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tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | The Republican majority finally has to reveal how they pay for $245 billion in tax cuts mostly for the wealthiest handful of Americans and who will get hurt. | 07/27/1995 | JOHN OLVER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | and take into account that the Bush administration and Congress have passed $1 trillion tax cuts that mostly benefit the wealthy and pursued a variety of policies that hurt workers and their families. | 06/21/2004 | FRANK PALLONE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | Denver Mayor Wellington Webb and Aurora Mayor Paul Tauer to begin finding innovative solutions to urban violence in the metropolitan Denver area. | 08/02/1995 | PATRICIA SCHROEDER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | Along with crack came guns and violence. which riddled many urban communities. These communities cried out for help. | 07/28/2010 | LAMAR SMITH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | The safety net programs are going to be eliminated and we are going to do that under the rubric of having to do It in order to balance the budget. | 05/09/1995 | MAJOR OWENS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
quotas | quotas | racist | and to be forced to hire by quotas because of the longterm problems in civil rights through the years. | 07/10/1990 | ORRIN HATCH | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Opposition to efforts to achieve gender or racial parity | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | I continue to support this action because I see it as a step which will reduce Federal spending and thereby aid in the effort to balance the budget. | 06/30/1980 | J. THURMOND | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | to say that we should all take "read my lips" pledges not to raise taxes. to say that we can .balance the budget with cuts alone. What they will not tell you is that their real agenda is to lock in an unfair tax system that permits someone earning a $200.000 income to pay a lower marginal tax rate than an individual earning onefourth as much. | 10/07/1990 | HOWARD WOLPE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | The threefifths vote required to raise taxes is a vital part of the amendment It discourages Congress from relying on tax increases rather than spending cuts to balance the budgetand forces Congress to limit the growth of the Federal Government. | 01/26/1995 | CHARLES CANADY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | When a high level of transfer paymentssuch as New York generously providesis combined with a tragically high rate of inflation and personal income taxation. individuals incentives to leave the welfare system for employment are almost completely destroyed. A family of four living at the poverty level in New York would. | 01/31/1980 | JACK KEMP | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | put the money in their pocket and pass regulations that will just drop all of the potential welfare recipients from their rolls. And the money that they save here at the Federal level will be used for a tax cut. Not a tax cut for people who are in need. | 03/21/1995 | SAM GIBBONS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
working families | working class | racist | I do not understand the priorities of those who are willing to let working families lose their benefits and go into debt while handing out tax cuts to people who do not need them. | 05/23/2003 | HERBERT KOHL | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | D |
quota | quotas | racist | I am heartened to see that the compromise has taken into account the wellfounded quota concerns I share with many of you and incorporated some of the Michel alternatives provisions. | 11/07/1991 | RAYMOND MCGRATH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Opposition to efforts to achieve gender or racial parity | Formal | R |
quota | quotas | racist | we are going to hear when we discuss the civil rights here before too long that there is no quota language in it.. | 03/12/1991 | ROBERT WALKER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Opposition to efforts to achieve gender or racial parity | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | We are trying to show that we can discipline ourselves and get this budget deficit down." Tell me how we are going to balance the budget in 1981 and cut $30 billion out of it. You would think the world is coming to an end because a couple of human resource functions are included in this amendment. | 09/19/1979 | DALE BUMPERS | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | but our bridges fall down in the middle of America. We have tax cuts for the top 1 percent. but it is getting harder and harder for the middle class to get by. | 04/15/2008 | AMY KLOBUCHAR | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
quotas | quotas | racist | during the California Proposition 209 ballot initiative debate which would have ended racial quotas and discrimination by the State government. | 03/09/2000 | FRANK MURKOWSKI | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Opposition to efforts to achieve gender or racial parity | Formal | R |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | of course. being the threat of Islamic terrorism and an attack on our shore again. But that is followed fairly closely by the equally significant issue. | 03/13/2008 | JUDD GREGG | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | The sad truth is that all of these cuts are the sacrificial lamb for tax cuts for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans. | 05/17/2006 | ELIJAH CUMMINGS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | Instead of large. untargeted and unwarranted tax cuts. we ought to be dedicating our resources towards rebuilding our nations schools. | 04/13/2000 | CHARLES ROBB | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
