far with irate housewives on free dish night the stories in this are mostly inconsequential and stretched paper thin may appeal to the extremely undemanding but as a sequel to a christmas story it s a very poor one and not worth most people s time out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21229": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film quite literally has every single action movie cliche and all of them work to its advantage straight from lethal weapon gary busey wisecracks shoots and chuckles through this film with such reckless abandonment it can t help but amuse and entertain there are tanks helicopters machine gun battles grenades and ice cream vans and if they aren t good enough reasons to watch this film then how about the best one danny trejo and if you don t know who danny trejo is then you probably won t like this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21230": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a christmas story is one of many people s all time most beloved films acs was able to take the viewer to a time and a place in such a way that very few films ever have it had a sweetness and goodwill to it that is rare so i awaited and awaited its sequel it runs in the family the film was almost released a couple of times only to be pulled at the last minute when it finally came out iritf was and is i guess a total failure the sets and cinematography were just fine but the directing totally completely missed the mark the film was nothing more than a cash flow formula of lazy casting lazy writing and disconnected acting the narrator jean shepard who was one of america s great humorists and story tellers forced upon us a false reprise of the warm wit he used in acs he over emoted and why he did that i ll never know he somehow managed to become an annoying overwrought parody of himself the writing and acting in iritf is inauthentic and forced the actors may have seen acs but whatever wit and nuance that was in acs mustn t have registered at all on any of them the acting was embarrassingly slapstick and bereft of any of shepard s dry humor acs will always be a real treasure but to call iritf a sequel is to insult all of the fans of jean shepard and acs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21231": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i caught this film late on a sat night sunday morning with my brother we had been drinking this is one of the best films for ripping apart i have ever seen from the luxury ocean liner actually being a roll on roll off ferry complete with cast iron everything to the doors with adhesive stickers saying staff then seeing the same door being used for something else in another scene this film rocks the continuity is so poor you cant help but notice it it slaps you in the face with the holes in the final scene he jumps off a life boat with the ferry in the distance cut to his son and new girlfriend the ships pr director who knows kung fu and used to be in the police but was dismissed for doing things her way true on the ferry going very fast away from the explosion then the dad is there hugging them how who cares its magic there is not one redeeming feature to this film the casino is the size of a large bedroom with one casino table when being chased by the villains there is only one place to hide you ve guessed it enter the villains who instead of checking under the one table proceed to shoot up four fruit machines and a little corner bar a corner bar in the casino fantastic they walk straight past the only hiding place thus allowing our casper to get around them and take them out get some mates over get a few drinks in put this film on and howl"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21232": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "like most people i love a christmas story i had never even heard of this film and perhaps for good reason it is awful same locale same narrator same director but the warm fuzziness of the original was lacking charles grodin was a poor choice to replace darrin mcgavin but i cannot imagine anyone being able to replace him the story seems forced and lacks the sweetness of the original the interaction with the neighbors the bumpuses is ridiculous in a christmas story ralphie s obsession with the bb gun seems cute but his obsession in this movie is boring scud farkus the original neighborhood bully is replaced in this film by yet another kid with braces and a weird hat but with little of the scud farkus menacing appeal it would be pretty difficult to equal the original even if this movie had been made with the original crew"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21233": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i truly enjoyed the movie however i did not realize that little richard had so many things going on in his life first of all i was not aware of lucille there is very little hardly any mention of females being intimately involved with little richard even in his life today there is no mention of any involvement of females in a romantic way i wonder why this part of his life was not mentioned overall the movie was great i also did not like leon playing the part of little richard he is a good actor but i feel that the part of should have went to a different actor visually he did not remind me of little richard i also was totally unaware of the promiscuity that little richard was a part of from the movie he was pictured as a sexual addict in todays time he would be referred to counseling for his sexual addition he was a voyeur i don t want to ruin the movie for someone that has not seen the movie however there were several things about the movie that i feel should not have been a part of the final cut"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21234": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "et s obsession with dannielynn smith is despicable leave the child alone with all the constant attention she ll most likely grow up psychotic depressed or worse think of princess diana and how she longed for privacy now poor little rich girl ashley olson just wants to be left alone no wonder greta garbo became a recluse and said i want to be alone how much does et make off this little girl does et not have anything better to report on i bet there s lots of people who really don t care what color her birthday cake and balloons were by the way i never heard that anna nichole ever won any of those court cases over the will and her inheritance who is paying for the lifestyle of larry howard and little dannielynn could it be et"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21235": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "actually they could not have chosen a better diversified actor to portray little richard than leon he captures little richard to a most believable essence the outfits where wonderful and any person watching this movie will definitely keep a smile on their face through the entire movie although the movie is a little long it keeps your attention with the personality and outfits of little richard in mind the ending should have taken a direction of moving little richard more into the present where you could see him as he has aged into this new millennium he will always be the king of rock n roll as far as i am concerned regardless of what the other media says"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21236": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this show is unbelievable in that what it represents and what it focuses on and words cannot describe how insane et is they will report anything if a celebrity is even remotely indirectly connected to the story et will report on it if a dog poop in the tom cruise s yard they will report on it if a celebrity dies they will talk about it for weeks on end to the point where the public envy that celebrity if a celebrity is on trial et will report it for months on end there is no end to what this show will reports and no time frame that dictates how long they will focus on a story is it even considered legitimates reporting the reports are so dang annoying too with harsh rambling voices and end with an unnecessary pause to convey a sense of important i cannot watch this show without questioning humanity s existence et is one big reason i avoid pre evening shows in general i regret that imdb can only allow a minimum of one star rating and not zero or even in the negatives for this show deserve stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21237": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "tressa s vocal performance was outstanding tressa played the female singer role while richard was in the club when she first step out on stage and started to riff and strut her stuff it made my soul shake her voice is platinum she needs to make a cd she has more fans then she realizes i loved her show stopping performance in the five heart beats which she also starred with leon when she was younger how can a little girl have a voice so big she is truly amazing good voice good good good good voice voice voice voice excellent voice fantastic voice back shaking tear crying uplifting take you back in the days voice tressa if you read this commit please take my advice and start recording a cd if not just for the love of singing but for your fans i believe you can truly make it look at these other one hit single studio singers lol"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21238": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "entertainment tonight has been going down hill for the last few years but as of last night aug th they reached a new low in an effort to try to hype up their broadcast they decided to post actual photos of jonbenet ramsey s body in their teasers last night saying pictures from the case you have never seen before the two photos were graphic and very disturbing one was of the side of her face and head neck and you could clearly see the cord that was used to strangle her around her neck and bruising on her face this was so hideously awful i could not believe it how has this got to do with anything remotely related to hollywood entertainment nothing they have dropped their level of dignity and values to a new low and it shows this used to be the premiere show to watch and it s just garbage now i will watch access hollywood from now on"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21239": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it is fitting on a musical sunday to get your heart a pumping and no one can do that better than little richard the man could sing the drawers off the ladies and defined rock and roll look to leon to provide a definitive characterization as he has done so with david ruffin in the temptations and jackie wilson in mr rock n roll the alan freed story this was a fascinating biopic as we saw little richard struggle with his father with his church and with himself over just who he was he won the battle and there is no one else that has his voice or his style"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21240": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "apparently none of the previous reviewers most of whom praise the film for its accuracy have actually read a biography of louis pasteur the most glaring inaccuracy is in the relationship between pasteur and napoleon iii back in the s the latter was invariably shown in a bad light while far from an admirable character he was an inept politician and a self appointed military genius who allowed france to be dragged into a disastrous war he was not the stupid reactionary depicted here he had an intelligent interest in science and like many other people in the th century saw a bright future because of the improvements it would bring far from exiling pasteur he was his patron building him a laboratory and providing him with all the resources that he needed for his research while the lab was under construction pasteur became gravely ill a bureaucrat deciding it was a waste of money to build a laboratory for someone who would soon be dead ordered work halted on his own authority when the emperor heard about this his outrage shook the bureaucracy so that there was a flurry of buck passing and work promptly resumed the emperor personally visited pasteur to comfort him and reassure him that he would get his lab the emperor would often bring members of his court to admire pasteur s projects and it was obvious to everyone that pasteur was one of the emperor s favorites pasteur s main worry concerning the emperor was that napoleon thought pasteur was virtually a miracle worker who could do almost anything and was constantly assigning him tasks outside of his previous experience pasteur a very modest man was always protesting this but napoleon would say that he had complete faith in him and pasteur despite his misgivings always came through they always had a close and friendly relationship and after the emperor was overthrown pasteur refused to say a bad word about him grateful to the end of his life the part about his daughter having the baby and pasteur sacrificing his principles to get a doctor never happened the part about the anthrax and rabies for which he was famous is generally correct but the notion that the anthrax experiment raised him from obscurity to fame is false he was famous and respected at the time this happened this movie is ok from a dramatic standpoint but very distorted as biography"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21241": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it is always a nice suprise when a film made for tv turns out to be entertaining such as little richard this is a very watchable film about the story of rock and roller little richard played by an actor called leon who i have never seen before but does an very good job as most tv films this is a little tamer than if made for cinema which is a shame because i am sure there is lot we could have seen about little richard that was controversial instead we see a lot religous rubbish which is the only thing that spoils the film and eventually spoilt a very promising career all in all this film is good and the acting is above average fot a tv film out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21242": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i really don t understand all these positive user reviews this movie is the worst movie i ve ever seen and i m not trying to be pessimistic eva mendez is hot but terrible in this film but i don t think it is her own fault but the directors he have somehow managed to make everything look artificial their acting the idea the make up everything the star i m giving is only for the idea behind the movie which was very bad executed don t watch this bullshit go watch a fellini woody allen or some david lynch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21243": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i didn t have many expectation going into the film but i thought it was fantastic pierce brosnan is outstanding in a very different role he has dumped the slick armani suits for a ridiculous look and pays off showing that he is an excellent actor pierce and greg kinnear play off each other great and make for one of the better buddy pairings in a long time the humor is dark the performances by brosnan kinnear and hope davis are great mix that with a touching element to the story about friendship and you have a great film this is probably one of the better buddy comedies in a long time this is a film that definitely shows that we can expect great things in the post bond era of brosnan s career"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21244": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "another vast conspiracy movie that tries to blame the us government and the armed forces especially the army for every disaster since the great flood anyone who has ever served time in the us military can see how bogus this film is uniforms equipment sets and mannerisms are all wrong and of course all senior officers are either corrupt criminals or total idiots blatant propaganda with no attempt at objectivity most of the theories presented have been disproven over the past few years uses every cliche rumor and urban legend from the gulf all are presented as gospel the truth is no one knows for sure why some gw vets are sick and others are healthy as horses ps this is not new war is not fun and i know wwii korean and viet nam vets with some pretty serious ailments too and the government has the responsibility to take care of all of them sensationalistic movies like this will not solve the problem"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21245": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "leon was fantastic as always this time playing little richard in his early years the movie showed a fully fleshed out little richard without neglecting to fill the show with lots of great music my only complaint is that the ending was a little abrupt i was hoping for a parter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21246": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what this movie fails from answering is how wrong this war is and most us wars recently made only to get some oil how many innocent civilian casualties there has been how many lives perished and how blatantly stupid the perpetrators are so let me ask you if american soldier kills women and children apart from enemy its ok but if government accidentally kills their own forces by deadly chemicals while killing many civilians as well it is not your logic fails gentleman i ll give it for the solid performance and to everything else in total"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21247": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really liked this movie it was good and the actors were brilliant leon robinson who played richard and many other classic singers is very good at his job when you see him in a musical movie you know that it is going to be good i would suggest that people watch this heart warming sad and special movie if they want to know more about richard outstanding fresh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21248": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the thumb idea isn t such a winner the second time round thumbtanic wasn t as good as thumb wars for a number of reasons primarily i think mr oedekerk had far less to work with in the titanic send up unlike star wars the movie titanic hasn t yet become a cultural myth and there are far fewer references to be made which will resonate with the audience in thumbtanic the holes are filled by one off jokes which don t really seem related to anything for example the hero s insinuation that the heroine isn t clean during the jump off end of ship scene it s not funny rather you just think to yourself did i miss something in the original movie there were too many of these type of baseless jokes cf arachnid by contrast the send up of the smarmy ship s designer had meaning and was funny also very funny was the send up of the bloke in the movie who wanted to go faster as a maniac running around demanding everything be faster including the sinking of the ship and himself being the first to die these sort of jokes meant something in the titanic context and lent meaningful humour to thumbtanic the thumb media the faces and the voices are still amusing the props and sets and the cg animation are worthy of appreciation overall although thumbtanic proves that quirkiness alone won t work this filmette still keeps you amused and chuckling to the end"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21249": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the life and time of little richard as told by little richard as produced and directed by little richard was about as one sided as one of his songs this is not a biography or even a docudrama but does have good writing great energy and an outstanding leading actor playing richard all the music is by little richard so it rocks a tight lipsync on every song the movie covers his early childhood carrys thru the formative years in music the wild success and richard s throwing it all away to praise the lord its all tied together well and the obvious comeback in manages to stay away from the idea that little richard discovered the beatles whom opened for him my main objection is that his outrageous counter cultural behavior is underplayed and you get no feel for how his audience experienced him at that time some of his energy which he still has does not come across full force he seemed tame compared to what i remember of him at the time the best scenes are richard getting jilted by lucille and writing a song about it and the strip to bikini shorts while performing to make the point about not having a decent place to change if they had gotten into the bronze liberace as richard use to refer to himself in interviews then there s a story trust me i just saw him perform a couple of months ago and he still flirts with the pretty white boys giving the one particularly good dancer in the audience his headband nearly and still going strong i recommend this movie and any concert or t v appearance you can find little richard is always on"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21250": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched this on a whim because it was available and i d heard the thumb movies were funny this one was not the majority of the jokes were based around geranium s physique and in turn kate winslet s i think it s really pathetic of the the thumbtanic creators to stoop so low to make jabs at a respected actress just because she heaven forbid doesn t starve herself into the model of ideal modern beauty my favorite part was the line that goes something like hey i have a great idea let s swim over to this makeshift raft that no one else seems to see thirty seconds of amusement out of a minute movie does not redeem its value"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21251": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first of all i think the below comment is unworthy for a site like this obviously you have no taste and you don t respect the taste of others not to give you a history lesson but i think it needs to be done black actors out there are just if not more successful as others if you are not a part of the black race you cannot understand the quality creativeness and vibrant of old movies such as sparkle and mahogany and cooley high since unfortunately you are not black you do not have the pleasure of feeling what we feel when we watch these classics so therefore you need to keep your freaking mouth shut and just stick to your non dancing race thanks"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21252": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw chan is missing when it first came out about four years after moving from san francisco to new york maybe it was the perspective of a few years away but this movie seemed to capture the essence of the city and its people better than anything else i d ever seen still does it concentrates on one particular community the chinese but that s fine because so much of the city s soul is refracted through the settings the faces and the maybe above all the voices of the characters this isn t the tourists san francisco the settings are humble and everyday a taxi cab the kitchen of a chinese restaurant richmond district row houses little chinatown apartments and small business offices the piers a philippine elder center this is what the city looks and feels like day to day to the people who live there even now in the era of silicon gulch urban redevelopment unlike say dirty harry in its own way an excellent san francisco movie as well everything is filmed at street level we come to understand the characters points of view from the perspective their surroundings give them not from some fancy vertiginous shooting wang apparently filmed in b w because he didn t have the money to do otherwise yet one of the strongest visual elements of the movie is the natural light he achieves the often harsh pervasive quality of the sunlight is one of my closest associations with san francisco it seems to expose everything bringing the buildings the hills the other landmarks down in scale and in a funny way making the people you pass on the streets seem more individual and potentially closer to you than they might in another place wang s photography perfectly conveys this and even helps the story along at points wang captures the speech and conversational style of chinese and other san franciscans better than anyone ever has i think if there s such thing as a true san francisco accent it s what you hear from the balding taxi medallion broker i think who appears talking on the phone in one scene listen to the way he calls the person on the other end ya dingaling the story is poignant and despite a few very small missteps makes its points beautifully about the longings that pull at the hearts of people living in old immigrant communities including the justified political and ethnic resentments and little ironic amusements that help to fuel them all this is communicated delicately perhaps why some respondents here think the film meanders it doesn t suffice it to say that the two cab drivers quest for chan becomes a quest for something more personal chan is missing finishes up with a chinatown travelogue sequence backed by a goofy novelty song from the s i guess about san francisco and all its crazy diversity an american caricature yes but somehow not entirely off the mark either"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21253": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie was actually a romantic drama based on three sisters who had desires to become a famous girl group in their endeavors the oldest sister meets a drug dealer and street hustler called satin whom sister goes after because she believes he is the big time who will give her everything she ever thought she wanted out of life though he could be accused of killing her he really kills only her spirit and will to live after which she becomes a drug addict and ultimately dies from an overdose the story isn t about the street life or the italian mobster who tries to buy stix off then threatens him it s about how love can overcome even the worst tragedies in life as portrayed in song and style and the character that was the life in the times for young women trying to be discovered back then"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21254": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a wasted opportunity to actually make an interesting film about a complicated subject there is very little exploration about what it really feels like to be a straight or gay man working in a gay sexual environment the dancers keep talking about their art as if it has no erotic component they may not all be prostitutes for hire but they are indeed sex workers playing out fantasies and selling private sessions where more than dancing is offered from the film one would get the impression that they mainly appeal to the women who go to the gay clubs and then end up hiring the dancers for private sessions even the shots in the club only show women in front of the stage and the dancers only playing to the women in the audience this just isn t the reality of these clubs it would be pretty hard to make a living doing private dances for straight women and couples so what do they really feel about their gay admirers and clients we learn very little instead we get filler a gay activist who adds nothing to the study of straight dancers a manager who tells us about the costumes for the drag acts but offers no insight into the dancers lives and attitudes the pictures of mexico city are generic the phallic montage showing sausages roasting is ridiculous this is a totally simplistic film which should be of interest only to those who want to see a few pictures of pretty boys dancing the rest of the movie is an insult to gay men"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21255": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "standard rise to fame tale that has a few high points number one lonette mckee as sister who gives a stunning star making performance the fact that she never became a huge sensation after this is beyond me sadly she is a supporting character and we are forced to focus on irena carter s bland character sparkle whose rise to fame is easy boring and unconvincing however whenever the girls go on stage and perform the movie comes back to life the original music by curis mayfield must be praised the copy i saw was a very old vhs tape the picture quality was pretty low as well as the production values i m guessing all in all its worth a gander"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21256": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "cedric kahn s films have been character based rather than action based i m thinking of l ennui and feux rouges so it is jarring to see this series of really expert car chases interspersed with some plodding attempts to give character to succo i don t find stefano cassetti to be an interesting actor he reminds me of pro athletes who are coaxed into movies like bret favre that blank stare looks like a really vicious deer caught in the headlights a real actor would have forced us to reflect more on succo s personality rather than admiring his skill at carjacking the little acting there is comes mainly from isild le besco as the needy schoolgirl succo takes by storm the interview at the police office is a marvel of bland obstinacy with a little fear of the future blended in le besco apart there is little to recommend this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21257": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched this movie every chance i got back in the seventies when it came out on cable it was my introduction to harlem which has fascinated me and bill clinton ever since i was still very young and the movie made a big impression on me it was great to see a movie about other young girls growing up trying to decide whom they wanted to be and making some bad choices as well as good ones i was dazzled by lonette mckee s beauty the great dresses they eventually got to wear and the snappy dialogue as someone being raised by a single mother as well i could really identify with these girls and their lives it s funny these characters seem almost more real to me than beyonce knowles"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21258": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "for a film about a killer this is surprisingly dull nothing much happens and even when things do happen they don t generate any real excitement or interest the acting is good from the two leads cassetti in particular delivers a great performance combining the certainty and stupidity of succo but the rest of the cast also do what they need to the problem is that there is poor writing and direction and the fact that as a true story it isn t interesting succo is not a unique character he isn t interesting or exciting films of this sort normally try to generate tension or empathy or outrage and this generates nothing except a feeling of regret that you wasted your time watching it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21259": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a remarkable example of cinematic alchemy at work with a trite n turgid lump of lead script penned by numbingly mediocre hollywood hack nonpareil jole schumacher no less being magically converted into a choice chunk of exquisitely gleaming carat musical drama gold thanks to brisk direction fresh engaging performances spot on production values a flavorsome recreation of s era new york an infectiously effervescent roll with the punches tone and a truly wondrous rhythm and blues score by the great curtis mayfield the story loosely based on the real life exploits of the supremes prosaically documents the arduous rags to riches climb of three bright eyed impoverished black teenage girl singers who desperately yearn to escape their ratty unrewarding ghetto plight and make it big in the razzle dazzle world of commercial r b music all the obvious pratfalls of instant wealth and success egos run destructively amok drugs corruption fighting to retain your integrity and so on are predictably paraded forth but luckily the uniformly excellent work evident in the film s other departments almost completely cancels out schumacher s flat uninspired plotting the first rate acting helps out a lot irene cara lonette mckee and dwan smith are sensationally sexy vibrant and appealing leads and great singers to boot comparably fine performances are also turned in by a charmingly boyish pre miami vice philip michael thomas as the group s patient gentlemanly manager dorian harewood as mckee s venal aggressively amorous hound dog boyfriend and perennial blaxploitation baddie tony hell up in harlem bucktown king as a dangerously seductive smooth operating stone cold nasty gangster the tone dips and dovetails from funny and poignant to melancholy and blithesome without ever skipping a beat deftly evolving into a glowing uplifting ode to the human spirit s extraordinary ability to effectively surmount extremely difficult and intimidating odds veteran editor sam o stern acquits himself superbly in his directorial debut bruce surtees luminescent cinematography and gordon scott s expert editing are both flawless o stern s firm grasp of period atmosphere keen eye for tiny but telling little details and unerring sense of busy unbroken pace are just as impressive no fooling about curtis mayfield s impeccable soundtrack contributions either jump what can i do with this feeling givin up take my hand precious lord lovin you baby and look into your heart are all terrifically tuneful soulful almost unbelievably fantastic songs with the sweetly sultry love jones number something he can feel which was later covered by both aretha franklin and en vogue clearly copping top musical honors as the best ever song in the entire movie the net result of all these above cited outstanding attributes persuasively illustrates that sometimes it s not the screenplay so much as what s done with said script which in turn determines a film s overall sterling quality"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21260": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have seen already fantastic stories but the premises of this one are so unbelievable that it comes very close to being ridiculous a rich and young guy undergoes a heart transplant the day after his marriage and he is somehow witnessing his own surgery and the plot of his surgeons to kill him even if there is a medical explanation to such a phenomenon what next happens is a mixture of dialog among say souls maybe and real life where the dedicated mother will do everything to save the life of her son there is no shade of suspense or thrill just a combination of a bad and simplistic plot with a series of coincidences that can never happen in life this is not to say that the film is completely lacking quality actually first time director joby harold does a decent job in directing a good team of actors that includes hayden christensen at his first major role after having taken off the anakin skywalker costume fabulous jessica alba and super gifted lena olin all would have deserved a better story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21261": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "an excellent movie superb acting by mary alice phillip m thomas and a young irene cara tony king was very realistic in his role of satin this movie was one of the last predominately all black movies of the s and unlike the blaxploitation movies of that era this movie actually had a plot and was very well done the movie soundtrack sung by aretha franklin was popular on the r b charts at the time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21262": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "quite unimpressive the twists are all pretty predictable if you ve seen any movies within the last ten years and the few somewhat interesting parts wherein someone utilizes context clues to make a decision are few and lack much punch since the secret has already been shown before these clues are explained spoilers sorta the acting is decent enough the story simply isn t very interesting the whole still awake premise becomes nullified by the astral projection stuff not kidding the surgery scene is initially tense a bit discomforting but then becomes utterly banal not horrible but not memorable terrence howard s least interesting role to date so far as i ve seen kind of boring overall"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21263": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was years old when i saw this musical movie while on vacation with my family in st thomas in and immediately fell in love with it years later it is still an original inspiration for achieveing my goals that i have set to accomplish since that time this tragic story of a hard core behind the scenes of the entertainment industry during the late s sparkle successfully portrays the struggle of three young sisters looking for their place in the sun this story could simply become the biographical story of many young aspiring artists about what could materialize when things seem to happen too fast and role models are not available to lend a helping hand the phenomenal music written and composed by aretha franklin and curtis mayfield the soundtrack carries the plot with every song from being subjected to situations that almost leave no choice for strong long term decision making to making the ultimate sacrifice in order to get ahead all three young girls sparkle sister and delores represent the different routes that one could take when you set out to achieve your ideal opportunity as your contribution to society this movie could have possibly spawned the ideas of creating dreamgirls on broadway and mariah carey s glitter years later as an original audience member of both productions i have seen a lot of similarities in both stories to sparkle as well as in saturday night fever fame flashdance and the off broadway smash hit mama i want to sing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21264": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "live yes but not kicking true story some time ago a dutch tv station made an announcement that they were going to air a new reality show a contest rather the main participant in this show would be a woman who was dying of something terrible and she would be donating her kidneys to one lucky person with progressive kidney failure for real the country and the international media were all over this story like flies on a turd saying it was appalling immoral what is this world coming to and the like in a way i had to agree as the months passed the tension built up to a degree that the government was mostly occupied by the issue of whether they should let this show go ahead or not instead of running the country the show did air and right up to the last moment they were pushing ahead and up to the last moment the country was up in arms the prime minister making speeches every newspaper writing about it everyone in the country holding their breaths and the network pushed on towards a new frontier in television and they definitely succeeded in doing just that they pushed the envelope the show aired and we all watched a terminally ill woman selecting the right candidate to receive her kidneys so he or she would live whilst she would die shortly after and then in the last moments of the show it was revealed that it was a partial hoax the woman was not ill but all the candidates were there was no kidney auction the whole show that with the publicity and the commercials and all the discussions built up for months to a fantastic climax was a publicity stunt to focus attention on the problem of major shortages in organ donors the man who founded this particular network himself died of kidney disease now this is television leaving everybody far behind in amazement don t give me a poorly acted poorly directed flick about some woman trying to get a russian roulette show on american tv as if spoiler as if i m going to believe they would get this through the fcc as if i m going to believe this would get through the us supreme court on the basis of free expression as if i m gonna believe the ridiculous ending where this woman pulled it off and has conscience issues because some guy shot himself on air it s all been done before watch running man with arnold instead at least it had a semi good ending spoiler this is an appallingly bad piece of film together with a ridiculous ending so she gets shot in the end is that supposed to make us movie going public feel better after we leave the theater because there was some kind of justice don t take my word for it but i would say this leave this one alone and watch a test pattern instead you ll get more quality"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21265": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie while it was under limited release mainly for the novelty of seeing pierce brosnan with a moustache but it turned out to be one of the funniest movies i have seen all year it starts out almost as a thriller but steadily progresses into a hilarious piece of work full of one liners and great comedic energy between pierce brosnan and greg kinnear also while i say this movie is a comedy it doesn t forget it has a heart at times and can be very touching when it needs to be when i went into the theater i didn t know what to expect much more than a moustache but what i got was one of the best movies i have seen in a long time leaving the theater i felt very fulfilled from the film and plan to see it again in wide release i recommend it to anyone who appreciates a good comedy with a well written script and a big moustache"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21266": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after watching awake i led to a conclusion director and screenwriter joby harold made awake with the intention of laughing at the spectator for the simple fact the movie is full of ridiculous elements awake has a lot of plot holes and it is full of absurd and ridiculous elements for example the hospital uniform the spirit of the main character uses did the ghost of a doctor leave it in the floor the concept behind this movie is slightly ingenious but all the plot holes and the absurd things make of this a stupid and crappy film with the exception of the great lena olin all the actors bring bad performances hayden christensen has zero expressions and the same applies for jessica alba the extraordinary actor terrence howard is enormously wasted on his role awake makes a laugh of the spectator it s so ridiculous and full of absurd things that it s impossible to take it seriously my recommendation is skip this crappy movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21267": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "farrah fawcett has spent the better part of her post angel s career confounding us with an occasional noteworthy acting performance sandwiched in between her playboy frolics and letterman escapades but when it comes down to it there s no denying that this girl can act far from a story of epic proportions this well done tv movie is gentle quiet and occasionally moving fawcett plays the wayward black sheep daughter come home only to find that she missed the last days of her mom s life as well as the funeral much to the chagrin of her more stable and presumably more sensible sister brad johnson plays the love interest and a story unfolds with all the typical elements of telefilm drama but then there s always that confounding farrah to watch and she does indeed remain eminently watchable and yes i admit it i did have that farrah poster on my wall way back when silk hope gets three and a half stars out of five on the corkymeter bosley would be proud"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21268": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "hayden christianson and jessica alba two of my least favourite actors of this century team up in what is quite possibly the flattest attempt at remake the already dire the butterfly effect awake is so dull and so utterly uninteresting that you d be better off asleep terrance howard still recovering from the diabolical august rush puts up a decent fight as the sadistic doctor who seems hell bent on killing christianson and after viewing his performance i would gladly assists alba still recovering after fantastic four rise of the silver surfer is naturally disastrous and equally unwatchable as she always was only once has she ever been rather brilliant at that was in the safe hands of master director robert rodriguez in sin city could it possibly be that jessica alba isn t as poor of an actress as most give her credit for and is is possibly that her acting abilities are being weight down by a poor script if so then that would explain awake what with a script that would shame that of plan from outer space jessica alba hayden christenson and terrence howard star in first time director screenwriter joby harold s nerve jangling psychological thriller about a man who experiences the frighteningly common surgical phenomenon known as aesthetic awareness in which those laid out on the operating table remain acutely aware of what is going on around them despite remaining completely paralyzed and unable to cry out for help when a successful young young man christenson goes under the knife and realizes that the anaesthesia hasn t quite done its job the horror quickly sets in as his worried wife alba waits anxiously and a terrifying drama unfolds in the operating room hoping to do for operating tables what final destination did for planes this first effort from director joby harold pivots on a blood frosting conceit the pre credits sequence tells us one in people suffers from a phenomenon known as anaesthetic awareness where the patient remains conscious but paralysed during surgery one such unfortunate individual is clayton beresford jr hayden christensen who finds himself wide awake during a heart transplant and he can feel every single slice intermittently inventive as it probes away at his tortured psyche awake fails to inject true terror into its novel premise spiralling from chilling simplicity into absurd conspiracy it s hindered by stilted turns from christensen and jessica alba you ll wish you d popped a sedative before watching verdict awake is at very best extremely undemanding a pull no punches film that undoubtedly looked better on paper as a film though its awfully generic and extremely derived awake fails to inject terror into its novel premise the end result is really quite lousy alba and christian are the very least of your worries as the films main flaw lies in its inability to scare its audience awake is a film you ll most likely sleep through"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21269": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a pleasant film even if the premise is silly it was sort of a guilty pleasure to watch meg ryan seems to be able to pull off roles in this kind of film another example is joe vs the volcano that s what makes her a star in part walter matthau of course had that ability too and he really puts himself into the role making an amusing good hearted einstein i suppose you could say they re both good at portraying loveable characters though loveable in different ways loveable young women vs loveable curmudgeon"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21270": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i was very surprised to see that this movie had such a good rating when i checked it on imdb after seeing it this really is one of the worst movies i have ever seen and i have seen many bad movies it looks like a good movie in the beginning but when he comes into surgery i couldn t believe how bad it got this voice over destroys everything just imagine you are being cut open like that and then listen to what he says i saw the movie in german so i don t really know what he said in english but ironic stuff like yeah right it doesn t hurt what is this telling yourself think about something else and then forgetting your pain by just thinking about your girlfriend is just stupid and his mother how the hell does she figure something like that out someone comes to tell her her son died in surgery what she kind of had to expect plus she found some letters in jessica albas bag plus that she knows the hospital stuff and then it takes her one second to figure it out what the hell ^^ and the ending why does the police bust them the patient died in surgery thats all that happened that drunk doctor doesn t know anything else either and then they bust them all even the girlfriend why despite all that i think christensen did a bad job but that doesn t really count for me those mistakes and stupid things i wrote about above are the problem i watched this movie with some friends and we all were very disappointed as i said one of the worst movies i have ever seen just don t watch it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21271": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "iq is a cute romantic comedy featuring two great actors that seem to click well on screen plot is a typical guy wrong for girl guy gets girl format but makes the solid point that one must love with the heart and not the the mind addition of albert einstein and his band of geniuses provides excellent comic relief overall a good movie not great but good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21272": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "from the beginning this movie did have a few flaws the main character played by hayden christensen is a the rich young mogul who has inherited his father s considerable wealth and power and he is struggling to both fill his father s shoes and cut the apron strings mother and co executive keeps too tight he also has the problem of having a heart condition and waiting in the limbo that is the organ donor registry there are also minor back stories which your first instinct is to mostly ignore that become important later such as his friendship with his surgeon terrence howard and his romance with a middle class girl jessica alba uncreative story lines but not bad enough to ruin the movie the only real oy vey moment was the name of lena olin s character overbearing woman named lilith subtle the surgical scenes are not at all censored i appreciated that people who find surgery scenes scary might not the horror of being awake during anesthesia was done well at first you watch in emotional agony as christensen screams inwardly through the chest incision and the rib spreader the moment of irony from the trailers then comes where while he is one of the unlucky few to be awake during anesthesia he is also luck in that it helps him learn that his surgical team is planning to murder him the big twist however is very predictable and sends the film delving into the conspiracy and his memories of the little signs which were there but he like us initially missed there are two more twists at the end involving his relationship with his mother one is an impressive gesture by olin which comes of as unimpressive due to poor writing the other is a secret about the family s past which seemed very tacked on and pointless the initially well done anesthesia awareness drama gets lost in the poorly written conspiracy drama there is a one final attempt to bring it back which falls flat taking the entire movie with it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21273": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men if you are too smart to watch this movie then you are too smart to be alive wonderful romp wonderful premise period piece done with acute eye for detail walter matthau meg ryan tim robbins et al just wonderful rent it sit down relax take it in smile a little enjoy yourself then thank me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21274": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first of all the big named actors must need the money the surgical scenes were laughable and surely they must know that people who have a little knowledge of medicine would find this utterly absurd anesthesiologists do not leave the room during a heart transplant nor do they do the surgery in a tiny room devoid of instruments heart lung equipment and sterile techniques just a joke couldn t concentrate on the story line because of all the stupid surgery scenes no blood no personnel and then the hero doc coming in and taking over it is not a film for thinking adults also the budget must have been limited the street scenes were ok but who was the technical adviser seems like it was directed by a total idiot save your money and wait until it comes out on dvd and don t rent it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21275": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a romantic comedy where albert einstein played wonderfully by walter matthau and his cronies play match maker to his niece meg ryan and a talented auto mechanic tim robbins the interplay among these major roles is augmented by a terrific supporting cast of well recognized character actors this movie is cute and fun a feel gooder hearty recommendations"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21276": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just saw this movie last night and being someone who had very low expectations to begin with was still disappointed the most glaring error in this abomination of a movie is that the main plot point the guy being awake during the surgery had nothing to do with the outcome it would have ended the same way regardless so what was the point of this who knows also this surgeon had malpractice suits against him and he didn t think people would ask questions if a patient died on his table give me a break jessica alba is completely talentless and christiansen is almost as bad the whole thing was just laughable from start to finish i m fairly certain that if you could feel someone cutting through your chest with a scalpel you would be in more pain than that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21277": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i loved the idea of this film from the moment i first saw a trailer for it einstein has always been one of my heroes and the image of him as the kindly playful slightly mad genius was enough to get me to see the film the added spice of matthau as einstein made it even better the story is pure fantasy but a delightful one an auto mechanic falls in love with a beautiful woman who happens to be einstein s niece with the help of four fairy godfathers of physics ed embarks on a quest to win catherine s heart throw a jealous fianc who exemplifies the worst of experimental psychology and eisenhower into the mix and you have pure fun the film is filled with great character actors and delightfully sweet and daffy performances walter matthau play einstein as a mischievous imp cupid with a slide rule tim robbins is wonderfully endearing as ed and meg ryan plays a step above her normal rom com level stephen fry is a joy as the rrratman and ryan s fianc who lacks a single romantic bone in his body the film fell below most radars but is a delightful treasure that does not grow stale with repeated viewings it features first rate writing and performances and is a gentle treat in a less than gentle world"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21278": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is the most ludicrous and laughable thriller i ve ever seen oh where to start plot what little there is clayton beresford jr hayden christensen a young billionaire with a bad heart is desperately in need of a transplant clay has been secretly engaged to his mother s pa samantha played by jessica alba on the night that these two secretly get married it just so happens that a heart donor with the same rare blood type is found go and figure the odds of that one once on the operating table clay finds out the anesthesia isn t working and he can feel everything and hear everything fortunately clay seems to be able to filter out the pain of a razor sharp scalpel cutting open his chest by simply concentrating on his memories of samantha which we are told he s doing through an annoying voice over which never seems to stop if you didn t burst out in laughter yet you will surely start to when you see the surgical scenes how could a young billionaire agree to have a heart transplant performed by one surgeon one nurse an attending physician and an drunk anesthesiologist there were more people in the room when my wisdom tooth was getting pulled not to mention the medical behavior which is too preposterous to be taken seriously the operating room isn t even kept sterile people are practically able to just walk in and out of the room without even having washed up during the operation the viewer gets to hear clay s thoughts none of which are too fascinating ah but here s what it s all about the doctors are trying to kill him in order to take his money believing him to be unconscious the villains speak freely gosh what will happen well at least there s no interference from anyone else in the hospital while an incompetent doctor who s got four malpractice lawsuits running against him is performing major heart surgery not even clay s overprotective mother seems to be able to check on his status the only one interested in keeping updated is samantha but oh no could sweet sam be in on it you ll quickly find out through some scooby doo dialog in the end it wouldn t even matter whether or not clay underwent anesthesia awareness because the end would have turned out the same way in both cases if you can ignore the feeling that the director writer is trying to make fun of the patients who fell victim to anesthesia awareness maybe there s some dumb fun to be had enjoy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21279": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while fred schepisi s i q doesn t really have any important qualities it s still worth seeing walter matthau plays albert einstein trying to help mechanic ed walters tim robbins fall in love with princeton mathematics doctoral candidate catherine boyd meg ryan probably the funniest scene is when dr frizzyhead and friends lou jacobi gene saks and joseph maher try to make ed look like a scientist he ends up looking like a french impressionist obviously little of the movie is historically accurate but that s not the point it s not intended as anything except a light comedy quite the opposite of robbins s most famous movie from the shawshank redemption a movie about einstein s whole life would have to focus not only on his scientific achievements but also his political activism namely how he wrote a letter on behalf of the scottsboro nine and came out against nuclear weapons it got to the point where the fbi kept a file on him so anyway this one is acceptable also starring stephen fry tony shalhoub frank whaley charles durning and keene curtis"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21280": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok so it s a low budget film i used the quotes because it was shot in hi video the acting is universally horrid the makeup is laughable the blood looks like it came from sherwin williams and i ve seen more convincing bruises made from halloween ghoul kits and the lighting generally looks like they used someone s borrowed toyota pickup to shine headlights on the actors i might be able to forgive these low budget traits if there were some actual content if a movie made an attempt to tell a story but this collection of video footage can boast of no plot no real characters and no momentum it s a self indulgent mess and don t worry no spoilers here cause there s absolutely nothing to spoil"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21281": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was a great romantic comedy historically inaccurate einstein had no nieces or nephews as noted elsewhere in imdb but he made a great matchmaker he brought together two very nice people played by two of the best actors working the supporting cast lou jacobi joseph maher gene saks stephen fry etc all clicked on screen and made this a great viewing experience the fact he drove a car to get around seems to contradict all those images and posters of him riding a bicycle to get around and did he wear socks in one scene reportedly the professor never wore socks two new entries for the imdb goofs section historical inaccuracies and inconsistencies aside this was a great movie to watch with a great cast i give it an"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21282": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if you want to watch a film that is oddly shot oddly lit weird stories of these men and one woman who enjoy beating the crap out of each other if you want to enjoy a story that goes nowhere of these two guys one a boxer and the other a gay man then you should watch this film after watching this film i almost felt as badly bruised up and cut up like the director of the film himself beat the hell out of me this is a movie where one is not meant to watch for plot or for great acting this is a film to gawk at in horror and wonder a lot like watching an airplane crash or a train wreck if you want to watch a great movie a good movie a b movie or even a mediocre movie this movie is not it a warning to all who watch this film please don t eat beforehand you might want to puke by the end of the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21283": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie had me smiling from beginning to end partly at the humor partly at meg ryan this is the perfect character for her and always because it s just one of the best feel good movies i ve seen hopefully the dvd will be out soon"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1]}, "21284": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i question its importance to queer cinema as it seems to be more about having a homosexual encounter via violent behavior than making any clear statements regarding homosexuality and violence three tales are tangled together in a rather sloppy manner i found myself trying to untangle the messy narrative in the first minutes that alone didn t sit well with me weak plot points were endlessly repeated as though we might not have gotten it the first times there was a feeling of padded dialog throughout the film more like a minute boy s brief short rather than a fleshed out full length film it had a certain erotic flair male nudity and sex appeal but overall the sum did not equal its parts the st part boxer stalker storyline was the strongest and yet it too felt like it had been pulled thin bob has been following tim for four years and only now is he confronting him i felt as though their cat mouse game was not developed enough to merit its conclusion we needed more information about them and less parking lot locker scenes with tim relentlessly saying what do you want the nd part danny wants his buddy tony to beat him up while he jacks off tony doesn t seem to mind but he doesn t even appear interested in exploring the implications of his homo erotic hobby not even after they do it in the nude this tale lacks the all important transition from i m a straight boy smacking my guy friend around for fun to i think i might be gay and hitting him because i d like to spread his ass and do him s m style a very important thing to leave out clearly these stories each could have conveyed their points in half the time the rd part with the man and woman slapping each other around adds to that thought furthermore it was unnecessary and added nothing to the film yes the actors did a fine job under the circumstances and the four male leads were very sexy the make up bruises and cuts however was on par with a grammar school talent show there wasn t enough meat to this story to have any impact on the gay politic the film made no statement squandered time and is not engaging or worthy enough for thoughtful investment its fatal flaw is its amateurish approach that makes it ultimately impossible to take seriously"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21285": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a solid if unremarkable film matthau as einstein was wonderful my favorite part and the only thing that would make me go out of my way to see this again was the wonderful scene with the physicists playing badmitton i loved the sweaters and the conversation while they waited for robbins to retrieve the birdie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1]}, "21286": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i give this film it s props that it is very well made and reasonably well acted but i couldn t get past the implausibility of the whole thing first and foremost a game built around the notion of russian roulette that has to fill on hour the big problem is that if you are doing a live show you run the possibility that your first contestant will be the one unlucky enough to draw the real bullet then what do you do you have minutes of show to fill and nothing to show the corollary is that okay you get to the end and the first five contestants survive which means number six has the bullet and can t possibly get the payout he isn t going to shoot himself at that point so it s kind of anti climatic second problem almost as big human nature people are going to flinch panic soil their underwear and do things that would otherwise not make very good television too much randomness that s why real reality television is actually tightly scripted and even more tightly edited the only random thing is the performance artist s rant about female sacrifices which were actually rare historically even that was predictable since she went through with shooting herself to no effect we are led to believe the shows ratings would increase while it was going on at am in the morning unlikely with the token asian girl announcing each boost in ratings a point on race and sex big surprise the movies two minority one gay and two female contestants are the ones who survive so we are left with the two white males and of course the slightly less likable of them is the one who buys it the purpose of such a show would be it s randomness but the guy you like the least is the guy who dies the climax is that after spending two hours fighting for televised suicide the eva mendes character mendes produced and starred in this thing so she has no one to blame but herself actually grows a conscience when someone dies what did she think was going to happen she is promptly shot by a bystander angry about the whole thing motives never explained and the show went on to be a big hit really the problem with media satire is that it has to either have some grounding in reality or it has to be so over the top to be ludicrous like network this is neither"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21287": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "interesting how much more realistic brosnan s performance is to that of the original james bond novels when compared to the bond films he s neurotic paranoid an alcoholic and a womanizer to boot this is perfect break for him even so much as to make fun of the bond icon i m a mess a parody of myself he says it doesn t get any better than that i just finished reading dr no and this is very much how ian fleming had portrayed james bond personally i never liked brosnan as bond because he fit the icon too closely there was nothing for him to personalize the character with as compared to roger moore or sean connery its great to see brosnan play a character both grounded in reality and flamboyantly off the wall a shallow character trying to come to an understanding on deeper emotional and psychological issues to which he has no background dealing with it s an impressive portrayal and having greg kinear to ground him is just poetic this movie reminds me a little bit of dynamics established between the main characters in my blue heaven but more genuine in their coping mechanisms"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21288": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw shiner on dvd while i was watching it i thought this is a really bad porn flick without the porn i also thought whoever wrote this has some real issues then i watched the director writer carlson explain his process as a special feature yeah it was real special the emphasis of the film is placed on two alcoholic losers who hit each other to get off they are marginally attractive there is frontal and full nudity these factors probably account for the film being seen at all the most upsetting element of the film is the gay bashing and the subsequent further gay bashing of the same victim who tries ineptly to exact revenge from his assailants the two drunken losers not only is the subject handled absurdly and badly from a technical point of view but the acting is horrendously bad then there s the boxer stalker theme this is really insane not just absurd this hunky boxer is somehow traumatized by the persistent attentions of a fleshy momma s boy who works at his gym s parking lot this is in la mind you the boxer is so traumatized that he turns up at the stalker s house strips in front of him and gets excited in the process well all i can say is why would a boxer who is at heart an exhibitionist be so traumatized by the attention of a stalker it simply makes no sense and i m afraid some psycho dynamics actually do make sense if you take the time to read about them however bad scripts seldom make sense at all the director writer seems to have thought that this film represents a considerable minority within the gay community well he may be correct i suppose we may never know since that minority would be so dysfunctional they would hardly be able to get organized enough to ever get to an obscure gay film festival or dvd store the only two places they could possibly find this turkey thank goodness for that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21289": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what a delightful romp a very competently made film that has so much charm and a feelgood factor that a lot of romantic comedies lack einstein is brilliantly acted by walter matthau while meg ryan s catherine is unforgettable better than i have seen her in those films opposite tom hanks as the young mathematician struggling to be recognized you don t need to be a young woman to understand catherine s struggle and feel sympathetic for her immediately and as a young man it s easy to understand what must have gone through ed s tim robbins mind in pursuing his true love there s universal appeal in these emotions even if i q keeps it all light fun and tied up nicely sure it s not heavy but if you look there are some subtexts people remember albert einstein as a scientist yet he was a great spiritualist his sayings such as something along the lines of if it is not impossible then why do it suggest he is a believer in fulfilling higher goals beyond one s immediate grasp in this film there are questions of what an accident really is such as whether albert and his whacky sidekicks intervention in prying catherine away from stiff upper lip loveless james stephen fry who gives this otherwise cardboard character life and you cannot help but feel for his lack of feeling counts how much intervention happens in our lives that we do not see and comes across as serendipitous and of course we d like to think in real life despite what we often observe of the people we know that we edwards get the catherines and jameses have to learn how to defrost the icewater in their veins how nice to know that it might work out in i q s innocent and disturbingly exclusively caucasian eisenhower era land of make believe"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21290": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what an unfortunate mess is shiner i wanted to like this over the top anti film aspirant and in fact found a number of moments with powerful resonance sadly those moments are few and far between while i appreciate some of what calson was attempting any advantage aspired to by bare bones no budget cinematography was destroyed with some truly atrocious editing that benefited the movie not at all while bad acting abounds in low budget and big budget cinema shiner has some remarkably bad performances that are nearly painful to watch in particular the straight couple linda and young guy these are the two most poorly written characters offering almost nothing to the story the acting is so abysmal and neither actor seems capable of resisting smirking or cracking up as they drearily drop their lines with an appalling lack of skill the choppy editing almost lends the feeling that these roles were entirely gratuitous and dropped in to avoid the films being stereotypically cast as an oddball gay film it would have been better off as such with all that is going wrong for it there are several performances that seem to capture what calson was hoping to get in particular the story centering on bob and tim these are the two most richly drawn characters and offer the most rewards with genuinely captivating performances by nicholas t king bob and david zelinas tim tim is a boxer with some serious issues remarkably low self esteem is disguised by an almost cartoon like arrogance that he wears like armour plating obsessed with tim the seemingly harmless yet ultimately creepy bob stalks the boxer in classic cat and mouse fashion when the tables are turned and hunter becomes the hunted the resulting in the film s only genuine emotional catharsis in a film so artificially hard edged that s a compliment one character must have that revelatory break through or breakdown as the case proves here and the final confrontation between bob and tim provide zelinas and king opportunity to display some real acting chops as played by scott stepp and derris nile tony and danny seem to be the focus of the movie and despite some bravado moments of their own including one truly disturbing scene revealing the sex violence obsession but they can t seem to escape a cartoon like artifice and it s difficult to look at or beyond their seeming one note symphony and find anything other than the obvious ultimately this same raw material could and should be used to tell this story in better fashion alas there really isn t much to recommend this yet the performances by messrs king and zelinas really do offer something special and a glimpse of what might have been and are ultimately worth seeing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21291": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is a very relaxed romantic comedy which is thoroughly enjoyable meg ryan does a very good job as the genius niece of albert einstein though she does believe in her own skills tim robbins does an equally good job as the mechanic who falls in love with her when she comes into his shop with her fianc after her car stuffs up i loved walter matthau as the one and only albert einstein this movie just has a very relaxing feel to it while still keeping some sort of seriousness to it if that is actually possible it happens here i personally found this movie extremely entertaining especially the old scientists i thought they were fab and hilarious this movie seems to have been underestimated beyond comprehension if you have a cheeky sense of humour this is the movie for you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21292": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "shiner directed by christian calson centers around three couples and their relationships with obsession and violence pretty good start as far as i m concerned interesting the couples break down into a heterosexual couple two heterosexual male friends and a straight guy being harmlessly stalked by a gay man the het couple really don t have much of a role in the film there are some scenes that show how they like to be aggressive when having sex or playing around with each other but seem to have no real purpose since the are so marginalized my assumption is that they represent a more day to day illustration of how sex violence are integrated in a couples life the couple aren t very aggressive and it s not even shot in any kind of erotic way as characters they don t add much to the theme or plot the two male friends make up the bulk of the plot they engage in some gay bashing of sorts by convincing a homosexual man to have sex with them in an alley this escalates into violence and the violence changes them it becomes a means of sexual gratification and their need for violence t release grows as the film progresses the main problem i had is the violence is not convincing never once does it seem that any of the characters is in any real danger it just doesn t work given that the whole theme of the film is about the characters relationships with violence this is a major problem unfortunately the make up doesn t help either sometimes it s okay other times it is very bad in one scene i really wondered why one of the characters had rouge smeared on his face confusing the more interesting pair of the characters is the stalker couple here calson seemed to have more to say and was able to develop a more coherent storyline perhaps it is because the characters seem to develop more and have resolution at the end shiner may well have been much better if it had stuck with these two i appreciate that calson wanted to achieve a lot with this film it is admirable most low budget flicks don t aspire to much i don t think calson achieved want he was aiming for myself i found nothing particularly controversial or unsettling shiner was unconvincing this doesn t mean however that the director can t achieve something with his next film he seems to have something to say"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21293": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the part where meg visits the mechanic and he says is the piston firing short implying poor sexual energy on the part of her fianc e was hilarious i love meg ryan and she is as sweet as ever in this wonderful movie very lovable and very intelligent too her innocent indignant expressions have you wishing she was yours the hero handles the garage mechanic to physicist transformation well einstein had a romantic side to his psyche the puzzle round in front of the press and audience was done well it s awfully underrated and deserves accolades and attempts at a revival it loses out one vote for including the highly improbable far fetched theory being bought by the us govt i don t see why it doesn t figure in the top romantic comedies of the century great movie it has the presidential seal of approval on it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21294": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is by far the worst film i have seen in my entire life the acting is poor and the storyline is almost incomprehensible whether or not you like lightships or any ships for that matter is irrelevant as for special effects the film has none the whole film crew were probably on the boat out in rough seas rather than in a studio and when some of the men are stabbed if you can even call it that their reactions are totally unreal the guns are more quiet than a mute how this film could have one two awards puts serious questions to the state of the human mind well thats about it this review is probably more fun to read than the film is to watch if anyone is considering watching it or buying it i would seriously advise you against it for obvious reasons i have said that it includes a spoiler if the fact that some people get stabbed and a gun gets fired is a plot giveaway i suppose it is because they are the only good parts of the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21295": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "iq is a wonderfully original romantic comedy that pits the greatest and deepest thinking scientific minds of the th century as cupid s helpers the juxtaposition of heart and mind is the central theme of this light hearted yet thoughtful movie you don t quite know how to react because part of the time you are seeing great scientists do silly things to nurture budding love but at other times you hear them discuss some of the deepest puzzles of space time of our age the end result is a fun movie with surprises throughout walter matthau is a perfect einstein meg ryan creates a quirky scatter brained mathematician and tim robbins brings to life the contradictions of a poorly educated working man who is fascinated by science all together they create a farcical trip through love and science mind and heart"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21296": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this has the absolute worst performance from robert duval who sounds just like william buckley throughout the entire film his hammy melodramatic acting takes away from any dramatic interest i m not sure if this was deliberate scene stealing or inadvertent but it s the only thing i can recall from a truly forgettable film this picture should be shown in every amateur acting class of an example of what not to do thank god duvall went on to bigger and better things and stopped trying to effect a cultured accent he is a good character actor but that s about it klaus is so much better his performance is muted and noteworthy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21297": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it was a doubly interesting experience for some reason the greatest scientific mind of the th century had never been the central figure in a movie the closest i can think of as films with einstein in them are champaign for caesar where like a deus ex ma china the great man is heard clarifying a point on a radio quiz show so that ronald colman is proved to have given the correct answer after all and in bullshot where the great albert is one of a dozen leading physicists and scientists who are drugged with cannabis by the villain intent on stealing some machines of theirs it is notable that in those two cases and in iq we are dealing with comedies so far nobody has tried to do a serious film about the life of einstein like john huston s attempt to do one on freud with montgomery cliff i guess it is just too hard to get the world of mathematical equations or the secrets of electro magnetic field theory into exciting dialog but then only three years ago russell crowe and christopher plummer did a beautiful mind maybe nobody really has tried subsequently after writing this i remembered the successful comedy young einstein with yahoo serious about ten years ago but that is an exception and it was a spoof the other surprise was the actor playing the great albert it was walter matthau here taking time away from the series of films he did with jack lemmon in that last decade of their careers matthau was a highly capable and gifted character actor in both comedy and drama but normally his comic personas were variants of his whiplash willie gingrich from the fortune cookie they were connivers and gonifs later they would shed their criminal propensities because we had grown to like them but they remained grumpy types but his albert einstein happens to be genuinely sweet more like his kotch than like willie clarke he plays albert as good old uncle albert it seems that matthau s einstein is living in princeton with his niece catherine boyd meg ryan and she is seeing a stuffy professor named james morland stephen fry but fry s car needs repairs and they take it to the auto shop where ed walters tim robbins works robbins falls for ryan who is attracted to him but finds that he lacks the mental equipment that she admires good old uncle albert aided by his three friends lou jacobi joseph maher and gene saks decide to give their assistance to robbins and make him an apparently unrecognized physics genius this will open the doors of romance between him and ryan provided ryan is impressed and fry does not spoil things as he hopes to do the atmosphere is sweet as when matthau and his chums rig up a super physics quiz that they help robbins cheat on by switching the positions of their bodies the plot eventually leads to the outright lie that the brilliant robbins has constructed an atomic powered rocket ship which brings in the interests of the nation in the figure of president eisenhower keene curtis it was a charming comedy and an interesting stretch for matthau in that he was not as hyper as normal but far more subdued"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21298": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the pakage implies that warren beatty and goldie hawn are pulling off a huge bank robbery but that s not what i got out of it i didn t get anything in the first half there s a new character without introduction in every other scene the first half hour is completely incomprehensible the rest is just one long annoying underlit chase scene there s always an irritating sound in the background whether it s a loud watch ticking a blaring siren a train whistling or even the horrible score by quincy jones there are a lot of parts that are laughably bad too like the bad guys chasing beatty on thin ice with a car or the police arriving at the scene roughly fifteen times i really hated this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21299": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while the sparkling chemistry between ryan and robbins alone is reason enough to see this movie the supporting cast including matthau fry shalub durning and the hilarious trio of jacobi saks and maher is an additional plus matthau shines as einstein fry is perfect as ryan s clinical fianc and shalub s line about einstein s gonads is as has been noted one of the highlights of the film the speech that robbins delivers at his first appearance in public is sheer poetry kudos to the writers for handling this froth with wit and levity i also thought that keene curtis was wonderful as eisenhower this might be considered something of a chick movie but i think everyone will get a kick out of it eight very solid points"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21300": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "how the hell did they get this made presenting itself as a caper comedy the misbegotten is essentially two hours of people mumbling sentence fragments the usually dependable warren beatty looks drunk and the usually hilarious goldie hawn acts like she s on depressants as for gert frobe his most famous role goldfinger was infinitely more admirable than his character here not even the guy with the champagne bottle of lsd can save this litany of worthlessness am i comparing this movie to plan from outer space i wouldn t do such a thing even if someone paid me p fos was idiotically made but ended up hilarious this was idiotically made and causes you to feel like your brain just melted out of your ears warren beatty and goldie hawn made up for this when they co starred in shampoo but then they co starred in the dreadful town country maybe they just shouldn t co star in movies all in all i would rather have my skin torn off than have to watch this again awful maybe they should remake it with jackie chan then i would pay to see it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21301": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film tells the story of a romance between albert einstien niece and a gas station attendant in order to get the two together einstien agrees to help ed hudsucker proxy s tim robbins learn to act more intelligent this impresses catherine meg ryan unfortunately einstien goes too far and ed is considered to be a genius hilarity ensues not to be missed filmed in mercer county new jersey at princeton university lawrenceville prep school doubling for princeton university as well as a beautiful vintage gas station in hopewell"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21302": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "millie is a sap she marries a rich guy named maitland and they have a child she then catches him cheating on her and divorces him but lets him keep the kid she claims to love back then in the early s she would have been entitled to hefty spousal and child support but lets the guy off amazingly easy with no support what a sap later when she has a boyfriend and life seems pretty good he turns out to also be a cheat wow does she have a hard time picking men as a result of these bad relationships millie changes now she s a wild party girl doing everything she can to distract herself from her hard luck suddenly many years pass millie s daughter who she left early on in the film is now and oddly fashions haven t changed one bit an old friend of millie s yes it s another evil man is now pretending to be the daughter s friend but he has lecherous designs on her millie promises him that if he touches the girl she ll kill him take a wild guess what happens next overall the film is a confusing and often bizarre mess a bit like madam x but much much less focused so often millie s motivations and actions seem to make little sense and the film seems to have a little of everything tossed into it so long as it substantiates the notion that all men are pigs unusual but not particularly good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21303": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "being a big fan of the romantic comedy genre and therefore having seen a large number of these films it is rare that one strikes me as totally unique for that matter it is equally rare that i am gasping for breath through the laughter during several scenes the love story is a little thin on the ground but i d say that s probably for the best as this romantic comedy has the emphasis firmly on comedy and in any case it stretches the bounds of credibility just a little more than i like most rom com s to do the four scientists provided some of the funniest moments not just in this film but in any film i ve seen in a long while i hesitated for the briefest of moments before finally choosing a over a as a rating as i believe that far too many people use it indiscriminately and therefore the maximum rating loses some of its impact i m also a big meg ryan fan which helps but this is one of the few films i ve seen in which i d say she is comprehensively overshadowed she and tim robbins are cast as the leads but for me play second fiddle to the antics of the bumbling intellectuals a genuine laugh out loud type film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21304": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is very important because suggested me this consideration sometimes you can wish to be sick sometimes you can wish to have a syndrome sometimes for example you can wish have goldfield syndrome that way you d not remember this boring movie and above all you d not remember adam superfluos sandler sometimes simply you can wish have rented another movie my vote out of my suggestion if you are neither a fan of boring romantic comedies or adam sandler it s a joke don t exist adam sandler s fan i want to hope it save yourself someone to save drew barrymore perhaps"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21305": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is so great its set back in probably the s and meg ryan s character struggles to be known as smart plus tim robbins is so cute in this movie and everything about it has a magical feeling towards it everytime i watch it i feel happy it s definitely a girl movie and i m a girl so i like it i also love the music the violin is awesome but besides that i think it s a cute story and everyone should watch it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21306": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film just goes around in circles and the viewer does not know where they are at first i thought mmmmm could be kinda cool movie this but it just drags on and on and eventually you don t know what s going on the lead female is a good actress and played her role well and the psycho fella is creepy but after a bit you don t really care what happens because this film just drags on shame really this could have turned out a lot better would say though that the lead female and psycho fella will have a good career ahead of them but will they remember this film for making them known or for being the film they regret they ever made"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21307": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i q in my opinion is a sweet charming and hilarious romantic comedy about finding the right person for you if you ask me james stephen fry really was a dull guy to me ed tim robbins was more suited for catherine meg ryan than james was anyway everyone involved in this film did an absolutely outstanding job now in conclusion i highly recommend this sweet charming and hilarious romantic comedy about finding the right person for you to any tim robbins or meg ryan fan who hasn t seen it you re in for lots of laughter so go to the video store rent it or buy it kick back with a friend and watch it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21308": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there really wasn t much of a story in this film it loosely based itself off the events in the first lion king movie it is supposed to be how timon and pumbaa met via their aloneness but there isn t much more than that it mixes some scenes from the original then it ab libs about how this movie changed them a little bit but still is that it i was hoping for something a little more instead all i have to show for it is an empty plot with little explanation i guess if you wanted to see other meerkats in the lion king universe then this is it but other than that it does little justice for the animators disney really should stop these direct to video productions it really was quite boring and could have used jason statham d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21309": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first let me say the director has some wonderful use of titles in his establishing shots i really enjoyed them i really enjoyed this movie but i got to say next to pierce brosnan greg kinear is pretty lackluster brosnan melts into this character so well that it is really hard to remember that this is the same guy that played bond it also shows his range and depth as an actor it is kinda of an indie flick and was really nice to see especially with all of the mainstream movies that flood the movies at this time of the year i found the characters to be well crafted the twist in the middle i felt was especially good i also liked how the characters come off realistically so many times we have in film these caricatures of people that are not really characters but walking stereotypes i like the different approaches this movie takes i think of sideways when i think of this movie but i think this is more watchable and a better movie overall"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21310": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "one of the worst films i have ever seen got so bored that i switched it off midway through to watch the news when i switched it back on i fell asleep the film starts with a dream continues with a dream and ends with a dream then there are a few more dreams in between come on what is supposed to keep me interested in that a film needs to have a reason to be interesting the minute you felt the film was only a dream is when any sensible film goer switches off ever had someone insist on telling you their dreams and what it means to them this is it absolutely awful"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21311": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a really fun breezy light hearted romantic comedy you cannot go wrong with meg ryan s cute perkiness combined with albert einstein s genius normally i m not a fan of completely fabricated fictional tales about actual people now deceased and not able to defend themselves but i think the late einstein might himself have gotten a chuckle out of this one it s the s princeton new jersey in the spring the story revolves around a pretty young scatter brained mathematician catherine meg ryan who is all set to marry a stuffy jerk a behavioral researcher named james merely because he has the brains she s looking for in the father of her future children however it s love at first sight when her car breaks and she meets an auto mechanic named ed tim robbins as she doesn t think ed is intelligent enough her uncle none other than albert einstein plays match maker assisted in his endeavors by three mischievous cronies all theoretical physicists uncle albert must make ed appear suitably smart so concocts a charade portraying him as a physicist naturally with amusing results walter matthau is his usual hilarious self and pulls off the character of einstein quite effectively with his three professorial buddies kurt nathan and boris a lot of laughs ensue the real einstein had a genuine human side and this film just takes it one outrageous step further if you suspend all logic you can almost imagine this silly story happening it might not be rocket science despite its main character but it is a wonderful sweet refreshing movie one of the best of the comedy romance genre"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21312": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i love horror movies i can even appreciate most cheese face it out of horror films these days are cheese but this was just ridiculous terrible acting terrible writing completely hollow and unbelievable characters no meisner actors here and a total lack of sufficient body count i wish i could salvage the minutes of my life i just wasted at least the crook brothers are aptly named the only good thing about the whole film was watching the alicia silverstone wanna be get punched in the face how this ever made it to sundance is completely baffling to me most of the plot was absolutely unrealistic even by slasher film standards i mean come on who would rush out to get a cheap earring seconds after a creepy stalker guy just left their doorstep lame"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21313": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "bottom line best romantic comedy ever this movie accomplishes what all great movies strive for the creation of a world and time that we want to re visit and makes us glad to be part of the human race when i am blue this movie lifts my spirit and makes me laugh and that is still true after many viewings always fresh all of the actors are in top form the characterizations are so dead on and the characters mesh so well together that you forget the actor usually difficult to do with matthau robbins and ryan the supporting cast is consistently brilliant fry agae a total pygmy package jacoby saks maher the three theoretical physicists as greek chorus but time doesn t exist durning something we can launch from nj shalhoub whaley robbins boss and co worker at the service station and curits eisenhower how many comedies have eisenhower don t miss this overlooked treasure"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21314": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "salvage out of groundhog day meets a christian coalition horror film okay maybe it s not that bad but it is close claire played by alicia silverstonesque lauren currie lewis is stalked and possibly killed by a serial killer chris ferry who is quite menacing and brutal i say possibly because she wakes up and it was all a dream or was it cue music the basic problem with the film is that these fifteen minutes of plot done quite well the first time is repeated over and over again and since claire wakes up every time and every scene is clearly a dream or alternate reality i just stopped caring what happened to claire and started wondering what lame twist at the end was going to pull this together i was rooting for a s ance which honestly would have made more sense but instead got one of those too obvious by half surprise endings think the village or below yup the film collapses faster than donnie darko s directors cut all the great twist endings in horror movies the sixth sense the original invasion of the body snatchers happy birthday to me worked because the audience wasn t expecting a left field explanation heck even the canoe ending in the original friday the th was worth a jolt salvage on the other hand screams twist ending with every scene change other nagging faults is the one note piano soundtrack though the featured songs were decent the obvious time padding claire doing the dishes claire s mother s subplots the way claire says hello is anyone there every time she thinks there is a serial killer around also some of the secondary acting roles in particular claire s mother played by maureen olander who resembles a mary kay zombie shows the first time actor low budget roots both too clever by half and not nearly clever enough salvage keeps your interest if only to see how they are going to fix this mess problem is they really don t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21315": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fairly good romantic comedy in which i don t think i ve ever seen meg looking any cuter all the players did a good job at keeping this a lively romp of course in the real world no genius mathematician would even glance at some grease monkey but that is why i love romantic comedies one can just totally forget reality and have a good time nice film damn meg is a babe eh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21316": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "salvage is the worst so called horror film i ve ever seen there is nothing remotely horrific about it it doesn t deserve to be in a genre so fine first of all i don t see how so many people can think this piece of crap such a great movie if i wrote something as boring and utterly ridiculous as this i would be laughed at and too embarrassed to subject others to the stupidity of it second the acting is terrible and the lead actress is excruciatingly ugly third the story sucks its been used before and the excuse that its a cheap movie is no excuse read the summery on the back of the case it reveals the whole story i do not recommend that you watch this movie unless you have minutes to waste on something that will leave you regretting that you watched it i feel really bad for those crooks and the irony of their name all hail anthony perkins"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21317": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "australian fred schepisi a cry in the dark directs this comedy romance that is fun relaxing and set in the spring you will laugh while watching this movie tim robbins shawshank redemption dead man walking is an auto mechanic ed walters with a high iq which gets higher with the help of albert einstein walter matthau grumpy old men and his academic friends nathan kurt and boris you can tell them by their preppie shoes meg ryan sleepless in seattle you ve got mail is catherine boyd einstein s niece who is a competent but not so confident mathematician perhaps it is because she is surrounded by all that genius she thinks that if she marries someone with a high i q her kids will have a high i q as well but she does not knows what she wants between tim robbins cute smile and meg s cuteness this is a refreshing movie i love sweet stories people all ages should enjoy this movie catherine is engaged to the jerk james moreland who works in animal behavior but is very stuffy this is a love a first sight type situation between the mechanic and the mathematician witty lines and subliminal lines the cinematography is nice princeton new jersey is beautiful in the spring with much help from all those brilliant men catherine falls for ed without knowing that he is an automobile mechanic favorite scenes ed taking a multiple choice test in front of a crowd with the help of einstein nathan kurt and boris ed and einstein riding on the motorcycle nathan kurt and boris letting all the research animals free favorite quotes albert einstein don t let your brain interfere with your heart ed walters when was the last time he said wahoo catherine boyd well i m sure i don t know this is a refreshing movie i recommend it i have the tape and every once and awhile i will watch it again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21318": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after reading all of the rave reviews about this film and a few that give it a so so i finally decided to throw in my no cents worth i agree with most on the point that if it hadn t been for lauren lewis and chris ferry it would have been a disaster filmed in mariette oh just north of dogpatch where all the real talent fled south down i years ago at least as far as a tank of gas would allow i did get a chuckle from reviewers who subtly claim that they cerebrate a little better than most by claiming they followed the plot without an inkling of confusion this wee tale by the brothers crook is like an old record with a skip in it as an american i understand the difficulties ind film artists have to face a trip to romania would have wiped out the budget for sure lets face it this whole film was a loop de loop of claire in the gas station claire on the side of the road claire under the bleachers claire in the house claire in the cornfield claire at school claire here and claire there it almost became monotonous and would have if she had not been the best actor in the cast josh and jeff have to make a living but don t write a two page script and turn it into an hour twenty flick before writing another screenplay about dreaming ghosts watch an episode or two of ghost whisperer or something and get a little background all of the cast except the above mentioned and a couple of others were engaged in their first and last film also there is an appearance by co director jeff as he is in all his films just like alfred hitchcock eh one thing the film had going for it is that the cameraman seemed to have a fixation on lauren lewis derri re well with all sarcasm now satisfied i still recommend the film for the horror buff just to see this young actress in the formative time of her career i hope and that chris ferry has established himself as a villain worth watching"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21319": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of my all time favorites it is so simple and sweet definitely a chick flick romantic comedy i really like a film full of good quotes and this has it one of my favorites is when albert einstein says to ed walters are you thinking what i m thinking and ed says now what are the odds of that happening in my opinion a film is fabulous if you can watch it again and again and get the same amount of enjoyment out of it and with this one you can i also really enjoyed walter m s way of portraying einstein i think all the characters fit together really well and the story flows nicely there are so many times that i find myself smiling right along with the film and quoting my favorite lines as i watch it i would recommend this movie to anyone who has a heart and enjoys a feel good romantic comedy now and then"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21320": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie could have been so much better especially considering the talent larenz tate s portrayal of frankie lymon was not good especially in musical performances he doesn t lip sync well and his stage mannerisms are larenz tate when he should have been frankie lymon the portrayal of the women as a bunch of gold diggers has hollywood written all over it the powers that be obviously pushed it but it only made the characters more unrealistic the positives of the movie were miguel nunez s portrayal of little richard and the cameo of little richard himself lela rochon is eye candy as usual even in a conservative role it s too bad that the talents of halle berry and vivica a fox were wasted the whole frankie lymon saga was fascinating in real life too bad this film was a wasted opportunity"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21321": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i recently saw i q and even though i m not a romantic comedy type of gal i think that it was just a nice and sweet movie to watch so many movies in my opinion lack honesty you know that feeling when you re watching a movie and you just feel robbed because it s taking something from the story and it was like the director just threw it together like it was trash the story between the scientists is a sweet and funny one how they stuck together and they tried to help tim robbins character become smart i liked the love story between tim and meg because it was simple and brought up a good point when it comes to love nothing is what it seems i would recommend this for a sunday morning"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21322": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the title should have been the walker the guy expend of the movie walking he doesn t know what he wants or what he is go through life stealing peoples identity for nothing he gets no benefit no money nothing pretending to be another person no body was able to understand why he was pretending to be somebody else the only thing that was clear in this movie is that he love his father and was a good son but the rest was crap may be director is a looser that would like to be somebody else but what he really should do is to get a real job because after his movie i don t think he has a chance to make as a movie producer"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21323": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just watched i q again tonight and had forgotten how much i love this movie it is wonderfully entertaining and leaves you feeling that all is right with the world i love the allusions to mozart all throughout from the opening with einstein playing twinkle twinkle little star on the violin to him humming eine kleine nachtmusik during the iq testing of the ed walters i love that a woman is portrayed as intelligent and encouraged to have a career an especially unique situation for the s the time in which this movie is set i myself have been a teacher but stayed at home to raise my children so please don t think i am some staunch women s libber it s wonderful how a man who is only a grease monkey is finally seen to be just as important and worthy as catherine s fiance a clinical behavioral researcher the message to me is that we are not what we do but who we are is defined by so much more no labels there are so many little gags and one liners that are almost throwaways if you don t watch and listen carefully i did catch a few things in the movie that are not listed on the goofs page in the scene when ed walters is to speak at symposium there are instruments protractor ruler etc hanging on the right from the chalk ledge in the next camera shot there only in the credits on our video it lists tony shaloub s character as bob watters not bob rosetti as he introduces himself in the movie and is listed here on imdb i highly recommend this movie it may be a piece of fluff in some estimations but has lots more substance than many give it credit for not only that what a great cast is assembled here watch it and enjoy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21324": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the title should have been the walker that was only he did walk there was nothing on the movie that was good the description of the movie doesn t really comply with the plot the only thing that i can get from the movie is that he was a good son but a low life terrible person i m sorry that i expend my money and time on this movie i saw people leaving the theater in the middle of the movie i stayed hoping that it will better what a mistake i got worse if there is a suggestion that i can make to he producer is to re direct his life to another field because making movies is definitely no his cup of tea"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21325": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "maybe i m being too generous with the rating but i just love this movie i ve seen it so many times but every time i see it i fall in love with it all over again it s just a simple romantic comedy with nothing huge or monumentous that happens but i m a big romantic and this movie is romantic i love meg ryan and tim robbins and walter mathau is so funny the scientists make me laugh so much i definitely recommend this movie to anyone who hasn t seen it it s such a clean good movie and those are so rare now my year old brother likes this movie too so it s not just a chick flick i recommend it if you need to laugh or if you re just lonely and need to watch a romance if you yourself can t participate in one it s a good un"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21326": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just finished watching el otro i have always taken my hat off to julio chavez s performances as he is a great actor but this movie is really depressing and slow i guess that it would have been even worse if it wasn t for julio anyways this is definitely a film that you will never understand if you are not from argentina and even if you are i would advise you not to rent this movie in order to have a nice time with your girlfriend boyfriend family or friends it is really depressing and incredibly slow and the plot does not make a lot of sense neither probably the director wanted to show the fragility of the human life but what he does is bore and impress the audience with scenes that shock you a little bit it gives you something to think about but not in a good way overall i definitely didn t like this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21327": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "about i saw this movie by accident on tv one night i was years old it was similar to my accidental viewing of the terrifying ending to don t look now in i went to venice on holiday the next year in silent terror hoping to god that my parents wouldn t find out i d watched it would i have minded if my parents knew i d watched les valseuses when i was a kid i d probably avoid the subject with my dad even nowadays and my mum s probably disapproving in the afterlife i don t know if they d want to see it anyway from the stalking and trapping of a woman at the block of flats in the first scene to sliding down the mountain roads with glazed satiated eyes i m never sure whether this film is an insensitive piece of trash that disregards the sexual revolution or if it s a sexy liberating movie to watch as it dawns on you that you could never be so offensive yourself it s definitely violent it has a violent view of sex virtually no acknowledgement of love even suckling a young baby mutates into a greedy sexual act of exploitation but the scenario is very erotic and god i m so british arousing do they suck her breasts for her own good that is exploitation so why am i getting a woody the fellows go in search of an experienced older woman find an ex con mother figure i don t know it ends in a truly gruesome suicide i described it to my friend jb nelson who has cannibal holocaust guts and he went eeuurrgghh no motherly love for this movie quite the opposite mutilation of where the boys began why do they shoot the girl in the leg why does she come back to them do women need to be punished so that they learn what is right from men i m thinking of two movies one of which i wish i d never seen the other makes me wish it wasn t such a harsh world swept away madonna what a pile of insanity doesn t compute never been so offended that a woman punished for being a woman becomes slave to man and its maybe madonna saying everybody respect guy ritchie im so enraged i cant use punctuation once upon a time in america leone god why does noodles do it destroys the path to joy we ve been following him on his whole life so close to finally finding love with deborah now they are both destroyed why sergio why there is no rape in les valseuses but lots of sex and nakedness in abundance of both sexes very honest no titillation no fantasy shags no perfect hollywood smooth moves jokes yes but there s too much darkness and jealousy and trickery in here to call it a sex comedy forget carry on shooting a naked hairdresser in the leg cos she ll come back you ll hook her up with your ex con lover s vengeant son she ll learn how to cum from him two things i can t stand are rape movies and prison movies les valseuses isn t a rape movie god nobody s going to want to watch it now it is a brilliant movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21328": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "guy walking around without motive i will never get those two hours of my life back the guy kept on assuming identities and cheating on his pregnant wife what was i thinking how did this win a price anywhere i understood he loved his father but other than that the movie was completely senseless to me what was the purpose of walking so much and going to the funeral of a stranger for no apparent reason how did this enrich his life why did we have to see the dying old lady on her underwear why i though it would be deep or about something more interesting i do not recommend the movie even to leave on while sleeping"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21329": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "depardieu s most notorious film is this groundbreaker from bertrand blier it features many highly sexual scenes verging on an x rating including one of jeanne moreau doing a hot s version of her jules and jim menage a trois with the two hairy french hippies depardieu and deware there is no such thing as a sacred territory in this film everything is fair game it s very odd that americans tend to not like this film very much while many french people i ve met consider it a classic something about it goes against what americans have been programmed to like gerard and the late patrick deware are two bitch slapping hippy drifters with many sexual insecurities going around molesting women and committing petty crimes they re out for kicks and anti capitalist euro commie slacker freedom blier satirizes the hell out of these two guys while at the same time making bourgeois society itself look ultimately much more ridiculous best of all though is the way the wonderful stephane grappelli score conveys the restless soul of the drifters the deeper subconscious awareness or higher ideal that motivates all the follies they engage in"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21330": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i found this to be an utter waste of time effort and money i know disney always displays lack of creativity when making straight to video films but rehashing the plot of the original film with a new perspective is an all time low soon they ll just be re releasing the original films with new animation and new songs and be calling it a new version of the movie we all love nathan lane surprisingly returns to his role of timon yet again timon and pumbaa the animated animals from the world of the original lion king embark on a narrative journey to tell us the original story the way it really happened as they see it of course timon is now the hero of the story yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah the musical sequences are lame and the animation is crap the vocal talents are impressive for a video feature but then again when was the last time you remember matthew broderick whoopi goldberg or nathan lane being in anything of real commercial substance overall if you liked the original you ll hate this it s insulting because it s unfair to children and adults alike and that about sums it up"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21331": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "dark comedy gallows humor how does one make a comedy out of murder it can be risky business as the viewer is required to let go of their moral values and laugh at the antics of a man who kills people so the story has be rock solid with a good dash of suspended reality in order to make it work so pierce brosnan the irishman s answer to is now cast as a chain smoking sex addicted alcoholic who kills people for a living and is having a life crisis he meets a struggling businessman greg kinnear and after a rocky beginning he learns that he needs a friend but greg s happily married to hope davis and brosnan sees in him the basic things he doesn t have love home and a life add character actor philip baker hall as the hit man s manager and we re off to the races brosnan is wonderfully crass and crude as the anti hero and kinnear delightful as his counterpart the very human businessman hope davis adds a sparkle as kinnear s very conventional wife who is fascinated with this derelict who drifts into their lives the ending is delightful and with some surprise to it you should leave the theater feeling at least partly good if you re able to suspend being aghast at killing people"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21332": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just came back from el otro playing here in buenos aires and i have to say i was very disappointed the film is very slow moving don t get me wrong i enjoy slow moving films slow to the point of driving you crazy all you hear is julio chavez breathing heavily throughout the whole film this is a poorly made film but more importantly it is a film without a lick of inspiration i felt nothing for the story or its characters el otro was made only for the sake of making a film making it forgetful i would advise you to pass on this one if you want to see good argentinian films look for films by sorin"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21333": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as with that film we follow the implausible if always engaging adventures of the lead characters but whilst c j eschew sex for a girly trip back into childhood this pair revel in their carnality even to the point of exploring homoeroticism most of the sex they acquire from grudging or unwilling partners and yet despite their deeply un pc behaviour everyone emerges smiling like c g through it all they remain innocents at heart rebels against the quotidien the bourgeois the restrictive as someone else has commented i wouldn t want to know these and it s a minor miracle that their trip brings scenes of mostly comedy and very little tragedy and what there is of that cannot be laid at their door and thus for that reason it left me beguiled but with a sweet taste in the mouth dare i say that only the french can get away with films like this and that is part of their genius"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21334": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "quite average even by monogram standards this mystery a remake of the sphinx has an oddball plot which is not unraveled to much effect you ll see through it after about ten minutes the two leads have some nice breezy dialog at the outset but john hamilton is hopelessly dull as the villain perfectly cast lionel atwill originated the role and warren hymer s nitwit shtick is pretty annoying however it s worth sitting through for a five minute appearance by the incomparable mantan moreland as nicodemus the janitor who gets the better of the defense attorney during a hilarious courtroom appearance you ve got to hand it to bill one take beaudine he wasn t much of a director but he would always punch up a routine programmer with some goofy vaudeville"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21335": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i remember hitch hiking to spain at getting a lift from what turned out to be two fleeing italian small crooks they were doing a lot outside the law but from the other side carrying a little portrait of jesus in the pocket for their protection just and unjust good and bad criminal and correct where here in a new combination outside of the categories i used to know les valseuses gives me although a film and not real life a picture close to my own experiences the intenseness of each moment as soon as you leave all behind and go for the momentous whatever comes your way it s another state of mind and also dangerous form of life because as we all know there are people who are not ready for this and willing to persecute you for stealing and so on this film touches values it s a story about what s right and wrong morals it s resurrection of the individual fighting him herself free against the false morals and conformism there s danger all the way because how far can you go with your own freedom and crossing your own moral borders and that of other people what to do with people who are willing to hurt you put you in jail or even shoot at you for the things that you do like stealing some petrol from a multinational oil company for you fifth hand car les valseuses re awakens these questions in me because morality in contradiction to the usual media message is quite complex"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21336": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i rented this movie because it falls under the genres of romance and western with some grand canyon scenery thrown in but if you re expecting a typical wholesome romantic western forget it this movie is pure trash the romance is between a young girl who has not even gone through puberty and a middle aged man the child is also lusted after by other leering men it s sickening peter fonda is portrayed as being virtuous by trying to resist his attraction to brooke shields and her character is mostly the one that pursues the relationship he tries to shoo her off at first but eventually he gives in and they drive off as a happy loving couple it s revolting i don t see how this movie could appeal to anyone except pedophiles"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21337": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film is a stunning piece that will convince even the most skeptical viewer that gerard depardieu is one of the finest film actors of the last years his performance shocks entertains disgusts and charms you while leaving you breathless this film was shot in the very early days of his film career and is very raw but still is able to convey the mastery of depardieu a must see for any depardieu fan and by far his best early work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21338": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "beaudray demerille a weak peter fonda who also directed an aging gambler wins young teen wanda nevada pretty but not talented brooke shields in a poker game together the unlikely pair of course embark on a search for indian gold in the grand canyon that s the story and there really is no need to search for a deeper meaning in it it just isn t there the acting is very weak too which was quite a surprise given the fact that peter fonda was in the lead if you re looking for something interesting in this film take a look at the nice scenery and some good looks of a young brooke shields her character however is so irritating especially at the beginning and dumb that she never quite comes off as sexy or appealing too bad but given the story i doubt anything more could be made of this i wonder why peter fonda directed and starred in this film he must have even talked his father henry fonda into a useless cameo in this ridiculous mess unfortunately this was their only film together couldn t henry be in easy rider for example"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "21339": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i can remember seeing this movie as a kid in or hbo would show it late at night back when they were they one and only movie pay channel in existence back then it was unrated and was the only movie of its kind ever shown on pay television especially back then i would love to see it now as an adult where i would be more apt to understand the adult theme of it it was probably the closest thing i had ever seen to pornography at the young age of or luckily i had stupid babysitters and party going parents on the weekends most of my memory of this movie was the completely erratic sexual behavior of these two guys breaking into houses to sniff underwear feeding on a stranger s breast milk on a public bus and fornicating in a cab at the request of one of their female subjects were just a few of the whacked escapades these guys were pulling off a very racy film for the early s until i checked imdb i had no idea this movie had such a following most people i talk to have never heard of it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21340": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "any movie in which brooke shields out acts a fonda is going to be both an anomaly and a horror shields actually is only bad because she s youthful inexperienced and clearly not well directed by her co star peter fonda is bad because well because he s bad i liked him in ulee s gold years later but lord above he s awful here not that anyone else is good there s not a single performance outside henry fonda s delightful cameo that is even passable i ve never seen a movie with this many bad performances in the case of luke askew the chief villain it s clear this is because of poor dialogue and direction as he s done good work in the past but his partner played by ted markland is an embarrassing ham the writing is just bloody awful and the actors cannot be faulted for the terrible things they have to say but they say them so badly the editing and direction are worse than pedestrian shots are held way too long for no dramatic reason or cut off before the impact of the scene can be realized this picture was far worse than i d imagined and would have been utterly forgotten and probably never even made without the participation of a couple of famous names one bright spot the cinematography in the grand canyon is exquisite capturing the beauty of that area in a way even big screen imax productions have not quite done so well and finally either this is a bad version of paper moon with a lovable pair of father daughter types or it s a bad version of pretty baby with a considerably more icky romantic relationship between a forty something and a year old it suggests more of the latter than the former and thus is pretty disturbing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21341": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i originally saw this film years ago during cinemax friday after dark series back when the cable box was built like a keyboard and it intrigued me even though there is a pointless aspect to the film it is well acted the performances of depardieu dewaere are very enjoyable they have a good chemistry together miou miou makes a pink fur look breathtaking a movie like this probably wouldn t be made in these politically correct times at least not in the us since it seems to sensationalize things like violence robbery casual sex this movie proves that with a talented cast also talented directing a good movie is a good movie no matter the subject it saddened me to find out patrick dewaere committed suicide in the near future i ll will check him out with depardieu miou miou in get out your hankerchief"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21342": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "wanda nevada is a pubescent fantasy movie using circa ideas of what constitutes illicit romance for year old girls script pacing and direction are uniformly awful action sequences defy belief characters speak with the simplified diction one usually finds in films aimed at the under set but also includes multiple sexual references involving shields character as well as graphic deaths the movie wants to be a comedy on some level but is never funny an adventure picture but plot and action are insipid and a children s movie but introduces pedophilia and child rape as real possibilities it also wants to be a buddy picture a coming of age picture a ghost movie an indian spiritual movie a travelogue and a western the overall affect is of massive stupidity with a nasty twist wanda nevada is a complete waste of time unless you want to see a good many terrific shots of the grand canyon that it manages to do just fine"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21343": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie has a distinct albeit brutish and rough humanity for all its borderline depravity the zippy lyrical score points up the comic side of their misadventures and even when they re at their most thuggish like terrorizing the woman on the train a semi pitiful vulnerability lurks never far away dewaere sucks on her breasts like a baby blier cuts away from the scene where depardieu may be about to rape dewaere so we re never sure how explicitly to read the manifestly homoerotic aspect of their relationship either way that incident is the start of their relative humanization so the movie could certainly be read as pro gay although it could likely be read as pro anything you want the movie has many objectionable scenes and points of sexual politics and is probably best taken as a general cartoon on the foibles of both sexes making a mockery of the whole notion of sensitivity and honesty and hitting numerous points of possible profundity on the basis that if you fire off enough shots some of them are bound to hit"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21344": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "peter fonda is so intentionally enervated as an actor that his lachrymose line readings cancel out any irony or humor in the dialogue he trades sassy barbs and non witty repartee with brooke shields as if he were a wooden block with receding hair even his smaller touches like fingering a non existent mustache on his grizzled face don t reveal a character so much as an unsure actor being directed by himself an unsure filmmaker in the southwest circa a poor gambler not above a little cheating wins an orphaned would be teen lolita in a botched poker game after getting hold of a treasure map promising gold in the grand canyon the bickering twosome become prospectors some lovely vistas and an odd but interesting cameo by henry fonda as a grizzled canyon man are the sole compensations in fatigued comedy drama with the two leads being trailed by cartoonish killers who will stop at nothing until they get their hands on that map shields is very pretty but although the camera loves her pouty glossy beauty she has no screen presence and her tinny voice has no range whatsoever every time she opens her mouth one is inclined to either cringe or duck from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21345": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "not sure if this counts as a spoiler or not so beware just a small but crucial thing to watch for an intriguing possibility the boys steal a green citroen at one point for a joy ride and return it to the owner having done purposeful and vengeful hidden damage to the car hoping that the owner will crash is it the very same car they steal much later from the picnicking family we know the original owner sold it they drive off at the end on a dangerous road one which i understand has been closed to all but pedestrians for the last ten years a whole new slant to the end of the film on another matter this film could have been called scent of a woman i don t recall another film certainly not american that treats the scent of a woman in such a frank and open manner much like the nose of a fine bordeaux"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21346": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "man oh man what a piece of crummy film making but this is a guilty pleasure from my childhood even though i hate to admit it they showed this movie on my basic cable system all the time where i grew up in san jose california right on the border of cupertino we had this thing called the g channel on our cable system and they basically showed the same one movie over and over and over again wanda nevada was one of those movies i fell in lust and love with the young brooke shields and loved her dopey adventures in the grand canyon in the s the script makes almost no sense the direction is poor the few highlights are that henry fonda makes an appearance a lot of dialog that s so bad it s good and a nice carole king song played over the end credits maybe you have to be stoned to truly enjoy this flick and hey everybody knows there ain t no gold in the grand canyon"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21347": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a wonderful free flowing often lyrical film that whisks you along ever smiling even if there are truly shocking incidents along the way one gasps at the way the women are treated and yet ultimately they seem to come through very well and it is much credit to all concerned that so many potentially disastrous scenes all work so very well this is possibly depardieu s best performance certainly his most natural jeanne moreau performs outstandingly in what must have been a very difficult role to play and including vigorous sex scenes with a couple of guys at least half her age miou miou is lovely throughout and again has very difficult scenes to play initially this seems a down and dirty misogynist rant romp but as the tale and characters unfold a much more tender and honest picture emerges in the end this uncompromising and daring film demands respect"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21348": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this isn t one of arbuckle s or keaton s better films that s for sure fatty s wife is tired of all his heavy drinking so she takes him to a sanitarium where a psychiatrist keaton claims to have a guaranteed cure well once there arbuckle accidentally eats a thermometer and is taken to surgery then he escapes and is chased about the place where he meets a cute girl who also wants to escape finally despite staff chasing them about they escape at which point it becomes apparent that the girl is crazy and arbuckle is soon recaptured however he awakens and everything after the surgery has all been a dream there was no sexy crazy girl and dr keaton isn t as big an incompetent as he seemed in the dream a lack of humor is the biggest problem with the film sure making fun of mentally ill people is pretty low but in its day it was guaranteed laughs i d laugh too if there was just something funny to respond to a lot of energy and that s all fyi during one of the chase sequences fatty wonders into a race for men over pounds wow what are the odds of that and shortly after this he backs into a post on which the number was just freshly painted as a result the five is now on the back of fatty s shirt and he looks like a regular participant however the number should have appeared backwards on fatty s shirt but came out front ways a mistake as they should have realized the mirror image would have been a backwards"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21349": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "not so many people like the movies of bertrand blier simply because they don t understand them simply because they are different kinds of people if you have not been living under a deep desperation intertwined with great personal hope it may be hard for you to enjoy the humor blier shown here and also the film of blier cannot be classified easily as black comedy or cult etc like those of pulp fiction etc because there is this delicacy which the audience of north america frequently fail to appreciate when i looked at these two `hooligans dining with jeanne moreau in the seaside restaurant i felt they were more gentil than any gentleman can have been the urge to make love wildly like these is the normal reaction we feel under the unbearable pressure of meaningless being symbolized by the camion suddenly emerges at the carrefour so les valseuses is much better a name than going places to dance a valse you need to be elegant but going places you don t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21350": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "despite some moments in heavy rain an encounter with a drunk as well as an organ grinder with a gypsy and a monkey and a stay in a sanitarium this roscoe fatty arbuckle silent comedy short with support from buster keaton and al st john is only fitfully amusing though there is a quite funny sequence of arbuckle in drag flirting with buster that s the ultimate in meet cute scenes especially since it s one of the few times we see the great stone face smile and laugh in the movies also many scenes seem to have been jump cut edited possibly because of overuse of the film stock still if you re an arbuckle or keaton completist good night nurse is certainly worth a look"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21351": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "bertrand blier is indeed l enfant terrible of french cinema and in the seventies he always could shock the public filmed with his fave duo depardieu and dewaere and the usual dose of sex miou miou plays her typical role at least the one from the seventies as little could we know that a decade later she would be the best french actress ever in first les valseuses is also one of the first roadmovies as the viewer is just taken to some journeys of two little criminals those who only are satisfied with family life or simply know nothing more the movie would be quite a shocker but this movie is more than just that it just let you think of all the usual things in life working for the car being bounded at work etc it s a sort of critic towards the hypocrite society we re living in great job and it just makes you wish two things dewaere died just too young as he was a topactor and of course depardieu he d better should have stuck with french movies as he proves here that no one can beat him timeless classic and years later it will still shock some"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21352": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "having watched both the lion king and lion king ii and enjoyed both thoroughly i thought lion king might be worth watching what a disappointment disney must be getting desperate for revenues especially now that they lost the deal with pixar basically they just picked up some bits of footage that were left on the editor s floor or garbage can and glued them together to make a quick buck unlike lk i ii both of which had strong story lines this movie hardly has a story at all while the characters and animation are always fun to look at there is simply not enough material here for a movie some of the bits could have been good nd disk fillers on the original offerings disney shame on you for putting this trash out to make a quick buck next time take the time and effort and put our an enduring work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21353": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "pierce brosnan the newest but no longer james bond is an assassin he is very very good at what he does but he s getting old and tired greg kinnair is really good as the straight and narrow business man now when the story opens the movie shows these two people in their separate lives then one night they are having drinks in a bar and they begin to talk then all of a sudden you find these two people getting drawn together during a series of events the story is excellent the acting is top notch and the humor is hilarious i never thought that pierce brosnan would be this funny but he really is and i must say this movie is a must see"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21354": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what s to like about this movie it is in colour it has some impressive underwater photography it has a rhythmic musical score in the background that works well at times so out of sometimes the music is speeded up especially when the shark or the baddies are about to move in sometimes it is slowed as if to convey to the audience it s about to be time for sympathy as another one bites the dust as if in a spagetti western this has much similarity to it s not that the italians can t produce quality productions there was a series of tv movies with a heading like octopus numbered about to screened on sbs tv in australia in the s about mafia type conflicts and they were excellent but alas you won t find it here i assumed it was made about s sadly it was years out of date as evidenced by a funeral scene near the end then there was the razor sharp bite of the speedy shark that makes for a red dust repeatedly emerging in the bluish waters amidst it all either in bar room brawl or in observing the latest sea side bloody demolition by the relentlessly hungry shark the mate of the hero looks on through his glasses of little concern as if he too was bored in his relentless role amidst a lack of much evidence of plot or anyone s character development at least the hero indicates a fleeting concern belatedly for his ex wife but of course even if the music fails to awaken our realisation we have the sinister sound in the baddies voices as if to nudge us that another dark deed is about to emerge and near the end someone thought of a twist just when we thought it was all totally predictable but stay tuned folks for you may find another twist if you are watching closely to more or less warm your heart follow the advice of the hero and have a few beers along the way it ll make your viewing of night of the sharks more enjoyable then you ll be ready for something like a movie to ease your way back into reality when this is over"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21355": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one a most famous movies of the french sexual empowerment of the seventies starring gerard depardieu and patrick dewaere in extremely sarcastic roles it is also one of the many dark psychological dramas of the seventies eighties such as serie noire buffet froid beau pere all realized by blier however i would like to correct the previous comment that was posted on the movie the translated title in english is very far from the french version it is true that both protagonists are going places but the title in french could be literally translated by the waltz dancers which is a metaphor for the movement of the testicles"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21356": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "spoiles lame south of the border adventure movie that has something to do with the blackmail of a big cooperate executive rosenlski the president of unasco inc by on the lamb beachcomber david ziegler who s living the life of reilly or ziegler in his beach house in cancun mexico having this cd that he gave to his brother james that has three years of phone conversations between rosenlski and the president of the united states involved in criminal deals this cd has given david an edge over the international mobsters who are after him the fact that james get s a little greedy by trying to shake down rosenlski for million in diamonds not only cost him his life but put david in danger of losing his as well ropsenlski want s to negotiate with david for the cd by getting his ex wife liz to talk to him about giving it up rosnelski made a deal to pay off her debts if she comes through david is later killed by rosenliski s mexican hit man tony with the help of a great white shark who just doesn t go for all this peaceful dealings on his boss part tony had taken the cd that liz left for his boss at a local hotel safe and now want s to murder james like he did david and at the same time keep the cd to have something over rosenlski david who had secretly hidden the diamonds that james had on him at the time of his murder is now the target of tony and his men to shut him up for good david also wants to take the diamonds and at the same time give his boss rosenlski the impression that the cd that david had is lost but use it later without rosenlski knowing who s behind it to blackmail him the movie night of the sharks has a number of shark attacks in it with this huge one eyed white shark who ends up taking out about a half dozen of the cast members including tony david who s a firm believer in gun control uses knives high explosives and molotov cocktails as well as his fists to take out the entire tony crew even the killer shark is finished off by tony but with a hunting knife not a gun when it came to using firearms to save his friend and sidekick paco a girlfriend juanita and his priest father mattia lives from tony and his gang guns were a no no with david he was more of a knife and spear man then anything else the ending of the movie was about as predictable as you can make it with david thought to be killed by the one eyed shark later pops up out of the crowd after rosenlski was convinced that he s dead and leaves the village david continues his life as a free living and loving beachcomber with no one looking to kill him and about two million dollars richer to david s credit he had his friend paco give rosenski back his cd but under the conditions that if anything happened to him his cousin who rosenlski doesn t know who and where he is will shoot his big mouth off and let the whole world know about his dirty and criminal dealings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21357": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i had mixed feelings for les valseuses written and directed by bertrand blier when i started watching it but i ended up liking it i would not call it vulgar dumb and dumber is vulgar the sweetest thing is both vulgar and unforgivably stupid i would call it shocking and offensive i can understand why many viewers especially the females would not like or even hate it it is the epitome of misogyny or so it seems and the way two antiheroes treat every woman they d meet seems unspeakable but the more i think of it the more i realize that it somehow comes off as a delightful little gem i am fascinated how blier was able to get away with it the movie is very entertaining and highly enjoyable it is well written the acting by all is first class and the music is sweet and melancholic actually when i think of it two buddies had done something good to the women they came across to they prepared a woman in the train the lovely docile blonde brigitte fossey who started her movie career with one of the most impressive debuts in ren cl ment s forbidden games at age for the meeting with her husband whom she had not seen for two months they found a man who was finally able to get a frigid marie ange miou miou exited and satisfied they enlightened and educated young and very willing isabelle huppert in one of her early screen appearances their encounter with jeanne moreau elevates this comedy to the tragic level in short i am not sure i d like to meet g rard depardieu s jean claude and patrick dewaere s pierrot in real life and invite them over for dinner but i had a good time watching the movie and two hours almost flew it was never boring"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21358": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one really bad movie i ve racked my brain and i cannot come up with one positive comment to make the acting is atrocious i ve seen more believable performances on cable access the plot is ridiculous stolen diamonds secret recordings of the president and a shark that attacks anything that gets near it should have made for cheesy fun at the worst night of the sharks isn t even so bad it s good the dialogue sounds and is delivered as if it were written seconds before it s filmed and to top it off night of the sharks has the worst soundtrack i ve ever heard i m surprised my ears didn t start bleeding from the s techno synthesized sounds that someone actually bothered to record from everything i ve read the italian film industry was dead by night of the sharks is like a final nail in the coffin"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21359": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "updated version of a story that had been turned into the film in england return of the frog concerning the pursuit by the police of a master criminal known as the frog because of the frog like get up bulging eyes etc he wears one of the good wallace films from the s it s a solid little entertainment clearly influenced by or did this influence the restart of the dr mabuse films the frog seems to be more a super villain than a master thief while not the best of the wallace films it is worth a look it would make an interesting double feature with the excellent earlier film between and out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21360": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i gave it a instead of a because i think the wild women of wongo is worse this is an exercise in patience it s like having your teeth cleaned by a bad dental hygienist there s no plot there s no logic there is certainly no acting although the shark has some quality dialogue we don t wonder about anything we don t know how people got where they got it s always amazing to me how things like this even get released i agree with the previous writer that it isn t even funny bad i know it s about minutes long and that will fill up about that much space on a dvd collection it s like a paperweight or a bad painting you bought at a starving artists sale it covers the crack in the wall"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21361": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the better classic edgar wallace movies from the german series it features all basics for a highly enjoyable wallace crime flic movie way back from the ies although his majesty mr kinski is missing you still have young joachim blacky fuchsberger starring once again as the typical clever american womanizer you have young eddi arendt in his best and just as well typical role ever the cool sophisticated british butler and you have not so young anymore lowitz as the melancholic yet very dry ironic and thus highly entertaining police investigator furthermore you ll get offered a freakish and very campy evil guy behind a frog mask hence the movie s title you ll get a crazed out swinging soundtrack classic b movie action scenes partly filmed out off the wildest perspectives please remind the time of its origin yelling scream queens and on and on all those ingredients get shaken well up in a sweet tastin cocktail of pure german edgar wallace campyness highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21362": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can see the guys doing the budget preparation for this flick well lets see now we spend getting dirk benidict cause battle star galactic and the a team were cool the we spend making a demon costume never mind that the demon is supposed to be incorporeal in the script and we spend the rest making the movie this was pretty bad and very cliche have a loved one present when watching or bring a good book"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21363": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "robot jox doesn t suffer from story or bad effects i mean this was if you know what i m talking about robocop still used the stop animation as most of the movies did throughout the s if you look at your biggest blockbusters during this period most of them did what they could with the special effects shots that was available to them at the time it wasn t until terminator judgment day was released the following year that a breakthrough in technology was realized and story boarders began to use that motive but you ll have fond memories of transformers gundam wing even power rangers if you watch this film the enemy robot is very menacing it makes you not want to face the man without a really good back up plan and there are some great moments within this film a traitor spy is working within their midsts who you think is on your side backing you up all the way could be the person you didn t expect him her to be and that s very troublesome to think so don t you agree"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21364": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a simple tale but it feels very manipulative it lacks pathos for it does not leave a room for imagination or a personal thought or time for reflection the animation is well done but i feel like it is too presentational i would have preferred more images from behind more space in the background and maybe then this would not feel so kitsch to me but for a hollywood style film it works ok but it is very derivative of aardman films and this is bothering to me perhaps a longer film will test if this maker can do without the voice over i think the voice over is too glib"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21365": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "yep you read that right kids michael bay should ve studied this film before making either of his over hyped overlong overly pointless transformers movies robot jox is better than both of them and it probably cost less than the transformers crew spent on megan fox s personal trainer thankfully this little robotic gem initially known mainly for being the film that bankrupted charles and albert band s empire pictures studio seems to have developed a cult following over the years i fondly remember watching it on vhs during its initial video release in the early s and though some of the cold war era politics stereotypes were already out of date by that time just the bands luck that communism would fall while the film was sitting on a shelf waiting to be released eh it s still a pretty damn cool little b movie they really don t make em like this anymore or if they do they go the bay route and cgi things to unbearable proportions for those who are unfamiliar here s the robo scoop we re somewhere in the future and after a nuclear holocaust large scale wars have been outlawed disputes between nations are now settled mano a mano or perhaps that should be machine o machine o by one representative from each side battling each other in giant sized shogun warrior style robots whichever bot walks away from the fight wins for his side gary graham who would later go on to play detective sykes in the alien nation tv series plays achilles the greatest robot jock in marketplace a k a the good guys history achilles has been undefeated in his previous nine robot bouts ten being the maximum number of battles before a jock is retired and at the beginning of the film he faces off against his counterpart from the confederation i e the russkies the psychotic alexander who is the most over the top evil russian stereotype bad guy since dolph lundgren s infamous turn as ivan drago in rocky iv the match is called a draw when alexander violates the rules with an illegal robot move at the last minute and ends up not only embarrassing achilles but killing a whole bunch of spectators in the bargain a rematch is scheduled to complete the bout but achilles simply wants to bow out hang up his helmet and move on with his life rather than violate the spoiler rules by revealing much more i will simply say that there are a great deal of twists and turns behind the scenes skullduggery and other difficulties for achilles and his fellow jox before the two robotic titans clash finally once again in the finale i hope i m not making this movie out to be some sort of masterpiece of science fiction because it isn t robot jox is just plain fun i ll grant that it is a bit higher concept than your average b grade sci fi movie and though the budgetary constraints do occasionally make themselves known especially in the scenes involving some painfully obvious green screen trickery it is still the best looking movie ever to come out of the empire full moon pictures factory the robot fight scenes are very well done using old school stop motion model techniques and the sets and costumes don t look half assed in the slightest empire pictures and director stuart re animator gordon were definitely shooting for the stars with this picture unfortunately it didn t quite pan out for them or the studio but at least we got one heckuva cool little movie out of the deal bottom line if you want to be aurally and visually assaulted for hours feel free to rent a transformers movie by the end you re likely to feel like you ve spent all that time watching someone else play a video game if you want to have a rock em sock em robot good time pick up robot jox instead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21366": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "sherrybaby is quite a painful and sordid melodrama set in jersey the story of a young mother who is out of jail on probe after a drugs related conviction and fights to stay clean to find a place for herself in life and especially to win back the love of her kid daughter who is being taken care by her brother s family the only reason the film is to be watched is maggie gyllenhaal an actress at the top of her career who fits very well in the role and carries the whole film on her shoulders this is not enough however as the story line is too simplistic and expected and the emotional emphasis is put on the wrong place i kept asking myself all over the picture whether i am supposed to be sorry about the ex and maybe future drug addicted mother as the director and script writer wanted or about the innocent kid who is in the middle even maggie gyllenhaal s acting could not convince me that i should not care more about the kid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21367": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "from the start i knew i would be in for the best movie watching experience of my life the idea of two giant robots manned by brilliant humans fighting each other for control of the world was the most intense and well thought of plot i have ever experienced i can t even begin to describe the brilliant acting and well written script let s just just say it compares to both lord of rings pictures combined the academy had a grave oversight in not celebrating the joy that is robot jox"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21368": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this piece of crap since i can t call it a movie can be summed up by the following stereotypical black criminal with black midget partner get in trouble black midget pretends to be a baby with a fully developed adult face body hair and genitalia black midget is mistaken somehow by man and woman who happen to want a baby black midget than goes on to commit acts of physical and sexual violence demean white people wherever he sees them and commit more crimes happy ending honestly it could have been a good satire if it hadn t been directed so shallowly and had such talentless bastards star in it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21369": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after seeing this excellent film over times i still find new things that blow me away with this movie great special effects incredible acting and a plot full of ingenious twists makes this movie an excellent depiction of capitalism versus communism and in this ending everyone is happy and all is well best movie ever"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1]}, "21370": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when watching little man you ll spend its running time trying to figure out its many plot holes and thats not a good sign because this film is supposed to be a comedy your supposed to be laughing at it but will you probably not the main problem with little man is its concept its far too ridiculous to accept even as a cartoonish comedy so when the loud laboured and over the top jokes kick in they make the whole thing seem ten times stupider than it already is but its a comedy some of you might be screaming thats true but thats no excuse for such a dumb plot i mean come on think about it if you saw a baby with a grown mans face wouldn t you be the least bit suspicious and if calvin wanted to hide the diamond so badly why didn t he put it in a nearby shelf instead of a random womans hand bag and how can a qualified doctor not recognise that calvin is a grown man i mean seriously what its not about the plot its about the laughs you might be screaming well heres the thing see there are hardly any laughs in little man and that just make the dumb ass plot stand out all the more if you really want to watch a wayans brothers comedy with a belief suspending plot stick to white chicks because at least that had a few decent laughs what ever you do steer clear of little man"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21371": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the one of the most remarkable sci fi movies of the millennium not only a movie but an incredible future vision this movie establishes a new standard of s f movies hail and kill"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21372": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "since this picture is classified a pure entertainment work and since there are already many comments on it i d like hereby to address something relevant to the abuse of humour we can see that marlon wayans is playing the joker role in this film certainly as long as he has been involved in the casting job he has always been acting as a little man an actor can change his customary dress but can hardly change his physical appearance and the latter one can be an advantage when necessary however far away from what i expected i saw an image very disguising pretending to expose different aspects of the baby life by mistake of a forty year old criminal and with a ridiculous happy ending so what is the point many elements are mixed up some principal ones are violence sex and criminal activities amongst which the story is badly composed and to some extent lack common sense where is vanessa when the peace of her house is violated and her husband s life being pursued in addition the diamond is even bigger than the world s no cullinan but the most sickening facet is the continuous attempt to make up the little man as a superman by showing his physical weak points and they call it humour a diamond is precious hard and fragile it cannot be cut by any other material but only be conquered by the hot blood of a male goat hence it s no more a diamond but pieces of debris"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21373": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "hrm i think that line was from the old movie posters this is a dumb movie that seems to have been translated from some language that was totally unfamiliar to the translator here s a tip any movie that starts with a black screen and text reading in the future is going to be fun this means that the premise is so implausible that they have to explain it to you in this case in the future means that instead of fighting wars nations have guys climb into giant robots and duke it out to determine well that s never terribly clear but it s probably something really important there are good guys obviously capitalists i e us and bad guys commies and there are big stop motion robots sadly the effects budget was pretty slim so we don t get to see a lot of the big robots there are plenty of cheap looking interior scenes and then a big space fight near the end the space fight is especially nice as it serves precisely no purpose other than the blow the remainder of the effects budget with said money now spent the climactic fight degenerates into and i m not making this up two guys hitting each other with sticks i can always get a laugh in a bar by re enacting the final scene complete with a last line guaranteed to leave any audience scratching their heads like i said it s dumb that s why i bought the tape"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21374": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a dedicated fan to the tlk movies with the first one being a milestone and the second probably the best sequel disney has produced along comes this film now i m not arguing with animation voice work music but this is no more than a timon pumbaa screwloose in the tlk atmosphere although it isn t bad it doesn t add anything basically this movie is one big joke and that s about all that saves it make a real tlk disney the potential is there"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21375": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this will not likely be voted best comedy of the year a few too many coincidences and plot holes however we are talking about a movie where a hit man and a white bread salesman become buddies so a few vagaries shouldn t come as too much of a surprise brosnan is excellent in this role gone is the wooden james bond a role he was wasted in if he can maintain this kind of quality i hope he continues to make comedies greg kinnear is also excellent as brosnan s straight man i ve read a few negative comments in here about hope davis but i thought she was quite good as a mousy housewife with a dark side buried deep within there are lots of good chuckles as brosnan sleazes his way through and a few scenes where i nearly died laughing my father a consultant nearly lost it when julian describes himself as a facilitator much like grosse pointe blank another hit man comedy the humour can be very dark if you are in to that be prepared to enjoy yourself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21376": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "so has it really come to this are we as consenting adults to blame for the next generation of cinema goers lack of cinematic understanding and celluloid capability concerning the wayans and co latest addition to the moving pictures scenario little man this united kingdom p g parental guidance anyone under the age of twelve must be accompanied by a responsible adult certificated movie is the epitome of what has now developed into the worse case of dumbing down since cigarettes were wiped out from pictures of movie icons of the s the predominantly under twelve s audience here who some without grown up supervision too sat there obediently taking it all in oblivious to their subject and the partly grown up features that little man portrays in part at least too movies in general can do better than this poor attempt while this nonsense is getting them in while they are still young and fresh the biggest fear for the future of cinema is that a child s ignorance just might carry on through to a grown up bliss cinema deserves more than this and so do its ever growing and in the literal sense too audiences this blatant cash cow feeds on the ever impressionable minds of the young there is no cinema experience here no open eyed wonder no awe inspiring respect to the magic of movies there is nothing but bewilderment and contempt for the lack of substance originality and its delivery of mind less tedium and parody of everything that is so now ultimately wrong with the hollywood machine for the sake of a quick buck we must endure our future cinema audiences to the likes of this archetypal disaster movie will this have the likes of hitchcock fassbinder leone kubrick and schaffner reeling in their graves money they all liked no doubt but talent and exuberance for perfection and quality and to a vast degree respect for their profession and audience they were never short off we are seeing once again with the works of the wayans clan another clich of bad taste while the likes of white chicks were in no doubt a stab at the bourgeoisie of american society the irony here is that the two leading protagonists played yet again by the wayans brothers are so much undercover that all recognition is non existent this makes for a better movie too and it is the actor terry crews that gives white chicks its substance and personality not the wayans yet again with their pastiche of s blaxploitation movies as with the movie i m gonna git you sucka this to can be seen as a comical and amusing movie with heavy weights as isaac hayes jim brown bernie casey and the gorgeous actress ja net du bois the point being that little man has absolutely no persona of any kind what so ever he is shallow and narcissistic with no appreciation or value toward his followers he quickly dives in takes your money and before we know it has hidden himself within the cogs of commercialism there is no recognisable effort as to where our money has been spent after scary movie things could only have gone up but alas they did not no great pondering of artistic value and no doubt that the instalment from these intrepid movie moguls next movies shall be straight to video one can only hope the wayans seem to have created a movie genre all by themselves to a certain extent they have bludgeoned to death the movie parody they have watered down each and every avenue and with their inevitable style they have slowly destroyed the reputation of the last one hundred years that cinema have given us may the ghosts of movies past be ever so humble in their judgement as their growing audiences so far seem to be for when the bubble bursts may they be as understanding too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21377": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the scenes are fast paced the characters are great i love anne marie johnson s acting i really like the ending however i was disappointed that this movie didn t delve deeper into achilles s and athena s relationship it only blossomed when they kissed each other"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21378": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i think its pretty safe to say that this is the worst film ever made when i saw the trailer on tv i knew right from second that this would be a piece of and it would be best to avoid it but i somehow got dragged into seeing this by some friends i walked into the cinema with low expectations but i was hoping there would be a couple of cheap laughs to keep me awake during this film the so called jokes in this film bring a cringe to the face they are mostly comprised of people taking hits to the face and balls the baby looking weird and acting like a horny gangsta and the typical race jokes we see so often in todays garbage comedies the film is obvious and the story is not only impossible to believe but also predictable and dull the characters are extremely annoying and heavily stereotyped i never want to have to see this film again i d rather take a bullet to the foot than be exposed to this piece of fuckwood ever again if anyone i see says they liked it i will physically punch them in the face"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21379": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the scenes are fast paced the characters are great i love anne marie johnson s acting i really like the ending however i was disappointed that this movie didn t delve deeper into achilles s and athena s relationship it only blossomed when they kissed each other"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21380": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can catogoricaly and unequivocally say that in all my years on this planet that is the worse supposibly children s film i have ever seen in my life i took my three grand children to see it and even they were struggling to raise a smile during the all tortuous mins the sexual indendoes i will leave for another day but they were as tasteless as the film they should pay you to watch it not you pay them it s truly truly awful there is no other way to describe it the people that made this film should be brought to task for taking money under false pretences aplogise for my spelling mistakes but i am so upset that it spoilt the time i had with my grandchildren regards stephen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21381": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what a master piece to take the cold war conflict and transport it to the future this film is satire of the highest order in my humble opinion it outranks dr strangelove the clever naming of the two superpowers as the confederation and the market cons being commies and market the west outstanding the clever use of gen joxs was ahead of its time only are we really seeing the dangers of genetic engineering robot joxs tackled the issue head on in the message of this film is about the comradeship of the humble man and how it can overcome the wishes of government this movies screams don t do it you fools you ll kill us all excellent"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21382": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i was not impressed about this film especially for the fact that i went to the cinema with my family in good faith to see a film which was certificate rated a here in the uk to my dismay this film was full of embarrassing sexual jokes which is not a problem to me as an adult but not good for watching with children this film at times was very crude at times with fart jokes getting hit in the groin etc and for the most part of the film not very funny the premise of the film is that calvin sims who is a inch midget gets out of jail and steals a giant sized diamond but is then forced to put it in a womens handbag so the rest of the movie sees him passing himself off as an abandoned baby getting into this womens house so he can get this diamond back up until now i have enjoyed most of the output from the wayans brothers but this film is certainly taking the biscuit a bit of good advice wait till it comes on tv or cable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21383": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "note to previous reviewer this movie is science fiction adaptation of the iliad according to the screenwriter so whether the references are painful or not no apologies it is the basis for the film they admit they stole though adapted is the p c term great flick but too short probably didn t come out as well as the author director or studio wanted but pretty damn fun the fact that the studio itself imploded during the making only helps add to its legacy a big budget remake wouldn t be as fun and probably wouldn t do the screenplay any more justice but it s fun to dream about the potential there a dvd release with some meager extras is apparently available but i don t think it would play on ntsc players i m no expert and thus still trying to figure this out for now i live with the vhs incarnation"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21384": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what s the point of reviewing a movie like this it s painfully and embarrassingly bad not even in a way that allows you to make fun of it movies like little man depress me they represent film at its most disposable this movie was made for a bunch of year old dipsh t frat boys who the studio was hoping would come out and see it on opening night before word leaked out about how bad it was so that the film could quickly recoup its investment a hundred other filmmakers with great ideas probably couldn t get their films made because resources were going toward making this puddle of vomit grade f"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21385": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ok this movie was cool i don t think it was the best movie ever made but it sure was fun my brother and i still act out scenes once in a while and will occasionally yank the movie out of the cupboard blow off the dust and pop it in enjoyable all the way until the end but a great concept this is a movie that one has to just forget criticism all together and just enjoy judgment is victory for robot jox"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21386": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "america a land of freedom of hope and of dreams this is the nation that since its independence has striven to bring democracy prosperity and peace to the entire world for the good of all mankind there are times however when one cannot help but wish that the american s would just stay on their side of the atlantic this movie and i use that word with some reservations evokes these feelings with an intense purity this vision of hell follows the adventures of calvin a freakish jewel thief who was created by attaching the severed head of marlon wayan onto the body of a two foot high dwarf after inadvertently dropping a large diamond into the handbag of vanessa a career woman who is reluctant to have children calvin realises that in order to recover the diamond he must ingratiate himself with her so as any normal man would calvin dresses himself up as a year old and parks himself upon the poor woman s doorstep where he is discovered by darryl the broody husband of vanessa darryl incongruously falls for calvin s disguise despite the fact that the baby has a full set of teeth stubble a tattoo a knife scar and the sex drive of a year old even more absurdly vanessa doesn t see past calvin s baby wear either and actually attempts to breastfeed the diminutive pervert this wretched assault upon the soul of mankind attempts and fails to find humour in rape scatology sexual assault and paedophilia however in a dishonest attempt to transform itself into a piece of family entertainment the wayan brothers stir in a sickening amount of sentiment and flawed morality the brothers dim attempt a freudian rehabilitation of their thieving rapist by revealing that he had a bad father repeatedly hitting darryl in the crotch enables calvin to develop the loving father son relationship that both he and darryl have always wished for as if this wasn t ridiculous enough calvin s attempts to sexually assault vanessa somehow convince her that it is selfish for a woman to indulge herself with a successful career and that instead she should spend her life playing the role of the housebound little woman who spends her time alternatively squeezing out babies and cooking for her husband in this movie the wayan brothers have mixed their crass and twisted form of humour together with the clich d sentimentality that has infected much of hollywood s recent body of work additionally they are endemic of the current generation of black comedians who are responsible for transforming african american humour into a poor and wretched shadow of itself that over indulges in fart jokes and crude sexual gags by rights these two should be legally barred from picking up anything even remotely resembling a camera ever again unfortunately the current artistic and moral bankruptcy of american cinema means that by this time next month they will undoubtedly have filmed two sequels and be making millions of dollars from tacky merchandising deals"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21387": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "robot jox is a great little film ok some of the sets are bad and the acting is not that great but the special effects are very good for a film of this size and age you have to remember that this film is over years old now and was made very cheaply in the st place so you cant moan to much about the bad parts so just sit back and watch a cool film with great big robots in it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21388": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "little man now on dvd is a wayans brothers flop it s the tale of a smaller than a midget criminal played by marlon wayans who hides a diamond in a lady s purse after a heist he and his partner tracy morgan cook up the genius plan to disguise marlon as a baby and plant him at the lady s home he then goes through all sorts of home alone or child s play like mayhem to get the jewel back and be treated like a baby i was surprised by how low the humor was in this film the jokes have been done in other places so many times that they aren t cute or funny i almost think the movie might have been funnier if they didn t use cgi and used the small actor who marlon s face was pasted over in watching the deleted scenes minus cgi this actor was funny in a mini me like way but they chose a different route a few cameos and tracy morgan make some funny scenes spend your rental fee on borat if you want some real laughs these days http mcmusicnotes blogspot com"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21389": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one of the best movies out there yeah maybe the cinematography wasn t the greatest but an excellent plot and concept great for the time and brilliant and creative ideas something different from the usual movies and great fun one of my favorites and would recommend to anyone who likes creative and imaginative movies post world war and fighting in gigantic robots the actors gave a great performance and made it all worth while the sets are not amazing but simple and worked for the overall look of the film this movie is very hard to find on dvd but also on vhs check it out cause i have loved it since it came out not a mainstream flick and not like anything you ve ever seen take a look and think like a child it s a great view and very fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21390": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is exactly the reason why many people remain homeless because stupid producers pay their money to make awful films like this instead of donating if they can bother this film is even worse than white chicks little man has a lame excuse for posing a character midget as a baby story is awful considering it was written by six people the idea still wouldn t be too bad though if it was original and not a rip off of a cartoon episode it has funny moments but some of them are way over done and some are just stupid the acting was very very bad so was the directing anyone involved in this film should be ashamed of themselves it is racist and very offensive to midgets i mean instead of showing sympathy to them the film makers make fun of them it really disgusts me how they do it they see midgets being just like babies and for a character who is a midget pretending to be an abandoned baby just to get a diamond from a certain family that is its lame excuse for showing something like that it just was not worth it don t watch this film it is a huge waste of time and money"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21391": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my girlfriend and i have a thing for robots so i try to seek out movies that have robots and this movie has robots big ones they beat the clang and bang out of each other with the fate of nations hanging in the balance it s really cool you have to forgive this movie its many shortcomings and just try to appreciate what the director and his crew of technicians were able to put on the screen while working with what was obviously a tight budget it is very hard to dislike this movie because of those big robots they looked like transformers and they fought like pro wrestlers it made my girlfriend smile and that is good enough for me and special mention must be made of veteran character actor paul koslo as the maniacal russian villain whether he is ruthlessly stomping on his helpless opponents after they ve already surrendered or complaining that their close proximity to him in a bar has caused his vodka to taste like blood a line he delivers with a deliciously campy sub bela lugosi accent he is clearly having a ball and the film benefits enormously whenever he is on screen this is a nifty little flick that deserves its cult reputation"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21392": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is most possibly the worst movie i have ever see in my entire life the plot is ridiculous and the whole little man crap is just so stupid the entire movie is unrealistic and dumb let s face it it s just a black comedy this is just a pointless horrible piece that should have never made it to theaters the jokes are not funny and the acting is horrendous please i beg of to you save your money than see this worthless piece of crap i had to endure sitting through little man for an hour and a half wishing my eyes would bleed i am disgusted that something like this would even be thought of who writes this crap the actors have no talent what so ever how do these people get into hollywood they are making money off this junk"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21393": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what a great film it is the notion of nations sending people fighting each other with giant robots is tacky the ending is not just a fitting one it s more inspirational but i am intrigued by the characters it is a pity we never see the relationship of achilles and athena more developed beyond just a couple of kisses and athena s fear for achilles s safety their romance is very enjoyable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21394": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "like some of the other reviewers have alluded to previously i d like to know what moron actually read the script and went yea this is it this is the next film we are going to green light and whoever that person is should have his or her head examined for actual brain activity because whoever is responsible for actually dishing out money to have this made after reading the script well i d love to give you my email address and maybe you d like to just give away some more money this film is atrocious in every way the wayans are funny at least they can be they have made some good films and had some incredibly funny performances along the way but in here not only does the premise defy all logic not only is the acting terrible not only is the entire movie offensive from start to finish not only is the direction as amateurish as you can find but they actually want you to pay to see this film maybe if it was free naaah it would still be a waste of time usually i d be inclined to write some long winded detailed review about why this film is so bad but just suffice to say that let my brevity do the talking this is the lowest common denominator film making and it is about as unfunny as a heart attack makes my top ten list of worst films of all time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21395": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i remember this movie from when i was it was amazing i remember it to the day not like most thing i watched back then i have even tried to buy it but its like rocking horse sh t anyway the acting is a bit chewy but the story is amazing considering it was a real b movie with a low budget and event the fighting scenes were amazing to watch i must have watched it about times it was a very well made movie and i loved the idea of fighting giant man controlled robots pity they had to spoil it by making a crappy spin off crash and burn don t watch that movie by the way it is total pants if your a real sci fi movie fan then watch this if it was re made today it would be a winner i really would love to see a remake or even release the dvd of it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21396": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw and liked the first two a lot really especially because the second is not just a try to make another one as good as the first and it s a story standing alone you don t have to know the first movie i liked that in the free willy movies too but the third here is absolutely useless i tried it with a friend of mine because we both liked the first two we decided to stop after a good half an hour the movie is okay there are funny parts in it alright but what for timon and pumba were funny creatures in the first two movies what lion king is for me is a hard attempt to get even more fun of the first movie than it had already plus telling the story from their point of view but what for i d really like to know you know the idea of the two of them sitting in the cinema watching the first one is really nice but what comes after is mostly unnecessary i guess many people liked timon and pumba and so do i really yet for me many parts were very constructed with a try to be funny no chance most of it wasn t funny at all at least for me btw what was the movie about anyway was it a about timon and pumba or b an attempt to get more fun out of the first movie i tend to choose option b and i m very disappointed about it if you like to see stories like the story behind xy you should see rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead by tom stoppard with tim roth and gary oldman that s really funny and no try to get more out of hamlet then it has"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21397": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the matador is a dark comedy starring pierce brosnan as an aging hit man who befriends a straight arrow happily married american businessman greg kinnear in mexico although the sardonic julian ironically surnamed noble appears to be a tough guy on the surface underneath he is really just a mass of neuroses and insecurities a man who realizes that his chosen profession has left him virtually alone in the world and friendless thus on his birthday he reaches out to danny a man who has lived his life playing by the rules and who becomes strangely intrigued by julian s unconventional lifestyle in fact both men find in each other the person they could never be but wish they could become in their quieter franker moments of self evaluation although the film is a bit too reminiscent of analyze this and midnight run to feel entirely fresh and original the matador nevertheless earns points for the complexity of its characters and the quality of its acting brosnan looking aged and almost used up sinks his teeth into the role of julian in a way he never has before playing a man who seems constitutionally unable to make a serious connection with another human being brosnan is flip and cavalier one moment then genuine and sympathetic the next he always keeps us off balance so that the humor never becomes crass or stale kinnear is also excellent as the regular joe businessman who finds himself pulled ever more to the dark side as his relationship with julian deepens hope davis does a fine job as bean danny s loyal and loving wife who like her husband finds herself intrigued by this mysterious and dangerous figure from a world far different from the one she knows at times we find ourselves feeling that the matador is holding something back from us not quite plumbing the depths of its situation and premise at the end it feels a little too light a little too insubstantial to register the impact it should this could be because this is the feature film debut for writer director richard shephard and he hasn t quite gotten his movie pacing down yet still one appreciates the fact that he doesn t always go for the obvious and that he keeps tightly focused on the two main figures in the piece rarely settling for the trite setup or the easy laugh the matador is a flawed but generally entertaining little comedy that will hopefully signal a new phase in brosnan s acting career"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21398": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s here finally a movie comes out that i can honestly say is worse than larry the cable guy health inspector yet i m willing to bet the the wayan s brothers hilarious will make more money than i ever make in my whole life on what is sure to be one of the top five worst films of all time outside of my fifth grade outside the class re enactment of romeo and juliet i mean really why would anyone ever ever see this movie unless they were paid to the comedy is weak and all even remotely funny jokes from the flimsy plot were surely revealed in commercials final word is this movie was a terrible letdown for me and the commercials looked so promising"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21399": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "now i ve always been a fan of full moon s puppet work but i have to say that robot jox is one of there better projects yes you heard me the story works wonderful the atmosphere really works and the actors do a first rate job gary graham who really makes his mark on tv in shows like alien nation the series and star trek enterprise shows that he can be an action star who kicks ass and takes name the stop motion effects could have been a tiny bit better the color was wrong they look plastic to me instead of the metal they were suppose to be but that is a minor complaint compared to the whole that is the robot jox if you like gary graham or other full moon movies then you will like this movie stars out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21400": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there are some extremely talented black directors spike lee carl franklin billy dukes denzel and a host of others who bring well deserved credit to the film industry then there are the wayans brothers who at one time years ago had an extremely funny television show in living colour that launched the career of jim carrey amongst others now we have stupidity substituting for humour and gross out gags toilet humour as the standard operating procedure people are not as stupid as those portrayed in little man they couldn t possibly be a baby with a full set of teeth and a tattoo is accepted as being only months old baby comes with a five o clock shadow that he shaves off it is intimated that the baby has sex with his foster mother behind her husbands darryl s back oh yea that is just hilarious as a master criminal little man is the stupidest on planet earth he stashes a stolen rock that is just huge in a woman s purse and then has to pursue her co star chazz palminteri why chazz offers the best line i m surrounded by morons based without credit on a chuck jones cartoon baby buggy bunny this is far too stupid to be even remotely funny a clue as to how bad this film is damon wayans appeared on jay leno the other night prior to the bat awards and he did not even mention this dreadful movie when will hollywood stop green lighting trash from the wayans brothers when they get over their white mans guilt in all likelihood"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21401": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie i ve loved since i was young its excellent although it may be a bit much for the average movie watcher if one can t interpret certain subtleties in the film for example our hero s name is achilles and in the final battle between him and alexander he s shot in the heel with a rocket just as achilles in mythology was shot in his heel that s a just a little fact that is kind of amusing anyway great movie good story it d be neat to see it redone with today s special effects oddly enough gary graham had average success starring in the t v show alien nation this movie is a fun watch and should be more appreciated"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21402": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there was a bugs bunny cartoon titled baby buggy bunny that was exactly this plot baby faced finster robbed a bank and the money in the carriage rolled away and fell into bug s rabbit hole he dressed up as a baby to get into bugg s hole to retrieve the money the scene in little man where he s looking in the bathroom mirror shaving with a cigar in his mouth is straight from the cartoon this was a hilarious minute cartoon not so much an entire movie if you are really interested in this buy the bugs bunny dvd it s was much more original the first time plus you ll get a lot more classic bugs bunny cartoons to boot"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21403": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you like mech war games it s pretty good some of it is cheap but the robot fights is worth seeing i ve enjoyed the mech war field for some time and this is pretty much the only movie i ve ever seen that come close to that feeling of what it would be like to pilot one of those huge mechs if you like the genera then games you like are mech warrior three and four and if you have an xbox and to spare steel battalion the movie is worth seeing at least once there really needs to be some more movies on the same theme out there less remakes and more original works enjoy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21404": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ever this is the bottom i am not joking the theater should ve had a warning of some kind abandon all hope ye who enter here would ve been fitting i don t have the words to describe accurately the hell that this movie is its debilitating stupidity even fails to amuse this movie is definitely aimed at some of the slower turtles in the sandbox the story was blatantly stolen from a minute bugs bunny cartoon and then stretched like mr fantastic to excruciatingly painful minutes i remember when the wayans s were funny i guess the pressures of hollywood for them to produce produce produce are to blame for the poop that churns out at a consistent rate i m sad and offended that they think we are stupid enough to enjoy minutes of kick in the balls jokes with a thin plot based on a cartoon i disliked nearly everything about this movie i won t spoil anything but the baby is actually a midget with marlon wayans s face poorly superimposed over the midget s body what i did like was the ending not the movie s resolution but the actual end where we all stood up and walked out i gave this movie one star but it clearly deserves less i don t feel that the six minutes they spent writing the script is worth a star this does deserve a razzie and i pray to god it gets it when are people going to learn if you stop paying to see this idiocy they will stop pooping it out seppuku is a reasonable alternative to this film avoid it at all costs you have been warned"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21405": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "robot jox tries hard but is fundamentally a series of fight scenes strung together robot against robot man against man man against woman the premise had potential but it seems the script wasn t really given the couple of more drafts it needed still it was fairly good for a science fiction action movie part of it was because the script was by joe haldeman for those who aren t familiar with the name haldeman wrote the award winning science fiction novel the forever war it s considered one of the very best powered battle armor novels right up there with robert heinlein s starship troopers and john steakley s armor and this movie is really more like a giant powered battle armor movie rather than giant robots it s closer to what fans would have wanted instead of the travesty that was paul verhoeven s starship troopers which bore only a passing resemblance to the novel it was based on despite some assumptions this really isn t based on homer s iliad a couple of names are all they had in common achilles having his robot s foot blown off had no parallel in the iliad which didn t include achilles death nor was the ancient achilles a noble warrior he was the mightiest but also vengeful and petty even the robot jock killed off in the first scene doesn t fit he was named hercules while the greek iliad would have had herakles the effects were fairly good for the time and the budget true it wasn t comparable to terminator a year later but that movie cost ten times as much the stop motion was almost as good as the robotic walkers in the empire strikes back and return of the jedi better in fact than a lot of ray harryhausen animation which is highly regarded but quite dated don t bring high expectations into this and you probably won t be disappointed it s better than a lot of other low budget flicks and even some big budget blockbuster wannabes that have better effects but far worse scripts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21406": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when i saw that imdb users rated this movie the bottom movies i thought it was too harsh but little did i know that the low rating was absolutely correct i am a big fan of the wayans brothers i loved their scary movie and even enjoyed white chicks little man however had very few laughs and the jokes were stale obviously the joke will revolve around marlon wayans who plays a grown midget that was recently let out of prison he and his partner tracy morgan steal a diamond meant for a gangster things go awry and the midget has to place the diamond with an unsuspecting couple played by shawn wayans and kerry washington in order to get the diamond back the midget pretends to be an abandoned baby left on the unsuspecting couples doorstep of course he is taken in and the drama begins on quest for the diamond the movie has some actors and actresses from saturday night live like molly shannon and rob schneider as well from in living colour all these talents however cannot help the poor script and the jokes which simply was not funny the special effects to make marlon wayans to look like a midget was ok i mean it was not believable but it was ok nothing great i just wish that the wayans brothers had put more effort into developing a script with good jokes rather than trying to shore up their poor script with cameos from their famous comedic actors and actresses wait for it on cable or television it really is not worth any amount of money"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21407": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i read somewhere in a fairly panning review that this is something of a live action mecha anime and i think they re on the right lines i first watched this movie when i was very young and i ve been dying to see it again and when i finally did just recently all the memories came flooding back i don t think this is to be taken too seriously it s just a bit of good old s almost a tv movie fun it is set against the backdrop of a fairly dark future although this point isn t stressed too much what i admired most about this movie was that the dialogue didn t sound generic no clich s no predictable lines all in all just good fun maybe time hasn t been kind to this little movie but still i can find appreciation for it in me it s by no means perfect but it s entertaining and doesn t try to be anything other than that let the nerds and comic store guys worry about technicalities who cares see it for yourself and make your own decision no one else s opinion matters"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21408": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve now just realised that by watching this film i have lost valuable precious moments of my life i will never get back thsi film isn t just poor its dire it reminded me of every stereotypical black sitcom ever made i regret watching this film flixmedia reckons its a race issue apparently white people don t like it because it doesn t have white actors mate i think you ll find the reason why no one liked this was because watching paint dry is far more entertaining and funnier then this pile of drivel please stop making crap films"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21409": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film seems to get bad critiscism for some reason probably just by the mass populace anyhow this is actually a very interesting movie the film is an under budget sci fi movie which actually works due to an interesting storyline and well done scenes this movie may not be for everyone though if there are any sci fi fans reading this i truly recommend this movie if you like good ole science fiction the film has crazy ideas the setting includes nations going to war with gigantic machines which the entire countries invest all it s money in the world has been divied up into territories anyone can challenge anyone else to a war or rather a robot duel the method of warfare is cleaner than nuclear war since now everyone is wearing those breath masks definetly a movie that makes you think intelligent well written and good effects for the measly budget i tend to like movies which have small budgets and actually work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21410": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ripping this movie apart is like shooting fish in a barrel it s too easy so i m going to challenge myself to acknowledge the positive aspects of little man first i m impressed with the special effects it really did look like marlon wayans head was attached to the body of a little person i never doubted it for a minute secondly i loved some of the unexpected cameos david alan grier played an annoying restaurant singer and his renditions of havin my baby and movin on up were priceless john witherspoon who coincidentally played grier s father in s boomerang if you remember he coordinated the mushroom belt with the mushroom jacket now plays vanessa s father in little man so that was fun beyond that this movie is about as believable as white chicks how dumb is it when even the doctor can t tell that it s a year old man and not a baby he s got a full set of teeth how is it possible that no one seems to notice that it s not a baby little man is so bad that there s a rob schneider cameo and please if you re stupid enough to waste on this movie at least do me a favor and do not bring your children this movie is way too sexual for small children lots of jokes and innuendo about sex going down eating out etc and i felt embarrassed for the parents who brought their kids to the screening i was forced to endure if you insist on seeing an idiotic film as least spare your children the pain and suffering"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21411": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "so one person says this movie is a beautiful delicate exploration of west german life after world war ii and the other says former nazis living in bombed out buildings and the movie is beautiful delicate and the first sits there nodding takes another sip of coffee i can t explain just see it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21412": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was the worst movie i ve ever seen in theaters it was just a compilation of recycled material people getting hit in the head is not funny people getting kicked is not funny after the third time a guy got kicked in the balls not even the youngest audience member was laughing anymore it just got tired fast i went with my younger sister she actually laughs out loud at king of the hill but this cinematic masterpiece bored her i m not surprised the story is pretty lame a midget thief steals a big diamond in what was definitely the easiest heist in hollywood history then he hides out with a family pretending to be a baby i know it sounds exciting but that s the whole story say those two lines over and over for hours and you ll get the picture there were predictable jokes galore i really felt ripped off after seeing this i wasn t expecting much and i was still disappointed i wish keenan would just hire some decent writers to write jokes and or his next script this was even worse than white chicks if that is possible i ve seen high school plays that were better and cheaper there wasn t anything positive about this movie i don t like my entertainment to be dumbed down"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21413": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this first part of the brd trilogy has more passion and plot density than lola but less of the magic of veronica voss the political musings have point to them we see the shortages after the war how the blackmarketers were able to control so much of the day to day life delicious moment when fassbinder playing a grifter tries to sell a complete set of kleist to schygulla who remarks that burning books don t provide much warmth she really wants firewood there s some clumsiness in the first hour the scene in maria s room with the black soldier interrupted by hermann s appearance should go quicker the train scene when maria meets karl oswald falls flat when she insults the gi i cringed it was so bad but as the story develops and the years go by i was drawn more and more into this glossy cold world"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21414": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "comes this heartwarming tale of hope hope that you ll never have to endure anything this awful again cough razzie award cough i disliked this movie because it was unfunny predictable and inane while watching i felt like i was in a psychology experiment to determine how low movie standards could get before people complained when i requested my money back at the end of the movie i was informed that because i watched the whole thing i wasn t entitled to reimbursement i was told by the assistant manager that several people had complained and gotten refunds already though the movie summary is pretty basic the midget thief steals a diamond and the poses as a baby to elude police underneath this clever outline however lies a repertoire of original fresh and hilarious skits or not ask yourself the following do you like to see people getting hit by pans do you like fart jokes do you like to see midgets posing as babies threatened with a thermometer