--- license: mit task_categories: - text-classification language: - de tags: - legal pretty_name: german_court_decisions size_categories: - 10K **License:** MIT Copyright notice: Automated retrieval of decisions from federal and state databases in Germany is permitted for non-commercial purposes only. As a result, the use of this dataset is permitted for non-commercial purposes only. ## Uses Prediction of verdicts based on statement of facts. ### Direct Use Classification convicted/dismissed etc. ### Out-of-Scope Use Text generation of verdicts based on statement of facts. ## Dataset Structure ``` features: ['court', 'state', 'date', 'offense', 'decision', 'costs to defendant', 'convicted', 'costs to plaintiff', 'dismissed'] ``` ```court```:  court name (string), e.g. 'AG Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler'; may be empty if it does not match the search mask
```state```:  federated state (string), e.g. 'Brandenburg', 'Berlin', ... , 'Thüringen'
```date```:  date (string), e.g. '03.04.2013'; may be empty if it does not match the search mask
```offense```:  statement of facts (string; _Tatbestand_ in German)
```decision```:  verdict (string; _Tenor_ in German)
```costs to defendant```:  Boolean (0/1), text phrase detection (see data processing below)
```convicted```:  Boolean (0/1), text phrase detection (see data processing below)
```costs to plaintiff```:  Boolean (0/1), text phrase detection (see data processing below)
```dismissed```:  Boolean (0/1), text phrase detection (see data processing below)
## Dataset Creation, Data Collection and Processing Data creation:  Federal governments in Germany
Data collection:  [github.com/niklaswais/gesp](https://github.com/niklaswais/gesp) on January 1, 2024
Data processing:  [github.com/SH-108/german_court_decisions](https://github.com/SH-108/german_court_decisions/blob/main/postprocess_court_decisions.ipynb)