diff --git "a/X-GENRE-dev.jsonl" "b/X-GENRE-dev.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/X-GENRE-dev.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,592 @@ +{"text":"Yesterday, for the first time in 9 years, I emailed my psychiatrist and lied to him about being sick so that I could cancel my appointment. I don't remember the last time that I missed a session. He could tell I was lying and asked how I was doing emotionally, I wasn't doing particularly well at my last session two weeks ago, but I wouldn't budge and claimed it came on suddenly. I feel mad at therapy right now. I feel mad about everything right now. I feel like I should be better by now. Over the last month I've been slipping back into a super dark place. I won't deny that I made a shit load of progress but right now it feels like I haven't made any of it. I don't feel like I'm able to put the skills I know that I have to work right now. I don't want to. I'd just like to have some semblance of normal. Just a tad, without having to take medication for it or to have to go to see a psychiatrist or to have to tell myself a fuckton of mantras that I don't even believe anyway and I know saying I don't give a shit means that I give a shit but fuck me I'm so tired of trying. I went from being a person who overshared my life with almost everyone I would meet to being someone who hardly talks to even my closest friends. I keep everything all knotted up inside now and the rage and the anger becomes almost unbearable and I'm on this medication that is supposed to help with my fight or flight reflex and I don't think it's working, except for the drying my mouth out and giving me bad breath bit, but then again I think it might be and then I get scared thinking why do I still want to lash out in anger so severely why can I go for months at a time now and be sure as sure can be that I'm over something and then it still comes roaring back like it never left and I fall backwards for days. Or is this part of getting better? That when I do go down for the count is it harder now because I have had a lot of good? This feels different though, it feels old hat. It feels like it's been brewing. A while back my psychiatrist made a comment in regards to how when my depression gets to a certain level that I tend to use my suicidal thoughts as a go to . I was ready to hear that and I've been able to use it since he said it to mostly curb them. As soon as they come on I say to myself stop using these horrendous thoughts to torture yourself it's only a go to, knock it off dumb ass -- or something similar. This and learning forms of meditation were working for a while or so it seemed. I seem to have gone so inward that now I can't get out. I keep telling everyone that I'm fine and that it'll pass. I'm not fine but it probably will pass. But it's hard not to be disappointed in myself. I don't want to be throwing tantrums on Twitter or feeling so low and losery that I can't even run. That's when I know it's really bad, is when I don't want to run. Don't give two fucks that I haven't ran since Monday. I'm supposed to be pacing someone in a race tomorrow. Nope, won't be beating myself up AT ALL for letting my friend down, it isn't like I don't let my friends down ALL THE FUCKING TIME, because I suck at friends. That is actually part of my problem, part of where all of my pent up rage and shit is coming from. It's guilt because I let my depression win and rule my friendships and so I'm unreliable and I let people down and I won't let people in and so they give up because I make them, I don't give them another choice because I truly don't know how. ttp:\/\/gusgreeper.com Corinna Carlson thank you kindly for your supportive comments, they are always very much appreciated. Tod M We don't know each other well, but I follow your blog and Instagram. It DOES get better -- you know this. If tomorrow sucks, call it a day, make popcorn, crawl into bed, and watch bad TV. And try again tomorrow. {{HUGS}} ttp:\/\/twitter.com\/EatsShootsEdits Steven Schwartz I for one have never and will never give up on you. I know the wonderful Corinna. I do not pressure you to spend time with you even though I miss you, because I know you are on a journey. Just know I am always here and always available for you. You do not have to be well or at your best for me to be your friend. Good or Bad, healthy or ill you are my friend I put zero conditions on it. You have given me so much more than you know, I am a better person for being your friend. ttp:\/\/twitter.com\/Kenzie20 Kenzie Someday, I am going to come to Canada, and you and I are going to have a long chat over coffee (or beers or whatever) about wanting to feel normal. And then afterwards we can go hide in a bookstore and read or something. *hugs* ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Enjoy fun science experiments for kids that feature awesome hands-on projects and activities that help bring the exciting world of science to life. Make an Egg Float in Salt Water An egg sinks to the bottom if you drop it into a glass of ordinary drinking water but what happens if you add salt? The results are very interesting and can teach you some fun facts about density. What you'll need: One egg Water Salt A tall drinking glass Instructions: Pour water into the glass until it is about half full. Stir in lots of salt (about 6 tablespoons). Carefully pour in plain water until the glass is nearly full (be careful to not disturb or mix the salty water with the plain water). Gently lower the egg into the water and watch what happens. What's happening? Salt water is denser than ordinary tap water, the denser the liquid the easier it is for an object to float in it. When you lower the egg into the liquid it drops through the normal tap water until it reaches the salty water, at this point the water is dense enough for the egg to float. If you were careful when you added the tap water to the salt water, they will not have mixed, enabling the egg to amazingly float in the middle of the glass. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"It is said that human resource professionals only look at a resume for an average of 30 seconds. So you only have 30 seconds to stand out from a crowd and make a great first impression! How do you do that? Here are a few pointers to get you started. Formatting While everyone seems to have their own personal opinion on format, the truth is really it's about the content. If you need help or a starting point, there are a number of websites that offer different templates and resume suggestions. Here are a few formatting suggestions: Keep it clear and concise -- use headings for your sections (ex. Experience, Education, etc.) and rather than paragraphs use bullet points to explain your experience For someone with a lot of experience, it is okay to have a two page resume -- if you haven't had a lot of experience, a one page resume is appropriate (if you have a CV or research background different guidelines apply) Layout can and should vary -- if you are a new graduate you should consider beginning with your education; if you are a professional with some good experience to showcase begin with that -- whichever way, be sure that each section is listed in reverse chronological order Unless references are asked for, do not include them on your resume -- also, it is not necessary to state 'References available upon request' at the bottom. Most employers will not hesitate to ask for references if they need them and including this statement on your resume is just stating the obvious Contact information A common mistake that is easy to avoid is an unprofessional e-mail address. Don't think that this is just students or young professionals; there are plenty of experienced professionals with inappropriate or unprofessional personal e-mail addresses as well. Also, include contact information that you can actually be contacted at. If you are currently in a job, we strongly advise that you do not give out your company e-mail or office phone number as contact information for prospective employers. You never know when an employer may contact you. Content Focus on measurables -- rather than providing the employer with a job description of past roles, focus on your accomplishments. Use statements that include action words, such as attract, make, save, etc. Examples of measurable statements: Grew sales by X% in a nine state territory to an annual sales revenue of $X Led X number of people in a department that oversaw the marketing of X number of products Successfully attracted X number of new customers within one year, an increase of X% to the overall customer database in the Eastern region Some people like to include a career objective or skills profile within their resume, while this is something that is not standard it can sometimes be helpful to quickly give a snapshot of abilities. If you choose to include something like this, be sure that it is tailored to the job that you are applying for. Using keywords in these introduction sections that have been featured in the job posting can be an easy way to catch an employer's interest. It can be difficult to know how far to go back in your work history. If you are a seasoned professional this can be particularly important to avoid any type of age discrimination. As a general rule, it is most appropriate to include the past 15 years of experience. As a young professional, if you have built up some good work experience, don't feel that you need to include your part time work from high school unless it directly relates to the position that you are interested in. If you are struggling for good work experience content, you can use your part time work and try to draw again on the measurable or business skills that you picked up. If you have a gap in your resume the best place to explain the reasons is in your cover letter. If it was a minimal amount of time you can sometimes cover these gaps by using years rather than months when including dates in your work experience. Resume databases If you post your resume to a database, there are things that can be done to get your resume recognized. First of all, be sure to keep your resume up-to-date. Many resume databases will remove or deactivate resumes that haven't been updated in three to six months. Use keywords within your resume that an employer might use to search for candidates with your qualifications and skills. You can use current job postings that may be of interest to you -- look at the words used in those and select a few keywords that you can use in your resume. Keywords can be incorporated into your resume in your past work experience and\/or your career objective. While we hope you are happy in your current job and won't need your resume, it doesn't hurt to keep it fresh. Updating your resume is much easier as you go. For more information, contact AgCareers.com at agcareers@agcareers.com . ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"This year will be a boom year -- for scaremongering But before you start wondering what I'm \"on\" to make a comment like that, let me explain: I believe this is going to be a boom year for fright. There is no shortage of scary stuff in the media. Things like \"House prices are unaffordable!\"; \"Property prices will crash\"; \"Europe's financial system will fall apart\"; \"Which economy will topple next?\"; \"It's China's turn for a property bubble\"; \"Will America go into recession again?\"; \"Britney Spears does it again!\" Every year is a boom year Of course just about every year is a boom year for fright. As far back as I can remember there have always been scary stories in the media. And looking back over the years I have invested through many property slowdowns, share market crashes, periods of double-digit interest rates and periods when people thought housing was unaffordable or would never go up in value again. Yet despite all of this the value of my properties keeps doubling, allowing me to refinance and buy even more properties. Like I said, there's always bad news in the media. I remember in the late 1980s the cry was, \"Don't buy houses... they can't go up in value. Your kids will never be able to afford them.\" Then there were similar headlines in late 2003 and predictions of our property markets collapsing in 2008. There always seemed to be scary headlines about a grim future that could have given me plenty of reasons not to invest in property. Before the global warming crisis there was an over-population crisis with politicians, environmentalist and economists predicting massive food shortages, rioting in the streets and an impending collapse of society. I even recall a panic about global cooling. Of course, the media gets more mileage out of this type of story. Journalists find it hard to get readers' interest reporting on the unemployment rate being well below the long-term average, an economy that is the envy of most nations, a resources boom the likes of which we haven't seen in a century and 19 years of continuous economic growth for Australia. This is boring. Take a long-term view As a property investor you need to take a long-term view and refuse to be scared by the next boogey man jumping out from behind the bushes. To be successful you need to step back and take a big-picture view. The fact is, this week somebody's getting married, somebody's looking forward to having a baby, somebody's getting promoted, somebody's getting transferred, somebody's getting divorced. A lot of people are happening to get rich. This year more than 150,000 new households will be formed in Australia and they are all going to have to live somewhere. Those who can't afford to buy will have to rent. This means the long-term fundamentals -- in fact the medium-term fundamentals -- for our property markets are very sound. And if you take a long-term perspective, you'll be able to spot and act on opportunities that arise this year, as many potential home buyers and investors get scared by this boom year for fright. Is this a year of opportunity? This could well be a year of opportunities for property investors who are willing and able to see the big picture. But remember: what you look for is what you see. If you look for bad news you'll find it. On the other hand if you look for opportunities, you will find them. And boy, are there opportunities out there at present. What determines property prices? While many factors, including supply and demand, affordability, interest rates and the economy, affect property values, I have observed: Short-term property price movements (one to three years) are usually determined by market sentiment (which is currently very low) Medium- to long-term property price movements are determined by two main factors: population growth and the wealth of the nation . Despite what some people would like, strong population growth in Australia is a given (to replace our ageing baby boomers) and as a matter of fact so is our increasing wealth. I don't think that anyone would argue that as a nation Australia will become wealthier over the next 15 years. Australia is well positioned to benefit from the growth of Asia, which represents 50% of the world's population. We have vast resources that will be required by our growing neighbours and we're at the beginning of the mother of all resources booms. However, rising property prices, decreasing affordability, changing sentiment and fluctuating supply were a volatile mix that caused our property markets to slump. And now we are in a buyers' market. But the funny thing is that buyers don't buy in a buyers' market -- yet smart investors do! They recognise that the current market presents them with a smorgasbord of opportunities and they step up and take advantage of them. I've found that when there's lots of bad news people believe times are going to be tough forever, just like when things are good people forget the bad times ever existed and think that things are going to remain good forever. Neither case is true! In fact during booms people are most confident when they should probably be the least confident, as things can't continue travelling at breakneck speed and above average rates of growth. Similarly, during the market slowdowns, things eventually turn around. Ironically, people have the least confidence when it's more likely that things are going to improve -- that is, when markets are near their lowest point. Now is the right time to educate yourself and get set to take advantage of the opportunities that this stage of the cycle presents. Yes, things have slowed, and property prices have fallen over the past 18 months. And they will continue to fall in some areas. But this is a normal part of the ups and downs of the property cycle. As always, while some people worry about the bad news and sit on the sidelines, astute investors will set themselves up for the next stage of the property cycle by purchasing well-located real estate. property observer Network partners Property Observer is Australia's number one property investment website for investors and savvy buyers, featuring property news , property information, market forecasts and expert commentary and analysis . Property Observer covers all aspects of real estate, including residential property and commercial property, throughout Australia and around the world. Property Observer offers everything you need to know about selling your house, buying a house and the property cycle, as well as tips on property management and when and how to invest in property. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Mark Twain is said to have remarked that a gold rush is a good time to be in the pick and shovel business. Investors may be able to apply that same bit of wisdom to the growing number of U.S. states that have legalized pot. Although federal law prohibits the sale or possession of marijuana, Massachusetts last week joined the ranks of states -- 18 plus Washington, D.C. -- that allow its use for people suffering from chronic illnesses like cancer, HIV\/AIDS, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. In Washington and Colorado, meanwhile, voters passed an initiative to allow pot for recreational use. How to invest in legalized Marijuana Several states made recreational use of marijuana last week, and there are several small-cap stocks that stand to gain from the drugs growing acceptance. Photo: AP. Those changes have kickstarted a small but fast-growing medical-marijuana industry, estimated to be worth about $1.7 billion as of 2011, according to See Change Strategy, an independent financial-analysis firm that specializes in new markets. In Colorado alone, sales topped $181 million in 2010, and the business employed 4,200 state-licensed workers, says Aaron Smith, executive director of the National Cannabis Industry Association , a nonprofit trade group that campaigns for marijuana's federal legalization. In addition to profiting itself from growing and selling marijuana, the industry benefits a slew of other businesses, such as insurers, lawyers and agricultural-equipment firms, experts say. \"Call it the 'green rush,'\" says Derek Peterson, CEO of GrowOp Technology, an online retailer of hydroponics -- products used in the cultivation of indoor plants -- and a subsidiary of OTC stock Terra Tech \/quotes\/zigman\/8701126 \/quotes\/nls\/trtc TRTC +1.19% . \"The industry is expanding, and there are all kinds of investment opportunities.\" For regular investors looking to get in on the action -- and without having to actually grow or sell drugs -- there are several small-cap stocks that stand to gain from marijuana's growing acceptance. Medbox \/quotes\/zigman\/7157004 \/quotes\/nls\/mdbx MDBX -90.24% , an OTC stock with a $45 million market cap, for example, sells its patented dispensing machines to licensed medical-marijuana dispensaries. The machines, which dispense set doses of the drug, after verifying patients' identities via fingerprint, could potentially be used in ordinary drugstores too, says Medbox founder Vincent Mehdizadeh. Based in Hollywood, Calif., the company already has 130 machines in the field, and it expects to install an additional 40 in the next quarter. \"The smart money is trying to help with compliance and transparency,\" Mehdizadeh says. Expelled U.S. Olympian: Yeah, I ate marijuana Nicholas Delpopolo becomes the first U.S. Olympian in London to be disqualified for failing a drug test. Of course, investing in drugs the federal government still outlaws poses enormous risks to investors, says Sam Kamin, a law professor and the director of the Constitutional Rights & Remedies Program at the University of Denver. In fact, nearly 500 of the estimated 3,000 dispensaries nationwide have either been closed by the federal government or shut down in the past year, says a spokesman for StickyGuide.com , an online directory and review site for medical marijuana dispensaries -- and yet another ancillary business that's currently seeking investors. That said, there are many companies that appear to be betting on a change in federal law. Steep Hill is a quality-control laboratory that tests medical marijuana to see if there's any contamination from mold, bacteria or harmful pesticides. The company, based in Oakland, Calif., is also actively seeking funding of up to $3 million. David Lampach, co-founder and president of Steep Hill, expects a federal law legalizing medical marijuana within the next decade. Cannabis Science in Colorado Springs, Colo. \/quotes\/zigman\/11136879 \/quotes\/nls\/cbis CBIS +2.33% , an OTC stock with a market cap of $41 million, is developing marijuana-based medicines to help cancer and HIV\/AIDS patients. \"We're at the beginning of the revolution in medicine,\" says CEO Robert Melamede. Other companies are creating a range of quirky products that allow people to use marijuana without smoking it. Medical Marijuana \/quotes\/zigman\/548382 \/quotes\/nls\/mjna MJNA -7.45% , an OTC stock with a $69 million market cap, based in San Diego, Calif., offers more than 50 ways to ingest marijuana , from Dixie Elixir soda to Dixie Chill ice-cream and a range of Dixie Edibles, like chocolate truffles and crispy rice treats. While experts say competition in the medical-marijuana business is growing fast, they add that there are also still plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs. For example, Troy Dayton, president and CEO of ArcView Group , an angel investor network for the industry, says demand has been growing for handheld tobacco vaporizers like those made by Ploom (which charges $250 for its \"premium loose-leaf vaporizer\"). \"There's a rush now to make the ideal vaporizer,\" Dayton says. \"There's still room for a kingmaker in this space.\" In the meantime, at least one drug company is directly selling medical marijuana to patients around the world. GW Pharmaceuticals \/quotes\/zigman\/286334 \/quotes\/nls\/gwprf GWPRF +0.19% , based in London, markets Sativex, billed as the world's first marijuana-based medicine. With a market cap of around $137 million, it's listed on the Alternative Investment Market, a submarket of the London Stock Exchange. Sativex is currently sold as a mouth spray to help alleviate symptoms of multiple sclerosis in several countries, including the U.K., New Zealand, Germany, Spain, Denmark and Canada, a spokesman says, and it is currently seeking FDA approval in the U.S. for use as a pain reliever in late-stage cancer patients. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Study News Tuesday, 30th October 2012 One year down, three to go! We are now one year into our research study, and what a year it's been! Thanks to everyone who took part and helped us make the last year a successful step towards our mission of defeating dementia in Down's syndrome. But we're not quite there yet, and we have another three years to go before the project is finished! We've seen lots of people since we started, and 21 people have now been to Cambridge to have their brain scans. But we still need about 40 new people to help us! If you or someone you know is interested, we'd love to hear from you. This website contains all the information you need to get in touch, so we hope to hear from you soon! Until then, we'll keep you updated right here, so don't forget to stop by whenever you have a minute to see how we're getting on! Liam. Monday, 3rd September 2012 The Down's Syndrome Energy Study. It's been a busy summer here in Cambridge for the Down's syndrome research group . Almost 20 people have visited Liam and Tiina in Cambridge to have brain scans, and there are more on their way over the next couple of weeks! But we still need more people to come and help us, so please do get in touch if you're interested. It's also been a busy summer for Kate , who has been setting up a new Down's syndrome project. Kate wants to know why some people with Down's syndrome find it difficult to do exercise. She thinks that people with Down's syndrome might have problems with their mitochondria (click HERE to hear how this word sounds). These are like 'little energy factories' inside our cells which help us to make energy. Kate would like people with Down's syndrome to help with her research by coming to Cambridge and doing some exercise. If you would like to know more about Kate's study, you can click on HERE . I know she would love to hear from you! Thanks for keeping up to date with our study, and there'll be more news soon about how we're getting on with our work to defeat dementia in Down's syndrome! Liam. Friday, 6th July 2012 Full steam ahead! We're now well under way with our project, and Tiina and I have been very busy indeed since our last update. We've been plodding on through wind and rain, visiting people all over England. There are now 21 people who have volunteered for our study, and 12 of those people have already been to visit us at the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre in Cambridge. At this point, we'd just like to say a big thank you to all of those ladies and gentlemen who have helped us out so far, you've been fantastic! So now we are going full steam ahead, but the search for volunteers is still on! We need lots more people to help us complete our project, so if you're interested please get in touch, and help us to Defeat Dementia in Down's Syndrome! Liam Friday, 27th April 2012 A strangely dry spa day in Cambridge It has been another busy busy month for Liam and I. We have found ourselves driving by the beautiful scenery of The Cotswold landscape (not that we are complaining!) and explored the small towns of Suffolk and Norfolk counties. Unfortunately, we have mostly been accompanied by clouds and rain with an odd sunny day a week. So there has been even more reasons to shelter in the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre in Cambridge, where the kettle is always warm and the beds of the scanners are comfortable and welcoming. At least this is what we believe. We hope that the two individuals, who visited the brain imaging centre with us, feel the same. After all, they were the lucky ones who had a chance to relax on the comfy beds while listening to their favourite music..We hope it felt more like a strange dry spa break, now who wouldn't want that? Mmm (dreaming..) Tiina Thursday, 29th March 2012 Twelve is the magic number A warm welcome to our followers! It has been the most sunniest and warmest week in March -- I hope you all have had plenty of chances to soak up the sun! Liam and I, on the other hand, have been seeing the sun mostly through the windows of our car as we have been extremely busy with driving to visit our participants all across the eastern counties and beyond! Nevertheless, it is a great pleasure to announce that we have successfully recruited and consented 12 individuals with Down's syndrome, whom have very kindly agreed to help us with the study. We have been treated very well at our participants' homes and greeted with cakes, biscuits and tea -more than we would ever expect! So thank you very much for the families for being so kind to us and for giving us a chance to tell you, why we are so passionate about what we do. I take my hat off to you, the 12 participants and their families, for sharing our passion and for helping us Defeat Dementia in Down's Syndrome! Tiina Wednesday, 8th February 2012 The prologue Today is a happy day for our research team -- an article about 'Defeat Dementia in Down's Syndrome' study was published on Cambridge University website and in Business Weekly . In addition, Cambridge News and Disabled and Supportive Care (D&SC) magazine have also expressed interest in featuring the article. We are glad that we can bring public's attention to the importance of this research and to the implications the results of this study might have in the future. On the same happy note, we are glad to announce that we have officially moved into recruitment phase and have already consented two adults with Down's syndrome, whom have agreed to participate in this research! Hopefully, more people will be able to help us in the future towards our goal of defeating dementia in Down's syndrome! ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Where are the ladies? where are the shadies? The Lizas, the Lotties and Lous? Where have they gone to? You know they want to All go in Revues Girls don't go off to work, all bus'ness now they shirk They've got in Revue On Revue there's now a run, if you'd like to go in one I'll tell you what to do Well, you've got to do this and you've got to do that If you want to get on in Revue Your Maudies and Bessies must wear pretty dresses And a dainty little shoe Plenty of ginger, snap your finger Let the Johnnies in the stalls get a view Have a smile on your face, show a little bit of lace If you want to get on in Revue. Flossie the Flapper was courting a Sapper Who from the front came home on leave And without any warning, he found that she'd gone in A Revue called 'I'VE SOMETHING UP MY SLEEVE' The first night that he got back, To the stage door he made a track To see his little Flossie, but he sighed For he found another battalion there Waiting for his Flossie fair When he said 'What's your game?' she calmly replied, 'Well, you've got to do this and you've got to do that If you want to get on in Revue The night may be 'parky' when a nice young man in Khaki Says, 'Come in my Lotus for a mile or two' If it's fine or if it's raining, remember he's in training 'Sit with me at the back' he'll say to you 'It's as soft as a sofa' but you're safer with the chauffeur If you want to get on in Revue.' ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Majority in U.S. Still Say Government Doing Too Much But fewer Americans now say government has too much power by Frank Newport PRINCETON, NJ -- A majority of Americans (54%) continue to believe the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses, although that is down from the record high of 61% earlier this summer. About four in 10 Americans (39%) say the government should do more to solve the nation's problems. Only a few times in Gallup's 20-year history of asking this question has a higher percentage of Americans said the government should do more to solve the nation's problems than said the government is doing too much. Two of these were in the fall of 1992 and again in early 1993, as Bill Clinton ran for and took office as president. Another was in October 2001, just after the 9\/11 terrorist attacks and at a time when Americans were especially supportive of government and its efforts to help the nation recover from the attacks and retaliate against those who were responsible. Americans have been most likely to say the government was attempting to do too much during the middle years of the Clinton administration, and in recent years during the Obama administration. These data were collected as part of Gallup's annual Governance survey, conducted Sept. 6-9, which overlapped the end of the Democratic convention. Other Gallup measures from this poll, including satisfaction with the way things are going in the U.S. , were more positive this year than previously, suggesting that the convention may have made at least temporary changes in Americans' perceptions. Major Partisan Divide on Appropriate Role of Government The appropriate role of government in addressing the nation's problems is one of the most divisive issues in this year's presidential election. President Barack Obama tends to support the idea that government should do more to address the country's problems, while Mitt Romney generally takes the opposite view. It is thus no surprise to find large partisan differences in Americans' views on the appropriate role of government. Two-thirds of Democrats think government should do more, while an even larger percentage of Republicans say government is doing too much that should be left to individuals and businesses. More than six in 10 independents agree that the government is doing too much. Fewer Say Government Has Too Much Power A separate question in the Sept. 6-9 poll asked Americans to characterize the scope of government power. Americans are now basically split between those who say the federal government has too much power and those who say it has either the right amount of or too little power. This marks a change from the last two years; 57% last year and 59% in 2010 said the government has too much power. Gallup first asked this question in September 2002, and found a majority of Americans saying the government had about the right amount of power -- no doubt a legacy of the strong support the government and government institutions received after the 9\/11 terrorist attacks of the previous year. By September 2005, however, these views had flipped, and more Americans said the government had too much power than felt its power was about right -- and this has been the case each year since. Partisans' views on the government's power are related to which party is in power. Republicans have been much more likely to agree that government has too much power since 2009, under a Democratic president, while they were comparatively less likely to say the government had too much power from 2002 through 2008, under a Republican president. The fact that Democrats for most of the Bush administration were more likely than Republicans to say the government had too much power probably reflected Democrats' negative views on government power in the Bush years in terms of fighting terrorism, the Patriot Act, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Once Obama took office, however, these partisan views changed, and Republicans' concern about government power overtook Democrats'. This partly reflects Republicans' views on the role of government spending and government power in domestic and economic affairs. Bottom Line Americans continue to say the government is attempting to do too much that should be left to individuals and businesses, and about half say the government has too much power, while the rest say that its power is about right or that it has too little power. These views have moderated somewhat compared with prior surveys, most likely as a result of the apparently successful Democratic convention, which resulted in changes in a number of Gallup trends. Republicans are much more likely to say the government is doing too much and has too much power than are Democrats, underscoring one of the most meaningful partisan and ideological divides facing the country today -- and one that will continue to play out in the presidential campaign this fall. Sign up to get Election 2012 news stories from Gallup as soon as they are published. Survey Methods Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Sept. 6-9, 2012, with a random sample of 1,017 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is 4 percentage points. Interviews are conducted with respondents on landline telephones and cellular phones, with interviews conducted in Spanish for respondents who are primarily Spanish-speaking. Each sample includes a minimum quota of 400 cell phone respondents and 600 landline respondents per 1,000 national adults, with additional minimum quotas among landline respondents by region. Landline telephone numbers are chosen at random among listed telephone numbers. Cell phone numbers are selected using random-digit-dial methods. Landline respondents are chosen at random within each household on the basis of which member had the most recent birthday. Samples are weighted by gender, age, race, Hispanic ethnicity, education, region, adults in the household, and phone status (cell phone only\/landline only\/both, cell phone mostly, and having an unlisted landline number). Demographic weighting targets are based on the March 2011 Current Population Survey figures for the aged 18 and older non-institutionalized population living in U.S. telephone households. All reported margins of sampling error include the computed design effects for weighting and sample design. In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls. For more details on Gallup's polling methodology, visit www.gallup.com . Click below to get more stories, RSS feeds, and e-mail alerts on these topics: ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Ted walked into the pet store. With no hesitation, he opened the front door (the cow bell on the handle ding-a-ling-a-linged), marched past the cockatoo perched by the door (\"Hello, I'm not for sale!\" it cackled), past the various assorted reptiles and birds (the 2 dozen parakeets were extremely noisy!), past the adorable puppies playing tug-of-war in the makeshift playpen (they wagged their tails but couldn't understand why he didn't stop and at least pet them), and went straight up to the rodent section. He ignored the hamsters (which all left their wheels and tunnels and hid in their plastic houses), guinea pigs (whose squeals sounded not unlike a pig's), and the bunnies (which simply sat and started at him). Instead, Ted simply stood directly in front of a large, metal cage full of very fuzzy animals with ears that looked like a cross between a mouse and a bunny; short, coarse-but-fuzzy tails; small little front paws that looked remarkably like little hands; back feet like a tiny kangaroo; and big black eyes. In short, these animals had the face of a guinea pig, the body of a rabbit, and the tail of squirrel. They were chinchillas. Most of them were gray, although one of them was white with a gray tail. Ted stood in front of the cage. He didn't bend over and examine the cute, cuddly creatures, or try to pet them, or anything. He simply stood there and stared at them. He crossed his arms impatiently. Eventually, a store employee realized that this person wasn't \"just looking\", but was waiting for assistance. The employee walked over to Ted and asked: \"Can I help you?\" Ted looked up, reacting as many customers do - like nothing was really wrong: \"Oh, yes, I would like to purchase a chinchilla. The white one, please.\" The employee hesitated. \"Well, you can't simply pick out a chinchilla. They're very finicky animals, and although these are all handled since birth, and therefore very tame, each one won't like just anybody.\" Ted repeated, firmly, \"I want the white one.\" \"Again, you can't just pick a chinchilla. The chinchilla actually has to pick you.\" \"Hm.\" Ted bent over and looked into the cage. The chinchillas all turned and looked at him. \"Well,\" Ted said, \"I guess I can deal with that. But I'm confident that one way or another, the white one and I will wind up together.\" \"Okay...\" In his mind, the employee began to question Ted's motives. He shook his head. This was his job, it didn't matter what he thought of a customer. \"Well, let me open the cage for you, and you can put your hand in. It may take a moment, as the different chins may come up and sniff you, maybe even nibble you, but the one that stays the longest or jumps onto your hand will be your chinchilla.\" Ted didn't respond, so the employee opened the cage. Ted put his hand in the cage, close to the floor, palm facing up. Like the employee said, the various chinchillas (including the coveted white one) hopped, walked, and otherwise made their way to his hand, and began sniffing him. They began sniffing and nibbling all up and down his arm and hand, more and more. Soon every chin in the cage was standing on whatever part of Ted they could find, sniffing him, and making very quiet squeaking noises. Ted's eyes were wide, but he didn't move a muscle. He look over at the store employee. His eyes were just as wide, his eyebrows raised. He shook his head, raising his hands in confusion. \"I don't know, this has never happened before.\" \"Well,\" Ted said, \"can you simply remove some of them? Surely if you make some of them move, only some of them will stay.\" The employee gently reached his arm through the small cage door, next to Ted's arm, and tried pushing some of the chins. They all resisted, but some of them sort of fell off. They immediately got back on. The employee kept brushing them off, but they kept getting back on. The employee got more aggressive, but to no avail. This ritual continued for about 5 minutes until he finally gave up. He threw up his arms. \"I don't know what to do! This doesn't make any sense!\" Ted tried to withdraw his arm, but there were so many chins that they were pushing against the cage bars. So Ted pulled harder, and they started falling off, but they kept trying to scramble back on. So Ted simply yanked his arm out, and the store employee quickly closed the door. Ted stood straight up for moment, looking down at the normally docile creatures as they began to gnaw on the bars in their crazed desire to get to Ted. Ted looked at the employee, then turned around, and marched out the door. Past the adorable puppies, past the assorted reptiles and noisy birds, past the big cockatoo (which cackled \"Goodbye! If you come back I'm still not for sale!\"), and out the door, the cow bell of which jangled angrily. The store employee simply stood there, staring after him. He turned and looked at the chins. They had quickly, surprisingly, calmed down, back to normal. They were going about their quiet ways, eating, chewing on cardboard, and climbing around the different parts of the cage. He shook his head. \"Maybe my intuition wasn't wrong about that guy after all...\" I wish there was a mountain high enough that I could climb up to the stars and bring one home for you. Norm turned on his all-house music system. He needed something to help him focus while he worked, and although he would be working primarily in the study, he wanted to take advantage of this one opportuniy he had to play HIS music over the sound system. Normally, his wife and kids would insist on playing that cheesy country music throughout the whole house, and there was nothing he could do about it - he was outvoted! This time, however, the family was visiting his parents-in-law, and he was going to play what he wanted. He grumbled. He paid good money for this system, and did all the work himself to install it, and he never even got to use it. He put in the soundtrack to that new thriller movie that he saw with his guy friends (his wife refused to watch it with him - she thought it looked like a stupid movie). It starred two popular actors, a man and a woman, as they awoke from cryogenic sleep to find themselves in an country theu didn't recognize, and then trekked across a foreign, post-apocalyptic landscape filled with unknown terrors and paranoid groups of human survivors. Norm really like the soundtrack, because, for the most part, it was very ambient in nature, and provided a unique atmosphere for getting thought-intensive work done. The music began with the swell of an orchestral string section, then shifted into a brooding, slow-moving piece accompanied by ambient piano and harp. He spread out the paperwork from his big work assignment across his desk in a very organized fashion. He didn't sit down in his cushy office chair, but instead leaned on the desk with both of his hands, intently studying the notes and figures on the paper. An hour later, the papers were scattered chaotically, and some of them were on the floor or in the wastebasket. Norm was sitting in the chair with his left elbow on the desk and his left hand on his forehead. In his right hand was one of the papers, which was completely filled with pencil scribbles that had erased, re-written, and then erased again. The movie soundtrack was in the midst of a moving piece that accompanied a scene in which the main characters were being chased by wolfmen and vampires. Norm was seriously considering taking a break when this track was over, so when the hammered percussive section died away into tense, sustained string chords, he set down the paper he was holding with a sigh. He spun his chair around, stood up, and stretched. He was in the middle of a big yawn when he heard a strange noise in the living room. It sounded remarkably like a door being shut, which didn't make any sense, because his family was gone and no one else had a key to the door, which was always kept locked. He froze, and slowly put his arms down. He peeked his head arouund the corner of the room's doorframe, and he heard the noise again. He slowly looked down both ends of the hallway, but didn't see anything. He heard the noise again. It seemed to be coming from the living room, where the door to the house was. Was someone trying to break in? Quietly, Norm grabbed the wooden baseball bat that Norm always kept in the study, even though his family never understood why. Then, while the movie soundtrack continued continued to play its tense, subtle music throughout the house, he began to tiptoe down the hall towards the living room. The noise started happening more frequently now, like whoever it was who may be trying to break in was becoming more frantic, more determined. Norm's heart was pounding in his ears, almost in time to the now building music that he was only barely aware of. He clutched the bat tighter in his hands as he emerged from the hallway and into the main room of the house. The TV was off, and so were all the lights, except for the one directly above the front door. The sound had stopped, but now he heard something rustling by the door. He couldn't tell for sure, but he thought it was coming from the bush just outside the door. He swallowed and moved closer to the door. He'd never encountered a burglar before, but he wasn't about to let one break into his house. The music was almost at its highest point now, with every string instrument (and even parts of the horns and percussion) playing repeated notes in a steady rhythm, getting louder and louder. Norm reached a trembling hand out to grasp the door handle. Just as the music built to a deafening crash, a small, black figure dashed out from behind the couch and leapt at Norm's face. Norm fell backwards, dropping his bat. The figure was behind him now. He whipped around and saw - Inque, the family housecat. The cat was playing with her catnip mouse, which would explain why she was acting in such a strange manner. She was jumping and clawing at invisble things at the air while she still held the mouse in her mouth. Norm swore. He clambored to his feet, grabbed the nearest throw pillow off the couch, and threw it at the cat. The cat retreated into a back room of the house. Still breathing heavily, Norm picked up the bat and trudged back to the study. The CD player built into the wall had ejected the soundtrack CD, as it always did when it finished playing something. Norm stared at it for a moment. He picked up the CD, and then the CD's case that had been sitting on the desk. He studied them both for a moment, then threw them in the trash. Whether you agree or disagree with Casey Anthony's verdict, why don't you pray for her and her family and the loss of an innocent little girl, rather than name calling? It's done, you can't change the verdict. She's obviously a soul in need of saving. But you can pray, that's something you CAN do. Bob, Dan, and Ken are riding in a car down the interstate. Bob is driving, Dan is in the passenger seat, and Ken is in the back seat on the driver's side. As they're driving, they run into construction. It doesn't really slow them down, but Ken is rather keen on the concrete barriers bordering the road. \"Those barriers have weird flixible thingies attached to them,\" he said, indicating the yellow, plastic objects sticking up about 3 feet in the air. They were attached every foot or so. Dan cocked an eyebrow. \"I bet it would be real fun to stick your arm out and hit them,\" he said. \"Well it just so happens we have one!\" Dan said, grinning. \"My hiking stick, it's sticking up in the back!\" Ken unbuckled himself and clambered over the back seat, reaching into the station wagon's hatch. \"Oh no you don't!\" Bob insisted. He tried to find an opening to move into the right lane, but it was filled with other cars, the drivers of whom seemed oblivious to his turn signal. \"We're probably breaking at least a dozen traffic laws right now,\" he muttered. Ken managed to grab the hiking stick from the back, and, much to Bob's chagrin, he stuck it out the back window, holding it by its molded rubber handle to maximize grip and reach. The plastic guards began to slap against the stick, making a very noisy rhythm, and waving in the stick's wake. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere (as they usually are), blue and red lights lit up behind them. Bob groaned. \"Oh no...\" Despite the busy traffic in both lanes, Bob managed to navigate across to the right side of the interstate, rolled to a stop, and put his window down. Ken had reluctantly rolled up his window after retracting his plastic-smacking stick. After the police car stopped behind them, there was an indeterminate length of time which seemed much longer than it needed to be, and then a husky, brim-hatted officer walked up to the driver's side. Speaking in a slight drawl, he then asked the question: \"Do ya know why I pulled ya over, son?\" The use of the word \"son\" made Bob's throat tighten, but he made himself swallow. It just made it more awkward. \"Well,\" he started, \"I would guess it's cause my friend Bob here was smacking the plastic things on top of the concrete barriers with a hiking stick.\" I sound like an idiot, he thought. \"Oh, it was him, was it?\" the officer gestured to the man in the backseat. \"Hell, I thought it was you, and I was gonna give ya a warning to cut it out!\" He laughed. Bob forced a laugh in response, and the other two men in the car followed suit. \"Listen, if it's the guy in the backseat, I ain't gonna spoil your fun. Just be careful you don't ruin your nice thing-a-ma-jig there!\" He gestured to the hiking stick that Ken had been ineffectively trying to hide. Without another word, the cop climbed into his patrol car. Bob was afraid to drive away, but the officer turned off his lights and drove away after a short moment. The three men just stared at each other. Then, in silence, Bob started the car back up, drove back across the lanes of the interstate, and rolled down Ken's window for him. Dan and Ken grinned at each other, and Ken happily stuck his stick out, and started smacking the plastic thingies again. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Man Utd waiting on the results of Kagawa scan Wednesday 24 October 2012 Manchester United will on Wednesday discover the extent of any damage done by midfielder Shinji Kagawa, after the Japan international injured his knee during United's 3-2 Champions League victory over Braga on Tuesday, the Daily Mail has reported. United came back from two goals down to take three points and all-but secure their safe passage into the next round of the competition thanks to a Javier Hernandez brace and one from Jonny Evans, leaving United with nine points from nine available. Braga scored twice through Alan inside 20 minutes but United completed the turnaround with 15 minutes of the match remaining. Kagawa however was replaced by Luis Nani at half-time having twisted his knee mid-way through the first-half. Sir Alex Ferguson could not say at full-time how serious or otherwise the injury was, instead admitting he was waiting for the results of the scan to be held a day later. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"How to have a good relationship A summary of the research evidence, by Dr Bob Rich Love in the bank: the 5:1 rule Every relationship involves problems and conflict. Trading in one partner for another is freeing yourself from one set of problems, and taking on another set. Choosing to live alone also has its problems. So, the trick is to have a good relationship DESPITE the problems that arise. Research by John Gottman and many others has shown that it is possible to \"put love in the bank.\" When the conflicts arise, you can survive them and maintain a good relationship if, on the average, there are at least 5 good interactions for every bad one. When I found out about this, I monitored good and bad interactions between my wife and me for a week. I found that the ratio was more like 20:1, explaining why we have been married for over 43 years now. A good interaction is anything that one person does in order to make the other feel good. It can be a smile, a friendly tone of voice, a non-sexual touch like a pat on the back... basically, anything the other person notices, and therefore feels good for sharing a life with you. So, deliberately and intentionally, go out of your way to do things that put love in the bank. Avoid actions that go the other way. If one happens, apologise, own up, and counter it with one or more good acts. Do note that this only works if BOTH partners do it. How to handle conflict Every relationship involves conflict situations. Where \"there is never any conflict,\" you can be sure that one partner controls, dominates and therefore abuses the other. There would be conflict if the subjugated person dared. Conflict is healthy -- if handled right. Four dimensions are all-important. Here are the extreme points of each: Listening vs. defensiveness . When you make a complaint, you need to be heard. More than that: you need to feel that you've been heard. Even if the complaint proves to have been misguided and wrong, the emotion associated with it is genuine. So, a response of this kind is good: \"I hear that you're hurt that I didn't phone that I'd be late. Sorry you feel so badly about it. But actually, I tried to ring, only my phone ran out of charge, and I couldn't get to any other phone. So, all I could do was to hurry home, and well, here I am.\" Defending your actions is fine -- AFTER acknowledging the feelings of the other person. The opposite is illustrated by: \"You've trampled mud all over the carpet again!\" \"Yeah? And I see last night's dishes are still in the sink!\" A counterattack like this may work, but damages the relationship. Complaint vs. criticism . A complaint addresses an issue. A criticism says something negative about a person. For example, \"You've trampled mud all over the carpet again!\" is a complaint. \"You're a slob for trampling in all that mud\" is a criticism. The first is constructive, the second destructive. It's a cliche of childraising to discipline the child with love: to do something about unacceptable behaviour while making the child still feel loved. The same applies to adult relationships. Accepting influence vs. stonewalling . I am stonewalling when whatever you say, whatever you want, I do what I feel like, when I feel like. Included are promising to do a job and then not doing it, not-hearing something or forgetting it had been said, advancing endless excuses, and a straight refusal every time, even if the suggestion or request is wise and reasonable. Some men have the habit of thinking that accepting influence from a woman is somehow demeaning and belittling. It ain't. A good relationship is one in which partners listen to each other, pool their wisdom and make decisions jointly, each accepting influence from the other. Respect vs. contempt . This is the most important. Even if the other three factors are handled right, the relationship will founder if one partner acts with contempt toward the other. Derogatory terms (stupid, slut, bastard, lazy, slovenly, spendthrift, miser...) are terms of contempt. Interestingly, the research shows that universalising statements have the same effect as such labels: \"you always...\" and \"you never...\" are terms of contempt. \"It distresses me when you drink to excess\" is respectful. \"You\"re a drunkard\" is not. Argument style People have various emotional styles for engaging in conflict. The relationship is more stable if you and your partner use the same style. Mismatches cause problems, but with tolerance and goodwill, you can learn to make allowances and put in place defence strategies for minimising the effect of the different styles. Three major styles are called volatile, rational and avoidant. None of these is better than the others -- the issue is whether your way of doing it drives your partner away or not. Volatile arguers are drama queens. They shout, scream, exaggerate, make a great show out of the issue. Then when it's over, they are passionate, and make great love. Rational arguers like to organise a meeting, sit down and seriously talk an issue out. They need to understand, negotiate, look for compromises. Avoidant arguers are those who say, \"We can agree to disagree over this.\" Peace and harmony are a lot more important to them than being right, or having their way. As I said, if you and your partner have matching styles, then you can have a good long term relationship. Two volatiles can have fierce arguments followed by wonderful passion. Two rationals can sort things out. Two avoidants can live together regardless of an accumulation of unresolved issues. The problem arises if the two partners have different styles, and you can see why. A volatile and a rational will drive each other crazy. When one partner calls the other \"a cold fish,\" \"boring,\" \"all in the head, no heart,\" you can be sure it's a volatile talking about a rational. The retort will be \"throws tantrums like a spoiled kid.\" A rational teamed up with an avoidant is a chasing game. One has the need to talk it out, the other to run away. Some situations of domestic violence can be understood with one or the other reaching breaking point, because the issue just won't stop. And yes, a rational can be violent. The worst is a volatile and an avoidant. It doesn't take long for the avoidant to move out. It IS possible to build a loving, lasting relationship despite such mismatches. This needs understanding and allowance. You need to accept the other person's style, and each of you needs to do your best to modify somewhat toward the other's preferred way of doing things. This is difficult, but possible. It may even be good for you. Attachment style As a little child, a person has to make sense of the world. We build a model of reality, including what kind of person we are, what is safe and what is dangerous. As part of this, we form long-term reactions to other people, and these strongly influence romantic relationships in adulthood. If the people who cared for you when you were little treated you with consistent love (even when you needed discipline), and you learned to trust them, then as an adult you will have a positive view of others and feel comfortable around them. But if the big people who ruled your childhood were dangerous and unpredictable, you will have a negative view of others as an adult, and generally keep them at an emotional distance. That's one dimension. The second is how you think of yourself. If the way you were treated as a little child built up your confidence and made you feel good about being you, then that's how you will be as an adult. However, the events in your childhood may have made you feel damaged, never good enough, inferior, and then you have a negative view of yourself as an adult. Naturally, both these distinctions have many degrees. Each is a continuum, not a point. All the same, a good understanding of what makes people tick in relationships is that how you feel about yourself and others determines how you behave as one half of a couple: trust others fear others I'm OK Secure attachment Dismissive attachment I'm faulty Insecure attachment Avoidant attachment Various researchers have used different names for these, and some only have three rather than four types. But the concept is clear enough. People with secure attachment are wonderful partners and lovers, and many of them find secure partners for themselves. Those of us with attachment problems are not so lucky. We tend to have selective perception, seeing situations and other people in a way that confirms our expectations. We fall in love with people who treat us the way out childhood carers treated us, and this keeps our problematic attitudes going. If you have problems in your relationship, chances are your and your partner's attachment style contributes to this. People with dismissive attachment tend to handle conflict by being abusive and contemptuous, those with insecure attachment readily fall into the victim role (and these two often find each other), avoidant people are often loners who wish for love, but don't know how to get it. And because these patterns act as self-fulfilling prophecies, they tend to be stable for many people. But there is hope. Your attachment style is only one of many relevant influences. And it is an invitation, not a command; a tendency, not a doom. I am an example. I have the very worst pattern: \"I am damaged and people hurt you.\" And yet, I am now impervious to negative opinions of other people (while taking in anything they say that might help me to improve). The damaged little boy is still within me, but he no longer has any influence. People like me, and I can form good relationships with them, including those the closest to me: my wife and children. If I could do it, so can you. It took me many painful years, but I can shorten the journey for my clients. If you have identified an attachment style that's not the best, see a psychologist. In summary Look for a mate who argues the way you do. Whatever the provocation, treat your partner with respect, be open to influence, listen, and complain rather than criticise. And put LOTS of love in the bank. ...and something from me I am not aware of any research on the next point, but it works. It turns on the little word \"me.\" Think of the difference between I want someone to love me; I want someone to love. One is needy, the other giving. Or: She is screaming at me. How can I defend myself; She is screaming. How can I help? A rule of the universe is, the more you give, the more you get. If both partners are in the relationship FOR the other rather than for what they can get out of it, they can ride over every difficulty. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I looked all over for people with similar issues and tried all the solutions posted for issues like this but got nowhere. I have tried both with ow3nd and twitch accounts and with ow3ned when I start my stream I get nothing, with twitch it goes online for a second with a black screen and then back offline, while xsplit still says it is streaming. Trying to local record gets me a file in the xsplit recordings folder that is 0 bytes large and disappears as soon as I stop local recording. When I try to test bandwidth with either stream I get 0kbps, I tried turning firewall off but it did not help. When I start the stream it tells me at first I have 24kbps bitrate, which shortly goes down to 12, then 8, 6, 4, and then the bitrate counter goes away entirely Here is a compilation image with some information, I assume you want something more than just speedtest.net specifics, if so can you tell me how to get to that information and specifically what you want? Absolome wrote: turned off antivirus, turned off windows firewall. Still getting the same problem with local recording and streaming, still starts off streaming at about 27 kbps and steadily drops to nothing Are you using a wireless connection for streaming? If you are, consider switching to a wired one. That said, whether you are using a wireless \/ wired connection, please try the (applicable) suggestions here . Did you update to v. 1.0 yet? Try updating your channel plug-in - delete it complete from the channels view (take note of settings you want to keep), then add it through the interface. This will install the latest version of the plug-in. Whoops, sorry - completely forgot to write the name of the processes to watch for: VHMultiWriterExt2.exe (this is the encoder, and there has to be one for video and one for audio). Xsplit.core.exe does not change much when local recording, since it's basically the encoder you turn on. Fix: XSplit Not Recognizing Paid Licenses (June 2-4) Last Updated: 16:56 EST In the XSplit 1.0.1204.1301 client we have discovered a bug which for several hours today may have prevented many paid users to login to XSplit. We have constructed XSplit as a service that will still be able to operate for paid users even if our servers should experience unexpected downtime. The official XSplit 1.0.1204.1301 had a bug which prevented this safety mechanism to kick in under some special circumstances which we discovered today during intermittent server down time. We will work very hard to avoid similar situations going forward and we thank everyone for their support and patience. While we are still working on some server issues, the patch in the download page will resolve the issues for existing XSplit account holders who have been logged into their account before on the current workstation. New users that have recently signed up for an XSplit account or existing users who is logging into XSplit on a new workstation may still be getting the following message \"You need to be online the first time before you login\". We are working to resolve that and will provide an update when this issue is resolved. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Files seem to be deleted from Free Agent Go Flex 1TB drive I have a Free Agent Go Flex 1TB external drive that I bought expressly to store my movies on when I deploy overseas. I am using HandBrake to transfer the movies to the external, using a MacBook. I've transferred about 100 movies (about a GB each) to the external drive. Today, I transferred one movie successfully and got an error message on the second that the \"Destination drive [the Go Flex] is not valid\". When I checked the contents of the drive in Finder, the movies do not appear; however, the drive shows that approx 100GB has been used - which is exactly what it showed prior to the error. When I plugged the external drive into a Windows PC, some of the movies showed up, but not all. I'm at a loss as to what to do to get to the files. Help! ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Seeing The Sign Where to go. How to get there. Looking for a picture-perfect view of the Sign? For many visitors to Los Angeles, there is no more coveted photo than a shot of the world famous Sign. Though it is visible from all over the city from its lofty perch on Mt. Lee, it can actually be surprisingly difficult to get a well angled shot. Many are surprised to learn that it's actually illegal to hike to (or basically get anywhere near) the Sign, which is set well back behind restricting gates and protected by security cameras and Park Rangers. With our insider's photo guide to the Sign, you'll beat the crowds and get that perfect photo you were hoping for. (Commercial photographers and filmmakers, please consult our \"Filming the Sign\" page for information on getting the proper permits.) Check the map below to find the best location near you, or visit them all for a fun day tour! ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I am new 2 this forum... i found this forum very intresting and da forum is providing loads of help 2 studentzz I have Unconditional offer for addmission in PhD integrated (MS by research Leading to PhD) from University of Wollongong. I am abt 2 apply for student viza. I would appreciate help in regardzz wid docuements 2 b submitted @ the time of student visa lodging. Kindly correct me if i am missing some of the documentzz. Here is da List. Congratulations for getting a HEC scholarship to PhD program from a reputable university in Australia. Undoubtedly this is some thing a person should always be proud of. Your efforts and hard work has paid of. As per rules [University of Wollongong] comes in streamline processing which basically means that Embassy recognizes your university to be an authentic education provider. This makes an applicant's chances for obtaining a visa even brighter. Please follow the link to visa check-list below to submit your case to the Embassy. Assessment Levels have been streamlined meaning you will be treated the same as a student from United States. i.e Assessment Level 1 < Reference: http:\/\/www.immi.gov.au\/students\/checklis\\\\... > There is not need to notarize your statement of purpose(SOP). Your signature at the end are sufficient. Please write it persuasively and put some thought into it as it is a document of utmost importance. Undeniably visa officer will read your SOP and the outcome of the decision will be based on it. I hope it was helpful. Regards C.Sagan P.S- My semester will commence in spring for Masters of Professional Engineering from UOW this July 2012. FaizaJ May 6th, 2012, 10:50 AM Thank you C.Sagen for da info and complements. Yes, University of Wollongong is very nice university and very reputable one. Have you applied for da visa? hope 2 c u at Wollongong. By the way, is PFL a good consultant for australia visa cases handling? Thankzzz once again Carlsagan. carlsagan May 6th, 2012, 04:05 PM @FaizaJ The purpose of human existence should be to help others if we cannot they we should at least try not to harm others. The university is well known for research on Nano Technology. According the updated rankings it's research capabilities are higher than [University of Melbourne]. The program allows me to participate in thesis and contribute directly in my discipline. It is the one of those universities working on nano based solar panels that will eventually end the monopoly of oil cartels around 2030's. Shortage of energy will cause the biggest crisis mankind has ever faced in the future. The world relies heavily on energy, 90% of which comes from oil. Already the price of petrol as of 6th May 2012 is spiraling out of control. It is obvious that if an alternative is not discovered soon, immediate repercussions will be on the price of transportation that will reach beyond the grips of a common man,the price of commodities and overall living cost have been rising and are bound to go even higher in the years to come. In this regard some nations have invested in renewable energy technologies but they are ineffective on an industrial scale. The answer will come from [University of Wollongong, Nano Labs] where today researchers are looking for answer to these questions. That is what I hope to be a part of. I hope to strengthen the fabric of science. I worked in the middle east for few years to earn my tuition fees. My colleagues and boss is Australian and our Head Office is also based in Australia. I got the visa in 2 weeks time. It was difficult on HEC scholarship a few years ago as they were having trouble funding students already pursuing degree abroad. We were hearing news of Pakistani scholars returning home leaving their studies because HEC was unable to provide funds. May be situation has improved since them. This was in around the year 2007\/08. I took a decision not to apply for HEC as they were in troubles of their own. In any case it is tremendous achievement to have your efforts recognized by government of Pakistan, considering the current situation. Being fully funded gives you the liberty to enjoy your stay while in Australia on a stipend. As for your queries, National Identity Cards are translated in shops around places where Notary Public sit outside court rooms. They are usually well advertised. One cannot miss their signboards. A translated NIC is a print out of a simple form built in excel with your data. It is nothing really sophisticated or amazing. The reputation of the consultant doesn't matter in your case. You are a sponsored student for research degree. You automatically meet the criteria of [Genuine Student] and [Temporary Entrant]. The only important pieces of paper in your application will be the letter from HEC and your statement of purpose. Regards Escallanio May 6th, 2012, 10:32 PM Hi FaizaJ i am also scholarship awardee (HEC batch X1). However mine is for PhD. Can any one elaborate about financial statement in scholarship case? @FaizaJ and carl i have heard it is MUST to submit first semester fee to be granted australia visa...However in HEC Scholarship tuition fee is paid once visa is granted. Will a simple plain Scholarship letter be enough to submit with application fee for visa to be granted? That's because Embassy is under the impression that you are a fraud. Applying to Australia with the malicious intentions of causing harm to its citizens either directly or participating in activities that will bring harm to its citizens indirectly. The decision officers so far must have been unable to determine [ Genuine Student] and or [Temporary Entrant ] intentions. FaizaJ May 8th, 2012, 02:02 AM @carlsagen i am impressed. You have chosen Wollongong with an excellent frame of mind. You have done thorough research in choosing wollongong. Wollongong is very famous in telecommunication as well. However sometimes nowadays fear comes in my mind. i dont know why but my frame of mind is not set bcoz i wonder why i choose wollongong instead of melbourne or Uni of Sydney. May b i am work i dont know but ???? Carlsagen, is it your own picture in the display. i hope 2 see you soon in NSW. Where you from in Pak? FaizaJ May 8th, 2012, 02:10 AM Escallanio i Nice 2 meet you. I am HEC scholars as well. i am in batch ix. I am going 2 Uni of Wollongong MS leading 2 PhD. HEC wont provide bank statement or any advance payment this is what HEC Islamabad told me. They told me if Uni is world class or above average they will not ask for advance payment once you inform them about HEC scholarship. Normally HEC scholars are accepted by universities abroad without asking fee in advance. one of your post says you got addmission in ballarat as well. Lolzz. I am sure they will ask you about tuition fee in advance as its a low standard uni. I am waiting on Wollongong offer. i have conditional offer which required me 2 pay first semester fee. My consultant (PFL) have inform them about my scholarship last friday. let see when they dispatch unconditional offer. FaizaJ May 8th, 2012, 03:14 AM @Carlsagen In our case, HEC told that we will not pay tuition fee till visa is granted. Is it a pre-requisite to deposit first semester tuition fee for visa 2 be granted? can you please explain tthis situation? carlsagan May 8th, 2012, 08:04 AM @carlsagen i am impressed. You have chosen Wollongong with an excellent frame of mind. You have done thorough research in choosing wollongong. Wollongong is very famous in telecommunication as well. However sometimes nowadays fear comes in my mind. i dont know why but my frame of mind is not set bcoz i wonder why i choose wollongong instead of melbourne or Uni of Sydney. May b i am work i dont know but ???? Carlsagen, is it your own picture in the display. i hope 2 see you soon in NSW. Where you from in Pak? The course was subsidized by my company (Head Quartered in Australia) on the recommendations of my boss in UAE who is an Australian and an alumni of UoW. About the profile picture, it belongs to 'Carl Sagan' a famous American astronomer whose documentaries about the universe has always captivated me. He made science easy and accessible for all. I guess if you are coming to UOW this spring it is likely to run into each other since not many Pakistani students are expected to be there. @Carlsagen In our case, HEC told that we will not pay tuition fee till visa is granted. Is it a pre-requisite to deposit first semester tuition fee for visa 2 be granted? can you please explain tthis situation? As per the official guide lines. If you are a fully funded student, you must show evidence that the sponsoring agency, government or organization will cover the cost of:travel, tuition and living expenses for yourself and dependent family members accompanying you to Australia. < Reference:http:\/\/www.immi.gov.au\/student\\\\... | 574-Postgrad Research > canberra_pk May 9th, 2012, 12:38 PM Please also include Form 80 and Form 54 in your application. If you don't want to submit with the application now then make sure you keep them handy as Visa Officer might ask you to submit later. Well, I also wonder why you didn't choose Uni Melb or ANU or other top Aussie Uni. Well, Uni Wollongong ranks 10 in Australia currently (http:\/\/www.australianuniversities.com.a\\\\... Good luck for your visa application. carlsagan May 9th, 2012, 03:43 PM @canberra pk University of Wollongong has exactly the same research breath as ANU. (Reference: http:\/\/www.australianuniversities.com.au\\\\... Overall it is a mid ranking university with faculty a lot less cocky than ANU or Melbourne, thus a lot less pain in the... FaizaJ May 10th, 2012, 06:26 AM @carlssagen thank you carlsagen. Yes, sure i will definitely meet you. I have heard about form 157 A. Never heard about form 54 and 80.. do i need 2 submit them as well? @canberrapk I have applied 2 Uni of Wollongong and Uni of Queensland. If i get addmission in Queensland Uni (Unconditional ) then i will prefer Queensland University as my sister and brother in law are settled there. At the moment i have two conditional offers : one from QU and other from UoW. Lets see who offer unconditional without paying tuition fee 4 first semester. Yes melbourne is good but UOW and QU are also excellent in research. i am getting late as my classes in UoW starts Mid July and QU on 30 July and i havent yet recieved unconditional offer. carlsagan May 10th, 2012, 07:30 AM @carlssagen thank you carlsagen. Yes, sure i will definitely meet you. I have heard about form 157 A. Never heard about form 54 and 80.. do i need 2 submit them as well? Please follow the document checklist as per 574-postgrad research streamline applicants. Any unnecessary\/irrelevant documents are discarded by the Islamabad Embassy before dispatching to Adelaide office. canberra_pk May 10th, 2012, 09:59 AM Hi FaizaJ You may also need to submit Student Supplement Form that can be found at: http:\/\/www.pakistan.embassy.gov.au\/files\\\\... For PhD Research you don't need to worry about start date as it can be started at any time of the year (preferably before end of Semester 2 the latest.). Depends on when you get your visa. Go for UQ if you get unconditional offer letter of course. It's an excellent Aus Uni and trust me St Lucia, Brisbane\/Queensland is a wonderful place to study at and live in. canberra_pk May 10th, 2012, 12:26 PM carlsagan: Please correct me if I am wrong. The student visa application is sent DIRECTLY to Adelaide Office and NOT via Islamabad as you mentioned in your message below?? Thanks! Form 80, 54 and student supplement forms are requested from most of Pakistani students see at (although it's old info but still valid I believe?): http:\/\/www.pakistan.embassy.gov.au\/files\\\\... Please follow the document checklist as per 574-postgrad research streamline applicants. Any unnecessary\/irrelevant documents are discarded by the Islamabad Embassy before dispatching to Adelaide office. canberra_pk May 10th, 2012, 02:34 PM @FaizaJ THE below info (Pak specific) is available at Australian High Commission (AHC), Islamabad website. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Customer Service Value For Money Media Gallery for Western Union Money Transfer Latest Reviews WU stinks their customer service is non existant. I have yet to have a money transfer overseas to go smoothly there is always something I have to call about and wait and then get someone who I can barely understand as it appears they do not hire anyone who doesn't have an accent. I actually had to resort to yelling at the customer service person today, they are slow, they want confirmation but won't send you a confirmation e-mail, right now I have two seperate transactions hanging out... I sent money online for just 44 as it stated that you can send upto 400 x2 before ID is required. It clearly states this, i only did the transaction because of this, as i dont have any i.d at all. They took my money from my credit card, then frozen the transaction saying i need to send id. Its a joke! I need to send id but dont have any, my money is held and i cant pay my reciever Terrible Service, Bad Company You will be asked to confirm your to call for this message. For your security, we need more information before we can process your money transfer. You call.....then...you'll wait forever!!!.... until your phone runs out of battery charge and wasted so much of your precious time!!!!!!!! What an awful experience I've just had trying to send funds from the U.S. to Canada. It was not sufficient for me to get cash from the bank, fill out forms, provide identification, and pay a $111 fee (to send $1,200 U.S). I needed to also return a phone call to Western Union, wait a half hour, then identify the transaction number, my driver license number, and the recipient's name. Then, incredibly, I had to identify HOW the recipient would SPEND ALL the funds, HOW I am SURE of the... Western Union has the worst system I've ever encountered, you actually went in to my credit report for the transfer of a lousy $200, I was asked questions about who I pay my mortgage to and who I took credit from to purchase my car. To put the icing on the cake, you denied my transfer of $200 for my desperate brother and the agent had the audacity to offer a 50% discount hahahaha what a joke you people are, I rudely stated to him that I wanted nothing from Western Union and rather stick to... Last month, my boyfriend and I were sending money to California from New York to my boyfriend's brother in order to put down a deposit on an apartment that we really wanted to get. We decided to use Western Union and we called the 1-800 number and asked the customer service representative if they deducted the money from the credit card and if it was sent to the destination. The rep \"assured\" us that the money was there and the transaction was complete and to have a great evening. The next... Mdmdm's response to courtneyrose05's Review Written on: 01\/11\/2012 I am in the Phillipines.. I have been here 2 1\/2 months as I extended my visa 2x and got married.. I am renting a house with my wife and I furnished it and buy her family dinner all the time.. I have burned through all my cash so I try to send myself a $1000 transfer the first one went through ok so after I pick it up I try another one but they cancel it.. they keep cancelling my transfers.. I call them.. I email them I send them my passport but they just say the system is cancelling my transfers.. I KNOW!!! Then they say something about security issues.. Hey dumb butts I'm sending money to myself. I have to show my passport to pick it up. I have had this online account 5 years!!!! Why is this a security issue?? On top of that I can't load my Western Union Debit card.. Then I apply for a Western Union ForX account and get approved but I can't log in. I am running out of money and Western Union does not care if I have been a good customer for 6 years. I recently used the WU Pay service by transferring money from my bank account to them. It's been 2 days now since WU received the money, still they haven't sent any confirmation of receipt. It's impossible to contact them via chat or phone (they're always unavailable, even during their business hours) and their email responses are a bunch of baloney and vague at best. I hope to recover my money soon thanks to my bank. I called in to ask about a problem, but I couldn't understand the person, his english was so bad. I asked him to transfer me to another agent, but he said to hang up and call back. I was on the phone for 2 hours and got hung up on 3 times. No one I spoke to could speak english, and they didn't help at all. I have been using Western Union for may be 4 years sending money home every month. The only reason I stick to WU is it's convenient for my receiver to collect money from local Western Union place. I have spoken to hundreds of companies over the phone but Western Union is by far the rudest one. It is as if I have made a call to some third world police department and I'm getting interrogated! I have always had problems with them whenever I had changed address or phone number etc. They REALLY... This company\/bank goes further than the people from the great black continent south of Europe! If you want to be taken for a ride, this is the best Company\/Bank to do it. What a lack of unmitigated slight of hand! To start with, they have now started charging 4% above the going base exchange rate, which was only 3% 6 months ago, and only 2% about 2 years ago. They don't provide Vaseline when you start dealing with WU and the problems they create! Then there are the exorbitant transfer... I agree with all the other reviewers regarding this company, which is the worst I have ever dealt with. They have now been holding my payment hostage for over a week and will not respond to my emails. Over the phone, they were \"too busy\" and wanted me to leave a voice mail. I said that was not acceptable and foolishly continued to wait. After half an hour, I asked for a supervisor, who eventually said she \"escalated\" my issue (whatever that means) and would call back \"hopefully within 24... Took two hours to deal with agents on the phone, then finally after hours of waiting and frustration, they figured they cannot help by phone and wanted me to go to their office to make the transaction. Cancelled the transaction for money transfer but the fee is NOT reimbursed!!! Terrible! Never ever gonna make business again with them! The level of irresponsibility at western union is unimaginable, for a company with global reach, i am completely shocked at how they conduct business. How do you decline service to a customer without explanation of any sort. It's a shame they are still in business. The following is an email I sent them. It explains almost everything. I am a very loyal customer to western union and have been making money transfer for years through this company. But I am so disappointed by the customer service so much that I wonder why the company is even paying people who are like robots and can't help customers. Less than a month ago, I made a large money transfer, but my rewards points were not printed on my receipt. I called the customer service line and after ... What kind of legitimate company denies your transaction, and also closes your account without even sending you a courtesy email as to the reasons WHY it was cancelled and denied? To take it further, I was sending money via Billpay, which required me to verify my account by accessing my online banking (which is a reputable bank btw, CHASE). To put it short, Western Union is a joke. Unless you want to deal with hassles and your money being frozen an a non-FDIC insured system, don't even... Western Union paid money to someone else who didn't have MTC number ( this umber only supposed to be known to sender and receiver) They wont admit it is their issue - said we need to report to police as it was fraud but cant explain how money was paid to someone who was not the correct receiver. They are not interested in helping to solve what happened to money and police cant do anything without details of where money was paid out. Their agents are not trained and pay out to anyone even... They deducted money from my account and it did not reach to receiver . After 2 days they said the transaction has been cancelled . No reason given by them . They said your money has been refunded to your bank account . It has been more than 5 days still I have not received money back . If I try to ask western union they say check with your bank , we have refunded your money back . My bank is asking reference number from western and western union is not providing any reference number . Western Union is worthless! I first started making online transaction in July because they offered zero transfer fee. The money came in the recipient's bank account in a next business day, very impressive. Then I made another transfer to the same recipient's account and they held the money for nearly one week, always stating that it has been transferred, but the recipient has never got the money, until they sent me an email about transfer failure stating that the beneficiary's name was... western union has no customer service i paid for the minute service and my money was not recieved for four days i tried several times to correct an agent mistake and found it very dificult to do so finally after days of effort i was able to get my money sent i will never use the service again I tried sending money OL and it won't go through coz they're asking for some stupid codes.. Everytime I call they'd say I have to wait until the transaction posts then I can enter the code... 3 days later, I decided to just cancel it since it's still on pending approval... To my dismay the next day... My money was deducted from my account even after I cancelled the transaction.. I've called them so many times and all they say is that they'll give me a refund but until now... THEY STILL... Minike's response to Guest's Review Written on: 29\/08\/2012 I hear you. I had the same experience. Customer service is sluggish, giving nasty reasons to not process the transfer and holding the money for so unreasonablly long time. Their business is just a failure! Reply to this comment Pintikan's response to Guest's Review Written on: 10\/10\/2012 i am having the same problem right now. they are imbeciles. did they returned the money to you? Reply to this comment Pintikan's response to Guest's Review Written on: 10\/10\/2012 i am having the same problem right now... are they able to refund the money back to your account? After typing and retyping several time their details required I got nowhere! so annoying! so i popped the cash in an envelope and wished it bon voyage! and yes it made is safely at no cost to me! yes me, the consumer the no 1-the customer! who? yes me! the customer! get lost, waste of time............ THE BIGGEST WASTE OF TIME!!! Most of the locations listed on their website are no longer active e.g Rite Aid at Grand Central. For those money centers that are still open, their computers are often down. Their online service is ABYSMAL! They make it impossible to send money. The security checks they have in place don't work (e.g. you don't get a text message on your cell with the code as promised etc). The customer reps don't know how to resolve the issues and all they say is they can't... A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. I understand that protecting the privacy of customers is important, but I feel as if they make up things. I couldn't wire money online even though the website clearly stated that you could do so and have the funds available in minutes. They told me to try sending a smaller amount which I did, but was charged a separate transaction fee for every smaller transaction sent. I seriously could NOT believe the customer service... and I work in customer service so I feel... When I attempted to withdraw them money in minutes I couldn't until the next day. Attempted to call in to the customer support and demand a refund for mislabeled services. They treated my like I was no one and didn't even care about my call. I was left on hold for half the call and the other half was them shouting company policy at me which had nothing to do with my issue. After an hour of battling I simply asked where I could pick up the money, they put me on hold for twenty more minutes to... Here is why western union should not exists: - Western Union is the ONLY company in the world makes mistakes and refuse to corrected them.In fact, they ask customers to correct them. - the customer service seems like a scam! they cant help you , they don't know how to help you, and can't commnucate at all and their supervisor have no problem being rude and mean to you. - thier over-charge service fee don't match the service quality. finally, if you have someone in need money right away DO... Western Union Money Transfer Fiasco I tried to send money to a friend in Canada yesterday. I gave Western Union $2500 to send, which they on their web site had told me was the maximum I could. I took the cash to their agent. They took my cash and said everything was fine. Then, my friend went to get the money and it wasn't there. In the meantime Western Union had called my phone. Their fraud department had intercepted my transfer. The person who sounded like he was in South America... Okay, listen everyone... All i can say, STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY IF YOU COULD FIND A WAY TO SEND MONEY TO YOUR FAMILY MEMBER, FRIENDS OR TO ANYONE. Someday, they will hold your money and start asking some personal question which is really rediculous and after that, They will ask you to send some documents before releasing your money. I never did.. I never send anything and i never say or mentioned anything. I told them, you know what, just refund my moneyback. Which is they did but before... I tried to use Western Union online money transfer, because they have a promotional zero money transfer fees. It initially shows that the my transaction went through fine and after couple of hours I receive an email that the trasaction is not complete and is rejected. So I call their customer support, this is what they have to say and I quote \" Use one of the agent offices, online service requires a lot of verification and is a delayed process\", which is suprising because Western Union... I used WU today to transfer money to Spain for my daughter.Because of the RB\/Ulster Bank fiasco she was unable to use her own card.Firstly my credit card was declined so I rang my CC issuer and they told me they automatically put a stop on all WU transactions because of fraud. They lifted the stop and I tried again and only after I put in my card details did WU inform me they needed a scan of my passport\/id -then followed major panic as I had to change computers and email myself the scans... I sent money to my son in England, from NYC, Western Union Refuses to pay in Brighton England. Customer service give you the run around, they are keeping the money, now they are giving me hard time to get a refund for the lmoney they are keeping and refused to deliver to the receiver. Want to keep the $104 dollars they charged me for \"no service\" thieves, lousy customer service, people in India that cannot and will do nothing to help, a total disaster of company I hope people read this... Ngocchau's response to Guest's Review Written on: 14\/08\/2012 NEVER USE WU AGAIN, NEVER NEVER I've sent money to vietnam for my sister on 31\/07\/12 .She has not received money yet until now, they sent me an email to inform receiver would receive on 02\/08\/2012. Ive been contacted customer service lots of time but the same answer is to find out why the money has delayed and they would ring me back to let me know.No one ring me back, only i contact them.I want a refund but i dont know how long .Its hard to get money back from them. TERRIBLE COMPANY I tried to send money on line - it failed, after a couple of attempts and 15 min spent filling out all the fields\/security questions etc.- with no explanation as to why. I called them, after 15 more minutes wasted on the phone, the agent told me he could not put the transaction through and he did not know why. He offered to look up a location for me, after a few more minutes he got back to say that the system was down and that I should look this up on line. I asked for a phone or email I... I recently tried sending under $5000 from here in BC Canada to Arkansas and got an email from the fellow in Arkansas that WU was very difficult when he went to receive the money. So I phoned WU and had an equally difficult time. They wanted to know all kinds of things like why I was sending money, what it was for, how was I sure that the receiver wasn't scamming me, etc. Basically a lot of information that is none of their business. I cancelled the transfer and will try Money Gram. I will... So Inhad my wallet stolen while abroad in Italy, and my boyfriend sent me euros to hold me over in Florence until I could have my credit card replaced. So I told him where the nearest western union was in Florence, and I went there today with a friend who spoke Italian fluently to help me retrieve the money. I brought my passport and gave the man the transaction number, and he immediately said he couldn't help me. When we asked why, he pointed out that my boyfriend has written the... i would NEVER recommend western union to ANYONE. they have the WORST customer service i have ever encountered. not only was i rudely spoken to but i was blamed for an issue that i did NOT do. save yourself the trouble and the fees and go with another money transfer company. Very bad! Very slow! Very unresponsive customer support! They held up transfer and did not notify me. I kept calling and they asked for more information. I gave them what they wanted and then it happened again. Another call and more questions. Once they had asked everything that was possible to ask they said it would be two more weeks to transfer the money. Four days just to deposit the money from my bank to there account. I have been using Western Union Service for 2 years now. I use it twice a month to send funds to my family in another country. Apart from the fact of it being expensive... considering i was using it twice a month. I still used it because it was available and I really did not want to search for other options. I started with using the agent locations and then eventually moved online. Today there was an error with sending the funds online and asked me to call the number to complete my... Guest's response to emmaferns's Review This is the worst customer service experience I have ever received in my life. I will never recommend this business to anyone in need of transferring money. The only thing I would ever want from you all again is for you to shut all of your doors- GO OUT OF BUSINESS!!!!! I was trying to find how much it costs to send money between the US and Hong Kong. Western Union was the first company to spring to my mind as it has shop locations almost everywhere worldwide. W.U seems like a friendly company judging by it's wording on it's websites but it does not make it easy to find the actual cost of a transaction. Only in the US sites is there a calculator to find the total cost. I also came across this article in my searches. So I tried the calclator to find... I usually don't write reviews . I do make an exception here as the service received in High barnet western union branch was appalling. I waited 1 hour ! There were only 2 people changing currency in front of me ! The agent was EXTREMLY RUDE and UN HEPLFUL. I didn't knew what to fill to receive money . He just vaguely pointed at a paper on the desk nearby so more queue for me. Then he asked any info he could think about including the sender town birth which i have no clue about.. to end... Had not got a clue how to use this service so went to co-op travel on High Street Oldham and could not thank them enough for all the help they gave me.I would use this service again and would gladly advertise this.I was told about Western Union from a colleage at school. Thankyou xxxxxx !!! In mexico showed my ID and they couldnt verify it or something. Wouldnt give me the money. Totally incompetent. Who else would have the code number- it was sent to the same name ! USE MONEY GRAM _ MUCH BETTER !! Ill never use this scum country again ! I went to receive 3700$ was sent from Russia to Alaska for some climbing support, they say they can give me only 2000 $, and sender must split money, so I asked how much people can send by Western Union, so they say up to 10000$, so you can send but you cannot receive. to change transaction - 170$ , are they real?? they must be stoped Bleep's response to Guest's Review Written on: 15\/04\/2012 THREE times I told the agent my wife in the Philippines requires DOLLARS...as she has a dollar account..of couse it arrived in pesos and at a very unfavorable rate of exchange...which had to be repeated to get it back into dollars! Submitted a online money transfer, then i decided to cancel. Western union said that if my card was debited that it would the money would be returned. I needed to know a timeframe. They said it would be 3-5 days for it to return but they could speed it up by faxing my bank and they would do that within the hour and my money would be in the bank before noon the next day. THAT WAS A LIE. They never faxed anything, so i called my bank and got a direct fax number then called Western Union back... Guest's response to Guest's Review Written on: 17\/04\/2012 17-4-2012 I can only echo the comments here - WU is an inefficient and incompetent service with possibly the most terrible customer service I have ever experienced (and they dont seem to speak\/understand English too well - which doesnt help matters!) Western Union could not be more unhelpful if they tried. You can't get anyone who speaks English. You'll get transferred 10 times. And in the end, never get to make the transfer anyway. They wasted 2 hours of my time tonight and I couldn't be more frustrated. Let this be a lesson to everyone, take complete control of your life and never have an emergency that you don't have money stashed away for because you will definitely NOT be helped by Western Union. If I could have given them no... To send 600 used to cost 12 dollars to send to the Philippines which in my opinion was too high, but now it costs 18 dollars to send 600 dollars which is nothing but a complete rip off and to send online it cost 30 dollars and to send over the phone they will amazingly charge you 60 dollars, and the worst thing about it is that they have everybody over a barrel in that there is not any good competitor of western union to easily choose from otherwise. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Social media The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject . Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page . (December 2013) Social media is the interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks . [ 1 ] Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as \"a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 , and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content .\" [ 2 ] Furthermore, social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to communication between organizations, communities, and individuals. [ 3 ] Diagram depicting the many different types of social media Social media differ from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, [ 4 ] reach , frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence. [ 5 ] There are many effects that stem from internet usage. According to Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices increased by 37 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012 compared to 88 billion minutes in July 2011. [ 6 ] For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income, as discussed in Tang, Gu, and Whinston (2012). [ 7 ] Geocities , created in 1994, was one of the first social media sites. The concept was for users to create their own websites, characterized by one of six \"cities\" that were known for certain characteristics. [ 8 ] By applying a set of theories in the field of media research (social presence, media richness) and social processes (self-presentation, self-disclosure), Kaplan and Haenlein created a classification scheme in their Business Horizons (2010) article, with seven different types of social media: However, the boundaries between the different types have become increasingly blurred. For example, Shi, Rui and Whinston (2013) argue that Twitter, as a combination of broadcasting service and social network, classes as a \"social broadcasting technology\". [ 9 ] Mobile social media refers to the combination of mobile devices and social media. This is a group of mobile marketing applications that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. [ 10 ] Due to the fact that mobile social media run on mobile devices, they differ from traditional social media by incorporating new factors such as the current location of the user (location-sensitivity) or the time delay between sending and receiving messages(time-sensitivity). According to Andreas Kaplan , mobile social media applications can be differentiated among four types: [ 10 ] Space-timers (location and time sensitive): Exchange of messages with relevance for one specific location at one specific point in time (e.g., Facebook Places ; Foursquare ) Space-locators (only location sensitive): Exchange of messages, with relevance for one specific location, which are tagged to a certain place and read later by others (e.g., Yelp ; Qype ) While traditional social media offer a variety of opportunities for companies in a wide range of business sectors, mobile social media makes use of the location- and time-sensitivity aspects of it in order to engage into marketing research, communication, sales promotions\/discounts, and relationship development\/loyalty programs. [ 10 ] Marketing research: Mobile social media applications offer data about offline consumer movements at a level of detail heretofore limited to online companies. Any firm can now know the exact time at which a customer entered one of its outlets, as well as comments made during the visit. [ 10 ] Communication: Mobile social media communication takes two forms, the first of which is company-to-consumer in which a company may establish a connection to a consumer based on its location and provide reviews about locations nearby. The second type of communication is user-generated content. For example, McDonald's offered $5 and $10 gift cards to 100 users randomly selected among those checking in at one of the restaurants. This promotion increased check-ins by 33% (from 2,146 to 2,865), resulted in over 50 articles and blog posts, and prompted several hundred thousand news feeds and Twitter messages. [ 10 ] Sales promotions and discounts: While in the past customers had to use printed coupons, mobile social media allows companies to tailor promotions to specific users at specific times. For example, when launching its California-Cancun service, Virgin America offered users who checked in through Loopt at one of three designated Border Grill taco trucks in San Francisco and Los Angeles between 11 am and 3 pm on August 31, 2010, two tacos for $1 and two flights to Mexico for the price of one. [ 10 ] Relationship development and loyalty programs: In order to increase long-term relationships with customers, companies are able to create loyalty programs that allow customers who check-in regularly at a location to earn discounts or perks. For example, American Eagle Outfitters remunerates such customers with a tiered 10%, 15%, or 20% discount on their total purchase. [ 10 ] E-Commerce: Mobile social media applications such as Amazon.com and Pinterest are influencing an upward trend in the popularity and accessibility of e-commerce, or online purchases. [ 11 ] Business Marketing Analysts have stated that one of the key take aways of the Nielsen Company 's \"State of the media: The social media report 2012\" [ 6 ] is that more consumers are accessing social media content today via mobile platforms, especially apps. [ 12 ] E-commerce businesses may refer to social media as consumer-generated media (CGM). A common thread running through all definitions of social media is a blending of technology and social interaction for the co-creation of value. [ 5 ] People obtain information, education, news, and other data from electronic and print media. Social media are distinct from industrial or traditional media such as newspapers, television, and film as they are comparatively inexpensive and accessible. They enable anyone (even private individuals) to publish or access information. Industrial media generally require significant resources to publish information as in most cases the articles goes through many revisions before being published. One characteristic shared by both social and industrial media is the capability to reach small or large audiences; for example, either a blog post or a television show may reach no people or millions of people. Some of the properties that help describe the differences between social and industrial media are: [ 5 ] Quality: In industrial(traditional) publishing\u2014mediated by a publisher\u2014the typical range of quality is substantially narrower than in niche, unmediated markets. The main challenge posed by content in social media sites is the fact that the distribution of quality has high variance: from very high-quality items to low-quality, sometimes abusive content. [ 4 ] Reach: Both industrial and social media technologies provide scale and are capable of reaching a global audience. Industrial media, however, typically use a centralized framework for organization, production, and dissemination, whereas social media are by their very nature more decentralized, less hierarchical, and distinguished by multiple points of production and utility. [ 5 ] Frequency: The number of times an advertisement is displayed on social media platforms. Accessibility: The means of production for industrial media are typically government and\/or corporate (privately owned); social media tools are generally available to the public at little or no cost. [ 5 ] Usability: Industrial media production typically requires specialized skills and training. Conversely, most social media production requires only modest reinterpretation of existing skills; in theory, anyone with access can operate the means of social media production. [ 5 ] Immediacy: The time lag between communications produced by industrial media can be long (days, weeks, or even months) compared to social media (which can be capable of virtually instantaneous responses). [ 5 ] Permanence: Industrial media, once created, cannot be altered (once a magazine article is printed and distributed, changes cannot be made to that same article) whereas social media can be altered almost instantaneously by comments or editing. [ 5 ] Community media constitute a hybrid of industrial and social media. Though community-owned, some community radio, TV, and newspapers are run by professionals and some by amateurs. They use both social and industrial media frameworks. Social media have also been recognized for the way they have changed how public relations professionals conduct their jobs. They have provided an open arena where people are free to exchange ideas on companies, brands, and products. As stated by Doc Searls and David Wagner, two authorities on the effects of Internet on marketing, advertising, and PR, \"The best of the people in PR are not PR types at all. They understand that there aren't censors, they're the company's best conversationalists.\" [ 13 ] Social media provides an environment where users and PR professionals can converse, and where PR professionals can promote their brand and improve their company's image by listening and responding to what the public is saying about their product. There is an increasing trend towards using social media monitoring tools that allow marketers to search, track, and analyze conversation on the web about their brand or about topics of interest. [ 14 ] This can be useful in PR management and campaign tracking, allowing the user to measure return on investment , competitor-auditing, and general public engagement. Tools range from free, basic applications to subscription-based, more in-depth tools. The honeycomb framework defines how social media services focus on some or all of seven functional building blocks. [ 3 ] These building blocks help explain the engagement needs of the social media audience. For instance, LinkedIn users are thought to care mostly about identity, reputation, and relationships, whereas YouTube's primary features are sharing, conversations, groups, and reputation. Many companies build their own social containers that attempt to link the seven functional building blocks around their brands. These are private communities that engage people around a more narrow theme, as in around a particular brand, vocation or hobby, rather than social media containers such as Google+ , Facebook , and Twitter . PR departments face significant challenges in dealing with viral negative sentiment directed at organizations or individuals on social media platforms (dubbed \"sentimentitis\"), which may be a reaction to an announcement or event. [ 15 ] According to Jan H. Kietzmann, the honeycomb framework of social media is based on the following functional building blocks: [ 3 ] Identity: The identity block represents the extent to which users reveal their identities in a social media setting. This can include disclosing information such as name, age, gender, profession, location, and also information that portrays users in certain ways. [ 3 ] Conversations: The conversations block of the framework represents the extent to which users communicate with other users in a social media setting. Many social media sites are designed primarily to facilitate conversations among individuals and groups. These conversations happen for all sorts of reasons. People tweet, blog, et cetera to meet new like-minded people, to \ufb01nd true love, to build their self-esteem, or to be on the cutting edge of new ideas or trending topics. Yet others see social media as a way of making their message heard and positively impacting humanitarian causes, environmental problems, economic issues, or political debates. [ 3 ] Sharing: Sharing represents the extent to which users exchange, distribute, and receive content. The term \u2018social\u2019 often implies that exchanges between people are crucial. In many cases, however, sociality is about the objects that mediate these ties between people\u2014the reasons why they meet online and associate with each other. [ 3 ] Presence: The framework building block presence represents the extent to which users can know if other users are accessible. It includes knowing where others are, in the virtual world and\/or in the real world, and whether they are available. [ 3 ] Relationships: The relationships block represents the extent to which users can be related to other users. By \u2018relate,\u2019 we mean that two or more users have some form of association that leads them to converse, share objects of sociality, meet up, or simply just list each other as a friend or fan. [ 3 ] Reputation: Reputation is the extent to which users can identify the standing of others, including themselves, in a social media setting. Reputation can have different meanings on social media platforms. In most cases, reputation is a matter of trust, but since information technologies are not yet good at determining such highly qualitative criteria, social media sites rely on \u2018mechanical Turks\u2019: tools that automatically aggregate user-generated information to determine trustworthiness. [ 3 ] Groups: The group functional block represents the extent to which users can form communities and sub communities. The more \u2018social\u2019 a network becomes, the bigger the group of friends, followers, and contacts. [ 3 ] It is through this process of \"building social authority\" that social media becomes effective. One of the foundational concepts in social media has become that you cannot completely control your message through social media but rather you can simply begin to participate in the \"conversation\" expecting that you can achieve a significant influence in that conversation. [ 16 ] However, this conversation participation must be cleverly executed because while people are resistant to marketing in general, they are even more resistant to direct or overt marketing through social media platforms. This may seem counterintuitive but is the main reason building social authority with credibility is so important. A marketer can generally not expect people to be receptive to a marketing message in and of itself. In the Edelman Trust Barometer report in 2008, the majority (58%) of the respondents reported they most trusted company or product information coming from \"people like me\" inferred to be information from someone they trusted. In the 2010 Trust Report , the majority switched to 64% preferring their information from industry experts and academics. According to Inc. Technology's Brent Leary, \"This loss of trust, and the accompanying turn towards experts and authorities, seems to be coinciding with the rise of social media and networks.