stringlengths 2
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U svih pet dosadašnjih saziva Predsjedništvo BiH bila je institucija koja se prva konstituisala i koja je funkcionisala nezavisno, ni od objektivnih razloga za prestanak mandata pojedinim članovima Predsjedništva BiH. | 1 |
Ez a 100 perces film csak körülbelül 25 percnyi tisztességes anyagot tartalmaz. | 0 |
Sötét, rezonáló, leleményesen részletgazdag és a cselekménye tele van gyors fordulatokkal, valamint a vizuális lenyűgözés ünneplésével. | 1 |
happy | 1 |
right through the ranks of the players -- on-camera and off -- that he brings together | 1 |
To znači da poreski obveznici treba da znaju gde idu njihove pare. | 2 |
huston 's revelatory performance | 1 |
much smarter and more attentive than it first sets out to be . | 1 |
does n't beat that one , either . | 0 |
Ha a mozi ott lett volna, hogy megörökítse az 1790-es évek káoszát Franciaországban, az eredmény valahogy így nézne ki. | 2 |
that allows him to churn out one mediocre movie after another | 0 |
was as superficial as the forced new jersey lowbrow accent uma had | 0 |
scooby doo is surely everything its fans are hoping it will be , and in that sense is a movie that deserves recommendation . | 1 |
nicely shot | 1 |
the huskies are beautiful , the border collie is funny | 1 |
with a flourish | 1 |
Ali felkerülése a nagy képernyőre a kis képernyő után sokkal kevésbé fájdalmas, mint az, amikor a nyitó jelenetben találkozik egy túl szenvedélyes terrierrel. | 0 |
guilt | 0 |
transcends their predicament | 1 |
uptight , middle class bores like antonia | 0 |
Ako tada nije trebala politička odgovornost. …/Upadica se ne čuje./… | 0 |
unlimited access | 1 |
a negligible british comedy . | 0 |
unexplainable pain | 0 |
awards animals the respect they | 1 |
sorriest | 0 |
the tear-jerking demands | 1 |
because it is japanese and yet feels universal | 1 |
're left with a story that tries to grab us , only to keep letting go at all the wrong moments . | 0 |
you can tell almost immediately that welcome to collinwood is n't going to jell . | 0 |
Mi smo od svih 13 ostavili 13 sa pravilima koja su pravila ponašanja prema regionalnim potporama i smjernicama Europske unije. | 2 |
Itt van egy önmagának gratuláló 3D IMAX szurkolás. | 0 |
of our most flamboyant female comics | 1 |
( and literally ) tosses around sex toys and offers half-hearted paeans to empowerment that are repeatedly undercut by the brutality of the jokes , most at women 's expense . | 0 |
to be embraced | 1 |
a culture-clash comedy that , in addition to being very funny , captures some of the discomfort and embarrassment of being a bumbling american in europe . | 1 |
a cartoon ? | 0 |
Pritisak je ipak banaka koje su ušle u našu zemlju, vlasnici su u inostranstvu, posluju po našim propisima, njima treba garancija i obezbeđenje, pogotovo ako daju kredite. | 0 |
amounts to little more than punishment . | 0 |
for the most part wilde 's droll whimsy helps `` being earnest '' overcome its weaknesses and | 1 |
I kod nas je do sada bilo, ali evo od posljednjih 15 dana nekome je palo napamet da na nezakonit način nekome može uzeti pare.' hvala vam lijepo. | 0 |
Fenntartja álomszerű suhanását a giccses véletlenek és az érzéki olcsó effektusok sorozatán keresztül, amelyek közül egy, nem utolsósorban Rebecca Romijn-Stamos. | 0 |
a recommendation | 1 |
monotonous | 0 |
of this unique director 's previous films | 1 |
by an energy that puts the dutiful efforts of more disciplined grade-grubbers | 1 |
Tako da je zelo zanimivo poslušati takšno očitajoče stališče do SDS iz vaših ust, saj vemo, kdo so največji kritiki po navadi – tisti, ki zapustijo lastne vrste. | 0 |
's loud and boring | 0 |
