[Name Redacted] bio photo






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About Me

Here is [Name Redacted] .

I am a graduate student in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, advised by Prof. [Name Redacted] , within Internet of Everything (IoE) Group . I also spent a lovely summer research program with Prof. [Name Redacted] at Artificial Intelligence Group . Prior to Cambridge, I have worked on System Engineering, Cybersecurity and Wireless Communication with Prof. [Name Redacted] and Dr. [Name Redacted] . Recently, I was honored to be selected as AAAI and SIGKDD Undergraduate Scholars .

If you are interested in any aspect of me, I am always open to discussions and collaborations. Feel free to reach out to me at - [Email Redacted]

Research Interests

My current research focuses on practical problems that artificial intelligence faces in real life. My interests are on the Machine Learning and its applications in Industrial IoT .

News and Updates

  • June 2024 :Very excited to be selected as KDD UC Scholar . See you in Spain!
  • May 2024: My bachelor thesis won the Annual Best Thesis Award (Top 1/300).
  • April 2024: Our work BLEGuard has been accepted to MobiSys 2024 as a poster paper. See you in Japan!
  • March 2024: Very excited to get a MPhil offer from Engineering department at Cambridge University!