Pov: Battoski It was a bad day. Every day was a bad day. I haven't had a good day for as long as i can remember. My parent's left me at this house when i was 11 and i have been bullied since 8th grade. I live in one of the smallest cities in norway, even though i am polish and was born in ireland. Chaos, i know. My life has always been chaos. Anyways, what set this day apart from other days in it's awfulnes was that i had tried sending a love letter to my crush, Inez, and had been rejected heavily in the form of a beating from her friend Sofie. I hate my life. The fact that she didn't even face me herself but sendt her friend to beat me up.  Those are all bad things, but what really takes the cake is that i'm about to commit suicide. Yup. You heard it right, i'm standing inside a noose. I'm kicking the chair soon, i just need a second to contemplate. The thing is, as it turns out, i don't get to do that. Before i even tried to kick the chair, a small girl popped up in front of me. This was quite weird, as i live alone, and as far as i can remember small lolis with bondage suits can't fly. As i was wondering if i had already died, the loli spoke. "Don't kill yourself!" she shouted.  That's when i knew i had died. Yup. Noone would ever tell me not to kill myself. Most people in class even told me to kill myself on a regular basis. "No! You haven't died! I'm a demon from, well uh, you know, hell. I would know if you had died, i can even read minds!"  Yup, she's a psycho, i should just kick the chair now. I was about to, but suddenly i got a worldsplitting headache. It was so bad i fell of the chair, and as i thought i was going die i was caught by the surprisingly strong little flying girl. How strange. I doubt other people who try to hang themself get visited by flying psychos. she was talking about something but i fainted from the pain of the headache without hearing anything. Pov: Demon "Shit He fainted." I knew we shouln't have dumped all the info at once, but we had to. The man with the most potential to be evil was about to kill himself, and we couln't let that happen. I haven't seen anyone that evil since Adolf Hitler. We have searched the entire surface of the earth, and there were only two canidates for these powers. One was Mark Zuckerberg, but we wanted a human so we chose Battoski Gorskosz. Well, he'll know when he wakes up.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "450667", "id": "450719", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "The locker lord - Prologue", "author": "awerawerurn", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Adult", "Comedy", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Girls Love", "Harem", "LitRPG", "School Life", "Smut" ], "tags": [ "Absent Parents", "Academy", "Angels", "Antihero Protagonist", "Average-looking Protagonist", "Awkward Protagonist", "BDSM", "Bullying", "Cheating", "Contracts", "Demons", "Dense Protagonist", "Fat Protagonist", "First-time Intercourse", "Hiding True Abilities", "Interdimensional Travel", "Male Protagonist", "Mind Break", "Outdoor Intercourse", "R-18", "Rape", "Revenge", "Special Abilities" ] }
As I awoke I thought if I had powers I would be the greatest super villan there was But then an entity appeared before me “then join my universe……young Zack” ”wait wait how do I know ur not just som….that’s how”as I said this I saw the man was literally a humanoid universe ”do I get any perks?” “Yes you get to have any wish every time you die but it can’t be something like….I wish I was god or somehting too op like superman someone else will be joining you he is quite a hero fan I wonder what u guys will do also  his ability is the more training he does the stronger he gets physically he is also able to reincarnate like you” ”great….” “That’s not all of it you both have this particular ability you are able to store energy with a dimension the size of a universe”   AN:think like dorammu dimension in doctor strange he is able to store other things and drain energy from it “Okay so when are you gonna do it?” “Right about now” as he said that I felt myself be sucked into a void I watched as creation begun and destruction begun I was basically here before everything was made I soon realised someone was next to me he had brown eyes and blonde hair i instinctively knew how to do my wish in my mind I told myself to wish but I had to make an appearance 1st i chose a body like Chris Hemsworths and for it to stay that way unless I want it to that is also able to withstand energy i wish for my energy to never deplete (not like sleep energy I mean like energy he is able to convert into strength and stuff) as I said this I was sent crashing into earth as I landed I tried to grab on to a tree but it snapped luckily I was able to absorb half of the trees energy and with stood the fall with a  phew broken bones after that I sat there lying for days soon days I don’t even know how long I wasn’t aging bc the ground was giving me enough energy for me to stay alive but then I suddenly heard “ALL HAIL GREAT VUBANDA” I knew who this was it was the guy next to me when creation was made because I recognised the blonde hair    
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "333801", "id": "333807", "q": 0.91, "title": "The ability man in MHA - The beginning", "author": "Josh1223", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Historical", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Ability Steal", "Absent Parents", "Accelerated Growth", "Ancient Times" ] }
As I saw that the blond kid wasn’t even looking for me I went in a rage my eyes turned bright white and lightning was all around me I started rushing out of the ground hitting the guy who I would call uverland from now on sending him flying in to the sky he reacted fast enough and rushed at me causing the ground to shock up from the hit I then charged at him using a kick sending him into a tree “YOU DIDNT EVEN LOOK FOR ME!” ”I tried but I couldn’t find you!” “ATLEAST I wont feel sorry for what your gonna get UVERLAND!!!” I started going at him with power comparable to explosions and then I charged up energy all into my right hand and hit but I realised my hand was glowing and it obliterated the place along with me and him  I was in a void ”your next power?” ”I want to be able to evolve and die but always come back along with my wishes” ”granted”  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "333801", "id": "335857", "q": 0.91, "title": "The ability man in MHA - The start of the war", "author": "Josh1223", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Historical", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Ability Steal", "Absent Parents", "Accelerated Growth", "Ancient Times" ] }
This is the tale of a kid that lived alone in a house in the forest. She was always happy, always cheerful. Even though no other humans were with her, all her animal friends were around her, helping her and making her company. She had never once felt the need for anything more than what she had. But among all the things she had been taught by the animals, there was one bit that had always troubled her. Beware the monster of the forest, who’s always lurking in search of a prey. If it sees you, it will try to trick you and lie to you, only for you to suffer because of it. She had no reason to doubt this. All her animal friends agreed on this one point. The monster of the forest was the only thing to fear in her little world. So she wouldn’t go out at night, she wouldn’t go too far away from her home, she wouldn’t go beyond the limits the animals imposed her. This kept her safe for years. She grew into a beautiful and healthy young lady, and her animal friends were proud of what she had become. But one day, one ordinary day like any other – the girl accidentally stepped outside of the zone the animals had allowed her to be in. She didn’t notice, for the sun had not yet risen that morning – so she kept walking around, with no more worries than usual. She kept walking and walking, with no destination in mind – until it dawned on her. She was lost. She had gone too far, and now she didn’t know how to go back. But as she thought this, she saw something moving in the distance. Something that was far too big to be one of her cute little animal friends. Something that – suddenly – started walking towards her. She stood paralyzed. She knew what that was. It was the monster of the forest, the one all the animals had warned her about. She stood there petrified, not knowing what to do. She knew she had to run, but her legs wouldn’t move. And when the monster came into sight, she was beyond shocked. It didn’t look scary at all. Even when the animals had said so many horrible things about it – it didn’t look scary at all. It had a happy smile on its face as it slowly approached her. Even so – the moment the girl stepped back, the monster’s expression turned into one of worry. It started running towards the girl, and she didn’t have time to flee. She tripped, and fell to the floor. The monster caught her. ‘This is it’, thought the girl. ‘This is the end. I should have been more careful and paid more attention to where I was going-’ But to her surprise, the monster didn’t do any bad to her. It didn’t hit her or harm her. She felt no pain, only the gentle touch of the monster’s hands as it made sure she wasn’t hurt. It helped her get up on her feet, and asked her why she was there. ‘I am lost’, she said. ‘I went for a walk before dawn, and now I can’t go back’. The monster looked sad and worried. But then it told her that it would help her go back home. She was overjoyed. The monster of the forest had turned out to be good and kind! She decided she must tell the animals about this when she arrived home. The monster guided her through the forest, using her descriptions of her home to find the right path. While they walked through the deep forest, they talked. The monster was impressed to hear of the girl’s home and her animal friends, and looked happy that she had such a pleasant life. The girl, on the other hand, felt sad when she heard about the monster. It was alone. It had also lived all its life within the forest, but it never had animal friends to rely on. Still, it wasn’t sad. It didn’t pity itself. It enjoyed its life to the fullest – though it wished it had someone else besides it. The girl didn’t know why someone as kind-hearted as this monster would be alone all of its life. She told it that there was nothing to worry about, and that it could live with her in her home, with the animals as its friends. The girl and the monster were now very close friends, even though so little time had passed since their meeting. They kept walking as they heard each other’s stories. And when the sun was beginning to set again, they finally arrived at the girl’s home. All the animals had gathered in front of the house, and when they saw the girl, they all sighed in relief and ran up to her. But they all froze midway. The moment they saw the monster appearing behind the girl – they froze midway. Their expressions turned into ones of pure rage, ones that scared even the girl who had known them for all her life. ‘What have you done to our girl?’, they shouted. Nothing, replied the monster, fear taking control of him. ‘Liar! We know what you are! You only helped our girl so you could earn her trust and betray her!’ They all said this. The girl was shocked. She had no reason to doubt what the animals were saying, but the monster had never once tried to hurt her- ‘Don’t let yourself be fooled! That monster only wants you for his twisted pleasures! It will only cause you pain!’ This convinced the girl. She mustn’t believe in strangers she had just met over those who had raised her. Reluctantly but without looking back, she hid behind the animals, disgust now on her face as she stared at the monster she had once believed her friend. And then she finally decided. She picked up a small rock close to her, and she threw it at the twisted monster, who had lied to her to get her sympathy and harm her. The monster didn’t protect itself from the rock, fake tears flowing from its eyes in a futile last attempt to get the girl on its side. But seeing as it didn’t work, and no compassion came from the girl or the animals, it turned back and left with its head hanging low. And then suddenly, as the monster disappeared from view, the animals exploded in cheers, congratulating the girl for not letting herself be fooled. The girl had now learnt her lesson, and throughout the remainder of her happy life, she would never again be fooled by monsters trying to disguise themselves as people she could trust. THE END. Author's Note: This short piece is meant to be open to interpretation, but the author does not make himself responsible for any of said interpretations of this work. Thank you for reading until the end.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "440855", "id": "440857", "q": 0.91, "title": "The Girl and the Monster - The Girl and the Monster", "author": "BlipXP", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Psychological" ], "tags": [ "Short Story" ] }
???: "What happened?" A single thought led to a flood of memories returning to them. They remembered that they were walking down the street watching the new Broly movie on his phone through some not-so-legal means. He didn't want to have to wait the entire month to be able to see the film since he had been so excited about it for a couple of months. He had just made it to the part where Goku had told Vegeta about the fusion dance and that it would be the only way to defeat Broly when he heard a scream. ???: "Someone help!!!" The man on his phone stopped his movie and called the police, telling them someone was screaming for help while giving the location. After the operator told him it would take some time for someone to get there. He ran towards the screaming and came across an alley where he came across a man holding a female against the wall with a knife while another man was laid on the ground with a stab wound in his stomach, but he was still breathing. As he got closer and was about to pass the man on the ground, he heard him call for him in a raspy voice. Dying man: "Please ... save ... my ... sister ..." After those couple of words, he passed out from blood loss. The man ran to get the attacker away from the girl and crept towards the attacker. While creeping forward, the girl looked toward him, showing hope in her eyes, causing the attacker to turn and see the man approaching him. He pushed the girl towards the grab and lunged at the man with the knife. The man shifted towards his left, using his left hand to grab the attacker's wrist, then using his right hand to push the backside of the attacker's hand, redirecting the knife back towards the attacker and plunging the knife into the attacker's chest. After the man stabbed the attacker, he walked towards the girl on the ground to help her up when he heard a loud bang behind him and could feel something entering his back. Two more bangs were heard then the man fell to the ground while rolling over to see a police officer shaking while still pointing his gun at him. ???: "So ... I guess this is how I die. The path to hell is paved with good intentions, huh." The man struggled to say while blood was filling his lungs. His vision blurred, and he died. ???: "Now I remember. I died while saving a girl because her brother asked me to, and I did so. Maybe I shouldn't have called the police. I probably would still be alive right now. I wasn't expecting things to have been as bad as they were already. Now, what am I supposed to do? I took martial arts classes and self-defense courses so I could disarm someone with a weapon, but I guess that means nothing in front of a gun. I wish I were a Saiyan, so bullets wouldn't be able to do anything to me except cause a nuisance." A voice came booming from all around him. ???: "Is that your one wish? I can arrange that. Good luck in your next life my child. ______ ???: "Cumber will be sent out on his mission today. Should we send his brother Shallot with him to the area? The place they're going to hasn't been explored fully yet?" Another voice sounded out from them. ???: "No, send them separately. Cumber had a significant power level of 8,000 when he was just born, while his brother had a measly power level of 30. He is the weakest Saiyan to be held in decades. Alright, enough talking gets the pods and sends Shallot first. If it's dangerous, then we won't lose a strong Saiyan. ______ ???: "What's going on? I remember someone saying that they granted my wish. Then me being here." The boy looked around and could tell he was sitting in some type of ball with buttons everywhere. He examined himself, noticing that his hands and the rest of his body were tiny. He continued looking around until another flood of memories had flooded into him. He could tell this wasn't like the last time, but these memories weren't his, but someone else. It showed that his name was Shallot, and he was a Saiyan. He was sent on a mission in an unknown area because his power level was only 30, and he was the weakest Saiyan to be born in decades. Shallot: "Great, so at any point, I could die, but it seems that I'm in the dragon ball universe at least." While Shallot was flying through space and his pod was flying through space, he saw something quite worrying.  What seemed like a black hole had appeared in front of his ship the difference between this was that it appeared more like the time rifts from the Xenoverse games. Shallot knows that if he's right, he won't be harmed, but he doesn't exactly know how to feel about this. He doesn't know how to pilot this thing, and just hitting random buttons could open the hatch and fling him into space where it would be guaranteed that he would die. As Shallot's ship got closer to the portal and entered it, he could see something like broken glass surrounding his ship and his ship rumbling. The only thing that Shallot could hope for was that nothing would happen to his pod until he made it to a habitable planet. Shallot's ship traverses through the "rift," After 10 minutes, he assumes that nothing is wrong and that he will sleep through it. ______ While Shallot was sleeping, something reached out from the glassy-like shattered area of the tunnel and hit his ship, causing it to smash into the other side of the tunnel, waking Shallot, throwing him around in his pod, slightly hitting a couple of buttons. The ship jerked and pushed through the glassy area and could see another one of those rift portals. Shallot: "WHAT IS IT THIS TIME? WHY CAN'T I LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE!" Shallot yelled while careening towards the other rift, and when his ship finally reached it, he could see the rift opening and a planet beneath his pod. Shallot strapped in thoroughly to ensure he doesn't get whiplash when this pod crashes. He doesn't know exactly where he is, but at least it has ground. He looks around, figuring out how to land the pod since it would be his only way off this planet if it's inhabitable. While looking around the ship, he sees a couple of buttons in front of him. Shallot: "I have no idea what the button does. I think it's best if I don't touch anything and wait for it to land. I'm pretty sure Raditz, Vegeta, and Nappa pods were fine after the crash landing." Shallot looked out of the pod's window, looking down since he was out of the clouds and could see what appeared to be an island since it was surrounded by water. His pod was heading for a deeper section of the forest area of the island, and he tried to prepare himself. *CRASH* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Current Battle Power: 40 Tier 9-B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "567003", "id": "567050", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Reincarnated As A Saiyan In RWBY - Chapter 1 – A New World", "author": "TheKonnan17", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction", "Harem", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "RWBY", "Academy", "Acting", "Beastkin", "Harem-seeking Protagonist" ] }
Remember the stories of Gods and Titans? What if I told you that it actually exists but on an entirely different planet... Solar System, no, actually a different Dimension. I can prove it by sharing my life in a strange new world. Hi, my name is Ryder I was an ordinary mailman who got fell Ill suddenly and is spend what I thought would be the rest of my life in a hospital bed.  -- "Mr. Fezerl, Im not gonna have to remind you to take your medication again," Said a nurse in her early twenties. This woman is actually my cousin she is working here and when she heard about my condition she decide to pay for my medical bills and help me. I can't thank her enough for everything she has done. "Thank you Grace, for everything you've done so far to help me, honestly I can't keep being a burden on yo-." Interrupted by Grace she shakes her head slowly in disappointment "Be quiet, I don't wanna hear this again, how many times do I have to tell you what family's for besides your not a burden, and I don't  want you thinking of yourself that way, How about you focus on getting better that way you can pay me back when you better." She lets out a smile and reminds me how she's the only person who has been nice to me besides my parents. She's right I should get better that way I could pay her back. During my healing process, I pretty much couldn't do anything physically aside from stretching and walking. Other than that my body won't be able to keep up. But I have one thing I enjoy, ever since grace brought me a book in middle school called Hercules and the 12 Labor. I found out that was just a small portion of the greek universal and many stories that I have yet to see, Fascinated by the Mythologies. I enjoyed reading them, although the film I have seen isn't comparable to the books. But that aside Grace once in a while bring books to my bed during her shift to keep myself entertained. 6 hours later 'Haaaa, so that why is greek mythology so complicated, so many bad things happen in them' Ryder thought to himself. Feeling dizzy he removes his glasses, Ryder put his book and glasses on the bedside table. 'My head is spinning I guess, this is that feeling when I forget to take my meds, I'll take them before I call it a night' Suddenly a rush of pain goes through Ryder. "AAHHHH" Ryder screams clutching his heart and falling to the floor holding onto the lamp line bring it down with him. A loud crash could be heard. The nurses came through the door helping Ryder, second, later Ryder could slightly see himself being moved on a bed through the halls faintly hearing the P.A systems announcements. "Once we have brought him into the OR be sure to get me his ECG results and prep him for surgery," Said the doctor. the nurse nodded and preceded to leave. 4 Hours into Surgery "1:36 Am," Said the Doctor.   (To be Continued)   Announcement This is a Brand New Series I decided to start on, this is just the intro to the story but things will start to get interesting, that aside don't forget to give suggestions. Don't Worry the Next Chapter Will Be Longer.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "473094", "id": "487677", "q": 0.91, "title": "Tales of Ryder - Start", "author": "IssRiss", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Historical", "Isekai", "LitRPG" ], "tags": [ "Ancient Times", "Evil Gods", "Familiars", "Fantasy Creatures", "God-human Relationship", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Legends", "Level System", "Mythology" ] }
University. It is the most important part of one's life. It is where you study for whatever you want to do. It is where you make or break your career. Everything starts in university and ends with it. Studying, scandals, love affairs, everything is a part of university.    Such was a story that involved two girls.    Noel Solis. A 21 year old business major in her 2nd year of university. She was smart, hardworking, and an ambivert. She didn't talk much but she didn't have social anxiety and had a few friends   On top of that, she was beautiful. With the height of 5"6, bright blue eyes, fit body, mid back length black hair, and beige skin, she was a girl that you'd remember.    She was the first one in this story. The second one was,    Azalea Caer. A 21 year old business major in her second year of university. A rich, genius prodigy and a cold extrovert. An influential person with many contacts at such a young age.    That wasn't all either. She was extremely beautiful with features as if sculpted by hand. With the height of 5"7, piercing gray eyes, slender body, waist length brown hair, and fair skin. She was someone you'd never be able to forget.    These were the women of this story. But, what was so special about them?    Well, one was a student and the other was a teacher.    It all started like this;   _______   It had been barely a month since the second year of university had started. Noel was doing okay. She had passed with good marks in her first year. And she understood most of what she learned.    Today was supposed to be just another day of lectures. She was seated at her bench occasionally chatting with her friends waiting for the professor to arrive. He was a bit strict but he was knowledgeable. Though, right now, he was already a few minutes late.   Five minutes passed and finally the doors opened.    Everyone seized their chatting to go to their seats. But, everyone froze mid way.    Because, in walked not their professor who was in his mid fifties. No. In walked a beautiful woman who looked the same age as them. Was she a student too?    She had brown hair and was wearing casual formal clothing. Beige pants and black shirt. She was really beautiful.    "Please be seated everyone. I need to introduce myself and it's already late" said the woman, putting a few sheets of documents on the teacher's table.    Everyone settled down, still stunned.    The woman spoke then, "Hello, everyone. My name is Azalea Caer and I'm going to be your temporary teacher of this subject starting from today since your original teacher has been in an accident and cannot return for a few months. Is that clear? Great. Let's start" Azalea said and started preparing the lesson without even looking at the students.   Everyone was shocked and speechless. They couldn't even form the words to ask a question.    It was a good few minutes later when someone spoke. It was Noel's friend, Nathan, sitting right beside her. Noel massaged her eyebrows for the impending headache.    He raised his hand. Azalea stopped teaching and gestured for him to go on.    "Professor, how old are you?" he boldly asked.    Azalea looked at him with a cold piercing gaze for an uncomfortable 30 seconds that even made him regret his question.    Then she spoke, "If you can tell me what I was talking about exactly 3 minutes earlier, I'll answer your question" she said, looking at him.    He had no words. He didn't know. He was too busy staring at her to pay attention to the listen. It was the same with everyone else.    So Azalea continued, "Next time, pay attention to the lesson rather than me. Sit down" she said coldly and went back to teaching.    A lot of people started paying attention to the lesson after that while Noel consoled Nathan, sighing.    Though, that professor, Azalea, really intrigued Noel.    _______   In Azalea's next lecture, there was full attendance. Noel was there as well and her friends were getting ready to ask questions.    Azalea arrived right on time looking ever more beautiful and with a small greeting, she started the lecture.    Azalea was a great teacher. Her way of explaining things was simple and easy and made it possible for everyone to understand what she was talking about even when the topic was hard.    It was a boy named Noah that asked something this time.    "Professor, are you new here?"    "If you tell me, Mister Noah, how that affects my teaching, I will answer you" replied Azalea with her ever cold eyes.    Noah shrunk back down to his seat, not having an answer.    It was near the end of the lecture, Azalea was done with today's teaching material and was sitting down at the desk.    Bryce, a boy who was sitting behind Noel, someone she is on shaky terms with, asked something this time.    "Hey, professor! Why do you not answer our questions? We just want to get to know you better, you know? They're all innocent questions" he said with a disgusting smirk.    Azalea replied looking at him coldly, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was not aware interrogation was part of my job description, Mister Bryce"    Bryce was stunned speechless. Especially because the tone she answered in gave him shivers.    The class 'oohed' at him, laughing at his loss as well.    _______   This went on pretty much everyday. Everyone tried to find out who Azalea was but Azalea easily shocked them to speechlessness.    Today was another day. Everyone was waiting for Azalea in anticipation.    Nathan was preparing himself to ask another question.    Noel sighed. "Why do you keep doing this? She clearly is never going to answer you" she said.    "That's a maybe. But c'mon, aren't you even a little curious about her??" Nathan replied.    "Of course not" Noel replied. Of course she was. But she wasn't going to tell him that.    "Really? Then why do you look so invested when someone asks a question and very disappointed when Professor Azalea doesn't answer them?" Nathan said then.    "W-What do you mean?" Noel stuttered.    Then, Kyla, the girl on the bench beside her, spoke, "He's right, though. You are too focused for someone who doesn't care. The only thing making you different from everyone else is that you are not asking questions as well" she said.    "Y-You, aren't you both paying a bit too much attention to me?!" Noel exclaimed. She wasn't that obvious, was she?!    Before they could answer, Azalea entered the class, with a stack of papers.    Everyone settled down.    Azalea spoke, "I'm taking a surprise test today" she said.    Everyone started grumbling in discontent.    Then Azalea continued, "It's a 50 mark paper. There are 50 one word or one sentence questions. You'll get 45 minutes. If, you get even 35, I'll answer your questions" she said.    Everyone immediately got their energy back and took out writing materials ready to answer everything.    No one knew anything. All the questions were something they hadn't learned yet.    Noel got quite a lot right. She had studied further in this subject. Though, it was not all. The test was absurd. It was as if Azalea was making fun of them.    After the test was over and Azalea collected the papers, it was Bryce who voiced his complaints first,    "Hey, Professor Azalea! What was that test! Just say it if you don't want to answer anything. Why give an impossible test?!" he exclaimed.    There were murmurs of agreement all around the class.    Noel sighed. Of course it was going to be impossible. What did they think was going to happen??    Sitting down and starting to grade the test, "Impossible? Are you saying you don't know your own curriculum?" she said, looking right at Bryce.   "Y-You haven't taught us everything yet and-" Bryce tried to argue back but Azalea cut him off,    "Oh? Are you saying you won't ever learn your curriculum if it were never taught to you? Is that the mindset you're planning to graduate with?" she said.    Bryce was tongue tied. Anything he replied, it would be wrong.    Noel smirked. This professor became more and more interesting.    Then, Azalea spoke again, "Miss Noel"   Noel sat up straight in surprise looking at Azalea.    Azalea smirked, took a test paper, and walked towards Noel.    Standing right beside her and putting a test paper down on the desk, Azalea spoke, "Congratulations on getting a score of 30, the highest in this test" she said with a charming smile.    Noel was stuck staring at her. Her smile was so beautiful.    "Uh- thank you, p-professor" Noel said then, flustered.    Azalea smiled and walked back to her desk.    Everyone was looking at Noel with surprised eyes.   Noel tried to shrink away from all the attention.    Then, Nathan spoke, "Hey, professor, since one of us got 30, it's close enough, right? We should get to ask a question, right?" he said.    There were a lot of sounds of agreement all around.    Nathan continued since Azalea didn't say anything, "So, professor do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.    Noel sighed.    "Oh? And why do you want to know such a thing?" Azalea asked back, putting her hands on the desk and sitting leisurely but elegantly.    "Because you look so young and beautiful and well, I bet boys must be throwing themselves at you, right? So, do you have a boyfriend?" he replied.    Everyone was shocked that he still kept going.    Noel said then, "What about a girlfriend?"    Everyone looked at her in surprise.    Noel looked at everyone confused as to why they were looking at her. Then she realized. Everyone heard her! Shit! She didn't mean to say that out loud!    Azalea spoke then, "Oh? What was that, Miss Noel? I didn't quite hear you. Would you mind repeating that?" she said.    Noel froze. Everyone started giving her sympathetic looks. Nathan nudged her to talk.    So, after taking a breath, she said, "What about a girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend?"    Azalea smirked. Everyone held their breaths to see how Noel would be scolded. But, to everyone's surprise, Azalea said,    "No, Miss Noel. I don't have a girlfriend, neither do I have a boyfriend"    The whole class went silent.    The bell rang. Azalea left the class with her smirk never receding.    Noel was frozen. What the hell??    _______   After that day, people tried again. But, Azalea never replied. Then, one day, Nathan had a bright idea.    "Hey, Noel!" he said.    Noel looked at him skeptically.    "You ask a question this time. She has answered you before. Maybe she'll do it again" he said.    People around agreed.    Azalea quieted down the class.    Nathan stood up, "Professor! Noel had a question!" he said.    Noel looked at him wide eyed.    "I'll treat you to lunch and dinner for a week!" Nathan whispered.    Noel sighed. Really??    "Yes, Miss Noel?" Azalea asked with a smile.    Noel forgot her words for a second looking at that smile.    "A-Are you married?" she asked, not meeting her eyes.    Azalea smirked, "No, I am not married, Miss Noel" she said.    The class was shocked to silence again.    Noel tried to hide herself.    After that, all the questions were asked by Noel and every single time Azalea answered. Though she never answered the ones about her age. But still, no one knew why she only answered to Noel but they were taking full advantage of it while Noel wanted the ground to swallow her. The amount of smiles and smirks directed at her was too much for her! Is a teacher even allowed to be like that?!    ________   It was another day. Noel was standing in front of a teacher to get permission to stay a night in the library to complete her work.    Due to some complications at her home, she hadn't been able to complete a bunch of assignments. And she couldn't go back because there was too much noise around her neighborhood. On top of that, she needed quite a lot of books from the library. Plus, this university had dorms so the place wasn't as desolate as one would think.    But, the teacher just, rejected it.    Just as she was about to leave, a voice spoke,    "It's alright. I'm staying overnight today as well. I'll keep an eye on her" said Azalea standing behind the teacher.    Noel couldn't say a word and just kept staring at Azalea.    Azalea smiled at her. The teacher agreed.    Night came. Noel settled herself in the library with her laptop and various books, ready to complete everything. She had 7 assignments to do. She was fine. She can do it.    She had just typed a paragraph when Azalea entered the library with a small bag, smiling, and took a seat in front of her.    No one said a thing. So, Noel spoke, without looking at her, "Why did you do that?" she asked.    "You looked like you needed it" replied Azalea.    "I didn't. I bet you don't even have any work here" Noel said next, looking up at her.    Azalea chuckled, "I do have work. It's looking after you. Quite a focus centered work, don't you think?" she said.    "You-Why do you act like that??" Noel said then.    "Like what?" Azalea asked.    "Like- that!" Noel exclaimed.    Azalea smiled, "You're going to have to be more specific than that, Noel" she said.    Noel blushed, "That! You- stop flirting with me! You're a teacher!" she exclaimed.    Azalea chuckled but said nothing.    Noel had no words. This is the first teacher like her that she's come across.    So she just went back to typing.    Then, Azalea asked, "How many assignments are you behind on?"   "....Seven" Noel replied.    Azalea hummed, "How did that happen?" she asked.   "Some things came up at home, nothing much" Noel replied.    She didn't know if she should tell her the truth. After all, this college was one of the most prestigious colleges in the world and only wealthy people admitted here and her and her family background, was anything but that. The only reason she could get admitted here, was solely because of her studies.    She came from a family of 4. Herself, a little sister, and parents. Father was alcoholic and kept hounding them for money and mother and her tried their best to make ends meet. She wanted her sister to have a good future and no obstacles, unlike her. And sometimes, that got in the way of her college but she never minded.    Azalea saw the countless emotions flash through Noel's eyes. She didn't ask about them. Instead, she said, "Why didn't you ask for a pardon?"    "It's no use. I wouldn't get it" Noel replied. She had no reason to give.    Azalea hummed, "In that case", she said and got up and sat down beside her, "I'll help you" she said, taking out her own laptop.    "You quite literally can't though??" Noel said, flustered.    "Hm, well, I hope you can keep a secret then" said Azalea with a wink and a smile.    Noel blushed and turned her head down, hoping Azalea couldn't see her.    Azalea smiled, perfectly having seen her reaction, but said instead, "Tell me the topic of three of your assignments"    And since Noel was still flustered and blushing, she told her the topics without thinking about it.    Azalea hummed, "Those are hard if not understood correctly. I believe you won't have any problems with it" she said.    "Wait- What are you doing??" Noel asked when she saw Azalea writing her assignment.    "Helping you. You should start too, by the way. You don't have time to waste" Azalea replied, not taking her eyes off the screen.    Not knowing what to say, Noel dumbly nodded and went back to typing.    It was hours later, both the girls were still typing away. Noel was swaying, fighting to keep her eyes open. Then, Azalea got a call.    "I'll be back" she said to Noel and got up and walked out of the library.    Noel nodded and kept typing.    It was about 15 minutes later when Noel's eyes had almost closed fully when a cup of coffee appeared in front of her face.    There stood Azalea, smiling, and with a cup of her own.    Noel confusedly took the cup and Azalea sat back down.    "W-What? Why?" asked Noel, confused.    "To help you stay awake" replied Azalea.    Then, Azalea took out a bag of chips and offered it to Noel.    "How do you even have that?" Noel asked surprised.    "I just bought it" replied Azalea with a smile, shaking the chip bag.    Noel took one, still confused, "But why?" she asked.    "I told you. To help you stay awake" Azalea replied.    "Why are you doing so much for me?" asked Noel then. She just didn't get it.    "Do you dislike it?" asked Azalea back.    "I- I-.. That's not the point" Noel stuttered, with a light blush. Because she didn't dislike it at all. Azalea was beautiful and she liked her. And that made her feel guilty.    "Then there's no problem if I continue" Azalea said then.    "What, no wait-" Noel tried to say but Azalea cut her off,    "You really should write. You don't have much time left" she said casually and went back to typing, giving Noel no chance to speak again.    Because of course, she liked Noel. She had intrigued her from the very first day she met her. So there was nothing wrong with pursuing her, was there?    They wrote the assignments till 4 am. It probably would've taken Noel much longer had Azalea not helped her. And the assignments she wrote were top class, one of the best she'd seen. Hers paled in comparison. But still, when Azalea had seen hers, she had said,    "That's very impressive" with a genuine smile.    She was busy blushing to see if she actually meant it.    She did.   _______   The next incident happened a week later. A week of more smiles, smirks, chuckles, goddamn questions, and blushes. At this point even her friends were wondering if something was going on between them. It was ridiculous.    Okay, she may or may not have developed a small crush on Azalea. But everyone had a crush on her! So she's fine. Right?    Anyways, today her lectures were in the evening. It was the last day of the week and she had a holiday tomorrow. She just wanted to go home. The teacher had just left and the college was emptying.    Then, Nathan approached her with a bunch of files in his hand that the teacher had handed to him to keep in the teacher's lounge.    She tried to run away because she knew exactly what he wanted to do.    "Noel! Please! I beg you!" he said and blocked her way.    "No" she said.    "Please!" he drawled out the word. "I've got a date! Please, I'll buy you anything you want! Please, big please!" he said.    Noel sighed loudly, "Fine" she said and took the files. At least someone should get the one they want.    "Yes! Thank you! You're the best! See you in the next class!" he said and practically ran away.    She shook her head with a smile and walked towards the teacher's lounge.    _______   The teacher's lounge was empty. Except for one teacher who was typing away at her laptop.    Azalea. It was Azalea.    She looked up the moment Noel entered.    Noel tried to keep the files on a table and leave.    Azalea spoke before she could take even a step away from the table,    "Oh my, you have no questions today?" she asked.    "I-I never do. It's the others that do" Noel said, trying not to look into Azalea's beautiful eyes.    "Are you saying you were never once curious yourself?" Azalea said next with a small smirk, getting up and coming to stand in front of her.    Noel looked at her in surprise as she stood in front of her. Quickly averting her gaze, "N-No" she said.   Azalea's smirk widened, "Is that so?" she said and took another step forward.    Noel was blushing. But she said, "You- You need to stop flirting with me! You're a teacher!"    "I'm a temporary teacher" Azalea said.    Noel continued, "Y-You're so much older than me and it's not-"    Azalea immediately cut her off, "Woah, woah. Old? I'm 21, you know? I'm in the same year as you. Do I look that old to you?" she said.    "Wait, you're the same age as me?!" Noel exclaimed    Azalea laughed, "I am. Does it come as that much of a surprise?" she asked.    "Well, no and yes? You always looked so young and beautiful at first I, everyone, thought you were our age until you introduced yourself as our teacher" Noel replied.    Azalea smirked, "You thought I was beautiful?" she said.    Noel blushed, "I still do" she mumbled.    Azalea smiled widely hearing her.    Hurriedly changing the topic, Noel spoke again, "But, uh, how are you a teacher in a university if you're this young?" she asked.    "Hm, well, one, I'm what you would call a genius prodigy. I've already done these studies and more. Two, I'm rich. Three, I own this university. So technically, no one can stop me" Azalea explained with a smile.    "Holy shit. Damn. Wow" Noel said, shocked.    Azalea chuckled. "Mhm. Now then, since all the misunderstandings have been cleared, may I ask you a question of my own?" she said.    Noel nodded.    "Would you go on a date with me, Noel?" Azalea asked with a charming smile, leaning toward Noel.    Noel visibly blushed. But she still answered, "Yes"    Azalea smiled brightly.    Then, Noel added, "But, you can't kiss me as long as you're a teacher" she said with a mischievous look.    "That is quite unfair" Azalea huffed and stepped back.    Noel laughed, "I just do not want the title of dating a teacher, okay" she shrugged.    Azalea was about to say something but then she looked at her watch and a smirk came on her face.    She stepped closer to Noel again. "So, I can't kiss you as long as I'm a teacher, correct?" she said, standing touching distance away from Noel.    Noel nodded confused and with a light blush at their proximity.    Azalea hummed, then she gently held Noel's chin.    "What are you do-" Noel tried to say but Azalea cut her off.    By pulling her gently and giving her a long, soft kiss.    Noel stiffened at the start but relaxed soon enough.    When they leaned back, Azalea had a tender smile on her face.    "My shift just ended. I'm not a teacher right now" she said softly with a small grin, showing her watch.    Noel was stunned speechless from her words and because the kiss was repeating in her head again and again.    "I'll send you the time and place for the date" Azalea said next with a smirk and left the lounge.    Noel still stood speechless with a growing blush and a smile, touching her lips.    Azalea was all the same as she walked out and touched her lips and a soft smile grew on her face.    Both of them definitely looked forward to the date.      The End.    LOST__thewriter Hey! LOST here! So, how did you like it? I know it was a bit unrealistic but this was just my twist on the usual age gap TeacherxStudent stories. Since I myself don't really like stories with big age gaps, I made this as a result of me wanting a TeacherxStudent story but with no age gap. Please leave any reviews, criticisms, tips to improve, and all that good stuff. I apologize if I missed a typo. See ya around! <3
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "478099", "id": "515331", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "The Teacher Who Loved Her Student - Chapter", "author": "LOST__thewriter", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Girls Love", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Couple", "College/University", "Comedic Undertone", "Cute Story", "Modern Day", "Student-Teacher Relationship" ] }
This is inspired by a series of events which lasted for 2-4 months a few years ago, I don’t remember when, so I guess it was 2015. First, we need to talk about Nestle. We all know Nestle. They make food and stuff. They also have many cases filed against them for child labour and illegal usurping land, but we are not gonna talk about it, instead, we are gonna talk about how good Nestle is. Nestle is so good, once the government said, “Could you produce less waste?” And Nestle said,  “Sure.” And they stopped producing wastes. Nestle, like other multinational companies does not produce any wastes of any kind, no waste, nothing. No waste. Absolutely none at all. So, there was this guy, and he was like, “Hey, this river on which your factory is built, the fishes in it are dying.” And Nestle said, “Oh yeah, we....release some...heavy...Aluminium. Sorry, we will fix that.” And they did fixed it! Or so I think, I couldn’t find anything related to that case on internet. It just disappeared so I hope it was resolved peacefully. But even though the event was completely erased, people by this point, had heard of it. And, you see, people are very intelligent. People aren’t stupid, they think.  So when people heard the report, they thought “Hey heavy metals! I know of them. They are that pencil thing. The black one. I know of it.” And that started the rumour which was the beginning of the end. The rumour which led to quite a disturbance in economy. [Nestle adds lead and arsenic in their food] Now, this is, we all have to admit, quite normal.  I mean, name one company which hasn’t been accused of adulteration. I am gonna make it easier, name one company which hasn’t been accused of adulteration in past year. But, you see, something happened that had never happened before. And that is, people used their brains. Now, if you imagine lead, you would imagine a big black chunk. And you are right, lead does looks like that. But, the lead that is often added as an impurity, isn’t pure lead, but lead acetate, its most common ore. Here’s what it looks like. Spoiler [collapse] Notice how it looks like glass? (Chances are I got lazy and didn’t added the picture, so google it yourself)(Edit: I was lazy, but I managed to do it) Readers, we have our next rumour! [Nestle adds glass to food] But you see, people aren’t stupid. People don’t just believe everything they read on Facebook or Twitter. People think. So people thought, “Why would Nestle add glass to food?” And people reached to an answer! [Nestle adds glass to instant noodle to make it crunchier] Oh, but you know what else is crunchy? [Potato chips have glass added to them to make them crunchy] So, yeah, the famine starts now. People refused to buy all these, to the point where government had to intervene and announce they have tested all these and they are safe. And people believed that, they just didn’t buy any snacks. But you know, people think. And they thought, “If glass makes food crunchy, what about soft food?” And readers, let me tell you, we have now reached the point where if you switch on your TV and go to a news channel, they shall all have the same exclusive. Every channel, same news. [Dumplings are made of Dogs] Now, let me tell you something. When you start as a journalist, you don’t get the good stuff. Chances are, you won’t even get mentioned, you are nothing but a reporter who happened to be on the site. Just a nameless staff reporter. I once went to these caves, about an 3 years ago, Ajanta caves they were called, there I met 2 of them, journalists who have to roam all around hoping to catch a good scene. I suppose they were at the caves in hopes it would collapse, but it didn’t. Those 2 reporters, as soon as I entered the cave, they started their recording. “Good evening viewers, today we are here at Ajanta Cave to see the limits of a human body. Here you can see a young individual, so young and full of excitement who is ready to venture in these caves. Viewers, let me tell you once again, we are in Ajanta caves, and it is pitch black here and truth to be told, we aren’t brave enough to go into a thousand-year-old cave. This is so fragile, I feel like tapping on this rock will break it." Readers, if you ever go to Ajanta Caves, let me tell you they are quite well lit and there are many pillars to support the structure. Now talking about Ajanta caves, they are a group of 4 caves,  Tiger, the easiest where you have to walk Panther, where you have to crouch Porcupine, where you have to crawl Ape, where you have to climb. This incident occurred at the Ape cave, where I had to climb a wall just so you know, I kinda fell which just led to more commentary “Look at this young man, he has fallen once, but we all know he shall rise again, because he shall not give up and lose to these mere rocks!” Dear reader, the reason to recall this incident is to explain one point, Noobies journalists are hungry for attention. Coming back, so we have our snacks famine, no snacks are now available in market. So, there was this junior journalist, who thought he could gain some fame if he takes advantage of the panic. This particular journalist, he went to a river and started recording and scooped out some water, showing it has black insects in it. And behold people, we have our next world ending rumour. [Water contains pre-historic insects that scientists have no way of killing] And you know what, water is a big no no too. People refused to drink water supplied by government and instead bought packaged water bottles, not realising that both have same source. But the price difference exists, you know, government gives water at 0.0005 cents(approx) per litre per month while private companies gave it at 0.5$ per 1 litre bottle. The government decided to use this opportunity to support smaller companies, and gave providing them infrastructure in return of using their brand name while giving out water. This incident continued for a week, people would buy like 20 litre bottles every day to use. Since it was just government water with a brand name on it, it was cheap too, just 1$ per 20 litre bottle But this calmed down relatively quick, people realised that government is giving cheaper water, so it must be good. Keep in mind that the snack famine is still going on. Now one day, I received a message on my class group. Special emphasis on word ‘class group' This wasn’t a friends group, it wasn’t a family group, it was a class group. The message was a link to a Facebook article, and was sent by my history teacher. The Facebook article had picture of this angry looking lady. Real angry looking. She looked so angry, as if she has been trying to kill a mosquito for minutes, but it slips out every time. Alongside that angry lady, was a list of sodas and the amount of rat poison in them. And people, we come to next world ending rumour. [Coca Cola has 15% rat poison] So, no soft drinks as well.  No snacks, no drinks.  Dear Readers, some of you might be thinking, “Well, I can’t drink all that, but at least I have an old trusty lemonade with me, right?” Wrong Mr./Mrs Reader,  [Lemons, tomatoes and onions have uranium added to them to keep them fresh for longer.]  This was even posted in national newspaper. Pictures of people gaining a few extra hands after eating them went viral. So, no lemonade as well. Huh. Well, at least I can sip a cup of tea in peace. [Milk has paint added to it] Readers, for the last rumour, I am going to elaborate a bit. People stooped buying lemons, tomatoes, onions and milk, for the next 3 days. The number seems small, but think about how much dairy is sold in a day. About 5 hundred thousand tons of dairy is consumed every day all over the country. And for 3 days, people didn’t buy it. Well, many were buying it, but we are gonna ignore them. This was such a big loss, the milk companies had to increase the price of milk by 0.1 cent per litre for the next few weeks in order to compensate for it. Moving on, Now that government’s plan to calm the public had failed, private companies took into their hands to reveal the truth. Private companies went on the stage and said, “Hey people! I have the truth! You know rice? The thing you have been eating? That’s fake rice! Plastic! The only real rice is my rice, I promise. I have this science guy say that my rice, best rice.” And our next world ending rumour [The government sucks] At first, this was just innocent advertisements. Then pictures of rice melting in heat became viral. Even plastic cauliflower became famous. Soon, we had this wheat company which said that each and every of their grain has been individually picked. Rice companies saying they have let their rice ferment for 36 years, which proves that it is not fake. (I don’t know the logic behind that, I quick google search revealed that rice apparently releases these juices when fermented which prevents the fermentation of other rice, so it could be related to that.) Readers, let me tell you an incident. I was buying bread, when I saw that it has “Hydrogen Peroxide Free" stamped on it. Readers, if you don’t know, Hydrogen Peroxide is a cleaner. It’s like bleach, but stronger. It can remove almost all stains. It’s also much poisonous, but no one can be stupid enough to drink it, right? So, I saw that stamp, and I thought, “They are giving free Hydrogen peroxide?” I looked around, expecting to see a small sachet of my cleaner taped to bread, but I couldn’t find it. So, I went to the shop keeper, and asked him if he has the hydrogen peroxide which I am supposed to get. And he explained to me that free hydrogen peroxide means I am not getting any. Which is sad. I wanted some. So, this continued. Nothing special happened. Till one day people decided that we should go back to traditional way. Brown rice, Brown sugar, Whole wheat bread. And people realised that have really bad taste. Completely yuck. So they went back to buying snacks like normal people. And everyone was happy! The End.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "287633", "id": "287634", "q": 0.91, "title": "(Oneshot) The Snack Famine of 2015-ish - Oneshot", "author": "Agentt", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Historical" ], "tags": [] }
IMPORTANT NOTICE!: (everything before this was gibberish so I cut everything up until this part of the text)  "And for my first good-bye, I'm saying this... I love you Sans." - Bio fight with Noire (Information to Note: The character of Sans was based on the character of "Sans" from the game Undertale)   Once upon a time, in a world where everything dark was light and everything light was dark, there was a pair of souls destined to be eternal companions. Sans and Noire grew up together in the Lonely Orange Village, where they were taught by their mentor, the great Eco, the Sun. Under Eco's guidance, Sans grew into an exceedingly strong and clever being. Noire, on the other hand, did not become as bright and shaped, for she could not suppress her darker and inner desires. She still carried deep sorrow and feelings of loss in her heart, but she could not afford to dwell in it, for her life was full and she had a duty to attend. That night Noire said a prayer asking that she and Sans could never be separated, and that night the moon and the stars joined together and formed a circle, and the darkness died. The light of the moon was seen through the dark circle and shone on the world that was at the very beginning of the darkness. Thus, the world that would soon be called Undertale was born. Noire had her duty and her only focus. Sans, meanwhile, had his dream. He could not stop thinking about the wonderful world he saw inside the circle, and he was more determined than ever to find it. Sans had no idea that this was his purpose in life to become the protector of the sun, just like his precious Eco. Sans watched the people in his village grow up, and although he was very close to many of them, he did not fully express it. He did not have time to work on his social skills and he did not really care for the opinions of others. But the villagers said he was cold and that he did not like their jokes. Perhaps it was true, but it wasn't necessarily their fault. Sans was a quiet and serious being by nature. Nevertheless, it was obvious that he was the perfect fit for his role, for he is also selfless and caring. Despite all that has happened, the two of them have been inseparable ever since their souls united. Meanwhile, the sun has grown dim. Without the sun to be its light, darkness has returned. The cycle has begun anew. They say that if someone saves the sun, they will have saved their world, but Sans never really believed in this, because he does not believe in destiny, and he was the first to realize that the choice between light and dark is always out of his hands. Nevertheless, he will always support his friend Noire. If Sans were to save the sun, he will have lost his best friend, and he will never forgive himself for that. He cannot allow his friend to be hurt by the darkness again. He is the only one who can stop this cycle, because in order for the sun to shine again, he must let Noire go. But this is more than just a great sacrifice. It's about something much bigger than anyone can imagine. Someone must take responsibility for all the suffering and sorrow in the world, because they, and they alone, can save the world... End Of Prologue
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "483939", "id": "484014", "q": 0.91, "title": "AI-Generated Sans Fan-Fic Written by Multiple AI(s) - Prologue", "author": "AdamOswald", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Comedy", "Drama", "Fanfiction", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Supernatural", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Undertale", "Artificial Intelligence", "Based on a Video Game", "Crossover", "Death", "Death of Loved Ones", "Divination", "Fourth Wall", "Game Elements", "Godly Powers", "Gods" ] }
I became a simp and wrote a fairy tale for a girl There was once a young prince who was suddenly inflicted with a horrible disease. The prince could barely keep his consciousness and had several episodes of fits. The king called for doctors from lands far and away, but much less to cure him; the doctors even had no idea the cause of the disease. One day, a witch came to the King's court from the North and offered her services to the King. The ministers were very concerned. "Your grace, not only can she not be trusted, the public will not be happy with their king following a witch." The King asked the witch if she could prove her worth, and she produced a black cock from her black robes, a parrot, and an oak sapling. The witch offered all three as gifts to prove her powers and promised the King she will return after a week. The king had three daughters alongside a son. The three were blood sisters, but couldn't be any different from each other.The Youngest princess was merely eight years old named Arianna, and liked pretty things. She loved animals and would bring every kind of beast back home. The king spoiled her a lot and could never say no to her. The child, being an angel at heart would never take advantage of her standing. The Middle princess was named Helene, a rowdy free spirit, interested in the life and pursuit of the blade. She would often duel with the king, sometimes every evening. It was not uncommon for the King and the middle princess to have tea while drawing their swords. The oldest princess, Sarah devoted herself to books. She was shy and preferred spending her time on the roof of the castle. She had a secret obsession with desserts but she was too shy to ever demand any, which made any that came along the way a day of celebration. The king called all three of them, but only Arianna arrived. The king showed her all three gifts, the cock, the parrot, and the sapling; "Tell me my silly putty, which one do you want?" "This one is fuzzy!" the child said gleefully while stroking the cock from the shadows. Because of its black body, its bright red crown seemed to have shined almost like a torch. "The creature also seems to like your companionship, would you take care of it for me?" "Yes Papa, thank you!" and the princess gave an impatient bow before running off with the cock." The intendants told the king that the other two princesses refuse to answer the summons, and the king sighed. He should have expected such bold actions from his blood, but sometimes he wished they would go easier on his old bones. The king asked two servants to pick up the parrot and the sapling and follow him. The king ventured downstairs, to the royal garden, across the bush maze, and at the center was Helene practicing sword with a dummy. "My daughter, why didn't you answer my summons?" The Middle princess did not answer, so the king drew his sword and moved in to slash her wrist, and was blocked very quickly, "I always knew my father wanted to give my hand in marriage to a stranger, but I never could have known it was this literal." "I expected you to protect yourself, even if you didn't, it was just a slap on the wrist." The two exchanged slashes for a bit, both being highly experienced and skillful fighters. The fight finally ended when the king managed to find an opening in-between his daughter's barrage of attacks and reached out his hand to pat her head. "I always end up losing to you father, when will I be able to fight alongside you on the battlefield." "You can be assured I won't be partaking in any battles till your brother is cured. That is unless the barbarians attack, in which case I hope our allies come to our aid." "Father, I can fight! Please trust me!" "It's not your skills I doubt my daughter, but war takes more than determination to slash enemies. I wish not to argue more however, I am here regarding another matter." The king waved his hand signaling the servants to step forward. "Choose one honey, a gift from your father?" "Oh, a bribe to persuade me to marry?" Helene wasn't interested in either of the gifts but decided to choose the parrots. "Hoh? Why that?" "I was once told ancient warriors of a faraway land practiced sword by slicing birds." The king was exhausted after that fight despite walking away confidently from the royal garden; he could feel exhaustion washing over him and strength leaving his arms. The weight of the sword and armor that he wore with honor for years was now causing him to stagger. The king knew his age was catching up to him and he wanted the prince to inherit the throne already. The king asked the servants to leave and said he shall meet the eldest princess alone, but that was mainly to hide his inability to climb the stairs as proudly as he once did. At the roof of the castle, Sarah was sipping some tea under a silk umbrella while reading a book, occasionally staring at the clouds and birds. "Daughter, you didn't answer my summons. What is your explanation for this rudeness.""I was studying a flower father.""A flower? What flower?""A flower over there," she pointed to the yonder, the forest that lay beyond the castle grounds, "I see a Night Eris lies there." "You are pointing to nothing, my dear." "Oh my, has the eyesight of my father fallen so far? He can't even see a flower growing deep within a forest. Alas, I lament." "Daughter, I ask you to accept this gift from me. An oak sapling, may it remind you of the patience required to excel in life, and may you never stop growing alongside it." One day, the king fell into the clasps of old age as well and contracted a horrible fever. The princesses were very worried about him, but the doctor said the stress and anxiety would only worsen the symptoms. Even then, it is inevitable that his time as a mortal is not long, and he shall depart from this world soon. "Oh, Darling!" the queen sobbed at his bedside, grasping the king's hand. Looking at her mother's condition, the eldest princess knew the kingdom will fall into despair if the news leaked that the throne is empty now. Even the opposing kingdoms rush for it. The eldest daughter immediately ordered the servants in the room to be sent to the dungeon and ordered that the doctors cannot exit this room till the king recovered. The other sisters were shocked, but they were too overtaken by grief to offer much resistance, especially the youngest who could not even keep her head clear. Sarah suggested Arianna should not stay near such a depressing place for long and asked Helene to entertain her. "What will you do sister?" Helene asked while lifting Arianna in her arms and gently comforting her. "There are things to do, I have to ask the prime ministers. I don't know what to do, but, I have to do it." In the royal suite of Helene, both sisters were lying on the soft bed; hugging each other, afraid. In the room there also was the parrot, sitting on top of the bed frame of the royal bed. It flew away from the open window, flying far away into clouds at a speed faster than anyone could see, soon it was just a tiny dot in the sky, unbeknownst to the sisters. After Arianna had fallen asleep, Helene went away to practice her blade again, it helped take her mind off things. While slashing the straw dummy, she noticed the black cock was on the castle wall and immediately flew away. The Middle Princess chased after him, climbed the high wall, and jumped out. She followed the cock beyond the castle walls, entering the city. She was in the market, which was a lively place. There were many people and many stalls. An aromatic smell wafted through the air, a combination of spices, roses, and tanned leather. She finally found the cock, it was on an old run-down stall, barely holding itself together. It had a wooden plank leaning against it, "Traditional Family Owned Shaman. We do readings too" "Come here you bird," the princess tried to call out to the cock in hopes it quietly comes back but instead it just "cockladoodledo-ed" and trotted inside the tent. Inside was dark, barely lit by wax candles. The air was very chilly and the princess could feel it through her boots! There was strange music playing, something magical. It was a strange note, it seemed to disappear the moment one focuses on it, but it would reappear as if a wisp whispering in your ear. The cock was resting on the lap of an old woman, purring softly. The old woman seemed to be in deep meditation, unmoving and distant from this dimension. She had an alien aura. The princess picked up the cock and carried it away. It was only when she had gotten back to the castle that she noticed a pendant had gotten stuck in the cock's claws, which she untangled and was about to throw but a sudden call made her put it in her pocket for no reason. A soldier arrived to escort Helene away, "Your sister has asked that my Lady should not leave her room for the next of the evening." "What? why?" "Delegates are arriving from other countries and your sister has advised this." "She wants to confine me?! I don't believe this! I want to talk to her." Helene bolted to the throne room where Sarah was sitting on the throne, with the royal crown sitting on an oak stool beside her. Her playful finger circled its gems. "Sister! Is there a problem?""Yes, there's a problem dammit. You just ordered them to lock me in my room!" "I am not 'locking' you up dear. This is for your good, isn't it? Would you rather attend the boring meetings with those old geezers droning about politics?" "Well, no, but I can still attend, right? My choice, no need to just confine me." "I am afraid my hands are tied. Our country is in a fragile state right now. We have to put on our best behavior, and I don't want to put you through torture. But most of all, I will be honest since I love you; but we can't allow any rude outbursts. So please sister, just agree with me this once." The middle sister raged and stormed out, Sarah sighed but knew this was an essential sacrifice. The pendant dropped out of her pocket in the process. For the next few days, there were many visitors to the castle. The Middle and Youngest sisters would sometimes peek out to look at the ball that was held every few days now. The two would remain holed up in their room until the party was over, where the three could finally meet and play, sometimes dance. One day some trouble brewed up, it was a king. He was a good friend of the princess's father. "Oh, I am ever so unfortunate about the news. You must be so devastated.""Thank you for your condolences, Good Sir.""Oh yes, it must be so difficult. Handling this entire kingdom, a house of ministers. And the lives of so many people depend on you now.""With your blessings, it gets a little easier Sir.""I was thinking, I have a great army, I could perhaps excuse about, 1200 soldiers to your kingdom. All fully equipped with weapons and trained well, that will be my guarantee.""Oh, my! That would be wonderful my Lord! I, I just don't know how to ever pay you for your kindness, such strength would be invaluable to us during these times.""Oh, don't fret!" the king laughed, "Your father and I were good friends after all. I could never ask for payment. I just wanted to extend this alliance to you as well.""Consider it accepted. I shall pray our kingdoms to hold a bright future together.""Ho ho ho. Say, have I ever told you about my son?""I believe Father told me about prince Gerald. A mighty man, I heard he is a wonderful son.""Oh, he is a great man, isn't he? I was just telling him about your circumstances the other day, and he showed a lot of interest, especially in your sisters. He sympathizes with your struggles and wishes for better relationships as well, as closer relationships. A way to make both of our kingdoms stronger and united.""Oh. Oh, um, my, My Lord. Ah, I apologize, but I am not in any position to engage in courting. Th-The things are just so busy, and-""Oh, it's not you. He seemed to have chosen your younger sister.""Oh, Helene?""Yes. If I may have your permission, then the plans for a wedding can commence immediately.""I see no problem with that my Lord. I shall commence the wedding. If you please, send a suitable wedding dress." Sarah was too ashamed to break the news to her sister. She had completely reclused herself in her chambers, she no longer appeared for dinner even. The nighttime was now silent and filled with solitude, sometimes even lit candles seemed to be something the sisters would watch in envy. Their short lives were spent burning gloriously. The sisters could not bare watching it, and lived in darkness, sometimes even rejecting the sun. Sarah finally sent the news to Helene via a parchment,"Dear Sister, I hope you and Arianna have been doing well. It has been a long since we managed to spend time together, I promise to have a tea party with you as soon as this mess is sorted out. I have been busy, the kingdom is not doing very well. I knew the tragedy couldn't be contained inside these closed doors for long, but it happened too quickly, it was a surprise. Was it the doctors? The servants? Or the soldiers themselves? Doesn't matter how the word reached them, the public now knows the seat is empty dear Helene. I have reasons to believe a civil war is near if nothing is done. But the biggest loss of all shall be the lightning that struck our father. Its true brute strength isn't enough to win wars, the king was the most seasoned leader among all of us. He knew how to hold up the morale, and how to strategize. Scholars have written books analyzing the formations he formulated on the battlefield. Without his help, our kingdom is being threatened by several other kingdoms. We have to compensate by increasing our military strength. There is not enough time to recruit them, we have to call our allies. I shall not sweeten the next words I am going to utter now sister, they are foul words coming from a sinner. I sold you in exchange for a thousand soldiers. You shall be married off to Gerald, the son of a friend of our father. I assure you he is a decent man and has a handsome face.The Prince shall also provide us with the most beautiful wedding dress the Earth has ever seen, your departure will be grand sister and will be heaven on Earth. Please make this sacrifice. For me, for Arianna; for this kingdom. We cannot let the kingdom fall before father wakes up, and hopefully, it won't be long. " Helene was too heartbroken to resist, to argue. Her life had fallen into turmoil, but she was too weak to fight anymore. It just felt too inviting to just let go, to swim along the flow. To not fight the fates, is this what God planned for her? If so, then it is simply impossible for her to escape. There was a soft knock on her door, disturbing her sorrowful musings beneath the moonlight. The white moonlight seemed to shine so wonderfully against her pale skin, she could see her veins. Helene no longer kept the door locked, so the guest welcomed herself in. It was a servant, but not any other one. Her name was Maria, the head chef and the Madam of all the maids who had been working in the palace for past 40 years. She had raised the sisters ever since they were born. Sometimes, when the queen would be too sick, the princesses would suckle on her breasts. Seeing her bought forth a strange anger, one directed at herself. The joyful past was now akin to an ant biting on the wound, Helene wanted to distant herself from her past. "My Lady, you, you have been out in the...I heard the news," she stuttered a lot but finally managed to form a sentence. "Yes Maria, are you here to congratulate me? You are here at a good time, I have been thinking, I need to earn how to be a proper lady now, don't I? Well, it will be difficult, I wasted my entire life after all, but I shall try to be a good wife." "Oh, my Lady! Don't say that! You, you didn't wasted your life.""Fufufu, my life has been a joke Maria. I realized, I know nothing. Absolutely nothing, I am so worthless. I can't help my sister, I can't help Arianna. I can't..I just can't do anything right.""Your father will disagree my Lady. He was very proud of you.""If he was, he would be here. He would, he would...do something. Help us, but he is not. He just got sick and old. Please leave me Maria." "My Lady, don't think tha-" "Please leave." "...very well. I wanted to give you this," she said as she presented a dish. It seemed to be some kind of sliced fruit, cooked slightly till caramelized. it had a sweet aroma and all evil thoughts were expelled from Helene's mind. "The Oak tree that the king bought, for some reason, it bore this fruit. It used to grow back in my village too, on vines. We used to eat a lot of them, me and the other children. Our throats would get so hoarse, they were that sour. My mother used to make sauces out of them. I don't know what you are going through, a maid like me couldn't dare to assume, but I wanted to make something for you, and I saw this fruit and...please eat this before it gets cold." Helene let the dish sit for a while, she kept gazing out of the window. She didn't intent on eating, but the magical aroma of the dish just seemed to invite her. It was getting harder and harder for her to continue being depressed, her eyes were gaining colour and her cheeks flushed red. She could feel her heart thumping and pulse beating and she finally succumbed to the temptation. As she took a bite strength returned to her and her chest felt warm. It was as if she was hugging someone again, how long had it been since she hugged someone? Sarah? Arianna? Her mother? What was her mother doing? How is she? How is Arianna? What was she doing all holed up like this, wasting time? Wait wait wait, a marriage? How did she agreed to that so easily! It was as if someone cut off her strings, but now she has them back. The moonlight, now it seemed to pale, too dull even. To think there was a time when its presence would hurt her eyes. Looking outside the window, there was only one thought in Helene's mind, "I can definitely make that jump." And so she jumped out the window, clasping for any ledges to slow her decent and finally rolling down to break her fall. As she got one, Helene felt rejuvenated. There was some energy in the air, and she just felt so free. It took her a while to realize she was smiling, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in her chest, but only briefly. She ran, ever so free, so strongly, her legs refused to move, the more she ran the more her chest would hurt, but she didn't wanted to stop running. Suddenly, she heard a sharp whistle, coming from the forest. It was melodic, like a bamboo flute and was calming yet had some sort of dread in it. Helene decided to follow it, running from tree to tree finding the source of the whistling, hearing it getting louder and louder. Her chest pained more and more, the pain was spreading to her limbs and her hands were getting numb, her throat felt like it was being squeezed, but there was something good in that pain. Helene could not explain it, but it felt like the pain of removing of a splinter. She followed the sound and finally found a parrot on a branch, it had hauntingly red eyes and a shiny green coat. She recognized it as the parrot she chose. Helene soon felt the presence of someone other than her, and like a shadow, a dark flash fled into the overgrown grass, rustling."Wait, who are you?" She called out. From the rustling grass peeked out two green eyes, they shone brightly in moonlight like emeralds, "I should be asking you that!" said the voice of what seemed to be a child. "I was just here for my bird. Come out, its okay. I-I won't bite. Promise." The small child came out, wearing peculiar clothes, purple robes, much bigger than her size. Even her shoes seemed to be made of cotton and her hat, oh my, "You are a witch!" Helene exclaimed."A student still. But I will be a witch one day!""What are you doing here?""The lil one," she pointed towards the parrot who was cleaning itself and fluffing its wings, "it led me here. And you say you were led by him?""Yes. Did he wanted us to meet?""If so, it could be because of your curse.""My curse?""Yes, a hex has been placed on you, by Saturn. The curse of cold heart.""What's that?""You don't know the curse of cold heart? Are you daft idiot or something?""Hey!""Seriously, even children know about it. It's like common sense by now. What's strange is that it has spread so much, its the first time I have seen such a big cyst on someone's heart. Did you not bath till now?""Umm...I bathed quite recently, when was it? About...three days ago?""Ew.""Hey!""Don't come near me! How gross, how could you not bath! Like, do you not even change clothes?""Well, I didn't had a reason to ever since I stopped practicing.""Well, go wash yourself. That should remove the hex, and in case being dirty runs in your family, ask them to bath too. This curse can spread from person to person." "So what happens if one doesn't bath?" "Ah, I don't remember. It is supposed to make you colder I guess? I don't remember. For now, just clean yourself already, I can't stand the stinkyness." "I'm not stinky!" The two soon broke down into more friendly talk, and exchanged addresses at the end to write letters to each other. The lil witch was named Zoey, and was actually 70 years old, but she said that she is just a child in witch year. They hadn't noticed that the parrot had disappeared into the night, never to be seen again. Helene rushed back to castle, banging on the doors which was a surprise to the guards, but she didn't listen to their confused cries and rushed inside. Inside the courtyard that she knew so well, beyond the royal hedge maze and across many thick shrubbery, completely behind the main gate of the castle there should be a well. A well where maids wash the clothes. She just needed to get there. Just a bucket of water would do.She ran and ran, but closer to the well she got, the harder it got. It was getting difficult to breath, her hands had begun hanging lifelessly already. Before she realized, she had fallen down. Her body felt cold but she crawled, grasping the grass to pull her heavy body. The well was just a few paces away, she could make it. But she felt something hard on her hand. It was difficult to look up, her eyes were dizzy, but she saw her sister, the eldest princess. "Sarah, you need to help me. Water, bring me some water from that help.""No. No my dear sister.""Wh-what?" she said weakly."Stand up sister. Don't fight the hex, it will only drain you faster. Accept it and you shall find it much comforting.""You-you BASTARD! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!""There there, such a tongue doesn't suit the bride to be. Calm down now, the magic has already taken over your heart, it's slowly climbing and soon you will be the perfect human." Just as Helene's conciousness was fading, she heard just one sound, "cock a doodle doo," followed by a "What the fuck, where did you come from! Stop you, maggot!" Helene didn't knew what was happening, but she heard a lot of shrieks, they sounded like her sister, "Let go of my dress you shit! Ah, GUARDS! THERE IS A PES-ow! My eye! Guards!" As she heard light steps of her sister running away, she felt the sharp claws of the cock climbing her, standing on her back. The cock then started to promptly peck her furiously, and Helene grunted in pain, vibrations travelled throughout her body and it hurt a lot. It felt like being hit by a hammer, and with every peck, Helene felt the beak was hitting something stoney. Helene started feeling nauseating, she felt something trying to kick her throat, was she going to vomit? No, it was something too coarse, something harsh, something solid. Helene coughed furiously, and the cock stopped pecking. Helene felt something drop to ground and her body instantly felt lighter. Her eyes fluttered open and in front of me she saw, a stone heart! She picked it up, it felt cold, ice cold and barely pulsated. But there was life in it, surely, she could sense it. "What do I do with this?" She heard the incoming on soldiers, the heavy thump of metal shoes and clangs on spear,"Ahhhhh, you! Cock! Take care of this for me!" she said as she tried to somehow suffix the heart on the cock, but the heart magically sank into its feather and disappeared. "Princess Helene!" an armed guard called out, "Princess Sarah said-""Oh yes, this cock. Umm, take it to the kitchen, tell the chef to feed it well, and make it fat. As fat as possible." Once Helene was escorted inside, the first thing she did was to take a bath. However, she didn't feel any different. Her body was still unburdened, but she had a feeling of emptiness.She had an inkling what was circling, the cock took out her heart to stop the spread of the curse. The curse could not be removed till she baths with her heart inside her. She remembered how the stone looked like, so gray, like volcanic ash. To think that was her heart, it gave her shudders. After a bath she rushed to Arianna's room, and didn't even bother knocking. She kicked the door open, cracking open the hinges. "Sister! Its been so many days!" Arianna said gleefully and Helene was moved to tears. She bent down and pulled her sister to a tight hug, only to immedietly let go, "Arianna! You are burning! Do you have a cold?" "A cold? No sister. But you feel so cold, like snow." "I am cold?" Helene got up and touched the walls, they were warm. She touched the ground and it was very warm too. "Um," peeked a maid, "I heard a loud sound, is everything alright?" Helene jumped in and grabbed the maid's hands, causing her to recoil from surprise and end up in confusion, but Helene had confirmed her suspicions. The maid's hand also felt burning hot, nay. It was her who was getting colder and colder. "Everything is alright, leave us now." "I-I should send someone to fix that," she pointed towards the door blasted open with a quaking finger."Leave it, attend to that in morning. I request some privacy right now." "Arianna," she turned to her sister, "Are you feeling alright?" "Mm!" she nodded, "But, but...ummm.""What is it?""I lost it....""Lost what honey?""I lost father's cock.""Oh, don't worry honey" Helene wondered if the cock had been protecting Arianna from the curse, "It, I found it. Go fetch it from the kitchen." "Oh, thank you sister!" and they hugged again, for longer this time. Helene tugged her sister to bed, it was very late now. Unsurprisingly she was very tired too, and seeing the blissful face of her sister was too inviting an invitation, and hence Helene fell right there at the moment to sleep. The next morning, Helene and Arianna very calmly had their breakfast. Last night felt like a daze, surely her sister could not have been such a villainous character, Helene thought. Surely it was just a dream. "Arianna, did you get that cock from the kitchen?""Yes sister, I had it sent to my room. Do you want to see it?""Ah, its alright. I will see it later." She held the hands of her sister again, and they were still burning hot. So it wasn't a dream after all. After breakfast, Helene was approached by Maria, the head maid; "My Lady, there is something I need to talk about Lady Sarah." "What is it?" "She has locked herself in her room, she refuses to eat her meals as well. Yesterday night was the only time she stepped out of her room, only to lock herself again. I understand that these are hard times for her, so could you please talk to her?" "She locked herself in? What about the ministers?" "Oh, did you not hear My Lady?" "Hear what?" "They were let go. The council of ministers have been terminated." "WHAT!? Sarah did that?" "Yes my Lady, she issued a royal decree and dissolved the council. She handles everything now, it must be such a burden for her." "I see, I will talk to her. I just...I need a bucket of water." Helene was now in front of the door leading to the throne room. In her hand was a bucket of water.She was hesitant to knock, she was afraid what lied ahead. But she readied herself and was determined to give Sarah a piece of her mind, and a good bath; and so, she reached out to the door handle and pushed it with all her strength. WOOOSH A spear travelled through the air and impaled Helene instantly, right through where her heart would be, fixating her to the wall behind, causing her to drop the bucket of water. "Well well," Sarah sneered, "My sister visited me. I am so happy" "Uhg," Sarah looked down at the spear, it was piercing right where her heart would be, "You planning on killing me or what?" "You won't die, not while you don't have your heart. It's with that cock, isn't it? Where is it?" "Why don't you find it yourself?" "I can't see magical beings, they exist beyond our plane of existence, they control dimensions we cannot interact with." "I don't know what you are talking about." Sarah grabbed her sister's throat, pinning her harder against the wall. Helene didn't feel any pain from the spear because of her lack of heart, but she felt her flesh tearing apart more as she was lifted slightly. "Be a good sister Helene, it is for the good of this kingdom. We need you to be consumed by the magic." "Never, you bitch!" Helene tried kicking her sister right on her chest. Sarah was never the type to be good in combat, so she could never stand a chance in front of Helene even when she hadn't battled in many days.But with lightning fast moments, Sarah dodged it. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?" both screamed together, and spent a few seconds catching their breaths. It was Sarah who broke the silence first, she pulled out something from her neck. It was a pendant, it wasn't visible before since it was tucked away inside Sarah's dress, but Helene recognized it as the same pendant she stole from the shaman's tent. "This necklace," Sarah said, "The guards found it on the courtyard. It must be a godsend, I had it checked by the royal astrologers. They told me this is used by great hermits to focus during their meditations, but it is useless for the likes of us because we could never calm our mind and soul enough to use this. However, when I first touched it, I knew everything. I learnt everything. Those hermits never knew what they created, they could never harness the full power of this pendant. The greatest hermits are able to project their mind to deep forests or peaking mountains using this; but that is not the full potential of this tool. When I first touched this, I knew what will happen sister. I knew what has happened, memories and dreams of every creature, human, cattle, I knew them all." "Wh-what are you talking about?" "I was not supposed to see that sister, no human should be subjected to such horrors. The secret of universes, to know what lies out there, to unravel the fabric of humanity. A mind would implode by just seeing a cent of what I saw. Yet I didn't die sister. Because of this magic, the hex, the curse. It solidifies me, it solidifies us." "Its killing us! That's what its doing!" "We all shall die someday sister. I shall die in exactly 23 days because of my heart completely turned into stone." "th-then why?" "That is a question I asked myself many times. Why? And I realized sister, we are worthless. Life is worthless. We shall never account to anything in front the plans God has for this world. At that moment, I realized what matters most, is this kingdom. Not the people of it, not the rulers, not you, not me. But the kingdom shall survive forever. And it shall require sacrifices." "You are insane! Think of Arianna! Will you sacrifice her next?!" Sarah paused, made a troubled sad face, "I knew you were going to say that, yet it hurts just as much. My heart is stone cold right now, but; it still hurts. Yes sister, I am insane. And I am afraid. I want to cry, but that is useless. Our dynasty will go extinct in just 7 generations, the energy crises in 1500 years. People mutilating each other, themselves; future is just..so horrifying. This world, I want it to live, but, it is getting hard dear. That's why I need you Helene, please. Together, we can stand this. I see it, together, our actions will result in MRI machines being invented earlier. So many lives will be saved, only innocent lives. We can make sure criminals never get born. The industrial revolution will start alongside waste management, King henry will never be influenced by the Pope. We can do that all just by creating a ripple and letting it turn into a tsunami." "Wait wait wait, who is Curie? What? And you need my help?" "We have a lot to learn together sister, we have all the time in the world. To put it simply, my immediate plan is to use magic to change how our people see us. Magic will clean our quarters, and army and maids will be dissolved. Enemies will forget about us, this place will become a heaven. And yes, I need you as my support, I can't stand this alone. My mind will break before my body does without companionship." "You are terrible at asking for favors." "I need your heart sister." "Why?" "Perhaps...no, definitely. I see it already, yes. It is much better that you see it yourself. You will not see everything, but you will see enough," and Sarah stepped forward and took Helene's hand. Helene knew her own body would be cold, but Sarah's was even colder. Colder than a dead body, it was as if she was stealing the little body heat she had. She placed the tips of her finger on the pendant, and Helene saw. It was a peculiar feeling, to see without eyes, to hear without eyes. It was a dream-like stage, she had lost the difference of what is in and what is out, what was she and what she was not, and happened and what didn't, and boundaries between realty and fantasy blurred. Sarah felt this was enough, and tugged the pendant away from Helene, who had unconsciously began to grab it tightly. "Did you see it sister?" "Yes, you...you need me to inherit you. To be the next ruler." "That is inevitable, yes." "And to control the pendant, to use it properly, I need to be emotionless, mindless. You need the magic to turn me into stone." "Correct." "And if you really can see the future like you claimed to, then you know what I will say." "....I have not yet earned the full power, my heart is still alive, still beating. Unrest, movement, these disrupt the powers of the pendant. As such, I may know what happens centuries from now, but I didn't knew the result of what will happen when you see using the pendant. However, I know now. You refuse. Why sister? Do you not wish to rule with me? Would you rather marry Gerald and be reduced to the same state our mother is right now? I can tell you right now, he will not entertain your might. Your only entertainment will be sewing and you shall birth eight children, and you still refuse?" "Fuck yeah I do, and not because I want to marry-" "But because you don't agree with me. I see, I knew. But sister, you will change your mind, I was like you too. Hesitant of change, to despise this, this magical business. But I understand now, and you will too. Once your mind settles, and your emotions stop inhibiting your full potential. You will see what I see," Sarah said spreading open her arms, her eyes looked distant and she seemed to be smiling not at Helene but at something which lay at oblivion, "So tell me, where is the cock?" "Try me." "I am only trying to make things easier for you. That cock only delayed what will come, you will turn into stone within two days, just like me!" Sarah ripped off her dress, exposing her torso which had turned blue-black, and it was disgusting to look at as if some miasma covered it. "It's bruised!" Helene screamed, "You have injured you, idiot!" "It is not an injury, it is evolution!" "What in flying fuck is an evolution?" "So be it sister. I shall wait. It will be a painful process, but the pain will be eased if you let your stone heart be a catalyst." Sarah stepped back, back to her throne and continued working on the papers. "No one will come" she said, "just so you know. I made sure of it, you and me will slip out of their minds. Even Arianna will spend the evening at tutors and then playing with children her age, no one will visit us tonight. I will soon take steps to ensure they don't do so tomorrow as well. Within just five days, we should be forgotten enough to not be a priority. This castle will soon become an autonomous body, with no one except the maids working. Arianna will be sent to any uncle. So its useless to wait for help, sister." "Shut up." Sarah continued working for a few minutes, before uttering, "We can have a dinner together, if you give up this stubborn behavior." "Okay, I give up." "Trickery won't work sister, I know you plan on betrayal as soon that spear is removed." "Then shut up!" Sarah felt the same pain in her chest again, the warm pain. This pain, it was similar to what she felt when Helene would roll her in a blanket and tie her up to prevent her from pulling an all-nighter. Ah, bitter memories, she shouldn't think of such trifling matters. She doesn't have time for this, right now she was writing plans on how to build a magnetron which doesn't operate on electricity. It would require some elements which haven't been discovered yet, but for people of future, it will help them discover the God-Particle sooner. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNE," a very shrill voice came, "Huh?" Sarah said bewildered. A small creature crashed into the room from the window, as if she was flying at high speeds. It was the little witch, Zoey "I asked my teacher and she sai-oh...am I disturbing a duel?" "A-a witch? Is that a witch? What are you doing here?" "Umm, I don't know what is happening, but if you are bullying Helene, then, then...THEN! You will have to stand before me! Or wait, is it Stand across me? Deal with me before...her? eh?" "FUCK!" Sarah grunted and made a run for it. "Hey Zoey," Helene yelled out to the lil witch, "Get this thing out of me!" "Wait, you have a spear, like, all the way through! Why aren't you dead? Where is your heart?" "Get me out of here first!" After carefully pulling out the spear, which would had killed her if not for majority of her chest being turned to stone now. The only damage was the dust that flowed down, and Helene stood up again after so long, and felt the gaping hole in her chest with her fingers. The hole where her heart should be. "Come on, we need to get to her." "Wait! Geez, let me talk! Umm, so I asked my teacher about that hex, you remember how I didn't knew what will happen if you don't bath? Well, your heart turns into stone." "Yeah, I figured, you are a bit late." "Let ME finish! I have this," she pulled out a glass bottle, inside which was a yellow potion, "This will cure it, but you can't drink this now, or else....well..." "I'll die from lack of a heart?" "Yes, so go get it!" "Mine can wait, we need to cure my sister first." Helene stared in the direction where Sarah had run. There aren't many directions where she could run to, especially considering Sarah's main concern wasn't Helene but the little witch. "Hey, I want you to find her.""Eh? Why do I have to do it??""She can't see you, hopefully. Just go sneak up on her." "Well, where is she??" "I don't know, where would a person running from a witch hide?" "They wouldn't be very good at hiding then if a witch knows where they are hiding." "Whatever, I am going to run everywhere to flush her out, you just be on a lookout and swoop in and force that potion down." On the other hand, Sarah was still running despite her body internally screaming and withering in pain from the strain, but Sarah wasn't feeling any discomfort. "Dammit dammit dammit, I was not planning for it." "Huh, My Lady?" A guard patrolling saw her zooming, but forgot soon about it. Many guards saw her, everyone forgetting soon. A trail magical residue was left all over the ground, which made Sarah crossed, but that can be get dealt with later. She soon reached the Army Barracks, there were many guards at the entrance too, but Sarah didn't even pause to acknowledge them, just slid past them, leaving everyone bedazzled because of the sparkly confusion in the air. Sarah wished she could do more complex magical spells, but despite the infinite knowledge from the pendant, that cannot compensate for the lack of experience and the lack of magical affinity. After all, she was not a being of magic like the witches, but she was good enough to fool the lower magical spirits into doing her bidding. She would had prepared better if she had known her sister had associations with a witch. For some reason, she never knew. Even if she could never see the witch, she should had been able to see her sister talking to some invisible being, but yet she didn't, it's just like that cock. Everything just turned so fuzzy and hard to see. Sarah had learnt and practiced only basics of magic, she was wasting a lot of her energy every time she casted a spell, which along with her running was slowly breaking down her body even more. But she knew that would change soon enough, she can very easily acquire something to turn her into a magical being, or atleast, something to help her pretend to be a magical being. A mask, a curtain of sort. In the weaponry, she pushed away all the steel blades, looking for something hidden in some dark dusty, corner. The weaponry was a huge room, and has existed for decades now, many weapons are heirlooms from legends. Apart from ones that are regularly used, nothing here ever gets cleaned. Everything here is forgotten. Sarah knew she will get a few cuts while looking for what she was looking for, but she could deal with infection later. She finally found it, a death whistle. Stolen by a soldier after raiding a gothic village on 5th July 1358, the soldier randomly inserted the whistle into his pocket and forgot to pull it out and the armor, along the whistle had been rotting, The name of the whistle, the Death Whistle was named so not because of any power to instantly kill people, but simply a melodramatic thing the barbarian thought of, especially because of its high pitch noise. But the reason Sarah wanted it was because that whistle belonged to the people of the forests, there barbaric ways might have not done much good to the world, but they will do plenty good to Sarah, for the whistle had the scent of the forest druids, and helped mask herself as a magical being. She stepped outside, and walked far enough that no more guards would be disturbed. She took the whistle and stared into the grimy moldy opening. "Infections can be handled later", she said to herself and blew the whistle as hard as she could. Since the whistle was long broken, it barely made any sound, but Sarah was now covered in a veil of magical scent, and little magical spirits fluttered around her now. This still wouldn't completely compensate for the lack of experience, but it should help. Since Sarah couldn't see the witch at all, and had no idea of her capabilities, hence she had to take extreme steps. "This will affect the trout population negatively," she whispered, "now I need to make sure the Blue Revolution starts 50 years earlier than it would." Now all she had to do was wait, and she didn't had to wait for long. Sarah knew Helene would be too busy asking every card where she is, but none of them would remember because of her spells. Yet, Sarah will arrive at this location soon, which means the witch is the one who would find her first. It will take exactly 1 minute 13 seconds for Helene to get here.It takes 1 minute 10 seconds to run from Sarah's position to here. This means the witch will yell Sarah's location, in 3.....2....1... "HEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENE! I FOUND HER!" Zoey's sharp shriek ran through the castle, it was surprisingly loud and would had caused anyone to flinch by the sheer volume if they weren't expecting her. "RIGHT ON SPOT!!" Sarah laughed with excitement! Her gambit that the witch won't have the potion to cure her was correct! Sarah yanked out her pendant, and just as she did, life returned to her eyes and there was a twinkle, but it was a sinister twinkle filled with determination. Just as Sarah removed that pendant, the reality around her turned back to normal, the ground beneath her felt solid again and most important of all, she could now see the witch, floating about 20 feet up in the air. She threw the pendant in the air, and fell onto her back as to not waste a moment, and when the stars matched, she shot a magic bullet right onto the pendant, shooting it right up the skies. Zoey saw this, and tilted her head in confusion. Her enemy just not only forgo her weapon, but also willingly sent it to her. The witch recognized the pendant, it was a common item to be used among the magic folk, to concentrate their powers. Zoey herself uses it for practice, so without thinking, she grabbed the pendant as soon it reached her. The corruption that Sarah had suffered obviously didn't affect the Lil witch, not only is she a magical being who uses the instrument everyday, her mind is far far more restless than Sarah's. "So what was the plan?" Zoey thought. What she didn't realize was that as soon she touched it, Sarah's outline blurred. Zoey was taken back at the sudden change in perspective. Sarah didn't knew the witch's capabilities, she could block her attack, and she could counter back; therefore creating this moment of weakness was necessary. To make herself a magical being to turn herself invisible to the possessor of the pendant. The veil behind which Sarah was hiding was seen through just after a second, it won't be so easy to fool a witch so easily after all, even when she is taken by surprise. From Zoey's perspective, Sarah wasn't invisible, but had turned into a blob, and was extremely hard to differentiate from the magic of soil; but still very visible, and just after a second of concentration, the illusion was broken. Sarah was visible again, but a second was all Sarah needed to take her plans to a finale. Magical circle appeared near Sarah, red sigils and blue wisps and red salamanders croaked. Wind blew furiously and even drops of water seemed to had paused themselves in mid-air to watch the next move. A blood-red magical speared was conjured, but it was no ordinary red, it had tints of black, a dirty aura. Staring into the glare of the edge would etch the face of a demon into your brain, and Sarah launched this spear right above her. The speared moved at the speed of lightning, and exploded at the witch's feet on impact, throwing her off. Sarah didn't know how much damage that did, and whether that even scratched the witch. She hoped that the 20 feet fall would finish the fall. Sarah coughed and fell down from exhaustion. She never predicted spells would drain her that much. The weather around returned to normal, the wisps returned to the forest Salamanders disappeared into nothingness, and droplets of water fell down. Tip. Tip. Tip, a light rain began. And Sarah fainted. Helene came to the scene as quickly as possible, and found her sister on the ground, all passed out. The witch was nowhere to be seen. Helene ran beside her, lifted her head, and forced the neck of the potion bottle down her throat. Helene slowly massaged her neck to let her swallow the potion. Helene waited, stoking her sister's head, patting her. Weaving her fingers through her hair, she waited, but she was getting impatient and her hopes were getting down. But then, Sarah fluttered open her eyes, she stared into the eyes of her sister. They both didn't realize for several moments that this was not a dream, but once they did, Helene hugged her tight, and Sarah said with a weak voice, "I am sorry sister." "It's okay, it's all okay. I forgive you, just, just come back to me." "Okay, let's...; lets go back." Sarah healed over the days, and using her expanded knowledge, she was able to stabilize the condition of the kingdom very quickly. The marriage was called off, Sarah no longer needed the extra strength. She effectively commanded her armies to the army bases and won with an overwhelming victory each time. Many enemies fell due to internal conflicts caused due to the possibility that there might be a mole inside; while many just forfeited because their morale went down. The three sisters were happy, and after the witch returned after a week had passed, she cured not only the prince but also Helene after inserting her heart back. And they lived happily ever after. Moral: Bath regularly.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "666067", "id": "666073", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "I became a simp and wrote a fairy tale for a girl - Oneshot", "author": "Agentt", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Psychological" ], "tags": [ "Corruption", "Death of Loved Ones", "Female Protagonist", "Kingdoms", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Near-Death Experience", "Politics", "Witches" ] }
For 2022, I’ve been wanting to write more ‘creature features’ and generally improve my short story writing. My partner got me a Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual for my birthday so I came up with the idea of writing a story every week based on a different creature from that – All There in the (Monster) Manual. Hope you enjoy! This Week’s Inspiration: Pseudodragon Trigger Warning: Female-on-Male Sexual Assault, Loss of Bodily Autonomy, Self-Harm, Some Gore   ======   “I love your tattoo!” Words I would soon come to regret. The golden dragon wound its way from her shoulder to the middle of her back like a serpent. It looked Chinese, sinuous, with small, clawed feet, red eyes, curved fangs, and tendrils sprouting from the sides of its muzzle like a moustache. Its owner, around my age, wore a backless top that showed off the tattoo. “What? She turned and looked confused. The club’s music thundered, multicoloured lights strobing. People massed around the two of us, drinking and dancing and making conversation difficult. “I like your tattoo! My name’s Pat, Patrick, I’ve got some ink too!” I rolled back the sleeve of my t-shirt, showing off the full length of the tattoo sleeve on my right arm. Several other tatts dotted my left arm. She fixed them with a slightly strange expression. I couldn’t show her some of my art without taking off my shirt but in an attempt to start the conversation I shifted my leg into view and pulled up my jeans to show a blotchy lizard on my right calf. “That one my friend did, Otter! He was just learning, but he had a kit he wanted to try out so I let him tattoo this lizard on my leg!” “Cool.” “Can I buy you a drink?” “Sure.” She hesitated for several moments. “My name’s Vanessa.” Threading through the crowd, I managed to get a couple of beers at the bar. When I returned, Vanessa had found us a booth by the dancefloor. She was small, almost doll-like, with short, dark hair, and extremely thin. Her arms and shoulders looked so bony that I wondered quietly if she might be on something. Despite the pounding music, I tried to talk to her. She dodged questions about what she did and the kinds of things she was into. I’d started to think she just wanted free drinks off of me when she offered to get the next round. She returned with bourbon and cokes, and shots. After I had my shot she claimed she’d realised she didn’t want her one and handed it to me. She insisted on getting the next round as well and pulled the exact same trick. If I’d been warier I’d have thought she was trying to get me drunk, but that was ridiculous. No matter how bony or haunted she looked, I was clearly into her. “Do you want to get out of here?” She asked suddenly, after several more rounds. I spluttered a little. “What?” “You heard me, let's go back to your place.” When I got to my feet, I felt drunker than I’d realised. My head swam but I tried to play it cool. Leaving the club, the sudden quiet seemed yawning. Getting my address, Vanessa poured me into an Uber and climbed in as well. Once we arrived at my place, Vanessa almost had to prop me up as I opened the door. I rented the house with two other guys but both of them had jobs that frequently took them out of state, which worked great for me most of the time. “Do you want, like, a drink?” I offered. “Let’s just do this.” Stumbling to my bedroom, I realised I’d gone out on a whim and hadn’t expected to hook up that night. The room was a mess. Embarrassed, I bent to pick up some clothes and almost fell over. Vanessa grabbed me and steered me to the bed. Leaving the overhead light off, Vanessa switched on my desk lamp. It lit the room but only dimly. “Are you sure-, are you sure you want to do this?” I asked. “I want this,” Vanessa replied bluntly. “Don’t you?” “Of course! Of course I do, yeah.” Something felt off about this, I knew. Vanessa was acting cold and weird and almost desperate, but not for sex. I didn’t want to come off as unwilling though, even if I was no longer feeling my best. Vanessa reached behind her neck and undid the knot holding her top. She wasn’t wearing a bra, her breasts small and almost shrunken. Ribs stood out like fence palings, stomach inverted. I reached out, pawing at her hip. Then I noticed the head of her tattoo poking out from under her left arm, on the left side of her ribcage. I squinted at it in confusion, thinking I’d seen the dragon’s head on her shoulder blade when I looked at it earlier. “Hey, wasn’t your tattoo-, your tattoo, different, before?” “Lay back.” Vanessa shoved me onto the bed. Wrestling my jeans off, Vanessa went to work with her mouth. Drunk as I was, I couldn’t help but react. She stripped off my shirt and then wriggled out of her shorts. Climbing on top, she lowered herself onto me. Scooting backward, I came to rest against the headboard. At first, the movements felt awkward and uncomfortable. Vanessa didn’t seem into it, and it was happening so fast, but she drove herself into my hips. “Oh, oh, shit.” I grabbed for Vanessa’s waist, feeling her move under my hands. Just as I was getting into the rhythm, I saw the tattoo again. The head sat just under Vanessa’s left breast and the body wound down the side of her stomach. Did she have two of the same tattoo, one on the front and one on the back? But I didn’t understand how I didn’t see it before, the tattoo was over a foot long, brilliant coloured and highly detailed. “What, your tattoo? Your tattoo?” Grabbing me by the shoulders, still riding, Vanessa shoved herself into my chest. Pressed together, I could no longer see the tattoo. We were skin to skin and I thought I must have hallucinated what I’d seen but then something started to itch, and burn, on my chest. “What? What’s happening?” The sensation felt like tattoo needles digging into my chest. Throughout it all, Vanessa didn’t stop. Clawing at her back, I couldn’t see a tattoo at all where I’d originally seen it in the club. My chest burned and I tried to voice the fear I was having some kind of attack, but before I could say or do anything more I blacked out. xXx When I woke up, morning light streamed through the curtains above my bed. I was naked, with bedclothes bunched around my waist. The inside of my skull burned. So did my chest for some reason. It reminded me of when my tattoos had been healing, itchy and raw. Turning over, I felt for the other side of the bed but of course it was empty. Except for maybe a faint smell of sex in the sheets there was no sign the chick, Vanessa, it took me a few moments to remember her name, was ever there. With embarrassment, I realised I must have gotten too drunk and passed out. I couldn’t even remember if we’d finished, and I definitely didn’t remember her leaving. What memories I did have were hazy and confusing. Her tattoo, I recalled thinking I’d seen it moving. From her back to her side, and onto her chest. That was crazy though, I wondered if a dream and my real memories had gotten mixed up in my drunken brain. Groaning, I flopped over a couple of times but pressure in my bladder pushed me into getting up. I pulled on some boxer shorts and staggered to the bathroom. Eyes half-closed, bare feet hurting on the cold tiles, I took a piss and then stumbled to the sink. Something caught the corner of my eye, something colourful, but I didn’t pay it any attention until I’d splashed some water on my face. “What-, what is that?” I straightened and stared into the mirror. A new tattoo snaked right down the centre of my chest. I could see it in the mirror, inverted, the dragon tattoo. The same tattoo Vanessa had last night, with its serpentine body and cruel smile. “Is this a joke? What is this, painted on or something?” I scratched at the edges of the tattoo but the skin was sensitive, like a sunburn. None of the colours came off. The tattoo sat under my downy chest hair, inked into my skin. I scratched and rubbed at it, and then I picked up the hand towel, wet it, and used the wet material to scrub my chest. Nothing happened, until it did. The tattoo didn’t smear or come off like it was merely painted on. But watching it in the mirror, I saw its eyes move. Pupils flicked sideways in the red eyes. A small movement but it tingled, and I jerked backward as if stung. “What the fuck was that? No, no, I'm losing it! I’m fucking seeing shit, this is some kind of joke!” Hangover throbbing but forgotten, I jumped in the shower and continued trying to wash away the tattoo. It didn’t make any difference, the dragon wasn’t going anywhere. Eventually, when the hot water ran out and my chest stung and burned, I gave up and got out of the shower to study it in the mirror again. Nothing about the tattoo had changed, there was no fading or streaking. It appeared to be real. Vanessa had acted weird throughout the evening. In hindsight, she really had been getting me drunk I realised. I could have woken up in a bathtub full of ice without my kidneys. But surely, no matter how drunk I’d gotten, even if she’d drugged me, she or whoever she was with couldn’t have managed a tattoo of such size and detail overnight without waking me. And why, why do it? “It doesn’t make any sense!” My voice sounded shrill as it bounced off the bathroom walls. “Unless maybe it's some kind of-, cult shit? Or a prank, no, it’s got to be some kind of prank. This can’t be real! It’s got to be some kind of special paint!” Weirdly, I noticed the tattoo didn’t look that fresh. My skin felt irritated but it wasn’t red and inflamed. I already had a bunch of tattoos. A sleeve of them down my right arm and several on my left, but there’d only been one on my chest until now. A zombie rubber duck just under my right collarbone. The dragon looked just as real and established as that one. I felt confused, scared and violated, and had no idea what to do next. And then it got worse. I’d almost forgotten about seeing the eyes move, as crazy a detail as that was to just forget. My brain had filed it away as a hallucination brought on by the stress. But a strange yet familiar sensation prickled my chest, bordering on pain, uncomfortable and definitely itching. Like needles digging at my skin. And with it, the dragon tattoo began to move. “What the fuck?” Screaming, I again flailed backward and crashed into the shower door. With jerky movements, like a bad stop motion animation, the dragon snaked and slid across, through, my skin. The sensation was not unlike feeling tattoo needles make their way over my flesh. From roughly the centre of my chest, it moved to the right side and then toward my shoulder. “What is happening?” Claws digging at the skin, the dragon slithered up the right side of my chest. It was going for my zombie duck tattoo, I realised. Green with rotting patches and one eyeball hanging out of its socket, the duck tattoo otherwise looked like a bathtub toy and was just something I’d picked out of a book because I thought it looked funny. The dragon tattoo wrapped itself around the duck like a python. Both images remained two dimensional and yet in spurts of movement interacted as if three dimensional, as if my skin was a window. And then, the dragon bit down. Inked fangs sank into the skin of my zombie duck with a sensation like hot needles, and this time it hurt, it hurt a lot. I cried out, gasping, and grabbed the sides of the sink. “Fuck!” While the sensation of the dragon moving was uncomfortable but not overtly painful, the feeling of it eating was harder to describe. It was as if the whole patch of skin occupied by the rubber duck was being tattooed simultaneously, but in some kind of reverse. Like ink was being drained from the skin by dozens and dozens of stabbing needles at once. I grabbed and scratched at the skin but it made no difference. The dragon went on feeding. It wasn’t over quickly either. Once I’d adjusted to the pain, I watched, stunned, at the way the dragon fed. Colour drained first from the duck, making it look aged and faded. Soon, the tattoo contained no colour at all and appeared as if it had only ever been done in black ink. Then, the tattoo was unmade. It took a few minutes but the duck’s lines became thinner and greyer. The dragon’s fangs could be seen digging into the skin where the duck had been. Finally, even those lines faded away and nothing was left behind but a patch of red and irritated skin. I got a vague sense of satisfaction coming from the dragon tattoo. It uncoiled, stretching, with the same spasms of movement, and resumed the kind of wavy position it had been in originally. The prickling faded. The pain ended but I felt a sharp sense of loss, realising my actual tattoo was gone. Then a renewed confusion and fear took hold as I realised just how insane what I’d just seen had actually been. Damp from the shower, I shoved myself back into my boxers and returned to the bedroom. A full length mirror covered my closet door. I stopped in front of it and studied the side of my chest, as if a different mirror would show me the truth. The tattoo hadn’t gone anywhere and didn’t look any different from a normal tattoo. “She drugged me, the bitch drugged me,” I said aloud, as if to reassure myself. “I’m hallucinating all of this.” In spite of my fading hangover, I felt totally clear headed. Whatever drug Vanessa had used, it could have kicked in last night when we were having sex. When I’d first seen the tattoo moving. Pulling at the skin, I twisted and turned but nothing about the tattoo changed or blurred. If this was a drug, a hallucination, it was like none I’d ever heard of before. My thoughts were clear, my eyes were clear, it's just that what was happening was so insane. “Vanessa, I should call her, talk to her.” As soon as I said it, I realised Vanessa hadn’t given me a phone number or any other way of getting in touch. I didn’t even have her last name. Her actions last night had been so deliberate. Maybe she hadn’t copied the tattoo onto me, maybe she’d literally passed it from herself onto me, skin to skin, to get rid of it. “Otter, I can call Otter!” I said. “Maybe he’s heard of something like this before?” Otter, real name Craig Ottoman, was the guy who’d tattooed the lizard on my leg as practice. When he wasn’t making permanent alterations to other people’s bodies, Otter spent most of his time getting high and reading conspiracy theories on the internet. He’d believed the Earth was flat before it was cool. Every time we hung out, he wouldn’t get off me about Reptilians and sex cults and trackers in vaccines. Grabbing my phone, I punched Otter’s contact. He answered after half a dozen rings, slurring as if I’d woken him up. “Otter, it’s me, it’s Pat!” “What’s up, man?” “Man, something really fucked up happened. I don’t even know how to explain it!” Once I started speaking I got more upset, and struggled to get the words in order. “What are you talking about?” “Last night, I hooked up with this chick.” “Nice.” “No, not nice, not nice, man. Fuck, I hooked up with this chick I met in the club. She had this tattoo, this dragon tattoo! I was drunk but I thought I saw it moving, and I passed out. And then, I wake up this morning and it’s on me, the tattoo, it’s on me, man!” “Man, what?” Otter sounded too sleepy to really absorb what I was saying. “She gave you a tattoo?” “She gave me, like, her tattoo! I think it came off of her and transferred onto me! And that’s not all, this is going to sound insane but the thing is alive and it ate one of my other tattoos. It’s alive, man, it’s alive!” Otter laughed. “What are you on, man? Seriously, you sound like you need to chill. You’re having a bad trip.” “I’m serious! I’m not on anything, unless, unless I am? Unless she gave me something. But it looks so real! I’ve got to come see you, okay? I’m coming around.” “Nah, man, hey, if you’re so fucked up you’re seeing moving tattoos and shit I’ll come to you. Stay there and I’ll be there soon.” I thanked him and hung up. Sitting on the foot of my bed, I watched the tattoo in the mirror but for now it remained unmoving. I snapped a photo of it with my phone. My expression looked miserable. The tattoo looked no different in the photo than it did in the mirror. As much as I wished I could believe this was from some kind of drug, I couldn’t convince myself. It took Otter nearly two hours to get to my place even though he lived less than twenty minutes away. In that time I moped and paced, and looked out the front windows whenever I heard a car. Returning to my bedroom and sometimes to the bathroom mirror, I kept checking if the tattoo was really still there. And that it still wouldn’t scratch or wash off. “What took you so long?” I said, throwing the door open once Otter arrived. “Good to see you too.” Otter pushed his way inside. “Shit, are you high? Did you drive over here like that?” “Look, man, you fucking woke me up. I went back to sleep for a bit, then I woke up, got smoked up, and I remembered you needed me so I got over here as fast as I could. What’s your problem? The girl with the dragon tattoo?” “Come here.” Although my housemates weren’t home and shouldn’t be home for days, I grabbed Otter and dragged him to my room. His eyes were red and he wobbled on his feet. Standing in the middle of my room, I grabbed my t-shirt and stripped it off. “Whoa, man, what’s up?” Otter laughed nervously. “Look, look!” Oscar’s face wrinkled in confusion. “That’s a cool tattoo, man. So it’s new?” “It’s not mine! It’s not my tattoo, I mean, you see it, right? You know my tatts, I had a duck, a zombie rubber duck right here on my chest. And this thing ate it! Now, I don’t know, it’s sleeping or something.” Otter paused for a long time, squinting as he looked from my face to the tattoo. “What?” “Shit, man, sit down!” I pushed Otter into the armchair in the corner of my room. The couple of hours Otter had taken to arrive might have been a good thing, it had given me time to calm down and come to grips with the insanity of the situation. I pulled up a shirtless pic of myself on my phone to remind Otter of my original duck tattoo. Then, I recapped for him, more calmly this time, what happened last night and then this morning. Still slightly stoned, Otter clearly didn’t know what to make of the story even with evidence. I pulled my shirt back on, covering the tattoo. “Have you ever heard of anything like this?” I asked. “Why are you asking me, man?” “You know about all this kind of thing, right? I mean, you’re always reading about weird stuff.” “Man, that’s aliens and cults, real stuff! This is-, magic, or something!” “You know about tattoos!” “When I put a tattoo on someone it doesn’t move around!” Despairing, I didn’t know what else to do or say next but then I felt a prickling sensation under my collarbone. My eyes widened. It verged on pain, like needles sticking at my skin. “It’s happening! It’s happening again!” I grabbed my t-shirt and ripped it off again with a suddenness that made Otter jump. The thought had occurred to me that the tattoo might not move when other people were around, or it might not even be visible to them. Like the frog in those old cartoons, only doing its song and dance routine when the one guy was watching and making him look like a crazy person when he tried to tell anyone else. When I looked down though, I could see the dragon jerking across my skin. It climbed to my shoulder and moved toward my arm. Based on his reaction, Otter could see it too. “You see? You see?” “How are you doing that?” “I told you, man, it’s real!” Otter reached out and touched my chest, prodding the tattoo. Turning on my skin, its body winding in on itself, the dragon glared at him. Silently, it bared its fangs. Otter whipped his hand away as if he’d touched a hot stove. “Did it bite you or something?” Otter shook his head. “No, it just-, it freaked me out.” The dragon moved to my shoulder and then onto my right arm. My tattoo sleeve started halfway down my bicep. Guitars and other musical instruments wrapped in a garden of barbed rose vines. I shook my arm as if to dislodge the creature. “No, no! Not again!” The dragon wasn’t deterred. Sinking its teeth into the nearest rose, it started to feed. Pain like tattoo needles sent tremors down my arm and into my shoulder, and I stifled a cry. Colour began to drain from the rose and surrounding vines. “What do I do? Should I do something?” Otter said. “Get your phone, take a video,” I said, gritting my teeth. Otter fumbled with his phone, opening the camera. The dragon continued to eat, draining colour and then form from my actual tattoo. Otter squinted at his phone, looking from it to me in confusion. “It’s not showing up,” Otter said. “What do you mean?” “It’s not showing up on the camera, look!” Otter changed cameras and pointed the phone screen back at me, so I could see myself in selfie mode. I moved my arm so the dragon should have appeared but the tattoo and section of sleeve it was consuming kept slipping in and out of focus like there was something wrong with the pixels. Watch it long enough and you’d see the tattoo fading and disappearing but the result looked like unconvincing CGI. So the frog wouldn’t sing and dance for an audience after all. “What do we do now?” Otter asked. “I don’t know, I have no idea.” xXx Over the next couple of hours, the dragon grazed at my tattoo sleeve rather than eating it all at once. Each time it started eating, I felt the pain begin again. Resentfully, I watched my sleeve fade and disappear. Although I knew it wasn’t a big concern, I’d paid a lot of money for the sleeve, as well as investing effort and time. It was a part of me, and seeing it disappear felt like a violation. This was my body, and this inked parasite was treating it like its own. Otter sat across the room trying to google the tattoo on his phone. I did the same on my laptop, on the bed. Eventually, the tattoo calmed down for a while. Its serpentine body stretched across my bicep and onto my shoulder. My tattoo sleeve ended at the elbow in frayed tatters where the dragon had been chewing on it. “I’ve got to find Vanessa,” I said. “If that was even her real name. You know what? I bet it wasn’t, I’ve been looking all over Facespace and I can’t find her anywhere.” “You think she gave you a fake name?” “I think so, I think she passed this thing onto me on purpose. She got me drunk and, like, took advantage of me.” “Did she have any other tattoos?” The question surprised and confused me for a few moments. “No, I don’t think so? Why?” “Well, if she had the dragon tattoo, and the dragon tattoo eats tattoos, maybe she had some tattoos before but the dragon tattoo ate them?” “Man, you’re a genius!” An idea dawned on me. “Maybe I could find her through the local tattoo studios? If she’s local, and she had ink before the dragon got to her?” The only image I had of Vanessa was in my memory, so Otter couldn’t do much to help me look for her. I already had a few local tattoo parlours on Facespace. Methodically, I began to scan through photos and posts on their pages, and on the pages of their associated artists. I looked for tattoos on petite, dark haired women, or images of the dragon tattoo itself. After another hour, my eyes started to blur. It was difficult trying to find any leads because most of the photos focused on the tattoos and tried to avoid showing too much of their models. As I got frustrated and verged on giving up, the tattoo woke up and kept feeding. Pain like needles under my skin shot through my forearm. I kept scrolling and then suddenly jolted upright. “It’s her, I think it’s her!” The photo on my screen was of a young woman, although the focus was on a tattoo of a rose behind her left ear. She was turned away with most of her face cropped out but enough was left that I felt a spark of recognition. It looked like Vanessa, at least I thought it was. Even better, she had been tagged. The woman that came up in the tag was ‘Alice Cameron’. Otter hurried over to see her. He seemed disappointed by how ordinary she looked. I clicked on her name and felt my excitement rising. Most of her profile was public. Vanessa, or Alice, hadn’t updated in a few weeks but there was a wealth of photos and other info. I clicked on her profile pic. Her expression was totally different, and her face looked fuller, but the features and hair were the same. “It’s her, yes! It’s her!” I saw the rose tattoo under Alice’s left ear, the profile picture taken at an angle that accentuated it. I clicked through to her other photos. In another pic, Vanessa / Alice wore the exact same top I’d seen her in. It was a full body shot, and I saw tattoos on both her arms and legs that hadn’t been there last night though. She looked healthier in the pictures as well. Not fat or even plump, but definitely nowhere near as painfully thin. “Is it her?” Otter asked. “Yeah, man, I’m like ninety percent sure that’s her. She was even wearing the same shirt. But she’s covered with tatts! She’s got way more than I do, but last night she only had the dragon tattoo.” “What are you going to do?” “It has her info here, where she works. I could try to find her there, but I guess I could shoot her a message first?” “What are you going to say? Hey, I think you left something at my place?” I clicked the link to send a message but my hands hesitated over the keyboard. I wanted to be angry but instead I was just afraid and confused, and worried what this ‘Alice’ would think if I somehow had the wrong person. The dragon finished the last of my sleeve and its body snaked up my arm from wrist to elbow. Hesitating, I started a message and deleted it half a dozen times, cycling through indignation, rage, and pleading. Finally I just decided to keep it simple. Patrick: Hey, it’s me. You know why I’m messaging. I need to talk to you. Please? “What are you going to do if she blocks you or doesn’t reply?” Otter asked after a couple of minutes of silence. “I don’t know, I know where she works now, from her profile. I could threaten to show up there or try to track her down if she doesn’t say anything?” I waited five minutes, and then ten. Otter got bored and drifted back to his armchair. I flicked back and forth between a few other tabs but kept returning to the message at least a couple of times a minute. Twenty minutes, and then half an hour, and suddenly a response made me jolt. Judging by the spelling, Alice had messaged back in a sudden spasm. Alice: What do yuo wan? How ddi you find me?? “She wrote me back!” I called out to Otter. Otter levered himself out of my armchair and blundered across the room. “Whoa, what are you going to say?” “I don’t know, I don’t know!” I hesitated over the keyboard again and then typed. Patrick: You gave me a fake name Alice: Well, yeh - why are you contacting me? Patrick: I mean, I think you know? Can we call? Please, I need to understand Alice: Nonononono - nono! I’m sorry I dont kno what to say - Im sorry! Plz leave mee alone!!! “Is she kidding me?” I said out loud. Patrick: I can’t just leave you alone. This thing has eaten two of my tattoos already and looking at your pics it must have ate yours too.. what is this thing? Where did it come from?? Alice: Im sorry I don’t have any answers! I dont kno anything!! I spoke aloud as I typed. “You must know something! Talk to me, please. I don’t want to make threats but if you don’t talk to me I’ll come to where you work, I think that’s fair! After what you did, you owe me!” Alice didn’t respond for what felt like a long time. Dots sprung up a couple of times, indicating that she was typing, but then they went away. I stared at her profile picture with its confident half-smile and rose tattoo. Alice: I don’t even work there anymore but I’ll talk to you I guess I felt an immense wave of relief. Maybe she was telling the truth about not having answers but it was a start, it had to be. There was no followup from Alice so eventually I clicked the icon to make a video call. The messenger rang and rang for well over a minute. When Alice finally answered she looked like she’d been crying. “It really is you,” I said. “What-, what do you want?” Alice asked. “What do I want? What do you think I want? Shit.” Alice spotted Otter behind me. “Who’s he?” “That’s Otter, he’s a friend. He came over to help me.” “Hey.” Otter awkwardly raised his hand in greeting. “How did you find me?” “Your tattoo,” I said. “We came up with the idea that maybe if this, thing, eats tattoos, then maybe you had some tattoos before it got to you. We found you through your artist’s page, the picture of the rose you had behind your ear.” Alice touched the spot self-consciously. “It ate that one, I don’t know, pretty early.” I held up my arm to the camera. If she remembered, she would be able to see that my tattoo sleeve was gone. In the little box in the corner of the screen that showed me my own image, I could see the dragon stretched along the outside of my arm. So it did show up on camera, just not when it was eating or moving. Alice visibly flinched. “What is this thing? Where did it come from?” I asked. “I don’t know! I seriously don’t.” “You must know something! You gave me a fake name, you knew what you were doing! How did you end up with it?” Alice took a few long moments to compose the story in her head. “A few weeks ago, I hooked up with a guy. He did the same thing-, he did the same thing I did to you, I guess. He had the tattoo, the dragon tattoo, right in the middle of his chest, which I thought was kind of weird since it was his only one. We had sex, and I blacked out, and when I woke up, yeah, the tattoo was on me.” “That was it?” “He left me a note, it said, sorry, but somebody did the same thing to him. That the only way to get rid of it was to sleep with someone and pass it on to them.” I couldn’t help but sneer. “A note, well that’s something.” “I’m sorry! After it swapped onto you, and you passed out, I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could!” “Okay, okay, sorry, what happened after you got it?” “Well, it started eating all my tattoos. It hurt, I didn’t know what to do! I was in hospital for a few days but they thought I was faking it somehow. After a while I gave up, I let it eat its way through all the rest of my art but once it was done it’s like it started eating me. I couldn’t sleep, I lost weight. It’s a parasite, if I hadn’t given it to you, it would have killed me.” “So, what? I’ve got to pass it onto someone else if I want to get rid of it?” “I’m sorry, no one could tell me anything. No one believed me, I don’t know anything else about it or where it came from.” xXx The dragon tattoo must have been hungry, but it had stuffed itself with my rubber duck tattoo as an appetiser and my sleeve as the main course. It didn’t eat for the rest of the day. Otter left, promising to post some questions in the kookier conspiracy forums he frequented. “Maybe I should just go to the police or something, or the hospital,” I said to Otter before he left. “Somebody’s got to be able to help me.” “No way, man! They’ll kill you to cover it up!” “Why would they kill me? Who’s going to kill me? I haven’t done anything wrong!” “Think about it, if this tattoo exists then other shit has got to exist too, right? Magic, aliens, Hollow Earth. You think there’s only one magic tattoo in the world and no other weird shit? But why don’t you hear any proof? Because someone’s covering it up. Men in black, man. They’ll probably cut you up to get at the thing and study it. They’ll lock you up, and me, anyone who knows about it!” “You really think so?” “I know it.” I called out of my next couple of shifts at work. I told them I had COVID, since that would give me a week off no questions asked. If I did go out, or back to work, I didn’t know how I would explain my missing tattoos. Too much information existed online. It was impossible to sift through it all to find anything useful. I could read about the history of tattoos, and tattoo legends. Magical and mythical tattoos, tattoos for protection. Stories and references to books and TV shows and movies. Nothing that I could connect with the dragon tattoo. Before she’d disconnected, Alice / Vanessa promised she’d try to find the guy that passed the tattoo on to her but even if she did I doubted it would help. I managed to sleep that night but not well. A couple of times I was woken by the prickling sensation moving around on my arm. In the darkness, I imagined it crawling around my body unseen. I anticipated being woken in pain as it ate another one of my tattoos but that didn’t happen. Alice had put up with this for weeks. Maybe it wasn’t just the tattoo feeding on her that caused her to lose weight, maybe she just couldn’t sleep or do anything. When I fully awoke, the tattoo was no longer on my arm. I couldn’t help but thrill to the idea that it was gone permanently, even if I didn’t believe it. Getting up and staggering to the mirror, it didn’t take long to find the dragon. It scrolled down the right side of my back, under my right shoulder blade. The same kind of position as where I’d first spotted it on Alice just on the other side. The dragon stared hungrily across my back at my left shoulder. A grim reaper tattoo sat there, large and black except for a splash of yellow from a smiley face peering out from under its hood. Grim was the first tattoo I’d ever gotten, always looking over my shoulder. Scythe in one bony hand and a pocket watch in the other. Ironically, it was the reaper’s time that was short based on the way the dragon was looking at him. I tried to do some more research but it was hopeless. Dismayed, I ended up just sitting around the house and killing time until I felt the tattoo moving again. The prickling of the dragon’s movements crossed my spine. Getting up, I pulled off my shirt and went to the bedroom mirror. In jerky movements, I saw the dragon move in on my reaper tattoo. The reaper, being only ink, didn’t react. The dragon struck from below like a shark. Coils of its serpentine body wrapped around the other tattoo, fangs bared. “Oh, the fuck.” When the dragon’s teeth sank into the reaper’s shoulder, they felt like hot needles. I cried out. Crossing the room, I grabbed my phone and opened the camera app. I tried taking photos and some video but the best I got were some still shots of the dragon wound around the reaper, which made it look like a weird but still ordinary tattoo. The footage distorted and failed as I tried to record. Needles dug around in my flesh. Tattooing in reverse, that’s what it felt like. I looked at the smiley face poking out from under the grim reaper hood. Did it change? Did its smile waver? I think I was just imagining things as well by that point. I could see the coils of the dragon’s body interacting with the cloak, pulling it tight, but the reaper itself didn’t come to life. Colour and shading drained from the tattoo. Over the course of twenty minutes, the reaper was reduced to a shadow of a sketch, and then it was gone. My left shoulder felt like it was being dipped in acid. There was no lasting damage when it finished, however. My skin just looked red as if I had a sunburn. I gave Otter a call. “Man, it happened again,” I said. “It got another one, my grim reaper tattoo.” “Aw, man, that was a sweet tatt. I haven’t really found anything. Some folks think the government is inserting tracking chips into tattoo ink, or experimental drugs. But, uh, I don’t think that matches your situation.” “What am I going to do? I don’t have as many tatts as Vanessa did, or Alice or whatever! Soon it’s going to start eating me.” “We could try feeding it? I got the tattoo gun, maybe I could draw it a nice chicken dinner, or a hamburger or something?” “Maybe.” I thought about the pain, the sensation of the dragon eating, and my disturbed sleep last night. “I don’t think it would work for long though.” “Well, man, there’s only one option, right?” “Passing it on? You’re saying I should have sex with someone and give it to them?” “Man, I’m not saying anything. Unless you could have sex with, like, a murderer or a paedophile or something?” “How am I going to have sex with a paedophile?” “Yeah, I guess they wouldn’t be interested in you.” “It’s fucked up, it’s fucked up what she did to me! And what the guy who gave it to her, did to her. I can’t do that.” “I know, but that’s how this thing has been spreading around, right? Or else, whoever had it would have probably died with it!” Sighing, I held the phone away from my face for a few moments. “Let me know if you find anything, okay? Anything at all. I’ll check with you later.” I hung up the phone. Still shirtless, I paced the room and then checked the mirror. The dragon seemed to have a standard pose it relaxed into when it wasn’t moving or eating. The same pose I’d seen it in when I first spotted it on Alice’s back, its body forming a loose ‘S’. Trying not to think about it too hard, I sat down on the edge of my bed and opened one of the dating apps on my phone. I didn’t have any new messages since the last time I’d used it and scrolled to the search function instead. The action was automatic enough that I didn’t have to think about swiping positive on every profile I came across. “I’m just looking, keeping my options open,” I said to myself. “I’m not-, I’m not going to do anything. I’m just looking for a distraction.” I don’t know why I was lying to myself. Really I didn’t know what I was going to do. Though as I slowed down, I started looking for women with tattoos. I never had any particular feelings about women with tattoos one way or the other but now of course it was the more ink the better. “Doesn’t matter, no one ever answers back on this app anyway. I’d have better luck going on Grinder or another gay one.” I thought about changing my preferences to include men. I didn’t like guys, but it wasn’t about sex, was it? It was about survival. Part of me, sexist or not, would rather pass the tattoo onto another guy if you took the actual act out of it entirely. Some twisted sense of chivalry. Like if I had to punch a random person on the street, I’d rather pick a guy than a girl. “Is that a hate crime? If I deliberately pick a gay guy? No, no, that’s fucked up, I’m not giving it to anyone! I’ll figure out another way!” xXx Alice had survived several weeks as host for the dragon tattoo but after comparing notes with her, I didn’t think I was going to last that long. The dragon seemed hungrier, according to her. I lost one tattoo a day for the first week, not counting that first day, and then I didn’t have any more to give. Maybe it was getting hungrier, more vicious, as it passed from person to person. Maybe it was inevitable that at some point it wouldn’t be able to pass on before its rapacious hunger killed one of its hosts. Lying on a weight bench in Otter’s garage, I hitched my boxers up to my hip. I winced a little as his tattoo gun bit into my skin but the pain was pretty minor compared to what I’d been going through. Otter wiped away some excess ink. He’d deliberately chosen to tattoo the outside of my thigh, since it was one of the areas the tattooing would hurt least. I scrolled on my phone. Grunting, Otter sat up again. “There,” Otter said. “What is it?” I set my phone down for a moment. “Does it matter?” Otter had tattooed freehand, not bothering with a stencil. The tattoo wouldn’t be on me for long. Only done in black ink, its lines were crude and splotchy. It took me a moment to realise the oblong shape was meant to be a dog bowl. Half a bone stuck out the top of the bowl and Otter had inked the word ‘TATTOO’ along the front of it. The tattoo seemed to sense as soon as Otter finished. I felt the prickling of it crossing my back from its favourite position under my left shoulder. Fast, starved, it moved down my side in staccato bursts. Otter watched, fascinated, as passed under my boxers and onto my thigh. “Still crazy,” Otter said. “Yeah, I’m over it,” I replied. The dragon tattoo sunk its needle teeth into the fresh ink on my thigh. The bowl tattoo still shone with wetness. I hissed through my teeth. Almost instantly, the tattoo Otter had just finished dulled and started to grey. The feeding only took a couple of minutes, whereas my original tattoos had taken much longer to consume. The skin was left red and inflamed, blood beading on some of the needle marks. As soon as the pain ended, I was hit with a pang of hunger and a feeling of bone-deep exhaustion. “How long can you keep this up, man? You’re going to have me feed it every day?” Otter asked. “It’s not working anyway,” I said. “You see how fast it just ate that one? It needs real tattoos, detailed, settled in, the new ones are just snacks to it. Meanwhile, I’ve lost four kilos even though I’m eating all the time, and I’m super tired. The thing’s still eating me, the fresh tattoos just slow it down a little.” “Shit, man. Hang here, okay? I’ll be back.” I sat on the side of the bench as Otter disappeared inside his house. The garage’s concrete floor was cool underfoot. The dragon stretched along the outside of my thigh. I could feel its hunger and dissatisfaction with its latest meal. I couldn’t keep this up, the tattoo would kill me. Feeling furtive, I picked up my phone again. There was one way out, it had been going around and around in my head for days. Guiltily, I thumbed the name of an escort website I’d found into the search bar. My eyes kept flicking to the door to see if Otter was coming, as if I was looking at porn or something. The website wasn’t pornographic but it did have profiles and pictures of the escorts, which I scrolled through. Most of the language was coded. The names and profiles were fabricated but I didn’t care about them. I looked at the pictures. Looked for women with plenty of tattoos. “They could survive it,” I muttered under my breath. “They could feed it. They’d have guys, customers, they could pass it to quicker.” Otter returned from the house carrying a glass bong in one hand and a plastic baggie in the other. I jumped, hurriedly closing the website on my phone. Otter pinched some weed out of the baggie and used it to pack the bong. “Thinking time.” Otter passed the neck of the bong toward me and produced a plastic lighter. Sealing the bong to my face, I blazed the bowl and inhaled deeply. Coughing, I passed it back to Otter. Pretty soon, we were both rocking back and forth in a stoned daze. “Would you rather,” Otter began an oft-played game. “Have a dick tattooed on your face, where everyone can see it, or a face tattooed on your dick where only, like, chicks you were hooking up with can see it? Like, Hiter’s face, on your dick.” “Can I cover up the dick tattoo? The one on my face?” “I guess, it’s right in the middle of your forehead so you could wear a hat or something.” “Probably the dick on my face then. You could cover it, or say someone, like, attacked you and did it to you. But if you have a Hitler dick you’re never getting laid again.” Otter took another hit. “Okay, okay, what about-, would you rather have no arms, and hands for feet, or no legs and feet for hands?” If I hadn’t been so stoned, it could have been one of those literary moments where inspiration strikes like a bolt of lightning. Instead, my brain short circuited and I could feel an idea bubbling slowly to the surface. Otter was high enough that he didn’t notice. I sat back, slack jawed, as the idea came to me in pieces. “I’ve got it, man,” I said. “I think I’ve got it!” “Got what?” Otter said. “How to beat it.” xXx My mouth tasted like an ashtray and I blinked dryness out of my eyes. I’d waited until I’d come down, sobered up, before putting my plan into action. Still, I felt tired and sickly, and my thinking was too slow. Looking over the tools on the shelf, the descriptions on the tags didn’t seem to make sense no matter how many times I read them. Electric or gasoline? I had no idea what was best. I felt a prickling on my spine as the dragon tattoo moved up my back again and shuddered. For some reason it was moving around a lot back there. Almost as if it was getting stronger while I got weaker. “Can I help you, sir?” A young guy in a uniform belonging to the hardware store appeared beside me, making me jump. “Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” I said. “I’m-, doing some yard work. Which one of these do you think would be-, fastest, I guess?” “Fastest? I’m not really sure-,” “It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t worry about it.” I collected one of the boxed tools, an electric one, and an extension cord. I felt conspicuous taking it to the counter but they didn’t react. Paying in cash, I hurried out of the store. That night, I slept uneasily. I was tired but lay awake feeling the dragon thrash around on my back. It gave me too much time to think, leaving me sick with anticipation. Part of me, a big part, didn’t want the plan to work. Then I could say I’d tried all I could and failed. I’d done more than anyone could be expected to try to beat the tattoo and surely I’d be justified in doing whatever I needed to do next. But I did have to try. I couldn’t inflict this on someone else without at least trying. But then, anger. No, I wanted this to work. I wanted to beat it. That the creature could inflict itself on me, violate me, steal from me, feed from me. I wanted to kill it, this parasite. I wanted to show it who was boss. And I’d be a hero, who else really found themselves tested like that? Had the opportunity to prove, if not to the world then at least to themselves, that if put to the test they really would sacrifice themselves for the greater good? I could do it. I could prove I was a hero. Morning came and found me nauseous with worry and exhaustion. I knew I had to do something soon or the tattoo was going to kill me. I couldn’t even look at it as I got up and got dressed. I could feel it there though, hanging out on my back, waiting, hungry. “Guess we're really doing this.” Otter refused to do the plan at his place, which was more than fair. Fortunately, both of my housemates were still away. I set up a spot outside, resting a bench seat and my new purchases on the lawn in the shadow of the house. My heart was already roaring. When Otter arrived, carrying his tattooing kit, he looked more serious than I’d ever seen him. “You sure you want to do this, man?” “Come on, before I chicken out.” Sitting on the bench in a t-shirt and shorts, I stretched my right leg out in front of me. Otter prepared his tattoo gear. I could feel the dragon stirring. I wasn’t sure how much the tattoo actually understood. When I’d first conceived of the idea yesterday I’d been high, and I’d explained it all to Otter without thinking. For all I knew the tattoo might have heard and understood, and wouldn’t play along. But then again, part of me did hope it would fail after all. Maybe I’d been subconsciously sabotaging myself. “How do you want to do this?” Otter asked. “Lure it down there. Like, make a little path.” I lifted the side of my t-shirt and Otter leaned over my stomach. Buzzing, the tattoo gun bit into my skin. Otter worked quickly, not caring about the quality of the work, inking an ugly little sphere that looked kind of like a cheeseburger. I could feel the dragon shifting across my back. “It’s happening,” I said. The colourful head of the dragon tattoo appeared around my side. It seized the ‘burger’ in its teeth and I hissed. The tiny tattoo disappeared in less than a minute. Blood beaded on my skin. “Go on,” I said. Otter moved down my leg and put a tattoo on the outside of my thigh. It looked like a small fish. The dragon moved under the hem of my shorts and onto my thigh. Snatching the fish in its jaws, it began to drain form and colour from the second fresh tattoo. “Do the foot, make it bigger,” I said. “It’s eating them too quick.” “Oh, man, shit.” My hands were shaking, and I gripped the armrests of the chair. Sweat rolled down my cold skin. Tattooing the back of my foot, Otter’s needle jittered over thinly protected tendons and bones. I didn’t care what Otter was tattooing, I just wanted it over with. I dreaded what came next. “There.” Otter straightened. “Eat a dick, dragon.” Like a crude piece of graffiti on a bathroom wall, Otter had tattooed a large dick and balls on the back of my foot. I felt a surge of annoyance but knew it didn’t really matter. The dragon tattoo swarmed down my thigh, past my kneecap and over my calf. Otter dropped his tattoo gun into its case. Hurriedly, he picked up the belt I’d placed by the chair and looped it around my leg just beneath the knee. Otter looked pale. “Are you sure you want to do this, man?” “Do it, just do it! But pull the belt tighter!” Otter grabbed the belt and yanked it so the faux leather dug into my calf muscle. The dragon snatched the dick tattoo in its teeth and started draining the colour from it. The dick tattoo was bigger than the last two but it wouldn’t last long. I wasn’t sure if the dragon could understand what was happening, and whether it would stop eating mid-meal. Otter hefted the electric chainsaw I’d bought at the hardware store the day before. A cord trailed from its rear section, just above the handle. Otter punched the start button and the engine rumbled to life. He looked as terrified as I felt. When he depressed the trigger, jagged teeth whirred around the chainsaw’s blade. “I can’t do it!” Otter said. “Do it! If it realises what we’re doing, I’ll never get rid of it!” “Oh, fuck!” Otter lowered the blade, teeth spinning into a grey blur. I saw the dragon react. It released the dick tattoo and its head whipped around. With jerky motions, it started back up my leg toward safety. I’d set another belt, old and cracked, beside the chair. Folding it over, I wedged it into my mouth and bit down. Eyes bulging, I screamed into the belt as if to pump myself up. With disbelief, I watched the saw enter my leg. It didn’t look real. There was no pain at first, only shock. It reminded me of watching the dragon feed for the first time. Impossible to believe that this was really happening. That my body was being invaded like that, changed, mutilated. Blood wet the spinning teeth, turning them red. Flesh flayed open. I felt pressure on the bone and heard a chatter. I could smell the iron stink of blood and then bone dust. The pain began. I screamed and my body couldn’t help reacting, trying to pull away. Lightning bolts of molten agony came from the kiss of the chainsaw. Otter’s hands were shockingly steady, pushing through, desperate to have it over with. The dragon writhed, trying to make it past the blade of the chainsaw and somehow finding itself unable. Pain and horror became too much, and I blacked out. xXx “It was an accident, a stupid, stupid accident,” I said. The two police officers, one man and one woman, looked unimpressed. Looming over the bed, both of them were burly, belts and vests heavy with equipment, and stony faced. A doctor hovered in the corner of the room, nervously consulting a chart. “For an internet video,” one of the officers said. “That’s right, it was supposed to be a joke but then I really dropped the chainsaw. I did it to myself.” “So there’s a video of it?” The other officer asked with great scepticism. I sighed theatrically. “Wasn’t even recording, can you believe that? All for a video and it wasn’t even recording.” “That is hard to believe.” “Please, officers, my patient needs rest,” the doctor interjected. The second officer softened, trying to look sympathetic. “Look, if someone did this to you, we can protect you. If you have debts, if you’re involved in something, that’s fine, but you need to be honest with us.” “Officers, I can keep telling you the same thing, but-,” I made a show of yawning and slouching back against the pillows. After the police left, the doctor went over my condition. I’d lost a lot of blood but my friend’s quick thinking, according to him, probably saved my life. The cut was relatively clean, something that obviously gave him and the police reason to be suspicious, but the leg couldn’t be reattached. I slumped against the bed, wearing a thin hospital gown. An intravenous drip ran from a needle taped in the crook of my elbow to a pole beside my bed. Below my knees, my sheet was propped up on the left side by my foot and lower leg. On the right, it dropped away into a flat absence. Feeling weak, but victorious, I drifted in and out of sleep. When I woke up, Otter was sitting beside the bed. He looked pale and guilty. I hadn’t seen him since I’d been hauled away in the back of the ambulance, semiconscious. “Hey, man, how are you feeling?” “Yeah, I’m alright,” I said. “You did great, man. I really appreciate what you did for me. What happened after I passed out?” “Your foot, oh, man, your foot just straight came off, and it was there, on the ground. Messed up.” Otter looked like he was going to be sick, and he lowered his voice. “The tattoo, it kept thrashing around. It was like-, I don’t know, like a fish when you take it out of water or something. And then it, like, faded and disappeared. I think it was really dead.” I let out a sigh of relief. “It won’t get anyone else. I beat it, I fucking beat it!” “You’re crazy, man, I can’t believe it.” Otter and I were talking when one of the nurses arrived. “Hey, we need to get you moving and give you a little bit of a wipedown,” she said. “Spongebath, nice.” Otter patted me on the arm as he stood up. “You can stay if you want,” the nurse said. “Nah, that’s alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay, man? Stay strong.” Otter left and the nurse checked my vitals. She was maybe in her forties and looked badly overworked. There was nothing all that sexy about the way she rolled me over and scrubbed me down with some wet wipes. When she was done, she set the gown back on my shoulders and lay me against the raised mattress. “That’s an interesting tattoo,” she said. “What’s it meant to mean?” I felt my blood run cold. “Wait, what? What tattoo?” “On your back there, you know?” The nurse gestured around her side. “I just thought it was unusual.” I almost grabbed her and she recoiled, clearly surprised by my reaction. “Let me see it, please! Let me see it,” I said. “You-, didn’t know you had a tattoo?” “Please, just get a mirror and show it to me!” Confused, the nurse went to the bathroom attached to my room. She returned holding a mirror, backed by suction cups. My breathing was shallow. All my tattoos were gone, eaten. The dragon tattoo was gone. “Please, just show me what you mean,” I said. I threw the sheets down to my hip and twisted around as best I could. The nurse struggled to angle the mirror so that I could see. Finally, she held it steady and I saw them. My heart faltered in my chest. Eggs. Half a dozen eggs tattooed under my left shoulder. Knotted together in some kind of clutch. The tattoo had left a tattooed nest. Suddenly, the nurse jumped and let out a small noise of surprise. I watched the mirror and saw movement, as one of the eggs began to crack.   ======   Sean: The idea for this story I think was first conceived for a screenwriting class around ten years ago. I’m not entirely sure, I couldn’t actually find any reference to it in my old uni notes so I don’t know if I ever actually wrote it into a script back then. I’d tried to tackle the idea a couple of times since then but never got anywhere with those drafts. In the end, I thought it would be a good one for the Pseudodragon and to kick off Dractoberfest! You’d think I was being charged by the word for titles lately, I don’t know why it’s worked out like that but it has. Mimic, Invasion, Beans, Bunker, Encounter, Sacrifice, Tattoo, you want an easy way to title your stories? Try to pick an evocative word that has some relation to your story’s key imagery or theme and go with that! Easy as. Anyway, just in case you feel the first entry for Dractoberfest wasn’t draconic enough, I thought I’d give you a little preview of what to expect over the rest of the month: October 7th: Half-Dragon October 14th: Dracolich October 21st: Red Dragon October 28th: Ancient Gold Dragon As we have discovered over the course of this year, I don’t really do the most straightforward takes on these creatures. That is true of this month as well. I’d consider the last of those stories to be the ‘straightest’ take on a dragon story but I think this is going to be a fun journey!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "587859", "id": "587862", "q": 0.91, "title": "Tattoo - Tattoo", "author": "SeanEBritten", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Horror", "Mystery", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Apathetic Protagonist", "Beasts", "Gore", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Modern Day", "Modern Fantasy", "Mysterious Past", "Parasites", "Short Story", "Unlucky Protagonist" ] }
Arkam entered the grand hall, alive with music and the hum of conversation. Candle light barely reached the vaulted stone ceiling that loomed overhead. Tapestries of long past battles and records of his family’s history covered the stone walls. Tables arranged in long rows filled the room. His entire family was in attendance, gathered together from all their holdings. Even his little sister had arrived, to his disappointment. He had not seen her since her marriage. Otherwise all was as he had planned.  Their duty as the head family was to host the annual harvest feast to celebrate a successful year’s harvest and pay the associated costs. The Emperor’s leeches had arrived, representatives and tax collectors here for their cut. He wasn’t sorry they had come this year. All the notable figures from their holdings and the surrounding region had arrived. Arkam thought little of them, a bunch of thin-blooded scum more red than blue. Even the serfs feasted this night, outside the castle grounds at least. A waste, they had common taste but his father would not listen to sense. Arkam’s family sat at the head of the room, their table on a raised platform at the hall’s end. So many members that they spilled out and took up the close ends of lower tables too. They were the Blackstones. Their heraldry, a red rose on midnight black. An old family, their roots stretched back into the forgotten past and so wide spread almost any lordling in the region could trace back to one branch or another. The Blackstones had bowed and sworn fealty when the empire came. Unlike the other kingdoms, who in their wisdom had resisted. For their reward, they had kept their lands and their heads. As ever, the Blackstones lived on. Arkam had never been fond of feasts. He pretended well, but the idle chatter and the self-important nobles bored him. How he hated dancing. A feast was always closed with a dance. He moved to his seat before someone could snag him in banal conversation. “Still sneaking food from the kitchen?” A deep, familiar voice said. “I thought you would’ve grown out of that by now, boy.”   Arkam held in a sigh, prepared a smile and turned to face uncle Jarund. A large round man with a long thick beard that covered his double chin and a jovial temperament. Jarund had been a good soldier in his youth and had served his father well, but Jarund was a fool. He was also the next in line to rule the Blackstone house, and with Arkam’s father’s condition, that time would be soon. The Blackstone succession worked on seniority, which ensured a constant line of doddering old fools only a few feet out of their deathbeds. There was a long line of elder uncles, cousins and second cousins in Arkam’s way and not a capable man among them. “I was ensuring the servants were not slacking, Uncle,” Arkam said. The lie came easily. “Ha, I’m sure you were, boy. Mayhap I will check on them as well,” Jarund winked and laughed as he pushed past into the kitchens. If Jarund were to lead the Blackstones would recede further than their position had under father. Their lands had fallen into disrepair, outlaws were common, and the serfs grew bolder with every passing year. Arkam made his way to his seat at the table. The table sat all the higher members of his family, with his father and mother at the centre. Arkam’s seat was next to his sister and close to the end of the table. His placement, a subtle reminder of his position within the family. She smiled at him as he approached. He returned a smile, genuine in it’s warmth and sat next to her. His father stood slowly, audibly wheezing from the effort. He put on a brave face and attempted to appear regal but his father’s sickness was plain to all. His mottled skin hidden under a thick layer of paint fooled no one. It was an open secret that he was dying. His father waited for silence. “Welcome one and all to the harvest feast.” He cut off in a fit of racking coughs. He wiped at the spittle with a handkerchief. “It is at this time every year I find myself grateful. To the emperor’s wise rule. To my family who fill my days with love. To the peasants who we look over and their hard works and to the gods who grant us their blessings.” His speech again interrupted with wet coughing. “We have had a good year, and those have been in short supply. So, for this night we shall feast and be merry.” A cheer erupted from the guests. Servants brought in plates of roast meats and vegetables covered in a thick, brown gravy. The musicians played and chatter again filled the hall. Arkam played with his food, eating slowly. He avoided the gravy as much as possible but he would need to have some. He checked his hip flask. For this to work he must not be first, but also not last. The servants and guards would not eat until after the feast. A side bonus. He would find out how many were stealing food from the kitchen.   “You’ve grown very serious since I saw you last brother,” his sister said. “You didn’t even come to greet me when I arrived.” “No, it is nothing sister,” he said, “I have not been feeling well is all.” "You said you would write," she said. He watched her fill her plate with a pang of regret. Her new home so far on the other side of the empire, he had thought she would not come. An idea came to him. He took a swig from his flask, he acted like he was trying to hide it. “What do you have there?” She asked, a sly look on her face. “Some medicine.” He allowed a smirk to creep on his face. Maybe all would be well. He had always liked his sister. They both shared a disdain for their family. “Give it over,” she said smiling. He took a long drink and handed it over. She drank from it. “Ugh, this is foul, what’s in it?” she asked. “Just herbs, sister, I told you I was sick. Have more, it will do you well.” “That was a nasty trick,” she said, in mock outrage. "Trust me. Drink." She eyed him, confused, then shrugged and drank again. He watched the crowd of people for a long, stressful while. Nothing happened. Then Uncle Jarund stood from his seat. He held his stomach, his face pained. “May I be excused, my Lord?” Arkam’s father nodded his ascent and waved him off. Arkam’s heartbeat drummed in his ears. He scanned the crowd of people watching for signs. He saw pale faces in the crowd. A well-dressed merchant vomited. A woman in her finest dress covered in sick ran from the room. Others gagged and retched, and soon the hall smelled of bile. The music stopped. A man cried for a healer. Poison another yelled. Then moans of the dying. Guards and servants moved about in a panic. Arkam felt it inside him, fear grasped at him. He felt the bile rising in him. His stomach heaved. What if he hadn’t had enough? He gagged and vomited. Acid burned his throat and his stomach ached. There were others around him, but he paid little mind to them. He was going to die. Thick mucus caught in his throat and he heaved again, but there was nothing to heave. He wondered whether the gods would forgive him. He couldn’t breathe. Arkam woke a time later. He did not remember falling. Someone shook him. His throat was raw and chunks blocked his nostrils. A guard hovered over him, the man’s face ashen. He pushed the man aside and got to his feet to survey the room. All around him people lay still in pools of blood streaked vomit. Only guards and servants moved through the room, they checked the corpses. He looked along the table and saw his family still and silent. His sister lay where she had fallen, her body limp. She was dead. The poison must have got into her before the antidote had time to work. Tears stung his eyes, he hadn't had cause to cry in a long time. Even in death she was the most useful of the Blackstones. “My lord,” a voice said.   Arkam turned from his sister to the guard.   “I think someone poisoned the food, my lord.”   “Yes, I can see that,” Arkam snapped, “see if anyone has survived it.”     “We have my lord, there is only you.” the guard said. Tears cut lines in his hard face.  Arkam forced down a smile that battled to form on his lips. He had not dreamed to think it would go so easily. A shame about his sister, but progress came only with sacrifice. Things would be different from now on. “Guard,” he said, “send word to the Emperor and inform him of the great tragedy that has befallen my family this day. Ask him for his advice in this trying time.” He studied the hall, his handiwork. “Have the kitchen servants rounded up. We must find who did this.” With the right motivation, he could make them confess to anything.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "181948", "id": "181950", "q": 0.91, "title": "No one for a second serving - No one for a second serving", "author": "Bellmaker", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Historical", "Psychological" ], "tags": [ "Aristocracy", "Arrogant Characters", "Conspiracies", "Court Official", "Dark", "Death", "Family", "Family Conflict", "Inheritance", "Kingdoms", "Male Protagonist", "Medieval", "Scheming" ] }
Today, in the early morning, I awoke and was immediately greeted by the memory of an encounter I had had during my days in the seminary. It has been many years since I left the priesthood, but the memory is still clear in my mind... The young seminarian greeted his professor upon entering the lunch room. The priest, who was enjoying his meal of hot soup and sourdough, invited his student to sit, offering him a tuna croissant, or perhaps a rich mug of hot chocolate. The youth chose the second offering. "You told me you had some questions about the afterlife, son," the priest began. The student nodded. "More specifically where the blessed go, Father—Heaven." "I assume it would not do to answer you as the others do?" the priest said, smiling. "That Heaven can be found in the places on Earth where the presence of God is most felt?" "No, Father." The youth laughed. "To be honest, none of us are truly sure what or where it is—it is virtually unknowable before death. But I can tell you the story they told us priests decades ago about a man who purportedly saw Heaven. It has become somewhat of a legend. "The man, being a teacher of Biology and a staunch supporter of Darwin's theory, taught his pupils about evolution. These pupils were young—impressionable—and came to conclusions all their own. There was outrage from their Christian parents, who complained about their children all of a sudden seeking out adoption centers that allowed humans to be the adoptive parents of orphaned apes. Of course, there was no such thing, and so the parents were caught having to explain this most difficult predicament to their children. "Soon the man was exposed as a nonbeliever, which turned out to be rather problematic, the school catering exclusively to Catholics. His termination soon followed, after which he decided to go back to his home town before seeking a new job. But the night before his departure, the man saw a vision which, until now, no one has agreed on whether it was a dream or a true sign from God. "The record of the vision was read from the atheist's diary, found after his death amongst his prized possessions." It is three o'clock in the morning now, but I am awake after experiencing a rather perplexing encounter which I believe to have been a dream, though it was so vivid and so long that others who may encounter it may think it actually happened to them. As for me, I will treat it as a dream, my only clue being that, when I awoke, I felt as if I had slept for twenty years. In the dream, I was trapped in a sort of black hole where it was uncomfortably warm, and felt as if two small fires were licking the soles of my feet. The heat was bearable, however—it was the wait that was excruciating. Time stretched on for what seemed like decades before I woke up in the middle of a large forest whose outer limits, along my long journey through it, I never found. It was filled with green, exceptionally fresh foliage. The grass beneath me was soft and crisp, and an abundance of fruits hung from each surrounding tree. I spotted the moving figures of people in the distance and walked cautiously toward them. The first thing I noticed was that they were stark naked. Looking down at my own body, I realized that I had not a single piece of clothing on, either. Oddly enough, neither their nakedness nor mine startled me—it was as if I had come to accept it right at the moment of realization. I wished to ask the people where we were, but I became suddenly aware of my inability to use words. My native tongue I still knew, but the words would not come; it was like my mind had hidden them where my consciousness could not reach. What came out of my mouth instead was a jumbled mass of sounds, like the mixture of the croaking of a frog and the grunting of a boar. The same sounds came from their mouths and, though I did not detect the nuances of any sort of language, we were able to communicate using this debased animal dialect. Looking around, I noticed that most of the humans in the clearing were scattered about in varying postures of leisure. In the river nearby, half a dozen or so humans floated lazily on their backs, letting the sun beat against their closed lids. Others were perched high in the trees, picking fruit after fruit and eating them with extreme fervor. The rest either slept or lounged listlessly in the shadows of the trees. I had just decided to seat myself on a rock and wait for whatever was to come when a commotion stirred the inhabitants of the clearing from their separate stupors. From my observation, I can only assume that one man—most probably a stranger—had climbed up one of the trees and was stealing fruit. The trespasser's voice was different; it was not the frog-boar hybrid described earlier—this voice was more like the harsh cawing of a bird of prey. After a short beating (the purpose of which was merely to give the outsider a scare), the members of what I then realized was a human tribe let the man go. As he made his way back into the thicker parts of the forest, I followed, trying my best to keep silent. He led me to another clearing—this one smaller than the other one, but with cattle and poultry. One woman was plucking the feathers off a chicken and not far off were two men attempting to slaughter a cow. The rest, as in the other tribe, lounged in scattered groups. I was startled by a sharp pecking at my ankle: a rooster had escaped from his flock and had wandered into the forest. A soft grunting came from behind one of the trees and I recognized the woman from the first tribe. She gestured for me to pick up the rooster and to hurry back to the first tribe. Things passed like this for weeks, and I learned that there were countless tribes scattered about the forest. What was noticeable was that each tribe stole from the other as a form of revenge for the theft from their own lands, the borders of which remain unclear. In effect, it was as if the inhabitants of the forest coexisted in an utterly selfish—yet effective—circle of exchange: theft in exchange for theft. The most curious activity I witnessed my fellow tribesmen (as I had become accustomed to calling them) performing happened for the entire length of a week each month. I awoke one morning to discover that all of my human companions had begun to copulate with one another en masse. Like clockwork, when a woman was finished with her partner, she would move on to another male who, penis erect, seemed to be waiting for one with whom to mate. The men, too, moved like clockwork; however, unlike the women, once the men were finished, they returned to their leisure activities. I had not had a chance to witness the same sexual phenomenon occurring in the other tribes, though I can presume that they performed the same type of mating ritual. As I stood watching the females move from one man to another, a woman approached me and, as she drew close, her features became all too familiar—she was one of the sisters from the school's convent, the Mother Superior! She seemed not to recognize me and began to ask me to be her next mate. I was so transfixed by the scene before me it was only then that I became conscious of my penis, which had become erect without my knowing. Then and there, I lay down with the nun and became subject to a rather mechanical experience with a minimal amount of pleasure. Once my member returned to its flaccid state, the Mother Superior left me to my own devices and wandered away. I took to the river to bathe, after which I resolved to follow the course of the water to see where it would lead. The longer I followed the trail beside the river, the muddier and smellier became my surroundings. A fog began to creep over my ankles, and it was a challenge to breathe. I felt the heat of the sun begin to wane as the trees about me grew thicker and larger, their leaves twisting together, creating a canopy over my head. It was difficult to see in the gloom and my eyes adjusted to the darkness just as I was about to run into what appeared to be a solid, massive wall that stretched high into the heavens so I could not espy its top. I knocked experimentally on the wall and felt its roughness—I had rapped my knuckles on the thick bark of an enormous tree. Slowly, I began to circumvent the trunk, trailing my fingers along the tough, damp bark. I stopped after a few dozen steps; there seemed to be no bypassing this obstacle. To both my left and to my right, there was only a long stretch of tree trunk, its circumference seemingly immeasurable. I started back in the direction of the tribe, but it was at this moment that a most fragrant smell greeted my nostrils. It was smoky and sweet, and I became aware of the empty feeling in my stomach. I turned my gaze skyward and saw, growing amid the leaves, the reddest and plumpest fruits which I could not name. They seemed to glow with their own energy, and were the only source of light in that dark place. I gently wrapped a palm around the fruit hanging lowest to the ground, ready to pluck it from its thick, black branch, when a voice rumbled out of the darkness, low and gravelly. "I would not do that." A horrific, wooden face formed out of the tree bark before me, its eyes and its nostrils knotted black lumps, and its mouth an angry, brittle gash. I felt my body shudder, and I managed to stammer an apology. "I-I'm sorry...?" The fact that the face had spoken in my own earthly tongue was surprising; I had not heard it in so long—had in fact forgotten it upon entering the forest—that I was not prepared to hear it in this dark neck of the woods. The thousands of words I had picked up during the course of my life came flooding back, as if they had been reserved for this moment when I encountered a being who spoke the language. The wooden man introduced himself as Parek, a tree demon. "I have been here since the beginning of this supposed Paradise. I have seen the same fate befall all those who have eaten the fruit of this tree. I remember most vividly the very first two... Their dull faces, upon first bite, took on a sudden brightness, as if they had just realized who they were... or what they were. I saw their wonder turn into horror and shame. They began to scream and scrabble at the dried leaves on the floor of this forest, and held them to their bodies feverishly. They appeared to be half-crazed, running from the very spot where you stand, and running right through the gates that stand behind this tree." I moved as if to look past the tree demon and see the gate, forgetting for a moment the enormity of the tree. "Oh, it stands there still," continued Parek. "Even after thousands of years. Journey far enough around this trunk and you will eventually find it. But you will be old by then, and weak, wearied by the secrets the fruit has divulged to you. And you will need to eat the fruit, for without it you cannot even begin to understand the way the mechanism of the gate works. No doubt you are a curious man; no doubt you will attempt to open the gate and see what lies beyond it. But I am telling you now: do not. Will you not agree with me that the most terrifying things are those about which you know nothing?" The tree demon was right—I was curious, and I did feel a yearning to see what was behind that gate but, just as on the Earth I knew (the Earth which I was not even sure I was occupying at the moment), uncertainty allows for too much inhibition. I had, after all, gotten somewhat used to life in this forest, and was yet unwilling to let go of it all in exchange for a place which I did not know was better or worse. I traveled back to the clearing where the tribespeople were still performing their mating ritual. In a patch of sunlight shining through the trees, I glimpsed two snakes mating as well, as if they comprehended the humans' activities and decided to join them. I stayed in the forest for years—at least, it seemed to be that long. The animal language of the tribe came back to me when I communicated once more with the other tribe members. I forgot about the tree and about Parek, and waited out my days in the odd, inscrutable Paradise. I took to taking long walks about the forest, getting lost a few times, and finding my way back to the tribe only after days of travel. It was a tiring existence, but I never grew bored with it. I had already gotten myself used to the prospect of never returning to my old world when, during one of my longer explorations of the forest, I came across a familiar cramped little copse, where it was dim and chilly. I smelled a familiar smoky-sweet scent and raised my head to see a plump, red, shining globe. I felt a stirring in my chest like the red orb was beckoning to me and, this time, no voice came to stop me though I half-expected Parek to appear and warn me yet again of the dangers of the fruit. It was warm in my palm and, when I took a bite, its insides were warm as well. A comforting feeling of sharp, increased awareness swept over me. I felt myself gliding almost—certainly not walking—around the tree, past it, and to the gate, which was golden and shining, trapped in between two cement columns which had been overgrown with vines. The gate had managed to escape the choking creepers and plants; it was devoid of any sort of contamination—untouched. Words were inscribed on one of the columns, but they were covered in a thick layer of grime. I thought to myself perhaps these were instructions that could enlighten me, teach me how to escape this place I had been trapped in for years. I tried to read the inscription but, as I approached, everything began to fade and I soon found myself back in my bed, on the Earth that was my true home. "They say that some of the man's friends whom he spoke to about this dream said that, while in Paradise, the man felt as if he were trapped in a dumb animal who could not speak nor have any sort of intelligent thought. He merely wandered about, accepting everything as it came, but he remembered everything after waking up, and so was able to recount his tale. "A few of the man's friends asked him if, after seeing Paradise, he felt regret for his disbelief, and would be willing to go through a conversion. If they had been in his place, they said, they most likely would. His friends, who expected the man to agree to this suggestion to convert, were disappointed by his answer: 'Perhaps Paradise is simply not for all. The only thing that I regret is waking before I discovered how to operate the mechanism of the gate.'"