in the anus do you like tired racial jokes do you think babies say goo goo goo goo goo gaa gaa do you drool if you answered yes to any of the above then this movie is definitely for you although it has been billed in some places as the worst movie of the decade there is probably a movie or that are worse somewhere i can t say for sure i gave this movie stars because we all know a review with only one star would indicate bias on the part of the reviewer and then the review wouldn t be taken seriously this lowbrow comedy is intended for a less intelligent audience and i cannot in good conscience recommend it to anyone save your money for something funny respect"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21415": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "maria braun is an extraordinary woman presented fully and very credibly despite being so obtuse as to border on implausibility she will do everything to make her marriage work including shameless opportunism and sexual manipulation and thus beneath the vicey exterior she reveals a rather sweet value system the film suffers from an abrupt and unexpected ending which afterwards feels wholly inadequate with the convenience familiar from ending your school creative writing exercise with and then i woke up it is also book ended at the other end with the most eccentric title sequence i ve ever seen but don t let any of that put you off"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21416": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "so that s what i called a bad bad film poor acting poor directing terrible writing i just can t stop laughing at some scenes because the story is meaningless don t waste your time watching this film well i must recognize it has one or two good ideas but it s sooooo badly writen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21417": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is the best of the films that rainer werner fassbinder made his most successful at least he was one of the leading directors in the new germany after wwii hanna schygulla was magnificent as the cold calculating maria bruan who lost her husband to the war found him after she took an american soldier as a lover lost him again after he went to jail for her and found him agin at the end her day and a half marriage before he disappeared was longer than their time together at the end such is life things come and go and you do the best you can you can give up or adjust you way of thinking to survive even though maria adjusted her thinking and did what she had to do she never stopped loving hermann which makes the end such a tragedy excellent drama"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21418": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "[contains spoilers ] timon and pumbaa are watching the lion king timon decides to go back before the beginning to when the story really began so they go back way back back even before simba was born back to timon s old home which was miles away from pride rock a clan of meerkats burrowed underground to hide from hyenas the worst digger in the clan was a pompous self centered meerkat named timon his mother took pity on him but uncle max just shook his head mother suggested putting timon on sentry duty timon had dreams of a bigger and better place out there somewhere just then hyenas shenzi bonzai and ed arrived and nearly killed poor uncle max that did it the other meerkats just wanted timon to go away while timon took it upon himself to leave so he kissed his mom goodbye and started off he didn t get very far before he started getting homesick just then he met rafiki who taught him to look beyond what he sees timon had no clue what that meant so he continued on and met a warthog named pumbaa who was all alone due to a flatulence problem timon and pumbaa join up then but timon declared them acquaintances rather than friends they soon arrive at pride rock where all the zebras antelopes wildebeests rhinoceroses giraffe s elephants and many other plain animals had gathered what was going on timon didn t care they pressed on timon then saw rafiki atop pride rock lifting into the air something he couldn t see just then all the animals took a bow was this to honor the birth of the new king no pumbaa had passed gas and the animals were bowing to cover their noses timon and pumbaa try an assortment of new homes but each are discomforting due to incessant singing or hyenas or a large stampede of wildebeests pumbaa and timon suddenly find themselves heading down stream when they reach land timon decides to give up but then they gaze around at their newfound paradise it was beautiful trees and water falls as far as the eye could see timon named the place after a strange phrase he learned from rafiki hakuna matata timon and pumbaa go out bowling for buzzards one afternoon when they suddenly run into simba they take him under their wing and become father figures they teach him the arts of bug eating and belching contests pretty soon a teenage simba takes on timon in a snail slurping contest simba won leaving timon deathly ill then one day simba s childhood friend nala arrived timon and pumbaa just knew she d break up the friendship suddenly simba runs away nala and pumbaa race after him but not timon he chose to stay at hakuna matata by himself until rafiki talked some sense into him so he joins his friends at pride rock timon s mother and uncle max arrive then while simba battles scar mother and max dig a large hole to trap hyenas shenzi bonzai and ed in it worked scar is soon flung down the same hole where he is devoured by the hyenas then all is well mother uncle max and the rest of the meerkats go live with timon and pumbaa in the paradise that is hakuna matata back to the present timon and pumbaa finish the movie when suddenly mother uncle max simba and rafiki want to watch it again so do mickey mouse donald duck goofy snow white the seven dwarfs dumbo peter pan the lost boys mad hatter march hare genie aladdin and jasmine well i must say that the lion king wasn t as good as i had hoped it was too ridiculous and silly the original lion king was a masterpiece it had a serious story with light comedy thrown in this one was just silly and made a mockery of it i swear sometimes timon and pumbaa are just way too overplayed they re overplayed to the point of no longer being funny just annoying the original voice cast is back nathan lane as timon ernie sabella as pumbaa matthew broddrick as adult simba whoopi goldberg as shenzi cheech marin as bonzai jim cummings as ed robert guillame as rafiki new to the cast are julie kavner of tv s too long running series the simpsons as timon s mom and jerry stiller as uncle max so anyway this movie isn t the lion king iii and it isn t ii because there already is a ii it takes place right after part i and part ii is a ways away hence it s in conclusion i don t recommend this to die hard lion king fans because it s far too ridiculous and frivilous however the kids will love it so i recommend it to them i hope this will also be the last lion king movie two is enough the lion king what we ve come to expect from disney sequel makers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "21419": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "pierce brosnan greg kinnear hope davis adam scott philip baker hall directed by richard shepard a well formulated story and film all together brosnan has never been better in a film role outside of his bond movies after s after the sunset his newest role brings in the laughs and a great time professional hit man so to speak julian noble on a job in mexico city winds up meeting the exact opposite of himself a high strung business man danny wright kinnear possibly one of his best roles also on business there the two on screen duo produce a comically charged laugh riot and fail to not deliver the laughs davis in one of her best roles since american splendor gives another charming and witty performance one of the years most enjoyable and best films my final rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21420": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a director and his crew head out to the isolated beal mansion to make a low budget horror film about the seven mysterious deaths of the beal family that have occurred there in the last century even with warnings by the caretaker the director pays no attention to the supposedly cursed house one of the crew find a book titled tibetan book of the dead and use some of the passages from it for their script but in doing so when red they raise a ghoul from its grave boring confusing and tacky all rolled up into one equals this penniless midnight horror production what feels like an eternity it just never seems to get going or demonstrate anything effective from somewhat decent ideas even though director paul harrison s clunky tensionless direction did construct a couple eerie moody and atmospheric set pieces but laziness did set it early the whole film within a film structure takes up most of the movie and in this time little to nothing happens of great interest nor is it fun think of bob clark s children shouldn t play with dead things and now we ve got older actors in the part however i found seven corpses to be inferior the script early on has some cutting wit abound before it ends up being drab predictable and left with many unfulfilled possibilities the cheap foundation involving limited sets didn t help matters either but the mansion s dreary dark appearance had a creepy air to it performances from a recognizable b cast is mainly rigid john carradine in small part mainly lurks about john ireland plays a hot headed director faith domergue s washed up actress demands attention and charles macaulay hams it up the slow grinding premise is crossed between ten little indians and your usual zombie set up however its not all that engaging even with its occult and supernatural edge hell they even throw in some graveyard action with no prevail when the rotting ghoul makes its appearance finally but a bit late it does get a little better if very baffling just like the inspired opening the ending is deliciously downbeat to bad in between it constantly drags continuity in many scenes comes across non existent and the death scenes are more exciting and bloodier but indeed poorly executed in the movie they re making then what actually happens to them when the zombie appears the generic music score flounders on with its shuddery but frank gothic cues and the camera work is blandly staged with a lack of imagination shoot and frame shoot and frame job done that s a wrap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21421": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my first fassbinder was a wonderful experience film and alternative cinema small hall with uncomfortable seats public had to wait while filmrolls were changed were perfect match there were many cliches used in the film but fassbinder presented them so cleverly that i found them really amusing sound was also brilliant sometimes back being louder than dialogue everything seemed to be in right place and i loved the way how after war time was presented real fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21422": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well now that i know where rob zombie stole the title for his house of corpses crapfest i can now rest in peace nothing about the somnambulant performances or trite script would raise the dead in the house of seven corpses but a groovie ghoulie comes up from his plot ha anyway to kill the bloody amateurs making a low rent horror flick in his former abode in hell house sorry i don t remember the actual name of the residence a bunch of mysterious unexplained deaths took place long ago some like arthritic lurch stand in john carradine whose small role provides the film s only worthwhile moments attribute it to the supernatural bellowing film director john ireland dismisses it as superstitious hokum the result comes across like satan s school for girls catchy title made for tv production values intriguing plot crossed with children shouldn t play with dead things low rent movie about low rent movie makers who wake the dead trouble is it s nowhere near as entertaining or fun the house of seven corpses is dead at frame one and spends the rest of its minutes going through rigor mortis dragging us along for every aching second"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21423": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "fassbinder s most lavish production sacrifices little of his talent for identifying and deconstructing a locus of suffering in long mobile takes that somehow also act as social encapsulations here it s much more overt since the story takes place in war torn germany at the end of wwii and the central character is a woman hanna schygulla as maria who capitalizes on vulnerabilities both economic and gender related to catapult herself up the ladder of a prominent textile corp that makes coveted goods like lederhosen available to indigent workers as she once was married amidst allied air raids maria and her new husband herrmann are allowed a brief honeymoon before he s shipped out to the russian front in his absence her despair is great she spends most days at the train station waiting for him to return when he is reported dead she abruptly stops grieving and takes a job as a barmaid prostitute at a brothel catering to american gi s when he returns things get plenty messy as circumstances and his sense of noble self sacrifice conspire to keep them apart the message is fassbinder s m o writ large love is colder than death but not only is maria contending with her own sanity and a husband largely incapable of loving her but a country in deep flux with no discernible light at the end of the tunnel fassbinder is making some kind of statement on post war germany selling out to the highest bidder but as with all his films i tend to block those elements out and focus on the unbearable passions on display fassbinder s as evoked through his characters his actors as filtered through their real life connections with fassbinder taken together his films can be either unbearable or indescribably mesmeric often at once this falls somewhere in between although definitely closer to the latter while i didn t like it quite as much as the bitter tears of petra von kant or katzelmacher maria braun certainly has a greater scope and what s more i could feel its passion and authentic detail to human emotions"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21424": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is the type of movie where it actually hurts to acknowledge that it really really sucks i normally sanctify stuff like this early s grindhouse flicks with scrumptious sounding titles and a schlocky low budget atmosphere usually rock house of seven corpses appeared to dispose of even more trumps since the cast is a gathering of great genre veterans including john carradine john ireland and faith domergue and the filming locations the titular house the graveyard are obviously very expedient for a gloomy tale of terror the film opens with its absolute greatest and most hauntingly memorable sequences though sadly enough they re the only ones that qualify as such the credits are a splendid montage complete with freakish color effects and eerie freeze frames illustrating how the titular house received its notorious reputation the last seven owners were mysteriously murdered here and the credits montage gleefully exhibits their final moments someone falls down the balcony screaming a lady drowns in her bathtub and another female body hangs dangling from the ceiling and four more macabre tableaux needless to say the house is cursed and the awkward behavior of t caretaker mr price carradine only fortify this reputation in other words the house forms the ideal turf for the acclaimed director eric hartman john ireland to shoot his satanic horror film project the film within film structure is what mainly causes house of seven corpses to be so boring and uneventful a lot of movie material is wasted on crew members putting films spools in the camera and dragging around cables or even worse faith domergue and charles macaulay portraying horridly intolerable actor stereotypes the plot finally gets a little interesting only a little mind you when one of the characters reads some lines from an occult book and accidentally awakes a rotting corpse in the backyard the asthmatic judging by the noises he produces zombie slowly heads for the house and kills the entire movie crew reminiscent of how the previous seven turned into corpses after a running time of approximately minutes the film suddenly turns from humdrum into just plain weird and confusing i m still unsure whether the final twist has to do with the concept of reincarnation or just coincidence and all the remaining characters suddenly seem to go undergo vast mental transformations shortly before they die for some reason i honestly regret confirming house of seven corpses is a pretty dreadful movie the locations and scenery are gloomy chilling but not nearly used to full effect and there s a serious lack of gruesome bloodshed numerous low budgeted s gems were stunningly gross so the lack of financial means is no excuse and the film within film murders really don t count even the always reliable veteran stars deliver hammy performances and harrison s direction is completely uninspired not recommended unless you think the zero cool four and a half minute playing opening credits montage is worth the effort of purchasing a copy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21425": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film exhibits artful cinematic techniques wherein instead of landscape capturing the attention of the camera it is small details in how someone appears how the woman may be wearing a cocktail hat and wrapped in a sheet how the husband may be wearing a hat and socks and shoes and his underwear and both seem so completely at ease and comfortable how provocative the woman is posed is another feature of the tableau that the director chooses to let us know she is a free spirit sexually and aims to get the pleasure she seeks without flirting directly or with any particular sensitivity to what the man may be feeling the relationship between the wife and husband is unique it is an open one wherein she holds nothing back feels no particular shame for how she has behaved and wants to share these facts with him because her primary focus always is on the fact of their marriage nothing and no one can come between the two of them only the chances of fate can intervene his imprisonment during the war and what follows after his return at long last a very intriguing film which is totally absorbing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21426": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "john carradine john ireland and faith domergue who as players all saw better days in better films got together for this grade g horror film about life imitating art in a mysterious mansion for carradine it was in those last two decades of his career that he appeared in anything on the theory it was better to keep working no matter what you did and get those paychecks coming in with that magnificent sonorous voice of his carradine was always in great demand for horror pictures and the man did not discriminate in the least in what he appeared in he plays the caretaker of an old gothic mansion who movie director john ireland has rented for his latest low budget slasher film it s even got a graveyard but with a missing occupant faith domergue is ireland s aging star and carole wells is the young ingenue in the last twenty minutes or so most of the cast winds up dead that aren t dead already the script is so incoherent i m still trying to figure out the point i won t waste any more gray matter on it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21427": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the marriage of maria braun mmb is about a german girl maria getting married to a german soldier herman braun just at the ending of the war after being married for half a day and a night herman is send to the front again to make ends meet maria starts working at a bar for mainly american soldiers and get to know a black soldier she got word that herman died at the front and things develop between her and the american soldier herman walks in on them in bed and after a confrontation between him and the american maria killed the american herman admits to the murder ends up in jail and maria vows to wait for him the country is in shambles one sees people leaving everything that they are busy with for a cigarette there are food shortages it is in short a time of survival of the fittest basically this film projects maria s attitudes those attitudes she permits herself under the mentioned circumstances as a metaphor for germany s loss of soul after they lost the war and how it proceeds to rebuild itself for example maria has the following conversation with a peddler played by fassbinder himself the peddler tries to sell her an excellent copy of kleist and she remarks that kleist burns out to quickly it does not provide enough heat for the cold the peddler answers that s another way to look at it right now it s probably the correct way maria meets a french german business man karl oswald after she bargains her way into the first class train compartment she decides to get involve with karl you re not having an affair with me i m having an affair with you she also takes responsibility in the company and after a while has the complete trust of the firm when karl says i suppose we ll just have to wait for a miracle she replies i prefer making miracles then wait for them in her own words she has become the mata hari of the economic miracle in a lot of fassbinder s films he tried to expose the psychological processes which lie behind social mechanisms see freud in other words he liked pointing his camera at the bullsh t the false social mechanisms the pretending the direct approach maria takes in this film is successful to convey this ideology for example she phones karl and when he picks up the phone her request is straight to the point i need someone to sleep with as fassbinder said the emotions people felt did not exist at all and were only a kind of sentimentality which we thought we needed to be properly functioning members of society he also remarked that his films are anti emotional i particularly liked the scene when karl and maria meet in the munich restaurant apparently frequently visited by hitler himself maria appears in control and karl a bit on the down side as if maria s brutal honesty wears him out as if he is not completely up to the situation anymore karl says i have to tell myself over and over that i love life maria replies that s life isn t it as if we signed a contract to enjoy life and then we go out to eat and talk about food i guess this is also about fassbinder attitudes on relationships to never submit completely to anyone and why would you if the central matter of most of his films is about what love becomes in this society a commodity an instrument of power a weapon it was remarked that it is typical fassbinder to have the scenes with maria and betti walking in expensive dresses in the ruins after the war with these clothing essentially the wrong period what i think he wanted to portray here were those attitudes when you feel bad that you can always put on your make up and face the day looking great but fassbinder was not interested in perfection any mistakes made in a film could just be corrected in the next project since he completed films approximately a year the way other people rolled cigarettes it is not peculiar that this film has some very bad scenes peter marthesheimer who wrote most of the script mentioned that fassbinder likely dreamed up the whole scene with maria and the american in the park overnight hanna schygulla is brilliant as maria mostly she just stares bluntly into the camera in maria s own words it is a bad time for emotions but i like it like that there are different opinions about the end after karl died of a hart attack herman finally shows up herman left for australia after he got out of prison to become human again after the testament is delivered made out to her and herman in half maria forgets to close the gas on the stove when she lights her cigarette and blow her and herman up for me it is obvious that she just did that by accident at the same time she must have been rattled when her dreams finally seem about to come true she must have felt as if she was not herself anymore she felt as if she had outlived herself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21428": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ostensibly this is a z grade dtv horror film but with lines like it s easy to die i have many times and why are you reading that book because it makes the plot more interesting and you made your way in here now you can make your way out again after he leads a man into the basement and take a listen to what they chant it s not that clear what this film made in the era known for post structuralism is actually about or whether its just bad film making the acting is atrocious but some actors i know so are they hamming it up an old house cut obviously with a contemporary dwelling is the site of murders a bad film is made in the grounds and the story replays again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21429": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "maria braun got married right in the middle of combat all around her and her husband hermann an explosion ripped through the building to begin with and she and hermann had to sign the papers on a pile of rubble on the street perhaps this may strike some as a heavy handed metaphor for what s about to come marriage on the rocks so to speak it s a betrothal where the husband goes off to war and is held in a russian prison camp unbenownst to the helpless but hopeful and proud maria who keeps standing by the depressing rubble of the train station as some come home others don t with a sign awaiting hermann trouble arises as happens in rainer werner fassbinder s melodramas and as its one of his best and most provocative we see as maria uncommonly gorgeous hanna schygulla in this role will do a two face she ll stand by her man even if it means working at a bar for american gi s and even still after she hears from a fellow soldier that hermann has died will still stand by him as she sleeps with a black gi and comes close to bearing his child that is naturally until he reappears and a murder occurs and he takes the rap so she can be safe or working for a german businessman effectively sympathetic ivan desny and becoming his sometimes mistress and rising star in the company maria will do whatever it takes to be successful but she ll always be married it s hard to say there s anything about maria that isn t fascinating money sex power all of these become interchangeable for maria she s like the feminist that has her cake and eats it with a sultry smile she gets to have a husband more or less actually a lot less until the last ten minutes of the film while obtaining things a man who dotes on her whenever he can a new and expensive house with servants a secretary money that others around her aren t getting due to already being with a man or too weak in a position to rise anywhere such as the secretary played interestingly enough by fassbinder s own mother maria is sexy confident and all alone with an idealized life going against a life that should be made in the shade she says of the two men the american soldier and poor old and sick oswald that she s fond of them and at the same time will stick by those roses the confused and soul searching husband hermann sends from canada after being released from prison she s casts a profile that a feminist would love to trounce but understand where she s coming from and going all the way fassbinder employs this inherent contradiction and moments with maria appear to go against the conventions of a melodrama for example hermann walking in on the jubilant and half naked maria and gi is just about a masterpiece of a scene with maria s reaction not of surprise or guilt but pure happiness to see that he s there let alone alive while sticking to his guns as a director of such high minded technique with a storyline that should be predictable but it isn t really it s like one big metaphor for a country that after the war couldn t really move on to normalcy a few times fassbinder puts sound of the radio on in the background and we see maria walking around her family house hustle and bustle going on around her and the radio speaks of a divided germany of things still very unsettled of a disarray maybe the only way to cope is excess or maybe that s just my interpretation of it it s hard to tell really under schygulla s stare face and eyes anyway it s such an incredible performance really one of those showstoppers that captures the glamor and allure of an old time hollywood female star while with the down and dirty ethic of a girl of the streets most telling are the opposing costumes one sees in one scene when she finally is with her husband where she stars in one of those super lustful black lingerie pieces and high heels and then moves on to a dress without even thinking about it that s almost the essence of what maria is and schygulla wonderfully gets it down a headstrong but somehow loving figure who is adored and perplexed by the men around her sometimes in a single sentence this is what fassbinder captures in his wonderful first part of his trilogy while i might overall prefer veronika voss as a masterpiece maria braun is perhaps just as good as a character study of what makes a woman tick and tock with almost nothing to lose"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21430": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a film crew is shooting a horror movie in an old supposedly cursed house where over the years seven people have mysteriously died one of the crew finds an old book of spells and it looks like it would be perfect to use in some of the ritual scenes in their movie it is reasoned that the spells in the book are better written than the script they are using but as the book is read the graveyard outside suddenly comes to life now the cast and crew are faced with real danger imdb lists a running time of minutes for the first of those minutes nothing happens far too much time is spent on the movie within a movie are we supposed to be frightened by the horror movie that they are shooting we already know that their movie isn t real these scares just don t work there are very few things to enjoy about the house of seven corpses the acting is atrocious most of these actors would have trouble making a elementary school play the score is terrible it is very reminiscent of a s television series and provides no atmosphere speaking of atmosphere other than a few moments at the end of the movie there is none to speak of character logic is all but non existent even in a movie you expect characters to behave in a certain way here i don t think i remember one scene where a character didn t choose the most illogical avenue available to them and finally there s those first minutes of the movie that i ve already mentioned can you say boring i haven t rated the house of seven corpses any lower because of instances where the movie probably by accident actually works my two favorite are the beginning and ending the opening title sequence presents the deaths of the seven previous owners and may be the highlight of the movie and the ending scenes on the massive staircase as the zombie menaces the film crew are somewhat effective what a ringing endorsement overall though these moments aren t enough to make this a good movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21431": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "spoilers spoilers this is without a doubt the best film rainer werner fassbinder ever made and even with the marvelous script the film is enhanced by a great performance by hanna schygulla film starts out with maria schygulla and hermann braun klaus lowitsch just getting married as the bombs continue to fall and hermann is shipped out towards the waning days of the war and now maria and her mother and sister must scrape by to survive maria decides to get a job as a dancer prostitute in a club that caters to american gi s and she meets a black army soldier named bill greg eagles and they start to see one another on a steady basis maria hears that her husband hermann has died in the war so she gets very serious with bill but one day while getting intimate with bill they see hermann at the door he hasn t died and when he enters the room a scuffle occurs and maria breaks a bottle over bill s head and he dies hermann takes the blame and he is sentenced to a long term in jail so maria tells him that she will succeed at something and get him out the war has ended and germany must rebuild and one day on a train maria meets karl oswald ivan desny who is a successful businessman in textiles and she uses her charms to get a job maria is determined to do well and climbs the corporate ladder and becomes karl s mistress she tells him that she will never marry him but he is in love with her hermann gets out of jail but goes to canada to try and get over everything that maria has done since he has been locked up spoiler alert one day karl dies and leaves maria just about everything in his will and maria buys her own house then hermann finally comes home to his wife and they are both ready to start they re marriage even though they have been married for some time now but maria leaves the gas on the stove and the house explodes with both of them still in it there are so many interesting things in this film that its one of those movies that can be studied and talked about to great lengths like in all fassbinder films the use of color is used in a very interesting way as the film begins the tones are brown and gray to represent war torn germany but as maria starts to become successful they change to bright rich colors like red and white the rebuilding of germany with all the sounds of construction are used as only backdrop and the film stays focused on the exploits of maria fassbinder did want the sounds of rebuilding to remind us of what was going on in germany at that time hanna schygulla was never better and her performance is the key to the success of this film with a lesser actress this would have been just another interesting film but schygulla is so strong that her performance elevates this film to an elite status schygulla shows maria as very determined and smart but at the same time she uses her beauty and femininity to get what she wants she s not embarrassed nor does she feel guilty about this and fassbinder wanted to show maria as a woman who practically sells her soul to survive schygulla wasn t nominated for an academy award but she gave a great performance that will stand the test of time fassbinder himself appears in the film as a peddler and his own mother lilo pempeit plays frau ehmke i have heard many things about the ending of the film and it has to do with whether maria purposely left the gas on later in the bathroom she is running water over her wrist and she appears to be sad this is only speculation and if you think i m wrong please e mail me i think she was overly excited by hermann being home and left it on by accident remember her putting on a dress for no reason then when the will is being read to her its at that point that she learns that hermann and karl had become friendly without her knowledge and i think she felt that everything she had done was for nothing thats the reason for the bathroom scene so when the house explodes its by accident but i think the reason for fassbinder having an ending like that is to show that anyone who would sell their soul has no business living fassbinder was fascinated by survivors but he was also incredibly passionate in his view maria can t have it both ways a fascinating film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21432": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "but i ve seen better too the story here is predictable a film crew trying to film a horror movie in a place where murders occurred three guesses what happens this isn t a total bomb the cast is fairly good with pros john ireland faith domergue and john carradine giving the best performances it s reasonably well made for a low budget film just don t expect any nudity swearing blood or gore the film has a very mild pg rating i was never totally bored it s ok viewing on a quiet night i saw it on video it was a horrible print very dark and some scenes were impossible to see still i didn t hate it and it does have a cool ending which surprised me basically nothing happens up till then so it catches you off guard worth seeing but only if you re a horror film completest"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21433": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sensual and tough maria braun hanna schygula marries a soldier in the middle of world war ii and spends a half of day and the whole night with him that s how long her marriage lasts before she loses him to the war and then to prison she carries on with her life becomes a successful businesswoman being not only sensual but intelligent ambitious and willing to use sex whenever or wherever necessary i don t know a thing about business but i do know what german women want you might even say i m an expert on it while climbing up to the success she always remembers her husband hermann her man and convinces herself that whatever she does is for him for their future happy life together maria braun s style reminds much of melodramas by fassbinder s favorite hollywood director douglas sirk and offers a glimpse of the loss and survival in postwar germany hanna schygula literally shines in every scene of the movie and she is fantastic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21434": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after reading the previous comments i m just glad that i wasn t the only person left confused especially by the last minutes john carradine is shown twice walking down into a grave and pulling the lid shut after him i anxiously awaited some kind of explanation for this odd behavior naturally i assumed he had something to do with the evil goings on at the house but since he got killed off by the first rising corpse hereafter referred to as zombie these scenes made absolutely no sense please if someone out there knows why carradine kept climbing down into graves let the rest of us in on it all the action is confined to the last minutes so i ll attempt a synopsis john carradine comes out to the cemetery to investigate and is throttled by zombie so far so good but then we get the confusing scene where john ireland and jerry strickler out for a little moonlight filming in the graveyard discover carradine s dead body strickler repeatedly tries to push ireland into the open grave from whence zombie had emerged but ireland succeeds in flipping him into the open grave instead and presto strickler comes out as zombie yeah i guess we can infer that strickler was dead all along a witch but why he changed from normal appearance into rotting flesh version by flying into zombie s grave is never explained considering how excruciatingly slow moving these zombies are i d of thought he would have preferred to stay in his normal form until his business was concluded this scene also brings a question to mind just who the heck is zombie we can only assume zombie is one of the original murder victims shown during the movie s opening credits but who knows which one nor why he has a particular grudge against the film crew anyway after ireland sees this transformation and runs away we see the exact same shot of zombie shambling through the trees as we saw for zombie this leads to momentary confusion over just how many zombies there really are then in best s horror movie fashion ireland manages to trip while fleeing he conveniently knocks his head on the small headstone of faith domergue s dead cat wasn t that nice of john carradine to chisel a tombstone for a cat that he barely knew meanwhile zombie has been wrecking havoc up at the house he easily dispatches three film crew members then starts up the stairs faith domergue hears him and thinking it s lover john ireland back from his night shoot goes out upon seeing it s only zombie she lets out a scream and retreats into a bedroom where she retrieves ireland s revolver while starlet carole wells is showering at this point and can t hear the scream her co star charles macauley who s boozing and hamming it up at a mirror in his bedroom does taking his sweet time and only after some more swigs from his hip flask he finally decides to investigate one thing that strikes the viewer during the last quarter of this movie is how slow to react the stars are to screams and gunshots domergue comes back out into the hallway armed and ready but mistakes macauley for zombie and shoots him six times he does a nice acrobatic flip over the railing then a horrified domergue backs up right into the waiting arms of zombie carole wells is by now out of her shower and drying off when she hears gunshots and domergue s screams she too feels no great urgency in running out to investigate so during this time zombie has time to string domergue up from the neck with a rope wells sees domergue s hanging corpse and faints dead away the next time we see her is in a stream outside the house but more on that later meantime ireland has recovered his senses and stumbles into the house where he discovers zombie s bloody carnage though ireland has just stumbled upon murdered people he s more concerned that his film has been exposed and ruined mercifully for him and the audience zombie throws some movie equipment down on his head from the nd floor that s the last we see of zombie at this point the audience is treated to a montage of all the deaths showing that the new ones mirror the old ones how profound zombie meanwhile has gotten near the house remember these zombies move as slow as molasses in january where he happens to see carole wells floating by in a stream and fishes her out how did she get there did zombie carry her down throw her in then zoom back upstairs just in time to crush john ireland apparently one of the original victims was drowned in the tub so wells has to drown too but why outside in a stream instead of in the tub is never explained zombie never makes it into the house himself everyone s dead by now anyways thanks to zombie but instead he carries carol wells back to the graveyard as the end credits flash on screen we see zombie with his dead love still in his arms descending into the open grave the viewer is left wondering yes but wasn t this zombie s grave why is zombie taking up residence and what if zombie comes along and wants to climb back in is zombie gonna let him or will there be a zombie fight will the zombies share both the grave and the newly deceased carole wells and what about now dead john carradine where s he gonna stay after all from the earlier scenes we know he s clearly at home in the grave if this plot synopsis of the finale has left you confused don t worry cause you re not alone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21435": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie earned every one of the ten votes i gave it thank you guys for making a movie worth watching you showed the world you can still write direct produce and star in a black movie without the negative stereotypes the poetry was awesome as well hats off to the poets and musicians i watched it last night as i fell in love with my darling all over again i will be adding it to my movie collection today and recommending it to my friends and family please continue to produce quality don t worry about the quantity thank you again and best wishes and blesses to you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21436": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "schlocky s horror films ya gotta love em in contrast to today s boring slasher flicks these k tel specials actually do something scary and do not resort to a tired formula this is a b movie about the making of a b movie that went horribly wrong faith domergue this island earth stars as an over the hill b movie queen making a movie about a series of grisly murders that befell a family in their home her boyfriend director who looks and acts like gordon jump with an attitude is filming on location and on a tight schedule the ken doll co star discovers a book of tibetian chants that they work into the script to add realism unfortunately realism is something they could have done without john carradine having long since given up looking for the th gland the unearthly now eeks out a humble existence as the caretaker for the estate he goes about his daily work but always seems to run afoul of the director the horror builds slowly a dead cat here john carradine entering a grave there finally culminating in seven yes seven murders at least there s truth in advertising it s just sad that the ghoul didn t understand that there was a movie being made above him how was poor faith to know that those darn tibetian chants would actually work face it you just can t go around tugging on satan s coat and expect him to take it lying down sterno says perform an autopsy on the house of seven corpses"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21437": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a realistic depiction of young love for the college set but also appealing to an older viewer like me it has ups and downs and twists and turns and made me shed a tear or two we rarely see movies with black urban characters that could appeal to older non black audiences and show a more real life depiction of young black adults this movie takes place on a college campus and town where two people meet and fall in love in the background are various friends acquaintances and situations that impact them for better or worse typical plot some may say but this really was unexpected i found myself rooting for the survival of the couple s relationship seeing my own past in their story moments of deep thought and revelation came pouring out of the actors performances it s a bright film that i would endorse for those young at heart and in love or have ever been in love great movie i ll be looking for a copy to add to my movie collection"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21438": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am a huge stooges fan but the one and only redeeming quality this movie has is that curley is in it done long before he started drinking heavily he is his classic self in this and larry s not bad either moe s character is a straight part mostly and this movie would be better named the curley and larry movie not that any of the stooges movies were very good in my opinion but as one commenter here said how sad it is that this movie had real potential the casting was good it was well directed filmed and edited but the story line tried to be about something serious with just some stooges antics and musical numbers which i guess were good back then thrown in the best thing you can do for yourself during this movie should you actually believe that it has to be better than mowing the lawn and taking out the trash which is subject to debate is to wait for curley larry scenes and sleep or find something in the kitchen to eat during the rest of it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21439": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "love trap is not a short it s quite obviously a full length feature film with a running time of minutes while i m writing this i might as well talk a bit more about love trap i m frequently asked what makes love trap different this is how i respond to that question it introduces characters one in particular that have never been seen before in film period it reveals more truth about love and delves more deeply into the very concept of love than any other u s film ever made in my humble opinion structurally as in the way the story is told it is unlike any love story you ve ever seen it offers extremely timely insights on various cultural issues both within and outside the black community over time people will come to see love trap as about as wholly an original work as possible in this era delightfully refreshing authentic and honest it is a rare morality play full of food for thought please visit www lovetrapmovie com for complete and accurate info about this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21440": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the only redeeming part of this movie was the price i paid at least all i lost was and the time elapsed sitting through this bomb the crew member who was in charge of continuity missed the boat when the female lead and the fbi guy went to the alleged killers location mr fbi handed the female a revolver when the alleged killer came out the door the revolver has magically transformed into an automatic one is left to ponder would an fbp agent hand a weapon to a civilian i think not ms xavier appears to be a very attractive female it is too bad the r rating did not allow much of her to be seen it would seem that a film editor cut what might have been the best parts of the film out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21441": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "think pierce brosnan and you think suave dapper intelligent james bond in this movie brosnan plays against type and has lots of fun doing so as does the audience this is a film about a hired assassin who befriends a harried businessman and it works this is a fun movie with very good scenes a riveting on the edge brosnan and a good compliant off the edge kinnear have some good lines my only cavil is that hope davis playing the oh so tolerant wife can i see your gun doesn t appear more often she could have been a marvellous foil to these men this movie is like a matador it plays with the audience while going for a kill the ending is awesome because a storyline with a positive moral emerges this is a frenetic frantic and fun movie which does deserve a wide audience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21442": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "jill dunne played by mitzi kapture is an attractive nice woman over whelmed by a smart mouthed teenage daughter liv martha macisaac and a petty two timing husband sean rick roberts both of which were tediously self centered and obnoxious this was advertised as a troubled family stalked by a crazed killer during a relentless storm the storm doesn t even happen until about the last minutes of the film and then it isn t anything to send anybody running to the storm cellar the stalking likewise doesn t get intense until almost the end of the film most of the film we spend listening to jill and her insufferable daughter liv argue until i just wanted to back slap the daughter into next week jill s problem with liv is that she has taken up with zack a boy of questionable character and they are constantly making out in fact jill comes home to find the two of them on liv s bed the rest of the time we spend listening to jill s husband sean either whine at jill or criticize her sean was not at all appealing since his face is so covered in freckles you could play connect the dots the story begins with jill being notified of an out standing bill on their credit card for a hotel she has never been to and that she thought sean had never been to either jill goes to the hotel where she meets the owner manager richard grant nick mancuso a very nice older divorced man who is sympathetic to her in fact when he spots her husband there again he phones jill and tips her off jill returns to the hotel sees sean with another woman she is upset leaves without sean seeing her and does absolutely nothing in fact she doesn t even say anything to sean when he arrives home this made no sense to me jill has given richard her business card and so he calls her and she is apparently in real estate she shows him a condo afterwards they have a drink and things get cozy between them richard and jill are getting it on hot and heavy in fact he seems a bit more aggressive than necessary when jill suddenly decides to cut out jill and sean have a confrontation about his cheating sean whines about how jill has been letting him down since her father died apparently his lack of any morals is all her fault eventually jill confesses her own lack of morals and near adultery to sean and of course that s all her fault too as far as sean is concerned the little family decides to go on a camping trip which means more whining and grousing among them especially from the spoiled daughter i was so rooting for the stalker to get everybody but jill stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21443": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a few years ago i added a comment to the imdb on the real mccoys tv series i said then and repeat now it was a charming funny and entertaining show well acted with wonderful characterizations i recently saw on dvd four old episodes plus the reunion of with richard crenna kathy nolan and tony martinez as another writer here mentioned it is curious that lydia reed hassie and michael winkelman little luke weren t refered to but perhaps they can be tracked down via sag or aftra the reunion show was well done and gave us many unknown insights into the show one piece of inside information we did not get was whether or not kathy nolan regretted quitting the show in an unpleasant contract dispute which left luke a widow in it s last year which wasn t very good nolan went on to do a bomb of a comedy called broadside about women nurses in the pacific in ww ii get it broadside no not funny unlike the sleazy salacious and violent trash on tv now that is so undermining our values the real mccoys entertained with decent values and fine human beings and i thank all involved including the creator irving pinkus for having brought it to my family we never missed it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21444": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "not even the most ardent stooge fan could possibly like the movie i one of them the stooges just aren t given any material to work with it is really a shame too because this is the only feature length movie the stooges did with curly and this one effort by them is painfully unfunny when it could have had great potential awful musical numbers don t help any either the short they did with the same title has more laughs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21445": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i picked this film up at my local library having met the director at a film festival late last year i was curious to check out his work i was pleasantly surprised the film takes a fresh look at familiar subjects love infidelity friendships jealousy it can be a bit talky at times but never so much as to completely sink the film i enjoyed watching a love story with characters that clearly belong together and watching them make conscious decisions rather than haphazardly falling into something as important as love the contrast between this film and the average low budget shoot em up black film is quite distinct check it out if you re lucky your copy will come with a copy of the soundtrack like mine did good stuff"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21446": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "having just seen this on tmc it s fresh in my mind it s obvious that while the stooges are featured stars they don t really run the show first they re broken into groups moe as shorty and larry and curly as a pair of vagrants so there s not a whole lot of full team work the love story that fuels the plot is uninteresting the two ladies are the only ones with any acting ability there s another group of musical stooges that are unfunny unless you consider their attempts at being funny to be sadly buffoonish the music is tiresome they drive cars to the ranch and then depend on horses the dorky western wear is silly and there s an awful lot of the movie with no stooges on camera by the way this is obviously after curley s first stroke and his reduced energy level is clear vernon dent appears early on in an uncredited role i loved everything these guys ever did including all the non curley stuff but this little dogie is pretty lousy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21447": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "love trap is a must see independent film when i sat down to watch the movie i came in with low expectations but left with a blessing the story is poetic substantive and creative the writer pulls you in further and further which each scene allowing you to relate to the realistic characters that every one can identify with the movie allowed me to reflect on my life and what i consider love to be the movie displayed what love really is action not emotion i was also impressed with the quality of the cinematography and the soundtrack of the movie the entire presentation surpassed my expectations i give the movie two big thumbs up and recommend it to everyone of all ages and all backgrounds"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21448": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the three stooges in a feature length western comedy musical perhaps rockin in the rockies was meant to combine the stooges comedy short with the western musical in a matin e if so this was a pleasant way to break up a saturday afternoon jay kirby as rusty is a handsome young hero and mary beth hughes as the blonde june and gladys blake as the brunette betty are pretty women the hoosier hotshots are a harmonious group their songs are quite tuneful however this is the s not the s so the film doesn t exactly rock there are a few laughs but the stooges brand of humor is more subdued than usual the talking horse is also underutilized rockin in the rockies vernon keays moe howard larry fine curly howard mary beth hughes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21449": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the van is a simple teensploitation picture made especially for the drive in that goes out of it s way to make you feel comfortable providing many opportunities to laugh and cry with your friends danny devito has a small yet plentiful role as the manager of a car wash and almost steals the show all the leads are well acted the characters complex and the directing quite competent for this type of picture a crown international release"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21450": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i gave this a four purely out of its historical context it was considered lost for many years until it popped up out of the blue on showtime in the early nineties moe is the straight man and larry and curly act as a duo spade cooley has a couple of numbers i guess it had something to do with working on a ranch i m not quite sure because the plot was so minimal nothing really sticks in my memory i vaguely remember it being a western musical comedy even the stooge s seem to be going through the motions overall there s nothing much really to recommend here if you re not a stooge fan then don t bother if you are a stooge fan then stick with the shorts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21451": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i found it highly intellectual and artistic in every way i felt that the script was conveying all the things i feel physically and emotionally when i got home from work and watched it this is a tribute to cinema in the highest form and format holy guacamole how i wish those days would come again i tried putting a bubble window on the side of my car honda civic but the vacuum formed muffin trays didn t quite cut it also in my civic sexual positions are limited and are not supported by water bed as is brilliantly depicted in the van the van is of the utmost side splitting hilarity and can even substitute for porn if you watch some scenes privately i highly anticipate that sam grossman the director has achieved his opus ratings john sam"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21452": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have three comments to make about this film which i discovered hanging out forlornly in a lower shelf at blockbuster first off it is interesting to see the approaches film makers take in trying to film essentially unfilmable works some have as kubrick did with lolita gotten the original author to write a screenplay that is something like the original work of course that can t happen here kraft ebing is long dead some have used the premises of the original work as a launch point to go in a completely new unrelated direction the recent adaptation of tristram shandy comes to mind here you can dumb it down the film of slaughterhouse five is to my mind an example of that or you can simply take the format of the original and try to render it in cinematic vignettes that would be the approach of woody allen s everything you wanted to know about sex and arguably this film upon consideration it is probably the only thing one can do with a scholarly work like psychopathia sexualis the potential loss is that whatever cumulative point the original work had is obscured or destroyed and so it is here point two is the cinematic style some would call it an homage to murnau pabst carl dreyer etc but i think it more crude than that its far too heavy handed and self conscious to be effective for long it is eventually just annoying point three is perhaps a less intellectual observation how did the people responsible for this manage to make a film about wild sexual deviations and perversion that is so incredibly boring i found the film impossible to pay attention to and anyone who is not automatically drawn to depictions of sexual deviance will find it so as well i don t want to be completely uncharitable and say the film is pointless but i have to say that whatever point the film makers had is rather obscured by the nature of the source material the overt copying of filmic styles and the stubborn refusal to engage the audience on an emotional level possibly for fear of being accused of titillation the film is a dubious exercise from the start and doesn t really work for me i m sorry to say"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21453": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "simple minded but good natured drive in movie about a simple minded but good natured high school graduate who has dreams of owning the coolest custom van in the world to use as his ballroom bobby our hero spends his entire savings to acquire the vehicle of his dreams joint sharing and love making quickly commence with girls bobby has picked up at the local pizza parlor but he finds out much responsibility danger and heartache come with being the owner of such a mechanical marvel the van is a guilty pleasure of mine it captures the laid back mid s mood and has enough unintentional humor to put it into the so bad it s good category"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21454": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "before seeing this movie i was expecting a fictional drama based loosely on ideas from the book instead it s the book interrupted with dramatic scenes illustrating the different illnesses that didn t bother me much but it hindered my enjoyment of the film one story or even two or three long stories with excerpts from the book interspersed through the movie would have been preferable in my opinion if you re going to base a movie on a psychology text you ve got to find a more interesting and preferably accurate text than this one the film drags during parts where it s little more than a video encyclopedia of th century sexual psychology and would be utterly intolerable if it weren t sexual in nature because sex interesting for most of us even me luckily there are several stories with actual character development that pull us in but disappointingly krafft ebing s theories of sexuality went unchallenged for the most part i was hoping it would use stories to show how the imperfections of his archaic view of psychology which is still held by many to this day so in the end what do you have a detailed catalog of a few fetishes and orientations with some mildly interesting stories showing the trials and tribulations of a few sexual deviants before they are cured for most of the film the film moves with the crawling speed and mood of a wake and as an obviously low budget film the cinematography and acting are not exactly top tier although i was pleased with the music costume and interior design i felt this film s subject was right up my alley and i still feel it s a below average film it deserves a a if i were feeling extremely generous i can t imagine anyone enjoying this if they didn t already have an interest in sexual fetishism"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21455": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i am proud to say i own an uncut copy of this choice chunk of s crown international drive in sexploitation comedy cheese on dvd it s a really goofy and enjoyably inconsequential flick with a nicely breezy n easy s vibe to it it does attempt to make a sincere point about true love and friendship being more important in life than a cool set of wheels and a quick piece of tail sure it s essentially a blatant adolescent male fantasy pic the main teen goofus character bobby hamilton gets the girls the respect of his friends and a chance to show up a local van racing bully but it s way too dopey and good natured to hate stuart getz as our gawky protagonist makes for an endearingly dorky lead deborah white as the main object of getz s affection is a definite cutie connie lisa marie is likewise quite luscious as a beauteous blonde babe and sneering beefcake neanderthal stephan oliver a s biker movie perennial is wonderfully hateful as the brutish dugan hicks a pre stardom danny devito in particular is an absolute riot as getz s cranky carwash owner boss andy a lovably cantankerous ne er do well slob who wears very ugly loud hawaiian shirts and suffers from a severe gambling habit i especially love the scene where two thugs brutally beat danny up one holds his arms behind his back while the other guy works over danny s torso and sammy johns insidiously catchy fluke hit theme song will be bouncing around your skull for at least a week in short it s great groovy retro s fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21456": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a memorable line from a short lived show after viewing the episode where that line was introduced my fraternity intramural flag football team started using the line to break our huddles on offense instead of ready break our quarter back said football and the rest of the squad responded you bet a fun way to break the huddle that had our opponents scratching their heads as very few of them had watched the show using this line added a unique element to our season that i ll never forget we had our best season during my time in college that year and in a small way it was due to the fun that we had using this line the show was pretty much a stinker but it lives on in the memories of the pi kappa phi intramural flag football squad at west virginia tech"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21457": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in i was a boy of years old my parents had just got the home box office which was pretty new to our neighborhood as a year old boy this was the first time i saw boobs on television i will never forget the joy of those times racing vans the total ass wipe with the baddest van the water bed the smoking of herbs the hot s chicks the makin love in my chevy van song it was all so new to me a complete movie with all of the memories you could hope for i own it and enjoy it about once a year when i watch this movie it makes me want to get my skates with wheels not in a strait line go to the park and hunt down some babes with feathered hair truly great memories of young adolescence"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21458": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "from the stupid quaint african natives travelogue footage with our badly superimposed principals acting as narrators to the horrible fake ears which transform docile indian elephants into african elephants to the utter lack of any logic at all to maureen o sullivan s incessant whining of tarzan tarzan there is nothing about this movie which deserves classic status"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21459": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is above all else the typical crown international pictures drive in read passion pit programmer the sammy johns hit record chevy van is heard repeatedly on the soundtrack this movie has even been reissued with the title chevy van despite the film s title vehicle being a dodge danny devito makes only six minutes of on screen appearance but countless vhs reissues falsely credit him as the star of the flick the movie is a comparatively sexist morality tale will bobby find sexual satisfaction through the one night stand his customised van facilitates or must he wait until tina the girl of his dreams gives him the time of day still it is representative of the prevailing carnal dream of male american high schoolers of the time and on that basis alone the van has almost in spite of itself become an artifact of the period that must be referenced in any honest retrospective of the period s popular american cinema"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21460": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "wow this is very unusual in one regard usually the first movie in a long string of sequels is the best of the bunch people are surprised when a sequel is actually better with tarzan i thought this movie was the worst of the bunch or at least the first six which comprise my tarzan collection dvd package i will gladly watch the sequels multiple times but i am through sitting through this turkey thanks to several characters well let s start with the good news first the good plenty of action with a lot of wild animals on display even if they are just stock footage you see lion attacks crocodiles hippos panthers you name it and you see several of the different tribes of all kinds including pygmies called dwarfs in the movie since this movie was made almost years ago i can t knock any of the realism because they didn t have it in the movies that long ago they do the best they can so you put up with actors talking in front of fake backgrounds however weissmuller did a lot of action scenes and was in great shape he and o sullivan make a well built handsome couple if there ever was one in those golden years of cinema the film has historical value with so many sequels in that it shows how tarzan acquired jane and his beginnings of learning the english language the bad from the moment jane parker is taken by tarzan almost every scene with her is maureen o sullivan in hysterics shrieking and screaming scene after scene it s enough to give you a headache and it ruins the film thankfully she calmed down in the sequels but not in this movie the movie also does no favors for the great white hunter image as c aubrey smith playing jane s father and neil hamilton as harry holt the safari guide shoot at every animal within sight whether the beasts is threatening or not these people are kill happy particularly smith on another note it s too bad there isn t anything in here explaining how tarzan got to be in the jungle in the first place there is no history of him in here or footage of his growing up he s just there when jane and the group get to a certain point in africa"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21461": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it wasn t me it was er my twin brother rupert bobby says to dugan when confronted about being over at sally s place i have used this line dozens of times over the years no one has yet to believe it though this movie is one of the all time best for sheer fun and nonbelieveability steven oliver was perfect for the part of dugan so much so that he was in s malibu beach as the same character not nearly as much screen time though nobody calls dugan a turd is another line for the ages this classic film was definitely worth the price of admission"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21462": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "eddie murphy for best supporting actor what an insult to alan arkin and djimon hounsou jamie foxx who can act walks through this film like a zombie beyonce that was acting this movie pales in comparison to chicago or just about any other recent musical if it were not for the great singing and performance of jennifer hudson i would have given this a zero and no i never saw the stage play so i am not making the typical broadway vs hollywood rap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21463": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a good film and one i ll watch a number of times rich the previous commenter is right there is much more going on here than is clear from the title boards and i have to wonder how much has suffered in translation were there more in the original or was a native language audience expected to lip read more or since the screenplay was written by the author of the novel on which this was based was this a currently popular story with which the audience was already very familiar in short very worth a look but it probably requires more work from contemporary viewers than the original audience had to put into it the alpha video release touts the new organ score but the music is not matched to the story progression in any way sure it starts promisingly but degenerates into a repetitive phillip glass like monotony that reflects nothing of the action on the screen after listening for a while i turned off the sound and simply watched much better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21464": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i agree totally with the last commenter this could be the worst movie ever made i too had to fast forward through most of this movie michael madsen must have done this movie as a favor to someone the picture quality is grainy all the way through and what little plot there is is just plain stupid i give this movie a out of if i could give it a lower score i would don t waste your time on this movie or you ll regret it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21465": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "wasn t sure what to expect from this film i love watching brosnan in any movie he s always good but this was totally different he s a mess and plays being a mess very well in fact he reminded me of myself a few times back in uni so yes there s not a lot of violence there s not a lot of action but the dialogue is cracking the acting is superb and very refreshing and it s pretty funny too i don t think you ll come out of the cinema going wow i was blown away but you ll come out smiling having enjoyed a good film can t ask for more than that oh and if you re lucky some moron will put the adverts reel in wrong and you ll get inverted upside down reversed with reversed audio adverts brilliant nothing like watching a jack daniels ad where the drink goes back into the bottle from the glass with a gruff american twin peaks commentary"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21466": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is all flash and no soul the actors put a lot of passion into the numbers but these numbers often didn t connect with the film and felt like stand alone music videos and no effort was made to make the numbers sound as if they were happening right there in front of you every single one sounds like its coming from a studio essentially sucking all the life from the songs off the stage the performances were all dull and unrealized especially hudson who essentially plays the same angry strong she s stubborn and selfish black woman we ve seen before there was absolutely no depth to her character nor any of the other female leads though i think the movie wants us to believe that hudson s character faces hardship because of her weight it is really her own refusal to do what s best for the team that lands her in trouble making the end of the film totally meaningless hudson s academy award is a joke there was no justification when she sang she put forth emotion though it was often misplaced but this was the writer director s fault but when she was just acting she did nothing to flesh out an already underwritten character eddie murphy s character is the only one with an arc and he did a fine job but still not oscar worthy the only actor who really brought something to the roll was danny glover who took a small relatively unimportant character and made something real out of it there is nothing here to sink your teeth into no drama or heart or even laughs the placement of the musical numbers was so bad that at times the movie almost seemed to be making fun of musicals instead of being one the number when hudson is arguing with the other girls is so long winded if it had been any longer it could pass for a family guy skit the movie has no idea what it s about and i felt insulted by the last few minutes it s a big boring waste of time and really is the worst film i saw in and nothing last year was really stellar to begin with"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21467": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in this truly fascinating dark film a young impoverished student sells his soul to the devil for a lot of money in return the devil takes his mirror image this is done brilliantly in the movie and eerily presaged when balduin the student is earlier practicing swordsmanship in front of the mirror a visual metaphor for a man at war with himself which portents his immediate future the student enjoys his money but the woman he loves is unattainable he has made a pact with the devil he is cut off forever from love and other riches of the soul you can have love or you can exchange your soul for money you cannot have both balduin is haunted by his double the intertitles express this beautifully as does the action some of the scenes are incredible the sense of doom when the devil disappears with balduin s mirror image is amazing as is the sense that his pact has forever cut him off from human society the scene where he runs away from his double and ends up in the wasteland at the edge of the town no longer entirely human he has lost his soul he is like a hunted animal outside of human society there are so many other things to say about this incredible film paul wegener was an amazing actor and director a cultural hero of mine it helps if you know a bit about german history at the time this film was made and about german doppelganger tradition don t google it get a proper book just remember it s a very early film it s a little clumsy at times but considering what it has to say and it s tragic finale it s one of the best ever yes it is"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21468": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "we expected something great when we went to see this bomb it is basically a broadway play put on film the music is plain terrible there isn t one memorable song in the movie heard any hits from this movie you won t because there aren t any some of the musical numbers go on so long that i got up to go to the restroom and get some pop corn and it was still going when i got back if they were good songs well but they suck the pace is slow terrible character development the lead was praised for her singing but sounded like she screamed every song it was almost impossible to stand this movie has nothing to offer anyone but die hard broadway enthusiasts this is without a doubt the most over rated movie i ve seen in my entire life a complete waist of time and money there is nothing memorable about this movie except danny glover who wasn t on screen enough and whose character wasn t developed enough rent the video and you ll agree this movie was an expensive over produced polished dog do"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21469": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this early version of the tale the student of prague was made in germany in starring paul wegener who was also in the golem a few years later in this film he plays a dual role technically impressive for a year old film to see them in the same shot after meeting a mysterious old man who makes a pact with him for gold the gold he needs to woo a countess he s previously saved from drowning moving at a fast pace the film runs just over an hour and fairly well written and characterised the student of prague has echoes of the faust legend as well as dr jekyll and mr hyde starting as it does with a pact with a mysterious figure of potential evil and developing into good and evil sides of the same person"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21470": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just saw dreamgirls yesterday and i was really underimpressed despite all the oscar buzz this is nothing special anyone who was really impressed by this film has never bothered to see any of the true movie musical classics except for eddie murphy s great musical and dramatic performance dreamgirls is just a glorified tv movie with no style or flair just a bunch of amateurs singing at each other now the first half hour was good but i was irritated at how eddie murphy s terrific raveup performances were truncated and interrupted by montages those were easily the best songs and best performances in the film and the rise to the top portion of the film was the only part of the film that had a consistent point of view or any momentum the remaining hour and minutes was a formless rambling mess that was neither realistic nor fantastic enough to be interesting it was also visually dull and included too many sound alike tunes condon didn t try to turn any of the tunes into big show pieces as i d expected they would each number in the nd half was just one closeup after another of people singing at each other and the way they shot hudson s big love me number was criminal condon just shot her stomping around the stage no drama at all god it sucked and note to all involved that sing talking dialog stuff might work on stage but it does not work in movies see embarrassing failures of evita and phantom all that i ll teeeell youuuu something efff ieeee crap should have been left on the editing room floor those aren t songs again the film except for eddie murphy s amazing performance was nothing more than a glorified tv movie there must have been megabucks behind the pr work for this film i wonder how much money was spent to give it that pre release one to beat oscar buzz as a whole this film was except for eddie nowhere near an oscar caliber movie except for eddie i d rank it right up there with grease big disappointment especially after all the very expen i ve hype"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21471": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "those engaging the movie camera so early in the century must have figured out some of its potential very early on this is a good story of a playboy type who needs money and inadvertently sells his soul to satan for a lot of money unfortunately the soul is his double and he must confront him frequently tearing his life apart there are some wonderful scenes with people fading out and of course the scenes when the two are on the stage at the same time the middle part is a bit dull but the faustian story is always in the minds of the viewer one thing i have to mention is the general unattractiveness of the people in the movie also they pretty much shied away from much action which would have at least given some life to the thing i first was made aware of this movie about years ago and have finally been able to see it i was not disappointed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21472": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "dreamgirls despite its fistful of tony wins in an incredibly weak year on broadway has never been what one would call a jewel in the crown of stage musicals however that is not to say that in the right cinematic hands it could not be fleshed out and polished into something worthwhile on screen unfortunately what transfers to the screen is basically a slavishly faithful version of the stage hit with all of its inherent weaknesses intact first the score has never been one of the strong points of this production and the film does not change that factor there are lots of songs perhaps too many but few of them are especially memorable the closest any come to catchy tunes are the title song and one night only the much acclaimed and i am telling you that i am not going is less a great song than it is a dramatic set piece for the character of effie jennifer hudson the film is slick and technically well produced but the story and characters are surprisingly thin and lacking in any resonance there is some interest in the opening moments watching jamie foxx s svengali like manager manipulate his acts to the top but that takes a back seat in the latter portion of the film when the story conveniently tries to cast him as a villain despite his having been right from a business stand point for a good majority of the film beyonce knowles is lovely and sings her songs perfectly well but is stuck with a character who is basically all surface glitz anika noni rose as the third member of the dreamgirls trio literally has nothing to do for the entire film eddie murphy acquits himself well as a singer obviously based on james brown but the role is not especially meaty and ultimately has little impact foxx would seem ideal casting but he seems oddly withdrawn and bored the film s biggest selling point is surely former american idol contestant oscar winner jennifer hudson in the central role of effie white the temperamental singer who gets booted from the group and makes a triumphant closing act return for me effie has always been a big problem in both the show and the movie the film obviously wants you to feel sorry for her and rather ham handedly takes her side but i have never been sure that this character deserves that kind of devotion from the start effie conducts herself for the most part like an obnoxious egotistical self centered diva who is more interested in what everyone else can do for her rather than having much vested interest in the group of which she is a part when she is booted from the group for her unprofessionalism and bad attitude the charges are more than well founded but the stage show film seem to think effie should be cut unlimited slack simply because she has a great voice even though the film tries to soften some of effie s harder edges to make her more likable the charges still stand her story becomes more manipulative by suggesting she should have our further sympathy because she is an unwed mother struggling to raise her daughter using the implication that much like the talent card motherhood immediately makes any behavior excusable indeed the only big effort the film makes to show effie s mothering is to tell us about it and then include a scene where she barks at her daughter in the unemployment office insists that the girl has no father and then refuse to look for gainful employment to support them since singing is all she knows in the hands of a skillful actress the gaps could perhaps have been remedied with technique and charisma unfortunately hudson is not that actress she sings well but the dialog driven moments do not come naturally to her nor do high emotional moments effie s signature moment the aforementioned and i am telling you number is well sung by hudson but emotionally flat in the acting department effie is supposed to expressing her rage and desperation at her predicament but hudson comes off as a cabaret performer belting out a hot number all in all not quite the emotional highlight one expects the latter portion of the film is basically a predictable melange of events that maneuver foxx into hudson s earlier position and allow her to strut back in and lord it over everyone foxx s criminal offenses in the film are undoubtedly par for the course of many struggling record producers but the film s seeming implication that he has it coming because he helped usher in the disco era is rather ridiculous not to mention pretentious and condescending particularly coming from a film with all of the depth of a puddle the end result is a faithful rendition of the stage hit drained of emotion energy or anything that can be described as dynamic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21473": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a stupid young man becomes obsessed with a woman so obsessed that he loses perspective and common sense an evil magician approaches him and informs him he can give him great wealth that he can use to win the lady s heart if he agrees to give him anything he wants that s within their room the dumb guy agrees and the magician steals the man s reflection out of the mirror and bad things naturally occur as a result if this film had been made just a decade later i am sure i wouldn t have been so charitable in reviewing and scoring this film after all the film s plot is a bit vague in spots and the acting is at times a bit stilted however when you consider that in full length films were rare and often only to minutes long plus the whole idea of a complex story like you get in this film is very unusual as stories were very short and broadly acted so given the limitations of the time this film is pretty good and is one of the earlier horror films known"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21474": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yeah pretty sure i saw this movie years ago when it was about the supremes another recycled storyline glitzed up hollywood style borrowing scripts from better making it in the music industry films nothing original here more make up glammier costumes and choreography more money for the questionably talented beyonce draw if you like the throwback style you should appreciate actual groups who struggled without having digitized voices and a hollywood empire beyonce s involvement makes this hypocritical garbage"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21475": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the student of prague is an early feature length horror drama or rather it is an autorenfilm i e an author s film this film is a member of a movement of many movements that tried to lend respectability to cin ma or just make a profit by adapting literature or theatre onto the screen fortunately the story of this book with moving pictures is good using alfred de musset s poem and a story by edgar allen poe it centres on the doppelg nger theme unfortunately the most cinematic this film gets is the double exposure effects to make paul wegener appear twice within scenes guido seeber was a special effects wizard for his day but he s not very good at positioning the camera or moving it film scholar leon hunt printed in early cinema space frame narrative however has made an interesting analysis on this film using framing to amplify the doubles theme characters being split by left right near far and frontal diagonal framing of characters and shots regardless the film mostly consists of extended long shots from a fixed position which is noticeably primitive worse is the lack of editing there s very little scene dissection and scenes linger none of this is unusual for but there were more advanced films in this respect around the same time including the better parts of atlantis august blom twilight of a woman s soul yevgeni bauer and the short films of d w griffith an expanded universal film vocabulary by would allow for a vastly superior remake furthermore the remake has a reason for the lyduschka character other than being an occasional troublemaker and spectator surrogate here the obtrusively acted gypsy lurks around seemingly with a cloak of invisibility i know their world is silent to me but i assume with their lips moving and such that their world would not be silent to them so how can lyduschka leer over others shoulders and not be noticed nevertheless this is one of the most interesting early films conceptually wegener who seems to have been the primary mind behind this film in addition to playing the lead would later play the title role and co direct the golem in helping to further inaugurate the supernatural thread in german silent cin ma note the first version i viewed was about an hour long surely not quite complete and was in poor condition with faces bleached at times and such i m not sure who was the distributor i ve also since seen the alpha dvd which at minutes is missing footage present in the aforementioned print and also has fewer and very different title cards but is visually not as bad the repetitive score is best muted though"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21476": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was longer than the ten commandments all lord of the rings and the matrix trilogy combined my oh my what a nightmare this is the single biggest over hype of there is not a moment that is not scripted and clich d movie musicals can be done brilliantly and bring genuine excitement to the viewer dreamgirls takes the route of chinese water torture in the form of endless music montages shoddy acting and poor directing choices seriously mr condon did you have to do the old billboard countdown shots it s at no wait look its rising up the charts and here is the passing billboard notice to show you again and again and again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21477": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if the cabinet of dr caligari is the father of all horror films and of german expressionist cinema this pre wwi film is the grandfather the titular student starving in an empty garret makes a deal with the devil the devil gives him a bottomless sack of gold in exchange for anything in this room the devil chooses the student s reflection in his mirror he walks off with the student s doppelganger who commits crimes for which the student is blamed the film is marred by some limitations arising out of the technically primitive state of filmmaking the plot cries out for chiaroschuro effects but the film is of necessity virtually all shot in shadowless daylight but the scene where the reflection walks out of the mirror still packs a wallop more interesting for the trends it fortells than for its own sake the student of prague is still worthwhile"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21478": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it makes sense to me that this film is getting raves from hollywood because oftentimes in hollywood it s all just a popularity contest it also makes sense when you think that people who are liking the film may just be reacting to the countless songs being spit out at you rather than story content yet this film is overrated and overblown eddie murphy looks just ridiculous no way do jeniffer hudson and beyonce knowles give the oscar rated performance so many have raved over before the film was even out i can t even believe that condon is being set up to be nominated for a directing oscar when all he did was put together an album glitz does not replace a nothing storyline a bunch of songs does not a movie make"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21479": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one of the most important artistic movements in the history of cinema was without a doubt german expressionism the highly atmospheric style of film making developed during the s in berlin classic movies like das cabinet des dr caligari and nosferatu eine symphonie des grauens were the most famous direct results of this movement and while the movement didn t have a long life its enormous influence over cinema can still be felt today specially in the horror genre one of the key figures of this style would be director paul wegener director of s der golem wie er in die welt kam as in his debut as a filmmaker seven years before the making of that classic he was already making experiments with expressionism in film that early prototype of german expressionism was incidentally another horror film der student von prag der student von prag the student of prague is the story of balduin paul wegener a student with the reputation of being the best fencer in prague but who always find himself with financial troubles one day balduin rescues the beautiful countess margit grete berger from drowning in a lake after her horse drop her by accident balduin falls immediately in love with her and tries to see her again but soon he discovers that he ll have to compete with her rich cousin graf von schwarzenberg lothar k rner who also wants to marry her knowing that he can t offer her much balduin wishes to be wealthy and this is where a sorcerer named scapinelli john gottowt enters the scene scapinelli offers balduin infinite wealth in exchange of whatever he finds in his room balduin accepts the proposal only to discover in horror that what scapinelli wants is his reflection in the mirror loosely inspired by edgar allan poe s short story william wilson and the classic legend of faust the story of der student von prag was conceived by german writer hanns heinz ewers a master of horror literature and one of the first writers to consider scriptwriting as valid as any other form of literature written at a time where cinema in germany was still being developed as an art form der student von prag shows a real willingness to actually use cinema to tell a fully developed story beyond a camera trick or a series of scenes like most of the scriptwriters of his time ewers screenplay is still very influenced by theater although der student von prag begins to move away from that style while a bit poor on its character development specially on the supporting characters ewers manages to create an interesting and complex protagonist in the person of balduin while der student von prag was paul wegener s directorial debut and stellan rye s second film as a filmmaker it s very clear that these two pioneers had a very good idea of what cinema could do when done properly giving great use to guido seeber s cinematography the two young filmmakers create a powerful gothic atmosphere that forecasts what the german filmmakers of the following decade would do wegener would learn many of the techniques he would employ in his golem series from seeber and rye despite having very limited resources rye and wegener manage to create an amazing and very convincing for its time visual effect for the scenes with balduin s reflection played by wegener too already an experienced stage actor at the time of making this film wegener directs the cast with great talent and also attempts to move away from the stagy style of previous filmmakers as balduin paul wegener is very effective and probably the best in the movie it certainly helps that his character is the only one fully developed by the writer but one can t deny that wegener was very good in his role as the poor student who loses more than his mirror reflection in that contract john gottowt plays the sinister scapinelli with mysterious aura that suits the character like a glove few is said about scapinelli in the film but gottowt makes sure to let us know that he is a force to be feared the rest of the main cast is less lucky with grete berger being pretty much average as countess margit and lothar k rner making a poor graf von schwarzenberg however it must be said that lyda salmonova was pretty good in her expressive character and fritz weidemann made an excellent baron waldis schwarzenberg showing the dignity that l rner s character should have had considering the movies that were being done in those years in other countries and the fact that its remake made years after this film is superior in every possible way it s not difficult to understand why der student von prag hasn t stood the test of time as well as other early films the movie s main problem is definitely its extremely low budget as it resulted in the film being considerably shorter than what ewers story needed to be fully developed this makes the plot feel a bit too vague at times or even incomplete as if there was something missing in the narrative of course there s also the possibility that the existing print is really incomplete however der student von prag is a very interesting early attempt at a complex tale of horror and suspense in film that while inferior to what other filmmakers were doing at the time left a powerful impression in history as the direct predecessor of the german expressionist movement it s hard to deny the enormous importance that der student von prag has in the history of german cinema probably in the history of cinema in general it may look dated even for its time but considering the limited resources its director had it s truly better than most films from that era as the movie that started paul wegener s career and with that german expressionism der student von prag is a must see for everyone interested in this slice of film history"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21480": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i anticipated the release of the film as much as any fan of the broadway play i waited and read reviews for months about the award winning performances i mean with the star power of eddie murphy jamie foxx beyonce knowles danny glover the movie couldn t be less than out of stars right wrong i was definitely disappointed by the finished product the film did not match up to the publicity hype it was given and the only saving graces were eddie murphy anika noni rose and jennifer hudson eddie murphy s james brownesque performance rescues the movie just when it hits its multiple lulls and jennifer hudson s performance compels you to pay attention each time she s on screen her performance of and i am telling you was the only time that i felt the hype was deserved you cringed as she begged her no good man to let her stay in the group and in his life as many reviewers have stated she steals the movie from the more experienced actors and deserves all the accolades she s receiving for this performance anika noni rose was also a strong presence with a great voice and comedic talent jamie foxx and beyonce knowles on the other hand cruised through their performances foxx s acting skills for this film seemed to predate his extraordinary ray performance and beyonce knowles was on an extended fashion photo shoot or video taping posing and shimmying her way through the movie her performance wasn t strong enough to make you care about her character at any point in the film the movie was too hyped minutes and song beyonce s heartfelt solo to jamie foxx too long dh vancouver wa"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21481": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while this movie s style isn t as understated and realistic as a sound version probably would have been this is still a very good film in fact it was seen as an excellent film in its day as it was nominated for the first best picture oscar losing to wings i still consider wings to be a superior film but this one is excellent despite a little bit of overacting by the lead emil jannings jannings is a general from czarist russia who is living out his final days making a few bucks in the s by being a hollywood extra his luck appears to have changed as he gets a casting call to play an imperial russian general fighting against the communists during the revolution naturally this isn t much of a stretch acting wise but it also gets the old man to thinking about the old days and the revolution exactly what happens next i ll leave to you but it s a pretty good film particularly at the end by the way look for william powell as the russian director despite being made in with the makeup he doesn t look much younger than he did in many of his later films"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21482": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yes there are great performances here unfortunately they happen in the context of a movie that doesn t seem to have a clue what it s doing during the first minutes of this all the music takes place as realistic performance suddenly about an hour in the characters who until this point had always spoken to each other suddenly start singing to each other to further confuse things a little further in out of nowhere they actually do about minutes of sung through dialog then seem to drop that idea and move on to other things such as a number that begins in a jazz club with a drummer and two electric guitars suddenly turning into a fully orchestrated piece with a massive unseen string section on top of all this inconsistency in how the music is used is the composers clear inability to actually write music in the style that is supposedly being portrayed while the first couple of pieces do sort of mimic the s motown sound the rest of the film is just bad broadway show music then there s the pure silliness of snippets of a group doing a bad jackson family imitation and eddie murphy morphing from little richard to james brown to lionel richie when he started channeling stevie wonder i couldn t help laughing out loud this was clearly one of those films that make me appreciate how little time i have on earth and resent that i wasted two hours of it watching this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21483": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "russian emigrant director in hollywood in william powell is casting his epic about the russian revolution and hires an old ex general from the czarist regime emil jannings to play the general of the film and the two relive the drama and the memory of the woman they shared evelyn brent of years before try as i might i feel it hard to warm to the last command for all its virtues the docks of new york was indubitably a great film and underworld is a film i have always been craving to see but the last command is rather heavy going the premise is fascinating but the treatment does really make the script come to life except in the sequences set in hollywood depicting the breadline of employable extras and the machinations of a big movie production with state of the art technology emil jannings is predictably a marvelous russian general distinguishing wonderfully between the traumatized and decrepit old ex general transfixed in his misery and the vigorous hearty officer of yore the ending is great and worth the wait but in order to get there you must prepared to be slightly bored at times"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21484": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i had been looking forward to seeing dreamgirls for quite a while what with all it s raving reviews nominations and media attention and i must say the first quarter of the movie was good it really portrayed the black music scene back then however as the movie wore on me and my whole family were bored out of our wits the singing just kept coming one after the other i mean seriously just one more music number and it would have broke even with rent furthermore i noticed hardly any character development in any of the characters i just didn t care what happened to them even when eddie murphy s character died of a drug overdose i knew i should have been sad but i just couldn t feel any emotion for that character the characters were given a flimsy background about singing in their childhood and whatnot but there personalities were not revealed enough to draw me in finally the conflict was simply not significant enough to make the viewer care which goes along with the lack of character development this movie reminded me of a copy cat movie based on ray chicago and rent ray and chicago were wonderful movies in my opinion overall i think this movie would best suit someone who doesn t really care about an overall story yet would enjoy two hours of entertaining and fun singing performances"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21485": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the last command is a silent film directed by josef von sternberg it shows us czarist general grand duke sergius alexander emil jannings in his days of glory in he had all the power but after the revolution and the collapse of imperial russia he has nothing he also had the love of a woman natalie dabrova evelyn brent about ten years later he applies for a small part in a film about the revolution his old enemy lev andreyev william powell is the director who gets to choose whether to hire him as a film extra or not the last command is very good silent drama emil jannings does memorable role work in the lead evelyn brent is wonderful playing the woman lead william powell is great as always there are plenty of scenes to remember in this movie like many scenes with jannings and brent and then there is the ending with powell and jannings this is a movie that touches in many parts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21486": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just watched this film minutes ago and i still have no idea what i just watched mainly i think it s a film about an internet s m star of cd roms that are about as realistic as flash cartoons online she s murdered by someone which causes her sister and a crack team of fbi agents to investigate the death the local homicide division of big city usa is also investigating though most of his work comes by the way of oogling the cd roms which he claims are as realistic as the real thing i know wow michael madsen is the only one in the film that has any kind of credits behind him he s in the film for about minutes and half of that is him banging the main girl for seemingly no apparent reason i won t even explain the ending because quite frankly i can t make it out myself but before the final scene we re treated to a or minute montage of everything in the film honestly they could have ran that then the final scene and it would have been the same effect with the cross eyed direction and all all in all stay away from this film i got it because i love bad movies and i love michael madsen i really could have used that some minutes on something else and have been more satisfied like playing that game with a knife where you jab at your hand repeatedly that for minutes would be much more entertaining"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21487": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i found this to be a profoundly amusing dark comedy brosnan is genius as anyone will now testify he is not to be pigeonholed in the bond role kinnear was as charismatic and as funny as anyone could have been in the role i don t know if i ve laughed as hard during any movie what an unexpected pleasure my favourite line would be i feel like a bangkok hooker on a sunday after the navy left town brosnan delivered this very un bond line with such unexpected comedic finesse i was also very impressed with hope davis s performance it seems like everyone in this movie branched out from their previous work to such a degree that it actually improved the comedy if you liked the dark and hilarious the weather man you will definitely like this i voted"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21488": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "despite the excellent cast this is an unremarkable film especially from the aviation perspective it may be somewhat better than the egregious von richthofen and brown but not by much blue max remains the best of a small market over the last years while darling lilli is fun if not taken seriously it s interesting to speculate what ilm could do with zeppelins and gothas in a new high quality ww i aero film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21489": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "and hollywood had been on the map as the centre of the cinematic world for a little over a decade now that it had become the site of a multi million dollar industry and the vertically integrated studio system had been established some of those in the calmer quarters of this film making factory were taking the time for a little self reflection the last command while its heart may be the classic story of a once prestigious man fallen on hard times frames that tale within a bleak look at how cinema unceremoniously recreates reality and how its production process could be mercilessly impersonal it was written by lajos biro who had been on the scene long enough to know taking centre stage is a man who was at the time among hollywood s most celebrated immigrants emil jannings before coming to the states jannings had worked mainly in comedy being a master of the hammy yet hilariously well timed performance often as pompous authority figures or doddering old has beens he makes his entrance in the last command as the latter and at first it looks as if this is to be another of jannings s scenery chomping caricatures however as the story progresses the actor gets to demonstrate his range showing by turns delicate frailty serene dignity and eventually awesome power and presence in the finale he never quite stops being a blustering exaggeration the german acting tradition knowing nothing of subtlety but he constantly holds our attention with absolute control over every facet of his performance the director was another immigrant albeit one who had been around hollywood a bit longer and had no background in the european film industry nevertheless joseph von sternberg cultivated for himself the image of the artistic and imperious teutonic kino meister the von was made up by the way and took a very distinctive approach to the craft of note in this picture is his handling of pace and tone a great example being the first of the russian flashback scenes we open with a carefully constructed chaos with movement in converging directions which we the audience become part of as the camera pulls back and extras dash across the screen then when jannings arrives everything settles down jannings s performance is incredibly sedate and measured and when the players around him begin to mirror this the effect is as if his mere presence has restored order sternberg appears to show a distaste for violence allowing the grimmest moments to take place off screen and yet implying that they have happened with a flow of images that is almost poetic in fact he really seems to have an all round lack of interest in action in the scene of the prisoners revolt sternberg takes an aloof and objective stance his camera eventually retreating to a fly on the wall position compare this to the following scenes between jannings and evelyn brent which are a complex medley of point of view shots and intense close ups thrusting us right into the midst of their interaction as a personality on set it would seem that sternberg was much like the cold and callous director played on the screen by william powell and in fact powell s portrayal is probably something of a deliberate parody that even sternberg himself would have been in on unfortunately this harsh attitude did not make him an easy man to work with and coupled with his focus on his technical resources over his human ones the smaller performances in his pictures leave a little to be desired while jannings displays classic hamming in the charles laughton mode that works dramatically it appears no one told his co stars they were not in a comedy evelyn brent is fairly good giving us some good emoting but overplaying it here and there the only performance that comes close to jannings is that of powell himself it s a little odd to see the normally amiable star of the thin man and the great ziegfeld playing a figure so stern and humourless like a male ninotchka but he does a good job revealing a smouldering emotional intensity beneath the hard hearted exterior the last command could easily have ruffled a few feathers in studio offices as tends to happen with any disparaging commentary on the film making process even a relatively tame example like this at the very least i believe many studio heads would have been displeased by the behind the scenes view as it threatened the mystique of movie making which was still very much alive at this point as it turned out such was the impact of the picture that jannings won the first ever academy award for best actor as well as a best writing nomination for lajos biro and according to some sources although the issue is a little vague a nomination for best picture this is significant since the academy was a tiny institution at this time and the first awards were more than ever a bit of self indulgent back slapping by the hollywood elite but elite or not they recognised good material when they saw it and were willing to reward it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21490": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "funny that i find myself forced to review this movie but here i am i am reviewing it because just recently i have had the chance to witness the revival of r c sheriff s play journey s end on stage in new york at the belasco theatre starring hugh darcy boyd gaines jefferson mays and others as well as being masterfully directed by david grindley i left the theater shattered i am not exaggerating i was flabbergasted after almost two and a half hours of a recreated and very claustrophobic depiction of soldier s life in the trenches of the somme i speculate during world war one brought to life vividly by everyone involved i came out of the theater with the shakes mind you i am not easily shocked nor am i too sensitive i am a stage actor and a director myself so i know the buttons being pressed to achieve certain effects both emotionally as well as psychologically but what i had just witnessed came so much to life that i had chills in my spine as i left none of these emotions came to life while watching aces high the movie based on this play and even adapted for the screen in cooperation with r c sheriff himself shortly before he died the screen adaptation takes place in the skies over france so gone is the claustrophobic ambiance to start with the only plus of the movie are the aerial battle scenes which look dated in their special effects compared to today s standards but still very valid in the flying tactics adopted on screen granted there had been a couple of screen adaptations of all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque which takes place in trenches and not in the sky but that was the german vision on things if one would like to be picky on such things journey s end is just the other side of the medal and would have made it into a great movie if they had left it alone and intact the transfer on dvd is poor even though in widescreen and adapted for tv screens the quality of the film itself is that of a movie theater nothing more nothing less it sports various defects such as minor scratches and dots although the copy for the rest is clean if you want another wwi movie in your collection especially for those who love and enjoy to see aerial battles among old timers then this is a picture for you but i rather would suggest von richthofen and brown as an alternative although that too is a movie filled with inaccuracies for the rest of you who love good acting and drama i would leave this one out buy the play go watch the play if you have the chance to get a decent revival of it near you but keep off this would be adaptation it is an anti war movie granted but the weakest i have ever seen in my lifetime ever the presence of actors such as trevor howard ray milland richard johnson and john gielgud is just a bluff since they are just seen in very weak and very brief cameo roles throughout the movie mcdowell the very talented christopher plummer simon ward and peter firth all deliver very weak performances not due to their lack of skills but rather due to lack of true and solid direction there are too many gaps in it and as said before it drags itself to the dubious end dubious because in the original play none of the men we come to know and sympathize with stay alive they are all killed in a fatal and futile mission in the movie they all die except malcolm mcdowell who manages somehow to stay alive another day being the wing commander of the unlucky bunch just to receive another three pilots to fly and die for another lost cause the end of the play leaves a bare stage in total darkness you just hear the cannons roar the machine guns rattle and grenade impacts throughout the theater then suddenly total peace and silence the curtain comes up lights and here they all are lined up standing straight and rigid obedient corpses far more interesting and far more shocking than aces high finale which is also dragged by the hair it is up to you to judge for me if i had the money and the contacts to do so i would take the play and develop it the way it was meant adding here and there some action scene in the field just to visualize the outer horror and slaughter going on in the vasty fields of france around the men involved but then just strictly concentrating on what is going on in that tiny shack at the edge of sanity and the world want such a movie then ask for it this is not it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21491": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "josef von sternberg directs this magnificent silent film about silent hollywood and the former imperial general to the czar of russia who has found himself there emil jannings won a well deserved oscar in part for his role as the general who ironically is cast in a bit part in a silent picture as a russian general the movie flashes back to his days in russia leading up to the country s fall to revolutionaries william powell makes his big screen debut as the hollywood director who casts jannings in his film the film serves as an interesting look at the fall of russia and at an imitation of behind the scenes tinseltown in the early days von sternberg delivers yet another classic and one that is filled with the great elements of romance intrigue and tragedy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21492": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "before i begin i want to briefly say that this movie in and of itself is very well made and well acted by all involved including whittaker who indeed deserves his nomination it is highly entertaining and taken in the right context as a work of fiction it is a very good movie for that i give it the two stars however rather than wasting your time with what you can read a hundred times elsewhere i want instead to point out the absolute fictional nature of this film and how dangerous it is to sell people a work of fiction as if it is truth i stress that this film nowhere in the credits lets us know that the main character dr nicholas garrigan is a complete invention of fiction rather it presents this character into a real historical setting and allows the uninformed viewer to assume he was in fact real and what they are seeing is the truth i have no problem with the blending of fact and fiction but to do so in such a dishonest matter is in a word reprehensible there can be no doubt that africa along with most third world countries is rife with human misery and suffering hollywood has long attempted to capture the suffering of people in these countries on film but hollywood also has its eye toward making money the only true way to capture the suffering that seems to happen everywhere but the west is to either experience it for yourself or to at least have it captured in an honest documentary but these depictions of fictional characters in real historical settings can only do so much at the end of the day they become less about presenting the facts for the viewer to decide for himself and more about leading you from image to image and hitting you over the head screaming see we told you it was bad the seminal example of this can be found by anyone willing to watch the documentary on the dvd after sitting through the movie arguably the most shocking image of the film is the viewing of the body of kay amin idi s second wife whom he killed when he discovered her infidelity in the film we see that her limbs have been severed and reattached in reverse arms for legs and vice versa this is the director making sure you understand that amin is as the gungans say bom bad but watching the documentary we learn that this is in fact nothing more than a myth which the sitting minister of health at the time himself tells us is not true so what they just make up these things why because hollywood has a low opinion of our intelligence that s why they don t trust us to come to the right conclusion ourselves look that she was murdered and dismembered is in itself enough for us to conclude that amin was not the likable guy he portrayed to the media we don t need this texas chainsaw massacre inspired imagery to reinforce that and this is just the tip of the iceberg what is also not explained to the casual viewer is that lead character garrigan is himself fictional there was no young scottish doctor taken under amin s wing as such garrigan is clearly present only for the sake of helping us dumb westerners understand the african world the producers seem to thing we won t be interested in a film about africa unless there is a white face in it ironically even the titular character is portrayed by an american black actor the problem with this is that the movie is no longer an expose of amin and his regime but instead an exploitative thriller about a white westerner coming to africa for all the wrong reasons making several horrible mistakes and then redeeming himself even at the cost of three other innocent lives honestly i have to say it is nearly reprehensible to suggest that the real tragic death of mrs amin was the result of a tryst with a fictional scottish doctor it almost seems to become a morbid joke for the sake of entertainment i really wish hollywood would stop jerking us around for our money i first realized its propensity to do this with the woefully manipulative a beautiful mind ron howard and akiva goldsman s sugary sweet adaptation of the life of john nash which deleted the darker side of the man to present only the tortured hero that america just can t get enough of the sad truth is that hollywood has been selling us these fakes for years and viewers who are predictably and understandably too lazy or uncaring to investigate for themselves buy these fake portraits hook line and sinker look i m certainly not suggesting amin is being turned into a villain he wasn t my point is with the truth being so shocking enough to convince us of the brutality of the man why must hollywood then go to such fictional lengths why must hollywood continue to insult us by holding our hands through these films why can they not trust us to think for ourselves can we not just put the honest portrayals on screen and let the audience decide for themselves i urge all who continue to watch hollywood s purportedly true movies to do yourself the favor of always investigating for yourself and to never assume that what is on screen is even close to the truth"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21493": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "an extra is called upon to play a general in a movie about the russian revolution however he is not any ordinary extra he is serguis alexander former commanding general of the russia armies who is now being forced to relive the same scene which he suffered professional and personal tragedy in to satisfy the director who was once a revolutionist in russia and was humiliated by alexander it can now be the time for this broken man to finally win his penultimate battle this is one powerful movie with meticulous direction by von sternberg providing the greatest irony in alexander s character in every way he can jannings deserved his oscar for the role with a very moving performance playing the general at his peak and at his deepest valley powell lends a sinister support as the revenge minded director and brent is perfect in her role with her face and movements showing so much expression as jannings love all around brilliance rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21494": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "forest whitaker s performance is all the more impressive for making it almost worthwhile to sit through this dreck historical fiction does not justify changing history the absurdity begins from the ground up with the imaginary lead character played by james mcavoy to create a fictional observer for the purpose of giving the reader a point of connection in the book is regrettable regrettable that white people can t just read a book without a white protagonist to connect to but at least he was placed in a somewhat passive role making up a fake historical actor and crediting this fiction with exposing amin to the world is irresponsible lazy and stupid not making the actions of this creation believable or even sane is just criminal and has opened the door for movies like the one they re planning to make with leonardo dicaprio as a heroic enron whistleblower who never existed the logic of the world does not apply in this film where some scottish kid thinks its okay to sleep with the wife of a murderous dictator it doesn t apply where the wife of the dictator desires to sleep with some stupid scrawny irresponsible white boy for that matter everybody is lined up to sleep with this scrawny irresponsible arrogant white boy he even has gillian anderson licking her comely chops let me declare i do not like james mcavoy i m not sure what it is about him but i thought his mr tumnus in narnia was creepy and pervy i think that kerry washington would never look twice at him so i can t believe that the wife of a powerful dangerous man like amin would risk and lose her life for him i don t believe him as a doctor and i just don t see the appeal his character seems to have far more arrogance than would make sense and trying to make him look like a badass in shooting the cow was just there s that word again absurd think about it you are watching all of these characters bend themselves into knots in order to accommodate this unbelievable main character and there never was such a guy gillian anderson looks incredible and sounds more british than most brits whitaker gives a great expansive magnetic performance and highlighted with his incomprehensible pre oscar speeches just how much he was acting it s a shame the film around him had no reason to exist"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21495": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "thats my bush is first of all a very entertaining show by parker and stone i thought its often very very funny and its quite subversive and crazy south park fans would surely get something here another surprise is the production value here a lot of money must have been put into this and it shows a lot of expensive little details its not a little show and comedy central is not an extremely rich channel but they put a lot into this show obviously in a way i understand that was the death of the show as well though too costy it surely could have been done cheaper and went on the will was there the critics liked it and it had its little fanbase but it failed gaining a big audience as we know the show stopped after episodes which i guess is almost season as i really liked the show it has its faults the problem of the show is kind of that it doesn t know what it wants to be really its like it tries to be a sitcom and a parody of a sitcom at the same time the actors do a good job and some of them are well casted but in my opinion they seem to not always get the bizarre humor they re supposed to present i personally think that the show needed some characters that were more down to earth for the show to work in south park you have kyle and stan that are kind of a realistic touch in the more looney universe i think thats kind of what makes south park work you need some sane characters that you can relate to in a realistic way and that makes the insane stuff so much more interesting too because that forces you to take them seriously at some level if everything is archetypes and stereotypes its difficult to get emotionally included in the show which really is thats my bush biggest problem kyle and stan is characters in south park that makes sense of the insanity in the show we have nothing like that here and this show suffers from it another anchorpoint is parker and stones flirting with republicans its the only thing about them i don t really get what they re trying to do not portraying bush as nothing else than a dumb homer simpsons lovable kind of character is kind of subversive in a world where a lot of people that can t stand him and think he s the worst president since nixon and a parallel comedy world of letterman and so on that only satirizes his every move but its difficult to understand if parker and stone actually means anything by it its like the joke is on us but somehow it doesn t hit the mark it seems awkward because it doesn t remind you of the real bush at all besides that i actually thought the show was very enjoyable some of the jokes in here are hilarious the pro life supporter who was a surviving aborted fetus is probably one of my favorite jokes by them in any show and the show is packed with great material and is sometimes insanely funny if you use your head a little while watching it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21496": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film can be judged from three viewpoints as history as a profile of amin as a fictional thriller it fails as history it mentions in passing the coup that threw out obote the expulsion of the asians and has the entebbe hi jack as background but not in any chronologically consistent time frame as a profile of amin it may have been interesting because forest whitaker is incredibly good and if this was a better film he would get an oscar he got it which proves the oscar voters don t watch the films they vote on it ignores relevant historical episodes in the novel which observed amin and the history of uganda from the point of view of the doctor it tells instead the fictitious story of the scots doctor and his impossible love life from the point of view of amin but the story told is the one incident that amin was probably innocent of as a fictional thriller there is no plot to hold it together the beginning is taut it takes cinematic liberties with the novel but sets up the story the character of the doctor is well defined but becomes lost in the second half of the film which suffers as a result why the doctor decides to stay in kampala is badly explained seduced by power why he befriends no one is strange the character of the friend in the novel has been lost because the scotsman has the affair instead of the black doctor a ludicrous entanglement which does not seem even faintly believable but allows the writers of the film to show the ferocity of amin close at hand the man called horse bit at the end is risible finally in uganda drove on the left not right the number plates were three letters and two or three numbers and where are the equator tusks in short if you ve never heard of amin you may want to spend two hours watching this film to appreciate forest whitaker s acting but the last hour will bore you to confusion if you know uganda or have read the book don t see the film it will only depress you and if you want to know why the doctor was so foolhardy he wasn t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21497": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "that s my bush is a live action project made by south park creators trey parker and matt stone the show was cancelled after one season not because of bad reviews it actually got good reviews but because it was very expensive that s my bush is a pretty funny spoof of an average network tv sitcom it is also a political satire now this is nowhere near as good as south park but it is a very funny spoof of a sitcom and also a pretty good political satire the guy who plays in that s my bush looks a lot like him if you can find the show check it out there are plenty of laughs to be had"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21498": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "truly a disgusting vile film with only a small amount of real humour the character of the father in particular is vulgar in the extreme intentionally so obviously and portrayed in the most pathetic seedy manner my wife and i found this film horribly upsetting with absolutely no redeeming features at all frankly i wish i had never seen it i consider this british effort to be a sick and gross embarrassment those who enjoyed this film have an ability i totally lack that of rejoicing in a display of deep depravity and squalor the producers should be ashamed of themselves"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21499": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i finally watched these episodes in and i had to continually go back and verify when they were actually produced they are absolutely scary in that they made spot on fun of what would be the future either parker and stone lived in texas and witnessed the idiocy of gov bush or they are those weird eerie people that pay attention to things boo scary bush s frat bros invading the white house dressed as arabs wielding rifles bush accidentally executing someone no wait he did sort of do that as gov this may have seemed a failure as a sitcom at the time but must now be considered as brilliant if spooky prescience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21500": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "women they re all scrubbers no not a good translation not at all this lags behind the previous year s dad s army entirely missing the special small screen magic of the seminal television sitcom original and failing to play interestingly at all with the big screen you could just about say that this film well represents a britain entering decline and more precisely even than that a british film industry entering decline and that is hardly a recommendation is it to be an exemplar of saddening folly all that remains after the subtlety of the tv original has been surgically stripped away by cliff owen galton and simpson are endless dilapidated musical cues yawn from the ron grainer theme bolstered sentimentality that shoddy thick eared ending how much bolder does the second steptoe film seem in comparison an increased seediness with director and writers seemingly detaching themselves completely fully applicable to something like the misbegotten monstrosity yours truly on this site from the mutations there is a strangely botched cut adrift tone about the scene where harold is beaten up in a rugby club that i partly hate and recoil it so far as a friend intimated from the mood of the tv series but this at least seems an original slant and emblematic of tensions just rising to the boil in the britain of there is however an implied prostitute aye of a heart of gold who turns loose woman traitor pon poor auld arold and beyond caricature writing of the class element not to mention surprisingly misjudged performances from the usually redoubtable leads brambell and corbett collude with the script and indeed fail to cure it of an essential ham what would anthony aloysius hancock have made of it all i will merely concede that a few moments just about work chiefly those where g s play things a little more carefully and b c touch tenderer nerves and it is not on the whole an unwatchable affair but and oh how this pains me to say it it is tiresome boring both wilfully detached from reality and what made the tv series great and also fully in tune with the lazy tawdry misogynist fuck it that ll do actuality of much of what was allowed to pass for mainstream film making in the britain of the time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21501": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "zatoichi the outlaw was the first film made by its hero s shintaro katsu own production company this is perhaps why this is a slightly lesser entry in the series though it is by no means weak overall it tells of our hero coming across two towns rival bosses and a mysterious ronin helping the poor and from this set up spins a tale encompassing tragedy violence and no little interest all served up with lashings of the unshowy but inspired swordplay that is one of the series trademarks it is a fairly predictable plot and it mounts in unsurprising fashion but it zips along with style and is interesting stuff the helpful ronin for example is a nobly inscrutable revolutionary character upsetting the established order without being painted as a truly likable or heroic figure zatoichi himself makes one or two mistakes and causes harm by his actions whilst the ruling system fuels the exploitation of the poor its a harsh world with one or two more visceral than expected moments in the fighting though things aren t as rousing as they could be shintaro katsu turns in a typical bravura performance as zatoichi mixing wisdom deadly skill and worldliness with a subtly sad sense of vulnerability while solid work comes also from rentar mikuni and an effectively baleful k nishimura later to appear as katsu s superior snake magobei in the hanzo trilogy as the two main bosses in the film there is also a good emotional turn from yuko hamada as a wronged woman the film loses out through shaky pacing and a not so well constructed sequence of events there is at least one slightly jarring time jump and the power of the plot becomes a little lost meaning that when things heat up towards the end the film isn t as exciting as it could be emotional impact is lost also the action or scenes of zatoichi using his ingenious skills are well handled by director satsuo yamamoto though some of the gambling is less interesting and the film builds up in a workmanlike rather than really inspired way without the lively characters or strong verve of some other installments still i enjoyed this one it has its flaws and isn t one of the best of the series but it still packs a sweetly satisfying dose of entertainment a good story and decent doses of zatoichi s trademark ingenious and quirky cool recommended for fans of the series and a reasonable entry point classy stuff though not a true great"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21502": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "let me start by saying how much i love the tv series despite the tragic nature of a middle aged man seemingly unable to pursue his dreams because of his overbearing manipulative father it was incredibly light hearted and fun to watch in practice in my opinion it is without doubt one of the greatest british sitcoms of all time the tv series has my out of rating without reservation this movie spin off on the other hand is a true tragedy in every sense of the word hardly any of the essence of the tv show is transferred successfully onto film this movie has a very dreary depressing tone that almost moved me to tears on several occasions seeing harold being beaten up in a pub and not in a comical way is not my idea of comedy but is most definitely one reason why fans of the tv series will not like this movie the movie was painfully unfunny except for the scene where albert bathes in the sink and is seen by a neighbour the romance between harold and zita is completely out of tone and it makes me wonder whether the producers of this movie ever bothered to watch the tv series in the tv series harold always went after respectable girls not strippers albert s reactions to the remarks made against him by harold s girlfriends were absolutely priceless in the tv series in the movie albert says virtually nothing when such an opportunity rises most movie spin offs of british sitcoms tend to be quite dull with the notable exception of the on the buses films which in some respects were actually better than the tv series itself but steptoe and son has to rank right at the very bottom of the pile even below george and mildred my advice skip this one and see the second spin off steptoe and son ride again instead it has a much lighter tone is more faithful to the tv series and is actually very funny"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21503": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the oddest films of the zat ichi series due to its very unusual pacing and the role that ichi plays in the film interestingly enough this was the first zat ichi film made by shintaro katsu s new production company now instead of just playing the blind swordsman katsu is in charge of making the films this could easily explain why this film seems so different in style to the previous films as far as ichi s role the film is very different because he isn t in the film as much as usual he s also easy to fool and actually for a while does a lot to harm people instead of helping zat ichi r yaburi begins with ichi talking with an old lady who tries to take advantage of his blindness oddly in this scene ichi says that he s been blind since a toddler though in an earlier film he says his blindness set in when he was this is a minor mistake and only a crazed fan like myself would have noticed this film takes place over a period of at least six months and is more likely to have taken a year so you can see what i said about odd pacing most films in the series take place over a few days or weeks ichi comes to a town where there is a boss asagoro who tries very hard to be nice to ichi because he knows of the blind man s reputation the boss is quite charming and surprisingly ichi is totally taken in by the evil man at the same time he meets another boss shushui a sort of guru to the poor shushui admonishes the people to forsake all violence and even ichi falls under his teaching giving up his blade for many months shushui s teachings are very similar to daoist teachings from china non violence and acceptance of life as it is for good or for bad months after leaving this town and thinking all was well ichi learns that as soon as he left asagoro showed his true colors enslaving women oppressing the poor and being an all around jerk in a way ichi is responsible for this as he helped asagoro and counted him as a friend now asagoro has captured shushui and several innocent people have killed themselves due to the evil boss actions when ichi returns he doesn t accept automatically that asagoro is good or evil but tests him cleverly this bit with a scarecrow is inspired and leads to a finale where what else ichi kills the baddies and frees shushui this finale was very good and occurred in the rain then final scene with asagoro and the rocks is great though the beheading is a tad cheesy by today s special effects standards pluses for the film are that although poorly paced it is different and cannot be mistaken for the previous which often seem very similar additionally it does end very well minuses aside from pacing are that some might dislike seeing ichi so fallible and the scenes with ichi and the other blind men that are included for comic relief fall flat very very very flat they are tacky and unfunny that s the sort of flat that it is"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21504": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "despite the mysteriously positive reviews and high rating this is an awful movie awful enough that l feel obligated to warn you how bad it is the movie is set in the final period of the raj during the time of india s fight for independence what follows in the ridiculous plot just fills me with disbelief what the characters do and how they behave just does not persuade me that the characters exist in that era for instance would the young married hindu housemaid from the local village have an affair with her married englishman master knowing full well that discovery of the affair would likely mean utter social ostracization and shame if not mortal punishment unlikely but still maybe however would the same young hindu housemaid in the conservative society of india of that era carry on like a half naked britney spears in heat partake in hot outdoor sex during daylight in open view where they might be discovered at any moment that is not only bloody unlikely that is a retarded plot line such idiocies combined with the poor acting drove me to leave the cinema an hour into the movie so i did not watch the second half of the movie one could only hope the ending is of more intelligence than what i saw in the first half"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21505": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if this had been done earlier in the zatoichi series it could have been one of the best it is good enough as most of them are but the plot and the characters seem too complicated for the series at this point the situation is unusually intriguing the farmers in the province have two champions a benevolent boss for once and a philosopher samurai who starts a sort of grange both run afoul of the usual local gangsters who want the crops to fail because it increases their gambling revenues and their chances to snap up some land their chief or powerful ally is a seeming puritan who is death on drinking and gambling but secretly indulges his own perverse appetites he also resembles dracula as the villains in the later zatoichi movies tend increasingly to do these characters have enough meaning so that they deserved to be set against zatoichi as he was drawn originally but by now he has lost many of his nuances and the changes in some of the characters such as the good boss and the angry sister of a man zatoichi has killed need more time then the movie has to give so that the story seems choppy as if some scenes were missing other than that the movie shows the virtues of most of the others in the series good acting sometimes lyrical photography the creation of a vivid believable and uniquely recognizable landscape the absence of which is obvious in the occasional episode where the director just misses it and a technical quality that of its nature disguises itself the imaginatively varied use of limited sets so their limitations seem not to exist and of course there is the keynote actor whose presence as much as his performance makes it all work this must be one of the best sustained series in movie history"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21506": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie fails to offer anything new to a genre that has traditionally shown the cross cultural love story underpinned by the politics mid th century pre wwii india where the british and their modern ways are bad and the primitive but honest and true indians are good surely such clich d depictions of the british are rather pass now apart from the drama that fuels the second part of the movie the narrative is predictable the acting is pedestrian and two dimensional and the directing obvious and unimaginative the story really needed to be fleshed out and would certainly have benefited from another half an hour of screen time to give the characters and narrative more depth and give the viewer something to feel some investment in all in all rather uninspiring oh and linus roache just cannot do tragedy going cross eyed with emotional pain just doesn t work for me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21507": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "an absorbing although repetitive and rather didactic analysis of exploitation and despair in a situation where there is no way forward or up where the attempts to make yourself feel better by violating and putting down whoever is below you seems to be the only option but even here in this desolate wasteland of lost dreams and no future that does not work and reaching out to something or someone to comfort and share with a simple act of charity gives some reward even if it just makes the present bearable by reviving memories of the past although there is little actual on screen violence this is a harsh and brutal film about the small mindedness of oppression politically and personally that does not make for easy entertainment clearly based on a play with a small cast a broader more expansive relation to the general social and political environment would possibly have helped the film to reach a wider audience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21508": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is not michael madsen s fault he was hardly in it this movie was just awful if you want to laugh and be bored go ahead and watch this movie words cannot describe how idiotic it is sorry michael the cinematography was dark all the other actors are unknowns when watching it it feels like a soft porn but with no nudity or heated scenes this movie had sexual overtones since it is about a underground s m killer the acting was bad except michael madsen s parts he looked like he wanted to laugh i hope he got paid well for this lousy movie it is something i would not be proud of it is not even a b movie for cable it is more like a f and it should never be shown ever"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21509": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the matador is a witty dark humored and suspenseful melodrama that rises way above mediocrity thanks to two very engaging and earnest performances from pierce brosnan who has never ever been better than here and the always reliable greg kinnear who has his best role here since playing jack nicholson s gay neighbor in as good as it gets a big plus goes to the writing as well clever and occasionally very nasty dialog is delivered with gusto by brosnan and the slow building friendship between these two different individuals is completely convincing all the way the story takes a few unexpected turns and keeps the viewer constantly guessing where it s gonna go next nice artistic touches from the director such as good use of music clever editing and somewhat unorthodox cinematography at times set a nice tone for the film and for a long period of time you don t quite know how to label the film but that s also thanks to a very well written script which keeps the viewer me anyway on the edge of his seat"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21510": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok let me again admit that i haven t seen any other merchant ivory the distributor films nor have i seen more celebrated works by the director so my capacity to discuss before the rains outside of analysis of the film itself is mitigated with that admittance let me begin before the rains is a different kind of movie that doesn t know which genre it wants to be at first it pretends to be a romance in most romances the protagonist falls in love with a supporting character is separated from the supporting character and is sometimes united with his or her partner this movie s hero has already won the heart of his lover but cannot be with her his name is henry moores and her name is sajani and they reside in southern india during the waning days of the raj british imperial rule henry has been away from london for a long time and has fallen in love with his married indian maid despite his legal marriage and child overseas what could be better than that they often sneak away for intimate afternoons until some children notice them word spreads to sajani s husband who questions her involvement with moores she denies any contact with him but moores asks her to leave the area sajani refuses because of her devotion to him and commits suicide please take note that these events occur in the opening third of the film the film changes tone and becomes a crime drama in its final portions sajani s body is discovered right as moores family comes to visit the alleged perpetrator is moores s english educated assistant t k t k knows of his master s affair but keeps silent until his life becomes threatened once he is declared innocent he attempts to regain his honor by killing moores t k is too squeamish and leaves him in a dirt path as the rains fall i want to warn you this isn t a romance film the dvd cover and theatrical posters show an indian woman and caucasian man embracing in an idealized tropic setting this image is captured directly from the film s opening but quickly disappears then it s over it seems like an effort to capitalize on western fixation on forbidden love it isn t effective at all not only is the movie not a romance but its characters lack any personality they are bundles of walking clich s moores is an arrogant white man who doesn t recognize his indian friend t k s intelligence t k is torn between his own heritage and his educative background sajani is a woman incapable of having a choice in her romantic life oh and of course moores family is inquisitive into sajani s death but still slightly racist to indians if the tone wasn t so serious i would be willing to overlook these problems but it isn t the film is presented with a didactic overtone which highlights its poor character development no this film isn t terrible other than the laughable screenplay it isn t poor the actors are all experienced and perform well here nandita das who plays sajani was part of wonderful indian drama water even director sivan has an impressive resume he recently oversaw the terrorist which is part of roger ebert s great movies collection what happened here why is this movie so bad well sivan mentioned how he was inspired to direct this film because of a short he viewed in israel called red roofs apparently the story was timeless and sivan sought to create a similar experience set in s india i don t have any problem with that approach but i think sivan may have been too motivated this time the actors cinematography and set design are acceptable but unless you share sivan s aura you ll probably not enjoy it my recommendation is that you presume you aren t in accordance with him and watch something else final consensus and out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21511": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s always nice to see angela bassett getting to do a role that she can really sink her teeth into she is at times intense funny and even sexy in her role as lena a colored woman forced to make a home on a desolate mudbank just outside of cape town south africa danny glover is also good in a not entirely sympathetic role as her partner boesman willie jonah gives a finely nuanced performance as the stranger that discovers boesman and lena s new living area it s not often that you get a chance to see an intelligent film dealing with mature themes although it is based on a play the late director john berry who also directed claudine opens the material up by having the film shot in the widescreen cinemascope format he also keeps things visually interesting through the creative blocking of actors and by showing us things only mentioned in the play just like diahann carroll in claudine john berry may have directed angela bassett into an academy award nomination this is definitely a film worth searching for"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21512": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "although the actors do a convincing job playing the losers that parade across the screen the fact that these characters are impossible to identify with had me looking at my watch a mere minutes into the film and more than once after that the plot development is disjointed and slow the verbal diarrhoea of the main character s only friend is practically insufferable the base quality of most of the characters actions and the cavalier way in which they are treating is annoying it is typical of ventura pons to put forth crass psychologically handicapped characters however this faux sociological analysis is a big step down from caricias or caresses where the characters maltreat and despise each other for well founded reasons that play out during that film in amor idiota we are forced to follow the meanderings of a truly subnormal intelligence as he stalks a severely depressed and detached woman supposedly this is due to his own depression but the script doesn t support that i won t give away the rest of the story just in case there are any masochists out there is he cured through his obsession or is the woman shocked out of her own depression through his unwavering attention even though i watched the whole thing i wasn t made to care even for a moment about either of them if you can sit through all this prejudice ignorance betrayal bad dialogue flimsy philosophy etc the camera work was pretty good and seems to be something inspired by the dogma group the makeup also seemed to aim at showing these players in a raw and gritty light as it is the worst i ve seen cayetana guillen cuervo in any of her movies while in person she is actually attractive i suppose if the idea is that we should be forced to see the lower strata of society so we can be grateful we are not part of it then pons has achieved his objective the barrage of nearly identical sex scenes was a proper waste of film if the actors had been filmed but once in blue green clothing the background behind them could have been changed in the special effects studio for a pittance true that i heard much of the male audience squirm in their seats during this but an objective viewing proves that was not the real aim of those scenes save yourselves and watch something else"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21513": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "] haven t seen this film haven t even heard of this film it wouldn t surprise me one of the few truly independent films produced in the last ten years no studio had faith in the picture and it was never picked up for major distribution the independent company kino films gave boesman and lena a very limited run with virtually no promotion and the majority of major film critics didn t even bother reviewing it i guess a movie based on a one act one set play about the apartheid and its affect on two individuals never really had a chance in today s market and it s the intelligent film lover s loss for the record both angela bassett and danny glover deserved ocsar nominations as did the cinematographer but the film received such little fanfare that i can t even blame the academy on that one this is a film that is challenging thought provoking and heartbreaking and it actually requires the audience to meet it on it s own terms taking that into consideration it is definitely not a movie for mindless entertainment director john berry wisely does not attempt to dress up athol fugard s play sure we re given a few fractured flashbacks and some breathtaking scenic shots but the film version of boesman and lena remains on the whole a story of two people living in inhumane conditions stripped of their basic human rights boesman glover and lena bassett have no one left to attack but each other a third character joins them for awhile willie jonah amazing in a largely silent role but the film s focus never strays from the title characters and what they ve become bassett and glover give brave performances as the broken couple performances that simply could not be improved upon vigorously and brutally stimulating both intellectually and emotionally boesman and lena deserves to be rediscovered of home video hands down the best film of the year"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21514": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "leave it to geniuses like ventura pons the spanish director to convince the higher ups in his country to subsidize this misguided attempt of a film the sad state of the film industry in that country is a product of trying to make a film out of such thin material most of the pictures that are made in spain fall under two categories those about the spanish civil war that love to present past history as the writers deem fit the other type of films show the viewer with a lot of gratuitous sex because the creators don t have anything interest to say as the film opens we get to watch pere s penis as he attempts to cut it off and place it in one of the platters at a party later on sandra will show all she has been given for the audience to admire the story of pere s attraction to sandra a married woman that seems to be happily married is false from the start our only interest in watching the film centered on an earlier better made picture by mr pons amic amat but alas it has nothing to do with the mess we are punished to watch in this venture as far as the comments submitted in imdb all the negative votes come from spanish viewers which speaks volumes coming from them"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21515": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i did not read anything about the film before i watched it by chance last saturday evening and then as i was watching it i felt the misery of lena and boesman into my bones i was so captivated by the acting and the tone and the filming that i listened only partially to the dialogues my husband fell asleep soon after we went to bed and i was sleepless under the impact of the film i wanted to wake him up just to say if i would ever vote for an oscar nomination it would be for these two actors i decided to wait until the next day then i read more about the film on imdb and was sad to learn that mr berry died before the release of the film and that he had probably never seen the last version of his brilliant masterpiece i still want to tell him that to me his film was a true independent film in its concept and spirit the actors are to be praised not only for their brilliant performance but for accepting a part with no shine no showing off well to the contrary displaying the true image of human depression sad but poignant"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21516": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "pere is an idiot but he is aware about it and acts in consequence his life is totally boring and he doesn t know how to change it when his last friend nicco dies he feels totally empty and he decides to go out to become drunk when he is returning home he crashes with a girl that puts advertisements although she ignores him he fells in love and starts to follow her obsessively well the beginning of the film is a bit slow and can result boring for most people however as action begins it is a little better not much maybe the best part is the minutes of sex almost different scenes about it that you can see in the middle of the movie it is not good for the erothism but for the funny and unexpected that is the scene probably it is the best of the film neither the actors nor the directing is good and the results is a boring film that that can result funny for some people not for me all the film is based on absurd situations idiot as the film says that have anything interesting i like ventura pons but i have to admit that this is not one of his best films maybe his worst he knows to do it better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21517": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the acting in this movie was superb but mixed with the truth about the condition of many africans in south africa made it heart wrenching it was good that the writer isolated boesman and lena from others run from their homes so we could share fully in their triumphs and defeats the conflicts they shared as they grew together and apart worth seeing when you put the movie in it s proper context"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21518": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie displayed more racial hatred of jews by david mamet than i have have ever encountered in an american film the sterotypes are so over the top that my ability to continue watching died i was so disappointed at joe mantegna calling a bunch of men sitting in a new york jewish center cleaning weapons heros that common sense prevailed and i stopped i am deeply disturbed at the concept that jews are not americans and different i suggest that mr mamet is one of the causes of hatred not a healer of same"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21519": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have always been a fan of the show so i ll admit that i am biased when the show s run ended i felt like too many questions remained unanswered this movie to me felt like closure to see all the people i d followed over the past few years together at last was most rewarding i have heard that this is probably the only homicide movie that we can expect if that is so this is the appropriate way to go out this movie is sometimes poignant sometimes upsetting but always satisfying if you are or ever have been a fan of the show watch this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21520": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "very disappointing film by the end i no longer cared for any of the characters i did enjoy seeing ving rhames in a very small part and william macy was good as always still not worth watching it starts out strong and just keeps getting weaker and weaker insomniacs will like it as i am sure it will put them to sleep"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21521": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "although there were a few rough spots and some plot lines that weren t exactly true to character this was classic h lots the characters outside of mike giardello giancarlo esposito were true to form and the reunion scenes of pembleton andre braugher and bayliss kyle secor were as deep and well acted as anything ever to grace the small screen homicide the movie aka life everlasting is a fan flick but stands on its own as well as any hour episode of the series fontana overmeyer and yoshimura did a wonderful job in pulling loose ends from seasons and every major cast member of the best damn show on television together for the series finale that nbc never bothered to give it true to homicide form there were no happy endings such is life that s what has always set this show apart from the mindless cookie cutter cop shows left on television kudos to the writers and the cast for creating something over the span of the series and in the movie that challenged television viewers and producers alike i call myself a homicidal maniac if for no other reason than to keep my co workers in a cooperative mood"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21522": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "david mamet is a very interesting and a very un equal director his first movie house of games was the one i liked best and it set a series of films with characters whose perspective of life changes as they get into complicated situations and so does the perspective of the viewer so is homicide which from the title tries to set the mind of the viewer to the usual crime drama the principal characters are two cops one jewish and one irish who deal with a racially charged area the murder of an old jewish shop owner who proves to be an ancient veteran of the israeli independence war triggers the jewish identity in the mind and heart of the jewish detective this is were the flaws of the film are the more obvious the process of awakening is theatrical and hard to believe the group of jewish militants is operatic and the way the detective eventually walks to the final violent confrontation is pathetic the end of the film itself is mamet like smart but disappoints from a human emotional perspective joe mantegna and william macy give strong performances but the flaws of the story are too evident to be easily compensated"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21523": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "not only was this movie better than all the final season of h lots but it was better than any movie made for tv i have ever seen looking at the top i see that only one small screen movie has made it how the grinch stole christmas i think it is time to increase that group to i will admit that the original series had several shows that were better than this but i didn t mind i just loved being able to enter the world of the baltimore homicide squad again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21524": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as a big fan of david mamet s films and plays especially his first film house of games that also starred joe mantegna i was expecting great things from this film instead i found myself annoyed by the film s superficiality and lack of credibility racial slurs are thrown about without any feeling or meaning behind them in the hopes of setting up a racial tension that for me never materialized identity is totally reevaluated and men become heroes for no apparent reason because of his oaths taken as a cop the lead character adamantly refuses to perform one relatively small action that would harm no one and could possibly save lives and yet performs another action which is very violent and very illegal but then still refuses the minor action in addition a highly unbelievable subplot involving a man who has killed his family is introduced just for the sake of a plot point that was all but advertised with skywriting and the cop s reaction to that occurrence stretch credulity way beyond all reasonable limits needless to say after expecting another exciting thriller from david mamet i was extremely disappointed to say the least out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21525": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "spoilers spoilers well seeing as i am a major h lots fan maybe i liked the movie more than normal people would however this movie is still excellent it had tons of surprises and it gave some more closure to the series while i was sad that bayliss turned into a murderer the overall feeling i felt was satisfied"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21526": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i suppose bad laurel and hardy is better than no laurel and hardy at all but just barely it s sad that the fox films are the ones getting a big release on dvd exposing people who may not be too familiar with l h to their worst stuff rather than their classic comedies once again the boys are saddled with a dumb romantic plot about a guy who s invented an invisible ray he s in love with the bosses daughter who hates him and prefers some slick guy it s incredible to think the geniuses at fox thought this is what l h needed in their films without their pancake makeup the boys look tired and old the only scenes that work for them in this picture is when they try to sneak out of a bedroom window at night and the rather bizarre scene where robert mitchum being a classic noir bad guy tries to sell oliver hardy insurance on stan otherwise this script is just a mess forget this and see if you can find a copy of a chump at oxford or bohemian girl or sons of the desert instead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21527": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "hlots was an outstanding series its what nypd blue will never be on hlots the plots are real the dialog is real the relationships are real with hlots back as a movie tying up all the loose ends it was good to have all the gang back together even a few that passed away show up wont say how the storyline was fast paced emotional and full of the spirit the series had week in and week out homicide life on the streets network drama at its best stars thumbs up and all that thanks nbc for giving us the finally we didn t get"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21528": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can understand after watching this again for the first time in many years how it is considered one of the worst laurel hardy s for me it isn t as close to as bad as air raid wardens and the bullfighters but there are some definite huge flaws in it the film is set up to show laurel and hardy as the owners and instructors of the dance studio hardy is funny as the prancing lead of a london bridge dance surrounded by th century fox starlets while in the next room laurel teaches the beginners ballet while wearing a ballerina outfit a clumsy carpenter spills glue on the floor leading to a predicable gag where hardy ends up the looser then in come the racketeers now selling insurance covering up their protection racket one of them is a very young and handsome robert mitchum but no sooner do they bully the boys into buying insurance they are arrested this is the end of the gangsters and the last time we see the dance studio the rest of the film is devoted to laurel and hardy s support of wealthy patron trudy marshall and her inventor boyfriend robert bailey they first try to help them hide their relationship from her disapproving parents matt briggs and margaret dumont and hopeful suitor allan lane whom we can tell right off is a no good swine this leads to briggs hidden bar being revealed to tea totaling dumont and a gag where a rug is literally pulled out from the wealthy patriarch which crashes his bed into a pond below when bailey uses the boys to help display his ray gun pandemonium ensues the dead pan butler announces to case and dumont that their house is on fire later hardy wants to use the insurance policy to gain money to pay their dance studio rent and hopes to get laurel to break a leg to do so there is no reference to the fact that the insurance salesmen were gangsters and that the policy would probably be invalid even if they were to have become legitimate insurance salesman after being arrested their licenses would have been revoked laurel ends up getting off a bus which had been abandoned by the driver over a supposedly rabid dog only a frosting covered cake devouring toto look alike or possibly the actual pooch causing oliver to end up on a huge beach roller coaster that somehow the bus has ended up on perfectly fitting its wheels onto the tracks roller coaster gags can be exciting as evidenced in abbott and costello go to hollywood and this one is amusing but anticlimactic as the story wraps up all of these gags seem to have no point giving the impression that this was simply a series of one reelers put together to make a full length feature hopefully part of a double bill l h as i ve mentioned in other reviews of their later films had lost much of their luster after leaving hal roach s employ but surprisingly here they do not come off as old and tired looking as they had in films made in the same year had the gags not been as amusing as was the case with some of their other films this surely would have ranked a as opposed to a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21529": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "for all the homicide junkies out there this movie was great every single character that ever was on the show made an appearance in the movie it helped to resolve some but not all issues from the series unfortunately unless you actually did watch the series most of the enjoyment would be lost as the movie made heavy references to every season of the show s existence this probably would have been appropriate as a series finale as opposed to being a separate movie but we gotta take what we can get i hope they make more movies and continue to feature homicide characters on law and order"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21530": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a bdsm sub culture of los angeles serves as backdrop for this low budget and shabbily constructed mess plainly a vanity piece for its top billed player celia xavier who also produces and scripts while performing a dual role as twin sisters vanessa and celia a question soon develops as to whether or not some rather immoderate camera lighting and editing pyrotechnics can ever reach a point of connection to a weak and often incoherent narrative that will not be taken seriously by a sensate viewer celia is employed as a highly motivated probation officer for the county of los angeles while her evil natured twin has become an iconic figure within her fetishistic world largely because of erotic performances upon cd roms but when disaster befalls mistress vanessa virtuous celia determined to unearth her sister s vicious attacker begins a new job as a sex slave at the private castle club where the specialty of the house is a dungeon party two fbi field agents whose deployment to the vanessa case is ostensibly required due to her involvement with internet bdsm sites in addition to a los angeles police department homicide detective are assigned to investigate the crime while endeavouring to provide security for celia whose enthusiastic performance in her new vocation is avidly enough regarded by her customers as to have created conditions of personal danger for her flaws in logic and continuity abound such as a homicide being allocated to l a p d s operations south bureau a region of the metropolis that is far removed from the setting of the film direction is unfocused and not aided by erratic post production editing and sound reproduction the mentioned photographic gymnastics culminate with a batty montage near the movie s end of prior footage that is but tangentially referent to the scenario one solid acting turn appears among this slag stan abe as a zealous fbi agent"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21531": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "not to mention easily pierce brosnon s best performance of course greg kinnear is always great really when has he really been bad i think this film is incredibly underrated the use of colors in this movie is something very different in today s film world where every other movie has the payback blue filter i also love the way they used the song by asia proving that even what was once thought of as kinda cheesy can be really cool placed correctly i was making my first feature when this came out being that my film was a hit man movie i had to check out anything in the genre that was released after seeing it i m sure it had some effect on me through the process it was pretty cool when my film got on the imdb that it would recommend this film if you liked mine how any of the others relate i have no idea making an even more interesting coincidence http www imdb com title tt"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21532": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "for those fans of laurel and hardy the s and beyond were a very sad time for the team their contracts with hal roach studios had expired and now they were free agents able to work for any studio who offered them a job unfortunately fox rko mgm without roach and even a french film company who hired the boys had absolutely no touch for their comedic talents plus stan and ollie were a lot older and seeing these geriatric men taking pratfalls seemed sad not particularly funny stan looked very ragged and ollie s weight had ballooned up to the point where he could barely walk and so it made me feel uncomfortable laughing at their very very sedate antics in addition to their age this particular film suffers because fox studios oddly cast them in a supporting role and created a parallel plot involving a young couple something that reduced their time on screen and turned them into insipid hangers on instead of just being themselves a cute and cuddly stan and ollie is very foreign to the old laurel and hardy of the s and s and just seemed awfully strange and suited them poorly now even with their age this could have been a decent movie if it had been given decent writing and if it appeared the studio cared and it s quite obvious they were using the b unit here with at best second class support in particular there are very few laughs and the last minutes of the film is simply dreadful relying exclusively on a sloppy rear projected screen for the stupid chase scene which might just rank as one of the worst of its kind in film history for mind numbed zombie lovers of laurel and hardy it s probably a film they will love but for lovers of the team who are willing to honestly evaluate this film relative to their amazing earlier films it simply comes up wanting indeed in fact of all their full length films pre i can t think of one i liked less than dancing masters unfortunately of the post films this might just be one of their better ones sadly it got a lot worse with wretched films like the big noise and nothing but trouble i just wish the boys had just retired after saps at sea finally i wonder if all the generally positive reviews for this film on imdb might reflect the reviewers love of the team more than it s an indication that this is a good film for an audience who are not already in love with the team i don t know how this film will do anything but bore the audience it certainly won t convince anyone that laurel and hardy were comedic geniuses but even comedic geniuses need material worthy of their talents"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21533": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is the final episode we deserved at the end of the last season things were left in a life goes on mood which was hardly the wrap up that this realistic series deserved while not a happy show this series was always one that made you think a rare thing on television and this is no exception is death justified by reasoning are morals reflective of society or is society shaped by the morals that are selected by the few in power what is a just death and can it exist all of these questions and more are posed by the writers of this show every week and this is their final thesis fine acting great writing wonderful camera work brilliant editing clean direction if you have seen the series and you missed this when it first ran then get a hold on a copy somehow if you never watched the series when it ran then this will stand up on its own but it may be heavy going trying to keep up with who all the characters are and what they are alluding to in their varied pasts for those of us who were avid viewers of the series in the last two seasons this is very satisfying viewing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21534": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was long and boring surprising that it was selected for cannes although they tend to like pretentiousness point is that contrary to other dutch stars of the arty genre like kerkhof and kruishoop guernsey feels utterly empty even more so it has no cinematic quality whatsoever a long opening shot doesn t mean cinematic depth it s just a long boring shot the story wasn t interesting and the characters had problems i couldn t identify with at all the actors didn t shine under her direction and seemed lost at times leopold tried but she is not the talent i hoped she would be where are kerkhof and kruishoop they really made some waves in dutch cinema leopold just made another attempt"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21535": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "for anyone who liked the series this movie will be something to watch however it also leaves you wanting more i loved the way that every character detective made an appearance least with the ending of who is the fourth chair for they leave a reason for another movie my guess is bayless of course this like the series was a very well put together series of scenes this is a series i wish had lived on thanks to the cast for some wonderful tv"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21536": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "guernsey maria kraakman belgium netherlands the mousy maria kraakman plays anna a woman in her thirties who finds out her husband fedja van huet is cheating on her but she doesn t dare to confront him she painfully avoids any confrontation with human beings her parents as well as her sister so we have a main character in a feature film that doesn t do much at all we barely know anything about her background or her motivations just a woman who seems to be stuck in a blind alley not just during this difficult episode of her life she obviously suffers from something but why do we in the audience have to suffer as well i almost gave up on cinema after seeing this unwatchable mess these were a very dull and painful minutes normally i try to avoid wasting energy on bad film making i ll take the beating and roll with the punches but in this case a fair warning is in place how on earth did nanouk leopold get funding in large part from publicly financed funds for this turkey obviously there was no script to speak off it could be compensated by an ingenious filmmaker with cinematographic ideas or a cast with only a little more appeal none whatsoever just a vaguely defined concept i want to do something from a woman s point of view the result is an insult rather than a tribute to a female perspective on life to make things worse there s not an interesting shot to be found in the entire film i cannot think of a cast who could have spiced this one up but johanna ter steege is a small light in the dark if possible with this dire lack of material i m trying to imagine how leopold tried directing maria kraakman maria look at the horizon we ll film you for three minutes just express sadness a perfect cure for insomnia get a copy and watch this late at night guaranteed too put you to sleep camera obscura"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21537": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie was excellent save for some of the scenes with esposito i enjoyed how it brought together every detective on the series and wrapped up some plotlines that were never resolved during the series thanks to nbc it was great to see pembleton and bayliss together at their most human and most basic persons braugher and secor did a great job but as usual will get overlooked it hurt to see that this was the end of homicide memories tapes and reruns on courttv just aren t the same as watching it come on every friday but the movie did its job and did it very well presenting a great depiction of life after al retired and the family relationship that existed between the unit i enjoyed this a lot"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21538": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "anna lives with her family in a new housing estate just outside the city she has been with her husband sebastiaan for years and they don t talk so much anymore while on a working visit abroad a female colleague commits suicide anna is deeply impressed by her death even though she hardly knew her nobody seems to know why she took her own life for the first time anna realizes that one can be an unknown among your most dearest anna doesn t mention the incident back home and starts observing her husband and child guernsey is the story of a woman who suddenly starts looking at her own life and she wonders how she got so drifted apart from the people closest to her this is my translation of the dvd cover text synopsis i hope you find it useful as this movie doesn t have an imdb plot summary yet at this date"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21539": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my favourite police series of all time turns to a tv film does it work yes gee runs for mayor and gets shot the homicide hall of fame turns up pembleton and nearly all of the cops who ever played in this series a lot of flashbacks helps you who hasn t seen the tv series but it amuses the fans too the last five minutes solves another murder and at the very end even two of the dead cops turn up and a short appearance from my favourite coroner juliana cox this is a good film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21540": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film uses all art house clich s slow pace long static shots minimal amount of dialog to try to hide the fact that there really is nothing worth watching here there is no plot to speak of the characters are dreary female lead or clich tersteeghe s character and they do not ever talk to each other about anything that concerns their rather uneventful lives the film is centered around a woman who finds out about her husbands adultery instead of confronting him she half heartedly takes revenge by committing adultery herself after a fight and a reconciliation with her sister who knew about the adultery without telling her she asks her husband to stop cheating on her they seem to be re united as a family two other story lines the planned move of the woman s elderly father with his young wife to guernsey and the rivalry with the woman s sister do not offer any interesting developments the suicide of a colleague of the woman that seems to set off events in the film is not a subject in itself for or any other year for that matter this is not enough to make an interesting film moreover what little possibilities for dramatic development there are in the script are not used or are consciously avoided as when both the woman and her sister mark a particular piece of furniture from their fathers house which is going to be sold because of his planned move both sisters want this particular piece and given their rivalry in the past over much more important things than furniture men this could in theory lead to a confrontation or the matter could be resolved by one sister giving way to the other either way this would not be a very interesting or original development of the story but at least it would constitute some development the film clearly sets this situation up with both sisters looking intently at each other during the marking and one sister having mentioned she does not want to draw straws but it cheats us out of any resolution the scene simply ends and how this in itself rather dreary and materialistic issue is solved is not shown although almost completely absent the dialog that is in the film is excruciatingly flat and tepid for example when during a visit to guernsey the sisters address their rivalry it is in a three line dialog that has a childish yes it is no it isn t ring to it the fight and reconciliation scene with the sisters is completely without dialog giving a highly artificial overly stylised and unrealistic impression and considerably reducing its impact the way the woman finally finally addresses her husbands adultery in a single line of dialog has to be seen to be believed and is at the same time completely unbelievable the husband does not seem to have any noticeable reaction or if he has any it is not shown the woman does not mention her own adultery to her husband the scene showing the woman husband and their young son asleep on an airliner watched by the sister is possibly meant as a happy end but the way the characters addressed the issues of their lives in what went before makes this unlikely because of its slow pace uninteresting story leaden direction and absurd lack of dialog i found this film an example of everything that can be wrong with an art house movie and a complete waste of time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21541": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "following a roughly year rocky road on nbc it was decided to do just one last super installment the series had been on the bubble several times thanks to not having the numbers that would qualify it as a block buster of a tv hour it had always had a sizable hard core of hard corps of followers it was almost as if the series with the full title of homicide life on the street was a sort of mr in between of series it was too big to just cancel but too small to get a case of rabid ratings ravings over during the precarious tenure on friday evenings they had presented some of the best and most daringly artistic of hourly dramas there i ve said it artistic artistic but please remember we mean artistic but not just phony pretentious pedantic politically correct preaching when at last it was a sure thing that it was the end of the line for homicide this super episode was prepared as this hour made for tv movie looking at all the past seasons happenings and parade of regular characters the production team went out and gave us what proved to be a super send off our story as we join the story we find that baltimore homicide unit commanding officer lt al giardello has pulled the pin retired from the job that is but g isn t ready to really retire retire yet so instead of a rocking chair o a fishing rod we find that al is running for mayor of charm city while out in the city making some campaign stops and speeches the former detective lieutenant takes an assassin s bullet alive but in a comatose state he is taken to the hospital news spreads quickly and as if officially summoned we find all of the detectives of the baltimore unit we ve seen on the show showing up to offer their services and assistance there is a great meeting of all of these former and present gumshoes as they pitch in and follow every lead and possibility of a lead the producer found a way to deal with those who had died previously in bringing their memory into the story they managed to answer some long standing questions and even introduced some here to unrevealed ones the whole story winds up the series in a most satisfying and original way but at least for now we ll leave that as classified in wrapping up everything into a neat little package this tv movie surely gets our endorsement as for grading the homicide movie we must give it an a or a even but no matter the grade here it didn t score as high as a typical weekly episode"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21542": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "for me every piece of art is to be judged by these criteria form function and meaning guernsey seems to be dedicated to forms nice shots and sometimes interesting acting the long close ups suggest a function that the viewer may fill in by himself because of lacking texts the story becomes a quiz an introvert person suggests to have depth but sometimes it turns out he has nothing to say this film acts like an introvert person if you have not read the synopsis you cannot see that it was the suicide and the unanswered question why that changes anna s view on life and makes her suspicious why don t you speak to me asks sebastiaan anna doesn t answer she only starts looking a long time at him without saying a word what is the function of that shot what does it mean my question is like sebastiaans what has this film to say what is meant by this movie the answer for me it shows us a handful of persons with the passion of a glass of water the story of their lives is simple and boring motives behind their actions are not shown the rest is skins residences landscapes nice and artistic done but meaningless without having disposal of instructions for use in my opinion this film is made for fellow artists not for the common viewer"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21543": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "homicide the movie proved to be a good wrap up to a well written well directed and well acted series loose ends were tied up that weren t properly addressed at the end of the final season the entire series and especially the movie provided a life like look at life and death in baltimore a culturally unique city with an extremely high murder rate my attraction to the series began long before i moved to baltimore but once i experienced life here for myself i realized how realistic it was and the movie certainly retained that spirit i will certainly miss new original episodes of the series but am very grateful to nbc and the producers and cast for giving us one last glimpse at the dark side of charm city"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21544": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "definitely the worst movie i have ever seen can somebody tell me where should have i laughed there s not a single hint or shadow of an idea the three leading actors are pestilential especially the one i think it s aldo from sicily who _can t_ make a sicilian accent not to say about the dream like insertion about dracula just another expedient drawn from the worst cabaret tradition to make this film last a little longer massironi and littizzetto do what they can but this so called movie was really too too hard to rescue i would have given it but the lowest mark was and so i had to overestimate it by one mark"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21545": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what can i say an excellent end to an excellent series it never quite got the exposure it deserved in asia but by far the best cop show with the best writing and the best cast on televison ever the end of a great era sorry to see you go"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1]}, "21546": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i don t know what i missed here but i can t believe all these positive comments by so many people on this film i thought it was silly and a bit over the top i did like the performances of gregg henry and michael rooker however the others were just boring now i like b movies i really do but this was a bit further down the alphabet for me i saw someone compare the humor and horror in this to army of darkness and shaun of the dead as well as on par with the re animator you must be joking i didn t find this film funny it tried it did make an effort possibly too much of an effort but it failed in my opinion by the time i was hit with the rd or th one liner i was rolling my eyes and checking my watch there were definitely homages made to several other films which is always cool kind of like an inside joke for us horror fans but here it may have just been a lack of original thought admittedly there were some nice special effects good gore but that can t carry an entire movie the mutated grant looked like a cross between jabba the hut and in the early stages of mutation chet from weird science after he was turned into the monster and one of the alien creature children from the explorers it just didn t work i thought it looked like something some kid from grade art class could have designed then there was brenda the woman that grant impregnated and chained up in the barn when help finally arrived she looked like a giant tick waiting to be popped the design once again was totally unimaginative a round flesh colored balloon with a face in the middle yawn now about the zombies the more movies i see with zombies in them these days the more i wish george a romero had a patent on them and was the only writer director allowed to make movies about them he s the only person so far to do it right with the exception of edgar wright and simon pegg but that was a comedy oh and danny boyle but they were a different style of zombie maybe mr romero has ruined any zombie film for me due to his ingenious ability to get his actors to moan groan and shamble about as if their joints are dried up and lacking even a drop of synovial fluid and their muscles are fighting the effects caused by rigor mortis that had started to set in right before they were re animated the people of wheelsy just didn t have the proper motivation they were horrible zombies so in the end i give slither a for a couple of laughs and a few nice gore scenes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21547": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in all truth this really isn t a movie so much as an extended final episode by this i mean that had you not followed the tv series homicide life on the street i suspect that you would have a hard time following this made for tv movie having said that homicide the movie is still a great watch i think it says a lot about a television production that every single cast member would return many after years of absence to once again portray their characters and bring closure to an incredible program the movie brings out that sense of family not only amongst the characters but amongst the actors as well it s all very bitter sweet knowing that this will be the last time we will see them all together again under the title of homicide story wise i found this film somewhat lacking giardello s mayoral candidacy seems particularly contrived and i felt his shooting could ve been dealt with within the parameters of his regular position as leiutenant also det bayliss s extreme plot twist which was left hanging at series end is finally resolved but i for one never felt that it needed to be i enjoyed being left with a mystery let us recall that the very first episode s first case also went unsolved for the entire series run as a devoted fan of the tv series i can love this movie and the fact that it even got made after h lots had been canceled but i would not recommend it to anyone who hasn t had the slightest exposure to the series now if they d just release it on dvd"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21548": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "slither is a horror comedy that doesn t really have enough horror or comedy to qualify as one or the other it has one scene that is exceptionally good any number of zingers that work but very few real scares and not enough humor to maintain the movie in addition the script does not focus on the hero and heroine and goes off kilter in several places a major failing of this film is that it introduces and then leaves its hero fillion to follow grant grant michael rooker as he is first introduced and then becomes the monster this whole part of the film drags michael rooker s character isn t that interesting to us as a person and watching as he goes through a series of motions while acting in the monster s interest might be interesting if this was grant portrait of a man turning into a monster rather than a horror comedy alien invasion movie in the final analysis this movie s problems are in the script it isn t that important to the audience how the monster acts or propagates the purpose of a horror comedy is to get the heroes backed up in a corner with shotguns and then throw bugs at them with them cracking wise every time something frightening or disgusting happens instead we get an exploration of the alien s habits and tactics that just makes this part of the movie drag the ostensible heroine elizabeth banks as starla grant is more central to this part but nonetheless i felt the movie had left its narrative track unless it planned on following grant grant all the way to the end when fillion and his posse finally confront the alien the movie does begin to cook but once again the problem is in the script by this point that audience knows and the characters should know that grant is not just suffering from some disease and act accordingly shotguns instead they continuously parley in the face of increasing evidence that this is not something that let us get you to a hospital is going to help although their reactions might have been human and real these are characters in an action movie and simply should have done what the movie promised delivered action a lack of action scenes in a movie with as few ideas as this is a great failing spoilers ahead after the first confrontation and the bursting of the alien larval sack a minor character and perhaps the best scene in the movie the script once again betrays the movie at this point one of the characters is almost taken over by the alien and develops an insight into the alien the writer director gunn chooses as this character a completely new character rather than one of already developed minor characters why why did he need to introduce a completely new character more than an hour into the movie that becomes central to the plot by the time this character is attacked we know hardly anything about her and could care less about her even though she is a winsome teenage girl in her bath had gunn decided not to use this character and just used one of the established minor characters he could have completely avoided introducing her family and saved time and money furthermore the hero and heroine would have been filled in on the alien s plans without all the additional characters and could have gotten around to blowing away aliens sooner and with more vigor my last criticism is based on the movie s look gunn is primarily a writer or maybe it was budgetary constraints but this movie looked ugly and uninteresting most of the action takes place at night in woods or on a field and the screen simply looks drab the sets in wheelsy the fictional town where the action takes place look cheap the whole movie looks cheap box office mojo states the films budget was million newspapers say million and considering they didn t use any name talent i would say the money did not show up on screen the monster is just repulsive and rarely looks deadly the last criticism is primarily based on the reality of the character s actions by the time fillion and co have begun hunting grant the alien one woman has disappeared and grant is known to have been mutilating animals at this point i was expecting the fbi or at least the state police to show up and take over from the hick sheriff a woman has disappeared and likely been murdered and a local has been acting psychotic time to call the authorities but basically i was hoping that would happen because i just wanted some characters who would show up and act although this movie is ostensibly a horror comedy the movie it bears the most resemblance to is dreamcatcher in terms of monstrous invasion and the type of monster and its intentions whereas dreamcatcher had much bigger problems with story especially the entire morgan freeman subplot and particularly the ending in many ways it was stronger primarily because the main characters were stronger but more importantly because it looked beautiful although that may be anathema preferring the movie that is weaker in general plot and structural spine because of production values that just shows you how uninteresting i found the look of slither"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "21549": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have always been a huge fan of homicide life on the street so when i heard there was a reunion movie coming up i couldn t wait let me just say i was not disappointed at all it was one of the most powerful hours of television i ve ever seen it was great to see everyone back again but the biggest pleasure of all was to have andre braugher back because the relationship between pembleton and bayliss was always the strongest part of an all together great show"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21550": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a preposterous story murder blackmail child sex allegations gays and the catholic church absolute tripe how is it that most uk based tv dramas sit coms etc have to include the obligortory gay its really getting tiresome now everybody accepts that there are gay people in society just has there are other minority groups but we don t want it ramming down our throats i ll pass on this one in every single show apart from the above the drama went from what could have been an interesting little story into a pantomime the priest was a paedophile and there are gays running about every where oh yes just to be totally pc one of the gay couple was black i am surprised at c ecclestone for even contemplating this when he read the script"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21551": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i became a fan of the tv series `homicide life on the street late in the show s run but became a fan very quickly it was a cop show unlike any other visually different in its use of hand held cameras taking the viewer everywhere with its multiethnic and mutiracial cast and their varying and fascinating personalities and that it covered all of the good and bad of a police department including the corruption and personality clashes that bubble up to the surface homicide the movie the reunion follow up to the series is as good as a made for television film can be after lt giardello yaphet kotto now a candidate for mayor of baltimore is shot the series cast members are back to help find the killer in addition the cast members who left the force and those who died also manage to have their place in the film the intensity and fire that marked the series return and the script bristles with the same fire that marked the series all in all a terrific tv movie vote"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21552": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this has to be the worst movie i have seen madsen fans don t be drawn into this like i was he is only in it for a maximum of five minutes this movie is so bad that the only reason why you would watch it is if all the rest of the movies on earth as well as t v had been destroyed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21553": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a chance encounter between a salesman and a hit man changes both their lives this is an odd film that works an impressive effort for writer director shepard in a daringly unglamorous role that is a far cry from james bond brosnan is surprisingly effective as the lonely