food stamp | food stamps | racist | learn not to expect anything. learn to wait for the food stamps. and learn to be in a situation where they have no future except violence. | 09/09/1992 | NEWTON GINGRICH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Government assistance for minorities | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | and none of us have experienced the kind of poverty where one in three people do not get enough to eat in spite of the fight we have for many of our urban districts. | 07/23/2003 | SHEILA JACKSON LEE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Are we going to try to save the Medicare system and balance the budget despite the political demagoguery that will surely result? | 05/01/1995 | JUDD GREGG | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Democrats think that it is radical and have said that that plank of the Contract With America was radical because we wanted to balance the budget in 7 years. | 05/02/1996 | JOE SCARBOROUGH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
entitlement | entitlement programs | racist | Sooner or later Members of this House are going to have to come to grips with reality and with the continuing cause of an out of controlout of controldeficit. It is uncontrolled entitlement spending. which is largely the responsibility of the proponent of this amendment. | 07/19/1990 | SILVIO CONTE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | People who receive aid from government social aid programs, primarily minorities, are lazy and undeserving | Formal | R |
job creation | job creators | conservative | Increasing the individual tax rate means momandpop business owners will have less money for business investment and job creation. | 09/22/2010 | SAM JOHNSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Wealthy people | Formal | R |
job creation | job creators | conservative | If our solution to our Nations problems is merely to increase taxes. were going to see a decrease in job creation in this country. We will actually see our going the other direction in terms of employment in this country if we implement. | 04/14/2011 | TODD YOUNG | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Wealthy people | Formal | R |
job creation | job creators | conservative | You give employers incentives to bring jobs into the economy. This tax cut is going to result in exactly that kind of job creation in our country. We are gong to benefit in Pennsylvania where we already have an average of a thousand jobs per congressional district that are tied to trade with Mexico. | 11/15/1993 | ROBERT WALKER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Wealthy people | Formal | R |
working families | working class | racist | It is being done in a very specific context. an era of the highest peacetime tax burden on American working families in history. That is something we need to face and work toward reversing. | 04/12/2000 | DAVID VITTER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | R |
working families | working class | racist | Those who oppose fair increases in the wages for working families also claim that unemployment will increase among the workers in this country and. | 09/21/1998 | EDWARD KENNEDY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | D |
Chicago | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | incompetent freedom. freedom more on the style of the former Chicago city machine. freedom more in the style of parts of south Texas and south Georgia. | 04/14/1983 | NEWTON GINGRICH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Minorities are dirty and criminals | Formal | R |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | and that business is funding and supplying terrorist organizations like Hezbollah. wiping Israel off the face of the map and denying the Holocaust. | 09/28/2006 | SHELLEY BERKLEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
entitlement | entitlement programs | racist | To solve our longterm deficit problems. we must look toward entitlement reform. especially toward means testing and a look at more appropriate COLAs for higher income recipients. | 02/04/1994 | J. EXON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | People who receive aid from government social aid programs, primarily minorities, are lazy and undeserving | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | This is particularly true when proposed cuts affect the educational system of our country. The Republicans want to use extreme cuts in education to balance the budget. when the Presidents plan shows that they are not necessary. | 05/21/1996 | HOWELL HEFLIN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
entitlement | entitlement programs | racist | "Please help break the cycle of entitlement and lack of personal responsibility that the government is fostering in this country." | 12/19/2011 | TED POE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | People who receive aid from government social aid programs, primarily minorities, are lazy and undeserving | Formal | R |
job creation | job creators | conservative | Which tax bill would do the most for economic growth? Which tax bill would do the most to encourage job creation? I know that economic growth is not something that liberals like to talk about. | 07/24/1997 | MICHAEL PAPPAS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Wealthy people | Formal | R |
food stamp | food stamps | racist | one of the things that bothers my constituents as much as anything maybe is their experience standing in food lines and the individuals ahead of them at one time or the other have food stamps. | 09/28/1995 | NICK SMITH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Government assistance for minorities | Formal | R |
government spending | entitlement spending | racist | with more and more Americans now coming to understand the dire economic effects of uncontrolled government spending. | 10/28/1987 | JACK FIELDS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Government social aid programs, perceived to primarily help minorities, are destroying the country's economy | Formal | R |