\" [ 17 ] [ 18 ] An increasing number of scholars have sought to study and measure the impact of social media. A 2010 study by the University of Maryland suggested that social media services may be addictive, [ 19 ] and that using social media services may lead to a \"fear of missing out,\" also known as the phrase \"FOMO\" by many students. [ 20 ] It has been observed that Facebook is now the primary method for communication by college students in the U.S. [ 21 ] [ 22 ] According to Nielsen, global consumers spend more than six hours on social networking sites. \"Social Media Revolution\" produced by Socialnomics author Erik Qualman contains numerous statistics on social media including the fact that 93% of businesses use it for marketing and that if Facebook were a country it would be the third largest. [ 23 ] Several colleges and universities such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Columbia and Stanford among others have even introduced classes on best social media practices, preparing students for potential careers as digital strategists. [ 24 ] There are various statistics that account for social media usage and effectiveness for individuals worldwide. Some of the most recent statistics are as follows: Consumers continue to spend more time on social networks than on any other category of sites\u2014roughly 20 percent of their total time online via personal computer (PC), and 30 percent of total time online via mobile. [ 6 ] Total time spent on social media in the U.S. across PCs and mobile devices increased 37 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012, compared to 88 billion in July 2011. [ 6 ] Facebook remains the most-visited social network in the U.S. via PC (152.2 million visitors), mobile apps (78.4 million users) and mobile web (74.3 million visitors), and is multiple times the size of the next largest social site across each platform. [ 6 ] 51% of people aged 25\u201334 used social networking in the office, more than any other age group. [ 6 ] While the computer is still the primary device used to access social media despite dropping 4% in usage in 2012, the last year saw a significant increase in usage, most notably through tablets from 3% to 16%, internet enabled TVs from 2% to 4%. [ 6 ] In a study conducted by the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, it was found that on average, any individual is just 12 hours of separation from another around the world, using social networking sites. [ 34 ] In a study titled \"Mastering the Art of Social Media,\" the researcher found that online communication has become a central part in the communication of political actors. In the study, Klinger focuses on Switzerland, where broadband, internet use, and media literacy are among the highest in the world, and how all major political parties in Switzerland run their own websites and social media sites. [ 35 ] \"In the U.S. alone, total minutes spent on social networking sites has increased 83 percent year-over-year. In fact, total minutes spent on Facebook increased nearly 700 percent year-over-year, growing from 1.7 billion minutes in April 2008 to 13.9 billion in April 2009, making it the No. 1 social networking site for the month.\" According to the article \"The Emerging Role of Social Media in Political and Regime Change\" by Rita Safranek, \"The Middle East and North Africa region has one of the most youthful populations in the world, with people under 25 making up between 35-45% of the population in each country. They make up the majority of social media users, including about 17 million Facebook users, 25,000 Twitter accounts and 40,000 active blogs, according to the Arab Advisors Group . [ 37 ] Social media has disrupted the personal and commercial habits of Americans to a degree not seen since the early days of television . Just as television turned a nation of people who listened to media content into watchers of media content, the emergence of social media has created a nation of media content creators . According to 2011 Pew Research data, nearly 80% of American adults are online and nearly 60% of them use social networking sites. [ 38 ] More Americans get their news via the Internet than from newspapers or radio, as well as three-fourths who say they get news from e-mail or social media sites updates, according to a report published by CNN. The survey suggests that Facebook and Twitter make news a more participatory experience than before as people share news articles and comment on other people's posts. According to CNN, in 2010 75% of people got their news forwarded through e-mail or social media posts, while 37% of people shared a news item via Facebook or Twitter. [ 39 ] In the United States, 81% of people say they look online for news of the weather, first and foremost. National news at 73%, 52% for sports news, and 41% for entertainment or celebrity news. Based on this study, done for the Pew Center, two-thirds of the sample\u2019s online news users were younger than 50, and 30% were younger than 30. The survey involved tracking daily the habits of 2,259 adults 18 or older. [ 40 ] 33% of young adults get news from social networks. 34% watched TV news and 13% read print or digital content. 19% of Americans got news from Facebook, Google+, or LinkedIn. 36% of those who get news from social network got it yesterday from survey. More than 36% of Twitter users use accounts to follow news organizations or journalists. 19% of users say they got information from news organizations of journalists. TV remains most popular source of news, but audience is aging (only 34% of young people). 29% of those younger that 25 say they got no news yesterday either digitally or traditional news platforms. Only 5% under 30 say they follow news about political figures and events in DC. Only 14% of responders could answer all four questions about which party controls the House, current unemployment rate, what nation Angela Merkel leads, and which presidential candidate favors taxing higher-income Americans. Facebook and Twitter now pathways to news, but are not replacements for traditional ones. 70% get social media news from friends and family on Facebook. [ 41 ] For children, using social media sites can help promote creativity, interaction, and learning. It can also help them with homework and class work. Moreover, social media enable them to stay connected with their peers, and help them to interact with each other. Some can get involved with developing fundraising campaigns and political events. However it can affect mental health of teens. Teens who use Facebook frequently and who especially susceptible may become more narcissistic, antisocial, and aggressive. Teens become strongly influenced by advertising, and it influences buying habits for the future. Since the creation of Facebook in 2004, it has become a distraction and a way to waste time for many users. [ 42 ] Americans spend more time on Facebook than any other website in the United States. Based on a Nielsen study, the average American has spent more than 17 minutes per day on the social media site. [ 43 ] In a recent study conducted, high school students ages 18 and younger were examined in an effort to find their preference for receiving news. Based on interviews with 61 teenagers, conducted from December 2007 to February 2011, most of the teen participants reported reading print newspapers only \u201csometimes,\u201d with fewer than 10% reading them daily. The teenagers instead reported learning about current events from social media sites such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and blogs. [ 44 ] Another study showed that social media users read a set of news that is different from what newspaper editors feature in the print press. [ 45 ] Using nanotechnology as an example, Runge et al. (2013) [ 46 ] studied tweets from Twitter and found that some 41% of the discourse about nanotechnology focused on its negative impacts, suggesting that a portion of the public may be concerned with how various forms of nanotechnology are used in the future. While optimistic-sounding and neutral-sounding tweets were equally likely to express certainty or uncertainty, the pessimistic tweets were nearly twice as likely to appear certain of an outcome than uncertain. These results imply the possibility of a preconceived negative perception of many news articles associated with nanotechnology. Alternatively, these results could also imply that posts of a more pessimistic nature that are also written with an air of certainty are more likely to be shared or otherwise permeate groups on Twitter. Similar biases need to be considered when the utility of new media is addressed, as the potential for human opinion to over-emphasize any particular news story is greater despite the general improvement in addressed potential uncertainty and bias in news articles than in traditional media. [ 47 ] On October 2, 2013, the most common hashtag throughout the country was \u201c#governmentshutdown,\u201d as well as ones focusing on political parties, Obama, and healthcare. Most news sources have twitter, and Facebook, pages, like CNN and the New York Times, providing links to their online articles, getting an increased readership. Additionally, several college news organizations and administrators have Twitter pages as a way to share news and connect to students. [ 48 ] According to \"Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2013\", [ 49 ] in the US, among those who use social media to find news, 47% of these people are under 45 years old, and 23% are above 45 years old. However social media as a main news gateway does not follow the same pattern across countries. For example, in this report, in Brazil, 60% of the respondents said social media was one of the five most important way to find news online, 45% in Spain, 17% in the UK, 38% in Italy, 14% in France, 22% in Denmark, 30% in U.S., and 12% in Japan. [ 49 ] Moreover, there are differences among countries about commenting news in social networks, 38% of the respondents in Brazil said they commented news in social network in a week. These percentages are 21% in U.S. and 10% in UK. The authors argued that difference among countries may due to culture difference rather than different levels of access to technical tools. [ 49 ] News media and television journalism have been instrumental in the shaping of American collective memory for much of the twentieth century. [ 50 ] [ 51 ] Indeed, since the United States' colonial era, news media has influenced collective memory and discourse about national development and trauma. In many ways, mainstream journalists have maintained an authoritative voice as the storytellers of the American past. Their documentary style narratives, detailed exposes, and their positions in the present make them prime sources for public memory. Specifically, news media journalists have shaped collective memory on nearly every major national event \u2013 from the deaths of social and political figures to the progression of political hopefuls. Journalists provide elaborate descriptions of commemorative events in U.S. history and contemporary popular cultural sensations. Many Americans learn the significance of historical events and political issues through news media, as they are presented on popular news stations. [ 52 ] However, journalistic influence is growing less important, while social networking sites such as Facebook , YouTube and Twitter , provide a constant source of alternative news sources for users. As social networking becomes more popular among older and younger generations, sites such as Facebook and YouTube, gradually undermine the traditionally authoritative voices of news media. For example, American citizens contest media coverage of various social and political events as they see fit, inserting their voices into the narratives about America's past and present and shaping their own collective memories. [ 53 ] [ 54 ] An example of this is the public explosion of the Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida. News media coverage of the incident was minimal until social media users made the story recognizable through their constant discussion of the case. Approximately one month after the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin , its online coverage by everyday Americans garnered national attention from mainstream media journalists, in turn exemplifying media activism . In some ways, the spread of this tragic event through alternative news sources parallels that of the Emmitt Till \u2013 whose murder became a national story after it circulated African American and Communists newspapers. Social media was also influential in the widespread attention given to the revolutionary outbreaks in the Middle East and North Africa during 2011 . [ 55 ] [ 56 ] [ 57 ] However, there is some debate about the extent to which social media facilitated this kind of change. [ 58 ] Another example of this shift is in the on-going Kony 2012 campaign, which surfaced first on YouTube and later garnered a great amount of attention from mainstream news media journalists. These journalists now monitor social media sites to inform their reports on the movement. Lastly, in the past couple of presidential elections, the use of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter were used to predict election results. U.S. President Barack Obama was more liked on Facebook than his opponent Mitt Romney and it was found by a study done by Oxford Institute Internet Experiment that more people liked to tweet about comments of President Obama rather than Romney. [ 59 ] Criticisms of social media range from criticisms of the ease of use of specific platforms and their capabilities, disparity of information available, issues with trustworthiness and reliability of information presented, [ 60 ] the impact of social media use on an individual's concentration, [ 61 ] ownership of media content, and the meaning of interactions created by social media. Although some social media platforms offer users the opportunity to cross-post simultaneously, some social network platforms have been criticized for poor interoperability between platforms, which leads to the creation of information silos- isolated pockets of data contained in one social media platform [ 62 ] However, it is also argued that social media have positive effects such as allowing the democratization of the internet [ 63 ] while also allowing individuals to advertise themselves and form friendships. [ 64 ] British-American entrepreneur and author Andrew Keen criticizes social media in his book The Cult of the Amateur , writing, \"Out of this anarchy, it suddenly became clear that what was governing the infinite monkeys now inputting away on the Internet was the law of digital Darwinism, the survival of the loudest and most opinionated. Under these rules, the only way to intellectually prevail is by infinite filibustering.\" [ 66 ] This is also relative to the issue \"justice\" in the social network. For example, the phenomenon \u201c Human flesh search engine \u201d in Asia raised the discussion of \"private-law\" brought by social network platform. Comparative Media professor Jos\u00e9 van Dijck contends in her book \" The Culture of Connectivity \" (2013) that to understand the full weight of social media, their technological dimensions should be connected to the social and the cultural. She critically describes six social media platforms. One of her findings is the way Facebook had been successful in framing the term 'sharing' in such a way that third party use of user data is negelected in favour of intra-user connectedness. Tim Berners-Lee contends that the danger of social networking sites is that most are silos and do not allow users to port data from one site to another. He also cautions against social networks that grow too big and become a monopoly as this tends to limit innovation. [ 67 ] Eric Ehrmann contends that social media in the form of public diplomacy create a patina of inclusiveness that covers [ 68 ] traditional economic interests that are structured to ensure that wealth is pumped up to the top of the economic pyramid, perpetuating the digital divide and post Marxian class conflict. He also voices concern over the trend that finds social utilities operating in a quasi- libertarian global environment of oligopoly that requires users in economically challenged nations to spend high percentages of annual income to pay for devices and services to participate in the social media lifestyle. The phrase \" Digital divide \" was coined in 1996 by Lloyd Morrlsett, a founder of the Children's Television Workshop and President of the Markle Foundation, to describe the chasm that purportedly separates information technology (IT) haves from have-nots in the US. As Virginia Eubanks explains the digital divide in terms of social structure that have-not side users don't have much consumer power but the have side have the power. Money and labors go from the have-not to have. Neil Postman also contends that social media will increase an information disparity between winners \u2013 who are able to use the social media actively \u2013 and losers \u2013 who are not familiar with modern technologies. Since large-scale collaborative co-creation is one of the main way forming information in the social network, the user generated content is sometimes viewed with skepticism; readers do not trust it is as a reliable source of information. Aniket Kittur, Bongowon Suh and Ed H. Chi took wikis under examination and indicated that, \"One possibility is that distrust of wiki Content is not due to the inherently mutable nature of the system but instead to the lack of available information for judging trustworthiness.\". [ 69 ] To be more specific, the authors mention that reasons for distrusting collaborative systems with user-generated content, such as Wikipedia, include a lack of information regarding accuracy of contents, motives and expertise of editors, stability of content, coverage of topics and the absence of sources. [ 70 ] Social media is also an important source of news. According to 'Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2013', social media is one of the most important ways for people find news online (the others being traditional brands, search engines and news aggregators). [ 49 ] The report suggested that in the United Kingdom, trust in news which comes from social media sources is low, compared to news from other sources (e.g. online news from traditional broadcaster or online news from national newspapers). People who aged at 24-35 trust social media most, whereas trust declined with the increase of age. Rainie and Wellman have argued that media making now has become a participation work, [ 71 ] which changes communication systems. The center of power is shifted from only the media (as the gatekeeper) to the peripheral area, which may include government, organizations, and out to the edge, the individual. [ 72 ] These changes in communication systems raise empirical questions about trust to media effect. Prior empirical studies have shown that trust in information sources plays a major role in people\u2019s decision making. [ 73 ] People's attitudes more easily change when they hear messages from trustworthy sources. In the Reuter's report, 27% of respondents agree that they worry about the accuracy of a story on a blog. [ 49 ] However, 40% of them believe the stories on blogs are more balanced than traditional papers since they are provided with a range of opinions. Recent research has shown that in the new social media communication environment, the civil or uncivil nature of comments will bias people's information processing even if the message is from a trustworthy source, [ 74 ] which bring the practical and ethical question about the responsibility of communicator in the social media environment. Some have said that \"fast (social) media and deep slow thought don't mix well.\" From Nicholas Carr , \"As media theorist Marshall McLuhan pointed out in 1960s, media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation.\" However, there are several benefits brought from deep reading. For example, \"our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connection that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.\" But needs for convenience often make it difficult to choose this slower, more deliberate way. [ 75 ] For Malcolm Gladwell [ 76 ] the role of social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, in revolutions and protests is overstated. On the one hand, social media make it easier for individuals, and in this case activists, to express themselves. On the other hand, it is harder for that expression to have an impact. [ citation needed ] Gladwell discusses that social media are built around weak ties and he argues that \"social networks are effective at increasing participation \u2014by lessening the level of motivation that participation requires\u201d. [ citation needed ] According to him \u201c\u2026Facebook activism succeeds not by motivating people to make a real sacrifice, but by motivating them to do the things that people do when they are not motivated enough to make a real sacrifice\u201d. [ citation needed ] Evgeny Morozov , 2009\u20132010 Yahoo fellow at Georgetown University contends that the information uploaded to Twitter may have little relevance to the rest of the people who do not use Twitter. In the article \"Iran: Downside to the \u201cTwitter Revolution\u201d\u201d in the magazine Dissent , [ 77 ] he says: \"Twitter only adds to the noise: it\u2019s simply impossible to pack much context into its 140 characters. All other biases are present as well: in a country like Iran it\u2019s mostly pro-Western, technology-friendly and iPod-carrying young people who are the natural and most frequent users of Twitter. They are a tiny and, most important, extremely untypical segment of the Iranian population (the number of Twitter users in Iran \u2014 a country of more than seventy million people.)\u201d Even in the United States, the birth-country of Twitter, in 2012 the social network had only 107.7 million accounts. [ 78 ] Since there are likely to be many multi-account users, and the United States in 2012 had a population of 314.7 million, [ 79 ] the adoption of Twitter is somewhat limited. Professor Matthew Auer of Bates College casts doubt on the conventional wisdom that social media are open and participatory. He also speculates on the emergence of \"anti-social media\" used as \"instruments of pure control.\" [ 80 ] Social media content is generated through social media interactions done by the users through the site. There has always been a huge debate on the ownership of the content on social media platforms since it is generated by the users and hosted by the company. Added to this is the danger to security of information, which can be leaked to third parties with economic interests in the platform, or parasites who comb the data for their own databases. [ 81 ] The author of Social Media Is Bullshit, Brandon Mendelson , claims that the \"true\" owners of content created on social media sites only benefits the large corporations who own those sites and rarely the users that created them. [ 82 ] Privacy rights advocates warn users about uses for the information that can be gathered through social media. Some information is captured without the user's knowledge or consent, such as through electronic tracking and third party application on social networks. Others include law enforcement and governmental use of this information, [ 83 ] including the gathering of so-called social media intelligence through data mining techniques. [ 84 ] Additional privacy concerns regard the impact of social media monitoring by employers whose policies include prohibitions against workers' postings on social networking sites. [ 85 ] A survey done in 2010 from different universities revealed that there are lines drawn between personal and professional lives. Many of the users surveyed admitted to misrepresenting themselves online. [ 86 ] Employees can be concerned because their social media sites reflect their personal lives and not their professional lives, but yet employers are censoring them on the internet. Other privacy concerns with employers and social media are when employers use social media as a tool to screen a prospective employee. This issue raises many ethical questions that some consider an employer\u2019s right and others consider discrimination . Except in the states of California, Maryland, and Illinois, there are no laws that prohibit employers from using social media profiles as a basis of whether or not someone should be hired. [ 87 ] Title VII also prohibits discrimination during any aspect of employment including hiring or firing, recruitment, or testing. [ 88 ] Data suggests that participants use social media to fulfill perceived social needs, but are typically disappointed. [ 89 ] Lonely individuals are drawn to the Internet for emotional support. \u00a0This causes problems as it interferes with \u201creal life socializing\u201d. [ 90 ] Some of these views are summed up in an Atlantic article by Stephen Marche titled, \"Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?\" \u00a0Marche argues that social media provides more breadth, but not the depth of relationships that humans require. \u00a0While he makes interesting points about how social media is replacing face-to-face interaction, he fails to cite some of his sources. [ 91 ] Sherry Turkle explores similar issues in her book Alone Together, as she discusses how people confuse social media usage with authentic communication. \u00a0People tend to act differently online and are less afraid to hurt each other\u2019s feelings. \u00a0Some online behaviors cause stress and anxiety, much of this associated with friends and the permanence of online posts. \u00a0This anxiety is also associated with the fear of being hacked or of colleges and employers exploring social media pages and finding unsavory things posted. \u00a0Turkle also speculates that people are beginning to prefer texting to face-to-face communication, which can contribute to feelings of loneliness. [ 92 ] Researchers found that only exchanges that involved direct communication and reciprocation of messages to each other increased feelings of connectedness. \u00a0However, passively using social media without sending or receiving messages to individuals does not make people feel less lonely unless they were lonely to begin with. [ 93 ] A current controversial topic is whether or not social media addiction should be included in the DSM-V. [ 94 ] Extended use of social media has led to increased Internet addiction, cyberbullying, sexting, sleep deprivation, and the decline of face-to-face interaction. [ 95 ] According to several clinics in the UK, social media addiction is a certifiable medical condition. \u00a0One psychiatric consultant claims he treats as many as one hundred cases a year. \u00a0And as the title of this article states, \"Social media addiction recognised as official condition\". [ 96 ] Social Isolationism: The largest form of social isolationism is caused by social networking websites, when the marketers affiliated with these websites actually limit the visibility of users to develop \u201cartificial marketing.\u201d Artificial marketing is something that occurs because of social media platforms, where marketers can follow users through their activities on the web and their individual searches. They are fed information that they already have some interest in, and therefore automatically use this to feed them more information, products, or sources that are all similar. This is a form of isolationism because people are not being exposed to different information, and are constantly trapped into thinking they need more of similar information. At times they don\u2019t even see what else is out there, because of over exposure to the same kind of things. In the book \u201cNetworked \u2013 The new social operating system\u201d by Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman, the two authors reflect on mainly positive effects of social media and other internet based social networks. According to the authors, social media is used to document memories, learn about and explore things, advertise oneself and form friendships. For instance, they claim that the communication through internet based services can be done more privately than in real life. Furthermore, Rainie and Wellman discuss that everybody has the possibility to become a content creator. Content creation provides networked individuals opportunities to reach wider audiences. Moreover, it can positively affect their social standing and gain political support. This can lead to influence on issues that are important for someone. As a concrete example of the positive effects of social media, the authors use the Egyptian revolution in 2011, where people used Facebook to gather meetings, protest actions, etc. [ 64 ] Rainie and Wellman (Ibid) also discuss that content creation is a voluntary and participatory act. What is important is that networked individuals create, edit and manage content in collaboration with other networked individuals. This way they contribute in expanding knowledge. Wikis are examples of collaborative content creation. Number of US social network patent applications published and patents issued per year since 2003. [ 97 ] There has been rapid growth in the number of US patent applications that cover new technologies related to social media, and the number of them that are published has been growing rapidly over the past five years. There are now over 2000 published patent applications. [ 98 ] As many as 7000 applications may be currently on file including those that haven't been published yet. Only slightly over 100 of these applications have issued as patents, however, largely due to the multi-year backlog in examination of business method patents , patents which outline and claim new methods of doing business. [ 99 ] In early 2013, Steve Joordens, a professor at the University of Toronto, encouraged the 1,900 students enrolled in his introductory psychology course to add content to Wikipedia pages featuring content that related to the course. Like other educators, [ 100 ] Joordens argued that the assignment would not only strengthen the site\u2019s psychology-related content, but also provide an opportunity for students to engage in critical reflection about the negotiations involved in collaborative knowledge production. However, Wikipedia\u2019s all-volunteer editorial staff complained that the students\u2019 contributions resulted in an overwhelming number of additions to the site, and that some of the contributions were inaccurate. [ 101 ] Wikipedia can also be incorporated into assignments related to the gender gap. A 2010 survey of more than 58,000 self-selected Wikipedians indicated that 87% of contributors to the site are male, and 13% are women. [ 102 ] In response, the Wikipedia Foundation, which runs Wikipedia, has set a goal of raising the percentage of female contributors to 25% by 2015. [ 102 ] As of October 23, 2013, the site\u2019s \u201cWikipedians\u201d page states that \u201cExperienced women editors can be very successful\u2014they are more likely to become administrators than men\u2014but they are more likely to leave if treated aggressively in discussions, especially as new editors, when their good-faith contributions are more likely to be reverted than a similarly good-faith contribution by a man\u201d. [ 103 ] Wikimedia, Wikipedia\u2019s meta-wiki, labels the gender gap a \u201cvery sensitive subject\u201d. [ 104 ] Noting that \u201c[p]eople who want to talk about the gender gap are sometimes victims of harassment,\u201d Wikimedia argues that \u201cThe gender gap mailing list is the best place to talk about this with other people who are interested and can help.\u201d Facebook represents a potentially useful tool in educational contexts. It allows for both an asynchronous and synchronous, open dialogue via a familiar and regularly accessed medium, and supports the integration of multimodal content such as student-created photographs and video and URLs to other texts, in a platform that many students are already familiar with. Further, it allows students to ask more minor questions that they might not otherwise feel motivated to visit a professor in person during office hours to ask. [ 105 ] It also allows students to manage their own privacy settings, and often work with the privacy settings they have already established as registered users. Facebook is one alternative means for shyer students to be able to voice their thoughts in and outside of the classroom. It allows students to collect their thoughts and articulate them in writing before committing to their expression. [ 105 ] Further, the level of informality typical to Facebook can also aid students in self-expression and encourage more frequent student-and-instructor and student-and-student communication. At the same time, Towner and Munoz note that this informality may actually drive many educators and students away from using Facebook for educational purposes. From a course management perspective, Facebook may be less efficient as a replacement for more conventional course management systems, both because of its limitations with regards to uploading assignments and due to some students\u2019 (and educators\u2019) resistance to its use in education. Specifically, there are features of student-to-student collaboration that may be conducted more efficiently on dedicated course management systems, such as the organization of posts in a nested and linked format. That said, a number of studies suggest that students post to discussion forums more frequently and are generally more active discussants on Facebook posts versus conventional course management systems like WebCT or Blackboard (Chu and Meulemans, 2008; Salaway, et al., 2008; Schroeder and Greenbowe, 2009). [ 106 ] [ 107 ] [ 108 ] Additionally, Facebook\u2019s privacy settings can be difficult to understand and manage, leaving some potential users \u2013 particularly females and older students \u2013 uncomfortable about the level of privacy and safety afforded them. [ 107 ] Further, familiarity and comfortability with Facebook is often divided by socio-economic class, with students whose parents obtained a college degree, or at least having attended college for some span of time, being more likely to already be active users. [ 109 ] Instructors ought to seriously consider and respect these hesitancies, and refrain from \u201cforcing\u201d Facebook on their students for academic purposes. [ 110 ] [ 111 ] Instructors also ought to consider that rendering Facebook optional, but continuing to provide content through it to students who elect to use it, places an unfair burden on hesitant students, who then are forced to choose between using a technology they are uncomfortable with and participating fully in the course. A related limitation, particularly at the level of K-12 schooling, is the distrust (and in some cases, outright disallowal) of the use of Facebook in formal classroom settings in many educational jurisdictions. However, this hesitancy towards Facebook use is continually diminishing in the United States, as the Pew Internet & American Life Project\u2019s annual report for 2012 shows that the likelihood of a person to be a registered Facebook user only fluctuates by 13 percent between different levels of educational attainment, 9 percent between urban, suburban, and rural users, only 5 percent between different household income brackets. The largest gap occurs between age brackets, with 86 percent of 18-29-year-olds reported as registered users as opposed to only 35 percent of 65-and-up-year-old users. [ 112 ] Twitter, also, promotes social connections among students. It can be used to enhance communication building and critical thinking. Domizi (2013) utilized Twitter in a graduate seminar requiring students to post weekly tweets to extend classroom discussions. Students reportedly used Twitter to connect with content and other students. Additionally, students found it \u201cto be useful professionally and personally\u201d [ 113 ] Junco, Heibergert, and Loken (2011) completed a study of 132 students to examine the link between social media and student engagement and social media and grades. They divided the students into two groups, one used Twitter and the other did not. Twitter was used to discuss material, organize study groups, post class announcements, and connect with classmates. Junco and his colleagues (2011) found that the students in the Twitter group had higher GPAs and greater engagement scores than the control group [ 114 ] Gao, Luo, and Zhang (2012) reviewed literature about Twitter published between 2008 and 2011. They concluded that Twitter allowed students to participate with each other in class (back channel), and extend discussion outside of class. They also reported that students used Twitter to get up-to-date news and connect with professionals in their field. Students reported that microblogging encouraged students to \u201cparticipate at a higher level\u201d [ 115 ] Since the posts cannot exceed 140 characters, students were required to express ideas, reflect, and focus on important concepts in a concise manner. Some students found this very beneficial. Other students did not like the character limit. Also, some students found microblogging to be overwhelming (information overload). The research indicated that many students did not actually participate in the discussions, \u201cthey just lurked\u201d [ 116 ] YouTube is the most frequently used social media tool in the classroom. [ 117 ] [ not in citation given ] Students can watch videos, answer questions, and discuss content. Additionally, students can create videos to share with others. Sherer and Shea (2011) claimed that YouTube increased participation, personalization (customization), and productivity. YouTube also improved students\u2019 digital skills and provided opportunity for peer learning and problem solving [ 118 ] Eick and King (2012) found that videos kept students\u2019 attention, generated interest in the subject, and clarified course content [ 119 ] Additionally, the students reported that the videos helped them recall information and visualize real world applications of course concepts. In 2013, the United Kingdom Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) began to advise celebrities and sportstars to make it clear if they had been paid to tweet about a product or service by using the hashtag #spon or #ad within tweets containing endorsements. In July 2013, Wayne Rooney was accused of misleading followers by not including either of these tags in a tweet promoting Nike. The tweet read: The tweet was investigated by the ASA but no charges were pressed. The ASA stated that \u201cWe considered the reference to Nike Football was prominent and clearly linked the tweet with the Nike brand.\" [ 120 ] When asked about whether the number of complaints regarding misleading social advertising had increased, the ASA stated that the number of complaints had risen marginally since 2011 but that complaints were \"very low\" in the \"grand scheme.\" [ 121 ] ^ Gerhards, J\u00fcrgen, and Mike Sch\u00e4fer, 2010. Is the internet a better public sphere? Comparing old and new media in the USA and Germany. new media & society, 12(1) 143\u2013160. DOI: 10.1177\/1461444809341444 ^ J. Schroeder and T.J. Greenbowe, 2009. \"The chemistry of Facebook: Using social networking to create an online community for the organic chemistry laboratory,\" Innovate, volume 5, number 4, athttp:\/\/www.uh.cu\/static\/documents\/AL\/The%20Chemistry%20of%20Facebook.pdf, accessed 14 September 2011. ^ C. Madge, J. Meek, J. Wellens, and T. Hooley, 2009. \"Facebook, social integration and informal learning at university: \u2018It is more for socialising and talking to friends about work than for actually doing work\u2019,\" Learning, Media and Technology, volume 34, number 2, pp. 141\u2013155. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Libyans wave their new national flag in Tripoli during celebrations marking one year since the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi. Photograph: Mahmud Turkia\/AFP\/Getty Images One thing was missing from the highly charged celebrations that erupted in Tripoli's Martyrs Square at the weekend to mark the anniversary of last year's revolution. There were fireworks, marching bands and bouncy castles for the children, a hooting phalanx of tugboats on the seafront and thousands of flickering Chinese lanterns sent into the night sky. But there was no sign of the government. The balcony on the Red Castle overlooking the square was empty, with the leadership of the National Transitional Council perhaps sensing that an appearance would see the cheers turn to jeers. The reality is that, a year after revolution first swept the country, Libya 's government, by turns secretive and inept, is seen by ordinary people less as the solution than the problem. \"This celebration was about the people, not the government,\" said Dr Hana El-Gallal, a legal specialist working with civil rights groups in Benghazi. \"The people are doing a better job than the government.\" Certainly the crisis-bound NTC must envy the ability of ordinary people to contrive celebrations in which militias kept the peace and not a shot was fired, not by order but by what amounts to common consent. The decision of the NTC to hold its meetings in private and rule by decree has left diplomats dismayed, and the country is fragmenting under its feet.Misrata, Libya's third city, will tomorrow hold its own elections, unsanctioned by the NTC, a final step towards what is independence in all but name. Its militias control a 300-mile-long corridor stretching across central Libya, policing it according to the city's own leadership, rather than that of the NTC. To the east, tribal leaders are meeting to consider a similar step, dismayed, as are the Misratans, by rumours that the NTC may delay June's promised national elections. Nor are the government's critics impressed by the declaration by NTC chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil last week that it will form a political party, which seems an aberration of its promise to withdraw from politics once democracy is established. And then there are the militias: Libya has more than 500 armed groups, each following their own orders. The wonder is not how bad the violence and armed clashes are -- the latest being intertribal violence in the southern town of Kufra that has left more than 20 dead -- but how tranquil the country is. Last week Amnesty International, which is making the running on recording human rights abuses in postwar Libya, reported on the continued use of torture and illegal detention. Amnesty highlighted the 12 deaths in custody that have occurred in militia jails since last September. A cause for concern, certainly, but also the kind of figure that would be considered a wild success were it Afghanistan or Iraq The problem is not that Libya's militias are out of control, but rather that there is no mechanism for disciplining the minority who commit human rights violations. \"You think this is bad?\" said Ahmed, a young militiaman from Tripoli's eastern suburb of Souk al-Juma, regarding an incident last month when two militias battled for custody of a beach house. \"Think if you give a gun to every young guy in London. What do you think London would look like the next night?\" Yet this lack of central control invites disaster, because the lack of security across Libya means nothing else gets done, and because the discipline of militias will start to unravel. \"This kind of thing is very bad for security, for business, for everything in Libya,\" said Amnesty International's Donatella Rovera. A cabinet of technocrats was announced by the NTC last November, but it is starved of authority. Last month prime minister Abdurrahim El-Keib, regarded as a capable official, met Misratan leaders to complain that he has no power. All strategic decisions are the province of the NTC, whose internal squabbles mean nothing gets done. Instead of tackling problems, the NTC lets them pile up, like water behind a dam. The law for June's election has been published, but there is no justice system to enforce it. Libya now exports more than a million barrels of oil a day, but officials of the internationally mandated Transitional Finance Mechanism complained that even they were not allowed to view the accounts showing where oil revenues are going. Meanwhile, the government is on a collision course with the international criminal court over its decision to try Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of the late dictator, on home soil and under laws not yet published, rather than hand him over to The Hague. A court system has still to take shape, and the NTC left diplomats scratching their heads last week when it announced that a law on transitional justice had been passed, in secret, two months ago. \"They [the NTC] are becoming defensive, they don't understand that their power comes from the people,\" said El-Gallal. Meanwhile, wages go unpaid, reconstruction is nonexistent, power cuts are common and much of the country is running out of money. Skirmishes, such as the battle between militias and the town of Beni Walid over its refusal to hand over war crimes suspects, simmer unchecked. And on Friday President Barack Obama's spokesman, Jim Carney, joined the chorus of critics, calling for the NTC to make its decisions \"openly and transparently\". Nervousness among western diplomats is well placed, for while the Arab Spring revolts in Bahrain, Egypt, Syria and Tunisia are home-grown, Nato was the midwife in Libya's revolution. Western recognition was the reason that the NTC, led by figures from the eastern town of Benghazi, are Libya's government, and alliance bombs were the reason it won the war. Should Libya lurch back into dictatorship, the blowback will be felt abroad, not least in London and Paris. And many Libyans now have the hardware to make their feelings felt. As one militiaman from Benghazi put it, he will give the new government a chance, but \"if it is no good, well, we know how to do revolution\". I believe that Cameron and Sukozy made a bid for ever-lasting personal International fame in Libya - (desire to be remembered as the modern day Churchill and Napolean.) The French and British inspired 'revolution' was both opportunist (riding off the back of the Arab Spring movements) and illegal (incorrect interpretation of the UN Resolution) And the net result - pain, disillusion bankrupty and disorder (not only in Libya but to a greater degree than ever in France and Britain - it was a costly war). Cameron and Sukozy - you failed and should be held accountable. Western recognition was the reason that the NTC, led by figures from the eastern town of Benghazi, are Libya's government, and alliance bombs were the reason it won the war. Correct. So NATO and the west are every bit as responsible for the aftermath as the militias they assisted, and all those who supported intervention will be judged by and held responsible for this: The reality is that, a year after revolution first swept the country, Libya's government, by turns secretive and inept, is seen by ordinary people less as the solution than the problem. Interventionists are vindicated or condemned by the results, just like non-interventionists. In the case of Libya, as in Iraq, the responsibility of interventionists for the deepening chaos is made all the heavier for having been warned, again and again, that this would be the result. Those of us without the desire and arrogance for power do learn; politicians never do, alas! Cameron said the other day that it was no use looking backwards, we can learn nothing from the past. I thought he was a History graduate. As the saying goes; those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. After one is badly injured in say a real\"y bad car accident,it takes time to recover. Libya has to find a route not back! but forward where it wants to go,at this moment its a bit like the tower of Babel,though all speak the same language,theres so many ideas. Libya now exports more than a million barrels of oil a day, but officials of the internationally mandated Transitional Finance Mechanism complained that even they were not allowed to view the accounts showing where oil revenues are going. ...analysts have claimed that the no-bid contracts to U.S oil companies constitutes as exploitation since many non U.S companies would give the same service for shorter contracts and lower percentage of revenue , Also the fact that the U.S is still occupying the country and making the hydrocarbon law one of the benchmarks for withdrawal led many to believe the U.S is applying pressure on Iraq to accept this law. George Bush WAS telling the truth in big bold letters, back in 2003, the moment US troops secured the refineries and main the Iraqi oil offices (meanwhile shunning protection for museums looted by mobs) that their real objectives had been met: \" Libya now exports more than a million barrels of oil a day, but officials of the internationally mandated Transitional Finance Mechanism complained that even they were not allowed to view the accounts showing where oil revenues are going.\" Says it all really,i don't suppose any international body could discover who is looting the oil wealth as trade secrets protect corporations accounts. Is it Syria and Iran next in line for destruction and looting ,i hear Assad's forces were attacking a funeral which is obviously not the same as US drone attacks targeting funerals in Afghanistan and Pakistan.is it because only our enemies commit war crimes while we commit war? Clearly the west is adapt at leaving chaos in its wake throughout the middle east . Liberal interventionists' would feel ashamed if they were capable of such emotion. Many of those who called for western intervention genuinely did so for humanitarian reasons, to prevent a massacre in Behghazi. The assumption was that Gaddafi was hated by all Libyans and that support for him would crumble at the first sight of NATO warplanes. The fact that that didn't happen left NATO with a dilemma: They could either withdraw and watch the ugly progress of Gaddafi's revenge, or press on ruthlessly and effect regime change. To do the former would have involved losing face on a grand scale. So they did the latter. Watching the brutal final stages of the Libyan conflict was for me a painful experience. The present outcome, as I have posted on another thread, has cured me of the illusion that military intervention can do any good at all. As now in the case of Syria, where a dictator is bent on crushing dissent we are not entitled to intervene, even if only to stop the slaughter -- just stand by and wring our hands, and hope that the Syrian people will unite to bring Assad down. Massacres are a daily event, and for much of the time it is difficult to determine who is fighting whom or why. I suspect that the eventual outcome may be no less chaotic and destructive than in Libya. Watching the brutal final stages of the Libyan conflict was for me a painful experience. The present outcome, as I have posted on another thread, has cured me of the illusion that military intervention can do any good at all. I applaud you for voicing your change of mind, a rare occurence on these threads. The assumption was that Gaddafi was hated by all Libyans and that support for him would crumble at the first sight of NATO warplanes I honestly don't believe that NATO made that assumption, although that was the narrative. There was plenty of evidence that Gaddafi had a lot of support, much of it reported by knowledgable posters on cif, although not, shamefully, the Guardian itself. As now in the case of Syria, where a dictator is bent on crushing dissent we are not entitled to intervene, even if only to stop the slaughter -- just stand by and wring our hands, and hope that the Syrian people will unite to bring Assad down. Massacres are a daily event, and for much of the time it is difficult to determine who is fighting whom or why. I suspect that the eventual outcome may be no less chaotic and destructive than in Libya. I don't believe that it is a straight choice between wringing our hands and military intervention. Unfortunately, when you have chosen regime change as your only acceptable outcome it limits the options. Lest We Forget* 'Compilation of a small sample of footage, recorded in July 2011, documenting the mass support of the Libyan people for the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and their opposition to the barbaric NATO bombing and the NATO backed rebels. These events were given little or no coverage in the pro NATO mainstream media, as to have done so would have exposed the lies and propaganda of the western leaders and their supporters used to justify the imperialist intervention and the subsequent imposition of the reactionary NTC led interim government.' http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6UEMb4m3e\\\\... To suggest that the brutal nature of the 'rebels' is an oversight by the US and NATO is utter nonsense. These are the same states that supported the fascist contras in nicaragua, General Pinochet, The Muhajadeen in Afghanistan, The KLA in Kosovo, The Libyan Islamic Fighting group in Libya etc - portraying them as 'freedom fighters'. The Libyan uprising has been characterised by racist violence. On the second day of the uprising 50 African migrants were slaughtered by the rebels. This is all justified in the media by nonsense about 'African mercenaries' which Amnesty International have already comprehensively demolished. There were no 'African mercenaries'. The rebels waged warfare against the black Libyan population and African migrant workers. NATO want a government that disunites Africa -- that will draw North Africa away from its southern neighbours. Therefore it is very important for NATO that the government in Libya is a racist one which will discontinue with the Libyan led project to unite Africa against imperialist exploitation of labour and resources. It is no mistake that this uprising has been characterised by racist violence -- it's part of the plan. We must also put the war drive of the last decade into context. The western world is collapsing economically. War is big business and a 'racket' in every sense of the word. It also serves as a distraction from the crisis at home. The current economic crisis is on a scale not seen since the 1910's -1930's.... We all know how that ended... world war which caused mass destruction and death but* resulted in a post WW2 economic boom! A very strange article, whose sensationalist headline is belied by its much more balanced content, which acknowledges to the orderly way in which the mass anniversary demonstrations took place; accepts \"how tranquil the country is\"; and records the NTC's achievement in drafting a consensual law for national assembly elections. However it treats the upcoming Misratan election in a very odd way, as a \"final step towards what is independence in all but name\". They're holding a local council election, for god sake! Which the organisers are presenting as a democratic model for the whole country. It seems that the Libyans can't win in the eyes of the western media: if they don't do things they are failing to lead the country; and when they do take serious initiatives they are usurping authority and threatening national unity. We need to look at Libya in context, as the quote from \"Ahmed, a young militiaman from Tripoli's eastern suburb\" points out in the wisest passage in this article. It was obvious to any thinking person, who was not taken in by the propaganda on television, that with all the different tribes, ethnies, languages and cultures in Lybia, any government other than Khadaffi's had to be carefully studied and organized. France got their 30% of Lybian oil. Otherwise only more death, brutality, destruction and torture has resulted from all the money spent by the so-called civilized west - NATO, and will continue. It is extraordinarily sad. Heads of Government are only out for money and power. Negociation was never tried. People do not matter any more. Preserving history, buildings, treasures is never even considered. 2011 was a very tragic year for the world. Lybia goes the way of Irak. Destroyed. As indeed our environment is going - heading for destruction. It's been prophecied for a long time. When will they ever learn? \"Libya now exports more than a million barrels of oil a day, but officials of the internationally mandated Transitional Finance Mechanism complained that even they were not allowed to view the accounts showing where oil revenues are going.\" This paragraph explains a lot about the Oil being the primary motive of the West in its breaching of the UN resolution and intervening in Libya. Before recognising the NTC the West made sure the NTC gave written commitment to grant Oil contracts to Western companies and now that they are shipping out 1M barrels a day (to make up for the Iranain Oil) they don't care to make sure they pay the right people the right money and what the NTC corrupt bunch are doing with the money and how the people who gave martyrs are being ripped off and betrayed. Enjoy Uncle Sam's and NATO's democracy. And this is just the beginning. The civil wars and the West's final decision that there are too many ethnicities and tribes to live together in peace and risk of \"disintegration\" and the splitting of the country into tribal and ethnic \"regions\" and the old colonial strategy of divide and rule has still not come yet. An excellent article but a follow-up that would explain how Libya is disintegrating is needed. The main reason for the failure of this operation is that it was half baked and was stopped in the middle. It's a half finished job. NATO dismantled a regime but did not establish another regime in its place. The NTC a group of profiteers and ex-Gaddhafi bureaucrats will do no better now then they did when they worked for Gaddaf. Abdul Jalil the NTC chief was a Justice Minister administering a non-existent justice system. As explained by Bernard Lugan in this article in French (http:\/\/www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr\/L\\\\... Libya is now six small countries where 500 Militia groups call the shots: 1- The city state of Misrata run by an Islamist-Gangster coalition 2 - A fundamentalist run section in the West 3 - A sufi run section in the west 4 - The south which trying to break away with on going fighting in Kufra 5 - Tripoli which has never been enthusiastic about the change. Tripoli is now being policed by Amazigh Militias from outside the city mostly the neighboring areas 6 - The Warfallah tribe (making 30% of the population) with their center in Bani Walid and who refuse to recognize the authority of the CNT and remain loyal to Kaddhafi 's tribe and his sons. Add to these the border skirmishes between Libyan Militias and the armies in the neighboring countries (Egypt, Tunisia, Chad and Niger). Discovery of arms smuggling to Tunisia and Algeria (43 anti air craft missiles, Libya had a stock pile of 20,000). Cameron and Sarkozy have created a new Somalia on the med, if the escalating situation is not managed immediately it will endanger the peace and security of the neighboring countries and Europe. Most popular on the Guardian Today in pictures After advising tourists against travel to the cities of Jammu and Srinagar for nearly 20 years, the Foreign Office has lifted its guidelines after a fall in violence. So, Dal Lake and part of the Valley of Kashmir, one of India's most beautiful regions, are once again open to visitors ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"This one caught my eye because of 2 things. Some audio transmission clips from the lunar flights and a photograph that was presumed unseeable, but with todays modern advancements, they claim to make out a pyramid shape. This is the first time that I've personally heard or seen anything about these 2 items in my thread. I have alot of time in reading and video watching invested. Im sure a bit of you already know this info, The vid is from 2008. I have always questioned that NASA put 70 tons of aluminum on the moon with pretty stunning accuracy with pocket calculator computing power. And one conspiracy tugs at the other. If we didnt go to the moon then how are were ground level photos taken, unless its all one giant fraud. Here is a recently uploaded video from Finlands ex minister of health discussing a UFO conference in Russia where a case of abduction of a Russian farmer says he was in a UFO, flew over the back side of the moon and saw bases....Pretty good vid First of all, big problems can have small solutions when the solution is coupled with a good brain. Computing power wasn't the hurdle for the moon landing, knowledge of physics and obtaining accurate information for the basis of the calculations was the hard part. The moon landing can probably be calculated with an abicis combined with knowledge of geometry and algebra to be honest. Computers do not equal answer to all things. Secondly, I've been watching the moon for a while with my telescope. There are no visible structures on this side of it. Who knows what's on the other side. Would nightvision even work on the backside of the moon? This one caught my eye because of 2 things. Some audio transmission clips from the lunar flights and a photograph that was presumed unseeable, but with todays modern advancements, they claim to make out a pyramid shape. This is the first time that I've personally heard or seen anything about these 2 items in my thread. I have alot of time in reading and video watching invested. Im sure a bit of you already know this info, The vid is from 2008. I have always questioned that NASA put 70 tons of aluminum on the moon with pretty stunning accuracy with pocket calculator computing power. And one conspiracy tugs at the other. If we didnt go to the moon then how are were ground level photos taken, unless its all one giant fraud. Yes and the same with mars too! Thanks for sharing the videos! Very important videos for those seeking the truth. Whether your posts get one or tons of flags, still a very important thread. That even if repeated should be repeated for truths sake. Secondly, I've been watching the moon for a while with my telescope. There are no visible structures on this side of it. Who knows what's on the other side. Would nightvision even work on the backside of the moon?. Why is this a concern? The side of the moon that we never see from earth has the same amount of time in sunlight as the side that is visiable from earth. From a stationary postion on the surface of the moon one would have a fourteen day sunlight period followed by a fourteen day dark period. Secondly, I've been watching the moon for a while with my telescope. There are no visible structures on this side of it. Who knows what's on the other side. Would nightvision even work on the backside of the moon?. Why is this a concern? The side of the moon that we never see from earth has the same amount of time in sunlight as the side that is visiable from earth. From a stationary postion on the surface of the moon one would have a fourteen day sunlight period followed by a fourteen day dark period. Your telescope wouldn't pick up objects on the moon. Simply because it isn't designed for that purpose. And no night-vision won't work either. I dont think the dark side of the moon is actually dark, we just cant see it so it referred to as dark. If a extraterrestrial civilization were to build, what better spot. Its human instinct to question what we cant see or the unknown. Its personally one of my favorite subjects. If none of these topics were even real, I enjoy getting a cold drink and reading and filling my mind with fiction or non fiction, its a great way to spend a rainy evening. The first video at 3.30 is the zeeman crater they claim a castle is under the blur the crater is 184km in dia thats a big castle then Then at this post here you will see that Joe Escamilla who ranks with Hoagland and Icke as a bit of an idiot claimed it was an Alien repairing his ship obviously he hadn't checked the size of the objects in the picture. The Above Top Secret Web sites are a wholly owned social content community of The Above Network, LLC. This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Good work sped - hopefully this works like your Crows one did last night PUDDINGS. __________________ Somebody who loves life and thinks that North Melbourne are grouse. A word of warning this is not have anything to do with porn or anything disgusting. So please refrain from posting up pornographic images and posting about it. Also no trolls allowed. __________________ Somebody who loves life and thinks that North Melbourne are grouse. A word of warning this is not have anything to do with porn or anything disgusting. So please refrain from posting up pornographic images and posting about it. Also no trolls allowed. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Rhona Mitra Cast as Female Lead in Michael Bay's 'The Last Ship' Rhona Mitra is a badass English actress with plenty of silver screen skills, starring in \"Doomsday,\" \"Shooter\" and \"Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.\" Her TV list is just as impressive: \"Strike Back,\" \"Nip\/Tuck,\" \"Boston Legal\" and \"The Practice.\" Now, Mitra can add one more show under her belt -- \"The Last Ship.\" \"The Last Ship\" is based on the popular 1988 novel of the same name by William Brinkley. The show, set to debut sometime in 2013, will feature a post-apocalyptic world in which members from a naval destroyer find themselves as some of the last people on Earth. You can bet your bottom dollar this show will be the next big thing. Why am I so sure, you ask? Mega producer Michael Bay will be producing this TNT drama. Who's in Charge? Michael Bay will produce the show, who is most famously known for his Transformers series . The show is written by \"Without a Trace\" creator Hank Steinberg. Steven Kane -- who recently worked on \"The Closer\" -- will take the role of producer. According to Deadline.com, casting for the show has closed and all the major roles have been filled. And the Cast is... Rhona Mitra: Mitra will play Rachel Scott, the strong-willed and fearless paleomicrobioligist. Eric Dane: He will play Captain Tom Chandler, the captain of the USS Nathan James. Chandler gets word from his family that they are still alive, but militias everywhere, jeopardizing their lives. It is up to him to figure out how to save the last of humanity. Dane became a household sensation for playing Dr. Mark \"McSteamy\" Sloan on the medical drama television series \"Grey's Anatomy.\" He was also in the films \"Marley & Me,\" \"Valentine's Day\" and \"Burlesque.\" Adam Baldwin: He will play the character of Mike Slattery, second in command to Captain Tom Chandler. Baldwin is most known for his role in \"Independence Day\" as well as several TV series including \"Leverage,\" \"Castle\" and \"Chuck.\" Charles Parnell: He will be playing the role of Commander Master Chief (CMC) Hugh Jeter aboard the USS Nathan James. CMC Jeter runs a tight ship and even threatens to shoot a sailor who attempts to leave the ship without permission, according to i09.com . Parnell is a television actor and has made appearances on \"Bones,\" \"Fringe,\" \"CSI: Miami,\" \"All My Children\" and \"Law & Order.\" Michaela McManus: Michaela McManus will be playing Lt. Jackie Makena, who runs the Combat Information Center and is in charge of missile deployment. She is dating Danny Green, the leader of a group of SEALS. McManus has experience in short film and television, making appearances in \"Cosa Bella,\" \"One Tree Hill,\" \"The Vampire Diaries\" and \"CSI: Miami.\" Sam Spruell: He will play the character of Quincy Tophet, a paleomicrobiologist who is the assistant of Rachel Scott's assistant. He helps her dig for ice samples in the hopes to find a cure for the mutating virus. Spruell has been featured in British series \"Spooks\" and \"P.O.W.\" and is most recently known for his role in \"Snow White and the Huntsman.\"\" A strong cast of veterans mixed with a quality production and writing team should blend well to make this a good watch. Bay creates cinematic wonder with his eye for special effects, bringing settings to life in a surreal way. As long as the acting is adequate, a good script will make this show a hit. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Campaign provides phone cards to soldiers SAVANNAH -- The Coastal Bank, a community bank serving coastal Georgia, launched its third annual initiative to raise money for the USO's Operation Phone Home, which provides prepaid phone cards to deployed military personnel, enabling them to call loved ones while away from their families this holiday season. The bank will lead the 2012 fundraising campaign for USO Operation Phone Home, which runs through Nov. 30. \"This campaign is a small way for us to express our gratitude for their selfless sacrifice and service to our nation,\" said Jim LaHaise, acting bank president and CEO. \"Our goal is to put at least one phone card in the hands of every soldier and service member in our area who is deployed during the holidays.\" The public is invited to join the bank and the USO in connecting deployed soldiers from the Coastal Empire and the Lowcountry to their loved ones. A $5 donation will provide a service member with a phone card. Cards will be given in December to deployed members of the U.S. Army, Army National Guard, Air National Guard, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Naval Reserve. Anyone donating $5 or more will be entered into a drawing to win one free Chick-fil-A sandwich per week for a year. Two winners will be announced at the conclusion of the campaign. The public can buy phone cards online at www.phonehomesav.com or visit a Coastal Bank branch to make a donation to the campaign. The Hinesville branch is at 101 W. Hendry St. \"We are fortunate to live in such a generous community, where people are willing to support our local service men and women,\" said Mitchell Bush, president of USO of Georgia-Savannah. \"This year, we hope to raise a record number of phone cards for service members serving overseas during the holiday season.\" SAVANNAH -- The Coastal Bank, a community bank serving coastal Georgia, launched its third annual initiative to raise money for the USO's Operation Phone Home, which provides prepaid phone cards to deployed military personnel, enabling them to call loved ones while away from their families this holiday season. The bank will lead the 2012 fundraising campaign for USO Operation Phone Home, which runs through Nov. 30. \"This campaign is a small way for us to express our gratitude for their selfless sacrifice and service to our nation,\" said Jim LaHaise, acting bank president and CEO. \"Our goal is to put at least one phone card in the hands of every soldier and service member in our area who is deployed during the holidays.\" The public is invited to join the bank and the USO in connecting deployed soldiers from the Coastal Empire and the Lowcountry to their loved ones. A $5 donation will provide a service member with a phone card. Cards will be given in December to deployed members of the U.S. Army, Army National Guard, Air National Guard, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Naval Reserve. Anyone donating $5 or more will be entered into a drawing to win one free Chick-fil-A sandwich per week for a year. Two winners will be announced at the conclusion of the campaign. The public can buy phone cards online at www.phonehomesav.com or visit a Coastal Bank branch to make a donation to the campaign. The Hinesville branch is at 101 W. Hendry St. \"We are fortunate to live in such a generous community, where people are willing to support our local service men and women,\" said Mitchell Bush, president of USO of Georgia-Savannah. \"This year, we hope to raise a record number of phone cards for service members serving overseas during the holiday season.\" ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Now that the days of painfully straight-looking hair are over and more relaxed, voluminous-looking styles are in, it's time to put your flat iron on the backburner and brush up on your blow-drying skills. To find out more, we hit up hairdresser Phillip Gallo for some styling shortcuts. STEP ONE: KEEP IT REAL \"Begin by detangling the hair using a wide-tooth comb before towel-drying the hair and applying a heat protection or volumising product,\" advises Gallo. To speed up the drying process, He recommends blow-drying your hair upside down, using your hands to create body and texture in at the roots as you dry off excess moisture. STEP TWO: DIVIDE AND CONQUER Once the hair feels close to dry, that's your cue to separate the hair into two sections from ear to ear. Then all you need to do is secure the first section into a hair clip before tackling the bottom section with a barrel brush. \"As you grab each section, you want to pull the hair in an upward direction from the roots so that it feels like you're gently stretching the strands against the downward pressure of the hot air.\" STEP THREE: SEAL THE DEAL \"Once you're satisfied with the amount of volume and movement in the hair, give each section a quick once over with the cold air button to seal the hair cuticle and add shine,\" Gallo says. And if you're thinking of adding a finishing product or hairspray to the routine, it's best to wait until the hair has cooled down as the heat will only cause the product to set looking stiff and crunchy. STEP FOUR: DON'T OVERDO IT \"The biggest mistake most women make when it comes to at-home styling is overloading the hair with too much product,\" says Gallo. \"The roots produce enough oil as it is, so aim to keep the product concentrated on the lengths and ends where you need the protection and shine the most.\" TOOL TIME Owning the right styling tools is half the battle when it comes to perfecting a professional blow-dry at home. When it comes to creating shiny, smooth-looking hair, you can't go past a thick-bristled, round brush. Unlike a flat paddle brush that slips through the hair, the thicker, the more concentrated the bristles, the more hair it means you can collect at once to cut down on styling time. Aside from boasting ionic and ceramic technology that's designed to minimise heat damage and frizz, salon-grade dryers are built to handle heavy-duty use. Plus, the powerful motor means you can get away with using the medium heat settings for the majority of your styling needs. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"High School lives up to the title High School 3.0 stars TORONTO - What to do when your high school introduces mandatory drug testing? Make sure the entire student body is baked. And the teachers. That's the game plan in High School , a stoner comedy with Matt Bush as the nerdy Henry and Sean Marquette as his ne'er do well childhood friend, Travis Breaux. Breaux is always stoned. Henry is on his way to MIT and will be class valedictorian, but then he and Travis cross paths and Henry is convinced to smoke a joint. Trouble. The headmaster (Michael Chiklis, fairly demented here) suddenly decides to hold school-wide drug tests. Henry will fail, get kicked out and lose his future at MIT, so he and Breaux need to come up with a plan. They decide to get the entire student body stoned on brownies so that all the drug test results will be rendered useless. To get enough dope for all those brownies, they pay a visit to the local psycho drug dealer (Adrien Brody) and steal his stash of kief. Then they start baking. Everything that could go wrong does go wrong in High School , a cheerful if lightweight comedy about being young and footloose and not bowing to authority, and all that. The performances are decent. Bush and Marquette are entirely watchable as the high school schemers; Brody is out of control crazy as the dope specialist and -- pleasant surprise -- Colin Hanks and Yeardley Smith turn up in small roles. The action is frantic and funny, what with all the students and all the teachers getting stoned, but what it means in the end isn't clear. Silliness is what it means, probably. It's a fun ride, but entirely forgettable. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Carson, Calif. \u0007 Alvaro Saborio was back in the starting lineup for Real Salt Lake on Saturday night, as it prepared to take on Chivas USA in a crucial Major League Soccer game at the Home Depot Center. The team's leading scorer missed its game last weekend with a shoulder injury suffered in a CONCACAF Champions League game last week, even after lobbying coach Jason Kreis to play. But Saborio now will get a chance to add to his 14 goals this season against a team that hasn't won in two months. The last-place Goats are riding a nine-game winless streak since July 28. Led by former RSL assistant Robin Fraser, they are 7-15-7 and have lost their last five in a row by a combined 10-1 score, having not found the back of the net at all in their last three games. Beating them is crucial for RSL, which is 15-11-4 and fighting to stay in the top three in the MLS Western Conference to avoid a wild-card game in the playoffs. RSL, the Los Angeles Galaxy, and the Seattle Sounders all are within one point of each other in the battle for second and third place, with four regular-season games remaining (five for the Sounders). The Galaxy are playing at Colorado on Saturday, while the Sounders are at Vancouver. RSL also will start Luis Gil in place of midfielder Ned Grabavoy, who injured his right quadriceps during practice this week. The team has shown some hope for the stretch run by going 2-1-1 in league play since a three-game losing streak. Reader comments on sltrib.com are the opinions of the writer, not The Salt Lake Tribune. We will delete comments containing obscenities, personal attacks and inappropriate or offensive remarks. Flagrant or repeat violators will be banned. If you see an objectionable comment, click the red \"Flag\" link below it. See more about comments here. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Things to do after Mass Brothers and sisters - it has been a while since ive posted so excuse the long distance Just wanted to know things to do after Mass or things to talk about to invoke discussion with friends\/bf after Holy Mass. Ive done the whole \"So what did you understand from the Gospel, what did the homily mean to you, how do you think we can implement this in our life, did you like the priest, the mass the church etc\". But i feel as though it is all rigid and straight forward responses. I want the discussion to open up so i can see their perspective and point of view. E.g. after Mass yesterday the radio got turned on - i wasnt happy with the station or songs so i turned it off. We sat in awkward silence and brouught up random convo material - when really i wanted to talk about what i just learnt and it helped\/affirmed me to continue my spiritual journey.. I brouught up the usual churchey topics but nothing really extended. The only time things get interesting (religiously) is when were in a heated debate (fun but tiring lol). I just want a casual exchange but i dont know how to bring it on. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Fund-raising Appeal The Asia-Pacific Journal needs your financial support to take the next step in expanding our work and outreach and above all to placing the journal on a firm long-term trajectory. With some 200 articles on themes related to Japan's 3.11 triple disaster, we have become a major source of information on Japan and the Pacific. We are now launching an ambitious new venture: under Laura Hein's leadership we will post the first of a series of course readers that provide readers an outline, introduction and ten to twenty core texts on a major theme such as war and visual culture; women and Japan's political economy; environmental history, and war in Japanese popular culture. Available free to readers. As we approach our first decade of publication, we need to place the journal on a sustainable foundation. This will require hiring of a part-time managing editor. We rely on the support of 6,000 regular readers and many more who consult our work periodically. We ask those who value our work to go to the red sustainer button on our home page http:\/\/japanfocus.org and contribute generously. In addition to the many who become members at our basic rate of $25, we need the help of those who are able to support the journal at higher levels to become sustainers at the $100, $500 and more. Thanks in advance. The United States and East Asia: The decline of long-distance leadership? 1 Mark Beeson The election of Barrack Obama was a remarkable event in many ways. Not only was the election of a black, Democratic president a domestic milestone, but it was a potentially transformative moment for foreign policy, too. The administration of George W. Bush was responsible for some of the most divisive and counter-productive foreign policies of recent times. The standing and authority of the US had been steadily undermined as a consequence. It is clear that the election of Obama has already seen a dramatic improvement in sentiment toward the US around the world, something that bodes well for the US's 'soft power' and influence. One might expect, therefore, that US policymakers will once again be able to assert themselves in East Asia, a region in which the US has had a powerful presence and influence since the Second World War. While the region is not unique in this regard -- the US as the world's sole remaining superpower has been a major factor in the development of every other region, too -- East Asia's post-war trajectory, both as the epicentre of international wars between 1945 and 1975, and as a rapidly advancing economic region throughout the era, has been especially marked by American influence. 2 Indeed, East Asia's recent development history, its intra-regional relations and its place in the overall international system might have been profoundly different were it not for its engagement with the United States. But will the US continue to exert such a powerful influence in the future? To understand why the US might loom so large in East Asia's recent past and how its influence might be changing, we need to historicise its relationship with the region. This involves saying something about the nature of American power and the way it has been theorized. Consequently, the article begins with a brief consideration of the nature of 'American leadership', distinguishing it from the sort of institutionalised 'structural' power that has been an enduring part of American power and influence. The key point that emerges from this discussion is that the effectiveness and coherence of American leadership in East Asia has fluctuated, and has not simply been a function of its underlying structural dominance. Indeed, while the contemporary international system has frequently being characterised as 'unipolar' and unparalleled, there are substantial grounds for thinking that the US capacity for exercising leadership is in decline. 3 This article explains how this situation has come about. After first sketching the US's historical influence over East Asia, I explain the steady erosion of its leadership. This has come about, I suggest, partly as a consequence of the rise of China and a growing interest in an exclusive form of East Asian regionalism that excludes the US, but primarily because of America's own political, economic and strategic problems. Bound to lead? Structure, agency and American power Writing nearly twenty years ago, Joseph Nye argued that the US was 'bound to lead' the international system as a consequence of its overwhelming material and ideological dominance. 4 In part, Nye was responding to Paul Kennedy's highly influential thesis, which claimed that American power was entering a period of inevitable and unstoppable decline brought about by 'imperial overstretch'. 5 Such debates are not just historical curiosities, however. Precisely the same sorts of debates continue between those who think that American power is unparalleled and enduring, 6 and those who argue that its authority and even its material dominance have been eroded, especially by the costly and ill-advised wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 7 Before evaluating such ideas and their repercussions on US relations with East Asia, it is worth making some initial observations about the sources of American power. One way of understanding how American influence operates, I suggest, is to distinguish between the 'structural' and 'agential' aspects of American power. Although structure and agency are deeply connected, mutually constitutive forces, 8 it is useful to isolate the different properties associated with each to gain a clearer understanding of the nature of American power and influence. Only those countries that have enjoyed economic pre-eminence have been able to assert a concomitant influence over the international system, 9 so it is worth spelling out how these forces have worked and why they have had such an impact on East Asia. After the Second World War it was clear that the US had the world's largest and most dynamic economy and would play a major role in determining the shape of the emerging international economic order. One of the reasons that the US was able to exert such a profound influence on not only East Asia but also the rest of the world was this economic dominance. In 1953, the US alone accounted for around 45 percent of the world's manufacturing output, 10 a situation which stands in marked contrast with its current position of about 20 per cent, which China is expected to overtake by 2016. 11 Indeed, the rapid rise of China (and, to a lesser extent, India) as a global economic power has begun to undermine the primacy of the American economy, 12 something that has potentially major implications for its concomitant political influence. Initially, however, US dominance was entrenched in the Bretton Woods institutions, notably the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the United Nations, and was deeply reflective of American values and preferences. 13 When thinking about the sources of American power it is important to recognise the pervasive, enduring nature of its influence. This owes a great deal to the US ability to institutionalise an international order that reflected and enhanced its dominance, 14 or turn structural potential into political agency. The possible unravelling of this multilateral order and the shift to a more unilateral foreign policy stance on the part of the US is, as we shall see, one source of its declining leadership influence. 15 The links -- and possible contradictions -- between structural or material power on the one hand, and agential influence on the other, are also evident in US strategic dominance. Fifty years ago the US not only wielded formidable economic power through the activities of American multinationals and the centrality of its financial sector, but this was reinforced by what Chalmers Johnson described as a global 'empire of bases' or military outposts. 16 Of course, this is still the case, as those who emphasise the material elements of American primacy are quick to highlight. 17 But the world was a very different place in the late 1940s and '50s; the military stand-off with the Soviet Union, and its expression in the Korean and Indochinese Wars, gave the military a prominence and importance it no longer enjoys. One of the most widely noted features of the contemporary international order is the decline of inter-state warfare, 18 something that potentially robs the US of a good deal of influence and leverage. The fact that the financially-constrained Obama administration may be less enthusiastic about the military option than its predecessor may further diminish US strategic leverage that had already been undermined by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the maladroit conduct of the 'war on terror'. 19 This situation stands in marked contrast with the febrile atmosphere of the Cold War, when America's capacity to actively 'lead' and the willingness of other countries to follow -- in the capitalist world, at least -- was considerably enhanced. As Gaddis points out, much of the willingness of America's allies to go along with its leadership flowed from the perceived legitimacy of the cause compared to the Soviet alternative, 20 America's failings in Vietnam notwithstanding. The importance of this ideational or ideological aspect of the Cold War in particular and of American foreign policy more generally is also worth emphasising. While there is clearly an important structural aspect of recent US dominance of the international system, 21 it is equally apparent that it has made an enormous difference to the constitution of the inter-state system that it has been America (rather than some other potential hegemon) that has been in the ascendant. 22 This has been manifest in an ideological commitment to the promotion of liberalism and (to a significantly lesser extent) democracy, and to a particular view of itself as a force for enlightenment and good in world affairs. 23 Not only have such domestically rooted views about the unique historical role of the US given a distinctive cast to the nature of American foreign policy and influenced the way such policies have been pursued, 24 but they have made many American policymakers remarkably oblivious to the way America is perceived in the world. As Barry Buzan notes, the 'combination of a benign self-image as the carrier of universal values and domestically driven foreign policy insulates the US from the idea that people abroad oppose it, or even hate it, because of its foreign policies rather than because they oppose or hate its values'. 25 This matters more now because of the declining legitimacy and thus authority of American policy. The potential importance of this point becomes clearer if the contemporary situation is contrasted with earlier phases of American dominance. Historicising American hegemony reminds us that debates about the nature, impact and importance of American power are not new. Charles Kindleberger famously argued that the Great Depression was largely a consequence of a failure of American leadership to provide public goods, a stabilising influence, and an open economic system, 26 sparking a major debate about the nature and impact of American hegemony that continues to this day. 27 The fact that Kindleberger operated from a broadly realist position explains his state-centrism and emphasis on leadership rather than more encompassing, multi-dimensional notion of hegemony. 28 The key point to emphasise here is that American leadership matters today as it has throughout the post-war world, but its impact and content are powerfully mediated by contingent circumstances. At one level, as we have seen, this may reflect the bipolar structure of the post-war international order, and the size and importance of the US economy, especially for its capitalist allies. At another level, the content of American leadership -- its agential component, if you will -- is shaped by a combination of ideas, interests and institutional variables at both the international and national levels. Post-war American foreign policy has shown remarkable continuity. The structurally imposed constraints of the Cold War may have made such an outcome in recent history entirely predictable, but Andrew Bacevich has persuasively argued that a consistency of purpose has been a continuing characteristic of American foreign policy even in the post-Cold War period. Bacevich suggests that a commitment to 'openness' has been the continuing 'Big Idea' underlying recent American policy: the removal of barriers to the movement of goods, capital, people and ideas, thereby fostering an integrated international order conducive to American interests, governed by American norms, regulated by American power, and, above all, satisfying expectations of the American people for ever-greater abundance. 29 While it is possible to quibble about both the extent of America's support for the universal liberalization of population flows, and its commitment to reducing its own barriers to trade, nevertheless Bacevich highlights some important continuities in American policy. But it is one thing to have some consistency of purpose, it is quite another to see this supported and realized. For that to occur, policy -- especially that of another country -- must enjoy a degree of authority, legitimacy, or the promise of some instrumental pay-off that makes support or at least acquiescence worthwhile. The rest of this article looks at the evolution of American foreign policy in East Asia and argues that the sustaining confluence of structural and agential factors that sustained American hegemony for so long are beginning to unravel. History, hegemony and East Asia Hegemony differs from leadership, and both aspects of American power are evident in its relations with East Asia. America's military primacy was demonstrated vividly in its defeat and subsequent occupation of Japan, positioning the US to play a leading role in the construction of East Asia's bifurcated post-war international order. But hegemony means more than simply imposing foreign policy preferences on weaker or subordinate powers. For hegemony to be enduring it requires a degree of consent and support from less powerful states -- something both radical and liberal theorists of hegemony have highlighted. 30 What was striking about American hegemony in the post-war period was that for many of its allies it offered a number of potential long-term advantages, which generally outweighed possible disadvantages that came with American dominance. It is worth spelling out what these were, as the calculus of advantage has started to shift, despite the persistence of the earlier structures of dependency and domination. Two inter-connected, but distinct and differentially realized aspects of America's post-war relations with East Asia were vital in underpinning its overall dominance. On the one hand, the multilateral institutional order associated with the Bretton Woods regime, broadly understood as the World Bank, the IMF and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, held out the prospect of integration into what would prove to be a highly effective and expansionary economic order, and which provided strong incentives to join the US side. The incentives included access to the world's largest market on favorable terms. On the other hand, a series of bilateral, 'hub and spokes' relationships in East Asia constituted an America-centric security architecture that profoundly influenced the trajectory of regional development. Indeed, while helping to prop up American allies, it effectively foreclosed the possibility of meaningful regional integration until the end of the Cold War. 31 Some observers suggest that the historical animosities that are such a prominent and endlessly invoked part of East Asian history 'virtually bid the United States to play the \"hub\"'. 32 The reality is more complex: not only did the US treat post-war Asia very differently from Western Europe, 33 but from the start the Americans played an interventionist role in directly shaping East Asia's post-war order. The logic and impact of American bilateralism was most obvious in the reconstitution of Japan as a pivotal, subordinate part of the region's strategic architecture. 34 That Japan has remained in a dependent and subordinate position that has effectively prevented it from exercising regional leadership despite its economic renaissance is testimony to the durability and importance of the relationships established in this period. 35 It might be objected that Japan is not a 'normal' country and its historical ties to the US are atypical. While there is something in this, 36 it is still the case that the US has effectively determined the shape of the region's security institutions and its intra-regional relations -- even for those countries that are not allies. The most obvious manifestation of this possibility, of course, was the US involvement in the region's two major wars in Korea and Vietnam. Somewhat surprisingly, participation in these bloody conflicts did little to undermine the idea that regional stability was dependent on the continuing strategic presence of the US in East Asia, despite stalemate in the first and US defeat in the second. Whatever the merit of this idea, (and it is not as widely or uncritically supported as it once was), 37 it is plain that it has influenced the evolution of the region's institutional architecture. The most enduring multilateral institution in the developing world -- ASEAN -- owes it existence, in large part, to the Cold War divisions that American grand strategy helped entrench, and to the prospect of America's strategic withdrawal from the region under the rubric of the Nixon Doctrine. 38 Similarly, two of ASEAN's most significant claims to fame -- the resolution of the conflict in Cambodia and the establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum -- have been dependent on an absence of American opposition. 39 Even what has arguably proved to be the pivotal moment in East Asia's post-war history -- the rapprochement between the US and China which ultimately opened the way for the latter's rise via its reintegration into the international system -- occurred more as a consequence of shifts in American rather than Chinese or East Asian policy. 40 The potential paradoxes of American policy were evident in the differences between, and impact of, America's economic and strategic goals as they became increasingly separate and disconnected over time. 41 The most obvious expression of American influence was strategic: its policies reinforced ideological divisions across the region and help explain the limited amount of regional political integration that occurred there as a result. At the economic level, however, the consequences of American policy have been less obvious and immediate, but may have greater long-term ramifications in an era where inter-state war is less common. Indeed, it is hard to overstate the importance of much of East Asia being revitalised within the framework of an America-centric, capitalist hegemony, especially given China's recent incorporation into the global economy. One of the key consequences of this period generally and the priority the US attached to capitalist consolidation in particular was, America's declaratory rhetoric notwithstanding, 42 frequently anti-democratic. The exigencies of the Cold War era actually helped consolidate the 'strong' states of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and the patterns of US intervention that were their hallmark. 43 As far as America's hegemonic influence and its capacity to exercise decisive leadership were concerned, this period highlighted the limits and contradictions of its overall position. To be sure, the US was able to shape the overall structural configuration of the international system, especially during the Cold War, but it is equally clear that enthusiasm about, and support for, American economic practices was less than fulsome or universal. Indeed, the persistence of a degree of antipathy, if not outright hostility, toward the more doctrinaire aspects of the 'Washington consensus' is a surprisingly common feature of East Asia's integration into the international economic order the US did so much to constitute. 44 This was especially galling for the Americans given the otherwise unambiguous success of their overall engagement with the region. The 'East Asian miracle' may have owed much more to prosaic forms of state-led development than that label implies, but the net result, at least, was unambiguous: American aid and markets in combination with the efforts of East Asia's developmental states underpinned an historically unprecedented economic expansion across much of Northeast Asia. 45 The nurturing of successful capitalist economies may have fulfilled a crucial strategic objective in the struggle with communism, but it also created sources of relentless competition which would steadily undercut America's economic strength at home and abroad. 46 The emergence of first Japan and subsequently China as formidable economic competitors and -- paradoxically -- critical sources of capital, owes much to the creation of an 'open' international economic order generally and existence of seemingly insatiable American consumers in particular. Attempting to reconcile the different objectives of strategic and economic policy would become a major problem for the US as it also found itself having to rapidly adjust to the new post-Cold War international order that it had done so much to bring about. Life as a normal nation In the aftermath of Japan's decade-long recession, during which it became synonymous with policy inertia and economic under-achievement, it is easy to forget just how concerned American policymakers were with the possibility that Japan might overtake it economically. 47 Throughout much of the 1980s in particular, there was an influential literature that described a seemingly inexorable process of American decline and which depicted an international order 'after hegemony'. 48 We now know, of course, that such prognoses were at least premature. But before considering the current situation, and what I suggest is the continuing erosion of American leadership, it is worth reminding ourselves of why the US seemed to be in decline. Two points emerge from this period generally and from America's relationship with Japan in particular. First, despite the relentless application of bilateral pressure by the US on Japan's policymakers, it is debateable how much was achieved. Despite the seemingly interminable trade talks of the 1980s and early 1990s, the extent of Japanese trade liberalisation was modest, and most likely only where there was a domestic constituency in Japan that added additional leverage. 49 As far as wider structural reforms and the adoption of American norms and practices are concerned, the record has been even more ambiguous: market-oriented reform has again been partial and perhaps inadvertent. 50 This leads to the second point: where the greatest change has occurred as a consequence of American 'leadership', it has often come about as a consequence of longer-term, unintended consequences of very different initiatives. The greatest consequence of American leadership in this context was arguably the Plaza Accord which, while failing to do much about its ostensible target -- America's trade deficit with Japan -- had the effect of creating Japan's 'bubble economy', 51 which would ultimately have far-reaching impact on Japan's domestic political-economy in general and the governance of its financial sector in particular. 52 The point to emphasise again is the disjuncture between, and differential impact of, elements of American power. The fact that the US economy had been, and remained, of critical importance to Japan and its distinctive, politically embedded, export-dependent economy, 53 meant that it had potential leverage over Japanese policymakers. Such leverage was reinforced by Japan's strategic dependence and subordination, a position which has only recently shown signs of change. 54 As a consequence, many in Japan have felt compelled to cooperate with the Americans and, indeed, make concessions with tangible outcomes, at times. 55 However, there were plainly limits to what American pressure could achieve. While some observers consider America's 'penetrated hegemony' a source of strength that allows legitimacy-enhancing access by subordinate powers, 56 others fret about the way that American policy has been defined by the actions of powerful foreign and domestic lobbies. 57 But whatever the confluence of forces that shaped the discursively realised and protean content of American foreign policy, it was plain that it was not always motivated by Kindlebergian concerns about systemic stability. Notably in the presidency of George W. Bush, American policy was dedicated to the pursuit of a narrowly conceived, bilaterally pursued 'national interest'. Consequently, expectations about the potentially beneficial impact of American hegemony on the international economy were invariably unfulfilled as the US was frequently often a source of instability. 58 The decline of long-distance leadership Much has been written about the East Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s and its aftermath, 59 and there is no intention of adding to that literature here. However, the crisis proved to be something of a turning point for both intra- and inter-regional relations and it is worth spelling out why as this period had major implications for American leadership in the region. The first point to emphasise is that American actions in the aftermath of the crisis were frequently seen to be opportunistic, insensitive, and unhelpful. Consequently, they were widely resented across much of the region. 60 While it may have been the IMF that made the actual attempt to impose neoliberal reforms on Asian economies, (of a sort that had been resisted before the crisis), American dominance of the international financial institutions made it easy for Asian leaders to connect the dots. 61 The fact that the policies proposed by the IMF were widely viewed as inappropriate and counter-productive added to the generally negative perceptions of American conduct in the immediate post-crisis atmosphere. 62 In the longer term, the most enduring impact of the crisis may have been to transform much of the received wisdom in East Asia about the region itself, its relationship to the wider world, and what many continued to see as the inescapable necessity of American primacy. 63 Three factors were especially important in catalysing this change. First, the crisis made it painfully obvious to East Asian policymakers that there were potential costs as well as benefits from integration into a global economy, especially one characterised by rapid, massive movements of mobile capital. 64 Second, it was clear that, in the event of such a crisis, the region was heavily reliant on external assistance and vulnerable to the intrusive, reform agendas of actors from outside the region. Finally, it was equally apparent that the region had little indigenous capacity to deal with such crises, and hardly any effective leadership within the region itself. Paradoxically, therefore, East Asia's much discussed leadership failures 65 may yet provide the most important challenge to, and erosion of, America's long-distance, de facto, sometimes inadvertent, leadership of the region. Indeed, some believe that 'the American approach in Asia has created a leadership vacuum into which China can and has adroitly stepped'. 66 The rise of long-term leadership competition China was the only country to emerge from the East Asian crisis with its position unambiguously improved. 67 China's 'responsible' attitude, especially its willingness to maintain the value of its currency and not add to the region's downward economic spiral, was greatly appreciated in the region. More than that, China's constructive role contrasted with that of the US and of its key ally Japan: not only were Japan's own leadership aspirations initially snuffed out by the US, but it was seen by some observers as having been responsible for the genesis of the crisis itself as a result of the implosion of its economy in 1990. 68 Moreover, Japan's own attempts to play a constructive leadership role by underwriting a regionally based currency swap scheme were thwarted by the US and its own deference. 69 In such circumstances, China's position was significantly enhanced, not only because its high-speed growth continued through the crisis, but especially as its increasingly deft regional diplomacy reinforced its emerging structural power. It is worth briefly indicating just how much China's position in the region has changed, because it has direct implications for the US and helps to explain the erosion of American influence. Two aspects of the 'rise of China' are especially germane. First, and most tangibly, the remarkable expansion of China's economy -- a consequence of its incorporation into a capitalist international order shaped by American hegemony -- has transformed its relationship with its neighbours. 70 One of the key reasons that East Asia recovered so rapidly from the effects of the crisis was that China provided a major catalyst for regional growth. Not only has China become of central importance to the countries of East Asia, but America's position is less vital than it once was. 71 Indeed, the dependence on China and Japan for continuing inflows of capital to fund the US budget and trade deficits, making it possible to maintain its consumption pattern, marks a major shift in the balance of power between East Asia and North America, and a significant erosion of America's material dominance. 72 Even if this latent leverage is too risky for any other state to utilise without triggering a major economic and political crisis, it still marks a potentially major turning point in the relative standing of the US and China in the regional and global economic and financial order. 73 This profound, continuing reconfiguration of the underlying patterns of economic integration in the region is significant enough in itself but, in China's case, it is being reinforced by a surprisingly sophisticated and effective 'charm offensive' that is winning over formerly nervous, if not hostile neighbours. 74 Such realignments are bound to have an impact on the relative standing of the US, especially when its own actions stand in such sharp contrast, most notably in the Iraq and Afghan Wars. Thus, while China has become an enthusiastic participant in a range of multilateral forums including ASEAN +3 and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, 75 American foreign policy during the Bush-Cheney years would become increasingly unilateral and confrontational. 76 Throwing off the constraining influence of multilateral obligations has always had its attractions as far as the US is concerned, but during the George W Bush administration in particular, succumbing to the 'hegemonic temptation' and embracing unilateralism became the US's defining characteristic. 77 Given the influence of so-called neoconservative thinking within the Bush administration, 78 and the long-standing desire to exploit the strategic leverage that unipolarity seemed to confer, 79 the outcome was to weaken the US position internationally. What was less obvious was how this possibility would be reinforced by the increasing emphasis on security in the wake of September 11. US foreign policy was significantly reconfigured, undermining the foundations of the most distinctive and enduring aspects of American hegemony and leadership: its legitimacy-conferring, confidence-inducing, multilateral institutionalisation. 80 In this regard, it is striking how rapidly and extensively attitudes toward the US turned negative, and not just in the Middle East where its policies have had the most deleterious impact. 81 While the 'war on terror' may not have been solely responsible for this transformation in attitudes, the relentless American emphasis on security made life awkward for some of the states of Southeast Asia in particular, where governments must walk a fine line between support of US policies and often hostile national sentiment. 82 In this context, the development of a less intrusive, more 'pragmatic' and development-oriented 'Beijing consensus' has begun to assume a greater attraction for those primarily concerned with national rather than international security. 83 The Obama administration, of course, promises significant change from its predecessor, and great hopes are held about what this may mean for inter-regional relations. Certainly, the rhetoric has changed, and much greater importance is attached to multilateralism and cooperation. 84 Cynics might observe, that George W. Bush had come to office promising to make the US a 'humbler' nation, a pledge that would prove to be almost laughably at odds with reality. Whatever the foreign policy style and rhetoric of the Obama presidency, many prominent American observers continue to believe that the US remains an indispensable actor in East Asia and elsewhere, no matter who may be running the country. 85 And yet it is clear the US cannot get its way as easily as it once did, and the rise of new centres of power among the so-called BRICs are creating new challenges for American diplomacy. 86 The limits to US influence and its possible institutional marginalization are becoming clearer in East Asia. One of the most tangible manifestations of this possibility can be seen in the creation of new institutions in East Asia that self-consciously exclude the US. A number of points are worth emphasising about this development. First, for a region that is stereotypically seen as being 'ripe for rivalry', 87 eternally on the point of conflagration, and wracked by barely contained instability and animosity, the fact that any form of indigenous regionalisation is taking place is worthy of note. Not only has there not been a major war in the region since 1975, but China has been an increasingly integrated and important part of the regional economy since the Sino-US rapprochement of the early 1970s., Indeed, intra-regional relations have improved so much that there is possibly an excess of regional initiatives and suggestions for institutional development, which threaten to become too much of a good thing and suggest that a process of institutional shakeout may occur in the future. 88 Second, it is highly significant that the development of ASEAN+3, which seems poised to become the most important regional grouping, is coalescing around China. 89 While it remains to be seen quite how important this grouping will become, it is noteworthy that it has emerged at all, given that a similar Malaysian-sponsored initiative was effectively derailed in the mid 1990s by a combination of American opposition and a concomitant Japanese leadership failure. 90 For some observers, the re-emergence of China at the centre of East Asian affairs is something of a return to 'normal', and not something that American policymakers should necessarily become too exercised about. 91 Predictably, enough, however, it is something that many American observers are concerned about. 92 The fact that 'the United States' finds it so difficult to react to China's rise with any consistency tells us much about the constraints on and counterproductive nature of American leadership in the contemporary era. As Christensen points out, one of the paradoxical consequences of America's East Asia policy has been 'to improve [China's] relations with its neighbors diplomatically and economically at least in part as a hedge against US power and the fear of encirclement by a coalition led by the United States'. 93 Equally importantly, the dynamics embedded within the political economy of the US-China relationship mean that there are limits to what the US can now do: on the one hand, America is highly reliant on continuing inflows of capital, on the other, China's position in the international division of labour makes it a pivotal cog in global production (and consumption) processes, and one that many American business elites have a vested interest in preserving. 94 The Obama administration confronts a very different geopolitical and economic landscape in East Asia than did its predecessor. On the one hand, the legacy of the 'war on terror' may constrain the new administration in surprising ways: terrorism is not considered as pivotal an issue as it once was and while this may allow the US to improve its image in the region, it may also deprive it of some strategic leverage. The victory of the Democratic Party of Japan in the 2009 elections and the pledge by the new prime minister Yukio Hatoyama to make Japan's relationship with the US more independent is highly significant, as is Australia's decision to consider pulling out of Afghanistan. 95 That two such key allies would feel less obligated to the US is a telling indication of the shifting strategic calculus in the region. In Japan's case this rather belated pursuit of policy independence has been driven in part by the realisation that it is simply no longer part of the most important bilateral relationship that the US has in East Asia. 96 China is not only effectively bank rolling the US government and providing an increasingly important market for its neighbours, 97 but it is rapidly assuming a regional and international leadership position to match its economic importance. As a result, the US finds itself excluded from potentially important regional institutions like ASEAN+3 and the East Asian Summit; even familiar institutions are evolving or taking on new forms. The demise of the G7\/8 in favour of the G20 is one example of the ways in which new players are being included in multilateral processes, which may undermine the influence and centrality of the US. 98 Even more tellingly, perhaps, the possible development of a so-called 'G2' between the US and China is a striking symbol of the new international order and the relative fortunes of its two key members. 