hit man who starts to buckle under the stress of his job but is unable to connect emotionally with anyone to help him cope kinnear is equally good as the salesman a decent fellow with a void in his life davis is fine as kinnear s flirtatious wife mainly a character study the film is rewarding because it feels fresh and unpredictable an extremely dark comedy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21554": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what is happening to itv drama first losing gemma quite simply the worst tv drama i have seen in years and now perfect parents a complete shambles from start to finish whoever is responsible for commissioning this drivel should be receiving there p by special delivery in most drama thrillers a requirement to suspend certain levels of belief is necessary so that the the plot line can develop but perfect parents took this to a new level i suspended so much belief by the end of this nonsense i felt i had been force fed on a lorry load of magic mushrooms it was like the scriptwriters had decided to try and create a drama by numbers involving some serious issues religion education greed fear murder paedophillia the only trouble was as the great eric morecambe once said when playing a piano i m playing all the right notes just not necessarily in the correct order for your next script guys i suggest you try reading a few more books on script development than script writing for dummies due to the ridiculous script and the utter lack of tension in the direction the acting was suitably low key not the fault of the actors as the cast was top notch but i suggest that all of the actors involved in this sorry piece of drama should instruct their agents the next time the postman attempts to deliver a script from itv drama department make sure the letterbox is firmly nailed shut"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21555": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "was nt really bad for raw s first ppv of but the ending was really really shocking to everyone in attendance the ones who were watching at home first match ric flair vs edge w lita for the wwe intercontinental championship not a bad opener these two can seriously put on a great match if they had more time to put on a wrestling match flair wins by dq after edge slams him with his mitb briefcase second match trish stratus vs mickie james for the wwe women s championship not bad noticing the fact that this is the first time these divas faced off in the ring together mickie goes for a modified chick kick but trish ducks nails her own chick kick for the win to retain her title third match triple h vs big show seriously good this match was really the whole match hhh focuses on big show s injured arm but big show still fights back later hhh is able to topple down big show nails a pedigree for the win fourth match shelton benjamin w mama vs viscera this was a bonus match not that bad it was alright after viscera was down behind the referee benjamin s mama got a purse which had bricks in it slammed viscera on the head with it three times viscera got up only to get caught with a spinning heel kick by benjamin for the win against the big man fifth match jerry the king lawler vs gregory helms boring slow sloppy both men didn t really put a very good effort jerry lawler wins after a fist drop for the win sixth match torrie wilson vs victoria vs ashley vs maria vs candice michelle in a first ever women s gauntlet match it was pretty entertaining to me ashley i think eliminates candice last to win the first ever women s gauntlet match seventh match john cena vs chris masters vs carlito vs shawn michaels vs kane vs kurt angle w daivari in an elimination chamber match for the wwe championship it was a cool elimination chamber match but nothing will top last year s elimination chamber which was the best the last three are masters cena carlito carlito turns his back on masters gets a roll up on him to eliminate him seconds later cena gets a roll up on carlito for the three count to win the elimination chamber retain his wwe title but his night was not over yet after the match vince mcmahon comes out congratulates cena for his victory vince mcmahon states that his night is not over yet says that edge cashes in his money in the bank opportunity to challenge cena for the title edge comes out with lita gives the briefcase to vince heads off in the ring as cena has one more match to go here tonight eight match john cena vs edge w lita for the wwe championship cena who is busted open during the chamber match gets pounded straight away by edge edge then nails a spear on cena goes for the cover to his shock cena breaks out edge nails another spear covers for the shocking three count as he has beat cena has won the wwe championship for the first time in his career so last year s new years revolution was better than this year s but it was still alright the ec match was also good the shocking of edge cashing in his mitb opportunity is definitely the most shockingest on the ppv show overall i ll give it a c"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21556": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have to admit that i liked the first half of sleepers it looked good the acting was even better the story of childhood pain and revenge was interesting and moving a superior hollywood film but no one mentioned this so far at least in the latest comments when it came to the courtroom scenes and brat pitt s character followed his plan to rescue his two friends who are rightly accused of murder i felt cheated this movie insulted my intelligence warning spoilers why did anyone accept their false alibi witnessed by the priest if these two guys had been with him why shouldn t they tell this during the investigation amnesia if you were the judge or member of the jury would you believe it is it wise to give the motif of the murderers away i am sorry but in the end the story is very weak and this angers me this movie had great potential"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21557": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "how i got into it when i started watching this series on cartoon network i have to say that i ve never seen anything like this and it was the best but when i started collecting the series on vhs and years later on dvd part of bandai s anime legends collections it was amazing and truly worth watching it had a lot of exploding action that will blow you out of your seat and of course the theme songs just communication and rhythm emotions were the best characters and gundams my favorite characters in the show were heero duo relena treize lady und noin and zechs my favorite gundams in the show that i liked the most are the wing zero and epyon and of course the altron and deathscythe i and ii meaning of the show what this series also tells us that in real life wars are very hard and we can sometimes win or lose but peace can also be hard to obtain and i do believe the gundam pilots are doing the right thing and are trying to obtain world peace but however this show is truly the best of the best so in closing to this review after you watch this show see the movie endless waltz"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21558": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is the first time i have commented on a film because i felt that if the right person read it they might wake up and do something about it over the last few months abc family began airing a new format of movies i have seen the last three and enjoyed them they were engaging and did the trick my wife likes these films i was looking forward to viewing see jane date the trailers looked and sounded great unfortunately this is one film where the book must be light years ahead of the effort displayed by the writers and music people involved with this project the year is the source all bad the score was as interesting as an elevator ride in a department store it was intrusive and did not add any emotional content to the film at all it worked against it i work in the business of film and television i enjoy being entertained this is one instance where i kept thinking could it get any worse the script had lines from another decade and i know these women can act but you wouldn t know it from this movie to add to the overall experience the end left me shaking my head an advice to the executives at disney abc abc family and the producers under any circumstances please do not hire the composer or music supervisor to do any of your future films they have lost their touch and they need to understand what the word contemporary present day and current means when describing a romantic comedy there is a world passing you by all in all a huge disappointment from folks at von zerneck sertner and abc family"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21559": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "over powered mobile suits that can annihilate entire armies check weapons that hardly need to be aimed and still annihilate everything check mobile suits based on angels check ok its a gundam series this one gundam wing has good character development real world complexity interesting ideas and some pretty eye candy with characters the initially weak relena dorlan later peacecraft then back to dorlan gets stronger and more independent although is still absolutely besotted with heero yuy the series main character the aforementioned heero initially a cold hard butcherer becomes more and more human while still remaining in character and seeing the lost millardo peacecraft whos nomm de guerre is zechs marquise float between oz freelance and command of white fang shows how some people can really lose themselves in their own creations the complexity of the political and military situation is also quite good reflecting how the real world works however in half hour episodes it does become a bit of a liability in that this complexity isn t used to its full potential the ideas at the core of the series the necessity of fighting the desire for peace etc are ones that resonate even today in retrospect the series was ahead of its time what with the war on terrorism and all but its exploration of these ideas the monologues especially those of treize kushrenada is an incredible dramatic piece forming some of the best writing in the series but that sometimes good writing is also sometimes extremely poor which dramatically causes it to lose some of its edge in terms of eye candy which is what this one has in bucketloads everything from the mobile suits to the battleship libra no not the tampons you idiot is wells designed and explodes in big balls of orange which is bad because better animation would ve had better explosions but who cares stuff explodes and thats all that matters in short though the sheer complexity of the series means that if you miss out on a few episodes you ve missed out on a lot the poor writing can leave you cringing and sometimes the animation makes you go wtf but this is made up for in its classic animation style its scale sparks of incredible dialogue and its more mature exploration that one expects of such japenese animations"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21560": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is a muddled mish mash of clich s from recent cinema there are some promising ideas in there but while the director was clearly aiming to wind up with a hauntingly ambiguous film what he ended up with was a confusing mess lead actor daniel wu does a fair job but with no central theme it seems as though he doesn t have much to work with furthermore the movie is largely devoid of scares although in fairness there are some creepy moments amid the drudgery mild spoilers we have the mysterious death of an estranged twin diabolical librarians ghostly love interests identity confusion death by savage monkeys oedipal conflict abusive stepfathers sublimated homosexuality and crime gang connections the only real commonality these elements share seems to be that they cause the protagonist to express a vague sense of confusion and discontent perhaps the most disappointing aspect to this film is that despite the brother s death by monkeys being strongly featured on the dvd cover the act itself is never directly portrayed instead director julian lee uses what appears to be stock footage of monkeys not very scary end spoilers avoid this one for an excellent psychological ambiguous horror tale check out the korean film a tale of two sisters"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21561": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i could write a big enough comment on any one of the characters in gundam wing they could each lead the series with their internal conflicts instead we get great leads that take us through golden episodes of anime bliss it contains dialogue that you can roll around in your head for months years and then go back to and derive new meaning from a masterpiece in script writing even though it has the typical anime trait of there being a disparity between subtitles and english dub it has an abundance of concepts and philosophies that make you think about your own views the relationships between the cold unfeeling males and loving female characters is a stand alone aspect of this series the relationship between heero and relena and milliardo and noin are joys to watch the apparent rejection of the male is underpinned with an inner turmoil that makes the love a word never mentioned in the series of the women necessary for them in their harsh soldier environment the women are chasing aspects of the men that we rarely if at all see which makes the leading men all the more enigmatic it takes heero all of the episodes to show some caring but he gets there and when he does its a big pay off and then there s the giant robot fighting fun to watch awesome sequences as good as any hollywood epic fight scene any less clued up person would see giant robot fighting as a silly cartoon function for kids as has become clear when i m trying to recommend this series to my friends but they re wrong many of the giant robot fights in gundam wing contain a hefty dose of pathos usually concerning young rebels fighting for what they believe in against an oppressive society making their beliefs obsolete the constant shifts in tone and emphasis through each episode makes gundam wing impossible to be boring it is a captivating thought provoking study on the potential of the human mind and body"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21562": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this series has its ups and occasional downs and the latter is the case here there s an agreeable amount of spatter with an inventive implementation of the baby cart s weapons but the editing film is a seriously disjointed the film making itself rougher than usual at times the action slows to a crawl as the camera follows the wordless wanderings of the cub who nearly gets lost early on all in all disappointment that said there s a spaghetti eastern quality to the music and action that may win the approval of dedicated viewers this installment spends much of its time following the minor misadventures of the little boy who begins to stare into the abyss of death his father opened for him"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21563": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the second alternate gundam universe tale g gundam being the first gundam wing is yet another different view into the gundam verse the familiar elements are found but gundam wing is actually different then its counterparts the biggest being the gundams are nothing more than terrorists combating one lone organization in truth the series doesn t really become a show about war until episode but in truth the real conflict the eve wars don t happen until the later episodes the greatest positives of this series are it s characters all the main characters are fleshed out throughout the episode run and you can really sympathize with each of the roles their put in another great plus is the fantastic character and mecha design of the series the designs put some of it s other gundam counterparts to shame one of the biggest criticism of this series is how many die hard uc fans claim rip off of the original uc saga why gundam wing gets this rap when the more apparent uc clone of gundam seed is out there is beyond me true there are many moments lifted but their told in new ways and there are distinct differences as well take for example the usual comparison of zechs merquise and uc icon char aznable throughout the series zechs is more the outcast in the alliance and in ways oz as well while the red comet was shining symbol of zeon another big difference is the fact zechs loses a lot soldiers under his command hence the other nickname he s given in the early episodes killer of his own men char isn t given this label the problems with this series isn t the philosophy mumbo jumbo but two problems the first is the reused animation footage of the gundams attacks sure it s fun seeing heavy arms attack tanks ms and planes the first time but on it s fourth re use scenes like this do get old the second problem is that the entire series is supposed to take place during an entire year if you really think about all the events springing in the series a lot happens in just one lone year but i guess you can easily dismiss this fact when ignoring the intro s first lines every so often as it ranks this is probably the best of the alternate universe gundam tales and a great introduction into the gundam world after all this was the very first gundam anime to air in the us television"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21564": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "arahan adds nothing positive to the kung fu genre to compare this confused motion picture with the inspired craziness and quality of stephen chow s films is a mistake firstly the fight scenes are nothing new all that is presented here has been done before and better by the likes of yimou zhang tony jaa and jackie chan fights in intelligent motion pictures need logic there seems no point serving blows that have no damaging effect as in the matrix sequels the attractive female lead so yi yoon captivated the screen but she never convincingly conquered the physical demands of the role as ziyi zhang had done so easily in house of flying daggers having a martial arts background serves well in kung fu movies to cast actors inexperienced in these skills is a serious mistake see aya ueto in asumi unless you are a very talented director which as arahan proves seung wan ryoo is not"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21565": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while being an impressionable youth when first experiencing the gundam wing series upon re watching the series i have reconfirmed my belief that this series is not only beautifully animated but the plot the gundam design character design and character depth are masterfully executed while at first appearing like a boy band of sorts the stylish attractiveness of the characters can partly be credited to just great art with individual personalities creating clear and endearing distinctions among the characters consequently it is extremely easy to become to drawn to any particular character personally i liked heero because of his stoic personality while i may be biased with a sentimental attachment of this show to my childhood i can objectively say that gundam wing addresses the deeper questions of war and life in general how can we obtain peace while providing action packed battles in large robot suits which to say the least is excellent"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21566": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i began watching this movie with my girl friend and after minutes i was alone i succeed to stay until the end it has been a painful experience i liked jean hugues anglade but i think that he needed to eat as us and thus he accepted to play in this movie there are only characters and the rest could be called art or something that i couldn t express but that i didn t understand at all the only worst movie i saw was crash but i m pretty sure now that i have enough experience to watch it successfully again good luck o"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21567": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ve watched almost all of the gundam mech anime that have showed in the us and this by far has the best story the way its plot twists and turns has u riveted gundam wing is a series that mainly focuses on politics and war the series follows a group of five year old boys who have been trained to pilot state of the art mobile suits known as gundams the gundam pilots were trained to battle a powerful insurgency known as oz as things begin to heat up between oz and the gundam pilots new political groups will form and old ones will dissipate old conflicts will end and new ones will arise to obtain peace the gundam pilots must come to grips with the events taking place in their world and put an end to all the fighting but how far are people willing to go to obtain their goal i recommend this anime to anyone who is looking for a show that has a deep plot"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21568": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i only watched this movie because i was so impressed with olivier martinez in swat but this is no swat swat had a plot and some likable characters and made sense bullfighter had none of these i should have realized that it couldn t possibly be any good after all the always painfully bad michelle forbes had a starring role one poster here called the movie incoherent another called it the worst movie ever both gave the movie far too much credit i am so glad i got it from the library for free yet i still feel ripped off imdb needs to include a in the rate this film vote just for movies like this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21569": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gundam wing to me happens to be a good anime a bit slow moving especially around the middle of the series but over all enjoyable now before anyone jumps on my case and calls me a winger i will admit that i have watched all of the original gundam gundam and the th ms team and gundam seed i will admit that there were a few problems with the story telling and a few characters may seem to be rip offs i e zechs marquise to the original gundam s char but this is an alternate universe show based on the original series as is seed if you wish to view this series make sure that you watch the original gundam first and then know that you are watching an au series"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21570": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i bought this movie last weekend at my local movie gallery it was buy get free and i needed one more so i chose this one horrible mistake the box reads like it would be a really good movie well it starts out like it is going to be this great movie for about minutes that is the movie is about a young woman laila who gets killed trying to save her beau jack from a bull laila s dad cordobes is a rancher that the townspeople are afraid of he assumes that jack killed laila because she was supposedly afraid of this bull and goes on this hunt to find him that was the first minutes that is good what follows after that is only gonna get times worse whoever wrote the script in my opinion had to of been on some kind acid trip or something because nothing else made any sense what so ever jack is on the run and finds this traveling radio dj named mary who gives him a ride i think mary is supposed to be a virgin mary type character you know jesus mother but who knows i couldn t make heads or tails of it as they re running we get to see bad guys magical visions ghostly encounters flashbacks etc and all these things are done in such a way that your brain hurts from trying to figure out what s going on needless to say i took the movie back and exchanged it for something else it s horrible i tell ya horrible and there is absolutely no bull fighting in this movie unless you count the first minute of the movie hope i helped some other people keep from wasting their time on this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21571": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gundam wing is an amazing show from start to finish every single episode is a joy to watch the story is typical gundam fare in the future earth s populations grows to the extent where we create space colonies in order to expand the story though is set in an entirely different reality than any other gundam show it is the year after colony and the corrupt earth government known as the earth sphere alliance is violently taking over the free colonies to combat the alliance control and the even greater threat that is to come an evil militaristic organization hiding within the alliance known as oz which later takes control of earth and the colonies select members of the colonies send super powerful mechs to earth to try and save the colonies from the threat that is to soon come these mechs known as gundams fight oz and try to regain peace in the colonies as oz takes the front stage completely eliminating the alliance and taking control of earth and its colonies gundam wing as i previously stated is probably the most enjoyable gundam series to watch in my opinion a large part of this reason is the difference between this series and any other gundam series before it but also the stories are far more deep and intricate than majority of the other gundam series gundam wing has more depth and emotion to it than any other gundam show i have ever seen thus far this particular series seemed to focus more on character and the relationships amongst those characters than epic space battle now don t get me wrong this show still has many epic battles within it and the show still maintains the epic atmosphere that other gundam series have but it achieves this by having the story follow an ensemble cast of or characters as opposed to following just no matter how you look at it this is truly one of the most unique and enjoyable gundam series out there and i strongly recommend it to any fan of anime or sci fi in general the show sports some amazing animation and superb action but the depth and intricacy of the story is what keeps you coming back for more the characters are so well drawn out by the end of the show that you end up loving each and every one of them this show is definitely one that shouldn t be missed a perfect"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21572": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "some very interesting camera work and a story with much potential but it never comes together as anything more than a student s graduate thesis in film school there are two primary reasons for this fist there is not a single likable character not even a villain we might admire for his her chutzpah secondly all the acting is awful even from veteran willem dafoe the ham is so plentiful here you feel like you re at a picnic but one of those wretched company employee picnics where you drink too much cheap beer and get your hangover before you even stop drinking then you eat an underdone hotdog and throw up all right i m being a little rough on a young director who might still go places as i said the camera work is quite good but i feel cheated the blurb for this film suggests we will get to watch a modern western and the dvd packaging has pictures on it that suggest this as well but nobody actually connected to the film s making seems to know that this is the kind of film they re supposed to be making that betrayal is what hurts but even without it the fact remains that we don t like these characters we feel embarrassed for the actors the story is hopelessly muddled and in the last analysis we just don t care i took it out of the dvd player about half way through but the rental store wouldn t give me my money back now that really hurts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21573": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i m not a big fan of most anime but gundam wing is truly something else gundam wing lacks all of that stereotypical melodrama that you might think of when you think of anime since the number of jokes made over the hours would only be in the double digits gundam wing gets right down to business gundam wing is as much of a political thriller as it is an action series large parts focus on the diplomatic dealings of a war not only the battles though battle animation lacks extreme detail in cases where it would just be a pain to animate individual duels between gundams are almost pieces of art considering the animated use of complex mechanics and rapid movements to my knowledge this episode plus one movie series was picked up by cartoon network in and then professionally dubbed by them too the dubbing is simply flawless not only does every word said match up but the voices use truly make the characters much more believable many believe that it is best to watch anime with subs in english but i simply don t have the determination to do that not only are the voices good but the score used over the series is quite impressive i ll just say it left me scouring the net in vain to find a soundtrack the plot of this series is what will truly hook viewers and no not hook you like some prime time drama like lost which was only made for the purpose of hooking you explaining the plot deeply would lead to many spoilers since many of the characters do not even have names until quite a few episodes into the series the rough idea of the series is that earth and its now independent space colonies are having difficulty maintaining peace thus a war is started leading to military coups and elaborate diplomatic situations i feel that any more detail would begin to give away information which is crucial to the plot i ll end here saying that this series is great for anyone that likes anime anyone that thinks all anime is stupid they have good reason to think so and anyone looking to get into anime with a serious tone to it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21574": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it is a pity that you cannot vote zero stars on imdb because i would not have hesitated in fact i would go so far as to say that this film was in the negative stars i like many others bought this film thinking that because it has michael madsen in it it could be good no chance this film was shocking imagine a movie length the bold and the beautiful well primal instinct did not even come close to that good and i had previously thought that there would be nothing worse than a movie length the bold and the beautiful michael madsen how could you do this to us the worst part is i didn t fast forward a bit i was hoping that at the end they would reveal that it was all some sort of sick joke that they thought it would be funny to make us watch such a horribly bad film where do i start directing zero stars screenplay zero stars acting zero stars cinematography zero stars digital effects zero stars production design zero stars make up zero stars casting zero stars editing zero stars trailer half a star graphic design half a star dvd menu half a star however i think that it is very important to have seen bad films just so that you know what a really bad film is so for that reason i am happy that i saw this film just so that i have a bad film to put at the bottom of my list"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21575": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the matador is better upon reflection because at the time one is watching it it seems so light the humor is always medium gauge never unfunny but never gut busting the story is a very simple thread the characteristics of the plot are often recycled features namely the unscrupulous bad guy in need of a pal and the straight laced glass wearing good guy in need of security in life team up and learn from each other and somehow complement each other s lifestyles i also find the bullfighting parallel to the story unnecessary as it is a simply cruel thing and the symbolism is hardly potent enough to carry itself however it really is a good film because though it seemed so thin and unaffecting at the time it wasn t it has a subtle way of connecting with the audience i believe the reason it slowly but surely gives the audience something to take with them is because though it s a formula that is nothing new even most of the humor both main characters virtually the only characters in it are somehow met and gotten to know forget calling them real that s not at all what i mean what i mean is that though pierce brosnan s filthy womanizing boozing hit man is a detached comical character he s grasped firmly by the writer and definitely by brosnan who is aggressively communicating how much he enjoys his breath of fresh james bondless air greg kinnear s character seems quite the same in his detached scriptedness but he s given certain very unexpected footnotes that for a moment due to the film s lightfootedness pass us by but then hit us only a moment later we then realize the film is not simply analyze this or planes trains and automobiles told stalely over again its truly saying something the film s climax is of a sort that wants to partially be a thriller with twists but with its lightness how can that possibly be the focus of the film though the plot has been leading up to it no the focus is what brosnan and kinnear get out of their unlikely relationship to each other strangely the matador is a film about regret and loneliness brosnan deals with loneliness and regret every day and though we don t understand why kinnear is so lenient and accepting with brosnan continually interrupting his life it s slowly understood that brosnan is salvaging kinnear from a more down to earth version of his own feelings as a means of redemption the very last scene of the movie stays with me it i think is where the film s subtle side stepping impact finally begins to seep"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21576": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i only rented this movie because of promises of william dafoe and robert rodriguez i assumed that upon seeing rr s name on the cover as an actor that this movie would be good it sounds like a movie that rodriguez would of made so if he s going to lend his name to it than it has to be good right wrong wrong wrong by far the worst editing since manos hands of fate the way it was edited made no sense and made the movie impossible to follow and after the first minutes you wont even want to try to follow it anymore i have no idea how dafoe and rodriguez got involved in this film maybe they owed somebody but they are way to good for this besides they were only in this movie for a couple minutes apiece and rodriguez didn t even talk so if you wanna see a movie with poor editing poor acting and confusing storyline than be my guest but don t say you weren t warned"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21577": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gundam wing is a fun show i appreciate it for getting me into gundam and anime in general however after watching its predecessors such as mobile suit gundam zeta gundam and even g gundam i find wing to be gundam lite characters an aspect long held by gundam is to have their characters thrust into difficulties and grow into maturity this does not happen in wing heero is top dog at the beginning and he s top dog at the end personalities do not change growth is never achieved the best character is zechs who is for all intents and purposes a hero throughout most of the series but suddenly the series betrays him and turns him into a villain for no apparent reason mecha wing has great suit designs the gundams are super cool with the epyon being my favorite i even consider a few of the oz suit designs to be on par with some of the classic zeon suits but sweet suit designs doesn t quite save the series from boring characters conclusion in the end wing has cool fight scenes though riddled with recycled animation but shallow plot and character development enjoyable but not moving like previous gundam outings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21578": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i didn t know willem dafoe was so hard up for bucks that he d disgrace himself with such shocking hamming in this monstrosity hell i ll donate that money that i was going to send to ethiopia if he s that desperate i have never seen such a pathetic and disgusting film for a long time who paid for this they are either pulling some tax scam or insane a year old would be ashamed of the plot and i d rather get cancer than sit through more than the hour i suffered already everybody involved should be locked up for a year in the sodomy wing of a third world prison avoid at all costs i d give it minus if possible unbelievable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21579": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "since the title is in english and imdb lists this show s primary language as english i shall concentrate on reviewing the english version of gundam wing as presented in the bandai released dvd set my actual review for the whole series is under imdb s entry of shin kid senki gundam w very little is changed in respect to plot script and characterization its adaptation to english and it really depends on your own taste to choose which language to watch this show in purists can stick to japanese all they want but for a more realistic experience i recommend the english track since all the characters except heero yuy are not japanese most of them are caucasian in fact with a couple of non japanese asians for one thing the characters personalities come across more directly than in the japanese version the contrast between the characters is stronger thanks to some give or take performances but a very well cast group of actors wing gundam s pilot heero yuy is a highly trained soldier who suppresses his emotions but slowly learns the value of his humanity voiced by mark hildreth who s deadpan delivery can be criticized as bad acting but it matches heero s personality very well deathscythe gundam s duo maxwell ever cheerful in the face of death is given a crash course in the cherishing the value of life and friends he is possibly the best acted character in the whole show masterfully played by scott mcneil he may sound a little too old for his age but duo s english voice easily out ranks his irritatingly nasal japanese one trowa the pilot of heavyarms is a lost lonely soul who s only purpose so far has been combat despite his inner desire to form connections with the people around him he only knows how to kill not to befriend kirby morrow gives a somber but realistic performance as trowa barton quatre rebarba winner is voiced by brad swaile who has no trouble brining out the caring nature of the character and the shattering of his innocence as he experiences horrors of war and death first hand a huge plus point is that quatre no longer sounds like a girl and yes he is voiced by a female actress in the japanese version but a bona fide typical year old guy the impulsive but determined wufei chang voiced by ted cole may seem a little over the top but it plays out in stark contrast to the more subdued roles of heero and trowa relena darlian sounds older in english voiced by lisa ann bailey this might not sit well with her youthful personification early in the series but as her character matures later into the story her voice follows suit and ends up fitting in very well with the character development zechs merquise would be one of the more drastically changed voices when compared to the japanese version both voices bring out different sides to the same character his japanese voice is haughty authoritative and commands respect keeping in line with his high ranking status and charismatic nature his english voice by brian drummond is more subdued sounding more devious and snake like highlighting zechs secretive nature regarding his hidden agendas and staunch beliefs in his ideals the members of oz are a mixed bag really treize kushrenada voiced by david kaye is given a more realistic and down to earth performance compared to his larger than life japanese style of speaking however lady une does not convey her split personality as contrastingly as in the japanese version and lucrencia noin just sounds bored most of the time the cannon fodder pilots and military leaders are nothing to speak of either i would have appreciated if they took the time to give different characters different accents to reflect their ethnic backgrounds the maganac corp s voices were generally uninspired but could have been more interesting if they were given middle eastern accents the members of the romerfeller foundation would have also sounded better with some classy european accent that reflects their status of nobility despite underwhelming acting from the side characters the main cast manage to carry the show and it results in an overall less over the top and more realistic rendition of gundam wing s script very faithful to the original japanese script keeping all the underlying thought provoking ideas and themes about politics war and human nature sadly it also retains the flaws of the original japanese script"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21580": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "bullfighter was made in but it is being released on video years later for some reason i wonder why could it be the confusing storyline the incomprehensible dialogue said by oliver martinez and the annoying editing it s got to be i think the plot was mary michelle forbes and jacque oliver martinez go on a mystical road trip they meet a lot of wacky characters and avoid some evil ones too the movie looks great and there is a lot of style but there is no substance most movies when trying to subtle don t call attention to themselves with unanswered plot developments and weak special effects don t be fooled by the cover willem dafoe is in it for minutes at most"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21581": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have just recently purchased collection one of this awesome series and even after just watching three episodes i still am mesmerized by sleek styling of the animation and the slow yet thoughtful actions of the story telling i am still a fan with some minor pains though this installment into the gundam saga is very cool and has what the previous series had a stylish satiric way of telling about the wrongs of war and not letting go of the need to have control or power over everything sound familiar i have to say that this one gets a bit too mellow dramatic on continuing to explain the lives of the main characters and their incessant need to belly ache about every thing that happens and what they need to do to stop the oz group from succeeding in their plans especially the character called wufei i mean he whines more than an american character on a soap opera get a counselor will ya besides for the over exaggerated drama i think that mostly comes from the dubbing of the english voice actors this series is still very exciting and will still captivate me once again i mean it can always be worse it could be like the recent installment seed eeeewwww talk about mellow dramatic i ll chat about that one later"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21582": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "no scenario bad actors poor melissa gilbert beurk beurk beurk give a such budget to make this in belgium we make ten films which win all prices in cannes with this last time that i ve seen a such null film was hypercube but scenario was better is anyone knows if the director was a graduate in school film or a cop the better things in this film was the word end why authorize to sell this is to expensive i ve pay ten dollars to buy this for me pay for this was my big mistake of millennium too bad next time i ll break my arm but buy this type of sh t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21583": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "mobile suit gundam wing is the fourth series in the continuing gundam chronicles unlike the previous entries which focused on massive wars this one is a little different instead of having an army vs army situation this one is led by five teenage boys due to their ability to blend in more readily than normal adults and their machines called gundams because of the metal alloy used in their construction which leads to problems since gundams are supposed to be destroyed replaced by mobile suits which are piloted less destructive weapon platforms and dolls which are ran on a i and are used as grunt infantry the whole point of the series is a metaphysical question that gives gundam wing an edge over a greater portion of the anime that makes it s way here especially since most anime is adapted from popular magazines such as naruto dragonball one piece dragonball z and inuyasha which are all from shonen jump which is now available in america mobile suit gundam wing sets itself apart from most anime in the fact that instead of over the top battles between mortals who more resemble gods gundam is very humanistic and seems to revel in the fact that it is dramatic instead of melodramatic and events seem to unfold across the series gracefully normally in anime there are more than few series that think that the best way to go about having a small battle is to have it take a half hour something that would never happen in real life gundam tops this by making sure that everyone knows that characters will die machines will be destroyed and rebuilt battles will be lost and won and it never seems as though it makes the actions themselves satirical but the magic of gundam wing is in the details and what this series has that more anime would be grateful for having emotion instead of mythic prophecies magic or overblown martial arts gundam wing is hard line science fiction from a country that hates hard line science fiction note the author would like to state that neon genesis evangelion is not hard line plausible in real life science fiction due to the religious subject matter that is the core of its series they love star wars but hate a i the movie henceforth why gundam wing was and gundam seed is now in production for both japanese and u s releases at the same time with two voice teams american audiences only have to wait two or three weeks after the end of the japanese season to catch the dubbed or subtitled versions or even the edited seed episodes that air on cartoon network the emotion is that these two sides that are fighting a war are technically backwards the heroes are those who defend the rights of the more wealthy and aristocratic citizens of earth from the band of terrorists bent on victory at any and all costs that make up the protagonists of mobile suit gundam wing this is not war this is total war every person every building every street is a target for attack both on earth and off my only complaint and the reason it didn t get the score of ten is that at about three fourths of the way through it just kind of goes dead for a few episodes and no one really seems to change kind of like a present time flashback which is fine due to what it reveals about the characters but at the same time it drags down what should be the brewing between project meteor and oz but the final two episodes and the overplayed on cartoon network back in mobile suit gundam wing endless waltz movie more than make up for the slack"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21584": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am very tolerant of really bad sci fi and horror movies i ve been watching them since i was or so i ve seen some really bad stuff but i deal with it i ve even watched a lot of scifi channel movies so i know not to expect much a usually promising movie that has no ending to speak of hope springs eternal i guess or the triumph of hope over experience as they say unfortunately this is a dog right from the beginning and i knew it but like a moth to the flame i kept thinking something anything interesting would happen it doesn t all of the actors give a decent performance given the script i don t know how they all kept straight faces it has something to do with collagen starved worm parasite creatures who are slowly taking over the human race one body at a time there s an evil plastic surgeon who collaborates with the enemy by giving them the outward appearance of humans don t worry he gets what s coming to him the slug people themselves don t really know where they came from they think they might have thumbed a ride on a meteor that landed on earth but somehow they know about the members of slug royalty among them the slug princess has managed to breed with a human being who knows that she s the worm queen and loves her for her self oh must i go on please i implore you do not waste hours of your life watching this anything would be better think of the worst least enjoyable way you can spend two hours it would be better than this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21585": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "dear readers with high expectations human beings leave earth to begin a new life in space colonies however the allied forces of the united earth sphere alliance gain great military control over the colonies and soon seize one colony after another in the name of justice and peace the year is after colony operation meteor in a move to counter the alliance s tyranny rebel forces from several colonies send new arsenals to earth disguised as shooting stars however the alliance forces catch on gundam wing is the most popular and most successful of the entire gundam series with cutting edge anime animation stunning action amazing mobile suits breathtaking scripts and some of the most unforgettable characters in anime history i ll try to explain the plot of gundam wing as best as possible earth has now colonized space but the uesa forces have forcibly occupied them along with the help of the mysterious elite force oz and their shadowy leaders treize kushrenada and the romefeller foundation five pilots are sent to earth piloting mobile suits with extraordinary power known as the gundams pursued by the mysterious lieutenant zechs merquise treize s second in command a young teenager named relena and the alliance military the gundam pilots unleash hell upon earth for the freedom of the colonies while all the while a plot most sinister architected by treize begins to start signed the constant dvd collector"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21586": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can t believe how awful this movie turned out to be i feel magnanimous even referring to it as a movie the acting was flat the editing was terrible and the plot leaves many major questions unanswered the premise was ok if unoriginal a small group of aliens is living in the us and trying to slowly take over humanity but it goes rapidly downhill from there how could they convince a human to accept an alien as his wife in order to make they alien human hybrid they require they show a larval alien but never show what it does they have a plastic surgeon that can produce perfect looking skin on an industrial scale they throw in the obligatory huge alien monster with teeth the ending was almost too painful to watch i suppose that i m mostly disappointed that bruce boxlietner would have anything to do with this how could he say to the huge alien monster with teeth get away from him you son of a b tch with a straight face it s a long fall from his babylon days avoid this at all costs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21587": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the booth puts a whole new twist on your typical j horror movie this movie puts you in the shoes of the protagonist of the story the director wants you to see what the protagonist sees and thinks the story is about perception of the people who works lives and loves of our protagonist and how he perceives the people who surrounds him in an antiquated radio station dj booth the story peels back the layers of the main character like an onion in flash backs as the movie runs its course and from it we learned that things are not always the way it seems the movie mostly took place in a small out dated radio station s studio with a very bad history where the main character was forced to broadcast his talk show due to the radio station was in the process of re locating it is from this confined space that this movie thrives and makes you feel very claustrophobic and very paranoid at time our protagonist can not determined the strange happenings in the old studio were caused by ghost or some conspiracy by his co workers or it was all in his mind what i like about this film is that the film makers makes you see through the eyes of the main character and makes you just as paranoid as protagonist did this movie is a very smart abide rather short minutes film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21588": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "words fail me and that isn t common done properly this could have been great funny spoof b movie sci fi but sadly it was not to be rarely in the field of drama have so many competent actors struggled so vainly with such a dogs breakfast of a script i can only endorse the previous reviewer s comments go clean the bathroom in fact do anything except watch this film positives lucy beeman s nose negatives everything else most apposite line this isn t going anywhere if only every plastic surgeon could meet with such a fate"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21589": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "like talk radio the booth is actually kinda predictable talk radio because we know the truth of what happened going in the booth because of let s face it the genre and the basic set up that s not necessarily a bad thing in this case it means in essence that the filmmakers don t punk out in the end the way they might ve in say an american version of this story the booth moves inexorably toward its foregone conclusion but is so beautifully crafted on every level that one can enjoy the ride the way one might a familiar cruise along a well travelled stretch of very scenic road it reminds me of harlan ellison s spooky short story flop sweat the claustrophobia is at times almost palpable worth a nice long look"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21590": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "my friends and i rented this from blockbuster because we saw nana visitor s name on the box this movie is a travesty i hope she negates from her cv the plot was lose and flaccid the acting was mostly dry and unbearable in some parts the movie made no sense whatsoever the rough plot of an alien parasite species that infects humans has been done many times by films with much better scripts than this for example invasion of the body snatchers and the faculty if you ever have the misfortune to come across this movie i suggest you burn it how it classes itself as a horror movie when there was no use of fear suspense gore terror or any of the usual horror film techniques i don t know however if you still find yourself wanting to watch this film i suggest you have a lot of sugar before hand so you can find parts of it funny"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21591": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i liked this movie because it basically did more with less it could have been made more interesting if they had kept it confined to the studio even more though some of the plot elements would have been harder to develop the guy playing the dj did a good job of showing someone spooked out and haunted by his memories i also found his dialog with the callers pretty funny while parts of the movie you can see coming a mile away other parts you do not expect to turn out the way they did i thought it was a pretty minimal ghost story for the most part concentrating more on the living side of the equation the last minutes were pretty well done as everything is being revealed while it was a shorter movie it felt to be just about the right amount of time to tell the story any more and it would have started to drag"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21592": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "they are among us is poor science fiction at best mediocre acting bogs down this film the plot holes are numerous aliens that somehow came to earth on a meteor and have been hiding among us for over years but need a plastic surgeon to make them appear human in their alien form they supposedly have exo skeletons which is why they need the plastic surgery but when you see them they have teeth and fingernails the heroine s father disappeared after project blue book closed but was supposedly an f pilot and on and on if you want to see an alien invasion movie pick invasion of the body snatchers and see how it is done right"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21593": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a surprisingly interesting meditation on the nature of regret in terms of the way it relates to paranoia there s a lot going on in this for having a run time of only minutes but it works the scares are very subtle not the jump cut scares that seem to populate most recent asian horror films the way the scares are set up is similar to the disturbing moments in the uninvited aka inyong shiktak directed by su leon lee but this isn t nearly to the same caliber the film does a nice job of balancing a classic ghost story with something more unusual and psychological it s not perfect but it does what it s supposed to do i would recommend checking it out if you get a chance"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21594": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "kids like these could have been a decent film given the subject matter but instead it has become a below average run of the mill tv movie of the week with not much going for it the acting is stale the plot predictable and the direction non existent for a better movie on the same subject try the excellent le huiti me jour a film that really cares about the people with down syndrome in kids like these they are merely used as an excuse for weepy sentimentality pretty appalling"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21595": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i generally love these mystery police charlie chan type of movies and this is no exception however something seems bad with this movie a late attempt to switch from cerebral moto movies centered around the plot contrivances to a salad bar spoilt by comedy relief that is as relieving as sore feet a typecast buffoon appears from nowhere impersonating a clumsy englishman who plays the detective and even other characters seem entangled into providing comedy relief the plot may seem odd or a bare excuse to us today but back then the possibility of epochal archaeological discoveries was not only real but a commonplace occurrence"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21596": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this has to be by far the absolute worst movie i have seen in the last years when i saw that michael madsen was in it i figured it couldn t be too bad a movie since he has been in some pretty decent films and he was a pretty fair actor wrong no one should waste their time on this film i fast forwarded through percent of it and i don t feel that i missed a thing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21597": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "two years ago i watched the matador in cinema and i loved everything about this movie obviously i was totally under impression of pierce brosan s magnificent role yesterday i caught this movie again on tv so i looked at it a bit deeper now i can say with certain that this movie isn t that special but you just gotta love it because of one man brosnan lifts its grade up in my opinion with amazing performance of julian noble tired hit man who has no friends soon julian meets danny wright greg kinnear in mexico city man who s got bad luck his son died in accident his job isn t going that well and he s not sure that he can keep his wife bean hope davis i always liked movies like this crime movie with big touch of humor mostly that humor comes from brosnan as he tells jokes about dwarfs with big d or one of my favorite lines in this movie i look like a bangkok hooker on a sunday morning after the navy s left town brosnan says it with his charm while he s drinking his margarita as usually i also like greg typical american face kinnear in the role of loser that is very lively made because there are plenty of people like danny wright so i recommend you to watch quite possibly the best role of brosnan ever he ll make you smile and admire him at the same time great brosnan in not equally great movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21598": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watch lots of scary movies or at least they try to be and this has to be the worst if not nd worst movie i have ever had to make myself try to sit through i never knew the depths of masacism until i rented this piece of moldy cheese covered in a used latex contraceptive i am a fan of julian sans but this is worse than i would hope for him on the other hand the story was promising and i was intrigued for the first minute and a half while the credits rolled and i had yet to see what pain looked like first hand perhaps there are some viewers out there that enjoyed this and can point me in the right direction but then again i know of those viewers who understand if not commemorate me especially when we had to turn the video off and that simply is not done with our watching we had to make one exception obviously if it were up for a remake i d give it a chance so long as they had at most of the original incorporated into it that s all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21599": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a team of archaeologists uncover a real treasure the crown of the queen of sheeba from egypt the crown is to be transferred via steamship to san francisco but it won t be an easy journey there are plenty of would be thieves who would love to get their hands on the priceless jewels contained in the crown fortunately for all involved mr moto is on hand to guard the crown on its journey however that doesn t mean someone won t try to get their hands on the treasure after the disappointment of mr moto s gamble i went into mr moto takes a vacation hoping for the best but admittedly fearing the worst but within the first seconds of the film i knew i would find it more enjoyable i m a sucker for a s style mystery that features anything to do with archaeological digs in egypt and seeing moto disguised as a german archaeologist imagine that peter lorre playing a german the beginning scenes really drew me in while the movie may have quickly shifted to the less exotic san francisco it remained just as enjoyable dark sinister characters lurking in the rainy night gunshots fired from open windows that narrowly miss the hero s head sophisticated and supposed foolproof alarm systems just begging for someone to test them and master criminals believed to be dead these are the kind of elements found in a lot of the really good s mysteries that i love and mr moto takes a vacation s got em all a couple other bonuses for me included the always enjoyable lionel atwill in a nice little role comic relief from g p huntley that s actually funny and a return to form for mr moto i ve already mentioned his disguise in the movie s opening scenes well the athletic moto comes out near the film s finale moto is a like a whirling dervish of activity as he goes after his prey all this and i haven t even mentioned the wonderful performance turned in by lorre any way you look at it mr moto takes a vacation is a winner as much as i hate that the mr moto series had to end after this installment it s understandable when you think about it wwii was just around the corner and after pearl harbor a movie with a japanese hero wouldn t have gone over very well at least the mr moto series ended on a very positive note"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21600": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is the movie that i use to judge all other bad movies and so far there hasn t been anything close the only good thing i can say is that after watching this i know that i have seen the worst movie i will ever see"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21601": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of my favorite mr motos and i have seen them all as usual lorre is his charming self as the debonair mr moto lionel atwill plays a delightfully zany museum curator the usual comic relief is quite funny here and there are lots of suspects on whom to cast an eye it s fast paced and fun the archaeologist doesn t have quite the same flair as thomas beck the usual second lead in these programmers but he s adequate stepin fetchit is on board and while he speaks in a stereotypical manner his lines are funny not demeaning to his intelligence and he actually saves the day in his brief time on screen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21602": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie opens upon julian sands lying on his back a black kitten drooling blood into his awaiting mouth from where he holds it about two feet above him that was so provocative and i thought here we go a good vampire movie and then it died that was literally the only scene which captured any part of the imagination it was slow uneventful drivel thereafter i was vastly disappointed as my previous experience with sands acting was quite enjoyable however this attempt was obviously misdirected and the screenplay left a lot to be desired even julian sands s questionable performance could not begin to save this already sunken barge of a movie it rates a from the fiend"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21603": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i totally disagree i thought that this was a great movie for kids dawn wells from gilligans island and promise shown of a barely then known dana plato it was disneylike and for that it can hardly be disregarded as meaningless fluff no it wasn t scary and wasn t meant to be i wont ruin the ending but it was unusual the way that it was done i mean the kids characters were great and i didn t know what to expect in the end the basic plot also had a lot more to do with these kids than you say the fact that these kids were expert fishermen is very central to the plot especially initially it also helps them out of a jam towards the end it also has the plus of not being overly long i think it clocks in at under minutes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21604": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i love julian sands and will at least attempt to watch anything he s in but this movie nearly did me in i m hard pressed to remember when i found any other movie to move so slow ly zzzzzzzzzzzz pop it in the vcr when you ve run out of sleeping pills"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21605": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this charmingly pleasant and tenderhearted sequel to the hugely successful the legend of boggy creek is a follow up in name only stories abound in a sleepy self contained fishing community of a supposedly vicious bigfoot creature called big bay ty that resides deep in the uninviting swamplands of boggy creek two bratty brothers and their older more sensible tomboy sister a sweetly feisty performance by cute pigtailed future different strokes sitcom star dana plato go venturing into the treacherous marsh to check out if the creature of local legend may be in fact a real live being the trio get hopelessly lost in a fierce storm and the furry bear like humongous but very gentle and benevolent sasquatch comes to the kids rescue tom moore s casual no frills direction relates this simple story at a leisurely pace astutely capturing the workaday minutiae of the rural town in compellingly exact detail drawing the assorted country characters with great warmth and affection and thankfully developing the sentiment in an organic restrained unforced manner that never degenerates into sticky sappy mush the adorable dawn wells mary ann on gilligan s island gives an engagingly plucky portrayal of the kids loving working class single mom while jim wilson and john hofeus offer enjoyably irascible support as a couple of squabbling ol hayseed curmudgeonly coots robert bethard s capable sunny cinematography displays the woodsy setting in all its sumptuously tranquil achingly pure and fragile untouched by civilization splendor darrell deck s score adeptly blends flesh crawling synthesizer shudders and jubilant banjo pluckin country bluegrass into a tuneful sonic brew in addition this picture warrants special praise for the way it uncannily predicts the s kiddie feature bigfoot vogue by a good odd years in advance"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21606": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the opening scenes move as fluidly as frozen velveeta the attempt at dramatic dialogue only makes me wish i had better control of the fast forward control vampires are usually portrayed as sexy and intelligent or mangy disgusting creatures this vampire tries to seduce his prey by imitating a lost puppy i usually tally a body count so there was a cat which doesn t count a bum a girl who fell out of the sky with a sword in her whatever that was about and then the plot foley artists are respected for using celery to create the sound of a broken arm but using the sound of biting into an apple for a vampire biting a victim is just plain silly i liked warlock but this movie just stunk so bad that we turned it off and it was so forgettable we rented it a year later only to turn it off again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21607": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie when i was and i really liked dana plato who later starred in different strokes as kimberly drummond i don t think it s garbage it was not meant to be a sequel to the documentary either its just a cute kids movie about children who go after men trying to find the boggy creek monster the men get hurt and the kids rescue them with the help of the creature haunting shots of the arkansas swamp and scenery were neat this is a good movie for kids no real violence a few mild scares but good fun for the young kids"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21608": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "note i thought i d be the only one writing what i did below but i see the others here agree i guess it was pretty obvious this was overdoing the bait the cat bit anyway here is what i had written the owners have left on vacation for two weeks a trip to california leaving the cat sylvester all alone and locked in the house that means no milk but the cat to his relief does find a bunch of canned tuna however to his dismay he can t find the opener it turns out the little mouse in the house has it and baits the cat with it this is a mean rodent who keeps teasing sylvester with the opener and then yanking it away at the last second sylvester tries everything possible to open the can of tuna but can t do it this is a frustrating story and why they make the sadistic mouse the good guy is beyond me it s like some of the tom jerry cartoons where poor tom always gets the worst of it even though many times the little mouse starts the conflict"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21609": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a fantasy movie for kids based on the boggy creek legend although i don t know why they called it return to boggy creek as if it s a sequel this movie has nothing to do with the documentary and its fantasy kiddie fare dawn wells stars as the mother of children who get lost in the swamp around boggy creek with other men and the monster comes to their aid yes it s very silly and the plot is corny but this kind of movie is perfect for the y o group which it targeted it s harmless g rated kiddie fare and at least you don t have to worry about leaving your kids alone while they watch it strictly for the y o set older kids will get bored and think it lame"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21610": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was a horrible excuse for a movie first of all the casting could have been better katelyn the main character looked nothing like her tv mom also the plot was pathedic it was extremely clich and predictable the ending was very disappointing and cheesy but thats all i ll say about that the nail in the bag though was a scene when katelyn jordan hinson was supposed to be crying but the girl couldn t cry on command there were no tears streaming down her face just a few unbelievable sobs she is not a dynamic actress at all she gave the same fake little laugh identical to that of hillary duff on lizzie maguire sp thats when the movie went from not so good to just plain bad it really looked like she was acting in a nutshell this movie was really bad it was kind of a mix of every clich kid movie from the s that everyone s sick of only worse i give it an f because it was just so darn hard to sit through b t w i was babysitting when i saw it however you may like it if your or under"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21611": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "spoilers my dad had taped this movie for me when i was by age i had watched it over times i just watched it and watched it and i still do today it has a grim storyline a lamb s mother is killed by a wolf a very emotional scene and wants to become a wolf like him after years of training the lamb is made into a really really evil looking thing he and the wolf travel to his old barn but he cannot kill the lambs no matter how much he wishes to he ends up killing the wolf but is no longer seen as a lamb by his former friends and can t return to his previous way of life the art is beautiful the songs are well okay and the voice acting is better than some things today all in all you just have to see this movie it is a great masterpiece although it s very hard to find today"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21612": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i personally hated this movie because it was predictable the characters were stereotypical and the whole idea was a rip off of the cutting edge and cadet kelly the main character is a snotty girl who gets shipped of to a place where she doesn t belong the whole place hates her and to make things worse there is a hot guy that seemingly doesn t like her well duh the whole damn school can t stand you amazingly she finds a way to fit in and make everyone to like her plus gets the guy to fall head over heels in love with her then comes the choice where she must choose between figure skating and hockey she chooses hockey then she goes to the figure skating nationals and gets to be on the olympic team no real surprise there this whole movie was so damn predictable you knew what was going to happen before you even saw it this was so awful i nearly puked and by the time i was finished watching it i had an awful headache and the urge to shoot myself for watching such crap don t watch this unless you are under ten or actually like crappy tween movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21613": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in a not so conventional sense of the word this movie was one of my favorites as a young child and i just recently remembered it and thought to look it up while many of the details are no longer clear in my mind the overall feeling that the movie gave me has stuck with me over the years if parents feel that their children can handle mature and sometimes violent themes then i highly recommend this movie it taught me a lot about life and death and brought forth in me a lot of emotion to this day it remains one of my favorite films"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21614": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was probably the biggest waste of my life ever the acting was pathetic jordan hinson could not show any upset emotions at the beginning of the movie she was supposed to be discouraged instead she bobbed her head with her bottom lip stuck out she sobbed pitifully without any tears for the crying scene i was almost angry that out of all girls who wanted to be actresses they had to pluck out her everyone else was suffering from over acting as well it was flat out annoying it was also an insult to figure skaters jordan took a month to train and they cast her as a person who makes the olympic team it s practically spitting on the effort real figure skaters put into their work a pitiful excuse for a movie and a pitiful attempt to associate hockey and skating don t waste your life it doesn t even deserve one star"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21615": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie as a child and it broke my heart no other story had such a unfinished ending i grew up on many great anime movies and this was one of my favourites because it was so unusual a story about unfairness and cruelty and loneliness and life and choices that can t be undone and the need for others chirin is made alone when the wolf kills his mother but the wolf is alone too when chirin follows him into the mountain the wolf doesn t kill the lamb even though each night he says maybe i ll eat you tomorrow the tape of it i have is broken and degraded from age and use i will repair it and watch the movie again someday and cry just as hard as i did as a child stories like this with this depth and feeling and this intricacy of meaning are very rare it is a sad story but i ve never encountered any catharsis more beautifully made i am glad i have seen this movie and i m glad i saw it as a child"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21616": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "okay when i came on the board for this movie i was really expecting people to be making fun of it i was surprised to see that people over the age of liked it i enjoyed the movie but only b c me and my little sister who is in fact only made fun of the whole thing i am sorry jordan but that acting was awful you know a movie is headed for the toilet when the lead cannot act and it didn t even have a good script or plot to redeem it i also thought that the character of pamela was very very lame border lining pathetic even with that being said i thought there were a few good actors such as gorgeous spencer hollywood and ronnie still not enough to redeem the movie two things about this movie that i just can t get over that that spencer guy would fall for her okay eww i looked up the dates and while in reality he is only about four years older than her the difference in go figure seemed much larger jordan is a very pretty girl but in gf she seemed like or she seemed like a little kid jake abel spencer seemed like a college student that there is any way that kristi yamaguchi would come just to skate for one girl i mean i know that katelin is good and everything but it still just seemed kinda unlikely that kristi would go to a boarding school that didn t even have scholarships for skating or that a school would have employed a skating coach with such connections that all being said it wasn t the worst movie ever known but it wasn t very good even by dcom standards which i consider quite low"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21617": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "watching this several times as a child was quite the experience years ago and now that i ve found it again it still has a film experience like few others if risky it s a great display of morals and life lessons recommended for family viewing with young kids while it still holds up as an adult i was fortunate to have learned from it many times over years ago trying to find it today is hard enough but believe me it is well worth it no matter what the age anime fans especially will find this a great entry to masami hata s filmography with impressive art work and unique designs chirin no suzu represents a worthwhile experience while some of the lyrical songs are not so hot when recorded in english the musical score is nevertheless captivating but even the voice acting is far better than much released today unfortunately is went out of print in the mid s from rca columbia home video and has not received any new format release to my knowledge at least in the us look hard for it and you will be quite satisfied it s an artful intense enjoyable and important landmark in japanese animation"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21618": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie is about two brothers that are supposed to be alike but are not in any way expect for being smart one is a surgeon and they other is able to write a computer code geniuses as they like to call themselves which sounds very exaggerated if you compare it to personal characteristics can you perceive from the material of the title i honestly didn t like the style of the movie i believe that anxiety confusion and deep blues it brings are there for a purpose but what i don t get is why there is so much of it the movie is cheap on scenes and tells the story basically with no human aspect in it at all it gives the comic book like experience however it s visually numbing the viewer it somehow brings him inside the blues with brief dialogs monotonic scenes dynamic cut music and abrupt noises the movie s storyline is very simple most of what s going on is being dramatically pictured for long minutes mostly in confusing delirium simulating effects of drug use and dynamic cuts i will say openly that this movie didn t meet my expetations a tiny bit"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21619": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "julian noble pierce brosnan is a hit man or a facilitator of fatalities as he prefers to be called he is also a drunk a womaniser and in the middle of a mid life crisis on a job in mexico city he bumps into danny white greg kinnear an unconfident businessman who thinks he s just nailed a recent pitch but is unsure they meet in the hotel bar late one night after they ve both had a few too many margaritas sounds like the set up for a by the numbers comedy thriller doesn t it but it isn t instead the matador is a funny and sometimes touching character study it avoids every twist that the above summary would suggest sometimes even setting them up just to gleefully tear them down it is a film that respects it characters enough to just let them get on with it without feeling the need to shove them into needless plot contrivances brosnan s hit man will inevitably be compared to his bond but this is unfair to both performances bond is a half formed idea a product of all that has gone before while julian is a fully formed character with his own motivations and flaws he has existed in his own shadowy seedy world for so long that he has forgotten how to talk to another human being when he meets danny in the hotel bar he sees his opposite a normal guy with a normal job and normal problems he envies danny the hit man has become fed up with his life sees himself edging ever closer to his inevitable burn out as he puts it but when danny opens up about the death of his only son julian tries to change the subject with a dirty joke he is a man who has in his own words been running from any emotion kinnear holds his own opposite brosnan s performance and injects danny white with his effortless everyman charm he is the perfect foil to julian while the latter is drunken bravado and hedonism danny is down to earth with just a hint of eccentricity but he too goes deeper than his established persona showing us how far the everyman will go when faced with financial and familial ruin there is real chemistry between brosnan and kinnear it is most visible in the film s three key scenes the hotel bar a bullfight during which julian tells danny what he does for a living and takes him through a dress rehearsal of an assassination and a scene in which julian turns up at danny s house six months later this scene also introduces us properly to danny s wife bean yes bean in another example of how much the matador respects its characters bean hope davis instead of panicking at the presence of a hired killer in her house merely asks with forced calm did you bring your gun the script isn t quite as good as could have been after maybe another rewrite one or two lines seem a little forced and a couple of the jokes need a little more work but in the scenes where julian and danny and later bean just talk the writing is superb the film feels no need to put the characters in any outlandish situations other than meeting a hit man and said hit man turning up on your doorstep it just lets them talk gently nudging them toward necessary plot points there is action but only when it reflects on the characters one notable instance is when julian botches a job in budapest because he keeps seeing himself through his rifles scope the rest of the film is about the characters how they interact how they each affect one another and ultimately it is about friendship even in the most unlikely of places at one point julian tells danny that he is his only friend and he really means it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21620": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can t say this is one of the best films i have ever seen but then again i can t say it s one of the worst i have ever seen ok so it s basically a girl does skating is good at it wants to go to an expensive school can t afford it and has to take a hockey scholarship she has to hide her skating secret from her friends personally i didn t like the actress playing katelin she absolutely couldn t cry to save her life just made wailing sounds like a toddler pretending to cry to get it s own way katelin was just an annoying person the way she tried to act all nice and helpful to people also the part where the two skaters are calling her names and they say something about her choreographer and she says she draws the line made me cringe we all knew where it was going to go with her and spencer classically they didn t like each other and sort of get together at the end was just typical overall i think this is a movie to watch if you like skating but if you don t mind the main skater being extremely annoying it s good to kill time basically"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21621": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "thanks to warner archive i can once again see this mammoth variety show which throws in everything but the kitchen sink the bathtub however is present this film gives screen time to every person who was under contract to warners at the time if some of the artists seem unfamiliar to some it is because they were big in the silent days and most faded with the popularity of the talkies there are some truly remarkable artists from the vaudeville era as well you will be most impressed with winnie lightner who performs two numbers also there is that french star irene bordoni who croons a love song in a sexy manner perhaps one of the biggest highlights is the two strip technicolor chinese fantasy which has been restored for this version it is truly beautiful and it stars myrna loy and nick lucas finally there is the massive lady luck finale which goes on for nearly a quarter of an hour this is truly an epic of the early talkie era any old movie buff will love this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21622": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the acting was horrible and they got both of the sports wrongggg not only did they get the figure skating rules wrong but also they rules of girls ice hockey in girls ice hockey you cannot check you also don t block for someone not all they girls are disgusting gross mean and big i play hockey and i m only and have been asked to go to schools like the one in the movie also not all hockey players hate figure skaters a lot of current girls hockey players were once figure skaters themselves also we skate a lot faster then the ones in the movie i was embarrassed by the movie it gave people the idea that we suck although i must mention that it is difficult to transition between the sports because of the toe pick on the figure skates also some of those twirly moves katelin was doing on the ice you couldn t do in a regular hockey game she basically tripped the person which is illigal its also unrealistic that she would get a hockey scholarship when she figure skates that really made me angry that scholarship would normally be used to someone who could benefit the team"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21623": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it is very hard to rate this film as entertainment value for st century viewers it fails miserably however for the student of early sound films and history it is a jewel show of shows was a revue filmed to compete with mgm s successful hollywood revue of which still survives intact complete with its technicolor scenes the purpose of the all star revue was to showcase a particular studio s silent stars in speaking roles and show that they could make the transition however warner bros seems to have forgotten this and employs many acts and stars that they didn t even have under long term contract such as ben turpin lloyd hamilton beatrice lillie and even a marching band meanwhile their biggest talent al jolson is noticeably absent even at a high salary he could not be compelled to join in almost every act is overly long and the film plays like a dozen or so vitaphone shorts strung together with no continuity the finale is also overly long but it is really enjoyable with all of its dance numbers the highlights of the film are two numbers from winnie lightner pingo pongo and singin in the bathtub a couple of numbers with nick lucas john barrymore performing shakespeare and the chinese fantasy li po li with nick lucas and myrna loy this last number is the only part of the film that survives in technicolor and it really is quite attractive reasonably enough the players in these good acts were long term warner bros stars so perhaps the director knew how to play to their strengths since he was familiar with them this film acts as a snapshot at an odd point in film history the year which was the bridge year between two eras the silent and sound eras and the roaring s and the great depression just two years later this same film would have had an entirely different cast as warner bros would abandon its silent era stars and the stars they hired just to produce the early musicals in favor of those stars that gave warner bros its distinctive urban look and feel james cagney joan blondell edward g robinson and others"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21624": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "some of my old friends suggested me to watch this movie but i got chance only recently i had high hopes of seeing something interesting from kamal hans what i saw was bunch of garbage camera angles mixed at high speed i could not understand what was the message except demeaning hinduism i am more like many religion type but i felt kamal hasan is a man low character to have orchestrated this kind of thought he could have made a horror movie than this crap he tried to add hollywood genre of viruses and god forbid he did not convert that guy into a mutant and ultimately going to go for world domination this is a much befitting movie for a film school vs regular public shame on him for not holding up to the talent he has starting of story tried chaos to borrow ideas from butterfly effect then in between little religious harmony at the cost of insulting hinduism once again i insult hinduism more but this movie has no equal and my insult is same for religion in general which may have made this movie intellectual one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21625": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a deliriously colossal vulgar silly all star extravaganza revue of all the early talkie stars that warner bros could afford and like most other rarely seen films actually made during the late s an unforgettable opportunity to see and hear the genuine roaring twenties exuberance and youthfulness put to song and dance the show of shows is pretty gigantic vaudeville act after soliloquy after tap dance after acrobat after comedian after fan dance after ukulele lunacy after rin tin tin who introduces an oriental number and on and on it lumbers grinning and squeaking away in fabulous gramophone quality vitaphone sound it is far too long but among it s delirious delights are the awesome singin in the bathtub number created on a scale of which the qe architects would be proud beatrice lillie lounging by a grand piano with some happiness boys amusingly warbling a witty ditty nick lucas and the never ending grand finale in two color color which is all set to the song lady luck so keen are the tubby chorus line and leaping teenagers to en ter tain us that they almost kick themselves repeatedly in their own faces with glee and effort row after row of doll characters hop past and some even emerge from the floor i kid you not there are even girls strapped to the crystal chandeliers mummified with shiny gauze and chained up with pearl ropes unable to move for days i imagine during production whilst this katzenjammer of toy box athleticism twitch and spasm below to the ukulele orchestra of course i loved it and had to watch this color finale over and over and then invite friends and family to the screen for weeks on end just to horrify and terrify them each separately and to roll about on the lounge in shrieking in delight at each and every exclamation of their startled reactions and so should you and rejoice that there was an era when this was created simply to entertain and thrill it is all so demented"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21626": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i normally only write reviews for movies i really hated or really liked and as you can probably tell from the number of stars up there i didn t like it by now i assume you have read about the plot or maybe even seen the movie so i ll skip the summary let s break this down pros and cons cons the concept the premise was set up to be interesting using chaos theory as a theme was interesting however it wasn t carried out so well correct me if i m wrong but it seems to me that chaos theory was kind of misrepresented the event that occurred in the movie seemed more like contrived coincidence than anything i guess the butterfly effect was represented by the whole god s causes tsunami to bring back statue the presentation comes off as really sloppy though some people call this intelligent but it just seems to be another souped up action film storyline is it just me or does it seem that kamal just threw this together to give him an excuse to play ten roles the plot is extremely contrived govind kept losing the vial so many times in obscure accidents his friend just happens to mix up the vial with a package he was sending to india a crazy old lady just happens to throw the vial into an idol half the cast just happens to unexpectedly meet up in the same hospital and the case with the idol just happened to get mixed up with one that belonged to a famous singer cgi oh god the cgi it was even worse than the special effects in jaws and those sucked right away i could tell which parts were animated even my ten year old cousin knows that underwater cars don t look like that stunts yes i now that action scenes in tamil movies aren t realistic but the stunts in this one were horrid and actually distracted me from the story make up i have to admit they did a better job than expected i thought kamal would be playing people with similar skin tones so the two fake white guys and the fake japanese aikido guy caught me off guard however it was still pretty bad i could easily tell which ones were wearing masks the songs the music was distracting and out of place in many instances asin her character was possibly the most annoying one in the movie she was loud ditsy and obsessed irrationally about that idol i actually found myself wishing she would die plot holes and fridge logic let me get this straight a lab monkey was smart enough to get past a password locked door but not intelligent enough to tell the difference between a bar of chocolate and a vial with a deadly virus in it and then an ex cia agent who s after the vial figures out it s headed for india instead of immediately following it he marries a pole dancer first a famous punjabi singer with cancer checks into a small town hospital in the third world when he could easily afford the best medical treatment available furthermore he gets shot in the throat with a bullet you d think he would be killed but instead the magic bullet has cleared his tumor you read that right a bullet knocked out the tumor pros the naidu character possibly the only likable part of the movie was his comedy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21627": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it is difficult to evaluate this or any other comparable film of the early sound era in terms that one might use for ordinary film commentary at times there is almost a desperation as many film personalities of the silent era try their wings at sound surely fearing that they will be left by the wayside as did happen to some rin tin tin however was pertfectly natural in such a vaudeville of unrelated sequences some were sure to stand out john barrymore s soliloquy from richard ii is a moment certainly worth preserving by and large only those with earlier stage training exuded confidence however this is over all reasonably entertaining and a must for film buffs especially interested in the silent to sound transition"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21628": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a stage company cast finds themselves terrified when a bizarre killer known as the fiend targets them for death a pair of reporters and their clumsy photographer set out to work the story of the fiend and find themselves targets as well just as you think our trio of heroes has the case solved you re thrown another twist that has you wondering who the killer really is according to the dvd sleeve s synopsis taking the hunchback of notre dame to hollywood producer sam katzman s lack of studio settings probably helps a face in the fog look interesting especially toward the end s traffic the direction could be improved upon for example the camera angle on the fight scene is not helpful the budget appears slight under the circumstances most of the silent talkie crossover cast perform it amiably a face in the fog robert f hill lloyd hughes june collyer al st john"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21629": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is hardly a movie at all but rather a real vaudeville show filmed for the most part in proscenium and starring some of the greatest stage stars of the day singing in the bathtub is an absolutely amazing production number that must be seen be sure to wear your shower cap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21630": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "from the awful death scenes to guns that fire without making sounds to a character called the fiend it s all tiresome slow moving unimaginative drivel it was ok seeing the guy with the cape and the hunchback lurking around visually it was creepy and probably occupied the moviegoer of the time but even in one would think that there would have been a little more imagination and verisimilitude to even a film like this i just kept waiting for something to happen of any importance as people stood around making speeches and acting like they were posing at an office picnic and then there are those bullets as a previous commentator mentioned perhaps the best clue would have been to search for a water spot on someone s pants pocket"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21631": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gung ho tries to express many ideas and entertain us with a wiseguy comedy at the same time the result is uneven but generally entertaining keaton balances all three aspects of his lead character quite well wantabedde is even better one warning george wendt is very poor in his supporting role otherwise this is quite enjoyable time capsule"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21632": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can t believe anyone thought there was anything original or interesting about this movie i m a fan of science fiction as much as the next guy and i can enjoy even old movies with ridiculous premises as long when they are written by someone other than a monkey see for example my glowing review of altered states [ ] a monkey could have explained better exactly why i should for a second take seriously the basic idea behind this movie the problem is not that the producers had a low budget it s that they didn t care now to publicly humiliate the worthless magazines whose glowing reviews appear on the box chicago tribune san francisco chronicle san francisco bay guardian actually i enjoy reading the latter two still their movie reviewing credibility has gone through the floor but i know if i ever make a movie with handheld camera a cheesy plot and stupid effects i ll show it to these journalists and remind them what they said about conceiving ada"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21633": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really enjoyed this movie typically ron howard who seems to like being associated with michael keaton love the scene when hunt travels to japan with his sales pitch whoa how did that get in there cheap laughs but great value"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21634": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i haven t seen anything this bad since i walked out of the james bond movie moonraker twenty years ago i managed to sit through the entirety of this one only because of tilda swinton but there was nothing she could do to save this beast as a cross between pi orlando and tron this movie failed miserably in every aspect of moviemaking the characters were cardboard and unable to evoke any kind of sympathy the plot was wholly unbelievable the acting was with the exception of swinton amateur the computer graphics were worse than in tron timothy leary was extremely annoying i could go on but what s the point the only good thing i can say about this film is that tilda swinton was in it i have no idea why an actress of her caliber consented to appear in such a dud but she most likely regrets it now don t waste your money or your time on this stinker there s nothing worth seeing here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21635": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i remember watching gung ho as a child with my mother and wondered why she would always cry in the last few minutes i of course found the entire movie hilarious particularly the mannerisms of the characters it wasn t until i was much older and watched it again that i realized how much deeper this show actually is michael keaton and gedde watanabe shine in their roles as the reluctant mediators keaton ceases to amaze me with his real life style of line delivery and watanabe adds humor and pathos to the mix i also thought that patti yasutake umeki was simply fabulous in her role as the comic relief i think this movie is one of the most underrated films of the s we can all learn a lesson from the merging of the american and japanese workers in this film sometimes you really can have the best of both worlds and now i understand why my mother felt the way she did in those closing moments i d rather have one of those cars too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21636": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "encompassing virtual reality the potential of computers communication with the past the ongoing struggle to express your identity in a constraining society and the fascinating ada byron lovelace portrayed by the fascinating tilda swinton this film should have been great but it is lousy terrible if you consider the potential the acting aside from tilda swinton and karen black veers from tolerable to atrocious the plot construction is awkward to say the least the modern day programmer is a dull one note character but half the movie is spent setting up her character and then when ada finally appears it is to narrate the events of her life not to present an engaging story swinton almost pulls this off though you never fully get to know her as a real person just an icon from a grad student s history paper the digital effects such as a digital dog and bird are lousy and distracting considering it was and not and finally the script is just bad bad often pretentious dialog especially the fights between the programmer and her boyfriend which made me squirm cold and distant characters and zero attempt to create a sense of wonder the programmer successfully contacts a person in the past astonishing but it hardly seems to surprise anyone and her boyfriend says well be careful although we re given no clue then or later why it might be dangerous and it never seems to actually be dangerous also despite being about computers and ada lovelace and her love of mathematics it is clear no one involved with the script had any knowledge of mathematics or computers any references to these subjects come across as complete mumbo jumbo that defies any suspension of disbelief one scene towards the end of the movie is quite good a monolog by tilda swinton expressing her sadness at the fragility of life but her joy in that life poignant passionate and insightful it seems to be dropped in from another movie so i am disappointed in this movie because it is a missed opportunity for a fascinating little cult film if you find the subject matter interesting you might want to rent it but be forewarned see orlando for another much much better examination of gender roles in history with a great tilda swinton performance spoiler question at the end of the movie ada asks that her memories not be preserved in what i thought was the best scene in the movie but then the modern day programmer seems to do it anyway transferring the memories into her little girl hence the title of the movie am i correct that the programmer violated ada s wishes without even struggling over it or is this another confusing plot point that i m misinterpreting"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21637": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just have to throw my two cents in relax it s a comedy yes for the most part the characters are broadly written and acted i can t think of many comedies where they aren t this isn t a new release it s out on video and airs on cable almost every week would i see it in a theater sure i did when it first came out it s funny that should be enough even if i didn t like it at all i d still watch it on cable for michael keaton he s an underrated and under appreciated actor i can t think of another who is so capable in every genre nor can i think of one who s as successful a comedic actor who s also an action star short lived but still who s also a romantic lead who s also a dramatic actor a villain and a hero i can t think of any at least not in hollywood certainly none who have been successful at all those genres i mean there s tom cruise but to me he s better at being tom cruise than becoming a character however this isn t about michael keaton vs tom cruise so i ll move on gung ho is worth renting heck it s worth buying since you can probably find it for or less at stores like wal mart it s worth watching on cable if you have cable or satellite it s one of those fun to watch movies you can put your brain on pause and just relax and chuckle away to ask for more in my honest opinion is asking too much"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21638": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yes in years of film going i have finally viewed the stinker that surpasses all other ghastly movies i have seen beating good will hunting baise moi and flirt for sheer awfulness this is pretentious blige of the first order not even entertaining pretentious bilge the effects are cheap and worse pointless the script seems to have been written by a first year film student who doesn t get out much but wants to appear full of portent the acting is simply undescribably bad tilda swinton caps a career filled with vacuous woodeness with a performance which veers neurotically between comotose and laughable intensity apparently some fool out there has allowed the director of this film to make another one be warned"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21639": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i teach japanese for an online high school and i include cultural activities so that the students can learn about the country as well as the language and watching gung ho is one of the requirements the students can either buy or rent the movie stereotypes or not this helps the students to see that other people view the world and their lives differently than we do many of my students have told me that they enjoyed the movie so much they are going to get a copy for themselves it is really interesting to see what we value in this culture and what they value in their culture i just wish i could get a cleaned up tv version i m not really into the crude language the auto workers use all the time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21640": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok if you re looking for another bastketball diaries this is completely the wrong film i revolves around two brothers max the younger has a major cocaine addiction adam the eldest is a doctor this movie is suppose to show the plunge from reality to the extreme lows that drugs make possible it however does not it shows that cocaine can be fun no matter what the situation happens to be present most of the movie focus is on max and his parting ways eventually adam can no longer take the stress from his job and begins to use as well perscription drugs this movie has almost no climax doesn t descend into what cocaine really does to you has boring and low budget scenes and the acting of the eldest brother adam is horrific i have no idea how this movie has managed to pass and receive awards it is not a heart wencher if you want a clear and true story movie on the extreme world of drugs rent if not buy the basketball diaries and notice the difference try to avoid this movie but if you think you will enjoy try and see for yourself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21641": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the turning point in the matador comes about half through the movie when danny an unsophisticated man from denver is sitting in the balcony of his mexico city hotel enjoying a quiet moment someone knocks on his door and knowing it s julian the paid assassin he refuses to answer but did he really richard shephard the director of the matador presents us with a character julian noble who shows no redeemable qualities in fact we have already seen him in action doing what he does best when julian meets danny at the bar of the camino real in mexico city he spills the beans and tells his new acquaintance what he really does for a living danny who has come to sell his program to a mexican company but it seems he is competing against a local outfit that appears to be in the front for getting the contract danny is a naive person who falls prey of the charisma and charm doled out by the smarter julian it s not until some time later on a cold winter night that the killer appears at danny s door asking his friend to repay a favor and accompany him on a trip to tucson it s at this point that the secret that binds them together is revealed in an unexpected way pierce brosnan acting against type makes a great contribution with his irreverent julian noble just to watch him walking through the hotel lobby in his speedo and boots gives the right impression about his character greg kinnear on the other hand plays the straight part of this odd couple hope davis appears only in a couple of scenes leaving us to lament why didn t she stay longer philip baker hall puts an appearance as the liaison between julian and his assignments richard shephard directs with style working with his own material the musical score is by rolfe kent and the crisp cinematography of david tattersall enhances everything"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21642": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was a nice attempt at something but it is too pretentious and boring to rise above it s low budget trappings the use of virtual sets almost works but at some points it fails miserably they made good use of the small budget i guess i just wish the story and most of the acting was better there are a lot of parts where you see what they were aiming for and it would of been great if they actually hit those marks but they don t confusing and unbelievable story bad dvd transfer too it doesn t take much for me to watch a movie in one sitting this i had to shut off it was too boring i can do slow movies but just make them appealing in some aspect visually story wise acting etc this was lacking in all departments so it never added up to an engrossing experience maybe the film maker s next attempt will be better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21643": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i recently saw this movie in my international business class i was not expecting anything other then another boring documentary not to say i don t love documentary i ve just hard bad luck with movies in that class imagine my surprise when this movie that s actually a movie came up this film is a tell all of cultural differences in the work place and how they need to cooperate to get anywhere the culture clash shows just how different the world is and just how differently we perceive ourselves until someone comes along and gives us a wake up call i would highly recommend this film to anyone in business or who just wants a laugh because yes it is funny well that s about it cheers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21644": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "despite some occasionally original touches like the virtual sets that provide the background for the victorian interiors featuring ada lovelace and her circle this film falls short and ultimately disappoints newcomer francesca faridany seems talented but is wasted as emmy a character who by mid film is reduced to nothing more than staring at a monitor watching lady ada narrate an autobiography conceiving ada takes off briefly when lady ada tilda swinton appears the camera lingers on her facial expressions mannerisms even making her appear to be translucent or momentarily invisible apporting into scenes to dramatize emmy s virtual rendering of her a straightforward biopic of ada lovelace would have been worthwhile but this film unfortunately makes a hash of both lady ada s life and that of a modern day computer scientist and her broadly drawn doltish boyfriend"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21645": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie when it was new later i rented it in japan after having been here three years afraid that i would cringe when i viewed it in the harsh light of my expanded international experience the movie pleasantly surprised me with how accurately it portrays the culture clash between japan and pennsylvania where i m from not all the stuff is factually spot on but the tone is perfect i m still in japan many years later and i continue to enjoy this film for its even handed treatment of the two sides in the story interestingly although the japanese american actors spoke japanese in the original the dialog is redubbed in the japan version to cover up obvious second language delivery problems i noticed one reviewer uses this in a japanese class i think you can learn more about what to expect from an encounter with japan by watching this film than by reading any of the serious books on the matter most of which were written in the s and financed by propagandizing japanese companies don t be fooled by drag on the average rating caused by one star reviewers who among other things found it implausible that the japanese would want to build cars in the us of course the japanese operate many factories there to be close to the customers and to avoid trade friction this is a very warm and funny movie that i would rate higher were it not for a few s clich s like the dancing around to cheesy electronic disco music michael keaton has never been funnier"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21646": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if you make it through the opening credits this may be your type of movie from the first screen image of a woman holding her hands up to her face with white sheets blowing in the background one recalls a pretentious perfume commercial it s all downhill from there the lead actress is basically a block of wood who uses her computer to reach into the past and reconstruct the memories of photographs to talk history s overlooked genius ada who conceived the first computer language in the s the low budget graphics would be forgivable if they were interesting or even somewhat integral to the script poor tilda swinton is wasted"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21647": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gung ho is one of those movies that i never get tired of watching michael keaton has always been a favorite of mine he is absolutely hilarious in this movie matching him step for step is gedde watanabe the two of them work wonderfully together although this movie is a comedy i also like how it shows hunt keaton kazihiro watanabe struggling in their roles as the leaders of their respective groups they both try so hard to keep the peace then they finally get into a fight which is hysterical to watch first they re both on the floor then hunt jumps on a chair kazihiro jumps on the desk hunt jumps on the desk with him the fight then spills out from the office into the factory i love that after they are separated by the workers you can tell that they both feel bad for letting things get so out of hand also there is a scene where you can see the influence that hunt has had on kazihiro he is at his house his boss from japan arrives says he would like to visit the factory tomorrow kazihiro tomorrow not good day sakamoto why not kazihiro factory is locked we can t find key tell me you can t picture michael keaton saying something like that i guess i really like this movie because it is genuinely funny also shows how people that are radically different can not only learn from each other but become good friends as well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21648": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "many days after seeing conceiving ada i am still in awe that any group of people would spend so much time to make such an atrocious film no one ought see this film in hopes of learning anything of consequence about ada lovelock her colleagues or the product of her endeavors likewise no one ought to see this film in hopes of being entertained as a sci fi film this would unquestionably be a horrendous failure somehow the main character manages to bring the past to life and interact with it on her personal computer with the advice and encouraging words of timothy leary i doubt anyone could suspend their disbelief enough to keep this from seeming absolutely absurd as a drama film this would unquestionably be a horrendous failure somehow the writer director manages to fill eighty five minutes with constant unnecessary annoying and trivial drama over essentially nothing i doubt that anyone could feel that all the drama in the film serves only as an irritating distraction i find it difficult to fully express my degree of contempt for conceiving ada the circumstances under which i saw it forbid me from leaving the theater but there is no question that i would have otherwise i am still angry that i wasted the time that it took to see it only that i might more effectively criticize this movie i wish that i were more articulate"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21649": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a great film i first saw this film when it came out i just recently saw this film again and it still holds up to my memory of it a lot of films we watched when we were younger don t seem to hold up when we watch them later in life the film is actually a great s example of the type of films made then keaton is at his best all the actors actually did a very good job and ron howard was very good at letting the story push the movie along instead forcing it the pace of the film is fast with few slow spots and seeing the cars from the s is too funny being from the s i loved seeing the ugly pacer again the film is a great film for any comedy lovers and s film lovers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21650": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "expecting a combination of scifi and period film about ada lovelace charles babbage the history of computers etc i was disappointed by this movies nonsensical pseudoscience and mixture of real and fabulous history it gives the impression that its writer lynn hershman leeson has no real understanding of the math technology or history constituting the film s subject but is working instead from a sort of fuzzy artistic impression of them this hits a sore spot with me as i ve long been irritated by the tendency of the arts to glom onto and awfully misuse science terms and ideas to the point of confusion eg emmy coer information waves have a half life ada i m not at all certain that half a life is better than no life at all this movie does worse than fail to entertain it misinforms the only redeeming value i can imagine for it is that it might attract a viewer to learn about the subject it so badly distorts it s more likely i think to promote a superstitious perception of science and technology of any degree of advancement as indistinguishable from magic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21651": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie again as an assignment for my management class were to mainly comment on the different management styles and ideas on quality of the product i did rent this one back in the eighties and i remember it to be good but not great movie i ve always liked michael keaton s style and delivery he was a perfect fit for the movie i am surprised to see some of the low ratings for this movie i grant you yes it s no oscar winner but it does have decent comedic value it s more of a subtle comedy rather than a all out comedy farce i also find some of those that felt this was an inaccurate film on cultural and business differences i beg to differ i grant you again that there are a lot of generalities and dramatizations but then again this is hollywood film not a documentary from what i ve read about differences between automakers on both sides of the pacific at that time many of the principle ideas were accurate for the time some of the basic differences were that japanese workers made to feel as part of the company as a whole teamwork was emphasized they perhaps made the company above all else where american workers had more of a management verses labor type of relationship the individual was more important than the company i ll probably get some hate email over that comment i m sure another difference was how quality was viewed and whose responsibility it was to fix in many japanese plants defects or problems are examined and fixed at the time it is discovered rather as one character in the movie put it it was the dealers meaning car dealer problem many of these things are probably dated but i m sure some are still around as many us car makers are still struggling to keep up with the japanese if one is more interested in the subject of american european and japanese automakers i can recommend a book that studies this subject in more detail and was done around the same time period the book is called the machine that changed the world by james womack daniel jones and daniel roos it s about a study of automakers during and before the time period that this movie covers parts are bit dry but i think you ll find that it backs up much the movie also"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21652": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m the sort of person who went down to the local library and read books on babbage s difference engine whilst my schoolmates were playing football etc so if there is any such thing as a target audience for this film then i guess i d probably be included in that maybe i just need to watch it again a previous reviewer mentioned not to watch this film whilst being tired maybe that was my mistake i tried my best to enjoy this film and there are aspects of it that i do like but overall i found it amateurish and quite plodding being somewhat of a self confessed computer nerd i just can t help but pick up on the exact time frame when the movie was actually made and how the employed graphics reflect that time i e having played games of the era c f mind grind to cite one example this film cannot escape that bit colour low res multimedia explosion of that time now thankfully this has somewhat lessened in more recent years in the gaming world at least in favour of actual game play having to resort to watching this movie via a german fta satellite channel as i don t think it s ever been aired on uk fta tv well not recently anyway i was mildly amused to see the end credits note gottdog god dog had people working on it s design maybe it s mean spirited of me to be amused by this given that ten years have elapsed since the movie was made nevertheless the end result makes movie graphics from the eighties look good by comparison but as for the main story i agree that the format isn t the best idea like others i agree that ada deserves a film without the sci fi angle and a more straightforward biographical approach would perhaps be better suited to covering the life story of this remarkable lady there are fundamental mistakes that undermine my enjoyment of this movie first of all the underlying idea that somehow lost real world information from the past can be accurately reconstructed through some sort of extrapolation via software based intelligent agents seems somehow ludicrous also the theme running through the movie that a computing device can indeed predict the mechanics of all things through the course of time e g the winds is now known not to be the case ok so the victorians may have held this view but the th century works of g del proving that no mathematical system can be complete turing s works on the limits of computability not to mention chaos theory and quantum mechanics have all completely undermined these ideas which seem central to how the modern day researcher s software is supposed to work finally the clicking of the mouse in the air to mean programming is also just plain wrong as previously mentioned this film maybe could have been ok but at least some technical and scientific consultation would have given the film some much needed credit in the believability stakes i won t forget the film though as like pi it is clearly a unique work but with too many fatal mistakes for me to truly enjoy it from me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21653": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "way way back in the s long before nafta was drafted and corporations began to shed their national identities the united states and japan were at each other s throat in the world manufacturing race remember sayings like union yes the japanese are taking this country over and americans are lazy as the reagan era winded down and corporations edged towards a global marketplace director ron howard made one of several trips into the comedy genre with his smash gung ho which drew over million in u s box office receipts while in many ways dated howard s tongue in cheek story of colliding cultures in the workplace still offers hard truth for industrial life today gung ho focuses on hunt stevenson michael keaton the automakers union rep from hadleyville a small depressed town in the foothills of pennsylvania stevenson has been asked to visit the assan motor company in tokyo similar to real life toyota which is considering a u s operation at the town s empty plant with hundreds of residents out of work and the town verging on collapse assan decides to move in and stevenson is hired as a liaison between company officials and workers on the assembly line the minutes of gung ho is a humorous look at these two sides with their strengths and weaknesses equally considered on one hand an american workforce that values its traditions but is often caught in the frenzy of pride and trade unionism on the other hand japanese workers who are extremely devoted to their job yet lacking in personal satisfaction and feelings of self worth in stevenson we find an american working class figure of average intelligence with the skills to chat people through misunderstandings with the survival of his workers jobs and most of hadleyville on the line stevenson proves a likable guy who wants nothing more than a fair chance although his cleverness will sink him into a great deal of trouble besides answering to the heads of assan we witness a delicate balancing act between stevenson and his fellow union members many of whom he grew up with this includes buster george wendt willie john turturro and paul clint howard ron s brother the japanese cast is headed by gedde watanabe also known for sixteen candles and volunteers watanabe plays kazihiro the plant manager who is down on his luck and begins to feel a sympathy for american life he is constantly shadowed by saito sab shimono the nephew of assan s ceo who is desperate to take his spot in the pecking order while given a light touch these characters fare very well in conveying ideas of the japanese working culture with hunt stevenson dominating the script michael keaton has to give a solid performance for this film to work gung ho is indeed a slam dunk success for keaton who also teamed with ron howard in s the paper he made this film during a string of lighter roles that included mr mom beetle juice and the dream team before venturing into batman one good cop and my life it s also hard not to like gedde watanabe s performance as the odd man out who first wears japanese ribbons of shame before teaming up with stevenson to make the auto plant a cohesive unit the supporting cast is top notch including wendt turturro shimono and soh yamamura as assan ceo sakamoto mimi rogers supplies a romantic interest as audrey hunt s girlfriend edwin blum lowell ganz and babaloo mandel teamed up for gung ho s solid writing the incidental music which received a bmi film music award was composed by thomas newman gung ho s soundtrack songs are wall to wall s including don t get me wrong tuff enuff and working class man the success of gung ho actually led to a short lived tv series on abc while more impressive as a social commentary twenty years ago ron howard s film still has its comic value it is available on dvd as part of the paramount widescreen collection and is a tad short changed audio options are provided in english surround english dolby surround and french dubbing but subtitles are in english only there are no extras not even the theatrical trailer on the plus side paramount s digital transfer is quite good with little grain after the opening credits and high quality sound while a few extras would have been helpful especially that gung ho was a box office success there s little to complain about the film presentation itself out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21654": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "have you ever seen a movie made up entirely of long wide shots no me neither well i ve finally seen one in spring in my hometown and i must confess now i know why people don t do this the technique is arty to be sure but it s definitely not ripe for public consumption the technique is heavily flawed simply because the viewer has no emotional attachment to the characters and perhaps that might be the director s whole intentions i don t know i can t read minds and i certainly don t know enough about the director to make a judgement but one thing about this movie that is painfully obvious is its ridiculous anti american sentiments as an american i m well aware of my country s participation in the korean war and i m very well aware that we weren t always angels but i ll be damn if i ll take this guy s version of how things happened according to this blind fool americans were not only at the root of the war we were the cause of the war and we almost singlehandedly destroyed the country whatever mister director and i suppose you d still be making this film in communist korea if we hadn t interfered right talk about forgetting your history this is almost akin to making the nazis the good guys while turning the allied forces into the bad guys this movie is so historically naive and so factually inaccurate that it s almost embarrassing to watch for a man who comes from a country that owes its very existence to american interference he sure comes off as high and mighty and judgemental"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21655": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "wow it s been years since i last saw this movie watching it in is certainly different than watching it in initially i didn t think i would make it through the movie hunt stevenson michael keaton was so obnoxious arrogant and disrespectful that i found it hard to watch him he embodied every negative stereotype of americans if that wasn t bad enough once the small american town s finest workers were shown the image only got worse on the opposite spectrum the japanese were presented as emotionless robotic workaholics the movie wasn t even all that funny i only hung in there because of the nostalgic value of it and i m glad i continued the watch just like boxing judges are swayed by how you finish the round this movie went from about a three up to the seven i rated it because of the ending the end was excellent you always want a harmonious ending and this was just that it was great that the town got to keep there jobs and keep the factory but what was most special was the marriage between the japanese customs and values and the american customs and values it was a mediocre movie that ended on a high note"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21656": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "my title ought to be enough it baffles me that a culture so rich in literary excellence dumas flaubert balzac maupassant would churn out such tosh as the nouvelle vague cinematic movement until the th century france had a great tradition of artistic lucidity and clever philosophy but the minute you hand them a movie camera they start acting like wooohooo look how weird i can be plot theme pshaw let s film an amusement park ride going round round at least this is not as bad as godard who has an unhealthy fascination with the backs of peoples heads oh la la quel artiste no truffaut maintains a degree of visual clarity but so does the security camera at a quickie mart the two are indistinguishable haha just as an aside to all you dweeby film school nerds i bet the vein is popping out the side of your neck right now but don t leave without reading the last sentence of my review anyway if you like french literature you will hate this people who like this movie probably have never read any books other than the ramblings of jack kerouac or maybe hitchhiker s guide to the galaxy or maybe they have read the lyrics to the doors songs and they think that s profoundly moving whatever floats yer boat i find it ironic that this film injects some weak allusions to balzac one of the finest and most meaningful writers who ever lived nice try truffles but you re nowhere near the ballpark avoid this film like an aids infected syringe if you re the type of person who likes to think then stick to jean cocteau orphee robert bresson pickpocket and the japanese masters kurosawa ikuru kobayashi kaidan and teshigahara suna no onna if you re an idiot enjoy your truffaut godard and andy worhol and for pete s sake push that vein back in your neck you look like a cabbage"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21657": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this comedy is bound to be good from the get go east meets west and east doesn t want to lose west doesn t know what losing is like it starts a little slow but it grabs you very soon and it doesn t let go this is definitely worth seeing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21658": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie bewilders me it may be that i m just a stupid american but i really just don t get blows everything i ve read about this movie has been a total rave but i just couldn t stay interested i m sure that it was as revolutionary in film making as all the critics say but when it boils right down to it it s just really really boring maybe it s the language barrier may i m just not sensitive or artsy enough but whatever the case is i hated this movie the story itself isn t bad it s about a young french boy who is treated unfairly by his parents and his teachers and eventually he ends up in a juvenile facility that in itself ought to be interesting and it was at first there was nothing wrong with the dialogue but then again it s hard to say because half of the conversations weren t subtitled and for no apparent reason so i didn t always know what was going on but for the dialogue we could understand it made enough sense the actors were believable enough but it s hard to say what a real person would do in these situations so you feel for the main character but only in the sense that when he gets into trouble you think well that sucks the plot isn t even your typical plot each time he gets in trouble he gets into more trouble than the last time but the reasons never vary too much and through the entire film you realize that there s nothing the main character can really do about it so it s more like just waiting to see how it ends the ending by the way was completely over my head it s way too artsy for me and i just didn t get it leading up to the end was easy enough to follow the structure was certainly there and it made sense as well but everything was really drawn out for the amount of dialogue and significant moments the movie could have been an hour shorter it just didn t end part of it was the unnecessarily long shots none of which were especially memorable for example the ending was a clip of the main character running down a country road that lasted a good thirty seconds now i m sure that had some deeper meaning in it somewhere but for the average viewer i d rather have gotten up to get some more food during that time or at least done something a little more useful than sit and watch this boy running like doing my laundry or taking a nap final verdict the feeling throughout the whole movie was that this probably would be very moving and just amazing and that it would teach me some great life lesson if i could only get what the director was trying to say by his unique decisions as it was i just felt cheated out of a good two hours of my life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21659": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a wonderful movie with a fun clever story and the dynamics of culture differences and the running theme of what s important in life make this a very under appreciated movie don t let the cynics of the world deter you from seeing this keaton has wonderful moments and i wonder at the fact that comedy is never appreciated because actors like keaton make going from humor to serious bits look tremendously easy great movie all around"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21660": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is the sort of thing that only now thrills the film eggheads after all feierstein s flex crush will have you know that real men don t watch anything by truffaut it might have been interesting if truffaut had anything to say here the camera as voyeur motif was nothing new have we all forgotten de sica s bicycle thief or anything by hitchcock so all we get is the extended metaphor of the juvenile as truffaut who spends all his free time screwing up his eyes at the movies who wrecks schoolroom discipline gets accused of plagiarism the many petty thefts and ultimately escapes societal confines to make his own movie sorry been there done that too many times for this to matter"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21661": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a very funny east meets west film influenced by the closure of gm s flint michigan plant in the eighties and the rise and integration of japanese automakers in the us set in western pennsylvania it features great performances by michael keaton gedde watanabe and george wendt music by blues legend stevie ray vaughan"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21662": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "one star that s all this documentary deserves i haven t felt this disappointed in watching a movie let alone a documentary in quite some time i m a big fan of the walking with series including it s nigel marvin spin offs for all their gleeful fun yet informative information and although the subject of prehistoric man has never interested me nearly as much as other prehistoric creatures the subject is still interesting and unique to explore having seen all the other docs from the series i figured i need to see this one as well especially after seeing relatively good reviews in other places well for those of you who put up a good review of this doc what were you thinking lol though the information that they were able to get through was interesting the presentation failed in every other way possible it had a terrible flow was incredibly unfocused in what it was trying to say with information scrambled and sometimes out of of place horrible effects that includes the few moments of cgi and especially the makeup effects and overused mtv style camera effects speaking of the makeup effects one reviewer here mentioned how laughable the scene was when the cavemen come across this giant ape and how it looks a lot like a s man in suit horror movie well there are plenty of moments just like that were the people portraying the ape men looked ridiculous and acted ridiculous none of this is helped by horrible camera positions and compositions the worst part of all is none of it is shown in an interesting or dynamic way or looks remotely real it doesn t even look like it was taken seriously it also lacked any emotional punch that the predecessors of the series had remember the episode in walking with dinosaurs of the fate of the ornithochirus sp that episode still gets me on the verge of tears every time i watch it it s this sort of engagement with the subject that lacks here most of all when you are more engaged in the subject and it s own personal story even one that is just speculation you care more about the facts surrounding it the only saving graces of this production are the fairly good narration at least in the bbc version i saw and the music otherwise do not bother even renting this one unless you want to have a good laugh which i did frequently but usually followed by rolling eyes this does not belong on the shelf with the other walking with docs and does it make sense to learn that this doc was not produced or directly involved with the same people who did the others in the series hmmm"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21663": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the matador is a strange film its main character julian played with an unusual mix of charm and unbalance by brosnan is not your typical hero julian is a hit man who is experiencing a late mid life crises having spent years in the profession of cold blooded murder he now finds himself stressed out and desperately lonely and so after a chance meeting at a bar with danny greg kinnear he latches on and begins a halting awkward friendship danny the quintessential nice guy is dealing with some stuff in his own life and truth be told could use a friend as well the two make an unexpected connection and danny sticks around to hear julian s story even after learning the unsavory truth about julian s work matador approaches a subject not completely unheard of in cinema the anti hero assassin films like assassins and grosse pointe blank come to mind but matador differs in several key ways first of all the killing and gore is implied but never really shown in any detail meaning that if you are an action movie buff looking for an adrenaline rush this movie will probably disappoint you and second unlike most anti hero films matador makes no attempt to show remorse and redemption from its main character julian s job is simply presented as an it is what it is kind of thing this is unusual given that of us would consider killing for money horrific and yet this unorthodox approach is perhaps what makes the film feel authentic although we don t like to admit it almost anything could become mundane after we did it long enough maybe even murder did julian s victims deserve to die who is paying to have people killed who knows the movie never deals with these questions the focus is on julian and his stumbling shuffle into a genuine friendship if you read about someone like julian in the paper you would have a passing thought that people like him should be ripped out of society like a cancer but forced to watch his life you are drawn in by his intense humanity sympathy for the devil i guess brosnan s take on julian is well done and deeply unsettling he doesn t completely divorce himself from his james bond good looks and smooth charm but rather just adds disturbing quirks into the mix weird or crude remarks in the middle polite conversations and sudden shifts from suave charm to childish tantrums and sad desperate pleas for acceptance it keeps you guessing about his grasp on his sanity and how it will affect those around him it s a bit like listening to a piano player that occasionally and unexpectedly hits a wrong note while he plays but it works the films only other major role that of danny is not nearly as meaty kinnear turns in a solid if unspectacular performance as a regular joe with a regular joe life and problems the film doesn t really have any huge shocks or m night shyamalan twists but i wasn t able to guess the ending and it felt satisfying it doesn t have any deep philosophical or spiritual insights and yet it felt very human and it didn t have any heart pounding car chases or gun battles and yet i thought the pacing was well done and i was never bored maybe the only real message here is about the human need to reach out and make connections with one another and how those needs have no moral prerequisites even a murderer needs friends and even good people can be friends with bad people it s a comment on the strange random world we live in a good film worth seeing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21664": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as a kid i did think the weapon the murderer wielded was cool however i was a kid and so i was a bit dumb even as a dumb kid though the movies plot was stupid and a bit boring when the killer was not using his light knife to kill people what amazes me is that the movie has a really solid cast in it what script did they read when agreeing to be in this movie as it is most assuredly boring and only a means to show off a light saber on a very small scale the plot at times is incomprehensible and the end is totally chaotic the whole film seems to rotate around aliens and the one weapon the plot has two kids and some dude having an alien encounter flash years later and there seems to be a return as it were in the mix dead animals and such to be explored and for some reason the one dude gets the weapon of the aliens and proceeds to use it to go on a very light killing spree seriously you just have to wonder why this movie was made if you are going to have a killer have some good death scenes if you are going to have alien encounters show more than a weird light vortex thing and if you are going to have light sabers then call yourself star wars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21665": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i used this film in a religion class i was teaching the golden fish is swimming happily in his bowl in an upper floor apartment a young boy and his mother are away from home the boy has been given money to buy milk on the way home he stops at carnival to play a game next to him stands a man in a black suit looking a little scary the boy drops the bottle of milk it breaks the man in the black suit gives him money to replace the milk this scene alternates with what is happening at home a black cat climbs the fire escape and enters the apartment he discovers the fish bowl and watches it the fish swims energetically and flips out of the bowl by now a bunch of teenagers in my class and i have fallen in love with the fish the cat takes the fish in his mouth and we all hold our breath the cat drops the fish into the bowl the double story line includes the suspicious man in black and the suspicious black cat both inspire prejudice both are innocent it was a great discussion starter in my class"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21666": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film aka the four hundred blows is a mistranslation faire les coups means to live a wild life as a french i m stunned when i see the popularity of this good but by no means outstanding film it s not the first film of the nouvelle vague move check agnes varda s la pointe courte alain resnais s hiroshima mon amour claude chabrol s le beau serge are anterior historically les coups comes after the nouvelle vague was sometimes ponderous and hard on their predecessors overnight julien duvivier henri george clouzot claude autant lara yves all gret and a lot of others were doomed to oblivion this selfishness and this contempt is typically nouvelle vague you ve never heard or read the great generation of the thirties renoir carn gr millon duvivier already feyder laugh at say maurice tourneur or max linder so thanks to truffaut and co some people will never discover some gems of the french fifties or forties duvuvier s sous le ciel de paris autant lara s douce yves all gret s une si jolie petite plage and man ges the novelle vague clique went as far as saying that william wyler georges stevens and fred zinemann were worthless les coups is technically rather disappointing it s very academic the story is as linear as it can be the teachers are caricatures and the mother claire maurier delivers such memorable lines as you ve got to be a french circa to understand how ridiculous it is well your father s got only his brevet junior school diploma and as for me i ve got only my high school diploma you ve got to know that circa hardly of the pupils had the hsd in france antoine doinel should have been proud of his mother after all she wants him to have diplomas who can blame her compared to the innovations of hiroshima mon amour which features a brand new form and a new fragmented content les coups pales into significance truffaut will master a new form only with the highly superior jules and jim helped by the incomparable jeanne moreau the interpretation is rather stiff jean pierre l aud arguably listenable when dubbed in english is still decent but he will soon degenerate into the most affected of his generation the topic stolen childhood had better days before julien duvivier s poil de carotte luis bunuel s los olvidados and will have after maurice pialat s l enfance nue kenneth loach s kes i do not want to demean truffaut his movie is not bad but frankly french movie buffs prefer jules and jim l enfant sauvage a film honest true and commercially uncompromizing to a fault l argent de poche as academic as coups but much more funny or his nice hitchcock pastiche vivement dimanche"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21667": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "surprised to see the rather low score for this movie just saw this film for the first time in years and was reminded why i like it come back with me children to a time when michael keaton was a straight up comedy guy and you might find some joy in this film it s a gentle comedy the kind ron howard specializes in but if that s your thing you should check this out keaton s low key charm is just right for this project gung ho is a bit dated because it takes places in the last stage of the pre global economy world when it still mattered what country a business was based in that said it delivers laughs as well as a lesson on how people can learn from each other to great benefit you could watch this film and enjoy it without remembering one scene in particular you really liked but that s because the whole movie provides a slow but constant stream of laughs it s like an i v drip and i mean that in a good way"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21668": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie sucks big time it reminded me of the movie resurrection christopher lambert which i also found extremely boring and semana santa is in every way an even poorer movie only fine one in the cast doing something for this movie is alida valli alida is one of the grand old ladies in european movie history i loved her maniacal looks in suspiria and inferno dario argento i will not spend more time dealing with this movie i will say another good thing about this movie use it if you want to fall asleep very quickly"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21669": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i think it great example of the differences between two cultures it would be a great movie to show in a sociology class i thought it was pretty funny and i must say that i am a sucker for that lets band together and get the job done plot device it seems most people don t realize that this movie is not just a comedy it has a few dramatic elements in it as well and i think they blend in nicely overall i give it a solid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21670": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i seems in the beginning a interesting film a spanish thriller in a interesting nowadays madrid but it isn`t none of that is actually a film only interesting for future films directors learning about what not to do making a film it can`t be worse in others words even the presence of a oscar winner mira sorvino isn`t enough to justify the dollars expended to see this film the acting is horrendous and it seems the actors were just waiting to finish the daily shots to go home it lead to nowhere and is boring weak and bad don`t expend time or money on this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21671": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gung ho is one of those movies that you will want to see over and over again michael keaton is put in charge of wooing a japanese car company to come to his town thus creating jobs for the residents of hadleyville what happens after that is one hilarious moment after another the two cultures clash and it is up to keaton to hold things together look for great performances from keaton gedde watanabe george wendt mimi rogers john turturro soh yamamura and sab shimomo all are perfectly cast don t be fooled by the low number rating this is a in my book it is interesting to note that the town name of hadleyville was also used in high noon yes there is a real hadleyville but in oregon"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21672": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "with all the european studios involved in this one you would think you d at least get some pretty photography but the local color is kept to a minimum irritation is mira sorvino using a russian accent in order to play a spanish cop wtf the story is hopelessly confused there s a supposed romantic back story that is intentionally confused is she or isn t she a lesbian serving no purpose whatsoever the cops in the movie are the most stupid to have graced a serial killer film in a long time there seems to be some message about the mid s spanish civil war but since pretty much everybody involved in that is dead one doesn t see the point in it despite the bull fighting backdrop of part of the narrative which part who can tell you never even get a good look at a bull fight earnest hemingway would have punched the director in the nose with my blessings"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21673": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sherman set the wayback machine for the united states was just climbing out of its worst postwar recession while japan was enjoying an unprecedented industrial boom manufacturing industries were still a significant part of the us economy and factory workers were a good example of the average american the word downsizing hadn t entered the general vocabulary yet but everyone knew the phenomenon bruce could be heard on the radio singing foreman says these jobs are going boy and they ain t coming back to your hometown chrysler had just been bailed out by uncle sam bumper stickers could be seen saying buy american the job you save may be your own gung ho does a better job of capturing the mood of the american industrial workforce than just about any other popular movie made during that period certainly the movie has its flaws some loose plot threads and mediocre acting jobs by everyone except michael keaton and gedde watanabe but the story really is about the meeting of east and west keaton s hunt stevenson personifies america brash and confident on the outside yet insecure underneath watanabe s kazuhiro personifies japan on top of the heap with a successful system but wondering if there is more to be learned from their western rivals the movie s plot flawed as it is simply provides a framework for the conflict and eventually synthesis of their two personalities keaton s acting overshadows everyone else s and practically makes the movie by itself i ve always admired keaton for his ability to deliver lines that feel improvised no matter what script he s following his character hunt stevenson is a likable affable everyman a natural leader with a wise ass streak but he has a fatal flaw common to many of us he doesn t want to disappoint anyone he ll distract the crowd with inspirational anecdotes and even lie rather than point out the ugly truth kazuhiro is the mirror image of stevenson shy and introspective but also because of his japanese upbringing reluctant to be the bearer of bad news the scene in which stevenson first comes to kazuhiro with the employees grievances captures perfectly the japanese approach to workplace conflict kazuhiro replies to stevenson s complaints with i understand what you are saying but won t refuse his requests out loud stevenson misinterprets this as agreement and goes away saying okay we ve got that settled this is still a problem in japanese american business relations in the st century ultimately kazuhiro and stevenson have the same problem get the factory working smoothly meet production goals and fulfill their responsibility to the workers under them in working towards this goal they each have to take a page from the others book kazuhiro s family becoming more americanized is an obvious example also note that stevenson thinks it s odd when kazuhiro explains how he had to make a public apology to his workers for failing them and yet later in the movie stevenson does exactly that himself the plot and its resolution are a little cornball but hey this is a comedy if you can overlook the movie s flaws there is a great story about self realization and open mindedness here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21674": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "semana santa is jaw droppingly bad it s so wrong in so many ways i don t where to begin so let s see mira sorvino whose judge husband has been shot while protecting her goes from madrid to seville for her cop job during the holy week semana santa see everybody begins to fall sleep told u it was bad in so many points even from the beginning a killer executes his victims like bulls in a bullfighting arena she teams up with male chauvinist pig olivier martinez and nice feodor atkine soon she discovers she ll be the next target of the killer who wears a red robe why oh but why why that s the questionthat has been in my head the whole movie q why did go to see that a because i love mira sorvino i even excuse her for that at first sight crap q why were we only people in the theater this saturday on the first week end of release a ah ah ah spider man got relaesed the same day but also the fact that the movie has been blast with execrable reviews q why this movie has been made a money i guess but boy did mira need the money then why first of all there s always something wrong with european co productions here you got a french english german italian spanish danish production yi ha then it wants to play on the same playgroung as us thrillers slashers whodunit mysteries whatever even valentine though unnecessary and badly scripted and shot was much better in the suspense and the fun then to give some credit to the story the screenwriter wanted to add some political sight to the story wrong done in flash backs in a traffic like photography it s certainly the most interesting thing i n the movie could have stick to it it wouldn t have to sit through the whole movie better go straight to guillermo del tros s the devil s backbone el espinazo del diablo for some clever fun then the homophobia bullseye the first victims are s m drug addicted gay twins who got stabbed to death the annoying olivier martinez goes to a dating agency held by a badly shaved overweight transvestive with a blond platinum wig calls mira sorvino s character a big dyke all the time do we need this kind of stuff nah just needless offensive remarks just like ol times then the suspense yipee no apparent motive the first murders are plain illusion as they re a representation of a famous painting but no and the revelation of the killer a horrible fascist of course could have been done from the beginning as he appears at the end of the movie as i guess it was time for the director to say weel time to finish that damn movie let s reveal right now who the killer is and why he kills then the director thinks he s a director wrong no sense of suspense no sense of directing the actors no knowledge of change of pace a giant mega bore the scenes of the holy week are needless maybe a co production rule saying ok shoot in sevilla but show some creditsof this beautiful and historical town with the celebrations of easter there we are a mystery movie for tourists then the actors all wrongs mira sorvino bores herself to death she does practicly nothing except getting stabbed in the right hand everything she did best the replacement killers mighty aphrodite were like they never existed olivier martinez hello anybody here when the producers will learn that he s not an actor but a mannequin with no ability of speech nor feelings feodor atkine bland and transparent only do we pay great respect to alida valli one of the greatest actress this last century and i hope for some more roles in this current one she s tha main attraction here as she s the only one to give life to her poor lines i won t mention the other actors as they re only one sided characters uninteresting and shallow incoherent direction inconsistent actors implausible plot idiocy incarnated superwonderscope says"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "21675": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "you play as b j blazkowicz a us secret agent soldier tough guy who is sent to uncover nazi secret and turn the tide of world war ii that means everything from breaking out of a nazi dungeon to thwarting hitler s war machine and even the fuhrer himself this is quite possibly the most influential game of its time that s because it literally inspired obsession many games existed at the time and even more do today but every so often you get a real grabber this is one of them just like tetris before it and more recently gta iii in yes doom is better in almost every respect but the shots heard around the world which led to one of gaming s biggest tidal waves were fired by b j blazkowicz the space marine duke nukem max payne serious sam john mullins jc denton agent gordon freeman and legions of others owe their existence to the guys at id whether directly or in most cases indirectly but they still do even with its old look very aged graphics super simple gameplay this is really a game games now border on the experience level and highly rectangular levels the scope of all six episodes provides lots of fun especially discovering those secrets with treasure and a chaingun in them also halt bang bang bang aarrrgh never grows old voluntarily rated pc for profound carnage however it s exceptionally tame when compared to what games have today"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21676": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "semana santa or angel of death is a very weak movie mira sorvino plays a detective who is trying to find a killer who shoots arrows in people mira has an italian accent which falters from time to time couldn t she just speak english all the other characters have a forced mexican\\english accent which is distracting the dialogue is very bad and the delivery of it is wooden the cinematography looks nice but that s not enough to save this tripe this next part of this review does contain spoilers during the climax it looks like the villain is going to get away but then he comes back down stairs to get shot and do a cool stunt down the railing that just shows this script has no originality whatsoever avoid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21677": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "many neglect that this isn t just a classic due to the fact that it s the first d game or even the first shoot em up it s also one of the first stealth games one of the only and definitely the first truly claustrophobic games and just a pretty well rounded gaming experience in general with graphics that are terribly dated today the game thrusts you into the role of b j don t even think i m going to attempt spelling his last name an american p o w caught in an underground bunker you fight and search your way through tunnels in order to achieve different objectives for the six episodes but let s face it most of them are just an excuse to hand you a weapon surround you with nazis and send you out to waste one of the nazi leaders the graphics are as i mentioned before quite dated and very simple the least detailed of basically any d game released by a professional team of creators if you can get over that however and some would suggest that this simplicity only adds to the effect the game has on you then you ve got one heck of a good shooter sneaking game the game play consists of searching for keys health and ammo blasting enemies aforementioned nazis and a boss enemy per chapter of varying difficulty which of course grows as you move further in the game unlocking doors and looking for secret rooms there is a bonus count after each level is beaten it goes by how fast you were basically if you beat the par time which is the time it took a tester to go through the same level this can be quite fun to try and beat and with how difficult the levels are to find your way in they are even challenging after many play throughs how much nazi gold treasure you collected and how many bad guys you killed basically if you got of any of aforementioned you get a bonus helping you reach the coveted high score placings the game mostly but not always allows for two contrastingly different methods of playing stealthily or gunning down anything and everything you see you can either run or walk and amongst your weapons is also a knife running is heard instantly the moment you enter the same room as the guard as is gunshots many guards are found standing with their backs turned to you meaning that you can walk up behind them and stab them nearly silently in your inventory you can get no less than four weapons and two keys more about the weapons later the keys unlock certain doors most doors in the game aren t locked only two kinds need keys and these keys are only introduced in later levels you restart in levels resetting weaponry health score and lives in each chapter much of the later game is spent looking for them now as i just alluded to this game like many of the period late s early s is based on collecting extra lives personally i think it s completely and utterly useless it was mercifully dropped from here on end i think from the next d shooter and onwards since you can save anytime you want and using a life resets weaponry health and ammo like starting on a new chapter which is a real pain in later levels where you need heavier artillery now i shall beat around the bush no longer moving on to the guns you start with aforementioned knife which is silent but only effective up close and a pistol nothing special but good for conserving ammo unlike the next two bad boys your third weapon is a german smg a sub machine gun it s faster and automatic and some later enemies use it and the last one is nothing short of a gatling gun oh yeah think t think predator think about unloading massive amounts of lead into nazi fiends with such a gun it s every bit as entertaining as it sounds most of the boss enemies use this though so be prepared i won t reveal the identities of these boss enemies however that s for each player to discover for him or her self the sound is excellent very crisp and realistic as you hear the tear of a machine gun firing the deafening metallic clank of a door slamming shut behind you or a nazi yelling surprised or a warning in german you truly feel like you are there trapped in these dark and depressing bunker systems that segues me nicely into the level design as you run through seemingly countless nearly identical hallways towards the next elevator leading you further you are grasped by the claustrophobic mood i almost got motion sickness more than once though that might also have something to do with little sleep lots of humidity and unusual warmth from playing though the level of detail isn t terribly high what there is is great remains of victims guards quarters and countless nazi symbols the list goes on the game also features quite a bit of gore for it s limited graphics engine john romero and crew certainly put in all the blood and guts that they could for the game what is there left to say the first of its kind and it s no wonder this spawned countless others d shooters sure weapon bobbing and different height levels stairs and such didn t come around until the next entry into the genre doom and it was duke nukem d that introduced the feature of switching your view so it goes beyond simply left and right adding vertical dimensions to it and jumping didn t come around until a third later title the first quake possibly fellow gamers help me out here but all of those games as well as the rest of the genre owe their existence to this one so load up the luger open the door to enter the bunker and step into b j s shoes he deserves the recognition even or maybe even especially nearly fifteen years after he first appeared i recommended this to all fans of d games"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21678": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this may actually be the worst movie that i have ever scene incoherent would be a compliment even the end made no sense but it was a tremendous relief that it was finally over i watched it with a kind of fatalistic fascination to see if it could continue to deteriorate and it did by the end of this mess i was sorry any of the characters survived and i wasn t feeling too charitable about the actors either if you want to watch a train wreck i recommend hanging out at a train station even waiting on a deserted train platform beats this mess apparently i haven t vented enough to fill up my prescribed ten lines so at the risk of redundancy i will say it one more time this movie is a zero and it would be less if i had a word for an even lower rating how about minus zero"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21679": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "but it was on a uhf channel and the reception was very fuzzy i d really like to own the movie since the reason i watched it in the first place is because i am a bus driver and at the time i saw this movie i was driving that model bus it was only during his murder trial some years later that i remember vaguely that oj was one of the stars in it i only recall that he was the driver and of the bus being shot up and driven wildly i ve been looking all over for this movie to no avail since viewing it in the mid s i liked the movie i don t usually watch thrillers but after reading the summary in the tv guide and viewing its beginning although fuzzy i stayed for the whole thing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21680": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i agree with the previous comment what a disappointment rented it thinking it was going to be a good movie since mira and olivier where in it i was surprised by their performance expected more since they re good actors thought it was a slow beginning but it got worse i even laughed at some bad stunts when is supposed to be a mystery movie you can even guess who is the killer beforehand for real what happened sorry to say but don t even bother you ll waste time and money boring"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21681": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "well you take o j simpson as a all american soldier turned all american bus driver who decides to rescue his passengers on his own just incase no one else is going to and arte johnson in an absolutely straight role as the tour guide who doesn t know what to do but doesn t want to admit they are in trouble and combine it with lorenzo lamas as one of three baby faced bad boys who intend to kidnap an heiress and leave a busload of people to die on the dessert and you have got to have action plot twists and a lot of drama everyone was good but seeing lamas as the baddest of the bad boys really blew my mind he was much too believable as the overbearing bad guy who not only wanted to kidnap the heiress but rape the women and humiliate the guy who tried to stop him this was evidently long before he cultivated his good guy image and believe me a year old lorenzo in tight jeans you really don t want to miss"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21682": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it was agonizingly bad movie it will eat your heart out while you watch it i beg you don t watch this movie you will hate you losing hours of your lifetime it s not as some movies that are so bad that you can watch those and enjoy this movie is boring as there is nothing as boring as this movie you will hate yourself after watching this movie till the end and you will hate yourself that you didn t listen to me i hate myself i tortured myself and i did watch this movie to the end now excuse me i will shot myself i have seen all please read this very carefully don t watch this film please"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, 0]}, "21683": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "richard dix decided to retire and so michael duane took his place playing the role as ted nichols who meets up with a young french girl named alice dupres barkley lenore aubert this couple only knew each other for two days and they decided to get married by a justice of the peace judge and it is pouring rain when they pull up to the judge s home and find out he is not home and will not return until the next day as the couple are inside the house you see some one lift up the hood of their car and takes an automobile part from the engine once you see this event happening you realize this couple is in for a big surprise and the story beings to reveal a very mysterious event which surrounds alice barkley and so poor ted nichols starts out with plenty of trouble and no marriage good mystery but i missed richard dix enjoy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21684": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie for a number of reasons the main being mira sorvino with her on the cast it couldn t be so bad and it even seemed like it had some mystery and olivier martinez was her boyfriend at the time and he was pretty good in `unfaithful the story is set in spain so it could be an exotic entertaining movie with one of my favorite actresses if you re thinking about the same thing let me warn you this is a truly awful uninteresting boring movie the only adjective that comes to mind is pathetic the story is contrived with sub plots that add nothing to the narrative they try to build a slasher thriller with a look at fascism in spain but fail horribly the twists have no credibility and the so called investigation leads nowhere the characters are paper thin i didn t care about anyone more than that they re irritating and pretty hateful people the acting is atrocious mira what is wrong with you why mira you re an oscar winner keep some dignity her character was weak but that is no excuse for such an awful performance she seems to be sleepwalking all movie long come to think of it i actually think i saw her eyes slowly closing in some scenes i used to think this woman was sexy well she isn t here if you want to look at some skin try romi and michelle because there s nothing to see here and that accent my god olivier martinez is even worst it s too painful to remember his performance to describe it here im sorry but i can t ive suffered enough with this garbage this whole movie is depressing it s so bad in every way it s a wonder how it was even made a lousy team to produce a lousy script and make some money over the actor s name don t fall for it avoid it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21685": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i hate reading reviews that say something like don t waste your time this film stinks on ice it does to that reviewer yet for me it may have some sort of na ve charm if you like the other whistler series films this one will be watchable if you like s noirish films this one will be watchable this film is not as good in my opinion as any of the earlier series entries which starred richard dix as the protagonist it s much slower and the plot is trite you ve seen this same narrative device used in many other films and usually better but the acting is good and so is the lighting and the dialog it s just lacking in energy and you ll likely figure out exactly what s going on and how it s all going to come out in the end not more than a quarter of the way through the whistler series is semi noir and there character mood lighting camera movement and angles are more important than the story itself but this film is not noir it s too light weight and hollywood innocent for that neither richard dix s character nor those of any of his ladies in the previous films had to come to a good end you just never knew until the end but still i ll recommend this one for at least a single viewing i ve watched it at least twice myself and got a reasonable amount of enjoyment out of it both times"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21686": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this has got to be the most stupid film i have ever seen spoilers ahead first of all the plot is stupid the little kid is weird and they move to a hotel because his father is the caretaker of it we find that the kid has a gift the shining this gift never ever has anything to do with anything except to make the kid seem cool then the movie gets more boring and boring until the man finally goes crazy he goes on a rampage to kill the kid and his wife because well he feels like it why else would he do it all of a sudden we see a naked woman in the tub the man kisses her and realizes he is kissing a dead corpse which is utterly disgusting somehow a black man enters the hotel and is whacked with an axe then the kid and the woman take the black man s vehicle and leave the father who dies within minutes of hypothermia most movies aren t a complete waste of time but this falls right into that category the music is trashy the characters are corny except jack nicholson who is a good actor the plot is twisted and fits the description of vomit the ending is very predictable the storyline is slow tedious and boring this movie is extremely overrated avoid this movie at all costs i m surprised it s gotten such a high rating on imdb"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21687": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the matador _ pierce brosnan greg kinnear hope davis philip baker hall dylan baker brosnan gives one of his best non bondian roles as a middle aged assassin facing a mid life crisis while on assignment in mexico where he befriends a square yet likable american businessman kinnear at his most affable and discovers there is more to life than death newbie filmmaker richard shepard makes a solid big screen debut with a pointedly wicked black comedy with a sharp eye for visual detail and nuanced dialogue and character development that makes him a talent to watch in this breath of fresh air into the buddy comedy formula skewering what is anticipated of his leads and allowing brosnan to get his ya yas out with devilish glee a sleeper gem indie hit"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21688": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when we were in junior high school some of us boys would occasionally set off stinkbombs it was considered funny then but the producers directors and cast of semana santa angel of death in the dvd section of your local video rental are adults and they are still setting them off like the previous reviewer who wondered if the cast were anxious to get off the set and home i doubt more than one take was done for any of the scenes mira sorvino hot in mighty aphrodite and other top rated films seems to have undersold herself to this project her acting is non existent confined mostly to wistful stares that are supposed to indicate how sensitive she is to the plight of the film s various victims but let me warn you do not be the next victim step away from the dvd if you find it on the shelf tbere are not many good leg shots of mira the only high points i could find in the film and the supporting cast is of inferior quality delivering a mishmash of badly done dialogue with embarrassing spanish accents worthy of the best high school theatrical production"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21689": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was the eighth and final columbia whistler film and the only one without richard dix who had retired from movies and was to die the following year it s still a competent thriller the machine carried on without him perfectly but something was missing dix the stories in the whistler series were always interesting sometimes brilliant the screenplays often noir always atmospheric but it wasn t only the whistler himself that hung it all together on screen dix did too young couple stepping out for a whole fortnight get the urge to marry in the pouring rain but are thwarted when the potential bride first disappears then is discovered to already be married before she apparently goes mad is the potential groom put off even when the private dick he s hired to find her suddenly slugs him and lams or is love blind who s twisting who is the question michael duane in his penultimate film is ok if a bit of a wimp lovely lenore aubert s finest moments came next film in abbott costello meet frankenstein and richard lane was wonderful as ever on loan from boston blackie also the only outing where the whistler himself must have got wet from slouching about in the rain unless he got sprayed with sea foam in voice a lot happened in this last hour well worth watching over and over again as usual to fans of the genre like me the whistler radio series begun in carried on until clocking up nearly half hour shows nearly all of which are available on mp and based upon what i ve heard so far nearly all of which are well worth listening to as well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21690": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i could not for the life of me follow figure out or understand the story as the plot advances it too stays incomprehensible i m going to guess and say that there was a preproduction story plot problem that never got sorted out the producers could never separate the many details that the novel or any novel has the time and space to create from the other idea which was to make a movie about a serial killer and the killer s pursuit by the police they ended up with too many things happening in a proscribed feature film time limit too bad really because they had a solid cast a director who knows how to move things around and excellent cinematography in fact a well made movie that one could enjoy and relax with for a couple of hours"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21691": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film reinvents the term spring breakumentary hans the fat one of the group displays his talents as this generations chris farley johnny kansas the king of the bet shows he s not in kansas anymore by consistently upping the stakes kyle s laugh is truly infecting and offers a little eye candy for the ladies as well as does matt the dwarfs while having their moments did not do justice to the mexican hat dance like it deserves and last we have our protagonist ed he gives hope to all of us bumbling stumbling gangly pale folk who are still searching for that special someone and that hope is a little place called cabo san lucas while this blockbuster just missed the theaters this is a must rent as we can all relate to one of these spring breakumentarions"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21692": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i like silent films but this was a little too moronic as much as i wish i could say that it was worth the hour i stood up i can t i don t think any version of the movie even comes close to the book and don t try it out on kids they might freak and the lady who played pollyanna how old was she i know the labor laws were different back then but come on people"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21693": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i can tell you just how bad this movie is i was in the movie and i haven t seen it yet but i cringe at the thought of anyone actually paying to see me drunk especially considering what we did that year the thing is that they probably over edited it especially the scene where my roommate was snorting coke of the tits of a mexican prostitute they probably should have followed him around we made a few come and go appearances but aside from that i can t really remember anything i was the mc in a few scenes from what i m told what i can tell you is that everyone avoided the camera crew since who wants to be remembered as the guy who threw up or the girl who showed her tits to the world or the girl that loser lost his virginity to overall the trip itself was crazy but people act different once the camera is on them"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21694": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "awful absolutely awful no plot no point no end it looks like the director turned the camera on and then the whole crew went to lunch every day i m trying to give this video away but no one will take it i m giving it a instead of a because i like benigni roger i m going to have to say thumbs down on this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21695": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have always had the philosophy that every single human being has different tastes i found this movie to be awesome and i think every college student out there might agree with me notwithstanding this is not a movie with a plot its about real guys and some of the problems that they face i found the movie hilarious especially the parts that they played the practical jokes on each other simply put if you are in the same wave length as these people you will find this movie amazing i don t think that this is going win any golden globes or oscars or that the people in this movie will become future hollywood stars but its a kind of cult classic among young people who could relate to their experience for me the guy that stands out the most is hans the scandinavian guy who according to him isnt a looker but gets all or some of the chicks the little people also play a big part in the movie especially when they are drunk if i keep going i might provide a spoiler and i don t want to do that just go and get the movie and you will not regret i give it a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21696": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i give this movie a one for it is truly an awful movie sound track of the dvd is so bad it actually hurts my ear but the vision no matter how disjointed does show something really fancy in the italian society i will not go into detail what actually was so shocking but the various incidents are absolutely abnormal so for the kink value i give it one otherwise the video photography acting of the adults actors actresses are simply substandard a practical jock to people who love foreign movies roberto the main character has full spectrum of emotions but exaggerated to the point of being unbelievable however the children in the movie are mostly years old and they are genuine and the movie provides glimpse of the italian life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21697": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when an orphanage manager goes on vacation his father takes over the details of the center and winds up renting the kids when a well off got it made couple with a nice apartment and great life get the notion to adopt this idea was tailor made for them why would they want to spoil their elegant existence with a trio of hairbrained carpet creepers no way would people like these two need kids to make life wonderful this movie makes it look like the real world works this way but i am the picture of dubiety"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21698": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i was so disappointed by this show after hearing and reading all the hoopla about it how it was a ground breaking show and all sorts of wild promises if quality i tried to watch it what a letdown the acting was way forced and exaggerated the story made very little sense as for any hint of the vaunted look into teenagers lives i could only see a paltry attempt that had as much reality to it as a reality show some are wondering why there are so many negative comments about this show the reason is that it s really not all that good and beating the drums over quality on this show only serves to attract attention to how poorly made it is"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21699": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the cast was good and i thought it was a good performance from christopher lloyd whom i like from previous movies the movie was a great family movie nothing that would make you worry to show it to younger kids a good story line lots of laughs lighthearted and enjoyable if you want to entertain children without being bored to tears this fits the bill kid pleasing and not difficult for a parent to watch either"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21700": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "last week i took a look at the weekly nielsen ratings and there was veronica mars supposedly the best show you re not watching well they re right that you re not watching it it aired twice and was ranked and out of translation this is the lowest rated show on any nationally broadcast network and deservedly so i tried to watch it a couple of times because of all the press coverage hyping it as a great show a realistic look at life and all such nonsense the reality was otherwise veronica mars is a bore it s as unrealistic as it gets and it richly deserves to be canceled the only mystery is why cw felt compelled to put on its inaugural schedule the lowest rated show in memory after two years of continued commercial and artistic failure"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21701": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is an extremely funny and heartwarming story about an orphanage that is in financial trouble when the director goes on vacation his dad agrees to step in temporarily to run things this is positively the best work that leslie nielson has ever done his idea in the film to rent out children is immediately innovative and his sales techniques will definitely make you laugh the little girl in this movie is so sweet and charming that i know i will never forget her just make sure that you don t miss the first five minutes of the movie such great family entertainment is so rare these days if you go for slightly corny pictures with happy endings go for this one i could watch this over and over and i often do my only complaint about this movie is that it is so difficult to find a copy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21702": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the biggest mystery of veronica mars is not one that she had to tackle on screen rather the mystery is why this perennial ratings disappointment is still on the air this week marked a nadir for veronica mars it ranked out of shows in the big soon to be big yes you read right veronica mars was beaten by every show of the now defunct wb and every show on upn it was beat by all the shows on fox and of course by all the shows on abc cbs and nbc now the hip hypesters are going to say but this was a re run but everything on tv that week was pretty much a re run it boggles the mind why cw would choose this proved ratings disappointment as one of the few shows it saved from upn clearly something is going on behind the scenes favors are being exchanged and influence peddled sorry to be so cynical but what other explanation is there the veronica mars has potential line is clearly dead now that it s had two years to establish itself and failed to do so maybe it s joel silver s influence and clout but frankly i am at a loss why anyone would choose to spend their clout on a bad show that no audience is watching a great mystery and a very inauspicious debut for cw"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21703": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "russ and valerie are having discussions about starting a family the couple live in a posh apartment and run an auction business that deals with valuable collectibles at the same time a dedicated adoption agency owner takes a mini vacation and leaves the orphanage in the charge of his father leslie nielsen father harry is in the rental business and he gets the brilliant idea to rent some of the children of the orphanage to couples like russ and valerie harry who becomes aware of the couple e dilemma offers a family of siblings for a day rental period brandon kyle and molly move into the apartment with their temporary parents with amusing consequences as the new caretakers are inexperienced with kids but where is the possibility of a happy ending this is a darling family film the actors including nielsen as the wheeler dealer and christopher lloyd as the kind apartment doorman are all wonderful the script is snappy and fun and the overall production values quite high yes if only life could be this way orphaned children everywhere deserve a chance to prove that they are lovable and can give so much joy to the parents who are considering adoption if you want to show a film to your family that is rooted in good values but is also highly entertaining find this movie it is guaranteed to have everyone laughing even as their hearts are melting"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21704": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m amazed how many comments on this show are about how real it is maybe i m not part of the same universe because if veronica mars is anything it s over the top in a big way the acting is chewing the scenery with enthusiasm and the plots have holes you could drive a truck through that s not what i call real it is so earnest in its desire to be relevant that it only shows how cut off from reality rob thomas and his staff are overall i found it to be at best a snooze fest and at worst more than a little annoying kristen bell looks like she could be a good actress but it s hard to tell with the over the top style of the whole show"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21705": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ran across this movie at the local video store during their yearly sidewalk sale while scanning thousands of videos hoping to find a few cartoon movies for sale i came across this movie i read the back of the movie and knew it was god s hand at work for me to purchase this movie you see i have a sibling group of three foster and soon to be adopted children living with my family immediately my foster children made a connection with the three children starring in the movie the movie helped them better understand their own circumstances for the first time also the oldest of the sibling group year old female decided to open up to me a little bit about her past and the trauma she had experienced she has been fighting the entire trust issue this is also the first time i had seen her cry after watching the film i asked her what it meant for a child to be adopted she replied it means to be happy a must see for families who are fostering children and are considering adoption it certainly opened the lines of communication with us"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21706": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i went to see this film based on the review by siskel and ebert not only did i get duped but i took some friends along and had to spend the rest of the day profusely apologizing for making them sit through this pointless crap after this i never went to see a movie based solely on siskel ebert s advice"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21707": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "astounding this may have been a poor attempt at remaking the already recreated omen movie but i sure enjoyed it that last man who commented is a fool this movie was one of a kind and the music dark jerry goldsmith himself would had applaud this movie great recommendations from myself to watch or buy this film i collect horror movies and soundtracks so listen to what i have to say not that other idiot there is only one thing that do not fascinate me the endings according to prophecy it is all inaccurate including final conflict and left behind but my conclusion being there great movies and should be seen before the great depression falls upon us and before the democrats take over the presidency too so signed jacob eder a farmer with a mastermind"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21708": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after just finishing the book the same day i watched the movie i knew what was supposed to happen i had high expectations of the movie because of the rating the only reason i give this movie a out of stars is that it was alright trying to be a movie i have a couple main points for not liking this movie spoilers the casting jack nicholson barely fits into jack torrence s character also i would have never picked shelly duvall for wendy i pictured wendy much differently i can see why they picked jack nicholson though the grin the pointy eyebrows but he s not supposed to really look evil he s supposed to look normal and he turns evil also they make one of the worst movie couples danny was alright he needed more life though he acted way to droney the screenplay they cut out so many things that were in the book and added things some of the things that were in the book that i was looking forward to in the movie were either deleted changed or handled wrongly some of the things that were in the book that i was looking forward to seeing the hedge animals the roque mallet the elevator were not in the movie and it was and half hours i was extremely irritated the ending the ending was changed completly halorann died jack froze to death wendy never got hurt the overlook didn t blow up the ending was so cool in the book and the movie messed it up so horribly i was apalled hallorann was never supposed to die but jack killed him with an ax if they wanted to kill him at least have jack use a roque mallet you never even saw a roque mallet during the whole movie there are other things that i didn t like about the movie but there are things that were all right the camera angels were cool the blood coming out of the elevator didn t happen in the book was cool but maybe i was too irritated that the movie didn t go with the book to try to be scared at all i reccomend reading the book before you see this movie i applaud stephen king for actually agreeing to sign a contract to not dis stanley kubrik any more i would never have done that i would have taken all the rights i could get to yell at him all day i can t wait to see the hour version at least it has the hedge animals rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21709": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "pierce brosnan has sipped his last martini and returns in an outrageous self parody as the aging foul mouthed boozy assassin julian noble who has a particular fondness for teenage girls bullfights and tacky clothes during a job in mexico city he meets danny greg kinnear a straight faced denver suburban business man who s in town to make his deal of a life time in a hotel bar despite their completely different personalities and julian s crude and insensible remarks they become friends largely carried by the performances of pierce brosnan and greg kinnear director richard shepard revealed that he didn t write the film with pierce brosnan in mind but i can hardly imagine this without him he proves to have a real talent for comedy and can be more than just james bond or cold war spies the scene in which the two meet at a glossy hotel bar stunning sets and beautifully photographed really is a bravura piece of acting skills the scene lasts almost fifteen minutes and although it was probably carefully scripted the two actors are largely improvising but they succeed wonderfully it almost feels like a new standard in screen acting think of robert de niro and harvey keitel in mean steets improvising and add one of the most subtle underpinnings of many genre clich s and the actors own typecasting brosnan s james bond in particular and you got one of the most delightful pairings in recent hollywood sadly the story wears thin after a while after an hour the film just runs out of steam nevertheless and i can t put my finger on it exactly i did enjoy this very much it just feels very fresh and original with some imaginative use of sets and lighting and some hints to seijun suzuki and jean pierre melville the other characters aren t given much to do but this film does offer something new in that respect it almost effortlessly succeeds in blending all conventional genres into quite an entertaining spoof very amusing camera obscura"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21710": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when i noticed that hamish macbeth was being broadcast in the united states i was thrilled i then had the misfortune to watch the darn thing i adore m c beaton s books about the wonderful scottish constable the characters in the book are entertaining and very well written the powers that be who are responsible for this mish mash apparently have never have read one of beaton s books only the name hamish macbeth has anything to do with the series besides the lack of familiar characters i find the whole show offensively loud it seems that the actors feel they must shout their lines and scream at each other if you love m c beaton s adorable hamish macbeth don t waste your time on this rubbish"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21711": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thought the movie was actually pretty good i enjoyed the acting and it moved along well the director seemed to really grasp the story he was trying to tell i have to see the big budget one coming out today obviously they had a lot more money to throw at it but was very watchable when you see a movie like this for a small budget you have to take that in to account when you are viewing it there were some things that could of been better but most are budget related the acting was pretty good the f x and stunts were well done a couple of standouts were the guy who played the camera asst and the boy who played the child these kind of films have kept la working and this is one that turned out ok"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21712": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this does give away some of the plot by the way a charlie brown christmas is one of those timeless classics that teach you the value christmas and just enjoying the holiday this however does not it tries to capture the emotion of a charlie brown christmas there even is another christmas play but fails with lackluster and easy jokes charlie brown is no longer wondering about the spirit of christmas but is instead wants to buy a present for peggy jean gloves what his sister sally is the most annoying character in the movie here is one of her jokes sally wants to write a letter to santa but doesn t know how to spell charlie for some reason he needs to be in her letter so instead decides to name him sam because she knows how to spell sam also sally plays an angel in the play with one word to day hark she instead says hockey stick har har if sally saying hark times all oddly sounding exactly the same doesn t kill you nothing will peppermint patty and marcy are a large focal point but that hardly makes it better marcy is funny with her responses to patty but patty is another story she sounds like a boy which doesn t dispel the rumors and gets mad when she has to be the sheep in the play terrible baas and all apparently she is the sheep every year and is worried she will forget her lines lines she doesn t have she is so worried she mentions it twice one right after the other and gets the same response i m assuming she must have short term memory loss or something lucy and linus are more welcome although linus still has annoying advice but hardly amount to much air time i m sure schroeder isn t even in this one all in all it tries to be a parasite to the original but compromised the message for a few quick laughs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21713": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i absolutely loved this show i watched it from the time it first aired in the late s to the very last episode in my honest opinion it was a wonderful family drama that is so rare these days definitely a show you could watch with a friend or your children yes things have changed a bit with jo since we last saw her in the books but it s still compelling with great stories and good lessons the actress that portrays jo bhaer michelle burke does a wonderful job as does as the actor who plays nick riley spencer rochfort throughout the series we get to see the developing romance between jo and nick as well as the daily stories and lessons the kids and students learn i recommend this show to anyone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21714": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "very badly made film the action violence scenes are ridiculous point for the presence of burton and mastroianni point for the real tragic event of the massacre of the innocent italians"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21715": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i found this show really late at night and gave it a try it s a refreshing change from the other kinds of things shown late at night if you catch my drift its simplicity of values and sweetness of hearts helps remind me of the way friendships were as children it s something i indulge in whenever i find it on which is rare maybe i should actually check the listings haha and the tension between joe and nick is so cute like any good chick flick you really get emotionally involved in the characters good ol louisa may alcott still inspiring good stories so apparently i must complete lines of text in order for my opinion to be valid so i guess i ll tell you a bit more the kids are played by talented actors and actresses and the settings are lovely and nature filled another thing you don t see much on television i hope everyone gives it a shot i recognize and am fully aware that it s sappy but it s good heart like i said before it s refreshing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21716": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was a big disappointment for me i think this is the worst mastroianni movie ever made cosmatos tries too hard to make this movie a masterpiece and that makes this movie a typical art movie i give for this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21717": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was a fan of the book ever since third grade so of course i had watched the movie read the sequel and then watched the television show it was a good show in itself and now as an adult i still enjoy the show my only real problem with it was that it didn t follow the book the first time i saw it i was so disappointed that i turned it off but that s coming from a girl who owns a first addition of the book but after time i decided to give it a try again and ignored the book kind of like what you have to do with the harry potter movies i found the series wonderful it was clean cut and something that everyone could enjoy just the right amount comedy to keep everyone going it is truly enjoyable clean and wonderful"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21718": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it is a frank zappa axiom that music journalism is people who can t write interviewing people who can t talk for people who can t read if you ever needed proof that musicians can t talk this is the film for you repeated attempts at profundity stumble over themselves to end up in monosyllabic comments delivered in awestruck voices wow thank you idris muhammed this film is pretentious but while much of the pontificating from youssou n dour and his gang of merry men and one token woman grates the music saves the day the main idea behind the film what i take to be the main idea dredged out of the inarticulate commentary is interesting to gather a group of musicians from america and europe and take them on a journey through the different styles of music that grew up in and out of slavery back to their roots in the music of west africa and a concert in the old slave fort of gor e off the coast of senegal we are treated to gospel blues jazz and variations of these including some fantastic drumming both in new orleans and senegal there s also a good deal of n dour s own compositions sadly that s another weakness it s never entirely clear what n dour himself wants to achieve to some degree the film appears to be an exercise in self promotion on n dour s part he wants to play his own music jazzed up to some degree and performed in the company of a bunch of musicians he admires he s clearly a little embarrassed by this and early in the film obtains the blessings of the curator of the gor e museum the clash between the different agendas shows through in several other places for example somebody obviously felt that it was not possible to tell the story of black