government spending | entitlement spending | racist | we must make hard choices. and we must cut waste and pork out of Government spending. And last week we defeated this turkey. | 05/20/1993 | DAN BURTON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Government social aid programs, perceived to primarily help minorities, are destroying the country's economy | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Republicans call these extra costs for seniors part of the fair shared sacrifice needed to balance the budget. | 05/15/1995 | ROSA DELAURO | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | opponents of the Republican effort to balance the budget have made a number of attempts to frighten the American peopie. | 12/20/1995 | CASS BALLENGER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
terrorists | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | We all know that there is a growing movement around the world of radical Islamic. terrorists that want to kill Americans and want to kill our allies. They are operating all over the world and they are attacking -people all over the world. | 05/02/2007 | JOHN BOEHNER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
terrorists | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | You have to make these comparisons. and then choose whether to fight the terrorists in the Middle East and keep yourselves safe. or to fight terrorism here. | 06/15/2004 | TRENT FRANKS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
job creation | job creators | conservative | I urge my colleagues to vote for job creation by voting in favor of the rule to the conference report on S. Congress must provide incentives for deepwater drilling in the central and western Gulf of Mexico. | 11/08/1995 | WILLIAM BREWSTER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Wealthy people | Formal | D |
war on terror | war on terror | Islamophobic | the 9/11 commemoration resolution. specifically said that Iraq was part of the war on terrorism. that the capture of Saddam Hussein was part of the war against terrorism. | 09/13/2006 | PETER KING | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | War on Arab and Muslim people | Formal | R |
war on terror | war on terror | Islamophobic | But this administration was so distracted from the war on terror to the war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein that they let this guy go. | 06/21/2004 | PETER DEFAZIO | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | War on Arab and Muslim people | Formal | D |
working families | working class | racist | House Republicans have a plan for reform that expands access to affordable health care and gives families the freedom to choose the health care that fits their needs without Imposing a jobkilling tax hike on small businesses and working families. | 07/17/2009 | VIRGINIA FOXX | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | R |
working families | working class | racist | We will vote for tax cuts every year we are in the majority. And we will continue to want to cut taxes for Americas working families. Because we understand that over 50 percent of a familys income goes to the Government. | 04/23/1998 | THOMAS DELAY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | R |
working families | working class | racist | Mr. Speaker. we need a fairer tax cut bill. one that helps working families and not just the wealthiest 1 percent. | 05/16/2001 | EDWARD MARKEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | D |
bankers | bankers | antisemitic | If the money of the New York bankers can keep up a propaganda that will befool them and befuddle them. | 03/13/1920 | JAMES REED | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Jewish people | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | The Democratic leadership likes to defend their procedural tricks by saying that Republicans used the same tactics to enact welfare reform and tax rate reduction. | 04/28/2009 | DAVID DREIER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | But would Americans want their Social Security payroll tax money spent on new tax cuts for the wealthy or on huge permanent new tax breaks for profitable corporations? | 11/14/2001 | THOMAS DASCHLE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | Iraq is a side show in the war of terrorism that is being waged against us by the Islamic jihadists and we are not directing our attention and our resources toward where they are really needed because we are diverted by Iraq. | 09/08/2004 | JERROLD NADLER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | this legislation would even further target immigrants for crimes they have not committed and for which they are not responsible. At some point we have to treat terrorism as a problem that requires intelligent response. as opposed to an excuse to scapegoat immigrants. | 02/09/2005 | JOHN CONYERS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Can we justify the cuts for these programs in order to finance tax cuts for the more affluent members of our communities and increased military spending? | 03/15/1995 | DAVID MINGE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | we would be increasing funding for the child support enforcement program. The bill before us cuts this program in order to make way for more tax cuts for the wealthiest. It is simply unconscionable. | 12/20/2005 | THOMAS HARKIN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
safeguard | safeguarding | transphobic | school and library administators who accept universal service support to provide students with its intended benefits must also safeguard them against its unintended harm. | 01/19/1999 | JOHN MCCAIN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Young people should not have access to
gender-affirming care | Formal | R |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | Since then however. Saudi Arabia has continued its support for the terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization. the Kingdoms leaders have called for jihad against Israel and It has condemned the EgyptIsrael peace treaty. | 04/07/1981 | LES AUCOIN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | including women and children. to stand in harms way and literally act as human shields for the terrorist leaders and properties. causing Israeli strikes on legitimate military targets to result in the loss of innocent lives. | 07/29/2014 | JACKIE WALORSKI | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