Habár vakmerően felfedezi a szexuális identitáson átívelő vonzalmat, Ozpatek nem tudja megmutatni Antonia valódi érzelmeit, de legalább a Titkos élete című film gondolatokat ébreszt majd benned. | 2 |
Ale stretol som sa s tou podobnou reakciou, ako ju vy máte, u správcu Auparku, toho, ktorý žije zo spravovania toho Auparku. | 2 |
stopped thinking about how good it all was , and started doing nothing but reacting to it - feeling a part of its grand locations , thinking urgently as the protagonists struggled , feeling at the mercy of its inventiveness , gasping at its visual delights | 1 |
done that ... a thousand times already | 0 |
ki-deok | 1 |
asks the right questions | 1 |
attracts the young and fit | 1 |
with color and depth , and rather a good time | 1 |
hollywood too long has ignored | 0 |
precocious | 0 |
talented cast | 1 |
takes you by the face , strokes your cheeks and | 1 |
's fallen under the sweet , melancholy spell of this unique director 's previous films | 1 |
a moving and solidly entertaining comedy/drama that should bolster director and co-writer | 1 |
eventful | 1 |
a baffling subplot involving smuggling drugs inside danish cows | 0 |
robin williams , death to smoochy | 1 |
such high-wattage brainpower coupled with pitch-perfect acting and | 1 |
No, nema potrebe jer je to onda nelojalna konkurencija. | 0 |
Če boste dokazali, da je šlo za nepravilnosti pri legalni trgovini z orožjem, ki jo opravlja država z vsemi pooblastili - vsaka vam čast. | 0 |
it 's clear why deuces wild , which was shot two years ago , has been gathering dust on mgm 's shelf . | 0 |
to the failure of the third revenge of the nerds sequel | 0 |
becoming | 1 |
it is | 1 |
glows with enthusiasm , sensuality and a conniving wit | 1 |
an idea that should 've been so much more even if it was only made for teenage boys and wrestling fans | 0 |
Fontaine mesterien megalkotja két erős, konfliktusban álló férfi portréját, akiket a családtörténet elválaszthatatlanul összeköt, és akik mindketten önmagukat látják a másikban, és egyiküknek sem tetszik, amit látnak. | 1 |
falsehoods pile up , undermining the movie 's reality and stifling its creator 's comic voice . | 0 |
a superb performance | 1 |
it 's tough to watch | 0 |
yet unforgivingly inconsistent | 0 |
abandoned , | 0 |
the trip there is a great deal of fun . | 1 |
of utter loss personified in the film 's simple title | 0 |
using them as punching bags | 0 |
Veste, eno je pravičnost pri cenzusu, drugo pa je pravičnost pri štipendijah. | 0 |
a fresh infusion | 1 |
too bad writer-director adam rifkin situates it all in a plot as musty as one of the golden eagle 's carpets . | 0 |
give a spark to `` chasing amy '' and `` changing lanes '' falls flat as thinking man cia agent jack ryan in this summer 's new action film , `` the sum of all fears | 0 |
now as a former gong show addict , i 'll admit it , my only complaint is that we did n't get more re-creations of all those famous moments from the show . | 1 |
nothing but an episode | 0 |
waters it down , | 0 |
Annak ellenére, hogy a film elfárad a célvonal közelében, jó versenyt fut, olyat, amitől hosszú időn keresztül a székedhez ragadsz. | 2 |
the sheer dumbness of the plot ( other than its one good idea ) and the movie 's inescapable air of sleaziness get you down . | 0 |
nothing overly original , mind you , but solidly entertaining . | 1 |
A sanghaji gettó, sokkal furcsább bármely fikciónál, életre kelti a történelem eme ismeretlen szeletét. | 1 |
a maker of softheaded metaphysical claptrap | 0 |
yes , i suppose it 's lovely that cal works out his issues with his dad and comes to terms with his picture-perfect life -- but world traveler gave me no reason to care , so i did n't . | 0 |
seat | 1 |
touching | 1 |
terrible . | 0 |
kind , unapologetic , | 1 |
Subsets and Splits