music without involving a gospel choir but n dour and most of his mates are moslems a point made repeatedly throughout the film the whole early sequence involving the black christians is uncomfortable and then they disappear from the story until the close harmony group the only black christians who can hold a tone turn up in dakar at the end of the film to be fair they turn up triumphantly and perform the best piece in the film if the story of black music needs to nod in the direction of gospel why not also in the direction of latin america where are the black musical influences from the caribbean and brazil samba reggae then there s europe here the black diaspora doesn t seem to have produced any musicians of calibre since n dour chooses to draft in austrian guitarist and a trumpet player from luxemburg are they in the team just because n dour has played with him before what i personally found most irritating though was the long sequence which tried to recreate a kind of s beatnik black power nation of islam cultural happening in the new york home of amir baraka a k a leroi jones hearing people talk about the importance of knowing your history and then in the next breath perpetuating ignorance why do so many african americans believe that taking an arabic name is an assertion of their african roots and why do they think arabic islam is so much more admirable than european christianity who do they think established the trade in african slaves in the first place the film doesn t have much to say about the situation in west africa today beyond the platitude that present conditions are a consequence of all the brightest and best having been shipped away for years the senegalese appear to be a poor but happy musical gifted folk friendly and welcoming respectful of their elders and not above fleecing the visiting americans in the fish market is this ethnic stereotyping or just my imagination there is no comment on the armed guard that n dour and the camera crew seem to need in the opening sequence as they walk through the streets of dakar there is also a strong implication in the film that the slaves who were taken from dakar came from dakar the similarity between the folk drumming style of new orleans and the folk drumming style of senegal is cited in evidence the last thing the slaves heard before they were shipped away was the drumming of their homeland bidding them farewell except of course that by and large the slaves shipped from dakar did not come from dakar they were captured or traded from the interior by the coastal senegalese and sold to merchants of whichever european power currently held the gor e slave fort the people of dakar are not the descendents of africans who escaped the slave trade they are just as likely more likely to be descendents of the people who sold their black brethren into slavery and exile the two agenda s clash again in the final part of the film there are two separate endings on the one hand the concert which n dour and co have been rehearsing and preparing along the way and which they deliver in the courtyard of the gor e slave fort the other end comes when the harmony harmoneers sing the spiritual return to glory in the seaward doorway of the slave fort this is deeply moving even if it is hard to believe the performance is quite as spontaneous as it appears this is a film that is flawed unclear of the story it is trying to tell and tugged in different directions irritating confusing beautiful and emotional by turns watch it listen to it for the music and the feeling but don t expect enlightenment or intellectual rigour"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21719": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the kids aged to got such a huge kick out of this film that we gave a copy to all of the other kids on our birthday list this year they all loved it kids from to watch it repeatedly and frequently and we get a kick out of watching it with them it s rare that a film entertains the kids for so long and offers laughs for the adults too most enjoy it more than the first top quality production and an excellent cast led by christopher showerman as a superior george athletic energetic and wholly credible with a lovable innocence and a particular knack of taking a tree in the face well supported by the inimitable christina pickles as the evil mother in law thomas haden church as the evil jerk rival and everybody else this is fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21720": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "oh man this thing scared the heck out of me when i first watched it and i was sixteen that creepy animated barbie is scary as hell i want to stop talking about her now"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21721": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in order to rate this movie fairly you have to think about the genre it s supposed to be children s they had more guidelines to follow in order to make this movie meaning it could not get away with some of the humor and or language from the st taking all that in this movie was fun and enjoyable to watch sequels usually make me nervous however this one did pretty well for itself knowing that it didn t have the star power of fraiser as george they capitalized on the humor and i believe showeman did pretty well as the lead the plot being easy to follow and maybe campy at times fits well for a younger audience if you want to watch a movie and hope for academy award honors this is not it but if you want to watch a simple fun energy filled movie you would make a good choice with this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21722": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i loved the curse of frankenstein so much that i rushed out to get frankenstein must be destroyed to see cushing at it again even if it was without chistopher lee this time to my great disappointment this movie not only does without lee but it does without frankenstein s monster altogether was it a case of if we can t get lee we won t have a monster at all why would they do that the monster is half the fun of the whole thing this film is dedicated solely to the study of baron frankenstein and his quest to finish experiments he had begun in brain transplants before ending up in an asylum i found the script extremely weak with the need to suspend disbelief forced upon the audience a little too much i m willing to suspend a fair amount but this movie got fairly ridiculous which took me out of the film rather than immersing me in it peter cushing though is absolutely brilliant playing pure evil in this film for being one of the most beloved actors and notoriously sweet men he sure could play menacing and malevolent extremely well the supporting cast is competent but has little to do even the young doctor and his fianc e blackmailed into helping frankenstein a bumbling police chief is introduced along with his put upon sidekick to generate some comic relief then they are completely dropped from the movie why we are led to believe that the police chief will be the main nemesis of the baron then we are led to believe it will be the young doctor and then it ends up being the victim of frankenstein s brain transplant experiment there was no tension we weren t invested in the creature and the ending was left so ambiguous as to leave one unsatisfied because it is so clear they are setting up another sequel also there are virtually no horror elements yes there is a beheading in the beginning off camera and we are treated to the sounds of cushing cutting the tops of two men s skulls off again off camera and there is the most unsettling and thoroughly unnecessary rape scene of which is again off camera i understand that there is a love of letting the audience imagine it all for their imaginations are far worse than what we can show but come on if you re not going to give us a monster then at least let us see the few horrific elements you do choose to include showing us a skeleton in the lab lit with a green light is just not scary on top of a weak script i thought the directing was mostly flat there were a couple of nice shots but otherwise no excitement atmosphere or suspense was generated the same director did curse back in and i thought it was brilliantly directed guess he was as uninspired by this film as i was the movie gets a out of from me strictly for peter cushing s powerful nuanced performance beyond that i found little in this movie worth recommending instead my suggestion is to watch the curse of frankenstein and see a truly great hammer horror film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21723": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i loved this movie chris showerman did an amazing job not only is he an incredible actor but he is gorgeous with an awesome physique he did a great job on the delivery of his lines plus transformed into george better than fraser did a great performance for his first major roll this movie is full of hilarious scenes that every child will love my kids have watched this movie numerous times since we purchased the dvd the day it came out in addition to the movie the extras on the dvd are just as hilarious two thumbs up on this one i highly recommend it to everyone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21724": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there are three movies with this animation style that i fondly remember from my youth this movie the last unicorn flight of dragons and the hobbit i own copies of both dragons and the hobbit both excellent and i hadn t seen the last unicorn in more than a decade that was until today and now i wish i hadn t what bothered me the most was the script it was incredibly choppy and often inane things would happen for no reason and other things would happen without explanation we re not just talking about little things here either we re talking about key plot points the story itself isn t that great to begin with but it could have worked had the script been decent not even close on top of that the music was awful i know that music in movies such as these rarely have what one would call classic pieces but the music in this movie made me want to knock myself unconscious with a bowling ball this was one of those films that i was going to show to my kids some day but it just got cut i don t think i could ever sit through that crap fest again disappointed is putting it mildly"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21725": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "allow me to just get to the bottom line here i ve got kids ages to i consider a trip to the theater a success when there are no talking animals i ve seen most of the children s videos in our collection at least times i can tell you when the film gets reversed in the wizard of oz the over sexual joke in el dorado and the tragic flaw with the ending of rudolph the red nosed reindeer i could probably storyboard nemo from memory alone what makes me support the one child of mine it varies who suggests this title for the family movie of an evening in a word showerman moment of silence sigh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21726": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what s written on the poster is at birth he was given years to live at he takes the journey of a lifetime ami is an american born israeli who was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy disease at the age of one at age of after the love toward his years old care giver didn t go well he decided to come to the us to face the doctor who said that he would have only years to live he wanted to show the doctor that he is still alive and weights pounds why your guess is as good as mine even i have seen this film obviously it s courageous to live when all he can move is his left index finger but why does he have so much anger toward the doctor who diagnosed his disease years ago his doctor just told his mom that based on the medical history people with his disease won t live long what s the point of him showing up at old doctor s door for why is tracking down this old doctor in the us is a journey of his lifetime there are so many things we might be interested in ami s life how can he make those animations with the movement of only one finger how can he go through daily lives while totally depending on others how did he out lived his doctor s prediction how does he deal emotionally when other people look at him like looking at a strange creature the movie told us none of that instead the filmmaker got a van and set up a trip to let ami to show up at his old doctor s door in order to show him that he is still alive i thought it was a joke"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21727": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i like peter sellers most of the time i had never seen him portray an upper class brit until this movie he pulls it off pretty well although you see bits of inspector clouseau in the mix it doesn t get interesting until goldie hawn arrives i never expected the youthful hawn to deliver such a solid performance her timing was great and her expressions were priceless the way she alternately shoots sellers lecherous character down and seduces him is beautiful to watch verbal sparring like i ve seldom seen from a movie of that era the last thirty minutes of the movie does fall flat it is worth the let down just to see the first sixty hawn is nude for a few glorious seconds early on enjoy it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21728": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what boob at mgm thought it would be a good idea to place the studly clark gable in the role of a salvation army worker ironically enough another handsome future star cary grant also played a salvation army guy just two years later in the highly overrated she done him wrong i guess in hindsight it s pretty easy to see the folly of these roles but i still wonder who thought that salvation army guys are hot and who could look at these dashing men and see them as realistic representations of the parts they played a long time ago i used to work for a sister organization of the salvation army the volunteers of america and i never saw any studly guys working there and that includes me unfortunately maybe i should have gotten a job with the salvation army instead so for the extremely curious this is a good film to look out for but for everyone else it s poor writing sloppy dialog and annoying moralizing make for a very slow film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21729": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ran across this movie on the tv and could not turn it off peter sellers plays an unlikable fellow who falls for an extremely warm and cute goldie hawn who wouldn t the way that goldie s character holds herself from the beginning of the movie to the end is untraditional even today this movie gave me a different angle into human relations and also i found it very funny peter sellers role was a difficult sell but i think he pulls it off well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21730": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am going to keep this short this adaption of the wonderful king book is a bad joke and nothing more of course there are many kubrick and nickolson fans in this site and as a result this movie has mysteriously find its way in the top jack nicholson is laughable as torrance and so is shelley duvall the story that has nothing to do with the book is an incoherent mess and the characters of jack and wendy torrance are complete jokes my advice to anyone that hasn t read the book and wants to understand the characters of this story stick to the tv series oh and the people who are saying that kubrick had every right to destroy the king story cause king is not a good writer should stick to reviewing masterpieces like eyes wide shut"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21731": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the matador is hit man movie lite if you can say that about a hit man movie the violence is never really shown but often introduced at first i was scared i was in for another retread of mid s gangster hit man hipster dark comedy but was happily surprised when i realized this is just a sweet and humorous story about friendship nothing terribly exciting happens in this film but every bit of it is kept me grinning the three leads have the best chemistry the big screen has offered in recent years and it looks like they had a great time making this film together the writing is sharp though at times it felt as if the script had been adapted from a stage play because of the one set dialog scenes this is a good film that i probably won t remember for too long but at the time it was a complete joy good film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21732": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "her cardboard lover is norma shearer s last movie she quit the movies and i think joined the board of directors at mgm that was a good move on her part her cardboard lover was talky and boring in parts it was obvious there were only a handful of actors with speaking parts so they had a lot of dialogue to speak to keep this turkey afloat the story was a good idea about a wealthy woman norma shearer hiring a man robert taylor to make her playboy fiancee george sanders jealous i am surprised that the director george cukor did not cut many of the talky scenes between ms shearer and mr taylor mr cukor served ms shearer well in the women but not in this movie the best performance in the movie was given by robert taylor during mr taylor s career he was given his best comedy roles in this movie and when ladies meet in in he gave his best comedy performance in her cardboard lover and up to then his best dramatic performance in johnny eager he had a busy year i think of all the actors at mgm mr taylor worked with all the major and minor actresses on the lot also mgm gave mr taylor all types of movies to make most of them were successful that is why mgm kept him for years mr george sanders was very good as a socialite heel he played a similar role eight years later in all about eve for which he won an oscar for a supporting role as for ms shearer this was one of her worst performances she was not funny and too dramatic for this comedy it is strange that she made a great comedy in the women and gave her best performance it was obvious that she was too old looking for her younger leading men in her cardboard lover also it didn t help that some of her clothes were awful too bad she and mr taylor did not make another dramatic movie like their last movie together the superb escape the same comments about this movie can be said of another movie personal property that mr taylor made in with jean harlow it was too talky boring and the actress looked old ms harlow looked ill throughout the movie and nobody in hollywood noticed to tell her to see a doctor so in she died at age what a waste she was becoming a good actress and getting better roles"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21733": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "not sure why it doesn t play in peoria apparently but this is a very funny clever british comedy it s set at the end of the swinging sixties peter sellars is fantastic as the rich forty something serial womaniser the perfectly delectable goldie hawn playing a year american girl in london is initially sellars catch of the day but the urbane tv food critic can t stop himself from falling for the dizzy american blond humour pathos great script strong performances from the leads and supporting caste it s a great film and the best gag is the very last line try it you ll like it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21734": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in this forgettable trifle the ish norma shearer plays a fluttery girlish socialite in monte carlo caught in a tussle between george sanders and robert taylor it would be tempting to blame this movie s failure on the dull talky script or director george cukor who never seems interested in livening up the film s generally comatose state mostly though it s the fault of shearer herself who desperately wanted to keep playing young parts as long as she could get away with it inadvertently this makes her cardboard lover a bizarre monument to an aging woman s vanity"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21735": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "although the plot was a bit sappy at times and very rushed at the end as if the director had run out of his alloted time and needed to hurry up and finish the story overall it was pretty good for the made for backwoods cable tv genre however the actress who played the babysitter mariana klaveno was very good i hope to see more of her around in movie land the music was also well done getting every possible chill out of the dah duh dah duh think jaws type music based tension build ups i don t think i d want to watch while the children sleep again but if i did it would be to focus on the performance of the talented klaveno"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21736": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "songwriter robert taylor as terry is dizzy slap happy and can t see straight over otherworldly norma shearer as consuelo she makes the sun shine even when it s raining mr taylor explains but mr taylor gets a lump in his throat whenever he gets near ms shearer finally at the palm beach casino shearer frequents taylor proclaims i love you shearer brushes him off as she is engaged to george sanders as tony however to settle a gambling debt shearer hires taylor to pose as her cardboard lover to make mr sanders jealous this film s title invites the obvious and appropriate three word review her cardboard movie it is most notable as the last film appearance for shearer one of the biggest stars in the world from he who gets slapped playing another consuelo to the women to be fair this was likely the kind of shearer film mgm believed audiences wanted to see however the part is unflattering plucked and powered taylor and shearer were better off in the escape if shearer had continued she might have become a better actress than leading lady apparently she was no longer interested and certainly didn t need the money taylor has a great scene reciting christina rossetti s when i am dead my dearest while threatening to jump from shearer s balcony as directed by george cukor her cardboard lover george cukor norma shearer robert taylor george sanders"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21737": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "lupin sets off for morocco looking for a legendary treasure his only clue is an interesting jewel that an old man gave him it s a nice different location for lupin with the desert and that hot exotic feel one interesting thing about this movie is that jigen has a much smaller role than usual generally being in a different place than lupin on one hand their classic dynamic together is missed but it is a change of pace plus this way lupin can focus on the ladies fujiko rules in this throughout the entire feature she is seducing lupin and us viewers then there s lara the damsel of this particular tale and she s quite likable this one has more nudity than any other lupin anime which is a fun distinction to have there s a very entertaining effeminate ninja guy who s the best villain in this and naturally he has some great fighting with goemon as well as some fun scenes with fujiko inspector zenigata of course is also on a warpath here in fine form pretty much this is a smooth ride with lupin the plot is average and there are some slow spots but all in all this movie is a real pleasure enjoy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21738": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "even by standards of movie making the setup which her cardboard lover presents was dated to the extreme the machinations of one half of a pair of husband wife ex husband ex wife to get the other back at the threat of marriage to another divorce or an eventual separation by means of jealousy humiliation or other schemes had been done much better in classics such as his girl friday and the philadelphia story both of these movies features women with a strong indomitable screen presence and who played independent proto feminist characters in both movies both women were estranged divorced from their witty first husbands and set to marry colorless men who were their exact opposite and both would be bamboozled into rejecting their soon to be husbands and re igniting their passion for each other the plot in her cardboard lover switches the gender here it s norma shearer in the cary grant role out this time to ward off an ex boyfriend george sanders by means of hiring robert taylor to pose as her gigolo the problem is shearer is much too old to be playing a role more suited to an actress in her mid to late twenties sanders is about as involved as a piece of furniture for the most any man who would be in love with his fianc e on seeing a strange man come out of her bathroom as happens here would knock the lights out of him and cause a huge scene not here and robert taylor plays his part as if he were trying to channel cary grant half the time not in speech inflections but in overall essence but the worst part of it is shearer herself for an actress used to parts which gave her a sense of intellectual sexiness and dramatic presence playing consuelo craydon seems to put her into throes of complete over acting over emoting and over gesturing which while still a part of her style of acting and more appropriate ten years earlier makes her look like an extremely mannered performer wrenching the joke out of a situation like water from a fairly dry sponge it only fuels the fires that tell the theory which gives irving thalberg the maker of her career and chooser of most of her roles why she passed on roles such as charlotte vale and mrs miniver on mega hits now voyager and mrs miniver is a mystery but then again most accounts also state that by this time she had just burnt out from acting that she d had lost interest in the whole thing altogether and it s no secret that anyone who has experienced this sort of thing has essentially lost focus and can t wait until retirement or the end of a contract is near to leave as soon as possible such could be the case here she seems lost she seems tired she seems ill at ease going through autopilot instead of living the part after this film she would make no more but would be responsible of discovering janet leigh who would come into her own as a screen star during the late s and into the s"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21739": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is more lupin then most especially coming from funimation other then the bad dub it isn t bad the first hour is a lot like the comic which is what all lupin the rd stuff is based on lupin s trying to get a huge treasure fujiko s using lupin s weakness to women to try to get something out of it the last bit isn t that bad he s with another women but of course fujiko s still him number one a lot of the other lupin movies are more family with cuss words then lupin any good lupin fan i think will be pleasantly surprised i know i was after hearing so many bad things about this movie it might be a bit better without the little animations rolling during the credits they make it a little mushy but overall it isn t a bad film good enough to be one of the few i d watch again of the lupin iii movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21740": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "like all the taviani brothers films this one looks great but it is rotten to the core with false romanticism and coincidences heap upon each other in some facsimile of a story in actuality this is really just a sentimentally cheap tear jerker posing as an intellectually distinguished art film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21741": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "eric stoltz delivers an extraordinary performance as joel garcia a successful young novelist who winds up paralyzed and in a special hospital for the recently disabled after breaking his neck in a hiking accident while learning to cope and adjust with the gravity of his new limited physical condition joel befriends slick fast talking charming womanizer raymond an amazing wesley snipes and boorish surly racist biker bloss a terrific william forsythe who feels threatened by the diverse multi ethnic array of fellow patients he s forced to share a room with joel also receives substantial support from his loyal and loving but married girlfriend anna radiantly played by helen hunt but he still must come to terms with being disabled on his own this remarkable movie s key triumph is its laudably stubborn refusal to neither sanitize nor sentimentalize the severity of what these men are going through directors neil jimenez who also wrote the thoughtful and insightful script and micheal steinberg relate the story with exceptional taste wit and warmth specifically addressing with disarming candor and matter of factness how being handicapped irrevocably alters one s lifestyle including and especially your sex life this point is most powerfully made in a striking sequence when joel and anna try and fail to make love in a motel room besides the expected poignancy the film further provides a surprising surplus of wickedly funny raw earthy humor that s highlighted by the uproarious sequence with joel and bloss making a secret nocturnal expedition to a strip club the uniformly superb acting qualifies as another significant plus stoltz snipes forsythe and hunt are all outstanding with stand out supporting turns by grace zabriskie as bloss doting amiable mother and elisabeth pena and william allen young as compassionate hospital nurses despite the grim subject matter the film ultimately proves to be a very moving positive and uplifting cinematic testament to the astonishing strength and durability of the human spirit a simply wonderful little gem of a drama"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21742": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as i said the book was pretty good and this might have been a good movie if melissa gilbert hadn t been so horrible and unbelievable in the lead roll what kind of accent was that suppose to be anyway it sounded the same as her horrible russian accent in another movie that i have seen her in every time she opened her mouth i cringed it took tries before i was able to watch the entire movie brad johnson was good as the other lead i really liked the beach location scenes they added some much needed brightness to take your mind off of melissa gilberts depressing portrayal i think they could have used san francisco views more to their advantage though it looked like the night scenes were actually sf but i could be wrong i don t recall the character in the book being this depressing please keep melissa gilbert out of any future movies that require an accent"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21743": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this work is a bold look into the mindset of men who find themselves in wheelchairs this film never tries to tone it down cotton candy ize or soft soap the angst confusion and pain of what these guys live with that is its strength i think but more so the performances are fantastic with well conceived and delivered dialog which draws you in and makes you feel a part of the experience the characters never attempt to block out the audience from knowing what s on their mind what s in their hearts i found it plodding but enjoyable it rates a from the fiend"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21744": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a typical steele novel production in that two people who have undergone some sort of tragedy manage to get together despite the odds i wouldn t call this a spoiler because anyone who has read a steele novel knows how they all end if you don t want to know much about the plot don t keep reading gilbert s character ophelia is a woman of french decent who has lost her husband and son in an accident gilbert needs to stop doing films where she is required to have an accent because she otherwise a good actress cannot realistically pull off any kind of accent brad johnson also an excellent actor is matt who is recovering from a rather nasty divorce he is gentle convincing and compelling in this role the two meet on the beach through her daughter pip and initially ophelia accuses matt of being a child molester just because he talked art with the kid all of them become friends after this episode and then the couple falls in love the chemistry between the two leads is not great even though the talent of these two people is not in my opinion a question they did the best they could with a predictable plot and a script that borders on stereotypical two people meet tragedy bigger tragedy a secret is revealed another tragedy and then they get together i wish there was more to it than that but there it is in a nutshell i wanted mindless entertainment and i got it with this in regard to the genre of romantic films this one fails to be memorable a secret affair with janine turner is far superior not a steele book as are some of steele s earlier books turned into film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21745": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i recently got the chance to view the waterdance and quite liked it i don t really understand why its called that as there isn t really any dancing going on there except maybe for the dancing at the strip club near the end we are introduced to the main characters throughout the movie invalids in a hospital the story shows a love affair between a physically sisabled guy and a healthy woman which is a very sweet story unfortunately you don t get to see movies like that today im not stuck in a time warp im not saying that everything during the s and early s was better than today but i really think the movie industry is deteriorating and there s much we can learn from old movies by old movies i mean anything from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21746": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie got off to an interesting start down the road however the story gets convoluted with a poor illustration of ancient black magic rituals the male lead was very good even though he gets the worst end of the stick in the climax in comparison this is boomerang meets extremities"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21747": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thought this was an excellent and very honest portrayal of paralysis and racism this movie never panders to the audience and never gets predictable the acting was top notch and the movie reminded me of one flew over the cuckoo s nest"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21748": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie got off to an interesting start down the road however the story gets convoluted with a poor illustration of ancient black magic rituals the male lead was very good even though he gets the worst end of the stick in the climax in comparison this is boomerang meets extremities"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21749": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film lingered and lingered at a small movie theater in town and the word of mouth buzz got me to see it a comedy about disabled people the subject matter keeps lots of people away from a funny and heart warming film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21750": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this engaging which it shouldn t be low grade spanish exploitation quite tame i might add looks good but huh let me phrase that again huh actually the word huh would be going through your mind quite a lot nothing makes sense nor does it try too i just don t know if its complicatedly cryptic or just a convoluted muddle but there s no denying how laconically uneventful strange and wordy it feels unrelated sequences tied like that nasty opening involving a little girl dead cat and fire in to a sparse story involving photographer mario played by a chest puffing john caffari who s mustache is a dead ringer for nintendo s iconic mario what s the odds that ditches his girlfriend at home and encounters a young lady a gorgeously fixating patty shepard who he asks to come with him on an photography assignment where at this remote mountain retreat they come across some hooded witches look past the unhinged plot structure and wallow in what is simply a moody piece of atmospheric mechanisms and growing unease raul artigot directs few jarringly unusual visuals and creepy passages but for most part seems sporadically non existent and unfocused just like his writing ramon sempere s striking cinematography lenses the gracefully rich scenery as we take in the scenic views and let the time leisurely grind away however there are certain areas where it was too dark to see what was going on fernando garcia morcillo s hauntingly bombastic and overwrought score blends terrifically with compulsively dense atmosphere created the leads are capable but there s also a sturdy bunch the pick being v ctor israel of secondary performances slow with little in the way of interest but this dreamy set up that seems to go on and on manages to keep you watching until its closing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21751": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "touching and sad movie portrays the trials and tribulations of a writer trying to come to terms with paralysis caused by a cycling accident the film centers on his relationship with his married lover whom he is often very hostile towards and his interactions with other accident victims particularly a black down and out and a white supremacist biker the film is often humorous often sad and always believable get out the box of kleenex and watch this on a cosy sunday afternoon with your partner"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21752": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok honestly i dont see why everybody thinks this is so great its really not there were two good things that came out of this movie jack s performance he was very good i can tip my hat for him danny s performance he was good no other then that it got pretty stupid and what was stanley kubrick thinking drafting shelly as the wendy she was so bad she looked the same every time she got scared the problem with this movie was the ending i would have had more respect for it if kubrick would have ended it differently and the over all movie was just stupid the problem with the movie is that the book was so much better so dont see the movie read the book and you will be much better off"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21753": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the matador stars pierce brosnan as a burned out assassin he s james bond gone to seed in too tight garish clothes gold chains and an ugly haircut our struggling assassin julian noble is in mexico trying to regain his nerve staying at the same hotel is a likable down on his luck businessman danny wright greg kinnear also trying to regain his equilibrium danny is desperate to close a deal and return to his wife in denver hope davis with good news noble and wright unexpectedly become friends wright convinces noble to reveal certain techniques which he demonstrates at a bullfight noble is eventually targeted by his employers and shows up in denver writer and director richard shepard did the q a after this delightful movie at the austin film festival shepard was also down on his luck after suffering the loss of his agent and rejection of recent scripts he decided to write a story no one would buy and create a character no one would want to play then pierce brosnan called brosnan regains his equilibrium in this movie there is life after bond he has a wonderful flair for self deprecating comedy don t miss it stay for the closing credits to read what the filmmakers say about bullfighting i look forward to more of richard shepard s projects"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21754": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as someone else mentioned it begins with a bizarre prologue about a little blond girl killing a cat then the main story a photographer gaffari and a writer shepard meet by chance and take a trip into the mountains first they spend the night at an inn where the slightly deaf landlord gets hollered at with increasing irritation to the audience by gaffari once in the mountains they seek shelter again and are invited in by a kindly old lady who seems overly hospitable to strangers hansel and gretel anyone what happens next i will leave for the bold viewer to sort out because i most assuredly couldn t now i like eurohorror and this woulda been better if only artigot writer and director had made some attempt at logical story telling the backdrop pyrenees makes an excellent and intriguing location for mysterious and occult occurrences the verdant peaks could easily obscure supernatural forces and those who command them the photography is nice just wish the whole thing made sense you can view this film at archive org"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21755": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s funny how your life can change in a second to attend the waterdance for the first time it was an unforgettable experience the way you need to get used to a new way of life it can seem frightening and to notice that there are other people going by a similar situation it can help you to go on eric stoltz s performances and mainly of helen hunt oh man helen is the purest and graceful woman in earth are wonderful wesley snipes also surprises in one of your last serious roles a film simple and at the same time deep that doesn t get to leave us indifferent to the message that is transmitted enjoy each moment of your life really to a film as that the any hour is not attended sorry it s a brazilian expression"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21756": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "welcome to movie on the chilling classics pack where we ll see that s right another movie that makes absolutely no sense seriously this movie had me so confused at the end i thought i was rewatching at dawn they sleep the plot seems simple enough well that is until seconds into the movie where a girl supposedly killed a cat and then um explodes i have no idea what happened and that was before the title screen that s really sad when i can t even tell what happened in the first minutes anyway it stars a photographer with a big mustache who finds this girl after dumping his other girlfriend on the way to take pictures of something somewhere so we get there but not before somebody steals their jeep to drive it feet out of the way towards a town suspicious nah so they decide to stay at this deserted village with one old lady and then blah blah stuff happens and blah blah talking the guy with the mustache goes out in the fog for some reason even though the old lady tells him not to he gets lost and then finds his way back oh i forgot to mention this is all after an incredibly pointless minutes of them staying in the house of a guy who looks like that buggy eyed guy from casablanca then they leave there s really no point to this scene it s really just padding if you cut it out no one would have noticed or cared but sadly that was actually the best part of the movie wait let me rephrase that really sadly that was the best part of the movie because the rest is so confusing that i had to look on imdb to find out what happened but of course no one else knows so i m sol seriously the last minutes of the movie were some of the most mindscrewing moments i ve ever seen on film they dressed her up in a dress he gets kidnapped then released he runs back to the house then at the end the witches are in the house and it ends seriously i have hardly ever been so confused in a movie i mean as bad as movies such as war of the robots are at least they make sense this movie doesn t even make the attempt to be coherent the ending was as confusing as the end of at dawn they sleep and the plot was much more boring this movie gets a just for its sheer i have no idea what happened in this movie ness witches mountain gets confused movie watcher out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21757": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i know that s not what you expect from a film with this sort of lineage it s a direct descendant of the best years of our lives and the men films dealing with men who are in the hospital dealing with tragic circumstances but this film is full of wonderful surprises and performances it features stellar performances from eric stoltz and helen hunt including a rather risque nude scene and wesley snipes and william forsythe as emanuel levy wrote in his book cinema of outsiders about the independent film movement the waterdance is coherant attentive to detail and unsentimental with a wicked down to earth humor it s at once funny and sad and the entire cast is impressive i was extraordinarily moved by this film it s hard hitting yes but also has very tender moments and laugh out loud moments a rare gem"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21758": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am working my way through the chilling classics movie pack collection and the witches mountain el monte de las brujas is something like the th movie in the set the movie had nothing to it to hold my attention at all the plot was incoherent the dialog seemed improvised the acting was poor the characters were unsympathetic the best scene is the beginning with an exasperated woman that is driven to burning her seemingly bratty daughter however the only connection this scene has to the rest of the movie is the lead character mario who has the most stupendous mustache ever but that s it the film was not effective on any level the music was too intrusive the lighting was very dark so that some scenes are almost completely black it really is barely watchable what more can i say"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21759": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "_waterdance_ explores a wide variety of aspects of the life of the spinally injured artfully from the petty torments of faulty fluorescent lights flashing overhead to sexuality masculinity and depression the experience of disability is laid open the diversity of the central characters themselves underscores the complexity of the material examined joel the writer raymond the black man with a murky past and bloss the racist biker at first these men are united by nothing other than the nature of their injuries but retain their competitive spirit over time shared experience both good and bad brings them together as friends to support one another most obvious of the transformations is that experienced by joel who initially distances himself from his fellow patients with sunglasses headphones and curtains as he comes to accept the changes that disablement has made to his life joel discards these props and begins to involve himself in the struggles of the men with whom he shares the ward the dance referred to in the title is a reference to this daily struggle to keep one s head above water to give up the dance is to reject life _waterdance_ is a moving and powerful film on many levels and i do not hesitate to recommend it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21760": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i admit i had to fast forward through this poorly transferred dvd after about minutes nothing was happening and everyone has already described the plot but has anyone mentioned the opening scene a butcher knife is stabbed through a wig and it s impaled on the grass in the front yard i m guessing the bratty kid did it put it s never explained really trippy opening i wish this had been a better written or thought out film because what we re left with if pretty daft and a movie that makes no sense isn t a clever movie it s just a poorly executed film i would like to see a cleaned up version and if there was any missing footage i would like to see if it would help otherwise this is an odd little film that is best if fast forwarded through"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21761": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was one of those films i probably never would have picked off the shelf but it came on ifc one day and i said eric stolz william forsythe why not if i d changed the channel i would have really missed a treasure the subject is depressing young author paralyzed in climbing accident convalesces in lower class rehabilitation center it would have been so easy and tempting to make this a manipulative tear jerker but that doesn t happen because it was written by neal jimenez after he himself was accidently paralyzed no hollywood happiness here all of the patients in the ward come from wildly different backgrounds but they share a feeling of helplessness of being at the mercy of others stolz is very good as a lone wolf type forced into embarrassing dependence on his girlfriend helen hunt wesley snipes is fine as a former ladies man whose family is falling apart but william forsythe takes the cake as a tough guy determined to make someone pay for taking away his independence see this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21762": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i was never quite sure where this thing was going these people seem interested in what is going on on some mountain they investigate have narrow escapes leave come back leave put each other in danger sleepwalk get attacked by witches who have consistent wardrobes etc etc the guy seems to like the girl but leaves her unprotected numerous times she gets taken off he gets her back leaves her again you get the point the whole thing seems to get around to some sort of sacrifice i think but i m not sure or turning people into witches but i m not sure it s just dull and endless and not worth the time there are some atmospheric scenes but the print is so bad that there times when twenty seconds of blackness is not unusual is this caused by age or the overuse of night filters"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21763": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film never received the attention it deserved although this is one of the finest pieces of ensemble acting and one of the most realistic stories i have seen on screen clearly filmed on a small budget in a real v a hospital the center of the story is joel very well played by eric stoltz joel has been paralyzed in a motorcycle accident and comes to the hospital to a ward with other men who have spinal injuries joel is in love with anna his married lover played by helen hunt who shows early signs of her later academy award winning work although the joel anna relationship is the basic focus there are many other well developed characters in the ward wesley snipes does a tremendous job as the angry raymond even more impressive is william forsythe as the bitter and racist bloss i think forsythe s two best scenes are when he becomes frustrated and angry at the square dancers and later when he feels empathy for a young korean man who has been shot in a liquor store hold up my favorite scene with snipes is the in the roundtable discussion of post injury sexual options the chemistry between stoltz and hunt is very strong and they have two very intimate but not gratuitous sex scenes the orgasm in the ward is both sexy and amusing there is also another memorable scene where joel and bloss and the korean boy take the specially equipped van to the strip bar it s truly a comedy of errors as they make their feeble attempts to get the van going to see the naked ladies the story is made even more poignant by the fact that the director neal jimenez is paralyzed in real life this is basically his story this film is real not glossy or flashy to have the amount of talent in a film of such a small budget is amazing i recommend this film to everyone i see because it is one of those films that even improves on a second look it s a shame that such a great piece of work gets overlooked but through video perhaps it can get the attention it so richly deserves"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21764": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i couldn t make sense of this film much of the time and neither could anyone else based on other reviews the opening scene of this film has virtually nothing to do with the rest of the story in it a photojournalist with a big mustache cancels his vacation to get away from his girlfriend he is assigned to photograph a mountain range it s rumored to be haunted but i couldn t tell whether he heard that from his boss or later in the film on his way he meets a beautiful writer patty shepard and convinces her to join him on his working trip throughout the film there is this terrible music score mostly consisting of noisy singing that makes you want to scream shut up already what really will gall a person is that the film always seems like it s about to become good though it never does there is beautiful mountain scenery and some genuinely creepy atmosphere the inn and the silent abandoned old buildings scattered on the mountain are rather ominous the foggy nights look real not like someone put an artificial fog machine on the set and the idea while not original had potential but it never does improve at least not enough to be worthwhile here s how it goes more or less they stop at this inn run by a weird innkeeper you expect him to be named igor with a hearing problem there is a scene where the writer thinks a peeping tom is in her window but the scene is so dark i had no idea what was going on whether this was poor lighting or a poor film transfer is unknown to me in any event we never find out know what happened there is a scene where she wanders off during the night whether she is sleepwalking or mesmerized by the witches of the title is never explained another scene which is never explained is when their car is stolen then found again with nothing stolen they wind up in this apparently abandoned mountain village whose sole inhabitant is this seemingly kindly old woman there are other things including a chained wild man in a cave who is never explained an attempt to sacrifice the writer in some way will they kill her or brainwash her into joining them the witches themselves a bunch of brunette women in white robes who don t show up until the last minutes of the film and whose practices and beliefs are never explained even the closing scene doesn t make any sense when all is said and done most people will be saying huh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21765": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "overall i found this movie quite amusing and fun to watch with plenty of laugh out loud moments but this movie is not for everyone that is why i created this quick question ere if you answer yes to any of the following questions than i recommend watching this flick do you enjoy crude sexual humor do you enjoy alcohol related humor do you enjoy amazingly hot girls do you enjoy viewing boobs do you enjoy viewing multiple boobs did i mention all the nice boobies in this film if you noticed the spoiler alert that is referring the mass amount of nudity you can expect in the movie i myself have no idea what the plot was about not that it matters"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21766": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "highly implausible unbelievable and incoherent spanish production about well let me see just how close i can get to it the film opens with a woman having one of her cat s killed by a young girl she then begs her lover to take her somewhere on his vacation he calls work and demands that he loses his vacation time and she says he will pay for this what relevance this plays out to is anybody s guess at the film s end because the guy a swarthy photographer spies a beautiful patty shepard queen of spanish horror films it seems taking her bikini top off momentarily so he can snap a picture ask her out to lunch and then to his assignment to witches mountain for reasons again we are never privy to before they go patty must stop by the house and loud eerie chanting echoes in our hero s ears again this is never explained the film goes on with these two stopping at an inn going on to the mountain and finally realizing why the mountain is called witches mountain you know there are several aspects to this film which make it better than a bad film it has some atmosphere some of the character actors are really quite good especially the deaf innkeeper and the old woman the leads are at least adequate and the climax though it makes absolutely no sense at all is well choreographed literally with the witches in white brassieres and long black hair it just doesn t make any sense though and that is a huge detractor to me i could watch the film another ten times and still not know more now than i did after the first viewing that is a major problem the witches mountain is a curious film from the long line of cheap atmospheric european horror films that blanketed that decade if you can get more out of it than me better power to you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21767": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the funniest and most excellent movies ever made although i ve only seen forty minuets of it and i must say this is a good movie the plot if funny and because there s sex around pretty much every corner of this movie it s really funny and i don t see how anyone could not like this film i really really really want to watch the rest of the movie it has one slightly sick scene in it trust me it s not very pleasant but apart from that this is a great movie i rate this movie an for comedy for sexual content and for the plot please if your a fan of american pie and you want to watch a movie where there s pretty much all sex in it the buy this movie it will please you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21768": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was a fairly creepy movie i found the music to be effective for this the photographs mario took of the village were also unnerving however i had three problems with this film one is that the lighting was very dark so some of the time it was hard to tell what was going on but this may have just been my copy the second is that the very beginning is not explained very well and i m still not sure what was going on there the third problem is that i didn t understand the ending but apparently some people do of course there are also the usual problems of people doing stupid things and the male lead is very s all in all watchable but not even close to being a favorite"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21769": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a lot of people hated this movie but that i blame on two facts they want it to be too much like the first couple of american pie movies and they are trying to take it too seriously this one i found was the best one out of all six and i absolutely love dwight the plot is predictable i ll say that but then what teen comedy isn t road trip dirty deeds etc etc they are all incredibly predictable but still goddamn funny i say this is worth watching i love it i find it hilarious just don t watch it while comparing it to the first ones because it s nothing alike after watching naked mile and this one it became obvious that all the american pie movies were about and only about the stiflers which is fine by me watch enjoy love xd"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21770": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "saying this movie is extremely hard to follow and just as frustrating to sit through is putting it very mildly also saying that the current available print is dark dreary scratchy abysmally edited painfully dubbed seemingly censored and in almost unwatchable shape is also correct this film is in dire need of a good remastering from the full uncut original negative and seeing how it s reasonably atmospheric and won the director an award at the catalonia film festival it might actually be worth the trouble then again maybe not it s just impossible to tell in its current condition what kind of movie it actually is it starts fairly interesting if you can discount the completely senseless pre credits opening sequence which involves a deranged cat killing snake loving little girl named gerda the girls mom carla m nica randall who should have laid off the eyeliner a little bit splashes some gasoline around in the garage and torches the brat seemingly about as crazy as young gerda she goes to visit her estranged photographer ex boyfriend mario john cihangir caffari he s on vacation from work but so desperate to get away from carla that he begs his employers to set him up on an assignment any assignment she scowls you ll be sorry as he heads out the door well mario is assigned to photograph witches mountain somewhere in the pyrenees i believe before he gets to his destination he gets sight of a hottie on the beach named delia patty shepard and snaps a few pictures of her taking off her bikini top only slightly peeved she claims to be a single writer the two flirt and then decide it would be a swell idea if they went on the trip up the mountain together when they stop by her place so she can pack her bags mario suddenly hears loud sinister music delia claims he s just hearing things so the two begin their trip up the mountain taking a stop at a local inn to spend the night there they encounter a weird partially deaf crazy eyed innkeeper victor israel and delia claims someone was spying on here through her window the next day under some trance she wanders off up the mountain and is eventually located by mario who hops out of his jeep and runs after her while he s finding out what s up someone steals their wheels and they re forced to walk a piece eventually finding the jeep undamaged at the foot of a small ancient seeming abandoned village almost like someone was trying to intentionally lure them there well as we will see that s exactly what has happened in the village they encounter a friendly old woman named zanta ana farra who claims she s the only person still living there and lets them stay in her home mario takes some pictures of the abandoned city and when he develops them they are eerily full of people slightly creeped out he and delia begin to leave and get stuck in treacherous fog and have to pull over and camp out for the night the rest of the movie has to do with voodoo dolls black cats transforming into sexy women satanic rituals performed by ladies in their bras and a deadly fall off a cliff and yeah coincidentally carla the estranged wife turns out to be one of the witches too it all takes place in semi darkness and to be quite honest i didn t know what the hell was going on most of the time the inconclusive open ending is just an additional slap in the face to anyone having to suffer through the rest of this senseless mess honestly there are just a few things that stand out to me as being really good the first is actress shepard who has that great barbara steele kind of dark mysterious beauty there s also an excellent music score credited to fernando garcia morcillo and chanting songs which aided immensely in making this film as atmospheric as it is the location work is fairly decent but as i said the print is ugly as can be and it doesn t make a lick of sense so proceed with caution on this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21771": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "funny sexy hot there is no real plot but you needn t anyone so the naked or almost naked girls and the typical fights between college cliques need no development all in all the whole seems to be known from simply every film in this category but the reissuer reached the goal that this film can be recognized out of thousand others last thing i ve got to say unbelievable funny you ve got to see it and if you are young and you want know more about the female body you ve got to see it twice"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21772": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "okay what the hell kind of trash have i been watching now the witches mountain has got to be one of the most incoherent and insane spanish exploitation flicks ever and yet at the same time it s also strangely compelling there s absolutely nothing that makes sense here and i even doubt there ever was a script to work with but somehow i couldn t turn it off the scratching your head with confusion starts right away with an opening sequence about an angry little girl that killed her mother s cat so you think this film revolves on children possessed by evil forces heck no because after this intro the girl and her wickedness simply aren t mentioned anymore then cut to a guy with the most impressively trimmed mustache you ll ever see who breaks up with his girlfriend in a rather unsubtle way when she asks him to spend his vacation with her he promptly phones his employer requesting him any type of assignment great move the movie finally starts now as he travels to an isolated mountain area to photograph some peaks though not before he picks up a new girl patty shepard and photographs her topless throughout their journey all kind of strange events occur that you guessed it are never explained the girl wakes up in the middle of the forest loud petrifying music plays everywhere and someone even steals the jeep really car jacking witches apparently a coven of silent witches owns the mountains and they practice voodoo on trespassers that s as close as i get describing the plot but there s a good chance i m way off more important here is the atmosphere the witches mountain is occasionally very creepy with its spooky music and interesting cinematography the supportive characters all look uncanny and the ravishing patty shepard plays a good heroine this is the type of european horror film that could have been legendary if only someone had bothered to write a structured screenplay"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21773": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ok it was a good american pie erick stifler goes off to college with his buddy cooze during their arrival they meet up with eric s cousin dwight the two pledge to become betas and along the way they get involved with a whole lot of sex tits and some hot girls along the way in a few words there is a lot more sex nudity and alcohol it is a good movie for those who want to enjoy an american pie movie granted it isn t as great as the first three is is a good movie if you enjoy hot girls with really nice tits get this movie if you enjoy seeing a bunch of dudes making assholes of themselves go to this movie if you want to see the full thing get the unrated addition one last thing this is a better attempt than the last two american pies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21774": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ladies and gentlemen please don t get fooled by a stanley kubrick film tag this is a very bad film which unfortunately has been hailed as one of the deadliest horror films ever made horror films should create such a fear that during nights people should shiver their hearts out while thinking about a true horror film in shining there is no real horror at all but what we find instead is just a naive foolish attempt made to create chilling horror everyone knows as to how good the attempts are if they are different from reality all that is good in the film is the view of the icy valley the hotel where most of the actors were lodged appears good too a word about the actors jack nicholson looks like a lost lazy soul who is never really sure of what he is supposed to do there is not much to be said of a bald colored actor who for the most of times is busy pampering a kid actor no need to blame the bad weather for the tragedy it cannot be avoided as the film has been made and poor kubrick is not alive to make any changes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21775": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "margaritas and cock this tremendously entertaining film grabs you from the opening scene and never stops delivering laughs surprises and unexpectedly touching moments i had more fun watching the matador than almost any other film from it is a wacky film with an unforgettable character played to perfection by pierce brosnan julian noble brosnan is a facilitator hit man who specializes in high end corporate gigs assassinating rich dudes he is also experiencing something akin to a mid life crisis after coming to realization that he has no real friends no permanent home and no planned future he stumbles into a mexican hotel bar one night and runs into danny wright kinnear danny is a down on his luck family man who is on the verge of losing the big business deal that just might turn things around for him he loves his wife dearly especially so since they lost their young son a few years earlier the two men are chalk and cheese hardly any common ground other than that they are in the same desolate bar one night and somehow a conversation is struck that sets in to motion a chain of events that will change their lives forever the friendship they form reminded me a lot of laurel and hardy one is the straight man and the other is the persistent fool who gets them into trouble the interplay is superbly timed and finely tuned due in no small part to the wonderful performances from brosnan and kinnear but make no mistake this is brosnan s film he imprints one of the most memorable and despicably likable characters of the decade he could shoot your mother and apologize immediately thereafter and you d probably forgive him brosnan may be cinema s ultimate charmer but this is his most endearing and complete performance to date i wouldn t be averse to seeing an oscar nod for this role consider one scene where he overtly ogles a high school girl with the impurest of thoughts and utters the line all blushy blushy no sucky fucky he does it with the familiar bond smirk and manages to get away with it he manages to tell a young boy tell your mother to lose lbs and years then get back to me without coming across as unlikable in fact it makes us like him even more and yet the film manages to surprise us with some truly touching scenes most of which come toward the end when the film takes some unpredictable turns however when julian thumbs through his little black book to find someone to call on his birthday or when danny and his wife davis console each other in their bedroom one night the film reaches an unexpected depth of emotion the matador is stylish and energetic it is constantly entertaining and it contains a career defining role for brosnan as the lonely hit man looking for normalcy friendship and a means to do at least one good thing in his life this is an overlooked gem in and you should make an effort to see this film as soon as possible tc candler of independentcritics com"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21776": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in europe it s known as who dares wins in america it s known as the final option but under any title this ludicrous sas action flick asks the audience to put their disbelief to one side for around two hours i find it incredibly hard to comprehend how lewis collins the hero here was almost chosen as roger moore s successor in the bond films this guy is so expressionless he d struggle to get a job in a waxwork museum as a waxwork luckily judy davis is on hand to partially redeem the affair with a meaty performance as a hard line lady terrorist and there s a climactic ten minute action sequence that is quite competently orchestrated by director ian sharp let it be added that it s a very very very long wait for these closing excitements to come around and i can t honestly say that a near two hour wait for a bit of decent action was worth the effort sas hard man peter skellen lewis collins goes undercover among a group of peace protesters who would like to see the end of nuclear weapons stock piling he meets their leader frankie judy davis a strong talking and opinionated woman who might just be capable of taking extraordinary measures to achieve her goals frankie s dedicated bunch violently lay siege to the american embassy in london demanding that a nuclear missile be fired at a naval base in scotland she believes that when the world witnesses a nuclear blast for real everyone will be so appalled that they will join her campaign for disarmament unfortunately for frankie she makes the mistake of taking skellen on her little embassy raid and he plans to thwart their plan from inside with a little well timed outside help from his sas comrades the film is inspired quite obviously by the awesome sas assault on the iranian embassy in someone who saw that event on the news apparently thought it would be good to devise a film along similar lines unfortunately the film is rather banal with too much stupid dialogue and a heck of a lot of embarrassingly bad scenes the arch bishop s debate which descends into a riot anyone frankie s idea to bring about peace by instigating a nuclear blast is ridiculous anyway so she becomes a laughable figure just when the audience is on the verge of viewing her as an interesting villain who dares wins tries to be a celebration of the military legend that is the sas but at the same time it dips into clumsy action clich s and ill thought out plotting the result is a well intentioned but wholly ineffective slice of boy s own absurdity"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21777": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "now i love american pie and while was great just for seann william scott s performance as stifler but after that the quality has dropped band camp kept the standard reasonably high with characters you actually cared about but naked mile was the same joke and plot lines recycled erik stifler s sex problem is like jim s it had some amusing moments like the football game against the midgets and the punishment of coozeman but on the whole it lacked originality and the mile was just stupid and moronic not to mention the irritating girlfriend who doesn t want to have sex anyway enough about the naked mile i watched beta house with apprehension as i thought it could take the series to a new low but i was pleasantly surprised to be honest there is no real plot but it s filled with hot girls ashley is incredible and sex jokes aplenty yes it is formulaic and the jokes are old but dwight stifler steve talley raises the bar with an exuberant performance the greek olympiad is entertaining especially the penultimate and final events while christopher mcdonald s cameo is hilarious there are weak points though coozeman is as irritating as he was in the first i m still baffled to as how he ever got a part while coozeman is bad erik stifler is worse john white made naked mile a pain to watch but in beta house he takes his performance to a whole new low first and foremost he lacks charisma a stifler prerequisite you really can t care less about him the only reason i was bothered about his relationship was so ashley could be on screen she shines above him as does the rest of the cast seriously john white is the ultimate in bad acting and has about as much charisma as a dead fish saying that the film does entertain and coozeman s fear that his girl is not exactly a girl is brilliantly funny overall this film is worth renting get a few of your mates in and have a laugh at the vomit fest event and vent your anger at erik loser stifler"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21778": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s two years after the iranian embassy siege which involved the dramatic sas rescue from the balconys and with a war with argentina over the falkland islands currently taking place what better film to make than a gung ho sas film that re creates the iranian hostage siege whilst using britains number one action hero of the day lewis collins throw in edward woodward and a few other well known actors and you ve got a winner on your hands well maybe not the film itself doesn t make the situation serious enough whilst the acting is quite second rate it s like a movie long episode of the professionals but without the formula this film goes nowhere fast and is quite predictable maybe cubby brocoli watched this film and decided to ditch lewis collins as a touted james bond replacement for roger moore watch it if your a fan of lewis collins or sas stuff in general if not save your time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21779": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ti s and as lots of boobies some great characters fun filled pranks and well put together teen action in this spin off of the amercan pie franchise this feels like really old school it feels a bit like porkys for the s some great funny characters combined with some very humorous situations make this one a real surprise for me whilst the original cast is all but gone except for one this movie i found really entertaining lets not get too excited you have to take it for the booby teen comedy that it is but for what it is it excels the characters are likable and funny the girls are hotter than hell the fun and games are hilarious with some stuff i ve never seen before in comedies they make me cringe but laugh at the same time so ignore the haters and give this a run and see what you think don t expect the classic american pie but expect something that should make you laugh and spark your attention for an hour or so"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21780": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "just look at the poor robert webber character great performance once again who tries to wrestle a sub machine gun from one of the terrorists everything in this movie seems to be a little wrong the biggest mistake in my opinion is the effort to give the action a firm footing in the actuality of the early ies the fundamental difference between this flick and the far more fantastic ironic and therefore timeless die hard the story comes through as a failed attempt to glorify the sas commandos ideas like when a commando shouts heads down all good guys do it and all bad guys don t so that they can blast away ad lib with a good conscience that the main character does not get mown down by the gas masked commandos although he wears the same clothes and carries a weapon from their arsenal just seem to be unlikely and make it hard to take the movie seriously and it just happens that it tries to be more than just fun don t talk about the toilet mirror signal episode i don t mind the criticism of the pacifist movement as a shield for evildoers and the arguments between the peace fanatics and the settled even headed representatives of power in this movie but the political comment is rather lame and uninspired this is insofar regrettable as the movie features an early performance of judy davies she plays the main fanatic and seems to have done extensive studies on the subject anyway her performance is a notch above that of the others and somehow i feel the movie let her down"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21781": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is by far one of my favorite of the american pie spin offs mainly because in most of the others the main character one of the young stiflers always seems unrealistic in nature for example ap the naked mile you have a teenage guy surrounded by naked college chicks and has one in particular hot on his trail to rid him of his virginity problem and he ends up stopping mid deed and rides a horse back to sleep with his girlfriend who keep in mind gave him a guilt free pass for the weekend i can appreciate the romantic aspect of the whole thing but let s be realistic most people who are watching these movies aren t particularly searching for a romantic story whereas the most recent installment finally seems to realize who the audience is and good old erik stifler seems to wake up and smell the roses and as always mr levenstein lends his perfectly natural eyebrow humor to the equation and scored a touchdown with this new movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21782": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is actually a pretty bad film the ideology is not as perverse as in those films collins made later however my main misgivings about the film are that it is implausible and quite frankly boring for a long time the whole concept of an ex sas man joining terrorists for no particular reason isn t very convincing and you can t help wondering why a group of highly organized terrorists who later become pretty clueless fall for it the film starts with a pretty powerful scene but then meanders for quite a long time building up towards the great finale overall i think who dares wins could have been an interesting minutes episode of the professionals but the story doesn t carry a feature film although reasonably successful at the time this film initiated the demise of collins career who in the eighties mainly made cheap and dubious soldier of fortune or army films pity because he actually is quite a versatile actor but at the end of the day martin shaw chose his roles more carefully and has a career that s still successful"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21783": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just watched the movie i was afraid it s gonna disappoint me i was rather surprised at the end though the american pie franchise is still in my favorite franchise movies of all times yes it won t be true if i say that i enjoyed it as mush as i enjoyed the original ones beta house along with the previous two pies definitely lost something that the first two pies had it is not gonna become a classic as the first two already did but what the hell it is still funny with a lot of good moments and i think it should be the first movie to pick if you wanna have fun and relax after a hard day at work or school beta house deserves but i gave it just for being another slice of pie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21784": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the motion picture was in all likelihood made in the year and released in i would surmise that talking motion pictures had great difficulty in making the transition from the silent era nevertheless this particular zane grey plot appears to be very weak also gary cooper was probably just learning to act the result is something that would not be acceptable by today s standards for maybe for not acceptable some of the actors performed well sadly the indians always get the short end in these early westerns they were living on the land long before the white man came but according to twisted history they had no right to defend themselves"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21785": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "wow this was another good spin off of the original american pie not as good as band camp but definitely a lot better the naked mile dwight and erik stifler lead the comedy in this one but i actually preferred the dialogue in this one to the naked mile the script was written a lot better and the comedy flowed more smoothly however most of the comedy came from sex but that s okay because that s why we watch these movies anyway right the midget rock also had a really good cameo considering the intense effort given by him in the naked mile his scene with stifler was awesome and had me laughing my ass off when i saw it the movie was a definite improvement in my opinion compared to the naked mile if you liked any previous american pie films you should like beta house unless you view all of the american pie spin offs a waste of money"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21786": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a very old and cheaply made film a typical low budget b western in so many ways gary cooper was not yet a star and this film is highly reminiscent of the early films of john wayne that were done for poverty row studios with both actors their familiar style and persona were still not completely formed this incarnation of gary cooper doesn t seem exactly like the cooper of just a few years later he talks faster in this early film among other things however unlike the average b movie of the era there are at least a few interesting elements that make the film unique if not good if you ever want to see the woman that was married to errol flynn for seven years this is your chance lili damita stars as the female love interest and this is a very very odd casting choice as she has a heavy accent she was french and wasn t even close to being movie star pretty incidentally she was also married to director michael curtiz but for me the most memorable and weird aspect of the film is the seemingly gay subplot sort of like a brokeback mountain from the s and we thought this was a new idea gary cooper s character was raised by two men who hate women and do everything they can through much of the film to keep cooper clear of females this misogyny alone doesn t necessarily mean much but there are so many clues throughout the film that indicate the makers of the film really were trying to portray them as a gay couple in particular towards the end when one of them is killed the other is shot by an arrow and holds off dying long enough to crawl over to the body of his fallen friend and then falls with his arms cradled around him this was pretty edgy stuff for the time and i think this makes this dull film really fascinating today as far as cooper and the plot go the film is a bit of a disappointment and very skip able unless you are curious about damita or the homosexual undertones do yourself a favor and find a better western"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21787": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "firstly although many say it is the worst of the series i don t think that it is true considering this one ideally reflects the century teen mentality it brings perfect opportunities to make you laugh and remind you of the good teenager times when you would have liked to have same fun as the characters do i agree with the fact that it is a teenager movie but comedy movies nowadays aren t supposed to be for teenagers i mean cinemas are mostly the place for teenagers to hang out plus seeing such a movie during a sleepover or something like that is very good for having a very good time many comment about the amount of nudity in this movie well let s get real doesn t that reflect the thoughts of teen guys like those from the movie what would you like to see smart books romantic stuff that is not at all what would be in those teenagers minds to conclude i think that if you are a teenager you must absolutely see the movie and even if you are a real grown up man or a woman you should see it if you still have a teen mind or you often think about how it was being a teenager or things like that thanks for reading"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21788": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok i kinda like the idea of this movie i m in the age demographic and i kinda identify with some of the stories even the sometimes tacky and meaningless dialogue seems semi realistic and in a different movie would have been forgivable i m trying as hard as possible not to trash this movie like the others did but it s not that easy when the filmmakers weren t trying at all the editing in this movie is terrible possibly the worst editing i ve ever seen in a movie there are things that you don t have to go to film school to learn leaning good editing is not one of them but identifying a bad one is also the shot oh my god the shots just awful i can t even go into the details but we sometimes just see random things popping up and that in conjunction with the editing will give you the most painful film viewing experience this movie being made on low or no budget with cast and crew is not an excuse also i ve seen short films on youtube with a lot more artistic integrity joe greta i don t know what the heck you were thinking but this movie is nothing but a masturbation of both your egos you should be ashamed of yourselves in conclusion this movie is like what a really lazy amateur porn movie will be if it was filled with or lousy sex scenes separated by long boring conversations and one disgusting masturbation scene if that s not your kind of thing avoid this at all cost"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21789": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is plain fun i has nothing to do with the original america pie but it is fun to watch another try but better than band camp and the naked mile at least funnier just after first five minutes i was laughing my ass out so i decided to call my friend and we would watch it together we had a few beers and we had fun you will not find any deep message in this movie but it s worth watching so lay back and just enjoy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21790": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i admire kissing on the mouth for its frankness pubic hair cutting and masturbation especially from the lead director joe swanberg they weren t afraid to show trueness to everyday private occurrences unfortunately the film falls under the the brown bunny realm though with a slightly more developed plot of jealousy yes it mirrors bunny with a whole lot of nothing going on or too many cinematography shots focused or sincerely unfocused on absolutely nothing feet hands or genitals again unfortunately i can see why this film was released and why people are renting true life sex scenes and full frontal equally both male and female nudity other than that it was a complete waste of time we quickly learn of a post college male female roommate pair in which the male has obvious feelings for the female that sees him as just a friend while continuously having sex with her ex boyfriend other than that we are subjected to the every day events of their boring lives she works for her parents he works on an extremely uninteresting sexual awareness project on his computer for this all to work the dialogue has to be interesting and the acting real neither work and it s as boring as watching someone drive for an hour i e the brown bunny the only actor that stands out is kate winterich and even she does some questionable acting the dvd extra with her in front of a mike is actually worth watching listening to again i admire the filmmakers especially swanberg for baring it all and not being afraid to expose themselves or shower habits but overall the film falls flat it has narrations that doesn t fit the scenes too many boring everyday events and unconvincing acting that you wonder other than the soft porn factor why you rented this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21791": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have to hand it to the creative team behind these american pie movies direct to dvd typically is synonymous with cheap incompetent film making yet last year i was pleasantly surprised when i found myself thoroughly enjoying the dvd sequel the naked mile the filmmakers took advantage of the opportunity to deliver a raunchy yet funny little film this year they offer up the followup beta house this is the honest truth beta house makes the first few american pie movies look like the little mermaid this is no holds barred tasteless laugh out loud fun sure the story is a bit thin but that s the beauty of the whole thing within the first minutes we re introduced to the all the main characters the new supporting characters get a handful of raunchy gags meet the villains and establish the general plot line with all that out of the way the movie becomes a no limits ride the gags are a plenty and they did not hold back in this one i m talking male semen urine dildos chicks with dicks sex with sheep female orgazim sprays and plenty more not to mention the fact that not a minute goes by without boobs or a sex scene returning from the naked mile are john white jake siegel steve talley and eugene levy in a similar supporting role as the last few films the entire cast does fine work steve talley dwight stifler in particular has a great energy and screen presence i predict good things for him the film is also loaded with great movie references for those who keep their eyes open by far the biggest laugh of the film for me was the deerhunter parody classic the bottom line is if you re a fan of the series you ll feel right at home with beta house it really pushes the limits of good taste but in the end is pretty damn funny"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21792": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film was absolutely awful i even feel uncomfortable calling it a film its the typical mumblecore movie with zero plot and a bunch of aimless whiny twenty somethings stumbling around trying to figure stuff out i have tried to give mumblecore a chance but lets be honest its just horrible i am not out of sync with cinema i appreciate dogme films idioterne is one of my all time favorite films so i do not mind if a film is cheaply made so long as there is some any substance everything in this film is horrid the acting the writing or was it all improvised the direction but most of all above everything else the camera work was just plain and simple nonsense the camera was never anywhere logical there was no consistency i got to admit being a guy i had heard there was nudity in this film so i thought to myself well even if its horrible at least there s nudity yea i know i m a jerk well thanks to the uber crappy camera work you never really get to see anything and the things you do see trust me you do not want to see this film made me want to vomit on numerous levels the dialogue made me want to vomit the camera work made me want to vomit but mostly the idea that this film was praised by some legit critics well now that more than anything makes me want to vomit"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21793": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "always enjoy the great acting of drew barrymore and her great performance in this film where she plays a very very complicated young gal holly gooding skipped parts who leaves new york and travels to california and shares an apartment with a up and coming writer george newbern patrick highsmith far harbor many strange things start to happen to holly and she seeks to find her brother in a mental institution after he killed her father if you look close enough you will actually see the mother of drew barrymore in real life appear as her mother in this picture if it was not for the good acting of drew barrymore and george newbern this film should be seen only on halloween night however it sure has it s surprises in the end"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21794": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s like hard to like describe just how like exciting it is like to make a relationship like drama like with all the like pornographic scenes thrown like in for like good measure like and to stir up like contro like versy and make us more like money and like stuff ellen the lost quote kissing like on the like mouth and stuff is like the best like artistic endeavor like ever made watching like ellen s hairy arms and like chris masturbating was like the height of my years long movie viewing experience and stuff but before i like begin like breaking new u s something airhead records with the my likes let me like just briefly list like the high like lights of this visual like feast chris doing the deed with his genitals and not just that the way the camera guided so elegantly by ellen and patrick rewards the viewer with a full screen shot of chris s fat white trash stomach after he finishes the un catholic deed that was truly thrilling i can in all honesty say that i ve never seen such grace chris you should do more such scenes in your next movies because that is exactly what we needed as a continuation of what that brilliant brilliant man lars von trier and his idiots started a quick w and then a hairy fat white belly what more can any movie goer ask for needless to say i can sit all day and watch chris ejaculate in spite of the fact that i m straight such poetry in motion such elegance such style no less than total divine inspiration went into filming that sequence plus a solid amount of zen philosophy even barbra streisand could not get any more spiritual than this ellen s hairy thick arms the wobbly camera close ups so skillfully photographed by our two directors of photography i can t emphasize this enough ellen and patrick often caused confusion regarding the proper identification of the sex in question there were several scenes when we would see a part of a body a leg arm or foot yet it was often a guessing game does that body part belong to a man or a woman naturally chris and his fellow artists ellen patrick and whatsername cast themselves on purpose because their bodies were ideal for creating this gender based confusion it was at times hard to guess whether one is seeing a female or male leg patrick is so very thin and effeminate in his movements so hairless and pristine whereas ellen and the other girl are so very butch what with their thick legs and arms brilliant brilliant especially the way that neatly ties in with the theme of role reversal between the sexes so utterly original and mind blowing ellen behaves like a man wants sex all the time while her ex patrick wants to talk like a girl spiffing ellen s search for a leftist mate he must love the simpsons which is quite leftist i am glad that the makers of this movie decided to break the long tradition of offering us intelligent leftists ellen is such a refreshing and realistic change the number of likes that she and her liberal friends manage to utter in less than minutes is truly phenomenal to be exact they have managed to realistically transfer their real life ineptness onto the big screen with a minimum of effort and i applaud them for that the close ups of toes plenty of stuff here for foot fetishists which i think is a very liberal highly commendable way of reaching out to sexual minorities after all shoe and foot fetishists are offered so little in modern cinema so it s nice to see that someone out there cares kotm or rather klotlmas offers more than meets the eye it is not just a modest little film about shallow people engaging in hollow relationships while indulging in meaningless conversations no it s much more than that it s about the light that guides all silly creatures the guiding light that dominates the futile lives of various pseudo artistic wannabes who just dropped out of film school and plan to assault our senses with dim witted drivel that will hopefully play well at pretentious festivals like sundance and cannes enabling them to gain the necessary exposure hence some real cash for a change with which they will later hire the likes of sean penn and george clooney in promoting the saving of this planet and the resolving of all political problems this world faces what better way to do that than by making porn at the very start if chris and ellen did the camera here as is clearly stated in the end credits then who held the camera while the two of them were in front of it they probably hired some passers by and shoved the camera into their hands go to http rateyourmusic com fedor and check out my tv cinema worst cases of nepotism list"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21795": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there is a certain genius behind this movie i was laughing throughout the scene in the phone sex office discussing how love heals the doppelganger was a nice attempt at this genius humor execution is poor but you can see the writer s message and they do have some talent the doppelganger split at the end was like ok wasn t quite expecting that but let s see what the movie has to say certainly ridiculous but a sweet idea and actually very coherent to the story in a strange way is the point of a movie to be logical or is it to be entertaining or communicate on an emotional level i m easily bored by many movies but this one kept my interest throughout i think the story may have some auto biographical roots but that s just a guess horribly bad but good i m looking for other movies this person may have done with more experience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21796": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "not the best of the films to be watched nowadays i read a lot of reviews about shining and was expecting it to be very good but this movie disappointed me the sound and environment was good but there was no story here not was there a single moment of fright i expected it to a horror thriller movie but there was no horror no thriller the only scene where i got scared was during the chapter change scene showing wednesday there are lots of fragments i the movie most of the things are left unexplained with nothing to link it to anything the story does not tell us about the women or other scenes that is shown might be a good movie to watch in the s but not for the st century"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21797": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film is fantastic finally well written characters you can love for all their good and bad pierce brosnan is flat out hysterical in this self effacing role i think its the best thing he s ever done he s done other roles that exhibited shades of being capable of this kind of fully fledged work but this role finally gave him the room to run with it i almost died when he walked across the hotel lobby in his underwear and boots and greg kinnear and hope davis are a couple to aspire too as well as actors to aspire too kinnear is so goofy likable that his turn in the end is truly gratifying you give good actors good work to play with and they give us something more back"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21798": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a time we live in when someone like this joe swan whatever the hell is considered a good filmmaker or even a filmmaker at all where are the new crop of filmmakers with brains and talent we need them bad and to hell with mumblecore this movie is about nothing just as the characters in the film stand for nothing it s this horrible so called gen y that is full of bored idiots some of which declare themselves filmmakers with out bothering to learn anything about the craft before shooting well orson welles was a filmmaker john huston was a filmmaker fellini was a filmmaker dreyer was a filmmaker etc current films like these show just how stupid young so called filmmakers can be when they believe going out with no script no direction no thought no legit camerawork everything shot horribly on dv no craft of editing no nothing stands for rebellious or advanced film making nope it s called ignorance and laziness or just pure masturbation of cinema and there actually is an in your face jack off shot so be ready look at the early films of any accomplished indie filmmaker linklatter morris allen lynch hartley jarmusch jost lee or herzog none made anything as tedious and aimless as this yet swan whatever the hell is still going to sxsw every year and hailed as some kind of gutsy new talent it s crap i can t imagine anyone liking this and everything else this so called filmmaker has done all seen by me is just as bad the newer stuff clearly made to appeal to a more mainstream audience one of the sitcom calling steer clear unless you re a friend or family member of those involved on second thought if you re a family member or friend you d probably be embarrassed to see a family member or friend in such compromising situations utter garbage this isn t art this is the ultimate opposite of it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21799": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "drew barrymore was excellent in this film this role is the type of role you don t normally see drew play her typical role is as a woman looking for love the storyline is also great when holly is implicated in her mother s murder she moves to l a she moves in with a guy who becomes her lover but her brother who is in a mental prison hospital for what they believe is murder is almost killed she is wrongfully accused it is then revealed to her lover that she has multiple personality disorder after that another woman becomes paranoid when she s around her in the end though they find out the truth"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21800": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the cowboys could leave you a little sore in the saddle definitely not one of johns best movies don t get me wrong with any john wayne move there is always some good spots and this one has it s fair share but over all the picture moves slow and just doesn t live up to the aspirations it could have been bruce dern again does an outstanding job as the villain roscoe lee brown is another bright spot in the movie the kids in the movie were average but could have been cast better this would be a good movie for the eight to fifteen year old movie goers this would be a good family move to watch with your children just be aware there is a couple of scenes that you may want to take a look at before you let the young ones see it but most kids that i know who have seen the movie like it maybe it s because they get to see kids their age do all the grown up work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21801": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when two writers make a screenplay of a horror version of breakfast at tiffany s you know something is going to go right drew barrymore patrick highsmith leslie hope and sally kellerman are excellent actors the fbi agent was a terrible actor the scenes where patrick looked holly up and down like some sort of objectifier those was just weird drew barrymore is very hot intimate strangers where sally kellerman worked was a great part the weird gummy worm was just weird nathan was a very handsome cat but what was that scene where patrick followed holly into a cesspool and mr gooding attacked him and the scene with dr wallace what was he doing fumbling around in there and not every male has a female as sally kellerman stated and when patrick and elizabeth saw drew outside of victor s that was weird"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21802": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "camille aspect ratio panavision sound format mono whilst visiting rome an amorous nobleman nino castelnuovo falls in love with a beautiful young libertine daniele gaubert but their unlikely romance is opposed by castelnuovo s wealthy father massimo serato and fate deals a tragic blow a sexed up love story for the swinging sixties adapted from a literary source alexandre dumas la dame aux camelias by screenwriter michael deforrest and directed with freewheeling flair by radley metzger who along with the likes of russ meyer and joe sarno is credited with redefining the parameters of adult cinema throughout the s and s using the scope format for the last time in his career metzger s exploration of la dolce vita is rich in visual excess note the emphasis on reflective surfaces for example though the film s sexual candor seems alarmingly coy by modern standards production values are handsome throughout and the performances are engaging and humane castelnuovo and gaubert are particularly memorable despite weak post sync dubbing though set in an unspecified future enrico sabbatini s wacked out set designs locate the movie firmly within its period and piero piccioni s wah wah music score has become something of a cult item amongst exploitation devotees ultimately camille is an acquired taste but fans of this director s elegant softcore erotica won t be disappointed next up for metzger was the lickerish quartet which many consider his best film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21803": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i liked it the plot was weird drew barrymore and dc making out was awkward for both of them drews acting was dodgy in places but this could be down to her life at the time dennis christopher as the shrink was pretty cool and as always he does his best i m a major dennis fan anyway that s why i bought the dvd i didn t get the ending that weird animatronic red skeleton thing looked just like it was out of filmschool which is ok i guess but it could have been more and the whole thing with the knife if it was that uncomfortable why didn t they just get rid of it it was very confusing as to when it was the doppelganger weird thing or when it was dc or was it dennis all the time because the doppelganger made out with dennis and patrick in the scenes with patrick if it was dennis as the doppelganger then i think patrick would notice the music was ok but obtrusive in places the whole orchestral score seemed to be revolving around a theme but this theme was overdone a big mix of lots of blood and gratuitus shots of drew nude all in all a bit of a gpm guilty pleasure movie don t read too much into it don t look for secret messages and a fantastic script because you wont find it there are some diamond moments and goofs galore watch it and just have a bit of fun with it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21804": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it is like what the title of this thread say only impression i got from that movie is that marlee matlin s character was always angry so cynical and so pathetic her character s first date with william hurt s character where they were dancing were dumb all in all i ve tried to finish watching the movie four times and of all four times i fell asleep i would keep watching that movie with one intention to beat my problem with insomnia because all it do is to put me to sleep sweet dream"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21805": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie follows the events of the novel cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni could be translated as the most beloved among humans written by marin preda a very controversial book and movie a novel which became something like the bible or the story of hamlet very popular and hard to get due to its satiric contents over the communist regime it represents the drama of the intellectual man the humanist in a red world a movie filled with passion fear sexuality all the great ingredients for a great movie recipe one of the greatest romanian movies despite its psychological charge after all it is an european movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21806": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie itself is so pathetic it portrayed deaf people as cynical toward hearing people true some deaf people are wary of dating hearing people but they are not necessarily angry like of marlee matlin s character was throughout the story deaf people do not go to the bar and dance the way matlin did all in all the movie itself is more boring than pathetic it is so boring that i d like to believe that it is an insomnia cured movie if i have a problem sleeping i can simply pop in children of a lesser god and watch it will put me to sleep keep in mind this is a deaf guy talking"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21807": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i do not expect this film to be well understood by viewers out of romania this tells something certainly about the value or maybe about the lack of universality of the film but also tells something about how different history and even life of common people was in romania compared to other countries even in eastern europe the film is an adaptation of a novel by marin preda a controversial novelist who died during the communist rule soon after the book was published it tells the story of an intellectual professor of philosophy whose life is crushed after he is imprisoned on false accusations at the end of the stalinist era basically the first part of the film tells the story of his fight for survival in prison the second describes his tentative to regain his life after being released his release is actually only apparent romania of the s asks from him different types of compromises and crimes but yet his fight for survival is as tough morally as in prison the film is splendidly acted by some of the best romanian actors stefan iordache who has the lead role would be in another time and another place a mega star we can get here a good glimpse of his fabulous acting art although suffering from a hesitant story telling and falling sometimes in non essential details or character comics the film is still an important landmark for the romanian cinema as well as for the process of recovering the moral and historic values in the romanian society"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21808": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "sorry someone has to say it this really is was a dull movie worthy perhaps but dull nonetheless i nearly cried with boredom when watching it the acting is pretty dire the story drawn out and predictable the score and camera work totally standard and unexciting it s one of those movies you are not allowed to hate becase it is about disabled people but hate it i suspect nearly everyone does it is interesting that critics have been so kind to this movie i suppose they too are not allowed to be objective this was made to win awards which i remember it duly did but it was neither interesting nor entertaining i haven t seen the play so cannot compare"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21809": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you like animal movies this movie will please my wife likes animals and animal movies she especially like the parrot in this film it is geared towards kids but i laughed at most of the humor the french fashion character made me laugh and adds balance to the script it is a disney film with its sappy happily family apeal but i like leaving the theater with a positive fealing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21810": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "so this movie has been hailed glorified and carried to incredible heights but in the end what is it really many of the ways in which it has been made to work for a hearing audience on the screen do not work the fairly academic camera work keeps the signing obfuscated and scenes that are in asl are hard to follow as a result even for someone who is relatively fluent the voice interpretation of matlin s dialogue under the excuse that hurt s character likes the sound of his voice turns her more and more into a weird distant object as the film goes on matlin does shine in the few scenes where her signing is not partially hidden from view but nonetheless most of the movie when this is a love story is only showed from a single point of view that of the man as ebert said if a story is about the battle of two people over the common ground on which they will communicate it s not fair to make the whole movie on the terms of only one of them the idea that an oralist teacher who uses methods that have been imposed in many deaf schools for decades would be presented as revolutionary is fairly insulting in itself his character becomes weakened as a credible teacher as the movie goes on drawing comedy from a deaf accent is quite honestly rather low and his attitude towards the male students of his class is pretty symptomatic of how he seems to act with women as an entitled man a party scene involving a number of deaf people including a few academics meeting together leaves him seemingly isolated in a way that s fairly inconsistent with his credentials i have seen interpreters spontaneously switch to asl between each other even when they weren t aware of a deaf person being in the area and yet somehow he feels like a fish out of the water in an environment his education should have made him perfectly used to as a lover he seems like a typical dogged nice guy including his tendency to act possessively afterwards and yet the movie is indeed only really seen through him as everything his lover says is filtered through his voice the scenes involving the other deaf kids are in general wallbangers the broken symbolism fails the dance scene the pool scene even the initial sleep scene which is supposed to carry some of it all these scenes that try to hint at the isolation of the deaf main character are broken metaphors at best many hearing people i know do dance on the bass beats that deaf people feel instead of squirming like copulating chihuahuas and going to take an evening dive for a hearing person is rarely an excuse to make a deep statement on the isolation of deafness no seriously when i go swim i go swim it also fails at carrying the end of the play instead making it a story of a deaf woman who submits to a strong man even though the original play ended with a more equal ground where both have to accept each other as they are and where he has to finally recognize her real voice is the movement of her hands not the vibrations in her throat and for all the breakthrough that it may have seemed to be marlee matlin remains hollywood s token deaf woman to this day"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21811": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really like dalmations when it came out in now years later i went to see dalmations in i thought it was fantastic but i think is better because i think it s more funnier more humor and also that movie was based on the same story as the cartoon version one hundred and one dalmations i wonder if there are plans for dalmations i hope there is maybe yes maybe no all of us dalmation fans will have to find out if there is going to be dalmations in the future"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21812": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when i rented this movie i had very low expectations but when i saw it i realized that the movie was less a lot less than what i expected the actors were bad the doctor s wife was one of the worst the story was so stupid it could work for a disney movie except for the murders but this one is not a comedy it is a laughable masterpiece of stupidity the title is well chosen except for one thing they could add stupid movie after dead husbands i give it and a half out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21813": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i enjoyed the film and would suggest to anyone just out for a good time don t take the film all too seriously because remember it s disney and it s rated g it s good clean fun although some parts may be recognised by adults but children would never notice particularly the triangle between cruella le pelt and cruella s faithful valet alonso glenn close is fantastic and really has made cruella her own and is believably terrifying even when she is cured of her fur loving ways she can instill fear in the audience with her shrills that literally shake the theater i even found myself jumping in my seat when she catches you by surprise with her bipolarity as the dog loving ella all in all i will go see it again in theaters i found myself enjoying it so much"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21814": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "dead husbands is a somewhat silly comedy about a bunch of wives conspiring to bump off each others husbands` it`s by no means embarrassingly bad like some comedies i could mention but it never fufils its potential imagine how good this could have been if we had the farrelly brothers directing ben stiller in the role of carter elson oh is carter based on jerry springer just curious because the catch phrase on dr elson`s show is look after each other and keep talking"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21815": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while this was a better movie than dalmations live action not animated version i think it still fell a little short of what disney could do it was well filmed the music was more suited to the action and the effects were better done compared to the acting was perhaps better but then the human characters were given far more appropriate roles in this sequel and glenn close is really not to be missed as in the first movie she makes it shine her poor lackey and the overzealous furrier sidekicks are wonderful characters to play off of and they add to the spectacle disney has given us this is a great family film with little or no objectionable material and yet it remains fun and interesting for adults and children alike it s bound to be a classic as so many disney films are here s to hoping the third will be even better still because you know they probably want to make one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21816": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "you can be fooled by your first impressions as in initial reactions to a movie for example as in the first time i saw this movie i was bedazzled by the idea of it first of all i love black comedies could even despite being male myself empathise with the feisty girls fervor to see their husbands deceased without delay was tripped up by my own face value and i do mean face value response to nicolette sheridan and a couple of the other delicious dames in the picture it just goes to show you that you ve gotta step back from a situation sometimes and see that it s bad and not bad good either the reason i m giving this movie a rating is because of ms sheridan and her gams the rest of er is pretty good too but this movie has all the hallmark tv movie characteristics which means you ll be disappointed if your a lover of movies made for the big screen the story contains plot holes you could run a tunnel through and i ll generally overlook holes in a plot if the overall thing does it for me and i just experienced an incredible letdown the second time i saw it i don t think it s a total waste of time but"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21817": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is just as good as the original if not better of course cruella steals the show with her outrageous behaviour and outfits and the movie was probably made because the public wanted to see more of cruella we see a lot more of her this time round i also like ioan gruffudd as kevin the rather bumbling male lead to use paris as the climax of the movie was a clever idea the movie is well worth watching whatever your age provided you like animals"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21818": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "these writings write about the end of the plot so don t read it if you haven t seen this rubbish i found this rubbish film in the horror section which made me think it would be a horror if i owned a video store i d put it in the boring section this film is so rubbish it will make you feel like you have lost your socks this film contains endless shots of people driving as if that was scary well i drive to work and back and sometimes to the store or to visit my cats almost every day and trust me it s not scary it even starts with minutes of some people driving even the little kid does it too round and round he goes and he never stops what s so scary about watching a little kid riding a bicycle for an hour i think nothing and if you watch it you will not think so too the family in the car arrive at a big castle and they are given a tour just walking around endlessly looking at kitchens then the man walks around a for an hour and tries to kill his family for no reason that s all that happens and as you can see it s rubbish"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21819": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the delivery of some very humorous rude lines by pierce brosnan is alone worth the price of admission he plays a kind of james bond s psycho twin brother separated at birth no doubt as an intense hit man his character is very sexual but even better very funny add the kind hearted uber likable american guy next door greg kinnear to set up contrast the myriad locations vivid colors and quick witted humor provide great entertainment hope davis is well cast as the gem of a wife but the focus of the film is on the two fellows a new odd couple and that s the part that works very well have a great probably r rated laugh and look for the places where the story goes a little deeper"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21820": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there is only one thing essential to thorough appreciation of the indian runner unzip your trousers peek inside is there evidence of a y chromosome okay you ll do this film has all the male requisites blood guns car chases fond women death multiple tattoos cigarettes liquor violence pyrotechnics what have i left out oh yeah blowtorches as a woman i seriously hope sean penn regards this as a `when i was a child kind of effort since he both wrote and directed the thing he s nearly solely responsible an uneven cast viggo mortensen as usual demonstrating brilliantly how the job s supposed to be done tries to save penn too late the lines and action are there even devoted skilled acting can t change those i found this movie puerile and silly as well as predictable the dialogue staggers along sandy dennis has my respect for trying to breathe life into a woodenly maternal monologue without motherly authenticity then she dies after a bit so does the protagonists father played by charles bronson their absence is hardly noticeable at intervals the pyrotechnics etc noted above appear to liven things up and scare the audience into thinking something significant is occurring if you re male and under you may adore this film plan to return to it at think you ll still like it i don t think so"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21821": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i noticed at once that this movie really wasn t based on dodie smith s novel in any case it was a nice idea that pongo and perdita s son now had his own puppies the cutest of the dalmatians was of course little snowball who was completely spotless till the very end of the film to be honest i didn t know what to think when cruella de vil seemed to have changed completely kind in fact i have often thought about the possibility that she could become friendly but now that she so quickly changed into herself again and announced that she was cruella once more i almost began to be really worried about chloe s dalmatians actually the scene in which the puppies watched lady and the tramp while chloe and kevin had their dinner was much better than i had expected i also was fond of the parrot who played to be a dog and it was incredible that the dogs had learned so many tricks for this movie of course i was content that at the end the dalmatians were saved again but i would have liked to know what was going to happen to cruella after she had lost her whole property and what on earth could the dogs home do with such a huge sum of money finally it was quite touching that snowball also had spots at the very end of the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21822": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "penn takes the time to develop his characters and we almost care about them however there are some real problems with the story here we see no real motivation for the evil brother s behavior and the time line is screwed up supposedly set in the music is late s early s the references and dialogue is s s the potential for a powerful climax presents itself and penn allows it to slip away but even with all these difficulties it is worth the watch but not great"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21823": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "arguably this is a very good sequel better than the first live action film dalmatians it has good dogs good actors good jokes and all right slapstick cruella devil who has had some rather major therapy is now a lover of dogs and very kind to them many including chloe simon owner of one of the dogs that cruella once tried to kill do not believe this others like kevin shepherd owner of nd chance dog shelter believe that she has changed meanwhile dipstick with his mate have given birth to three cute dalmatian puppies little dipper domino and oddball starring eric idle as waddlesworth the hilarious macaw glenn close as cruella herself and gerard depardieu as le pelt another baddie the name should give a clue this is a good family film with excitement and lots more one downfall of this film is that is has a lot of painful slapstick but not quite as excessive as the last film this is also funnier than the last film enjoy dalmatians"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21824": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "thin story concerns two small town brothers and their struggles over family honor david morse is the responsible straight laced cop and good brother viggo mortensen the bad boy is a former soldier and ex convict as an actor particularly in his earliest years sean penn seems to have modulated his performances under the method turning first time writer and director for this arty obtuse drama he works his script and characters out through the same methodical process slowing the pacing down to a crawl ostensibly so we can catch every nuance and inflection this approach might be fascinating if there were three dimensional characters to care about but photogenic morse and mortensen aren t really convincing as siblings worse we expect more from prominently billed veterans charles bronson and sandy dennis who hardly get a chance to come through with anything interesting the picture is balky with turgid sequences a wobbly narrative and confusing editing always slanted to point up the artistic excesses penn s tricks with the camera show off a talented eye yet they are mostly an irritation from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "21825": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the first film was a nice one but it is not as good as the wonderful animated classic which i found more poignant and endearing this sequel is inferior but not bad at all sure the slapstick is too much the script has its weak spots and the plot is a tad uninspired but the dogs are very cute here and eric idle is hilarious as the macaw the film is nice to look at with stylish cinematography and eye popping costumes especially cruella s and the music is pleasant the acting is mostly very good ioan gruffudd is appealing and gerard depardieu while he has given better performances has fun as cruella s accomplice but the best asset as it was with the first film is the amazing glenn close in a deliciously over the top performance as cruella even more evil than she was previously overall nice bethany cox"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21826": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i don t like sean penn s directing very much and this early work the indian runner is no exception the movie has no core it s colored with a kind of redneck anti authoritarian tweeness that in all honesty taints most of penn s work his latest work even more so than the earlier frank miller robert rodriguez clint eastwood sean penn the whole lot seem to produce such fundamentally banal product ostensibly in some allegiance to honesty but ending up being for the most part glorified pro wrestling matches and moralistic almost as if hallmark cards had developed a line of hell s angels greetings and make me long for the days of deliverance which is a fine movie viggo mortensen s acting is much much more believable here than that ridiculous eastern promises thing he did with cronenberg and that s about it the movie is dead meaningless and seems to be an exercise a series of techniques more than a story kudos for charles bronson however who proves he can act and i wanted more of sandy dennis character a lousy out of for this the indian runner crap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21827": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in s dalmatians cruella de vil was arrested by the london metropolitain police god bless them for attempting to steal and murder puppies dalmatians all covered in mud and hay she spent the next years in the tin can now years later she unfortunately was released from the jail i say that s about years in dog years so in disney decided to release a sequel to the successful live action version of the classic film and it is hereby dubbed dalmatians in it there is a nd dalmatian added to the family oddball is the name i think i should know this since this was just shown on tv recently and the puppy had no spots also while cruella again played by glenn close has escaped again she wanted a bigger better coat made once again out of the puppies i especially liked the theme song i m sure everybody loves the atomic dog song from the s or so and now we hear a bit of it in this movie dalmatians is such a great film that i keep on wondering when will there be a dalmatians lol stars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21828": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there is something in most of us especially guys that admires some really working class small town real men populist fare and sean penn serves it up for us with a cherry on top hey a lot of people use penn as a political whipping boy but i don t rate movies or actor directors based on politics or personality that is what right wing commentators like excretable faux movie reviewer debbie schlussel does while acknowledging he is one of our best actors and a good director i think this picture was a simplistic piece of aimless dreck that he has atoned for since okay you have the gist of this there is this good cop a small town trooper joe played against type by david morse who in the opening scene chases some guy on a country farm road in big sixties cars the bad guy stops gets out shoots at him so joe has to blast him dead there was no explanation what drove this man to do such a desperate violent thing and the dead man s parents do some redneck freak out at the police station while joe feels real sad and guilty that he had to kill someone so we know that joe the farmer forced off his land into a cop job is a good basic sort of guy then his brother frank shows up he is a sadistic amoral bully fresh out of the army and nam where the war got his blood lust up some people here and in other reviews called him just an irresponsible hell raising younger brother and sean was trying to make some point about what our john wayne tough guy culture and war does to otherwise good people but what i saw was an amoral sadistic bully who enjoys hurting and ripping people off then there is mom and dad marsha mason and charles bronson who do the requisite turn as old fashioned country couple then die off she by illness and he by shotgun suicide to advance the story for us both times frank the bad guy is away being a miserable sob but good joe brings him back to podunksville from jail so frank can straighten his life out by welding bridges and living with his utterly stupid screaming trashy pregnant wife but joe has a nice wife played by italian actress valeria golina who is mexican and sean uses this as an exercise in some affirmative action embellishment of goody joe and his real soulfulness underneath his uniform and crew cut for me that was an utterly pointless affirmative action subplot that sean uses to burnish his tough guy creds by sucking up to mexicans because mexicans are so tough and cool but frank is bad and we get the requisite events like stealing friend s car robbing gas station by beating the clerk over the head then torching the car and all those cool things that hell raisers do then there are the mandatory mm film childhood flashbacks of young joey dutifully moving the lawn and cowboy dressed franky jumping on his back and wrestling him and yadda yadda so we all know what deep bond there is between the two of them so the film meanders around with a lot of small town schlock to warm the heart of any red stater accompanying the film was a great soundtrack of good sixties songs like jefferson airplane and janis joplin which were totally inappropriate except for the s era effect to win the hearts of old hippies the worst offense is that since the movie was inspired by a springsteen song the highway patrolman that song was not included so joe s brain dead wife goes into labor and joe runs off to the bar to get loaded and spout some populists drunken victim s spiel about how tough things are while good joey comes to drag him back to his wife the bartender is good ole ceasar played by dennis hopper so viggo frank whigs out for no particular reason and beats his pal ceasar to death after good joe the cop leaves so joe has chase his bad brother down and i was so hoping that he would do the right thing and blow that menace to society away instead we get a scene where his brother stops ahead of him in some old s junker on some lonely road at night and little franky in his cowboy suit and cap guns gets out of the car to face good joe the kid from the mm flashback home movie sequence oy such dreck then to top off this drecky sap fest there is some zen crap about the indian runner who is a messenger becomes the message ala marshall macluhen see what i mean sean has done much better than this so don t be afraid to miss this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21829": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "enormous fun for both adults and children this film works on numerous levels there is everything from car crashes and cake in the face to some very good yet subtle jokes for adults glenn close is at her sublimely evil best as cruella `call me ella de ville after three years in dr pavlov s behaviour modification clinic she is cured of her desire for fur even the puppy skin fur she had so intensely desired she even has all of her fur coats placed in the dungeon of the extraordinary castle she inhabits but it wouldn t be a dalmatian movie without the subterfuge and machinations of cruella and you know that something will change her behaviour modification and now she needs one extra puppy hence dalmatians to complete her nefarious scheme this time round ioan gruffudd is instantly appealing as the hero of the film that runs the `second chance dog shelter though he was in `titanic and in last year s television version as pip of `great expectations i didn t recognize him well he was fifth officer lowe in `titanic and i didn t see `great expectations so i am not terribly surprised gerard depardieu does a delightful turn as the furrier pawn of cruella he prances and postures in the most outlandish and outrageous of fur clothing you have ever seen and does it well his wicked witch of the west homage is hilarious tim mcinnerny is superb is cruella s not so evil henchman he was also alonzo cruella s butler in ` dalmatians and you may also recognize him from all of the `black adder brit coms he plays his usual bumbling good hearted somewhat dim witted character to great effect oscars for costuming are generally given for the entirety of the costuming in a film this is unfortunate as the clothing worn by glenn close is amazing it is incredibly detailed note her handcuffs when she is being released from the behaviour modification clinic and worthy of such an over the top character her clothing alone deserves at least an oscar nomination animation holds a special place in my heart but comparing this film to the original animated film is like comparing apples to orangutans it can t be done suffice it to say that ` dalmatians is even better than the film version of ` dalmatians that came out in there is a lot to like here from the sight gags the dialogue and the costumes to the casting it is a good film for the whole family"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21830": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "spoilers the unfunny radio quiz show host kyser and his mediocre band are the excuse for lugosi karloff and lorre to pick up a paycheck in this bland sporatically watchable haunted house spoof lugosi is a mystic whose seances are exposed as a fraudulent attempt to bilk an heiress fortune karloff is the butler and lorre is a professor who exposes fake mediums but it turns out that they re both in conspiracy with lugosi of course kay kyser and his band of something year old kids uncover the truth with the minimum of possible humor along the way not recommended to any but the absolute horror completist"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21831": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a movie that i can watch over and over and never ever get tired of it it has lot s of laughs guns action crime good one liners and a decent plot with an over the top donald sutherland in a rather comedic role as an assasain tia carerra looks as hot as she ever did and can act too thomas ian griffin is great in this as the lead character max a dea agent diane is the fbi agent played by carerra and john lithgow from frazier on tv plays the bad guy livingston the plot centers around max and diane trying to capture livingston while they fight and argue with each other about who gets the money for the respective agencies throw into the mix the assassain sutherland who pretty much has all the good one liners this is the perfect crime caper there is the usual love story but played very differently than you would think by carerra and griffith you also have the russian mafia italian mafia and chineese mafia here thrown into the mix the film is shot in boston where you have some great shots and locals great photography and music in this film this movie is just the epitome of a crime comedy it has everything that one could ever want check out sutherland s toilet in a particular scene very unusual this film is a riot and will make you laugh real hard plus for me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21832": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "solid comedy entertainment with musical interludes it generates a fast pace that carries proceedings along in zestful tempo through a maze of humorous and chiller complications boris karloff bela lugosi and peter lorre form a strong setup of sinister villainy the script contains all the standard mystery film props sliding panels secret passageways thunder and lightning and poisoned blow darts karloff lugosi and lorre go in for heavy leers and obvious melodramatics of the gaslit era kay kyser and his band offered great entertainment for the people living in the s who were trying to forget about the horror s of world war ii"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21833": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "hollow point though clumsy in places manages to be an extremely endearing and amusing action movie the primary entertainment value here is humor everyone turns in clever performances that provide the film with a great deal of energy oh by the way advocates of gun safety will be horrified by the conduct of the characters in this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21834": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i knew my summary would get you how is this movie like a pet rock and disco well unless you lived through the s or s you probably can t understand why anyone would like a new coke or own a pet rock and frankly at least in the case of pet rocks i still don t understand it completely they re just a couple things that seemed to make sense at the time but really baffle the younger generation the same can be said for kay kyser and his band at the time the s mostly they were very popular and had enough clout that the studio starred them with boris karloff bela lugosi and peter lorre in this film yet if you didn t live at that time it was well before my time you wonder why anyone liked this sort of entertainment after all kyser and his band mates are incredibly obnoxious and their humor is very very broad i e unsophisticated and cheesy frankly i couldn t stand their antics nor did i appreciate that there were just too many musical numbers in the film because of these factors the great supporting cast was given a back seat and fans of these actors will probably be disappointed the film involves kyser and the band coming to a mansion where a young lady and her wacky aunt live once there the bridge is washed out and strange happenings begin eventually it culminates in some attempts on sally s life and a s ance of sorts it s all played for laughs and it s really not a horror movie despite the cast overall it s passable entertainment at best as a lugosi and karloff fan i sure felt cheated having to watch kyser and his knuckleheads"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21835": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i think hollow point is a funny film with some good moments i have never seen before in action movies well both tia carrere and thomas ian griffith aren t so good in acting but tia carrere is nice and good looking girl isn t it but donald sutherland is superb in his role so so mad gangster"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21836": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "one of the silliest movies of the s an unbearable haunted house comedy with music starring kay kyser kyer orchestra leader and radio star and eternal college fraternity goof off was sort of the precursor to spike jones hamming it up for his guests and backed up willingly by his merry troupe of musicians he s hired to play a birthday party in a gloomy mansion the kind where poison darts imported from africa are framed and hung on the wall the shindig is beset with a creepy judge a scary professor an ominous swami lots of giggly females and enough bad jokes to fill three bob hope pictures the songs by jimmy mchugh and johnny mercer are nothing to brag out and neither is over confident kyser yukking it up with elbow in the ribs material that turns back ten years from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21837": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film is one of the finest american b movies of the s if you re looking for a serious film look elsewhere however if you re looking for some action a lot of laughs and a tongue in cheek variation on cops fighting gangsters this is well worth watching everyone chews the scenery a bit but that s really what the film is all about and everyone is quite funny donald sutherland and john lithgow have great chemistry and need to do another film together"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21838": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m afraid this one is pretty dreadful despite several good performances and generally competent acting for the camera direction it s a first and last attempt by writer director soo lyu rub and tug is one of the unfortunate by products of canada s program to promote home grown film making while the program encourages worthwhile efforts like new waterford girl it opens the door for untalented novices like lyu who did not have to aggressively pitch this project but was green lighted without an adequate examination of her script or her credentials you don t mind the low budget because the shabby production design bad lighting poor audio and dreary docu style shot selection is consistent with the subject matter the workers in canadian massage parlors but the dialogue and the plotting doesn t give the actors anything to work with the editor much to assemble or a viewer any mental challenge other than suspension of disbelief when your story is this simplistic the last thing you need is a muddled storytelling technique even though nothing happens the movie is hard to follow and point of view impossible to pin down don mckellar s performance as conrad is several notches below his similar characterization in exotica lindy booth s lea is her standard quirky airhead as always she is likable but here she is little else kira clavell s cindy is a pleasant surprise a kind of asian shelley duval the only other role of any consequence tara spencer nairn s street wise betty more than cancels out her excellent performance in new waterford girl her shallow performance in rub and tug should curtail any tendency to seek out other films in which she has appeared unless you need further confirmation of waterford director alan moyle s skill in working with young actors you quickly conclude that lyu s reptilian brain cannot grasp concepts like plot complexity so the need to insert a lazy and lame deus ex machina device toward the end is hardly a surprise still it could be worse the listless story has so little internal logic anyway that the unlikely ending is not as painful as would normally be the case then again what do i know i m only a child"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 0, -1, -1]}, "21839": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the plot a crime lord is uniting different mafias in an entreprise to buy an island that would then serve as money laundering facility for organized crime to thwart that the fbi tries to bust one of the mafia lords the thing goes wrong and by some unlikely plot twists and turns we are presented with another cop buddies who don t like each other movie one being a female fbi agent and the other a male ex dea agent so far so stupid but the strength of this movie does not lie in its story a poor joke at best it is funny at least the synchronized german version is the action is good too with a memorable scene involving a shot gun and a rocket launcher but the focus is squarely on the humour not intelligent satire not quite slapstick but somewhere in between you get a lot of funny jokes however this film is the opposite of political correctness legal drug abuse is featured prominently without criticism and even displaying it as cool that s the bit of the movie that seriously annoyed me and renders it unsuitable for kids in my opinion all in all for a nice evening watching come acceptable action with some funny jokes this movie is perfect just remember in this genre it is common to leave your brain at the door when you enter the cinema tv room then you ll have a good time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21840": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "many king fans hate this because it departed from the book but film is a different medium and books should change when they make the jump that notwithstanding the movie does fail completely but it fails entirely on film terms i d like to smack the people who tell me it s the scariest movie ever made i always follow up with the question really exactly what scene scared you every fan i ve asked goes silent occasionally someone at a loss for a decent scare there are none names the grape juice shooting out of elevators shtick if you re afraid of that i don t know what to tell you except maybe that you re easily scared i just rolled my eyes watching these z grade horror ideas play out in this schlocky incoherent movie one place it diverts from the book and really is insipid is the tedious work the movie does to get mr halloran up to the overlook only to kill him with the dumbest member of the audience knowing that jack is waiting behind one of the columns in the corridor that it takes halloran forever to walk down really one of the stupidest sequences ever put on film oh and nice choice for mr halloran s artwork stanley black light afro nymphomaniacs really add to the mood and character development of a horror movie has there ever been a more off out of place shot in any movie ever made i consider it a miracle that i was eventually able to bypass this turd and agree that kubricks is a truly important film given the immense bad will generated by both this stupid stupid movie and the cult of fawning but inarticulate kubrick fan boys who couldn t describe an idea at work in it with every film resource in the library of congress in front of them toss in the grotesque overacting of jack nicholson the introduction of dumb one liners at tense moments and the razzie nominated performance of shelly duvall and you have a very crappy movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21841": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "greetings again from the darkness much anticipated twisted comedy from writer director richard shepard is a coming out party for pierce brosnan the actor that bond guy is gone this new guy is something else entirely have read that shepard thought brosnan was too much the pretty boy for this plum role but brosnan proves to be the perfect julian noble facilitator and is anything but pretty do not underestimate how twisted the humor is in this one if you go expect punch lines and sight gags regarding all types of sex killing religion sports business and anything else you might deem politically incorrect brosnan takes an excellent script to another level with his marvelous facial gestures and physical movements even sitting on a hotel bed with or without a sombrero is a joy to behold greg kinnear is the straight guy to brosnan s comic and has plenty of depth and comic timing to make this partnership click hope davis has a small but subtly effective supporting role as kinnear s wife what s with her name bean who happens to get a little excited when she has a facilitator in her living room the visuals and settings are perfect including a bullfight racetrack and denver suburb and how often do we get the killers and xavier cugat on the same soundtrack this one is definitely not for everyone but if your sense of humor is a bit off center and you enjoy risky film making it could be for you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21842": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if my memory is correct when this movie was released it came across as something of a comedy a funny look at the adult entertainment industry if that s what it s supposed to be it doesn t really work it just isn t that funny setting that rather significant since this is called a comedy failure aside since i have no personal knowledge of the subject matter i ll avoid comment about the authenticity of the story which deals with the goings on behind the scenes in a toronto massage parlour except to say that if this is true the life is pretty dull for over an hour this movie really doesn t give us much of anything except some background knowledge of the main characters conrad is the newly hired manager of the massage parlour whose basic job apparently is to make sure the girls aren t giving full service a euphemism for actual sex as for the girls themselves betty s goal is to buy a parlour of her own so that she can run her own business cindy is an illegal immigrant to canada working to support her family back home and leah is well leah is a somewhat strange undefined character with a nipple fetish true who seems to be in the business because well because she s in it i have no idea what her character was about those three may well fairly reasonable composite characters who accurately represent the motivations of the women who get involved in this business the movie meanders about and doesn t offer much until the twist reveals conrad to be the bad guy we should have gotten to that point sooner the only thing truly interesting here was that part of the story conrad s secret plan and the revenge plotted against him by the girls that plan for revenge was pretty good and you re grateful when it comes out because basically up to that point you re wondering why you wasted your time with this had the story been more focused on the revenge this might have actually been a fairly funny movie the performances from the leads were all ok although i didn t think anyone came across as outstanding all four characters were a bit shallow cindy was a sympathetic character and so was conrad for a while although he turns out to be the bad guy of the movie given the subject matter there s surprisingly little nudity and what there is is restricted to one scene in fact there even a certain air of innocence around a lot of this as for the overall quality of the movie it s a low budget effort which shows although you expect a certain griminess i suppose of a movie set in the context of a body rub parlour so that s forgivable it certainly says something though that this was released years ago now and is still the only credit on writer director soo lyu s resume and given the normal lack of depth in the canadian film industry that it wasn t even deemed worthy of being nominated for any genie awards the canadian version of the oscars and i m being a bit generous with that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21843": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the only thing serious about this movie is the humor well worth the rental price i ll bet you watch it twice it s obvious that sutherland enjoyed his role"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21844": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this apology for a movie is about absolutely nothing rachel griffiths must have needed the money the film must have been made on a very low budget because the lighting was non existent i made a vow if i ever see pete postlesumthingor other i ll commit suicide i d be happy to know if there was a plot or a script my biggest regret is i wasted my time watching this rubbish"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21845": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the best movies i have seen in a long time all of you who regard this movie as absolute sh t obviusly are not intelligent enough to grasp all of the subtle humor that this movie has to offer it shows us that real life and ficticious action can produce a winning combination also as a romantic comedy it has one of the most clever ways for two people to find each other name me another movie where you can see all of that as well as donald sutherland singing a song like they re going to find your anus on a mountain on mars"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21846": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "billed as a kind of sequel to the full monty about unemployed men in sheffield this movie is a fake as someone born in sheffield and still with links to the city i was extremely disappointed by this film someone said it could have been set in oklahoma and that just about sums it up for me this looked like a romantic view of northern england made for the us market probably many americans and many southern english people don t realize that sheffield is a big city of around half a million inhabitants with a sophisticated urban culture in among giants it was depicted as some dreary dead end semi rural small town where everyone in sheffield seemed to drink in the same old fashioned pub and where the people s idea of a party was line dancing in some village hall lookalike this was a small close knit community not a metropolitan city the working class sheffield men were totally unlike their real life counterparts who are generally taciturn and communicate with each other in grunts and brief dry remarks they don t chatter and they certainly don t sing in choirs even the rural settings supposedly in the peak district looked alien to me i recognized a few places where i used to go hiking but some of the aerial shots of pylons stretching out over a bleak landscape reminded me more of wales indeed in the credits at the end i spotted a reference to gwynedd wales the peak district is in the summer crawling with walkers and tourists in cars it is situated between two big cities it is not some kind of wilderness as for the notion that a young woman could fall in love with and lust after pete postlethwaite that was ludicrous and could only have been a male dream her reasons for becoming his lover were never made apparent none of the men was shown as having a partner or families they existed in a vacuum anyone wanting to see a film about unemployed sheffielders would have been led astray this sheffield existed only in the minds of its middle class writers and film makers it was a gigantic fake"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21847": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "love the characters and the story line very funny with plenty of action thomas ian griffith and tia carrer give great performances i enjoyed the dynamic and comical interaction of griffith and career donald southerland plays a very likable and surprisingly sympathetic burnt out hit man all three actors are among my favorites and having them in this movie made for a special treat a nice addition to my extensive dvd collection i highly recommend this movie if you like mr and mrs smith the replacement killers l a confidential the long kiss goodnight the abyss and the whole nine yards you will love this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21848": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "americans have the attention span of a fruit fly and if something does not happen within the span of a typical commercial we tend to lose interest really fast i found out an exciting fact from this film someone has to paint high tension utility poles and do it on a schedule and guess what they really would like to be doing something else the viewer has similar feelings surprisingly when i was bored watching late night infomercials and decided to actually watch this film i found the characters to be interesting and highly engaging i just don t usually watch that much late night tv so i can t recommend this film unless watching paint dry is your idea of an exciting two hours out of your life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21849": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the korean war has been dubbed americas s forgotten war so many unanswered questions were buried along with the thousand men who died there occasionally we are treated to a play or movie which deals with that far off ghostly frozen graveyard here is perhaps one of the finest it s called sergeant ryker the story is of an american soldier named sgt paul ryker lee marvin who is selected for a top secret mission by his commanding officer his task is to defect to the north koreans and offer his services against united nations forces so successful is his cover he proves invaluable to the enemy and given the rank of major however he is thereafter captured by the americans put on trial as a traitor and spy stating he was ordered to defect he sadly learns his commanding officer has been killed and has no evidence or proof of his innocence he is convicted and sentenced to hang however his conviction is doubted by capt young bradford dillman his prosecutor convincing commanding gen amos baily lloyd nolan of his doubts he is granted a new trial and if found guilty will be executed the courtroom drama is top notch as is the cast which includes peter graves murray hamilton and norman fell as sgt max winkler korea was a far off place but the possibility of convicting a communist and hanging him hit very close to home in the s due to its superior script and powerful message this drama has become a courtroom classic excellent viewing and recommended to all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21850": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "movie didn t have much plot and was uninteresting basically you spend a lot of time watching people paint also it s very difficult to hear or understand the dialogue partially because of the accents but also because words are mumbled"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21851": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sergeant ryker is accused of being a traitor during the korean war a hanging offense a long drawn out court marshal ensues during which time the sgt must remain in a military jail after much investigation the defense attorney attempts to exonerate the doomed non com with an eleventh hour ploy very good picture"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21852": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well i guess i ll have to be the one to say the emperor has no clothes when i saw this show listed for pbs last night i was both hopeful and apprehensive i loved morse even going so far as to buy the complete dvd set and felt that while i always liked kevin whately s sgt lewis character the show was john thaw period after watching the new inspector lewis as it is billed here i am more convinced then ever that i was right whately is fine even though he looks awful both badly aged and too fat but he simply doesn t have the charisma to carry the show as did thaw and as for his sidekick fox well perhaps the reviewers here from england can understand what he s saying but i for one mostly could not as for ms innocent all i can say is that i miss james grout i m sorry to say that they should have left morse rest in peace"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21853": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "engaging riveting tale of captured us army turncoat who has to prove his innocence to avoid the hangman paul ryker dodges friendly fire in a seemingly doomed attempt to convince a military court that he was actually a us spy on a secret mission in korea in the vein of classic courtroom dramas sergeant ryker is an extremely well crafted mystery ably guided by an outstanding cast director kulik s constant momentum and effective plot twists and turns this film was originally made as a television movie in and subsequently beefed up for this revision with the presence of many name actors and some action sequences dillman reprising his role is spot on as the doubting defence attorney whose attentions sometimes stray to the personal plight of ryker s supportive yet somewhat distant wife played with aplomb by vera miles rounding out the frontline is peter graves for the prosecution and norman fell and murray hamilton in key supporting roles marvin s interpretation of the paul ryker character is a balanced depiction of a simple but dedicated man whose normally laid back demeanour is challenged by the desperate circumstances in which he s placed marvin switches perfectly from resigned indifference to passionate determination giving a convincing often intense performance that is the highlight of this otherwise small scale drama it s this performance that should elevate the film to a platform where it occupies a place on the best ever lists of courtroom dramas however despite its apparent obscurity sergeant ryker still remains a taut and compelling examination like a book that you just can t put down highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21854": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a disappointment admittedly the best of the prequels but the story is weak the plot is rushed and the end result is just a collection of set pieces poorly realised and tacked together amateurishly there are numerous continuity errors that clash glaringly with the original films and the emergence of darth vader was handled so terribly that what could have been a legendary moment in modern cinema is now instead a cheesy goof that will be ridiculed for many years i won t complain about the abysmal dialogue as this is star wars the original three films had style cult feeling and cracking stories and the strange dialogue added charm the prequels were shallow attempts to make more money and this lack of love shows in spades utterly disappointing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21855": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "welcome back kiefer sutherland it s been too long since you ve appeared in a movie and what a movie this was was it no but very intriguing especially with a pro like michael douglas in the lead as the embattled secret service agent kiefer s character is the one chasing michael douglas the whole movie kiefer s partner is eva longoria the desperate houswife wow she can actually act besides flirt all day and look good i wish though that kim bassinger had a bigger role but other than that i really think the whole movie was a blast from start to finish this movie is what i consider to b e a political thriller everybody played their part to the hilt nothing was revealed to sooon in the movie so as to keep you guessing at all times and i really think that kiefer did one heck of a job here in this movie but in my opinion michael douglas had the besxt performance of the day thumbs up"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21856": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this kind of storytelling is unacceptable the only reason this film is anywhere above the stars out of line is because it s got george lucas behind it and it has the words star and wars in its title that is an insult to aspiring filmmakers and many others out there who have made clearly superior films with superior story writing and acting but did not get the credit this is a travesty first things first the story anakin s evolution there is none apart from a little make up around the eyes and a little yelling there is none he becomes young stupid cocky anakin skywalker to darth vader in a single blow the only thing consistent about darth vader in the original series was his intelligence how good he was at almost everything he did planning fighting you name it the only consistent thing about anakin that is perceived in the prequel trilogy is his consistent stupidity he even loses his body because of a bout of stupid cockiness what part of the emperor palpatine telling him legends of the sith does not point to the emperor being a sith unacceptable the fight scenes used too many digital doubles everyone s flying all over the place like teddy bears in a make believe doll house count dooku emperor palpatine anakin obi wan almost every fighter had a rubbery digital double jumping around in one specific fight scene obi wan and anakin in the climactic battle they both actually stop in the middle of parries and ripostes to twirl their sabers a few times while inches apart i realize the fights are choreographed but that just got me shaking my head in disbelief and disgust the writing was awful all the dialogue was of tremendously low quality the good actors like ewan mcgregor and natalie portman did the best they could with their lines but that just wasn t enough i can t say enough bad things about this film too much special effects plot holes bigger than the centre of the universe and absolutely no insights into any of the characters this is the biggest mistake of this film nothing new is offered we know the rough picture of everything all lucas did was colour it in we knew anakin lost his limbs we knew luke and leia are brother and sister we knew luke is anakin s son we knew obi wan and yoda go to exile we knew everything nothing new is offered in this film if that s all the fans wanted then that s fine lucas couldn t have gone wrong but when anakin finally becomes darth vader and he asks after padme and hears she is dead he reaches out his arms awkwardly and screams nooooooooooooooooooooo that scene screamed b movie all the way and i was half expecting darth vader to go danger will robinson danger at any time that is what this is a b movie disguised by a huge budget and a ultra loyalist fan base that will settle with anything now that the first two movies have pulled their standards down to the pits of the earth"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21857": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my take makes use of its familiar plot with fine performances and a few genuine moments of excitement the plot is familiar an innocent man is framed for a plot to assassinate the president of the united states the first traitor in the united states secret service as his fellow secret service agents pursue him he tries to prove his innocence of course we know his innocent and the real culprit is just around the corner but i was still entertained by the sentinel in this time where thrillers are reduced to being too ludicrous and too abundant in action sequences the sentinel is a good lick back to all those good old fashioned political crime thriller the familiar plot is elevated by neat thrilling sequences and terrific performances michael douglas the perfect man for the job is long running secret service agent pete garrison who is framed for being part of a plot to assassinate the president former colleagues in the secret service kiefer sutherland and eva longoria pursue harrison while he tries to find out who is behind the possible assassination and the traitor in the secret service this leads to a lot of chase scenes that surprisingly and thankfully are never unbelievable the screenplay also offers a subplot involving garrison having an affair with the first lady played by kim basinger this thankfully wasn t unnecessary like most subplots are to these kinds of films the films director is clark johnson s w a t who manages to make the film look good although many have criticized it as should have been a tv movie i must disagree agreed this is not a perfect film and much of it is inspired from other action thrillers and political intrigues like in the line of fire or an episode from the tv series which this film closely resembles when it comes to style and star sutherland but even so this film takes its plot into serious heights and doesn t abandon even its smaller details the performances are terrific with a top notch cast its bound to be even with the by the numbers script all in all i award it not perfect but not far from it rating out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21858": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "revenge of the sith starts out with a long action sequence that is impressive without being terribly exciting then gets really boring for the next hour and fifteen minutes with the same horrible dialogue and dull machinations that have plagued the rest of the prequel series the only thing that improves the proceedings is the slow and i mean slow build up to what we know will be the birth of darth vader and when that finally comes it s pretty all right not great not even good but pretty all right this movie is being vastly over praised because it does not suck to high heaven like the previous sequels instead it s just turgid dull and routine but you have to say wow those cgi environments are really impressive at times bu the lightsabre fights they re all a blurry mess i think the dark side took hold of lucas when he started these prequels and no one noticed this will make a ton of money but thank god it s over this once worshipped franchise has been beaten down enough i saw the show and after it i heard a group of very small kids say wow that was awesome but everyone older than eight all grumbled the same thing i fell asleep in the middle it was kind of boring i just thought seeing the birth of darth vader would be better so said we all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21859": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it might not be the best movie of but it was a just a movie to excite and to think about the sentinel is a good political thriller movie which seems similar to or even borrows some elements from other political thriller movies such as in the line of fire and the manchurian candidate the basic plot of this movie is similar to other movies like this a plot to kill the president of the united states michael douglas stars as secret service agent pete garrison who spearheads the operation only to find out later that he has been framed kiefer sutherland co stars as a sort of rival by the name of david breckinridge and eva longoria as jill marin who is a rookie agent going under the guidance of agent breckinridge and academy award winner kim basinger as first lady sarah ballentine one improvement for this movie could have been more action as it is by some sources considered just as much an action film as is a thriller film but a good thing about this movie is instead of just an assassination plot to kill the us president it also concerns a mole traitor in the secret service who is leading the president in the wrong direction"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21860": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first let me preface this post by saying that i am a fan of the original star wars movies i don t read the books play the games wear the underwear or eat the cereal if there is one i am simply a fan of the films with that being said i struggle to see how people are giving this movie such high praise taking this movie by itself and not comparing it to it s terrible predecessors ep i don t understand how you can say this is an amazing movie for all of the terrible shortcomings in the script cheesy dialogue contrived scenes ie r suddenly being a badass and long cgi intense chase scenes that have little human touch horrible acting and noted plot holes how is this good there was no real internal dilemma within anakin it just seemed like a switch was flipped and he was evil all of a sudden i was not interested in the movie until the last minutes or so which by the way was ruined by the noooooo frankenstein scene when you bombard the screen with intensely amazing cgi effects and fill in the gaps with absolutely atrocious one liners when more could have and should have been said this is not a great movie for a film with such a dark tone there was too much levity in the speech of all characters i close with a question from the beginning to the end of the film was there really a sense of urgency and importance for what was actually about to take place"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21861": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i ll be honest i finally checked this movie not because of the stars though they were reasonably watchable and compelling particularly the three leads or even the compelling story of a breach in the presidential secret service something i ve been informed through the dvd extras of this show has yet to ever happen assuming that s true that s remarkable i got it because it was directed and has a choice cameo by none other than detective meldrick lewis well okay clark johnson one of my faves from homicide life on the street and a veteran mostly tv director i d say that he does about as good as he can with a project that is watchable but pretty average despite the possibilities veteran and ace secret agent pete garrison michael douglass has to find out both who is blackmailing him and who killed his friend targeted and blew up an air force one chopper and is gunning for the prez david rasche anyone remember sledgehammer his affair with the first lady kim basinger clearly one of the hotter first ladies we ve ever had fictional or real is certainly not helping his standing he s got to both ferret out the real mole in the service and avoid the hound dog like hunting of his former best friend and fellow agent and chief kiefer sutherland almost still completely in mode throw in some other pivotal service agents martin donovan and the foxy somewhat hard to buy as the gig eva longorria and shady foreign characters and you have a fairly standard political thriller that doesn t aim as high as it purports and reaches the desired if underwhelming results the summary line is about the best way to describe how this show plays out without giving spoilers the dvd extras to me seemed more insightful and interesting than the movie though the film itself was entertaining enough to keep most myself included interested"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21862": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i hate this movie it was nothing like the book and just thinking about it makes me mad if you watch the movie before reading the book then yeah it s a good movie but king s book was amazing and this movie was nothing like it i mean the general meaning might be sort of similar but most aspects of the movie are completely different the ending for example so in the book it is extremely intense and danny and wendy escape seconds before the hotel explodes but in this horrible movie version jack like takes them through a stupid maze yeah there is no maze in the book and there is no reason for it another part that made me angry was that jack just kills mr halloran what the heck he is basically the hero of the book and they just kill him off like he wasn t important overall it was just bad that the movie was so extremely off"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21863": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film has a rotting core of flexible morality and yet a quirky sense of justice so many of the regular joes among us would love to stick it to the man the man in this case is represented by several different characters mr keller who carla reports to at her office later paul owes large to mr marchand the club owner and then there is paul s parole officer there seems to be so much question about this last character s side story reviewers point it out as a weakness in an otherwise well crafted subterranean game of ping pong between our two protagonists escalating tit for tat until their lives change dramatically they are beholden to each agent of the man one or both could be fired killed or imprisoned if they don t do as they are told the film has a sense of relief at the end carla finally gets laid her boss is forced out for being a jerk mr club owner is a pulpy mess in his own bathroom they get the money and they need not worry about reporting in to the parole officer because his moral weakness leads him to stash his wandering wife in the basement or whatever the police found to arrest him it is a critical subconscious trigger to the lock tumbler that wound us up so tight never mind that someone else may get paul s file later to supervise his release for the moment they are free they might even get away with it woohoo they stuck it to the man"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21864": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ludicrous angelic year old annakin turns into whiny brat year old annakin who somehow seems appealing to amidala years his senior now year old jedi warrior hero annakin has a couple of bad dreams and so takes to slaughtering children his friends and the entire framework of his existence because a crazy old man convinced him a his precious wife might really die and b only he can prevent this ludicrosity squared i think the people who like this movie are not paying attention the story is ridiculous the characters are unbelievable literally not the perverted sense of fantastic wonderful etc obi wan kenobi was the wise and kind anchor for the entire series but in the climax he hacks off annakin s legs lets him burn in the lava and leaves him to suffer doesn t anyone think that s a little out of character not to mention it was pretty stupid to take a chance on him living as it turns out i was expecting at least a story that showed consistent characters with plausible motivations none of that here the story could have been written by a year old oh yeah the cgi is pretty cool"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21865": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "seeing as keifer sutherland plays my favorite character in the history of tv it was a foregone conclusion i was gonna go to the movies and spend on this i also think this applies to eva longoria fans the movie revolves around a leak that a secret service agent is planning to assassinate the president as the investigation unfolds it seems the only likely candidate is the highly decorated pete michael douglas pleading innocence pete goes on the fun fugitive style to search for the truth it s solid but certainly not spectacular a decent cast a decent story but it left me feeling a bit empty but you could certainly do far worse"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21866": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m trying to decide if jumping into a wood chopper would be more enjoyable than this dreck it finishes the destruction of what was once a classic couple of films with jedi menace clowns and sith we have the death of lucas career he wants us to swallow the annakin is vader nonsense i never believed it was true this film vindicates those feelings the story hasn t worked since phantom moron and each new film just piled the crap on until all that was left was a toy parade i have to go i know where some new rocks to throw are you want spoilers here they come luke and leia are not related vader is not their father duke countoo should have switched sides while he still could yoda has less verbal skills than yogi berra his advice has never been any good to anybody obi wan lied to luke for the first two films annakin didn t build c p he found him in the desert and lied to his mom about putting him together from scratch chewbacca has fleas this whole mess with vader and the fall of the republic can be blamed on that stupid b h amma lamma ding dong if she had any brains she wouldn t have come within a light year of annie but she had told do what george lucas wrote for her what a dope"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21867": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was a pretty decent movie this movie is good to just sit down and watch and be entertained just a typical hollywood film this movie will never win an oscar or anything and definitely doesn t deserve one but i thought it was pretty good it s kind of like the show but set into movie format if you like the whole we ve got to stop the terrorist from killing the president kind of movie then you will enjoy this flick i personally think that storyline has been done way too much but the sentinel does add a little twist with the mole in the secret service all in all this movie won t leave your jaw to the floor or change your life but who says every single movie has to be like that to be good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21868": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "to make a film straddling the prequels and the real star wars trilogy would tax even a great film maker mr lucas is not that film maker to portray the fall of a good man into darkness needs a good actor mr christensen is not that actor the first minutes are overwhelmingly boring with only a few pockets of yet more light sabre fights but there is a lack of edge because you already know which main characters survive to the original star wars count dooku christopher lee has a very fleeting role here and about the best idea is to have jar jar binks silent no the film only picks up with the chancellor turning on the jedi and has one great overlong sequence at the lava falls"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21869": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "good for an evening s entertainment but the plot was unconvincing garrison s affair with the first lady was unreal and passionless the president was a cardboard cut out and who were the real villains anyway nothing was developed or explained sufficiently i still don t know why they wanted to kill the president or how the mole got involved the villains were nameless and undeveloped so you never felt involved in their plot michael douglas and kiefer sutherland did their best to inject some reality into the story the chase and confrontation were good but kim basinger and eva longoria were both unbelievable in their roles basinger totally lacked character and no way could longoria have been a secret service agent this could have been a very good film but somehow it missed the way with too many unanswered questions disappointing on the whole despite some very good scenes and did they use the west wing set for the white house scenes i kept expecting cj or charlie to appear"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21870": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well i finally saw it i didn t go when it first came out because well frankly i was afraid afraid of how bad it might be or how disappointing while not as bad as menace and better than clones it wasn t particularly memorable or satisfying i was years old when i saw star wars i still remember sitting in the theater from the opening crawl to the final credits it was a movie experience i ll never forget a timeless story of the bored farm boy who just knows he was meant for more saving the princess and the galaxy from the evil menace while being mentored by the wise wizard the rogue pirate and the various comic relief all in a space opera setting and that s not to chastise lucas for using an old formula it s an old formula precisely because it works and to his credit he gave it new twists that made it very special then came empire and the story became more than just a fairy tale darkness entered the picture and we learned one of the great movie twists of all time the great villain vader was luke s father wow no one saw that coming of course i m convinced neither did lucas till it showed up in the screenplay go back and watch star wars again knowing what you know now particularly in light of the first three episodes see if it really meshes which brings me to the problem i have revenge is an entertaining movie tremendous effects plenty of action some good fighting scenes but a movie still lives or dies on its plot the story it is telling oh certainly really good acting can save a weak plot but a weak plot coupled with bad acting that s a burden no director can overcome certainly not one as bad as i m forced to realize george lucas is the man has managed to direct some of the worst performances in their careers from some very fine actors liam neeson natalie portman samuel jackson spoilers ahead the plot oh my understand he s already handicapped by what s happened in the first two films so it s an incredible burden one too much for him to overcome first we have the sheer absurdities of the background we have anakin being found as a child on tatooine the product of a virginal miracle birth the chosen one well this detail never gets remotely explained indeed the closest explanation is yoda s observation that maybe they were wrong oh well okay then our mistake now this same wunderkind turns out to be the creator of c po hey what a coincidence that is and he ll come back to tatooine and never know he was from there wow how about that testing the old willing suspension of disbelief there eh george anyway we have this bratty kid moody petulant whining young adult who must somehow become one of the greatest villains in cinematic history the great tragedy of darth vador the good guy who falls from grace only to finally achieve redemption in the end how pray tell does this happen why he has a dream that his wife will die in childbirth now sure he lives in a star spanning civilization that treats gravity like we treat gasoline but does it occur to the dark one to be to maybe check with a physician cause maybe just maybe this futuristic society might can do something about this problem why no the only thing he can think to do is go kill some children because the bad guy at the root of all the evil they ve been chasing for two films tells him that he s got the secret to immortality well of course he does sheesh how can lucas expect us to watch such foolishness and be moved by it how can anyone expect us to care hell why would anyone want this brat to be saved or redeemed in the first place i wanted kenobi to kill him not because he was evil but because he was pathetically stupid oh by the way amidala finally dies in childbirth why well they don t know the doctor who is a droid and himself indicative of the incredibly high technology to which this society has advanced offers only the conclusion of she s lost the will to live well oh okay of course she has maybe it finally dawned on her what a dweeb she was sleeping with but here we are we have kenobi present for all this he knows of the birth of luke and leia knows who their father is and knows what happens to them knows also the role of both r and c po and yet in several years as luke approaches manhood and shows up with po and r curiously po s mind is wiped but not r s why stating i think these droids belong to you kenobi who knows that the protocol droid was constructed by the one he believed to be the chosen one and apprentice to the emperor himself and who just happened to be built on this very planet says strange i don t recall owning any droids oh good grief lucas simply made this up as he went along once he introduced vader as luke s father sadly the story began spinning out of control because he didn t know what the story was the plot of episodes is simply incomprehensible nothing palpatine did made any rational sense at all and none of this ties into the story he originally told in star wars it s an afterthought and it looks it i can t give this movie a high rating it reminds me of triple x a fun film to watch but entirely forgettable star wars will stand in my mind forever thankfully this one and the two preceding it will soon fade"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21871": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the sentinel features a sort of run of the mill and clich d suspense mystery but is lifted with some good acting and taut pacing these stories have already for the most part gone through as many permutations as we can bear so what we re left with is how good is the acting how smart are the setups and bad guys how well crafted is the main plot etc etc so the sentinel does a solid job given it s content michael douglass and kiefer sutherland both maintain some good screen bravado and attitudes eva longoria first time i ve seen her on screen brings some satisfactory support the whole affair side of the story is utterly implausible knocking it down a bit but it deserves slack worth a viewing if you like the genre"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21872": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "at one point violet lucy liu tells neil cillian murphy that why she constantly seeks out for an adventure she said because i m bore phobic it mean that she can t really get on with her life by doing some mandatory activities well i think her reason and the way this film go is very ironic because watching the detectives is a cheer boredom have any of these characters actually doing something exciting for once neil is a geek who runs his own very small video rental shop he and his other geek friends usually hang out around the shop and watching movies together while debating about them afterward but neil s life is completely turned around when violet walks into his store she s an eccentric woman who hides a little secret from him anyway after some dates they decide to see each other the problem is violet is a person who keep doing prank jokes on neil and can t really doing something normal whereas neil is completely opposite to hers the question is is they are going to be in love at the end you bet watching the detectives is a clich romantic comedy to its core and they made it even worst by pretending to be something else from the first couple of set up we know that neil is pretty laid back guy who didn t really commit to anything and then violet enters the scene looking all weird and annoying so at this point we all know that we re going to sit though all meaningless situations to find out how they re going to end up in the end is it worth waiting for i would say no as i said they tried to give something more for the audience watching the detectives is trying to talk about commitment to observe how far people go to reach for something they desire we knew in the end that insane things that violet has done is all the test how far neil is ready to go to win her heart or whatever well i think it is completely bullshit this movie will end pretty quick if neil just said to himself forget about it that girl is one of a nutjob after collaborating with many great directors recently danny boyle s sunshine and days later ken loach s the wind that shakes the barley and neil jordan s breakfast on pluto to name a few it s pretty weird choice for cillian murphy to make a movie with one of broken lizard comedy troop paul soter by all means he s not bad as usual but such a talent actor like him shouldn t be wasting his time in the movie like this on the other hand lucy liu is dreadfully awful as violet her acting is a mess i mean it s all over the place and so over the top tony montana would have been proud the last but not least mistake that movie made is a completely irrelevant title you simply can t really connect a dot between the plot and its title and then you will end up thinking that it makes no sense at all in short watching the detectives is pleasant if forgettable motion picture that you might have a chance to catch it on cable tv so quick that you couldn t imagine bloodymonday rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21873": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the sentinel i was hoping would be a good film and boy i was right a great story first of all from a novel and i thought this was an original story but i guess it wasn t and it was a very smart story michael douglas in this film is very good and keither sutherland is too but however it is very hard to shrug him off his role as jack bauer in but eventually you do and he is very different in the sentinel than he is in also another person trying to shrug off their tv role but failed eva longeria she wasn t that good in the film and had a back seat in the entire thing after i saw the film i had constant dreams about the sentinel and couldn t sleep overall sentinel is a good film and i would recommend it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21874": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "lucy alexis liu and cillian murphy are both excellent actors who can certainly rise to any acting challenge put to them unfortunately watching the detectives offers only one to both actors and audience alike not to fall asleep during a mind numbingly boring very predictable and unimaginative story watching the detectives tries very hard to be funny but the comedy is forced extremely poorly directed and embarrassing to the verge of complete ridicule after a third of the film still nothing that may capture even the most willing audience like the director s friends and relatives is even hinted at not to mention actually happening i m pretty sure everybody who liked it faked it or had to fake it like neil s ex girlfriend did when he showed her an old b w film she couldn t care less about watching the detectives is nowhere near category b it falls somewhere between q r like questions and repress the questions the director knows what he s doing well if his goal was to bore the viewer to death he has done a very good job watching the detectives was a complete waste of time for lucy alexis liu and cillian murphy bur please don t let it be a waste of your time rating out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21875": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i can admit that the screenplay isn t very good and that it has some slow parts but all of you critics of this movie need to learn how to have some fun first of all the performances are great michael douglas kim basinger kiefer sutherland and eva longoria michael douglas proves he has still got it and kim basinger plays a very interesting character as the cheating wife kiefer sutherland and eva longoria play the dynamic duo both adding their incredible talent to the pot and second of all this movie is the most fun i have had in years in a theodore its plain and simple if you want to go to the movies and have a lot of fun see the sentinel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21876": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "basically this is a pale shadow of high fidelity which was a witty and wonderfully acted film with several truly winning character turns watching the detectives has none of that the premise of a video store geek swept off his feet by a quirky mystery woman is a good one but is never fully or adequately explored thanks to a very weak script and the miscasting of the leads not to mention the lack of any real visual story telling style i mean this film is centered around movies yet is itself incredibly uncinematic that s a major failing right there but the main problem is we simply don t care about the main characters because the script and the actors murphy and liu fail to make them true or sympathetic in any real way so the film just becomes a series of episodes involving two people who seem well not terribly interesting oh yeah another thing for a romantic comedy it s not funny and the romance isn t terribly romantic either so avoid it even at its something minute running time it s just not worth sitting through"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21877": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thought that the sentinel was going to be a mediocre movie when i finally saw it i took a good surprise the movie isn t great thing but it s very fun and the action scenes are very well done this movie reminded me tv series like or alias it s very similar to that series and it reminded me too to the wolfgang petersen s thriller in the line of fire if you re going to expect one of the most original and and one of the greatest thrillers in the history of movies you will be disappointed but if you go with little expectations you will enjoy the sentinel rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21878": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m not even gonna waste time on this one it s not funny not scary practically unwatchable and only occassionaly gory the fx suck though no pun intended this is a disclaimer watch at your peril ask yourself question are slugs scary"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21879": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i enjoyed this film i thought it was an excellent political thriller about something that s never happened before a secret service agent going bad and involved in an assassination plot unfortunately for michael douglas character pete garrison they think he s the mole but he isn t he s just a morally flawed agent having an affair with the first lady since he s doing that he s unable to give an acceptable polygraph exam and that makes him suspect number one when it s revealed there is a plot to kill the president garrison is forced to go on the lam but at the same time he s still trying to do the right thing by protecting the president douglas does a fine job in this role i don t always care the people he plays but he s an excellent actor keifer sutherland david breckinridge is equally as good at least in here as the fellow ss boss who hunts down douglas until convinced he has been telling the truth when he does the two of them work together in the finale to discover and then stop if they can the plot the crooks are interesting too by the way also i have never and never will unfortunately see a first lady who looks as good as kim basinger this is simply a slick action flick that entertains start to finish are there holes in it of course probably a number of them and a reason you see so many critical comments however it is unfairly bashed here it just isn t intelligent enough for the geniuses here on this website my advice chill just go along for the ride and enjoy all the action and intrigue yes it gets a little rambo ish at the end but otherwise it gets high marks for entertainment which is what movies are all about"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21880": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "just kidding this was one of the worst movies i have ever seen it was so bad though that it was hilarious my friend and i purposly rented it because it looked so bad cheesy old horror flicks are always good for some laughs the plot stunk some of the voices were dubbed the quality was horrendous but i sure had a blast watching it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21881": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "at first glance this film looks like the keifer sutherland series for the big screen with the focus on a plot to assassinate the president of the united states a race against time and plenty of secret service agents the agency under the spotlight in the sentinel but wait the protagonist turns out to be michael douglas character pete garrison instead a veteran secret service agent famed for taking the bullet for reagan in the ss agents are specially trained to take the bullet which is what makes them special who in the right mind will put themselves in the line of a bullet and a target but garrison gets implicated in the assassination plot and has to run for his life while at the same time doing his bit of investigations into the plot all this because of his failure in a polygraph test due to his adulterous banging of the first lady kim basinger tsk there are shades of clint eastwood s in the line of fire both featured aging actors and aging veteran has been heroes with a bit of a historical reference who took the bullet in their respective tours of duty while eastwood s movie has a more enigmatic villain in john malkovich the sentinel suffered from its lack of a central strong villain preferring to share the assassination responsibility amongst many forgettable ex kgb villains and the mole within the presidential detail with douglas on the run from the law he becomes similar to dr richard kimble of the fugitive hunting the proverbial one armed man while at the same time relying on his smarts to outwit fellow agents which turned out to be quite interesting to watch despite slick processes it still boils down to the performance and gullibility of individual agents keifer sutherland and eva longoria top tv stars of today from and desperate housewives get relegated into support roles as the secret service investigators who are looking into garrison s probable involvement in the assassination plot and at times seem to have lept off the pages of csi with their forensics skills the beautiful couple had chemistry that could have resembled x files fox mulder and dana scully but alas these two had very little to do here we know the reason why they re in the movie and that is to get their fans into the theatres also longoria s role seemed unable to shake off her sexy mama gabrielle and here has her in fairly low cut blouses sutherland actually tells her to cover up and tight pants ogle fest for fellow agents nonetheless it s still a pretty interesting look into the lives of probably the most highly charged and tense protection detail in the world and the typical threats that they face daily including the following up on every nutcase s threat on the life of the most powerful man in the world it s a decent suspense and investigative thriller with enough subplots to keep you entertained but one thing though like most ending action sequences this one has a big enough loophole for you to fly a jumbo jet through"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21882": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "is seismic activity with little or negligible results on the surface so in that respect imdb s average voting score is spot on a spanish film made in the usa with third or fourth rate actors giving a kind of falcon crest dimension to the whole affair is a wonderful way to waste your time as well as wasting the money of those who backed the project financially the slugs involved are originals from asturias northern spain but as they were not allowed into the united states plastic ones had to be made however chopping them up in the lettuce being used for making the evening dinner time salad contrasts rather weirdly with parisienne music as well as a rather tatty array of other us forgotten hits or misses if you have no idea who was responsible for composing it the actors involved were also a rather tatty array just suitable for a low budget film which might be categorised as horrific horrifying horrible or just simple awful as a result the outcome is negligible on the surface undetected underground and about as attractive as chapter of coronation street or the latest news from baghdad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21883": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s been years since gordon gekko used wall street to let us know that greed is good now michael douglas takes the gg persona and morphs it into a secret service agent pete garrison guess what it works this is a solid political thriller that kept me guessing the detail work in showing the security precautions taken by the ss on behalf of the president and first lady was likewise intriguing all the leads were pretty good but try as i might i could not accept eva longoria as a secret service agent whereas jodie foster just made you suspend belief and really think she was fbi agent starling in silence of the lambs you do not get the same feeling with longoria nevertheless this is a fun film escapist entertainment with the beltway as the backdrop"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21884": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i caught this stink bomb of a movie recently on a cable channel and was reminded of how terrible i thought it was in when first released many reviewers out there aren t old enough to remember the enormous hype that surrounded this movie and the struggle between stanley kubrick and steven king the enormously popular novel had legions of fans eager to see a supposed master director put this multi layered supernatural story on the screen salem s lot had already been ruined in the late s as a tv mini series directed by tobe hooper he of texas chainsaw massacre fame and was badly handled turning the major villain of the book into a chiller theatre vampire with no real menace at all thus destroying the entire premise fans hoped that a director of kubrick s stature would succeed where hooper had failed it didn t happen sure this movie looks great and has a terrific opening sequence but after those few accomplishments it s all downhill jack nicholson cannot be anything but jack nicholson he s always crazy and didn t bring anything to his role here i don t care that many reviewers here think he s all that in this clinker the here s johnny bit notwithstanding he s just awful in this movie so is everyone else for that matter scatman crothers character dick halloran was essential to the plot of the book yet kubrick kills him off in one of the lamest shock sequences ever put on film i remember the audience in the theater i saw this at booing repeatedly during the last minutes of this wretched flick those that stayed that is many left king s books really never translate well to film since so much of the narratives occur internally to his characters and often metaphysically kubrick jettisoned the tension between the living and the dead in favor of style here and the resulting mess ends so far from the original material that we ultimately don t really care what happens to whom this movie still stinks and why so many think it s a horror masterpiece is beyond me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21885": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s so rare to find a film that provides a plot that can t be figured out at every turn surprises throughout delighting throughout a couple of things i could not quite understand though is that here you have the lead female character who plays the good girl hard worker and yet in the end she ends up being an anti social risk taker that was not enough to make me not like it though but it did give me pause the other thing i could not get was the old man who was being hauled away by the police at the very end of the film i never did get who he was or what his issues were if anyone has any ideas i d like to hear what they might be the film was exciting and fun throughout and always left me guessing very much worth seeing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21886": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "warning this review contains spoilers do not read if you don t want some points revealed to you before you watch the film with a cast like this you wonder whether or not the actors and actresses knew exactly what they were getting into did they see the script and say `hey close encounters of the third kind was such a hit that this one can t fail unfortunately it does did they even think to check on the director s credentials i mean would you do a movie with the director of a movie called `satan s cheerleaders greydon clark who would later go on to direct the infamous `final justice made this it makes you wonder how the people of mystery science theater could hammer `final justice and completely miss out on `the return the film is set in a small town in new mexico a little boy and girl are in the street unsupervised one night when a powerful flashlight beam er a spaceship appears and hovers over them in probably