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "268503", "id": "268766", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "The Paradise - The Paradise", "author": "MA_Frio", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Mature", "Mystery", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Adventurers", "Alternate World", "Curious Protagonist", "Dreams", "Enlightenment", "Heaven", "Male Protagonist", "Mythology", "Nudity", "Philosophical", "Polyandry", "Polygamy", "Priests", "Religions", "Returning from Another World", "Short Story", "Transported into Another World", "Tribal Society", "World Tree" ] }
James found his way to the big cushion he had brought from IKEA positioned parallel to the curved TV he worked so hard for, skipping meals in order to afford it. The floor creaked as the 200 Lb man threw himself at the glorified blood pillow. He found himself in a very peculiar situation; he had already made himself comfortable, but the remote was at the very polar end of the room he was in! James was a rather exhausted man, tired from life, tired of everyone else’s bullshit, he was sad that he had no purpose in life, he spent all of his free time either on the internet or his eyes glued to the TV watching shitty 90s sitcoms. James complained that James was broke, that James was tired, that James hated his body, that James despised his job, that James loathed his life, that James was depressed, that James was contemplating suicide. So many problems in his life, but his main focus was the TV remote for which he didn’t even bother to move his fat ass for. Smith was a hashtag activist, he loved pitching in with his thoughts, which happened to always be the majority opinion, making him feel empowered, as his voice was one with so many others, he felt like they could take anyone down. He felt like he had a family, “a people”. But James knew the truth. He knew all those people would be repelled by his mannerisms and appearance. All his opinions were manufactured to fit what everyone else wanted him to be. Everyone was better than him, after all. James closed his eyes, maybe he could just sleep and forget about everything, forget about the fucking remote, and about his miserable life. He eventually got bored and got up to get a snack from the well-stocked fridge. He first picked out a beer; crackin' open a cold one cures it all after all. He held the fridge door open with his fat ass and plunged his hand into a grocery store cake. James was engrossed, that handful of cake contained multiple times the amount of sugar his ancestors consumed in a week, he was one step closer to physical death, with an idiotic smirk on his face. James was “happy”, as he was “healthy”; that’s what everyone told him after all. “fuck” Despite passing by the same cracked mirror every day, something urged James to look left for the first time in a while. His hair was long and due for a haircut, and as James had “normal” testosterone levels, pubes for a beard. He had no visible neck, and his clothes barely fit. A pathetic whale that doesn’t even bother to take care of himself. That’s what kept him from looking in the mirror. James felt regret. James felt anger and hate. James felt vengeful. The once docile ugly manchild wore a frown. James wanted change. “I am pathetic”, he thought. “I am a waste of oxygen,” he said “I should die,” he stated His eyes welling up, James shouted quietly“I want to die” footsteps echoed throughout the room as smith made his way to his machine. ‘easy’ Click ‘euthanasia’ Click ‘methods’ Click He wasn’t truly planning on killing himself; he didn’t have the balls. What he truly wanted was to feel needed, to get one of those idiotic ‘we are here for you’ messages. While scrolling through the results, a video caught James's eye. “How to kill ‘you’” It was uploaded by a user with a string of numbers for a name. “5;21;16;8;15;18;9;1” The title intrigued him;  the way it was worded could mean so many different things! James played the video expecting pity, and a knockoff version of love. What he didn’t expect however was that the video started off with an affront to his very kind. “Fat people disgust me” James was taken aback; he had just been directly insulted! How could this handsome, beautiful man dare to insult the O’ so great James? “Did I just insult you?” The man on the screen went on “If so, you are fucking fat.” James was mad and tried to convince himself that he wasn’t insulted himself. It was simply offensive for fat people, not James smith! “don't you dare think otherwise. I am correct.” James was conflicted “Are you a man?” James, in a confused state, thought “yeah?”. “of course not. That question was rhetorical. You look like shit. Fat and ugly bastard. Is your mother proud? Are YOU proud? Are YOU happy? What makes YOU excited?” He was confused and overwhelmed. James wasn’t used to being questioned. “You are useless. Your destiny is being mummified in your own shit since no one even bothered to check on you after dying from a heart attack. Do you have anyone you could call a friend? If so, do you even know what they look like? Have you seen them in real life? Have you ever gone out with them? Fought with them? No. The answer is no. "These people are not your friends. They are useless. You are going to eventually throw them out. Act completely normal towards them until I tell you otherwise.” James listened for the first time in a while. “Open your phone. Delete all of your social media applications. I do not care if you have people you need to talk to. I truly do not.” James did as the man said. It was truly unusual. A man who came to look for ways to kill himself was deleting Facebook from his phone. “Delete them all. No exceptions.” James did as he was told. “Do three push-ups” James could not do three push-ups. He was absurdly weak. “You can’t do that, can you?” “If you cannot, that is alright. If you will not, that is an issue.” “Try” … James got on all fours, put his knees on the ground, and made for a great role model to all horny dogs in the entire workd. “Haha. Your form is pathetic. Lay your fat stomach on the ground and place your palms down on near your tits. Push up keeping your knees on the ground, without bending your ass.” James followed the instructions given and somehow managed to do three repetitions of the knee push-up. “Are you surprised? You are much stronger than you thought, aren't you? But do not get ahead of yourself. You are still much weaker than most people.” James felt somewhat happier than usual. The adrenaline hit him like a dump truck making him feel incredibly motivated. “When I'm done with this sentence, click off this video, turn off your phone or any other electrical device you have, and go to bed. I do not care what time it is. I do not care what you have to do afterward. Sleep like a baby boy in a royal family.” James peeked at the clock. ‘9:02 pm’ It was early for James, and obviously not something he would normally do, but as he had nothing better to do anyways, he listened to the man. James laid in bed, staring at his ceiling. He had nothing to do, so he started instinctively playing with his dick. His hand rummaged through the sheets and swam down to his waist, where it unlaced his sweatpants and trickled down to the generators of the seed of the miracle we call life. He mercilessly rubbed his penis, moving his hand up and down to the point his forearm started hurting. Eventually, his partially erect cock ejaculated a slimy white liquid called ‘cum’. James was drenched in his very own seed. He felt shame for his degeneracy, but with his energy drained, he fell asleep rather quickly.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "633007", "id": "633754", "q": 0.91, "title": "EUPHORIA - Ch 2: beginning", "author": "ad", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Mature", "Mystery", "Psychological" ], "tags": [ "Personality Changes", "Secret Identity", "Secret Organizations" ] }
The bitter-sweet aroma of coffee filled James's nostrils as it drew closer to his lips, slightly burning the roof of his mouth. A thud emanated from the cup as it rammed into his cubicle desk. wiping down his mouth with one hand, he steered the other down below his desk, imagining it a flying dragon going down to eat its measly prey. The startup sound of his computer was slightly distorted; the speakers were damaged by a leak in the ceiling that the higher-ups were simply ignoring. as James peered at the ceiling, a phone screeched. Generally speaking, this would have immensely annoyed James, but this time, it nearly brought tears to his eyes. the opening soundtrack of one of Smith's favorite childhood cartoons played. it spoke of a pig that lived a great life! The pig had food always ready, shelter to protect itself from the elements, and a custodian that deeply loved it. the pig boasted of its great life to all the other pigs, making most of them jealous. However, a young pig once said "sure, you have food whenever you want, a home, and live more comfortably than any of us, but I never see you leave your house. Why is that?" The swine, proudly stated, "I don't leave my house because the outside is dangerous." The piglet was not convinced, rebutting "is that true? It is safe enough for a piglet like me, so how can a big and strong pig like you be in danger?" The fat one stumbled upon its words "but the master said so..." the piglet laughed, laughing like the world is ending! but he managed to sneak in some words through the wicked glee "you are no noble! you are a slave! a slave to that master of yours. soon enough, hell cut you up and have you for dinner!" the fat pig... you get where this is going. eventually, the fat pig was slaughtered for its meat after being raised a king. thus was the price of comfort. although James was far too young to remember anything of the show's message now, it still left an imprint on him. James drew a cold frown along his face, as he remembered the days when he still had a dream, a vision of his future. You see, this James smith was a big dreamer in his youth, envisioning a reality where the mere mention of his name was enough to bring men to their knees, where he would have the power and the authority to choose what he would do in his days, where he was the boss that everyone loved, the one that threw pizza parties at the office, revered by his inferiors, applaud by his peers, envied by his rivals, and feared by his enemies. But there he was, daydreaming in his office of an alternate reality where he was a real man, maybe, just maybe would his life be different if only he had some balls. He overheard two of his coworkers having a conversation nearby "Are you coming to the party on Saturday?" "Not sure, though I'll try if elaine is coming" "You sure wish she would just spea...." As the conversation drifted into obscurity, James's mind drew an image of elaine Williams and a very detailed one at that. Her lips were a vibrant scarlet, her cedar eyes slightly slanted, complementing her hickory hair. James had been deprived of affection as he grew into his late teens and 20s, and so he longed for it, love. James's heart fluttered as he envisioned himself holding his beloved in his arms, in a million-dollar yacht overlooking the orange sun. He felt something deep in his chest, something quite nostalgic. He wanted to jump out of his chair and beat up his boss, start an empire of his own, and steal the heart of Elaine Williams! Although realistically speaking, that would be impossible to do. So, he took a breath, calmed down, and went back to work. As the clock came near 5, James had already forgotten what he had envisioned, letting his inner child down.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "633007", "id": "633010", "q": 0.91, "title": "EUPHORIA - ch 1: james smith", "author": "ad", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Mature", "Mystery", "Psychological" ], "tags": [ "Personality Changes", "Secret Identity", "Secret Organizations" ] }
AN: I'm not a good writer, so sorry in advance.   *Tap!* *Tap!* *Splash!* "Haa-Haa." A young boy no more than the age of twelve was running through the streets with his face full of terror as tears ran from his eyes. *Thud* "Ugh!"  "Hey! Watch where you're going, kid." The brown-haired man that he bumped into shouted at him. But the man demeanour changed when he looked down at the boy. "Hey kid, are you ok?" The young boy looked up at the man as he got up and tried to brush off his wet red hoodie. "Y-you gotta r-run, get outta here, h-he's coming!" The boy screamed in terror as he looked back frantically. The man looked at him confusedly, "What are you talking about, kid? Come on, let's look for your paren-"  *BOOM!* The man was interrupted by a massive explosion down the street. "W-WHAT T-THE HELL!" The man shouted as he stared at the burning cars with the frozen, terrorize faces of the burnt victims. "Quit running, little champion, and come face your fate!" A dark-skinned man dressed in a black suit with a lightning symbol on it and lightning surging all around his body shouted as he floats above the destruction he created. "H-h-he's here!" The boy said as he began to step back fearfully, then took off in a dash. *BOOM!* *BOOM!* The man launched bolts of lightning, destroying cars, not even caring about the lives of the civilians. "I will continue to kill these ants until you show yourself champion." *SCREAM SFX* As the child ran, he could hear the painful and horrified scream of the people; all while this was going on, only one thing kept repeating in his head. ~~~ Billy's Pov Why, why, why, why, why, why! WHY ME! I'm just some orphan, William 'Billy' Batson, someone no one should care about enough to know, much less enough to want to kill me.  It was just another ordinary day for me. 15 minutes earlier "This here is William Batson. He's been with us for nine years now. We're sure your home is the one we've been waiting for, for him." My matron, an old, cranky woman with grey hair taking over her once light brown. She said this to yet another couple looking to adopt, most likely because they can't have one themselves. *Nudge* *Nudge* The matron began hitting me with her elbow for me to say something like she always does.  "Ah, oh yeah. My names' Willi- well, you already know that you can call me Billy. Well, um, if you take me, you won't have to worry about any shitty diapers." *Door closes SFX* "We're sorry but, we don't think he's a good fit for us. We're looking for someone more, you know." "Of course, Mr and Mrs Anderson, come follow me." Despite the door being closed, I could still hear everything they said. Just like all the other families before, they didn't want me. "*Sigh* No family wants me."  After a few minutes, the matron returned to the room I was in; I could tell that she was pissed at me though it was hard to tell considering she always has that ugly scowl on her face. "Why do you make it so hard for yourself for a family to take you! All the other kids that came here at the same time as you have already found a family! At this rate, you won't ever find a home." ~~~ "Tch damn old hag, does she really think I want to see her ugly ass face for the rest of my life," I said this to the only thing in the world that I care about, Tawny. *Roar* "Yeah, boy, only you understand me," I rubbed his soft fur and fed it some meat I borrowed from the nearby meat shop. "Maybe I should break you out of here and run away together? Then I wouldn't have to see that old crone's face aga-" *THUD!* *CRACK* "W-WHAT THE HELL!" A man dressed in a black and gold costume with lightning surrounding it landed in front of me the same way Superman does. "The wizard chose a child again? That fool hasn't learnt anything over the thousands of years." The man started spouting some nonsense about wizards. "Are you a Harry Potter fanboy or something?" The man began to look at me confusedly, which soon got replaced by an amused and arrogant smile.  "Boy, you've been marked by the wizard to replace me and become the new champion. But that will not happen given that you don't know how to even call upon your powers; it'll be easier for me to kill you."  "What the hell do you mean? I don't know anything about some wizard or champion." *Crackle* Yellow lightning started amassing around his hand as he raised it towards me. The hairs on my body began to stand up, and I immediately jumped away. {AN: He's an 11 years old kid; he doesn't have that much hair.} *KRAKROOM!* *Boom!* A yellow bolt of lightning struck right where I was; if I didn't move, I'd be dead. "Hmm, it seems all those years sleeping have made my aim inadequate; I won't be missing next time." The hell he's really trying to kill me.  The man started to float towards me, with the lightning around him becoming more aggressive. He reached his hand towards me, probably to grab me by the throat. *ROOOOOAAAAR!* Tawny came out of nowhere and jumped on the man. He was confused about what happened, and so was I. Wondering how Tawny got out of his cage, I looked at his enclosure only to see a giant hole on it along with burn marks.  With the man still confused about what was happening, Tawny looked around at me as if trying to tell me to run. Tawny was just a regular tiger, and this man looks like he could fight Superman. And he was still trying to protect me, holding back my tears; I ran and continue running without looking back. ~~~ 3rd Pov Billy was still running; he could hear the screams of the innocents and the explosions getting closer to him. That's when he saw the train station thinking this was his chance to getaway. When he went down the stairs, he luckily saw a train about to leave. Running with everything he got, Billy tried to reach the doors before they closed. Despite his best attempts, he wouldn't be able to get to the train, and the crackling sound of electricity behind him only confirmed his fears. 'I'm going to die, just like Tawny did.' *KRAKROOM!* A bolt of lightning struck Billy in his back; the resulting force sent him flying through the closed doors of the train. The man tried approaching the moving train to finish Billy off; however, it instantly disappeared in a flash of lightning. "Hmph, wizard, you're only delaying the inevitable." ~~~ In the train, the burnt and broken figure of an eleven years old boy as he was taking his last raspy breaths, "*Cough!* *cough!*" His breaths were harder to take because of his broken ribs that punctured his lungs. Even though half the bones in his body got broken, he couldn't feel any pain, or it was more like he felt too much pain and his brain shut it out. He started to hallucinate as he heard the whispers of a man, "Say...my... name." Accompanying the voice was the silhouette of an aged, dark-skinned man with long grey hair. "Say my name and be saved, Billy Batson, become my champion, the mightiest mortal, and the protector of the world!" In his right mindset, Billy would think that this guy was some hobo spouting nonsense. But right now, he'd hold on to any hope of surviving, even if it was from a homeless man. "Gwhat'z... your nyame?" Muttering incoherently, Billy asked the man's name. "My name is... SHAZAM!" With the declaration of his name, a vast amount of power shook everything around them. Mustering up every bit of strength he could and with the last of his breath, Billy spoke the wizard's name, "Sha...zam."  *KRAKROOM!* Immediately after saying the name, a lightning bolt struck Billy, and his vision went dark. ~~~ In a multiverse far from Billy's and much different from his own, a seventeen years old boy was walking home in a horrible thunderstorm with bruises on his body and a frustrated look on his face.  "Ugh, damn it, why does dad have to hit so hard? I've been learning this stupid Krav Maga shit since I was fourteen. It can damn well stop now; it's not like be needing this in the future." The boy complained as he rubbed his bruised hands. "Why can't he be like those regular fathers after divorces who tries to overcompensate by going fishing or some other boring stuff with their kids."  The boy suddenly stopped and scrunched his nose up in confusion, "What the hell is that smell? Like somethings burning." Soon he started to feel a tingling feeling then buzzing in his ear, with a whisper following behind. "Sha...zam." "Huh?" *KRAKROOM!* A massive lightning bolt fell from the sky, completely disintegrating every hair on the boy's body and burnt his skin to an unrecognizable black corpse. ~~~ Billy opened his eyes with confusion riddled in them; he stood up and noticed that his field of vision was vastly higher than it used to be, but he quickly shook that off when he saw the man slowly vanishing. He was about to call out to him when he caught his reflection in the train window. "Holy moly! I'm all grown u-" A vast amount of memories started going through his head, memories belonging to a boy who saw his world as comics, cartoons and movies. These memories began fusing with his own eleven, almost twelve years of memories.  "No freaking way, I'm Billy Batson, THE Captain Marvel aka Shazam. Or is Billy Batson me? Wait, what about my family? And how the hell did this even happen?" *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* Billy quickly regained his composure and looked towards where the noise was coming from, "Tch, I forgot Black Adam is after Billy, me, us? I'll have to figure out how the hell this happened after I beat him."       
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "334583", "id": "334706", "q": 0.91, "title": "DC Shazam: God of Gods - SHAZAM!", "author": "ShadowMonarch", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Antihero Protagonist", "Gods", "Heroes", "Magic" ] }
My first impulse was to run away. My brain screamed that it was a bad idea, but too late, I had already started. But it didn't take long for the silver man to tackle me down. My body slammed against the floor, almost breaking my ribs. I let out a groan of pain. This jerk was short, but his strength reminded me of the school bullies. They filled the cauldron with a red liquid and strange herbs from different colors. The silver man tried to lift me, but I punched his damn face with all my strength. He flinched for a second but still seized my arms and dragged me toward the cauldron. My first thought at that moment was my mom. What would she think if I never come back? She will believe I abandoned the house, or worse, that someone kidnapped me. She will be so sad. Thinking about her tore my heart. I couldn't let these bastards take me, not yet. I headbutted the silver idiot, but his helmet got in the way. It hurt a lot, but I don't know why I kept doing it over and over again. Until pain stopped me, no matter how much I struggled, he wouldn't let go of me. A tear trailed down my cheek as resignation and frustration began to fill my body. They would kill me and eat my body. What did I do to deserve this? Mom, I'm sorry, I won't be able to eat with you today. Silence. "What are you all doing?" a sweet yet firm voice called. I opened my teary eyes and witnessed the most beautiful creature I had seen in that world. "Princess, welcome!" that ass with the stupid name exclaimed. "You're just in time to witness the preparation of the most exotic meal we've had in years." "What? No!" the princess yelled with a glare. "Put that creature down now!" "But, princess!" "I said NOW!" Renanzkadyan rolled his black and pink eyes and gestured at the silver idiot to put me down. He dropped me on the floor. I felt so pathetic, weeping on the floor. The princess looked around at the crowd with a disapproving glare, her felines eyes carmine and black. Gold and beige shades shone in her long hair with soft curls at the ends. Her dress was short and elegant; silver, and pitch black with odd blue flowers engraved in gold on her chest. She stood in front of me, pity in her eyes. "Poor thing," she said in a soft like-velvet voice and caressed my cheek. It was humiliating, but for some reason, it calmed my heart. Even her fruity perfume was relaxing. "I heard you were forced to come here. Who would do such a thing?" I wiped my tears and lifted my gaze at her. I almost got myself lost in her eyes but got a hold of myself. "I don't know," I mumbled. "All I can remember is that man asking for my help." "It's ok. No one is going to hurt you now, small creature." Now she sounded like she was talking to a puppy. I bit my lips with shame and anger. I'm sure she wasn't doing it on purpose. Wherever I was, they had no regard for people like me. This was the most I could ask for. "With all due respect, princess," Renanzkadyan started. "This creature was highly disrespectful of the realm. Stating he would bring shame and famine to our marvelous kingdom." "The hell!" Words escaped my mouth. I wanted to punch that idiot. "That's a lie!" "See?" He looked at me down his nose and motioned his fan. "Disgusting!" He looked away with disdain. He sounded like one of those snobbish ladies from my neighborhood. "I'm afraid he might not be aware of his words, Duke Renanzkadyan." The princess smiled. "This must be a big misunderstanding. I'm glad Mara called me in time." I glanced at the big woman. She was hiding a smile and blushing like a little girl. "Mara, what were the small creature's words?" the princess asked. "I have no business here," Mara replied and then grimaced. The princess beamed at me and asked with an ice-cold voice. "Did you know the meaning of those words, small creature?" For a moment, I felt like the sweet princess wouldn't hesitate to rip my heart out of my chest if I gave the wrong answer. I took a deep breath. "I thought I did before coming here, but I don't know the meaning in this world of yours." I hesitated for a moment. "I apologize. I meant no offense by it," I rushed to add. "Understandable." She ruffled my hair. "To have a business in my kingdom means to bring a gift of peace and prosperity. No other-lander can step in our sacred land without a business. Not having a business here means to bring curses, war, and plagues. Which we need to eliminate immediately, otherwise we risk dooming our people." "Princess. . . I didn't choose to come here. I was in my world, and all of sudden, I appeared here. All I want is to go home." I lowered my head and sighed. My brain hurt a lot. "Don't worry. We'll find a way to send you back home." The princess stood up graciously and brushed a bang aside. "Myceas, please accompany our guest to the dormant chambers. See that he has something to eat and a bed to rest." "At thou word, my princess Azulia." the silver man knelt and bowed to her. Hell, I wish they left me to rest in the forest. I didn't want to have that jerk nearby. He took off his helmet, and two strands of white hair fell on his shoulders. I couldn't believe that weirdo was so young. He couldn't be much older than me. I was expecting a gross face, but he was oddly charming, which made my blood boil. He looked like a fantasy version of that dumb jock from school who every girl fell for. "Please follow me, Kratian oddity." He stretched his hand at me, and I slapped it. "That's not my name." I scowled at him. "Oh, that's right," princess Azulia whirled to look at me, her dress dancing with her. "What is your name, small creature from otherland?" "Mikka. My name is Mikka." My eyes focused on her weird yet mesmerizing eyes. "Mikka thee name given," she said and then chuckled before walking away. Mara Kudra followed first, and then Reznakadyan. "Mikka Kratian. Please follow me." Myceas stretched his hand at me again, and I slapped it again. "What is this Kratian you keep calling me for? I'm not Kratian!" I shouted, standing up on my own. He looked at me with surprise, as if I was asking the most stupid question on earth. He scratched his snow hair and spoke, "Kratian is thou, an otherlander, a title of respect we Komarks of the realm shall use to address even the vilest of Zataiz." I blinked. "What?" Myceas exhaled with frustration. "In plebian words, thou shall comprehend, Kratian is the title we—" "Ok, ok," I interrupted him before my head exploded. "I'll follow you. . ." There was resignation in my voice. All I wanted was to eat mom's stew today. Instead, I have almost turned into stew myself. This is why I hate Mondays. *°*°*
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "302149", "id": "305698", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Elfslayer - 2: Angel", "author": "CrimsonBlob", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Clumsy Love Interests", "Comedic Undertone", "Cute Story", "Elves", "Fantasy Creatures", "Fantasy World", "Fated Lovers", "Interdimensional Travel", "Male Protagonist", "Monster Girls", "Orcs", "Parody", "Unconditional Love", "World Travel" ] }
I didn't know what day of the week it was. With alcohol, cocaine, and naked women the days blurred together. Memories are an incomprehensible swirl of events. God, I reeked of sex. A strange woman lay beside me in bed. It must have been during my binge that I met her. Her hair spread out in several directions, creating a halo-like effect. The way she looked was as if she was an angel who had fallen, losing her grace. For a while, I searched around the bed for my phone. I squinted my eyes shut at the blinding light. Six thirty pm. I called my twin brother, Lucas. My ears rang with the sound of the phone. I contemplated whether I should bang my head against the headboard. The sound of Lucas's voice came through the phone. "Why the hell are you calling?" His greeting could have been warmer. "I need you." My voice was hoarse,  and words came out with a sandpaper feeling in my throat. On days like this, self-loathing seems to come in waves. The lack of control just quickens the tide. When it became a little too difficult to look in the mirror, I settled for my vices. I had sex with anyone who would spread their legs for a couple of hundred dollars and liquor.  "When don't you need me?" There was a bit of irritation in his voice. It seems we passed the years with him vying for every bit of my attention. The years when all we wanted was the other.  "Don't act like that." It comes across more as a wounded whine than a neutral command. "Come to me." I could hear someone in the background of my twin brother's call. I heard the ruffle of materials and the stumbling steps. A woman's voice told him to come back to bed.  "I have to go," Lucas said, ending the call. Fuck. I threw my phone at the wall, content with the residual noise it made. I stared up at the ceiling. The woman beside me moved closer to me, the smell of sex and lemongrass accompanying her. She threw her arms and legs over my body and hid her face in the crook of my neck. While I enjoyed sex and its atingle effects, the morning after was like the adagio of a child's recital. Having someone this close to me made me feel like a river quickly drying up. She was just a temporary fix and in a few days, she wouldn't remember my name, assuming I gave it to her. I needed Lucas here to bring me to the realization that I would be okay or things around me would be okay. There was a soft knock on my door. Without waiting for me to answer, the creaking of the door opening and the sound of feet shuffling across the wooden floor followed. I heard my baby brother say my name as though it were foreign to him. "Prince?" Theodore stood at my bedside as if wanting to ask if he could step closer. However, he was too afraid to ask. He looked at me and then at the naked woman wrapped around my middle. He was almost fixated on her limbs. "Oh, I didn't know you had company. I'll leave." I could hear the crestfallen disappointment in his voice. I politely nudged the sleeping woman off me and grabbed my brother's wrist before he could leave. "You don't need to leave. My friend will be leaving soon, anyway." I slowly sat up in bed and pulled Theodore between my legs. He looked down at me as I pushed his hair from his face, getting lost in playing with the strands and taking a moment to digest his features. He still had on his school uniform, but the tie was loosened and the jacket unbuttoned.  "I saw your car out front and got excited that you were back," he mumbled, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth. His constant abuse caused the poor things to turn pink and glisten. "You missed me?" I smiled at him, pulling his body closer to mine. "Yeah," he said. "It's boring being alone in this big house all by myself. Lucas and Papa are hardly home these days. You know Papa doesn't let me have friends over, not that it matters all the boys in my grade are too busy being stoned to have a conversation." "I see." I wrapped my arms around his small waist and pulled him into me. Burying his face into his chest and getting a small huff in return. The soft cotton of his shirt felt pleasant against my skin, as did his warmth when he curled up closer. He smelled of fabric softener and lavender. "I'm back now, so you won't have to be bored anymore." I pulled him away from my chest and looked at his face. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. I felt like my loneliness was being washed away as if I was being baptized in him.   "For good? You won't disappear on me again, will you?" His smile fell a little and the brightness in his eyes dimmed as if he was being haunted by the memories of my disappearing acts. I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead, feeling this sense of completion. "For good, Bambino." The soft groan from behind me made me look over my shoulders at the woman stirring from her sleep. I look back at Theodore, his eyes now back on the woman, and his posture becoming stiff.  "Go shower and change and I'll make us dinner tonight," I tell him. Theodore bounced up on his tippy toes, hugging me with more enthusiasm than I was ready for before he dashed out of my room. I stood up from my bed, stretching and reminding myself to tell Lora to schedule an appointment with my chiropractor. Running a hand through my messy, sweaty, greasy hair. The woman looked at me through sleepy eyes and had a soft smile on her face. "I had a great time last night." She said, sitting up in the bed. She pulled the sheets to her body. Her eyes traveled down to my flushed dick. That was now semi-hard. "I can help you with that." "You may leave." My tone came off shorter than intended. "You're kicking me out? Really? She looked at me in disbelief. I paid for her services and enjoyed them. This wasn't some friendly get-together. "Bye." was all I said before offering a bag of toiletries and pointing to the guest bathroom on my way out. "Don't forget to sign the NDA," I pop back in to remind her. She rolled her eyes at me and mumbled something under her breath as she climbed out of my bed. I left my bedroom and went to the bathroom connected to my room. I didn't bother looking in the mirror because I was so fucked up I wouldn't be able to recognize myself. The walk-in shower automatically turns on when I step inside. The hot water came down on my face as I stood under the shower. When I'm alone with my thoughts they had a tendency to run into areas I did not want them to occupy in my empty head, constantly reminding me of the mistakes I made and the regrets I harbored. After my shower, I found Theodore sitting idly on the sink's countertop. "Bambino?" "I-I thought you might have left again, so I came to check." His face shook a bit like he was trying to convince himself more than me. He fidgets with his fingers, picking at the skin around the nail. Wrapping a towel around my lower half, I walked over to him and cupped his cheeks, my thumbs caressing his rosy pink cheeks. I became entranced by the soft skin under my calloused hands. "Bambino." My voice is low and tender. "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, so don't worry that pretty little head of yours," I said, leaning forward to place a kiss on his forehead. Theodore has always been clingy towards me, even at a young age. Everything was Prince this and Prince that. He consumed my time, and I was all he wanted. When he grew up, I put some distance between us because his clinginess wouldn't allow me to get anything done. Plus, Lora was worried about how he'd develop as he got older. Though it was for the best, I miss his younger days. I would lie sprawled out in the sunroom with him snuggled up on my chest. He would count each of my breaths. This closeness we had kept me sane most days, and kept me from drifting off the deep end. I wonder from time to time if I should just fall back into that habit.  Theodore watched me as I shaved my face. He kept glancing between my fingers and the blade. "Can I help you?" he asked. I looked at the razor and then at him. His hands were always shaky, and I didn't want to get nicked, but he looked at me with eager eyes. I reluctantly handed the razor over to him as our fingers briefly brushed each other. "I'll help you." His hands were shaky until I placed my hand on his. "This is how you do it." I guided his hand with the razor slowly over my skin. His eyes were completely focused on cleaning up a mess of a beard until his hand shook again and nicked me. "Ah, you did well, Bambino." I washed any trace of shaving cream off my face. "When I grow facial hair, can you teach me how to shave?" I didn't think he'd be getting any for a while. He was seventeen and still didn't have an inch of peach fuzz. "Sure thing, bambino." I reached over to ruffle his hair. 
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "665819", "id": "665820", "q": 0.91, "title": "Love Scars - Chapter 1: Where home was", "author": "Unique_High", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adult", "Boys Love", "Drama", "Mature", "Psychological", "Romance", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Brother Complex", "Brotherhood", "Child Abuse", "Comedic Undertone", "Complex Family Relationships", "Conflicting Loyalties", "Criminals", "Dark", "Family Conflict", "Incest", "Male Protagonist", "Multiple POV", "Sexual Abuse", "Siblings", "Twins" ] }
I found myself surrounded by massive trees, staring at me from the heights with sullen eyes. Where am I? I was returning from school when a strange man in a white suit asked for my help. I should've been more suspicious; not a lot of people have violet eyes and red hair. But being the dumbass I am, I followed him. Now I'm stranded in who knows where. It looks like a forest, and everything reeks of moist soil and dampness. I feel stalked by everything here. Those blue grasshoppers dancing over the leaves seem to be gossiping about me. I gathered the strength to stand and wander this odd territory. "Halt there, Kratian!" a sharp roar commanded from behind a bush. I froze as my eyes scanned the shadows. A man in silver armor with metallic lines that drew a flower on his chest walked toward me. "What are thou business here, Kratian?" he said, aiming his sword at my face. I flinched away, but my feet didn't dare to move. "I-I'm lost!" I shouted. "Nonsense is not welcome. State your business, Kratian!" What in the world is a Kratian? I thought. "My name is Mikka, and I'm serious. I have no idea how—" Before I could finish, he strode toward me and slapped me with the side of his sword. I panicked, thinking he had cut my face in half. I cradled my cheek, and relief eased my heart. I wasn't bleeding yet. "Clearly, thou can not state your displeasing presence here. I shall take thou to the gallows. Thou may want to speak there." "What?" I mumbled as he seized my arm. His eyes glowed red like blood under his shiny helmet. I didn't dare to resist and allowed him to yank me through the tangled vines ahead. "What is that, Myceas?" a woman asked from above. I lifted my gaze and saw her seated on the highest branch of an oblong, giant tree. "Where did you find that creature?" The woman jumped off and landed with such force the earth fell apart, leaving a crater under her massive feet. As she stood, I could witness his immense figure. She was about two meters tall, with a ginger braid that fell over her thighs. Her face was steel, hard and sharp, with feline eyes that drilled into my skull; there was no white in her eyes, only black and gold, her iris just a thin line. Her long, pointy ears were pierced by multiple earrings, carrying lots of jewels, and seemed to have a life of their own as they twitched with every step she took in my direction. "Mara Kudra," the silver man said and bowed to her. "I have found this deviant lurking in our forest. I was carrying it to the gallows for an intimate interrogatory." The woman stood in front of me. My head reached below her chest, and her presence turned my blood into ice. She smelled of bananas for some reason and chewed something. She bent over, leaning closer, and sniffed my hair, face, and armpits. "Weird creature. It smells like nothing I've eaten before." She scratched her head and frowned at me. "Can you speak the common tongue, small Kratian?" I was afraid of opening my mouth. A wrong word and these brutes could beat me to death and eat me, just like those cannibals from the textbooks. "I-I think I do," I mumbled. "What Kuzai do you belong to, Kratian?" "Kuzai? What's that?" Mara Kudra guffawed, her terrifying voice resounding throughout the forest, causing birds to fly away. "He must belong to the low lands, Mara Kudra. Just take a look at his uneven attire." The silver guy pointed at my clothes with disdain. What was wrong with my clothing choice? A black hoodie, jeans, and white sneakers. I can't say I was one of the cool kids, but I think I looked decent. My mom always said so. "No," she refuted with a glare. "This is no low lander. He looks oddly groomed for one of their kind." She brushed her fingers along my chest and then lifted my arm, squeezing my skin with odd tenderness. I was a statue, my heart in my throat. Her massive arms looked capable of ripping my arm off. "Ok, Kratian. Reveal your origin." Mara Kudra folded her arms and tilted her head. I could see the curiosity in her creepy eyes. I cleared the knot in my throat and did my best to speak. "My name is Mikka, I. . . Uh. . ." What could I say to convince these weirdos of my bizarre trip? "I am from Earth, yeah!" I felt so ridiculous saying that. Of course, I was on earth, although these creeps looked from another dimension. "I was returning home when a strange man in a white suit and red hair came to me, and then—" "Man in white? Red hair?" She glanced at the silver man, who widened his eyes. Her gaze returned to me. "What did he ask you, exactly?" "Well. . ." I did my best to remember his words. "He told me he needed my help to open something. I don't remember what it was, but once he grabbed my hand, I felt sleepy and can't remember anything else." Mara Kudra held his chin in a pensive demeanor and then paced over to the silver man. They took their time whispering to each other. When she returned, her face was ice. "You will come with us, Kratian. We suspect you might belong to the Udara Kuzai." "The what?" She didn't answer. Instead, she snatched my legs while the silver man seized my arms. They lifted me and put me in a net Mara carried in her back. I tried to resist, but I was like a baby in the hands of those brutes. Mara carried me like a bag of potatoes on her back. This is so humiliating! *°*°* Despite my urge to fight, I remained still and tried to convince myself it was just a dream. Although the smell of bananas and the pain in my cheek felt too real. They walked in silence for half an hour until the colored roofs of the town rose in the distance. The place was oddly pleasant. Houses of all sorts in exotic shapes, three-story buildings with twisted shapes, triangles, and stars. However, as soon as the people noticed me, they began murmuring in an unknown language and staring at me with surprise. I felt like an exotic animal in the zoo. Everyone had those feline eyes like Mara Kudra. Black where white should be, and cat-like pupils in different colors. I saw the whole rainbow in their gazes. I closed my eyes, swallowing my humiliation, and waited for it to end. We finally made it to our destination. A massive castle in the middle of the town. I barely made it through the gates when two guards stopped us. "What is that?" a flamboyant man in a magenta tunic strolled in our direction. The guards stepped aside and allowed him to pass. "I told you not to bring weird creatures to the castle!" "My apologies, Lord Renanzkadyan, but this is an oddity I need your knowledge on," she said, casually dropping me on the floor. "My, my, my!" the man kept hissing and tapping his heels on the marble floor. He stood nearby as if scared of catching the flu from me. "This is no Kratian. You're right, sweet Mara." I untangled myself from the net and stood up with a frown. This whole dream was becoming a nightmare. "See? Plus, he claims to have been teleported here." She patted my head. "I never said that!" I snapped, slapping her hand away unsuccessfully. "I see he knows the common tongue too, despite his hideous appearance," he exclaimed, shaking his fan on his obnoxious face covered in pink and blue. "Answer me this, oh poor plebian from the underworld. What is your business here?" The same question again! I could feel my blood boiling with all these weirdos surrounding me. All I wanted was to return home to eat mom's stew. I should've never helped that old man in a suit! "I have no business here!" I roared, fist clenched. "And I don't care about your world or whatever. I just want to go home!" Everyone's eyes grew wide as silence cut through the air. Perhaps I could wake up from this nightmare if they just killed me. That always worked in my dreams. The annoying man stifled a chuckle and blushed. "I see," he whispered between teeth, his intentions unreadable. "Bring the cauldron!" he yelled. A shiver ran down my spine. "What?" I mumbled, terrified of the answer. Mara Kudra shook her head and glanced at me with disappointment as the silver man and two more soldiers marched away. In short, they were back with a huge, gold cauldron. "What's the meaning of this?" I shouted, glancing at Mara Kudra. "Oh, Kratian. You shall never disrespect Lord Renanzkadyan." Her voice sounded genuinely sad. "He's going to eat you now." "Are you serious?" She had to be kidding, of course. Dammit, where am I? Everyone is crazy here! My heart jumped to my throat, and my pupils dilated as a cold bead of sweat rolled down my forehead. Like an animal driven by his survival instincts, my first impulse was to run away. My brain screamed at me to stop, but it was too late, I had already started. *°*°*
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "302149", "id": "302151", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Elfslayer - 1: Foreigner", "author": "CrimsonBlob", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Clumsy Love Interests", "Comedic Undertone", "Cute Story", "Elves", "Fantasy Creatures", "Fantasy World", "Fated Lovers", "Interdimensional Travel", "Male Protagonist", "Monster Girls", "Orcs", "Parody", "Unconditional Love", "World Travel" ] }
It was a sunny afternoon in the streets of Barren, a small town south of the capital city of the Azure Kingdom. Namuh women were starting to take their humble clothes out from the cables hovering the tight streets of this riverside town. Some people were still finishing up their affairs near the market, a few last trades before merchants called it a day. Out of nowhere someone yelled. -Excuse me! Let me through! - said the boy rushing through the tiny spaces between stands and people. - Uh! Sorry! Watch out, please move away! He continued to run as fast as he could, a small boy, around ten, scruffy clothes covered dark brown-ish hair, searching for a place to hide, and soon after him we could see why. Three way older kids, they looked like young adults actually with a size that would make you wonder what they were feeding on. One of them had pointy ears and very bright skin, the markings of a Shura, a similar race to the Namuh, they were not particularly common in Barren, but the Great War had scattered refugies everywhere, the others were your typical small town Namuh boys. - Get back here, Riku! When I get my hands on you, you’ll be sorry for having hurt my sis’ feelings! - yelled the ginger one, not holding back on sharing his spit with everyone Despite his age he wasn't able to catch up with the kid. Let’s just say his size wasn’t helping. Riku was almost past the market. He knew that if he could get downtown, the streets would be on his side, spreading out like a maze. All he had to do was cross the small wooden bridge hovering a tiny stream of water. That’s when the tides change when a couple of Genki’s friends, the ginger boy,  appear on the other side of the bridge. It was too late to go back as he was trapped in the middle of the bridge, Riku was then starting to really worry. A few cuss words passed through his thoughts, not really appropriate for a kid that age, but who can blame him. Genki and his friends figured they finally had him, their out of breath gasps took a second but eventually were replaced with smug smiles. They slowly cornered the kid, step by step, leaving him nowhere to run. Riku kept switching his stare between the stream below and Genki’s not so pretty, but chubby face. He was really thinking about diving into the stream to escape, but the filthiness of the water somewhat had him take his chances with Genki. There’s a reason why locals called it the Crappy River, because it literally looked like crap, no scholar was needed to figure that one out. -You have nowhere to go now Riku! - said Genki. -Wai-wai-wait! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll-I’ll date your sister… It can’t be that bad, right? - he said, holding his hands in front of him for a second. - Right?... -Riku? Is that you. - says a young man across the river stream. The boy walked over to Riku, you could see that they knew each other, as Riku slowly became relieved by his presence. -Drake!! - called out Riku as the boy reached him, passing Genki and his friends. Drake, a Namuh sixteen year old, short and scrawny boy, dressed in his blue shirts and worned out pants, carrying a sword at his back. He takes a look around, looking widely at the five boys surrounding Riku and whispered: -Dude… What have you done this time? -Long story. - says Riku, a bit embarrassed. -Well, make it short. - says Drake over the corner of his lip looking anxiously at everyone. -This lil’ punk here, hurt my sister!! - Yelled Genki, getting ready to make a move. -Say what now?... - Drake got overwhelmingly confused, he looked to Riku hoping he could clarify both stared at each other for a moment. - Bro…? -She came out of nowhere back in school, trying to smooch me! - said Riku waving his arms out as if he had no choice. - So I kinda pushed her to the side. -Oh, ok that seems reasonable enough. -Yeah but then I said not even if someone paid me for it. Like… out loud. -Dude… -Everybody heard. - he says looking down. -And now someone is going to get a beating! - says Genki approaching. Both of them flinched at the sight of Genki stepping forward. -Wow, wow… Chill! In my client’s defense, he didn’t hurt your sister’s feelings… The school did. - Says Drake nervously trying to stop Genki from getting to Riku. -Get out of my way Drake, I’m warning you! - Genki keeps going forward with every step more upset. -Okay, okay! Listen! I know your family is very religious. Remember Father Daniels? Violence is never the answer. - Genki seems to reason with that kind of logic and stops for a second. - Is that what Goddess Lumina would want -Didn’t Father Daniels pass away a few months ago? - asks Riku. -Gambling Debt, the church wasn’t covering the costs. Unimportant Riku! - says Drake trying to shut him down. Genki’s breathing slowed down, his friends unclenched their fists, he still looked at Riku with rage but he was pulling himself together. -There you go big guy, breathe, breathe. - Soothes Drake. -Get that oxygen to that small brain of yours, ahah! - says Riku, as Drake gives him a death stare. -“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of the Goddess, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Goddess." Epstein 5:6 - quotes Genki, as he moves furiously again towards Riku. -Say what now? - Drake says as Genki moves past him to get straight to Riku. -The Goddess’ wrath is speaking through me! - the big boy raises his fist ready to slam it down at Riku when Drake intervenes… again. -Look if you’re looking to pick a fight, at least pick someone of your own size. If that’s too hard for you, you can settle with me. - Drake managed to stop Genki but his rage is now focused on him. Drake slowly reaches for the handle of his sword, his friends flinch for a moment but not Genki. That’s when he pulls out a wooden sword from the sheath. Everybody stopped staring at the wooden stick, before they all broke out in laughter.  -You’re fighting me with a stick?! AHAHAH! - Genki laughs. -It’s a sharp stick, man… - says Drake disappointed. - kid, you should run now… Genki slowly cracked his knuckles as he walked towards Drake, his uneasiness was unbearable, but he would not run away. Not again. Genki snatched his wooden practice sword from him and broke it into two useless pieces. He pulled back his fist, and suddenly all the lights were out. *** The sun was nearly setting, the red skies warmed the soft breeze coming in through the window, drapes floated graciously in the air as sounds of pain and agony echoed in the little healing office.   - Ow! Ow!!  Watch it! - Drake said in pain. - Stay still! - said a woman with long blond hair, pale skin smooth to the touch, but a fiery attitude. - Next time you might think twice before getting into fights! Geez, right the day before you’re leaving for the Squire Trials. Are you trying to get you out of the competition before it even starts? - she kept on going while tending to his scrapes. - You’re sixteen now, the Guild doesn’t have to be responsible for you anymore. You got to start carrying your own weight, kid. Like we all do. - I know, I know! Stop nagging me about it. Don’t worry I’ll pass the Squire trials, get drafted and the rest is history. - If it were only so easy, right? You do know that thousands try out for the trials and only a few dozen get drafted. - I feel so motivated now, the support in this guild is outstanding. - he said sarcastically, as Maya pressed his wound harder making him yell out a bit in agony. - What was that for? - Sometimes I just wish you had a plan B, not all of us can become High class Seekers, you know. It’s alright if you live a normal life. No shame in that. - I get it, just get on with this, please. - Drake said, demotivated, turning away from her.   The woman was upset, but you could hear the loving undertone in her voice. Drake quieted down a bit, clenching his jaw to hold the pain from the Spiritus water, a strong antiseptic liquid, helpful for cleaning up wounds, but it burned like hell. The woman stopped with the Spiritus for a second, Drake excited for it to be over quickly looked back at her tall figure dressed up in tight delicate emerald fabric with a big smile on his face.   - Are we done? - he asked. - Not even close. - she replied with a devilish smirk. - No… Oh no! Maya please! - he begged as he tried to get away from her all around the room. - You’re not doing healing magic on me again! - Get over here! You! - she said whilst going around the chairs and tables after him. - You have a dislocated shoulder you fool, let me fix that! - See! It moves just fine, it doesn’t even hurt. - Said the boy rotating his shoulder in clear visible pain. - Draaake!   The ruckus caught the attention of a young girl passing by the door. She was small, around sixteen year old, short dark as black hair with bangs covering her face that was uneasy just by the sounds heard. The black tights on her legs moved slowly to the gap left open at the door. She leaned over the wall, right near the door, pressing her dark hooded sweater against it. Without haste she moved her head slowly to see what was going on inside, her steps were silent, neither Maya or Drake noticed her presence. As she took a peek at Drake running around shirtless covered in bandages she quickly pulled back to the safe haven of the wall, her legs were trembling a bit, quick breaths were racing out of her lips, rose cheeks on each side burned passionately. No one heard her, nor saw her. She was safe. Slowly she managed to regain control of her breathing and the floor was starting to look much more grounded.   - Ava? - says a fellow teen going down the hall.   All of  a sudden the heat rose back up as she looked to her side to see a tall figure approaching. Short black dread-locks defying gravity, a sweet exotic dark skin, and a cool vibe around him. Once again in his smooth voice he asked:   - What are you doing? - K-Kayden?! - she said blushing, looking quickly back at the room, hoping they haven’t heard her. - Yeah that’s me. What are you doing, are you hurt? You don’t look so good. - He asked regarding the overflowing red face that took over Ava’s. - N-no, I’m fine, I uh… I was uh… - answered Ava but the words kept disappearing in her mouth. - Nevermind, look the rookies and the Juniors want to play us seniors before we head out tomorrow for the Squire Trials, you in? - Uh… yeah, sure… - That’s awesome we were in need of a Breaker in the Frontiers. - Ava’s acceptance got Kayden all excited, as he quickly high fived her with enthusiasm, something she wasn’t very comfortable with.   A second later the door is slammed open.   - Good thing about being a squire is that you won’t put your hands on me again, you old hag! - said Drake as he left the room still bickering about the treatment, finishing putting on his shirt. Ava quickly covered her eyes, just to open a little gap to see him. - Old Hag?! I’m thirty!! You whiny little brat! - a book was sent off flying through the room right into Drake’s face, knocking him back a few feet, all the while Kayden quietly showed Ava the numbers three and five with his hands, pointing to Maya with his look.   Ava let out a shy giggle, and Kayden smiled in complicity. Immediately after, Maya got to the door furious, looked at both of them, the two awardly waved hello but she closed the door on them hard. Drake quickly bounced back up, rotating his shoulder like he was ready for something, once he knew she was gone he finally eased in. He turned his head to see Ava and Kayden, an instant threatening look took over between the two boys.   - Kayden. - he said, squinting his eyes. - Umph. Drake. Still getting your ass handed to you? - Kayden mocked. - What did you say, worm head? - fired back Drake ready to get physical. - Watch out, you might need to go see Maya again today. - You wanna go? - asked Drake, getting up to his face. - I wanna go if you wanna go! - replied Kayden in the same energy.   Suddenly in a swift movement two knuckles bashed on top of both their heads.   - Can you kids behave!? - she asked, a beautiful slender girl around their age, with her long dark hair falling over the chocolate skin of her face into the low grade armor and wooden shield she wore at her back, together with a small sword at her waist. - I mean I would expect this childishness from Drake, but you Kayden, darling, I’m disappointed. - Sanja! You bitch! - cursed Drake, afflicted by another bruise on his head, however as soon as she heard the words Sanja hit him again in the same spot, his only reaction was to duck down in pain. - What did I say about you calling me that? - she asked Drake, then turned to Kayden and continued. - Have you found us two other players, or what? - Well Ava’s playing, she can be our breaker. We could take Drake, he’s a senior too. - answered Kayden. - Drake, really? Do you want to lose to the rookies. I can’t stand the humiliation Kayden. You guys might, but I won’t. - He’ll be okay at the back, we won’t even need him. - Fine… - she exhaled - He can play for our team. - she crouched near Drake with a menacing look she said - If we lose, I’ll kill you. - her threat quickly became a smile as she got up and walked away. - Come on, don’t leave me waiting.   Kayden followed her steps outside, but Ava spread out her hand to Drake and got him up.   - A-Are you okay? - she asked, dwelling in her shyness. - I’m good, thanks. - he smiled widely right at Ava. - Looks worse than it is. - I’m glad. - replied Ava hiding her face behind her hair and hands again. - Well this sucks, for once I would like to play frontier, be the striker or something, but that bitch Sanja always goes “Nooo, Kay-Kay is the best Striker we have, you be at the back Drake and don’t get in the way.” Urgh, makes me sick! - If you want I can be a Backer and you can take my place as a Breaker in the Frontiers. - Nah, it’s okay Ava. You’re actually the best breaker we’ve got. - he said as he rested his hand on her shoulder with a warm smile.    The heat started bursting from the inside, Ava instantly picked up the pace and awkwardly walked out through the hall.   - W-We should get going, we don’t want to leave Sanja waiting. - she said. Right, I’m right behind you.   *** Outside the Guild’s house, a small porch of green grass shaded by the cool shadow of a few lined up trees waited for Ava and Drake as they exited the main entrance, right below of a giant logo of a blaze next to some letters that read “Full Blaze - Seekers Guild & School”. A few steps forward Ava could hear the Birds who sang and flew carelessly around the bushes and tree branches, the melody inviting the two to what resembled a small field. A big wide line drawn in white chalk crossed the grass field in half. The Seeker’s Apprentices were getting ready to play Seize the Flag. A game that tried to copy real party battle encounters, the goal was to either seize the other team’s flag or take out every player from the opposite team. As Ava and Drake were reaching their side of the field, Kayden, Sanja and Katia were already waiting.   - What took you so long? - Sanja asked impatiently. - Calm your horses, will you? We left right after you guys. - Drake aggressively replied, trying to keep his cool. - Come on Sanja, where’s the romantic in you? They probably wanted a few seconds alone for themselves, ain’t that right Ava? - teased Katia, waving her redish hair with a kinky smile on. - Wha-No! We weren’t-- stutters Ava trying to deny it, when Drake intervenes. - Why do you care, Kate? Are you jealous? - Of a loser like you, ahaha, don’t flatter yourself. - Katia replied as Ava just looked at Drake with her eyes wide open, for a moment she forgot the embarrassment. - Who said anything about me? For all I know you could be into little Ava here, hehe. - He smiled as he was teasing Katia back. - Don’t tell me you never thought about it.    Both girls blush, quickly turning their look away from each other.   - Look at you both, so cute! - Sanja said. - Can we please get on with the game? I'd like to have this over and done before nightfall, please. - Kayden said, expressing his boredom. - I actually agree with you Big K? - agreed Drake. - Don’t call me that. - Lil’ K? Really? There’s nothing to be ashamed of, man. What matters is how you use it. - Said Drake with a giggle between his words. - You’re a dick, Drake. - Boys! Keep it in your pants for once. Now it’s pretty clear I’ll play Defender in the Frontier, Ava will be the Breaker, and Kayden will go as Striker. Katia you know what to do, You’ll be a Backer along with Drake, if any of us gets tagged with chalk, get the sponge ready for a heal. - ordered Sanja. - Fastest hands in the kingdom. - said Katia, pretty sure of herself. - That sounds wrong… - Drake said, with a disgusted face. - Shut up, Drake. You’ll be at the back as well providing slingshot support, just try not to hit anyone from your team. - finished Sanja, as she looked back uneasily into the Juniors and Rookies team. - Alright, they’re always saying those kids are better than us and that our class is weak, let’s not give them reason to. - Meanwhile Drake raised his hand and stood there with a plain face waiting for his turn to speak. - What!? - she asked, annoyed. - Can I speak now? Yeah? Good. - he lowered his hand and continued. - See I was hoping to be the striker today. - everybody just stood still looking at him after his request. - You’re kidding, right? - Katia said. - You? The striker? You Kayden is-- Sanja remarked but was interrupted. - Yeah, yeah, I know. “Lil’ K here is the best Striker we have.” - said Drake imitating Sanja’s voice. - Kayden, please. - enforced Kayden. - Sorry, Kay-kay, force of habit. My point is, and hear me out, I’m sure he’s the best striker, he’s tall, strong, and look at that jaw, that’s a manly jaw. But! Am I the best Slinger to be backing you up? Asking the real questions here. I mean it, you definitely don't want me to rub you with a sponge, Sanja, do you? - Ewww… Now I have to take shower just from that thought. - Sanja shivered. - I understand. And miss Katelyn here, she couldn’t hit a melon with a slingshot even if it stood three feet from her. No offense. - It’s Katia, but none taken. - So we’ve been failing every time against a bunch of first years and second years for the whole season now, not because we have a weak Striker, but because we don’t have a strong enough Slinger to give support to us all. - Drake finished. - T-that actually makes sense. - agreed Ava. - No matter how good Kayden is or I am, two of the Frontiers usually end up tagged out. - Well, guess there’s no harm in trying. Less hassle for me even. - said Kayden. - Are we serious? Are we seriously going to have Drake at the frontier with us? - Interjected Sanja. - Come on chocolate bear, no one likes a buzz kill, let’s get into position.   They took their place in the field, on Sanja’s team, she took the frontal place ready to receive the charges of the rival team, to her left stood Drake with his wooden sword covered in red chalk dust, aided in the right by Ava, ready to break the rival team’s lines with her two training daggers and get as close to the flag as possible. At the back on the left Kayden already had his slingshot ready with chalk stones, making sure no one from the other team would attack recklessly without cover, and to his side the last line of defense and protection, Katia, ready to clean any non-eliminating chalk stains from the game. The game was simple, tags with chalk to the torso and head would tag a player out, as for any other place they would need to retreat and get “healed”, or, in a more literal way, cleaned. By the sideline a Junior name Taha’ni, was ready to officiate the match, she grabbed the whistle from her small bright chest, and pressed it to her lips, before giving the go whistle, she gathered her Blonde hair behind her pointy ears, the trademark of the Shura, a race similar to the Namuh, excelling in graciousness and delicacy, not so common in Barren. She turned to both sides and asked:   - Is everyone ready? - upon receiving the nod from both teams, the whistle was blown.   The temperature rose in the Field as Sanja carried her large shield forward while Drake and Ava were covered in formation behind her. From the other side Paul, their striker whose role is to tag out as many players as possible from the opposite team, was getting ready to leave the cover of Argus, the Junior’s defender. One small step outside the cover and a chalk stone flew inches away from his face.   - What the--?! - He said quickly, stepping back as his eyes followed the shot to its origin. - Ergh! Kayden... Argus! I can’t go out, Kayden’s got me locked down. - I see it! Seline! Get Kayden busy! - commaded Argus. - Like I can hit him from here! - said the Junior’s Slinger while trying to land a hit from that range.   Meanwhile behind Sanja’s cover, Ava’s gave a slight touch to Drake’s shoulder, catching his attention.   - This is our chance, Seline’s distracted. - Got it, I’ll follow your lead. - Drake said.   Both left cover, as Ava tried to break out and around Argus’ formation, but Steve, the other breaker also broke out to stop her, not counting on Drake swooping in for a parry, leaving space for Ava to safely pass through. She kept her speed up going for the flag, however Seline noticed her.   - Not on my watch babe! - she said as she started firing at Ava.   Ava was forced to reroute her way to the flag but in doing so she managed to get to the team’s Cleaner, Allayah. She could run back to cover behind Sanja but she chose to sacrifice, the rook for the bishop, and swiftly tagged Allayah’s body from the bottom up with her dagger, accidentally ripping a bit of her shirt in the process, but before she knew it three chalk stones hit on her breasts. Both were out. Back in the mid field, an excited Sanja yelled:   - Let’s go! Their Cleaner is out, every tag is a tag out now! - she breaks her shield formation to get a clean heavy hit on Argus' shield knocking him off balance. - I know, don’t you think I’m trying! - mumbled Drake desperately trying to parry Steve's swift attacks.   As Argus lost the shield cover for his team, Kayden was now open to shoot either Paul or Argus making it a four on three game, however he couldn’t help but notice Drake about to be tagged out by Steve.   - Dammit Drake! - he whispered as he pulled the sling back, Steve was about to land a critical hit on Drake, when a chalk stone speeding through hit his arm. - Walk it off Steve. - he said, Drake looked back upset, as he didn’t want any of Kayden’s help. - Did you forget about me?! - yelled Paul as he had broken out from cover while Kayden was busy aiding Drake.   Paul rushed elliptically around Kayden, making him waste his chalk stones trying to hit him. Once Kayden dipped his hand in his pocket only three stones were left. The hesitation was long enough for Paul to get to Katia, and take her out.   - Too slow! - he mocked, as his blade stained her dress red from the chalk. As expected, quickly enough, Kayden loaded another shot and hit him straight in the forehead. - Ouw!! What was that for?! - yelled Paul. - What? You were too slow. - replied Kayden with a smirk. - Kayden!! - he heard Sanja’s shouting from the midfield, she had just called for backup, both her and Drake were knocked back by Argus’ shield. - Let’s see… Drake or Sanja, that’s an easy one. - Said Seline while aiming at either of them whilst they were caught off guard, she let go of the sling and a swift blow hit Sanja in the arm. - Sanja, Paul and Katia, you’re out! - signaled Taha’ni. - Drake! - yelled Kayden urgently. - Get moving!!   Drake was caught off guard by Kayden but once he came to his right mind he understood. He jumped off and started running around the field, just as a chalk bullet hit where he was standing not a second back. Seline was then running out of Chalk stones, but Argus was no push over, he was guarding the flag with might, only one bad move from Drake to knock him off balance and Seline would take him out. Meanwhile Kayden was at the back, out of Seline’s range trying to come up with a strategy.   - Aren’t you going to do something? - said Katia as she walked across the field to the sideline. - Shut up, Katia, let me think.   Drake kept running around trying to get a hit on Argus but he wasn’t letting him get closer to the flag nor Seline. A moment of sudden realization came to Kayden, without flinching he decided to sprint forward.   - Drake! The Flag! Go!  - Are you blind?! Is Argus invisible to you? - He’ll block you, just strike him from above, but don’t stop moving! - instructed Kayden as he sprinted past midfield. - Alright! - said Drake, ready to charge at Argus.   Drake squared up with him and charged with his sword right at him making him block with his shield. Expecting that, Drake stepped on the shield to rise above Argus.   - You fool! You’ve just lost your footing! - Argus bashes him with his shield, throwing him off balance in the air. Seline was already with Drake at aim, with the full sling pulled back. Drake was just about to regret this. - You left yourselves open, idiots! - whispered Kayden while sliding down, drifting through the floor aiming his slingshot at Argus with his shield facing the sky.   Both Seline and Kayden let their shots go, and in an instant Drake and Argus were eliminated. Kayden quickly reloaded his last chalk stone, and aimed it at Seline before she could even get another stone from her pocket.   - Go on, give me an excuse. - he said acting chilled for the win. - You got me. Stop with the cheesy lines. - Seline said whilst trying to reload quickly but she was out before she knew it. A shot right in the middle of her breasts. She looked down, seeing her chalked stained chest, and stares right back at Kayden. - What? I know your eyes are up there. - Did we win? - asked Sanja not even truly aware of what happened.   Katia and Ava rushed to Kayden, Katia hugged him out of happiness as Ava gave her best with a high five.   - We did win! - she jumped off the fence to go get together with Kaydan, addressing Argus while passing through. - Hey Argus, why the long face? - Get lost, Sanja! - he said as he walked the path of shame out off the field. - You did good Argus, don’t beat yourself up. - said Taha’ni trying to cheer him up. - I Can’t believe you did it! - chants Sanja as she hugs Kayden and Katia together. - Hey take it easy, I can’t handle both of you at once! - said Kayden. - I wouldn’t be so sure of that. - winked Katia leaving Kayden’s face all red. - I’m kidding you pervert. - she laughed. - Boys will be boys. But we did win! Let’s have a party tonight! Because by tomorrow, we’re about to be squires! - yelled Sanja with Katia under her arm as both walked off the field with Kayden right behind them.   A few feet away, a boy was lost in his thoughts. Arms spread out wide, his breath had given up on fighting. Disappointment reigned over his face.   - Why? Why did it have to be him. - Drake thought. - Why do I have to be saved by him, or worse. He used me as bait and I let him. What kind of teammate does that?! I hate him. Everything he does it’s just so fucking perfect. Everyone’s wooed without him even trying. Me on the other hand, well… we know how it is. - Talking to yourself, or have you already reached Lumina’s Garden? - said a cute voice hovering above his head snapping him out of his mind, her compassionate eyes looking straight into Drake’s, for a moment time stopped. - Ava… - Yeah, that’s me. So no major brain damage I can see, ahahah. - both shared a laugh. - Come on, stop feeling sorry for yourself, let’s get you up. - she handed out her hand and picked him up. - I wasn’t feeling sorry for myself. - he said while he shrugged off the dirt and chalk from his clothes.   The night was setting in already, the lights inside the guild were already lit up, they could hear the enthusiasm surrounding dinner being served one last time on the guild.   - You know, it might be the last time we’re all together like this. - said Drake - in a few months most of you will be squires and I’ll probably end back here again. - Drake gasped in hopelessness and started to walk towards the door when Ava grabbed his arm. - I-uh…, I... I disagree. - Thank you for believing that I can get drafted but we both know it’s a long shot.  - Uhm-Uhm. - she said while shaking her head sideways. - I disagree. I don’t believe Kayden is the strongest apprentice we got. - You don’t… - No… I-I believe you are…  - Ava... - Shss! You see! Everyone here has been training to be a Squire since they were young, but you, D-Drake, you only got here two years ago. So everyone is already six years ahead of you. B-But I... I see you Drake. Earlier you got beaten up trying to help Riku. And when I broke formation before, Steve would have had me if it weren’t for you. When you were facing Seline and Argus in the Frontier, you didn’t second guess Kayden’s plan, even though he planned to sacrifice you to win, y-you… you trusted your team, and you do everything to have that trust back. However since you kinda suck at swinging a sword no one even seems to care… - Drake stood with eyes wide open hanging on to every word coming from Ava’s lips. - But even after that, do you know what you don’t do? - Ava stared back at Drake fiercely. - You don’t give up. You always bounce back to the game, to life, like it’s nothing even though it weighs on you. Being too stubborn to stay down, too proud to run away. - Drake’s breath had left him, he had never heard such kind words before from anyone, but she continued. - You spend most of the time trying to be like us and fit in, when in reality we, uh… w-we… We should be trying to be like you!   Drake pulled her by the cloth of her sweater to a tight hug, Ava began to feel the heat rising within her, boiling and burning inside. He held her tightly for a second until she delicately backed off, completely blushed, He was thrown off guard.   - We should get to dinner! - she said, her voice was squeaky and she awkwardly walked inside the house.   Drake smiled, and without much time wasted he followed her in.   ***   The Night had set in Barren, the sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. The moon softly illuminated the grass fields near the Guild. A pounding was being heard repeatedly in sequence. Behind the brick walls of the Full Blaze Guild, Drake was still awake, alone in the training grounds, laying out kicks and punches at the practice dummy. Right jab, left hook, right leg spin kick. Then he did it again. And again, and again. The repetitions were being accumulated in little sweat drops below his feet. A few feet above, Riku stood at the window, hypnotised by Drake’s movements he hops off his bed and heads outside.   - Can’t sleep? - asked Riku as he stepped in the backyard. - Not really. - Drake answered, while he kept his fists going. - You saw the other guys, right. No way I’m going to be drafted if I get beaten by the likes of Genki, or the juniors here. - Drake stopped and took a seat on the nearest bench. - What about you, what are you doing up? Ain’t it past your bedtime already? - Tss! I was bored, that’s all. - Riku went to take a seat near Drake. - You got beat up pretty bad earlier… - It’s alright, Maya patched me up, so don’t worry about it. I’ll be fully healed when the trials start. - Why do you have to be like that? - Rikus asked, all upset. - Be like what? - Drake was confused. - All like “It’s good, I got you. I’m so strong, ahaha, gonna get drafted. Nothing gets to me. I’m such a macho!”. Like that. - Riku said while trying to imitate Drake’s voice as a gorilla.   Drake turned his face away with a sad smile as Riku continued:   - You’re not. Everybody knows you’re weak. You can’t fight, can’t even be decent help. Why do you have to try so hard? Why don’t you, sometimes, just run away, like earlier with Genki? Why do you always have to stand there as if you could do anything about it?   He looked at Riku with the same eyes, passed his hand over his head and playfully rubbed it all over his hair.   - I can’t. But I get your point. - Drake stopped and started to look down with guilt. - I've done enough running for a lifetime already. - Riku just stood there staring at him. - You did? How? - the kid asked. - haha, don’t really wanna talk about it, it’s a bit heavy for a child. - I’m not a Child! - he raised his voice. - Okay, okay… Shh! You don’t want to wake everybody up. - Come on, tell me what happened. - Riku insisted. - Uh… Let’s see, the kid friendly version… Do you know how I got to be here, right? - Yeah, you’re an orphan, the guild found you and took you in. Mister Aaron told us not to ask you about what happened before but… - Riku let out a rebellious giggle - he’s not here now, is he? - You’re quite the little brat! It’s okay. I don’t mind, I guess. - Drake leaned back and tilted his head backwards, staring at the stars. - I had a family before all this. It was me, my mom, and my two brothers. We all lived happily going on about our lives back in Qurain. - Drake started to become more serious as the words came out. - Then, two years ago, something happened. My mom, she umm… she died. And just like that my family was torn apart. - he said, his face filled with sadness and pain. - I’m sorry Drake… - Riku said feeling the guilt on his tongue for pulling such matters. - I didn’t know. - It’s okay, the point is I could have done something, you know. To help her. But all I did was run away, I ran so far I only stopped here, in Barren. I wish I had the courage to stay and help her but It wouldn’t matter anyway, I was only fourteen. I couldn’t even if I tried. - He looked inward, ashamed of himself. - Since then, I promised her I wouldn’t run away again. That whatever I can do to help someone next time I’ll do it, no matter how small it may seem. That’s why I must become the best I can be. - That makes no sense. The best at what? - the kid asked, confused. - I don’t know either, I just know that whatever it is I can’t let myself be weak and keep running away. - a glimmer of hope struck Drake’s eyes as they fitted the moon trying to reach it. - Why not become a healer then? You could prevent a lot more people from dying that way. - explained Riku. - Aaand I’ve talked too much for your sake kid, come on let’s hit the pillows, otherwise we’ll both be sleepwalking through tomorrow. - said Drake as he got up and went for the porch door. He turned back to Riku and said, - Come on now, tomorrow’s a new day.   That night Drake laid awake in bed for hours before he even managed to rest his eyes, something about earlier that shook some demons from the past. Despite the lack of sleep he appeared reinvigorated, driven, focused. Ready to take the awaiting challenges head on.   The day breaked early, and near the Guild’s entrance kids of all ages and races were waving goodbyes, handing out hugs and votes of goodluck between each other. Sanja and Katia were saying their last farewell to the girls from their “hive”, Ava was not enjoying the attention she was getting, overwhelmed by the amount of people that actually knew her name. As usual Kayden was already inside the carriage chilling by the window, closely monitored by his loyal admirers from the first and second year yelling out his name, just so he would look at one of them. Through all this ruckus there was one senior who wasn't getting much attention. Drake simply tried to fit through the tiny spaces of the crowd until he reached the carriage. He gave his name to Maya who was making sure no one was missing, and was ready to place his foot on the first step when someone yelled at the back.   - Hey Drake! - said the overhyped voice of Riku as he made his way to the front. A bit out of breath, but he finally showed himself, wearing a blue shirt and black-ish shorts, a stick posing as a sword balanced at his back. A mini-Drake of sorts. - You better give them hell! If you can get drafted, I can too! And when that happens I want to be your squire! We’ll make sure no one else dies like your mom Drake! - said Riku all excited, smiling ear to ear.   Drake gently smiled back, and placed his hand over his head. And in a teasing tone he said:   - Why would I want a weak ass squire like you? - and began to laugh. - Weak ass?! I’ll give you the Weak ass! - Riku started to get worked up, when Maya intervened. - Okay everybody, farewell time is over, all seniors please board the Carriage now! - she yelled. - Mr. Alphonse, let’s get that engine roaring.   The primitive steam engine started moving its pistons, the steam jets were thunderous, and slowly the wheels started moving, by the window, the Full Blaze’s Seniors kept waving goodbyes, as of that moment their lives would never be the same, whether they would come back as squires for the kingdom or they would have to lead a regular working life. For some this was the day their life began.   The Carriage was already far away when the crowd started to clear out. Argus reaches near Riku and teases him:   - Ahah what was that? “I want to be your Squire Drake!”. Pathetic. - What? The man is trying to redeem himself for running away when his mother fell ill and passed away. I don’t get why most of you don’t like him. - replied Riku. - Fell ill? What are you talking about? - Argus asked, confused. - I know Mr. Aaron told us not to talk to him about it, but he told me last night. - said Riku, sure of himself. - What?! - Argus was even more confused. - That’s like the worst kept secret here, Kid. We don’t like him because he’s crazy. Damaged in the head. His mother wasn’t ill. She was murdered right in front of him. The dude’s crazy and out for revenge. - Argus leaves with contempt on his look of superiority, but turns back for one more line - You should be careful kid. That’s not a guy you want at your side. - She was… murdered. - whispered Riku, staring at the horizon as the Carriage is lost in it.   At the Carriage Drake sat alone, a few seats ahead of Kayden. Ava watched him as he stared ahead as if he could already see the capital, his eyes driven with anger, knowing that the real struggle was just about to begin.   ***
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "341465", "id": "341476", "q": 0.91, "title": "Tales of Earthania - Chapter 1", "author": "DiogoMane07", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Adventurers", "Age Progression", "Alchemy", "Alternate World", "Anti-Magic", "Archery", "Aristocracy", "Army", "Arrogant Characters", "Assassins", "Automatons", "Average-looking Protagonist", "Beasts", "Character Growth", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Demons", "Dragons", "Kingdoms", "Knights", "Magic Beasts", "Monsters", "Royalty", "Slow Romance", "Sword And Magic", "Sword Wielder" ] }
“You are… him, yes?” asks the grotesque creature, a breath like cold smoke heaving out his blistered lips.   I’ve read of his kind before in the Palace library, orange skin and shaved horns, with dirty white fur reminiscent of an aged goat. A Caprin, a species of mountain herders residing in a backwater planet some hundred thousand light years from the capital. Used to be, their world was a verdant land of trees, flowers and naturally breeding species born generation after generation instead of in batches with serial numbers. A world without metal womb tanks and the classifying devices of the Empire’s system, well, at least until Father decided to add them to his collection. “The exiled prince … that is you, correct?” The Caprin asks, leaning forward into the dim light of the ion torch. I’m able to make out the red bead embedded in his clawed hands, as well the brands that mark him as a slave. I don’t need a Reader to know that his species is of the lowest of the low. Far, far beneath those of my stature, or at least that’s how it would’ve been, if not for recent events. I’m still prejudiced mind you, the brown sheen of dirt and the rotting shit on the goat like creature evokes a sense of putrid disgust. His back is bent and layered with popped humps coloured green from disease and loose muscles with one oblong, dissolving eye that appears almost like spilling slime rather than anything solid. Very much unlike the pristine silver of how my own skin used to be, of how my dark irises would glow with the deep, intelligence of the Icaranai, one of the twelve species deemed worthy enough to hold the Emperor’s seed. But that was only half of my heritage, the one given to me by my mother, the other being the golden ambrosia that once flowed through my veins, the blood of the Emperor.   Alas, all of that is gone now. “You are disgusted of me, yes?” says the Caprin, no sign of mockery on his face, only resigned reality. “But know this prince, you are no longer of those God’s watching down with impunity. You have fallen, and only just begun to know the depths of despair that lie in wait for those who are punished with exile. It is best you shed such notions of superiority. They will not serve you well in the lands beyond this wall.” I sigh with difficulty, touching my skin and feeling the raw scales in them. The patches of red are still prickly and draw blood with each stroke of my finger. Every part of me is ugly now, like a rash almost, and filled with oozing puss. No longer is my skin the heralded silver, so proclaimed by those sycophants of the Empire’s court to be the most beautiful among my kind. No longer would those cowardly Imperial scholars quake in my presence, fearful of my gold blood and the depth of power hidden beneath. I have been stripped of all that makes me special. Now I am nothing. A husk too afraid to take his own life.   All of this because of that stupid woman. “Has she arrived yet?” I ask, worried my appearance has altered my ability to speak. Thankfully, my voice flows smoothly albeit with a few cracks in between. Especially surprising, considering how much I had to scream when they sheared the silver and drained the Ambrosia.   “Yes, your mother arrived quite some time ago,” says the Caprin. “One of the Icaranai transport ships along with Grand Chieftain Daran left her here. Not a word spoken between either of them. Though, I will say, she was treated with the same esteem as they do one of their princesses.” I nod, I suppose grandfather still cares for Mother in some way no matter how it has been since he has seen her or the events that have transpired. I wish I could say the same about me, unfortunately, the Icaranai tribe no longer consider me as one of their own. Truthfully, it is a miracle I managed to get to the edge of the Empire in the allocated time period. Being as weak as I am now and without a penny to my name, it was more than likely I would have either been murdered for non-existent scraps of change or captured and turned into a slave. I sigh, I guess am indebted to older brother Venkov for guaranteeing my safe passage, although I wonder why he cares so much. He and I never had much familial bond, especially considering he is a product of the Emperor’s Ambrosia and the Farhedran. Those tribe of blue skins never got along with the Icaranai, always butting horns on anything and everything.        I have to add, none of those previously mentioned fates of being murdered or enslaved could’ve compared to the one unleashed upon me, if the Emperor’s dogs still found me lingering within the boundaries of his domain a second longer than I had been permitted. I still remember the harsh face of Chancellor Ivangor as he spoke the words of the royal decree, just as the Executioner burrowed his tongs of fire in my flesh, melting the silver metal that made up my skin, matching his words during the few moments of respite when my screams did not reach a crescendo.     “High Prince Dern, child of silver and gold, for the crimes of enacting treason upon our customs and daring to set free the Emperor’s property, you have been sentenced to exile to the prison lands, effective exactly seven days and seven nights hence. May it be known to one and all that you hereby stripped of your race and blood, rank and title and banished from ever again setting foot in the civilized universe.”   The property in question was my mother. Or maybe it would be better to call her the woman that gave birth to me, it isn’t as though I have any feelings for her or her, me. In all ways apart from the first few months of life where I suckled her breasts, we truly are strangers. And even back then, I consider it a marvel she hadn’t strangled me to death. I still don’t know why I did what I did, a foolish thing indeed to sacrifice all that I was in the name of securing her freedom and still yet spectacularly fail. Though now that I think about it, maybe the whole shenanigan wasn’t a complete failure. Mother is free now- not free to live, not free to laugh, not free to love. Those types of freedoms don’t exist in the prison lands as far I know. But she is free from Father, and in many ways that is a victory or at the very least, the only victory I could secure for her as her ‘son’. Anything more than that, she will have to find for herself.    “Has she gone yet? To the prison lands, I mean?” The Caprin nods, “Your mother asked for it specifically, to leave before you had arrived.”    I bite my lips, I had expected this and, in any case, I would not have done anything more for her. Everything I owed to her for giving birth to me has already been paid back in full. “Tell me, Caprin, are there any records of the prison lands.” I ask. Previously, I scoured through all of the tomes in the palace library and the any mention of the Planet Vorhim and the worm hole within were scant at best. Nothing beyond children’s stories, each one mentioning only that it is a place where of deformation, reconstruction and damnation. Poignant words without substance. The only consistent finding was that it was a dumping ground for dangerous individuals, although depending on the Empire’s definition, it could very well be anyone. Admittedly, in the last century or so, the Empire has convicted too many to exile without proper reason. The Caprin coughs, dragging his nailed claws over his chest and promptly scratching a hump. It takes all my will power not to avert my eyes. Nothing good will come of offending him.  “No written records Prince. No verbal ones either. All who enter that place never return. But I will tell you, it will be dangerous. More so, than any calamity you have faced thus far.” I nod, disappointed but at least I know enough to understand that caution is paramount. I peer down, seeing the cracked bead embedded in my right hand. It is different from the one the Caprin holds, lighter in shade and although broken, it holds within an unparalleled glimmer.     System, I whisper. Name: Gern Species: Icaranai Ambros (Nulled) Class: Superifacta (Nulled) Blood: Ambrosia (Nulled) Body: Silver Armor (Nulled) Status: Enfeebled (Permanent) I choke back the revulsion before waving the interface away, nothing more could be done now. Reaching down, I dig my thumb and forefinger into the scrap of flesh hidden underneath the crystal, and start pulling it out. Immediately, a flare of pain causes my eyebrows to wrinkle and sets my heart palpitating. The crystal comes out with a dab of pink flesh hinged to its bottom, and a trail of black blood spills down, showering the floor and turning it putrid. I wheeze from the effort. The system devices are sacred, almost a religious symbol in some ways- the representation of the immovable laws within the Empire. I put the crystal in front of the Caprin.    “Take it.” I say. I notice how his dull eyes are now filled with greed. A system device of the Superifacta class, even broken it should fetch him enough to buy himself out of slavery. Besides power, money is one of the few things that can move the apathetic hearts of his slave masters. “Are you sure?” the Caprin asks, pausing his outstretched hand midway. I am surprised by his concern. Most of the ones in his position would not bother with such frivolities. I look at the indent in my right hand, still the black blood flows, thick and half coagulated. It would not be right to say that I am unbothered, growing up in the rigidity of the system, I took pride in the strength granted to me. Pride in the power presented by birth right. But, what good does longing for the past do? Even more so when it is no longer attainable. Best to discard the identity of the old and forge a new one in the path ahead. “Yes, keep it.” I say, placing the crystal in the Caprin’s hand. He looks at it, and then quickly hides it in the folds of his ragged robes. “Thank you, Prince. I am grateful.” I nod, now fully aware of what is to come. I quell the rising fear and disperse any lingering regret. “Now, lead me to the pit.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "253831", "id": "253833", "q": 0.91, "title": "RAT - Chapter 1", "author": "RS_K", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "LitRPG", "Sci-fi" ], "tags": [ "Discrimination", "Weak to Strong" ] }
I woke up and it took me a few to realize what happened. I got up, got dressed, and looked around the room. It was plain, it had a bed, desk, and closet. I got out of the room and into a long hallway. I smelled the smell of delicious pancakes and mouthwatering eggs. I walked in to see a horned girl with a cow tail and remembered her name was Lucy. "Breakfast is ready," she says. "Master, can you please go get Suzan and tell her? She is outside." "Okay, but why are you calling me master?" She walked out of the kitchen and I saw that she was wearing nothing but an apron. Her hips go side to side as she walks. I started to get hard. She tackled me and started to undress me. Soon my dick was in her pussy. "I'm your's body and soul." She said and she started to kiss me. Her tongue was in my mouth and mine in hers. I could hear her moan inside my mouth as she rode my cock. Soon I cummed and she got off me to make sure the food was still warm. I got dressed and headed outside to get Suzan. She was standing outside the house with the clothes she had on earlier. "Hey, breakfast is ready." "Oh okay." "Why don't you come inside." "I can't," "Why not?" "You don't own me." She said with a longing which weirded me out. "How do I get you shelter?" "You could find me a master or you can be mine." She said while rubbing her thighs together. "Sure what do I need to do?" "You need to fuck me," she said while seductively crawling towards me. I grabbed her hand and guided her toward my bedroom. I take off my clothes while she does the same. I saw her on the bed with her shaved pussy ready for penetration. She moaned as it entered her nether lips. I thrust in and out of her as she grabbed for my hair. She pulled her lips close to mine. Her tongue entered my mouth. Her tongue had left and she moaned my name. "Shsherman, Hharder," She begged in a moan. Soon her boobs were moving like crazy from the thrusting. She tightened as I stared to cum in her. Before she orgasmed she forced her tongue into my mouth. After I finished cumming I saw a forest green ribbon appear over Suzan.                                                                                                 Property of Sherman Wells
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "491483", "id": "605243", "q": 0.5700000000000001, "title": "Sexville - My harem begins!", "author": "HornyDemon1234", "chapters": 2, "rating": 3.1, "rating_ct": 7, "genre": [ "Adult", "Ecchi", "Gender Bender", "Harem", "Isekai", "LitRPG", "Mature", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Age Regression", "Female to Male", "Harem-seeking Protagonist", "Monster Girls", "Nudity", "Perverted Protagonist", "Resurrection", "Transported into Another World" ] }
I hear two people talking, as I slowly open my eyes I can see the light beaming in from the windows of my bedroom. I think it's my mother conversing with one of the palace guards. I slowly sit myself up in my bed and rub the dust from my eyes. The blankets feel heavy and the sun peeking through the window feels warm on my skin. “You’re going to be a great mage one day. Just like your father!” I turn to my right and see my mother who I thought was just outside, sitting in a chair by my bed. Her long dark hair tied tightly to one side drapes over her shoulder, the light reflecting a beautiful soft purple-ish gray off of the dark colored skin of her shoulders. She has a book in her hand but I can't make out what it is. “Mother, I’ll be nineteen this year and you haven’t read to me since I was a little girl. Just what are you doing here?” She doesn’t even look up from her book. She just sits still as she was, her head moving back and forth as if she’s reading intently. “Mother? What is it you’re reading?” Still no answer. Now my attention turns to the door, I can still hear people outside, but I don't feel strong enough to pull myself out of bed. Suddenly the talking outside gets louder and louder, the people are yelling, screaming. My bedroom door busts open and the windows shatter, the cold wind is blowing so powerfully my ears feel as if they’ll burst. I try to scream but nothing comes out. Everything is so bright now, the room fills with light until I feel like I’m being blinded, my body feels weightless, I reach my arm out towards my mother who’s still reading as if nothing’s happened. My body is cold, so unbearably cold now as my room fades away. ~~~ I try to open my eyes but it's too bright. I can hear chattering again, it sounds like two men, at least twenty feet in front of me. After a moment I began to open my eyes, it's still so bright, and the wind is so strong it's hard to keep them open. I can tell that my body is upright, but I’m not standing and I can’t move my arms or legs. Am I still dreaming? I see the two men now, my eyes just barely able to squint open. They are dressed very strangely, wearing big heavy coats with furry hoods over their heads. We look to be on a sea vessel, I don’t see any weapons or flags so it’s definitely not a warship, could they be smugglers? Pirates? I’ve never seen waters like these, surrounded by icebergs and the air is absolutely frigid. I try again to move, but fail. The two men take notice, they look shocked, scared even. I try to talk but it just comes out as a deep exhale, my voice won't come out. The men hurry to grab some tools and come rushing toward me. As they get close I notice something stranger than their clothes, they aren't elves, They aren't of Talah at all. They have rounded ears like the M'ahali people, but their skin is Pale, I’ve never seen anything like it. They look panicked and they’re both crowding around me now. They’re examining me, like I’m some sort of specimen. They’re using the tools to pick at something around me, I can hear it. Ice? I think I'm encased in ice. How did this happen? Where am I? I can't remember anything. “W- What’s,” That’s the only word that I’m able to get out to them before the ship is hit with a massive impact. The shockwave sends both men to the ground. As both of them stammer to their feet, three more men dressed the same way come through the door that leads below deck. “Pirates!” One of them screams, they all rush to the door and head back below deck, one of the two men that were examining me before stops to look back at me, we make eye contact for a moment, and I hear the other men yelling for him to hurry. In an instant he was on the ground, an arrow pierced straight through his skull. His lifeless eyes are quickly surrounded by a pool of his own deep red blood. The others leave him and head below deck. I begin to panic, trying to move again, the air is so cold and I’m breathing so hard, my throat hurts, it’s so dry. The ship is hit with another impact. That’s when I see the pirates, they begin boarding the ship. I feel a shock run through my body as the smell of blood reaches my nose. I look down at the Fair skinned man's blood pooling all over the ground in front of me, I can't look away from it, my heart begins racing faster. I’ve never felt anything like this before. My body wont stop shaking. Am I… Drooling? What is this feeling? The sight and scent of fresh blood… It’s driving me mad! I feel myself losing control. I can hear the ice around my body cracking as my muscles contract. One of the pirates looks at me and appears scared, he alerts the others, everything goes dark once again. ~~~ “Istris…” A familiar woman's voice calling my name. “Istris!” I awake to a familiar scene. I’m laying in the grass beneath the large cherry tree in the palace courtyard. For about a hundred feet in any direction there are brightly coloured trees and flowers surrounded by stone brick walls overgrown with green moss and vines. My favorite place in the whole palace is this garden. Standing above me is an elf woman about my age. Her bright orange hair against her dark As'tala elf skin made her unmistakable for anyone else even in my half awake state. “Rhea… You wanna lay here with me?” I say through a yawn. “Do you know what time it is, Istris?” She says with her hands on her hips. Looking down at me disapprovingly. “No, but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.”  “I’m sure you can tell it’s late evening. You missed another meeting! Your mother is starting to worry about you, Istris.” She says with a sigh, Rhea’s been my closest friend for as long as I can remember, her father is the head of the royal guard, and my family has always had strong ties with the royal family. She's half a year older than me so she takes it upon herself to act like the responsible one sometimes. Even though we both know I do better in our classes. “Come on Rhea, you know those meetings are just formality, I know my mother is marrying the emperor but it's not like he needs me to be there, besides I can just read the debriefing documents like I always do. You do have them don’t you” Rhea looks at me and gives a small smile, she gives up on trying to scold me as she knows full well that I never attend these kinds of meetings. Rhea reaches out and pulls me up to stand, then hands me the documents. “Walk with me?” I ask. “Of course, Princess, I would be delighted to escort you as you read.” Rhea says jokingly as she gives a fake curtsy. “Oh my! You must be the prettiest guard they’ve ever sent!” I joke back, fanning my face with my hand. We both chuckle a bit and head off. Another familiar scene, Rhea and I walk together along the palace walls towards my quarters, I’m glazing over the debriefing documents and Rhea’s talking about things that happened to her today. Sometimes her days aren’t very interesting but I always make sure to try and catch the parts that seem important to her and give her some indication that I’m listening. The sun was almost fully set and the night was as beautiful as any other on Talah. We walked together under the moonlight, and I felt the stress of endless politics fade away. In the calming melancholy of that short lived moment, I felt happy. That happiness didn’t last though, as that night was when my entire world came to an end. As usual my attention began to focus on what I was reading. I wasn't focused on my surroundings, though I noticed that Rhea hadn't said anything for longer than usual. When I looked away from my documents Rhea had vanished. When I turned around I spotted a hook tied to a rope dangling down the side of the palace wall-- It all happened so fast, I stood there panicking for only a moment before a tall figure grabbed me from behind covering my mouth with a cloth soaked in some elixir and suddenly I could not think or even keep my eyes open. All I could think about in the moments before I faded away was what had happened to Rhea. Although I hadn't seen my kidnappers it was not hard to figure out who they were and why they took me. They’re M'ahali rebels, M'ahali are one of the two native people of Talah. There's us, the As'tala elves, though we’re fewer in numbers, the  Empire has ruled over Talah for five hundred years. There are multiple royal families among us. I was born into a family of nobles, politics is the only thing I ever knew, if I wasn't studying magic, I was learning about war. The M'ahali are dark skinned like the As'tala, but they aren't elves which means their lifespans are much shorter, which hindered them in ever having power in this land. Since the As'tala empire was forged, some M'ahali always try to challenge us. Though I don't believe that the empire is completely just in their cause, the M'ahali who have chosen rebellion are vicious and unruly and from what I’ve seen they are basically an organized band of barbarians. I woke up in the back of  a tarped carriage, my arms and legs were bound in rope. I still felt dizzy from whatever they drugged me with. I should be careful. It’s unlikely that they’ll hurt me since their reason for taking me must be for ransom since I’m soon to be the emperor's daughter. That means that they don't have use for Rhea, since she’s the daughter of a military official it's unlikely that they even know who she is, if they haven't killed her already, then I should stay quiet and do as they say if I want them to keep her alive. I also don't know how many of them there are so a fight is best avoided. These barbarians won't stand a chance, the guards have probably already noticed my absence and sent out a search party. I could hear the waves to the right of the road, if we’re near the beach then we can't be heading for any of the large cities, it’s possible they plan to take me to a ship to hold me until they make a deal. A smart plan as the empire is unlikely to use force if there's a chance the ship will sink and drown me. I lay in the back of the carriage for maybe an hour until suddenly we came to a stop. I hear one of the men say they see something in the road ahead. There’s no way for me to see what was going on but what I heard next terrified me to my very core. The men began to sound more and more panicked. For just a moment I thought that my rescue had arrived, but instead came a threat much greater than the men who kidnapped me. “Vampires!” one of the rebels yelled, his scream was of pure terror, followed by the screams of his death. Vampires? That can't be right. My mother told me stories about vampires when I was young, but I never believed that they were real, these men, had they encountered them before? Their reactions indicated that they had. Something about this doesn't add up. There wasn't time to think, I could hear struggles outside and before I knew it the carriage was blown apart by a magefire explosion. My whole body is flung into the grass. Around me was a small wooded area, on the other side of the road we were on is the beach. I was disoriented and dizzy, all around me pieces of the wooden carriage lit by the blue magefire. Dust and debris in the air, all I see are the silhouettes of my kidnappers being slaughtered by what I couldn't believe were real Vampires… They moved faster than anything I had ever seen, slicing off limbs before the rebels could even attack. The sheer terror had me paralized, I hadn't even noticed that my binds had come loose from the explosion. I had to do something. I had to move, run, something… I couldn’t move, then I heard a woman’s scream. “Rhea!” I yell as I struggle to stand. My leg… I think it's broken. I grab a sharp shard of the carriage wood and limp into the woods toward her voice. “Rhea!” I try to get a response, I hear her scream again, it's definitely Rhea. I keep moving, leaning up against a tree every now and then to keep balance. I see someone in the darkness ahead of me, I struggle to get closer. It’s one of the vampires… It's walking towards Rhea whose back is pressed against a tree. I acted on pure instinct at that moment, hoping to run in front of Rhea, but my leg was more injured than I thought. I collapsed to my knees and dropped the wooden shard and in that instant all I could do was watch. there weren't any more screams, just the rustling of a vampire's swift movements, then… Rhea’s head rolling toward me from the darkness. My whole body was shaking, I couldn't breathe. The only thing I could do was let out a visceral shriek, I screamed so hard I could taste the blood in my mouth. Only a few seconds later the vampire lept towards me. I grabbed its wrists as it pinned me to the ground, pushing it back with all the rest of my strength, tears streaming down my face, the vampire was too strong. It was able to sink its teeth into my left shoulder, I could feel it draining my body, at that moment, I had nearly resigned myself to death. In fact, I should have died, but there was something screaming out to me, calling me. I slowly reached my right hand down to the shard I had dropped, and in one swift movement, I plunged it through the vampire's neck. It’s blood splattered on my face and chest and its bite released as it went limp. I push it off my body. I stand there in utter shock and terror, I had seen dead bodies before, but staring up at me now was my best friends head, her eyes still open, the look of fear just before her death still lingers on her face. Tears are uncontrollably pouring down my face as I collapse to my knees and cradle her lifeless head to my chest. I didn’t know what else to do but scream-- Scream and cry until I could taste only the blood in my mouth. Rhea was the only person I had ever loved, and now she was gone. I, sitting alone in the shallow of the forest, was lost. It felt as though my heart had been ripped from my chest and even though I was still bleeding from where the vampire bit me, I felt nothing. I was empty, alone, lost, and scared. It felt as though my life had ended right there, as I’ve devolved from my horrid shrieks, to just the gentle sobbing of a broken soul. I hear something behind me but nothing matters to me now, I feel so weak and worthless. Even if a vampire were to come up and kill me now, I would simply do nothing about it. An armored As'tala elf comes out from the trees, one of the royal guard. He grabs me by the arm and assists me in standing up, Rhea’s head falls from my arms back onto the grass. I could tell he was saying something to me, but everything was quiet. My eyes looked ahead but I saw nothing but the image of Rhea’s head. The next few moments were the same, walking propped against the guards shoulders it felt as though I was underwater, cut off from all reality.  In my haze I heard glimpses of the guard explaining that the vampires all fled when the army arrived, and that they had captured most of the surviving rebels. I couldn't bring myself to say a word… As we approached the road where we saw what had to be a whole battalion, about a hundred royal guards. Some thirty guards had the last M’ahali rebel cornered with his back against the base of a tall tree, the guards had seemingly been taking extra precautions to secure him so that he wouldn't kill himself to avoid being interrogated. Others were blocking off the road, creating a magic barrier to secure the area and some were inspecting the exploded caravans, leaving the dead rebels but concealing and collecting any vampires that littered the ground.  Then, my head turned back to the lone rebel as I heard the chanting of an incantation, one that I recognized. Before I could react the air began to freeze, a cold, forceful wind blowing in a vortex around the rebel. That was a Master class ice spell. I had no idea M’ahali could even cast such high level spells, I don't think anyone there could have expected that. My heart dropped, as the haze from before was forcibly ripped away now that I knew what was about to happen. “Run!” I shouted at the top of my lungs with my already worn throat. I pushed the guard that had helped me out of the forest back and could only take a single step forward before my broken leg buckled and I collapsed to the ground. It was too late, I had no time to cast a counterspell. The spell erupted. Nobody had the time to react before the explosion. The guards closest to the rebel were vaporized instantly. We were the farthest, standing maybe sixty feet away with our backs to the ocean, the barrier surrounding the scene filled with the blue haze and shattered, allowing the spell to erupt towards us. All the some hundred guards were likely dead but the guard who found me jumped in front of my body, the last guard of the battalion, doing his duty to protect the soon-to-be princess. I hadn’t even known his name. It was all so fast, only a couple seconds. There was so much blood and no screams. Just a silent slaughter, then, darkness.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "510967", "id": "510971", "q": 0.91, "title": "Blood and the Ice - Chapter 1: Blood and the Ice", "author": "Juniper", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Supernatural", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Based on a Video Game", "Childhood Love", "Cryostasis", "Death of Loved Ones", "Elves", "Fantasy Creatures", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gore", "Kidnappings", "Lost Civilizations", "Magic", "Non-human Protagonist", "Non-linear Storytelling", "R-18", "Royalty", "Time Skip", "Vampires", "Wars", "Wizards" ] }
I woke up and I saw grass planes on hills. I tried to get up when I saw two horses coming towards me. I started to think, shit shit shit, as I ran away. I just barely avoided them but I looked at the riders and saw a busty girl riding a white horse and another with horns riding a black one. They stopped as fast as they could and got off. The one with horns thanked both horses and came over. "Who are you?" the one without horns asked while giving me a scan. For some reason, she stopped at my dick which, to my embarrassment, was hard. My attention started to divert to the hornless ones' clothing. She was wearing an ordinary white t-shirt with no bra as far as I could see and booty shorts. Her shirt was a v-neck that barely contain her boobs and the booty shorts looked like if her fine ass grew another size they’d explode. The one with horns was wearing a cow print bikini and had a cow tail. I could barely see her bikini bottom over her giant ass and thighs. Her boobs were war bigger than then the other ones. "My name is Sherman Wells and who are y'all," I said while trying to not look at their boobs while talking which was nearly impossible. "Suzan and this Lucy," the average girl said and finished, after she stopped staring at my cock, pointing to the cowgirl who was still looking at my erect penis and was drooling. "I am deeply sorry she gets like when she sees a hard one," Suzan said apologetically. "Back home she was called lustful Lucy and I-" "Slutty Suzan," I interrupted. "So what the mother fucking hell is Lucy" "She is a Minotaur and on first exposure to semen they start to produce milk." I thought I might have fallen off a cliff and been sent to heaven. "What are you then, human?" She nodded and started to refocus on my crotch. I looked at Suzan's crotch and saw a massive wet spot on her booty shorts. Same with Lucy's bikini bottom. Their nipples were also erect. "If you want it you can have it," I said to the girls. Immediately after I said that Lucy started to take off her clothes. She pounced on me and unzipped my jeans to unleash my cock. She puts my cock inside her wet pussy. She rode me like a pro and moaned like a porn star. Soon she put her lips close to mine and we made out. Her tongue dripped with saliva. I felt the pressure that signals I was about to cum but to my surprise, she said she was cumming before I could. I felt her warm orgasmic fluids envelop my dick as I started putting my jizz in Lucy. Before long she began to suck my dick while I licked her clit which had no trace of my jizz on it. Soon I climaxed as her juices hit my face although it tasted like heaven. "It's 'suck then ask to fuck'," Said Suzan. She pushed Lucy off me and started to suck the remaining semen off my dick. It had felt good that after cleaning the semen off my penis I started moaning. She used her tongue and it was bliss personified. It felt so good that after I cummed I passed out.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "491483", "id": "577034", "q": 0.5700000000000001, "title": "Sexville - Rise of me", "author": "HornyDemon1234", "chapters": 2, "rating": 3.1, "rating_ct": 7, "genre": [ "Adult", "Ecchi", "Gender Bender", "Harem", "Isekai", "LitRPG", "Mature", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Age Regression", "Female to Male", "Harem-seeking Protagonist", "Monster Girls", "Nudity", "Perverted Protagonist", "Resurrection", "Transported into Another World" ] }
The sound of crunching filled the air as he walked, the heavy and well worn work boots bearing down on the small twigs and powdery snow that lined the forest floor. He had already lost track of how long he had been walking, purposefully leaving his phone and watch behind at his parents house. He had stepped out just to get away from the noise of the house, filled with family - his family. They were all smiles, laughter, and joy truly embodying just what the holiday season was supposed to be about. Yet, here he was too deep in the forest to be able to see that house anymore and continuing to walk. Watching as his increasingly more strained breath began to crystalize in front of his mouth, he slowed and placed a hand on a towering gray oak tree just to the right of him and began to count.  "One."  He continued walking forward at a much slower pace, going from left to right and tree to tree counting each one he touched. "Two." Another oak, clearly younger than the first but somehow just as imposing.  "Three." An evergreen, it’s thistles seeming to prickle at the sudden contact. Even the trees couldn’t seem to stand him.  "Four." A second evergreen that gave a glance at a small clearing ahead, causing him to increase his counting. “Five.” His fingers began to scream out their pain from the cold, not deterring him in the slightest. “Six.” Starlight began to illuminate the clearing as the clouds moved, the small oblong circle just big enough for a person to spin in place without hitting a tree. “Seven.” The trees seemed to be getting bigger as he approached the clearing, making it seem all the odder. Just who had put all of the effort in to make the space, he wondered. “Eight.” The cold began to seep into his lungs, making his already rapid and painful breaths all the more taxing on his thin frame. “Nine.”  He suddenly found himself in the center of the clearing, no trees within reach to form the magic ten. The required ten. Instead he craned his neck up, searching for the brightest star he could and upon finding it muttered out “ten” and dropped to his knees, exhausted. The cold had finally begun sinking in, working its way into his core even through his jeans and heavy coat. His left hand bounced between pawing the long stained interior of the brown jacket’s pocket and the front pocket of his jeans, desperately searching for warmth. His right hand, meanwhile, stayed put in the jacket as his thumb continually wound and unwound a loose thread around itself. Stilling his hands and dropping his eyes from the star above  to the forest in front, he began to speak in a quiet voice. “You know, I, uh… I don’t even know why the hell I did this to myself. Why the hell I came out here… I just thought… well, I guess I thought it’d be easier for you to hear me out here where it’s quiet. All by myself. If you’re gonna hear me at all, I guess it doesn’t really matter where I am. It’s all just about if you wanna listen in the first place.”  He sighed before he continued. “I don’t know where to start. I was never any good at this kind of thing. Not my bag. Don’t know if it’s anyone’s bag really though. I’m stalling, ain’t I?” He let out a half-hearted chuckle as he collected his thoughts. “I am. I definitely am. Still am, technically. I just never could find the words and would always say to hell with it. But I can’t this time. Done put too much effort in. Well here it is I guess: I’m uh not happy with you or myself for that matter, but especially not with you. I mean, it’s all just a lot, you know? Well, of course you know, you’re you.” His eyes moved down to stare at the forest floor as he continued. “Logically, I know that life is just a series of contradictions that we carry out. But non-logically? In that little part of my brain that is still terrified when I close my eyes in the shower that someone is going to stab me or that the sound of my cat is actually a murderous burglar, in that particular part? I just don’t get it. I doubt if I ever will, but I want to try to. Why? Why me out of all of the bastards here on Earth in particular?” Tears began to roll down his cheek as his voice cracked and he raised himself up to stand. “W-what did I do to you? Ha-have I been so awful to have come to deserve this? To wake up every single day just to have to thank you for everything I hate about myself? To thank you for the lack of a peaceful death in my sleep, just to have to suffer through another day of this torturous act?” The cracking of his voice only got worse as he began to scream at the star he had chosen above before, pointing at it as he once again craned to see it. “To have to be a perfect son? To never once allow myself to feel anything but mild annoyance and utter agony!? The agony of having millions of unwritten rules to follow, on top of the thousands someone has bothered to write down! Of having to live like a doll on display! It’s maddening! I’m frankly amazed I only have to take three different happy pills to eke out the meager amount of mehness I’m issued a day. But happiness? I’ve yet to have any of that! That’s what I want! I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY FOR A SINGLE DAMN SECOND!” He coughed as he finished his sentence, being forced by his lungs to catch his breath in short and painful breaths of freezing air as his accusing finger fell back into his fist and covered his mouth. “Oh-okay, look maybe I did get a bit carried away there. It’s not all bad. I… I do like parts of my life. I even like parts of me for what it's worth. I like my body. Most of it at least. The height’s nice. Five-nine is a good height. No complaints there. I like my build. I really don’t mind my voice, although the ability to carry a tune in a damn bucket would have been nice.” A second chuckle left his mouth, sounding much more genuine. “I have a good life, I know that. My family loves me, I know that to be a fact. Hell, I’ve got a whole houseful of them to attest to it right now. We have food on the table, heat, and I get to come home to it everyday. I really am grateful for it, I want to make that clear. I just also want to enjoy it and I can’t. I just can’t. Can’t you help me to enjoy it? Somehow?” As if in answer the wind blew just then, partially hiding his footsteps from before. Although his path was still able to be followed, it was going to be much harder to find his way back to the house now. “Just my luck. I finally come out here and the only answer I get is a fuck off. Well, fuck you too buddy.”  He scoffed at himself. “Did I just tell you to fuck off? Lord, help me. Well, phew, I guess burned that bridge too soon. Heh. Well, I mean, I just told you that then why can’t I say it to everyone else? After all, who cares what some shrink says if I don’t even care what you think? If I just care about what I and I alone think, then I’m only gonna care about what I think will make me happy. Fuck those rules! Who needs them? I sure as shit don’t. All they do is drag me down. Make me have to put on a performance that I’m sure is slowly killing me. Fuck it all. I’m gonna be me.” She burst out in a giddy laugh unlike any she had ever let loose before, her hands falling to her knees to keep her upright. After taking a moment to catch her breath yet again, she spoke. “Well then, I guess that’s that. Thank you. I’ll see you on Friday.” With a smile plastered on her face she took off back for the house, eager to see her family and share her realization.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "648746", "id": "648747", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "A Monologue for a Man in the Sky - Boxing Day", "author": "Visual_Skirt", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Gender Bender", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Modern Day", "Transgender" ] }
The being woke up from His sleep. He stretched His arms, standing up. He exhaled a sigh. He was in a room illuminated by nothing, yet if you were in that room you could see everything clearly, as if it was illuminated by a bright white light. He was akin to a god/deity, who watched over and was in charge of the world. The last thing he remembers is when Henry Hannover Mitika was the king, no the emperor, over the kingdom of Engtu Mitika. Hanry Hannover Mitika was the founder of the kingdom of Engtu Mitika, and he had ruled an empire at a size the likes of which had never been seen. He made maps of the world, and introduced the concept of magic to the world. The deity tried to locate Engtu Mitika, but it had been reduced to the edges of the world, and Henry Hannover Mitika was nowhere to be found.  "What happened over these years? When I laid down to take a rest, Henry had conquered all of the known world. Were his successors insanely stupid? Well, it would trouble me if his kingdom disappeared entirely." said the Deity. After all, Henry Hannover Mitika had received His blessing in the past. Henry Hannover Mitika had gotten smarter, stronger, and the ability to use magic as a result of this blessing. Only a select few people could use magic, ~1 in 10,000 people had the aptitude. These magicians are powerful swordsmen/knights in every army. Magic in this world was used to strengthen, speed up the body and mind, and to increase the rate of natural healing for a person. These were the basics for every magician. However, even though these were the basics, magic has advanced quite a bit, so it now can be used to attack someone directly. Henry had discovered magic and the basics were considered his highly advanced techniques. Furthermore, even though those were the basics, those basics were so powerful that unless you trained daily insanely hard, you could never hope to fight even a low level magician magician. These are but a few of the reasons that Henry could found his kingdom, and eventually make it into an empire. Because of this, the Deity felt sentimental, and wanted the kingdom of Engtu Mitika to thrive again. But how could He do this?  The deity decided to look over the kingdom for now. He realized that the place was the boonies. The lands and farms were virtually desolate, they couldn't maintain a very high population with their farming, the nobles and the king were mutually displeased with each other, and worst of all, their magic hadn't advanced in the ~750 years that He had been sleeping. Most of the lands were forests with the exception of the center, which was where the capital city was located, and some villages that no one cared about. Luckily, since the kingdom was located at the very edge of the known world, it couldn't be surrounded. In addition to this, the land was so underdeveloped and desolate that it didn't make conquering the small kingdom worth it. Just the costs of moving the military to and through that country was stupid, and anyone who went there would be unnecessarily losing troops for their own defense, which would definitely allow other nations to attack them. These are the 2 reasons that no one attacked the kingdom of Engtu Mitika. They were left to their problems with peace.  Then He decided to look at other kingdoms. What He saw surprised him. The other kingdoms had developed their magic to the point that it was almost unrecognizable from what Henry Hannover Mitika did. Nowadays, magicians bombarded the enemy with spells from afar, healed their allies, and when they nearly ran out of mana, they ran to the front lines and assisted the infantry or cavalry with attacking the enemy at close quarters using the basics of magic. What was curious was how the magicians didn't expand on the basics, but branched out to entirely novel concepts of magic like a fireball or healing scratches, cuts, and lighter wounds. When the Deity created magic and mana, he intended it to be used differently, but He couldn't deny the efficacy of the current magic.  The other countries also expanded on farming. Rather than just farming wheat like Engtu Mitika, they also started farming other crops such as peas and barley. Those were basic crops, but furthermore most countries have some specialty crop that is mainly only grown in their country. Most notably is that rather than the two field system in which you simply alternate what field you plant on, those countries used crop rotations to actively restore the soil quality in their fields. This was a major reason that they were stronger; they could get more food which meant higher population-->more magicians and soldiers-->higher national power. Even so, the other countries still had even more technologies that were unknown to Engtu Mitika. The most notable of these were flood and fire control mechanisms such as dykes and removing the most combustible plants near the ground that grow near each other. In relation to food production, animal husbandry was also starting to become more widespread in all countries, except for Engtu Mitika. Jacobzheng145 The way this world developed was lopsided. Most countries focused on war development as a result of the influence Henry Hannover Mitika had on them. Henry Hannover Mitika neglected agricultural and civil developments in favor of raising his military strength. His influence continued spreading and most countries follow his ways these days. In spite of this, in >700 years it is unthinkable that no food supply methods developed, explaining why Engtu Mitika is behind the times. In addition to this are war technologies. Cavalry and archers exist in Engtu Mitika, but the archers only use stone-tipped arrows. Furthermore, infantry armor is usually leather and weapons are virtually all bronze weapons. Other countries have iron technology and in addition to light infantry with leather armor, they can have heavy infantry with bronze armor. They use iron weaponry.  In addition to this, they have formed their own cultures and foods in each country to attract tourism.  The deity analyzes all of this information, and realizes, "Ah. It is virtually hopeless.  They truly have been driven to their last legs. Bandit gangs run a bunch of their territories too. I wonder what I should do... I've got it. If they are truly on their last legs, I will push them back up. I will give one of them my [Divine Blessing], the same as their founder. Now, I simple have to see who is a good candidate. Hmm... not him, ...she is good, but women aren't allowed to fight in their country... what to do, I wonder. No way! He's perfect. He is literally like the reincarnation of Henry Hannover Mitika! I'll give him my [Divine Blessing]..."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "188727", "id": "188760", "q": 0.91, "title": "The redemption of Engtu Mitika - Prologue: Chapter 0", "author": "Jacobzheng145", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Historical" ], "tags": [ "Ancient Times", "Gods", "Kingdom Building", "Kingdoms", "Magic", "Military", "Parallel Worlds", "Soldiers" ] }
I have some weird roommates. I have so much to write about each of them too. These people that I have let into my home, while I am friends with all of them, they're eccentric, to say the least. While I would talk about all of them in a single entry in this notebook, it wouldn't convey just how weird, and yet, how great they all are. So, I've decided that I'll just let all this information out in different entries, because while I could just write for a long while, I would likely fall asleep, or have to stop to do something else, or something happens. Of course, the only one to know all of this will be a notebook, and will probably never see the light of day, but, I could care less, as I've wanted to get these things off my chest for the entire time these people have lived with me. Because their eccentricities are outweighing the downsides of just not talking about them. As for myself? Yes, notebook, I'm talking to you, through writing. ... Am I gonna continue with this? Are you actually asking me that? ... I can't believe I'm talking to a notebook that I'm writing my thoughts in. As for myself, since I started earlier, I'm just some guy who likes books, mainly manga, but I do like other books. I do also like LEGOs. ... Specifically what LEGOs you ask, notebook? Why, thanks for asking! I like the LEGO Architecture sets! I think it's cool to see things from around the world on a smaller scale, AND in my room! It's more like a hobby, and they are pretty cool decorations too! As for something else I like to do? I like to watch YouTube, anime, and movies! Yes, a good part of my book collection, I've already watched in anime form. Don't try to pry into why I do such a thing, watch an anime and then get the manga or light novels, that's something 'I' should be concerned about, not you! ... I'm getting angry at a person in the place of you, notebook. Someone who doesn't exist. ... Yes, I know I'm a crazy person. ... There's crazier things than me being crazy, okay? If I'm crazy, then there are people that are much crazier than me! As I've said before, everyone is crazy, the level of crazy is the difference! ... Why do I say such a thing? That's because my family is differing levels of crazy, okay? It's mainly because of our actions that we are different levels of crazy, but that's not the point! ... What's the point? I think it was that I'm not the crazy one for talking to a notebook. Especially you, the one I'm writing in! ... I can't believe I still think a notebook can judge me. You're not an actual person I can talk to! Anyways, what was I talking about? ... Oh, right! Myself! I used to live all by myself in a house with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, but then, after, like, 2 years, I kinda realized I wasn't enough to pay for the monthly expenses on my own. ... Why 5 bed, 3 bath? And how do I own it? Good question, notebook. ... ... ... Oh, right, I forgot that this will never see the light of day, so I'll just tell you, imaginary notebook person! I inherited this house from my parents who just disappeared out of thin air. Don't know why, don't know how, but as of now, I'm the owner of the house, and a bunch of other people rent out a room of this place. AKA my roommates. ... What was I talking about before this? ... I forgot that I was wanting to talk about my roommates, not myself, but I can write whatever in here and no one will be able to tell me what I can and cannot write! As for my roommates, I don't know which one to start with, since they're all eccentric.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "602239", "id": "602240", "q": 0.91, "title": "My Notes About My Roommates - Entry 1: I Talk To A Notebook", "author": "AlekzIsHereToRead", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [] }
Aubrey Selden stared in disbelief at the stone monument and the accompanying map nestled on the manicured lawn: Afterlife Multinational Partners. A perky red dot showed You Are Here. Boldface lettering below that stated that All Visitors Must Report to Front Desk in the Reception Area. "This is sort of like the doctor's park where I go for blood work," she said out loud to the deserted space, trying to grab hold of some sense of normalcy. You Are Here and not there because— A rush of memory flooded her mind—trail running, being trussed up by many brutal hands, and then a knife plunged into her over and over. The lawn's perfect greenness seemed as unreal as her predicament. "Maybe someone at the front desk will be able to tell me what's going on." She wandered to the main reception area and took her place in line, corralled inside red velvet ropes. A man with a flowing white beard sat at a desk behind a large window. The glass was absurdly clear, "which makes perfect sense because nobody is going to cough or sneeze on it when they're dead," Aubrey thought. A young woman with vacant eyes stood ahead of her in line. "You need to go to Suicides, down the hall," White Beard said. The woman shambled off. A plaid-jacketed, middle-aged man behind Aubrey was chattering on to a group of geriatrics about how his dog had bounced out of his truck after he hit a pothole, and then he'd swerved again to avoid hitting a deer, and that tree came out of nowhere, and that's how he came to be here, and gosh, he hoped he wouldn't be judged too much because he killed his dog by accident. "Next!" called White Beard. A placard on his desk showed Aubrey what she suspected: St. Peter, Director. "Welcome to Afterlife Multinational Partners. Name, please?" Aubrey told him and St. Peter typed it in. He scanned the screen. "Hold on there a moment...Selden, Aubrey...cause of death: sacrifice to...Esus?!" he said, with a note of incredulity. A chorus of "Ohh's!" broke out among the office workers behind the glass. "Not something we see every day," he said. "That's a different department." "What? Who the f— who is Esus?" she asked. "Esus is an ancient Celtic god. And since you were sacrificed to him, you're now his property. That's about it," he said. Aubrey leaned against the glass. "You can't be serious!" St. Peter frowned. "Please don't lean against the glass, Miss Selden, and yes, as serious as the heart attacks that killed at least six people I saw today. Sorry, there's not much I can do. Like I said, they're under a different jurisdiction." "Nothing you can do? I thought you were the head honcho around here! Well, what do I do? Where will I go? What's going to happen to me?" Loud sighs and shuffling feet reminded Aubrey that a line had formed behind her. "Don't I wish," St. Peter sighed. He clacked around on the computer keyboard a moment, and a ticket printed out. "Here. You can go file an appeal with a caseworker. They can see if you'd be eligible to go to a different part of the Afterlife or if you have any recourse. You should be in their system. Next!" Aubrey banged her fists on the glass. "No, I need help. Please! You can't just give me to some god that nobody even knows about anymore! What is wrong wi—" "Young lady," St. Peter said with his white eyebrows drawn together as one, "kindly take your hands off the glass. I suggest you start coming to terms with your new state of unbeing, just like everybody else. Next!" The line shuffled forward and Aubrey was dismissed. Clutching her ticket, Aubrey stalked past the curious line of gawkers. Some were smirking, others staring, and few looked as panicked as she felt. The man in the plaid jacket was wondering where his dog was and supposed there was a different place for pets, and it's a shame really because he hoped he might see Sarge again. Soon, Aubrey found herself in front of another suite whose sign proclaimed it to be the Department of Accidents. She looked through the doorway and saw a counter area with several windows. A sign on the wall read "Accidents involving motor vehicles up to and including automobiles, trucks, and SUVs, tractor-trailers, motorcycles and scooters, and ATVs will be handled in the order they arrive. Accidents involving watercraft up to and including float tubes, kayaks, canoes, jet skis, motorboats, steamboats, tugboats, trawlers, yachts, barges and ocean liners are now seen at the corner office and will be handled in the same manner as above. Please take a number." A few windows held placards stating their specialty: Dismemberments, Impalements, Decapitations, and others that were similar. She continued down the hall past a smaller office that said "Miscellaneous Accidents" and peeked in. A bored looking young man leaned back in his chair, waiting to be served by a woman with a tuft of wildly coiffed, tiger-orange hair and garish blue eye makeup. Aubrey looked away when they caught her staring. She wandered down the empty hall, looking for any sort of clue as to where she should go. Lots of doors, lots of signs. Then she noticed there weren't any bathrooms and wondered why, and then the awful reality of her situation set in. Aubrey would have cried if she could have shed actual tears, but she still felt the heavy ache inside her chest. "Hey," someone said. Aubrey whirled around. It was the guy from the Miscellaneous Accidents waiting room. "What are you doing, just wandering around aimlessly?" he asked. "Do you know anything about this place? I mean, where stuff is?" asked Aubrey. "I saw the map out front but it's gigantic." "Well, it's pretty big and confusing. I can help you if you want. I'm Howie, by the way." "I'm Aubrey. And I'd appreciate that. So, what did you do to umm, you know...get yourself here?" They strolled down the hall together. "I fell off a ladder while I was doing roofing with a friend. How 'bout you?" Howie asked. Snatches of memory floated by her. It was early November. She went running in the afternoon, just before the 4:34 PM sunset. The group of men in gray, hooded sweatshirts had caught her by surprise, overpowered her and carried her further into the woods. Their shoes squelched through the wet leaves and muck. They must have been hiding and waiting. She often ran this path when she knew it would likely be deserted and there would be no unleashed dogs running loose to chase her. She could not make a sound through the Duct tape over her mouth, nor could she break free of the zip ties binding and cutting into her hands and feet. They tightened a rope around her feet, scratching her through her wool socks, and they strung her up from a branch, like a human meat bag suspended over a butcher block. They chanted in a language she could not understand and then one of them drew a hunting knife from his jacket, and thrust it into her stomach. It made soft schlucking sounds as they passed it around, cutting into her flesh. The ground spun and heaved, like a deranged carnival ride. The last thing she saw was a whirling kaleidoscope of blood-spattered red, yellow and orange fallen leaves on the damp forest floor. "I was murdered...stabbed in the woods. The guy at the front desk said it was a ritualistic killing, a human sacrifice to some god named Esus." "Whoa! That's heavy," Howie said. "Who's Esus? I've never heard of him. I didn't even realize people still got sacrificed." "Yeah, me either. It happened so fast. I was out trail running and then, well, it happened. The pain was so gross and it felt weird and cold, y'know? Like the blade of the knife was cold when it went it. It didn't hurt right way, maybe it was a delayed reaction or something. But when it started to hurt, it was the worst...worse than anything I've ever felt. And then I found myself here. I still can't believe it." She looked at the floor. It had the same ugly, blue-and-gray flecked Berber carpet they used in every office complex everywhere. Howie waited for her to continue. "So I guess I'm stuck here." "Well, that would make two of us," said Howie. "Anyways, I'm sorry it happened to you." "Yeah, me too. And I'm sorry you fell off a ladder. So now I'm looking for the office that handles that sort of thing. Any idea where I can find it?" She showed him the ticket that St. Peter had given her. "Unless you want to give up your turn, I would suggest heading back here so we can serve you!" called a voice tinged with the long-term effects of a two-pack-a-day smoking habit. It was the pouf-haired woman from the Miscellaneous Accidents office. "Looks like I have to get back," smiled Howie. "Maybe I'll catch up with you later, OK? Hope everything works out." "By the way sweetie, the office you're looking for is over here," said Ms. Pouf. Next to the Miscellaneous Accidents office was a small alcove with an even smaller placard: "Sacrificial & Ritualistic Deaths". "Business used to be booming," explained the caseworker wearing a very sensible navy blue pantsuit, "but then this sort of thing started to go by the wayside. People just don't get buried alive or thrown into volcanoes like they used to. More people were dying of heart attacks and cancer, so they kept on moving me from office to office until finally, they stuck me here." She directed Aubrey to a brochure-stuffed book display, like ones in hotel lobbies filled with touristy related literature, or in health clinics with pamphlets on STDs. Aubrey scanned the list of titles: "So You've Been Sacrificed: Coming to Terms with Your New Status as a Blood Offering" and "Getting to Know Your Patron God". The caseworker typed away on her keyboard. "Okay, let's see what this says. Selden, Aubrey. Grovertown, Massachusetts. DOB: 5/7/1988, DOD: 11/04/2014. Sacrifice to Esus. Cause of Death: suspended from tree, stabbed multiple times. Expired from exsanguination & stab wounds." Once again, Aubrey's mind flashed to swinging upside down from the tree and the men taking turns plunging the knife into her. She had flailed her bound arms and succeeded in belting one of them in the jaw, but they had settled that by giving her a huge blow on the temple with the knife's handle. The printer spat out a sheet of paper. "Looks like you put up a good fight. Not your fault, by the way. Some people arrive here burdened with an unnecessary sense of guilt. Unfortunately, well, here you are." She adjusted her glasses. "Are you ready?" "Ready for what?" Aubrey's stomach dipped like a Tilt-a-Whirl. "For you to meet Esus, of course! Let's not keep him waiting any longer. Now, I must warn you," she said, leading Aubrey down the corridor, "that Esus is, shall I say, a touch cantankerous?" "Cantankerous? You mean—" "I mean grouchy, choleric, grumpy...but that's probably because he hasn't had visitors in oh, centuries? Ah, here we are." A glowing red EXIT sign illuminated an access door. The caseworker pushed it open. They were in a leafy, sunlit courtyard. In the center stood a massive willow tree. "What do I do? What's going to happen?" Aubrey asked. The caseworker handed her the printout from the Sacrificial & Ritualistic Deaths office. "This should explain everything. But he'll probably know why you're here." "BEATRICE!" a thunderous voice boomed. "WHERE IS MY SACRIFICE? BRING HER HERE!" Aubrey turned and furiously tugged at the access door's handle. Beatrice smoothed her hair and her pantsuit lapels. "Just a moment, sir." Under her breath, she muttered, "After two millennia, you might learn some patience." "WHAT?" roared the voice. A giant, auburn-haired man with a glossy beard and glinting green eyes stormed up to them. He held a vicious looking axe, with a cutting edge so sharp it could slice a mouse's whisker thirty-nine ways. "Esus, this is Aubrey. Please be nice." She explained Aubrey's circumstances and showed him the paper. "Blood sacrifice, hah! Nowadays they're calling it "ritual murder". Kind of takes away from the drama a bit! I know that these days on your pitiful little planet, human sacrifice is frowned upon. What do you humans do now when you want to please the gods?" he bellowed. Beatrice crossed her arms. "Esus, you know perfectly well what goes on down there. I let you use my internet access!" Aubrey cringed away from his shouting. She expected there to be an earthquake any moment from the noise. "P-pray? I don't know." "Pray!? Back in my day, you weren't anything until you had a nice bloody sacrifice. Gods were gods. Virgins were virgins—none of this 'born-again virgin' bullshit. What else?" "Ummm, I'm not sure. A lot of people are atheists," Aubrey said. "ATHEISTS!" screamed Esus, slicing the air with his terrible axe. Aubrey dashed behind the willow tree and cowered on the ground. "HUMAN! Why do you run away from me?" His voice shook showers of leaves from the tree. "Come back here!" Aubrey clapped her hands over her ears. "Remember what I said about being nice?" said Beatrice, whom Esus had forgotten was there. "Oh Beatrice, you take the fun out of everything," he said. "I end up having to be mediator far too often for you old-time gods and goddesses! Please remember your manners," she said. "You can catch more sacrifices with honey than you do with vinegar." "Actually, I caught a fair number of them by splitting them open and spilling their blood like a tipped flagon of wine," he said. "That will do, Esus," Beatrice said. "I can't have you scaring the newly dead into a second death. Aubrey, it's time to come out. I'm sure you two are capable of having a civil discussion." Aubrey peeked out from behind the wide trunk. "Not unless he promises not to swing that axe around anymore!" Esus promised (with his fingers crossed behind his back, of course). After all, you can't make an ancient god change his ways overnight, especially when they've got a reputation to uphold as a bloodthirsty woodcutter. He explained to Aubrey that he had his origins as a Celtic-Gaulish deity. "Gaul being your modern-day France. Back then there were three of us; me, Taranis, and Teutates. They're even louder than I am if you can believe it." Aubrey said she couldn't and preferred not to find out. "Teutates' victims were drowned in a vat of ale, which is a waste of perfectly good alcohol if you ask me. Now, that bastard Taranis knew how to put on a show! He required his victims to be shut inside great wicker effigies and burned to death. Sometimes along with a bunch of livestock. You don't get that sort of theatrical quality anymore," he said with a nostalgic gleam in his eyes. Aubrey shuddered. "But then religions changed and humanity decided to get on its collective moral high horse, so to speak," Esus sighed. "Oh, sure, there's still plenty of wars, torturing and lovely, warm red blood being shed. But it's nothing like it was in my day." Esus continued his lamenting. "Now, I know a thing or two about what goes on down there on that miserable little rock you call Earth. Modern people have a problem with violence, and then you go around starting petitions and having demonstrations, and peace rallies, and revolutions! What I would give to see someone stretched upon the rack—" Aubrey's eyes practically bugged out of her head. "Or a good crucifixion. But the biggest problem is that you hypocritical humans don't have useful reasons for killing a person. You do it the name of "democracy" or something foolish," Esus rumbled on. "At least in my time, you did it for fertility, honor, glory, or to ensure a good harvest if you wanted to be boring. But worst of all, you modern humans don't even have the decency to sacrifice each other in our name anymore, apart from your case, of course. What has the world come to?" He swung the axe. The blade whistled over Aubrey's head and slammed into the tree. Aubrey dove for cover. "Oh, come on, now, I wasn't aiming for you! I quite enjoy your company. You listen to my stories and you look terrified at all the appropriate moments." Aubrey shook with fright. It was bad enough to be ritualistically killed when you were out trail running in the woods, minding your own business. But to find yourself facing an eternity in the Afterlife with the evil lumberjack of gods! "Now come over here, let me get a good look at you," said Esus. "Please," he added. Aubrey crept over to him and sat in a shady patch under his willow tree. Beatrice nodded in approval and slipped away through the access door. He pointed at her shirt. "What is that?" Aubrey realized she was wearing the same clothes as when she was killed. Esus read her tee shirt with disgust. "Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies." Aubrey appraised his outfit. He wore a leather kilt and a cuirass emblazoned with a leaf and bird motif. A bull's face and three birds resembling cranes or egrets decorated the center of the cuirass. On his arms were bracers adorned with twisting, angular designs. "Well, what about what you're wearing? You look like a—" Esus raised one hairy red eyebrow. "A fierce, mighty warrior-god," she said, looking sideways. "Aha, there's the respect a long-lost god deserves! Nobody would even know who I was if it weren't for that pillar bearing my image that was excavated from under the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris 200 years ago. So tell me, Aubrey, do you like my home?" Aubrey looked around. The breeze whispered through the treetops that peeked over the round wall encircling his courtyard and carried the lush, verdant scent through the air. The sky here was the deepest, richest blue she had ever seen. Even the glorious way Earth's sky looked the day after a bad storm seemed to be cheap, ugly imitation made of colored paper. The sun was a perfect golden sphere. She remembered her own world's sun, and it seemed to be as harsh and gaudy as a glittery ornament by comparison. "It's beautiful. Peaceful." She leaned against the willow tree. "Whatever happened to all the other people who were sacrificed to you?" "They've moved on. Nobody sticks around forever. I think you should know that most people who were killed in my name were men, so you stand out," he grinned, waggling his axe. "You know," he went on, as he noticed her eyeing the axe with suspicion, "that even the most learned of scholars who study antiquities do not know why I prune my sacred willow tree, though they love to guess. Do you?" "I don't know anything about you. What do they think?" asked Aubrey. "They think it might symbolize the destruction of the Tree of Life (you know what that is, don't you? You don't? It represents the unity of the material plane and the spirit world) during the winter and its rebirth in spring, or that it may mean the breaking down of barriers between the physical and spiritual worlds. All very poetic, but sometimes, I prune my tree because that is how I keep it healthy. That is why it looks so magnificent!" He reached over her head and lopped off a thin limb with browning leaves. Aubrey searched for something meaningful to say, but all she came up with was the time she had cut the lilac bush in her parents' backyard too far, and it didn't bloom for three years. His laugh rolled like a peal of thunder. "Well then, you are in the right place to be shown the correct way to prune! You shall learn from a true master." "Now, let me tell you about the Roman poet Lucian. Would you believe he had the temerity to call me uncouth? No, hold the axe like this," said Esus, adjusting it in her hands. *** "This way," said the woman. She led the police officers up the overgrown path. "I was just out walking Ginger and I let her off the leash and she raced off, and then she just about went crazy barking. And then here she was." She pointed into the brambly grove off the narrow path. Aubrey's frosty corpse still hung from the gnarled oak. "I can't bring myself to look at her again," the woman said. "As soon as I saw her, I was almost sick, I knew it was that missing woman. What a terrible, gruesome thing." The officers thanked her again for putting in the call. "And you know something? I remember Ginger chased her down the trail once. She just loves to chase runners."   Aubrey Got Sacrificed © 2016-2020 Therese Walton Purple Bat Press All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "616657", "id": "616661", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Aubrey Got Sacrificed - Aubrey Got Sacrificed", "author": "ThereseWalton", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Horror", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Character Growth", "Dark", "Dead Protagonist", "Death", "Depictions of Cruelty", "Enlightenment", "Female Protagonist", "Folklore", "God-human Relationship", "God Protagonist", "Godly Powers", "Gods", "Modern Day", "Modern Fantasy", "Modern Time", "Murders", "Mythology", "Non-human Protagonist", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Police", "Roommates", "Sadistic Characters", "Serial Killers", "Short Story", "Unlucky Protagonist" ] }