99 In such circumstances, even a relative improvement in the reputational standing of the Obama administration may not be enough to offset the long-term decline in the material basis of the waning US hegemony. Concluding remarks When attempting to gauge the extent of American influence or leadership in East Asia, much depends on the time frame we adopt. When seen in the long sweep of history, the fact that there is no longer an ideological rival in the region, and that China is a capitalist country in all but name, are clearly developments of the utmost significance. The symbiotic economic relationship that has developed between the US and China is even more remarkable. China's successful incorporation into the global capitalist economy is largely a product of America's hegemonic influence and plainly of overall benefit to America's strategic position. Significantly, US policy during the Cold War -- the period in which this transformation was incubating -- was characterised by a high degree of integration in the agential and structural components of American power. Not only was the unambiguous ascendancy of the American economy of crucial importance to the rest of the world, but American policymakers were able to reinforce this material dominance in an institutional order that reflected its norms and furthered its broadly conceived national and strategic interests. The foundations of this earlier order look more fragile than they once did. True, the Bretton Woods institutions are still with us, but their authority is less assured. The recent crisis that had its origins in the US not only raised questions about the durability of Anglo-American capitalism, but also highlighted a more fundamental long-run problem: the material importance of the US economy to East Asia is simply not as great as it once was. On the contrary, of late it is the US that has become increasingly dependent on East Asia generally and China in particular to underwrite its budgetary position. Without the continuing willingness of countries such as China and Japan to continue buying American government debt, the policy options of the US government will be increasingly constrained. True, this is something of a two-way street that poses dangers for lenders as well as the borrowers, 100 but the net effect has surely been to diminish the relative attractiveness of the Anglo-American model. After all, unlike the first 'Asian crisis', this one was unambiguously made in the heartlands of neoliberal capitalism. While the structural dominance of American economic interests may be in decline, it is of course possible that effective policy might limit or even reverse some of the damage inflicted during the Bush years. The great hope for the US is that the Obama administration will prove more effective than its predecessor. At one level, it could hardly be otherwise. At the same time, though, the 'rise of China' places inevitable constraints on what the US can and cannot do, a possibility that is increasingly recognised by the Obama administration itself. 101 As far as East Asia is concerned therefore, not only is the material preponderance of the US being steadily eroded, but its ideational influence is not as great either -- especially as China's diplomacy and continuing economic growth begins to provide an alternative model of development. If China's growth and seemingly inexorable rise can be sustained, it seems inevitable that it will steadily undermine the US ability to provide long distance leadership. Indeed, it is no longer difficult to imagine East Asia generally and China in particular assuming a more independent and influential role on the world stage. 102 ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"find an error in my paper that has been submitted I find an error in my paper that has been submitted to a journal and is currently under review. The error is more like a \"typo\". It is a short statement about the motivation of an important definition of the paper (just a two-sentence statement embedded in the text, it's neither a lemma nor a theorem). The statement is true under certain condition. But, in the paper submitted, I forgot to mention the condition. A careful reviewer may figure out that the statement holds only under that condition. However, I doubt that the reviewer is willing to spend some time to figure that out and may simply think the statement is wrong, and this may lead the reviewer to misunderstand the remaining part of the paper (although the remaining part of the paper is all correct and accurate). ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Beginning of your VIEW You wake up out of your every day routine life or what some people call society sleep and you pick up a copy of your View. After studying the beautiful cover of this Zine, you begin to read the words that begin on the very next page and by doing so you have now entered a new dimension or a place which can only be pictured inside the minds eye of the reader. The image of a big blue door now stands in front of you, inside a dream state where the only outstanding color to be focused upon is that damn door. Being stuck inside a blank space of time and the fact that this big ol' door smack in front of you has lured your curiosity almost like a magnet, you make your first step forward in your VIEW journey. Stepping towards the door on what you thought would be a solid floor you notice that things in this realm might not always be what they appear to be. Once your body became alive and interested in moving on to the next scene the blank space in which you became accustomed to had now been covered with a gooey substance some what like that of a heated marshmallow. Now it was time for you to show off your strength by fighting off this substance that you were beginning to sink into and make your way towards the door. Being covered with all this Goo you were feeling quite icky and disgusted that you were thrown into such a consequence. You wanted out so you struggled with all your might, ignoring this disgusting feeling you had and made it within reach of the door. You began to stick your hand out and turn the knob of this big blue looking door and all of a sudden that gooey crap you had exhausted yourself fighting with had all disappeared, not a trace was left. You were now confused as all hell but you wasted no time and swung the door open in which you felt a sort of magnetic force bring you forward as you heard a loud crashing sound. From this latest action you have now noticed that your eyes can only see what's in front of you and once you have left a scene their is no turning back. You were now placed inside a bare white room with one small school desk where a little girl was working. You immediately focus your eyes upon this girl who was wearing a fancy red dress and had the appearance of what your mind says to be the look of an elementary level girl. The girl finishes the sentence she was writing dotting her I\"s and crossing her T's, shuts her book placing the yellow #2.pencil beside and begins to get up from the desk. Now this girls head is all that is in view and she is wearing a mask which contains a mouth but no eyes or ears. You begin to motion to this girl like your going to ask her something but before you can do so she begins to yell, \"attention, attention, in order for you to pick up anything from this VIEW, in order for you to have any understanding, you must listen to what you read\". Comments The writing is a litte clumsy in places, ubie, but given a polish you might have something worth pursuing here. Have you ever read anything about supposedly genuine out of the body experiences? This is what this piece reminds me of. sorry about the clumsiness of the writing but it was just an idea I had and went with. There was no editing happening here, I guess that's why I joined this site to find out if any of my ideas were worthy of any serious diving into. I have read parts of books that deal with out of body experience and have taken a few surrealism classes and have been simply inspired by anything that deals with the subconscious. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, it means a lot to get a little feedback. ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Every winemaker, at one time or another, has had to deal with grapes having less than ideal pH and acid balances. Whether the grapes come from California, a warm climate, or Oregon, Washington and the Okanagan, cool climates, the winemaker is faced with the problem: how to adjust the acid and pH. It may be necessary to adjust the grape acid level for different reasons: 1. The pH is too high and the acid too low; 2. The pH is too low and the acid is too high; or 3. Both the pH and the acid are too high, usually the result of excessive amounts of malic acid and potassium. Both 2 and 3 are phenomena common in cool climate grapes; although 3 occurs in warm climate grapes also. Before continuing, it must be pointed out that when Total Acidity (TA) is referred to it will be in grams per litre. Some books refer to acid as a percentage: ie - 0.7 percent. To make the transition to grams per litre, move the decimal one space to the right; thus 0.7 becomes 7 grams per litre. All white and ros musts should be adjusted to a maximum of pH 3.3 and all reds should be adjusted to a maximum of pH 3.4 in order to achieve optimum flavour extraction and to minimize bacterial infection. These adjustments should be made with tartaric acid . Even if this procedure increases the TA above desired levels, the tartrates can be precipitated with cold stabilization. The rule-of-thumb for tartaric acid addition is 1 g\/l to reduce the pH by 0.1 . However, there are some cautions: 1. Different grapes have different buffering capacities; 2. High pH drops, say from 3.6 to 3.3 may require about 4 g\/l of tartaric acid instead of the rule-of-thumb 3g\/l as the ratio is on a curve rather than being linear; 3. Adding acid can result in some precipitation of potassium hydrogen tartrate (KHT) which may affect both pH and TA values. Therefore, lab tests should be performed. The most convenient way of testing for the appropriate amount of tartaric acid to add is to prepare a 10% solution (10 grams in 100 ml of water) of tartaric acid in distilled water. Dissolve the acid in a little water and add water to exactly 100ml. Set up several glasses containing 100ml of juice and, using one as a control, to the other glasses add 1, 2, 3, etc. ml of the 10% solution and measure the pH changes. The volumes of the 10% solution used are equivalent to the grams per litre of acid necessary to make the required adjustment. That is, one ml of the solution equals one gram of acid. The same process can be used if post-fermentation acid adjustments need to be made. By using the 10% solution, results are instantaneous and less bothersome than dissolving the acid volumes one at a time. Be aware that all the acids - tartaric, malic and citric - will affect the TA values differently. While a one-gram addition of tartaric acid will increase the TA by one gram per litre, malic acid will increase the TA by about 1.12 and citric acid by about 1.17. They also affect the flavour differently. So lab tests are essential. Whether the grapes are pressed immediately after crushing or let stand on the skins for flavour extraction before pressing, once the juice sample has settled and cleared, the acid and pH readings should be accurate. The same cannot be said for red grapes, however. Most winemakers take their samples immediately after crushing, but the readings are not accurate. Doing a test twenty-four hours later will see an increase in pH of between 0.1 and 0.2 as the direct result of potassium extraction. The TA change will be minimal. A further increase in pH will be observed after pressing due to maceration during fermentation and greater extraction of skin constituents. Many grapes, particularly in climatically unfavourable years, may require the acid to be reduced prior to fermentation. This can be achieved in several ways. Water Addition: Adding ten to fifteen percent water, particularly with the more floral grape varieties, will achieve the desired TA without making significant changes in the pH; however, sugar will have to be added as the result of dilution. Occasionally grapes from California, even the Okanagan, have high Brix ( or SG), high pH and high TA; and it may be desirable to add some water in order to decrease the potential alcohol of the high sugar. While adding water will also reduce the acid, it will still be necessary to add acid in order to reduce the pH. Cold Stabilization: This procedure is usually performed after fermentation, when the weather is slightly below freezing. Putting the wine into a refrigerator is an alternative. In either case, it also helps to \"seed\" the wine with cream of tartar crystals in the amount of 2 - 6 g\/l. Do bench trials to determine the optimum amount to be used. Cold stabilization will not work if the pH is too low, less than 3.2, because the malic acid content will be higher than the tartaric acid content; and malic acid does not precipitate its salts as does tartaric acid. As well as reducing acidity, cold stabilization reduces the probability of tartrate precipitation when the wine is chilled before serving. Prior to cold stabilization, the pH should be below 3.65, otherwise any precipitation of potassium bitartrate will lead to a decrease in both the pH and the TA, possibly necessitating the addition of acid prior to bottling. Conversely, if the pH is much above 3.65, the pH will increase. ACIDEX : This so-called double salt of calcium carbonate , in theory, reduces both tartaric and malic acids equally. Before fermentation a portion of the juice is treated wherein all the acid is removed and then added back to the rest of the juice. Do not use this procedure on wine, as the portion treated will have a pH close to 8.0 and the wine will oxidize irrespective of its SO 2 content. Do not be alarmed at the dark brown colour of the deacidified juice; fermentation will clear it up. It is advisable not to use any SO 2 in the treated juice, otherwise the colour may become \"fixed\" or bound. In order to use Acidex O effectively, it is necessary to consult the Desired Acidity table below. Unlike the following carbonates, the juice must be stirred into the Acidex O in order to reduce the malic acid as well as the tartaric acid. In order to reduce the malic acid, the pH must be higher than 4.5 , preferably above 5.0 , during the entire process, so stir the juice in slowly. (See Explanations for Acid Reduction p. 4) Some winemakers have added Acidex O to the juice or the wine and observed an acid reduction, but only the tartaric acid has been reduced. The same result could have been obtained by using one of the carbonates described below at a fraction of the cost. Calcium Carbonate (CaCO 3 ) or Chalk: Use at the rate of between 0.67 and 1.53 g\/l to reduce TA by 1.0g\/l. Seeding with cream of tartar crystals and chilling hastens the process. If the pH is too low, calcium carbonate will not work for the same reason that cold stabilization will not work. If this procedure is used, do it well before bottling, at least three months, or a chalk haze or crystalline deposit could occur in the bottle. I prefer to use calcium carbonate before filtering. Calcium carbonate is not the preferred method of acid reduction by wineries because of the length of time it takes to complete the process, as well as the possibility of tartrate precipitation in the bottle. They do, however, have metatartaric acid at their disposal. This acid prevents tartrate precipitation for up to a year. Metatartaric acid is temperature sensitive, and wines should be held below 20 C in order to retain the activity of the acid. According to Peynaud ( Knowing and Making Wine), this acid should be used only in wines that are not going to be kept very long. Since I have not used it, I cannot comment on its effectiveness. Potassium Carbonate (KCO 3 ): Use at the rate of about 1.0 g\/l to reduce the TA by 1.0 g\/l. The wine should be chilled, although it will work at cellar temperature, and unlike calcium carbonate, potassium carbonate reacts immediately and does not leave a deposit. As with tartaric acid, for the purpose of testing for the proper additions of potassium carbonate, make a 5% solution. Put one litre of wine into a refrigerator and chill to about -3 or -4 C. Set up a few glasses with 100 ml of the chilled wine. Using one as a control, add 1, 2, 3, etc, mls. of the solution which will be the equivalent of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, etc, g\/l. Refrigerate for two hours or so stirring regularly - 7 or 8 times. Let the samples warm up to cellar temperature and taste to determine the amount to add to the batch. It is necessary to taste the wine after the potassium carbonate has been added to the glasses in order to determine whether there is a resulting flabby taste. I have found that some wines, particularly aromatic wines lose their crispness when potassium carbonate is used even in very small amounts. NOTE: The last two procedures are generally carried out on wine. It is always best (safest) to do lab trials before treating the entire volume of wine. Potassium will increase the pH very quickly compared to calcium, so do not use it if the wine pH is already high, say above 3.5 or for large reductions. Potassium carbonate is best used to \"fine tune\" the acid balance. When using either of the carbonates, put it into a small quantity of wine, mix well, add back to the larger volume and stir it well. Always leave plenty of space in the larger container, as foaming can be violent unless the wine is very cold. Because both carbonates reduce only the tartrates, it is quite possible to notice that there may be little drop in TA if the malic acid is predominant despite the increase in pH. The rule of thumb is to use 1 g\/l to reduce acidity by 1 g; however, this equation is not linear. If it is necessary to reduce acidity by, say, 5g, it will require more than 1g\/l. Malolactic Fermentation (MLF): Unlike the four procedures described previously which remove tartrates, malolactic fermentation removes malic acid. It does so by converting malic acid into lactic acid. One gram of malic acid is converted into 0.67 grams of lactic acid and the rest is given off as carbon dioxide . This procedure is often used for two reasons: it is a natural means of reducing acidity; and as a stylistic tool: it changes the character of the wine by making it softer and slightly buttery. It also influences microbial stability: if used in marginal to high pH's - between 3.5 to 4.0 - it can encourage growth of spoilage forms of lactic acid bacteria. Leuconostoc Oenos is normally the only lactic acid bacteria inducing MLF in lower pH wines (<3.5). Higher pH wines support the growth of Lactobacillus and Pediococcus , both spoilage bacteria. One of the most readily available MLF cultures was developed at Oregon State University. It consists of two strains, Erla and Ey2d, now referred to as OSU1 and OSU2 , which were developed to tolerate both low temperature fermentation (about 15C ) and low pH (about 2.9), similar conditions for winemaking in B.C. If you use this culture, make a starter. It is in liquid form and the package states that it is good for 5 gallons, and at about $7.00 per package, that's expensive. Buy some apple juice, which has the desired pH of about 4.0 (it also has lots of malic acid), and start the culture in this medium. Gradually add white grape juice to sensitize the bacteria to the lower pH of the must and add directly to the ferment. This starter can be used for both red and white grapes. Freeze-dried cultures have recently become available. They are very easy to use and very effective - just sprinkle them into the wine after alcoholic fermentation has been completed. The drawback is that they are very expensive. MLF is routinely carried out on red wines and a few white wines (Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc). Some winemakers like the taste; others don't. It also has some important catches to it: l. Sulfite levels must be kept dangerously low - 30 ppm - during malolactic fermentation. Malolactic bacteria are sensitive to sulfite; they may be stunned, but they are not killed. If the MLF is not completed before bottling, when the free sulfite degrades, the bacteria can become active again; and the wine will undergo malolactic fermentation in the bottle. 2. Since home winemakers cannot test for either tartaric or malic acid levels, they don't really know how much TA drop to expect; and the only way to find out if the MLF is completed is to use color chromatography. See Charles Plant's explanation of this procedure. Obviously getting involved with MLF is another dimension of winemaking that many people may not want to step up to, but it bears serious consideration. If MLF is not practiced and the sulfite levels are not high enough to inhibit the ML bacteria, there is the real danger that the wine, once it has been corked, will undergo MLF in the bottle. So it is best to use the process for no other reason than to avoid the potential problem. Blending: Blending high acid wines with low acid wines is a method of balancing acid that many winemakers prefer. It is safe, uses no chemicals and yields immediate results. Many winemakers do an MLF on a portion of the wine and blend it with the non-MLF portion in order to balance the softer lactic characteristics with the more aromatic and fruitier characteristics of the grape resulting in a more complex wine. It can be a lot of fun to experiment in this way, and the rewards can be considerable. All of the above-mentioned procedures are useful and safe; indeed, it is unlikely that many commercial wineries make their wines without using one or another - or a combination - of these methods of dealing with acid imbalances. Explanations for Acid Reduction All acids have an isoelectric point (also isoionic or dissociation point ), the pH at which 50% of the acid is in its free form and 50% is still in its bound form. However, the isoelectric point pH's differ for each acid. The two main acids, tartaric and malic , have isoelectric pH's of 2.96 and 3.41 respectively. It is only after the isoelectric pH's have been attained that optimum acid reduction can occur. Once the isoelectric pH of tartaric acid is reached and continues to increase, the bound tartaric acid becomes free tartaric acid ( H 2 T- ) which changes into potassium bitartrate ( HT- ) which, in turn, changes into dipotassium tartrate ( T 2- ) both of which are salts. While the free tartaric acid can be reduced with carbonates, the potassium bitartrate and the dipotassium tartrate can be reduced with a combination of cold stabilization and carbonates. The most frequently encountered problem, if it is a problem, is low pH and high TA. It is not unusual, however, to encounter both high pH and high TA due to a higher concentration of malic acid and high potassium which results in high pH. Under normal growing conditions, some of the malic acid is metabolized into sugars and some disappears through transpiration. And the decrease in TA is directly parallel with the decrease in malic acid. ( See graph ) Tartaric acid and its salts, on the other hand, remain fairly constant during the ripening process; and ultimately the level of malic acid is metabolized to the point where the dominant acid is tartaric. One method of dealing with the high pH\/high acid phenomenon is the following: Since it is unlikely that few, if any, any home winemakers can determine both the tartaric and malic acid levels, it is best to consider the above procedure only in terms of the standard practice of reducing the pH to the desired level prior to fermentation. The problem can be dealt with in the same way with those white grape varieties that can be enhanced by malolactic fermentation. However, white grape varieties that depend upon malic acid for their aromas and flavours do not respond well to malolactic fermentation and require other treatments, including the use of higher levels of SO 2 to prevent spontaneous malolactic fermentation after bottling. On the other hand, grapes from warm climates can also exhibit both high pH and high TA. When this situation occurs, the high pH is due to high potassium, and the high TA is almost entirely tartaric. Tartaric acid must be added to reduce the pH, and the necessary acid reduction must be accomplished by using procedures discussed previously. It is unlikely, however, that malolactic fermentation will result in any significant reduction in TA due to very low levels of malic acid. Index of Acidity (IA) or Acid Taste Index Ultimately, acid balance is a matter of taste and there is no \"rule of thumb\" that will determine what the correct acid balance is. However, research has been done that provides some general guidelines that can be helpful in determining whether the acid balance is within the \"desired\" range for the type and style of wine. It is simply a matter of subtracting the pH from the TA. For example: dry red wines should have an IA range of about 2 to 3, dry white wines about 2.7 to 3.7 and off-dry white wines about 3.8 to 4.8. Too far below these levels and the wine will be flabby or soapy; too far above them and the wine will be sharp and acidic. Specialty wines such as dry Sherries, sparkling wines, dessert and after dinner wines are not as easy to assess using this method: Sherries because of their general low pH and low TA; sparkling wines because their low pH and high acid are mitigated somewhat by carbonation; dessert and after dinner wines in particular require a much higher pH-to-TA ratio because they usually have a lower pH with higher acids in order to balance the sweetness. Icewines, for example, may have an IA as high as 12 or more. Of significance in red wines is the level of astringency: high astringency will tend to make wines on the high side of the IA seem more acidic than they really are. While numbers may be useful tools and can be used as aids in striving for good pH\/acid balance, the final arbiter of proper balance is the taste buds. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Hello All, I'm looking for some serious advice and guidance. I have a 4 month old Puppy GSD cross Malamute (three quarters GSD ). I've had her for just under two months. I'm an experienced dog owner having proudly owned a GSD cross called Jed for 10 years and more recently two English Bulldogs. I thought I had witnessed it all with that mixture, however I was wrong !! Lola was a very nervous pup, so much so that I got in a dog trainer for help. He was a great help to me. But now Lola has become quite confident bordering 'arsey' and seems to look on me and my family members as staff ! She prone to tantrums, which sound and look horrendous. She becomes quite aggressive and bounces around the living room barking and snapping (yet her tail is often wagging ?) I know it's a dominance thing, trying to become alpha bitch, but I really don't know how to handle her in these episodes. Her tantrums are very frustrating as I don't know what triggers them often. How should I deal with her ??????? I'd appreciate any help and pearls of wisdom, I'm getting quite desperate. Thank you in anticipation, Tray She prone to tantrums, which sound and look horrendous. She becomes quite aggressive and bounces around the living room barking and snapping (yet her tail is often wagging ?) I know it's a dominance thing, trying to become alpha bitch, but I really don't know how to handle her in these episodes. Her tantrums are very frustrating as I don't know what triggers them often. How should I deal with her ??????? I'd appreciate any help and pearls of wisdom, I'm getting quite desperate. Thank you in anticipation, Tray Hi, welcome to the forum. Firstly forget about her trying to become Alpha bitch - dogs really don't think like that, she is not plotting to take over leadership of the household. Sounds to me like she is trying to get you to play and is getting over excited\/frustrated when she is not getting a reaction. When you say she becomes quite aggressive what do you mean? Is she trying to nip you? I would either turn my back on her and totally ignore her, or completely walk out of the room and only return when she has become quiet. The 'game' would end immediately. Pups usually have a 'puppy license' up until the age of around 16 weeks, this is where adult dogs will let them get away with anything. After 16 weeks they start to learn that they have to follow certain 'rules' in life and gradually they are taught to calm down. Some pups have a 'mad' period just before they crash out to sleep - it is what they would do when they are with the rest of the litter (play hard and sleep hard!). I would have to agree, she's not trying to take over your house hold and be top dog, you have to remember she is a baby, like all babies she will experience her world though her mouth, I know those pearly whites are sharp and hurt like hell, but she is simply checking out her new world, I also understand she has to learn. You have been given some great advice so far and really I can add nothing more, walk away from her, stop play until she settles, lots of praise when she is playing nicely, she will learn, if I keep my teeth to myself they will play and I get lots of cuddles. Dont worry, this time passes, looking forward to seeing some pictures. __________________ Sarah \"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.\" Firstly forget about her trying to become Alpha bitch - dogs really don't think like that, she is not plotting to take over leadership of the household. Sounds to me like she is trying to get you to play and is getting over excited\/frustrated when she is not getting a reaction. When you say she becomes quite aggressive what do you mean? Is she trying to nip you? I would either turn my back on her and totally ignore her, or completely walk out of the room and only return when she has become quiet. The 'game' would end immediately. Pups usually have a 'puppy license' up until the age of around 16 weeks, this is where adult dogs will let them get away with anything. After 16 weeks they start to learn that they have to follow certain 'rules' in life and gradually they are taught to calm down. Some pups have a 'mad' period just before they crash out to sleep - it is what they would do when they are with the rest of the litter (play hard and sleep hard!). Firstly forget about her trying to become Alpha bitch - dogs really don't think like that, she is not plotting to take over leadership of the household. Sounds to me like she is trying to get you to play and is getting over excited\/frustrated when she is not getting a reaction. When you say she becomes quite aggressive what do you mean? Is she trying to nip you? I would either turn my back on her and totally ignore her, or completely walk out of the room and only return when she has become quiet. The 'game' would end immediately. Pups usually have a 'puppy license' up until the age of around 16 weeks, this is where adult dogs will let them get away with anything. After 16 weeks they start to learn that they have to follow certain 'rules' in life and gradually they are taught to calm down. Some pups have a 'mad' period just before they crash out to sleep - it is what they would do when they are with the rest of the litter (play hard and sleep hard!). Thank you all so much for your quite responses and most excellent advice. Lola was a very nervous puppy when we got her home and it took us a month to get her to trust that nothing horrible was going to happen her when strangers etc came into the house. Now she's feeling her feet she has become boisterous and jumps up on friends etc when they come into the house. We're using the ignore the baby technique to overcome anti social behaviour but she is clinging onto the habit. Her play does become very rough and boisterous and does nip. She's started 'chopsing' and nipping at the air if she doesn't get her own way. I'm not sure is this is a baby's tantrum or the first signs of aggression. I know that being a baby she will push all my buttons to see what she can or can't get away with, but the bouncey tantrums are concerning me. They usually occur after she tries to engage me in boisterous play (nibbling involved) I try to tell her sternly no, and walk away and that is when she amps it up. Is this still her playing ?? To counter this I put her lead on her, make her get off the sofa and I make her sit on the floor until she's calmer. Often she lulls me into a false sense of security and kicks back off again. I admit I try to stay calm but I do get frustrated and end up raising my voice. Do you think she is just a gianormous baby that doesn't know her own strength etc. Even though I've always had dogs, she is out on her own !!!! I've never met a baby like her ! Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond, Tray ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Writing for children can be a very enjoyable and rewarding activity, but it is not easy. If you are new to the publishing world and serious about writing, we suggest that you first do the following before submitting your manuscripts to Kube for consideration: Read a few books on the subject of writing for children and how to get published. We recommend ?Writing for Children and Getting Published? or ?Teach Yourself Writing for Children? by Pollinger and Jones, and the most recent ?Children?s Writers? and Artists? Yearbook? to get started. If you are able to do so, take a course on writing for children or join a writer?s group. Read the top five bestselling books for your intended genre and age range in the mainstream as well as Muslim markets. A children?s writer should generally be familiar with what children are reading at school and the popular literature available in bookshops and libraries, as well as British and American children?s classics and folktales. If you are writing non-fiction, research your subject well and make yourself familiar with what children of your intended age group are learning at school on the subject ? in particular, the English National Curriculum. Once you have written your first draft, ask several children who are not related to you to read it and give it their honest feedback before finalising your second draft. Now you are ready to send your work in to us! J How to submit a proposal to the Children?s Editor Please pay careful attention to these guidelines because the Editor will not read your unsolicited manuscript unless you first send in a complete submission. Send in your proposal in a Word document. It should include the following: (Page 1) A cover letter with your full name and contact details. (Page 2) A brief CV\/resume. (Page 3) A one-page description of the proposal, including: A synopsis of the plot and description of the main characters; The intended age group and audience; A paragraph explaining what is unique or necessary about this book in comparison to similar titles that are currently available on the market or our publishing backlist (Islamic Foundation and Kube). What is distinctive or different about this book? Word length (actual or proposed) (Pages 4+\/Attachment) If your manuscript is short, you may submit the entire manuscript; otherwise, in the case of chapter books, submit one or two sample chapters. Please make sure that your spelling and grammar are correct! British English is preferred, although North American English is acceptable. All manuscripts should be submitted as MS Word documents (.doc or .docx) by email attachment, as follows: The whole manuscript must be in a single document (not separate documents for different chapters); Set your manuscript in plain text, Calibri or Times New Roman font, 11 point, 1.5 spacing, left-margin justified with document margins of 2.5 cm on all sides. Do not send manuscripts in fancy or coloured fonts. Do not send in handwritten manuscripts by post. Do not send in artwork for your manuscript. If you have ideas for artwork or layout, you may submit these along with your text. If you are a professional artist and are writing and illustrating a picture book or comic book, please request our style sheet for artists before submitting your manuscript. Manuscripts longer than 25 A4 pages should also be sent in hard copy, to the address below. After considering a submission, the Editor will contact you to say if the Editorial team wish to see a complete manuscript for further consideration or not. This may take up to three months if we send your manuscript to be reviewed by external readers; otherwise we aim to give a response within six weeks. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"you did such a great job with the boiler last time please can you mend my baby he hasn't moved for three weeks don't they use coffins when they are that small I don't want this poor thing in my house sir my chin has been getting rather hot lately so lick your chin stand on a tall building in the stiff breeze don't know what to do it's saturday night I seek good advice from who knows what's right why don't you ring friends and go for a few drinks and then go see a movie did you prescribe my daughter a pound of heroine I'm sorry, I can't see, I think I've blinded myself did you prescribe my daughter pound of heroine I'm sorry, I can't see, I think I've blinded myself it isn't a spot, it is a baby you're not a doctor, you're a wanker ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I think this really needs to be said. I've seen this everywhere, including on a lot of fat\/body positive blogs. This, in my opinion, is more rampant than the shaming of skinny women and might even equal the shaming of fat women. It's a bit tied in with skinny shaming though: THE SHAMING OF ANOREXIC WOMEN. Can we please stop? Don't call yourself body positive and then snark and about how ugly skin and bones are. It's all very well if you include a disclaimer that you don't mean naturally skinny women... So then who do you mean? Women with a legitimate mental disorder who desperately need help and acceptance rather than shaming? Seriously, it's very hypocritical. Let's all stop making disparaging comments about anorexic women. I never really understood what reviling the bodies of anorexic women was supposed to accomplish anyway. Body shaming is not the way to reach out to people with this illness. What's more is that once one starts talking about how revolting 'skin and bones' are, he or she starts down a slippery slope that can end in language that denigrates all thin women, equating all of them with those with eating disorders. I had a friend who struggled with an eating disorder, and when she overcame it, she was still a petite but much healthier-looking girl. However, it continues to be a struggle for her to accept her body, because of this kind of body shaming that continues in even some well-intentioned resources for body acceptance. You are pretty brave to bring up this issue on your blog. Keep up the good work. I totally agree! It's isn't fair and it's just as cruel. No one is better than anyone else because of how they look, the kind of body they have or don't have. I too am sick of it. \"Real women have curves.\" is not only not (necessarily) true but degrading, just as degrading as some larger (any larger) is less of a person or less of a woman or not as worthy. I've noticed this a lot too with larger women trying to reclaim their confidence and thats ok what's not ok is treating someone or saying mean things and trying to lessen someone's worth because they aren't like you. A size 0 is just as ok as a 24 or a 4 or a 12 or a 16 or a 6. All women are beautiful. All shades all sizes. Absolutely. I, and the fat acceptance activists I surround myself with, certainly call people out when we see this. Body shaming in all its forms is terrible, but it's body shaming someone with an illness like anorexia is on a whole other level of bullshit. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Such is life Meaning An acceptance of the unpredictable fortunes of existence, often spoken with an air of weary resignation. Origin The early uses of this phrase date from the mid 18th century; for example, Joseph Baretti's A Grammar of the Italian Language , 1762, translates \"Cosi va'l mondo!\" as \"Such is life\" and continues: \"Such is life, that whatever is proposed, it is much easier to find reasons for rejecting than embracing.\" 'Such is life', of course, mirrors the French 'C'est la vie', which equates to the English 'that's life', or 'life's like that'. Modern variants are 'that's the way it goes', 'that's the way the ball bounces', 'that's the way the cookie crumbles' etc. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"A lot of \"I thought Romney was going to win\" was media hype to keep the game alive (it like Thunderdome). There's no way to dissect reality from fiction with all of the information channels combined with extreme polarization, but its certain that media gets the most out of a close race. And just for fun, here are white people mourning Romney's defeat: http:\/\/whitepeoplemourni... ----------------------------------------\\\\... I feel a little bad about this, really I do. And I realize there is something slightly wrong with me, but that page made me smile a little. Maybe there is some good that will come from all this suffering. For tomorrow, is, anoth er, day... I think Romney thought he was going to win because he deserved it. He's always been given everything to him in life and he thought that he'd have the presidency. That's how rich entitled people think: they should have everything because they deserve everything I have about as much sympathy for Romney's crying supporters as I'd have for Hitler's supporters when they learned of his death. When you party's core values include taking away people's rights and profiting from fear, you deserve to lose, and I sincerely hope it hurts like hell. No, Romney does not equal Hitler, but when your campaign platform is all about making sure gays are less equal and rape victims have to give birth to their rapist's babies, you have no right to complain when i make that obvious comparison. So those of you who supported Obama don't think he spent millions on his re-election? Who is naive Kay? Romney never had a chance. Blue states were gonna stay blue this cycle. I'm just glad I finally got rid of a 40 year in office democrat from my congressional district. Sure, it was with another democrat. But at least he seems a little more moderate... \"when your campaign platform is all about making sure gays are less equal and rape victims have to give birth to their rapist's babies, you have no right to complain when i make that obvious comparison.\" I'm sure Romney had some good if not great economical policies\/reform for our country but the media always focuses on the negative\/controversial issues which is (in this case) abortion and homosexual marriage. This is all that we see and base our votes on. Republicans could have had a great shot if they had found someone better to represent them...someone who is more in tune with today's world, youth, and generation instead of conservative Christian (Mormon) policies that openly discriminate against others. This is why he really lost IMHO. BTW Kudos to all my yelp veterans! I'm a veteran myself and I hope you celebrate your Veterans Day with pride! I heard we get a free meal at applebees! https:\/\/www.facebook.com... I have nothing against Obama in fact I voted for him! I want him to have another 4 more years to see what he can do. I want our country to move forward instead of backwards and yeah sure I'm going to get hate from all the Romney supporters but if you really want the GOP to get into office try updating your policies and campaign toward EVERYONE in this country instead of just the conservative rich. Just my 2 cents. All the states that were expected to go Obama did. That's not a landslide. It's not a mandate. It is what was expected. The Incumbent party not losing a Senate seat is also not a surprise. The House gaining Republican seats however is. i think its all b\/s anyway!... our votes don't mean anything.. if your vote won its only because that guy was already set up to win!!.. On another note i myself do not believe in homosexual marriage if your a homosexual you should not get married you take away from what marriage means it is only between a man and a women only a man and a woman can make babies read your bible it tells you ... I'm sure this is going to upset a few of you but oh well I'm not saying you cant do what you want but remember you are going to answer to GOD someday you don't have to answer to me or anyone Else! don't hate me for what i feel because I'm sure you feel your way and i feel mine!... troy s. says: ^^^ Thats sad. As outspoken of a support of Obama that I am on YT, I don't take joy in watching these people have their man get defeated. Election is over, lets all focus on working together to fix some of our problems. ==============================-=========\\\\... I can only feel bad for these people up to a point. Yes, those specific people feel a genuine chance to change the country was snatched away from them and it was caught on film. But to feel bad for a party that is basically saying they will tank the economy if they don't get to keep their tax cuts for the rich? A wise man once said \"fuck that noise\". I love how my conservative idiot friends on the Facebook first alleged fraud, then once they saw the numbers, had to blame it on the ignorant masses going for Obama. As if the Red States are loaded with intellectuals. Hi friends, I'm sorry I have not chimed in on this until just now, but to be completely honest with you, I have been drinking heavily since November 6th. In fact, I have been drinking all day and I can not be responsible for anything I say so I apologize in advance if I should happen to offend any of you STUPID IDIOTIC MUSH-BRAINED SHORT-SIGHTED BIRTH CONTROL PILL POPPING LIE-BERAL SCUMBAGS. Why did Ayatollah Obama get re-elected? Well friends, it's pretty obvious: The Republican party made the mistake of running a ticket that contained one Catholic, one Mormon, and ZERO Christians. Had the ticked featured one Mormon and one Christian or one Catholic and one Christian, I do not believe the Lord would have removed His hand of protection from the GOP. A presidential candidate and a vice presidential candidate who were both non-Christians, though? It is obvious that this enraged the Lord and He chose not to stay all of your filthy hands has you cast your ballots for Barack Hussein. This does not in any way, however, absolve each and every one of you of your guilt and complicity in this matter. Don't worry, though, as I am praying night and day that all of your worthless souls will be spared the righteous judgment which you so richly deserve. I pray for you treasonous Democraps not because I want to, but because the Bible says I should: Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; ----------------------------------------\\\\... I agree with Saint Vincent that Mormonism is not mainstream Christianity. I'm also glad to see he's been tossing a few back. It's about time Saint Vincent loosened up a bit. Hopefully, he'll get laid too! Hello everybody, I would like to take this moment to apologize for my outburst a few days ago. Everything I said was true, but I should have found a more constructive way of expressing those truths. Please forgive me. You did an excellent job of skewering Mormonism and several other groups. Besides, what's the big deal? You're not the ambassadorial type anyway Saint Vinny. More like a raving cousin who passes through town once in a while. Brandon \"Support Your Local Businesses\" M.-Uh are you aware that the area that was hit is full of Liberals? Don't forget the head Liberal is Mayor DOOMBERG. If any one deserves God's Wrath it's that Communist piece of garbage (no large sodas my ass). He DiD almost win. Did You happen to look at he popular vote? (Wish people would actually READ, rather than watch Honey Booboo!! @Maureen: a couple weeks back a study was published about the levels of bias at Foxnews and mSNBC. They found that about 60% of foxnews coverage of BO was negative. Meanwhile at MSNBC, they could find NO, none, nada, favorable coverage of Romney. Almost funny how vociferous the complaints are at the left against foxnews, but SILENCE if its a \"news\" organization you agree with. But....living in the Bay Area, I'm used to the \"freedom of speech as long as I agree with it\" hypocrisy. Sad and almost funny! ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Walter Day : I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to be the center of attention. I wanted the glory, I wanted the fame. I wanted the pretty girls to come up and say, \"Hi, I see that you're good at Centipede.\" Share this quote Brian Kuh : You know, he's gonna have to play it perfectly, he's at the hardest part of Donkey Kong, and it's not gonna get any easier. So we may have an exciting moment here, or you know, the pressure may get to him, one of those random elements might happen. Sounds like he just cleared another board, but we could have a wild barrel, or some aggressive fireballs. I thought I was gonna be the first FunSpot kill screen, and then I had three fireballs trap me, I had the hammer in my hand, they still got me. So anything can happen in Donkey Kong. So for someone else to beat me to the kill screen would be a letdown, but lets see what happens, maybe he'll crack under the pressure and maybe I'll get my chance to do it first. Share this quote Mr. Awesome : Everything would've fell right into place, but he forgot about one thing: About me convincing Steve Wiebe not to be a chump, talking him out of chumpatizing himself. Share this quote Robert Mruczek : When I have to watch that pile of eight tapes over there for Dwayne Richards' two-day Nibbler performance, that's 48 straight hours of paying attention and making sure he's doing everything correctly. Share this quote Adam Wood : I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs. I play video games, which I think is a far superior addiction to any of those other ones. Share this quote Mike Thompson : I've heard a lot of talk of Billy Mitchell, and I've heard a lot of talk of strange videos and things. But I haven't heard much in the way of him getting in front of a camera crew with people and getting a record in front of people. I haven't heard about that yet. Maybe he did that 25 years ago. But I haven't heard of him doing it lately, and it makes you wonder why not. Share this quote Jillian Wiebe : I never knew that the Guinness World Record Book was so... I never knew it was so important. Steve Wiebe : I guess a lot of people are... yeah, a lot of people read that book. Jillian Wiebe : [ while directly looking at Steve, her father ] Some people sort of ruin their lives to be in there. Share this quote Billy Mitchell : ...but competetive gaming, when you wanna attach your name to a world-record, when you want your name written into history, you have to pay the price! Share this quote Related Links You may report errors and omissions on this page to the IMDb database managers. They will be examined and if approved will be included in a future update. Clicking the 'Edit page' button will take you through a step-by-step process. To share this quote, copy and paste the following link into an email, instant message or webpage. Hide link ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The first Europeans who explored the region were the Spaniards. They gave it the name of Nevada (snowy) due to the snow which covered the mountains at winter. The land comprising the modern state was inhabited by Native Americans of the Paiute , Shoshone , and Washoe tribes prior to European contact. It was part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, turning into Mexico at 1821 (Mexican independence day). The United States gained the territory in 1848 following its victory in the Mexican-American War , and the area was eventually incorporated as part of Utah Territory in 1850. The discovery of silver at the Comstock Lode in 1859 led to a population boom that was an impetus to the creation of Nevada Territory out of western Utah Territory in 1861. Nevada became the 36th state on October 31, 1864, as the second of two states added to the Union during the Civil War (the first being West Virginia ). [ 9 ] Nevada is known for its libertarian laws. [ citation needed ] The establishment of legalized gambling and lenient marriage and divorce proceedings in the 20th century transformed Nevada into a major tourist destination. [ 10 ] [ 11 ] Nevada is the only state where prostitution is legal, though it is illegal in Clark County and Washoe County which contain Las Vegas and Reno, respectively. The tourism industry remains Nevada's largest employer, [ 12 ] with mining continuing to be a substantial sector of the economy as Nevada is the fourth largest producer of gold in the world. [ 13 ] Nevadans usually pronounce the second syllable of their state name using the \/\u00e6\/ vowel of \"b a d\". Many from outside the Western United States pronounce it with the \/\u0251\u02d0\/ vowel of \"f a ther\" \/ n \u0259 \u02c8 v \u0251\u02d0 d \u0259 \/ . Although the latter pronunciation is closer to the Spanish pronunciation, it is not the pronunciation preferred by locals. Notably, George W. Bush made this faux pas during his campaign for the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election . Vindication later came when President Bush campaigned at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center on June 18, 2004. The president opened his talk by proclaiming that \"It's great to be here in Nevada \/ n \u0259 \u02c8 v \u00e6 d \u0259 \/ ,\" emphasizing the correct \"A\" \u2013 the crowd roared its approval when he light-heartedly noted, \"You didn't think I'd get it right, did ya?\" [ 15 ] Bush subsequently carried the state in the election. Assemblyman Harry Mortenson has proposed a bill to recognize the alternate (quasi-Spanish) pronunciation of Nevada, [ 16 ] though the bill was not supported by most legislators and never received a vote. The native pronunciation is the de facto official one, since it is the one used by the state legislature. Nevada is almost entirely within the Basin and Range Province , and is broken up by many north-south mountain ranges. Most of these ranges have endorheic valleys between them, which belies the image portrayed by the term Great Basin . Much of the northern part of the state is within the Great Basin, a mild desert that experiences hot temperatures in the summer and cold temperatures in the winter. Occasionally, moisture from the Arizona Monsoon will cause summer thunderstorms; Pacific storms may blanket the area with snow. The state's highest recorded temperature was 125\u00a0\u00b0F (52\u00a0\u00b0C) in Laughlin (elevation of 605 feet or 184 metres) on June 29, 1994. [ 17 ] The coldest recorded temperature was \u221252 \u00b0F (\u221247 \u00b0C ) set in San Jacinto in 1972, in the northeastern portion of the state. [ 17 ] The mountain ranges, some of which have peaks above 13,000 feet (4,000\u00a0m), harbor lush forests high above desert plains, creating sky islands for endemic species. The valleys are often no lower in elevation than 3,000 feet (910\u00a0m). The southern third of the state, where the Las Vegas area is situated, is within the Mojave Desert . The area receives less rain in the winter but is closer to the Arizona Monsoon in the summer. The terrain is also lower, mostly below 4,000 feet (1,200\u00a0m), creating conditions for hot summer days and cool to chilly winter nights (due to temperature inversion ). Nevada and California have by far the longest diagonal line (in respect to the cardinal directions) as a state boundary at just over 400 miles (640\u00a0km). This line begins in Lake Tahoe nearly 4 miles (6.4\u00a0km) offshore (in the direction of the boundary), and continues to the Colorado River where the Nevada, California, and Arizona boundaries merge 12 miles (19\u00a0km) southwest of the Laughlin Bridge. The largest mountain range in the southern portion of the state is the Spring Mountain Range , just west of Las Vegas. The state's lowest point is along the Colorado River, south of Laughlin. Nevada has 172 mountain summits with 2,000 feet (610\u00a0m) of prominence. Nevada ranks second in the US, behind Alaska, and ahead of California, Montana, and Washington. This makes Nevada the \"Most Mountainous\" state in the country, at least by this measure. Nevada is the driest state in the United States. [ 18 ] It is made up of mostly desert and semiarid climate regions, daytime summer temperatures sometimes may rise as high as 125\u00a0\u00b0F (52\u00a0\u00b0C) and nighttime winter temperatures may reach as low as \u221250\u00a0\u00b0F (\u221246\u00a0\u00b0C). While winters in northern Nevada are long and fairly cold, the winter season in the southern part of the state tends to be of short duration and mild. Most parts of Nevada receive scarce precipitation during the year. Most rain that falls in the state falls on the lee side (east and northeast slopes) of the Sierra Nevada. The average annual rainfall per year is about 7 inches (18\u00a0cm); the wettest parts get around 40 inches (100\u00a0cm). Nevada's highest recorded temperature is 125\u00a0\u00b0F (52\u00a0\u00b0C) at Laughlin on June 29, 1994 and the lowest recorded temperature is \u221250\u00a0\u00b0F (\u221246\u00a0\u00b0C) at San Jacinto on January 8, 1937. Nevada's 125\u00a0\u00b0F (52\u00a0\u00b0C) reading is the third highest temperature recorded in the U.S. just behind Arizona's 128\u00a0\u00b0F (53\u00a0\u00b0C) reading and California's 134\u00a0\u00b0F (57\u00a0\u00b0C) reading. Las Vegas strip . The majority of Nevada's population lives in Clark county. Nevada is divided into political jurisdictions designated as counties . Carson City is officially a consolidated municipality; however, for many purposes under state law it is considered to be a county. As of 1919 there were 17 counties in the state, ranging from 146 to 18,159 square miles (380 to 47,030\u00a0km 2 ). Clark County is the most populous county in Nevada, accounting for nearly three-quarters of its residents. Las Vegas, Nevada's most populous city, has been the county seat since the county was created. Clark County attracts numerous tourists. An estimated 40 million people have visited Clark County in 2009. [ 21 ] Eight days prior to the presidential election of 1864 , Nevada became the 36th state in the union. Statehood was rushed to the date of October 31 to help ensure Abraham Lincoln 's reelection on November 8 and post-Civil War Republican dominance in Congress, [ 25 ] as Nevada's mining-based economy tied it to the more industrialized Union . As it turned out, however, Lincoln and the Republicans won the election handily, and did not need Nevada's help. Nevada is one of only two states to significantly expand its borders after admission to the Union. (The other is Missouri, which acquired additional territory in 1837 due to the Platte Purchase .) In 1866 another part of the western Utah Territory, whose population was seeking to avoid Mormon dominance, [ citation needed ] was added to Nevada in the eastern part of the state, setting the current eastern boundary. Nevada achieved its current southern boundaries on January 18, 1867, when it absorbed the portion of Pah-Ute County in the Arizona Territory west of the Colorado River, essentially all of present day Nevada south of the 37th parallel . The transfer was prompted by the discovery of gold in the area, and it was thought by officials that Nevada would be better able to oversee the expected population boom. This area includes most of what is now Clark County . Mining shaped Nevada's economy for many years (see Silver mining in Nevada ). When Mark Twain lived in Nevada during the period described in Roughing It , mining had led to an industry of speculation and immense wealth. However, both mining and population declined in the late 19th century. However, the rich silver strike at Tonopah in 1900, followed by strikes in Goldfield and Rhyolite , again put Nevada's population on an upward trend. Gambling erupted once more following a recession in the early 20th century, helping to build the city of Las Vegas Unregulated gambling was commonplace in the early Nevada mining towns but was outlawed in 1909 as part of a nation-wide anti-gambling crusade. Because of subsequent declines in mining output and the decline of the agricultural sector during the Great Depression , Nevada again legalized gambling on March 19, 1931, with approval from the legislature. Governor Fred B. Balzar 's signature enacted the most liberal divorce laws in the country and open gambling. The reforms came just eight days after the federal government presented the $49 million construction contract for Boulder Dam (now Hoover Dam ). [ 26 ] The Nevada Test Site , 65 miles (105\u00a0km) northwest of the city of Las Vegas, was founded on January 11, 1951, for the testing of nuclear weapons . The site is composed of approximately 1,350 square miles (3,500\u00a0km 2 ) of desert and mountainous terrain. Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site began with a 1 kiloton of TNT (4.2\u00a0TJ) bomb dropped on Frenchman Flat on January 27, 1951. The last atmospheric test was conducted on July 17, 1962, and the underground testing of weapons continued until September 23, 1992. The location is known for having the highest concentration of nuclear-detonated weapons in the U.S. Over 80% of the state's area is owned by the federal government. The primary reason for this is that homesteads were not permitted in large enough sizes to be viable in the arid conditions that prevail throughout desert Nevada. Instead, early settlers would homestead land surrounding a water source, and then graze livestock on the adjacent public land, which is useless for agriculture without access to water (this pattern of ranching still prevails). According to the Census Bureau's 2012 estimate, Nevada has an estimated population of 2,758,931 which is an increase of 38,903, or 1.4%, from the prior year and an increase of 58,379, or 2.2%, since the year 2010. This includes a natural increase since the last census of 81,661 people (that is 170,451 births minus 88,790 deaths) and an increase due to net migration of 337,043 people into the state. Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 66,098 people, and migration within the country produced a net increase of 270,945 people. According to the 2006 census estimate, Nevada is the eighth fastest growing state in the nation. [ 27 ] The center of population of Nevada is located in southern Nye County . [ 28 ] In this county, the unincorporated town of Pahrump , located 60 miles (97\u00a0km) west of Las Vegas on the California state line, has grown very rapidly from 1980 to 2010. At the 2010 census, the town had 36,441 residents. [ 29 ] Las Vegas was America's fastest-growing city and metropolitan area from 1960 to 2000, but has grown from a gulch of 100 people in 1900 to 10,000 by 1950 to 100,000 by 1970. [ citation needed ] From about the 1940s until 2003, Nevada was the fastest-growing state in the US percentage-wise. Between 1990 and 2000, Nevada's population increased 66.3%, while the USA's population increased 13.1%. Over two thirds of the population of the state lives in the Clark County Las Vegas metropolitan area . The rural community of Mesquite located 65 miles (105\u00a0km) northeast of Las Vegas was an example of micropolitan growth in the 1990s and 2000s. Other desert towns like Indian Springs and Searchlight on the outskirts of Las Vegas have seen some growth as well. Large numbers of new residents in the state originate from California, which led some locals to feel that their state is being \" Californicated \". [ 30 ] A small percentage of Nevada's population lives in rural areas. The culture of these places differs significantly from that of the major metropolitan areas. People in these rural counties tend to be native Nevada residents, unlike in the Las Vegas and Reno areas, where the vast majority of the population was born in another state. The rural population is also less diverse in terms of race and ethnicity. Mining plays an important role in the economies of the rural counties, with tourism being less prominent. [ 31 ] Largely African American sections of Las Vegas (\"the Meadows\") and Reno can be found. Many current African-American Nevadans are newly transplanted residents from California. Asian Americans lived in the state since the California Gold Rush of the 1850s brought thousands of Chinese miners to Washoe county. They were followed by a few hundred Japanese farm workers in the late 19th century. By the late 20th century, many immigrants from China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and recently from India and Vietnam came to the Las Vegas metropolitan area. The city now has one of America's most prolific Asian American communities, with a mostly Chinese and Taiwanese area known as \"Chinatown\" west of I-15 on Spring Mountain Boulevard, and an \"Asiatown\" shopping mall for Asian customers located at Charleston Avenue and Paradise Boulevard. Filipino Americans form the largest Asian American group in the state, with a population of more than 113,000. They comprise 56.5% of the Asian American population in Nevada and constitute about 4.3% of the entire state's population. [ 39 ] At the 2010 census, 6.9% of the state's population were reported as under 5, 24.6% were under 18, and 12.0% were 65 or older. [ 32 ] Females made up approximately 49.5% of the population. [ 32 ] Las Vegas was a major destination for immigrants from South Asia and Latin America seeking employment in the gaming and hospitality industries during the 1990s and first decade of the 21st century, but farming and construction are the biggest employers of immigrant labor. Senior citizens (over age 65) and young children or teenagers (under age 18) form large sections of the Nevada population. The religious makeup of Nevadans includes large communities of Mormons , Roman Catholics and Evangelicals ; each is known for higher birth rates and a younger than national average age. American Jews represent a large proportion of the active adult retirement community. Church attendance in Nevada is among the lowest of all US states. In a 2009 Gallup poll only 30% of Nevadans said they attended church weekly or almost weekly, compared to 42% of all Americans (only four states were found to have a lower attendance rate than Nevada). [ 43 ] The economy of Nevada has long been tied to vice industries. \"[Nevada was] founded on mining and refounded on sin\u2014-beginning with prizefighting and easy divorce a century ago and later extending to gaming and prostitution\", said the August 21, 2010 issue of The Economist . [ 47 ] The Bureau of Economic Analysis [ 48 ] [ 49 ] estimates that Nevada's total state product in 2010 was $126\u00a0billion. Resort areas like Las Vegas, Reno, Lake Tahoe , and Laughlin attract visitors from around the nation and world. In FY08 the total of 266 casinos with gaming revenue over $1m for the year, brought in revenue of $12\u00a0billion in gaming revenue, and $13\u00a0billion in non-gaming revenue. A review of gaming statistics can be found at Nevada gaming area . The state's Per capita personal income in 2009 was $38,578, ranking nineteenth in the nation. [ 50 ] Nevada's state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $7.5 billion, or $3,100 per taxpayer. [ 51 ] As of August 2011, the state's unemployment rate was the worst in the nation at 13.4%. [ 52 ] In portions of the state outside of the Las Vegas and Reno metropolitan areas, mining and cattle ranching are the major economic activities. By value, gold is by far the most important mineral mined. In 2004, 6,800,000 ounces (190,000,000\u00a0g) of gold worth $2.84\u00a0billion were mined in Nevada, and the state accounted for 8.7% of world gold production (see Gold mining in Nevada ). Silver is a distant second, with 10,300,000 ounces (290,000,000\u00a0g) worth $69\u00a0million mined in 2004 (see Silver mining in Nevada ). [ 53 ] Other minerals mined in Nevada include construction aggregates, copper, gypsum, diatomite and lithium. Despite its rich deposits, the cost of mining in Nevada is generally high, and output is very sensitive to world commodity prices. As of January 1, 2006, there were an estimated 500,000 head of cattle and 70,000 head of sheep in Nevada. [ 54 ] Most of these animals forage on rangeland in the summer, with supplemental feed in the winter. Calves are generally shipped to out-of-state feedlots in the fall to be fattened for market. Over 90% of Nevada's 484,000 acres (196,000\u00a0ha) of cropland is used to grow hay , mostly alfalfa, for livestock feed. Nevada has by far the most hotel rooms per capita in the United States. According to the American Hotel and Lodging Association, there were 187,301 rooms in 584 hotels (of 15 or more rooms). The state is ranked just below California, Texas, Florida, and New York in total number of rooms, but those states have much larger populations. Nevada has one hotel room for every 14 residents, far above the national average of one hotel room per 67 residents. [ 55 ] Prostitution is legal in parts of Nevada in licensed brothels, but only counties with populations under 400,000 residents have the option to legalize it. Although prostitution employs roughly 300 women as independent contractors, and not a major part of the Nevada economy, it is a very visible endeavor. Of the 14 counties that are permitted to legalize prostitution under state law, 8 have chosen to legalize brothels. State law prohibits prostitution in Clark County (which contains Las Vegas), and Washoe County (which contains Reno). However, prostitution is legal in Storey County, which is part of the Reno\u2013Sparks metropolitan area . The state sales tax in Nevada is variable depending upon the county. The minimum statewide tax rate is 6.85%, with five counties (Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, and Mineral) charging this minimum amount. All other counties assess various option taxes , making the combined state\/county sales taxes rate in one county as high as 8.1%, which is the amount charged in Clark County. Sales tax in the other major counties: Carson at 7.745%, Washoe at 7.725%. The minimum Nevada sales tax rate changed on July 1, 2009. [ 56 ] Road from Carrara, Nevada towards the marble quarry in the background. Interstate 15 passes through the southern tip of the state, serving Las Vegas and other communities. I-215 and spur route I-515 also serve the Las Vegas metropolitan area. Interstate 80 crosses through the northern part of Nevada, roughly following the path of the Humboldt River from Utah in the east and passing westward through Reno and into California. It has a spur route, I-580 . Nevada also is served by several federal highways: US 6 , US 50 , US 93 , US 95 and US 395 . There are also 189 Nevada state highways . Nevada is one of a few states in the U.S. that does not have a continuous interstate highway linking its two major population centers. Even the non-interstate federal highways aren't contiguous between the Las Vegas and Reno areas. The state is one of just a few in the country to allow semi-trailer trucks with three trailers\u2014what might be called a \" road train \" in Australia. But American versions are usually smaller, in part because they must ascend and descend some fairly steep mountain passes. RTC Transit is the public transit system in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. The agency is the largest transit agency in the state and operates a network of bus service across the Las Vegas Valley , including the use of The Deuce , double-decker buses , on the Las Vegas Strip and several outlying routes. RTC RIDE operates a system of local transit bus service throughout the Reno-Sparks metropolitan area. Other transit systems in the state include Carson City's JAC. Most other counties in the state do not have public transportation at all. Additionally, a 4-mile (6.4\u00a0km) monorail system provides public transportation in the Las Vegas area. The Las Vegas Monorail line services several casino properties and the Las Vegas Convention Center on the east side of the Las Vegas Strip, running near Paradise Road, with a possible future extension to McCarran International Airport . Several hotels also run their own monorail lines between each other, which are typically several blocks in length. McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is the busiest airport serving Nevada. The Reno-Tahoe International Airport (formerly known as the Reno Cannon International Airport) is the other major airport in the state. The Nevada Legislature is a bicameral body divided into an Assembly and Senate. Members of the Assembly serve for 2 years, and members of the Senate serve for 4 years. Both houses of the Nevada Legislature will be impacted by term limits starting in 2010, as Senators and Assemblymen\/women will be limited to a maximum of 12 years service in each house (by appointment or election which is a lifetime limit)\u2014a provision of the constitution which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court of Nevada in a unanimous decision. Each session of the Legislature meets for a constitutionally mandated 120 days in every odd-numbered year, or longer if the Governor calls a special session. The Supreme Court of Nevada is the state supreme court . Original jurisdiction is divided between the District Courts (with general jurisdiction), and Justice Courts and Municipal Courts (both of limited jurisdiction). Incorporated towns in Nevada, known as cities, are given the authority to legislate anything not prohibited by law. A recent movement has begun to permit home rule in incorporated Nevada cities to give them more flexibility and fewer restrictions from the Legislature. Town Boards for unincorporated towns are limited local governments created by either the local county commission, or by referendum, and form a purely advisory role and in no way diminish the responsibilities of the county commission that creates them. In 1900, Nevada's population was the smallest of all states and was shrinking, as the difficulties of living in a \"barren desert\" began to outweigh the lure of silver for many early settlers. Historian Lawrence Friedman has explained what happened next: \"Nevada, in a burst of ingenuity, built an economy by exploiting its sovereignty. Its strategy was to legalize all sorts of things that were illegal in California ... after easy divorce came easy marriage and casino gaming. Even prostitution is legal in Nevada, in any county that decides to allow it. Quite a few of them do.\" [ 61 ] With the advent of air conditioning for summertime use and Southern Nevada's mild winters, the fortunes of the state began to turn around, as it did for Arizona , making these two states the fastest growing in the Union. Prostitution is specifically illegal by state law in the state's larger jurisdictions, which include Clark County (which contains Las Vegas), Washoe County (which contains Reno), and the independent city of Carson City . Otherwise, it is legal in those counties which specifically vote to permit it. Nevada's early reputation as a \"divorce haven\" arose from the fact that, prior to the no-fault divorce revolution in the 1970s, divorces were quite difficult to obtain in the United States. Already having legalized gaming and prostitution, Nevada continued the trend of boosting its profile by adopting one of the most liberal divorce statutes in the nation. This resulted in Williams v. North Carolina , 317 U.S. 287 (1942), in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that North Carolina had to give \" full faith and credit \" to a Nevada divorce. Nevada's tax laws are intended to draw new residents and businesses to the state. Nevada has no personal income tax or corporate income tax . [ 63 ] Since Nevada does not collect income data it cannot share such information with the federal government, the IRS . [ 64 ] Nevada's state sales tax rate is 6.85 percent. Counties may impose additional rates via voter approval or through approval of the Legislature; therefore, the applicable sales tax will vary by county from 6.85 percent to 8.1 percent in Clark County. Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, imposes four separate county option taxes in addition to the statewide rate \u2013 0.25 percent for flood control, 0.50 percent for mass transit, 0.25 percent for infrastructure, and 0.25 percent for more cops. In Washoe County, which includes Reno, the sales tax rate is 7.725 percent, due to county option rates for flood control, the ReTRAC train trench project, mass transit, and an additional county rate approved under the Local Government Tax Act of 1991. [ 65 ] The lodging tax rate in unincorporated Clark County, which includes the Las Vegas Strip, is 12%. Within the boundaries of the cities of Las Vegas and Henderson, the lodging tax rate is 13%. Corporations such as Apple Inc. allegedly have set up investment companies and funds in Nevada to avoid paying taxes. [ 66 ] Nevada provides friendly environment for the formation of corporations, and many (especially California) businesses have incorporated in Nevada to take advantage of the benefits of the Nevada statute. Nevada corporations offer great flexibility to the Board of Directors and simplify or avoid many of the rules that are cumbersome to business managers in some other states. In addition, Nevada has no franchise tax . Non-alcohol drug laws are a notable exception to Nevada's otherwise libertarian principles. It is notable for having the harshest penalties for drug offenders in the country. Nevada remains the only state to still use mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for marijuana possession. However, it is now a misdemeanor for possession of less than one ounce but only for persons age 21 and older. In 2006, voters in Nevada defeated attempts to allow possession of 1\u00a0ounce of marijuana (for personal use) without being criminally prosecuted, (55% against legalization, 45% in favor of legalization). However, Nevada is one of the states that allows for use of marijuana for medical reasons (though this remains illegal under federal law). Nevada voters enacted a smoking ban (\"the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act\") in November 2006 that became effective on December 8, 2006. It outlaws smoking in most workplaces and public places. Smoking is permitted in bars, but only if the bar serves no food, or the bar is inside a larger casino. Smoking is also permitted in casinos, hotel rooms, tobacco shops, and brothels. [ 67 ] However, some businesses do not obey this law and the government tends not to enforce it. [ 68 ] In 2011, smoking restrictions in Nevada were loosened for certain places which allow only people age 21 or older inside. [ 69 ] Nevada has been ranked as the most dangerous state in the U.S. for five years in a row, just ahead of Louisiana [ 70 ] [ 71 ] In 2006, the crime rate in Nevada was approximately 24% higher than the national average rate. Property crimes accounted for approximately 84.6% of the crime rate in Nevada which was 21% higher than the national rate. The remaining 20.3% were violent crimes and were approximately 45% higher than other states. [ 72 ] In 2008, Nevada had the third highest murder rate , and the highest rate of robbery and motor vehicle theft . [ 70 ] Latest data also ranks Nevada as having the highest rate of women killed by men, for the third year in row, and Nevada has topped the list five out of the last six years. [ 73 ] [ 74 ] Due to heavy growth in the southern portion of the state, there is a noticeable divide between politics of northern and southern Nevada. The north has long maintained control of key positions in state government, even while the population of southern Nevada is larger than the rest of the state combined. The north sees the high population south becoming more influential and perhaps commanding majority rule. The south sees the north as the \"old guard\" trying to rule as an oligarchy . This has fostered some resentment, however, due to a term limit amendment passed by Nevada voters in 1994, and again in 1996, some of the north's hold over key positions will soon be forfeited to the south, leaving Northern Nevada with less power. Historically, northern Nevada has been very Republican . The more rural counties of the north are among the most conservative regions of the country. Washoe County, home to Reno, has historically been strongly Republican, but has become more of a swing county at least at the federal level. Clark County, home to Las Vegas, has become increasingly Democratic . Clark and Washoe counties have long dominated the state's politics. Between them, they cast 87 percent of Nevada's vote, and elect a substantial majority of the state legislature. The great majority of the state's elected officials are either from Las Vegas or Reno. An August 2012 Public Policy Polling survey found that 47% of Nevada voters supported legalizing same-sex marriage, with 42% thinking it should be illegal, and 11% were not sure. In a separate question, 80% of Nevada voters supported legal recognition of same-sex couples, while 17% opposed all legal recognition and 3% were not sure. [ 80 ] UNLV is most remembered for its men's basketball program , which experienced its height of supremacy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Coached by Jerry Tarkanian , the Runnin' Rebels became one of the most elite programs in the country. In 1990, UNLV won the Men's Division I Championship by defeating Duke 103\u201373, which set tournament records for most points scored by a team and largest margin of victory in the national title game. In 1991 , UNLV finished the regular season undefeated. Forward Larry Johnson won several awards, including the Naismith Award . UNLV reached the Final Four yet again, but lost their national semifinal against Duke 79\u201377, and is referred to as one of the biggest upsets in the NCAA Tournament. The Runnin' Rebels were the Associated Press pre-season No. 1 back to back (1989\u201390, 1990\u201391). North Carolina is the only other team to accomplish that (2007\u201308, 2008\u201309). The state is also home to one of the most famous tennis players of all time, Andre Agassi . Along with significant rises in popularity in mixed martial arts (MMA), a number of fight leagues such as the UFC have taken interest in Las Vegas as a primary event location due to the number of suitable host venues. The Mandalay Bay Events Center and MGM Grand Garden Arena are among some of the more popular venues for fighting events such as MMA and have hosted several UFC and other MMA title fights. It has currently held the most UFC events with 74 events held in total. Area 51 is located near Groom Lake , a dry salt lake bed. The much smaller Creech Air Force Base is located in Indian Springs, Nevada ; Hawthorne Army Depot in Hawthorne ; the Tonopah Test Range near Tonopah ; and Nellis AFB in the northeast part of the Las Vegas Valley . Naval Air Station Fallon in Fallon ; NSAWC, (pronounced \"EN-SOCK\") in western Nevada. NSAWC consolidated three Command Centers into a single Command Structure under a flag officer on July 11, 1996. The Naval Strike Warfare Center (STRIKE \"U\") based at NAS Fallon since 1984, was joined with the Navy Fighter Weapons School ( TOPGUN ) and the Carrier Airborne Early Warning Weapons School (TOPDOME) which both moved from NAS Miramar as a result of a Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) decision in 1993 which transferred that installation back to the Marine Corps as MCAS Miramar. The Seahawk Weapon School was added in 1998 to provide tactical training for Navy helicopters. Nevada enjoys many economic advantages, and the southern portion of the state enjoys mild winter weather, but rapid growth has led to some overcrowded roads and schools. Nevada has the nation's 5th largest school district in the Clark County School District (projected fall 2007 enrollment is 314,000 students grades K-12). [ 85 ] While the state was recently one of the fastest growing in the country , population growth slowed down to a halt in 2008. [ 86 ] In August 2008, it was announced that Boyd Gaming would halt construction on a 4.2\u00a0billion dollar project called Echelon , which was to replace the old Stardust Resort & Casino . The reason cited for this is lack of funding\/credit from banks. Coyote Springs is a proposed community for 240,000 inhabitants in Clark and Lincoln counties. It would be Nevada's largest planned city . The town is being developed by Harvey Whittemore and has generated some controversy because of environmental concerns and allegations of political favoritism. [ 87 ] ^ The distinction of highest point in Nevada goes to the summit of Boundary Peak, so named because it is very near the Nevada-California border, at the northern terminus of the White Mountains. However, Boundary Peak can be considered a subsidiary summit of Montgomery Peak, whose summit is in California, since the topographic prominence of Boundary Peak is only 253 feet (77\u00a0m), which falls under the often used 300-foot (91\u00a0m) cutoff for an independent peak. Also, Boundary Peak is less than 1 mile (1.6\u00a0km) away from its higher neighbor. Hence Boundary Peak can be described as not being wholly within Nevada. By contrast, the prominence of Wheeler Peak, 13,063 feet (3,982\u00a0m), is quite large and in fact it is the twelfth largest in the contiguous United States. Wheeler Peak is the highest point in a radius of more than 200 square miles (520\u00a0km 2 ) and is entirely within the state of Nevada. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Time For A Change When I was little and I'd done something wrong -- which seemed to happen a lot -- my mother would set the oven-timer and wait for me to confess. If I confessed of my own accord, her forgiveness came more easily. If the oven-timer went off before my guilt got the better of me, the punishment would often be disproportionate to the crime. Halfway through our fish suppers the timer goes off and I jump in my chair, trying to work out what I've been caught out doing. It's a Pavlovian response which spans the twenty-five years since I moved to London as if I'd never left. 'Is there something you wanted to discuss?' I um and ah and shift in my seat. 'Do you need money?' 'I told you I'm fine at the moment.' 'You're just here for a holiday then?' 'I wanted to see how you were doing.' My mother comes back through, wiping her hands on her skirt. She sits down and sips her water. 'It's been a while. Did you move my bags somewhere?' 'I've put you in your old room,' says my mother. 'I wasn't sure if you'd be bringing a friend, so the double in the spare room is made up too. Just in case.' I chase the last curl of batter around the plate with my fork. Then I tell them I'm tired from the journey and I'm getting an early night. Upstairs I stretch out on the single bed, under a curly-edged poster of David Bowie, and listen to my parents watching television in the room below. Eventually they switch it off and I quickly turn out the bedside lamp so that when they pass my bedroom door they won't see a light and come knocking and bothering me. Their footsteps creak along the landing, pause and then continue. I can hear them brushing their teeth. They talk in voices too low to pick out individual words. I wait for what feels like an hour then I slip off the bed and pad downstairs in my socks. I shut the kitchen door carefully before switching on the lamp on the dresser. I sit down at the head of the table in my dad's seat, and practice. Come on boy, out with it. You're a real disappointment. When are you going to move back and take over the family business. We all know how badly you're doing down in England. Nobody respects you. What kind of man do you think you are. You can barely support yourself, what are you going to do when you have a family to support. When I was your age I owned my own business. I speak in a hard whisper, hands on my knees bunched into fists, eyebrows pinching together across my forehead. I freeze, thinking I can hear a creaking from upstairs but it's just the boiler in the utility room; the central heating must be on a timer. I move along into my mother's seat and put my hands palm upwards on the table, leaning forward on my elbows. Am I going to live to see my grandchildren. Do you know how much your father worries about you. Why don't you visit more often. Are you happy, are you really happy. I don't think they treat you right at work, what happened to that promotion you were expecting. When we talk on the phone you sound so distant. Are you seeing anyone. You can bring her home, next time. We're always interested to meet new people. I don't care where she's from. The chair scrapes on the floor tiles as I move across to my chair. I leave damp handprints on the varnished surface of the table. In my chair, I struggle to find the right words. I sit with my mouth partly open, running my tongue over my teeth. 'Can't you sleep?' It's my dad in the doorway. 'Something on your mind?' 'Just getting a glass of water.' I follow him up the stairs. He waits outside my room as if expecting me to invite him in. 'Sleep well.' They sit there the next morning -- after I tell them -- letting spoonfuls of muesli drop back into their bowls. I hold on to my wrist and massage it with my thumb, waiting for someone to say something in response. Eventually, my dad breaks the silence. 'You're not moving back then.' 'No, I'm staying in London.' 'There are plenty of gay bars through in Edinburgh. We read about them in the newspaper.' I assure him it's not because of a lack of scene. I cite my friends, my job. 'Is this why you didn't get the promotion?' 'It took a lot of effort for you to say that, didn't it.' She's smiling, but the hand holding the spoon is trembling. 'Thank you for being honest with us.' She turns to my dad. 'Christopher, can you pass the milk please.' I tell them I'm going to wash my face. I pause outside the kitchen door, but they're discussing when the spring bulbs are likely to start, given the frosts. In the bathroom I lock the door and turn the bath taps on, then I call Benedict on my mobile. 'I just told them. It went okay.' 'I'm so proud of you.' The line is crackly. 'I'm so glad we can move forward.' 'Will you look at the list of rentals I left out? We could go to the open viewings next week.' 'Tell them I'm really looking forward to meeting them. Tell them to come visit us in our new place. We'll have to find somewhere with a spare bedroom.' I say I have to go. 'I'm sorry I didn't think you'd go through with it.' I tell him it's okay. Down in the hallway I stand with my mother and look at the line of family portraits on the wall. There are no photographs of her, my father or me. Out back by the fertiliser shed I help my dad heave sacks through the ankle-deep snow and onto the mini-trailer for the pick-up on Monday. Good, manly activity to assert our common ground. Pity I've always hated gardening. 'Your mother has pies for lunch,' he says. 'From the bakery.' 'Is that a new roof on the shed?' 'I painted the door in the autumn. There were problems with rats.' It's a relief to be back to normal. There's a satisfying rhythm to the work and I find it easier than I remembered. He puts the radio on and we work side by side to The Week in Westminster and From Our Own Correspondent until my mother calls us in to wash up before lunch. The kitchen is warm from the cooking. In my reflection in the window I can see that my cheeks are chapped red like my dad's. I use the small pink, plastic nailbrush in the utility room to get the last of the dirt out. There's geranium-scented gardener's hand cream from Crabtree and Evelyn next to the sink and it leaves my hands so greasy I find it hard to turn the round door handle to get back out. When I do I notice that the oven-timer is on but all I think is that it must be for the pies, although I can see them right there in front of me on the table. My plan was to ease them into it. For their own sake. When your son announces he's gay in his mid-forties, I thought maybe it'd be easier if they were told it was a recent development. Give them time to get their heads round the idea before being confronted with proof positive. Like a live-in boyfriend. Like a live-in boyfriend less than half my age. My mother cut Benedict off mid-sentence -- hanging the phone up -- and set the oven timer for an hour. I'll give her that, she believed in me enough to give me the chance to own up. After it went off that second time, I can see that it's just the timer that has been set: the oven itself isn't switched on. I wonder why my mother has so many sheets to soak. She gets up, taking her half finished plate over to the sink and tipping the leftover pie into the bin before switching the beeper off. She scrapes the plate loudly, then throws the cutlery into the washing-up bowl and bursts into tears. 'When did you start lying to me?' My mother waits by the sink for an answer, then sits down and asks me again. I push a crust to the side of my plate and try to smile. 'I know this is difficult for you to take in.' 'My son tells me he's gay. Fine, I'm happy if you're happy.' 'I've wanted to tell you for so long.' 'How long?' She waves her hand in my father's direction. 'He says he didn't know. I didn't know. How long have you known for?' Even if I wasn't tipped off by the set expression on her face, the atmosphere screams out that this is a trick question. Turns out the real question is, why give your boyfriend your parent's home phone number if you don't want him to call it. Don't ask your boyfriend to go house hunting so the pair of you can move in together unless you expect him to get over-excited and call your mobile phone ten times but you can't hear it because it's up in your old room and you're outside. But it's so important that he thinks, well, I know this was just in case of emergencies but this is an emergency because he needs to know if you can take the Wednesday morning off work because that's when the estate agent has some openings. And, after all, your parents know everything now. Because that was the only condition he gave you about moving in together, that you were honest with them about everything. 'You weren't supposed to find out like this.' 'How were we supposed to find out? When did this really happen?' I shrug in what I hope is a placatory fashion. 'He said you're moving in together. He invited me to come stay for the house-warming. Who is he?' 'You'd really like him.' Even to my ears, it sounds lame. 'I've always known I'm gay, but I've only been out since I moved to London.' She freezes. My father is the first to work out the maths. 'Twenty-five years?' I nod. He nods back and that's that, he and I are back to normal. It's a liberation and for a moment I can overlook the fact that my mother still hasn't moved. My chair squeaks against the floor tiles when I stand up to give Dad a hug. I turn and open my arms to her too but she's gone. * In my room at The Glendower, the socks over the radiator are more or less dried so I move them to the back of the chair, stretching out the soap-washed stiffness of the material at the same time, and put my underwear on to cook instead. The mobile reception in this room is awful. I blame the oak panelling. Finally I find a patch near the window and send Benedict another apology text. I am not expecting a reply. I pad through to the en-suite and brush my teeth, trying to find reasonable answers to the questions I imagine he would be asking, if he were talking to me. Why are you still there. Don't you know how important this week was to me. I really needed you there at the gallery opening with me. Have you told your mother she can't talk to me like that. Why did she say she had no idea who I was. Have you really told them. What's going on up there. Why haven't you come back. If you lose your job because of this, who is going to pay the rent on our new place. Have you asked your dad for the deposit money yet. There are answers, but no opportunity to explain them. * Dad is waiting in the doorway. He still has his slippers on. He tells me she's in the sitting room but that I shouldn't expect too much. He tries to take my case in for me but I tell him I can manage just fine. The pull-out handle comes off as I bump it over the doorstep and one of the wheels comes off too. Then we're laughing, both of us, although it was a bloody expensive piece of luggage and I hope I still have the receipt. He makes tea and says we can have a look in a minute, he's sure there's something I can use instead. We sit at the table and I ask if my mother has said anything more about the situation and he says no, not really. 'Twenty-five years of silence, that's what she said on Saturday. Tit for tat.' Then he reaches out and pats my hand. 'I'm sure she'll reduce the sentence eventually.' It's hard to stop laughing. After a moment dad joins in. 'What time's your train? I can give you a lift to the station.' I tell him the taxi's booked. On our way upstairs, I poke my head round the sitting room doorway. My mother turns her head away to stare at the fireplace. Neither of us say anything. Dad pulls my arm. 'There's probably something in the spare room cupboard. Come along.' I let him herd me away from her. From the back of the top shelf my dad pulls down a small, red leather case. 'Nobody will miss this,' he says. 'I don't remember us ever using it. Must have been there for years. Look at this dust.' 'Should we check?' 'Better not to bother her.' He takes out a handkerchief and polishes up the brass fittings with a bit of spit. 'It never hurts to get rid of old baggage.' We're off again laughing away, bordering on hysteria. Everything fits in except my laptop bag. 'Better to carry it separately anyway,' dad says. 'It'll be lighter for you. Saves your back.' I put the laptop to one side and take out my cosmetic bag, trying to stop my spare shirt from creasing too badly. Dad advises I roll it rather than fold it and goes to check on my mother. Smoothing the shirt into the corner, my fingers brush against a small, zipped inside pocket and I both feel and hear the crispness of paper. It's an envelope. Two envelopes. And a wad of cash. There must be at least a grand. One envelope is handwritten, no address, just two names. Christopher & Jacob . My mother's handwriting. Unopened. The second letter is typed, sealed, stamped and addressed: never sent. The name on the front is Kitty Patterson. I can't tell how recent it is; my mother's typewriter broke about five years ago but worked perfectly up until the end. There are low murmurs from the sitting room. I stuff the cash and the letters back in the suitcase. Then I take out the letter marked Christopher & Jacob , zip the pocket up, buckle the case up and put it next to the front door. I walk back into the kitchen and wait for my dad to join me. 'Is there anything you want to tell me?' Dad looks puzzled at my question. 'Anything at all. Clear the decks. Tit for tat.' 'Just that I love you, son.' I keep looking at him. 'And I'm sure your mother loves you too.' I think about the unopened note and I think well then . Dad goes into the hallway to call the taxi and I set the oven-timer and go to see my mother. ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Depressing Lot of the Conflicted American Mother Motherlode Book Club Motherlode has asked women at different stages of their family and career lives to respond to Elisabeth Badinter's \"The Conflict\" by describing how reading it has affected their views or plans for work and motherhood. The following is a continuation of an ongoing conversation. KJ , you asked if reading Elisabeth Badinter's provocative screed, \"The Conflict,\" influenced the way I think about how to manage work and motherhood. It did -- but not in the way Ms. Badinter intended. Let me explain. My husband and I are in the pre-child stage, so I often turn over in my mind how I will handle a career that's been at the center of my life for eight years with the demands of motherhood. In the freshest, most intriguing section of Ms. Badinter's book, she argues that embrace of \"the natural\" -- breast-feeding, avoidance of all chemicals and vices while pregnant, eschewing the epidural during birth -- has subjugated women. I can see where women who buy fully into natural motherhood are cutting off other possibilities. When you're still breast-feeding your 3-year-old, it might be difficult to devote yourself to work in quite the same way. But Ms. Badinter seems to completely exaggerate the pressures of this natural lifestyle. She makes the La Leche League sound like a milk-obsessed militia, forcing women to breast-feed against their will. It might be because none of my friends have children, or because I worked in women's media for so long, but I don't feel much pressure at all to breast-feed my future kinder for a set period of time, or to eat my placenta . I read my colleague and friend Hanna Rosin's marvelous \" The Case Against Breastfeeding \" in The Atlantic three years ago and was thoroughly convinced that if I couldn't or didn't want to breast-feed, my offspring wouldn't be pallid and dull-witted. So Ms. Badinter didn't move me much on the natural front, but the way that her book did shift my take on work and motherhood is that she made me even more depressed about the pitiful support that American women have for any choice we might make about either one. Since the book is not geared toward an American audience, I doubt this is the takeaway Ms. Badinter intended. But we're one of the few countries that doesn't have paid maternity leave ; child care is more expensive than the median monthly rent in every state; and you can forget about paternity leave in most scenarios. I knew things were better for many European mothers, but it wasn't until I read the statistics in Ms. Badinter's book that I saw how pathetic the comparison really was. Because she is French, Ms. Badinter focuses most on the benefits for French mothers: six months' maternity leave, access to child care, free nursery school. We keep hearing about how French parents are superior -- the stereotype is at least that they're less neurotic -- but it would be easier to be less anxious if there were more structural support for parents in the first place. If anything, this book made me feel as though when it comes down to deciding what to do about balancing work and motherhood, the decision will be an economic one, not one mandated by the iron fist of the La Leche League. I suppose my parting thought about this would be that for most women who don't have incredibly high paying jobs or wealthy spouses, these \"choices,\" about work and family aren't actually choices. We weigh our particular circumstances and attempt to figure out the best course of action. The notion that scads of women are chucking fulfilling jobs to be handmaidens to idealized, natural motherhood just doesn't ring true to me. But I'm curious to hear what the other book clubbers think about Ms. Badinter's lively work, and whether, as an envoy from pre-child-land, I don't understand the kind of judgments that other mothers, and society, are truly making about your individual parenting decisions. Jessica Grose is the deputy editor of Vulture.com , New York Magazine's culture site. Her debut novel, Sad Desk Salad, is out in October from William Morrow. About Motherlode Raising healthy, happy, well-adjusted kids isn't easy. At Motherlode, we cover it all -- homework, sex, child care, eating habits, sports, technology, the work-family balance and much more. KJ Dell'Antonia , the lead blogger for Motherlode, has been writing about the personal, cultural and political aspects of family life for a decade now. She is also a former corporate lawyer and prosecutor and a New York City exile, who is now raising four kids, two dogs and a cat in rural New Hampshire. Come join her in a conversation about the parents we are and the parents we want to be. Among other things, \"Far from the Tree\" is a tribute to parents who live the daily grind, who celebrate incremental victories, and who avoid reading books about their child's diagnosis until they're ready. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I will sing sing a new song A 7 I will sing sing a new song Em 7 D I will sing sing a new song C 2 To the Lord Chorus 1 G Let Your Kingdom come D Let Your will be done Em 7 C 2 On earth as it is in Heaven G Ev'ry heart proclaim D The mercy of Your name Em 7 C 2 On earth as it is in Heaven G D C 2 Verse 2 G Dsus God give us new ev'ry morning C 2 Mercy as daily bread Em In the name of Jesus D C 2 In the name of Jesus we pray G Dsus And lead us not to temptation C 2 But deliver us with Your hand Em In the name of Jesus D C 2 In the name of Jesus we pray (REPEAT CHANNEL and CHORUS) Bridge G For the Kingdom is Yours D And the power is Yours Em 7 C 2 And the glory forever amen ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"It's been a brutal election season. It seems that our nation is irreparably divided, but we are still good people. Sometimes you have to look for it and sometimes you accidentally find it. With security cameras everywhere, they are bound to find people at their best as well as at their worst. Watch this video and enjoy. And next time you see a security camera, let them catch you doing something really awesome. Here's the video: ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Interview: Hello Games on Joe Danger 2: The Movie and PSN Delays Joe Danger took a detour during his journey back to PSN -- but he's finally arrived For many, the Joe Danger franchise will forever be associated with PlayStation. After struggling to find a publisher, Guildford-based indie developer Hello Games signed up to Sony's widely-publicised 'Pub Fund' scheme -- a move which provided the studio with financial support in return for exclusivity. The game proved to be one of the PlayStation Network's biggest hits of 2010, prompting positive word-of-mouth from multiple corners of the PlayStation community. In order to celebrate the game's overdue arrival, we sat down with Hello Games' technical director Ryan Doyle to discuss delays, inspirations, and the future of the Joe Danger franchise. Push Square: You know where we're going to start. The PlayStation 3 version of Joe Danger 2: The Movie is out today in Europe, but what took so long? Ryan Doyle: [Laughs]. To be honest, it's all very long and complicated and, honestly, boring. Ultimately, we hadn't been able to say anything about the PS3 version at all. We wanted to, obviously -- we really, really wanted to tell people it was coming, but we couldn't. It's been really hard, but now we've finally announced it's coming out, hopefully it's pleased everyone. PS: Are you happy with the reaction so far? RD: Yeah, it's been really nice. I've been busy, so I haven't had a chance to see much of it on the internet, but what I have seen has been really good. I'm glad people appreciate that we've explained what happened. PS: So, as PlayStation 3 owners, what can we expect as compensation for the slight delay? RD: [Laughs]. Well, there's another ten hours or so of content, and that's based on the pure experience of the original game. There are more of the old-school Joe Danger motorbike levels, because a lot of people seemed to miss that a little bit. Hopefully, that'll satisfy everyone. Pursuit force PS: Can you talk a little bit about the game's movie aspect? What sort of themes does the game go through during the campaign? RD: It's all sorts really. The game is the result of us watching loads of old films. PS: It shines through! RD: [Laughs] Yeah, if you look at the level names they're all puns. In fact, you probably saw that on Twitter -- loads of fans were giving us really cool puns. In terms of the inspirations, though, there's Indiana Jones , and then there's lots of James Bond and 60's spy and sci-fi stuff too. We also incorporated some really crazy stuff in the \"Deleted Scenes\" section of the campaign. One example is where you play as a bear on a unicycle. There's some time-travel stuff as well, where, for example, you race through a jungle inhabited by dinosaurs. So, there's plenty of variety compared to the first game. PS: Cool. Talking about the original game, why did you decide to go absolutely mad with the sequel? RD: Well, to be honest, we wanted to do more with the original game anyway, but we couldn't. It was just four of us at the time, and we were fairly limited in what we could do. In the jungle PS: Have you grown, then? RD: Yeah, there are a few more of us now, and it's given the opportunity to do this. We've got a lot more resources to put a ton more variety into the game. But, as I was saying, the first game came about by playing with lots of toys and stuff, whereas the sequel emerged as a result of watching loads of old classic movies. It's perfect for where Joe Danger's going, and it gave us the excuse to do pretty much anything. PS: You're probably not talking about it just yet, but is this the last we're going to see of Joe Danger? Are you thinking about trying something different now, or are you keeping that quiet? RD: Well, we've got the iOS version still to come, but at the moment we're not planning Joe Danger 3 or anything like that. We want to move on a bit and work on some new IP. Being independent has given us the freedom to do that, so we don't want to get stuck doing the same thing. Being independent has given us the freedom to try new ideas, so we don't want to get stuck doing the same thing PS: Whatever you decide to do, make sure you release it on PSN at the same time as everywhere else, yeah? RD: [Laughs]. Yeah. PS: Do you have any final words you'd like to share with the rest of the PlayStation community? RD: I just hope that they understand where we're coming from with the delay, and I really hope they enjoy the extra content. PS: Alright, thank you so much for your time, and the very best of luck with the game -- we can't wait to play it. RD: Cheers. Are you eager to play Joe Danger 2: The Movie? Did you enjoy the original game? Let us know in the comments section below. ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I have to think about my companions, I can't be selfish and I have to think of what's best for Spanish sport, especially tennis and Spanish players and give fellow sportsmen with better preparation the chance to compete. I've waited until the final moment of my preparation and my training, but I cannot do it.\" Nadal did not mention any specific injury, but he cancelled a charity match in Madrid on July 4 because of tendon problems in his left knee. Speaking after his elimination from WImbledon but prior to his withdrawal from the London Games, Nadal had said: \"I am doing everything possible to recover. After Roland Garros I had a difficult time, but the excitement is at its maximum, I am working as hard as I can and hopefully I will be at 100 per cent. \"I am the one who is most worried. I hope that things improve and my intention is to arrive in London well prepared and recuperated. It is for this that I work every day. \"Carrying the flag will the something unforgettable and I hope that Spain continue on the path of success it has been on for the past few years.\" The tennis competition, which will be held at the All England Club, begins on July 28 with Serbia's Novak Djokovic the top seed. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"All car seats have an expiration date . Generally, it's 6 years, but contact the manufacturer of the seat to find out what the expiration date is. Never buy a used car seat if you don't know its full history and never use a car seat that has been in a crash . Don't use any products in the car seat that didn't come from the manufacturer . Car seat fabrics meet strict fire safety codes. Add-on toys can injure your child in a crash. Remember Car seats are made for travel . Don't leave your baby for hours on end in the car seat outside of the car. Did You Know? Securing babies in rear-facing seats has proven to be the safest option to support their head, neck and spinal cord to prevent injuries. Toddlers under age 2 are safer riding rear-facing, if the seat allows it. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sub menu The impact of student and migrant employment on opportunities for low skilled people This study looks at the impact of student and migrant employment on opportunities for low skilled people. It improves our understanding of the changing nature of low skilled work, and the attitudes and motivations of low skilled people and employers in one local economic area. The study presents little evidence to support anecdotal suggestions of students and migrants displacing low skilled people from opportunities in the local labour market. Instead it highlights the varying job search priorities and techniques employed by different groups of individuals when seeking low skilled work; and explores how far they match those of employers. This study looks at the impact of student and migrant employment on opportunities for low skilled people. It improves our understanding of the changing nature of low skilled work, and accounts for the attitudes and motivations of low skilled people and employers in one local economic area: the city of Coventry and the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region. Following a mixed method approach of interviews, focus groups, secondary data analysis and a UK wide literature review, the study presents little evidence to support anecdotal suggestions of students and migrants displacing low skilled people from opportunities in the local labour market. Instead the study highlights the varying job search priorities and techniques employed by different groups of individuals when seeking low skilled work; and explores how far they match those of employers. The research considers the impact of student and migrant employment on three aspects of employability: the ability of lower skilled workers to find employment; to remain in employment, rather than cycling between paid work and unemployment; and to progress within work, for example through engaging in training. It also illustrates the importance of the local economic and demographic context when seeking to promote employment and progression in work amongst low skilled people. In essence, this study represents a valuable contribution to the policy debate around creating a sustainable market for skills that can support economic growth and individual progression for all. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The two men weren't exactly the best of friends during the bitter 2008 Democrat primary between Obama and Bill Clinton's wife Hillary Clinton, the former senator and now US Secretary of State. Apparently the two men are putting their disagreements aside for the sake of party unity and other reasons and now enjoy a \"quasi friendship.\" Most television viewers will be watching the Cowboys-Giants NFL opening-night game instead of the political convention, but in case you're interested, AP indicates that \"Bill Clinton's convention speech is expected to be an enthusiastic plug for Obama and the economic policies he has pursued as president -- and stir nostalgia for the former president and first lady.\" According to a piece by Ryan Lizza in The New Yorker , however, Clinton allegedly made a blunt assessment of Obama in 2008 while trying unsuccessfully to get the late Sen. Ted Kennedy to endorse his wife's presidential candidacy over Obama: Tim Russert told me that, according to his sources, Bill Clinton, in an effort to secure an endorsement for Hillary from Ted Kennedy, said to Kennedy, \"A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.\" The late Tim Russert was the long-time moderator of NBC's Meet the Press. Clinton was quoted in the book Game Change as saying roughly the same thing, but the reference was instead to \"getting us coffee.\" Bill Clinton apparently didn't want his wife to wait until 2016 to make a presidential run either. Before Obama locked up the nomination, the New York Post reports that \"Klein said Clinton had convened a meeting at his Chappaqua, Westchester, home to urge his wife to challenge Obama for the 2012 nomination.\" In June, Clinton has also got in trouble with his own party for remarking that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney had a \" sterling business career \" and possessed the necessary threshold qualifications to serve as commander in chief. Secretary Clinton, by the way, is nowhere near the Charlotte convention site. She is on a diplomatic mission to Asia. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"' I wouldn't have been able to do it...' Nigel Lewis, whose 21-year-old son is severely disabled, has every sympathy with the parents of Ashley X She is known as the Pillow Angel and her story is one of the most moving and morally perplexing most of us will ever come across: Ashley X, the severely disabled little girl from Seattle who, thanks to modern science, will remain a child for ever. Their decision to ask doctors to administer hormones to their nine-year-old daughter -- who is in a vegetative state because of a rare brain condition and cannot walk, talk, hold her head up or swallow food -- to stop her growing, has sparked an intense ethical debate. One can only imagine what a harrowing week it has been for them since they tried to explain the treatment and their reasons for pursuing it via the internet. This followed the furore caused by the publication of a paper in a medical journal written by the doctors who treated Ashley X, describing the case (although the family were not named). Ashley's parents feared that if their daughter matured naturally, she would become too big and too heavy for them to lift or move easily. High doses of oestrogen, which cause bones to fuse, will restrict Ashley's height to 4ft 5in, while her breast buds and womb have been removed surgically. Her parents are adamant they have done the right thing. While they have had many messages of support, they have also been harshly criticised. I neither support nor condone the specifics of their decision, but I do feel deeply for them. My wife and I know all too well the anxieties they face in trying to do the best for their child. Our son Andrew was born with severe disabilities. The official term used to describe his condition is spastic quadriplegia with multiple learning difficulties. In Andrew's case, this means he has no voluntary movement. Initially, my wife and I looked after Andrew at home with the support of carers, visits to a respite centre and a local nursery school for disabled children. Even when he was a tiny it was incredibly hard work, especially when our second son Matthew, who was perfectly healthy, was born when Andrew was three and a half. Caring for Andrew, was a 24-hour job that was both emotionally and physically draining. By the time he was five we'd come to the painful realisation that we couldn't cope with him at home. We found a good residential school where he stayed until he was 19, coming home every holiday. Two years ago, he moved to a full-time residential care home near us. He is now 21 and his life expectancy is no more than 30. Making him as comfortable as possible is all that matters. As a natural consequence of Andrew's disabilities, he weighs only 33kg and is the size of a 10- or 11-year-old. The desire of Ashley's parents to keep her small struck a chord with me because there is no doubt in my mind that Andrew's small size makes caring for him easier. Nevertheless, it's still very tricky to lift him; his body is rigid and he can't help you by clinging on, so he's a dead weight. An adult weighing 12 or 13 stone would present a far greater problem. However, I don't think I would have been able to do what Ashley's parents have done. Surgery and hormone treatment are significant interventions and I would not have wanted to take such drastic action. But if Andrew's doctors had told us when he was five or six that they could arrest his growth then, we would at least have thought it through. You naturally want to know about anything that might help your child. What it is harder to judge though, is whether it would be worse for Andrew himself if he was bigger. Modern lifting equipment enables adults with severe disabilities to be taken out and about and parents and carers do everything necessary to give them all the experiences they can, even if it is more physically demanding. The physical impact of keeping severely disabled children small is only one aspect of this debate. There is another factor. In their blog, Ashley's parents say that they feel it is more dignified for their daughter to have a body that is better suited to her cognitive state, and our own experiences suggest that many people, perhaps subconsciously, share this view. We make regular trips to the hospital with Andrew where lots of people say things like, \"poor little chap\". It somehow seems more acceptable to others that Andrew looks like a child. But whatever the driving factors behind Ashley's parents' choice, it is something only they have the right to decide. Making the right decisions for a child is the most important thing for any parent, but when that child will always depend upon you for everything, it becomes even more significant. In my view, unless you have had a severely disabled child, you cannot possibly begin to imagine the choices you might find yourself making. I wish Ashley X and her family well. \u0007 For information about support for disabled children and their families www.nch.org.uk ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Initial Surface Impressions I posted this on the Blitz Forums, but I know some folks aren't registered there. I am definitely looking forward to a Metro target(or Modern UI now.) A Surface was sitting on my desk when I arrived this morning. Fedex must have been out and about early. Some very quick impressions after getting it up and running. Packaging: The box and design were nice and felt high quality. It was easy to unbox and the presentation was nice. Fit and Finish: It has a very nice feel and the quality is excellent. This will sound crazy, but it is the nicest power adapter that I have ever seen or felt. I think you will have to hold it to understand. Apple?s look nice, but they feel cheap because they are made out of plastic. This has the nice look, but it is metal? Or something that feels like metal and it is black. It is very nice. I had read that the magnetic adapter wasn?t as nice as magsafe and that is correct. It could do use with a little more powerful magnet. The keyboard cover is very nice. It has a felt back. I find it very easy to type with. It actually seemed very natural switching between the touchpad, keyboard and screen. All the reviews said 4 or 5 days to get up to speed. I don?t think I will have that issue. Screen: This was a big deal for me. As some background, I am seriously into screen quality. I have a 30? Dell IPS panel with 2560x1600 res as my primary and I have a Pioneer Kuro Plasma at home. My laptop has an RGB LED, anyway, you get the picture ;) When I heard that it was 1366x768 I was skeptical, even though MS said they did all this mumbo jumbo to make it look good. Well, MS was telling the truth. The screen looks great and if I was guessing resolution, I would have guessed much higher. Usage: It feels very smooth and the touchscreen is very responsive. Setup was easy and Windows 8 is very at home here. I definitely think MS put it in the best light. I have been using iOS for years, but for me it has felt more like a toy or presentation layer. I have never used it as a productivity tool. I really think you could take this on a trip and do some serious work but you can also remove the cover and use it as a straight tablet. I have been using Windows 8 for about a month on my laptop and I like it, but it definitely feels more at home on the tablet. I got to play around with the Surface RT at the microsoft store the other day. Its definitely a refresh from the sea of iPads and Androids tablets. Although not sure if it can replace my iPad as the tablet of choice yet. My friend has a Samsung Slate tablet and while it can run the full version of Windows 8, its definitely not something i would want to carry around as a tablet. Gonna wait for the Surface Pro... ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Top KIELY WILLIAMS lyrics KIELY WILLIAMS - Spectacular lyrics Last night I was drunk I don't remember much But what I do comes in pictures Thats how gone I was But he was tall and he was buying So I gave him a try and Said he was built like a stallion And the man wasn't lying Last I remember I was face down Ass up, clothes off, broke off, dozed off Even though I'm not sure of his name He could get it again if he wanted Cause the sex was spectacular The sex was spectacular (yeaaah) The sex was spectacular The sex was spectacular So it was the morning after I couldn't get home faster Doing the walk of shame In the same clothes from yesterday I think he pulled a track out When he was blowing my back out What was I drinking I cant believe I blacked out Last I remember I was face down Ass up, clothes off, broke off, dozed off Even though I'm not sure of his name He could get it again if he wanted Cause the sex was spectacular The sex was spectacular (yeaaah) The sex was spectacular The sex was spectacular You can say what you want but You can call me a slut but What he did to me last night felt so good I must have been on drugs I hope he used a rubber Or I'mma be in trouble Problem is I don't remember Except for rollin' over Give it to me, give it to me Ooh baby what a ride ride a ride ride So smooth like it beats I like the heat Ooh baby what a night night Right right ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Emeralds - Just To Feel Anything Until a couple of years ago, the electronic noise and extended synthesiser workouts of the prolific Ohio-based trio Emeralds were only familiar to people who had encountered them live or stumbled across one of their numerous self-released CD-Rs, most of which showcased them jamming in their basement. Then came two fine studio albums, What Happened? and Emeralds appearing almost back-to-back in 2009, followed by the highly acclaimed Does It Look Like I'm Here? in 2010. Whilst Emeralds haven't released anything under their own name since then, the individuals behind the band have been anything but idle. Guitarist Mark McGuire has released a few solo albums and has toured extensively, synth guru Steve Hauschildt issued a trance-influenced album on Kranky, and John Elliott has been busy running his own label Spectrum Spools which has released over 20 albums in the last couple of years, some of which (Imaginary Softwoods, Outer Space, Mist) are actually groups or side-projects which he plays in. The three of them have now regrouped for Just to Feel Anything , their fifth full album release under the name Emeralds, and the album's overall sound is unmistakably them, with the familiar intertwining of Hauschildt's pulsing Krautrock-style synth work and McGuire's freeform guitar solos, although there are noticeable attempts to stretch themselves and try to push things forward. Whereas a lot of those early home recordings and live events were built around improvisation and jams, their studio albums have always seemed more controlled and planned than that. Just to Feel Anything follows this path. Although the seven tracks here show that these three musicians could go off at any moment into lengthy improvisation, there is a very strong sense of melody and composition. It appears carefully arranged and composed rather than just being a record of a jam session. This time around the band has subtly introduced new instruments and sounds into the mix. As well as the bank of synths and guitar effects that create their sound, they have adopted Fender Rhodes piano, organ and acoustic guitar, but perhaps the biggest change is the introduction of the steady beat of the distinctive Roland TR-808 drum machine. This gives tracks like 'Andrenochrome' and 'Everything is Inverted' a pulsating, danceable core. The most dominant influence may still be the German synthesiser experimentalists of the 1970s but, perhaps due to the presence of the 808, Just to Feel Anything evokes the music of the 1980s more than on their previous releases. Even a title like 'Andrenochrome' hints at the gloss and the excess of that particular decade. Another less predictable '80s influence is evident on 'Through and Through' which, with its soft synth underscore and straight forward lead guitar lines, could almost be an outtake from one of Mark Knopfler or Ry Cooder's film scores. Normal service is resumed for 'Everything is Inverted', which is a much faster track and is basically a frantic duel between the twin leads of McClure's guitar and Hauschildt's synth. 'The Loser Keeps America Clean' provides more contrast and is at odds with the rest of the album. It is perhaps the only track where you can't distinguish the separate parts of the band as they have come together to create a large wall of noise, which is only broken up with some fluttering electronics. The title track, 'Just to Feel Anything' is more familiar Emeralds territory - a pulsing synth pattern which builds up, and trancelike elements which combine with McGuire's fluid guitar lines. Although the faster, 808-propelled tracks were the highlights of my first few listens, closing piece 'Search for Me in the Wasteland' is a beautiful, dreamy ending. Guitars are carefully layered and they weave around a cyclical melody. Again, this is one that could spiral off into a huge improvised piece but they are disciplined enough to make it work within the confines of the studio album. Overall, Just to Feel Anything is the sound of a band moving forward whilst holding on to the elements that make them special. At times it feels very different to their earlier work, yet still manages to fit perfectly with their other releases, and that's quite a good trick to pull off. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"It is always a source of humor -- dark humor, to be sure -- that the traditional media is way, way behind the curve when it comes to understanding a story, particularly when it involves unions. So, you know how all those politicians are now rushing around, wringing their hands about the recent violence in King's Cross? Well, hello, unions have been way ahead of the curve here. Two years ago -- TWO YEARS AGO -- a coalition of unions representing doctors, nurses, paramedics and police officers demanded that politicians act to stop alcohol-fuelled violence. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand why: those front-line workers have to deal with the violence and it's an occupational hazard. While politicians -- the same ones rushing to the microphones now -- sit home in comfort, its the union workers who have to transport injured people to hospitals, stitch up the wounds, and restore order in the streets. The campaign, called Last Drinks , was pretty clear about what needed to be done: The coalition believes strongly in evidence-based policy solutions. And the evidence shows that the most effective way to reduce alcohol-fuelled violence in the Australian context is by placing restrictions on the late night sale of alcohol. In particular, the recent experience in Newcastle has shown a sustained decrease in the number of night-time assaults of over 30 per cent -- which was achieved after a number of restrictions were placed on licensed venues in the Newcastle CBD. These restrictions include: 3am closing time for all venues; Lock-outs at venues from 1.30 am; and Restrictions on the sale of high-alcohol content drinks (such as shots) after 10pm. By the way, it's already worked, as you can see from this news report : The Last Drinks coalition, a group of union-led police, doctors and nurses, says the measures have helped reduce late-night violence since being introduced in Newcastle. So, here you have one shining example of the wiseness and knowledge of workers, and the union leaders who represent them, on the one hand, versus the short-sited rantings of craven politicians, on the other hand. If it wasn't for ideology -- meaning, why should we listen to unions? -- politicians might have listened to the people leading the Last Drinks campaign , and, maybe, just maybe, one young man, Thomas Kelly , would still be alive, and a lot more people would have returned home to sleep in their beds, with no injuries other than a bit of a hangover. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Baldurs Gates, Icewind Dales, Neverwinter Nights. All of them & expansions for 11.50 I posted this in the Baldurs Gate thread in gaming but I noticed over at steam that people were thinking the Neverwinter Nights collection for $30 was a good buy so this properly is I guess and needs a bargain forum post. I wonder how long it would actually take to play all of these to completion? They're all famously insanely long as well as insanely good. Baldurs Gate 2 is 200 hours! You're probably looking about a penny an hour for this collection! ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I want to know your plans and how involved in them I am. When I go to sleep for good will I be forgiven? And If you want roses you can go buy a bouquet. If that just won't cut it, well what can I say? You're what keeps me believing the world's not long dead, Strength in my bones put words in my head. When they pour out to paper, it's all for you. 'Cause that's what you do. That's what you do. I want to know your fears, from your feet to the back of your ears. When they raise the landing gear will your heart stay here? If you could forgive me for being so brash, well you you could hit me or whip me, I'd savor each lash. You're what keeps me believing the world's not long dead, Strength in my bones put words in my head. When they pour out to paper. It's all for you. Cause that's what you do. No more fighting. This is only a waste of our time 'cause soon we'll be leaving. Will this strength still be mine? I'll look out for you until I die, 'til I rot. 52 Comments Song Meaning: (I PROMISE IM NOT A JESUS FREAK) First of all, there are a couple different versions of this song floating around. I think this site has both of them. This one is the original album version, I think its off Is a Real Boy. This one sounds like a love song, and i'm pretty sure it originally was, but later he changed a few lines to describe his relationship with god. This is easy to see in the first verse and chorus, but becomes a little more clouded in the second verse and bridge. This is because of the lines \"When they raise the landing gear, will your heart stay here.\" Its a little tricky to interpret this in a religious context. The plane taking off is a symbol for him leaving the earth (dying) and his question \"Will your heart stay here?\" Is asking does god focus only on the living? Will his soul be forgotten once he dies? This goes back to his original question \"When I go to sleep for good, will I be forgiven?\" He's afraid if he isn't forgiven for his sins he'll be forgotten in God's Eyes. The bridge is talking about the changes he'll make in his life. How he doesn't want to spend what little time he has on earth fighting. And when he changes the tense to \"our\" in \"Its only a waste of our time\" he's telling the audience directly that fighting over petty things is worthless. The second part of the bridge \"I'll look out for you...\" Is about his constant search for God in his life. The lines \"I'll remember you...\" Is meant to read I'll keep you in mind as I live my life. Weirdly enough this is a praise song (Which is strange because i'm pretty sure Max is Jewish.) The other version I know of changes a few lines and is totally about the precursor to a long distance relationship. I promise I'm not a jesus freak I just think that this is the best interpretation of this version. PS. \"If you wanted roses...\" is about how he isn't about to dedicate his life to worship, or give sacrifice to prove his faith. General Comment: I just wanted to say that I completely disagree with thatiswhy. I'm 100% positive that he says \"you can go buy a bouquet\". This is because Max Bemis isn't really your everyday guy. He's not going to buy this girl flowers just to make her feel better. He's saying that if she wants them, she can get them herself, and if that doesn't work then \"oh well, what can he do about it\" type of thing. Because she's still what keeps him believing this world's not gone dead. And that should be enough. General Comment: \"and if you want roses you can go buy a bouquet if that just won't cut it well, what can i say what does that?mean??? i dont get it!! help me out guys,\" To me I hear \"I'll buy a bouquet\". anyways I interpret that in a literal way, as in: the guy will do anything for this girl. If she says roses will fix everything, he'll buy her a bouquet. If that's not enough, what can he say to make it better? ( what a cute part, hah... Anyways I think it's pretty obvious that this song is about a boy sharing his feelings for a girl he loves that he will never see again.(wow run-on sentence) I can't decide if the boy and girl were in a rocky relationshp and he's trying to say he loves her no matter what happened (as a few past people have thought) or if they were never dating and the girl maybe didnt even know the boy existed. I'm leaning towards the former though, for such lines as \"If you could forgive me\/ for being so brash\" and \"no more fighting\/ this is only a waste of our time\". Perhaps it's a mix of both; the boy loved the girl for a long time and only a short while ago they started dating, but the relationshp was vey rocky and upsetting. Now that the girl's leaving forever, the boy regrets all the time he wasted without her and wishes she could just understand how much he loves her. It's overall a very cute but also upsetting song... the kind where you wish the singer would make it a happy ending at the end. But of course, there is no happy ending. ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The manager of the Neptune Global Equity fund said leading indicators point towards an acceleration in growth over the next six months. Consequently, Geffen has maintained a cyclical bias with a focus on the US and the 'superior growth potential' of emerging markets. 'Reflecting our conviction in the economic recovery, we have continued to add to our US exposure, which is currently at its highest historic level,' said Geffen. 'In addition to gaining access to the US recovery -- which we believe will be borne out in the Q4 corporate earnings seasons -- we have also sought high quality global companies with growing market share in emerging economies.' To play this theme, Geffen has bought consumer stocks that he believes have strong balance sheets, dominant market share and resilience against margin pressures. 'We also favour more cyclical names in the consumer discretionary and energy sectors, including Halliburton -- our top performer in the third quarter,' he added. In terms of emerging markets, Geffin said they are cheap relative to developed markets as well as to their long-term averages. China, for instance, is trading on a P\/E multiple of 11 times versus its peak of 30. 'Relative to their contribution to global growth, we believe these valuations are unjustified and we fully expect to see the emerging markets re-rate -- particularly China and Russia, two of our long-held overweights,' said Geffen. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Coffee drinking: the rationale for treating it as a potential effect modifier of carcinogenic exposures. Source Abstract Clinical and epidemiological studies on cancer etiology seldom treat coffee drinking as a potential effect modifier. Yet caffeine exerts significant effects upon a large variety of physiologic, cellular and molecular systems. Caffeine, 'the world's most popular drug', is also a fundamental research tool, widely used in clinical studies on drug metabolism, and in experimental studies on cell cycle checkpoints, DNA repair, and apoptosis, among many other. Caffeine can profoundly alter cell cycle checkpoint function and several mechanisms of DNA repair, as well as carcinogen metabolism. The impact of caffeine on cell cycle checkpoint function occurs in spite of it being nonmutagenic in traditional mutagenesis assays. A complex body of biologic evidence suggests that caffeine-containing beverages can both enhance and antagonise potentially carcinogenic exposures. However, most pathways leading to the ultimate effects in human beings remain unknown. It is unclear whether any of the hundreds of compounds contained in coffee and tea exert a direct and significant carcinogenic effect per se in any human tissue at usual conditions of use. Reasons exist to consider that coffee may sometimes be an indirect, positive confounder. The study of interactions between caffeine-containing beverages and environmental agents in well defined groups of healthy and diseased people could yield new insights into checkpoint signal transduction and other mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Information on the use of caffeine-containing beverages should more often be integrated in studies on the role of gene-environment interactions in the pathogenesis of cancer. Related information Calculated set of PubMed citations closely related to the selected article(s) retrieved using a word weight algorithm. Related articles are displayed in ranked order from most to least relevant, with the \"linked from\" citation displayed first. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Brand Loyalty and Love in MENA Ernst & Young recently polled more than 4,000 adults from 9 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA -- Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE) and found that consumers in the region are more brand loyal than their global counterparts. Brands in the food and beverage category enjoyed the highest levels of consumer loyalty, followed by commodities, clothing and medical supplies. Cars, household insurance and consumer loans scored on the lower end of the scale. With a burgeoning economy and a young urban population, brands in the MENA region are experiencing shifts in the way people think about brands. As more international companies move into the region to capitalize on its growing spending power, the imperative to distinguish one's brand is reliant on more than competitive price. Consumers are looking for more than value and will pay more for priceless value. They are looking for retail experiences that wow, customer service that is second-to-none, and technology that connects them seamlessly from online and in-store. Loyalty may be the key desire for many brands in the MENA market, but striving for love will protect them from the risk of commodization. Here is a selection of brands that people who live in the Middle East and North Africa love on www.lovemarks.com : ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sir Humphrey Appleby is waiting to see Jim Hacker and is joined by his old friend Sir Desmond Glazebrook, the Chairman of Bartlett's Bank, who also wishes to speak with the Minister. He wants his approval for six floors to be added to the bank's international headquarters, making 44 storeys in total. However, Hacker has just made a speech attacking skyscraper office blocks, recommending a maximum height of eight storeys each. Sir Humphrey reassures Sir Desmond that there are ways and means of gaining the Minister's permission, but he will have to be patient. The banker lets slip that there is a place for Sir Humphrey on the bank's Board when he retires, but the Permanent Secretary is quick to quieten him. They are joined by Sir Desmond's architect as they continue to wait. Meanwhile, Hacker is in his office discussing his newspaper coverage with his press officer, Bill Pritchard. While the broadsheets have reported his speech concerning high buildings, there is nothing in the tabloids and Hacker asks Bill's advice. Apparently, animals and small children are ideal subjects for ministerial photo opportunities, and the Minister's visit to a city farm that afternoon should provide some good publicity. As Bill leaves, Bernard reminds the Minister that Sir Humphrey is waiting to see him and shows him in. Sir Humphrey puts the case for Sir Desmond's building proposal, but Hacker is adamant to take a stand on the matter and asks to see Sir Desmond, who enters with his architect. The pair put the case for the extra six storeys to no avail, and Sir Humphrey is on hand to back up his Minister with several cogent arguments against the proposal, including the fact that the bank owns another piece of land just 400 yards (370\u00a0m) away. Hacker invites Sir Desmond to make a formal application for planning permission, but is certain of the likely outcome. Sir Desmond leaves and Hacker needs to make an urgent exit himself, but just before he does so, Sir Humphrey thrusts a document upon the Minister that requires his signature immediately. He explains that it is an administrative order that allows government to temporarily utilise unused local authority land until it is developed. After Hacker has signed it and left, Bernard questions Sir Humphrey on its urgency. His Permanent Secretary points out that it was not urgent, but \"important\". It was therefore necessary to ask the Minister to sign it when he was in a hurry. Hacker arrives at the city farm \u2014 but then has to do so again for the benefit of the BBC TV cameramen, who missed it the first time. He is introduced to Mrs Phillips, the farm's warden, who shows him around. The Minister is invited to give a speech, and as he embarks upon it, he suddenly realises that he is reading out the one he gave the previous day regarding high-rise buildings. He eventually locates the right one, in which he pledges his support to the city farm movement. Afterwards, Mrs Phillips informs Hacker that the farm's lease is due to run out and she seeks his assurance that it will be renewed. He can't guarantee it, but offers to do what he can. Then Sue Lawley arrives to conduct an interview for Nationwide . However, Mrs Phillips tells her that the Minister is definitely going to ensure the farm's continuation. When Lawley asks Hacker to confirm this, he is unable to do so unequivocally. The next day, Sir Humphrey meets for lunch with Sir Frank Gordon, Permanent Secretary to the Treasury . Sir Frank has been looking for land on which to construct a car park for Inland Revenue inspectors and Sir Humphrey informs him that a suitable location is about to become vacant. The document that Hacker signed gives him permission to use the site \u2014 which is currently occupied by the city farm that the Minister visited. Then Sir Humphrey seeks out Sir Desmond Glazebrook. The civil servant is confident that he can get his friend's planning application approved. Back in Hacker's office, Bill Pritchard shows Hacker the extensive press coverage of the city farm visit, and the Minister is very impressed. However, he then hears from Mrs Phillips that the farm is indeed being forced to close so that a car park can be built on the land. Bernard explains to Hacker that the Minister authorised it himself by signing Sir Humphrey's order the previous day. With Mrs Phillips waiting impatiently in the outer office, Hacker demands to see his Permanent Secretary. Sir Humphrey states that it was a Treasury decision, and therefore outside of his department's jurisdiction. Furthermore, the order is irrevocable. Mrs Phillips storms in and insists that Hacker keep his word. The Minister promises that he will do all he can, but is unconvincing. She promises him in return that her husband, who is a deputy editor by profession, will ensure that he is \"roasted alive\" by the press. She walks out, to be replaced moments later by Sir Desmond Glazebrook, who has had an idea. He now proposes that if Hacker will let him have an additional nine storeys on his tower block, instead of the original six, he will allow the bank's nearby land to be used by the city farm, which he suggests could be renamed \"The James Hacker Cuddly Animal Sanctuary\". ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Over You Lyrics Miranda Lambert Weather man said it's gonna snow, By now I should be used to the cold. Mid-February shouldn't be so scary. It was only December, I still remember the presents,the tree, you and me. But you went away, How dare you? I miss you. They say I'll be okay, But I'm not going to ever get over you. Living alone, here in this place, I think of you and I'm not afraid. Your favorite records make me feel better, Cause you sing along with every song. [ From: http:\/\/www.metrolyrics.com\/over-you-lyri\\\\... ] I know you didn't mean to give them to me. But you went away, How dare you? I miss you. They say I'll be okay, But I'm not going to ever get over you. It really sinks in, you know, When I see it in stone 'Cause you went away How dare you? I miss you. They say I'll be okay, But I'm not going to ever get over you. Tell Us What These Lyrics Mean To You... The lycris over you by Mirdian Lambert remind me of that I don't want to get rid of my baby puppy Debbie Long - May 8, 2012 at 8:01 pm This is just stating how much my husband after 10 yeara. Jim Emett - May 10, 2012 at 11:12 am Lost my wife two years ago. Shelia Bennington - June 5, 2012 at 12:08 pm I lost my sister in 2\/15\/09 but it seems like yesterday. I think of her everyday. I hurt so bad because I never got to say goodbye and tell her how much I loved her. I miss you Jenny and you are always in my thoughts. See you again soon. Love Shelia ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Have you noticed that The New York Times editorial page is becoming increasingly strident, increasingly emotional and increasingly irrational? Here is Paul Krugman in last Monday's column: Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan...want to expose many Americans to financial insecurity, and let some of them die, so that a handful of already wealthy people can have a higher after-tax income. No, that's not a misprint. The Republicans actually want to let some people die so that they can reward their rich friends. It's not an isolated comment either. Under the heading \"Death by Ideology,\" Krugman actually lists all of the ways in which a President Romney would proceed to kill people. For example: Mr. Romney wants...to repeal ObamaCare and slash funding for Medicaid -- actions that would take insurance away from some 45 million nonelderly Americans, causing thousands of people to suffer premature death. And their longer-term plans to convert Medicare into Vouchercare would deprive many seniors of adequate coverage, too, leading to still more unnecessary mortality. [M]any, and probably most, older Americans -- would be left with inadequate insurance, insurance that exposed them to severe financial hardship if they got sick, sometimes left them unable to afford crucial care, and yes, sometimes led to their early death. So what, you may ask, is the basis for all this vitriol? Krugman is writing about health care -- a subject about which he has proved time and again he knows virtually nothing. On this occasion he lets loose with this bold assertion: The overwhelming evidence, however, is that [health] insurance is indeed a lifesaver, and lack of insurance a killer...there's no real question that lack of insurance is responsible for thousands, and probably tens of thousands, of excess deaths of Americans each year. Krugman claims to have reviewed the economics literature. If he has, then he is an embarrassment to the economics profession, despite his Nobel Prize. Then again, if he claims to have done so but really hasn't, I suppose that's equally embarrassing. (And remember, while all this is going on he is invariably calling everyone who disagrees with him a liar.) Let me briefly set the record straight. Some studies actually have claimed that tens of thousands of people have died prematurely because they lacked health insurance. But these studies were not done by economists and were never accepted in any credible, peer-reviewed social science journal. They are basically junk science and they have been thoroughly discredited on several occasions, most notably by Richard Kronick , an economist who served in the Obama administration and actually helped design HillaryCare. Kronick writes that \"there is little evidence to suggest that extending insurance coverage to all adults would have a large effect on the number of deaths in the United States.\" I'll get to the children below. In general, the economics literature has found no evidence that lack of health insurance has any substantial effect on mortality. Prof. June O'Neill, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, thoroughly investigated this issue and found that among Americans above 250% of poverty, lack of health insurance does not affect mortality. Below 250% of poverty, people without health insurance have an 11% higher probability of dying. But the probability drops to under 3% when you take into account demographic differences in the two populations. In fact, it is likely that the differential probability would disappear altogether with a complete inclusion of all the demographic differences between the two groups. (See her PowerPoint slides .) The most recent evidence on children comes from a paper posted by the National Bureau of Economic Research. It looks at the effects of Medicaid on mortality and finds: Medicaid insurance leads to a substantial decline in mortality in older black children. It has no effect on white children. It has no effect on children -- black or white -- in states with the most Medicaid expansion. The last finding is the most important. Krugman claims that by expanding Medicaid, ObamaCare will save thousands of lives and that by repealing ObamaCare, Romney would cause thousands of people to die. The evidence says otherwise. Paul Krugman deserves the Nobel Prize for his clear thinking and advocacy of free trade. But on health care issues, he is a rank amateur. Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan...want to expose many Americans to financial insecurity, and let some of them die, so that a handful of already wealthy people can have a higher after-tax income. This assertion seems rather melodramatic. Why does an advanced \"free society\" have to become a cradle- to-grave welfare state? There isn't enough money in the country to insure every person's financial security . For all long as there have been people on this Earth, they have had to collaborate and fight for security. A \"handful of already wealthy people\" cannot do anything about that. They certainly cannot alleviate the suffering of millions of people. However, they do make for a handy scapegoat when one political party is willing to undercut the future of the American economy for a few more years in power. Paul Krugman's communications and demeanor seem to reveal an angry man. Wonder what makes a man who expresses such confidence in his own capacity and virtue to be so angry. Fear? Insecurity? Sad for him, unhelpful for the rest of us. John, You do us a service by continuing to cover the excesses of Krugman. Apart from a psychological study, there is little reason to pay his political views any attention. Yet, since it is important to know what the opposition believes, even if it is as foolish and wrongheaded as Krugman has allowed his views to become. Thus, a sincere thanks for continuing what must be an unpleasant task. Dr. Goodman, the data from the \"Oregon Medicaid Experiment\" also supports the point you make here. Other than increased health care utilization and expenditures, the only effect of Medicaid coverage that objective data in the study shows is a decrease in medical collections from credit report data. The authors specifically say, regarding Medicaid beneficiaries in the study, \"Currently our only objective health measure is mortality, on which we were unable to detect an effect.\" and \"...it does not appear to reduce their risk of bankruptcy (at least in the first year)...\". Is it safe to assume that you expect the data from Oregon to continue to show no effect on mortality in the coming years, or has self-selection in the enrollment process created a sample with such poor health status that there will be some effect on mortality? Apologies if that is a false dichotomy or a leading question I hate to break it to Mr. Krugman, but the death rate will be 100% no matter who is president. I know Obama promised that the seas would lower once he became president, but even he never promised immortality. Maybe he's saving that for his second term. The problems with the conflicting results in studies of premature mortality of the uninsured are partly due to measuring a fairly uncommon event (death under age 65) in a very large group (the uninsured). Nevertheless, numerous studies have demonstrated that premature death due to lack of insurance is a very real phenomenon. The study in children suffers from the fact that, fortunately, death in children is quite rare, and those that do occur often are from conditions in which medical interventions are ineffective, so insurance status would not have made an easily measurable difference. Innumerable other studies have demonstrated the great value of Medicaid and CHIP in children beyond that of preventing death. Richard Kronick is a highly credible and well respected researcher. His study failed to demonstrate that insurance prevents deaths, but he controlled for illnesses that individuals were aware of, yet did not control for those that the uninsured are less likely to be aware of, such as diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. Thus his adjustment for baseline health status, ignoring these common conditions, could easily have resulted in the negative findings. Those of us who have been in practice for decades have many anecdotal accounts of uninsured individuals delaying their health care, resulting in lethal outcomes. Although anecdotes do not meet the test of scientific validity, we still mourn those lives lost by individuals who told us that they didn't come in earlier because they were broke and uninsured. We should make every effort we can to remove financial barriers to health care. Neither Romney nor Paul Ryan have proposed anything that can be called \"cuts\" in Medicaid. They have proposed reforms that would potentially greatly improve access to health care by the poor covered by the program, with the program costing far less as scored by CBO because of the improved incentives and efficiency, just exactly as the 1996 reforms of AFDC caused costs of that program to decline by 50% from where they would have been under prior trends, while incomes of the poor formerly on the program were documented to increase by 25%, and poverty among them declined precipitously. It would be an abuse of the English language to say that those 1996 AFDC reforms \"slashed\" or even cut AFDC\/TANF. Similarly, it is an abuse to say that the same reforms of Medicaid would \"slash\" or \"cut\" the program. Medicaid with the reforms proposed by Romney\/Ryan would be better for the poor than Medicaid today, especially as it will be under Obamacare. Similarly, Medicare under the reforms proposed by Romney\/Ryan would be better for seniors than Medicare under Obamacare. Krugman abuses his positions to push juvenile quality Marxism. Krugman got his Nobel Prize for economic geography. It is his job to see patterns among socioeconomic and spatiotemporal lines. As for his work on healthcare.. people tend to find what they're looking for. If it makes you feel better, Obama got one of those Nobel thingies too. Don M., I don't think you need a government takeover of health care or the expenditure of trillions of dollars to screen for diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. Thus even if what you say has some merit Kronick's study remains just as valuable. All true, but still disappointing that Romney dismisses the very real problem of the uninsured\/underinsured with the blithe statement that they can go to the ER for emergency care. Is he really that clueless? While I agree that Krugman is WAY out of his area of expertise on the issue of health insurance, the suggestion that lack of access would have no impact on mortality is absurd on its face. Divine intervention would be required to make that so. Of course if you REALLY believe this, Mr. Goodman, you could always show us by dropping your own and your family's health insurance. What? Not quite THAT sure, are you? I enjoyed the exchange between Krugman and Mary Matalin a couple of weeks ago. I would have loved to know what was going through Carville's head as he sat between them. http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KfjNNBfRm\\\\... ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (Reuters\/Brendan McDermid) Crude oil prices jumped and US stocks sagged following Israel's attack on Gaza and amid renewed violence in the oil-rich Middle Eastern region. In London, Brent crude spiked $1.58 to $109.84 per barrel. And in New York, the benchmark WTI light crude gained 87 cents to $86.26 a barrel. According to CMC Markets analyst, Michael Hewson, it's a direct response to the violence in the Middle East. \"Crude oil prices have jumped back once again after news of fire fights breaking out in the Middle East as Israel launched an airstrike on Gaza killing a Hamas commander, in retaliation for rocket attacks on Israel earlier this week,\" Hewson told reporters. A top Hamas commander was among the ten people killed in more than 20 Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, as Israel launched an operation targeting militant groups. Ahmed Jabari, the operational commander of Hamas's armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, was killed alongside his bodyguard, Mohammed al-Hams, in an initial Israeli strike on a car in Gaza City. Gaza's Health Minister Dr. Mufeed Mkhallalati said forty-five people have been injured, 10 of them are in critical condition. An 11-month-old baby and a 6-year-old girl were among the dead. The attacks follow a flare-up in violence between Israel and Gaza-based groups, which saw rockets fired from the Palestinian territory into the Jewish state, and Israeli air strikes and shelling that killed seven people. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Miley Cyrus Behind-The-Scenes in 'Two & a Half Men' [PHOTOS & VIDEO] Miley Cyrus Behind-The-Scenes in 'Two & a Half Men' [PHOTOS & VIDEO] Miley Cyrus isn't really planning a wedding anytime soon with fianc, Liam Hemsworth. Instead, the cropped-blonde cutie is working out her career with her latest stint with Ashton Kutcher in \"Two and a Half Men.\" Take a look at the behind-the-scenes stills and read on to find out how Miley felt making out with a guy who isn't her fianc. Showing off her country twang and fast-blabbing skills, Miley Cyrus stars as Missi in a few episodes for \"Two and a Half Men\" starting on October 18. Cyrus plays Jake's love interest, played by Angus Jones. Jon Cyrer explains Miley's role in the following statement. \"[Missi] is just coming to L.A.to see what it's like to live out there and she stays with us for a few days and of course throws everything into disarray. [Miley] is beautiful and remarkable. You will enjoy her on the show!\" While playing the provocative and talkative Missi on the show would appear as easy for Miley, in an interview with \"Tonight Show\", Miley admitted to feeling a bit awkward during the make-out scenes. \"It was kind of weird because [while] I was doing it , here were the prop guys and they were like, 'Do you have your ring on?' And I was like, 'This feels weird' [to] take off my ring and make out with Angus,'\" explains Miley, adding, \"This is creepy'... But it was fun.\" Check out the stills by clicking the slideshow and check out the preview video below. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Junction -- an accident in the offing The car exits the magic roundabout*, 50m to the left of the junction. It's moving quickly, pressed into action by the volume of traffic that orbits the roundabout like an asteroid belt. The car accelerates, plugging the short gap between high velocity objects. Looking ahead, the driver spots traffic approaching on the other side of the road. That's painful, he muses, assessing the brief window of opportunity to take a hasty right turn onto Sanquhar Steet. The foot goes down, the car swings right, scything the corner of the junction. Shock spreads across the drivers face. The car swerves hard to the left, just missing the cyclist patiently waiting to turn right and standing precisely where he should be - at the 'T'. In broad daylight, the cyclist is prominent and obvious. Obvious? The speed obsessed driver was oblivious. Thanks to the magic of straight lines, the left and right hand sides of the road are separated quite neatly at the junction. This happened to me about 3 weeks ago. The car careered around the turn and skidded to avoid me. I didn't even have time to react, standing bemusedly, watching the car thump into the curb whilst the driver jumped at the impact. He apologised. I nodded acceptance. Then my legs almost buckled beneath me as I realised that I'd narrowly avoided being tossed in the air like a beaten bullfighter. Now incidents like this can, and do happen. That I can accept. Fair enough. Put it down to misfortune. About a week later, another car did exactly the same at precisely the same spot. Still bad luck? Then last night another car did the same thing again, this time the mortified driver in the car behind shook his head and waved a sad acknowledgement to me -- 'Now THAT , was a close call'. Once, maybe. Twice, co-incidence. Three times? A pattern. And drivers wonder why cyclists creep forward at junctions, ignore lights or hop on the pavement. Maybe, just maybe, because there's so little protection on the roads. Now here's an idea. In the work place there's a health and safety book that records incidents for the purposes of pattern recognition and future accident prevention. Perhaps there should be a regional register that allows any road user (pedestrian, cyclist, motorist) to formally record concerns. With modern technology and mobile comms, it really shouldn't be too tricky. Do you have any thoughts on this? Does a database exist already? Feel free to comment below. Incidentally, the sound thing is an experiment. Sound is much more personal than video. *The roundabout at the head of East Tyndall St is dubbed 'The magic roundabout' due to some controversial and expensive artwork. Endearing? Naff? Endearingly naff? You decide (below). ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Story Tools More than 10,000 people have signed a petition to stop tomorrow's New Zealand International Rodeo at Claudelands Event Centre. But the rodeo looks set to go ahead amid calls from Save Animals From Exploitation (SAFE) and a Hamilton animal activist that rodeo is a dated blood sport and should be banned. Rodeo organiser Darryl Tombleson says there have never been any injuries to animals, or people, in his rodeo in the five years it's been operating. \"We have vets on site and structures in place to ensure there aren't any injuries. I appreciate their opinion but we are pedantic about ensuring the animals' safety,\" said Mr Tombleson. \"I've never understood the mentality of people jumping up and down without knowing the facts.\" SAFE campaign manager Mandy Carter said rodeo had \"nothing to do with New Zealand\". \"It's not a tradition here - it's something that's been imported from the US. The animals are genuinely scared. The animals are put under an enormous amount of stress. It's totally unacceptable. \"We encourage pet owners to lock cats and dogs inside and to put horses away in stables around Guy Fawkes but the animals [in the rodeo] are metres from pyrotechnics and loud music. It's twisted logic.\" Mr Tombleson said pyrotechnics would not be used in this year's rodeo. \"The short answer is we are not using pyrotechnics, we are using some visuals.\" He said the 'visuals' consisted of \"flame cannons suspended in the air\". A press release about the show stated the rodeo would feature pyrotechnics. Animal activist Alvina Edwards started an online petition which has drawn signatures from throughout the world. \"Rodeo is banned in many countries. It is banned in Auckland,\" said Ms Edwards. Auckland Council passed a resolution banning rodeos from council-owned land following public backlash at plans for Auckland to host a tri-nations rodeo in June, 2008. Mayor Julie Hardaker has been condemned for allowing the rodeo to be hosted at a council-owned facility and some want her to stand down as chairwoman of Waikato SPCA. Hamilton City Council events facilities' director of business development and marketing Murray Jeffrey said \"council is not hosting the event; it is hiring the facility to the event promoters and organisers. The event complies with council's event venues booking policy and last year drew a sold-out crowd of 4200 at Claudelands.\" The show will feature top Kiwi showjumper Katie McVean in a stunt riding display, alongside other riders from New Zealand, Australia, the US and Canada. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"10 ways to be the best pet owner ever Princess collars , doggie day care and even designer pet beds are popular among pet owners, and it's easy to understand the temptation to indulge your pets. How can you not spoil the kitten that falls asleep on the small of your back, or the puppy that trots behind you carrying a prized oversize stick? But pampering your pet should only be a bonus; keeping them safe, happy and healthy is what really makes you the best pet owner. \"We invite these animals into our homes, we make them part of our family,\" says Steve Carroll, CEO of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies (chfs.ca.) \"And when we make that commitment, we need to live up to it.\" Here are 10 ways to make sure you are. 1. Pick the right pup \"One of the most important things you want to consider before you buy a pet is whether your lifestyle will accommodate it,\" says Carroll. Your experience owning pets, the time you have at home, your level of physical activity, whether there are other pets in the house and the amount of room you have should all factor into your decision. The Humane Society has a comprehensive program to match owners and pets, and many breeders also discuss compatibility. 2. Keep him healthy Your pet can't tell you if he's sick, points out Carroll, so it's important to schedule regular checkups with the vet. You might also want to consider pet health insurance, an increasingly popular option that can help you avoid unexpected bills if your pet is injured or sick. It's also important to spay or neuter your pet: it prevents unwanted animals and makes your pet less likely to be aggressive or roam, and lowers its chances of catching a disease. 3. ID your pet All pets need some form of permanent ID, either a tattoo or a microchip. Microchip programs don't yet link to a universal database, so ask questions before you buy. In addition to a permanent option, every pet needs a collar with its name, your name, and a phone number. This often allows for pets to be returned directly, preventing a trip to the Humane Society that nobody wants. 4. Go to obedience school Take your dog to obedience school . Training (which should be mostly with positive reinforcement) will help people feel safer around your pet, can reduce the amount of damage your pet may do to your home, and will make your dog happier. \"The animal feels more well adjusted and safe, because they know what the expectations are (for him),\" explains Carroll. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"And On That Farm He Had A Duck Yesterday I ventured into deepest darkest Wales in order to collect the ducks that John (of Going Gently fame) has donated to my miniature smallholding. Here they are huddled together in hysterical panic in the corner of the converted wendyhouse which is their new home. Apparently this state of hysteria is not unusual in runner ducks. In fact it may well be their default setting. It's a pretty big contrast to my placid fat hens, a couple of which are so languid that they let the kids stroke them rather than bother to get out of the way. The ducks are currently undergoing a period of confinement in order to get them used to their sleeping quarters, so haven't been let loose on the garden as yet. Evan did take an exploratory foray into their hut this afternoon to see if he could make friends with any of them. However the calcophany of panicked quacking he provoked soon saw him shoot for the exit. \"Why are they quacking so loud dad?!\" he asked. \"Because, as John warned me when I asked for them, they are mad as a box of frogs\". It was really great meeting John. He was a virgin to the blogger-meet-up experience, and so I feel honored to pop his cherry. Judging by his blog entry I think the whole thing freaked him out a little bit. Meeting people you've followed online is a funny old thing. We all use the internet to project an airbrushed image of ourselves, and so meeting a blogger in person feels a bit like meeting their slightly less charismatic twin sibling. A bit like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer when Xander's twin brother popped up on occasion -- yeah, he looks sort of the same, but he had a funny shaped head. Not that I felt that way with John I hasten to add. His head was perfectly normal shaped. But I'm sure he must have felt it with me (the current wild state of my beard alone is enough to send people running for the woods). But it wasn't just John I met. John's tales of his various pets and livestock play such a big part in what makes his blog a fantastic read. So meeting Constance the bulldog, Boris the turkey, and Jesus the cockerel felt like meeting minor celebrities. I got the same little thrill from the encounter as I would attending a dinner party with the Chuckle Brothers and Michael Fish. Exciting stuff. 1. The ducks look very nice but I'm sure they would appreciate a little more effort on your behalf to decorate their new home. Maybe some colour similar to their natural habitat on the shed wall would calm them down a little. 2. I thought you were a lot shorter than you actually are when I met you. I never expected a 'Hagrid'. ;-) ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Posterior Babies - Mothers can trust their instincts By Rosie Denmark AIMS Journal, Summer 2000, Volume 12 No. 2 I first heard about the posterior presentation of babies early in my pregnancy from Margie Polden's article 'Getting into position' [1]. The description of the shape of the abdomen in a posterior pregnancy came back to me as the months went by, as I noticed that my bump, quite small and compact and prominent to the right, and with palpable hand and feet kicks at the front, did not appear to be developing the forward round shape of the other pregnant women I knew. Indeed, people were always remarking on how small and neat my bump looked, usually with admiration for retaining a slim figure. I would almost say that I had an instinct that something was wrong-above and beyond the usual and fairly constant pregnancy worries. Around week 26 onwards I had thought that I could feel that my baby was in a breech position-normal at this stage of pregnancy-as I could feel her kicks very low down in my abdomen. This was so uncomfortable that I slept for a few nights with my hips raised on a large cushion. I felt her turning during one night; and the next day my bladder no longer felt as if I had a foot pushed through it. A few weeks later, I became more and more suspicious that my baby was presenting in a posterior position. At 32 weeks, I tried to confirm this suspicion with my midwife. However, she neither seemed confident to diagnose her position ('So does the baby feel as if she's posterior?' 'Well, her head's down, so that's good' 'Yes, but is she posterior?' 'Well lots of babies face outwards at this stage') nor happy to discuss exercises to change her position if she was posterior. Her opinion was that babies stay in the position most comfortable to them, and there's nothing you can do to change that. She told me that she would tell me my baby's position at 38\/39 weeks. I do not know whether this midwife was unsure of the position of my baby, or whether she simply would not tell me. Despite the fact that the presentation of the baby is a key factor defining the progress of labour, with posterior labours well-recognised as longer, more painful, and often necessitating more medical intervention [2], is it the case that many midwives only routinely diagnose the cephalic\/breech presentations? Indeed, a recent title of an article in a mainstream pregnancy magazine stated 'Why the position of your baby matters-breech or cephalic'. Is it really the case that these are the only presentations routinely recognised? And is it coincidence that breech presentations are the ones that doctors (sometimes) \"fix\" - but not (generally) something that mothers and midwives can do anything about? As this was my first baby and I was booked for a home birth, I was alert for any problems which might indicate a need to transfer into hospital-a scenario repeatedly raised by my midwife. As I knew that posterior labours had a high rate of medical intervention, I decided to find out more. I was also deeply worried at the idea of diagnosing my baby's position at the very end of pregnancy, when it would be too late anyway. Having spent 10 years successfully using natural family planning, and being therefore quite used to knowing and respecting what was happening in my body, this deliberate ignorance seemed mindless to me. At this point I tried the exercises outlined in the literature for turning posterior babies1, but succeeded only in making myself very uncomfortable and bringing a lot of fear and negativity that I wouldn't be able to change my baby's position and therefore would have to have a hospital birth. I vacillated between wondering if I was making a 'fuss over nothing' (which the approach of my midwife seemed to imply); and panic that I was rapidly heading towards a hospitalised, managed labour. I found it far too hard to keep up all these exercises without support and was in a vacuum of self doubt, with my body telling me one thing-that something was wrong-and the midwife another. So how did my body tell me something was wrong? I did not feel 'settled', and I felt as if my baby was uncomfortable. I used to feel an 'edginess'-physically, as her head began to engage, as if two bones were grinding together. I would wake up feeling uncomfortable with the strangest urges-one night wanting to sleep kneeling on the floor with one leg cocked up like a dog! I had a dream of lying sideways on the top of stairs and falling forwards, with the forward rolling sensation being very peaceful and comfortable. I felt as if my body was 'urging me on'-but to what, I didn't know. I noticed that when I was relaxed the baby would do deep churning movements as if she was turning right round. In summary, I had a strong urge to do something physical, but I was not sure what! In my first two weeks of doing the exercises alone, I simply increased my feeling of pain and agitation. The forward leaning exercises (described below) caused the baby to move more, and the deep uncomfortable churning movements increased, often waking me up for long periods at nights. Along with my own lack of confidence in what I was trying to do, I simply found it too hard alone. Around this time, I received my copy of Jean Sutton's book Optimal Foetal Positioning [2]. The morning I read it, I cannot describe the fear and panic it instilled in me. Far from my home birth, it raised a likely spectre of a managed labour, even a caesarean. It frightened me sufficiently to change midwives: it was clear to me that I needed to have my baby's position properly diagnosed and have some help if possible in trying to change it; and so I eventually changed my booking to independent midwives. Following their first visit, my suspicions were confirmed that my baby was in fact posterior, and I was very relieved to get a proper diagnosis. My midwives were very understanding of my fears, but managed to convey a calm and confident attitude that it was perfectly possible for posterior babies to change. They gave me exercises to do, and I wrote out a list that I left in each room of the house of postures to aim for and avoid. Three times a day, I would spend 20-30 minutes per day on hands and knees, or lying on my front. In the mornings this tended to be reading on my front propped up by cushions in bed, and at night on hands and knees in a warm bath. I did a lot of house painting on my hands and knees. This was, admittedly, difficult to maintain as it made my heartburn very much worse, and I would sometimes feel quite sick afterwards. I was very strict about never using backwards leaning postures, always sleeping on my side, never sitting back on the sofa (the hardest!), only sitting on a special back chair that allows you to lean forward with your knees lower than your hips, or sitting forward leaning on a bean bag. I also had a large 'birth ball' (available through the Active Birth Centre catalogue), which I would sit forward and rock my pelvis on. I am convinced that it is the birth ball that made the real difference for me: after 5 or 10 minutes of rocking on this, I would feel the baby start churning movements, and if I then went into the kneeling forward positions I could almost feel her fall forwards. The feeling of agitation that had previously been my instinct that something was wrong now became more definite: the baby was trying to move and I could help her to do so. It is worth making central to our understanding that babies themselves seem to want to move into the right position. Research has begun to recognise that it is babies who instigate the birth process2, and it therefore seems highly likely that they are active in trying to find the right position in which to do so. I was still occasionally woken up at night feeling uncomfortable; now I went and rocked on my birth ball, and did the exercise my midwife gave me of walking up the stairs sideways, two at a time. I had a difficult weekend of pre-labour pains when the agitation peaked, and I awoke constantly with a feeling of bones grinding in my pelvis. It was at this point, discouraged and worn out by pain, that I eventually resolved to really work at it, thinking clearly that my baby had to turn at some point: it would be much less painful to do this before labour than during, possibly with the help of forceps or venthouse. This was a passage through which I had no choice, so weary as I was, I might as well get on with it. In the last weeks of my pregnancy, my midwife suggested that I go to the swimming pool every day, floating forwards in the water for 20 minutes or so. I'm sure the local swimmers thought I was mad; but the combination of relaxed muscle tone caused by being in a warm pool and the forward leaning posture seemed to do the trick as, at my last antenatal visit, direct anterior was diagnosed and I went into labour shortly afterwards. The main reason I think the exercises worked on the second attempt is that skilled support enabled me to 'walk into' the discomfort (which I had anyway been experiencing but which the exercises made worse) and go beyond it. It became clear to me that this agitation was in fact the experience of the baby trying to move; fairly painful in itself, and therefore more painful as it is successful. On my second attempt at trying to turn her, my baby's head had already begun to engage. As I continued with my exercises she disengaged, re-engaging as direct anterior. My 'forwards kneeling, never leaning back' regime was really hard work, and I was much encouraged by the support and positive attitude of my midwives. Having experienced both pre-labour pains whilst my baby was turning, and an anterior labour, it is clear to me that contractions with a posterior baby are of a very different nature to usual first stage contractions, and are recognised as being particularly painful [3]: the pain is more agitating and exhausting and somehow more 'difficult to handle'. I do not think I could have coped with a posterior labour at home. Your baby's position is fundamentally about the relationship between your body and yourself, and your baby and you. Your body gives you clues as to the positioning of your baby, some of which you can begin to learn to interpret yourself, although you may need an experienced and skilled midwife to help. It is the sensations that you feel that guide you through your progress in the exercises. And getting your baby into an optimal position for labour is one of the most important aspects of your relationship with your baby as you approach birth together. At a time when medicalisation of labour can act all too often to reinforce our natural fear and apprehension as we approach labour, when a lack of confidence in our abilities to give birth is paramount, perhaps we should start by trying to get the basics right, starting with the position of our babies. And as with the rest of motherhood, it often takes a lot of hard work to get the fundamentals right. AIMS makes information and articles freely available on its website as a public service. We also provide advice and support to individual parents and professionals at no charge. We receive no government or charitable funding, and rely solely on donations, membership subscriptions and the efforts of our volunteers. Please help AIMS to help others by joining AIMS or making a donation. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Code of Conduct for Members and ICAC Note: This briefing paper outlines the background provisions of the Code of Conduct. It cannot comprehensively cover every aspect of the Code's application, and Members seeking advice about particular matters should contact the Parliamentary Ethics Adviser or seek private legal advice. The New South Wales Legislative Assembly adopted a Code of Conduct for its members for the first time on 5 May 1998. (The same code applies to members of the New South Wales Legislative Council.) The resolution adopting the code of conduct for the current Parliament was passed by the Legislative Assembly on 8 May 2007 with an amendment being made to the Code in June 2007. The Code of Conduct that has been agreed to by both Houses is as follows: Preamble to the Code of Conduct The Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council have reached agreement on a Code of Conduct which is to apply to all Members of Parliament. Members of Parliament recognise that they are in a unique position of being responsible to the electorate. The electorate has the right to dismiss them from office at regular elections. Members of Parliament acknowledge their responsibility to maintain the public trust placed in them by performing their duties with honesty and integrity, respecting the law and the institution of Parliament, and using their influence to advance the common good of the people of New South Wales. Members of Parliament acknowledge that their principal responsibility in serving as Member is to the people of New South Wales. THE CODE Disclosure of conflict of interest Members of Parliament must take all reasonable steps to declare any conflict of interest between their private financial interests and decisions in which they participate in the execution of their office. This may be done through declaring their interests on the Register of Disclosures of the relevant House or through declaring their interest when speaking on the matter in the House or a Committee, or in any other public and appropriate manner. A conflict of interest does not exist where the member is only affected as a member of the public or a member of a broad class. Bribery A Member must not knowingly or improperly promote any matter, vote on any bill or resolution or ask any question in the Parliament or its Committees in return for any remuneration, fee, payment, reward or benefit in kind, of a private nature, which the Member has received, is receiving or expects to receive. A Member must not knowingly or improperly promote any matter, vote on any bill or resolution or ask any question in the Parliament or its Committees in return for any remuneration, fee, payment, reward or benefit in kind, of a private nature, which any of the following persons has received, is receiving or expects to receive: A member of the Member's family; A business associate of the Member; or Any other person or entity from whom the Member expects to receive a financial benefit. A breach of the prohibition on bribery constitutes a substantial breach of this Code of Conduct. Gifts Members must declare all gifts and benefits received in connection with their official duties, in accordance with the requirements for the disclosure of pecuniary interests. Members must not accept gifts that may pose a conflict of interest or which might give the appearance of an attempt to improperly influence the Member in the exercise of his or her duties. Members may accept political contributions in accordance with part 6 of the Election Funding Act 1981. Use of public resources Members must apply the public resources to which they are granted access according to any guidelines or rules about the use of those resources. Use of confidential information Members must not knowingly and improperly use official information which is not in the public domain, or information obtained in confidence in the course of their parliamentary duties, for the private benefit of themselves or others. Duties as a Member of Parliament It is recognised that some members are non-aligned and others belong to political parties. Organised parties are a fundamental part of the democratic process and participation in their activities is within the legitimate activities of Members of Parliament. Secondary employment or engagements Members must take all reasonable steps to disclose at the start of a parliamentary debate: the identity of any person by whom they are employed or engaged or by whom they were employed or engaged in the last two years (but not if it was before the Member was sworn in as a Member); the identity of any client of any such person or any former client who benefited from a Member's services within the previous two years (but not if it was before the Member was sworn in as a Member); and the nature of the interest held by the person, client or former client in the parliamentary debate. This obligation only applies if the Member is aware, or ought to be aware, that the person, client or former client may have an interest in the parliamentary debate which goes beyond the general interest of the public. This disclosure obligation does not apply if a Member simply votes on a matter; it will only apply when he or she participates in a debate. If the Member has already disclosed the information in the Member's entry in the pecuniary interest register, he or she is not required to make a further disclosure during the parliamentary debate. This resolution has continuing effect unless and until amended or rescinded by resolution of the House. This code forms part of the web of definitional terms of corrupt conduct in sections 8 and 9 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988. Section 8 of the Act is an inclusive provision which specifies the kind of acts that might constitute corrupt conduct. This section defines corrupt conduct as the dishonest or partial exercise of official functions, or breach of public trust or the misuse of information or material which was acquired in the exercise of official functions. Section 9 is an exclusionary provision, establishing the boundaries of corrupt conduct. An act mentioned in section 8 will not constitute corrupt conduct unless it would amount to either: a criminal offence; a disciplinary offence; or reasonable grounds for dismissing, dispensing with the services of or otherwise terminating the services of a public official. In the case of conduct of a Minister of the Crown or a member of a House of Parliament -- a substantial breach of an applicable code of conduct. As noted, subsection (d) above was introduced through the 1994 amendments to the ICAC legislation so that an act by a Minister or member could also amount to corrupt conduct if it amounts to a substantial breach of an applicable code of conduct. An applicable code of conduct is defined in the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 as, firstly, in the case of a Minister, a ministerial code of conduct prescribed or adopted for the purposes of section 9 by the regulations, and, secondly, in the case of a member of Parliament (including a Minister of the Crown), a code of conduct adopted for the purposes of the section by resolution of the House concerned. Under the provisions of the Act, the Legislative Assembly is required to appoint a committee to carry out functions in relation to the Code of Conduct, including reviewing the code at least once every four years. (Section 72E of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 . The designated committee for purposes of the Act is the Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics see VP 04\/12\/2003, pp. 536-7). The code was last reviewed in 2006 by the Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics. (See the report of the Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics, Review of the Proposed Amendments to the Code of Conduct and Draft Constitution (Disclosure by Members) Regulation 2006 , September 2006). Background In 1988, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was established with jurisdiction over all \"public officials\". Public official was defined to include officers in the Parliament, government departments, statutory authorities and local councils, as well as parliamentarians and local councillors, judges and magistrates. Those working in the private sector and general community who are not public officials may be covered if their conduct adversely affects or could adversely affect the honest or impartial exercise of a public official's official functions. The principal functions of the ICAC are to: investigate, expose and prevent corruption involving or affecting public authorities or public officials; and educate public authorities, public officials and members of the public about corruption and its detrimental effects on public administration and on the community. (See information on \"What is the ICAC?\" http:\/\/www.icac.nsw.gov.au\/go\/the-icac ) The ICAC does not punish offences nor does it have any prosecutorial role. Its role is to protect the public interest and to prevent breaches of public trust by exposing and minimising corruption. The legislation establishing the Commission has incorporated many amendments since its assent as a result of court challenges and anomalies that have been recognised in the legislation. Of note is the New South Wales Court of Appeal decision in Greiner and Moore v Independent Commission Against Corruption. Greiner v ICAC (1992) 28 NSWLR 125. This court case concerned an ICAC inquiry into the appointment of a former member of the Liberal Party and Minister of that Government, Dr Metherell, to a senior public service position as an alleged inducement to resign his parliamentary seat. The former Premier (Mr Greiner) and former Minister (Mr Moore) appealed the decision in the Supreme Court of New South Wales and a judgment was brought down that the ICAC's finding was made without, or in excess of jurisdiction, was a nullity, and was wrong in law. In 1994 the Parliament passed an amendment to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 in response to continued debate following this decision. The ensuring amendment to correct this anomaly expanded the jurisdiction of the Commission in relation to Ministers of the Crown and members of Parliament. This expanded jurisdiction enables the ICAC to investigate an allegation that a Minister or member of Parliament has breached a code of conduct applicable to that Minister or member, if the alleged breach was substantially of a corrupt nature.( Section 122 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 precludes any action contrary to Article 9 of the Bill of Rights and thus parliamentary privilege.) The link between the Code of Conduct and the Members' Handbook Under the Code of Conduct \"Members must apply the public resources to which they are granted access according to any guidelines or rules about the use of those resources.\" The preface to the Legislative Assembly Members' Handbook explains that the handbook \"has legal status as a set of guidelines for the appropriate use of facilities, services and entitlements provided to members of the Legislative Assembly.\" The handbook sets out guidelines for the conduct of members in regard to such matters as travel entitlements. It explains the relationship between the guidelines, the Code and the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 in the following terms: Failure to use public resources in accordance with the guidelines detailed in the Members' Handbook amounts to a breach of the Members' Code of Conduct which may, in turn, amount to corrupt conduct under the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 , even if the conduct is not otherwise illegal. ","labels":"Legal","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"You grew up in the 90s if . . . This decade had so much going for it, at least those of us who grew up in the 90s think so. So join us and let's travel down nostalgia road reminiscing about the good ole days we like to call the 1990s. If you remember all these fond memories then you too are 90's kid. Without further ado, you grew up in the 90s if . . . You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school You remember reading \"Goosebumps\" You know the profound meaning of \"Wax on, wax off\" 'Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?' was both a game and a TV game show ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"More than a Vignette: The Simple Secrets of Dodging and Burning On the wonderful journey through the world of photography many of us have points where we stop to smell the roses for a bit. Maybe we change from shooting landscapes to portraits or delve into the miraculous details of the macro world. Either way, after a shoot we are inevitably left with some post-processing finesse to add to our images. If you are like me, you can never learn too many techniques to give your images some spark or flair hoping that the final result captures the viewer's attention, making them stop for that split second to admire the magnificence of your capture. So lets add a gourmet recipe to your photography cookbook and give you a simple, elegant way to add that extra special spice to your photos. As you peruse the photo collections of your peers you will find that many photographers use vignettes that darken the corners or edges of their images while leaving the central area of the photo lighter. Why do they use this technique? It is likely that most of you already know that as you look at a photo, the eye is naturally drawn to lighter areas of the photo and away form darker areas. In the days of the darkroom, negatives were dodged (lightened) and burned (darkened) for this same purpose. Thus, the vignette is one of the simplest ways to guide the viewer's eye toward your central subject. Let's delve into this idea with a little more depth. If we are using vignettes to focus the eye of our viewer and we can all agree that the viewer is the one responsible for deeming whether our artistic endeavor is view worthy, then this business of lightening and darkening in an image is pretty powerful stuff. So why not use this lightening and darkening in a pre-meditated way to take the eye on a narrated, guided tour of our image? Think about that statement for a second. It's like having parallel park assist on a new vehicle. We can control where we want the viewer's eye to park. Let's start with seeing the simple and subtle use of this technique in an image I took while on a trip with a good friend to Portland, Oregon. This is Punchbowl Falls, one of the many gorgeous waterfalls in the Portland area. When you look at this photo, the lightness of the water automatically draws you into the majestic waterfall roaring down into the creek where the rippling torrents slowly meander out towards the bottom of the frame. As you look further, you see the lush, green vegetation surrounding the scene in an explosion of growth, however, then the eye goes right back to that waterfall. The only thing you don't see is me, standing barefoot, and ankle deep in the middle of the creek, balancing on a few rocks praying that I can get the shot before the hypothermia sets in. Now, let me show you an overlay of how I used this lightening and darkening technique in a subtle yet calculated way to get you to drawn into the scene and experience the full gravity of it. Bingo! I have selectively lightened the areas outlined in red and darkened the areas outlined in blue and all of those leading lines guide your eye right back to the middle of the photo. The key is that it is not totally obvious that this is happening when you look at the original. It is a subtle yet wonderfully effective method to help further enhance the visual impact of your photo. Now let's get to the meat and potatoes of how this is done. There are several ways to lighten and darken areas of an image and really any technique you prefer can work, but I like to do this in Photoshop just cause that is where I am comfortable working. Once my image is open I hold down the Alt\/Option key (PC\/Mac) and click on the new layer icon to bring up a new layer dialogue box. In the Dial ogue box I change the blend mode to soft light and check the box to fill the layer with 50% Gray. What this does is give me a layer on which everything that I paint that is darker than 50% gray gets darker and anything I paint lighter than 50% gray gets lighter. I then get a soft edge brush set to an opacity of anywhere between 4-8%. I like to keep opacity low so I can just lightly layer in the effect with each brush stroke with a lot of control as to how much I am adding. Next, I paint anywhere I want darker in black and anywhere I want lighter in white. Remember the key is to keep in mind how you want the image to be visualized by the viewer and plan your brush strokes accordingly. I do many separate brush strokes in each area until I start seeing the effect set-in. Now, I know some die hard Photoshop enthusiasts are saying why not do separate layers for the dark and light areas so each is independent of the other? That certainly could be done, but I try to keep my number of layers to a minimum so I don't bog down my system and I find that if I have gone too dark somewhere then I just paint over it again with white to lighten it and vice versa. If you over do it a bit, you can always decrease the opacity of the layer itself. Now for that little extra something just to make it all transition smoothly. I like to go to Filter->Blur->Gaussian blur and add about anywhere from a 10-30 pixel radius of Gaussian blur to the effect to get a smoother and more subtle look. This is my secret sauce so to speak and I find it does wonders especially when applying this effect to portraits. Portraits? Did he just say portraits? You bet! I apply this same effect to highlight cheekbones, brow lines, accentuate hair highlights, etc... Usually with portraits I find that my end step Gaussian blur pixel radius is a lot higher than for landscapes and often keep it set at 30. Here are a couple more images where I have successfully used this technique in different ways. So now you are equipped with yet another pearl in your post-processing repertoire. I just hope you remember that it is not just a technique, but it is a guided visual tour through your photo. Use it to enhance drama, create mood, or simply just to de-emphasize some of those more distracting elements in your photo. Now, get out there and give it a try. Your viewers have bought their tickets and are waiting for you to guide their way! Alex Smith is a photographer and blogger out of Denver, Colorado. His blog Shutterhogs.com is dedicated towards making better photography easier for everyone. More of his work can be viewed at alexsmith88.500px.com . Guest Contributor This post was written by a guest contributor to DPS. Please see their details in the post above. Become a Contributor : Check out Write for DPS page for details about how YOU can share your photography tips with the DPS community. I went back and forth on whether or not to post the before and after shots for the additional photos. Ultimately, I thought about two things: 1) I wanted the reader to think about how the technique was used differently for each photo. 2) I had a hard time with posting a photo of an attractive young woman with red and blue lines drawn over her face. Lol! Yep. Thats how I do mine too. In HDR, I do two layers of D+B. One as a copy background, using the dodge and burn too, playing with the opacity till I am happy. Then another using a 50% gray fill layer, ( as mentioned above ), and playing around with the opacity after application. I find with both d+b layers, the photos colour and \"ping\" factor is even better. I will try the blur, next time I do a hdr, see how it looks! Great post! A really important tool to understand! I read your 8 tips on sports photography and liked it so I followed the link. My name is George and I live in Queens N.Y. I would like to do what you do, like for instance shoot the Jets playing in Met Life Stadium! Of course you don't know me but if you could give me some tips on how to get started that would be great. I don't have school experience but I'm good and creative. Hi Alex. This article has come at just the right time for me as I am focusing very much on what this article handles, I have been trying ti out and it has some very nice results, although I think to get it just right I will have to practice a lot. So thanks and I like this method very much and will be working to get it right. Dewan, Thanks for the nice comment. I am thrilled that you have found it helpful. Like most photoshop effects I have found that subtlety is key and that lightly brushing in the effect with very low opacity brush works better than doing too much with each stroke. Usually, I will get it to where I like how it looks then back down the opacity of the entire layer just a touch to make sure I have not overdone it. What's Your Preference? Daily Digest Each day we send out a quick email to thousands of DPS readers to notify them of updates. This email is just short excerpt of the first few lines of our latest post with a link if you want to read it all. You can unsubscribe from this this service at any time. This service is provided by a third party (Feedburner) and you can subscribe to it by leaving your email address in the following field and confirming your subscription when you get an email asking you to do so. Enter your email address for Daily Updates: Weekly Summary For those wanting a weekly summary of what happens on this site this free email newsletter is probably your best option. It includes a summary of the tips posted to the site each week. This newsletter is subscribed to by over 25000 readers (many who also subscribe to the other options above) - come join the community! To subscribe to this weekly newsletter simply add your email address to the following field and then follow the confirmation prompts. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Consultant in the Temps chair : Sandi Mahlli What was your first placement in recruitment? Customer Service Officer for the Financial Times How did you get into temporary recruitment? I went to register with the agency I ended up working for -- they felt I had some great skills to become a recruitment consultant and it all started from there in 2004! I was completely new to recruitment and didnt know what I would enjoy in terms of a temp or perm desk so ran a dual desk which I loved as it gave me experience in both areas. What do you enjoy the most about it? I enjoy that no 2 days are the same and it can be very fast paced sometimes. You might get a call from a Client that needs someone asap which I love as I like that challenge to try and find that right person as quick as I can. What are the main challenges of working in this division? I find that when temporary workers are available for work, they would ideally like something to start asap but I can find on some occasions that if a Client is interested in the candidate and takes too long in the process and the temp workers gets offered something elsewhere we unfortunately lose that person and its back to square one of the process! What are the three most important qualities in a good temporaries controller ? Being organised, knowing your temps, using my own judgement on finding the right person for the booking. What's the difference between a good temp and an exceptional candidate ? A good temp is someone who calls to check in, lets me know of their availability and does not need to be chased for the timesheet when its due!! An exceptional candidate is someone who can work at any time, is reliable, keeps in constant contact on a regular basis, refers friends for work, good timekeeper and does the booking to the best of their ability. How has the recruitment industry changed since you started ? When I started in recruitment it was so different when I put temporary workers in to bookings. The Client did not want CV's for when they booked a temp and left the decision to me to get the right person, now Clients most of the time want a big selection of CV's and to interview for short bookings. What is the biggest lesson you have learnt in life? Live life to the max : ) What advice would you give to someone who wanted to work in your industry? If you are new to recruitment and really want to experience what it is about, see if any recruitment agencies would allow for you to shadow someone to see if it is something that you would enjoy. It is a role that has candidate contact, client contact, business development and account management so you would need to love all these areas to do the job well. What would you be doing if you weren't in recruitment? Running an amazing cafe in East London -- a place I love! This entry was posted on Monday, October 22nd, 2012 at 2:57 pm and is filed under Uncategorized . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site. ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Just One Of Those Days Lyrics Sizzla Oh, ooh, I'm missing you, girl I'm missing you Dry cry, even tears Even my heart cries, but who cares Whose fault? No one but myself Things do happen words can't explain Beyond the human reasoning, joy mixed with pain People would spend time just for us to separate They don't want to see us reach nowhere Oh girl, and you know I care Why does it have to be this way? Can't tell you go, can't tell you to stay Just one of those days, just one of those days Am I too humble or ignorant? Things begun to fade, nothing seems important Oh, my girl has left me and gone Just don't want to see her in another arm The essence of her beauty and her charm The perfume still linger, oh damn Remember girl, where we coming from, oh I'm the one to whom you belong, whoa yeah Girl, you keep me strong You and you alone, no other one Why does it have to be this way? Can't tell you to go, can't tell you to stay Just one of those days, just one of those days It's looking to see her at my gate Listening to hear the phone rings by the fire place Now, somewhere out there is my girl Now, where can I find her in this world? Still not gonna break down nor be sad Even though I'm stressed out, fed up and feeling mad I just can't do without her, oh Jah Still a man got to try Why does it have to be this way? Can't tell her to go, can't tell her to stay Just one of those days, just one of those days Is this happening for real? Only if you know the vibes what I feel Still trying to do my best and I still won't lose my interest My girl, I love you so, really hate to see you go Why does it have to be this way? Can't tell you go, can't tell you stay Just one of those days, just one of those days Dry cry, even tears Even my heart cries but who cares Whose fault? No one but myself Things do happen words can't explain Beyond the human reasoning, joy mixed with pain People would spend time just for us to separate Oh, they don't want for us to reach nowhere Oh girl, you know I care Oh, why does it have to be this way? Can't tell her go, can't tell her to stay, oh Just one of those days, just one of those days ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"5 Common Mistakes that Even Great Writers Make Writers make hundreds of mistakes, but most writers end up making the same mistakes over and over again -- often without even noticing. These repeated stumbles leave your writing dull and lifeless, and they eventually cause your readers to think your work always sounds the same. So here are 6 ways you can avoid common writing mistakes -- and what to do to really make your work shine: What's Your \"Tell\"? Just as every poker player has a \"tell,\" writers have sets of words or phrases they tend to overuse, often without knowing it. These are the crutches we fall back on when inspiration or concentration levels are low, and they dull the shine of your writing. Here are some suspects you can look for in your own work: smell\/sound\/taste, watch\/notice\/observe, very\/nice\/great... Those are just suggestions, and you probably have your own personal \"tell\" set of words, so try to figure out what they are. Do a \"find\" search in your document for words you know you use frequently, and highlight these words as you uncover them in the text. How colourful did your page become? Can you make your sentences stronger by rewriting these words for new, more interesting ones? Replace your \"tell\" with something new no one yet suspects, and you'll soon move your writing up to the big money tables. Cut the Boring Teacher Tone You've probably had one of those clichd high-school teachers who talked in a boring monotone. You may not remember that teacher, of course, because you were asleep through most of class. Watch out -- it's easy to become the writing equivalent. If you've ever looked at a piece of your writing and thought, \"This is SO dull,\" chances are that it's because of a monotonous sentence structure. Sentences of a similar length may be subconsciously perceived by readers as a dull tone. Try to vary sentence length through your piece. Make some short and sharp; others long and engaging. Long sentences (by their very nature) tend to drag the story out. They can be the equivalent of pauses in a narrative, stopping the action to convey information that the reader might need to know at that moment. Both structures have their uses, but always using one in particular can be boring to your readers. A good trick is to plot your sentence lengths on a graph and identify sets of sentences with similar lengths. Determine which sentence structure works best in each situation and try to rework them for variance. Your readers will thank you -- and stay awake. Rejoice in Your Verbs Verbs drive our writing. They excite and engage the reader. And they should be strong and active. But many writers end up accidentally hiding their verbs. It's a process called nominalisation , and it turns verbs into nouns. That weakens words and takes away their impact. It also confuses meaning, in some cases. For example, look at this sentence: \"I need a change.\" Change is actually a verb, but in this case, it's been turned into a noun. It has become a \"thing\". Consider how that sentence sounds when the noun \"change\" is turned back into a verb: \"I need to change.\" If you want to find hidden verbs in your writing, look for all the nouns you can find. Then ask yourself, \"Can I pick this up and carry it? Can I touch it, feel it or see it? Can I buy it off the store shelf?\" If the answer is no, then you've found a nominalization. You should be proud of your verbs -- they're your tools. And with the right tool for the task, your writing will improve. Ditch the Clichs Clichs are boring! They've been around the block and run their course (whoops!). They're what you write when you don't have the energy or inspiration to think of something original. It's all right to use clichs in your first draft, as thinking of a better metaphor may take time and interrupt your flow, but always try to cut clichs out when editing your work. Your readers don't want to see clichs. They want to see fresh, new metaphors that get them thinking in different and exciting ways. So when you find a clich in your writing, try to brainstorm. For example, if you're trying to replace, \"She was happy as a lark,\" think of what else is happy, or think of situations in which you are happy and magnify them. Maybe you have a penchant for chocolate, which might lead to a metaphor involving Charlie and the Chocolate Factory : \"She was as happy as if she'd found Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket.\" The Road to Hell is Paved with Adverbs Adverbs are evil. Often, they're redundant. (\"Creeping stealthily,\" or, \"whispering quietly\", for example.) At other times, they just serve as a prop-up for weak verbs, like \"go\", \"have\" or \"to be\". In his book 'On Writing' , Stephen King wrote that adverbs are, \"like dandelions. If you have one on your lawn, it looks pretty and unique. If you fail to root it out, however, you find five the next day . . . fifty the day after that . . . and then, my brothers and sisters, your lawn is totally, completely, and profligately covered with dandelions. By then you see them for the weeds they really are, but by then it's -- GASP!! -- too late.\" Post by Chris Banks Chris Banks is a writer for Pro Writing Aid the free website that can help you improve your writing. Pro Writing Aid is more than just a grammar checker; it's your personal online writing coach and editor. Get Your Free Updates If you liked this post, there's a lot more coming! Enter your email below and we'll send you content that rocks your world! We respect your email privacy. We'll never rent, sell, or otherwise share information we collect, because that'd be a violation of everything we believe in. All excellent advice, as relevant to writing for all purposes. The idea of writing tells always makes me think of writing narratives -- whenever I'm redrafting my creative writing it always baffles me how many times people smile, nod and snarl. First, Chris, your software looks really useful. I know a lot of people balk at paying to edit their work (even though they absolutely should). A tool like this is great because as you note in the information, this tool will clean up a lot of the stuff that is black and white (spelling, repeats etc) and then you can use a human editor for the developmental aspects. As far as your question about repeated mistakes, I wrote a blog post earlier this year about an overuse I started to catch in my writing. That is the use of the word \"thing\". Not sure when it crept in, but I was finding it quite a bit and now try to pay close attention to that one. Definitely one your software would catch I'm sure Cheryl, you're absolutely correct. Our software is designed to act as a complement to a professional editor to make sure that you get value for money from the editor by addressing all of the quick wins first. No computer could ever substitute for a professional editor but it can be a valuable tool for finding and addressing some of the flaws in your writing before spending money on an editor. I'm going to keep you\/your site in mind and I've also connected on FB\/Twitter. Hope to launch a new site for non-fiction writers in the near future and I can see potential benefits in working together. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"When you select the 'Remember me' option, your login information will be stored on your computer in the form of a cookie. When you visit Forkliftaction.com again, the stored login information will be retrieved automatically and you will not have to submit your login parameters (email address and password) each time you want to visit our members-only pages. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. A cookie can't read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Cookies do not damage your system. You might struggle to get another two manufactors. Man down VNA are a thing of the past. These are low volume production now and built to old designs. The world will not miss them when the last is phased out. There are quite a few reach trucks manufactured today that lift to 12M that require a stacking aisle greater than 3M. Many of these are being replaced with articulated man down machines that lift to 12M and that operate in aisles of approx 2.1M. These are working with better performance results than reach trucks because of their reduced aisle size, greater lifting capacity, high performance lift and lower speeds and the ability to work indoors and out. Hi Goodie, Based on all the discussions, do agree that it is not a good idea to have a man-down truck for 13 meters. Usually, a person vision and judgement is good up to 6 meters. And if you want order picking, then a man-up will be the best. Operator goes up to 13 meters, pick up the goods and then he can go to another location to pick other items. PAPA is right Jungheinrich had not sell a single ETX515. Forkliftaction.com accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information. FORUM GLOSSARY Click for description. FORUM A place for members to share ideas or ask questions. Every Forum is focused on a subject. Choose an area that is of interest. DISCUSSION A series of messages in chronological order; a conversation about a Forum subject. Start a new discussion with a question, a comment or an idea, and let fellow members respond. MESSAGES Each text contribution within a discussion, as posted by a member. All messages contain details about the author and the time of posting. Any member can contribute to any discussion in every forum. NICKNAME This is your unique Forum identity. You may choose your first name or any other nickname. It must be a unique name: \"first in, first served\". SIGNATURE A short message created in your Forum profile, which you may opt to attach to any of your messages. This could be a slogan, anecdote or greeting. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Living in the back of beyond....... Hi, I'm Steve and I live in the highlands of scotland, not far from Loch Ness. My nearest big city or town is Inverness (35 miles), followed by Aberdeen (140). CIMA in their wisdom have decided to abandon Inverness as an examination centre, leaving me with a huge logistical problem. I have just taken my one remining paper (P3) and had to make the long trek, starting at 3am, in order to be at my desk on time. Not the best preparation for an exam and although I could have stayed somewhere local, the accommodation in Aberdeen is very expensive. Does anyone alse have a similar problem? I dont understand why CIMA can't have a centre in Inverness, is there a chronic shortage of invigilators up here? I'm hoping that after July I don't have this problem anymore but just in case.... PLEASE CIMA reinstate the Inverness centre, some of us live in remote areas and we need all the help we can get. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"About The Axis of Awesome are The World's Most Awesomest Comedy Band. In the incredible time that they have been together, they have done literally so much stuff. They have blown audiences away across Australia and around the world with their mixture of original comedy songs and pop parodies. Their Four Chord Song is one of the highest rated comedy video of all time on YouTube, and has received over 20 million hits. They have made TV appearances in Australia, the UK and Sweden and their albums \"Scissors, Paper, ROCK!\" and \"Infinity Rock Explosion\" and DVD \"The Axis of Awesome Live\" are hits with audiences worldwide. They recently picked up the Time Out Award for Best Australian Act at the Sydney Comedy Festival, and they are also recipients of the prestigious Moosehead Award for their first ever Melbourne International Comedy Festival show, \"The Axis of Awesome Comeback Spectacular\". Their most recent show \"Songs in the Key of Awesome\" had it's Australian premiere at The Sydney Opera house. The Axis of Awesome are currently touring the United States. They leave men laughing and women gasping (and also laughing), and before long you'll be laughing and\/or gasping, depending on your gender. The Axis of Awesome are: Jordan Raskopoulos: Lead vocals. Star of stage and screen, Jordan is best known for his work on \"The Ronnie Johns Half Hour\" on Channel 10. His memorable characters and humorous lines were both memorable and humorous. Currently a National Theatresports Champion, Jordan was nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2007 Melbourne International Comedy Festival for his one-man show, \"The Adventures of the Man With the Dominant Claw\". Jordan enjoys Snickers bars and the music of David Bowie. Benny Davis: Keyboard, vocals. A classically trained musician, Benny brings some class to the Axis. And a portable keyboard. As an original member of the sketch comedy troupe \"The Delusionists\", Benny was a stand out in their 2007 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Show. A regular cast member of almost every improvised comedy show in Sydney, Benny is a virtuoso on the keyboard. Benny enjoys Super Mario Galaxy on Nintendo Wii and the music of Billy Joel. Lee Naimo: Guitar, way way back up vocals. One of Sydney's best improvisers, Lee has made stuff up while touring Australia and internationally. Along with Jordan, Lee is a current National Theatresports Champion, and he is co-creator of the hit live show, \"Scrabble Unscripted\", which was a sold-out success at both the Melbourne and Sydney Cracker Comedy Festivals in 2006 and 2007. Lee enjoys sunshine and the music of Hannah Montanna. ","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Description When a Web application provides the capability of deleting information, the server can provide a means to recover information that was deleted in error by a user. One approach is to delay deleting the data by merely marking it for deletion or moving it to a holding area (such as a trash can) and waiting some period of time before actually deleting it. During this time period, the user can request that the data be restored or can retrieve it from the holding area. Another approach is to record all delete transactions in such a way that data can be restored if requested by the user, such as in the edit history stored by wikis and source control applications.The retrievable information that is stored should be that which would be needed to correct the transaction. Examples A Web application allows users to set up folders and store data within them. Each folder and data item is accompanied by a checkbox to mark it for action, and two buttons, one to move and one to delete. If the user selects the delete button by mistake, large amounts of data could be lost. The application presents the data as deleted to the user right away, but schedules it for actual deletion in one week. During the week, the user may go into a \"deleted items\" folder and request any folder or data item awaiting actual deletion to be restored. Tests Procedure Identify functionality that allows deleting content Delete content and attempt to recover it. Check if deleted information can be recovered. Expected Results #3 is true. If this is a sufficient technique for a success criterion, failing this test procedure does not necessarily mean that the success criterion has not been satisfied in some other way, only that this technique has not been successfully implemented and can not be used to claim conformance. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Shop around for everything - cheapest isnt always best, but value is... larger amount for the same price etc... Pay cash for goods rather than bank it - avoid bank charges ! Only spend what you can afford, if I have had a quiet week, I buy no stock - with being creative, I can still make the shop look full ! - overdrafts are great - but for a dire emergency! Dont buy the same product twice ! - sounds silly? not really - when you renew your car insurance (after shopping around of course) if it includes the same level of breakdown cover than your AA membership would - why pay separately for the AA membership? - see what I mean, it usually works out cheaper included. With 'special orders' - always get a deposit - no deposit, no order (I have been stitched up too many times !) and make sure the amount of the deposit covers the wholesale cost of the item - then if the customer does not return, it does not reduce your cashflow ! It's often surprising just how lots of small things add up. Quite a few times, I've taken out a \"drill down\" report for a client, for a heading such as office supplies and they've been amazed that hundreds of pounds have been spent for virtually nothing - i.e. no big single payments - just lots of fivers here and there. This is so true. Unfortunately we tend to justify the small ticket items but don't realise how much they really do add up! Shop around for everything - cheapest isnt always best, but value is... larger amount for the same price etc... Pay cash for goods rather than bank it - avoid bank charges ! Only spend what you can afford, if I have had a quiet week, I buy no stock - with being creative, I can still make the shop look full ! - overdrafts are great - but for a dire emergency! Dont buy the same product twice ! - sounds silly? not really - when you renew your car insurance (after shopping around of course) if it includes the same level of breakdown cover than your AA membership would - why pay separately for the AA membership? - see what I mean, it usually works out cheaper included. With 'special orders' - always get a deposit - no deposit, no order (I have been stitched up too many times !) and make sure the amount of the deposit covers the wholesale cost of the item - then if the customer does not return, it does not reduce your cashflow ! You clear here some most valuable points like Only spend what you can afford, Dont buy the same product twice and also i want to suggest here not to rush for the cheapest always because sometimes it is more worse and causes big quality and finance loss. The Following User Says Thank You to a4creations For This Useful Post: ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Every hospital and care home in England will have a doctor tasked with ensuring dementia patients are well looked after, under new Government plans The scheme is expected to be announced on top of plans for memory clinics \"in every town\" and extra training for doctors to spot the spot the illness in its early stages. But the national dementia strategy is not anticipated to include commitments of extra funding of research into the illness, which charities warn is vital to learn how to prevent the condition. Ministers are also expected to announce that a review into the use of so-called \"chemical cosh\" anti-psychotic drugs, estimated to kill more than 20,000 care home patients a year, will not be published until the spring. Alzheimer's charities described the strategy, first announced by ministers last summer, as a \"huge let down\". They said that they were also concerned about slow progress on a Government plan to hold a scientific symposium on dementia, designed to stimulate research. Related Articles More than 700,000 people in Britain suffer from dementia, with about 400,000 diagnosed with Alzheimer's, the most common form. Speaking at the weekend, Alan Johnson, the Health Secretary, said that he wanted the strategy to reduce the \"stigma\" around the illness that meant it took three years for most patients to be diagnosed. But Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said that it was \"astonishing\" that the plan had ignored so many issues vital to tackling the disease. \"This strategy is only the first step to tackling our dementia crisis, and it is a huge let down that so much has been left out,\" she said. \"It is astonishing that dementia research is not a fundamental component of this strategy, and disappointing that the review of anti-psychotic drugs has been delayed yet again. \"It is not clear if sufficient funds will be made available to fulfil what is included in the strategy. \"The government spends about as much on dementia research each year as it costs to build a single mile of motorway. Dementia costs our economy 17 billion a year -- more than cancer, heart disease and stroke combined -- yet receives eight times less government support for research than cancer. This economic burden will triple within thirty years.\" She added: \"If we do not commit to investing a lot more in research, the care costs could cripple our health service within a generation.\" ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Despite lacking an overseas empire , Poland maintained a slow but steady level of economic development. The cultural hubs of interwar Poland\u00a0\u2013 Warsaw , Krak\u00f3w , Pozna\u0144 , Wilno and Lw\u00f3w \u2013 became major European cities and the sites of internationally acclaimed universities and other institutions of higher education. By 1939, the Republic had become \"one of Europe's major powers\". [ 1 ] Nevertheless, the Polish economist Witold Gadomski has calculated that the Republic was a much poorer nation than contemporary Poland. According to his estimates, Poland's gross national product in 1929 was between 50 and 60 billion US$s, which compares starkly with an estimate in 2007 of 422 billion dollars. In 2007, Poland's share in international trade was 1.1%, while in 1937, it was 0.8%. [ 2 ] On 5 November, in Lublin , the first Soviet of Delegates was created. On 6 November the Communists announced the creation of a Republic of Tarnobrzeg . The same day, a Provisional People's Government of the Republic of Poland was created in Lublin under the Socialist, Ignacy Daszy\u0144ski . On Sunday, 10 November at 7 a.m., J\u00f3zef Pi\u0142sudski , newly freed from 16-month imprisonment by the German authorities at Magdeburg , returned by train to Warsaw. Pi\u0142sudski, together with Colonel Kazimierz Sosnkowski , was greeted at Warsaw's rail station by Regent Zdzis\u0142aw Lubomirski and Colonel Adam Koc . Next day, due to his popularity and support from most political parties, the Regency Council appointed Pi\u0142sudski Commander in Chief of the Polish Armed Forces. On 14 November, the Council dissolved itself and transferred all its authority to Pi\u0142sudski as Chief of State ( Naczelnik Pa\u0144stwa ). After consultation with Pi\u0142sudski, Daszy\u0144ski's government dissolved itself and a new government was created under J\u0119drzej Moraczewski . In 1918, Italy was the first country in Europe to recognise Poland's sovereignty. [ 4 ] The Polish government-in-exile operated in Paris and later London, between 1939 and 1990, maintaining that it was the only legal and legitimate representative of the Polish nation. In 1990, the last president in exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski handed the insignia to Lech Wa\u0142\u0119sa , signifying continuity between the Second and Third republics. The Second Polish Republic was a parliamentary democracy from 1919 (see Small Constitution of 1919 ) to 1926, with the President having limited powers. The Parliament elected him, and he could appoint the Prime Minister as well as the government with the Sejm 's (lower house's) approval, but he could only dissolve the Sejm with the Senate 's consent. Moreover, his power to pass decrees was limited by the requirement that the Prime Minister and the appropriate other Minister had to verify his decrees with their signatures. Poland was one of the first countries in the world to recognize Women's suffrage . Women in Poland were granted the right to vote on 28 November 1918, with a decree of J\u00f3zef Pi\u0142sudski. [ 7 ] Poland had a large army, with 283,000 on active duty, in 37 infantry divisions, 11 cavalry brigades, and two armored brigades, plus artillery units. Another 700,000 men served in the reserves. [ 9 ] The units were poorly equipped and poorly trained. The high command was not well regarded and planning was inadequate and haphazard. The war plans failed as soon as Germany invaded, as 10 divisions were never mobilized and others were sent to the wrong places. The limited defense budget allowed minimal mechanization; most weapons were purchased abroad, and foreign exchange was scarce. [ 10 ] PZL , the state aviation company, in 1934 developed the PZL P.11 , the most modern fighter in Europe. In the late 1930s its successor the PZL P.24 was even better armed and faster, but Poland exported its entire production to earn currency, forcing the use of obsolete PZL P.7 and P-11 fighters. The PZL.37 \u0141o\u015b was an excellent twin-engine medium bomber; only a few dozen were available when the war began. After regaining her independence Poland was faced with major economic difficulties. In addition to the devastation wrought by World War I, the exploitation of the Polish economy by the German and Russian occupying powers, and the sabotage performed by retreating armies, the new republic was faced with the task of economically unifying disparate economic regions, which had previously been part of different countries. [ 14 ] Within the borders of the Republic were the remnants of three different economic systems, with five different currencies (the German mark , the Russian ruble , the Austrian crown , the Polish marka and the Ostrubel ) [ 14 ] and with little or no direct infrastructural links. The situation was so bad that neighboring industrial centers as well as major cities lacked direct railroad links, because they had been parts of different nations. For example, there was no direct railroad connection between Warsaw and Krak\u00f3w until 1934. This situation was described by Melchior Wa\u0144kowicz in his book Sztafeta . On top of this was the massive destruction left after both World War I and the Polish\u2013Soviet War . There was also a great economic disparity between the eastern (commonly called Poland B ) and western (called Poland A ) parts of the country, with the western half, especially areas that had belonged to the German Empire being much more developed and prosperous. Frequent border closures and a customs war with Germany also had negative economic impacts on Poland. In 1924 prime minister and economic minister W\u0142adys\u0142aw Grabski introduced the z\u0142oty as a single common currency for Poland (it replaced the Polish marka ), which remained a stable currency. The currency helped Poland to bring under control the massive hyperinflation, the only country in Europe which was able to do this without foreign loans or aid. [ 15 ] Average annual growth rate ( GDP per capita ) was 5.24% in 1920\u201329 and 0.34% in 1929\u201338. [ 12 ] Hostile relations with neighbours were a major problem for the economy of interbellum Poland. In the year 1937, foreign trade with all neighbours amounted to only 21% of Poland's total. Trade with Lithuania (0% of total) and the Soviet Union (0,8%) was virtually nonexistent. Czechoslovakia accounted for 3,9% of Polish foreign trade, Latvia for 0,3%, Romania for 0,8%, and Germany, Poland's most important neighbour, for 14,3%. By mid-1938, after the Anschluss , Greater Germany was responsible for as much as 23% of Polish foreign trade. The basis of Poland's gradual recovery after the Great Depression were mass economic development plans (see Four Year Plan ), which oversaw the building of three key infrastructural elements. The first was the establishment of the Gdynia seaport, which allowed Poland to completely bypass Gda\u0144sk (which was under heavy German pressure to boycott Polish coal exports). The second was construction of the 500-kilometer rail connection between Upper Silesia and Gdynia, called Polish Coal Trunk-Line , which served freight trains with coal. The third was the creation of a central industrial district, named COP \u2013 Central Industrial Region ( Centralny Okr\u0119g Przemys\u0142owy ). Unfortunately, these developments were interrupted and largely destroyed by the German and Soviet invasion and the start of World War II. [ 16 ] Among other achievements of interbellum Poland there are Stalowa Wola (a brand new city, built in a forest around a steel mill), Mo\u015bcice (now a district of Tarn\u00f3w , with a large nitrate factory), and creation of a central bank . There were several trade fairs, with the most popular being Pozna\u0144 International Fair , Lw\u00f3w's Targi Wschodnie , and Wilno's Targi P\u00f3\u0142nocne . Polish Radio had ten stations (see Radio stations in interwar Poland ), with the eleventh one planned to be opened in the autumn of 1939. Furthermore, in 1935 Polish engineers began working on the TV services. By early 1939, experts of the Polish Radio built four TV sets. First movie broadcast by experimental Polish TV was Barbara Radziwi\u0142\u0142\u00f3wna , and by 1940, regular TV service was scheduled to begin operation. [ 17 ] Industry and communications in Poland before the start of World War II According to the 1939 Statistical Yearbook of Poland, total length of railways of Poland (as for 31 December 1937) was 20 118 kilometers. Rail density was 5.2\u00a0km. per 100\u00a0km 2 . Railways were very dense in western part of the country, while in the east, especially Polesie , rail was non-existent in some counties. During the interbellum period, Polish government constructed several new lines, mainly in central part of the country (see also Polish State Railroads Summer 1939 ). Construction of extensive Warszawa G\u0142\u00f3wna railway station was never finished due to the war, and Polish railroads were famous for their punctuality (see Luxtorpeda , Strza\u0142a Ba\u0142tyku , Lataj\u0105cy Wilnianin ). In the interbellum, road network of Poland was dense, but the quality of the roads was very poor \u2013 only 7% of all roads was paved and ready for automobile use, and none of the major cities were connected with each other by a good-quality highway. In the mid-1930s, Poland had 340,000 kilometers of roads, but only 58,000 had hard surface (gravel, cobblestone or sett ), and 2,500 were modern, with asphalt or concrete surface. In different parts of the country, there were sections of paved roads, which suddenly ended, and were followed by dirt roads. [ 18 ] Poor condition of roads was the result of both long-lasting foreign dominance, and inadequate funding. On 29 January 1931, Polish Parliament created State Road Fund, whose purpose was to collect money for construction and conservation of roads. The government drafted a 10-year plan, with road priorities: a highway from Wilno, through Warsaw and Cracow, to Zakopane (called Marshall Pilsudski Highway), asphalt highways from Warsaw to Pozna\u0144 and \u0141\u00f3d\u017a, as well as Warsaw ring road. However, the plan turned out to be too ambitious, as there was not enough money in the national budget. In January 1938, Polish Road Congress estimated that Poland should spend on roads three times more money to keep up with Western Europe. In the Second Polish Republic, the majority of inhabitants lived in the countryside (75% in 1921), and their existence depended on land. Farmers made 65% of the population, while about 1% were landowners. In 1929, agricultural production made 65% of Poland's GNP. [ 20 ] After 123 years of partitions, regions of the country were very unevenly developed. Lands of former German Empire were most advanced \u2013 in Greater Poland and Pomerelia , crops were on Western European level. [ 21 ] The situation was much worse in former Congress Poland , Kresy , and former Galicia , where agriculture was most backward and primitive, with a large number of small farms, unable to succeed on both domestic and international market. Furthermore, another problem was overpopulation of the countryside, which resulted in chronic unemployment. Living conditions were so bad that in several regions, such as counties inhabited by the Hutsuls , there was permanent starvation. [ 22 ] Farmers rebelled against the government (see: 1937 peasant strike in Poland ), and the situation began to change in the late 1930s, due to construction of several factories for the Central Industrial Region , which gave employment to thousands of countryside residents. In the 1920s there was a trade war with Germany, involving tariffs and restrictions. After 1933 the trade war ended and new agreements regulated and promoted trade. Germany was Poland's largest trading partner, followed by Britain. In October 1938 Germany granted a credit of Rm 60,000,000 (120,000,000 zloty, or \u00a34,800,000). Germany would deliver factory equipment and machinery in return for Polish timber and agricultural produce. This new trade was to be in addition to the existing German-Polish trade agreements. [ 23 ] In 1919, the Polish government introduced compulsory education for all children aged 7 to 14, in an effort to limit illiteracy, which was widespread, especially in eastern Poland. The process was slow, but by 1939, 90% of children attended school. In 1921, one-third of citizens of Poland was illiterate (38% in the countryside), by 1931, illiteracy level dropped to 23% overall (27% in the countryside), [ 2 ] and fell to 18% in 1937. [ 24 ] In 1932, Minister of Religion and Education Janusz J\u0119drzejewicz carried out a reform which introduced the following levels of education: middle school ( szko\u0142a \u015brednia ), with two levels \u2013 4 grades of comprehensive middle school and 2 grades of specified high school (classical, humanistic, natural and mathematical). A graduate of middle school received a small matura , while a graduate of high school received a big matura , which enabled them to seek university-level education. Historically, Poland was a nation of many nationalities. This was especially true after independence was regained in the wake of World War I. The census of 1921 allocates 30.8% of the population in the minority. [ 26 ] This was further exacerbated with the Polish victory in the Polish\u2013Soviet War , and the large territorial gains in the east, made by Poland as a consequence. According to the 1931 Polish Census : 68.9% of the population was Polish, 13.9% were Ukrainians, around 10% Jewish, 3.1% Belarusians, 2.3% Germans and 2.8% \u2013 others, including Lithuanians , Czechs and Armenians . Also, there were smaller communities of Russians , and Gypsies . The situation of minorities was a complex subject and changed during the period. [ 27 ] Poland was also a nation of many religions. In 1921, 16,057,229 Poles (approx. 62.5%) were Roman (Latin) Catholics , 3,031,057 citizens of Poland (approx. 11.8%) were Eastern Rite Catholics (mostly Ukrainian Greek Catholics and Armenian Rite Catholics ), 2,815,817 (approx. 10.95%) were Greek Orthodox , 2,771,949 (approx. 10.8%) were Jewish, and 940,232 (approx. 3.7%) were Protestants (mostly Lutheran Evangelical ). [ 28 ] By 1931 Poland had the second largest Jewish population in the world, with one-fifth of all the world's Jews residing within its borders (approx. 3,136,000). [ 26 ] Urban population of interbellum Poland was rising steadily \u2013 in 1921, only 24% of Poles lived in the cities, in the late 1930s, the ratio grew to 30%. In more than a decade, the population of Warsaw grew by 200,000, \u0141\u00f3d\u017a by 150,000, and Pozna\u0144 \u2013 by 100,000. This was due not only to internal migration, but also extremely high birth rate. [ 2 ] Pillar near the summit of Popadia in Gorgany . During the Second Republic, this marked the Polish-Czechoslovak border. The administrative division of the Republic was based on a three-tier system. On the lowest rung were the gminy , local town and village governments akin to districts or parishes. These were then grouped together into powiaty (akin to counties) which, in turn, were grouped as wojew\u00f3dztwa ( voivodeships , akin to provinces). The Second Polish Republic was mainly flat, with average elevation of 223\u00a0m above sea level (after World War II and its border changes, the average elevation of Poland decreased to 173\u00a0m). Only 13% of territory, along the southern border, was higher than 300\u00a0m. The highest elevation was Mount Rysy , which rises 2,499\u00a0m in the Tatra Range of the Carpathians, 95\u00a0km south of Krak\u00f3w . Between October 1938 and September 1939, the highest elevation was Lodowy Szczyt (known in the Slovak language as \u013dadov\u00fd \u0161t\u00edt ), which rises 2,627 meters above sea level. The largest lake was Lake Narach . The country's total area, after annexation of Zaolzie , was 389,720\u00a0km 2 , it extended 903\u00a0km from north to south and 894\u00a0km from east to west. On 1 January 1938, total length of boundaries was 5,529\u00a0km, including: 140 kilometers of coastline (out of which 71 kilometers were made by the Hel Peninsula ), Almost 75% of the territory of interbellum Poland was drained northward into the Baltic Sea by the Vistula (total area of drainage basin of the Vistula within boundaries of the Second Polish Republic was 180,300\u00a0km 2 ), the Niemen (51,600\u00a0km 2 ), the Odra (46,700\u00a0km 2 ) and the Daugava (10,400\u00a0km 2 ). The remaining part of the country was drained southward, into the Black Sea , by the rivers that drain into the Dnieper ( Pripyat , Horyn and Styr , all together 61,500\u00a0km 2 ) as well as Dniester (41,400\u00a0km 2 ) Moklak, Jaroslaw. The Lemko Region in the Second Polish Republic: Political and Interdenominational Issues 1918\u20131939 (2013); covers Old Rusyns, Moscophiles and National Movement Activists, & the political role of the Greek Catholic and Orthodox Churches ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"LeMay was born in Columbus , Ohio , on November 15, 1906. His father, Erving LeMay, was at times an ironworker and general handyman, but he never held a job longer than a few months. His mother, Arizona Dove (Carpenter) LeMay, [ 4 ] did her best to hold her family together. With very limited income, his family moved around the country as his father looked for work, going as far as Montana and California. Eventually they returned to his native city of Columbus. LeMay attended Columbus public schools, graduating from Columbus South High School, and studied civil engineering at Ohio State University . Working his way through college, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering . While at Ohio State he was a member of the National Society of Pershing Rifles and the Professional Engineering Fraternity Theta Tau . He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Air Corps Reserve in October 1929. He received a regular commission in the United States Army Air Corps in January 1930. While finishing at Ohio State, he took flight training at Norton Field in Columbus, in 1931\u201332. [ 5 ] On June 9, 1934, he married Helen E. Maitland (died 1992), with whom he had one child, Patricia Jane LeMay Lodge, known as Janie. LeMay became a pursuit pilot and, while stationed in Hawaii, became one of the first members of the Air Corps to receive specialized training in aerial navigation. In August 1937, as navigator under pilot and commander Caleb V. Haynes on a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress , he helped locate the battleship Utah despite being given the wrong coordinates by Navy personnel, in exercises held in misty conditions off California, after which the group of B-17s bombed it with water bombs. For Haynes again, in May 1938 he navigated three B-17s over 610 miles (980\u00a0km) of the Atlantic Ocean to intercept the Italian liner Rex to illustrate the ability of land-based airpower to defend the American coasts. In 1940 he was navigator for Haynes on the prototype Boeing XB-15 heavy bomber, flying a survey from Panama over the Galapagos islands. [ 6 ] War brought rapid promotion and increased responsibility. When his crews were not flying missions, they were subjected to relentless training, as he believed that training was the key to saving their lives. Throughout his career, LeMay was widely and fondly known among his troops as \"Old Iron Pants,\" and the \"Big Cigar\". [ 1 ] [ 7 ] Robert McNamara described LeMay's character, in a discussion of a report into high abort rates in bomber missions during World War II : One of the commanders was Curtis LeMay\u2014Colonel in command of a B-24 [ sic ] group. He was the finest combat commander of any service I came across in war. But he was extraordinarily belligerent, many thought brutal. He got the report. He issued an order. He said, 'I will be in the lead plane on every mission. Any plane that takes off will go over the target, or the crew will be court-martialed.' The abort rate dropped overnight. Now that's the kind of commander he was. [ 10 ] LeMay soon concluded that the techniques and tactics developed for use in Europe against the Luftwaffe were unsuitable against Japan. His Boeing B-29 Superfortress bombers flying from China were dropping their bombs near their targets only 5% of the time. Operational losses of aircraft and crews were unacceptably high owing to Japanese daylight air defenses and continuing mechanical problems with the B-29. In January 1945, LeMay was transferred from China to relieve Brigadier General Haywood S. Hansell as commander of the XXI Bomber Command in the Marianas . [ 8 ] [ 9 ] He became convinced that high-altitude precision bombing would be ineffective, given the usually cloudy weather over Japan. Furthermore, bombs dropped from the B-29s at high altitude (20,000+ feet) were often blown off of their trajectories by a consistently powerful jet stream over the Japanese home islands, which dramatically reduced the effectiveness of the high-altitude raids. Because Japanese air defenses made daytime bombing below jet stream-affected altitudes too perilous, LeMay finally switched to low-altitude nighttime incendiary attacks on Japanese targets, a tactic senior commanders had been advocating for some time. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Japanese cities were largely constructed of combustible materials such as wood and paper. Precision high-altitude daylight bombing was ordered to proceed only when weather permitted or when specific critical targets were not vulnerable to area bombing . General LeMay was informed by a senior staff member, Colonel William P. Fisher, that bomber pilots were turning back from these low altitude bombing runs due to heavy anti-aircraft fire from Japanese defense forces. Fisher suggested to LeMay that crews who achieved successful strike rates should be rewarded by being released from their deployment. LeMay implemented this unorthodox plan and the strike rate went up to eighty percent. [ 11 ] LeMay commanded subsequent B-29 Superfortress combat operations against Japan, including massive incendiary attacks on 67 Japanese cities. This included the firebombing of Tokyo on the night of March 9\u201310, 1945, the most destructive bombing raid of the war. [ 12 ] For this first attack, LeMay ordered the defensive guns removed from 325 B-29s, loaded each plane with Model M-47 incendiary clusters , magnesium bombs, white phosphorus bombs, and napalm , and ordered the bombers to fly in streams at 5,000 to 9,000 feet (1,500 to 2,700\u00a0m) over Tokyo. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] The first pathfinder airplanes arrived over Tokyo just after midnight on March 10 and marked the target area with a flaming \"X.\" In a three-hour period, the main bombing force dropped 1,665 tons of incendiary bombs, killing 100,000 civilians, destroying 250,000 buildings, and incinerating 16 square miles (41\u00a0km 2 ) of the city. Aircrews at the tail end of the bomber stream reported that the stench of burned human flesh permeated the aircraft over the target. [ 13 ] A \"LeMay Bombing Leaflet\" from the war, which warned Japanese civilians that \"Unfortunately, bombs have no eyes. So, in accordance with America's humanitarian policies, the American Air Force, which does not wish to injure innocent people, now gives you warning to evacuate the cities named and save your lives.\" Precise figures are not available, but the firebombing campaign against Japan, directed by LeMay between March 1945 and the Japanese surrender in August 1945, may have killed more than 500,000 Japanese civilians and left five million homeless. [ 14 ] Official estimates from the United States Strategic Bombing Survey put the figures at 220,000 people killed. [ 12 ] Some 40% of the built-up areas of 66 cities were destroyed, including much of Japan's war industry. [ 12 ] The remaining Allied prisoners of war in Japan who had survived imprisonment to that time were frequently subjected to additional reprisals and torture after an air raid. The massive bombing also hit a number of prisons and directly killed a number of Allied war prisoners. [ citation needed ] LeMay was aware of the implication of his orders. The New York Times reported at the time, \"Maj. Gen. Curtis E. LeMay, commander of the B-29s of the entire Marianas area, declared that if the war is shortened by a single day, the attack will have served its purpose.\" [ 8 ] [ 9 ] The argument was that it was his duty to carry out the attacks in order to end the war as quickly as possible, sparing further loss of life. He also remarked that had the U.S. lost the war, he fully expected to be tried for war crimes . [ 15 ] As the firebombing campaign took effect, Japanese war planners were forced to expend significant resources to relocate vital war industries to remote caves and mountain bunkers, reducing production of war materiel. As a lieutenant colonel who served under LeMay, Robert McNamara was in charge of evaluating the effectiveness of American bombing missions. Later, McNamara, as Secretary of Defense under Kennedy and Johnson , would often clash with LeMay. LeMay also oversaw Operation Starvation , an aerial mining operation against Japanese waterways and ports that disrupted Japanese shipping and food distribution. Although his superiors were unsupportive of this naval objective, LeMay gave it a high priority by assigning the entire 313th Bombardment Wing (four groups, about 160 airplanes) to the task. Aerial mining supplemented a tight Allied submarine blockade of the home islands, drastically reducing Japan's ability to supply its overseas forces to the point that postwar analysis concluded that it could have defeated Japan on its own had it begun earlier. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] LeMay piloted one of three specially modified B-29s flying from Japan to the U.S. in September 1945 , in the process breaking several aviation records at that date, including the greatest USAAF takeoff weight, the longest USAAF non-stop flight, and the first ever non-stop Japan\u2013Chicago flight. One of the pilots was of higher rank: Lieutenant General Barney Giles . The other two aircraft used up more fuel than LeMay's in fighting headwinds, and they could not fly to Washington, DC, the original goal. [ 17 ] Their pilots decided to land in Chicago to refuel. LeMay's aircraft had sufficient fuel to reach Washington, but he was directed by the War Department to join the others by refueling at Chicago. The order was ostensibly given because of borderline weather conditions in Washington, but according to First Lieutenant Ivan J. Potts who was on board, the order came because LeMay had one fewer general's stars and should not be seen to outperform his superior. [ 18 ] After World War II, LeMay was briefly transferred to The Pentagon as deputy chief of Air Staff for Research & Development. In 1947, he returned to Europe as commander of USAF Europe, heading operations for the Berlin Airlift in 1948 in the face of a blockade by the Soviet Union and its satellite states that threatened to starve the civilian population of the Western occupation zones of Berlin. Under LeMay's direction, Douglas C-54 Skymasters that could each carry 10 tons of cargo began supplying the city on July 1. By the fall, the airlift was bringing in an average of 5,000 tons of supplies a day with 500 daily flights. The airlift continued for 11 months\u2014213,000 flights\u2014that brought in 1.7 million tons of food and fuel to Berlin. Faced with the failure of its blockade, the Soviet Union relented and reopened land corridors to the West. Though LeMay is sometimes publicly credited with the success of the Berlin Airlift, it was, in fact, instigated by General Lucius D. Clay when General Clay called LeMay about the problem. LeMay initially started flying supplies into Berlin, but then decided that it was a job for a logistics expert and he found that person in Lt. General William H. Tunner , [ 19 ] who took over the operational end of the Berlin Airlift . In 1948, he returned to the U.S. to head the Strategic Air Command (SAC) at Offutt Air Force Base , replacing Gen George Kenney . When LeMay took over command of SAC, it consisted of little more than a few understaffed B-29 bombardment groups left over from World War II. Less than half of the available aircraft were operational, and the crews were undertrained. Base and aircraft security standards were minimal. Upon inspecting a SAC hangar full of US nuclear strategic bombers, LeMay found a single Air Force sentry on duty, armed only with a ham sandwich. [ 20 ] After ordering a mock bombing exercise on Dayton, Ohio , LeMay was shocked to learn that most of the strategic bombers assigned to the mission missed their targets by one mile or more. \"We didn't have one crew, not one crew, in the entire command who could do a professional job\" [ 21 ] noted LeMay. A meeting in November, 1948 with Air Force Chief of Staff, Hoyt Vandenberg , found the two men agreeing the primary mission of SAC should be the capability of delivering 80% of the nation's atomic bombs in one mission. Towards this aim, LeMay delivered the first SAC Emergency War Plan in March, 1949 which called for dropping 133 atomic bombs on 70 cities in the USSR within 30 days. Air power strategists called this type of premptive strike, \"killing a nation.\" [ 22 ] However, the Harmon committee, released their unanimous report two months later stating such an attack would not end a war with the Soviets and their industry would quickly recover. This committee had been specifically created by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to study the effects of a massive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, within weeks, an ad hoc Joint Chiefs committee recommended tripling America's nuclear arsenal and Chief of Staff Vandenberg called for enough bombs to attack 220 targets, up from the previous 70. [ 23 ] Upon receiving his fourth star in 1951 at age 44, LeMay became the youngest four-star general in American history since Ulysses S. Grant and was the youngest four-star general in modern history as well as the longest serving in that rank. [ 24 ] In 1956 and 1957 LeMay implemented tests of 24-hour bomber and tanker alerts, keeping some bomber forces ready at all times. LeMay headed SAC until 1957, overseeing its transformation into a modern, efficient, all-jet force. LeMay's tenure was the longest over an American military command in nearly 100 years. [ 25 ] Despite popular claims that LeMay advanced the notion of preventive nuclear war, the historical record indicates LeMay actually advocated justified preemptive nuclear war. Several documents show LeMay advocating preemptive attack of the Soviet Union, had it become clear the Soviets were preparing to attack SAC or the US. In these documents, which were often the transcripts of speeches before groups such as the National War College or events such as the 1955 Joint Secretaries Conference at the Quantico Marine Corps Base, LeMay clearly advocated using SAC as a preemptive weapon, if and when such action was necessary. [ 26 ] General LeMay was instrumental in SAC's acquisition of a large fleet of new strategic bombers , establishment of a vast aerial refueling system, the formation of many new units and bases, development of a strategic ballistic missile force, and establishment of a strict command and control system with an unprecedented readiness capability. All of this was protected by a greatly enhanced and modernized security force, the Strategic Air Command Elite Guard . LeMay insisted on rigorous training and very high standards of performance for all SAC personnel, be they officers, enlisted men, aircrews, mechanics, or administrative staff, and reportedly commented, \"I have neither the time nor the inclination to differentiate between the incompetent and the merely unfortunate.\" A famous legend often used by SAC flight crews to illustrate LeMay's command style concerned his famous ever-present cigar. [ 27 ] In the first known published account of the story, Life Magazine reporter Ernest Havemann related that LeMay once took the co-pilot's seat of a SAC bomber to observe the mission, complete with lit cigar. [ 28 ] When asked by the pilot to put the cigar out, LeMay demanded to know why. When the pilot explained that fumes inside the fuselage could ignite the airplane, LeMay reportedly growled, \"It wouldn't dare.\" [ 28 ] The incident in the article was later used as the basis for a fictional scene in the 1955 film Strategic Air Command . In his highly controversial and factually disputed [ 29 ] [ 30 ] memoir War's End , Major General Charles Sweeney related an alleged 1944 incident that may have been the basis for the \"It wouldn't dare\" comment. [ 31 ] Despite his uncompromising attitude regarding performance of duty, LeMay was also known for his concern for the physical well-being and comfort of his men. [ 32 ] LeMay found ways to encourage morale, individual performance, and the reenlistment rate through a number of means: encouraging off-duty group recreational activities, [ 33 ] [ 34 ] instituting spot promotions based on performance, and authorizing special uniforms, training, equipment, and allowances for ground personnel [ 35 ] as well as flight crews. LeMay was an active amateur radio operator and held a succession of call signs; K0GRL, K4FRA, and W6EZV. He held these calls respectively while stationed at Offutt AFB, Washington, D.C. and when he retired in California . K0GRL is still the call sign of the Strategic Air Command Memorial Amateur Radio Club. [ 36 ] He was famous for being on the air on amateur bands while flying on board SAC bombers. LeMay became aware that the new single sideband (SSB) technology offered a big advantage over amplitude modulation (AM) for SAC aircraft operating long distances from their bases. In conjunction with Art Collins (W0CXX) of Collins Radio , he established SSB as the radio standard for SAC bombers in 1957. [ 37 ] LeMay was appointed Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force in July 1957, serving until 1961, when he was made the fifth Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force on the retirement of Gen Thomas White . His belief in the efficacy of strategic air campaigns over tactical strikes and ground support operations became Air Force policy during his tenure as chief of staff. As chief of staff, LeMay clashed repeatedly with Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Air Force Secretary Eugene Zuckert , and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army General Maxwell Taylor . At the time, budget constraints and successive nuclear war fighting strategies had left the armed forces in a state of flux. Each of the armed forces had gradually jettisoned realistic appraisals of future conflicts in favor of developing its own separate nuclear and nonnuclear capabilities. At the height of this struggle, the U.S. Army had even reorganized its combat divisions to fight land wars on irradiated nuclear battlefields, developing short-range atomic cannon and mortars in order to win appropriations . The United States Navy in turn proposed delivering strategic nuclear weapons from supercarriers intended to sail into range of the Soviet air defense forces. Of all these various schemes, only LeMay's command structure of SAC survived complete reorganization in the changing reality of Cold War -era conflicts. Though LeMay lost significant appropriation battles for the Skybolt ALBM and the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress replacement, the North American XB-70 Valkyrie , he was largely successful at expanding Air Force budgets. He advocated the introduction of satellite technology and pushed for the development of the latest electronic warfare techniques. By contrast, the U.S. Army and Navy frequently suffered budgetary cutbacks and program cancellations by Congress and Secretary McNamara. During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, LeMay clashed again with U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Defense Secretary McNamara, arguing that he should be allowed to bomb nuclear missile sites in Cuba . He opposed the naval blockade and, after the end of the crisis, suggested that Cuba be invaded anyway, even after the Russians agreed to withdraw. LeMay called the peaceful resolution of the crisis - whereby Kennedy secretly agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey and Italy - \"the greatest defeat in our history\". [ 38 ] Unknown to the US, the Soviet field commanders in Cuba had been given authority to launch\u2014the only time such authority was delegated by higher command. [ 22 ] They had twenty nuclear warheads for medium-range R-12 Dvina (NATO Code SS-4 Sandal ) ballistic missiles capable of reaching US cities (including Washington) and nine tactical nuclear missiles. If Soviet officers had launched them, many millions of US citizens could have been killed. The ensuing SAC retaliatory thermonuclear strike would have killed roughly one hundred million Soviet citizens. Kennedy refused LeMay's requests, however, and the naval blockade was successful. [ 22 ] The memorandum from LeMay, Chief of Staff, USAF, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, January 4, 1964, illustrates LeMay's reasons for keeping bomber forces alongside ballistic missiles: \"It is important to recognize, however, that ballistic missile forces represent both the U.S. and Soviet potential for strategic nuclear warfare at the highest, most indiscriminate level, and at a level least susceptible to control. The employment of these weapons in lower level conflict would be likely to escalate the situation, uncontrollably, to an intensity which could be vastly disproportionate to the original aggravation. The use of ICBMs and SLBMs is not, therefore, a rational or credible response to provocations which, although serious, are still less than an immediate threat to national survival. For this reason, among others, I consider that the national security will continue to require the flexibility, responsiveness, and discrimination of manned strategic weapon systems throughout the range of cold, limited, and general war.\" [ 39 ] LeMay's dislike for tactical aircraft and training backfired in the low-intensity conflict of Vietnam, where existing Air Force fighter aircraft and standard attack profiles proved incapable of carrying out sustained tactical bombing campaigns in the face of hostile North Vietnamese antiaircraft defenses. LeMay said, \"Flying fighters is fun. Flying bombers is important.\" [ 40 ] Aircraft losses on tactical attack missions soared, and Air Force commanders soon realized that their large, missile-armed jet fighters were exceedingly vulnerable not only to antiaircraft shells and missiles but also to cannon-armed, maneuverable Soviet fighters. LeMay advocated a sustained strategic bombing campaign against North Vietnamese cities, harbors, ports, shipping, and other strategic targets. His advice was ignored. Instead, an incremental policy was implemented that focused on limited interdiction bombing of fluid enemy supply corridors in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. This limited campaign failed to destroy significant quantities of enemy war supplies or diminish enemy ambitions. Bombing limitations were imposed by President Lyndon Johnson for geopolitical reasons, as he surmised that bombing Soviet and Chinese ships in port and killing Soviet advisers would bring the Soviets and Chinese more directly into the war. Evidence of LeMay's thinking is that, in his 1965 autobiography (co-written with MacKinlay Kantor ) LeMay is quoted as saying his response to North Vietnam would be to demand that \"they\u2019ve got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression, or we\u2019re going to bomb them back into the Stone Age . And we would shove them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power\u2014not with ground forces.\" Some military historians have argued that LeMay's theories were eventually proven correct. Near the war's end in December 1972, President Richard Nixon ordered Operation Linebacker II , a high-intensity Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps aerial bombing campaign, which included hundreds of B-52 bombers that struck previously untouched North Vietnamese strategic targets, including heavy populated areas in Hanoi and Haiphong. Linebacker II was followed by renewed negotiations that led to the Paris Peace Agreement , appearing to support the claim. However, consideration must be given to significant differences in terms of both military obejctives and geopolitical realities between 1968 and 1972, including the impact of Nixon's recognition and exploitation of the Sino-Soviet split to gain a \"free hand\" in Vietnam and the shift of Communist opposition from an organic insurgency (the Viet Cong) to a conventional mechanized offensive that was by its nature more reliant on industrial output and traditional logistics. [ 41 ] In effect, Johnson and Nixon were waging two different wars. Owing to his unrelenting opposition to the Johnson administration's Vietnam policy and what was widely perceived as his hostility to Secretary McNamara, LeMay was essentially forced into retirement in February 1965 and seemed headed for a political career. [ citation needed ] Moving to California, he was approached by conservatives to challenge moderate Republican Thomas Kuchel for his seat in the United States Senate in 1968, but he declined. For the presidential race that year , LeMay originally supported Richard Nixon; he turned down two requests by George Wallace to join his American Independent Party that year on the grounds that a third-party candidacy might hurt Nixon's chances at the polls (by coincidence, Wallace had served as a sergeant in a unit commanded by LeMay during World War II). LeMay gradually became convinced that Nixon planned to pursue a conciliatory policy with the Soviets and accept nuclear parity rather than retain America's first-strike supremacy. LeMay felt that Lyndon Johnson had lied to him on several occasions and that Hubert Humphrey, if elected, would do the same. [ citation needed ] Consequently LeMay, while being fully aware of Wallace's segregationist platform, decided to throw his support to Wallace and eventually became Wallace's running mate. The general was dismayed to find himself attacked in the press as a racial segregationist because he was running with Wallace; he had never considered himself a bigot . When Wallace announced his selection in October 1968, a press conference was held that Wallace aide later referred to as a \"fiasco.\" When LeMay was asked if nuclear weapons were necessary to win the war in Vietnam, he responded, \"We can win this war without nuclear weapons.\" However, he then added, \"But I have to say, we have a phobia about nuclear weapons. I think there may be times when it would be most efficient to use nuclear weapons.\" Wallace's staff began to consider Lemay to be \"politically tone-deaf\" and the former Air Force General did nothing to diminish the perception of extremism that some American voters had of the Wallace-LeMay ticket. [ 42 ] The \"bomb them back to the stone age\" comment received significant publicity but General LeMay disclaimed the comment, saying in a later interview: \u201cI never said we should bomb them back to the Stone Age. I said we had the capability to do it.\" [ citation needed ] The Wallace-LeMay AIP ticket received 13.5 percent of the popular vote, higher than most third-party candidacies in the US, and carried five states for a total of 46 electoral votes . According to historian Warren Kozak, Wallace's defeat left LeMay's public reputation in tatters. LeMay was commonly assumed to share Wallace's widely unpopular racist views, even though LeMay had enthusiastically supported racial integration in the US military publicly and privately. He fought segregation in the Air Force before Executive Order 9981 systemically banned the practice. [ 43 ] The April 25, 1988, issue of The New Yorker carried an interview with former US Senator from Arizona Barry Goldwater , a retired Air Force Reserve major general, who said he repeatedly asked his friend General LeMay if he (Goldwater) might have access to the secret \"Blue Room\" at Wright Patterson Air Force Base , alleged by numerous Goldwater constituents to contain UFO evidence. According to Goldwater, an angry LeMay gave him \"holy hell\" and said, \"Not only can't you get into it but don't you ever mention it to me again.\" [ 45 ] LeMay was also a sports car owner and enthusiast (he owned an Allard J2); as the \"SAC era\" began to wind down, LeMay loaned out facilities of SAC bases for use by the Sports Car Club of America , [ 46 ] as the era of early street races began to die out. He was awarded the Woolf Barnato Award, SCCA's highest award, for contributions to the Club, in 1954. [ 46 ] In November 2006, it was announced that General LeMay would be one of the inductees into the SCCA Hall of Fame in 2007. [ 46 ] LeMay\u2019s first contact with military service occurred in September 1924 when he enrolled as a student in the Army ROTC program at Ohio State University. By his senior year, LeMay was listed on the ROTC rolls as a \"cadet lieutenant colonel\". On June 14, 1928, the summer before the start of his senior year, LeMay accepted a commission as a second lieutenant in the Field Artillery Reserve of the U.S. Army. In September 1928, LeMay was approached by the Ohio National Guard and asked to accept a state commission, also as a second lieutenant, which LeMay accepted. This created a unique situation in LeMay's service record since in 1928 it was unusual for a person to hold commissions in both the National Guard and the Army Reserve . [ citation needed ] On September 29, 1928, LeMay enlisted in the Army Air Corps as an aviation cadet. For the next 13 months, he was on the enlisted rolls of the Regular Army as a cadet and he held commissions in the National Guard and Army Reserve. His status changed on October 2, 1929, when LeMay\u2019s Guard and Reserve commissions were terminated. According to his service record, these commissions were revoked \"by telephone\" after an Army personnel officer, realizing that LeMay was holding officer and enlisted status simultaneously, called him to discuss the matter. [ citation needed ] On October 12, 1929, LeMay finished his flight training and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Army Air Corps Reserve. This was the third time he had been appointed a second lieutenant in just under two years. He held this reserve commission until June 1930, when he was appointed as a Regular Army officer in the Army Air Corps. LeMay experienced slow advancement throughout the 1930s, as did most officers of the seniority-driven Regular Army. At the start of 1940 he was still a first lieutenant but, beginning in 1941, began to receive temporary advancements in grade in the expanding Army Air Forces. LeMay advanced from captain to brigadier general in less than four years and by 1944 was a major general in the Army Air Forces. When World War II ended, he was appointed to the permanent rank of brigadier general in the Regular Army but held his temporary rank of major general in the Army until promotion to lieutenant general in the now separate United States Air Force in 1948. He then was promoted to general in 1951 and held this rank until his retirement in 1965. According to letters in LeMay's service record, while he was in command of SAC during the 1950s several petitions were made by Air Force service members to have LeMay promoted to the rank of General of the Air Force (five stars). The Air Force leadership, however, felt that such a promotion would lessen the prestige of this rank, which was seen as a wartime rank to be held only in times of extreme national emergency. Per the Chief of the Air Force General Officers Branch, in a letter dated February 28, 1962: It is clear that a grateful nation, recognizing the tremendous contributions of the key military and naval leaders in World War II, created these supreme grades as an attempt to accord to these leaders the prestige, the clear-cut leadership, and the emolument of office befitting their service to their country in war. It is the conviction of the Department of the Air Force that this recognition was and is appropriate. Moreover, appointments to this grade during periods other than war would carry the unavoidable connotation of downgrading of those officers so honored in World War II. Thus, no serious effort was ever made to promote LeMay to the rank of General of the Air Force, and the matter was eventually dropped after his retirement from active service in 1965. 11\/22\/63 by Stephen King (fiction), in which LeMay is Vice-President of the United States in the dystopian alternate future created by the main character's actions in the past, which saved President John F. Kennedy's life, and resulted in the eventual election of George Wallace as President. [ 50 ] ^ Watson, George M., Secretaries and Chiefs of Staff of the United States Air Force , Washington, D.C.: Air Force History and Museums Program, USAF (2001) p. 132: LeMay recorded the incident in a memo to staff the same day, stating \"this afternoon I found a man guarding a hangar with a ham sandwich. There will be no more of that.\" ^ Carter, Dan T. (1995). The Politics of Rage: George Wallace, the Origins of the New Conservatism, and the Transformation of American Politics . New York: Simon & Schuster. pp.\u00a0359\u2013360. ISBN 0-8071-2597-0 . ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"About Senior FriendFinder Senior FriendFinder is more than just a seniors dating service. For singles over 60 and in their prime, Senior FriendFinder is a wonderful place to where senior people meet for friendship, dating, and marriage. Thousands of senior singles have joined our Senior FriendFinder to meet seniors and share new experiences and new friendships at the prime of their lives. Senior FriendFinder provides online senior matchmaking services, including online personals and photographs to help you get to know each other before reaching out. Join other senior singles at Senior FriendFinder today to make the prime of your life even more amazing! Feel Safe and Secure At Senior FriendFinder, we take our members' safety and security very seriously. 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We fell in love through the internet, instant messaging and hours of talking before we met. So when we actually did meet we already knew each other. I feel so fortunate to have found the person that is perfect for me.\" ","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Though you will be getting older , you do not have to let your body and mind fall victim to aging. Learning about what causes growing older to increase your youthful mind and appearance is simple and can be used to great effect in your life. If you put these techniques to use, you can increase the number of years that you stay healthy. A healthy lifestyle can help you slow the aging process. Eat the proper amount of vegetables, dairy products, fruits, whole grains and protein to get the nutrients that your body requires. Remember to eat three moderate meals per day in combination with several nutritious snacks. Eat foods rich in fiber to help fight aging effects. Fiber can help to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the digestive system. Additionally, it helps to remove bad cholesterol, slow digestion and stabilize blood sugar. Fiber is the key to great digestion. Be proud of any gray hair you may have; just remember to adjust your makeup accordingly. Gray hair can make you look pale, and you will want to adjust your makeup to improve the look of your skin. Use a foundation makeup in a slightly darker shade than your usual. Accent lips and cheeks with shades of peach or rose. Use a brow pencil to define your eyebrows, and a yellow-based concealer to hide under eye shadows. If you put on the right kind of makeup, you will make gray hair look fantastic and even you will look younger. TIP! A good facial massage will do wonders for your facial skin and keep you from looking old. Massaging your facial features improves circulation to your face and will reduce puffy eyes. Try not to fall. Falls can cause damage to your body which sometimes cannot be repaired. They are especially dangerous when a senior is involved. You can improve your balance and become more physically fit by making an effort to take 30-minute walks, three days per week. Decrease your risk of fractures through a program of weight training, increased calcium intake, and Vitamin D supplements. Do not spend an excessive amount of time worrying about how old you are. It is all about how you feel, not what age you are. Age is just a number that doesn't determine how you feel. You can be chronologically one age but feel much younger inside. The best thing you can do is to not allow your age to get the best of you mentally. In order to age gracefully, you must remain active. Keeping active can help you look and feel younger by allowing you to have a sharper mind and a fitter body. In contrast, a stagnant existence can increase negative effects of growing older and reduce your overall quality of life. Enjoy an activity that you like everyday. A good hint to help you age is to restore your hormones. When your hormone levels start to decline, you will experience loss of libido, energy and stamina. This will happen as you start to get older. Talk to a doctor to see if it is possible to take hormone supplements if this is a problem for you. TIP! If your physician recommends further testing, you should follow his or her directions. By checking in with your body and health often, you can catch potential health issues early and have the best chance at effective treatment. Know how much sleep is required for people in your age group, and make sure to get it. You will maintain a sense of calm and relaxation, as well as a proper hormonal profile if you sleep for roughly 7-9 hours nightly. Not getting enough sleep can often result in irritability and can generally put you in a bad mood. Consult your doctor regarding the appropriate supplements that you can take that have anti-getting older properties. You need to include a balanced regimen of multivitamins, antioxidants and perhaps anti-inflammatory medicines. If you take these supplements, your energy level will increase and you will experience less complications from growing older. Include these in any daily plan you build. Frowning can increase the number of wrinkles in your skin. Beyond ruining your mood, frowning is bad for the face. Every time you sense a frown coming on, pinch yourself. The habit can be broken in time using this method. You should sleep for eight hours every night. Every time you sleep, your body is renewing itself. That is why you need a full night's sleep. Most people need at least eight hours; some may need more or less. TIP! Save early and often for retirement, but don't neglect to keep some savings for health issues. However, don't neglect to cover yourself for times when your health may degrade or emergencies arise. Pressure Checked Regularly Get your blood pressure checked regularly. \"The silent killer\" refers to high blood pressure because many people have no symptoms to alert them to this dangerous condition. As you age, it's more and more important to have your blood pressure checked regularly so a problem can't sneak up on you. If you know about high blood pressure early, you'll have time to solve it. Growing Older can be done gracefully. Your life can still be active and vibrant if you take special care of your body and mind. Look for ways to fit these ideas into your daily life, and find the joys that you could be missing. Reducing the amount of red meat and increasing the amount of fish in your diet can help to prevent heart disease. There are many unhealthy fats in red meat that can contribute to clogging of the arteries, and this can result in heart disease, as well as other illnesses. Fish is full of healthy fats which are believed to slow down the clogging and help you to live a long, healthy life. TIP! To keep aging skin looking smooth and less wrinkled, try using a primer product. These types of products are silicone-based and can make a significant difference in the appearance of your makeup. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sterilising baby bottles There are several ways in which you can sterilise your baby's feeding equipment. For example, by using a cold water sterilising solution, by steam sterilising or by sterilising by boiling. The following instructions apply to all feeding equipment you use for your baby, whether you are using expressed breast milk or infant formula. Remember, before sterilising, always: Clean the feeding bottle and teat in hot, soapy water as soon as possible after a feed, using a clean bottle brush. Rinse all your equipment in clean, cold running water before sterilising. Cold water sterilising solution Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Change the sterilising solution every 24 hours. Leave feeding equipment in the sterilising solution for at least 30 minutes. Make sure that there is no air trapped in the bottles or teats when putting them in the sterilising solution. Keep all the equipment under the solution with a floating cover. Steam sterilising (electric steriliser or microwave) It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions as there are several different types of sterilisers. Make sure the openings of the bottles and teats are facing down in the steriliser. Manufacturers will give guidelines on how long you can leave equipment that you are not using immediately (straight after sterilising) before it needs to be resterilised. Sterilising by boiling When using this method, care must be taken to ensure safety and prevent scalds or burns. Hot pans and liquids should not be left unattended, especially if children are present. Make sure that whatever you sterilise in this way is safe to boil. Boil the feeding equipment in water for at least 10 minutes, making sure that all items stay under the surface of the water. Remember that teats tend to get damaged faster with this method. Regularly check that teats and bottles are not torn, cracked or damaged. Wash your hands thoroughly. Clean and disinfect the surface where you will put together the bottle and teat. It is best to remove the bottles just before they are used. If the bottles are not being used immediately, they should be put together fully with the teat and lid in place. This is to prevent the inside of the sterilised bottle from being contaminated, along with the inside and outside of the teat. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"But is there much of a performance hit when using Double instead of Long? Reading that link you provided, a Long is 4 bytes long while a Double is 8 bytes long. There is a significant performance hit when using Double (or Single), not because of the different number of bytes but because Doubles are floating point and use a different representation. Longs are just simple binary numbers and are much more straight forward to process. However it depends on what you are doing as to whether it really matters to your application. If you are doing massive, complex calculations where a large part of the processing time is spent just calculating then it will make a big difference, but if it's just displaying a simple screen or reading a few rows from a database etc you won't notice any difference at all. Will there be much of a performance hit when using a Double instead of a Long variable type? I wouldn't worry about it too much. I know the purist's will come down on me for saying this, but the reality is you can spend a lot of time writing code that will be really efficient in order to save a couple of milliseconds and maybe a meg or two of RAM. I would rather see that development time go towards better application testing and documentation. If you are writing something that is computationally arduous, you should probably use a lower level language like C++ as opposed to Visual Basic. You really don't want to store integer data as a floating point number, as this will lead to a variety of problems with inaccuracy. Of course not. I was just trying to think of a way that earlier statement could be justified, that a Variant is slower with respect to a Double than it is to a Long :-) I would really hope MS had designed the Variant type so that it could store both an integer value and a floating-point value at the same time. It's interesting to consider how other languages solve this problem. Perl variables, for instance, contain separate IV, NV, PV (integer, numeric, pointer value) slots, and there's a bunch of flags to indicate which slots contain valid values, whether the IV is actually unsigned, etc. Variants can hold almost any type of data, including objects. In VB6 you should almost never use Variants unless there are specific reasons why you need to (e.g. you are writing a COM component that needs to be called late-bound and that has by-reference parameters). Not only is the overhead excessive, unless you specifically convert the variants to a particular type in your code then you have no control over how the runtime treats them when doing calculations and comparisons etc. The decision as to which numeric data type you should be based on the business logic, not performance. If you only need to store integers that will fit in 4 bytes use Long (Int is not really any faster than Long on modern processors). If you need to store floating point numbers (i.e. decimal fractions) other than money use Double, or Single if you are sure that the accuracy and\/or size required are compatible with Single. If you need to store money use Currency (aka decimal). Of course if you are storing your data in a database then obviously you need to take into account what data type is used in the database, in which case you don't really have a choice at the VB6 level. Hmm, yeah, I think you're right. It appears that in VB6 the \"decimal\" datatype is just an odd kind of Variant. Probably should avoid it. How about Currency? Also, doesn't VB6 come with online help? Surely you can find out these kinds of things just by looking through that? The help that came with it is now even more valuable, since Microsoft no longer have it on their website! Edit: Just dug out some old MSDN library CDs: Note At this time the Decimal data type can only be used within a Variant, that is, you cannot declare a variable to be of type Decimal. You can, however, create a Variant whose subtype is Decimal using the CDec function. Currency (scaled integer) 8 bytes -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807 Decimal 14 bytes +\/-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,- 950,335 with no decimal point; +\/-7.9228162514264337593543950335 - with 28 places to the right of the decimal; smallest non-zero number is +\/-0.0000000000000000000000000001 - User-defined (using Type) Number required by elements The range of each element is the same as the range of its data type. Note: At this time the Decimal data type can only be used within a Variant, that is, you cannot declare a variable to be of type Decimal. You can, however, create a Variant whose subtype is Decimal using the CDec function. I would just use Double if I was you if you want to use numbers longer than 2,147,483,647. Sure, if you don't care about precision. 12-digit numbers might be OK, but if you're multiplying and dividing them a lot, you're going to get inaccurate results. If you're doing integer maths, there's really no excuse not to use an integer datatype. Why would you choose Decimal over Currency, if it means you'll incur the variant overhead? Craig wants to store 12-digit integers, not 20-digit integers. 12-digit integers fit comfortably within the limits of Currency. Currency is an inbuilt data type. \"Decimal\" is actually a COM data type that is supported in VB6 through using variants. It's not a \"native\" data type, but if you need really big numbers, or really small numbers with no rounding errors, then you need to use decimals (or, preferably, a different language altogether). Since OP only needs to store large integers I would use Singles, since they are faster and smaller than Currency or Double. I doubt he's going to see too many files that are larger than 1.0E38 bytes. Since OP only needs to store large integers I would use Singles, since they are faster and smaller than Currency or Double. I doubt he's going to see too many files that are larger than 1.0E38 bytes. Hi Woodle. Looking at this page ( theopensourcery.com\/vb03tut.htm ) it reads: \"Double is much more accurate and even runs about 10-20% faster than Single.\" Is this true, is it really 10-20% faster using Double than Single? How do I determine how many numeric digits a Double can store if it's maximum is \"1.79769313486232E308\". I don't understand this number, why does it have an E in it? How do I determine how many numeric digits a Double can store if it's maximum is \"1.79769313486232E308\". I don't understand this number, why does it have an E in it? That is computerese for 1.79769313486232 x 10 308 . For the origin of this number, have a read of the IEEE 754 standard. As to \"how many numeric digits\" this is... well, that's an interesting question. Computers generally use \"floating-point\" arithmetic to represent non-integers, and floating-point numbers have a \"precision\". This determines how many digits are significant in the number. According to the IEEE 754 spec, double-precision numbers (the Double type in VB) have a precision of 53 bits, which is approximately 15 digits. So in that sense, a Double can only store up to 15 digits. Put simply, the double-precision numbers: 1234567890123456711111 and 1234567890123456799999 are \"exactly the same\", as far as the computer is concerned -- there is only enough precision to represent the left-most 15 digits accurately. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Get In Shape With These Fitness Tips TIP! If you have difficulty staying motivated to continue your fitness program, you should consider mixing things up with a variety of fitness classes. When you change things up a bit, you make it easier to stay engaged and excited about your fitness goals. There are many different things under the umbrella of fitness. Such things as exercising, going to the gym, dieting and all sorts of supplements and vitamins are just some of what the fitness world deals with. Lots of different workouts are out there that can improve your health and appearance. After reading these tips and hints, you will be able to put together something that will work for you. TIP! So that you can be truly fit, make sure your abs get sufficient exercise. It's best to exercise your abs two or three times per week, but don't overdo it; your abs do need to rest, after all. How you start the day is very important to your fitness. Eating breakfast is a requirement that will ensure your successful outcome in the short and long term. Breakfast sets your metabolism going, which sticks with you all day. TIP! For the best fitness results over time, divide each run you take into three sections. Begin with a reduced pace, and gradually increase it until you reach your normal pace. Kickboxing is phenomenal exercise. Nobody can go to try kickboxing and not come out of the work out covered in sweat and thinking, \"man what a workout\". Kickboxing burns massive calories while helping you gain strength. Foot Behind TIP! Have a dietitian help you with your diet. Although you may think it's easy to get rid of all the junk food in your home, are you aware of how your workout routines will impact the diet you require? A dietitian will be able to establish how many extra calories you need because you are more active, as well as help you find healthier foods. This exercise will help you improve the agility of your feet. Quickly lift your left foot and then touch it with the opposite hand before lowering it to the floor. Next, raise your right foot and touch it using your left hand before lowering it. Then touch your left foot behind you with your right hand, then your right foot behind you with your left hand. Go for 20 seconds at a time, moving as fast as you can, and repeat for a total of three to five sets. TIP! You should use shoes that fit when exercising. Shop for exercise shoes at night because your feet stretch during the day and will be at their largest when the sun goes down. To motivate yourself for proper fitness, create some personal goals. When you have goals, you concentrate on beating obstacles instead of focusing on an exercise's overall difficulty. If you think of a weight loss program as part of a larger life goal, you are less likely to drop out halfway through. TIP! Stretch the targeted muscles in between sets. Stretches should last a little less than half a minute. Work out in your house. You can do a variety of exercises such as crunches and squats that can give you the results you desire. Make use of different dumbbells or elastic bands to begin a home exercise routine on your own. A jump rope is all you need when doing cardio exercises. TIP! In the past, weight belts were routinely use. These days, they are reserved for extra-heavy duty lifting only. Think heart smart. Being overweight is taxing on the heart. You can lose weight and have a healthier heart through proper exercise and fitness. Don't forget that your diet needs to become healthy, too. Reduce your caloric intake by decreasing your consumption of foods high in saturated fats, while increasing your intake of fiber and vegetables. TIP! Prior to beginning any fitness regimen, be sure to get a physical done at your doctor's office. This will ensure that you are not compromising your health and that you will maximize the benefits. Sudden or specific joint fatigue or pain can be an indication that you should visit a doctor. If you already keep an exercise log, add a \"pain\" section to each workout to record any problems you might have. TIP! Do you think that you are too busy to stay fit? Split up your workout. Instead of boosting the overall time you exercise, simply split your current minutes into parts. Fitness is a large subject that is covered in a lot of different areas of your life. Learning the correct and wrong way to do exercises is vital and learning which things you can switch up to fit your needs is important, too. With any luck, the information you've just read has helped to demystify all things fitness-related. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Help Index How do I use my PVR (Personal Video Recorder)? You've made the right choice. The Rogers Digital PVR Box is the best thing to happen to home entertainment! Your new box will make it easy to record TV programs without a VCR, Control Live TV, and watch two TV programs at the same time with Picture-In-Picture. PLUS... Your Digital PVR Box will allow you to record two programs while watching a previously recorded program, as well as offering other recording and playback options (see chart below). While Recording: You can view: One program Live TV One program A previously recorded program Two programs at the same time A previously recorded program Two programs at the same time One of the programs being recorded Two programs at the same time Both of the programs being recorded using picture-in-picture To view information about a specific PVR feature, select from the links below: ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason , by Sam Harris The Islamist: Why I Joined Radical Islam in Britain, What I Saw Inside and Why I Left , by Ed Husain Sarah Boyes posted 4 March 2008 If Sam Harris and Ed Husain met you might think it would be pistols at dawn, tumbleweed flying past and plenty of this world ain't big enough for the both of us, but the American New Atheist and reformed British Islamist have more in common than their excellent taste in jackets. Whilst both believe isolating politics from religion is necessary to clear the way for a progressive politics in a climate saturated by religious identities, Husain nevertheless believes in Allah, whereas Harris is every mote the evangelical anti, calling for the total obliteration of faith. But the two 'H's have a more interesting similarity, endorsing at the end of their books a carefully-defined mysticism, and talking about the importance of meditation. Meditation is certainly making a comeback as a niche growth industry with trinkets and yoga courses to boot, and grounding its appeal is its potential as part of the good life: popular books on the subject slap up the importance of setting aside time for ourselves to cultivate inner gardens away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, while a waffly anti-capitalist mentality urges us to stop being material girls by having a dabble in the spiritual realm. Or for those who dislike touchy-feely stuff, there's stats on the scientifically-proven benefits of meditation, tales of longer life and wrinkle-avoidance, increased intelligence or emotional IQ. Stranger still is the kitsch legitimacy mysticism takes from the natural idyll, with adverts conjuring up images of untouched misty mountains set to the strain of atonal bamboo flutes. Another fetish in the current climate is renunciation of past political beliefs gone wrong, and in this vein The Islamist follows Husain through the 1980s and 1990s, from being taken under the wing of a renowned Islamic scholar during his early childhood, through his campaigning campus days with Jaamat-e-Islami, Hizb ut Tahrir and the Islamic Society of Britain and his agitation for a Caliphate in Britain. The book tells his story, it's beautifully written and it draws you in. And it spits you out, as the close sees him embrace a dignified, meditative Sufism as the true expression of the spirit of Islam, a peaceful personal religion that makes no political demands. Though this doesn't mean Husain has quit the public sphere, having been catapulted to fame by the success of his book, lauded (and later lampooned) in the liberal press: the New Statesman , the Guardian and a clutch of BBC Radio 4 programmes to name but a few, into the public eye as an authority on political Islam, landing neatly now -- and as his father was before him -- in the lap of the Labour Party. Nevertheless, he speaks not just as a public figure or party member but as a moderate Muslim and spokesperson for others who share his beliefs. Which is just what Sam Harris does for the New Atheists in The End of Faith . Harris writes widely on the central place religion has come to occupy in American life, the rise of radical Islam, the merging of private and public spheres; he also makes a strange defence of the use of torture on terrorist suspects, and discusses the reaction to 9\/11. His lynchpin is that a person's beliefs and ideas -- however much in the background of their day-to-day lives - ultimately shape the world they live in - a claim with something in it, and one used to frame Harris' anti-religious polemic. He says since people 'of faith' believe irrationally in an afterlife -- virgin orgies with unlimited honey sort of stuff -- they can't be trusted to make reliable decisions, which explains why suicide bombers happily blow themselves up, and 'the religious' (mostly Muslims) are a bit knee-jerk. Better to eradicate irrational beliefs, he says, and make decisions from The Evidence. And in his proposed world without faith, mysticism gets awarded a place since it has a rational basis, in that the claims of mystics can be verified empirically by each one of us in our ongoing search for knowledge. Which is why Harris meditates. What draws the two authors together is that neither seems quite able to let go of a gentle obsession with the religious experience, and both -- though not always in name -- advocate a 'soft religion' that points to the importance of personal feelings and private journeys. Whether it's Harris' fascination with people's experience of the divine or Husain pursuing inner peace, mysticism holds a fascination for both authors that has less to do with straightforward characterisations of religion than the question of what being human is all about. That said, mysticism seems praised more for its innocuousness and lack of prescriptions about how society should be, as something to be saved from religious practice as a last ditch option, than for any robust contribution it makes to the ongoing exploration of humanity. It's seen to have an emancipatory quality in that it can free our minds, defended accordingly in terms of the 'enlightenment' found at the end of a journey of mental -- rather than societal - liberation. No wonder it's chosen as the upbeat ending to two books that have an ultimately bleak message about people's ability to get together meaningfully to shape the world we live in. There is a benefit to premising the private, personal and not overtly 'religious' parts of religion like meditation or prayer: it broadens understanding of what faith is and the role it plays in day to day life in debate where definitions are a little thin. But the New Atheist critique also serves to blur boundaries and confuse social, moral, and political issues: whilst a more thorough understanding of the way religious codes and practices influence moral attitudes and political persuasions is worthwhile, it all too often ends up smudging the boundaries between private and public realms. It ultimately undermines the idea of a shared secular social space where people are judged by what they say and do rather than what they get up to in their heads or behind closed doors. On the other side of the coin, religious institutions have begun to defend themselves in terms of 'social cohesion': they claim to offer communities a space where people can come together in mutual activity, provide comfort and support to families and get yoof off the streets. To get rid of them, the new defence goes, would unravel the very fabric of our society. And it's hardly wrong that religious institutions attempt to deal with contemporary concerns and respond to the public mood. A recent meeting at St Mary le Bow Church in London, for example, discussed the role of neuropsychology in debates about God and the psychological necessity of religious experience; religious leaders have begun both to market themselves as 'therapists' and to get annoyed by the trend. But most worrying in this new defence of religion is the way it's played out in terms of state-set agenda, as if religious institutions and practices become legitimate once they begin to deliver policy objectives. What's interesting is that this move towards premising the more innocuous parts of religion is made by those defending and attacking religion alike. It reflects a more generally fragmented world-view. Undeniably, having a community is important and religion does play a role, but this doesn't mean we can't look elsewhere for social groups or that a drop in shared worship signifies the end of civil society while its growth benefits society. That's just conservative scare-mongering. And whilst there does seem to be something to the idea that meditating or generally thinking about things deeply can be emancipatory, it comes at the cost of -- to be crass -- premising the inner at the cost of the outer. Whereas really, the whole focus on 'soft religion' is a thinly-veiled corrective about how people should think and behave in public. Faith: Harris says it has to go since you can't trust people who've got it; Husain worries it makes people do bad things. Talking about meditation makes sense as it has a double appeal: it's open to all and it's harmless. And here, meditation -- or mysticism -- is about more than the dictum 'the unexamined life is not worth living', since it has a specific method and focus of inquiry apart from getting cross-legged and analytic on your ass. There's a disturbing context at play, as Harris gives way to popular anti-Western East-fetishism when he says we're 'conceptually inequipped' to deal with staple mystic Buddhist expositions on consciousness, and this orientation toward the mystical is fast becoming trendy. The broad premise of a series recently on BBC2 for instance, Extreme Pilgrim , is that we in the West must turn to the east to reclaim our notion of spirituality and sense of meaning, since losing it is the price we pay for economic development, greater choice and perverting the divine music of the spheres. A search for meaning is certainly important and it helps to have faith, but truncating what faith is meant to be cuts off any deeper value to be had from truly believing in anything. It makes faith out to be a matter of sexless belief, valued for the personal benefits it brings rather than for what it's faith in. Not to say that mysticism doesn't have benefits: it can constitute some of the wonder of being alive. But imagining this will bring existential comfort and that's all we can ask for whilst saving us from the Sisyphean frustrations of the daily grind, shows more a lack of clear ideas about where Western liberalism will lead us and infuriation with diminishing political subjectivity. And in ejecting religious faith from the public sphere, what the brothers H really want to avoid is the idea faith might play a role in politics. Taking a position perhaps too easily diagnosed as postmodern nihilism, they seem to think any ambitious forward-looking project will end in disaster. Both have seen it -- they know -- and rather than see us make the same mistakes they warn us away from Getting Ideas: if we want to change the world we would be better off tackling problems one by one by using tried and tested methods, or else tweaking ourselves. Change should come at the mystical level of ideas where they're safely divorced from everything else, and the final word of both books is across-the-board-or-I'll-eat-my-hat against faith doing any work in public debate. For we have sinned. As if faith was the nub of all our problems so we should all take a reason steam bath and the world will come smelling up roses. But the interaction between faith and reason is boringly more complex. For example, inductive reasoning -- used in scientific methodology and the way we navigate the world -- is said by many to have no underpinning in deductive logic and doesn't conform to easy-reading models of rationality. To think beliefs can be separated like goats and sheep into irrational faith-based ones and rational evidence-based ones is a bit reckless, since what's rational depends on contextual factors. And it further seems right that just as the non-religious shouldn't have a monopoly over acting reasonably, it's wrong for the religious to monopolise having faith in things. And before you say it, the question of whether a gob of beliefs amount to a faith -- secular or otherwise -- is much less interesting than what these beliefs themselves are, and whether we should believe them. Rather than focusing on people's intentions or motivations it would be much more productive to look at what they're trying to achieve and go from there. And more to the point, the contemporary vogue of blacklisting ideas characterised in religious terms at the cost of trying to understand their potency smacks of the petty-authoritarianism of the 'new Enlightenment' wave. Why try to anaesthetise a generation already accused of nihilistic, selfish indulgence by giving us a lobotomised idea of what faith -- in things like human beings at the very least -- can really do? But leering under the surface of both these texts is a fear of ideology, of anything with a utopian tinge, and a tendency to merge having ideals with both these things. Harris refuses to recognise the rational life as an ideal itself: rather than looking at beliefs one by one and vetting them for how rational they are, he would be better settling for rationality as a bearer of value and cornerstone of a broader world-view. Rationality and the ideals of the Enlightenment should be championed, but not as something 'inherited' that put us in slavish relation to the past. The worth of a fully rational society isn't given its due once rationality is wielded like a wily weapon by the few against the many, and the fact shared agreement is key to the whole shebang is shoved under the carpet in the face of dumbed down public debate. Harris is right when he points out being rational doesn't mean not being able to fall in love or have 'experiences', but he goes too far in claiming a monopoly on rational action for us 'the worthy' in his attack on all those silly faith-heads. And the upshot of all this is a tendency to romanticise Reason itself - as if a thinly-defined reason alone can save us and set us free so long as we give ourselves over to its transformative power. Of course this is kind of right, but even then can never be the whole story: deciding to be reasonable and rational is one thing, collectively coming to conclusions and implementing decisions another. The answer to the question of why we've done something must be more than the bald 'because the evidence told me to'. Rather than the rise in mysticism being a Romantic reaction against the New Atheists, or even a straightforward response to the dissatisfactions generated by a perceived all-pervasive consumerism and capitalism, it seems to come more from the Romantic focus on the rational life pushed by those clamouring for people to take notice of their emaciated version of rationality. It's a crowd-puller that attracts anybody not looking to make too much of a commitment and it ties in with the trend: look inside rather than out, don't under any circumstances get your hands dirty, avoid contamination with vain ideals for you shalt be disappointed. And don't under any circumstances entertain faith of any kind in the hallowed halls of reason. It's a half-way house for those who want more rational thinking about the place, but also want a sense of spirituality or deeper meaning, which mysticism is seen to deliver through its links with tradition and the pseudo-ideology of self-transcendence. Not that romanticising is in itself bad, but maybe there are better things to romanticise if that's your thing, and there are better reasons to be rational than a vague feeling of attraction to the image. Faith can and does play a role in the rational life, which allows it to do more than make us feel a bit better. If it comes to it, content is more important than form. And being rational is nothing to the cause without a broader framework that says something about what we really have faith in. Ohm-ing is only the easy bit. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"On this page: Twenty most common cancers There are more than 200 different types of cancer, but four of them - breast , lung , bowel (colorectal) and prostate - account for over half (54%) of all new cases. 1-4 Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, despite the fact that it is rare in men. The 20 most commonly diagnosed cancers in the UK are shown in Figure 2.1 . 1-4 Invasive tumours of the brain and central nervous system (CNS) rank 13th highest in males and 15th highest in females; however, when the non-invasive brain and CNS tumours are also included in the total, the ranks are 11th and 8th highest, respectively (data not shown). Figure 2.2: The 10 Most Commonly Diagnosed Cancers in Males, UK, 2009 *Bowel cancer including anal cancer (C18-C21) **3% of all male cases are registered without specification of the primary site Prostate cancer , with an age-standardised rate of 106 per 100,000 males, accounts for one in four (25%) male cases ( Figures 2.2 and 2.3 ), with the next most common cancers being lung (14%; even though the rate of lung cancer has fallen dramatically since the mid-1980s) and colorectal (14%). Bladder , oesophageal and stomach cancers are among the top ten most common cancers in males, but not in females. *Bowel cancer including anal cancer (C18-C21) **4% of all female cases are registered without specification of the primary site Breast cancer , with an age-standardised rate of 124 per 100,000 women, is by far the most commonly diagnosed cancer in females, accounting for almost a third (31%) of all female cases. The next most common cancers in women are colorectal and lung , accounting for similar proportions of cases (12%) each. Two of the top ten female cancer sites are sex-specific ( uterus and ovary ), compared with just one site ( prostate ) in males. Trends over time The percentage change in incidence rates in the last decade in the UK for the top twenty cancers show varying trends by cancer site and sex ( Figures 2.6 and 2.7 ). 1-4 There have been large increases in the incidence of many cancers strongly linked to lifestyle choices, such as kidney , liver , malignant melanoma , oral and uterine . 5 It is worth noting that the decrease in bladder cancer incidence will have been affected by a change in coding practice that reduced the number of registrations of malignant bladder cancer from 2000 onwards. This change was recommended by the European Network of Cancer Registries and subsequently adopted and implemented by the United Kingdom Association of Cancer Registries (UKACR). 6 Malignant melanoma is the fastest increasing cancer in males and the second fastest increasing cancer in females (with age-standardised rates rising by 67% and 51%, respectively, in the last decade). Some of the increase may be due to increased surveillance and early detection as well as improved diagnosis, but most is considered to be real and linked to changes in recreational or holiday exposure to UV rays (including sunlight and sunbeds). 7,8 Liver cancer, though rare in the UK (age-standardised rates are 7 per 100,000 males and 3 per 100,000 females) is the second fastest increasing cancer in males and the fourth fastest in females (increases of 40% and 30%, respectively, in the last decade). Cirrhosis of the liver (caused by excessive drinking, viral infections or inherited diseases) is a major risk factor for this cancer. 9 Kidney cancer is the fourth fastest increasing cancer in males and third fastest in females (age-standardised rates have increased by 26% and 31%, respectively, in the last decade). Established risk factors for kidney cancer include cigarette smoking and obesity. 10-12 Prostate cancer is the third fastest increasing cancer in males, with age-standardised rates rising by around a third (32%) in the last decade. The use of PSA testing for prostate cancer will have contributed to the marked increase in new diagnoses of this disease. 13,14 While thyroid cancer is the fastest increasing cancer in females, with the age-standardised rate rising by more than two-thirds (68%) in the last decade, it has a small disease burden (5 per 100,000 females). Increased breast cancer incidence (and subsequent treatment) may explain some of the increase. 15 Another rapidly increasing cancer with a small disease burden in females is mesothelioma , which is not among the 20 most common cancers, but the age-standardised rate (1 per 100,000 females) has increased by 44% in the last decade. Most cases of mesothelioma are caused by occupational exposure to asbestos (often second-hand in females, for example, by handling contaminated work clothes). Mesothelioma has an extremely long latency period (up to 50 years), which means that past exposure to toxic chemicals contributes new cases of this disease. 16 In the last decade there have been large decreases in stomach cancer incidence in both males and females (age-standardised rates decreasing by 32% and 27%, respectively). Much of this can be attributed to better living conditions and a decline in the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (a major cause of stomach cancer). 17 Other cancers showing large decreases in incidence in the last decade include lung and laryngeal in males (age-standardised rates decreasing by 16% and 14%, respectively), and ovarian in females (10% decrease). Non-melanoma skin cancer On these incidence pages 'cancer' includes all malignant neoplasms excluding non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). NMSCs are often excluded from cancer statistics for several reasons: studies have shown that NMSCs are greatly under-ascertained in cancer registration data (this is because they are often treated at GP surgeries or on an outpatient basis and the lack of a discharge record means that information is generally not conveyed to cancer registries); NMSCs are very common and some cancer registries only record the basal cell carcinoma primary; NMSCs are also curable in the vast majority of cases. Cancer of unknown primary Cancer of unknown primary (CUP, also known as malignancy of unknown origin or cancer registered without specification of primary site) is a diverse group of cancers that are diagnosed from one or more secondary cancers (often in the lymph nodes, liver, lung or bone) and the primary site cannot be found, or is registered without the site being specified. Some cancers are initially registered as CUP but then changed to a specific cancer if tests reveal the primary site. CUP accounts for 3% of new cancer cases. 1-4 CUP is quite rare under the age of 40, with more than half (55%) of cases being diagnosed in persons aged 75 and over. There is no standard definition of CUP, which means that the true incidence of this disease may be underestimated. A recent NICE guideline stated that the majority can be defined by the ICD-10 codes C77-C80. 18 Variation in the UK Across the UK, the lowest age-standardised rates are seen in England for both sexes (424 and 367 per 100,000 males and females, respectively), and the highest in Scotland (452 and 407 per 100,000, respectively). 1-4 The numbers of new cases and incidence rates are summarised by cancer site and country in the UK Countries Summary Table: Numbers of Cases and Rates. England The incidence of colorectal cancer is significantly lower in males compared with the three other UK countries, with incidence rates ranging from 57 per 100,000 in England to 68 per 100,000 in Scotland; colorectal cancer incidence is also lowest in females in England, though the differences between the countries are not significant (rates ranging from 38 per 100,000 in England to 45 per 100,000 in Scotland). Other sites with the lowest incidence rates in England include lung cancer in males and cervix in situ. Very few cancers have particularly high incidence rates in England in comparison with the rest of the UK. Wales The incidence rates for nearly all cancers in Wales show no significant differences in comparison with the three other UK countries. Cancers with the highest rates include leukaemia in males (with rates ranging from 11 per 100,000 in Northern Ireland to 15 per 100,000 in Wales) and ovarian (rates ranging from 16 per 100,000 in Northern Ireland to 19 per 100,000 in Wales). Scotland The high prevalence of smoking in Scotland (25%, compared with 20% in England 19 ) means that smoking-related cancers have particularly high incidence rates. Lung cancer incidence is significantly higher in Scotland in comparison with the rest of the UK, with incidence rates in males ranging from 56 per 100,000 in England to 81 per 100,000 in Scotland, and in females from 38 per 100,000 in England to 57 per 100,000 in Scotland. Oral cancer incidence is also significantly higher in Scottish men, with incidence rates ranging from 11 per 100,000 in England to 17 per 100,000 in Scotland. The incidence of malignant melanoma is highest in males and females living in Scotland in comparison with the rest of the UK (though the incidence rates are not significantly higher). A survey of children and young people found that Scotland has the highest percentage of young sunbed users in Great Britain (almost 14%). 7 Prostate cancer has a significantly lower incidence rate in Scotland in comparison with the three other UK countries, with rates ranging from 87 per 100,000 in Scotland to 114 per 100,000 in Northern Ireland. Some of this variation may be explained by differences in the availability and uptake of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing across the UK. 13 Northern Ireland The incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is significantly higher in Northern Ireland in comparison with the rest of the UK, with incidence rates in males ranging from 16 per 100,000 in Wales to 27 per 100,000 in Northern Ireland, and rates in females ranging from 12 per 100,000 in Wales to 22 per 100,000 in Northern Ireland. In situ cervical tumours also have significantly higher incidence rates in Northern Ireland in comparison with the three other UK countries. The incidence of breast cancer has been lowest in Northern Ireland compared with the three other UK countries for almost two decades, 20 with rates in 2009 ranging from 119 per 100,000 in Northern Ireland to 127 per 100,000 in Scotland. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666) and the Isle of Man (1103). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F). Registered address: Angel Building, 407 St John Street, London EC1V 4AD. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"MPs get in a funk over open source The Conservative's open source technology strategy may have reached its culmination at a low water mark with the coalition government's renegotiated contract with Computer Sciences Corporation. Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude and chancellor George Osborne presented open source software as the antidote to the Labour government's \"catastrophic\" NHS National Programme for IT - and a recipe for cheaper and less botched government computing all round - when they launched their technology strategy in 2009. Now four years on, what they have done instead is reconfirm 2bn the 2.9bn contract CSC originally signed under Labour, and dropped that bit of it that would have given them the means to open source the goods. But the original Conservative tech policy was floated on a stream of opportunistic press leaks and anchored with a fishy tie-in with the then Conservative Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee chair Edward Leigh. The coalition government's lack of progress since raises questions about whether it is prepared to put its weight behind the policy. Spin A party insider told Computer Weekly the NHS element of Conservative open source policy was spun to latch on to then current news about NPfIT - the National Programme, Labour's NHSIT disaster. Osborne floated his open source policy on 27 January 2009, the same day the Public Accounts Committee published a report warning NPfIT wouldn't be delivered till 2015, four years late and at a cost of 12.7bn, because of BT and CSC in particular. The weekend before the Public Accounts Committee released its report, Osborne's team did a last minute edit of his unpublished 2007 open source policy backgrounder. The day the committee report came out, Osborne leaked his backgrounder to the tech press. It had in fact been gathering dust in Osborne's draw for nearly two years. It was now unofficial Conservative policy : open source software would cut IT costs and \"free government bodies from long-term, monopoly supply situations\" such as its NPfIT contracts with BT and CSC. A week later, The Times newspaper and Computer Weekly scooped the nethermost reserves of poop from the bottom of the Conservative policy headquarters' mudslinging barrel and slung them right in the then Labour government's bullseye. It was a big bullseye. IT bodges had been par for the course since Labour took office in 1997. The Times' had done an exclusive investigation of government IT bodges. But it was old news. The paper had dug right down into the archives, dragged up a clutch of rotten old IT bodges and slapped them up as an exclusive investigation. Outrage Leigh was so gullibly outraged he told The Times: \"As a result of The Times' investigation I am going to immediately ask the Comptroller and Auditor-General [the head of the NAO] to investigate the whole matter of government IT spending and in particular the contracts highlighted in the paper.\" The old dog must have had a short memory, because he forgot to mention he had already handled most of these IT bodges as chair of the Public Accounts Committee. And that's how The Times and Computer Weekly new about them in the first place. The Times' investigation, published on 2 February, involved simply taking a bunch of old stories about IT budget over-runs and adding up the numbers. It said the total cost of Labour IT budget over-runs was over 18bn. But 10bn of that came from the NPfIT cost over-run the NAO recorded in a report it had submitted to Leigh's committee three years before, in 2006. The NAO reviewed the situation again in May 2008 and stuck it in another report to Leigh's committee. After conducting its usual hearings into the 2008 NAO report, the committee then produced its usual report about the NAO report. That's the report the committee had published on 27 January - one that Leigh had been talking about in all the papers. Now a week later, he was calling for the NAO to produce a report about The Times' report about his committee's report about the NAO report about NPfIT, as though it was the first he had heard of it. It was an outrage. It really was. More outrage Most of the rest of The Times' 18bn budget over-runs had come from HMRC's Aspire contract with Capgemini. The NAO had reported on this one in 2007. So had Leigh's Committee. So had the press. Leigh had said in a 2007 committee press statement \"the forecast figure is some 8.5 billion...compared with the original estimate of nearly 3 billion\". Now two years on, The Times had reported it again. Leigh was outraged. And most of the rest of The Times' 18bn came from the publication just 18 days before of Leigh's own committee report into the Ministry of Defence's Defence Information Infrastructure. That was about 5bn over-budget - a terrible state of affairs, really. But The Times' had learned about it from Leigh's committee, and they had both got it from the NAO about six months before. Now The Times was regurgitating it again, and Leigh was outraged like it was the first he'd heard of it. Most of the rest of the 18bn came from Leigh's Committee's 2003 report into the Courts Service Libra project. Libra's cost had more than doubled to 400m, said Leigh in 2003, drawing from NAO numbers given him earlier. The cost had more than doubled to 500m, said The Times in January 2009, drawing from Leigh's earlier work. Leigh was outraged. The rest of The Times' investigation regurgitated old news about three cancellations: a DWP benefits processing system from 2006, and police and passport websites from 2007. Ah and there was the National Offender Management Information System - then still work-in-progress for the NAO. Leigh was outraged. Investigation Leigh was so forgetful that no sooner had he called for an NAO investigation of The Times' investigation of the committee report on the NAO report than the whole idea of an NAO investigation was forgotten, like it had never even been officially proposed at all. It hadn't. The NAO recorded no official request from Leigh for such an investigation. The NAO in fact never conducts general studies. So it says. So Leigh's committee would have been surprised if the NAO had done a general report into government IT bodges, because it has for the last 30 years worked to a Standing Order by which it examines about 40 of those non-general NAO reports every year. This was all nevertheless important enough for Osborne to pitch in with a commentary in The Times on 3 February. Osborne said : \"Yesterday's report in The Times that government...IT is running nearly 19 billion over budget was genuinely shocking\". It seemed nobody had read any of Leigh's old committee reports. Or they were so far back on his shelf that everyone else had forgotten about them as well. But at least Osborne had an answer to this old problem that he had known nothing of till The Times regurgitated it. The solution, he said, was to stop handing out big IT contracts to the same old big suppliers and break them up into manageable chunks using open source software and open standards. Maude, then head of the Conservative Party's Implementation Unit, was to lead the work. Now nearly four years on, the coalition government has still to reach a significant milestone on either its open source or open standards policies. The big departments of state have continued to sign large contracts with the same old large suppliers. The same old large suppliers have opposed the coalition's open source and open standards policies, just as they oppose the contract transparency the coalition government promised as well. The Tory top team may have been so desperate to put nails in Labour's coffin in 2009 that it would have said anything to get the vote - even that it would use open source software. The two parties were clambering over one another to make the most convincing noises about IT bodges. Labour's own open source policy had been gathering dust for years. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"How to publish legend along with the .mxd with REST API Hi all, I was working on getting layers from arcgis sample servers and also displaying their legends, but I am unable to get legend info with my own published map services on my local server. The issue I believe is that as shown below, on the sample servers of arcgis there is a hyperlink \"Legends\" but when I publish my service through arccatalog, it doesnot show any folder\/link with the name of legend. If some one can kindly solve my confusion as how to put up a legend folder like in the sample servers while publishing my map services using REST API, I would be highly grateful. Re: How to publish legend along with the .mxd with REST API Hi, Now I know that I cannot do this while using 9.3.1 as this service is only available in 10.1 . So I wanted to ask that what can be the alternative way of getting legend information from a map service which is running on local arcgis server 9.3.1 and then displaying it in a wpf\/silverlight application. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Why does the spectre of May 68 still haunt French discourse? Alain Badiou on the country's longue dure sequences of restoration and revolt, and the place of Sarkozy's presidency within them. Lessons in political courage from Plato and Corneille, and a call to reassert the Manifesto's founding wager. ALAIN BADIOU THE COMMUNIST HYPOTHESIS There was a tangible sense of depression in the air in France in the aftermath of Sarkozy's victory. [1] It is often said that unexpected blows are the worst, but expected ones sometimes prove debilitating in a different way. It can be oddly dispiriting when an election is won by the candidate who has led in the opinion polls from the start, just as when the favourite horse wins the race; anyone with the slightest feeling for a wager, a risk, an exception or a rupture would rather see an outsider upset the odds. Yet it could hardly have been the bare fact of Nicolas Sarkozy as President that seemed to come as such a disorientating blow to the French left in the aftermath of May 2007. Something else was at stake -- some complex of factors for which 'Sarkozy' is merely a name. How should it be understood? An initial factor was the way in which the outcome affirmed the manifest powerlessness of any genuinely emancipatory programme within the electoral system: preferences are duly recorded, in the passive manner of a seismograph, but the process is one that by its nature excludes any embodiments of dissenting political will. A second component of the left's depressive disorientation after May 2007 was an overwhelming bout of historical nostalgia. The political order that emerged from World War Two in France -- with its unambiguous referents of 'left' and 'right', and its consensus, shared by Gaullists and Communists alike, on the balance-sheet of the Occupation, Resistance and Liberation -- has now collapsed. This is one reason for Sarkozy's ostentatious dinners, yachting holidays and so on -- a way of saying that the left no longer frightens anyone: Vivent les riches , and to hell with the poor. Understandably, this may fill the sincere souls of the left with nostalgia for the good old days -- Mitterrand, De Gaulle, Marchais, even Chirac, Gaullism's Brezhnev, who knew that to do nothing was the easiest way to let the system die. Sarkozy has now finally finished off the cadaverous form of Gaullism over which Chirac presided. The Socialists' collapse had already been anticipated in the rout of Jospin in the presidential elections of 2002 (and still more by the disastrous decision to embrace Chirac in the second round). The present decomposition of the Socialist Party, however, is not just a matter of its political poverty, apparent now for many years, nor of the actual size of the vote -- 47 per cent is not much worse than its other recent scores. Rather, the election of Sarkozy appears to have struck a blow to the entire symbolic structuring of French political life: the system of orientation itself has suffered a defeat. An important symptom of the resulting disorientation is the number of former Socialist placemen rushing to take up appointments under Sarkozy, the centre-left opinion-makers singing his praises; the rats have fled the sinking ship in impressive numbers. The underlying rationale is, of course, that of the single party: since all accept the logic of the existing capitalist order, market economy and so forth, why maintain the fiction of opposing parties? A third component of the contemporary disorientation arose from the outcome of the electoral conflict itself. I have characterized the 2007 presidential elections -- pitting Sarkozy against Royal -- as the clash of two types of fear. The first is the fear felt by the privileged, alarmed that their position may be assailable. In France this manifests itself as fear of foreigners, workers, youth from the banlieue , Muslims, black Africans. Essentially conservative, it creates a longing for a protective master, even one who oppresses and impoverishes you further. The current embodiment of this figure is, of course, the over-stimulated police chief: Sarkozy. In electoral terms, this is contested not by a resounding affirmation of self-determining heterogeneity, but by the fear of this fear: a fear, too, of the cop figure, whom the petit-bourgeois socialist voter neither knows nor likes. This 'fear of the fear' is a secondary, derivative emotion, whose content -- beyond the sentiment itself -- is barely detectable; the Royal camp had no concept of any alliance with the excluded or oppressed; the most it could envisage was to reap the dubious benefits of fear. For both sides, a total consensus reigned on Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan (where French forces are fighting), Lebanon (ditto), Africa (swarming with French military 'administrators'). Public discussion of alternatives on these issues was on neither party's agenda. The conflict between the primary fear and the 'fear of the fear' was settled in favour of the former. There was a visceral reflex in play here, very apparent in the faces of those partying over Sarkozy's victory. For those in the grip of the 'fear of the fear' there was a corresponding negative reflex, flinching from the result: this was the third component of 2007's depressive disorientation. We should not underestimate the role of what Althusser called the 'ideological state apparatus' -- increasingly through the media, with the press now playing a more sophisticated part than tv and radio -- in formulating and mobilizing such collective sentiments. Within the electoral process there has, it seems, been a weakening of the real; a process even further advanced with regard to the secondary 'fear of the fear' than with the primitive, reactionary one. We react, after all, to a real situation, whereas the 'fear of the fear' merely takes fright at the scale of that reaction, and is thus at a still further remove from reality. The vacuity of this position manifested itself perfectly in the empty exaltations of Sgolne Royal. Electoralism and the state If we posit a definition of politics as 'collective action, organized by certain principles, that aims to unfold the consequences of a new possibility which is currently repressed by the dominant order', then we would have to conclude that the electoral mechanism is an essentially apolitical procedure. This can be seen in the gulf between the massive formal imperative to vote and the free-floating, if not non-existent nature of political or ideological convictions. It is good to vote, to give a form to my fears; but it is hard to believe that what I am voting for is a good thing in itself. This is not to say that the electoral-democratic system is repressive per se ; rather, that the electoral process is incorporated into a state form, that of capitalo-parliamentarianism, appropriate for the maintenance of the established order, and consequently serves a conservative function. This creates a further feeling of powerlessness: if ordinary citizens have no handle on state decision-making save the vote, it is hard to see what way forward there could be for an emancipatory politics. If the electoral mechanism is not a political but a state procedure, what does it achieve? Drawing on the lessons of 2007, one effect is to incorporate both the fear and the 'fear of the fear' into the state -- to invest the state with these mass-subjective elements, the better to legitimate it as an object of fear in its own right, equipped for terror and coercion. For the world horizon of democracy is increasingly defined by war. The West is engaged on an expanding number of fronts: the maintenance of the existing order with its gigantic disparities has an irreducible military component; the duality of the worlds of rich and poor can only be sustained by force. This creates a particular dialectic of war and fear. Our governments explain that they are waging war abroad in order to protect us from it at home. If Western troops do not hunt down the terrorists in Afghanistan or Chechnya, they will come over here to organize the resentful rabble outcasts. Strategic neo-Ptainism In France, this alliance of fear and war has classically gone by the name of Ptainism. The mass ideology of Ptainism -- responsible for its widespread success between 1940 and 1944 -- rested in part on the fear generated by the First World War: Marshal Ptain would protect France from the disastrous effects of the Second, by keeping well out of it. In the Marshal's own words, it was necessary to be more afraid of war than of defeat. The vast majority of the French accepted the relative tranquillity of a consensual defeat and most got off fairly lightly during the War, compared to the Russians or even the English. The analogous project today is based on the belief that the French need simply to accept the laws of the us -led world model and all will be well: France will be protected from the disastrous effects of war and global disparity. This form of neo-Ptainism as a mass ideology is effectively on offer from both parties today. In what follows, I will argue that it is a key analytical element in understanding the disorientation that goes by the name of 'Sarkozy'; to grasp the latter in its overall dimension, its historicity and intelligibility, requires us to go back to what I will call its Ptainist 'transcendental'. [2] I am not saying, of course, that circumstances today resemble the defeat of 1940, or that Sarkozy resembles Ptain. The point is a more formal one: that the unconscious national-historical roots of that which goes by the name of Sarkozy are to be found in this Ptainist configuration, in which the disorientation itself is solemnly enacted from the summit of the state, and presented as a historical turning-point. This matrix has been a recurring pattern in French history. It goes back to the Restoration of 1815 when a post-Revolutionary government, eagerly supported by migrs and opportunists, was brought back in the foreigners' baggage-train and declared, with the consent of a worn-out population, that it would restore public morality and order. In 1940, military defeat once again served as the context for the disorientating reversal of the real content of state action: the Vichy government spoke incessantly of the 'nation', yet was installed by the German Occupation; the most corrupt of oligarchs were to lead the country out of moral crisis; Ptain himself, an ageing general in the service of property, would be the embodiment of national rebirth. Numerous aspects of this neo-Ptainist tradition are in evidence today. Typically, capitulation and servility are presented as invention and regeneration. These were central themes of Sarkozy's campaign: the Mayor of Neuilly would transform the French economy and put the country back to work. The real content, of course, is a politics of continuous obedience to the demands of high finance, in the name of national renewal. A second characteristic is that of decline and 'moral crisis', which justifies the repressive measures taken in the name of regeneration. Morality is invoked, as so often, in place of politics and against any popular mobilization. Appeal is made instead to the virtues of hard work, discipline, the family: 'merit should be rewarded'. This typical displacement of politics by morality has been prepared, from the 1970s 'new philosophers' onwards, by all who have laboured to 'moralize' historical judgement. The object is in reality political: to maintain that national decline has nothing to do with the high servants of capital but is the fault of certain ill-intentioned elements of the population -- currently, foreign workers and young people from the banlieue . A third characteristic of neo-Ptainism is the paradigmatic function of foreign experience. The example of correction always comes from abroad, from countries that have long overcome their moral crises. For Ptain, the shining examples were Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany and Franco's Spain: leaders who had put their countries back on their feet. The political aesthetic is that of imitation: like Plato's demiurge, the state must shape society with its eyes fixed on foreign models. Today, of course, the examples are Bush's America and Blair's Britain. A fourth characteristic is the notion that the source of the current crisis lies in a disastrous past event. For the proto-Ptainism of the 1815 Restoration, this was of course the Revolution and the beheading of the King. For Ptain himself in 1940 it was the Popular Front, the Blum government and above all the great strikes and factory occupations of 1936. The possessing classes far preferred the German Occupation to the fear which these disorders had provoked. For Sarkozy, the evils of May 68 -- forty years ago -- have been constantly invoked as the cause of the current 'crisis of values'. Neo-Ptainism provides a usefully simplified reading of history that links a negative event, generally with a working-class or popular structure, and a positive one, with a military or state structure, as a solution to the first. The arc between 1968 and 2007 can thus be offered as a source of legitimacy for the Sarkozy government, as the historic actor that will finally embark on the correction needed in the wake of the inaugural damaging event. Finally, there is the element of racism. Under Ptain this was brutally explicit: getting rid of the Jews. Today it is voiced in a more insinuating fashion: 'we are not an inferior race' -- the implication being, 'unlike others'; 'the true French need not doubt the legitimacy of their country's actions' -- in Algeria and elsewhere. In the light of these criteria, we can therefore point: the disorientation that goes by the name of 'Sarkozy' may be analysed as the latest manifestation of the Ptainist transcendental. The spectre At first sight there may seem something strange about the new President's insistence that the solution to the country's moral crisis, the goal of his 'renewal' process, was 'to do away with May 68, once and for all'. Most of us were under the impression that it was long gone anyway. What is haunting the regime, under the name of May 68? We can only assume that it is the 'spectre of communism', in one of its last real manifestations. He would say (to give a Sarkozian prosopopoeia): 'We refuse to be haunted by anything at all. It is not enough that empirical communism has disappeared. We want all possible forms of it banished. Even the hypothesis of communism -- generic name of our defeat -- must become unmentionable.' What is the communist hypothesis? In its generic sense, given in its canonic Manifesto , 'communist' means, first, that the logic of class -- the fundamental subordination of labour to a dominant class, the arrangement that has persisted since Antiquity -- is not inevitable; it can be overcome. The communist hypothesis is that a different collective organization is practicable, one that will eliminate the inequality of wealth and even the division of labour. The private appropriation of massive fortunes and their transmission by inheritance will disappear. The existence of a coercive state, separate from civil society, will no longer appear a necessity: a long process of reorganization based on a free association of producers will see it withering away. 