the worst special effect sequence of the film the ship spews some kind of red ink on them it looked like clark had held a beaker of water in from of the camera lens and dipped his leaky pen in it so right away you are treated with cheese anyhow the ship leaves and the adults don t believe the children elsewhere we see vincent schiavelli whom i find to be a terrific actor watch his scenes in `ghost for proof as they are outstanding who is playing a prospector or as i called him the miner er he steps out of the cave he is in and he and his dog are inked by the ship twenty five years go by and the girl has grown up to be cybill shepherd who works with her father raymond burr in studying unusual weather phenomena or something like that shepherd spots some strange phenomena in satellite pictures over that little new mexico town and she travels there to research it once she gets there the local ranchers harass her and blame her for the recent slew of cattle mutilations that have been going on and deputy jan michael vincent comes to her rescue from this point on the film really drags as the two quickly fall for each other especially after vincent wards off the locals and informs shepherd that he was the little boy that saw the ship with her twenty five years earlier while this boring mess is happening vincent schiavelli with his killer dog at his side is walking around killing the cattle and any people he runs into with an unusual item you know those glowing plastic sticks stores sell for trick or treaters at halloween the kind that you shake to make them glow schiavelli uses what looks like one of those glow sticks to burn incisions in people it s the second worst effect in the movie every time schiavelli is on screen with the glow stick the scene s atmosphere suddenly turns dark like the filmmakers thought the glow stick needed that enhancement it ends up making the movie look even cheaper than it is and what does all this lead up to it s hard to tell when the final confusing scene arrives see burr and his team of scientists try to explain the satellite images that shepherd found as some kind of `calling card but none of it makes sense why do shepherd and vincent age and schiavelli does not schiavelli explains why he is killing cattle and people and why he wants shepherd dead but even that doesn t make much sense when you really think about it i mean why doesn t he kill jan michael vincent after all he had twenty five years to do it and the aliens won t need him if shepherd is dead anyhow so why try to kill her speaking of the aliens it is never clear what they really wanted out of shepherd and vincent what is their goal why do they wait so long to intervene how could they be so sure shepherd would come back not that the answer to any of these and other questions would have made `the return any more pleasant you would still have bad lines really bad acting particularly by shepherd cheesy effects and poor direction luckily the stars escaped from this movie cybill shepherd soon went on to star in `moonlighting with bruce willis jan michael vincent went on to be featured in dozens of b movies often in over the top parts raymond burr made a pile of perry mason television movies right up until his death vincent schiavelli went on to be a great character actor in a huge number of films martin landau who played a kooky law enforcement officer quickly made the terrific `alone in the dark and the awful `the being before rolling into the films he has been famous for recently you can bet none of these stars ever want their careers to return to `the return zantara s score out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21887": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this film while at birmingham southern college in when it was shown in combination with the red balloon both films are similar in their dream like quality the bulk of the film entails a fish swimming happily in his bowl while his new owner a little boy is away at school a cat enters the room where the fish and his bowl are and begins to warily stalk his prey the boy begins his walk home from school and the viewer wonders whether he will arrive in time to save his fish friend the fish becomes agitated by the cat s presence and finally jumps out of the bowl the cat quickly walks over to the fish gently picks him up with his paws and returns him to his bowl the boy returns happily to his fish none the wiser the ending is amazing in both its irony and its technical complexity it is hard to imagine how the director could ve pulled the technical feat back in it seems more a trick for if you can find it watch it you won t be disappointed and if you do find it let me know so i can get a copy too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21888": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in all of low budget history this movie has to be one of the worst true ther are some humorous sides to the movie but in general it was just plain awful i just can t understand what person could not out run a bunch of slugs i mean they have to be one of the slowest creatures on the planet the only part worth while in this movie is the close up of a slugs attempt to bite the finger of a man this was rather amusing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21889": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there was some hesitation from my part about what this movie had to offer for starters the casting didn t seem right kiefer sutherland had already done very well in and the preview didn t seem to offer anything challenging to him or the audience eva longoria appeared out of place and the rest didn t seem very interesting when the film finally ended i was not completely displeased for i had seen a decent thriller that could have been much better had the responsible parties taken a little more care to watch for the narrative gaps and given a little more care to character development we have seen threats of this type before and that made the main conflict much more challenging to the writers as an audience we don t want to sit through the same old story again we want to see something different be thrilled and entertained there is nothing wrong with the casting from kim basinger s delicious first lady she carries herself with enough grace and sex appeal to make the part memorable michael douglas has been and done that before unfortunately the president is much of a non entity to even care about his fate sutherland rehashes his tough guy approach with enough power to make it big enough for the big screen and eva does a passable job as the newcomer don t expect as many twists and fireworks as some of the established classics north by northwest and the fugitive come to mind leave your expectations outside and enjoy the ride for whatever it might be it s o k"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21890": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok where do we start with this little gem mutant slugs begin to take over a small new england town only one man can stop them and that man is mike brady now if that wasn t laughable enough stay tuned the footage of the slugs is what s known as stock footage no matter who the slugs attack or where they are the same shot of piles of slugs oozing everywhere is shown keep in mind this singular shot occupies at least half the movie the acting in the movie was knock down drag out steal your wallet punch your girlfriend kill your dog bad i m sure there s worse but you re going to be hard pressed to find it the only gem was you guessed it mike brady he must have taken a few night classes at the ymca because he was the best in the bunch as for horror this film is not to be taken seriously there isn t horror they re slugs for crying out loud the entire rising action could have been avoided with a salt shaker or two only watch this film in a mst k type environment otherwise i can see some major damage to the brain"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21891": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my observations vamp outfit at end is ravishing and wonderful exotic and fantastic jeanette wore it well and got even with naive nelson boat crashing into his balcony served him right costume outfits of his female mafia were designed surprisingly well especially by today s standards costume designer did great job main song theme just lovely caution to negative posters was time of ww ii pearl harbor happened year before u s just coming out of great depression needed to get out and spend that hard earned money on diversion of singing dance and yes fantastic fantasy despotic dictators were trying to rule out there in rl snuffing out freedoms thank goodness the public had these fantastic plot line movies to attend movie going was a privileged treat in those depressing times when you negative posters become actors or even movie stars then you have room to talk and criticize jeanette s and nelson s movies stand the test of time angel wings wonderful on the real angel rl wings at costume party not so hot but great on jeanette considering the sl beautiful singing by jeanette and nelson as always jeanette dancing was a pure delight"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21892": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "all you really need to know about this movie comes after the opening scene where a guy falls into a lake and gets eaten then they start rolling the title credits you see slugs in big letters followed shortly thereafter by the movie whew i was worried i had accidentally tuned into slugs the musical or slugs the game show anyway from there the movie deteriorates into a kill fest you see a guy cut his hand off because he had slugs in his gardening glove two people get attacked by slugs while having sex and a girl falling on her back in an underground passageway get stung to death by killer slugs it s a pretty silly movie falling in the so bad it s good category it also is shot so poorly with such grainy film that you re shocked to learn it was made in my guess was i m very surprised it has received as high a score as it has here because most people here don t give those types of movie any love but if you want a movie that tries to be scary but ends up being laughable this is one of your prime candidates"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21893": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one used to say concerning nathaniel hawthorne that his failures were more interesting than his successes i believe that the same remark could suit to mcdonald eddy s pictures and especially this one it apparently possesses many characteristics of a failed movie it s kitsch the script because of censorship sounds inconsistent yet this movie gets also some good points good rodgers hart s music i married an angel tira tira tira la good acting with e e horton and reginald owen anyway if you may dislike it you can t forget it this strange movie actually leaves a very strong dreamlike impression and you are very likely to keep it in mind for days maybe for weeks why in the thirties and the beginning of the forties movies didn t have the same mean than today it aimed like a dream to divert the public in order to make it forget a difficult reality of all the the dream movies that was made in that time this one stands as particularly powerful in short let s say that the better way to appreciate this movie is to watch it without wondering whether it s good or bad to watch it like you would watch a dream"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21894": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this could have been a rather entertaining film but instead it ranks with other duds like leeches and rest in pieces at the bottom of the cinematic food chain had they played this flick tongue in cheek it could have been a very entertaining film like re animator or dead alive but juan piquor simon plays it tongue in cheek in spots but straight more often the premise of this film is a small community that is besieged by mutated slugs there is an abandoned toxic waste dump near a sewer line that mutates the slugs into aggressive meat eating monsters albeit monsters that move slowly and can be squished under your boot health inspector michael garfiled and two accomplices are the only people that seem willing to fight the slugs while the sheriff and mayor think they are crazy the climax is a laugh riot unintentional at that which makes you scratch your head as to how stupid actors and screenwriter the scenario of destroying the slugs is story no new ground charted here simon seems to play the gore elements tongue in cheek but the dialogue is straight had simon worked with a clever script one with plenty of one liners and eccentric characters this could have been a cult film violence you won t be letdown here we get plenty of exploding chest cavity scenes as well as a grand head explosion in the middle of a fine italian restaurant the blood and guts that many horror film watchers enjoy is in full swing here you also get corpses of people who have been picked clean by the slugs and plenty of slug smashing scenes acting wow michael garfield seems to know that this script is a stinker and he delivers his lines with a facial expression that suggests he knows how preposterous this film making endeavor is kim terry as his wife does an adequate job even though she does little beyond the hold your face while you scream bit the teenagers were all horrible actors no exceptions man this film could have used bruce dern or jeffrey combs nudity two teens get naughty in bed before they get dispatched in a poorly done scene by a horde of slugs that crawled into the girl s bedroom both male and female nudity here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21895": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie is a fantasy the story line is thin but serves as the structure upon which some wonderful songs are sung and sung beautifully i still cannot believe that such handsome and attractive people could sing this well some of the dialog is wonderfully clever the costumes made me feel as though i was watching a haute couture fashion show from movies are designed to serve various purposes this one is designed to entertain and it certainly does if i have one negative comment it would be that nelson eddy was a little too old to be the handsome dashing count some of the closeups made me uncomfortable but he could still sing and sing magnificently however jeanette macdonald was just as dazzling as ever she makes a spectacular angel this genre is well before my time and i an new to the jeanette macdonald nelson eddy films and related conversation the music in this movie is beautiful as much as i love the classic rock music which fills most modern movies there is no question in my mind that this music is simply and clearly more memorable more delightful better constructed the stars in this movie are more talented than the stars i see in the movie theaters today and jeanette macdonald without the benefit of beverly hills plastic surgeons was more beautiful than the stars i see today i am unclear as to why so many other posters are apologetic about liking this movie and more generally this group of movies they say it is dated and try to explain why it is the way it is and those that do not like it say that it is not very good but compared to what i think this movie will doubtless still be entertaining people when so many other movie are long forgotten there is just too much quality in every way in this movie for it not to be remembered and enjoyed i recommend this movie without reservation to anyone who appreciates great talent great beauty and great music"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21896": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "mike brady michael garfield who had a minuscule part in the classic the warriors is the first person in the community to realize that there s murderous slugs in his small town not just any slugs mind you but carnivorous killer bigger then normal mutated by toxic waste slugs who still only go as fast as a normal slug which isn t that frightening but i digress no one will believe him at first but they will oh yes they will ok killer slugs are right above psychotic sloths and right below johnathon winters as mork s baby in the creepiness factor so the absurdness of it all is quite apparent from the get go the flick is fun somewhat through and is of the so bad that it s good variety i appreciate that they spelled out that this was slugs the movie as opposed to slugs the children s game or slugs the other white meat probably not worthy of watching it more than once and promptly forgetting it except for playing a rather obscure trivia game director juan piquer sim n is more widely known for his previous films pod people which mst k deservedly mocked and peices which is quite possibly the funnest bad movie ever made eye candy kari rose shows t a my grade d dvd extras merely a theatrical trailer for this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21897": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i know a lot of people don t like this movie but i just think it is adorable there s not much i can say but the movie is a feel good movie i guess the songs are beautiful the costumes are beautiful the voices are beautiful and there are a lot of funny lines in the movie especially as briggitta learns about the do s and don t s of society if you like musicals i d say you d like this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21898": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a mildly interesting late s gore fest featuring some nasty slugs with a taste for human blood if you can get past the ridiculousness of the whole thing you might actually get some minor enjoyment out of this the acting is awful and the plot is simply there to hold the movie together between gory slug attacks but the movie isn t a complete waste of time the special effects are actually quite good and the gore is well done it reminded me of the remake of the blob probably because of the sliminess of it all all in all you could certainly do worse with an hour and a half of your time but i wouldn t suggest seeing this movie unless you ve got a strong stomach and are into this sort of thing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21899": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "jeanette macdonald and nelson eddy star in this modern musical that showcases macdonald s comic abilities surreal s musical seem to be making fun of s fashions even as they were in current vogue eye popping costumes and sets yes b w add to the surreal dreamlike quality of the entire film several good songs enliven the film with the twinkle in your eye number a total highlight including a fun jitterbug number between macdonald and binnie barnes also in the huge cast are edward everett horton reginal owen mona maris douglas dumbrille and anne jeffreys also to been seen in extended bit parts are esther dale almira sessions grace hayle gertrude hoffman rafaela ottiano odette myrtile cecil cunningham and many others great fun and nice to see the wonderful macdonald in her jitterbug vamp routines she could do it all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21900": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i love killer insects movies they are great fun to watch i had to watch this movie as it was one of my favourite horror books by shaun hutson i have met him and i wish i did listen to him as this movie was terrible like he said it was after he said that i was still dying to see how bad it was the plot people are dying mysteriously and gruesomely and nobody has a clue what the cause is only health worker mike brady has a possible solution but his theory of killer slugs is laughed at by the authorities only when the body count begins to rise and a slug expert from england begins snooping around does it begin to look like mike had the right idea after all this movie as the most overacting you ever see a movie slugs in this movie are fast then normal and it looks like they fast forwarding the scenes this movie is nothing like the book at all the book was ten times scarier ten times gory and had a lot more story to it i didn t like this movie at all as i am huge fan of slugs the book and second book called breeding ground both of books are great read the book then watch the movie you may like more then i did give this out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21901": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it appears that there s no middle ground on this movie most of it takes place in a dream and like most dreams it s often foolish and illogical it s also a gorgeous production with some great songs and fine performances especially by our angel jeanette s deadpan unknowing insults and various other faux pas at the dream reception are hilarious and her jitterbug with binnie barnes is a surprise and a delight at one point she gets to sing a snippet from carmen followed by the final trio of faust holding a lapdog for some strange reason then aloha oe on the beach it s a surreal comedy tremendously entertaining if you can get into the groove"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21902": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie slugs is unique because the titular vermin are actually the good guys in this horrific tale of nature gone awry you see these poor slugs have been mutated through the pollution of evil humans and don t mean to do anything malicious they re just slugs slugs with sharp teeth who eat flesh and excrete poison but slugs none the less the real bad guys are the humans who either actively try to destroy our beloved slugs or overreact when they encounter them for example take the scene where the guy puts on the glove full of slugs they were just hanging out in a comfortable work glove when out of nowhere this giant hand came at them and they reacted instinctively defending themselves and biting the guy now instead of seeking medical attention for his slug bite this guy runs around his greenhouse screaming like an idiot spills some highly volatile chemicals starts a fire knocks a bookcase over on himself and cuts off his own hand then the fire and volatile chemicals mix and his house explodes how can you blame that on the slugs this movie paints a portrait of humans that is less than favorable the characters in this movie include the dumb sheriff who hates everybody the drunk hick who s mean to his dog and the lumpy sidekick whose wife is at least forty five years older than him there s also a set of drunken teens that get attacked while copulating and we have to see the skinny long haired freaks genitals meanwhile there s a guy who looks like a demonic leslie neilson who yells you don t have the authority to declare happy birthday for some reason finally this parade of loathsomeness is rounded out by the guy from the mst k classic pod people whose face explodes after eating a slug laces salad another easily avoided fate blamed on the helpful harmless slugs humans are portrayed as greedy stupid racist alcoholic and in one pointless scene as would be rapists in the movie s climactic scene the villainous humans try to burn the slugs who are cowering helplessly in the sewers well since they re idiots the humans succeed in blowing up the entire town they alone do more damage than the slugs ever did if you hate humans and i know i do you ll appreciate slugs if you re a fan of bad cinema you ll also appreciate this crapfest from the director of pieces and pod people there s enough bad acting silly dialog illogical plot twists lame special effects pointless scenes and poor dubbing to hold your attention"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21903": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "have never understood why the macdonald eddy swan song has always been panned so mercilessly not just by their detractors but by virtually everyone to me i married an angel is more lively and imaginative than any of the duo s more celebrated outings the sets and costumes are as lavish as any to be found in an mgm musical the script is by the reliable anita loos san francisco the women gentlemen prefer blondes etc the rodgers and hart tunes albeit altered a bit by macdonald eddy regulars bob wright and chet forrest are given celestial treatment by herbert stothart oscar winner for scoring the wizard of oz and best of all the singing sweethearts look great in their contemporary clothes and seem to be having fun with the bizarre proceedings try to show rose marie or sweethearts to the uninitiated today and they may very well have a hard time sitting still but this offbeat fast paced fantasy is bound to entertain"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21904": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie features two of my favorite actors in kilmer and downey it also boasts the always enjoyable larry miller in a too small part despite this i found it to be nearly unwatchable michelle monaghan may be pretty but she is nearly charisma free and the reasons for downey s character s obsession with her character is not at all understandable in terms of the information the film presents or the way it s portrayed the ending seems pretentious and though the intention seems to be that the audience should join in the nod and wink the film having failed to bring us in on the side of its protagonists leaves us unwilling or unable to do so fans of the film say that those who disagree simply don t get it i don t think this is so the plot was not complicated or beyond understanding it was simply uninvolving and clumsily and obviously manufactured i got it i just didn t like it paddy breathnach s i went down and guy ritchie s snatch and lock stock and two smoking barrels are much better realized examples of the kind of film making that director shane black fails to achieve i share a birthday with shane black but a look at his credits mostly as a screenwriter makes me want to dissociate myself from any other connection"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21905": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was a great movie with a good cast all of them hitting on all cylinders and when dianne keaton is at her best well it just doesn t get any better than that but tom everett scott always underrated was even better he should be a star my only complaint is with one aspect of the screenplay none of the characters ever acknowledged that the dead daughter wasn t always a good person and neither was her mother played by keaton at one point she breaks a promise she made to one character not to reveal that he had been sleeping around one of the other commentators said the movie had a political agenda that is a baffling thing to say there was no politics at all in this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21906": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if you seen rodney dangerfield s previous movies and performances you ll recognise several of the jokes made in this odd piece of dreck written like a sitcom this movie fails to strike any sort of likeable chord throughout from the self help doctor played by the aways sexy as chopped liver molly shannon to the i m fat and therefore funny john linette the wives themselves are likeable enough and if this had been done as a pilot for an action adventure series it might have worked instead it comes off like a male fantasy that s trying hard not to be politically incorrect"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21907": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thought this was one of the best movies i ve seen in a very long time it was a great story line and showed that people are so intricate in all kinds of different ways have recommended it to all my friends i always enjoy a good story line and this movie had one of the best i ve seen in a long time i could see myself having a daughter and doing the same things that natalie did to find out more about her life and loves it showed how we not only have lives with our families but also have parts of our lives that we don t share with them as it may not be in their best interest to know all the details of things we don t do that we are so proud of i look forward to another such movie and will keep my eye out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21908": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "kubrick meets king it sounded so promising back in the spring of i remember then the movie came out and the kubrick cultists have been bickering with the king cultists ever since the king cultists say stanley kubrick took a great horror tale and ruined it the kubrick cultists don t give a damn about king s story they talk about steadicams tracking shots camera angles this is a film they insist it should be considered on its own as it happens both camps are correct unfortunately if one views it purely as an adaptation of king s novel the shining is indeed a failure a wasted opportunity a series of botched narrative gambits i used to blame that on kubrick s screenwriter the writer diane johnson author of le marriage l affaire le divorce etc has a reputation as an novelist of social manners maybe she was chosen for her subtle grasp of conjugal relations or family dynamics but the little blue collar town of sidewinder colorado doesn t exist on any map in her francophile universe kubrick the anglophile probably found her congenial however he of course is the real auteur and considered on its own merits his screenplay for the shining with its mishmash of abnormal psychology rationalism supernaturalism and implied reincarnation just doesn t stand up to logical analysis i m willing to consider kubrick s shining on its own terms i m even willing to take it as something other than a conventional horror genre movie but it doesn t succeed as a naturalistic study of isolation alienation and madness either parsed either way the film pretty much falls apart are the horrors of the overlook hotel real or do they exist only in the mind first as prescient nightmares suffered by little danny torrance then as the hallucinations of his father one notes how whenever jack torrance is seen talking to a ghost he is in fact looking into a mirror one notes how the hotel s frozen topiary hedge maze appears to symbolize jack s stunted convoluted psyche very deep stuff but if indeed the overlook s ghosts are purely manifestations of jack torrance s growing insanity then who exactly lets the trapped jack out of the hotel kitchen s dead bolted walk in closet so that he can go on his climactic ax wielding rampage and can anyone explain with a straight face that black and white photograph helpfully labelled of nicholson as a tuxedoed party goer that pops up out of left field and onto a hotel ballroom wall during the film s closing seconds are we to seriously conclude that jack torrance s bad craziness stems from a some sort of past life experience and if you swallow that since when are reincarnated people supposed to be exact physical replicas their past selves maybe kubrick didn t care about his storyline maybe only wanted to evoke a mood of horror whatever the case the film tries to hedge its narrative bets to have it both ways rational and supernatural as a result the story is a mess this movie hasn t improved with age and it certainly doesn t improve with repeated viewings i don t deny that a few moments of fear claustrophobia and general creepiness are scattered throughout this long long film but those gushing elevators o blood seen repeatedly in little danny s visions are absurd and laughable and jack torrance s infamous tag lines wendy i m home and heeeeeere s johnny merely puncture the movie s dramatic tension and dissipate its narrative energy i know i sat in the theater and heard the audience laugh in comic relief whew glad we don t have to take this stuff seriously finally kubrick is completely at sea or else utterly cynical during those scenes in which wendy wanders around the empty hotel while her husband tries to puree their son a foyer full of mummified guests all sitting there dead in their party hats yikes now i really am afraid given jack nicholson s brilliance over the years one can only assume that he gave just the sort of eyeball rolling eyebrow wiggling scenery chomping performance that the director wanted the performance of shelley duvall as a sort of female version of don knotts in the ghost and mr chicken is best passed over in silence this movie simply doesn t succeed not as an adaptation not on its own terms it probably merits a out of but i m giving it a because it has been so grotesquely over rated in this forum"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21909": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "audiard made here a very interesting movie it begins with the description of an almost deaf young woman in its working universe as a secretary she is ignored frustrated rejected hiring an intern as an assistant appears to be a way for her to find someone in her life but the guy is just coming out from jail their both being rejected by the society reunites them progressively characters description is profund goes into details both start to help each other for she can read on lips which reveals itself to be very useful for him she will progressively evolve far from what she was at first it s beautifully filmed the whole is very convincing even if it turns into a film noir at the end gesture is in particular beautifully observed in audiard s filming emmanuelle devos should be nominated at the best actess cesar awards for her magistral play action towards the end of the film prevents it from being a simple etude de moeurs it s actually surprisingly entertaining"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21910": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as much as i love rodney dangerfield this was a terrible movie the plot was kind of a holistic rip off of various movies but unfortunately they forgot to rip off any good jokes in addition it was annoying and boring and that s being kind if you re looking for a good laugh rent a copy of private parts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21911": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "diane keaton gave an outstanding performance in this rather sad but funny story which involved quite a few young people and their deep dark secrets diane keaton natalie the family stone who had an only daughter and loved her beyond words can describe she always called her and told her surrender dorothy which was an expression used in the wizard of oz a sudden car accident occurs and natalie gets herself deeply involved with her daughter s friends and lovers as natalie investigates the more truths she finds out about herself and her real relationship with her daughter great film to view and enjoy especially all the good acting from all the supporting actors"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21912": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when rodney dangerfield is on a roll he s hilarious in my wives he s not on a roll the timing of the one liners is off but they re the best thing going for the movie the five women who play the wives don t add up to one whole actress between them the plot is very weak even the premise is pretty weak there are a few jokes about having multiple wives but the situation has little to do with anything else in the movie most of the movie could play the same way even if rodney s character had only one wife so the premise seems more like an old man s fantasy than a key part of the comedy another old man s fantasy we re supposed to accept that rodney s character is an athletic skier jerry stiller seems to be phoning in his role just to do a buddy a favor and the rest of the name actors must simply be desperate for work the odd nods to political correctness later in the movie don t really do anything for the movie for those who like their movies politically correct the non pc humor is still there in the first place and the seeming apologies for it still don t get the point for those who hate seeing a movie cave in to political correctness the pc add ins are just annoying digressions this has to be the mildest r rated movie i ve ever seen there are some racy jokes and the bedroom scenes would have made shocking tv years ago but that s about it maybe it was the topless men kidding the dvd features interviews where the cast members seem to find depth and importance in this movie and in their roles i kept wondering if they were serious or kidding they seem to be serious but i kept thinking they must be kidding there s also a peculiar disclaimer suggesting that since the movie never actually names the mormons or the church of latter day saints that somehow it s not about them never mind that the movie features a polygamous religion in utah and makes reference to brigham young in short my wives was a disappointment i was hoping for rodney on a roll but the best i can say for the movie is that rodney was looking pretty good for a guy who was pushing at the time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21913": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i very much enjoyed watching this film i taped it while watching so that i could review it later i actually enjoyed the second viewing more since i was able to absorb more of the clever dialog between natalie and adam the main characters i thought the way this story evolved was very thought provoking i got very intrigued with how natalie was going to interact with her daughter s friends at first it seemed that she was going to spew a lot of animosity but once she started interacting more pleasantly i had to see how this visit was going to unfold i wasn t disappointed gradually the secrets that sara kept from her mother started to reveal a daughter who was not so perfect a flawed human being like most of us who wanted her freedom from a domineering mother who thought she knew her daughter but unfortunately had to learn in a very painful manner that sometimes to really love someone you have to give them their freedom the viewers who stuck with this film to the end saw a very touching performance from diane keaton who is always wonderful even in some of her less well received films think town and country the closing scene of diane keaton driving home was well worth waiting for revealing that anyone who loves another human being has got to learn that we have to live our own lives we love others but don t own them and ultimately we have to let go it s a hard lesson but well worth contemplating now and then thank you cbs for this broadcast it was worth the long wait"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21914": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was a watchable movie but plot was a little weak and most of the jokes were from some of rodney s earlier movies with that said it was worth the time to watch i gave this a out of so basically its one of those movies that you do not go out of your way to see but if you find it on the tube take a chance"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21915": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i completely disagree with the other comments posted on this movie for instance the movie is based on the book and if the writer had a gay character in it then how could hollywood just throw in a token gay character in the movie and besides there was two gay characters and i thought they reflected each other great one was normal and the other was more feminine but it wasn t over the top and diane keaton gave a wonderful performance and if the other reviewer had the decency to actual watch the entire film they would have seen that her character developed through out the film by interacting with the other characters for instance when she and adam went to look at the car that sara crashed in the junkyard you could see the maternal side of her come out and later in the film you saw that she too was invincible but i guess if you re too worried about gay characters and characters that are flawed then this movie is bad but if you re more open minded and i don t know actually have some inkling of what is good then you ll enjoy this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21916": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i almost burst into tears watching this movie not from laughing but from the memories of a great rodney dangerfield movie candyshack was his first and stole the movie easy money had him at his best and back to school is by far an s classic masterpiece then there was ladybugs and that s when it started to show poor rodney was getting old meet wally sparks was a slight step up from ladybugs but not saying much in my wives rodney plays monte a name he must love since that was his name in easy money a rich isnt he always guy who loves women and gets married like its nothing well now he inherits a huge piece of land and since the land was run by the amish he inherits wives this sounds like a great idea for a dangerfield movie the problem is everything the script is so poor that rodney seems to be saying his one liners to the camera and all the side characters have nothing to do the movie looks like it was shot on video with some really poor stunt sequences that are obviously not rodney andrew dice clay plays a gangster who looks like he is dying to say the f word which he should since the film is rated r but plays as if it was pg and jerry stiller has a nice minute cameo don t get me wrong at times i did laugh at a few of rodney s jokes but the poor man is getting way too old and way too slow we can see his jokes coming from miles and the film turns way too pc which thanks to the horrible s the s and s rodney just doesn t work anymore"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21917": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "charles mcdougall s resume includes directing episodes on sex and the city desperate housewives queer as folk big love the office etc so he comes with all the credentials to make the tv film version of meg wolitzer s novel surrender dorothy a success and for the most part he manages to keep this potentially sappy story about sudden death of a loved one and than manner in which the people in her life react afloat sara alexa davalos a beautiful unmarried young woman is accompanying her best friends gay playwright adam tom everett scott adam s current squeeze shawn chris pine and married couple maddy lauren german and peter josh hopkins with their infant son to a house in the hamptons for a summer vacation the group seems jolly until a trip to the local ice creamery by adam and sara results in an auto accident which kills sara meanwhile sara s mother natalie swedlow diane keaton who has an active social life but intrusively calls here daughter constantly with the mutual greeting surrender dorothy is playing it up elsewhere when she receives the phone call that sara is dead she immediately comes to the hamptons where her overbearing personality and grief create friction among sara s friends slowly but surely natalie uncovers secrets about each of them thriving on talking about sara as though doing so would bring her to life natalie s thirst for truth at any cost results in major changes among the group and it is only through the binding love of the departed sara that they all eventually come together diane keaton is at her best in these roles that walk the thread between drama and comedy and her presence holds the story together the screenplay has its moments for good lines but it also has a lot of filler that becomes a bit heavy and morose making the actors obviously uncomfortable with the lines they are given yes this story has been told many times the impact of sudden death on the lives of those whose privacy is altered by disclosures but the film moves along with a cast pace and has enough genuine entertainment to make it worth watching grady harp"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21918": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have to confess right off that i have never been a fan of rodney dangerfield indeed from me he gets no respect i watched this only because my wife wanted to see it and found exactly what i expected a stupid story without any real humour it s full of lame crude jokes and a totally ridiculous plot revolving around a developer s dangerfield plans to build a ski resort in utah that just didn t capture my attention at all in addition to dangerfield the film starred a weak cast including the likes of andrew dice clay and the totally over the hill john byner i didn t even know he was still around until i saw his name in the credits for this this truly is a dangerfield disaster"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21919": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie held my interest mainly because dianne keaton is my favorite actress i disagree with some of the other posts on the grounds that the plot was not convoluted i had no trouble following it maybe some people had too much eggnog the night before the movie was very sad and touching as well what more do you want alexa davalos is a fine new talent beautiful too and tom everett scott does an excellent job with his part as well the relationship of the mother and daughter may have been a bit unrealistic but the behavior of the young people in the movie was not it was tragically sad but enlightening it sure beat the other shows that were on tv new years day evening"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21920": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was so bad outdated and stupid that i had rough times to watch it to the end i had seen this rodney guy in natural born killers and i thought he was funny as hell in it but this movie was crap the jokes weren t funny actors weren t funny anything about it wasn t even remotely funny don t waste your time for this only positive things about this were the beautiful wives and molly shannon who i m sure tried her best but the script was just too awful that s why i rated it instead of but it s definitely one of the worst films i ve ever seen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21921": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i waited for this movie to come out for a while in canada and when it finally did i was very excited to see it i really enjoyed it of course in the beginning it is a very sad movie and it was new years day making it even sadder however it sticks with you the next day i was thinking about it again because although it revolves around something so emotionally draining you realize after a few days that it is such a beautiful story how one person can be seen as the link to so many people but sometimes you can be blinded so many things and how diane keaton s character kind of saves the rest of them by just being there and how they save her in the process as well it was such an excellent movie and chris pine one of my favourite actors provides the perfect comic relief it is definitely a movie that will need a box of tissues but will really stay with you for a long time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21922": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "rodney dangerfield is a great he has done a lot of great works but this one is awful the whole plot is whack it could have been much better the jokes in the movie aren t funny their stupid this was very not so hilarious he can do much better than this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21923": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what if a platoon of g i s from the japanese army were to be send back in time years right in the middle of the feudal wars that led to the formation of the tokugawa shogunate great pitch right the movie does exactly what it says on the tin thankfully the writers didn t bother to explain the usually ridiculous in sci fi movies scientific mumbo jumbo of time transport no how s or why s they just did however the time transport sequence itself is trippy as hell and quite beautiful if not a bit dated not as silly as one would imagine the rest of the movie follows the premise to a t but while it loses a bit of steam with the various subplots that follow the g i s arrival to medieval japan it picks up with a devastating battle sequence undoubtedly it s the main order of the day the whole concept and by extension the movie itself was probably originated from this simple pitch what if g i s equipped with the latest in modern warfare were to fight samurais and boy does it deliver the main battle sequence that spans more than half an hour is probably one of the best of its kind in s action war movies not only is it relentless and exhausting in pace and length it s also a terrific mish mash of styles and techniques that only unique premises like g i samurai can deliver i mean where else would you get the chance to feature tanks ninjas complete with shuriikens a helicopter and samurais in the same shot the g i platoon led by lieutenant iba tears literally through hundreds of extras gunning them down with machine guns mortars grenades and tanks this mish mash of styles is with one foot firmly rooted in the sprawling jidai geki epic of kurosawa s kagemusha or hiroshi inagaki s samurai banners while the other is in western action and war movies there are stylistic touches like the wonderful slow motion shots and bloody violence that bring sam peckinpah or enzo g castellari circa keoma to mind japanese cinema has always been influenced by westerns and other hollywood works and vice versa and g i samurai effortlessly turns this east meets west melting pot into an exciting film the film makers thankfully take the whole thing seriously and the movie benefits immensely from it not that tongue in cheek mentality is completely absent it s just that it doesn t try to pander to so bad it s good audiences that enjoy laughing at their movies the budget was probably hefty as it is evident in the hundreds of extras elaborate costumes very decent for a production that is not a traditional jidai geki and special effects the camera work and editing are all top notch almost better than a movie with no higher artistic ambitions deserves it s not withouts its flaws either of course there are many song scenes where all sorts of s japanese rock disco and country songs play over montages there s a bonding scene a love interest scene a war is hell scene etc the songs themselves are pretty lame and corny and detract from the whole thing although it clocks at a whooping minutes it flies like a bullet for the most part still some scenes flashbacks and subplots in the first half could have been clipped for a tighter effect the cast also deserves a mention featuring such prominent names as sonny chiba isao natsuyagi goyokin samurai wolf tsunehiko watase the yakuza papers and hiroyuki sanada all of them hitting the right notes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21924": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "having watched minutes of this movie i was bewildered having watched minutes my toes were curling i simply couldn t believe it the movie is really awful in fact it is so awful that i had to watch all of it just to be convinced during this i came to realize that it reminded me of a bunch of danish so called comedies from the s and s the pattern is as follows take one extremely popular comedian make a script putting this comedian in as many grotesque situations as possible add a bunch of jokes especially one liners and spice it up with a couple of beautiful young girls film that and you have a success i wouldn t know if this movie was a success but unlike the danish tradition which died quietly with a few great comedians it seems that there is a market for this kind of movie in the us"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21925": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gi samurai sees sonny chiba and some other guys get transported back to civil war stricken feudal japan for no particular reason and much carnage ensues it s a rather over the top essay of sword vs machine gun that ultimately yields some interesting results the plot essentially runs along the rails that you might expect from the title initial fish out the water antics what is this flying metal box etc etc aren t we better off here discussions and ultimately a huge battle the latter is proof that the film doesn t take itself seriously at all the carnage taking up most of the second half as samurai army battles chiba s platoon a face off one would fully expect from the title but it still manages to overwhelm with its inventiveness and extravagance it s certainly one of the most unique battle sequences of its time and doesn t drag despite its extended length chiba gives a gruff performance as iba initially a good leader but someone who finally finds himself questioning his own morals as the situation slowly has an effect on him this is certainly one of his better vehicles from his terrific cv by the final act the two worlds have had such an effect on each other you have to wonder if it was a bit of nihilism on the part of the writers as they seem to be asking weren t we better off back then but this is maybe reading a bit much into was can generally be described as a hugely entertaining two hours of almost non stop action"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21926": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "unbelievably awful film i watched part of this on t v recently my jaw dropped as i watched a horrendously conceived plot and listened to mind numbing drivel not a single line from the master of one liners could come close to producing anything resembling a chuckle it was so bad it made me want to exhume rodney dangerfield s body slap him around and scream how could you i know many films are done in haste hoping to cash in on the popularity of a given actor or theme but please hollywood show a little respect for your audience it s sad and scary that people were expected to pay to see such tripe the bottom of the cesspool even by sunday afternoon television standards"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21927": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "pop quiz you re a part of the modern armed forces in peacetime on routine manoeuvres and you find yourself thrown back in time with a chance to change history what do you do well if you re a hollywood studio you change the japanese g i s in g i samurai aka timeslip to the crew of an american aircraft carrier have them debate stopping the attack on pearl harbour for minutes and then go home and hope that no one reminds you that japan did it first and with more balls in with this sonny chiba movie but unlike its hollywood counterpart the final countdown this sees its premise through thrown back years into the japanese feudal wars its peacetime soldiers decide that their best hope of getting back lies in provoking history by trying to change it by joining with a warlord to conquer the country cue lots of tank and helicopter vs samurai action including a very impressive unrelenting minute battle sequence featuring a cast of thousands inflicting serious damage on each other and yes there are decapitations of course things don t go as planned and even superior firepower doesn t stand up as well as hoped to thousands of soldiers even before that the soldiers are falling out with each other into those who want to go home those who want to go to war and those who want to rape and pillage for the hell of it impressively directed and surprisingly well thought through the soft rock and country and western songs are sometimes a distraction especially when they feature english lyrics sung by japanese singers who audibly can t pronounce the words let alone speak the language but it s a forgivable flaw in a surprisingly good sci fi actioner optimum s uk dvd is a good transfer of the uncut minute version"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21928": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if you want to see women s breasts get a porno there is no plot but the last minutes of this movie focus on resolving some sort of dangerous plan the only value this movie has is that sometimes its so bad its funny and yes boobs are boobs"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21929": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i would firstly say that somehow i remember seeing this movie in my early childhood i couldn t read the subtitles and i thought sonny chiba was sean connery but i did really like the concept if you are not able to at least partially suspend your adult scepticism and embrace your inner seven your old you may want to avoid this movie that said having just watched the restored minute version on dvd i have to say i enjoyed it though not as much as when i was seven i remembered the ending there are aspects of the movie that are worthy of criticism the first minutes and final minutes both have some really comic moments my favourite being the contrast between scenes acted out in the final minutes and the curious choice of backing music listen to the lyrics for an action film there is a great deal of focus on the personal stories of certain soldiers and the social dynamics of the squad as the strain of their time travel takes its toll by the ending of the movie i had decided that this was a good thing when seven i though the relationship guff was a bad thing for an action film there is also plenty of gratifying gory action especially a couple of epic battle scenes between the platoon and hordes of shogun era warriors the makers of the movie have ensured that as many deaths as possible are bloody and lets face it humorous i thought this was a splendid aspect of the movie when i was a kid and i am not ashamed to say that i still do i also like the fact that the modern day soldiers in general don t spend the movie walking on egg shells trying to avoid altering the space time continuum they ve got heavy calibre machine guns mortars rocket launchers a tank and a helicopter and they re hell bent on making feudal japan theirs which is what i d like to think any vigorous imdb user would do in their boots in short the movies worth watching it makes the viewer regret that there are not more movies made with a similar premise and at the same time offers some hefty hints as to why a movie like g i samurai is so unique"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21930": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a disappointing film the story established our protagonist as chrissy a young rather sullen individual drifting not doing much actually she does very little to move the narrative along so it didn t surprise me to see the focus shifting on her relatives it s a pity though chrissy seem like interesting character story was predictable and at times felt quite formulated so the question now is when are we going to see the campions jacksons and the tamahori s breaking ground with compelling cinematically told stories that will inspire rather than entertain for the toll of two hours technically a disgusting shot film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21931": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what can you say when you see a good french movie which tries to draw a suspenseful story in line with the social background of the characters the major point is we believe in those characters and once they ve met each other we want them to stay together it s simple and really efficient the background story is less important why does the screenplay go on the side of a half developed thriller it helps not to get stuck in those social demonstrations most french film jerkers like to make not too much ambition right sur mes l vres is only an entertaining french film with good characterization for all the clever noir points in the screenplay the end is by far too easy it goes quite as easy as in rear window an obvious reference and definitely not a noir film but with a less compelling context where i am amazed it s to see that the character of the probation officer has not been erased he brings very little to the story when he appears alone we wonder if we ve not missed a part before jacques audiard is not a new comer yet strange and weird"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21932": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i was unsure whether or not andy sidaris could repeat his success with the cinematic hit malibu express with his film fit to kill he has proved that sidaris is a serious filmmaker and not just a one shot director the plot written by sidaris which was ungratefully passed up by the academy is a complex screenplay involving many unseen twists and turns the main characters composed work for a sexually based radio station known as ksxy cleverly ksxy is actually their secret headquarters in fit to kill they confront their long time nemesis kane who is trying to steal one of russia s most prized diamonds a well written screenplay is not all excellent acting by the cast helps to ensure this film as a cult classic panned by the critics and the box office this film will be appreciated in years to come it is now suffering the same fate as clockwork orange and taxi driver did but in the future will undoubtly become recognized i am disappointed no critic circles have recognized andy sidaris s trademark filmmaking the costumes the special effects all help to compliment this already beautiful piece of filmmaking it may do you best to ignore the dismal rating on this film and go out and rent it for yourself my personal rating is the drama is as thick as the blockbuster runaway bride and the action better or equal to the cinematic masterpiece last action hero andy keep up the good work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21933": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just finished watching the min version widescreen with some friends and we were blown away i won t bother repeating what others have said what the filmmakers do with the concept is unexpected and fun the huge battle is exhausting afterwards we were stunned to find there was still nearly minutes left to go but that didn t keep us from being completely involved and entertained there is one thing that nearly ruined it and that was the horrific music songs blues country folk and rock ballads do not belong here and every time they are used we all broke out in laughter it s hideous you have been warned but the story and storytelling keeps you grounded there are several outstanding moments that make you appreciate the talent behind the camera there are many uses of silence as well as slow motion photography that work beautifully i really wish i could erase the music but alas seek this out it s fun it s different and it takes you to places you wouldn t expect and that s very refreshing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21934": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the previous poster obviously worked on the movie it s a joke how bad it is and no one would review this kind of movie the way he did mentioning all of the actors names and what they were in previously is a sure sign that he s involved with it in some way it s on cinemax right now and i was sure this was some movie where porn stars the one called ava is gorgeous and well endowed were forced to make something else for some crazy tax reason also when i first saw it i was sure it was made in about and i was born in so i thought i knew what i was talking about but no it was made in unbelievable though i would call it one of those so bad it s good movies like watching a train wreck"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21935": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "excellent episode movie ala pulp fiction days suicides it doesnt get more depressing than this movie rating music rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21936": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "since crouching tiger hidden dragon came along there s been a lot of talk about a revival of the hong kong movie industry don t believe it the people now making movies in hk give new meaning to the word crass running out of time is a perfect example ekin cheng is the name draw here but he spends most of the film just grinning idiotically and flipping a coin he flips the coin over and over and again and again why who knows sean lau plays a cop who chases after the coin flipping pretty boy but once again who knows why there s a pretty actress in the female lead who runs some sort of company and she has to pay a ransom or something but she mostly just looks like she would rather be at a spa or shopping centre than in front of a camera nothing makes any sense there is no action there is no sex there is no comedy all there is is a name ekin cheng and you know what who cares"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21937": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just can t agree with the above comment there s lots of interesting and indeed amazing filmic imagery in this one it has an unusual structure and moves well toward a frightening climactic sequence that is notable for it s effective use of silence what s more it explores the odd impulse of suicide in a very frank way not pulling any punches in what it shows yet not dwelling and over sensationalising the subject matter it has hints of documentary about it as well as horror and art house cinema and deserves a place amongst the canon of different horror films like the blair witch project and the original ring both of which it predates and could well be an unacknowledged influence on it s definitely worth seeing if you re interested in the edges of horror cinema"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21938": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is about a cop ching wan lau trying to catch a super clever thief ekin cheng who blackmails an insurance company headed by a kelly lin basically whatever plans the cop tries the thief somehow knows them beforehand this movie covered by handsome lead actors beautiful lead actress and good camera shots of hong kong scenes really has no substance at all it s all flash and the flash quickly becomes dull too i lost all interests a third of the way into the movie and there is no redeeming quality after that except for the cinematography which looks good only consider seeing this movie if you can do so for free also consider stopping watching the movie minutes into the movie because it s all the same to the end boring"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "21939": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "der todesking is not one of my favorite jorg buttgereit film but still is an interesting film dealing with suicide and it s reasons and ramifications those looking for a gore fest or exploitation in the style of the nekromantik films or schramm will probably be disappointed der todesking is definitely an art house style film so those that need linear explainable narratives need not apply the basic concept of der todesking is that there is an episode for each day of the week that revolves around a strange chain letter that apparently causes people to commit suicide interspersed with scenes of a slowly decomposing corpse there are some very well done and thought provoking scenes including the man talking about the problems with his wife and the concert massacre which unfortunately lost some of it s power on me because i was too busy laughing at the scorpions look alike band on stage but seriously this is a sometimes beautiful the scene that shows different angles of that huge bridge is particularly effective especially if you understand the significance of the scene and that the names shown are of people that actually committed suicide from jumping from the bridge sometimes confusing sometimes silly the she wolf of the ss rip off is pretty amusing sometimes harrowing i found the scene of the guy talking to the girl in the park about his wife particularly effective film that is more of an experience then just entertainment as many of these art films are meant to be still i didn t find der todesking to be as strong as nekromantik or schramm and would probably put it on relatively even footing with nekromantik in terms of my personally enjoyment level definitely worth a look to any buttgereit or art film fan if you dig this type of film check out subconscious cruelty in my opinion the best art house horror film that i ve seen for der todesking"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "21940": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the acting wasn t great the story was full of simplistic turns and transparent characters it s about the repercussions of the struggle between right wing flemish block voters on the one side and the moroccon people living in the belgian city antwerp on the other side is it a political analysis is it some kind of belgian west side story or modern romeo and juliet the film just isn t strong enough to answer both questions supposing those were the director s questions too still some of the scenes could function as a kind of ken loach film set in antwerp after all this city has been the starting point of the extremist right wing flemish block party and is struggling with a lot of problems and tensions between different populations and cultures it s very difficult to make a film about this situation and this one isn t successful unfortunately still it s telling a story about a very real and complicated situation in present day belgium the few foreign viewers watching should try and enjoy it and realise it s not the actual film that is important but the social dividing lines behind it that haunt belgium a million people country in the s dries van dongen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21941": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what s the best way to start a review of a movie like der todesking let me start by saying i ve just come direct from viewing this movie and the images are still burned deep into my brain and i don t think they ll be moving any time soon it s probably fair to say that if you re on this page you have a good idea what sort of film this is even if you haven t seen it if not let me forewarn you that this is not a moderate budget gem that s been lost for a few years a la near dark nor is it a low budget schlocky fun b movie what it is it low budget art put forward in a simple yet poignant way the idea is a simple one seven stories revolving around and ending in suicides interspersed with footage of a decomposing corpse sounds simple right even boring it isn t words can t really describe how powerful this film becomes by the time you are halfway through it virtually draws you into it whether you want to go or not i could go on a ramble here about the technical pros and cons of the direction maybe point out that the scenes are obviously shot on super cameras and are at sometimes shaky i could point out that some of the sound effects are out of sync in a way to rival any fulci movie but at the end of the day this all seems to pale into insignificance as far as extreme movies go i ve seen the hardest of them and yet der todesking moved me in a way that few others have managed despite not being particularly gory and having very few scenes that i would consider gratuitous in fact the most disturbing scene i found was the last tale i won t ruin it just to say that the character s emotional agony virtually drips from the screen and makes you sympathise if not yearn for his end sure it s not the best movie ever made and in a lot of places is seems crude and maybe a little amateurish but in spite of these flaws der todesking is an experience i would recommend to anyone who likes challenging cinema if you re someone who likes comfortable viewing or nice movies or simply wants to gross out on something brutal and pointless this is not what you re looking for whether you enjoy it or not it s one you won t forget in a hurry"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21942": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in the unlikely case that some aspiring directors are reading these comments i d like to offer some advice free of charge from a viewer s perspective if you want to make a serious exotic adventure film do it if you want to make a spoof of exotic adventure films go ahead do not try to make both at the same time it doesn t work for example having a goofy comic relief character killed and beheaded and following it up with a monkey shaking a tree and dropping a coconut on a cannibal s head just makes you look like you had no idea what kind of movie you wanted to make this one is boring meandering cheap racist you get the picture a couple of smart moments and a few glimpses of nudity from kathy shower way too prissy here are hardly worth your trouble there is a reason everyone has forgotten about this film s existence"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21943": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "j rg buttgereit goes a bit too far with his movies and themes at times even for my taste but his movies are always something special and hard to classify they are artistically made with also often deeper meaning to its themes this movie is a perfect example of his work it s also really hard to label this movie it s not really a movie with a story to it in a sense of having a beginning middle and end in it it also doesn t have a main character but instead focuses on different suicides and killings on different days all different stories are being told with lots of class though some of them are of course more interesting and realistic than the others they are not necessarily connected but yet together they still tell a story the movie doesn t feel disjointed at all all different stories have a different feel to it and buttgereit tells the story without hardly using any words also typical for his style but instead lets the images and obvious sensible emotions of the characters tell the entire story it helps to make this movie an effective one to watch again the production values all aren t too high and this might be something that might scare off some people it however helps for this particular movie to set the right tone and atmosphere for the entire movie and its dark disturbing and depressing themes a buttgereit movie that i enjoyed watching"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21944": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "looking through the other comments i m amazed that there aren t any warnings to potential viewers of what they have to look forward to when renting this garbage first off i rented this thing with the understanding that it was a competently rendered indiana jones knock off what i got was one of the most offensive movies i can remember trying to sit through made all the more shocking by the movie s comparatively high production values i don t think this is a spoiler but if it is be warned if your idea of entertainment is watching bimbo getting raped from behind by fearsome tribal chief while she is staring into the dead eyes of her significant other s severed head by all means rent this flick if not i d advise you to look elsewhere for entertainment come to think of it that scene so succinctly sums up the movie that there s nothing else i really need to say about it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21945": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "der todesking is not exactly the type of film that makes you merry j rg buttgereit s second cult monument in a row which is actually a lot better than the infamous nekromantik exists of seven short episodes one for each day of the week revolving on unrelated people s suicides in between these already very disturbing episodes buttgereit inserts truly horrifying images of a severely decomposing male corpse the episodes aren t all equally powerful but as a wholesome der todesking is ranked quite high on the list of all time most depressing art house films particularly the episodes on wednesday involving a man explaining his sexual frustrations to a total stranger in the park and the one of sunday focusing on a younger man molesting himself to dead are extremely intense and devastating to observe the added value of this film or any other shockumenary like it is debatable and i m not even sure whether or not buttgereit had any type of message to communicate here there s the vague mentioning of an eerie chain letter that encourages its readers to commit suicide but mostly we remain uninformed about these people s motivations to end their lives so dramatically entirely unlike i expected der todesking isn t exploitative or repulsively graphic on the contrary actually i never could have hoped buttgereit would be so subtle and thoughtful regarding the portrayal of pure human misery the thursday episode is a perfect example of this as it stylishly shows different viewpoints of a famous german bridge while the names ages and occupations of persons who jumped off appear on the screen the production values are inescapably poor and the editing often lacks professionalism but this isn t what really counts in this type of cinema the subject matter is strong and forcing us to contemplate about the less cheerful but also indispensable aspects of life great use of tragic music too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21946": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "although this is generally a cheesy jungle adventure movie it does have some highlights the settings are quite beautiful and the pacing of the adventure is good you won t be bored watching it keith is as breezy as possible playing the eponymous lead an unabashedly drunk jungle guide shanghai d into escorting rich boy van hoffman and his gorgeous wife shower on a hunting expedition in cannibal country he never takes things seriously shower is there as decoration and keith makes extensive use of her she doesn t really have to act much she s not the only female to show off her body and the prurient aspects of the film make it about halfway to a t a picture there s nothing in this film that would draw specific attention to it or away from it produced to be shlock it succeeds without too much fuss a good am cable programmer"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21947": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my god buttgereit s masterpiece is one of the best movies i ve ever seen closer to peter greenaway and jean luc godard s movies this one is really disturbing but not gruesome as the nekromantiks all the little stories have a deep philosophic interest and the directing is totally inventive in spite of the lack of money see the bridge sketch highly highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21948": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "my year old daughter loved it as disney execs crassly calculated that she would that s the problem with air buddies it s a strictly by the numbers children s film filled with carefully calculated cuteness a couple politically correct morals and enough potty humor to avoid the dreaded g rating as a parent or even as a year old you ve seen it all before and done better before think dalmatians meets home alone and you get the general idea i m of the opinion that a good children s story is a good story period air buddies which is about as original as recycled paper fails to meet that standard it isn t the worst video your child could watch but there are megatons of better ones"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21949": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "der todesking jorg buttgereit s second full length feature film the first one was notorious nekromantik has no central character or characters but instead thematic continuity in the act of suicide divided into days of the week it comprises of a series of set pieces each of which featuring the self destruction of a complete stranger yes the production values are low and it s disturbing but in many ways der todesking is extremely effective it makes you think which is sometimes more important than pure entertainment unlike the other buttgereit s works it isn t very gory but there are some unpleasant images like castration scene in the tuesday episode a decomposing corpse and various acts of suicide the last sunday episode is so depressing and full of pain just amazing if you want my opinion out of check out this post modernism shocker disturbing art in the purest form"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21950": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "dear richard i know we all loved you on home improvement with tim allen but seriously do you not have anything else to do besides lame sequels to air bud i would have thought tim might have actually give you a bit role by now or even becoming his personal assistant i know that seems ironic but the pay benefits are much more rewarding everybody would see you around tim and instantly think tool time you would even get roles with bob vila more often instead you appear for minutes with a golden retriever and smiling i know there wasn t much of a script but you could have added to it i mean come on tim owes you one but seriously this movie does nothing for the air bud line quite the contrary the fake talking puppies are cornier than actually seeing the dogs play sports the original was better and you mr richard karn know that more than anybody this is an f movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21951": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i read a small ad in some horror magazine in the early nineties about liebe des totes the love of the dead or something similar this of course awoke my curiosity so i ordered nekromantik and der todesking the death king the nekromantik movies are ok even kind of interesting and unique in their approach to the subject necrophilia even if they obviously are horror opera entries rather than intended to invoke fear in the viewers mind they are actually quite funny todesking on the other hand is in my opinion one of the best films ever made it consist of a series of scenes depicting the many facets of death death as an enemy death as a reliever death as the very fysical decomposition of the body the film is a metaphor over life it shows how fragile life is and how short our lives are it reduces its viewers to the childs they we actually are the fact that we cannot really understand the nature of death and hence neither the process of dying is the core message of the film this is a most realistic film never does buttgereit try to hide death behind white roses or whatever no matter what moral standards you set up death is unevitable and will sooner or later be not a fiction but your reality this applies to you dear reader like it applies to the viewers of the film some juvenile reviewers seem not to grasp this which is fully excused since they of course will live forever this is no exploitation movie why because death does not exploit us humans it harvests us we grow for seven days then we are brought back to the schopenhauerian state of pre birth that is death buttgereit gives us his version of the oldest of tales whether you choose to regard it as optimistic or pessimistic is up to you at first glance it may seem very dark consider though that in order for something to live something else must die who wants to live forever i believe that when buttgereit shows a body that are being consumed by maggots he shows not only decomposition but generation of new life is it not better to die and give life to maggots and then birds and eventually become soil than to remain the living dead zombie that is one of the the favorite pets of the genre when you realize this you see der todesking it its right context sieben tage hat die woche siebenmal letzte stunden seven are the days of week weak mortal seven times the last hour dont fear the reaper buttgereit tells us because the reaper takes only what is ripe and apples that are not plucked for food will rot have a good life fellow imdb ers and watch this film that compares only to ingemar bergmans the seventh seal in terms of depth and universality"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21952": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "succubus the edited version of necronomicon getr umte s nden is a struggle to sit through even at a lean minutes any more of this dreadfully boring and pretentious euro horror tripe and i may have slipped into a coma jess franco once again delivers a truly awful piece of s trash that appears to have been made by a cast and crew out of of their heads on class a hallucinogenics since not one second of this mess made any sense whatsoever apparently this is one of the better of his films it s hard to believe that there are worse efforts out there the unfathomable plot deals with franco s usual themes of sex violence and lesbianism and throws in a bit of s m for good measure and yet it still manages to remain mind numbingly tedious i may leave it quite a while before entering the world of dodgy euro horror again life is too short to be spent watching bilge like this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21953": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "carla is a secretary who is essentially deaf without her hearing aids when she finds herself overloaded at work she is able to hire paul to help her out paul is just out of jail and his past is not entirely behind him to say too much more about the story which has many twists would be a mistake the most interesting thing about this film for me is how sound is used to indicate when carla can hear and when she can t a sort of point of hear like point of view the early scenes that set this up as well as the early character development of carla and paul was more interesting to me than the twists and turns later on some of which were hard to follow and or stretched credibility a bit there is also some unpleasant violence back to the positive side the cinematography was very good the film is worth seeing but perhaps not seeking out seen at the san francisco international film festival on"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21954": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i know that in this episode there s other stuff apart from what i am going to discuss and in fact i think it has some virtues for example the fact after we had been given a very negative opinion of jin from seeing sun s flashbacks in house of the rising sun we get to see jin s side of things and get a new more balanced understanding of his life but there is an element in this story that made me so deeply uncomfortable that it greatly dampened my enjoyment of the whole episode before now in the scene where jin appeared with blood on his hands and shirt it had been hinted that sun s father was someone who was getting rich through shady illegal methods i thought maybe he was a mob boss even mobs operate in korea just like in almost every other country in the world so it was a reasonable possibility however in this episode we learn that sun s father is in fact the boss or a top executive of a korean automotive company and that what jin had been doing was physically attacking a government official who was actually going to be murdered on his behalf i may be especially touchy about this because i happen to work in the automotive industry but i would say it is spectacularly offensive and racist to even suggest that this kind of thing goes on in korea that huge serious companies like hyundai or kia which must be the model for this fictitious car company as they are the only ones that actually exist in reality operate with these mafia like methods instead of like any normal automotive company of the west it is just unbelievable to me that the writers would have the gall to write something like that into the story and that there hasn t been an uproar in korea over it it feels like extraneous buy american propaganda portraying foreign car companies as criminal untrustworthy third world outfits"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21955": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the author of nekromantik j rg buttgereit s second feature film der todesking is a powerful masterpiece centered around a chain letter originating from a group called the brotherhood of the th day the movie shows episodes each consisting of one day during one week where suicide is approached using different characters and situations all the while the letter is making it s rounds do not touch this one if you like hollywood movies or musicals enjoy happy or even remotely normal movies or expect a movie to be good only if it is focused on stage acting the nihilistic avant garde approach of der todesking well explains why buttgereit s movies in general were banned in germany their native country of origin during the s and most of the s der todesking is not really focused on the characters appearing on screen but the meaningless apathy or depression most people s lives consist of in general buttgereit does not find reasons to go on living only reasons to stop and in choosing how and when you die you can also be the king of death der todesking buttgereit s movies are generally difficult to categorize and der todesking is no exception featuring the same crew and almost the same cast as all other of his movies art film would probably be the closest description every time der todesking features an original method to shoot create the mood and handle the central object in almost every scene during one scene the camera slowly continuously pans in degree circle while a person lives in a small one room apartment for a day during another buttgereit uses sound and film corruption to depict the collapsing mental state of a man while he dwells in his desperation during a third seemingly pleasant scene names ages and occupations of actual people to have committed suicide are shown on screen supposedly warranting the ban in germany for this particular movie episode movies and especially this one as the scenes are only vaguely connected generally suffer from incoherence and der todesking is no exception while all episodes have the same focus of inflicted death and it s consequences or subsequences in all it s variations there are very powerful episodes yet an episode or two might even seem like filler material partly draining the overall power of the movie still the the jaw dropping immensely powerful intermissions depicting a decomposing body manage to keep the movie together and cleanse it from it s more vague moments back to the status of greatness the general atmosphere is baffling awe inspiring highly depressing and sometimes even disgusting so much so that dozens of people left in the middle of the movie during a theater showing in a film festival i took part of this is one movie that does leave a lasting impression and i strongly recommend it for anyone looking for a special experience and something they will definitely remember in years to come not recommended for the faint of heart or show time fans this is a small different movie that truly raises feelings in the audience whether it be confusion amazement or even hate you aren t likely to be left cold by this in my opinion the best achievement of this small indie crew the main theme of the movie die fahrt ins reich der menschentr mmer part i iii was released in a limited piece vinyl edition which is now much sought after you still can get the classical masterpiece by getting the nekromantik soundtrack cd which i highly recommend the lo fi synthesizer music in the movie is dark and quirky almost illbient like makes an essential part of the movie s atmosphere and is something you would very very rarely hear otherwise much recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21956": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "almost golden the jessica savitch story aspect ratio sound format stereo bland soap opera dramatisation of the rise and fall of america s first female tv news anchor with a tighter script and direction and a better cast this might have passed muster but the flimsy story really wasn t worth the effort a good documentary on the subject might have been the best way to go typically strong production values in the tv movie conveyor belt manner but it s all as superficial as old fluff and just as engaging"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21957": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "like the first touch of pleasure and guilt like a spontaneous youthful flirt of fascination and fear like a climax of contrary emotions said one of the movie buffs after viewing love at the top the misinterpreted title version of stylish director michel deville s le mouton enrage vincent canby in new york times however just after the premiere of the movie stated love at the top which opened yesterday at the th street playhouse is a french comedy that dimly recalls a number of nineteen fifties english comedies about the rise and rise of cynical young men possessing and possessed by ambition yet the significant difference that he mentioned was the fact that love at the top is not concerned with the english class system january having left the evaluations up to single individuals of course the test of time has done its just job what may be said with certainty after more than years is that we can hardly find such movies like le mouton enrage where decadence appears innocent where liaisons appear youthfully enthusiastic where feelings occur so manipulative for romy schneider s fans it seems useless to point out that this film is a must see not only because she gives a unique performance as she did in all of her roles at the heyday of her career years before her sudden death but because she is particularly attractive here it is not trio infernal where the so to say forced escape from and the mockery of romy s sweet image haunted for years by saccharine sissi meets its most discouraging manifestation but a film where the brilliant actress is given a fair role she plays roberte a woman who becomes the object of lust for the story s lead playboy nicolas mallet jean louis trintignant it is him who takes financial profits from lustful liaisons this movie can boast truly memorable and unique shots of romy and she is given some of her very best scenes romy s sex appeal is unforgettable here another strong point of the film is its execution of the content with a development of individual perception immoral as it may seem the director makes a perfect use of contrast conventions vs pleasures innocence vs decadence genuine lust vs instrumental affair nicola owns most of the features that viewers may like or detest may find attractive or disgusting yet his are the features the viewers must treat seriously more to say they are the ones we all must accept that is why one is led to a peculiar gently wild erotically unique world of the main character although he sleeps with lots of women there are two women that represent a sort of contrary worlds for nicola roberte groult romy schneider and marie paul jane birkin he manipulates them makes love to them cannot refrain from both desire for their bodies and desire for money yet he perceives them differently yet despite all of this adult maturity he is emotionally like a little boy who plays with a toy car on the table a sort of detailed insight into male mind in a comedy like way of course finally there are very good performances which makes le mouton enrage slightly underrated not only the aforementioned romy schneider does a brilliant job supplying the viewers with an extraordinary insight into her role but young jane birkin appears to be convincing in the role of young inexperienced streetwalker marie paul jean louis trintignant makes it possible to see nicola in the right way this artistic merit lying in performances goes with terrific music by camille saint sa ns the tune that will ring in your ears for long therefore apart from some flaws of the movie like dated colors slow action sometimes possible clich s noticed by some viewers the merits should be found significant le mouton enrage in sum is a clear manifestation of contrary manipulative tools in life it is worth seeing as a moment in romy s career a prelude to strong eroticism a chain of contrary emotions of love and hatred appreciation and disgust compared to the first orgasm and the first angasm but aren t we humans viewers movie buffs built upon such contrasts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21958": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am a huge charlton heston fan he is without a doubt one of the greatest actors of all time but what was he thinking when he made this movie normally if he made a bad movie i could blame it on the screenwriter or director but in this case it s all him the suckiness of this movie is all his fault it proves that not even heston can make a shakespeare story interesting i wasted and a half hours of my life on this snooze fest and i ll never get that time back this is by far the worst heston movie that i ve ever seen if you are a shakespeare fan maybe you ll find this movie entertaining but if you re not don t waste your time you ll regret it in the long run"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21959": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a comedy of morals so occasionally a gentle touch of bitterness occurs but a lightness soften all sarcasm and irony flows till all of a sudden one moment will halt your heart and changes everything this film marvelously written and directed is a gem that shines perfectly with beautiful acting by all jean louis trintignant is exquisite as usual and romy schneider is a pearl perfect and glowing that is not to be missed a truly wonderful film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, 1]}, "21960": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m a big fan of lucio fulci many of his giallo and splatter flicks are amongst my favourites of all time but this made for tv movie is extremely sub par and not what i ve come to expect from the great italian director the film is neither interesting like some of fulci s more tame giallo s or gory like the majority of his cult classics thus leaving it lacking in both major areas and ultimately ensuring that the film isn t very good the film works from a plot that has been used many times previously but still it s an idea that always has the chance of springing an interesting story just because it focuses on the theme of the afterlife which is the ultimate unknown this film focuses on giorgio mainardi a man that isn t exactly well liked and after he dies of an apparent stomach hemorrhage there aren t many people that are sad to see him go this means that his ghost is trapped somewhere between life and the afterlife and so he decides to try and get to the bottom of his death and his only ally in this endeavour is his daughter the video that i saw this film on is proudly proclaimed that the film is in the style of hp lovecraft and that s one of the most blatant attempts to sell a film i ve ever seen there is nothing even slightly reminiscent of the great horror writer in this tale and the reason for that tagline would appear to be because of title similarity to the stuart gordon lovecraft film from beyond which is a lot better the film does benefit from a distinctly italian style and the score is rather good unfortunately however fulci has seen fit to positively roast every scene in it and so the theme quickly becomes annoying the plot plays out in a really boring way and most of the scenes simply involve the ghost desperately trying to find things out or the daughter placing her suspicions over her family members this movie was made for italian tv and so it s not surprising that it s all rather tame there s a little bit of gore and a nightmare sequence with zombies but this isn t the fulci we all know and love overall this film is extremely mediocre and not a good representation of fulci s talents not worth bothering with unless you re a fulci completist"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21961": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "nicolas mallet is a failure a teller in a bank everyone walks all over him then his friend a writer who s books no one likes has a plan to change his life our hero tells his boss he is quitting he intends to spend the rest of his life making a great deal of money and sleeping with a great many women and he manages to do just that if it were not for the amount of death murder suicide natural causes in the film this would be a farce there are numerous jabs at marriage politics journalism and life jean louis trintignant is a likable amoral rogue romy schneider is at her most appealing definitely worth a look"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21962": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "seeing a photo of a man being attacked by zombies gave me hope that lucio zombi fulci might be up to his old tricks unfortunately other than the close ups of a rotting corpse there s little to recommend in this story of the murder of a wealthy man and his daughter s quest to figure out who killed him none of the characters are appealing and by the time you find out how they did it that twist at least was cool you stop caring the only good thing i can say is that it made more sense than nightmare concert"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21963": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "love at the top the utterly wrongheaded american title for the superb french film le mouton enrage which means i think the rabid sheep is such an original movie the fact that it dates back to seems all the more astounding this film was far ahead of its time even by today s highest standards it accomplishes things that seem rich and new filmed by the hugely underrated director michel deville it rather defies description in the way it combines social critique comedy mystery love sex and satire into one wholly original mix leaving for the end a major but subtle surprise to render all that has gone before suddenly sad and more understandable the cast is splendid ditto the writing and theme but it s deville s delicious tone keeping you constantly off balance but enrapt that pushes this lost film to a very high level indeed the written interview with the director on the special features section of the dvd is definitely worth reading if you have the time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21964": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is definitely not one of lucio fulci s better flicks by any stretch of the imagination the plot is pretty bad a millionaire is murdered and his spirt calls upon his daughter to find out who did it but the biggest problem i have with this besides knowing who killed him within minutes of watching the movie was wondering why anyone should even care the father comes off as being a really big jerk to everyone he came across including the daughter who he asks to help him which made it quite hard for anyone to care who killed him but no one really watches a fulci flick for a good storyline to do so would be like watching a porn for incredible script writing and acting typically his movies try to compensate for this by adding excessive scenes of gore but even that is lacking in this movie if you re looking for a good fulci flick check out the beyond"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21965": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kalifornia is a good hollywoodish odyssey of suspense and terror which tells of two couples who drive cross country to california to share the cost of gas a pair of losers lewis pitt and two wannabee artists a photographer and a writer duchovny forbes pitt nails his character which is the focus of this somewhat predictable thriller a good watch for those into psycho killer flix"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21966": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "he really lost the plot with this one none of his distinctive trademarks here at all an uninteresting plot and completely terrible acting make this his worst film in my opinion even his trademark gore is gone bar one scene in an operating theatre oh well at least his next film nightmare concert showed that he could still shock when he wanted to"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21967": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "so so thriller starring brad pitt and juliette lewis who join david duchovny and michelle forbes on a road trip out west the latter couple are researching notorious murder sites for an upcoming book pitt s a serial killer on the lam unbeknownst to dave and juliette is his poor not all there companion this is a good cast and the story moves along but pitt isn t belivably scary as a serial killer although it is one of his better earlier roles the best thing is here is michelle forbes who always manages to shine whether in her roles on `homicide life on the street or in the brief series `wonderland vote"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21968": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "more of a mystery movie with some gratuitous horror elements thrown in mediocre overall it starts with a woman having a nightmare in which her sex partner gets out of bed goes into the room of her crying child and kills it she wakes up then that man is dying in a hospital spitting up blood his estranged daughter arrives and he manages to contact her through her dreams i think and he wants her to find out who killed him before his body entirely decomposes in its grave there s not too much mystery about who did it or even how most viewers will have figured that out long before it is revealed i m not sure the way he was killed would really have worked anyway the horror elements get in through a gory autopsy the recurring dream of the man killing the boy a nightmare in which a plate of eggs turn into eyes which are then cut and several shots of the decomposing man both in nightmares and actually in his grave i was a little surprised to see a dedication in the end by fulci to clive barker interesting"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21969": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kalifornia is a great film that makes us look at ourselves the film has a great cast brad pitt johnny suede a river runs through it and the legends of the fall as early grayce david duchovny the x files as brian kessler michelle forbes star trek the next generation homicide life on the street and escape from l a as carrie loughlin brian s girlfriend and juliette lewis natural born killers cape fear and what s eating gilbert grape as adele corners early s girlfriend brian kessler is a writer who is a liberal is getting ready to write a book about serial killers brian and his girlfriend carrie decide they want to move to california so brian places an ad at the college for some who wants to go to california to share expenses on the trip early grayce is an ex con and sociopath on parole who recently lost his job at the mirror factory in town is in debt owes his landlord money early s parole officer stops to visit him and tells him about a job early goes to the college and sees the ad he later tells adele his girlfriend about leaving to go to california early and adele meet brian and carrie at the bus stop and leave town brian and carrie do not know that he is a killer who just killed his landlord for a little while brian and carrie thought of early and adele different but got to know them and become sort of friends carrie and adele become real good friends their journey is a very learning one though brain and carrie not knowing early is a killer till later on in the movie the question brian asks in this film about the difference between killers and us is a very good question early grayce is a sociopath who doesn t see the error of his ways goes down hill later on and pays the price this film is a great movie i give it stars and thumbs up i love the songs in the movie especially at the end of the film the song look up to the sky by the indians"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21970": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "action violence sex and coarse language are the things that the characters do during the whole movie and everything they do is done without reason mark l lester is un known for his violent without reason movies commando the base the story is weird but stupid the actors play their stupid characters very well i m not telling they are stupid but i mean they are very bad actors it s another low budget unknown b series action movie if you saw something like operation delta force drive the patriot sanctuary or something like these bad movies from the same kind than misbegotten don t rent it and by the way don t rent any of the movies i mentioned i give it and a half out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21971": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "david duchovny and michelle forbes play a young journalist couple who want to go to california but can t really afford to so they ride share with another young couple brad pitt and juliette lewis to save on expenses the idea is for them to stop at various murder sites along the way sites where serial killers did their thing since brian duchovny is a writer and carrie forbes is his photographer what they don t know is that pitt earley and lewis are serial killer and girlfriend who just goes along with whatever he says i don t care for pitt as a rule but he does justice to psycho roles the scary thing is that he does them so well i ve actually known people like him before no not killers but with pretty much the same mindset anyway as the road trip goes along carrie guesses that the others are about out of money but earley seems to always come up with the cash somehow never mind that he leaves someone dead here and there to do it though lewis does her role well one that she excels at a not too bright waif that has a good heart but doesn t understand that she doesn t have to put up with being beaten up by earley when she does something he doesn t like as things begin to get more unacceptable carrie insists that the other couple be put out at a gas station and unfortunately it s at that point where she s inside that she sees a news bulletin that tells her exactly who they ve been ride sharing with after which things go downhill for them at a rapid clip this is not the greatest flick in the world but it s not bad i watched what was supposed to be the unrated version but i wonder how much was cut out of the rated version because this seemed fairly tame to me really not that this makes it family fare or anything unless it s maybe the manson family out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21972": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "routine suspense yarn about a sociopath dillon who gives his sperm to a clinic of human reproduction and starts to harrass the lives of the woman antony and his husband mancuso extremely predictable far fetched and with undecided tone all the way don t lose your time with this one make a baby instead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21973": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have to start off by apologizing because i thought the first of this film was hilarious it s mostly because of brad pitt s performance spot on the acting by all involved was quite good but brad stole the movie the atmosphere was perfect in all respects i m not a giant pitt fan but this has got to be one of his best roles ever brutal honest gritty all good words to describe this movie i was reading a previous review and the person said that the reasoning behind early s violence isn t explained it is explained but they thankfully don t have to go into graphic detail to get their point across overall i gave this a because every scene bar or was effective i think the humor in the first half or so is perfect for this movie underrated"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21974": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i ve come to realise from watching euro horror especially films made by cult luminary jess franco that you can t expect a plot that makes much sense however franco has gone overboard with this film and despite a surreal atmosphere and the film s reputation as one of the director s best succubus is unfortunately is a truly awful film i ve got to admit that i saw the american cut version which runs at about minutes but unless it was just the logic that was cut i m sure the longer european version is just as boring the plot has something to do with a woman marauding around practicing s m and talking rubbish and it s all really boring there s no gore and the sex is dull and most of the runtime is taken up by boring dialogue and despite the fact that this is a short film i had difficulty making it all the way to the end i have to say that the locations look good and franco has done a good job of using his surreal atmosphere but the positive elements end there jess franco is definitely a talented director that has made some classic trash films but this looks like it was one he made for the money and overall i recommend skipping it and seeing some of the director s more interesting works"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "21975": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was totally engrossed in this film from the first to last minute it is brilliantly shot with lots of interesting and original camera angles and techniques employed the plot surrounds a deaf woman who is picked on by friends and colleagues alike she hires an assistant at work with her true intention being to find love he s an ex con and she takes advantage of him to wreak revenge on those who have hurt her in return she must help him with a heist that requires her lip reading skills to pull it off the film transcends into a dark film noir with a couple of truly excellent scenes and an even better finale the real beauty in this film comes from the way the director takes advantage of the leading character s disability the use of sound keeps the tension consistent and the dramatic shifts from silence to noise keeps the blood pumping that s for sure throw in a little black comedy and undertones of erotic sexual repression you ve got the makings of a great film it s the sort of film hollywood really wants to make but just can t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21976": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched of this movie and wondered why it got such horrible reviews here it was fairly easy to watch at am it had good casting kevin dillon s role of the sociopath serial killer was very believable he was both charasmatic and chilling the rest of the main characters weren t so bad either this is your typical stalker suspense movie a married couple cannot conceive so they go to a fertility clinic for help a sociopathic genetic material donor fixates on the recipients and in typical stalker form intrudes into their lives as i said most of the movie was fairly good we see conan grow more and more obsessed in raising his baby and creating the perfect family with the mother of course things don t work out for him the way he planned not a bad plot line but the last minutes were just horrible i am pretty tolerant with movies especially at am but i was just amazed at how bad the ending was written i actually scoffed outloud all in all not the worst movie i ve seen but i wouldn t be able to sit through it again unless i skipped the ending the only redeaming quality here was kevin dillon s role one of the best serial killers ever try looking around at the other channels before watching this but if nothing better is on i d give it a try"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21977": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is great brad pitt will never be able to out act the performance he gave in this movie duchovny was top notch as was forbes and lewis the main characters embark on a scenic road tour of historic murder sites in one of the coolest cars ever made s model lincoln continental early grace is a simpleton with a taste for dry toothbrushes and carnage he likes his women to not curse or smoke and wear pwt dresses duchovny and forbes are a pair of artists from the city while early and lewis are trailer parkers from the rural outskirts even though the majority tone in the film is dark there are plenty of funny scenes to be had the writing directing and acting are brilliant if you like road movies murder humor and narration watch this film everyone delivers and you will want more when the credits roll one of my all time favorites hey shave that dog n teach it to hunt"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21978": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "grand central murder dir s sylvan simon production mgm this mediocre b mystery was one of only five films released in with simon as director surely he could have fit another red skelton film or two on his schedule anyway grand central murder is a shameless rip off of the thin man films minus the wit charm and chemistry of the leads we are treated to a paper thin plot that can barely support its minutes bad acting and weary gags van heflin and virginia grey play nick and nora char er rocky and butch custer he s a pi and she s his wife and sleuthing partner they engage in humorous banter with each other see it s completely different already heflin s the only one here who hints at bigger and better things although he s real close to being a jerk in this virginia grey was in another thin man but again let me stress this film is nothing like that one no sir and just in case we start to think that this film is absolutely nothing like another film say the thin man we actually like sam levene pops up as the lead detective who s kind of dim and has to have van heflin subtly direct him toward all the important leads hmmm quickly the murder is that of bitchy schemer mida king who likes to trade up on rich men until she finds an even richer one she s played by patricia dane who s like a c version of hedy lamarr until she opens her mouth and turns into an f there s a whole array of wacky suspects all with their own motivation for wanting mida dead there s the society type the tough talking dames the thug the ex lover and a shady theater impresario tom conway here saddled with the unlikely character name of frankie ciro roman bohnen plays a nervous jittery type something i believe he may have done before millard mitchell plays an idiot cop who in a running gag that won t quit can t stop thinking about the piece of ass he s got waiting for him once this case gets wrapped up that s right millard mitchell swordsman finally in a completely ground breaking method of storytelling something we ve never seen before all the suspects are gathered up in one place where they tell their stories as flashbacks to the detective as rocky takes mental notes until eventually the guilty person is compelled to dramatically blurt out a confession on top of the actual picture being a dud i naively thought going in that there might be a couple of location shots of the actual era grand central but alas no there s merely one very brief shot at the beginning thanks for nothing grand central murder so to sum up a wee bit formulaic but heflin was okay out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21979": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i can t say too much about kalifornia as sadly i have yet to actually see the whole thing i ve only managed to see it in bits and pieces on fuse but what i have seen is absolutely awesome i am a fan of brad pitt but i admit not all his earlier movies are well good but this role i just his acting is great his character early seems so normal well okay creepy dark weird but you know normal for a hillbilly of that type i guess and juliette lewis s performance although i can see how some may be annoyed by it i think it s amazing sadly i have yet to see the end but from reading other reviews on here it sounds good but disappointing i have to admit that i wish david duchovany s sorry if the spelling on that is incorrect was a bit flat but for him it was okay his wife s character was better and i thought her performance while not the best in the movie was pretty good a portrait of the avant gard older sister type particularly the scene where early and brian go to play pool and adele and carrie are having their one on one time together i ve watched that scene at least twice now and i still think the acting in it is just wonderful one because of the emotion that adele portrays after talking about being raped by the three guys and how she feels about early and carrie s reaction to it everything about that i think is just so perfect i mean maybe it s because i can relate a bit i m not sure as for brad pitt who plays the serial killer that we actually get to see for once i thought he was great some movies with pitt that i ve seen were just average or not worth seeing i don t think i ve ever seen a terrible pitt movie or if i have it s not because of his acting it s other factors this movie was not one of them he turned out a great performance in kalifornia i swear i m not just some random i do like him for his acting not just because he s good looking i mean his character in this movie isn t exactly handsome or cute by any means pitt is dark brooding and downright scary at times yet he s also cheerful funny nice and even loving towards adele granted there are some spots that made me want to reach through the tv and strangle him but that s probably just me and the character pitt played in the movie but it also shows how good pitt s acting was in this movie it made me forget that he was playing a character that is what good acting is supposed to do at any rate i wish i could say more but that s all i can really say without having seen the ending i have seen most of the movie through what i ve caught on fuse and as i m writing this i m taping it on dvr so hopefully i can write a more complete review later i just wanted to share my thoughts on a movie that i thought was something really cool and something that seems to have gotten overlooked it shouldn t have"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "21980": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have to say this is an awful movie for the mere fact that when you see this movie on the guide it is listed as a documentary as i watched it i started laughing thinking to myself does this guy actually expect me to believe this is real so i had to look it up and now see that it is a movie but now since it isn t a documentary it is now a movie with bad acting so either way it is pretty bad i actually didn t make it to the end i had to shut it off i am a nyc police officer and felt that someone was trying to mislead people into thinking this is a documentary with the intentions of making money off of a terrible day for me and my coworkers so i took it a little personal maybe i was blinded by that and it isn t as bad as i personally think it is everyone has their own opinion"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21981": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a surprisingly effective thriller this david duchovny and michelle ensign ro forbes are a successful professional couple he a writer she a photographer forbes is desperate to move to california and in an act of compromise mulder agrees to the move on the condition that along the way they visit sites of historical interest concerning famous serial killers his idea he writes the words she takes the pictures with the end result a bestselling coffee table book that will set them up for life to help finance the trip they decide to car share and advertise the fact as their bad luck would have it brad pitt sees the advert and shortly after killing his landlord he and his girlfriend juliette lewis meet the writer couple and begin their cross country trek inevitably mischief ensues pitt is outstanding as the genuinely chill inspiring early grayce and is capably backed up by lewis playing her customary white trash character that seems to be her default setting duchovny and forbes make for a convincing double act too and as events spiral out of control you as the viewer are sucked into their plight and can feel the tension ratcheting intelligent sinister and beautifully shot this deserves recognition beyond its current status a top movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21982": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a blair witch war movie that is as much of a letdown as bwitch was the title says it all save your money and your time and spend it on a good movie such as once upon a time in america the shawshank redemption or enemy at the gates if you want to watch a great war movie etc this movie if it were a baseball team and the major leagues were the pinnacle and single a was the rookies then this movie was high school ball it was filmed as if it were a high school drama club filming with their daddy s old camera sure they went into a hostile area to make a film but i don t call that brave around here we call that plain stupid this is a pass all the way now go watch it and then you tell me what you think"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "21983": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was one scary movie brad pitt deserved an oscar for this a traveling novelist played by david duchovny of the x files fame and his girlfriend pick up two hitch hikers juliette lewis and brad pitt on their way to california on their way they stop at infamous serial killer murder scenes to photography the scenes for an upcoming book duchovny s character is working on little do they know that the most disturbed serial killer in the history of the country is sitting right next to them in the same car"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21984": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a complete hoax the movie clearly has been shot in north western indian state of rajasthan look at the chase scene the vehicles are indian the writing all over is hindi language used in india the drive through is on typical jaipur streets also the palace is in amer about miles from jaipur rajasthan the film makers in their about the film in dvd bonus seem to make it sound that they risked their lives shooting in kabul and around almost all of their action scenes are shot in india the scene where they see a group singing around fire is so fake that they did not even think about changing it to afgani folk song they just recorded the rajasthani folk song how do i know it because i have traveled that area extensively they are just on the band wagon to make big on the issue i do challenge the film makers to deny it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21985": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a masterpiece to be recorded in the books and never forgotten a classic in time simply a must see a solid worth while very entertaining piece a good movie but there are some uneven elements or noticeable flaws may still be considered good in areas but this work has either serious issues or is restrained by inevitable elements deemed inescapable e g genre mostly a heap of nothing sparked by mildly worthwhile moments bomb not of a viewable quality kalifornia unrated for strong violent material considerable sexuality and language i rented this film expecting an in your face summer blockbuster quality celebration of brad pitt s face but was happily surprised and disappointed this really is more of a drama and very grim at that i remember some emotionally intense duchovny voice overs pitt plays out his possibly un sexiest film ever with startling talent who started out as a hopeless yet harmless white trash husband became realized as a violent disturbing alcoholic with a messed mind during some of the latter stages in the film i found it hard to keep watching him he was unpredictable and scary this proves very good writing and acting the whole movie is filled with bizarre sensational scenes that made me hold my breath not fewer than once and i don t mean action scenes i mean dialogue scenes so brilliantly crafted i actually winced and gasped at what i was seeing it was like watching a rhino and a lion put in a cage and watching as they gnawed each other to death again i am very impressed with the screenwriter s whoever they are did the impossible mixed oil and water i also very much enjoyed juliette lewis s performance it is so rare for this talented young actress to make an appearance these days that when she does it is such a joy some of her moments in this film brought me to tears i mean that the emotions this girl can arouse in your head are incredible and i clearly remember getting blurry eyed on a few occasions i almost feel like i m cheating the quality craftsmanship the film makers have displayed by only giving kalifornia a rating but the dark feelings that it stirs are too potent and depressing to raise it i do believe that everyone should see this movie though i truly do"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "21986": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just got back from this free screening and this osama witch project is the hands down worst film i ve seen this year worse than even catwoman which had the decency to at least pass itself off as fiction in september tapes a film crew of documentary journalists heads to afghanistan despite being thoroughly unprepared for the trip the conditions and oh yeah the psychotic and ridiculous vendetta of their filmmaker leader to avenge his wife s death on sept to track down osama bin laden they made eight tapes on their journey which now document their travels and of course their attempts to kill the terrorist leader the eight tapes thankfully all end at points significant in the narrative which is convenient for a documentary the psychotic idiotic protagonist who is given to long significant speeches that he probably learned watching macgyver cares nothing for his own life or the life of his innocent crew as he gets them further and further into danger through a series of completely dumb mishaps i don t know why he didn t just wear a sign on his back that said shoot me the crew s translator supposedly their sensible voice of reason does little more than whine and gets baffled as the idiot hero leads them into doom you wish they d brought along someone on their trip to call them all morons around tape i began rooting for the terrorists to shoot the film crew"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21987": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i had seen this film many years ago and it had made a lasting impression on me alas i have hardened to many films over the years and did not expect to be impressed by kalifornia upon watching again recently i am pleased to say that it is every bit as unnerving and watchable as it was ten or so years ago there are two things which really give this movie its power the first is its cast we have a staggeringly disturbing turn by a young brad pitt as early grace knowing pitt as we all do as one of the most enduring heart throbs hollywood has ever had it is refreshing to see him play such a vile unattractive character pitt pulls the show off without resorting to white trash clich or parody and manages to remain genuinely terrifying throughout the movie juliette lewis is equally impressive as grace s tragic girlfriend playing the character like a ten year old girl with a forty year old s life experience lewis manages to evoke pity for her character s station in life as well as contempt for her naivety but she underpins her performance with the kind of subtlety rarely seen by an actor so young personally i think it s a tragedy that neither pitt nor lewis were nominated for any awards for their performances here david duchovony and michelle forbes are both perfectly cast as the yuppy couple who unwittingly end up travelling across the us with pitt and lewis duchovony is aptly geeky and naive and forbes seems emphatically cynical and shut off but both actors manage to convincingly portray their characters changes as they are equally intrigued repulsed and strangely attracted to pitt the fine casting and uniformly brilliant acting aside this film really grabs us by the proverbial balls through its flawless pacing at the time kalifornia was released hollywood was releasing a slew of nice character turns out to be psychotic movies single white female pacific heights the hand that rocks the cradle deceived sleeping with the enemy etc most of these movies followed the same formula the only variation being the nature of the relationship between good guy and bad guy kalifornia doesn t really stray too far from this territory but its first two acts are the perfect example of the slow boil thriller and we are kept on the very edge of our seats waiting for the tide to turn when the penny does drop and pitt is let loose to play the maniacal bad guy the film shifts gears completely and the last twenty minutes don t quite live up to rest of the movie that said the action is thick and fast and the resolution is suitable cold the fight is over but the scars will always be there much of the narration provided by a somewhat whiny pre x files duchovony is a tad contrived of course it s meant to be from the book the duchovony s journalist character has written so one could argue that the self conscious narration is meant to be a nod to the kind of sensationalised style in which most journalists write the film is largely a success and is certainly a cut above of the thrillers of the past twenty years highly recommended but not for the weak of stomach or mind this film is disturbing on more than one level but then it s meant to be"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "21988": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is the worst movie i have ever seen i was going to get up and leave at tape but i stuck it out i now consider myself a masochist afghanistan come on guys who s the idiot who forgot to hide the sanskrit billboards i thought the lead actor george calil was particularly inept apart from the bad acting and over zealous camera shake i thought using the events of as a reason to make larson the lunatic implodes all over a screen near you disgraceful and irreverent to the victims of using a phone call from larson s wife sarah supposedly from one of the terrorist held planes on that day was appalling the camera shake didn t make me feel sick that cold hearted stunt did"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21989": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in brad pitt and juiliette lewis did a tv too young to die where both played the almost the same kind of parts that they do in kalifornia i have no doubt that is what led to their casting in this big screen film kalifornia finds aspiring writer david duchovny and his girl friend art photographer michelle forbes on a rocky relationship of sorts due to duchovny s obsession with writing a book and getting in the minds and souls of serial killers in fact he s got a most unusual odyssey planned he wants to go cross country and visit the sites of several famous serial killers but he and forbes are flat broke fate intervenes in more ways than financial with the arrival of brad pitt and juliette lewis a pair of strange southern types who agree to split the cost of gas on this cross country trip it turns out pitt is a serial killer himself and he decides to do a little research on his own delving into the mind of someone who is fascinated with amorality kalifornia is not the type of film i usually go for but in fact the acting ability and charisma of brad pitt make it work to a large degree pitt is the walking definition of an inbred gothic refugee from deliverance but better than he is is juliette lewis who once again is playing these low self esteem types which she seems to do well watch her scene with forbes as she does her hair and lewis describes her sad and pathetic life lewis s dialog and forbes s reactions ought to be shown in acting classes around the country for those who like their slasher flicks they don t come better than kalifornia"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21990": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "amateurish in the extreme camera work especially overwrought documentary camera operators needn t spin around all the time the script is truly inane and the acting is even worse on top of that the story is disjointed and meandering with some gaping holes in logic at one point the lead wishes to get thrown in jail in order to rub shoulders with suspected al quada operatives and thus get an interview with osama i found the story entirely unbelievable as a result of so many flaws the filmmaker lead role really portrays a rash idiot frat boy the only item of interest really is that the filmmakers did in fact film on location it s truly a shame they wasted their opportunity to make something interesting who financed this crap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "21991": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if this is supposed to be a portrayal of the american serial killer it comes across as decidedly average a journalist [duchovny] travels across country to california to document america s most famous murderers unaware that one of his white trailer trash travelling companions [pitt] is a serial killer himself rather predictable throughout this has its moments of action and pitt and lewis portray their roles well but i d not bother to see it again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21992": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well basically the movie blows it s blair witch meets sean penn s ill conceived fantasy about going to iraq to show the world what the war on terror is really about the script sounds like it was written by th grader no offense to th graders the two main actors over act the entire film they used the wrong kind of camera and the wrong type of film not that i know anything about those things but it just didn t look like real documentaries i ve watched and worst of all christian johnson took a great idea and made it suck it reminded me of the time i tried to draw a picture of my dog and ended up with a really bad stick figure looking thing that looked more like a giant turd i d rather watch the blair witch viii than sit through that again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21993": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kalifornia is a movie about lost ideals a journey on the darkest road ever the road of no return the plot is about a couple that set out to find a better life in california the man david duchovny in his best role up to now wants to write a book about the famous crimes that have happened in america and his girl who is a photographer is going to take the pictures so they set out on a trail of famous murders not knowing what awaits them on the way to share the journey expenses they decide to find another couple and they put an ad but the couple that answers it is not just any couple it is one of the strangest couples ever the girl is a naive frail creature that dreams a lot and loves cactuses the man is exactly the opposite a cruel ruthless murderer we learn that early in the film and we follow him along the journey to kalifornia not with c as usual but with k presumably symbolizing the word killer along his journey of betrayal murder and finally defeat all the leads duchovny pitt lewis and forbes give really good performances and you have to take into consideration that when this movie was filmed not even one of them was a star the photography is amazing with darkness covering the greatest parts of the movie and the music suits the dark character of the film on the whole this is a really good movie don t miss it you ll think again before taking some stranger in your car to share the gas with"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21994": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie fails miserably on every level i have an idea let s take everyone involved in this movie and ship them into a hot zone in the middle east maybe if we re lucky they ll all be shot and killed and we won t have to ever have our time wasted by them again did i mention that i have never been so bitter about a cinematic pile of crap in my entire life my god i can t think of anything i ve ever seen that was this bad i d rather watch ishtar times in a row than sit through minutes of this sorry excuse for a film if i ever happen to meet anyone who was involved in this film i ll spit in their face and then beat them senseless that s my two cents"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21995": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i bought this a while ago but somehow neglected to watch it until last night i do like juliette lewis although i m indifferent to brad pitt after this viewing i have to admit he s a perfectly fine actor his character was entirely believable and i didn t think brad pitt at all unfortunately i can t say the same for david duchovny i m an x files fan and i had to look twice to confirm the date of this movie as i d thought it was made a few years later i like duchovny but found his character a little two dimensional here except where he s doing voice overs that part was strong seemed in character good intonation etc otherwise i kept thinking agent mulder which is a pity michelle forbes was a treat why haven t i noticed her before i ll be looking up to see what other roles she s done and seeing those asap i am slightly concerned about stereotyping re lewis this film and natural born killers a firm favourite interesting though to see a contrast of characters in nbk she s a willing accomplice whereas here she abhors the violence and tries very hard not to acknowledge early s dark side until it s thrust in her face i enjoyed this film almost unreservedly apart from duchovny s character not seeming fully formed and perhaps being washed out somewhat by pitt s it was perfect i was also pleased with the ending glad that the innocent heroes did not die yet they had to suffer first it was realistic tense disturbing if you like nbk you may well like this movie and vice versa"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "21996": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "even though there s a repertoire of over films to choose from this succubus is often named as the best jess franco film heck even the legendary filmmaker fritz lang counts succubus among his personal favorites so maybe it s me but i thought this was a dreadfully boring and overly confusing movie the opening is great though and shows janine reynaud performing an sm act on stage it s all downhill from here unfortunately reynaud s character is a maneater who eventually kills her lovers in some sort of trance franco had a decent budget to work with and spends it well on nice locations beautiful photography and a mesmerizing musical score this could have been his greatest film indeed if it wasn t for the lame and uninteresting story it s supposed to be psychedelic but i d say sophomoric is a better term to describe what s shown here half of the time you don t have a clue what s going on or what exactly is said so even the short running time of minutes seems to last ages this most certainly isn t franco s best film according to me i wouldn t even recommend it to die hard exploitation fans if you re looking for more superior jess franco film try to get your hands on las vampiras the awful dr orloff or female vampire"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "21997": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "surely one the french films of the decade so far a taut atmospheric thriller making full use of the lead characters hearing impediment to use sound in a way rarely explored in cinema emannuelle devos gives a truly stunning multi faceted performance at times devious and manipulative at other times open and vulnerable another reason why those who appreciate quality cinema should keep their eyes open for offerings from france"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "21998": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if it wasn t for some immature gullible idiot i know insisting that i watch this documentary i would never have seen this comedy this film is full of bad scripting and laughable moments one in particular is where the afghan police soldiers arrest don larson for filming in the streets while they allow the cameraman to carry on filming his arrest and then drive away still filming presumably to his plush hotel then there s the scene where a car crashes into another car which has been turned upside down and parked nicely on the side of the road without any evidence of it being in a crash or explosion i am surprised this has currently got the rating it has i thought imdb users had more sense"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "21999": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kalifornia is the story of a writer and his girlfriend photographer who are looking for someone to help pay gas money and take turns at the wheel for a cross country road trip to famous murder sights ironically a serial killer and his girlfriend answer the post kalifornia is a diamond in the rough and a very intriguing journey with a serial killer great performances all around by the leads with pitt in particular being exceptional check it out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22000": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched the first minutes thinking it was a real documentary with an irritatingly overly dramatic on camera producer when i realized it was all staged i thought why would i want to waste my time watching this junk so i turned it off and came online to warn other people the characters don t act in a believable way too much immature emotion for a guy to travel half way around the world into a war torn country he acted like a kid and i don t believe it was because his character was so upset about the trade center bombings very trite and stupid have you seen city of lost children french dark fantasy film about a guy who kidnaps kids and steals their dreams i liked it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22001": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kalifornia came out in just as of the lead characters were up and coming to the levels of fame they now possess in this is a nice psycho thriller that should appeal to all david duchovny fans because of his dry and intelligent narratives that find their ways into his work like with most of his episodes of the x files playing god and red shoe diaries people who were put off by the heavy southern accent from brad pitt and juliette lewis characters obviously have never spent much time in the south for every brian and carrie in the south there is an adele and early and in that s the real horror of this flick aside from that i think the film was written with a cult film intention like with carrie s photography it s not suitable for mass consumption but if you have a copy of this in your personal library i think it says something positive about your tastes for freaky movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22002": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i thought before starting with these movie that it might be a good one but when i started with it i found it really awful they said movie is being made in afghanistan but i think of the movie is shot in india you can see indian made cars you can see lars drinking bisleri an indian water brand hindi written on the road you can also see temples in afghanistan hahah its really funny and many more stuff which proves its not shot in afghanistan i think one should not waste his her time watching this movie pure time waste i would recommend to do something else instead of watching this movie or may be might heart is better idea but don t watch this waste of time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22003": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i had seen kalifornia before must be about years ago and i still remember to be very impressed by it that s why i wanted to see it again and all i can say is that it still hasn t lost its power even though i m used to a lot more when it comes to movies than that i was ten years ago kalifornia tells the tale of the writer brian kessler and his girlfriend carrie laughlin a photographer who want to move to california but instead of stepping on a plain and flying right to the state where they say it never rains they choose to make a trip by car he wants to write a book about america s most famous serial killers and she will make the matching pictures but because their car uses an enormous amount of petrol they decide to take another couple with them so they can spread the costs of the trip only one couple has answered the add so they will automatically be the lucky ones but they haven t met each other yet and when seeing the other couple for the first time when their trip has already started carrie is shocked without wanting to be prejudiced she can only conclude that early grayce and adele corners are poor white trailer park trash she definitely doesn t want them in her car but brian doesn t really mind to take them with them and decides to stop and pick them up anyway at first the couple doesn t seem to be that bad after all but gradually early grayce changes from a trashy hillbilly into a remorseless murderer not only is the story very impressive so is the acting from our four leads brad pitt is incredible as early grayce his performance in this movie may well be his best ever the same for juliette lewis she plays the childish and naive girlfriend that doesn t want to hear a bad word about her early and does that really very well but david duchovny and michelle forbes are a surprise as well they both did a very good job and i really wonder why we never heard anything from forbes again since this movie because she really proves to have a lot of talent overall this is a very good and impressive psychological thriller with a very powerful story but because of the graphic violence i can imagine that it may not be to everybody s taste although i don t really see another way how to portray a serial killer in a believable way personally i really liked this movie a lot and the violence never bothered me it s a part of the story that s too important to be left out i reward this movie with an"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22004": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i went into this hoping it would be the thought provoking little gem people have reviewed this as i love indy films and expected to dig this too knowing what a hot button this topics is i expected to be really entertained maybe even see an outsiders perspective all i can say is wow if your into self torture or mutilation then maybe you ll like this personally i don t like the idea of being pee d on or cutting myself so i thought it was garbage bad script bad acting bad story bad directing bad editing i could go on i have no clue why a reviewer claimed he or she was making a political point by giving this movie a that s misleading and ignorant voting for a movie on imdb isn t setting a precedent it just lets other people think that a garbage bomb like this is ok to watch as long as it s controversial this film is not it tries very hard to be but fails you know the movie is bad when minutes into it your praying that all main characters die horrifically unfortunately they do die but not in the painful manners that would have given the viewer some justice or vindication for having watched the hours of crap they just endured do yourself a favor just don t even bother i got this movie in a bargain bin at my local video store for and feel ripped off"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22005": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just got done watching kalifornia on showtime for the fourth time since i first saw it back in july of you would think that with the recent wave of serial killer films that kalifornia would be amongst some of the earlier films worthy of mention but hasn t perhaps if this film had been released sometime between like maybe it might have been more successful in my opinion kalifornia is much different from most serial killer films released during the late s it has an almost completely different atmosphere from most of today s serial killer films like seven or the bone collector many serial killer films have shown a killer but that person is always behind a mask or we never see enough of them to actually learn anything about them kalifornia is a film that actually tries to break through that barrier and actually understand the criminal mind it tries to answer questions like why do they do the things they do is it because of something that happened in their past does it make them feel superior or powerful or do they do it because they like the thrill of the kill these are some of the things that kalifornia tries to answer but also leaves room for us to try and figure things out for ourselves brad pitt makes an everlasting impression as early grayce when we first meet early in the beginning of the film we see that he is obviously one disturbed individual when we first see him it s late at night early is possibly drunk we then see him pick up a rock throw it off a bridge and it later lands on the windshield of a passing car pitt is fierce in this film it is always good to see him when he plays psychos or really bad people it s funny that this would later lead him play a true loon like in monkeys and that he would be on the other end of the spectrum in david fincher s seven"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22006": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie was completely misleading and the bonus material confirmed my impression that it was a rip off of joeseph conrad s heart of darkness the river is replaced by a road and the boat becomes a jeep and walter kurtz is osama the claims made on the outside of the dvd box was overt fraud to take this fabricated death of a journalist and present it as factual while some portions have muslims supporting the attacks for the usa s treatment of muslims around the world i alerted the video store that the movie should be removed from their documentary section and be placed in the war drama area for quasi fictional accounts of actual events"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22007": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s amazing that so many people that i know haven t seen this little gem everybody i have turned on to it have come back with the same reaction what a great movie i ve never much cared for brad pitt though his turns in monkeys and fight club show improvement but his performance in this film as a psycho is unnerving dark and right on target everyone else in the film gives excellent performances and the movie s slow and deliberate pacing greatly enhance the proceedings the sense of dread for the characters keeps increasing as they come to realize what has been really happening the only thing that keeps this from a in my book is that compared to what came before it the ending is a bit too long and overblown but that s the only flaw i could find in this cult classic if you check this film out try to get the letterboxed unrated director s cut for the best viewing option rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22008": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a terrible film it sucked it was terrible i don t know what to say about this film but dinocrap which i stole from some reviewer with a nail up his ass ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah sigh it s not roger corman that i hate it s this god awful movie well really but what can you expect from a movie with homoeric computer graphics which is another thing the cgi sucked out loud i hate this movie dreadfully this is without a doubt the worst roger corman b movie and probably the gayest b movie too it s it s dinocrap i m sorry i must have offended some nerds in these moments it s just an awful movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, 0]}, "22009": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "kalifornia is one of my all time favourite movies and it easily could be labeled as one of the best psychological thrillers of the `s the film has a very stylish surface to it but behind that are a lot of disturbing and honest depictions of homicidal maniacs and the terrifyng violence they inflict upon others one of the film`s strongest aspects is it`s performances brad pitt is startlingly great as a trailer trash psycho named early pitt potrays his frightening character almost flawlessly juliette lewis is equally as good playing his naive girlfriend her innocence is almost heart breaking kalifornia has a very simple plot to it that goes steadily and slowly forward for about an hour but it suddenly plunges into a harrowing spree of murder as pitt unleashes his psychotic personality there are alot of shocking scenes and it all mounts to a power house climax that will haunt you for days kalifonia is a film that should really be watched for it`s intense look at how monstrous a human being can be and not only for it`s violence and gore"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22010": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is the first non zombie subgenre review ive done but this movie is worth doing a review for dinocroc is a good movie in general but unfortunately it is still an obvious b movie the dinocroc itself looked great but i thought the movie itself needed a little bit more weight as in action and violence because whenever the croc is shown or is in a fight scene not very much goes on except the croc is shown and the croc either kills or runs off in a repeated process jane longenecker was hot which is a plus and the acting was better than average and the most surprising thing is that the croc looked fleshy instead of like a cartoon coughs curse of the komodo coughs i enjoyed this movie enough to be glad that there is going to be a sequel which is more than what i can say about some movies in general overall stars and worth a watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22011": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in the same vein as natural born killers another movie that was not so popular with critics because of its excessive violence but that i also loved kalifornia is a movie that clearly glamorizes violence but i like to think that it turns that around in the final act kind of like how the basketball diaries glamorizes drugs at first but shows the bad side by the end of the movie which is far worse than the good side is good david duchovny plays brian kessler an artistic yuppie with an even more artistically yuppie girlfriend who is into that violent sexy black and white photography generally reserved for i don t know where places where nudity passes for art maybe it really does and i just don t understand it at any rate brian and carrie duchovny and michelle forbes who fits the role flawlessly make the perfect couple to go on a documentary tour of famous murder sites brian the writer will write the book carrie can take the pictures being artistic types brian and carrie are not quite financially prepared for such a trip so they put out an ad for someone to share gas and travel expenses and are contacted by early grace and adele corners brad pitt and juliette lewis early is on parole and assigned to janitorial work at the local university by his parole officer sees the ad on a bulletin board and decides to leave the state for a while violating his parole but also leaving the scene of his landlord s murder so he won t have to deal with a pesky murder investigation two birds with one stone you know the movie has a curious ability to portray two stereotypes the artsy yuppies and the greasy trailer trash without resorting to clich s or even ending up with caricatures of either type brian and carrie are artsy liberals but while carrie catches on to early and adele brian is fascinated with early s status as an outlaw as seen in the scene where brian shoots early s gun never having fired a gun before he s as fascinated as a little kid while adele and carrie are back at a hotel and adele reveals such things in her childlike way as the fact that early broke her of smoking and that she s not allowed to drink early doesn t think women should early and brian are out at the local bar brian reacts nervously to a drunk trying to start a fight with him and early first gives advice to brian on what to do and then steps in and dishes out a quick lesson for the guy hit him bri it s comin this is one of my favorite scenes in the movie partly because it s so funny what early gleefully says as the guy s friends drag him away bloodied and battered but also because as it is intercut with the girls back at the hotel we learn so much all at once about the two couples their differences and the conflicts that are likely to come up because of them and besides that because brian benefited from early s actions and carrie is appalled by what she hears from adele it also illustrates the different way that carrie and brian react to early and adele clearly by now you can tell that this is not your typical odd couple type of thriller where the city folk run into the country folk and all sorts of stereotypical mayhem ensues on one hand it seems a little too convenient that brian and carrie go on a tour of murder sites and just happen to be accompanied by a real life murderer but on the other hand it s a great way to counteract the glorifying of murder that is inherent within a cross country trip designed to bring fame to murderers and their crimes while studying the actions of past murderers brian and carrie ultimately find themselves face to face with the very material that they are studying and realize that murder is not as pretty or morbidly fascinating when it s in your face as it is through disconnected studies of murders past i am constantly amazed at brad pitt s versatility as an actor consider for example his roles in movies like kalifornia monkeys fight club and ocean s and pitt is like tom hanks in that he can change his appearance drastically or just enough to fit a given character and is completely believable incidentally i tried in vain to be early grace for halloween this year but just couldn t get the hair and beard right i even got the hat right which initially i thought would be the hardest part it s easy to understand why a lot of people disliked kalifornia or why they think that it glorifies violence and murder but i think that whatever glorifying it does is done with the intention of clarifying the audience s understanding of its subject matter a film that didn t glorify violence at least initially could never be as effective as kalifornia but the movie structures it perfectly the glorification is all embodied in brian s and carrie s fascination with the idea of murder and the auras of the places in which is happened but their realization and ours is embodied in the real thing which they encounter with early and adele the movie s very purpose is to describe that difference between idealizing violence and seeing the horror of it up close and for real"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22012": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "now i myself am a lover of the b movie genre but this piece of trash insults me to no end first of all the movie is starring lizzy mcguire s brother as the annoying little kid that goes looking for his lost legged dog now please what kind of dumb ass mistakes a three legged dog for a god damn mutated crocodile please i ask you and heres another point for pondering why do they show the dinocroc on the back of the movie box being enormous and actually in the water i believe if memory serves the thing spent about minutes in the water and was just shy of feet tall that was a heart breaker but redeeming qualities to this movie were that it was so bad that i almost died laughing because believe me the bad acting made me wish for death but the fact remains that once again this thing is created by another military testing site to train super crocodiles for military combat or something like that from the source of all things evil e v i l corporation and let s not forget the characters let s see we have jerk off as the male lead and half way decent chick who doesn t know how to act as the female lead to that i say wow the only thing worse then the acting was the end of course the heroes spend about what seems like hours talking and planning some long elaborate way of killing the dinocroc only to have it fail and kill it in an ordinary way that could have taken about seconds to come up with all in all this movie was beyond gay with its random opera music in the background and the fact that it was probably the gayest of all cgi monsters ever made along with the fact it of course was impervious to bullets and bombs otherwise it wouldn t have been made for the military duh by far the best scene was when lizzy mcguire s brother runs into the shack and the dinocroc eats him causing his head to pop clean off with a popping noise i might add i believe that you would be better off shooting yourself between the eyes then to watch dinocroc and as for the director i believe that we should get a bunch of people to hang him by a noose and all take turns kicking him in the crotch for wasting an hour and a half of our lives until he finally dies and then i can go on living"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22013": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s amazing that so many people that i know haven t seen this little gem everybody i have turned on to it have come back with the same reaction what a great movie i ve never much cared for brad pitt though his turns in monkeys and fight club show improvement but his performance in this film as a psycho is unnerving dark and right on target everyone else in the film gives excellent performances and the movie s slow and deliberate pacing greatly enhance the proceedings the sense of dread for the characters keeps increasing as they come to realize what has been really happening the only thing that keeps this from a in my book is that compared to what came before it the ending is a bit too long and overblown but that s the only flaw i could find in this cult classic if you check this film out try to get the letterboxed unrated director s cut for the best viewing option rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22014": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a large part of the scenes should be cut off there is a lot of scenes that should have been cut off for example the scene where the hunters mentions i got spiders on my dick i like dick playing in the mud scene or a bar scene where a professional dinocroc hunters main job is a snake charmer how about other terribly incoherent scenes featuring a woman diane who wants to loose her virginity to a boyfriend who walks like he wears women s panties three sizes too small while they make love didn t they realized they are making it out next to the little boy who will soon run away and loose his head why did they do in a living room i mean his head really flipped how about the beach scene very reminiscent of steven spielberg s jaws scene at grant lake all these strange scene could easily be re dubbed and billed as a comedy here in my local town the cineplex theaters had been advertising for months about dinocroc and i am glad i didn t watch it because i later found out it was shown only for or days before it was canceled the movie was that bad i suspected that dinocroc was not a good movie looking at the preview it features the leg of dinocroc that looks like a child wearing green pajamas and slippers with claws and walks up and down like a year old it could easily passed over as baby geniuses if any students of movie making wants to learn what not to do this is a real classic trash such as diane s boyfriend who walks like he had an advanced case of syphilis makes you wonder what the poor woman sees in this guy who looks drunk even before he get to drink beer when this happens who cares about dinocroc the panties man looked more more interesting than the entire movie of dinocroc his acting was so bad he makes a much better replacement for mr bean move over rowan atkinson here is a man with a better comedic talent in a horror sci fi flick perhaps the worse casting in the history of hollywood"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22015": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s a road movie with a killer on board brian kessler david duchovny a sophisticated urbane writer wants to conduct field research on american serial killers but neither he nor his girlfriend carrie michelle forbes has the money for a cross country tour of murder sites so they advertise for someone to share travel expenses who they end up with is a young couple early grayce brad pitt and his girlfriend adele juliette lewis two better examples of poor white trash you will never find in all of cinema indeed early and adele are what make this film so entertaining as they babble cackle confide muse speculate drool and otherwise behave in ways i haven t seen since reruns of the beverly hillbillies early s idea of california people think faster out there on account of all that warm weather cold weather makes people stupid that s enough to convince adele i guess that explains why there are so many stupid people around here to which early responds proudly it sure does early continues to instruct adele about california you never have to buy no fruit on account it s all on the trees and they ain t got no speed limits and i hear your first month s rent is free state law but poor early has some well mental problems which become ever more obvious to brian and carrie as the four travelers proceed west across the u s as they enter the desert southwest with its beautifully stark landscape kalifornia starts to look more and more like the hitcher and early starts to act more and more like john ryder everyone s maniacal hitchhiker whose terror seemed so unstoppable in kalifornia the acting is uneven duchovny s performance is flat brad pitt is surprisingly effective despite his overacting at times michelle forbes is great as the avant garde photographic artist but my choice for best performance goes to juliette lewis with her nasal voice and heavy duty southern accent she is stunning as the naive highly animated child like adele toward the end the film takes on a twilight zone feel to it as our travelers enter a nevada nuclear test site with a dilapidated old house full of test mannequins the plot dissolves rather messily into unnecessary and preposterous violence an ending that was somewhat disappointing overall however kalifornia is an entertaining film thanks to a clever concept great scenery especially in the second half good cinematography great dialogue and that wonderful performance by juliette lewis"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22016": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there are some things i can never understand such as this movie what if i were to create a really really cheap and crappy looking dino and crocodile polygon model in maya and then proceed to cut and paste that into an amateur video clip having people scream and getting eaten by the same thing how can anyone even believe that an utterly fake cgi dinocroc that looks completely out of place would influence the events in this movie i know that its b grade low budget and all but the producers could do better than making a piece of crap that no one will ever seen see or sit through it just does nt make sense are people really so stupid that they would sit through this apparently so for laughs no this thing isn t even worth laughing at"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22017": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in a way this film reminded me of jumping jack flash remember whoopi goldberg at the shredding machine whoopi zonked out tranquilizers whoopi as blind lemon and imitating mick jagger great moments captured on film for sure but the movie still kind of sucks right that s how i feel about rich in love a man hears his wife sing for the first time post coital teenagers talk about the nature of love albert finney eats ice cream out of bucket and in another scene has a lovely waking moment regarding his absent wife alfre woodard adds another colorful character to her acting wardrobe but there s only the whisper of a plot here and you can t wait for it to get moving only when ex go gos charlotte caffey s the graces revs up a great pop song does the picture wake up and then it s over this picture is the equivalent of a lazy summer s day in the deep american south"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22018": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i had the misfortune to sit through the full minutes of what in my opinion is this shockingly bad film it fails on pretty much all levels the cast is awful the acting ham at best and the plot lacks any depth leaving me feeling violently apathetic as to the outcome of any of the convoluted story lines plan b has none of the charm this genre has the scope to convey and i found myself physically cringing at the various points where the script makes its regular misjudged meanderings anywhere towards the region of comedy a bona fide saccharine coated turd of a movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22019": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "vincent cassel plays the part of paul an ex con assigned to an office job where he meets carla a secretary who is quite deaf when she has her hearing aids in very deaf when not played by emmanuelle devos together they help each other to develop as people what was particularly interesting about this film was the complexity of the characters not fitting into obvious stereotypes paul appears uneasy in the office environment is it that he s just not cut out for work this belief is dispelled when he gets a job in a bar and shines the film has a certain amorality which i find refreshing and showed how easy is to act criminally even if we think it is harmless or justified finally it is a film full of great moments both touching and humorous one is when carla is babysitting and is trying to comfort a screaming baby she continues to cuddle it but takes her hearing aids out for her own comfort"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22020": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is possibly one of the worst giant killer animal movies i have ever seen it follows the typical premise of a laboratory experiment gone wrong and a giant crocodile with a rapid growth chemical in it escapes the monster looks way to much like a dinosaur having big tyranosaurous like hind legs when it should just look like an over sized crocodile everything about this movie is unoriginal and it constantly oozes cliche minute after minute why are there always two drunken redneck hunters out after dark who separate plus there s always a guy and girl who share a lame obvious love interest while they are in life threatening situations to much has already been said by me and i feel as if i m wasting my time writing this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22021": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a racist movie but worthy of study and enjoyment first time through it the natural inclination is to focus on erbe dad they have a relaxed peaceful thing going what with her still at home about to graduate from high school and him retired and kicking back waiting for inspiration to do something second time through you realize how horribly the sister s husband is dissed by her friends in the backwoods blues bar he takes it it s the thing to do these days and the critical moment passes as if they were chatting about the weather in that same scene the sister s blues song is a real tear jerker if you re the least bit sensitive and like that kind of music her performance feels like the climax of the story a blues story with the good guys being people of color in their element in backwoods sc meanwhile all the white folk in the movie lead what appears to be shallow meaningless lives fit only for making babies that s cool long as you recognize it as fiction"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22022": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the film looks like as if the director was forced to make this movie by some gang of terrorists it should actually be called dino crap there is nothing good about this movie even the actors are not worth a penny don t waste your time watching this movie the director should be shot in the head for having the mentality to create such a bad movie i mean isn t he ashamed of looking at peoples faces after they have seen his movie the dinocroc looks as if it was made in power point and pretty much cut and paste stuff and its the same old story man plays god creates some creature it escapes and is happy eating people and finally a pretty girl and a guy in a sleeveless shirt has to come and kill it bla bla u will figure out the plot in the first minutes of the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22023": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have enjoyed criminal intent series of law and order for a long time kathryn erbe det alexandra eames the female detective is rather hard and seems a bit bitter in the criminal intent series see her other side in this movie this movie shows the marvelous soft side of this talented actresses and if you are a criminal intent fan this movie is a revelry in her acting and you get a pretty darn good yarn of family hardships in the south i did not like albert finneys role in this movie because he did such a convincing acting job of the older southern fellow that is hard headed and intolerant and unaccepting of change he reminds me of so many men from my youth and the portrayal is divine but you will likely find him hard to like in this movie katryn erbe is easy to like in this movie and why i recommend it as a star for criminal intent law and order fans"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22024": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what an awful movie i love monster flicks but i couldn t watch even half of the terrible acting cardboard characters and abysmal special effects there is nothing redeeming about this movie the characters come from either an endless supply of suicidally stupid cannon fodder or else they are vacuous uninspiring sock puppets the plot is formulaic cut and paste standard science run amok drivel even the cgi is horrible you know it s bad when you can t even depend on the movie to provide some good eye candy no surprises here just same old same old this is truly one of the worst films ever made director roger corman should be hung from a lightpost so that children can use him as a pinata"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22025": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i liked this a lot in fact if i see it again and i plan to i just may love it i ll echo other reviewers in saying that this movie really does grow on you as you watch it starts kind of slowly but the way in enfolds is very natural and has a mood to it you just get into it i really liked the summery atmosphere to the movie and thought the movie was very touching as a whole the characters have a strong element of realism and the movie very slowly and gently weaves a spell as you get involved in the various interactions between them all and want to know how it will ultimately turn out and what paths the characters will choose to take i am very surprised that there are less then a dozen comments on this there are obscure tv movies that have more comments then rich in love one thing that i will say is i missed the ending which is driving me crazy and i have to watch it again to see that this is a movie that may not be for everybody but that i feel is strongly underrated even some of my most film buff purist friends who have seen almost every movie there is haven t seen this and it doesn t even seem to have much of a message board but i liked it a lot and to all those who like family dramas that are warm on scenery atmosphere and an unhurried languid pace should probably take a look at this especially note worthy is that it takes place in south carolina so for those like me who love the south and movies that take place there this is a gem i ll add my vote to the woefully few comments and recommend this little known flick"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22026": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water another computer generated mutant croc on the prowl for human lunchmeat let loose by another one of those facilities conducting mad science gereco biotech company is fooling around with growth hormone research accidentally releasing a baby crocodile which is evolving at an accelerating rate b movie cast add a deal of fun to this run of the mill genetic mistake monster movie costas mandylor evokes mick dundee aussie accent hat big ass knife the works as a croc specialist hired by gereco executive joanna pacula wasted in the stereotypical role of corrupt administrative executive who denies any involvement with the gigantic beast her facility let free on innocent people charles napier is the local sheriff whose town is in danger and jane longenecker is his hot daughter who works at the animal shelter soap opera star matthew borlenghi is longenecker s love interest a local artist who welds sculptures his brother is a victim of the croc of course this skill will come in mighty handy when our heroes set up a created trap for the croc hoping to poison it with carbon monoxide the croc itself is never the least bit convincing as it rampages through a reserve looking for food the special effects of a low grade variety in regards to roger corman productions dealing with renegade dino monsters i stick with carnosaur the monster here is essentially a crocodile standing on it s hind legs often upright as it pursues potential victims i felt mandylor and the filmmakers were spoofing crocodile dundee with his croc hunter and this imitation might amuse where the monster itself fails borlenghi and longenecker actually have pretty good chemistry together on screen as expected pacula gets her commuppance in hilarious fashion gulp"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22027": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "rich in love is a slice of life film which takes the viewer into the goings on of a somewhat quirky charleston sc family highly romanticized beautifully shot well written and acted ril washes over you like a summer breeze as its plotless meandering breathes life into the characters such that at film s end you ll feel like an old friend of the family a wonderfully crafted character driven film from the director of driving miss daisy ril is a somewhat obscure little sleeper which will appeal most to mature audiences"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22028": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is just a joke of a movie they lost me already at the opening scene spoilerwarning dangerous creature kills other creature in his cage this is watched by a scientist that works there on a monitor and guess what she does well lets go in to the cage to check the stuff out omg how dumb do those writers think human beings are come on thats the same like jumping in a fish tank with a great white shark because it ate your goldfish pretty useless and even more dumber and i will not even talk about the cast because they aren t worth the effort why they didn t fired the guy that wrote that immediately is a mystery to me and this kinda dumbness continues the entire movie only good thing where the cgi that is better then average for these kinda low budget movies if these kinda things don t bother you go see it but be warned if your iq is above you will probably hate it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22029": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "steely powerful gangster supreme frankie diomede the always terrific lee van cleef in fine rugged form has himself arrested and sent to prison so he can rub out a traitorous partner sans detection fawning goofball small time hood and wiseguy wannabe tony breda an amiable portrayal by tony lo bianco gets busted as well frank and tony form an unlikely friendship behind bars tony helps frank break out of the joint and assists him on his quest to exact revenge on a rival group of mobsters lead by the ruthless louis annunziata smoothly played by jean rochefort director michele lupo working from an absorbing script by sergio donati and luciano vincenzoni relates the neat story at a constant brisk pace sustains a suitably gritty but occasionally lighthearted tone throughout and stages the rousing action set pieces with considerable rip snorting brio a rough n tumble jailhouse shower brawl and a protracted mondo destructo car chase rate as the definite thrilling highlights van cleef and lo bianco display a nice loose and engaging on screen chemistry the relationship between their characters is alternately funny and touching the ravishing edwige fenech alas isn t given much to do as tony s whiny girlfriend orchidea but at least gets to bare her insanely gorgeous and voluptuous body in a much appreciated gratuitous nude shower scene riz ortolani s groovy pulsating syncopated funk jazz score certainly hits the soulfully swingin spot the polished cinematography by joe d amato and aldo tonti is likewise impressive a really nifty and entertaining little winner"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22030": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a low budget roger corman horror creature flick a dinocroc is created when manipulation of prehistoric genes runs amok an engineered croc first kills one of its own then gets the taste of human and becomes a fast growing terror after escaping none of the characters have any depth but then they are not the focal point we only get a few glimpses of the huge two legged dinosaur descendant and some of the best kill scenes in a small budget film my favorite scene is of a moronic character trying to use a three legged dog for bait and becomes croc food himself nothing left on the pier but ankle top feet with no real stand out roles jane longendecker bruce weitz and charles napier most pathetic is matt borlenghi and an obnoxious professional croc hunter costas mandylor i was most impressed with the alluring joanna pacula as the respectfully feared dr p dinocroc is redeeming as a crock of pickles"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22031": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i scooped up this title by accident with the grindhouse vol collection of pure euro trash movies but this movie has a nice stamp of approval and should deserve a better transfer than what is out there stupednous it is not satisfying it is watching this movie i couldn t help to wonder how come sergio martino didn t make this flick this has his signature all over it and punctuated by edwedge fenech alas not as well known as she should be but she did get a nice cameo in hostel ii double crosses and triple crosses underly and cement this film from beginning to end with lee van cleef oozing coolness under pressure from the st second did this guy have to go to italy to finally reach his potential or did the studio system let this guy slip through besides lee s more recognizable films film goers should try this on for size and see how if sergio leone would ve lowered his epic scale down on once upon a time in america to half the running time and of the budget this is what it would ve turned out to be like so refreshing it should be taken in during the day at home and make it for an couch matin e"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22032": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this tv made thriller is all talk little action it works hard to set up its convoluted plot yet the writing is so muddled the exposition is still cloudy at best by the end i knew no more about these characters than i did at the beginning it has a quasi ten little indians scenario but ditches it mid way through in favor of spotlighting sally field and her uncovering of a killer field overacts here with a gracelessness i ve seldom seen from her the early introductions are good but the writing quickly strays off course and eventually goes over the top lots of hysteria and constant thunder and lightning effects which adds nothing a curious failure from producers aaron spelling leonard goldberg with all this talent couldn t they give us something more than a script full of red herrings and sally field hiding in a closet"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22033": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "frankie dio lee vancleef is a high ranking mobster who turns himself in to the police or illegal gambling for reasons that seem unclear to me tony tony lo bianco is a low level thug who frequents a pool hall and spends his free time envying frankie by being in the right place at the right time tony gets arrested with frankie and is sent to jail where they form a bond that may not quite be friendship but it will do for now this film came to me under the title of frank and tony which is disappointing because i see an alternate name is mean frank and crazy tony which would have helped sell the film more effectively i presume that s an homage to dirty mary crazy larry but what do i know i watched it shortly after another italian crime film violent professionals and i must say the two complement each other very well italians have always lagged behind americans in their budgets and production values which is a real shame with this film it is considered a grindhouse film which unfairly demotes it to a b movie or worse with a cleaner sound and picture this could have been a hollywood hit i suspect i found the story very interesting the characters and actors better than average and unlike violent professionals the plot is fairly clear not too many secondary characters if you like mafia movies or crime films you should give this one a try a film about the mob that s actually from italy how much more authentic do you want is as much as you can ask sure it s not the godfather but it s not supposed to be this isn t a drama it s a light comedy heavy action buddy film like die hard with a vengeance from the point of view of the bad guys well okay not really if nothing else this film made me want to check out other films from the director and the principle cast films besides escape from new york where vancleef plays hauk and the usual cult movies what s more fun than discovering a lost classic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22034": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this sports a nice deep cast but for a thriller you better deliver more than name actors and talk the first third of this movie was nothing but talk and more talk most of that was a bunch of women bitching about everything to each other the first five listed actors in here are women so that verifies that it s really a chick flick and little else this probably plays on the lifetime network there was a quick murder scene and then more talk by halfway through they had lost me by the way sally field looked about years old in here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22035": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "although i m grateful this obscure gem of s italian exploitation cinema features in the recently released grindhouse experience box set and although it s also available on disc under the misleading and stupid alternate title escape from death row i honestly think it deserves a proper and luxurious dvd edition completely in its originally spoken languages with subtitle options the dubbing is truly horrible restored picture quality and a truckload of special bonus features heck i don t even need the restored picture quality and bonus features if only we could watch the film in its original language mean frank and crazy tony is a cheerfully fast paced mafia crime flick with a lot of violence comedy which admittedly doesn t always work feminine beauty and two witty main characters tony lo bianco is terrific as the small thug pretending to be the city s biggest don when the real crime lord frankie dio lee van cleef arrives in town he sees an opportunity to climb up the ladder by offering his services frankie initially ignores the little crook but they do eventually form an unlikely team when frankie s entire criminal empire turns against him and a new french criminal mastermind even assassinates frankie s innocent brother tony helps frankie to escape from prison and together they head for marseille to extract frankie s revenge the script of this sadly neglected crime gem funnily alters gritty action suspense with light headed bits of comedy like the grotesque car chase through the narrow french mountain roads for example the build up towards the typical mafia execution sequences guided by an excellent riz ortolani score are extremely tense and the actual killings are sadistic and merciless which is probably why the film is considered to be somewhat of a grindhouse classic the film lacks a strong female lead as the lovely and amazingly voluptuous beauty edwige fenech sadly just appears in a couple of scenes and then still in the background on of the men behind the camera responsible for the superb cinematography was no less then joe d amato great film highly recommended to fans of italian exploitation and i hope to watch it again soon in its original version"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22036": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have never read the bradbury novel that this movie is based on but from what i ve gathered it will be interesting when i finally do read it and i will my comments will be based purely on the film as soon as i saw the trailer i knew i had to see it and was so excited but when i finally did i was so disappointed it hurt this is because the movie itself felt so amateurish the actors were not well cast though robards and pryce are both good actors just not here the kid actors it seemed were merely asked to show up get in the characters clothes say the lines and make the faces the set and props were cheap and unrealistic the direction was surprisingly bad i was so surprised at the awfulness of it that i had to go online and check who directed it just to see the kind of work he had done the editing was cut and paste and the plot screenplay was just that as well even though the author had been involved himself irony the building up of the tension fear and suspense was so mild it was ineffective when the climax finally came i ve read some of the comments on this movie and find it hard to believe people actually like it what hurts the most is that the content is interesting and fun and intriguing it had so much potential unfortunately the film was so technically bad it takes away from the brilliance of the story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22037": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i had never heard of leos carax until his merde segment in last years tokyo and his was easily the stand out the film s three stories it wasn t my favorite of the shorts but it was the most unique and the most iconic the lovers on the bridge was the first of his full length features i ve seen a virtuoso romantic film that uses image and music to communicate an exuberant young love that overflows into the poetic though he s classified as a neo nouvelle vogue his films owe as much to silent cinema as the s experimental narratives his movies are closer to jean vigo in l atlante jean cocteau and guy maddin than godard and truffaut in boy meets girl carax s debut he uses black and white and the heavy reliance on visual representation to display emotional states he combines the exaggerated worlds of maddin but based in a reality that never seems quite stable like cocteau but by virtue of its expressions it becomes more accessible emotional and engaging like vigo s movies the story of boy meets girl is simple and similar to carax s two following films which comprise this young lovers trilogy a boy named alex played by denis lavant who plays a character named alex in carax s next two movies has just been dumped by his girlfriend who has fallen in love with his best friend in the first scene he nearly kills his friend on a boardwalk but stops short of murder he walks around reminded of her by sounds of his neighbors having sex and daydreams of his girlfriend and best friend getting intimate he steals records for her and leaves them at his friend s apartment but avoids contacting either of them directly he wanders around and finds his way to a party where he meets a suicidal young woman and the film becomes part breathless and part limelight later he is advised by an old man with sign language to speak up for yourself young people today it s like they forgot how to talk the old man gives an anecdote about working in the days of silent film and how an actor timid off stage became a confident lion when in front of the camera heres where the movie tips its hand but the overt reference to silent film is a crucial scene since it overlaps the style of the film silent and expressionist with the content a lovelorn young man trying to work up the courage to say and do the things he really wants to though alex is pensive at first and a torrent of romantic words tumbling out of him by the end he is the shy actor who becomes a lion thanks to the films magnification of his inward feelings which aren t easy to nail down from moment to moment aside from a desire to fall in love there is a scene in the film where alex retreats from the party into a room where the guests have stashed their children and babies all crying in a chorus that fills that room until he turns on a tape of a children s show making them fall silent unexpectedly due a glitch the tv ends up playing a secret bathroom camera which reveals the hostess sobbing to herself into her wig about someone she misses even as carax is self reflexive and self deprecating of the very kind of angst ridden coming of age tale he is trying to tell the room full of whining infants he s mature enough to see through the initial irony to the lovelorn in everything the film crosses even the rich old bell of the ball has a brother she misses in another scene an ex astronaut stares at the moon he once walked on in his youth while sipping a cocktail in silence though indebted to films before talkies carax is a master of music knowing when to pipe in the dead kennedy s holiday in cambodia or an early david bowie song the sounds of a man playing piano or of a girl softly humming in boy meets girl when someone gets their heart broken we see blood pour from their shirt when a couple kiss on the sidewalk they spin degrees as if attached to a carousel when alex enters a party an feels out of place its because the most interesting people in the world really are in attendance like the famous author who can t speak because of a bullet lodged in his brain or the miss universe of standing just across from the astronaut this film is the missing link between jean piere jenuet michel gondry and wes anderson whose stylistic flourishes and quirky tales of whimsy all have a parallel with different visuals musical and emotional cues in these carax movies every line of dialog every piece of music and every effect and edit in this movie resonated with me on some emotional level some i lack words to articulate there are many tales of a boy meeting a girl but rather than just explore the banal details of any particular event this movie captures the ecstatic truth of adolescent passion and disappointment the other movies you want to watch can wait see this first if i were to make films i would want them to be like this in fact i wish all films were like this where the ephemeral becomes larger than life and life itself becomes a dream"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22038": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first and foremost i loved the novel by ray bradbury it s the kind of horror that gets under your skin and sticks with you later it was one of his best books with you know fahrenheit and dandelion wine i as just hoping that this movie would be all right it had lots of chances with a great cast like jason robards and jonathn pryce and bradbury even wrote the script himself and on top of all that it has pam grier how could it fail there may be spoilers within first of all it was dumbed down much of the horror from the book was lost as bradbury must have been forced to keep the violence to a minimum all the visuals from the book gone everything that made you squirm gone and then there s the acting like a lot of movies that disney threw out in the s the kids in this movie cannot act and this bugged me a lot neither of them looked but or their strong friendship wasn t addressed it was more like they were acquaintaces you d think jason robards and jonathan pryce could pull this off in their roles of mr halloway and mr dark but here it s like they just don t care all they want to do is somehow pay off some mortgage or something this is far from being some of their best performances pam grier was fine as the witch but the charecter of the dust witch herself wasn t well pulled off she s a lot less evil and doesn t have the presence as she did in the book and everything that was left out of the book the ballon night chase the marking of jim s house the real death of mr dark what happened to mr coogan on the merry go round the fate of the lightening rod salesman the real death of the witch and oh so much more and the special effects were bad even for the s the merry go round of doom for one thing with the superimposed horses going around wasn t really creepy and that weird green mist that really had nothing to do with anything i could keep going about how this movie ripped apart the original novel but it makes blood boil don t see this movie but read the book it s a classic of bradbury"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22039": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if unlike some of the commenters here you are not staging a class war and don t mind seeing the lives of other people who are fairly successful extroverted bohemian gasp and not being terribly english at a party and getting into all sorts of trouble as a result this is not a bad film closer to euro cinema rather than an imitation of the usual slick american crap i believe the minimal sound design and cheap camera is a conscious decision rather than bad film making i d defend this the film isn t any worse as a result and it puts the spotlight on the cast some of whom are really good kate hardie think that s her name as the sarcastic drunk is spot on the one exception being david baddiel who should never be allowed to appear in serious stuff it s light and we don t go for this kind of anatomising of relationship crap in this country but if you don t have any real friends to go to a party with than you could do worse than to sit in and watch this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22040": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "plan b is strictly by the numbers fare except for one thing i surprisingly found it to be rather insulting jon cryer is the star of this film and plays his usual smarmy egotistical snotty character that was actually endearing in pretty in pink and has not been amusing ever since grating doesn t even begin to describe his performance ricky mark matheisen is a muscular blonde struggling actor who gasp is only worried about his hair and getting laid talk about a stock character ugh at least the other three characters are somewhat engaging lisa darr and lance guest play a grounded optimistic caring couple who are struggling to conceive since they are not whiny drama queens however their roles are apparently considered boring and they aren t given enough screen time sara mornell rounds out the cast by playing gina your usual nice and good looking young woman who just can t seem to find the right partner in love i ve seen this character a million times before but at least her performance overcomes some of the shortfalls caused by the predictability of her situation what startled me about this film was its juvenile promotion of stereotypes they introduced a russian character for the sole purpose of mocking him and making fun of the way he talked he was portrayed as being wild ignorant and amazingly shallow they were just getting warmed up though for the usual nonsense about gays gina decides to be gay for a while since she isn t having any luck with guys honestly that wasn t that bad except they really went overboard when gina brought a lesbian to a christmas party her friends were throwing her lesbian date had very short hair like i m sure all lesbians do she also got quite upset like i m sure all lesbians do when gina had the nerve to put on lipstick finally her date goes around the party hitting on just about every woman there and mouths off when gina expresses her disappointment of course we all know how gay people can t stay faithful for so much as a couple of hours much less months or even years right please note the sarcasm in that statement thank you this film was based on a tired and predictable premise to begin with but cryer s unlikable performance combined with the idiotic stereotyping sinks this movie to the lower depths of cinema"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22041": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "put yourself into carla s shoes she is an overworked unappreciated administrative drudge who is invisible you know her she s trained three of her last three bosses knows where all of the bodies are buried and might even look back at you in the mirror when you brush your teeth always having time for another thankless task and does it better than most despite a serious disability she has the desk on the way to the restroom that becomes the repository of half finished cups of coffee begging to be spilled what you don t want to hear it well she can t and neither can you until your hearing aid is in place prepare to experience life from the perspective of the hearing impaired carla emmanuelle devos needs a change in her life work is leading nowhere friends are relying on her to meet their domestic needs and the only way out starts with a collapse that goes virtually unnoticed she won t take a vacation a contract is going critical so the only alternative is to hire an assistant carla submits requirements that convey her real needs a well groomed man this brings an applicant for approval that reminds us that we should be careful with our wishes paul vincent cassell does everything wrong from the start of his job interview and his getting hired clearly demonstrates carla s interest in his non job related qualities she sees potential in this former thief and as the story unfolds their relationship grows in a very unusual pattern of co dependence paul has a difficult transition returning to the world outside of prison walls and finds himself in another sort of prison one of the office variety and another of indentured servitude to pay off an old debt his skills as a thief help carla win a political battle in the office but paul sees a grander opportunity with carla s skill in lip reading and draws her even further into a world of intrigue this is a brutal film noir unrated and probably suitable for older teens carla grows more powerful professionally as well as personally as the story progresses and her disability gives her clear advantages over the rest of us she grows as a woman discovering her sensual side while she uses her resources to overcome the obstacles of competing in a man s world the two main characters are meant for each other in a strange way without paul carla will remain in her role of a doormat she has our sympathy hopes and best wishes even if she doesn t make the best decisions along the way you will hear the world through carla s ears from awkward adjustments of your hearing aid muffled sounds all but inaudible without it to relatively distinct voices when you can see who s talking with one major sense disabled we see carla s heightened intuitive power to compensate and we can all use that sense to hear not only what people say but also what they really mean"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22042": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "imagine that in adapting a james bond novel into a movie the filmmakers eliminated all the action and suspense in order to make it kid friendly or if a television producer told chris rock he couldn t cuss so that his specials could be rated pg in the same way the director of the movie something wicked this way comes took out the excitement and gore in favor of melodrama for younger audiences this created a monotonous plot without the complications of the book in trying to make the story of something wicked this way comes easier for children to follow the filmmakers eliminated the theme of good and evil both existing in everyone and good always prevailing over evil this is apparent in will s character transformation charles halloway s rescue of jim and the carnival s defeat will s transformation into a more adventurous boy has been muted in the movie the scene in which the dust witch visits will s house in a balloon has been cut from the film instead a green mist follows jim and will home and gives them the same bad dream about the witch and her spiders the balloon attack shows us that will has begun to conquer his fear of doing things on his own he gets on top of a neighbor s roof and tears the balloon with a bow defeating the witch sorry dad he thought and sat up smiling this time it s me out alone will decides as he prepares to face her removing this scene from the movie prevents us from understanding that will is becoming more adventuresome the film shows us many examples of will being afraid to follow jim but never growing curious like his friend in the book will has both a good quiet side and an evil daring side like his jim in the movie each boy only has one mode of thought which destroys bradbury s theme of both good and evil being present in each person in the book will saves jim because of their friendship but in the movie charles halloway saves jim to repay jim s father will pulls jim off the carousel in bradbury s novel because he doesn t want his best friend to grow up without him it is the good in will the fact that he cares about his friend that saves jim from the evil curse of the carnival on the carousel jim gestured his other hand free to trail on the wind the one part of him the small white separate part that still remembered their friendship this shows that there was good left inside of jim which has the potential to still defeat evil but when charles halloway saves jim in the movie he does it to repay the debt he owes jim s father who saved will when he was a little boy by changing the motivation for saving jim the filmmakers have ruined bradbury s original idea that it takes good to win against evil in the end of the movie the carnival is defeated by a tornado and lightning instead of smiles and laughter when the book ends mr dark turns himself into a little boy and charles halloway smiles and laughs at him so much that he can t stand it and evaporates in bradbury s world evil people feed off fear and can only be defeated by happiness and love his message is that good will always prevail over evil but only if that goodness is expressed outwardly good to evil seems evil says charles halloway as he holds the dying mr dark so i will do only good to you jed i ll simply hold you and watch you poison yourself in the movie mr dark is the only one left on the carousel when lightning hits it and he dies by eliminating the weapon of laughter and smiles the filmmakers imply that bad weather is the most effective way to defeat evil as if lightning only strikes those who are bad this takes away the major theme of bradbury s book which is that doing good toward others wards off evil good may always triumph over evil but trying to make movies more kid friendly will always force filmmakers to leave out some of the themes from the books they are based on in the movie something wicked this way comes will does not transform will s friendship does not save jim and smiles and laughter do not defeat the carnival as a result the filmmakers have left out too many of bradbury s main points the process of adapting a book to a movie too often ruins the world the author has established in the case of this story bradbury s frightening world of opposing forces of good and evil has been reduced to a tamer simpler version of itself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22043": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "wwe armageddon december live from richmond coliseum richmond va kane vs mvp in an inferno match so this is the fourth ever inferno match in the wwe and it is kane vs mvp wonder why was it the first match on the card i only viewed the ending parts where kane sets mvp s ass on fire as they re on the apron and then mvp is running around the arena while yelling eventually the refs put out the fire with a fire extinguisher as mvp sprawls around the entrance ramp funny and visually quite entertaining ending