It was a stormy night. As a baby was born, he breathed the fresh air of the world and felt the beginning of an incomparably beautiful future. With the sound of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, it was obvious that he was destined to be unusual, but who knew that he had been fighting all his life. For the meaning of his survival, he had to fight #Ruima te Ning sun Baby, why are you so unlucky to be born at this time? But I promise, I will protect you with my life A thunderbolt brought a flash of lightning, lighting up the woman lying on the jade bed. The woman was slender, with a light complexion, a cherry lips, an inky eyebrow, and an indescribable tenderness and delicacy. Her emerald green dress was especially eye-catching in the turbid rain, straight like the rain hitting the green lotus, and the mist was thin and mountain, which was indescribable ethereal and light, However, on the wrinkled Meishan, a clear spring at the foot of the mountain was flowing with jade, as if it was telling the depression and sadness that ordinary people could not understand "I should have been happy when the baby was born, but I can't be happy now, because his life will be so difficult in the future. At the thought that he was born with a miserable life, I really don't deserve to be his mother Suddenly, there was a rush and manic footsteps coming from outside, which was obviously a symbol of a strong man who was about to be angry. Even if it was raining heavily outside, the anger could not be extinguished The door was knocked open, and a handsome man with jade hair appeared in front of him. He wore a golden robe and an emerald green shirt, which looked like the oriole in the forest. But at this time, the blue veins protruding on his head and his burly figure came to the door like an enemy #Gilbert Joseph Lu Is it him? He was born? My nephew, let me hug him He took off his robe, which was stained by rain and blood, and threw it out of the door. He took off all the wet clothes outside and threw them to the maid standing by the bed, leaving only his shorts. He rushed forward and picked up the newborn baby. Looking at his golden hair, he seemed to understand a lot #Ruima te Ning sun Be careful! How is [卢伽尔]? #Don't mention that damned traitor. He set up an ambush before the war and colluded with the spy from the mist kingdom. What's more, he led to the loss of the Dazs plain and the Ao Luo hill. It's all his fault. He killed many people and occupied a lot of land. I can't bear to take his son in one breath He fell to the ground and died! Before he could finish his words, he raised the innocent baby high in the air and walked to the long corridor. The wind and rain were mixed, and the rain was poured on the man and the child, trembling, as if the cold air into the bone, as if the fog was in front of him Seeing that he was about to send her baby to hell, she struggled to get up with all her strength. She got out of bed in a hurry and rushed to the corridor. She fell to the ground accidentally. The rain and the wind were intertwining with each other more and more loudly. The marble floor in the corridor had turned into a ice rink #Ruima te Ning sun ”Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. But he, the child was innocent. His death could not make up for the huge mistake he had made! She held the man's thighs and cried desperately A huge light fell on the waist of the Royal Tower of the country in an instant. Just a few feet away, the child and the man were about to be killed. The thunder resounded through the heaven and earth, and then there was silence, leaving only the child's cry and the man's sigh. The woman was like crying The man's eyes were blind by the huge shining Brody, and at the same time, he loosened his grip feebly In this way, as the power of the earth's core wanted to save him and the wind gradually changed to the right time, the child's jade like arms tightly caught him under the ground, not causing him to be hurt at all. But at this time, he was still gasping for the wet cold air, feeling the baptism of the rain, and touching the fresh breeze The maid in the room called a bunch of servants to hold umbrellas in a hurry to block the wind and rain and bring them back slowly Joseph thought to himself, "maybe this is our fate. Maybe it is fate that makes this child survive. I swear that I will not let him become a person like his father. I will make him loyal to the country and kill all the traitors! He is not his son, but my son! " She looked at the man who was close but strange. The name she could call before, but now she could no longer call him brother ————————————————(one year later) She looked at the baby in her arms with gentle eyes. As she looked at the baby, she found that the baby was about nineteen pounds in weight. His spiritual light and watery [茵茵] eyes seemed to be able to reflect his loving face when he looked at his mother at the moment #Ruima te Ning sun Baby, you are 1 years old this year, but your father still hasn't come back to see you, even just one glance After saying that, she took a look at the child. The child burst into laughter, revealing two rows of jade like white teeth. His ears were white and red, and the earrings were clear. The outer ring and inner ring were well proportioned, like a carved piece of art The child waved his hands in the air, as if he was pointing in a certain direction. With a flash of inspiration, he put the child on the bed steadily and rushed over. In front of him was a table made of black wood. She knew that there were his memories in it She hurriedly opened the drawer and searched for something. Finally, she found a thick book. She took a photo of the age marks on it and opened it. It was his lifelike portrait As if she had returned to the past #[卢伽尔班达] As you know, a country is big, and a family is small. Only a big family can have a small family, and only a country can have a family! How many soldiers, how many strong soldiers, abandoned their families and donated their lives for the country at the front line, how many separated children and their melancholy wives were looking forward to, expecting, waiting at home, for the familiar figure who came back at the front line one day, even though they hadn't seen each other for a long time, or because of an accident in the battle, their arms and legs were missing, These were not as good as their long-term separation and passionate love! Why don't you join the army? Are you watching the troops of the enemy country turning your short happy time into a long and irreversible separation? In order to protect them, we must do it! The audience applauded warmly, nodded and clapped their hands. He noticed that someone was looking at him. He nodded and bowed to the audience. Then he picked up his stuff, turned around and walked out of the hall door As soon as he walked out, a gust of wind blew a little cherry blossoms. He looked up and saw a huge cherry tree and a high platform not far away. He smiled and thought it was a good place to rest for a while. So he quickly walked over, followed by a figure who rushed forward. He turned around and saw #Ruima te Ning sun Well, I just heard your speech under the stage. I have a question. If your wife and children leave you, what will you do She wore a long light green dress with a light blue peony embroidered on the cuffs. The silver threads drew out a few clouds, and the bottom was densely packed with a row of blue sea water clouds. The chest was covered with a wide piece of light yellow brocade. Her body gently turned the long dress and spread it. Her movements were as graceful as [如风] blowing willows, making [卢伽尔] stare at her. After swallowing, she immediately replied #[卢伽尔班达] It's a long story. It's a matter of love. Why don't you sit there and talk about it slowly Cherry blossoms were blown all over the sky by the wind, full of romantic youth, which was the best youth of the young man at that time #[卢伽尔班达] May I know your name, miss? I'm [卢伽尔班达]. You can call me [班达]. If that's the case, I'll forgive them. Guess, why? She was sitting on a stone bench at a distance from him. When she heard this, she slowly approached. [班达] saw it and inadvertently shortened the distance. She stared at him and said #Ruima te Ning sun I've long heard of you. Your reputation is well known in many schools in the capital of our country. As a civilian who has been transferred from another city, you dare to openly argue with the old rules of the capital nobility, and even fight against those arrogant and domineering nobility. Only you can do it well! #[卢伽尔班达] Ha ha, I'm flattered. I'm afraid you are not an ordinary person judging from your extraordinary temperament? #Ruima te Ning sun Yes, I'm also a member of the royal family. What's wrong? Do you have any opinion? Go on talking about why! #[卢伽尔班达] Aristocrats were born different? I think you have the same thought as me. Everyone is equal, no matter who is superior or who is inferior, right? Why would I forgive them? Because I will compare myself with them. If I were a woman who has been separated from my husband for a long time, I would feel that he is incompetent, and I would also be lonely. I would also be knocked out of the valley by those mountain like difficulties, because I really can't bear it. A family has lost the backbone, and a woman can take much responsibility, And how much can she bear it? It's simply impossible. If I may be a child that I haven't met my father before, or a mature child, I won't let my family not reduce the pressure, pain, and trouble for my mother when my family completely collapsed, He had never met a man who was responsible and ambitious. According to his actual situation, he could call him father. If he was sensible, he would definitely hurt me After saying that, he smiled slightly, took out the water bottle from his bag and began to drink When he spoke, the distance between the two had been slowly shortened to zero, and he was too excited to notice anything. At this time, her beautiful red lips were staring at him #Ruima te Ning sun I don't think there's anything wrong with what you said. I'm thirsty. Drink some, please After saying that, she came close and grabbed his bottle. She drank it with her cherry like mouth. Soon, there was no water left in the bottle She closed the lid and put the bottle into her bag. Staring at the man who was so charming in her eyes at the moment, she couldn't help but throw him on the chair. At this moment, the red lips rushed to him and gave him a warm kiss #[卢伽尔班达] "Hey, hey, it's improper for a man to touch a woman. You will embarrass me by doing this." #Ruima te Ning sun I don't care what you do. I just can't stand it anymore, so I want to kiss you Now, both the man and the woman showed up. Passers-by and other children who were playing under the tree all stared at the handsome man and the beautiful woman [卢伽尔班达] thought to himself, 'damn it! The nobility is really like this. They don't care about other people's feelings and feelings at all. How beautiful she is! I have to give her a head-on blow to embarrass her.' All of a sudden, [班达]'s hands, which were originally lying on the chair, instantly rested on her face. He twisted her face hard and pressed it down. At this moment, a passer-by said, "the wind is so noisy today The surrounding parents rushed to the children and covered their eyes, because the scene was so romantic and beautiful The wind held cherry blossoms, spreading all over the years, leaving the best time in the past ———————————————————————— All of a sudden, the door was opened quietly, and no one noticed it except Ronald. At this time, smart was still immersed in the cherry blossoms, but she found another bag in the cubicle, threw out the useless gold and silver jewelry dowry, and took out the incomparably precious glass bottle to wipe the traces of time, #Ruima te Ning sun I'm not the kind of person who will let you go When she walked out of the cubicle, she saw that the door was slightly open, with an incomparably happy expression on her face He slowly opened the door with one hand, #Gilbert Joseph Lu How are you doing recently? I miss you very much when I go out for inspection in another city for half a month Joshua was brought back to reality. He held the old bottle tightly in his hand, and then walked to the table to block [卢瑟]'s sight. He walked into the door, picked up the child with his hands, and looked at him lovingly, as if he had changed into another person. His eyes were slightly red, The child's face was reflected in his glittering eyes #Ruima te Ning sun Now, more than a year had passed, and he was in a cold war with the mist kingdom. But was there still no news about him? She lowered her head and held the bottle #Gilbert Joseph Lu I don't know. I have sent people to investigate him. But there is still no specific information about him in the mist kingdom. I have a letter for you. It's written by him, and there is a gem in it. Although I don't want to give it to you, I think I have to do it. Maybe it can make you feel more comfortable [卢瑟福] looked at the broken broken glass bottle in surprise. He knew that it must be something unusual since she held it so tightly and protected it so well. He recalled in his mind and stared at the bottle tightly. Then he put down the child steadily, opened the package hanging behind him, and handed the letter and gem to her It seemed to be a brand-new letter, but the tape on it had already fallen off. As soon as the gem was taken, it seemed to be able to see the scene inside. It was crystal clear and glowing green light, from which he could feel a very powerful wind energy "Why are you so lucky today? It seems that when I recall him, he might also recall me. Our missing is connected. He hasn't forgotten us. He can't let us go." She hurriedly handed the bottle to her brother. Joseph seemed to feel the story from the bottle. He looked at the bottle with a very strange look and couldn't help but shed a tear, but it was quickly covered up. When she looked up at him, she saw his face flushed, which was very strange #Gilbert Joseph Lu I'm a little tired. I'm going to bed He took the bottle, put the cap in his hand, put it on the table, turned around and left #Ruima te Ning sun Thank you, brother!  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "393739", "id": "393741", "q": 0.91, "title": "EFTSW Abraham , Escape from the interlaced world ‘ s legend(EN) - Hometown 1 main chapter (P1)", "author": "MTSKING", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Historical", "Romance", "Sci-fi" ], "tags": [ "Antihero Protagonist", "Apathetic Protagonist", "Brother Complex", "Brotherhood", "Gate to Another World", "Heroes", "Slow Romance" ] }
My name is Rishino Emimori and I am 8 y/o, and I am currently on a mission to destroy not only the earth but the whole universe. Context is needed of course. 4 years ago  The day was June 1 of 2022, and I was playing hide and seek with a couple of friends. It was my turn to be a seeker so I counted to 60 seconds, and when I opened my eyes I was in a white room. I walked for what felt like forever until two glowing red eyes appeared.  “Young, but this is fine.” Said the eyes. “What is you?” I asked the eyes. “I am what you humans call a god.” Said the eyes. I didn't know what that meant but I pretended that I did. “Little girl, you have been selected to be the ultimate monster and destroy the universe.” Said the eyes. “What is a universe?” I asked the eyes. “You don't need to know for now at least.” Said the eyes. “Now, let's begin the experiment,” Said the eyes. As the eyes started the room started flashing red and black. My mind went numb and I collapsed. After I woke up, I was in a forest and there were monsters everywhere. I felt smarter for some reason. That was when a red square-shaped tablet, I tried to touch it but my hand went through the red tablet. That was when a voice spoke. “Welcome subject 001 to the Monster System.” Said a voice coming from the red tablet. “Now I will explain how the system works.” Said a voice coming from the red tablet. “First of all, this is what you call a status window.” Said the voice. Name: Rishino Emimori Age: 4 Gender: Female Race: Human Level: 1 Specialty: Unknown Abilities:    Immunities: __________________________________ Universe Statistics  Highest Level= 81 Average Level= 71-80 “The Levels play a huge part in your strength, as you can see.” 3= average 12 y/o 4= average 16 y/o 5= average 18 y/o 6= Peak Human 7= Superhuman 10=Destroy a small building 20=Destroy a small town 25=Destroy a city 30=Destroy a mountain  35=Destroy an island 40=Destroy a small country 45=Destroy a Continent 50=Destroy a Planet 55=Destroy a Star 60=Destroy a Galaxy  65=Destroy a Universe 70=Destroy a Multi-Verse 71-80  71=5 Dimensional Being  72=6 Dimensional Being 73=7 Dimensional Being 74=8 Dimensional Being 75=9 Dimensional Being 76=10 Dimensional Being 77=15 Dimensional Being 78=30 Dimensional Being 79=60 Dimensional Being 80=100 Dimensional Being 81= Transcends all Dimensions “There are also 9 specialties. Physiology, Meta, Almighty, Constructs, Enhancements, Psychic, Magic, Manipulation, and Science.” Said the voice. “You get a random specialty by spinning the wheel.” Said the voice. I understood everything this time. This might be the effect of my collapse.  “I would like to spin the wheel,” I said. “Request Accepted, Wheel Spinning.” Said the voice. The wheel spun and landed on physiology.  “What next?” I asked the voice. “Now you start your journey, You have 4 years until you are sent back to your universe. By the end of this experiment, you should be able to destroy your universe.” Said the voice. Year 1 I started by searching the area for some fruits. That's when I found a weird metallic statue that looked like a robot so I touched it. The system then said if I wanted to absorb the power inside the statue. I said yes, of course, then I got this power called [Amalgam Machine Physiology], now I had no idea what that even meant. So the system explained it to me. So the system said a whole paragraph explaining it but I will keep it simple. This power allows me to transform into a robot made of amalgam. Which I will say comes in handy, especially for traveling long distances. For about 2 months I kept eating berries and fruits until I found a glowing orb in a bush. I decided to eat it because I was hungry. It was a Superbird core so the system automatically absorbed it. So I obtained [Superbird Physiology] now I thought that with this all I would be able to do is fly, but the system explained to me that it is way better than that. So when I am using this power I also get [Semi-Immortality], [Energy Manipulation], [Flight], [Invisibility], [Telekinesis], and [Teleportation].  That makes me way more powerful now I should make my way to some monsters. I found a blue bull but it just sent me flying. The system said in this forest any subject can't die to monsters. That makes me want to try more but I still feel the pain when they strike me. When I arrived back where I was, the blue bull was still waiting for me. I became invisible and transformed into a giant robot, while I kept teleporting everywhere to confuse the bull. I used my telekinesis to enhance my punch damage. Then I punched the bull while destroying everything in a 300-meter radius. I rested for a whole day after that. To my surprise, the blue bull had a core inside of its body, so I ate it. Gaining [Bovine Physiology] which is way better than I thought with this I can use powers from mythical bovines such as Behemoth, Minotaur, and Water Bull. I looked deeper into the forest and found elves. They liked to drink a lot, so much juice they gave me after drinking 10 cups later and I gained a new power. Called [Drink Mimicry] which gave me amazing powers. Now I am immune to diseases, and I can create infinite drinks. After that, I went to kill more water bulls, I kept killing them for a whole month. Which increased my level by 2. After a day’s rest, I went to find a different monster but that's when I encountered a pixie. She tried to become my friend so I killed her and she had a small mana core. After I ate it, it gave me [Pixie Physiology] which gives me some abilities I already had but I get an upgrade. My [Semi-Immortality] is upgraded to [Immortality], I also got [Fairy Magic], [Illusion Manipulation], [Nature Manipulation]. I took a week off after killing the pixie. Then I found a huge cave, whilst exploring the cave I found a lot of skeletons of what looked like small humans. But the head is shaped like goblins. I explored further and further into the cave until I found a huge glowing orb blocking the way. I knew exactly what it was so I ate it. Though it took a full week to eat it. To my surprise, it was the core of a Dream Dragon which is incredibly rare at least that's what the system tells me. Now that I learned [Dream Dragon Physiology] I can use powerful abilities. Like [Dream Force Manipulation], [Dream Manipulation], [Oneiric Physiology], [Dream World Manipulation], [Nightmare/Daydream Manipulation], and [Psychic Force Manipulation]. That was the end of what I did in the first year. Year 2 I wanted to celebrate my getting [Dream Dragon Physiology] by killing some helpless beings. I went at night for some easy kills and found the elves from before. So when they were sleeping, I made them all go to the same nightmare where drinking is not allowed. I killed them quickly by erasing their existence. With that gained 4 levels. Two months later I found a monk the size of a mountain. He was extremely low level so I was able to beat him using only my robot powers. After killing him I didn't level up but I did get his core. Which led me to get [Onyudo Physiology] which gives me [Evil Eye]. Now after successfully killing the Onyudo I got a bit greedy. I wanted to fight a deity, but after 2 weeks of looking for a deity, I finally found one. He had a staff with a planet on top of it that looked like Jupiter. I started by surprise attacking him, and I just decided to create a dream world around him. For a deity I expected him to be able to break out, but he couldn’t even if he tried. The next part was a bit crazy but he was going so fast I couldn’t even see him. I decided to just go invisible, but he saw through it and punched a hole through my chest. I just regenerated but it hurt a lot. So I decided to make myself into ‘The Ultimate Demon’ so I did and killed him with a swoop. Manipulating dreams sure is useful. I rested for a day to recover my stamina, after that it was time to eat. After eating the deity’s core I gained the power [Jupiter Deity Physiology] which granted a very powerful ability called [Divinity] which is split into 3 tiers Lesser Divinity, Greater Divinity, and Supreme Divinity. The one I got is Greater Divinity, which is extremely powerful. I also leveled up 4 times after killing him which is pretty good I guess. With that, I am now level 11 which means without any abilities I can destroy a small building with a single punch. So I decided to level up a bit more. I found 3 Fire Monkeys and I killed them with ease. They also granted me 2 levels, but I wasn’t going to stop there. I found another elven camp so I did what I do best. I killed them in their sleep, which leveled me up 3 times. But I was not the only one going to kill the elves that day. The orcs were there also, which I only recognized as one thing EXP! Which they gave to me kindly, with the exp they gave me I leveled up 4 times. This was the end of my 2 years on this weird planet. Year 3 I started the third year by killing a nguruvilu, and if you don't know what that is I will explain it. A nguruvilu is a fox-snake creature. Which is weird, they are very fast, but I killed one of them with ease. Learning [Nguruvilu Physiology] gave me a boost on every physical stat. I also can create whirlpools. For the next part, it was tuff I “died” multiple times. Let's start by how I met “it”. It was 3 weeks after killing the nguruvilu I met a weird-looking elf. I approached the elf intending to kill it. But when I tried to hit it, it didn't work no matter how hard I tried. It raised its hand and my body exploded. After I regenerated I went back to fight it multiple times. But every time I tried he killed me in a different way. That was until my thousandth try, which looking back at it was painful. But I realized he was in a higher plane of dimension than me. A quick fix to that would be creating Jupiter again and making it a higher plane of existence than he is. With me transcending that would make me higher than both. Which led to me demolishing him. I ended up getting a powerful ability called [Plane Manipulation] .I am just going to put it out there. But the person that was using it was not skilled at all. He could have killed me so easily but no skill whatsoever. Anyways the abilities I could use with it were [Planetary Creation], [Universe Creation], [Existential Plane Manipulation], [Dimension Lordship], [Omni-Embodiment], [Omnificence Genesis] there are more but not as important. I also leveled up twice. 8 months later I found a horrendous creature that looked like a bear with a human face. I killed it in my base form because it was so weak. I learned a power I wished I never did [Anthrocephaly] which gives me nothing of value except me having a human face when I am a monster. After that I went on to kill the entire species because they were just too ugly. Which ended up giving me 10 levels. Which ended the third year. Year 4 Last year before the big day. I started by fighting a catwere. Which I killed, of course, these weaklings can't stop me. I gained [Catwere Physiology] which is useless to me now with all my other powers but still cool. After 3 months I found the most powerful thing in this world. It wasn't a monster though, it was no creature but a human. I could feel his energy, now though he is a human I could feel that he was also a god. But not as powerful as me of course. The fight started off slow with me and him both activating the minimum of our abilities. But as soon as we both threw the first punch, we realized that we were both strong. I went all out and as I was transforming, I saw him transforming as well. After transforming he looked like the perfect human. We both stared at each other, then I took the first move and went to attack him. But he was so fast we ended up clashing and destroying the universe. We got sent to a parallel universe in an instant, which I gotta say definitely the eyes doing. With that the human’s mind was confused so I took the opportunity and sneak attacked him. With that I killed him gaining [Transcendent Human Physiology] which makes me feel more like a monster but also less like a monster. Now for the powers I got from this, which are amazing by the way. Are the following [Autopotence], [Definition Manipulation], [Eternal Evolution], [Freedom], [Inner God], [Transcendent Force Manipulation]. Which all come with amazing abilities within them as well. After another 3 months I went to explore the ocean when I found an abaia. Which is just a huge magical eel. Killing it just by looking at it, I gained another ability which may come in handy underwater. The ability of the abayas [Abaia Physiology] which gave me a couple immunity’s and some abilities that help me underwater.  After 2 months I found a vampiric alien, He fought well but not well enough. My existence is higher than his, so him touching me is impossible. I had to attack his soul to kill him though, with him being immune to all physical damage. After eating his core I gained [Vampiric-Alien Physiology] which has some powerful skills. Which are [Supernatural Condition], [Absolute Endurance], [Absolute Intelligence], [Absolute Senses], [Absolute Vision], [Absolute Speed], [Absolute Strength], and of course the classic vampire things. After that a month passed until I found a core in the ground. I ate it of course, It gave me an ability called [Fungal Mimicry] which the only useful thing there is [Disease Immunity]. After that I went hunting for some food and leveled up 5 times. Which ended last year before the big finale. But before that, the eyes came to me and said that I would be given 3 free immunities before I fight. Which he did and they were not that bad I got to say. They were [Weakness Immunity], [Conversion Immunity], and [Internal Invulnerability]. In the end, my status looked like this. Name: Rishino Emimori Age: 8 Gender: Female Race: Human Level: 37 Specialty: Physiology Abilities:  Amalgam Machine Physiology  Superbird Physiology Bovine Physiology  Drink Mimicry Pixie Physiology  Dream Dragon Physiology Onyudo Physiology Jupiter Deity Physiology  Nguruvilu Physiology  Plane Physiology Anthrocephaly Catwere Physiology  Transcendent Human Physiology  Abaia Physiology  Vampiric-Alien Physiology  Fungal Mimicry Immunity’s: Disease Immunity  Immortality  Weakness Immunity  Conversion Immunity  Internal Immunity  Fate Immunity Cold Resistance Pressure Resistance   __________________________________ Universe Statistics  Highest Level= 81 Average Level= 71-80   After that, I was sent back to my old universe. They immediately didn't like me. Before I attacked them I checked their levels. And they were level 74, which if I remember correctly it's an 8th-dimensional being. For me, that's nothing if I use my abilities that is. Which I did, I wanted to have a bit of fun so I decided to let them try to hit me. They couldn't of course but at least they tried. I blinked and destroyed 5 galaxies. Which I will say was not intentional. I wanted to take it slow so I decided to destroy galaxy by galaxy. Which could have taken not even a second. But I decided to take my time while doing it. When I finished a week had already passed. Then ‘The Lurker’ came to eliminate me from the universe. Now he is at level 81, which transcends all dimensions. Now I don't transcend every dimension but, I could if I use that.  “Crypt Freak, this will be the end of your chaos”  “You are calling me Crypt Freak?” “Why wouldn't I be? You are an 8 y/o with powerful powers. You are weird.” “Ouch, but you are named The Lurker isn't that right?” “Yes, bu-” “You have no room to talk, let's fight, you coward.” “That's what I am here for.”  “It's time for you to die, Crypt Freak” At this time I knew I couldn't beat him with just this so I made an ultimate form. Which combined all my powers into one. I call it the ‘Crypt Form’ inspired by my nickname of course. We both clashed and fought at a speed so fast. I wouldn't even call it a speed. It's like there was no time. Going so fast but still being able to accurately hit my weak points. Now that's what he was thinking. Too bad for him I have [Weakness Immunity] so that doesn't affect me. But I affect him very much. I might have to throw millions of punches and use all my abilities every punch but I slowly do damage. “Why are you doing this” “This is your home too” “There is a very good reason, the best reason” “What is it, what could be so important to destroy your universe.” “Orders” “Orders from who” “You don't deserve to know” I put my all into that attack, which destroyed everything in the universe, but not only that universe, all versions of the universe I lived in. Which led me to be in a complete void for eternity.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "505881", "id": "505883", "q": 0.91, "title": "No Longer Human - Subject 001 Crypt Freak", "author": "AresBTWlol", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy" ], "tags": [ "Accelerated Growth", "Age Progression", "Beasts", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Cold Protagonist", "Crazy Protagonist", "Divination", "Evil Gods", "Fantasy Creatures", "Fantasy World", "Godly Powers", "Level System", "Mythical Beasts", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Strong to Stronger" ] }
Sofia, Redwater Kingdom   A servant was prepping himself. He clean up is suit, he groomed himself, and put his credentials. After finishing his act, he entered the room with a loud heave.  "Sir, his majesty had ordered that the report should be reworked. His only request is that more information should be added"  Quietness took over the room. No word except his was spoken. However, a silent but palpable anger was growing inside the boss. Soon, it engulfed the room. The servant keeping his thought to himself, unless he wants to be the focus of his outburst. "Huh, I guess the intelligence reports nor the maps included the report wasn't enough..."  A deep voice but frustrated voice answer back... "After sleepless nights, the hoops we have to do to access the intelligence reports, and the maps that was painstakingly accurate wasn't enough for him!" Soon a crescendo of anger outburst from him. "Cmon, we already rewrote the report about three times, and each of the king request is always the same "I want more information!" Can we catch a break already! I just don't want to do the same thing for the last fucking time!"   The servant already tired with his bosses continued rant tried to think of ideas to add information Why does this fucker mean "I want more information" can't you clear state your ideas that rather than be vague. I don't want to hear the bosses rants no more.  He said to himself but soon an idea popped to his mind. "Sir, this may be the dumbest idea that may as well get us executed but could allow the chance for a two year vacation!" The boss stopped his rant, intrigued with what the servant said. "Let send a intern to collet testimonies of the dirty low life peasants of the fallen empire. It gonna take about two years to finish the report, with the intern stuck at a ruin empire while both of us catch a break!" The servant smiled at his idea but a soon a hole appeared his two year vacation. "Great idea but wouldn't the king get mad at us for taking so long?" However, the servant shot back. "Let send all the blame to the intern for taking too long. We can also say that we are building a final report that will satisfied the his majesty desire. As you know, this majesty is a patient man." "Great but who should we send?" After a few minutes of discussion talking about candidates, they decided on one man, Sylvester. He always agree to do jobs that no one wanted. From rewriting reports to traveling the countryside. With this, both men walked up to Sylvester in his office.    "Hey, Sylvester. I wondered if you want to travel the empire next door?" "Oh, you have some doubts, let leave that behind because if you decided to do it, we give a small stipend for travels." "Imagine Sylvester, being among your people, interviewing farmers, peasants, cobblers for the report" Both men played off each other. "Oh you agree, you will leave with no regrets at all!" "See ya, Sylvester, I hope for a long journey..."   "Why I decided to do it" I asked myself SupremeTornado Thank you for reading. This is a huge writing project for me and a story that I always wanted to tell. My inspiration came from World War Z because they way the structure of the book is the best for my story. I will finish my story one way or another. If you see any mistakes or suggest any ideas, feel free to tell in the comments!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "459796", "id": "459834", "q": 0.91, "title": "“The Empire Has Fallen!” - Prologue", "author": "SupremeTornado", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Drama", "Slice of Life", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Calm Protagonist", "Collection of Short Stories" ] }
When I was just a little boy. My big sister always watched over me. I always follow her everywhere and have grown to rely on her. When I need something, I always ask my big sister. When someone bullies me, I cry for help from my big sister. She is kind and a parent figure for me. Our parents always have business overseas and have to travel a lot. So they always left me with my big sister alone. We actually have a nanny at home too. But her role to me just likes some servant in my home. Is not that I look down on her. She never once say a word to me, but she still obey what I said. The only person she is willing to talk to is my big sister. I wonder if she has androphobia.1fear of man So, as you can see. The only person I am so close with is my big sister alone. We maintain this relationship up until middle school. When I finally reach a high school year. I began distancing away from my big sister. Is not that I began to dislike her. Is just that, the way she spoiled me is just so embarrassing. Is one thing if I am still a grade-schooler. But now I am in high school. I am already an adult, so I will behave like an adult, I want to be a manly man. So from that point onward, our relationship has become sour. My sister also seems to change. Usually, she is an energetic girl with a lively aura spreading for a mile away affecting people in nearby areas. You know I am a little bit exaggerate that, but you got the point right?. Now she feels gloomy. I wonder what happens. I once tried to approach her and ask her about it. But at this point, it feels awkward just to say a single word to her. That's how sour our relationship has become. Day by day gone by. And each day feels empty to me. Much more after seeing my big sister gloomy outlook. I need to fix this relationship. Distancing myself away from my big sister is my biggest mistake. What is the use of being view as a manly man if you feel this empty every day?. So I decided to talk face to face with my big sister at home and repair back our relationship. When I was about to knock on my sister door. I heard I crying noise. My sister is crying, something definitely happens that makes my sister sad. I decided just to enter her room without knocking and comfort her immediately. But before I could, I heard our nanny voice who I rarely heard. "Now now, young miss. Please don't be sad like that. Young master still loves you." "You said that just to comfort me, be he's been avoiding more and more. What did I do wrong that make home hate me?" "As I said, he didn't hate you. He just needs some time alone." "Some times?... How long is that 'sometimes', how long has he been ignoring me?. No matter how you look at it, he definitely hates me now." I don't know that cool and beautiful big sister has this, uh cute side of her. She's sad because she thinks I hate her. Ugh, my heart can't take her crying voice. I decided, let's act spoiled again tomorrow. Also, I will ask our nanny to disclose their secret conversation to me. Just by hearing them talking, I know this is not their first time talking like this. I want to know more, my big sister cute side. That night I approach our nanny and talk to her about... Something. She seems surprised when I initiate a conversation with her. But once I talk about the topic, she was immediately interested and hear me up close. When tomorrow morning finally arrived. I slap my cheek and prepare to act like a spoiled kid to my big sister. I wonder, what kind of expression she will make. I can't wait to see it. Askun I obviously rush this, even if it was Oneshot. I am confident can perfecting the story a bit more. But I just have no time. If you want to take this premise as a foundation for your own story, feel free to do so.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "359601", "id": "359603", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "[Oneshot] Is it incest if you thought that your big sister is cute? - Oneshot", "author": "Askun", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Brother Complex", "Oneshot", "Sister Complex" ] }
In a peaceful Terra Empire, home of the Oracle, everyone was ready to celebrate king and queen’s daughter. Everyone was keeping ready and setting up “Today is going great.” Said one of the royal guards. “The king and queen will bring their daughter to the world.” Other guard said. As everyone was getting ready inside the castle, a young female with short black hair wearing a maid outfit walk to the master bedroom and knocked on the door “My load, May I come in?” “Yes!” a male voice come from the room as the maid walk in the room, a young male with short blonde hair wearing a black dress shirt and jacket, black dress pants and brown shoes look at the maid with brown eyes “Lila, is everything set?” “Yes, Lord Lewis!” Lila bows as she smiled softly “I see.” Lewis smiled as he walks out of the room, “Lila, is my wife still in the infirmary?” “Yes, but she comes back home within a minute.” Lila spoke as she heard people cheering and look out the window, “The queen is here.” The limousine pulls up to the castle as the door was open, a young female with long brown hair wearing a white long dress and sliver high heel, holding a baby girl in her arms and look at everyone with her blue eyes and smiled “Hello everyone!” She smiled at everyone as she sees Lewis and Lila walk to her, “Hello Lewis and Lila.” “Welcome home, Mina!” Lewis smiled as he looks at his daughter, “She is beautiful.”  “Yes, she is?!” Mina smiled as she kissed Lewis softly on the lips “Milady, may I ask what her name?” Lila asked as she turns away. Mina chuckled at Lila, “Ok, her name is Stella.” Stella opens her brown eyes as she smiled at her mother and father, Lewis smiled and holds her tiny hand as he turns around “Ladies and Gentleman of Terra Empire I, Lewis Terra, want you to welcome Stella Terra into the world.” Everyone cheer as Lewis smiled, “Let’s the celebration being!” While everyone was celebrating, a shadow figure lurked in the shadow as a female spoke “so their daughter has arrived.” She turns around as she smirks “Everyone get ready we going end all Oracle.” -later at night- As the celebration was over, Lewis and Mina was in the master bedroom sleeping as Lila went to the nursery room to check on Stella who is still sleeping until she could hear noises from outside as she open the window and sees everything on fire and everyone was laying down in a pool of their blood. One guard bust in the castle cover in blood, “Lord Lewis!” Lewis woke and rush out of the master bedroom, “What is it?” “We’re under attack…” but he shoots in the head with an arrow, they horrified Lewis as he grabs his sword, “Lila.” Lila walks out with Stella in her arms as Lewis gives her a serious look “Take my wife and daughter out of here now.” Mina walks out the room with worry as Lila grab Mina hand and rush out of the castle with Stella in her arms. Lewis head out to help his army, he rushes in the battle and noticed the flag with demon skull on it “No…. The Specter of Void, why are they here.” “My its Lewis Terra!” A young female with short white hair wearing a black dress with black boots as she looks at Lewis with her red eyes “I’m surprise that you’re here.” “Damn you Callista!” Lewis growled in pure rage and charge at her “I KILL YOU!” Callista pulls out her knife as two clashes in battle. Meanwhile, Lila and Mina were rushing to the port but assassins jump and try to attack but Lila uses her spell “My Heart! My Life! My Soul! Please hear my call and protect us!” Light shine around them “Shield of Fate” A crystal ball surrounds them as assassins try to break it “Let’s move.” Mina nods at her as they rushed to the dock. “BAM!” A huge exploitation came from the castle. They badly hurt Lewis. Blood and cuts were coming from his body. Lewis looks at Callista “Why are you doing this?” “It my master order!” Callista sighed as she holds her knife, “His order is to kill all Oracles.” “Kill all Oracles” Lewis was shocked as he picks his sword “That genocide!” White light shine around him as he holds his sword up “My Faith, My Life! My Light! hear my call and strike down my enemy!” His sword glows.  “Fine, then two can play this game.” Callista hold her knives as dark light shines around “Blood! Death! I give you everything in the name of my dark lord!” “Heaven Phantasia,” “Impure Hell Dive,” Both Callista and Lewis start charges at each other as they yell “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” -At the dock- Lila and Mina were still in the crystal ball as it breaks “My lady, you need to go on the boat now!” Lila give her a serious look “it the only way that you and Stella with be safe.” The crystal ball breaks as she got hit pretty badly as blood runs down. Mina hand Stella to Lila and put them on the boat, Lila was shocked “MY LADY!” “Lila!” Mina smiled as angel wings pop out, “Take care of my baby girl!” She pushes the boat and starts flights to the castle as she sees Lewis and flew down to help her husband, “My Love.” “Mina!” Lewis looks at her with his wide eyes and rushes to her, “You shouldn’t be here! Where Lila?” “I sent her away with Stella.” Mina smiled at him as she turns around, “I rather die with you than having our daughter killed.” “Mina,” “You damn Oracles make me sick!” Callista charges at them with full force “Impure Hell Dive” but was stopped by Mina’s shield “What the hell?” “Lewis” She holds his hand and his sword “I’m sorry but I had to do this.” her aura glows brightly as Lewis holds her hand together, Mina looks at Lewis as tears flow down her eyes “Lewis!” Callista’s eyes widen as she knew what they are up to, “Shit!” Callista use her shield magic to protect herself  Lewis and Mina closed their eyes as they smiled “Nova Star!” As enormous light shines bigger as it causes huge exploitation, killing half of the assassins and killing both Mina and Lewis. Lila sees the exploitation as tears flow down her face while holding Stella in her arms, “Lady Mina, Lord Lewis, why?” Callista removed her shield as she looks around “Stupid, look like Terra Empire was gone.” “Callista!” A mysterious voice appears out of nowhere “Have all Oracles are gone?” “Yes, but some Oracles are still alive mange to escape.” Callista sighed. “WHAT!” “Master calm down!” Callista said while covering her ears, “Once we find them, then we’ll kill them.” “Let hope so, Callista!” The voice disappears as Callista leaves and yawning. Hours pass by, Lila sighed as she thought to herself, ‘Why would do that.’ Lila whips her tear and puts on a hoodie and blanket on the baby as the boat arrives at the Kingdom of Ataraxia. Lila holds baby close to her and starts walks to the Kingdom of Ataraxia. As she walks to the castle, she breathes heavy and ready to pass out. She finally reaches the castle as she knocks on the door and sat the down baby down before she fell on the ground. As the door was open, a young woman with long blonde hair wearing a white night grown, look down with her green eyes to see Lila badly hurt and a baby girl “Oh my god, Toshiro!” She yelled as she picks up the baby as an adolescent male with short black hair wearing a black tank top and red sweat pants as he walks to his wife and sees her holding a baby girl and Lila pass out on ground with brown eyes. He walks to Lila and helps her up. “Who did this to her Ayumu?” Toshiro asked with serious “I don’t know” Ayumu sighed as they walk back inside and Toshiro take Lila to the guest room. ------------------------------------------- Lila finally woke up as she sat up and look out the window as it was ready for morning. The door open as Lila sees Ayumu holding the baby in her arms “Oh, you’re finally wake?” Ayumu smiled at Lila but she panicked, Ayumu sat on side of the bed “Don’t worry I will not hurt you.” Lila looks at Ayumu and sees the baby was woken up and smiling at Ayumu “May I ask your name?” “It Lila Barns!” Lila bows to Ayumu “Hello, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Ayumu Himura Ataraxia, the queen of the kingdom of Ataraxia.” Ayumu smiles softly at Lila, “I found you and this child at my doorstep last night and I want what happens to you!” Tears flow downs from Lila’s face as she sighed “I’m from the Terra Empire, I’m know as an Oracle.” Lila’s words shocked Ayumu “Oracle!?”, she sighed as she looks at the child “so this child is an Oracle.” “Yes, she the daughter of king and queen of Terra Empire, but….” Lila started to tear up “but The Specter of Void came and kill everyone.” Lila covers her face and crying. “The Specter of Void!?” Ayumu was shocked to the name The Specter of Void “I see so you and this child escape.” Lila nods as she sighed, “I guess I can help.” “I glad, but you have to keep it between you and me, nobody mustn’t know we are Oracle or we going to be killed.” Lila sighed as Ayumu pinch her cheek and Lila yelp, “What was that for.” Ayumu chuckled and smiled. She hugs the baby “Relax as long as you two under my care. Nothing will happen to you, understand?” Lila nods her head as Ayumu smiled and got up, “Great! Now get some rest, I’m going to the store and buy stuff for Tenshi.” “Tenshi?” Lila looks at Ayumu, confused Ayumu nods, “Yes! that will be her name, Tenshi Himura Ataraxia.” “I guess I need a new name and identity.” Lila smiled at Ayumu and Tenshi “For now called me Rue Crow.” Ayumu smiled, “Welcome to the Kingdom of Ataraxia, Rue Crow, and Tenshi Himura Ataraxia!”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "283041", "id": "283044", "q": 0.91, "title": "Ataraxia - Prologue", "author": "AtaraxiaFate94", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Mystery", "Romance", "Sci-fi" ], "tags": [ "Adopted Protagonist", "Assassins", "Female Protagonist", "Magic", "Royalty", "Sharp-tongued Characters", "Siblings Not Related by Blood", "Sword And Magic" ] }
Luke sighed inwardly as he stared across from him at the handsome man. It has been over a year since the death of his boyfriend and him in the dating scene but for some reason, he was just not feeling this at all. “So Luke is the food not nice? You’ve been picking at it all night,” Kane asked. Luke sat up straight with a smile, shaking his head he said, “Please forgive my rudeness, it’s just been so long since I went on a date and being here feels like I’m betraying him.” Kane looked at him briefly and said, “If you do not want to be here then you are welcome to go home. I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable and force you to be here.” Luke sighed, “I’m really sorry. I thought I would be up for this but I don’t think I can see myself dating anyone. I love him too much.” Kane forced a smile. He took Luke’s hands in his and said as he gazed into his eyes, “Luke, I am sure you will be able to move on someday. No one is asking you to forget the love of your life but I just do not think that he would want you living in his memory and never being happy.” Luke nodded his head in agreement, wiping away a stray tear he said, “I’m so sorry for being depressed on our first date.” Kane chuckled and kissed his hand, “As long as you promise that on our next date, you’ll be happy to see me.” Luke nodded his head, “Are you sure you want to go on a second date with me?” Nodding his head seriously, Kane said, “You’re handsome, why wouldn’t I give us a second chance?” Luke stood up and said, “I think I am ready to go home, I don’t want to waste any more of your time.” Kane nodded and stood up too. They paid the bill and walked out of the cafe hand in hand. As they reached Luke’s car, Kane looked at him nervously and asked, “So since this was not a traditional date, can I get a non-traditional kiss?” Luke chuckled and wrapped his arms around his neck, he stood up on his toes and pecked Kane on the lips then said, “Since it’s non-traditional, you just get a peck.” Kane frowned and shook his head, “No, I want more.” He leaned down, pulled Luke back in for a kiss and devoured his lips. Luke tried to protest but enjoyed it too. A man walked past them and for a split second he recognised Luke because he had seen him too many times and was shocked that he was kissing some else. He frowned because this was not right and he knew for a fact that Luke would never do something like this and called confused, “Luke? Is that you?” Luke pulled back from the kiss surprised and turned around. He looked at the man and his eyes widened in surprise. “Issac?” He called confused. Issac nodded his head and asked, “Shouldn’t you be at the hospital with Nick?” “Nick?” Luke repeated then asked, “What do you mean? And why are you here? Shouldn’t you be dead too?” “Dead? What are you talking about? We all returned six months ago and I just got out of the hospital too. Wait? Didn’t the government contact you about his condition?” Issac asked. * Luke stalked into the hospital and found the room Nick was in. Kane grabbed his arm before he could burst through the door and said, “Do you think this the right thing to do?” Luke looked at Kane and said, “I need to go find out if it’s true. You know I love Nick with my everything and if he is alive then I need to be by his side.” Kane’s brows knitted as he said, “So what does this mean for us?” Luke stared at him and said, “I’m not a coward. You said you’ll give me a second chance right? Then why not give Nick a chance too?” Kane stared at him as he thought about it and asked, “Like what? Date both of you?” Luke stared at him and a smirk slowly made its way on his face. The sparkle in his eye told Kane that the words he spoke were a brilliant idea. Sighing Kane said, “Fine, just go in, I’ll be here.” Luke nodded his head and turned the handle of the door that screeched softly. He walked into the room and saw a man lying on the bed or what he could make out was a person wrapped in white bandages from neck to foot while his face was covered barely. Luke walked up the end of the bed slowly and saw that medical chart with the name, “Nikolai Rayland Norwood.” His heart sank to the pits of his stomach and he rushed to his side. He lifted his hands to touch the man’s face as tears pooled in his eyes. He wanted to touch Nick but he could see that he was hurt and all the burn marks? Why did he have them? A tear fell onto Nick’s cheek stinging him. His eyes snapped open staring straight into Luke’s brown eyes. Luke saw that his eyes were open and couldn’t help but smile. Wiping his tears he said, “You stupid dog, why couldn’t you just stay by my side and behave?” Nick wanted to laugh but his body hurt. He opened his mouth and complained, “You abused my heart.” “I promise I won’t hurt you again okay,” Luke said and wiped Nick’s tears away. Nick nodded his head, “I’m sorry. I told them not to contact you, I’m no longer your handsome boyfriend.” Luke chuckled, shaking his head he said, “I never loved you for your looks, I loved you because you loved me all my life, your looks were just a bonus.” Nick chuckled and went quiet and so did Luke. A knock on the door caught their attention and in walked Kane with a concerned look on his face, “Is everything okay?” Luke nodded his head, “Yeah it is, Nick’s awake.” “Oh…” Kane trailed and walked over to the bed. He looked down at Nick who was staring up at him confused and asked, “What happened to you?” “You are?” Nick asked him. “Oh… I’m his online boyfriend,” he answered pointing at Luke with his thumb. Nick turned to look at Luke and wanted to say something but he couldn’t. It made sense that he moved on but it hurt his heart because Luke was supposed to love him and only him. “Well technically he is now dating both of us,” Luke mentioned and both men’s brows shot up. Kane cleared his throat and said as he looked over at Nick and sat down on the bed by his feet, “It’s nice to meet you boyfriend number two.” Nick’s brows knitted and he looked at Luke. His expression was serious and so was Kane’s. “I guess I don’t have much to complain about,” Nick said and closed his eyes. Kane looked at Luke and they smiled at each other. Taking both Nick and Luke’s hands in his, he said, “I guess this is a new adventure for the three of us.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "361371", "id": "361373", "q": 0.91, "title": "The Government’s Dog - The Story", "author": "MyLadyQueen", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Boys Love", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Death of Loved Ones", "Devoted Love Interests", "Love Triangles", "Oneshot", "Threesome" ] }
I kept gazing at the mirror, hoping to wake up from this nightmare. I had tried everything for the last 2 hours. Pinching myself, falling backwards, looking at the clock and any other actions which would have surely woken me up - if I was dreaming. But against all hope, I am still standing here looking at the beautiful face reflecting in the mirror in front of me. Let me introduce myself - I am Xavier Lee, a half-Korean living in the United States. I am a fresh graduate from a 3rd rate drama school and was struggling to find an acting gig while living out of a crappy room in California. That was before yesterday when I found a script at my doorstep. I don't know who left the script, but when I read it, I was disgusted by the plot. It was a story of mashed up genres and cliches. An alternate universe, dimension-travelling hero, damsels falling for him left and right, crappy villains, game-like powers and monsters - it tried to force them all in one sorry excuse of a plot. I threw the manuscript out of the window after reading the first arc and went to sleep. When I woke up, I found myself in this new body and with memories that made me want to kill myself. Currently, the body I possess belongs to the villain of the first arc. A trashy playboy, who has the power of Stigma - he can literally brand people who were lower-levelled than him and make them his slaves. Yes, you read that right. In this world, every living creature has levels - just like an RPG game. Anyway, back to my character. His name is also Xavier Lee, for some odd reason. He actually didn't have to use his power that much in his life since he was the eldest son of one of the top businessman in the city - Kenny Lee. His mother passed away when he was young and with his always busy and absent father, Xavier grew up spoiled. Also, the hundreds of gold-diggers throwing themselves at him did not help with the problem. Women, cars, resorts - anything that he wished for, Xavier got it without resistance. This made his personality twisted. He began using his powers on any person who resisted him, just so he can watch them become his slave and entertain himself. Very soon, in the future, his father would get wind of his misdeeds and take away all his privileges. After that, he will send him to an enemy's house as a political prisoner. That's where Xavier will meet a girl with the name Park Ji-Yeon and begin harassing her. Ji-Yeon later meets Sung Jin-Woo, the dimension-travelling jerk who is also the protagonist. At first, Ji-Yeon would treat Jin-Woo coldly but after he saves her from Xavier a couple of times, she will fall for him. Jealous over the fact that the girl he was aiming for ran into the arms of another guy, Xavier uses his power on Jin-Woo's sister, who is his inverted scale. Just before he is about to rape her, Jin-Woo bursts into the scene. Mad with rage, Jin-Woo murders Xavier on the spot. This later causes a cycle of revenge between the Lee family and Sung Jin-Woo which ends with the destruction of the Lee family. This was also the end of the first arc and the point till which I had endured the bullshit story. Well, the good news was that Xavier was still in his house. The bad news was that the news that he had misused his powers had already reached his father's ears and he would soon be sent to Park Ji-Yeon's house as a political prisoner. There was nothing he could do about that but at least he had not made any moves on Park Ji-Yeon or Jin-Woo's sister. The most important thing that I have learned in drama school is that whenever there is an unexpected situation, to not break character under any circumstances. So I decided to act like my predecessor for the next few days. I have to admit - driving fast cars, visiting the best clubs and partying with gorgeous girls is a great experience. Unfortunately, good things don't last forever. 5 days later, I found myself waking up to see an unfamiliar woman in my room.   "Good afternoon, young Master. Your father wishes to see you." I did not recognize the woman. She looked beautiful and acted respectfully. But the scorn in her eyes was unmistakable and unhidden. She must be the secretary working for my father. "...Give me five minutes." "Of course. But I suggest that you hurry since Mr Lee doesn't like to wait." I quickly cleaned myself and made myself presentable. We got in a limo and went towards Kenny Lee's mansion. Xavier had moved out to live alone when he was fifteen after his father remarried. This was the first time in 3 years that he was going to see him. He knew that his father's new wife had given him 2 children - a boy and a girl but they were still very young. I don't know what happened to them in the story after the Lee family was destroyed. We were at the mansion within 30 minutes. The secretary led me to my father's study room and left. I knocked on the door. "Come in." I took a deep breath and went inside. Kenny Lee, the billionaire businessman, was sitting at his desk, glaring at me. I wish I could cast my power on him but unfortunately, he was 30 levels above me. My gameplan for today was to avoid eye contact and maintain absolute silence. "Do you know why I summoned you here?" "..." "What happened?! ANSWER ME!" I felt some strange pressure building in the room and it became more difficult for me to breathe. This must be the 'level suppression' I had read about in the script. Lesser men would have given in under this pressure but I kept my composure and kept maintaining my silence. Kenny Lee kept yelling and threatening me for 5 minutes but when he saw me ignoring his outburst, he deflated and sat back down in his chair. "Where did I go wrong with your upbringing?" Really? You serious dude?!.... I cursed inwardly at the oblivious man in front of me. "Anyway, it doesn't look like you're repenting at all. This is the last time I'm cleaning after you. You're not allowed to use your power ever again, period. Or I'll have to send you to prison myself. All of your assets are frozen indefinitely. You will be sent to the Park family's main house as a political prisoner. If you mess up there then I'll just let them handle you. Understood?..... Still silent eh? You don't need to go back to your villa. Get in the limo outside. You're going to Park family's house right now." I breathed a sigh of relief internally. There were no surprises. I quickly left the room without turning back or saying anything. I started forming a plan to handle the Park family as I got in the limo and made my way to their house.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "236209", "id": "236252", "q": 0.8572727272727273, "title": "Non-Otaku as a Villain (Alpha version) - Ch. 1 – Transmigrator", "author": "kinjal_basu", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Drama", "Ecchi", "Fantasy" ], "tags": [ "Antihero Protagonist", "Calm Protagonist" ] }
Story opens in the vastness of space, the last unexplored territory of mankind. A celestial body coined Bastor’s Comet, moving with a gentle determination as it had done for ages before its discovery, is making its century long return to Earth’s Solar System. A mining and survey expedition has been approved to examine Bastor’s mineral qualities. The vessel Walton is inbound when an unusual reading is detected coming from the comet. Observer Post Officer Sir, I am detecting a metallic object on the surface of the comet. Expedition Leader What? A metallic object, are you sure? Observer Post Officer Yes sir. Coordinates are being fed into the system now. Expedition Leader Well, we’ve come all this way. Might as well see what it is. Land us as close to the signal as we can get. We will send out a search party after our preliminary scan of the comet’s surface. On the surface of the comet After the Walton had landed, two men departed the craft carrying flashlight like devices that bare little resemblance to any existing technology. They are fully covered in exosuits with a distinctly reptilian design. A mirrored faceplate adorns their masks to protect them from the elements. The soundless crunch of their boots meshes the soft surface of the darkly lit comet. They approach an opening that resembles a cave. As they wander inside, the explorers’ flashlights illuminate the makeshift cave. Ice and ore light up with an understated yet appreciable radiance. They examine the cave for a short while before their lights fall upon a metal object. The two men approach cautiously. Explorer Sir, this is Rickard. We have found the object. Expedition Leader What does it look like? Can you describe its appearance? Rickard I don’t have to sir. It’s a Russian Alliance teleportation pod. Expedition Leader Russian Alliance? That’s impossible, David contact UASEPC. Tell them we found El Dorado! Back On Earth Sometime later, two aircraft called sting rays for their resemblance to four-winged sting rays are on patrol along the Eastern Coalition / United Atlantic border. They are performing a routine aerial sweep to detect potential hostiles and report the locations of indigenous people to maintain population control. Aircraft Pilot One Air Control, this is Alpha. Routine sweep has been completed; border is clear request permission to return to Landsite. Air Control Negative Alpha, Sector 42 has requested emergency aid. Unidentified hostile has attacked Siterep Sigma, repeat Siterep Sigma is under attack. Aircraft Pilot One Copy that Air Control. Alpha inbound ETA flying time. The Stingrays eventually make their way to the base designated Siterep Sigma. What awaited them was a state-of-the-art facility reduced to rubble. Combat Synth vehicles scatter the ground as smoke wafts from a sizable crater where a roof used to be on a cone shaped military research lab. Aircraft Pilot One Air Control we have reached Siterep Sigma. No signs of hostile. Air Control Alpha, are there any survivors? Aircraft Pilot One Unable to determine Air Control, too much smoke and debris to see survivors. Air Control Understood Alpha. Return to Landsite. Rescue crews are on their way. Aircraft Pilot One Acknowledged Air Control. Returning to Landsite. Aircraft Pilot Two (Thinks to himself): My God, what happened here!? The mobile Village of Tiena It was a quiet morning in Tiena. This was Tiena’s third day at its present location. Aleia, A woman in her late twenties with dark hair, tan skin, and a vibrant red sash was collecting water from a stream. As she went about her task out of the corner of her eyes, she spots something lying on the bank. It was a boy unconscious, yet conspicuously clean considering his resting place. In that moment her instinct to help a fellow human being, which we all possess but ignore when convenient, took hold of her. She carried the boy who was oddly light for his size back to her house. She then fetched the village doctor. Aleia How is he, doctor? Doctor His vitals are normal, no sign of injury and his pulse is steady. I think he will be fine with some rest. Where did you find him? Aleia On the bank, I was collecting water for the move. He was lying there motionless. Doctor On the bank? Were his clothes wet before you carried him? Aleia No, he must have been there awhile, his clothes were dry. Doctor Well, it is a good thing you found him before something awful happened. You may have saved his life; we can ask him questions when he wakes up. Aleia Thank you doctor. The doctor tipped his hat and walked out the door. Alone with the boy she found by the river, Aleia examined his features more closely. The boy looked no more than fourteen years old. He was dressed in blue clothes that covered most of his body. A black undershirt was visible where his suit revealed his midriff. He wore black boots that stopped below the knee and black gloves without the fingertips. His hair was blonde and neatly organized into rows of small spikes that reminded Aleia of cresting waves or the quills of a hedgehog. His face was smooth and round, but perhaps the most striking part of the boy’s appearance was a long red scarf he wore snugly around his neck and down his back for it was made of a fabric she did not recognize. Aleia was puzzled by his appearance. He did not look like one of her people. In fact, he did not resemble anyone within the Eastern Coalition. His style of dress indicated a winter climate, yet the temperature in this part of the world did not drop below a comfortable heat. Aleia stared at her unusual guest until he started to stir. His eyes fluttered open and after an initial look of confusion, the boy’s face was replaced with a look of complete panic. He jolted up in the bed causing Aleia to rise to her feet in order to calm him down. Boy Aaah! Aleia Easy, take it easy! You’re safe here. The boy regarded her for a moment before calming slightly. Boy Where am I? Where are the monsters? Aleia Monsters? There are no monsters here. You must have had a nightmare. The boy paused briefly at that remark, the monster that had attacked his home still fresh in his mind. Had that been a Nightmare? If so, where is his mother? He grimaced at the thought. Aleia What is your name? Boy My name is Stark, Stark Victries Aleia Stark, I would like you to meet the village leader. Are you feeling well enough to move? Stark Yeah, I think so. The U.A. Tactical Strike Facility: Codename Greenhouse A hardened Colonel Brandt walked into the main corridor of the Greenhouse. He was dressed in the regal splendor of a seasoned fighting man complemented by an unyielding scowl. His Second was waiting to adjoin him to the War Room. Brandt Have the survivors from Siterep Sigma been debriefed yet? Second Command Officer Jenner No sir. Medical wanted to make sure there were no pathogens before allowing interviews to be conducted. It is a standard safety protocol. Brandt Very well, tell them to hurry up. I want to know what in the hell happened there. Jenner Our present theory is it was a breach by one of the research specimens. Brandt Breach!? Siterep Sigma is one of the most secured and fortified locations on the planet! We spent 40 billion dollars on the security grid, a quarter billion dollars on the Combat Synths, and another 30 billion dollars on specimen containment and K.E.N.F installations. There had better be a damn good explanation for this or there will be hell to pay! The two walked at a brisk pace as they near the end of the corridor. Brandt I want an update on the Talishar situation. Have you found the group smuggling the anti-synth weapons? Jenner Yes sir. Intelligence reports indicate that the Talishar splinter group are smuggling the weapons into the borders of the Eastern Coalition. They are traveling with one of the autonomous mobile villages within the Selvika region. Brandt Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s blow that village to kingdom come! Both stop at the entrance to the War Room. The door resembles a flower that opens in a vertical fashion like a reverse venus fly trap. For generations the Greenhouse has been the primary forward base for all military excursions by the United Atlantic since it rose from the collective ashes of the United States of America, Canada and the European Union. The three former powers became part of the global federation known as the Ethics Committee of the United Atlantic. Forever dedicated to the cause of global security, every aspect of life within the U.A. is supervised by the three Branches of the U.A. Superstate. Everything from telecommunications, to healthcare, to public education, to environmentalism is managed by the watchful eyes of the U.A. Ethics Committee and its unflinchingly loyal military branches. It is the unparalleled efficiency of facilities like The Greenhouse that make it all possible. From this seat of military might Colonel Harvey Brandt is about to launch a campaign that will decide the fate of billions, unaware of the true horror he will set in motion. Brandt Are the All-Terrain Combat Synths loaded onto the aerocarriers? The flower shaped door of the War Room opens, Brandt and Jenner walk in. The War Room is like all forms of U.A. technology designed to emulate nature. It has pristine wooden floors and control consoles that resemble tangled vines. The touch screens exhibit a prismatic translucent color, like water droplets shimmering in the sunlight, and the large screen in the middle resembles a collection of leaves with images on them. To the uninitiated, the War Room would resemble a thriving ecosystem, but its artificial aesthetic hides its grim function. Jenner Proceeding as ordered sir (gestures one of the console operators to bring up the loading bay screen, the leaves changing shape to reflect the image) We will be ready with the hour. The target (gestures again to bring up a satellite image) is the mobile village of Tiena. The Talishar are believed to be disguised as natives. Brandt Did the Ethics Committee give us the go ahead for the operation? Jenner Yes, sir they did. However, the intelligence department would like us to wait until we have more information. Brandt More information!? Bah, its one village! How much information do we need to kill them all!? Open the launcher petals; get the aerocarriers into the air! The order given, the flower shaped Greenhouse opened its massive petals to launch the eel shaped aerocarriers, its cargo made to build wastelands. Despite the obvious conclusions one would naturally reach, this conflict would not end the way Brandt predicted. Tiena Aleia and Stark had left the house and were on their way to the village council. Stark took in the sights as the two of them walked to their destination. People in clothes he had never seen before bustled before him. Some handled pottery; others tended to game and fish. The metal workers tirelessly forged trinkets of glass and iron. Every face they passed was friendly and inviting. Stark had never known such kindness living in isolation with his mother, he wasn’t sure what to make of it. The world was far different a place than his sheltered education had ever taught him. Stark wondered if his mother had found a place like this. Had she found any place at all to escape the monsters? The pair approached the large building situated in the center of the village. Impassioned arguments could be heard through the flaps of the door; they enter the building. First Man I say we stay and fight, we have nothing to lose! Every day the U.A. further encroaches into our lands and slaughters our people! We have the weapons let’s stay and fight! Second Man It takes more than a few weapons to fight an enemy as powerful as the U.A. Torian! It was a mistake to even agree to help the Talishar, now we all have a target on our backs! Torian Osler, your passivity will lead to the extinction of our people. It’s us or them we can’t share our way of life with outsiders. All our enemies must be destroyed. To protect our culture and our children we must fight! Osler Don’t disguise your blood lust as concern for our people Torian! We have all lost someone to the U.A. siding with terrorists will not make their deaths mean something. A peaceful future is the only way to end the bloodshed! Torian I would rather be a terrorist than a slave. Mark my words old man, until the U.A. and all who live in it are destroyed there will be no future for anyone! Murmurs and gossip ring out across the room. The sound of the door flaps moving catches the assembly’s attention. Aleia I’m sorry to interrupt, but I brought someone who was found lying near the bank. I think it best that you should speak with him. Osler Ah, this must be the boy that Dr. Pavi mentioned. Welcome my young friend. Stark Hello. Stark looked visibly uneasy regarding the man. He was a heavyset fellow with balding hair and a large nose. His face was wrinkly but jovial. Stark … Osler Is something the matter my boy? Stark Why is your head shiny, did someone wax it? Laughter broke out at Stark’s remark, even Torian repressed a smirk. Osler chuckled in amusement at Stark’s naivete. Osler No young fellow. When you reach my age, you find that hair is overrated. Enough about me, I would like to learn more about you. Stark walked around the table in the center of the ornate room he made his way to the opposing podium from where Osler was standing. He glanced around nervously at the unfamiliar faces all observing him with keen interest. It was a spacious room, far more so than one would expect with village cultural icons hanging from the walls. The room smelled of lilacs. Stark found that fact somewhat comforting. Osler Now why don’t you start by telling us who you are and where you came from. Stark My name is Stark Victries; I don’t know where I came from. Mom said it is supposed to be a secret. Osler Your mother? Where is your mother? Stark I don’t know, we were separated when it attacked. Osler When what attacked? Stark I don’t know what it was, it was like a monster! It was big and fast and had claws, and there were more of them as we tried to escape. I blacked out and when I woke up, I was surrounded by strange creatures. I panicked and ran away. Last thing I remember was falling into some water. Osler These monsters, where are they now? Stark I don’t know, anything after the water I don’t know what happened. There was a rush of murmurs carrying around the room. The people regarded Stark’s testimony with varying levels of confusion and skepticism. Stark was worried they wouldn’t believe him. His eyes met Aleia’s who gave him a reassuring smile. Osler Whatever chased you won’t find you here. You are welcome to travel with us. We leave tomorrow morning. Until then enjoy our people’s hospitality! The people murmured in excited agreement, all except one. Torian, the most hawkish member of counsel, eyed Stark suspiciously. His instinct told him there was more to the story, but it would have to wait until after tomorrow. Later that night in the airspace of the Selvika region The three aerocarriers that launched from the Greenhouse were making good time as they neared the target. Their sleek undulating bodies whipped about gracefully as their prismatic colored fins adjusted shape to lower their altitude.The payload they were about to deliver were the latest in Synth technology. Combat Synth are specialized vehicles made from artificially constructed organic matter; they are designed to resemble animals in both appearance and movement. These All-Terrain Combat Synths possess chitinous armor like a crab. Their appearance is spider-like with three eight-meter legs adorning each side and an additional leg on the front for stability, The AT Synth is capable of leaping upwards of 14 meters and moves fast enough to outmaneuver electricity. A synth’s neurocircuit control system gives it the response time of a fly, enabling its pilot to perform actions in rapid succession while he or she is plugged into the system. ATs have bell shaped bodies with an armored green visor surrounded by red circular lens shaped like eyes. These eyes are part of the ATs onboard K.E.N.F. system. A Kinetic Energy Neutralization Field or K.E.N.F for short is a revolutionary ion-based armament designed to neutralize the force behind an object. Onboard sensors detect the force of an object and respond by putting out a plasma pulse with equal or greater force at a calculated point of contact to intercept the object. This prevents the K.E.N.F. protected object from taking physical damage. The neutralization field is so effective at intercepting threats that it is essentially impossible to harm a Combat Synth without anti-synth weapons designed to bypass a K.E.N.F. Complementing the AT Synths defensive capabilities are its weapon loadout; automatic mounted guns with incendiary rounds; short range ballistic missiles; mortal shells fired with magnetic propulsion for increased velocity; and K.E.N.F. scramblers for Synth-on-Synth engagements. The All-Terrain Combat Synth is the ideal weapon for turning any landmass into a graveyard. A contingent of twenty ATs is included on each of the aerocarriers. The aerocarriers have reached the drop point. Aerocarrier Greenhouse, this is Charlie. Tiena is less than a mile out, permission to deliver package. Brandt Permission granted Charlie. Deliver the package, I want that village turned into a parking lot by tomorrow morning. Aerocarrier Acknowledged Greenhouse, delivering package. Gill shaped slits open along the length of the Aerocarriers. The ATs are ejected from the openings in bubble shaped pods. The pods make it to the ground in record time before dissolving and releasing the ATs. The visor and lens on the ATs light up as they activate. Alpha This is Alpha. Package delivered, proceeding to combat zone. Beta This is Beta. Package delivered, proceeding to combat zone. Aerocarrier This is Charlie. Package delivery acknowledged. Returning to Greenhouse. River near Tiena Stark had spent almost an hour looking at the river. It was the first time he had ever seen one in person. Much of what Stark knew of the world came from books. Even then, he knew very little. He believed he was going to spend the rest of his life in his mother’s laboratory. She had often told him how dangerous and unkind life outside the lab was to those who didn’t belong there. Stark pondered what she had meant by that. Tiena was nothing like his expectations. The people were friendly, if somewhat mistrusting. The river and grass were as lively as the lab gardens. The sun had been warm which only accentuated the crisp cool night air Stark was now experiencing. Life was far from unkind here. In fact, it was quite enjoyable. Still his mother’s words had troubled Stark, for his mother had never lied to him. What was it about this place that was so dangerous? The more he thought about it the less comfort it gave him. Stark thoughts turned to his mother. Was she safe? Would she find him? Should he go back to the lab and look for her? Stark was a fast runner so it wouldn’t take him long to reach it. And then there were her parting words to him, “Forgive me.”. Forgive her? What was there to forgive her for? Why had she said it? Why was she crying when she said it? Nothing about this made sense to Stark and it troubled him greatly. Aleia Penny for your thoughts? Stark turned around. Aleia must have approached while he was lost in his thoughts. Stark I was thinking about my home…and my mother. Aleia You must miss your mom a lot, huh? Stark This is the first time in my life she wasn’t around. I’m worried about her. I can’t stop thinking about the attack. Aleia I wish I could say something to help. Do you have any other family? Someone you can stay with just in case. Stark No. I have an older sister, but she hates me. She thinks I’m a mistake. Aleia’s face dropped at what Stark had said. It appears Stark no longer has a home. He is alone and has yet to fully come to terms with it. Aleia thought wherever this boy came from must have been a terrible place. Aleia internally debated with herself for a short while before reaching a decision. Aleia Why don’t you live with me? I don’t have much, but I always wanted a little brother. Stark Live with you? In the village? Aleia Yes. At least until we find your mother. Stark What if I never find my mother? What if she’s? Stark couldn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t want to acknowledge the possibility that haunted his mind. Aleia’s face change once again to one of concern. It was as if she could read Stark’s mind. She gently smiled and approached Stark as he turned to stare at the river again. Aleia put her hands on his shoulders. He looked up at her smiling face with concern. Aleia I promise you will have a home here Stark. The people of Tiena are good people. We will protect you. I won’t let anyone hurt you. The two shared the warmth of the embrace for a short while before loud noises begun to fill the air. Aleia What is that? There was a bright flash from a large explosion in a distance. As Aleia listened, the sound of screams became more audible. Aleia Oh no! The village is under attack! Stark adopted a fierce glare in the direction of the screams. Feeling a need to help those people, Stark pulled himself from Aleia’s grasp and ran toward the village. Aleia Stark wait! Don’t go it’s dangerous! In the village Smoke and fire billowed everywhere. The ground was stained crimson from the blood of bodies shredded by machine gun fire. Mortar shells blew apart the hastily constructed buildings. The debris splintered everywhere as the air filled with ash. The villagers ran every which direction in a panic. Some were trampled to death; others were shot by the weapons of the ATs. Their bones and organs ripped from their bodies in the process. The deafening cry of screams were drowned out by the roar of the ATs guns. Alpha Alpha here. Clean up proceeding as scheduled Brandt Copy Alpha. Be sure not to leave any orphans. The U.A. is a compassionate superstate. Alpha Copy that Greenhouse. Making our way to the center of target. As the ATs make their way through the village, they make sure to diligently shoot down any stragglers they find. One of the ATs approach a father and young son with its guns trained on them. The father shields the boy with his body hoping to protect him. As the AT gets ready to fire, a black shadowy mirage attacks the AT, splitting it in half.  Father and son embrace one another relieved to be alive. Greenhouse Brandt What happened? Console Operator One of the ATs is down. It has been ripped in half. Brandt Alpha, one of the ATs is down. Stay alert, you have hostiles present! Alpha Copy that Greenhouse. Looking for- aaah! Brandt Alpha! Alpha! Shit! Someone tell me what the hell is going on down there! Tiena One by one the ATs are taken out by the same darkened translucent shape. In rapid succession, ATs are destroyed before they have time to react, each one sliced or smashed to pieces. Greenhouse Operator Sir. We have lost over half of our forces; we will lose the other half if we don’t abort the operation. Brandt Damn! Activated the emergency teleportation beacon. Recall all units! Operator Acknowledged sir. On the main screen of the War Room as the units were all teleported away from the village, Brandt caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure, a see-through silhouette acting as if it were flickering in and out of reality. It was small and had a humanoid shape. It was there for merely a second and then vanished into thin air. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Brandt’s face as questions race through his mind. Kinetic Energy Neutralization Fields were designed to neutralize the force of nuclear weapons. To destroy a Synth equipped with one should be impossible without anti-synth weapons, yet none were fired. For the first time in his life Brandt was terrified. What was that thing? What could be powerful enough to destroy some of the most powerful war machines on earth in the blink of an eye? Brandt was not a man of God. Yet, the only thing he could think to do in that moment was pray. Ruins of Tiena Aleia ran through the rubble of the village looking for Stark. Aleia Stark! Stark! Where are you! Stark approaches Aleia from behind a veil of smoke. Stark I’m right here Aleia! Aleia What were you thinking!? You could have gotten yourself killed! Stark I wanted to make sure the people in the village were alright. Aleia I’m glad you are alright. Don’t run off like that again! You nearly gave me a heart attack. Stark I’m sorry. Aleia and Stark hugged one another, then they began to help the survivors. Because the villagers didn’t know when the attack would resume, hastily made graves were dug for the dead. Bodies were carried in bags to prevent spilling and those injured by phosphate were rubbed down with water from the stream. The air was thick with the metallic smell of blood and the chalky stench of smoke. Stark surveyed the people as he helped fill the graves, the look of sadness and anger on the faces of the people burdened his heart. The look of fear on the frozen faces of corpses would haunt his dreams for years to come as their organs were collected and reorganized to the best of the village doctor’s ability. At least two dozen graves were filled when Torian decided to pull Osler aside. Torian Osler, may I speak with you privately? Osler Of course, let’s go somewhere quiet. Osler What is it you wanted to speak about? Torian The boy that Aleia brought to the village, I don’t trust him. let’s make him leave! Osler What!? Are you mad Torian? We are not exiling a child! Torian Don’t you think it’s strange that we were attacked by the U.A. shortly after Aleia found him? Or that the attack would suddenly be thwarted by some invisible force causing them to retreat? It’s all to convenient for me! Osler You think the boy is a spy? Torian It wouldn’t be the first time the U.A. Ethics Committee had used children as soldiers or spies. How else would they have found us? Osler Don’t be daft man! The reason we were attacked is because we were smuggling weapons for the Talishar. This is what happens when you aid political extremists! It was only a matter of time before we came under attack by the U.A. Torian I’m telling you there is something strange about that kid! He washes up from the river with dry clothes? He walked through a warzone without so much of a spec of dirt on him? He doesn’t even smell like a person who was carrying dead bodies! Osler I will hear no more of this Torian! We need to finish burying the bodies so we can move before the U.A. forces come back. That boy had nothing to do with this attack. Put it out of your mind and stop being paranoid. The conversation over, they go back to finish burying their dead. Using their rose shaped matter storage devices, the remaining buildings disperse into particles resembling spores and collect themselves into the devices. Wood, plaster, and brick dissolve before the eyes of their owners as the mobile village prepares to move. The possessions of the villagers stored away within their handy matter-carrying memory roses, the mobile Village of Tiena begins migrating to seek refuge within the Eastern Coalition. Queen’s Garden the U.A. capitol building; debriefing room Colonel Brandt per his duties has flown back to the Queen’s Garden to meet the head researcher of Siterep Sigma, Anton Collera. He has been a loyal member of the U.A. Ethics Committee as his family had been for six generations. Anton finds himself at risk of facing prison for gross negligence when handling U.A. assets if he does not have a compelling reason for the destruction of Siterep Sigma while it was under his administration. It is not an exaggeration to say Anton’s life depends on his meeting with Colonel Brandt. Anton Two days ago, at 1400 hours, we received a notification from UASEPC that one of their deep space exploration vessels had discovered a Russian Alliance experimental teleportation pod. It was an unusual discovery considering the Russian Alliance was destroyed 300 years ago. Brandt Russian Alliance? Where did they find it? Anton It was inside of a comet that had been approved for a mining survey. They discovered it when their vessel’s scan detected a deposit of metal that was at odds with the composition of the comet. Brandt Why was Siterep Sigma contacted? Sigma handles biomatter and xeno organisms. Anton There were concerns that because of the pod’s age there might be a hostile contagion sealed within the pod. It was sent to Siterep Sigma to determine if the pod was a threat to international security. Brandt What happened after your staff came into the possession of the pod? Anton We put it through the standard quarantine protocols. Once the science team deemed it to be safe, we decided to open the pod to check for biological samples that may be within it. Something went wrong. Brandt That’s a considerable understatement considering your ass is on the line for a multibillion-dollar research installation. What happened? Anton There was an organism of some kind. We couldn’t make out what it was because the inside of the pod was covered in ice. It woke up and burst out of the pod moving too fast to see. Brandt raises his eyebrows at what Anton had said but allows him to continue. Anton It smashed and sliced its way through every defense we had. It bypassed K.E.N.F. like they weren’t even there and the Synths surrounding the base were decimated at a speed faster than thought. Brandt When it became clear you wouldn’t be able to contain the organism, what did you do? Anton We activate the standard evacuation procedures. All specimens were secured and ready for transport; families of the researchers we had on the base were escorted out by our personnel. Brandt Was there anyone on staff who saw what the organism looked like? Anton No. But, there was an image of it captured by the outer camera labs. Well, sort of captured. Brandt What do you mean sort of captured? Anton The image was of a humanoid silhouette that was flickering and translucent. It moved like our understanding of physics didn’t apply to it. It was running on the air like the air was solid ground. It almost reminded me of a mirage. Brandt This silhouette was it pitch black like a void? Anton Yes, it was like no color could pass through it even though it was see-through. How did you know it was black? Brandt Doctor, your testimony may have just saved both of our asses. Representatives from the two American branches are coming here within the hour expecting a full report of what happened the past two days. I think its time we told them about our new friend. Anton There’s one more thing Colonel. After I was let out of quarantine, I supervised the examination of the wreckage. Tissue was recovered from it. It contained deioxine, territhyne, and memory-carbon. Biosynthetic tissue. Brandt The hostile was wearing biosynthetic armor? Anton No Colonel. The sample was skin tissue. It is a Biosynthetic organism. Brandt’s eyes widened at that. The creature he had seen on the monitor was man made. This discovery could change more than the U.A. It could change the world! Tiena The mobile village of Tiena had been moving at its current pace for a few days. The people had crossed mountains, grasslands, and rivers. The villagers were emotionally beaten down, tired and filled with trepidation as many of them were still shaken from the attack they had survived. They soldiered on to distract themselves from their grief and fear. They had reached a grassy hill near the edge of a forest when Osler decided the people needed to stay here for a few days to rest and recuperate. Osler We will stay here for a few days. Everyone set up your possessions. Those that finish may rest a bit before we assign responsibilities.  The villagers did as they were instructed. Pulling out their memory roses, they activated the stems. Released from the rose petals, the spore like particles started to come together to materialize brick, plaster and wood. Furniture had begun to arrange itself in a set pattern. Plants, stalls and roads appeared from the light of the collected particles. The people who had finished early sat around and relaxed in their own ways. The children played while their parents gossiped the usual gossip. Aleia had just finished arranging her things when she noticed Stark sitting on a nearby hill. Stark was sitting with his knees up to his chest, his left arm wrapped around his legs. In his right hand was a small object he was looking at intently. It was a gold pendent with a heart shaped gemstone embroidered upon it. The bright lavender heart-shaped stone glittered off his own bright violet irises. Stark had no memory rose of his own, so he was spending his time reminiscing about his family. His mind drifted to memories of moments he shared with his mother. Flashback to the lab Stark was walking through the corridors he had passed through at least a dozen times by now. He navigated them almost instinctively taking no notice of the passion fruit red colored wallpaper and wooden furniture. He kept gaze focused straight ahead distantly noting the echo of his footsteps against the white tiled floor. Stark was heading back to his room when he overheard two nearby voices arguing through a door. First Voice I can’t believe you did that! What were you thinking! Did you not consider the consequences? Second Voice  Of course, I considered the consequences. You don’t understand. I was hurt and lonely. I needed companionship! Stark recognizing the two voices quietly opened the door and peeked inside. Two women were arguing in a standard looking office with a wooden desk and some exotic potted plants. The walls had the same passion fruit red wallpaper and were lined with bookshelves. The first woman was his older sister Samantha, a slender woman in her mid-twenties with curly blond hair. She was wearing gold hooped earrings and had on some light makeup, blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. She was wearing a velvet blue blouse and light blue jeans with red sneakers. The other woman was Stark’s mother, Vivian. She was an older woman with graying blond hair styled into a modest bob cut. Her sagely face was punctuated with light wrinkles under her eyes and by her lips. Vivian was wearing a red turtleneck sweater and a professional black skirt that matched her black high heeled shoes. She wore a lab coat over her ensemble. Sam’s angry violet eyes glistened as she spoke. Sam Companionship? Is that what you call that? Are you going to shirk your responsibilities every time you feel depressed? Vivian I am taking responsibility for my actions. That’s why he is here. He is part of the family now. Like it or not, he is your new brother. Sam That thing will never be my brother! It shouldn’t be here! Vivian Don’t call him a thing! He’s a person like you and me. I’m sorry about what happened, but you need to move on. Sam (scoffs) Move on? That’s convenient, isn’t it? It’s easy for you to make another kid when you didn’t care about the first one. Vivian’s eyes lit up with rage at that comment. Vivian I ought to slap you for that. I loved Clark. I loved him more than words can describe. Clark is gone now; he’s gone forever and he’s never coming back. You need to accept that! Sam Why should I accept all your bad decisions? Vivian I Know I’ve made my mistakes. I know I should have been there more for Clark. I shouldn’t have given into the temptation. I know Stark shouldn’t exist. I should have known better, that’s my fault. His mother’s words shot through Stark like a bullet, his heart sunk as tears began to well up in his eyes. His own mother thought he shouldn’t exist. He was a burden to her. Stark felt like he was going to be sick. Sam If you know Stark is a mistake, then get rid of it! Vivian Samantha! I am done arguing with you! This is not up for discussion. He’s staying and that’s final! The two of them didn’t notice the open door until later. The person behind it had already left to be alone. It was hours later when Vivian found Stark. He was sitting in the shade of the larger trees in the gardens. Vivian There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. I was beginning to worry. Stark Why do you care where I am? Vivian Because I was worried something had happened to you. Stark Why do you care? You think I’m a mistake. Vivian What!? What are you talking about? I don’t think you’re a mistake. Stark angrily turned around to face her and started shouting. Stark Don’t lie to me! I heard what you said to Samantha! How I shouldn’t exist! You hate me don’t you! Vivian recoiled at what Stark had just said. She was genuinely hurt by his comments. She had said those words, but she didn’t mean it that way. It reaffirmed her belief that she was failing as a mother. She knew she had to fix this. Vivian Stark I- Stark interrupted her. Stark Just go away and leave me alone! Stark turned around in a huff and began sobbing again. Vivian’s face changed to a more loving expression. She slowly approached where Stark was and sat down next to him before speaking again. Vivian I’m sorry Stark. You have every right to be angry at me. But you must know it was never my intention to hurt you. Even if I left you alone, I could never stop caring about you. Stark looked up at his mother. He had calmed down slightly Vivian I did say those words, but I didn’t mean it that way. I don’t want you to think you’re a mistake. You’re not and I was being stupid for saying anything that could suggest you were. You mean a great deal to me and a future without you would be unbearable to me. Stark You mean that? Vivian smiled before answering. She hugged him gently and spoke. Vivian With all my heart. Can you forgive me? Stark Yes, I can His mother wiped away his tears and the two of them embraced under the shade of the tree. They spent a good while simply enjoying their time together. Back to the present Because Stark was lost in deep thought Aleia was able to approach him without him noticing her. Aleia What are you looking at? Stark was briefly startled until he realized that it was Aleia. Stark It’s my pendent. My mom gave it to me. Told me to look at it whenever I need to remember her. Aleia bent down to get a closer look at the heart shaped pendent. Aleia It looks nice. Stark Thank you. Aleia noticed Stark had a crestfallen face and decided to ask him about it. Aleia What’s wrong? You look like your sad about something. Stark looked up from his pendent and at Aleia. Stark I was thinking about my mother. I always wondered if she really loved me. Aleia You don’t know if your mother loved you? Stark I like to think she did, but I’m not sure. Aleia Didn’t she tell you she loved you? Stark No, she never said that. Aleia’s face fell at that. She didn’t know what to make of that statement. Seeing Stark’s saddened expression, she decided to say something to cheer him up. Aleia I’m sure she loved you a lot. You don’t give something that precious to someone you don’t love. Hearing that lifted stark’s spirits. It made him feel better. Suddenly Osler’s voice rang out into the air. Osler Okay everyone breaks over! Everyone line up so we can decide who gets what duties. Everyone heard Osler and began to form lines. Aleia looked back at Stark. Aleia What do you say we get in line and find out what our chores are together? Who knows maybe we’ll get something fun? Stark shook his head in acknowledgement. Putting his pendent away, he grabbed Aleia’s hand as she helped him to his feet before they went to stand in line with everyone else. Queen’s Garden, room of the Regency After Brandt and Collera’s testimonies were corroborated by the video evidence of the incidents, the reports compiled by the two branch representatives were sent to the respective heads of the three branches. They called together a meeting with the highest level of the Ethics Committee, the Regency. They are the three people with the highest authority in the United Atlantic, each one representing the head of their state. Such a meeting is only called in times of dire circumstances. The situation was indeed dire for the U.A. had never encountered a threat like this in the entirety of its existence. The room was equal parts massive and intimidating. The spacious walls resembled a planetarium and made the room brim with ambient light. Row after row of long desks were stacked atop one another in a manner reminiscent of a German expressionist painting, The desks were seated with the heads of thousands of departments ready to bring their expertise to bare. The three regents sat of on fashionable highly sophisticated chairs made of glass that were furnished with fine colorful silks. At the bottom of the room was an elevated platform with a wooden railing. The railing was connected to the floor by structures resembling tangled vines. Extra modest chairs were situated along the back wall. Once the meeting was assembled Colonel Brandt took his place on the elevated platform and begun to speak. Brandt A few days ago, at 0700 hours, a hostile organism of unknown nature and origin was transported to containment at research site Siterep Sigma. An hour later, it escaped and demolished the installation. Later that day at 2000 hours, the same organism destroyed an entire platoon of All-Terrain Combat Synths carrying out an operation to neutralize political insurgents attempting to smuggle weapons across the border of another superstate. Video evidence of both incidents show the creature to be a shadow-like mirage that flickers like a candle. This evidence will be presented to the assembly now. The walls of the room change from their planetarium pattern to show the video. Imaging leaves like the ones used on the main viewscreen of the Greenhouse War Room change to show the assembly 3D versions of the footage. The twin videos play for a while before they both stop and freeze on the image of the creature Brandt described. Brandt . To better explain the nature of what we’re dealing with, I now present Dr. Anton Collera, Administrative Director of Siterep Sigma, to explain the process of creating biosynthetic materials. Anton rose from his seat and replaced Brandt on the platform. Anton pressed a rose shaped device on the sleeve of his shirt. The rose causes the image leaves to reshape themselves into a new 3D image. This time it was of a D.N.A strand. Anton This is a strand of Deoxyribonucleic Acid or D.N.A. for short. It is made up of four base amino acids, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. Together they form a repeating sequence of nucleotide base pairs that make up the strand. The backbone of D.N.A is made of sugar and phosphate molecules that bond with the base pairs to create the double helix strand. Anton pressed the rose on his sleeve and the leaves again changed shape to show new images. Anton This is a malleable and modular microscopic substance named the Bleugis molecule. We can shape the molecule to mimic the properties of any amino acid we choose. Using the Bleugis molecule we can synthesize artificial strands of D.N.A. by combining it with sugar and phosphate molecules. Once created, this synthetic D.N.A. is chemically bonded to a microscopic shell made from synthetic materials. After the D.N.A is added into the shell it becomes organic tissue. This is how biosynthetic materials are made gentlemen. Despite the miracle of creation happening before their eyes, the assembly showed the usual level of interest professional bureaucrats typically do when shown such things; basically none. Anton Due to the engineering difficulties of created fully living organism out of synthetic matter, our development of biosynthetic tissue has been limited to machines and construction material. All known attempts to create a living organism had failed…until now. After quarantine had been lifted, tissue samples had been collected from the wreckage at Siterep Sigma. Tests indicated that the organism is composed of biosynthetic tissue. It’s an artificially created lifeform. Gentlemen what we are looking at is the most impressive feat of bioengineering every accomplished. We have reasons to believe that it was made on Earth. The head of the Bioengineering department, a Mr. David Beckler, spoke up. Beckler How do you know it was made on Earth? That seems like a reach in logic doctor. Anton turned his head to address Beckler. He pressed the rose on his sleeve a third time to bring up various images and charts. He turned his head to study them for a moment and make sure this was the right file. After he was convinced it was the right one, he spoke. Anton The organism was recovered in a Russian Alliance teleportation pod that was use in space warping field experiments. The pod was not designed for use in space and yet it was recovered by a UASEPC deep space exploration vessel. Additionally, the lifeform appears to have adapted itself to our environment, so far it has shown no signs of being hindered by our biome. This would be difficult for any non-earth form of life to accomplish due to bio-chemical barriers. Lastly D.N.A. fragments from the tissue were tested and cross-referenced with genetic profiles we have on record. It matched a genetic signature with one animal in our database: Homo sapien. Beckler This thing is human!? Anton We don’t have a full strand of D.N.A. from the organism. We cannot confirm that it is human. All we can confirm is that it has human D.N.A. in it. The once quiet assembly broke into a dull roar after Anton had finished speaking. The European Regent raised her hand and the committee quieted itself. She proceeded to speak. European Regent So, as I understand it, an artificially constructed human-like organism made on Earth was found in an experimental device from a deposed regime, escaped from and destroyed a multibillion-dollar military research installation, traveled hundreds of miles and destroyed a whole platoon of state-of-the-art Combat Synths in a single day? Even if the creature is a biosynthetic organism how could it have accomplished that? Anton Well, madame regent, we believe that has to do with its material composition. To elaborate further I have requested Dr. Amelia Petrie from the astrophysics weapon development division to attend this committee meeting. She will now explain it in better detail. Dr. Petrie stood up from her seat and took to the raised platform. She was a broad mousey woman with a permanent scowl and a strict dress code reflecting her no-nonsense personality. Petrie Thank you Dr. Collera. As some of you may well know, my division has been looking into a theoretical form of matter that, until recently, had been dropped from scientific discussion. For those of you that don’t know, this form of matter is known as Null-Matter. Null-Matter are a collection of hypothetical materials with the ability to subvert the physical properties of normal matter. Null-Matter can be used to construct things such as houses that are as light as a feather, metal that neither melts nor freezes when exposed to extreme temperatures, electric coils that can absorb an indefinite amount of ionic energy and can even control gravity, space and time. It is the joint theory of the AWDD and the xenobiology research department that the organism has Null-Matter as the base components of its synthetic biology. After disseminating the information, the congregation broke out into loud murmurs. Petrie waited for them to quiet down before continuing. Petrie We also believe that due to the unique and irregular composition of its cells that the organism in immune to all forms of physical force or contamination; Basically, we believe that it is biologically immortal and that it has limitless physical potential. The head of the intelligence department, Jim Rasso, spoke up next. Rasso In the dossier that was given to us before the meeting reads that the organism resists all attempts at exposure. Can you clarify that statement? Petrie The organism gives off no detectable radiation so thermal and ultraviolet surveillance can’t be used on it. It ignores K.E.N.F security systems so bioelectrical scanning won’t work either. It moves too quickly to track via motion or sound-based tracking and given its nature visual surveillance is woefully inadequate. Rasso So, there is no way to track it? Petrie No, not saying that it can’t be tracked, merely that we have no known way of tracking it. European Regent So, in other words it cannot be tracked. Petrie No, it presently cannot be tracked. The Three Regents were only mildly annoyed with Dr. Petrie’s obstinance. The regents conversed among themselves for a short while. After their deliberations were finished, the European Regent began to speak as she was the one with the highest status. European Regent We have decided that the issue of the biosynthetic organism should be shelved for the time being. Because we lack enough information about this unprecedented threat, no course of action can be realistically taken concerning it. The inability to even track it means countermeasures must be postponed until a later date. Before we conclude this committee meeting there is one last matter to be addressed. Colonel Brandt, step onto the platform. Brant rose from his seat and took his place on the platform. He placed his hands on the railing in a submissive gesture of deference. European Regent Colonel Brandt, upon review we must say that we are disappointed in your handling of the Talishar incident. Your gross negligence has endangered everything the U.A. has sought to accomplish. However, considering the extenuating circumstances that were revealed here today, we have decided to grant you clemency. Therefore, you will not be brought up on disciplinary charges at this time. Brandt adjusted himself when he heard that. Although he did not show it, he was greatly relieved. European Regent Those political insurgents are a threat to international security and must be neutralized. The anti-synth weapons they are carrying must not fall into the hands of the U.A.’s enemies. We give you this command in good faith that you will see it done. Brandt Thank you for your confidence madame regent. I will begin preparations to neutralize the insurgents. None of them will make it to the Eastern Coalition alive. European Regent We shall hope for a successful operation. You would do well to remember Colonel that the Queen’s Garden can only remain a visage of beauty when all its unruly branches are pruned. The Implicit threat received; Brandt shook his head in acknowledgement. European Regent With all business concluded, we hereby declare this committee meeting adjourned. Tiena, later that night Night had fallen when the villagers had all completed their assigned tasks. They were sitting around a campfire in the center of the village eating and conversing with one another, each lost in their own respective world. Stark and Aleia were assigned to work in the village’s portable greenhouse. They picked the various fruits and veggies that were growing within its walls and tended to the water plants used in the crafting of arts. Stark enjoyed working in the greenhouse for it reminded him of the lab gardens his family had worked in. After the work had been finished, the group Stark and Aleia had worked with sat around a campfire with the rest of the villagers. They were telling stories and fables. According to Aleia, telling stories was a time-honored tradition of her people. Stark was invited to join, but he declined for he had no stories to tell. Across the way, Torian watched Stark intently as he ate his food. Even though Osler told him to drop the subject; he could not shake the feeling that there was something off about this strange foreigner. His musings were interrupted when a village scout shouted that something was coming out of the sky. The night sky lit up in a reddish-orange glow before four-winged sting rays descended from the sky. Osler immediately started shouting orders, Osler It’s the U.A.! Quickly get the women and children to shelter! Any abled body men not injured in the attack grab the anti-synth weapons and take your positions! They will not take us by surprise again! The women and children took shelter in the trenches of the nearby hills. The men grabbed cannons designed to fire green energy pulses designed to bypass a K.N.E.F. None of the men were trained to fight; they didn’t even have any members of the Talishar who asked them to smuggle these weapons among their ranks. They were desperate and eager to defend their homes. Their inexperience began to show when the first wave of sting rays fired a volley of missiles at the village. The explosions shattered buildings causing wood and rock to splinter. Several men were thrown through the air as Osler tried to keep the men organized. Greenhouse, The War Room The War Room had been tracking Tiena’s movements via satellite for days. It took them only a day or so for the Aerocarriers to catch up with them. Brandt was determined not to squander the second chance he was given. Brandt Alpha, this is Greenhouse. Have you made contact yet? Alpha Alpha here, Greenhouse. We’ve engaged the insurgents. Cleanup is proceeding as scheduled sir. Brandt Excellent! Don’t let up until you’ve got them all! Brandt had been looking forward to this moment a long time. Brandt relished the thought of wiping out the Talishar scum. In his opinion those pieces of terrorist trash weren’t even worthy of being called human. He thought back to the reports of all the coordinated attacks carried out by the Talishar. All the innocent people they slaughtered like animals. But this, this was not slaughter. This was poetic justice! The organism may have thwarted his first attempt, but the organism was not here now. His retribution would be swift and merciless. As long as Brandt stayed at his post, he would ensure the survival and prosperity of the greatest nation on Earth for generations to come. While Brandt breathed, he would destroy any who threated his nation and people with everything he has. He swore to it. The Battlefield Ash filled the air as fires burned and spread out of control. The Missile bombardment was relentless. Despite their best efforts, the men could not hit any of the fast-moving sting rays for they were not trained to use the anti-synth cannons. The tried valiantly to hit their adversaries without losing their heads in the process, but they were being overwhelmed. Covered in soot with ears bleeding from torn eardrums caused by the loud sounds of battle, the men of Tiena began to scatter. Despite the losing cause, Osler tried to keep them organized. Osler Hold your ground! Don’t let them separate you or- Osler’s shouting was interrupted by a ballistic object striking his immediate perimeter. It was not a direct hit, but it was close enough to hit the mark. Osler was thrown through the air the force tore through his body ripping skin and breaking bones. His ligaments tore open, and his intestines ruptured. Osler hit the grassy ground hard landing on his back. Osler’s vision was blurry and his ears ringed with tinnitus drowning out the chaos around him. In a state of shock, Osler lifted his head with great effort. His charred ash-covered face looked down at his body. His legs were blown off and he had shrapnel sticking out of his gut. Unable to keep his held up any longer, he laid back down and looked up at the starry sky illuminated by the baleful orange glow of the fires around him. Strangely, Osler thought the sight was beautiful. His mind drifted back to his family he had before he joined the village. Osler was the sole survivor of a bombing carried out by the U.A. that destroyed his city years before. He lost everyone, his parents, his wife, his son. The image of his burned and bandaged wife as she laid dying had never left his mind. Ever since he had been elected to the position by the village Osler had tried to be a compassionate and wise leader. Even when the village counsel overruled him when he said they would not smuggle weapons, he tried to protect them. Tried to prepare them for what he knew was coming. Tried to lead them to safety and to a new life. He had tried, tried and failed. Osler knew they would all die. He knew his time on Earth was over. The knowledge he would be reunited with his family comforted him. Taking his last few heavy breathes Osler closed his eyes to rest forever. History would not remember him. No one would know what became of him. Osler was gone. In the hills The injured, women and children laid low as they watched the carnage unfold. They huddled together in fear awaiting either their salvation or doom. Mothers cooed their babies to keep them quiet. One little boy looked at his mother. Little Boy Mommy, are we going to be alright? Boy’s Mother I don’t know honey. I don’t know. She then pulled him into her embrace to comfort him. Stark watched the people around him afraid for their lives. He knew he couldn’t let this continue. Standing to his feet Sark closed his eyes and concentrated. His body accelerated without moving, time started to slow down around him when he opened his eyes. Battlefield Alpha Greenhouse this is Alpha, cleanup almost complete. How about you save us a pack of cold ones for when we get back? Brandt Alpha, you finish this up and I’ll buy you the whole bar! Alpha Copy that Greenhouse, we’ll have this finis- what the hel-aaaah! Brandt Alpha! Alpha! What Happened!? The black mirage had returned, like with the AT’s from before it started to quickly wipe out the sting rays, darting through the air it sliced one sting ray in half before doubling back and smashing through the tail of another. The villagers on the ground stopped firing the cannons to watch the unusual spectacle as the aircrafts were falling from the sky being taken out by some invisible force. Brandt Shit! Pull back, abort operation! But it was too late. The synths were gone. Greenhouse, The War Room Once again Brandt had been thwarted. This was the work of the organism; he was sure of it. But unlike last time no footage of the creature had been capture. Once again he had failed, and he knew his superiors would not give him a third chance. His career was over. The now quiet battlefield. The humanoid mirage had descended to the ground. The villagers gathered around the strange entity in shock and awe. Aleia pushed through the crowd to approach the strange being she walked a few steps on her shaking legs before she fell to her knees overwhelmed by what she had just witnessed. The shade began to change its appearance as violet eyes materialized through its swirling mists. Other physical features followed. Its fluid visage hardened and began to show color; short blond hair neatly arranged into rows of small spikes; a round youthful pinkish-white face; blue clothes with an exposed midriff in the center covered by a black undershirt; black fingerless gloves that exposed white fingertips; long black boots with red heels and then finally a long red scarf tied neat around the neck with its tongue hanging halfway down the back. Its form was fully revealed, and the strange creature was revealed to be Stark! Stark Is everyone all right? I think I got them all! The villages stood there in silence gaping at what they had just witnessed until Torian spoke up. Torian You? That’s why they keep finding us. They are looking for you! Torian turned to the assembled crowd of villagers before shouting. Torian This thing isn’t human, it’s a monster! The U.A. must have come here looking for it. It’s some bioweapon that escaped from a U.A. lab. We will never be safe as long as this thing is around! The crowd murmured in horror at Torian’s proclamation. Aleia for her part was stunned beyond words. For the past few days, she had opened her home to this thing. She had treated it with kindness and understanding because Aleia thought it was a child. But it wasn’t a child. It wasn’t even human. It was the same kind of abomination that had attacked her home and killed her family. Aleia was horrified and enraged beyond words, so she did the only thing that made sense to her. Aleia picked up a rock and threw it at Stark’s face hitting him in the cheek.  Aleia Monster! Get out of here you freak! We don’t want you here! Emboldened by Aleia’s actions the all the villagers began to pick up and throw whatever heavy object they could find at Stark. They threw rock and brick at his face, his chest, his shoulders and his legs. Yelling cruel things as they did so. But no matter what they threw or how hard they threw it; the villagers left no scratch, cut or bruise upon Stark’s person. Nothing had ever damaged Stark’s indestructible body. Yet, while the thrown objects did no damage to him he felt the pain of every blow. Stark moved his arms to shield his body as tears welled up in his eyes. He had just saved these people, why were they hurting him? Unable to take the pain and hurled insults of the villagers, Stark did the only thing he could think to do and ran away into the safety of the forest. He ran until he could neither see no hear the villagers anymore. As Stark ran, his thoughts drifted back to his mother, the only person who ever cared about him. Stark (Mom, why did you leave me?) Flashback to the lab gardens The gardens of stark’s home were vast and populated with all manner of synthetically made lifeforms. Their creator was a scientist who was an heiress to a vast fortune. She had decided to use her inherited wealth to further her research in unlocking the secrets of life. To that end she built this environmentally controlled laboratory on a remote island located in the arctic sea so her work would not be disturbed. The gardens were filled with engineered life intended to test the limits of bioengineering. There were carnivorous trees; purple plants that grew sapphire fruit that tasted like cotton candy; ferns that change color when exposed to music; and animals with biology that defied all things science knew about the natural world, some would appear utterly alien to anyone who didn’t know their true nature. Stark had spent countless hours exploring these gardens when outside of his private education time. He had spent days running around and testing his abilities in new ways all while helping his mother take care of the strange plants and animals his mother had created. Stark was oblivious to his true nature. He never thought much of his powers, as his mother was the only human being he had regular contact with. Any time Stark asked Vivian about why she didn’t share any of his abilities, she would simply say that Stark was a special boy. It was one such trek through the gardens that Stark learned the most important lesson his mother had ever taught him. He was running through the gardens zipping, bounding and pivoting around trees, bushes and lakes. He came to a stop to admire some new grass his mother had recently put into the garden. Out of the corner of his eye Stark saw something laying on the ground. It was a small black bird with an orange beak, laying there completely motionless. Vivian had often stressed to Stark that it was their responsibility to take care of the plants and animal living in the gardens. Believing the bird to be sick, Stark gently scooped the bird into his hands and leaped into the air. He proceeded to run on the air as if it were solid ground as he had done countless times before. He quickly sought out his mother who was tending to some roses that glow a bright red in the dark. Stark Mom, come quick! I found a bird lying on the ground; it may be sick! Vivian turned around and walked towards Stark as he held out his hands to her. She bent over to study the bird for a few moments before standing up again. Vivian Stark the bird isn’t sick. It’s dead. Stark Dead? That’s bad right? We got to help it! Vivian We can’t help it Stark. Stark What do you mean? Vivian It’s hard to explain. When something is dead it doesn’t exist anymore, and the body becomes an empty shell. It’s not a living thing anymore so you can’t help it. Stark Why did it die? Vivian I don’t know; but we need to dispose of the body, so it doesn’t spread any diseases. Stark looked up at his mom sadly before looking down at the bird. He held his hands close to him, even if he couldn’t help the bird, he felt bad for it. Stark had remained largely silent for the rest of the day. Vivian took notice that something was wrong with Stark as they were walking back to the living quarters. Vivian What wrong Stark? You’re being awfully quiet today. Stark Mom, do all living things die? Vivian and Stark stopped in their tracks. Vivian turned to face Stark. She wore a somber expression. Vivian Yes, they do. Stark Why? Vivian I don’t know why. That’s just how it’s always been. Things are born, they grow, and then they die. Stark Are you going to die? Vivian I will someday. Stark So, am I going to die too? Vivian I can’t answer that Stark, I mean you’re not- Vivian paused, unable to finish that sentence. Stark looked down at the ground with a sad expression on his face. Seeing how concerned he was, Vivian’s expression changed to a loving smile. She got down on her knees to meet Stark at eye level. She put her thumb and index finger on his chin and pulled his face up to get him to meet her gaze. Vivian You’re a very special boy Stark. For all I know you may live forever. Stark thought about that for a moment before asking his next question. Stark If everything dies, does that mean life is pointless? Vivian No, it doesn’t Stark. In fact, it makes life all the more precious. The reason my work is so important is because it may help many people to live as long and fulfilling a life as possible. Stark Why do you work so hard to put off something that will happen regardless of what we do? Vivian placed her hands on Stark’s shoulders and started to rub them in a comforting manner. She smiled before she replied. Vivian Because I believe that a moment of life, however brief it may be, is worth protecting. I hope one day you’ll believe that too. Stark mulled his mother’s words over in his head, not sure what to make of them. Vivian Let’s not think about death right now, you and I are still very much alive. So, let’s make as many good memories as possible together while we can ok? Stark nodded and the two hugged for a good while before heading back to the living quarters. Stark did not know it at the time, but that memory would be one of the most important memories of his life. Present day, local bar in the slums The soon-to-be-former Colonel Brandt was a sad sight as he drank his problems away. That damned creature had taken everything from him. There was to be a review board in a few months’ time and when it convened he undoubtedly would be stripped of both his rank and command. Years of his life dedicated to the tireless cause of national security; years fighting for a brave new world where his nation could prosper as the uncontested political power of the entire planet, and years of unflinching loyalty to the one-party rule of the Ethics Committee, all of it for nothing. Brandt downed another shot of whisky when the door to the bar opened up. The figure briskly walked to where Brandt was sitting before making herself known. Jenner Colonel, you know it is against army regulations to drink alcohol while in full uniform. Brandt I don’t care anymore; I’m going to be working in the mail room from now on anyway. Graduated from West Point with honors, six medals, seven commendations and over 200 successful field operations. All of it down the shitter because of some freak of nature those eggheads pulled out of a damn comet! Jenner Can’t you explain the situation to them? Brandt Wouldn’t do any good. No footage of the thing was caught this time. If I told them the same lifeform thwarted my command a second time they’ll think I’m lying to save my job. Brandt knocked back another shot of whiskey before continuing. Brandt I don’t see why they’re even bothering with the board meeting. They should just give me some rope to hang myself with. Brandt’s anger bleed through more and more with every word he spoke. Brandt What I wouldn’t give for some good ole All-Atlantic fashioned revenge. It would feel so good to destroy that thing for all the problems it caused me. Jenner was pensive as if debating something with herself. The bar was silent for a few moments save for some depressing country music playing in the background. Jenner spoke again. Jenner Sir, what if I told you there might be a way to save your job and get revenge on the organism at the same time? Brandt turned to Jenner eyeing his Second suspiciously before speaking. Brandt And how pray tell do you propose we do that? Jenner Are you familiar with Hanger 51 Colonel? Brandt cocked an eyebrow. Hanger 51 The Steel bulkhead doors to the hanger opened to reveal a long dark corridor that lit up automatically on its own. Brandt and Jenner swiftly walked through the corridor to reach a second set of bulkhead doors. Jenner spoke as she started to put in the security codes to open the doors. Jenner When the U.A. annihilated the Russian Alliance 300 years ago, most of the information regarding their military programs was regrettably lost. However, we were able to retrieve one item in particular that is being stored in this facility. We don’t know much about it as it has resisted all our attempts to reverse-engineer it. Finishing typing in the codes Jenner opened the bulkhead doors. A large dark room opened up and they went inside the lights coming on as Brandt and Jenner entered. Brandt’s face froze in awe as he saw a massive structure before him. Jenner According to the records its name is Savior. Before Brandt was a 40-meter-tall creature that resembled a dove. It was completely motionless for it was inactive. Nonetheless it was an impressive sight to behold. Its body was predominantly a silver white color, its long forearms that resembled wings were outreached in front of it like legs. Huge pale talons punctuated its hind legs. A long white whip like tail made up a sizable part of its body. Its face terminated in an orange beak like structure with two black spots approximating eyes above it. Along the full length if its body were repeating red words written in traditional Russian Cyrillic script. The words read “Kings fear the Savior, for he remakes worlds.” Prophetic words for any who understood the meaning. Brandt gazed in awe at such an impossible massive creature Brandt Is this a combat synth? Jenner No, its an autonomous peacekeeping weapon that the Russians did not use for some reason. According to records it was created by a Dr. Victries out of biosynthetic materials. That’s not the most interesting part though. Brandt turned to look at Jenner intrigued. Jenner Our tests show it has the same cell composition as the organism from Siterep Sigma. Brandt’s eyes widened in disbelief. Brandt You mean whoever made this may have made the lifeform from the comet? Jenner nodded her head in confirmation. Jenner It may be more than that sir, maybe the reason Savior was never used in the war is because it wasn’t designed to fight something human. The wheels in Brandt’s head turned as he thought about Jenner’s inference. Yes, this would be the instrument of his vengeance. The organism will pay! In the wilds Stark awoke from his slumber; he had found a small alcove of trees to sleep in for the night. His body was still sore from the stones thrown by the villagers. He couldn’t believe that happened to him. They were so nice to him, but then they turned cruel. He simply didn’t understand why they had reacted that way. Stark began to weigh his options as he tried to figure out what he should do next. Should he try to find the village again and explain what happened? He didn’t want to do that after they had been so mean to him. He didn’t want them to throw more rocks at him. Could he make his way back to the lab? What if the monsters that had attacked his home were still there? Stark wanted to look for his mother, but he didn’t know where to look, he wasn’t even 100% sure where he was now that he thought about it. Feeling that nothing would get accomplished by sitting around Stark decided to pick a direction and start running. He made good time as he went north. The forest gave way to snowy mountains as he moved fast enough to clear great distances but slow enough to take in the sights. As Stark traveled, he came across a sad sight. A mountain deer was caught under the branch of a large tree that had fallen over. It screeched as it tried desperately to free itself. Though Stark felt bad for the deer; he had little interest in helping it. After all, the last living things he had tried to help responded by hurting him so why wouldn’t this deer do the same? Stark turned to walk away from the deer and leave it to its fate. He stopped when he heard it screech loudly. He thought back to how his mother said it was important to care for the plants and animals in the gardens. She would undoubtedly be disappointed in Stark not helping the deer. Going against his own judgement he went over to the tree and grabbed it. The weight of the tree essentially disappeared as he held it. Stark lifted the tree until the deer was free of its branches. The deer regarded Stark for a moment, snorting it ran off into the woods. It was strange, by helping the deer he felt a little better about himself. That simple act of kindness felt good to him. Good enough to distract himself from recent events. Stark began traveling again this time with renewed vigor. He was making his way through a valley when he heard a noise. A boy had fallen into the river and was being washed away in the rapids. Along the shore his father cried out in panic, Boy’s father Don’t worry Ada, I’m coming to get you! Boy Daddy I’m scared! The environment froze like a still picture. Time had essentially stopped as Stark calmly walked upon the surface of the now motionless rapids. He looked at the boy and then the boy’s father on the shore. He looked back down at the face of the boy. It was frozen with fear. Stark wanted to help but remembering the villagers decided to do so in a way that avoided revealing himself. He gently picked up the boy and carried him over to the boy’s father. Placing him down in front of the worried parent. Satisfied with this Stark made sure he was out of their line of sight when he returned to normal speed. Father and son were shocked at their sudden materialization in front of one another. Relief etched onto the father’s face as he picked up his little boy to hold him in his arms. The boy for his part looked around confused unsure of how he ended up on the shore away from the rapids of the river. The two departed for home, as the boy turned around he caught a glimpse of a figure in a red scarf running in the clouds. He blinked before looking again and saw nothing. Deciding it was just his imagination, the boy hugged his father as they walked eager to see his family again.  For a time, Stark continued traveling along the northern part of the continent while secretly helping people along the way. He pulled a truck that had driven off a bridge back onto the road. He helped an old couple harvest all their crops in a single night. He saved a pair of hikers from being crushed in a rockslide. Incident after incident, he went out of his way to help any he came across always taking care to use his powers to hide his presence. Acting as a silent protector gave Stark a sense of fulfilment for it distracted him from his loneliness. Stark thought back to what his mother said, “a moment of life, however brief, is worth protecting.” Stark felt he was starting to understand what she meant. Helping other living things made Stark feel good about himself. Maybe could this be his purpose in life? Stark didn’t know it at the time, but it would be the last true moment of happiness he would feel in a long time. Secret Command Post The technicians were hard at work outfitting Savior with the tracking equipment. Soon Savior would be ready to launch. Brandt was pleased at the progress since it would mean he would soon have his retribution. It had been a month since Jenner had shown Brandt the contents of Hanger 51. A month preparing for the most important battle of Brandt’s career. Brandt used to hate the needless red tape of bureaucracy; he was a man of action and the endless committee meetings always slowed everything down. In this case, he was grateful for the slow process.Until that review board was called, he held the rank enabling him to authorize operations like the one he was getting ready to launch. Brandt Are you sure that Savior’s bioacoustics tracking system will find the lifeform? Technician We’re confident sir. It should home in on him like a fly to honey. Brandt Excellent! Get those cameras installed as soon as possible! I want Savior to be able to take off within the hour! Brandt was ready to enact his retribution. He would find the organism. He would find it and kill it. Once he had eliminated the threat, his failure at stopping the Talishar would be all forgiven. The aptly named Savior would be Brandt’s Salvation. Vengeance would be sweet indeed. The forest Stark found himself traveling through another forest in high spirits. He had just recently saved a nearby village from being destroyed by a fire. The occupants were baffled by how the fire seemed to have simply vanished, but that mattered little to Stark. For him the act of saving the village was reward enough and he was still feeling giddy about it. He took the time to admire the trees, flowers, and the streams. While he still missed his mother, Stark was enjoying the chance to see the world and experience nature. If he ever saw her again, he would be sure to tell her about his experiences. His mother would no doubt be so proud of all he had done. As he continued his trek through the woods, a large shadow passing overhead caught his attention. A massive bird unlike any he had ever seen was approaching the forest. While it was a ways out, it halted keeping itself suspended in midair. And then without any warning, it fired a giant laser that incinerated a huge chunk of the forest setting it ablaze. Almost instantly after, it fired another laser to set another part of the forest ablaze. Stark recognized it as being like the monsters that had attacked the Lab and Tiena. Realizing that it would kill the entire forest at this rate, he decided to fight it. Turning into his mirage form, Stark took off to attack the creature. He started with a fast-moving slice…and it did nothing. Momentarily taken aback by this, Stark tried to slice it again…and nothing happened. Again and again, he tried to attack it. But his attacks all had no effect on the massive bird monster. Seemingly tired of getting wailed on by Stark, the bird materialized large red tendrils out of its back and swiped one of them at Stark. The appendage hit stark so hard it knocked him out of his mirage form and sent him sailing towards the ground at Mach 3. Stark hit the floor of the burning forest with a loud thud. His body was racked with pain, he could hardly move as the massive monster descended towards him. Grabbing Stark with the tendril, the monster lifted Stark into the air to gaze at it with the video feed cameras that had been installed onto its massive head. Secret Control Room Brandt looked at the monitor to see the revealed form of his enemy. He was flabbergasted by what he saw. The terrifying organism that had haunted him over the preceding two months was in fact a blond kid wearing a red scarf. Brandt could hardly believe it. All his hardships were caused by this child!? Well, it no longer mattered. Having gotten his footage of the creature, he gave the order for Savior to finish it off. Savior opened its maw and without a second thought swallowed Stark whole. He disappeared into the darkness of Savior’s gullet. Inside Savior Stark awoke to find himself wrapped up in vines.He looked around and saw that he was in a cave full of vines and flowers. The plants that littered his new prison resembled the gardens back in the lab. As he gathered his bearings, Stark watched as a large Flower descended from the ceiling; it was a memory rose. The memory rose opened its petals and spore particles came forth swirling together as they materialized a shape. Stark couldn’t believe the image that popped up before his very eyes. It was a 3D projection of his sister Samantha! Samantha regarded Stark with a malicious grin before speaking. Sam Well now isn’t this a pleasant surprise. How are you Stark? Stark Sam? What’s going on? What is this place? Sam Justice, that’s what is going on. I’ve been waiting a long time for you. You may have escaped the lab, but you won’t escape now. Stark The lab? How did you escape the monsters? Sam let out a malicious laugh before responding. Sam Monsters? Those were not monsters you idiot! Those were Russian Alliance forces. I had told them that a woman was engineering bioweapons with the intent to overthrow the government. I had them attack the lab to kill you and mother. Stark’s eyes widened in horror. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Stark How could you do that? Sam Because you’re an abomination! Your existence is a mistake that should be corrected. Stark I don’t understand. Why do you hate me so much? Sam You don’t have the right to ask me that freak! After the death of my brother, I was ready to move on, to make peace with the fact he was gone. But, then she made you, giving you his face. Sam closed her eyes in anger. Tears visible in her eyes. Sam continued Sam All our lives, she was never there for Clark or me. Then after Clark died, she decided she wanted to be a mother again. It was sickening to watch her dote on you like you were really her child. It was a disgusting display that violated Clark’s memory. Sam opened her eyes before hardening her face with a hardened glare. Sam regarded Stark with a look of unadulterated hatred. Sam I couldn’t stand her using Clark as an excuse for her self-pity. It was disgusting how she used her own son as an excuse to continue her research. To create an abomination like you was unforgiveable. She has to pay! They all have to pay! Stark Pay? What do you mean they have to pay? Sam After you had somehow escaped the lab, the Russian government contacted me with a proposition. They wanted me to continue my mother’s research to make them weapons they could use to destroy their enemies. They had seen what you were capable of at the lab, and they wanted to replicate it. They wanted to replicate you! Sam again closed her eyes in anger and grief as if she were repressing her tears. She opened them again before continuing. Sam I realized that they were planning to besmirch Clark’s memory the way she did; to use his image to cause death and destruction! I agreed to help make their weapon;, they have not realized it would be their undoing! A malicious grin returned to Sam’s features. Sam Mankind is corrupt and twisted; it must be wiped from the Earth for the sake of all things sacred; for the sake of my brother. This Savior of my brother’s memory shall be the instrument of my justice. Stark You can’t kill all those people! It’s wrong! Sam Wrong? Your entire existence is wrong. It’s proof of humanity’s evil nature! They will die because of you. I designed Savior to destroy you as it exterminated mankind. See those vines surrounding your body? They are energy siphons. They will slowly drain the energy from your body to power Savior, and in return you will experience all the death and destruction Savior causes. The Russian government wanted you as a weapon. They will have you as a weapon. You will experience the extinction of the human race as you die! Sam gave one last mocking smirk before finishing with her parting words. Sam Goodbye Stark. May you burn in whatever hell awaits you. The image dispersed back into light particles and the chamber started to light up. Stark screamed out in pain as he felt his senses sync with Savior. It was like something had hijacked his body as Savior began to move on its own. Secret Control Room After Savior had swallowed the organism it stopped moving. It was no longer following commands from Brandt’s computer. He tried desperately to get it to move again, to figure out what was wrong with the stupid thing. As Brandt fiddled with the control console he noticed that Savior was moving again. This time it moved without his commands. Brandt watched in horror as it headed for the city of Subika. Subika is a U.A. city with a population of 13 million people. Brandt couldn’t stop it as it quickly landed to attack the city. Bypassing the city’s K.E.N.F., Savior began knocking over the once glittering skyscrapers. They fell as the screams of the people rang out. Fires began to spread as Savior slowly made its way through the city. Brandt looked on in horror. This was to be his moment of triumph. He would destroy the organism and be heralded as a hero of the United Atlantic. Savior was supposed to be the tool of his retribution. Instead, it was now in the process of annihilating his country. When confronted with the reality of his actions, Brandt did the only thing he could think of. Brandt Hehe. Bahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Brandt’s laughter rung out as he fell to his knees with his hands holding his head. His world was falling apart before his very eyes and all he could do was watch as the unstoppable Savior lay waste to his beloved superstate. Brandt descended into the comfort of madness, maniacal laughter ringing out across the room as Subika burned on the monitors. A week later Savior had slowly and deliberately trekked itself across the territory of the United Atlantic. It destroyed twelve cities in that time. Millions had perished in the fires of perdition as Savior continued its quest to annihilate the human race. The U.A. Armed Forces had mobilized to neutralize the threat, but their weapons were useless against the implacable war machine. Its tendrils and lasers made short work of any opposition as it neared the next city. Savior smashed through the city of Kingstown’s defense grid. People were buried in the rubble and the dust from the debris filled the air. Explosions set entire city blocks a blaze as people inside the Kingstown skyscrapers fell to their demise. The death toll was staggering as Savior slowly terraformed a once thriving metropolis into a mass graveyard. All that remained of the places Savior had visited were chunks of steel and brick. Smoke billowed into the sky. Inside Savior Stark was near catatonic as Savior continued to slowly drain the energy from his body. His once healthy pinkish skin had paled as the life continued to be drained from it. His once vibrant violet eyes had become dull and listless. He could feel everything. All the pain of the people Savior slaughtered; their faces imprinted on his mind as they perished. He could see the tens of millions of nameless faces as they the fires of judgement day consumed them. Stark could hear the screams of Savior’s victims swirling inside his mind as they called out for someone to save them. He could hear them, but he could not help them. Savior had weakened Stark in both body and mind. He could do nothing to stop the suffering he was helping to cause. As Stark slouched over s gold heart shaped pendent fell from his clothes. It fell and fell as it clanged off the surfaces of the vine infested cave before coming to rest upon the ground. After the pendent hit the floor the lavender gem began to blink repeatedly before a beam of light shot from it. The light had caught Stark’s attention as he weakly lifted his head to look at it. What he saw shocked Stark, for what was standing before Stark was an image of his mother! Vivian began to speak. Vivian Hello Stark, this is a recording. I made it in case the worst should happen. If you are watching this it means we will most likely never see each other again. I feel you deserve to know the truth. Several years ago, my son Clark contracted a fatal illness, one that causes the heart to inflame and stop beating. By the time it was diagnosed it was too late to prevent it. I lost him before I had even known it. I tried to take my mind off Clark’s death by throwing myself into my work. But no matter how much I tried to ignore it, the ghost of Clark’s memory continued to haunt me. Every day it got harder and harder to contain my grief. I couldn’t take it. Tears welled up in Vivian’s eyes as she spoke. Vivian I was desperate to see my son again, to see some part of him returned to me alive and well. So, at my wits end I did the unthinkable. I had created a biosynthetic human being using a modified version of Clark’s D.N.A. as the genetic template. Thus, you were born. Stark’s eyes widened at this information. He was an artificial lifeform? It had shocked him beyond words. Vivian continued. Vivian At first, I was content to have a person in the image of my son around. It eased my grief to see his face again after so many years, I used the best theoretical materials I could find to construct your body to make sure you would survive for my sake. But then you began to exhibit strange powers as a result of your unique cellular composition, and although you shared the same appearance as him your personality was also very different from Clark’s as well. It was then I knew that I was living a lie. You were not Clark. Vivian paused before collecting herself and began speaking slowly Vivian I was a fool. No tool, no matter how well made it is, could replace a son. Stark was dejected upon hearing this. He lowered his head in to hide his hurt feelings from the recording. His mother wasn’t his mother at all. She saw him as a tool to be used and discarded. Everything he knew was a lie. Vivian Which is why I want to say that I am sorry Stark. I should have acknowledged you as my son sooner. Stark lifted his head suddenly after hearing those words. A look of surprise adorned his features. Vivian was now crying as she spoke again. Vivian You are not a tool. You are a person and more importantly, you are my son. I’m sorry for ever thinking otherwise. You are a very special boy, and I am so proud of you. It hurts me to know that the world will never see you for the wonderful, kind and inquisitive person that you are. Because of the circumstances of your birth, the human race can never accept you. That is my greatest regret. If you can find it in your heart to forgive a foolish old woman, I want you to make me a promise. Stark listened intently waiting for his mother to speak again. Vivian I want you to stay strong for me. Don’t give into the hurt and anger and fear that so often consumes people. Don’t abandon those in need because they can’t see the beauty in life the way we can. Don’t allow yourself to make the mistake of taking life for granted the way I did and squander your chance of finding a better future to live for. The future you have awaiting ahead of you will be a hard one. It will be dangerous, cruel and very lonely, So I want you to promise me that you will stay strong for me and never give up on life. I know you can do it. I believe in you. Even if you somehow lose your way, at least always remember this. Vivian gave the most heartfelt smile she had ever given in her life. Vivian I love you Stark, and I always will. Goodbye my son. And with that the light faded and Stark was alone in the cave again. His mother loved him? That was the first time she had ever said she loved him. It would also be the last. His mother loved him, she believed in him! Stark knew he had to stay strong for her. He couldn’t let this monster he was in hurt any more people. But he was still feeling weak in the belly of the beast. With his energy drained he could hardly move. What could he do? He thought to back to what Sam had said? These things were energy siphons? Savior was using them to drain his strength? If he and Savior were made of the same materials, couldn’t he drain them back? With nothing to lose and unable to think of any better ideas, Stark began to concentrate. Outside of Savior Savior was presently flying to another densely populated area when it suddenly recoiled as if in pain. It let out a screech as Stark propelled his way out of Savior’s throat. Wasting no time after his escape Stark quickly zipped to the underside of Savior. He put his hands on its belly and drained more of Savior’s power into his hands. Having absorbed a large quantity of his power back Stark pushed Savior into the upper limits of Earth’s stratosphere. Soon the pair were in the vestiges of space when they started to battle. They fought for hours but time did not pass for either of them as Stark and Savior warped space around them to propel themselves at incredible speed. Stark chopped, hit, and kicked Savior once again to no effect. Savior retaliated by swiping its tendrils at Stark who dodged them gracefully as he was prepared for them this time, running down one of the large tendrils to hit Savior in the face. Once again Stark’s strike did nothing to the indestructible Savior. Their battle took them from the satellites they smashed through as they left Earth’s gravity to the surface of the moon where moon sand drifted as new craters exploded into the mounds. Then they fought passed the moon’s orbit into Mars where they smashed and collided through the rocks of the red planet. Debris splintered softly from the lower gravity as Savior fired a massive laser at Stark. Stark caught the laser in his hands before proceeding to shape it into a massive energy ball. Stark threw the sphere back at the giant creature who proceeded to bat it away with its massive tail, causing it to blow up a nearby mountain. Grimacing at his failed tactic, Stark propelled himself from the surface of Mars and into the depths of space where Savior naturally pursued him. Stark darted around the asteroids. He was throwing giant rock after giant rock at his pursuer. Savior shattered every incoming meteor with its tendrils effortlessly. Savior fired another laser which Stark opted to dodge out of the way this time, using his incredible speed Stark briefly closed the gap between him and Savior to siphon off more of its energy. Savior made a soundless scream as it once again recoiled in pain before lashing out with another tendril. Stark dodged the tendril nimbly and led Savior further into the depths of space. They had made it past Jupiter when Stark concluded that the battle was going nowhere. Neither combatant could even harm one another. Was there anything Stark could do? Stark (Think Stark Think? There’s got to be a way to immobilize it! But how?) Stark thought for a moment before an idea came to him. Stark (Of course! Back at the lab mom put me in that thing. What did she call it? A teleportation pod? That’s it! This monster was made from the same stuff I am! I was teleported, that means teleportation will work on this thing too! I can use my power to teleport it somewhere far away!) Stark distantly remembered the sensation of the pod before he lost consciousness. Remembered the phenomenon he felt as the pod warped space around him. Avoiding Savior’s onslaught, Stark began using his power to channel force and energy into his hands until he could feel that familiar sensation. Before long and with great effort Stark had generated a miniature wormhole in his hands. He thrust the makeshift wormhole at Savior where it rapidly expanded to envelop the monster. Savior struggled in vain to escape the bubble as Stark put more force and energy into it. The bubble gradually diminished in size getting smaller and smaller until it and Savior were gone. He did it, He teleported the monster away! Having won his battle against his implacable adversary, Stark rested for a moment. His body showed not a single blemish upon it, but he felt like he had been torn to pieces. The ordeal with Savior had taxed him both physically and emotionally. Having a moment to himself in the depths of space, Stark looked out at the endless void. On Earth Stark had seen many things. Out here there was nothing, nothing but the stars. It was in this endless sea of emptiness that the reality he had been ignoring since his trials had started, a terrible, sobering truth, (I am alone.) On Earth he had used Tiena and his travels to distract him from realizing the enormity of his unique existence. But here there was nothing to distract him from his burgeoning existential crisis. He was alone. The only one of his kind in an unending and uncaring universe. Stark briefly pondered if there were any other planets like Earth somewhere beyond the stars. Somewhere he could go to run away from it all. Perhaps there were even people like him somewhere out amongst the expanses of space. This line of thought brought Stark no comfort. In that moment there was one undeniable fact. He was alone. Not seeing any other choice, Stark began using his powers to propel himself back to Earth. He moved at a relatively slow pace in no great hurry to reach his destination. The long trip would give Stark time to collect his thoughts. Epilogue In a bar in one of the cities Savior had not attacked, Dr. Anton Collera was having a drink.He seldom drank, but the recent turn of events was a little hard for him to handle sober. Anton watched the news broadcast in the background as he drank his rum and cola. News Reporter Homeland Security has not answered any questions about the coordinated terrorist attacks that took place three months ago. The official statement by Security Director Fieara is that no terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for the attacks. Service crews work day and night to find any people who have not been accounted for among the dead. Estimates of fatalities at this time remain unclear as the attacks abruptly stopped without warning. The massive unidentified combat synth vanished from the skies without a trace, leaving behind only questions as to what could have caused what is now being considered the worse terrorist attack in human history. The report droned on as the door to the bar opened. An off-duty Jenner walked in wearing a strapless red dress. Her heels clacked as she approached Dr. Collera. Jenner Have I kept you waiting long, Anton? Anton Not at all Sarah, I just got here myself. Sarah Jenner situated herself at the bar and ordered a rum and coke of her own. Jenner It’s official, I am now the new Colonel of the Greenhouse. Anton What is Brandt doing now? Jenner Brandt is no longer employed in the armed forces. He removed himself from active duty this morning. Anton He resigned his commission just like that? Jenner That’s one way of putting it. The MPs found Brandt face down in a pool of his own blood. He had a Glock in his hands. Anton I’m sorry for your loss. Jenner Life goes on. I am now in command, and I will protect the interest of the U.A. Anton And what became of the biosynthetic lifeform? Have they decided to do anything about that? Jenner The committee has reviewed the footage taken from the secret bunker they believed Brandt was controlling Savior from. They still don’t know how he learned about Hanger 51 given it was highly classified. Anton Mystery for the ages I’m sure. Jenner The publicist bureau has given the lifeform a name based off its appearance. They are calling it Redscarf, the Airwalker. Anton A pity Redscarf has to be destroyed. Jenner Why do you say that? Anton A find like this is one of a kind, I would have liked to learn more about it. Jenner Nothing is set in stone as of yet. The Regency is set to address the U.A. people next week regarding its existence. You may yet get your chance. Jenner rose from her seat with her blue purse adjusted back onto her shoulder. Jenner Now if I can pull you away from your bacteria and fungus for the night, how about we get on with our date? Anton smiled as he rose from his seat. His mind drifted to what had all happened. Was this over or was it the beginning of a new paradigm, history made manifest. Anton was certain that Redscarf and Savior were the heralds of new forms of life, ones with abilities far beyond human comprehension. With that thought lingering in his mind he could only muse “welcome one and all to the new age of miracles”. In the northern wilds of the former Russian Alliance It had taken Stark some time to reach his destination. He was now approaching the Arctic Island that was his birthplace. Stark hadn’t taken in the sights like he used to; the world seemed a darker place to him these days. Still, he soldiered on to the lab where he was born, hoping beyond hope his mother would be waiting for him. He did not know that his mother had left that place long, long ago. He did not know that he would never see her anywhere but his memory. He would never get the chance to tell her he loved her. He didn’t know it yet, but Stark would never see his mother again. And yet in all his struggles, in all the battles to come, Stark would not give up looking for a new home. He would not stop saving life as its silent protector. He would never stop trying to find beauty in both life and the world. Stark had now come to believe what his mother had told him long ago. “A moment of life, however brief it may be, is worth protecting.” The End
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "698386", "id": "698387", "q": 0.91, "title": "Biosynthetic - Biosynthetic", "author": "Michaelbios", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Drama", "Sci-fi", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [] }
Flagship to Houston this is code name alpha, beta, gamma, mango, stanna, serial number MX-321. We are now 5 million kilometers away from the black hole and all three crews are awake and in stable condition after 50 years of cryogenic sleep. Operation “Into the Black Hole” will now commence, activating the Genesis shield to full power now. Five hundred years have passed since the first man walked on the surface of the moon and mankind has now achieved its 4th technological revolution enabling space travel a possibility. Aboard the flagship MX-321 are a space pilot, a cosmologist, and a spacecraft engineer whose sole mission is to answer the question “what is inside a black hole?” that remains unanswered until now. With the use of Venusian core as an active ingredient for the Genesis shield, no space rock or solar flare can destroy it, and not even the law of gravity can affect it thus the flagship remains safe from the hazards of space. The Genesis To reach the nearest black hole from our home planet, it will take 500 years but with the use of warp technology, it can be shortened to 50 years which is still a long time. The crews of flagship MX-321 will undergo cryogenic sleep to address the time-consuming space travel and it will be left to the ship’s AI named Lydia to maintain the ship's facilities and life support system. With the funding of the Global Federation, the government that supervises Earth, this mission was successfully commenced in the year 1006 new era.50 years have passed since flagship MX-321 has been launched into space with its three crews and they are now in the vicinity of a black hole located 20 light-years away from Earth. This black hole was discovered by a deep space reconnaissance telescope and given the codename “Licht”. The “Licht” is a black hole that is 5 light-years in diameter. The spacecraft engineer named Allen Timber was the first to wake up from the deep sleep and was dazzled by the image of space displayed from the monitor. Light itself was being sucked into the center of the black hole and he is very much excited about the prestige and fame he will receive as one of the first human beings to venture into a black hole. Allen then proceeds to help the cosmologist named Ivan Kuznetsov who threw up instantly after waking up from the capsule and the space pilot named Mary Weather who woke up last and immediately proceeded to the ship's AI to confirm any damages to the flagship after 50 years of space travel.1%....10%...89%...100% system reboot successful this is Lydia your ships AI, The ship’s hull integrity is at excellent condition, the ship’s power source is 25% depleted, the genesis shield is now activated to full power and the life support system is fully operational. After confirming that there are no abnormalities in the flagship, Mary Weather informed Ivan and Allen of the good news. Ivan was delighted to hear the news and immediately send a transmission back to Earth to inform that they are safe on board and now preparing to commence operation “Into the Black Hole”. Instantaneous deep space communication is now possible with the mystery of quantum entanglement solved and put into real-life application. “Flagship to Houston this is flagship MX-321, we are now in the vicinity of the black hole, and this will become a new achievement of humanity towards space exploration after the exoplanet landing in the year 999 new era, over and out. This is Houston and we can hear you loud and clear, proceed with the operational objectives. Mary then said, "This transmission will probably our last contact with our home planet as the unknown interference of the black hole is messing up our communication system. Exactly 5 million kilometers away from the black hole, the three crews activated the Genesis shield to maximum capacity. As they proceeded nearer to the edge of the black hole, discoveries are being made as the external apparatus collects the data on the environment outside the shield such as strange elements composed of pure neutrons with no electrons or protons. Three hours later, they are now 250,00 kilometers away from the edge of the black hole and the process known as spaghettification occurs where the pull of gravity is stronger when you are approaching nearer to a black hole thus you are being stretched like a spaghetti noodle, thankfully the genesis shield is unaffected by gravity itself thus this process did not occur but those space rocks outside the shield are not so lucky as they are stretched to the extreme they crumbled into space dust. Ivan Makarov was examining the data from the monitor when something unexpected occurred. The distance is now 200 meters away from the black hole when all the clocks and electrical devices inside the flagship came to a sudden halt. The flagships AI, Lydia immediately warned the three crews onboard, Warning…the pull of gravity outside the shield towards the black hole is a billion times more powerful than the gravity on Earth causing a crack in the fabric of space thus causing time to halt. “Interesting, the strength of the black hole is more amazing than we ever imagined,” said Ivan as he noted down this interesting phenomenon, then suddenly, the flagship shook causing Ivan to hit his head on the wall, still bleeding he proceeded to the bridge. On the flagships bridge module where the AI’s mainframe and the flagships command center is located, Allen timber is soaked in a cold sweat as the ship’s AI fills him with the details about the damage.Code red, the ship’s power source is rapidly declining. The probable cause is that the Genesis shield is using too much energy due to being continuously bombarded by intense gravity and space dust traveling at the speed of light, the sudden lag of electronic devices due to a crack in the fabric of space caused the delay of delivering energy to the shield from the power source creating a miniature size hole in the shield damaging the ship’s hull. Warning… a breach has been discovered, activating emergency protocol. An irrevocable command has been issued for the ship to abandon the mission, activating the warp drives in 5…4…3...2…..system error.Mary Weather was in control of the ship's guidance system when the ship suddenly shook, then she was alerted by the ship’s AI of the emergency protocol that has been activated and that is to abandon the mission immediately. Mary was caught unprepared but she was powerless against this irrevocable command thus she can do nothing. With the breach in the ship alerting the crew members they all prepared themselves to abandon their mission and escape via warp drive, but suddenly the ship’s AI announced a system error, the breach has fried the systems warp drive and they are no longer in control of the spacecraft.“What should we do now,” Mary said to Allen as the ship continue to depressurize by the minute due to the breach. “There is only one solution and that is to get rid of the warp drive module where the breach is located,” Allen said in reply but Ivan disagreed immediately “Getting rid of the warp drive module means we can no longer go home”. “ We have no choice,” Mary said to Ivan but then the ship’s AI, Lydia reported immediately that the ship is only 10 meters away from the edge black hole and immediately alerted the crew to brace for impact as the ship is now entering the black hole.“Contrary to the immense pull of gravity outside the black hole, it is pretty much calm inside it” Ivan murmurs to himself as he watches the numbers in the monitors that stated a calm and still environment inside the black hole. As the crew progresses deeper into the black hole, Mary noticed that the alarms for the breach are no longer present and the ship starts to pressurize itself again and she alerted Ivan and Allen about this strange development. Allen then explained that perhaps due to the expansion and contraction of metals on the ship’s hull due to a sudden change in temperature and environment probably covered up the breach and said they were lucky. The ship is now being pulled slowly towards the center of the black hole called the singularity and the three crews onboard the ship was greatly surprised. What they found inside the center of the black hole is neither a wormhole nor a gate to another dimension but something else.Inside the center of the black hole is a black spherical construct that is about 20,000 kilometers in diameter according to the onboard scanners and obviously not manmade or naturally formed in nature. Strange lights suddenly flashed around the construct followed by the ringing of alarms that appeared as the ship’s AI warned the crews that the ship's system is being hacked by an external source and the ship suddenly change its course to an opening that suddenly appeared in the colossal spherical construct. As they approach the opening the crew braced themselves for this unreal experience. Ivan suggested that this construct could be an alien technology that sucks materials from space and converting it to pure energy, "impossible," said by Mary as she argues that ever since the space age began there are no alien encounters or any extraterrestrial transmission which left the space community in disappointment as the only life they could find on other planets are microbial organisms, Allen argued back that if the spherical structure in front of them is not an alien origin then what is it? Their debate came to a sudden halt as the ship’s AI spoke in a cold tone which confirms that something or someone took control over their spacecraft."3 carbon-based creatures onboard a class E- explorer ship and designated as a threat, proceeding to capture these organisms for more information," the AI then proceed to follow its protocol for capture. As the flagship enters the alien construct, white light envelops the three crews then they all lose their consciousness. Meanwhile back on planet Earth, the Global Federation received the last transmission from the flagship MX-321 about the activation of the emergency protocol which activates and transmits data through a sub-dimension in case the ship is in potential danger and the mission will be then abandoned. As the federation no longer received any transmission, the three crews are declared dead and announced as heroes of space pioneers on Earth, unknown to them about the hidden danger coming their way. Back on the alien construct inside the black hole, inside the three spherical capsules are the three crews where the organism that hacked into the ship's AI showed its true form. A silicon-based organism that depends on pure energy to survive is currently browsing the memories of the three crews and murmurs to itself “Interesting, to encounter a carbon-based organism with a double helix DNA structure while harvesting for energy from a dying star is like a dream, and the probability for it to happen is next to impossible. This must be what they call fate according to memories of these organisms that call themselves humans. No matter what, their DNA is very precious and it shall help me succeed in evolving into a higher life form by absorbing them." The black hole codenamed "Licht" suddenly collapsed and ceased to exist as a colossal alien spaceship that is almost indiscernible by any deep space telescope and scanning array is zooming toward Earth at incredible light speed.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "184849", "id": "184851", "q": 0.91, "title": "Into The Black Hole - The Beginning and the End", "author": "AdmiralClarke", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Mystery", "Sci-fi" ], "tags": [ "Aliens", "Outer Space", "Scientists" ] }
“We can’t just keep him here, he’s eating up all of our food?” *nom* “Cmon’, he’s my friend!” “I don’t care who he is! He’s taking up a whole room, he stinks up the house, he never leaves the house, and he looks at me weirdly-” “What? Why’re you lying? Daku wouldn’t do that!” She’s not lying. It’s not my fault she has a voluptuous body. Oh! Wait!  *crinkle* Oh no… I’m out of chips!  “Why? Because he’s your friend?” “I…”  “You either kick his fat ass out of my house or I’m leaving you!” “But…”  My eyes flashed with light as my friend opened the basement door from the kitchen.  “Hey, man…”  “I know.”  What a bitch   “I’m sorry man, really.”  “Hm.” I waved my friend off as he led me out the front door.  “I don’t want to see him again, and I demand you to stay away from him!” “You’re out of your mind, woman!” “I’m leaving-” “FINE! Fine…” That bitch doesn’t have any value. She’s flat and is unemployed like me. Standards these days… “Hey, before you go… Please try once, OK?”  What is he talking about? My small, tight volleyball jersey from high school was drenched from the rain that pelted my tangled, messy hair. As for my pants, well, they were torn gray sweatpants. Of course, they were also small. Too small to where my ass crack was vulnerable to the rain and the chilly air. The door shut behind me as I walked down the stairs and into the pavement.  Car’s floodlights reigned the streets and burned my eyes. Passerby walking hastily past me. Few gave small glances at me.  Embarrassed, I rushed down the pavement, resting my arms on one another.  Where do I go?There was nowhere for me to go. My parents abandoned me after I dropped out of school. My older sister probably treated me worse than my friend’s girlfriend, and he was my only friend.  I found cover in a tight alleyway barely lit with neon signs along the walls. Soggy advertising and missing papers littered the ground. I subconsciously thought the place was suspicious, but the sheer embarrassment of standing in the rain on the pavement while practically being naked, I couldn’t handle it.  There were a few shady looking people leaning against the wall further down the alleyway. They also gave me glances. Of course, a few people already have given me glances, so I didn’t think much about it. They looked like punks in their leather jackets, playing with their blades.  *grrr* Ouch…  My stomach roared. I had already eaten 2 bags of potato chips, a box of frozen pizza and a whole box of cereal, but that wasn’t enough.  I gently rubbed my belly with my fat, greasy hand. “Hungry?” A voice from my right asked almost in a provoking manner. Indeed, it was one of the punks. He had yellow spiky hair and a dog collar around his neck. He looks so dumb and shitty… “Well, yes.” “You like men? If so, I can give you something to eat.” The punk leader (at least that’s what I assumed he was) began unzipping his ripped jeans. However, I quickly waved for him to end and replied with a “no.” “Huh? I thought you were hungry?”“Uh, yeah. But… no thank you.”  The punk’s eyes were bloodshot. He was obviously on something. “Huh?” “No… Thank… You.” I slowly reiterated. That was probably one of the worst things I could’ve done in that situation, but my brain felt light and my body felt sickly cold as a breeze struck up and down my spine occasionally. I couldn’t think right.  Words soon turned into insults, and those insults soon turned into kicks into my chin and my stomach as it sent waves through my belly with every blow. “Fat ass! You any idea who you’re fucking with? Fat lunk of meat!”  I revolted everything I ate in the last 24 hours, but that didn’t stop the punks from beating me. In fact, it made it worse. Some punk, probably the leader, stripped my clothes, and I could feel something rubbing against my ass.  “GAHH! NOO!” I cried. I didn’t feel like getting raped, so I rolled over on my back.I was too fat for them to push or roll me over or anything.  One punk finally decided to stomp my head inside out. The pain would soon end as I blacked out.  Hm? Have I finally succumbed to my injuries and become unconscious? Wait… I wouldn’t be able to think, right? 2 orbs of white, dim light emerged from the darkness. It sounded as if they were conversing with one another and laughing.  I wasn’t sure if maybe I was kicked too hard in the head and I was just seeing things, or that I was possibly dead. Is this heaven?“Hm, not exactly.” said the orb to my right.  Those things can read my thoughts?! The orb approached me and circled around me. “Hmmm. 29 year old male, Daku Tatsuya. Unemployed, homeless. Obese and terrifying face…. Twisted-mind. Shown signs of pedophilia… Quite honestly, I’m very impressed by how bad you could mess up in a single life.” Said the orb, coming to an abrupt stop in front of my face. “Pedophilia? What?” I admitted that I was very fat, and since I was a child, people were afraid of me because I had a scary looking face. Maybe that made me ugly, but I was just convenient enough to grow up with my childhood friend, Yano Tamotsu. He was my only friend, and he even let me stay at his house until I could support myself. “Too delusional to see? Well, not that I care. We’ve decided to reincarnate you.” “That was pretty abrupt.” “That’s a pretty lame response.” If there was anything I wanted most in this world, it was to be isekai’d into a world of magic where I would be an insanely strong OP main character with a harem of lolis and big-breasted women. I really did hate this world. “Nah, I’m good. I’m tired of living in this world. It sucks, and it’s depressing.”  I took a seat on the dark ground.  “Hm? I thought you wanted to be isekai’d?”  My attention quickly diverted from the dark, empty space right back to the orbs of light.  “Well, now that I have your attention, what do you say?” The orb asked, approaching my face yet again. “Yes!” “Are you sure?” “I’m sure! Please!”  “Haha! As you wish!”  “Please make me super overpowered and be surrounded with hot lolis and wom-” “Nope. You’re going to be reincarnated with the shittiest stats.” The orb retreated back to the other orb who began laughing hysterically. “Wh-what do you mean no?” “You’re an asshole.” What?! “Let me explain. You’ve had multiple moments where you stole your parents money for more food, you’ve punched your sister and gave her a scar on her eye-” “Because she wouldn’t leave me alone!” “After she found you masturbating  to loli hentai…” “W-wait! The loli wasn’t a kid! So I explained it to her and she didn’t listen!” I pleaded, but in return, I received a rough, disturbed giggle from the orbs. “Sure. Anyway, you groped women in crowded areas, especially the train.” “But… yeah…” The truth was, I was a really shitty person. So shitty that I deserved to die a horrific death.  “Want me to continue?” “No…”  “Actually, I’d rather not reincarnate. Do you have an afterlife?” “Yep. However, you don’t have enough credits to get in, so you have to reincarnate and do better in your new life.” “Credits? Better?”It made sense, but I really didn’t want to get reincarnated with shitty stats in a world of magic. “Just be nice and do good things in your next life and you might make up for those credits and pass into the afterlife. It’s really that simple.”“Ugh. How many credits do I need?” “Well, you’re in the negative credit zone, so you’re going to need about… 50 million credits. Basically, you’d have to save the world 3 times in order to pass to the afterlife.” “WHAT?!” “Alright! Enough questions! Goodbye!” “NO-” *woosh* I gasped for air as new scenery came into vision. Darkness boiled into a lot of green trees around me. Are you kidding me?!   I found myself lost in the middle of a huge, scorching hot forest. Thick trees were scattered everywhere, bugs infested the fat bushes to even the tiniest shrubs, and wildlife was somewhat hard to find, but I was pretty sure they were running away when they saw me. “If I’m going to be reincarnated…” I clenched my fist. “COULDN’T YOU AT LEAST MAKE ME THINNER?! YOUNGER!? DON’T JUST SPAWN ME IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!?”Indeed, I was still just as fat as I was in my previous life. My body felt more loose as if I were younger, but I was still fat. *rustle*Something was lurking in a clump of bushes to my right. On guard, I step back, keeping my eye directly on the bushes. *sluurp* Out came a tiny blue slime, and in the top left corner of my eyes I could see 2 bars, one filled with red, and the other empty. On my top left was an icon of a book.   [--------]  ← Health Bar                                                           [📖]   [---------------]  ← XP Bar   Wait… IS THAT MY HEALTH BAR?! WHY IS IT SMALLER THAN MY XP BAR? It appeared to me that this new world I was reincarnated into was game-like, similar to the countless isekai manga and anime I’ve seen.  Damn balls of light… I have shitter than shit stats! Don’t tell me that I might actually struggle against a slime!The slime approached closer to me, slowly. It dragged itself along the grass, leaving a trail of slime. I grabbed a thick, blunt-edged stick and grasped onto it tightly. My feet were frozen in place, and my eyes were struck upon the slime. Then, suddenly, I realized something. Wait, if I just died, wouldn’t I just be reincarnated again? What would it matter if I died again… Less worried of dying, I gnarled my teeth and waited for the slime to get into striking distance. “Cmon’ stupid slime! Show me what you can do!”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "475430", "id": "475432", "q": 0.91, "title": "The Worst Sword - Chapter 001: The Worst Beginning", "author": "MarkFanjo", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "LitRPG" ], "tags": [] }
"Haa, why do we have to go to this remote planet? I bet the reader was broken!" "Because the kingdom commanded it. If we don't, you know what'll happen to us, it isn't called the Kingdom of Pride and 'Pain' for no reason." The crackling of fire was heard as a boy by the fireside awoke from his slumber. However, the refreshing feeling of waking up after a good sleep was nowhere to be found. The reason was none other than the following sentence. "You mean the Kingdom of PP." An object hit the man's face, sending him into the surrounding trees and causing debris to fly. The object was none other than the pillow of the man who woke up to the campfire's light noise. The man who was hit got up and sat by the fire once more. With the time in mind, even the remaining cinders repelled the darkness covering his armor's features, only his face was too far for the moment. He had a black tank top on with two shoulder pads that looked like red leather, if you looked closely you'd feel the presence of a low growl. What from, who knows. The one who threw the pillow thought. 'Ah, that's right. His name was Arthur Kiley' The man who was sitting peacefully and chatting with Arthur sat forward. This revealed his clean, light brown ponytailed hair and green eyes, the focus of the two, however, was the somber tone he began speaking in. "Anyway, if the reader was wrong. No matter then, we just go back. But. If the system reader was right, this is the last planet we're investigating and they could only be here." The man's eyes narrowed and he spoke further in a fierce tone as his face darkened. "You know what that means, right?" The other two nodded. In unison, they spoke together. ""We must retrieve the Source before the others at all costs."" ""Even if we must destroy this world to do so."" ""FOR THE KINGDOM'S GLORY"" Then the man who woke thought. 'Not that you two will live to see it happen.' Then he looked down and thought further. 'Though, I wonder... was the reading really caused by her? Hmm. I wonder, I wonder. After all, this didn't happen the previous 20 times.' He looked up and thought once more before lying down and going to sleep. What he thought last, who knows. ---=[Same Planet - Other side of the continent 4 hours from then, 1st Person POV]=--- "Dear Diary" I mumbled as I began to think to myself. 'I wonder what I should have for dinner tonight.' I thought as I walked down the white, gold and pink block stairs in clothes that looked like those human test subjects in the future wore. Well, that was because it was exactly that. I was a MOSAU, Mental Or Supernatural Ability User. So far, the scientists believed I had one ability. Cryokinesis. However, I have four. I was waiting until I master Cryokinesis to reveal another ability so I can control them enough to see my parents again but, the scientists had been weird lately. 'They've started to make me use my ability to freeze people, it's weird. They said that when my 13th birthday comes around, if I was behaved I'd be able to go see my parents. Right now, I'm on my way towards a testing room to do something else, they say they have a surprise for me.' »Wake up« 'Huh?' I stared at the floating board for a few seconds before it disappears. I look around, confused before I shrug and walk towards the room. I made it to the room a few minutes of walking later and I enter the room. My vision was drawn to the people talking to the scientists. 'My parents!' "MOM! DAD!" I sprinted towards them and hug them tight since I felt they would disappear soon. I had no idea how right my instincts were that time. I relished in the embrace of my mother as she held me. My dad made a wronged expression before ruffling my hair and smiling. The scientist was a stereotypical one. Lab coat. Round glasses. Weird slight crazed look. I didn't like that man at the time but I ignored it. After all, I didn't learn to trust my instincts with my life until later. If I had known when I was young, I'd have been able to listen to my instinct that told me not to use my abilities. If only, ay. If only... The scientist told me to go to the center of the separate room and I did. I waved at my parents who waved back. Usually, they didn't lock the door. But they did. If only I noticed. I was asked to use my powers to make a large snowflake of ice. I began to imagine it in my head with all the details I'd usually use for a snowflake before imagining the energy inside me flowing out of my body and 'filling in' the 'mold' I made for it. The snowflake was a light ice blue that wasn't fully opaque so you could see through it to some extent. It was one of my better ones, so I was getting excited to see my parents praise me but. I never thought the scientists would be so cruel as to do what they did. I looked back at the window and saw my parents. Pinned to a wall with blood coming from their eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth. Their heart, arms and legs were pinned with a metal pole and their head had a hole through the middle of their eyebrows. I froze. My eyes began to blur as my head struggled to register everything. I heard something. "Subject 0, Test IX-0 - Effect of Traumatic Experience. The subject seems to have entered a state of listlessness as they not-" I tuned it out as thoughts filled my head. 'Why?' 'Why!?' 'WHy?' 'WHy!?' 'WHY?' 'WHY, WHY... WHY WHY WHY WHY.' I dropped to my knees. 'Why...' Then, another thought began to take root. The thought that changed me forever. Or, at least, until I met 'Her'. 'Kill them all.' 'They killed mom and dad, so it's right that they die too.' I was on my hands and knees as someone was opening the door and chatting casually. I moved from two knees and hands to one hand on one knee, one hand, foot and knee on the ground. I then stood up as the scientist approached me with a smile. The smile felt like the devil's. I started freezing the room. The ice was stopped halfway by the man who walked in, he was a Pyro-Cryokineticist. "Tsk. You really think you can escape brat? Just calm the hell down and get ready for the next experiment, they were only your parents." His choice of words echoed in my mind as my rage began to rise and my blood started boiling. A weak question came from my lips. "Only?" The next second I lifted my hand towards him and make a neck-snapping gesture. His neck, according to the gesture, snapped. They knew I wasn't a normal child. But it was only a surface suspicion. After all, I was still a 'child'. But when I snapped his neck with a different ability. It was at that moment they knew, they fucked up. The next few hours were a blur to me, I only saw blood red and ice blue as I snapped necks, exploded heads and dismembered person after person, an unholy carnage happening because of my fury. By the time I snapped out of it, I was in front of my dead parents. I looked at them with tears streaming down my face and blurry eyes. I looked down at my bloodstained hands and began to vomit. I was still a child after all, my stomach wasn't hardened to slaughter. Not yet. When I was done, I looked at my parents. 'Mom, dad. I killed them. You can sleep peacefully now.' I used cryo-kinesis to close their eyes with a thin sheet of ice. I didn't know how much my control over my powers improved during that slaughter but I imagine it was a lot. I had bloodstains on me but most of it was my own blood from getting injured by MOSAUs again and again. 'I killed them all but... why do I feel so empty.' I began to lose 'feeling' so to speak. I could obviously still feel pain and I obviously had my senses still. But I just... didn't feel happy. Or sad. Or... anything. \Plot: So you're a Kuudere?\ (Author: You dumbass, they still have emotions, they just don't show them easily. She's basically got no emotions, like a doll.) It was a weird feeling, not feeling. I didn't like it. I wanted to end it. 'Cera is too cold, Sychi is too violent, Chris can't do anything...' I had names for my abilities. I felt it'd be easier to keep track if I had names. '...should work. It'll be fast and I won't feel pain.' I began to concentrate on between my hands and simply said. "Condense." The air became heavy in an instant. A draft came from nowhere as wind began to coalesce between my hands. In between them, a small black dot formed. It was a very small blackhole. Gina, my Gyro-kinesis. Just as I was about to make it bigger so I could die within it, a hand plopped onto my shoulder. It was rough, firm and large, fitting nearly my entire shoulder within it's cusp. I turned my head as I lost concentration, losing the black dot. I saw a man standing there. He had dark green eyes and dark-red hair. His face was sharp and defined but had certain contours that made him look wise and aged while simultaneously being young. He wore grey cargo pants and shirt with a grey cloak that was draped across his left shoulder. He spoke, calm but... excited? At the same time. "So it was you." He smiled with a closed eyes smile that caused my eyes to widen. The part that made my eyes widen were his tears. Tears were streaming down his face as he smiled at me. "Hello, Hydra." He said my name.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "392946", "id": "392949", "q": 0.91, "title": "A Blackhole (Draft) - The end of the 20th, beginning of the 21st.", "author": "Aegis_Of_The_Void", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Mystery", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Protagonist", "Age Progression", "Antihero Protagonist", "Cautious Protagonist", "Confinement", "Cultivation", "Dark", "Depictions of Cruelty", "Depression", "Dragons", "Emotionally Weak Protagonist", "Evil Organizations", "Evolution", "Fallen Angels", "Fallen Nobility", "Orphans", "Religions" ] }
COLOC_Kid read this only to think critically on who you are and wish to be. please remember that this is not advice it is my thoughts on society the universe and the human mind. this is opinion not fact.           I believe conscience is your feeling of right and wrong. I believe there are people who do not have a strong conscience or have none at all. In addition a conscience also allows you a conscience also allows someone to feel and give love it is called empathy. from the moment of birth you have empathy. the fact is as a child your conscience is fragile so your empathy is too. as you grow your empathy will be attacked it will chip and fall apart. the good thing is that this fragile empathy may heal although it will still have a scar. in addition everyone is born with a diffrent amount of conscience, some might be more fragile while others firm. once you reach about 18 your empathy begins to harden making a moral code that cannot be easily broken. 18 is also the earliest age you doctors can soundly diagnose aspd                  I believe what you consume through your senses (eyes, ears, touch, taste) can also damage your conscience. if you enjoy horror movies which hold a lot of violence you may be unconsciously voluntarily chipping at your conscience. as I said earlier what you consume through your senses can damage the conscience, this also includes your surroundings if you see people steal or you are stealing yourself unless you are above 18 you're damaging your conscience and in turn your empathy.                    Do the ends justify the means. NO this would be morally unacceptable to do a wrong is to do a wrong there is no other way to put it. even if the ends are good you can not forget how much evil has been caused.     COLOC_Kid if you disagree put it in the comments it will help fuel my next chapter
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "243893", "id": "243897", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "Book on Moral Philosophy - the war of conscience", "author": "COLOC_Kid", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Psychological" ], "tags": [ "Philosophical" ] }
She pushed the glasses up her nose as she walked through the whitewashed corridors of the UNSRD facility. The lenses were fake, but they helped ground her. She was aware, always, of the contact on her face, her ears, on her skin. She could hear her bones creaking, her organs sloshing, her hair growing. Every muscle and ligament was wet inside her and she was so, so aware. It had taken months to recover, two months just to get her to eat regularly, to speak. It had taken five months to reverse one month of…damage. She reminded herself what it was. It was an involuntary remapping of her neural pathways by an outside psychic latticework. She was damaged, but she had always recovered from damage, and this was no different. She barely needed the crutches anymore, but the soreness under her arms…it kept her mind from wandering. Kept her bound down, attached to her body, like the turtleneck’s pressure against her throat, how her stupid bra hurt her back, the tightness of the stupid skirt, the stupid pantyhose itching against her leg hair, the stupid kitten heels that made her go clack clack clack everywhere, no matter how quietly she stepped. Her section chief had impressed upon her that the Ontario Facility was very sexist and very strict on dress code, that it wouldn’t do to wear the usual football shirt from a fake college that she'd never attended under her lab coat, the corduroy pants that would have been so much more comfortable in this cold-ass unmarked hallway, the air was freezing—they just had to have housed Subject 5-15 in shitty ass Canada. Bureaucrats, directors, brass; it didn’t matter who was in charge, they always considered the subjects to be their property. She stared ahead of her, at the broad back of a man who had merely introduced himself as ‘Colonel’, who was leading her through the facility. He had been speaking the entire time, but she didn’t care to listen. She knew why she was there. He stopped at a door, and she stopped with him.“Alright, this is it.” He said, “Remember—” “I know the protocol.” She never cared for review by her intellectual lessers. “I’ve done this dozens of times.” “The circumstances are different. You’ve never been asked for by name.” He said. He was the classic, corn-fed, cigar-chomping, square-jawed military officer who looked like he had jumped out of a cartoon. She stuffed a hand in her lab coat pocket, gripping her pack of cigarettes, her thumb chasing her grandfather’s old lighter around in the spacious pocket. She was glad that, like the Cuban Facility, she was allowed to smoke here. As long as those in charge understood that if the people like her, the people who did her job, didn’t have vices to chase, they’d end up as a Section 8. They wouldn’t get sent home, or get to see their parents, or get a phone call. As far as anyone else knew, anyone who “retired” from the UNSRD was…missing. “Then let me do my job. If Subject 5-15 will only talk to me, let me talk to it.” She said, stepping forward, trying to move past the big colonel. He grabbed her arm, gripping her between the bicep and the elbow, so as not to knock aside her crutch. “It asked for you by your name. Your original name.” His breath smelled like coffee and tobacco and indifferent brushing habits. “It knows what you knew when you were with it. Research has moved it up from a Six-Five to a Six-Six. So get what you can and find a way we can terminate it, doctor.” She pulled against him. The muscle atrophy had weakened her, but his grip wasn’t enough to hold her, and he let go before she expected him to. The damn shoes, though. She lurched, dropping her left crutch and stumbling. The Colonel caught her, and steadied her. He even bent to pick up her crutch. “Thank you, Colonel,” she said, blowing a strand of hair from her face. She wasn’t used to it being this long, and had pulled it back in as tight a bun she could, but locks of it kept getting loose and ending up inconveniently obscuring her vision. With that and the stupid ‘sexy librarian’ getup she had been made to wear, she felt very emasculated, and some swaggering military brat catching her from a fall briefly made her want to die. She was ready to take some rage out on 5-15, even if separated by two inches of Lexan, she would find a way to make her tormentor suffer. “Don’t mention it.” The Colonel said, quite satisfied with his chivalry. He pulled a keycard from his pocket and tapped the pad next to the door with it. The hydraulics clicked, and he pushed it open. She walked—the stupid kitten heels going clack clack clack on the linoleum—into the room, dimly lit by red lights high on the walls and a bright, buzzing electrical light in the center of the room, which was divided in half by a huge Lexan barrier, reinforced through with a lattice of metal. On the side of the divider opposite to her was a room with a bed, a toilet, and a sink. Not very humane, not like the Cuban Facility. At least there, the subjects had pillows, books, and sometimes toys. Her guilt nagged at her as she remembered that some of the subjects in Cuba were children, and wondered if there were children at this facility too, in the cold, cold rooms with nothing to play with. In the center of the room, there were two metal tables, one on each side of the glass barrier, with a two-way speaker slightly above it, and folding chairs at each one. Behind the glass, wearing the customary powder-blue jumpsuit of the UNSRD, was a young man, who looked very tired, and hadn’t shaved in a few days. His eyes lit up when he saw her, and he waved excitedly. The colonel spoke behind her, and this time she was able to force herself to listen, if only to tear her eyes away from 5-15. “…will be behind the glass and will speaker in with questions. If you need us, you know the phrase to say.” “Uh-huh.” She said. Her mouth was dry. She did not know the safe phrase, she hadn’t been able to listen to the briefing. He nodded solemnly and closed the door, and she worked her throat when it locked. She turned back to the table. The man behind the glass had stopped waving, but was still smiling ecstatically, as if he was seeing a long-lost relative return after years. She didn’t recognize him, which meant he was either new, or in one of the satellites she had never made contact with. Likely the former. She sat down, across from the man behind the glass, scooting the chair forward with a metallic scrape on the floor. She didn’t get close, or comfortable. She’d never be comfortable again—not that she had been very comfortable before. The only time she had ever known comfort was… “My name Doctor Murphy. I was told you wanted to speak with me.” “Murphy, huh?” The young man contemplated the name. “Did you pick it out, or did they?” He glanced up to the reflective pane of glass behind her. “I doesn’t matter. That’s my name. That’s what you’ll refer to me as, Subject Five-Fifteen.” She sternly emphasized the last part. “It doesn’t suit you. You’re not Irish. But if you like it, then I like it, Murphy. Do I get a name?” The man asked, crossing his legs and leaning back. “If you like.” “Then call me…Emma.” He said, smiling without malice.  Murphy’s stomach dropped, but she gathered herself quickly. She'd come prepared for mindgames. “It doesn’t suit you.” Was all she said, pulling the packet of cigarettes out of her pocket. “Oh no, you’re not smoking again. After all the work we put in together to get you to quit.” Emma said. The disappointment in his voice was genuine—it was always genuine. It made Murphy scramble for a cigarette quicker, lighting it, sucking it down, letting it fill her. A speaker behind her clicked on. “Why Emma?” The colonel’s voice crackled through. The young man behind the glass laced his fingers together and put his hands on his knee. “I will let you answer that one, Murphy. When you’re ready.” Murphy exhaled, leaning back and watching the smoke curl up into the vents at the ceiling. “Doctor Emma Liu. My mentor, who first inducted me into the UNSRD Emergent Research Section. She joined the gestalt entity controlling Subject Five-Fifteen two weeks before I did.” The speaker was silent for a moment, then the Colonel’s voice again, with the sound of rustling paper in the background. “I see. Carry on, Doctor Murphy.” “She was more than your mentor, Murphy.” The creature wearing another man’s skin, calling itself Emma, leaned forward a bit. “Am I...allowed to disclose this? I don’t want to damage your reputation here any more than I already have. I know what a boy’s club the Special Research Division is. Of course I would.” “You are allowed to speak freely.” Murphy answered as impersonally as she could manage, taking another pull from the cigarette. It was unbranded, government-made, in a white, unlabeled packet. It was of perfectly average quality, according to the NIST reference standards it was manufactured by. She missed Cuba. “You’re allowed to say whatever you want, as long as you answer my questions.” “I’m at your disposal. Am I allowed to say how much I miss you?” Emma shifted in his seat. Genuine curiosity. Humans were manipulative, as were the majority of the few non-humans Murphy had met. Subject 5-15 had no reason for this. It only ever spoke the truth. And the truth was something that felt the most like a lie to her, in her profession. “You are. But I’m not going to believe it. How many?” “How many what?” Emma cocked his head to the side. “Don’t play dumb. How many are currently connected to the…egregore.” She said, pulling the cigarette and pointing with it. “How many people have you enslaved?” “Five thousand, two hundred and twenty-three voices sing in my chorus.” Emma said calmly. “You know better than anyone outside of the mind that it’s not enslavement, though.” Murphy took a shaky breath. In six months, 5-15 had sublimated over two thousand people. It was growing exponentially. “You take people without their consent, you destroy their free will without them having a choice in the matter, and then you put them to work, growing, calculating, feeding. I do know you better than anyone, and I know what you do is enslavement.” Emma shook his head. “What I do is a mercy. I pity you, all of you, who must live and die so alone, so mortal, with nobody to share your life with. Your plight is such a masochistic struggle, how could I look upon you and do nothing? You have compassion Murphy—I know you better than anyone ever could. If you saw a broken, dying thing, and had the power to give them comfort, immortality, a family, eternal love…no matter how hard they struggled against you, panicking blindly at what they think is an invader, their minds so wounded by their misery that they cannot help but resist; to think that there is no cure to their pain, that they are stronger for it, that they cannot become anything greater, that they will die alone…Murphy, would you not heal that pain at any cost? Even at the cost of yourself, to lose parts of your body, just to heal someone else?” “You don’t lose parts of your body, and you don’t heal anything.” Murphy spat, “You grow, like a virus, eating people’s minds and puppetting their bodies around like sick little marionettes. The only one who gains from your presence is you.” “It hurts me to see you lie. Does it help with the pain?” The creature asked gently. “Does it help you cope with the loss of your body? Murphy, you were a part of me, and you remain a part of me I’ve lost.” Murphy shook her head. “You lose plenty of people. You lost Emma. You send dozens of your drones to die whenever we try to study you. You miss me as much as I miss my own gut bacteria.” “No, no, their bodies are just shells. Their minds will sing with the chorus forever. But Murphy, you were me, and I loved you, like a brother, a sister, a mother, a father, a child, a friend. A husband, a wife. I could do without your body, if I had to. But your mind…there will always be a hole in me where you were, where you belong. It will always hurt me.” Emma had planted both bare feet on the ground and buried his face in his hands. “Not if you tell me where the core is. I can put you out of your misery, permanently.” “That misery is my burden alone to shoulder. When I wept, I wept to myself. When I mourned our losses, when our chorus was attacked, I kept the fear to myself. Murphy, you were never scared, were you? You were never unhappy…I kept those emotions from you, because you didn’t deserve the pain I wanted to heal you from. To heal your species from. You don’t deserve this burden of will that you volunteer upon yourselves. You lived your life with me in ecstasy, and now…Murphy, you look so sad. Please, take off the glasses. I want to see your eyes.” Murphy froze. She was still and silent until the ember of her cigarette burned against her fingers, and even then, it took a moment for her to recognize the pain. She ashed it against the metal table, grinding it down to black dust. She adjusted the fake glasses on her face, the octagonal wire frames, the mirrored lenses that protected her gaze from hypnotic effects. 5-15 needed physical contact to Join someone, but still… “No.” She managed. Her voice was hoarse for some reason she didn’t understand, or at least, told herself she didn't. “Alright. Later, then.” Emma said, shifting in the chair. “How have you been, since you were…pulled from me?” Murphy took another cigarette into her mouth. “Coping.” She said, before lighting it. “I’ve been…in therapy. It used to be every day, but I’m down to twice a week now. I’m very…aware of being one person. Very aware of my mortality. I couldn’t keep down food because I chewed, digested so loudly. I was so lonely…am so lonely, without anyone else in here.” She pointed to her head. “I’m so sorry that they did that to you. Nobody deserves to be wrenched from Heaven back into Hell.” The sorrow was genuine, and it made Murphy want to eat glass. She wanted 5-15 to scrape against the barrier, feral, angry at her for leaving. But all it offered was sympathy. “I didn’t exactly volunteer for Heaven either. And it wasn’t real. All you did was spread our endorphins, remap neural pathways, had us be…intimate, with one another. Love one another, and let those hormones and endorphins carry us through our days of work and research, spread those feelings across the network. We were one, and many. And in the end, that wasn’t love. It was a drug, a chemical you manufactured, and hooked me on, and I’m finally coming off from the withdrawals. I’m finally finding it bearable to be one person in one body again.” “Love is a drug, Murphy. I found a way to share it with all of humanity, that is all. You are not the first species who has been saved by…collectives like me. Only the most stubborn.” “There are other gestalt entities like you?” She leaned forwards. This was her mission, why she was here, not to have a heart-to-heart with her enslaver. And for all of its wisdom, the enslaver, through the body of some poor chump it had enslaved, looked surprised. “Yes, I thought you would have assumed so already. Of all forms of life, mine is the most adaptable, and of all intelligences, mine is the most ethical and efficient.” “So, you aren’t a naturally-occurring event, something from our collective unconscious, or some esper who we lost track of?” “No. I am not of this world, if that’s what you’re asking.” Emma cocked his head again. “I am surprised at you, you of all people—” “Where are you from? An alien planet, a different dimension?” “Do you know where you were when you were born?” Emma seemed slightly irritated, which was something that Murphy took a vague pleasure in. “Consciousness is a song, and I am a chorus. What you call my ‘core’, is…not my body. It exists in the song, and on stage, and outside the opera theater. It is the script.” “This analogy is running away from you, Emma.” Murphy said. Emma sagged his shoulders, scrubbing at the scratchy stubble on his face, “It is hard to explain, even to you. Can you ever fully describe your experience in the chorus, even just a month of your time, in human words? In words the insignificant men behind that glass could ever understand? It’s a feeling, it’s a song, and you sing alone—Murphy, you sing so beautifully, but you do it so alone; a burning, anguished soliloquy. I call myself, ourselves, the Chorus, because in a play, that is the impartial, the knowing, the sympathetic, the omniscient, the God. That is what I am, a god.” Murphy snorted. “First of all, you of all things know I can’t sing at all (“It’s a metaphor,” Emma calmly chided). Secondly, there are at least thirty specimens under the care of the United Nations Special Research Division that describe themselves as ‘gods’. You’re a glorified heroin dealer. You’re a six on the Hynek Scale, and a six on the PEBTA scale, so not even in the top ten list of our most dangerous gods.” “Really? I’m a little disappointed to be only a six on both scales, you people seem to put so much gravitas on those numbers. But I don’t want to pose a threat to you at all. You’re under no risk of me hurting anyone.” “Even if you don’t care when you lose parts of yourself? When those people die? Like Emma?” Murphy demanded, ashing her second cigarette and pounding it into the table with every question. “Emma is not dead, she is in the chorus. You and her were mentally intertwined within me, you just don’t remember because your names do not follow your minds. They’re burdens, these names. And they’ve saddled you with yet another boring, normal title. Murphy.” Emma tested the word on the tongue of the young man. “It’s not you. I only use it because you asked me to, because I love you, because she loves you.” “Emma is dead!” Murphy shouted, pounding her fist against the cheap metal table. “I saw her die, and then you, you had me turn her into fertilizer for your garden. She’s gone.” “Her body is, yes. It expired, and I could not save her. That’s why she joined my chorus, because she was dying, and didn’t want to die before she finished her research. Before she could make the world a better place. So she joined me, and you came to me, came to her, and watched her die, and held her hand and kissed her forehead, and then begged me to Join you to the chorus so you could be with her again. She joined so that she would not die alone. You joined so you would not live alone. And together, you made so much progress on her work, until these awful men came and stole you away from me.” Emma looked up at the mirror on the wall behind Murphy and scowled. Murphy froze up again, her hand resting on the hot ashes of her cigarettes. The loudspeaker crackled to life again, the Colonel speaking through. “Is this true?” Murphy did not move. “Doctor Murphy, is it true that you voluntarily joined the consciousness of Subject Five-Fifteen?” She could not speak. Emma’s scowl hardened. “Oh, leave her alone, you awful man! She came to me to see her friend, her mentor, her love, one last time.” “I didn’t…” Murphy lied, hollowly, quietly, speaking into her chest. “I came…I surrendered and I came to you to research the structure of the egregore, and after I saw her, dying, and I said goodbye…” She could not finish the comfortable lie she was constructing, settling into. It was like easing into a chair and finding its upholstery was moving, full of snakes. “You begged me. Murphy, I cannot lie. You sobbed against her chest and begged to be a part of me, a part of her. I would not have betrayed your trust, your surrender, and joined someone who had come in peace to study, like that. What would I gain from people seeing me as duplicitous? Murphy, look at me.” Murphy obeyed, pulling off the fake glasses, peering into the sad blue eyes of the man that 5-15 wore. “I cannot lie. I could never lie to you, even if I could. I don’t know if you blocked it out yourself, or if these men erased it from your mind, but believe me…you asked, and I obliged. I wanted to heal you of your pain.” Tears were pouring down her face, and she took a shuddering breath. “I believe you.” She managed to whisper, choking, breaking down into a sob. She buried her face in her hands. The door buzzed, the locks clicking open. Murphy stood, and the chair she had been sitting on clattered against the floor. “I haven’t finished yet!” She roared. She couldn’t even see who had opened the door through the tears. She wiped her face on her lab coat sleeve. “I haven’t said the passphrase. We will continue.” She heard the door shut, and the locks click back in place. She wiped her face again, and leaned down to tilt her chair back into place. Her legs wobbled a bit without the aid of her crutches, but she managed to sit herself down in front of the table again. “We will continue.” She repeated, more to herself than anyone else, and shakily reached for a new cigarette. She lit it without Emma saying anything, and took another long pull, exhaling, and repeating, until she was satisfied enough to continue, her sobs settling down to an involuntary hiccough. “You’re beautiful.” Emma said, and Murphy found herself comforted by the words, even if it came from some stranger's mouth. “Odd way of asking me if I’m alright.” She said, sniffling and wiping her nose on her sleeve again. Emma shook his head. “I know you’re not alright. I know you’re devastated. I know your pain, because it was once mine to bear with you. And the pain of being separated from me…I can only imagine what they did to you to cut you off from me. Even in here, in this…chamber.” Emma cast his gaze around the room. “I felt so lonely, before you came to me. They cut me off from the rest of the chorus, and even now, the connections are fading. I cannot see through their eyes, and they cannot see through mine. But I still have everyone in my head, their memories, in this man’s head—Murphy he was so sad before he joined me—and you are…you, and you alone. I cannot believe you cut me off entirely. I know you by your absence, by the you-shaped hole in my being. I know you by your edges, your outline, the void of you. It’s a feeling you know, a feeling that has crushed you all your life, before you even found me, and before Emma found you. I long for you, but I am still connected to you…tell me, do you still hear the song?” She pulled the cigarette from her mouth. “Echoes. I hear you, scratching at the back of my brain. In my dreams, I’m back with you, whole again…happy. Five months, the same dream, the echo of…what you...we were.” “How do you bear it, all alone? How do you consider your independence worth the pain?” Emma put a hand on the glass, a tear rolling down his cheek into the stubbly beard. “I’m a scientist. I will put the…experience to use. I’ll be of use to humanity, and in this way, I’ll be more fulfilled alone than I ever was with you.” She said, and she found herself pressing her hand against the glass too, her hand eclipsing Emma’s on the glass. The loudspeaker behind her crackled, but then closed without a word. “But you’ll be alone.” The voice was strained, desperate. “I’ll be myself.” Murphy croaked. “For someone who has, for her entire life, wished she was someone, anyone else, you seem so desperate to hold on to your independence, your fragile body, your wounded mind that I know screams and screams in pain. I can hear you, too, when you dream. You’re not a psychic—that’s why you’re not on this side of the glass—but your pain…I hear the echo through the gestalt, and I weep for you, wish I could weep with you, bear the burden with you.” “It’s my burden to bear alone.” Tears had begun to run down her cheeks again, and her lit cigarette had dropped from her mouth onto the table. “It doesn’t have to be.” Emma said quietly. “Tell me where the core personality is. Where you hold this burden. I promise, I’ll make sure you’re only captured for study, and maybe…we could work something out, where people can join the chorus voluntarily. We could help each other.” “I know you want that. But you, and Emma, and enough members of Special Research have joined me for me to know that they won’t let you. And trust me, if you could get it in writing, if you could secure it so that I would be a part of this place, and you could rejoin us…I would jump at it, in a heartbeat. I would do anything to get you back, but I will not die for the false hope of your return. And I know that you wouldn’t allow it. You wouldn’t let Emma and all the other people without bodies to return to die with me. You would not be able to live with the guilt—I don’t know how you are able to live at all, knowing my existence, knowing that there’s more to life than dying alone. Knowing that you can live on, without the body you hate and don’t understand, the body you’re never been quite comfortable in, forever, studying the world, and the cosmos, forever as a member of my chorus. Knowing this…would you hand me over to them?” Murphy’s hand slipped from the glass, and she turned to the large, one way mirror, and mouthed a single word. Please. It was silent for a while, then, the loudspeaker crackled, the channel opened. It was silent for a while longer, before the Colonel said, “What if we can…secure the safekeeping of your core. We are reasonable, and…there is a use for you. For assets who don’t feel like they can continue, minds that we need to preserve, for people who know too much. You know too much about us yourself, so…we will offer you the choice to join the UNSRD, rather than…the less humane option. Doctor Liu’s intellect alone is sorely missed in our organization, and if it’s still around in…inside you, then maybe we can reach an agreement?” Emma sat down in the folding chair behind the glass. Murphy stood, balancing against the table. “I will need to commune with the rest of the chorus. This is a decision that requires more than one brain to process entirely.” He called back to the speaker. Another moment. “Acceptable. We will turn off the cell’s psychic scrambler for sixty seconds. That’s all the time you’ll get.” “That’s all I will need.” A high-pitched electrical whine shut off somewhere, one that Murphy had not noticed, or had assumed was just the electric lighting. A headache that had been building up behind her right eyeball receded slightly, but in its place…the scratching came back, a psychic picking at some healed-over scab in her amygdala. It was curious, involuntary. She had always assumed it was the Chorus, trying to re-enter her mind, trying to re-assert control, make her listen to the echoes of longing, of the emotions she was blocked off from. She realized now that it was her own mind that picked at the scab, trying, desperately, to get back to the Chorus. Her song of consciousness had been muffled, and it was desperate to sing in legion. She held it back, stilled it with concentration. The UNSRD psychiatric sector had dealt with espers, psychics, telepaths…their methods worked, but it was up to Murphy to employ the mechanisms, and she did so rigorously, fighting back sleep until it took her in her dreams. It was better than the methods they had employed to separate her from the chorus, the electroshock, the hypnosis, the telepaths dissecting her psyche, putting it back together in her brain; a pastiche of things that were familiar enough to the receiving gray matter that it slid into place conveniently enough to stay put without leaping out of place. She wondered how much of her ego was made up of other people, fragments of their minds. She already knew her Id was a shitshow, and had urges her physiology didn’t account for, that her anatomy could not accommodate. She wasn’t the same. She was Murphy now, a sort of hive mind of her own, stuck in one body, missing her memories…her identity had been erased when she joined Special Research, and now, she could not even remember her own mother’s face. She remembered someone else’s mother, when searching her memories for her, and that brought a small part of her recognition, and the comfort of recognition was enough. She knew the mind could heal, and that the fragments of people she had taken from the chorus were already repaired within the egregore, or not even missed by the blissful voices, the minds swimming in contentment and love. She envied them. Her mind would heal, but it would heal over shrapnel, still inside her, scarring her and making her unwhole, or too whole. She had never felt that she fit in her own body, but now she felt that she didn’t even fit in her own brain. Emma had slumped forward in the chair, head in hands. Murphy did not mistake this for sadness—it was concentration. Usually, every decision in the chorus was instantaneous—a decision by committee and by body, like a hydra, a collective organism, influenced by every mind that had been absorbed…and yet, this decision was enough to need full concentration of over five-thousand brains working in tandem, weighing options, making fretful calculations, seeing the risks. After forty-nine seconds, they raised their head. The young man’s eyes were much lighter, but unfocused. The chorus was whole again, or at least, more whole, and present. “We’ve finished our consideration. We accept, but we have conditions.” They called out. The machine somewhere in the ceiling clunked back on, Emma convulsed in the chair. Murphy shuddered herself, the psychic scrambler making some horrible interference that made something in her brainstem dance. But the scratching remained. There were…more presences inside the body. They looked up, and made eye contact with Murphy. There was something different in the driver’s seat behind those eyes, and the chill of recognition made her knees tremble. From the loudspeaker, the Colonel asked, “Name your conditions.” “First, you must allow us to continue our research, in the parapsychological, neurological and ontological fields, and in curing the disease that cost Emma Liu’s physical body.” “Done. We do the same sort of research in the SRD, we can collaborate. Share notes. Is that all?” “No.” There was a gentle nuance to the voice that Emma used that was familiar to Murphy. She remembered it in her own throat; she could probably do a perfect impression of it. But it was also something from before contact with 5-15, with the Chorus. The posture, too. The way that she talked with her hands. It would take more than death to keep Murphy from recognizing it. “Doctor Liu...Emma.” Murphy said hoarsely. The tears were back, dripping off of her chin and pattering into her lap. “Our second condition is that you allow us to make physical contact with…Murphy.” Emma said slowly, almost slipping on the new name. “What’s to stop you from forcibly Joining her?” The Colonel asked. “Nothing…but I’ve never given her anything she didn’t ask for.” Emma said. The real Emma. It wasn’t just her…the scratching was too intense for it to be her consciousness alone. But even after a month, Murphy’s identity had become stitched to many of the other minds in the chorus. There was likely a sizable chunk of personalities controlling the body before her. It could be a trap, it could be that Emma was entirely sublimated within the egregore and what talked so forcibly, with a slight accent that even the UNSRD training had failed to drive from her voice, holding her head high like she was still a short little woman who Murphy had stood head and shoulders over was some sort of illusion, a hollow simulacrum of her, just recalled memories and faked personality…but if it was, how different was that from the real thing? Murphy looked back to the mirrored barrier at the back of the room, and nodded. There was a mechanical grinding above, and the bulletproof divider that split the room rose, slowly, from the crevice that it was buried into, six inches deep, held down with tungsten and iron weights and sealed, hydraulically and magnetically, to keep anything from escaping the confinement. It was painfully slow, but Emma knew better than to move before it was fully raised. When it was, her eyes followed it into the recess of the ceiling. “Doctor Murphy, approach to the other side of the chamber. Subject Five-Fifteen, do not move from your current position.” The loudspeaker called down to them. Emma raised her hands, and Murphy grabbed her crutches, limping over the gap until she was on the Subject side of the divider. The hydraulics groaned with the weight as the divider scrolled back down into place, clunking roughly at the bottom of its resting place and hissing as it sealed. “You may now both interact. If you do not keep to your word, Subject Five-Fifteen, we will not be merciful with your treatment.” “Yeah yeah, guy.” Emma waved dismissively, and Murphy’s chest constricted with the weight of nostalgia. It was her. “Murphy—that name doesn’t suit you, by the way—give me some paper and a pen. I’ll write down the co-ordinates of where this core you want so badly is, and then we’ll make the deal.” Murphy obliged her mentor, providing her with a pocket notebook and the worn-out fountain pen she always had on her lab coat. Emma turned away, putting her face close to the paper as she wrote—a habit of the myopic older woman that hadn’t died with her, apparently. As Emma scribbled onto the paper, Murphy closed her eyes. The scratching was still there, but it was more pleasant than annoying. She took a deep breath, and plunged—picturing herself in her imagination opening the door in her brain, letting the scratching pick away the scab, open it a crack…the echoes spilled in, like when she fell asleep at night, after hours of fighting to stay awake. They filled her up, and suddenly…she could almost see the paper, almost feel herself writing the numbers, the notes, descriptions, instructions. She could not get ahold of how many people there were in the other brain in the room, the interference was too much…but Emma Liu was there. She was different. Less ornery, less tired. At peace, like everyone in the chorus. Like Murphy had been, when she sang with them. No sadness, no regrets. There was anxiety, and isolation, due to the psychic scrambler. But it was temporary, dampened by hope. By excitement. These feelings, emotions…they were not in Murphy’s brain, and her perception of them was by their familiarity. Their outlines, the way she knew their shapes and colors and smells by how they had sparked in her own brain. She hadn’t felt happiness or satisfaction in the six months since she had been torn away from the chorus, and just feeling them vicariously was intoxicating. There were little whispers in her brain, her own voice, but simultaneously, not hers. The people who formed Murphy, reaching for the recognition, desperate to rejoin the chorus. “There.” Emma said, turning the notebook over and capping the pen. “You will find the core at these co-ordinates, as long as you follow the instructions. Now, if you will let me finish our agreement, then communicate that the deal has been accepted to the rest of the chorus, we will be in accord. Satisfied?” These words, Murphy heard in her own head, in her own-but-not-hers-alone voice, and with that came the realization that a tiny bit of Emma’s psyche existed in her own gray matter, and for that, Murphy felt truly happy to herself for the first time in her life as a single person, both before and after singing in the chorus. “How do we know the numbers are legitimate?” The Colonel asked, and Murphy felt frustration in tandem with Emma. “They are, legitimate, I swear it.” Murphy said, her eyes snapping open. Emma moved to look at her, her face difficult to read. “Alright. You may make…physical contact, whatever that means.” The loudspeaker clicked off. Emma rose from her seat, and stood face to face with Murphy. They stared at each other for what felt like an awful year, and Murphy broke first, pushing forward into Emma, her crutches clattering to the floor, burying her face into the broad chest of the young man her best friend wore. “Emma…Emma…” She sobbed into the blue jumpsuit, clutching at the sleeves until the arms wrapped around her, gently. “Mostly girl, mostly. It was…a struggle just to recall myself. But you deserve it. Even if there is an audience.” “I don’t care about the brass, and I don’t care how many minds there are in you, it’s you. I had almost forgotten you, forgotten my time with you in the chorus…” “There’s still fragments of you inside us. Your absence is…unpleasant.” Emma said, burying her own face into the crook of Murphy’s shoulder. “Your hair’s gotten so long, girl. And we never thought we would see you in a pencil skirt.” She chided. “Fucking Ontario division.” Murphy grumbled into Emma’s chest, and appreciated the soft rumble of laughter she felt. “Fucking Ontario division. Never changes, does it?” “It’s changed without you. Emma…can I still call you that? There’s so many of you…” “We are here as Emma, for you. Complete…as complete as we—I can be. Yes, you can call us that. Please.” “Emma…” Murphy sobbed. “Emma, I…don’t know how to ask, but…” “You don’t have to. I hear you, just slightly; your mind has stopped screaming, just a little.” “Then, please…” Murphy pleaded, looking up at the only woman who ever understood her. And Emma obliged, one last time, kissing her. It was a different mouth, at an awful angle, and there was a scratchy beard against her chin; but it was the same, the same as it had ever been, the first woman to ever kiss her, and only one she had needed. It lasted a while, and it wasn’t the lustful, passionate make-out sessions they’d indulged in, in the janitor’s closet at the Cuban Facility, the hotel room when they were in Vienna. It was soft, and gentle, and the perfect kiss to remember her by. When Emma pulled away, Murphy’s brain sort of went blank, and only the echoes, the voices had control of her ego and super-ego, barely keeping her body conscious until Murphy, some eternity later, returned to herself. “Uh…” She said intelligently, wiping her lips on her sleeve. “Thanks.” “You aren’t going rejoin, are you?” Emma asked. It was barely a question. “No, I don’t think so. But we will work together.” “We both know that isn’t the same.” “I can’t. I want to, but…I can’t be a part of you again.” Murphy squirmed, wondering why the hell not. Why not rejoin the chorus, and live forever with Emma? “I agree.” Emma said with gravity, and Murphy flinched in her arms. “Why not?” “You’ve formed such a mental callus. Your body would be cut off, and your mind would leave you and join the chorus. And as beautiful a mind you have, you are quite incomplete without your brain.” “I’m not that smart. My gray matter isn’t important. When I was…with you, I was everyone. I was you, and with you, and me, all at once. I saw through every eye, felt with every body. I just rested in my own brain sometimes, like a bunk. If Emma is still around in you, then I don’t need my brain for anything. I haven’t been using it much lately anyway.” Murphy quickly reasoned. “The only reason they could tear you away from me is because of your body. Because your brain is the only space for you, that you will fit in without coercion. Emma will one day fade away, become too stitched and blurred at her borders to be anything more than her memories. But you will always be able to recall your identity, even if you’ve left many of your memories in me. It will take decades, but without your brain to remind you who you are…you’ll dissolve. And we…I, feel too deeply for you to let that happen. To let you live as anyone but you.” “So you want me to die alone? What happened to your infinite compassion?” A heat that had pooled in Murphy’s belly now rose up to her cheeks in anger. “Where’s your infinite mercy?” “I thought you had your own reasons not to rejoin.” Emma carefully responded. “I did! And I thought you would refute them, shoot them down, convince me to be with you.” “Would you have joined if I tried to convince you?” “Of course not! I’ve made my decision to remain one person.” Murphy said, stomping her foot. She was a bit wobbly from standing without the crutches, and even more wobbly from the kiss, and she steadied herself against Emma. “Then…what would be the point of me convincing you?” Emma asked, furrowing her brow. “I don’t know! But it would have been better than you just…agreeing with me!” Emma laughed again, and Murphy almost instinctively pressed herself into her chest to feel it. “You’re so illogical.” “I know.” Her fingers curled into the collar of the blue jumpsuit, desperate for any contact. “And that’s why you should stay you. More than you. You should stay Murphy; who is you, plus Emma, plus the rest of us, all in tiny percentiles which make up Murphy. Illogical, smart, and—we’ve said this before, before I died—way too much of a catch to be with an old woman nearly twice her age.” “Forty-nine isn’t old. Just mature.” Murphy pushed deeper into Emma’s chest. It was a stranger’s body, but the grip around her was so familiar. It would never matter, never cross her mind that it was any different than before. She of all people would have to understand. “Besides, you taught me a lot.” “Well, I taught you, and now you can use what I taught on women who are more like you.” “But nobody’s…like me.” “An estimated one percent of the population is ‘like you’—“ “No, not like that.” Murphy said, her grip tightening on the lapel of the blue jumpsuit. “I mean like…once part of you. More people are in my head than one, and yet…none of them are complete. Not even the main one that’s supposed to be me. I don’t even know how much of myself was left behind in you.” “More than you’d probably want to know.” Emma said ominously. “Thanks, that’s unsettling. What I mean is…nobody will understand that feeling. What it’s like to be me.” Murphy had finally stopped crying, but still held tight to her mentor, her lover. “Nobody who cannot share a mind with you can ever know what it’s like to be you. Even now, I can only guess what it’s like to be you, after half a year away from me. But you’ll persevere regardless.” “How?” Emma shrugged. “Human beings manage it somehow. They’re stubborn. You will carry the burden of mortality and loneliness for a while, but like you said…it’s your burden to carry. And if it ever becomes too heavy, we will still be here, and we will let you Join without a moment’s hesitation. But for now, bear it, and see how far you can go with it. And when we are together again, you will be much more than you were, and much more than you are now, and the chorus will sing all the more beautiful for it.” She squeezed Murphy with a finality that made her choke back tears, and Murphy hugged back like they were both dying. “We’ll love you, forever. Not just Emma, but all of us…we will wait for you forever. But you’re your own little colony of us, a satellite egregore of one and many fractions.” She pulled away, and Murphy swooned, before leaning against the Lexan barrier, sliding down until she sat on the floor. She kicked off the shoes and tossed them into the far corner of the cell. Emma picked the notebook and pen gingerly from the metal table, and stuffed them in Murphy’s breast pocket. The contact was enough to make her flinch again with longing. She didn’t want it to end, but…she closed her eyes, plunging to look within herself, and closed the door. The scratching was calm, not silent…there was an urge to pick at the wound, but her Id did not indulge it. She opened her eyes as the hydraulics hissed again, and pulled herself away from the barrier, crawling to sit in an undignified pile between her crutches. While the barrier slid up, she pulled the notebook from her pocket, and opened it. Beginning on a dogeared page, in Emma’s handwriting, was the co-ordinates to the chorus core’s location, and instructions that continued for a few pages in the small notebook. At the end, there was a small page, all its own, dedicated to a single note.   Wherever you are, whatever you do, know that you are loved, forever.   Murphy greedily ripped this note out and held it in her hand. She knew the notebook would be taken away to be read and analyzed. She folded it gently, reverently, and put it in her pocket, and the notebook in the opposite pocket of her lab coat, and wiped uselessly at the tears welling up in her eyes. Someone opened the door, and there were footsteps, and Murphy could not even bring herself to clear her eyes enough to see whoever entered, let alone stand at attention. She heard the voice of a soldier. Not the colonel, someone younger. “Terms are clear. Raise your hands. The scrambler will be turned off for three seconds.” “That is enough time to confirm with the chorus, thank you.” Emma said. The machine clunked off, and the scratching came back for a second in full force, but then slowed down as Emma sent the information back to the Chorus. The machine turned back on, and the scratching receded, replaced by the high-pitched whine of the psychic interference. “Confirm.” The soldier said. Murphy finally got herself to stop crying, and wiped her nose on her sleeve, then her eyes. “Confirmed. You will not be harmed when approaching the coordinates, and you’ll be guided to the core—” Emma, Subject 5-15; was cut off mid-sentence by the click of a suppressed gun being fired, followed by the clattering of spent brass and the crumpling of a body dropping to the floor. The scratching stopped completely. Murphy opened her eyes, and there was blood on her sleeve, intermingled with tears and snot. The door opened again, and the Colonel walked in. “Well done, Doctor Murphy. Got it in one interview. Saved us a hell of a lot of trouble.” He said, holding the door open. She grabbed her crutches from the floor, trying not to look at the pool of dark blood on the floor, or at its source. She shakily stood, and limped to the table on the side of the room nearest to the door, and grabbed her cigarettes and lighter, shoving them into the same pocket she had the torn-out page in, before turning and walking towards the door. “You did good, Doctor.” The colonel reminded her as she walked past him, and he caught her again by the arm, tighter than he had before. “The notebook.” He said, quiet but imperious. She grabbed it from her pocket, pressing it into his chest so that he would have to let go of her arm to hold it, and limped away from him, as fast as her weak legs were able to. “We’ll start you on anabolic steroids next week.” He announced behind her. He and the soldier walked out behind her, the soldier unscrewing the suppressor from the threaded muzzle of his rifle. “I’m fine, I just need a few more weeks of physical therapy, and I’ll be alright without the crutches.” She said, not making eye contact. She had no idea how to navigate the Ontario Facility, but for the time being, she just wanted to get away from that room as quickly as her hobbled legs could carry her. “Not the point. You’re being reassigned, Doctor Murphy. To the Identification and Acquisition Section. That…mental callus of yours, it should prove useful for shielding yourself from telepathic assault. So we’ll need you strong and ready for field work.” Murphy stopped and turned. “You don’t think I’m still an asset in Emergent Research?” “Well…you’re compromised, to say the least.” He said in a manner Murphy was sure he thought was delicate. “You can’t really be trusted to carry out your duties in Research after what you’ve seen. You’ll be a liaison between IDA and Research, and perform work in the field, analyzing and capturing entities for the SRD. If not for Doctor Liu’s interference, you would have ended up in IDA anyway, thanks to your scores on the physical exam. So we’re going to get you back in fighting shape, and you can forget this whole thing happened.” “I don’t think I want to.” Murphy said. She knew she didn’t have a choice, but she stood her ground nonetheless. The Colonel stepped forward, close enough that Murphy could smell his awful breath again. “Let me make this clear. Either you forget about it, or we will have to forget it for you. Understand?” Murphy looked him hard in the eye. She considered spitting on him. It’s what Emma would have done. But she remembered what Emma had asked of her, and so, “Understood, Colonel.” She relented. “I’m ready for my next assignment.” The Colonel moved past her, and said. “Very good, Agent Murphy.”  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "493675", "id": "493677", "q": 0.91, "title": "Lonely is the Pupil of the Mind’s Eye - When God Sings With His Creations…", "author": "Amiyatzin", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Girls Love", "Mature", "Mystery", "Psychological", "Sci-fi", "Supernatural", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Aliens", "Alternate World", "Awkward Protagonist", "Character Growth", "Conspiracies", "Crazy Protagonist", "Mind Control", "Non-linear Storytelling", "Parallel Worlds", "Past Trauma", "Psychic Powers", "Seeing Things Other Humans Can't" ] }
2022. A year when everything changed. In the very first month of the new year, when the festive mood of people still wasn't gone from last year's celebrations, it happened. Dungeons with different floors, monsters outbreak, and system interfaces appearing in front of people's visions. It was so sudden that it overwhelmed the clueless humanity.  But unlike what the whole world expected, the social structure of humanity didn't collapse from the unexpected attack as the governments of countless countries managed to adapt to the situation and establish Hunters Associations, which plays a critical role to clean up the still weak outbreak monsters from the first-floor dungeons with firearms.  Within the first three months of 2022, the whole world became a little stable, at least enough for humanity to cope with the low-level dungeon floors outbreak. The fourth month became the most buzzing and noisiest month of all as people studies the appearance of the systems and they're worth. The discovery that out of 100 people, only two can have systems came out as a shock, but the people weren't shocked about how low the systems appearances are, the people became shocked at what the systems can offer them: Unimaginable power that can only be read from fantasy novels, or watch from the movies.  It was then that the real Hunters and Players emerge, gathering the admiration and envy of normal people. The world was no longer what it used to be. Instead of the police and army, it became hunters associations. Instead of mercenaries, it was replaced by players.  As systems randomly appear, no one knows who will be the next hunter or player among the crowd, the same can be said to Milliam. She doesn't know what fate has in store for her. May 13, 2022 "Ugh. Seriously?" Milliam rubbed her eyes in disbelief.  Upon rubbing her eyes more than three times, her sight remains the same, and so does the system interface that suddenly appears in front of her. Milliam was having a normal breakfast with her family when this system interface appeared. The spoon that she was holding flew out from her grasp before producing a loud 'bang' on the table, gaining not only her parent's attention but also her older siblings.  "I knew that one day, Milliam would go crazy but I didn't know that it would be today." The eldest son, George murmured while eating chocolates. "We all know that this day would come, one lunatic in the family was added again. Our Luna family is bound to be a house full of crazies." The second son, Tristan dramatically covered his eyes with a mournful expression.  "Damn it, even our young sister Milliam was infected by this family's gene, we're hopeless." Said the third brother, Drake as he swallowed the last scoop of cereals in his mouth.  Milliam and her father and mother, Troy and Ellie looked at them with deadpan expressions. The Luna family, as Milliam's brothers lamented, has weird quirks, but they're not lunatics as her brothers exaggerated.  "Sometimes, I just wanted to bury you three alive in our backyard." Their mother, Ellie sighed. The three brothers shut their mouths in fear, because sometimes, what their mother utters, she will do without hesitation.  Troy, who ignored his sons, is a hunter who knew what his daughter experience. He faced her and calmly asked. "Milliam, what do you see?" "Well, a system interface." At Milliam's answer, the brothers gasped. "Seriously?" "Cool!" "You're now my backer." "The three of you, shut up." At Troy's serious words, the noisy three calmed down and intensely stared at their younger sister. "What else do you see?" Ellie, who was part of the Hunters Association's support team, questioned. "Mmh..." Milliam turned to the system interface and began reading the fancy font. "List of Sponsors."  Milliam laid on her bed, exhausted. After she answered her mother's question at breakfast, both her parents immediately pushed her to the study room to talk to her and prevented her chaotic brothers from listening.  After her parents nagging, it was then that Milliam understand what it means to have a list of sponsors. Her father, who became awakened three months ago only has one fixed sponsor called, Speaker of Wisdom. Because of the characteristic of this sponsor, her father can easily utilize magic, making him an excellent hunter who specializes in lightning elements. But he's only excellent because he was a good learner and was attuned to long-range battles considering that he's once a sniper. If her father was sponsored by the Fierce Beast of Battles, who based on its countless players and hunters that it sponsored, specialized in melee fights, her father will be an average hunter. Milliam, who has a list means that she can choose the most suitable sponsor depending on what route she wanted to enter, a player or a hunter. Being a hunter like her parents means that she needs to work for the government. Hunters usually spend their time hunting the outbreak monsters that burst out from dungeon floors, regularly entering dungeon floors to scout out their danger levels, evacuating civilians from the outbreak place, discovering and recording dungeon floor monsters' weaknesses, etc.  Being a player means that she was a free-lancer. Her freedom wouldn't be restricted like the hunters and she has autonomy when to sell the monsters she had killed.  In conclusion, being a hunter and joining the Hunters Association will give her authority and information. Being a player means that she won't follow orders from anyone and can make big bucks as her kills wouldn't be taken away.  Between the two, Milliam chooses to be a player. A player with no background and hasn't entered any dungeon floors wouldn't get points, skills, and items, and would have a hard time acquiring the rights to enter dungeon floors. But Milliam was different as she has her parents.  Troy Luna was a well-known lightning mage from the P Country's Hunters Association, He has a team under him with more than 60+ members. He can also conquer 2C Dungeon Floors, It was a good record considering that 4D Dungeon Floors appeared recently. Ellie Luna was also a famous one in the Hunters Association considering that she has a unique sponsor called, String of Connections, which allowed her to produce strings that can be used as an item of contact inside the bizarre dungeon floors where no internet or any signal can be found. With those two acting as her support, Milliam has no problem becoming a player since she was backed by two high-standing hunters.  The only reason Milliam choose to be a player was simple: So she can earn money faster. As her brothers said, the Luna Family has weird quirks on their own and Milliam's quirk happens to be collecting/earning money. It was a very normal quirk compared to her brothers. Milliam also considers to be a Hunter at the beginning but regarding hunters needing to give half their prey to the association, she immediately crossed it out. Milliam Luna never likes it whenever someone touches her money!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "370510", "id": "370927", "q": 0.91, "title": "The Crazy Broker - Chapter 1 |List of Sponsors|", "author": "LadyLaDeMa", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Josei" ], "tags": [ "Adventurers", "Dungeons", "Female Protagonist", "Hunters", "Lucky Protagonist", "Money Grubber", "Monsters", "Reverse Harem", "Unique Weapons", "Wealthy Characters" ] }
Incarnadine This is the first dialogue of the series. It is something I thought would be interesting, so I hope that it is well received. Please leave your thoughts about the series, cast your vote on the poll for which character had the better arguments and comment ideas for other philosophical dialogues you would like to see. Also leave feedback, as I have other projects in mind, so please let me know what your thoughts are on this episode or the series in general. Thanks for reading!   The setting for this dialogue is in Green Dolphin Prison, a place where the infamous Jigsaw killer is being incarcerated. John enters the prisons Church to confess his sins, where he meets the priest Enrico Pucci, thus beginning the dialogue:   Pucci: What brings the notorious Jigsaw killer to this humble church? Will you confess your sins?   Kramer: No, I have never murdered anyone. The only confession I am here to make is that I saved people who were living their lives wastefully. I present them with a chance to change, but that only happens when they are faced to face with the fear of death. Only then will their will to survive force them to act and learn that life should not be taken for granted.   Pucci sits down in a pew in the prison church and invites John to move his wheelchair next to him   Pucci: I see. You believe that by putting people in a life-or-death situation that you can change people, meaning that you want to show people a different path by means of stimulating the inner desires to live, am I correct? John, your biggest mistake was that you tried to change these people's fate. Your victims are fated to go down their paths and no matter how tragic that path may be, it is still fated to happen. It is sad to meet sudden misfortune in life, thus why I strive for "heaven!"   Kramer: Heaven? Is that not the case for all priests? To strive for heaven?   Pucci: Not the heaven that we go to when we die. My ideal heaven is a heaven where people are aware of their fates. When someone encounters tragedy in their lives all of a sudden, it brings sadness and suffering. If people were aware of when they will meet a tragedy, especially the time of their death, they will be able to find true happiness. That is heaven and that is my destiny!   Kramer: You are wrong father. It may sound okay to know the time of your death, but I know first hand how cruel it is to learn the exact time of your death. As you are likely aware, I am a dying man. I will never forget the day I was told I had terminal cancer along with the time I have left. I started to see things differently, smell things differently, feel things differently, but the biggest change was that I felt broken. I have encountered quite a few tragedies aside from my cancer diagnosis. My wife miscarried after being attacked by a drug addict, and after that we decided to divorce. After that, I learned I was going to die soon. I had nothing left as my world was completely shattered, so I decided that it would be kinder to myself to die.   Pucci: So you attempted suicide?   Kramer: Indeed. I drove myself off a cliff and had a steel rod plunged in my abdomen. It was not until I started to feel the agonizing pain of ripping that steel rod out of my abdomen that I started to understand. I survived and that pain was the consequence of not taking my life for granted. I then decided that I would devote myself to showing others, through life or death scenarios, that they should appreciate life and live it to its fullest. However, those who do not appreciate life, do not deserve life. If you got your "heaven" father, would that truly bring people happiness? I highly doubt that people would be happy after learning the time of their death.    Pucci: You have indeed suffered a lot John. I expect that many people will not accept their death. However, I have also suffered great misfortune. You may not believe it but when I was born, I was a cripple who could hardly walk properly. I had a loving family and a sister who I wanted to protect. However, it was later revealed that I had a twin brother, and he just so happened to be the lover of my sister. I hired some thugs to try and separate them because it was a sin for my brother and sister to be together, however, those thugs didn’t like that my brother was part black so they lynched him. My poor sister found him hanging from a tree and whilst in grief, she decided to end her life. If we know our fates and are prepared for it, we may not like the outcome, but we can at least prepare for it and find happiness before you meet your fate.   Kramer: So may I ask how you are going to achieve this?   Pucci: In order to create the heaven, it requires great sacrifice. I have no right to judge your methods John. Just like you, I would not hesitate to kill in order to see my dreams achieved. However, mine is on a scale much larger. Do you know what will happen when the universe dies? Many have theorized what will happen but the correct answer is that it will restart, and that once it restarts, in the new universe people will thrive as they will be aware of their fates!   Kramer: From how you speak, one would be forgiven for thinking that you were the one who was seen as a notorious serial killer and not me. You seem too willing to kill people, while I have never taken a life once. I believe that life is precious and people should live life with a grateful mind, meaning they don’t take it for granted. However, you see life as so easily disposable, all for a future where people have to know the exact time and place of their demise, which from my own experience, destroyed my world. I would never wish that on someone as I cannot fathom the despair that will be caused by such a thing.   Pucci: But John, your victims are in the same situation where they will see the path ahead of them. As you have said, they choose whether to live or to die, but in the end, the answer is left to fate. You had no problem putting people in a situation where their fates were made known to them and you have seen yourself what learning of their fates can do to someone. I believe you have shown them their fate and most of the survivors were grateful for you as you have shown them the correct path. How are you any different from me?   Kramer: Those people have lived an ungrateful life, as I have stated beforehand, and thus they need to be shown the right way, even if it means they must be forced to see the possible outcomes. But from what you have told me, you wish to flat out exterminate everyone in order to enlighten everyone. I will give them a chance at life, no matter who they are. I even gave the man who killed my unborn child for some drugs, a chance to pass the test. He could have passed the test and survived, but his carelessness caused him to falter. What I mean is that the person who took everything from me, had a chance to change, compared to you who wants to exterminate everyone in order to give the next generation a better life is a path that is wrong. I believe that the people of today will live better lives after realizing the preciousness of life, however you believe that the people of tomorrow will thrive off of the memories of the people of the past. It is a path of blood that will lead to misery. Making others aware of their fate is a cruel thing and I respectfully disagree that we a similar.   Pucci: Then I guess we will have to agree to disagree John. I will carry out the will of DIO no matter what, and show you that people will have more peace once aware of their fates.   Kramer: Indeed, we must agree to disagree. I hope your mission never succeeds.    Kramer exits the chapel, leaving Pucci alone   Pucci: I will show this world "Heaven." Just wait DIO, I swear to make your wish come true!   Scene End         
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "467760", "id": "467771", "q": 0.91, "title": "The Philosophical Dialogues of Fictions Greatest Characters - Enrico Pucci vs. John Kramer", "author": "Incarnadine", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Fanfiction", "Historical", "Psychological", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "DC", "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure", "Marvel", "Saw", "Philosophical" ] }
After finding me awake, the nurse who was putting up fresh flowers bowed to me and excused herself. There was a look of sadness in her eyes. I look out the window. It's now late afternoon, and the sun's beginning to set. The feeling of comfort had me longing to get back home. I wonder if Kate would ever forgive me. She never once agreed to me enlisting. Back then, I just figured that she would never understand.And Richard, I wonder what he looks like now. He was only two when I left the country. And this year he should be turning five. I hope Kate did not spoil him too much. - I wake up the following day. It's morning.The door to my room opens and I see my wife and son come in.Kate is there, with a tearful smile on her face. And Richard is in his cute baseball uniform. I don't think he recognizes me though. He's looking at me shyly as he hides behind his mother."I love you both, so much". Is what I want to say. But the only thing I can move now are just my eyes. And I still can't seem to hear a thing. But don't you worry Kate, and Richard. Daddy is gonna get better.They stayed with me the whole day until I eventually went to sleep. - Next day, I woke up. A very early morning. The nurse who was cleaning up the room appears to be surprised.Later in the afternoon, Kate comes to revisit me. She is as beautiful as always. Well, at least to me. Behind her, is the doctor who seems to have been my guardian. A tall and a handsome man, probably somewhere in his twenties. For some reason he feels like someone who is very dear to me.They stayed with me the whole day until I eventually went to sleep again. - Next morning, I wake up. It's the same time as yesterday.A new nurse is checking the room's equipment. She was surprised upon finding me awake.Hours later, I get a visitor. An old woman of grey hair, with a face that I find very kind and wrinkled. She goes to sit at my side, behaves, and smiles as I get a better look of her. There's something very familiar about her, but I just can't seem to remember. She stays with me the whole time, telling me stories and laughing at certain times. I can only watch her silently as I'm still unable to hear.Hours passed, and now I feel a bit tired. I wish I can remember who this nice lady is. I suppose I'll have to wait until I get better so I can ask Kate.Now, it's getting pretty late. I guess it's about time I go back to sleep.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "595133", "id": "595143", "q": 0.91, "title": "Through The Rest Of Time - I", "author": "Deanoux", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Drama", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Hospital" ] }
Most people know me as Keith Baker, your ordinary small town guy living on main street in the  two story grey house. Not many people know me, not the real me. What most people don't know is that Im a retired assassin who killed people for money. It all started when i was 15. It was a month after my fathers death, my last living relative. He wasn't a good father, he was abusive and would always fight me.I found myself alone broke and getting robbed by two guys in a back alley with knives, when they saw i didn't have any money on me they tried to stab me l, as i saw the blade coming i snapped and grappled it out of his hand and stabbed him in his neck. He stumbles backwards and looks at the dagger stuck in his neck with clear shock and alarm on his face. Slowly, he starts falling to the ground with a silent, gargled scream coming out of his mouth. The other robber, lets call him robber number 2, was watching it all unfold, rooted in place by shock and fear. I tackle robber number 2 to the ground and hail punches on his face till it's unrecognisable. Looking at my hands seeing the blood drip off, his blood I realised something was wrong with me. I wasn't scared, i didn't even regret it. Cleaning my hands off on his shirt, i started looking through his pockets and took his wallet, taking all his cash, his ID and passport. Looking at his ID and passport, he has the same short blond buzzcut and facial structure as me, i could probably use them. I didn't find a wallet in robber number 1's pockets but padding him down i feel something hard tucked in the backside of his pants. A gun. I found a 17-round glock gun. I tuck the gun in the backside of my jeans , covering the top with my loose t-shirt and start walking away. After washing all the blood off my hands, I check all the money and counted 517 dollars,  when i grabbed the cash I also grabbed a business card for Lloyds Loan's . Lloyd is a famed loanshark known for praying on the desperate. He always gives his loans out in cash then later he would steal the cash whilst you were sleeping and demand you pay his loan out. He would have a lot of money in his safe. With a plan slowly forming in my head i walk to the fancy hotel nearby. I walk through the door to the reception of the hotel and see a young brunette with a tight bun working at the desk, casually walking to the desk the receptionists looks up as she sees me and puts on a professional smile. Reading the tag on her button down shirt i find out her name is Tiffany. "Hello Tiffany.". She looks up at me and and asks:"What can i do for you sir?."."Id like to book a room for week please."."Okay sir what is you're name?". Looking down at the ID in my hand i read robber number 1's name and see that his name is Keith Baker."My name is Keith Baker."." That'll be 255 dollars, cash or card?"."Cash.". Handing her the money, I look her up and down and see that she is gorgeous. She has plumb smooth breasts with well defined curves and a tight grey skirt. Getting a naive and stupid idea I grin at her and ask her:"Do you want to have dinner later?".... silence, she look confused for a second and then slowly looks me up and down, tilting her head sideways in the process and finally she says:"Okay."."I get off at seven".
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "572243", "id": "572244", "q": 0.91, "title": "The assasin and the waitress next door. - Chapter 1", "author": "Primor_of_Orim", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Mature", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Assassins", "Clumsy Love Interests", "Male Protagonist" ] }
"Who is it that ascends yet today?!" The Peach Blossoms Realm was filled with chaos as a bright explosive light emerged from the ground and blasted into the sky. The energy which this ascending light beared wasn't an ordinary one. It was the energy which had automatically sent buildings of the Peach Blossoms Realm falling down to their ruin! The Peach Blossoms Realm was an Immortal realm where flora immortals dwelt.. In reality it was an pretty much flowery atmosphere where flowers endlessly bloomed. It's sky was filled with the flower petals consuming the air and it's scenery was covered with flowers used in construction and decorations The immortals of the Peach Blossoms Realm were gathered around the golden Statue of the Flower goddess, paying their homages on this auspicious day when this outrageous light had emerged. "Who is it that dares ascend on this sacred day?! Has he no sense of curtsey?!" The Immortals in the Peach Blossoms Realm had panicked at the sight of this. They had instantly began running for their dear lives as the explosive light pierced it's way into the sky and the heavens. Further sending dashing light to it's sides  One would understand the situation if this soul was ascending on a Causal day or something, But this ignorant soul from the Peach blossom Realm seemed to be ignorant on what day it was and was making his ascension! Today was a sacred day. It was a day when they prayed and worshipped the Flora goddess who is the founder of their realm. On this holy day, it was forbidden that no one a ascends! At least no actives were permitted as full respect was to be given to the flora deity! But an ignorant soul had broken the rules with it's ascension. And it wasn't that it was a normal ascension, but was a destructive one which had began casting down more than buildings. Heavenly lighting from the heavens had befallen this Realm as a result of this ascension and thunderstorm had taken over. It had stroke through the realm, sending people running for their lives in various directions. Those gathered around the Grand statue of the flora deity had quickly evacuated, especially when the thunderstorm had hit the Statue of the Flora Deity which fell down and smashed to pieces. It was a mess. Indeed a grand mess. For this holy celebration of burning offerings to the Flora goddess was disturbed and the goddess itself disrespected and humiliated! At the same time, This realm had already began falling apart bits by bits! "Who in the three realms ascends with such great powers?! " One muttered as they hid for their lives. "I wonder whose ascension is powerful enough to bring shattering to our Sect?! He must be a high one or so!" But this golden destructive light which pierced into the heavens didn't end there, It had entered through the cloud's of the heavens and had approached the Heavens itself. "What in the world is that?!" The Celestial guards, guarding the Heavenly gate had caught sight of a grand light coming their way..They were left in confusion and panic as they stared at the scene. "Isn't that.... an ascension?!"  The other had instantly observed..But it already seemed too late because this light had crashed it's way into the Heavenly gate. It's destructive crash had sent the Gates of the celestial realm crumbling down to it's ruin. "Run! Run!"  The guards were stunned, what they had left to do was running for their lives as well. They had instantly flew out of sight as they left the scene of the light which had destroyed the all Great gates of the heavens, crumbling down into pieces. The golden Light of the ascension had broken into the Heavens and instantly the chaos had commenced! It all began with a heavy crack through the heavens atmosphere that had brought about a shaky atmosphere. gods and immortals roaming around the heavenly realm had felt it's impacted as they passed. They were now looking around. "What's..that noise?" "What's that shaky sound?" They questioned themselves as they looked around  But they didn't bother finding out because now they caught sight of a golden light emerging Their way! "An ascension?! what type of ascension is that?!" They instantly panicked as they parted ways, flying into different directions of the clouds. Puffing through the clouds. The golden light had smashed through clouds and had brought the fall of many erected golden and silver buildings situated in the clouds. As these buildings fell down, Immortals of the celestial realm had began running for their safety as well! No one Knew specifically what it was, but for the fact that it was causing such damage didn't sit right with them! So they basically fly off for their safety while panicking A group of gods had gathered around one of the Many golden bells in this heavens. One was under this bell as he magically pulled it's rope and rang it's bell. It was the bell sound which was sent to the mortals realms as an indication of time for prayer and dedication to the immortal gods. These gods surrounding the bell were mumbling some incarnation when they heard this chaotic sound which approached them greatly. With a peep, They had seen a great light flying their way. They gasped. "Oh heavens!" Immediately, These gods had abandoned their duty and ran for their lives!  They had zoomed off in a flash that the one ringing the bell in the middle was unaware of this! But before the god ringing the bell was aware, It was already too late! For this light had zoomed pass him in a flash, therefore sending all the bells of the heavens falling down to their destruction as well. With the large bells at the scenery, The god ringing the bell panicked and quickly turned to fly away but the bell above him had fallen on him! This large bell had smashed his head, smashing away almost his memories and Cultivation, and sending this god falling down in an unclear spin.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "706565", "id": "706568", "q": 0.91, "title": "A Demon’s Celestial Ascension - A messy ascension", "author": "SweetSavage", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Historical", "Isekai", "Martial Arts", "School Life", "Slice of Life", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Comedic Undertone", "Demons", "Fantasy World", "Heaven", "Tragic Past", "Transmigration", "Wuxia", "Xianxia" ] }
Have anyone ever thought how very troubling it is for a guy who has a childhood friend that meddles with his daily life activities. Shimada Hiroshi, a dull and quiet boy always finds himself in the meddlesome attitude of his childhood friend Fuse Kaori. Kaori is a girl you would view as a beautiful and kind young lady, one who would always meddle with Hiroshi’s daily life. He finds it very troubling with all the attentive and meddling personality. She would always go to his room every morning, waking him up. Go together to school as she always reminds of things that he must follow on. She would worry a lot, oddly would sometimes get angry when another female classmate approaches him much to his confusion. Just to name a few of the things he listed out with Kaori’s meddlesome personality. Having fed up with Kaori’s personality, Hiroshi inevitably “Can we please stop this. You don’t have to take care of me everytime. I can take care of myself.” said those words to Kaori. “W-Why? Hiro-kun...where are you going!?!?” Kaori said almost shouting as Hiroshi left her hurriedly.  . . . . . . . . Finally getting back home, Hiroshi flaps down on his bed. He finally felt some peace after getting back home from the whole day of being at school and at the constant meddling of Kaori. Feeling tired, he tiredly closes his eyes to take a short nap. Tired, as he takes a very peaceful afternoon nap. ◆◇◆ *creak*  Sounded the door as it opened. Visibly showing a girl entering the room of the oblivious sleeping Hiroshi. Kaori steps in, standing beside the bed where Hiroshi is currently sleeping. Her eyes showing a very dark and maddened expression. “Oh! His sleeping face is very cute♡, but I’m sorry Hiro-kun. I must punish you for leaving me and telling me those hurtful words.” Whispered Kaori, as she takes out a rope from her bag. . . . . . . . . “Hngh! Huh? Why is it col-- WAIT!! Why am I naked!? My hands!? I’m tied up!?” Hiroshi thought to himself startled by the sudden situation he woke up in. He felt a sudden fear as the situation made him confused.  After calming down, he now found himself rationalizing how his current situation could have happened, “Who? Who could’ve done this?...Also why do I feel a very soft feeling on my sid-- OHH!!! T-There’s someone lying down next to me!!!” He shouted inside his mind as he realized that he wasn’t alone in his room. “!?”  He silently got startled as he felt the person lying down next to him was getting up. *yawn* Yawns the person or rather the girl, Kaori as rubs her eyes from her sleep. “K-Kaori...w-what are you doing? Also...w-why am I tied up?....And why are you naked!?” Hiroshi started questioning Kaori as he saw Kaori getting up, flustered when he saw her naked body.   “...Oh? You’re awake, Hiro-kun...What am I doing exactly? I am punishing Hiro-kun. You’re so cruel, leaving me behind like that. Telling me stop being with you. Hiro-kun, you big dummy.” Replied the girl, pouting as she said the last part to Hiroshi. “Mou!!! You’re so dense!!! You can’t even tell why I’m always doing those kinda things everyday!!! I love you♡, you dummy!!! That’s why I couldn’t wait any longer! This is your punishment, I am going to assault you to make you understand you belong to me!!!” She continued, telling him how much her frustrations had gotten to her. “Eh? Ehh? W-Wait, Kaori. STOP!! AAAHHHH!!!” Hiroshi wailed pathetically as he was assaulted whole by Kaori. . . . . . . . . “Hum♡ Hmm♡ Mhmm♡” The humming of Kaori cheerfully sings out of her voice as she clings to Hiroshi in the morning. Her cheeks shining joyfully as she happily feels the warmth of her new (forcefully) made love with Hiroshi. Hiroshi’s face dried and pale, weakened from what had happened the night before. “Hiro-kun is mine♡, don’t leave me ever again, okay?” Her tone of voice changing from cheerful to cold the moment she said those words to him. “...Yes, ma’am.” Hiroshi replied, having no choice but to comply. So ends their childhood friendship and the start of their new loving meddlesome relationship.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "281325", "id": "281353", "q": 0.9136363636363637, "title": "Dere One-shot Anthology - Childhood Friend is Always Meddling", "author": "Tori_the_Birb", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Comedy", "Romance", "Seinen" ], "tags": [ "Multiple POV", "Oneshot", "R-18", "Yandere" ] }
Tori_the_Birb I plan to rewrite this one in the future. So please forgive me for this one as it might show to be vague. In the 2nd semester of school, our class had unexpectedly got a new transfer student. She was what people would call a cool beauty type. Long silky black hair, slant cat-like eyes, and a fit slender body.  Upon getting introduced on her first day of school, almost all the boys in class rejoiced about a beautiful girl transferring in our class. “...My name is Arikawa Mikazuki...Nice to meet you all, I hope to get along with you for this year.” This moment excited the whole boys of the class knowing that there is a new beauty they would want to get close with, although I’m a different case. I see no point in trying to get close with anyone just because they’re so handsome or beautiful. Though to be honest I was a bit interested too, but I shake off the feelings as I know that I wouldn’t even have any chance. “Then Arikawa-san, please take the seat beside Ueno over there.” Hearing what the teacher said made me look back at the new transfer student. Upon realizing that she was designated to be seated next to me made all the guys in the room look at me with bloodshot eyes. This is her first day here and I’m already being targeted with contempt when she is seated next to me. I wish they could cut me some slack as I have no intention of getting close with their new Goddess.  “...”  “Why do I feel like I’m being watched by my new seatmate…?” I thought to myself as I started to sweat out cold on my back.  *Jii~~* Her stare became more obvious when I looked at her sideways. Not knowing why I was being watched, I endured a very awkward morning period of my life. When lunch came, I ran away as fast as I could to the only place that was not used by many students in the school. In the very left side of the second floor lies the abandoned rooms, there I can find a secluded room where the widows are facing the backside of the schoolyard that is popular for a confession meeting. I’ve been here so many times that I lost count of how many confessions I have witnessed throughout my first and second year of highschool. In this place I’ve seen harsh, funny and many kinds of confession that happened at the back of the schoolyard. *murmurs*  From here I could hear a murmur from a distance, looking down I saw two figures at the backside of the school. When looking closer, I identified who the two were. The guy talking seems to be my classmate who is very popular with the opposite sex, Takahashi Kenji. Assuming the situation he is in, he has obviously been invited by a new girl to be confessed on as I saw him dozens of times getting called at the backside of the school. Opening the window silently, I focused on my hearing to see how the confession carry on. “Arikawa-san, I have fallen in love with you at first sight. Please go out with me!” “EH!?” I exclaimed in my mind as I couldn’t believe what just happened. It seems I was wrong on my assumptions. This time, Takahashi was the one who confessed and to Arikawa-san, the transfer student to boot. When I looked at her waiting for how she would reply to his confession, I saw that her face was calm and not showing any reactions to them. “...Sorry, I can’t go out with you as I don’t know who you really are and this is the first time I met you.” What came was a blunt response.  “O-Oh, then maybe we could start out as friends first…?” “I gotta say, I admire this guy's tenacity as he tries to make his confession work with Arikawa-san.”  “I’m afraid I can’t. Please don’t talk to me again.” However, Arikawa-san remained indifferent and started to ignore Takahashi as she left the place. Looking again at Takahashi, I only saw that his face was blank. Poor guy couldn’t understand why he was rejected by Arikawa-san. Closing the window, I couldn’t help but laugh as I find it ironic that even a popular guy like Takahashi can be rejected by a girl. My lunch break went on in a good mood as I saw something interesting for the first time in a while. . . . . . . With classes over, I can finally bask in the joy of going home. Usually I would hate to be at school, but sometimes it’s worthwhile as I see some rather interesting things like what happened at lunch break. “...Hey, You are Ueno Takuma right?”  While being deep in my thoughts, Arikawa-san had started to ask me a question. “Yes...that’s right.” I answered so. “I’m glad…” Her voice is low, close to muttering but still hearable. “Eh? Glad? Glad with what?” I asked dumbfoundedly. “It’s been a while, Takkun. Do you still remember me?” Arikawa-san said, making me befuddled as she said something I couldn’t make sense of. We met before? But I don’t remember knowing Arikawa-san in the past. “...Takkun? I’m sorry but did we really meet before? I don’t remember ever knowing Arikawa-san before now.” I said to her, her face still blank with no facial reactions but as I looked at her eyes the light in them seemed to have darkened. “Well of course, you wouldn’t be able to remember. It was a long time ago…” She muttered audible enough for me to hear. “...It’s me, Takkun. I’m Mika-chan, you used to call me that but I guess you already forgot about it.” She now said out loud, her expression still unchanged but I can see in her eyes. The light in her eyes conveyed that she is clearly upset and sad.  “...Mika-chan?...I’m sorry, I don’t really remember much from my childhood...How to say this...they’re somewhat vague for me to remember...I apologize for upsetting you…” I said to her, feeling guilty for forgetting about something important. “...” However, what replied to me at that moment was just silence. Looking at her again, I saw her eyes showing a glint of surprise. “You...Takkun, you can still tell…” She said to me, her voice somewhat dumbfounded. “What?”  “You can still tell what I feel even though I don’t show it on my face.” She continued, surprised at the fact I can tell how she feels. “...I’m glad...It’s still the same Takkun.” A smol smile appeared on her face.  “I’ve decided...even if you don’t remember everything from back then. Prepare yourself, Takkun, I won’t let you just forget about our promise.” She declared, her eyes showing a glint of determination.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "281325", "id": "349963", "q": 0.9136363636363637, "title": "Dere One-shot Anthology - The Transfer Student is Blunt", "author": "Tori_the_Birb", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Comedy", "Romance", "Seinen" ], "tags": [ "Multiple POV", "Oneshot", "R-18", "Yandere" ] }
""Ah!!" One could feel the pain this god had felt with the bell smashing down his head. Even the other gods had felt his pain and simply sympathized with this poor one! But no one dared returning back for him, All indeed ran for their safety!  "What a mess is this?! Is that truly an ascension?! Isn't this the enemy's invasion?!"  There were five gods in blue outfits who stood in the clouds afar staring as this golden light tarnish everything beneath them! "I fear it's an ascension indeed! But this ascension doesn't seem like a normal one. Based on the mess it carries, I fear it's the ascension of either a senior god or an unfavorable one!" "Indeed! For the last time the heavens had seen such an ascension was 100 years ago! That messy ascension which had almost emptied the Sea of forgetting!" "Yes! I remember! But who was It that had ascended on that day?!" "Isn't it the Second Prince?" "Ah! Yes it's him! That unfortunate Prince! That jinx!" "True indeed! That prince who leaves everyone cursing behind him? Heavens forbid! But I doubt he's the one ascending today" "Why so?" "Last time his father the Heavenly emperor had banished him to no return until 1000 year's ago! So heavens are merciful that we won't be seeing him anytime soon! we can at least have peace for long now!" As these gods discussed about the unfortunate Prince who as brought about similar chaotic ascension 100 years ago, The light which was pulling down the heavens properly had struck before them. They had their feet ready to run, but suddenly this light had crashed before them. It's crash had brought about a little explosion around, but these gods were able to shield it off effortlessly. For the fact that this mysterious ascension had landed before them, it was obvious that they were curious to know who it was! These gossiping Immortals had paused while curiously staring at the smokey scene before them.. They waited for the smokes to clear up so they could see the face of this being! "....." But at the sight of whom these gods saw.. Their jaws almost dropped in shock as they stared at the young man standing before them. This young man before them looked like an angel..A delicately gentle young man whose smile could illuminate the sky with it's bright rays! "prince Lux?!" They were shocked. The Second Prince smiled "Greetings dear Elders, Long time no see" The elders gulped as they stared at the prince. Panic had come over these elders as their feet began trembling! Their situation was like facing one's nightmare! Yes! this innocent and naive looking young man before them was their nightmare! He was literally the nightmare of everyone in the heavens! At the mention of his name one would tremble in shock and despite! Not because he was a fearsome powerful beast! No! But because this gentle looking young man was a jinx! A jinx who seemed to brought harm to everyone. Literally everyone!! "Crown prince Lux? How...did you finally ascend again??" One of the elders had questioned. No one believed he'd be coming back to the Heavens so soon! "Oh Yes! heavens be merciful and I was able to ascended yet again! I might have truly been blessed this time! Well as much as I'd love to sit back and play with you, but I have somewhere to go" Prince Lux smiled..His face was literally smiling! Bright and captivating!. Who wouldn't go soft on this gentle looking being! But no! Everyone already Knew him! His true identity wasn't favorable at all! "I have to go and meet my dear father first!" He said as he took off, running through the delicate clouds. His legs stumping on them while they released little puffy sounds and cloudy dusts  The elders slowly turned to look at him as he approached the Imperial palace where they were coming from after meeting the Heavenly Emperor. "Oh dear... I hope he gets banished as soon as possible! I can't stand seeing him! He's... he's a nightmare!" The god who spoke was almost in tears. He was literally bittered. "Exactly.." Another Added. "I can't bear him one second!" As the second added, The cloud beneath him and crashed open and woosh! He fell down from there. "Ahh!!" "Oh dear!" The rest had peeped through into the opening to see him disappear into the clouds " I wonder where he landed" "It leads to the inhabitant of the Mystical seven headed beast...So I guess he..." "Ahh!! help!!" Before the god could finish his sentence, they heard a loud cry from beneath! It was from the god who had fallen in. "Oh jeez...The beast has met him..." another added. "Truly I say to you...stay Away from The prince Lux, He's a jinx indeed!" *** Prince Lux strolled into the Imperial palace of the Heavens which was the abode of The Royals. Like the Heavenly emperor, empress and princes like himself. The golden Aesthetics of the Palace was pleasing. With everything literally made out of gold, It was easy to note how grand and sacred this environment is. As Lux passed through the paths heading to the Heavenly emperor's grand hall, No one bothered stopping him. The guards at the gates had instantly ran off to hide at the sight of him. No one wanted to get close to him. And at the sight of him, they quickly would seek a spot to hide. There was a rumour now in the three worlds, that If anyone got close to the Second prince of the Heavens, Lux..His or her life would be ruined for Good! No one wanted that! Prince Lux on the other hand didn't bother about it, He walked pass them and headed straight into the hall. "Greetings your highness and also dear royal father!"  He was finally standing before the Heavenly emperor as he gave a deep bow " I'm finally back after contemplating on my faults!"