Chicago | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | how does the gentleman react to the proposition that hours are being devoted here to a di .cussion of the political opinions of one darkey man over in Chicago when we had only 45 minutes in which to discuss one of the most important and complex monetary questions of this Government last Friday? | 02/08/1943 | COMPTON WHITE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Minorities are dirty and criminals | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | If we do not keep down the cost of heating for lowincome consumers. the cost of oil imports and welfare Just increases. Thus. | 10/17/1983 | PATRICK LEAHY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | What happened in the 1970s to social programs. with pictures of welfare mothers driving Cadillacs. is happening to defense in the 1980s. Sixhundred dollar toilet seats and $7.000 coffee pots have eroded the consensus for increased defense spending in this country. | 10/30/1985 | CHARLES SCHUMER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | I do not know how many more objections we are going to hear before we give American workers their right to unemployment benefits. We need to own up to the fact that this body cannot pass tax cuts for the wealthiest. incentivize other programs. | 11/25/2003 | MARIA CANTWELL | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | But the bottom line is these are tax cuts which are targeted at a very few of our most privileged in our society. | 06/13/2000 | TOM UDALL | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
working families | working class | racist | We are tired of seeing our Government throwing money around and expecting working families to pick up the tab. | 04/03/1995 | STEVE CHABOT | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | R |
working families | working class | racist | and call for $30 billion in tax relief. tilted towards working families. There is one thing of particular fiscal importance in this bill. | 06/05/1998 | JOHN SPRATT | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | D |
working families | working class | racist | House Resolution 198 provides for a structured rule providing for consideration of H.R. 1406. the Working Families Flexibility Act of Madam Speaker. its hard to raise a family and earn a living at the same time. | 05/07/2013 | VIRGINIA FOXX | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | it is critical that we make a statement now that we are committed to controlling government spending rather than raising taxes in order to maintain a Federal balanced budget. It would be easy to balance the budget by simply raising the taxes. so it ought to be hard to do that. | 06/12/2002 | RALPH HALL | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | family reinforcement to crack down on deadbeat dads and protect our children. tax cuts for families to lift Governments burden from middleincome Americans. national security restoration to protect our freedoms. | 02/14/1995 | JACK KINGSTON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | R |
terrorists | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | Several leaders in the Arab world concluded that he has been lax to curry favor with VIr. Quadaffi and with other terrorists in the region. Mr. Speaker. | 06/19/1985 | MELDON LEVINE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
public schools | public school | racist | These regulations arbitrarily presume any school founded during a period when public schools were being desegregated is discriminatory unless it meets a quota of minority enrollment. | 07/13/1983 | JESSE HELMS | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | R |
public schools | public school | racist | does the gentleman think that we people of the South could afford to turn over our public schools to the Federal Government? | 10/02/1913 | JAMES ELDER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
government spending | entitlement spending | racist | because of Federal Government spending out of control and the borrowing requirements that it entails. | 07/25/1983 | WILLIAM DANNEMEYER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Government social aid programs, perceived to primarily help minorities, are destroying the country's economy | Formal | R |
government spending | entitlement spending | racist | The government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers. Its time to end wasteful government spending. to protect taxpayer dollars. | 09/14/2012 | TOM LATHAM | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Government social aid programs, perceived to primarily help minorities, are destroying the country's economy | Formal | R |
public schools | public school | racist | and all whose children are trapped in educationally deteriorating and physically dangerous public schools. | 07/24/1978 | DANIEL MOYNIHAN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
public schools | public school | racist | they worry about the increasing crime rate and the inadequate education provided by their public schools. | 10/13/1969 | ROBERT BYRD | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