wwe tag team championship this was originally supposed to be william regal dave taylor vs brian kendrick paul london c in a regular tag team match however gm teddy long comes to the ring and announces that it s going to be a fatal way tag team ladder match mnm and the hardys are thrown in and it s all chaos one word to describe this eye opener wow man i really can t remember how many sick spots there were in this match and words can t really do it justice there was one particularly notable spot where the hardys set up a ladder in a see saw position and jeff jumped off the top rope while matt held mnm for the kill and then wham nitro blew away while mercury apparently botched it and was bleeding like hell with lacerations over his face he had to be taken away and nitro continued the match alone another spot was when jeff powerbombed london while flipping off the ladder there were other high flying breathtaking spots too many to remember london finally unbuckles the belts to win this rave show stealer the boogeyman vs the miz the two men get thrown in and around the ring until boogeyman explodes a sit out powerbomb for the victory and then and drools worms over the miz s mouth as usual for this three minute incognito united states championship chris benoit c faces off chavo guerrero in yet another typical guerrero match some good spots included a superplex off the top rope by chavo and an unusually long chain of german suplexes by benoit vicki guerrero comes in the ring with the belt to nail benoit but benoit scares her off and takes a long time deciding whether to put her in a sharpshooter or not this allows chavo to go for a roll up but benoit rolls it up once more and chavo is locked in the sharpshooter game over nice hard fought battle albeit slow at times wwe cruiserweight championship gregory helms c vs jimmy wang yang for this one in a fairly moderate paced match the match had some good high flying spots most notably helms moves off the top rope but the crowd didn t seem to be into it after witnessing the ladder match and yang needs to get more airborne helms won the match after blowing yang away with a facebuster on the knee the undertaker vs mr kennedy in a last ride match after a series of matches between these two this time it is a last ride match the second ever of its kind and the winner has to escort his opponent out of the arena in a hearse pretty good indeed for what these two could offer kennedy manhandled a good deal of taker and even broke free of a chokeslam to throw taker off the armageddon set about feet below and thank god for kennedy otherwise it would ve been brutal kennedy almost got the win until taker got back up inside the hearse i liked the camera view inside the hearse taker then missed a steel pipe hurl on kennedy and broke the hearse s window instead but then later busted kennedy open with a chair and followed with a consecutive chokeslam and tombstone on the hearse s roof kennedy was unconscious and taker drove him out of the arena to win i actually found myself really interested into these guys willingness to take give real sick shots santa comes into the ring i go what the hell like many of the kids in the crowd and then the word lingerie contest gets in my ear break time batista john cena vs finlay king booker talk about charisma vs technicality this match was actually a quite good main event with the momentum rationally shifting from one team to the other and retaining good suspense even finlay got some legitimate good shots on his opponents this time i kind of doubted his strength against the champs and him and booker mainly didn t succeed in trying to cheat except at one point where booker rammed his scepter into cena s throat batista hits the bomb on booker for the win didn t get to see the f u cena performed the knuckle shuffle anyhow and i think he also did the stfu this was probably the best technical match of the night and the participants did superbly indeed for what they could without a ladder being an on and off wwe fan i have to agree that armageddon was laced up with numerous eye catchers throughout and the ladder match ultimately swallowed half of the show the last ride match featured some fairly nerve wrenching spots and the main event also did very well for its category all other matches also lived up to their billing except perhaps the boogeyman vs the miz bout and the ever useless lingerie contest overall armageddon was a highly enjoyable pay per view and despite some big setbacks earlier in the ppv chronology armageddon wishes this year s goodbye respectably ppv rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22044": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched this movie on march this year must say disappointment but much better than tridev plot is hackneyed tells about prabhat who lives with his father wife and his little brother the movie opens when he saves a bride anyway azghar jhurhad makes a plot to kill his young brother he makes a plan by sending few man they come to a school pretended to be prabhats friends kill that kid his father throws him out of the house then later comes back he and aakash go to kenya to find him sunny gives a good performance chunky was annoying at best naseerdun is wasted divya did good sonam was wasted jyotsna was wasted but looked cute the kid which played sunnys brother in the movie was cute too sad he had to get his character killed the girl was cute but was annoying the other kid did good alok did good kiran was adequate amrish and gulshan did good the cinematography is excellent in both india and kenya script is weak but has a few good dialogs also drags the movie the music was alright i only liked one song saat samundar the lyrics of that song was good the other songs were forgettable don t watch this rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22045": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "armageddon ppv the last ppv of smackdown brand match results ahead we are starting the show with the inferno match kane v mvp this was an okay match nothing about wrestling here this was about the visuals overall this was not bad there were a few close spots here with kane getting too close to the fire but in the end kane won with ramming mvp into the fire back first nice opener let s continue teddy long announces a new match for the tag team titles london and kendrick will defend against regal and taylor the hardyz and mnm in a ladder match let s get moving match two fatal four way ladder match this was total carnage judging by three out of the four teams here you would expect chaos the spots were amazing a total spot fest one point jeff went for poetry in motion and london moved and jeff hit the ladder shortly afterword jeff is set on the top rope with two ladders nearby as mnm were going to kill jeff matt makes the save and jeff hits the see saw shot to joey mercury mercury is hurt his eye is shut quickly and is busted open hard way mercury is taken out of the match and nitro is still there he is going to fight alone for the titles regal and taylor then grab london and suplex him face first into the ladder jeff climbs the ladder and nitro in a killer spot dropkicks through the ladder to nail jeff awesome in the end london and kendrick retain the tag team titles what a match this was insane i can t figure out why wwe did not announce this till now the buyrate would increase huge i m sure the replay value will be good though mercury has suffered a shattered nose and lacerations to the eye he is at the hospital now get well kid no way anything else here will top that next up the miz v boogeyman ugh this was a nothing match will the boogeyman ever wrestle the miz sucks too after a insane crowd this kills them dead dud chris benoit v chavo this was a strong match i enjoyed it chavo hit a killer superplex at one point benoit hit eight german suplexes too benoit wins with the sharpshooter good stuff helms v yang cruiserweight title championship match this was a good match unfortunately the stupid fans did not care for this why helms and yang are very talented and wrestled well i agree with jbl he ranted to the crowd jbl is correct learn to appreciate this or get out mr kennedy v the undertaker last ride match not too much here this was a slug fest with a few exceptions kennedy at one point tossed taker off the top of the stage to the floor the spot was fine reaction was disappointing the end spot was taker tomb stoned kennedy on the hearse and won the match unreal kennedy needed this win they both worker hard still kennedy needed this win undertaker should have lost creative screwed up again a stupid diva thing is next i like women not this at least torrie was not here that s refreshing judging from the crowd layla should have won the wwe wanted ashley consider this your bathroom break next main event cena batista v finlay booker t this was also a nothing match the focus was cena v finlay and batista v booker batista and booker can t work well together finlay tries to make cena look good the finish was botched finlay hit batista s knee with a chair shot and batista no sold the shot and finished the match lame not main event caliber at all overall armageddon would have scored less but the ladder match was the main event here that was enough money s worth right there a few others were solid the last word a good ppv with the ladder match being the savior smackdown is not a bad show just is not compelling enough smackdown needs to stop letting cena tag along let smackdown stand on their own two legs this show proves that smackdown can"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "22046": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "most action films are crass of hindi cinema especially of sunny and his family the film is typical sunny type with bashes big dialogues and melodrama the film also has typical rajiv rai ingredients of many henchmen and a weird villain the starting is okay and then the shift to kenya is good but then the film goes on and on the sequence of events move at a slow pace and nothing that great happens they are many stupid scenes like the kenya policemen are shown like jokers especially sharat the climax too is prolonged rajiv rai does an okay job music is okay only song works and that is the last toofan camera work is good sunny deol is as usual chunky acts like a monkey while his serious scenes are laughable naseer is alright heroines are pure wood amrish puri is not even half as scary as he was in tridev the rest are okay"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22047": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "wwe s last ppv of proved to be a hit with the fans but for one reason only the ladder match which was only scheduled to be paul london and brian kendrick against william regal and dave taylor but with the recent crap ppv being december to dismember wwe knew that it had to do something to get the fans talking again this proved useful when it introduced mnm and the hardy boyz to the mix and announced that the match was going to be a ladder match the match was brutal and one of the best ladder matches i have ever seen but joey mercury s face was a total mess johnny nitro didn t even check on his partner they just carried on like nothing happened and taylor and regal did nothing during the match except hit people with a few ladder shots in the end london and kendrick retained the titles elsewhere on the show kane defeated mvp in a decent inferno match when he set mvp s stupid costume on fire chris benoit downed chavo guerrero in a decent match gregory helms defeated jimmy wang yang to retain the wwe cruiserweight title in a solid effort but the main event was a total mess king booker teamed with finlay to take on john cena and batista the action was shoddy and no one cared who batista picked for his partner overall results kane defeated mvp in an inferno match paul london and brian kendrick retained the wwe tag team titles against the hardy boyz mnm and david taylor and william regal in a ladder match chris benoit defeated chavo guerrero to retain the us title in a decent match gregory helms defeated jimmy wang yang to retain the cruiserweight championship the boogeyman beat the miz in a terrible match the undertaker defeated mr kennedy in a last ride match john cena and batista defeated king booker and finlay in an abysmal match overall grade b"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22048": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "before i begin you need to know that i am a huge fan of many of sonny chiba s films his biographical series of the life of his master mas oyama were amazing and among the best martial arts films ever made as were most of his street fighter films the action was practically non stop and with the possible exception of bruce lee depending on who you ask he was the greatest martial arts practitioner on film during the s because they are so good i ve seen at least of his films and recently bought some more which i am in the process of watching unfortunately despite my love of these films i am not a mind numbed zombie who worships the man to such a degree that i rate every film a there are a few reviews like this here on imdb and i truly think that anyone giving this film a should be ignored because this is such a bad film from a technical standpoint and isn t even close to the being chiba s best work a score of isn t a real rating it s some zombie fan trying to make a statement about chiba not this film as i said technically this film is awful some of this was the result of my seeing the american dubbed version with its irrelevant prologue and bad dubbing but most of the problem would still exist with the original japanese print the camera work is simply atrocious like it was done by chimps smart chimps but still chimps nonetheless often much of the fast martial arts action is missed because the camera is so slow or the tops of the actors heads are clipped off due to the shoddiness of production and again and again the camera pans in and out like it is a new toy being used by an idiot plus the editing is beyond wretched with cuts being done haphazardly and confusingly i don t know whether the musical score is original or not but it was also very very bad sort of like acid rock of blended poorly with ennio morricone s spaghetti western music it was annoying distracting and just plain silly as for the martial arts action i think that having chimps do the choreography would have improved things a bit instead of the great fight scenes you d look forward to in a chiba film the fights are too brief and often missed by the camera so what you are left with is the story and this might just be the worst part of the film it s supposed to be an anti drug film starring sonny chiba as sonny chiba and when the film begins he vows to destroy the drug trade in japan but the mafia complete with not a single member who looks italian but who are all japanese vows to stop chiba and when a lady comes to chiba with promises to give him information about how to destroy the drug trade he agrees to help her and risk his life with no conditions even though she s never forthright about telling him what she knows in fact later it turns out she is just trying to use chiba to protect her while she herself sells a huge briefcase full of cocaine and he continues trying to protect her this makes no sense at all and throughout much of the film it looks as if they just shot the film without a script such as when they went into the bars and brothels and had chiba walking about as if he was drunk so if it was that bad why still does it merit a well first there are many more horrid marital arts films such as many of those from hong kong in the s including one with guys dressed up in gorilla suits doing kung fu and their handlers with foot long tongues they used for fighting now that s bad second while the action is very bad compared to other sonny chiba films compared to its contemporaries it s not that bad still you could easily do a lot better than this horrid little film by the way if you are wondering if this is the worst sonny chiba film it certainly is not in one of his first films invasion of the neptune men chiba plays a leotard wearing super hero who battles pointy headed invaders from the planet neptune it s so bad that it rivals plan from outer space and they saved hitler s brain for awfulness a final note to parents like most of sonny chiba s films this one is very violent and has its share of boobies don t let little kids watch this no matter how much they beg make them wait until they are older before you let them watch wretched rated r martial arts films"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22049": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "wwe has produced some of the worst pay per views in its history over the past few months cyber sunday survivor series and december to dismember were appalling to say the least and so it was relying on its b brand show smackdown to attempt to end the year on a high note armageddon had two major gimmick matches in the last ride and inferno matches three championships were on the line and an interesting main event in the shape of a tag team war featuring batista and john cena against king booker and finlay however it was an amendment to one of those championship matches that brought us not only the match of the night but also now a match of the year candidate when teddy long gave us fans an early christmas present t lo changed the wwe tag team championship match from champions london and kendrick against to regal and taylor to a four team ladder match including mnm and the hardy boyz i am not going to dwell on this match too much as nothing i can say would be able to do it justice this has to be seen to be believed there were many high spots and many more brutal bumps and awkward landings the one move i have to talk about however was the one that took joey mercury straight to the emergency room midway through the contest jeff hardy jumped onto a ladder that was set up in the see saw position with matt hardy holding both members of mnm over the opposite end of it to take the full force unfortunately for mercury he didn t get his hands up to protect his face and took the ladder full force in the nose and left eye this was vicious his face was instantly a mess for all to see and not surprisingly this ended mercury s night early we found out later he suffered a broken nose and cuts under his left eye be warned this is not for the faint of heart the ending to this roller coaster of a match came after paul london managed to grab both championship belts for the victory i have been watching wrestling for almost years and it doesn t get any better than this match unbelievable the night opened with only the th ever inferno match kane took on mvp in a good match but it was all about the visual and not really about the action there were a few close calls with the flames for both competitors but in the end it was kane who forced mvp onto the flames after they both ended up outside the ring mvp ran around the ring whilst his butt was on fire and there was a sick part of me that laughed watching this may i suggest to michael hayes that mvp comes out next week on smackdown to johnny cash s ring of fire the other gimmick match of the night and the second match of a triple main event was an all out war last ride match between mr kennedy and the undertaker this was a stiff match from start to finish and was the best of the series undertaker and kennedy have had yet the used poles chairs and one scene had the undertaker thrown feet from the armageddon set onto what was suppose to be the concrete floor unfortunately it was plain to see that this was nothing but a crash mat and crowd didn t pop for this the ending came after a chokeslam by the dead man to kennedy on top of the hearse followed quickly by a match winning tombstone in other notable happening from the card chris benoit defeated chavo guerrero by submission in another stiff match this was a very good bout with benoit hitting german suplexes on chavo at one time benoit was also considering whether to put vikki guerrero in the sharpshooter or not luckily he came to his senses and let her go this led to chavo attempting the roll up only for it to be countered into the sharpshooter for the submission another cracking match on the card was the cruiserweight championship contest between the longest reigning champion in wwe gregory helms and jimmy wang yang featuring a lot of high flying and dangerous spots some of which took place outside the ring this was a match much more deserving of the crowd response than what it got jbl put it best when he berated the fans in richmond virginia for sitting on their hands during this one and at one point even started a boring chant helms picked up the duke after a jawbreaker type manoeuvre with his knees to smackdowns resident redneck the boogeyman pinned the miz in a worthless match i hate the boogeyman with a passion only worth listening too for jbl s ranting about miz jbl is comedy gold the last match of the night was main event number world heavyweight champion batista and wwe champion john cena teamed up to take on finlay and the champion of champions king booker there was no way the match could top the tag team championship match from earlier on but it entertained none the less the match would have been more memorable had it been given an extra five to ten minutes but how many times have i said that about wwe matches this year already it was king booker who was pinned at the end of the match after a big batistabomb so is over for the wwe in regards to it s pay per view schedule it started the year on a terrible note with new year s revolution but ended on a high one with armageddon this ladder match will long be remembered as one of the greatest ladder matches of all time my hat is off to all eight competitors who but their bodies on the line to give the fans one hell of a match"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22050": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the first few minutes of the bodyguard do have a campy charm it opens with crawling text from the bible the part that samuel jackson recites to his soon to be victims in pulp fiction continues with two karate school teachers in new york arguing about the eternal question of mankind who is better sonny chiba or bruce lee and then chiba appears playing himself he immediately stops a plane hijacking and breaks a bottle in two with his bare hand unfortunately any entertainment value intentional or unintentional soon gets crushed by the disjointed story the lack of action for long periods of time and the poor quality of any present action to keep it simple here s why the bodyguard is an unbearable movie to watch you don t know what s going on there are barely any fights the fights that are there are short and terribly filmed sonny chiba is cool judy lee is gorgeous her face is glorious it s only for them that i give the bodyguard a nd star out of this movie makes minutes feel like hours"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22051": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "tis is a farly typical tom and jerry short a situation is designed conflict arises and mayhem ensues the characters behave in appropriate ways the natural tensions between various characters leads to general chaos the best and funniest part is when the peace treaty is in force and respected all sorts of strange wonders appear before your eyes a word of warning it is most unwise to allow tom to help you perform your morning cleansing routine highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22052": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the best thing you can say about this movie is that if you are a fan of sonny chiba this movie gives you lots of him chiba makes speeches chiba poses chiba sneers chiba glares at the camera chiba punches and kicks the living sushi out of a whole bunch of bad guys chiba sits around on couches and chairs and looks thoughtful pensive chiba drives his car i enjoy chiba as an actor and a martial artist but even for a chiba fan this movie may have a little too much sonny chiba it s obviously something of a vanity vehicle for him and no i wouldn t put street fighter in the same category because in sf he plays a ruthless amoral anti hero and he shares the camera with an intriguing cast of friends and foes here he s front and center almost all the time and he tries to be batman captain america and bruce lee rolled into one toshiro mifune and chow yun fat couldn t pull this off for the length of an entire feature film and sonny just kind of wears out his welcome at least he could have changed out of his suit once in a while the movie is further messed up by an entirely gratuitous and badly done introductory sequence apparently tacked on to the front of the film for the american version and a goofy cheer viva chiba viva chiba that starts things on the wrong foot there is some astoundingly amateurish and inappropriate dubbing sonny or his usual english stand in apparently couldn t be bothered to do the vocals for the american version so they got some poor dope with an entirely different and smoother voice and dialect that is quite jarring coming from the face we all know and love from street fighter even with all those flaws and the overexposure this could still be a minor classic but the camera work and the fight scenes are hopelessly cheesy i m willing to believe that karate actually works if someone as amazing as chiba s character is supposed to be does it but the director and cameraman hedged their bets by chopping and editing fight scenes with a weed whacker so you can t really see what s going on most of the time it s not all bad there are some decent shots and compositions and there s at least one memorable and nightmarish moment when the bad guys appear in the client s bedroom in a genuinely inventive way and as for the actual plot forget it for a bodyguard chiba s character is something of an idiot the screenplay depends on his making mistakes and oversights that repeatedly place him and his client in perilous situations so he can fight his way out of them and after minutes it strains even the most credulous judgment to think that this guy is supposed to be any good also if his character was really out to destroy the japanese drug trade he d have taken his client by her neck minutes into the screenplay and shaken her until her teeth chattered like a castanet until she spilled her little secrets and a whole lot of pointless death and conflict would have been avoided still as a whole this movie is a long way from the bottom of the barrel it s still sonny chiba and he s still fun to watch i paid a buck to get this off the bargain dvd rack at a local mega mart and i feel it was worth watching once"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22053": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "without being one of my favorites this is good for being a change of pace even if only for a few minutes it all starts with a big fight between tom jerry and spike who is renamed butch here they re all beating each other but suddenly spike makes a heroic and admirable decision he stops the fight and suggests that they all should be friends so all of them sign a peace treaty and become friends which isn t going to last for long meanwhile the three become affectionate patient and kind to each other they even save each other when one of them is in danger of life the relationship goes nothing but excellent until a very big steak appears and they all become greedy the three are guilty to return to their usual fights and rivalries but still to see tom jerry and spike as friends is truly a delightful and grateful experience even if only for a while oh by the way as a curious fact two songs from the wizard of oz are played here in instrumental versions we re off to see the wizard and somewhere over the rainbow"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22054": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "avoid the usa version it is with added us footage and the worst dubbing you ve ever heard probably done by new york amateurs the dubbing is so bad that it sounds like mystery science theater i think a black guy from the bronx does chiba s voice i couldn t watch the entire film it was that bad instead of this americanized version watch chiba s other greats like the streetfighter or karate warriors"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22055": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "tom the cat jerry the mouse and spike the dog here called butch his third name his second being killer decide to sign a peace treaty to all love each other it s weird and a bit unnatural seeing them all buddy buddy like this and their friend s seem to think so too but by the end thanks to a disagreement over a steak everything is back to normal and all is how it should be this short is the second one of three on the new spotlight dvd to be edited and i have no clue why this one was this cartoon can be found on disc one of the spotlight collection dvd of tom jerry my grade b"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22056": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i liked chiba in street fighter and i figured hey no matter how stupid this movie will be i ll at least get to see him kick some ass right wrong this is a dull dreary mess of pointless talking half assed scriptwriting and meaningless scheming there are few action scenes of any kind even fewer martial arts scenes and the few that are are shot and edited so poorly that you can t even make out what in the world is going on the dub is also atrocious and perhaps the idiocy that is this movie is best illustrated by the fact that it supposedly features the italian mafia except they re all japanese avoid like the plague you would see better martial arts by looking through the window of your local preschool karate class for five minutes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22057": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film seems to be well remembered as the time tom jerry signed a peace treaty things are idyllic for a time but predictably it goes sour probably the most memorable moment was the endless fight involving a pipe a frying pan and a baseball bat that the two plus butch the dog engage in at the beginning and end of the short i enjoyed one a bunch and you should try to catch it on cartoon network"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22058": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after watching the bodyguard last night i felt compelled to write a review of it this could have been a pretty decent movie had it not been for the awful camera work it was beyond annoying the angles were all wrong it was impossible to see anything especially during the fight sequences the closeups were even horrible the story has sonny chiba hiring himself out as a bodyguard to anyone willing to lead him to the top of a drug ring he is approached by judy lee who is never quite straight with chiba lee s involvement in the drug ring is deeper than chiba thought as the mob and another gang of thugs are after her the story was decent and despite horrible dubbing this could have been a good movie given better direction and editing i m sure this would have been a classic kung foo movie as it is it s more like another cheesy s action movie note the opening sequence has a quote familiar to pulp fiction fans and then continues to a karate school in times square that is in no way related to the rest of the movie rating out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22059": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "butch the peacemaker evidently after the violent beginning with spike tom and jerry all swinging away at each other butch calls a halt and wants to know why it s a good question cats can get along with dogs can t they he asks tom who nods his head in agreement mice can get along with cats right jerry nods no and then sees that isn t the right answer they go inside and butch draws up a peace treaty complete with professional artwork most of the rest and the bulk of the cartoon is the three of them being extremely nice to one another what a refreshing change of pace i found it fun to watch i can a million of these cartoons in which every beats each other over the head anyway you knew the peace wasn t going to last a big piece of steak spells the death of the peace treaty but en route it was nice change and still had some of usual tom jerry clever humor"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22060": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is easily one of the worst martial arts films i ve ever seen and that s saying something the chant of viva chiba viva chiba is heard at the title soon you will be chanting to yourself stupid stupid the basic story is that the mafia is running drugs into japan and one man vowels to stop them of course that s our man sonny chiba the karate master offers up his service to anyone who can provide information on the drug lords a woman comes forward and he becomes the bodyguard but what are her true intentions let me say at this point who cares soon we are treated to or tortured by a series of poorly choreographed fights and a lame storyline that becomes more and more laughable at every moment sonny eventually wipes out the bad guys with his karate skills end of story oh yeah the woman was corrupt too congratulations you may have just watched the funniest film ever as stated already this is one of the worst martial arts films i have ever seen what makes it semi watchable is to see how badly made a film can be some have already mentioned the infamous american intro put into the film that s probably the most entertaining part of the film and it s beyond funny i would agree its worth watching just to see how lame the s karate scene was at the time watch as aaron banks leaves a guy hanging by his nuts then flips a fat student bad editing punching him in the throat but everything is badly done in this film terrible unbelievable fights fake i mean fake blood bad acting dubbing wardrobe and let s not forget the story one man to take out an entire drug problem in a country i bet fight after fight is laughable this was the s when people still believed karate was effective in a fight but chiba brings it to new levels with some of the nonsense put out in this movie let s see he kicks a gun in half kicks a guy so hard what looks like his dentures fall out and of course chopping the bottle scene give me a break not to mention the fact that it s very hard to tell what happens in the fights because it s filmed so poorly one part that was amusing was when he broke the guys arm through the door giving him a compound fracture ok as the action goes on we are treated to gobs of blood really fake blood too say it looked poorly made is and understatement the acting is totally non existent in this film i don t expect much from a film of this caliber anyway as long as the action is good but it wasn t and as expected the dubbing is extremely poor was it my imagination or did they dub the asian go go dancer with a black accent as expected from a s wardrobe you ll be in stitches laughing at some of the trends and nasty women put forth for the gratuitous nudity that comes with these flicks also why would the mafia be so obvious and all where black trench coats and hats all the time don t try and hide it now the characters were stupid as well the pimp club owner s one of whom is decked out in a japanese pimp suit and the other who has a taste for bores head looks like fat hippie also one last thing that bothered me throughout the film was the awful music with some woman whaling it was very annoying overall this is a terrible film by both martial arts standards and good movie making that doesn t mean that it s not entertaining with a film made so poorly it s hard not to laugh through most of this film if you can stomach it this was an old favorite watch with my best friend if it was purely bad i would give one star but the laughs it delivers bumps it up out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22061": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you are a fan then you will probably enjoy this if you don t know who misty mundae darian caine ruby larocca or seduction cinema are this is not the movie to start out with it s very cute silly the girls are hot and it s fun to watch there s no sex whatsoever until the very end of the minute film but the score is cheesy trippy and the plot s not a total bore misty mundae s makeup is bad in this movie and her hair is in awkward braids so she s not as hot in this as she has been in others but her panties in this are quite cute you ll just have to see the movie for that to not sound really weird if you do like this one you will probably enjoy that s girl vampire vixens or erotic survivor which is a bit more sexually graphic if you prefer watching misty or esmerelda in less sexual more horror exploitation based but lower budget movies check out the factory website"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22062": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i had quite high hopes for this film even though it got a bad review in the paper i was extremely tolerant and sat through the entire film i felt quite sick by the end although i am not in the least prude or particularly sensitive to tasteless cinema i thouroughly enjoyed both woody allen s everything you ever wanted to know about sex and michael hanneke s funny games i found the directors obsession with this ten year old wanting to drink women s milk totally sickening and when the film climaxed in an orgy where the boy drinks both his mother s milk as well as that of the woman he has been lusting after for the whole film i almost vomited with disgust for the total perversion and sentimental pap that it is don t get me wrong i enjoy the vast majority of european cinema as well as independently made films so this flick should have pleased me enormously avoid this film at all costs it should be relegated to the annals of history as a lesson in bad cinema"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22063": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as in amelie recent french films seem to be taking a stereotypical male female relationship slant centered on a female finding her one true love in this case desperation leads to a convict which leads to her evolution into a mob prototype clever and surprising story in many ways except that the female is there to support the male for those of us that don t speak french the subtitles are a little quick but not unreasonable the soundtrack as seems to be increasingly the case with european films is great and in perfect sync with the film s variations nothing seems forced visually it reminds me of various urban horror movies there s a wes craven in chicago feel to it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22064": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just finished watching this film and wow was that bad actually the only thing that kept me watching was that it was so monumentally bad it was kind of entertaining the action of the characters is hilarious from the hyper dramatic way they fall to gunfire to their incredibly bad acting were the bad guys all just pulled off the street or were they actually actors to incredibly bad delivery of lines to their inexplicable actions if you are going to try and shoot someone through a doorway as they enter obviously the thing to do is shoot directly at the doorknob this film must break some record for worst written and delivered lines the camera work was also really bad you can hardly see what s going on in the fight scenes due to switching camera angles and shakiness i would have voted except that i do like chiba and sidekick sue shihomi and i was entertained by a couple of scenes breaking of a villain s arm so the bone pops out of the skin that s gotta hurt a drug kingpin eating a brown furred animal a monkey by hacking away at the carcass with a meat cleaver sonny chiba s performing some impromptu eye surgery on a guy with his fingers i am actually a big fan of sonny chiba but this one is really not worth anyone s time i ve seen about or of his films and have come to the conclusion that the only ones worth watching and they are great are the street fighter series and the killing machine i ve also heard the executioner and golgo are good i recommend sticking to those ones"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22065": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "metro goldwyn mayer is a very lost player in the short cartoon market this market is essentially dominated by the looney tunes and the merry melodies shorts coming from warner bros but mgm is also able of releasing hidden gems like to spring an astonishing story about the most beautiful season of the year in the environment depicted here spring isn t caused by natural cycles but is fabricated and by who by little male elves who live below ground each spring when the snow begins to melt they start working they begin by felling rainbow rock columns then reducing them to rubble and using this rubble to turn it into color fluids which will be moved up to the ground and bearing grass flowers in other words spring the first half of the cartoon depicts spring s fabrication but the second part is a little bit different old man winter comes back and he tries to extend winter by destroying the elves work so from this point we assist to a battle between the elves and old man winter the music heard here is deliciously wonderful the melodic parts stick in the head like an ink spot on a paper sheet the second part melodies are thrilling and they perfectly fit with the action this is just fantastico giorgio the animation sequences are also a delight the colors are well mixed and every little detail is shown into a massive epic environment the concept itself is brilliant the elves are attracting characters so is old man winter who effectively portrays the cold and ruthless feelings of the white season there s also a strong message included here the battle seems lost for the elves at the end until a single late arriving elf jump into the action and it leads to the elves victory over winter so the point is only one single person can make the difference in conclusion to spring is a remarkable lost classic from short cartoon era what is even more remarkable is that this cartoon s director made his debut here and who is to spring s director it s a certain william hanna"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22066": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "lil bush is a minute cartoon show comprised of minutes episodes shown on comedy central it takes place in a fictional cartoonish washington d c and centers around the satirical childish representations of george w bush condoleeza rice donald rumsfeld and dick cheyney other politicians are also satirized in the same manner and act as minor characters the pilot of little bush much to this commentator s expectations proved to be a rather shallow and esoteric production which barely delivers on its featured promise a satirical look at the current presidential administration while one must admit that premise of the show does have some merit even though it would be hard to imagine a show based almost completely of the denigration of a single political persona would survive to continue to produce episodes after his term of office expired execution that can only be described as sloppy at best and downright awful at worst has marred what little potential the show had lil bush which may be technically classified as satire tends to disregard its actual use of the particular tool of comedy in order to lambaste its targets in exceptionally vulgar but not particularly original entertaining or funny ways the show s consistently weak writing often consists of little more than recording bush cheney jokes heard elsewhere ad nauseam and placing them all in a single minute block of television as such most of the jokes that presented by the writers were shameless clich s some of which that been in public circulation for more than years already comparing the vice president to darth vader for example may have been funny in the first times one has heard it on the daily show colbert report letterman conan o brien leno monologue any late night talk show ever but it is not funny here as if that were not enough the show s plots seem to exist simply as a means to advance the same old tiresome bush jokes that the writers have made the center of the program in the show s defense when the writers dare to write in a truly original joke which seems to be a rarity it is often somewhat humorous if the show were to expand its depth somewhat and place its characters into new situations exotic situations rather than the same old mistakes and quagmires perpetuated by the bush administration therefore not having to rely on the same old bush jokes over and over again the show might be considered somewhat tolerable and possibly even innovative ultimately it is difficult to ascertain which shortcoming causes the lil bush series the most damage its clear lack of originality and weak writing quality or its painfully narrow minded ambitions it is reasonable to expect that lil bush will be able to maintain a small base of left wing fans that is if they are able to endure the exceptionally poor writing so long as the program continues to lampoon the bush administration thoroughly even so the majority of viewers will soon recognize the program for what it really is a weak and pointlessly vulgar attempt at satire and tune out in search of something more intellectually stimulation the price is right perhaps"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22067": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this cartoon is short on plot but is a visually stunning piece of work there will be very very minor spoilers this short has a story that s incredibly slight gnomes underground are responsible for the return of spring each year yet must contend with a winter not yet ready to withdraw both the gnomes and the storm have their own songs that s pretty much the plot such as it is but this cartoon isn t about the plot it s about the color and animation the visuals are exceptional back in such bright color was still something of a novelty and there s some incredibly inspired work here my favorite moments of the short surround the movement of the liquefied colors through pipes at more than one point there are a series of pipes aligned in a row from the shortest to the tallest and the colors move through the pipes and the musical track makes it seem as though the row is a pipe organ the visuals of the battle between the emerging greenery and the winter storm which refuses to leave quietly are exceedingly well executed these types of shorts were things which hugh harman and rudolf ising are noted for but they probably also helped lead to their ultimate departure from mgm because this cartoon probably went over budget and mgm finally decided that they could control costs better if the animation department were managed by someone a little more conscious of cost than harman and ising were this is truly a beautiful cartoon and is well worth seeing it s available on the dvd attack of the s characters recommended particularly if you like good animation"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22068": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i want to start by stating i am a republican even though i don t agree with a lot of the things bush has done in office and i love the daily show and colbert report they have to be two of my favorite shows on tv i enjoy the bush jokes on conan letterman leno because i admit that w is not the smartest guy to ever walk the earth i do believe he s not the dumbest either but it comes to a point when enough is enough and it s not really that funny anymore i see where it can be funny and it is hey he s making fun of our authority figure he s hilarious comedy central though is just trying to hard to poke fun at him i mean maybe one special episode but an entire series is just dumb it seems cc is just saying the same bush jokes that we ve heard way to many times i really cannot see this show going past season"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22069": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i am sad to say that i disagree with other people on this columbo episode death lends a hand is frankly kind of a boring columbo to me after a few times i get bored and changed the channel i still love robert culp and patricia crowley and ray milland in their roles but the story was weaker in this episode than in the others first robert culp plays an investigator for ray milland s character he hires him to investigate his young pretty wife played by patricia crowley to see if she is having an affair in return culp s character blackmails the cheating wife who plans to expose his scheme to her husband ruining his career out of anger culp kills her by striking her in the face and setting the up the body elsewhere i don t know maybe i just didn t care for this one at all of course columbo gets him in the end it s just the question of how"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22070": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this show is not clever that s basically what it boils down to the original humor that these writers try to pull off to avoid completely biting off the rest of the worlds bush bashing is just unfunny in another comment someone quotes a couple hilarious lines the standout for me was george h w bush telling the kids they re not supposed to watch any tv besides fox news wow i thought the episodes i saw were bad the fact that this line is a high point for the series is pathetic my problem with drivel like this sad excuse for political satire is that these folks are getting a second season i m a liberal republican and i know bush hasn t been a good president we all do but that s no excuse for putting out this utterly poopie waste of time i place these writers on the same level as the geniuses behind meet the spartans their formula bite off as many already unfunny topical jokes as you can and throw in even worse original material to actually be able to give yourself writing credit again just plain bad unfunny and it just makes me more and more unhappy that crap like this is renewed but amazing and original shows like arrested development are canned after solid seasons please don t watch this crap unless you re one of those green blooded liberal hippies who think any sentence with the words bush and dumb is comedic gold oh and the voice of bush sucks all he does is slightly emulate a texan accent and exhale really hard at the end of his sentences at least south park admits the voices aren t accurate if you want funny political satire watch daily show colbert or look for any political sketches on robot chicken which is fun to watch since the stop motion action figure animation is extremely well done look for the george bush as a jedi bit on youtube priceless"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22071": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "death lends a hand is one of the pivotal early episodes of columbo that helped define the show for the next thirty years it marks the first of robert culp s four appearances three as a murderer playing much the same role in each show in this case culp plays brimmer the head of a large private detective company who is asked to investigate whether the wife of a wealthy newspaper magnate mr kennicut is having an affair although she is brimmer decides not to tell kennicut in the hope that he can blackmail his wife in return for snippets of information about her husband s business associates she reacts badly to this suggestion an argument ensues which rapidly turns violent as brimmer whacks her across the face because he is wearing a large ring the blow knocks her to the ground and kills her there are some really priceless moments in this episode one of my favourite scenes is where columbo pretends to be into palm reading although this is in fact a ruse to discover the shape and size of brimmer s ring without admitting that he knows the killer wore a ring columbo being columbo he only reveals what he really knows when the time is exactly right to turn the screws a little so initially he goofily plays the part of a rather simple minded man who gets excited by the lifeline going over the mound of the moon or some equally ridiculous palm reading mumbo jumbo another great scene is when brimmer tries to offer columbo a job for his firm effectively bribing him to stop poking his nose around again columbo doesn t reveal that he knows what s going on he pretends to be honoured and excited by this job offer and there s another where columbo says to kennicut in front of brimmer that he wishes the murderer could hear their conversation he wants to hint to brimmer that he is onto him without directly accusing him so he rather cruelly but understandable in the circumstances decides to play mindgames on brimmer in order to spook him into panicking and doing something stupid which of course he does all the while the grieving kennicut is unaware of the subtext of this conversation it s only near the end that columbo explains all to kennicut not shown on screen i won t reveal how columbo finally nails the killer bang to rights but let s just say there s a potato involved a really really good episode possibly the very best of the first series if you liked this then you ll like double exposure too also featuring robert culp"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22072": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "abysmal with a capital a this has got to be one of if not the unfunniest show on tv right now i m about as anti bush as it gets but this show doesn t even get a chuckle out of me what you think of bush as a president has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you ll like this piece of crap show the jokes are not funny at all for example in a scene when lil bush has his underwear on his head welcome to camp al qa eeda there is nothing funny about that is it even supposed to be joke the commercials that were shown in the weeks leading up to the show hyping it up were funnier than the show itself and that s just sad hopefully this does not even get considered for a second season it shouldn t even have had a first"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22073": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the first and best columbos starring robert culp and ray milland robert culp appeared on another columbo as did several other villains including patrick mcgoohan william shatner and jack cassidy ray milland also made a later appearance in this one ray milland is convinced his beautiful wife played by patricia crowley is having an affair so he hires culp to investigate culp has a blackmailing business on the side so he gives milland a fake report and threatens crowley with the real one if she doesn t pay up they get into a huge fight in culp s home and she winds up murdered enter columbo culp does everything he can to get columbo off the case including offering him a job but columbo is on to him from the beginning excellent episode"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22074": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "honestly my expectations for little bush were low i was expecting a little cartoon series with lots of fun but rehashed and overdone bush jokes apparently i should have lowered my expectations even more the writing was absolutely pathetic aside from the cheney chicken eating joke and some giggly little swipes it was really boring and unfunny the animation was about as sophisticated as a thirteen year old s flash project it s disgraceful that they used macromedia s product for this because it s capable of so much more i don t like bush that much and i enjoy a bush joke as much as the next guy but this was just a half hour swipe at the president with several painfully un funny moments trey parker and matt stone did so much more with that s my bush do yourself a favor skip lil bush and go buy a copy of the short lived comedy that s my bush you ll thank me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22075": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was the first regular filmed columbo movie episode but yet it aired as the second after steven spielberg s columbo murder by the book it s also at the same time among one of the better ones bernard l kowalski was one great creative director no wonder that they later asked him to direct three more columbo movies the movie has some real creative and innovative shot sequences and the movie as a whole is also clearly made with style passion and eye for detail every shot connects and is a reason why this movie is better and also better looking just any other average made for tv movie it s definitely one of the better directed columbo movies it s a quit original columbo entry for a couple of reasons the murder is more or less an accident and was an impulsive act so the killer this time doesn t have any time to plan out the perfect murder in advance and his to clean up any of the traces afterward and has to dispose the body the killer in this movie is not only being handled as the man who committed the crime but more as the man who helps out lieutenant columbo to solve the murder it makes the character a more interesting and layered one as well and also helps to make the way columbo solves the whole crime seem way more interesting as well because of that of course columbo starts to suspect him pretty early on and as always he comes to solution by making himself vulnerable and look more stupid than he of course truly is and by gaining the killer s trust this is obviously no spoiler since this is the way every columbo movie gets set up i liked the story of the movie and how it progressed it also helps the movie that it has such a fine cast at the time of this movie peter falk had really made the columbo character his own and the character at this was already fully developed robert culp is truly great as the short tempered brimmer funny thing is that he would later star in three different columbo movies again and one mrs columbo episode only in totally different roles he even played the murderer in a couple of those movies as well again he by the way was not the only actor that did this in other later columbo movies also the great ray milland makes an appearance in this movie as the husband of the victim all in all a real great early columbo movie and among the better ones out of the long running series of movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22076": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am marking this as a spoiler only because of some of my comments of the show s content not to the content itself as i read the comments it is apparent that those republicans somehow tolerate the show but disdain it while the democrats seems to relish in its so called truthfulness one reader even so it seems actually indicates that he believes these events did or could have happened when bush was in grade school but as to the content as i see it trying to be neutral is that the group that made this series must actually be really bush haters in the episode that i saw last s e it showed that the program must have been put together long before mccain became the front runner for the nomination because the other former front runners are all featured another thing that caught my attention was the use of add in closets i thought that the series must have been made in europe of for sure not in the u s a because i know of no home the u s a that does not have built in closets and most likely in the homes of the artists as i watch the show yes i do get caught up in it i am amazed to see what must be a terrific desire of the writers to do what they can to embarrass our president sure there are problems as most american will agree but that is no reason to be so hateful in public displays seen around the world perhaps the trend has now been set by this show and network so that if obama or hillary got in would they continue to produce and air the same sort of humor about them just one more comment on a commentator s remarks if there had been some sort of change in the election back in according to that writer he was so sure that there would be a completely different acceptable president wow wishful thinking on his part as far as events i do believe that it was set in motion back when clinton was president and i can t see how if gore was president anything would be much different"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22077": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the second official episode of the columbo series murder by the book filmed later hit the airwaves first robert culp who would match wits with peter falk s detective in several future installments is terrific as the short tempered head of a sophisticated private detective agency who murders a client s wife when she refuses to cave in to his blackmail schemes the two stars are well matched in this clever cat and mouse exercise that is one of the best in the series"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22078": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when anti bush jokes get really easy to do a show like this had better make sure it has something extra when that something extra is kid versions of political figures making jokes about the future they don t have yet it s just plain nonsense dick cheney and george bush are done well but dick cheney mutters mostly there s also condoleeza rice who has a crush on bush for some reason and donald rumsfeld who isn t really that similar to donald rumsfeld at all the democratic characters rarely give their names so it s a mystery as to who could be who aside from barack obama and hilary clinton the episodes have coherent stories but that s not nearly enough to keep this from sinking"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22079": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was the second entry in the regular columbo series and it holds up well today as i am able to look at it closely now on dvd and see how it is constructed i am very impressed with the direction of bernard l kowalski who directed the fine macho callahan as well as countless tv episodes watch how the post murder actions of the killer are shown on a split screen effect on his two eyeglasses watch how the murder itself is shown in montage fashion watch the point of view shot from the perspective of the corpse also the wild but impressive avant garde musical score from noted jazzman gil melle was incredible and helped so much to create atmosphere and the supporting performance of brett halsey as the golf pro was wonderful such subtlety and complexity in a role that nine out of ten times would be a one dimensional cutout the formula had not yet been set when this episode was filmed so there are still some surprises in columbo s methods of course falk robert culp and ray milland are the highest quality actors and it s a pleasure to see them work all men are familiar from many other roles yet lose themselves in their characters here in all this entry in the columbo series and many of the others are as well crafted as a very good feature film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22080": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if the only sex you ve ever had is with a farm animal then the tag line for this movie is probably still misleading this is by far one of the most boring movies i ve had the pleasure to try and watch lately i found the dvd lying around at my friend s house and i made the sad mistake of not burning it i am unable to tell any details without spoiling the movie because there are only about details to this movie just try to imagine someone making a movie about things on c span only the fictional movie is times less interesting than the most boring debate on c span i think there is a conspiracy somewhere in this movie but i was unable to tell exactly what it was after i gouched my eyeballs out and threw them at richard gere"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22081": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a very high standard columbo story which was actually the first filmed episode of the long running series but was originally transmitted second after murder by the book robert culp makes his first of three appearances as the guest murderer in the series and plays the owner of a private detective agency who blackmails the wife patricia crowley of a rich highly influential businessman played very sympathetically by ray milland after he falsifies a report in her favour after it is discovered she was having an affair the wife later rebels against the blackmail scheme but is killed in a fit of rage a very satisfying episode in many respects particularly as the plot is so strongly set up and subsequently developed and also because of the rare columbo ingredient that the crime is an unpremeditated killing the whole thing is further enhanced when the widowed husband uses the murderer to assist columbo in his investigations a feature that facilitates numerous good quality scenes particularly in the first sequence when the three central characters meet and columbo s crucially deceptive qualities are wonderfully in evidence directed with flair by bernard l kowalski and acted to an appropriately high level this really set the tone for whole series since murder by the book was let down by a poor ending the script by columbo creators richard levinson and william link is precise well structured and well thought out and is underpinned by a steady productive pace and meaningful sequences which really exhibit the unpredictability of the story ultimately the finale fittingly epitomises that columbo has always been one step ahead of the murderer overall this is a very fine piece of detective work for columbo and strongly suggests that the production team had worked positively and constructively to render a polished columbo story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22082": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the main problem with power is that it features way too may pointless characters and subplots that add absolutely nothing to the movie whatsoever it gets boring after awhile sitting around waiting through scenes that don t connect to find something that drives the movie forward you could probably pass it all off as character development but all of them are either recycled from earlier scenes in the movie or are just simply to flat and uninteresting lumet never gives enough time to let any of the supporting cast blossom he should have cut a few of the characters hackman the wife and concentrated harder on others billings it could have been a great hard political thriller instead of a jumbled mess that loses any message in a sea of bad writing and acting a fact that amazed me considering the cast even gene hackman performance wasn t up to par denzel washington is the only real actor of note here gere and the others have all done much better performances elsewhere sidney lumet needs to go back to the fierce one man shows he did in the seventies i e serpico and stop trying to recapture his success with angry men and fail safe it hasn t worked yet sidney and it most likely never will leave the ensemble dramas to altman"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22083": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "perfect cast for a few person drama simon is dead but somehow resurrects from outside what he had seen there is displayed in form of blank spots orchestrated to a magnificent score by german avant garde composer werner henze simon is haunted by his death comforted by support of death people he d seen on the other side his girlfriend tries to hold him to life but failing to decides to follow him after his finally occurring death very touchy and moving deeply psychological but a bit slow and somewhere even boring"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22084": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "instead go to the zoo buy some peanuts and feed em to the monkeys monkeys are funny people with amnesia who don t say much just sit there with vacant eyes are not all that funny black comedy there isn t a black person in it and there isn t one funny thing in it either walmart buys these things up somehow and puts them on their dollar rack it s labeled unrated i think they took out the topless scene they may have taken out other stuff too who knows all we know is that whatever they took out isn t there any more the acting seemed ok to me there s a lot of unfathomables tho it s supposed to be a city it s supposed to be a big lake if it s so hot in the church people are fanning themselves why are they all wearing coats"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22085": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what is very french about this film is the time taken to establish the two leading characters this might require a bit of patience especially since neither is attractive in the typical hollywood definition of such however once the heist kicks in the film rushes forward quickly perhaps at times too quickly but it is a real rollercoaster ride and if you don t look too closely it is all quite believable the kind of film that you know hollywood would have botched up"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22086": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "everyone involved and the audience should seek out the candidate to see how good this movie could have been what happened the south american story what were julie christie and kate capshaw thinking to allow their roles to be cardboard cut outs up to now i have liked every gene hackman performance and or movie he was either disinterested which i can hardly believe or dreadfully miscast i have also liked and defended richard gere and been vilified for it but here he had no power he was never intimidating and only occasionally persuasive all in all i was very disappointed i really expected much more from this director and cast if you can t find the candidate watch wag the dog again or even bulworth"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22087": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "alain resnais films are uncanny in the way that they aren t really edited for continuity but instead the shot seems to finish right where a memory has edited love unto death is at times a quiet existential drama and a roundly creative magical realist movie and either way treats the audience to a whole new aspect of the eros thanatos relationship or perhaps creates a new relationship that of agape thanatos the beginning is like a bizarre surrealist horror movie a woman desperately runs around the house while a man lays dying in his bed did she kill him or what happened soon that tension is dissolved as a doctor arrives and pronounces him dead but from there a newer stranger drama begins the man wakes up and after being dead the woman and man fall in love to actually quite tragic consequences meanwhile their friends who are both priests watch on and submit their own debate into the nature of love faith and devotion resnais always seems to have some device to make these sorts of narratives work and what s so amazing about his films is that those devices always work in this case resnais intercuts the scenes with shots of snow falling to an arousing orchestral score which fades off and bleeds into the subsequent shots that continue the story trapped in this elegiac aside periodically the film develops a rhythm not too unlike an epic poem and i got strange flashbacks to dante s divine comedy from this one despite the lack of direct reference within the movie resnais is known as a very poetic filmmaker but this extends past just the cinepoem structure to something that forces a degree of introspection in the viewer which has the possibility to bring to surface some odd recollections memory narrative resnais creates polarisdib"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22088": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if there was a zero rating i would give it to this movie today was the second time i tried to watch it and i still couldn t make it through from beginning to end i can t believe the multiple stars given by others can only assume they either know the actors or are a publicist in disguise the acting is atrocious all around the script is blah the kid playing nichole shows zero emotion even when she s being threatened the southern accent from the actress playing amber s mom is laughable i m from georgia and have friends from texas believe me nobody talks like that none of her emotions seemed real in any scene the subject matter is very serious and deserves much better treatment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22089": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "master cin aste alain resnais likes to work with those actors who are a part of his family in this film too we see resnais family members like pierre arditi sabine azema andr dussolier and fanny ardant dealing with serious themes like death religion suicide love and their overall implications on our daily lives the formal nature of relationship shared by these people is evident as even friends they address each other using a formal you in while making l amour mort resnais dealt with time memory and space to unravel the mysteries of a fundamental question of human existence is love stronger than death it was years ago in that resnais made a somewhat similar film je t aime je t aime which was also about love and memories message of this film is loud and clear true and deep love can even put science to shame as dead lovers regain their lost lives leaving doctors to care for their reputation l amour mort is like a game which is not at all didactic it is a film in which the musical score is in perfect tandem with its images this is one of the reasons why this film can easily be grasped"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22090": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i think that elisabeth rohm though she may try hard is not very good at all i guess it was because of budget that she may have been the only one they could get for that price i mainly watched it for the performance of myron natwick whose work i know very well he was the most believable and without doubt the most compelling to watch when he wasn t on the screen the thing went dead this was filmed in vancouver he gave me the creeps but be assured that in real life he is a kind funny compassionate man he even said playing that role gave him the creeps i ll watch anything with him in it but elisabeth rohm never again she was as exciting as lint on law and order maybe a very nice person but no actress"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22091": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i used to love watching this i had no idea it was part of a larger series i must have been or so at the time it was on tv i just thought it was funny and for some reason i had a deep fascination for something that was clear that was in the president s pile of bathtub toys my parents had taped this off of tv when it originally aired on nbc the tape even had the old sanka coffee commercial along with a few others i m planning on returning home sometime soon and will try to record the tape onto my computer so that those who want a copy can do so if anyone of you would like to contact me i think you can do that through the imdb site feel free i will keep you updated and let you know when i have the show in a digital format"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22092": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am from the dallas fort worth area and lived in arlington for a few years this movie was way off as far as making it look like arlington i saw mountains in the background of one scene texas doesn t have mountains i guess that happens when a movie that is supposed to be in texas is filmed in canada the accents are also really bad they should have gotten actors from texas to play the parts there a lot of aspiring actors from texas out in hollywood the movie is really sad though because it is a true story i pray that the killer is found and convicted the one good thing is that bc of her death we now have the amber alert to help find missing children quickly after they are abducted"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22093": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was pretty young when this came out in the us but i recorded it from tv and watched it over and over again until i had the whole thing memorized to this day i still catch myself quoting it the show itself was hilarious and had many famous characters from frank sinatra to sylvester stallone to mr t the voices were great and sounded just like the characters they were portraying the puppets were also well done although a little creepy i was surprised to find out just recently that it was written by rob grant and doug naylor of red dwarf a show that i also enjoy very much like another person had written in a comment earlier i too was robbed of this great show by a friend who borrowed it and never returned it i sure wish there was enough demand for this show to warrant a dvd release but i don t think enough people have heard of it oh well maybe i ll try e bay"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22094": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the female lead was a terrible actress which made the whole movie mediocre she was smiling too much when she first went in front of the cameras to talk about her daughter this should have made the police suspect her i would have been inconsolable in the identical situation she seemed way calm for a mother who could not find her daughter it was as if she did not want to even be in the movie jennifer aniston would have played the part better and it would have made a lot more money for such a controversial important subject everyone else was excellent i don t know where the lead actress is but i hope she got some acting lessons"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22095": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it was in when i saw the ronnie and nancy show for the first time on austrian television at that time i was already a very big fan of spitting image since when it won the bronze rose of the montreux film festival in of course i recorded every show on tape and watched it again and again especially the ronnie and nancy show i remember that scene when ronnie stood in front of a painting of abraham lincoln thinking it was a mirror and said to himself i need a shave or most amusing of all when he played ball with his dog but vice versa it s such a shame that spitting image seems to fall into oblivion it was one of the most fantastic and most intelligent made tv shows ever compared to other satirical broadcasts it was definitely the best of all well almost years have passed since then and i wish i could see the show again is it possible to purchase it from someone somewhere"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22096": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "elizabeth rohm was the weakest actress of all the law and order ada s and her acting is even worse here her attempts at a texas accent are amateurish and unrealistic nor can she adequately summon the intense emotions needed to play the mother of a kidnapped child at times while her daughter is missing she manages to sound only vaguely annoyed as if she can t remember where she left her keys this is an important true story so it s too bad that the awful acting of the lead actress distracts so much from the message the rest of the cast is talented enough but they just can t overcome rohm s tendency to simply lay on a particularly thick imitation of a southern drawl whenever actual acting is required"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22097": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a long time ago i watched this movie from the middle on cable i then had a crush on mary moronov i saw her again in eating raoul i was convinced that she s the hottest woman on screen i maybe biased about this movie out of this s the only movie i own on original tape"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22098": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am anthony park glenn park is my father first off i want to say that the story behind this movie and the creation of the amber alert system is a good one however the movie itself was poorly made and the acting was terrible the major problem i had with the movie involved the second half with nichole timmons and father glenn park the events surrounding that part of the story were not entirely correct my father was suffering from psychological disorders at the time and picked up nichole without any intent to harm her at all he loved her like a daughter and was under the mindset that he was rescuing her from some sort of harm or neglect that he likely believed was coming from her mother who paid little attention to her over the plus years that my father took care of her and summarily raised her so her mother could frolic about the movie depicted my father in a manner that he was going to harm her in some way shape or form the funny thing is that nichole had spent many nights sometimes consecutively at my fathers place while sharon would be working or doing whatever she was doing the reason that my father was originally thought to be violent was because he had items that could be conceived to be weapons on his truck my father was a landscaper the items they deemed to be weapons were landscaping tools that he kept in his truck all the time for work my recommendation is take this movie with a grain of salt it is a good story and based on true events however the details of the movie at least the nichole timmons glenn park portion are largely inaccurate and depict the failure of the director to discover the truth in telling the story the funny thing is that if the director would have interviewed any of sharon s friends who knew the situation they would have stated exactly what i have posted here"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22099": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one of the unsung gems of the s scenes features razor sharp satire and outstanding performances from arnetia walker how did she not get a ton of roles after this and wallace shawn it s a delicious send up of class warfare and the people in those classes the writing is hilarious and the characters while not subtle are nuanced and sorry but the asian gangs if you can call one japanese guy extorting one of the other characters a gang were not put in for sociological value as another review implies they should been the value here lies in what the movie is making fun of and in the sparklingly wicked way it does it i found it creative funny and idiosyncratic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22100": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "carnosaur primal species d jonathan winfrey scott valentine janet gunn rick dean anthony peck rodger halston terri j vaughn billy burnette why even bother reviewing this movie another stupid dinosaur movie in which top secret military guys discover those lethal and very fake looking prehistoric monsters running around killing people in gory ways the original was bad enough the sequel was even worse this falls somewhere in between though unrelated to either of the previous carnosaur films rating out of rated r for graphic violence and gore grisly images and profanity"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22101": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "often laugh out loud funny play on sex family and the classes in beverly hills milks more laughs out of the zip code than it s seen since the days of granny and jed clampett plot centers on two chauffers who ve bet on which one of them can bed his employer both single or soon to be single ladies quite sexy bisset and woronov first if manuel wins his friend will pay off his debt to a violent asian street gang if he loses he must play bottom man to his friend lots of raunchy dialogue fairly sick physical humour etc but a lot of the comedy is just beneath the surface bartel is memorable as a very sensual oder member of the family who ends up taking his sexy teenaged niece on a year long missionary trip to africa hilarious fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22102": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "okay i remember watching the first one and boy did it suck after watching it i just laughed it off and told myself oh boy just another low budget b movie i ll never see a part to this one then about years later there came part two it sucked even more but i just laughed it off again and said there s no way i m ever gonna see a part to this one then about a year later part came out i was stupid enough to rent it and boy i just snapped after watching it god i never actually realized how much movies can suck these days just save yourself and don t rent the whole series trust me it s worth every penny"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22103": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "saw this movie on its release and have treasured it since what a wonderful group of actors i always find the casting one of the most interesting aspects of a film really enjoyed seeing dramatic actress jacqueline bisset in this role and wallace shawn is always a hoot the script is smart sly and tongue in cheek poking fun at almost everything beverley hills loved paul bartel s doctor and ray sharkey s manservant this was raunchy and crude but thank god unless you re a prude i heartily recommend this movie fyi for anyone who likes to play six degrees of kevin bacon mary woronov paul bartel were in rock roll high school mary woronov and robert beltran were in night of the comet together they were all three in eating raoul"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22104": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "carnosaur is bad awfully bad bad to the point where it is funny how matter how much i try to convince myself i just can t believe anyone in this world could find this entertaining for serious reasons i mean come on even the cover is bad ok the special effects are absolutely ridiculous those carnosaurs are really ridiculous a scientist tells the soldiers that they move incredibly fast yet when you see them run they run at the speed of an actor in a rubber suit trying to run as much as he can and the explosions are funny there is no other word to describe it at the beginning a bullet hits a jeep after a guys says what was that and the other explosions are also laughable but the worst thing is the screenplay and the so called story you don t expect a good story or i don t think anyone renting this movie expects a good movie but at least the story has to try to make sense i mean how hard is it to make a story about dinosaurs killing people at least coherent incredibly hard if you look at this oh and if you think that it s easy to makes believable commandos as your characters tell it to the writers of this awful awful piece of crap i mean what sick human being would make cheap jokes after one of his buddies is dead and they do lots of it and if you think that a movie about dinosaurs killing soldiers can only be at least action packed wake up this movie is incredibly dull the carnosaurs who invented this lame name anyway attack in boring action sequences where you don t see much happening the soldiers think of how to beat them in incredibly funny scenes where they try real hard to be serious but can t seem to convince even just one second so then they attack the carnosaurs but their idea doesn t work another laughable action sequence back to planning with a few lame jokes thrown in in another ridiculous scene and this goes on and on and on and let s not forget the acting which is about as convincing as the special effects and the story oh ok this movie simply sucks from a to z"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22105": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is outrageous funny ribald sophisticated hits the bullseye where of hollywood movies don t even make the target paul bartel should be recognized as one of the great directors of this or any era he s the american renoir bunuel _ combined glad i have the videodisc"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22106": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "where to start if this movie had been a dark comedy i would say it was fannn tastic unfortunately for me and anyone else with free time and a buck to spare mind you that was the price i paid got it from wal mart this movie was meant to be a thriller the only thrill i got was watching kirkland s lousy rendition of anne wilkes from misery sans snowy woodland area if you want a good laugh on a rainy friday night with some friends then i highly recommend this movie but if you want to watch something at least half way decent then don t even bother i for one enjoy crappy films the worse the better in most cases but wow i meant wow the only person in the entire film that didn t stink it up was the little boy played by vincent berry the only reason why i even give it stars is because it gave me something to do"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22107": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "deaf secretary carla emmanuelle devos is bullied by her mean spirited male colleagues when they suggest she needs an assistant it seems like the final insult but when the first applicant is ex con paul vincent cassel she seizes the chance to change her life carla covers his mistakes and he anxious to go straight reluctantly helps her to take revenge on her colleagues when paul asks carla to return the favor she finds herself drawn into the criminal underworld ruled by ruthless lone shark marchand olivier gourmet recognizing her ability to lip read as a weapon no one will have bargained for the two set out to see justice done french filmmaker jacques audiard s third feature read my lips is a genre defying piece switching from dark social comedy to visceral full throttle thriller"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22108": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as a southern baptist it pains me that i must give a below average rating to an overtly christian movie there certainly aren t so many that i want to discourage film makers from a genre that s woefully under exploited still i must honestly say that love s abiding joy is a typically low budget low key self consciously christian film the plot is predictable the acting mediocre i m being kind and the editing atrocious as a tv movie it might have been slightly above average but as a feature film it leaves much to be desired keep trying guys you ve got to have a movie about about real christians inside you somewhere might i suggest you turn to g k chesterton or c s lewis for some inspiration"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22109": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i remember seeing this in a the salem movie theater where i used to attend kiddie matin e s almost every saturday in dayton ohio when i was a young boy and have never forgotten it it simply amazed me and my friends i do wish there were some way i could see it again i have tried to find some compilation of shorts or something like that to no avail i only recently discovered that it was a cousteau film and that blew my mind even more how the heck he accomplished this is beyond my understanding the fish is actually in the cat s mouth at one point if i remember correctly if anyone could help me find a way to see it again i would be extremely grateful"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22110": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i really hope that concorde new horizons wasn t trying to make a serious horror or even action movie when they made carnosaur the movie is flat out silly from start to finish even the humor in c is funny because it s bad definitely a high water mark in the so bad it s good genre if you enjoy the very worst of the worst this is for you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22111": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie has great style fantastic visuals and hot sex scenes with a beautiful woman it falters at the end as the story twists get a little bit extreme but all in all i would recommend this movie just because it has that good old russian feel to it big impressive powerful bleak and brutal and at the same time beautiful in the old tradition of tragic beauty plot a guy who can make a blade shoot out of his hand at will not a spoiler since they show it in the trailer when he is really mad at you tries to have a girlfriend he discovers that after you kill one person with your sword hand it s kind of hard to keep a stable relationship sword boy is on the planet for a reason he just doesn t know what it is yet lots of dark street fights with guys unexpectedly getting filleted creatively russain w eng subtitles slick worth a watch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22112": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is probably one of the worst wanna be a low budget hit films to credit the dinosaur genre the film is so predictable you could go away cook yourself dinner go answer the phone or whatever and when you re back you ll know exactly what has happened the special effects are so poor you would have thought lego bricks were used and the super fast dinosaurs were so tame that it makes a pet dog look like a super predator the acting is over cooked they try so hard yet there just isn t enough character behind them to get into the characters and as for the scientist yeah okay we know exactly whats going to happen to the blonde chick in glasses stereotypical was created for films like this if you want to watch this film i suggest you aren t in as a serious mood as the cast and crew obviously were and if you are really really into dinosaurs and know everything in the world about them don t watch it you might break the screen the facts are that far off"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22113": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "for everyone who expects a traditional superhero movie it might be an unpleasant surprise it is definitely more of a drama rather than an action movie it focuses mainly on emotions and it s a bit like a greek tragedy whatever the main character does it always goes wrong somehow that s because sasha like each superhero takes the law into his own hands and the society doesn t appreciate it sasha becomes an outlaw while on the run he meets a beautiful girl and falls in love so things get even more complicated for him as you can see the plot itself is really dramatic but the movie lacks in dynamics it reminds me slightly of the narration in the recent movies by ram gopal varma everything happens very slowly however when there s an action scene it gets so immensely dynamic that before you realize what s going on it s all over but the director does not want to impress us with flashy and showy action what is more important here is the outcome of sasha s actions which are mostly very drastic the score is very scarce which also makes it more difficult to concentrate on the film so basically you need to be very patient in order to watch it is the film worth it that is a question really difficult to answer i don t think that this experience enriched me so very much but somehow i keep on thinking about this movie and feel like watching it again mostly due to the atmosphere which is really dense but not suffocating because all the time sasha and katya have hope after all they re young people who have all their lives to live so no matter how hard it gets there s always a slight joyous tune when they are together"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22114": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one of the silliest movies i have ever had the misfortune to watch i should have expected it after seeing the first two but i keep getting suckered into these types of movies with the idea of maybe they did it right this time nope not even close where do i begin how about with the special effects to give you an idea of what passes for sfx in this movie at one point a soldier is shooting at a raptor as it runs down a hallway even with less than a second of screen time the viewer can easily see that it is just a man with a tail apparently taped to him running around bad bad bad bad how about the acting if that s what you can call it there is one character who i suppose is supposed to be from the south however after living in the south for six years now i have never heard this way of talking perhaps he has some sort of weird disability the inability to talk normally i find it fascinating that the character does nothing that requires him to have that accent therefore there was no reason for the actor to try to do one how about the plot it s pretty basic raptors escape people with guns must hunt them down i m starting to wonder why the dinosaurs in these movies always seem to run into the nearest system of tunnels wouldn t they stay outside to hunt prey oh well at least they have the good sense to appear very very little in the movie which supposedly revolves around them other things let s say you are in a building and you know that there are man eating raptors running around in it would you decide to take time out to have an argument about who is better army or marine and then decide to have an arm wrestling contest to settle it how about the idiotic idea that they have to track down the raptors split up into groups of two didn t they ever watch any horror movies or at least an episode of scooby doo in short this is one of the dumber movies out there miss it unless you want to groan your way through a movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22115": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a woman borough a boy to this world and was alone they both were alone because a boy had a gift and a curse in one package he was capable of withdrawing sword from his arm there was always a wound on his wrist in the cause of this gift the wound of the deadliest weapon inside of his body first he kills his constantly drunk stepfather who hurts his mom every time then he grows up and decides to find his real father just as simple as all the time for a superhero he reaches the justice but the society decides this justice is not necessary and dangerous which is indeed right cause it is not like in hollywood movies that the character does not try to kill anyone sasha he is the main hero acted by artem tkachenko kills if the person who in his opinion deserves to die but gets blames from authorities and runs in such a runaway from authorities and mafia he meets a girl acted by chulpan hamatova and falls in love with her everything else is to be watched not told be aware that this film is more about feelings and emotions but not about actions this film is full of pain of the main character full of him and his vision of life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22116": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "primal species dir jonathan winfrey international terrorists get a surprise when their cargo turn out to contain living dinosaurs the army commando team now have to think fast if they want to prevent the extinction of the human species instead of the reptiles you look at the cover and you gain your first impressions of the film that is pretty much it the acting is only just acceptable from a few characters the story is poor with the whole film based on the army and the marines trying to kill the dinosaurs this film came out three years after jurassic park instead this film looks to have come out years before jurassic park the dinosaurs costumes are so poorly made and i do mean costumes there are obviously people dressed up and this film makes no attempts at hiding this a scene when a dinosaur runs down a corridor is created in a way in which it looks like someone is riding the creature the is one good thing which comes out of this film the short running time at only hour and minutes it doesn t waste too much of your life but still try to avoid it altogether it s like a friday the th nightmare officer brian currie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22117": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i went into this movie after having read it was a drama about a man with a supernatural gift who was made into a monster by society suffice to say i was expecting something entirely different from what i got but it was a happy surprise my friend and i both thought the movie was very romantic the fact that the male lead isn t bad to look at surely helped and there was enough plot development action and even humor the fact that it takes them until the rd part of the movie to now each other s name had the whole movietheatre laughing to keep you entertained and invested in the story so in short not what i expected but a very good surprise indeed i ll definitely buy this movie when it comes out on dvd"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22118": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in general i like dinosaur movies but this one is pure crap no script no dialogues no acting and the brave colonel rance trying to show he is tough and so curving his mouth resembles as a twin brother the stupid proctor from the police academy so this was a complete waste of time fortunately not waste of money as i saw the film on tv and i really cannot understand people who graded this sh t they must ve joked my advice if you see this title run from it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22119": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there is a lot of crap coming out of hollywood lately a friend sends me movies now and again as a surprise it s awesome i turned it on and couldn t stop watching it is a drama but with a odd twist imagine if romeo as in shakepeare had a super power it is sad and poetic at the same time hollywood should take notice of the new russian cinema they are telling stories that are not about big explosions and cgi it takes a simple basic premise and tells a story without a spectacle this is a lot like an asian film with a dark russian twist granted it s not perfect but nothing ever is you know what the power is but it is never explained nor totally realized until the end it becomes secondary to the emotion of the story i don t want to see a remake it is too cool as is the hollywood system would as usual mess it up acting is top notch all around directing and camera work are far above most of the crap that is out there kudos to all involved and i will turn a lot of people on to this independent epic a if you can find i watch it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22120": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is the worst movie i have ever seen it is humorous how bad it is the entire time i was watching it i half expected music to start and the doctor starts dancing i ve seen porno s with a better plot when the raptor was trying to get in the door i think someone was throwing a plastic doll against the door from about feet away but as i said it is so bad you need to watch it so that you can see just how bad it is me explaining it isn t going to do anything compared to if you watch it i don t recommend renting it but if it comes on tv watch it for about min just to see what i mean i couldn t watch more than min but if you can sit through the whole thing then you have some good willpower"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22121": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "despite the title the sword bearer and the dvd cover action herioc poses of the sword bearer this is not a super hero film minor spoilers it follows the tale of sasha the sword bearer who is cursed with having a retractable sword in his forearm cool you say but no this is real life if you had this power as a child could you control it when say faced by a mad man or when your mum s boyfriend is beating her and if you don t control it how do you cope with being a two time killer at the age of this essentially is where sasha is when we meet him wandering aimlessly after another killing much like a bout de souffl he then meet katya and the pair fall instantly in love providing sasha with a real reason to live and try and changes his ways however his past is still chasing him in the form of two police officers that is essentially the story and there is virtually no action on screen though a lot if suggested i really like this movie unlike many hollywood super hero films we get very little back story there is no bad guy unless you count the sword bearer himself abut there is a lot of heart and good character development worth checking out if you can find it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22122": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if this is your first time experiencing the wonders of cinema if you ve never seen a moving picture before you ll think this movie is a child of the gods but if you ve seen a movie a tv show even barney the dinosaur then you won t be very impressed by this film heck barney the dinosaur was even more realistic than the dinos in this flick now i like b movies i just watched the giant gila monster right before i watched this swill and i liked that movie much better it works as a b movie it has lamer dialog hokier acting cheesier effects and an honest to gosh real gila monster as the monster carno just doesn t pack much of a b movie punch it has some gore and that polchek guy comes close to being funny a few times but this movie is underwhelming almost flaccid it s the little engine that couldn t of dinosaur movies i m not saying you shouldn t watch the movie some people can watch gum drying on a sidewalk and feel entertained if you re one of those people then give this movie a shot"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22123": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what happens when the average joe finds out he has supernatural powers the premise may sound familiar the watchmen unbreakable however the russian sci fi action flick the sword bearer is far from the standard stock the story revolves around a man named sasha who as a boy was shunned from society his peers and family due to a supernatural power that he possess when he wishes or his anger allows a sword extends from his arm piercing his own skin very wolverinish maybe but that s not the interesting part of this film shunned all his life and driven by anger and a temper he does have our hero returns to his home town to turn his life around or find a reason to the only thing he encounters here is trouble when an encounter with an old flame s new boyfriend leaves him bloodied on the ground this is where the vengeance and anger comes into play this is a man you do not want to cross and from this point the mafia and the police are on his tail he meets a girl and falls in love instantly as does she and this is really what the movie is about the film is highly impressionistic with bold colors and noir overtones spliced with short yet extreme action sequences this is art house at it s core beautifully filmed with such attention to details in every scene over gruesome sci fi action it s this odd mash that interests me so much in this film the directors approach for this genre is refreshing focusing on the emotional journey of sasha and not a straight action film don t worry though the action is there and plenty of it however much of these sequences show only implied violence with pictures of the horrific aftermath this is not to say that action is not shown these scenes are here and are fantastic especially the ending where we see sasha s full powers unleashed in desperation the director chooses to imply the violence of many scenes to keep the focus on the character s emotional struggle at hand this is a tragic love story and a refreshing entry into the genre"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22124": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one of the funniest movies i ve ever seen i rented it as a joke expecting to get a giggle out of the first few scenes and let me just say i ve never laughed so hard in my life the first scene where ninjas randomly pop out of the air and start a huge and ridiculous fire fight is one of the most incredibly funny stupid action movie moments of my life this is not a dinosaur movie but more a movie that makes fun and doesn t mean to at all of the action genre i didn t see the first two but judging by the complexity of the plot i don t think there s to much i missed if you wanna see a movie that goes great with a six pack or any herbal remedy than i insist you rent this movie and sit back and watch a years of advancement in cinema get thrown in the trash and get shat on by carnosours"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22125": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "mechenosets is one of the most beautiful romantic movies i ve ever seen the name of the film can be translated in english as the sword bearer the main hero sasha was born with one exceptional ability he can protect himself with the extremely sharp sword which emerges from under the skin in his hand at first side he can seem one more foolish superhero from the senseless movie about unreal events and feelings but it is not about mechenosets he hardly can be even called the anti hero i think he is just a person who lost the purport in his life and faith in good justice and love in his life he has never met someone who could understand and love him except his mother every his step is stained with blood he takes revenge on everybody for his gift which became a damnation for him and suddenly he meets her she doesn t need the idle talks and explanations she loves him for what he is she doesn t care what he did the fact that he s next to her is more important than anything else but soon she finds out his secret he kills two people her ex boyfriend and his bodyguard to protect her before her very eyes even after that she couldn t escape her feelings they try to run but it s hart to hide finally they have a serious car accident he is caged she is in a mental hospital they don t know anything about each other but she believes that he ll save her he surmounts a lot of obstacles but finally finds her they run again but they aren t invulnerable she is wounded she needs a rest but police almost catch them he doesn t know what to do they drive into a corner and then his sword begins to cut down trees helicopter around them but there is no need for it because she is already dead in his arms and he is the lonely person in the whole world again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22126": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "like all carnosaur movies this is a joke the way the dinosaurs move reminds me of when my sister plays with her dolls because they cannot be any stiffer or more fake looking than they were the plot had no sense whatsoever i mean first they re on a bus then in a warehouse then all of a sudden they re on a boat and let s be serious does it make sense that a couple of dinosaurs can stay together on a van or on a ship i thought dinosaurs were the biggest animals and now they can fit on a moving van it sounds stupid even when you think about it the only reason for which i gave this a is because it s still entertaining i found it better than the first one haven t watched the second yet just don t rent it i saw it on tv and it s a good thing i did because i wouldn t have wanted to waste money renting it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22127": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched it subtitled as it was in russian but really enjoyed it the main character sasha was born cursed with a deadly weapon as an extension of his body he lived his whole life unhappy because he was different and because anger caused him to do deadly things when sasha finally found love in a young woman named katya everyone tried to take her away from him ending in a deadly battle there was a fair amount of gore but not too much for the weak stomached not for people who like the regular old hollywood movie but for those who enjoy independent films kinda got the feeling of an asian fantasy film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22128": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "arg the shuffling dinosaurs are back to take another bite out of our sanity in this all awful third film this time european terrorists irish i d say hi jack an army convoy supposed to be transporting uranium they pull into a shipyard open the truck and discover our old friends the carnosaurs pandemonium comes visiting then when the rubber dinos chomp the terrorists the cops and some marines the whole film seems to be again largely inspired from alien as carnosaur was with the pathetic marines going through the claustrophobic shipyard guns at the ready this third opus is probably the driest and ungoriest film of the lot with only one spurt of blood when a rubber dino rips a marine s head off the dinos are stiff shuffling creatures as usual and the t rex sounds like an enraged elephant when it roars it also appears to have no eyes one of the goofiest scenes of the film is when the coppers arrive on the scene they enter the building where the hijacked truck is kept and hear some weird noise coming from another truck on opening it surprise the rubber reptile gang burst out and devour them why were the dinos locked up in the second truck after escaping from the first how did they get locked in as the truck door could only be locked from the outside what was the point of filming this scene oh bother who cares both thumbs down for the over sized rubber iguanas"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22129": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i recently may discovered that this childhood favorite was available as a dvd although i ve seen a great deal of high quality movies since then late s i was in this three episode low budget thing still stands strong what s fun is that i now watched it with my year old daughter and she experiences just the same as i remember from back then the creepy music she had to hold my hand even though she s been raised with watching lotr and resident evil the ever changing theories of who the culprit actually is and also complaining about the theatrical voices from an era before norway discovered the difference between stage acting and movie acting this is the one and only good science fiction movie or series ever made in norway and it s still worth watching"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22130": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "towards the end of this thriller ally sheedy s gaunt latter day image is used creatively to make up more than one hauntingly evil image she convinces one that if a nasty bette davis type role were to come her way she could carry it off brilliantly unfortunately i can t find many other reasons for seeing this if you ve wondered what sheedy looks like in a pair of old fashioned glasses but why should anyone then here s your answer for the rest sally kirkland s sex starved crazy woman is really tiresome and even if you like this sort of thing more than i do you ll have to admit that the tension sags badly during these scenes savage s drunken brute of an insurance agent is equally distasteful but at least it s a small role of the leading actors nicholas walker inspires no sympathy at all for paul keller s plight and his acting is wooden dara tomanovich is better and during her scenes with sheedy the level rises a little sheedy s meticulous understated performance though she often seems to be on automatic pilot is admirable in itself but out of context with the rest the sets are drab the camera work undistinguished"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22131": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "read my lips sur mes l vres which probably has different idiomatic resonance in its french title is a nifty twisty contemporary tale of office politics that unexpectedly becomes a crime caper as the unusually matched characters slide up and down an ethical and sensual slippery slope the two leads are magnetic emmanuelle devos who i ve never seen before despite her lengthy resume in french movies and an even more disheveled than usual vincent cassel who has brought a sexy and or threatening look and voice to some us movies the first half of the movie is on her turf in a competitive real estate office and he s the neophyte the second half is on his turf as an ex con and her wrenching adaptation to that milieu writer director jacques audiard very cleverly uses the woman s isolating hearing disability as an entr e for us into her perceptions turning the sound up and down for us to hear as she does so it s even more annoying than usual when audience members talk using visuals as sensory reactors as well none of the characters act as anticipated she is not like that pliable victim from in the company of men not in individual interactions not in scenes and not in the overall arc of the unpredictable story line well until the last shot but heck the audience was waiting for that fulfillment as we move from a hectic modern office to a hectic disco to romantic and criminal stake outs there is a side story that s thematically redundant and unnecessary but that just gives us a few minutes to catch our breaths this is one of my favorites of the year originally written"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22132": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i haven t seen the first two only this one which is called primal species in england i don t think i ll be bothering to look them out though this is an awful film terrible acting bad dialogue cheap rubber monsters everything about it is so nasty the most sympathetic characters die really quickly and leave you with the annoying ones especially one called polchak who is an incredible jerk no one like that would survive minutes in the army he lasted for ages but i was pleased when he finally got his head got chewed off i was having nightmares he was going to survive the colonel was rubbish too all moody pouts and clueless shouting and the specky doctor looked and acted like she was out of a porno i was waiting for her to take her glasses off shake her hair and turn into a vamp but she didn t pity that as it would ve livened the film up no end didn t roger corman used to make half decent films once"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22133": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i remember this show from swedish television i was only years of age and it scared me beyond belief i would love to revisit this series and see if it was just as excellent as remember though i suspect my taste and demands have changed although this was released before alien and a plethora of other space thrillers i suspect that it has its root in scary movies from the s and the political climate of the s when i think of it this was a real sci fi a movie trying to discuss scientific and political questions about who we are and what we are the term sci fi has since then become bleak and come to be the term for any movie that has space ships in them"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22134": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok this is the third in the series of carnosaur lets star with the dinosaur puppets in the start of the film you cant see the dino s cause when the body count starts you can only see the dino s eye vision pretty smart to hide the bad puppets and maybe in minutes forward on the film some special force team with scott valentine as the leader rance the team walks into the warehouse and then they begins to find body parts and dead body s after the dino rampage after a while some big box comes failing on the team and you can hear a velociraptor scream pretty creepy and then a black girl walks forward and now one blooper is found it pops up a raptor hand and slashed her face but if you pause when the raptor hand comes you can see that its just a guy with a hand puppet wtf the story is simple some terrorist s attacks some truck cause they though it wash some weapons in there they where dead wrong it seams to be ten tons raptor and one giant t rex in there how did the t rex fit in there rance and some nerds will kill the dinosaurs sadly some stupid blond girl told him to capture one of them alive holy jesues the raptors have wheels on their feats the dino s is now on a boat in the pacific strange i didn t know that the t rex had a strange thing on hes neck the end the film is good if you want a good laugh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22135": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s beyond my comprehension that so much rubbish from norway has been remastered for dvd release and still gems like this don t get a shot at recapturing their past glory i give this a not because it is very good but because it is one of the few scifi films made for norwegian television this film is nothing less than a film historic gem that in so many ways foreshadows the first alien film and my word blindpassasjer was first did ridley scott or anyone in the crew see the mini series however unlikely the fact remains that the scenes are extremely similar okay the budget is _much_ lower in the norwegian film but given that it s a really well done piece of work from the desolate age of norwegian movie making which incidentally lasted until the s"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22136": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok i had higher hopes for this carnosaur movie simply because it seemed like the sequels were getting better as they came out i did like carnosaur better than i figured well this one is newer so it must be better right well i quickly learned i was wrong i was extremely confused with the casting they brought back rick dean for another spotlight character and michael macdonald as a police officer now for rick dean lol in carnosaur i thought he fit the role pretty well and wasn t really annoyed by him now in carnosaur wow they placed him as an elite soldier now we are getting goofy here the movie actually started out pretty good with a decent gun fight and dinos escaping out of there little freezer trucks but as soon as scott valentines team showed up we had a mix of a romantic comedy with very funny performances from retarded and floppy dinosaurs i ll start with the raptors first they had there tails drag the ground which in the second one they were up in the air which looked more common for a dinosaur that can run up to mph now when they ran they wiggled back and forth and the heads didn t move at all there hands were floppy all over the place and since they were extremely poorly shot by the director they looked stupid and out of place the t rex was extremely pathetic they would of been better off using the one from the previous movies at least that one looked somewhat frightening the one in this film looked like it was smiling all the time the legs when it walked was hilarious like it was john wayne in the old west all stiff legged and stuff lol another thing i noticed is that the hands did not move they were stuck next to its body so it looked and sounded god the sound effects were awful retarded now if i was the director and realized that i had this to work with maybe i would of maybe tried a little bit harder to hide the fakeness fact as for the rest of the movie well this was the sloppiest and loudest military team i have ever seen the weapons they used wouldn t make sense for the scenario they even had an arm wrestling scene inside the warehouse where the carnosaurs were roaming now i was tickled at this scene because i thought that while this stupidity was going on that the dinos would get in there and cause some damage instead the director wasted about minutes of our time i would like to look at this movie as the stooges of dinosaur movies you have retarded military retarded dinosaurs retarded scenario and you have a wonderful minutes to spend of your day watching this now i m not saying i wouldn t watch this bc actually i do recommend everyone see this movie that wants minutes of pure entertainment it may seem like i m ranting but really i m hyping this movie up to what it is its really a lot of fun to watch because while watching this you think to yourself did the director really make this seriously"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22137": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ok i admit i m one of those nerds who have spent all to many hours with my beloved dvd player and my wonderful television set watching science fiction series star trek next generation was my first space date and since then i ve switched partners regularly i ve seen em all it seems and my favorites are lexx farscape and the new battlestar galactica in other words the newest state of the art space operas but i also have a general crush on the old fashioned ones the cheap ones like the magnificent four seasoned bbc show blakes here the budgets are smaller than hobbits the special effects seem to be made on a commodore but who cares when the scripts are sharp and intelligently written with dark humor the acting dead serious and at times even high class but why do they always speak english in the space future because this is not the future it s fantasy for kids still it can be irritating at times me being a norwegian have often damned this appalling fact that one never makes genre series like science fiction for scandinavian viewers i never ever thought of the fact that this might have happened but it did actually once and even in my own homeland norway i was two years old when the so called fjernsynsteatret tv theater section of our national public service channel nrk produced this three episode version of blindpassasjer the stowaway when i first heard of it i was not surprised of the fact that until this day the show has only been screened once in norway making it impossible for me to actually see it it went on swedish danish and finnish television also in it s time but that was a long time ago there have been no video or dvd release of it not a surprise either and when it was screened on an art house cinema this happened in bergen a city far far away from oslo where i live and then there s another fact about blindpassasjer that didn t surprise me that it was written by the two norwegian authors tor ge bringsv rd and jon bing bing bringsv rd this duo basically introduced the scifi genre to norwegians in the seventies they published anthologies and wrote what they called fable prose in my opinion bringsv rd is the most interesting of the two writers and has written several great and entertaining novels masterpieces even some of them hilarious such as bazar and syvsoverskens dystre frokost no other than this guy also an acclaimed dramatist could construct the script of blindpassasjer when i finally got to watch it it was because a strange swede who recorded the three episodes on vcr in the s eventually managed to transform it to dvd and give it to me he was a nice bloke so i sat down and watched it with swedish subtitles bad sound and some scrapes and errors but the thing came through and i was surprised that i eventually came to love it the exterior scenes with the spaceships and planets are better than the ones in blakes and the credit goes to caprino studios who made the famous fl klypa grand prix and the interior of the marco polo the space ship works better than i d expected the acting is typically theatrical but it works better than when they play ibsen to put it mildly and bj rn floberg carries his role solidly as does trini lund the legendary actress henny moan delivers her lines in a serious and laid back tone which fits the genre but this is an ensemble play and i m happy to say that ola b johannesen carries his mustache with nobility and marit stbye is a really hot space chic of my standards but is it really that good well one have to swallow the rather abrupt ending the pretentious criticism of modern society but yes it s well not really really really fantastic but charming cool nostalgic and pleasant one and a half hour of classic norwegian scifi"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22138": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "everything in this film is bad the story the acting the effects but its funny funny funny scott valentine with the army uniform thats ten sizes too big is so bad with the permanent attempt at a scowl on his face as the leader of a special ops group its hilarious the terrorists are as scary and realistic as the raptors this is so phoney and bad at everything it tries you have to laugh the part where the giant t rex who somehow snuck on board a ship and then somehow got below is blown up and you see the metal pole sticking up where its head was is the perfect ending if your into bad films this is the pot of gold the mona lisa of b b bad"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22139": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is full of references like mad max ii the wild one and many others the ladybug s face it s a clear reference or tribute to peter lorre this movie is a masterpiece we ll talk much more about in the future"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22140": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i just couldn t stop laughing this movie is incredibly funny and stupid but never mind that it is very entertaining in this film you don t need to pay attention to anything the acting is the same lame the dinosaurs are the same rubber oh my i could see the stick that holds t rex head for a moment the raptors are the same from the carnosaur t rex is also the same but in some scenes his head looks kinda stuffed and it looks like some kind of project failure from kindergarten action is fast sometimes too fast actually i talk about fast editing they edited it so fast so that we cannot see the rubber dinosaurs but oopps to late they are rubber well only things interesting here is to see rick dean in this sequel what can i say don t rent it watch it on tv with friends it is much more entertaining"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22141": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "to quote flik that was my reaction exactly wow you re perfect this is the best movie i think i can even say it s become my favorite movie ever even wow i tell you what wow"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22142": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "primal species comes from b movie legend roger corman and as such everybody who watches this needs to realise that this is a low budget b movie and it knows it a bunch of terrorists high jack a lorry and kill an entire army doing so they believe it to hold uranium but no it contains two dino s with a taste for human flesh then a crack team who might as well be called delta force get called in ok this ain t jurassic park and yes the dino s are never clearly seen because it s obviously a guy in a costume that s not too dissimilar to barney the dinosaur only slightly less terrifying but come on guys this had about of jurassic park s budget and as such does what it can does this deserve to be in the bottom hell no i think the nearly half of voters who give this a are being way way overly harsh it s much closer to a it s actually a lot better than a whole host of other movies not in the bottom and has a similar production value to a sci fi channel production again movies which get a overly harsh time from critics here on imdb the acting is as expected in a b movie although none of the actors take it that seriously neither does the script all in all it s an enjoyable b movie not for film snobs out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22143": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is by far the cutest i have seen in a long time wonderful animation and adorable characters even the bad guys were cute made this one a total winner in my book and also in the books of those i saw it with i still want to see it again but haven t had time better than toy story which was good too but not this good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22144": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i don t know where to start the acting the special effects and the writing are all about as bad as you can possibly imagine i can t believe that the production staff reached a point where they said our job is done time for it s release i m just glad the first two in the series never made it as far as the uk i would actually recommend watching this film just so you can appreciate how well made most films are i don t know how any of the other imdb users could find it scary when the terrifying dinosaurs waddle down corridors with rubber arms flailing around"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22145": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i thought this was a quiet good movie it was fun to watch it what i liked best where the outtakes at the end of the movie they were great"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1]}, "22146": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one of the most hilariously bad movies i have ever had the privilege to see i watched this on dvd with a bunch of friends one friday night and we just couldn t stop laughing from start to finish the story is simple enough terrorists hijack a convoy they think is carrying weapons grade uranium but it s actually carrying a bunch of man eating dinosaurs easy mistake to make cue a startlingly incompetent team of army special forces to tackle the prehistoric beasts they are led by colonel rance played by scott valentine a man who seems to have perfected smell the fart acting as advocated by joey in friends there s plenty of gore and an awful lot of shooting but unfortunately rance s team seem to have a problem aiming their weapons in the general direction of a horde of giant lumbering monsters also the lights always seem to flicker and go out whenever a velociraptor attacks preumably so we can t see how bad the creature effects are having said all that we all had a great deal of fun betting on who was going to get their head bitten off next as a jusassic park aliens style action adventure this movie stinks worse than a dinosaur s crotch but as ludicrous tongue in cheek entertainment it s a roaring success"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22147": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have to admit right off the top i m not a big fan of family films these days most of them imho are sentimental crap but this one like toy story the previous film from pixar is a lot of fun the two lead characters were perhaps a bit too bland especially compared to the two leads in antz but otherwise this film is better but the rest of the film more than made up for it the animation looked great the humor though broad was consistently good i especially liked hopper s line if i hadn t promised mother on her deathbed that i wouldn t kill you i would kill you and the actors doing the voices except the two leads were all terrific denis leary doing an animated movie what a concept and like everyone else i loved the outtakes i hope the video has the new ones"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22148": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the third installment of the carnosaur trilogy features a bunch of keystone kops quality military commandos trying to kill two velociraptors and a t rex i give it a out of sheer sympathy and my affinity for dinosaurs the movie is definitely the worst of the trilogy it really can t be taken seriously more significantly however watching this movie i can t help but notice some interesting parallels between the carnosaur and xtro trilogies the first installment in both franchises is a dark disturbing film that has become a cult classic the second is an alien ripoff and the third is a tongue in cheek almost slapstick whether intentional or not movie that has you rolling on the floor laughing also like the xtro franchise all the carnosaur movies are completely unrelated to one another they they only carry the franchise name to drum up interest in the sequels i guess obviously carnosaur and xtro have two different production groups at work here but if you ve seen all three movies of both franchises you find yourself referring back and forth between the two"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22149": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie blew me away if you can see only one of the animated bug movies this year see this one instead of antz the plot characters and jokes are better in a bugs life also when you go stay in your seat until the end of the credits it s the best part of the movie rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22150": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "well here i go with another b industry movie it s sad enough to see some badly made films but i don t care if a b industry or c industry produces the film show some effort in your work the characters are really bad the acting isn t in question in this one surprise but plot is how can a tight knit squad witness two of their fellow soldiers butchered and then go on as if nothing happened what sickened me was how the writer even threw in the remaining members a scene where they joke about how nice the doctor s ass was give me a break"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22151": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was amazed at the improvements made in an animated film if you sit close to the screen you will see the detail in the grass and surface structures the detail colors and shading are at least an order of magnitude better than toy story how they were able to pull off the shading i will never know i do hope that pixar will provide a documentary on how the film was produced so i can find out how all this was accomplished based on this film i think animated films of the future will be judged on the basis of this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22152": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "nicholas walker is paul the local town reverand who s married to martha ally sheedy but also is a habitual womanizer and decides to fake his own death to run away with his current affair veronica dara tomanovich however in so doing he gets a bout of amnesia hence the name of the film sally kirkland is also on hand as a crazy old coot who pines for the good reverand in a shades of misery type of way it s sad to see a pretty good cast wasted like this not the least bit john savage in a horridly forgettable role as a shoddy private investigator in a film billed as a black comedy one has to bring both elements into said movie while this does bring the former in spades it sadly contains none of the latter furthermore you can t emphasize with any of the characters and as thus have absolutely no vested interest in them technically not an all together bad movie just an extremely forgettable one eye candy dara tomanovich gets topless sally kirkland also shows some skin my grade c where i saw it showtime showcase"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22153": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sur mes l vres or read my lips is fine little thriller that also examines the lives of outsiders people who live in the periphery of our vision who struggle with the need to fit in director jacques audiard with and co writer tonino benacquista have created a tense tight completely entertaining little thriller that makes some significant statements about out of the norm individuals and their plights carla emmanuelle devos is a plain jane mostly deaf thirty something unnoticed secretary for a company whose life is one of social and sexual isolation and whose view of the future is rather bleak enter paul vincent cassel a recent released ex con parolee who responds to an ad to be carla s assistant there is a mutual physical repulsion at first meeting carla had hoped for a well groomed genteel man who might fulfill her fantasies and paul is a coarse unkempt sleazy guy who is not impressed with being a clerk their concepts change rather quickly when paul salvages carla s job by filling her request to steal a letter that would cost her her job and paul discovers carla s lip reading ability which he sees as a way to spy on the criminals from his past who threaten his life for money owed so this odd couple of a team join forces and together enter a dangerous suspense filled ploy to gain paul s safety and freedom the relationship is full of twists and edge of the seat suspense with each of these unlikely characters fulfilling roles in their lives that fill the chinks in their walls of isolation in surprising ways devos and cassel deliver bravura performances and the remainder of the cast is uniformly strong once again alexandre desplat has produced a musical score that enhances the tension and cinematographer mathieu vadepied finds all the right lighting and angles to suggest the worlds of isolation of the characters as well as the hitchcockian sense of suspense director audiard wisely manipulates a factor that is at once sensitive and transformative for the story he shows us the difference between hearing the world with and without hearing aids and in doing so makes some powerful social comments this is a fine film that remains in the ranks of the best of the french film noir genre recommended grady harp"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22154": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "put aside a dr house repeat that i had missed and a desperate housewives new to watch this one i don t know exactly what plagued this movie i never thought i d say this but i want my minutes of fame back script direction i can t say i recognized the stable of actors the usual suspects but thought herbert marshall was a class addition and sat myself down for a good cheesy flick boy was i wrong dullsville my favorite parts where the office girl makes with the keypunch and puts the cards into a sorter lol the computer i d like someone identify the next device a it s before even this dinosaur s time and we dinosaurs don t have that much time to waste"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22155": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "all of you who despaired looking at the emptiness and weaknesses of disney studios last productions here comes something that should heal your wounds once and for all a bug s life brings the proof that purely synthetic pictures conducting a good scenario provides more interest than fake hand made old disneys like drawings see the lion king pocahontas and all the latest productions where you sadly regret that bambi s magical background and atmosphere are gone forever a bug s life pattes for my fellow french cinemaniaks succeeds in avoiding all the imperfections that make you awaken in the middle of the movie and say hey this thing is computer generated no weak parts a tremendous effort showing its efficiency in the backgrounds and the general look of the sets an astonishing d bird close to perfection in its imitation of reality and that s only to mention the technical aspects the scenario my friends the real backbone of a motion picture has some thickness curiously and obviously thanks to lasseter s team there is practically no musical sequence in a bug s life which means the story is long and rich enough to free itself from these or minutes that some kids appreciate but most others dislike same thing for the parents or the anime fans like me this movie reminded me of a really old movie featuring steve martin and chevy chase the amigos it had basically the same background story a whole mexican village living in the fear of a few bad guys hires gunmen who finally turn to be actors to protect them etc simple but efficient and brilliantly adapted to a colony of frightened ants facing the wrath of vicious insects since microcosmos many movies tell tales of insects their lives fears and hopes but i do think that a bug s life is the funniest and best directed of all the humanisation process has been perfectly well achieved and the whole audience was captivated by flik s aka tilt in france adventures a big thank you for lasseter s team especially for the last seconds it s so strange and great at the same time to see a whole theater caught in laughter while the bugs actors forget their lines or hit the camera and finally especially for those of you who have seen the french version other congratulations go to the dubbing actors who made a great synchro work on this movie a bug s life is a really good piece of entertainment and i think it will soon become part of my collection of videos a privilege granted to extremely few movies and that s not a problem of storage room go and see it that s an order"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22156": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i m sorry but this is just plain pathetic the little girl was a brat their were no enjoyable characters and the plot sucked besides it wasn t even a gator as the film would like us to believe if you check out any complete guide to reptiles you will find that it really is a crocodile not a gator obviously they didn t hire a real animal expert or they would know that the creature is a croc it is a sad excuse for a movie especially the ending i nearly fell asleep with this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22157": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "disney and the wonderful folks at pixar of course offer a nice humourous story combined with the best of computer animation i admit that maybe the faces of the bugs were a little more static than in antz and they only had four legs in antz six but backgrounds were superb and animation was breathtaking but let this be a lesson it was not the computer who made it such a success it was the man behind the machine who added the nice little twists which i missed in antz some highlights were of course the bloopers at the end so keep watching at the end it s worth it which were highly amusing and original the line filmed entirely on location was intended for the more attentive viewer"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22158": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "not to be confused with lewis teague s alligator which actually is an excellent film this il fiume del grande caimano laboriously ends the exotic trilogy sergio martino made around the end of the seventies including the rather watchable l isola degli uomini pesce and the not so good la montagna del dio cannibale tracing outrageously the plot of jaws the script fails at creating any suspense what so ever the creature is ludicrous and its victims are simply despicable stelvio cipriani s lame tune poorly illustrates the adventures of these silly tourists presented from the very beginning as the obvious items of the reptile s meal no thrill out of this rather laughters actually and we could find this pitiful flick quite funny if the dialogs and the appearance of the natives were not so obviously inspired by pure racism very soon the giggling stops in favor of a sour feeling witnessing such a patronizing attitude we could excuse badly made films and poor fxs but not that kind of mentality never"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22159": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "for starters it s a very funny movie with a few crazy characters running around that are bound to make laugh check out the two russian bugs a bug s life has a classical disney storyline but that s one of the good things about the movie family values are praised and the main characters of the film undergo some evolution in order to stand up against the grasshoppers in the end and it also has a couple of great voice overs by dave foley julia louise dreyfus kevin spacey of course but actually the most amazing thing about this movie is the animation it s just wonderful all the details great colors every ant looks different beautiful backgrounds and the guys and girls at pixar made it all look so realistic all in all a very nice piece of work this is the best animation by disney since aladdin"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22160": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "very bad film very very very bad film it s a rarity but it defenitly is not worth hunting down this italian jaws rip off makes little sense most of the time and no sense the rest the alligator is not at all convincing and many of the sub plots go nowhere if it s at the local video store you may want to watch it if you re a fan of monster movies but it s not worth hunting down"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22161": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the animation was fab and the film funny the two circus bugs tuck roll were very funny if you waited till the credits at the end you saw a very funny sequence of film where they showed the bugs pretending to do things wrong like in other movies that was clever as it made the characters more human and beliveable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22162": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok the cons first the obligatory s alligator all right correction caiman with nonmoving limbs is made the worse for scale miniature underwater shots with the full length of reptile comparative to the size of the boat utilizing a toy alligator being swirled around the toy boat in broadly lit water even for nighttime shots unlike most primitives killing exploitative westerners films the superstitious natives going bat and start massacring the vacationers seems unjustified this time no one really abused the natives exploited yes but far from abusive treatment after all it was one of the natives canoodling with a spoiled supermodel during a taboo full moon that brought the curse of the river demon on them right the vacationers are easily annoying with the notable exception of the token old soul mildly blasphemous little girl who takes a shine to the heroes that you often see in s euroflicks but far from from deserving violent death unless they were your next door neighbors mind you a couple actually get killed being heroic notable in that none of them fill the role of sidekick there are only two straight villains in the entire film so the demises feel more arbitrary than cathartic the sequence where the giant caiman crunches down and scarfs thirty tourists in under five minutes will probably strike you as unintentionally hilarious the point at which the natives decide not to wipe the surviving westerners and practically saying hey you aren t so bad after all sorry about that fuss last night because they blew up the monster lizard has you shaking your head as the corny music kicks in you know the local military dictatorship will wipe out the village for ing with the tourist trade after the credits roll the pros barbara bach barbara bach barbara bach barbara bach you all know why you re interested in this film in the first place right i thought so if you re a bach completist get the dvd reissued by noshame films earlier this year digitally remastered with no real extras to speak of aside from the director bemoaning the current state of international film distribution the hero isn t half bad being far from an idiot always a plus in b films and the cynical little kid provides most of the comic relief worth a look but get it cheaply"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22163": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a must see by all if you have to borrow your neighbors kid to see this one easily one of the best animation cartoons released in a long time it took the the movies antz to a whole new level do not mistake the two as being the same movie although in principle the movies plot is similiar just go and enjoy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22164": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i really do fail to see the actual surplus value of this movie it s not bad enough to be hilarious there s no sleaze or gratuitous nudity although there was plenty of opportunity there s no gore there s no suspense in the first hour of the movie cause there s way to much scenes of tourist having a party and natives playing funky tribal music that last part was actually funny on many occasions you see these natives hitting congas and jemb s and that s indeed what you hear badly synchronized on the soundtrack but they also added this funky bass line on the soundtrack so where was the bass player at one point the natives get angry and start killing the tourists why all of the sudden it s supposed to be because the evil white men build this tourist complex which according to their myth awakened the wrath of the river alligator god i actually missed the explanation for that one but the natives did help for several months to build the tourist complex so why the sudden angriness and how in the hell did they manage to push the helicopter in the water it s all silly and pointless this movie also features the skinniest afro american model i ve ever seen at one point our heroic leading couple visits this cave where a weird crazy old man lives the only point to that scene is that they make the shocking discovery that the killer crocodile is actually an alligator crocodile or alligator what s the difference it s big it s made out of plastic and it eats people all the same to me the alligator is a rather silly creation it s very stiff motionless and doesn t even flap its feet when it swims the eyes don t even move when they re shot in close up i guess they didn t know animatronics back then in italy during there s also a lot of pointless inter cut shots of the local wildlife i suspect it s stock footage like i said the first hour was pretty lame and the only reason i didn t switch off the movie was because my cat was asleep on my lap and i didn t want to wake the sweet thing but the last half hour of the movie did get better we finally get to see some action when the alligator swims through a horde of panicking people snapping its teeth and munching on them the most entertaining and at the same time funny scene is when alice and daniel drive a van over a bridge and it collapses we re looking at a matchbox version of the van falling in the river here funny but nicely shot in fact there are several other nice traveling camera moves surprisingly for this type of flick i was gonna point out some stupid details concerning the end of the movie but i don t wanna spoil it completely in case you do decide to watch this movie my advice is to stay away from it if you wanna see a decent alligator movie then see lewis teague s alligator i admit that one isn t italian and isn t a jaws rip off but it certainly is more fun and if you re interested in other movies made by director sergio martino then i strongly recommend the highly entertaining after the fall of new york that one s an over the top rip off of every possible existing post apocalyptic future of doom movie italians and rip offs two words that go together very well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22165": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i liked antz but loved a bug s life the animation that was put into this paid off i will definitely be getting this on dvd by the way disney should make a widescreen version of this movie on tape i heard talk of squishing all of the characters into the screen on the standard video format most will have to agree that the ending credits were the funniest i only saw one of the two sets but i can t wat to see the other one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22166": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first off i want to say that this film is worthy of more than the four stars i rated it i gave it four stars because for me this minute movie always seems like and a half hours and is not engaging enough to sit through it all however the big alligator river the title my dvd calls it is better than your average nature strikes back movie a tourist resort in the jungles of southeast asia is just opening and employs the natives while trying to manipulate the wildlife around mother nature seeking revenge comes in the form of the god kroona a giant alligator but the creature isn t the only thing the tourists and the main characters a photographer and the resort staff have to worry about the natives are getting rubbed the wrong way too this movie is a pretty well done adventure horror story with a good musical score and direction but the alligator itself the main attraction of the movie is obviously fake looking some of the close ups of its jaws are good but that should be all we need to see some of the underwater far away shots make it painfully obvious that what we are really dealing with is an alligator squeaky toy you can probably get at a zoo souvenir shop but the natives are believable if not authentic probably not the movie that will give you non stop thrills if any but shot and produced well enough to be given good mention and like a lot of creature movies this one ends with an extremely high body count it also has lots of good jungle scenery acting is below par though but who was expecting it to be better eh much much better than its recent american counterpart primeival but nothing to be compared with jaws but remember it may not be engaging at a few points"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22167": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "now this is what a family movie should be there are few films of recent years that have been targeted at families or children that really are worthy of their viewing public but this is one of them my whole family came away from the film awed entertained dazzled and happy we re still quoting little anecdotes from it here and there the children loved it and so did we hubbie and i are and respectively apart from its beautiful and striking animation the characters small as they may be and imaginary as they are are very well developed there isn t one of them that you cannot empathize with the personalities bringing these little creatures to life are well casted voice talents combined with the skill and artistry of some of disney s best animators this is a film worthy of walt disney himself i think mr disney would heartily approve of this new film flick dot and their fellow band of tiny heroes may become as popular as mickey and minnie in our time this is one the family leaves the theatre wanting to see again and buy to own on video or dvd i m eager to see it again to pick up what i might have missed the first time never have i seen my children so quickly and vividly identify with and embrace characters before my daughter is still talking about little dot this film is funny heartwarming clever and great fun for the whole family"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22168": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "let me start out by saying i can enjoy just about any bad italian horror movie or jungle exploitation flick from the s seriously this one was downright awful there are way too many elements that martino tries to inject and none of them work except for the croc gone wild thing very well at all there are some ignorant westerners of course who set up a resort in the jungle somewhere i don t even remember where it takes place how sad is that basically people come to the resort to see this native tribe and its ceremonies but eventually they upset the alligator god of the river who then proceeds to go on a rampage killing said vacationers and some tribesmen as well sounds good yeah well don t get your hopes up there is minimal violence until the end the special effects are so bad it was like a kindergarten class performed them and the love story thrown in is laughable there is seriously a few scenes where it appears they set up a camera underwater in a pool and threw a toy alligator like a dart into the water and that is supposed to be the gator attacking i m not kidding in another wonderfully crafted special effect a matchbox van is targeted by the incredible sinking plastic gator who all of a sudden is five times the size of a van a few minutes ago he was only big enough to eat a human but now he dwarfs a full size cargo van it is really pathetic the only other flick i can think of where the effects were so bad i was pulled out of the story was bruno mattei s masterpiece rats what with the plastic rats on the conveyor belt and all who couldn t be terrified normally i d say anything sergio martino was a solid must see but this one is a must pass waste of time and definitely not worth buying for the sticker price from no shame this one is a shame out of kids"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22169": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "bugs life is a good film but to me it doesn t really compare to movies like toy story and stuff don t get me wrong i liked this movie but it wasn t as good as toy story the film has the visuals the laughs and others that toy story had but the film didn t feel quite as i don t know but i thought it was still a pretty good film a bugs life i don t want to say this is a film that i don t remember i saw it years ago of course i haven t seen toy story in years but i still remember it i shouldn t have reviewed this film but i am i am giving it a thumbs up though it s not exactly the best work pixar has done a bug s life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22170": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this one is bad a really bad and boring crime movie that has nothing out of the ordinary in it a series of crimes the killer that you do not see throughout the whole movie the classic investigations and also the classic tale about a cop who figures out what s going on and isn t believed by anyone so he has to fight by himself to reveal the truth not too much in this one vote out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22171": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "pixar has had massive success over the years with the full length cgi animated movies they have made a bug s life was the second of a whole bunch of features they have made so far preceded by the company s feature length debut the groundbreaking toy story which was the first ever feature length cgi movie i remember when this follow up was heavily advertised around the time of its release in the late s but i never actually saw it until november i watched it twice that month and over three years later i have seen it a third time it has never impressed me as much as probably any other pixar film i ve ever seen but after three viewings i still think it s better than some of the films i ve seen from dreamworks animation ant island is the home of a colony of ants these ants are forced to gather food for a gang of grasshoppers who come and take it every year one member of this colony is flik an inventor with a bad reputation for causing trouble with his inventions even though he doesn t mean to one year when the colony has just finished preparing the annual offering flik accidentally knocks it into a stream just before the grasshoppers arrive to get it the grasshopper leader hopper decides to give them a second chance to gather food and have it ready by the end of the season but they will have to double their offering flik suggests to the colony s royal council that he goes and finds warrior bugs to fight off the grasshoppers when they come back princess atta the future queen lets him go on this mission just so he won t be around to cause trouble while the colony tries to gather food for another offering the inventor finds a group of bugs which he thinks are warriors but after he takes them back to ant island and introduces them he learns that they are actually not warriors but circus bugs the main reason why this second pixar feature has never absolutely astounded me might be the characters to me none of them have ever really stood out as much as they could have and generally seem a bit bland fortunately however it s not like shark tale a film with a very idiotic and unlikable lead character a bug s life does have a likable enough main character one which viewers can root for the story also seems somewhat bland at times but for the most part it s good enough to keep the film at least moderately entertaining and sometimes has some good suspense especially later on the humour like certain other aspects of the film isn t as good as it could have been but there are definitely funny moments some of them involving francis a male ladybug who is sometimes mistaken for a female you can always expect great animation from pixar and the animation in this particular effort of theirs is no exception with all this movie has to offer it may be slightly disappointing when it comes to pixar standards but it is reasonable family entertainment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22172": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a thriller with a good concept good acting good photography and good intentions all around but which is confused and disjointed in execution garcia stars as john berlin an l a forensic detective who has moved to a small california town at the behest of a friend of his on the force there he soon becomes involved in the investigation of an unsolved murder which leads to his theorizing about the existence of a serial killer whom no one else believes in the known victim is theorized to be blind which leads to a romance with a blind girl believed to be a witness at a nearby school for the blind despite a basically intriguing story there were too many quantum leaps and plot holes in this movie where i found myself wondering how the hell did we wind up here or how did we find this out i found it confusing and disjointed despite the good acting etc john malkovich has a small part toward the end as an f b i investigator out to get berlin not recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22173": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a bug s life is a very good animated feature this movie is for younger children but it is also a great movie for people my age the story is about an ant named flik he brought havoc onto his colony when he destroyed the food that were for the superior grasshoppers he gets banished and he must find bigger bugs to fix the mess this movie is a classic because it is a good movie and it is a pixar movie the animation is brilliant especially for the late s the story is good but a little more detail would be suffice the voice acting is good as with most animation movies the music is nice to listen to nothing special but it earned an nomination for one of the music categories overall this movie struck me as awestruck this is a good movie for all families i rate this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22174": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "first of all i was expecting caged heat to be along the same lines as ilsa the wicked warden boy was i wrong in no way is this film s exploitation chix in chains or women in prison sure the plot consists of a bunch of women in prison who wear street clothes btw quite comical but nothing happens there aren t strong rivalries no one tries to seduce the warden or doctor in order to try and escape and no inmates make out there are shower scenes that i suspect is just recycled footage but no fights breaks out no one is seduced here or anywhere for that matter aside from the lack of plot unconvincing unsympathetic and flat characters a couple of inmates that do manage to escape actually return to the prison in order to free their fellow inmates puh lease the movie should have just ended off with the escapees riding off into the sunset as opposed to letting this mess continue i feel scammed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22175": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "carla works for a property developer s where she excels in being unattractive unappreciated and desperate she is also deaf her boss offers to hire in somebody to alleviate her heavy workload so she uses the opportunity to secure herself some male company help arrives in the form of paul a tattooed hoodlum fresh out of prison and clearly unsuited to the mannered routine of an office environment an implicit sexual tension develops between the two of them and carla is determined to keep him on despite his reluctance to embrace the working week when carla is edged out of an important contract she was negotiating by a slimy colleague she exploits paul s criminality by having him steal the contract back the colleague quickly realises that she s behind the robbery but when he confronts her paul s readiness to punch people in the face comes in handy too but this thuggery comes at a price paul is given a going over by some mob acquaintances as a reminder about an unpaid debt he formulates a plan which utilises carla s unique lip reading abilities to rip off a gang of violent bank robbers it s now carla s turn to enter a frightening new world the fourth feature from director jacques audiard read my lips begins as a thoroughly engaging romantic drama between two marginalised losers only to shift gears halfway through into an edgy thriller where their symbiotic shortcomings turn them into winners the leads are excellent effortlessly convincing us that this odd couple could really connect carla s first meeting with paul is an enjoyable farce in which she attempts to circumnavigate his surly reticence and jailbird manners only to discover that he was until very recently a jailbird emmanuelle devos who plays carla has that almost exclusive ability to go from dowdy to gorgeous and back again within a frame vincent cassel plays paul as a cornered dog who only really seems at home when he s receiving a beating or concocting the rip off that is likely to get him killed like many french films read my lips appears at first to be about nothing in particular until you scratch beneath the surface and find that it s probably about everything the only bum note is a subplot concerning the missing wife of paul s parole officer a device that seems contrived only to help steer the main thrust of the story into a neat little feelgood cul de sac it was the french new wave of the s that first introduced the concept of genre to film making and i ve always felt that any medium is somewhat compromised when you have to use a system of labels to help define it so it s always a pleasure to discover a film that seems to transcend genre or better still defy it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22176": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the thing that stands out in my mind in this film sadly is the introduction where john berlin andy garcia is driving into town you see his mercedes pass on a winding road through a forest that looks like its loaded with redwood trees it s quite beautiful as to andy garcia playing a character with the last name of berlin well andy is just too hispanic latin for it to be passable maybe a caucasian father married his spanish mother for this story who knows but i can tell you that when you put him in a town of farm folks and hicks he stands out like a sore thumb especially with his accent that flares up when he gets angry yeah i know big deal right he s still a good actor the title concerns a serial killer who nicknames his victims jennifer all of the victims are blind and he dismembers them the killer has taken a hiatus but suddenly resurfaces when a blind witness don t ask appears helena robertson uma thurman thurman does a good job of playing a blind person to my surprise when i saw lance henriksen playing sgt freddy ross i got worried henriksen s played in some pretty strange films especially of late i still can t forget him in the bloodbath movie pumpkinhead berlin movies into a small town from l a as a detective he begins investigating the jennifer murders after finding body parts in the local landfill his brilliance in discovering one of the victims was blind seemed far fetched so did the irony of spoiler freddy s murder with the recording and name similarities i got very confused as to the logic of how there came to be eight jennifers and the motive of the killer as simply deranged didn t pack much of a punch in retrospect this film is probably more true to life in showing an unsuspecting individual as capable of murder simply because they became a little wacko over time or maybe were born looney toons john malkovich does a stupendous job in his interrogation of garcia albeit no cop would legally be allowed to press someone that hard and egg them on without rightfully get knocked out as to the ending it is a bit of a surprise but is highly arguable much like sgt ross murder the killer chooses to walk after his running victim opting instead to frolick i guess and there are so many opportunities he has in killing her that it s ridiculous i won t ruin the very end because despite it s shakiness it s a good surprise afterward though you ll probably say as i did boy was she lucky"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22177": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "many of the american people would say what to my opening comment yes i know that my comparison is without doubts an insult for the fans of the master akira kurosawa but if you analyze this movie my comment is right we have the peasant who goes to the town searching for help against a band of grasshoppers who wants to steal the harvest of the village the great difference is the way that the story takes our samurais a band of circus performers as in the original are a very complex mixture of personalities but at the end are what the village needs heroes please watch again this incredible movie the seven samurai obviously and find another movies who has stolen the story and tried to get the same magic effect than the masterpiece of akira kurosawa a tip is the th warrior with antonio banderas michael crichton copied the story to wrote his best seller s but he didn t found the third foot of the cat"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22178": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the lowest score possible is one star that s a shame really i m going to lobby imdb for a zero stars option to give this film even a single star is giving way too much am i the only one who noticed the microphones dangling over hopper s head at the station and the acting or should i say the lack thereof apparently talent wasn t a factor when the casting director came to town my little sister s elementary school talent show provides greater range and depth of emotion and those fake irish accents were like nails on a chalk board the only thing that could have made this movie worse would have been oh wait no no it s already as bad as it can get"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22179": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when watching a bug s life for the first time in a long while i couldn t help but see the comparisons with last year s happy feet as far as the main storyline goes they are very similar an outcast doing what he can to fit in while also attempting to be special it just goes to show you how much better that film could have been without its liberal diatribe conclusion a lot of people disagree with me when i say that i really like pixar s sophomore effort sure it doesn t manage to capture the splendor of toy story nor is the animation out of this world however the story is top notch and the characters are wonderful to spend time with with plenty of laughs and a moral center to boot i could watch this one just as much as the studio s other classics there is a lot about finding strength from within to conquer all odds here between our lead flick needing to keep his self esteem up to save his colony the colony needing to open their eyes onto a new way of living for the future and the circus bugs finding that they are more than just untalented sideshow freaks everyone evolves into a better bug by the end of the story even the villain hopper is fully fleshed and menacing for the right reasons he is not doing it to be mean but instead understands the fact that the ants outnumber him to he needs them to fear him in order to not have to worry about them finding out the truth it is very much a circle of life but not one that can t evolve with the ages when thinking about the animation it is actually quite good compared to antz the rival film of the time this is much more realistic and less cartoony the water is rendered nicely as is the foliage you don t have to look much further than the ants eyes to see how much detail went into the production the reflections and moistness despite the smooth exterior shows the realism all the bugs are finely crafted too the flies in the city and the crazy mix of creatures recruited to save the ants are never skimped on whether for a small role or a more expanded one it is also in the city that we see the workmanship on the environments while ant island is nice it is just the outdoors bug city contains plenty of garbage doubling as buildings and clubs it is a great showing of humor and inventiveness to see what the animators used for everything from the ice cube trays as circus stands the animal crackers box as circus wagon complete with full nutrition guide on the side and crazy compilation of boxes to create a times square of billboards and facades everything is done right as far as much of the humor you have to credit the acting talent for wonderful delivery and inspired role choices no one could do a male ladybug better than dennis leary with his acerbic wit i dare you to think of someone better our leads are great too with dave foley as flick and julia louis dreyfus as princess atta as well as the always fantastic kevin spacey as hopper spacey not only steals many scenes from the movie but also takes center stage in the bloopers during the credits yes a bug s life was the originator of animated outtakes from pixar a tradition that has continued on with many tongue in cheek bug jokes laced throughout you also have to give props to the huge supporting cast full of those guy actors it is people like richard kind brad garrett and the late joe ranft as heimlich the worm who bring the biggest laughs overall it may be the simplest story brought to screen by pixar one that has been told in one form or the other numerous times over the years but it is inspired enough and fresh enough to deliver an enjoyable experience there are joyous moments sad times and even action packed scenes of suspense with birds coming in to join the fun complete with a couple of my favorite pixar characters tuck and roll there isn t too much bad that i can think of saying about it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 0, -1, -1]}, "22180": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the plot is about the death of little children hopper is the one who has to investigate the killings during the movie it appears that he has some troubles with his daughter in the end the serial killer get caught that s it but before you find out who dunnit you have to see some terrible acting by all of the actors it is unbelievable how bad these actors are including hopper i could go on like this but that to much of a waste of my time just don t watch the movie i ve warned you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22181": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "lately i have been watching a lot of tom hanks films and old chaplin films and even some of rowan atkinson s early bean performances and it seems that all of them have their own unique charm that permeates throughout their work something that allows them to identify with audience members of all ages in a way that just makes you feel good a bug s life has that same charm it has a connection with real life that allows us to easily suspend disbelief and accept a lot of talking insects because even though they talk they still act just like real bugs it s like the team that made the movie found a way to bring us into the mind of a child and allow us to think like them to imagine bugs the way a young mind does honey i shrunk the kids was one of my favorite films when i was younger and to me a bug s life is like a more realistic version of that movie if only because the animation is so breathtaking and this style of story telling just opens up so many more narrative possibilities i try not to compare it to something like toy story which i still maintain is the best computer animated film ever made because the story of a bug s life is not quite as good as toy story s but then again almost nothing is the important thing is that it is still wonderful fun the story concerns a colony of hard working bugs who have an impressively developed society mostly geared around building a harvest of food most of which will go to the tyrannical grasshoppers vastly superior in strength and general meanness and hopefully still leave enough left over for the bugs to make it through the winter we are treated to some visits from the grasshoppers who make it clear that if the bugs provide an unsatisfactory quantity of food the consequences will be dire and incidentally the similarities between this crippling level of food extraction is strikingly similar to mao tse tung s vicious forcing of food from his own people during the great leap forward the fun and excitement begins when flik the main character sets off on a quest to find a gang of appropriate warrior bugs to come back and help defend the colony against the grasshoppers you see he spilled all of the amassed food and placed everyone in great danger so he feels it s his responsibility but he inadvertently ends up hiring a struggling group of insect circus performers great for the audience not so great for the safety of the clan the movie was released back in the late s when so many films seemed to have been coming out in twos like armageddon and deep impact independence day and the arrival a bug s life and antz etc comparisons between a bug s life and antz are inevitable although it seems clear to me that a bug s life is by far the superior film and not only because it doesn t star woody allen stuttering and whining through the lead role this is great family fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22182": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "possible plot spoilers i adore dennis hopper i question why he accepted the role of a police detective in s the spreading ground this movie flat out sucks and i m about to tell you why this is about a small town which is about to get a contract for a sports arena one hitch there s a killer on the loose and that is bad for business the mayor makes a deal with the irish mob to find the killer and make sure he never makes it to court det ed delongpre has other plans he wants this guy caught too but he s on the level and believes in the system he wants to see the system do it s job that could have been pretty good it could have been riveting it was horrible first they label this guy a serial killer err no there are specific criteria and none of it fits here the bad guy has killed kids the first day and i think it was the second day this entire movie spans like a hour time period hardly serial killer action i don t care what warped motives they give him in the end serial killers do their deed over a long time span they do not just all of a sudden kill kids in two days that s a spree ok that irritant aside the acting was atrocious the only name here was hopper and he s the only one who came even close to pulling off his part unfortunately he s kinda type cast to me and i think he does psycho parts much much better this just wasn t a good vehicle for hopper it didn t allow him to do what he does best which is to act all creepy it s not that he did bad it s that i ve seen him do so much better the irish mob guy johnny gault tom mccamus long day s journey into night who is in charge of their investigation is just over the top stiff contradiction not really he is trying to play the cold hard kinda guy and he does that to the point that the character is just wooden boring to the max he didn t scare me he didn t inspire any emotion at all except boredom i cannot tell you how many times i checked to see how much longer it was til the end of this movie the other thing about this is that it had the feel of a made for tv movie you know what i mean the poor production values low budget re use of scenes to save costs just eh yanno but i feel like comparing this to those is an insult to those derek vanlint was both the director and cinematographer on this project he bit off more than he could chew i can t help feeling that hopper must have took this role as a personal favor to a friend that s the only rational i can come up with this was vanlint s first job as director third as cinematographer hopefully this was a learning experience for him i won t ruin the ending in case you do decide to torture yourself with this one but i do want to say that they all dropped the ball here even hopper in a scene that should have been emotionally gut wrenching for the detective it was just well blah i didn t see any of the angst at all that would accompany the total gear change this guy made very disappointing this grueling minutes long and rated r for violence and language no kid under is going to have any interest whatsoever in watching this so no worries there it s not suitable for anyone anyway heh skip this one you ll thank me later"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22183": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when i bought my toy story tape when it came out to video after being released in theaters i saw a trailer for this that said from the creators of toy story as soon as i saw that i knew this was gonna be a good feature i was right a bug s life like toy story is great story great characters and great animation my favorite characters are dim the rhino beetle voiced by brad garrett and hemlich the caterpillar voiced by the late pixar storyman joe ranft my favorite scene is when slim the walking stick david hyde pierce lifts up hemlich trying to distract the bird and hemlich s like you hoo mr early bird how about a nice tasting worm on a stick and slim s like i m going to snap i m going to snap i just died laughing at that scene being a big fan of insects i think a bug s life is my favorite pixar even though i know a lot of people consider it the worst pixar film ever i don t know how you could hate a pixar film i think they re all pretty good films good job pixar"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22184": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "maybe i ve seen one too many crime flick or maybe i don t take the right drugs this was the most clich ridden plot deficient plot absurd just plain stupid movie i have seen in a long time as for the direction it looks like it took less time to show this than it did to put it together in fact it looks like to made it straight to video before it was completed it s a bad rip off of m the classic fritz lang film starring peter lorre you d be so much better off renting that instead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22185": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie was totally awesome and cool the graphics was superb and it was amazing especially flik was superb and awesome in the movie and he was funny and he was and sometimes he was intelligent the circus bugs are colorful and they are superb in the movie the grasshoppers were also superb and cool in the movie hopper was a pure and perfect villain even dot was cute when the bird comes to eat the bugs that scene was superb and good even the last scene was awesome and cool even flik s inventions was good building an artificial bird was a good idea to scare away the grasshoppers when the ants are building the artificial bird that scene was good and nice i should really appreciate the creators of a bug s life"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1]}, "22186": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie kinda let me down it seemed a lot like the movie jaws when the hopper was telling the mayor to close parks was like when roy shider was telling the mayor to close the beaches they both said no way its summer but the box says hopper has to get into the mind of a killer and think like one but he really doesn t do anything too interesting or exciting i m not even a little convinced he and his partner have any experience doing police work when they are in the office wondering how they are gonna solve this case they just say lets do police work and we ll solve it and whats up with all the old men with pool cues i didn t even begin to believe that they were mob bosses and then the guy who was doubting the guy the mob picked to handle finding the killer with his hundred dollar haircut and that he thinks his di k is the size of a schoolbus come on what cruddy lines i thought he was gonna hit him with a baseball bat like in the other movies i got this movie used and wouldn t buy it new i suggest you skip this movie oh and it was funny seeing the microphone above the scene where hopper is going out to get coffee"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22187": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "such a joyous world has been created for us in pixar s a bug s life we re immersed in a universe which could only be documented this enjoyably on film but more precisely a universe which could only be documented through the world of animation for those who have forgotten what a plentiful and exuberant world animation can offer when it s in the right hands that is a bug s life is a warm reminder we walk out of the film with an equally warm feeling and a sense of satisfaction derivative of only high calibre film productions it is only pixar s second animated feature the sub group of disney made their spectacular debut and perhaps entirely inadvertent mark on the film world three years prior in with their landmark movie toy story it was a movie which defied convention re invented and breathed new life into animation and defined a whole new level of excellence now they return with their sophomore effort which to be honest draws a creeping sense of cynicism in us all prior to seeing the film after all it s a film about ants well all walks of the insect and bug world are covered in a bug s life but it is the ant which is the focal point in this film as humans are the focal point in dramas romances and so on how can such an insignificant species of animal such as an ant act as the protagonist of a movie let alone provide the entire premise of a feature film surely they jest however we forget that in toy story a bunch of toy box items were able to become the grandest most inspiring and lovable bunch of animated heroes and villains ever concocted the guys at pixar manage to pull off the same feat and manage to turn a bunch of dirty and miniscule bugs into the most endearing and pleasant gang of vermin you ll probably ever encounter not only are they all entirely amiable and likable there isn t an unpleasant character in sight even the villains are riveting characters but they re colourful they re eclectic and they re idiosyncratic and the array of characters is also gargantuan for lack of a better term only adding the rich layers of distinctiveness already plastered onto a bug s life from the beginning we shall start with our main character and our hero his name is flik david foley and his character is rather generic to say the least out of the thousands of faithful and obedient worker ants residing on the lush beautiful ant island he is the one considered the black sheep of the clan as seen in the opening moments of the movie when he inadvertently destroys the season s harvest with his antics the problem arises in the fact that the ants harvest is for a bunch of greedy grasshoppers led by hopper kevin spacey who are eager to continue to assert their wrath and autocracy amongst the puny little ants when they show up to ant island for their annual banquet and see that their offering is gone they go insane for lack of a better term hopper offers a proposition to save the ants from total extinction at his pack s hands however it s a negotiation which is simply impossible to fulfil the cogs and clockwork in flik s mind run at full steam now despite his guilt and shame and he offers to leave ant island in search of some mighty bug warriors who can come to the colony s rescue and fight off hopper and the grasshoppers if you think about it a bug s life bears some heavy resemblance to the plot line s of akira kurosawa s classic seven samurai or the american remake the magnificent seven in which a village of hapless but good hearted folk are threatened by malevolent and wicked enemies one lone village dweller goes in search for help in the big city finds it and returns to the colony to drive off evil in a bug s life the help comes in the form of a down and out circus troupe who is mistakenly perceived by flik as warriors in a bar room brawl much amusement comes out of these scenes and much amusement comes out of these circus troupe bugs among them are an erudite stick insect david hyde pierce a side splitting obese german caterpillar by the name of heimlich and a quasi femme fatale ladybug who s in fact a gritty and masculine ladybug dennis hopper it s exceedingly enjoyable watching these bugs on screen as it is watching the bugs and the insects interact on screen as is the entire movie collectively as i ve said much amusement and mirth comes out of their characters and joyous interactions with one another which give way to a bevy of hilarious lines wonderfully suspenseful and riveting situations and overall a dazzling movie what makes a bug s life even better is that the film isn t restricted simply to children as many may perceive it to be although children would indeed find more entertainment out of this film the clich d kid friendly situations are a bit more abundant than we d like however it s easy to ignore this fault and it s incredulously easy to enjoy this film although a bug s life may not reach the dizzying and landmark standards set by its predecessor this is still a superb movie and the start of something promising here pixar have proved that they re not just a one hit wonder but instead a much gifted and talented group of film artists in hollywood they raise the bar endlessly and when someone always manages to top their standards it s only always by themselves what more is there to say about a bug s life other than see it it s not quite the best which we ve seen from the folks at emeryville california but this beats out the lot of its year and i ll be damned if this isn t the best animated feature of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22188": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the movie had a good concept but the execution just didn t live up to it what is this concept well story wise it s dirty harry meets m a child killer has begun terrorizing a city the lead detectives dennis hopper and frederic forest have never dealt with a serial killer before the mayor and the police chief in desperation secretly hire the local mob to speed things up to go places and do things that the police wouldn t be able to in order to bring an end to this mess as soon as possible to be fair this film does genuinely have some good things to offer besides the concept i liked the look of the killer s hideout norman bates has his basement this guy has an eerie sewer in some of the shots the light bounces off the water and creates rippling reflections on the walls often giving these scenes a creepy dreamlike quality the acting was good too dennis hopper is one of those actors who gets better with age once you get past that however it more or less goes downhill the film is paced way too fast the actual investigation process from both teams feels very rushed as opposed to feeling intricate and fascinating this could have been fixed in two ways either make the film longer or cut out some of the many subplots either of these would have allowed the crew to devote more time to the actual mystery for an example of how bad this is one of the crucial clues that helps them zero in on just the right suspect is this at one point in his life the suspect went to a pet shop that s right i m being totally serious here it s like they went from point a the first clue to point z the suspect and skipped over all the in between steps then there s the characters the only ones i actually liked were two pick pockets you meet about half way through the movie considering that they re minor characters i d call that a bad sign finally there s the mob angle this is the one that gets me the most because this is why i coughed up the to buy the dvd in the first place i mean what a hook there s been an absolute glut of serial killer flicks in the last years the mob angle was a gimmick that could have helped it rise above the rest but it didn t i figured the gangsters s methods would be brutal but fun and thrilling at the same time kind of like a vigilante movie or something maybe they d even throw in some heist movie elements too we are talking about criminals after all instead we re given some of the most repulsive protagonists committed to celluloid the detectives question witnesses what does the mob do they interrogate and kill them it s not even like these witnesses are really even that bad either i actually found the criminals less likable than the killer they re hunting unless the good points i mentioned are enough to get your interest i d say give this one a miss maybe some day they ll reuse the same story idea and do it right i hope so i hate to see such a good concept go to waste"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22189": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "you will marvel at the incredibly sophisticated computer animation and the novelty probably won t wear off on the first second or third viewing but you ll be drawn in by the characters which are so simple yet intriguing that you may find yourself actually caring for them in an unexpected way which may or may not make you feel a little childish due to the medium disney continues to firmly hold the title of greatest animation in the world with a bug s life standing as one of their greatest achievements one of the innovative attachments being the delightful out takes added to the end of the film the dvd has two sets of these out takes where as i m told the vhs cassette has one alternating version per tape the dvd also features gerry s game which is a delightful little pixar short that was also shown prior to the film in theaters this is by far the superior insect film in comparison to dreamworks antz which in all fairness is pretty good but lacks something in the animation and in the story development and characters if you look at the star voices of both films antz is largely cast with big name movie stars with a few familiar tv star voices where a bug s life is just the opposite loaded with tv stars with kevin spacey as the only stand out exception but the difference in quality is distinct and obvious dreamworks can t be blamed or surprised though when you go head to head with disney you have your work cut out for you this is the kind of film that almost makes me wish i had children to share it with don t think for a second that this is just a movie for kids though"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22190": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "dennis hopper is without a doubt one of the finest underrated american actors of our time and it was interesting to see how he would play out his role as a cop on the case of a child serial killer most movies hopper has always played to psychotic menace threatening to blow up stuff or go on a killing spree but in this movie hopper tried his best to keep that intensity and emotion while carrying a shield once i got into the plot of the movie i was hooked but it s just the little things that ultimately murdered the film the concept of the film is great not only are the cops on the move of catching the killer but we get a chance to see how the gangsters operate in catching the killer the subplot of the football stadium is kinda ridiculous but necessary to involve the gangsters in the killer hunt that s about all that is good you can say about the film although hopper did try to act like a tough experienced street smart cop i can t help but feel his acting was below par and there wasn t enough conviction that he was truly attached to the case the directing was also terrible it didn t have the feel of a true film but rather a tv movie production this is most evident when the gangsters meet for the first time to form an elite team to hunt the killer down when the leading gangster shoots the other mouthy gangster in slow motion the acting was weak predictable and terribly unexciting that s when i knew that st of all the action is going to be atrocious the angling of the camera was amateurish and the recalling scenes or haunting images of the killer s little sister had no true distinctive effect if it was supposed to be scary it wasn t everyone s acting was terrible and even for hopper i didn t feel for his character and i just didn t really care too much about his relationship with his daughter the final thing that bothered me the most is the swat team once i saw the swat team in action i was thinking finally something good but i was wrong st of all the entire swat team consisted of guys that is just impossible nd of all apparently the swat team has no training whatsoever because many times in the film they carry their hka submachine guns with one hand had the killer been hiding near the staircase with a shotgun these idiots would ve been blown to bits because they weren t even aiming at anything or paying close attention they should have had both hands on the gun aiming forward but it just looks like they re not taking the job seriously and are just flaunting around rd swat team members do not yell out commands such as keep your eyes open watch out for yourselves are we good to go etc in reality they use hand signals or have radios but they re literally yelling at each other how are you supposed to catch the killer when he can hear you re coming and to top it all off these guys have no plan apparently they re just running up and down going on a wild turkey chase eventually they end up doing nothing that was the last straw i m no expert on special forces but basically what i ve just outlined is pretty common sense when the audience knows the movie is terrible the action pretty much becomes the life saver of the movie when you can t even make an effort to make the action great the movie is lost i give stars for the concept but the rest cannot be credited if you want to watch a crime thriller don t bother with this one there s plenty of crime in the movie but it has the lack of thrill"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22191": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "critically people say that antz is better antz is a good film but i enjoyed bug s life a bit more i can t remember a pixar animation other than the two toy story films that i was laughing so hard the animation is clean the story is original and doesn t preach the voice overs are what make this movie dave foley is an earnest ant that gets himself into trouble a lot hopper is a superb characterisation by the always wonderful kevin spacey as is haydn panettiere as dot there is also sterling support from dennis leary david hyde pierce and madeline kahn and i could go on and on the script is fantastic so funny and sometimes even touching it lacks the social messages of antz but what we have is rock solid entertainment bethany cox"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22192": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "very businesslike authority with little responsibility and only a desire to keep his her name clean check a veteran cop that has bad relationship with his family check mafia guys that while criminals want to do something good vigilante style check a sociopath and loyal mafia guy not hesitant to kill people to make an example check cops methods being less effective than the mafia guy s brutal yet very effective methods check a corrupt cop tying the authority the criminals and the police together check slow motion and or jerky frame rates for showing what the actor s reaction can t check a serial killer whose background is explained in far too much detail esp using childhood abuse as the reason for everything check a child spree killer that is very very non menacing check foreshadowing of the veteran cop s moral values not being what the killer deserves in the movie s and the majority of characters opinion check morally ambiguous and predictable ending thanks to the foreshadowing and the good veteran cop s coming to terms he should submit to the vigilante attitude of the majority of the characters check recently saw this on tv and decided to endure it because it had dennis hopper in it and i could not sleep check realized that was a mistake and should just have stared at the ceiling check"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22193": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a bugs life is a great film that is not just for kids but for adults too the story is set around a colony of ants and their struggle against the evil grasshoppers who come back every year and steal their food a mirror of the magnifiscent seven there is some wonderfull computer animation and the voices are great too you will love it out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22194": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the best thing about this movie was uh well i can t think of anything this was bad the script was especially bad the technical concepts were bad the suspenseful plot was bad the dialog was bad avoid at all costs do not rent do not watch you ll be sorry"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22195": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a funny film it has all the usual disney components music great range of characters story appeal entwined with superb animation and the excellent voice talents of less well known actors as those in say antz and price of egypt the characters work really well and have a strong appeal and the humour is aimed at a wide level which overcomes generational barriers the movie is also presented in superb cinemascope format which adds to the cinema experience call me crazy but i have seen the film three times and i intend on taking more friends to see it this weekend many skeptics have seen this film on my recommendation and not been disappointed i work in a multiplex and i can honestly say that no one has ever walked out of this movie without a sense of satisfaction see it and don t be put off because it is animated you are sure to enjoy this movie and make sure you stay for the end credits the bloopers and out takes at the end are the funniest part of the film which is packed with laughs throughout"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22196": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "an executive very successful in his professional life but very unable in his familiar life meets a boy with down syndrome escaped from a residence both characters feel very alone and the apparently less intelligent one will show to the executive the beauty of the small things in life with this argument the somehow amelie like atmosphere and the sentimental music i didn t expect but a moralistic disgusting movie anyway as there were some interesting scenes the boy is sometimes quite a violent guy and the interpretation of both actors daniel auteil and pasqal duquenne was very good i decided to go on watching the movie the french cinema in general has the ability of showing something that seems quite much to life opposed to the more stereotyped american cinema but because of that it is much more disappointing to see after the absurd ending with the impossible death of the boy the charming tone the happiness of the executive s family the cheap moral the unbearable laughter of the daughters the guy waving from heaven as michael landon really nasty in my humble opinion"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22197": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched this film not expecting much and not knowing anything much about it i loved it a very good tight plot an intriguing hook in the form of the ugly fat deaf girl and the ex con and a pace that kept things flowing without being hurried a much much better film than the same director s de battre mon coeur s est arret which was boring and unbelievable the only thing that didn t quite work was that the supposedly ugly fat girl was neither ugly nor fat solid certainly and far from conventionally beautiful but with so much character in her face that she took over the screen whenever she was on it superb i wish she was in more films and better ones than she generally is i ve seen a bit of gilles wife and a bit of the moustache and they both looked like rubbish and i ve seen all of de battre mon coeur s est arret and that certainly is rubbish she seems to have a few coming up so i ll keep my fingers crossed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "22198": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "my friends and i rented that movie last night and we had one of the greatest laughs in awhile the movie is not supposed to be funny at all but it is just so ridiculous and it lacks any realism whatsoever first phillippe i forget what his character is called and i don t really care uses his regular employee id to go through all the top security terminals not only is that pathetic but it gets topped when his enormous efforts culminate in his finding the so scary lego room which hosts the super computers this is plain funny the tense mood that we are supposed to experience is completely spoilt by the childish looking room the ending like all else is very very very cheesy especially when the bad guy s lawyer shows up right on time anyway this movie is a good laugh if you need something to make fun of definitely see it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22199": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "there is great detail in a bug s life everything is covered the film looks great and the animation is sometimes jaw dropping the film isn t too terribly orignal it s basically a modern take on kurosawa s seven samurai only with bugs i enjoyed the character interaction however and the bad guys in this film actually seemed bad it seems that disney usually makes their bad guys carbon copy cut outs the grasshoppers are menacing and hopper the lead bad guy was a brillant creation check this one out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22200": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "five minutes into this movie you realize that you have seen it all before it is boiler room it is the firm and it is the devils advocate and there are no new elements here except for the all to clear bill gates allegory conpsiracies are always good stuff for movie making but why does it have to be so extreme boiler room is a good movie because it for a while at least seems realistic in antitrust everything is wrong how realistic is it for example that your boss pay an impostor to be your girlfriend in order to make you work harder and control you i d give it but the soundtrack is ok so"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22201": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a bug s life is like a favorite candy bar it s chock full of great little bits that add up to something really tasty the story couldn t have been better it s clever has heart emotion and every character has a nice arc a growth or change by comparison the only characters in toy story to have an arc are buzz who learns to love being a toy and woody who overcomes his resentment of buzz there are tons of laughs and cute moments in a bug s life all of the actors turn in great voice work and the animation both the motion and detail is superb this serious movie buff doesn t throw around s lightly but this movie certainly deserves the i gave it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22202": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after seeing the trailer of this film in the cinema i thought that it was an original concept for a thriller setting it in the competitive world of computer companies the all star cast was another message that this film would probably be good but when i didn t go to watch it in it s first week of release then it disappeared by week i feared something was a miss patiently i waited for it s dvd release then bought it rushing home for an enjoyable evening s viewing the anticipation on the way home was far better than the film for a start the direction is appalling there s no thought gone into it at all and the director just makes up a part for himself so he can appear in the film i wouldn t be rushing out to employ him in the future secondly