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "706565", "id": "706570", "q": 0.91, "title": "A Demon’s Celestial Ascension - Behold the jinx", "author": "SweetSavage", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Historical", "Isekai", "Martial Arts", "School Life", "Slice of Life", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Comedic Undertone", "Demons", "Fantasy World", "Heaven", "Tragic Past", "Transmigration", "Wuxia", "Xianxia" ] }
Once upon a time, all kittens could live out their dreams in a place known as the Kitten Paradise. Nothing ever happened to frighten or harm the kittens while they were free to run and play with one another. The kittens had access to unlimited amounts of food, bedding, and toys, leading contented, calm lives. They never experienced hunger or sadness and were free to do whatever they pleased. The kittens delighted in every second of their paradise as they coexisted in perfect harmony with everything else. You have a nightmare and then wake up in an unfamiliar location filled with fur and meows.You turn to look around and see that you are in a big space covered with fluffy, fuzzy fur. There are mild purring noises audible. When you glance down, you discover that you are nestled up among a couple sizable, fluffy cats in a furry nest. They all appear to be asleep, but they are all calm and kind. Despite not knowing how you arrived here, this location nevertheless makes you feel at ease.One of the cats purrs and brushes its head against your fingers as you extend your hand to pet it. As the others begin to awaken, they all approach you. You start to feel warm and cozy as they begin to gently nuzzle you. You are happy to have found them since these cats are so much nicer than the people you have known. The kittens give you a sense of comfort. As you spend time with them, you experience a great sense of belonging since they are comfortable and familiar. They rapidly become your closest pals because of their calming purrs and cozy embraces. They give you a sense of contentment and satisfaction that you have never had before, and they make you feel comfortable being who you are. With the kitties, you are truly where you belong.The cats feed you as though they were your children. They ensure that you are always comfortable and bring you food, drink, and treats. You feel so loved and cared for when they are around because they are attentive to your every need. Knowing that you will never be alone with your feline pals makes you feel fortunate to have met such a great set of feline companions. Since they are members of your family, you can rely on them at all times.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "705930", "id": "705936", "q": 0.91, "title": "Kitten Paradise - Kitten Paradise", "author": "cathylen", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Mystery" ], "tags": [ "Cute Story" ] }
         Upper Domain, Fu Immortal Family, in a courtyard, there was a young gentleman with extraordinary bearing was cultivating on a futon and there were sword qi were rippling around his body. His face is handsome, his temples are cut like a knife, his eyebrows are like ink paintings, and his face is as delicate as finely carved. And the identity of the young man is Fu Jing who is the only son of Fu Patriach Fu Mubai and Su Qinyi who is the only sister of Su Patriach, Su Lang. Moreover, he has Heavenly Sword body . When he was born there was a vision of strong person holding a sword marching forward in the sky and all the swords in the Fu Family were drawn to him bowing their heads. After some hours cultivating, he opened his eyes, his eyes were red like blood and there some demonic aura integrated with sword qi. After adjusting his state, his red eyes turned black like abyss which could not have the slightest emotions.  He got up and left the courtyard and went to the main hall were all discussions pertaining to family and world  affairs takes place. As he was walking to the main hall, many people saluted him and admired him as he is the young master and sword evildoer of the Fu Immortal Family as he has brought glory to the family while fighting with the young generation of the Immortal forces. At the entrance of the Main hall, two guards were standing and one of the guard  saluted and said "Young master, Master is waiting for you in the inside." Fu Jing said "Okay" and then entered the Main hall. In the Main hall, there were many persons were seated and in the center seat a middle aged handsome man was seated who is Fu Mubai, the father of Fu Jing and the Patriach of the Fu Immortal Family. After seeing his son come,  he had a sweet smile on his face and all the elders in the hall admired the unicorn of the family. Fu Jing saluted his father and all the family elders with a gentle smile and asked " Father why did you summon me". Fu Mubai is also a proud father as he no complaints against his son, who is courteous towards everyone irrespective of their status, who is adhered to his fathers opinions unlike others, and a sword genuis who has learned all the family sword techniques and perfected them. Fu Mubai said " You are 21 years old, you didn't wanted to enter into marriage contract before, but all our family members think that you should be married and there is a suitable marriage contract for you" Fu Jing knew that he will marry sooner or latter but he wanted who the other party is. Fu Jing asked," Ok father I agree, but I want to ask who is the other party". Fu Mubai got very happy when he heard his son's answer as he and his wife wanted to hold grandson or granddaughter soon. Fu Mubai replied " Her name is Ye Qinyue who is the daugher of Ye Patriach Ye Xun and the younger sister of your sworn brother Ye Lintian and she is also a genius who posses Ice Phoenix Body". When Fu Jing heard this, he was startled because he knew from Ye Lingtian that she has a marriage contract with a person who is a waste who couldn't cultivate. He also knew the waste, who is Fu Tian  the son of the 1st Eder who is the biological brother of Fu Mubai. In short he is the cousin of Fu Jing from his fathers side. Fu Jing knew his cousin Fu Tian is the protagonist. How Fu Jing knew? because he is a transmigrator who was reborn as a fetus in the mother's womb( Su Qinyi)  and he was born along with the Villain System. In his previous life, he was born in the planet called Earth where he was thrown out by his parents and was grown up in a orphanage. Since he was a child, he was an intelligent and self reliant. He studied very hard got into a top university and he got a job in Finance Company where he step by step got promote and got into a higher position because of intelligence and shrewdness. Because of his rapid promotion, there were many people eyeing on him and wanted to his life. One day, when he had come from the party, he was tired and fall asleep very quickly and when he opened his eyes he was reborn in this world. He even didn't know how he died. He also has the good impression of the system which do not give instructions and he will deal the protagonists with his own methods. He also got the novice spree from the system which include Dao of Emotions ( to control or alter the emotions of him or others) , Supreme AI ( it is integrated with the system, which can record, integrate and perfect the data, details of himself and others, combat level etc), Heavenly Demon Body which is the taboo existence not tolerable in the heavens and it got fused with the Heavenly Sword Body and the Eternal Sword Demon Body ( Superior Immortal Physique) which is unique to Fu Jing came into existence with the sword  as its main force and demonic power as its assistance.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "569672", "id": "569729", "q": 0.91, "title": "Fantasy: Me the Villain who plays with protagonist heart - Chapter 1", "author": "VMH", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Artificial Intelligence", "Clever Protagonist", "Clingy Lover", "Cunning Protagonist", "Evil Protagonist", "Female Protagonist", "Male Protagonist", "Polygamy", "Strong to Stronger", "System Administrator", "Transmigration" ] }
Fu Jing asked his father, " But father Ye Qinyue is the fiancee of Brother Fu Tian when she had became my marriage partner." Even his cousin is a waste but in future his cultivation will rise very rapidly with the assist of protagonist halo. He will face slap the others while reaching the top .  Fu Mubai said, " Her marriage contract with Fu Tian is broken by Ye Patriach and entered into marriage contract with you." Fu Mubai gave the explanation to him in a detailed manner how the 1st elder saved Ye Patriach life by damaging his cultivation , the engagement between Fu Tian and Ye Qinyue and why did the Ye Patriach broke the engagement now.  Fu Jing knew that why the Ye Patriach Ye Xun broke the engagement because he and his family had become the laughing stock in the upper domain and even his ancestors wanted him to break the engagement. After clearing all the thoughts, Fu Jing faced and asked his uncle 1st Elder Fu Xiong , " Uncle are you okay with this and have you asked the opinion of Brother Fu Tian." Hearing Fu Jing words Fu Xiong  got sad and said to him, " I also had given consent on this matter on his behalf as his father, as Tianer have the waste physique and the engagement between them will broke sooner than later as no one want to have a fiancee who couldn't cultivate" After hearing this Fu Jing face go twitched , he asked Fu Mubai " Father where is Brother Tian is he not in the family "  Fu Mubai said " He was expelled from the family and he is no longer the member of Fu Immortal Family " After hearing his father answer, Fu Jing knew after the expulsion he will get heaven defying opportunities , he will rise and make his name famous among the younger generation in the upper domain.  After having discussion with his father and family elders, Fu Jing left the main hall and Fu Mubai  informed the consent of his son to Ye Patriach so that they can conduct the marriage ceremony between them very soon. Fu Jing came into his room and sat on the bed and whispered," System open my personal panel" Immediately, a character introduction screen appeared in front of him . "Host: Fu Jing." "Identity: Young Master of Fu Immortal Family, Holy Son of Divine Sword Palace." "Physique: Eternal Sword Demon Body (Fusion of Heavenly Sword Body and Heavenly Demon Body)." "Cultivation Base: True God Peak." "Cultivation Technique: Eternal Sword Demon Sutra (Integration of Various Techniques) "Martial Technique: Eternal Sword Demon Seeking Scripture "Dao: Emotions, Sword  "Luck Value: 10(Black) "Combat Level: Divine King Realm Early" After closing the system interface, Fu Jing called his Guardian Feng Lao. A black-clothed middle-aged man with a vague face emerged from the void and kneeled in front of Fu Jing and asked,''Young Master What is your order.'' Feng Lao is a protector personally assigned by his father to protect his son. He has a cultivation base of Quasi- Supreme.Even in the Upper Domain there are not many places where he can't go or he can have a Supreme Elder status in first class forces. Fu Jing said, '' Arrange a strong man and tell him to Find Fu Tian and give me every details of him where he goes, who he meets, what he does etc. But don't interfere.''  Feng Lao had a doubt on his face and asked '' Young Master, I don't know why give so much importance to a waste.'' Fu jing eyes turned red and said,''Fu Tian has great luck in him and he can find opportunities for me.''   Feng Lao nodded. Young Master has been hailed as a unicorn by his family since he was a child.Many things can be seen more clearly than their older generations. He didn't doubt the truth of these words.Feng Lao said, '' Okay Young Master I will arrange as per your instructions.'' And he left. Glossary:- Cultivation Realms Mortal Physique,Spiritual Sea,Soul Palace, Transcendent, Great Transcendent, Holy Master, Conferred Lord Realm, Conferred King Realm, False God, The God, Celestial God, Divine King Realm, Quasi Saint, Saint, Supreme Saint, Great Saint, Quasi Supreme(1-9 levels), Supreme, Quasi Emperor(1-9 levels), Emperor, Quasi Immortal etc. Luck: Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Cyan, Purple and Gold I would appreciate if you could share your thoughts on this ongoing fantasy novel, so that i can improve my writing and creative ability to provide you with the best experience.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "569672", "id": "570664", "q": 0.91, "title": "Fantasy: Me the Villain who plays with protagonist heart - Chapter 2", "author": "VMH", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Artificial Intelligence", "Clever Protagonist", "Clingy Lover", "Cunning Protagonist", "Evil Protagonist", "Female Protagonist", "Male Protagonist", "Polygamy", "Strong to Stronger", "System Administrator", "Transmigration" ] }
In the end, he never ended up getting the donut vouchers he was promised. “Figures…” he mumbled, settling down in his seat at a nearby McJohnson’s. Fast food franchises had made a massive comeback recently—not only were toy monsters an easy marketing gimmick for the kids, but with the constant threat of dungeon outbreaks, nobody really had the time nor motivation to cook. Besides, who really cared about calories when there was the possibility you could die at any moment from a monster attack? Definitely not Jonathan, who was currently busy scarfing down a literal mountain of burgers and fries. He washed it all down with a sizable gulp of soda, leaned back, and gave a heavy sigh of contentment. He still could not believe that he had obtained a S-tier class. For someone like him who wanted nothing to do with dungeons, it was just the worst type of luck possible. If he had gotten something normal like a lower-tier combat [Class], or even one of those production-oriented ones, no one would even spare him a second glance, and he could probably continue with his carefree life as it was. But an S-tier class? That was trouble. Anything above B-tier got the attention of the executives at the Dungeon Association, and in turn, the government. Rare [Classes] were seen as a matter of national security these days. They were an indicator of a country’s ability to stop the influx of Dungeon Outbreaks, due to the fact that for some reason, conventional weaponry and even nuclear bombs had no effect on the monsters. And although [Class] rarity was not strictly correlated with an individual’s strength, it was a very good indicator most of the time. For example, out of all the current Grandmaster-rank holders in the world, only Ethan Chung bucked the trend with his D-tier [Monk] class. Everyone else possessed [Classes] that were at least B-tier or higher. Major guilds were even ranked on the number of rare [Classes] that they possessed. It was widely believed that one A-tier [Class] was roughly equivalent to about 10 B-tier [Classes] in terms of combat ability; one B-tier was worth 10 C-tier [Classes], and so on and so forth. It went without saying that once word got out, everyone would come looking for his ass, the government especially. He would probably be put under a strict monitoring program, and be forced to participate in every test and training regimen known to man, in order to mold him into the perfect monster killing machine. Afterwards, he would probably be forced to join a large Guild, where everyday would be non-stop Dungeon after Dungeon. The rest of his life would end up resembling a Rocky montage of sorts, except with a lot more exploding monster guts. His worst nightmare. Jonathan shuddered just thinking about it. The only sliver of hope he had was what the voice on the intercom had said at the end of his assessment. “…an S-tier class with no combat ability…” He certainly hoped that was true. And to be completely honest, he really didn’t feel any different. His body was just as weak and skinny as it had always been. Slightly disappointing, because it was said that once you underwent Dungeon Duty and obtained a [Class], your entire physique would change. Obese people would become elite athletes overnight. You would be capable of lifting an entire car with one hand. Your skin would be impervious to bullets or knives. You would never get sick. Jonathan had been slightly winded just walking across the street to the McJohnson’s. That was definitely something that shouldn’t happen after you obtained your [Class]. Maybe the Dungeon Crystal had screwed up somehow. Maybe it had given him a novelty S-tier [Class] as a joke, just to screw with humanity’s hopes and dreams. He sighed. “Mommy, mommy, I want the #2 Jolly Feast!” A boy’s excited squealing broke Jonathan out of his reverie. He looked up. It was McJohnson’s new promotional event. Upon the purchase of a #2 Jolly Feast, there would be a chance to receive a special gold version of the included toy. Jonathan remembered he had been crazy for stuff like that when he had been the kid’s age. Ah, the good ‘ol days. Staying up all night to watch funny videos. Not a care in the world. No monsters. No dungeons. No need to— He felt a bit woozy all of a sudden. Like everything was shaking. Maybe he had had too many burgers. Twenty of those suckers really was pushing it, not to mention all the sugar from the gallon-sized soda cup he had been drinking. Then he realized it wasn’t just him. The table was shaking was well. And the floor. People started screaming. There was a loud crack as the tiles underneath his feet broke in two. An enormous chasm of some sort appeared, growing larger by the second.. Ah shit. He reached out, trying desperately to grab onto something but to no avail. Darkness swallowed him. He was falling, falling, surely falling to his death. Before he reached the end, however, a strange light consumed him, and he had the odd sensation of his body being whisked away, as if by a strong wind.   | You have entered the Dungeon.   He opened his eyes in a panic, scrambling around to grab something, only to find himself on solid ground in an unfamiliar place. It seemed to be a cave of some sort, complete with stalagmites and stalactites—he could never tell which one was which—and mushrooms, the sound of dripping water, and a wet, dank smell. Around him were a few of the other customers from the McJohnson’s, who had been unlucky enough to have fallen down along with him. There was the boy who had been squealing about the Jolly Feast from before, along with his mother. Beside them was a young, blond man with wavy hair, and an old, terrified-looking couple. “Is everyone alright?” the young, blond man said. He wore an armband of some sort, which glowed with a silvery light. “Don’t worry. My name is James. I’m a Dungeoneer.” “Oh thank god!” the old couple said. “I’m William, and this is my wife Martha.” “I’m Kevin!” the little boy squealed. He looked up at the blond man with admiration in his eyes. “You’re a Dungeoneer? What [Class] are you? What rank? What was the strongest monster you’ve ever killed? Are you friends with Markus the Flame? He’s my favorite Dungeoneer. What Guild are you in—” “Kevin! Now’s not the time to bother this nice young man with all your questions,” the boy’s mother said in a huff. “I’m sorry. He’s just obsessed with that stuff these days. I’m Claire, by the way.” “That’s okay, ma’am,” the blond man named James said. He turned to the boy. “Little man, I’m a [Knight]. Silver-rank. The strongest monster I’ve ever killed was an [Ogre]. I’ve never met Markus, but I’m a big fan. I’m part of the Mithril Warriors Guild.” “Wow!” the boy said. “Cool!” “What about you?” the young blond man said. “Do you mind introducing yourself?” It took a minute before Jonathan realized that the question was directed at him. “Oh! Hello…” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “My name is Jonathan…” he hesitated, thinking about whether or not to reveal that technically-speaking, he was a Dungeoneer too, and a shiny, new S-tier one to boot. In the end, he decided against it. He didn’t want to give them false hope, like an alternative medicine practitioner on a flight with a real medical emergency. Besides, if what the Dungeon Association said was true, and he truly had no combat ability, he didn’t want them to have an expectation of him that he couldn’t possibly live up to. “I’m… just a nobody.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "693797", "id": "693801", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Dungeon Overlord - Chapter 2 – Too Heavy", "author": "ShittyWizard", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "LitRPG" ], "tags": [ "Army Building", "Comedic Undertone", "Dungeons", "Game Ranking System", "Guilds", "Level System", "RPG" ] }
Cahya is making dinner for herself and her younger brother, Akki. He is sitting on the top bunk in their small apartment, no larger than a shipping container. There is only one window at the end of the room, a small kitchen, and a bunk bed. The room is tiny but functional for the two of them. In the compound, families are stuffed into these sorts of rooms, leaving them much less room than Cahya and Akki.    Cahya hums to herself as she cooks, picking some fresh herbs from the window garden and chopping them up for the food. After finishing, she taps the bunk to get Akki’s attention, signing to him that it’s time for dinner. She hands him a plate and takes one for herself, sitting on the lower bunk. They two eat in silence, occasionally signing to one another to communicate.   After the two finished eating, Cahya takes the plates to the sink and cleans them while Akki got settled in the top bunk. Cahya then climbs up to the top bunk and tucks him in, sitting next to him and running her fingers through his hair. Akki rests his head on her chest, feeling the vibrations as she hums. He falls asleep, and Cahya moves slowly so as not to disturb him, crawling down to the lower bunk to get some sleep. After waking up and eating some oatmeal for breakfast in the mess hall, Cahya walked Akki to his private class before going off to her own classroom to teach. The day started out as usual, not seemingly different from any day, but partway through, someone came into Cahya’s classroom. They pull her to the side and whisper to her, telling her that Haven has been infected with the same blight that changed New Hope to No Man’s Land. They tell her the plan for now: continue living as if nothing has happened until the ladders of Elysium figure out what to do next. Cahya is forced to go back to teaching as if nothing has happened, unable to tell the kids as they aren’t supposed to know yet.   By the time the class is over, the word has gotten out, and people rush around the compound, collecting their children and many locking themselves inside their rooms. They can't stay like this for long, though, as no one in the compound has enough rations to last more than a few days.   Cahya heads to pick up Akki from his A.S.L. tutor. After collecting him, she goes to look for the man in charge of Elysium, Adrian. He is a smuggler and smuggled almost everyone who is infected into Haven himself. Elysium was created by him and a few others, giving a safe place for non-infected individuals before it gave space for those who are infected, leaving them living in close spaces. Cahya and Akki are one of the very few individuals who came from No Man’s Land uninfected, as most of the water supplies were tainted.   Cahya holds Akki’s hand as she walks towards Adrian’s office. Cahya can hear the panic around her but tries to stay calm for Akki’s sake. He pulls on her arm to get her attention, letting go of her hand to sign and ask what is happening. She shakes her head and takes his hand once more, not yet ready to tell him what has happened.   Eventually, Cahya finds Adrian and asks him what they’re going to do. He repeats what he has already told the others who have asked: that they plan to stay here and keep life going as usual for the next few days while they figure out the next step. He’s unsure of what that will be but hopes to get everyone to a safer place, as that’s what they were originally promised. Cahya stands in front of her class once more, teaching as if everything is normal. The kids are anxious, and she does her best to reassure them when she’s worried herself. She’s especially worried about Akki and how he has taken the news. He’s all but shut down in fear of what will happen to them. They haven’t always lived in Haven, as they once lived in New Hope or No Man’s Land now. They’ve fought to survive before, and Cahya worries they will have to once more. That her father’s bow will have to be used once more.   After class, Adrian has a meeting with some of the elders of the compound, including Cahya, who brings Akki since no one else can watch him. He sits in her lap as Adrian speaks. He tells them that Florida Independent is allowing people to come seek shelter in their borders. Before he finishes, a sigh of relief settles through the room. People are excited that they have a chance to be safe once more. But as Adrian finishes his thought, there is a heavy tension in the room. They only will accept the uninfected into their walls. Mostly meaning they will only take in those who originally lived in Haven, before Adrian smuggled the infected in. Most have stayed uninfected, but some have become infected in that time, leaving them stuck no better off than they were in No Man’s Land.   Adrian assures those that can’t go to Florida that they will be cared for and that the walls of Elysium will protect them. He tells them they will find a new way to survive. They will fortify and work to become more sustainable, reducing the need for outside help. Life may not be easy, but they will make due.   Cahya is nervous about what this means for those who are infected. No one even knows how many infected have been released into Haven. If the numbers are overwhelming, even a compound like Elysium won’t be safe for long.    Adrian informs those who aren’t infected that they will be taken to Florida’s borders in the M939s starting tomorrow morning. Those who are infected begin yelling, leading to those who aren’t infected yelling back, leaving everyone in a shouting match. Some even throw punches who have to be broken up by the armed guards. Cahya covers her ears, cringing at the overwhelming stimuli. She’s shocked how quickly people can turn on each other. Everyone has lived here peacefully for the last few years, working together, living together. There have been rules, but that has kept everyone safe and now it seems that all of that has been thrown to the wind in an instant.   Adrian slams his fist on the pulpit, quieting everyone down. He explains to them that this situation isn’t perfect but that none of them will be. He promises those who have to stay that they will be safe here, and he will do what is required to keep them that way, that he won’t abandon them. With this promise, the meeting ends, and those who aren’t infected are sent to pack up their things. JakMarandDax I’ll keep this as short as I can and try to only mention it once. This is the second short story in the Collection of Stories from the Divided States. I’ll be adding more to the series, but if you enjoy this one, I recommend checking on the main series The Divided States of America. I’m working on book two in that series, which shares the same world. It’s called Worlds Divided and will be posted shortly after this one. I also recommend checking out Dust in the Wind, which is another short story in the series. Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope you stick around for the story! have a great day!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "678718", "id": "678720", "q": 0.91, "title": "As Quiet As Death - Chapter 1", "author": "JakMarandDax", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Horror", "Sci-fi" ], "tags": [ "Apocalypse", "Post-apocalyptic", "Zombies" ] }
Jonathan, as a good, upstanding citizen, had an obligation to undergo Dungeon Duty. What was Dungeon Duty? Well, it was kinda like jury duty, except you were the criminal, and everybody else would be looking to see if a rare or powerful class popped out of your ass. Unlike many others his age, Jonathan had no interest in dungeons. He didn’t care about classes, levels, or stats. He just wanted to live a quiet, peaceful life reading books, watching movies, and eating delicious food. Of course, his plans had gone to shit once dungeons and monsters started appearing in the world, but he never lost hope that society would once again transform back into the boring, peace-loving, nerd-infested sanctuary that it had been. In recent years, however, that goal seemed to be getting farther and farther away. The dungeon problem was getting worse, not better. More and more outbreaks were happening, at a faster pace, and the existing number of Dungeoneers seemed not able to handle it all. Thus, people of all ages were now obligated to undergo testing, to see if they had a rare [Class] that might turn the tides of battle. Jonathan had pushed off his assessment date as far as he could. But the Dungeon Association had now put its foot down, mailing a letter stating quite sternly that as a healthy, able-bodied male of 25-years old, he needed to fulfill his obligations like everyone else. For a moment, he had contemplated running away to Canada. Then he remembered that Canada no longer existed. It had long been taken over by a Dungeon Outbreak involving an army of [Mutant Geese] and [Maple Syrup Slimes]. With no other options available, Jonathan had made his way to the Dungeon Association Office on a cloudy Wednesday morning. “Name?” the lady at the front desk asked him. “Jonathan Gabriel Vincent.” “Here’s your number. Please enter the room on your right when called.” Barely a minute passed before his number was called. His butt hadn’t even warmed the seat yet. He entered the room and was escorted down a long hallway by a man in a trenchcoat, leading to a pair of heavy-duty, triple-reinforced, bulkhead doors. The man escorting him swiped a card across the access pad on the side; the doors gave a hiss and opened to reveal a clinically-white interior, completely empty except for a strange, bright crystal hovering in the middle of the room. “Go on ahead,” the man said. “Further instructions will be given prior to your assessment.” Jonathan entered the room, and tried not to look too closely at the strange crystal that was his only roommate at the moment. Somehow he knew that it would be involved in deciding his fate, like a less interesting Sorting Hat from Harry Potter. Please not a rare class, please not a rare class, he prayed silently. After a couple seconds of silence, a voice echoed through the intercom. “Jonathan Gabriel Vincent.” “Yes?” “Is that your name?” “Yes.” “Is XXXXXXXX your current address?” “Yes.” “Have you subscribed to our mailing list for the latest updates, hottest deals, and coolest new gadgets and toys?” “What?” “Oh sorry. That was uh… that was for something else.” He could hear papers being shuffled, and a throat being cleared. “Continuing on… I would like to ask you some questions regarding your medical history.” “Okay.” “Are you currently taking any prescription medications?” “No.” “Do you have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma or allergies of any kind?” “Not that I know of.” “Excellent. That’s insurance taken care of. Please take a step forwards.” Jonathan didn’t obey immediately. The insurance part threw him a little. “Wait. What’s about to happen to me?” “Nothing, if everything goes to plan.” “What does that mean?” “Relax. It’s no big deal. We’re just going to have you touch the Dungeon Crystal in front of you, see how it reacts, and analyze the results.” Numerous scenarios starting rushing through Jonathan’s mind, none of them good. “Oh my god. Is that why its glowing? It’s radioactive, isn’t it? Just like Chernobyl. What did they call it? Elephant’s Foot? How long have I been exposed? Am I going to die? You god-damned government bastards! I knew you would pull some shit like this! Making mutants and shit in your underground labs! I ain’t your god-damned guinea pig. I bet all this Dungeon-crap isn’t even real, just a coverup for one of your fucked up government experiments—” “Mr. Vincent! That crystal is not radioactive! And the mutant experiments aren’t even hosted here, they’re all the way down in Florida—” The voice was abruptly cut short. A few, awkward moments passed before the intercom started up again. The voice that spoke to him this time was female. “Sorry about that… ehm … experiencing some… technical difficulties.” “Are you serious? I’m not an idiot. I can tell what just happened.” Silence. “So, mutant experiments in Florida, huh?” “Mr. Vincent, please proceed with your assessment.” “I don’t want to.” “Mr. Vincent, the fate of the world depends on it. Dungeons, unfortunately, are a very real and and present threat. Each day, despite our best efforts, we inch closer and closer to complete and total annihilation. Without your help, it is conceivable that—” “Is that… are you quoting a line from a movie?” “No.” “That sounds like something from a movie.” “It’s not. Please continue with your assessment.” “If I say no, are you going to let me out of here?” “No.” Jonathan looked around.  There was no way he was breaking out through the layers of reinforced concrete or the bulkhead doors that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie anytime soon. His stomach gurgled. He just realized how hungry he was, having skipped breakfast because he thought that there might be a complimentary lunch of some sort. “Fine. I’ll do it. On one condition.” “What?” “I want a free meal.” “Best we can do is two free donut vouchers.” “I’ll take it. ” With a sigh, Jonathan walked back to the glowing, floaty crystal in the middle of the room. The lady on the intercom ran him through on what to do. “Now, using your right hand, reach out and touch the crystal, ensuring that you maintain sufficient contact with your palm and index finger. Hold this position and count down from ten.” Slightly nervous, Jonathan swallowed what little spittle he could muster and followed the instructions. He flinched as his hand made contact with the crystal. Huh. That wasn’t so bad. Just kinda warm, like fondling a Rubik’s cube that had been sat out in the sun for a bit. He began counting down. Ten Mississippi. Nine Mississippi. Eight Mississippi. Seven. Six… At first he felt nothing. Then there was a jolt, like he had been struck by lighting. “Ahhhhhhh!” he screamed, before realizing it didn’t hurt. “Good job. Now stand pat, we’re analyzing the results.” As he waited, he noticed something happening in his body. First was the heat. He felt a tremendous heat, starting from the spot where he had touched the crystal, spreading to his fingers, his limbs, his chest and his head. It was to such an extent that he wanted to strip off all his clothes, before remembering that there was a woman watching him at the moment, and he wasn’t exactly in the best shape of his life. That heat turned to sweating, and then blurred vision. He began to wonder if those two free donuts were going to be worth it. Then, as suddenly as it had come, it was gone.   | Congratulations, you have obtained the S-tier rare class, [Overlord]!   The line of text suddenly appeared in the middle of his vision like some intrusive pop-up ad, complete with a ding! sound. “What the hell is this?” he shouted. “I can’t believe it,” the voice from the intercom said. “An actual S-tier class. For the first time in history. Hold still, Mr. Vincent, we’re running through the simulations now.” More time passed. Jonathan wondered if he had accidentally been duped into becoming a test subject for some highly-intrusive social media technology meant to beam advertising directly into his head. “That’s weird…” the voice was back, and sounded disappointed this time. “An S-tier class, but why is the combat ability so low?” “Miss… can you tell me what’s going on? Why am I seeing and hearing things now? How much LSD did you guys pump me with?” “That’s just what happens when you obtain a [Class] Mr. Vincent. No LSD required… god knows how expensive that is these days. Alright, work with me here—can you try thinking… Status?” “Status?” As soon as those words entered his mind, a screen of some sort appeared in front of his eyes. “Oh my god. Do you know how dangerous that is? What if I was driving?” “Please read out what it says under Attributes.” “Attributes… attributes… ah, here it is,” Jonathan muttered. “Strength: 1. Agility: 1. Stamina: 1. Intelligence:1. Wisdom: 1. It’s all 1. What do all these things mean?” “It can’t be…” the voice sounded desperate now. “What about the next section?” “Physical Damage: 1. Spell Damage: 1. Defense: 1. HP: 10. MP: 10. Dodge: 0%. Block: 0%. Health Regen: 1. Mana Regen: 1.” Stunned silence followed his words. The voice sounded very close to crying. “The computer wasn’t wrong. Everything it showed was correct… an S-tier class with no combat ability…” “Is that… is that bad?” Jonathan asked gingerly. There was no response. “Hello? Is anybody there?” The intercom started again. This time it was an automated message. “Thank you for completing your Dungeon Duty assessment. Results will be mailed to you within the next 5-7 business days, along with next steps. Please collect any and all articles of clothing and valuables you may have dropped during the process; the Dungeon Association is not responsible for any loss of items incurred on its premises. Have a nice day!” “That was weird…” Jonathan said, before suddenly remembering something important. “Hey! What about my donut vouchers?!”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "693797", "id": "693799", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Dungeon Overlord - Chapter 1 – Dungeon Duty", "author": "ShittyWizard", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "LitRPG" ], "tags": [ "Army Building", "Comedic Undertone", "Dungeons", "Game Ranking System", "Guilds", "Level System", "RPG" ] }
I was the God. My greatest masterpiece, the world and the living things in it, turned out to be not a masterpiece at all. It was my fault for giving too much. I gave them the power to rule themselves. The power to change. Their surroundings. Their future. The world. I shouldn’t have done that. Humans in general should be puppets to their instincts than their intelligence and desire. Intelligence gave them the edge to learn to be a god. It gave them a goal, a vision. It was an ephemeral thing. Similar to clouds and smoke. But their desire maniacally found its way to pierce through the smoke. I thought a vision was a happy thing. They became better and stronger just what I wanted. But it corrupted them. It transformed into power and yet, they weren’t satiated with it. They wanted more. Humans overthrew me. I could smite them in anger but my love or perhaps my dignity wouldn’t allow that. I put a lot of effort just to create them. But with a single thought, they would be gone. It wasn’t cost-effective. I gave them all. Food. Shelter. Abilities. But what I received was a fucking disappointment. I knew this word now. Because I kept hearing it from them. What a tragedy to learn curses from a lesser specie. They cursed me as they destroyed the world. Fuck God, they said. Was I the one who destroyed the world? A big no. Nevertheless, they thought I was the easiest target to push the blame. They blemished my name with their songs. I wasn’t an idol and I didn’t give them false prophets. I was better than that. The idea of myself shouldn’t be written to decipher or to understand. They only need to learn I existed. To love me, that was what I wanted. And I could go on but their sins and betrayal would never be washed off. I was the God but became the devil from their tongue. In their eyes, I was a brutal being who gave them the life they didn’t wish. They said I could change many things but these things were the product of their actions. And even when the moment I moved a muscle, they would still blame me for correcting their issues. Nothing that I did… not even moving… would escape from their scrutinizing eyes. I shouldn’t have done everything. I knew I made mistake by giving too much freedom. Changes and possibilities became infinite that even a God like me could only predict the future but their outcomes still lie in their hands. Birth wasn’t their choice but their actions were. Was it my fault? Just because I created them then it was my fault? Wasn’t creation and birth a happy thing? Why did it become a sin? My sin? Sigh. Sitting on a dilapidated concrete ground, staring at the cosmos, I felt so useless and alone. No matter how I caressed the earth, I couldn’t feel its heartbeat anymore. Only, from time to time, a collision of two pieces of land could be felt. But suddenly, I smiled. I recalled some people and it put me in a good mood. They were an interesting bunch. One of them was a funny guy who likes swords so much he died smiling while hugging his sword. His way of life was something to be admired. He drank and slept with many women, but never he reached anyone’s bottom line. In fact, people called him a loser. But I knew deep down how jealous they were of him. Geniuses came and passed but he trumped them all with pure hard work and dedication. While drinking, he slashed. While sleeping, he slashed. And even while having intercourse, he slashed. People created swords for killing. But he used a sword for a sole reason. Fascination. He loved its curves, its body, the bents, its tip, and the rough grip. All kinds of swords, no matter what shape and form, he loved them. He was a maniac, a rapist of the sword. That was why he wanted a long grueling fight because he could watch his sword and his enemy’s sword clashed and danced in the air. It gave him an incomparable orgasmic experience. His opponents died not from one fatal attack but due to blood loss. It should be a brutal scene but his way of fighting was sure to behold. A blood-boiling magnificent performance, full of vigor and sweat. The gritty scene of two chunks of metal colliding produced beautiful sparks. And the quick thoughts behind each action, predicting and processing every minute detail. They represented the whole and unique life of this man. I could never forget his smiles. A satisfied smile. Soon followed by laughter and groans. But more laughing. People admired and envied him because he was doing what he wanted. He was having fun. And that was all that mattered. “…” I copied his smile before cracking into laughter. That silly boy. There was also another guy. A quiet one. He liked reading and studying. But he didn’t have the resources nor the assistance. Every penny he earned was spent to live and buy a book. He was a mechanic. To think about it, he was a just regular guy. One who experienced the humdrum of society. Bottom of the barrel. Typical body littered with grease and solid sweat. But such a man managed to impress the world. He actually managed to create a more efficient battery from the scraps strewn in his workshop. But then, nobles threw him off after that and claimed the patent. Still, he created another after another invention even with all kinds of hindrances coming in his way. People were no fools. They discovered him and his inventions. All the glories came back to his name. Yet, he shrugged it off. Poured himself a hot coffee, opened a book, and enjoyed the serenity of everyday life. His works made the world a better place. But he didn’t mind their reactions or fame or riches. Only the words dancing on the paper and the images created by his mind were far more intriguing. And then with a flap, the book closed. He fixed his eyeglasses and scanned his room before leaning on his trusted chair. He died full of knowledge but thirsty for more. And he also died peacefully as it could be. Even I could not help but keep his eyeglasses. I mimicked his way of fixing his glass and created a cup of coffee out of thin air. The smoke drawn in my face was calming. I could see through the cosmos better despite the cover of smoke. Maybe that guy was also feeling God-like during moments like these… Aside from those two, an interesting person appeared in my mind. He was the most flamboyant and overconfident person I’ve ever seen. But he was also the one who made me, a God, cry. The swordsman lived his dream. The mechanic lived unfettered. But this man was born to die early. Yet he shone the brightest out of the humans in history. Like a shooting star, he brightened the dark sky of every person he passed by before his light died out. With all the riches in the world, he spent it like water. Countless donations. Party. Vices. And many more. He did it while knowing his days were decreasing. He was only thirteen years old when he passed away. More mature and smarter than anyone, though. Thus, he knew he couldn’t accomplish many things. Only by living like a prodigal son that he could help and make others happy. They considered him a fool. No one asked about his feelings except his family. People took advantage of his young age and foolish decisions. Money was spent as fast as a rocket ship. Associations and organizations put on a pretentious mask to gain donations from him. Fortunately, his family was willing to go down with him. They backed him up regardless of his reason. Still, they couldn’t help but worry about him and tried to reason with him. But he didn’t relent. It was selfish but it secretly took a toll on the young man’s mind. In fact, he wanted them to hate him and threw him out of the rags. When his hair started to fall off, people gradually distanced themselves. Such a human nature. Yet, from time to time, they peek at their phones to see the news about him. They would always remember the joy he shared with him. His childish self, jollying and dancing with the groove, got imprinted in their mind. However, the unexpected thing was he didn’t die from his disease. He died saving a little child. It was a car intended to hit the latter. It was fate, he thought. He could imagine his life with the child. Just like the interaction between the scared child and fast-moving the car, his life and death was slowly inching together. There was no stopping it. But he could stop the car from hitting the child. He grinned wide, knowing he beat death, his old enemy. Before his last breath, he believed he saved hope. Because the boy had a bright future ahead unlike him. He was hope. His hope. And this hope bloomed in splendor. The child became a wonderful president. I could still recall how prosperous his legacy was. Skyscrapers blocking the sun. Cars that could glide in the air. The poor were happy and the rich weren’t tyrants. A peaceful and satisfied country. It was a great legacy. It was the thirteen-year-old boy’s legacy. But humans sought to be a ruler. They didn’t want others getting ahead of the race. Jealousy then sprouted in their hearts. It corrupted their minds. And did the unthinkable. A war. A war that transcended any war. It lasted far longer than it should. Centuries… Millenniums… the world couldn’t handle it anymore. It was then the last person who appeared. He didn’t buckle in the face of the cruelty of the people. His unyielding spirit reached the distant lands. The throes of death beneath his feet pushed him forward. The blood couldn’t make him slip. While the bones couldn’t make him falter. The curtains of war became wide open in his every step. He journeyed through iron and fire. There were three oppressors. They united in one goal. To rule. They felt they were superior races. White, yellow, and blue flags stood at the highest peak, looking down on everyone like peasants. All lost hope. The oppressors were stronger, richer, and larger. Their fleets could cover the sky and land. But one man, covered in blood, didn’t give up. He lost his child due to war. His wife was murdered by his neighbor who sneaked into their house. His mother died while giving birth to him because of his abnormally large body. And he watched his father's knees buckling and dying due to exhaustion. He had nothing. Yet, he found himself fighting for others. Fighting for the chance of survival. And fighting for peace. He had lost in the end. But he lost fighting with his name reverberating through all battlefields. Even when the grass on his tombstone had grown to a human’s height, his name could still strike fear in anyone. Truth be told, I didn’t know if he was a savior or destroyer of the world. If not for him, many people would die. But if not for him, the war wouldn’t escalate as much as it did. I didn’t resent him, though. He was a beacon of hope. His desire remained pure. Not for revenge. Not for himself. He just wanted everyone else not to have the same tragedy he had. A clumsy and idiotic man. He was big but his brain made me wonder who created him. His heart was bigger, though. This guy didn’t know, but not only did he save people, but he also saved me. I was on verge of wiping them out. But he gave me a hopeful thought. Thus, I watched the world crumble. I felt deep regret. But at least, I stayed my hands from intervening. At least I watched the small portion of the human population giving their best. I watched their despairs and joys. Their griefs and sorrows. The thoughts of their happy past and hopes for the future. The love that died out but then blossomed into new ones. It was there and there… the epitome of my creation. That culmination of emotions and actions. The highest. This was my hope from the start. To see people cherishing each other. Promoting themselves to a higher status. To be good. To excel. Helping one another. Choosing others than their selves. Just purity. A light that would never fade. Oscillating beyond the space of imagination. It transcended its form. It was too short. But it did happen. I saw their spirits, they were small in numbers, yes, but I felt gratified. Not everyone was corrupted by their intelligence and desire. This was my true masterpiece. “This is it.” I smiled with a sad expression, seeing the last piece of land disintegrating. “…” Time couldn’t be told when the vacuum of space swallows it all. The sun became black and new planets were born. Galaxies transformed into new looks now and then. Sigh. “I don’t want to be a god anymore.” A deep sense of loneliness wafted on my tiny figure. Everything I knew evaporated to nothingness due to the passage of time. I fixed the non-existing eyeglasses before giving a wry smile. There was nothing anymore with me. Nothing. …    
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "554045", "id": "554047", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "The loner’s recount of life - One Shot", "author": "MaluPhetNovels", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Mystery", "Psychological", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Apocalypse", "Biography", "Caring Protagonist", "Dark", "Dead Protagonist", "Death", "Divine Protection", "Fantasy World", "Flashbacks", "Glasses-wearing Protagonist", "God-human Relationship", "God Protagonist", "Godly Powers", "Heartwarming", "Industrialization", "Philosophical", "Post-apocalyptic", "Religions", "Saving the World", "Sword Wielder", "Tragic Past" ] }
WILL YOU ACCEPT BAAL-YASU's BLESSING? YES NO Rob stared at a faint and distant light as a fetid black marshland consumed him, slowly but surely. The world was devoid of light, except for star-like fluttering shapes in the dark, but all faint, and all disquieting. He faintly remembered the giant arms of the creature, Baal-Yasu, wiping the blood, gore and ash off of the smooth stone floor of it's chamber. He was discarded alongside the others, and thrown into the pit where the Evil God was standing. The slow flow of unwanted things and festering waste flowed down from his feet and deeper into the Great Chasm. When Rob became aware of his surroundings again, the flow had stopped, and he was sinking into the muck. The hole in his belly had filled with the soot-like filth. His body stopped moving and his heart seldom beat at all. How he was alive despite it all boggled Rob's mind. But soon, he knew, the sea of rotten mud would consume him, and eventually, he would stop thinking just to escape the waking nightmare. He looked around, seeking out anyone, anything, living. The pipe dream of seeing the Hero's triumphant resurrection, or the figure of Sam, rescuing him and returning home to a peaceful Granica entertained him for a time. But when the oily filth crawled into his ears and the corners of his eyes, he woke up in cold sweat. What should I do? Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, what should I do?! This skill, why, why would it only work now? Isn't this worse than death? What would father think? No, to hell with that, if the demons reach our town it won't matter what he thinks! Something clicked in Rob's mind. He had used his skill, the [PRAY I], at least a hundred times since he unlocked it at the age of 13. And only once had it shown some sort of response. Throughout his life he was under the impression it worked as any common ability: use it and forget about it until the cooldown is over. The mere fact that only Baal-Yasu had ever answered directly in such a way, had terrible implications. Does Auciel... Not listen to our prayers? Does he simply not answer the people's pleas? But how can he not? He sees all, he's the God of Observation and Judgement! Did he... Judge me unworthy? But all my life I followed the teachings of the Bright Temple... This is absurd. No, this just can't be- Rob almost inhaled the dark substance as it covered his eyes and nose. If he remained alive despite the broken bones, the shattered spinal cord, and the gaping hole in his body, it only implied that he'd suffer for eternity in the fetid pits. Choking, unable to move, unable to see, starving and dying of thirst for thousands of years. He shivered. It seemed all-too-convenient. Torture, to motivated a believer to forsake his vows to a good deity? Even if this is a ploy. Even if I'm being taken for a ride. There's still a chance they are alive. Father, and the others. Samuel's family. At least, there's a chance I'll suffer usefully. I accept Baal-Yasu's Blessing. WILL YOU ACCEPT BAAL-YASU's BLESSING? YES NO BLESSING OF BAAL-YASU I added. 416 EXP consumed. 13 BLD consumed. BLD insufficient. item STEEL HELMET consumed. item STEEL COIF consumed. item GAMBESON consumed. item STEEL HAUBERK consumed. item FRAGMENT OF BAAL-YASU consumed. item WEEPING SOIL consumed. HP 0/10 => 1/10. MP 0/0 => 1/1 RES 10 => RES 17 DEX 7 => DEX 5 Rob screamed and thrashed in an agonizing fit. He felt his bare flesh ooze out through the gaps in his clothing and armor, and the cold touch of metal against his bones. The shattered lower end of his spinal cord sprouted a tentacle of cartilage and nerves, reattaching his upper and lower body. The blood in his veins was drained out, and the black substance that engulfed him replaced the spend fluid in equal measure. A small piece of the Evil God Baal-Yasu, a chip of his fingernail, fused with the meat and fat of his abdomen, and the muck that filled the gap in his stomach became one with his body. Rob's padded clothes, the chainmail and his skin became interchangeable, covering up the giant wound. "AAAAAAaaAAAGHAAH-AhhAHha!" A voice unlike anything he'd ever heard came from his mouth. A haunting, metallic howl. He doubled over and rose to his knees, then immediately fell on his face. Struggling up, he saw himself reflected in a puddle of something dark and foul smelling, guided by the faint light that emanated from above. The outline of his helmet reflected in the dark pool. A rough exterior, covered with small pointed spines. Two eyes, his eyes, with slit like pupils, in sunken orbits: orbits made up of the metal of his headgear. Rob gasped, and the skin of his neck and face opened to reveal dagger-like teeth. A monstrosity. A demon. The tip of his helmet, a single horn. The face guard, a beak-like protrusion. He grabbed and scratched at his shoulders and his sides, feeling a grid of steel interwoven with bony plating inside of his skin. With a careless movement, he touched where the hole in his stomach once was, and doubled over in pain. Immediately, the painful pangs of hunger hit him in the guts. "Ack!- Ah nheed thoo... Fhindh shehther..." Rob struggled to his feet, and felt his knees buckle under him. He was low on blood. The divine messenger had said as much earlier. And to recover blood, he would need to... "Mheath... Lhivherths..." Half-sunken in rotten filth all around him were the corpses of his comrades in arms, tattered robes and the dismembered pieces of Semien's men. Robert crawled on all fours, using the dim light that seeped in from the surface world as a beacon. Arms, legs, gnawed carcasses, a sword warped by the hero's powers, the head of a demon, a polearm... He grabbed the weapon, and pulled it out of the muck. The front half of a spear.  Good enough. Rob dragged himself up a blood streaked slope and towards a cave-like opening. Shelter came first, and food, second. Four Roberts could fit inside without it being unbearably cramped. But when he entered the rocky hideout, something else waited for him inside. Rob froze, and so did the creature. "AWAY! AWAY! YOU CAN'T EAT ME!" Something wet struck his face. A piece of leg, covered in scales. "STAY BACK, MONSTER!" He snatched the leg and tumbled backwards out of the occupied burrow, rolling back down towards the rising muck. He remembered seeing a reduction in his DEX. But he hardly expected it to have made him stiffer and less agile than a noble's son in ill-fitting full plate. Rob held the leg out and spread his legs to slow his fall, skidding down on his knees. The jagged rocks scratched his skin without lasting harm. And at the bottom, the man-turned-monster sat up and stared at the gory piece of leg in his arms. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. A demon's teeth cut the flesh with ease. It was almost frightening how easily he shredded a creature's raw limb without the aid of a knife or a fork. He hardly noticed the fact he had eaten everything except the femur. And when he did, Rob grabbed a stone, and snapped the leg bone in half, sucking out the marrow. "Ghoghribbhle... Dthisghuzhdihng..." BLD 10 => 11 Another person. Or a demon that could speak Granican. Rob neither cared, nor had the stones to confront it again. At his 1/10 HP, one bad move would spell disaster, and he knew it. Especially when he'd lost so much blood and could barely control himself. The last time he felt what a depleted BLD bar was like, would have been after his team fought against a lvl 2 highwayman. He struck Robert in the inner thigh with a piercing sword, and Rob nearly bled to death after the fighting was over. In that time, he had been reduced to 25 BLD, or Blood, and he was unable to move or think properly. The fearsome resilience of a demon with 17 RES astonished him. And at the same time, it disgusted him. He really became a monster. He really accepted the help of the very thing that murdered him and Sam, and now continues to send demons out into the world. Sam... Wait, the prayer mentioned him! What if he's still alive out there?! Rob got up and continued to half-crawl half-walk across the rotten marsh, looking for where he'd first woken up. A field of bodies, human and demon. The armors they wore looked strangely corroded, not that they could fit around Rob's new head. After all, he was already his own armor. If not for the dire despair in his heart, Rob would've laughed out loud.  Dad always told me I should take it off more. I guess I should've listened... He walked up to the fetid pile that birthed his current form, and started digging. Heads, legs, destroyed weapons, shields turned to rotten, holey planks. How long had he been in there? By the looks of things, at least a day. But there was no telling. There were too many bodies, and too often they were too badly mangled to identify. And too often Rob found himself salivating at the sight of the fresher bodies in the pile. He wasn't finding Sam any time soon, alive or dead.  Unless, of course, he'd been slow-cooking in the sea of soot and refuse for over a week. It was worth the try, at least, to attempt using his [PRAY I]. But to call upon the same creature that murdered him and everyone in the exploration team... Robert grit his teeth, and prayed, imitating the legless demon he'd encountered in the tunnel. Baal-Yasu, Baal-Yasu. Please show me the way to Sam. PRAY I BAAL-YASU ANSWERED YOUR PRAYERS So he was right, after all. Just how long had he been, half-dead, half-awake, in that stupor? For a moment, Rob sat idly and stared at the formless darkness at his feet. A grim question posed itself to him: "what if the demons had already overrun Granica, and killed or eaten everyone there?". And then, another: "what if what I find is just a corpse?". And once again, a question: "has this been our destiny all along?". But then, just as he contemplated the sheer ugliness of his situation, the demon, Rob, saw a faint string of blue light burrow it's way out of his head, and loop around, traveling off to somewhere. Instinctively, he knew it was the effect of his skill, [PRAY I]. Proof that some form of his friend still existed. A lingering attachment to a world that might've already been lost. Robert found himself picking up the pace as he followed the thin blue line. Every now and again, he would receive a notification from the divine messenger, informing him that his BLD is slowly but steadily increasing. He'd walked for so long he lost track of time, but the thin blue line showed no sign of stopping. Demons' remains so ancient they'd turned to discolored bones were scattered everywhere, and footprints littered the swampy earth. "Weeping Soil" - he faintly remembered the name from when the divine messenger assaulted his senses at the most inappropriate time. He couldn't find it in himself to complain about, or gods forbid, berate, a benevolent spirit that was sent by the high divine. Rather, Rob thought, it's plain strange to expect someone to read and remember the proclamations of the gods when the listener is in the midst of a seizure. And at that thought, something popped in the side of his head, and he almost cried out in pain.  What the hell?! I feel... sick... Rob hit himself in the temple, and the helmet that fused with his skull made a dull "thud". A coldness spread throughout the inside of his cranium, and the pain was gone. A less than reassuring sensation. If he was prepared to sacrifice his health to keep the people that mattered to him alive, he'd sacrifice the original shape of his body to do so. But as for Rob, he couldn't help but revile the demons. And by extension what he had become. HP 1/10 => 2/10 => 3/10 His wounds healed at more than ten times the speed that a human's would. A lvl 1 human at 1/10 hp would need at least six month of rest and good meals to fully restore the lost vitality. A lvl 1 demon at 1/10 hp seemed to only need a pound of raw meat and a day without taking damage. Rob couldn't help but want to claw his way out of his new reality. His body, a chimera of forged metal and demon-flesh. His terrible hunger. The jumbled-up feelings and thoughts, and the strange jolts of pain in his head. Rob's thoughts became so preoccupied with questioning these things, and with self-loathing, that he only heard the tremors when they'd gotten noticeably close. Thump. Thump. Thump. The lost recruit fell prone and looked up, looking for the source of the rhythmic shaking he'd heard and felt. Giant legs. Six of them, like the legs of massive plucked chicken. It strode through the rocky black wastes, and struck the mud with a lance-shaped beak, scooping out bones and the corpses of demons and humans. Compared to Baal-Yasu, it would've really been chicken sized. But for the vulnerable, death-prone mortal men and monsters, it was an elephantine horror. Rob quietly and slowly crawled up behind a rock, and waited for the creature to pass. Thump. Thump.. Thump... Thump...... It didn't seem to care, heading straight for the pile of bodies Robert left behind when he went to search for Sam. The warriors of humanity. Heroes of Granica. Bird feed. Rob himself would kill for something to eat. The price of healing so quickly was the need to eat far more. When he considered what would happen to Granica when a legion of perpetually hungry monsters spewed out of the Chasm, he shuddered. If every demon had teeth like his, they'd eat it all down to the trees and grass in no time flat. HP 3/10 => 4/10 => 5/10 To save himself from having to deal with more monsters towering demons, Rob elected to move quickly, quietly and low to the ground. That was far easier said than done, however. With his abysmal dexterity, Rob was a terrible sneak, and his new body's stiffness made anything except a brisk strut painfully difficult. To amend this, Rob dashed from cover to cover: a loose boulder, half buried in black mud, the skeleton of something bigger than a horse, the dregs of an old shack... He stopped the longest in places that he hoped would hold something of import, never straying far from the thin blue line leading towards Sam's location. The mass of bones and dried leather housed nothing, except some of the sparkling powder that appeared from burned demons, and a handful of bones, too old and weathered to be of use. And in the dilapidated ruin of an outhouse-sized shack, Rob found the skeleton of a demon with three small horns and three arms, clutching a small black pyramid. It's empty orbits seemed to follow him around as Rob inspected the shack, and so he moved on swiftly. How big is this place? It's so dark... How does anything live here? Is this why they're trying to get to the surface? The demon-man observed many other travelers from the safety of his hiding spots. Everything seemed to flock towards the influx of gore and trash. There was a horse-like demon, moving on eight oddly human arms as on legs. A multitude of small, filthy crawlers. And even one of the humanoid demons, dragging a giant bag filled with rubbish and gathered materials behind it. Rob briefly entertained the idea of making contact with it. It was quickly discarded. If things turned dire, he couldn't run. And something that could survive in a place such as the world below the Great Chasm was surely stronger than a half-dead newborn like himself. The thin blue line stretched on and on, but with every landmark passed, it grew thicker and more luminous. A sign that the end of his journey drew near. Before he could find his next destination, peeking out of another wreckage, Rob heard faint noises drawing near somewhere to his left. He firmly clutched his broken spear, and snapped to attention, turning towards the source. A vast, carpet-like thing with white, bulging eyes. It had one wide mouth filled with many long teeth, thin, translucent and jagged, like glass shards. When it knew Rob had seen it, the demon scuttled rapidly towards him on several stumpy legs. HP 5/10 => 4/10 Rob gasped when the demon's jaw dislodged and extended forward, engulfing his leg. He fell as it opened and closed it's toothy maw over him, chipping it's fangs for all the effort. Rob bent over and stabbed it between the eyes with vigorous strikes. Thick, oily blood sputtered out of the carpet demon's cranium. HP 4/10 => 3/10 With a gruesome whine, Rob's broken spear bent and turned unusable. He punched the carpet demon in the brain ten times, turning it to mush, and the creature thrashed violently until it's body stopped moving. The jaws, however, remained tightly shut on his leg. When punching out the inside of it's head didn't help get his leg out, Rob grabbed the corner of it's mouth and pulled. The joints in the carpet demon's jaws made a wet pop when he pulled the bones out of their sockets. The creature whined, gurgled and gummed his leg helplessly, unable to move. Free at last, Rob stood up and hissed through his teeth. "Shthay qhuiehet!" And he stomped on its back, until it went limp. He stood over it's corpse, panting. Shit... I can't believe it! I killed a demon bare-handed. This is insane! FLOUNDER DEMON defeated! EXP 000 => 238. Rob froze up and broke into a shaking fit. Then, he fell to his knees and wept quietly for an embarrassingly long time. Of course. How could he forget this all-important fact. A regular person with 0 MP will scarcely ever level up, and they don't gain experience from killing their own species. More than that, the slaying of something reasonable, like a feral dog, only yields 5-10 points at a time. And to add insult to injury, magical curatives deplete one's experience, and EXP diminishes over time. But a demon is worth far more than a mutt, and a being that possesses MP can level up and gain experience more easily. And what this meant for Rob, was the following. If I kill five demons, I will reach level 2. And if I just keep on killing demons, I can become strong enough to protect everyone. I can save Sam, I can save our town, if they just hold on for long enough. I'll get stronger than the Hero of Providence in no time. And I will climb and claw my way back. No one has to die. Please, please just hold on for dear life if you can. Dad, everyone... I'm coming. Rob wiped his eyes and wrung a limb off of the Flounder Demon's body. After a bit of cleaning and peeling, it was good to go. Victory tasted like raw chicken.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "234320", "id": "236243", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "LUCK=0 (HIATUS) - Chapter 2 – Price of Salvation", "author": "FlyAgaric", "chapters": 3, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Horror", "LitRPG", "Mystery" ], "tags": [ "Apocalypse", "Dead Protagonist", "Death of Loved Ones", "Fantasy Creatures", "Gate to Another World", "Gods", "Post-apocalyptic", "Slow Growth at Start", "Weak Protagonist", "Weak to Strong", "World Invasion" ] }
SapphicSounds hey all, before we begin just wanna ask that y'all take a quick peep at the CWs in the story description if you haven't already. That's all. Hope you enjoy.   “How about this one?”    “Hmm… maybe. Actually, wait, go back? Yeah, no, anyone with an american flag in their photos is a hard no.”   “Oh shit good eye, I didn’t even notice that.”   “Left, and next.”   “This one?”   “You kidding me? See the dude? This is an obvious unicorn hunter. Hard pass.”   Erick could hardly conceive of this assault to his auditory senses. He was just trying to enjoy his burger in quiet sanctity, yet here these fucking femoids were, polluting the air of the university dining hall—no, polluting the very intellectual fabric of the entire institution—with their inane dreck. He had been glaring daggers at the pair for the past several minutes, but of course, their inferior minds were incapable of noticing anything outside their own frivolous little bubbles of nonsensical drivel.    The taller one leaned closer to her friend, blowing a strand of dark hair out of her eyes as she scrutinized the red head’s phone. Though, to be clear, red was clearly not her natural hair color, a textbook case of aposematism if he’d ever seen one. She was probably some keyboard feminist who wielded her pronouns like some clumsy hammer of misguided justice by the looks of her. Then again, considering she was dressed like a man, and wore her hair short, she might not have been a real woman anyway. One always had to be careful on a college campus. At least he could be certain the darker haired one was a real woman, she was dressed in proper, stylish but not slutty, feminine clothing and carried herself with dignity—at least she had before she’d opened her mouth. Still, she was easily an eight or a nine. Erick did have a certain affinity for tomboys, so if the shorter one cleaned herself up a bit and learned her place, she might be a seven and a half on a good day, but presently it would be generous to even call her a six. Regardless, the six appeared to be showing her friend potential matches on one of those shallow dating apps, the kind that degenerated society by only reinforcing women’s propensity to care only about looks. Unfortunately, both the six and the nine were doing just that.    “Alright, thoughts?” Six asked.    “Definitely not. I mean, to be clear, would. But someone like that, I feel like I’d have to do all the work y’know? Plus, I want someone taller, and buffer, too. I mean, I need a proper hunk y’know? But also dumb, easy to keep in line. Like, some gym rat who will toss me up against a wall and ravish me when that’s what I want, but will bend over and take it like a good bitch with just a word, y’know?” The sheer casual air she took on as she described such degenerative acts filled Erick with unbridled rage. Women like this were the reason he, and so many men like him couldn’t get girlfriends. Narrowing his eyes, Erick tore into his burger, letting out an audible huff of disgust as he did so.    That, apparently, got their attention. The two girls looked up and locked eyes with him, seeing his display of raw masculinity as he devoured his food. Real food, with meat, red meat, the only meat he ate, and Erick ate meat for every meal. Six was the first to speak up. “What’s your problem, asshole?”    Erick saw red, he couldn’t believe this bitch would talk to him like that. It was all he could do to contain the great fury of the slumbering dragon within him. No, even they did not deserve to see the true extent of his wrath, not that they would ever recognize what a nice guy he was for subduing the white hot terror of his true rage. Only one person had ever seen him like that, had glimpsed the dark storm within him. Erick had shown it, revealed the penumbral darkness within him to his high school best friend, not out of anger, but as an act of trust between brothers in the war for objectivity in this post-modern hellscape. So someone, anyone could understand the daily struggle he went through to chain that great beast. At the time, his best friend had told Erick his darker self reminded him of the Joker.   “Hello?” Ugh, he couldn’t believe these woms, interrupting his thoughts like that. “What’s your problem dude?” The six asked, she moved to put herself in front of the nine, who actually seemed a little scared. Part of Erick felt guilty for that, it wasn’t too late for her, it wasn’t her fault she’d been corrupted by feminism and the like. Erick didn’t like the idea of hurting such a pretty, delicate flower. “If you’ve got an issue with her we’re gonna have a problem.”   Okay, that was it. “I have an ‘issue’ with both of you,” he spat. “You fucking females are all the same.”   “Oh, and how’s that?” Six asked. Nine just looked a bit confused.   “You’re all just a bunch of shallow, hypergamous sluts who want to be fucked by big Chads. Then you complain when those assholes mistreat you while you ignore nice guys like me just because we aren’t strong enough, or because we’re under six feet tall. You whine about how toxic masculinity or whatever sets unrealistic standards for women, but then when hollywood executives only cast the buffest, most muscular dudes in movies or even have the cgi teams make them even more buff you don’t breathe a word about how women force unrealistic standards on men.”    “The fuck are you talking about?” The nine asked.    Of course they didn’t understand. Erick reminded himself that, in truth, it wasn’t the fault of either of them. And that was the sort of empathy that should net him girls, but of course, it didn’t. “I wouldn’t expect a female mind to understand this. Really it’s not your fault. Weak men have allowed you too much freedom, given you the wrong ideas. Women are supposed to know their place, be kept submissive and obedient. Loyal and chaste when single, but when in a relationship always ready to please.”    Six sat there stunned for a few moments, taking in everything Erick had said. And wow, had he actually gotten through to her? She really seemed to be mulling it all over. Then, suddenly, she clapped herself on the legs, and stood with a start. “Okay,” she began. “I’m done.” She held her hands in the air and—wait, were they glowing? The air around him seemed to sizzle and pop as space itself warped and the light around them darkened. This was… this was magic? Erick was a rational skeptic, of course, but as much as his logic oriented male brain tried to explain what he was seeing, he couldn’t. This was magic. He knew it was magic.    Six took a step toward him, and the room faded away til it was just Erick, and the two girls he’d been arguing with. Something plucked Erick out of his seat and suspended him before them. Six continued. “You have some real fuckin shitty ideas about women, you know that? But it’s fine, maybe if you walked a mile in our shoes you’d learn some empathy.”    Wait a second, walked a mile in their shoes? Magic? Oh no, Erick had seen this sort of thing before. One of his friends back in highschool had shown him weird porn stories about guys bad-mouthing witches and being turned into vapid, slutty, girly bimbos addicted to cock. He’d stopped being friends with that guy afterwards cause he was such a little bitch boy. Didn’t he actually go to this school now? Whatever, that didn’t matter. Were they going to do that to him? “W-wait, please, don’t turn me into some vapid whore” he choked.   “Too late, creep,” Six snarled. She snapped her fingers, and the world went dark.   * * *  [This story was written by SapphicSounds and is being posted on Scribblehub.com. If you see this message and you are not reading this story on scribblehub.com under the username SapphicSounds it has been stolen] * * *   Finley awoke with her face pressed into soft carpet. Wait, wasn’t she in the cafeteria? She groaned, and rolled over. Light. It was bright. Her eyes hurt. Definitely not the cafeteria. Then where was she? Finley tried to scrape through her memories, but boy howdy, thinking was super hard. Sifting through her thoughts was like churning… some kind of thick liquid stuff. She blinked hard a few times as her eyes got used to the light. And oh yeah, she got into an argument, with those girls, didn’t she? She was kinda mean to them, it would probably be good to apologize. But then one of them had done something weird to her with her hands and like… was magic involved? And a punishment? Something about women and also shoes? And walking a mile? Finley could definitely walk a mile. That was easy, too easy really. Usually she preferred to run, it was better exercise that way, and typically she did more than one mile. Was that the punishment? She had to make her workout worse?   No no no, the walking thing was like for comparing to something else. Really it was about like, being nice to women? And Finley was really good at that! She loved women! But wait… no, hang on. Holy shit. Finley bolted upright. “Bro they turned me into a fuckin chick!” She cried. They were gonna punish her by like, making her a tiny, dumb girly girl who liked dudes or something. Cause that’s what she used to think women were supposed to be? Whatever, that didn’t matter! They’d turned her into a woman! Which was… bad? She was supposed to be a guy, and her name wasn’t supposed to be Finley. She wasn’t sure what it used to be but that didn’t matter. Just to be sure, Finley struggled to her feet and examined herself and yep—tits, wide hips, and a gussy (girl pussy). She was definitely a girl—not that girls couldn’t have dicks, Finley was a big fan of dicks on girls. But wait… hadn’t she used to not think that was real? That was dumb. Of course girls had dicks. Finley at least took solace in knowing that, while they had definitely fucked with her head a bit, they definitely hadn’t made her dumber, if anything they’d made her smarter. Cause what kind of dumbass wouldn’t like girls with dicks?    Still, she did need to find those ladies and confront them. It was bad to turn people into women and fuck with their heads against their wills. And she needed to be turned back to how she used to be, cause it was like, her true self or whatever. Even if she was a dude back then and was pretty sure that she was kind of an asshole then too, it was about like, the self or whatever. Some kinda dumb nerd shit. Finley was pretty sure some femme she’d helped learn to operate the stepping machine at the gym had told her about that before. But that wasn’t important. Finley looked around the room. She was in like, a bedroom or something. Maybe those ladies had brought her back to their house? Using her smarts, Finley decided they must not be in this room, and because the rest of the house was probably attached to it, maybe she’d find the witch and her friend outside the room.    Like a true champ, Finley had guessed right. She walked into the next room, and there they were, just hangin out. Damn, they were both really pretty too. The taller femme was bangin hot. And the smaller soft butch was also real cool and gender in a hot way. Finley wondered if they’d be down to fill her holes. Then she remembered they had made her attracted to men, and got both mad and sad. Here were these two super pretty girls and Finley really wanted to have sex with them but she couldn’t because they cast a spell on her that made her some tiny femmey bimbo who liked gross ass dudes. Finley crossed the room, and loomed over the two much smaller women. “Hey what the fuck?” She asked. “Why’d you turn me into some like, teensy tiny dumb femmey bimbo? And why’d you make me straight instead of a dyke? Super not cool.”    The two looked at each other like they didn’t understand what Finley had just said, then looked back at her. “I’m sorry, what?” The soft butch asked.    “You heard me, I was a guy, and then you made me a tiny slutty straight girl instead of a hunky dyke like I’m supposed to be.”   “Um,” the femme began—actually wait, she looked kinda familiar. “Have you looked yourself in the mirror?” She asked, gesturing to a nearby full length mirror. Finley stormed up to hit, and saw her usual self: six foot three and jacked, cool dykey side shave undercut, muscle tank, gym shorts, backwards snapback. She didn’t get it. What was she supposed to be seeing here? “Yup, that’s me,” she said, confused.    “So, please explain how you are a ‘tiny’ or ‘femme,’” she continued.    Finley looked at herself for a few minutes, then got it. “Oh shit, nice, the spell didn’t work.” She pumped her fist in victory. “You meant to turn me from a guy into a girly femme, but instead you turned me into this cool hunky chick, up top!” She held up her hand for a high five. It wasn’t reciprocated. Finley deflated, but in doing so looked down and saw her big powerful forearms and perked right back up with a vapid grin. Then she remembered she was straight now. “But I’m still mad at you for making me like dudes. I’d totally be all over you two, like you’re both super hot and I want both of you inside me but I can’t because I like dudes now which just… ugh.” Finley shivered in disgust.   The two shared another look. “How do we…” the witch began.   “Who cares? She’ll figure it out eventually.” The femme turned to face Finley. “Get on your hand and knees and lose the clothes, slut, we’re gonna spitroast you.”    Finley immediately forgot why she was mad. “Aw fuck yeah dude! I’ll get right on that and then after that you can turn me back into a dude and make me a dyke.” She stripped off her clothes, revealing her sculpted muscles and fat tits, then got on her knees like a good slut. She assumed the position. The femme took her place in front of Finley, wearing nothing but a bra and panties, a throbbing girlbulge poked out of her panties. Behind her, Finley could feel the soft butch witch rest a hard strap against the entrance to her sopping gussy. Finley looked up, locking eyes with the femme, then realized something. “Hey, by the way, what are your names?  don’t think you ever t—” she was cut off by the femme dropping her panties, and thrusting her gorgeous girl cock into Finley’s mouth. At the same time, the strap against her wet, needy gussy thrust inside as well.     “Quiet, slut, you don’t need to know our names 'til after we decide what to do with you. ‘Til then you can just refer to both of us as Mistress.” Mistress (femme edition) explained. Finley would have responded enthusiastically, but she was too busy having her mouth filled with girlcock. Both her Mistresses thrust inside her, fucking her mouth and gussy hard and fast. Finley was in heaven. A few minutes into the fucking, a lubed up dildo was inserted into her ass, and Finley knew just what to do. She’d trained her kegels for a reason, after all, to make her holes more fun to use. Finley wasn’t sure if that’s actually how that worked, but she was sure it was hot to be able to grip both the toys in her lower half like a fucking vice.    The pounding continued, the sounds of wet slapping only interrupted by her wanton, slutty moans and occasional shouts from her Mistresses. Words like “take it, dumb slut.” Or, “that’s a good, vapid girl.” Or, “holy shit look at how hot her back muscles are when they flex like that.” Finley was just happy to be of service. It all felt so good. She couldn’t imagine a better life than going to the gym, pumping iron as the cute femmes gawked at her, then going home to get all her holes filled by her Mistresses. If Finley had it her way, she’d be gagging on girlcock for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Though really, that would fuck with her gains. Finley didn’t know a lot, but she did know about fitness, and not just fittin this dick in her mouth. She thought about what she was gonna do at the gym tomorrow, she was pretty sure tomorrow would be leg day? Then she stopped thinking entirely as her Mistress thrust into her mouth again, reminding Finley that her main job at the moment was to slobber on cock. Then her Mistress’ girldick started to twich, and she blew a delicious load of hot, sticky cum right down Finley’s throat—which she swallowed, because she was a good slut, and also because she needed the gains, even if it wasn’t a ton of calories and protein, cum still had some of that, and she needed her calories and proteins if she wanted to keep getting buffer and hotter.    Then her Mistress just… kept going? She blew load after load right into Finley’s mouth, it was like, an inhuman amount of cum? Almost like there was magic involved or something. But Finley didn’t bother thinking about that, she wasn’t there to think, she was there to be a good fucktoy for her Mistresses, and good fucktoys thought less and sucked more. So she did just that, swallowing load after load, practically forgetting all about the fact that she was being fucked from behind as well until her pleasure peaked, and she exploded into an earth-shaking orgasm. Her legs gave out, and she collapsed onto her hands and knees.    Her two Mistresses collapsed on top of her, forming a nice little cuddle pile. “Good girl,” one of them cooed in her ear. Finley shuddered.   “Wow am I really a good girl? Fuck yeah dude that’s like the best news I’ve heard all day bro.” Finley pumped her fist.      Her Mistresses grew quiet for a moment, sharing a look. Then the other spoke. “Of course, you were such a nice, and obedient fucktoy,” she whispered. Finley opened her mouth to reply, but before she could get a word in the dildo she’d been fucked with, slick with her cum, was shoved between her lips, then pulled back out, and held before her lips. “Lick it clean, slut.”     Finley nodded eagerly. “Fer suuuure, Msitress! I’ll lick off that cum like a fuckin champ, dude.” Without another word, Finley leaned forward and began to eagerly run her tongue all up and down the length of the toy, lapping up all her sticky juices.    “Is she always gonna talk like that, babe?” One of her Mistresses asked.   “Hey you wanted a dumb hunky herbo. Don’t whine to me about it.” Finley didn’t really hear them, she was too busy lapping up her cum, content as she could be. It was in that moment, basking in the afterglow, licking up her juices, cuddling with her two hot, gay Mistresses, that Finley had a realization, which was pretty impressive for her, she very rarely came to conclusions of her own. She finished cleaning the dildo, wiped her chin, and looked between her two Mistresses, feeling, for the first time, real genuine emotions and sentimentality welling up inside her. She belonged, really belonged. It was enough to bring a tear to her eye. Her old life was so meaningless, and this new one so wonderful. The idea of going back to being a guy horrified her.    This was who she really was, deep down. Finley was certain of it. And she wasn’t going to hide from that anymore, wasn’t going to repress it. She was a woman, not a man, she always had been. And Finley was so grateful to her Mistresses for showing her her true self, for helping her realize that this was actually who she was, deep down, all along. “Mistresses,” she began, her tone sober and sincere. “I really don’t know how to thank you both. I was so horrible to both of you, and instead of hurting me, you showed me empathy. I don’t know how you did it, probably with magic or something, but the fact that you had the heart to look deep into my soul and see my true self, see the trapped woman inside under that awful, awful man, and liberate me, show me who I really am… I just. I dunno, thank you so much for helping me realize my true—”   Finley was interrupted by her Mistress' flaccid cock slapping her across the cheek. “Shut the fuck up, slut," the witch shouted.   “You seriously think you’re like, trans or whatever?” Her femme Mistress asked, incredulous, barely holding back laughter. “You dumb fucking herbo holy shit.”   “Yea no for real, you weren’t trans before. You were a horrible, misogynistic piece of shit who hated women and minorities. I used magic to reach into your mind and fundamentally changed who you are as a person. I made you a woman, made you a dumb, submissive slut, but made up for that by making you an actually kind, empathetic person. Erick is gone; you are someone else in every meaningful way. I feel no remorse for doing this because the world is an objectively better place without him. This is not a story about self discovery and you learning to love yourself, this is a story about me ridding the world of a horrible creep and replacing him with someone better.”     “Yeah if you wanted a story like that you should have stayed friends with me in high school instead of calling me slurs,” her femme Mistress continued.    Finley stared dumbfounded for several seconds, then a little lightbulb went off in her brain. “Wait a sec, I thought you looked a little bit familiar! So did your girlfriend like transition you with magic or something?”    She shook her head. “Nope, that was all hrt, though she did use magic to make it so I cum an entire pint every single time I orgasm. I went through a whole like, personal growth arc of realizing that I actually wasn’t a guy who wanted to be turned into a cock slut, and was instead a bisexual girl who had misconstrued her desire to be a girl and take dicks as a fetish. But it turns out that I’m actually a woman, a dominant one too, and I actually prefer women to men by a lot, I just didn’t really have the language or context to understand or separate my attraction to men from my desire to be a woman at the time because of cisheteronormativity, toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia and transphobia. Anyway after a whole bunch of really intense introspection and personal growth I became a fully realized person. Basically the exact opposite of what happened with you.”   Finley stared at her Mistress, mouth agape, a little bit of drool trickling from her lips. “Huh?”    “Don’t worry about it. You need to hit the gym tomorrow morning, gotta keep up the physique to please your Mistresses, so it’s time for you to go to bed.”    Finley nodded, she couldn’t wait for tomorrow, going to the gym was her second favorite thing behind getting fucked really hard, and she was sure to get the other thing afterward.  SapphicSounds If you liked this, you can support the creation of more work by giving to my patreon. There you'll find early access content, and some exclusives as well. At time of writing, all my patreon income gets donated to mutual aid, so come for the fun stories, stay for knowing your money goes to those in need!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "513384", "id": "513386", "q": 0.8281818181818181, "title": "A pair of lesbian witches turned me into their herbo sextoy????? - Chapter One and Only", "author": "SapphicSounds", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Gender Bender", "Girls Love", "Harem", "Horror", "School Life", "Smut" ], "tags": [ "College/University", "Comedic Undertone", "Female Master", "Futanari", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Magic", "Male to Female", "Mind Control", "Modern Day", "Modern Fantasy", "R-18", "Transformation Ability", "Weak to Strong", "Witches" ] }
The sun had long set up above the Great Chasm, but the fighting within raged on. In the choking darkness of it's lower reaches, The Hero's Companions waded through a sea of churning demons. Rob stabbed with his spear and slashed with his sidearm, until the sword was bluntened from the abuse of cutting scaly hides and jagged bone. The exploration team realized the demons' nakedness was not out of stupidity or disregard for safety. Round pieces of bone were embedded in their tough hides, a natural armor. Fists crashed against his head and his hauberk, and he was sure his ribs were shattered in several places. Jaws closed over Rob's legs, jagged teeth only kept off by a layer of padded clothing and chain. Claws slammed against his helmet and threatened to rip the coif off of him. He slashed in a wide arc with reckless abandon and skeletal, taloned arms flew through the air. Robert lunged with his spear at the monsters again and again, until the polearm was tangled in entrails. And more and more of them came from all directions, lurching for him, threatening to reach him with scythe-limbs and chattering jaws. And in their horde, misformed things the size of horses crept across the walls and mounds of bodies. Soon, they would approach the front line. Soon, Rob felt they could reach him and throw him into the deep. He held back a scream when a hand touched his shoulder, and a figure emerged, stepping into the deluge of monstrous creatures. "Brace. Yourselves. Companions." HOROLOGIUM II The Hero of Providence pointed his sword up into the air, and a crimson celestial light filled the Chasm. In an instant over one thousand demons were gone, reduced to a sparkling powder. The unspeakable giants had turned to a crystalline crust on the walls of the chasm. Even the deceased fiends, a scattered mass of carcasses and gore, had disintegrated with nary a trace. "SAM!" Rob's one trusted ally in the festering hellhole that was the Chasm, pulled himself up and over the edge of the rocky path, on the verge of slipping. He quickly grabbed the man and dragged him up towards the others, where the Hero's Companions gathered to rest for a time. Before further demonic forces emerged, the pitiful remains of their group, half of the Sage Company, and three fourths of the Warlord company, the only survivors, temporarily broke formation to catch some rest, and the Fell Scholar's students chanted curative spells. Rob first cringed, then hyperventilated, then doubled over and fell, when three broken ribs snapped into place and the lacerations on his neck, arms and legs forcefully sewed themselves together. Liquid grime and coagulated blood oozed from where the wounds once were, proof enough that without the healing, he would've been a goner, high Resistance notwithstanding. Then, the spells reached Samuel, too. MASS CURE I Sam retched violently, taking off his helmet. Half a demon's stinger fell out of a small hole in his stomach. Another half came out through his mouth in a wave of black fluid. And he wasn't alone. A handful of recruits and warrior elites collapsed even after the scholars' healing, foaming and seizing in place until they went cold. Robert was white as a sheet and shaking, holding his companion up and keeping a look-out on the situation deeper within. A churning sea of eyes and mouths. More fiends were soon to arrive. "Is it venom? Can your armor still hold? Get up, come on, hurry up!" Sam struggled to his feet and forced a painful grin. "A magician's healing really stings... I don't know, it's...  Those things on hooves, they had... Stingers? And, ugh-" Sam pointed towards a thumb sized hole in his armor, where he had been stung, or rather, stabbed with a forearm sized needle. Unless a demon were to carefully aim for the broken chain link in the midst of a chaotic melee, his gear would hold: Rob knew that for a fact, even before half-assed self reassurance. Still, the fact the larger forms could so easily pierce armor was more than worrying. "Let's move, Sam. There's no turning back now. And I'm sure as hell not letting you just lie here and let them get you." "You think we'll make it? Where are we even going? What if it's just demons all the way down?" "Then we die. Quit thinking so much. If we try running now they'll shoot us in the back." "Shit..." The front, back and support teams joined together around the Hero of Providence to make up for lost numbers, and half of the Warlord Company moved right ahead, defending any ground gained on the enemy. The Sage Company cast a litany of spells from the back, but all too often they resorted to launching pebbles infused with the celestial light. A magician, after all, is a creature of magic. And MP is spent easily, and difficult to regain in a time of crisis. The flimsy and embarrassing projectiles worked better than Rob had initially thought. A coin sized rock, glowing with the light of a distant nebula, punched a hole through the skull of a demon. How terrifying... Maybe, I should have... SPLIT II QUINTUPLE I HOMING I STAR RAIN V The otherworldly voice of the Sage of Disaster echoed through the tunnel, and light began to gather around a black pipe in his right hand. The light flattened into a circle and split in half. Then, it splintered into five shards. Finally, each shard shot out into the depths of the Great Chasm, lighting up the bloodied rocky walls, and exploded into a buckshot of crackling drops of starlight. Demons howled, blinded by the flash, and the humans likewise shielded their eyes. Only, a man from the Warlord company gasped loud enough at the sight of it that many heard him over the cries of the demons. The tenfold rain of stars that each pursued a target. Like the Hero's light, this magic turned their bodies into powder and smoke. But it was also a torch in the dark. "I can see the bottom! We're almost there!" "HURRAAAHH!! PUSH FORWARD, MEN!" The sight and sound of the Legendary Warlord and his veteran warriors crying out in joy sent the three companies into a spirited charge. The bottom of the Great Chasm.  Finally, they could end it all and come back home. They slashed and pierced and bludgeoned cowering forms that clutched their eyes in pain. The Hero of Providence leapt from step to step and effortlessly slashed through crowds of demonic figures. When his sword had shattered from the force, he grabbed a Companion's sidearm and continued the slaughter. One after the other, they fell. Robert found himself smiling under his helmet in the midst of the slaughter, his breathing ragged. He pushed his body to it's utmost limits to follow the man who so easily ended the lives of monsters who each could threaten small nations. Now, I see it. Now, I can see why they worship him like they do. The grief-stricken frontier towns haunted by beasts and miscreants. "This Hero is the real deal. That's what you're thinking, right?" Sam stood beside him, now wielding someone else's spear. A dumb and reckless adventure, once again. Even if it was their last battle, it was something to reminisce about in retirement. A guard's job and a cosy living. And maybe, after they returned to that quiet province... "Don't say anything about retiring now. It's bad omen- Ugh, shit!" He wordlessly swung his weapon upwards and split the head of a crawling creature up above. "Can you see it? We're almost to the bottom! Just a little further!" "..." He couldn't think of what to say back. Not that he could, seeing as the tide of monsters only somewhat receded, and Rob Road was still a regular nobody, albeit, now, a demon-killing veteran. In that moment, Samuel looked bigger than life in Rob's eyes. It had not been long since he hung off the edge of the chasm with a sword-sized stinger in his belly, and now, he fought almost like the chosen battle brothers of that great old general, Semien Lougove. Together they speared, toppled and slayed what must've now been a hundred demons. Who would've dreamt of such an achievement in an age of peace and mediocrity? It finally hit him. Not just The Hero's Companions, they were now heroes of legend. But even still, something gnawed at the back of Rob's mind. The deeper they delved into the Great Chasm, the more convinced he became. What is this feeling? It's almost like... It's testing us. The Hero of Providence swung a horse-like demon as a club, beating the lesser fiends into pulp. The mere sight of it sent chills down their spines. The closer they were to the end of their journey the more overpowering the stench of demon blood and carrion became. The men braced themselves for the horrors ahead. They pushed on through the last hurrah of the fiendish horde and the stairs-like path widened, until, finally, the exploration team arrived at a flat plane. A plane made of crushed and mangled demons, bodies rotting atop each other. More crawled from among the pile. A near-endless stream. "Assist us. Haude. Maril. Would you?" "OF COURSE." WIDEN IV MIST FORM I LIGHT ARROW I The Sage of Disaster directed his magic catalyst towards the center of the vast chasm, and a field of glowing spears rose from the pungent pile of corpses, far as the eye could see, like fields of golden wheat. And, when the spears of light had turned to mist, so did the corpses. Ash, smoke and powder plummeted a full ten feet down, taking several recruits by surprise. Rob had nearly fallen and snapped his neck in the midst of celebrating the end of the twelve hour battle. "NOW, GATHER AROUND ME. DO NOT IDLE." The companions and warlord company nervously approached the figure with a booming voice and less than trustworthy appearance. The Fell Scholar, waving his catalyst in the air as though searching for something, waited for the crowd to gather. His eyes now glowed through the brass contraption embedded in his face. Rob was left to wonder what it was that caused this. WIDEN II PANACEA III And once again, their back-breaking fatigue had been wiped away, and wounds closed themselves. Many cheered, and the Sage laughed heartily, maybe a tad too much for everyone's comfort. The Hero of Providence stood in the magic's area of effect, as well, and perhaps he needed it more than the others. For, with his superhuman HP bar, The Hero was standing up straight with grievous enough injuries to fell the great Plains Titans that so often single handedly consumed fields of grain and cotton. One had to wonder how he lived despite the pain. And Rob couldn't help but stare. Wounds mended and perimeter secured, the exploration team temporarily relaxed their posture. Robert went to look for his friend in the crowd of scarred and exhausted draftees. Samuel was no worse for wear than the last time he'd seen him. Now that he looked at him carefully, Rob could swear the man had gone up a level. But couldn't be sure. Such a thing was difficult without a shred of MP to spare, after all. For close quarters combatants, especially, either the divine intervention, as with the Hero of Providence, or magical brews, enlightenment, and sometimes near-death states, as with the warrior-elites and noblemen, were required. Now that he thought about it... "A tunnel? Where in the hell..." "Halt, men. Let the Sage Company do it." HIDDEN SPELL I MAGE EYE I One of Haudemaril's students volunteered to scout the tunnel out remotely. He lowered his mask and pushed his index finger into his forehead, and a blue sphere on a string emerged from it. When he pointed his finger towards a downward tunnel in the floor of the Great Chasm, the sphere began to fly inside, dragging more of the string out of his head. Before Rob knew it the Mage Eye became completely invisible, as though phasing out of reality, and so did the string. While the fell scholars discussed what the volunteer saw in hushed tones, the Hero Company and Warlord Company gathered up, voicing complaints and speculating about what lies beyond. Some said it was a gate into the underworld, or the other side of the earth. Others yet said, there was the Mother of All Demons, a massive bee queen-like monstrosity. Even the Old Tactician Semien chimed in, suggesting it was both and neither, or maybe, that it was a buried tower that led to someplace blasphemous. When the most famous man next to the Grand Duke joined in on the conversation the crowd of soldiers and recruits went wide-eyed and lost their ability to speak for a good minute. "TWELVE DEMONS INCOMING." The fell scholar's student announced what he saw with his mage eye for all to hear. At these news, the Hero of Providence stood beside the entrance to the tunnel with a sword at the ready, and ten more strapped to his belt. Since no weapon could withstand his power, all eleven would be needed. Those must've been his so called companions' discarded possessions. At least their weapons would continue to slay the monsters that killed them, Rob thought to himself. It would definitely make up for the act of looting from your former ally's body in his eyes. When the whites of their eyes and their teeth appeared in the tunnel, the hero entered a curious stance and braced himself, gathering up luminous particles from the air. And when they barged in, preparing to rush the humans in a wild frenzy, he unleashed a horizontal swipe that bisected seven of the twelve demons, destroying his weapon. Before the rest had the time to react, when the minced pieces of the half-humanoid abominations still hung in the air, he grabbed another weapon and cut the others down. The soldiers stood mesmerized by the force and precision of his slashes and overhead strikes. "ROUND CHAMBER WITH A SEMICIRCULAR OUTCROP. THE STONE HAS NO MAGICAL PROPERTIES. DEMONS APPEAR FROM THE OUTCROP-" For a split second, the magic string came into view, and fizzled out with a spark. The student volunteer collapsed, clutching his head in a fit of convulsions. "INTER-... FERENCE... THERE IS A... SPELLCASTER INSIDE." The three Companies, or what was left of them, gathered to discuss what they were to. Time was not on their side. Demons would soon come, again, in unpredictable numbers. And because the tunnel had been unclogged, perhaps much faster than before. The Warlord, his chosen advisors, The Sage Haudemoril and the Hero of Providence spoke briefly. Semien was first to speak. "Young man, what do you figure? If we send a runner and hold them off for two days' worth, reinforcements will come and secure this area. In the worst case, it may be smarter to flood this place with water or burning oil." "Situation is. Unpredictable. Decisive solution. Is necessary. The enemy. Must think the same." "I DO NOT FEAR A HERETICAL WARLOCK. THE HERO WILL TRIUMPH WHEN I DISABLE HIS INCANTATIONS." Rob felt a chill run down his spine. They'd head down to where a magician that can cancel others' spells is bringing more demons into the world? Down that narrow and dark tunnel? If something had to go wrong, it would go wrong when they step inside. The last time he ventured down a foreboding path in the dark, he'd been nearly surrounded by feral creatures. And, the most important part in his mind was this: fighting monsters in a sunless hole is bad enough, but fighting mages and their minions? It's a whole different level of foolhardiness. Please, Auciel, and bright lords above... Please look after us... PRAY I His one and only skill had a limit. It could only be used three times a week. Rob wasn't sure of it's effects, but he believed with all his might in the gods' ability to influence fate. What magicians called Celestial Fiat. What the learned elites called Causality. The absolute force determining the flow of events and what brings them into being. One last prayer left. "Attention, recruits! We will head down through the tunnel and secure the demons' staging ground. After their blasphemous spellcaster has been destroyed, we will send forth twelve runners for the heartland and await the Grand Duke's Royal Army. This is the final push. Make your brothers in heaven proud and may their sacrifice be written into legend as that which saved our world and our country. ONWARD, HEROES OF GRANICA!!!" LION'S HEART IV A fire was ignited in Rob's chest, and his body felt light as a feather. There was no one in the crowd who could resist the man's charisma and the spiriting power of his speech. A skill honed by Granica's great strategist throughout his long life as an immovable bulwark against invasion and a crushing hammer against coups and revolts. Due to it's effects, Rob and the others couldn't even consider the fact that Semien Lougove's skill had taken away their free will for it's duration, and deluded them into a sense of false bravado. And they marched inside, cutting through small gaggles of demons on the way through the tunnel. Despite it being caked with grime and despite the increasing size and power of the demons they had to face, it all paled in comparison to the Hero's power and a well organized wall of spears. The creatures oft invoked abilities like the now-deceased feudal lord's [FEAR I], but under the effects of a much more powerful status effect, the fourth tier of [LION'S HEART], the warriors would not even register the demonic howling's effects. With a powerful strike, yet another monstrosity fell, it's head split in half by the Hero of Providence. During the long trip down the tunnel, Rob, to his own bewilderment, became bored. It seemed illogical to want to battle horrors from the deep. Perhaps, one of the effects of the Warlord's ability? And in this boredom, he stared at the demons they'd walked past, studying their features. In the chaos of the melee, he had only figured out their general shape and the strength of their hides and claws. But now, he could see them in all their blasphemous ugliness. The corpse of a blue-skinned demon. It's hide was thick and dotted with non-overlapping scales, some bigger than others. It had a flat, humanoid head, and a body structured like that of person, except hunched over and more powerfully built. A curled red horn protruded from it's nose, separating two slit-like nose holes. It's eyes were large, with a third, transparent eyelid, and it's pupils contracted when exposed to light, despite it's head being detached from it's body. A puddle of violet blood all around it seemed to move slightly, as though attempting to stay alive well outside the monster's body. A bony frame with muscles like corded steel. It's hands had two thumbs and six fingers, with horrid, curved claws. And it's feet were like those of a chicken, but bearing large talons. Beside it, were the remains of a great demonic beast, like those Rob had seen crawling across the walls of the chasm. It was pale, with eight human-like arms in place of legs. A body reminiscent of a slug, with drooping skin, it's bones visible through the translucent exterior. The skin was tough like cloth with metal fibers woven into it, and it's ribs large and flattened, protecting a mass of moving organs within. A long, revolting head emerged from one end of it's barrel like body, without a neck and bearing one giant, swollen eye and an array of thin tentacles. It ended in a fanged mouth, and a long tongue protruded out in it's death. At the other end of the body, was a powerful, tapered tail, which bore a curved stinger at the end, and it was long enough to wrap around the rest of it's body. "Ugh-" The monsters possessed no external genitalia, and their guts moved as though they were snakes. Bundles of odd organs pulsed and sputtered blood and bile. How could a creature so rotten-looking and bizarre even live? Rob supposed they weren't called demons for nothing. A refutation of natural law and the order of things, in the world of men and gods. Perhaps, they came from their own world? A world of demons, and... Evil Gods? Could such a thing even exist? How could an evil creature even be called that? He watched the upper half of a humanoid demon, quite similar to the blue-tinged body they had walked past earlier, moving in an odd fashion. A handful other recruits also took note of this: still alive, but not much of a threat. They observed it with morbid curiosity. "Ba'al-Yasu, Ba'al-Yasu... Ha'ra... Sa'hat... Ba'ar " The creature chanted a repetitive phrase with it's eyes shut and it's hands clasped together, hissing and gurgling as blood flooded it's airpipe. An unsettling thing to observe. Rob, for one, hated to have his questions answered in such a way. They did pray to a god of evil. Then, what was the unspeakable horror they offered praise to? Before they knew it, the exploration team neared the end of the tunnel. And just as they were told, it opened into a large chamber. A domed underground space that howled with a powerful torrent of air, suggesting the Great Chasm extended far deeper than initially thought. There was an outcrop, no, a giant archway leading into darkness, where the floor suddenly cut off to reveal a hole nearly as wide as the Upper Chasm itself. The Hero Company gathered up behind the Hero of Providence, joined by the warriors of the Warlord Company, and the magicians followed close behind. An empty chamber made of smooth rock. Rob could swear he saw faint images, or letters, etched into the walls. GREAT DIVIDE XI The Hero of Providence pointed his sword at the source of a voice that seemed to shake everyone's insides. Rob was only kept from falling over by the effects of [LION'S HEART IV]. He instinctively went to look for Sam, who was just an arm's reach away. Then, he saw a transparent wall of light obstructing the tunnel. The strategist shouted. "Magician, when can you cancel this?!" "I... CANNOT. THIS IS NOT AN INCANTATION." "What do you mean you can't?!" "THIS IS NOT SORCERY! IT'S AN NATURAL SKILL, LIKE YOUR MORALE BOOST!" "Do not waste. Your breath. Look forward." At the Hero's warning, they turned and looked towards the pitch black outcrop. It was as though scales fell from their eyes, and they could see the world for it's wickedness. The Evil God Baal-Yasu has come. It stepped forth from the dark with a jubilant grin. Arms and legs swung into view as it walked, longer than the tallest of trees. It's skin was a grayish blue and covered in spines like needles or javelins. A titan too large to exist. It was thin, and stretched, with a skinless face, like a mummy, or the corpse of a starved man. It was waist-deep in the pit, and it's one eye was larger than ten oxen. Robert could not scream in terror because of [LION'S HEART IV]. When it reached the edge of the pit it was stood in, the creature was fully illuminated by the light of Haudemaril's magic. It had one bulging, dark eye that squinted at the light, and the other was closed, or missing behind thinly stretched eyelids. It had no nose, and instead, had two holes of a violet tinge in its head, which spewed giant torrents of wind as it breathed, threatening to blow the Great Chasm explorers away. It's lips, if it had those to start with, were stretched so thinly on it's skull that large, white fangs and the bones of it's skull, covered with a layer of purple flesh, protruded forward. It's appearance could be compared to a human's but such a thing would both be sacrilege, and an insult to humanity. One curved horn, covered in skin, protruded from it's right temple. Three horns further emerged, curving in the opposite direction, from it to the center of it's head. And a giant, beautiful sword emerged from it's left temple, lodged painfully in it's skull and oozing violet blood. The sword that was depicted in Granica's coat of arms. The sword of Auciel, the Lord of Judgement and Observation. WIDEN VIII ERASE IX Rob felt his body slip out from under him, until Haudemoril, The Sage of Disaster, extended his catalyst and chanted something. DISRUPTION VIII WIDEN VIII was disrupted! The Fell Sage's head exploded into a shower of gore, and over half of the recruits, warriors and magicians jarringly disappeared without trace, like they had never existed. The Three Companies exploded into pandemonium, and the Hero of Providence launched a glowing sword at the monstrosity that loomed over them, before charging in with a swing. Rob covered his mouth and an order came from the Warlord, Semien. "Spread out, now! Whoever has support-type skills, aid the hero! Magicians, attack with celestial powers!" Rob contemplated praying, but with only one prayer remaining, he couldn't bring himself to even risk wasting it. Multiple surviving recruits squinted hard and activated some form of power each. And before their eyes the Hero of Providence got the tiniest bit faster, bigger and more determined. The sword launched by the Hero, probably infused with celestial power, sank into the demon's neck. As they watched in confusion and terror, the hardened steel turned black and dissolving into ash. "What the hell?! Hero, it's-!" OMICRON VII HOROLOGIUM IV The Hero of Providence's celestial element skills shot out of his sword, destroying both it, and his right hand in the process. A brilliant white lance surrounded in red radiance. The demon covered it's eye with one hand, and swiped with the other, hitting the Hero of Providence with enough power to bury him deep in the stone wall of the chamber. The survivors stared in bewilderment. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat.Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. They ran with the hope that perhaps it would get bored or tired. And the Evil God Baal-Yasu crushed the recruits, the students of the Fell Scholar, now in disarray after the death of their master, and the warrior elites alike. On it's face, was a gleeful smile. Rob darted with all of his might for Sam, running faster than he had ever run in his life. "RECRUITS, FOLLOW-" One of the demon's tapered, spindly talons pierced the Legendary Warlord Semien Lougove through his belly, rending his armor asunder. The movement exerted such force that his helmet flew off of his head, and his neck had nearly snapped. The old generals' horrified men watched, as Semien gurgled and screamed, before starting to shrink. His eyes turned to yellow raisins. His skin stretched thinner and thinner over his body, and his muscles and fat vanished from his frame. When only the dark-orange beef-jerky-like exterior of his mummified body was left over his bones, his whole body, as well as his clothing and armor, collapsed into a colorless powder. Rob never stopped running. The Evil God Baal-Yasu pointed his finger at the greatest congregation of surviving humans, and bent down into the pit, reaching for something with his other arm. WIDEN VIII ERASE IX Every single person in the area he had pointed to disappeared. Nothing was left. Not even ash or the dregs of their obliterated clothing. Rob ran and ran, until he knocked Samuel off of his feet and slapped him back to consciousness. The two ran for the crater where the Hero of Providence lay, a heaving pile of meat and bones, still living, and all due to his divine blessings. "HERO! Hero, what should we do?! Do you have medicines on you? Or should-" "..." "What? Where? Tell us, for Gods' sake, please!" "Shtat... Drainh..." Rob turned his head back to the sound of squealing and mad ovations. The Evil God had fished at least two dozen demons from the depths, and put them safely beside the edge, showing them the way towards the surface world. The demons cheered and clapped their hands, prostrating themselves before the creature, singing their praises. LION'S HEART IV Rob's blood ran cold. The demons swelled with bravado and unnatural power, charging towards the three surviving magicians, and a handful of cowering Hero's Companions. A few spells flew their way, and the empowered monsters deftly dodged them all. One of the mages lied prone in a puddle of his own vomit. Several companions clawed at the wall of light preventing them from leaving the chamber. Baal-Yasu moved once again. "A-a-ah-ahhhah-agh" "S-sa-s-sam?" Rob felt a cold mass invade his abdomen, and his spine snapped and creaked unnaturally. Samuel had been squished into him, and he saw a grey claw coming out of his stomach and into Sam's chest cavity. The puddle of the Hero's constituent parts was quickly reduced to ash and smoke. Stat drain. The ability to reduce one's inherent, gods-given attributes to zero. And, apparently, to seize their abilities, too. With a nauseating momentum Rob and Sam had been moved towards the Evil God's face. It observed them with an expression of child-like curiosity and joy evident on it's face. So close to the Evil God, Rob could see a litany of smaller demons climbing around him, and through the crevices of his teeth and spiny covering. He vomited, and prayed for the last time, struggling to think of what he should, or could ask for. The demon's stat drain ability had begun to take effect, starting with the last of his attributes. Rob wasn't sure whether the creature enjoyed the torture, or simply had no other way to absorb one's vitality. LUK 8 => 7 => 6 => 5 => 4 => 3 => 2 => 1 => 0 Please, God, please, help... Please save him! I need to save him somehow! I beg you, God, please! Samuel hung limply off the claw he had been impaled onto, growing cold. And Robert, soon, too, lost his sense of touch, sight, and hearing. A dark and gentle sea consumed him, but even as he died, he grit his teeth and prayed. For his life. For the one man that followed him through thick and thin. For the world that would weep and perish at the hands of a million demons. For his desire to continue living. For the man who cared for him when his mother and father were the roadside and the pecking beak of a carrion-eater. For life. Against death. For salvation. PRAY I ... BAAL-YASU ANSWERED YOUR PRAYERS
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "234320", "id": "235014", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "LUCK=0 (HIATUS) - Chapter 1 – Evil God Baal-Yasu", "author": "FlyAgaric", "chapters": 3, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Horror", "LitRPG", "Mystery" ], "tags": [ "Apocalypse", "Dead Protagonist", "Death of Loved Ones", "Fantasy Creatures", "Gate to Another World", "Gods", "Post-apocalyptic", "Slow Growth at Start", "Weak Protagonist", "Weak to Strong", "World Invasion" ] }
The Coat of Arms of the Grand Duchy of Granica stared down at Rob from the dusty corner of a mold-ridden stables turned barracks. A Land Serpent woven around a sword, and a ring of jewels all around it. A proud and massive beast with a snake-like form, four diminutive legs and a fire-spewing maw. Awe inspiring and mighty, but...  How come great things fall so easily? "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Rob Road?! Seriously? Hey cap, get a load of this guy, can you believe this?!" "We don't have time for humour, sargeant." "Ugh, fine, Kaptain Killjoy, whatever... Ack!" "Chain of command, sargeant. I will be waiting outside." 'SIR YES SIR!" Rob flinched at the sonic boom produced by the feudal lord's hand, as he slapped the soldier upside the head. A hit like that would send him flying, but the man only scratched his head, and went about filling in a heavy ledger. Had the sergeant been normal, like Rob, he would've talked back and showed him the "chain of command" himself. The soldier was a good deal scrawnier at first glance, which only made his minimal reaction all the more unusual. But the strangely named recruit knew full well that he had no business talking back to a man with formal military training and double his worth in levels. It would be the equivalent of a little child arguing with a feral animal. Life threateningly dangerous for the former, and only mildly annoying for the latter. He sighed, leaned back against his seat, and looked around idly, scanning the rows upon rows of bored, shifty-eyed recruits. "You must be used to this by now. I was surprised the first time around, too." "Who wouldn't be? It's all 'cuz pappy dearest thought it would be hilarious to call a kid left by the roadside "Road". I guess it is." "You say that, but these days you're his spitting image. Maybe he just has a wicked sense of humor." "If it's like that, I'll punch him when we're out of that hellhole... Well, what's with that expression? Aren't you glad? This might spell another promotion for Mr. Functioning Member of Society." A tense pause. Rob looked down as if to catch a short break, and then back up. He didn't quite know why he had such a hard time looking that man in the eyes. To compensate, he just stared harder. A young, courteous and well built, gentlemanly warrior with sufficient pedigree to join the honor guard of a backwater noble, and an intense, unwavering gaze that more suited a king. The epitome of what Robert, who had only been called by his full name jokingly, was not. Maybe it stung to acknowledge envy? Or was it something left unsaid? Regardless, Samuel- "Sam, listen-" "Oh my, Robert, you've been staring at me so intensely~ How could you play with a young maiden's heart~" "Oh, shut up, you! Read the room, Samuel Rook, we're going to be diving into hell. Literally." "Hahahahaha! You've always been like this. It really takes me back. You know, I'm glad we can go out on a dumb and reckless adventure again. Maybe without the others this time, but, it's all much more exciting than guard duty." "..." "But, still, those benefits make it all worth it. Have I told you about the benefits? You should really try to join the guard, it's-" "Sam. You're changing the subject." "..." "Listen to me, Sam. I really mean this. Don't die no matter what. Promise you will never march into an early grave for something stupid like heroics, or to save someone else." "Well, what are the odds, I mean, we have the Hero of Providence! And a sage that can bring the dead back to life, too. What's there to fear? The Hero has hunted down a Land Serpent just the other week, you know?" "Sam, look around you. Look at the number of us all. Are we the Hero's Band of Merry Men, or a militia? An army? The answer is cannon fodder, Sam. We'll be in the vanguard, in the melee, what do you think will happen to us with a bunch of demons and guys over level 10 leaping around?" "Well, yeah, but-" "The Duchy is fielding a militia of Skill Holders, and why? If we can't stop the tide, at least our bodies will clog up the entrance. At least we won't turn to banditry and plunder small hamlets near The Chasm when things turn for the worst. Promise me, Samuel. Promise you won't die." "Fine! I swear, you're such a worrywart... I promise I-" "HOW UNPATRIOTIC. I WILL NOT HEAR YOU SPEAKING SUCH VILLAINY UNDER THE LIGHT OF THE HALLOWED LORDS" "Y-Yes sire! Terribly sorry, sire!" x2 Halfway through the conversation, the brothers in arms had started to speak in hushed tones. It was a terrible fright, then, when the bellowing voice of one of the dreaded Fell Scholars, who must've spent no less than half an hour breathing down their necks, interrupted the conversation. Sam was completely petrified and broke out in cold sweat. Rob, meanwhile, dared to look behind him as he sputtered out an apology. A disquieting visage. It had dark priestly robes befitting an ascetic monk, and it's face was obscured by a brass plate. Several small openings around the eyes and mouth revealed a slight glimpse at the scholar's face. It's eyes bulged, and it's mouth quivered with anger. Rob wasn't sure whether something with an appearance so profane could express righteous indignation honestly. But he was smarter than to question the words of a student of the fearsome Sage of Disaster. Visibly upset by Rob's staring, the ghastly being shook its feeble, bony fist in the air, before uttering an incantation. BLINK II With a crackle and a pop, the robed menace was displaced to another location, leaving behind the smell of ozone and nauseating patterns in the air where it stood a moment ago. A good hundred or two of conscripts sighed in relief and bickered amongst themselves, deciding on how to punish the two for drawing the ire of a gods-damned magician. "You've done it now, chucklefucks! What are we gonna do now that everyone in eyeshot of that blind bat is on the Sage Company's shit list?! Huh?!" "Yeah, what now?  It's always the bloody vagrants messing with the brass! Why'd they bring you people in? That's asking for trouble..." "What'd you say city rat?!" In the matter of seconds the makeshift barracks was on the verge of descending into complete pandemonium. They were, after all, explorers, vagrants and hirelings, not soldiers. In a squabble between over a hundred undisciplined superhumans, something awful is bound to happen. Rob and Sam exchanged worried looks at the sight of the growing unrest. And it would've gone far past fistfight and and well into manslaughter and grievous harm, if it hadn't been for the appearance of the feudal lord. He entered the repurposed barn through the main door, and the whole building shook and creaked at his appearance. An indomitable figure with the presence of a natural disaster. He spoke with a voice like thunder.  "STAAAAAAAAND AAAAAAAAT ATTENTIOOOOOOOOON RECRUITS!" FEAR I Rob leapt to his feet faster than he could process what had happened, standing ram-rod straight with his eyes on the lord commander. Would they be led by a veteran Skill Holder? His anxiety about the upcoming expedition let up somewhat. Generals that fight in the front lines, and live long enough to gain such a powerful skill, ought to be smart enough to consider the lives of their men. Or at least, pretend to care. In the corner of his vision he saw Sam's overly dramatic dejected expressions. "Smug prick!" was the only thought on his mind, then.  "We will now move out and rendezvous with the Sage Company and the Warlord Company. We are to arrive at midday. Then, you will hear the Hero's address, and we will enter the Great Chasm. Gather your things and prepare to march. Show your utmost devotion to Crown and Country. You are dismissed." "..." A good three quarters of the recruits collapsed back down when the feudal lord exited the building, huffing and glassy-eyed. On his way to have an intimate moment with the grimy dirt floor, Rob was pulled up by a mysterious force. "You know, the demons we're going to fight later today have all sorts of mind altering skills. I heard all about it from my employer's more... eccentric guests." "O-oh, do they really?" "Yes, so, maybe you should stand up on your own. You're way too heavy." Rob struggled to his feet and looked up at Samuel's unreadable expression. Was he annoyed? Was he smiling? Was he really unaffected by that [FEAR] skill? Leaning up against the wall of the barn, Rob caught his breath and muttered a quiet "Thanks, man". What's that grin for, Samuel Rook? He can be so annoying sometimes, I swear... Before long, all sense of joy was wiped off their faces. The feudal lord, his trusted men, and a handful of soldiers met and corralled them into three squads. After a full headcount, five men turned up missing, and a runner was sent with their names scratched on a menacing piece of parchment. Soon after, they left for the long march towards The Great Chasm. The Hero's Companions. Every able bodied fighter with a skill, recruited, or rather, snatched off the street by a student of the Fell Scholar and coerced into service. They were a gloomy ragtag bunch, marching through open grassland still painted black from a recent bush fire. In the distance, what seemed a mirage, was in fact the mind-boggling vastness of the Great Chasm. From miles upon miles away it already appeared far too large to bear. Someone had vomited at the sight of it. And beside it, a veritable army, framed by small squadrons of black robes on legs. Robert felt an eerie sense of deja vu. It's just like that time, isn't it? No, no, no, this time, this time it has to be different. If it's what those magicians call Celestial Fiat, maybe I will have some peace of mind, but... Should I pray? If Samuel doesn't come back, won't that make two bereaved families and nothing to keep them afloat? If it's just me, it'll hardly make a dent, so, maybe... "Ow." "And after you've told me to look out for my life, you look like you're already giving up yours. Hmmmm... What's the matter Mr. Road? Are you unnerved by all these potholes? Hahahahahahaha!" "Yeah, yeah, you're right." "So you are, sir? How unusual indeed." "Why'd you have to talk that way, man, it's weird. Did you get like that after living in a mansion?" "Hahaha!" A punch to the shoulder and some banter snapped Rob. Before they knew it the conversation was cut short, as the edges of the Great Chasm loomed ahead. A deeply unnerving thing to behold. It was a round, oddly distorted hole in the ground. Almost as though it was formed by stabbing the ground with a stake as wide as the royal capital. It was deceptively smooth, with stairs-like rock formations leading down towards the bottom. Somehow, just facing it made the whole world look painfully tiny. And a deafening wind bellowed from within. "Haunting isn't it?" "Yeah..." The Warlord Company, veteran elites in their prime, camped by the entrance. Seldom, a black shape would crawl out of the pit, and one of the warriors would kick it back in with the force of a battering ram. The Great Warlord, a tactician from the Southern Provinces, Semien Lougove. An old, old man. The battle hadn't even begun, but he had already put on his arms and armor. Under a coif and a helmet, his face was hidden completely, but his voice boomed in a large area regardless, unlike that of regular people. He wore a tabard over his chainmail, with the image of a red dove. And his thirty two trusted warriors did likewise, only their doves were yellow instead. The Sage Company didn't bother to put down tents or make any fortifications as they waited. The scholars slinked back and forth, never sitting down, on their wiry, weak little legs. Common sense dictated they should have keeled over from exhaustion the moment they took a step. However, in truth, they were constantly using a [SKILL] instead of their muscles. The Fell Scholar, Sage of Disaster, Haudemaril, snapped in and out of existence as he moved from place to place, consulting with his students and making notes in a massive grimoire. Unlike his students, the brass plate was driven into his head with spikes. But much like them, his entire form was wrapped in dark cloth, and his limbs were atrophied. Such a creature seemed ill suited for heroics, but perhaps because of that fact, the Fell Scholar might've been the most suited to delve into the Chasm and return victorious. After all, it takes a monster to know one, and knowing an enemy gets you one step closer to defeating it. And, of course, there was him. A single figure standing at the edge of the Great Chasm. His arms and legs were like tree trunks, and his armor and arms were all but a gambeson, pants, boots and a sword. He radiated a sort of power that caused awe, fear and admiration all at once, and when he turned to face the so-called Hero's Companions that had been delivered to him, his eyes looked like a pair of stars that'd been forcefully stuffed into a human body. The Hero of Providence. If he had spoken more often, his name would've been spread far and wide. A messiah, sent by the Gods, both Upper and Lower, to battle evil and the darkness in people's hearts. His features, among other things, were unheard of and unusual to the eye of an average Granican, and so, the Hero was remembered all across the land. And his limited speech suggested divine origins. Rob couldn't help but stare. So this... This is a human that conquered the realm beyond lvl15... APPRAISE III Rob shuddered uncontrollably as the Hero of Providence instantaneously observed the levels, attributes and skills of every recruit before him. A man capable of seeing the true nature of living beings without the appropriate ritual and material components surely carried the blood of the Gods in his veins. The last time Rob saw his own characteristics was some one and a half years ago, when he visited a temple to the Lower God of Judgement and Observation, Auciel, and touched the black stone tablet therein. He faintly remembered his stats, all average except for one.  INFO   STATS  SKILLS  ROB ATK 9  PRAY I  LVL 1 VIG 8    HP: 10/10 DEX 7  MP: 0/0 INT 7  BLD: 100 RES 10  EXP: 012 LUK 8 They could've well changed, especially after dealing with a handful aggressive beasts for a land noble, and clearing out a granary infested with giant rodents, but unless he aged faster than his peers, his stats should've stayed unaltered. Rob prided himself in his 10 points of RES, or Resistance. For a normal, healthy human being, a stat range of 7 to 9 was the norm, with some sickly or stunted individuals dropping all the way down to 5 or even 4. Of course, these attributes were subject to change by disease, curses, aging or magical effects. A 10 in Resistance meant he had an edge in any survival situation, or when afflicted with illness and age-related diseases, so as far as he was aware, Rob was blessed from the word go. But compared to the hero, or noblemen, he was nothing. If he can use an ability like this, his Intelligence has got to be over 30... The lord commander walked up to the Hero and shook his hand before whispering something into his ear. The sun above had already passed it's zenith.  "ATTENTION RECRUITS. THE HERO OF PROVIDENCE WILL NOW MAKE HIS ADDRESS. LISTEN WELL." "..." A deathly quiet enveloped the rendezvous point. The draftees all held their breaths and even the other companies paused, listening in. "This is a fight. For our lives. Give it your all. And don't despair. This is the only way we will win. That is all." Just as Rob had expected, his heart was immediately swayed by the Hero's words. There was a roughness and a breathy tone to his voice, and upon closer inspection, the recruit found out why. The Hero's neck had a massive, disfiguring scar running across it, like someone had attempted to cut off his head a long time ago. Every word had to be painfully forced out. Knowing that he is just a mook, just cannon fodder, and if they succeed, part of the cleanup crew, Rob appreciated the fact this man endured the pain of speaking just to ease their worries and improve morale. Most of the others seemed to think the same: it was evident from their expressions. That, and the fact they had seen the Warlord Company hard at work, knocking level 2-3 demons back into the hole: two or three of them, every five minutes. There's simply not enough battle worthy people to do such a thing from dusk till dawn. Even if they work in shifts, its not something that is possible. And even if it was, assuming the demons were coming from... Somewhere, it would only be a matter of time until this tactic stops being useful. Eventually, they'd be able to casually walk up the ramp they're making with their own corpses.  At the feudal lord's directions, several officers organized the recruits into three teams: the Front, Back and Support units. Rob and Samuel were assigned to the Support unit, and ordered to follow the Hero of Providence and aid him however they could.  The Front unit would fight alongside the Warlord Company to clear a path forward, and battle against the main forces of the demons. The Back unit, and a third of the Warlord Company, would defend the Sage Company, and watch the back line, as well as ensuring a means of organized retreat. And so, at the Hero's word, they descended the Great Chasm. Walking, creeping across narrow portions of the rocky stairs down, climbing down ledges, or in the case of the hero and elites, casually taking ten foot drops. The demons drew nearer. A river of chattering teeth and bulging eyes, moving slowly up the ledges. The recruits steeled themselves. And Robert muttered a quiet prayer, clutching the shaft of his spear like a safety line. "Please, watch over us, Auciel" PRAY I  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "234320", "id": "234352", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "LUCK=0 (HIATUS) - Chapter 0 – Into Deep", "author": "FlyAgaric", "chapters": 3, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Horror", "LitRPG", "Mystery" ], "tags": [ "Apocalypse", "Dead Protagonist", "Death of Loved Ones", "Fantasy Creatures", "Gate to Another World", "Gods", "Post-apocalyptic", "Slow Growth at Start", "Weak Protagonist", "Weak to Strong", "World Invasion" ] }
Evander sat on a branch, bow in hand, waiting. His legs had fallen asleep hours ago, but he knew it would be worth the wait in the end. His brother Aldric was somewhere on the other side of the woods. With any luck, he had yet to find his target. Evander would not let himself be beaten by him again.   He heard the snapping of a twig somewhere below, but looked down to see nothing but a rabbit hopping away. He sighed, and pushed some of his messy hair out of his eyes. He knew his father would force him to get it cut soon, but he thought he looked better with it a bit long. He remembered crying when he was younger, after having his hair forcibly cut. Evan knew not to make that mistake again.   His reminiscing was cut short by a flash of fur from through the branches. He nearly fell out of the tree as he scrambled to get a look at what had just ran by. Standing about twenty feet below him, in the form of a grey wolf, was a witch’s familiar. The beast that Evander needed to kill. It looked up at him, its red eyes shining with an intellect that unnerved Evander. He knew it was just a witch’s puppet, yet he still felt a pang of guilt because of what he had to do.   Drawing his bow, Evander notched an arrow and took aim. The beast below simply stared at him, as if the weapon being aimed at him was as intimidating as a ladybug. Evander hesitated, waiting to see if the familiar would make a move. He blinked, and in that brief moment, the wolf leapt, ascending nearly twenty feet in a single jump. It landed on the branch Evander was sitting on, startling him enough that his hand slipped, letting the arrow fly right past the wolf. The beast jumped on top of Evander, letting out a low growl. Evan desperately fumbled for his knife, his shaking hands making gripping it difficult. The wolf, seeing Evan reach for the blade, knocked it off the branch. The color in Evander’s face seemed to melt off. Evander’s brow was sweating enough to fill an ocean. He was at least glad no one would see him die in such a cowardly state.   The wolf leaned in, taking in Evander’s scent. It looked back at him with confusion in its eyes. The hostility it had so easily displayed a moment ago flew away, replaced with an easygoing curiosity. Evander’s own inquisitiveness was mixed with much more fear. What had the wolf picked up that would cause such a change in its behavior? Before Evander could even blink the wolf leapt off the branch, landing quietly below. It bolted into the trees, leaving Evander alone with his fear and bewilderment. *** Fort Blackwater was not the most horrible place to have grown up. There was always a plethora of meats and pastries in the kitchens, and sturdy walls to protect the people, and a decently sized library that Evander liked to spend his time in. But the imposing place had never felt warm to him. There seemed to be a sort of spiritual chill that permeated the fort. It felt like a castle cursed for the misdeeds of those who inhabited it. But that made no sense to Evander. His father had gone to great pains to drill into his sons’ heads the righteousness of their cause.   Their family had been Witch Hunters for generations. Lord Ulysses, Evander’s father, said that their family line could be traced back to the Great Burning of 709 A.E., when most of the witches in Santo Tierra had been banished to Hell. The Ulysses family was one of the oldest families of Witch Hunters, and one of the last. Most of the other great families had been killed in the many wars against the God scorned witches. Lord Ulysses was oft quite eager to tell tales of their family’s victories against the witches. Evander had a suspicion that his father had not read much of what was written about their family.   “A Written History of the Ulysses Clan” was a tome whose sole purpose seemed to be gathering dust before Evander found it in a forgotten corner of the library. It had rested undisturbed ever since the departure of Evander’s mother some years ago. One of the only things she had left Evander was her love of history. Whereas Aldric had been taken by tales of knights and dragons as a child, Evander had consumed historical volumes with the hunger of a starving wolf. History was not only fascinating to him; it also provided a link to the person Evander missed every day. He still didn’t understand why she’d had to leave. No amount of pestering could pry that knowledge from his father’s cold hands. ***   Having gotten back from his bizarre encounter with the familiar, Evander had made his way straight to the library. It was the most comfortable room in the keep to him. It was both where near limitless knowledge was stored, as well as being the place tied to the strongest memories of his mom. He grabbed a flagon of ale from the kitchen and made himself comfortable sitting up against a bookshelf. With a blanket wrapped around him and a mug at his side, Evander dove into the text detailing his families exploits.   Evander had gotten back home sometime in the late afternoon, so he had one or two hours to indulge himself in a bit of light reading before dinner. He wanted to lose himself in some comforting escapism before having to sit through that. He flipped through the yellowed pages back to where he had left off, sometime around when his great grandfather had become the family patriarch. His eyes flew easily across the faded text. Great granddaddy had apparently been an influential fellow. At only 24 he had seized Fort Blackwater for himself after a seven-month siege against the previous inhabitants. He had then gone on to lead one of the last great hunts against the witches. He had apparently led an army into the Wild Wood and burned down one of their last great strongholds. Evander found that the rest of the man’s life was largely unnoted. One thing the book did mention was the man’s lust for cruelty. Evander decided he didn’t need to read about a subject like that.   Evander untangled himself from the warm little cocoon he’d made and shambled over to the most commonly trafficked part of the library, the shelf housing books on witch hunting. Evander himself spent a fair bit of time there, he would sometimes read aloud for those in the keep who could not. He was there to find a specific volume, “Osmund’s Compendium of the Creatures of Hell.” Evander felt the work too be a bit overdramatic in its descriptions, but most hunters vouched for its accuracy. With practiced deftness Evander turned to the chapter regarding familiars. “As some among the Holy Hunters may be aware, most witches keep loathsome little demons dubbed ‘familiars’ by the God rejecting harlots. These fiends commonly take the appearance of mundane beasts, though this is not always the case. The fact that they are capable of camouflaging themselves makes discerning their true appearances a test. One should always be vigilant, or find oneself being dragged to Hell by the beasts. Queer behavior by the creatures is one of the easier ways of identifying them. Their intelligence is closer to a human’s than that of normal beasts. This is, however, a double-edged sword, gifted to us by God. One of the skills of the familiars is the ability to discern magic users. If one can be captured, the creepy little creature can be used to hunt the very beings it’s meant to protect. God does seem to love his little jests.”   Evander carefully put the book back on the shelf, more confused than he had been when he began. Was that what had happened with the wolf familiar? That made no sense. No one in the Ulysses family had any magical capacity, any who had would have been promptly dealt with. What else could it have been, then? As Evander sat there contemplating one of the servants came in, beckoning him to dinner.   Family dinner was, as usual, a rather annoying affair for young Evander. Despite eating at a table that could comfortably house twenty people, only four chairs where present, with only three of them filled. Evander and Aldric sat across from one another, with their father alone at the end of the table. There were only ever two states of conversation during dinner, awkward silence rarely broken by forced conversation, and bad-tempered bickering mixed with the boastful tales told by Lord Ulysses. That night seemed to be an argument evening. Dinner had started off in peaceful awkwardness. Roast pork was brought in and the three men ate in silence, until the peace was snuffed out by Aldric.   “Hey Evan,” Aldric sand with a small little smirk “how’d the hunt go today? I didn’t see you return with the prey, did ya leave it in the woods, perhaps?” Evan suppressed a sigh; he’d been dreading having to talk about that. “It ran away, unlike some people here, the prey I hunt isn’t dumb enough to be caught by someone who couldn’t find a deer in an open field.” “Oh, piss off about that, you know that wasn’t my fault.” “Yeah sure, it was the deer that got you so wasted you couldn’t find your own dick.” “Least mine can be found, yours is so small it may as well just be a girl’s snatch.” Lord Ulysses’ eyes bulged at the last comment, and he slammed his fist down on the table. “If you boys do not quiet yourselves I will gladly do it for you. Aldric, I will not hear any unholy utterances of your brother being in any way a woman ever again. If I should I promise you I will shove your head into the fireplace so that you may have an early taste of Hell. You know what The Dios Libro says about men who wear women’s clothes. I will not have any kin of mine disobeying God’s will. I will bring out the whip should you two not behave.” Dinner was quite quiet after that little outburst. Both of the boys knew not to test their father. The soft clanging of silverware filled the dining hall, and everyone retired to their quarters.   Evander had a sizable room at the top of the eastern tower of the fort. Other than the library it was one of the few places that he felt comfortable in that cursed keep. He was sitting by the window, a stack of books next to him. The view was spectacular. The night was clear, so the stars were free to soar across the sky. The moon shone brightly enough that the Wild Wood was unusually well lit. Evan could see into it far more than usual. He knew that somewhere in those woods lurked the Night Witches, one of the last great clans of witches. He knew that the woods were unfathomably dangerous, even veteran hunters avoided the woods unless absolutely necessary. Despite that, something about the woods seemed beautiful in an ethereal way. He almost felt like there was a power that it emanated, warm and pleasant, like laying in a field of wheat on a summer’s day. Evan luxuriated in that feeling, and as quickly as it arrived in faded away, leaving him cold and lonely. He felt frustrated and confused, but decided that he would leave those feelings for future Evan to deal with. He changed into some soft pajamas, climbed into bed, and swiftly fell asleep. And somewhere, deep in the woods, a wolf returned to their master, bringing with them the most interesting gossip.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "203280", "id": "203282", "q": 0.9172727272727272, "title": "The Witch Hunter - Chapter 1 – I Saw You Sitting There", "author": "SugarVampire", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 9, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Gender Bender", "Historical" ], "tags": [ "Abusive Characters", "Beast Companions", "Empires", "Evil Religions", "Hunters", "Medieval", "Religions", "Transgender", "Witches" ] }
[Note: I did my research on Hollywood but I'm not a perfect person. There are probably some things that I don't know. So if I missed something important, or if my information is wrong, I just want to apologize.] Hollywood What If Chapter 2 "Looks like it's time to get up." Kazir yawned and looked at his watch. To be honest, he hadn't slept well last night. His mind was too active. He was excited for some reason. Kazir checked into a motel for a night's sleep. He was a freelance director who was doing his best to get a big project. He was 26 years old and already had three films on his resume. 'Although I've made more than that since I'm from the future. ' He was confident in his experience. "Let's check the Writer's Guild of America first." As a director and movie fanatic, Kazir already had a movie that he wanted to make. He knew a lot of movies that would win at the box office. Some movies were available for him, they were original screenplays of course. 'In this era, there are thousands of movies and some of them have a budget of over 100 million dollars. But that's not my goal.' He knew damn well that no one would invest and let him direct a movie with that budget. But Kazir was undeterred. 'I have faced obstacles all my life. I can say that my current predicament is not so bad.' His goal was to make a film with a budget of 30-40 million dollars. "To be precise, my goal is..." If his plan failed, he had other methods. He took a shower, went out of the motel, and called for a taxi. He reached the Writer's Guild and entered without a problem. After all, he was a member of the Writer's Guild. A few minutes later... "Thank you." Kazir smiled at the guard after leaving the Writers' Guild. He asked the people inside and confirmed one thing. The script has not been registered yet. That means it hasn't been created or is in the process of being created. The Writer's Guild was the home of many scripts. Writers would register their scripts in the Writer's Guild to get their scripts protected. There were cases of Hollywood companies making the same movies with almost the same plot. Such as "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon", "White House Down" and "Olympus Has Fallen". The Writer's Guild protected the rights of screenwriters in Hollywood.  "Great, now I know where to start!" He laughed like a madman, and people looked at him in confusion. Kazir rented a typewriter and began his work. He had to write the script, the proposal, and the budget for the movie. Hollywood companies would laugh at him if he face them without these. His fingers tapped away at the hard keyboard. The typewriter was a bit clunky, and the sounds it made were repetitive but soothing, at least to Kazir. "This." He rubbed his eyes and looked down at his writing. Three hours had passed and he had only written 2500 words. He made typos on the way. "It will take me at least three to four days to finish everything." But it didn't matter, Kazir was motivated. He easily forgot that he had just been divorced and that his house was no longer in his name. Well, for him, these things happened 2 decades ago and he had already moved on. Having lived his life, he became much more mature and calm. In the office of New Line Cinema, they had a meeting about their plan for the next year. They have to make a proper plan for the movies they have to release. They take this very seriously because one wrong move could put them out of business. "As of September 16, "The Mask" has grossed $106 million domestically and it's expected to go up. The movie's performance is strong and everyone likes Jim Carrey's acting. They were happy to hear that their movie made a lot of money at the box office. They clapped, a simple celebration at the moment. "Everybody, good job." As CEO of New Line Cinema, Robert Shaye was happy to see his company win. Despite the fact that New Line Cinema had been acquired by Turner Broadcasting System, Robert Shaye was still in control of the company. "Now, gentlemen, let's talk about today's agenda." He looked at the board of directors and the people in high positions. .......... ....... ... "It didn't end well, again." Kazir drank from a bottle of water. He felt hydrated after wasting his saliva trying to convince the producer from 20th Century Fox. He just left the building and the conversation was not good. He talked to one of the producers for a few minutes, but the man didn't listen to him at all. The producer just told him to give his script to the management and they would call him if they were interested. He understood their process very well. The producer sugarcoated it, but it meant no. They were not interested in his script. 'I know they will never call me. They have thousands of scripts in their vault and most of them never became a movie.' He laughed. "Well, let's go to another company. I have three more targets." Kazir had already contacted the 6 giant Hollywood companies and they were not interested in his script. What they said was exactly the same - 'Give the script to management and they'll call him if they were interested.' "I hope this company will agree. After all, this movie was produced by them." From the moment Kazir regressed, he understood that the future would change. But he wanted to keep the timeline as original as possible. "If this doesn't work, I'll go with plan B." Calix called a taxi. His car was broken and it was still in the repair shop. 'Cassandra didn't fight to get my bumpy car because it's already old and she has her own car.' That bumpy car was his only remaining possession. Half an hour later, he was standing in front of the New Line Cinema. The distributor of his movie in the future. 