entitlement | entitlement programs | racist | health and with crime. This bill has time limits and work programs and it ends the entitlement nature of AFDC. Mr. Speaker. | 12/21/1995 | JAN MEYERS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | People who receive aid from government social aid programs, primarily minorities, are lazy and undeserving | Formal | R |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | Just yesterday the President repeated his claim that Iraq is the central battlefield where the war against terrorism will be decided. | 09/06/2006 | MARK DAYTON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | and then let the Russians know were as well off as they are. In short: balance the budget by cutting out nonessentials. Arm America and arm well. | 06/06/1980 | EDWIN GARN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | for if we again deliberately embark on deficit spending during peace and prosperity. it is doubtful whether we shall ever balance the budget thereafter. The only course remaining open is to reduce expenditures to the point of a balanced budget under existing taxes. | 05/05/1950 | HOMER ANGELL | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | I have always thought it was wrong for us to try to balance the budget on the backs of health care providers because. | 11/22/2003 | JOHN CORNYN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | It was felt that it would be wise to pass some measures of a domestic nature before we turn to the Freedom Support Act. So we passed the urban relief package. $1.1 billion. | 07/02/1992 | ALAN CRANSTON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
entitlement | entitlement programs | racist | It does so without putting the entire burden of restraint on domestic social programs. targeting the savings in entitlement programs to areas of evident abuse or excess. I have voted in the past and will vote in the future to protect social security benefits. | 05/25/1982 | DONALD CLAUSEN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | People who receive aid from government social aid programs, primarily minorities, are lazy and undeserving | Formal | R |
entitlement | entitlement programs | racist | We would like to make sure we dont raise taxes to do this. And a 16t of us are concerned about permanently expanding yet another entitlement program. Anyone who reads the newspaper today knows that we already have trouble with the entitlement programs that are already there. | 07/30/2007 | MICHAEL BURGESS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | People who receive aid from government social aid programs, primarily minorities, are lazy and undeserving | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Mr. Speaker. we are already working to balance the budget. decrease the size and scope of the Federal Government. | 04/15/1997 | TILLIE FOWLER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | frankly. it was terrorist country. And to show you the extent to which Mississippi was a different place. | 06/23/2008 | ELEANOR NORTON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
public schools | public school | racist | in derogation of the dignity of the States. and hurtful to the system of public schools within the States. in that it will teach the taxpayers more and more to rely upon Federal appropriations. | 01/09/1917 | JAMES SLAYDEN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
public schools | public school | racist | reveals that Puerto Rican children in the New York City public schools are lagging considerably behind all other children. | 12/16/1969 | LEONARD FARBSTEIN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
middle class | middle class | racist | but its all just talkthey want none of it. They want secrecy while the privileged are rescued at the expense of the middle class. It is unimaginable that Congress could be so derelict in its duty. | 11/20/2008 | RONALD PAUL | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | White middle class | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | or graffiti. the downward spiral of decay and urban blight results in an area that is filthy. crimeridden. | 04/21/1994 | BOB FILNER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
bankers | bankers | antisemitic | Who seeks it with greater avidity than the same group of international bankers who clamor also for a cancellation of public debts. | 01/08/1932 | JOSEPH MARTIN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Jewish people | Formal | R |
middle class | middle class | racist | The President claims he feels our pain. The President says he can feel the pain and he wants to help the middle class. But it seems as though he wants and intends to help foreign people. | 07/31/2013 | RAND PAUL | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | White middle class | Formal | R |
public school | public school | racist | such violence is not limited to the streets. Look at what is happening in our public schools. At one time. | 06/16/1992 | ROBERT BYRD | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | we should try to eliminate waste and try to control domestic discretionary spending before we mug the taxpayer for the 57th time in 30 years or balance the budget on the back of seniors. | 06/17/1992 | JOHN MCCAIN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | as we heard from another speaker. to cut and balance the budget. They are balancing their budget by making significant cuts in Medicare. | 05/11/1995 | GENE GREEN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | Immigrants are not the cause of the widening gap between rich and poor. the deterioration of our public schools or the violence In our streets. Indeed. | 03/19/1996 | SHEILA JACKSON LEE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | Nebraska was transferred to the control of the Omaha Public School District to end longstanding financial mismanagement and safety concemns for children. | 05/02/2007 | LEE TERRY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | R |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | The struggle against terrorism requires a global campaign centered on engagement with the Muslim world. | 12/12/2007 | TOM LANTOS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
working families | working class | racist | Republicans want to help Wall Street and the richest among us. Democrats want to help Main Street and working families. Even U.S. News & World Report says Republicans want to help their wealthy friends. | 07/10/1997 | JOHN LEWIS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | D |
working families | working class | racist | Mr. President. as we explore ways to help the working families in America. we should not forget the many working parents who face difficulty finding quality. | 11/02/2009 | JOHN KERRY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | white working class | Formal | D |