'Communism' as such denotes only this very general set of intellectual representations. It is what Kant called an Idea, with a regulatory function, rather than a programme. It is foolish to call such communist principles utopian; in the sense that I have defined them here they are intellectual patterns, always actualized in a different fashion. As a pure Idea of equality, the communist hypothesis has no doubt existed since the beginnings of the state. As soon as mass action opposes state coercion in the name of egalitarian justice, rudiments or fragments of the hypothesis start to appear. Popular revolts -- the slaves led by Spartacus, the peasants led by Mntzer -- might be identified as practical examples of this 'communist invariant'. With the French Revolution, the communist hypothesis then inaugurates the epoch of political modernity. What remains is to determine the point at which we now find ourselves in the history of the communist hypothesis. A fresco of the modern period would show two great sequences in its development, with a forty-year gap between them. The first is that of the setting in place of the communist hypothesis; the second, of preliminary attempts at its realization. The first sequence runs from the French Revolution to the Paris Commune; let us say, 1792 to 1871. It links the popular mass movement to the seizure of power, through the insurrectional overthrow of the existing order; this revolution will abolish the old forms of society and install 'the community of equals'. In the course of the century, the formless popular movement made up of townsfolk, artisans and students came increasingly under the leadership of the working class. The sequence culminated in the striking novelty -- and radical defeat -- of the Paris Commune. For the Commune demonstrated both the extraordinary energy of this combination of popular movement, working-class leadership and armed insurrection, and its limits: the communards could neither establish the revolution on a national footing nor defend it against the foreign-backed forces of the counter-revolution. The second sequence of the communist hypothesis runs from 1917 to 1976: from the Bolshevik Revolution to the end of the Cultural Revolution and the militant upsurge throughout the world during the years 1966 -- 75. It was dominated by the question: how to win? How to hold out -- unlike the Paris Commune -- against the armed reaction of the possessing classes; how to organize the new power so as to protect it against the onslaught of its enemies? It was no longer a question of formulating and testing the communist hypothesis, but of realizing it: what the 19th century had dreamt, the 20th would accomplish. The obsession with victory, centred around questions of organization, found its principal expression in the 'iron discipline' of the communist party -- the characteristic construction of the second sequence of the hypothesis. The party effectively solved the question inherited from the first sequence: the revolution prevailed, either through insurrection or prolonged popular war, in Russia, China, Czechoslovakia, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and succeeded in establishing a new order. But the second sequence in turn created a further problem, which it could not solve using the methods it had developed in response to the problems of the first. The party had been an appropriate tool for the overthrow of weakened reactionary regimes, but it proved ill-adapted for the construction of the 'dictatorship of the proletariat' in the sense that Marx had intended -- that is, a temporary state, organizing the transition to the non-state: its dialectical 'withering away'. Instead, the party-state developed into a new form of authoritarianism. Some of these regimes made real strides in education, public health, the valorization of labour, and so on; and they provided an international constraint on the arrogance of the imperialist powers. However, the statist principle in itself proved corrupt and, in the long run, ineffective. Police coercion could not save the 'socialist' state from internal bureaucratic inertia; and within fifty years it was clear that it would never prevail in the ferocious competition imposed by its capitalist adversaries. The last great convulsions of the second sequence -- the Cultural Revolution and May 68, in its broadest sense -- can be understood as attempts to deal with the inadequacy of the party. Interludes Between the end of the first sequence and the beginning of the second there was a forty-year interval during which the communist hypothesis was declared to be untenable: the decades from 1871 to 1914 saw imperialism triumphant across the globe. Since the second sequence came to an end in the 1970s we have been in another such interval, with the adversary in the ascendant once more. What is at stake in these circumstances is the eventual opening of a new sequence of the communist hypothesis. But it is clear that this will not be -- cannot be -- the continuation of the second one. Marxism, the workers' movement, mass democracy, Leninism, the party of the proletariat, the socialist state -- all the inventions of the 20th century -- are not really useful to us any more. At the theoretical level they certainly deserve further study and consideration; but at the level of practical politics they have become unworkable. The second sequence is over and it is pointless to try to restore it. At this point, during an interval dominated by the enemy, when new experiments are tightly circumscribed, it is not possible to say with certainty what the character of the third sequence will be. But the general direction seems discernible: it will involve a new relation between the political movement and the level of the ideological -- one that was prefigured in the expression 'cultural revolution' or in the May 68 notion of a 'revolution of the mind'. We will still retain the theoretical and historical lessons that issued from the first sequence, and the centrality of victory that issued from the second. But the solution will be neither the formless, or multi-form, popular movement inspired by the intelligence of the multitude -- as Negri and the alter-globalists believe -- nor the renewed and democratized mass communist party, as some of the Trotskyists and Maoists hope. The (19th-century) movement and the (20th-century) party were specific modes of the communist hypothesis; it is no longer possible to return to them. Instead, after the negative experiences of the 'socialist' states and the ambiguous lessons of the Cultural Revolution and May 68, our task is to bring the communist hypothesis into existence in another mode, to help it emerge within new forms of political experience. This is why our work is so complicated, so experimental. We must focus on its conditions of existence, rather than just improving its methods. We need to re-install the communist hypothesis -- the proposition that the subordination of labour to the dominant class is not inevitable -- within the ideological sphere. What might this involve? Experimentally, we might conceive of finding a point that would stand outside the temporality of the dominant order and what Lacan once called 'the service of wealth'. Any point, so long as it is in formal opposition to such service, and offers the discipline of a universal truth. One such might be the declaration: 'There is only one world'. What would this imply? Contemporary capitalism boasts, of course, that it has created a global order; its opponents too speak of 'alter-globalization'. Essentially, they propose a definition of politics as a practical means of moving from the world as it is to the world as we would wish it to be. But does a single world of human subjects exist? The 'one world' of globalization is solely one of things -- objects for sale -- and monetary signs: the world market as foreseen by Marx. The overwhelming majority of the population have at best restricted access to this world. They are locked out, often literally so. The fall of the Berlin Wall was supposed to signal the advent of the single world of freedom and democracy. Twenty years later, it is clear that the world's wall has simply shifted: instead of separating East and West it now divides the rich capitalist North from the poor and devastated South. New walls are being constructed all over the world: between Palestinians and Israelis, between Mexico and the United States, between Africa and the Spanish enclaves, between the pleasures of wealth and the desires of the poor, whether they be peasants in villages or urban dwellers in favelas , banlieues , estates, hostels, squats and shantytowns. The price of the supposedly unified world of capital is the brutal division of human existence into regions separated by police dogs, bureaucratic controls, naval patrols, barbed wire and expulsions. The 'problem of immigration' is, in reality, the fact that the conditions faced by workers from other countries provide living proof that -- in human terms -- the 'unified world' of globalization is a sham. A performative unity The political problem, then, has to be reversed. We cannot start from an analytic agreement on the existence of the world and proceed to normative action with regard to its characteristics. The disagreement is not over qualities but over existence. Confronted with the artificial and murderous division of the world into two -- a disjunction named by the very term, 'the West' -- we must affirm the existence of the single world right from the start, as axiom and principle. The simple phrase, 'there is only one world', is not an objective conclusion. It is performative: we are deciding that this is how it is for us. Faithful to this point, it is then a question of elucidating the consequences that follow from this simple declaration. A first consequence is the recognition that all belong to the same world as myself: the African worker I see in the restaurant kitchen, the Moroccan I see digging a hole in the road, the veiled woman looking after children in a park. That is where we reverse the dominant idea of the world united by objects and signs, to make a unity in terms of living, acting beings, here and now. These people, different from me in terms of language, clothes, religion, food, education, exist exactly as I do myself; since they exist like me, I can discuss with them -- and, as with anyone else, we can agree and disagree about things. But on the precondition that they and I exist in the same world. At this point, the objection about cultural difference will be raised: 'our' world is made up of those who accept 'our' values -- democracy, respect for women, human rights. Those whose culture is contrary to this are not really part of the same world; if they want to join it they have to share our values, to 'integrate'. As Sarkozy put it: 'If foreigners want to remain in France, they have to love France; otherwise, they should leave.' But to place conditions is already to have abandoned the principle, 'there is only one world of living men and women'. It may be said that we need to take the laws of each country into account. Indeed; but a law does not set a precondition for belonging to the world. It is simply a provisional rule that exists in a particular region of the single world. And no one is asked to love a law, simply to obey it. The single world of living women and men may well have laws; what it cannot have is subjective or 'cultural' preconditions for existence within it -- to demand that you have to be like everyone else. The single world is precisely the place where an unlimited set of differences exist. Philosophically, far from casting doubt on the unity of the world, these differences are its principle of existence. The question then arises whether anything governs these unlimited differences. There may well be only one world, but does that mean that being French, or a Moroccan living in France, or Muslim in a country of Christian traditions, is nothing? Or should we see the persistence of such identities as an obstacle? The simplest definition of 'identity' is the series of characteristics and properties by which an individual or a group recognizes itself as its 'self'. But what is this 'self'? It is that which, across all the characteristic properties of identity, remains more or less invariant. It is possible, then, to say that an identity is the ensemble of properties that support an invariance. For example, the identity of an artist is that by which the invariance of his or her style can be recognized; homosexual identity is composed of everything bound up with the invariance of the possible object of desire; the identity of a foreign community in a country is that by which membership of this community can be recognized: language, gestures, dress, dietary habits, etc. Defined in this way, by invariants, identity is doubly related to difference: on the one hand, identity is that which is different from the rest; on the other, it is that which does not become different, which is invariant. The affirmation of identity has two further aspects. The first form is negative. It consists of desperately maintaining that I am not the other. This is often indispensable, in the face of authoritarian demands for integration, for example. The Moroccan worker will forcefully affirm that his traditions and customs are not those of the petty-bourgeois European; he will even reinforce the characteristics of his religious or customary identity. The second involves the immanent development of identity within a new situation -- rather like Nietzsche's famous maxim, 'become what you are'. The Moroccan worker does not abandon that which constitutes his individual identity, whether socially or in the family; but he will gradually adapt all this, in a creative fashion, to the place in which he finds himself. He will thus invent what he is -- a Moroccan worker in Paris -- not through any internal rupture, but by an expansion of identity. The political consequences of the axiom, 'there is only one world', will work to consolidate what is universal in identities. An example -- a local experiment -- would be a meeting held recently in Paris, where undocumented workers and French nationals came together to demand the abolition of persecutory laws, police raids and expulsions; to demand that foreign workers be recognized simply in terms of their presence: that no one is illegal; all demands that are very natural for people who are basically in the same existential situation -- people of the same world. Time and courage 'In such great misfortune, what remains to you?' Corneille's Medea is asked by her confidante. 'Myself! Myself, I say, and it is enough', comes the reply. What Medea retains is the courage to decide her own fate; and courage, I would suggest, is the principal virtue in face of the disorientation of our own times. Lacan also raises the issue in discussing the analytical cure for depressive debility: should this not end in grand dialectical discussions on courage and justice, on the model of Plato's dialogues? In the famous 'Dialogue on Courage', General Laches, questioned by Socrates, replies: 'Courage is when I see the enemy and run towards him to engage him in a fight.' Socrates is not particularly satisfied with this, of course, and gently takes the General to task: 'It's a good example of courage, but an example is not a definition.' Running the same risks as General Laches, I will give my definition. First, I would retain the status of courage as a virtue -- that is, not an innate disposition, but something that constructs itself, and which one constructs, in practice. Courage, then, is the virtue which manifests itself through endurance in the impossible. This is not simply a matter of a momentary encounter with the impossible: that would be heroism, not courage. Heroism has always been represented not as a virtue but as a posture: as the moment when one turns to meet the impossible face to face. The virtue of courage constructs itself through endurance within the impossible; time is its raw material. What takes courage is to operate in terms of a different dure to that imposed by the law of the world. The point we are seeking must be one that can connect to another order of time. Those imprisoned within the temporality assigned us by the dominant order will always be prone to exclaim, as so many Socialist Party henchmen have done, 'Twelve years of Chirac, and now we have to wait for another round of elections. Seventeen years; perhaps twenty-two; a whole lifetime!' At best, they will become depressed and disorientated; at worst, rats. In many respects we are closer today to the questions of the 19th century than to the revolutionary history of the 20th. A wide variety of 19th-century phenomena are reappearing: vast zones of poverty, widening inequalities, politics dissolved into the 'service of wealth', the nihilism of large sections of the young, the servility of much of the intelligentsia; the cramped, besieged experimentalism of a few groups seeking ways to express the communist hypothesis . . . Which is no doubt why, as in the 19th century, it is not the victory of the hypothesis which is at stake today, but the conditions of its existence. This is our task, during the reactionary interlude that now prevails: through the combination of thought processes -- always global, or universal, in character -- and political experience, always local or singular, yet transmissible, to renew the existence of the communist hypothesis, in our consciousness and on the ground. [1] This is an edited extract from De quoi Sarkozy est-il le nom? , Circonstances, 4, Nouvelles Editions Lignes, Paris 2007; to be published in English by Verso as What Do We Mean When We Say 'Sarkozy'? in 2008. [2] See my Logiques des mondes , Paris 2006 for a full development of the concept of 'transcendentals' and their function, which is to govern the order of appearance of multiplicities within a world. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Search Pretty Little Liars Halloween Recap, \"This Is a Dark Ride\" All aboard the ghost train: Pretty Little Liars is back, Halloween style, in one of the craziest episodes yet. Flashbacks reveal that Ali was murdered at least three different times on the same night. Aria gets drugged and trapped in a crate alongside Garrett's fresh corpse (!!), and she's about to be pushed off board a moving train when a combination of her killer screwdriver aim and her fellow Liars' good timing saves her life. Meanwhile, Hanna's mom and Pastor Ted encounter what appears to be an actual ghost -- one of the twins from last year's Halloween special. And in the TWISTIEST TWIST since we saw Toby in A's trademark hoodie, Ezra. Fitz. Has. A. Bandage. On. His. Hand. Read on for more of the spooky twists and turns of this year's Halloween special. The Liars' Halloween costumes were, as usual, flawless. Hanna was Marilyn Monroe in her iconic white dress, Aria was Daisy from The Great Gatsby (\"the book,\" she clarifies, although really what difference it makes with respect to her costume is unclear), Spencer was Lauren Bacall circa To Have and Have Not , and Emily was Barbarella. Which was your favorite look? And any other notable costumes from the rest of the cast? Sarah T: Hmm I can't choose a favorite, they all looked great -- and of course the choices were perfectly tailored to their personalities. (As Spencer tells Hanna, \"How could you have been worried that we'd pick the same costume?\") But in terms of other noteworthy costumes: Jenna showed some dry wit with her pirate eye-patch costume and admirable commitment with her dreadlock-and-curls hairstyle. I couldn't tell what Noel was supposed to be. (A prince?) It's fun that Mona wore a costume under her costume. You KNOW our girl was probably wearing a costume under the paper mache mask too. She's turtles all the way down . Phoebe B : Aaah Mona, what a wonderful evil genius. Her costume was SO scary! But I think Aria's Daisy was actually my favorite since it seemed an homage to the one book we can be certain the PLLs read and Ezra's former career as a high school teacher. Remember when they read The Great Gatsby forever?! After that, I thought Emily was rocking her Barberella costume too! Also, I kind of missed Spencer's ridiculous queen costume from last year's Halloween flashback. If Garrett's version of events is true, the night Ali died he saw her arguing with Byron. Then he threatened her with a hockey stick, making the then-blind Jenna believe he had killed her when in fact he was hacking away at a poor old tree. Do you buy Garrett's story? And if so, what might Ali and Byron have been fighting about? Sarah T: I think I do believe Garrett. For one thing, he's dead now, and I feel like on PLL people usually get axed right after they tell the truth about something. Also because we saw a flashback, and thus far none of the flashbacks have been disproven, which makes me think they're a truthiness-indicator. I think Ali may have been blackmailing Byron about his dalliances with Meredith the College Student, which makes him a new member in the ever-growing lineup of people who had motive to want Ali dead. I am thrilled about this development, because Byron has always seemed like a creeper and this seals the deal. Phoebe B : Good questions! And I agree. That was a crazy revelation and I am inclined to believe Garrett now that he is very dead. I have always suspected Byron of something as he just seems so creepy and suspicious all the time. I agree about Ali blackmailing Byron but I also thought perhaps Byron made the grave mistake of sleeping with Ali. I realize that's extra creepy, but there seemed to be something more afoot than blackmail. But the story too about Garrett fake killing Ali was so weird! What were her and Jenna fighting about? Why were they going after each other? I thought Jenna and Ali reconciled when Jenna was in the hospital. I'm so confused. A came after Aria with a vengeance this episode. Why do you think she was the target (along with Garrett), and who do you think were the most likely A-team suspects on board the train? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ezra has a bandage on his hand when he makes his sudden reappearance after Garrett's body is found and just before Ali's corpse is discovered. Was he the A-team member that Aria stabbed with a screwdriver? Sarah T: I thought it was very unusual that Aria was in this life-or-death scenario! A's never come after her this hard, whereas all the other girls have dealt with murder attempts (sometimes multiple). I can't help but think that the Aria-targeting has something to do with whichever specific members of the A team were in on this plot. Which brings me to: we know Mona was on board the train wearing the same phantom costume as Caleb, and I'm willing to bet that she was the female voice we heard from Aria's perspective (the one who was arguing that they had to push the box off). But clearly she had at least one other accomplice on board, and maybe more -- the person who was wearing the joker costume, most likely a guy given the oversized fake nail clue plus the male voice arguing with Mona. I know Toby is on the A team now (perhaps as a double agent), but I don't think he was the one in the joker costume -- partly because I don't think he would beat up Spencer like that, even if he is evil (wishful thinking?) and partly because on a practical level I think that he was in some of the scenes where we simultaneously see the joker, though I'd have to go back and check. I don't really think the joker was Lucas or Noel because I guess I don't actually think they're A-team. Phoebe B : I agree! I was so surprised to see A go after Aria! The attack though also made me think that the Byron clue was real and that Ezra is now a seriously suspicious character (more than before when he was just a creepy teacher sleeping with his student). The bandage! I didn't even notice that the first time I watched him though I was super surprised at his prompt arrival aboard the Ghost Train (Also, did you notice how the party was a \"Rear Window\" party? Yay for PLLs love of Hitchcock!). I don't think the joker is Noel since he seemed legitimately surprised by the discovery of Ali's corpse but also I felt like Toby knew that her body was in there and picked a fight in order to reveal it or something. And then Lucas. His camera was down in one scene and he was nowhere to be found, which made me suspicious but he also was extra nice to Hanna at the beginning of the episode, which was surprising. Sarah T : If the person in the joker costume, the one who drugged Aria and beat up Spencer and was defeated by Paige, is the same person as the owner of the male voice who did not want to push the box off the train -- telling his accomplice \"You lied to me,\" \"I can't\" -- then the person in the joker costume is also the one who Aria stabbed with her screwdriver through the box. So they'd have a wound. And do you know who has a fresh bandage on his hand when he sweeps in unexpectedly to comfort Aria, just as Ali's corpse is revealed chilling in a cooler full of refreshing soft drinks? EZRA FITZ. J'ACCUSE! Phoebe B: Aaaah I don't know! SO many suspects and terrible scary people in Rosewood! What was going on with the creepy ghost in Hanna's house? Is the twin from last year's special also a young Ali? Or is Pastor Ted secretly messing with Ashley? Sarah T: Good question! I think the ghost is real because we've already crossed the border into supernatural with those living dolls from last season. And I do think it would make sense if the ghost is also the ghost of young Ali. Questions: does this mean that Ashley is going to have more conversations with dead people? Can anyone else see the ghost or just her? And can ghosts make phone calls? Phoebe B: Aaah SO creepy! It totally seems like Ali's ghost ... Or her sister's ghost?! But also because I trust nobody and also think Pastor Ted is creepy, I feel like maybe he is involved in the A-team or being creepy in general. But also PLL doesn't usually do supernatural things, thus I'm inclined to believe the ghost is real and like part of some creepy A-related plan. What was your favorite (scariest) moment of the show? Sarah T: Definitely the scariest moment for me was when Aria finds out she's trapped in a box with Garrett's corpse. Aaaaa that freaks me out just thinking about it. But my favorite moment was when Mona sings a creepy song while painting her paper mache mask and delivering her monologue. This show knows how to give the people what they want! (All Mona all the time.) Phoebe B: When Spencer said to Toby,\"you make it so hard to be a modern post-feminist when you get all alpha-male!\" And then Toby said, \"you want me to stop\" and then Spencer said, \"no.\" And then they made out. Ugh. Terrifying. But also, yes for Mona singing! She is so amazingly villainous and wonderful. I also loved when Spencer heard a girl humming on the train (right before Garrett takes her aside) and I presumed it was Mona. Who do you think was buried alive at the shot at the end of the episode? Sarah T: Ali! I think it's Ali having been murdered a second time (post-fake-murder-by-hockey-stick, post-buried alive) and then she gets out and then she gets murdered again . She was having the worst night. Phoebe B : I too think the hand coming out of the ground (which looked like it was in the flashback, right?) was Ali's. But I am so confused! She clearly was having a bad night. But also, maybe it means Ali didn't die that night? But that she killed someone else? And has remained to haunt and destroy people's lives? Or maybe something else entirely? Aaaah I don't want to wait until January to find out more! ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Friday, Jun 20, 2008 ?Believe it or not ? I?ve been able to convince people to add more money.? In the spring of 2007, as the mortgage market came unglued, two Bear Stearns executives shared their growing fears in a series of e-mail messages to each other about the perilous condition of the giant hedge funds they oversaw. The two funds had names as abstruse as the complex subprime securities in their portfolios ? High Grade Structured Credit Strategies Fund and its riskier sister offering, the High Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage Fund. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Shakespeare work axed in Arizona schools as law bans 'ethnic studies' William Shakespeare's The Tempest is among a list of banned books in the state of Arizona by a resolution aimed at curbing resentment, government overthrow and ethnic distinction and separation in any district or charter school's curriculum. The Tuscon Unifed School District has announced they will end their 13-year Mexican American Studies Program after found in violation of the June resolution that bans the books during a court appeal this past December. If the ruling was not followed by the district they faced a multimillion-dollar penalty in state funds. Banned: William Shakespeare's play The Tempest was banned by Arizona as part of an ousted Mexican-American ethnic studies program The district had first appealed the June 15, 2011 ruling by Arizona's Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal to cut the program using the books but it was rejected by an Arizona administrative law judge o n December 27, 2011. PROHIBITED COURSES AND CLASSES IN AZ BY 15-112 : A. A school district or charter school in this state shall not include in its program of instruction any courses or classes that include any of the following: 1. Promote the overthrow of the United States government. 2. Promote resentment toward a race or class of people. 3. Are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group. 4. Advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals. - Arizona State Legislature That resulted in the first planned cut of $5 million to the district's February allotment, according to Arizona Department of Education spokesperson Ryan Ducharme, speaking to the LA Times. More... At issue, the district's Mexican-American program violated the A.R.S. \u0015 15-112 which prohibits courses and classes that 'promote the overthrow of the United States government, promote resentment toward a race or class of people, are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group or advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals , ' according to the Arizona State Legislature. The books used in the program, according to Mr Huppenthal in a statement reported by the Los Angeles times, assert that 'Latino minorities have been and continue to be oppressed by a Caucasian majority.' Pushed: Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal ruled the ban back in June of 2011 which the school district appealed and lost in December resulting in their state funding cut if not followed As it's explained by district spokesperson Cara Rene, the books 'will be cleared from all classrooms, boxed up and sent to the Textbook Depository for storage,' she said, speaking to Salon.com. The Tempest, Shakespeare's play believed to have been penned in the early 1600s by the famous British writer, accounts a banished duke of Milan who seeks revenge through his use of magic while at sea, and is among the list of books banned according to Salon. The list also includes all textbooks that deal with Mexican-American history which 60 per cent of the district's student population share a heritage with, according to Salon. Mr Huppenthal's June ruling originally axed the district's Mexican American Studies program saying that 'we would find it nearly impossible for them to cure the program,' speaking to the LA Times. Worry: The textbook Rethinking Columbus was one of several books banned and accused of teaching that Latino minorities have been and continue to be oppressed by a Caucasian majority 'The problems are so widespread and so deep that it would be very difficult. These are decisions they would have to make,' he said suggesting if the district keeps the Mexican American Studies program they would need to make resulting financial adjustments in sacrifice. If the district had continued the program, they would have lost about $14.4 million over the fiscal year, Mr Ducharme said. That's an amount the school district decided they could not afford. 'In my role as State Superintendent of Public Instruction I have a legal responsibility to uphold the law and a professional imperative to ensure that every student has access to an excellent education,' Mr Huppenthal stated in a release while praising the judge's December ruling. 'In the end, I made a decision based on the totality of the information and facts gathered during my investigation -- a decision that I felt was best for all students in the Tucson Unified School District. The Judge's decision confirms that it was the right decision,' he said. Among that list of books include Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 Years, a textbook described as 'resources for teaching about the impact of the arrival of Columbus in the Americas,' along with Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Brazilian educator Paolo Freire, Occupied America: A History of Chicanos' by Rodolfo Acua, Chicano!: The History of the Mexican Civil Rights Movement by Arturo Rosales, 500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures, by Elizabeth Martinez and Critical Race Theory a textbook by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic. The Tempest can be read as an allegory of European conquest of the Americas - Prospero arrives on the island, supplants the witch Sycorax, its former ruler, (I don't remember offhand exactly what happens to her), and enslaves her son Caliban. - Tom B, Springfield, OH, 17\/1\/2012 14:52 -------------I'm right there with you Tom. I can't make the connection between the issue here and The Tempest for the life of me. I too wish the writer of this \"article\" would have explained that part. Tom - I agree with you. I think it's a case of liberals ( the media) looking to take up for the liberal agenda even if it means to create lies around it. I live in AZ and I can tell you there is a lot more to this story than what you are reading here. The teachers and administration in charge of the program are promoting anti - American philosophies, teaching things that are not true...basically creating hostility between the Hispanic children and USA and it's history ( typical of liberals) all at the expense of the tax payer. What this boils down to is radicals teaching children that really have no business in the classroom. I've watched and read enough about this to be able to see it for what it is. Tom B. I posted a comment about 4hrs ago and it has not appeared so I can only assume that comments regarding the political climate of the southwest is not allowed, Suffice it to say Shakespeare is the baby and certain parties are content to throw it out. Maybe I'm just having a bad morning but I had to stop reading this article about 3\/4 through. It's gibberish. I understand not promoting one race over another but for the life of me can't figure out why Shakespeare is even mentioned in this article. This whole story is just non-sensical garbage. If anyone can help that would be great. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sweet cherry bliss... So light and fluffy, this cake bursts with juicy cherries and has a moist light crumb... did I mention its light too! It's the kind of cake that's got the bonus of being gluten free too and makes use of whatever beautiful fruits you currently have at hand. I've been playing around with some sour cherries at school of late... Ok we are playing around with a lot of things in the current pastry module... some of which will be up & coming soon...promise! Not only do those little dark mouthfuls burst with flavour, but that sultry liquid that can be adapted for a few more uses down the track (perhaps a roast duck breast with dark cherry sauce? Or as a homemade jelly with some vanilla bean ice cream, or even frozen into little cubes and (left for another day?) It's time for some baking therapy and with the upcoming weekend, I fancy a bit of dark cherry bliss, specifically this Dark Cherry Frangipane. Share this: Like this: I don't know how I never stumbled across this blog before...I've got A LOT of catching up to do, this blog is really awesome! This particular cherry cake looks delicious, I can't wait to see what other things you've been playing around with! Hi Lorna, wow! I'm thrilled you like them because I figure the best part about a good recipe is sharing it with like minded folks Sadly just tinned cherries at this stage but I have to say it was such a moreish cake, ultra moist and a very easy treat... I seem to be more of a teacake kinda gal, not too fussed with icing and frosting but I have a super recipe for the best (glaze in the world) so I might just need another baking session by next week. I've passed your muffin recipe on to a friend too, so it's getting a bit of circulation! I'm with you, I'm not too fussed about icing and frosting on the whole either, although occasionally I'm in the mood for something extra sweet. Hello Cecille, this was a fun tea cake for the weekend and we've been experimenting with dark cherries and fruit for my baking module. I love a clafoutis and some lovely fruit so (very similar) in a way. Thank you for visiting Your photos are stunning! I know this is probably the 100th time I said so, but they just keep getting better and better. You could easily teach a class on how to create beautiful images with your iPhone, honestly! Why don't you write a post for us when time permits. There's so much we can learn from you. Not forgetting the recipe....it looks and sounds delish. Anything with sweet cherries is my weakness. And I'd kill for the dark brown oozy sides! Thank you! It's actually a recipe that we used in the baking module as a tart. I've adapted it to suit a tea cake and (used a similar recipe to the Flourless dark choc torte from a previous post.) I'm thrilled that you enjoy the images because there's no doubt yours are also incredibly beautiful and always so vibrant. I had thought to write a little post on iphoneography, so thank you for the encouragement! As I only use my phone camera I wasn't sure if my tips would be relevant as there are many other blogs which showcase brilliant techniques but if you really want to know more, then I will down the track. Thank you for the compliments! Most folks don't have a DSLR but have an iPhone and I seriously believe that iPhonogtaphy is the future...fast, effective and almost effortless yet brilliant. I know I would love to know more from you on how you use your phone for your blog pictures, the kind of light, the filters, arranging etc. And I bet the rest of your readers would love it too! You know, pictures are worth a thousand words. As a tart or cake, I love this recipe and I'm still waiting for cherry season here so (looking forward to summer.) As for the baking bit I have to apologise as it's the current module till the end of year (but never fear,) there's some juicy Asian recipes coming up, no baking but lots of kitchen fun! Thank you! I don't want to bore you all with my new found pastry techniques but I figure there are some tricks of the trade (which) I shouldn't keep to myself! Nonetheless my next post is about zen masters.... Alice that looks absolutely mouthwatering! I wish I could take a bite right now! Shame our cherry season is past.....you can't find them anywhere! sniff sniff.......But next summer will definitely try this out! Beautiful photos too! Lol, Hi Carla! I have to add that these were tinned cherries and I too am still waiting for the cherry season to hit! I love a nice teacake and weekends are the perfect excuse for baking too. The pics are from the iphone4S using instagram per usual, they have very effective light filter which is useful Happy Snapping! Well in Barcelona there are too many gorgeous foods to eat at any given time of the year no doubt. As for the iphones, I find the apps can help to enhance what the phone already does. At least the 4 has a HD camera too Have a great week! Thank you! I gotta say your clean living and eating really is inspired. How you manage to feed hubby and not have a riot on your hands is beyond me! I amp it up with lots of veggie love to compensate but I do have a pasty habit on the side Thank you! There's a lot of martinis and wine mixed in, so it's not *that* virtuous. And as for your pasties, I have a burrito addiction that has to be fed at least once every other month or so. It's usually worth the tummyache! Thanks Erika, that pic seems to be the all round favourite! It's amazing to think they're just canned cherries but I guess the appeal is in the shiny, glossy exterior (like so many other shiny things too!) I've got a little joke with one of my readers, she's very inspired by my quirky titles sometimes. Thank you for stopping by and visiting both here and on Facebook. Loving your sausage & cider hot pots, along with fresh sausage rolls and jeruselum artichokes too! From Sydney-Australia, this site is dedicated to Girl in a Food Frenzy (aka Alice Lau) and her day to day antics from the kitchen at home to her most recent journey at school as a budding chef! From previous passions in costumes, theatre design & events to more recent ones, ... Continue reading Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Posted in: Guides Part 1: Infinity From the start, turn around and proceed down the slope to the right. Continue to follow the set pathway through the jungle until you reach the room with the objective marker in it. Along with the dead marine, you will also find a pair of knights. They will teleport away when you drop down into the area. Interact with the objective marker on the ground and then loot the bodies nearby for some UNSC weaponry if you are interested in such things. There is also a box of grenades behind a tree at the far side of the area from where we entered. Climb down the slope when you are ready to go. As you get around halfway down, a good size group of crawlers will appear in the clearing below on the ground and on the various trees, walls and stumps around the area. Once they are gone, work your way into the clearing and when you reach the other side another 8-10 crawlers will emerge from the trees in front along with a knight who will remain in the distance. Kill the lot and then, continue with the path around to the left. Clear any remaining crawlers out of the area as you proceed. As the path becomes narrower, you'll see into the next open area. Kill the watcher and any crawlers you can see before entering to finish off the rest. Continue around the large tree in the center of the zone and down the path opposite the entry. Check out the objective marker on the ground to pick up the Promethean vision ability. When we activate this, we'll now be able to see enemies highlighted in red and be able to see through the fog that lies just ahead. Move forward to the edge of the cliff and use Promethean vision to identify the knight and 7-8 crawlers below. Kill them all before dropping down to their level and heading to the right. Once you can go no further, look for a slope leading upwards to your right and kill the knight and the small group of crawlers that come down it. Climb the ramp and then ascend the tree roots to the left. Enter the clearing nearby and examine the objective marker. Proceed a little further, and as you reach the top of the slope leading down to the next area, 6-7 crawlers will run by. Kill them all as you enter the area. Once they are dead, continue around the corner to the right and kill the knight, watcher and another group of crawlers here. Remember to use the Promethean vision to tack down all of those pesky crawlers who might be hiding. Proceed into the area with the objective marker, kill any crawlers lurking about and then jump up to the structure approach the door for a short story scene. Part 2: Reunited Exit the building and turn to the right, kill the watcher, the pair of knights and large group of crawlers in the immediate area. Proceed further into the jungle when it is clear and follow the path to the left and up the ramp. Continue along the winding path here until you encounter a group of three crawlers and a knight. Deal with them before continuing. When you reach the group of marines under fire, continue down the slope and help them repel the crawlers, knights and watchers in the open area beyond their cover position. When it gets quite, hop the marine's defenses and clear out any remaining enemies before proceeding to the structure at the afar end of the area. As you approach a knight, a pair of watchers and another small group of crawlers will ambush you. During this encounter, a pair of Promethean laser emplacements may also be activated, so if they do, destroy them as well. Once everything is dead, head for the structure. Place Cortana into the socket on the pillar to the right of the door and then defend the area for a few moments whilst she does her thing. You will have to fight off a healthy number of crawlers and a few knights, any remaining marines will help you out and there is also a gun turret here to make things easier if you wish to use it. Once time is up, Cortana will let you know she is finished and the door will open, giving you access to the next area. We'll be in a large open cave. We need to clear it of all enemies to create a landing zone. As you exit the tunnel, note that covenant and Promethean forces are now working together! Kill the knight and 5-6 grunts in front. Move into the main part of the cave and you will see a watcher, a couple of knights and a good number of jackals and grunts. Once you have killed a few of the baddies here, a couple of phantoms will show up and drop off some additional covenant grunts and jackals, additionally a couple of extra knights seem to appear at this point too. Now all we need to do is simply clear the area until a friendly ship shoes up. Run over to it and wait until a scene plays. Part 3: The Gun Show From the start, run down the hill to the right and jump into the scorpion tank. After entering the tank, continue forward in the direction the tank is facing and use the tank shells to deal with any bad guys that get in your way. We're essentially going to follow the linear path through covenant lines until we reach an open area. Make sure to destroy any ghosts that approach and destroy the wraiths in your path as well, you can also blow up all the the sniper hover towers along the way if you are into that kind of thing. Once you reach the tunnel leading down, cruise to the bottom and park the tank on the circular platform. Ride it up to the inside of the Infinity. We are in a cargo bay of sorts and there are a large number of covenant forces here. There are hunters, grunts and elites. They should not bother you at all with the tank though, so take them all down. Once everything is dead, you'll receive a transmission from the captain. Hop out of the tank and continue through the open door. Hit the switch at the top of the ramp inside. Part 4: Shining Armor Climb into the mantis. This is a suit of armor equipped with missiles and a mini-gun. Use the weapons to destroy the door at the bottom of the ramp and enter the hole you create. As with the previous tank section, the mantis is borderline indestructible on normal difficulty and still pretty sturdy on higher difficulties as well so it goes without saying that you'll need to kill an abundance of enemies, kill anything that gets in the way. Continue along the long hallway here and turn to the right. At the end of the hallway, turn left and continue up the ramp. At the top turn left and continue along the pathway and enter the door at the end. Kill the enemies inside and ride the lift up. Part 5: Eviction Proceedings Exit the lift and continue through the door at the end of the short hallway. We are now in an outdoor area. In the centre is a giant gun turret that we need to activate. To do this we need to destroy three covenant signal jammers. These are located against the far wall of the room as we enter, unfortunately there are a lot of enemies hanging out in this room. The lot of them can easily be taken down with rockets and a few rounds of the minigun. When you are ready, destroy the three marked jammers. As you destroy them, a number of phantoms will swoop in to drop off additional covenant forces for you to blow up. Note that you can destroy the turrets on the bottoms of the phantoms so that they cannot shoot at you. Eliminate the enemies that they drop off. This will cause a number of banshees to come in and attack the area. Whilst this is going down another pair of phantoms will come in to drop off troops. Kill them all and continue to shoot down banshees until the objective is complete. When prompted to do so, hop out of the mantis and activate the marked switch. After a few moments, a story scene will play to complete the mission. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"You have to be kidding.... Okay, agreed. There's nothing about Stephen Harper that suggests he is a big joker. He doesn't speak in public except in modulated monotones. Very reassuring, like Prozac. No off-script moments of hilarity. No pirouettes in the hallways. But I had to wonder. Was he going for political satire? Some sort of self-referential pop cultural joke in kicking off the budget implementation bill debate? I mean, he must have read Andrew Coyne's piece in the National Post . Noting that a huge number of non-budgetary matters are stuffed in the over 420 pages of C-38, much of it dramatically changing environmental laws, Coyne wrote, \"This is not remotely a budget bill, despite its name,\" further noting that while throwing non-budgetary matters into a budget bill is not unknown, in C-38, \"The scale and scope are on a level not previously seen, or tolerated.\" (Or if the PM didn't read it, he must have people who read it for him and left post-it notes somewhere he would see saying, \"Coyne and others seem to have noticed the budget bill is crammed full of new laws to remove environmental protection. Offence to democracy alleged...must deflect.\") No sign of recognizing anger is stirring across the land. They went for the Full Monty as it were. No shame. The kick-off speaker to the Budget Implementation Bill? Not the Minister of Finance. No sir. What would Flaherty have to say about a budget bill anyway? The lead Conservative Speaker was Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver. Say it ain't so, Joe. He gave the standard Harper \"energy super power\" message. It goes like this: Canada is an energy super-power -- in the same way a business in bankruptcy is a super-power. Everything must go. We are running out of time to sell everything fast. Oil-hungry markets won't wait. Really? \"We need to act quickly,\" said Joe Oliver in the House on Wednesday. But the existing pipeline infrastructure is, according to Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers projections, sufficient to meet demand until oil sands production expands by 150%. (Testimony of former government petroleum geologist, J. David Hughes, to the NEB Joint Review Panel on the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project). Minister Oliver cited many statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA), establishing that the world is energy-hungry and oil-thirsty...without once mentioning the IEA urgent warnings about the climate crisis. The IEA is screaming from the rooftops (figuratively speaking, but the reports are increasingly frantic) that time is running out to reduce dependency on fossil fuels to avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change at its worst. No reference either to Mr. Harper's promise to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies (now there's a budget measure), promised in 2009 at the G-20, underscored in every IEA report as an urgent step, which the PM has steadfastly ignored. No reference to the International Energy Agency advice that Canada needs to put a price on carbon. And then for more laughs, in answer to a question from one of his colleagues, Mr. Oliver said, \"Mr. Speaker, the whole point of this exercise is to ensure that we have a robust environmental review of major projects... under the aegis of the Canadian Environmental Protection Agency.\" Now, in fairness to Mr. Oliver, there is no particular reason he should know much about the environmental laws C-38 is destroying. He is not the author of this strategy; the Prime Minister is. And the fact that Canada doesn't have an agency called the Canadian Environmental Protection Agency is not something he has to know...Peter Kent should know it, and, of course, he spoke next. No sign of the finance minister...but what would he have to contribute to a debate about freeing the oilsands and mining from the tyranny of environmental laws. I expected to hear, \"Free at last, free at last...\" from some conservative script, recycling the end of the long-gun registry invocation of the Rev. Martin Luther King in more triumphalist Libertarian oratory. With 420 pages plus of detailed, complex and sweeping changes to laws originally passed decades ago, any thought that there was even a hint of shame in the Conservative strategy was dashed. Within the first hours of debate, Peter Van Loan made a motion to invoke time allocation on Bill C-38. After all, we are in a hurry. None of this is funny. It is an outrage. PLEASE, if you are angry, say so. Please insist that your MP work to pull the environmental laws impacted by this bill ( Canadian Environmental Assessment Act*, Fisheries Act, Navigable Waters Protection Act, Species at Risk Act, Canadian Environmental Protection Act, National Round Table on Environment and Economy Act*, Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act*) , out of the so-called budget bill. (Note: the bills marked with * are repealed in C-38. CEAA is replaced with a brand new, gutted version of environmental assessment law, which, at this rate will be passed by the end of June -- without a single day of hearings before the environment committee). I read your blog with growing alarm (although I like the sarcasm in there). I would take your advice, but I am sadly in the riding of Mr. Clement. (And that's another issue that just makes me want to scream or something more. I have written to Mr. Clement's office--and not received any reply. If I could have one wish for this country is that we had a representative system that really did have to work together for the common good. Harper and cronies really don't get it. And we and our children and grandchildren--7 generations or more--will end up paying for their greed. I am open to suggestions beyond haranging a man who won't care anyway. At some point, progressive governments, whenever they get elected need to simply do the same thing -- simply pass an omnibus bill that repeals the conservative one. I don't understand why it never happens. Why do progressives have to show civility and reasonableness when the other side does not? The omnibus bill goes against the spirit of proper parliamentary process -- it simply should be undone whenever possible and then after it is repealed, we can discuss the possible merits of anything that may have been contained in it. Perhaps corporate interests would demand a little more civility in the future if this were the case. There have been a number of observers who have suggested that the only recourse may be for the opposition to ignore the call to vote upon this undemocratic Omnibus bill which effectively shows NO respect for either the wishes of the majority of Canadians OR the need for open and prolonged debate of all portions of such bills. At least untill such time as it is split into seperate bills as a minmum goal. In reading about the previous occurrence of such action in the House it would seem as if even this option has been removed. Perhaps Elizabeth with her extensive knowledge of parliamentary procedures would care to comment upon this possibility. \"After a particularly acrimonious two-week continuous sitting during a filibuster of the Bill early in 1913, the government brought forward a motion on April 9, 1913, to amend the Standing Orders. As a result of this incident, rules were adopted which, among other things, introduced closure. After an uncharacteristically long debate on the motion, the rules were adopted on April 23, 1913 ( Journals , April 9, 1913, pp. 451-2; April 23, 1913, pp. 507-9; Debates , April 9, 1913, cols. 7388-414). Second, decades later, in what is known as the \"Bell ringing\" episode, changes were made to the Standing Orders in order to prevent a recurrence of the situation that took place in March 1982 when division bells were rung continuously for two weeks.\" I note that I too am in the riding of a Harper 'yes man' and on the few previous occasions I have had contact with him all I get is a regurgitation of the party line. I no longer waste my time contacting him! May I suggest, in addition to the letters and emails, make PHONE CALLS to your mp and the prime minister this time. Leave messages with their admin, ask for a call back. Call again. Let's do this en masse. If you get a hold of them - hold them to account for the confusing nature of the bill, ASK them questions about it! Even if you do this politely, it will become obvious - they didn't know what was in it EITHER! Please please call! http:\/\/www.parl.gc.ca\/MembersOfParliamen\\\\... ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Does anyone wake up in the middle of the night? Does anyone wake up in the middle of the night, or is it just me? I usually wake up to go potty but sometimes it's for no real reason. The last thing I'll eat is usually the only cooked food of the day and that is usually 2-3 hours before I go to bed. Help? No that definitely makes sense because I really do need to get more active. Weird though because last night I did play soccer for about 2 hours and I still woke up. Maybe if I get into a routine though it'll turn out better. Thanks! i used to have same problem for the answer was eating more which was suggested ONLY here are 30bad . its said here that our body stays awake cuz its wants food . to me a reasonable theory . and it worked for me . also agree strongly with Vice you got move and work the body for it to sleep wonderfully though the night... One of the possible reasons for waking up is that the pain is supposed to be the strongest at night, between 1 and 3 in the morning, the pain that you might not even be aware when you're awake... it might be joints, headaches, menstrual pain, or some other types. At what time do you usually wake up? So I should have mentioned this. I go to bed around 8-10 pm (10 occasionally) and usually wake up around 3, sometimes even around 5 am but I'm thinking thats ok maybe. Interesting about the pain thing, could you tell me more? Yes i have experienced this alot! Especially when I have gone back from all low fat raw to trying to incorporate a cooked evening meal again. Cooked food is so filling that it is easy to not get enough calories in at that last meal!! So don't save your calories for this meal!!! You think you're sooo full and then your day finishes and you go to bed and then you wake up between 2-3am(that's usually the magic time when I wake up and know I have not eaten enough) The problem with the cooked food is that I find it numbs you alot and I find I have a hard time distinguishing my hunger until it wakes me from my sleep literally! It could be also possible that you are dehydrated, make sure you go to bed with clear pee-if not drink water until it is. When I wake up in the night I will first drink some water to make sure-if i still can't fall asleep I will eat a high water content fruit like grapes (just what I prefer) than I always fall asleep. It's better to eat something rather than not I find. It really helps me! I do try not to eat late at night as much as possible though! I've learned that it is so so important to get those calories in early on in the day- if not it has come back to haunt me in my sleep;) This still happens even when I'm completely raw too, but again it'd due to not eating enough majority of the time or sometimes dehydration.. I just find it happens way to frequently when I have gone back to cooked for a few days-again the cooked meal really messes with my system on a whole now. If you are waking up to just pee well that seems fine- I wake up a few times a night just to pee and then right back to dream land I go:) I hope this helps. If you think that this is the problem, really focus on those fruit calories during the day! Load up so your cooked portion won't be so large at the end of the day. Are you planning to go all raw eventually? If not just still make sure load up on fruit through out the day either way. P.s when I wake up at that hour I don't experience hunger pains or growling-it feels more like dehydration, like a feeling in the throat-I say this because you may not think your hungry but you might very well be. It took me sometime to realize this. Yeah, so I do pack mostly raw fruits and veggies during the day and just a little bit of cooked food later in the day. Nonetheless, I think I need to increase my calorie intake and start exercising again. I'll try to drink more water too! I am planning on going raw one day. I did raw for about 3 weeks but couldn't (physically) get the calories in so thats why I am doing the cooked meal. Thanks for the insight thought and I'll pay attention to the throat thing, that's interesting. Waking up between 3 am and 5 am is a sign of cortisol imbalances. You may have elevated cortisol-levels (cortisol is a stress hormone). This can be due to too little eating. Maybe some walking and stretching could calm you down and some changes to your diet would help as well. Maybe you don't eat enough. If you feel extremely dehydrated, that can be a sign of hormonal imbalances (elevated cortisol for example) as well. I did the same thing for years on cooked food, for me when I changed to high raw i found that bananas relax me and make me a little sleepy so I have a lot of bananas for dinner or a banana smoothie. i sleep through the night and when i do get up to use the bathroom i can go right back to sleep. Might help. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Evidence from Finland The Authors Timo Rintamki, School of Business Administration, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland Hannu Kuusela, School of Business Administration, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland Mark T. Spence, Bond University, Bond, Australia Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the referees for insightful comments that we believe have significantly improved the positioning, value and clarity of this manuscript. Abstract Purpose -- The purpose of this paper is to decompose total customer value as perceived by department store shoppers into utilitarian, hedonic and social dimensions, and empirically test this conceptualization in a Finnish department store shopping context. Design\/methodology\/approach -- Data were collected by a questionnaire administered over three days at a department store that generates the second largest turnover in Finland. A total of 364 shoppers completed the questionnaire. Findings -- Empirical evidence supports our tripartite conceptualization of total customer value. In particular, social value is an independent construct. Further, social value varies by day-of-week, with a significant increase on Saturday (versus weekdays) when the store is more crowded, whereas no such differences in utilitarian and hedonic values were detected. Originality\/value -- The principal contribution is a tripartite conceptualization of total customer value that incorporates utilitarian, social and hedonic value dimensions in a department store shopping context. Individually these dimensions are all well rooted in streams of consumer behavior literature, albeit mostly at the product or brand, not the store, level. Increasing our understanding of these softer aspects of shopping, particularly the social dimension, is important because they represent possible differentiating factors in the highly competitive and often commoditized retail markets. Journal: Volume: Number: Year: pp: ISSN: 0959-0552 Introduction Customer value is a key concept in retail strategy and differentiation because it addresses \"what they [customers] want and believe they get from buying and using a seller's product\" ( Woodruff, 1997, p. 140 ). Creating and delivering customer value is a precondition for retailers to survive in today's competitive marketplace. Many shoppers are looking for more than simply fair prices and convenience, the cornerstones of utilitarian value. Retailers who understand the multiplicity of motives for shopping have the best possibilities to create value for their customers. Instead of defining motivation to shop only as a function of buying, the role of hedonic and social shopping motives should also be recognized ( Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982 ; Sheth, 1983 ; Tauber, 1972 ; Westbrook and Black, 1985 ). In response to these various motivations, we decompose total customer value as perceived by department store shoppers with respect to their shopping experience into utilitarian, hedonic and social dimensions. While the experiential aspects of consumption -- central to the study at hand -- have been dubbed \"hot topics\" of the millennium (for a review, see Holbrook, 2000, 2001a, b ), the phenomena itself is hardly new ( Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982 ; Woods, 1981 ). Two decades ago Sheth (1983) proposed two kinds of shopping motivations: customer's functional needs and non-functional wants. Retailers strive to deliver what customers need, but the most successful retail store concepts are often based on what customers want. More recently Solomon (2002, p. 299) noted: Shopping malls have tried to gain the loyalty of shoppers by appealing to their social motives as well as providing access to desired goods. The mall is often a focal point in community ... Malls are becoming giant entertainment centers, almost to the point that their traditional retail occupants seem like an afterthought. Even mass retailers like Wal-Mart who compete on low prices have started to pay more attention to connecting with the social and emotional sides of their customers. However, creating value is not costless, hence the need to understand the drivers of total customer value. This research effort is in response to the need for an expanded, yet still parsimonious, definition of total customer value that encompasses hedonic and social aspects of consumption. Its principal contribution is a tripartite conceptualization of total customer value that incorporates utilitarian, social and hedonic value dimensions in a department store shopping context. Individually these dimensions are all well rooted in streams of consumer behavior literature, albeit mostly at the product or brand, not the store, level ( Arnold and Reynolds, 2003 ; Parsons, 2002 ). We measure and test if these three constructs capture customer value in a department store shopping context. Hedonic and social dimensions of customer value are seen as meaningful and important aspects that complement the traditional utilitarian perspective. Increasing our understanding of these softer aspects of shopping is important because they represent possible differentiating factors in the highly competitive and often commoditized retail markets. In the words of Tauber (1972, p. 49) : \"Many retailers would benefit by defining their business as being part of the social-recreational industry.\" Conceptual overview A hierarchical structure of customer value may be represented by using a means-end chain ( Woodruff, 1997 ; Zeithaml, 1988 ). Product attributes represent the lowest level in the customer value hierarchy. These attributes may be concrete or abstract, positive or negative. The extent to which these bundles of attributes are meaningful, i.e. perceived as benefits or sacrifices, depends on the customer's subjective goals and purposes. Goals and purposes represent the highest level of the customer value hierarchy. Although the highest level of the customer value hierarchy could cover a wide range of life values, those that relate to motivations to engage in department store shopping are the foci here. It is assumed that customer value stems from attributes and consequences that contribute to customer's instrumental goals and purposes (e.g. monetary savings and convenience) as well as those that are meaningful ends in themselves (e.g. to some, shopping is an adventure and\/or social outing). The shopping experience, therefore, generates a variety of concrete and abstract benefits and sacrifices that contribute to total customer value that goes beyond the mere acquisition of physical products or core services. In order to understand shopping motives, one has to consider the satisfaction provided by both shopping activities and the utility derived from the merchandise. Tauber (1972) asked a convenience sample of 30 people (half men, half women) to recall their most recent shopping trip (of any type), discuss their activities while shopping, and tell what they enjoyed about the trip. As a result, from a list of shopping activities and satisfactions, a number of hypothesized motives for shopping were classified ex post as either personal or social. He concluded: If the shopping motive is a function of only the buying motive, the decision to shop will occur when a person's need for particular goods becomes sufficiently strong for him to allocate time, money, and effort to visit a store. However, the multiplicity of hypothesized shopping motives suggest that a person may also go shopping when he needs attention, wants to be with peers, desires to meet people with similar interests, feels a need to exercise, or has leisure time ( Tauber, 1972, p. 48 ). Consistent with Tauber's conclusion, Sheth (1983) proposes, but did not test, an integrative theory of patronage preference and patronage behavior theories, resulting in two separate models. The former model addresses shopping motivations and values, which he believed related to the choice of outlets to which one could shop. He proposed two shopping motives, one relating to functional needs and the other to nonfunctional wants. To quote: \u0007 Functional needs are related to what have traditionally been referred to as time, place, and possession needs. Specific examples include such things as one-stop shopping, cost and availability of needed products, convenience in parking and shopping, and accessibility to the outlets. \u0007 Nonfunctional wants are related to various shopping outlets as a result of their associations with certain social, emotional, and epistemic values. For example, many retail outlets acquire positive or negative images because of patronage by desirable or undesirable demographic, socioeconomic, and ethnic groups, or they arouse positive or negative responses such as masculine, feminine, garish, loud, or crude, because of store atmospherics, personnel, or business practices in general. Finally, customers do shop for novelty, to satisfy their curiosity, to reduce boredom, to keep up with new trends and events. These are all reflections of the epistemic, nonfunctional wants. It is important to recognize that functional needs are clearly anchored to the outlet attributes, whereas nonfunctional wants are anchored to the outlet association. In this sense, functional needs are intrinsic to outlets, whereas nonfunctional wants are extrinsic to the outlets ( Sheth, 1983, p. 15-16 ). Parsons (2002) applied Tauber's (1972) personal and social motives as representative of Sheth's (1983) non-functional motives for shopping on the internet. He found that non-functional motives can be adapted to the twenty-first century mode of shopping, namely internet shopping. Because \"softer\" non-functional sources of motivations apply to the internet, to gain market share internet sellers should not focus solely on functional aspects. Arnold and Reynolds (2003) focused on the hedonic motivations of shopping. They recognized six dimensions of hedonic shopping motivations: adventure, gratification, role, value, social, and idea shopping. By using these dimensions and additional background variables, five shopper types were profiled. But these authors are not alone advancing motivation-based shopper typologies -- see, e.g. Westbrook and Black (1985) for a nice review and alternative perspective. Regardless of motivation typology, all of which acknowledge non-utilitarian aspects, being able to segment customers based on underlying motives lends support for the need to broaden our understanding of how customers derive value from the department store shopping experience per se . Given the importance of customer value to marketers, it is not surprising that there is an abundance of definitions and conceptualizations of value that depend both on the context of the study and the methodology and measurement techniques used. Conceptualizing value as a simple ratio of quality and price ( Gale, 1994 ) has been turned into a rich description of intrinsic and extrinsic benefits. Among these are instrumental (functional and cognitive) and non-instrumental (experiential and affective) benefits and sacrifices ( Aylott and Mitchell, 1998 ; Babin et al. , 1994 ; Chandon et al. , 2000 ; Reid and Brown, 1996 ; Csikszentmihalyi, 2000 ). Store atmospherics, e.g. music, lighting and layout, can enhance the shopping experience, hence shopping value ( Babin and Attaway, 2000 ; Bitner, 1992 ). Holbrook (1994, 1999) defines customer value as interactive between a subject (customer) and an object (product). In addition, customer value is relativistic because it involves preferences among objects, it varies among people, and it is specific to the context. Value is, therefore, comparative, personal and situational. Further, value is the outcome of an evaluative judgment and thus preferential. Holbrook notes that value (singular) as an outcome differs from values (plural) that are used as standards, rules, criteria, norms, goals or ideals for the evaluative judgment. Table I provides a flavor for the various conceptualizations provided by some of the aforementioned authors as well as others. What is striking is the lack of agreement. For our purposes customer value goes beyond product purchase (i.e. the outcome) to cover the whole shopping experience. Our objective is to demonstrate that total customer value within a department store shopping context consists of three dimensions: utilitarian and hedonic dimensions -- which have attracted attention ( Babin et al. , 1994 ; Arnold and Reynolds, 2003 ) -- and a third, lesser understood dimension, social value. The proposed tripartite perspective of total customer value Earlier research ( Table I ) has treated social value either as a lower level construct contributing to utilitarian and hedonic value ( Chandon et al. , 2000 ), or modeled it as one of several dimensions comprising value realized from a consumer good ( Sweeney and Soutar, 2001 ). Thus, for example, to capture the perceived social value inherent in a consumer durable good Sweeney and Soutar (2001) included measures such as: \"If I bought or used this item, it would create a favorable impression of me.\" Our focus is the shopping experience provided by the retailer, not the brand. One of the many purchase related decisions is where to purchase; a brand may be available at multiple outlets. Our insights are, therefore, directed toward retailers. We conceptualize the total value of department store shopping as having three dimensions. Briefly, utilitarian value stems from monetary savings and convenience; hedonic value stems from exploration and entertainment; and social value is realized through status and self-esteem enhancement. These dimensions need not be orthogonal: a successful purchase of a product at a discount at the first store visited -- perhaps with assistance from a friend one met while shopping -- could yield multiple values ( Babin et al. , 1994 ). We propose that in the department store shopping domain social value merits treatment as a separate, third construct because: modeling social value as a separate construct will test its relevance in the shopping domain. If supporting evidence is realized, it would add conceptual clarity to what comprises the global construct, total customer value. Figure 1 shows the proposed model. A more detailed account of the three dimensions is summarized in Table II . Utilitarian value The utilitarian perspective is based on the assumption that consumers are rational problem-solvers ( Bettman, 1979 ). As a result, the utilitarian perspective stresses functional, product-centric thinking, and research has focused on consumer decision processes. Consumption is understood as a means to accomplish some predefined end. Therefore, the consumer is seen as a utility calculator, Homo Economicus . Shoppers experience utilitarian value when their task-related needs are fulfilled. Therefore, utilitarian value is characterized as instrumental and extrinsic ( Babin et al. , 1994 ; Holbrook, 1999 ; Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982 ). Monetary savings and convenience contribute to utilitarian value. Monetary savings reduce the pain of paying ( Chandon et al. , 2000 ); therefore, utilitarian value can be increased when a customer is able to find discounted products or when prices are perceived to be less than those at competing stores. Convenience can be defined as a ratio of inputs to outputs, time and effort being the relevant inputs ( Holbrook, 1999 ; Seiders et al. , 2000 ). As Seiders et al. (2000) point out, in order to provide customers convenience one must understand the \"retail experience from drive in to check out\" and find ways to \"maximize the speed and ease of shopping.\" They define four different kinds of convenience which stem from the speed and ease with which consumers can: reach a retailer (access convenience); identify and select the essential products (search convenience); obtain desired products (possession convenience); and effect or amend transactions (transaction convenience). Our analysis involves a store within a shopping mall, hence the convenience aspects focused on are search and possession. Hedonic value Consumption experience as an end valued for its own sake became a topic of interest among consumer researchers in the early-1980s. The experiential view highlighted three F's -- fantasies, feelings and fun -- that represented the hedonic aspects of consumption ( Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982 ). Hedonic consumption designates those facets of consumer behavior that relate to the multisensory, fantasy and emotive aspects of one's experience with products ( Hirschman and Holbrook, 1982, p. 92 ). The experiential consumer may be called Homo Ludens , a man guided by his senses and wants. In the late-1990s the experiential view attracted interest through the experience economy, a term coined to describe \"a new economic offering\" ( Pine and Gilmore, 1999 ) that customers wanted to \"sense, feel, think, act and relate\" ( Schmitt, 1999 ). Social value The social dimension of consumption can be understood through a symbolic interactionism perspective which emphasizes the importance of products in setting the stage for the multitude of social roles that people play ( Belk, 1988 ; Solomon, 1983 ). From the symbolic interactionism perspective the consumer is seen as Homo Faber . Shopping represents a social act where symbolic meanings, social codes, relationships, and the consumer's identity and self may be produced and reproduced ( Firat and Venkatesh, 1993 ). Patronizing a department store that has certain store attributes\/atmospherics (or buying and using certain products) depends on how a customer wants to be seen and\/or how she wants to see herself ( Erdem et al. , 1999 ; Sheth et al. , 1991 ; Sirgy et al. , 2000 ; Sweeney and Soutar, 2001 ). In other words, the act of shopping can provide a symbolic benefit, as customers are able to express their personal values through the consumption experience ( Chandon et al. , 2000 ). According to the symbolic interactionism perspective, the \"cues\" present in a retail shopping experience are used by individuals in assigning meaning to others as well as in assigning social identity to themselves ( Belk, 1988 ; Solomon, 1983 ). Thus, we view social value as an independent dimension of total customer value (albeit one that can covary with the other two proposed dimensions). Many of us may have perused products at stores that clearly push our financial capabilities, perhaps with little intention of purchasing, but the process of doing so enhances our status and\/or self-esteem, which contribute to social value. Status enhancement is a benefit attained by using symbolic features in communicating signs of position or membership to others. It has been suggested that status seeking has its origin in materialism and that it is connected to conspicuous consumption ( Babin et al. , 1994 ; Richins and Dawson, 1992 ; Veblen, 1967 ). Status is actively pursued, cognitive, intentional and instrumental ( Holbrook, 1999 ; Chandon et al. , 2000 ). Individuals that engage in status enhancement are characterized as high self-monitors, who are mainly concerned with how they play their role, i.e. what kind of impression they give to others ( Browne and Kaldenberg, 1997 ). Self-esteem enhancement is a benefit experienced when symbolic features derived from the company, store, products, personnel and other customers are attached to self in order to define and maintain one's concept of self. Shopping is an environment where customers stroll, gaze and are gazed upon. In addition, symbolic properties may be used in emphasizing unique traits. Shopping experiences may sometimes carry personal meanings so important that they are characterized as \"sacred or magical\" ( Belk, 1988 ; Csikszentmihalyi, 2000 ; Holbrook, 1999, 2001b ; Solomon, 1983 ). In the next section we provide empirical evidence that supports our tripartite perspective of total customer value. Empirical analysis Data were collected by a questionnaire administered over three days at a department store that generates the second largest turnover in Finland. In our case, the department store is an anchor store in a large mall that has become a destination shopping location, attracting customers from long distances. Wakefield and Baker (1998) found the \"tenant variety\" as an important construct explaining the attractiveness of a mall. Because the data include customers from many parts of Finland, we see this as strength in our study[1]. Theory on customer motivations and values reviewed earlier in conjunction with results from qualitative research were used in questionnaire design. Qualitative research was conducted in order to illuminate the salient shopping benefits, customer value dimensions and their relation to the customer value formation process. Six shoppers were theme-interviewed using a laddering technique recommended by Woodruff (1997) and Vriens and Hofstede (2000) . The interviewees were first asked to describe the purpose of their shopping trip, main purchases made, and an evaluation whether or not the shopping experience matched their needs and expectations. Based on their descriptions the interviewer asked more about the positive and negative aspects of the shopping experience. Themes -- in our case value dimensions -- were not given to the interviewees during the interviews, but more specific questions concerning the perceived benefits and sacrifices were asked in the order that the interviewee mentioned them. The results provided support for both the proposed model and questionnaire. Our study uses statements that reflect the perceived benefits in order to capture utilitarian, social, and hedonic value dimensions. A five-point Likert scale response format was used in the data gathering. Using only benefit constructs (and not measuring sacrifices) may be a limitation, but a common way to proceed when value dimensions are investigated ( Mathwick et al. , 2001 ; Chandon et al. , 2000 )[2]. In order to increase reliability several aspects of data collection were carefully considered. The first objective was to minimize memory-based bias. This was done by focusing on the shopping experience that had just taken place in the department store the data were collected. A shopping experience that took place minutes ago is easy for respondents to recall; this would not have been the case if data gathering had been by telephone or mail survey. Moreover, using a specific shopping excursion at one store as an object of inquiry makes more salient the strategic implications that creating social value can have when differentiating retail stores than would be the case had we investigated shopping in general. Customers were asked to take part in a survey \"investigating general aspects of the in-store shopping experience.\" Customers who agreed to participate were taken to a lounge where the questionnaire was explained and administered. Those customers who completed the questionnaire were given a voucher for a meal at any of the restaurants located in the mall. Our primary purpose was to decompose total customer value into three dimensions: utilitarian, hedonic and social. Thus, first the existence of these three dimensions needs to be established. However, to show that these dimensions have clear managerial relevance, a second goal was to show that these dimensions can be influenced. We choose an exogenous moderating variable to test, namely day-of-week. It seems reasonable to assume that these dimensions would be affected by the day-of-the-week that shopping takes place; afterall, the number of shoppers is affected by holidays, day-of-week and weather variables ( Parsons, 2001 ). Store patronage is greater Saturday than during the week, which would suggest that if the social value dimension can be established, we might find that its effect is moderated (increased) on the weekend because the greater number of customers would increase the likelihood of status enhancement. Data collection was, therefore, executed during three days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It was anticipated that all three dimensions would be supported ( Figure 1 ); and that the relative contribution of the three second-order constructs comprising total customer value would vary by day-of-week, with social value in particular exhibiting its strongest effect on weekends when the store is most crowded. Sample characteristics The sample consisted of 364 questionnaires, 54.1 percent of which were from female respondents. The number of non-participants was 96 (21 percent of the total). Non-participants were customers who were asked to answer the survey, but declined to do so. For non-participants, gender and an estimate of age were recorded. Comparison of age and gender among participants and non-participants does not reveal any significant differences, indicating that the sample is free of bias in this respect. Sample characteristics are presented in Table III . Measurement models The first step was to estimate three measurement models, one for each of the three value dimensions, to establish construct validity. Because the scale of each first and second order factor is indeterminate, the scale was fixed by setting one loading equal to one, as seen in the lower two-thirds of Figure 2 . The estimated loadings for all three models were significant: t -values varied between 5.33 and 13.64. The R 2 -values of basic variables varied between 0.23 (COA) and 0.90 (ENC). These results provide support that the individual constructs are valid. The next step was to run the complete model shown in Figure 2 . Complete model In the complete model the second order factors were allowed to correlate -- as noted earlier, a shopping excursion can yield multiple benefits. We hypothesized that the total customer value provided by the shopping experience is hierarchically organized with utilitarian, social and hedonic value operating as second order factors. The t -values for first-order factors vary between 6.96 and 14.59 ( Table IV ), and for second-order factors between 5.76 and 11.13 ( Table V ). The overall ? 2 =371.28, df=129, p <0.001 ( Figure 2 ). All estimated parameters are significant ( p <0.001). The proposed model provides a good fit to the data and can, therefore, be considered nomologically valid. The overall goodness of fit is 0.89 and the root mean square residual is 0.074. Independence AIC results in 6250.11 and model AIC in 455.28. The correlation between second order factors is positive, as expected. The estimated loadings together with their t -values and R 2 -values for first-, second- and third-order constructs are given in Tables IV-VI . In three cases the estimated R 2 -values were above unity, noted as HC in the right-hand column of Tables V and VI . This corresponds to the \"Heywood case\", which is common in studies similar this ( Rindskopf, 1984 ). This does not have a significant effect on the results[3]. The effect of day-of-the-week The next step was to determine the benefit, if any, of isolating the social value construct. We hypothesized that social value would increase from weekdays to Saturday because of the greater number of customers on the weekend. As noted previously, enhancing one's status -- which requires the presence of others -- contributes to social value. Data were collected on Thursday (27.7 percent), Friday (35.4 percent), and Saturday (36.9 percent). The purpose was to examine whether model parameters differed between weekdays (Thursday and Friday were combined) and Saturday. As before, measurement models were allowed to vary freely in each case. Three tests were performed using a ? 2 test, results of which appear in Table VII . These tests indicate that there is a significant difference between weekdays and Saturday by the second order constructs on the third level, total customer value. Specifically, the significant difference lies in test 1: social value parameters are not equal between weekdays and Saturday. The social value parameter estimate was 0.90 on weekdays and 1.86 on Saturdays, a twofold increase ( Table VIII ). Thus, on Saturday the social value is significantly greater, as hypothesized. Hence, the relative contribution of social value varies by day-of-week. This is particularly interesting since social value is introduced here as an independent shopping value dimension that complements utilitarian and hedonic value. There was no significant difference between weekdays and Saturday for the latter two dimensions. Discussion To create and deliver customer value retailers are pursuing differentiation strategies, adding hedonic and social value in an effort to increase customer patronage. Unfortunately doing so is not costless, hence the need to better understand the drivers of total customer value. Successful retailers understand that customer value encompasses concrete and abstract aspects of the shopping experience, from entrance to check-out, and from choice (buying) to using (consuming) and experiencing. This research responded to the need for an expanded definition of customer value that emphasizes experiential and social aspects of consumption. The principal contribution is the tripartite conceptualization of total customer value that incorporates utilitarian, social and hedonic value dimensions in a department store shopping context. The results suggest several managerial implications. On the basis of the results of this study, we can repeat the proposition that was originally presented three decades ago: \"Many retailers would benefit by defining their business as being part of the social-recreational industry\" ( Tauber, 1972, p. 49 ). We have provided empirical support for this proposition. Orchestrating a value providing shopping experience calls for an understanding of the relationships between benefit and value dimensions. As is true with brand management, at best only a small number of retailers can pursue a cost leadership strategy, i.e. emphasize value and convenience, for example, through an everyday-low-price strategy -- a strategy fundamentally at odds with increasing hedonic and social value. Others must, therefore, differentiate by creating hedonic and social value, the costs of which must be recovered via higher product prices or a greater quantity of sales per customer. Creating hedonic value is common. Upscale stores, for example, have maze like floor layouts, put-up extensive seasonal adornments, and let consumers use\/play with product offerings. Our insights suggest expending effort that boosts one's status or self-esteem could be a viable differentiation strategy as it would create social value. Using narrowcast media directed toward specific segments and incorporating messages that appeal to esteem needs are means of doing so. Another is to train and retain \"expert\" salespersons that dress and act like the store's desired clientele. Thus, by becoming aware of the utilitarian, social and hedonic dimensions that comprise total customer value, and the benefits that customers associate with these dimensions, the concept of customer value can be used as a managerial tool in planning advertising and promotions, segmentation strategies, managing store atmospherics, and in staging integrated and memorable shopping experiences. Utilitarian value can be seen as the bedrock that is a precondition for business, but is in itself often unable to differentiate the company and its products from the competition. Complementing utilitarian value with hedonic and social dimensions of customer value is where the real edge is. Limitations and suggestions for future research Although this study was carried out in an authentic retail setting consisting of actual shoppers, the results should be interpreted with a several caveats in mind. One, the results have been accomplished in a shopping goods environment. Hence, caution should be exercised in generalizing the results to other areas of retailing, such as grocery shopping. Two, the use of questionnaires and statistical methods of analysis is often criticized when studying experiential and symbolic aspects of consumption. The conceptualization of some constructs might benefit from more thorough use of qualitative methods, such as in-depth interviews and narrative analyses in future research. And finally, sacrifices were not conceptualized nor measured in this study. Overall, there is a lack of empirical validation and modeling of sacrifices in general and of psychosocial sacrifices in particular. Both theory and practice would benefit from a causal model addressing the role and importance of sacrifices, since in some areas of retailing it is easier -- and cheaper -- to increase value by cutting down psychosocial sacrifices than by adding more benefits. Figure 1 The structural model: utilitarian, social and hedonic value contribute to total customer value in a department store shopping context ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I have just completed my GCSE's about a month ago and awaiting for the results in August. During the 4 weeks between me completing my exams and the Summer Holidays I have volunteered at my local primary school, (which I went to for my Year 11 work experience) and I thought it was absolutely fantastic! I really enjoyed working with all of the children (3-11), with their work and holding football club during lunchtimes (which I do every Thursday night). I also did the 'boring' jobs, such as laminating , photocopying etc, so I know teaching is not all that glamorous but it is so rewarding, even of I was only there 4 weeks! So much so I nearly cried at their Year 6 leavers assembly! ( I NEVER cry!). I feel so passionate about it and I think it is what I would like to do, so I have been looking into different Universities and have found a few such as Swansea Met, Winchester, Birmingham and others. I think I do want to go to Swansea as it is closer to home but I will need to stay on an extra year for the PGCE so I can have the QTS. Is it worth doing the extra year? Or should I find somewhere with the QTS being involved with the degree? If you have any advice to help me I would be very appreciated! Also for my GCSE's, I am very much a 'C' student with some B's, so I know that some Universities are definitely out of the question. I do know that A Levels will be tough work and I will need to work VERY hard. Thank You for listen to me! If you really want to be a Primary school teacher then you can do a normal degree and then a PGCE Primary or just do a Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree which is a specific education degree which will qualify you to be a Primary school teacher. If you are absolutely sure that you want to be a teacher than do the BEd, but i personally would advise you to do a different degree in a subject that interests you and then a PGCE after just in case you change your mind in the future. Don't worry about your GCSEs, as long as you have 5 A*-C grades in English, Maths and Science then you will be fine as that is the general entry requirment for all PGCE\/BEd courses Also unless you want to work in a really posh\/private school then the university you go to will not matter, employers will be more concerned with your passion for teaching and how you can prove this (i.e you coaching football for children and doing work expereince) Thanks for replying Pixie! I am going to be taking Drama, Media and Welsh, I also have to take Welsh Baccalaureate. I feel quite embarrassed when teachers\/students wanting to work with children ask what I am going to take as I haven't picked the core subjects. Swansea Met, doesn't specify which A Levels you do but I have to have 5 C-A* GCSE's (as you stated), but will this effect overall employment availability? ( Originally Posted by Mr.DL ) Thanks for replying Pixie! I am going to be taking Drama, Media and Welsh, I also have to take Welsh Baccalaureate. I feel quite embarrassed when teachers\/students wanting to work with children ask what I am going to take as I haven't picked the core subjects. Swansea Met, doesn't specify which A Levels you do but I have to have 5 C-A* GCSE's (as you stated), but will this effect overall employment availability? This was posted from The Student Room's iPhone\/iPad App I'm not really sure about this as i personally thought that you had to have one A-level in a core subject if your degree is not, all the BEd courses that i have looked at have asked for this. If you are really worried about this then you can change one of your Alevel options on your enrollment day. If you choose to do a normal degree and then a PGCE Primary, then you may be asked to show how your A levels\/degree was relevant to the national curriculum\/core subjects, where you could explain the elements of English Literature and Language which was included in your Media and Drama A-Level. Although your A-levels are not in core subjects, they do show that you are very creative; which is a needed skill if you want to work with small children Whenever I have looked on the Uni's I think I could get into it only asks for a certain number of points and 5 GCSE's C or above including Maths, Science and English Language- I have looked on the UCAS website as well as the Uni website. I don't think picking a different degree then a PGCE is an option, because I am so sure I want to be a primary a school teacher. Would you recommend changing one subject at A-Level? I have picked the ones I enjoy the most and I am good at. Surely having passes at these is better than failing Maths, English and Science? Would doing one year of AS level in one of these then picking a core AS for the 2013-14 school year make a difference? I think you should try to take one national curriculum subject to at least As if you can; maths, english, science, art, music, geography,history,R.E,P.E. But you don't have to but it might narrow down the unis that you can apply to. Also are you planning to specialise in the younger or older children because if you are doing 3-7 then Psychology is a good subject to take. Do a different degree and then a PGCE if you want plenty of people who definately want to be primary school teachers still go this route just because they want to do the other degree just beacsue you do a pgce doesn't mean that you dont want to teach as much as someone who did a primary ed degree. Thanks for replying xxlissaxx, I know it would be better but, I passed Maths GCSE in November at Foundation level, I barely scrape through GCSE Science, English Lit I think is alright but I have stronger areas. I could do English Language as I am good at it, but it was on the same line as Welsh, which I enjoy a lot, and if I wanted to teach in Wales it would help a lot. I could see what the option lines are like for next years AS level and do English Language? During my volunteer work, surprisingly I really enjoyed working with the Year 3 and 4 children, surprised as I thought I would only like to teach the Year 6's, so ages 8+ I would like to teach. The only other thing I really like and could do at University is Drama. I am quite good and have been in numerous plays and musicals, but after a recent re-think, I have decided I am going to kid myself if I am going to have a successful career in acting and teaching would be a better idea for long term jobs, unlike just working for 2 months a year as an actor. To be honest, I only see myself being a teacher, and although I am still quite young and could change my mind at any point. I have always thought \"I'd like to be a _____ or a Primary School teacher\". I am prepared to work very hard to get to my goal! yeah english language would be good to take, i think you just just take which ever A-levels you want for now and then you can decide wether you want to do a drama degree or a primary ed degree nearer the time. Worth bearing in mind if you dont consider yourself academically very strong that no bursaries are available to primary pgce students if they get under a 2:1 classification in their degree. Definitely try and do a curriculum subject for your A levels too. ( Originally Posted by Mr.DL ) Thanks for replying xxlissaxx, I know it would be better but, I passed Maths GCSE in November at Foundation level, I barely scrape through GCSE Science, English Lit I think is alright but I have stronger areas. I could do English Language as I am good at it, but it was on the same line as Welsh, which I enjoy a lot, and if I wanted to teach in Wales it would help a lot. I could see what the option lines are like for next years AS level and do English Language? During my volunteer work, surprisingly I really enjoyed working with the Year 3 and 4 children, surprised as I thought I would only like to teach the Year 6's, so ages 8+ I would like to teach. The only other thing I really like and could do at University is Drama. I am quite good and have been in numerous plays and musicals, but after a recent re-think, I have decided I am going to kid myself if I am going to have a successful career in acting and teaching would be a better idea for long term jobs, unlike just working for 2 months a year as an actor. To be honest, I only see myself being a teacher, and although I am still quite young and could change my mind at any point. I have always thought \"I'd like to be a _____ or a Primary School teacher\". I am prepared to work very hard to get to my goal! This was posted from The Student Room's iPhone\/iPad App Though degree +PGCE keeps options open, if you don't want to do a degree in something else anyway it's probably not right for you. And BEd doesn't completely shut every other area off... Teaching gives you plenty of skills that can transfer to tonnes of other careers if you were ever to change your mind. Also, it's quite an uncertain time. If you did a BEd you'd be on it and sorted, whereas if you did a degree by the time you finished it the way teacher training is done may have completely changed, making it harder for you. Regarding a-levels it's always best to phone unis you may be interested in and ask their advice. They will be able to tell you what you need, what will help you etc Also, you're doing great to get experience now, keep doing that as much as you can! Hello (: I'm (hopefully) starting a primary ed degree in September and I took almost only core subjects at a level (maths, lit, politics) but you definitely don't need to. I wanted to specialise in lit but a lot of unis let you specialise in almost any core subject. Languages are a new requirement in primary teaching so having any language at a level is definitely an advantage. Also, my friend took drama and the interviewers were very interested in that 'teaching is all about acting', etc. Drama's also a large part of language and literacy. So yeah, you can take almost anything as long as you can justify it. Go to open days and ask if you're worried. October isn't too late to change a levels in most places (: Sorry I don't make much sense. Thank you everyone who replied, I have learned quite a lot from your posts! I will get in touch with Uni's to see what they would prefer. And will also keep in mind about doing a drama degree then a PGCE. In the meantime I will keep doing as much experience as possible. I will keep to my A Level options for now, and see how it pans out, I can always change it too if I don't like it. English Language I will have as a standby subject if I need to change. Thank you again everybody! ( Originally Posted by Mr.DL ) Thank you everyone who replied, I have learned quite a lot from your posts! I will get in touch with Uni's to see what they would prefer. And will also keep in mind about doing a drama degree then a PGCE. In the meantime I will keep doing as much experience as possible. I will keep to my A Level options for now, and see how it pans out, I can always change it too if I don't like it. English Language I will have as a standby subject if I need to change. Thank you again everybody! This was posted from The Student Room's iPhone\/iPad App Hi! I'm going to be doing an education related degree in September but I've also had a few primary education interviews and been given offers - I just decided that I would have more options doing an education joint honours - as you get a PGCE interview at the end anyway (and I think quite a few uni's are the same). After attending about a gazillion primary ed open days, every one said that you needed to have at least one a level in English, maths or science. They do say about languages, but i didn't even take a GCSE in a language and still got in. A lot said that they won't consider applicants if you have two art-type degrees (e.g. art\/drama\/photography\/media). personally, I took English, biology and art which seemed to impress them because the creativity of art is extremely useful in the job I also think a great thing to have is plenty of experience - I've had 10 months experience of volunteering in a range of years in a infant and junior school and then I volunteered at a kids club which ended up in gaining a job - which is obviously an amazing thing to have on your personal statement as it's valid proof that you're suitable with children - personally, I had a gap year to gain more experience with kids, which might also be another option. If you're certain you want to be a teacher, then primary education is an awesome course - it's really full on and it's 5 days a week of lectures etc. but you do have a lot of fun and gain loads of experience. Otherwise, you could always take an education studies degree which is less demanding (like myself) and can give you more options. You could even consider doing a joint honours degree and combine education with something else you're interested in such as psychology - giving you even more options, not only if you decide to go into something else but if you want to get a temporary job while searching for a teaching job, as they obviously are quite a lot of people wanting to do the job and so many applicants can be at an interview. You could even go into something like counselling etc. I am taking the Primary ed with QTS it is great. As a mature student I didn't have any A-levels. I took and access to higher education diploma and got in that way. I think if these are your best subjects you should look at doing a QTS course and possibly doing your second year specialism in creative arts. In this scenario your A level choices are more than appropriate and would not impact on your employability. I've just started at Winchester Uni doing Primary Education, so if you have any questions about the uni then let me know. It's such a lovely place and the course here is great. You don't need to have an A-Level in the subject that you want to specialise in either. The experience that you are getting is great, and the interviewers will definitely notice how much you have done Let me know if you need any help ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Diary Of A Busker Day 290 Diary Of A Busker Day 290 Saturday September 29th Greenwich Market, London (outside The Coach And Horses public house, Time: 1:35-3:03pm, 4:35-6:03pm). I'm back outside the same pub I was outside in January last year, just after I started this whole busking thing -- again at the invitation of Gary, who's asked me to play for a bit at the nearby Ben Oakley Gallery before the screening (world premier, actually) of his and Loren Scott's Total Thrive Production of 'Ringo And The Idol Of Justice' a proper length feature film. Preceeding the film, they're showing some shorts they've made over the last few years, one of which -- Attack Of The Mutant Potatoids -- I'm actually IN, as a presidential aide! Once again, Gary's got permission from the relevent sources for me to occupy the same spot as before. Having arrived via a series of trains, I walk to the small gallery -- about a twenty second walk from the pub. Gary's there -- he says he'll go out and get me something to eat before I set up...he returns with a rather splendid, super-hot spicy sausage-in-a-roll, which makes me hiccup! -- \"That'll set you up for the day, King, then I'll take you over to the pub and introduce you to the guy behind the bar.\" Having done all that, I set up and start tuning up -- I keep forgetting I've brought TWO guitars up -- my psychedelic double-neck and trusty Epiphone. Up until the last minute, I was just going to bring the double-neck but then I got paranoid and thought \"What if it sounds rubbish?! -- I'll be stuck with it!\" -- sixty miles from home, so I decided to cram the Epiphone in the same gigbag as the double-neck. It weighs a ton!To add to the weight, I also brought along my bigger busking amp and a microphone and stand, thinking I might do some original songs -- an idea I dispensed with pretty sharpish. It just wasn't the place for an eight minute song about a balloon. I opened with Albatross, after which a man contributed and told me about when he saw Peter Green back in the Sixties -- \"...and he used to swear onstage! Well, we'd never heard anyone swear onstage -- we were only young, we couldn't believe it! Then, a few years ago my son went to see him and he said 'My dad saw you way back' and Peter Green said 'Yeah, I remember your dad, how is he?' and, you know, he couldn't have remembered me -- we never met!\" My man reckons this was because of all the drugs he took (P. Green, not my man!) years before. After an hour and a quarter a young guy comes up and compliments me on the fingerstyle playing...in fact, over some two minutes, he sort of over-compliments me to the extent I think 'I wonder if he's a musician and he wants to busk here'...and I was right! There's two others stading nearby with their instrument cases. Actually, I don't mind -- I need a break and Fran and young Michael have turned up, along with Des who used to run one of my old haunts, The East Dulwich Tavern. Fran wants to buy me some lunch at the pie and mash place opposite the gallery. So I say to the guys wth the cases that they might as well do a set here for an hour or so, then I can finish with another hour and a half -- that'll take me to six o'clock -- the time I'm booked up til. So after a visit to the gallery and a great lunch of pie, mash and green liquor sauce -- just like the old days, we walk back...and the guys who took over are really good -- a fiddle, guitar and mandolin -- no amps, sounds just right for this sort of setting: lots of people, drinking, etc... The people at the tables outside really like it. I think they should keep playing! At 4:15, they keep their word and announce their last song...at the end they say goodbye but people want them to play on. The guy I spoke to earlier looks at me -- I say \"Yeah, go on -- play another one.\" They may as well -- they're really popular! At the end, we have a chat and I get their names -- Jay Northen(?) on six-string acoustic guitar -- a painted one, sponsered by Coca-Cola he said. I took a photo of it -- nice, although not quite as impressive as mine, I have to say. Then there was Roy Hobbs -- mandolin and James Gavin -- fiddle, who'd clearly had a rigourous work-out -- the ground was covered with broken bow-hairs. Collectively, they are The Badlands Orchestra. Actually, that wasn't all of them -- in the middle of their set, while I was 'lunching', they were joined by two more -- an accordionist and another one, whose instrument I can't remember. By the look of all the money in the guitar case, it looks like they've done well -- there was a 10 note along with some serious coinage. Even spliting it between them, they've each made more than me, easily! I'm not surprised -- they're more fun! Good luck to them, I say. As they're going off -- I think they were going to play at someone's house later -- they say they've left me a little present in my bucket. Great! -- must be some 'rental' money...I don't see any notes in there, though. I think they might have put a couple of pound coins in. I start the second session with my Epiphone then, feeling somewhat more brave than when I started, move on to the double-neck. Gary comes to see how I'm getting on. I think it's OK -- there was about 18 from the first spot -- the usual rate. I don't think Gary thinks alot of my very clever mid-song-switching-in-between-necks -- \"It's not necessary, King! Totally unecessary! Only YOU would tell the difference!\" Yep, he's probably right. I pack up just after six o'clock...and get the first of three pints of Guinness couple of people have ordered for me -- one from a man who was sitting at the table right next to me when I started and the other two from some weird, posh woman who also bought not one, but two cds during the second set. She was about 60, said she was -- like me, from Winchester (I don't know how she knew that -- I never told her!) and kept coming up to me. The first time, she said she wanted to book me for a party she was giving in a few weeks time and also for something else about a year from now. But half an hour later, she comes up again and says \"Maybe just the one next year -- I think we should put a bit of a distance between us\"(!) Whatever that's supposed to mean! What a bizarre thing to say! And when Gary came over again and played a bit on my guitar, she started writing something in a notebook, looking at us, writing in the book, looking, writing... Weird people. The only other weird person was at the start -- a man at a table in front who was scowling and muttering at me. I was fearing he was going to be there the whole time but he left after a few minutes. He returned a few times, walking past me, still scowling and muttering rubbish. Par for the course, as they say. I took my Guinness over to the gallery and at Gary's request, set up near the door to do a few numbers to get some passers-by attention -- they might hear the music and maybe like to come in to see the film. Why not -- it's free! I also remembered I'd brought my Prisoner TV series style white-jacket-with-black-piping, so I dug that out of my case. It looked quite good, especially when worn with a striped T-shirt -- very Prisoner-esque, very authentic. In fact there was only one thing needed to complete the picture -- namely, to play my newly worked out Prisoner theme on my double-neck...while Gary filmed me...turning the guitar around to reveal my hand-painted Prisoner 'penny-farthing' bicycle. By the next morning, Gary had edited it and put it up on youtube, which is pretty clever, in my book. That done, the screening with the shorts (Shatner's Pants, Hats For Cats, The Gypsy's Hand and the one with me -'Potatoids') -- all of it brilliant. In The Gypsy's Hand, there was an old Romanian peasant woman speaking but instead of having her speaking Romanian with English subtitles, they'd got her speaking English with Romanian subtitles. Ha! Kwaff -- who did alot of the voices in the main feature -- turned up later, sporting a beard -- never seen him with one before. After the film, there was some serious 'relaxation' back outside the pub...I chatted to fellow Jacques Brel admirer and fellow fingerstyle player (who ISN'T bothered by Focal Dystonia), Joe Wilkes, about Jacques Brel for a bit...then came home -- a somewhat lengthy affair involving a Docklands Light Railway train to Canary Wharf, underground train to Waterloo, train (last one) to Basingstoke and finally a rather cold bus to Winchester, arriving at 3:10am...in the morning. But a good day. I didn't make loads but it's always good to get out of town, see Gary, see Loren...see Fran, Michael, folks from the old days...have a pint of Guinness, or three...and a short, or two. And I didn't pay any train fare -- due to some vouchers a train company sent me as compensation for a botched journey a couple of months ago. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"New Zealand's Minister of Justice comes out in support of marriage equality and other LGBT rights Judith Collins is now in favour of marriage equality (pic: Emergency111) The New Zealand Minister of Justice, who previously voted against the country's civil union legislation, has now come out in favour of marriage equality, same-sex couples adopting and legal recognition of gender identity for trans people. As reported by GayNZ.com, this is a big volt-face for the Honourable Judith Collins, who once raised the question of whether same-sex unions were a human rights issue at all. Nearly a decade ago when the Care of Children Act was being debated, Ms Collins stated: \"Accepting the diversity of New Zealand families does not mean advocacy for same-sex parenting situations. And it certainly does not mean a same-sex partner should have the same rights as a father.\" On the subject of gender identity, she once said: \"there is no need to make any person a protected species.\" However, speaking to GayNZ.com Daily News this week, Ms Collins said that she had \"no problem\" with marriage equality, \"no particular problem\" with same-sex couples legally adopting children and in the recognition of respecting gender identities said: \"It doesn't hurt for us to acknowledge people's diversity -- it actually helps us.\" She added: \"Frankly it would be really nice if we could look at people as human beings rather than be always saying 'you can't do that because you're gay' or whatever.\" A private members' bill on the subject of marriage equality -- introduced by openly gay MP Louisa Wall -- is looking to be introduced to the Parliament next week. Policy around gender identity is still muddied and in need of clarification, and New Zealand's adoption laws -- made in the 1950s -- will, it's generally agreed, be the hardest to bring into the 21st century. Pink News covers religion, politics, entertainment, finance, and community news for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community in the UK and worldwide. Founded to produce broadsheet quality journalism for the LGBT community, we cover politics to theology in an intelligent manner. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"For most of us, setting the alarm clock for 7 a.m. seems ridiculous and out of the question. But the men and women\u2019s basketball teams don\u2019t think twice about it during preseason workouts. Even though preseason has ended for both teams, the aches, pains and ice baths have only just begun. This season, the women\u2019s team will fight for a repeat of last season\u2019s Old Dominion Athletic Conference championship, while the men\u2019s team works hard to achieve their highest level of potential. The women\u2019s basketball team has welcomed a new assistant coach this year, Mercedes Van Wagner, as well as junior Ryan Phillips, who is the new student assistant coach. Also joining the team is Assistant Women\u2019s Basketball Coach Reggie Hines, who helps the team out by working with the guards. \u201cIt\u2019s been an easy and smooth transition here to Guilford so far,\u201d said Van Wagner. \u201cThe girls have been working hard so far, and we are all excited for the season.\u201d \u201cWhen I decided to stop playing basketball, I got an opportunity to help assist the women\u2019s team,\u201d said Phillips. \u201cMy role is helping out with player development, bringing energy to practice, and completing some behind-the-scenes tasks.\u201d Former basketball player Will Cloyd\u201912 has joined the coaching staff as head coach of the B team \u2014 also known as the junior varsity team \u2014 and assisting in duties for Head Basketball Coach Tom Palombo and Assistant Basketball Coach Caleb Kimbrough. \u201cMy role consists of ordering food for games and referees, recording stats, film exchange and making things easier for everybody else,\u201d said Cloyd. \u201cYou can\u2019t have a good team that\u2019s not well-fed or organized.\u201d Winning last season\u2019s ODAC championship has put the women\u2019s team in the spotlight. (Last year\u2019s) Top scorer Jazlyn Gibbs graduated so the team leans on their 11 returners to make up for the loss. \u201cI want to continue to put them in a situation where they have the opportunity to win,\u201d said Head Women\u2019s Basketball Coach Stephanie Flamini. \u201cGibbs took a lot of shots last year. This year will open up the opportunity for players to take more shots and shine.\u201d An ODAC championship is always in mind for any coach here at Guilford, but the men\u2019s team has other goals they wish to meet first. \u201cWe want to try to achieve our highest level of potential that we are capable of playing,\u201d said Palombo. \u201cOf course we want to win the ODAC, but that\u2019s something that happens after you have achieved your goals.\u201d With excitement brewing and only a few weeks into practices, both teams are ready to storm the court and make this season the best one yet. \u201cI\u2019m really excited to see how all the things we\u2019ve been working on in practice all come together,\u201d said junior guard Kayla Adams. \u201cI love spending time with this team because we always have such a great time when we\u2019re together.\u201d \u201cWe didn\u2019t end the season the way we wanted to last year,\u201d said sophomore forward Will Freeman. \u201cWe are all excited and looking forward to redeeming ourselves.\u201d With anxiousness consuming the coaches and players, you could only imagine how the fans must be feeling. \u201cI am very excited for the basketball games to start,\u201d said senior Kyle Ennis. \u201cI love watching the women\u2019s team because they have great communication between one another. They go out onto that hardwood court floor and take falls that people don\u2019t expect them to take.\u201d \u201cI am beyond excited and pumped for basketball season to start up,\u201d said sophomore Eddie Praley. \u201cI thank Dr. James Naismith every day for inventing the sport of basketball.\u201d ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"5 Reason Why Franchisees Need to Talk to Wall Street Franchisees who invest in publicly held companies should have a line of communications with the investors in their system that is uninterrupted by corporate management. After forty years of successful growth the McDonald's restaurant system hit some potholes in the 1990s. Coincidentally we had just launched Franchise Equity Group and were in a position to monitor the trauma that the second generation of McDonald's managers were inflicting on the system. After our efforts in the interests of McDonald's franchisees were mentioned in the major media we were contacted by Wall Street analysts and institutional investors. Working with these people was an extraordinary learning experience. At that time McDonald's had been an NYSE listed company for over thirty years, had a market cap of over $30 Billion, and yet there was an stunning lack of knowledge among investors. Our discussions covered franchisee profitability, the results of an unrealistic growth program intended to impress investors, management's history, franchisee morale, and other basic topics. Over these past fifteen years I've had the pleasure of assisting many investors in learning about not only McDonald's but the franchised industry in general. Franchisees in publicly held brands should develop the philosophy that the corporate people (who are temporary employees) don't own the company. The only significant investors in the brand are franchisees and shareholders - two entities that should be in constant communication. FAQs About Franchisees Communicating With Investors. 1. Should franchisees attempt to influence the value of the corporate stock? Absolutely not - If your brand is to be a good opportunity for franchisees it must be healthy at all levels. However, problems develop when management uses short term strategies that might help the share price but damage franchisees. Think about this activity as the education of investors for the long term health of the entire system 2. know my business intimately but don't know much about high finance and Wall Street? They won't like it but won't say much. This activity is most effective in those franchise systems where management controls 100% of the information about thefranchised side of the business. In those cases they've told investors franchiseesare supportive of management's initiatives and there is complete \"alignment\"between management and franchisees. Of course they want franchisees voiceless. 4. Will I be divulging proprietary information? If you think you are walking around with a lot of proprietary information you should consider canceling that speech to the local Kiwanis Club. Discerning franchisees would never divulge information that would benefit their competitors. Not so much - But they want to know if the corporate initiatives will be successful and if resistance to management's direction might retard corporate growth. As analysts they understand the franchise model must be a good investment but they won't fuss over every franchisee's survival. Especially if all they hear is corporate's side of the story. In summary, most publicly held franchised systems operate with a few corporate people strutting around like they own the brand while the real investors are franchisees and shareholders. In most cases management has been successful in building a towering wall between the true owners of the brand. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Pumpkin and Feta Burgers with my new pals, Gourmet Garden Like those times when fresh lemongrass requires me to take out a mortgage in order to buy it. When bugs have eaten all my basil. And when I want some garlic that hasn't sprouted that weird little green horn because I've forgotten it's in the back of the cupboard. Gourmet Garden have always been my friends, coming to my rescue with their reliable little tubes of herby goodness. You may have seen them in your supermarket produce section. They may already be your pals too. They live down the road from me, in pretty Palmwoods. Where, after the herbs are picked when antioxidants and essential oils are at their peak, they are packaged fresh and under refrigeration to get the best flavour, aroma and the highest value of nutrients. They're only washed, chopped, blended and packed. That's it! I've been to their factory and by gum, it smells GOOD! It makes me hungry every time I even visit the offices, let alone where the actual magic happens. Their facilities are so clean and fancy, and although it is freezing in there, everybody looks cheerful and probably goes home smelling like an Italian neighbourhood. This is a Good Thing. The tubes were originally created because they know that fresh herbs and spices can't be beat in cooking. But not all of us can or want to grow them, or they get sad and withered before we can use them. Plus we're all busy and if you're anything like me, you forgot the chillies at the supermarket, and now none of us have to miss out. They have tons of flavours like chives, dill, ginger, rosemary, oregano, and cool mixtures like Thai and Mediterannean seasoning. No waste, always ready to go. Win! You'll be seeing them pop up in recipes from time to time here on Veggie Mama, and I'll be creating some recipes for their site and blog, as well as the very cool Dominique Rizzo and the chicks from 4 Ingredients . I might even make a cameo in their very popular Herb eCooking School videos, which you can like on Facebook here and be kept up-to-date with their goings-on. You can enrol in the classes, which are FREE! And yes, they were the very kind BlogHer\/BlogHer food sponsors, so if you're a blogger, you know how awesome that is. For a company to value the worth of what we do, and be excited to partner with us in this way is incredibly generous and SMART of them. They could teach some brands a thing or two! I loved the garlic in this recipe because it mixed much more smoothly and evenly in the burgers than chopped garlic would. They've just got that little something extra that boosted the flavour. 1. Mix all ingredients together. You can mash the pumpkin beforehand if you like, but I don't bother. 2. Cook on medium-high heat in a large frying pan 5-8 mins on each side, until browned and cooked through. You might want to keep flipping if yours is an excellent frypan and keeps the heat, not like mine, who takes forever to brown anything... Share this: i love tomato paste and herbs in a tube! i don't use them enough to warrant keeping fresh ones in the house! these burgers look incredible! i'm freaking out about them as i eat frozen mac and cheese. ugh. Our fridge is literally packed with these babies. I love the mixed mini tubes and the chunky garlic the most. My brother told me a little while ago that they were based on the Sunshine Coast which made me love them even more. Great choice Gourmet Garden, Veggie Mama ROCKS. And about these patties!! Yum. Printing to PDF as we speak to add to my cooking file. ttp:\/\/www.theveggiemama.com Veggie Mama The Sunshine Coast has the best! Elizabeth I have worked a few trade shows for Gormet Garden and couldn't agree more- a great company with great products. A little trick I learnt courtesy of lots and lots of free samples is to keep them in the freezer. Many can be squeezed out of the tube even when frozen or take just a few minutes to defrost enough to squeeze them out. Keeps them a lot longer! ttp:\/\/www.theveggiemama.com Veggie Mama Yes! That's such a good idea! Especially for the ones I don't use as often, like dill. They really are a fab company, or I wouldn't be working with them. Just love their whole style. Jenni T Thx for your blog veggie mama! I only recently discovered your blog after reading about it in Peppermint magazine. Looking forward to checking out previous blogs for more great recipes like this one! I agree with previous post, freezing your Gourmet Garden tubes is definitely the way to go! ttp:\/\/theshylion.com\/ Raynor Yes, hello, I would like to please put these burgers in my face. Kind regards, Raynie. ttp:\/\/theshylion.com\/ Raynor You guys! I want mac and cheese tooooooo! Also, I would like to dunk these burgers -into- the mac 'n' cheese. HOMG! This needs to happen. ttp:\/\/www.theveggiemama.com Veggie Mama Best idea everrrrrrr! ttp:\/\/www.theveggiemama.com Veggie Mama Done. Tash Hi ! Made these ones for tea tonight..had to do a little test patty before school pick up .... YUM ! They are great thanks. My husband is a FUSSY vegetarian so always on the look out for veggie recipes ttp:\/\/www.theveggiemama.com Veggie Mama Oh I hope he likes them! I love any way of sneaking brown rice into my diet ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Why, oh why would a woman choose to grow a moustache? This was the question that passed through my m... Iraq is rending itself apart. The signs of collapse are everywhere. In Baghdad, the police often pick up more than 100 tortured and mutilated bodies in a single day. Government ministries make war on each other. A new and ominous stage in the disintegration of the Iraqi state came earlier this month when police commandos from the Shia-controlled Interior Ministry kidnapped 150 people from the Sunni-run Higher Education Ministry in the heart of Baghdad. Iraq may be getting close to what Americans call \"the Saigon moment\", the time when it becomes evident to all that the government is expiring. \"They say that the killings and kidnappings are being carried out by men in police uniforms and with police vehicles,\" the Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said to me with a despairing laugh this summer. \"But everybody in Baghdad knows that the killers and kidnappers are real policemen.\" It is getting worse. The Iraqi army and police are not loyal to the state. If the US army decides to confront the Shia militias it could well find Shia military units from the Iraqi army cutting the main American supply route between Kuwait and Baghdad. One convoy was recently stopped at a supposedly fake police checkpoint near the Kuwait border and four American security men and an Austrian taken away. The US and British position in Iraq is far more of a house built on sand than is realised in Washington or London, despite the disasters of the past three-and-a-half years. George Bush and Tony Blair show a unique inability to learn from their mistakes, largely because they do not want to admit having committed any errors in the first place. Civil war is raging across central Iraq, home to a third of the country's 27 million people. As Shia and Sunni flee each other's neighbourhoods, Iraq is turning into a country of refugees. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says that 1.6 million are displaced within the country and a further 1.8 million have fled abroad. In Baghdad, neighbouring Sunni and Shia districts have started to fire mortars at each other. On the day Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death, I phoned a friend in a Sunni area of the capital to ask what he thought of the verdict. He answered impatiently that \"I was woken up this morning by the explosion of a mortar bomb on the roof of my next-door neighbour's house. I am more worried about staying alive myself than what happens to Saddam.\" Iraqi friends used to reassure me that there would be no civil war because so many Shia and Sunni were married to each other. These mixed couples are now being compelled to divorce by their families. \"I love my husband but my family has forced me to divorce him because we are Shia and he is Sunni,\" said Hiba Sami, a mother, to a UN official. \"My family say they [the husband's family] are insurgents ... and that living with him is an offence to God.\" Members of mixed marriages had set up an association to protect each other called the Union for Peace in Iraq but they were soon compelled to dissolve it when several founding members were murdered. Everything in Iraq is dominated by what in Belfast we used to call \"the politics of the last atrocity\". All three Iraqi communities - Shia, Sunni and Kurds - see themselves as victims and seldom sympathise with the tragedies of others. Every day brings its gruesome discoveries. Earlier this month, I visited Mosul, the capital of northern Iraq that has a population of 1.7 million people, of whom about two thirds are Sunni Arabs and one third Kurds. It is not the most dangerous city in Iraq but it is still a place drenched in violence. A local tribal leader called Sayid Tewfiq from the nearby city of Tal Afar told me of a man from there who went to recover the tortured body of his 16-year-old son. The corpse was wired to explosives that blew up, killing the father so their two bodies were buried together. Khasro Goran, the efficient and highly effective deputy governor of Mosul, said there was no civil war yet in Mosul but it could easily happen. He added that 70,000 Kurds had already fled the city because of assassinations. It is extraordinary how, in Iraq, slaughter that would be front-page news anywhere else in the world soon seems to be part of normal life. On the day I arrived in Mosul, the police had found 11 bodies in the city which would have been on the low side in Baghdad. I spoke to Duraid Mohammed Kashmula, the governor of Mosul, whose office is decorated with pictures of smiling fresh-faced young men who turned out to be his son and four nephews, all of them killed by insurgents. His own house, together with his furniture, was burned to the ground two years ago. He added in passing that Mr Goran and he himself were the prime targets for assassination in Mosul, a point that was dramatically proved true the day after we spoke when insurgents exploded a bomb beside his convoy - fortunately he was not in it at the time - killing one and wounding several of his bodyguards. For the moment Mosul is more strongly controlled by pro-government forces than most Iraqi cities. That is because the US has powerful local allies in the shape of the Kurds. The two army divisions in the province are primarily Kurdish, but the 17,000 police in Nineveh, the province of which Mosul is the capital, are almost entirely Sunni and their loyalty is dubious. One was dismissed on the day of Saddam's trial for putting a picture of the former leader in the window of his car. In November 2004, the entire Mosul police force abandoned their police stations to the insurgents who captured 20m worth of arms. \"The terrorists do not control a single district in Mosul,\" is the proud claim of Major General Wathiq Mohammed Abdul Qadir al-Hamdani, the bullet-headed police chief of Nineveh. \"I challenge them to fight me face to face.\" But the situation is still very fragile. We went to see the police operations room where an officer was bellowing into a microphone: \"There is a suicide bomber in a car in the city. Do not let him get near you or any of our buildings.\" There was a reason to be frightened. On my way into Mosul, I had seen the broken concrete walls of the party headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of the two big Kurdish political parties. In August, two men in a car packed with explosives shot their way past the outer guard post and then blew themselves up, killing 17 soldiers. The balance of forces in Nineveh between American, Arab, Kurd, Turkoman, Sunni and Shia is complicated even by Iraqi standards. Power is fragmented. Sayid Tewfiq, the Shia tribal leader from Tal Afar, resplendent in his flowing robes, admitted: \"I would not last 24 hours in Tal Afar without Coalition [US] support.\" \"That's probably about right,\" confirmed Mr Goran, explaining that Sayid Tewfiq's Shia Turkoman tribe was surrounded by Sunni tribes. Earlier I had heard him confidently invite all of Nineveh provincial council to visit him in Tal Afar. Nobody looked enthusiastic about taking him up on the offer. \"He may have 3,000 fighters from his tribe but he can't visit most of Tal Afar himself,\" said another member of the council, Mohammed Suleiman, as he declined the invitation. A few hours before somebody tried to assassinate him, Governor Kashmula claimed to me that \"security in Mosul is the best in Iraq outside the Kurdish provinces\". It is a measure of the violence in Iraq that it is an arguable point. Khasro Goran said: \"The situation is not perfect but it is better than Anbar, Baquba and Diyala.\" I could vouch for this. In Iraq however bad things are there is always somewhere worse. It is obviously very difficult for reporters to discover what is happening in Iraq's most violent provinces without being killed themselves. But, at the end of September, I travelled south along the Iraqi side of the border with Iran, sticking to Kurdish villages to try to reach Diyala, a mixed Sunni-Shia province north-east of Baghdad where there had been savage fighting. It is a road on which a wrong turning could be fatal. We drove from Sulaimaniyah through the mountains, passed through the Derbandikhan tunnel and then took the road that runs beside the Diyala river, its valley a vivid streak of lush green in the dun-coloured semi desert. The area is a smuggler's paradise. At night, trucks drive through without lights, their drivers using night-vision goggles. It is not clear what cargoes they are carrying - presumably weapons or drugs - and nobody has the temerity to ask. We had been warned it was essential to turn left after the tumbledown Kurdish town of Kalar before reaching the mixed Arab-Kurdish village of Jalula. We crossed the river by a long and rickety bridge, parts of which had fallen into the swirling waters below, and soon arrived in the Kurdish stronghold of Khanaqin in Diyala province. If I had any thoughts about driving further towards Baghdad they were put to rest by the sight, in one corner of the yard of the local police headquarters, of the wreckage of a blue-and-white police vehicle torn apart by a bomb. \"Five policemen were killed in it when it was blown up at an intersection in As-Sadiyah two months ago,\" a policeman told me. \"Only their commander survived but his legs were amputated.\" Officials in Khanaqin had no doubt about what is happening in their province. Lt Col Ahmed Nuri Hassan, the exhausted-looking commander of the federal police, said: \"There is a sectarian civil war here and it is getting worse every day.\" The head of the local council estimated 100 people were being killed a week. In Baquba, the provincial capital, Sunni Arabs were driving out Shia and Kurds. The army and police were divided along sectarian lines. The one Iraqi army division in Diyala was predominantly Shia and only arrested Sunni. On the day after I left, Sunni and Kurdish police officers fought a gun battle in Jalula, the village I had been warned not to enter. The fighting started when Kurdish police refused to accept a new Sunni Arab police chief and his followers. Here, in miniature, in Diyala it was possible to see Iraq breaking up. The province is ruled by its death squads. The police say at least 9,000 people had been murdered. It is difficult to see how Sunni and Shia in the province can ever live together again. In much of Iraq, we long ago slipped down the rapids leading from crisis to catastrophe though it is only in the past six months that these dire facts have begun to be accepted abroad. For the first three years of the war, Republicans in the US regularly claimed the liberal media was ignoring signs of peace and progress. Some right-wingers even set up websites devoted to spreading the news of American achievements in this ruined land. I remember a team from a US network news channel staying in my hotel in Baghdad complaining to me, as they buckled on their body armour and helmets, that they had been once again told by their bosses in New York, themselves under pressure from the White House, to \"go and find some good news and report it.\" Times have changed in Washington. The extent of the disaster in Iraq is admitted by almost all, aside from President Bush. Even before the Democrats' victory in the Congressional elections on 7 November the magazine Vanity Fair commented acidly that \"the only group in the Bush camp at this point are the people who wait patiently for news of the WMD and continue to believe that Saddam and Osama were once lovers.\" Previous supporters of the war are showing embarrassing haste in recanting past convictions. These days, it is in Britain alone, or more specifically in Downing Street, that policies bloodily discredited in Iraq in the years since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein still get a hearing. I returned from Mosul to London just in time to hear Tony Blair speaking at the Lord Mayor's banquet. It was a far more extraordinary performance that his audience appreciated. As the Prime Minister spoke with his usual Hugh Grant charm, it became clear he had learned nothing and forgotten nothing in three-and-a-half years of war. Misconception after misconception poured from his lips. Contrary to views of his own generals and every opinion poll assessing Iraqi opinion, he discounted the idea that armed resistance in Iraq is fueled by hostility to foreign occupation. Instead he sees dark forces rising in the east, dedicated, like Sauron in Lord of the Rings, to principles of pure evil. The enemy, in this case, is \"based on a thoroughly warped misinterpretation of Islam, which is fanatical and deadly.\" An expert on the politics of Iraq and Lebanon recently said to me: \"The most dangerous error in the Middle East today is to believe the Shia communities in Iraq and Lebanon are pawns of Iran.\" But that is exactly what the Prime Minister does believe. The fact that the largest Shia militia in Iraq - the Mehdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr - is anti-Iranian and Iraqi nationalist is conveniently ignored. Those misconceptions are important in terms of practical policy because they give support to the dangerous myth that if the US and Britain could only frighten or square the Iranians and Syrians then all would come right as their Shia cats-paws in Iraq and Lebanon would inevitably fall into line. In a very British way, opponents of the war in Iraq have focused not on current events but on the past sins of the government in getting us into the war. No doubt it was all very wrong for Downing Street to pretend that Saddam Hussein had WMD and was a threat to the world when they knew he was not. But this emphasis on the origins of the war in Iraq has diverted attention from the fact that, going by official statements, the British government knows no more about what was going on in Iraq in 2006 than it did in 2003. The picture Mr Blair paints of Iraq seldom touches reality at any point. For instance, he says Iraqis \"voted for an explicitly non-sectarian government,\" but every Iraqi knows the vote in two parliamentary elections in 2005 went wholly along sectarian and ethnic lines. The polls were the starting pistol for the start of the civil war. Mr Blair steadfastly refuses to accept the fact that opposition to the American and British occupation of Iraq has been the main cause of the insurgency. The commander of the British army, General Sir Richard Dannatt, was almost fired for his trouble when he made the obvious point that \"we should get ourselves out some time soon because our presence exacerbates the security problem.\" A series of opinion polls carried out by the US-based group WorldPublicOpinion.org at the end of September show why Gen. Dannatt is right and Mr Blair is wrong. The poll shows that 92 per cent of the Sunni and 62 per cent of the Shia - up from 41 per cent at the start of the year - approve of attacks on US-led forces. Only the Kurds support the occupation. Some 78 per cent of all Iraqis think the US military presence provokes more conflict than it prevents and 71 per cent want US-led forces out of Iraq within a year. The biggest and most menacing change this year is the growing hostility of Iraq's Shia to the American and British presence. It used to be said that at least the foreign occupation prevented a civil war but, with 1,000 Iraqis being killed every week, it is now very clearly failing. It was always true that in post-Saddam Iraq there was going to be friction between the Shia, Sunni and Kurds. But Iraqis were also forced to decide if they were for or against a foreign invader. The Sunnis were always going to fight the occupation, the Kurds to welcome it and the Shia to co-operate for just so long as it served their interests. Patriotism and communal self-interest combined. Before 2003, a Sunni might see a Shia as the member of a different sect but once the war had started he started to see him as a traitor to his country. Of course Messrs Bush and Blair argue there is no occupation. In June 2004, sovereignty was supposedly handed back to Iraq. \"Let Freedom Reign,\" wrote Mr Bush. But the reality of power remained firmly with the US and Britain. The Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki said this month that he could not move a company of soldiers without seeking permission of the Coalition (the US and Britain). Officials in Mosul confirmed to me that they could not carry out a military operation without the agreement of US forces. There is a hidden history to the occupation of Iraq which helps explain why has proved such a disaster. In 1991, after the previous Gulf War, a crucial reason why President George HW Bush did not push on to Baghdad was that he feared the overthrow of Saddam Hussein would be followed by elections that would be won by Shia parties sympathetic to Iran. No worse outcome of the war could be imagined in Washington. After the capture of Baghdad in 2003, the US faced the same dilemma. Many of the contortions of US policy in Iraq since then have been a covert attempt to avoid or dilute the domination of Iraq's Shia majority. For more than a year, the astute US envoy in Baghdad, Zalmay Khalilzad, tried to conciliate the Sunni. He failed. Attacks on US forces are on the increase. Dead and wounded US soldiers now total almost 1,000 a month.. An Iraqi government will only have real legitimacy and freedom to operate when US and British troops have withdrawn. Washington and London have to accept that if Iraq is to survive at all it will be as a loose federation run by a Shia-Kurdish alliance because together they are 80 per cent of the population. But, thanks to the miscalculations of Mr Bush and Mr Blair, the future of Iraq will be settled not by negotiations but on the battlefield. The Occupation: War and Resistance in Iraq by Patrick Cockburn is published by Verso. The toll of war * US troops killed since invasion - 2,880 * UK troops killed - 126 * Iraqis who have died as result of invasion - 655,000 * Journalists killed - 77 * Daily attacks on coalition forces - 180 * Average number of US troops killed every day in October - 3.5 * Strength of insurgency - 30,000 nationwide * Number of police - 180,000 * Trained judges - 740 * Percentage of Iraqi population that wants US forces to leave within 12 months - 71 per cent * Hours of electricity per day in Baghdad in November - 8.6 (pre-war estimate 16-24 hours) * Unemployment - 25-40 per cent * Internet subscribers - 197,310 (pre-war 4,500) * Population with access to clean drinking water - 9.7 million (12.9 million pre-war). Percentage of children suffering malnutrition - 33 per cent Game on: Oliver Thring joins a partridge shoot Everything but the turkey: Best Christmas trimmings What makes a cracking Christmas meal? It's all in the details, says Christopher Hirst, who has chomped his way through a mountain of supermarket and specialist food Bangkok reigns supreme for street food Every city in the world is now getting in on the street-food act, but Bangkok is still the best, says John Brunton Can you cook perfect fried chicken at home? The vogue for fried chicken has us all lusting after crispy wings, but is it achievable at home? Armed with a thermometer and some expert tips, Samuel Muston takes the plunge. Cabin fever: Cabane Sucre There is a wooden house in the middle of Canada's snowy countryside where food of such sublime richness is served that getting a table there is more difficult than at a Michelin-starred city restaurant Christmas uncorked: The finest reds and whites Anthony Rose reveals his festive guide, from the best party red to wines to drink with stilton The 50 Best Christmas gifts for children From this year's most-fashionable fad to classics they'll want to keep forever, Kate Watson-Smyth fills the family stockings with this year's top toys Sole food: could chicken feet to China be Britain's next big export? Environment Secretary spots a gap in the market for 'phoenix claws' Who is the real Jill Kelley? She first hit the news as the apparently innocent victim of abusive emails from the lover of David Petraeus. But the more we've found out about the other, other woman, the greater the mystery Here comes the demon chef Is London ready for Alvin Leung's 'x-treme Chinese cuisine'? Up all night: 24-hour restaurants A new breed offers fine dining at any time of day, reports Samuel Muston The 10 Best mulled drinks A glass of something spicy -- whether it's boozy or soft -- will get you in the mood for winter. Just add a roaring fire... ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Good idea, and thanks for the link. Some good videos there. I'm always up for hearing Doug Self (aka God) but other interesting speakers would be Alan Sircom and Martin Colloms. The former for his views on the industry, trends and where we might be heading, the latter as Martin has been around for donkeys years and worked as design consultant to many companies over the years. I guess it could have a DIY build theme. Based around a few rooms containing bits of home brew kit from various attendees. Good idea, and thanks for the link. Some good videos there. I'm always up for hearing Doug Self (aka God) but other interesting speakers would be Alan Sircom and Martin Colloms. The former for his views on the industry, trends and where we might be heading, the latter as Martin has been around for donkeys years and worked as design consultant to many companies over the years. I guess it could have a DIY build theme. Based around a few rooms containing bits of home brew kit from various attendees. I think it would be good to include as many 'forum personalities' as possible, whether pros.semi pros or knowledgeable enthusiasts. The more open the event the better, and the broader appeal it will have; even on this small forum we have some amazing knowledge and even better - the willingness and grace to share it freely. Good work Dave. Would be good to have Rob Holt and more industry bods of as many types as possible to make the event as appealing and credible as possible. Pleasing that TQ have already got behind it. Nice one fellas. I look forward to seeing this one grow. I would be happy to make the tea. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND OUR KIDS: HOW ARE WE DOING? When Betty Lee tells her boys to go outside and play, she knows they will likely be the only two kids out on her street. Unfortunately, this is true across the country. For the fifth year in a row, the Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth gave Canada a failing grade of D in 2009. The report card shows that children still spend twice as much time in front of the TV screen as they do being active. Less than 10 per cent of children and youth are getting the recommended 90 minutes of moderate to vigorous daily physical activity. \"We are always kicking them outdoors in summer to be active. If given a choice, they would be inside playing video games,\" says Lee, a mother from Edmonton. \"Kids today have more access to technology, computers, 24-hour TV and computer games. Their activity levels are a lot lower than they used to be.\" Dr. Mark Tremblay, director of healthy living and obesity research at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario and chair of Active Healthy Kids Canada, says that more kids in Canada are becoming obese. He adds that we've been seeing this trend for at least the last generation. \"This is a new biological phenomenon. Having large numbers of kids who are obese is new to the species. I don't think any of us understand what the consequences of that are,\" says Dr. Tremblay. \"Almost everyone seems to understand that more activity is better, but we don't seem able to get people to act on that. It's not just being informed. It's creating environments to help make the healthy choice the easy choice,\" said Dr. Tremblay. Betty Lee says that one thing that seems to work with her two older sons is signing them up for an activity with their friends. \"My older son especially does much better in swimming when he takes it through school. I see a positive effect when he is with someone he knows well who is his own age.\" Being physically active with the whole family also seems to encourage physical activity, says Lee. \"We go bike riding every other night in the summer as a family,\" she said. \"Sure, it is nice if they do the spontaneous play thing, but to ensure that they are getting physical activity regularly, we have to schedule it.\" Dr. Tremblay says modern devices, such as remote controls that reduce work, are a big factor in reducing the daily physical activity of kids. The main cause of obesity can be boiled down to too much energy intake for the amount of energy output. But Dr. Tremblay says the factors that feed into obesity are incredibly complicated. \"My guess is that it's not going to be a good news story when we finally get it figured out,\" says Dr. Tremblay. \"We're already seeing a substantial number of cases of children with Type 2 diabetes, which is one repercussion of not getting enough physical activity.\" He added that the psychosocial, emotional and mental elements of obesity can often have tragic consequences. Dr. Tremblay said that many of these factors are worse in aboriginal children and youth. Less than half of aboriginal children are active for 30 minutes per day five days a week. \"Sometimes a reasonable amount of that difference disappears if you control for socioeconomic status,\" said Dr. Tremblay. \"Quite often those groups are in poor living conditions and have poor education and low incomes.\" However, he pointed to Amish and Mennonite kids who don't have access to electronic devices. \"They are way more active even though they have no phys. ed. classes and sports teams. Many of them live in what we think of as poverty. But these groups are achieving much higher levels of fitness. They have almost a complete absence of obesity. They walk, they play, they hunt. It's boring sitting in the living room.\" The increase in overweight and obesity, combined with low levels of physical activity, represents a serious threat to the health of Canada's children and youth. In response to this crisis, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology developed Canada's Physical Activity Guides for Children and Youth. HEALTHY U NEWS Healthy U Food Checker Compare the nutrition criteria from a Nutrition Facts Table to find out if your food or beverage choice is a Choose Most Often, Choose Sometimes or Choose Least Often according to the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines. more Healthy School Communities Award Ten awards celebrating people & programs addressing healthy eating, physical activity & mental wellbeing in school communities were presented to individuals & organizations from across Alberta. Award recipients were honoured by the Associate Minister of Wellness. more ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Taking care of your silverware Smart and shiny silverware can be a lovely addition to any home, but all too often, people aren't aware of the best way to take care of it -- resulting in it become tarnished and dull. This guide to taking care of your silverware will tell you all you need to know to brighten up your bowls and keep your cutlery bright and beautiful -- you'll be amazed how easy it is! Cleaning To clean your silverware, follow these five simple steps: Rinse the item in hot water to remove dust Line a heat proof dish with aluminium foil Add 1tbsp baking soda, 1tbsp salt, and 4.5 litres of boiling water to the dish Submerge your jewellery into the solution, resting them directly on the foil Once the tarnish has been removed, gently dry the item with a soft cloth Polishing Now that your silverware is clean and tarnish free, it's time to enhance its shine! Invest in a good quality silver polish or cream and buff the item with a soft cotton cloth or cellulose sponge (these materials are recommended because they will not scratch the metal). When you are done, rinse the item under a gentle flow of water and dry it completely with a soft, clean cloth. Storage To keep your silverware in the best possible condition when it's not in use, store it in a clean space away from extreme temperatures. Above all else, ensure that it is dry, as moisture can affect the surface of silver. Keep each item separate to avoid any damage, and they should be ready to use whenever you need them next. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"How to talk to your children about natural disasters In parenting, sometimes nothing is as scary as reality. We wish we could keep our children's lives full of rainbows, unicorns and fancy trucks that fly. But we can't. Because at some point, our children are going to learn about the reality of life, loss and scary things that are out of our control. First and foremost, make sure your child knows she is safe If nothing else, it's your responsibility as a parent to keep your child safe. And the first way to do that is to tell them they're safe. Offering hugs and security is your job. So when you sit your child down, make sure he knows that you will do everything you can to keep him as safe as he is, always. During natural disasters, things can always get out of hand. But your kids will feel confident knowing that you're doing your best for them. Be gentle in your discussion Next, tell your children that something horrible or scary or unplanned happened in the world in a very calm voice. If it makes you cry, that's okay, you're sharing your emotional ties to the story. Let them know that what happened is something no one wants to happen and how hard it is for you to share it or know it. But don't tell them more than they need to know. Let your child ask the questions After you tell your child the basics, go ahead and open the floor to their questions and let their questions take them where they need to go. They likely don't need to know all the statistics that the news is sharing. They may be more interested in what is happening to pets or how kids can get to a hospital. Most likely, kids will need to know how this disaster will affect them or could affect them. Stick with answering their questions and you'll keep your children safe. Expect a follow-up, or two A day or so after we shared the Haitian earthquake in 2010 with our kids, my 4 year old came to me saying \"I don't know what an Earthquake is.\" It turned out that he'd been thinking about it off and on through the day before, rolling around the possibilities and the answers we'd given then. But his persona is one that needs to know how things happen. So we took that opportunity to explain fault lines and the earth shifting. Had we shared all of this when we told him about the quake, he might have been overwhelmed with facts. He asked when he was ready. Offer ways you can help as a family As Pennsylvanian's we were fortunate during Hurricane Sandy. Our house had minimal damage and we never lost power. We know it could have been much worse. During the worst of the storm, my kids and I cleaned out their closets, trying on clothing and setting things aside to give to charity. Later that week, when discussing what to do with the extra 5-year-old boy clothing, my son asked if we could bring it to the kids that lost their homes. While that wasn't possible, we researched drop-off points and lists of supplies and things needed. When we found a drop-off (the ladies of PSMM teamed up to donate), my son raced to his room to find more to help. Many kids want to help other kids, especially those who are able to imagine if they lost their own homes. Further resources to discuss disasters with your kids I posted Earthquakes for Kids lists several parent conversations and resources after the Japanese Tsunami in 2011. About Julie Meyers Pron Julie Meyers Pron has written 1051 post in this blog. mom of 3 and wife, Julie is a former elementary school teacher and a Public Relations manager. She is the owner\/editor of Just Precious, founding partner of Just Centsible, and a team member of Splash Creative Media. Julie is a PTOer, volunteer, elementary educator and that's just the beginning of the list. I have a feeling it's very different outside of this area. Here, it's consumed us. But I've talked to people in the midwest who aren't anywhere near as affected. I'm sure if it had happened on the west coast our kids would barely know about it. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Related Posts Market share: gluten-free baking a piece of cake In August, if you live in Villeray or Parc-Ex (or many other neighborhoods around Montreal), you can go onto your balcony and pick the grapes, crab apples and plums that earlier generations of Greek and Portuguese families planted, long before the sea change of gentrification swept through their neighbourhoods. But if you don't have access to backyard fruit, worry not: The markets are flush with Quebec-grown plums, and unlike other summer fruits, they're cheap as hell. They are also a pretty fruit, so plump and purple. I am always drawn to them, but don't actually enjoy eating them as much as I think I should. Yesterday, however, remembering a time when I made a thyme-scented plum sorbet with honey, I grabbed a basket, thinking I would do the same. But as the weather is starting to cool, and turning on the oven does not seem like the worst idea on earth, I decided instead to make a cake. When traveling through the southern U.S. this summer, I met a number of people who were obsessed with CrossFit , a health and lifestyle regime that \"forges elite fitness\" through old-school calisthenics (\"just finish your burpees, and then we'll head out and toss around the ol' medicine ball\") and an even older approach to eating and nutrition: the Paleo diet , in which people try to emulate a caveman's diet. The protagonists in Haruki Murakami novels are always doing calisthenics in their high-rise Tokyo apartments. I like this about them, but when I think about spending an hour doing jumping jacks and gnawing on elk jerky, my enthusiasm wanes. Still, I am compelled by new thinking on diet and exercise, and about the effects that certain foods can have on the body. And so it was that I recently embarked on a diet low in sugar and even lower in wheat. Who knew that one could do this and still eat cake? Cake! Not me. Not until a few months ago. I had set out to make the Brown Butter Financier from the Mission Street Food cookbook -- a cake made with browned butter, toasted ground almonds, icing sugar, egg white and just a teensy bit of flour -- when I thought, heck, I'm throwing caution to the wind and leaving that flour out. I won't exaggerate -- it was a minor revelation. But the result was as delicious as it would have been with the wheat. Over the summer, when the weather permitted, I made the cake countless times, growing lazier with each effort. First, I decided not to brown the butter. Then I determined that the ground almonds were perfectly fine sans toasting. A note: Because it is so trendy these days, almond flour, which is really just finely ground blanched almonds, is often required in recipes, gluten-free or otherwise. You can make it yourself if you have a good blender. Just grab some bulk almonds and blend them up. You don't even need to blanch them if you like more texture. What remains is a cake that takes about five minutes to make, is gluten-free and low in sugar, has a slightly sweet, nutty flavour and has the airy, slightly chewy texture of the much more labour-intensive madeleine. And because the cake is so straightforward in flavour, it goes well with any sort of fruit you desire. On this particular occasion, I used my, by now, very ripe plums. First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. To make the cake, you will need half a cup of melted butter that has cooled slightly. Put one cup of ground almonds and half a cup of icing sugar into a large mixing bowl. And the melted butter, and then add one whole egg and the whites of two more. Stir to mix everything together. The batter will be tacky, so you will need a spatula to scrape it onto the cookie sheet -- do not worry if it does not spread to the edges. Put it in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until it is golden brown around the edges. While the cake is in the oven, remove the stones from about 10 plums and put them in a shallow pan with one cup of Lillet . Add two sprigs of fresh thyme and, depending on the ripeness of the fruit, some honey to taste. Bring to a boil, then turn down to simmer. Poach the plums in the liquid for about 10 minutes, or until they start to soften and break apart. Then remove them, and the thyme, and raise the heat under the liquid. Cook for about five minutes, stirring often, until the liquid is reduced to a syrup. Taste, and if you feel it is not sweet enough, add a bit more honey. Pour the liquid back over the plums. To serve, use a cookie cutter or drinking glass to cut shapes out of the cake. Dollop the cake pieces with plain or flavoured yogurt, ice cream or whipped cream, and add the poached fruit. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I think it had more to do with $$$ than any commitment or ability issues. Didn't both Marvel and Norton come out and say it wasn't about cash? I vaguely remember reading it was some crap about creativity and blending all the actors. I think they were negotiating and Marvel suddenly pulled out. Could be wrong though. \"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.\" The way the Avengers origin is, you could have Banner as the Hulk throughout the entire film, so don't really see Norton being too big a loss. Not been reading much at the moment, but stumbled upon \"Invincible\" ( http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Invincible_\\\\... )) a while back and would say it's one of the best ongoing series I've ever read. Also managed to get my hands on the Dreamwave Transformers series, which are incredible. Just need Runaways to come back from hiatus and I'd have something to properly look forward to. I've read the first 10 Invincible and enjoyed it, maybe I'll get my hands on the rest. I like Image stuff. Didn't both Marvel and Norton come out and say it wasn't about cash? I vaguely remember reading it was some crap about creativity and blending all the actors. I think they were negotiating and Marvel suddenly pulled out. Could be wrong though. I didn't know about Norton interfering with the creative process so I guess the money angle is wrong. Mark Ruffalo could be good, still got a bit of romcom about him though. \"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.\" What's really turning me off the Thor movie though is that people in Hollywood have somehow magically come up with this. = Not being racist like, but that's hardly the image you instantly get when you think Norwegian. Still the movie has Anthony Hopkins and Ray Stevensson so I'll no doubt see it. It's hardly an attempt to be a historically accurate documentary of the Viking people, is it? It's a big, loud, comic book movie. Heimdall is a god, he's been a seal and a bird and a mysterious walking stranger, and he can look like Idris Elba if he wants to. Has anyone been paying attention to X-Men: First Class? It was mentioned a bit above that director Matthew Vaughn (of recent Kick Ass fame) had gotten his friend Jane Goldman to write screenplay (also of Kick Ass fame), so that's two brits signed to the project. Filming begins next month and here's the cast so far: X-Men's not my favourite title at the best of times, and if I'm being honest the cast looks like absolute shite. But it figures, since they want to appeal to the non comic-reader crowd. Will be the first comic book movie that I'll give a miss. I've seen lots of people saying it's not right having Idris Elba playing a character from norse mythology, who are all completely missing the fact that it's a comic adaptation, and Idris Elba is one bad mofo. If you want to get upset how about the historical detail then have a read of the comic. Thor (the other made up one) is red headed and has a beard... The characters from the Thor film are actually going to be from an alternate universe rather than any supernatural origin like in the comics. So they don't look as daft in the universe created in Iron Man\/Cap America. Also, lulz at the guy complaining about the lack of historical accuracy in the Comics \"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.\" You have posted literally nothing of substance to flame about. Your \"points\", and I dread to call them that, were superficial and completely arbitrary. Nothing you said could be argued against because nothing you said elaborated a position of any kind. At ComicCon this weeked, they also announced Joss Whedon is defo directing which I'm not so sure about...although he does have a lot of experience with ensembles. I think it's going to be a massive challenge to get all of these characters on screen together without fucking it up, but I can't wait. I'm still quite amazed that Marvel are actually making five movies all leading up to a massive crossover film. \"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.\" You have posted literally nothing of substance to flame about. Your \"points\", and I dread to call them that, were superficial and completely arbitrary. Nothing you said could be argued against because nothing you said elaborated a position of any kind. The clock is ticking on the superhero craze in Hollywood, according to Matthew Vaughn, the director now filming \"X-Men: First Class\" for Fox in London. \"It's been mined to death and in some cases the quality control is not what it's supposed to be,\" Vaughn said. \"People are just going to get bored of it.\" Vaughn, who produced, directed and co-wrote \"Kick-Ass,\" says he pounced on the chance to make a film about the uncanny mutants from Marvel Comics because he expects the current boom in superhero cinema to fizzle out in the near future. \"I've always wanted to do a big-budget superhero film and I think we've kind of crossed the Rubicon with superhero films,\" Vaughn said. \"I think [the opportunity to do one], it's only going to be there two or three more times.\" \"Then,\" he added, \"the genre is going to be dead for a while because the audience has just been pummelled too much.\" Next summer, \"X-Men: First Class\" will join \"Captain America: The First Avenger,\" \"Thor\" and \"Green Lantern\" in a parade of costumed heroes in big-budget films at the cineplex. Vaughn said audience fatigue is already starting to set in. The subject material can't sustain the Hollywood trample, he said, and the inevitable box-office duds and derivative projects will mark the end of the gold rush by studios. \"It is a crowded room,\" Vaughn said \"It's too crowded.\" The 39-year-old filmmaker (who is married to German model Claudia Schiffer) is known for a candor that is rare in Hollywood circles. He had been in talks to direct the third \"X-Men\" film but that didn't work out (he instead went off to make the underrated \"Stardust\") and the superhero project went to Brett Ratner (\"Rush Hour\"), who delivered \"X-Men: The Last Stand,\" the 2006 film that became the biggest money-maker in the franchise despite far more sour reviews than the two previous films. Vaughn didn't shy away from slagging on Ratner's film: \"As it happens, I could have made something a hundred times better than the film that was eventually made,\" Vaughn told the Daily Telegraph. \"It sounds arrogant, but I could have done something with far more emotion and heart.\" Vaughn made his mark in movies as the producer of three Guy Ritchie films -- \"Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,\" \"Snatch\" and \"Swept Away.\" He made his directorial debut with \"Layer Cake\" in 2004. \"X-Men: First Class,\" starring James McAvoy as Charles Xavier (aka Professor X) and Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr (aka, Magneto) is due in theaters in June 2011. I thought this was an interesting read. There's a lot riding on the Avenger movies, the Green Lantern one (and they've already hired Michael Goldenberg to write the script for the sequel), the third Batman film, and the Xmen\/Spiderman reboots. Looking at box office sales the superhero genre is as popular as ever but I guess the fad will lessen eventually. I thought this was an interesting read. There's a lot riding on the Avenger movies, the Green Lantern one (and they've already hired Michael Goldenberg to write the script for the sequel), the third Batman film, and the Xmen\/Spiderman reboots. Looking at box office sales the superhero genre is as popular as ever but I guess the fad will lessen eventually. I thought this was a good retort to Vaughn. Quote WHY MATTHEW VAUGHN IS WRONG ABOUT SUPERHERO MOVIES Matthew Vaughn has sounded the death knell for superhero movies, and a couple of months ago I might have been inclined to agree with him. We've gone past the most exciting and popular heroes, and we seem to have gotten past that brief phase where truly astonishing directors were being attached to superhero films. What's more, the filmic genre itself has begun to feel more than a little long in the tooth, with every movie being essentially an origin tale and with the action often feeling constrained locally, with the stakes being more personal than epic. I recently had dinner with Green Lantern writer and DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns, and he brought up a point that stopped me in my tracks: Why don't movie superheroes save the world? Looking at the modern superhero movie they're all-too often just standard action (or cop) movies in funny outfits. In fact one of the few modern films we could think of where the heroes saved the world was Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. (A friend later pointed out that technically Watchmen fits this category as well) 'I think we've kind of crossed the Rubicon with superhero films,' Vaughn told the LA Times. 'The genre is going to be dead for a while because the audience has just been pummeled too much.' On one level he's right. There have been an awful lot of superhero films, and almost all of them have been in the same mold - the mold established by Spider-Man back in 2002. You can see that basic structure echo in most superhero movies since then, and as in Spider-Man most of the threats have felt small, localized, and in almost every single film have been so completely connected to the hero that the villain feels more like an extension of the hero than a threat on his own. That's been great, and it's created some truly wonderful superhero movies, but it's also begun to run its course. Vaughn declared superheroes dead while working on X-Men: First Class, a movie likely to continue that style - a threat whose menace is small (probably just impacting the mutants) and that grows directly from the heroes (if Magneto isn't the bad guy at the start, he certainly will be by the end).* But on another level he's wrong. The superhero movies that we've had have only scratched the surface of what is possible with a superhero story. And I think that could be about to change. I was hoping that Thor would be the first to break the mold; the original script that Marvel Studios had was nothing short of a Lord of the Rings style epic, with Thor only coming to Earth in the final minutes of the film. That would have been a major kick in the pants for the superhero movie concept - the genre is not what you think it is, and to actually classify it as one genre is misleading. It's a way to tell stories within many genres. Sadly the Thor that we're getting is going to be much closer to the standard blueprint, with a smaller, localized threat that is very personal for the hero. Captain America: The First Avenger is another story, though. While I doubt the movie will be a war film per se - this won't be Saving Bucky Barnes - it'll be a movie where the stakes aren't about Captain America himself, his girlfriend or even his hometown. It's going to be the fate of the free world as Captain America tries to stop the Red Skull from winning World War II for the Nazis. That's the kind of selfless heroism that hasn't been en vogue in superhero movies for a while. I'm excited for a hero to be a hero not because he accidentally created the villain or because the villain's plans are all an effort to get revenge, but simply because it's the right thing to do. Then there's Green Lantern; if Captain America is the superhero movie filtered through pulp adventure, Green Lantern will be the superhero movie filtered through pulp science fiction. With a scope that spans the stars and a villain who threatens all life in the universe, Green Lantern will feature a hero who does battle not just to save those close to him but to do right by everybody. And this time I mean everybody. And then we have The Avengers. I am crossing my fingers that Marvel Studios and Joss Whedon have this one figured out and that they realize that you can't get together Earth's Mightiest Heroes for anything less than a global threat of staggering proportions. It can't simply be a revenge plot by Loki or some other villain established in a previous film - it must be something that threatens every living being in the world. Scope. This is the missing element in the modern superhero movie. The stakes have to be huge. The stakes have to be planetary. Failure by the hero can't result just in his own death, or the death of his girlfriend or the destruction of his hometown - it has to result in the deaths of millions, if not billions. It's time to stop looking at Arnold Schwarzenegger action vehicles as the models for superhero films and turn to the world-spanning madness of Roland Emmerich. There will always be room for the more personal stories of Spider-Man and Daredevil, but as the focus of Hollywood moves on to characters like Green Lantern and Dr. Strange and Wonder Woman, it's time to stretch out and think big. Maybe Vaughn's right. Maybe the only type of superhero movie that really works is the smaller, personal, and vigilante-based type. If that's the case, yeah, we're at the end of the ride. But if the magical and the fantastical and the cosmic and science fiction heroes can get a toehold, the superhero cycle will renew itself and it'll be something very different. It'll be something grander, more exciting and wilder. Let's get senses-shattering. Let's get reality-rending. Let's make it so that heroes live, heroes die and nothing is ever again the same. It's time to put the super back in superhero movies. * For the record you could say that the modern superhero movie actually gets its blueprint from the original X-Men, but I argue that it was Spider-Man that refined and perfected it. He's got a point about Vaughn making this statement while he currently filming his second comic book film in a row but as he said, the next batch of films are really upping the scope and stakes. I really want to see more superheros saving the planet rather than their girlfriend. I'm really looking forward to Cap America, the first (decent) period set Superhero film. The past ten years worth of superhero films have been a bit hamstrung by being limited to origin stories, which are obviously going to get tiring when there is one every year, but with these nearly out of the way they can really open up. \"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.\" As they said in the second piece, I think the Avengers series could be the key, if the people involved can pull characters and stories from what should really be several different genres (Iron Man: Action, Thor: Fantasy, Cap: War?) into one single, genre defying megahit then it could really open the door for things to be done differently. I agree that current superhero films are almost by the numbers formulaic and by their nature struggle with pacing unless handled incredibly well but Holywood hasn't helped either. You want no origin? There were rumours of a Green Arrow prison film circulating a few years ago that would have been a breath of fresh air. Want planetary endangerment? Invincible was picked up by a studio back in 2006, had a script written, and was then dropped. There are signs that this is going to change, with Kick Ass, Scott Pilgrim and Jonah Hex getting the go ahead, but the flipside is the decision to continue (and high schoolize) the Spiderman and X-men franchises, which worryingly look to be continuing the trend (one of which, hypocritically, is being directed by Vaughn). Logged \"Baby take off your beret, everyone's a critic and most people are DJs\" I think we've hardly seen any world saving antics in the current run of films because most of them need smaller, personal stories when presenting an origin story. This obviously makes for a better narrative and more engaging characters when the good guy and bad guy are Intimately entwined, like the Spider-man and X Men films. I imagine the cost of presently a worldwide threat is a problem too, now that comic book films are established and successful most of the time lots more cash can be pumped into them. \"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.\" I agree with Vaughn. There have been loads of superhero films and if it wasn't for Nolan's efforts, Kick Ass in particular and hopefully Scott Pilgrim, my reaction of upcoming comic book films would be negative. It seems that all the big movies in any year tend to be comic book adaptations. You have Marvel making 5 films and then a 6th that brings all them together, with some questionable directors in there. Then you have X-men, which I had no idea that it was being made. You have that one with Ryan Reynolds, some more Superman films and, lest we forget, Batman. We even have Spider-man being made again if I am correct? Its just too many films and with the majority being shite, we are likely to be served more shite. I am not a follower of comics and it can be hard to stomach so many films. He's got a point about Vaughn making this statement while he currently filming his second comic book film in a row but as he said, the next batch of films are really upping the scope and stakes. I really want to see more superheros saving the planet rather than their girlfriend. I'm really looking forward to Cap America, the first (decent) period set Superhero film. The past ten years worth of superhero films have been a bit hamstrung by being limited to origin stories, which are obviously going to get tiring when there is one every year, but with these nearly out of the way they can really open up. That's a good article from Devin. I hope they don't start to die out because as hit and miss as some of them may be, I really enjoy them. Even the shitty ones like Daredevil, and there are some really good stories out there to be told that don't have to be origin stories or involving saving the entire world. It's all about them finding the balance without chasing the box office sales but also maintaining the human element to it all. It's possible for them to go too big, too epic. Fingers crossed they get it right. I'm looking forward to Captain America and Green Lantern especially, I think Ryan Reynolds would make a good Hal Jordan. Wonder if they've changed the Lanterns rather laughable weakness, anything the colour yellow! Always thought that was hilarious. Superhero\/Comic book movies aren't going anywhere for a while. Just like with novels, books etc they are too easy turn into cash for that to happen. Most people didn't read or even know Kick-Ass was a comic book I'll bet, same with Scott Pilgrim, same with that Aliens vs. Cowboys etc. It won't matter though, they'll all do well and make a tonne of money. Have to say though I'm not all that interested in this Avengers stuff, all the films just look a bit samey to me, all style, no substance. The acting talent too, all just really uninteresting to me. You do know that between them, the directors of Captain America and Green Lantern are responsible for the masterpieces that are The Edge of Darkness, Legend of Zorro, Wolfman and Jurassic Park 3. At least Campbell directed Casino Royale. To be fair, Joe Johnston came on board Wolfman very late and had to pick up where everyone else had shat all over it. So you can't really blame him for that one. They will be filming Captain America here in Liverpool. They called the Philharmonic too, as they were looking for an Art Deco building (I know this because I know people ) I think I agree slightly with Bob about the Avengers, but I do think it's admirable that they are trying basically to tie 5 big seperate entity comic-book movies together, Iron Man 1&2, Hulk, Capt America and Thor. It's never been done in this way before, and it's a very ambitious thing to do. They did fail in that regard with Iron Man 2 though, Samuel L Jacksons character showing up with little regard to anyone who DIDN'T stay until after the credits of Iron Man, with little or no introduction. I think they forgot that not every member of the public would A. know who he was and B. bothered to wait around to SEE who he was. That said, I like the way they've tied them together so far - Interesting, if a little too samey as Bob said. Still lapping it up me though. I'm definitely curious about how they'll bring them all together, and of all the directors tied to this stuff, Whedon i think has the best chance of making the actual Avengers movie a fun one at least. I just don't think the movies leading up to it will be that good. The two Iron Man's, The Hulk were only decent. Quote That said, I like the way they've tied them together so far - I'd say all of that stuff has been prop easter eggs and little else to be honest. I have to say I have very low expectations for this Avengers movie. I haven't particularly enjoyed any of the X-Men movies and I suspect the net effect of this Avengers movie will feel something similar to those. Daniel LuVisi's \"LMS\" comic has just had the rights bought by Paramount to make a big multi-platform franchise thing about it. The guy's artwork is amazing, here's the plot & list of characters involved: Last Man Standing, or \"LMS\", \"takes place 600 years in the future, in an alternate universe and is about Gabriel, this invincible soldier, who's been created to help win a war Earth got itself too deep into with Mars. After Gabe wins the war, he comes back down to Earth and is celebrated as this incredible hero. From there, he becomes somewhat of a celebrity, a Superman of this story, but then it all takes a quick turn. Gabriel is framed for an atrocious crime, by a terrorist organization known as Pandemonium and their leader, Dante. He is then sent to Level-9 Facility, where he'll spend the next nine years in the worst prison of all time. Once Gabriel breaks out, only then does his true story begin, and the lies and twists unravel. Dante too was put into the prison and escaped at Level 7, here's what he looks like when he gets out Amazing artwork! Needs to be like a trilogy with that many characters, but it's got high potential and big demand. \"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.\" I'd say all of that stuff has been prop easter eggs and little else to be honest. Yeah, see what you mean. I suppose tying the threads of the films together would be difficult, and alienate the general public as an audience. But yeah, they are simply just prop easter eggs and little references. Nice to spot though! ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"You are here How to leave Red Cross a gift in your Will Making your Will can be a daunting task, but it doesn't need to be complicated. Red Cross has made it easy for you to make or update your Will. We hold a number ofA Wills Days in many areas across Australia and have aA network of solicitors where you can make or update your Will from $75. While there is no obligation to include Red Cross in your Will, we do hope by using this service you will consider it. Download ourA Will Checklist toA help put your wishes in order and make the most of your time with your legal advisor. Steps to making your Will Step 1: Find a Legal Advisor Find a solicitor or trustee company who can help. To find out more about speaking with a solicitor who may be able to help you make or update your simple Will from $75 please, look at our calendar of upcoming Wills Days or contact us for a solicitor in your local area . Step 2: Preparing your Will Our Will Checklist may be beneficial for you to complete before you see your legal advisor. If you are unsure of any question, leave it blank and ask on the day. Step 3: Meeting the solicitor\/ trustee Once you have completed your Will Checklist take it with you to your appointment. The solicitor will discuss your instructions and advise how best to word your Will (see Preferred wording for solicitors, below). Step 4: Approving your Will When drafted, your Will shall be sent to you to look over for approval. Any changes can be made at this point. Once you are happy with the document your legal advisor will ask you to sign it in the presence of two witnesses. Step 5: Keeping your Will safe You can keep your will at home or your legal advisor may offer to hold it for you. Don't forget to let your family know where it is and make sure it is safe. Ways to leave a gift in your Will We know that your first priority when making a Will is to provide for your loved ones. Many people find that even after they've done this they can leave a gift in their Will to charity. Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support the Red Cross. There are a number of different ways you can remember the Red Cross in your will, depending on your circumstances. You can leave a share of your estate A good way to help is to leave a proportion, or the whole of what is left in your estate after you have provided for your loved ones. This type of gift (known as a residuary bequest) is easy to add to an existing Will without interfering with any specific sums you have left to family or friends. It also has the advantage that it will not be eroded in value by inflation over the years. Just 1, 2, 5% or more of your estate can make a difference. You can leave a fixed sum of money You may wish to leave us a fixed sum of money (known as a pecuniary bequest). Please remember that this type of gift does not allow for changes in your circumstances or inflation. You can leave a specific item of value You may wish to leave us a particular item (known as a specific bequest), which can be sold to support our work. It could be property or an item of value such as real estate, art or a piece of jewellery. The following are examples of specific wording recommended for leaving a gift in your Will to Red Cross. In all cases, the most important thing is your own peace of mind so we encourage you to discuss your Will with your legal advisor. To include Australian Red Cross in you Will, you could include the following: To donate a percentage of your estate: \"I give to Australian Red Cross (ABN 50 169 561 394), for its general purposes, free of all duties % of my residuary estate for which an authorised receipt from Australian Red Cross will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.\" or \"I give to Australian Red Cross (ABN 50 169 561 394), for its general purposes, free of all duties the whole of the residue of my estate for which an authorised receipt from Australian Red Cross will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.\" ToA donate a specific sum: \"I give to Australian Red Cross (ABN 50 169 561 394), for its general purposes, free of all duties the sum of $ for which an authorised receipt from Australian Red Cross will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.\" ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"October 22, 2012 Tommy Douglas: Not Dead Enough During the first presidential debate, President Barack Obama made a claim against Mitt Romney that has been ringing in my ears ever since. Speaking on the topic of health care, Obama said that Romney would leave people \"At the mercy of private insurance.\" The implication of course is that Obama will protect people from the big, mean insurance companies, and his own plan, Obamacare, is the more compassionate way. Supporters of government health care, and that is what Obamacare will morph into, love to make the insurance industry out to be the boogeyman. Obama's premise only make sense if you believe that government bureaucrats are so much better at serving the public than for profit enterprises. Anyone who has ever been to the MoT for a new driver's licence knows better. Current average wait time in Ottawa for an MRI is 259 days. If you are willing to pay $800 the private MRI clinic in Hull will take you this week. I would certainly like to have a dual care option in this country, but if you can't afford the private insurance in the USA, you are truly screwed too. I have friends in Oregon that lost the house they lived in for over twenty years because although they had medical coverage, it was insufficient to cover the catastrophic medical situation they faced. Not many people in this country lose their house or life savings because of illness or accident. On the other hand we probably have more that die while waiting for help. Neither system is ideal. eterj - there is no such thing a 'system' that works, IMO. Living is risky and everyone always dies. It is expensive to take care of the human being but not much more expensive than taking care of a house or car. I know people who lost everything because they got Drunk and drove home, hitting something along the way; I know country people who could not insure their houses (too far from the fire station) who lost everything when their houses and barns caught fire, I know others who lost everything in a war zone. Health is a private affair and should be just that: private. In the past, before TommyDougiecare\/Robama care, people helped their friends and neighbours during times of health crisis via $$ or time. I am old enough to remember fund raisers for people who could not pay medical bills (polio and war wounds were the $$ eaters in my younger days). We do not have a 'system' that works right now, and, IMO, it is bound to get worse as boomers and new immigrants step in the line for 'care', Sarah Palin's Death Panels are now a hidden reality. And as Kate has said: \"Nobody has to be a Doctor\" stress the good Docs out too much and they will move or quit, we will be left with Duds who are in it only for the money (like a paper shuffler with life and death power). I have a grand child who has been the recipient of close to $100,000 from private individuals to help him \"live\" because the Canadian system will not step up and pick up the tab for the treatment and tests he needs that are only available in the USA. The health boards as well as the \"Minister Of Sickness\" are aware of the public fundraisers for him. The only help they have offered...was to take over and manage the funds given by family and friends. And here I sit still waiting to see an orthopedic surgeon since June. Another month and a half to go. My family doctor decided to order an MRI so we wouldn't have to wait? Ha. Surgeon appointment on Dec 6, MRI appointment on Dec 24. On the plus side the company I work for (which was privatized by the federal government 15 years ago) is arranging a private MRI to move things along and want to help me get back to work asap. Thank God I'm not still working for the government. Yeah you might get \"free\" care or whatever but it's not all that great at all. In Victoria for a few years now we've have ONE anesthesiology on duty in the entire city overnight. Sure they've got others on call I guess but by the time they get there it could be too late. A baby already died because of this and pressure was applied to have more hours for another one but once the firestorm dies down a little I'm sure we'll be back to having just one again. Don't get sick. I am a relatively healthy 'boomer' so it is easy for me to say that reduced health care has to be a reality that we accept. We cannot cry about health care rationing and in the next breath complain about government deficit spending. The demographics tell the tale as our system simply cannot pay for all the demand. Our generation has enjoyed all that government could provide as boomers. As we inevitably march to our demise our kids should not have to pay. It was up to our generation to fund these costs and we didn't do it. We will have to pay the piper. A)Aunt Jeanne died of heatstroke in the emergency ward, all they had to do was put her in tub of icewater to save her, but they 'forgot' her. She was in her 50s with no health problems. B) Uncle Ovide (Jeanne's husband) went to the ER complaining of fatigue and lethargy. The diagnosis 'You've just lost your wife, you're depressed here are some pills'. He died two days later because his pacemaker was defective. He was also in his 50s. The Ontario government bought thousands of pacemakers with defective leads because they bargain shopped. C)My grandmother in Quebec also had one of the defective pacemakers inside her, because the Quebec beancounters bargain shopped too. Fortunately she got a new one before it failed but having a pacemaker swapped out takes a lot out of you when you're in your 80s. She only needed a pacemaker because she was over-prescribed blood thinners, instead of bringing her blood pressure down slightly the overdose caused a heart attack. D)My uncle in Quebec has no family doctor, as his GP retired. For his yearly physical he went to a clinic, a nurse took his vitals and helped him fill out a questionnaire which was then sent off to be reviewed by a doctor. The prescription for blood pressure medications was never mailed to him. He had a stroke and only survived because my cousin had forgotten her phone at his house and doubled back for it. He needs a cane now. E) I was diagnosed with gallstone blockages last December, despite inconclusive ultrasound results that reported 'sludge' in my gallbladder. I was scheduled for an MRI. I was in hospital again in June briefly and was referred to a surgeon. I had emergency surgery July 31st. The 'sludge' was pus, a bacterial infection had killed my bladder which turned gangrenous, another 3-4 days and it would have spread to my liver, killing me. In September I received a call from the surgeons office to schedule an appointment in December. In October I was contacted by the MRI department. ct, We're not complaining about rationing and deficits, I'm personally complaining about the priorities governments utilize. Here in BC the Liberals spent $600,000,000 fixing the highway to Whistler for rich folk to get to their condos to ski. They spent $500,000,000 on the new roof for BC Place for the Lions, They force the anethesiologists to threaten strikes because of lack of funding. They spend untold millions on toll bridges that people aren't using. They spend more time travelling to avoid the tolls. They attack the Gateway pipeline project to appease the enviro freaks and take away good paying jobs for BC residents. I could go on but hopefully I've made my point. As Phantom says, it all about how much you spend. I don't know the inside details on what went sideways with my friends but do know they were spending $610. per month for coverage of 3 people. Also know he was caught in the recession and lost his job in 2009 so he may have gone to a cheaper plan. Found a lower paying job within 2 months but no medical coverage. None of my business so I didn't dig deeper on that end of the story. Medical cost in 2009 was something like this: In a report (Individual Health Insurance 2009: A Comprehensive Survey of Premiums,Availability, and Benefits) made public in October 2009, America's Health Insurance Plans (a trade group representing health plans) presented some information that gives a sense of what a health insurance policy costs when purchased by an individual. \u0007On average, the annual premium was $2,985 for a single person and $6,328 for a family. \u0007The annual premium differed from state to state. For example, the premium for a family health plan in New York was $13,296, while a similar plan in Iowa was $5609. \u0007The annual premiums for health plans were also different depending if the annual deductible was high or low. For example, family plans with no deductible had an average premium of $12686 each year, while plans with an annual deductible of $10,000 had an average premium of $5380 each year. I can see problems with trying to maintain coverage if the finacial situation of the individual deteriorates. I should add that he envies the Canadian system, warts and all. I think you can sum up the differences between US health care and Canadian health care thusly: in the USA, you pay with money. In Canada, you pay with time - waiting time. At least in the USA you can choose to spend more money and get better care. In Canada you have no such choice. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"2 Apr 2009 '\"My boss (yes, a senior manager at the bank I work at!) went over last night to see what was going on. He literally was next to the man who collapsed and died. He swears NO ONE was throwing a thing. And that the reason the police couldn't get to the guy was because the cops were using dogs against the protesters and the protesters were running away from them (towards where the guy was). Now interestingly, my boss said the guy looked about 50. The man who died went to the ground and started convulsing. So he seemed to think it was natural causes. But other than that bit, every single thing the police have said is wrong. I will ask my boss to contact the solicitors, as he is a senior manager at the bank and a very unimpeachable source (in that the police can't say he was involved in any way or had any sympathies to the protestors - they can't just brush him off). But I won't hold my breath. He's a good man, but it may be too difficult for him to do (i.e. to stand up).\" This comment was on a blog here ....well we shall see what happens, the non violent climate camp does not seem the place where people would throw things at the cops...I dare say all of us might become a less non violent if baton charged by the police or assaulted by their dogs. Watch this space...not so long ago the police killed a man on the tube and a whole series of lies came out from the authorities within hours of the event. No comments: No Nonsense Guide to Green Politics Followers About Me I am a green activist, writer and economist. Three kids, live in Winkfield. Live low impact on the land in my trailer, I am a Green Party local councillor. Ecosocialist and fan of Elinor Ostrom, have worked closely with the Peruvian indigenous leader Hugo Blanco to fight. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Just as it is easy to forget that Giancarlo Stanton is very young , it is easy to forget that the big man is quite a tidy little right fielder (+8 UZR\/150 and +24 DRS in nearly 2800 career innings in RF.) Here he robs extra bases from Eric Kratz of the Phillies, going over his shoulder to make a fine running grab. You could argue that the route Stanton took was less than optimal. I could just as easily argue that you hate fun and still angry at your cold, indifferent father. Then you would argue that not everything Giancarlo Stanton does is worth a Getting Blanked post. Then I'd argue that...what are you, my mother? How I choose to spend my every waking moment is my business, pal. My interest in the progress of Stanton's career is between me, Stanton's legal representation, and the Miami Dade County Sheriff's Office. Stupid Patriot Act for fascist jerks... ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Pakistani government must explain how Osama bin Laden was able to hide in Abbottabad for years and reveal who in Pakistan helped him, Pakistan's former Ambassador to Washington Husain Haqqani said Wednesday. \"It's Pakistan's responsibility to the world to say who did it,\" Haqqani told an audience at the Center for the National Interest, formerly known as the Nixon Center. \"It doesn't have to be the government, it doesn't have to be the military, but whoever it is, we have to come clean on that, because that is the only way we will assure the rest of the world that Pakistan's government and Pakistan's state has its hands clean on this whole thing.\" Haqqani said that he has no information on how the late al Qaeda leader lived with a large number of family for five years in a military garrison town, but that there were clearly sympathizers in Pakistan that supported bin Laden and the government has failed to issue any report on who they were. \"There's no report on bin Laden yet. No one is saying it was the government ... but somebody helped him. Somebody bought the place for him, somebody paid for the electricity bills, somebody helped bring food there, and at least that should be identified and it hasn't been,\" he said. \"Somebody knew. I mean, nobody lives anywhere without anybody knowing. Even Friday knew where Robinson Crusoe was. Somebody in Pakistan knew. Who that somebody is, it's Pakistan's responsibility to identify.\" Haqqani speculated that bin Laden might have been helped by a private group, a set of individuals, people in Pakistan's jihadi groups, or people in Pakistan's Islamic political parties. He said the U.S.-Pakistani relationship is hampered by the lack of official answers. \"The bin Laden event was a very huge event from the point of view of American psyche and it hasn't registered in Pakistan sufficiently ... I tried very hard at that time in Islamabad to get people to realize that people in Washington really want answers,\" he said. A forthcoming book by journalist Richard Miniter claims that a senior colonel in Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directorate walked into the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad in Dec. 2010, five months before the bin Laden raid, and told U.S. officials about bin Laden's whereabouts. The book also reports that the bin Laden compound was \"carved out\" of the Kakul Military Academy and that senior Pakistani military officials may have been briefed on the raid in advance. Haqqani said he has no idea what the ISI knew or did but he can be sure that the civilian leadership in Pakistan had no idea that the Abbottabad raid was coming on the night of May 1, 2011. \"We really, on the Pakistani side, were totally taken by surprise by what happened on May 1, 2011. That said, a full, proper investigation on the Pakistani side is needed to find out how Osama bin Laden lived in Pakistan and who supported him, within or outside the government,\" said Haqqani. Haqqani returned to Washington earlier this year following three months of house arrest in Pakistan while the Pakistani Supreme Court investigated the \" Memogate \" scandal, in which Haqqani stood accused of being behind a secret memo passed from Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz to Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen , calling on the United States to support an overthrow of the military and intelligence leadership in Pakistan. A commission set up by the Supreme Court eventually determined that Haqqani was behind the memo, but Haqqani maintains that he was not and that the commission's ruling was politically motivated. He has not been indicted on any charges and is free to go back to Pakistan, he said, but fears for his safety if he were to travel there. He returns to Boston this fall to resume teaching at Boston University. Haqqani's new book, Magnificent Delusions , is set to come out later this year. The book argues that, since 1947, Washington and Islamabad's tumultuous relationship has been based on the false assumption that if the two countries could simply engage enough, they could develop a close strategic relationship based on overlapping interests. \"I have reached the conclusion that 60 years is long enough for two countries to understand if they really do see things each other's way,\" he said. \"The two countries should look for a non-alliance future that is not based on security assistance and aid.\" Opinions of the two countries among their respective populations is at historical lows, Haqqani noted, and the relationship won't change for the better until the unhealthy dynamic of giving and then threatening to withdraw U.S. aid to Pakistan is ended, he argued. \"Pakistan ends up behaving like Syria while wanting to be treated like Israel,\" Haqqani said. He called for an amicable divorce in the relationship. \"If in 65 years if you haven't been able to find sufficient common ground to live together and you've had three separations and four affirmations of marriage, then maybe the better way is to find friendship outside of the marital bond,\" he said. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"It seems no muslim restaurents know how to cook chinese food in leicester, everytime we go to one its always a dissapointment. Only my mum can cook it properly with all the chinese flavours -exactly how it is in pakistan. I'm dying for some chinese food like they have in pakistan, its the only legit chinese i've had and it tastes soo good. Jahil people over here don't know how to make it. They turn chinese soups into curry's and chicken stirfry into chicken masala, they have to add coriander into every dish. I've been to halal places run by chinese people and even they can't make it as good as my mum or as good as you get it in pakistan. Restaurents in pakistan have mastered it from the chinese, but dunno why so few decent chinese restaurents down here, plenty of pakis but probably cause thers not enough in leicester. Anyone know of any good places in the midlands or even this country? It has to be the proper thing like how it is in pakistan. Leicesters good for all your halal takeaways and grilled food but when it comes to proper food only pakistanis know how to cook. sis_on_sunnah 02-05-10, 08:20 PM assalamu alaykum you know that najeb guy on london road im pretty sure he does ok chinese food? not certain because i dont really like eat chinese but i remember when he was working in that shop near the chippy his food was proper nice!! just go to wagamamas and have vegetarian!! have you been to the new noodle place in town next door to the maryland and opposite the subway? is it even halal? aadil77 02-05-10, 08:26 PM assalamu alaykum you know that najeb guy on london road im pretty sure he does ok chinese food? not certain because i dont really like eat chinese but i remember when he was working in that shop near the chippy his food was proper nice!! just go to wagamamas and have vegetarian!! have you been to the new noodle place in town next door to the maryland and opposite the subway? is it even halal? Wa Alaykum Asalam an najeeb was crap for chinese but decent for indian food wagamama stinks - nearly puked when I went in there lol and all they sell is sushi, its japanese food I know the one next to maryland on granby street, even that was crap and it was run by chinese people, now I doubt it was even halal sis_on_sunnah 02-05-10, 08:32 PM Wa Alaykum Asalam an najeeb was crap for chinese but decent for indian food wagamama stinks - nearly puked when I went in there lol and all they sell is sushi, its japanese food I know the one next to maryland on granby street, even that was crap and it was run by chinese people, now I doubt it was even halal yeah even i was doubting that it was halaal, hmm i reckon theres a business opportunity for a 100% halal authentic chinese place in lesta! aadil77 02-05-10, 08:37 PM yeah even i was doubting that it was halaal, hmm i reckon theres a business opportunity for a 100% halal authentic chinese place in lesta! I was tellin my mum, she goes there defo is cause all of these places are useless at cooking it. I'd love to set up a chinese restaurent by my mum, it would be on E road lol sis_on_sunnah 02-05-10, 08:41 PM I was tellin my mum, she goes there defo is cause all of these places are useless at cooking it. I'd love to set up a chinese restaurent by my mum, it would be on E road lol yeah that would be ideal! .Abu.Rambo. 02-05-10, 09:02 PM Oodles noodles aG123 02-05-10, 10:01 PM Acha in alperton is chineese and halal.... I think TKC in southall do chineese.... Theres one in Mile end road called red dragon but it aint all that... chineese in acton i think does halal chicken etc... aadil77 02-05-10, 10:05 PM Acha in alperton is chineese and halal.... I think TKC in southall do chineese.... Theres one in Mile end road called red dragon but it aint all that... chineese in acton i think does halal chicken etc... the oodles noodles in brum is Halal alhamdulilah and it's booooootiful :p but i've not been in a while EastLondon_Bro 02-05-10, 10:27 PM what wong wit kury chip row...:outta: Asma-SE 03-05-10, 08:19 AM You want pakistani chinese? :0: So just a noodle curry then... xfathimax 04-05-10, 05:02 PM It seems no muslim restaurents know how to cook chinese food in leicester, everytime we go to one its always a dissapointment. Only my mum can cook it properly with all the chinese flavours -exactly how it is in pakistan. I'm dying for some chinese food like they have in pakistan, its the only legit chinese i've had and it tastes soo good. Jahil people over here don't know how to make it. They turn chinese soups into curry's and chicken stirfry into chicken masala, they have to add coriander into every dish. I've been to halal places run by chinese people and even they can't make it as good as my mum or as good as you get it in pakistan. Restaurents in pakistan have mastered it from the chinese, but dunno why so few decent chinese restaurents down here, plenty of pakis but probably cause thers not enough in leicester. Anyone know of any good places in the midlands or even this country? It has to be the proper thing like how it is in pakistan. Leicesters good for all your halal takeaways and grilled food but when it comes to proper food only pakistanis know how to cook. in birmingham there is a place called Lahore Karahi Chinese, there chinese is really nice and tastes like the 1 that u get in pakistan, heres the address, check it out, they also have a website http:\/\/www.xpresstrader.tv\/lahore\/lahore\\\\... Address 309 Highgate Road, Birmingham, B12 8DN aadil77 04-05-10, 05:17 PM in birmingham there is a place called Lahore Karahi Chinese, there chinese is really nice and tastes like the 1 that u get in pakistan, heres the address, check it out, they also have a website http:\/\/www.xpresstrader.tv\/lahore\/lahore\\\\... Address 309 Highgate Road, Birmingham, B12 8DN JazakhAllah khair, owned by pakstanis - must be the real deal :D lenty of celebs been there, even prince charles lol lol aadil77 04-05-10, 05:20 PM they do chicken drumsticks!!! no chinese place I been here does them, they have to be the real thing yessshh! and crispy beef- oh yeshhhh brum here I como PEACE TO YOU 04-05-10, 06:59 PM Yes there is a good Restaurant in the Midlands i have visited it when am there it is in STAR CITY it is called Flames if it is not changed it name, they do very very good buffets . All Halal and GUESS WHAT it is not run by Pakistanis not that i have a problem with them, it is run by Chinese people. aadil77 04-05-10, 07:06 PM Yes there is a good Restaurant in the Midlands i have visited it when am there it is in STAR CITY it is called Flames if it is not changed it name, they do very very good buffets . All Halal and GUESS WHAT it is not run by Pakistanis not that i have a problem with them, it is run by Chinese people. I think flames is a chain restaurent, they have one here in leicester claiming to be halal and it was the worst most disgusting chinese I've had in my life, - even tho it was run by chinese, this was a buffet tho FullImaan 05-05-10, 02:13 PM ttp:\/\/www.fusionhalal.co.uk\/ ttp:\/\/www.wokshalalchinese.com\/ Masha'Allah :up: Hijabistani 05-05-10, 04:07 PM JazakhAllah khair, owned by pakstanis - must be the real deal :D lenty of celebs been there, even prince charles lol lol Yup owned by paks and if you go for their chicken chow mein dont be tooo surprised when you find out of date chicken bits in it. Tried and Tested, and then rejected them! one of the reasosn we no longer go. there is another place in solihull, Kings chinese takeaway and they also sell chips. Halal, new owners. xfathimax 02-08-10, 04:33 PM im from solihull and occasionaly go to kings for chips, didnt know their chinese was halal, but they have pork on the menu................ can they be trusted?? naila-k 02-08-10, 07:12 PM ne1 4 thai? http:\/\/www.thai-thai.co.uk\/ ahmeduk 03-08-10, 12:01 PM I think flames is a chain restaurent, they have one here in leicester claiming to be halal and it was the worst most disgusting chinese I've had in my life, - even tho it was run by chinese, this was a buffet tho Haha flames was the place where a mouse jumped out from under a wok when a health inspector visited, goes without saying it was shut down for lack of hygiene. The only problem with Chinese food is the vast majority is cooked with natural brewed soy sauce, which is haram. The synthetic stuff doesn't taste as good apparently, but you'll be hard pushed to find a Chinese restaurant that doesn't cook with natural soy sauce. I might give the HMC one above a try. I'm not that far from Leicester :) muslimprincesss 22-02-11, 10:11 PM Salams. There are several restaurants in Manchester. :) islam4u2 22-02-11, 10:28 PM Oodles noodles i tried that place, it is very good, but the malaysian parathas or whatever they call it are shaan out of the packet jobs. Excuse_me 23-02-11, 12:38 AM We have one in Los Angeles, luckily. Just a couple hour drive for some awesome chinese food. 2-3 times a month. Amaira 24-02-11, 09:22 AM Salams. There are several restaurants in Manchester. :) Ricebars.com Its not exactly chinese, but amazingly yummy. Is it wrong to want a Nasi Goreng at 9 in the morning? muslimprincesss 24-02-11, 11:14 AM Ricebars.com Its not exactly chinese, but amazingly yummy. Is it wrong to want a Nasi Goreng at 9 in the morning? Haha.. It is never wrong in wanting food at 9am! :) seven 24-02-11, 11:39 AM ttp:\/\/www.chinagrill.co.uk\/ sis_on_sunnah 24-02-11, 01:00 PM brother aadil, i think the business men\/women have read your thread as suddenly loads of chinese places seem to have opened up in leicester! ave you tried the one on evington road? oh, you know who do nice chinese? moghul durbar. aurorascopic 24-02-11, 02:47 PM Fortune Cookie, Leeds. Owned by pakistanis but the chefs are chinese. It's not a restaurant, proper little take away, you get food in chinese boxes etc. Their chinese sticky chicken wings are gorgeous! Amaira 25-02-11, 09:36 AM Haha.. It is never wrong in wanting food at 9am! :) Anywhere else in Manc that you would recommend? There seems to be more and more that use halal chicken now. ahmeduk 23-06-11, 09:46 AM Salaams - Chicken and Noodles, Charles Street, Leicester (HMC Certified - http:\/\/www.halalmc.net\/) Assalam Alaykum, Has anyone eaten at this place? I saw it the other day and picked up a menu, just wondered what the verdict was from those that had already been here. Wasalam elza3d 24-06-11, 03:41 PM This is very strange. What is the difference between Chinese and Pakistani-Chinese? I don't get it. CurlzsRUs 24-06-11, 08:32 PM Uff i hate Chinese food no offense Thai food is amazing tho CurlzsRUs 24-06-11, 08:33 PM This is very strange. What is the difference between Chinese and Pakistani-Chinese? I don't get it. It's not authentic. i doubt anyone in here has actually tasted real Chinese food aka from China I have and it's bland, didn't care for the chilly-oil neither. I too love Thai, as well as Malaysian and Japanese food. CurlzsRUs 24-06-11, 10:04 PM I have and it's bland, didn't care for the chilly-oil neither. I too love Thai, as well as Malaysian and Japanese food. Now you are someone who knows good food lol minus the Japanese food i tried sushi once i would have spit it out if the chef wasn't looking at me :torture: elza3d 24-06-11, 10:49 PM i tried sushi once i would have spit it out if the chef wasn't looking at me :torture: Was it authentic Japanese? There's a world of a difference when it's not. I especially don't like it when Chinese restaurants have it on their menu, or the crap sold in the supermarkets. It just doesn't taste right. Got to get it from a Japanese chief you can't speak a word of English *smile* ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"One of the biggest problems prior to placing concrete is determining the correct amount of concrete for the job. To make this task a little easier we have created a useful Concrete Calculator. Simply plug in the correct length, width and depth of your project and click on the \"Calculate Now!\" button. We will provide you with an approximation of the total amount of concrete you will need for your project. You will also want to add 5% more concrete to your \"Total Yardage Needed\" in order to allow for spillage, waste, overexcavation, and other causes. We have taken this into account also in our Concrete Calculator, providing you with the \"Total Concrete Yardage Plus 5% Extra\". Simply provide your results to the concrete dispatcher and we can conveniently arrange to have the necessary concrete delivered to your location. Concrete Calculator Please Input Measurements Below Total Length (in feet): Total Width (in feet): Total Depth (in inches): Calculation Results Total Concrete Yardage Needed: Total Concrete Yardage Plus 5% Extra: You can also figure the amount of concrete you will need manually by using the following formula: ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro Directed by: David O. Russell Damaged goods, that's Tiffany and Pat. He's a bipolar teacher just out of eight months in a state loony bin. She's a young widow, overcompensating for the death of her cop husband by fucking, well, anyone. They're manic energy unleashed. But as played with go-for-broke intensity, humor and raw feeling by Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper, they're deranged romantics you can't help rooting for. Playing the Hollywood cute game has no appeal for director David O.... | More Keira Knightley, Jude Law Directed by: Joe Wright It could have weighed a ton. That can happen when you film an 1877 classic by Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. But thanks to director Joe Wright, Anna Karenina lifts off into the wild blue of his imagination. The surging romantic tragedy of a woman who dies for love is still there in Tom Stoppard's screenplay. Anna (Keira Knightley) leaves her dull husband, Karenin (Jude Law, so good he makes virtue worth investigating), and their beloved son to experience unbridled passion with studly Cou... | More Daniel Craig Directed by: Sam Mendes If you can forget the putrid follow-up to Casino Royale that was Quantum of Solace, then Skyfall continues James Bond's backstory with staggering style and assurance. This is Bond like you've never seen him, almost Freudian in his vulnerability. And a dynamite Daniel Craig, never better in the role, nails Bond's ferocity and feeling. Mortality lurks in the shadows as Craig digs deep into Bond's past. Citizen Kane had his Rosebud. Bond has his Skyfall. What is it? I'll... | More Daniel Day-Lewis Directed by: Steven Spielberg In Steven Spielberg's brilliant, brawling epic about the last four months in the life of our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln takes a few hits up there on his marble pedestal. Political double-dealing was not beyond this American icon, not when his country was struggling in the darkness. What Honest Abe gets back from this defiantly alive film is his humanity -- flaws, fears and personal feelings that serve to deepen his thoughts rather than distract them. The phenomenal Daniel Day-L... | More Directed by: In September 1965, weeks after \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction\" hit the charts, the Rolling Stones landed in Dublin to play four manic gigs in two days. The band's manager, Andrew Loog Oldham, commissioned filmmaker Peter Whitehead to capture every moment. \"Everybody had done a movie, even Gerry and the Pacemakers,\" says Oldham. \"I wanted to get the Stones in the mood for dealing with the film business.\" Now that remarkable footage -- which rivals the intimate portrait of Bob D... | More Denzel Washington Directed by: Robert Zemeckis First lesson learned from Flight: Never take Denzel Washington for granted. After making his bones with Glory, Malcolm X and The Hurricane, and winning a Best Actor Oscar for 2001's Training Day, Washington settled into a groove of action films (Safe House, Unstoppable). With the exception of 2007's incisive American Gangster, they relied more on his star power than his acting skills. Flight reminds us of what Washington can do when a role hits him with a challenge that would floor ... | More John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jane Lynch Directed by: Rich Moore There's been a rash of recent movies fired up with imaginative risk. And the 3D computer-animated Wreck-It Ralph is one of them. Big props to director Rich Moore, making the switch to features after knocking it out of the park on The Simpsons and Futurama. Moore brings a video junkie's passion to the movie game, and it's hilariously infectious. The plot pivots on a crisis of conscience for Wreck-It Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly), an arcade-video-game villain for 30 years. Ra... | More Christopher Walken, Philip Seymour Hoffman Directed by: Yaron Zilberman Grace notes abound in A Late Quartet, a small, shining gem of a movie that works its way into your heart with insinuating potency of music. The Fugue, a New York-based chamber quartet, is facing a crisis. At the start of their 26th season together, cellist Peter Mitchell (Christopher Walken) breaks the news that he has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Proper sympathy is offered by his colleagues: First violinist Daniel Lerner (Mark Ivanir) thinks Peter should continue to play as ... | More Tom Hanks, Halle Berry Directed by: Lana Wachowski, Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski It's elating to watch filmmakers you admire take on the impossible. David Mitchell's 2004 novel Cloud Atlas is an uphill battle incarnate. And nobody makes it to the top. A sprawling literary opus that tells six stories that range across continents from the 19th century to the post-apocalyptic future is a killer to squeeze into one movie, even a movie that runs nearly three hours. So naturally the Wachowski siblings, Andy and Lana (the former Larry, now identifying as female), took ... | More ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"After what he done to Millwall, I doubt he'll ever find it a pleasant place to come down to again. If you don't know what happened, he claimed he was racially abused by the Millwall fans. None of the other players heard it, nor did the Bolton fans (One Bolton fan even said on Twitter nothing happened). After a couple of weeks, our club questioned a 13 year old boy and he was found guilty of 'abusing' Sordell. He called him Nemo because he had orange boots and looks like a fish, the Media twisted it and said the 13 year old was 'racially abusing' Sordell. Sordell replied after being called Nemo by saying 'You look like you need to go to the gym you fat little c**t'. And apparently this is perfectly acceptable to abuse a 13 year old boy. The boy was banned from Millwall and was sent to a class to help change his outlook on racism etc. when he didn't even racially abuse Sordell. So, at the next home game after this whole incident, a small group of Millwall fans protested with a banner saying 'Sordell, you're a c**t'. It was swiftly removed by the stewards and the fans involved were also banned from the ground. So because of Sordell's lying and our clubs poor management with the whole issue, we've had a handful of fans banned from The Den because Sordell is a little whining tosspot. Needs to keep his toys in the pram to be honest, black people, as soon as a few horrible words get thrown at them, it's instantly 'racial abuse'. Highlighted Game FIFA 13 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real-world soccer, and is driven by five game-changing innovations which revolutionize artificial intelligence, dribbling, ball control and phy... ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Okay y'all. A while back I vowed never to report on Fifty Shades Of Grey again... until I'd read the book . So you know what this means! I finally found some time for the mommy porn to end all mommy porn and based on everything everyone told me about the book (good, bad, and anti-feminist) I was not disappointed. And I'm so excited to talk about the book and the forthcoming movie now that I have an actual foundation, lol. So here's the deal. Ryan Gosling fans will either be really really happy, or really really sad to hear that the actor is not one of the frontrunners for the role of Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades Of Grey movie adaptation, as was previously reported . Click inside to learn more from author E.L. James who recently denied these rumors in an interview with Ryan Seacrest . Fifty Shades of Grey author E.L. James shot down those casting rumors to E!'s own Ryan Seacrest on his radio show Friday, saying stories about the Drive star being the frontrunner to play the coveted role were simply not true. The story started brewing after James' hubby Niall Leonard told the U.K.'s Now magazine that the \"last he heard\" Gosling was the No. 1 choice to star in the highly anticipated film. But James said those reports were \"completely misreported.