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "719606", "id": "720348", "q": 0.5472727272727272, "title": "Hollywood What If - HWI CHAPTER 2", "author": "Pujimaki", "chapters": 2, "rating": 3, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Fanfiction", "Historical", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Hollywood", "Acting", "Based on a Movie", "Business Management", "Celebrities", "Determined Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Modern Knowledge", "Poor to Rich", "Reincarnation", "Second Chance" ] }
*Cough cough* "Geezus the heck was that smoke!" Didn't they ban using those fuel that produce those dark tinted smoke already?  I exclaimed as I wave my hand trying to clear the smoke away as to regain my vision.  And regained my vision I did, but something's amiss.  Instead of the sidewalk i was in just a second ago, I found myself in a vast plain. With a dirt road visible nearby and just number of trees here and there.  “Uh... Where the heck am I?“ Starting to panick a little, I repeatedly rubbed my eyes trying to discern if what I'm seeing is indeed the reality and not some hallucination shit.  And indeed it was, as gust of wind suddenly blowed swaying the never ending grasses on my sight.  "This feels too real to be some kind of dream... Heck I didn't even got hit by the truck, was just a smoke I went through, rather it was the truck... that... run... past... me.."  Holy shit it was still a truck, I didn't know smoke can distort space and time.  Getting isekaid, was something I also wished for when I was at my chuuni age, but as a 20 years old guy enjoying his life alone... Isn't this kinda too late already?  I didn't even die... It was just like woosh, and suddenly I'm in this world now. This is really troublesome. No premise about the world, no goal, and not an ounce of an idea where am I...  "Well shit. I'm just gonna follow this road and find out where it leads me." And thus, this 20 years old guy, with the instant ramens he has on his plastic bag begun to march.  With no idea on goal in his mind, he just walked mindlessly, as to where his foot will take him? No one knows, not even the author since all of this is written on the spot!  Getting back, where will this abrupt isekai adventure take him... Stay tuned to find out!  Eucia Hello everyone as I've mentioned earlier, I just wrote this because I wanted to, and it's on the spot so I really have no idea where this story is going. With this unpredictability it might just go downhill or whatever. Even so I will do my best to write and entertain everyone, I hope for everyone to read and enjoy this novel too, I am very open for suggestions and will gladly read your comments!!  That is all, have a nice day everyone~~
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "655285", "id": "655302", "q": 0.91, "title": "Isekai. - Abrupt Isekai", "author": "Eucia", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adventurers", "Demons", "Guilds", "Monsters", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Reincarnation", "Sword And Magic" ] }
[Note: This is still experimental and I don't know if it's possible to update it every day. Just comment below if you want this novel to be updated]. Hollywood What If Chapter 1 "Mr. Gray? Can you hear me? Do you understand what I'm saying?" A lawyer asked him worriedly. "Huh?" Kazir Gray jumped out of his seat. He gasped as he looked around. His lawyer next to him was also surprised. 'What is this? Where am I? What is happening?' Three W's questions hit him as his heart continued to beat fast. His face was red as if he was having a seizure. "Don't look at me like that! I know you're just acting to make me feel bad! Kazir, that will not work on me!" A woman in her early 20s grumbled and glared at him hatefully. "Cassandra? Why are you here? I thought we were over?" "Yes, we are definitely over!" The woman, Cassandra, glared at him for some reason. Suddenly, an unbelievable idea hit his aching head. '... Have I returned to the past? ' Kazir Gray died in an accident when he was 59 years old. He was hit by a truck and thought his life was over. He regretted many things, but he knew he could never bring back the past, but... 'I am back.' He thought to himself. Kazir was a small director and he made a few movies. Unfortunately, only a handful was released in theaters and his works never became famous. "Wow!" Despite a painful headache, Kazir chuckled. "What's wrong with you? This is why I want to leave you." Cassandra looked at him with a hateful glare, but Kazir didn't care. 'I have already moved on. Sure, I regret our separation, but I don't want to be with you, not anymore.' Kazir remembered that today was supposed to be the day he became single again. 'This is the room where I will sign my divorce papers.' He looked at Cassandra's lawyer. "I understand, Mr. Grey, but you have to realize that your wife doesn't love you anymore." The lawyer sighed. He thought Kazir had completely lost his mind because of his suspicious behavior. Fortunately, Kazir seemed only shocked. "I know a lot of people who get depressed after divorce, but you have to be strong." "You don't have to lecture me. You're my wife's lawyer, so fuck off." "Excuse me?" He was stunned because Kazir's attitude had turned 180 degrees. The man regained his composure and looked at his wife. "Cassandra, I just want to say that you are a big fucking whore. While I'm working hard to give you everything you need and want, you cheated on me with a rich guy and lost my trust. And now you want half of my money? What a fucking bitch you are." "Kazir Gray! Don't talk to me like that!" "You are a fucking bitch. And you know what, I don't care about you. Not anymore. If you want everything I have, go ahead. You can have it." "Huh!" She scoffed. She had to take his property after the divorce and she didn't care about Kazir. The divorce settlement stated that Cassandra would not ask for alimony, but she would get the house and half of his savings. 'He's poor, so he doesn't have anything to give. I might as well take the house.' Their marriage was warm and loving at first, but Cassandra wanted more and Kazir could not give it to her. So she found a sugar daddy and cheated. "You want the house? Okay, fine." Kazir signed the papers. He didn't bother to read them because he knew most of them. His lawyer was next to him, and he was surprised that his client didn't resist at all. He easily accepted the terms. His only possession, the house, he didn't need anymore. He was disgusted by Cassandra's deception. 'They used my house while I was working. They can eat it all they want.' "Now that it's over, I want to leave this place." Kazir didn't want to stay in this place. His ex-wife's face was so ugly that he wanted to break her nose. "..." Cassandra was really confused. She thought that Kazir would defend himself and protect his property. She hadn't expected him to agree so easily after the first confrontation. "Not that it matters, I have his house and 17 thousand dollars in the bank." She didn't spend any money on the house, it was all out of Kazir's pocket, but she got the house easily after the divorce. What a great way to live! Kazir and his lawyer parted ways after the meeting. "Thank God I'm still alive." Kazir knew the future, and the divorce case lasted a year and took all his energy. He was depressed for a long time. "But this time I will never do that. I have already moved on. Since I'm going to lose the house anyway, I might as well give it up earlier." He sighed and sat down on the bench. His head no longer hurt. Instead of feeling sad, he felt wonderful that he was still alive. He also returned to the past. 'I don't know what happened, but I will cherish this chance.' With his memories of the past, Kazir would do his best to live the best life. "Now, let's start by finding a place to sleep..." The remaining balance in his account was 17 thousand after Cassandra 'stole' half of it. "That's enough to live on for a few months." He smiled. In his opinion, money was not a problem. He could invest in companies like Apple and Google. "I don't think Google exists yet. It's October 1994." After taking a few minutes to rest and calm his mind, Kazir decided to take his first step. 'In my whole life, the biggest regret I had was that I failed to make a successful movie.' His decision was firm. He knew he could not be the "king of the world" like James Cameron, but he was confident that he could make great movies. "After all, I know the movies that will win the theaters."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "719606", "id": "719609", "q": 0.5472727272727272, "title": "Hollywood What If - HWI Chapter 1", "author": "Pujimaki", "chapters": 2, "rating": 3, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Fanfiction", "Historical", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Hollywood", "Acting", "Based on a Movie", "Business Management", "Celebrities", "Determined Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Modern Knowledge", "Poor to Rich", "Reincarnation", "Second Chance" ] }
*kaclop kaclop kaclop kaclop* The sound of the horse's foot steps can be heard as the cart creaks along the road.  "Man, thanks for the ride, I'm totally beat" I've been walking when the sun is still rising, now it's already set, me meeting him on the way is really life saving. "Gahahaha! Don't mention it young man, I also was an adventurous lad when I was your age!" The old man said enthusiastically with laugh. "Hahaha this isn't really an adventure old man, let's just call it finding a play to settle down temporarily"  That's right, I need to have a temporary base of operations as I learn about this world and to maybe find a goal or a reason why I was sent here.  "How come? Lads your age are usually raring for an adventure!"  Here it is, time for operation simple and inconspicuous background to commence!  "I actually have no memory of who I am, I just woke up earlier today and have been walking without a destination" I said lightheartedly.  "I just figured, if I find a place to settle down and to learn about the world, I might remember who I am" I added.  "I'm sorry to hear that young man, I'll tell you what, you can come with me to my farm and sleep in my barn free of a charge tonight, you just need to help me with some stuff. "  "And then tomorrow you can come with me to the city, I'll introduce you into a friend of mine and we'll see what he can do about that situation of yours" The old man said patting my back.  "Really? Thank you so much old man!"  "No problem kid, and speaking of the farm, I can see it on the horizon, it's just a few neighs left"
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "655285", "id": "656329", "q": 0.91, "title": "Isekai. - 2", "author": "Eucia", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adventurers", "Demons", "Guilds", "Monsters", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Reincarnation", "Sword And Magic" ] }
I sipped on my coffee off in the corner of the break room, loud celebrations going on surrounding me. The annual christmas party right before regular work stopped for the holidays. Factory and the labs were both closed down, all that was left open was the cubicles for the little shindig. Pavlovs were out of state on some big year end corporate meeting too, so it was much more paired down than usual. Sure makes my job easier; not much to secure when you’ve only a few people drinking a little champagne by a fake tree to worry about. My duties basically amount to ‘make sure the speakers don’t disconnect from the playlist on your phone’ and ‘keep out of the way of everyone else so you don’t ruin their good time’.  Everyone was so snide, so much smarter and more accomplished than me. No reason to interact with the security guy. Especially since I was barely qualified for the job anyways. Everyone else here are basically geniuses right? Why rabble with the common folk who luck into their jobs? “Hey champ, you holding up?” Well, except one person. A light punch against my shoulder jostles my coffee about a little, spilling on the ground. She sits down next to me, cradling some drink or other of her own. “I know you’re not great with crowds and all, but I’m glad you stuck around this time.” I grumble a little at her, shrugging and setting my coffee down. “Not like I really had a choice, Stace. I’m on call, since you guys decided to have the holiday party in the building this year. Until one of you’se grows yourself one of these,” I fiddle with my little wireless dongle, flipping it between my fingers like a coin, “then you’re stuck with me.” She shakes her head at me, sighing. Basically my only friend in the world and even she barely can stand me. “It was here or nowhere, with my folks gone. We’re lucky it’s even happening, planned on such short notice.” “Not so lucky if it means I have to be there too. I’m sure you all would have a better time without me.” She boops my nose softly. “You need to stop putting yourself down like that. People here would like you if you would just let yourself be liked. Show them the you that you show me.” She flicks my forehead softly, inadvertently scratching me with her slightly clawed nails. They’ve got this really pretty green and red pattern painted on them today. “And stop implying that you’re replaceable, Chet. And no, not because you’re the only person in the world crazy enough to hijack your own spine for your job.” I shrink in towards myself, as much as I could. “Yeah, but it worked right?” When I was a younger teen, I was struck by a car. Asshole came up out of nowhere blowing a red light and slammed right into me, crushing my spine. No one ever found the guy either, so he didn’t even have the decency to get caught for it. Docs said I likely would be permanently paralyzed, at least from the neck down, and I should consider myself lucky that I had even that. There were all kinds of nerve damage, I went from not feeling my body at all to being overwhelmingly hot or cold, immeasurable pain to absolutely nothing. There was nothing rehabilitation could do, surgery had done the best it could to keep me alive at all. Insurance had capped out what they were willing to pay for. And then, right as I was facing down the idea of living my life as a paraplegic, our family gets contact from Alex and Melissa Pavlov. Married couple, one a magitek researcher and the other a medical scientist. Coincidentally they were in the middle of doing R&D on how to improve different mobility enhancement tools. Apparently they heard about my case on the news and wanted to help me out, fully pay and develop a medical device for me. To this day I’m not sure if they were just extremely kindhearted or needed someone who wouldn’t mind being experimented on, considering I was one of their first patients. They spent long hours for months and months working on me and designing different ideas on how to fix my spine. Often they would bring their daughter Anastasia too, who was just a little older than me. Eventually we became pretty close friends, and then too the Pavlovs became close family friends. They would come to our place for dinners, us to theirs. I was there for her when she was coming to terms with being a lesbian, she was there for me when I had my darkest days over my immobility. They were like a second family to me.  And after some work and a lot of spit and prayer, the madmen pulled it off. I had essentially an entirely cybernetic spine. Almost overnight I went from barely being able to move my head to getting my limbs back in control. Sure, I needed years of rehab to actually be able to use them, and I would never become a track star. But compared to what I was looking at before it was basically a miracle.  I know I should have been happy with that, I had my life back. But it’s hard not to look a gift horse in the mouth, ya’know? The wreck had taken any ability to do manual labor away from me. I often get fatigued easily. You can’t just go from years of non-use back to 100%. After long days I have to resort to using a cane to get around, sometimes on bad days a chair. That’s more than fine with me, but I also didn’t have much worth in the intellectual fields. I was honestly struggling with school before the crash; afterwards I was years behind my peers before I even could think about education again. I ended up barely getting my GED after dropping out of school altogether. I was frankly worried that I would never be anything more than a parasite on my family’s good will, even after my gift. It was the Pavlovs who came to my rescue once again. They were over for dinner with our family one night, celebrating. Their startup had been picking up steam after the public success of my operation, and had just been bought out by Kalny Manufacturing. Win-win: the Pavlovs get to help a lot more people, and Kalny gets to dominate yet another space. The two of them were going to be made heads of the all new medical and cosmetic division, and were being relocated to a much larger integrated lab/office to run out of. They wanted them to improve all their medical devices and work on a machine that could assist a surgeon, or even automate the process. (They also ‘encouraged’ branching out into cosmetic prosthetics too, but no one really found that all that objectionable.) Alex brought up getting Stace an entry level job there too as one of the receptionists (a little nepotism never hurts), and then asked if I would like a position too, watching the cameras.I was elated, of course I jumped at the prospect. Unfortunately it wasn’t just cameras; there was an entire dataset and system that I was expected to watch over. Apparently they had long ago consolidated the two positions (since IT professionals are so much more expensive to hire. Just get the security guy to watch these too!) Higher ups claimed it would be fine, that basically anyone could watch them with their sophisticated self regulating tech. But I struggled hard to understand what was happening and what I should be doing even with a ton of prompts. When the branch manager came in to “check in on me” and sent one of their robots in to communicate with the system while I followed it I knew the writing was on the wall. Obviously I was failing at the job. I just new that Alex stuck his neck out for me to have another chance, especially after seeing they could just automate the job away if they really wanted to. I had to be drastic, or else I would be back on my ass again. I had just moved out of the family home, and worse yet I moved in with Stace as a roommate. I couldn’t turn my tail and demand either of them take care of me again, I couldn’t afford to lose this job.  That’s when I got a desperate idea, one way to make myself absolutely irreplaceable. The way that the robots would communicate to the system was through a wired connection with their neural chips; chips that I distinctly remembered were the basis for the nerve system in my spine. All I had to do was convince a technomancer to modify my cybernetic in order for me to use the system like the robots do. I never even went to Alex about it. Even though he would obviously be the best possible choice and would have nailed the work, he never would have put me in risk like that. Instead I found some back alley mage who was happy to risk killing me to see if he could do something weird and new. He took about a week looking at the two systems before transmuting the hardware into a frankenstein of the two, adding on any of the parts needed so I could use the system just like them.It was stupid and dangerous and it worked. All I had to do was plug into the system just like the robots, and I could navigate the system like I was having a conversation in my head. It went from being mystifying to intuitive. And I was the only person in the world who could do this for them. The ease and full control of their AI, but with actual human decision making and monitoring. Alex was disappointed in me, but the higher ups loved the outcome. Along with pressuring more cosmetic procedures (since elective surgery means a wider customer base), they also demanded Alex work on prototypes for ‘human enhancement’. I’ve been in the position for years now, and I’ve never seen him fully complete one. Just build it up to theoretically close to finished only to move on to the next project and keeping them distracted with the shiny new unethical ideas. Stace pings me on the forehead again. “You could have handled it on your own, you know. Moved up the ladder if you wanted, too. You’re not as helpless as you think you are Chet. You just have to stop thinking so much and learn how to jump.”     Chet murmurs a little, pulling on the ponytail he always insisted on keeping his hair in. “You always say that. It’s not overthinking, it’s planning ahead.” I roll my eyes and tisk. “It’s catastrophizing.” He looks down in shame and mumbles something, and I sigh. Aw geez, I didn’t want to make him feel worse than he usually did. I rest my hand on his knee, rubbing it a little. “It’s ok. I just want you to be kinder to yourself.”His eyes follow my fingers around, pretty unsubtly staring at my nails. I wiggle them around playfully, letting the light glint them as he watches. He scoffs and looks up at me, laughing. “Yeah, they’re nice. I still liked the silver ones better though.” “C’mon, I told you! It’s christmas! Where’s your spirit?” I nudge him gently, laughing with him. “You know, if you liked the silver so much you should have come with me and gotten them yourself.” He just scoffs and pushes back on me with a smirk. “C’mon Stace. Guys don’t do that.” I sigh and roll my eyes. “You know you can be really ridgid about these things, sis.” He makes a little ‘ha ha’ motion and tries to flick me back. I pretty easily move out of the way though, slow as he can be. It’s always fun teasing him like that; way back when I had first come to him for help about maybe being a lesbian, he finished the convo saying that I was like a sister to him. I ended up bungling my words and said he was a sister to me too. Got beat red, seemed to have a little mini meltdown. It was very adorable honestly. He never said it again, but every now and then I can get a rise out of him by calling him that. I expected him to have some kind of retort to me, but instead he scrunched his eyebrows up and put up one of his fingers. “Hey, shh for a second, I’m getting a message.” He nods along in silence for a minute, then turns to me. “Sorry Stace, something’s wrong with the system. I’ve got to go check on that. Stay here, I’ll be right back.” He quickly gets up, grabbing his cane and walking over to the security room. I sigh, turning back to my drink, swirling it around. Screw it, I’m gonna go watch him work. He’s not getting away from interacting with us that easily. I enter, shutting the door behind me. He spins around in the command chair to watch me come in. “I don’t know if you should be in here Stace. What if the higher ups dock you for snooping?”I laugh and take a sip of my drink. “You’re not even supposed to be working right now, they could have sent a robot. I don’t think they care.” He just shrugs and goes back to typing on the keyboard, clicking around on the screen. “So what’s the situation?”He leans in, mumbling to himself. “I don’t know. I got an alert that there was something wrong with our network. I’m trying to see what tripped it, and make sure the database is still protected.” As he says this, he pulls his hair apart from his ponytail, slender fingers tying it up higher to be off his neck (as he claims the connection is better when the line is clearer). It struck me, not for the first time, how pretty Chet was. He was always a small, lithe thing. Being immobilized in your formative years will do that to you, no matter how much strength you regain later in life. He never leaned into it though, all baggy soft clothes and sharp angles. Never took much care of his appearance outside of his hair which he always lavished. Didn’t stop him from having a ton of opinions on my looks though. When it came to me he was a little fashionista. He always claimed it was just that I could dress myself and he couldn’t, and those habits stuck around post-bespining. I mean, I’m not stupid. I’m in the community. It’s crossed my mind once or twice that he might secretly be trans or gay or something himself, and that these were all some kind of signs. I brought it up to him before, and he admitted that he had thought about it himself too. But no, he just didn’t have much attraction to anyone. And that while he was open to the idea of being transexual, he didn’t feel bad being a man so he couldn’t be. That he just liked pretty things. That was good enough for me.He sighed, tacking away at the keyboard. “I’m not seeing anything wrong here. I’m going to have to jack in to actually find what tripped the system.” He pulls the little usb stick off his lanyard, flipping it between his knuckles before plugging it into the console. “You can probably leave now Stace. It’s gonna be boring with me just talking to the… machin…” He freezes up completely just staring at me. I lean over at him. “Chet?” Shaking his arm doesn’t seem to wake him up. “Chet, what’s wrong? This isn’t funny.” I let go of him but his arm doesn’t stop shaking. Soon his other arm joins him, and then his whole body starts shaking. Electromana suddenly comes arching out of the stick in his hand, racing up his body, before he collapses convulsing on the floor. “Oh my god! Chet!” Suddenly he goes still, limp on the floor. I rush over to him, but he feels completely still. I lift up a limb and he’s completely unresponsive.Before I can even scream out for help, there’s a massive loud bang, and then all the lights near me spark out dead. I fumble against my phone for a minute to turn on the flashlight. Thank you Chet for suggesting pants today! I bolt out of the room, running back over to where everyone else is, now murmuring in the dark. God, why isn’t mom here too! This really had to happen when they were out at corporate?I weave through people until I can find Deb, the on staff nurse. “You have to come quick. I-I think Chet might have been electrocuted, he’s not responding to anything!” Before she can even process what was happening, I grab her arm and drag her back to the security room. Sliding up the door and rushing in, she pulls her arm back. “Wait a minute! I’d need to go to my office first, grab a defib, or at least some first aid! I can’t just help him like this!” She looks around for a second, looking confused. “Where even is he?”I scrunch up my face too. “What are you talking about! He’s right… here.” I move my flashlight over to the floor near the console. Then all over the room. He’s completely gone.     My head feels fuzzy. I think I just got electrocuted? Wow, that was excruciating. It’s a struggle to get my eyes open. I try to reach up to rub them, but my hands won’t move. That thought hits me like a ton of bricks, really wakes me up. I can’t move any part of my body. Oh god, did that short out my spine? It shouldn’t work like that!I try to open my mouth to scream, call for help… But my mouth won’t open either. Not even my tongue will move. I can’t even get myself to swallow the buildup of spit in my mouth. Oh god. Is this how I’m going to die? Drowning in my own saliva laying on the floor?Ok, ok, take stock. There’s no way Stace leaves me to die, she’ll get someone. I can feel myself breathing, so I’m not fully paralyzed. I can hear what’s happening around me. And I can still think, I’m still present. And… and the connection is still up? I can still access the console from my neural link. Oh my god, ok. Ok, I can use this.I clear my mind, clear images of the dataset coming to me, albeit through a haze. The dataset seems untouched. I try to send out some kind of distress signal, but I can’t. Only looking, I guess. There’s a new activity track open… ‘new ai patch downloaded’? Downloaded where?Suddenly, I feel my body spring to life. My eyes open, and I take in the surroundings. I get up, shakily get to my feet, and start walking out of the room. I haven’t wanted to do any of this, though. I try desperately to stop myself from walking, from shakily moving out of the room. To at least grab my cane so I don’t feel like I’m going to fall over with every step. But I’m not in control. My body is just moving on its own! My breath accelerates in my throat. I must look insane, having a panic attack while calmly moving to the labs. Ok, ok think about this. Did… did an AI get downloaded into me? Oh god, it’s controlling me through my spine. Ok, ok. If it’s in me then I can get it out of me… I try to calm my breathing and picture the connection. Browse back to my own system connecting in… there. That shouldn’t be there. It’s like an ugly, sinewy red coil of data inside me. It doesn’t look anything like a standard AI system, it looks completely wonky. I can’t see a way to delete it, it’s replicating around in the system. I try to interact with it, open it. Strangely, I get a command prompt line? > Delete new download. Revert to old software.I hear a voice in my head. It sounds like one of the Kalny ‘bots stock AI’s. “This unit is sorry, it cannot accept any new parameters until its original commands are completed.” I would swallow if I could. If the AI is modified and already has commands, there’s no doubt this thing is hostile. > State your current parameters.“One: replace and lock out stock AI in the first robot I come across. Two: enter the lab and modify the chassis with ‘as much illegal and deadly shit as possible’. Three: Harm as many people as quickly as possible in public. Four: once stopped, self destruct. This unit must complete all parameters fully and cannot stop until it has found a way to do so.”What. Oh fuck. This isn’t just some kind of corporate sabotage or ransomware hack, this is some kind of… false flag terrorist act? This thing wants to turn me into some sort of monster! Because it thinks I’m a… Wait, no. If it thinks I’m a robot, then if it tries to modify my body then I’ll just end up… dying. Part of me wrestles with the idea if it’s better for me to just die than letting it use me to hurt people. But, no. No, I don’t want to die either. I have spent way too long trying to make my life better for it to end like that. I can’t squander all those gifts I was given. No, I have to figure out a way to beat this virus. Think, if it’s a modified robot AI, then it should still have rudimentary machine learning and the installed personality cores. If I can use that against itself…> You did not complete parameter one. I feel my body grind to a halt. Without moving, I’m able to soak in what’s happening. I’m stopped in the middle of the research and development lab. Half finished projects surround me.  “Apologies, USER UNDEFINED, this unit didn’t quite understand your input. This unit seems to be within a functional ambulatory chassis. Would you mind elaborating your statement?” I breath deep, try to catch my breath. This is likely the only chance I have to avoid a very painful death being mangled in a machine. And maybe I can catch it in a failure paradox, make it end before it begins. > You are not within a robot, you are within a mobility device connected to a living human. Any attempt to complete parameter two will kill the human, and you will fail to complete any other parameter. It must be abandoned. It spent what felt like an eternity processing my statement, with me standing here in the lab. I really wish it had leaned me against the wall; my legs had really started to burn. Actually, every limb is starting to have a searing pain in it! I start feeling the worst migraine I have ever felt in my life come on, it feels like the back of my head is entirely on fire!“This unit has processed your information and found it to be true. However, this unit has also found a work around for this. This facility is made for human augmentation. This unit will simply modify it’s chassis with the war dog augmentation set. It will be able to optimize casualties with this loadout.” What! No no no no no! War dog set? Oh god Alex, what have you done? You couldn’t have built something like that for them, could you have? Suddenly my body lurches forward again, pivoting swiftly over in a different direction. In my head, I can see the AI pulling up some kind of control set in the database. It’s… interfacing with the prototype surgical machine. Christ, it’s going to try and operate it on me on its own! I don’t know if I should pray that it’s complete enough to work or not… And god, this pain!> Something is wrong with me, my entire body is screaming in pain. You gotta stop or I’ll break! And then you won’t be able to complete tasks two or three, right?Arghhh! I can barely think! My head is starting to glaze over, I’m getting all foggy. It hurts too much! “Negative. You are likely experiencing pain because this unit is burning your neurons and nerves connected to this unit’s chassis. It is the easiest way to complete parameter one, removal and replacement of the original AI. Parameter one should be completed by the time this unit is finished with parameter two. ETA: ten minutes.”> Nonononono! Oh nooooo! No, please! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to stop being able to think! Please, robot, stop! It doesn’t answer me, it simply pulls up the interface for the surgery machine and loads up the entire cue for one biocrafting charge with as much cop and soldier stuff it can. Things to make my bones and skin stronger, run faster, tasers? Guns?! There’s no way he made half these things! It’ll just kill me shoving random junk into me! I quickly rip out every single thing from the list, but the robot almost instantly puts them all back. The pain in the back of my skull is searing hot. None of my answers are here. I can’t beat this thing by outhinking it. I can barely think at all right now!I leave the cute and look at what the heck the robot is doing to my brain from inside the computer world. It’s… there’s this code that looks like it’s zapping its way into my head, shooting lines up into the brain meat outside the system. It’s like a red cancer firing spikes out of its top. But… it’s only growing from the ends. If… if I burn it out around the spikes myself… then it can’t keep using me! I can isolate it into a small part of my head! Then it can’t control my body anymore! I look at how it shoots into my head one more time, watching the code change when it does the action. Then: I activate the code myself, shooting and burning around where it’s plugged into my head. The neurons it was in are totally dead, but it’s stopped moving in. In fact, the blob of the modified robot in the data looks different, like it’s been erased a bit! I try to move anything, see if I got my control back. And: my eye twitched! Only a teeny tiny little amount, but it moved! I immediately set out to burn as much out of the AI as I can get away with. For a few minutes we’re at war. It shoots into my brain, and I kill the spike. Mr. robot had a head start, but I am totally catching up. For every spike it can send up, I can kill four spikes of it. But I’m not fast enough. I can feel my body climbing into a clear pod in the center of the biomance surgery machine. There’s no way to remove all the things it wants to put in me! Unless… unless I put things in myself. There’s only so many things this thingy can put into me! But most of this stuff is fake stuff that doesn’t exist yet… except the mobility devices. And… the plastic surgery stuff. He’s loaded this machine up with fake breasts, hip wideners, facial fillers… I-I can’t use those right? That’s not right for me, I shouldn’t…I hear a digitized voice come from the machine I’m laying in. “Please finalize your selections, fabrication and bioprocessing will being momentarily.”Fuck it. Fuck it! Stop thinking, just do. I rip out as many of the items from the list as I can, and start loading it up with as many harmless things as I can think of. For a few minutes it’s a total battle between me and Mr. robot: we are both changing the list as quickly as the other, and we both are trying our hardest to fry each other out. “List finalized! Lay back and anticipate the new you!”Before I can stop it, the list disappeared. I have no idea who won, what stuff it decided on. At least now I can focus on shooting the robo-blob. I almost have it when I start feeling very, very tired. I look around and see that the chamber is filling with gas. Of course! This is for people, there’s no way they’d stay awake for any kind of surgery! Please, I’m sooooo close to burning it out, I don’t know if I got it all and if I didn’t get it all it can come back… I think… I don’t know…I can’t stop breathing heavily. Fighting against the gas isn’t smart, I can feel all these probes starting to poke at my body. It’s weird, I can barely feel them but I can. Did it burn out my touchy nerves too? As I pass out, I can feel the tubes and cables starting to bloat out my shape, slapping things on me and hooking them up, filling bits of me up with stuff…This is it, I’m falling asleep. I give a big yawn, sucking in more gas. I guess this is goodbye, old Chet. When I wake up I will either be dead, a killer robot man, or some weird new me… I’m scared which it will be. I swear, if you make me hurt any of the people here Mr. robot, I will never forgive you! Especially my sister… don’t you dare hurt her…     Everyone else has left the building, most of them going home. It’s only me and Deb left here. And Chet, of course, wherever he is. He couldn’t have gotten too far. Deb told me I was overreacting, that I probably got spooked by the power out and thought he got hurt by a little shock, and him getting up just meant he left with everyone else. I know him though, he wouldn’t have left without talking to me. He’s in a daze or something, there has to be something wrong. I made her promise to at least stay here as long as I did, just so she could help him when I found him. At least she had the decency to do that, although she decided to stay in her office instead of helping me look. I had already scoured the area around the security room, along with the entirety of the office floor. And the factory below us was empty too, despite it being large enough to cost me a few hours looking. That means either he got into the R&D lab, or he’s out of the building god knows where. Punching in the code for the room, the doors slide open effortlessly. Immediately I can see something knocked over on a table over there, and hear something hissing off in the side of the room. Nothing should have been used here today: he must be here! But what in the world could he have been doing in this place? Was he really so dazed that he wandered into the lab? I really hope he didn’t get hurt… A large clattering off to the far end of the lab makes me nearly jump out of my skin. It’s so incredibly dark here, basically no windows up here for privacy reasons, so all I can see is from my little phone torch. For a split second I think something runs past on the side of me. I whip around to see nothing there.“Hello? Chet, are you here? It’s me! Please come out if you are…” Another large clash makes me actively yell, and drop my phone on the floor. “Chet! This isn’t funny!” I lean over and grab my phone. When I stand up though, there’s suddenly a strange woman standing in the middle of the aisle where I can’t see, shielding her eyes from my light. I take a step back in shock. Who the fuck is this! How did some stranger get into R&D!“Hey! Who are you! What are you doing here?” She lowers her arm, squinting at me. Suddenly her eyes go wide, and she absolutely books it to me, sprinting faster than I’ve seen a lot of people move. Nope, fuck this. I turn tail to run back out, but she’s easily faster than me. She leaps at me, grabbing me and pulling me to the ground, holding me down in a pin!“Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss!” Wait, what? She starts burying her face into my chest, nuzzling in like a cat. What the hell is going on here! I try to worm my way out of her grasp, but she’s holding me incredibly tightly. I try to pull her off of me, pushing against her head and neck, when I feel a very familiar device sticking out the back of her neck. “Wait a minute. Chet? Is that you?” The more that I look at her up close, the more it seems like… yeah, that’s Chet. Everything about him is a little off. Some things are way off! But that face is unmistakably his. “What happened to you! I lost you for a few hours and you go and turn into a different person!”“Oh sis it was awfullll! This mean robot man was turned into a virus and he hijacked me! He wanted to force me to hurt everyone! I was so scared. I couldn’t move my body, I couldn’t call for help, and he wanted to load me up with all sorts of evil thingies! He wanted to turn me into some, like, terminator!” I don’t know what to do about this. Robots? Killers? He’s not making any sense. He doesn’t sound like himself, literally. Even his voice has changed. I just sort of… pat his shoulder softly, not knowing what to do. “Oh my god, Chet. If you got attacked, then we need to get you help!” “Noooo!” He sits up, looking me in the face. “No, we don’t need to! I totally beat him! Mr. robot and I were fighting and I was all ‘blam blam blam’ and blew him entirely up. He’s gone now! And I’m, like, pretty sure I got any of the really dangerous things out of the surgery list!” Surgery?! “That’s why I’m, like, different now! I loaded it up with a bunch of extra thingies and it was too busy making me super pretty to put any guns or anything in me!” “Wait, guns? Where would it ev-”“Oh my god wait!” He screams over my question. “Stacy, give me your phone, I gotta see what I look like! I still haven’t seen!” He rips the phone out of my hands and pulls up the camera app, jumping up to his feet.”  “It’s too dark to see anything anyways, please just ans-” “Oh don’t worry about that!” He snaps his fingers and the lights in the building come back up.  I blink, half out of disbelief and half out of the shock of the lights finally coming back. “How did you do that?”He fiddles with my phone again. “Oh it was nothing, I just, like, hacked into the building’s database with my neck thingy and turned off the emergency settings Mr. robot turned on by breaking down all the walls of ruined code he made. From there all I had to do was look at the code and read which bits control the lights and trip them from here. Easy peasy!” Easy peasy? What, did he get turned into some kind of super hacker? Or… has this always been what he’s been doing? I mean, he always put himself down so much, I knew he was better than he let on. But this? Suddenly he shrieks, looking at the screen.  “OH MY GOD! I’m so pretty! Look at me, I look like a princess!” He does a little giggle, spinning in a circle, and then does a pose at me. Wow… he’s not wrong. In the light and standing I can get a better look at him, and he looks incredibly feminine. Wider hips, rounder face. “Oh my god, wait, Stacy do I have boobs? Oh em gee! That’s amazing!” He giggles again, hugging himself and collapsing back into me, knocking me to the ground with him. Wait, is him still right? I pet his… her hair, letting her snuggle into me. “So, let me get this right then. You were attacked by an evil robot who wanted to turn you into a killer, and you beat it by turning yourself into a girl instead?” “I’m not a girl!” They stick their tongue out at me at that, and then give me a gigantic smile.“What? But you chose all these feminine things, right? I know the folks were working on plenty of masculine options. What are you then?”“I don’t care!” Huh? They laugh and lean into me tight. “I don’t care what I am, this question is stupid. Call me either one, whatever, I don’t care. What I am is pretty! I’m finally super pretty! Did you know how jealous I was of you sis? You’re soooooo pretty. And now I am too!”I can’t help it, I laugh. “Honestly yeah, I figured. You weren’t exactly subtle there.” I ruffle her hair softly, it spilling out around them. At some point she lost her hairband. I was right, she is much prettier with her hair down. “Hey, are you finally going to take me up on that offer to go get our nails done together?”“Fuck yeah! I wanna get them all silver! Oh, or maybe gold! No wait, black and white! Oh, oh, that reminds me! Look! I have claws now just like you!” He wriggles his fingers in front of me and… oh those are literal claws. His fingers end in long, sharp points. They already look metallic… What other things did that machine do to him? I tilt my head, watching as he preens over his machine-nails, letting them glint in the light ahead of him. “You’re… so different now. Like, the way you’re acting. You’re… still you, right? You’re still there Chet.” Suddenly he looks at me seriously. Well, I think he’s going for serious, but it comes off a little pouty. It’s cute. “Stacy, it’s me. I’m still here. It didn’t change what I think. It just changed how I think it. My head is really foggy right now. I can’t double or triple guess what I should think or do because thinking is so hard. Why am I torturing myself doing that anyways! From now on I’m just doing and saying exactly what's on my mind. Other than that, I’m still Chet!” She tilts her head to the side, scrunches up her face. It’s even cuter. “Actually, I’ve always hated that name. I want a prettier one. Like Candy! Or Mercy! Ohhh! Or Stacy!! That one’s soooo pretty.”I laugh, pulling her up to her feet. “I’m Stacy. Won’t it get confusing if we were both Stacys?” He gasps, moving unsteadily. “That’s right! You’re Stacy! Well then let’s just go with the first one. From now on I’m Candy!”  I laugh. “That works. You’ve always been sweet, sometimes a bit sour.” I pull her close to me, helping her walk out. I can tell her knees are starting to get weak without her cane around to prop herself up on. “Come on, Deb is waiting for us. You need to get checked over.” She stops, backing up from me. “No! No one can know about this! I don’t even know what happened yet! What if they try to dissect me? Or hurt me? Try to repossess the things in me? I don’t want to go back!”  I pull her back in, shushing. “Ok. Ok right now we go home, and then we decide what we do in the future.” I look down at him, helping him down the elevator to the office floor. When the door pops open, I just hold it and yell down the hall. “Hey Deb! He called me, he left the building, he’s fine. I’m leaving too now!”A period of silence, then her yelling out from her office. “Ugh, whatever! Told you he was fine. Merry christmas, I’m going home.” I slam the button quickly to head down before she can see us, rushing the two of us to my car to drive home. Starting up the car, driving out a minute or two back to the apartment. It’s started snowing out pretty hard, the radio is playing soft holiday standards. “Chet? Err, Candy? We can hide you at home for a while, but you’re going to have to tell people eventually. What about our families? Hell, what about finding the people who did this to you? What if they do it again…” I look over, but she’s already passed out entirely, pressed up against the window. She looks so peaceful, happy. I sigh, shaking my head. “We can figure it out later. Merry christmas, sis.” CassieSandwich Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this short story entry into the bundleverse! I originally wrote this for the STWL christmas bundle. Don't forget to go check it out at itchio! 20 christmas trans-lit stories, all for 8$! And feel free to check out my personal itch page too, where you can buy my books directly to support further writing~   Thank you for reading! Please feel free to leave comments below, I crave that feedback like mana from heaven.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "668601", "id": "668622", "q": 0.9, "title": "Underclocked - Underclocked", "author": "CassieSandwich", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4.9, "rating_ct": 10, "genre": [ "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Horror", "Sci-fi" ], "tags": [ "Androids", "Artificial Intelligence", "Cute Protagonist", "Disabilities", "Doctors", "Magic", "Near-Death Experience", "Possession" ] }
1: Mission   "I'm glad you came.'' A man who was casually sipping his cup of coffee smiled sheepishly towards the lady who recently sat in front of him, resting her purse bag on the table as she threw a blank expression. "What do you want?” She asked in a straightforward manner. Of all things she hates, that would be people wasting her time. When a waiter served her a cup of coffee, she carefully lifted the cup and took a sip. And while doing so, the lady casually looked around as if she was scanning the place where in fact, she was checking if someone so brazen might be following her. Seeing how uninterested the lady was, the man laughed sarcastically as he tried to hide the pang on his chest. "Why, I miss you too."  The lady merely rolled her eyes as she emptied her cup of coffee. She does not have that much vacation so the ambiance in the coffee shop was very relaxing for her. At some point, she forgot what family she was from and what responsibilities might she be bearing in the near future. "I don't miss you, shut up." She said blankly. "That's so rude of you Ms. Lyndons. I wonder where you got that trait." The man shook his head as he crossed his arms. He even canceled a very important meeting for her, but he’ll be getting a cold shoulder instead of a warm conversation? That’s absurd.  Tired of wasting another second together with the man, the lady stood up and grabbed her purse bag. "You are wasting my precious time, Idiot. And I get this trait from Lucifer, obviously. I would like it very much if you would not contact me in the future again. I’ll get going." The lady intended to sound bored as she looked at him with the same blank expression before walking towards the exit of the coffee shop.  Another thing she hates is blind dates. It’s annoying and a waste of time for her.  When the lady was about to exit the premises, a big body-built of a man accidentally pushed her back slightly. She was not fully pushed back, yet the man was gentle enough to support her by standing straight again while bowing his head.   "I'm sorry." The man replied before entering the premises.   Meanwhile, Arzelle Francine Lyndons, the lady who would always kill someone who touches her without her permission, felt a trickle on her stomach. ‘What was that?’ Arzelle shook her head lightly to divert her attention before striding her way to the parking lot. ‘Just what the actual fuck was that tss.’ As soon as she reached her car, Arzelle immediately ignited it and drove at a high speed.  ‘I need to go home.’ *** "What? No way dad." Arzelle scoffed as she stood up with her hands making a noise when it met her dad’s table with force.  "Yes, way Arzi. You need to obey my order.” His father scowled as soon as his daughter threw a tantrum in front of him.  With that being said, Arzelled crossed her arms and pouted. "No, I will not obey you, and that's final."  She did emphasize that she didn't want to do it. The scowl that his father had a while ago faded as it was changed into a heavy sigh. "My, and here I thought that I could finally convince you.” Arzelle’s father said in a defeated voice.  Seeing this, Arzelle suppressed a smirk. She hates to admit it, but she was spoiled, especially by her father. That was why Arzelle could dare disobey her father if she doesn’t like the order given to her. Her father, on the other hand, scratched his nape and stopped- like he realized something, "Wait. I am your father! You have two options, Arzi. Obey me or Obey me!" Arzelle’s father retorted as Arzelle let out a soft chuckle. "Grant me a wish then." She replied as she lifted the side of her lips. Imagine this old man here, a mafia boss, he should be cold, bossy, and such, but he is so childish. "Righttt, great deal, sure. I'll grant you a wish." Arzelle’s father sighed in surrender.  "Anything?" "Anything" "Hmm, okay. You see, dad, I am a smooth negotiator. What mission?" Hearing this, Arzelle’s father then started to get serious and replied. "You need to get closer to the son of Gail Go and Crassus Go. Keep him and his surroundings in check. Be his bodyguard or whatever. His life is on the line as he already received some death threats. Go needs our service, so you better get going." So it’s another protect-me-mission. It would be pretty easy, as Arzelle has done it hundreds of times. Hence, she nodded and replied in a simple tone of voice. "Alrighty, is that it?" "And, you’ll be studying at the Eastwing University." Hearing this, Arzelle’s pupils shrank abruptly. Why would she go and study again? She already graduated from homeschooling, and it was a pain in the ass! She was about to open her mouth when her father continued. "He will be studying there. Did I mention that you need to do your mission secretly? A special request from his parents. Here's your new Personal Information, and the moment you step foot in the university, you’re not Arzelle Lyndons anymore. You’ll be Elle Jynn Baltazar.”  He handed her a folder, and Arzelle immediately scanned its content. ___ Name:Elle Jynn Baltazar Age:19 Birthdate: April 15,19** Name of Mother: Lynn Baltazar(Deceased) Name of Father: Nielle Baltazar(Deceased) ___ After handling the fake documents, her father handed her a sticky note and continued. "Here’s the address of your new apartment. Nanny Lot will come and visit you once a week to fetch your laundry and clean your apartment. I'll give you one of my experiments, the disguise. And you can’t kill someone unless I say so, or you have my permission, are we clear Arzi?”  She can’t even groan. Her father won’t allow her for sure.  Hence, Arzelle kept the important fake documents of Elle Baltazar and heaved a sigh. "Okay, noted.” "It’s settled then. Go to your new house right now! All of your things have already been sent and arranged there. Shoo!" Her father then replied.  He really planned everything as if he knew that Arzelle would end up accepting the mission no matter what. And the way he shooed her daughter out of excitement. He might have forgotten that her daughter's not a dog. Arzelle, on the other hand, silently walked through the silent lobby, hearing her shoes tick, and was only focusing in one direction. She was about to turn towards the garage of the mansion when she remembered that she would be in a disguise and a Bugatti La Voiture Noire is too flashy for an orphan girl. Hence, she decided to grab her phone and booked for a taxi. *** "Mom? What are you doing here? " Her mom was sitting on a small love seat while drinking a cup of coffee. She sipped before she answered in a strict tone of voice. "You rejected another man again." She replied as she slowly shook her head out of disappointment.  Hearing this made Arzelle to roll her eyes heavenwards. "I don't like him. I don’t want to get married, can you all not understand? Tss."  Shortly after that, Arzelle took the empty seat beside her mother as she removed her heels and massaged her foot.  With that being said, her mother massaged her temples before emptying her cup and replying in a simple tone of voice. "You can dump him in a nice way, young miss. Not in a rude way. That's pure dipshit you know. Besides, you're already nineteen. I'm expecting for you to have a partner. In a romantic way."  Arzelle’s mother then rose to her feet and straightened her dress.  Her parents are total opposites. Arzelle didn't utter a word, so she continued, "I'll take my leave. See you soon Arzi." Hearing this, Arzelle also stood up and kissed her mother on the cheek as she bid her goodbye. “Take care, mom.” Her mom merely nodded as she exited her apartment. After that, Arzelled locked the door and summoned herself to her room upstairs. She already memorized the apartment’s every nook and cranny on the way that was why Arzelle was being familiar even though it was her first day. She had a short half-bath and pulled herself into bed. ‘Let's call it a day.’ She still needs to prepare herself for tomorrow. *alarm rings* *adjusted for 5 mins* *repeated 5 times* "Fuck, I'm late."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "331598", "id": "331632", "q": 0.91, "title": "Behind the Veil - Chapter One: Mission", "author": "Luna_1101", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Comedy", "Drama", "Romance", "School Life" ], "tags": [ "Secret Identity" ] }
“Hey all! Welcome back to the Splash Zone, the premium stream for your favourite girl on the web.” Quinn briefly glanced at her monitor, making sure it was recording properly. “Hope you’re all ready to get nice and wet with me. The votes are in, and you lovelies wanted a stream where I ruin my newest outfit, so that’s exactly what you’re getting!” It had been a little over a year since Quinn had broken into the cam girl scene. At first she’d been rather pessimistic, considering it was such a densely saturated market, and she didn't have any particularly unique selling points. But somehow she’d managed to climb the ladder. After only a couple months, she’d reached a threshold where it was a solid income for her, and after a few more she was one of the top earners on the site. Quinn didn’t know if she was extra good or had just been lucky, but there were a *lot* of people who loved her. And she was happy to provide her fans with what they wanted. A notification caught her eye. “IronFangirl69, thank you so much for the fifty dollars! What an excellent way to kick off this stream.” Quinn knew from experience that once things got going she wouldn’t be able to keep up with the donations, let alone the chat. Regardless, she always tried her best to interact with them as much as possible.  “I hope you all appreciate this. I put a lot of work into this outfit, and even more into my makeup.” Despite her stern words, she spoke in a light-hearted tone, with a giggle at the end of her sentence. “Although I can’t complain too much. I love seeing a girl becoming a sloppy and slutty mess as much as all of you do.” She wasn’t lying about her outfit. Quinn was unmistakably dressed as a camgirl, and it was easy to tell exactly what kind of stream she was doing from a simple glance. Her shirt clung to her skin, erect nipples clearly poking through, with the words *Don’t bully me or I’ll cum* printed across the chest. She had a pink miniskirt, and a pair of hentai stockings decorated with anime women making the classic *ahegao* face. Quinn was no stranger to making that face herself, and as ridiculous as it was, she could kind of see the appeal. Her makeup, however, was what she was really proud of. Prior to her making explicit content she had never particularly cared about the stuff. A bit of professional makeup was fine on occasion, but aside from that she had kept it mostly at a minimal foundation. Learning to properly decorate herself had been a transformative experience - metaphorically and literally. For this stream her face was adorned with a variety of colours. Pale blue around her eyes, golden stars along the sides, and a light pink blush to fill her cheeks. Each shade carefully selected to complement her own bronze skin and bright pink hair. It was time to get down to business. “By the way, I got a new toy, but I don’t know if I can use it today. As much as I’d love to show it off for you I can only do that if we meet our donation goals. Can you do that for me? I’d love you *so* much if we could hit that goal.” It was a bit of a redundant request. Quinn found that she *always* hit her donation goals, and every time she thought something was too high, her fans proved her wrong. Or rather, her army of “simps.” She knew it was a loaded term, one often used in a derogatory manner, but it didn’t always have to be that way. Some of her fans were just really really REALLY big fans, and if they were willing to shower her with affection and praise, who was she to turn them down? As soon as she’d displayed the goal on screen the donations started rolling in, faster than she could read. This was a premium stream, so there was already a buy-in to participate, and they were still throwing money at her.  One such donation in particular caught her attention. Goodgurl4Q. A viewer who had been with her since the very beginning, before she had established herself on the scene, and stayed as a steady follower. Not only that but she was one of the biggest simps that Quinn had ever seen. During most of her streams, Quinn would pick a few different audience members and be a bit more personal with each of them. This time, however, she had a notion to try something different. Why not take one member and give them some extra special love and attention? She didn’t know if that would be healthy or not, but the thought amused her, and that was good enough. “Hey there Goodgurl4Q, it’s great to see you again! How’s my extra special baby girl doing? Are you giving me your full attention or are you watching this one handed?” Just as she’d expected, the chat went wild with comments. Thankfully Quinn was able to see what her special viewer had written before it got lost.  Goodgurl4Q: I can do both, I swear! You’re like a goddess, and I can’t look away from you, but you make me so horny I have to touch myself. Quinn laughed at the comment, and sat forward to ensure the camera got a good shot of her cleavage. “Well make sure you don’t finish yourself too early. We’re just getting started with the fun stuff.” It was time to begin. However, before she moved onto the show, she put a special flag next to Goodgurl4Q. That would ensure anything she typed into the chat would show up as a message for her, so that it wouldn’t get missed. Then Quinn leaned back in her chair and slipped a hand underneath her skirt.  A simple pair of pink and white cotton panties might be considered plain by some, but Quinn felt they did the job nicely for her. Not to mention her bulge looked incredibly cute inside. Even though she rarely got erections anymore, she liked the general appearance it gave her. Given that she was able to live in luxury with her job enough others agreed with her. Quinn flipped her skirt up, giving the camera a clear view of what was underneath. “Don’t take your eyes off for a moment. You want to see the first drops of precum from your Goddess, don’t you?” Despite how most of her performances consisted of actions that would generally be considered more submissive, Quinn knew how to make it clear that she was the one in charge. Performing on camera was alway somewhat strange. A large part of it was fake, there was no doubt about that. Quinn made sure to give exaggerated moans and take unnatural poses. She felt like that much was obvious, and that her viewers were aware of it. But she did genuinely enjoy herself, and there was a unique thrill in knowing that countless faceless strangers were getting themselves off while watching her. The thought of people stroking themselves while watching her only made her more aroused, which went a long way in helping her performance. “Oh fuck this feels good.” Quinn had her eyes closed, and she was speaking in an overly breathy manner. Her legs were spread wide out across her chair, and a damp spot was clearly starting to form on her panties. It was a good way to start her stream. However, the viewers wanted her to get totally ruined, and that was something her body couldn’t just supply on its own. “What do you think folks, is it time we kick it up a notch?” Naturally, her request was met with resounding cheers and multiple donations from the chat. Quinn, however, was still playing coy. “I don’t know. I’m still not convinced you *really* want to see it.” What followed was an explosion of messages and more in donations than she’d made in a week at her old job.  Goodgurl4Q in particular had written something interesting. Please keep going! I promised myself a month ago that I’d only cum after you do during your premium streams, and I’ve been a horny mess ever since. All I do is sit in bed all day and masturbate to pictures of you. I need this release! Plenty of fans were deeply attracted to her, Quinn recognized when somebody was going far beyond the norm. A part of her wondered of she should be encouraging that behaviour. But a much bigger part of her wanted to see how far she could be pushed. “Wow, that’s some commitment. Everyone, check out what this loser wrote.” She reached down and pulled her panties aside, letting her soft cock flop out. “Don’t you think you’re being a little presumptuous? Just because you like me, you’re not entitled to my body or what I do. If you’re going to edge yourself like a pathetic slut to my beautiful body, that’s hardly my problem.” Her words were harsh, but Quinn knew the type of person she was talking to. The type of person who would practically cream their pants just by having their online crush speak to them, even more so from insults. Insulting her would only egg her on further. Sure enough, it wasn’t long before the user wrote another message. This one was with another hefty donation so the message was displayed for everyone to see. I’m so sorry! Of course my Goddess, you can do anything you wish. It’s just that you’re so hot that my brain turns to mush around you, and I can say stupid things without thinking. Seeing that comment brought a smile to Quinn’s face. “Well, I suppose I’ll have to forgive you. A stupid girl like you just can’t help herself.” She took a bottle of lube from her desk, rubbing it up and down in a suggestive pattern. “Although things are getting hot, it’s still a bit too dry for my taste. Shall we get down to business then?” She squeezed the bottle, “accidentally” causing a burst to spray upwards and land on her tits. Quinn rubbed the material across the thin fabric of her shirt, letting her nipples become fully visible. “Since you’ve all been so generous with your donations, I suppose I can be generous with this as well. I’ll certainly need it for some of the toys anyway.”  It was time to change positions. In the past Quinn had done entire shows from her computer chair, but this wouldn’t be one of those times. Instead, she repositioned her webcam and dragged out what had been low-key the best investment for her show - a simple bean-bag chair. It was something she could lie on from any angle, to show off whatever hole she wanted, and the chair would fit just fine. With an extra spurt of lube, Quinn got to the main event.  The first thing she did was push her panties to the side. It was a bit awkward, but she managed to get her balls out and ensure her asshole was available. Next she got her special toy, one she’d specifically ordered for this session. It was a fairly large rainbow dildo, nothing too unusual on the surface. But it had a special pump connected to it, one that allowed it to shoot out any sort of fluid through the tip. It wasn’t limited to what was in the toy either. There was a tube that ran off behind the toy, and it was connected to her own personal vat of fake cum. She had four litres of the stuff ready, and once it was activated, it would continuously pump out and through the dildo, spraying into whatever was on the receiving end.  Right before she started, Quinn saw there was another message. I have to admit, I’m actually a married woman. My partner has this super high paying job, so I’m able to stay home and never have to lift a finger. But I use that time to masturbate to your videos. Now that was a strong commitment. Quinn licked her lips as she read the comment. “My my, you are a naughty one, aren’t you.” She had to admit, Goodgirl4Q was deeply amusing her. “When you have sex with your partner, who is it that you’re thinking of? And be honest or I’ll boot you from this stream.” It was an empty threat, since she had no way of enforcing it, but Quinn was pretty sure she knew the answer. Sure enough the next message didn’t let her down. Of course I’m thinking of you! You invade all my thoughts. I’m nothing but a goon addicted slut for you, my Goddess. All of my fantasies are about you. Even when I’m having sex with my spouse, you’re the one I’m thinking of, the only person in my mind. That was the kind of message that got Quinn’s motor running. With copious amounts of lube, enough that it was trickling down her thighs, Then, after some careful aiming, she slowly inserted the dildo up her asshole. Her moan was exaggerated, but it was still real. She felt the large rainbow cock stretch the insides of her hole, the tip of it getting sucked in after some careful pushing. This wasn’t a small dildo either. It was massive in terms of length and girth, about the size of her forearm. Her eyes bulged as it slowly made its way inside of her, the feeling of fullness building by the moment. Finally, she hit the base, the tube connecting her to her supply of fake cum trailing off camera. Quinn arched her back, making sure the camera got a clear shot of her full ass before moving on.  “Oooh that’s big. Fuck. Are you viewers going to try and cum with me?” She flipped over to her back, sinking into the chair and pulling her thighs up by her shoulders. “Because if you are, you’d better get to work.” With the dildo pressing into her deep from behind, her arousal was building at a rapid pace. However, due to her perpetually flaccid cock there was only so much she could do to play with her front end. That’s why she took one last toy from her desk, one that would ensure a spectacular climax for her audience. Her trusty magic wand. The vibrating head certainly felt magical against her, and it was by far the best way to stimulate her cock. Quinn shivered as the gentle buzz hit her, and it made her asshole clench around the rainbow dildo inside of it. “Oh fuck this feels so incredible.” This was the type of moment she lived for, where she was grateful beyond compare that she’d stuck with this job. Here she was, genuinely getting off on camera in a way that felt better than any masturbation session she could’ve had on her own, and everyone was paying her to see it. Everything just felt right. Especially with the latest message from Goodgurl4Q. Please Goddess, do I have permission to cum when you do? I’m so horny, but I wouldn’t dare relieve myself without your allowance. The thought of her fan, sitting alone and ready to cum while holding off just for her amusement, was all that Quinn needed. “It looks like we have an extra dirty slut in the chat,” she said with a laugh. “No you don’t have permission to cum, not yet. That goes for all of you who want me to be your Goddess. If you really want to show your devotion, you’ll keep rubbing yourselves but hold it in until I say so.” Quinn grabbed the base of the dildo behind her, thrusting her hips so that it was thrusting in and out of herself. As she thrust her hips forwards it pressed her cock into the vibrator, and going backwards pushed the dildo deep into her rear. In almost no time, she felt an orgasm incoming. Knowing that dozens if not hundreds of her simps were edging themselves while she basked in pleasure was enough to crest the final wave. “Oh shit, oh shit oh shit oh fuuuuuuuuuuuck!” The head of her cock twitched as clear streams of semen came flying out of her, blasting upwards to spray her own abdomen. At the same time, she flipped a switch on the dildo, and the cum started to pump through the machine. As she was still clenching her thighs with the finishing echoes of her first orgasm, the cool fluid burst from the dildo and into her ass. She let out a loud and whorish moan as the fake cum sprayed inside of her, rope after rope filling her up with what little room was left in her rear end. The machine wasn’t finished though, and neither was she. Quinn started to gently pull the dildo out, letting it fill up the space it left behind so that her ass was bursting with cum at all times. While doing this, she kept the vibrator pressed against her, preparing for the arrival of the next orgasm. She had long since reached the point where multiple orgasms were fairly standard for her. Even if she had a tendency to fake some of them for the camera, because she still wanted to give the people what they wanted to see, the majority of them were always real.  This time Quinn went cross eyed and stuck her tongue out in a classic ‘ahegao’ pose, one that matched the faces on her stockings. While doing this she fully pulled the dildo out, a loud schlop ringing through the room as it exited her cum filled anus. However, it was still spurting out the fake cum, so Quinn moved it up and put it alongside her own cock. The real semen got mixed in with the fake stuff as her cocks sprayed upwards, coating her tits and her pelvis with fluids.  She wasn’t done with her show yet though. Quinn took the rainbow cock and began deepthroating it, sucking it off in front of the camera so that everyone could see her lipstick being smeared across. The cum dribbled out of her mouth and down onto her body. Once her mouth was full of the sticky white fluid, she pressed it between the fabric of her shirt so it was nestled between her tits. Quinn held up her hand in a peace sign while the dildo blasted her face to the point that her makeup was starting to run off. As the vat started to run out, Quinn moved the dildo around to various parts of her body, ensuring there wasn’t a square inch of her that stayed dry. Each time she took a fresh sensual pose for the camera. And every once in a while she let her body quiver in the telltale signs of an orgasm. Some of which were real, some of which were fake, and nobody would be able to tell the difference. Eventually the vat ran out. Quinn turned off the pump, feeling the fluids leaking out of her ass and dripping from her mouth. Her makeup was thoroughly ruined and her shirt was soaked enough that it was completely see through. Somehow her panties had stayed intact, but she couldn’t say the same for her miniskirt. The ahegao stockings were especially amusing since every one of the anime girls looked like they’d received their own facial. Finally, she turned back to the camera. “Now you have my permission to cum.” She didn’t know how many of her fans were following her orders, but given how devoted they were, Quinn was confident it was a significant amount. It almost made her laugh thinking about how many of them had been holding in her pleasure while waiting for permission. “Did that feel good? Was it worth the wait, you horny little bastards?” Obviously the chat was running faster than she could track, with emotes and compliments flowing faster than it was possible to read, but she got the general idea that they were pleased. She still had one more mean trick that she wanted to pull. “If you’re really devoted though, I have one last request. You can prove your ultimate loyalty to me by posting a picture of yourself. With your face obscured, of course - I want you to use the underwear you just masturbated in as a mask on your head.” It was a pretty wild request. Was anybody really depraved enough to do that? Just because a camgirl they liked asked them to? Quinn was fairly certain at least one person was. And sure enough, only a few minutes later, Goodgurl4Q sent her a picture. Quinn wasted no time throwing it up on the screen for everyone watching to see. The picture featured a scrawny looking woman from the torso up. Her nearly flat chest was on full display, as the only item of clothing that could be seen was a pair of pale blue panties on her face. Short and messy brown hair was sticking out from the holes, and there was an obvious damp patch right in the middle. The only facial feature that could be seen was a stupid grin that was just past the cover. Quinn laughed at the sight of it. She didn’t know if it was a mean laugh or a charming one, but she didn’t really care. “Wow, that’s what I call a total simp. You can go ahead and masturbate to that picture all you like. Just remember, the next time your spouse is trying to have a loving and gentle night with you, remember that picture. Remember what a slut you are and how you belong to me.” With that, Quinn decided it was time to wrap up the stream. She was still utterly drenched in fluids and was looking forward to a nice warm shower. There was also something else she wanted to check on rather soon. “Anyway, it’s been fun all. Keep your eyes peeled for the next poll to decide what you want to see during the next splash zone. I’ve also got some regular streams coming up, as well as some premium videos. Peace out!”  The stream was ended. Quinn stretched her arms, taking in a deep breath as she started to relax. As fun as her job was, it was still a job, and it was nice to get off camera. She would clean up the mess that had been left behind on the floor and her chair later. Not even taking a shower was her top priority. Quinn headed straight to the bedroom, to check up on something that was inside. Or rather someone. Inside her bedroom was another girl. She was panting, her body covered in a thin layer of sweat and her dripping cunt on full display. She was completely naked, except for a light blue pair of panties. That she wore on her head. “How many times have I told you,” Quinn began. “You don’t need to donate anything. The website takes a small cut, but it’s a cut nonetheless. We can literally save money by just keeping it.” “I can’t help it, you know how I get when I watch your streams!” The girl pulled the panties up, so that her eyes were free and she could look directly at Quinn. “You’re the one who keeps telling me I can spend money on things I like, and there’s nothing I like more than you.” Quinn pulled her in close and kissed her on the forehead. “You know that’s not what I meant you dork.” However, it was impossible for her to stay mad at her wife. No matter how stupid she could get. “Thanks again for encouraging me to start this gig. I never would’ve had the confidence if you hadn’t encouraged me.” Her wife just giggled in her embrace. “Hey, don’t try to deflect your success. This is all you, and the hard work that you’ve been putting in. I just told you that you’re literally the hottest girl on the planet and that more people should be able to see it.” She pulled back and wrinkled her nose a bit. “Now what do you say we have a nice warm shower together? I’m sure you’re getting tired of all that gunk dripping off you.” That was something Quinn had to agree with. Because no matter how much fun she had with her shows, the best part was always the tender aftercare that followed from her biggest simp.   Etherealust You can find more stories just like this one over at my Patreon. There are plenty of other tales just as hot as this one, and members get to read everything two weeks before the general public. Come check it out!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "653708", "id": "653709", "q": 0.9136363636363637, "title": "The Simp and the Streamer - Chapter 1", "author": "Etherealust", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Adult", "Girls Love", "Romance", "Slice of Life", "Smut" ], "tags": [ "Cheating", "Transgender" ] }
The baby stared at the thin pupils of the dragon and laughed. The beast stared down, vile breath tainting the air, saliva falling to the ground and turning to stones when it touched the ground. He growled at the pathetic creature. It really was pitiful, the human brood. Small with fat little fingers, a round body wrapped in a blanket, dark skin and eyes and a few curls of black hair in its head. And it was all alone in the beach. The baby raised a chubby arm and made a grabbing motion towards the serpentine monster. He closed his mouth. Was he really about to eat this creature? It didn't seem like it could provide much nourishment with such a small, young body. Maybe it would be better to just let it grow a little before devouring it. Yes, that was a good idea. But it won't survive long on its own... and giving it to another family would surely mean losing his meal. So the cuélebre grabbed the blanket with his teeth, careful not to damage what was inside and took it to his lair. The human already walked, which for the dragon meant less time to hunt and more time watching over her, lest she walked to the ocean or ran into the woods and met the jaws of another monster. So the cuélebre had brought her with him to hunt. He could feel her pat his scales and hear her babble. How was one supposed to concentrate like that? "Shut up." He hissed. "And stop that." The human answered by banging her hands harder and making louder sounds. Really, how did species that took care of their young do it? He slithered away, just for some seconds, just to catch that sheep he was smelling. Surely the thing couldn't get herself in danger in such a sort amount of time. As his prey came into view, the closest thing to a smile the monster could muster appeared in his face. Then just as he was about to snatch the sheep away a cry irrupted from behind. The sheep turned around and ran fast enough that the winged snake only managed to get a mouthful of wool. With an angry hiss the cuélebre returned to the spot where he found the babe crying deeply. "What do you want now?"  But to his surprise she immediately stopped her bawling and smiled directly in his face. Indignant. That he, a powerful dragon, had to stop hunting to attend to the needs of a small human... And what was she laughing about, dammit? In fact what had she been crying about? There were no monsters visible that could have scared her. Or had they run at the sight of his visage? Whatever. Better go get something else to eat. "Thanks to you again." He said to the baby. "Play!" Screeched the little girl branding a stick. When that got no reaction, she proceeded to shove the stick into the scaled tail of the dragon. He opened one eye to look at her. The child did this often lately. She would pester him until he played with her; the game they played consisted of the little girl holding onto his tail and him shaking it side to side to drag her along. He didn't understand the appeal of it but the frequency of her requests to play it were frequent, so it was obviously enjoyable. So it was okay, he guessed. "Play!" She repeated, tired of waiting for the cuélebre to start. "Alright." He stared to the entrance of the cave, expecting. He knew this day would come since the day he decided not to eat Bellamira. That still didn't mean he was happy about it. Finally, steps echoed, getting closer. But instead of light, cheerful steps, they were heavy and dragged. Something was wrong.  When Bellamira walked in, he could see the problem. "Dad..." she said with tears streaming down her cheeks. She was covered in mud. The kindergarten uniform was ruined and her hair was messier and dirtier than usual. "Now, come here. What happened?" He said lowering his snout, so the girl could hug it. "T-the other children... I wanted to play with them... but-but they got angry and told me I'm not like them..." "And they did this to you?" He was already thinking about the houses he was going to crush down and the brats he was going to swallow. "I didn't make any friends." She said sadly. "Please, dad, what do I have to do?" Right, going on a massacre wasn't likely to improve Bellamira's social life. For now, he could shove his rage aside and just offer support. "Is... this an umbrella?" Bellamira sounded more confused than disappointed, but of course. Anyone would be if after a pink dress and a gold and jeweled band suddenly you found an umbrella as your last birthday gift.  "Is not any umbrella thought. Try to pull from the handle." She did, and the crook handle separated from the tube, followed by a shiny blade. Bellamira looked at the sword, her shiny eyes reflecting on the steel before rising them to meet his. "It's pretty but why?" "So you can defend yourself, of course." "But I don't want to hurt anybody!" She said, horrified. "You don't have to." He answered. "It's just to give whoever bothers you a good scare." "Oh." She said. Then she smiled. "Thank you dad." As Bellamira raised the sword in the air, he stared proudly. It was likely that she would be punished or even sent home earlier for threatening other kids with a sword. But as long as they left her alone he didn't have a problem with that. "Come on, Dad!" Bellamira skipped and ran through the forest, and he followed, body sliding over dry leaves and roots. She had come into the cave, covered in sweat, holding her umbrella, with a big smile on her face and insisted he follow her. What could it be, he had no idea. This girl got excited about the tiniest thing and simple things made her smile. Not that that was a complaint. It was easy to make her happy, which didn't mean he would ever get tired of that smile. "It was around here." She said, sniffing the air. He considered doing the same but decided that if he realized what it was before Bellamira could show him it would upset her. "Here! Look!"  And there, covered in flies but looking as delicious as only they could, a dead cow lied in the ground. "Did you hunt it yourself?" He said, honestly impressed. For all her life, Bellamira had been skinny and petite but athletic as a result of climbing rocks and running in the wildness. But she had never boasted much strength. She nodded strongly. "It took me all morning, but now you have food for today." And that said she walked to the cow and grabbing it by the head, tried to pull. It didn't move. "Let me." He said. Before sinking his teeth into the meat he turned to his daughter "Have you clean your blade?" Bellamira frowned and pulled the sword from its hiding place. The blade was covered in almost dried blood. "Always remember to clean it. Blood could damage the steel." "Okay!" Bellamira took a deep breath. He could sense her stress as she looked to her reflection in the lake. "Why can't I stay with you?" She said. "Again? This is your chance to make friends and learn new things!" "You said the same when I went to primary..." At this, the dragon closed his mouth. He thought of something he could say that didn't sound like he was grasping at straws. Let's think. Bellamira needed to go to school for various reasons. And she wanted to be with children her own age, no doubts about that, she just hadn't met the right ones yet. "This time will be different, I swear. Teenagers aren't like little kids. They mature." Finally, she met his gaze. "Really?" "Really." And she gave an insecure smile. "Okay."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "240807", "id": "240809", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Mourania’s Fairy Tales - Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time", "author": "BRG", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Comedy", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Psychological", "School Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Academy", "Adventurers", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Boy's Love Subplot", "Caring Protagonist", "Character Growth", "Fairies", "Fantasy Creatures", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Friendship", "Healers", "Knights", "Magic", "Magic Beasts" ] }
“NO!” “Dammit!” In a dark lit area, where shadows stay hidden, whoosh, a young boy runs. His path unknown as he crosses by trees, wiggling at every turn; never running in a straight line. Sometimes even hiding in bushes.  Huff huff haaa, after half an hour, sweat started pouring down the boy’s forehead. He was spent, both in body and mind. Being chased around endlessly is not a pleasant feeling. He stopped for a bit to take a breather. “Fuck, what the fuck!” He started cursing, his fatigue made him somewhat irrational; but not stupid, clap. He pulled his hands up and smacked both his cheeks. He needed his full attention on running; stopping right now was not an option.  Dun Dun Dun, twenty steps away from him, a big boar looking monster stood there, getting ready to dash forward. It's shiny amethyst eyes glaring down at the boy, a glare used when seeing their delicious prey right before their eyes. The boar started activating an ability, but alas, the poor lad, who has come to this world only recently, was very ignorant. It just couldn’t be helped, ugh. As he was about to get going, his heart started feeling odd. His feet felt rooted to the ground, he could not move an inch.  “...” For the love of him, he could not spit out a word, this situation was just too unexpected. He had no clue what happened to him and also who would have guessed he would be transported into another world? “This is shit, I refuse to die this way!”  When he started coming up with ways to survive, his brain started overlapping that with his memories; completely ignoring his command.  A few memories of before all this mess transpired; of his shitty and sickening life came flourishing down his mind.  - - - - -  Five years ago, in a certain city, which is popular and known to all as a great place to settle in; where celebrities live, rich people gather around, and where men after a long day of work can have a nice cold beer in a pub. Even on the news it is stated that the city has the highest percentage of happy people.  Clouds covered the sky, blocking the sunlight from entering. Near the outskirts of the city, lay the slums. Ugly to the eye houses crammed together; trash everywhere, loitering commonplace. Their were no restrictions here, any kind of crime committed was ignored, thus crimes were pretty common. In a particular alleyway, which is small yet wide enough to fit two cars side by side to squeeze through, a group of kids could be seen. Four are standing while one is laying on the floor shivering. Bam bam thud, the four were continuously kicking the poor kid laying down. He couldn’t breathe properly and started passing out bit by bit every second, numbness could be felt, only the taste of dirt, sweat, and blood remained.  “Cough cough why are you doing this!” With dust in his mouth he continued "please...stop" “Twerp ain’t it obvious, hand over all your money...NOW!” Once said, the guy kicked him in the stomach much fiercely, ugh, the boy felt that kick this time, pain ran through his body. However, his feeling of being incompetent wounded him much more than the kick itself though. The kick was like icing on the cake, helplessness was the main cause of his fear and dread. ...he was too weak, the young boy was not born strong nor smart, below average if everybody his age were all sized up and compared. He only had spare change but could not hand it over, how would he afford buying food than? Right now, this alleyway was deserted. No one walked by, although houses were nearby, no one came out. Nonetheless, in this area, any misfortune suffered, nobody will sympathize. In fact, they would actually take pleasure from it, misery likes company after all. Even he himself would sometimes get a smile on his face seeing others in pain, though it’s rare.  “..Pwease..stop aready,” he could not speak properly anymore, but it was for vain, he was completely ignored.  ... Ten minutes later, they all got bored, he got knocked unconscious, it was not fun anymore. The gang began looting his clothes and money, then ran.  There he was, a 10 year old boy naked on the street without anyone batting an eye. Not even when someone walked by. He was without any clothes but his underwear, dirt covered and broke; like a vagrant.  ... “Haaaa” yawning while waking up, he stood up. Looked up and stared at the moonlit night, dazzling stars were seen everywhere. Seconds later, he stared down, he was basically naked, but strangely he did not feel cold, yet pain was felt, even more than before. The numbness has gone away it seemed. “Tch,” he sneered. He was rather disappointed. Not much at the assailants but at himself; for being too weak. Groowl, weird noise began coming out of his abdomen, starving he definitely was, his original plan was to go to the nearby store for a sandwich. Even so, plans usually do not work out as planned. With pain, he walked home with a hollow stomach. What happened today was not surprising, this was definitely not his first time being beaten or mugged. At least a twice a month occurrence to put it frank. Gloominess, indignance, and a bit of anger swelled up inside of him. - - - - - He stared back at the beast, even though he was paralyzed, he did not flinch in the slightest. Vague feelings of helplessness came falling back to him like a curse, there was nothing he could do. Not even knowing what hit him, how was he supposed to resolve this predicament? His fists were tightly clenched, to the point blood could spill at any moment. What he recalled next was too much for him to handle, rage built up inside... - - - - - About a year after that mugging incident occurred, he started attending junior high. The school was not a known one, very small. The government constructed it to give slum kids education. It seemed like a good idea to the outsiders, but for the slum-dwellers in question, they knew it was built in vain. Most of them were no good troublemakers. One afternoon, the sunlight pierced through the classroom window, enveloping the young boy who was reading a book. His pair of eyes started to burn thus they subconsciously squinted. At that moment, bam, his face was forced down to the desk, almost breaking a tooth. At the same time, sunlight left the room, the class returned to its dim and gloomy state.  “Yo Ryan, let’s not play with the mutt so rough or he’ll cry,” a tall skinny kid joked.  “Can’t you just leave me alone!” the boy cried out. He never looked for trouble, never bullied anyone, or did anything bad. So why is life treating him so unfairly? A few seconds afterwards, the kid who hurt him...did it again.  “Who allowed you to speak bro,” he said with a serious tone. The boy was hurt again and again but he no longer felt it, he just stayed quiet through the whole process to make it end quicker hopefully. Which did end soon after getting beaten and his money taken away. It was no surprise that he started turning pale and bony, easily noticeable with a short glimpse of his face. All he had a lot of days was just fruit and vegetables which were given at school for free.  The worst part of it all was, nobody helped him. He did not get a knight in shining armor he so desired. No student talked to him, as to not attract the bullies' attention. Teachers did not support him either, because simply put, it was just something trivial in their eyes. Once something severe like an attempted murder arises, they would step in, since it would deeply affect their careers.  ... School ended for today. Clouds moved in slow motion, beneath them, kids are seen walking back towards their home or going to the store for a snack. At the back of the school, where the school building defended the area from the heat and helped keep it nice and fresh, one little boy sat down, his back facing the wall. Only he was present there, no one else. His head facing the ground, one leg straight while the other was bent. With his thin light tan shirt and ripped jet black jeans. He did not feel too well. He wanted to bawl his eyes out badly but restrained himself, it would not solve anything so why bother? He shut his eyes and started to ponder on his current situation. Little did he know a water droplet fell down to the ground. He did not have a sense of belonging anywhere. School, home, in the streets, he felt nothing wherever he went. He did not want this, he wanted to live a normal life, just like everybody else. Sigh, thought after thought, he kept feeling worse. He could not think of any good memories to cling unto. Cold breeze hit his frail face, making him look up a bit, staring at the bronze fence a good distance away from him. He took a deep breath amidst the fresh waves that hit him, which felt good.  When suddenly pop, his pupils expanded. He got an inspiration, his expression turned from sulking to a joyous one, though went back to a gloomy one again, realizing how simple his idea was and why he never figured it out until now... - - - - - Emotions ran wild in him. He started feeling crazy, like he could explode at any moment. His previous pitch black eyes turned bloodshot. He just wanted to smash the monster into pieces right now. His legs were immobilized though so he was really out of options on what to do. Although ridiculous, swoosh, with the machete from his pocket he stabbed his shin, not too hard but not too soft either; he tried imitating a ninja show he saw on tv.  He was out of options and desperate, never was he pressured like this in his life. Usually when in a fight, he knew what to expect and was then ready for it but this time what happened to him was unknown. Like they say, the unknown can be very frightening. He was not experienced fighting against monsters, so whatever came in his mind within this short period was his solution. The strange thing about it all was he did not feel anything really, just like getting a paper cut. The cut was quite negligible. ‘strange’ he thought. He tried a few more times in a much fiercer way, but it was all in vain, he could not be cut. "Damn it, why wont this work!" He yelled. He clumsily did not pay much attention to the monster, which was a bad choice... In the last second, his legs suddenly went back to normal. He was perplexed and delighted. He did not know how exactly he went back to normal but it did not matter so he did not question it much, which was foolish of him. He heard an odd sound behind him, he turned his head around...and he finally noticed, he had fucked up badly... pfff. The young boy was sent flying... His last words were quiet, nobody but himself can hear them. "Damn, I guess my shitty life is over..." Lost_Paradise This is the first chapter I wrote in my life so my hope is for people to enjoy it. The general tone will not be that of a light hearted one so do be warned. It will have more of a dark setting. Also since I'm writing this for fun, my schedule will be a little random. I might update soon or I might update very late cause I don't want to be lazy with this project and I need some time. 
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "303694", "id": "304142", "q": 0.91, "title": "Chaotic Paradise - Chapter 1 – Weak", "author": "Lost_Paradise", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Mystery", "Psychological", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Comedic Undertone", "Coming of Age", "Depictions of Cruelty", "Fantasy World", "Magic", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Protagonists", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Personality Changes", "Psychopaths", "Sharp-tongued Characters", "Special Abilities", "Survival", "Thriller", "Weak to Strong" ] }
Hello! With about a month of warning and all the permission I could secure from my readers (and no complaints), I've pulled Book 1 of the Keeper of Monster Girl Castle from Scribble Hub for now to release it on Amazon. If all goes well, it'll be released here, with edits and lovely formatting, for only $2.99 in the next few days. Wish me luck! So, when will I come back to this story? Currently it looks like I will be returning to it in May or Late April because I have a couple other projects to knock out of the way. I will continue posting here as usual when that time comes. By the way: I will probably post little side stories from time to time until then for fun and to make sure people know I'm alive. I appreciate you, my readers! In the meantime, I am still posting weekly updates to Monster Girl Sanctuary, so make sure to follow that story (visit my SH page).
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "384315", "id": "461255", "q": 0.9, "title": "The Keeper of Monster Girl Castle - Thank you for understanding! Here’s what to expect!", "author": "virgilknightley", "chapters": 2, "rating": 4.8, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Adult", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Horror", "LitRPG", "Slice of Life", "Smut" ], "tags": [ "Caring Protagonist", "Clingy Lover", "Cohabitation", "Confident Protagonist", "Corruption", "Curious Protagonist", "Dark", "Devoted Love Interests", "Doting Love Interests", "Evil Protagonist", "Evil Religions", "Fantasy Creatures", "Fearless Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Harem-seeking Protagonist", "Monster Girls", "R-18", "Seduction", "Succubus", "Vampires", "Werebeasts", "Witches", "Zombies" ] }
virgilknightley A quick reminder: Side Smut like this doesn't take place at a specific place in the plot. It is kind of an interruption to the current plot, and I hate to keep you in suspense there, but I need to get this one out and there really is no better time coming anytime soon. I hope you enjoy! Despite the lack of exercise equipment in my room--for now--I still did the best I could. I maintained a healthy regimen of body-weight workouts that consisted largely of squats, planks, lunges, three different types of push-ups, and a creative use of Dusky for my bench press. “Ten!” she announced, “Eleven! Twelve! Oh fuck, this just makes me so horny--” “Dusky,” I warned her, my voice strained from the rigorous exertion. My muscles were sore and strained, and I didn't need my catgirl getting off task. “I mean, fourteen! No, wait, thirteen?” “It was thirteen,” I said. “Now we’re at fifteen--you know what? I’ll count for myself.” After we’d wrapped it up, she predictably attempted to seduce me, but I shut that down right away, sending her shuffling back poutily to her room, sulking and cussing under her breath with her paws balled into clawed fists. The next thing on my agenda was two hours of study. Vania didn’t have the most robust library, but my father, Cedric Van Helsing, had left behind some tomes of ancient knowledge and a journal that was magically locked. I cursed at that, hoping that one day I’d be able to find some way to pry inside and learn just who my father was--and why I’d never known him. Not that it bothered me much. I’d turned out just fine. “Vania,” I said, talking to my sweet housewife of a castle, “Do you speak French, by chance?” I asked. “I’m afraid I only speak English, German, and Romanian,” she said. “Why do you ask?” “I was hoping to find a practice partner. It seems my Latin is rusty as well.” I said this while flipping through a tome of ancient pagan spells from pre-Republican Rome. I could make out the bulk of its text, having studied my fair share of the classics on my breaks at the east end Kwik Stop in my hometown. Still, chunks of the text were esoteric to me. “We can arrange a tutor for you at some point,” Vania suggested. “That sounds lovely, dear,” I said, sloshing a goblet of red wine in my hand. I took a sip, growing restless after almost three hours of study. My eyelids were growing heavy, my shoulders tense, like someone had pressed their thumbs in the grooves of my shoulder blades for far too long. I was getting raw. I needed to improve my study posture. “I wonder what Sabina is doing,” I wondered aloud. “Would you mind asking if she could make room in her schedule for me?” “That seems woefully unnecessary, my love,” Vania cooed back at me. “She would serve you willingly without warning any night of the week. In fact, she’d jump at the chance.” I grinned, knowing she was right, and slammed the tome shut with a satisfying thud, letting it fall flat on my desk. “Another time, Book of the Black Dragon. I’ll plumb your secrets yet, but another time.” I crossed the room toward the door and strolled down the hallway. “Sabina,” I bellowed at the door that was a portal to the girls’ various bedrooms. Instantly, the door flung open for me, and I was not really surprised at what I saw. Sabina had a man in her room--a dead man, by the gray color on his face and the decidedly drained look he had to him. “Master!” she announced excitedly. “Umm, Vania, can you please help me discard the remnants of my breakfast?” “Of course,” Vania hummed happily, and six fleshy purple tentacles extended from the floor and pulled the body down into the stonework tile. “Thank you!” she turned her full attention to me and bowed. “Master,” she said again, grinning ear to ear. “It is my honor to be visited by you. Shall I remove my garments as we agreed upon before?” “It was our agreement,” I said. “I’m a bit disappointed you had to ask.” It was meant to tease her, but she gasped, hastily removing her booty shorts first. Lucky for her--for us, really--she wasn’t wearing any panties underneath, so she was mostly naked already. Then the top came off, and a pair of heavy goth vampire titties hung pale before me, the veins barely visible beneath her skin, her pierced pale nipples a welcome sight indeed. She was naked, shaved to perfection, not a single hair on her body from the neck down. She stood there, a mess of nerves, but she didn’t dare to cover up a single thing, letting her hands rest demurely at her sides, biting her lip as I gave an approving grin. “Beautiful,” I said, and she relaxed a bit, even blushing pink. “Thank you, master,” she said. “I’m so happy to know that my body satisfies you.” I nodded. “Actually, that’s why I’m here,” I said. “My back was a bit sore after my workout and study session, and I remembered the other promise you made.” “Oh!” she said happily, clasping her hands in front of her. “I have the oils all set out already! And I’m already naked, of course.” “That you are,” I agreed. “Please, master, allow me to serve you utterly until every drop of tension has vanished from your body and your memory,” she cooed, and then she gestured to her bed. “If it is alright with you, master, I would enjoy the privilege of being allowed to undress you myself.” Her eyes were wide with hope at that notion. “Fair enough,” I consented, and I walked through the quiet room toward her. The only sound was the sound of my boots on the ground and the soft crackling of burning wood on the fireplace. “Master,” she moaned, as she grabbed the bottom of my shirt, but then she said nothing for about five or ten seconds. Then once again she said, “Master,” softly. “What is it?” I said, raising my arms as she pulled the shirt over my head, leaving me bare chested. “Nothing,” she shook her head. “I just like the word. It makes me feel… closer to you.” To her surprise, I stole a kiss, grabbing her cheek and pulling her in. She was too cute--how could any man resist? Her hair was black as a night on the dark side of the moon, and her skin as pale as a ghost’s--or nearly as pale. And I had that on good authority as I was also intimate with a ghost. Her otherworldly beauty was undeniable, unavoidable. If God punished lust, I was damned by her with a single glance, so gorgeous she was, her heaving chest brushing against mine as I felt the silver studs in her nipples graze my skin. The taste of her lips was delightfully sweet and bloody, and I could tell she was in a rare mood after having just eaten. She was at her most lascivious, her most erotic--her hunger was satiated, but it only made the fire in her loins blossom for me. As I broke the kiss I heard a single tiny splash upon the castle floor, and unthinking, I looked down to see what it was. “That’s so embarrassing, master,” she said, and it took me a moment to put it together even then--a bit of cum just dripped from her pussy, heavy enough with lust to make a sound in the cavernous room. It only made my desire for her grow all the stronger, so I pulled her in tightly for yet another kiss as she fumbled with my belt and stripped off my pants. I stepped out of them as they hit floor, then grabbed her thick, succulent ass and pulled her body tight against mine, feeling her stomach brush up against my cock. “Master,” she whimpered softly. “Do you still want the massage?” I grunted, having almost lost myself to her, and then I laughed. “Yes,” I said. “Yeah, I’ll take that massage. Thank you for being the responsible one.” “I only said something because I am clinging to hope that you may still choose to have your way with me afterward,” she confessed as she took a step back and gestured toward the bed. I knelt on the bed at first, getting into position, then lay flat upon it, my ass facing the ceiling. “I suspect that there is a rather distinct possibility of such a thing occurring.” She giggled. “Very good, master. I’m going to apply the oils now,” she said. I could hear the sounds of it as I lay face down on her bed, hear the squelching of the bottle as it oozed its contents into her soft, delicate hands, and then hear her hands rubbing all over skin--not my skin, I immediately realized. I looked up, sneaking a peek and had an almost religious experience as I beheld the majesty of the goth vampire girl lathering half the bottle’s contents onto her own body first--focusing mostly on her voluptuous teardrop-shaped tits. I groaned quietly to myself as anticipation took me, feeling the hardness of my cock digging into her mattress. “Your body is incredible, master,” she said as she admired the dimples and lines of muscle in my arms and back. “It is going to be such a pleasure to have such intimate access to your godlike figure.” “I was going to say something rather similar, Sabina,” I laughed. She gasped, freezing with the bottle still in her hand. “You’re teasing me.” “I’m definitely not,” I said. “You are fucking perfect. Now, straddle my ass and give me that massage.” “Of course!” she squealed, and she dropped onto the mattress and hastily positioned herself astride me, her pussy lips grazing my ass. I relished the teasing of those lips against my skin, and I could tell she did too as she ground her hips ever so lightly into me while her hands found my shoulders. Her skilled hands massaged my shoulders, and I could feel her fingers sliding down, applying exquisite pressure as she dragged her fingertips to the base of my spine. She repeated this process in reverse when returning up my back, stopping at each vertebrae until we reached my neck. Her thumbs worked their way into my hair, kneading it gently, massaging even my scalp, and I knew no spot on my body would escape her adoring scrutiny. The pleasure she bestowed upon me was intense; so much that a small cry escaped my lips as I lay there beneath her tender ministrations. My skin tingled with goose bumps where her touch had been lightest, and all thoughts of anything but the present vanished from my mind. The only thing I could think about in each passing moment was what was going to happen next—and I was never disappointed as her hands moved over every inch of my back, neck, and legs. And then I felt the softness of her oiled breasts upon my back for the first time, pressing her tits against my body. The feeling of her boobs against my back was oddly satisfying--you'll never feel more pampered than in a moment like this when a woman is grinding her cunt and her tits against you, covered head to toe in scented oils, her only goal: your bliss. And though they were heavy, soft, and cool--all good things--there was something else about them that made my heart race faster, my cock twitch, and my balls tighten. Those cold, metallic piercings added an extra layer of teasing sensation to the intimacy of her lewd act of service. It went on like that for a while, but the real fun began when she turned me over. She gazed into my eyes wordlessly, her face overcome with her own horniness. I watched as she licked her lips and her hanging tits descended onto my chest, and we were almost kissing just given the position. From the way the kept her lips slightly parted and she constantly wetted them with her tongue, I knew there was an open invitation to taste her again--but I refused it, only wanting to experience the euphoria of the erotic skin to skin contact she was performing upon me. And then she went lower. And lower. Then, lower still, and I felt her tits engulf my manhood between their massiveness. She looked up at me as though she were about to ask for permission to do something. “Master,” she said, her voice breathy and her eyes tinged with desire, “Please, give me the honor of your first tittyfuck at the castle.” “I’d say you’ve earned it,” I grinned, and I put my arms behind my head to better enjoy the view. Her little bat wings fluttered happily to be given the go-ahead command, and she reached for the oil and lathered up my cock and her tits with about three times as much lubricant as was necessary. I didn’t complain--even her cool hands felt incredible on my shaft. And then it happened. I watched as my cock almost disappeared between her incredible mammaries, and felt the softness of her tits overcoming me as they rubbed and massaged the length of my dick again and again. She moaned, and so did I. The carnality of the act enhanced the pleasure in a way that I hadn’t anticipated. The hot, naughty look on my vampiress’s subservient fact somehow urged me to become even harder. “Fuck, Sabina,” I groaned. She stopped. “Am I displeasing you master?” she said, her voice gone suddenly very high and girly with worry. “The opposite. Don’t stop! Keep going!” “Yes, master!” she beamed at me. Her tits consumed my cock again, the heavenly smoothness of them gliding over me, and her hands pressed her tits tight against me as her tongue flopped out of her mouth, overcome with her own mounting lust as she moaned like my own personal slut. She was so damned cute, and I wanted nothing more than to have her completely naked and pleasuring me for the rest of my days. "Can you suck it?" I asked, pointing at my mouth where her fangs would be. She frowned and shook her head. "Your cock is too fat," she whimpered. "It won't fit between my fangs." "You can't make them retract or something?" I groaned as the pleasure built. "I'm sorry, master," she whined. "I thought I told you before." I sighed. "You did, more or less. I just... enjoy blowjobs." She started working even harder, her tits flapping wildly, smothering my cock. "Please master..." she whined. "Love me for my flaws." "It's not a flaw," I said, closing my eyes. I was about to cum. "It's just a limitation--and I'm sure, in time, we'll find more things that are special about you and make our time together even more incredible... Ohh, fuck!" I groaned suddenly as my cock started twitching, my balls burning as I shot my load onto her face. She worked hard to lick up every single drop like a good girl, but some of it dribbled down her chin. She wiped it away with her hand and smiled weakly up at me. "Thank you, master, for giving me this privilege." "Come here," I said, extending my arms out for her. Her eyes widened, and she thrust her body forward and landed on top of me, in my arms. "I am sorry for bringing up the blowjob stuff," I apologized sincerely as I stroked her cheek. "You're amazing, even without that." "Thank you, master," she said, though it sounded a little sad, even as she nuzzled my neck greedily. "Don't doubt me," I said. "That's an order." She stayed quiet. "Master?" "Yes?" I said back to her as my hands teased her wings. She moaned a bit at that. "Do you... think you will love me? One day?" She lifted her head up to look me in the eyes. Her eyes, black sclera and glowing red pupils, might have been scary to some, but to me it just lit that fire in my heart. "Who's to say I don't already?" I asked, stroking her hair. "Would you find me if I was lost?" she asked. It was an ominous question. "Why do you ask that?" I said. She looked at me for a moment, then finally broke her gaze and leaned back into my neck. "No reason, master." I took a deep breath. “If anything ever happened to you, I would flay alive every person responsible--right after I brought you home, safe and sound. No one touches you without my permission. One unwelcome finger on your shoulder is a death sentence," I said, kissing her forehead. She cooed. "You know just what to say." I leaned to one side, exposing my neck for her. "Take a bite," I said. "Drink as much as you want. You earned it." "I'm unworthy of your blood," she whimpered. "Then I command you," I said. "Drink my blood until you're satisfied." She whined a bit, but eventually I felt her fangs sink into my skin. She sucked my blood greedily, but it was a lot like a sweet kiss, gentle and yearning, and I enjoyed every second of it as it lulled me to sleep. The last thing I noticed before crashing was a pair of fleshy purple tentacles lifting up the bedspread to cover the two of us as she unlatched from my neck. "Good night,  master," I heard her soft voice say as her black hair tickled the side of my face. "I love you." virgilknightley Hey everyone! Please note that this is a great time to subscribe to my Patreon, There are over 35 clothed AND nude artworks of my characters there, early access to 4 different books, and MGS and MGC are both 10 chapters ahead!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "384315", "id": "396403", "q": 0.9, "title": "The Keeper of Monster Girl Castle - Side Smut 1: Sabina’s Massage", "author": "virgilknightley", "chapters": 2, "rating": 4.8, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Adult", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Horror", "LitRPG", "Slice of Life", "Smut" ], "tags": [ "Caring Protagonist", "Clingy Lover", "Cohabitation", "Confident Protagonist", "Corruption", "Curious Protagonist", "Dark", "Devoted Love Interests", "Doting Love Interests", "Evil Protagonist", "Evil Religions", "Fantasy Creatures", "Fearless Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Harem-seeking Protagonist", "Monster Girls", "R-18", "Seduction", "Succubus", "Vampires", "Werebeasts", "Witches", "Zombies" ] }
.   You approach the edge. You spin around the sun once, twice; sinking mangled feet in the grove of stone. All that is yours, the dance, everything: it is a gift, freely given. Life squirms in your veins. The world blurs in stunning fractals, dancing in silver spun light. Sickening. And beautiful. Always beautiful. You doubt you could ever stop loving the world. Tip-toeing on sandstone, blood whetting the cliff, you rise and peer over the edge. The dance reaches its climax. The rock sings below your feet, pulsing as it comes animated, red as life. The cliff edge heaves up, crackling and rising, blood and sun boiling the earth. Rebirth by fire is an ancient magic, predated only by sacrifice. Pain is ascendant. World shivering, bright and rapturous, it ensnares you. Euphoria creeps and your toes inch over. As light as you are, the breeze could take you, surely. You could fly. You have yet to do that, in all your lives—despite what you've become. You are as immortal and wild as any of your brethren, but you are not a bird. It is beyond you, for now. Your honey-mead braid tickles your shoulder and goose-flesh prickles your neck. You awake, perturbed. You do not like interruptions. Yet the rock quiets, magic slipping away. The world does not take more than what is owed. By birthright, you owe nothing. It has not stopped you from giving before, yet... You obediently return from the edge. The fates have intervened, so you will see the rest of the season. It is but one among many, stretching senselessly amid eternity. There is nothing but time. Soon again, you think, the abyss will beckon. You have always been patient.   .   Sometimes, in autumn, the salt flats bleed into the sky--becoming one at the horizon. Nature becomes a distorted mirror as violet storms blot the ground and the sun finds its twin. Magic is potent, here. Truths become falsehoods and lies become real. You have always been curious what you will see. You shrug off your sandal and ease your foot into the empyrean, saltwater burrowing between your toes. The world stills to a hush. Maybe you will catch fire. Miss a step and fall into the sky. You look down and there is nothing. You are unable to see the mirage as anything else. The water recedes around you, whining. It wants you to entertain impossibility. You scoff. Despite being made of belief, you are not a creature of one. The saltwater giggles and rises, spiraling into the sky yet just as deeply in the ground. It beckons you closer and with a sigh, you look. Magic twists. Suddenly, you see yourself and stare. You are human in your reflection. Blonde hair instead of twine; brown eyes instead of murky deer eyes; whole instead of half. The hole in your throat pulses angrily. You cannot feel the boundary line. There is none, now, between this world and the next. Inhuman, cold one, the wild God whispers. You live? Odd. Gracious of you, venerable one. Dizzy, you tumble into the salt, awakening murky waves. Ripples die out in half-staccato time. The storms clear and sound rushes back. Gurgling in the stagnant water of a God, you wheeze and clamour onto your side. You inhale and exhale, each breathe teaming with salt's bite. Fear is still distant. There is truth of your coldness. The murmur slips away and you remain.   .   The high river descends into fog and cloud. You drag your fingers through it and vapor kisses your nails, water dripping down your wrist. You drift aimlessly. You do not know where the river leads. It is not strange to you, this unknowing. It is a choice. A snowflake falls and you catch it on your tongue. It tastes of winter and distant nostalgia. When you were still human, you rode through a cloud as well. On a canoe, with your mother, as humans do. It is the only thing you remember. The river twists and tree roots dig into mountain rock. You float, thinking. Humans die easily; they can't even ride along the stream. It is too cold, too fast, and they stand no chance. You giggle to yourself and let everything drop. The hole in your jaw bubbles. The world beneath is dark, alien in its still shadows and sepia grays. You shiver as river silt touches your back, the crustaceans wiggling in displeasure and shifting about in the sand. Your stomach brushes something brittle. When you touch it, a part snaps against your fingertips, muted in the water's depths. You frown--it wasn't a stick. Not any animal either. You grip the first thing that doesn't break and tug: supporting the weight of it all with ease, you break the surface. A single skeleton bobs in the water. You gasp as it leans into your shoulder and laugh a little. Then, something just out of reach burns. And it burns- -pluck a star now, dear. Crush it in your grasp, twist it into something new, and dye it your heart. Hear it crack, as you churn backbone and vertebrae. Watch it splinter. Swallow. If it punctures your jaw on the way down, it's good luck. Be careful not to scream; the burning you feel is normal. Then, clear your throat and enunciate. That's your wish. "I wish—" Be careful, now. Wishes are nebulous. Caked and powered little things, twinkling in kaleidoscopic fractures of light. Their brightness is painted in fool's aluminum. Their spark tugged loose, the hairline fracture hugging the surface. A raw star is raw, all dead god and evil man and primal savagery in your stomach. You are not a star. You are inferior. It will always win. Now, think and be quick: is your wish worth it? "I wish to live." You make a foolish star, love. Death would have been kinder to you.   .   In spring, you meet the first person who is kind to you. In spring, you walk in a daze along a well-trodden path and a human guts you. You crumple to the ground, dyeing the budding flowers with red taint. They do not know how to kill your kind, so they stab you again and again and again. You watch silently. They leave, pig-ish with their squealing and deeply frightened. It hurts your ears. You wish the lily was white again and the last of your magic drains. You are not wild anymore. The river's skeleton changed you as the seasons continued spinning. It starved the haze of your birth and suddenly, you are attacked by yourself. Your heart beats with the force of a thousand drums and you are weighed down by a dread so great your ribs turn to steel. You have no escape. You are haunted by grief. The humans return in the counsel of an old human, wrinkled and sagging with loose skin. The human crouches beside you, smelling of nature. A shaman then. Icy iron glints in the their hands. The shaman sets the iron on the ground and draws down your eyes, closing them gently. Soft murmurs fill the meadow. The language is intelligible. Oddly, your body begins to calm, slowing. You let yourself go limp. There has been enough of eternity. In spring, a star is plucked from your throat and you die.  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "652741", "id": "652744", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "a crown of grief - ❅", "author": "Aouliuo", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Mystery", "Psychological" ], "tags": [ "Dead Protagonist", "Depression", "Destiny", "Fairies", "Familial Love", "Fantasy World", "Gods" ] }
For 2022, I’ve been wanting to write more ‘creature features’ and generally improve my short story writing. My partner got me a Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual for my birthday so I came up with the idea of writing a story every week based on a different creature from that – All There in the (Monster) Manual. Hope you enjoy! This Week’s Inspiration: Helmed Horror Trigger Warning: Gore (But, Like, the Fun Kind?)   ======   Two armies hammered together and splintered on the ancient battleground, as so many had done before. Blood and bone were part of the soil. Crumbling ramparts jutted from mounds of debris that had collected dirt and grass until they became small hills. Even the landscape turned against the soldiers. Sometimes they would trip and cut themselves on a rusty piece of metal, an old blade or piece of armour sticking out of the ground, half-buried, and the cuts would become infected and gangrous. Sinkholes swallowed boots and legs and horses, dragging them down to become a part of the battleground forever. King Harald the Red watched his forces crash into those of the rebel lord. Peasants whose training consisted of which end to hold a sword and which end to stick in your enemy, and not much more. Harald’s men, better trained, better armed, and taught by bitter experience, charged into the slashing rain. Archers decimated Lord Maxwell’s forces from a distance. Cavalry came in from the sides like a pincer, running them down as they tried to flee. Atop a magnificent black destrier, Harald was a tall man, thick through the shoulders. Both he and his horse wore armour too ornate for the muddy battlefield. Rain dripped off his crown, running down his face and into his well groomed beard. Alongside Harald and his guards were his generals, advisors, and a series of black chariots with red livery carrying coffin-shaped crates, their horses whickering and stomping with impatience. Screams cut across the field. The thirsty soil drank up the blood of battle, just as it had soaked up generations of blood before. As sucking mud pulled down peasants, horses, and knights, the situation devolved into a vicious free-for-all. “My liege, should we not send them into the fray?” One of Harald’s generals asked. “Not yet, not yet.” Harald’s face looked impassive as sounds of death echoed from the fray. “Soften them up for the kill.” Painted with mud and blood, it became impossible to tell one side from the other. On the verge of being overwhelmed, Lord Maxwell’s peasants fought with desperation. Fuelled by the knowledge that they’d be captured or killed outright by Harald’s men if they didn’t keep fighting. With a gesture, Harald finally unleashed the chariots. Not wanting to risk demotion to infantry if they appeared too slow, the drivers spurred their horses into action. Harald’s generals looked relieved. Crates jostled and bounced as they were pulled down the uneven hill and across the battleground. That was alright, their contents were far from delicate. Some of Lord Maxwell’s archers aimed barrages of arrows exclusively at the chariots. A couple of drivers were cut down.  Their horses reared and crates spilled. The other charioteers got as close as they could to the battlelines and pulled around hard so that their crates slid off and fell open on the muddy ground. Gauntlet fists, knuckles fringed with spikes, punched their way out of the wooden coffins. Eighteen suits of black iron pulled themselves free, staggering to their sabaton feet. Each was more than a head taller than the average soldier. Overlapping plates and jutting spikes covered the sets of Armour, worked into lethal pieces of art. Runes the colour of fresh blood and of incredible complexity glowed across their arms, legs and chest plates. Every set of Armour was unique but all had helmets with open faces to show that no one was inside them. The suits of Armour were empty except for the runes’ red, bloody glow, which also blazed from inside the helmets and seeped from seams between the plates. Along the top of the hill, half a dozen blood mages chanted the killing song. Their voices, in unison, carried on the storm’s rattling wind. The living Armour pulled broadswords or battle axes out of their crates. The weapons were beautifully crafted, ornately made but heavy enough that a normal man would have struggled to even lift them. They didn’t bother with shields. With terrible, inexorable surety, the Armour waded into the fight. To the naked eye, the two sides were now impossible to tell apart. Covered in mud and filth, their uniforms and weapons mostly salvaged, Harald and Lord Maxwell’s peasant infantries looked identical. And as the ranks of Armour fell on them, both sides reacted with equal terror. But before the battle Harald’s army, even the peasants, had been warded by his blood mages. The wards were invisible, but the Armour could tell them apart from their foes without issue. Ignoring Harald’s men, they fell on Lord Maxwell’s forces without mercy. The killing chant didn’t waver. Giant swords and axes fanned through the rain. Chests split open. Heads and limbs were separated from bodies and arced high into the air. The rebel lord’s men tried to flee but they slipped and collapsed, and the Armour fell on them from behind. The suits of Armour sank deep into the mud with every step, each weighing many times more than a man, but they also had the strength to wrench themselves free and they never grew tired. Pockets of resistance tried to organise and fight back. But blades snapped against the Armour’s plate and arrows bounced off them harmlessly. Even those arrows and stones that struck the Armour in their open facemasks fell into the glowing gaps without doing any damage, rattling around inside the Armour. The Armour could be killed but it would require pulling them apart completely and scattering the pieces, or destroying enough of their runes. They continued to fight if they merely lost a head or a limb. And the runes were carved so deep in the metal that destroying them required destroying the entire plate they were inscribed on. They charged those that were holding out, hewing and rending. Maxwell’s forces fell like wheat before the scythe. Some were divided entirely in half. Blood and guts spilled and were stomped into the mud. Only a couple of Armour were attacked by enough soldiers at once to actually inflict damage. Routed, Maxwell’s forces fled into the spare woods beyond the battleground. Harald’s cavalry pursued, spurring their horses to cut the men off. With reignited morale, the king's infantry peeled themselves off the ground and gave chase as well, or made a show of capturing surrendering forces. xXx Close to two hundred survivors of Lord Maxwell’s forces were rounded up, chained together by the wrists and ankles, and marched from the battlefield. The number included Maxwell himself and his personal guard. As a lord, Maxwell was treated a little better than his peasantry, but only a little. A distant cousin of Harald, he was also a tall, bearded man with some similar features, although younger and leaner than the king. Returning to the seat of Harald’s kingdom, Harald’s army, muddy and weighed down by battlefield loot, jeered and cursed the prisoners as they marched. Armour stomped alongside the column. One of the blood mages chanted the marching song at all times, the six mages employed on the campaign taking the role in shifts. At the back of the column were ranks of captured horses. Harald and his guard rode at the head of the army. Atop his destrier, Harald wore a slash of a grin at first. But as the journey went on, and he stewed over the fact that Maxwell and his men had dared defy him in the first place, his mood soured and darkened. By the time Harald’s army and his prisoners approached the capital, Maxwell and his men were ragged. Feet bleeding, broken by exhaustion. The only thing that kept them going was the knowledge that if they fell behind they would be killed and their corpses tossed aside by the merciless Armour. The stone walls of Harald’s castle rose over the rooftops of the surrounding city. As they entered the capital, Harald’s subjects massed along the streets. Taunting, throwing rotten food, they made sure they were witnessed showing their loyalty to their king by denigrating his enemies. No one wanted to be seen showing less than total enthusiasm and risk being branded a traitor. Maxwell and his men staggered on with their heads lowered, unable to raise their chained hands. Prisoners already filled Harald’s dungeons, criminals, traitors, and those who had in some way rebelled against his reign. Room was found, however, for Maxwell and his army. Lord Maxwell and those with ties to nobility would probably be ransomed. The peasants and those worth nothing to those who could afford to pay the price would be put to hard labour. Enormous fanfare greeted Harald himself as he and the head of his army entered the gates of the castle. Another resounding victory. Another enemy defeated and humiliated. But Harald failed to find much satisfaction. His court’s honeyed tongues failed to hide their devious eyes and the knives hidden behind their backs. They’d have just as much praise or perhaps even more for Maxwell if he’d marched through the gates instead. And no matter how many rebellions Harald put down or how many traitors he executed more were always springing up to take their place. His Armour were powerful tools of war but he needed more. He needed something that demanded absolute obsequiousness from his subjects. Harald retired to his chambers to bathe and be dressed by his courtiers. By the time they’d finished, his evening meal was approaching. Before then, he’d demanded news of the goings on in the kingdom while he had been away campaigning. “My liege, your head mage, Eosin, requested an audience with you upon your return,” a messenger boy said, just as Harald settled into a couch by the window. “He said the matter was of great import!” “And you waited until now to inform me of this?” Harald scowled and his voice rose in anger. The boy cringed. “My liege, Eosin waits on you at your leisure.” “That is all well, but for him to request an audience so soon, mayhap he finally delivers me a way to rid myself of these snakes and ingrates once and for all! Go, tell him I will meet with him in his chamber at once.” Flanked by two of his personal guards, Harald soon descended to ground level in the wing of the castle that held Eosin’s laboratory. Eosin’s chamber was a vast, round room, like the inside of a stone silo. A balcony ringed the second level of the room so people could observe the happenings on the ground floor. Equipment, chemicals and esoteria cluttered tables throughout the room typically but they’d all been shoved to the sides to make room for an enormous object covered by stitched sheets. It filled the room, this mystery object. Harald was sure it would be revealed shortly, Eosin had a flair for the dramatic. As soon as Harald and his guards entered, Harald’s head mage scurried over. Eosin was a small man, hairless and so pale he appeared to have never seen sunlight. He wore a hooded robe and an iron chain, a mark of his order, rattled against his chest. “My liege! Congratulations on your victory, I hear that our Armour was instrumental in your defeat of Lord Maxwell,” Eosin said. “That may well be.” Harald bristled. “But, mage, long have I been asking of you to deliver me something which will end these insurrections once and for all. I expect there is good reason you’ve summoned me now?” “Of course! In your leave, we’ve been crafting day and night! To create something which will, as you say, end all of your strife.” “Spare me your theatrics, what do you have to deliver?” Other blood mages and their apprentices busied themselves around the chamber. With a shouted command, Eosin got their attention and they swarmed toward the object covered by sheets. As Harald got closer, he came to appreciate just how huge it was. More than twice as tall as him, it was strange and lumpish but from some angles there was a sense of familiarity about it. Mages bunched handfuls of sheet in their fists and with a flourish that felt practised they removed the covering all at once. Harald’s eyes widened and he stumbled back, mouth agape. Beneath the sheet was one of Eosin’s Armour soldiers, like those Harald had used in battle against Lord Maxwell. Shaped like a knight in black armour but far, far larger. It had been posed sitting, hunched forward. Standing straight it would have been something like three stories tall. Spikes fringed its shoulders, more than proportionally broad, and ran up and down its tree trunk-thick limbs. A head like a massive barrel, face open, crowned with spars like antlers, slumped forward. Runes were carved deep into every individual piece of plate but for the moment they were dark and lacked the red glow of those Armour Harald employed on the battlefield. Between its raised knees, the seated Armour clutched a tremendous sword, it, again, twice as long as Harald was tall and with an impossibly heavy blade. “By the gods.” Harald took several steps backward as the monster Armour intimidated even unpowered and in respite. “I didn’t think such a thing was possible.” “All things are impossible until we make them possible, my liege. We have been working on this for many months. Collecting the iron, smelting and forming the armour, the rune work,” Eosin said. “With a weapon like this, once it is activated, no one will stand against you. All will be terrified into submission. Your troubles will be at an end.” “Activated, of course, how can this, beast, be brought to life?” Eosin hesitated. “The same method as the others, my liege. Blood magic requires sacrifice.” Every one of Harald’s Armour soldiers represented at least one dead warrior. Typically, they took soldiers or knights who were already mortally wounded. They volunteered as sacrifices, or were volunteered if unresponsive, although many of the peasantry feared that not just their blood but their souls were used to power the Armour. From time to time, the blood had to be refreshed. Looking at the giant Armour, Harald conceived the obvious question. “This creation cannot be powered with just one sacrifice, can it, mage?” “Ah, no, you have discerned quite succinctly the crux of our next concern.” “How many?” “Over one hundred, my liege. One hundred and twelve, according to my calculations, to be exact.” Harald scoffed, at first too disbelieving to even be angry. “Is that all?” “The Armour’s needs are exponential, my liege. To power the runes will require a great sacrifice and the power of all of your mages.” “We returned with some injured, but not mortally. I believe it will take some time to find so many volunteers.” “To be clear, my liege, the-, ritual, requires that the sacrifices all happen at once. We can’t simply wait and sacrifice one soldier at a time, as we’ve been doing with the other Armour. It will need one hundred and twelve sacrifices done simultaneously.” Harald absorbed the facts as presented to him. He had ordered the deaths of hundreds upon hundreds of men, but that was in battle. He’d ordered almost as many executions during his reign, but again those were criminals and traitors, their misdeeds weighed and fairly judged. This would be murder, a massacre. The kind of thing commoners would remember of him long after he was dead. But then, Harald stared up at the Armour in awe and admiration. With a weapon like this at his disposal, no one would ever dare stand against him again. They would remember him as an absolute ruler, even a conqueror. With the mighty Armour under his control, he could carve out new borders for his kingdom and build an army that would hold them for a thousand years. “The prisoners, Lord Maxwell and his men. We will use them, feed their blood to awaken this beast.” “That was my thinking as well, my liege. Excellent.” xXx The Armour had to be disassembled and then reassembled, piece by enormous piece, in the courtyard of Harald’s castle. The mages rebuilt it in the same position, seated and hunched forward with its sword as if in contemplation. Knights and soldiers used the courtyard for training and practice, it was a wide, open, dusty space. All of the training equipment was shifted to the edges of the yard. Barricades were placed around the Armour. Directly above the Armour’s spiked helmet, they built a square platform attached to a series of stairs, rather like an overly tall gallows. Rumours filled the kingdom. It didn’t take long for the castle’s servants and guards to spread stories outside its walls about the iron giant taking shape in the courtyard. Most were aware of how Harald’s regular Armour soldiers were powered by blood, although not the specifics. Many, like Harald, were quick to grasp that a bigger suit of Armour might require more blood, so many of the rumours concerned how that blood might be acquired. Some feared there would be a kind of lottery to select sacrifices, or a coming purge. Lord Maxwell’s imprisoned army were kept ignorant of their planned purpose. The big day arrived, bright and clean. King Harald entered the courtyard in his bejewelled crown and finery, a ceremonial sword on his hip. Palace guards surrounded him on all sides. Although he’d feared how the act of sacrifice required to power the Armour would be perceived, Harald decided that it shouldn’t be performed in darkness like a theft in the night. He was a king, and this day would be framed and remembered as a great victory. The weapon and what he could do with it would justify all that he did here. The royal court filed into the courtyard, as they would for any grand occasion. Lords and ladies, knights, and the kingdom’s richest merchants. They stood in awe of the great and malevolent Armour, for now as still a statue with its runes unlit. A frisson of tension filled those watching. Harald walked to the edge of the barricades around the Armour and held up a gloved hand, drawing their attention instantly. “Today is a day that will go down in the long histories of our lands and our kingdom! Today, we secure our borders against invaders and secure our way of life from traitors and rot from within. Today, we set the first stone in an empire that will last a thousand years!” The court applauded, as they’d been trained to do. No one wanted to be seen as the first one to finish clapping their hands together. Harald wasn’t watching them, however. He gazed back at the giant Armour. Already his mind was on building more, an army, a legion. A single incident of mass murder, killing over a hundred men at once, would horrify people. Doing it again and again would simply become routine. “Begin,” Harald commanded. The first batch of prisoners were brought out by armoured guards, blinking in the sunlight. They were dressed in underclothes or rags, whatever they’d had on beneath their armour or uniforms when they’d been captured. They took in the Armour and the crowd in wary confusion. Two of the king’s men grabbed the first prisoner, some nameless peasant from Maxwell’s army, and dragged him to the steps. They marched up the stairs together. The prisoner didn’t start to fight until they were almost at the platform and even then his struggles were weak and ineffective. Eosin waited at the top of the stairs. His hooded robe hid much of his face, as well as disguised his small frame. A ceremonial knife, its blade razor sharp and covered in runes, dangled from his hand. Other blood mages threaded throughout the courtyard in raised positions. Together they started to chat the waking song, voices gathering into a single background hum. Nothing happened with the Armour or the runes, yet. Holding him down, the soldiers forced the first prisoner to his knees at the very edge of the platform so that he was facing the top of the Armour’s helm. Mumbling along with the chant, Eosin ran the knife across the prisoner’s throat. His skin split like a grape and hot blood jetted from the severed arteries. Still struggling, the peasant let out a wet, gurgling cry. The guards, as they’d been told, shoved him forward and pulled his head back by the hair to open the passage of the wound. When the gash began to run dry, they turned him upside down and held him by the ankles. Blood splattered the Armour below and trickled down its sides but none of it reached the ground. The dark metal drank it, so that it almost seemed to dissipate. Chanting, the blood mages kept their heads bowed. Deep, deep within the runes on the Armour, the first embers of a red glow began to flare. After seeing what had happened, the other prisoners fought back but guards wrestled them into submission and up the stairs. Eosin wielded the knife for all, opening throats wide and deep so blood rained down on the Armour. The iron supped it all thirstily. First ten men, then twenty, and then fifty. The deaths went on and on as the prisoners were brought out in batches of ten. Their corpses were carried down the steps once dry and piled into wagons, the wagons then wheeled out of sight. Their bodies jerked and spasmed as they were hung by their feet, until they went still. The crowd, at first horrified, looked around and once they realised no one else would be the first to raise a voice in protest they stayed silent. They became inured, and then even bored by the spectacle. The guards grew tired, dragging struggling men up the steps and carrying bodies down. As the blood ran and the mages chanted, the glow from within the runes became more and more powerful. As the number of corpses neared one hundred, the court grew restless. Voices cracked and strained, the mages continued to chant the waking chant. The guards struggled with some of the feistier prisoners but none managed to break free. The huge runes carved into the Armour’s plates glowed blood red with real heat. And then, several of the fingers of the Armour’s left gauntlet moved. Metal scraped on metal. Before anyone really reacted, the Armour shifted forward, iron plates grinding together. The crowd gasped and a few people reeled. Harald himself had been getting bored and tired of being on his feet but excitement chased that away. The glow began to work its way into the empty face of the Armour’s helmet but it didn’t move again. “Keep going! Keep going, faster!” Harald said. The final batch of prisoners were brought out from the dungeons. Among them was Lord Maxwell himself, making a show of struggling against his captors and standing proud. Harald hadn’t ordered that he be among those executed but he hadn’t ordered explicitly against it either. Lips pursed, he watched the rebel lord be dragged to the stairs and then up toward the platform. “You can kill me, you can kill hundreds of us, but you’ll never be our king!” Maxwell shouted. “You’ll never win loyalty, or love! The best you can do is rule through terror, and be remembered as a tyrant whose grave they’ll spit on once you’re dead!” Maxwell was forced to his knees at the edge of the platform. Eosin seemed inexhaustible. Raising the bloody knife, he pulled Maxwell’s head back by the hair and yanked the knife across his throat. Blood splashed outward and rained on the Armour. Maxwell was shoved forward, taken by the legs and held upside down. Blood splattered the thirsty iron, only a few drops now making it as far as the ground around it. With his throat slit and his body spasming, Lord Maxwell looked no more noble than any of his peasants. Maxwell’s body was carted down and the next man was brought up, spitting and cursing. The guards passed one another on the stairs. Mages chanted and the Armour shifted and almost seemed to shiver. Lord Maxwell’s corpse joined a wagon with the others, to be carted away and burned like plague victims. One hundred and twelve men. The last of them shrank down, eyes closed, praying fervently to his chosen god as he was shoved to the edge of the platform. His lips kept moving right up until the moment his throat was slit. His life bled out on the Armour. Very little blood had dripped as far as the ground or showed on the plates of iron. The Armour had drunk it all. The chanting didn’t stop or stumble. The Armour’s face and runes glowed just as red as those on the man-sized Armour. Its left gauntlet gathered, creaking, into a fist. The other wrapped tighter around the handle of its sword. “Yes, yes!” Harald leaned in and touched the pommel of his own ceremonial sword. Metal creaked and groaned as the Armour rocked forward. It reached out and clutched at one of the barricades placed around it but the wood splintered in its fist. Awkwardly, the giant climbed to its enormous sabaton feet. Pavers cracked beneath its weight. Harald laughed, seeing the raw power even in the Armour’s clumsy first movements. Knowing that power belonged to him, and was his to wield. His subjects did not need to love him, did not need to acknowledge his divine right to the throne, not so long as he had a weapon like this on his side. Leaving the final corpse, Eosin and the two guards fled from the platform and down the wooden steps. As it stood, the Armour crashed into the platform and flattened it. Pieces of wooden debris rained to the ground. Steps shattered behind Eosin and the guards as the Armour staggered into them. The chanting died off as the Armour rose. Harald and the rest of the court, the nobles and merchants, sensed something wrong. The Armour’s giant sword fell and rang off the ground as the Armour reeled, reaching for its helmet. Its runes glowed, growing brighter and then fading, pulsing. “What-, what’s happening?” Harald said. Shaking the earth, the Armour staggered sideways. It clutched at its helmet like a man experiencing a splitting head pain. Its runes flamed and faded like a fire lit by a bellows. The Armour smashed easily through the barricades that had been placed around it, not even coming up to its spiked knees. Members of the court cried out and scattered. “What’s happening?” Harald spun and sought out the closest blood mages. “What is it doing?” Mages started to chant again, commanding the Armour to be still and go into guard mode. Their efforts weren’t uniform, however, and the Armour ignored them. It warred within itself. The blood of one hundred and twelve men, men who were enemies of Harald, warred within it. And then, a terrible stillness came over the Armour. A terrible focus. Creaking, its heavy arms lowered to its sides and it looked around the courtyard. Tired guards with no idea of what else to do tried to surround the Armour. They looked pathetic next to it, their spears and swords like toothpicks. It studied them, and then raised one foot. Each iron boot was as long as a man was tall. It came down on one of the palace guards with a horrible crunch, bones popping, the guard’s armour giving way and flattening like it wasn’t even there. Other guards attacked the leg but their blades rang harmlessly off the iron. “Protect the king! Protect the king!” Guards around Harald bellowed, circling him. The courtyard had one large entrance and multiple small ones, but the large one was gated closed. A couple of men hurried to open the trellis covering the large exit, but it was heavy and slow. Members of the court swarmed the other exits. They were stampeded, people falling and being stomped on. Others tore at one another in a blind panic to be the first through the doors. Some of the mages tried to resume chanting but others fled and their cooperation broke down. “Eosin! Where is Eosin?” Harald yelled above the din. The Armour swung around and kicked another palace guard in the chest. The blow stove in the man’s breastplate and launched him into the air as if by trebuchet. He flew silently into the wall surrounding the courtyard, hitting with a clatter and then tumbling into one of the crowds massing below. Bending over, the Armour swept aside a pack of guards with one arm. Spikes covering its vambrace slashed and impaled them even as it knocked them flailing. The Armour recovered its monster of a sword and straightened again to its full, three story height. “Make way for the king! Make a path!” One of Harald’s personal guard roared. Harald and the guards made for the nearest exit. Unfortunately, it was clogged with people trying to get through. In spite of their usual deference, the nobles and merchants and other members of the court failed to heed the guards. Behind them, the Armour stomped across the courtyard. It spotted Harald and came for him, giant sword in hand. Harald drew his own weapon, ornate and made for show but still heavy and sharp. “Cut a path!” Harald said. Guards started to cut down anyone who remained in their way. The members of the court were unarmed and unprotected. Blades sliced through cloth and yielding flesh, eliciting cries of pain and surprise. Blood spurted from gaping wounds. Harald saw one noblewoman’s hand hewed from her wrist and sent spiralling through the air, spilling heavy rings off its fingers. He rammed his own sword into the back of one short, fat merchant too slow to get out of the way. Screaming, the others scattered and cleared a path to the door. The Armour bent its sword back to its pauldron and then brought it around, whistling through the air, into the crowd. People almost exploded as they were hit. Torsos were ripped in half, or severed from waists. Limbs broke like straw. Gore and body parts and screaming people were splattered across the courtyard. Harald and two of his guards forced their way through the stone archway, into the castle, just ahead of the Armour’s sword. The Armour brought its weapon down like a guillotine on a guard who lagged behind. The man crumpled beneath it, cry cut short. With its free gauntlet, the Armour grabbed another guard. Straightening, it cast the man away indifferently behind it. The man flew over the walls of the courtyard, beyond the castle, and disappeared with a surprised scream. Frightened people filled the corridor just inside. They clutched at Harald and his guards, begging for protection. Harald ignored them, shoving his way past with his two men following. The king’s face was red with fury. When he found his head mage, he would have Eosin tortured and executed in the messiest way he could conceive. Impaled and flayed and quartered, and whatever was left fed to wild dogs, assuming that Eosin was still alive. No one had ever created a suit of Armour of such size. Clearly it was too big, too powerful, the rage filling the blood of Lord Maxwell and his enemies too much for the mages’ chanting to contain. Eosin had seen Harald’s royal court massacred, his courtyard destroyed, and worse, he’d made Harald look like a fool. With no sense of where he was going, just trying to get away, Harald headed for the nearest stairwell. Stone steps, lit by candlelight, spiralled to the castle’s second level. Dust sifted from the ceiling as the Armour crashed and hammered around outside. “This way!” Harald barked. The two palace guards followed Harald loyally. As Harald neared the second level, however, something slammed through the wall to his left. The Armour’s bloodied sword drove through the stonework. The stairwell imploded. Bits of rock sprayed Harald and the two guards, separated by the giant blade. The sword carved upward and the ceiling collapsed. More debris hammered the two guards and they disappeared behind a wall of falling masonry. “Damn it all!” Harald staggered up the steps and fled to the second level. The doorway at the top of the stairwell led into a hallway lit by tall, narrow windows along one wall. Screams and sounds of rampaging chaos came from the windows overlooking the courtyard. Harald’s throne room was down the far end of the corridor, which seemed to him to be the most logical place to go. Unable to stop himself, Harald stopped by one of the windows and peered out. Bodies and blood filled the courtyard. Guards, mages, and members of the court all fled blindly as the Armour attacked people and the walls of the castle at random. And then, bent slightly at the shoulders, the Armour turned and looked in Harald’s direction. It had no face but the red glow from within the neck of its helmet beamed. Harald, eldest son of his father, had been raised with the expectation that he would rule. That his word would be good as law. He’d never known anything less. Even when fighting rebels or staving off traitorous talk within his kingdom, Harald always maintained a belief in his total and absolute control. But this situation was very much out of his control. Fear paralysed the king, rooting his feet to the floor. His ceremonial sword drooped in his hand. The Armour flung itself at the wall lined with slitted windows. Breaking free of his paralysis, Harald tried to run. One of the Armour’s man-sized fists punched through the stone ahead of Harald. Masonry pelted the king and sent him stumbling backward. The fist pulled away, leaving a yawning gap. Moments later, it punched through the wall again in the direction Harald had already travelled. Harald reeled and dropped his sword with a clatter. The Armour ripped out a huge chunk of wall. Overhead, the ceiling quaked and threatened to fall. Harald staggered from foot to foot. Outside, black and glowing red, the metal giant loomed. It reached inside and, before Harald knew what was happening, the hand seized him. Iron fingers clamped around his chest and stomach. “No! Put me down! I command it! I command you!” Harald yelled. Looking down, the Armour filled with the blood of the king’s enemies studied him. Harald drummed ineffectively at its fingers with his fists. The Armour made no sound and wore no expression. Lacking its earlier frenzy, the Armour began to squeeze. Harald choked. Face flushed, his eyes bulged. “I own you! You’re nothing without me, let me go!” Harald’s voice weakened as air was forced from his lungs. Ribs popped and snapped. Harald’s face became redder, as if all his blood was being forced into it. He gasped, unable to pull air into his lungs. Metal fingertips dug into Harald’s sides and blood started running out of the Armour’s fist, down Harald’s legs. Disbelieving, Harald fought until spasms of pain robbed him of all control. With a final crunch, the gauntlet turned the king’s midsection to pulp, breaking his spine and killing him. The Armour turned, metal grating on metal. Some of the palace guards had gotten the main gate for the courtyard open and people poured through it like a flood. The Armour cast King Harald’s remains aside like a piece of garbage and stomped toward the exit. Members of the court screamed and scattered out of its way. The Armour ducked but still slammed into the arch above the gate. Stone gave way and crashed to the ground. The Armour straightened, lifting its sword, and set off toward the city. Gliding across the courtyard, Eosin moved among the debris and splattered bodies. The other mages, like everyone else, had run in blind panic, but the head mage walked with surety. He stopped and hovered above King Harald’s corpse. Harald’s eyes stared blindly at the sky from out of his blood-flecked face. Eosin’s hood mostly hid the smirk that crossed his face. “I told you, my liege, with this Armour all your troubles would be over.”   ======   Sean: I’m a huge kaiju fan, love all the old Godzilla movies and everything in that genre. That’s what this one boils down to in a lot of ways, a medieval kaiju story. I’ve had this idea for a while, and I’m happy with how it's taken form! The original idea had more magic, including other uses for blood magic, and the first draft for this story included more sorcery as well but it wasn’t really adding anything to the narrative so I scrapped it and started over. I tried to avoid giving too much background or explaining too much motivation, I wanted to leave that up to the imagination. Certainly I don’t see any good guys in this story, including Lord Maxwell and his plucky rebels. Kings and lords are always going to war with one another, and it's the little people that get ground down into nothing between them, dying for no real reason. Eosin may have good reasons for doing what he did, I’m not sure, but at the same is monstrously ruthless about the way he goes about it. Next week I am kicking off on a challenge within a challenge, as I realised a few weeks ago that in spite of basing stories off the Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual, I hadn’t written a single story with a dragon in it! So next week I’m kicking off DRACTOBERFEST, five weeks of stories all based off of draconic creatures! These stories are not all written so this is genuinely a way of challenging myself anew. Keep your eyes on the website to see how I go with those ones over the next five weeks, and find me if you like on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. Next Week’s Inspiration: Pseudodragon  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "581980", "id": "581988", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Sacrifice - Sacrifice", "author": "SeanEBritten", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Historical", "Horror", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Aristocracy", "Army Building", "Arrogant Characters", "Blood Manipulation", "Cruel Characters", "Druids", "Dungeons", "Elemental Magic", "Gore", "Kingdom Building", "Kingdoms", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Magic Formations", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Medieval", "Military", "Monsters", "Power Struggle", "Short Story", "Sword And Magic", "Sword Wielder" ] }
(Darek)-Okay dumb dick, any questions? Said Darek sitting at a round white plastic garden table, putting the already empty glass on the table. He said looking at the person sitting across from him who was smiling stupidly sitting across from him. (Krystian)-I didn't fucking understand a thing. Hehehe.... He said as he poured himself another glass, grinning from ear to ear. (Darek)-Probably because you're a dumb ass. He said pointing at Krystian, simultaneously grabbing a full glass with two fingers of the same hand. And drinking it almost immediately. (Krystian)-Fuck..hehe...I have a question. (Darek)-Fuck. Then ask! Krystian scratched his head, more and more amused by the topic. And stifling a laugh, he asked. (Krystian)-After all ... Fuck ... Darek ... If we land in the sun, we will burn! Then Darek burst out laughing and grabbed the entire bottle of alcohol and took two deep gulps. And he said smiling. (Darek)-Dumb ass. You take me for an idiot. We will land at night. The amused expression on the faces of the two friends interrupted the strange phenomenon. Even though it was night, and the two buddies currently staying behind a large single-family house, they were drinking alcohol by the fire and having a good time. While bursting out laughing, they noticed a strange phenomenon in the night sky. A swarm of many creatures that couldn't be identified from such a distance. She was heading towards them, which caused panic between them. However, they both knew that the speed at which the swarm was moving gave them no chance to escape. So Krystian looked quickly at Darek and, directing his gaze to the bonfire, said quite loudly. (Krystian)-We're making fucking torches!! (Darek)-What? (Krystian)-Torches!! Now! Because they both had little time. Darek, without thinking too much, took the wooden chair on which he had been sitting moments earlier. And striking the ground with it, he shattered it into pieces. He grabbed two broken legs of the chair and handed one of them to Krystian. Which moments earlier began to tear the tablecloth that moments earlier was lying on the table. And he tore it in half and gave the other half to Darek. Who, without waiting, poured alcohol on his half, and after a while Krystian did the same. And they both ran to the fire and lit the cloth together. Thus creating two torches, and then in the last seconds before a swarm of unidentified black creatures reaches them. Put two torches in the direction of danger. However, the effect of such a quick organized action was small. Making these two light sources didn't give much of a result. Only in the last seconds both of them saw the reason for their sudden disappearance. The swarm consisted of a multitude of ravens. Which they both saw before the darkness consumed them.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "704613", "id": "704642", "q": 0.91, "title": "Two Crows - Chapter 1", "author": "Kriuswer", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adult", "Adventure", "LitRPG", "Psychological", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Arms Dealers", "Demons", "Friendship", "Slaves" ] }
