Sergej: Let's look at the second painting.
Sterre: So the knowledge of the one hand complements the other. Also, with this moment, and by making new knowledge, you use the knowledge you already have.
Sergej: Yes, suppose you are really good at something, But you cannot concentrate.
Sterre: New developments and actions are carried by both hands.
Sergej: Somehow, the hands look like the tree of minding the moment. Was that conscious?
Sterre: No, it was not a conscious choice to have the hands resemble the tree.
Sergej: They also resemble a heart.
Sterre: Unconscious too!
Sergej: Do you like the painting?
Sterre: I like the symbolism of it, but I am not too fond of the painting itself.
Sergej: What would you do different if you were to make it now?
Sterre: I am not sure, it is my own development since I made this that makes me look at it critically now.
Sergej: So when you look back at your own development, at some later point, You can say new things about your earlier performance.
Sterre: Indeed!
Sterre: So the knowledge of the one hand complements the other. Also, with this moment, and by making new knowledge, you use the knowledge you already have.
Sergej: Yes, suppose you are really good at something, But you cannot concentrate.
Sterre: New developments and actions are carried by both hands.
Sergej: Somehow, the hands look like the tree of minding the moment. Was that conscious?
Sterre: No, it was not a conscious choice to have the hands resemble the tree.
Sergej: They also resemble a heart.
Sterre: Unconscious too!
Sergej: Do you like the painting?
Sterre: I like the symbolism of it, but I am not too fond of the painting itself.
Sergej: What would you do different if you were to make it now?
Sterre: I am not sure, it is my own development since I made this that makes me look at it critically now.
Sergej: So when you look back at your own development, at some later point, You can say new things about your earlier performance.
Sterre: Indeed!