{ "rules": [ { "rule": [ [ 740, 0.054, false ], [ 218, 0.663, false ], [ 1271, 0.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 100.0, "support": 2 }, { "rule": [ [ 85, 0.166, false ], [ 1722, 0.5, true ], [ 102, 0.255, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 75.0, "support": 5 }, { "rule": [ [ 4, 0.162, false ], [ 194, 0.737, false ], [ 14, 0.558, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 66.67, "support": 8 }, { "rule": [ [ 597, 0.125, true ], [ 700, 0.033, true ], [ 1340, 0.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 75.0, "support": 29 }, { "rule": [ [ 450, 0.083, true ], [ 1108, 0.5, true ], [ 82, 0.389, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 77.27, "support": 27 }, { "rule": [ [ 98, 0.707, true ], [ 1366, 0.5, true ], [ 228, 0.125, false ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 82.98, "support": 30 }, { "rule": [ [ 55, 0.143, true ], [ 47, 0.068, false ], [ 1463, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 70.05, "support": 130 }, { "rule": [ [ 1312, 0.5, false ], [ 1127, 0.5, false ], [ 1404, 0.5, false ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 75.0, "support": 6 }, { "rule": [ [ 659, 0.071, true ], [ 73, 0.202, false ], [ 425, 0.188, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 86.6, "support": 65 }, { "rule": [ [ 201, 0.593, false ], [ 612, 0.062, false ], [ 91, 0.026, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 100.0, "support": 6 }, { "rule": [ [ 83, 0.086, true ], [ 102, 0.377, false ], [ 181, 0.315, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 87.3, "support": 32 }, { "rule": [ [ 20, 0.016, false ], [ 38, 0.155, true ], [ 9, 0.14, false ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 50.0, "support": 31 }, { "rule": [ [ 197, 0.09, false ], [ 559, 0.139, true ], [ 503, 0.012, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 86.67, "support": 32 }, { "rule": [ [ 176, 0.251, true ], [ 754, 0.038, true ], [ 201, 0.81, false ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 93.62, "support": 27 }, { "rule": [ [ 978, 0.5, false ], [ 1026, 0.5, true ], [ 181, 0.217, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 57.42, "support": 163 }, { "rule": [ [ 594, 0.15, true ], [ 1222, 0.5, true ], [ 4, 0.165, false ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 65.21, "support": 279 }, { "rule": [ [ 958, 0.5, true ], [ 144, 0.163, true ], [ 1215, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 64.11, "support": 247 }, { "rule": [ [ 99, 0.728, false ], [ 1449, 0.5, true ], [ 117, 0.784, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 100.0, "support": 1 }, { "rule": [ [ 1068, 0.5, true ], [ 426, 0.125, true ], [ 73, 0.337, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 55.78, "support": 287 }, { "rule": [ [ 658, 0.219, false ], [ 410, 0.125, true ], [ 841, 0.083, true ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 71.58, "support": 185 } ], "rules_description": [ "if (D741 > 0.054) and (D219 > 0.663) and (D1272 > 0.5) then class: 1 (proba: 100.0%) | based on 2 samples", "if (D86 > 0.166) and (D1723 <= 0.5) and (D103 <= 0.255) then class: 0 (proba: 75.0%) | based on 5 samples", "if (D5 > 0.162) and (D195 > 0.737) and (D15 <= 0.558) then class: 0 (proba: 66.67%) | based on 8 samples", "if (D598 <= 0.125) and (D701 <= 0.033) and (D1341 > 0.5) then class: 1 (proba: 75.0%) | based on 29 samples", "if (D451 <= 0.083) and (D1109 <= 0.5) and (D83 > 0.389) then class: 1 (proba: 77.27%) | based on 27 samples", "if (D99 <= 0.707) and (D1367 <= 0.5) and (D229 > 0.125) then class: 0 (proba: 82.98%) | based on 30 samples", "if (D56 <= 0.143) and (D48 > 0.068) and (D1464 <= 0.5) then class: 0 (proba: 70.05%) | based on 130 samples", "if (D1313 > 0.5) and (D1128 > 0.5) and (D1405 > 0.5) then class: 0 (proba: 75.0%) | based on 6 samples", "if (D660 <= 0.071) and (D74 > 0.202) and (D426 <= 0.188) then class: 0 (proba: 86.6%) | based on 65 samples", "if (D202 > 0.593) and (D613 > 0.062) and (D92 > 0.026) then class: 1 (proba: 100.0%) | based on 6 samples", "if (D84 <= 0.086) and (D103 > 0.377) and (D182 <= 0.315) then class: 0 (proba: 87.3%) | based on 32 samples", "if (D21 > 0.016) and (D39 <= 0.155) and (D10 > 0.14) then class: 0 (proba: 50.0%) | based on 31 samples", "if (D198 > 0.09) and (D560 <= 0.139) and (D504 <= 0.012) then class: 0 (proba: 86.67%) | based on 32 samples", "if (D177 <= 0.251) and (D755 <= 0.038) and (D202 > 0.81) then class: 0 (proba: 93.62%) | based on 27 samples", "if (D979 > 0.5) and (D1027 <= 0.5) and (D182 <= 0.217) then class: 0 (proba: 57.42%) | based on 163 samples", "if (D595 <= 0.15) and (D1223 <= 0.5) and (D5 > 0.165) then class: 0 (proba: 65.21%) | based on 279 samples", "if (D959 <= 0.5) and (D145 <= 0.163) and (D1216 <= 0.5) then class: 0 (proba: 64.11%) | based on 247 samples", "if (D100 > 0.728) and (D1450 <= 0.5) and (D118 > 0.784) then class: 1 (proba: 100.0%) | based on 1 samples", "if (D1069 <= 0.5) and (D427 <= 0.125) and (D74 <= 0.337) then class: 0 (proba: 55.78%) | based on 287 samples", "if (D659 > 0.219) and (D411 <= 0.125) and (D842 <= 0.083) then class: 1 (proba: 71.58%) | based on 185 samples" ], "config": { "n_trees": 20, "max_depth": 3, "max_features": 20, "used_data": 0.2 } }