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import json
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
def flatten_json_data(json_file_path):
with open(json_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
data = json.load(f)
flattened_data = []
for dataset in data:
for section in ["conversation_samples", "technical_terminology"]:
if section in dataset:
for category, samples in dataset[section].items():
for item in samples:
if "balochi" in item and "english" in item and "urdu" in item and "persian" in item: # Check if all keys are present
for balochi_sentence, english_sentence, urdu_sentence, persian_sentence in zip(item['balochi'], item['english'], item['urdu'], item['persian']):
"context": item.get('context', category),
"balochi": balochi_sentence,
"english": english_sentence,
"urdu": urdu_sentence,
"persian": persian_sentence
return flattened_data
def create_vocab(tokenized_sentences):
vocab = defaultdict(lambda: len(vocab))
vocab['<PAD>'] = 0
vocab['<UNK>'] = 1 # Add unknown token
for sentence in tokenized_sentences:
for word in sentence:
return dict(vocab)
def tokenize_text(text):
return re.findall(r"[\w']+(?:ء)?|[\u0600-\u06FF]+|[؟،۔٬؛٪٫٬]+|\S", text)
class SimpleRNNTranslator(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, hidden_size):
super(SimpleRNNTranslator, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(input_size, hidden_size)
self.rnn = nn.RNN(hidden_size, hidden_size, batch_first=True)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
def forward(self, x):
embedded = self.embedding(x)
output, hidden = self.rnn(embedded)
output = self.fc(output[:, -1, :]) # Use the last output in the sequence
return output
def train_model(flattened_data, num_epochs=500, hidden_size=256, learning_rate=0.0005):
# Tokenize sentences
balochi_sentences = [tokenize_text(entry['balochi']) for entry in flattened_data]
english_sentences = [tokenize_text(entry['english']) for entry in flattened_data]
# Create vocabularies
balochi_vocab = create_vocab(balochi_sentences)
english_vocab = create_vocab(english_sentences)
input_size = len(balochi_vocab)
output_size = len(english_vocab)
# Prepare data
max_balochi_len = max(len(sentence) for sentence in balochi_sentences)
max_english_len = max(len(sentence) for sentence in english_sentences)
def encode_sentences(sentences, vocab, max_len):
encoded = [
[vocab.get(word, vocab['<UNK>']) for word in sentence] + [0] * (max_len - len(sentence))
for sentence in sentences
return torch.LongTensor(encoded)
X = encode_sentences(balochi_sentences, balochi_vocab, max_balochi_len)
Y = encode_sentences(english_sentences, english_vocab, max_english_len)
# Initialize model, loss, and optimizer
model = SimpleRNNTranslator(input_size, output_size, hidden_size)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
# Training loop
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
outputs = model(X) # Shape: [batch_size, output_size]
# Reshape target to match CrossEntropyLoss expectations
loss = criterion(outputs, Y[:, 0]) # Only use the first word of target sentences
print(f"Epoch [{epoch + 1}/{num_epochs}], Loss: {loss.item():.4f}")
return model, balochi_vocab, english_vocab, max_balochi_len
def translate(model, balochi_sentence, balochi_vocab, english_vocab, max_balochi_len):
tokenized_sentence = tokenize_text(balochi_sentence)
encoded_sentence = [balochi_vocab.get(word, balochi_vocab['<UNK>']) for word in tokenized_sentence] # Use <UNK> for OOV words
padded_sentence = encoded_sentence + [0] * (max_balochi_len - len(encoded_sentence))
input_tensor = torch.LongTensor([padded_sentence])
output = model(input_tensor)
predicted_indices = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)
reverse_english_vocab = {idx: word for word, idx in english_vocab.items()}
predicted_words = [reverse_english_vocab.get(idx.item(), '<UNK>') for idx in predicted_indices] # Use <UNK> for OOV indices
return " ".join(predicted_words)
# Example usage
json_file_path = "mergedv1.json" # Replace with your JSON file path
flattened_data = flatten_json_data(json_file_path)
# Check if data was loaded
if not flattened_data:
print("Error: No data loaded from JSON. Check file path and format.")
model, balochi_vocab, english_vocab, max_balochi_len = train_model(flattened_data)
balochi_input = "دنیا ءِ ات، پُر راز ءِ ات، ہر کسی ءِ دل ءِ موج ءِ ات"
translated_sentence = translate(model, balochi_input, balochi_vocab, english_vocab, max_balochi_len)
print(f"Balochi Input: {balochi_input}")
print(f"Translated Output: {translated_sentence}")