{ "rules": [ { "rule": [ [ 15, 2.5, false ], [ 5, 21726.0, false ], [ 6, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 100.0, "support": 1 }, { "rule": [ [ 15, 2.5, false ], [ 13, 313.0, false ], [ 11, 50.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 100.0, "support": 2 }, { "rule": [ [ 11, 215.5, true ], [ 14, 0.5, false ], [ 15, 2.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 84.98, "support": 171 }, { "rule": [ [ 8, 0.5, true ], [ 10, 2.5, false ], [ 10, 4.5, false ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 58.14, "support": 26 }, { "rule": [ [ 14, 0.5, false ], [ 11, 158.5, false ], [ 15, 2.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 95.21, "support": 504 }, { "rule": [ [ 0, 60.5, true ], [ 15, 2.5, false ], [ 11, 119.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 95.07, "support": 463 }, { "rule": [ [ 5, 103.5, true ], [ 14, 0.5, false ], [ 11, 199.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 71.9, "support": 83 }, { "rule": [ [ 13, 9.0, false ], [ 11, 159.5, true ], [ 6, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 83.72, "support": 166 }, { "rule": [ [ 11, 208.5, false ], [ 14, 0.5, false ], [ 15, 2.5, true ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 74.56, "support": 539 }, { "rule": [ [ 8, 0.5, true ], [ 3, 1.5, false ], [ 10, 3.0, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 77.78, "support": 7 }, { "rule": [ [ 0, 60.5, false ], [ 8, 0.5, false ], [ 8, 1.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 80.99, "support": 96 }, { "rule": [ [ 15, 2.5, true ], [ 11, 362.5, false ], [ 0, 60.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 91.23, "support": 99 }, { "rule": [ [ 5, 930.5, false ], [ 15, 2.5, true ], [ 8, 0.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 59.69, "support": 1552 }, { "rule": [ [ 7, 0.5, false ], [ 11, 526.5, false ], [ 2, 0.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 88.89, "support": 86 }, { "rule": [ [ 14, 0.5, true ], [ 11, 360.5, true ], [ 0, 60.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 76.88, "support": 111 }, { "rule": [ [ 13, 4.0, true ], [ 5, 236.5, false ], [ 11, 393.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 80.3, "support": 1018 }, { "rule": [ [ 14, 0.5, true ], [ 5, 77.5, false ], [ 11, 322.5, false ] ], "label": 1, "accuracy": 76.77, "support": 1400 }, { "rule": [ [ 15, 2.5, true ], [ 8, 0.5, true ], [ 5, 414.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 80.94, "support": 629 }, { "rule": [ [ 15, 2.5, true ], [ 11, 365.5, true ], [ 10, 7.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 81.56, "support": 2616 }, { "rule": [ [ 8, 0.5, true ], [ 11, 472.5, true ], [ 15, 0.5, true ] ], "label": 0, "accuracy": 95.6, "support": 853 } ], "rules_description": [ "if (V16 > 2.5) and (V6 > 21726.0) and (V7 <= 0.5) then class: 1 (proba: 100.0%) | based on 1 samples", "if (V16 > 2.5) and (V14 > 313.0) and (V12 <= 50.5) then class: 1 (proba: 100.0%) | based on 2 samples", "if (V12 <= 215.5) and (V15 > 0.5) and (V16 > 2.5) then class: 2 (proba: 84.98%) | based on 171 samples", "if (V9 <= 0.5) and (V11 > 2.5) and (V11 > 4.5) then class: 1 (proba: 58.14%) | based on 26 samples", "if (V15 > 0.5) and (V12 > 158.5) and (V16 > 2.5) then class: 2 (proba: 95.21%) | based on 504 samples", "if (V1 <= 60.5) and (V16 > 2.5) and (V12 > 119.5) then class: 2 (proba: 95.07%) | based on 463 samples", "if (V6 <= 103.5) and (V15 > 0.5) and (V12 <= 199.5) then class: 1 (proba: 71.9%) | based on 83 samples", "if (V14 > 9.0) and (V12 <= 159.5) and (V7 <= 0.5) then class: 1 (proba: 83.72%) | based on 166 samples", "if (V12 > 208.5) and (V15 > 0.5) and (V16 <= 2.5) then class: 2 (proba: 74.56%) | based on 539 samples", "if (V9 <= 0.5) and (V4 > 1.5) and (V11 > 3.0) then class: 2 (proba: 77.78%) | based on 7 samples", "if (V1 > 60.5) and (V9 > 0.5) and (V9 > 1.5) then class: 2 (proba: 80.99%) | based on 96 samples", "if (V16 <= 2.5) and (V12 > 362.5) and (V1 > 60.5) then class: 2 (proba: 91.23%) | based on 99 samples", "if (V6 > 930.5) and (V16 <= 2.5) and (V9 > 0.5) then class: 2 (proba: 59.69%) | based on 1,552 samples", "if (V8 > 0.5) and (V12 > 526.5) and (V3 > 0.5) then class: 2 (proba: 88.89%) | based on 86 samples", "if (V15 <= 0.5) and (V12 <= 360.5) and (V1 > 60.5) then class: 2 (proba: 76.88%) | based on 111 samples", "if (V14 <= 4.0) and (V6 > 236.5) and (V12 > 393.5) then class: 2 (proba: 80.3%) | based on 1,018 samples", "if (V15 <= 0.5) and (V6 > 77.5) and (V12 > 322.5) then class: 2 (proba: 76.77%) | based on 1,400 samples", "if (V16 <= 2.5) and (V9 <= 0.5) and (V6 <= 414.5) then class: 1 (proba: 80.94%) | based on 629 samples", "if (V16 <= 2.5) and (V12 <= 365.5) and (V11 <= 7.5) then class: 1 (proba: 81.56%) | based on 2,616 samples", "if (V9 <= 0.5) and (V12 <= 472.5) and (V16 <= 0.5) then class: 1 (proba: 95.6%) | based on 853 samples" ], "config": { "n_trees": 20, "max_depth": 3, "max_features": 4, "used_data": 0.2 } }