the lead role is completely miscast as ryan phillipe phillipe normally the cool character as in cruel intentions and way of the gun but in this he s supposed to be a bumbling hero which he attempts to portray by slipping when he s running and having geeky friends but he just doesn t look right the female stars rachel leigh cook and clare forlani don t feature enough but when they do neither of the performances are close to their bests the only highlight of the film is tim robbins in a role that could have been made for him and it s his fiery temper and mysterious ways that drag the film along the final point is that this film is another one which fills the trailer with scenes you don t see in the film and instead feature only in the deleted scenes section of the dvd causing even more disappointment as although some of these scenes are crude they do fill in important gaps in the story"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22203": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "originally a response to a movie reviewer who said a bug s life was too much too fast he was dazed and exhausted by the visuals and seemed to ignore the story completely okay first off i m years old have a job go to school and have a fiance so maybe i m nuts and just really good at hiding it but not only did i not come away from a bug s life exhausted or dazed it wasn t until i saw it the second time that i could even begin to truly appreciate the artistry and humour of the spectacular visuals because the first time i went to see this movie i got so wrapped up in the story and the characters that i forgot that i was supposed to be sitting there being wowed by each frame visually how can you not empathize with flik and his road to heck paved with good intentions life heck indeed i found myself identifying with that little ant not to mention some of the other bugs in a lot more ways than one and that in itself says more to me about what an incredible movie this is than a whole book on its beautiful eye candy of course it s beautiful every blade of grass the tree the rain of course what they can do with technology is amazing you can read their lips try it but this movie is not just a masterpiece of art and tech not just an dazzling explosion of movement and color no a bug s life would be static if it were all that and no story but i m glad to say it s not a bug s life has real heart yes there s a lot going on storyline wise as well as visually but that s because the story and characters actually have some depth to them just because it s a kids movie doesn t mean you should have to turn off your brain at the theatre door kids are smarter than you think besides that i think that the pixar crew made this for themselves even before their kids and it shows in the amount of heart in has this movie is moving touching funny intriguing and generally engrossing the character development in such an ensemble cast is amazing there s a major amount of character growth and not just of the main character so rare in animation and often in movies in general it doesn t hit you over the head with its points once it s made them every scene every frame has a reason in the storyline for being there and there are no gratuitous shots not always stating explicitly in words exactly what is going on means subtlety to me folks it means not dumbing down your movie and assuming the audience is stupid which it mostly is not all i can think is if you can see a bug s life and not feel anything at all then you must have never made a big mistake hurt your friends had a crush fallen in love been frustrated that no one would listen to you lied to someone you care about felt like a social misfit gotten excited over a new idea come up with a great idea had what you thought was a great idea backfire been awkward one moment and confident the next felt the pressure of responsibility stood up for yourself and your loved ones stood alone against the crowd felt like a failure felt like a big success felt the need to make a difference with your life in the lives of others well you get the point final words a rating from me please if you re going to see it try to see it in the theatre pan and scan video is not going to work for this movie if you loved toy story you ll most likely love this pixar knows how to make movies with heart if you do love it see it multiple times or you still won t know what you re missing the amount of detail and subtlety here is considerable and whenever you re feeling really low just pretend it s a seed okay"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "22204": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "antitrust falls right into that category of films that aspire to make some great point while being uplifting yet falls completely flat i don t hate the film but it is missing key elements such as suspense there have been other attempts to make an engaging film about computers such as hackers and the net they all fall short the improbable ending of both the net and antirust seem to be nearly identical these movie endings suffer from one huge error in perception people in the pc business having this over indulgent self ego that assumes the general population lives it s life waiting to hear the latest news about pc s and software i have worked for many companies and industries and they all seem to suffer from an expanded view of their own self importance as does this film the way they introduced plot lines was pathetic showing milo who is deathly allergic to sesame seeds almost ingest one from a restaurant breadbasket crossed the line of stupidity only his girlfriend prevented him from sure death this makes one wonder how milo could have survived as long as he did braving the perils of big mac buns and sesame seed breadsticks as they cloak themselves as well sesame seed breadsticks and big mac buns antitrust also doesn t provide much suspense the patterned and predictable plot twists are easily figured out long before they are revealed come on was anyone really stunned when yee jee tso was killed thereby destroying any real shock value and here again we have yet another film story where at the end the bad guys are chasing the good guys to get the disk we need to have a moratorium on this simple simon plot line for about years still i pressed on maybe the ending would be the payoff but no the completely ridiculous ending where we have the head of company security another supposed evil guy turn around and be the good guy that enables milo to bring down n u r v ceo gary winston was laughable and of course the news coverage of the arrest of gary winston is more fevered than when hinckley or oswald was brought into custody gary winston played by tim robbins is a cardboard cutout of the same character robbins played in arlington road but that fits perfectly here in antitrust which should be called anticlimactic or anti original in the years to come this film will likely be banished to be shown only on your local third rate uhf channel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22205": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a good film with strong performances especially the two leads the film is about two american girls who are caught with kilo s heroin on an airport in thailand they re both thrown in prison and one of them signs a confession bill pullman plays the lawyer who tries to get them out all they have to do is find a nick parks who put the narcotics in the bag of one of the two girls so far for the story which isn t that original it has many resemblances with the better return to paradise the acting and newton thomas sigel s beautiful photography make this film worth to watch a out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22206": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i sort of accidentally ended up watching this movie i m still not sure if i regret it or not i felt like i was watching the film made by that group of film school students that didn t quite make the cut it plays up every hollywood clich imaginable all the while flogging us with the corporations are the ultimate evil message subtlety this movie does not know as far as that goes it even manages to provide it s own spoilers the story appears to be a computer nerd s fantasy world come true the lead character is an attractive teenage boy with a girlfriend yet is a programming genius and apparent hacker i think among many other nerd fantasy come true elements that you ll have to see for yourself as well i should ve known it would be a z movie when i saw ned bellamy he tends to be a good tip off can t recommend this one i m afraid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22207": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a low budget film with a cast of unknowns and a minimum of on location shoots the philippines substitute for thailand and nobody actually goes to hong kong the stock shot of a cathay pacific jumbo jet landing at the old airport makes the transition perfectly this film proves that you need neither mega budgets nor a headliner star to produce an excellent movie it contains neither the gaffes nor the excesses that young filmakers often stumble into solid workmanship from people who know all the aspects of movie making and who understand the compromises between art and box office an excellent piece of work"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22208": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "one more of extremely unprofessional movies about computer programmers looks authors of that movie don t know real specific of programmers world top programmers in the world program which have own satellites for what program which using satellite freq somebody kill somebody to steal the codes why and much more of stupid moments at this movie peoples who not programmers not will see something awful at that movie because not professionals on this but peoples will see not real things programmers will find that movie odd and awful because lots of moments inside movie is not related real life why movie not scifi in this case"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22209": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after high school graduation best friends alice and darlene decide to take a trip to thailand whilst they are there they meet a charming australian guy named nick after spending some time with nick he asks them if they want to take a weekend trip to hong kong with him they agree at the airport though they are get busted for smuggling drugs and then get convicted for years in a thai prison for something they say they haven t done not really knowing what to do they end contacting yankee hank an american lawyer who lives in thailand with his wife word has it that if you have the money he can help you things start of well but they still can t get out the movie is really good because it doesn t let on what s going to happen and it s interesting all the time i couldn t believe the ending though it was one of those endings where you don t know the truth but you still kind of know what really happened with nick and the drug smuggling because of the owning up etc claire danes and kate beckinsale both give quite good performances here beckinsales performance was a little weak though both danes and beckinsales characters friendship is good but could of seemed stronger paul walker even has a small uncredited role here anyway i thought brokedown palace was a good movie and i give it a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22210": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "obvious attack on microsoft made by people who don t appear to understand intellectual property or market economies generally loony liberal tim robbins plays a painfully obvious caricature of bill gates and is a cartoonish corporate villain ordering murders right and left while microsoft may engage in some anticompetitive activity at times it s unlikely they actually murder people therefore the film is over the top and ridiculous from the beginning the deeper point is apparently that major tech innovations should be free to the public and not subject to intellectual property laws however this ignores the fact that most major innovations would never have been developed if not for the market incentives and rewards provided by intellectual property it s one thing to be opposed to anti competitive conduct that s common sense it s quite another to be opposed to market competition in the first place which is what the film s mantra knowledge belongs to mankind represents yet another example of hollywood being completely out of touch with reality"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22211": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "good exciting movie although it looks to me that it s not been recorded on location in thailand it still looks realistic nice story about some girls having fun in one of the most beautiful countries on the world in real the thai people are very kind"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22212": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "antitrust could have been a great vehicle for rachael leigh cook but the director cut out her best scenes in the scenes that she are in she is just a zombie she is involved in a sub plot that is simular to a sub plot in get carter but she handles the sub plot better in get carter i blame the director the director s homage to hitchcock was corny it s the scene were ryan philippe s charactor realizes he may not be able to trust tim robbin s charactor at least i think it s a homage to hitchcock the dvd shows the scenes that were cut out i think the director should have trust his instincts and not listen to the test audiences"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22213": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "possible spoilers although done before and better in midnight express and return to paradise brokedown palace still strikes a chord with me here we have the tale of two young girls who travel through thailand and get arrested on charges of trafficking drugs was it clare danes alice was it kate beckinsale s darlene was it the handsome stranger whom they met on their journey none of that really matters for this is a tale of friendship and trust and the limits they can be stretched to throw in bill pullman as an unenthusiastic lawyer and jacqueline kim as his thai bride and better lawyer than he is and we have a nice little story that holds the audience s attention brokedown palace is nothing extraordinary or notorious for any reason it is not an original concept it doesn t show sensationalised violence that leads to the wannabe avant garde crowd talking about it s gritty realism or hard hitting truths it is merely a good story with some fine performances bill pullman is weakest with his lazy drawl and gravelly way of talking i was quite bored with the character kate beckinsale while decent is nothing spectacular she acts well but it s not exactly a memorable performance jacqueline kim however is in fine form crafting a likable and defined character where really there is not much to work with but make no mistake this is clare danes movie i ve long been a fan of her work and this is no change she captivates in every scene she appears and were it not for her the film would probably stoop into boring fare i particularly applaud her performance in the scene between her and darlene s father the film also has a brilliant soundtrack out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "22214": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it was interesting to see how accurate the writing was on the geek buzz words yet very naive on the corporate world the justice department would catch more of the big corp giants if they did such naive things to win the real corporate world is much more subtle and interesting yet every bit as sinister i seriously doubt any corp would actually kill someone directly even the mod is more indirect these days in the real world they do kill people with nicotine pollution additives poisons etc this movie must have been developed by some garage geeks i think and the studios didn t know the difference they just wanted something to capitalize on the microsoft antitrust case in the news"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22215": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i think this is what this movie wants us to say at the end of the movie or damn australian i still don t know but what i know is that i really liked this movie but that couldn t be my favorite movie great story with great actors but with a terrible end to make you cry and say oh she s so good still who made it what really happened who s that guy no answer to these questions mysterious movie with a good mark overall i give it a going on the"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22216": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a terrible movie as everyone has said what made me laugh was the cameo appearance by scott mcnealy giving an award to one of the murdered programmers in front of a wall of sun logos mcnealy is the ceo of sun microsystem a company that practically defines itself by its hatred of microsoft they have been instrumental in filing antitrust complaints against microsoft so were they silly enough to think this bad movie would add fuel to that fire there s no public record i see of sun s involvement but clearly the makers of this movie know scott mcnealy an interesting mystery"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22217": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i loved the movie but like everyone said there were some bits that weren t developed enough i thought personally that the girls were very vapid before they landed in prison sure they were supposed to be innocent american girls but still i felt like they lacked that bond that best friends are supposed to have for example in the montage where they re sight seeing the way they held each other for the photograph was very awkward looking then there are some parts that were very ambiguous i think it s pretty much understood that danes character didn t do it but i can see how that could be confusing also why did the camera dwell on manat bearing a very grim expression after he put the bags in their taxi trunk i thought it was suggesting something but it turned out to be nothing apart from that the movie was great i cried when claire danes took the blame she s a great actress also i wanted to see that bitchy thai inmate get her ass kicked talk about lack of closure"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22218": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "long boring blasphemous never have i been so glad to see ending credits roll"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22219": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie just pulls you so deeply into the two main characters i popped it into my laptop without even reading the cover let alone reviews and was intrigued for two solid hours two lost ships from two different worlds collide the sexual tension that brews between a secretary and a criminal is almost palpable even without hardly any physical contact toward the end i couldn t decide which i wanted more our hero and heroine to pull off their caper or simply consummate their passion rml could ve done without a curious subplot and a traditional minutes would have been plenty i m nitpicking though after a series of netflix blockbuster and local library duds this movie restored my faith in great film making"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22220": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "aldolpho steve buscemi an aspiring film maker lives in a battered nyc apartment and relies on his mother to help make the rent he has a beautiful neighbor named angelica jennifer beals who may or may not be married but who aldolpho would love to star in his movie when al unexpectedly gets a financial promise of funding for his film from a strange man named joe he thinks he s got it made that is until joe takes al along on an adventure to steal a porsche for part of the financial backing will the film be made before aldolpho is completely without a moral backbone and will angelica star in the film this is in this viewer s opinion an awful movie the script is abysmal with a plot that wanders willy nilly beals practically snarls all of her lines and buscemi though likable is nondescript there is a good deal of distasteful material and unsavory characters to boot finally the production values are very poor too making the film look second rate at all times if you have time on your hands it is still a good idea not to take a chance with this movie but if you are the proverbial glutton for punishment go ahead and watch the darn thing beals does look beautiful after all"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22221": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "brokedown palace is the story of two best friends alice and darlene who go on a spontaneous trip to thailand and wind up in prison after being caught with planted drugs in their luggage in this way the movie had the potential to turn into a serious and moving film such as return to paradise but instead the movie chose to focus little on the girls situation and more on their friendship claire danes and kate beckinsale both turn in excellent performances and the movie is much more about the interplay between them the suspicion the jealousy the questioning and testing of their friendship and ultimately the sacrifices made in the name of friendship this movie chooses not to delve too deeply into politics or even into the harshness of prison life which is a bit glossed over and focuses more on these friendship issues there were some plot holes here and some parts that just didn t seem believable or realistic we didn t feel the real fear or hopelessness of their situation as well as we might have and we get very little feeling of life outside the prison walls with bill pullman playing the supposedly sleazy lawyer who actually turns out to have a heart of gold in short this should by all rights have been a much darker movie than it was but overall i enjoyed it the acting was good the soundtrack was perfect and the storyline had enough twists and turns to stay interesting worth seeing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22222": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "how disney can you get preppy rich girls act like idiots buy a bunch of stuff and get taught a lesson is disney trying to send a lesson to itself that maybe while buying everything it should maybe still be human whatever the psycho analysis this movie sucked the girls want a rich party for their rich lives but then money disappears and they have to use their riches to get the milk plant yes milk going to employ the workers they keep it afloat until daddy comes home and the man at the beginning who appears to be the one that takes the money is the one but the ending is dumb webcam in the cayman islands huh not worth my time ever again but it is better than howl s moving castle d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22223": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "two adventurous teenagers best friends take a trip to thailand for one last experience before separating and going off to college it seems like a fun time of touring an exotic land until they meet an attractive stranger who seduces them into taking a trip to hong kong and puts drugs in their luggage they get nabbed by the local police and find that justice in asia is very different from justice in the u s this is the main story line for brokedown palace and it was a good one the film does a decent job of portraying the arbitrary and corrupt justice systems of third world nations actually the portrayal was rather mild as the prison conditions are often far worse than depicted it serves as a reminder that no matter how bad we think our justice system is it is pristine by comparison to much of the rest of the world unfortunately there were too many contrived situations in the film that hampered the story the whole escape attempt was bogus fantasy to think that friends would be able to smuggle money for a bribe into the prison in a padded bra and not be discovered by the guards who were systematically checking everything brought in from visitors assumes that either the guards or the viewers are utter blockheads the story also fails to bring closure to the nagging question of how the drugs got in alice s claire danes backpack did she actually agree to transport the drugs we are left to guess it was intriguing to be kept guessing about the girls innocence throughout the film but we finish the movie never really knowing if one or both of the girls might be guilty except for this considerable flaw the ending was excellent and the results unexpected the acting by claire danes and kate beckinsale was very solid and well done danes who has been oversold and over hyped actually arrived as an actor in this film though her portrayal was frequently immature as was her character she improved as the film progressed and the circumstances became more dire beckinsale in contrast has been flying under the radar her whole brief career and shines as the goody two shoes who suddenly finds herself in prison her s was the best performance in the film bill pullman was miscast as the lawyer his wry and diffident style is an asset in films like while you were sleeping but as a lawyer in a third world country on a crusade to free two innocent girls from injustice he had the wrong personality the tourist s look at thailand was interesting but it didn t make me want to go there overall an entertaining film made implausible in parts by the insertion of some ridiculous scenes i gave it a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22224": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched this movie really late last night and usually if it s late then i m pretty forgiving of movies although i tried i just could not stand this movie at all it kept getting worse and worse as the movie went on although i know it s suppose to be a comedy but i didn t find it very funny it was also an especially unrealistic and jaded portrayal of rural life in case this is what any of you think country life is like it s definitely not i do have to agree that some of the guy cast members were cute but the french guy was really fake i do have to agree that it tried to have a good lesson in the story but overall my recommendation is that no one over watch it it s just too annoying"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22225": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have been waiting for such an original picture such as this for quite some time now brokedown palace has that `hard to believe aspect however with the ingenious directing and screenplay palace scores big i ve really never enjoyed watching claire danes in any of her movies but i ll tell you what she really changed my mind with this one kate beckinsale joins danes on a vacation to thailand where they meet up with a young man who convinces them to take a trip to hong kong with him however he neglected to inform them that they would be carrying an obscene amount of narcotics for him well ultimately they get caught and end up in a thailand prison i know i know how could you not know that you have pounds of drugs well if you can get by that one tiny miscue you will find a very well written and acted out story lately i have found myself getting drawn into the storylines of the movies i watch and developing a personal feeling for the characters that i watch this movie is no different by the end of the movie i found myself caring more for her than any of the other characters in the film bill pullman plays hank green an attorney who lives in thailand and specializes in international relations as always pullman delivers with an excellent performance and ties the movie together beautifully there are a few twists and turns that will by the end of the movie have you in tears this is one of those movies that you have most likely passed by when searching for that movie to watch at home it is my opinion that the next time out at the video store do not pass by this one again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22226": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie kind of reminds me of a mary kate and ashley movie only worse just the rich sisters kind of thing i think even though alysons more the actress in this movie amanda michalka was okay sometimes but alysons acting stunk i think that after high school musical they needed to come up with somethihng better and this definitely wasn t it the story line wasn t that great and i think they should have gotten two other people to play taylor and courtney i m not a big alyson michalka fan and this movie didn t make me like her any better i think they should definitely sick to singing and only watch this movie if you have nothing better to do which sadly i didn t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22227": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie in the theater and was thoroughly impressed by it then again that was when claire danes was a good actress not the foolish arrogant hollywood ized bitch she is today anyway this film really struck me as one of the more raw realistic beautiful friendship films how far would you really go for your best friend i was moved to tears at the end and still tear up when i watch it now i own it i remember as soon as i left the theater i called my best friend and sobbed to her how much i loved her this is a great film to watch with your best girlfriend however be prepared for the almost certain conversation afterward where she turns to you and asks if you d do something like that for her"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, 1]}, "22228": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is truly awful after seeing the advertisement for it i thought it could have its charms but it didn t the girls cannot act and they cannot sing either the soundtrack to this movie is full of their songs and its not a pretty sight terrible story line unbelievable plot its one of disney s worst movies by far ally is not a bad actress on phil of the future so i don t know what happened in cow belles and her sister aj seems to be just hitching a ride on her sisters fame and she displays no talent what so ever at the end of the movie the girls do finally learn some clich morals but this is to late to rescue this train wreck movie awful"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22229": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched this movie years ago in company with my best female friend i got my judgment teeth pulled out so i didn t feel very good i ended up liking it big time it s a hard watch if you take in account that it deals with friendship unwanted betrayal power money drug traffic and the extreme hard situation that deals with living in a foreign jail the acting is on it s prime level two of the women that i lust the most star and that s a good thing claire danes is as cute and charming as always while kate beckinsale is extremely hot and delivers a fine performance bill pullman is also great and demonstrates his histrionic qualities there are many plot twists to dig from and make it an interesting visual experience plus it shows the difficult times at thailand this is an underrated movie not many films like this one have come up in recent history it should make you reflex about many things"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22230": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was terrible to say the least i was hoping for a lot better after seeing high school musical the whole entire movie was a complete rip off of the simple life only it wasn t a reality show the acting was not good at all amanda michalka had her moments when she wasn t that terrible on the other hand alyson michalka was bad all the way through chris gallinger who played the love interest of amanda was playing a french guy but had an awful accent one good thing about this movie was the completely adorable michael trevino who played alyson s love interest just something to keep in mind if this movie had been aired before high school musical it probably would not have seemed as bad but it was no comparison overall i give it a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22231": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while i do not think this was a perfect i do agree it was way above a which is what it s rated here no brokedown palace was not perfect and yes it s plot has been done many times before that doesn t mean it shouldn t be done again if it is done well and i think this movie had some strong moments the acting of claire danes as already mentioned many times was flawless as was kate beckinsell and i think bill pullman was absolutely terrific as was the supporting performances pullman s wife the crooked cop skip or trip or whatever his name is the cinematography was also beautifully filmed there was a lot that s good to this movie even if there were some negatives three major ones that i found as well here is what i didn t like about it the friendship between the girls in fact the girls own individual personalities were not developed in depth until the late middle of the pic it would not have been improbable to lose interest before then because despite the positives more character development should have been done earlier on and certain scenes like when the girls were originally arrested were almost glossed over so there was a bit to much jumping around without the character and scene development i think would have been appropriate for this type of film that however is not my major problem and warning spoiler alert the ending as mentioned dozens of times already was awful it was awful in two respects firstly even though it would have been predictable and very hollywood i wanted a happy ending yes it was an emotional and powerful ending but in a movie such as this there is a sense that justice will be served and i did sit through it to see that i was genuinely shocked at the ending and it was performed with excellence by all involved but i feel both girls should have got out or barring that at least the cop should have got what was coming to him i mean nothing happens to the bad guys they all get away with it very disturbing also i do not understand the ambiguity of the ending i understand endings that are inspired to make one think but this was not a mystery or clue type movie we were watching and i would have liked to know something about what actually happened who was guilty etc with this ending we were left to decide that ourselves but since i somehow doubt there will be a sequel i did not want to be kept guessing still there was a lot to like about this movie and the acting is definitely at the top of the list i would rate this a and say it is definitely worth a look"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22232": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "russell hopton acted in many films until his death in he only directed and black gold was one the other was also from frankie darro had a sometimes abrasive screen presence but in this he was playing a good kid he was obviously quite popular on the quickie circuit he made so many films in this one he plays the son of an old oil rigger who is convinced that he will strike oil very soon j c anderson berton churchill is trying to convince the old man to sell up as he knows there is going to be oil struck at any moment a geologist henry comes on the scene and helps fishtail s dad he also convinces fishtail to go to school regularly henry has his eye on cynthia the pretty teacher this was gloria shea s last film she had begun her career as olive shea in glorifying the american girl fishtail s dad is killed when the rig is sabotaged and henry is determined to bring anderson and his cronies to justice when henry is kidnapped anderson tries to persuade fishtail to sell his oil lease it all ends well with oil being struck and fishtail going to military school it is okay for a rainy day"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22233": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i caught this movie by accident on cable in the middle of it and had to rent it to see it s entirety and i m glad i did i was immediately drawn by the storyline and cared about the girls involved naive high school graduates best friends since childhood take a high school trip and are taken in by a con man named nick who get them into serious trouble they are used as sacrificial mules in a heroin smuggling ring taken in to custody the girls learn to cope with their incarceration while trying to find a way out of their trouble everything that they try to help themselves falls short when the thai criminal justice system shows shortcomings and the girls end up in more trouble and lose the trust of their american lawyer yankee hank hank gives up trying to defend them after he feels betrayed by alice claire dane however the thai native wife of hank smells a rat in the case and does some further foot work of investigation and finds out the girls really were victimized the end of the movie when alice does a selfless act to save darlene beckinsale had me in tears i really enjoyed this movie and would recommend it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22234": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ostensibly a film that predicts the coming trends in british popular music it s wrong on so many fronts that it s laughable tommy quickly the honeycombs the movie does include a song by the spencer davis group two by the animals and one tacked on live film of the beatles doing their live version of twist and shout all but all in all an awkward display of british music circa oh and herman s hermits"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22235": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i like films that don t provide the typical happy ending and that s my main reason for my liking of this movie alice marano danes and her best friend darlene beckinsale are arrested in thailand for narcotics smuggling after a tip anonymously phoned in to the thai authorities the film does a solid job of keeping viewers guessing as to whether or which of the girls was involved and bill pullman is perfect as their sleazy lawyer jacqueline kim turns in a terrific performance as his more kind magnanimous wife yon who is also an attorney i wish the girls had been abused more in the prison as another commenter has suggested as i ve heard that thai prisons can be quite brutal where this film grabs me however is its ending alice subjects herself to a sentence of years in total so that darlene can be pardoned and we the viewers realize that they are both innocent any film that defies my expectation of the ending wins extra points with me and this well acted drama is certainly deserving"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22236": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "not a movie but a lip synched collection of performances from acts that were part of the british invasion that followed the dynamic entrance of the beatles to the music world some of these acts did not make a big splash on this side of the pond but a lot of them did featured are herman s hermits billy j kramer and the dakotas peter and gordon honeycombs nashville teens animals and of course the beatles it is so much fun watching these young acts before they honed and polished their acts"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22237": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in the film brokedown palace directed by jonathan kaplan two best friends alice claire danes and darlene kate beckinsale decide to celebrate high school graduation by taking a trip to hawaii but hear that bangkok thailand is much more fun they switched plans and decided to go to thailand without telling their parents the change of plans while they were in thailand alice and darlene met a really handsome guy named nick parks daniel lapaine he tells them that he would trade in his first class ticket to hong kong for three economy tickets so that they could spend the weekend in hong kong they accepted his offer and upon entering the airport the two were arrested for smuggling drugs they were convicted and sentenced to thirty three years in prison i think kaplan was trying to show the audience that it is wise to make good decisions because in one instance one bad decision can change the direction of a life forever also a friendly face may not be as friendly as we think once we find out the real intentions of that friendly face those girls made a decision not to tell their parents that they had switched their plans and it changed their lives forever things have a funny way of happening showing us what decision we have made verses the decision that we should have made sometimes life is not fair that is why it is important to think long and hard about the choices that we make because we can never go back and change the choices that we have made this movie has a great setting it was filmed mostly in bangkok thailand this film also has great music a few of my favorite songs are silence by delerium damaged by plumb deliver me by sarah bightman and party s just begun by nelly furtado i went out and bought the soundtrack after watching this film these girls where young and naive and failed to think their plans out thoroughly a mistake that anyone could make therefore this film is good for any audience it makes no difference young or old we all are human and subject to mistakes even though i did not like the way this film ended leaving me in question of who really smuggled the drugs i would definitely give this film two thumbs up"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22238": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "why why did they make this movie if timothy olyphant wasn t shirtless in it several times there would be absolutely no reason to watch this movie ever um plot nope well defined characters nope the only time i laughed was when my boyfriend made fun of the whole she bang p s andy dick nope"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22239": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "we all have friends some of us have more than others but there really are only one or two people that you feel really close with people that you can say are like your brother or sister alice danes and darlene beckinsale are like that you can see that from the beginning they graduated together they go to parties together and they decide to go to bangkok together when they were supposed to be going to hawaii they also get busted for attempting to smuggle drugs into a third world country and that spells disaster the rest of the film is about survival and not giving up hope it also has a strong message about the power of friendship and what it can mean to someone brokedown palace is a very good film it is not excellent and that is due to a few issues that i want to talk about but first i want to say what is good about the film and for starters the acting is top notch and you can look no further than the two leads danes and beckinsale are perfect in the roles that they have alice is always fiery and seems a little rough around the edges but she seems more fun than darlene but sometimes that fun can get her into trouble darlene is always a little on the conservative side and although that can get irritating sometimes it would have served the two girls better if her way was adhered to instead of alice s bill pullman is adequate as the american lawyer living in thailand the film is photographed very well also the inside of the prison while not the same as shawshank or natural born killers or return to paradice but it does show the necessary but underdone hopelessness of the situation that they are in johnathin kaplan s direction is quite good as well we see the two girls struggling to make it through each day but you can see their spirit is being put out a little more each day brokedown palace is excellent when it talks about friendship and it shows how they have to rely on each other to survive the other thing that i had to comment on is the soundtrack for the film it heightens and compliments the mood of the film to perfection the song that you hear in the trailer is also played in the film and when it plays you feel the plight of the women in this prison you can feel how alone they must feel and how desperate they are to get out and get back to the simple things in life and it also makes you look at yourself and realize how lucky we are to live in the society that we do we have it easy compared to some country s and believe it or not the music is a perfect catalyst for reflection on this subject some of the music is done by a group called delirium i think but it is sara mclaughlin wrong spelling but how do you spell her last name that does the lyrics and her voice is beautiful and haunting and it adds so much to the film what i didn t enjoy about the film was some of the stupidity that the girls exhibit i won t say what it is that they do but when you see it for yourself you ll know what i am talking about also i didn t really feel that the prison they were in was all that bad it looked more like a minimum security prison and that may be because when there are similar circumstances in other films that invlove men doing time in a foreign country the prison scenes are always brutal and sadistic but i didn t get that here overall this is a great film and it really does make you ask the question how far would you go for a friend that is a tough question and maybe one that none of us could honestly answer until put into the same situation let s just hope that it never comes down to that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22240": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "when i sat down to watch this film i actually expected quite a bit as the plot takes on quite complex issues using football as launching pad for the complication also was an interesting approach still unfortunately despite its bravery of dealing with controversial issues as culture clashes between muslim and western culture adding generation conflicts and prejudice towards gays lesbians it lets you down towards the resolution with a rather simplistic relief to all the suspense built up throughout the film this leads me to the impression that the makers took on a little too big a task for themselves to tackle attempting to be more profound then they managed to deal with however this does not mean that the film is directly bad as it s rendering of the conflicts where quite believable and also amusing the film succeeds in being engaging and entertaining in this matter but as mentioned above the writers seem to have spun themselves a little too deep this has led to some quite unrealistic character behaviour towards the end to confront the surging conflicts by this dropping the ball at a time where the makers could really have shown brilliance taking the film to another level of appreciation even if the film does at no point really attempt to be a profound piece of drama the setting has so much potential in the plot it becomes a disappointment when the ball drops this way the film moves from being a good and reflected comedy to a standard clich that becomes ridiculous in its happy ending nothing is left out in the hollywood like ending so even if the story is engaging and one can stomach the large amount of montages one can t help but roll eyes towards the resolution personally i was close to shouting finish already at the screen there were some decent acting in the film and the two young female central characters had some good moments so did their parents and other bi characters however the handsome irish coach was an embarrassing piece of acting that lets the film down quite a bit in terms of realism he didn t even appear very likable but rather self involved despite his good deeds which makes the impending conflict between the girls seem a little strained i give the film a as it was an engaging story and they sought out a nice perspective to approach the subject from the script and cast had many good believable characters giving the audience a chance to recognise either themselves or others had the let downs not been this disappointing i d easily give the film a or if you enjoyed this film i d recommend the film east is east which i think is an as good if not better rendering of cultural conflict as well as being amusing and engaging"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 1, -1]}, "22241": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "well what can i say having just watched this fantastic film when my nerves are still jangling jacques audiard the director must be making quite a name for himself in france and rightly so vince cassel is no tom cruise and emmanuelle devos is no penelope cruz either but these two are fantastic actors and this is a taut and compelling thriller which starts off slowly with some clever character building and then starts to put tension on tension to a wonderful climax others have written about the plot so i will not say more than everyone in this film plays their role to perfection the director the actors right down to the cameraman and everything seems so real no stupid gun play the fighting when it happens is so credible the expressions the emotions it is almost as you are there as a spectator do yourself a favour get the dvd a bottle of wine turn the lights low take the phone off the hook and immerse yourself in this hitchcockian thriller"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22242": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film concerns purportedly non establishment types aesthetically and sexually who apparently cannot resist basic romantic needs although some excellent players take part including jon tenney timothy olyphant and cynthia nixon they are grounded by a puerile script which relies nearly totally upon clever dialogue which isn t nixon s role possesses the best lines but she often homes in on them too quickly a timing flaw which must be saddled upon the director the grotesque climax utilizes every available cliche spent or not and fittingly ends this drab attempt at comedy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22243": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it s refreshing to see a movie that you think will end happily just like almost every other american movie and then be surprised when that doesn t happen i like a happy ending as much as the next guy but sometimes it s better to portray things in a more realistic manner and i thought brokedown palace did this very well the ending with one friend basically sacrificing herself for the other thus redeeming her earlier poor behavior which got them into the situation in the first place was very moving i almost rather would have done without the last line which proved that she didn t actually do the deed she confessed to because that would have made the movie more about the friendship between the two girls and less about the crime whether she did it or not wasn t that important the story itself bordered on the clich but the actresses kept my attention with their excellent performances very realistic very captivating out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22244": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "my girlfriend has the habit of going to blockbuster and choosing movies no one has ever heard anything about admittedly at times it has led to some fun discoveries often times the best that can be said is they definitely run an hour and a half she brought home advice from a caterpillar she was excited because the box said it was funny lucky for us the propaganda on the boxes never lie this movie was an exercise in patience this is one of those movies where unless you are a pretentious and shallow person who likes watching movies about yourself you will hate every character in the movie until the introduction of the one nice character which the lead annoying pretentious character will fall in love with and act in such a way that in the real world would drive anyone away mild spoilers from here on so a bunch of emotionally vapid stuck up pretentious artists swear off love and find success in their careers then they meet a nice intelligent emotionally mature and loving character an almost perfect guy we then watch the woman the annoyingly pretentious artist in her s freak out as she falls in love so she tries to flee from the nice intelligent emotionally mature man and stay with the married man with whom she s been having great but empty sex she is rude to the man and does everything in her power to drive him away in the real world she would have been quite successful i certainly wanted to flee from her and i wasn t even in a relationship with her although its nice that the man fought for his love i never wanted her to have him nor did my girlfriend she didn t deserve him and why i wonder did the director think that the almost perfect guy should be punished by having to win a relationship with her when the artist was asking the almost perfect guy to leave we were screaming for him to leave too there s a problem with a movie when the heroine of the film is so annoying childish and stupid that you want her to fail beyond that let me say that andy dick made me laugh a few times even though his character was also pretentious to the point of annoyance regarding the other characters they were well acted morally bankrupt and annoying characters it is a comedy and i can say i did laugh a few times in the film unfortunately not much laughing happened until the last minutes or so but by the time i had those laughs i had been praying for the movie to end for far too long i needed to get these vapid characters out of my life if you want to watch people you hate struggle with a love for people they don t deserve then this is the movie for you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22245": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i love claire danes and kate beckinsale looks amazingly immature in her role the movie is flawed only because it seems the two accused seem to be in some monastery working like monks in the grass and under strict almost martial arts like discipline the acting and filmography and amazing colors of what is supposed to be thailand is eye catching but claire daines steals the entire movie and is unexpectedly profound in her learning the hard lesson of life itself to the very end in an act of amazing unselfishness unheard of and completely unexpected in the real world the flaws are minute and i recommend the film which seems buried sadly forever to rare tv showings i for one want the film for my collection a collection of only rated films watch it you will be very touched"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22246": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a scientist john carradine sadly finds out how to bring the dead back to life however they come back with faces of marble eventually this all leads to disaster boring totally predictable s outing this scared me silly when i was a kid but just bores me now i had to struggle to stay awake with one exception the acting is horrible such expressionless boring actors hopeless there are some good things about this carradine despite the script actually gives a very good performance and there are a few mildly creepy moments involving a ghost of a great dane walking through walls there s also one of the worst looking knockouts in cinema history still none of this is fun enough to sit through this avoid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22247": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what would you do is a question that will stick in your mind for weeks after watching the emotional brokedown palace you will also be left wondering if alice danes was telling the truth or not a issue that is left unresolved and rightly so this is a particularly well acted and beautifully shot film although it is slow at times its pace is reflective of the story line but a lot of the film will have you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what happens next the ending will also leave you imagining yourself in the shoes of the lead characters which are brilliantly played by kate beckinsale and claire danes bill pullman s performance is commendable too"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22248": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i thought i read somewhere that this was the last monogram production but whether that s true or not it doesn t matter because if it wasn t then it should have been it s a deadly dull affair starring john carradine with some gray in his hair to make himself appear like an older scientist who is experimenting with the aid of his young apprentice robert shayne in bringing the dead back to life every time their subjects are revived they seem to have a whitish face like marble as they are lying strapped to the laboratory table big deal carradine manages to restore his faithful dog to life after it s dead and the mutt gains an unusual ability to walk through walls in a ghostlike fashion wooooooooohhhh that s about all she wrote for an ultra cheap monogram quickie this thing at least actually utilizes a more fancy schmancy lab setup than is usually allotted the funniest running joke in the movie is that the older doctor carradine constantly refers to his young assistant shayne as m boy when in fact carradine was actually and shayne was when they made this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22249": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is cold bare truth often we think oh no that won t happen to me but it can drug smuggling is big money and often people are unknowingly or tricked into doing things for smugglers the story of these two girls is the story of many young people who like them only wanted a exotic holiday which turned into a nightmare people need to know that these sort of events aren t improbable or exaggerated this is a major problem in today s society i would recommend this movie to mature viewers because of the understanding needed to truly appreciate this movie it is very emotional and raw well worth watching and certainly stays in your memory"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22250": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie was absolute torture first of all it s a whopping hours long true the kargil war may have had several points that were captured and fought for but every single one of those battles need not have been shown so maybe this is a documentary not a commercial film as advertised sure didn t seem like it as enough background information was not given and there were some flaws the battle sequences were so poorly executed i am terribly disappointed from the man who gave well done sequences in border each battle was the exact same as the previous it was so predictable this might be a spoiler the whole army marches uphill five or so soldiers curse five thousand times each they also use the same cussword every time one of the lead actors is shot someone yells for a stretcher the actor says no don t get a stretcher that will take men from the battalion and then an actor dies that exact same thing happens over and over and over again oh and the songs are so bad and so long the cast of the movie is too big for its own good despite such a long movie none of the characters were well developed the actresses had the most miniscule roles they all are dressed and portrayed to be the same two of them were weeping synchronized it was so comical they moved their hands and heads at the exact same time and then bit their dupatta together the list just goes on and on i know i m still forgetting something anyways i think i have bashed the film enough that you get the picture"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22251": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "alice claire danes and darlene kate beckinsale have been best friends since forever and after they graduate they decide to take a trip to thailand due to a incident they meet a young attractive mysterious stranger who invites them to go with him hong kong for the weekend but at the airport alice and darlene are mistaken for drug smuggling heroine and they are sent to prison now it s time for ultimate survival and true friendship this was a pretty good movie i ve seen it a couple of times and after a while you notice that they are a few holes in the plot but the movie still keeps you entertained claire danes did a great job as usual she is a great actress i would give brokedown palace"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22252": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie with some indian friends on christmas day the quick summary of this movie is must avoid jp dutta wrote directed produced and edited this movie and did none of these jobs well the movie tells the story of the attempt by pakistan in to capture part of the disputed region of kashmir from india supposedly based on fact you get a hint from this movie of the difficulty the indian army had in recapturing the area from the pakistani troops who occupied the high ground but instead of telling what must have been a compelling and heroic story all this movie does is make the indian military look laughable and stupid which i know is not true i watched this movie with an almost completely indian audience who were very patriotic and clearly wanted to like this movie but also found themselves laughing at scenes that weren t meant to be funny the script was absolutely abysmal it gave the impression that mr dutta knows nothing about how an army operates and was using bad war movies for reference the result is a script that is brainless and repetitive the acting from most of the principals was not stellar but considering the script they were given i find it hard to criticise them too much as for the supporting cast all i can say is that i hope they were amateurs the editing was also pretty bad it was pretty hard to follow what was going on for a lot of the time and music would abruptly end at scene changes good things the cinematography was pretty good although it was hurt a little by the fact that the movie didn t appear to be colour corrected the colour balance often varied significantly within scenes also the few songs that were in the movie were quite enjoyable for the first half a dozen or so verses at least unfortunately they went on a lot longer than they should have and the worst crime of all this mess is four hours long there is enough here that a good editor could almost squeeze a good hour movie out of what was shot sadly a good editor was not working on this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22253": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "brokedown palace is truly a one of a kind it s an amazing story showing two girl s plight for freedom against the thailand justice system they soon find themselves placing faith into a system they know nothing about alice morano claire danes and darlene davis kate beckinsale are two best friends strait out of high school they suddenly change their vacation plans from hawaii to thailand and are immediately captivated by a young man nick parks he flirts with them both and suggests that the three of them go to hong kong for the weekend when the two arrive at the airport they are immediately searched for drugs someone tipped off customs and in an instant their life is changed forever in the mix of the confusion of settling into their new life they learn about a highly respected lawyer named hank green bill pullman an american who knows the thai justice system he fights for the girl to be free but they soon find out when they leave or go is all up to them if you re looking for a great movie that ll stay with you for years brokedown palace is definitely the way to go"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22254": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i should put out an alert all over saying that the movie shouldn t be watched it fails to a fitting tribute in such a magnificent manner that it is almost an insult to the memory of those brave men the special effect were horrible i hadn t expected the total failure on the part of the director to appreciate military technology how can a machine gun which normally fires at the rate of rounds per minute fire at th the speed how can soldiers fall forward when a grenade explodes in front of them how can people survive when there are artillery shells falling as close as feet away how come the artillery shells fall only on either side of the road and not the road itself not only did this disrespect for the weaponry appall me it was the cliched situations and the incongruity of the dialogues which had me screaming murder there were the standard dialogues like ye bhi kisi ka bhai hai ise laath mat maro and pakistan se jyaada musalmaan to hindustaan me hai and loc cross mat karo ye mera hukum hai stupid to say the least what shobha de had written is true the director worked without a script and it shows there is no flow to the movie there is no gradual progression from one battle to another it is just one gunfight after the next with no connection to the overall scheme of the war the explanatory scenes are awful the chief of army staff looks unconvincing to make matters worse the theatre people had indiscriminately cut footage to fit the four hour long movie into hours"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22255": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie a million years years to be exact ago for the first the time in the light of recent events with the australian woman schapelle corby being imprisoned in indonesia for so called smuggling pot i decided to watch this movie again i excepted to cry my heart out cause i m sucker for hot girls in need just read my review of the stalking of laurie show some moist escaped my eyes but it were hardly buckets filled with tears why not because the two heroines weren t utterly adoring and helpless not because the movie wasn t heartbreaking at the sight of these two kids in the prime of their live locked up in almost inhuman conditions why then why did i not cry i wanted to cry when i rent a movie like this i except to be moved to sob like there s no tomorrow to feel miserable and like it this movie was simply too short to do this it was just like the script was reduced to the main plot elements and while doing this the psychological aspect was thrown aside clare danes and kate beckinsale did an excellent job portraying the emotions of the two friends but this movie just screamed for more footage of these girls in their depressing and oppressing surroundings the mental journey is missing here for some reason you only get to see the key moments of it which are very touching i admit probably because of bad editing sometimes i felt these girls were walking around in a postcard the relationship with the family members could also have used a bit more attention what s up with the relationships between the girls and the parents especially between alice and her dad you catch a glimpse of it but the film doesn t quite offer the whole picture sadly enough nonetheless this was a great movie and at the end i even had to bite my lip a bit but i guess this has more to do with the acting skills and the looks of the actresses and the music then with the merit of the director to be honest i hardly knew who kate beckinsale was before i watched this movie again now i am a fan great movie as long as you don t expect it to be classic cinema"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22256": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "is this the movie is this what indians are trying to show i think this is one more effort from a sick minded director to turn down pakistani soldiers and in fact country but what we pakistani s know that we are always ahead of india in every part of our lives not only in armed counters well this is bad filmed as that of border in early and director and writer just tried to overcome a shame of defeat in kargil by pakistani armed forces by creating films like these one thing is very clear whenever there will be an encounter between pakistan and india we will win so mr dutta try to make some good movies instead of nonsense movies like this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22257": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this movie by luck just because i was going through a phase where i had a new found admiration for bill pullman and wanted to see all of his recent movies and thank god i did this movie has stuck with me ever since and remain one of my favorites the story revolves around two girls who embark on a dramatic journey in a foreign country where they ll learn the true meaning of freedom alice and darlene were just trying to spend a vacation together before going to college but their trip ended up a much more complicated story the struggle they go through as they are arrested in thailand and became prisoners is very moving and intense the acting is amazing the images extraordinary the soundtrack is fantastic and so right for the movie and the message transmitted definitely powerful i actually can t even find the right words to describe how this movie makes me feel every time i watch it i know some people haven t appreciated as much as me by the rating the movie has but i swear this one you have to see i promise it will stick with you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22258": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "now please don t start calling me names like unpatriotic weirdo and more the very length of this movie hours is its biggest mistake no editing at all seems like j p dutta fell in love with his project too much even lagaan was hours long but it was entertaining and gave a message as well it s based on true incidents and real people kudos to it but were the repetitive war scenes really needed on top of it the focus constantly shifted from one battalion squadron to another and it was impossible to keep a track of them all between the skirmishes there were songs about loneliness lovesickness and related stuff there were chummy conversations in the beginning it gave some relief from the violence but became so monotonous later that one could even correctly predict nature of the forthcoming talk why were the soldiers walking around as if they were lions in jungle fully unaware that enemy was lurking somewhere near and when they were shot it elicited sympathy but it seemed unmindful of them to be so cocksure of their safety in the first place music was melodious and the lyrics were soulful but did not fit with the movie better to listen to them on the soundtrack rather than in the movie acting was the saving grace from seasoned veterans like sanjay dutt and ajay devgan to relative newbies like abhishek bachchan and akshaye khanna everyone acted like a pro manoj bajpai and ashutosh rana deserve a special mention for lightening up the mood whenever necessary dialogues ranged from brilliant from madhuri with love to illogical monotonous pakistan se zyada musalman hindusthan mein hain and the expletive spree consisting of all the mcs bcs cs and f words wasn t really required loc kargil attempts to provide a fitting tribute to the brave indian soldiers but tries too hard and ultimately fails indian soldiers surely deserve a better tribute"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22259": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this film at a store in the cheap section i actually vividly remembered seeing the commercials and trailer for it years ago i thought what the hey and bought it basically because the plot sounded interesting and claire danes has always been someone of talent in my eyes this was also before i became a huge kate beckinsale fan so it s about two girls who sneak off to a vacation in bangkok get busted for narcotics which they are innocent of and then are sent to a thailand prison the film follows what will happen to them and at times questions their innocence both claire danes and kate beckinsale give great performances and the plot of this film wraps itself up unconventionally and raises some nice moral discussion questions i think this is a solid good film but there could have been some improvements it could have been longer it would ve helped to solidify these characters and more insight into the politics of thailand s justice system would ve helped nevertheless other than that it s a good film with some great performances p s for all you pop culture junkies be on the lookout for a two minute role by paul walker i didn t even notice him the first time i saw the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22260": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this was a movie that i hoped i could suggest to my american friends but after attempts to watch the movie to finish i knew i couldn t even watch the damn thing to close you are almost convinced the actual war didn t even last that long other s will try to question my patriotism for criticizing a movie like this but flat out you can t go from watching saving private ryan to loc forget about the movie budget difference or the audience those don t preclude a director from making an intelligent movie the length of the movie is not so bad and the fact that it is repetitive they keep attacking the same hill but give it different names i thought the loc was a terrible terrain this hill looked like my backyard the character development sequences the soilders flashbacks looking back to their last moments before being deployed should have been throughout the movie and not just clumped into one long memory to this day i have yet to watch the ending but there was a much better movie not saying much called border"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22261": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gentleman jim is another case of print the legend with errol flynn playing the legendary boxer as a brash but charismatic social climber in a rollicking entertainment that barely stops for breath it s as pointless looking for historical accuracy here as it is in flynn s the charge of the light brigade this is sheer hokum with all the stops pulled out filmed on a surprisingly lavish scale and given a real sense of energy by raoul walsh s vivid direction flynn is still at the height of his powers you d never guess he suffered a mild heart attack during the production with alexis smith a beautiful romantic sparring partner and perpetual sidekick alan hale along for good measure this time as flynn s father jack carson takes sidekick duties this time indeed even the pirate galleon from flynn s earlier movies makes a somewhat out of place cameo in a dockside bout the minutes just breeze by"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22262": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "up until the last minutes i was thinking that this is possibly jackie chan s worst movie excluding his pre work which i am not familiar with the final fight sequence changed all that it is long and good and intense indeed one of the highlights of chan s career but to get to it you have to sit through a lot of comedy that might amuse five year olds oh look someone threw a tomato at that guy s face and endless football scenes not to mention the dubbing which includes the line how can i turn it off it s not a tap watch to find out what it refers to dragon lord is worth renting for the final fight alone but the rest of the movie is only for jackie collectors and even then only for those who ve already seen at least of his other movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22263": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a super unusual film from audiard read my lips is a pulpy lonely hearts thriller it s perfect for the handsomely grizzled charisma of vincent cassel and features a marvellously contained performance from emanuelle devos devos is a recurring feature of audiard in the same way that karin viard pops up for jean pierre jeunet unconventionally beautiful she s referred to by everyone as unattractive in this film versatile and capable of a subordinate profile this is almost the definition of her role as carla a put upon office dogsbody taunted by colleagues exploiting her deafness yet she finds an ami d exploitation if you like in cassel s ex con paul each exploits the other s unconventional talents theft and lip reading to struggle through their respective situations and form an unconventionally romantic rapprochement devos audiard manage carla s deafness and its attendant warped inner world with discreet stylish flair in this film audiard is already clearly in control of his handling on tension action and investing his frame with a truly visceral experience which will become the great hit a prophet of nine years later"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "22264": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film was the most longest film and the record breaking film for sure it had actors after jaani dushman i guess no one had the guts to do something like that the film as the title suggests is based on the kargil war but the problem is there are too many characters and the romantic subplots and the songs of many characters are boring even there are too many cinematic liberties like killing people with knifes wonder which soldier does that direction by jp dutta pales front of border music is okay amongst the huge cast ajay devgan stands tall saif is very good in his part and also it s his first film with kareena abhishek is likable manoj bajpai has his moments sanju is wasted suneil is okay akshaye khanna does his part well rest are passable rani is good esha is okay rest are passable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22265": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i meant that in a good way believe me true to life it ain t the whole oirish thing gets kinda thick but you do enjoy the cast here flynn smith bond watson frawley etc all good i also liked seeing mike mazurki of course he played a boxer what else typical forties flick teeming w familiar faces and fast paced scenes one after the other flynn is fine as gentleman jim you never get past a dimensional look at him or the rest here i suppose but it s okay it s a cartoon and meant to please that s all the boxing scenes were pretty good ward bond s vaudeville logging act a riot and you hadda like seeing all those billyclub wielding bobbies come racing into the scene a couple of times really alotta fun flynn was on a roll at that time and it s clear to see why audiences loved him outta"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22266": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "okay i was bored and decided to see this movie but i think the main thing that brought this movie down was that there would be a hour of footage then basically that same hour repeated times it consists of gathering the troops and discussing the attack plan flashbacks to the men s wives the approach of the troops marching in a long line men running up hill and shooting usually the first getting shot in the head then other men rescuing him defeat of the enemy and calling to base to tell of success men flashing back to wives and singing minute songs that was the basic movie and that same order of events happened about or times and every time it did a flashback to the wives it would show the man then his wife and him there were about men or more who would have a flashback so this took up tons of time other than that the men couldn t kill their enemy except with either bayonets or grenades i liked the music and there was a lot of action though the action was repetitive overall i probably wouldn t see it again but it wasn t too horrible"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22267": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "errol flynn had one of his favorite roles as the brash braggart from a fighting irish family who went on to become the heavyweight champion of the world at a time when john l sullivan ward bond went around claiming that he could beat any man alive both flynn and ward bond give what is probably among the best performances they ever gave on screen raoul walsh has directed the colorful tale with robust style capturing the family life as well with scenes that are warm hearted and full of good humor all the warner contract players make up the fine cast including the always reliable alan hale as flynn s rambunctious father proud of his son s fighting abilities and alexis smith who makes the most of her role as a feisty society girl who enjoys taking flynn down a peg with saucy one liners dealing with his conceited manners all of the s atmosphere is captured in glorious b w although it s too bad warners didn t have more faith in flynn to do the film in color he was entering a rocky phase of his film career at the time engaged in a widely publicized rape trial that had all of the tabloids busy sorting things out the fighting scenes are among the best ever choreographed for the screen with flynn obviously in fine form and making very little use of doubles for most of the action and the scene where bond turns over his award plaque to flynn at a social gathering is one of ward s finest moments in a long career as a character actor summing up maintains interest all the way through whether you re a sports fan or not"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22268": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there s nothing new for me to say hours of people dying over and over in the same hill the cast was stellar but unfortunately the producer director editor god goofed he should have eaten humble pie if not for his own sake then for the men who died in kargil hired one of these brilliant bollywood directors hired a real scriptwriter hired a real editor hired a musician that wasn t related to him in some way and who seemed to have listened to some bad version of apocalypse now on some cheap indian drug hired a real professional crew thrown away all the fireworks and told a real story unfortunately he like the bigwigs of the indian army made decisions that were terrible for his actors and terrible for his audience we all died over and over please don t do that again sir sushma kathmandu nepal ps next time an indian director decides to glorify the gurkha regiment i suggest he hire more than one nepali to represent the team surely there are plenty of nepali men working in bombay last count was to half a million"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22269": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "director raoul walsh was like the michael bay of the s and years before that and i mean that in a positive way since i m definitely ain t no bay hater his movies are just simple high quality entertainment just like the raoul walsh movies were in his days gentleman jim is fine quality entertainment besides a first class director it also features a first grade cast with raoul walsh s regular leading man errol flynn in the main part what surprised me was how well the boxing matches were brought to the screen they used some very dynamic camera work which also really made the boxing matches uplifting and exciting to watch with the end championship fight against john l sullivan as the ultimate highlight biopics of the s and earlier on were obviously still very much different from biographies being made this present day modern biographies often glorify its main subject and show his her life from basically birth till death and everything mostly emotional aspects in between old biopics were just made the same as movies that weren t based on actual real life persons which also means that the film makers would often use a use amount of creative liberty with the main character s personality and events that happened in his her life this movie is also not just a biography about a boxing legend but also forms a nice portrayal from the period when illegal bare knuckle fighting entered the modern era of boxing errol flynn does a great job portraying the real life famous boxer james j corbett aka gentleman jim not too many people known it but flynn did some real good acting jobs in the s of which this movie is one fysicaly he also looks in top shape he also looks quite different by the way without his trademark small mustache in this movie the movie also features some fine supporting actors and some fine acting throughout a great and entertaining movie that also still truly holds up real well today"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22270": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if you have seen very less films this might be a big one for you if you have seen lot of films this is a joke the acting of real heroes is portrayed very badly not to mention there are songs there are lot of flashbacks and most importantly the fighting scenes are stupidily performed new characters good direction would have done a better job but since it contains all the bollywood heros heroines you can predict whats going to happen next you do not feel sad when something happens the emotions they protray is terrible mainly because we have seen this actor in other hindi movies it suppose to be a realistic movie but it fails to show there are times you wondering you have thousands of army vehical filled with soldiers moving and the pakistanis are bombing at them and none of their bomb hits them are the pakis really bad at aiming or the director made them look stupid there were only a few characters acting that was very good but as far it is concerned with plot action it is poorly directed this movie could have been short if they took out songs flashbacks stick to the point"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22271": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "errol flynn is gentleman jim in this film about boxer jim corbett known as the man who beat john l sullivan directed with a light hand by flynn s good friend raoul walsh the film also stars alexis smith jack carson alan hale sr william frawley and ward bond flynn plays an ambitious egotistical young man who has a natural talent for boxing and is sponsored by the exclusive olympic club in san francisco in the late s though good natured the fact that he is a shanty irishman and a social climber builds resentment in olympic club members most of them can t wait to see him lose a fight and they bet against him despite this he rises to fame even working as an actor finally he gets the chance he s been waiting for a match with the world champion john l sullivan ward bond sullivan demands a deposit to insure that corbett will appear to fight for the purse corbett and his manager frawley despair of getting the money however help comes in the form of a very unlikely individual this is a very entertaining film and jim corbett is an excellent role for flynn who himself was a professional fighter at one time he has the requisite charm good looks and athleticism for the role alexis smith plays victoria ware his romantic interest who insists that she hates him in real life she doesn t seem to have existed corbett was married to olive lake morris from to the focus of the film is on corbett and his career rather than the history of boxing corbett used scientific techniques and innovation and is thought of as the man who made prizefighting an art form in the film corbett is fleet of foot and avoids being hit by his opponents it is believed that he wore down john l sullivan this way good film to catch flynn at the height of his too short time as a superstar"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22272": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "storyline the film spanning odd hours covers in adequate details the happenings at the kargil sector near the loc in when the pakistani infiltrators had crossed the loc and had entered deep into the indian territory and the indian retaliation to know more about the story i would suggest readers to read the news items pertaining to kargil comment if one is looking for a formula story in this movie then one can be sure that it is absent loc is a story of pure sacrifice patriotism courage and lots and lots of bullets and blood the movie hall where i saw this film was full of whistles and cheers when the film shows indian bravery movie audience seemed similar to audiences like in an india vs pak cricket match watch the movie as a tribute to the army s sacrifice and for the characterization of the real life war heroes pvc honoured heroes who have sacrificed their lives so that we could see this day the movie has made a brilliant portrayal of the army who have battled all odds in rough weather conditions the film s negatives are that it is too stretched and the songs are extremely boring"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22273": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in late s san francisco poor well dressed errol flynn as james j corbett works at a bank and enjoys attending local fights boxing with co worker and drinking buddy jack carson as walter lowrie one day pretty alexis smith as victoria ware walks into the comstock bank where mr flynn works flynn is so taken with ms smith s elegant beauty he offers to carry her withdrawal purse smith is secretly taken with the handsome flynn but is put off by his brashness flynn s good deed actually pick up attempt gets him a complimentary membership in the snooty olympic club which conveniently includes a gymnasium with boxing equipment however flynn s presumptuous manner and practical joking he tickles men on the parallel bars irritates club members when an english boxing champ visits the club members endeavor to get flynn to fight the man they are hopeful flynn will resign humiliated by his defeat but flynn wins first time producer robert buckner puts together a nice package for warner brothers and director raoul walsh mr buckner was certainly basking in the success of his contribution screenplay to the studio s brilliant yankee doodle dandy unfortunately this story is positively ludicrous there was a gentleman jim this story is supposedly the filming of the real james j corbett s autobiography the roar of the crowd but this movie must be significantly fictionalized flynn is a very appealing leading man he maneuvers the script lightly and should have been recognized by the early s as an excellent actor many of flynn s characterizations were are overlooked as great performances and this is one of them smith does well as his feminine interest deftly transmitting her emotions for the viewer director walsh makes the silliness look smooth and extravagant the supporting cast is a treasure trove from boisterous alan hale as pat corbett to walk on lon mccallister paging mr corbett gentleman jim raoul walsh errol flynn alexis smith alan hale"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22274": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "loc could have been a very well made movie on how the kargil war was fought it had the locations the budget and the skill to have been india s saving private ryan or black hawk down instead it come across as a bloated hour bore of trying to meld the war move with the masala movie even the war scenes were terribly executed using the same hill in all their battle scenes and spending unnecessary time on casual talk instead of trying to appeal to the indian public a better movie would have been a to the book account of what happened at kargil like black hawk down or even spending time on the militant point of view like tora tora tora even better it could have used a competent director like ram gopal verma to write direct and edit the film until then i d like to see some one re edit this film with only the pertinent portions included it would make the movie more watchable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22275": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "excellent warner bros effort starring errol flynn in one of his best screen performances it s often cited as his best and i can t really judge fully until i have seen his dawn patrol however his work in they died with their boots on takes some beating i m a big flynn fan he s my favourite actor after james mason it also helps that he s an aussie and i think he s just marvellous a great screen presence and also a great actor he is the centrepiece of gentleman jim as the legendary boxer with the fancy footwork but he is also backed up by a literate warm and funny script and raoul walsh s direction every walsh film i have seen never loses a beat of it s pace he truly was a born film maker walsh directs the ring scenes beautifully as he does with the lighter moments and that poignant great final scene between ward bord and flynn add to that great production values the gay nineties never looked better and a lovely supporting cast and it s pretty much perfect entertainment alan hale usually played flynn s sidekick but here is his father and it still all works alexis smith is flynn s love interest the pair are head over heels in love with fighting with each other"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22276": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "michael keaton has really never been a good actor in the tim burton batman movies he always falls in the shadows of his great villains here he stars as a widowed husband that picks up radio frequencies that seems like is dead people that tries making contact with the living well this is supposed to be a pretty shocking thriller but it really misses about every spot there is shocking you because there s way too much stuff that ends up unexplained undiscovered and uninteresting so where s the shocking excitement when it all gets so bad movie made in the first place that white noise makes a fool out of itself truly bad acting and horrifying edited this movie is nothing to watch michael keaton tries making a thriller comeback but ends up missing the target more than ever"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22277": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "just to mention one more thing about gentleman jim i agree with all the assessments that make this among errol flynn s greatest outings in a career of great outings i would think this role playing boxer jim corbett is more like his real personality than the swashbucklers he was typecast as flynn seemed like a party animal from his memoirs and was one guy whose real life was more exciting than his screen life the extra thing i wanted to point out is notice the great montages transitions and still inserts that punctuate the film although the director was raoul walsh a frequent collaborator with flynn with cinematographer sid hickox the montages were made up by an up and coming editor named don siegel i never knew siegel went that far back but he s listed right in the credits he would go on to a great career as action director himself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22278": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "okay i struggled to set aside the fact that in selling evp as real the movie was basically lying to me from the get go i reasoned that hell i don t believe in vampires but i still liked dracula so i could live with this however even with that accepted the movie is just not very good it s competently made and acted but it doesn t really capture you at all there are several jump moments and i just looked at them and thought yeah i didn t expect that without actually jumping in the slightest also the resolution doesn t make sense if the force behind this is capable of doing the things it seems to be then why the hell does it need to use a proxy plus the end caption was absurd they obviously put it there as part of the give the movie credibility by claiming it s all real thing but for that to work it really needs to be at the start but they can t put it at the start because then they give the plot away sticking it in at the end just made it stick out like a sore thumb"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22279": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "errol flynn s greatest movie not just a sports movie with a wonder last minutes where ward bond shines don t miss it just because you think its an old movie its a classic that could be easily missed do yourself a favour and don t"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22280": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "white noise had potential to be one of the most talked about movies since the exorcist i think seeing as evp is supposedly true it really had an easy passage to be a feared true fact not many movies come along that really instill fear into the minds of people like i said this movie could have but did not the movie degraded itself to a low class pg scary movie nothing compared to the ring or the sixth sense by any means someone really needs to just take charge in the horror movie industry and just make a movie that not only makes us think but it makes us jump scream everything a horror movie should do i m honestly sick of the pg horror genre because its becoming a genre of its own we need the old days back the blood and gore days the freddy kruger the jason the mike myers days few movies can pull off a think about this mentality being so not scary so why try to pull it off a few good jumps in this movie amount to nothing but one of the stupidest endings in movie history with no resolution at all don t waste your money on this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22281": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "james j corbett heavyweight champion of the world from to turned out to be errol flynn s favorite role possibly because he didn t have to wield a sword or be in a western he grew tired of the swashbucklers and he said in his autobiography that he felt he was miscast in westerns and couldn t understand why people liked him in them it is an enjoyable film but hardly does tell the real story of james j corbett as portrayed corbett was the first scientific boxer to win in the heavyweight division a man who used brains and speed more than brute strength to win he defeated john l sullivan and lost to bob fitzsimmons the heavyweight crown he was also a compulsive womanizer and in that was a lot like the man portraying him of course that was not shown on the screen the character that alexis smith plays the banker s daughter who falls for him has no basis in reality corbett was in fact married twice and was flagrantly unfaithful with both of his wives also though after he lost his title and after the events of this film are concluded he suffered a great personal tragedy his father in a moment of depression probably over finances because he lost heavily betting on his son to beat bob fitzsimmons shot his mother and then turned the gun on himself the murder suicide hardly squares with the happy clan that alan hale presided over one thing though that i did like about gentleman jim ward bond got the career role of his life in playing john l sullivan director raoul walsh got a great performance out of bond as the blustering but lovable sullivan even given some of sullivan s bad points that don t make it to the screen like rabid racism bond s portrayal is the quintessential john l and the best thing about gentleman jim speaking of racism one thing that should have been told was the fact that sullivan while champion refused on grounds of race to meet peter jackson who was black and from australia and probably the best heavyweight of his time i say probably because as a challenger corbett met him and fought him for rounds to a draw that fight more than any other created a demand for a sullivan corbett title match of course when corbett was champion he refused to give jackson a title shot maybe he didn t want another round marathon with someone who may have been better on that particular day gentleman jim is not jim corbett s story it is a movie of errol flynn playing at being james j corbett but corbett had he been alive in no doubt would have loved the movie and loved flynn s portrayal of his life it s as he would have liked to have been remembered"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22282": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "as a cinema fan white noise was an utter disappointment as a filmmaker the cinematography was pretty good nicely lit good camera work reasonable direction but as a film it just seamed as predictable as all the other so called horror movies that the market has recently been flooded with although it did have a little bit of the chill factor the whole concept of the e v o electronic voice phenomena did not seem believable this movie did not explain the reasonings for certain occurrences but went ahead with them the acting was far from mind blowing the main character portrayed no emotion like many recent thriller horror movies definitely not a movie i will be buying on dvd and would not recommend anyone rushes out to see it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22283": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you are looking for a definitive biography of the life of boxer james corbett then this is probably not the film for you the famed boxer receives a s hollywood ization of his life making the story far more entertaining and engaging than real life however because the performances were so good particularly by errol flynn and the script so likable the film s embellishments can be forgiven errol flynn plays gay nineties era boxer james gentleman jim corbett a man who became world boxing champ in the film goes from his rather humble beginnings and follows his through his career through him winning the title match against john l sullivan however while it could have focused mostly on the matches most are rather brief in the film except for the final title match and the emphasis is on corbett s brash personality as well as his relationship with the lady played by alexis smith throughout the film there is excellent supporting work done by a cast of wonderful supporting actors such as the perennial supporting actor in flynn films alan hale and the writing really helped bring these people alive what is particularly nice about the film is seeing the athleticism of flynn as a boxer while a few of the shots are of doubles almost all the boxing scenes are of flynn and he did a convincing job as a pugilist this was a nice departure for flynn who generally played pretty boy roles or swashbucklers and this shows just how tough a character he was to find out more about this try reading a biography of him he was quite the rough and tumble character before coming to hollywood now as for the real james corbett read on if you aren t afraid of finding out how the movie isn t accurate first corbett was not a poor guy coming from a poor family but was college educated and bright second while he did get alexis smith at the end of the film they also divorced a few years later third the wonderfully touching final scene of the film between sullivan and corbett was probably the best part of the film sullivan was a jerk and this never could have happened in reality sullivan was more the egomaniac and corbett was not the fat headed guy they portrayed in the film though it made for a lovely film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22284": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i was thrilled to watch this movie expecting it to be the sequel to the cult classic private lessons which portrays the dream of any male teenager private lessons ii has nothing to do with the title i mention it s just a regular soft core cinemax flick that won t make a change in your life there s just one hot sex scene in a rooftop but that s it i watched this a long time ago but believe me this is just a regular boring soft core flick the women are hot but that s not enough to rent or buy the movie my advice is to watch this only if it airs on cable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22285": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "jean jacques career began with his essay answer to a prize question civilization makes us evil this intelligent and exciting movie supports that argument in that sense it repeats a theme common to french films society is real identity is a construction freedom is criminal here the idea is treated literally both main characters find themselves and each other only when breaking rules this discovery may well hold true in france at any rate it s quite romantic"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22286": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "jonathan rivers michael keaton suddenly becomes a widower when his wife dies soon after he s approached by a dr price an expert in electronic voice phenomena evp who claims he s been receiving messages from jonathan s departed wife anna via sundry electronic gadgets is anna trying to tell jonathan something is this merely a hint of something on a larger cosmic or otherworldly scale it s good to see keaton in a leading role but the story he s stuck with is convoluted and absurd at points it s as if the movie doesn t know how to answer any of the questions it brings up so it just distracts the viewer with new unrelated questions keaton himself is pretty good convincingly cast as the bereaving widower desperately trying to communicate with his late wife he s matured quite a bit as an actor leaving behind the frat friendly waacky hijinks roles he played or so years earlier he looks a little craggy with a perhaps few more wrinkles than one might expect but he s lost none of the guile and panache that he s shown during his quarter century in hollywood so it s not that keaton turns in a mediocre performance it s that the script itself is subpar written by niall johnson the plot gets more confusing as it progresses each tortuous path ending in another tortuous path this is all well and good if the path leads to some sort of acceptable denouement something that ties more or less everything together and explains something but not white noise i knew less about what had happened to jonathan than i did before i d first seen him keaton s really the only reason to watch this junk although he gets fine support from ian mcneice as dr price and deborah kara unger as the requisite love interest"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22287": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the greatest sports movies ever made by hollywood what a wonderful story about one of the great sports figures of american history what makes the story of james j corbett especially interesting is that mr corbett introduced the style of boxing that continues to this day in that respect james j corbett was truly innovated but getting back to the movie all the performances were excellent alexis smith was beautiful indeed she looked like nicole kidman and although it s a period piece the story withstands the test of time it has not gone stale ward bond s portrayal of john l sullivan has to be one of the great portrayals of an actual sports figure in the history of movies and the boxing scenes are realistic well staged and highly effective that coupled with a great script makes this movie a must"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, "22288": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw the trailer for this film a few months prior to its release and man did it look scary especially how this film was based on a real life phenomenon i was incredibly interested and thought that this could finally be a decent horror thriller film after years if crap well you know how movie trailers make a film look better than it is maybe by showing all of the creepy parts or by overdramaticizing certain elements the advertisements for the movie did both which lead to my ultimate disappointment by no means is this the most disturbing movie in years hell i doubt it was the most disturbing movie of that week s release this movie takes the whole based off of fact thing too far this movie wasn t complete crap i must admit it held my interest and micheal keaton was believable as a man searching for answers by supernatural means other than that though this film is one big clich after john s wife dies he learns about evp which transmits the voices of the dead into everyday electronic appliances he all of the sudden receives messages from his wife my god it s not just his wife reaching him it s other dead people gee imagine that a movie about helping dead people come on give me a break the clich s don t stop there there s also the obligatory clock stopping at the same exact time every night trick and three evil spirits that menace our hero not only was the movie clich it wasn t scary the film literally had two jump scenes and those two scenes are almost identical the ending is horrible as it leaves the door wide open for a sequel there s also an ending message with a message saying how only out of x voices heard through evp are threatening with a nice happy tune playing way to break the mood you guys jeez in the end if you want another forgettable horror film see white noise the only reasons i could possibly think anyone would watch this film for is that either that the person is a keaton fan or that they are interested in evp sure the evp aspects may be slightly interesting but i don t like my movie concepts to be shoved down my throat and blown up in my face this film tries to be scary original and disturbing but it s just the opposite you know you have a lame movie when the commercials use the ghosts to talk about there film i will see this film no more"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22289": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of boxing movies and as such there is only one thing that prevents me from calling gentleman jim the best boxing movie ever made that is the robert wise paul newman flick somebody up there likes me that movie might be number but gentleman jim is a close number the movie doesn t just chronicle the rise of james j corbett it also shows the sport of boxing at a crucial time of transition in the late s boxing was moving away from the brutal days of bare knuckle rules to the more gentlemanly days of the gloved marquis of queensbury rules and the sport was moving away from the days when it was an illegal spectacle and towards a time of acceptance and respectability gentleman jim is not a realistic look at those days it is romanticized and yes even a bit hokey at times but always delightfully so errol flynn is perfect as the gentleman jim who really isn t a gentleman at all but merely a fast talker from a working class family alexis smith is quite ravishing as the upper class woman with whom he has a love hate relationship and we all know it is of course love that will win that match in the end at the end of gentleman jim the great john l sullivan whose famous line was not i can lick any man in the world of course romanticism again hands over his belt to corbett this is truly one of the best scenes in any sports move ever made realistic no but wonderful hey if you want realism watch raging bull instead that is a much more realistic boxing movie but gentleman jim is a lot more fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22290": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "john rivers life as an architect and family man has taken a turn for the worst when his wife has disappeared and has been concluded dead after a freakish accident that involved changing a tyre on her car during the days she has been missing he confronts a man that s been following and he tells him that his been in contact with his dead wife from the other side through e v p electronic voice phenomenon naturally he doesn t believe it but then hear gets weird phone calls from her phone and so he contacts the man to find out more about e v p soon enough john is hooked onto it but something supernatural doesn t like him interfering with the dead as now other then contacting his wife the white noise is foretelling events before they happen since this dvd has been sitting on my shelf for a while now i thought i better get around to watching it since it wasn t my copy but then again i don t think the owners were in a hurry to get it back as they haven t question me about it oh well so i decided to give it a play as i was in an undemanding mood after hearing and reading all the bad press on it i wasn t expecting anything remotely good but i was kept entertained for minutes well more so the minutes as the last half an hour was pretty much a blur of confusion the film is nowhere as good as it could have been but the time breezed by quick enough even though it s a rather tepid supernatural thriller i thought it wasn t all a waste the first hour i found some effective sequences rather interesting and there s a spooky awe generated with a slow progression of subtle stillness and tragedy that haunts you but sadly that comes to a crashing halt later on in the film that s when the predictably forced jump scares come into their own and somehow it just doesn t fit in with the context it becomes rather hectic loud and very muddled with its mtv style editing and kinetic camera work that gets to close into the action i couldn t understand what was going on within choppy and abrupt climax the whole explanation how everything fits into the bigger picture is pure hokey it s a very unsatisfying conclusion because it goes for something big but hits rock bottom i thought they did fine job up until that point with the lighting and showy camera work other then the distinctively stark lighting the score kept this flick atmospherically gloomy all of it is very slickly done with its glossed up and fancy hardware which makes it come across as very sterile and empty you can easily see that the film s heart is in the technical components and not in expanding the characters and story there s just no connection and lasting sentiment within this flimsy material after a while it just tries too hard to convince you that it falls into manipulative thrills and popping in many blood curdling stuff from beyond the grave it just got rather repetitious watching someone watch a fuzzy tv screen after while the e v p machine was the star on the show well it did have more impact than the limp performances michael keaton is more than capable actor but lately his disappeared off the map and here he provides a modest performance as the dangerously obsessed john rivers he really deserves much better though everyone else is pretty brittle and forgettable not because of the performances but of the lack of depth in their characters this clunker wasn t bad to begin with but it does go pear shape by falling away drastically i wouldn t care to see it again and i wouldn t recommend to anyone unless you got a interest for the subject matter and enjoy the recent crop of hollywood produced horror thrillers it s just a damn shame that this over produced flick couldn t put it together successfully as it had promise in its idea and a more than decent cast on hand i didn t hate it but what a disappointment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22291": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "loosely based on the james j corbett biography the roar of the crowd gentleman jim is a wonderfully breezy picture that perfectly encapsulates not only the rise of the pugilistic prancer that was corbett but also the wind of change as regards the sport of boxing circa the s the story follows corbett a perfectly casted errol flynn from his humble beginnings as a bank teller in san fransico thru to a chance fight with an ex boxing champion that eventually leads to him fighting the fearsome heavyweight champion of the world john l sullivan beefcake personified delightfully by ward bond not all the fights are in the ring tho and it s all the spin off vignettes in corbett s life that makes this a grand entertaining picture there are class issues to overcome here perfectly played out as fellow club members pay to have him knocked down a peg or two and corbett has to not only fight to get respect from his so called peers but he must also overcome his ego as it grows as briskly as his reputation does along with the quite wonderful corbett family and all their stoic humorous support corbett s journey is as enthralling as it is joyous yet as brash and as bold as he is he is a very likable character and it s a character that befits the tagged moniker he got of gentleman jim the film never sags for one moment and it s a testament to director raoul walsh that although we are eagerly awaiting the final fight the outer ring goings on are keeping us firmly entertained not even the love interest sub plot hurts this picture thank you alexis smith the fight sequences stand up really well and they perfectly show just how corbett became the champ he was his brand of dancing rings round slugger fighters is now firmly placed in boxing history as the final reel rolls we all come down to earth as an after fight meeting between sullivan and corbett puts all the brutality into context and it s here where humility and humbleness becomes the outright winner and as far as this viewer goes it will do for me to be sure to be sure for a truly wonderful picture"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22292": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i don t think i ve ever been so bowled over by the sheer absurdity of a movie in my entire life as i was when i walked out of this piece of crap nothing in it makes any sense none of it is clever or well thought out out of lack of truly suspenseful moments they repeatedly use that total cop out trick where you build up the music before the character does something like open a door or push aside a curtain and then nothing s there thats ok to do once maybe but i counted three times there are things thrown in for no apparent reason characters half formed story lines the characters weren t well developed at all the ending was bad bad bad bad everything every component of this film is terrible and i m just here to warn you all of that"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22293": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "gentleman jim not really a boxing film it is a vehicle for errol flynn as jim corbett but having said that the boxing scenes are a real eye opener to the modern viewer there are no round points decisions here errol flynn plays the irish bank clerk who gets a shot at the heavyweight world title flynn is well suited to the role of suave but unpredictable corbett his opponent john sullivan is still better however a bruiser of the old school played by ward bond the theme of the film is a man pushing for his big chance corbett leaves his mundane life behind and builds a new persona as gentleman jim jim is a chancer who can adapt to any social environment he is a liar and an egotist sullivan the heavyweight boxing champion is portrayed as a simple brute but his honesty and sportsmanship gives a certain contrast to the main character there is action and excitement aplenty and a wonderful ending with the requisite redemption for all and errol flynn gets the girl"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22294": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the idea was awesome the actors were incredible the story could of been very scary but the writing was poor and there was no depth i couldn t really get into this movie i couldn t feel for the characters there were a lot of cliffhangers and the movie just ends very weirdly was it a happy ending i don t know was it a sad ending again i don t know you leave the theater feeling unsatisfied the movie had so much to give but couldn t just because you can edit doesn t mean you should right i wouldn t really recommend this movie because you just can t say that you left the movie feeling like it was completed you ll just be confused trust me you will probably thank me if you don t watch this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22295": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "flynn known mostly for his swashbuckling roles and his bedroom antics takes a different tack with this film and it works beautifully playing real life boxing champ jim corbett flynn turns on the charm full blast as he makes his way from a stifled san francisco bank teller to a celebrated pugilist all the while setting one eye on society deb smith he and best pal carson attend an illegal bare knuckle fight and are arrested along with scores of other men and a dog including a prominent judge the next day he gets a chance via smith to gain entrance to the judge s private club he uses this opportunity to weasel his way into the good graces of its exclusive members and land a spot as the club s resident boxer his unusually adept skill in the sport soon has him taking on all comers up to and including the world champion john l sullivan bond flynn is downright magical here he is the epitome of charm charisma and appeal in this role he looks terrific especially in a hangover scene with his hair mussed and wearing a white union suit and does virtually all of his own stuntwork impressively his line delivery is delicious and he is credible and sympathetic and at the same time duplicitous and rascally smith exudes class and taste from every pore and is a good match for flynn at this stage he needed a female costar who could stand up to his advances and reputation he was undergoing statutory rape charges at the time and she does so admirably she is repulsed by his freshness and cavalier attitude yet can hardly help but fall under his enchanting spell bond is incredibly burly brawny and towering yet tender when the script calls for it amusing support is provided by a young and ebullient carson frawley is his dependably cantankerous self as flynn s manager the rest of the cast is excellent as well including flynn s rambunctious family and an assortment of stuffy nob hill types the whole thing is beautifully appointed and securely directed a few of the sets are amazingly presented some of smith s gowns border on the garish but she suits the upswept hairstyles very well it s a terrific glimpse into the earliest days of championship boxing but it s also so much more some of it like the character traits shown by flynn is enhanced or exaggerated for entertainment purposes but a lot of it is authentic like the methods and costumes shown in the fight scenes one line is particularly memorable i believe you like me more than i like you but it s entirely possible that i love you more than you love me it s classic romantic dialogue and there are more than a few zingers sprinkled throughout the script as well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22296": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i frequently comment on the utter dirth of truly scary movies on the market and sadly white noise only served to reduce my faith that the film industry remains capable of such an endeavor i was surprised to find myself growingly increasingly fatigued as the plot wore on and my static induced headache increased i found white noise to be preposterous beyond our best efforts of suspension of disbelief even after witnessing the harrowing ordeal sustained by michael keaton i was totally unaffected by his demise up until the credits i diligently awaited for something anything of substance to connect me to the characters story but such relief never came sure there were the occasional heart stopper moments but only because loud noises tend to do that to the dozing viewer while the acting was lame michael keaton may have played his studliest role to date perhaps the only redeeming quality that white noise has to offer is the stunning archietecture in both of keaton s abodes overall white noise leaves one with the morbidly depressing idea that those who die are trapped in a world guarded by three malicious shadows contriving to trick the living into following the dead to their own graves"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22297": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "some saying about the play is the most important thing or something like that is attributed to that old bard of avon himself william shakewspeare if it wasn t old will it may well have been our own super veteran film director mr raoul walsh there are a large number of his films that would support this hypothesis none are more appropriate than gentleman jim warner brothers the film also racks up another award being named as errol flynn s favourite of his own starring vehicles it clearly gives on screen evidence that would easily lead viewers sitting in the darkened theatre or viewing it on their home tv or dvd to conclude same to be sure the story is a semi serious biopic which takes a portion of factual material and blends it with a liberal dose of the old imagination to bring us a very satisfying albeit somewhat fictionalized what biopic isn t occurrences the casting is excellent as it makes good use of the natural athleticism of our lead mr errol flynn though not a swashbuckler a western or a war picture this gentleman jim is perhaps the starring role that was the best fit for the rugged australian errol was a member of the australian olympic boxing team in either or his training and skills in the sweet science are clearly in evidence throughout the film and especially in the big fight for the world s heavyweight boxing championship with the great john l sullivan himself played in expert fashion by ward bond the cast reads like a duty roster of warner brothers resident supporting players it features alan hale as jim corbet s father a livery wagon operator his two brothers are harry and george pat flaherty and james flavin the two blue collar men of the family their occupations being stated as being longshormen the great jack carson does his usual masterful serio comic performance in support as jim corbett s friend and fellow bank teller the rest of those we can both recognize and remember are john loder william frawley madeleine lebeau minor watson rhys williams arthur shields dorothy vaughn to name but a few director walsh also used a number of pro wrestlers in roles of various boxers hence we have ed strangler lewis and an unknown grappler are featured as the waterfront pugs in the opening scenes others were sammy stein mike mazurki ever hear of him and wee willie davis these guys had a powerful yet unpolished look about them that the old pier brawlers would have possessed we haven t forgotten leading lady alexis smith she is powerful in her characterization of an independent woman yet maintains enough true ability as a comic player in many of the scenes she displays quite a range in her part as poor little rich girl victoria lodge with all these ingredients at hand the trick is how to mix the elements in proper proportions to give it the just right blend well director walsh does so with a reckless abandon because he is looking for above all a great film his treatment shows all of the skills he had honed to a fine tuning starting with his days as a player with d w griffith mr walsh seems to have a special fondness for that period the s mr walsh s direction moves through the script at a fairly fast clip breaking up the exposition scenes with a humorous punch line the corbetts are at it again hence he is able to maintain a light even humorous touch to a story which could become too drab and serious furthermore in an almost unnoticed element brother walsh gives us an authentic look of a san francisco of the s and as a further example of his fondness for that period he creates wide dynamic images of the historic prize fights there is a vibrant joyful mood conveyed in those boxing scenes as a crowning glory to this great perhaps underrated film director walsh gave the image a look as if it were an illustration from the police gazette which covered such events in those old days but there s just one thing to remember before viewing if it is for the first time or if your seeing it once more the corbets are at it again in my humble opinion as a historian of both film and pro wrestling it looks like tor johnson who years later was a favourite of director ed wood s a livery is a somewhat archaic term for a vehicle for hire for local city transportation it s true mr raoul walsh was a griffith veteran player he was the actor to portray john wilkes booth in the birth of a nation being born in raoul walsh was old enough to have his own memories of the s and of the sullivan corbett championship bout and what it meant to the sporting life in the america of those days"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22298": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "absolutely one of the worst movies of the year the plot is ridiculous the characters poorly developed and the premise irritatingly stupid it all begins when michael keaton fresh off of doing nothing noteworthy since batman loses his beautiful author wife anna to a car accident possibly caused by her driving one of those convertible vw bugs even though she s supposed to be rich in his grief batman moves to a new apartment and takes up a hobby recording nothing and then watching it he learned this from a really fat pathetic guy who got murdered by three tall shadowy fellows who lived in his tv pretty soon he starts to see dead people thanks to evp or electronic voice phenomenon which is evidently this deal wherein dead people can send messages to living people through tape recorders video cameras dead cell phones anna cell calling but she s dead must be ghosts mhmmm no other possible explanation i d better start messing around with this indiscriminately etc why they can t just write something down on a piece of paper or knock over some stuff to form creative pictograms is never explained anyway eventually batman discovers that he s actually seeing the future and he decides to go help this woman he doesn t know he gets out of his house just in the nick of time because the tall dark guys enter just after he leaves d mn it can travel between the living and dead using electronics but i ll be d mned if we can be on time am i right guys they nod in bemused agreement he tracks this lady to a warehouse and finds out that this character from the first ten minutes of the movie look hard or you ll miss him is actually a serial killer working for three tall shadowy demons who in raiders of the lost ark style swoop down and kill him looking like the cartoons that they are just then some detectives show up and save the lady after batman s funeral he decides to send a message from beyond the grave apologizing to his son for being an idiot evidently feeling that the best way to protect his kid from the horrors of evp is to expose him to it the little kid just smiles nothing phases that dude not even when his dad batman of course starts talking to tv s the high point of the movie was when someone s phone rang and some guy yelled out it s anna"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22299": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "james j corbett s autobiography the roar of the crowd was the starting point of this lively and well remembered fictionalized biography the author was heavyweight champion of the world succeeding john l sullivan before the turn of the century the events of the narrative depict corbett as a brash but likable and intelligent young man whose conquest of the world of boxing and social prejudice in his time when he was considered merely the son of irish immigrants a lowly bank teller and a nobody surprised everyone it took him several hours of exciting and often amusing screen time to prove his compeers were wrong he is an bank teller when the film opens but he somehow wangles an invitation to a sporting club for the well to do he falls in love with a beautiful but snobbish girl with whom he always seems to be quarreling and he lives at home with a brawling clan of corbetts who seem to fight with one another as often as with others when he defeats the club s best and a professional fighter borough in to embarrass him he finally decides to become famous by fighting he sets out on the road with his friend who acts as manager and trainer and despite a few near setbacks he wins all his bouts and attracts attention coming home to pursue his girl again he contrives to annoy the boston strongboy mighty john l sullivan who enters bars and claims he can lick any man in the world few believe he can win a bout against sullivan but corbett dubbed gentleman jim for his gracious manners and patrician appearance surprises everyone by moving dancing out of range and negating the furious sullivan s power the film s finest scene perhaps comes when a beaten sullivan comes to congratulate corbett the new champion rises to the moment tells sullivan a few years before it might have been different and shows him nothing but admiration and respect he gets his girl as a result of his two performances but by the end of the film as they visit his s parents his manager is able to tell the world the corbetts are at it again the films is attractive and has a consistent style without being flashy the script was written by veteran horace mccoy and vincent lawrence from the corbett novel sidney hickox did the cinematography with period set decorations by clarence steensen and art direction by ted smith heinz roemheld did the music and milo anderson the gowns the film was ably directed by action film specialist raoul walsh flynn also liked working with walsh but did not care for the other director he worked for most often michael curtiz among the cast were ward bond as john l sullivan in one of his best performances lovely alexis smith a bit spotty but intelligent as the girl corbett loves and a very able errol flynn as corbett a young man he seemed to relish playing he later said it was his favorite role from the period jack carson was his manager alan hale his charismatic father john loder a rich foe with william frawley minor watson madeleine lebeau rhys williams arthur shields dorothy vaughn and mike mazurki along for the enjoyable proceedings it is hard to say enough about the logic and light hearted fun this movie s makers have generated it is one of the best liked of all sports biography films and by my standards one of the most enjoyable as well"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 1, -1]}, "22300": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i first heard about white noise when i saw the tv advert before then i didn t even know it existed i watched the trailer online and decided that i would go and see it now being a fan of films like the sixth sense i thought that this film would give me everything i wanted it has michael keaton in it and he rocks unfortunately the film did not deliver it tried to be another sixth sense or stir of echoes and failed miserably it has a very promising start but the middle just drags on repeating itself and ends with a completely poor twist which any monkey could have figured out unfortunately like most scary films nowadays it relies on loud noises and bangs to make the audience jump this film could have been so much more it s a shame because it was a good idea"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22301": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this film enhanced my opinion of errol flynn while flynn is of course best known for his savoir faire and sprezzatura to throw in a couple of high falutin european terms this film gives him an opportunity to stretch albeit only slightly as an actor as he plays an unabashed social climber with a big ego and a sense of nerve to match the supporting cast is excellent everyone seems well chosen for their roles the story moves briskly and while not particularly profound it misses perhaps intentionally the opportunity to render social commentary on the massively uneven distribution of income during that time it certainly entertains and satisfies from what i know of jim corbett the story is also reasonably faithful to history i also really liked the great depictions of s san francisco all in all there s little not to like about this film very well worth the time to watch it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22302": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what a shame it is when a potentially captivating and refreshingly low key story manages to latch onto your interest at the start and then gradually lets you down further and further until you re left scratching your mystified head by the time it reaches its overdone conclusion unfortunately this is what happened to me by the end of white noise it wasn t michael keaton s fault it was a pleasure to see him return as the star of a brand new movie once again looking a bit wrinkled perhaps but still managing to give a strong and sincere performance as a man whose wife has recently died he becomes obsessed with her wandering spirit in the afterlife not a new idea apparently getting contacted by her through that funky electrical fuzz business you see on your television screen when there s nothing being broadcast the idea of spirits communicating via the airwaves is called evp electronic voice phenomena and there are a lot of people who actually believe in it for real so i m not going to make any comments about what i think of that or them let me just say that i m all for suspension of disbelief when it comes to buying into fantastic films like this but what i can t tolerate is not understanding what the hell was supposed to be taking place which is about where i was left stranded when the credits finally began to roll much static indeed there are occasionally movies like this that have me completely baffled but if a film fails to make itself clear for me i tend to consider that to be the fault of the filmmaker not my own unless i watched it while i was too tired to focus or something well for white noise i was wide awake bright eyed and bushy tailed so guess who s to blame"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22303": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "well i am delighted to hear a rumor that this may finally be issued on dvd when that will happen i don t know but i will grab it when it s released in my humble opinion this is errol flynn s most entertaining film especially when gentleman jim corbett s ring career begins in the film then it goes from a good film to a great one few people could play arrogant men and still come off as a likable good guy as well as flynn could and this film is a perfect example of that reportedly this was flynn s favorite role and i believe that you can just sense how much fun he was having here ward bond also looks like he was really enjoying his role playing the famous john l sullivan bond too was never better there is just the right amount of action boxing scenes in here and they are pretty well done too corbett s family is fun to watch too as they carry on in the stands during jim s matches out of the arena corbett s family s constant arguments and yelling can get a little too loud and annoying but they set the stage for a fitting conclusion and speaking of the conclusion sullivan s speech to corbett after the big fight is very touching and the highlight of the film some mean spirited critics variety for example didn t like that ending nor the fact that much of the film is fictionalized but duh most films are fictionalized like it or not and in this case it made for a nice story and nice ending in real life corbett was a very soft spoken true gentleman not anything like flynn s portrayal but flynn still make him a good guy this is one of the more entertaining classic films i have ever watched and i eagerly wait for the dvd"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22304": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i checked this one out on dvd for a dollar so i could easily smile as this dreadful movie unfolds every time that you think it cannot get any worse it inevitably does the acting is absolutely horrific the plot makes no sense at all the title cold vengeance in the us dvd version has absolutely nothing to do with the script the action scenes are so obviously taken in their first take there are lots of mistakes during dialogues indicating that there is just no intend to do another take to at least try to make this movie bearable i cannot remember having seen a worse movie and i do occasionally get bad ones well except for unstoppable with wesley snipes no who am i kidding while a bad one unstoppable deserves best picture awards at the oscars when compared to this piece of crap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22305": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you like original gut wrenching laughter you will like this movie if you are young or old then you will love this movie hell even my mom liked it great camp"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22306": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i can only believe that garson kanin must have been two people the one who wrote the brilliant a double life and the funny born yesterday and co wrote such excellent screenplays as adam s rib and pat and mike with his wife ruth gordon and then the one who wrote and or directed such tiresome sad drivel as bachelor mother some kind of a nut and this the cast tries but the script is so tired and clich d that even the efforts of the always wonderful brenda vaccaro are defeated the script sinks to it s nadir in the truly offensive sequence in which janssen s character tests drivas s character to make sure he s not gay an ugly sequence but sadly one which could easily play in a film today ethnic jokes are now totally verboten but fag jokes are still good clean family fun"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22307": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "interesting characters lots of tension as close to black and white without being black and white i was turned off by how casually the supposedly sympathetic mainstream character a quiet near deaf secretary was able to turn to crime to ruin colleagues rough up people in her way and finally participate in a heist and set up someone to be bumped off as a decoy to her own get away i m a little put off by the trend for otherwise quality movies to portray criminals in a sympathetic way without addressing the injury they ve done to others other than to portray their immediate opponents as jerks in this film we never know who s money it really is they abscond with or what happens to the innocent wife who the sympathetic deaf secretary uses to set up the of the sleazy bar owner to take the fall for the missing loot too bad the film could have been great"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22308": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw this on cable recently and kinda enjoyed it i ve been reading the comments here and it seems that everyone likes the second half more than the first half personally i enjoyed the first story too bad that wasn t extended the second story i thought was cliched and that california dreaming if i hear that one more time chungking express is alright but it s not something that mainstream audiences will catch on to see like crouching tiger"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22309": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "hilarious film i saw this film at the sydney gay and lesbian mardi gras film festival and laughed from start to finish the acting was subtle but very funny i m not entirely certain about the real world influence we don t get that here but the film holds up without the understanding of that show heather b steals every scene she appears in most notably when acting with her seldom talkative red co star highly recommended i d love to see this released on video dvd some time in the future"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22310": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "be warned this is crap that other crap won t even deign to be in company with because it s beneath them okay got that out of the way let me say something more substantive i ve seen ashes of time a very long time ago thinking it was a fresh take on the material which is based on a highly revered wuxia tome of a novel due to the emerging reputation of the director wong kar wai well despite of all of that wkw hasn t succeeded at adapting the novel on screen according to a lot of wuxia fans mostly it is just shots of dripping water beads of sweats legs of horses running etc i couldn t sit through most of the movie fast forward many years later when i wanted to give mr wong s movies another shot after hearing many praises especially from cannes i was intrigued by his latest a friend told me to start w chungking express because it is his most accessible movies so wrong i was just p o that i got duped into wasting my time and money on this piece of pretentious nothingness some professional reviewers mentioned it as a meditation on alienation and loneliness in a modern big city blah blah blah it s all fine if the director has a point of view with something to say as to why these things happen and tell it but no he merely shows what is faye wong s acting is very typical of hong kong s style garbled enunciation deer in the headlight wide eye expression try to be cute and girlish kind of acting the rest of the cast is equally uninspired i think the word auteur is a euphemism for a director who tries something new and different which is to be applauded but not one who hasn t yet mastered the art of cinematic story telling which is what mr wong is for the last years"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22311": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is one of the funniest movies i have ever seen if you know the real world and the people from those shows this movie will be top notch if you have never seen the real world you will still think it is an extremely funny movie but you won t get some of the inside jokes about the actors and the tv show"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22312": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is another example of the curse of east asian cinema two or more separate stories rolled into one film other reviewers have obviously picked up on it as well because there are several mentions of the first part and second part how can you have any character development or a deep plot when the characters and the story are featured for such a short time i was enjoying the first part until it abruptly stopped it didn t end it just stopped in what appeared to be the middle of the story to be replaced by an inane and totally unbelievable second part that seemed to focus around a girl rearranging and cleaning a guy s apartment wow i look forward to the day when wong kar wai is given a decent script to work with"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22313": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "an entertaining kung fu film with acting plot and fight scenes a cut above the average chop socky all of the cast are likeable characters and skilled martial artists alexander fu sheng s proto jackie chan comedy antics are fun to watch and his austere companion shows particularly impressive skills for me the film s only glaring flaw is the size of the cast at times things get a little confused as the film chops and changes between various subplots and some of the characters are not as fully fleshed out as one might wish but a kung fu film should be judged first and foremost on the quality of the action and shaolin temple definitely delivers on that count the film climaxes with a high bodycount battle that allows each character to show off his skills against a worthy opponent overall shaolin temple is an enjoyable low budget kung fu movie not up to the quality of a good jet li film but definitely worth a look for fans of the genre my rating misc notes the warner home video release i saw was predictably poorly dubbed and lacked full cast crew credits"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22314": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "for those deciding whether or not to watch this movie and are reading these comments for insight i first offer these four words don t waste your time chungking express was shoddily filmed slapped together quickly and seems as though it were conceived in its entirety by someone standing in line at a hong kong burger king i can t remember ever watching a film with an assortment of such one dimensional characters trying to work their way through a script this mundane it s an absurd effort with philosophically ridiculous dialog a man wanders into his flooded apartment and offers the stunning revelation that tears can be dried with a tissue but water takes time to mop up the same character is also seen carrying on a deep meaningful rapport with his towels soap stuffed animals dirty laundry etc the shaky wandering hand held camera work was another annoying feature i could have done without and if that isn t enough to make you puke in your popcorn we hear the old s ode california dreaming by the mamas and papas blaring over the soundtrack over and over again during a particularly lengthy sequence quentin tarantino was responsible for bringing this loser to america through his rolling thunder productions company though i cannot for the life of me figure out why a man with his talent would bother he was known to have remarked i m happy to love a movie this much a lot of us though hope he will concentrate on making his audiences happy with more worthwhile discoveries in the future"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22315": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the only kung fu epic worth watching the best training ever the main character spending a hundred day s on his knees outside the shaolin temple show how desperate he is to learn kung fu to fight the manchu dogs who have taken over china"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22316": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i am completely baffled as to why this film is even liked let alone held in such high regard especially by so many critics who are otherwise quite sensible there is one key word which describes this film to its core irritating the most easily explained example of this is the director s use or more accurately abuse of music in the first half a really dull reggae tune is played about three times when once is too often but in the second half the mommas and the papas california dreamin is played at least seven times usually at top volume godsakes whether you liked the song or not beforehand you d be thoroughly sick of it by the end just think some people claim to have seen this film four or five times this means they ve listened to california dreamin either or times all of this needless hyper repetition it contributes nothing to the story could possibly be excused if the remainder of the film had any lingering merit or if the story was in any way involving but it ain t the only aspect i found likeable was bridgette lin s charging around and still playing asia the invincible in a raincoat and sunnies even this wore off fairly quickly i m sure this film s undeserved high reputation will convince many poor suckers to go and see it i can only warn you if you ve never seen a hk movie before don t start with this one if you feel compelled to watch it avoid at all costs seeing it in a cinema the fast forward and mute buttons are essential tools for survival here you have been warned"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22317": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "chang cheh s shaolin temple might very well be the highwater mark of the shaw brothers martial arts film cycle this rousing kung fu epic boasts an amazing cast a veritable who s who of the shaw stable though the plot is fairly standard and the fight choreography is superb as usual it is cheh s handling of the subject matter that makes this film remarkable and enjoyable the sense of reverence displayed for the history and traditions of the shaolin temple is palpable in every frame not unlike william keighley s paean to the fabled fighting th in that same self titled film or john ford s salute to west point in the long gray line cheh s shaolin temple is a lovingly crafted ode in that same style the cultural correlation i am tempted to make is to compare the shaolin temple to the alamo watching this film will give the same admiring and nostalgic feelings that you experienced many years ago in grade school history when you learned of the courage and sacrifice of those doomed heroes of the alamo at the end of the film you too might be tempted to call out remember the shaolin temple"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22318": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw virtually no redeeming qualities in this movie the only thing i did see was quentin tarantino s seeming insane obsession for it there were some attractive women in this movie and perhaps that is one decent quality overall however i found this movie surrealistic and ridiculous the hand held film making coupled with slow motion and other cinematic gimmicks i found clumsy and dizzying even sickening overall the music throughout was horrible and repetitive to the extreme as well reminding me of psychological warfare of the u s military against various malcontents the various vignettes that made up the movie are haphazard in their placement and unfulfilling and unresolved in their content and conclusions a depressing movie not a true _film_ a term i reserve for true art that left me with a bad feeling do not believe the various people that try and spin this as a romantic comedy though there are certainly isolated elements of both this movie repudiates in content form and conclusion any association with this genre i suggest staying far away notwithstanding the seemingly overwhelming positive views of imdb and other ratings sources"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22319": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the idea s which are shown in this film are with a lot of care and detail and depict what a lot of people from around the world think of the american policies not neccessarily the united states itself it shows what most of the people around the world think about america and what the americans dont know about themselves directors showing amazing minutes each of something which will give us viewers a lot to think about when they go home after watching the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22320": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "average viewers looking for any sense of internal coherence in a film should probably give this one a pass it generates the same feeling as staring at a curious array of individual images that seem to have some relationship one to another but never coalesce into a totality while this isolative approach to creating a kind of cinematic montage may appeal to a few students or critics steeped in the inside language of contemporary filmmaking it is flatly irritating and condescending to us commoners who just fell off the haywagon an overt avoidance of accessibility may be the intentional hallmark of auteurs like kar wai wong and tarantino but to me it comes across as andy warhol warmed over the only redeeming characteristic i find is in the production values and them there just ain t going to cut it all by themselfs this is one of those productions in which you watch and listen and wait anxiously and in vain for some clever development of an idea or thought to sustain all the remarkable and beautiful individual scenes sorry the calligraphic credits unexpectedly begin to roll just as your interest begins to stir i get the same big yawn and let down reading what i guess are very knowledgeable and thorough comments about this film that never lead to anything truly comprehensible ideas and images without some external context are not my idea of fun call me a philistine roaming the streets of hong kong looking for a bowl of chop suey"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22321": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "everything is relative seems to be the main theme from the outset by this set of eleven pieces by eleven directors that is to say that what might be number one priority for people like bush blair and company may not be so for a great many other people ordinary people from the opening scene in which an iranian teacher is trying to impress on her little students the most important thing that has happened with the result the children are not impressed as the death of a neighbour and things like that evidently affect them much more closely than anything which may have happened in new york usa wherever that is this series of almost documentary styled pieces establishes that not all things are as equal unto all men as some world leaders would try to prophess whereas obviously the attack on the wtc was a dastardly event by any yardstick one does get the impression that both politicians and tv cameramen tend to blow up things out of all proportion wonderfully manifested in one of these pieces would the same reaction at international level have occurred if the attack had been made on lagos say or djakarta say or even on rio de janeiro say i rather think not news seems to suffer distortion depending on where things happen much more tv time is given to an earthquake in italy say than one ten times more destructive in outer mongolia say greater distances seem to decrease the magnitude of the disaster this series of eleven pieces helps to put things in better perspective or perhaps i should say some of the pieces do as each director with complete freedom has made up his own story his own translated perspective such that it is not possible to judge the whole merits but individually for each eleven minute segment in no way should one deduce that this is an anti american film that would be a too simple reading of the diverse messages manifested through the segments however it is not pro american either the eleven segments adopt varied attitudes and the common link if there is one is that the disaster of the wtc attack has to be seen in perspective from different view points only then will such people as george bush even begin to comprehend the planet he is living on clearly stated in one segment is a belief of mine i have been harbouring for two years now america has not learnt the lesson and the lesson is that the usa has to share this planet with the rest of humanity not dominate it by ruthless economical persuasion or just plain force instead of learning that the usa cannot continue just stamping all over everybody and everywhere its political leaders aided and abetted by blair and even aznar have become even more arrogant and even more intolerant which is not doing any good to anyone in afghanistan or irak at present let alone much elsewhere the white house mentality is totally rejectable the us and uk invaded irak and caused all the chaos and so should clear up the mess they caused not insist on the un and other nations to delve in with a helping hand and thus find an easy way out of the turmoil radical stances adopted by the us or even israel is only going to be met by radical stances from islamic people who for years have been gearing up fanatical fundamentalism if only to cover up their own macho uselessness i e stoning women to death or simply shrouding them from the tops of their heads to the dusty ground the world is in a terrible mess fueled by the greed of a few rich countries who seem bent on not seeing or understanding anything from more multilateral perspectives this film in eleven separate pieces accurately portrays this dismal and dumb posture"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22322": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a never ending frenzy of clever visual ironies does not necessarily create an engaging film the blonde wig half of the movie never took off perhaps due to too much self indulgence by its makers the wong faye half featuring a very playful if karen carpenter looking faye wong holds much more appeal all the ingredients are there however the girl meets boy story element takes a back seat to artsy cleverness character development is uneven emotion is missing for music lovers wong faye s mung jung yun cantonese version of the cranberry s smash hit dreams is used effectively in chungking express faye wong also recorded a mandarin language version called zhen tuo both are on cd although only mung jung yun is found on the official movie soundtrack cd"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22323": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a great idea stories about september directors from different countries with different results ken loach talking about an immigrant as usual is just brilliant as usual the frenchman does a very good job also while the burkina faso film was a nice surprise however the israel film was a bit boring and the mexican guy well he should quit directing and work in a mexican restaurant"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22324": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i like a movie that has at least a vestige of a story this doesn t occur in this movie it s a series of vignettes with no cohesion there are scenes of a person collecting pineapple cans a woman with a blond wig never removes her sun glasses this woman shoots at other people at the beginning of the movie and we never find out why she disappears completely after about minutes there is another coquettish woman who endlessly cleans a man s apartment there are endless scenes at a fast food joint where the mamas papas california dreaming is vastly overplayed i used to like the song the dialogue is mostly concerned with food pineapples chef s salad and ordering drinks i assume most of the actors gained weight during this movie because a lot of fast food was consumed there is no passion in this movie because there is no story this is purportedly a romance it is no such thing i just wonder why i didn t hit the fast forward i kept waiting for something significant to happen it doesn t maybe that s the only consolation to this movie scenes shifted so rapidly that it tricked you into assuming that there was going to be a revelation to all the nonsense"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22325": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first than anything i m not going to praise i arritu s short film even i m mexican and proud of his success in mainstream hollywood in another hand i see most of the reviews focuses on their favorite and not so short films but we are forgetting that there is a subtle bottom line that circles the whole compilation and maybe it will not be so pleasant for american people even if that was not the main purpose of the producers what i m talking about is that most of the short films does not show the suffering that wasp people went through because the terrorist attack on september th but the suffering of the other people do you need proofs about what i m saying look in the bosnia short film the message is you cry because of the people who died in the towers but we the others east europeans are crying long ago for the crimes committed against our women and nobody pay attention to us like the whole world has done to you even though the burkina fasso story is more in comedy there is a the same thought you are angry because osama bin laden punched you in an evil way but we the others africans should be more angry because our people is dying of hunger poverty and aids long time ago and nobody pay attention to us like the whole world has done to you look now at the sean penn short the fall of the twin towers makes happy to a lonely and alienated man so the message is that the power and the greed symbolized by the towers must fall for letting the people see the sun rise and the flowers blossom it is remarkable that this terrible bottom line has been proposed by an american there is so much irony in this short film that it is close to be subversive well the ken loach very know because his anti capitalism ideology is much more clearly and shameless in going straight to the point you are angry because your country has been attacked by evil forces but we the others latin americans suffered at a similar date something worst and nobody remembers our grief as the whole world has done to you it is like if the creative of this project wanted to say to americans you see now america you are not the only that have become victim of the world violence you are not alone in your pain and by the way we the others the non americans have been suffering a lot more than you from long time ago so we are in solidarity with you in your pain and by the way we are sorry because you have had some taste of your own medicine only the mexican and the french short films showed some compassion and sympathy for american people the others are like a slap on the face for the american state that is not equal to american people"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22326": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "kudos to the patience of paul muni who spent hours and hours in the makeup room each day to look the part of zola muni was the one of the biggest stars in the s and i wonder how many people today other than classic movie buffs know anything about it he was a giant in the business for at least a decade he could have won the academy award for this performance which would have given him two in a row as he won it for playing louis pasteur the year before my own opinion is that while he tended to overact a bit i still think he was one of the great actors of the golden age whatever part he played you were riveted to the screen watching him unlike the pasteur role i thought this story smacked of a little too much of what we ve seen in the last years going overboard to make a liberal hero even in hollywood couldn t suppress its disdain for police or for the military here making it a point to tell us how corrupt those organizations are filmmakers just love it when authority is challenged and defeated in that regard this film is way ahead of its day since we ve seen this big time since the s however it must be noted the facts support this story it also does not in any way diminish zola s accomplishments as a social reformer getting rid of certain evils good for him i wish they had spent more time showing that than concentrating on one trial"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22327": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the movie is great like every other international project that includes strong impressions three of them israel bosnia and egypt should ve been cut out especially bosnian clip which is pathetic beyond all reason and doesn t contain a single original thought or element on it s own everything else is really great unrecognizable for most of americans known for the rest of the world unfortunately clips speak about misery of the people all over the world and as i see it there are so many of those who won t give a damn about it top loach penn inarritu lalouche imamura"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22328": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "casting bone to pick david jannsen was playing the father of robert drivas who was then yeah i realize he s supposed to be just out of college but clues in the script have him being a loafer and so he s probably in the script that still puts jannsen in parenting classes in junior high i assume the ama wrote medical miracle up in their year in medicine this movie hasn t aged very well at all and now it s main appeal is just to see a snap shot of sin city circa and all the incessant smoking the weird hair drivas has an atomic comb over that makes him resemble a well groomed hip cousin it and trendy fashions that went along with it if anyone remembers lv wasn t exactly london the city coddled the mob and codger gamblers in those days drivas comes off as sexually ambiguous his dad thinks he might be gay in a sad irony drivas himself died of aids at and the soapy conflict is from the generation gap issue ahem as if one may call years a gap sonny boy wants to be his own man and dad wants to pull him into the casino caesar s palace and plies him with girls including the horny for money edy williams interestingly enough the son doesn t seem to mind being thought of as gay unusual for the time and a cute brenda vaccarro is nearby to swoon platonically over him what nudity there is is awfully lame just what was needed to pull the audience in for an r rating in the early days of the mpaa rating system which then was g m r[ ] and x the editing is horrible and there s stupid silly overdubs by the committee a late s neo avante garde comedy troupe that mercifully faded off the map within a couple of years don rickles is on board as a blackjack dealer seemingly preparing him for a role as a floor manager in the much better casino two decades later not to give anything away but they would ve dealt with mr rickles character with power tools and a hole in the desert back then a curiosity at best far from joshua logan s usual caliber of work dos dias now go watch casino again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22329": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after erasing my thoughts nearly twenty seven times there is a feeling that i can now conquer this review for the complex french drama read my lips having written over five hundred reviews i have never found myself at such a loss of words as i did with director jacques audiard s subtle yet inspirational love story thought was poured over what was loved and hated about this film and while the loves overpowered it was the elements that were hated that sparked further debate within my mind read my lips is a drama to be more precise is a character driven drama which fuses social uncertainty with crime lords with the doldrums of everyday office work here is where this review begins to crumble it is all of these items but it is more much much more as a viewer you are pulled in instantly by emmanuelle devos portrayal of this fragile woman named carla whose strength is lost to the males in her office as well as her hearing difficulty audiard introduces us harshly to her world by removing sound from the screen whenever she is not wearing her aid causing an immediate unrest not only from the characters within the film but to those watching without sound the world is left open to any possibility and that is frightening as we watch this difficult and unsettling woman setting into her life we are then uprooted and given the opportunity to meet paul played exquisitely by vincent cassel a slicked back hair mustache wearing lanky man who was just released from prison homeless jobless and forced by his parole officer to get a job this is how carla and paul meet there is that moment of instant unsettling attraction the one where we think she loves him but he is dark and here is where it gets even more fun and where we think he loves her but she is dark the constant role reversal creates the tone of the unknown who as viewers are we to feel the most sympathy for paul sleeps in the office carla helps him carla looses a contract to a rival co worker paul helps her carla s ability to read people s lips comes in handy for a make shift idea for paul the continual jumps back and forth keep you on your chair waiting for the possibility of some light to shine through this dark cave it never does audiard cannot just allow this story to take place he continually introduces us to more characters one just as seedy as the next even our rock our solid foundation with the parole officer is in question when his wife goes missing a subplot to this film that at first angered me but upon further debate was a staple finale for this film yet none of this could have happened if it weren t for our characters devos solemn and homely look is breathtaking as she changes her image for paul the truth of her beauty is discovered paul the wildcard in the film continues to seemingly use and abuse the friendship for his final endgame then just as we assume one carla takes on one last shape audiard knows he has amazing actors capturing his characters cassel and devos could just play cards the entire time and i would still be sitting at the end of my chair the story probably the weakest part of this film is at first random the interwoven stories seem unconnected at first but audiard lets them connect bit by bit again the entire parole officer segment was tangent but that final scene just solidified the ends to the means not attempting to sound vague but this complex yet utterly simple story is difficult to explain there is plenty happening but it is up to you to connect the pieces a favorite scene is when carla is attempting to discover where some money is being held that use of sound and scene was brilliant it was tense it was dramatic and it was like watching a who dun it mystery unfold before your eyes overall i initially though this was a mediocre french film that i could easily forget about when it was over i was proved wrong read my lips opens the floor for discussion not just with the characters but the situations one will find themselves rooting for carla in one scene and paul in the next when a discovery is made in paul s apartment by carla i found myself deeply angry audiard brought true emotion to the screen with his characters and development and what he was lacking in plot the actors were able to carry i can easily suggest this film to anyone but be prepared this isn t a one time viewing film repeat repeat repeat grade out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22330": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have read all of the love come softly books knowing full well that movies can not use all aspects of the book but generally they at least have the main point of the book i was highly disappointed in this movie the only thing that they have in this movie that is in the book is that missy s father comes to visit although in the book both parents come that is all the story line was so twisted and far fetch and yes sad from the book that i just couldn t enjoy it even if i didn t read the book it was too sad i do know that pioneer life was rough but the whole movie was a downer the rating is for having the same family orientation of the film that makes them great"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22331": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this academy award winning short film can rank among the greatest of the genre told completely without dialogue it is a visual treat about a young boy who buys a gold fish lovingly places him in a bowl then goes off to school leaving the gold fish unprotected and a window carelessly open after a while a neighboring orange tabby comes poking around comes in through the window and heads slowly for the bowl the fish apparently knows something is going on and becomes very excited as the cat comes very near to the bowl the fish jumps out the cat catches the fish drops him back in the bowl and exits through the window he came in just as the boy not knowing what has happened gets back this was amazingly filmed with real animals how cousteau got these animals to behave in this manner is remarkable i only wish this film were available now for people to see i only saw it once in when it was originally released but it has remained unforgettable"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22332": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a collection of deleted scenes and alternative takes edited together and with added voice over to make it appear to take place after the events of the first pretty cool idea but deleted scenes are left on the cutting room floor for a reason and this is further proof as it s just not as funny as anchorman and really let s face it that film wasn t exactly comedy gold either so you get a movie worse than one that was moderately funny in my eyes that still puts it one or two notches above kicking and screaming or bewitched chross your fingers that the wedding crashers is a return to old school form no pun intended my grade d"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22333": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first of all i don t understand why some people find this movie so anti american sure there are moments when the u s are accused directly like at the segments of youssef chahine ken loach and to a certain extent mira nair but come on they aren t naive accusations instead they are based on real and documented facts and all the documents that the cia released about chile confirms this for example but returning to the film itself what i enjoyed most on it is the variety of moods we find in it we find children being educated for the respect of the all the people who died in the event we find a unhappy couple that will be changed by the tragedy of that day we find common people that have their feelings downgraded on the shadow of the events of september and react differently to this with dignity or frustration we even find someone in the movie for who the fall of the towers grounds for a moment of real happiness all these visions and others as powerful as these or even more make a consistent blend and help the spectator to have a glimpse about how different people spread across the world reacted to the events of september th thus what we see is a panorama that is much more complex than whites and blacks and this may make some people infuriated but this is the world where we live and in it there is no place for manicheistic ideologies regardless of what presidents or priests may say us finally i think it s a shame that there isn t even a release date for this movie in the united states of america it s a shame because most of the american people is asking why this catastrophe happened and this movie could give some clues to them this film puts very clearly differently of what some people of this forum think that everything we do today will determine our future and that the errors of the past will affect how we live today"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22334": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "pieced edited together from dead body parts deleted scenes from corpses anchorman the frankenstein monster wake up ron burgundy is definitely not a sight for sore eyes something you d ever want to watch twice maybe even once for that matter more often than not the relativity of the scenes in wurb are made relevant by a third person narrator even more troubling is that the characters in wurb are inconsistent with the versions of themselves that we had at the end of anchorman in opening narration we re told wurb takes place shortly after the original at the end of anchorman burgundy had grown since the start of the film and embraced having a hybrid co anchorwoman lover in this film he s back to his immature antics with prank phone calls to veronica quite clearly these are the more of the same scenes from the original anchorman spliced in to wurb the part that makes this a movie a continually evolving story involves a bank robbing clan without a cause called the alarm clock these scenes are almost painful to sit through this part was scrapped from the original scripts for anchorman the majority of other scenes involving our channel news team are clearly alternate deleted takes on scenes from anchorman they go to the same party as in the original the same original group bitching about having a woman on the team scene and the same cat fashion show segment that veronica had objections to reporting burgundy re creates their first date with the drive in spot overlooking san diego and dinner at his favorite club tinos neither character make mention that they ve been to the drive in spot before and when burgundy walks into tinos with veronica he introduces it to her as though they ve never been before oh and they re wearing the same clothes as on their original date still i have to give some credit to the filmmakers even if wurb is nothing more than a clever way of presenting deleted scenes tied together with narration between the two ron burgundy stories this is the weaker one looking back on it it s quite a feat for anchorman to have risen from the ashes of wurb you stay classy imdb thanks for stopping by"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22335": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is the greatest film i saw in whereas i m used to mainstream movies it is rich and makes a beautiful artistic act from these short films from the technical info the chosen directors i feared it would have an anti american basis but it s a kind of times personal tribute the weakest point comes from y chahine he does not manage to swallow his pride and considers this event as a well merited punishment it is really the weakest part of the movie but this testifies of a real freedom of speech for the whole piece the weirdest comes from the mexican nearly conceptual art film i am still not sure what a gonzalez inarritu meant the others are perfect k loach s penn s makhmalbaf or nearly perfect c lelouch and made me either smile or cry or even left me stunned i still don t know if s imamura s fable is really related or not to the september th catastrophe but it is so pretty that its finale place deeply makes it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22336": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "look i loved the proper anchorman film but this was reaaaaallly bad the kind of bad that makes you wish you could get that time back in your life the kind of bad that makes you think what on earth were they thinking to film this in the first place the kind of bad that makes you wish you d taken more minutes when stepping into the kitchen to grab a snack during the film the kind of bad that makes leprosy look fun the kind of bad that makes you think you wish you rented a pauly shore film instead seriously i cannot explain how very bad this was having said that there were some semi amusing laughs but they are all so much less funny than anchorman sure they tried to make it entertaining and fun but the entire subplot that was left out of anchorman that made it here was genuinely left out for a good reason it wasn t even a little bit good do yourself a favour or in the usa a favor and don t watch this dvd it will tarnish the good movie that anchorman is and you don t want to do that okay i m alright now"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22337": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a very interesting project which could have been quite brilliant gathering prominent international directors and allotting each of them minutes seconds and frame to create a segment of their choice each short exploring the global reverberations of without using any spoilers i would say that ken loach s piece is the jewel in the crown and mira nair s short segment india based on a true story deserves to be made into a full feature film one also realizes while watching his short why alejandro gonz lez i rritu is one of the best directors in the world today he simply is a master of the medium who has also a profound understanding of the subject matter unfortunately not all parts are made as well youssef chahine in his segment egypt assumes the arab stance of the self inflicted collective guilt which piece could have potentially been the most interesting one he fails miserably chahine s short is poorly written and badly executed at least enough to stand out amongst other superior chapters of the film despite the imbalance in quality i would still give the film for concept if not for execution"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22338": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i loved anchorman the legend of ron burgundy and hoped this would be just as funny but alas it wasn t some bits are excellent though i thought the sports guy champ kind professing his love for ron burgundy in the car filled with the other members of the news team was hilarious everyone is ignoring him and he just gets louder and louder and finally kisses burgundy which doesn t get acknowledged either but on the whole the story doesn t gel it s a noble attempt however to salvage the unused bits from the first movie including an entire plot about some pretty benign would be domestic terrorists called the alarm clock maya rudolph of saturday night live is one of the members and has a couple of funny lines but basically this unused plot line has good reason to be unused in the first movie the extras on this disk are pretty good with the best two being the filmed rehearsals featuring lots of improv comedy and the faux commentary with will ferrell and an exec producer who ferrell discovers early on was not even a part of the movie in any way shape or form turns out he s just a guy who walked in the side door of the recording studio and pretended to be a producer it s some pretty funny stuff though and goes on for about or minutes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22339": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i just recently watched this on the sundance channel the idea for the film was to bring many filmmakers illustrious in their own country to make short films eleven of them all in one film concentrating on just one subject september from wacthing this movie i could tell why these filmmakers were great in their country because it had all elements of a great film the movie starts off with a film from iran in which a teacher struggles to teach the students about what had happened with september which they fail to realize until later the second film from france involves a deaf women who writes a letter to her lover angrily while she is unaware of what is going as the t v plays the next film from egypt involves the filmmaker himself talking with a dead soldier about recent events not only about terrorists of but bombings in other places the next comes from bolivia in which a girl learns about the events of september and believes they must march for them the next from a country in africa in which a group of boys follow a man whom they believe to be bin ladin the next comes from mexico in which nothing is shown but the sounds of that day the next from israel involving a reporter at the scene of a bomb trying to get a report but is frequently told about the attacks there are other films that i can t remember at the moment but all of them are powerful it will bring back your emotions from that day"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22340": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "great cgi effects a truly oscar worthy performance by gary sinise as lt dan tom hanks is a one trick pony in this movie how he got the best actor oscar that year over morgan freeman was a crime this movie is a pandering treacly love letter to the baby boom generation with a barely concealed right wing prejudice beginning from forrest s service in vietnam all the way through to the resolution with jenny at the end with that said though it is hugely entertaining and an american movie through and through i found certain parts of this film exceedingly offensive zemeckis dumbs down this movie almost to the level of gump himself maybe that was the point he was trying to make watch this film and ask yourself what is robert zemeckis saying about what makes a good american forrest seems to have made the right choices and been at the right place at the right time for the last years those who are wrong according to the director s vision seem to pay a heavy price so is zemeckis saying that idiocy disguised as innocence and naivety is a patriotic even american quality"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22341": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "ten out of the short films in this movie are masterpieces i found only the egyptian one disappointing stragely all but the mexican director chose to portray the problems of individuals or groups in connection with the afghan refugees deaf people palestinians the widows of srebrenica aids and poverty and corruption in africa pinochets coup and ensuing bloodbath suicide bombings in israel paranoia hit and state persecuted muslim americans in the usa old people living alone and the aftermath of wwii in the hearts of asian soldiers this might say something sad about the limits of empathy in both ways the directors might feel that americans ignore the pains of the rest of the world and only care about their own tragedies while they effectively do the same with their short films surprising myself i found sean penn s piece one of the very best in the collection and spoiler ahead i also guess his portrayal of ernest borgnine as a half crazy old man vegetating in a new york flat experiencing his widow life s happiest moment when the sun shines through his window after the wtc collapsed out of light s way i guess this might also be one of the most offending as the general american audience would see it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22342": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the first half of the film is ok the second half one of the most tedious experiences imaginable quite possibly the most overrated movie of all time pulp fiction was robbed for best picture this is one of those films that people feel required to love because the main character is slow"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22343": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a patchwork about the stories from directors from countries are sometimes humoristic sometimes boring the first one for example sometimes used to say to americans we have had more deaths than you and you supported the murderers sometimes really weird but highly symbolic and interesting i really loved the claude lelouch personal live of a couple in new york showing that our day to day problems are unimportant shoei imamura bizarre strongly anti wars in general and idrissa ouedraogo funny typical african optimism despite terrible day to day misery and youssef chahine an egyptian intellectual pro peace having moral difficulties to accept the u s policy towards arab countries i am really pleased to see that many americans liked this movie it shows that we or they i am still belgian but living in texas for years are still interested by other cultures and able to question past and present actions of our government like we should in a democracy"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22344": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "how did this ripoff of being there ever get to be so loved people say it s proof that a decent honest man can succeed despite lack of intelligence they re wrong the movie is proof that luck is everything hope your friend invests all your money in apple and not atari hope your shrimp boat is the only one out at sea when a storm breaks hope that you don t die of shock when you re luckily shot in the buttocks and not in the back hope you don t get aids from your wife this movie is also politically reactionary all who rebel against societal convention lose their legs do drugs beat their girlfriends or die young in addition the product placement in this film nike and dr pepper is shameless an emotionally manipulative film that is very very empty"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22345": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i chose to see the this film on the day it opened nationally in france as a personal way for myself to reflect on what had happened a year previous the collection works as intended it provokes a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions working as an intellectual hommage never stooping to cheap sentimentality nor knee jerk reactionism there have been many allegations made that the film is anti american while i cannot speak for everyone in this regard i am one american who found such statements to be completely untrue people make much noise about the egyptian segment by chahine because it voices perspectives of palestinian suicide bombers asserting that civilians in a democracy are fair targets for they elect the governments the bombers are seeking to attack but this ignores much else in the piece several perspectives are discussed no one being held up as the truth and critics if they even saw the piece seem to forget the fondness and warm dialogue that takes place between the director and the ghost of the american dialogue and the director s intense sadness upon hearing of the tragedy pretty much all of the films are beautiful thoughtful inspiring in particular the brilliant work by mahkmalbaf tanovic loach inarritu nair good as usual effectively tells a true story of an injustice committed against a muslim family in the wake of anti islam hysteria that swept and still sweeps the states i did find gitai s piece a bit vulgarly loud and simple in it s critic of media hysteria in the face of terrorism and penn s piece was too impressionistic and elliptical for my tastes though i had expected to like it borgnine is very good and brave in it spoiler warning one reviewer below incorrectly read the falling of the towers as being a happy moment for the character my read is rather that the falling of the towers is what because light floods his room keys him into the loss in his life that he refused to recognize again this is a sort of impressionistic piece for we know that if the towers were really blocking the light to this man s flat then there would have been nothing but smoke and ash not light flooding through his window"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22346": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i chose dead creatures because i thought it was a zombies movie just like days or so but not at all it isn t even a horror movie nothing happens except for a group of women that seem to have been infected by a strange virus that make her to eat human flesh in order to survive that plot gives rise to a series of disgusting scenes of cannibalism very very bad movie my rate"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22347": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a collection of documentaries that last minutes seconds and frame from artists all over the world the documentaries are varied and deal with all sorts of concepts the only thing being shared is as a theme very minor in some cases some of the segements are weak while others are very strong some are political some are not some are solely about some simply use as a theme to touch on human feelings emotions and tragedies that are universal some are mainstream while others are abstract and artistic this film has not been censored in any fashion by anyone so the thoughts that you see are very raw and powerful this is a very controversial film especially for conservative americans i think two segments might really tick off the right wingers one from egypt where a dead american soldier and a dead palestinian bomber come back as spirits another from uk which recounts the us backed overthrow of chile on sept which resulted in deaths and horrible atrocities the segment from mexico was the most powerful recounting the fall of the towers and the resulting death in vivid fashion you have to see it to believe it even though the final product is uneven with some segments being almost pointless i still recommend this it s very difficult to rank this film because the segments vary all over the place some weak some very powerful i m giving this a rating of out of simply because some segments were excellent and covered issues that usually get censored mexico segment uk segment japan segment egypt segment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22348": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "astonishing screams the la times from the front of the dvd box they must have been referring to the fact that such a sorry piece of crap was ever released the film revolves around a bunch of girls who have a disease which forces them to become cannibals and murder innocent people just to stay alive their skin peels off throughout the film we also see severed legs heads etc that are about as convincing as a halloween fuzzy felt set there is an awful lot of talking b ll ks a bit of human cuisine and some weird zombie hunter chap who imprisons the sufferers of said skin illness in his closet strapped to a chair before stabbing them in the head chopping them into bits you get the picture considering there is no acting talent on display at all and the gore is laughably unrealistic what is the point of this whole farrago again looking at the video box the guy responsible for it is an underground cult director would that be like those weird religious cults where they brainwash you into thinking one way when clearly the opposite is true because that s the only possible reason i can think of for anyone to derive pleasure by watching this tax write off then on the same paragraph he compares himself to mike leigh ken loach and george romero hahahahaha oh stop it now you re just being silly do you enjoy this film are you offended by the above opinion if so you must be a member of said cult do they pocket your wages do they let you see other family members do they force you to watch andrew parkinson films till you think he s the best director since a hitchcock do tell this sounds like a panorama special brewing to me and say hello to the critic of the la times when you return to your colony will you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22349": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "first of all i ve got to give it to the people that got this thing together is such a sensitive issue that making a movie that dares to be controversial about it takes a great deal of guts it s a shame although not surprising that the movie was banned in the us that being said i think that the movie is superb with a couple of weak moments the movie starts up with the iranian segment which turns out to be somewhat reminiscent of majid majidi s work the absolutely beautiful heaven s children and the color of paradise much like those films the clip shows what happened through the innocent eyes of a class of afgan refugees in iran absolutely beautiful clip same goes for sean penn s clip which is superb as well but just as some of the clips are beutiful others are absolutely brutal alejandro gonz les i rritu does the mexican clip and just like his gut wrenching amores perros he does it as brutal as he can most of the clip is a black screen with several sounds playing in the background those sounds are of the reporters and their shock as the second plane crashes those who called home from the burning towers and left messages for their families those who were angry and he combines this with flashes of people jumping from the towers a very hard clip to watch and one that you won t forget some clips could turn out to be very hard to watch for americans as some of the clips could be interpreted as you re not the only ones that are suffering in particular the egyptian and british clips that not only say that but turn the tables and say how much suffering the us has caused to other people i will also make a special mention to the clips from bosnia herzegovina france india and japan although this last one may seem terribly out of place it actually isn t however not all the clips are great and i make a special mention on the clip from israel which in my opinion is extremely weak while the idea was good a reporter is at the scene of a terrorist attack in tel aviv but his story gets bumped because of what happened in new york is something that a lot of us who live in countries at war can relate to the realization is terrible the clip ends up as just some entertainment reporter trying to get some air time at all costs a guy saying he s a witness and hoping that he can go on tv and soldiers and paramedics shouting just because the clip fails to capture any of the drama of such a situation if you happen to have the chance to see it then you should that is unless you re a conservative in which case you d better stay out as you might get offended but if you re not then you might learn how many of us outside the us lived through"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22350": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a bunch of women who can t act sit around talk smoke pot they have another woman in a wheelchair they hide because she is deformed and occasionally they kill some one to feed this person human flesh that really looks like some store bought ham which they dressed up by sticking on a few plastic fingers we don t see them killing anyone suddenly there is a body on the floor covered by a bloodied sheet i can t eat spam cover by a sheet anymore because of this just the thought of spam cover by a sheet is enough to induce the same narcoleptic fit brought on by trying to get through all of this movie occasionally there are randomly inserted scenes of a guy who is hunting them by way of torturing some guy he strapped to a chair is his basement why he caught this guy and how he is connected to the sit on the couch sisters is never explained there are also scenes of some superhuman guy freaking out he p es blood and punches through a wall but who he is or what is wrong with him is neither explained nor even tied in to the story there is no action no special effects no story if you want to watch some boring people talk in a profound way about nothing while sitting around and eating ham and smoking then here s minutes of that because except for a scene where one chick does some hooking on a street corner and the aformentioned random scenes absolutely nothing happens yawn oh i almost forgot you get to see them move some stuff including the deformed sister when they move to their new apartment its one of the few times they re not sitting on a couch or lying in bed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22351": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this document truly opened my eyes to what people outside of the united states thought about the september th attacks this film was expertly put together and presents this disaster as more than an attack on u s soil the aftermath of this disaster is previewed from many different countries and perspectives i believe that this film should be more widely distributed for this point it also helps in the the healing process to finally see something other than news reports on the terrorist attacks and some of the pieces are actually funny but not abusively so this film came highly recommended to me and i pass on the same feeling"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22352": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "garson kanin wrote and directed this look at modern day las vegas and the gap between generations his first directorial effort since the s david janssen is somewhat miscast as a big shot casino owner who reunites with his son robert drivas who looks disconcertingly like an older jason bateman janssen approaches every scene the same way defensively with a chip on his shoulder playing this role cool and laid back is asking too much from janssen who barks at everyone like a grouchy put upon husband he even chews out don rickles and makes him cry his son a ne er do well in search of his own identity makes hip comments about how young people look down on vegas give them another ten years and his disapproval of dad s lifestyle causes friction brenda vaccaro is cute as a self conscious secretary and edy willaims has a fun bit as a showgirl at an audition unfortunately where it s at doesn t have much else going for it other than the now dated ruminations on ethics between adults and their kids some quick t a shots and amusingly jaded satirical bits on the high stakes world of gambling most of which has been covered by now ad nauseum from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22353": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "probably the best film of the year for me this small french film centers on put upon office secretary carla emmanuelle devos who spends her days doing other men s jobs uncredited and being the source of their scorn and lunchtime conversation which is all too clear to her as being partially deaf she reads lips a change is set in motion when she hires newly paroled con paul vincent cassel as her assistant the relationship which develops between them is the centre of the film mutual dependency for vastly different reasons bonds them carla becomes attracted to paul and to the fact that he makes her feel attractive for what seems like the first time paul does nothing to dispel her feelings because he needs her help he owes money to a local gangster and forms a plan to steal from him which will involve carlas skill of reading lips i think the main thing that pushes the film way above an average suspense drama is the amazing chemistry between the two stars throughout the whole film no matter what other characters are on screen you can feel this amazing bond between carla and paul i cannot remember when i have witnessed such sexual chemistry between two actors emmanuell devos gives a brilliant performance she won the french cesar for best actress you never feel like you are watching a piece of acting this really is carla the chameleon like vincent cassel is also wonderful he makes a somewhat unappealing character both appealing and attractive i loved this film because of these two people and both times when i had finished watching it i wanted to go back into the cinema and become involved with them all over again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22354": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is one of those i regret having invested minutes of my life that i ll never get back in the premise is really interesting essentially it s a zombie flick from the perspective of the undead let s not split hairs as to whether they re actually dead or not unfortunately they fail to deliver a compelling story within this framework the nearly unbearable monotony of the lives of the central characters may add to the realism of the film but it sucks all the entertainment value right out of it if they had put a little more effort toward keeping the viewer engaged it would have been much more likely that they drive home the social commentary"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22355": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i first saw this film when it aired on the now defunct trio channel a few years ago and recently watched it again sans commercials on sundance i was impressed the first time and found it even more engaging on second viewing yes some of the segments are far from perfect amos gitai s hysterical commentary stands out like a sore thumb but taken collectively is a total success best of show shohei imamura s amazing final segment which contemporary critics such as the thick witted mick lasalle somehow misinterpreted as an attack on the terrorists but now stands revealed as a masterful anti war polemic samira makhmalbaf s opening piece that manages to blend deep empathy for the victims of with a prescient concern for the children of afghanistan and idrissa ouedraogo s amusing children s crusade for osama bin laden a hunt almost as serious and successful an undertaking as the one for the real osama youssef chahine s segment is a noble if failed experiment which at least has the guts to remind the audience that bin laden and al qaeda are basically creations of american foreign policy and the cia and though sean penn s character study seems out of place it s still an effectively bittersweet piece of film making all in all essential viewing and a darn sight better than oliver stone s reactionary world trade center"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22356": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "spoilers i watched half of this movie and i didn t like it first reason boring barely anything happens the women sit around and discuss how terrible their lives are and how they have no hope they smoke weed read magazines care for their sick friend and cut up the occasional dead body boring second reason there are too many things left unexplained many scenes are dedicated to a zombie hunter who kidnaps random men restrains them in a chair and interrogates them who are these men how do they know anything about illegal activity concerning the diseased flesh eaters why does he kill one and let another one go also there is this dude who at first i thought also had the flesh eating disease but he puts his fist through a wall with superhuman strength suggesting he s not quite what we originally thought never explained how frustrating is that conclusion i found the women annoying the story uninteresting the duologue tedious and the action non existent also the cover art is misleading since it makes you believe this movie is going to be cool when it clearly isn t i rented this movie based on some of the reviews made by other people on this website and although i respect the fact that some people might have enjoyed this flick i will from now on make sure i read more than two reviews deep into a movie so as to avoid renting another movie i regret seeing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22357": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "eleven different film makers from different parts of the world are assembled in this film to present their views and ideas about the wtc attack this is one of the best effort you will see in any film films like this are rarely made and appreciated this film tries to touch every possible core of wtc here are some of the most important stories from the film that makes this film so unique there is the story from samira makhmalbaf iran where somewhere in iran people are preparing for the attacks from america there a teacher is trying to educate her students by informing them about innocent people being killed in wtc massacre then comes a story from youssef chahine egypt where a film maker comes across face to face conversation with a dead soldier in the wtc attack and a dead hard core terrorist who was involved in wtc attack then we see a story from idrissa ouedraogo burkina faso where a group of five innocent children s sees osama bin laden and plans to kidnap him and win the reward money from america then we see the story from alejandro gozalez inarritu mexico where you see a black screen and slowly you see the real footage of wtc buildings coming down and the people who are stuck in the building are jumping out of it to save their lives the other most important story is from mira nair india where a mother is struggling to get respect for her dead son whose name is falsely trapped in wtc massacre after september attack our heart beat automatically starts pumping if we hear two names anywhere in the world first is world trade centre and the second is osama this film totally changes our perception and makes a strong point by claiming something more to it i will definitely recommend this movie to everyone who loves to have such kinds of home dvd collection definitely worth every penny you spend but please don t expect anything more apart from films in this dvd there is of course filmographies of the film makers but no extra features"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22358": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "unfortunately the realism is boring this movie i thought it would never end would have been better if all the characters would have been nuked in the first five minutes where s blade when you need him while as dismal as combat shock requiem for a dream and as nightmarish as boise moi dead creatures isn t nearly as entertaining as any of the aforementioned bleak movies while the gratuitous cannibalism might make the wannabe jeffery dalmers hearts race a little faster it wasn t nearly as interesting as ravenous really i found it about as interesting as late night infomercials and as exciting as a trip to the dentist if you have strong masochistic qualities you might be able to endure this otherwise for no one i was really surprised that this one wasn t made by the people at brain damage as that was the quality of dead creatures"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22359": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i saw this series when it world premiered at the toronto film festival i liked the idea behind the film where two men got together and told a director from each country to direct a movie about these directors never met before until the project was complete and they saw how it looked all together warning spoilers ahead all the pieces were very powerful and some were controversial if you are an american then you may not like this as some of the pieces may be found anti american however i know a few americans who enjoyed these series the piece that i found the best was the one from india it was about how a muslim family living in the states had sons and one of them was missing the americans gave them the cold shoulder and automatically assumed that he was linked with the terrorist bombing it captures the mom s despair and humiliation of these accusations so well that it brought tears to my eyes in the end we see that her son had died while trying to save the many victims from the crash of the towers this was a true story and that was what made it so real there were a lot of emotional and powerful pieces and the african piece was one of the best it was humourous yet just as powerful as the others a must see for everyone and hopefully america will unban this and let it play in their country"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22360": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok i will sum up this movie a bunch of skanky british women have some disease that basically is turning them into zombies the whole movie consists of these women talking smoking and rarely going out for meat or humans to eat i swear i had to make myself watch this movie ugh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22361": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "though the pieces are uneven this collection of short films is truly a moving and human experience there were some who in the wake of the emotion on the anniversary of the bombings took this to be anti american i don t think thats the case even though some parts might be taken that way if you don t look behind the obvious ultimately the film is nothing except an attempt by people to express their confusion sympathy and feelings about what happened these are stories of people who s worlds have been shaken up by what happened on a tuesday in september as i said this film will move you probably to tears its not always easy to watch for example the film from mexico is little more than a black screen with sound but its effect is such as to lay even the strongest of people low if you can be strong you really should see this film it will comfort you and enlighten you and affect you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22362": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this movie is not that interesting except for the first ten minutes the pace and editing are a perfect introduction in an ensemble piece even better than say gosford park then it inexplicably slows down loses focus and starts resembling a traditional french movie only to regain focus in the end with the love relation between antoine depardieu and c cile deneuve in the middle there are too many sidelines and loose ends in the story several threads started are not ended spoilers ahead the main story is the relation between antoine and c cile he has been loyal to her after his relation with her many years ago despite her remarrying and setting up home in morocco as builder he now rebuilds his own life and recovers hers by taking the mask of c cile s marriage having accomplished this he is buried after a freak accident literally and becomes a comatose he wakes only after she has burned their old picture as indication that they ve reconciled with the past and can properly start their lives again together end of spoilers it remains unclear what vision this director wants us to see us because there are so many other stories here illegal immigrants want to enter europe there are frequent radio broadcasts about the overthrow of iraq s former regime c cile s child is bisexual and is bitten by dogs loyalty once he meets his boyfriend whereas the girl he lives with seems to be sick of that her sister is traditional islamic and enters a relation with c cile s husband it portrays morocco as unnecessary backward despite all the building there is a strange colonial vision shining through that almost glorifies the past it portrays islam as backward and prone to extremism which may sometimes be true but certainly not in general in the end it can all best be described as adding some couleur locale and l art pour l art deneuve and depardieu are great with this material they are so familiar they are able to spin something extra in every scene lifting an eyebrow body language radiating pride awkward behavior the movie itself is disappointing and only confirming the limited role of french cinema in the world nowadays with some notable exceptions of course"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22363": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "as you may know the subject here was to ask eleven directors from all over the world to make each a short movie of minutes seconds and one frame we have here samira makhmalbaf iran what afghan refugee kids can understand to the towers collapsing well nothing a great lesson claude lelouch france a weak plot with a great cinematography just imagine a deaf woman living by the wtc who sees without understanding it that her dog barks well just see it youssef chahine egypt the greatest oriental movie maker has compassion for everyone for an us soldier who died ten years ago for the people in the wtc but also for a palestinian suicide terrorist maybe the less tender movie towards the us danis tanovic bosnia hrzgovia good images makes us travel for sure not a very good plot idrissa oudraogo burkina faso from one of the poorest country in the world a tender and funny story about five boys who want to capture osama bin laden and they could have done it but nobody believes them when they tell they know where he is ken loach uk september the chile entered in a twenty years long bloody dictature thousands of death tortures all that was offered to chile by henry kissinger and the cia and knowing this changes very much your point of view i guess that is because of that particular short that no american movie distribution company accepted to release the movie in us theaters loach forgot to point that is also the year when the wtc was built alejandro gonzalez inarritu mexico impressing images that we all know too well and a lot of black screens i didn t get this one very much it is more an artist video to show in an exhibition than a movie amos gita isra l an absurd ballet of policemen journalists etc around a burning car in jerusalem very well done mira nair india about the anti islamic feeling that followed september the th very good actualy sean penn us a funny little story that reminds us a fact usualy forgotten the wtc did have a huge shadow and some places now have a daylight they never had shohei imamura japan a different one here there is not even one word about the wtc and the action takes place at the end of wwii it has only one message no war is holy this short movie gives very deep feelings but the director aparently would have done better with more than minutes so a great movie a great attempt to take the world s temperature i love it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22364": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yes i am just going to tell you about this one so don t read if you want surprises i got this one with the title christmas evil there was also another christmas horror on the dvd called silent night bloody night whereas silent night bloody night not to be confused with silent night deadly night had lots of potential and was very close to being good this one wasn t quite as good it started out interesting enough watching the villain if you can call him that watching the neighborhood kids and writing in books about who is naughty and nice but after awhile you are looking for some action and this movie doesn t deliver you need character development but this goes overboard and you are still never sure why the heck the guy snaps about an hour in he kills three of four people while a whole crowd watches in terror and the guys he kills aren t even his targets they are just making fun of him this is one of many unsuccessful attempts by the killer to knock of the naughty he then proceeds to try and kill this other guy and he tries to break into his house by squeezing himself into the fireplace he promptly gets stuck and barely manages to get out he then enters through the basement and then tries to kill the guy by smothering him in his bedroom he can t seem to kill the guy this way so he grabs a star off the tree and slits the guys throat what the heck was a tree even doing in the bedroom in the first place oh yeah the killer before this kill stopped off at a party and had some fun too well that is about it except for the town people chasing him with torches and the unresolved part with his brother and that tune he wants to play what was that even about he kept talking about something that was never really explained how does it end you ask well since i have spoilers i will tell you he runs off the road in his van and proceeds to well lets just say it was lame"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22365": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this collection of eleven short stories in one movie is a great idea and presents some great segments but also some disappointing surprises based on the tragic event of the september th in the united states of america eleven directors were invited to give their approach to the american tragedy the result of most of them is not only an individual sympathy to the american people but mainly to the intolerance in the world with different cultures and people ken loach uk presents the best segment about the september th in chile when the democratic government of salvador alliende was destroyed by the dictator augusto pinochet with the support of the usa the other excellent segments are the one of youssef chahine egypt showing the intolerance in the world and the number of victims made by usa governments in different countries along the contemporary history and the one of mira nair india showing a true story of injustice and prejudice against a pakistanis family whose son was wrongly accused of terrorism in usa when he was indeed a hero some segments are beautiful samira makhmalbaf iran shows the innocent afghans refugee children preparing an inoffensive shelter against bombs while their teacher tries to explain to them what happened on the other side of the world the romantic claude lelouch france shows the life of a couple in new york nearby the wtc danis tanovic bosnia herzegovina shows the effects of their war in a small location and the lonely protest of widows sean penn is very poetic showing that life goes on and shohei imamura s story is probably the most impressive showing that there is no holy war but sadness and disgrace the segment of idrissa quedraogo birkina faso is very naive but pictures the terrible poor conditions of this african nation the segment of amos gital israel is very boring and manipulative showing more violence and terrorism the segment of alejandro gonz lez i rritu is very disappointing horrible without any inspiration and certainly the worst one my vote is seven title brazil de setembro september"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "22366": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i saw mommy well she wasn t exactly kissing santa clause he has his hand on her thigh and wicked thoughts in mind this was enough to emotionally scar a young boy who wanted to believe he grew up to be a bitter man who was upset at the quality of the toys being made and the lack of christmas spirit expecting a real slasher flick i was very disappointed that less than a handful of people dies and there was no nudity at all what a bummer i wanted to like this flick but it was just too slow and really didn t have a good script i didn t expect great acting but i sure wanted some action there just wasn t any"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22367": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "given the nature and origin of the filmakers it is not surprising that this film is at best neutral in its stance towards america probably the most anti segment comes from ken loach who is definitely not towing the british new labour party line although those events of a year ago are shocking and painful to most americans and most spectators who saw them unfold live through cnn etc the majority of the writers and directors choose to show that tragedy is not an american monopoly should anybody be surprised that these deaths are given the same weight elsewhere as the west gives to thousands tutsi tamil bosnian chilean kurdish need we go on victims if this was a wake up call for the states then it is equally tragic that in the subsequent months the israel palestine impasse is further from a solution while george bush jnr would rather wreak revenge than make the world a safer place i think many of the contributors wonder where the idealism of the founding fathers went and why america orignally built as a bastion of freedom justice and tolerance now sees its self interest paramount while the third world wonders where the next drink meal or bullet is coming from"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22368": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "no i ve never seen any of the santa slasher series i e silent night deadly night the original black christmas or this one christmas evil i ve heard all about their reputation or mads mothers against deranged santas i thought i would rent this one as i ve heard it pop up as a reference on a fat guys at the movies segment mothers should be against this but not for the ooooohhhh killer santa but for the fact this movie was just plain crap boring long even at only minutes crap little boy sees santa arrive down a chimney in deliver presents eat some goodies and miraculously float up the chimney boy goes to bed but returns to living room to witness mommy and santa sort of getting it on apparently this messed up that kid for the rest of his life though the scene was about as steamy as when ralphie s dad got the leg lamp in a christmas story he was sooo disturbed he went to the attic and well cut his own hand fast forward to the future now it s and messed up boy works in a toy factory we get a whiff of him being a little off kilter and he stalks both kids and parents alike who s naughty who s nice blah blah it takes a good two thirds of the film to get him to finally snap as if that s not foreshadowed from frame one no movie should take that long i will admit this movie had its tension building but only because i kept expecting him to do something anything to anyone when he finally does well punish who s naughty it s as graphic as a garbage pail kid card and i haven t mentioned the wtf ending i m thinking it was a metaphor but in reality it s just as weird as the rest of the movie take the brother who s upset his sibling is killing and his solution is uh killing don t open this mess even on christmas eve or evil again i didn t watch the other santa slashers but this one sucked bad it built up suspense due to the nature of the movie and never once delivered a decent present"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22369": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "french production in which leading film directors from countries were invited to create minute short films conveying their reflections on the events of september the film segments vary widely in content and quality two allude to u s complicity in terrorist acts in chile against allende who died on september depicted in the segment by british director ken loach and in palestine by u s backed israelis shown in the segment from egyptian director youssef chahine two more recall other destructive acts a palestinian suicide bombing in tel aviv shot by israeli director amos gitan the japanese holy war against the west in ww ii by shohei imamura ironies abound in several stories shadows that darken the new york city apartment of a grieving old man suddenly disappear as the world trade towers telescope to the ground in sean penn s piece bringing the man momentary joy but in this bright light he can finally see that his wife is really gone in mira nair s film based on a real incident a missing young man also in new york city the son of a pakistani family is first presumed to be a fugitive terrorist but later he proves to a hero who sacrificed himself trying to save others in the towers there are poignant moments dotted throughout loach has his exiled chilean man quote st augustine to the effect that hope is built of anger and courage anger at the way things are courage to change them imamura tells us that there is no such thing as a holy war samira makhmalbaf shows a teacher with her very young afghan schoolchildren exiled in iran trying to tell them about the events that have just transpired in new york but they are understandably more impressed with a major event in their refugee camp where two men have fallen into a deep well one killed the other sustaining a broken leg this is comprehensible tragedy on a grand scale for the year olds idrissa ouedraogo from burkina faso creates a drama in which the son of an ailing woman spots osama bin laden in their village and gathers his buddies to help capture the fugitive terrorist in order to get the million u s reward he tells his friends not to let any of the adults know their plans for the older folks would merely waste the money on cars and cigarettes while he plans to help his mother and others who are sick and destitute it is mexican director alejandro gonzalez inarritu maker of amores perros who provides by far the most powerful and chilling segment one that for the most part shows only a darkened screen with audio tape loops of chanting and voices and occasional thudding sounds brief visual flashes gradually permit us to see bodies falling from the high floors of the towers and it dawns on us that the thuds are these bodies hitting the ground the sequence ends with elegiac orchestral music and a still shot bearing a phrase first shown only in arabic then with a translation added does god s light guide us or blind us in various languages with english subtitles grade b seen on if you d like to read more of my reviews send me a message for directions to my websites"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22370": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "stupid and just plain weird movie about some kid who becomes traumatized when he finds out santa isn t real he grows up and becomes an adult brandon maggart who makes lists of people who are naughty or nice one christmas he snaps and sets out to kill the naughty people dressed as santa of course boring and just plain bad killer santa movie if you re looking for gore it s not here only a few of the murders are shown and they re not that gory with very fake effects most of the movie just contains brandon maggart talking to himself and slowly going crazy the script is trite the acting is terrible and it leads to an ending which had me staring slack jawed at the tv seriously i had to rewind the tape and watch it again to make sure i wasn t hallucinating really really poor ending if you want a scary christmas flick rent black christmas the original s version not the terrible remake avoid this one at all costs"}, "weak_labels": [1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22371": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "it was clear right from the beginning that would inspire about as many films as world war ii and vietnam combined however there is certainly a big danger that most of these films to come are about as good or rather bad as pearl harbor it is a great luck that the first international release about is not a cheesy love story starring a bunch of pretty faces but a collective work of directors from the entire world i m not intending to say that all episodes are great youssef chahine s for example has a needless prologue with too many cuts and shohei imamura s has a really bizarre ending or that the segments are in the right order imamura s being the only one not referring directly to the twin towers should open the film not end it alejandro gonzales inarritu s should be the last one instead as it s the most impressive one but it is an impressing effort and an interesting portrayal of the way other parts of the world react to the collapse of the twin towers consider samira makhmalbaf s opening segment in which an afghan teachers tries to explain to her pupils what happened in new york and unsuccessfully suggests a one minute silence or idrissa ouedraogo s part which features a bin laden double so much resembling the real one that you ll be shocked when you see him i promise in which boys muse about good things that can be done with the reward put out on laden there s a surprisingly good and extremely angry segment by ken loach about a man from chile talking about what he calls our tuesday september that september in when their elected president allende was killed and pinochet installed his dictatorship with the generous help from henry kissinger and the cia this could have become a terrible effort in anti americanism but it did become a sad tale and shares my recognition for the best segment with inarritu s mainly sound impressions and phone calls from the hijacked planes to a black screen sometimes a few pictures of people falling down the wtc and finally a collapsing tower ending with the screen brightening up and one question appearing and amos gitai s about a hysterical reporter trying desperatly to get on air after a car bomb exploded in tel aviv hard to recognize but this one is a masterpiece of choreography all these different segments i haven t mentioned yet claude lelouch s about a deaf girl danis tanovic s about a demonstration of the women of srebrenica mira nair s strange but it takes an indian director to make the part that is probably most appealing to western tastes about a muslim family whose son is under a terrible suspicion after and sean penn s with ernest borgnine yes ernest borgnine as a widower leading the most depressive life one can imagine add up to a unique film not easy to watch and hard to forget i am sure this film will be a classic known to everyone thirty years from now i hope it will be remembered for starting a long tradition of world cinema movies but alas it s far more probable it will be remembered as a one film only effort and as the one of the few movies made by then that don t reduce this terrible event to a love story with a happy end just to please the audience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22372": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is without a doubt the worst most idiotic horrible piece o crap i have ever watched this movies plot is that some guy goes crazy and dresses up as santa claus and kills people because he saw his mother give his father oral sex while he was dressed as santa clause that is why he went insane is it just me or is that the worst damn reason for someone to go insane like ever and that s not the only thing i m being serious when i say nothing happens in this damn movie nothing until like hour and minutes of it have gone by there s an entire friggin scene where he glues a friggin santa beard on to him it s a friggin minute long who the hell wants to see that however i must say the ending of this movie made me crap myself laughing at it so if you see this movie on tv or something come back in like hour and minutes just to watch without a doubt the worst ending in all of cinematic history and i m serious about that it s not even so good its bad it s tedious it s idiotic it made me want to break the vcr it s just not worth your time also i m sure every other review mentioned this but the actress who played the mother on home improvement was in this movie for a split second you want to know how bad this movie is i d rather watch home improvement for sixty six hours then even look at this movies cover ever again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22373": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie is really not all that bad but then again this movie genre is right down my alley sure the sets are cheap but they really did decent with what they had if you like cheap futuristic post apocalyptic b movies then you ll love this one i sure did"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22374": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "thanks to some infamous home video distributor who brought in the so called german independent series four for venice is not only awful but really awful so awful that i have it dumped at the second hand goods store for extra cash nick and charlotte is a married couple who reached an agreement of having sex only on tuesday due to their hectic schedule of their profession eva and luis is a pair of couple living from hand to mouth where eva works as a waitress and luis an artist nick indirectly causes eva to lose her job as an waitress luis and charlotte had an affair at the back of eva and nick luis cheated on eva by lying to her that he would be flying off to london to do something related to his artwork but the fact is he is flying off to venice with charlotte for an adultery holiday eva kidnapped nick and dragged her kids along to venice for confrontation the trip to venice ends up both nick and eva falling for one another the presentation of the journey from germany to venice between nick and eva marks the failure of the comedy it not only look senseless but also draggy in the film nick try to seek help for several ways but it ends to no avail it is either the strangers around him who acts like morons or they are just simply dumb the comedy also had the tendency to add in unnecessary scenes to lengthen the story while some of the problems that can be solved with common sense no one in the film are using common sense to solve the problem they prefer to go through one big round to solve the problem it fails so bad that even the beautiful sceneries in venice fails to pull up the reputation of the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22375": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "read my lips tells of a strange symbiosis which develops between a plain socially maladroit female office worker devos and her workplace trainee a crude excon casel as the film fleshes out this unlikely duo down to their ids they become embroiled in a chilling merging of the minds each using the other for their own selfish reasons with an extraordinary outcome good stuff for anyone into character driven films with strong psychodramatic undercurrents in french with easy to read subtitles and good translation b"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22376": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "going into a movie like i this i was expecting absolutely nothing entertaining except for a whorde of kills what i got was even less christmas eve a kid witnesses his parents doing it while daddy is in a santa suit horrified he runs up the stairs and cuts himself the story begins years later and harry stalling is your normal everyday joe cept for the fact he s obsessed with santa after his boss makes fun of him he goes insane dressing up like santa and starts killing non santa believing patrons and his boss an unruly neighborhood catches up to him and just as they re about to torch him he drives his van off a cliff into the moon not the best ending i ve seen but it was original it was a slow paced boring movie that really had no redeeming quality except when harry went apeshyt on the church goers there was hardly any gore and even the sex scenes were toned down too boring out of"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22377": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched the movie while recovering from major surgery while i knew it was only a b film a space western i loved it it may have lacked the flash of high dollar productions it non the less held my imagination and provided great escapism sadly our society has so much available discounting small attempts is too easy in the same way that i can enjoy a even a grade school performance of shakespeare i can appreciate many levels of achievement for the art sake i am a cop and found affinity with the retired lapd dreams like his haunt me that i will be unable in the moment of crisis be able to respond to save another s life or my own while it was a romantic ending where farnsworth did take out the bad guy predictable i needed a little happy romance where good can triumph my world is really too cynical"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22378": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "why oh why won t they learn when you ve got a nice juicy exploitation gimmick use it don t go messing around trying to get all deep and thoughtful you re only gonna wind up looking foolish christmas evil is the story of harry stadling who saw a little bit too much of mommy kissing daddy dressed as santa claus back when he was a kid so of course harry grows up obsessed with christmas and finally when his disillusionment becomes too great he flips out dresses as santa and wanders the city giving out toys to good little children and viciously killing anyone he deems naughty simple enough and not a bad place to start after all how many other holiday themed horror flicks use the same schtick unfortunately this film wants to be more santa portrait of a serial killer than silent night deadly night two thirds of the film are spent documenting harry s slow but inevitable breakdown when i would have been willing to buy the premise by the time the opening titles were rolling you know a slasher film is in trouble when you find yourself urging the killer to just get on with it already perhaps harry s descent into madness could have been compelling in the hands of a competent director but alas we ve got some guy named lewis jackson apparently this is his only film and it shows the action jumps giddily from scene to scene without establishing shots or clear views of the actors to let us know where we are and who we are seeing even once the film gets rolling we re still treated to heaping helpings of harry s self pity insecurity and neurotic behavior more depressing than frightening christmas evil is one to avoid"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22379": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the question is can a movie this entertaining really be considered a bad movie my husband and i picked this up at a used video store for cents simply because of the title and the fact that the box had the words vestron pictures on it vestron has been highly regarded as a mark of quality ever since i first acquired the legendary films suburbia and class of we were not expecting a movie as full of win as this one was your basic plot as is follows grange this goombaesque thug from planet earth robs the bank of the moon and is sentenced to a penal colony on a remote planet i don t even remember the planet s name to mine for bauxite and other minerals the governor of said colony and the owner of the mine are exploiting the prisoners for labor walker a bounty hunter apparently one of only three on the whole planet reminds the prisoners that there is no escape because there s only one shuttle out of the whole planet and they d have him to deal with then there s the nameless colonel a retired bounty hunter who suffers from a haunting reoccurring nightmare much of the movie centers around futuristic car chases dunebuggies with plywood slapped to the sides with explosions galore the planet itself looks suspiciously like hemet ca or one of those other dusty inland empire outposts but what makes the movie truly shine is a surprisingly awesome soundtrack featuring several la punk bands of the mid s i seriously doubt that this soundtrack was ever pressed to vinyl but it s definitely worth buying the movie just for the soundtrack i can t even remember the names of the bands they re listed in the credits other than exploding white mice because that was the only one i d heard of before i saw this movie but i m definitely looking into them basically the movie is definitely not a waste of your time and would be best enjoyed with a pack of beer and a few of your closest friends"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22380": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "depending entirely on your own personal state of mind when watching this christmas evil can either turn out to become an ambitious and innovative psychological thriller or one of the most pathetic and infuriatingly lame holiday themed slashers ever made me personally i m tempted to opt for the latter because i didn t bother to do any research at all and simply anticipated a cheesy and undemanding early s slasher with a nutcase in a santa clause costume butchering people wrong the movie actually handles about a bloke named harry stadling who s obsessed with christmas works in a rubbish toy factory and considers it to be his responsibility to determine on christmas eve who deserves presents and who deserves punishment harry s issues all started when he witnessed santa his daddy in a costume obviously caress his mommy s naked legs at a tenderly young age after that he just developed into a social outcast much to the irritation of his younger brother who s bound to snap one holi day i fully understand why certain fans appreciate this slightly eccentric horror movie but did it really have to be so boring there are several overlong and seemingly endless parts of the film in which absolutely nothing happens i can forgive the shortness of gore and outrageous bloodshed but this movie doesn t even benefice from an unsettling atmosphere or unexpectedly demented plot twists with the notable exception of the finale i must admit also i would have taken the concept more seriously if the crazed protagonist would focus himself on lethally punishing the naughty children he doesn t and exclusively kills misbehaving adults how are you supposed to take wannabe controversial and original christmas thriller serious when santa doesn t even commit one miserable child murder that would have made christmas evil a classic whereas now it s just a forgettable and pitiable piece of junk"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22381": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "splendid film that in just eight minutes displays an unusual genre mix mystery thriller musical briefly we are allowed to tell about the story a girl comes into a european cafeteria and then soft transit from nonsense mystery to narrative logic in a no time no place way vigalondo managed a delight in b w by means of imagination and despite thanks to the tightest of budgets because of the unity of time space the film reaches the intensity of a short poem almost a haiku spain land of quick poetry in b w remember the early bu uel a must see for reassuring our belief in young cinema outside the states"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22382": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is one of the worst b slashers i ve ever seen in my life the ending is something you have to see to believe the movie starts with harry standing and phillip standing sitting on the stairs with their mother watching their father come down the chimney while dressed in a santa suit he puts the presents under the tree eats the cookies and milk and then goes back up the chimney phillip goes to bed but harry comes down only to find his father dressed in a santa suit sexually pleasuring his mother then harry goes up stairs smashes a snow globe grabs a shard of glass and cuts himself then you move on to the present you see harry he is a lonely man who sleeps in a santa suit and watches little kids through a pair of binoculars he has two books one book for good kids and the other for bad kids he writes down everything they do in these books the guy is a creep he also works at the jolly dream toy factory his brother phillip has a family and two kids and lives in a nice house when harry finds out that his boss only cares about profits he goes and collects all the toys and delivers them to a few kids then he travels to a church and kills people then he goes to another house and puts presents under the tree the kids catch him but they go back to bed so harry goes to the bedroom and kills the father and leaves as he is walking towards a house a bunch of kids spot him and run up to him the parent s are nervous and try to get their kids to come back to them so they don t get hurt how do they know that harry is the killer sure you have to be suspicious because you never know who it could be harry gives the kids presents and the father pulls out a switch blade in an attempt to stab him in front of the kids when harry runs off the townsfolk light torches and follow him to kill him they don t even know that he is the killer when harry reaches his brother s house his his brother and him have a little talk and phillip strangles him he only loses consciousness phillip loads harry back into his van when harry wakes up he takes off the ending is something i could not believe once again you ll have to see it to believe it one thing that bugged me was the black santa that s right the man in the santa suit they saw was a white man so why did they bring in a black man skip this and see silent night deadly night and santa s slay you ll get your money s worth seeing those two films they are better than this pile of garbage i give this movie star out of wish i could give it stars cause that is what this movie deserves"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22383": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "good film tells a boyish fantasy story telling us how trapped we are in social situations and what kind of extreme measures one has to take to behave differently or at least the feeling that you have to break every rule if you are to break one if you wanted to express love for someone you don t know how would you do it without creating a pressing social situation also it s about the fascism of deciding over others cultural life of what kind of culture that is jammed down our throats what gives disney or fox or the suicide bomber the right to decide what is our choice are one not allowed to drink the morning coffee by one self do we have to listen to the nrj shouting see the stupid tabloid headlines and the street commercials before we even have had our morning coffee"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22384": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "what can possibly said about this movie other than viewer beware christmas evil should come with a warning label like cigarettes do because this was harmful to my eyes and ears i am rarely this unsatisfied with a b horror flick but this movie couldn t even bring a little scare to a five year old the point of a relentless lunatic that has a thirst for blood in a film is that he she should seem almost god like like nothing can stop their maniacal rage but in this film the resident psychopath gets himself stuck in a chimney in a bizarre attempt to surprise his next victim and of course follow along with the all to popular legend of santa claus it s a reminder to the viewer that this man is in no way dangerous because he s far too stupid to be dangerous all in all a total waste of film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22385": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a woman mujar marta belengur enters a restaurant one morning at unaware that a terrorist has kidnapped the people in said restaurant is making them act out a musical number in this strange yet fascinating short film which i only saw by finding it on the dvd of the director writer s equally fascinating timecrimes it had a fairly catchy song it somehow brought a smile to my face despite the somber overall plot to the short i m glad that i stumbled across it wasn t aware it would be an extra when i rented the dvd and wouldn t hesitate at all to recommend it to all of my friends my grade a"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22386": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the only reason to give this movie even a single star is how much the ending made me laugh i had high hopes as i usually love bad campy holiday horror movies but this just didn t qualify it s really just a bad attempt at showing a character slide slowly into insanity which again isn t a bad plot but is done poorly here there are some scenes such as the ending which are not intended to be funny but actually made me laugh out loud there were a couple of times when i thought the movie would actually go in an interesting direction but it never fulfills what it could and should be in my opinion if you are looking for a christmas slasher flick try silent night deadly night"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22387": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this oscar nominee is a very short b w film in spanish a young woman goes into a caf gets a coffee and notices a couple of musicians standing silently with their instruments all the patrons are motionless like mannequins one guy however is quite jolly and breaks into a song about what goes on at in the morning there is one surprising moment after another until the end which is quite well surprising the people the place everything looks quite ordinary and like the musical piece bolero the thing keeps building until the climax with its structure theme movement and wit it is an minute masterpiece"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22388": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this extremely low budget movie is compared to the great classic silent night deadly night since it is labeled as a slasher flick first let me say that i think that even silent night part is better than this that one was filled with flashbacks of the original for more than half of the movie christmas evil tries to get psychological by introducing the main character as someone who goes insane a strong word slowly very slowly he is irritated by people who do not get the true meaning of christmas and at work he can t stand how the fabricated toys are made with such lack of quality and love dressed up as santa he finally goes on a killing spree also a strong word since only people are killed without the real need for special effects no tension no thrills no gore no cast for one exception that is jeffrey demunn is in it he is best known for playing aside tom hanks as one of the guards in the classic the green mile he still must be kicking himself these days for ever accepting the role he truly is the only one who really can act his supporting role is better than the main lead who also isn t that bad but if you re overshadowed by a little supporting character you re not great either and what about that strange ending you have to see it to believe it christmas evil is downright boring nothing happens and the artwork is just misleading this is not a slasher you wanna see a real christmas slasher check out the all time greatest silent night deadly night"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22389": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you re amused by straight faced goings on that are logical within a given illogical situation you ll enjoy this whimsical minute spanish film a woman enters a small caf the scene looks ordinary but the counterman customers and two musicians seem somehow oddly subdued suddenly the musicians play and one man begins to sing the title song dancing across table tops with musical comedy gestures the customers at first immobile at intervals chime in badly but gamely with phrases from the song read from slips of paper in their palms on and off they jump up and dance awkwardly but earnestly in choreographed motions like backup singers but why the woman wonders the answer is revealed as the soloist s jacket opens and she sees what s strapped across his chest just before the explosive climax even if you don t catch the song s probably ironical lyrics the situation perfect performances should give you a grin and a chuckle i d love to see it again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22390": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i love the s slasher flicks and i remember when silent night deadly night was pulled from our theaters i was very disappointed so i was very excited to see some of these on fear net you better watch out was what i ve come to expect of these types of movies the quality of the special effects were laughable by today s standards the character development too long but all in all it was laugh out loud funny the scenes where he loses it because santa aka dad is feeling up his mom and later when the mob is actually shown lighting torches not flashlights as you would in the s but real torches really tickled my funny bone however the scenes where he was checking on the kids in his neighborhood gave me a creepy feeling of a different nature i also enjoyed trying to figure out who some of these character actors were it took me awhile to figure out that the main character was the lovable teddy bear on brothers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22391": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "with a minimal budget a running time of eight minutes and a great amount of imagination nacho vigalondo has achieved one of the most moving shorts i ve ever seen the subtlety of the screenplay is really remarkable since it doesn t give the ending away until the very last moment don t let anybody tell you what the short is about since you ll be able to enjoy it a lot more nacho vigalondo is the discovery of the year for his one man show directing writing and acting in this formidable short is the most remarkable effort i ve seen in years also pay attention to the performance of marta belenguer her reaction shots are incredible overall rating"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22392": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "stewart kane gabriel byrne vanity fair heads out with his local jindabyne australia fishing buddies for a weekend of rest recreation and relaxation but when stewart discovers an aboriginal woman s body floating face down in a river things appear to have turned out for the worst the largest casualty of the weekend is the men s commonsense they don t hike out of the ravine and instead finish their fishing weekend with some great catches then they head out and report the body the town and the men s lives quickly turn into a mess the local media swarms them and accusations of aboriginal prejudices rear up from the local natives stewart s wife claire laura linney the exorcism of emily rose senses the deeper meanings of what her husband and his friends did but has to battle with it through her own mental illness amidst all this chaos is the life that was this young woman who is now a media spectacle splayed out on a morgue slab her murder and subsequent dumping into the water are symbolic of what lay beneath the town of jindabyne a division of men and women black and white social and outcast the only other people who seem to understand some of what is going on are two young kids stewart and claire s son who is being led around by a half breed aussie who s mother was killed also just a few years before the young girl lives with her grandparents and is trying to let go of her mother the best way she can and the discovery of a new body seems strangely enough a method in which to accomplish this again the underlying current of jindabyne is surmised everything and everyone in this jindabyne township feels what lurks beneath its surface yet none of them are willing to dive into the murky waters and take a look around the symbolism here is seen when a nearby lake that is used for recreation and swimming is said to contain the old town of jindabyne under its surface none that is until claire forces them to the movie is interesting if a bit too convoluted there are far too many story lines that needed exploring and it just doesn t get done too many loose threads the acting was okay but the filming was terrible wobbly cameras grainy or dark shots and just a generalized sloppiness hurt the overall production i enjoy symbolic films northfork being one of my all time favorites in that vein but jindabyne needed to peak its head above the turbid water so that it could see its own problems which simply didn t happen"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22393": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was so glad i came across this short film i m always so disappointed that short films are hard to come across so when i saw this and saw that it was nominated for the live action short film at the academy awards i was so pleased that i actually had a film that i was rooting for the plot is pretty simple the director writer and star nacho vigalondo tried coming up with a reason people would suddenly break out into a song and dance number like they do in movie musicals the result is extremely entertaining and the song is actually really catchy it s a well made short film well edited and the actors all do a great job and the last shot of the film is perfect i highly recommend this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22394": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is an abysmal piece of story telling it is about an hour into the movie before we have much idea of what it is supposed to be about the characters often mumble inaudibly actions frequently seem to have no relation to each other nobody seems to be concerned about who actually murdered the girl a pair of spooky kids go swimming in waters that seem threatening but nothing happens the irishman gets punched in the face by one of his buddies for no apparent reason to continue would be as boring as the movie itself the only half entertaining element is the landscape photography but anyone could point a camera at the australian outback a get memorable shots overall dreary incoherent pretentious and downright annoying for wasting so much of the viewer s time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22395": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "more directors like nacho vigalondo need a greater outlet for their talents de la ma ana is absolute genius what nacho is able to convey in minutes takes some hollywood directors hours of film to achieve i watched this smiling but feeling a little dirty and not in the sexual way you sit and wonder how you should feel after watching this min nugget i was entertained but was disturbed at the same time not many people can do that in just minutes it starts off simple enough a young women comes in for breakfast at her usual place she sits down and someone starts singing from there the film takes you through so many different emotions all at once it is hard to describe it is in black white but this helps with the feeling the film gives you this film makes you want to know more about the characters how they interacted previously and how the ending impacted their lives afterward i guess it like the old saying leave them wanting more nacho vigalondo is able to do that watch this when you can show it to your friends and wonder how minutes can be so much fun without taking off your clothes"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22396": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there is a reason this went straight to video the story is smarmy nick cage plays johnny in a sleazy way sex in churches and other scenes that border on tasteless like the scene in the laundry room taint this movie judge reinhold as the cuckold is okay but the movie itself with its themes of degradation and revenge are not well done but it is a good film for trivia contests because so few people saw it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22397": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i picked this one up on a whim from the library and was very pleasantly surprised lots of tight expressionistic camera work an equally tight script and two superb actors all meld together to make one very fine piece of film not for the reptilian multiplex brain but rather the true aficionado of cinema if hollywood ever does get its grimy hands on it i m sure it will ruin it a choice treat all the way around other posters here have more than amply sung its praises so i needn t bother duplicating their paeans just take their advice and mine and don t miss this gem call it what you like i call it two hours of entertainment well spent read my lips don t miss it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22398": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "just too many holes in this movie to be enjoyable and worse of all a bizarre almost hollywood like ending that is completely out of context with the rest of the movie this is not a spoiler as you will never guess how it ends you will also need to be thick skinned to all sorts of politically correct undertones the conflict between whites and blacks was highly contrived and one sided i didn t understand why the author had the local black communinity behave in such an unacceptable manner is he she trying to be racist a truly bizare movie only watch if you like to be really annoyed by holes in the plot and like to debate all the things that may or may not have supposed to have happened but on the positive side the filming and acting is excellent"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22399": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a masterpiece footage in b w mm film the film makes you see a strange way to begin the day at am in a bar and how much things can happen there in minutes the short amazingly gets you in a complex story using very little elements and step to step makes you realize that something isn t totally right it expresses a lot makes your adrenalin go high with subtle details and is incredibly understandable by anyone not just the cinema critics experts but i know how it sounds european short black and white and low budgeted don t let that scare you is really worth to see by anyone not just experts in the genre isn t really much more to tell since the film just lasts minutes exactly and i don t want to spoil it but i just watched it online and i couldn t understand why no one spent a few minutes to post a comment about it really worth watching it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22400": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "having heard so many people raving about this film i thought i d give it a go apart from being incredibly slow which i don t mind as long as the wait is worth it but it just isn t as many others have said there are so many inconsistencies and so much of this film just doesn t ring true the reaction of the men switches from shock horror on finding the body to complete indifference whilst they fish surely if they were the type of men that would go on happily fishing then they would have just reported the body and said they had only discovered it after their fishing trip why on earth tie the body to a tree go fishing and then tell everyone you found the body days previously its so hard to watch a film knowing that the behaviour of the main characters is so inconsistent as for the rest of the townsfolk well you d think at least one of them might show some curiosity about who actually killed the woman the body itself naked except for the knickers what scenario leads to that if she was raped then why still the knickers if she was raped with the clothes on then why remove them afterwards bar the knickers if she wasn t raped then why take all her clothes off bar the knickers leaving yourself with evidence to dispose of i truly cant think of any realistic scenario that would lead to that other than killing someone to steal their clothes so you can fill up your jumble sale stall oh well its watchable but only just and only because despite the poor script the acting is strong"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22401": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "re pro jury although the lead actress is strikingly beautiful the plot stands little chance of acceptance because too many distracting details face the audience during the unfolding of the story one may believe that middle class teen age school girls in the s easily gave away their virginity without thought of marriage to year old s they barely know but i doubt it easily give away virginity what a shrewd remark about this film truly one may believe that young high school teens are highly self confident and self assured as they interact with their elders in complex social situations but my experience has been more often than not teenagers feel very awkward and act clumsy as they experiment in the adult world you just aren t at all able to see the world other than through your own eyes that s sad one may believe that a experienced medical doctor would not know the pungent oder of stroptomycin the smelly fermenting byproduct of busy earth microbes and not detect that some lifeless bland powder is fake but i think not and another expert opinion drawn from experience dandy one may believe that something year old troublemakers can enter into and hang around inside a public school rec hall during a school social and make trouble but i think that school socials are traditionally a protected environment and parents chaparones and school staff would be around to prevent this now be a good sport and tell us at which institution you grew up one final nit throughout hey babu riba the five teenage friends referred to themselves as the foursome there is probably an explanation why the five were the foursome but because it was never detailed each reference distracts from each scene of course there s probably an explanation good job figuring that out now i ll be generous and will help you out of your misery although it was translated as a general foursome the word etvorka has another meaning it s a sports term used to designate a m or w setup a rowing crew consisting of persons rowers and a coxswain this movie did not ring true for me we should all heed to your competent and praiseworthy opinion dude"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22402": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i had a really hard time making it through this move it was extermly slow and at times wondered when the plot of the movie would actually come to life this movie seemed to flow to slow and i kept on wondering when it was going to end i am normally a person who likes a good indie file every once in a while but this did not satisfy what i was looking for it seemed they tried to make to much out of this movie at one point it seemed to turn political which i am not a big fan of in movies if you are looking for a slow moving movie with little to no plot then this is the right movie for you as for me i felt i wasted hours when i could of been doing something else"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22403": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "hey babu riba is a film about a young woman mariana nicknamed esther after a famous american movie star and four young men glenn sacha kicha and pop all perhaps years old in belgrade yugoslavia the five are committed friends and crazy about jazz blue jeans or anything american it seems the very close relationship of the teenagers is poignant and ultimately a sacrifice is willingly made to try to help one of the group who has fallen on unexpected difficulties in the wake of changing communist politics they go their separate ways and reunite in the year before the film was made i enjoyed the film with some reservations the subtitles for one thing were difficult especially in the beginning there were a number of dialogues which had no subtitles at all perhaps the conversational pace required it but i couldn t always both read the text and absorb the scene which caused me to not always understand which character was involved i watched the movie a video from our public library with a friend and neither of us really understood part of the story about acquiring streptomycin for a sick relative this yugoslavian coming of age film effectively conveyed the teenagers sense of invulnerability idealism and strong and loyal bonds to each other there is a main flashforward and it was intriguing keeping me guessing until the end as to who these characters were vis a vis the cast and what had actually happened i would rate it out of and would like to see other films by the director jovan acin"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22404": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "with no fault to the actors they all put on great performances the overall story was not very well executed the movie opens with a great zinger a crazy old guy forces a young aborigine girl s car off the road but then we re forced to endure minutes of character development with an entirely new group of characters and we don t know why until the minutes are up it turns out that they are the ones who eventually discover the girl s body and the story progresses from there while the story does pick up at that point it really goes nowhere after hours i asked myself was there a point to this or was it just to see the characters struggle with accusations of racism and stupidity of how they handled the discovery the story was ultimately unsatisfying and felt unfinished while it is well acted there s not a strong enough backbone in the film to warrant recommending it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22405": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i was intrigued by the title so during a small bout of insomnia fueled by my curiosity i stayed up and watched it i then checked my tv listings and watched it again there is one very obvious realization that occurred to me when i saw this film in spite of politics traditions culture etc teenagers everywhere are virtually the same the characters of the kids from belgrade could have been transported to let s say somewhere in the american midwest during the same time period and language differences aside would be impossible to tell apart from any of the local teens of that era they certainly displayed the same growing pains and preoccupations politics aside music sex movie idols music drinking sports music as a matter of fact much the same things that occupied my time growing up in s southern california this was a bittersweet story but the joy of youth made it very enjoyable the characters especially the young actors were completely believable also i won t say this was the yugoslav american graffiti but i will say that it fits in nicely with other s themed movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22406": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there was some truth to this movie i remember a story reported to years ago of fisherman finding a body in the water and they chose not to report it until their trip was finished i also recall they were charged with interfering with a corpse or some such charge i m not sure if it was in australia the viewers outside of australia must think we live in a country full of rapists and serial murders wolf creek and this film would encourage this perception the film itself reminded me of a simple plan but as far a being one of the best australian films ever as someone claimed i can t be that generous put it this way i wouldn t bother watching it again"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22407": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a very well made film set in early s communist yugoslavia the five young actors who are the teenagers at the center of the story give strong sincere and emotionally deep performances a clear depiction of how the natural trust and naivete inherent in teens can be easily manipulated and how that impacted the rest of their lives highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22408": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "before i watched this film i read a review here stating that this film could possibly be one of the best films ever ha ha scene by scene the tension grows alright from the annoying characters in this movie from the little girl talking gibberish and trying to drown the little boy to the killer just running about without any notice and who was the guy at the beach talking to the little boy things just seem to happen and then go unanswered in this film as i watched it seemed like the film was going in one direction then just doesn t go anywhere but into a new direction and on and on the acting is great but the writing is horrible each character in each scene says or does something so unbelievable unrealistic and the reactions of the fellow cast extras are simply strange there are no resolutions to the problems developed throughout the film making it confusing and ultimately a big waste of time"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22409": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "a sharp political comment posturing as a coming of age story is what this movie is the annoying thing is that it works effectively on both levels it isn t supposed to but it does this tale of four boys and a girl growing up in communist belgrade is a heart warmer it is what gentlemen refer to as classic cinema obviously belgrade is not as harsh a dictatorial and fascist environment as the communist society is often portrayed one can listen to rock and roll music one of the songs played is the song hey babu riba ala the title of the movie but jeans cannot be bought nor certain drugs which are illegal to possess unlike a heavy handed criticism of a communist society this movie does it by showing how it affects the lives of the five protagonists who refer to themselves as we four the girl who has a father in exile in italy and is awaiting a passport for her mother and she to travel out to join him the piano that is taken away from communion use from one of the boys the sudden giving of your home and quarters to your new comrades because they need it the boys spend a lot of time listening to music and it is made clear they despise the fascism that communism has created as they engage in tiffs with a fascist charlatan who has stalin tattooed on his hands these all leads to the actions they take later on and the remembrance of a time fading away as this movie was released in in the twilight of the soviet empire a great movie worth seeing again and again repentance is not your enemy but yet it is also nobody s friend"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22410": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this isn t art it s inner urban politically correct propaganda jindabyne s political intolerance is beyond unforgivable it doesn t see people as individuals but rather as members of categories this is the most patronisingly offensive australian movie i can recall ever and it s up against some pretty stiff competition a message movie every tired theme beloved of the trendy left is there aborigines are victims white men are violent or alcoholics white women aren t that bad particularly if they are lesbians but they re most likely of a depressive nature four men who go away fishing find the body of a murdered woman aboriginal naturally and leave her in the river for several days while they catch trout it s a strange decision taken with almost no discussion as if the men are animals the one man who briefly demurs is the goodie we know this because he s living with a bisexual woman he likes to hold his baby a lot and eventually moves to a more fashionable costal location away from all these beastly bush dwellers this is a film made by those trendy urbanites who live in fear of the australian landscape and those evil rednecks who reside within it s ignorance of country life is almost as shocking as its contempt the film is shot through with long distance views of the bush backed by foreboding mysterious music it s made very clear by the end that aboriginal people are the only ones at home in this landscape it concludes with an excruciatingly implausible scene of black white reconciliation in jindabyne country life is reduced to little more than a backdrop for a story that by implication proclaims the superiority of the values of enlightened leftist urban dwellers over those of other australians this film was not made by people with real jobs but funded by the government s film finance corporation it s a product of the artsy set that soulless void populated by the beautiful people for whom lavish government funding sustains these patronisingly offensive projects which are as detached from real life as possible as opposed to actually making popular films people want to see it doesn t matter if the film is a stinker they still get paid spare yourself from wasting time avoid it like the plague more jaded social commentary than actual entertainment this film deserves to pan"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22411": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "one of the most beautiful movies ever made in ex yu story is very familiar to people in ex yul because generation after war used to live in the same way people in the west cant imagine how political situation in our country affect people the plot is in the when josip broz tito said no to the sssr and politbiro and because of that our borders becomes open for western influence but in a country were people didn t had much money jeans was only ideal and friendship was everything the friendship between for young people an a girl was so strong that after years of their emigration from yu is still alive they get together after all this years on ester s funeral and they start to remember of their childhood before their went to the emigration and become successful people"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22412": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is terrible i was really looking forward to it as i thought lantana was great the following review may contain spoilers first the good things it looks great some of the performances are ok the bad things are everything else about it the story as you possibly know is about some blokes who go fishing and discover a body with the twist that they find it on friday but continue fishing and finally report it on sunday when they get back into mobile cell phone range however the film takes it s time boy does it take its time getting to this central event of the ensemble of characters about a dozen not one seems to like another one which is i suppose consistent because they are all unlikable i was extremely frustrated by the failure to adequately explain how the characters are related and it was not until near the end of the movie that i could vaguely construct the family tree it s hard to think of a film us unrelentingly grim which is a failure in the structure of the story as the character s lives seem just as bad before the fishing trip as after once you ve set the bar so high it s hard to up it short of everyone committing suicide there are silly lapses in logic the killer dumps the body in the lake and then it somehow drifts miles upstream into the mountains the fishermen walk out sunday morning but for some reason byrne gets home late at night after his wife has gone to bed then first thing the next morning the cops bang on the door to get him to come down to the station um they haven t heard of the telephone down at the station the media know the whole story less than hours after they reported the body totally missing from the story is the debate the blokes surely had after they find the body this is a mystery everyone asks them how could you do that and the audience is asking the same question the debate about what to do with the body is the key scene in deliverance i know exactly what i d do in their situation someone needs to walk out to the car drive to mobile range call the cops wait and them guide them back to the location if the others wait at camp and fish who cares a lot of all this just seems false the only thing that rung true was that as the girl was black the local aboriginals seized on the fishermen s actions as racist wouldn t have done it if it was a white girl throughout there is a curious indifference to who might have killed the girl i think the subject is mentioned once and there is no mystery as the audience sees the killer in the opening scene so i m sitting there simultaneously bored and confused when there s a twist not in the plot but the theme suddenly it becomes about the quiet dignity of the bereaved aboriginals leading to a ludicrous ending with some incoherent stuff about black white reconciliation huh this is australian film at its finest according to the age"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22413": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "my personal feeling is that you cannot divorce this movie from its political historical underpinnings like so many american reviewers tend to do this is not about growing up on main street usa it is about growing up in yugoslavia at a time when it was torn between the east and the west just like the guys are torn between esther and everybody else and esther is torn between the tovarish joe and the guys there is shame in certain situations that is lost on an audience that has never lived under tito i feel the movie is under rated and it is too bad we have lost the director movies like this make freedom feel more important it is not just another eastern european coming of age film it is a sensitive portrayal of teenagers walking a fine line that might eventually lead them to real freedom"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22414": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "there are similarities between ray lawrence s jindabyne and his last movie lantana a dead body and its repercussions for already dysfunctional lives but whereas lantana offered some hope and resolution jindabyne leaves everything unresolved in a bleak way that will leave most viewers unsatisfied perhaps even cheated the storyline the aftermath of a fisherman s discovery of a corpse floating in a remote river is based on a short story by raymond carver it became an element in robert altman s classic ensemble short cuts lawrence uses this theme for an exploration and exposition of relationships within a small australian community under stress the movie poses some moral questions would you let the discovery of a dead body ruin your good weekend and more poignantly for australians would it make any difference if the dead person was an aboriginal the acting especially by gabriel byrne and laura linney is commendable and there are elements of mysticism reinforced by haunting music not unlike picnic at hanging rock if all this sounds like the basis for a great movie be prepared for a let down the pace is very slow and the murder is shown near the beginning thereby eliminating the element of mystery and so we are left with these desolate lives and a blank finale"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22415": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "finally a movie where the audience is kept guessing until the end what will happen well we all kind of know that the lives of the brothers andy played by hoffman and hank played by hawke will spiral downward towards destruction since where else is there to go but down but we do not know how or when until near the end of the movie hoffman is superb as usual and even hawke was decent as the younger brother who basically does what he is told since he really cannot think for himself hawke might have been a little out of his element but he played the part well enough add into this mix andy s wife played perfectly by marisa tomei cheating with hank andy s embezzlement of company funds to pay for his drug and sex addictions and a father who finally discovers exactly what happened the day of the robbery this movie will get you thinking"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22416": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "nice attempt and good ideas redemption of the prostitute human beings helping each other out but a poor result the director obviously tried to emulate his french colleague tran anh hung by recreating an ambiance which is suppose to portray viet nam the only problem is that this viet nam is long gone and when the scent of the green papaya had a historical background trying to project this kind of ambiance muffled sounds and the slow pace of life on modern days leaves a feeling of fake besides it rapidly creates a sentiment of boredom and the outcome becomes too obvious i can only suppose the action takes place in saigon or da nang because that is where harvey keitel ex marine in the movie was probably stationed during the war but in southern viet nam nobody or very few people speak with the clip northern accent displayed by the actors seriously odd even for a bad vietnamese speaker an old poet with leprosy very doubtful not a disease for people of his condition a peasant girl who can read and write elaborate vietnamese poetry even more doubtful"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22417": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "thank god this wasn t based on a true story because what a story it is populated by despicable characters whose depravity knows no bounds before the devil is a mesmerizing jaw dropping excursion into perversion which would be laughable and sometimes is even with or perhaps because of the sickeningly tragic undercurrent of human dysfunction throughout if it weren t carried out with such magnificent overwhelming conviction by its stars the excellent script by kelly masterson and superb direction by none other than sidney lumet doesn t hurt either the main dysfunction here is of a family nature with the two majorly screwed up brothers brilliant portrayals from philip seymour hoffman and ethan hawke deciding to rob their own parents jewelry store an attempt that goes pathetically awry the story is told with time shifts which are noted on screen such as charlie two days before the robbery so no one should be confused some people have said they didn t like this device but i thought it worked perfectly adding to the skeweredness of the whole affair considering that the two brothers in question are hardly playing with full decks between them you couldn t make a decent poker hand to save your life throw in these cheesy extra tidbits one of the brothers is a drug addict married to gina marisa tomei also excellent who is having an affair with the other brother toss in some monumental sibling rivalry along with the fact that said drug addict brother hates his father a wrenching performance from albert finney who has apparently caused him serious past pain and you ve got a shakespearean greek tragedy on your hands proceed with caution"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22418": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the problems with this film are many but i will try to mention the most glaring and bothersome ones first of all while the theme suggests a number of vignettes about manhattan life the reality was that everything as usual in movies and tv was about something bizarre usually of a sexual nature the story lines were thin or nonexistent and virtually every scene camera shot line of dialog and expressed emotion was absolutely and totally fake it finally reached a point after an hour of so of mind numbing garbage that i walked out something no uncommon for me in recent years i would have guessed the fi lm was directed by some wannabe auteur drop outs from some rd rate film studies program but i believe the at one time pre amelia talented director mira nair took part in this disgusting travesty so perhaps the directorial talent in america has descended en masse into the cesspool"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22419": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i settled back to watch read my lips a plate of freedom fries before me the food was quickly forgotten as i became engrossed by director and co writer jacques audiard s original and superb thriller carla emmanuelle devos is a secretary at a firm that develops major building projects she actually has some significant responsibilities that don t often fall to secretaries and she s capable and ambitious and thwarted by a male hierarchy that will exploit but not reward her work piling up faster than she can handle it carla is told to hire a secretary enter ex con and general layabout paul vincent cassel he lies about his skills and in fact has none that any legitimate enterprise might require after an initial serious misunderstanding by paul as to carla s interest in him the two become allies a quirky friendship starts in a stunt that would have made a real carla a major contender on the apprentice she trumps her egotistic male adversary at work with paul s connivance exit the rival carla is virtually deaf without her hearing aid with it she hears almost normally she turns the hearing aid off to isolate herself from unpleasant sounds and annoying people she s also very lonely a heroic makeup effort was made to have her appear plain but she s truly beautiful she hasn t a boyfriend she babysits so a friend can have a liaison it is a french movie worse and humiliatingly she accedes to a girlfriend s plea that she hang out somewhere while that married friend has it off with her paramour in carla s bed not nice as carla and paul get to know each other better the barely repressed larcenous side of the not so former felon emerges there s a side story by the way of paul s relationship with his parole officer which neatly complements the main plot and has its own big surprise ending read my lips ingenious paul recognizes that carla s ability to read lips even from a considerable distance is more than the amusing parlor trick it first seems to be from there a caper develops enough said paul and carla are a true criminal oddball couple she wants love but will also accept money he wants her sort of but business must come before possible erotic satiation together cassel and devos are strong actors carrying an unusual crime tale to its end very convincingly rent it or buy it but if you enjoy a good crime story you ll go for read my lips and you may well want to watch it several times i do"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1]}, "22420": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "here goes the perfect example of what not to do when you have a great idea that is the problem isn t the concept is fresh and full of potential but the script and the execution of it lacks any real substance it should grab you from the start and then pull a little on your emotions get you interested and invested in the characters this movie doesn t have what it takes to take off and sustain flight and here is why first you don t really care about the characters because they are not presented in a way that people can relate to i mean this is not superman or mission impossible here it s suppose to be about normal people put in a stressful situation they are not believable in the way they act and interact example jeffrey combs as a cop over chewing is gum frowning and looking intense all the time isn t the way to go here i mean what is that he looks like he s on the toilet or something i loved him in re animator and the way he was playing the intense neurotic unappreciated medical genius was right on the money but not for this he tries too hard to over compensate by looking so intense and on edge but in a still mild neurotic manner it s not natural i m surprised he didn t dislocate his jaw during filming the movie is basically on life support it barely has a pulse and it kept me waiting for something that would never come"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22421": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "watching before the devil counts as one of my all time best experiences at the cinema i have been intrigued my the mixed response to the film and for me the extremes of opinion indicate the film touched on something either embraced or disavowed by the general audience it is one of those films that has stayed with me and i continue to ponder and think about it surely the dvd would illuminate some more of the themes and the film making elements which include sidney lumet s comeback movie the time shifting technique deployed in the storytelling the superb combination of lumet and masterson and why it works so well the masterly direction the relatively rare focus hollywood movies give to male characters and their largely doomed struggle to become an open cheque book for their women the under presented but nevertheless resonant marisa tomei s performance and of course the superb hoffman with that central monologue about the sum of his parts for me the heart of the movie phew surely a masterful film so imagine my disappointment watching the eagerly anticipated dvd only to find no commentary no behind the scenes no interviews no extras hey distributors sort it out"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22422": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "parasomnia has an interesting premises but the story is poorly done without any tension or even a logical approach the cast in unconvincing even patrick kilpatrick who played great roles in movies like scanner cop open fire under siege and eraser the rest of the cast is unknown and not very good with the exception of jeffrey combs herbert west from the great re animator trilogy but he can play roles like this in his sleep which is a little what he does here the main problem is that the actions of the characters make no sense at all the story is rather dull and predictable with cheap computer effects mixed with some gory scenes especially at the end this could have been so much better i do not get the good reviews on this one it is below average really"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22423": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "before the devil knows you re dead is one of the best movies i ve seen in a long time the acting from the excellent ensemble cast is incredible philip seymour hoffman putting in an outstanding performance and is electrifying every time he s on screen ethan hawke matches him scene for scene and albert finney simply chews up the screen marisa tomei is however criminally underused but looks amazing for her years the script is excellent the story line non linear but easy enough to follow sidney lumet although not known for his blockbusters has turned out a gem with this one"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22424": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "it s somewhat telling that most of the great reviews for the film on imdb all come from people who have only reviewed one film in their entire imdb career and yes you ve guessed it that film is parasomnia i ve often suspected suspiciously good reviews on imdb for what turns out to be an anything but good films as underhand marketing but it seems fairly transparent in this case that s not to say parasomnia is terrible but it stops well short of being the good or great film it had the potential to be on the plus side it has a great baddie in patrick kilpatrick who does a brilliant job projecting menacing and evil i could easily see him having what it takes to play a truly memorable baddie on a par with hannibal lecter there are some beautiful visuals in the dream sequences in fact if the film had decided to explore that terrain more it might have been something better the actual concept of devious misuse of hypnosis is great too although i understand suspension of disbelief is necessary for immersion in any good story it s the mark of a good story that it succeeds in letting you do that if you find yourself being annoyed at what you find illogical or just plain silly then the story is losing you and that s what kept happening to me with this film other reviewers have mentioned this here and i don t want to get into spoiler territory but i will say the setup at the ending was particularly ludicrous and disappointing not too mention the varying mental age of a character that is only supposed to have experienced a few years of life all in all there is the germ of a great idea here in diabolically misused hypnotism but sadly this film fails to realise it into anything special"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1]}, "22425": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this intensely involving character driven suspense drama is like a big juicy piece of shakespearean level steak from a master filmmaker who knows how to draw out uncommonly ferocious to the edge performances from his actors consider for starters henry fonda s lone dissenting juror in twelve angry men katharine hepburn s delusional mary tyrone in long day s journey into night rod steiger s conflicted concentration camp survivor in the pawnbroker william holden s wintry lion in network and paul newman s alcoholic lawyer in the verdict the list encompasses some of the finest screen work of the past half century and you can safely add philip seymour hoffman s desperately controlling andy hanson to the ranks at director sidney lumet shows no signs of octogenarian fatigue and in fact he revels in the melodramatic turns of first time screenwriter kelly masterson s thickly plotted script the scale of the story is deceptively small as it focuses on the moral compromises that unravel in a family where two brothers have become desperate for immediate cash woody allen followed a similar fraternal dynamic in his last film the oddly pinched cassandra s dream but lumet is neither pinched nor cautious in his fierce approach to this inescapable tale of ambiguity and deception the plot revolves around a crime that was meant to be victimless embezzling funds from his real estate company s payroll to keep his neglected wife gina happy and to satisfy an expensive drug habit smooth talking andy is about to be exposed in an irs audit meanwhile his younger brother hank is a mass of post divorce codependent insecurities falling way behind in his alimony and child support payments andy concocts a supposedly foolproof plan to rob their parents suburban jewelry store while neither of them is supposed to be there the goal was for the brothers to collect the haul and the parents to claim the insurance murphy s law intervenes in every possible way starting with andy pressuring hank to do the job himself after some brotherly cajoling hank agrees to it but too scared to do it alone he recruits a reckless gun toting busboy to handle the robbery by fate the heist occurs on the one day that andy and hank s mother is opening the shop and things quickly spiral out of control from there although the back and forth storytelling technique is not new for example alejandro gonz lez i rritu s grams masterson s approach works effectively in delineating certain events from multiple perspectives so that you understand how each character is led to the repercussions of the unfortunate event the acting is pitch perfect starting with hoffman s riveting performance as andy a machiavellian reptile whose cool exterior and innate amorality mask layers of resentment toward his family i thought he was great in tamara jenkins the savages but he is even better here lumet even draws a solid performance from the usually insufferable ethan hawke as hank imbuing him with the emasculated weakness that informs his every ill planned move as their embattled father albert finney acts with his typical late career bluster but he provides the necessary foundation for the oedipal level complexities marisa tomei is a smart choice to play gina as the actress economically keys in on the responsive watchful nature of a small but pivotal role the estimable theater veteran rosemary harris now better known as peter parker s aunt in the spider man trilogy has precious little time as the mother as does amy ryan as hank s bitter ex wife there are scenes that border on excessive especially as the situation becomes increasingly desperate for the brothers but the principals inject such energetic brio to them that the flourishes become forgivable after the disappointment of the cartoonish find me guilty it is refreshing to see lumet in peak form here the dvd offers terrifically informative commentary from lumet hoffman and hawke all of whom converse with ease and insight throughout along with the original theatrical trailer there is also a better than average minute featurette directed by sidney lumet how the devil was made which features on set footage and snippets of interviews with lumet two of the producers and the principal actors"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22426": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is very creepy indeed unfortunately not for the reasons the film makers would hope there s a mastermind serial killer too but he s not what s creepy either he s just your standard comic book villain a cross between hannibal lecter and freddie kruger though with nothing particularly fresh to add to either incidentally for even the vilest and most reprehensible of criminals can they be detained chained in a stress position on their feet arms outstretched hours a day week in week out i suppose in the world that gave us abu ghraib and guantanamo bay anything s possible no what s really creepy about this film is the central character danny this unappealing young man aided and abetted it s true by some ludicrously lax security arrangements and a doctor entirely careless of any notion of professional ethics or patient confidentiality wanders into the hospital room occupied by what can only be described as a highly vulnerable and defenceless young woman and on the basis of nothing whatsoever her chronic sleeping precludes from being able to give anything like informed consent imagines himself to have some sort of special relationship with her seemingly within days he has arrogated to himself the right to abduct her believing completely falsely as we discover that he is better able to care for her than anyone else and within minutes of getting her back to his apartment is sexually molesting her though she is again due to her sleepiness entirely unable to consent or resist our suspicions as to why he would feel this connection are pretty soon confirmed he is of course more or less unable to form any mature adult friendships let alone sexual relationships so instead falls back on this essentially infantilised woman who because of her permanent sleeping has a mental age corresponding to a lived experience of only a few years the scene where she discovers ice cream is particularly cringe making and the coyly knowing look she gives him when he gloatingly says he ll have to clean her up again causes a particular shudder of horror but again i m afraid not that shudder of horror the film makers were hoping for but a much more straightforward spasm of revulsion we can all see clearly what s on the end of our forks here it s the paedophile s perfect dream of innocence sexual compliance and utter dependence horrible horrible horrible what else have we got in this mish mash twisted dreamscapes not quite as good as del toro the compulsory you need to go to the police argument where the lead character always has a reason for not doing so even though it s the only sensible course of action the automaton sequence much praised in the comments here though completely and utterly pointless it serves no function as sigourney weaver memorably protested in galaxy quest and looking to me just like the abominable doctor phibes rehashed in one of the saw derivatives jeffrey combs does his best though so a star for that and a couple more because you have to keep lower rankings for films that are even worse than this and in general this is well shot and competently performed"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22427": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the humor implicit in the complete title proverb derives from the sunday school dictum that one would be better advised to prepare before you re dead for the devil s scrutiny i e so the devil doesn t care when you re dead there s no percentage in trying to beat the devil the characters apparently didn t pay attention at sunday school and find themselves forced into crisis management having eschewed crisis avoidance but even a seasoned ceo would have difficulty managing these crises throwing dice is far more unpredictable than flipping a coin when people are involved the list of possible outcomes becomes even longer than the long list of unforgettable sidney lumet films until now hawke may not have been an unforgettable actor but here perhaps had an eye toward earning billing among other lumet all stars like steiger and pacino"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22428": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched this movie after seeing other comments on imdb even convincing my wife that it was a unique horror movie i wanted to like this movie but was unable to the love story was good but the horror aspect was quite bad if the story was just about a young man who fell in love with a girl suffering from parasomnia then it would have been a better movie the care centre stretched credulity well past the limits in fact it was quite ridiculous the doctor happily ignors privacy laws and professionalism a nurse goes into a room for a routine feeding of a dangerous patient without security escort and drops the tray and runs out of the room screaming for no apparent reason the forensic patient and the film s villain is tied up in a standing position fully clothed apparently for years none of it makes much sense the movie even had some actors that i ve liked in other things such as the detectives but still i can t recommend this movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22429": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is a thoroughly diabolical tale of just how bad things can go wrong a simple robbery pick up some serious change get our finances together and everything will be hunky dory but mom and pop s jewelry store no problem insurance pays for it all no guns nobody gets hurt easy money older more successful it would appear brother andy philip seymour hoffman has a few minor problems heroin addiction cocaine habituation a wife marisa tomei that well he can t seem to perform for his flat belly days long gone younger sweet slightly dim witted younger brother hank ethan hawke with a few dinero problems of his own behind in child support payments for his daughter in debt to friends and relatives not exactly wowing them in the work of work etc sydney lumet in this performance at the age of directs and gets it percent right which is hard to do in a thriller i have seen more thrillers than i can remember and most of the time the director gets the movie printed and lives with the plot holes the improbabilities the cheesy scenes and the hurry up ending here lumet makes a thriller like it s a work of art every detail is perfect the acting is superb the plot has no holes the story rings true and clear and represents a tale about human frailty that would honor the greatest filmmakers and even the bard himself hoffman of course is excellent when you don t have marquee leading man presence you have to get by on talent workmanship and pure concentration ethan hawke who is no stranger to the sweet little guy role adds a layer of desperation and all too human incompetence to the part so that we don t know whether to pity him or trash him albert finney plays the father of the wayward sons with a kind of steely intensity that belies his age and marisa tomei who has magical qualities of sexiness to go along with her unique creativity manages to be both vulnerable and hard as nails as andy s two timing wife but who could blame her it s almost a movie reviewer s sacrilege to give a commercial thriller five or ten stars but if you study this film as all aspiring film makers would be well advised to do you will notice the kind of excessive according to most hollywood producers attention to detail that makes for real art the sort of thing that only great artists can do and indeed cannot help but do by the way i think there were twenty producers on this film well maybe a dozen check the credits all i can say in summation is way to go sydney lumet author of a slew of excellent films and to show such fidelity to your craft and your art at such an advanced age kudos may we all do half so well okay the percent it was unlikely that the father albert finney could have followed the cabs that andy took around new york without somehow losing the tail this is minor and i wish all thrillers could have so small a blip also one wonders why lumet decided not to tell us about the fate of hank at the end we can guess and guess perhaps his fate fell onto the cutting room floor perhaps lumet was not satisfied with what was filmed and time ran out and he just said leave it like that it really doesn t matter and i think it doesn t what happens to hank is not going to be good he isn t the kind of guy who manages to run off to mexico and is able to start a new life he is the kind of guy who gets a light sentence of to and serves it and comes out a kind of shrunken human being who knows he wasn t really a man when he should have been see this for sidney lumet one of hollywood s best director of the pawnbroker the group serpico dog day afternoon network and many more"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22430": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i watched this knowing almost nothing about it other than the brief description i read here after watching it i was originally going to say that the director shows promise but seems kind of amateurish then i looked at the other stuff he s done to see if this was his first or second movie but no he did house on haunted hill and fear dot com he sort of missed the mark on both those movies and it was the same with this one the story was pretty awful too could someone just fall in love with a girl because she s pretty but has the mind of a child i gave it a because there were some visuals that i rather enjoyed near the end but as a whole this movie is pretty terrible"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22431": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the beginning of this film is a little clunky and also confusing but sit tight because you are in for the ride of your life the concept is compelling with interesting devices utilized to tell the overall story there are fine performances all around with phillip seymour hoffman s being the best of the cast no surprise there ethan hawke also deserves credit for a very strong performance as well the direction by mr lumet is outstanding the film has a seventies feel in the respect that risks are taken in the telling of this story but unlike the majority of trite films that populate the landscape today this is a thriller that is sincerely based upon relationships rather than special effects or product plugs you will be greatly rewarded for the time invested in this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22432": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in the tower of babel installment of the mini series the narrator describes the builders of the tower as the descendants of moses that s like saying george washington lived many centuries before alexander the great or that the light bulb was invented before the wheel or that the guided missile was the forerunner of the bow and arrow need i say more the writers of the greatest heroes of the bible should have at least paid closer attention to the chronologies of biblical people and events"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22433": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i really enjoyed this drama from sidney lumet the best word i could come up to describe it with is insane it throws the viewer around for an hour and fifty minutes and doesn t let you breathe until the credits start to roll at the very end trust me this movie will keep you guessing the entire way through the story is very well crafted and almost brilliant it s almost like a more complicated tarantino type story the acting is all amazing from all of the leads and even the small parts excellent cast i also loved the cinematography it gave it the real feeling as if it were an independent film it was all great this movie is excited exhausting and heartbreaking it s almost hard to watch but you ll be glad that you did"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22434": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this u s soap opera knots landing has all the entertainment value of being trapped in an elevator every episode contained plots such as rape murder kidnapping and drug smuggling not much different to the plots of other drama shows of the period as for the cast i ve seen better actors on a cereal box from the mid to late s repeats of knots stunk up u k gold like a mountain of mildewing nappies i regret to announce that i had to suffer this as my mother was a huge fan of the show and would watch it religiously though since then re runs have been few and far between let s hope it stays that way the only positive thing that can be said of knots is the catchy saxophone signature tune later used as the title music for the i t v sitcom the upper hand great legacy that eh"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22435": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if i watch a movie and don t once look at my watch or clock to see how much longer it will be running or when i hope that the last scene wasn t the end of the movie it s got to be pretty good i m not an movie internalist or cinema dissectionist i watch movies and if they keep me interested till the end then they are pretty good because some of the most critically acclaimed films bore me to death the english patient shakespeare in love atonement crash this movie kept me interested and absorbed beginning to end acting is great story is absolutely original flash back technique very affective there was a bit of citizen kane thrown in tho when hoffman trashes his apartment after tomei leaves him but i forgive that cause i see it as a homage to rather than a rip off of orson"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22436": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "somewhere buried very deep inside this film is a half way decent movie trying to get out the only traces are a few early scenes in los angeles in a bar and a graveyard and thereafter a couple of pieces of production design like i say buried very deep one of the biggest challenges faced by movies involving the supernatural is how to have characters react believably in unbelievable situations annie mcenroe s reaction to being told that her sister presumably dee wallace from the first movie is was a werewolf is if i recall along the lines of oh really not one of the better responses to said challenge the non sequitirs continue as the story moves to trannsylvania in search of stirba the apparently self appointed queen of the werewolves as stirba sybil danning is the two best things in the movie yes even better than the werewolf group sex scene reb brown s acting and the oddly simian looking werewolf suits the end credits have assumed minor legend status and are available in all their glory at least until the censor finds them on youtube check them out to see why and remember the whole film makes about the same amount of sense if you happen to catch this on us television the credits have been re edited to replace the endlessly repeated shot of danning ripping off her top with another endlessly repeated shot of her ripping open a cloak only this time she has some kind of top on underneath it s a sort of absurdity cherry on top moment which defies satire"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22437": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i watched this film in a very strange way i had put it on my netflix list and couldn t remember why other than that i knew philip seymour hoffman was in it since the film has no opening credits i couldn t even remember who had directed it as my wife and i watched it i turned to her about minutes in and said you know i keep wanting to decide that i hate this film but something about it just won t let me stop watching it then there s a stretch of about half a dozen scenes in the middle of the movie that are truly electrifying in the actors performances it was only as the end credits rolled that i realized it was a sidney lumet film and i thought wow i m surprised that lumet took on what was really a dirty petty little story about really mean broken people but it s a testament to his talent that i was so taken in when i didn t even realize it was him philip seymour hoffman is really really good in this movie like scary good put this up against capote and i would argue the oscar should have been for this film instead i also highly recommend the narrative special feature with lumet hawke and hoffman talking about making the movie it s entertaining and educational with hawke playing the student eager to learn at the master s feet lumet definitely teaches you the first rule of working with actors kiss their asses constantly there are a lot of violent melodramatic movies out there that are empty ciphers when all is said and done and there is an element of that in this film that the actors fill the air with sulphurous blasts of emotion and when the smoke clears there s nothing left nothing resonates on a deeper level but lumet has given us network and twelve angry men films that each in their own ways have been elevated into the highest echelons of cinema this movie isn t at that level but there s something about it that lingers and maybe that s enough my final comment is about the comments if you look at the number of comments about this little movie here on imdb and the depth and intelligence of the comments pro and con it s a pretty good indication that something special is going on with this film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22438": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this is a pretty bad movie but not so bad as it s reputation suggests the production values aren t too bad and there is the odd effective scene and it does have an s cheezoid veneer that means that it is always kind of fun watch out too for jimmy nail s brief appearance his attempt at an american accent is so astoundingly rubbish it s fantastic fantastic too are sybil danning s breasts they make a brief appearance in the movie but the scene is repeated umpteen times in the end credits in what can only be described as the remix of sybil danning s boobs has to be seen to be believed as a horror movie it isn t scary the effects are silly and christopher lee turns up to sleepwalk through his performance i guess he was buying a new house and needed some cash for the deposit the two central characters the man and the woman were so negligible that i have forgotten almost everything about them and i just watched this movie earlier tonight the werewolves are noticeably less impressive than in the original movie in fact bizarrely they sometimes look more like badly burned apes the eastern european setting is quite good and the music provided by the new wave band babel while being pretty terrible does at least give the film some added cheese overall good for a laugh not good quality but did you seriously expect it to be and at the very least you ve always got sybil s knockers"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22439": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the hanson brothers andy apparently has his act together and hank clearly doesn t have his act together need money andy comes up with a scheme to get some dough that will have consequences for the whole hanson family this film delivers this is a layered full blooded roller coaster ride that knows exactly what it is doing as a crime drama thriller i would happily compare it to no country for old men while both films have have an ample supply of character drama and thrills devil is more on the thriller side because of its fast pace no country is a colder and bleaker film that you can really admire while devil is a bit more enjoyable there is definitely less violence in devil than no country the acting delivers as well ethan hawke sometimes wooden in the past brings the jitters sweating and the deer in the headlights look to the besieged hank philip seymour hoffman as andy has the film s hardest scenes and is fast becoming the actor who you believe can do anything there s really not much wrong with this film it jumps back and forth without being confusing events spiral out of control but the film never does the writing from first timer kelly masterson directing veteran sidney lumet and the editing stay as tight as a drum in many categories this is award caliber stuff though maybe films like the departed and no country squeezed this one out of the limelight if you liked those you ll like this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22440": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "new york i love you or rather should be titled manhattan i love looking at your people in sometimes love is a precise example of the difference between telling a story and telling a situation case in point look at two of the segments in the film one where ethan hawke lights a cigarette for a woman on a street and proceeds to chat her up with obnoxious sexy talk and another with orlando bloom trying to score a movie with an incredulous demand from his director to read two dostoyevsky books while the latter isn t a great story by any stretch it s at least something that has a beginning middle and end as the composer tries to score gets dostoyevky dumped in his lap and in the end gets some help and maybe something more from a girl he s been talking to as a liaison between him and the director the ethan hawke scene however is like nothing and feels like it like a fluke added in or directed by a filmmaker phoning it in or for that matter hawke with a combo of before sunrise and reality bites what s irksome about the film overall is seeing the few stories that do work really well go up against the one or two possible stories and then the rest of the situations that unfold that are made to connect or overlap with one another i e bits involving bradley cooper drea dematteo hayden christensen andy garcia james caan natalie portman etc it s not even so much that the film set practically always in manhattan and not the new york of queens or staten island or the bronx not even say harlem or washington heights lacks a good deal of diversity since there is some it s the lack of imagination that one found in spades for better or worse in paris j taime it s mostly got little to do with new york except for passing references and at its worst the julie christie shia labeouf segment it s incomprehensible on a level that is appalling so basically wait for tv and do your best to dip in and out of the film in that is for three scenes the aforementioned bloom christina ricci segment which is charming the brett ratner directed segment yes x men brett ratner with a very funny story of a teen taking a girl in a wheelchair to the prom only to come upon a great big twist and eli wallach and cloris leachman as an adorable quite old couple walking along in brooklyn on their th wedding anniversary everything else can be missed even natalie portman s directorial debut and the return of a hughes brother only one allan to the screen a mixed bag is putting it lightly it s like having to search through a bag of mixed nuts full of crappy peanuts to find the few almonds left"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22441": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "if you re a fan of film noir and think they don t make em like they used to here is your answer they just don t make em in hollywood anymore we must turn to the french to remember how satisfying subtle and terrific a well made film from that genre can be read my lips is a wonderfully nasty little gift to the faithful from director jacques audiard featuring sharp storytelling and fine performances from emmanuelle devos and vincent cassel the basic plot could have been written in the s dumb but appealing ex con and a smart but dowdy femme fatale who turns out to be ruthlessly ambitious discover each other while living lives of bleak desperation and longing manipulate each other to meet their own ends develop complex love hate relationship cook up criminal scheme involving heist double crosses close calls and lots of money all action takes place in depressing seedy and or poorly lit locations audiard has fashioned some modern twists of course the femme fatale is an underappreciated office worker who happens to be nearly deaf and uses her lip reading ability to take revenge on those who marginalize her and where you might expect steamy love scenes you discover that both characters are sexually awkward and immature add in a bit of modern technology and music and it seems like a contemporary film but make no mistake this is old school film noir it s as good as any film from the genre and easily one of the best films i ve seen all year"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22442": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "now this film isn t going to scare anyone but it was interesting for two reasons two big reason and a smaller one well that s three reasons isn t it the first reason this is interesting is the special effects i found them to be quite interesting and somewhat spectacular to see the hair growing on marsha a hunt and sybil danning was creepy especially when they were participating in a m nage trois of interest is the fact that this marsha hunt is the famous brown sugar of the rolling stones song and that she was in the infamous nude scene in the london cast of the rock musical hair besides the special effects there were two other points of note in this film and they were brought out repeatedly during the closing credits i lost count but i swear that sybil danning bared those points for us in the closing credits at least a dozen times and maybe many more theyu were the most outstanding feature of the film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22443": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "legendary director sidney lumet gives us one of his finest films in his historic career in this very tense and ultimately shocking story about a family that includes dysfunctional as one of the children with an a list cast headed by philip seymour hoffman an oscar worthy performance here ethan hawke marisa tomei and albert finney lumet has captured not just elements of botched crime stories such as reservoir dogs but also family stories such as ordinary people many viewers might be confused and feel underwhelmed at the construction of the plot lumet has gone with here instead of showing it in a linear manner he has gone the tarantino route and shows the central scene of a robbery gone wrong from different points of view all out of order i personally found this to be very satisfying and left me constantly guessing what was going to happen next the script is very strong with some excellent scenes between husband and wife hoffman and tomei as well as between father and son finney and hoffman all the actors are totally engaging to watch and lumet is obviously having fun in directing a style he usually doesn t delve in plenty of action and suspense to hold the audience for the two hour running time this is a rare movie that doesn t disappoint for one moment"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22444": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i have always been somewhat underwhelmed by joe dante s original the howling so i wasn t particularly interested in checking out any of its sequels some time ago i did catch howling iii the marsupials by the same director as this one and found it to be watchable but nothing special the second instalment however has quite a bad rep and i knew i d have a good time watching it if mainly to wallow in the sight of dear but pompous horror icon christopher lee squirming in the midst of it all the gracefully aged star has pathetically asserted a number of times in interviews that he hasn t appeared in horror oriented fare since his last picture for hammer films back in anyway this film should have borne the subtitle your movie is a turd being astoundingly inept in all departments beginning with the all important werewolf make up the plot and dialogue is not only terrible but it has the limpest connection with dante s film strangely enough the author of the original novel gary brandner co wrote this himself still one of the undeniable highlights er low points of the film is the pointless elliptical editing which tries to give the whole a semblance of style but only serves to accentuate its embarrassment factor similarly phoney and grating are the hokey transitions between scenes the inane punk rock theme song and the cheapjack special effects at the climax what about the characters then lee is the werewolf expert naturally whom everybody thinks a crackpot until they come into contact with the monsters that is at the very least though one has to admire the makers ingenuity or gall in devising a stupid subtitle with a dual meaning incidentally sybil danning as stirba werewolf bitch the subtitle by which this is known in the u k is quite fetching in an assortment of outrageous s m outfits but her character is virtually given nothing to do except preside over her brood of followers and engage in the occasional hilarious three way lycanthrope sex her two snarling lieutenants one of them a sluttish black girl are especially irritating aiding lee on the side of good are the two yuppie heroes he being the brother of the dee wallace character from the first film and she a colleague of hers and a ragged guerrilla type band of transylvians still they generally manage to effortlessly overcome danning s rather dumb werewolves notable among them is a knife throwing dwarf who gets a particularly nasty but at the same time side splitting demise he s later revived under stirba s control in order to lure lee by making childish taunts at him all through the village streets into a trap the latter scene has to be a career nadir for the distinguished and imposing actor well either this or the early sequence in a discotheque where lee is made to don a pair of ultra cool sunglasses so as to appear inconspicuous among the partying youngsters in the end if i were forced to mention elements in this which weren t entirely displeasing i guess i could say that the ossuary set in which the heroine is to be sacrificed is interesting or that the hybrid werewolf bat creature danning s pet who likes to inhabit the body of its victims is just too weird to be despised"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22445": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "while the title before the devil knows you re dead comes from an irish proverb the film plays out like a greek tragedy it all starts with a botched robbery and continues to spiral out of control as two brothers attempt to escape the mess they ve gotten themselves into the cast is well assembled with philip seymour hoffman ethan hawke playing the aforementioned brothers notable support includes albert finney as their father and marisa tomei as the wife of one brother and lover of the other beyond these principals the acting is unremarkable the story is compelling and is told with a certain degree of verve the narrative structure keeps things interesting by providing different points of view and frequent time shifts that being said the film s unpredictability is somewhat muted since it becomes apparent early on that this story is a tragedy through and through all in all a pretty impressive debut for first time screenwriter kelly masterson sidney lumet s direction is well handled but i m more impressed by the fact that he s still directing at over eighty years old i was less impressed by the score by carter burwell but it isn t a major distraction in the end the film proves to be compelling viewing and while the story presentation may have superficial similarities to other films this one remains a unique experience"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22446": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "to be honest i didn t watch all of the original howling but those scenes i saw made it obvious that the first howling was a great movie so great that seven horrible sequels had to be made they started off with howling ii your sister is a werewolf i got this movie on vhs from my uncle sometime ago when he was giving away a bunch of old movies he bought back when atari was brand new i just watched it last night and it wasn t really bad it was just weird i mean the whole thing with sybil danning going three way with two of her werewolf minions was just out of place and quite disturbing but kinda hot christopher lee about to stab a dead karen as if she s a vampire etc actually this movie was actually like some sort of mish mash of dracula and the lost boys except with werewolves because everything christopher lee whom played dracula himself was saying about werewolves pretty much ripped off from every other vampire movie stake in the heart garlic the creature of the night must die at night and the ruler of werewolves lives in transylvania not much for the acting but the worst of it came from annie mcenroe i swear at some point in the film i found myself rooting for the werewolves to rip her throat out because that damn throat always had to say something anyway the plot is pretty silly and clich d so there s no real point in telling you you could just read about it on wikipedia by the way the thing that really makes me nauseous about this movie is the fact that it s the only film out of all the seven sequels thats related in any way to the original not counting howling iv which was a remake of the original or in other words a sequel based on the same novel so don t see this movie there s no real horror hardly any werewolves and just horrible special fx"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22447": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "tarantino once remarked on a melodrama from the s called backstreet that tragedy is like another character in the film the same could be said and not withstanding bringing up tarantino for sidney lumet s best work in years a melodrama where character is of the utmost concern not simply because of what s at stake with the cast involved kelly masterson doesn t have a masterpiece of a script here it basically breaks into crazy killer mode by the end in a series of climactic events that only work by the very end and even there suspension of disbelief is paramount but her script does convey character before plot and in a story where the actions surround a heist it s crucial to know who these people are beat by beat it s bleak as hell unforgiving as satan but also absolutely riveting of the time chalk it up not just because lumet knows how to handle a non linear script where we see the day to day actions of character to character before during and mostly after the botched mom pop jewelry store robbery occurs but because of the formidable cast assembled which i might add is lumet s specialty philip seymour hoffman and ethan hawke are brothers with their own respective financial f ups and the former approaches the latter on what looks like a fool proof heist looting their own mother and father s jewelry store in westchester hawke s hank involves another shady character though murders occur and suddenly it s tragedy on a greek scale affecting the brothers and their father played by a perfect albert finney it s the kind of material that most actors love characters who like in dog day afternoon are painfully human flawed to the bone but only wanting love or things to be set right and have the complete inability to fulfill their wants and needs in this case though hoffman and hawke are matched splendidly hoffman has until the aforementioned last ten minutes a super calm and occasionally joking demeanor that reveals him as the brains of the operation but then smaller scenes where he breaks down emotionally i e with finney or the car scene with tomei push his talents to the limit hawke meanwhile is called a loser by his ex wife and daughter can t pay any debts at all and is called a baby by his own father and he fills the bill of the part in all the ways that matter he s not quite as flawed as his older brother but who wants to pick a straw for that title and finney as mentioned is spot on all the way through making his turn in big fish look like child s play the final scenes with him are terrifyingly tragic his face recoiling in a horror that has built up all through the second half also featuring supporting turns from a finely ditsy and perversely two timing marisa tomei bug s michael shannon as bad ass white trash and amy ryan brian f o byrne and rosemary harris making brief exact impressions this is a film with a tremendous lot of skill and heart but not a forgiving heart with a story that doubles back on details not for showy plot devices but to make clear every step of a family s perpetual downward spiral if it s not as mind blowing as serpico or network or the pawnbroker or angry men it comes as close as anything lumet s done since"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22448": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in the first howling we are introduced to a world where werewolves exist and are somewhat organized the plot in that film made some sense a tv reporter investigates this and attempts to uncover the truth she ends up having to kill many of them including her boyfriend who becomes one then she shows the world that they do exist by transforming on live tv the special effects were just laughable in the first movie and they don t get any better in this one whether it s the transformations or the bad puppets or the cheesy computer graphics showing the superpowers the plot line isn t all that bad they must kill the leader of the werewolves for some reason this won t destroy all werewolves and it really doesn t end the threat from werewolves as it they just want to kill her i think there was some cloudy reason for this but it really gets lost in the film after the film ends we have a minute montauge of the movie we just watched and every other scene is one where the female werewolf leader rips off her top exposing her large breasts while some devo esquire band plays to a crowd of werewolves the only thing that makes this movie even watchable is christopher lee"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22449": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in new york andy hanson philip seymour hoffman is an addicted executive of a real estate office that has embezzled a large amount for his addiction and expensive way of life with his wife gina marisa tomei when an audit is scheduled in his department he becomes desperate for money his baby brother hank hanson ethan hawke is a complete loser that owes three months of child support to his daughter and is having a love affair with gina every thursday afternoon andy plots a heist of the jewelry of their parent in a saturday morning without the use of guns expecting to find an old employee working and without financial damage to his parents since the insurance company would reimburse the loss on monday morning we would raise the necessary money he needs to cover his embezzlement he invites hank to participate since he is very well known in the mall where the jewelry is located and could be recognized however hank yellows and invites the thief bobby lasorda brian f o byrne to steal the store but things go wrong when their mother nanette rosemary harris comes to work as the substitute for the clerk and bobby brings a hidden gun nanette reacts and kills bobby but she is also lethally shot after the death of nanette their father charles hanson albert finney decides to investigate the robbery with tragic consequences before the devil knows you re dead is a comedy of errors disclosing a good story the originality and the difference are in the screenplay with a non linear narrative la pulp fiction the eighty three year old sidney lumet has another great work and it is impressive the longevity of this director philip seymour hoffman is awesome in the role of a dysfunctional man with traumatic relationship with his father that feels the world falling apart mostly because of his insecure and clumsy brother marisa tomei is still impressively gorgeous and sexy showing a magnificent body the violent conclusion shows that the world is indeed an evil place my vote is seven title brazil antes que o diabo saiba que voc est morto before the devil knows you re dead"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22450": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "we had starz free weekend and i switched on the station to see what was on it was this movie howling ii the acting was terrible but the eye candy was great sybil danning and marsha brown as the afore mentioned eye candy i was laughing a lot from the few scenes i saw my friends wonder why i never want to go to horror movies if they saw this film they would know why i would get thrown out for laughing so hard just a couple of trivia notes reb brown who played ben white had played captain american in a made for tv movie marsha brown was mick jaggers inspiration for the song brown sugar mick has great taste in women for sure"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22451": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the bible teaches us that the love of money is the root of all evil the love of money leads to greed which can lead to pride and eventually to destruction two brothers andy and hank will discover how far the love of money will cost them and those they love the most andy hanson philip seymour hoffman and his younger brother hank ethan hawke couldn t be more different andy is seemingly enjoying the success of working in new york s real estate market and is married to his beautiful wife gina marisa tomei who is the idea of a trophy wife if one ever existed hank however is divorc e who finds himself at the mercy of his ex wife his daughter s expensive school bills and endless amount of child support payments a man who means well and has good intentions hank none the less cannot escape the water that his slowly raising above his head no matter how hard he swims to stay above it however andy has his own problems with the only difference between him and his brother being that he hides them better he has committed fraud against his company and is heavily involved in drug use in order to escape his fears the pressure of his life and the lies he needs to keep his appearances up have now caused him to think about fleeing the country with gina in order to start over again of course like hank he needs money to do this and believes he knows how to get it how by robbing the jewelery store that their parents own and run this act of betrayal is where the hanson brothers their families and several other lives will be destroyed because of greed pride and fear the uniqueness of before the devil knows you re dead is the manner in which the story is told after the robbery goes wrong and nanette hanson rosemary harris who is the mother of both andy and hank is killed the story is told from a variety of different points of view from various days before and after the robbery attempt we learn more about the motivations of not only andy and hank but also the reaction to their father charles albert finney to the death of his wife the relationship between charles and his two sons especially to andy is also explored and another possible motivation of sorts is discovered after it is revealed that there is little love between the two men nanette may have been dearly loved by her sons but their father is a different story philip seymour hoffman proves once more why he is one of the most impressive actors in hollywood today by portraying andy as not only a greedy criminal with lack of morality but also in contradictory way as a man we can sympathize with ethan hawke also brings hank alive not just as a loser but really as a man just desperate to hang on to what little he has left andy and hank are thus brought to life in such a realistic way that it is easy to think of them as not just characters but the very real images of lost and confused men who now find themselves facing the consequence of their actions before the devil knows you re dead is a moral tale about how our actions lead to consequences that we otherwise might not expect to face more than that our choices also can affect those around us in ways we never expected in what should have been best picture of the year we see how lives are easily broken when the love of money becomes the ultimate pursuit in order to ease our troubled lives in other words there are no easy fixes or answers to our problems and trying to find them can only make things worse"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22452": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "yes the first howling was a classic a rather good werewolf movie that i admit started slowly but gained momentum along the way to have a rather good finish then the anchorwoman changed into a cute werewolf only to be gunned down on camera yes that made for an entertaining horror movie to be sure well forget all of that as this movie has nothing to do with that film oh sure they kind of make it out that the anchor woman is the same and that her brother or something is wanting to find out what and why things went down as they did but they go from the little cozy retreat from the first movie to transylvania or somewhere here where they must battle evil magician werewolves or something i often wonder what in the world christopher lee was doing in this movie however i read the trivia here where it says he had never been in a werewolf movie before but still read the script before you take a role maybe you could have gotten into an american werewolf in london hell that could have been possible it was set in london after all heck werewolves do not seem to figure much into this movie except for a rather bizarre and prolonged sex scene in fact the most memorable death in this movie for me was when the one gal started talking loudly and this one dude s ear s started bleeding"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22453": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sydney lumet although one of the oldest active directors still got game a few years ago he shot find me guilty a proof to everyone that vin diesel can actually act if he gets the opportunity and the right director if he had retired after this movie a true masterpiece in my eyes no one could have blamed him but he s still going strong his next movie already announced for but let s stay with this movie right here the cast list is incredible their performance top notch the little nuances in their performances the real dialogue and or situations that evolve throughout the movie are just amazing the time structure of the movie that keeps your toes the whole time blending time lines so seamlessly that the editing seems natural flawless the story is heightened by that although even in a normal time structure it would ve been at least a good movie drama thriller i can only highly recommend it the rest is up to you o"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22454": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "lee hosted the years of horror for ted newsom and was talking about filmic werewolves he said something to the effect that his only brush with lycanthropy was the howling ii then he quipped the less said about that the better indeed he was right as this film may very well be the worst in his entire catalog of screen performances the first howling by joe dante was a groundbreaking werewolf film with its incredible special effects and its campy sense of style and subject matter it was a film to be taken seriously like other good original films filmmakers for some strange reason thought that even more campy sequels were needed rather than what worked the first time see chud then chud ii to illustrate this point this film is miles and miles away from the first on every front there is absolutely nothing scary about it it looks cheap and is pitch black through most of the major scenes lee is the only actor in the film worth mentioning okay i ll cede ferdy mayne too lee looks embarrassed as he says inane dialog and does ridiculous things check out that ending with him and stirba lee looks incredibly tired and knows what dreck this is which is a tad more insightful than the two leads who leave america to go to romania the story isn t really worth examining here and you can bet there is very little story worth mentioning when you have to have stephen parsons and his band babel play through much of the film in the beginning and the ending with that dreadful noise sybil danning is here and yes she disrobes once and then we get that scene showed again and again and again one reviewer said times i counted ten but might have been so bored out of my mind by that point i gave the film three stars but it really deserves a zero the three i gave it are for lee and two for ms danning s contributions yuck"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22455": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "before the devil knows you re dead starts off promisingly setting up a simple heist that goes awry told from varying perspectives in rashomon style at around the hour mark sidney lumet transforms this film into something that is so much more than the sum of its parts it eventually morphs into a multi faceted family drama exploring the full realm of human emotions relations as the story comes to its chilling climax as is the case with lumet he manages to coax exceptional performances out of his star studded cast without any notion of over acting or hyperbole philip seymour hoffman in one of his best roles is a complex mysterious and interesting character and oftentimes dwarfs ethan hawke who plays his brother hank that s not to say that hawke is not bad in fact he is quite above adequate in a troubled role that suits his style marisa tomei is excellent for her relatively short appearance the fact that she bares her flesh adds to this albert finney s character andy and hank s father is the most intriguing and in my opinion he deserved a bit more screen time amy ryan also performs her job adequately before the devil knows you re dead is not an exceptional movie but it proves that lumet is still near the top of his game at the apparent twilight of an illustrious career many of his characteristics and trademarks appear here not least of which involves the use of his characters infused with a killer script no pun intended smart dialogue and pacing and a decent score before the devil knows you re dead is a must see a truly underrated gem stars out of should just enter my top at highly recommended"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22456": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film is really bad so bad that even christopher lee cannot save it a poor story an even poorer script and just plain bad direction makes this a truly outstanding horror film the outstanding part being that it is the only horror film that i can honestly say i would never ever watch again this garbage make plan nine from outerspace look like oscar material"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22457": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "director sidney lumet has made some masterpieces like network dog day afternoon or serpico but he was not having too much luck on his most recent works gloria was pathetic and find me guilty was an interesting but failed experiment now lumet brings his best film in decades and by my point of view a true masterpiece before the devil knows you re dead i think this film is like a rebirth for lumet this movie has an excellent story which deeply has many layers also i think the ending of the movie is perfect the performances are brilliant philip seymour hoffman brings as usual a magnificent performance and he s no doubt one of the best actors of our days ethan hawke is also an excellent actor but he s underrated by my point of view his performance in here is great the rest of the cast is also excellent specially the great albert finney but these two actors bring monumental performances which were sadly ignored by the pathetic oscars the film has a good level of intensity in part thanks to the performances and in part thanks to the brilliant screenplay before the devil knows you re dead is a real masterpiece with perfect direction a great screenplay and excellent performances we need more movies like this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22458": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ben a out of town cop is convinced his sister was brutally killed and wants to bring her killer to justice but he s approached by stefan who believes his sister was a victim of a werewolf cult so ben his sister s best friend and stefan travel to transylvania to put a end to this evil this is incredibly awful b grade stuff and i wondered how it even got released it makes the original howling look like a masterpiece what was christopher lee thinking as this has to be his worst performance i ve seen there was a lot wrong with this real cheap ass film ranging from the really hammy and wooden performances from annie mcenroe reb brown marsha a hunt and sybil danning not to forgot lee cheesy fashion those sunnies cheap and lame special effects bad use of lighting the humour if there was any trashy s music with some of the film just focusing on some unknown band playing werewolf s having orgies which is a sight to see and a tiresome story with flat and annoying dialogue i thought if it was that bad it would be awfully funny but i was wrong the positives were the location and settings of the film looked great but that s about it actually i ll add sybil danning short stripping scene too during the end credits the band plays their crap house song during a weird montage of scenes from the film which i beckon the question why an awful piece of mess however at least it isn t boring"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22459": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i must admit that this is the type of film that i would normally eschew but i rented it basically because of the stars i certainly was not sorry in fact as you see i rated it five stars this film is the perfect combination of sharp directing and superior acting andy and hank hanson are brothers who decide to commit the uncouth crime of robbing their parents jewelry store the crime goes terribly wrong thus beginning an examination of the three men in the hanson family through a series of flashbacks we get to know charles hanson and come to an understanding of the strained relationship between father and sons younger brother hank is basically a screw up he has always had trouble holding a job and pretty much goes in the direction of the wind hank is insecure cowardly and very much under the influence of his big brother ethan hawke has the character of hank nailed to a t and gives what is probably his best performance thus far he shows us a man who is basically good hearted but so influenced by outside forces that he is unable to follow through with any important task andy on the surface appears to be a successful businessman but we soon discover that he is addicted to drugs and has been embezzling from his company to pay for his habit it is andy who concocts the scheme to rob his parents store and he gets weak willed hank to commit the act philip seymour hoffman surely one of the finest actors of our time plays andy hoffman is an actor who has the ability to portray a man who on the surface is a charming businessman liked by his acquaintances but a real slime ball underneath he is absolutely perfect for the part of andy or it might be said that he through his superior acting skills made andy the perfect part albert finney plays a father common to his generation charles hanson is not a bad or unfeeling man but he has a lousy relationship with his sons because he never really understood what was necessary in nurturing a positive bond between his sons and himself he has always been too quick to criticize and admonish he always made it clear that he favored his younger son over his older thus causing a wide emotional rift between himself and andy as we get to know charles and andy the thought of andy forming a plan to rob from his father becomes less unbelievable on a personal note i cannot believe how much charles hanson reminded me of my own father and how much andy and hank reminded me of my own brother and myself perhaps this may be one of the reasons that i enjoyed the film so much as this story of a distant critical father a more successful older brother and a less successful younger brother hit so close to home fortunately my brother and i never came to the state of committing a crime against my parents guess we were made of sterner and more moral stuff this complex of personalities and actions has been expertly put together by director sidney lumet at eighty three he still has the chops to give the audience engrossing characters and edge of seat action that hypnotizes angry men was his first film made fifty years prior to before the devil knows you re dead but he hasn t lost any bit of his magic touch in showing us characters that will be long remembered the events and characters in before the devil knows you re dead are harsh and unattractive and this is definitely not a feel good movie however it is two hours of ultimate entertainment which i thoroughly recommend"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22460": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ugly shot poorly scripted and amateurishly paced sequel to joe dante s classic the howling is one of the two or three only good werewolf films ever made and yet it got rewarded by a series of obnoxious and unendurable sequels like this one if it s any consolation stirba is a sequel in name only and there s absolutely no connection with the characters or events that were introduced in dante s film the plot here revolves on a bloodthirsty cult of transsylvanian werewolves primarily female ones led by stirba stirba is played by sybil danning who transforms from a curvy old lady into a blond super babe with impressive bosom in the blink of an eye and becomes all hairy when sexually aroused her arch enemy is played by a seemly fatigue christopher lee his character stefan crosscoe is an occult investigator who travels to stirba s kingdom accompanied by an american couple who lost their friend to the werewolf cult in case you re exclusively looking for filthy gore and gratuitous nudity this is your film even the smallest killing is shown in great detail and we re even treated to exploding eyeballs and the vile image of a dwarf who gets pierced on a pointy fence however if you want a little substance or depth you ll be sorely disappointed the dialogues are embarrassing and there s absolutely no tension to detect anywhere the scriptwriters constantly seem to confuse werewolves with vampires the transsylvanian setting garlic wooden stakes and danning s gorgeous balcony is shamelessly exploited as the film s only gimmick during the end credits a shot in which she rips off her top is re edited repeatedly according to my fellow reviewer dr gore no less than seventeen times which is pretty pathetic and pointless the music is okay and some of the scenery is rather beautiful i m talking about the fierce looking statues during the opening credits and the dark dungeons of stirba s castle the directing by philippe mora is a giant mess and as far as i m concerned his only worthwhile film remains the beast within released three years earlier"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22461": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "the full title of this film is may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you re dead a rewording of the old irish toast may you have food and raiment a soft pillow for your head may you be years in heaven before the devil knows you re dead first time screenwriter kelly masterson with some modifications by director sidney lumet has concocted a melodrama that explores just how fragmented a family can become when external forces drive the members to unthinkable extremes in this film the viewer is allowed to witness the gradual but nearly complete implosion of a family by a much used but here very sensible manipulation of the flashback flash forward technique of storytelling by repeatedly offering the differing vantages of each of the characters about the central incidents that drive this rather harrowing tale we see all the motivations of the players in this case of a robbery gone very wrong andy hanson philip seymour hoffman is a wealthy executive married to an emotionally needy gina marisa tomei and addicted to an expensive drug habit his life is beginning to crumble and he needs money andy s ne re do well younger brother hank ethan hawke is a life in ruins he is divorced from his shrewish wife martha amy ryan is behind in alimony and child support and has borrowed all he can from his friends and he needs money andy proposes a low key robbery of a small mall mom and pop jewelry store that promises safe quick cash for both the glitch is that the jewelry story belongs to the men s parents charles albert finney and nanette rosemary harris andy advances hank some cash and wrangles an agreement that hank will do the actual robbery but though hank agrees to the fail safe plan he hires a friend to take on the actual job while hank plans to be the driver of the getaway car the robbery is horribly botched when nanette filing in for the regular clerk shoots the robber and is herself shot in the mess the disaster unveils many secrets about the fragile relationships of the family and when nanette dies charles and andy and hank and their respective partners are driven to disastrous ends with surprises at every turn each of the actors in this strong but emotionally acrid film gives superb performances and while we have come to expect that from hoffman hawke tomei finney ryan and harris it is the wise hand of direction from sidney lumet that make this film so unforgettably powerful it is not an easy film to watch but it is a film that allows some bravura performances that demand our respect a film that reminds us how fragile many families can be grady harp"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22462": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "an anthology is always risky business and i think this endeavor should be praised there s a lot of talent involved here a great many talented actors directors and writers unfortunately i couldn t really enjoy this movie based on three issues i had first of all the segments vary incredibly in tone and quality and unfortunately some of them clash with the others secondly several segments feel underdeveloped to me like seeds of good stories that never come to fruition i m not talking about happy endings here or even an ending period but rather they lack even basic development or even solid setups that draw you in last but not least i did not feel new york and its inhabitants were properly portrayed what you re left with is high brow short films that may still be of interest to some but will leave the average viewer unsatisfied"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22463": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i must admit that i had my doubts about this movie before i was going to watch it the main reason for that is because it was compared to a hitchcock movie i ve seen several movies that were said to be inspired by hitchcock or that could have been made by the master of suspense himself but so far i haven t seen any of these movie that would be able to stand the test of time in my opinion hitchcock has become a household name which is too easily used to promote some cheap thrillers but on the other hand i must admit that i was intrigued by it because this is a european movie normally it s the big hollywood studios who like to abuse hitchcock s name if that can raise their income but this movie was made in one of the most chauvinistic european countries ever and i m sure that most french would rather drop dead than to admit that their movies have been inspired by an englishman that s why i decided to give this movie a try and i must say that i m glad that i did sur mes l vres or read my lips as it is called in english tells the story of a young secretary named carla she is a hardworking and loyal employee but has never been very appreciated by her colleagues that has much to do with the fact that she suffers from a hearing deficiency which has denied her to climb up on the hierarchical ladder of the company but when she is allowed to hire a trainee that can work for her all this is about to change paul angeli is a year old and completely unskilled ex convict the man is a thief but carla gives him a chance and covers for him when needed she hopes to teach him what a regular life should look like but at the same time he drags her with him in his old life since i still believe that the name hitchcock is used too often to describe a very good thriller which this movie definitely is i will not make any comparisons between hitchcock and jacques audiard s directing fact is that the man has done a really good job with this movie i hadn t heard of him before but it is true that he knows how to build up suspense and how to keep you interested from the beginning until the end that also has a lot to do with the very fine and original story of course i doubt if there is someone in hollywood who has ever come up with the idea of using a handicapped woman in a powerful role instead of making her the helpless subject of an abusive husband you know the typical tv movie story also worth noticing is the acting in this movie vincent cassel is quite famous but emmanuelle devos was a complete mystery to me there is absolutely nothing glamorous about their roles but they both did an excellent job with their characters making them feel very believable and realistic paul could have been the average tough guy right out of jail and carla the typically helpless woman but thanks to their performances you really believe that these are two strong people who both have had some bad luck in life but who will make the best out of it together all in all this is a powerful movie with a very fine script and some excellent acting despite the fact that i had my doubts about it i ve soon become one of its greatest admirers i give this movie an don t hesitate to give it a try"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22464": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "ok as everyone has pointed out this film is a complete dog to some degree this is because it was a gory sexploitation film that had a lot of material excised or darkened down to near invisibility to escape the censor s x rating but the film has many other flaws as well to begin with the scriptwriter seems to have got his werewolves and vampires mixed up the baddies in this film are furry and don t like silver but in every other respect they behave like vampires now you just can t do that with a crappy genre flick you ve got to stick to the rules of the genre or the fans get all confused and annoyed by suspending disbelief in the wrong thing in fact the whole confusing and poorly presented plot is something that has already been done for vampires but doesn t make any sense in a werewolf movie secondly the werewolf costumes are the lamest you have ever seen anybody in the werewolf movie business ought to know that the werewolf costumes and transformations are something the fans assess critically yet some of these werewolves are just plain goofy there are a couple of slightly good bits i actually quite liked the score others have mentioned sybil danning s tits and spoiler if such a thing can exist i also quite liked the plan for attacking the werewolves stronghold there are so many horror movies that rely on characters behaving stupidly but in this case they first acquire a very sensible and effective anti werewolf arsenal and go slaughter the monsters i mean you can kill werewolves with silver bullets and we have some pretty powerful firearms these days shouldn t be too hard to put two and two together hmm but in typical style this movie goes over the top and adds some other very zany and amusing anti lycanthrope weapons"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22465": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i am beginning to see a very consistent pattern form in the identity of s films if was the year of the biographies and was the year of the political films can be identified as a year featuring a wide plethora of morality tales films that portray test challenge and question human morality and the motives that drive us to do certain things although this identification is rather broad i think that there are a handful of films released this year such as to yuma eastern promises american gangster no country for old men and others that specifically question and study human morals and the motives that drive us to acts such as violence or treachery before the devil knows you re dead is a deviously stylish morality tale and quite a dark bleak and depressing one at that and even better is the fact that it comes from one of the greatest classic directorial forces of our time the legendary sidney lumet who many have said has passed his prime but returns in full force with this viciously rich crime thriller it s one of those films whose plots are so thick that one is very reluctant to go into details it is a movie that is best enjoyed if entered without any prior knowledge to the events about to unfold as there are twists and turns but the thick and richly wrought plot is not at all at the center of this film the true focus is as i mentioned the morality tale the motives that drive these two men to the actions they do in the film in a plot structured like a combination between the filmographies of both the coen brothers namely blood simple and fargo and quentin tarantino we see two men driven under various shady circumstances to pull off a fairly simple crime that goes incredibly ridiculously wrong and reciprocates with full force and inevitable tragedy and to make it all the more interesting the film is told in a fragmented chronology that keeps back tracking and showing a series of events following a different character every time and always ending up where it left off the last time sizzling sharp thick and precariously depressing kelly masterson s screenplay is surprisingly poignant and well rounded in particular because it is a debut screenplay but the film has much more going for it than just it s delectably sinister and quite depressing plot first and foremost the picture looks and feels outstandingly well sidney lumet has throughout his career consistently employed an interesting style of cinematography and lighting naturalistic and yet stylish at the same time the film carries with it a distinctive air of style and class with wonderful natural lighting that just looks really great editing is top notch combining the sizzling drama thriller aspect with great long takes that really take their time to portray the action accordingly and vivid dynamic camera angles and movements further add to the style the film is also backed by a fantastically succulent musical score by carter burwell the screenplay does its part and of course lumet does his part but at the film s dramatic center are three masterful actors who deliver incredibly good performances first and foremost there are the two leads leading the pack is philip seymour hoffman who has always been an excellent actor but has stumbled upon newfound leading man status after his unnaturally fantastic oscar winning performance in capote his turn in this film is fascinating severely flawed broken manic hoffman has some truly intense scenes in the film that really allow his full dramatic fury to come out and not just his subtlety and wit at his side is ethan hawke who has delivered some fantastic performances in many films that are almost always overshadowed by greater grander actors here he bounces off hoffman and complements him so incredibly well in all the dynamic acting between the two of them is just so utterly fantastic and convincing the audience very quickly loses itself in the characters and forgets that it s watching actors and then there s albert finney such a supple opulent supporting role like the one he has requires a veteran professional and here finney delivers his finest performance in many years as the tragically obsessed father to the two brothers who get caught up in the crime i love how the dynamics between the three of them play out i love how hoffman is clearly the dominant brother and shamelessly picks on his younger brother even now that they re middle aged men and yet despite this it is clear how finney s father favours hawke s younger weaker brother also on the topic of the cast the two supporting female characters wives of the brothers also feature fantastic performances from amy ryan and marisa tomei whose looks just get better and better as the years go by this film isn t revolutionary these themes and this style have already been explored by the likes of the coen brothers and it s very easy to imagine them directing this film but for a film that treads familiar ground it simply excels lumet employs his own immense directorial talent and employs his unique and very subtle sense of irony and style to masterson s brilliantly vivid intense and morbidly depressing first time screenplay the lead performances are incredibly intense and the film features absolutely fantastic turns from hoffman hawke and finney but the truly greatest wonder of the film is that three years after he won a lifetime achievement oscar much revered as the ultimate sign of retirement in the film business sidney lumet proves that he still has the immense talent to deliver a truly wonderful resonant intense piece of cinema reminiscent of his golden years"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22466": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "dreadful horror sequel to the howling this picks off with karen white s funeral she was killed at the end of the first film stefan crosscoe christopher lee sadly arrives there and tells karen s brother ben reb brown that karen was a werewolf he s going to transylvania to kill striba sybil danning the head werewolf ben and a coworker of karens annie mcenroe join him a terrible script bad direction inept editing and truly horrendous acting by brown and mcenroe single handedly sink this one the werewolf effects are mostly kept in the dark for good reason they re terrible when you see them subpar special effects also although i did like the cartoon lightning that comes from danning s fingers there s also a werewolf orgy which is particularly stupid and danning takes off her top at least eight times during the closing credits there are a few good things i found the village in transylvania amusing it looks like it came from a universal horror flick from the s there are interesting camera tricks between transition scenes brown and mcenroe have good bodies and lee and danning are good in this but they can t save it really why did they do this where that they hard up for money this is one of imdb s lowest rated movies that alone should tell you something supposedly danning was horrified when she saw the movie i can understand why a must miss"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22467": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "says andy nobody gets hurt everybody wins before he says it we know the opposite is true everybody gets hurt nobody wins this is a new strand in american movies or perhaps an old strand brought back at long last think eastern promises there will be blood no country for old men these movies are dark serious extremely well made and don t care about happy endings i love them before the devil knows you re dead fits the general description but creates an atmosphere all its own kelly masterson s debut script is as close as a hollywood movie will ever get to a greek tragedy paying tribute to fellow veteran director stanley donen sidney lumet expertly and soberly turns the sombre story into an outstanding old school character drama the opening shots although of an obese accountant doggy styling his trophy wife have the look and feel of a dutch master s painting by contrast the drug dealer s condo looks more like a string of mondrians great performances all around only albert finney s character charles feels a little over acted eyes wide and mouth agape almost all the time but then he is in trouble deep deeper than any of the troubles most of us will ever know for compensation marisa tomei is super hot but of course you don t need me to tell you that why her character gina would want to be with a guy like andy we re never told but that s okay action is character after all the unique and magic touch of carter burwell s music makes this fine movie a masterpiece don t miss it"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22468": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "from the moment christopher lee puts on a pair of punk sunglasses and tries to sneak into a punk rock club you know you ve got a stinker on your hands this film had potential beneath all of the sludge there are the remnants of what could have been crafted into a decent film if not an interesting one the final product is a real mess however aside from the gratuitous nudity and some very attractive women howling ii winds up being a laughable excuse for a horror film christopher lee gives it a nugget of credibility but even he cannot raise it above the level of crap having never seen any of the other films in this series this critic will be forced to accept on face value that this is a genuine continuation of the events in part one we start off at a funeral for one of the characters from the original and within the first ten minutes we find ourselves in transylvania with a small group of heroes ready to battle a coven of werewolves the film is paced fairly well and there are not too many dead spots the action is there it just isn t filmed well one bright spot is the music of a punk band called babel though their song is played quite often it is rather catchy the problems with this film are great in number first off the acting is worse than pitiful christopher lee is good enough but that s where it ends the two leads reb brown and annie mcenroe are lacking in just about everything you d want for such characters the writing is wretched the editing redundant and the direction amateurish there are a couple nice special effect gimmicks but the cheesy ones far out weigh them in number sybil danning is nice to look at but her acting performance is less than satisfactory judd omen looks the part he plays but his voice and acting are unconvincing to say the least much of the dialog is in an unintelligible language that may or may not be latin i liked the general idea for the story i always enjoy stories of true believers out to battle seemingly invincible forces of evil one scene where a small group of good guys are trekking through a dark forest and shooting down a bunch of werewolves is even kind of exciting kind of maybe a bigger budget or a better director could have made the rest of the film a bit more compelling of stars the hound side note as of this writing the censors at youtube com have still not taken down the ending credits with sybil danning ripping off her top several times while the babel song is playing catch it while you can"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 1, -1]}, "22469": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "sydney lumet hasn t had a box office hit in years and yet at has managed to churn out a tight well cast suspenseful thriller set in his old stamping ground new york city how he got insurance let alone the budget after all those flops is a mystery also the story is a pretty grim one and the characters are not particularly likable but it held me on the edge of my seat till the final scene two brothers with pressing financial problems conspire to rob a suburban jewelry store owned by their elderly parents the only victim is going to be the insurance company the robbery goes awry and two people die most of the film is concerned with the aftermath the action is non linear and seen from the main character s differing points of view but it is not difficult to follow what is not so easy to work out is the back story how did the brothers get into such a mess there are clues the younger brother being the baby of the family is his fathers favorite while the older brother seems to be carrying a lot of baggage about his relationship with his father and vice versa but that hardly accounts for him becoming a heroin using murdering embezzler as the scheming older brother a corpulent philip seymour hoffman dominates the film but he is well supported by ethan hawke as his bullied inadequate younger brother albert finney as their father seems to be in a constant state of rage but then the script calls for that marisa tomei as the older brother s cheating wife at the age of puts in the sexiest performance i ve seen in many a year the film literally starts with a bang but we are out of that comfort zone pretty quickly i don t know the origins of this story by first time scriptwriter kelly masterton but i suspect that like lumet s great s film dog day afternoon it is based on fact it s too silly to be untrue lumet is just about the last of those immensely versatile old time craftsman studio directors who with immense speed were able to direct just about anything that was put in front of them some great films were produced that way as well as some classic turkeys this isn t a classic of either sort it s a well crafted piece of downbeat entertainment it will probably leave you feeling that you were lucky not be a member of a family as dysfunctional as this one but still wondering as to how they got that way we do know the parents were happy but we see so little of the mother and hear so little about her it is impossible pick up on her relationship with the boys there is also a daughter whose presence seems redundant well like tolstoy we have to conclude that each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22470": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "howling ii was a complete from the first film whilst the first film was campy and creepy the second one was sleazy and cheesy the production values on this one are pretty bad and the acting is atrocious the brother of the anchorwoman werewolf from part one wants to find out what happened to his sis the scene from the first film was badly re created a skinny plain looking woman accompanies bro reb brown to the old country romania to uncover the mystery to her sister s murder transformation death christopher lee appears and disappears over now and then as sort of a sage guide to the two sybil danning and her two biggest assets appear as stirba the head werewolf of the romania she also suffers from a bad case of morning face ewww bad movie there s nothing good about this stinker i m surprise philippe mora directed this picture because he s usually a good film maker the film is so dark that you need a flashlight to watch it no not the content but the film stock itself to round the movie off you get a lousy punk performance from a damned wannabe babel maybe if they forked over a couple of extra bucks they could ve got the real deal instead of an imitation best to avoid unless you re desperate or you lost the remote and you re too lazy to change the channel"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22471": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "after a cold sex scene between andy and gina in south america we know that andy is a payroll manager who finds himself in a hard economic situation where he badly needs some extra money we also discover that he has been stealing from his job and using the money to his drug habits he s also attempting to keep up with his wife who just might be having an affair to solve all their problems he persuades his brother a likable loser to join him in a plan to steal their own parent s small store their parents are happily married and proprietors of a jewelry store situated in new york s westchester county sixty thousand dollars is all they ll need to get their life out of desperation three main characters are important in this movie first the two brothers each of them is a complex individual threatened with multiple motivations and sunk into doubts and disappointments the two are desperate characters financially and emotionally andy is selfish he feels that he has never had the love of his father he is the corrupting influence turning his brother into an assailant and his beautiful woman into an adulteress hank is a puppet too weak to resist his brother s wishes his ex wife is one of the reasons he needs money as he owes her hundreds in child support he longs to regain the confidence he once had with his father the third character is their weary and deplorable father charles hanson albert finney especially in the haunting climactic scenes telling you more about the details could lessen the impact of the film and therefore the entertainment tomei s performance conveys great depth and emotion even with her look her touch her particular move lumet s direction is firm fresh and brutal"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22472": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "after watching this i had lost a little respect for christopher lee this has passed over time this film was utter garbage first they tried to recreate the ending from the first howling with incredibly bad make up then they try to turn it into a sad excuse of a werewolf porn film the plot sucks and the whole film is just awful a brother of a werewolf victim from the first film from the look of it it was supposed to be dee wallace stone teams up with lee and another woman to destroy the group of werewolves lead by sybil danning who seems to be naked all the time this is not even worth renting unless you want to waste your time and money watching the nudity try to catch it on cable instead it would be so chopped up it may actually make sense"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22473": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "what an extraordinary crime thriller my wife and i saw this at the toronto international film festival last week and it was far and away the best movie in an exceptionally strong festival it s already my second favourite film of all time after dr strangelove and i was definitely on an emotional high as i walked home and discussed the film with my wife i don t want to spoil the plot because thrillers of this calibre are best enjoyed without preconceptions a synopsis that i d feel comfortable sharing is that two brothers played by phillip seymour hoffman and ethan hawke are planning to rob a jewellery store in westchester new york the film bounces back and forth in time over approximately a two week period of time before during and after the robbery and one key scene is repeated at least three times ordinarily that could disrupt the momentum of a film but that never happens during this masterpiece the excitement the tension and even the quality of the acting only seemed to get better as the film progressed by the end i was on the edge of my seat breathlessly waiting to see how it would all wrap up i know that i ve used a few clich s in this post but i literally was on the edge of my seat i should mention that the non linear storyline is quite easy to follow this isn t the sort of movie where you ll overhear audience members asking their friend to explain the plot during the movie the acting is absolutely brilliant all around and i doubt i would have the same admiration for the film if the casting hadn t been so perfect a tiny complaint is that hoffman and hawke don t look like brothers but that s a minor quibble that i can easily overlook hoffman was at his very best and some of his scenes with hawke were positively electric marisa tomei as hoffman s wife and albert finney as the father of hoffman hawke are also very good in supporting roles even some cameo performances were so impressive that i can still remember every remark gesture and facial expression by brian o byrne and michael shannon absolute perfection the robbery scene felt more authentic than any other cinematic robbery scene i ve ever watched and i had the same feeling of authenticity in most scenes especially the ones with hoffman the music helped to build up the tension throughout the movie often the same notes played over very effectively i had the music playing in my head the following day even as i sat through other films in addition to my minor complaint at the beginning of this paragraph there was one plot twist that felt a bit unbelievable major spoiler so i can t describe the scene otherwise this film is pretty darn close to perfect there were about a dozen great films at the festival that i would enjoy watching a second time but before the devil knows you re dead stands in a league of its own as an aside the director sidney lumet spoke before the film and he introduced marisa tomei and ethan hawke onto the stage tomei didn t speak and she acted a bit shy so lumet asked can you believe that someone so beautiful could be so camera shy that comment is quite ironic considering the graphic opening scene"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22474": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "the howling ii starts as it means to go on with a bizarre and surreal opening narration by christopher lee whose image is imposed over a moving star field oh and a skeleton appears as well for some reason he says for it s written the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with her blood and i saw her sip upon a hairy beast and she held forth a golden challis full of the filthiest fornication s and upon her forehead was written behold i am the great mother of an inaudible word i couldn t make out no matter how many times i rewound the tape and tried to sorry and all abominations of the earth this opening narration means nothing at all and is just downright bizarre after the opening credits which are set over shots of transylvanian architecture we get an on screen caption that informs us we re in los angeles california u s a city of the angels i knew i was in for a long minutes it s probably not too long after the events of the original howling and it s karen white s funeral after the ceremony karen s brother ben reb brown is spoken to by an occult investigator called stefan crosscoe christopher lee who says that karen is a werewolf and that she will come back to life ben dismisses such nonsense but together with one of karen s friends and colleagues jenny annie mcenroe he visits stefan at his home there stefan tells them about werewolves and how they can be killed he mentions stirba sybil danning who is the queen of werewolves stefan also shows them a photograph taken at karen s funeral of a woman named mariana marsha a hunt and that she is an extremely vicious and dangerous werewolf who wants karen stefan says he will stake any werewoves through the heart with titanium ben figures out that stefan means he will stake karen as well so together with jenny he travels to the graveyard where his sister s crypt is to stop stefan however lots of werewolves turn up and attack stefan ben and jenny they survive the attack and manage to find out that stirba is to be found in transylvania they all decide to travel to transylvania and stop stirba and her werewolves from taking over the earth by fulfilling a centuries old curse once there they travel to a small town called vlkava which means where wolves live and meet up with the local priest father florin ladislav krecmer and his small but loyal group of werewolf hunters hey what else can i call them oh and a dwarf named florica ludmila safarova helps too they follow mariana who they hope will lead them to stirba but stirba knows of stefan s arrival and has plans for him ben and jenny will stefan be able to put an end to stirba s plans for world domination will this film get any more bizarre or surreal watch it and find out directed by philippe mora this is one strange mess of a film it s poorly edited as certain sequences just jump around incoherently the single biggest problem is the script by robert sano and gary brandner based on his novel which is all over the place and doesn t make any sort of sense or introduces us to any proper characters that we like luckily it moves along like a rocket and is never dull or boring unlike the original something strange or bizarre is always happening to keep the viewer entertained most people will probably hate it but for those of us who enjoy bad films this is right up there with the best of them there are werewolf orgies which are just freaky to watch we get some cool werewolf killing weaponry the sets and locations just seem so out of place and i don t know if this was actually shot in transylvania but it doesn t look like what i thought mid s transylvania would stirba s castle is part dungeon part gothic castle and part modern luxury house stirba and her servant s costumes are very over the top stirba wears an outfit that looks like it belongs in a s m video and to be fair to her she looks pretty sexy and her minions wear skimpy leather clothing too the special make up effects range from good to poor a dwarf s eyes explode someone has their hand ripped off and a priest has some creature emerge from his mouth but this isn t a film loaded with gore although there are plenty of effect sequences with werewolf transformations and attacks there is plenty of nudity as well as stirba and her minions are a real randy bunch of werewolves i should also mention the music the soundtrack is dominated by awful rock music that i hated and i ended up turning the volume down acting is weak all round and what on earth was christopher lee thinking about when he accepted this film i wonder what he thinks of it basically the whole thing is a real mess but i found it a fairly entertaining mess all the same impossible to recommend but it kept me watching through to the end speaking of which the end credits run over what appears to be deleted scenes and cut footage it also features the same shot of sybil danning taking her dress off and exposing her breasts probably in excess of times if that s your thing"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, 0, -1]}, "22475": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "two dysfunctional brothers philip seymour hoffman and ethan hawke get tired of competing for who is the bigger f up and who daddy albert finney loves more so they hatch a hair brained scheme to rob mommy and daddy s jewelry store so that they can clear their debts and start fresh sounds like a great plan except that this is a suspenseful s style melodrama about a heist gone wrong and boy do things really go wrong here for our hapless duo and everyone involved lasciviously concocted by screenwriter kelly masterson and classically executed by director sidney lumet before the devil knows you re dead uses the heist as its mcguffin to delve deep into family drama contrary to popular belief sidney lumet is not dead at age he has apparently made a deal with the devil to deliver one last great film lumet was at his zenith in the s with films like dog day afternoon serpico and one of my favorite films of all time network he has somehow managed to make a film that bears all the hallmarks of his classics while intertwining some more modern elements graphic sexuality violence and playing with time frames and pov s into a crackling vibrant lean mean and provocative melodrama one can only hope that some of the modern greats like scorsese or spielberg who emerged during the same decade lumet was at the top of his game will have this much chutzpah left when they reach that age lumet is a master at directing people walking through spaces to create tension and develop characters as the cast waltzes through finely appointed manhattan offices and apartments his slowly moving camera creates a palpable sense of anxiety as we never know who might be around the next corner or what this person might do in the next room also amazing is how lumet utilizes the multiple pov and shifting time frame approach the coherent and classical presentation he uses makes the similarly structured films of wunderkinds christopher nolan and alejandro gonzalez inarritu seem like amateur hour of course what lumet is best at is directing amazing ensemble casts and tricking them into acting within an inch of their lives philip seymour hoffman has never been and most likely never will be better than he is here albert finney s quietly searing portrayal of a father betrayed and at the end of his rope is a masterpiece to watch unfold ethan hawke normally a nondescript pretty boy is perfect as the emotionally crippled younger brother who has skated by far too long on his charms and looks the coup de grace however is the series of scenes between hoffman and marisa tomei eerily on point as his flighty trophy wife lumet runs them through the gamut of emotions that culminate in a scene that is the best of its kind since william holden taunted beatrice straight right into a best supporting actress oscar in network the devil of any great film is in the details from albert finney s tap of his car s trunk that won t close due to a fender bender to the look amy ryan fresh off her amazing turn in gone baby gone gives her ex husband ethan hawke at his mawkish promise to his little girl all three of them knows he won t keep to the systematic unraveling of a family on the skids to the dialog begging for cultists to quote it my favorite line being the hilariously threatening do you mind if i call you chico to the excellent carter burwell score before the devil knows you re dead is the film of the year if something emerges to best it then we know a few other deals must ve been brokered with old scratch"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22476": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "in theory director s commentary should have worked the talented rob bryden plays peter delane a former television director recounting his experiences behind the camera amongst the programmes he is alleged to have worked on are bonanza flambards the duchess of duke street and the bounder his commentaries are not the least bit informative due to his habit of wandering off the point but in practice it failed dismally it is a one joke show and the joke is not particularly funny the scripts are completely lacking in wit and bryden fails to convince as an old man whenever stuck for anything amusing to say which is like every five seconds he issues a hissing laugh rather than being amused by delane you want to shoot him if senile old men strike you as hilarious then this is for you it didn t help that the shows mocked were with the exceptions of mr mrs and crossroads rather good for the joke to work they needed to be really dreadful such as charlie s angels o t t telly addicts neighbours and new faces the show tanked big time so thankfully we are spared the horror of future editions wouldn t it be deliciously ironic if director s commentary were someday itself the subject of a spoof"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22477": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "cosby in my opinion is a must see cbs hit i m not sure if i ve never seen every episode but i still enjoyed it it s hard to say which one is my favorite also i really loved the theme song if you ask me even though i liked everyone it would have been nice if madeline kahn hadn t passed away during the show s run since that happened i ve always wondered what the show would have been like everyone always gave a good performance the production design was spectacular the costumes were well designed and the writing was always very strong in conclusion even though it can be seen on tbs now i strongly recommend you catch it just in case it goes off the air for good"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22478": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "this film by oscar petersson is unique its uniqueness doesn t lie in the story since many a half brained hollywood production has served us comparably miserable plots but rather in the thorough way that complete and utter lousiness in one aspect is joined with equal lousiness in all other aspects the dialog is worse than embarrassing rotten acting and abysmal direction are thrown into the mix bosnians speaking english with heavy swedish accents add an unintentional element of humor uninspired lightning and camera work are icing on the turkey film cake as a sort of surprise for the audience there are a few completely unmotivated slow motion sequences where you d least expect any to add insult to injury the whole thing is cut by someone devoid of any sense of timing the bad guy henchman turns good after hearing good guy s speech scene in the church is the point at which is time to dethrone ed wood from the position as the worst director of all times move over ed wood here comes oscar petersson"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22479": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i sincerely hope that at least the first season of cosby is released on dvd someday the episode with hilton s eccentric genius brother george played by the late roscoe lee browne is classic hilarity it reflects the classic sibling rivalry and love between brothers whose lives took different paths but both ended up happy mr cosby and ms rashad brilliantly recaptured the chemistry that they shared on the cosby show for many years and to put them in a more middle class role shows the dimensions they can take as artists the roster of comedic dynamite madeline kahn phylicia rashad and mr cosby classic genius"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22480": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "absolutely one of the worst movies i have ever seen the acting the dialog the manuscript the sound the lighting the plot line i actually can t say anything positive about this although i enjoy swedish movies the fighting scenes are so ridiculous that it s impossible to take it seriously and when the lead character just happens to loose his shirt while dodging bullets in a strip bar i m not sure if it s supposed to be a joke or if someone really thinks these are ingredients in a good film regina lund is the only half descent actor but she disappears in a flood of laughable pronunciations and unbelievable reactions it leaves you horrified that someone actually spent time and money on something like this"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22481": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i have to say that higher learning is one of the top movies i have ever watched it has a brilliant cast and an equally brilliant director singleton shows how life in university can be there are main story lines the skinheads the african americans and the homosexuals i was intrigued by all of the stories but the one that got to me the most was the storyline about kristen battling her feelings towards another girl the end was great after seeing the movie times plus i still cry i would have given this movie an but i have to settlefor"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1]}, "22482": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "with the releasing of farligt f rflutet swedish film industry has truly hit rock bottom stefan jens hult n has for the past years lived a calm life with his wife marie regina lund one day an old friend of stefan s arrives with a favor to ask him stefan is to do a small courier job he is supposed to bring a suitcase filled with heroine through the sweden germany customs unfortunately things in germany don t work out as planned and stefan is now in big trouble it is always nice to see a swedish film that breaks the traditional family drama pattern unfortunately if the people involved in the production have no clue of how a movie is supposed to be written filmed or cut the result can only be catastrophic the content can be concluded with bad acting an incoherent plot and idiotic dialogs the only highlight in the movie is the unprovoked sex scene wit the incredibly beautiful regina lund this lasts for only a few seconds leaving approxamitly minutes of pure let s say what it truly is crap"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22483": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "in this little film we have some great characters but a very shallow plot it is actually nice to watch because singleton does a great job at presenting the esoteric conflicts and the interpersonal relationships this makes the viewer forget the nonexistent realism that this movie supposedly is for in fact what we have here is all the possible cliches and stereotypes put on celluloid in a rate higher than that of a soap definitely not a deep movie even if it wants to be but better than an average college movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22484": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "a few years back the same persons who created paris j taime which was imperfect but very enjoyable my rating was a created this piece of garbage about new york city in paris i love you j taime created a feeling for paris it was made in many parts of beautiful paris in this current film i did not recognize new york city i did not feel that i was in the city of my birth new york does have boroughs i saw no scenes in the bronx or queens there is one scene in brooklyn brighton beach i saw no scenes in times square or greenwich village no scenes of the beautiful hotels or theatres it does have a large cast most of the performers were not even stereotypes they were caricatures of the lowest sort the very few humorous moments are all of a course sexual nature or quite insulting to the many fine new yorkers that we all know love a few of the films nominated for the razzie awards were far better ratings out of points out of imdb out of in my way of thinking i think the title should have been new york i hate you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]}, "22485": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was one of the dvd s i recently bought in a set of six called frenchfilm to brush up our french before our planned holiday in beautiful provence this year so far as well as improving our french we have considerably enhanced our appreciation of french cinema what a breath of fresh air to the stale predictable unimaginative crash bang wallop drivel being churned out by hollywood what a good example for screenplay writers actors directors and cinematographers to follow it was so stimulating also to see two identifiable characters in the lead roles without them having to be glossy magazine cover figures the other thing i liked about this film was the slow character and plot build up which kept you guessing as to how it was all going to end is there any real good in this selfish thug who continually treats his seemingly na ve benefactor with the type of contempt that an ex con would display will our sexually frustrated poor little half deaf heroine prove herself to the answer to her dreams and the situation that fate has bestowed upon her the viewer is intrigued by these questions and the actors unravel the answers slowly and convincingly as they face events that challenge and shape their feeling towards each other once you have seen this film like me you may want to see it again i still have to work out the director s psychological motive for the sub plot in the role of the parole officer and some of the subtle nuances of camera work are worth a second look the plot does ask for a little imagination when our hero is given a chance to assist our misused and overworked heroine in the office you must also be broad minded to believe in her brilliant lip reading and how some of the action falls into place but if you go along for the thrilling ride with this example of french cinema at its best you will come out more than satisfied four stars out of five for me"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22486": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "stefan is an x con that five years ago got married to marie their marriage has been stable until stefan past catch up with them and he s offered to do a courier job stefan s job is a heroin delivery from germany to sweden which should go easily in germany stefan meet elli a girl from bosnia that has been sold to a stripclub owner stefan dislikes what he sees and decide to help elli out of her misery due to the fact that elli s father during the war fleed to sweden elli now goes with stefan to sweden to make up with the past stefan promises elli to help her find her father no matter what it takes finally back in sweden the whole situation seems to be more complicated than stefan ever thought of this movie doesn t seem to fit in the ordinary class of swedish movies due to the fact that it s been americanized alot regina lund and cecilia bergqvist makes it all average the effects makes the movie a little too much though see it and jugde for yourself"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22487": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "when john singleton is on he s on and this is one of his better films not quite as tight as boyz n the hood but close to it and with much of the same stellar cast this film was very well written very well put together and very well shot there s very little to criticize and most of my complaints are superficial eg where did fudge get the money for years of college and a lot of expensive stuff no mention of a rich background and why doesn t professor phibbs have an office a professor of his stature should have one and while we re at it for an engineering student hick or not remy s a pretty dumb character i d think that he d have a bit more in the way of basic intelligence he talks and acts like a total buffoon but that aside the film was very sharp a good array of characters and points of view and singleton doesn t take sides in the story many of the characters are unsympathetic and he does a good job of interspersing the panthers and supremacist scenes together to show the folly on both sides much of the cinematography was excellent i especially loved the scene where kirsty swanson gets intimate with taryn and wayne each scene spliced together really well also the malik deja scenes were really well shot as well the dialogue was a bit much at times this film had a tendency to get really preachy at times and it also tends to hammer the points it was making over your head when the points would be just as clear with out the bluntness we really didn t need the us flag with unlearn typed onto it give some credit we re not morons and to top it off although most of the time singleton uses melodrama quite well sometimes it gets way too cheezy like deja s death which is fine until she screams out why which simply ruined the entire effect and scene but the acting in general was top of the line fabulous performances by omar epps perhaps the best i ve ever seen kirsty swanson who knew buffy could act michael rapaport surprised the hell out of me after true romance and beautiful girls i though he was a one role actor and of course ice cube and laurence fishburne are always outstanding downside jennifer connelly was flat though it s not completely her fault her role was stereotypical and one dimensional generic to the highest degree and tyra banks who had the role was nothing short of horrid she whined and whined and whined yet another in the long line of models turned actresses who failed miserably though there are a few who prove the exception to this rule finally the soundtrack wow an amazing soundtrack which is definitely worth buying which fits the film like a glove each scene has a twin song although the tori amos songs started to really annoy me by the end not her best work liz phair rage against the machine ice cube how can one go wrong all in all a really good watch a really strong cast great script great film"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]}, "22488": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "i view probably movies a year both at theaters and at home and i can say with confidence that this movie is by far the worst i have seen this year if not ever however i have not actually seen quest of the delta knights yet this movie is just bad joke after bad joke geared to the year old and because i had he displeasure of viewing it on a bus trip i couldn t walk out do yourself a favor and skip this one in the rental aisle the four dollars could be better spent on any movie by numbers produced by jerry bruckheimer"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22489": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this was a great movie that had a lot of under lying issues it dealt with issues of rascism and class but it also had a message of knowing yourself and taking responsibility for yourself this movie was very deep it gave the message of that you and only you can control your destiny it also showed that knowing yourself and being comfortable with who you are is the only way you will ever fit into society what others think of you is not important i believe this movie did a wonderful job of showing it the actors i think were able to convey each character wonderfully i just thought it was amazing how deep this movie really was at a just glancing look you wouldn t see how deep the movie is but on further look you see the underlining meaning of the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22490": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "major payne was really not very good at all despite being funny here and there the story was ridiculous and the acting was poor major payne s voice and temperament were especially annoying the idea was ridiculous and the things that the boys had to do in that film were even more ridiculous i would not recommend this film to anyone"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22491": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this is the first movie i ve seen of john singleton and he is a pretty good director the movie starts out with a bunch of incoming freshman and it shows what happens to several of them omar epps plays a track star with a partial scholarship and having a hard time keeping up with his work he is friends with ice cube and beings dating tyra banks kristy swanson is a rich girl who is date raped and becomes friends with jennifer connelly who is a lesbian and isn t sure about which way to go michael rapaport is a kid from idaho who falls in with a group of neo nazis and their leader is cole hauser those are the three main characters and laurence fishburne is a political science professor who tries to help them it s a great film and it s unfortunate that the studio had to make several cuts to the movie"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22492": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "did anyone stop to realise what sort of movie they were producing here now let`s a former marine officer becomes assinged to a group of kids at a cadet school so this should be a family comedy right wrong this is just a gross comedy aimed at teenagers with many bad taste moments it might have been watchable in an extremely dumb way at this point but i found damon wayans voice to be irritating beyond belief does he speak like that in real life if he does then he has my sympathy but he won`t be getting any of my money from watching his movies"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22493": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "this movie came and went in the theaters due to the nature of it you can see why it wasn t well received it was unfairly panned because of its subject matter more than the actual film itself higher learning is not spectacular but it was good film that tried to talk about a feared subject in america racism plot story higher learning is mostly centered around malik played by omar epps a naive track star who is has to deal with not being fast enough and a stern professor played by laurence fishburne he befriends fudge ice cube as well as a gorgeous lady named deja tyra banks later on they end up having to deal with some skinheads on campus remy play by michael rapaport is confused kid who ends up befriending some local skinheads on campus once they impose their views on him he becomes as racist as they are opinion higher learning is not without its flaws character development is scarce okay performances by omar epps tyra banks and the leader of the skinheads whose name i forgot busta rhymes doesn t fit in this movie at all plus women turning gay after being abused by men was clich before this film so you know i didn t like that part of the film with kristy swanson other than that this movie wasn t half bad laurence fishburne was good as professor phipps even though i could do without the accent fudge was ice cube s best performance and michael rapaport was good as the confused remy all in all it was one of john singleton s best movies and is one is one of the reasons i frown on the rubbish he puts out now cinema needs more movies like higher learning mississippi burning and american history x and less movies like baby boy fast furious and a very pointless remake of shaft"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22494": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "but there are not too many of them probably the worst major release film i have seen in my life definitely the worst for this year there is no point in commenting on the plot the cast or the acting the problem is beyond all that it lays in the absolute stupidity of the annoying kind not the funny kind of everything that takes place on the screen i don t know why i gave it a instead of probably because of steven martini he really did try bottom line minutes washed down the toilet along with a few brain cells avoid at any cost"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 0, -1, -1, -1]}, "22495": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "higher learning is a slap in the face for those of us that have been in the closet too long regardless of ethnic background it s a subject most of us would like to ignore but we cannot afford to if there is to be a real progressive change in the way we have to be able embrace and understand diversity some have criticized this film as hateful or dumb but the fact of the matter is ignorance reigns supreme in the world and several continue to help it dominate our society everyone involved in this film has done a good deed in showing what steps must continue to be done in order to not have to make anymore films like higher learning sure it sounds like a pipe dream but we have to start somewhere and this helps"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22496": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "if this is someone s favorite movie they need some serious help there is nothing funny or clever about this crapfest i haven t seen the original movie this is the remake of some s film but it simply has to be better than this newer bastardization a major gets kicked out of the military for being a fringe element and winds up teaching children at an rotc school unfortunately the major is daman wayans so the children are in for a world of annoying humorless asininity can wayans whip these losers into shape can they get him to become a little more human the film bombs as most wayans films do with only a few sparkling moments william hickey gets about one minute of screen time fair too little this charming old man known best to me as a tales from the crypt actor known best to you as uncle louis from christmas vacation shines every moment he s on screen which isn t much here bam bam bigelow also makes an appearance as a biker which fits him perfectly i wouldn t mind slightly more bam bam but i think he carried the role of biker about as far as it could be carried for a military film and then there s the attractive teacher who someone falls for major payne even though he treats the kids poorly has no social skills and is simply impossible to convert into someone you would want to spend time with she must either be incredibly stupid or incredibly desperate i m not sure which though it would seem stupid since the movie makes it clear she gets out of the house often enough wayans had one shining moment a dance sequence where he performs a series of moves including a very nice robot and with the help of music from live crew this scene was enjoyable but hardly made up for anything else that made this film dog spittle seriously avoid this film if you want to see a film a bout a loser who helps loser kids become heroes rent or buy ernest goes to camp at least he s a lovable loser and actually funny maybe if major payne had fought a badger i d feel better but he didn t forget payne forget wayans you can do so much better"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1]}, "22497": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "i enjoyed this movie very much kristy swanson omar epps and ice cube were all great in it the movie dealt with many issues and i didn t know if i was going to like it but singelton did a terrific job of creating characters that you really cared about"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, -1, -1, -1]}, "22498": {"label": 0, "data": {"text": "sort of family parody blending an officer and a gentleman heartbreak ridge full metal jacket and without doubt other movies i am not able to remember now into a rather dull movie with some bright spots the gags are always there where you would expect them and damon wayans s lines are well predictable as i said unfortunately this movie never surprises you"}, "weak_labels": [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1]}, "22499": {"label": 1, "data": {"text": "omar epps is an outstanding actor i really think he gets into his character alot when deja gets shot he shows true emotion he also shows true emotion when remmi puts the gun to him in the room omar is a very talented actor"}, "weak_labels": [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1]} }