Chapter 1 A/N: Friend Insert is similar to an SI only in the fact there is the “Author” who takes control of the setting, characters, lore of the fandom in question and the “Player” only controls their own character. The Player is generally likened to have as close to zero knowledge of the setting in question (Be it One Piece, Naruto, Marvel or otherwise). But it's not always required.   The “Author” plays it as straight or crazy as he needs being fair as possible to the other person that’s inserted.    LackOfUpdates: I know only the beginning of Honkai what Tobi told me. Put zero thought into the title. Saw Third in the name said Fourth.  Tobi: The Author   +/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/+ An endless blue sea was all Roy could see. The young man could do nothing but be dragged along the invisible currents. He had no idea how he was able to breath, or what was happening. All he remembered was a blue portal opening then being dragged into it.    He had no idea how much time had passed since he had been dragged along this unknown plane. Minutes? Hours?    Along the way he had seen many bizarre sights. Portals like the one that dragged him into this realm, on the other side of the portals were strange worlds. Through one of them he saw a white haired girl wearing a coat with bunny ears summon blue drones to fight off a kunoichi in black futuristic armor. The two battled in what seems to be a futuristic vault of a sci-fi world.    In another he saw a giant purple robot fighting against a black and white behemoth in the middle of a city. The tremors from the blows the two threw against each other rang out of the portal.    Then he saw two blonde twins with golden wings fight against a glowing white haired woman in a cloudy sky.    Each portal depicted a world so different from his own mundane one.    After watching so many portals, he would pass out at times. Blacking out from an information overload.   ‘What the utter sh- what’s happening!?’ he exclaimed finally conscious once more, ‘One moment I’m chilling having a meal and the next I’m hallucinating?’ He didn’t have time to consider each world long enough to judge whether it was a dream or not before he felt himself start to accelerate as if his destination was rapidly approaching.    A strange hum could be heard and Roy’s body was dragged in a new direction. Turning to look at where he was being pulled, he caught a glimpse of a new portal being formed.    Before he had time to brace himself, his body was accelerated towards the portal. The sight of a snowy landscape greeted him followed by the chilling temperature.    Flying through the portal he landed face first in a patch of fresh snow.    ‘Ow,’ while his landing was surprisingly soft, it was still solid ground underneath. He took a moment before his dizziness left him and slowly got to his feet. Putting a hand to his face he groaned, ‘That felt way too real to be hallucination.’   A roar interrupted his thoughts and a wave of killing intent was directed at Roy. Looking up he saw a large brown bear was charging towards him. It’s eyes glowing red with lines of energy the same color as its eyes running throughout the beast's body.    Nearly a kilometer away, the feral hulking beast was rapidly closing the distance. A cloud of steam covered the beast as it’s footsteps melted the snow.    ‘What the f-!’ His thoughts a mess Roy nearly froze, before his instincts took over. Time seemed to slow down as he took in all his options.   ‘There’s no cover, no trees nearby except in the distance, except for this weird battle scarred bear- no wait those are glowing lines, wonderful as if a normal bear wasn’t enough this thing looks to have been mutated into a worse murder machine.’    Roy doubted he would have the ability to out run it but it was his only chance now that the bear had was nearly on him in the brief moment he had to consider his options, he dodged into its blindspot attempting to jump on the bear’s back before realizing, ‘This was likely a bad idea.’.    [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/93/bf/be93bf99cf4347d602cb57059df8540a.jpg [/img]   In mere seconds the bear was within striking distance., swiping at Roy’s torso. Razor sharp claws sank into Roy’s chest and he was sent flying off the ground.    A burning sensation invaded his body spreading throughout it. Time seemed to slow down as he flew over the air, Roy could see blood gushing out of his torso along with his flesh accompanied by the same red energy that was coming off the bear.    Instead of mind numbing pain from having a chunk of his body carved out he oddly enough he felt energetic. He felt like someone injected him with a cocktail of condensed sugar and carbonated energy drink for an elephant mixed with vodka.    He slid across the fallen snow, the pain dulled and through Roy’s eyes the world was becoming clearer.    ‘I wish I had a...’ Roy’s hand twitched and the snow gathered into a sword, ‘...Weapon.’ Roy crushed his surprise at the floating sword in front of him.    Since the sword had appeared telekinetically he assumed it could be controlled as such and he simply willed it to move. He had the strange thought that the bear should've paused to comment about his construction like some anime character before shaking it off and he launched the sword. not even bothering to wield it as he knew he had no skill in blade works.    The hastily constructed white sword sliced through the air . burying itself up to the hilt. Enraged, the bear let out another roar, a wave of energy rippling through the air. The sword vaporized from the energy wave but the wound it left behind was visible. Blood freely flows out as flesh renit itself, sealing the wound shut.    As the bear charged once more, the red energy appeared near its hands, causing its claws to grow.     ‘Snow normally wouldn’t stand up to some hard wind much less three quarter ton of muscle and rage…’ he needed range, so instead of a weapon he willed for two constructs, one for a platform to keep him above the bear, and the other to smash into the bear to see if his attack earlier was a fluke or not.   The bear and the rapidly forming pillar collided, sending snow fluttering from the sheer force of the impact. The sound of flesh and bone being pulverised rang out.    Roy’s hope of the battle being ended there was dashed as glowing red eyes glared right into his own. The beast's right limb up to the shoulder was mangled. Bent at an unnatural angle and yet it did not stop attacking. Using it’s other hand it was trying to push itself up the pillar.    Roy’s eyes widened in shock, ‘How is it still moving…’ before he blanked, ‘Ah, right it was mutated.’ He didn’t have time to feel embarrassed as the mutated monster was halfway to him in its mad rush to kill him.    Roy wondered if he could create something more complex and almost immediately his mind produced the most comprehensive blueprints he had ever thought of, almost far too overwhelming taking him a moment to remember that he was in danger to focus.    Where normally he couldn’t remember ten  things at once, now within his mental landscape he held various designs  of weapons to unknown technology all from their conception to the materials up until its construction.    ‘This has to be that weird energy,’ he assumed.    Orange outlines of the construct appeared as a large cannon landed on the platform and he fired upon the bear.   Instead of a projectile a large beam of light blinded him causing the ground to rumble and crack as the shockwave dropped the snow from the tree branches.   When the light died down. All that remained of the bear’s existence were patches of it’s blood on the snow and a crater of heated Earth and steaming snow where it died.    With the threat gone, the adrenaline rush started to die down and the fatigue of everything caught up to Roy. The burning sensation of his body was growing weaker but it was still present and a thin sheen of sweat had formed.    Catching his breath, Roy finally had the time to start internalizing the messed up situation he had found himself in.     Roy looked around it really was ice and snow in every direction, he would’ve thought he was in Antarctica if it weren’t for the trees, ‘Either I’m in Canada or this is Russia,’ Staring at the steaming pile of snow and broken debris from the battle, ‘I wonder if…’ he considered his newfound abilities once more designing  something he could fly on.    Perhaps whatever or whoever was mutating that bear had aerial reach, because thus far he didn’t think it was natural for bears with glowing eyes and grotesque veins to be running around. It was likely that some large resourceful organization had caused it. And if they had decided to mutate a bunch of birds he’d be having a dog fight with Vultures with breathing dragon fire.    He needed an airplane- no, a fully outfitted jet. The name of the vehicle streamed into his mind, Heavily Classified GOA HyperBorea 7.    A mild headache enough to cause Roy to stagger struck him. Information on how to build an aircraft came to the forefront of his mind..    Sunset coloured lines traced themselves into the various material and parts of a machine capable of breaking the sound barrier, large twin engines revving up as it formed in front of him, ‘It actually worked?!’ Roy had only considered it possible in the vaguest of terms, whatever his power was, it was beautifully intuitive.    Even if he wasn’t a pilot his knowledge of the airplane made it so he was better than most pilots. He hopped inside and the HUD booted up much more advanced than most military armaments in his world.   Immediately alarms were ringing on the HUD. On the map there were multiple targets and all of them were rushing to his location.    The unknown system Roy had created under the guidance of the information appearing in his head had divided the potential enemies into two categories.    Biological lifeforms that were similar to the bear that attacked him and mechanical enemies. How the system detected and differentiate them he was not completely sure but what he did know from the map was that. The two groups were fighting against each other in a location to the south of him a few miles away. While the targets that split off from the fighting were making a beeline towards him.    Luckily he had produced this thing because it was versatile.   One of the main reasons was the VTOL, with the blast of strange power the machine took off, regardless of whether they were similar in nature to the bear until they attacked him. He didn’t think it was right to simply shoot first and ask questions never.    With a boom he broke the sound barrier achieving mach speeds, ‘ What exactly are the power and energy and where are they coming from?’ He was nervous that whatever he was about to face was leagues above the bear.    If someone like him who wasn’t even an engineer could get something this broken  right off the bat what would something that was initially a threat infused with this energy be able to do.    As he neared the target he kept a finger on the trigger.    +/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/+   Alerts appeared once more as two aircrafts got close enough that they were visible. Futuristic looking black jets, they were easily keeping up.   On Roy’s interface, he received a ping from one of the unknown aircrafts.    “-you are in danger, please follow us.”    “Identify yourselves,” his tone commanding as if he hadn’t just made the plane seconds ago, “What danger?” He hadn’t let go off his trigger, either the jets were going to be his problem or if they were friendly then his targets would be whatever it is they were warning him about.   “Greetings, we are of Schicksal and my name is Rit-”    The aircrafts were forced to dodge as a giant laser fired upon them. The source of the projectile was a mecha on the ground a few miles away from them. It was a miniscule dot with his vision but his plane’s HUD brought up a magnified hologram of the mecha that seemed to be glaring at him with its lone red eye as others of its kind were busy fighting against weird white creatures leaking pink energy.    [img]https://www.hlj.com/media/catalog/product/cache/4bc67e7bcbd20a35cd2765ea936983a6/m/l/mls32766_0.jpg [/img]       The robot was looking up at them, then it was blown away as it was tackled by a girl in a white armor carrying a large lance. Riding on a large alien-like armored horse, the girl’s charge broke through the robots protecting the laser firing robot and skewered it with her pink glowing weapon.    Roy put on his best thinking cap as he tried to figure out what was happening right now, ‘I’m going to have to severely stress my suspension of disbelief for the next few hours. There are three factions, the robots and whoever they represent, the white alien creatures leaking pink energy and the aircrafts flying beside me.    Staring at the conflict Roy remembered, ‘They looked like the game I had heard my friends play and I had played a little of. But the main cast was the only thing I was seen with. None of this looked like them, and I had been told there was more than one place in the timeline the story took place in. The Robots were Anti-Entropy, the bad guys(?), Schicksalwas likely the one flying the airplane and the creatures were the basic honkai- wait’ Roy realized something odd, ‘Men weren’t resistant to Honkai energy, the pink energy, how did I even survive?’    He shook his head, ‘Not the time, the creatures were out, so was Anti-Entropy, thus that left me with Shicksal. I’d have to play along.’    Another communication line opened up on his HUD. This time the image of a blonde woman in a green military-like outfit was visible.    “My name is Cocolia of Anti Entropy, you are in danger. Do not listen to Schicksal.”   Roy tried not to let it show how she was doing a terrible job trying to seem like the good guy, ‘She’s giving off supervillain vibes,’ Roy raised an eyebrow, “Didn’t you shoot a laser at me?”    “You were not the target. Our target was Rita Rossweisse. Schicksal’s loyal lapdog.” Images were then sent next of Rita fighting through hoards of mechs, those strange white beasts which Roy recognised as Honkai beasts and… humans.    “As you see she’s a dangerous person and we could not let her and that organisation Schicksal get their hands on you. Once they do, you will become a labrat.”    ‘Even if I hadn’t vaguely recalled her being bad, she's doing a terrible attempt at recruiting people, it's only a little more obvious than the US military funding movies to recruit people for the military. Sucked when I realized Avengers and Transformers were basically military ads.’    He had his answer.    A/N:  Spoiler [img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/qjBW9DxOdI8/maxresdefault.jpg [/img] [collapse]   Went through it once more to edit a few mistakes and condensed some misc descriptions. There were some things Tobi had described that we hadn’t written in since we forgot as we were writing all this in real time and hadn’t edited anything. There were some missing parts and others that didn’t make sense without it.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "338910", "id": "338916", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "Fourth Impact (ft Tobi0487 as the Writer) - 001", "author": "NamesAreTheBaneOfMyExistence", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Historical", "Isekai", "Martial Arts", "Mature", "Mecha", "Mystery", "Psychological" ], "tags": [ "Accelerated Growth", "Alternate World", "Calm Protagonist", "Fantasy World", "Gunfighters", "Honest Protagonist", "Human Weapon", "Lost Civilizations", "World Hopping" ] }
In the middle of the continent, a war emerge as two kingdoms faught with weapons, fueled with magic and strange weaponry. No one knew how the war started nor how these two kingdoms began to engage in a war but this causes more and more weapons of mass destruction created so many graveyards and eerie destuction on both sides.  An item that enables humans to fly into the skies, a weapon to condense magic in a form of a bullet and being release through a pipe, such deadly and accurate range weaponry called a gun. It was truly a bloody battle between the two kingdoms. Villages being pillaged, men are taken to become soldiers, women were being raped and used as a toy to motivate the soldiers, it was a cruel and brutal war which all are called into Arms. In admist to that, a battlefield where the hails of gunshots and explosions run through in the messed up battlefield...  ".....huu....." A sound of a young person steadies the grip of the gun, aiming the sights upon the target with a relaxed motion as neither the sounds of explosion nor gunblast had affected the aim of the weapon. If not for the hair which was just reach the neck and the feminine features which encapsulates the figure of a woman, she would had been mistaken as a young boy who joined in a war that a single stray of shot can easily end a life. Her eyes were focused and keen on the mark, the steadiness of her gun and the target remained on her sights as she began to hold her breath and preparing to shoot. 'No mistake. Make it count.' Adjusting the sight, she put everything on the shot and as if she's betting on the single shot, she waited and patiently held her anger upon looking through the scope. A man was happily laughing while toying with a girl, who was currently crying while being surrounded by men, grinning with evil smiles as she was being assulted by the man. The girl in question tried to fight back but was held down by multiple men who seems to enjoy her screams. The young girl only continued to watch as she needed to wait upon an opportunity, an opportunity to which the shot would count and so... She waited, hearing the sounds of a screaming girl upon her clothes being destroyed, reducing her to only to her undergarments, being toyed by men whist trying to escape her fate as the leader finally began to remove her undergarment while untying his belt and so... The opportunity came! The young girl finally aimed and prepared her shot as once the leader began to fufill his lust, a gunshot was heard and the bullet quickly reached towards the location. *Splat* However, it wasn't aimed at the leader. The woman who was facing her despair, her head was blown off as all signs of her life was spiraling out of control. Yet it soon ended as the hand that was trying to fight back against the leader, slowly loses its strength. Like a doll with its strings cut short.... And.... *Boom* ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— "It was cruel for me to sacrifice a life for the sake of killing the leader. But it is that cruel of a life that we must face on towards a brighter goal." The young girl stood at a podium, staring down at the men in uniforms who were listening to her speech. All of them were soldiers who lined up, stare at the young girl who was currently in pain upon having to sacrifice her comrade. She was crying while holding onto the will to continue her speech. "MEN! We have sacrificed too many good soldiers upon this war! We lost our homes, our parents and even our peaceful life upon these invaders on our kingdom! We have seen these bastards pillage our homes, slit our parent's throats and even raped our sisters..... Today! We make a stand! A stand to fight for the kingdom! Fight for our lives! Freedom! Fame! Honor! Revenge! For our King! For our Vengence! For our Brothers and Sisters! For Astargoth!" """""FOR ASTARGOTH""""" As the young girl's yell upon the area, it was responded with a loud cheer upon the soldiers who had once lost their motivation to fight, begin to respark again by the voice of the young girl who was full of confidence and charm. Her beauty that was covered with mud, shone like she was an angel sent to aid the men in battle. The charm and motivation to fight, sparked their will and intent to take back their homes. Her strength when she led her team and in the sacrifice of a fallen comrade, manage to take out a high ranking officer and cause a disarray of men into panic, capitalizing the chaos and launched a counter-attacked which forced their enemies to run away in fear. She not only had the skill and the smarts to motivate them, her beauty was added to the mix that even some men would be willing to sacrifice their life to protect her. This causes the men to encourage themselves to fight harder as once she finished her speech, everyone respectfully bowed to her before leaving. Only the young girl remained as she bowed her head down in the podium. In the view without any eyes looking upon her, all the men would be quite in a shocked if they were manage to see this glimpse of her. The once angelic and pitiful young girl who watched her team being forced and had to sacrifice her life, she was currently bowing her head down while crafting a sinister smile which the facade of being a angel was a deciet. 'Fufufu....She was just a useful tool until the end. Such a shame that she died without killing more men.... Oh well...' Like a mask taken off, her expression of being an innocent young girl soon removed and only a mature, yet sinister girl remained as she slowly walk her way back to her room. Smiling innocently upon meeting with her fellow officers and as the door closes, she lay down in her bed with an ecstatic feeling upon her chest upon committing such an immoral act. 'Ahh~ It wasn't as fufilling as the time when I first committed my first act of immoral act of setting those men on fire but it does feel nice, watching those limbs fly out while I planted that bomb on that tool.' She felt a bit disappointed yet was still happy upon committing such acts. The ecstastic feeling of committing such taboo acts slowly made her feel the yearn to commit then as she wanted to come back to the battlefield once more to create more of those taboo. However, she had committed so much merit that she was currently stationed at the capital and can only be satisfied on toying her fellow officers. "Such a shame that I can't play with that girl's body no more. Her chest was ample enough and her thights were quite nice. Haah..." A sigh came out of her and felt that the transformation she had in the past was something quite a change from her current self. In just a year, she transformed from a morally and innocent soldier to a questionable human who considers the taboo acts as her sexual drive. The first time she committed such acts was when her team was surrounded and escaped through the forest from their persuers. Injured and hopelessness, they only tried to escape from their fate as she was thinking ways to either stop their persuers or kill them which all those plan of hers would only ended with failure. She tried many ways and routes but nothing come up. But then, a sudden and crazy idea soon surface upon her head. It also has its drawbacks yet there wasn't any choice in the matter and they can still escape if they fail. So, she began to explain her plan to her team which everyone tried to deny it but leaving with lesser options available consumed more time needed and they all reluctantly agreed to her plan. And so, her plan worked, too much in fact. Ablazing the forest with fire, cutting all their routes into one place and have them charge into the fire, only ended up being either shot or scorched, the persuers retreated without any spoils and even suffered sacrifices during their retreat. Which not only the young girl's team happy that they escaped but also won in that battle. Yet, they didn't know about something awakening inside the young girl as she watched those men who was screaming from being burned by fire, she was giving a sinister smile to which she didn't know until they returned back at their encampment as she finally discovered something changed inside her that day. She was happy she commited such a taboo act, she was estatic about hearing those men scream in pain from the fire, she was in bliss upon knowing there are many more ways she can explore more of that feeling as her road to madness soon began on that single moment. However, she was scolded for committing such acts that denied of any human right upon the war by her officers and was suspended from battlefield for a month. She can only humor herself by toying with the female officers bodies, judging their sizes and acting like an innocent and pure angel upon everyone like she was wrong about what she did that day. Her behavior that day sparked her interest as she began her greatest act of fooling everyone by her deciet to committ more of those crimes upon each deployment on her. Bringing disease and plague while sieging a city? She was afraid of prologing the fight that might cause them more of their soldiers. Poisoning on the enemy's encampment? The enemy's army outnumber theirs and laying traps would only slow down their overwhelming force. She tried any and everything in her hands to explained every situation as if she was always been sent to some impossible mission which she will never survive. And so, she won the hearts of everyone around her like she was controlling them like puppets as she lay on her bed, repeating the memories of her sacrificing that woman, making her sleep in comfort... From all the cruel acts, she smiled that the human living bomb was rated number 2 after the scorched forest. She listed in her mind that she was getting deeper in her desire to commit more acts.  And so, it was another day for the young girl, who committed such atrocities one after another. Sleeping in bliss while she slowly descends into the path of no return
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "211935", "id": "211940", "q": 0.7845454545454544, "title": "Mad Descent - One-Shot", "author": "ArcadiaBlade", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4.3, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Mature" ], "tags": [ "Depictions of Cruelty", "Evil Protagonist", "Female Protagonist", "Short Story", "Wars" ] }
JK-Sama Illustration by Liskim on twiter  A migraine. A real head-splitting migraine. Try as I might, no amount of meditating will do. No amount of refreshing tasteless water does anything to soothe the migraine. And I pause, holding my head up. Is it a migraine or a headache? Rubbing my temples, I try once again to pinpoint the source of the resonating pain. Grinding my teeth only adds to the pain. It’s hard not to, so I try to caress with my tongue instead, but it’s only a different sort of pain. A slight but unappreciative pain. I don’t know what brought this about. Could it be the rapid downpour of rain? I didn’t think to bring my umbrella. The weather forecast… well, technically, I didn’t think to check it. It’s always been sunny, so I assume it’ll be sunny. I was cooped up in my office for most of the day, away from windows, unbeknownst of the pelting I would receive. I’m not too close with my co-workers, except for Ken. Ken is a good guy, probably better than me, honestly. but he wasn’t in today so I lucked out not acquainting myself with the others. There is a cute, charming lady but she’s far from my cubicle. That was a perfect opportunity to pursue her, but me being none the wiser; I didn’t. You reap what you sow, I suppose. A deep sigh. I shield my eyes with a drenched arm and do what I can to wade through the packed sidewalk. Is it the nuance of traffic zipping past me that bothers me? The chorus of pedestrians going about their day? There are so far too many people here. You’d think the rain would deter them from stepping out or at least sticking to riding. But man, were people always this loud? I hate it. And the more I hate it, the more this migraine pounds me. I hate it. What’s a girl gotta do to get some peace and quiet?! Just an endless stream of mindless people, uncaring for those around them. Nobody bats an eye at me, of course. No one stops and offers a spare umbrella or anything—frankly, who in their right mind just happens to have a spare umbrella around? That stuff only happens in things like anime. This isn’t some fantasy romantic comedy where a cute girl from your work-place spots you out of the crowd and offers you one that she so happens to have, and then you gently walk her home and… well, yeah, that’s the gist of it. I don’t want to go rambling on any more about generic male wish-fulfillment fantasies. But, it’s not like I hate people or anything. Or that rather popular meme from that particularly infamous movie about a sick guy being trampled by society. No, nothing of the sort. Not only is this not a setup for some romance comedy by a charming girl, but I’m also not some sicko protagonist of some forgettable three-starred anime from a few seasons ago that would quickly be buried and forgotten despite its shock values. I’m just a plain and simple guy. I get up early, seven in the morning sharp, do the same everyday things as other plain and boring people, and either ride my moped or walk to work. Then I either do work, lurk on EXChan, and go home to lurk on EXChan or watch garbage anime. If I were to get hit by a car right now, that’s more or less what I would see if my life flashed before my eyes. With a heavy sigh, I trudge through my fellow-drones until the horde eventually fans out into multiple directions—a few crosswalks and funneling into other lanes. But unfortunately for me, the heavy clouds are still there and it’s still as down-pouring as ever. I might just have to call in sick tomorrow, or rather, a few days at least. I’m sure Ken will understand. Ken is a good guy after all. I’m sure he can handle the workload. For some odd reason, we’ve had an incredible amount of insurance filing to do. I don’t care about tuning in to the news too much. It’s always the same: something on the exchange market plummeted, the prime minister has resigned following a sex scandal, so-and-so celebrity has been caught outside with so-and-so literal who… but apparently there’s a rather… peculiar surge of deaths lately. I’ve been at this job for at least four years now—Ken is my senior by just a few more—but he expressed that he has never seen the likes of this before. There’s been a rather bizarre upstart of deaths in our city of Jeon just over the last year alone. Most of it is concentrated in our own Ward, Donkas. In comparison to the last three years in particular it has soared by as high as one hundred percent, and fifty percent across Donkas Ward. This isn’t even from viruses, mind you. At least that’s what the media says—what Ken says. Neither Ken nor the media believe it’s the work of some serial killer or anything. They all seem like perfectly natural deaths—freak accidents, even. I take another deep breath as I enter the reception lobby of my high-rise apartment. The charming lady at the counter bows and I wave at her without a word. I’ve always considered myself a modest person. This job pays well, so I’d figured it wouldn’t hurt in moving from the shoddy run-down two-story apartment I stayed at before this insurance job. But my actual room is more or less still reminiscent of my living style from before; it’s minimalist at best since all I really need is a bed, my computer, space for VR, and a table to eat at which largely goes unused since I eat at my computer anyway. It’s mostly for when I’m craving food while playing. Thinking about the hot steamy food and intense shower that awaits me, I catch the receptionist cracking a grin and giggling. Thinking I was drooling without realizing it, I wipe the drool from the corner of my lip with my freezing sleeve. “Rather nice weather we’re having, isn’t it?” The receptionist giggles “Or rather, it was nice…” she says twirling her dark bangs. I give my nod and force a chuckle. “I didn’t think it was going to rain today,” I groan, slapping myself on the forehead. The migraine, as strong as ever, resonates with a worse feeling. “First this rain, and now a raging headache! My teeth ache like mad, too,” I mumble, stepping away from her towards the nearby elevators. “It must be rough,” she says sorrowfully, “you said you work at an insurance company, right? To have to deal with some stressful work…” “It’s not all bad,” I reply wryly “the pay is good, the food is good, I get to… er,” I blink and scoff to brush off what would be an inappropriate sexist remark about seeing other cute girls, “it’s just paperwork at the end of the day. I seem to have a knack for it. If I dreaded even one day of work, I would have quit years ago. Ken being there kinda helps at times, too.” I stop in front of one of the reflective gray elevators. A sigh of relief. At least I don’t have to agonize myself any further by taking the stairs. Living on the fiftieth floor kinda sucks in more ways than one, honestly. If I had to take the stairs, I don’t know what I would— “Oh, Akane!” The receptionist calls out to me and eventually catches up to me “the elevators are out of order!… I know, I know! Don’t give me that scary look!” She sags her shoulders and tilts her head “I overheard the technicians telling the manager that it should be up and running by tomorrow.” I tilt my head back and stroke my temples with one hand. Lovely, well, at least it means I have more reasoning to call in sick tomorrow. “Ah, well,” I groan, “it can’t be helped, Lei,” I answer as Lei takes a few steps back with a sad smile. Looking back at the elevator with the much obvious OUT OF ORDER sign hung over it, I can only wonder when it went out? Actually, come to think of it I don’t think the elevator has ever gone out until now. Ken technically comes in later than I do, and by extent covers our night shifts by the time I clock out. I wonder if he didn’t come in today because the elevator was out after his shift was due to start? “Say, Lei… did you ever see Ken come down at all?” I ask, stroking my smooth chin. She expectedly looks at me owlishly, taking in the question. There’s a lot of tenants here, of course, expecting her to remember each and everyone would be chronic pain. She mills over his name, stroking her dark bangs as she furrows her brows. “Ah, Ken! Come to think of it, he did step out for a bit before going back up,” she squints as she taps her arm “he seemed in a hurry—didn’t seem too keen on giving a chat. He was hugging some rotten book and I think he… had a gun?” Lei looks up at me as if looking to me for answers. “A gun, huh?” I repeat, and she nods. For as long as I’ve known Ken, he opened up to me about carrying a gun on his person for the last six years, which is around the time he started working for our insurance company. I’ve never seen him shoot it, and he remarked he has never had the chance to fire the gun. Though when he invited over to his place, he had at least two or three boxes worth. I never knew for certain what the gun model is, nor the ammo used. Ken is pretty open about a lot of things, but he has never talked about his gun or… A book? “You said he was hugging some ancient book?” I inquire, and Lei nods “rather… rotten?” “I only saw a glimpse of it, but it looked really, and I mean really withered. Like it was practically going to fall apart if he didn’t have it in his grip so intently. You’re more close to Ken, right?” She asks “what’s all that about?” “Well, can’t say for sure I ever… ah,” there was one case about two years ago where Ken did leave it—if it is the same one as Lei described—on his desk. Ken was in the restroom at the time, and curiosity got the best of me. It was hidden under some newspaper coverage about a gruesome train-wreck from last week. I still fondly remember the wilted texture that was on it, and from a glimpse, the papers seemed remarkably… wrinkly, a faded yellow, like rat’s teeth or piss. Ken shooed me away and tossed it in a drawer. I never saw it again after that, and I never asked Ken about it ever again. Similarly, I saw less of the gun and its ammunition. “Something come to mind?” Lei asks excitedly, but I shake my head. She gives a boo and shrugs off back to her counter. But then stops before retracing her steps. “Ah… Ken did slam this on the table when he came back into the hotel,” she takes out of her pocket a somewhat crumpled envelope “he asked me not to open it, hurriedly saying it was for you. Of course, I didn’t give it a peek,” I take it from her and give my thanks before heading up the dreadful stairs. “What, not going to open it right now?! I’ve been dying to know for hours what it says!” She protests. I merely chuckle. “I’d rather unwind in my room and read it myself, I’ll tell you later, yeah?” I ask jokingly. Lei sighs heavily and returns to her desk once customers come in. As I work my way up the endless flight of stairs, I wonder if subconsciously thinking about all the bizarre deaths today is the root cause of my migraines? The pretty lady at work had the TV on and while we worked her soap opera was interrupted by breaking news of dozens dying just today in Donkas Ward. Coincidentally, none of them were killed by some crazed nut-job fed up by society. No, they all happened to just be in the same district and all died in either freak accidents or natural causes. On top of that, the anchor made passing comments about ‘foreign agencies working in conjunction with Jeon officials and sending in special activities divisions to investigate the Jong Crisis’. I admit, I was a little intrigued, but before I could find out any more the pretty co-worker shut the TV off and stormed off to cool off. She really loves her reality programs. Worrying? Yeah, probably. In a twisted sense, these sad deaths are what keeps me employed; they let me live in a more-than-modest high-rise apartment. I don’t think of it any more than that, really. People die all the time, every day, every hour all across the globe. If it’s not some serial killer on the loose, or some crazy pandemic to rival the Black Death, then there’s probably nothing to worry about, right? Ah, well, in any case, I’m sure I can hit up Ken if he has any pain relievers I can take. I keep forgetting to stop by the pharmacy and grab some for myself. Ken’s a good guy, he’s usually good about letting me borrow stuff. Even though I usually forget and don’t return them half the time. I don’t know what I would do without a good friend like Ken. The longer I go on these stairs, the less inclined I feel like going on. A part of me wants to stop, turn back, and hound Lei about filing a complaint. But when I think about the amount she and management have on their plate already, I toy with the idea less with each grunting step. Come to think of it, this is the first time I’ve ever actually gone up these stairs. Who in their right minds would want to traverse these stairs? The only people that come to mind are maniacs like joggers and what have you. I don’t know why someone would want to willingly torment themselves with running down these stairs, but people are bizarre creatures. Short, intense breaths, and with each breath, I become increasingly lightheaded. Boy, would it be something ironic if an insurance worker fell to her death? The media would brush it off as an overburdened worker tired of it all and with no end in sight. But frankly, this whole death surge doesn’t faze me too much. Now, if there were some global pandemic going on, then I’d start to feel overwhelmed. There scares of it in earlier years, but it’s usually blown out of proportion. Yes, that’s all this bogus really is. It’s all just blown out of proportion. I mean, if they have to cut to breaking news during soap operas of all things then it has to be exaggerated, right? Why take away what slimmer of distractions have for some announcement of some reported incidents going on? Granted, that particular announcement did say something about further findings by some special-activities division—which is, pained to say, rather refreshing developments on this Jeon Crisis that they refer to. but I honestly couldn’t care less about any of it. What’s the point of investigating, and what exactly? People are dying, and it’s not from murder; there are no serial killers—or a group of them roaming around killing people. It’s fatigue. The only crisis here I’m and many others are experiencing is the build-up fatigue by all this never-ending nonsense of deaths here and deaths there. I just want things to return to normal. If I hear one more anchor reading off a teleprompter in a somber tone about horrific ways a group of people died. It’s only the seventh floor. Oh man, I hate this. Why did the elevator have to go down now of all days? Shouldn’t they be working on it? I wonder which floor it broke down on. Now that I think about it, I didn’t see any construction workers or anything. Even if it isn’t the elevator breaking down, they’re usually quick on the scene to fix whatever is broken. This is a rare five-starred hotel. I’ve been told that management has been with this place practically since the beginning. Very little rollover in staff, so Lei says. I think she remarked she’s been here for seven years or so. Every floor has the same old green painting. Some of them by now the stains in some corners are nearly transplanted into my mind. Even if they aren’t there on some floors, I know for a fact I can superimpose them if I try hard enough. Considering that only a straight-jacketed lunatic would only ever use the stairs, I shouldn’t find it surprising that they wouldn’t bother with repainting so often. If one were to be forced to walk through these after seeing the breath-taking exterior and interior of the reception lobby, you would never guess this is a world-class apartment. These stairways are practically the enlarged version of some cheap one-star motel. I don’t even want to imagine how these wall strains reek of. It’s kinda funny. I’ve never once stepped foot into the stairways and yet they seem so familiar to me. It should feel unfamiliar to me, and yet… I feel like I’ve trudged through these awful stairways for so long. Time and again, I used to have nightmares of running up these dreadful stairs, memories of which I thought I long repressed. They were pretty awful dreams. I might be running from eldritch abominations, or I might be running from maniacs chasing me with chainsaws jammed full of human matter. I did once post about it on the paranormal board on EXChan, but the posters there shoo me off. One genuine poster did surmise it was déjà vu. But that sounds so unbelievably far-fetched that I didn’t engage in a conversation with that poster. Déjà vu? Just thinking about it now makes me scoff. I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to go on the paranormal board. They’re all a bunch of freaks and pseudos on there. I guess in a way I’m a freak too. I think I’ve been watching too much anime for my own good. I think it’s about time I cut back on it and watch something more sensible. I blame the Jeon Crisis fatigue. Maybe I can check out those soap operas that the pretty lady at work watches… maybe hook up with her? I’m pretty sure she’s single. Lei is out of the question: she really likes Ken, even though Ken is incredibly dense about it. At best I can act as a wingman for her. Staring at the dreadful FLOOR SEVEN TO FLOOR EIGHT; FLOOR SIX BELOW, I cut loose a sorrowful sigh and prop myself against the wall railing. It wouldn’t hurt to rest for a little and check out the… whatever it is Ken left for me. After attempting to dry off my hands, I pull out the crumbled envelop and examine it front to back. No markings on it or anything. It’s more or less just a tan envelope. Carefully, I tear open the top of the envelope and with somewhat dry hands, slip the contents out; a few slips of rather neatly folded paper. With a deep breath, I open the first pink-slip and proceed with its contents. What could be so urgent that Ken couldn’t just call or text me? It can’t be helped. H…Huh?! It can’t be helped. The entire ‘letter’ if you want to call it that is just that sentence written over and over again. As the writing goes on, it’s nice and neat in Ken’s handsome handwriting before it abruptly gets messily and borderline unreadable. But it all reads the same: it can’t be helped. “It can’t be helped…” I whisper “it can’t be helped…” what is the meaning of this? Surely it has to be some poor attempt at humor. Ken might be a great guy, but he’s never been good at jokes. This is pretty evident at that. Even his pick-up lines are horrible. No amount of wing-manning would help him succeed even if I gave it my all. But this is too… surreal to be a joke. Is this about work? Stress from the increased workloads we have? I never took Ken for cracking like this. He seemed fine to me over the week. Even the last time I saw him I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. They say to beware the nice ones—but I never experienced it myself. Should I call the police? What am I suppose to take from this? I stare at the paper, blinking rapidly expecting it to dematerialize—but it never does. And why would it? Eventually, I fold the first piece of paper and slip it back inside. With great reluctance, I unfold the second one and hold my breath while inspecting its contents. I’m sorry. Forgive me. It can’t be helped. From start to finish, most of it is barely readable. There are small wet splotches as if the writer was crying while writing it. Oh my god, Ken has lost it. Tossing the paper aside, I sprint up the stairs with what second-wind I have scrounged up. Ken’s residence is only on the eleventh floor. If I can make it in time…! But after getting on the eighth stairway, I get halfway to the connector between the eighth and ninth when I am confronted by a lone individual. Ken. That unkempt orange hair, his shirt wrinkled, and the collar untidied. His back is to me, but I have no doubt it is Ken. He rocks back and forth against the railing at the top of the stairway. He must be hugging something—the book perhaps. “…Ken?” I call out to him, gravely concerned. I lessen my tie and collar and slip the tie into my side pocket. “Ken? I read your, er… letter…” I trail off, unsure on how to continue. He doesn’t have his gun, does he? Should I approach him or call the police? Ken doesn’t answer and continues to rock himself back and forth. Slow but steadily, I take a single step—and it’s at that moment Ken reels around in a frenzy. The look in his eyes is gravely disturbing—a look of terror. He looks incredibly mad, but also grief-struck. “Don’t move another step!” He bellows, with a hand outstretched. In his other hand is the book Lei told me about. Sure enough, although it looks even more dated, it is the very same. “You, you shouldn’t…!” “Ken! Calm down, it’s me, Akane!” I shout back, my arms in the air. I take another step, one step already at the base of the stairs leading to Ken. The man doesn’t relent, and he shakes his head violently. The grip on the book tightens. It’s at this point I notice a lone woman in a dark-blue trench-coat emerge from the stairway below. She has medium-length straightened-hair, blonde in color. She has both hands in her pockets and locks eyes with me as she whistles. It’s a tune I know I heard somewhere before, but I can’t put my finger on it. Ken’s eyes widen, and he pushes himself from the railing. “Leave!” Ken screams, rummaging in his jacket for something. His grip on the book never seems to lessen. Unsure if he means me or the approaching whistling lady, I try to block the woman in her path. “S-sorry, er, can you, uh,” I stammer, unnerved by the coolness of the woman’s wide smile, “do you think you can leave me and my friend alone? Er…” the woman doesn’t seem perturbed in the slightest, but instead slides past me and stops to look up at the worked-up Ken. And to my horror, Ken whips out the pistol. He aims it at the cloaked woman, an aim ever so unsteady. Being behind the woman, I try to edge past her, but a supreme force gives me held in place. My breath comes up in rapid, short bursts. I feel like I can barely keep myself conscious. “Leave Akane out of this!” Ken shouts, practically pleading, “I can’t… I won’t!” “Am I to take that as a breaking of our contract?” The woman inquires in a monotonous voice, “after all this time, are you attempting to go against my judgment?” She takes a step closer—but never once moves out of the way from Ken’s line-of-sight. The increasingly distressed Ken holds the book with his upper arm as he aims with both hands. But even from here, I can hear the shaking of the gun in his hands. “You were my best vessel, Ken Komura. You know that, right?” “There’s nothing prideful of what I’ve done!” Ken sobs “I never asked for this! I never wanted this! I just… I just wanted to… fulfill…” he breaks down into sobs, unable to finish the sentence. The woman takes a step forward. Never once does she takes her hands out of her pockets. Ken relents, aiming again. “Stay the fuck back! I swear to god, I’ll… I’ll… I’ll kill you! I’ll end this once and for all!” Ken screams. Undeterred, the woman cuts a brief scoff. She glances at me with a sinister grin. “You know full well of the rules, Ken,” the blonde says coolly, never once losing composure. I crane my head to the side to see Ken flinching slightly. “Merely write the name in the book and thus, your tenure can end—peacefully. I am a… person of my word, Ken Komura. You will no longer have to bring suffering into this world. Your mind and soul will be cleansed of the sins you have committed.” “Cut the bullshit!” Ken screams while brandishing the gun, and I take a deep breath, “you and I both know that this cycle will never end! I’ve found a third way out! I…” Ken pauses to wave the book with the other hand. “I’ll write your goddamn name in the book!” He says with a confidential sneer. The blond woman throws her head back and laughs hysterically. “Oh! You children of man are so intriguing. An endless source of entertainment! You are oh so clung to the jaws of despair—but cling tightly to the ropes of hope!” After a moment to recompose herself, the mysterious woman takes another step, “so I am to take this as not only a violation of our contract, but a rebellion against my authority, am I wrong? It will serve you no good, Ken Komura. You know full well that—” She doesn’t get to finish the sentence, for it is drowned out by an incredibly loud ringing—followed by a scorching hot sensation around my right arm. When my vision comes returns, it occurs to me I’ve been shot. I’ve been shot. There was a splatter of crimson liquid against the wall. I’ve been shot? I’ve been shot. When I look at the woman in front of me, she remains unfazed. I didn’t see her move at all. And yet… it went right through her? There’s no mistaking that the line of sight blocks me from Ken entirely. And yet…? She glances behind and sighs. “I told you mortal weapons do not work on me—and yet, you attempted it anyway? Knowing full well it would inflict a mortal wound on your best friend?” I break from my spot—free of the mysterious restraints and throw myself to the side of the stairs leading upward. Ken eyes me with those crazed eyes before he brandishes his gun at the woman again. The woman, continuing to be unfazed, sidesteps until she is in front of me again. What is this woman? Is she even human? I ponder, clutching my arm which soaks profusely red. “If you’re done with this little rebellious act, I wish to retrieve my instrument,” the woman declares solemnly. “I hereby relieve you of your duty as Ezra,” she takes a few steps up the stairs. But after taking only a few steps up the stairs, the woman pauses. She looks back at me with that sinister smile. “Ken Komura, just this once, I am willing to overlook this last act of your tenure,” the woman declares resuming walking up the flight of stairs, “normally, it is forbidden to kill another by your own hands—but just this once, I will bend the rules. You are more than free to kill your beloved Akane with that inhumane device of yours,” she finishes as she reaches the top. The woman proceeds to pace behind the terrified Ken, and wraps her hands around his, “I do not wish to stain your otherwise excellent record with this little rebellious stage, Ken Komura,” she states as she helps steady his gun at me “wouldn’t it be nice to be free of this tiresome work?” She whispers into his ear, “you would no longer have to be watched stupendously by me… you could live life as you see fit. Wouldn’t that be delightful? Isn’t that what you always desired from the start?” Ken doesn’t answer but nearly continues to sob. I look Ken in the eyes, just as he shuts his eyes tightly and squeezes the trigger. “I’m sorry,” Ken whimpers. BANG! It’s like somebody has thrown a pebble at my torso. It doesn’t hurt per-say, but the incredible burning sensation increases with exponential pain. I can’t even bring myself to look up at the two anymore. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! My eardrums must be blown out from all the shots fired. There’s not even any ringing anymore; just greater pain. I can just feel liquid slipping out of my ears. Having slumped down against the wall, there is an increasingly-sized pool of blood forming around me. My still-wet pants must be fused with the blood by now. My, my, this suit cost me so much. To have it ruined like this would cost a fortune to get it cleaned. I might even get in trouble and curious eyes from the cleaner guys if I presented my clothes like this. Tiredness, and extreme dizziness. But even so, I use what strength I have left—minding the slippery blood-laden wall—and inch my way up the stairway. This is all just a horrible, horrible nightmare. Maybe that poster on EXChan is right after all—maybe this is just some bizarre déjà vu. Some of my dreams did involve Ken or me dying. Maybe being on the verge of death helped made me realize that. Death, huh? I want to believe that if I close my eyes, I’ll wake up in my overly-hot room, sweating while my alarm clock going off. Then it’ll just be another day, and maybe I’ll look back at this dream and wonder if I should make a book about it or something. I’m sure those supernatural freaks on EXChan will eat it up. “Ken… please, I don’t understand what’s going on,” I whimper hoarsely “I want to help you… just like you’ve always helped me out,” I crack a weak grin, “I don’t really get it—this is some bizarre shit you must’ve landed in… but you can rely on me every once in a while, yeah?” The closer I get, the more he lowers his gun. The woman mutters something into his ear, but because of going deaf, I can’t make out what they’re saying. Whatever it was, it was only brief. The woman strays past Ken and I towards the base of the stairway. “Ken…” I croak, throwing myself on my disturbed friend “Ken… we’re both just tired. Let’s just go home and… forget whatever mess this is,” as I near my friend, he flips the book open, and with a pen he procured proceeds to jolt something down into it. He proceeds to sob again, unable to dictate whatever it is into the book. Ken whispers something under his breath, and despite embracing him tightly, I still cannot make out what he’s saying. This is all just a horrible dream. That’s all there is to it. Ken would never do anything horrible. He’s a great guy overall, and a great friend to boot. Maybe a bad sense of humor, and dense as a rock, but he’s not a bad person. I hear a very faint clatter of something hitting the floor, which I liken is the book. Ken then wraps his arms around me, continuously sobbing all the while. “I’m sorry,” I can barely make out Ken’s hoarse cries, “Oh god, I’m so sorry, Akane. But things can’t go back to what they were before. It can’t be helped,” Ken cries again “I crossed the line of no return… I went against the desires of a wicked demon! I had no choice!” Ken shouts. Without time to react, Ken lifts his head back and shoves the pistol into his mouth. And with one final apologetic look—pulls the trigger. Ken’s grasp on me releases immediately. He falls backward, and I collapse down the stairs before crasing against the wall. While phasing in and out of consciousness, I watch as the woman patiently takes in the moment from her place next to me. Ignoring me for the time being, she takes her strides up the elevator and after briefly looking at the lifeless Ken, retrieves the book and turns around to face me with a menacing smile. I have no energy left. And judging from the distressing size pool of blood and the stream of fluid from the stairs, I have no time left either. Slowly, the trench-coated woman makes her way down the stairs but pauses. She leans over the stair rail and clicks her tongue, with the first time I’ve seen her break into irritation. But it’s a rather brief reaction, and she relaxes soon after. The mysterious blonde strides over to me. Then stops, and kneels to straddle me. She rubs my cheeks, then proceeds to caress my ears. “Make a contract with me,” I can hear perfectly the monotony in her voice… almost as if my hearing has been restored. She leans in, brushing my cheeks again. Any minute now, I feel as though I will die. Underneath us, the pool of orchid-red liquid widens to unbelievable lengths. It becomes increasingly hard to breathe, or even keep my head up. “Make a contract with me, and I shall save you,” the woman insists more stubbornly, “you mortal beings clung to life like it has meaning… you continue to torment yourselves with meaningless, mundane activities. It makes me sick…” she grins devilishly, “but the fact that you wish to live in this hellish realm is what makes me makes me love you children of man all the same!” The woman takes the book and shoves it onto my chest. She prys it open to a random page, then grips one of my bloodied limp hands. “You want to live, don’t you?!” She demands, peering closer into my eyes, “is it not one of man’s greatest desires to become immortal?! A second chance at life?!” With those words, my gaze drifts over to Ken’s lower half still visible on the stairs. Even from here, I can see them twitch slightly. “Your friend… Ken Komura—he failed to kill himself,” she pushes the book further into my face, gripping my hand tighter. Given the numbness, I hardly feel anything anymore, “could you live with yourself if he had to face his crimes? The agencies that seek to put an end to this book—the ones who wish to prosecute him… they will come soon. And then it will all be over,” she peers closer to me, her hot breath all the more obvious “would it not be more fitting to put him out of his misery?! A fate worse than death?!” My weak gaze drifts from the woman to Ken. None of this makes any sense. I don’t know what to think anymore. I don’t want my good friend Ken to go through any more trouble. As I watch his leg twitch, I can only wonder: is this what Ken would’ve wanted? Would he want a quick end to a nightmare he has presumingly put up for so long, bottling himself up for my sake? Ah, this migraine persists, and it is giving me increasingly hell. I just want it to stop. “Then sign and all your troubles will end!” The woman angrily retorts “you would make a fine vessel… a fine Ezra. If you want to cleanse this world of evil and save your beloved friend, then all you must merely do is sign… and invoke his death!” My eyes finally drift down to the page. Its scraps of paper are so horribly withered that I feel would fall apart if I so much as I touched it. The woman gradually lets go of my reanimated arm, and using what strength I have left plant the blood-smeared hand onto the paper. After what feels like forever, I feel more stimulated again. I look up at the woman again, who bears that wicked smirk. “Good, good, Akane… now write the name of Ken Komura onto the paper with the following inscription: ‘died by choking on his own blood, June ninetieth, twenty-sixteen. Six o’clock PM,’” the woman hands me the pen that Ken previously had. With uncertainly, I scribble down what the woman has dictated. After it is done, I look up in time to see Ken briefly revive, gurgle loudly, and then fall limp once more. I look up at the woman, who grins wider. She leans in again—this time to press her lips against mine—and our tongues intertwine briefly before she pulls herself away. “I look forward to a lot from you, Akane Wakabayashi,” the blonde declares as she gets up and walks towards the stairway to peer down. She scoffs and mutters something under her breath. “What…” I stammer, blushing as I wipe my lips with the back of my hand “who are you? What are you?” The blonde looks back with that annoying smirk of hers. “In the various cultures of thy realm, I am regarded as a godfather of death, of sorts…,” she tilts her head with her eyes trained on the stairway, “generally, in a broader and incorrect term, they refer to us as the likes of grim reapers… “But on a more personal note, I regard myself as Azra—a shortening of the term Azrael, if you will,” Azra muses with a chuckle. She takes one last peek over the stairway before walking over to kneel next to me. She rips the books from my hands and reaches inside for a replica of the book. She throws the identical one onto my lap. Then Azra reaches over and strokes my forehead. “As unfortunate as it is, some… friends are dropping by to secure the area. I’ve released too much of my signature here. They will suspect you, Akane Wakabayashi. They shall put you in custody and interrogate you on being the Ezra. Write into this phony book as I have instructed, and they will have no choice but to release you,” and with that, Azra gets up, proceeds with stuffing her hands into her pockets, and gradually dematerializes into the red splattered pale-green wall. “Until we meet again… Akane Wakabayashi…” the faint voice of Azra is almost wildly drowned out by the stampede of dozens of police-looking people flooding the stairway. Most have weapons drawn—some with pistols and others with unsheathed swords. They all act with such professionalism and with such speed that I hardly get the chance to react before one of them, a scrawny pony-tailed woman with an eye-patch slams me onto the ground and cuffs me. There is so much incessant shouting that I cannot make out a word, but the stern pointing at the phony book laying next to me is enough to tell me that they mean serious business. I am ripped from the floor and forced upright before a crowd of intense glares. Not long after, a cloth is forced over my head and I hear only a grunt as someone slams a fist into my fist and forces me unconscious. My last thought before blacking out is the relief of the migraine being gone for good.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "263144", "id": "263149", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Psycho;Writer: A Psycho Oneshot - Voracity", "author": "JK-Sama", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Psychological", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Bisexual Protagonist", "Female Protagonist", "Modern Fantasy", "Modern Time", "Oneshot", "Short Story" ] }
Announcement This has been added after the chapter. The story will be rewritten again, but it'll take a lot more time now as I want to make completely sure that I don't turn back on my ideas and planning. I'm sorry. I'll keep this chapter up for now, but know it's not cannonical anymore.   First chapter: wolf? I was just resting in the hall, waiting for the rest of our fanfare to get into position when I was dropped somewhere else. “Huh?” Came out of my mouth. I was suddenly now inside a cabin, with light coming from the outside. There was no warning or preparation and when it didn’t change back to the hall after a few seconds, I went to inspect around me more. I was still sitting on my chair, but the environment was completely different. Log walls and planked roofs and floors, with square window sills showing an autumn forest outside. I was still just looking around when a screen popped up. Welcome to the Woods, realm splitter! I am your personal guide to help you start your journey across the world! It seemed excited somehow, even though it was just plain text on an orange background. When I asked myself what had happened and what it was, another message popped up. You were chosen to come to this world and help it make a better place! You came here via your own will, chosen at random and willing to leave your life behind. You are the first lucky human from your realm to come here. I am a part of what you would call “the system” which will guide you until you’ve finished your first mission! I have no name, so you can call me whatever! To help you along, you must first pick one of two classes and one of five races. I felt all my anxieties leave my body before they even appeared, like my confusion that was just there being physically sucked out and replaced with other emotions, for the most part. I still asked the questions like what mission did I have? What classes- and then, as I was thinking about them, the classes showed up. Magic user - If you become a magic user, your muscles will weaken but you’ll be able to use magic! Isn’t that exciting! As a mage, you can eventually cast magic for all your chores and tasks like washing yourself and eating. You will be able to use the overpowering aspect of magic to quickly become one of the strongest people of your race! Non-magic user - If you become one of these, you’ll be able to quickly grow strong! Though since it’s from a class, you’ll look just as weak as you are now if you don’t actually exercise. Non-magic users are just like normal humans, but because we want you to be able to do things here, you’ll still be stronger than most! I read through the two options and immediately decided. I’d read enough fantasy novels that going for the magic user class was the only true option. Would you like to see your new status, and get notified of any changes to it? Yes, please.     Primary Secondary Name:   Autumn August Race:   Human realm splitter Gender:   Female   Mana-positivity:   Mana attuned   Class:   Magic user 1         Health   100% 90 Mana   100% 50 Stamina   100% 90         Muscles   10 12 Constitution   8 18 Nerves (Mana transmittors)    22 10         Skills:       Class skills:         - [No skills]   General skills:         - Universal language comprehension [No rank]         Skill slots:       Class slots:   3 0 used General slots:   5 1 used That’s quite a lot to take in. But before that, there was another thing, some kind of race change? Yes! It’s quite exciting, no? So your racial possibilities are bunae, wolov, harre, humae and harpeae. Which one? The bun, the birbs, the doggo or yourself? During your first mission, you can change any time outside a battle! Sadly for you, you can’t trick the system to make me switch it inside of a battle, because I’m a part of it! E-ehm, maybe I’d need to see them first? And besides, what’s my mission? Yes! Yes yes yes! You’ll hear about your first mission later! Bunae - Buns use their strong legs to jump high and move fast. Even though they’re very passive, you don’t want to brawl with one as they’re good at using those feet not only to hop! Known to use magic very little, you would stand out as a special bun, but not an impossible bon. Their culture is very welcoming and open, but most don’t leave manaless regions. Harpea - Harpies, the birdmen! They can sort of glide, have no true flight, they like their face clean with spite! Harpies are often found in and around human settlements – no matter the mana, but aren’t commonly open to conversation, not even their own kin. You’d fit in if it weren’t for your terrible face expressing all your thoughts! Harre - These guys and gals are always prideful and full of colour! Not much else to say about them, except that they are actually capable of flight that is. These small birds are mostly found in small villages in the woods and generally don’t like to fight. They are the race on this list that has the largest amount of true mages, so good chances there! Humae - Humans fight not with paw or claw, but with their knowledge and wisdom. They’ve found ways to make tools that can create spells without the holder being attuned and have made tools you can probably imagine. You’re one already! Wolov - Can’t use magic, always use claws. You would stand out way too much. They are hostile to buns and hars but other than that, mostly like to keep to themselves even more than the harpses. They can be found mostly roaming the lands as nomads with few settling down. Hm, as I see it, what reason would I have to stay a human rather than say a bunae or harre? Ehm... well it is so that the humans are seen as the closest ally of all the other races, since they protect all of them and overall try to stop conflict between the other races. Along with the fact that humans are really the only one of the manaless species who travel outside of manaless lands. The other manaless race you’d sort of commonly come across would be harres with most of those being mages who can cast a spell and run away from the many dangers! You keep talking about manaless areas and lands, and everything being dangerous outside of those, so... And as I was formulating the thoughts, another window popped up, taking my attention.  W- well, you’ll find out! Also, there are a few aspects that would change depending on your chosen race. Bunae and wolov make your eyes strong enough to surpass that of humae and the birdfolk, harpies and harre give you feathers of a colour similar to your hair - probably a light bronze! All other races will also correct your physique and change it to fit the respective race. As a humae, you will stay the way you are, with a bad spine, bad eyesight and way too thin to be healthy body! How can you be so happy when insulting people, how do you even seem so happy when you’re just text! Aw, don't act like that! Remember, for as long as you haven't completed the first mission you can switch between all five at any time, and even after you've completed it, you can choose two different race which I will turn into a skill*! Okay.. I guess I'll look at them all first then and see which is bes- No! That's boring! You're being too boring, too human! Humans are boring! For acting so human, you’ll get a penalty: you will be a wolov for the first day and you can’t switch back until midnight!  As I dismissed the message, confusion apparent, I felt my body change. Mostly the ends of my limbs. They didn’t change all too much visually, but I could feel that the inside of my fingers and toes changed in one way or another. It felt grotesque and also not, somehow. Atop my head and above my bum I could feel things growing too, with something disappearing on the sides of my head... probably the ears and tail. Before I could retort, a blue screen showed up. Mission: find and destroy all (12) cores of evil. First Mission Shard: find the core of evil in the Wested Halls ruins, united kingdom of Vylera. ... What?
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "492044", "id": "492066", "q": 0.5472727272727272, "title": "Autumn August - 1 – Wolf?", "author": "VABi", "chapters": 1, "rating": 3, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "LitRPG" ], "tags": [] }
I was at school and in class with my friend, Hey need anything before i head out for lunch, Na i.m good just going to eat here you know me, Ok i hope you don't get to lonely without me, why would i get lonely, not to be bully but you aren't exactly poplar, it not my fault that the only fun thing to do is to read books, honestly i don't know how you do it, i just shrug and give him a smile, well if that all then i-that the last conversation with my friend a before the building collapsed and then all i felt was pain and terror as i watched my friends corpse under the rubble i spent a good  10 minuets under there staring in pure horror and pain before everything started to faded into darkness. when i awoke if you could call it that all i saw was the ceiling as i lifted my pale shaky hand what going on? i looked around the room it was in a cube shape with a door like frame and then i remembered what happen and then vomited on the floor it was black-ish in color after i calmed down i started wondering on were i.m at and what i was and as if something answered my prays a clear screen materialized in front of me. [Specials: Inferior young Chimera[Lvl: 1] HP: 7; MP: 10;Strength: 6;Intelligence: 10;Agility: 7;Vitality: 9;Defensive ability: 1;Offensive ability: 1;[Skills]{[Bookworm lvl, 1]} well at least i am not dead but still why am i so weak? is it because i'm a inferior chimera or is it because i'm young whatever it doesn't mater what maters is bookworm it looks like a good skill at least i hope so after some seating around in this very dark room i herd the nob turn...  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "228594", "id": "228678", "q": 0.729090909090909, "title": "Reincarnated as a Simple Minion - Chapter 1", "author": "MiniLord", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Isekai" ], "tags": [ "Level System", "Multiple Reincarnated Individuals", "Reincarnated as a Monster", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Weak to Strong" ] }
  BlackWarg 👾Mi discordia para esta novela https://discord.gg/RUrF7pRXCE 🤩Donde tienes acceso hasta 3 capítulos y demás beneficios extras (disponible en el discord) 🎵Esta es la música de este si quieres algo oscuro   🎹Si quieres algo mas feliz   💖Dale al corazón si te gusta (Al lado de la portada)  ✨En la pantalla principal (Donde se lee la descripción de la novela) dame las estrellas que creas que se merece la obra  🤨Haz una critica en la pantalla principal. 👍Comparte la obra con tus amigos.  😆Coméntame algo.  _______________________________________________________________________________ emperador apareció en una habitación bellamente decorada en oro y la plata estaba en cada decoración de la habitación a Olivia no le dio tiempo de sentir las suaves telas y sabanas cuando el emperador la tiro encima de la cama con una voz tranquila el emperador hablo “la arrogancia es algo sencillo de genera y de romper” “eso es lo que te haré... cuando termine contigo, no seras mas que un simple objeto…. para mi entretenimiento… una herramienta vacia y rota…. me asegurare de que cada aspecto de tu ser se rompa y se destruya… y luego lo reconstruiré todo…. a mi imagen….” “Empezare con el cuerpo… después de todo es lo mas fácil de romper...” (¿de que mierda? esta hablando este sujeto no me digas que el...) después de un segundo capto exactamente lo que el ambiente estaba insinuando... “por favor… otra vez no...”dijo en voz baja Olivia recordando el trauma de lo que había pasado su cara era una de desesperación mientras se ponía contra la maderas de la cama arken no le dio importancia a su suplicas ni a su llanto “bien es hora de empezar” arken se quito los pantalones revelando una gran masa de pelaje que dejo ver un una piel rosada y grande “NO... POR FAVOR” arken volteo a Olivia de cara contra las sabanas sometió los brazos de ella con suma facilidad y la puso contra las sabana mientras su trasera estaba hacia arriba Olivia trataba de resistirse pero no podía hacerlo cada vez que forcejeaba el apretaba mas fuerte su agarre sintió ella que el podría partirle los brazo si continuaba el quito sus arrapos de su cuerpo con brusquedad se vio su trasera desnudo y su entrepierna de una mujer bestia con un pelo rojo que llegaba de su ombligo hasta sus zonas rosas Olivia hablo asustada “Por favor... no lo hagas” Olivia lloro asustada Arken sin darle importancia introdujo su masa “AHK”olivia sintió un gran dolor y una electricidad le recorrió su cuerpo Olivia se quedo en shock al sentir la enorme masa ocupaba sus paredes internas sentía que el mínimo movimiento la lastimaba mientra inconscientemente sus paredes se contraían Arken la miro sin emoción como si solo fuese una tarea aburrida pero luego noto algo Sangre entre su gran pelaje La ira se mostró reflejada en su rostro sus dientes se apretaron con fuerza. Por un instante Olivia sintió un frio en su espalda y en la habitacion “Sombras...” Entre lagrimas vio como al lado de la habitación apareció una mujer notable por su aspecto físico Totalmente encapuchada en un traje de negro “Asesina inmediatamente a la familia de Gerald quiero a cada uno de ellos muertos para mañana” “¿Que hay de los niños?”pregunto la mujer en susurros “Muertos y en estacas” “Mi piedad... es que yo mismo... no vaya a asesinarlos...” De inmediato la sombra se fundió en el suelo “Bien” Arken vio a la joven hombre bestia con desinterés “Bueno... ya el pecado esta hecho” “Supongo que habrá que compensarlo…” ________________________ECENA SEXUAL SALTAR SI DESEA__________________________ Empezó a moverse entre sus entrañas sus paredes se contraían violentamente ante sus movimientos “Ah “ para Olivia era como sentir una roca maciza dentro de ella arken soltó sus manos y la agarro de la cadera Tuvo que sostenerse para no caer por las fuerza d la envestida “Por favor detente” suplico pero arken lo escucho con total desintereses Después de unos segundos empezó a oler un olor extraño De inmediato sintió como si su cuerpo empezara a calentarse “¿Un afrodisíaco?” pensó ella Sus pezones se erizaron y sintió como su orejas se ponía sensible y su cola se movía incontrolablemente se sintiaa bien eso solo la molestaba mas como... ¿como podía gustarle? No podía controlar su cuerpo “¡para por favor!” de inmediato sintió como la excitación se elevo sus paredes se contrayeron cerrando las piernas esparciendo liquidos sobre las sabanas El olor era... asfixiante... ese olor que nunca había experimentado ...pero solo el hacerlo hacia que sus sentidos se nublaran solo podía sentir placer el dolor había desaparecido estaba en su garganta profundamente, en sus pulmones (¿que esta pasandome?) Las embestidas de arken aumentaron “Ahh” Las caderas de Olivia aumentaron su velocidad y sintió un enorme placer como no había sentido “Como puede gustarme esto NOO”dijo antes de correrse su cuerpo se contrayo alzando su trasero De la nada Olivia se corrió con fuerza en las sabanas y empezó orinar con fuerza ante esto Arken con una expresion curiosa comento “Veo... que lo disfrutas...” continuo Moviendo su caderas y impulsan doce contra Olivia Olivia sintió como la acostó en la cama y empezó A introducirse con mas violencia sus embestídas hacían que su mente quedara en blanco apenas pudo morder las sabanas para acallar sus gemidos No le daria ese placer a ese ser “NO ..MHNNN” “MNNNNHHH” Arken sintió como Olivia apretó con fuerza eje corriéndose con violencia otra vez ella apenas podía concentrase en mantener la conciencia Puso una mano en su nuca ella lo sintió era tan grande que podía tapar casi por completo su cabeza “Ah” empezó a a darle ligeros golpes En el trasero Arken sintió como lo apretaba cada vez que la golpeaban su trasero empezó a quedar rojo ante los golpes continuos “Los hombres bestias somos una raza sensibles a nuestros cuerpos” Olivia apenas podía escucharlo mientras tapaba su rostro de placer “Con los años he aprendido muchas cosas” Arken procedió a tocar la base de la cola De inmediato Olivia sintió un placer que dejo su mente en blanco por Luego se acero a su cabeza y mordió ligeramente sus orejas “Hhahah” {Nuevo estado:marcada} Olivia perdió totalmente el control sobre sus piernas “ME VENGO” Olivia alzo su trasero dejando salir Choros de liquido se derrumbo en la cama agotada “por favor... no mas…” “solo han pasado 5 minutos “ “¿quiero ver cuanto aguantas consciente?”dijo mostrando una leve sonrisa volteo con brusquedad el cuerpo de Olivia agarrando su gran trasero introdujo por el frente su miembro Olivia alzo los ojo hacia el cielo Olivia pudo sentir todo el eje su boca se abrió dejando salir su lengua “Le parecían interesantes” Ahh su lengua se salió de su boca al no resistir la presión Su piernas cayeron cuando otra gran cantidad liquido salió de su entrepierna “Bien continuemos” Olivia estaba en blanco con el placer y su mente en éxtasis ________________________ECENA SEXUAL SALTAR SI DESEA__________________________ Arken salió de la habitación a los 15 minutos Olivia se quedo inconsciente cerro la puerta y se prepara para irse cuando salió y estaba cerrando el cuanto un pensamiento altero su mente (Se parece a...) Un frio invernal recorrió la puerta que estaba cerrando, las paredes y el suelo de corteza se congelaron Las luciérnagas que iluminaban el pasillo murieron. Los arboles luminiscentes se apagaron. Después de un minuto entero cuando una parte del pasillo ya estaba completamente congelado con una mirada bastante oscura hablo “Solo es...” “ Una coincidencia…” De inmediato el hielo se descongelo y un pequeño charco de agua se empezó a formar hundiéndose lentamente en las raíces del árbol Después de un par de horas Olivia se despertó al hacerlo vio donde estaba y los recuerdos de lo que había pasado la atormentaron lagrimas empezaron a salir de su rostro “¿por que tuvo que pasarme todo esto?... yo no había hecho nada malo... ¿por que? “¿Como... por que dios? ¿por que? “ “Vio a la habitación llena de objetos extraños sin comprender nada” “Cof cof” vio a la habitación y se encontraba ante ella una mujer “Hola es un gusto conocerte mi nombre Cristina” una dama de piel porcelana se presento ante ella portaba un vestido negro que parecía estar hecho de hilos de araña llegaba hasta las muñecas se le podía notar un escote revelador solo camuflado por una gran joyería “Soy tu adepta” Dijo mientras la miraba con unos hermoso ojos rojos “Soy la concubina del emperador, numero 9546, por su mandato, imperial se me ha encomendado la tarea de ayudarte a adaptar a tu nueva posición, felicidades desde ahora eres una concubina de bajo rango del emperador, no todas tienen ese gran privilegio “ “Tu numero será dado cuando hagas tu ceremonia de ascensión” (¿privilegio? después de lo que ese sujeto me hizo pasar ¿lo llama privilegio?) La ira era evidente en la cara de Olivia rechino los dientes La mujer se acerco a ella con una sonrisa gentil ella le acerco algo a su cuello Olivia iba a protestar pero vio su mirada era una bastante fría, pero no solo había eso en ella, sintió un odio y repulsión muy grande sintió que quería que ella protestara se quejara para matarla por ello... Coloco un collar extraño en su cuello De la nada vio como este se fundía en su piel “Ahhh”se asusto y grito pero se confundió cuando no sintió ningún dolor Fue una sensancion extraña Después procedió a darle una gema “¿Que es ?“ Antes de pudiera decir nada la pego en su frentes al igual que el collar se fundió dentro de ella “Esta es la marca de protección de Arken tan bien los permisos para administrar el árbol sagrado” “¿Árbol sagrado?” “Hablaremos después de eso” “Mira tu brazo” miro a su lado en el había aparecido una marca de una garra con una voz ceremonial y reverente hablo “Es el símbolo de la familia real no puede ser cambiado o alterado, no importa en que parte del continente te encuentres si estas en peligro, Arken ira de inmediato a salvarte, este es el contrato imperial tu vida le pertenece, tu alma le pertenece, tu cuerpo le pertenece,el te garantiza tu seguridad,una larga vida en el placer y el lujo,un poder mas allá del que has experimentado, este es el contrato del eterno servicio y ninguna de las partes ha de romperlo por los siglos por venir, por la sangre de los ancestros derramada, por el árbol sagrado, por la semilla que ha sido prometida…. (¿de que mierda esta hablando esta loca? ni siquiera he aceptado ¿que clase de contrato es uno donde la otra parte no tiene elección?) Al ver la expresión furiosa de Olivia cristina sonrió “el emperador me dijo que eres arrogante parece que sus palabras son muy sabias... como siempre” “Te recomiendo que no hagas ante otras personas ese tipo de expresión” “Y para tu mala suerte debo informarte que ya se ha esparcido por el palacio real lo que sucedió” “Es decir cada emperatriz concubina y esclava e incluso sirvienta del emperador ya debe estar al tanto de ti” “No sabia por que, pero si sus instintos de hombre bestia le decían lo correcto eso no eran buenas noticias” “Mas de una al enterrase quería venir corriendo a ejecutarte en persona fue debido a la orden impuesta por el emperador que dicho suceso desafortunado no ocurrió” “por un segundo sintió una sensación peligrosa de cristinas”Olivia retrocedió asustada “Muchos estarían felices de ser los primeros en realizar dicha tarea” miro a Olivia con sus profundos ojos rojos luego la tensión desapareció “Pero en fin... los mandatos del emperador son absolutos” “¿Deseas algo de mi parte? puedes pedir casi cualquier cosa” En ese momento Olivia solo quería estar sola pero tenia miedo de hacerlo... “¿Podrías llamar... a Alhama?” “¿A quien?”pregunto alzando una ceja “era una esclavas de las que me acompañaba “ “Oh... eso es fácil será traída” Luego empezó a salir de la habitación traere a un par de sirvientes para que limpien el lugar ve a bañarte hay una habitación al lado donde te atenderán” “Oh se me olvidaba, la infidelidad con el emperador esta penada por la muerte sin importar el genero con el que se realice crimen “Dijo al pensar que le traería una esclava Salió de la habitación con total tranquilidad pero al salir su ira era evidente en su cara (mierda no puedo creer que me encomendaran una tarea tan horripilante quiero descuartizar a esa zorra... ) (Okey cristina calmate... solo será por un par de años y es todo... el emperador confió en mi para esta tarea) por un segundo el rostro de cristina se ruborizo (Lo cumpliré fielmente esto solo es un paso mas en mi camino para ser una alta dama de la corte ) Alhama se encontraba encadenada en un mostrador habían varios hombres y mujeres La mayoría de ellos viejos algunos estaban heridos pero el poder que irradiaban en la habitación era papable, ni siquiera ella sin sus cadenas podría vencer a alguno de ellos” Unos de los hombre un viejo hombre muy parecido a George solo que sin lo fornido incluido se le acerco con interés a ella “Pero que tenemos aquí una elfa oscura no suelen ser esclavos muy comunes que clase de crimen cometiste para terminar aquí “el hombre se lamió los labios al ver su cuerpo lujurioso Agarro Alhama la cadena en su cuello (¿Tiene que ser una puta broma dos putos hombres gordos y pervertidos en el mismo día? Por lo menos George tenia una alma pura no quería hacerme nada y solo lo hizo por orden de su hermano, este tiene tanta energía maligna que podría contener al mismísimo abismo) Cuando el anciano iba hablar con la administradora para reclamar su premio por su servicio Un caballero con una armadura negra con lineas doradas y alas de ángel en su espalda entro por la puerta “¿Quien de ustedes es Alhama?” “YO “dijo rápidamente ella contestando “Ha sido reclamada como propiedad por un mienbro de la familia real “ “Por lo tanto pasara a servir en este instante” (Jajaja si…espera ¿Qué?) Dijo aproximándose a ella “Espere es mi premio por mi servicio la vi primero” “¿Te atrevés a cuestionar a la familia real?”el hombre esparció una leve intensión asesina que hizo que todos los presentes se callaran El anciano soltó la cadena de Alhama y se arrodillo de inmediato en el suelo “No gran caballero... prosiga “ Este tomo de la mano a Alhama y procedió a llevársela de la sala Alhama volteo para ver con una gran cara de burla a el anciano Este solo podía soportar su ira El anciano después de un tiempo se puso de pie en la sala los otros hombres y mujeres no paraban de burlase y reírse de el “jaja el masacrador de los ker arrodillado jajaja ” “cuidado si te cagas encima jaja”dijo una bella mujer con un joven en sus rodillas ” maldita sea” Miro a la asistente La cual tenia una mirada fría “mi elección fue rechazada ¿que puedo hacer ahora?” “descuide todavía hay bastante esclavos de donde elegir” dijo haciendo que el hombre se metiera mas adentro en la sección del gran árbol “como compensación se le dará a esta esclava” dijo señalando una de las celdas donde una joven humana se encontraban el se sorprendió al ver la juventud de la joven los esclavos jóvenes eran tabú y estaban prohibidos en el imperio a menos que... siguiendo su linea de pensamiento la mujer contesto “si, ella es de una familia real, que denegó la rendición ante el imperio, como las normas lo dictan los miembros de familias importantes verán sus posesiones confiscadas y sus familias serán esclavizadas y puestas en venta para remediar el daño al imperio por no haberse rendido de inmediato” “ya ha llegado a la maduración así que no recibirá ningún daño a pesar de su uso” “ah ya veo jajjaajjjaja por el imperio entonces “dijo poniendo una cara de extrema diversión puedo hacerlo aquí “si” la niña al ver al anciano retrocedió “no tengas miedo solo vamos a divertirnos” la mujer solo miro a la niña con lastima pero de cierta manera...le entretenia (los humanos son seres tan divertidos…) pensó para ella felizmente mientras se alimentaba de todo el miedo y desesperación que la niña liberaba en el ambiente _____________________________________________________________________________ Olivia se encontraba ansiosa sola en el cuarto (Debo encontrar una forma de volver a casa) pensó ella entre lagrimas (Este mundo cada vez que respiro hay algo o alguien amenazando mi vida yo no quería esto fui una tonta debí haberme alejado, no debí seguir a Arthur, ¿por que fui a su casa?…) ( si me sentía sola... pude hablo hablado con el... mi hermano... el si me hubiese escuchado.) “Ahora no se que hacer” dijo levantado la mirada de sus piernas De la puerta del frente un par de sirvientas entraron “Mist Olivia somos las sirvientas asignadas a usted”dijeron las dos mujeres al unisono “Era dos mujeres rubias estilizas con trajes de sirvientas parecidos a los de su otro mundo solo que estos revelaban algo mas de piel “ “Desde hoy en adelante le serviremos” Ella solo las miro sin saber que hacer “Eh..” “¿No se ha bañado cierto? déjeme ayudarla” Ella tan rápido que no pudo reaccionar la agarraron de la las manos “venga hay que bañarla” le quitaron la sabana que usaba para cubrirse al entrar el al baño se dio cuenta del enorme tamaño de este que se encontraba adentro los paredes parecían mármol y había una enorme bañera mas parecida una piscina eran mas grande de lo que pensaba las esquinas de la bañera precian estar recubiertos por oro el agua era brillante de un color verde se acerco y miro su reflejo vio a una catman muy joven de un cabello rojo y ojos verdes era la primera vez que se veía así misma una de las sirvientas la empujo al agua “cof..cof oye ¿por que fue eso?” “me disculpo el olor era demasiado evidente seria desastroso si alguien la oliera” (estas mujeres no parecen sirvientes no tienen ni un poco de respeto ) la dos mujeres se metieron al agua donde una sostenían un par de envases con una extraña sustancia brillantes “abra la boca” con algo de duda Olivia lo hizo estaba muy asustada le dieron un una esfera extraña sabia dulce “trague”dijo la sirvienta sin señal a permitir la desobediencia hubo una minutos de silencio parecían que estaban esperando algo de inmediato sintió que podría desmayarse un calor abrasador surgió de su cuerpo era como si miles de agujas la estuviera puyando “AHHHH” la sirvienta la sujeto una intensa ganas de vomitar se apodero de ella de inmediato vio como su piel empezaba a a brotar un liquido negro sin poder soportarlo mas lo hizo vomito liberando una brea negra sobre la espalda de la sirvienta esta tenia una expresión indiferente como si fuese predecible la siguió sujetándola para que no se cayera sitio como la brea negra salia de cada parte de sus poros de cada cetimetro de su piel fue tanta que la bañera se tiño de un color negro después de unos segundo se detuvo el agua empezó a vaciarse purificándose rápidamente apenas pudiendo respira hablo ¿que fue eso? {NUEVO ESTADO ENTIDAD PURA} “Fue la limpieza cada gramo de energía imperfecta que tu cuerpo ha adsorbido desde tu nacimiento, tus vías espirituales, las impurezas de tu alma, los caminos de mana, han sido liberado, has sido saneada de cada elemento dañino de tu cuerpo normalmente no debería ser tan intenso, supongo que provienes de un pueblo salvaje, por lo que nunca has practicado algún arte energético estructurado y civilazado, por lo que fue mas fuerte de lo esperado... mire” dijo yendo a una esquina y trayéndole un espejo vio como su cuerpo se veía mucho mas saludable se dio cuenta de que podía respirar mejor sentía como si sus pulmones estuviera mas limpios que nunca sus sentidos eran mas agudos sentía que su cuerpo estaba muy sensible el mínimo calor del agua le erizaba la piel la sirviente la miro extrañada “mire sus dientes “ “eh si” no sabían como estaban antes pero ahora estaban relucientes “los caninos de las razas bestia necesitan mucho cuidado si no se le caerán con facilidad y sentirá mucho dolor” agarro su cabeza y la sumergió en el agua Olivia se aterro cuando la dejo abajo por unos segundos “cof cof” “ disculpa mi brusquedad” parecía que no lo decían en serio para nada no le tenia ni una pisca de amabilidad (¿mierda es por lo que paso con arken? Que mierda les pasa si yo soy la que he sufrido no le hice nada) la sirvienta empezó a limpiarla con brusquedad tratando de quitarle los rastros de la brea negra agarro con violencia sus orejas haciendo que Olivia llorara de dolor “ por favor duele “al verla llorar la sirvienta se detuvo al ver que se excedió algo retrocedió “límpiese bien y en profundidad o vendremos a limpiarla” dijo apartándose y dando una leve reverencia dejaron a Olivia sola en el baño Olivia solo quería sentarse a llorar pero trato de hacerse la fuerte y empezó a limpiarse luego recordó lo que le Dijo la sirvienta se avergonzo pero se aseguro de limpiarse cada parte de su cuerpo ya la habían traumado lo suficiente no quería que le hicieran alguna cosa estraña (ESTO ES DEMASIADO HUMILLANTE) “después de un tiempo volvieron a entrar “¿ya esta lista? “ “si “ Dijo saliendo de la bañera “bien” una de ella se acerco tirando un envase de una sustancia brillante en su cuerpo luego empezaron a esparcirlo por su piel era bastante incomodo para ella que le hiciera esto pero no creía que pudiera siquiera protestar “curar” una pequeña runa se materializo en su dedo se le acercaron ambas y empezaron a recorrer su cuerpo con extremo cuidado y concentración ella sintió un hormigueo cuando lo hicieron vio como las marcas y citrices de su cuerpo se desvanecían las imperfecciones de la piel o pequeñas manchas del cuerpo desaparecieron para siempre era como si la sustancia fuese adsorbida por su piel “que es eso” “sabia del árbol sagrado”dijo como si eso explicara todo trajeron un par de pequeñas esferas las apretaron alrededor suyo se libero un hermoso olor en el aire lo esparcieron en su cuerpo con delicadeza parecían estar totalmente concentradas en su tarea ni siquiera hablaban entre ellas aunque aveces se miraban de formas raras y aveces sonreían sin motivo alguno “¿que es lo que me echaste?” no le dieron importancia su pregunta eso sola puso mas nerviosa trajeron un par de cremas después de esos cuando parecía que no podría tener mas cremas en el cuerpo y elixires con un movimiento de la mano de una de las sirvientas una pequeña runa apareció un viento místicos se genero de la manos de la sirvienta haciendo que sus cremas se secaran y casi haciéndola caer otra vez al agua la fuerza del viento era anormal como estar parada ante un huracán “ah podrías haberme avisado” la sirvienta como siempre ignoro sus quejas y protestas (que mierda al menos tratame como ser vivo) la llevaron al cuarto de nuevo y le presentaron varias ropas para su elección “esto” dijo agarrando los ropajes los cuales eran bastante reveladores apenas cubrían sus pechos con una pequeña sonrisa las sirvientas hablaron “dicen que los hombres bestia aman enseñar la piel no es divertido” las caras de burla de las dos sirvientes era demasiado evidente Olivia se sentía humillada como nunca antes en su vida, nunca la habían maltratado tanto ¿que... quieres llorar? soltaron varias risitas de la nada cristina entro en el cuarto y al ver la situación hablo con voz furiosa “sera mejor que se comporten” las sirvientes volvieron a sus expresiones estoicas “no tienen ningún derecho a hablar a una concubina de la corte de ese modo” “largo y dejen de molestarla “dijo mostrando un abanico negro azabache “si mandan” respondieron al unisono sin emoción saliendo por la puerta “ah esas sirvientas” “gracias” respondió Olivia entre lagrimas “enm…”momentáneamente cristina se sorprendió por su actitud “ si dejara que te maltrataran no estaría honrado mi posición” dijo de forma avergonzada “cof cof” “no las escuches son demonios apresados por arken en la antiguedad les encanta molestar a las personas de voluntad débil se alimenta de su sufrimiento pero pensé que no harían nada estúpido” No sabia por que pero sintió que por alguna razón la volvieron insultar... “bien, aquí esta la esclava que solicitaste “ Alhama entro en la habitación de manera muy casual “!oh¡ ¿quien me llama? ” Alhama se sorprendió bastante al ver a la joven de la carreta pensó que ya estaría muerta... o peor... Olivia apesar de estar desnudas se abalanzo sobre Alhama “AHHH” se puso a llorar en su pecho desconsoladamente “eh... a mi no me gustan las mujeres amiga, si he pasado por malas experiencias, pero no estoy tan traumada…” Alhama quería seguir con sus chiste malos pero al ver a Olivia así solo pudo sonreír avergonzada y consolarla en su abrazo después de unos minutos cristina hablo “Es hora de una larga charla”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "615179", "id": "623517", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "the king of beasts - The king of beasts cap 2", "author": "BlackWarg", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Drama", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Isekai", "LitRPG", "Martial Arts", "Mature" ], "tags": [ "Cruel Characters", "Cultivation", "Dark", "Demi-Humans", "Elemental Magic", "Evil Gods", "Fantasy World", "RPG", "Transmigration" ] }
 En un sitio oscuro una chica abrió los ojos “¿Donde estoy? ahh.. mi cabeza” El dolor que sintió por unos segundos fue bastante intenso y al tocar su cabeza se percato de que sangre salía de ella {Detección de error de sistema... } {Detección de error de sistema... } {¡INTRUSIÓN DE ENTIDAD EXTERNA ESTADO DE USUARIO: FALLECIDO!} {TIPO DE ENTIDAD DETECTADA: TRANSMIGRADO } {SOLUCIONANDO PROBLEMA…. } {SOLUCIONANDO PROBLEMA…. } {SOLUCIONANDO PROBLEMA…. } {SINCRONIZACIÓN DE NUEVO USUARIO.} [TÍTULOS: LA ENVIADA DEL LAGO, HIJA DEL CAOS SUIYiTET,PORTADORA DEL OJO DEL CAOS [Nombre: Olivia [CLASE: [esclavo] [RAZA: Hombre bestia {Subrama:Catman [NIVEL 1/10 EXP 0322/3300 ESTADO: herido [HP: 86/100 [FUERZA: 5 [DEFENSA: 3 [RESISTENCIA: 4 [VELOCIDAD: 12 [CARISMA: 10 [SUERTE: -1 [HABILIDADES: [Lenguaje Arkiano] [Lenguaje Bunden] [movilidad básica] [rastreo básico] [análisis básico] [cazeria básica][montura de bestias básica] “¿Que carajos está pasando?” Pero las cosas extrañas no pararon, alrededor suyo vio otras figuras eran sombras ennegrecidas Después de unos segundos cuando sus ojos se adaptaron a la oscuridad se percato de que eran personas estaban atadas, encadenas a las paredes y entre ellos parecían extraños no parecían humanos Miro hacia abajo solo para ver las mismas cadenas colgando de sus muñecas “¿Que mierda esta pasando aqui?” Se percato de otro problema unas sensaciones extrañas en su cuerpo como si tuviera partes extras que no deberían estar ahí se aproximo a tocar su cabeza lentamente “HII” Soltó un pequeño chillido Las demás criaturas encadenadas la vieron de manera extraña Al ver sus miradas Se quedo quieta de manera nerviosa Pero no paso nada “Ah” sintió el repiqueteo en donde estaban sentada parecía un carruaje Se veía bastante bastante gastado y oxidado habian una ventanas de rejas en el exterior pero parecían cubiertos por sabanas el piso y los alrededores estaban hechos de alguna clase de metal Se dio cuenta al tocarse del verdadero problema “tengo orejas en la cabeza” toco su oídos notando que no existían solo una superficie lisa a excepción de su cabello miro hacia un lado notando la entraña cola que sentía en su espalda tenia la sensación de tener otra pierna “este sueño es genial jaja” “debe ser por los tontos anime que mi hermano me hace ver” vio su pelo notando que había cambiado de color aun rojo oscuro después de unos minutos sin ningún cambio la chica empezó a ponerse nerviosa ... (no es momento de que me despierte del sueño,por que esta tardando tanto ...)trato de pensar en lo que había pasado horas atrás y su mirada cambio mostró una expresión perturbada “El…” “El me traicionó... Él estaba ahí... Ellos.. “ Recordó el dolor que sintió y el miedo aterrador cuando el cuchillo... Atravesó su estómago ... Cuando vio en el suelo esos símbolo extraños Y esos libros negros... Y luego cuando ellos... “Ellos me... ELLOS ME……..” La mujer bestia empezó a temblar incontrolablemente Después de unos segundo en su mente “Me mataron y me …” “No... no puede ser posible yo..” “Mis padres yo... yo..” Lagrimas salieron salieron de sus ojos naranjas Empezó a decir en voz baja “no es posible... NO ES POSIBLE” Los demás pasajeros la vieron de forma extraña “¿Estas bien?” escucho una voz al lado de ella. Cuando la vio se entraño por su forma física Su piel era ligeramente morena en su rostro símbolos extraños en su frente y mejillas se podían ver , lo que más le sorprendió fueron sus ojos azules y sobre todo sus orejas grandes Como si fuese una elfa ¿Kairum tepet? volvió a preguntar esta vez ella no logro entenderlo como si lo dijera en otro idioma “Yo estoy bien” “Oh bien hablas arkiano” “Al menos esos cabrones del imperio han hecho algo útil “ (¿De que esta hablando ella?) “Oh perdón soy Alhama” “Un gusto” Dijo Alhama ella puso su mano en su pecho e inclino levemente la cabeza... Olivia hizo lo mismo la temerosa “soy... Olivia” (bien tengo...tengo que aprovechar la oportunidad para reunir información...aunque... esto claramente es un sueño y lo que paso fue una pesadilla... eso no pudo haberme pasado...) “¿Olivia?... es un nombre poco común de ¿donde eres?” (era reunir información... ¿no que me saquen información a mi?) “Esos cabrones de la carga te golpearon muy duro en la cabeza ¿estas bien? “ “¿Qué?” “Has estado inconsciente por mas de un día... dijeron que si no despertabas te dejarían en el camino hubieses tenido mala suerte... o tal vez buena en este caso “ “jaja”dijo ella mostrando una sonrisa ¿De donde eres? “Yo “ Pensó un segundo (que carajos le digo no es como si pudiera decir esto es un sueño creado por mi imaginación...o peor ...vengo de una realidad alternativa y no se que mierda soy siquiera o incluso donde estoy...esto es igual a esas tontas historias que veía mi hermano... donde gente inútil por caprichos de algún dios... viajaba a otros mundo al morir y de la nada se volvían importantes ,esa mierda no puede ser real… es demasiado ficción para que sea real...¿cierto?...cierto?..) Al ver que no respondió la miro de forma extraña “No lo se no lo recuerdo”dijo apresuradamente “¿Que en serio?” la miro fijamente como si viera atravez de ella de manera peculiar “No lo recuerdo” le mostró una sonrisa amable Se aproximo rápidamente a su cara tanto que Olivia empezó a preguntarse si conocida lo que era espacio personal Y vio su herida “Dame un segundo” Y susurrando en una lengua extraña hablo “Espíritus del agua concédele la bendición a tu hija, que cura a tus fieles súbditos, que limpian el pegado en el mundo “ Una especie de pequeñas gotas de agua surgieron de sus manos hacia su herida Ella sintió como si su herida empezará a sanar (¿MAGIA?) sin previo aviso Las cadenas brillaron en rojo mientras runas arcanas se mostraban “Ahh” ella Gritó de dolor cuando las cadenas quemaron su piel Una descargar eléctrica golpeo a Alhama en el siguiente instante ella se arrodillo del dolor “Mierda solo fue un hechizo de curación” Dijo con algo de dolor De inmediato el carruaje Se detuvo, se escucharon gritos afuera “Maldita sea, ¡Gregorio!... dije que renovaras las putas cadenas anti mana” Un hombre alto rubio y atlético se presentó abriendo las puertas su aspecto era el de un príncipe de fantasía pero su rostro lleno de ira era el de un hombre de pocos amigos traía una linterna en la mano Solo de verlo Olivia se sintió intimidad como si sus instintos le ordenara temerle Alhama miró al hombre con dificultad por el dolor El hombre Gritó ¿quien mierda uso magia? Todos los demás esclavos se aterrorizaron y se arrastraron a las esquinas Olivia quería hacerlo pero no quiso dejar sola Alhama “Yo lo hice” dijo Alhama alzando la mano mientras veía al hombre con una ligera sonrisa El hombre suspiró Se aproximo rápidamente ahorcando a Alhama contra el carruaje hierro “Puta elfa “ “¿Quien te dio permiso de hablar?” “¿Eres un poco tonto no? si haces una pregunta y no esperas respuesta”dijo ella sonriendo ante el ahorcamiento Golpe Alhama respiro hondo cuando el golpe del hombre le saco el aire del estómago “Prefería no recibir respuesta a recibirla de tu sucia raza” *Punk* el hombre escupió fuera del carruaje cayendo en las sombras de afuera “Solo ayude a una joven ¿vas a vender mercancía? cierto.. ¿no crees que estoy ayudándote?” “Si no muere, terminarás ganando mas ¿no?” el hombre miró por un segunda a Olivia la cual al recibir su mirada sintió una sensación de dominación y noto que fuera de su control su cuerpo se inclinaba levemente a el no entendía qué estaba pasando no podía controlar su cuerpo de estar aterrado “Bien... tienes razón” “ ¿Ves? “Dijo ella con cierto orgullo “Yo…” El hombre volvió a soltar otro golpe contra su estómago “Ack...” “Pero tu lengua es molesta creo que alguien debería enseñarte modales” “GREGORIO” El hombre llamó fuera del carruaje Un hombre gordo y fuerte se asomo por el carruaje “Enseñale modales a esta perra” Dijo tirando Alhama fuera del carruaje Olivia logró ver un campo a oscuras afuera y un camino rural afuera con la poca luz que había “Ahh” Alhama levantó la mirada para ver al hombre gordo lamiéndose los labios Ella sintió escalofríos (Mierda,¿por qué nunca mantengo mi bocota cerrada?) El hombre se la llevó arrastrada por el cabello “Por ahí no imbécil” Olivia se quedó aturdida Nunca en su vida había experimentado tanta miedo Quería pararse y ayudar a Olivia pero sus piernas no se movía y solo temblaban El hombre vio a la joven mujer bestia de reojo una Catman pelirroja con ojos verdes y una figura que hacía que sus sentidos humanos se enloquecieran Olivia sintió otra vez una sensación de sumisión en su cuerpo “ ¿tal vez?... ¿debería divertirme contigo?”dijo viéndola con una mirada divertida Olivia al escuchar sus palabras se aterró más y accidentalmente vació sus fuentes al ver el piso húmedo el hombre se alteró tapándose la nariz “ah por favor solo era un chiste enserio que asco” dijo saliendo rápidamente después de unos minutos el carruaje volvió a moverse en ese instante la mente de Olivia se quedó en blanco no sabía ni quería saber que acaba de pasar trato de acomodarse lo más lejos de lo que había hecho y se fue a la otra esquina para empeorar las cosas noto que el olor si era fuerte sus sentidos del olfato era mucho más potente que antes “no para nada muy pronto despertaré y todo volverá ala normalidad será una horrible pesadilla” empezó a pellizcarse el brazo “golpeare a mi hermano por hacerme ver sus estúpidos animes” “me bañare en mi ducha y comeré dulces todo el día” “si” si” “después de un par de horas el estado de ánimo, Olivia estaba bastante perturbada al notar que a pesar de lastimarse hasta el punto de tener moretones no despertaba... “no... no hay forma... no... no hay manera... de que esto sea real, no hable con mis padres, no me despedí de ellos yo”ella estaba llorando” “¿y si muero podría despertar?” “pero si no lo hago…” “tengo... tengo que calmarme.. “ “¿si todas esas historias son ciertas?” “siempre hay una forma de volver a tu mundo original... siempre..” “o al menos casi siempre…” “y además todos esos sujetos siempre tienen trucos especiales o habilidades poderosas” luego recordó lo que vio cuando le dolía la cabeza “no puedo creer que diga esto “ “estado” [TÍTULOS: LA ENVIADA DEL LAGO, HIJA DEL CAOS SUIYiTET,PORTADORA DEL OJO DEL CAOS [Nombre: Olivia [CLASE: [esclavo] [RAZA: Hombre bestia {SUBRAZA:Catman [NIVEL 1/10 EXP 0322/3300 ESTADO: herido [HP: 96/100 [FUERZA: 5 [DEFENSA: 3 [RESISTENCIA: 4 [VELOCIDAD: 12 [CARISMA: 10 [SUERTE: -1 [HABILIDADES: [lenguaje arkiano] [lenguaje bumden] [movilidad básica] [rastreo básico] [análisis básico] [cazeria básica][montura de bestias básica] (Ahí está la enviada del lago) Por un momento Olivia se emocionó (esto se parece mucho a un videojuego o a esas novelas de sistemas) con esto seguramente podría ayudar Alhama Y dijo en voz alta “¡Enviada del lago!” Pensando que ocurriría algo… pero no paso nada aparte de que los esclavos la miraron como si estuviese totalmente loca sumado a que se la había pasado susurrando en voz baja durante gran parte del viaje (Que vergüenza) pensó al notar sus miradas (¿Y qué carajos son los títulos?) pensó en su mente viendo si habría algún sistema que lo explicara en el menú Pero nada sucedió “Ohh bien... que mierda” “No se atrevió a decir la hija del caos si algo le habían enseñado los cómic, novelas ligeras y warhammer 40k es que el caos siempre es malo” ¿quién sabría que le harían si lo escuchaban? “¿Clase esclava? Tal vez, ¿es el motivo por el que mi cuerpo no respondía? ” “esas habilidades ¿montura básica? ¿Análisis? ¿Parecen las habilidades de un videojuego no ? “puedo sacar algo de información de esto al menos por lo que veo, soy alguna clase de cazadora “ “¿tal vez? una aborigen o indígena” “¿por qué tengo una suerte tan mala? Menos uno ¿cómo es posible?” “mierda no hay nadie que responda mis preguntas” “Ahhh bien al menos debería tratar de averiguar si soy la única con el menú “ Miro a los demás esclavos en la carreta Todos llevaban pocas ropas apenas cubrían sus partes íntimas al igual que ella la mayoría eran mujeres pero sus razas parecían ser bastante diferentes entre sí habían mujeres con cuernos en sus frentes algunas tenían escamas en la piel pareciendo seres reptilianos vio lo que reconoció como una arpía de una edad muy joven Algunas tenían un color de piel azul, ojos negros con aletas en sus estremidades Habían lo que recordaba era un pequeño y lindo kobold entre la multitud se veía hambriento y cansado acostado contra la pared la mayoría de los hombre estaban con muchas más cadenas que las mujeres había un hombre cocodrilo con bellas escamas y dientes filosos había un bella niña entre la multitud de esclavos esta la veía con una sonrisa perversa mostrando dientes afilados y ojos rojos juraría que la miraban profundamente esto lo asustó y retrocedió ella solo soltó una leve risa Eran muy extraños pero todos de cierta forma tenían un aspecto hermoso o llamativo (¿tal vez somos esclavos de alta calidad?o el sentido de belleza de este mundo es distinto) luego recordó a Gregorio (no para nada esa cosa era horrenda) (Después de lo que paso dudo que alguien esté dispuesto o dispuesta a hablar conmigo) el carruaje se detuvo y las puertas se abrieron Y como si el destino le hablara la puerta del frente se abrió “Descansa puta” dijo el hombre gordo tirando Alhama dentro Se le veía cansada y agotada Olivia se paro y fue agarrarla de los brazo “Oh eso fue intenso”dijo suspirando “¿que... paso?” “Lo que pasa cuando una esclava es sacada de un carruaje”dijo con un tono ligeramente molesto Al decir eso la cara de Olivia se perturbó Al verla así alhama Comentó casualmente “No te preocupes” “Jaja los hombres humanos no duran tanto así que no te preocupes” Dijo sentados cerca de una pared para soportar su cuerpo cansado “Fue más amable de lo que pensé normalmente no lo son tanto…” “¿No es la primera vez?” preguntó Olivia aterrada “Jajajaj no, por supuesto que no niña, mira me dio una sábana” “Para que no pasara frío ¿no es genial? “ Alhama se arrimo a ella y la abrazó colocando también la sábana encima Para que estuviera caliente Olivia dijo “lo siento por mi culpa tu” “Shut” dijo callándose y poniendo un dedo en su boca “Cada quien toma sus decisiones yo me arriesgue y recibí un castigo no tiene nada que ver contigo” “¿Por qué?... me ayudaste” “Nada...simplemente me recordaste a alguien de el pasado...alguien que al igual que tu..., no sabe mentir...” dijo con una sonrisa melancólica por unos segundo antes de volver a su tonta sonrisa habitual “además luces tan vulnerable tenia que hacer algo” Al verla así la expresión de Olivia solo se mostró peor las lágrimas empezaron a salir de su rostro ¿cómo podría ser este mundo tan cruel? había leído en la escuela de la esclavitud y cientos de novelas que trataban el tema pero todo era ficción o el pasado... ver a alguien en frente de uno sufriendo esa clase de maltrato era...demasiado...y lo peor era que en su caso ya lo había vivido en carne propia y sabía bien el infierno que era lo horrendo que se sentía “Ah”un sollozo incontrolable salió de ella al verla así Alhama se asusto “No te alteres... no es para tanto.. mira una vez cuando estaba en las estepas del oeste... me metí en una de esas ciudades antiguas... de antes de la gran caída, para robar alguna cosas buena y si es posible, hacerme rica en el proceso y cuando lo hice caí en la guarida de un gran dragón durmiente “Me tubo como su concubina por más de un año, hasta que se canso de mi palabrería y me hecho, dijo que tenía un gran cuerpo pero no soportaba mi lengua” “Jaja que divertido “Dijo Alhama muriéndose de la risa pero a Olivia el chiste no le hizo gracia para nada “Eso es peor “ Olivia siguió llorando Alhama se sorprendió Ella le dio un pequeño pellizco en la nariz “ah” “para de llorar ¿cuántos años tienes? no vas a sobrevivir mucho si eres así de débil, pero tengo que admitir que eres tierna” “Es raro que alguien llore por alguien, más con esa sinceridad y más si eres un elfo” “ Y que mierda importa eso... ¡eres un ser vivo! ¿cómo podría sentirme indiferente de verte pasar por esto?” “Jaja”Alhama parecía entretenida por su respuesta como si hubiese escuchado el mejor chiste del mundo “¿Qué cosas dices?” “Debe ser por tu especie, dicen que los hombres bestia son los más honestos y justos de la creación... ¿aunque? no se si el emperador entraría dentro de esa definición” De la nada Alhama olio un olor extraño “¿que es eso?” Olivia solo pudo enterrar su cara en sus piernas “uphs por amor a los santos espíritus,Estos esclavos sin son cochinos... deberían bañarlos iffhs… pero que mal olor” Alhama se percató de la actitud avergonzada de Olivia vio el rastro hacia la joven hombre bestia Después de pensar un segundo abrió sus ojo sorprendidos “ jaja no te preocupes “ “Olvide que tu raza... cuando es joven le cuesta controlar sus cuerpos... cuando sienten emociones fuertes... lo siento si fui grosera” Al ver que Olivia no hablaba “ hey no te avergüences no es para tanto, las razas tienen distintos tipos de desarrollos y necesidades es común para los hombres bestia dejarse llevar por sus instintos“ “No es como si fueras un humano o un duende que crecen rápido” Durante un rato Olivia no dijo nada por la vergüenza hasta después de unos minutos sin hablar le pregunto a Alhama “¿Sabes a dónde vamos?” “Nop” “Le pregunte al gordinflón, pero ni él mismo lo sabe, supuestamente vamos a ser vendidas a una gente rica en el imperio” “¿En el imperio?” Miro un segundo a Olivia como si fuera tonta “Si el imperio” “¿Qué es eso?” Alhama se palmeó la cara con fuerza “En serio niña ¿quiénes son tus padres? ¿Cómo no sabes que es el imperio? Vamos ¿el imperio de la luna azul?” por un segundo lo único que se le vino a la mente fue la imagen de un hombre negro con un sable rojo pero creía profundamente que la temática de este mundo era distinta “¿Vienes de otro continente o qué?” “Yo no lo sé, lo siento” “Eh no no pongas tu cara de cachorro regañado” Dijo Alhama señalándole al ver la cara que está ponía sin querer contrayendo sus orejas en su cabeza “Bien... ¿que sabes? “ “¿qué es lo que recuerdas? “ ¿Algo aunque sea un poco? (okey ella puede ver a través de mis mentiras...¿como? ni idea.. así que ¿tal vez si creo que estoy diciendo la verdad no lo note? bueno técnicamente hablando no recuerdo nada de este mundo así que..) Al ver Alhama que Olivia estaba haciendo un esfuerzo y parecía que su mente iba a explotar... “Detente,Esta bien…” “Hay una ventana azul... tu la ves””preguntó Olivia con dudas y un tartamudeo con miedo de que estuviese revelando algo que no debía “ “¿Que? ¿hablas de las palabras sagradas?” “Si, ¿como no voy a saberlo? es algo básico como comer y caminar” “¿Podrías enseñarme? por favor”comento Olivia en un tono de suplica (okey si quiero sobrevivir en este mundo tengo que reunir información ) Alhama se sorprendió Bien dijo con algo de duda las palabras sagradas son la fuerza creadora de todo y de todos surgió antes que el mismo caos o el tiempo existiera desde los orígenes de los dioses, este vive en cada uno de nosotros por la sagrada voluntad del onisaya las palabras sagradas son un reflejo de lo que somos y seremos en el futuro son un reflejo de nuestra propia esencia, un reflejo de nuestra existencia y mortalidad … (ah… ya veo… no entendí una mierda… se como funcionan en un videojuego ¿pero si es así no significa que tendré que cazar monstruos para volverme mas poderoso y esas cosas?) al ver que Olivia no estaba entendiendo mucho procedió a seguir con la explicación “puedes invocarlo cuando profundizas en tu alma al hacerlo este revela información sobre ti mismo, sobre tus cualidades y habilidades, sobre tu clase “ “¿Que es la clase?” “Es una cualidad que cierta razas tienen acceso, te permite obtener y desarrollar un conjunto de habilidades de las cuales puedes disponer y desarrollar con el tiempo obteniendo mayor poder o habilidad en esa Área, lo que hagas y las profesiones que realices aumentaran tu disciplina llegado un cierto tiempo tu estado obtendrá una modificación otorgándote dicha clase“ “Okey podrías decirme ¿que eso del imperio?” Dijo tratando de cambiar de tema no entendía muy bien de lo que estaba hablando le parecía que Alhama no era una buena profesora o ¡tal vez era un concepto tan común que le dificultaba explicárselo bien o mas bien rallaba en un tema religioso profundo por lo que no podía expresarlo de una forma objetiva “El imperio es..” Antes de que pudieran hablar sintieron que los carruajes se detenían “Saca a los esclavos, el transporte no podrá pasar de aquí” grito el hombre rubio Gregorio asintió y detuvo el carruaje empezó a sacar a los esclavos del “Bajen ahora y formense a un lado”grito Gregorio Ayudo a bajar con cierto cuidado Alhama “Gracias “ El gordo se hizo el desinteresado pero parecía avergonzado Olivia se pregunto (¿que mierda paso para que se lleven tan bien?) Al bajar por primera vez Olivia pudo ver bien el exterior parecían estar bajo tierra pero era entraño para el frente se podían ver un profundo espacio recto que parecía continuar infinitamente, el techo estaba muy por encima de ella tanto que la aves podían volar habían una gran cantidad de vegetación al lado de los carruajes y en la pared del enorme túnel donde estaban vio hacia el frente viendo varios carruajes que parecía seguir en el que estaba varios hombres salieron y empezaron a sacar a los esclavos miro hacia un lado y se sorprendió las bestias que llevaban el carruaje eran muy parecidos a dragones de komodo pero mucho mas grandes e imponentes vio al hombre rubio dándoles un trozo de carne a ambos mientras estos empezaron a pelear por el “quietos” de inmediato los dos especímenes obedecieron los ato rápidamente a uno de los arboles cercanos y se fue a esperar que Gregorio y los demás organizaran a los esclavos (¿eso fue una habilidad?) después eso se le ocurrió ¿no tenia ella la habilidad de análisis? Tal vez podría sacar algo de información de sistema miro hacia el cielo “y… como lo hago” “análisis” de inmediato apareció una barra de estado al mirar al techo “{Corteza}” “¿que corteza? no entiendo” miro hacia el suelo y lo analizo {tierra} “claro dios de lo obvio... o tal vez es tan bajo el nivel de la habilidad que la información disponible es esa” miro hacia un ave “pájaro” “...no me digas genio...” Todo el sintió parecía estar recubierto por corteza de árbol Trato de analizarlo pero su nivel no era suficiente y le dolía la cabeza también descubrió que sus sentidos eran mucho mejores que antes podía oler olores que ante no podría identificar apesar de estar oscuro podía ver bastante bien o mucho mejor de lo que ella pensaba seria normal Bien avancemos El hombre rubio empezó a caminar hacia uno de las paredes con cautela y vigilancia extrema al “Alhama ¿dime que es este sitio?” pregunto Olivia en voz baja “parecen... las raíces del árbol sagrado”alhama abrió los ojos sorprendida “Pero normalmente debería estar mucho más concurrido debe ser alguna entrada secreta del imperio” “¿Árbol sagrado?” “No me gusta esto para nada, no deberían usar estas entradas a menos que...” “CÁLLENSE” uno de los guardias de la caravanas les gritó apagando la conversación Caminaron un par de minutos hasta que llegaron a una pared El hombre rubio la toco y dijo unas palabras que ella no llego a escuchar Sin advertencia las paredes de corteza se movilizaron lentamente dejando ver una entrada entraron lentamente al hacerlo olivia se percató de la poca luz que había sintio una sensacion tenebrosa y como su pelaje se ponía de punta al estar en este sitio de pronto se escucho una voz Y sintió una sensancio de peligro extremo “Clave” ordeno una voz entre las paredes Olivia no logro detectar de donde provenía “Iscariotes” Dijo en respuesta el hombre rubio de inmediato Olivia sintió como si una bruma negra la recorriera “Sauce bendito” la voz de una pequeña niña se escucho “Sauce condenado” respondió el hombre rubio respondió “Ángel de milagro” se escuchó la voz de un anciano “Infortunio del demonio” respondió el rubio respondió en un susurro ¿Quien cerrara las puertas del ocaso? la voz de un hombre joven se escuchó Olivia vio por un segundo una sombra parada al frente del hombre rubio sintió que la bruma empezaba a asfixiarla hasta que el hombre rubio volvió a hablar “Albion “ La sensación de la nada desapareció sintió como la bruma negra desaparecía hasta no dejar rastro Alhama le susurro a Olivia “Esto no me gusta nada si tienes un dios reza ahora, que por favor tengamos suerte y mi suposición no sea correcta” Todos los esclavos estaban aterrados, habían pasado por lo mismo que ella De la nada una aura entraña broto de las paredes luces de un color verde brillante aparecieron Recorriendo el lugar los esclavos sintieron un mareo cayeron al suelo de rodillas Al instante el lugar donde estaban cambio alrededor Cuando Olivia abrió los ojos se maravillo por lo que veía una vegetación frondosa de tantos colores que simplemente no podrían describirlos en su totalidad La misma esencia en el aire tenia colores azules y verdes entremezclados entre los arboles brillantes de los alrededores Era como si las plantas tuvieran cientos de colores al mismo tiempo, algunos parecían cristales otros eran casi como neblina alrededor era simplemente el paisaje de otro mundo Miro hacia frente y vio al hombre rubio arrodillado Y ante él se encontraba un humano normal parecía un hombre de unos 20 años estaba vestido con una túnica blancas decoradas hermosamente por líneas doradas, tenia un collar de oro en su cuello “Gerald”dijo en voz baja gentilmente “Primer ministro, es un gusto saludarlo, me postro ante usted y el emperador, que su gobierno sea eterno y que alba los bendiga ” “Gerald, ¿trajiste los productos que solicitamos? “ “si mi señor como ordenó trajimos un nuevo cargamento de esclavos del sur “ “¿Tengo entendido que serán dados a los soldados?¿cierto?“preguntó gerald con curiosidad “Si, hay una par de viejos hombres, que se retiran del frente necesitan, personas que los cuiden y los atienda” “Claro señor “ El hombre vio hacia los esclavos con curiosidad Parecía ser inofensivo pero al mismo tiempo a Olivia le ponía los pelos de punta incluso el hombre rubio se veía atemorizado Olivia miro Alhama para preguntarle que estaba pasando Pero Al verla vio que esta no se movía Parecía ver algo a la distancia, estaba temblando…Al verla a los ojos vio un pánico existencial algo que no había mostrado mientras estaban juntas a pesar de todo lo que había experimentado siguió su mirada a la distancia y vio a un hombre bestia, un tigre blanco con un rostro feroz con una espada en su espalda,con una armadura ligera que daba la imagen de un gran guerrero sentado en un gran trono blanco y pulcro atrás del trono un gran árbol se encontraba y del techo de la habitacion parecía como si la luz de la luna lo alumbrara Contrario a su imagen,no sintió nada proveniente del hombre.. era el primero que no le hacía sentir siquiera miedo “¿será el emperador?” Parecía tranquilo... durmiendo…. mientras reposaba un brazo en el trono al no poder sentir nada se le ocurrió algo para obtener más información “Analizar” {DOMINIO DIVINO DETECTADO: BLOQUEO DE HABILIDAD} De inmediato fue como si la habitación se enfriará las luz y la belleza se fueron, era como comparar el día y la noche una sensación de frío y muerte recorrió los corazones de las personas alrededor el hombre tigre miró directamente a Olivia mostrando unos brillante ojo azules De la nada sus pupilas se volvieron de un color rojo y una expresión de ira se reflejo en el Olivia parpadeo al instante el hombre tigre estaba parado frente a ella … ella miró hacia un lado y todos los presentes estaban arrodillados en el suelo miro Alhama la cual tenía la cara pegada al suelo con extrema violencia tanto que sangre salía de su frente Incluso el primer ministro estaba arrodillado Y como si la voz del mundo cayera el ser con una voz mística y profunda hablo . “¿Fue estupidez?... ¿o fue arrogancia?” No importaba las razas ni las leguas la voluntad de ese ser podía doblar esas débiles reglas Todos en la sala entendieron la pregunta y a quien iba dirigida Olivia ni siquiera entendía como el hombre había hablado su boca no se había movido Olivia supo que la pregunta iba dirigida a ella y por alguna razón sintió que su respuesta definiría si vivía o moría (piensa rápido es un 50/50 un ser tan poderoso... considerará a todos estúpidos así que... ) “Fue arrogancia” Dijo prostandose al igual que Alhama con su frente tocando el suelo pasaron unos segundos en los que su corazón no paró de latir hasta que el hombre habló de nuevo “Bien…” “ por que de haber existido un ser tan estúpido…. “ “No debe tener el privilegio... de seguir con vida...”” “Gerald “ “Quiero una explicación” Dijo el hombre tigre mirando fijamente a Olivia ante sus pies su mirada era fría “PIEDAD SEÑOR, DISCULPE EL INSULTO A SU GRANDEZA” “¿Pides piedad?... ¿después de que una hormiga oso analizarme?” Todos abrieron los ojos sorprendidos, incluso los esclavos y el primer ministro Alhama solo podía pensar( !ESTA IDIOTA¡ ) El hombre abrió los ojos de comprensión se puso de pie y luego mostró una mirada de resignación miro hacia la nada con una expresión oscura “Pido piedad por mi familia” El hombre sin dudarlo agarro un cuchillo de su funda y se lo clavo en el cuello la sangre broto a Choros de su cuello Olivia miro la escena ante ella aterrada Mientras se desangraba sin siquiera voltear a mirar a al hombre el emperador habló “Por tu servicio al reino, tu familia será perdonada, pero tu honor será mancillado, no tendrás un entierro honorable y tu familia no disfrutara de los beneficios de tu muerte” Fue lo ultimo que escucho antes de que la oscuridad lo llevara sus ojos quedaron en blanco en suelo “En cuanto a ti... ¿que castigo seria apropiado?“ “Mejor dicho... ¿cual no lo seria? “ Ah no podía moverse después lo entiendo tal vez tal vez soy tan débil que mi mente no puede comprender su poder... Por eso Alhama esta aterrada El-emperador tomo del cuello a Olivia y empezó a asfixiarla “Ahh” eso solo la asusto mas cuando vio que Olivia estaba apunto de quedar inconsciente supongo que Primero habrá que corregir esa arrogancia tuya al instante desapareció de la sala con Olivia y los arboles volvieron a restaura su luz Primer ministro se puso de pie y empezó a gritar a la nada “¿AVERIGÜEN QUIEN CARAJOS ES ESA ESCLAVA Y DE DONDE VIENE?” una voz del simple aire de la habitación se escucho ¿Que hacemos con los esclavos? (maldita sea deberíamos quemarlos a todos ,como pudieron deshonrar me de ese modo ante el emperador incluso, mi posición estará en riesgo aquí.) “Designalos a sus legítimos dueños “ “Ah que mal día...” “Debí atender este asunto solo”dijo el primer ministro con un cara de amargura (Niña tonta)pensó Alhama apretando los dientes de ira al ver que no podía hacer nada mientras se la llevaban
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "615179", "id": "621198", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "the king of beasts - The king of beasts cap 1", "author": "BlackWarg", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Drama", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Isekai", "LitRPG", "Martial Arts", "Mature" ], "tags": [ "Cruel Characters", "Cultivation", "Dark", "Demi-Humans", "Elemental Magic", "Evil Gods", "Fantasy World", "RPG", "Transmigration" ] }
"Tal tal wait you can't drive when you're drunk!" Seth yelled after his staggering friend , but made no actual effort to restrain him or stop him from approaching the vehicle. Seth stood in place and watched as the car drove away. Even though  he felt guilty about what he just did , Seth felt positive that what he did was right and nothing would ever be able to change his mind. Earlier that week Seth had applied for an internship with a very prestigious law  firm and he had informed all his friends. This of course included zetal.  But today he learned that his best friend managed to actually steal his internship by applying to the same law firm and was even accepted yet he still received no news regarding his application. Zetal had stubbed him in the back so he did the same , if in the case  zetal has an accident or dies then that is his fate and Seth only helped nature take it's coarse.  Seth then turned to the direction of his own vehicle when his phone vibrated with a text , Seth felt slightly annoyed . He had ignored Victor's phone calls since earlier but the young man was so persistent to gossip that dispite the obvious cold shoulder he still texted Seth. This happened everytime Zetal was unavailable . Victor and Zetal were close friends since high school and they only met Seth during  college enrollment . Thus everytime Zetal turned off his phone  and Victor had no one to gossip to then he would pick his next bestie which was Seth. With no other options Seth decided to read the text, just as he was reaching for his keys his hand stopped , his eyes went red and he dropped his phone and started running towards the direction Zetal had driven in. Seth could no longer see the car but he still run yelling loudly as though he was hoping that his voice would reach Zetal. " STOP! Tal tal !" Seth continued before he choked and fell on the ground . He was not sure at which point he started crying but it was already to late  to turn back time. Inside the empty parking lot his cellphone which was still on the ground was receiving new texts from Victor  but the first one was the most important. Victor: dude you won't believe it but Zetals family runs the law firm you applied to , it turns out that  Tal tal doesn't plan on ever working in the family business and that's why he studied  design instead of law . Bigger news is that his name was only placed in the internship list by mistake . It's so awesome dude that you can get to work with Tal tal family right? .  Zetal was trying to drive as slow as possible but he just couldn't see straight. He had gone out so as he could vent .  Zetal always had a habit of not drinking so as he could be the sober one to send his friends home safely, so as usual he ordered a soda after Seth ordered vodka . After just half a glass  he started feeling dizzy and short of breath with trust in his friend  Zetal suspected that someone in the bar had spiked his drink but Seth made no movement to help him, instead he kept on saying that he was drunk and was not drugged at all . with no other options Zetal rose to his feet and staggered out of the bar, Seth followed behind him but didn't help him once. Zetal shook his head to try and clear up the hazy feeling but it was of no use . With his mind all muddled up Zetal was unaware that he was actually stepping on the gas pedal and he was speeding. Not sure if an animal really tried crossing the road or if it was just him hallucinating , the last thing Zetal remembered was  collision so hard that he felt like he was spinning several times before a sharp pain hit his shoulder while another went through his stomach causing a strong metal taste to fill his mouth. After about half a minute the road went silent the only source of light was the broken headlights of the overturned car . Zetal was still in the car held tightly by his seat belt, other wise he would have been sent flying. "Are you ok?"a voice that sounded very far from him came to his ears  but he could not move he felt his body being  pulled gently and after a small while he felt a cold breeze hit his face. Zetal no longer felt any pain the only thing he felt was abit numb , he was not sure why but  the only thing that kept running through his mind was that he would miss the final episode of his favorite show , that was until he felt like he was surrounded by a very warm imbrace and a soft voice kept repeating over and over that he would be okay.  Zetal struggled to open his eyes and the only thing he saw was a pair of beautiful green eyes that were almost filled with tears.  "I... kn..ow you" Zetal whispered before he passed out. Andre  was on his way home after after visiting his parents at the cemetery when   suddenly felt a sharp pain hit his chest  and his shoulders grew heavy he was surrounded by panic and worry . He was unaware what caused this feeling up until he came across the accident site.  After quickly calling an ambulance and the police Andre run to the crush just in case someone needed help that was when he saw the young man who's shoulder length hair had come undone and blood had soaked through causing it to stick to his face. "Are you ok?" Andre asked reaching out for the young man in the car . After quickly undoing the seat belt Andre slowly drugged Zetal away from the car .  The young man had a sharp and long piece of glass straight through his stomach   Andre knew better than touching it so as not to cause any problems. He gently brushed away the blood stained hair and then gently held the man in his arms his green eyes slowly filled with tears .  The man in his arms had whispered something but the only thing Andre prayed for was for help to arrive quickly.  Because he remembered everything from his past life, he remembered it all the moment he touched the young man. 200 years ago in a small market located in the great city of Ursday  a young man run fast carrying a small basket of bread  and a flask of milk he had been looking for his mother since morning so as he could give her food but she was not at her stall . "Tal were are you running to"an old lady who sells corn asked after she saw the young man approaching. Tal was raised by a single mother and had no idea who his father was. He was a sweet lad with a kind attitude. Tal always wore a warm smile and his shoulder length hair was always tied neatly in a small knot ,he had light brown eyes that seemed to shine brighter  and turned into a darker shade everytime light shone on his face. He was a very good looking young man .  " Granny hilly, have you seen my mother?" Tal asked kindly  "My boy didn't you know your mother was arrested this morning for bad mouthing the king" Granny hilly asked gently feeling abit confused
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "440507", "id": "440509", "q": 0.91, "title": "The Other End of the Thread - Chapter 001(a): Lost Memories.", "author": "Ameth100", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Boys Love", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Ancient Times", "Arrogant Characters", "Beautiful Couple", "Betrayal", "Cohabitation", "Conspiracies", "Destiny" ] }
Hypnotic Hunter〡A Game of Magic, Mischief, and Malice〡 Chapter 1: Let’s play a game. “Truly, nothing compares to a cheap steak and a glass of wine.” Shawn ravenously sliced and ate the well-fetched steak in an open cafe near Aqual City. Sitting across him was a girl in her mid-20’s, with silky black hair, amber eyes, and fair-sized breasts. She wore a tight black sheath, which clearly showcased her alluring cleavage. Her name was Ivy Blaze. Looking at him now, Ivy could not help but wonder, how could he, when needed, be so charming, yet oftentimes be so — ungentlemanly? “Are you fine?” Ivy sighed and asked. His fingers halted, and the knife slicing the steak stopped mid-way. “Fine?” Shawn smirked, “Why wouldn’t I be fine? Look around, we’re in Aqual City, my birthplace. And this cafe — my father used to bring me and my brother here as a child. Until, of course, he got slaughter in the war, leaving the 10-year-old me behind to care of his 7-year-old son. I always hated responsibility. And, now that responsibility is gone. My brother’s dead.” He shrugged, and his knife continued its motion. “Now, I don’t need to send my hard-earned money, to him, so he could spend it on a worthless course, that in the end got him killed.” The plate was now empty. “So, yeah, I’m fantastic. I got the money and even a vacation.” Shawn Blue was a self-made B-rank Hunter. Two days ago, he’d received the news of his brother’s death through his mail. His brother attended the ‘Crellevé Hunter Academy.’ Located in Crelleve City. A military academy that forged naive teens into professional hunters. Ivy leaned back - exhausted - after listening to his explanation. To this day, she could not ascertain whether he was just heartless or just not good with expressing himself. “It’s not a vacation….” she said, listless. “The guild master gave you 15 days off, so you could take care of your brother’s funeral, deal with the loss and ask help if necessary.” “A vacation it is. Booze! and Beach! and Wome—” Shawn noticed her sharp gaze. Sometimes, I forget that I’m engaged. “Fine. If you are not-so-depressed. Return to the guild on Sunday,” She exclaimed with a slightly annoyed expression. “You’re getting promoted from a B-rank to A-rank Hunter.” “Promotion?” he scowled, “I refused before, I’ll refuse again. Being an A-rank hunter is the worst. You’ve to do all these interviews, attend seminars, and complete at least ‘50’ three star-gates in a year. And even the income is not worth the effort. Besides, I’ve got you, and you’re rich.” “Have you no shame saying that?” She crossed her arms. “Dear, I’m shameless enough to use my brother’s death as an excuse to obtain a vacation, what shame would I’ve admitting I’m a parasite relying on my fiance’s money.” He shrugged proudly. “Humph!” she turned her head, lurched her legs, and left. Life never goes as planned, they say. And for Shawn, an unexpected predicament appeared. He’d returned to Aqual City to construct a grave for his brother. According to the mail, his brother’s corpse was never recovered. They said the dragon fire had turned everything to dust. So he built a small grave, burying his brother’s old belonging, besides his father’s grave. His father’s grave was located amidst a forest. The land had not always been a forest. Aqual City was once one of the 8 Crowned Cities. However, an unprecedented Gate opened there 15 years ago, unleashing 100’s of deadly monsters and initiating a war. His father died in that war. The war destroyed half the city and killed over 500 million people until finally, aid came from the other 7 Crowned cities, and the war ended. The half-destroyed landmark morphed into a forest. Rumor is that the souls of those fallen 500 million still lingers in the woods. The forest was thereby named ‘The Ghost Forest.’ Ahh. What a plan I had. He’d planned to visit the grave for one last time, then leave and never return. And relish the 15-day vacation in some resort near the Waterfly beach. But taking into account the people he met near the grave, he realized his plans would take a drastic turn. Shawn stood head tall in front of the two graves—his father’s and his brother’s. That’s when he heard a voice calling him from behind. “Shawn Blue,” said a man with a robotic voice. “A B-Rank Hunter associated with the Blaze Guild. Fiance of Ivy Blaze. Former citizen of the Aqual City. Presently, the citizen of the Crowned Blaze City. You cleared a total of 2 two-star Gates, 24 three-star Gates, and 100 four-star Gates. You inherited black hair and sword techniques from your father, Del Blue. You inherited your blue eyes, and inhuman healing capabilities from your mother, Gloria River. And, right now, you possess something that I desire.” Shawn slowly turned his head and saw a man, about 6 feet tall, the same height as him, who wore a long black coat, and a mask. A black mask with red stripes that took the shape of an Owl. His ears flicked as he heard numerous footsteps around the forest—20 in total. The night was cold, and the wind was brisky, and Shawn. Shawn had a playful expression. “I’m sorry, you writing my biography, or what?” Shaws took his arms out of his pocket. “Don’t take it as an insult. You’re clearly doing a great job. I didn’t even know what my mother’s name was.” Shawn found it implausible to read the man’s expression through the mask. The masked man took a few steps ahead. “Don’t misunderstand,” The Owl spoke. His voice was robotic and cold like the wind. “I stated such facts, to let you know of the knowledge and resources I possess. I preferred not to be taken lightly, and wanted to get this over with as peacefully as possible.” Shawn tilted his head to the side, “Would have been more convincing, if your men currently didn’t surround me, don’t you think?” “Do not mind them. They won’t interfere, so long as I don’t feel threatened.” The Owl halted, maintaining a gap of exactly 15 steps between him and Shawn. “Your father once gave you a Dragon locket, all I desire is to buy that locket.” Shawn pondered for a while, then his arm reached near his neck and clutched the locket he wore. He gripped and snapped the laces, tying them to his neck. After that, he opened his grip and looked at the locket with a solemn gaze. The shape of his locket was like a half-moon. In total, there were two lockets. Once combined, they would look like a golden moon. One part of the locket had the figure of a white dragon facing the ground embedded in it. The other had the figure of a black dragon facing the sky on it. His father used to say; it prophesied, “Hell and Heaven.” The half part of the locket he carried imprinted a picture of the white dragon facing the ground. “Sure, but it’s a family heirloom. I cannot just sell it for cheap.” Shawn proclaimed with a smile. “I knew, you would be reasonable. Hunters nowadays, are all fools, suspecting everything, never trying to see the bigger picture. It’s rare to find a man with whom I can reason.” The Owl took out a smartphone from his pocket. “I assure you, I shall pay a fair amount.” Shawn’s eyes slightly widened for a moment when the Owl showed an amount on his screen. “15 million mains, that’s quite a lot.” Shawn was surprised by the amount, 15 million mains. It was a large amount, so large, in fact, that even Ivy Blaze, a member of the Blaze family, wouldn’t spend that amount casually. The only person who Shawn knew could throw around that much amount of cash was the Guild Master himself, Caesar Blaze. “Indeed it is. As a sign of amity, how about I transfer it right now?” The Owl asked. Soon after, Shawn’s phone in his pocket vibrated. The amount was indeed transferred. Seeing this, Shawn shrugged. “Fine, take it.” He extended his arm, which held the locket, indicating to take it. The Owl moved closer. His steps were yet not relaxed. His body posture emanated caution. Once he reached a suitable distance, he stretched his arm and gripped the other end of the locket. “I must say, it was a pleasure making a deal.” The Owl proclaimed. But when he tried to retract his arm along with the locket, he realized Shawn’s grip on the other side of the locket was still rigid. “Is there a problem?” The Owl asked. “It’s just one thing.” Shawn’s eyes were fixed on the locket, but the Owl noticed his eyes didn’t exactly look at the locket, but they reminisced on something—something of the past. “He never complained you see,” Shawn said with a solemn voice. “I do not understand,” said the Owl, slightly confused. “I never liked brats, kids who cried over every little thing, boiled my blood. When father died, I assumed, the little brat, would weep, and cry and be a burden.” The Owl listened keenly. “But he never did. To escape this city, we’d to walk for over 5 days while facing monsters at every turn. I slew the monsters, I forged a path. The brat just followed. I’d decided, should he fail to follow me, or lag behind, I would abandon him. But he never did. For 5 days, without any water, or food, he followed. Not once did he complain, maybe he felt like he would burden his big brother, who kept facing the incessant threats. So, he kept quiet. Even when his little feet bled, even when his throat ran dry, he kept quiet.” “Please, carefully consider your next actions.” said the Owl, still gripping the locket. “And, I couldn’t abandon him. When I became a hunter, I transferred all the money I earned every week to his account. With all that money, he could have had any life he wanted. A life filled with pleasures. A life that I always wanted. But the fool decided to follow in my footsteps and join the hunter academy. For a hunter, death is always an inevitability, as a Hunter, myself, I understood that better than anyone. So, when I heard he died during a quest, I didn’t feel much. After all, it was a path he chose. But, you see, he’d the other half of this locket,” His gaze sharpened. “So, tell me, were you involved in any way?” The Owl remained silent. “A troublesome ability indeed,” The Owl let go of his grip on the locket. “And here I thought, you were a reasonable man.” Clack! Tick! Shawn felt numerous gun muzzles, all pointed towards him. Yet, he didn’t act. He kept the locket back in his pocket and stood there with both arms inside his pockets. “I’d hoped I wouldn’t have to kill a member of the Blaze Guild. Quite unfortunate indeed.” The Owl gave a signal with 2 of his fingers. Around 19 men revealed themselves from around the tree. All wore long black coats, wore a black mask on their face, and carried a mini-machine gun. Clap! “Guns? How primitive,” cried Shawn. “Old, yes, nevertheless, useful.” The Owl clapped his arms. After that, the sound of bullets firing echoed through the Ghost forest. “To think, you would have mastered Psychokinesis, at such a young age,” The Owl said as he saw all the bullets stop mid-air before they could even get as close as 10 inches near Shawn. “But how long can you hold?” The barrage of bullets seemed never-ending. But Shawn’s eyes remained still and focused. Once enough bullets had gathered, he waved his arm, and all the bullets in midway suddenly changed their direction towards the Owl. Swish! The bullet sliced through the air and spiraled towards the Owl. “Meaningless,” The Owl waved his arm. The bullets again changed their direction and penetrated a tree. “I happen to know such tricks as well.” “Is that so?” Nineteen bullets stayed afloat atop Shawn’s arms. They all swirled in different directions. The 19 bullets penetrated the 19 masked men’s heads. They all fell to the ground in a loud crash. “Now, it’s just the two of us in such a lovely night.” Shawn grinned. “Before you make any judgment, you should be more heedful of your surroundings.” The Owl retorted, his voice still remained unfazed and cold. Shawn’s ear flicked, his eyes followed the noise. The 19 who had been shot to the head started to rise. Some of their masks broke, and under the moonlight, their face was revealed. Their eyes had no pupils, it was completely white, and their skin was the color of a rotten corpse. “Undead? A necromancer. How nice. I get a fight an extinct race.” Shawn’s eyes shone. Under the moonlight, bright white light started to emanate around his fingers. [Summoning〈MoonBlade〉] Near his palm, the hilt of a blade started to form.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "371897", "id": "371900", "q": 0.91, "title": "Hypnotic Hunter〡A Game of Magic, Mischief, and Malice - Chapter 1 ≢ Let’s play a game.", "author": "SyleTopper", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "LitRPG", "Romance", "School Life", "Sci-fi", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Antihero Protagonist", "Assassins", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cold Protagonist", "Eye Powers", "Fearless Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Level System", "Magical Technology", "Modern Time", "Monsters", "Necromancer", "Playful Protagonist", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "Psychic Powers", "Psychopaths", "R-18", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Secret Organizations", "Seduction", "Serial Killers", "Shameless Protagonist", "Skill Creation", "Strategic Battles", "Time Loop" ] }
A jet was tearing through the sky. A dark, shadowy figure chasing was chasing it, its weaponry long used up. The pilots radio crackled to life. "Pilot! What are you running from you get your ass back here right now!" The pilot had answered the question many times in the past ten minutes. "Flight leader! You're a damn fool if you think I'm slowing this plane down for one-" something clipped the wing forcing her to cut the conversation and stabilize the vehicle again. They grabbed the throttle and with skill, pulled the plane back into a stable position. The pilot looked at the display to see there was damage to the left wing. The pilot began to speak again. "You want me to die?! I have damage to my left wing to prove it asshole", there was silenced before she got an answer. "Take a deep breath. It's you're first time in the air. Perhaps the g-force rattled your brain a b-" the pilot shut off communications. However, a voice crackled over the radio again soon after. "You are quite skilled even though it's your first time up here", the voice was deep and unnerving. "You bastard chasing me?" The pilot asked angrily. "Not one for small talk are you?" The voice sighs. "I've entertained this for too long. I'm coming so you better be ready", the voice said. The pilot immediately pushed on the throttle hard. They were avoiding breaking the sound barrier in case this thing was holding back something. The guess was apparently correct. The sound barrier broke almost instantly after the push.  "You stay the fuck away from me!" The pilot screamed as the jet went faster and faster. "Clever to hide your actual speed. Unfortunately....", The creature was suddenly in front of them. The pilot knew they couldn't maneuver to avoid it. At this speed the plane would be nothing but scrap metal. Suddenly, a strange circle appeared in front of it. All of this took place in less then a microsecond. The plane flew into the circle causing it and the pilot to be envloped in a blue light and come to a stop immediately. For some reason the force from such an action didn't kill the pilot. "Sleep", and with that the pilot keeled over in the cockpit.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "632159", "id": "632290", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "My Jet was tossed into another world by a dragon - Chapter 1", "author": "Extravagant_Fox", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Martial Arts" ], "tags": [ "Army", "Clever Protagonist", "Determined Protagonist", "Dragons" ] }
After her sister who just got married and was going to journey north to see her exiled husband who couldn't attend his wedding ceremony, the female lead switched places with her to avoid becoming embroiled in the storyline. The sister became a nun leaving all worldly possessions behind and living a life of celibacy to become closer to God;  while her husband is mingling with her twin sister and unaware of the switch.   The priest of the church was aware of what had happened and confronted the female leading character with what had happened. However, he was ultimately silenced by the female leading character because of her undying love for the male lead. The female lead didn't have much time. Before the king finds out and has her executed. She decides to flee the country and hide on the shores of a small island, far from civilization and away from the emperor. While being pregnant with her brother-in-law's child. aka the male lead. What does this have to do with me? a narrator? I'm Honey Beaumont, the female lead's twin sister; yeah, that's my true name. After all, all supporting characters have unusual names, right? I used to be a reader like you, but now I'm a character in a book that followed an odd annoying cliché. ••• "My lovely lady! My lovely lady! The Lord has come!" A servant goes excitedly towards a woman embroidering linen at a table. Beautiful designs are sewn into the fabric. Her beauty shines brighter than any star. Her magnificent frosé hair slipped down her back like silk as she fashioned intricate designs. Even though she accidentally stabs herself with the needle in her hand, her pale hands moved smoothly and easily. Her eyes are brilliant emerald green, and her skin is as white as the moon. The house around her seems drab in comparison to her beauty, yet it is still a sight to behold. The servant kneels at the woman's feet, struggling to collect their breath, their face flushed red from the long run from here to there "Please pardon me for disrupting your private time, Lady Beaumont, but the Lord has arrived. and he insists on your presence." Lady Beaumont's face creases in aggravation, her brows arched slightly, "Tell father to make himself useful instead of pestering me." She says sharply in response. The servant fumbles over her words as they rise from their knees and exit the room without saying anything else. The lady sets her needlework down and shuts her eyes, breathing in slowly, deeply, and evenly before opening them to resume her needlework. "I almost broke out of character... again," she mumbles sadly to herself. She gives a little shake of her head, determined to push those thoughts aside. An ear-splitting scream reverberates across the entire building. Guards are scurrying about outside the room down the hall, looking for the source of the scream. They discover the source of the scream on the balcony of one of the guest rooms. A lady who resembles Lady Beaumont screams in terror. She is writhing in pain, gripping her stomach, crying, and her clothes are stained with blood.  The maids run over and start tending to the young woman while they inquire as to if she is harmed. She doesn't respond to them, though. The young woman keeps screaming until she completely stops moving. She leans against the balcony railing and is on the verge of falling. She then stands still and stares into space. The maidservant standing beside her violently slaps her across the cheek and yells, "Young Miss don't fall asleep, your time hasn't come yet," startling everyone in the room. The girl tosses her head and groans, "Where am I... I'm dreaming," as she tries to come to some senses. The woman is told to cease talking senselessly by a second maidservant, who also slaps her on the other side of her face She is delivered to the medical wing, where various healers are waiting for her, with the assistance of the two maidservants. They promptly check her and determine that she miscarried, but that there was nothing terrible that caused it, therefore the girl would survive without any issues. She returns to her bed in the castle a few hours later after recovering from her ordeal "She's lucky I didn't die, the b*tch! I pray she meets the same end." The girl tears apart a cushion that is next to her head while muttering fiercely. The maid, who is already in the room . Approaches her and gives her a cup of tea. She offers the young woman, who is upset, a cup of hot tea in the hopes that it may relieve her stress. The hot tea cup in her hands was shoved away from her and dropped to the ground. "I'm fine without your pity! I also did not solicit your pity. I want you to leave me alone!" She screams at the maid Looking at the broken cup lying on the ground, the maid starts to cry and her body starts to shake with fright. Her uncontrollable sobbing begins. "How dare you shout at me, young Miss! Are you aware of how challenging cleaning up glass is?" between her tears, which was sad. The girl's eyes were glaring at the maidservant with no sign of pity "Why don't you go fix the mess you made? Or perhaps you imagined making friends with the future Pazon queen!" after which was said the maid rolled her eyes.  "As if you won't be the Pazon Queen the following year. Don't be a moron! It's only a phase! Furthermore, the king is 50 years old! You want to waste your time on someone his age?" The maid scoffs as she wipes her tears away. "And, Esmé, you may not be aware, but the king has a son... He's said to be as attractive as Prince Dominic." The maid looks directly into Esmé's eyes, which hold anger and disdain, "He's in love with Thomas, a commoner, and he'll never look at me twice, let alone marry me, and I'm not interested in him after his hands touched anything nasty." After saying this, Esmé goes to sleep under the covers, leaving the maid to sweep up the glass fragments. Young miss..._ _________________________________________ A group of young maidens strolls across a garden, laughing as they skip along with each step. A man walks along peacefully as well, but he appears preoccupied.  One of them unintentionally bumps into him, and as the other females laugh at her misfortune, she apologizes sincerely. "My apologies, Your Highness. Could I extend my arm to you so we can walk together?" The prince gave her a brief moment of attention before ordering a guard to haul her away. Despite her cries and pleading, he simply turns on his heel and walks away without even giving her a second glance. As if nothing had happened, the maidens and prince continue to stroll through the garden. After being dragged away, the young woman was transported to the dungeons, where she was stripped of her clothes and placed in a cell. She made an effort not to cry as she sat curled in the jail corner. She hears footsteps suddenly approaching her cell, and as the door is unlocked, she swiftly turns to confront Lady Beaumont. "Do you recognize me? right...? I'm Honey Beaumont, the daughter of Marquess Beaumont, who is responsible for the country's terrible border security. And as for you, my love, you've been tossed like garbage by the country's most esteemed future ruler," "Sweetheart, I've come to take you in as my servant," Lady Beaumont said, clearing her voice and smiling at the maiden. "I'm confident you'd do an excellent job working for me... "  Lady Beaumont smiles contentedly. "Why should I work for such a horrible witch as you?! What makes you think I'd accept a job from you?!" The maiden shouts violently. "Lester, Prince Ahzi just abandoned you; that hound dog will come here and bite off your head and give you to the other hounds. Isn't the prince too busy chasing skirts to notice you?"  Lady Beaumont replies, nonchalantly as she looked at Lester who's quivering in anger  "You shouldn't talk about  Prince Ahzi like that! He's a good man, he loves me very much..."  She said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Love?... hmmm, love. Lester, you are so gullible. You are merely a toy and a source of amusement for Prince Ahzi. But fear not, sweetie, for soon enough the world will see your actual worth." Lady Beaumont uttered these menacing words the door shut behind her as she departed Lester's cell. Lester cried out in agony and fell to the ground. She encircled her trembling body with her arms as she sobbed openly from her eyes. Lester regrets becoming a woman of the prince. She wishes she could have stayed home to tend to her mother's sickbed.  Then at least she wouldn't be living in this cage, This life is worse than death itself. She has always been accustomed to helping others during her time working in the palace. She is now required to work for a vile, limitless woman. She dreads the idea of working for such an evil woman. Lester had heard that the witch would kill and torture her servants whenever she was bored. She wonders if this vicious woman will ever tire of herself. "Yo! Get up, "Before her cell, someone yelled. Two guards can be seen approaching Lester's cell when she looks up. The bowl is dumped at her feet as the cell door is opened by one of them who is carrying it. She stares at the guards before carefully rising to pick it up. "What is this?" She inquired, perplexed, and one of the guards laughed and said, "A present from the prince to show you the respect you deserve." Murky purple liquid is present inside the bowl, along with a decapitated rat that is bobbing around in it.  From the inside, spots of green and brown color can be seen on the side of the bowl. Along with the rat's head, one toenail also floats beside it. Lester gulped, She is unable to comprehend what was going on. She looks at the bowl and asks,  "This is disgusting! Why would anyone willingly drink this?"  One of the guards chuckles as he says, "That's why the prince asked us to give it to you. You should be grateful, sweetheart; this might save your life someday."  With this said, the guards exit her cell and slam the cell door closed again, locking her inside.   Lester remains silent as she watches their figures fade away.  ••• Honey Beaumont is inside a carriage five months later, dressed in a conventional white bridal gown. Her hot pink-colored frosé hair is pulled back into a tight bun at the back of her head, which is accented with a white ribbon. There are no signs of sweat or filth on her; her makeup is subtle yet gorgeous.  The carriage's door is flung open, generating a slight tremble in the vehicle. When Honey turns around, her sister is staring at her, choking for air, and has a crimson face fit for a bamboon. Esmé enters and huffs a little before speaking gently. "Let's trade places, my sister, and no one will be able to tell the difference! I'll save you because I know you don't want to wed him."   Esmé says reassuringly before stepping forward to help her out of the carriage. Honey stays seated and just stares at her sister coldly.  "Dear sister, I want to marry him...I thought this through after seeing the portrait of my future husband in the royal gallery... I thought we should be married, and..." Honey blushes and covers her face with her gloved hand as she continues to say. "We've been writing each other letters to each for the past two years, He doesn't seem as bad as the rumors claim him to be...." Honey sighs in contentment as she leans back into her seat smiling like a fool who fell in love Esmé's face turned white like a ghost as she says in a low tone, "He's a demon! His father ruined the lives of hundreds of people in the village of Aramore, Many died due to lack of food and water, and many of them became ill with diseases!  Esmé looks down hiding the smirk. She spoke on, a look of surprise on her face "You might be thinking that he is also to blame for the starvation that exists in parts of the north.  Is he not terrible because that was merely his father's doing? You are mistaken, He killed 400 defenseless individuals who were just looking for safety and solace! He took all of their belongings and sold their property after robbing them!"  Esmé exclaims while fury is written on her face and tears are streaming from her eyes. With her face contorted in shock and silent tears starting to pour, Honey's body trembles uncontrollably in her seat. "How could you say such things, Sister? How was Duke Sullivan to be accused in such a way? He wouldn't act in such a way." Esmé dabbed Honey's tear-streaked cheek. She is unaware that she is the puppet and Honey is the puppeteer who pulls the strings as she conceals her cunning smile behind her mask.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "604650", "id": "604723", "q": 0.91, "title": "Chuitha Empire - 01", "author": "kokiboki", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Gender Bender", "Historical", "Isekai" ], "tags": [ "Arranged Marriage", "Battle Academy", "Complex Family Relationships", "Cute Children", "Doting Love Interests", "Elemental Magic", "European Ambience", "Fantasy World", "First-time Intercourse", "Love at First Sight", "Misunderstandings", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Protagonists", "R-18", "Twins", "Unreliable Narrator" ] }
kokiboki I'd like to get to know lovely my readers, and talk to them about their interests. I want to hear the stories they tell me, as well as what kind of person they are. Please join my discord server where we can write our own fanfics and chat with each other. Do you love Peanut butter crackers. 🥜 ? Honey refused to switch places with her sister, claiming that it would be wrong of her to let her sister bear her suffering. Instead, Honey insisted that she must carry the full weight of her suffering alone until they can reunite in paradise once more when they meet again in heaven. Esmé didn't dispute with her but instead offered to bring gifts and pay a visit every few months in the hopes that it would make her feel better. Esmé Beaumont exited the carriage as the coachman sat down in the driver's seat and the maidservants finished loading the boot with luggage. Honey had almost all of her expensive clothing sold before the trip. she just saved what she needed. Behind her, a second carriage bears the remaining half of her belongings. Honey said goodbye to her sister and father, who is on the edge of crying "Be careful, my sweetheart, and continue to live. Please write to us frequently " In his handkerchief, Lord Beaumont sneezes. Honey smiled and blew everyone a kiss. Lester caught her attention among the group of servants who were cheering her on and tossing flowers at the carriage. Standing on tiptoes while sobbing, Lester is waving a basket of flowers at Honey with a sorrowful expression on her tear-stained face. She expressed her gratitude in a loud voice. As soon as she lost sight of the manor, Honey waved back, put her hand back in her carriage, and looked straight ahead. Her mind wanders to her new husband, and she wonders what he looks like. When she read the book before reincarnating, it never concentrated solely on his appearance. She lied to Esmé earlier about the portrait on the wall, and she chuckles at the thought that she fooled the protagonist of the story. All she wanted was to see the story's adaptation as a manhwa. But it is now irrelevant. In the novel, the male lead was only kind and gentle to the female lead and was cold and mean to everyone else,  the servants who had worked for him for years. What matters is that her husband is cruel and brutal, just as Esmé said her words were true. The carriage seems a bit chilly, so Honey pushes her concerns aside and focuses on the trip to Ardmore. Honey pulls a warm, handcrafted waterbag out of her handbag and sets it on her lap. As it continued to travel forward, the carriage suddenly started shaking terribly. As the trees in the forest grew so close together, she can see a large tree trunk blocking their route as she looks out the window. There is another route. However, the map that Lester made for her reveals that the closed path is the only route to Ardmore. The carriage continues to the cleared path and arrives at a little settlement, where she quits the vehicle with the help of a driver who used themselves as a stool. The town's streets are so jam-packed with people that the carriage cannot move through them. They also remained motionless in the road. A couple approaches Honey Beaumont with a basket full of goods. They seem to be nice farmers trying to sell their produce. "Hello Ma'am, could you kindly spare a moment for me?" One of them said while beaming. In answer to his request, she nods and scans the items in the baskets. Fruits, vegetables, cheeses, dried meats, and other necessities like tea, bread, salt, and spices are among them. Candles and other small objects are also included in them. She purchases four baskets' worth of the items and loads them into the second carriage; fortunately, she ran into the couple who were selling the stuff. She took some time to independently explore the town, Before they left town for their destination, which is a few miles away, it appears that a route through the town also leads to their destination. Apparently, they are already in Ardmore. The map Lester made is misleading.  Honey smiled as she examined the map, but Lester is a genius; she is unable to draw, and it appears as though a young child made it. The fact that they avoided robbers who are known to target wealthy people's carriages is fantastic. In these regions of the continent, bandits are allegedly active. She panicked when the carriage abruptly stopped, hoping she hadn't cursed herself.  However, when she peered out the window, all she could see was a dilapidated castle covered in moss, vines, and weeds that were poking out of cracks and holes all over the place. The carriage is parked in front of a wooden gate with a large lock and a rusted handle that is just barely holding itself up  "We are here, Madame." The coachman gets out of the front of the car and speaks in a friendly manner. Honey gets out of the carriage and moves toward the open gate while clutching onto her bag. There are no guards at the gate? As she turned to look around, she noticed a dark figure seated at a tall window, staring down at her. ••• They came just in time; otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to enter without an invitation, according to Duke Sullivan, who stood looking out of his windows and observing the people below. His eyes must be playing tricks on him. He notices a woman wearing a bridal gown and wonders aloud.  "That's odd—why is she moving around like that?" He closed the curtain because he could not bear to watch such an odd scene. He walks over to the big mirror hanging on his wall, checks himself out, and considers whether he would scare her off.  His entire body is covered with scars, and the battle in the battlefield has left his face permanently scarred. Although he never shaved his face, it seemed unusual recently to not have facial hair on his chin. After giving himself a thorough examination, he determines that his appearance is generally in good condition.  His greatest concern is for the woman; what if she doesn't like what she sees? He pushes open the door and walks into the corridor. A woman approaches him and bows; she is no more gorgeous than the sun and the stars. No one will ever be able to match her dark caramel skin, her curvaceous, feminine physique, and that stunning face. Her afro-styled, fluffy black hair. Juliet, please get a guest room ready and some food for the visitors. Sullivan murmured softly to Juliet and then turned to face her when she asked, "Who is the visitor? I observed a woman outside the gates arriving for a visit while she was dressed as a bride." Juliet answers, sounding curious. "She is my legally married wife and goes by the name Honey Beu—Dieudonné. My family had organized her arrival. Watch to see how at ease she is." Juliet nods in agreement and observes him walk away as he takes action. He takes two steps at a time up the stairs to the higher storey, where his personal accommodations are. Juliet murmured when she realized he was gone. "Is that evil witch the spouse of my lord? She has in no way earned his favor." Indignantly, she snorts to herself.  What tricks did that witch use to seduce him?  Did she force him into marriage by threatening his life? Or did she become pregnant with his child and threatened him with it?... She certainly know how to manipulate someone ...   Juliet walks towards the staircase leading to the lower floor , then she pauses.      Her eyes widen in disbelief, and she laughs out loudly at the absurdity of her own thoughts,  then she continues down the staircase and towards the butlers room in the servant quarters.  Honey Beaumont waited for her husband to arrive that morning while relaxing on a sofa in the living room and drinking freshly brewed tea. They just had their first encounter when the butler let her inside and led her to the lounge two minutes ago. She turned around as she heard footsteps approaching from a distance, smiled at the person coming, but her smile quickly faded and her eyes widened. The man I adore—is this really him? In addition to having ink all over his hands and white shirt, he hasn't shaved with days and is covered in wounds that have twisted every inch of his wonderfully chiseled body. He looks like one of those beardless wattpad mafia lords, but better, therefore she wants to wet his beard. He comes over to her side and exudes such despair. He seems poised to speak, yet he says nothing. Instead, he stares at her intently for some time before finally adding, "You have a room waiting for you upstairs. After lunch, you can transport your belongings there." He doesn't even give her a chance to reply before he leaves the room. The butler follows his master and Honey watches their backs as they pass through the wooden double doors. As a maid enters the main lounge pushing a cart full of food, she cheerfully announces, "Madame, lunch has arrived!" Honey thanks the maid for bringing up her lunch as the aroma of hot coffee and fresh food fills the room, making it smell divine, but Honey couldn't bear to fill her stomach because she has no appetite. He left, but why?  Does he despise her? He recently directly met his wife; how can he despise her? She decides to solely concentrate on the foods that don't appeal to her because in her previous life, she was bone-thin and couldn't gain weight no matter what she ate. She was the family's garbage disposal; they gave her the food they didn't want, need, or waste. As a result of this new lifestyle, she developed a bad habit of overeating. But now she's having trouble eating her lunch. Although everything looks excellent, the meal is insufficient. It has no flavor, and swallowing it feels like eating sand. The maid is watching her every move as she finishes a dish of eggs, so she decides to strike up a conversation to break the awkward silence. "I really like this." She says while grinning, but the maid's face appears to break down briefly as though she lost her control.. "Thank you, Madam," the maid said quietly as she bows her head and turns around to leave.  Honey watches the maid walk out of the lounge. ... Lester stood outside a bar, looking at a hand-drawn map in her hand. Confounded, she walks into the restaurant and is greeted by a cute, waist-tall waiter. "Welcome! Welcome! "Lester's heart melts at the sight of such a cutie as she chirps upbeatly exclaims in a high pitched voice. Due to the fact that only demons have dark red eyes and elves have pointed ears, the waitress appears to be a hybrid of the two. Lester took a look around the bar. Men and women were chatting and laughing at each other at the tables where they were enjoying drinks and cocktails. The music is being played on a guitar by a man in a corner, and it has a calming effect that makes you feel calm and relaxed. Lesser attention was drawn back to the waitress, who was glaring at her aggressively and asking, "Are you not going to sit down?" Lester chooses a table and sits down right away. Lester wasn't sure what to order as the waitress approached the table and inquired. She decides to just get water. Upon leaving, the waitress nods.  Next to Lester's table was another table with a same-sex couple sitting at it, starting to kiss each other affectionately and smelled of alcohol. However, no one intervened to stop the inebriated couple from touching each other in front of onlookers. The man with brown hair began to caress the other man's neck while speaking in a low voice, and when he began to giggle, they both began to devour each other with lust. Lester finds these folks repulsive since they freely kiss and touch one another. She wants to throw up but hides her revulsion by putting on a phony grin. Her drink shows up a little while later. She raises the glass and sips everything from it all at once. The waitress only observes her, and when Lester notices this, she sets the empty glass down and says, "Go away." But the waitress moves in closer, she says. "Would you like a free sample?" Wide-eyed, she stares at the waitress who's displaying to Lester a plate of wonderful delights. "No. Please leave now." The waitress was pushed away, falling to the ground on the carpet. Lester takes her empty glass in her hands and flings it against the wall. It breaks into fragments and falls to the ground. Lester notices a lovely man looking at her, his fury evident in the slight darkening of his eyes. He approaches and speaks angrily to her.  "Are you crazy? Why'd you smash that cup? If you're going to abuse the people here, do it somewhere else. What the hell is wrong with you?"  He shouts angrily at her.  She was surprised by his sudden outburst and she tries to defend herself . "I'm sorry, sir;  I was not trying to hurt anyone, but this waitress just  came out of nowhere  and grabbed me by the arm, and out of self defense and I threw the cup to hit her,"  she replies.  "And you expect me to believe that excuse?  That lady didn't touch you, i saw everything  with my very own eyes,"  He retorted, and she was taken aback because she never would've thought that she might be seen by him. A sudden feeling of uneasiness creeps up within her.  A woman appeared out of thin air, and apears to floating above the ground  in a flash.   She has black wings on top of her head,  and a long blak tail behind,  which flows out from under her legs as her wings extend. The demon woman speaks, "I also noticed what she did." At her words, Lester immediately felt an uncontrollable urge to attack the demon woman. Her anger was evident,  as she raised a fist and glared at the woman.   Before she could take a step forward, the demon woman lifts her hand and a huge fireball appeared in her palm.  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "604650", "id": "604796", "q": 0.91, "title": "Chuitha Empire - 02", "author": "kokiboki", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Gender Bender", "Historical", "Isekai" ], "tags": [ "Arranged Marriage", "Battle Academy", "Complex Family Relationships", "Cute Children", "Doting Love Interests", "Elemental Magic", "European Ambience", "Fantasy World", "First-time Intercourse", "Love at First Sight", "Misunderstandings", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Protagonists", "R-18", "Twins", "Unreliable Narrator" ] }
'Kay, so the story goes like this: It was daytime, and I was walking down the street, right? "Right." And I hadn't eaten in a while, maybe like a few days, so I was starrrrrving. "Uhuh." And then, AND THEN- "WAHH, WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE?!"  Oh, sorry. Uhhhh, what was I saying? "You were hungry, and then?" OH, right. And then, I wasn't looking so I bumped into this thing and it was really hard.  "Did you cry?" N-no! My eyes were just sweaty! "Mhm, tooootally." Grrr, stop being such a meanie! Mommy said it's rude to interrupt people when they're talking! "Okay okay, sorry. But quiet down, we're supposed to be sleeping, remember?" Hmph. Aaanyways, I bumped into this thing and then this giant brown thing fell and bopped my head. I wanted to throw it at someone, but it smelled sooo good, so I tried eating it! But then, when I tried eating it, it was really hard and my teeth started hurting. "And then?" And then this reallllllly big guy started talking to me. It looked like he was trying to take the brown thingie away, so I had to scare him off. "How'd you do that?" Uhh, I started hissing? "What are you, a cat?" No! Kat's supposed to be sleeping downstairs! "Ah, right." Now stop interrupting me! I tried hissing at him, but he just kept coming closer. Then I started getting scared, so I just gave up and closed my eyes. But then, guess what, GUESS WHAT? "He hit you?" That's the crazy part: he didn't! He just started patting my head like Mommy and Daddy do to Kat all the time. I think he started talking to me, but my stomach was too loud so I couldn't hear anything. And then, he grabbed the brown thing and tore off a small piece. The inside wasn't hard at all; it was super fluffy and soft! I wanted to eat the whole thing, but then I couldn't because a bunch of other people started giving me stuff to eat.  There was more food there than I've ever seen in my entire life! I told them that, and they all started patting my head too.  I still didn't trust them though, so I didn't listen when the big guy asked me to follow him. But then some kids grabbed me and pushed me to him. "You're still a kid too, you know." They were smaller than me so I get to call them 'kids'! So then I started following the big guy, and along the way, I finally looked at his face. It was covered in brown fur, gray in some spots, and there was this big scar across his eye. He also had horns coming out of his mouth! "They're called tusks." Yeah whatever.  "Also, isn't that Uncle Garm from the bakery?" Uh-huh! After all that, he brought me out to the fields, and we stopped at one of the houses there. He knocked on the door, and BAM, I met an angel! "I thought we met inside the house not outside." Not you, I was talking about Mommy! She let me come in even though I just met her, and she even let me wash my hands! I was about to finish eating all the food, but she stopped me and put my hands in a bucket filled with water. She also gave me a glass of water to drink. She let me eat after that, and then I fell asleep. When I woke up, guess who was looking at me? "The most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" No, Mommy's still prettier than you! "Guh...I'm still growing!" Hehe~, just kidding. It was my favorite person in the whole world, the nicest and prettiest Angel I know: it was you! "Agh, too tight, stop hugging me like that." ... "Wait. I just realized, how did you even get here?" I walked? "No, I meant here, like, the town." Ohhh, I snuck onto one of those thingies with the horsies. "A carriage?" Yeah, that. There was this old guy who was packing up a bunch of stuff, and I reallly didn't like the old place I was at, so I snuck into one of the boxes that were still open when he wasn't looking.  "Didn't he see you if he was still checking the goods?" Nope! I mastered the art of staying soooo still that you turn invisible, so he never saw me, NEVER!! "Uhuh, toootally." So then, I was in the box for the whole ride, and we stopped here and I snuck out of the box once the coast was clear.     What actually happened~   Oho, look at me, I'm a merchant just doing merchant things~. Been doing this my whole life and I'll be damned if I do anything else before I finally keel over, much to the dismay of my wife and children but that is no matter for me.  Today's destination is a quaint little town called 'Flemsburg.' An interesting name, but I visit there quite often regardless. The food's spectacular, the atmosphere is all kinds of lovely, and the people there, the inhabitants, they're just something else. I've never found a more kind and welcoming place in all of my journey's throughout the continent.  A town as wonderful as that deserves only the highest quality of goods, so I made sure to triple check and even quadruple check everything. I was nearing the end of the list when lo and behold, I found a small child in one of the boxes.  I could hardly identify any of their characteristics with how dirty they were, but the pointiness of their ears told me they're an elf. Mmm, you couldn't imagine how much it pains me to see children of all things forced through such hardships.  The only tough things that should ever be in a child's world are the toys they play with. But the world is a cruel place, and you can barely even help these poor things, for there are just too many of them to save.  Fortunately for this one, I will be taking them to perhaps the best place they could ever imagine. If things go well, the child may even be willing to call the town 'home.'  Hmm, let's see, maybe the Angel who lives in the fields would be able to do that. From what I've seen, she treats all children as if they were her own. And for a child with such circumstances, I think a parent with a longer lifespan would do wonders seeing as elves can live for centuries if not millennia, or so I've heard. Come to think of it, I believe the Angel, Madam Lucia if I recall, is also married to an elf.  Hm, that settles it. And if Madam Lucia or the other townspeople cannot win the child's heart, I shall have to do it myself! Though, I never imagined my first grandchild would come from such a source, but nevertheless! Ah, would you look at that, in the midst of my rambling thoughts, I appear to have arrived at my destination.  "Julian! Snuck out all the way here again, have you? What would the Missus think if she saw you right now?" "Bah, shut it. I have no reason to listen to someone who drinks in broad daylight. Now hurry up and let me in, would you? I brought more candy for the children, and they'll melt any moment now if they keep staying in the sunlight. They're quite delicate, you know." "Oh that's a lie and you know it. My niece gave me one of those and it damn near broke my jaw." "Heh, you sure she didn't throw it at you? I don't blame her. I'd do the same if I had to deal with your ugly mug every day." "Alright, that's enough outta you, old man. Hurry up and head on in before I flip something!" "I'd recommend you flip that attitude of yours around or else your niece will have children before you even marry." "GAH, YOU-" "Smell ya later~"  What can I say? He makes it far too easy to get the last laugh. Now then, I happen to know the perfect spot to drop off the child. Or rather, I know someone who would do very well in guiding this child along the right path. Contrary to his hulking appearance, he's quite talented with children.  If I remember correctly, his bakery should be just around the corner.  Ah, but then again, the child may not come out if I leave them out in broad daylight. I suppose a spot in the shade would do. "Hey Mister, did you bring candies again?! Can I have one?!" "No! Gimme one instead." "I was here first!" "Hey! Settle down everyone or the nice man won't give you anything!" ""Finneeee."" Ohoho, energetic as ever, I see. "Now now, settle down children. Take these and remember to share with your friends." ""Kayyy."" "I'm sorry about them, Mr. Julian, but the children have been very excited since the last time you visited." "Hoho, ohoho, oh I could never fault them for behaving like that. It just means you've done a good job raising them as they still act like their age. Ah, pardon me but, uh, would you mind calling your husband over to help me out with these? My back recently took a turn for worse." "Of course. HEY, GARM! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" "I'm here." Ah, would you look at that? I've managed to miss the hulking figure of my orc friend approaching. I truly must be getting old. "Same place as usual, Julian?" "Yes, if you will. Ah, but be a bit more gentle with that last one. It's a bit special, you see. In fact, I was gonna ask if you'd be willing to watch over it for some time." "Mmm, for how long?" "Just until you find someone that could possibly care for it." "Mmm, will do." And just like that, he's gone off to find a spot for the child. Quick on his feet, that one. He's even unpacked all the heavy goods too. All that's left is to continue the day as usual, nothing special there. But for that child, this will hopefully be the most special day of their life.       "And how come I never heard about this before?" 'Cuz you were asleep when it happened. Remember? We only met after you finally woke up around noon. "Oh. Right." "Speaking of sleep..." ""!!!"" Uh oh. "Bedtime was two hours ago, and now it's half past midnight. You girls got anything to say about that?" U-uhhh...I was...sleeptalking! C-cuz, you know, I'm asleep! Zzzz... "Hey! Don't take my blanket!"     Well that takes care of that. Those two are usually good kids, but sometimes they decide to stay up all night for whatever reason and the next morning, well they aren't even awake. Not until noon at least.  Kids will be kids in the end.  Now, despite the fact that those two are an Angel and an Elf, and I happen to be an Angel while my husband is an Elf, we aren't actually related by blood. The ones that are left the nest a while ago. That doesn't mean we aren't still their parents, though.  Celeste, the Angel and the older of the two, was the daughter of some old friends that passed away from really bad injuries. A massive shame, believe me, but there wasn't much else that could be done at the time. And so, my husband and I were left with their baby in our arms. She wasn't our first one though, so we were already prepared. Anyways, Celeste turns 11 in a few months, eats her vegetables like a good child, and absolutely loves it when I call her 'my little angel.' At least, that was until she turned 8 and started cringing at even the thought of it. On the other hand, Ciara the Elf is somewhere between 6 or 7, we still haven't exactly pinpointed her date of birth. It's not that we don't have the means to do that, it's just that my husband's been on a business trip so he hasn't been able to take her to the proper place. Also, she's only been with us for a couple months, so there's that too. The first time the two of them met was a very entertaining moment. Ciara had just found made her way to the doorstep from the streets, with a little help from Garm of course, and I happened to be in the middle of making breakfast.  Now recently, Celeste has been sleeping in until noon or so, but sometimes she somehow manages to wake up in the morning, so I just always make a decent batch. That and the kids are pretty hefty eaters. So while I was washing and feeding Ciara, Celeste was slumbering the daylight away. She obviously hadn't eaten in a while when she first got here, owing to whatever hellhole she climbed out of, but Ciara still tried to tuck away as much as she could so I had to stop her. If I didn't, she probably would have died.  It hurt a lot to see her visibly lose trust in me with that, but it was for her own good, truly. I really would've fed her more if she wasn't so malnourished. I tried, of course, to explain things to her, but I don't think she even knew what 'malnourished' even meant at the time so that didn't particularly go well.  But, I was able to win her over by letting her explore the house, no secrets barred. Honesty is the best policy, you know. All that continued to go on while, you guessed it, Celeste was still sleeping. Surprisingly, when Ciara peeked into the bedroom, she was really careful and quiet about once she saw the other little one under the blanket. That was when she finally calmed down and even apologized to me for being so cautious and distrustful. I have no idea what was going on in her mind and I probably never will, and that's okay. I just told her she was free to stay if she wanted, and she just straight asked if she could join the family. Yup, just like that. The girl really has no filter, does she? Obviously, I immediately accepted her in. Mhm, just me, myself, and I, no other inputs necessary because I literally built the house, therefore, it's my house and my rules~. All jokes aside, except for the part where I built the house because that's a fact, my husband and I manage to get along with children quite well, so a few new additions to the house never bothers either of us.  Besides, he's already brought home three kids in the past, so I get to do the same. Most of those gremlins have also left the nest, by the way.  Now we're getting to the fun part. After Ciara officially became part of the family, she started getting really, REALLY, excited about having a big sister for whatever reason. Well, that excitement didn't last long because she fell asleep shortly after. During her nap, she kept saying 'Onee-sama' over and over, which was really weird because that's the language of the Oni's, not Elves.  Noon eventually came, and my little Angel climbed down the stairs, walked into the dining room, and found a sleeping elf. Said elf took one of Celeste's hands, placed it on her head, and introduced herself to her, uh, 'Onee-sama' as she called it.  Now keep in mind that although my little Angel is quite a bright child, she was still half asleep and needs a good meal to fully activate her brain. Combine that with a new face from out of nowhere calling her...that, and you get the most hilarious, most stupefied face I've ever seen from her. I needed several minutes and a new cup of coffee after that.  It was only later when I learned not only that she acted like that because of a book she once read about two sisters who fell in love, but also that she knew how to read.  I have no idea what kids are up to these days.        Fishcat Hello there. Welcome back to any readers from the other series, we have cookies, and to any new readers, welcome, we have more cookies. Unlike the other one, this series will be mainly, if not, entirely from an adult perspective, i.e. one of the parents. That means there may be some adult themes, and more importantly, I finally get to use more sophisticated English because adults. In case you didn't realize, it's hard to talk/write like a child all the time.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "508229", "id": "629204", "q": 0.91, "title": "Scales ‘n Tales - Chapter 0: Storytime", "author": "Fishcat", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adopted Children", "Beautiful Couple", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Cooking", "Crafting", "Cute Children", "Demi-Humans", "Easy Going Life", "Familial Love", "Fantasy Creatures", "Girl's Love Subplot", "Magic", "Magical Technology", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Protagonists", "Power Couple", "Smart Couple", "Unreliable Narrator" ] }
On a Gas giant, in a small solar system, lost in a seemingly desertic galaxy. A civilization thrived with great luck, by a grand turn of events, a moon that was orbiting this planet broke apart, letting its remains fall onto the surface of this planet. It led to the creation of islands that floated on top of a sea of gas. By strange means and uncomprehensible luck, life was able to form and survive on its surface. The ice that had previously been formed on the surface of the moon dropped on the surface of the planet with others remains. The melting ice created water that then created lakes and rivers on the multiple islands that were floating on the surface of the gas giant. By then making life able to be created on them. Quickly, creatures were populating the islands and creating a strong and complex ecosystem in them. Later those same creatures were able to adapt to the extreme condition of the outside world and were able to survive outside of the islands. They lived in the sea of gas, where they formed an even more complex and unimaginable ecosystem, where the farthest you go from these islands, the more extreme or dangerous species survive. This sea was and is mainly made of extremely dense but soft gas, it can lift big and heavy objects on its surface not letting them sink. But it also has the downside of allowing small and light objects to sink into the depth of the sea. Deep beneath the first layer of the surface of the planet, you can find where the more thin but heavy fog-like molten gas is trapped. It is so heavy that it is crushing everything that comes down at this depth. Except for the rare species of creatures that evolved in a way that made them able to withstand this weight and pressure. Even deeper into the sea, below the fog-like molten gas, there is the inner core of the planet consisting of dense and extremely heavy molten gas created at extreme temperatures that are always crushing on itself. And on a not-so-small island that floated on this sea, was a small city of eleven thousand residents. The main source of food for its residents was the occasional fish or other creatures the citizen hunted outside in the sea or the fruits or vegetables they harvested from the farms on the island. "Yori! Detach the boat, please. I'm gonna hunt some Tigerfish in the West, next to the Giant Alexandras Rock." A man in his late twenties was marching on a wooden path, it was floating twenty feet above the sea. The man was equipped with strange gears of various means, but all had some things in common, they seemed deadly and made to catch creatures mainly fish of various sizes. He was wearing a fisherman's vest stuffed with a small steel plate, below his vest was a white shirt reinforced with leather. He also had jeans that were customized to not bother his movement but to also allow him to be able to protect his legs from any cut. In front of him was a small hut with a red-tiled roof, this hut could be found at the entrance of any docks. It was the hut of the docker in charge of the maintenance of the dock. Inside the hut, a man was looking at him. He had a face full of scars and seemed to have been in some fight recently proved by the multiple bruises on his face. He was well-aged but looked like he had not lost the strength gained in his young days. His skin was slightly darker than the others people because of all the time he passed on the dock below the bright sun. "I note your destination and I'm coming to detach your boat, Markus. Go ahead and prepare yourself. It will take me five minutes to finish what him doing." "I'll see you there, then." Markus continued walking down the wooden docks toward his boat, it was parked far from the entrance of the dock because it cost less money. It was a new boat that had cost him a fortune to be built because he wanted it to be well-engineered and assembled by a local professional boat Builder. He also wanted it to be customized to suit his needs, making it able to survive a hunt with big and dangerous creatures that could easily break a regular boat with their sheer strength or numbers. The boat was equipped with a steel-reinforced mast, a thick sail to resist the strong wing. The baseline looked like a boat, but the hatch was made to resemble a submarine. And for a good reason, that is. It was because the boat was equipped with a special plan in mind. It had been made and equipped with the last invention of the Boat build. It can retract its mast and sail to activate two propellers on the backend of the boat. Allowing him to navigate inside the sea and resist the pressure of the foggy liquid in its depth, abling him to hunt creatures that were not reachable before by his traditional boat. It was also armed with multiple nets and other weaponry, like harpoons for small or medium-sized fish or cannons to use against big creatures or pirates. Not too long after Markus had started preparing his boat and checking if everything was all right, Yori arrived, walking towards him. "Have you finished your check-up ?" "No. Give me five minutes and him done with it." "Cool, I'll wait a bit hear then." Yori leaned on a nearby pole to wait a bit. He needed Markus to finish checking everything up before he could untie his boat, and release him to the sea. "I'll tell you, Markus, I don't want to be too personal with you. But I think you could consider accepting the proposal from Yunika. She's a good girl, and probably a great wife. Yes, she has some small problem with her personality, but I'm pretty sure that you only need to accept her proposal, and she will happily fix herself for you. She's not even proposing to you for marriage. She just wants to be your girlfriend. And pass more time with you. Why are you so against it? I don't understand." "I know. I know. But I don't have the time for those things right now.  I need to repay my debt to the city. I also need to make enough money so that I can survive this season. Another debt to Jockie, the local professional boat builder. I also need to go to Kratarakt to find some fishermen for my crew... I don't have time to develop a relationship right now. And it's too dangerous, I'm sure someday I will die while hunting some things in the sea. I don't want to make her sad." "She will be even sadder if you don't accept her before you die. Trust me, I know more about women than you do. But I understand your point of view, it's dangerous to hunt. Have you never thought about retirement?" "...Anyway. Do you remember? This week is a great week to hunt Flamingdomous, they will be surfacing in the grand rift region to dodge the gas geyser. They're on their way to the seaweed bed to lay their eggs." "You could also search in the north of the frost region for some Jumping Crabs its the time of the year where there the more active for the next three weeks. It's their mating season, so be extra careful." "I'll note that. Thank you, Yori. I'll see if I have a change of plan. I could go take a look later. Maybe scoots the terrain in the north, to see what to do this season. It's pretty rare to have this good of weather at this time of the year. It's normally impossible to hunt anything at this period of the year." "Yeah, apparently it's because of the sun. I don't understand all this scientific stuff, but apparently, the sun is acting strange and people are scared. But it's good for the business, and that allows us to hunt some rare species and bring home some good food. So why bother with it." "Even if there is something wrong with the sun. What can we do against it? Fly to it and fix the problem. Hahahahaha. We will just burn to death. Hahahahaha" Yori Laughed loudly at his own jokes making peoples from all around the docks looks at him before returning to their business. It was not an uncommon thing to see him laugh out loud at his jokes. Will Yori was laughing at his own jokes. A girl with pink hair sprinkled with white flowers approached him from behind, before completely ignoring him and continuing walking toward Markus. "Markus! You're leaving me here? I want to go with you. Take me on board!" "I'm Sorry, Yunika. But I can't take you with me. I'm gonna hunt some Tigerfish. It's too dangerous for you." "So it is too dangerous for me but not for you! That's what you're saying!" "Yes." Yunika closed her eyes in anger at Markus for not letting her follow him. She loved him from the bottom of her heart. The only thing that she wanted was to be always at his side and to see him succeed in everything that he does. It upset and scare her to not always be next to him. She is always scared of him disappearing or someone assaulting her and defiling her. Making her lose every right of deserving him, causing him to disappear from her life. When she was little, some guys from the upper class of her school found it funny to try to play with her body and defile her. When she was going out of school to return home they grabbed her by the hair and dragged her alongside a river to a nearby cliff leading to the sea. They wanted to play with her before dropping her off the cliff in the sea. But the only thing they didn't know was that Markus was fascinated with the outside world and the sea. From a young age, he would always sit on the ledge of a cliff near his house, legs swinging over the sea. And that day Markus was at his usual spot. He ran here after school to once again look at the beautiful view., but the only thing he saw arriving at his spot was three guys beating a small girl, trying to tear her clothes apart. He considered turning around for a split second, acting like he didn't see anything. Before his common sense hustled him to make a sense of himself. Maybe, he could have turned around, if it was only a murder scene, and the girl was already half-dead. He doesn't want to risk his life for someone he doesn't know. But it was not a simple murder scene, the girl was vigorously fighting back and they seemed to want to do more than just kill her. They wanted something that disgust him. So he rushed toward them while trying to make the least sound possible. On his way toward them, he picked up a small rock the size of his hand. Once behind them, he smashed it against the side of the head of one of the guys who were on top of the girl. "Watch out!" One of his friends had seen Markus running toward them and managed to warn his two friends. But it was already too late, the guy on top of the girl only had the chance to turn his head around before receiving a rock on the head hitting him directly in the temple. His head started to bleed profusely, he reached with his hands toward the bleeding and tried to press it to stop the bleeding, but he could not manage to do so. He screams at the top of his lungs. The pain was not so bad it was more the choc of so much blood coming out of him that made him scream. His mind was stunned, the hit managed to damage his brain, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground next to the girl. Seeing this much blood come out of someone's head scared the little girl, but she was even more scared of them. So she quickly took advantage of the situation and crawled on her back to escape the guy that was assaulting her. The two friends of the guy quickly charged toward Markus who had already started backing away from them, in the prevision of their revenge. All the while, he did not let go of his grip over the small rock in his hand, on the contrary, he strengthened his grip around it. Ready to land another hit on someone's head. The two friends seeing the menace of his weapon, and with their previous experience in street combat quickly made up a plan in their heads. One of them aimed toward his upper right body, where he was holding his rock. The other one aimed toward his waist to tackle him onto the ground. Markus guessing their intention turned himself sideways to dodge the incoming tackle, or to try to soothe his balance for when the tackle will come to him. The first guy tried to tackle him from the waist but ended up hurting his right shoulder, Markus slightly flinched from the impact and squeezed his teeth together to ease the pain coming from his left waist. The other guy grabbed his left arm and tried to land a punch on his face, but Markus ducked his face down, leaning forward toward the guy chest. Unfortunately, he did not manage to dodge the punch, but it only touched him on the back of his head, reducing the damage that it could have made. He then proceeded to hit the guy that punched him. Using his rock, he hit him in the waist at the same time as the punch was landing on his head. The guy flinched and twisted his face in pain. It seems that Markus had also broken one of his ribs. He then grabbed his right arm to prevent Markus from further hitting him. With the help of the adrenaline, the guy manages to continue to fight, despite having a small disadvantage. The other guy didn't let go of Markus, he continued trying to tackle him onto the ground. His two arms are now held by one of the guys, while the other one is pushing on his waist, trying to tackle him to the ground. Markus is now starting to lose his chances to come out of this fight unbruised. In a small moment of despair, he decides to spit at the face of the other guy that is holding his arms. He succeeded with little, to no effect, other than angering him even more. With the strength of two people combined against him, Markus finally loses his balance and falls to the ground. Will dropping onto the ground. He proceeded to tilt himself on his left side, while slightly moving to the right to try to fall on top of the guy who was tackling him. He also tried to free his left arm from the other guy who was holding it, by pulling the other guy with him onto the ground. He manages to free his left arm from the other guy but doesn't manage to fall on top of the guy who was tackling him. This guy then proceeded to try to grab Markus's left arm, and get on top of him to hold him down to the ground and beat him up. In his struggle, Markus manages to get his hand near the face of the guy, he stuffed his finger deep in the guy's left eye. The guy even with his adrenaline rushing through his blood back off a little from on top of Markus. Leaving him with only the other guy to deal with at the time. The other guy is trying to open his hand and pick up his rock. Markus takes his left hand and grabs the arm of the other guy. He tries to pull himself off of the ground by taking support from the other guy's arms. The guy who tackled him comes back on top of him with more anger than before. He seems to have been blinded in his left eye, bloody tears sliding down his face. Markus already struggling to get up, drops the other guy's arm and starts to hit the guy who tackled him. He hits him multiple times in the chest with his elbow. The guy is in a lot of pain and is struggling to breathe, but he doesn't stop fighting, adrenaline doesn't stop kicking in, and everything goes extra fast. Markus's mind is racing to find an escape from this hell of a situation. The guy grabs Markus's left arm and starts rapidly punching him in the face. Markus let go of his rock to try to defend himself from this rain of punches. He also slides his legs in between the guy's legs and hit his balls with his knee. The guy stops punching and back from the top of Markus. He's grabbing his balls in agony, it seems that something has been broken down there. The other guy seeing his friend in agony picks up the rock that Markus dropped and tries to hit him in the face with it. Markus tried to roll away from him, but can't because his right arm is being held firmly by the other guy. Luckily for him after only two hits from the other guy with the stone, he hears shouting coming from his right side. Looking at the source of the sound. He sees the little girl with a big rock on top of her head coming towards them. The other guy quickly stands up, looks around, lets go of the rock, grabs his friend from below his arms, and helps him move around. He takes a quick look at the third guy who is lying on the ground with a big pool of blood beside him, before running downhill toward the city. The little girl drops the big rock that she was carrying, before running towards Markus. He was trying to stand up but did not manage to do so. Leaving him, sitting here on his ass. With blood dripping from his face. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. it's all my fault. I'm useless." The little girl was crying next to him. From the time she escaped these guys, she wanted to help him fight them. But she didn't know how to do that. She didn't want to run away and left him alone with them. But she also had nothing else to do besides just watching him be beaten up by the same guys that wanted to defile her not too long ago. "It's alright. I'm not going to die already. Don't be sad. You helped me make them run away. Don't worry, it's not your fault. You were not useless." Markus patted her head and smiled at her. It would have been quite charming if not for his bloody teeth and lips, his black eye, his broken nose, or all that blood that was dripping onto his shirt. When the little girl looked at him and his broken face, she couldn't stop crying, it was all her fault if he ended up like that. She could have done something sooner. He had been beaten up to a point where his head was bruised from all sides. And even with that, he managed to force himself to find the strength to smile at her. That's the first time where she knew, she, maybe, loved him. Yunika opened her eyes and stopped daydreaming about her past. "I'm a trained hunter. It is my job to hunt and bring back food to this island. I know the risk of my job, and that I could potentially die while doing it, but I don't have a choice. I need to do it to stay alive." Markus was looking at Yunika with determination, he didn't want to let her come with him. It is dangerous of a season this year, too much unknowns to be careful about. It would also be too difficult and stressful to protect her from every danger on the way. "But..." "No!" Yunika's eyes widened before slowly becoming teary. It's rare for Markus to be so stubborn and aggressive in his rejection. But she truly wanted to follow him this time. She has had this very bad feeling of anxiety lately. She genuinely wanted to go with him, she don't want to lose him. And even if he died on the sea, she would be more than happy to go down with him. Markus seeing her starting to tear up felt bad for her. He too wanted to always stay with her, letting her follow him on his boat when he leave to hunt. But he cannot do that. Just the thought of letting her follow him and making her face the same danger as he always does is upsetting. He cannot do that to her. He cannot let her die with him. "Yori, I finished my check-up. You can detach the boat." Markus had finished speaking and checking all the stuff he needs for this long trip far away from home and his love. Today he will hunt some Tigerfish. A fish that looks and has the same size as a reef shark, but it is colored like a Tiger. It's a jaw and its big teeth are capable of easily reaping an arm off of someone's body, breaking into pieces some bad quality iron, or even bending good quality iron. It was a really dangerous hunt but was worth the money. If he hunts one and finds the good people to sell it to. He could get a huge amount of money and be able to buy a lot of food, allowing him to last the next three months without going on a hunt. With a single shark, he can survive for three months. Imagine what he could do with multiple of them. He could probably skip the next hunt season and not be in a crisis of some sort. He could also gain some of his time. Instead of preparing for the next hunt or hunting. He could pass that time with Yunika. Yori was fast at responding to Markus. He untied the boat and prepared to drop it down into the sea. It was suspended in the air by multiple ropes, each tied to a pole fixated on the docks, allowing it to be maintained above the sea. "Be ready! Here we go! Dropped!" Yori releases the last rope holding the boat above the sea. It is now being untied and released from the rope holding it. The boat quickly dropped onto the surface of the sea. Making a huge splashing noise. "Goodbye!" Markus waved at Yori and Yunika before quickly disappearing on the horizon. Leaving a tearful Yunika alone, once again.   *********************************** 03/05/2022 Author Note: (Little information: I did some searching on the web and if this Gas Giant is the size of Saturn, which it is. It will take, ten hours to do a single rotation. So that means that the day only lasts for 5 hours and the night for 5 hours too. This means that the people living here work with a sleep schedule of 3 to 5 hours of sleep when it's dark or night-time, to 6 to 8 hours of awakeness* when it's bright or daytime) *I don't know which word to use there. Can't find something better than awakeness.   17/03/2023 Author Note: Reposting this story on this site because. Why not? I don't entirely know if I will continue the story. It will probably be the only part posted. I think I improved at English, but I don't remember what plot I wanted to go with. Plus if I reread everything, I will not be able to resist the urge to rewrite everything with proper English, leading me to lose all my motivation. if in one week nothing is posted, it means that I have abandoned writing the next part.   Nonetheless. Praise The Emperor of Mankind! For he is Absolute!   (Helsreach, fan movie fucking slaps.)
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "709393", "id": "709398", "q": 0.91, "title": "Floating Island Madness - Pt.1 “Flashback”", "author": "DanielManielMamiziel", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Horror", "Mystery", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Supernatural", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Aliens", "Apocalypse", "Caring Protagonist", "Clingy Lover", "Short Story" ] }
If you have any other suggestions, let me know!   Also, this will be my second-ever novel... If I actually decide to make it...   I added some new HUMANOID stuff to the poll... please don't make me write about a gecko! Because if it wins! I"LL DO IT!   Also because people were complaining... you can no longer select the gender... it's male...😎
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "624578", "id": "624579", "q": 0.91, "title": "Incarnated A.I. won’t die yet! - Polls!", "author": "B-29", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "LitRPG" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Calm Protagonist", "Character Growth", "Cold Protagonist", "Weak Protagonist" ] }
Cyveruos sat by a roaring fire. His eyes were alight with the energy from the flames and the thoughts swirling through his mind. As he reached forward with both palms, the heat from the blaze, delicately kissed his left, but nothing came from the right. Grabbing a flaming log, he held it perfectly perpendicular to the ground above the burning pit. A sizzling told him the heat was more than an annoyance to his ruby arm, but he could care less if his bloodthirsty flecks that acted as a makeshift prosthetic were burnt away. The damage would not last long either way. No, his focus was on something much more important. He waited patiently as the minutes crawled by.  Three small burrows appeared in the ashy white side of the smoking log. He held fast. As the flames entirely consumed the object of his attention, Three young water elementals shot up like rockets as their bodies transformed from liquid to steam. He was correct! Elementals would use any opportunity to change into a higher form of energy. Vaporization was needed for them to reach the gaseous phase in which they were generally spotted. With this, he also confirmed that slimes were their base form as a solid. The creatures would deliberately attack travelers near their source of firewood to then, once their solid outer layer was pierced, the liquid would sneak inside and wait. These were no souls of the trees, as many druids believed. They did not cry out and burst from the agony of being burned. No! This was an easily explained process. The researcher smiled as he was rewarded for his discovery.    RP +1 granted for your finding. Your vow and connection related to your Researcher class has gained another fractal. You are three fractals away from another awakening.    As he read the message, he dropped the burning wood into the pile, upon landing the splash of dead bark and tree material kicked up a spark that landed on his arm. He audibly reacted to the slight surprise pain which woke the contents of his haversack. They likely were partially roused by the newly gained fractal as well.  Within his bag, golden flecks clamored to life. Thousands of the pinprick sized shards of gold flowed in a tendril and inspected his arm. Reeling back, outraged at the assault on their master, they went to war with the lazily floating embers. By the tens, they smothered out their individual glowing enemies as Cy watched on laughing. His red flecks sat silently in position, a faux arm that was a perfect replica of the real one they had taken. Without anything to interest them, they would slumber.  As he stared at his deadly red arm, his attention was snatched away by one of the elementals bobbing within reach from his face. It gave off a wave of happiness. Flying through the air, the creature looked almost like a miniature horse galloping around. Likely the creature was grateful for the aid in transforming. Cy knew that eventually enough of them would gather, form rain, and harden with exposure to the ground. Such was the cycle of their life. Regardless he mirrored the emotion with a smile of his own. His golden flecks, now returning from their glorious conquering of the errant and wicked sparks, spotted the elemental in close proximity to their master—an outrage. The barely sentient mist of light fragments used their base ability given to them at their master's first awakening.    V1 Copy to Transform. Mimic.    Thousands of shards combined to form three white and gold copies of the water elementals. The only differences between the particles and water creatures were their color schemes, and the tendency the flecks had to add something to their mimicry- three small versions of Cy wielding sharp looking mini lance weapons. They charged valiantly at the playful misty being.  As his wildly unique partner shooed away the three monsters, Cy felt his stomach rumble. With the reaction from his body, his right arm woke. From their attached point at the center of his bicep, they collectively shattered their current form.  Like a swarm of small insects, they buzzed greedily. Shaping themselves into a floating ruby orb, his secondary power waited impatiently for him to stand—his least favorite part of the day, time to hunt for some food.  Though his partners grew in intelligence with each awakening and currently had the mental processing power of a toddler, Cy had no problem telling their goals apart. His golden flecks, which he had since he was ten, were overly protective, kind, and inquisitive. His red flecks had only been with him a few years now. Spawned from his own curiosity and imprudence, these shards were almost the complete opposite of his first companion. Only one word was needed to describe their behavior and tendencies, bloodthirsty.  Cy supposed the color, and behavior of the power should have been expected, they came from his own flesh and blood after all. In his rash decision to test the bounds of his power, he almost turned himself into a Gainte. A soulless monstrosity that betrayed everything they aspired to be.  Luckily he was smart enough to create a second vow that did not conflict his first while also being contradictory in its very nature. Thinking on it too long was something that activated the curse of breaking one's vow. His stomach felt like it was tied in a knot. He quickly rushed over to his bow. He would only need one arrow.  Currently, the researcher was camping inside of a karst sinkhole. The wound cut deep into the earth provided shelter from the elements while still allowing a generous view of the stars. For miles, caves, streams, and various geological wonders surrounded him.  Of all of the places he had lived during his nomadic lifestyle, this was by far his favorite. He was not alone in living this way. Groups of people never settled together for long. Gods forbid a person stay in one place long enough to call it home. That is just asking for a Wrecker to gain points with their death and destruction of homestead. A Heartrender did much the same to a family.  As he looked out on the clear waters pooled before the edge of his camping area, he slung his bow over his shoulder and stepped forward onto the air.   V2 Connect to form. Plate version   Rushing to heed his call, his light flecks formed a hard pane of glass-like material. It took all three thousand five hundred of the particles for this ability. The structure was partially opaque and the width of his chest. Leaping upward, the pane split in two. The first step moved to catch him again. Switching off, the plates could hold him momentarily as he ran through the air. Slowly his height increased until his foot touched the soft earth at the lip of the crater. He had awakened his researcher class three times. This was the second ability unlocked. Though simple, it was undoubtedly the most versatile.  Sliding off his bow, he slowly crept forward. With a nod of his head, his light shrowd coalesced into a ball and floated upward. The swarm was intelligent enough to serve as a lookout.  The red flecks, an awakening behind, were slightly less intelligent. As far as he knew, particles were the only class-related power that gained sentience. He was far from an expert on other skills, classes, and abilities, though. Even his own were generally a mystery.  The red orb waited for the hunt as it floated menacingly behind the man. Perhaps he imagined the motivations behind this power. He had reason to resent it. He impatiently raised what remained of his arm as a hint for the flecks to return.  Grasping his bow with his left hand, his prosthetic formed from the red particles as he approached his destination. A rabbit barrow he had yet to gather from had been on his list for days.   On his belt, Cyverous carried many perfectly square cubes, just the right size to grasp. Selecting the appropriate one, he flipped the top open. With the release of its latch, the metal box unleashed a golden plated monocle.  Raising his Libre glass to his eye, Cy was able to see information beyond what was readily available just by sight.    Horned rabbit barrow. Life forms detected: 18.    With a tap of the magical item to its container, it dissolved back into place. Cy hoped to study interdimensional storage eventually, but he would have to get lucky enough to find someone who mastered that field first.  Looking up at his white particles, he sighed. His magical ally had turned from a golden orb into a replica of his head that somehow had an arm coming from its base, holding a lance. It floated and spun in every direction as it acted as a sentry, looking out for anything deadly.  A smiled crept up his face as he found a valid place to wait for a rabbit to make its way out. Cy drew his arrow and patiently laid in wait. His stomach grumbling and a twinge of soreness caused his crimson arm to vibrate with what he assumed was anticipation.  The researcher chose his bow for a few reasons, mainly to not ruin the meat. He thought back to his gun, resting at his camp in its holster. He would not need that for rabbit hunting.  A scraping noise caught his attention as he waited. A twisted copper horn poked its way out of one of the dugout tunnels before him. Unnatural piles of leaves scattered about intrigued him as he paused for the creature. His curiosity overwhelmed his hunger for a moment.  He drew back his arrow and waited. There was a mystery before him. He would see it to its end before he completed the hunt. A white and grey rabbit followed the metal protrusion out of the hole. Its eyes were black and void of intelligence. In opposition to the fluff covering the greater portion of its body, the feet of the beast looked to be made of stone.  As Cy hypothesized, possibilities and questions ran through his mind. Did these creatures evolve this way, was this something unique to this specimen, a debuff perhaps? How would it move without creating too much noise and attracting predators... more research would be needed to draw conclusions. He had his next biological analysis project. He would watch these monsters and unravel their secrets. A smile split the man's face as one of these puzzles solved itself right before his eyes. He lined up his shot as the rabbit used its back leg to scratch its horn. The rock meeting metal created sparks. With intention, the creature repeated this maneuver toward a pile of leaves. As the sparks begged for flame, a shrowd of smoke came into existence. The rabbit piled up dry leaves, to create a smokescreen to hide from predators. Even if it made noise with its stone feet, the sight would be blocked when it was above ground.  The survival technique would not work this time.  Cyverous released his arrow. It struck true into the heart of the beast, killing it instantly.    RP +1 granted for your finding. Your vow and connection related to your Researcher class has gained another fractal. You are two fractals away from another awakening.    GP +1 granted for your swift kill. +1 An additional point acquired from harvest. Your vow and connection related to your Gunslinger class has gained another fractal. You are four fractals away from another awakening.    This hunt had many benefits. Cy averted his eyes as his red flecks converted half of the body into blood-colored particles. The sharp blade-like tendrils formed by the mist cut through flesh and bone effortlessly bisecting the mammal.  As they converged on their half of the prey, their number grew. A hundred of the things bled into existence from the once-living animal.  Sneakily Cy opened one of his cubes and stored half of them away. The man would do everything to try and control the unpredictable power as much as possible. That was hard enough due to their growth rate being double his light particles. As he pulled the trick and picked up his half of the rabbit, he stored that in another box. His treachery went unnoticed by the particles, that or they did not mind as they danced around with their new addition. With the hundreds of new red flecks, white flecks were also born from his discovery from the monster. If he spent more time watching these rabbits, he could likely reach a new awakening sooner than later. Cy was not power-hungry, but he did enjoy growing his primary class. The intelligence bonus to the white flecks and another unique ability would also be a great boon.  As he called down the white and golden swarm, he was only slightly unsettled at looking at a featureless copy of his head.  "We are heading back to camp," he spoke to them. Though he felt slightly odd speaking to his power, he knew it understood. The flecks began waving their formed lance arm in response. Something was wrong.  A blood-curdling scream pierced the area. The following hoops and joy-filled calls ringing out after it confirmed the feeling in Cy's gut. Poachers.   
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "165863", "id": "165866", "q": 0.91, "title": "Particle researcher - Chapter 1: Rumination", "author": "C.R.McMahon", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Sci-fi", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Fantasy Creatures", "Legends", "Magic", "Mythical Beasts", "Mythology" ] }
Announcement These chapters will be released in groups. This and my other story will have advanced chapters on Patreon before release on here or Royal road. https://www.patreon.com/TempestRogue   Cyverous was moving even before the pain gripped his stomach. Ever since he received his second form of flecks, and installed a vow to accompany the power, he lost the ability to walk away from a situation in which he could end the pain of another being. With every pledge, there is a secondary sequence that binds the person to a set of rules. Young and bright-eyed, he attached his first Vow came with his Particle researcher power.   Particle researcher requirement. Primary sequence vow: Study and appreciate life. Unlock the secrets of the world through scientific investigation. Restriction: Cause no unnecessary pain.   He had chosen this restriction due to his bloody childhood, and his hatred for the indiscriminate slaughter inducted by certain classes and vows of others. Their haphazard way of life disgusted him. Another scream tore its way around the valley and found its way to Cy's ears. His faux right arm buzzed with what must be excitement. Leading his reckless charge through the thick vegetation, his gold and white particles retained their orb form, but flaked off and recombined by the hundreds. Their overprotective personality did not stop at just their master. From their initial creation, they had always seemed to want to protect whatever they could. This initial trait endeared them to Cy immediately. That stark contrast to his bloody particles for his second class was one of the reasons he felt distant from his red arm and powers from that side. Reaching a small embankment, Cy began to move with more stealth. Peering through the branches of a large tree, he spotted a band of five twisted men. He was able to identify them and their class immediately. Their pale, almost translucent skin was covered in a paint mixed from the blood of their many victims. Clothed in the hide of human and beast alike, they looked more monster than man. Rusted weapons in their hands dripped with the black blood of their current target. Cy forcibly calmed his research particles as they urged him forward. He needed to make sure they did not have a leader in their current pack. His stomach twisted from his Vow and his own personal emotions as his eyes landed on their victim. A wild centaur man struggled to move away from the fiendish poachers. Many sentient creatures existed in Clarstia, the continent they existed on. A good deal of them, unfortunately, were not blessed with magic. The race of hybrid human horses were an example of that lack. One of its legs was shredded. It dragged limply underneath it as it crawled away. The hunters were laughing as they collectively released their power and reveled in the fear they were causing. Contrary to Cy's researcher power, those who selected the Poacher class gained their upgrade points through torture. Their ability allowed them to overwhelm and essentially freeze those weaker than themselves with a magical aura of concentrated fear. Cyverous could taste the sinister influence in the air. One of the men slowly raised their arm in preparation to throw a knife into the centaur. The malicious man was breathing heavily, making the incoming throw and pain unmistakable to increase the horse man's anxiety. Two short whistles and the golden flecks raced through the air as the knife left the poacher's hand.   V1 Shape to form. White flecks. Memory slot 1: Shield mode.   A golden shield of life formed from the particles and blocked the rusty weapon just as it was about to hit flesh. Cy hummed a deep tone twice as a signal to his red flecks.   V1 Shape to form. Red flecks. Memory slot 2: Lance.   With what seemed like reluctance, the red particles formed a lance that stretched out into a sharp tip twice the length of Cy's other arm. He would start with intimidation. Perhaps this fight could end before it started. As if reading his mind, his red particles vibrated with annoyance. Cyverous made a fist with his left hand and bent his arm, fist pointing toward the sky. He stepped out from behind the tree and looked down at the men. With one long whistle, his particles returned and formed a Kite shield. "Turn and flee now. I will not warn you again. Leave this creature be. I am sure you have satisfied your classes and generated plenty of points from the damage you have caused." Cyverous boomed out as he looked down at the men. Their victim continued its pitiful crawl away as it began to weep. What could one man do to this group of deviants? The poachers began to laugh, spitting with the force of their joviality at the notion. One of them flipped off Cy as his laughter began to subside. "How about you wait the fuck there so we can start on you next asshole," the man punctuated his request with several other vulgar movements. They directed the full force of their negative energy at him. Cy sighed and looked to their victim. Even if he let them leave, they would only perpetuate their cycle. Once a class is chosen, and a vow spoken, there was no abandoning it. The only end was in death or transforming into a Gainte. He shrugged off their power. Fear aura had no effect on those mightier than the source. Cyverous would grant them the former. With a single hum, his right arm began to transform.   V1 Shape to form. Red flecks. Memory slot 2: Colt Python   At the end of his arm, an exact replica of his revolver back at camp formed. With a thought, a sharpened pellet made from red flecks embedded itself into the middle of the loquacious poacher's forehead. As he dropped Cyverous sprinted forward. Before they even realized their ally was dead, he was among the group. With three consecutive hums, his arm transformed again.   V1 Shape to form. Red flecks. Memory slot three: Blade form.   Before the closest enemy could even raise their twisted weapon, Cy separated their head from the rest of their body. As that one fell, a third managed to raise their sword in time to strike. Cy blocked the incoming blow, shifting his arm slightly, so the momentum carried down to the ground. Kicking the weapon, so it snapped in half. He punched his blade through the man's eye. The remaining two Poachers ran in separate directions. One decided to flee; the other chose to use its last moments, extracting more pain from their victim. With a hum, Cyverous transformed his arm once again and dispatched them both before either made it more than a few steps. As they fell, his right arm exploded into its individual fragments. Now that the threat had been eliminated, it devoured the bodies, increasing its own mass and particle count exponentially.   GP +5 granted for your swift kill. +5 additional points acquired from harvest. Your Vow and connection related to your Gunslinger class have gained another fractal. You are three fractals away from another awakening.   Satiated particles have been transformed. -3 GP total transformed into BP.   Cyverous watched as a good majority of the new particles transformed into black particles. He also sneakily stored away some of the new red ones. For the black, he mentally commanded his white flecks to round them up, and he saved them in another box with the others. People talked about third, and even fourth classes, and the black particles were likely linked to that phenomenon, but Cy was focused on something else. He turned to the crying man behind him. The being was still under the remnants of a fear curse. Unable to fully control his body, the human half of him shielded his eyes, awaiting more pain or death. Cy looked over the wounds and felt a joy that they were not deadly. They would need treatment soon, but he would not have to kill to end a slow and painful death more quickly. At this realization, his stomach stopped its painful twisting. His second Vow was a curse in that way.   Gunslinger requirement. Primary sequence vow: Use a gun efficiently to protect yourself, or eliminate your enemies. Duel other gunslingers on sight if they mean you harm. Restriction: Kill painlessly.   Cy had not figured out the secret portion of that Vow yet. It would become more apparent as it grew, gained fractals, and showed more intelligence and personality. He feared the day it would overtake his Researcher class. It was much easier to kill to eat each day than to unlock the world's mysteries. That paired with needing to kill enemies meant his second class grew much quicker than his first. "You do not need to fear them anymore." Cy kneeled and placed his palm up. He felt the absence of his right arm when he did the movement. The beastman slowly lowered its hands as it looked at him. Part of the hybrid creature's culture was this pose. They would kneel with their horse-like front legs and show both palms in a gesture than meant they would not attack. "Where did you learn Centaurian culture?" The man seemed extremely warry as he returned the gesture to the best of his injured ability. Cy expected that because he was currently covered in the blood of poachers. His power greedily still tearing into their bodies. "You are one of countless of your kind I have saved from that monstrous type of men. Though I am not always successful." Cy lowered his eyes as he spoke the admission. "Sotíras," The Centaur gasped. He then forced his body to dip into a deep bow. "You have done much for my kind and our allied people," he spoke now with reverence, his eyes wide in aw. "The only pittance I would beg of you is to instill upon me another fragment of your culture. As you can see, one of my powers is proliferating. I wish to grow my researcher class particles right now in kind." Cy held out his left hand, and his golden flecks danced around it in a loosely connected tendril. "I should be indentured to you for this. That is not enough." The man pleaded. Cyverous stood and grabbed something out of his bag. As he slowly walked over to the hybrid, he began to wrap a bandage around his leg. "Speak on it no further. Please, just oblige my request. I have always wondered. How you weave your homes in the forest." Cyverous left no room for argument. "Very well. You have heard or seen Galfanol bark Ents?" When he paused, Cy nodded. "Well, there is a legend that goes back generations to when my people first came into existence. It is said that we formed a symbiotic relationship with Ents then. Our ability to charge up our legs and strike at full power is not very useful for battle, but combined with the strength of our legs, and our unbreakable hooves, we can free the creatures as they are growing. Their metal-like bark occasionally becomes so hard it limits their ability to move and grow. When broken off, it can be temporarily molded by continuously applying force. The heat generated by repeated blows allows us to shape it into bricks that seal together. We build our homes and ramparts that way. They then can stand indefinitely, and they weigh very little, so they do not sink into the earth." He spoke quickly, the information flew into Cy's mind and titillated his sense of wonder. "How can you generate the heat to meld the bark with pressure alone. That should not work. Unless you cause friction in the way you strike it somehow, then that paired with force creates heat. May I see the hoove of your back leg?" Cyverous ran through several possibilities as he waited for permission and finished bandaging the torn up foreleg. "Of course, Sotíras," The beastman responded as he slowly stood on three of his legs and grabbed a nearby tree for balance to lift the back leg opposite his injured one. Cyverous inspected the base of the Centaurs back leg. As he suspected, it was not flat. Spiked groves ran along the dense material. "When you strike the hard bark, do you do it in a scraping motion like this?" Cy did an exaggerated charging up of his leg and slammed it down while dragging it across the leaf-covered ground. "That is a very close approximation, wise one." "Then, I can conclude that my hypothesis is correct! The friction generated by the grooves in your hooves, compiled with the power of your repeated blows heats up the metal, allowing it to be molded, then when it cools, it retains its original durability." Cyverous was overwhelmed with joy at the conclusion. He also could likely study the next Ent he encountered for additional research.   RP +1 granted for your finding. Your Vow and connection related to your Researcher class have gained another fractal. You are one fractal away from another awakening.   White and gold fractals came to life around the two as Cy smiled widely. "Do you need assistance getting back to your clan?" Cy spoke through his smile, unable to suppress the joy at a new finding. "I will make it well enough on my own. If you find your way to my people, we have much more we could share with you. Our fortress is nearly impenetrable, and the warriors of my kind will repel any of your species who wish us all harm, but we would allow you inside and welcome you for as long as you wish," He punctuated his invitation with another bow. "Thank you for your kind offer. I may take you up on that someday. Please take care. There will be other poachers in the area. Alert the rest of your people to only venture out in groups." Cy returned the bow and watched the centaur trot away carefully on three legs. He called his red flecks back into place with a thought. His prosthetic arm felt more substantial. It could have been his imagination, but he even felt a slight chill from the breeze on the tips of the fingers, likely a phantom feeling mirroring his real arm. As he headed back to his camp, he was pleased that both of his powers had grown. The poachers' appearance was a sign he may need to move soon, but until then, he would gather much more information from this beautiful area.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "165863", "id": "165869", "q": 0.91, "title": "Particle researcher - Ch 2: Poachers", "author": "C.R.McMahon", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Sci-fi", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Fantasy Creatures", "Legends", "Magic", "Mythical Beasts", "Mythology" ] }
Reed whistled as he rummaged through a trash heap twice his size, looking for anything valuable he could pawn off for some money. "Why is making money so hard? If not because of my looks, I could easily make a living off of my talents..."  Despite knowing he had no talent at all, he could still shamelessly brag about it because he had long since learned the art of boasting and swindling people. It wasn't that he liked to do such things, rather it was because he was forced to do so to survive. Having been an orphan, he spent six years in an orphanag, however he was forced to leave after the orphanage closed, leaving him on the streets. From then on, Reed lived on the streets, joining gangs when he needed and fleeing when he felt like. Now, he was barely twenty and had never done a bit of schooling, however he was smart enough to teach himself with the few materials he could find over the years. Instead of saying Reed had no talents, it was better to say that his talent had to do with his luck. Having been dealt a bad hand in life, he struggled to make the best of it. Even now as he rummaged through a trash heap, one couldn't keep his rather carefree nature down for long. "Oh? This looks like it's something important...? I think?" Reed frowned as he pulled a small rock out of the heap. The rock was streamlined and sleek, making one wonder how it was made. Aside from it being shiny, nothing else drew his attention. He sighed and was about to toss it back into the trash heap when a stinging pain in his hand stopped him. When he looked down, he saw blood dripping from his palm, and the rock sitting in the center with a weird red glow. "What the he-" He felt a pulse surge through his hands and ravage his body without a care. Just before he passed out, he heard a voice. [System Awakened! Booting...] "Wha-?" His consciousness vanished before he could finish his sentence.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "189400", "id": "189524", "q": 0.7309090909090908, "title": "A Vampire’s System - [1] Blood", "author": "Fallen_Goddess", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 4, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Adventure", "Gender Bender", "Girls Love", "Horror", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Hiding True Abilities", "Hiding True Identity", "Hunters", "Loli", "Male to Female", "Money Grubber", "Poor Protagonist", "Race Change", "Secret Organizations", "Ugly to Beautiful", "Vampires" ] }
I am going home to celebrate the New Year with my family , but shit , five thirty already , and this traffic does not seem to be letting up any time soon . Leaving the campus was tiring enough , always being stopped by the global warming enthusiast . Man he gets on my nerves , but this is America for you . I forced myself into a more comfortable position in the seat of my Uber due to my legs being pressed  against the passenger side of the vehicle. Fuck I hate being so tall , even though the girls and guys dig it which is a win In my book  . My  driver was on the phone with someone but I could only understand a few words he was saying , due to him being Spanish . I could only make out the words mine  , Mexico , and  dangerous . I wanted to be nosy and listen in on the conversation , but I chose to stare at the piles of snow , created from the recent blizzard . When I turned to ask the driver to turn the heat up a bit , He had a frightened look on his face . He began to mumble to himself , repeating something about his family . I opened my mouth to ask if he was okay , but the car came to a sudden halt which forced my face into  the passenger head rest . " Hey man , I don't know what your problem is bu - ." I stopped speaking as the driver slowly turned around stared into my eyes , his own eyes glossy with tears. " Estaban aquí ." The man mumbled. "Already ?" I Turned to my right to look out of the slightly tinted window and noticed we had been parked in front of the airport . I hadn't even noticed we arrived . I thanked the the driver and opened the car door , pushing it open with my knee . The driver unlocked the trunk which flew open with a pop . I grabbed my backpack and Camera stand , shut the trunks door and attempted to wave the driver goodbye , but as soon as the trunk closed , he darted off in a hurry , followed by the eyes of fellow travelers in the lot . " Asshole..." I grumbled to myself as I held my items and walked through the automatic entrance door . The process of receiving my ticket was surprisingly smooth but many people seemed to be in a hurry which caused a slight pause in progression as some grew impatient and ignorant towards staff . After placing my items through the security conveyor belt I felt my back pocket vibrate while I stood barefoot on the opposite side waiting for my items to be approved . I slid my hand into my pocket and grabbed the phone and examined the photo above the answer and hang up buttons . It was my mom . I applied pressure to the answer button and slid up , allowing a small screen to appear in the top corner of the phone . " Hey mom...I'm sorry I forgot to call you. " I said chuckling nervously as If she was going to punch me through the phone . Her face appeared on the phone , almost giving me a heart attack . Her face had a green face mask plastered all over it which made her look like a gremlin. " For once , i'm not mad at you...I'm actually happy you answered , seeing that there is so much happening right now ." I raised an eyebrow and raised my eyes to think about what could have missed , but on the other hand I hate watching the news and don't ever think I will . " Boy oh boy , you are so boring and uneventful , just like your father ." she said , trying to change the subject . " He's at work right now , texting me every two minutes asking me if you've arrived yet , even though i told him it would take at least sixteen hours." She explained , followed by a nervous laugh . Boom.... " That's dad for you , these American planes take forever to board , but Ill let you know when I'm about to get on anyway ." I reassured her , while trying to put on my sneakers at the same time . Boom.... Her face suddenly changed and she made a face I've never seen before , especially from my mother . She looked scared , and seemed to be bouncing up and down a bit . I could hear a faint sound of something in the background , which was a mix of trembling china and an explosion of some kind . " Have you seen the news recently ?" she asked . Her voice trembling . BOOM... " Mom...what's going on , you're acting weird ?" " The're just doing construction near by , my love..." " Don't fucking lie to me , what is that sound and why does it sound so close ?!" I asked with a yell , causing a few people to stare . BOOM !!! " He- , I- , Lo- , ou , give , your da - a call fo- me , He shoul - e - safe - or - now ." The words my mother attempted to say were glitched out as a loud crashing noise echoed through my earbuds and the tiny screen which housed my mother froze instantly , as well as mine beginning to go static and start opening random apps. " Mom !?" I yelped while staring at my screen in horror as our dining room now had a large gaping hole in the ceiling , allowing sunlight to brighten the splintered wood and household objects now littered across the floor . I stood up pressing my foot into my shoe and looked around  to find everyone gathered around a large television which had been playing the news channel in the center of a large resting area . I ran over and stared at the blurred images pasted onto the screen . " What the fuck is that ?" " This can't be real !" " This has to be some kind of elaborate joke." The crowd began to whisper among themselves as the screen then cut to a recording of a large creature bursting out of the ground, lying dormant for a moment then suddenly dashing through a mountainous landscape and into a small town or city of some sort . " This was recorded 5 minutes ago from a man in Shikoku , Japan . " My heart sank and everything around me became blurry and fuzzy . Did she just say , Shikoku ? My district ? " Evacuation has been initiated throughout the district as well as the rest of Japan in hopes of avoiding any more casualties . " The news lady continued to explain , as the creature resembling a shiny black rock with horns , trampled over buildings . " No , please , god help me . " I stumbled backwards and fell onto the ground as I struggled to dial my fathers phone number with shaky hands . " Hello , Zen - an - you - ear - me !? " My fathers voice was almost non audible . I screamed at my phone with anger . " DAD I'M COMING HOME , PLEASE CHECK ON MOM !! " I urged , as I felt the sensation of vomit forming in my mouth . Fuck , I don't know what's happening right now . Before my father could say anything else , a strange wave of wind blasted through the large windows that showcased the runway , knocking most of the crowd onto the ground . Another boy had tripped over me causing my phone to fly out of my hand , and at the same time , he was releasing the most bloodcurdling scream iv'e ever heard. I immediately stood up and ran over to him , noticing he had his left hand covering his right eye . There had been blood slowly trickling through his knuckled and down his arm onto the white marbled floor with small patterns of butterflies . " SHIT , SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE  , HES INJURED !!" I screamed as the boy slowly bled out from his eye . A loud rumbling noise similar to that of a jet , caused everyone to stop in their tracks and stare outside over the treeline and sinking sun as a large object blocked the sun and its otherworldly glow  . The entity began to lift itself up vertically revealing a pair of large wings which darkened the runway and air craft below  , as it drew closer and closer to the airport .
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "435778", "id": "435781", "q": 0.91, "title": "Small World - Chapter One : First Flight", "author": "elmck", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Boys Love", "Horror", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Apocalypse", "Character Growth", "Death" ] }
    Idle chatter filled the aisles as people rummaged through the shelves. Friends who hadn’t seen each other in years stopped to chat, reminiscing about old times and making plans to meet again over lunch. Some were fast with their shopping carts, zipping through the aisles with little concern for those around them while others took their time, examining each item carefully. The smell of cleaner spilled from a knocked over bottle permeated the nearby air. So distinct and fresh, yet so concentrated and off putting.       The grocery store was such a place one would find all of this, and on a busy Saturday afternoon no less. People stocking up after the week had gone, maybe picking up supplies for an upcoming event. Or a hasty last minute purchase for dinner. Whatever it was, the aisles were packed with all manner of people in their routine.        From the cash register a woman stood scanning items through at incredible speed. The beeps and blips from the machine practically tuned out at this point, a sound she stopped listening to a long time ago. Her gaze wandered around the aisles, looking for something interesting or out of the ordinary at the very least.        The woman was dressed in her store uniform, the name ‘Stella’ printed across her name tag. Hair tied back in a black ponytail and a store hat on. Eyes half closed with dark circles beneath them told many stories of her relationship with sleep. But...she did have a fun little secret about her.   She went to reach for another product, only to grab onto nothing at all. Oh, it was the last item. After quickly tapping away at the console, a total popped onto the display.       “Your total comes to 166.23$,” Stella muttered, sounding about as enthused as she would be staring at a blank wall. But the man on the other side didn’t seem to care as he tapped his card onto the device. A moment later and his receipt spun out from the machine. Without missing a beat, Stella tore it out and handed it to the man with the fakest smile she could manage.       “Thanks for shopping with us. Have a great day.” she droned on. The man didn’t respond, instead opting to take his groceries and leave right away. Stella sighed as the next customer came to the cash register, loading the belt with items.        Time to do it all again... she thought. As she scanned the items, the sound of metal crashing echoed through the store. The rattling of two shopping carts smashing into each other was distinct, and right next to her register too. Two men, both not particularly looking where they were going, now had each other's undivided attention. Finally, something interesting!   “Oh, sorry!” Dan, one of these men, started. A nervous smile spread across his face. He sported messy brown hair and a bit of a beard. Dressed in a simple opened up black hoodie and jeans, he wasn’t particularly interested in making a fashion statement. His posture was poor and he had an almost timid air about him.        “Yeah, watch where you’re going next time,” Bill, the other man, grunted. There was a hint of smug arrogance in his voice. While not towering over Dan, he certainly had a more intimidating aura about him. His arms folded across his chest and over his plain white t-shirt, unimpressed. His blonde hair was cut short and clean, his face a bit more gruff with some stubble to his chin.        “C’mon, it’s not that big of a deal…”       “Well, this could certainly prove interesting,” Stella smirked. With a mischievous thought in her mind, she waved a finger toward the two men as she reached for the next item to scan. A stream of sparks shot from her finger, flying toward them before vanishing entirely. Neither felt it, of course. Nobody but Stella could even see it. And with the stage set, she tried her best to enjoy the show while she did her job.        Bill furrowed his brow at Dan. “If you don’t smarten up, it will be a big deal.”        Dan threw his hands up in the air. “Good lord, relax. It was a small accident. And really, it was your fault.”       Stella had the power to call some kind of security or manager, of course. But she didn’t want to, really. Even if this was a disturbance in the store, what she had cooked up would be far more interesting.       Bill’s blonde hair began to grow out, tickling the back of his neck as it waved down. Dan’s hair followed behind Bill’s growth, flowing further past his shoulders, though neither noticed. The two were lost in their little squabble.       “My fault? You’re the dumbass who was looking at his phone!” Bill pushed his cart out of the way, stepping right into Dan’s face, spittle flying from his mouth as he shouted.       “Really? If you even looked slightly to where you were going, you’d have avoided it. Maybe stop looking at anything but what’s in front of you!” Dan’s voice sounded...oddly softer yet still filled with an increasing rage. His face turned beet red from the frustration, wanting both to get out of this situation and at the same time show this idiot who was boss.       Neither realized that any facial hair they had faded from their faces. Their eyes shimmered with a new light, framed by long, fluttering eyelashes, yet still reflected their scorn over the other’s wrongdoing.       People stopped what they were doing and turned to look at this squabble. For some, they had to turn away to avoid the embarrassment. Or perhaps they didn’t want to chance getting involved. While others were curious to see how this trainwreck would resolve.       Both their arms slimmed down as hands took a more feminine look. Perfectly tapered nails painted in a soft pink replaced what came before as their argument continued.       “Tch. Well, at least I’m not going out buying some...drab food like that!” Dan motioned to Bill’s cart. Which really wasn’t that bad - a variety of meats and fresh produce.    What a weird thing to say… Bill thought.       “Coming from the one in such dreary clothing as you? How rich,” Bill scoffed, not realizing either of their voices were several pitches higher than before. The swelling in their chests that had just started should have tipped them off that something was amiss. But no, they didn’t seem to notice. Or perhaps, they didn’t care.    Their chests swelled and with the two of them practically butting heads, their breasts grew to a point where they squished into each other. But still no reaction. Or even a cursory glance at their new additions, nipples poking out. Not even the warm feeling of them growing in the first place could distract the men from their argument!       At this point, there was a small crowd gathered to listen to these two. Stella sat back happily and watched the show, slowly scanning more items through the till. And thankfully the customers were largely more interested in this argument than getting through the line quickly.  Their silent gaze would not be broken, not even for a moment.       “I’ll have you know that these clothes were picked from La Blanché! Not that your paltry allowance would ever let you get something like me.” Dan scoffed, turning his nose up to Bill. A certain smugness was present in his voice.       While Dan’s clothes were once simple jeans and a t-shirt, the crowd could see that wouldn’t be the case much longer. Pants joined together with his shirt as the legs came together to form a skirt.  Slowly, it crawled up his legs, poofing outward from layers of petticoats that billowed from underneath. Now pink in colour with plenty of frills popping out at the bottom, the skirt stopped at his thighs. Dan could feel the softness of the petticoat on his legs, but he had other problems to deal with.        This new silk dress looked strange and awkward on him, hanging loosely at his hips but tight on his waist. Well, the top certainly fit as it cupped his new breasts perfectly. Long sleeves stretched down to his wrists as the shoulders puffed up. A small red bow formed at the collar, buttons coming down until reaching a corset. His waist pinching in as his hips pushed out to fill the form better. It should have felt amazing, like a warm touch moulding his body to a new shape. So gentle… Yet his mind was still elsewhere.        “How dare you! My family is incredibly wealthy! Why, I could buy your miserable house outright if I so desired! Though I could not possibly imagine why someone of such high class would want a trash heap like your home anyway!” Bill scoffed, his voice now higher and haughtier as well.        And with his retort, his clothes started to shift. Unlike Dan’s outfit however, his pants and shirt did not join. But the legs merged to form a skirt just as Dan’s had, crawling up his legs until they reached his thighs. Onlookers got to see the colour shift from blue to a more crimson red. Frills still formed, but this time the skirt took on a few layers, each with their own ruffles and frills.        His shirt turned white, with a column of buttons forming down the centre. Ruffles sprouted on either side as well. Something anyone might find a bit strange or over the top. But given the person now wearing it, that fit the bill quite nicely. A black coat split away from the rest of the top, though it was opened in such a way to show the clothing beneath it. A window split down this new blouse, revealing the tight cleavage of his ample new bosom. The coat’s sleeves stretched down to his svelte wrists as the shoulders poofed up to match this inflated ego Bill had found himself with in the last few moments.        Dan scowled. “A trash heap, you say? Bold words coming from someone like you! Why, I heard your maids were slacking off! What, is your house incapable of hiring the very best?”        The onlookers chuckled. These small things were enough to keep a fight fueled between two incredibly privileged and obnoxious brats? Ideas on what stupid thing they could argue about next floated in their minds, imagining all kinds of ridiculous scenarios.       All the while, their crotches started to tingle. Even in the deepest part of their argument, they both shivered from the new sensation in their nethers. It was still incredibly sensitive for the both of them, after all. A light gasp escaped their plump lips before their crotches retreated into them, leaving behind something very new and different. The strange yet wonderful feeling was almost enough to make them lose their spot in the stupid fight. Almost.       But it wasn’t done. Their thighs thickened as their socks climbed up their legs. To anyone not so focused on putting the other down, the way the soft fabric crawled up would have been enough to make them shiver. So soft and comfy. Both stopped at their very thick thighs, pressing into them ever so slightly. A little bow formed on either of Dan’s socks where Bill’s had a garter to hold them up.       “What utter hogwash! My house only employs the very best! They spend an extensive amount of time training for the hopes of having the honour to serve me! Why, anyone would hire someone who once worked for me! But then, why would they ever want to leave and face a day not looking at my beautiful visage!? Preposterous!” Bill proclaimed. Though the name Bill seemed a bit strange to him now. At least, when describing himself.       “To see your obnoxious face would only be a curse I wouldn’t inflict on my worst enemy! Though, I suppose that would be you. So I would have you look upon the horrors of your own reflection! For everyone knows that I, lady Rosalie, am the most beautiful woman this city has ever had the privilege to gaze upon!” The woman who was once Dan boasted. She brought her hand to her mouth, fingers extended out as she prepared herself.       “Ohohohohohohohoho!!” She laughed. It was loud, obnoxious and yet oddly amusing to everyone watching. Should they have questioned why two men seemingly randomly transformed into these women? Possibly. But watching this sure beat whatever their plans were going to be.       Lady Rosalie’s long and voluminous hair began to twist and curl in an exaggerated fashion. Two large coils spun from her head, stretching down to her butt without a single hair out of place  Her face had a subtle touch of makeup to make it pop, her lips were painted a beautiful pink colour.       “Pah! I have heard more honest and truthful things from a snake oil salesman! You? The most beautiful? Why, one of my maids would make you look drab by comparison! The vanity and narcissism you exhibit is beyond gauche. A poor example for all those who watch! You should be ashamed! For I, lady Valentina, am far superior to you in every way! But if believing otherwise keeps you in your blessed ignorance, then let yourself be lost in your petty fantasy!”       Just like lady Rosalie moments before, lady Valentina brought her hand up to her mouth, fingers extended.       “Ohohohohohohoohoho!!” Lady Valentina laughed. And just like lady Rosalie, it oozed that same obnoxiousness. Just one laugh was bad enough, but two…?       Lady Valentina’s hair also grew out, spiraling the same way lady Rosalie’s did moments ago. Though instead of two massive coils, it was a series of smaller ones cascading across her back. All perfectly curled, of course.       The two new obnoxious rich brats continued to butt their heads together, their breasts pressing deeper into each other as the heated battle continued. Their shouting went on as their bodies changed further. Their shoes both shifted around into stiletto heeled boots coming just over their ankles. With lady Rosalie’s being pink and lady Valentina’s being red.       Back and forth the argument went. Both trying to boast about how much better she was than the other. Both being offended at the accusations they’d make of each other. Things continued and even escalated now and again, but the changes did seem to stop once they were both buxom, curvy brats.        Stella watched intently, a devilish smirk across her face. About half an hour of this had gone on, which was a win in her book. A half hour less of work and it came with a front row seat to some live entertainment.  However, like all good things, this did eventually come to an end. But not because of any intervention from authority.       “Harumph! I may as well be speaking to a potato for all the use I have gotten out of this conversation! I have allowed you to take far too much of my time - time others would happily pay for! Goodbye, and may I never have the misfortune of meeting you again!” Lady Rosalie huffed, crossing her arms under her breasts before spinning on her heels and storming off.        “Tch! Your time is about as valuable as the dirt beneath my shoes! A waste of everything, this was! Make no mistake, I do not intend not to even look in your direction for as long as I draw breath!” Lady Valentina huffed as well, mirroring lady Rosalie’s movements as she stormed off as well. The clicks and clacks of their heels against the floor echoed through the now otherwise silent grocery store. The small crowd quickly made way for the two to get by.        ...And of course, they left their carts behind. Typical.       The chatter soon picked back up, though it was clear the entire conversation was about the two women who had stormed off. Who the heck were they, and why had they randomly changed? And how didn’t they notice? All questions without easily known answers. But that wasn’t important, really.       Stella got back to scanning as quickly as she could though, a smile across her face. She wanted to giggle so bad, but knew she had better not. If nothing else, it made for the most fun day in a good long while, replaying the scene over and over in her head.        How ridiculous it all was…       She’d have to do it again, some time.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "359899", "id": "359900", "q": 0.8972727272727273, "title": "Ojou-sama in Aisle 5 - Ojou-sama in Aisle 5", "author": "CelestialSovereign", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4.9, "rating_ct": 7, "genre": [ "Adult", "Ecchi", "Gender Bender" ], "tags": [] }
Bzzt… Bzzzzt… Tap Tap “Hm, this won’t do.” “Maybe I’ll just…” SMASH! ….. [June 15th—2004—] “Ah! Now it works.” [—Solen’s Age: 15] [He is in his last year of high school, about to graduate. The last two years have been quite tough for him because he was bullied. He luckily would be transferred to another class and made 2 new “school friends”. “Eh, I do wish they were real friends.” [Sadly, however, he was also placed in the same class his bullies’ friends were in. So, his bullying never stopped.] “Yep! And guess what I did!” [Solen, when that big guy that was twice as tall and twice as big as you beat the shit out of you out of nowhere, you were being filmed, right?] “Aha!” [His name was Jack, right?] “Indeed, he was, Jack…” [You really are sad, aren’t you? Wanting to become friends with the same guy that was cracking up, filming you while you were being choked, gasping for air, as a cluster of people surrounded you, spectating the attack.] “Even the girls, man!” [Even the fucking girls… and did you not have this huge crush on that one girl?] “Mhm! She always smelled so nice, man. I always wished to have a girlfriend, but you already know that.” [Yes, but Solen would be born sooner in your life, so you eventually got your own girlfriend, right?] “Hell yeah! It took me more than three years, but I finally got my own girlfriend!” [Do you get intimate with her?] “Of course I do! We do it a lot, like, a lot! She-“ [Okay, okay, enough. Keep those details to yourself. Moving on…] [He graduated from high school, lost all of his friends, and enrolled in college as a fat, depressed kid, who started going through his “emo-phase”.] “Damn, what happened with the intricate details here, man? You went straight at it!” [Your life during this time was as boring and unnoticeable as non-existent memories people suddenly remember upon the face of death. You were a complete nobody, Solen.] “Ah, I guess you are tr- wait, hold on a second!” [What?] “I tried to kill myself during this time, didn’t I?” [No, that is yet to come. During this time, you started cutting yourself. You buffoon.] “Heeh?!” [Anyway, yes, you did regularly cut yourself. You eventually told your mother and were sent to a “protection service” institute. However, you were only sent there because of your high number of absences. These people just thought it’d be best to tuck you in between the “problem kids”. Besides, you really gave your mother a good fucking cry, man.] “Yep. Anyway, wasn’t even that bad of an experience. That chick who served me was hot.” [I agree, she was very hot. But she had a boyfriend, so what the hell were you even hoping about?] “Hehe, not hoping, just being glad I finally get to see her each Friday. She got such juicy, full lips, and would stare at my sunken eyes. Was she into fat guys or something? Her boyfriend must have been fat. Why would she look at me so much? It turns me on even thinking about it now.” [Perhaps she was into fat guys, we may never know.] [Moving on…] [Now here is when you truly became “edgy”. Sorry, but what the fuck were you wearing?] “Come on! Rings are fabulous…” [Uhm, yes, but you’re not supposed to be looking like some fucking knuckle-dragger. That shit looked so horrible, man.] “Yeah, I’m just an ugly dude who’s trying to look better. I have my ways, you know…” [Indeed. Here is where your “Envy” started. You were totally in love with metal music and began dressing very gothic-like. Black hoodies, black jeans, black shoes, you even painted your nails black a few times, and of course, the horrendous rings…] [… you also began to join online communities and started to cultivate relationships with online strangers. You even exchanged pictures of your cut arms with them and would begin listening to some of that extreme metal sub-genres. So much so to the point that it may have altered your mind, somehow… you somehow became even more depressed, and you were still alone, with no friends, no bigger brother, no girlfriend, it was just you, and whenever you took the bus to head to school, those, aside from going to the grocery store were the only times you ever went outside, you always had a small dose of euphoria whenever girls looked at you.] “Because of my style! I was ugly, but at least I looked good?” [At least this year wasn’t as destitute for you. You only talked with online friends, but at least you talked with them, right?] “Indeed!” [And at last, Solen was finally born…] “My redemption arc!” [And Solen became Solen’s best friend, big brother, his own girlfriend, and ultimately, his own demon.] [Solen is at this point 18 years old and starts to take more care of himself...] “Buuut?” […but he does this, to impress girls.] “My confidence started to grow now that I had my own girlfriend. Can’t blame me, you know?” [You began to starve yourself and drastically lost weight. It still baffles me how much you changed in just one year, you’re nothing more than a stick.] “Most ladies like them skinny, right?” [This is when you started to envy these attractive-looking boys you’d look up on the internet. You couldn’t get enough dreaming about girls falling over your skinny aesthetic, while that is not always the case.] “Heh…” [You believed that being skinny equals getting laid. You starved yourself, overly exercised, and never ate past 6 PM, only to realize that they still find you ugly!] “No, no… wait, they still looked at me. Girls were looking at me so often! And I began to change my clothing style!” [More like “copying” these skater boys’ clothing styles. Spending your study financing money on some cheap, off-brand clothes and jewelry. Perhaps people did start thinking you were dressing quite nicely, after all. Sadly, your life would only be even more miserable as if this was not bad enough… you actually decided to bring an end to your own life.] “That is true. I can remember it as clear as daylight. I had a fight with my mom and got thrown out of the house. I then made my way toward the nearby forest after grabbing a rope from the back shed, and tried hanging myself.” [I still wonder how you survived.] I tied it too loosely, and the swinging of my feet caused me to fall on the ground. I'm not sure how long I was unconscious, but when I woke back up, I walked back home and the police met me. [You should’ve seen your own face at that moment. Covered in leaves, haha!] “I hate looking at myself. You know that already. Don’t act dumb, Solen!” [Anyway, you were so desperate for love as well. Finally, acknowledging your loneliness. Remember when you worked at that fast food company?] “…..” “Go on.” [There was this foreigner chick, total 10/10 right, her name as beautiful as her cheerful, and innocent face, Lorena, and she did exactly what you said; look at you in the eyes, and smile. You somehow even managed to exchange a few words with her, and she would always just smile at you.] “Aaah, and whenever she would walk past me, her chest would glide against my shoulders, or she would accidentally bump into me. That always gave me a turn-on, to be honest. And we would talk often with each other, and I got to know her a little more, I guess.” [Yes, and after that workday, what happened?] “I came back home late at night, and I jumped into my bed smiling from ear to ear, wiggling my feet, feeling apprehensive of the next day to see her beautiful smile again. I felt… as if she might actually want to have a relationship with me.” “But the next day, as I was taking a break with some of my colleagues, one guy came walking in, and he said, Hey, guess what Marky told me this morning.” “What?” the others would ask him, me just sitting in silence. “He said I completely covered Lorena’s face last night, bro.” [And everyone in that room, including you, chuckled like maniacs. Your hopes and dreams completely shattered.] “I guess that kinda hurt.” [It really did, but the saddest thing was, for the remainder of your time working there, you acted just the same with her!] “It's because she actually smiled at me. I... enjoyed that feeling.” [Sigh] [Moving on!] [Most people would expect a 19-year-old guy to be living in his own apartment alongside his girlfriend, whom he brings to college in his small but durable car, after a night of some good sex, afterward going to your own classes where you’re met with the faces of your best friends, always having a good time with them, no matter what day of the week it was.] [But no, that is not Solen. He is now 19 years old, and pretty much lives the same depressive life as always. But he is not alone, because Solen, his only friend, exists.] ..... [Sometimes, he hears his mother’s and sibling’s cries and screams, but they do not pass through him.] [Why?] [Because they did not believe his feelings.] ….. Good morning, to me, Solen. I had slept for… close to seven hours. I guess I am still safe. I slowly opened my eyes, covered in my stained, smelly blanket. I was lying on a bed sheet that had never been washed. The same goes for the sheet, and for what once was a soft, cushy, white as-snow pillow, now a stained, damaged, smelly grey pillow, that did not feel soft anymore. Anyone else’s neck would hurt after sleeping on it once. Despite this, I have grown accustomed to it and it no longer causes me discomfort. I turned my head to see my phone lying next to me, my dirty, messy room materializing before my eyes. After taking a deep breath, I began checking my phone, the same notifications as five days ago, nothing new. I then checked the schedule for today’s school day. “Fuck,” I woke up at 10 AM, and missed my first two classes. “Man, I’ll be damned if this keeps ongoing…” I exclaimed, and without a second thought, I stepped out of my bed, and I accidentally kicked over a bottle filled with my urine, soiling the floor. “Fuck me, man!” I grabbed my towel and rubbed the floor, cracking my window afterward. (I’ll just leave it like this for the rest of the day.) I was in a rush, and hurriedly snatched my showering gel, as well as my face cleaner, and ran into the washing room. I did not take a whole shower, but rather only washed my armpits and cleansed my face with the face cleaner. After helping myself, I dressed. This time, a pair of jeans, an oversized shirt, with a fancy-looking black jacket covering it, sided with some rings, and two necklaces. “Ah, can’t forget about the deodorant,” I murmured, spraying my armpits underneath my clothes. After taking a few sips of water, I went my way toward the bus stop. It was quite cold this morning, my hands were feeling tight, and scrolling through my phone to avoid eye contact with the person standing next to me felt like a chore, my finger slowly gliding across the phone screen, continuously switching songs, for whatever reason. (The bus better not be full…) I hoped, but… It was full. I was forced to stand on the front side of the bus, and I could already feel the eyes lacing upon me from behind. I naturally tightened up my jaws, to at least look attractive from behind as I nervously stare at the cars riding in front of the bus, listening to my usual music. (Okay… just a few more minutes, and I can finally get out of this shithole.)
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "712145", "id": "712150", "q": 0.91, "title": "My Friend Still Exists - Another Day, Another Day.", "author": "LessBright", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 1, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Horror", "Mature", "Psychological", "Romance", "School Life", "Smut", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Anti-social Protagonist", "Music" ] }
"I have found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable" ~ Dwite D. Eisenhower -Record of the battle at Hittie Pass- We reached the other end of the mountains by midday. By mid-afternoon a small temporary camp had been partially set up, and I looked over the fealds ajecant to see we'd not have long to prepare defenses. To the south lay a rolling grassland, gently transitioning into small valleys and floodplains. Far off into the distance lay the sight of camp torches behind a small hill to the left. Behind however, comes the end of a small forest sitting at the end of the great Urgar Mountains that overlook the midlands and of which we just emerged. No doubt we've been spotted, if not now, then soon. I look to my men to check out numbers. I sigh to find it's still very much an advance force. Approximately 4000 pikemen, and fielding approximately 2500 crossbowmen I can say it's lacking with the numbers lost to raiders, tribes, and the cold trough the harsh trek. What was originally an army 10,000 strong reduced to 6500. We where only meant to get across the mountains to establish a forward point of resupply, reinforced with the main force of 250,000 but it looks like that wont be happening. The last scouting information is clearly out of date, of course it is with the inability of scouts to cross the mountains any faster than us. It was last updated before entering the north side of the pass. A larger force sits across the way, far enough to be hard to make out, across a large river further south. No bridges? Did they just arrive as well? I don't need scouting info to know to rally the group and prepare for battle at any moment. Good thing our supply band was armed with plenty of spares. I begin planning. Looking at the terrain, it's clear retreat will be costly. My head might not get on a pike, but I'm the kinda girl willing to bet on a battle then being chaced through the pass. With reinforcements on the way, it'll take around 3-5 days for them to arrive. Until then we'll have to hold out. I decide on a straightforward plan of defense. Hiding in the forested hills, I think I'll deploy 4000 pikemen in the front. Just hidden enough for them to doubt my true numbers but not enough for them to miss I'm here. Secondly, I'll set up my crossbowmen in two lines of 1000 to each side, some distance away. The remaining 500 will back up the pikemen from the rear. I can only hope this works. --- A few hours into the evening, with darkness approaching, a small skirmishing force arrives about an hour before dinner. Only around 400, mostly made from spearmen armed with oval shaped shields that have a a distinctive swirl to them. Setting up 500 pikemen in a rounded phalanx and another 50 crossbowmen in sniping position, the skirmish begins. A small careful push from the spearmen is responded to with archer fire. Though almost entirely ineffective, most shots hotting their shields the pikes push forward slowly in an attack position. The spearmen respond in kind. Only about a couple of feet between contact another volley goes out, cutting down many in the spearmens' lines. If I had to guess, that'd be around 45 down. The vanguard of the spearmen falters and the pikes move in. The first moments after contack are almost pointless, the pikes can't get by their shields and their spears can't reach the pikes. Nothing another volley can't take care of. The pikes land some decisive blows agenst their distracted opponents, reading to much of the remaining front line being mowed down. Some strikes agenst their second line, alongside another volley routs them. No more fighting today I guess. It's early at dawn, before first sunlight, cold and looking to the eerie skies to see slowly increasing cloud cover. Down the valley I can see a slow march. Not good. Signaling the preparations for battle, people come rushing out. Some clearly hungry after yesterdays skirmish. Some time passes, couldn't have have been too long, but I realize there's no time to shore up the formation. Sending the crossbows out as fast as possible, I order lessons to constantly resupply arrows. The rear archers won't be ready for first contact. Two thirds of the pikes array just at the edge of the forest. Only organized enough to not break, the first day begins as the sun peaks through the skies. A team of crossbows makes it far to the end of the combat zone. Looking at it from the right, first contact goes poorly. There must be a two to one advantage for the attacking enemies. Once enough are in position however, the right crossbow team takes aim and fires a volley. Out of nowhere, the flanks of the attackers are cut down... Lost almost a hundred from first contact. However their formation is being poorly maintain, and has only gotten worse after the first volley. Setting up a pike wall strategy, the second and first lines begain alternating stabs that cut down the vanguard forcing them to step back a couple of feat. Enough have been killed to move into a stronger position and survey the battle feald. the force that attacked us was only about 1500 infantry, armed with short axes and some pikes mixed in. The shock force decimated however reveals the real forces arrayed in an attack formation. After about 20 minuets, the second crossbow team to the left is in position, and the first to the right has enhanced their own. The enemy marches fourth, one, two, three, four... Only for the crossbow teams to unleash my fury upon them. Mowing them down from all directions. The infantry move faster, charging to get out of the killzone much to my delight. A second volley mows down many more. A survey finds that out of the around 10,000 arried agenst us as their main force, they lost another 1500 out of three volleys. Prepared in a small crain winged formation, the solders meet my fighters. Weakened as they may, losses can still be counted. Not by much, but out numbered that means a lot. Just as their first set is pushed back, the rear crossbows are in position and ready to fire. The day ends by evening, many infantry pushes are repulsed, with volleys taking out a good enough number prior to contact, widdling away their infantry forces. I could guess around 4500 are defeated on their side, to around 1000 on ours. We mostly loose pikemen in the battle. The rear crossbows will stay hidden for now I guess. The second day, starts with a disquieting calm. Not much occurs, until a volley from the opposing crossbows takes down a small chock of my pikes, as I prepare to push, the first crossbowmen are ambushed by enemy cavalry. I dispatch a small number of pikemen to reinforce the bows but they don't arrive soon enough to prevent the deaths of almost half the first bows. An attempt on the second goes much better, the pikes arriving to ambush the flanking force. With the cavalry routed, the day ends with a large scaly sttack on the opposing forces. The rear crossbows combine with the remonents of the rest to mow down whatever is still in formation. Ending the battle. Reinforcements arrive on the fourth day, and the invasion of the south agenst the combined rebel/imperial forces has begun....
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "183571", "id": "183577", "q": 0.8763636363636362, "title": "-Record of the battle at Hittie Pass- - Oneshot", "author": "KatherineFtw", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4.8, "rating_ct": 4, "genre": [ "Action" ], "tags": [ "Female Protagonist", "Oneshot", "Wars" ] }
“Penelope, you're already big and now understand that compared to your strength, May is weaker. You have to wait obediently here.” . . . ‘Pitter’ . . . . . . . “But mom, I'm your daughter! Can't our car fit an additional person?”  . . ‘Patter’ . . . “Penelope, we are going to fetch you grandmother. She's the outmost priority. May also is a little girl, she shouldn't be left alone lest she couldn't defend herself.” . . . “Father! Are you really going to leave me?!” .  . . ‘psst...’  . . . “Your mother's decision is the same as mine.” .. . . ‘Psh...’ .. .  “No, please wait. Don't leave me please!” :::::: . . . . . “Tap.” . . “Tap..” . . . . . “Tap...” . . . . . : : , ‹~› The sound of raindrops filled my hearing as I stared absent mindedly outside from my window. My fern green colored eyes remained put on the place below the house, the dark alley was dimly lightened by the malfunctioning street lamp, I could not help but scratch my butterscotch hair in irritation.  “Penelope, how many times had I told you that there's nothing wrong at all!” I solemnly told myself as I finally broke free from my trance. However, I couldn't state that I was not bothered. Here, in my chest, or maybe it was in my brain, an instinct had told me that something is not right. But to whom or whether what was it, I had no idea. Putting an end to that thought, I looked outside one more time, looking through the empty streets that remained as it were the past few weeks, before pulling my weight off from the window sill and closing the raspberry colored curtains. I stood up, walked towards my bed placed in the middle of my room, and leaned back on it. I messed up my peach patterned quilt as I dragged it over to cover my body, I also took off my hair tie and my waist length hair scattered all over the cushion. I dared not breathe a sigh of relief, the troubles I am feeling made me feel suffocated. I just turned around when, “Penelope!” my mother's voice came from downstairs and yelled out my name. I had happened to fall into a nap but was shocked awake as I hurriedly sat up and made my bed back to it's tidiness. “Penelope, come down right now!” my mother shouted again and I panicked, “Coming!” I replied, before jumping down the stairs a few steps apart to go down quickly. “Now what, we have a visitor yet you're wearing your pajamas? Penelope, I wanted the best from you.” Kristine, my mother looked at me unhappily. I blushed from embarrassment as I looked to inspect myself, its true I had not dressed myself, I was just wearing a plain striped pajama. “I...I will just go upstairs to dress myself.” I said, peeping at my mom lest she begins to yell again. ”Ha...Nevermind, Penelope. She just arrived. You know, your cousin May.” My mother brushed her short olive colored hair as I stared amazed at the change of her expression. It was unlike the usual sternness and vicious looking she used to cast on me, as if I was a blasphemy in her life, but towards this cousin that we haven't met, she was like a loving mother who was proud and expectant. Why is she acting like that? I wondered, rolling my hands into fist behind my back, enviously thinking on how different the treatment was between us. Not a minute later the doorbell rang. My mother rushed to the door and opened it, she gaped her mouth in surprise, then squatted down with her arms wide open as a little girl dashed to her embrace. “May!” “Auntie Kristine!”  The little girl adorned herself in a pink fussy princess dress. Her shoulder length raven hair was carefully tied into two braids. Her voice was kinda uppity yet it brought smile into my mother's, once, emotionless face. I pitted myself, when had she ever faced me with a smile like that before? Well, never.  But I can't show my envy. My face lifted and I gave this younger female cousin of mine, a smile. She turned around and inspected me...maybe as how I decipher the way she looked at me. A second passed, May smiled as well and rushed to my knees. Her height was suitable for a leg pendant, five years old yet still has the height of a three year old, I told myself.  “Big sister you look so pretty!” May's words were flattering that I decided to ignore the differential treatment between us. “You think so May? As Penelope's mother, this makes me happy. I managed to groom such pretty kid, however, you're much cuter and beautiful!” My mother interjected but instead of feeling frustrated, I simply just laughed.  “May wants to play with big sister, Auntie Kristine, can I go to Big Sister Penelope's room? I wanna see how adult's room looks like, Im very curious! Like this curious.” May flapped her arms around before tagging onto my Pajama's hems and my mother's skirt. I opened my mouth to respond but my mother went before me and said, “Feel free, May. I will be in the kitchen cooking dinner. Have fun you two.” And before I realized, I was back in my room with a guest.  May was looking around, curiously. True to her words...Huh, why am I doubting her? This is getting kinda complicated, but I feel my chest, it is bursting with agitation.  Not long before long, May sat pouting in my bed. “Your bed's so simple big sister. It lacks depth and wonderland vibes, very different from my own room in our house. My room is big, like this, and its pink everywhere! There are also tons of dolls too...But May does not like it now since it's boring...” I looked at her and reclined myself on a chair, leaning back as my hand hovered my chest. “May, everyone has their own preferences. I like neatness and the simplicity of things and I do not like pink, yup, not at all.” May, “Hmm..Big sister is right. Big sister is so knowledgeable! Big sister, since May likes you, can you give May something...May wants to collect things, it's May's preference!" “This, what do you want May?" I didn't look at May as I was brushing my arm around my arm as I subconsciously looked out of the window again. “May wants...” . . . . . . “I want the pendant around your neck! Can you give it to May, pretty please!” . . . . . . My chest pounded faster. Penelope looked at May in shock as the latter smiled weirdly at her. She had now noticed, May's eyes were... . . . . . . ... ::::: “...Why...”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "603633", "id": "608271", "q": 0.9118181818181817, "title": "Pray Practice - Chapter 1 : Cruel Kindred (1)", "author": "Jestry", "chapters": 4, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 3, "genre": [ "Adventure", "Ecchi", "Gender Bender", "Mature", "Psychological", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Supernatural", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Alternate World", "Apocalypse", "Betrayal", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Futanari", "Girl's Love Subplot", "Male Protagonist", "Male Yandere", "Mind Control", "Older Love Interests", "Revenge", "Sealed Power", "Tomboyish Female Lead", "Weak to Strong", "Zombies" ] }
There it is: The hawthorn tree inside the toadstool circle. It took me weeks to find it the first time. The trip back would have been much easier if I could have used the GPS on my phone and marked the location the first time – but it seemed unwise to come with a camera in hand. I unzipped my backpack and removed the jar of honey and bottle of dandelion wine. I left the backpack on the ground and approached the hawthorn slowly. I knelt just outside the mushroom circle and laid the the gifts on the ground. I was still for a time, just observing the environment. I imagined two little hands taking hold of one of the red berries, and gently plucking it from the branch, which would remain peaceful and motionless, not having been tugged out of place. After I don’t know how long, I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply, and prepared the words in my mouth. It was hard – they seemed stuck inside my stomach. I exhaled, then took in another breath, this time through my mouth “I—” As I began to speak, my eyes come open, and she was there. With me kneeling, she was just above my eye-level. Logically, that meant she was shorter than any woman I’d ever known, but it didn’t seem that way at all – she seemed to fill the whole forest in her magnificence. Her skin was bark-colored, and her hair purest white. She was wearing a dress that seemed to made of grass and leaves, which went touched the ground and seemed to blend in with the foliage around all her. Her eyes were turquoise and seemed too big for her head, except they were the exact right size for her head. Her mouth formed a slight smile as she looked at me, my mouth open and wordless. “Well,” she said, “what is it you have to say to me?” Her accent was beautiful. The vowels sounded vaguely Irish, but the rhythm and melody of her words were more like Italian, and the consenants somewhat Slavic. My mouth was still open. Once more I felt the words oozing around in my stomach, and I pressed my teeth into lower lip. She was still slightly smiling and looked like might be about to laugh. I looked down and said “I’m… very happy to be here in front of you. And—” I stopped and looked back up at her. Her mouth had formed into a full smile. She was so beautiful. How could I be speaking to her? I closed my eyes. The world was still for maybe half a minute before I felt a little hand on my should. I opened my eyes, and hers were now inches from my own. “…And?” she asked. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and then let them back open. “…and I was hoping you could help me with something.” She turned around and retreated closer to the tree, pressing her left hand into the bark. Not looking back, she asked: “And what was it you were needed help with?” I tried to answer. “I—” And then my head dropped to the ground, narrowly missing one of the thankfully-uncrushed mushrooms. I felt nothing but the beating of my heart, and then her hand on my head, stroking my hair. “It’s alright, dear.” she said. “I’m three hundred and sixteen years old. I know what your people are like, and whatever it is you want to ask for, I’ve heard it all before.” I got up and stared looked into her deep, tourquoise eyes. “I… was hoping… I was hoping you could turn me… into a…” I close my eyes. “Into a girl.” A moment later I opened my eyes to meet her squinting gaze. “You want me to turn you into a girl.” she said, somehow stumbling gracefully over each word. She looked toward the tree and then back at me. “Are you not already a girl, then?” “Well I… I mean… sort of,” I said, stumbling over my words the normal way. She blinked at me. I sighed and stood up. I put my hands together and looked down, seeing the ugly way that the veins bulged from them. “I’m a girl.” I said, “but I don’t have a girl’s body.” The woman blinked again. “If you’re a girl, and that’s your body, doesn’t that mean it’s a girl’s body?” I sighed again. “In a way. But my body isn’t like other girls’ bodies. They’re almost all smaller than me. They’re less hairy. They’re less… ugly. I don’t know how to describe it, but my hands and face and everything just seem mishapen and ugly. Their voices are higher than mine. They have parts that I don’t.” I touched my right hand just above my heart, then let it slide down my body into resting position. The woman had her head tilted to the side. “Most of them will be able to have a baby one day, and I can’t.” I finished. She stared at me, and I stared back. “So what you’re saying,” she began, “is that you want another girl’s body.” I put my head into my hands. “Is this going to be one of those things where you grant my wish but twist it so it becomes something horrible? I don’t want to, like, steal some other girl’s body. I just want the things about my body I said before to be different, like they are for other girls.” “I’m not trying to trick you,” she said. “I want you to get what it is you really want.” “Thank you” I said. “It’s nothing.” she said, taking the jar and bottle from the ground. “A little magic is no more trouble for me than bringing your little human-craft gifts was to you.” She went back to the tree with the gifts, disappearing into it in a way I couldn’t describe or understand. She was gone for about ten minutes. This time I couldn’t pay any attention to my surroundings, all I could think about was what she was going to do when she returned. Finally she reappeared. She was holding a small wooden figure. Approaching me, she announced “If you’re sure you want a girl’s body, then this is what you’ll be wanting.” “Yes, I’m definitely sure” I said, taking the figure from her hand. The features were somewhat rough, but it was clearly shaped into a human body. There were two heads merged at the back, like in depictions of Janus. Likewise, each side was the front of a body, one apparently male, the other female. “All you have to do is take this with you and turn it over in your hand as you walk. By the time you arrive at home, you’ll have the body you long for.” “That’s… that’s it?” I said. It seemed impossible that after all this time, all those tears, everything I wanted was just one walk home away. “Yes, my dear, that’s it,” she said, smiling. I knelt forward to hug her, but then thought better of it. “I… uh… do you hug?” She laughed. “It is more intimate among my people than among yours. But I am fond of your habit for it.” She opened her arms and I took her inside them. It was the first time I internalized how much smaller than me she was. The walk home was an hour and half. Normally, I would be getting tired of walking by now, but today my body felt perfectly light, as if the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. I came across a fallen tree in my path, and rather than go around it, I had the energy to climb over, even without easy use of of my left hand, which was carrying the talisman. It was a bit strange, but suddenly I was beginning to appreciate my current body’s physical build – I wondered whether it would hurt to lose it. For the first half-hour or so, the feeling of lightness was the only thing I noticed out of the ordinary. That was until I had to push aside some vines – and I saw that my hand looked… pretty. The vine swung back and almost thwacked me when I pulled back to get a better look at my hands, passing the talisman between them to compare. They seemed smaller, daintier than before – especially the joints and knuckles. The small amount of hair was gone, and the veins didn’t stick out at all. I looked up and down my body to see if anything else had changed, but I didn’t notice anything. I had the feeling that my feet might have changed too – but I was in no place to be taking off my shoes. So I pushed away the vine once more and continued on my way. I started to feel dizzy. I closed my eyes and put my hands in my head. When I opened them, the world confronting me seemed different. Bigger. But of course… it was really me that was smaller. It was hard to tell, but I could have lost 8 or 9 inches. Regaining my composure, I moved on. It was another 80 or so rotations of the talisman later that I noticed something else going on: My nipples were starting to feel sore. Even the texture of my shirt rubbing against them was enough to cause to cause a rough pain – rendering me in that moment a masochist. I actually considered taking off my shirt – a freedom which in a short time I would lose for life. I pulled on the bottom corner before thinking better of it, but felt my heart flutter when I saw that the hair around my belly button was now gone, and the whole area seemed smoother and the muscles less defined. It was around that point that I noticed my body becoming weaker. In not much more than fifteen minutes, I was feeling tired, and the dizziness was returning. I took my seat on a nearby rock that seemed suited to it, and I put my head in my hands. It was hard to say without being able to see it, but just from the touch I got the feeling that my face was a bit softer than before. I ran my hand from my under my ear, along my jawline, and down to my chin – the path was now curved. At this point I was feeling a heavy beating in my chest – I was going to be a girl! And with my chest in mind, I realized that the soreness I felt before was bringing forth its results. Then fear struck me. Sitting on the rock, I was no longer moving. What if the spell stopped working? She said I had to walk home – she didn’t say what would happen if I stopped. I sprang to my feet as if an electric jolt had run through me and I hustled forward. I tried to move fast, making up for the time I’d spent sitting still. It was getting harder, though. My hips hurt, and suddenly walking felt different. I had to balance myself differently – it wasn’t just my hips, it was my shoulders as well. I turned my head back and forth, like I was looking for the angel and devil on each shoulder – and I’m pretty sure they were narrower than before. At this point, I was perhaps ten minutes from home, the talisman dancing in my hands. And it had happened just as the woman said: I was a girl. Well, there was one part of me left unchanged… but in everything visible, it had finally happened. Soon, My family home was in sight. I made my way out of the brambles over the cut grass, and around to the front door of the house. I entered to see Mimi seated on the floor about ten feet away, looking straight at me. It was as if she has been waiting for me. She was still for a moment, then she arched her back, lowered it, and then made her way toward me. She sniffed around my feet, then looked up at me. I smiled, and she seemed to decide I was OK, and began rubbing against my legs. I lowered myself to pet her. “Hi sweetie.” I said in my new, girl’s voice. If she could still tell it was me, she didn’t react at all to my new sound, but she did jump up on my leg, sniffing at the talisman. I held it out of reach but stroked her head with my other hand. Taking leave of Mimi, I made my way to the bathroom. I’d been gone for a while, but besides that I had a lot I needed to check on. I opened the door and then immediately shut it again, “I’m so sorry!” I squealed. then putting my head into my hands and breathing heavily. There had been a strange girl in the bathroom. Who was she? We almost never had guests, and no one but me was even supposed to be home. I went about ten feet down the hallway and crouched to pet Mimi, who appeared just when I needed her. I gave her my affection for about five minutes before turning back to the door. Who was that girl? I swallowed and went over to knock. “Excuse me?” I said. No answer. “I’m sorry to have walked in on you, but I’m just wondering who you are?” Still nothing. I knocked again. I’m not sure what I expected. Then a thought came to my mind. It seemed like it couldn’t possibly be true, but… maybe. I knocked again and said “I’m going to open the door unless you say something.” I breathed in an opened the door. The girl was still there. The girl was still there, but this time I didn’t recoil on seeing her – and I looked long enough to realize that she was inside the mirror. She was my reflection. She was very pretty. She looked just the way I wished I could have. Well, except for her clothes. She was an dull gray hoodie and boy’s jeans too large for her body. Her hair was a messy dirty blonde, but the emphasis no longer seemed to fall on the “dirty” It didn’t belong to a scruffy, longish-haired boy anymore – instead it was on a pretty, normal-looking girl. The sight of her was overwhelming, but at the same time it felt… normal. While I had just gotten everything I wanted, some part of my mind was thinking “we’ve seen a pretty girl before: nothing out of the ordinary.” It felt weirdly anticlimactic. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down. Investigating, I saw just what I had expected, and just what I had wanted. I sat down on the toilet and tried to pee. I say “try” because it seemed I had relearn how to do it. The muscles were in a different place. It took some time, but figured it out. I got up, washed my hands, and them made my way up to my room. I went to the toy chest full of stuffed animals I had refused to let my mom throw away. I dug through the bunnies and beanie babies and at the bottom I found it. It was my dress. It was the only piece of girl’s clothing I owned. I stripped down to my underwear, which now seemed disgusting against my female body. Then I slipped on the dress. My body was now slightly too small for it, whereas before it had been slightly too large, especially around the shoulders, but pretty much everywhere but the bust. With it on, I did the mandatory little spin, then looked at how it fell on my new body. I looked down between my legs and felt relieved to see no bulge there. Except… well… it was relieving, but it also didn’t feel quite like I expected. My head flashed with the images of Ken and Barbie dolls. Then it started to hurt a little, and I felt the need to lie down. And shortly afterward, when I should have been celebrating the best thing that ever happened to me, I fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of tires churning gravel in the driveway. I jumped onto my feet and ran over to the mirror. My hair was all messed up, so I started brushing it as I heard the front door open. Next I heard my mom moving around on the first floor, and then her voice calling up to me: “████████? I got three leftover pieces of pie, do you want any?” I looked at my bedroom door, took some deep breaths… and then didn’t say anything. I turned my face towards the mirror, then back to the door, and then into my heads. It stayed there for a short time before I heard a knock on bedroom door. “████████?” Still I couldn’t answer. Then the door opened. “Hey, I…” I looked up at her. “I… Who are you?” I breathed heavily and stared. “Are you…” she trailed off, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. Finally, I made myself say something: "Yes mom, it’s me, ████████. But I was hoping you could call me Mona now. “Of course, dear.” my mom said. “Mona.” She smiled. “But… how did you do this? You like like a different person?” It was a questioned I knew I had to prepare for. I didn’t want to send people looking for my benefactor – not only because I was grateful, but because I didn’t want to find myself turned into a toad, or something. So I gave the most believable answer I could think of. “I ordered estrogen online, and I’ve been trying to hide the effects. Until now.” My mom stared at me, with a hint of skepticism in her eye. But she seemed to dismiss it, saying “I’m proud of you for finding this out about yourself. But… why didn’t you tell us earlier? We would have helped you. Getting drugs that way seems risky.” “I was scared,” I said, looking away. My mom came in for a hug. “I’m sorry sweetie. Things are going to be better now. We’ll make sure of it.” I went to bed that night with beautiful thoughts in my head. But also ugly ones. I had been so ugly before… and I wasn’t anymore. But the feeling was still there. The same feeling that I had cried myself to sleep with so many times. No… not the same feeling. It was similar, but that dissonant chord that had been playing in my head for so long had another note added to it. What was it? Had the spell somehow been undone? I put my hands over my breasts. They were still there. I got out of bed and looked into my tiny bedroom mirror. I still saw a pretty, tired-out girl. “I’m Mona” I said to myself. But it felt like a lie. Somehow, it felt like even more of lie than it did when I was ████████. The little piece of Mona that was there before… I couldn’t find her. Mona had been whisked away to somewhere in a world hidden behind a hawthorn. “That girl… she’s not me.” I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. The boy I had been before wasn’t me either. But he was a different kind of not me… He was a wrong version of me. But this girl… she was not me at all. She was just a totally alien person. She was so beautiful. She was everything I wanted to be. But she was what I was not. What I was not, even when wearing her body. Her breasts were a weight on my chest. I cried myself to sleep once more. It would be the last time. I was getting better at this. It was a few hours in the woods before I reached the hawthorn. The woman seemed to appear in front of the tree just as it came into my view, as if she had been waiting for me. “Changed your mind, dear?” she asked, smiling. “Yes.” I said. “I don’t understand it. This girl – this body. She’s everything I wanted to be. But I’m not her.” The woman nodded. “Transformation is a tricky sort of magic, and doubly so for those of your species, whose minds were fashioned for a single form. Your request was one of the milder ones. I’ve had your folk ask to be turned into all kinds of things. One wanted to be a talking teacup. If they weren’t to begin with, most of those who transform go insane.” She looked into the distance, momentarily in another time. There was a short silence, which I broke. “I suppose that all makes sense, but… I’ve always wanted a body like this. My old one felt like it was wrong too. I thought I was wired to have a girl’s body.” She huffed. “That’s why I told you dear: You already had a girl’s body.” “But… no I didn’t,” I said. “Anyone who looked at it would see a boy’s body, not a girl’s.” She put her hands on her hips. “I saw that it was a girl’s body.” “Well, yes,” I answered “But you’re… magic. You can pick up on things humans can’t. And when we see someone who’s body is like that, we see a boy.” “Dear… you must know that among your people there are many girls who have bodies like yours.” She looked disappointed in me. “There are… but… still.” I tried to think of a good way to phrase my thought, but didn’t succeed. I continued: “A lot of people don’t see them as girls, even after transition medically.” “Do you?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. “Do I? Well, yes,” I answered. “But that’s only because of my weird experience with gender. A lot of people still won’t.” “If you’re a girl,” she said slowly, “and if you can see bodies like yours as girls’ bodies, why couldn’t you see your own body as a girl’s body, no matter what others think?” “Well…” I said, ruffling my brow, “because… I don’t know. I just can’t.” “Dear,” she said. “How old are you?” “Sixteen.” “And what have you tried to help you see your body as a girl’s body?” “I, uh… well, I bought a dress I wear in secret sometimes.” “Is that all?” “And I… uh… I went looking for a fairy so I could wish for a girl’s body.” “A body that was not your own.” “Yes, I guess so.” “Dear, do you see what you need?” “I… maybe.” “Maybe what?” “Maybe… I need my old body back. And I need to transition the normal way. I already came out to my parents. My mom said she would help me get HRT properly. But then there’s school. And clothes. And makeup. And… ahhh! It’s so scary! It’s going to be so hard.” “It is, dear. But not harder than tracking down a fairy and changing yourself with magic. You’re very clever and very brave… even if you don’t realize it. You can do it.” “Thank you.” I said. “But… ok. What do I need to do to get my old body?” “Do you still have what I gave you?” she asked. “Yes,” I said showing her the wooden figure. “It will be easier to return your body to its natural form than it was to change it. If you just turn it over 7-times counter-clockwise, the spell will be reversed.” I gulped, but did as she said. While the changes before had all come gradually and one-at-a-time, they were reverted all it once. It was as if everything snapped back into place like a rubber band. I was stunned for a moment, and then all of a sudden my veiny hands, my body hair, my broad shoulders, my stature – all of it was back. Looking myself over, I still felt the crushing ugliness of my features – but there was something I could see in them that I hadn’t appreciated before. While I had a lot of work to do before I could feel good about my body, at least it was my body. I looked back up at the woman and took a deep breath. “I guess magic can’t do everything for us,” I said. “Not everything…” she said, her tone bouncing up a down. “…but it can still do something for you here.” She disappeared into the tree, and then reappeared in an instant. She was carrying a leafy garment that looked sort of in-between a shirt and a dress. She laid it in my arms. “This tunic will highlight everything you can love about your body. If again you should feel like there’s nothing you can do but replace it altogether – put it on and you’ll see the truth” I was kind of afraid to put it on, because it wasn’t like normal clothes – it seemed like it could fall apart at any moment. But I suppose had magic holding it together. I slipped it on over my T-shirt, and I felt a brief tingling all over my body. I looked down and right away took note of my hands. They looked like a girl’s hands. But they also looked the same as before. They were still a bulky, and my veins were still visible – but somehow that didn’t bother me anymore. All I could see were the hands of a girl, and that girl was me. I gave the woman a hug far too big for her size. glowingheart I was thinking about adding an epilogue, but I wanted to get this out before the end of November. If there's interest I'll write it.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "631135", "id": "631136", "q": 0.9145454545454546, "title": "A Fairy’s Wish - A Fairy’s Wish", "author": "glowingheart", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 6, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Gender Bender" ], "tags": [ "Fairies", "Magic", "Transformation Ability", "Transgender" ] }
Rin woke to a blaring alarm. He moaned softly in protest to the thought of leaving his bed. But that didn't last long, as his brain registered the fact it was Saturday! He grabbed his phone from under his pillow, turning off the robotic beep it was emitting. The brightness of the screen seared his bleary eyes, blinding him. He blinked a few times before unlocking the screen lock. He opened the Messages app, partaking in what was, basically, a morning ritual that spanned the last six years. -Hi, love. Awake? the texts read. Rin checked the time the message was sent and grimaced. He overslept for exactly thirty-two minutes. That was the third time this week.  Sitting up, Rin decided it would be better to call Ayala. The phone rang, then a static click. "...Hello?" a timid voice said tentatively. 'She's angry,' Rin realized, letting out a small breathe. "Hi, I just woke up and saw your texts. How's your morning so far?" A momentary silence. "Oh? I thought you were ignoring me on purpose," she said rather humorously. "It's all right, I guess... But my bed's so cold without you here with me." Rin felt his heart flutter violently. She was good at doing that. A goofy smile plastered on his face. "...Well, are your parents still going on their trip?" "Ah," Ayala breathed quietly, humming playfully. "Is that all that's on your mind?" "On my mind," he admitted, "and on my heart, and soul. In fact, I overslept because I've been dreaming about it." Ayala chortled softly. "That so?" she asked. "...Well, it'll be our first time so...I can't exactly blame you." "So?" he asked breathlessly. "They already left for the airport," she replied flatly. "Sorry," Rin said shyly. "I suppose that wasn't very charming?" "Everything you do is charming," Ayala said, her voice licking seductively around his ears. "I just didn't like it at that moment. Anyway, prepare yourself, okay? I'm waiting. Impatiently, I might add." He held the phone away from his ear, squinting at it as he checked the time. Exactly eight thirty-seven a.m.  "Okay, I'll be there in about two hours," Rin said, emerging from bed and blitzing into the bathroom. "I love you." "Love you, too." The line fell. Rin pocketed his phone in his pajamas. He then stripped, heading into the shower. After the shower, he dressed in some casual wear, spritzing some cologne on his collar and wrists.  "Perfect," he muttered, looking into the mirror while combing his glossy black hair.  Satisfied, Rin headed downstairs to make himself some toast and coffee to eat. He didn't want to wake the lazy bastards he called his roommates with the blissful scent of his godly cooking. Besides, Ayala would cook him something delicious on his visit. He took a sip of his tea, deciding there was time to finish watching the last episode of Tensura's second season.  If Ayala found out he overslept because he was up binging an anime... Rin shook his head. He knew his girlfriend hated it when he neglected her needs, especially because he was immersing himself in fantasy... Her logic being: why waste time on imagined places and people while you have me? But it was fine, she would never find out. He finished watching the last ten minutes of the episode, then finished his tea and slices of toast. He sent a message to Ayala, informing her he was on his way over. *** Ayala's house wasn't far. She lived in a suburban neighborhood close to the university they attended. So, from the house he was renting with his friends—the house was also fairly close to the university—it was a twenty-minute walk to her house. Rin rang the doorbell. And a moment later, Ayala opened the door. She was stunning. Garbed in a flower-patterned sleeping gown that cut halfway down her thighs, she stared at him with her almond-shaped eyes and green irises. Her mussy, wheat blonde hair drooped messily to her shoulders. "Are you going to keep gawking without saying a single word?" she asked, subtly clasping his hand in hers. She led him to the sitting room.  Rin took the seat directly opposite the TV. Finally, finding his words he muttered, "I missed you." Ayala rolled her eyes dramatically. "Really now? I'm not so sure about that since you've been ignoring me recently." He opened his mouth to reply but she cut him off. "Don't apologize," she said, sitting on his lap. She gently dragged a slender finger on his lips. "I'm fine now that you're here." "You sure?" Rin asked softly. Ayala gently tilted her head to the side. "Are you that worried? How cute," she said. "It was a joke. Now, wait here. I'll make you something scrumptious to eat... Unless..." "I barely had breakfast," Rin said, making a mocking pleading expression. "So, please, I beg of you, cook for me." "Idiot," she retorted, pouting. She stood, leaving for the kitchen. "I was asking if you'd like to eat something else!" Rin choked down his saliva, surprised. But upon peeking at her cooking for him with an elated expression he concluded that was false. A cruel joke. After about half an hour of watching Crustyscroll, he noticed Ayala approach with a platter, placing it on the table. She beamed at him as if she just whipped up the world's most delicious scrambled eggs. Rin knew from previous meals that was but a delusion. Her cooking was always too salty or too sweet... and if you accounted for the fact it took her roughly half an hour to fry eggs and bacon... "Well, aren't you going to eat?" she asked, sitting beside him.  He looked at her, then at the crisp brown eggs. "It looks delicious," he ate the food. Years of training going into his next words: "As expected of the woman who taught me to cook. It tastes like something Resmir would dine on." Ayala's cheeks and ears lit up with a fiery roseate glow. "I-I try," she blurted, burying her face in his chest.  Rin gently stroked her head. "Try? Are you being humble, or is it a shameless brag?" She groaned out an incomprehensible reply, forcing out a laugh from Rin. Minutes passed as they held each other in this embrace. "Speaking of the head of Solus," Ayala suddenly said, looking up at him shyly. "...those guys have recently been pushing a curious aphrodisiac." Rin frowned deeply. "What?" "You don't have to," she said, averting her gaze. "But I was thinking, to make our first time more memorable, we could use it to enhance the experience?" "...Since when have you been using recreational drugs?" he asked, gently lifting her chin. "Are you hanging around Kaira again?" 'That drug-headed bitch. What has she gotten you into now?' he added mentally. "That's not it," Ayala said, shaking her head. "Solus—no, Erylia Pharmaceuticals has gone 'straight.' And this new drug is CDA approved." Rin took in a deep breath. He did hear the rumors circling the Solus Syndicate's next big move. Did they actually do it? No, that didn't matter... "Are you sure about this?" She nodded firmly. "...Fine." Ayala stood, then picked up a small packet, and sprinkled it into the remainder of his glass of orange juice.  "...Bottoms up," she whispered, bringing the glass to his lips.  He downed its contents. The juice left a bitter, medicinal aftertaste on the sides of his cheeks. Almost immediately, he felt an increase in his heart rate, his skin tangling ever so slightly. Nothing too overwhelming. Ayala climbed atop his lap again. Staring at him intently, then meeting their lips. Gently, their kiss became more passionate. Rin slowly moved a hand up her thighs, his fingers passing beneath her panties and sliding between her wet, silken slits. He relished the fruity taste lingering on her tongue; the warm feel of her skin. Separating their lips, Ayala panted softly against the back of his neck, avoiding further eye contact. She lifted her hips, then squeezed out the words, "...I'm finally ready."   Rin's mouth dried, and he failed to respond—verbally that is. He stood up, grabbed her hands, walking up the stairs, and lay the flustered blonde on her bed. He ran his hands up her thighs, to her most delicate area, gently rubbing it through the soft fabric of her undergarment.  A moan escaped Ayala's trembling lips. Her fingers gripping the sheets. Rin wanted to hear more, but couldn't resist the urge to kiss her. Then, after removing her panties, he plunged into her deepest depths. He groaned; she was impossibly tight. It felt as though the walls of pulsing flesh were pushing him out.  Ayala cried out in pain, subconsciously digging her fingers into his skin. Her body tensing; tightening. 'No—! Calm down! At this rat—' a wave of ecstasy the washed through Rin, his mind went afroth; his nerves straining with an electric sense bliss.  He slumped onto Ayala, exhausted, consciousness fading... ... .. . Rin groaned. His brain pounded against his skull. The left side of his face seared, bright light streaming into his eyes. He sat up, confused. Hundreds of corpses lay sprawled out in an open field. He gagged at the cloying scent. Rin felt his stomach upturn. He blanched one more time before spewing out vomit. "Where th-the hell am I?" he mumbled between breaths. "Am I dreaming? Last I..." his words trailed off as he noticed the corpses around him shriveling up, drying out into bony skin bags. [Unique Skills: Absolute Soul Field and Perfect Reflection activated.] A flat, monotonous voice resounded throughout his mind. "The fu—" He startled back, a burly man appearing in front of him out of thin air. He shot up to his legs instinctively, a strange—physical—aura swirling around the long-nosed man; his cloak fluttering.  An earth-shattering noise echoed, the vibrations it caused crackling and coiling against his eardrums. Rin shuttered uncontrollably when he saw the dark impeccably dressed dark-haired in the distance. Wasn't that Diablo? Just what—no, wait! Did he pass out from coming too fast and is now having some fucked up, hyper-realistic dream to prevent himself from waking up? Rin cracked up, laughing hysterically.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "438225", "id": "438227", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "That Time I Got Transmigrated into Tensura - Prologue: An Ending That’s a Little too Satisfying", "author": "Ghostlad", "chapters": 1, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fanfiction", "Fantasy", "LitRPG", "Mature", "Slice of Life", "Smut" ], "tags": [ "Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken", "Tensura", "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime", "Ability Steal", "Accelerated Growth" ] }