\" \"What happened is that his local paper, he's from Northern Ireland, there's a newspaper there called the Belfast Telegraph that reported on my husband being the inspiration for Christian Grey. Underneath it they put a picture of Ryan Gosling, as well. So, that's how that came about,\" James said. While the author played coy when Seacrest brought up a few other actors' names as possibilities for Christian Grey, including Jake Gyllenhaal and Ian Somerhalder , she did admit she's a big Vampire Diaries fan, but said the lead actor would be selected by the studio and they weren't that far along in the casting process. Now HUNDREDS of you already weighed in about who you'd like to see get cast as Christian and Ana (and some of you said the whole idea of a movie was terrible, seeing as how the whole idea of the book was terrible, lol), but I'm curious to know if any new ideas come to mind. Honestly? I couldn't imagine Ryan Gosling as Christian ( Ryan can get intense for sure, but Christian is actually a really dark, troubled character at times), and I do like the idea of unknown actors (or lesser-known actors) coming in and changing the game. But it's tricky! And I still don't get how they are going to make this movie without it being an NC-17 production! What do y'all think? Are you happy Ryan 's kind of out of the running here? Or are you sitting somewhere, trying to figure out how to do some sort of Drive \/ Fifty Shades Of Grey reading mash-up on YouTube? What? Matt Bomer!!! I know he's older than Christian, but that's exactly how I pictured him when I read it. And maybe Amanda Seyfried. I think she has the kinda original\/almost odd pretty thing that Ana does. I think alexander skarsgard is perfect for the role he has something dark and he is tall, handsome he has something that i cant explain but i think he fits the description for christian grey also ryan is a good choice but i see more alexander as christian than any other actor IMHO Ryan would be perfect.He can be dark and broody like in Drive and amorous and hot like in Blue Valentine and really sweet and loving as in the The Notebook.I think he will be perfect.I'm voting for him. Joan and katie, I'm wondering if this could be one of those RARE occasions where the movie turns out better than the book. I actually liked the plot of 50 Shades but the writing style was obviously not... you know... really good. But a good director and good actors could take that plot and make a strong movie, I think. I like Matt Bomer, and maybe Zooey Deschenal (I know i butchered her last name). I see Ana as this beautiful girl who is quirky and doesn't really see herself the way others see her, looks wise. @Shannon -- I agree 100% with your comment about not knowing how this movie will not be NC-17. How are they going to make a movie based on these books and do them justice but leave out all of the juicy sex stuff. R-rated movies can only go so far. In my opinion, its not quite far enough to include everything that goes on in these books. chrisdc77, I know a lot of directors hate for their movies to get NC-17 ratings because it immediately loses whole crowds of people. But I'd like to think that the books are popular enough that everyone will clamor to see the movie either way. Otherwise, it's gonna be pretty annoying to see things get watered down, lol. 100% agreed. Everyone knows what to expect when it comes to this book and will look forward to it in the movie version. If they can't make this movie how it should be made, then don't make it. Maybe HBO or one of these other premium stations could pick up the option to make this movie and do with it what they want. That could be another option (which i doubt will happen, there is just too much money to be made from this). ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Government protects water systems for future generations Government protects water systems for future generations August 16, 2004 12:00 am Ministry of Infrastructure Expert Panel to Consult with Stakeholders; Provide Advice on All Aspects of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems QUEEN'S PARK, ON, Aug. 16 - The McGuinty government is taking further steps to ensure that municipal water and wastewater systems continue to provide safe, clean drinking water for Ontario residents by appointing an expert panel to advise on how to best manage these systems, Public Infrastructure Renewal Minister David Caplan said today. \"The most important thing our government can do is to lay the groundwork now for safe and clean drinking water through the proper long-term management of Ontario's water and wastewater infrastructure,\" Public Infrastructure Renewal Minister David Caplan said. \"I am pleased that Dr. Harry Swain has agreed to lead the Panel's work on this important issue.\" The Expert Panel will consult with a variety of stakeholders, including municipalities, environmental organizations, plant operators, consumers and ratepayers, and business and industry groups. The Panel has a mandate to provide advice on all aspects of organization, governance, investment, financing and pricing related to Ontario's water and wastewater systems. \"The work of the Panel will help communities across Ontario upgrade and enhance their water systems to meet our government's tough environmental standards and protect human health,\" Minister of the Environment Leona Dombrowsky said. \"We welcome opportunities to work with the provincial government on achieving practical solutions to financing water and wastewater systems in our communities that are affordable for consumers,\" said Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) President Ann Mulvale. \"Water issues have been a high priority in Ontario since the Walkerton tragedy in 2000,\" said Dr. Harry Swain, Chair of the Expert Panel. \"Jim Pine, Fred Lazar and I will work hard with all stakeholders. We aim to give the government the best possible advice on how to manage systems that deeply affect health and quality of life for all Ontarians.\" \"We are encouraged to see this welcome step forward,\" said Sam Morra, Executive Director of the Ontario Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association. \"This Committee's work will be important in ensuring that we address the province's water and sewer needs, both now and in the future.\" WHAT: The Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal (PIR) is spearheading the development of a strategic water and wastewater infrastructure investment and financing plan to ensure the safety of Ontario's drinking water. In order to have the best research and information available, eight (8) expert studies were commissioned by the ministry on a range of water and wastewater issues, which were completed in winter 2003. This work indicates that very large capital investments in our water and wastewater infrastructure are needed and will continue to be needed for a considerable period of time. The next step in the plan is the creation of an expert panel to provide the government with advice on all aspects of organization, governance, investment, financing and pricing related to Ontario's water and wastewater systems. The Expert Panel is tasked with developing a solution that maintains public ownership, while ensuring that the investment needed to improve our water and wastewater infrastructure takes place, that water and wastewater systems are financially sustainable and that water rates are affordable. The Panel will consult with a variety of stakeholders over the coming months, including individual, large and small municipalities, municipal and environmental organizations, plant operators, engineering and public works experts, economic and financial experts, business and industry groups, and consumer and user groups. WHY: The Walkerton crisis of 2000 highlighted the public health risks associated with the improper management of water and wastewater systems. Since then, the government has introduced strong new regulations to help ensure that our drinking water is clean and safe. The government has also made significant progress on Watershed-based Source Protection Planning and is moving forward on other initiatives that are linked to the protection of drinking water, including Places to Grow, greenbelt protection, Planning Act reform and the Provincial Policy Statement review. The next step is to invest in the systems that treat and distribute water, and collect and treat wastewater. Changes are needed to make water and wastewater systems more financially sustainable. In general, users are not paying the full amount that it actually costs municipalities to provide water and wastewater services on a sustainable basis. Limited funds are available for investment in rehabilitation, renovation and expansion. Some municipalities do not have the resources to invest in needed renewal; for others, the cost of making the improvements would make water too expensive. Multi-billion dollar capital investments are required for an extended period to bring distribution and treatment systems into a state of good repair and to allow for expansion. During the next two decades, Ontario's population is forecast to grow by 40 per cent. These people will all need water and sewer services as well as schools, hospitals, and roads. The goal of a strategic and comprehensive approach to planning, managing and financing water and wastewater infrastructure is to ensure environmentally safe and clean drinking water for all Ontarians. The results, over the next decade, will be the creation of sustainable systems that will protect public health and allow communities to grow. The long-term water and wastewater investment and financing strategy will feed into the development of the government's 10-year public infrastructure plan. WHO: Dr. Harry Swain, Mr. Jim Pine and Professor Fred Lazar are the members of the Expert Panel. Dr. Harry Swain was the Chair of the Walkerton Research Advisory Panel and is a frequent speaker on water provision and governance policy issues. He served as Deputy Minister of Industry and Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development for the Government of Canada. He holds a doctorate from the University of Minnesota and was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Victoria. Mr. Jim Pine is the Chief Administrative Officer of the County of Hastings and a member of the Implementation Committee of the Expert Source Water Protection Committee, providing advice to the Ontario government on tools and approaches to implement watershed-based source protection planning. He brings broad experience of municipal management in a wide variety of municipal settings to the Panel. Professor Fred Lazar brings the perspective of an economist to the panel. He is Associate Professor of Economics at York University and the Schulich School of Business. He has a PhD from Harvard University. He has written extensively on a wide variety of economic policy issues, including water industry investment and regulation, and employment and trade. WHEN: The Panel is expected to deliver its report to the government by end of the year, making recommendations on Ontario's Long-term Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Investment and Financing Strategy. The report will be released publicly. The Ontario government has appointed an Expert Panel to advise on how to make the investment needed to improve Ontario's water and wastewater infrastructure and on how to best organize and deliver water and wastewater services. The overarching public policy goal is to ensure clean, safe drinking water for all Ontarians. The investment and financing strategy will play a key role in achieving this goal, in a manner that is consistent with continued public ownership and the recommendations of the O'Connor Report. The strategy will need to strike a balance between the objectives of financial sustainability, affordable rates, and achievability. Ontario Water Sector Statistics - Multi-billion dollar capital investments in Ontario's water and wastewater systems will be required for an extended period of time to bring those systems into a good state of repair and to permit expansion - There are nearly 1,200 municipal water and wastewater plants in Ontario - Over 90 per cent of Ontarians are served by municipal water and wastewater treatment systems - Ontario has a few large treatment plants and many small ones. Ten per cent of all water plants provide 87 per cent of Ontario's municipal water, and 10 per cent of all wastewater treatment plants provide 84 per cent of wastewater treatment - Municipalities with less than 2,000 people are nearly five times as expensive to service as communities with more than 100,000 people - Although there are variations across Ontario, an average household pays less than $50 per month for water services in almost two thirds of municipalities. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Any way to get a line installed quicker? Hi I am in the process of moving offices and have just been informed by BT openreach that they can not get the line installed by my the move date. This is a total nightmare as we need to have broadband active on the line on the day we move. The order is through my ISP who have in turn placed an order through BT openreach. I was just wondering if anyone had any tricks to get install dates moved forward. They currently want to put the line in 3 days after we move which will mean broadband takes a further 3 days. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. BT are busy dealing with backlogs caused by flooding (allegedly) and so long lead times are normal in some areas at the moment. Apparently an ISP can escalate the install\/get it expedited if it's a business connection. So changing to a business package with a business line might be an option. Your other option is Virgin Media cable if you can get it. To be honest, 6 days without broadband is actually quiite good for a home move, others have waited weeks or months. Thanks for your reply, should have mentioned this is for a business and is business lines that have been ordered. BT also claim it's the Olympics that is delaying things, as an official sponsor you'd have thought they would be more prepared. I think I'm just going to have to keep on pestering openreach. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Thursday, May 17. 2012 Bloomberg survey - 79% think Facebook is overvalued - so who is over-buying all this stock? Readers of this blog may know that we are a tad sceptical of the IPO valuation price (We wrote this in February): So, what do we have to believe to believe that Facebook is worth the $100bn? Firstly, you need to believe that the numbers are even achievable. A valuation of $100bn on a user base of 845m implies a valuation of c $118 per user, within a reasonable timeframe. In financial modelling that is usually taken as 5 years. There are about 2 billion people online today, most estimates think it will be about 3-3.5 billion in 5 years or so time, a reasonable estimate of the the maximum Facebook user base is probably in the region of about 1.5 bn, ie roughly double today, so let us assume the endgame is the valuation of $100bn over 1.5m people, ie about $70 per person in 5 years time. A simple approximation therefore is that Facebook needs to go from c $70\/5 = c $15 ARPU, from the c $4 today. Incidentally, Google's ARPU is about $18 today. So it comes to this - do you believe that Facebook can eventually make the same sort of ARPU as Google does, and keep its current market share? Bear in mind that the next 800m people Facebook adds will have much less disposable income than the current 800,000, so the ARPU growth in ratio terms is far higher than Google had to do, as it grew from a smaller base into a wealthier market. Secondly, long term, ultimately valuation is based on profit. Facebook has a higher profitability than Google at IPO, at c 25%. Google's IPO was c half of that and it only hit the c 25% sort of ratios c 2 years after IPO, and has more or less stayed at around that level. Google now has a c $150bn valuation on c $40bn revenues and c $10bn profit, so for Facebook to justify $100bn longer term you have to believe it can hit c $6-7bn profits, ie revenues of c $24-28bn in about 5 years, and maintaining profis at about 25%. So the question is do you believe there is a sustainable 6-7x growth in profits? Thirdly, to believe the above two things, we pretty much have to believe that Facebook has as easy or easier a time in the next 5 years than Google has had, ie you have to believe competition and regulatory interference (little surprise the Facebook is beefing up its lobbying arm) will be at worst the same, preferably better and that it makes better use of its cash in funding its growth. Now this is not a \"proper\" analysis, but it does bracket the relative IPOs and trajectories for comparison. What it boils down to is that Facebook has set a significantly higher value per dollar earned and user gained than Google, and you have to believe Facebook gets a fairer wind for the next 5 years than Google had over its first 5 years post IPO to justify the $100bn valuation. In other words, you heve to believe it is a (2x) better company than Google. At that time we wrote that, it seemed Facebook could do no wrong (There Is No Bubble!), and we seemed to be our usual lone contrarian voice. Lets be clear - they have done some amazing things (and some less amzing, like their approach to privacy), and are run and funded by some very smart people - but nothing we have seen in the last few weeks make us change our mind, in fact as valuations go up yet business numbers go static, you have to believe even more things will go very very right right for a very long time. But what has been interesting to watch is in the run up to IPO, an interesting split in attitude is opening up between US West and East Coast thinking, between San Fran and New York states of mind, if you like. Yes, the New Yorkers are becoming more sceptical (whats thay you say - New Yorkers are always sceptical). 79% of Bloomberg readers think its overvalued (see graphic above), Madison Avenue, the Wall Street et al are a tad sceptical aboutthe valuation into question now: On Tuesday, General Motors, the third-largest advertiser in the country, shut down its Facebook budget, about $10 million, saying that those ads were simply not doing enough to sell automobiles. For Facebook, the loss of $10 million is not a big deal. The company generated $3.7 billion of revenue last year, 85 percent from advertising. But the loss underlines the company's need to convince a skeptical Madison Avenue that Facebook pages are the perfect vehicle for marketers and to convince eager investors that it can increase its advertising revenue, and quickly. \"It's one of the most powerful branding mechanisms in the world, but it's not an advertising mechanism,\" said Martin Sorrell, chief executive of WPP, the giant advertising agency. The smart money is flying out of Facebook as the dumb money piles in. A week ago, Facebook was targeting a valuation of $77 billion to $96 billion in its IPO and early investors were already looking to book plenty of profits by selling their own shares to the public. Venture capitalists Peter Thiel and Accel Partners were planning to sell up to 20% and 22% of their stakes respectively in the offering. Fast forward to this week. Facebook has raised its target price range to as much as $104 billion. Now, some early investors want to sell a lot more. Accel Partners plans to sell up to 28% of its shares. Peter Thiel plans to sell as much as 50% of his stake. Goldman Sachs will also sell as much as 50%, up from 23% previously. DST Global and Mail.ru will dump up to 40% of their shares, up from 23% previously. Tiger Global will sell up to 50% of its stake. Previously it planned to sell 7%. And there are other early investors that aren't increasing their share sales. T. Rowe Price for instance is holding on to what it has. Another interesting wrinkle is the comparison with previous tech IPOs. At Groupon, insiders and early investors didn't sell any of their stake in its IPO. LinkedIn's IPO similarly saw very little selling. At Zynga, insiders and early investors sold just 7% of their stakes on average. Early investors know Facebook as intimately as anyone. That they are selling so much of their stakes should discourage public investors from chasing the stock when it opens. One can argue that Olde New York Establishment is a bit fuddy duddy whn it comes to the New New Things, but principals bailing out of their own company shares at IPO time is not a good sign in any market. The MIT Review (Boston) is even more to the point : Farhad Manjoo has pointed out that for Facebook to maintain its share price, it needs to figure out how to increase its revenue by a factor of ten. Going from $5 per user per year in advertising revenue to $50 per user per year is about as likely as Facebook going from 1 billion users to 10 billion, which I suppose is the other way the company could increase revenue proportionally, even if it requires an alternate Earth's worth of additional human beings. So! Either this IPO is, as the Wall Street Journal has suggested, the biggest shell game in the history of stock offerings, pushed along by those who want to cash out their shares in the company at the expense of unsophisticated investors who are piling on, or Facebook has a plan. The MIT review thinks facebook doesn't have a plan, but their only way out of such an Overvaluation Impasse is to become a bank: Forget Square, the credit card processing dongle for mobile devices produced by a company headed by Twitter alum Jack Dorsey. What the payments industry needs is a fast follower with serious reach and the desire to vanquish every other player in this space. Or, as Dan Hon, interactive creative director at Wieden and Kennedy recently told me, \"It would be really interesting if Facebook launched a credit card. In fact, it would be terrifying.\" Hmmm..they could almost be honorary Londoners . And then you go over to the West Coast, where excitement is palpable. If New York is going \"hang on\", San Fran is going \"Paaaarty\" This is what its all about, the biggest IPO since Google, a megaboost for the Great Startup Dream. A quick visit to Techmeme shows all the usual crowd are like totally boosting up, ready for blast off - TechCrunch is waxing lyrical about overnight sleepathon hackathons , and how they are Big in Brazil and Bangkok, that Eduardo is a bad lad, and how the Big Bad Government is a fly in the future ointment. Nary an economic analysis in sight. GigaOm is hopefully pointing to where the Missing Ad Billions may come from , others say there will never be another deal again like Facebook for the small investor, This week, Facebook's IPO will be the largest venture-backed IPO of all time, and not in the subjective Kanye West sense. If, as expected, the company's valuation creeps toward $104 billion, it would be four times larger than Google's 2004 IPO. Facebook will also have earned the distinction of raising the most venture capital of any venture-backed company in the U.S. -- a grand total of $2.2 billion from some of the biggest names in venture capital around the world. This is almost double the amount raised by the second-place company in this category, Clearwire, a wireless broadband service provider that raised $1.2 billion. It's also exactly double the amount Twitter has raised to date, $1.1 billion. Also, Facebook breaks the record for most companies acquired pre-IPO. To date, Facebook has bought 13 other startups, only two more than Twitter, which is the second-most acquisitive company that is still privately held. I guess what you think of it all depends on where you are sitting. My concern is more \"who is over-buying\", given that the smart money is either very sceptical or bailing out. My cynical side (yes, dear reader, it exists) suspects its the dumb money in the main (that's your and my pension funds, by the way....) Facebook IPO and a Tale of Two Cities - Part 2 The Facebook IPO really has also been a Tale of 2 Cities - or rather, one city and the Rest Of World. Lets face it, an IPO of this level of hype that sputters, which still forces the under-writers to step in and buy the shares to keep it at the out-the -g E-Mail addresses will not be displayed and will only be used for E-Mail notifications To prevent automated Bots from commentspamming, please enter the string you see in the image below in the appropriate input box. Your comment will only be submitted if the strings match. Please ensure that your browser supports and accepts cookies, or your comment cannot be verified correctly. Enter the string from the spam-prevention image above: ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"NHS chief defends 766m cost of new wing at Broomfield Hospital AFTER a damning report claimed Broomfield Hospital is facing financial ruin for using a private finance initiative (PFI) to fund its 300-bed new wing, the chief executive of the hospital has hit out at suggestions that borrowing the money was irresponsible. Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust paid French contractor Bouygues 148.1 million in 2010 to build and maintain the new wing. INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE: Inside the new wing at Broomfield Hospital DEFIANT: Broomfield Hospital's chief executive Malcolm Stamp says services will not be cut, despite a predicted 27m defecit this year Flashback: Chronicle story last week \u0007 \u0007 \u0007 The trust must also pay the firm 16 million-a-year for building and maintaining the facility in a 32-year contract that will cost taxpayers 766 million. And it is facing a 27 million deficit this year. Chief executive Malcolm Stamp said: \"What I think people need to understand is that we're not a PFI hospital. \"We have a PFI wing. This separates us from hospitals that are struggling with their finances where a PFI scheme was used to build a whole new facility. Instead our wing is just part of a number of estates which cost money to run. \"There is a lot of concern or worry about the large figures that are bandied about with PFI, and what I want to make clear is that it has allowed us to create a fantastic facility that is in pristine condition and will remain so. \"The decision to build a new wing was made because the old one was not fit for purpose, the NHS had a long history of delayed building works and projects being stopped halfway or going over their time limit or budget, and this is why the buildings became decrepit so quickly. \"A PFI gave us the option to build the wing that we needed and also allows us to keep it in a high level of condition. I would make the same decision again as there isn't any other option out there which can offer this, or in fact, I would choose a larger PFI than we have. \"What you will see in 30 years' time is what the wing looks like today -- the cost ensures it will stay in the pristine condition that is important to our patients. \"What has also been misunderstood about the PFI payments is they're not like a mortgage payment -- rather it's a mortgage payment plus all the costs for keeping your house in the best condition, such as redecorating the inside and out whenever you want. \"It's about keeping it at the highest level, so it'll be there for our grandchildren to use as it is now. \"As it's brand new it's going to be more expensive than when it was old, but the wing is just part of the wider high asset value of the hospital.\" Just over 18 months ago Broomfield's patient services were rated as some of the worst in country with 18-week waiting lists for cancer services, but the hospital has radically improved and is now rated as one of the best in the country for its services, according to Mr Stamp. He said: \"We've worked so hard to improve and the turnaround in such a short space of time is fantastic. \"As Broomfield is on such a large size and scale it costs a lot to run, from the staffing to the estate to the computers, and the PFI wing is just part of this -- so it's not fair to say that we're struggling to pay it back. We're just a large hospital and because of that it is expensive to run.\" The report released last week by trade union UNISON claimed Broomfield would need a bailout from the Government to keep running or clinical services would have to be cut to make savings. Mr Stamp added: \"The Government continuously support the hospital so this idea of a Government bailout is incorrect. We also have absolutely no intentions of cutting clinical services. That's not to say these services won't change as NHS guidelines and improvements in technology come about, but we're actively employing doctors and nurses and we've recently spent 1.5 million on our cancer services so cutting clinical services is not going to happen. \"I respect the independent reports produced by unions like UNISON but they can be misleading. The large figure that sticks out can be misleading because it's multiplied over the 30 years or so of the contract -- so there is this glaring figure that everyone focuses on and it's not that straightforward. \"The PFI is done. It is frustrating that this seems to be all people are interested in about Broomfield. \"It could have been bigger, it could have been a penny less or a penny more, but it has allowed us to create an up-to-date, modern working environment which is great for patients and staff.\" ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Newcastle-under-Lyme wins West Midlands College of the Year! Newcastle-under-Lyme College (NULC) is celebrating after being awarded West Midlands College of the Year in the recent British College Sport (BCS) Awards. The College was awarded at a Gala Dinner held at Aston Business School Conference Centre in Birmingham, where colleges and young athletes from across the country came together to celebrate sporting achievements. NULC was also shortlisted for the National College of the Year Award, which was devised to highlight the good practice in the Further Education sector, but was piped to the post by Gateshead College. Trevor Humphreys, Academy of Sport Manager at NULC said: \"This year NULC has worked hard to cement itself as one of the top further education providers for sport in the country. No matter what you want to study at NULC you can combine it with top level coaching, competition and support to help you achieve your academic and sporting potential.\" The winners were selected from colleges nominated from around the country in recognition of their significant contributions to BCS in developing opportunities for students and staff through sport, developing college sport regionally or nationally, and working in partnership with other BCS member colleges locally, regionally, or nationally. Since the formation of the NULC Academy of Sport the college, has in a very short time, established itself as a leader in sports provision amongst education providers both locally and nationally. Notably the college formed the NULC Knights Basketball team which is the only club in the county to provide the opportunity to compete at national league level. The college also works in partnership with Newcastle Town Football Club to provide a Football Academy. This year in particular has seen phenomenal success for sport at NULC, with highlights including five members of the NULC Academy of Sport being selected to represent national teams in men's and women's football, netball and rugby and 17 students selected to represent regional teams in netball, rugby, hockey and men's and women's football. A number of the Academy of Sport teams have competed in regional and national competitions including the ladies football, men's basketball, netball, men's volleyball, ladies volleyball, mixed volleyball, rugby and table tennis teams, with all teams making it through to either the finals or semi-finals. The College also had record success at the British Colleges National Cup Finals with a haul of gold and silver medals and three national champions. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Pensioners - but not all of them - better off than previous generation Most pensioners are considerably better off than the previous generation, with incomes rising nearly every year since 1977, according to the Office for Natioanl Statistics (ONS). The average disposable income for retired households reached 17,700 in 2010-11. But the extra income is not spread across all pensioner groups, and there are question marks over future generosity of occupational pensions. Many people currently in work are seeing an erosion in the potential benefit of their workplace pensions, as employers and the Government reduce their generosity, often by closing final-salary schemes. Figures show that average disposable income for retired households was two and a half times higher in 2010-11 than in 1977, taking inflation into account. Working-age households' incomes, on the other hand, tended to rise during times of economic growth and stagnate during recessions. As a result, these households' incomes have risen slower than pensioners' - up 2.12 times, compared with 2.68 times for retired households since 1977. Income inequality among pensioner households became much more pronounced between 1977 and 1991, but narrowed gradually thereafter. This meant that many pensioners still lived with \"modest\" levels of income. In 2010-11, some 45% of single pensioners received less than 10,000 in income from the state pension, benefits and any private pension. About CashQuestions Got a finance related question and want an answer free of charge from a totally unbiased source? CashQuestions is a unique service run by a panel of renowned personal finance journalists. Alongside our team of financial experts, we are on hand to solve your money problems - and other consumers can help too on the CashQuestions forum. Disclaimer The information contained in the material on this Site is intended for information and interest only, and not to either provide advice to, or to address the particular requirements of, any individual. We do not recommend or endorse any investment, adviser or other service or product, or any material submitted by third parties, or linked to or from this Site. We do not offer any legal, financial or other advice, either regarding the nature, potential value or suitability of any particular investment, security or investment strategy, or otherwise. You should not rely on any material in this Site to take (or refrain from taking) any decision or action. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Michael Urie talks 'Partners,' living in Los Angeles, and the role for Mitt Romney We're basically obsessed with Louis ( Michael Urie ) on \"Partners\" and we want him to be our best friend... but it's hard to deny that sometimes, his well-intentioned snark seems particularly mean when it's leveled at Wyatt ( Brandon Routh ), whose naive idealism can put him at a bit of a disadvantage in the battle-of-wits department. On occasion, Louis has dismissed the importance of Wyatt's sobriety, scoffed at his job prospects, and just straight-up prioritized Joe ( David Krumholtz ). We were relieved, then, when we visited Urie on set, to learn that in an upcoming episode, Louis will find new reason to respect his boyfriend. Urie also gave us the scoop on Ali's humor deficiency, his LA vs. NYC conundrum, and whether Louis and Joe actually have friends other than each other. Read on for our Q&A, and don't forget to tune in for \"Partners\" at 8:30 p.m. EST on CBS Mondays. Zap2it: So far, Louis and Joe pretty much seem like each other's only friends. Are we going to see their worlds open up a bit? Urie: Yes! There was an episode where I mention Buck, Andrew, Randy and the other Randy, who are these four gay guys that Wyatt and Louis hang out with, and you'll get to meet them in an episode, which is really fun. You also get to see a group of guys at a bar that Ali used to work at, so you get a sense of that. The episode we're shooting tomorrow is about a straight guy that Joe becomes really good friends with. We're starting to see more and more of the life outside the four people. Are Louis's friends a lot like him? Well, Louis and Wyatt's friends that they get together and watch TV and make snarky comments with -- they're considered 'gay funny.' The whole problem of the episode is that Ali is hilarious when she's hanging out with her straight guy friends, but when she comes and hangs out with gay guys, they don't find her funny, and I have to explain to Joe that Ali is pretty funny. And he's like \"Yeah, she's pretty funny!\" \"No, she's pretty funny. She's pretty, so straight guys think she's funny even if she's not funny.\" Last time I saw you, you were a little iffy about leaving New York and moving to LA. How's it treating you? Thank God for this amazing job and for Runyon Canyon. LA is a tough place to live. It's great when you have a job. I'm a homebody, and being a homebody in LA means you never do anything . In New York, you can be a homebody but you still go out, because there's life like a block away. Here, you've got to have your whole plan, you've got to get in your car, you've got to park -- sometimes I won't go places just because I don't know how or where to park. I definitely miss New York, but I'm going back next week. The actors have a week off every month because the writers have to catch up with us, so I usually go back. My boyfriend's there, and I get to go see theater. When I go back I'll go see 'The Heiress' on Broadway with Jessica Chastain, who was my classmate at Juliard. Oh, just Jessica Chastain, no big deal! She's such a huge deal. It's so funny. There was a time when we hung out with another classmate of ours, and we were all three in a place in our careers where we were complaining. 'Oh, what am I going to do.' Jessica had done a bunch of movies that hadn't gone anywhere, Jess Weixler was like 'Oh, I got offered this part in a movie, I don't think it's going to work,' and I was like 'I just shot this pilot, and there's no way it's going to go.' My pilot was 'Ugly Betty,' the movie that Jess was lamenting was 'Teeth,' which went to Sundance and she ended up winning best actress, and all of Jessica's movies came out at the same time, and now she's probably going to get nominated for another Oscar. How the tables turn. When \"Partners\" started you'd just come off of \"How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying\" on Broadway. Do you miss theater, or is the live studio audience enough to satisfy the stage performer in you? The live audience is amazing. Thursdays at this job are heaven. Doing it with the audience and collaborating on a back-and-forth level with the writers is such a rush, The best performances come up when you really feel it with the audience. I miss the theater a lot though, because it's only one show a week and I like doing eight shows a week. I'm already looking for something I can do when we have a break. Are there any upcoming episodes that you're particularly looking forward to fans seeing? I think what this show is doing so well is really, every episode is about something, and it's based on a real thing that happens with people. Like \"Pretty Funny,\" that's a real thing that happens. There's an episode where Joe and Louis get into a debate about which one of them is Simon and which one of them is Garfunkel, and when you're dealing with a partnership, that is a very real thing, that's something that actually happens. The issue of who gets to be closer, the best friend or the fiance. These are real things that people go through. I love the relatability of this show. As far as the arc of Louis and Wyatt's relationship, are we going to see things balance out a bit? Will Louis give Wyatt a break? Actually yes, in the episode we're shooting right now, Louis has to go to the hospital, because he takes Elphaba [the dog]'s hormone pills. He gets to see Wyatt in action, and he finally respects him as a nurse. It's a big moment for them, and I love it because, you know, Louis is ridiculous to not respect Wyatt. A nurse is such a noble profession! And he's so mean! So Louis gets his comeuppance and he gets shown the light. And finally, who do you think should play Louis's bigoted older brother if he ever comes into play? Oh, Mitt Romney. Hopefully he'll be available. ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Option is still there, but you need to have billable time or expenses tracked for a particular task before it shows up. Note that this checks for \"free records\" - records that are billable and not already used to create an invoice. If you need to charge for custom work, without pulling reports based on tracked data, use standard New Invoice form from Invoices page. All \"New Invoice Based On\" (project, milestone, task, tracking report) tools use time and expenses to create an invoice, and only regular New Invoice form is free-form. Option is still there, but you need to have billable time or expenses tracked for a particular task before it shows up. Note that this checks for \"free records\" - records that are billable and not already used to create an invoice. Cool. I missed it! :-) I use this trick sometimes... I create an invoice from ticket. Then edit it to make it look like \"fixed cost\" (generally qty=1 & description, cost changes) Then release time records associated with invoice! Above takes more \"clicks\" but less time as in our case, list of clients and projects is too big to scroll though :| ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Catherine, tell us a little about your business. Do you have any particular niche? How many staff do you have, and where are you based? I run my own PR company which I set up in February 2008. My background is in the children's toy and nursery sector so I did imagine that I would specialise in that area, however, I was introduced to the local business networking scene very early on so it has really been small and medium size local companies looking for one off PR campaigns that I've worked heavily in so far. I'm based in Oxford and while most of my clients are local I've worked with companies nationwide. I don't employ anyone, but work closely with other freelancers. Why did you start the company? Was it something you always intended to do, or did you fall into it? I had always wanted to set up my own business -- a tea shop, a boutique or something very day dreamy like that! Realistically though I knew where my strengths were -- in writing. It's something I've loved since I first learnt to write, and spent Sunday mornings copying articles out of the newspapers while my parents had breakfast! My husband and I travelled the world after marrying in 2007 and the plan was to return and set up the business. I happened to also be pregnant at the time, so it was a busy year, but it's worked out well-now our son is a toddler and the business is growing well. Did you start it alone, or with partner(s), and how did that work out for you? I started alone -- working for myself for the first time my connections locally were very limited so I didn't have contacts to join up with. I had really good relationships with local marketing and PR agencies and had some great support and advice there. I also kept closely in touch with my previous boss who has become a real mentor to me. The PR industry can be really supportive I've found, I've been introduced to hugely successful people who run big agencies and they've always been open and welcoming with their guidance. Do you work from an office, or home? Why have you chosen to do that? I work from a home office. We moved this summer and a big reason for that was so that I could have dedicated office space. There's space for three people to work from here so I can expand without the overhead of an office becoming a necessity, however in a year or so I imagine we'll have a serviced office. See, I'm already saying 'we'! What was your vision for you business when you created it? My vision was to create a small but successful business that could make a difference to small and medium sized businesses -- to show that you can take a different approach to stand out -- that quirky and creative is good. You can achieve a lot by breaking the mould. Has that actually happened in reality? I think so yes. Definitely the making a difference part. I'm really proud of the campaigns I've worked on with local businesses. Now I want to utilise what I've learnt about running the business to attract bigger clients. Regarding the small but successful business, I'm getting there! I work a three day week, and am mum the other two days. Since returning to work in January I've taken on two big retained clients, finished a big restaurant launch campaign that was really successful, and am moving forward with expansion plans, having just joined up with another freelance PR woman locally who also has a son the same age as mine. What do you think you have that clients appreciate? I think we listen and understand. This is a small business too and we appreciate the challenges -- there's no huge pot of money for marketing and PR, but there is a need to stand out above the competition. We're honest, flexible and creative. It's not a PR machine, we don't pump out press releases. We listen, we research, we test and try and we get to know our client and their business so that we can do them justice. We strive to be innovative and original and capture the imagination as well as the attention of the media. Who are your favourite type of clients? Those who want to do things a little differently! They're bored of paying thousands for an ad in business directories every year and want to take a different approach. For example, a high street coffee shop who will enlist a local artist to do pavement art guiding customers to their door, rather than just handing out buy one get one half price coffee vouchers. Can you run through a typical day for us? A typical day is really tricky, but a typical week will include some of this -- time on our own PR -- updating the work blog with news and PR advice, scooting around Twitter and LinkedIn, keeping up to date and posting comments and ideas, meetings with clients to discuss next steps and review current activities, conversations with press about securing coverage for clients, writing of press releases, articles, news stories, editorial and other copy for client campaigns, attendance of local networking meetings, our business development -- website, strategic planning, pitches, our portfolio and marketing material, a quick lunch break, reviewing artwork for clients, commissioning photography, website design, graphic design, and a quick cuppa before heading off for the nursery run! Are you still very much hands-on, or is your role now more about bringing in clients and management? Very hands on. One day I'd like to focus on the running of the business, with a smaller role in the day to day client campaigns -- purely because this is how I see the business growing. I'll always want to retain my commitment to the creative planning side of the business. What's been your worst financial worry? I've been lucky that PR is booming during the recession as a cost effective alternative to marketing. I think my biggest worry has been when I need to make big investments such as the media databases I need for up to date journalist contacts. These are really expensive but an absolute must have. And your absolute favourite moment? Getting a client in with Paris Hilton, onto the Paul O'Grady Show and into Heat Magazine, all in the space of a week. I was over the moon, and the client was too! How do you cope with the work\/life balance (if you do, that is!) It's the biggest challenge I've faced and something I think about daily. I have to be really strict that work time is for working (that's the easy bit), but mum time is quality time with my family (that's the hard bit!). Because I work part time, it's very easy for work commitments to spill out beyond those days. I just work my socks off on my three days so that I have time to dedicate to my son when I'm being mum. You have to be extremely focussed. I admit that if my husband is working late though, that the laptop comes straight back out after my son is in bed! What's been your worst moment? I'm not sure, I've had a few frustrating moments -- a huge opportunity with prime time TV that a client decided not to pursue, and a campaign that changed course completely and lost a lot of momentum when new management came in. Without going into detail, I think the hardest moments are when you put your life and soul into making something work, you can see the finish line and then something unforeseen changes at the last moment. How do you cope with clients that are behind on payments? This has only happened to me once thankfully and it was resolved within a week or so, but it can be really stressful. If I had to pursue a matter I think I would call a meeting. I ask clients to sign a contract upfront. If they don't want to, it's a good indication that reconsidering the account may be worthwhile! What do you look for in a new member of staff? Passion, lots and lots of energy and most importantly creative flair -- the ability to brain storm and bounce around ideas. Has the recession made much of a difference to your business? No, in fact it's been a positive influence on my business which is a relief. What have been your must have investments (gadgets, PR tools, taking the time to learn about...) Number one has to be the PR databases that I subscribe to which I could do my job without. Others include storage -- it sounds simple but I can't work efficiently in a messy office! Branding -- always invest in a professional designer, and my Blackberry -- although not really an investment, just a free upgrade!! Who do you admire most in the PR world, and why? Ideas that come out of nowhere -- original, inspired ideas. Not reports off the back of news stories, or market research shoe horned to fit a story. I really like quirky thought provoking stunts -- like the T Mobile flash mob dances at Liverpool Street station. What are you plans for the future? Now that I've joined up with another PR, my plans are to continue expanding and working with small and medium size businesses. I also want to pitch for more copywriting work in the children's toy sector -- I did some party plans for a very well know fashion doll and really enjoyed it -- writing as if you're a 7 year old girl is a lot of fun! I also want to cement the suppliers I use and over the last year I've found a fantastic website designer, photographer and graphic designer so I'll be using them regularly. I'm also rolling out a rebrand which will be a new umbrella that allows the business to grow and work with other freelancers. It's an exciting time and I'm really pleased that the business is doing well. Hopefully next year we'll be able to work with even more businesses and get stuck in to some great PR campaigns with them. ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Wind farm 'will benefit all' Story Tools IN THE DISTANCE: Waverley Wind Farm, as it would look from the junction of Peat and Stewart roads, looking south. PHOTO SIMULATION\/ SUPPLIED The idea of a $350 million wind farm at Waipipi on the South Taranaki coast was instigated by the two farmers who own most of the land, one of them says. Warwick Lupton and his cousin David Alexander own much of the 980ha site, with another portion leased from the Parininihi Ki Waitotara Incorporation (PKW). Mr Lupton said the two men hatched the first wind farm idea with Australian company Allco Wind Energy. That company went broke and they are now working with electricity generator and retailer TrustPower. The coastal site had good consistent wind and the landowners would be paid by the company for use of the land. \"It's good for the community and it's obviously good for us as well. We're always looking for other options to diversify into,\" Mr Lupton said. He and his cousin use the land for dairying and cropping, which he said could continue with wind turbines in place. They also have a freight business and race hydroplanes. Mr Alexander's house is the closest to the site. Their deal with TrustPower would see the wind farm built within two to three years. Mr Lupton's impression is that local people are supportive of it. \"The majority seem to be in favour of it, but they would probably say that to us anyway.\" One person vehemently against it is Sally Sisson, who lives about 2.4km from the edge of the proposed site and does not want to see or hear the turbines. \"There's no way you could say that these things fit into the environment,\" she said. The turbines would be huge, and she predicted that property values would fall and all the profit would go out of the area. \"We are in the throes of getting together an anti group. It sort of feels like the ant versus the elephant.\" The proposed wind farm site is 6km southeast of Patea and 7km southwest of Waverley, and TrustPower lead environmental adviser Ryan Piddington said the turbines would be visible from both towns. He's been leading consultation meetings, with 40 people at the first one in Waverley, one person at the open day on Sunday and a steady stream at Waverley A & P Show. He said it would take 18 to 24 months and 80 to 100 people to build the wind farm. The economic benefit to the area during that time was predicted to be $80 million. Once the turbines were working it would take eight to 10 people and cost about $2 million a year to maintain them. The wind resource at Waipipi was nearly as good as that at TrustPower's Tararua wind farm, the biggest in New Zealand and one of the best in the world. The output would be enough to power 50,000 homes. The turbines would be among the highest in New Zealand, to catch the best wind. They would be imported from Denmark and each would need 400 to 600 cubic metres of concrete at their base. The company would not site turbines on sensitive dune areas, Mr Piddington said. It had also promised to enhance Waipipi Stream by fencing and planting along it. The next community consultation meeting is at Patea Old Folks Association Hall from 5pm to 8pm on November 22, with presentations starting at 6pm. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"How to get a start in the (booming) mining industry There is so much talk at the moment about the \"white hot\" mining sector and the \"boom\" in WA and Qld. As a result of saturated media coverage on the matter in the \"non-mining\" Australian states, we receive constant enquiry from people trying to get that start. Firstly, it is not that easy, there is not an out of control boom as such and mining companies are being very careful with how the spend their money right now. They are also very careful with who they hire, their equipment is often sophisticated, expensive and takes certain skills to operate well. Additionally, the mining sector has a very strong safety culture (despite what the media will have you believe) and good companies will also screen for people with the right safety attitude. That said there ARE thousands of excellent opportunities for people to get into this exciting sector right now and so here are some very basic tips, for someone with little or no experience just wanting to get that break: If you have any sort of mechanical background or are from a farming or related industry then highlight this when applying. People that have worked in remote environments or have some mechanical training or aptitude inevitably have more to offer and have been proven to succeed in the mining sector. If you are prepared to relocate, then taking the risk (and it IS a risk) and moving to a regional area such as North Qld, the W.A. Goldfields (Kalgoorlie etc) will usually give you a head start over someone trying to land their first job from a capital city. Be prepared to do anything. With no experience, you have no track record to demonstrate so your best chance is to prove you are a good worker, after which time (presuming you ARE a good worker) other opportunities will quickly open up for you. If you can get some sort of certification through a night class at one of the many excellent TAFE (and like) courses now, this does two things. 1.) it shows you are serious and 2.) it will give you a basic overview of a certain field of work (being a pit technician supporting a Geologist for example). If you know someone, ask them to refer you on and ask them to give you a positive recommendation. Once again, with no demonstrated track record and probably little in the way of relevant referees, referrals are often viewed as good sources of new staff because hiring managers assume the person making the referral will usually only do that if the potential new employee IS also a good worker otherwise their own reputation is damaged. Keep it simple. The opportunities are there. Look at each knock back as another test and keep at it. Every so often check in with someone already in the industry or a trusted advisor who can assess what activity you have done and propose modifications to your approach as appropriate. These comments are intended to be general in nature. For a more detailed overview refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section of the MPi web site. Mining companies dont hire carefully. They take anyone. Its just the agencies that tell you that. Ive worked in mining for 22 yrs. Anonymous @aplleby I agree but the companies that don't hire carefully loose out in the long run and many companies learn the hard way. Samwise I gather that if you've worked in mining for 22 years, that it was a different story for you when you first started out in the mines. Nowadays, yes, I have an understanding of what the Mining companies are looking for and it is harder for people with no experience to get into the mines. Some companies will take on greenies as their learning capacity has not been tainted with set procedures and practices and they can be taught the way the company would prefer them to conduct themselves. But generally, they would take someone with experience over someone with no experience. If they have called up all the mining recruitment agencies and are still coming up dry, they will start to look at other people. They won't just take \"anyone\" as you say. They will still be looking for people with good attitutes and work ethic and atleast an understanding of the mining sector. Case and point buddy Abeckman9 Ive been applying for over a year now heard nothing back yet abeckman9@gmail.com email me with more info if you can please kannadiide Aldhoux {kenneth} i ,there my name is Kenneth Aldhoux ive a apply a position as field assistant and i heard nothing yet so please im still available .thanks Mark_1988 Can you get a job in the mines without a licence? As a t\/a or labouring? What about if you relocate? Anonymous @Mark_1988 relocating to a town like Kalgoorlie can help your chances as Mining companies are more willing to take on people with no industry experience as Drive in drive out vs fly in fly out. Anonymous Guys here is the link to our FAQ's page on our website. It has loads of good info and links to other websites to help out if you currently have no mining experience and wanted to get into the industry. What is MPi LIFE? \"MPi LIFE\" is a lifestyle blog that is written for mining employees, FIFO workers and mining industry partners across Australia. The blog is written by the Workforce Division of Mining People International (MPi). Commenting Policy The editors of MPi LIFE aim to promote constructive debate about topics affecting people within the mining industry, by presenting thoughtful ideas in a way that respects a wide range of views. We welcome all respectful comments free of personal attack, however we reserve the right to remove any comments that we think are offensive or not supporting the ideas we look to promote. ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Opinion: DREAM On: Immigration reform should not focus on Dreamers by Stephen A. Nuo 7:00 am on 11\/13\/2012 As the GOP licks its wounds and the Democrats lick their chops after this election, the broad impact Latino voters had throughout the country on the president's reelection will once again focus the national discussion on immigration reform. We've been here before. Presidents from both parties, as well as Republicans and Democrats in Congress, have tried to pass immigration reform to no avail. And as Congress has failed to pass a reform bill that would relieve Latino families from the brutal results of our immigration system, a segment of the undocumented community has emerged from the dialogue -- the Dreamers. Dreamers are a group of undocumented residents who draw their name from the Dream Act, a bipartisan bill proposed more than a decade ago as a compromise for failure to come to an agreement on a comprehensive reform bill. Seeking to influence the public and policy makers through moral persuasion, Dreamers are young, smart, and they challenge authority by daring police to arrest and deport them. These are bold kids, but something about them has always been a little unsettling. Keep in mind that as we march into this debate over immigration yet again, the language and images both sides use in this debate will be critical. My own wish is to pass a comprehensive immigration bill that addresses the perverted incentives built into the immigration system that ultimately leaves no participant -- not the government, nor the immigrants or the businesses that hire them -- particularly interested in cooperating. As Dreamers protest across the country, trying to convince the public that our immigration system is unjust, I am left wondering how effective they will be in helping comprehensive reform move forward. I wonder how persuasive it is to on the one hand argue that the system is merciless, while on the other hand expect to travel around the country challenging authority. How brutal can the system be if these kids are allowed to flaunt the law like that? This image is damaging to the prize, because the system is brutal. It is unjust. It is unreasonable. It's irrational and economically damaging. But that's not the message I get from Dreamers. If I weren't already convinced that they should be given a pathway to citizenship, I'd question whether or not the government isn't negotiating immigration reform from both sides of the table. Of course, that's why the president has implemented the harshest deportation program since Eisenhower; to address that argument. But who cares? Immigration reform will be tough to pass. Getting it past a House of Representatives run by the Republicans may make this a drawn-out affair at a time when the president will be under extreme pressure to move on and focus on the broader fight over the budget and the economy. We've been here before. Faced with a decision to address health care or immigration reform, the president chose health care. I'm not sure he had a choice, but choose he did, and in the process condemned the Latino community to three years of hard time. Will the president sell us out? I can't say I'm confident he wouldn't. And this is where I think Dreamers can be detrimental to the goal of immigration reform. To put it bluntly, Dreamers think they are special. They feel entitled. They're cute. They're smart. They make people cry because of their compelling stories. But that's not special. And if times get tough for the president, I fear he may use the Dreamers as a pressure valve. He may focus the debate away from comprehensive reform and towards this small group of vocal undocumented immigrants. I have a problem with that. Dreamers aren't special. They don't suffer disproportionately for being undocumented. Besides the individual level storytelling, they have not moved the debate except to focus much of the debate on them. I have a problem with that. I think that needs to change before we go back into the fray. Excellent! I love kids - my kids, your kids - everyone's kids........and their aspirations and hopes. But - in relation to national legislation and it's effect in immigration as a whole, I agree with \"And this is where I think Dreamers can be detrimental to the goal of immigration reform.\" Based on standard national statistics, the Dream issue is like 2% of the 5% of the 30%. It's like basing legislation reform for construction standards based on how left handed people open doors. BUT - excellent 'throw-a-bone' sensationalism for the masses to focus on and NOT hold lawmakers accountable. Another 'Wag - meet Dog'. I get the point of this column and respect it. However, I think the DREAMers have done an amazing job in using social media to take their issues to the masses, and this is something that all of us who are pushing for CIR should use a digital grassroots model. Their ability to make this issue so public and part of the national dialogue is because of how they have organized through hard work and social media. Others who are fighting the same fight would learn a lot from them. How do you know that Dreamers don't suffer disproportionately for being undocumented? What is the objective criteria for what makes Dreams special or not? And, lastly, why do you fail to differentiate between activist dreamers and non-activist dreamers? Most dreamers do not go around the country protesting. Most just work to get by. They see their potential hit a hard, concrete ceiling, unlike those who came here as adults. This article is ridiculous. Who do you think made sure to turn out the latino vote? What faction of the latino community do you believe is the most organized and politically aware? The fact that immigration reform still on the map at all considering the last few years is because of the hard work and sacrifice of DREAM students. Now that they've done the hard work you just want to brush them aside? The DREAM act is necessary and relevant to the whole discussion of Immigration reform. If you can't see that, then you honestly have no place in the discussion that will soon be taking place in congress. Immigration Reform NOW! DREAM Act NOW! Fuck your kids and the things they say, fuck you're misery cause it ain't worth shit, too. Suffering? It's the American way! Ain't you ever heard about how the frontier was slayed? No worries, colonization (if not a master teacher) is still a merry master. Your wife? She's fucked too. Oh, & by the way my foundation told me to tell you. They dictate this. Stephen Nuo, check your privilege. Your perceptions of what undocumented youth experience is based on what you see in the media. Did you bother to meet any before writing out this crap? Throwing youth under the bus does not boost your argument- it merely shows just how clueless you are to the issues. Stephen A. Nuo I can tell from you writing that you get a long with leaders in the CIR community. It is clear that you are an ignorant in the internal politics of immigrant organizations. You don't understand organizing. If you have time please educate yourself before writing another peace in CIR and DREAM ACT. \"I Agree with this article in that its United We DREAMs fault for creating such a perception of what a DREAMer is i.e cute little innocent valedictorian success story etc.. Has this author seen the work DREAMactivist.org and TheNIYA have been doing the past year? infiltrating jails stopping deportations of older non dreamers etc..\" Jose Franco. Thanks for continuing to add to the divide in our movement. There is already enough between the DREAMers and then you add fuel to their fire. People need to understand we aren't all cookie cutter, there are many different stories, don't let what this man whom obviously has a biased view, determine what you think. If you think all DREAMers are cute and valedictorians, then go for it, if you want to think all DREAMers infiltrate jails, then go for it. However I really hope that you don't base your opinion on this man and his skewed view of what he wants you to think. What makes us all great is that we are so different and we are able to work past that. Why are the resources being spilled into having a Dreamer travel the country, much less travel the country and go partying. In light of the number of deportations under Obama, something has to be done now. We have to spend our resources wiser than that. I think the Republicans are on one hand just trying to make it possible for themselves to win an election in 2016 while on the other hand are making it possible for us to have the bipartisan support we need in both Houses to pass comprehensive immigration and the DREAM Act all at once. Stephen A. Nuo, We all due respect, thank you for pointing this out! Thank you for making us, DREAMers the oppressors, the selfish arrogant kids that all we want is to fix status without worrying or even caring for our loved ones. I'm sorry to say it, but you are not seeing the big picture. We are the product of the hardworking families, countless sacrifices made by our communities. We are the Fruit produced by every member of our community. Therefore, we love the \"fruit (us), but we cannot love it without loving the roots that produce it -- our communities\". If I'm not mistaken, what you said about those kids is: \"Dreamers think they are special. They feel entitled. They're cute. They're smart. They make people cry because of their compelling stories. But that's not special. And if times get tough for the president, I fear he may use the Dreamers as a pressure valve. He may focus the debate away from comprehensive reform and towards this small group of vocal undocumented immigrants.\". So for you we are selfish and arrogant? Well, let me break it down for you! Our families have sacrificed everything they had; they risked their lives so we could have a better future. So you are saying their sacrifices are in vain just because we could potentially be used as a valve for the failure of the Immigration Reform? No sir, we are not dumb, either! We will hold President Obama and all the politicians accountable for their empty promises. As a matter of fact we have proven it! Does DACA sound familiar to you? We were the ones that kept the Immigration issue alive after almost everyone else gave up on it! We will fight until the end, we won't stop on just the DREAM Act, and we will fight until we get the CIR! The author of this piece is still smarting from the way in which Dreamers were able to navigate a spineless Democratic party, a hate-mongering Republican party, and the oppressive CIR non-profit industrial complex, to WIN, by making ourselves the litmus test for immigration reform, and winning some form of relief (DACA). There is a much better way to say that Dreamers should not be the only people who benefit from immigration reform and there is a much better way of pushing for the best available plan while being inclusive of everyone-- something, that you should also learn from Dreamers. Go figure. After reading the article and reading the responses I think there is a general misconception about the point of the article. The article itself does not speak out against the DREAMers, nor does it call for a halt to the movement, rather it questions whether or not it should be the leading the democratic party's reform plan. To the millions of uneducated white folk in America, illegal immigration as a whole is bad and mass migration back to Mexico is the only solution. Now, present the image of an 18 year old Latino\/Latina who gets to travel the country and lives better than said white American while on speaking tours to rally immigration change. Some are moved and come to the inevitable conclusion that immigration reform is necassary, others are enraged, and this symbol created for the future becomes an antithesis, a symbol for the GOP to use as the next \"handout\" group. This is what Nuo is saying, comprehensive immigration reform is the only form that will fix all of the relating issues in the United States. If this subject becomes the headlining topic, then there is a strong possibility that it might be the only issue fixed and the hundreds of thousands of other illegal immigrants, the mothers and fathers of these DREAMers will never get a chance to live safely in this country. A little unsettling? You mean they are the ones willing to put themselves on the line to pass legislation, risk being deported, so that they and their families could become fearless? This vato, hahaha! But he got what he needs: page views. Now, let the market dictate; we want more hate articles! Let capitalism be the ultimate decider; spoon feed us entertainment. It's sometimes incomprehensible why people stick their necks out when others sit and hold their tongues. We can see this as irrational or we can see this as bravery. I see it as bravery. That said, I also think that immigration reform should not *only* focus on Dreamers, because this is a human rights issue. We can't allow ourselves to get painted into a corner and only address some of the inhumane aspects of our immigration policy. We have to attack it all with a focus on creating a just system for all. You'll hear some elites go on about how super elite college grads should be allowed in the country because they will instantly become job creators and you'll hear others push for work programs to fill the needs of large corporations and agribusiness but these are all exceptions. We need something comprehensive and something with a path to citizenship. This is horrible analysis. Self-contradictory. So what does he expect dream activists to do? Sit down, shut up, and go to the back of the bus, and then \"stop crying about themselves.\" Who said they were crying about themselves? They're raising a ruckus for all uf is. The worst part is that he invalidates the whole suffering of undocumented people, and makes it seem like giving them anything is an act of grace and kindness, rather than an act of necessity and justice; something worth fighting for that they are going to have to fight for themselves, because clearly, with friends, like this who needs Mitt Romney? I've seen lots of so-called \"experts\" with PhD's or JD's say things like this. If it were up to them, we'd still all be hiding behind black bars and on-screen shadows, never saying our true names or advocating for ourselves, because all we really need is experts to do it for us right? wrong. This \"kid\" is 22 years old, and by all rights an adult. But I am sure that as a mature and grown up person with papers you know what is best for us. It must a 'burden' to let us young undocu-folk know how to be GOOD, young undocu-folk, but thank you for going out of your way. Thank you for being one more patronizing and belittling voice... And thank you for assuming I would throw my mother under the bus for a chance at citizenship. \" I have a problem with that. Dreamers aren't special. They don't suffer disproportionately for being undocumented. Besides the individual level storytelling, they have not moved the debate except to focus much of the debate on them.\" Really? Our parent's struggle is our struggle as undocumented immigrant youth and students. We have always, and will continue speaking and organizing loud and strong for a path to citizenship for our entire family. I guess you are not aware of immigrant youth organizing out in the streets, risking deportation, mobilizing the Latino Vote, and pressuring for Deferred Action as something that has placed the immigrant debate as a top priority and the biggest pro-immigrant step in the past 26 years! AND GUESS WHAT..we made that happen along with our families! Orale! My Dear Stephen Nuo, I do not know what are your qualifications to write an article like this one, but you have shown a lack of knowledge, empathy, and compassion for the cause of the undocumented immigrants that is bewildering to me. I have had the PRIVILEGE to get to know many of the Dreamers and their situations, and let me tell you, they are from what you describe them. It is not because they feel entitled that they have been able to organize and travel the country to advocate for the cause, it is because they are trapped in a unbearable situation with no end in sight that they have gathered the courage to fight for their rights and for what they duly deserve as young undocumented immigrants who have not broken any law. Rather than look down on them, you should make them an example of what a group can achieve for the betterment of society when people put their mind together. And, by the way, I am a citizen, and I welcome this group into the country. The Dreamers will make a fabulous contribution to our society. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I'm exactly the same; just my head, nowhere else. My hair looks as if I've just got out the shower! I've always been hot and never feel cold, even pre MS. It happens after any exertion such as hanging the washing out or making a drink! You should see me after my physio class! I go bright red as well but I do also have rosacea It's only recently that I've looked at the side effects of my medication and amitryptaline and duloxetine both can cause sweating. I think I may mention it to my GP next time I see him as it can be a bit embarrassing. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Course of Theoretical Physics is a ten-volume series of books covering theoretical physics that was initiated by Lev Landau and written in collaboration with his student Evgeny Lifshitz starting in the late 1930s. It is said that Landau composed much of the series in his head while in an NKVD prison in 1938-39. [ 1 ] However, almost all of the actual writing of the early volumes was done by Lifshitz, giving rise to the often repeated witticism, \"not a word of Landau and not a thought of Lifshitz\". [ 2 ] The first eight volumes were finished in the 1950s, written in the Russian language , and translated into English by the late 1950s. The last two volumes were written in the early 1980s. Vladimir Berestetskii and Lev Pitaevskii also contributed to the series. The series is often referred to as \" Landau and Lifshitz \", \" Landafshitz \" (rus. \" \u041b\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0444\u0448\u0438\u0446 \") in informal settings. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Contents The books are well known for their concise, elegant and accurate formulation of the laws of physics. Generations of physicists, both in Russia and around the world, have been educated in physics through this series. The presentation of material is advanced, requires a foundation of physics, and is suitable for graduate-level study. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Egyptian astronomy Egyptian astronomy begins in prehistoric times, in the Predynastic Period . In the 5th millennium BCE, the stone circles at Nabta Playa may have made use of astronomical alignments. By the time the historical Dynastic Period began in the 3rd millennium BCE, the 365 day period of the Egyptian calendar was already in use, and the observation of stars was important in determining the annual flooding of the Nile . The Egyptian pyramids were carefully aligned towards the pole star , and the temple of Amun-Re at Karnak was aligned on the rising of the midwinter sun. Astronomy played a considerable part in fixing the dates of religious festivals and determining the hours of the night, and temple astrologers were especially adept at watching the stars and observing the conjunctions, phases, and risings of the Sun , Moon and planets . The precise orientation of the Egyptian pyramids affords a lasting demonstration of the high degree of technical skill in watching the heavens attained in the 3rd millennium BCE . It has been shown the Pyramids were aligned towards the pole star , which, because of the precession of the equinoxes , was at that time Thuban , a faint star in the constellation of Draco . [ 3 ] Evaluation of the site of the temple of Amun-Re at Karnak , taking into account the change over time of the obliquity of the ecliptic , has shown that the Great Temple was aligned on the rising of the midwinter sun. [ 4 ] The length of the corridor down which sunlight would travel would have limited illumination at other times of the year. Astronomy played a considerable part in religious matters for fixing the dates of festivals and determining the hours of the night . The titles of several temple books are preserved recording the movements and phases of the sun , moon and stars . The rising of Sirius ( Egyptian : Sopdet , Greek : Sothis ) at the beginning of the inundation was a particularly important point to fix in the yearly calendar. From the tables of stars on the ceiling of the tombs of Rameses VI and Rameses IX it seems that for fixing the hours of the night a man seated on the ground faced the Astrologer in such a position that the line of observation of the pole star passed over the middle of his head. On the different days of the year each hour was determined by a fixed star culminating or nearly culminating in it, and the position of these stars at the time is given in the tables as in the centre, on the left eye, on the right shoulder, etc. According to the texts, in founding or rebuilding temples the north axis was determined by the same apparatus, and we may conclude that it was the usual one for astronomical observations. In careful hands, it might give results of a high degree of accuracy. Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius ( floruit AD 395\u2013423) attributed the planetary theory where the Earth rotates on its axis and the interior planets Mercury and Venus revolve around the Sun which in turn revolves around the Earth, to the ancient Egyptians. He named it the \"Egyptian System,\" and stated that \"it did not escape the skill of the Egyptians ,\" though there is no other evidence it was known in ancient Egypt. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] And after the Singer advances the Astrologer (\u1f61\u03c1\u03bf\u03c3\u03ba\u03cc\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2), with a horologium (\u1f61\u03c1\u03bf\u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd) in his hand, and a palm (\u03c6\u03bf\u03af\u03bd\u03b9\u03be), the symbols of astrology . He must know by heart the Hermetic astrological books, which are four in number. Of these, one is about the arrangement of the fixed stars that are visible; one on the positions of the sun and moon and five planets; one on the conjunctions and phases of the sun and moon; and one concerns their risings. [ 7 ] The astrologer's instruments ( horologium and palm ) are a plumb line and sighting instrument. They have been identified with two inscribed objects in the Berlin Museum ; a short handle from which a plumb line was hung, and a palm branch with a sight-slit in the broader end. The latter was held close to the eye, the former in the other hand, perhaps at arms length. The \"Hermetic\" books which Clement refers to are the Egyptian theological texts, which probably have nothing to do with Hellenistic Hermetism . [ 8 ] Following the Roman conquest of Egypt , the region once again became the centre of scientific activity throughout the Roman Empire . The greatest astronomer of this era was the Hellenized Egyptian, Ptolemy (90-168 CE). Originating from the Thebaid region of Upper Egypt , he worked at Alexandria and wrote works on astronomy including the Almagest , the Planetary Hypotheses , and the Tetrabiblos , as well as the Handy Tables , the Canobic Inscription , and other minor works. The Almagest is one of the most influential books in the history of Western astronomy. In this book, Ptolemy explained how to predict the behavior of the planets with the introduction of a new mathematical tool, the equant . Ibn Yunus (c. 950-1009) observed more than 10,000 entries for the sun's position for many years using a large astrolabe with a diameter of nearly 1.4 meters. His observations on eclipses were still used centuries later in Simon Newcomb 's investigations on the motion of the moon, while his other observations inspired Laplace 's Obliquity of the Ecliptic and Inequalities of Jupiter and Saturn . [ clarification needed (not the title of any work by Laplace) ] [ 9 ] In 1006, Ali ibn Ridwan observed the supernova of 1006 , regarded as the brightest stellar event in recorded history, and left the most detailed description of the temporary star. He says that the object was two to three times as large as the disc of Venus and about one-quarter the brightness of the Moon , and that the star was low on the southern horizon. [ 10 ] The astrolabic quadrant was invented in Egypt in the 11th century or 12th century, and later known in Europe as the \"Quadrans Vetus\" (Old Quadrant). [ 11 ] In 14th century Egypt , Najm al-Din al-Misri (c. 1325) wrote a treatise describing over 100 different types of scientific and astronomical instruments, many of which he invented himself. [ 12 ] In the 20th century, Farouk El-Baz from Egypt worked for NASA and was involved in the first Moon landings with the Apollo program , where he was secretary of the Landing Site Selection Committee , Principal Investigator of Visual Observations and Photography , chairman of the Astronaut Training Group , and assisted in the planning of scientific explorations of the Moon, including the selection of landing sites for the Apollo missions and the training of astronauts in lunar observations and photography. [ 2 ] ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Teen's Online Plea To Be Mainstreamed Strikes A Chord A 13-year-old with autism has taken to social media to persuade his school district that he ought to attend his local middle school rather than a segregated program for those with disabilities. Henry Frost, who communicates using an iPad, has garnered thousands of supporters on Facebook and more than 2,300 signatures through an online petition asking his Tampa, Fla.-area school district to allow him to be mainstreamed at his neighborhood school. According to the petition, Frost says that school officials told him he needs to prove that he can handle transitioning between classes and climbing the building's stairs. He was also told that he would need to take tests before he could attend his local school. Currently, Frost is taking online classes at home rather than enroll in the segregated class where he was assigned. While school district officials said they could not comment specifically on Frost's case, they said they work hard to provide for every student. \"I would like the chance to try,\" Frost told NPR StateImpact Florida. To read more click here . Post a Comment Comments are moderated and will not appear until they are approved. All comments must be in compliance with the DisabilityScoop.com Terms and Conditions . Please stay on-topic, keep your comments brief and refrain from inserting links or using abusive language. Comments (5 Responses) First since I live in Hillsborough county all I can say is I am ashame to be in this town and see this happening. But thats florida these kids are to not to be seen or heard from.as a mother of a child with special needs they deserve to be treated like other kids and by law allowed to go to a public school in their district. If the IEP and parents are for him trying the school there should be no reason he should not be allowed. I would get an advocate for the disabled and fight this a 100%. I would do this for my kid and any kid like her that wants a chance to be with there peers who have no disabilities. [Disclaimer: KA101 is an autistic attorney in Pennsylvania who focuses on special-ed law. He claims absolutely no knowledge of Florida law nor bar membership there, but is speaking strictly from his experience with federal laws as applied in Pennsylvania. Florida tends to get territorial about out\/state lawyers talking about it.] OK. Assuming that the school's concerns are genuine, there are ways around them. Transitioning: 1) Familiarization with the building beforehand. It's easier to get a handle on where things are without the crowds of noisy students. (Meeting the teachers might be helpful, too.) 2) How about a map on that iPad? Surely the school has fire evac plans posted; scan and photochop as needed. 3) Letting Mr. Frost leave classes a few minutes early as needed (still getting used to transition, longer commute, complex locker needs, etc) might help things go more smoothly. 4) Horrors -- we may need an aide. If he needs one to receive instruction in the LRE (also where he would receive education were he not disabled), Mr. Frost is entitled to one. This is fact-dependent and I don't have the facts to affirmatively make the call one way or another, but IDEA is pretty clear on that. Stairs: Not sure why these would be a problem, so it smells like ADA barrier-removal to me. If there's an elevator, Mr. Frost can be issued a key. If Mr. Frost's service dog somehow has difficulty with stairs, that may be a training issue but should not be grounds for removing him from the school he would attend were he not disabled. This child should not have to go to these lengths to be heard. The school district's Child study team should provide the student with the appropriate supports so that he may be educated in the least restrictive environment. If he has difficulty transitioning of using stairs, he should have the appropriate therapeutic interventions either by an occupational therapist, behavior specialist(BCBA), or physical therapist. What are the parent's doing? Sounds like the family needs an advocate or an attorney. Many states have free, non profit organizations that can help. Good luck. I predict that Henry Frost, with the help of major publicity, will prevail. It's distressing to hear how backward some states are with regard to accommodating students with disabilities. I'm shocked that a student with this much capacity to advocate for himself, would be placed in a special school. This is happening at all Florida schools. We moved from OH to Okaloosa County schools a year ago with military orders. My son is 8 years old. In Ohio he was mainstreamed with an aide and performing at just below Kindergarten levels. In Florida, he was placed in a behavioral classroom with 8 other children, one teacher, and one aide. My son went from starting to read to functioning at a 2 year old level. We had to pull him from the school, because it got to the point where he was becoming self-injurious (this behavior did not happen often when he was growing up, but it became a weekly thing at public school). The school district when approached about breaching the law would say, \"he's not ready for mainstreaming\" (even though they did no IEE or evaluation to prove he was not ready), \"we don't do aides in Florida\" (even though a qualified para professional aide was PUT in his IEP), and \"the aide probably was doing the work for him.\" (even though he was reading on his own and can recognize over 100 site words, he could not possibly know how to do that). The schools here are ridiculous. The district we are in spends around $54K a year on attorneys to avoid litigation. I'm not the only family -- there are about 10-20 families who have the same issues with the school district. Oh and get this, I filed a state complaint and the school was investigated for systematic failure on ESE students. The school district called the base and complained to the military school liaison about my complaint. They wanted the liaison to \"pass it up the chain of command\" and get me to drop the complaint. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"(T) I have a big bulge and one of my nuts is knackered :( Notice a tyre bulge today on OSF wheel. So I went to take the wheel off to replace it, and I couldn't get any purchase on the Locking wheel nut. Some numpty has drilled it on by the looks of things and rounded the prongs off. Called recovery who couldn't do anything. He tried to hammer a socket on it and take it off that way, but no luck. He said my options are to snap the bolt by pulling the wheel off, try and chisel it out, or drill through it. He reckons whichever option I go for the wheel (OZ Schumie) will be damaged beyond repair I've just limped along to a mate, who is gonna try his welding expertise. if you can weld to it you may be able to crack it off, seen this before, when i have new tyres now i take my wheels down to them and i re fit them instead saves the hassle of them jacking i in the wrong place and over doing it on the buzz gun, hope you get it sorted asap if you can weld to it you may be able to crack it off, seen this before, when i have new tyres now i take my wheels down to them and i re fit them instead saves the hassle of them jacking i in the wrong place and over doing it on the buzz gun, hope you get it sorted asap I managed to get it sorted! A mate mig-welded a nut on to it and it came out. I've invested in some decent locking nuts now, with an inner shape. Hate Fiat locking nuts. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Research The Bioinformatics group at Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre is developing computational approaches to analyse DNA sequence information, especially deriving from the next-generation DNA sequencing technology. Studies are ongoing which will provide insights to the mutations and other DNA re-arrangements which occur and accrue within the oncogenic process which give rise to cancer. The group has a long established interest in the understanding the mechanisms by which DNA sequence changes can give rise to altered gene expression. To this end, investigating computational approaches to detect regulatory elements within genomic sequences as well as methods to map transcription factor binding events such as described in Nat. Methods. 2007 Aug;4(8):613-4. Previously, Steven Jones was a researcher at the Sanger Institute , Cambridge, UK. , 1994-1998. During this time he participated in the computational analysis of the 45 MB of Caenorhabditis elegans sequence generated at the Sanger Centre as part of the C. elegans Genome Project [Science (1998) 282:2012-2018]. This project resulted in the derivation of the first complete genome of a multi-cellular organism. Another contribution also includes the invention of the web-based blast server, which currently is now the most common interface through which DNA and protein sequence searches are now performed. The original concept was developed to serve the needs of the C. elegans genome sequencing project but it was rapidly adopted by other groups, including both NCBI and EMBL, as a generic way of searching DNA and Protein databases. See here and here my original postings to the C. elegans newsgroup back in the heady days of 1995. In 2005 Steven Jones was identified as one of Canada's top 40 professionals under 40 by Caldwell Partners International as well as by Business in Vancouver. He also received the Spencer Award for IT innovation as well as the 2007 Medical Genetics teaching award for UBC. Further contributions include his involvment as the founding director of the CIHR\/MSFHR Bioinformatics Training Program as well as director of the University of British Columbia Bioinformatics Graduate Program. In 2011 he was inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada for his contributions to Genomics and Bioinformatics. To learn about more events for Bioinformatics in the Vancouver area, check out VanBug . ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Back in the trenches Two days after the Canadiens called up Swedish forward Andreas Engqvist from Hamilton, the team went back to the well and gave Ryan White the phone call he's been waiting for all season. \"This is great. I couldn't be happier,\" beamed White, who has 10 points in 28 games with the Bulldogs this year. \"It's been a trying season for me a little bit so far, but I'm happy where I am right now and I just want to try and help this team win and contribute when I can.\" White celebrating one of his preseason goals. Despite having a stellar training camp with the big club this September, racking up three points in five preseason games -- and dropping the gloves four times in that span -- the 22-year-old still found himself on a bus headed for Hamilton when the season began. \"Camp is camp; it's what you do here in the season that gets results and gets you back up here,\" offered the Brandon, MB native. \"All of the guys who came up before me totally deserved it and they're playing great. I'm happy I'm still in the mix and it's good to get back up here.\" Having bounced back after missing 14 games with a knee injury earlier this season, White is more motivated than ever to carve out a niche full-time with the Canadiens. \"It was tough,\" admitted the gritty forward. \"I have a lot of respect for guys who have to go through that in a year. That was my first time going through something like that and it was tough sitting around not playing. It's tough on the mind, but I got through it and I'm back to 100%.\" White may be making his first appearance in a Habs jersey this season on Friday night, but his coach already has a pretty good idea of what he can expect from the versatile center. \"Ryan's been playing well in Hamilton. He and Andreas Engqvist have both done a good job there and we expect the same here,\" explained Jacques Martin, who coached White for 16 games in Montreal last season. \"He spent some time here last year for us and he's a good, smart player. He brings an extra physical presence and he's a good penalty killer.\" His head coach isn't the only one who had good things to say about him, either. Immediately after hearing that White had been recalled, one of his former Hamilton teammates couldn't wait to heap on the praise for the \"warrior and best teammate he'd ever had\". \"Some of the guys told me Davey [Desharnais] was pumping my tires a little bit yesterday [to the media] so I read a few things before I came up,\" laughed White. \"Hearing that kind of stuff is great, especially coming from your teammates and your peers. It's always a blessing.\" ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Markon - A Stories A4 Markon was confused ; it was a symptom of the breakdown of ... reality ? He could feel it around him again - again ? Something was coming through . H stood and paced the deck of the ship . Down here in his cabin , his private world , he could forget the injustices of the world , the side-lining of his person by the powerful Grey Wolf clan ... though for some reason all this was seeming less vital today . What day was it , anyway? He stopped and shook his head - there was definitely something wrong . Running a hand through his short black hair Markon hurried for the stairway and bounded up to the top deck . Standing , hands on hips , surveying the surrounding vista of Wolfburg , he took a deep breath , and then another . There was still a fuzzy feeling in his head ; had he been poisoned ?! No , it was what his first instinct had told him - a reality ... shift ? And then there was that feeling that it was happening again . . . Oh , Gods ! Markon sighed - what was going on ? Maybe a Priest would help - he laughed ; more likely a mage could ... A10 Markon sat alone in the inn beside the roaring fire . He was aware of the life and bustle of the other customers but today they seemed more distant , less real than before . There was something stirring at the back of his mind , and he needed to be alone to grasp it . He took another swig from his pewter tankard , not tasting the dirty brown ale as it washed down his throat .He gazed into the flames and saw ... saw a park , a lush greenness , a lake , the sun shining , a magical world , and ... He sat up bolt straight - THAT was not possible surely ! The head of the Grey Wolf clan was surely that and that alone , but even as Markon tried to resume his previous take on reality he knew that it was not so - there was something there , and he was , for some reason , central to this mystery ... Barely able to comprehend the line of his own thoughts he wondered again at the possibility of consulting a mage , but just as before he really had little idea how to go about contacting one ... A21 Markon wandered the wilderness beyond the city limits , chain mail on and sword ready at his side - you could never tell out here , and a member of the Grey Wolf clan should never take unnecessary risks this close to the territory of their main rivals . Ofcourse , mused Markon , some would say that for him to be out here at all , never mind alone , was an unnecessary risk , but he knew the true situation regarding his usefulness and current standing in the clan hierarchy - it was a long time since the clan leader had sought his counsel for all his title of counsellor and stewardship of the ship upon the river - more of an old hulk than a warship though her captain would rather die than admit that . No , he would not be greatly missed if something befell him out here , but from his own personal point of view he was taking precautions to ensure nothing untoward occurred . The amulet and the scarab he wore on the cloak had been obtained at no small cost and what were reputed to be healing potions he had stowed in his belt had almost emptied his savings in their purchase . Why was he here ? He wondered that himself ; what if it had been only a dream ? It had felt real and vibrant and urgent , but that could have been the alcohol talking ... If it was just a dream he was out here for no reason , wandering over the hillocks and stream beds for no purpose . Yet , the voice had been strong , insistent - he had had to come to make sure - one way or the other ... He stopped dead in his tracks ; a warrior woman stood regarding him from the top of a rise just ahead of him . \"Markon ?!\" she demanded . It was the same voice ! \"Yes !\" he began to hurry towards her . Just then a rectangle of blinding white light seemed to open out of the sky to the left . The woman cursed and drew her sword . Markon made to do likewise but found himself mesmerised by the sight of a black-clad man , with a black helmet with a black visor emerging out of nowhere holding a glowing red stick in a black-gloved hand . The man waved the rod in the air . There was a terrific boom , sending Markon sprawling down into some bushes . When he was able to stager to his feet once more he found that the strange man and the woman had disappeared - both vanished completely , without trace . Still somewhat stunned by the after-effects of the sonic boom Markon turned and began to trudge back towards Wolfburg ... ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Jeff Hamada Jeff Hamada Interview by: Reid Stewart Photographs by: Jennilee Marigomen I dont' get to see Jeff much these days but I sure love the guy. I first got to know him through a show we worked on a few years ago called \"Tangents\". It was a group show that revolved around artists he had worked with and featured on Booooooom and artists we have worked with for Lifetime. It was a real pleasure to work alongside him and really see how creative and collaborative he was. I get to work with a lot of different people with Lifetime but it's folks like him that really get me excited to keep creating. Keep up the great work Hamada! How old were you and where were you when art\/creativity started to become an interest for you? Was it even something that you consciously realized was even happening? My mom still has all my old drawings from when I was like 5 or 6, but I don't think I was conscious of it back then. It was maybe a year or two later that I realized making pictures was something I liked to do. I would invite friends over to draw on our kitchen table and I didn't really think it was that strange to spend an afternoon doing that. Thinking about it now, it's funny to know how many of my friends I subjected to that. How did art become important for you? I don't know if I've ever thought of art as something important or unimportant. Creating something has always felt like the normal thing to do. If my day to day life was a pie chart and one slice was eating, and another was working, I wouldn't make a slice for art. Art would be a smaller circle in the middle that is intersected by all the other slices. It's somehow a part of everything. I don't really know if that makes any sense. When did the creative process start to enter into the equation for you and what did that look like? I have always loved brain teasers and things like that. My uncle had all these puzzles in his house and I remember one of them was this small smooth wooden box that wouldn't open. That was it, that was the puzzle. I remember staring at the box for a long time and trying a million different things until finally I spun it around really fast and the box slid into two halves. Inside I could see that there were these little bullet shaped wood pieces that were loose, and the only way for the box to be unlocked was for each of the pieces to be at the outer edge of the box. So essentially it was an elegant way of illustrating centrifugal force. I still think a lot about that puzzle, how perfectly designed it is. I guess the creative process for me started as a designer, problem solving, and just inventing dumb things. I remember Marble Madness was a popular thing at the time (I'm talking about the plastic building set, not the video game), and my friends had all these sets we could join together. So we would make huge \"booby traps\" and Rube Goldberg type machines using parts of the Marble Madness sets, cut-up cereal boxes, lego, anything we could find. Someone's mom would open a door and a bucket might fall on her head and start a chain reaction across the house. What style of work are you currently working on and why? I like to play with words, I like hand drawing letters and text. Sometimes they are conversations I've overheard or just things I think about. I took creative writing in college and really enjoyed it. When I transferred to Emily Carr I took film and I thought I wanted to be a director but I realized after a while that I just liked the story-telling part. Some of my ideas are a lot funnier as text and don't translate to an actual image. Lately I've been reading lots of comics and trying to effectively turn some of my written ideas into drawings and text. What sorts of influences do you draw upon? Generally are these influences always changing or do they remain constant through out your process of making art? It's always changing. I love Tauba Auerbach's text works, I think she probably grew up interested in puzzles too. There is a sort of math in all her work. I am terrible at math but I think have an analytical mind. I had a magic set as a kid and one of the tricks involved these 5 cards with a whole bunch of random numbers on them. In the trick I think the person had to point out which cards had their number on it and the magician would secretly add together numbers from one of the corners of each card (I forget how the actual trick worked exactly) and instantly knew which number the person had chosen. Anyways, I lost one of the cards and I remember spending a whole afternoon staring at the cards until I was able to figure out which numbers had to be on the missing card and I remade it with an old recipe card. Do you travel well while creating or do you need to be in a certain space? I know this can be different foreveryone. I like to be in one place. I need to not have anything else on my mind, I have a hard time juggling different projects and then also creating. I can do it but I don't enjoy it. It's probably why I've quit doing any freelance design work. It's just my personality, it's the same if I go out for lunch and I have something else to do in the evening. I don't like going straight from one thing to the next. I like a buffer, even just to sit and do nothing for a little bit in between. How do you document daily inspirations for future work? Or do you? That's kinda what Booooooom is, a personal document of work I find inspiring for later reference. I don't even really have to keep looking back at the archives, I can recall most things I've ever posted on there so the ritual of posting about something kinda locks it into my memory. How did the idea for Booooooom come about? Why? It really just started as an archive of work, but now it's become a way for me to encourage people. It's as much about inspiring people as it is about encouraging artists to keep going. I think sometimes the assumption is that really talented people know they're talented and don't need encouragement. It must be an amazing network of people you've come to know and meet over the years? Meeting new people has really been the best part for sure. I've made some friends that I'll have for the rest of my life because of Booooooom. I've probably had lunch with at least one new person every week for the past 2 years. It's kinda wild. Has this process helped your own art work and process? I'm sure you've been able to learn from other people's ways and experiences. It certainly has. In order to make great work you have to see and experience great work. Aside from Booooooom what have you been working on? What future projects are you looking forward to working on? Is it tough to get time for your own work? I don't know if there's anything I do now that isn't at least partially related to Booooooom. It is my life! Right now I'm working on collaborations with a couple companies to develop some actual Booooooom products. I'm still slowly working on my own drawings but it has been tough to find time for it lately. I am trying to block out most of July and August for my own work - trying. ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Breakthrough in bid to create first quantum computer UNSW Newswire 20 September 2012 A research team led by Australian engineers has created the first working quantum bit based on a single atom in silicon, opening the way to ultra-powerful quantum computers of the future. Dr Andrea Morello and Professor Dzurak from the UNSW School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications led the team, which includes researchers from the University of Melbourne and University College, London. In a landmark paper published in the journal Nature , the team describes how it was able to both read and write information using the spin, or magnetic orientation, of an electron bound to a single phosphorus atom embedded in a silicon chip. Dzurak described it as ... a remarkable scientific achievement -- governing nature at its most fundamental level -- and has profound implications for quantum computing. In current computing, information is represented as 'bits', a code made up of zeros and ones stored in transistors on a silicon chip. A quantum computer needs an equivalent 'quantum bit', or 'qubit'. The Australian team has coded data on a qubit comprising a single phosphorus atom, implanted next to a specially designed silicon transistor. As qubits are added to a quantum computer its ability to perform calculations increases, opening the way to solving problems that are currently impossible for even the world's largest supercomputers. These include the development of new medicines, which would be sped up greatly by the computer-aided design of pharmaceutical compounds, reducing the timescale for medical trials and finding cures faster. The team used the facilities at the Australian National Fabrication Facility, which receives $91 million from the Australian Government to support 21 research institutions across Australia. The ARC Centre of Excellence involves six participating universities including UNSW and the University of Melbourne, and will receive $24.5 million in funding over seven years to support the work of high-quality multi-disciplinary researchers in the field of Quantum Computation and Communication Technology. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Went to the Gun Show Today.... This is a discussion on Went to the Gun Show Today.... within the MP Full Size Pistols forums, part of the Smith & Wesson MP Forum category; With the wife, She's fed up with the ever Jamming Glock 26 and was determined to get a full sized gun. She checked out CZ's, ... With the wife, She's fed up with the ever Jamming Glock 26 and was determined to get a full sized gun. She checked out CZ's, Sig's & Hk's and came home with a full size M&P 9mm . She actually shoots better with it at 25' than she could with the baby glock at 10'. So she's happy, and so am I cause now I have another M&P to mess with With the wife, She's fed up with the ever Jamming Glock 26 and was determined to get a full sized gun. She checked out CZ's, Sig's & Hk's and came home with a full size M&P 9mm . She actually shoots better with it at 25' than she could with the baby glock at 10'. So she's happy, and so am I cause now I have another M&P to mess with Congrats on the new addition to the family. I have a FS 9mm and like mine alot! Glad to hear that she likes it too. Its nice to see more females becoming involved in shooting sports and CCW! With the way the world is now days unfotunately its good to know our spouses and loved ones have the means to take care of themselves when we arent around! Love hearing about the Glock converts!!! I'm the wife of FastDonzi and very proud new owner of the M&P 9mm full size. Awesome gun, love it!!! Took the Glock26 back to the gun show today and sold it!!! Even got what I wanted for it It's going to be my carry weapon too as I find that it feels great in my IWB holster. Can't wait to go shoot again today, but the Hubby has to get a reloader soon or we're going to go broke!!! I'm the wife of FastDonzi and very proud new owner of the M&P 9mm full size. Awesome gun, love it!!! Took the Glock26 back to the gun show today and sold it!!! Even got what I wanted for it It's going to be my carry weapon too as I find that it feels great in my IWB holster. Can't wait to go shoot again today, but the Hubby has to get a reloader soon or we're going to go broke!!! I'm the wife of FastDonzi and very proud new owner of the M&P 9mm full size. Awesome gun, love it!!! Took the Glock26 back to the gun show today and sold it!!! Even got what I wanted for it It's going to be my carry weapon too as I find that it feels great in my IWB holster. Can't wait to go shoot again today, but the Hubby has to get a reloader soon or we're going to go broke!!! It'll take a lot of 9mm reloads to break even. I'm so tempted to do it myself. Lots of Vols on the forum today. I'm in exile right now. It'll take a lot of 9mm reloads to break even. I'm so tempted to do it myself. Lots of Vols on the forum today. I'm in exile right now. I mainly shoot .40's (she shoots 9's) We have accumulated a huge box of spent 9 & 40 cases. at some point reloading will pay off. We have been spending $200.00 + a month at wally world, I figure it'll pay off in a few months...or a year... ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Romney's Sick Joke OK, so Obama did a terrible job in the debate, and Romney did well. But in the end, this isn't or shouldn't be about theater criticism, it should be about substance. And the fact is that everything Obama said was basically true, while much of what Romney said was either outright false or so misleading as to be the moral equivalent of a lie. I guess you could say that Romney's claim wasn't exactly a lie, since some people with preexisting conditions would retain coverage. But as I said, it's the moral equivalent of a lie; if you think he promised something real, you're the butt of a sick joke. And we're talking about a lot of people left out in the cold -- 89 million , to be precise. Furthermore, all of this should be taken in the context of Romney's plan not just to repeal Obamacare but to drastically cut Medicaid. So enough with the theater criticism; Romney needs to be held accountable for dishonesty on a huge scale. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Drew Olanoff has over 10 years of marketing, PR, customer service and support, relationship building and management, product management, and technical support experience in multiple verticals. Online, including mobile. He prides himself on being a connector. Connecting people, stories, information. He has worked under some amazingly talented and gifted PR pros while working for startups as a \"Director of Community\",... ? Learn More Tumblr, the micro-blogging service that allows everyone to be a creative publisher, has updated its iOS app to become faster and more engaging. Tumblr says it's \"completely native.\" By \"native,\" the company means that the app feels faster and more integrated into your iOS experience because it's no longer just a web view. After a few minutes of playing with it, I can tell you that the company has backed up its claims in every sense of the word. Recently, the company built a standalone photo-sharing app that was lovelier than its own app, so I knew that something was up. Mobile is really important for Tumblr, as it has helped propel the company to an impressive 20 billion pageviews a month . Sadly, it doesn't look like there's a native iPad version of Tumblr as of yet, even though this version will work on the device. We're so thrilled to tell you that our app is now completely native! Get ready for a faster, smoother, and more responsive Tumblr Dashboard. - Completely redesigned Dashboard -- bigger photos and faster post loading. - Spiffy new notification previews -- see exactly which posts were liked, reblogged, or replied to! - New blog screens with blog portraits and descriptions. - GIFs play automatically on your Dashboard! Slide your finger across to view frame by frame. - New gestures -- swipe right on any screen to go back to the previous view; long tap photos, links, tags, and post headers for more options. When you log in, you'll see the differences immediately. Everything is prettier, it's easier to browse content and obviously easier to publish content of your own. This is a much-needed update for an app that hasn't always had the best experience for sharing. In addition to new gestures, animated GIFs, a hallmark of the service, play right in your dashboard, or stream if you will. Following people and blogs on the service actually make sense now, as you can easily keep up to date on things when you're mobile, without hassle or annoyance. It feels a lot like Google+ for iOS and Android in the sense that it's really a joy to scroll for days and days. The key for the company is to take publishing to the next level by letting people engage with content in a way that other services, like WordPress or Blogger, don't let you do. By re-blogging, liking and following, Tumblr is truly a hybrid of a few different experiences, including Twitter. With a better notification system, that means you'll spend way more time hanging out in the app, much like you do right now with Facebook's iOS app. When someone comments or mentions you on Facebook, it's very very hard not to jump in and see what's up. Tumblr noticed. Smart move. Do you like gestures? Then check this out . Simply grab a photo from your stream and move it around: Recently, Tumblr's CEO, David Karp, said this about why he started Tumblr: \"I wanted an ease of expression where I could up put a video or photo and I wanted it to have my own domain name. I wanted it to be something that I was really proud of.\" Tumblr is \"blogging\" for the masses, and that's not a bad niche to be in. Tumblr is a re-envisioning of tumblelogging, a subset of blogging that uses quick, mixed-media posts. The service hopes to do for the tumblelog what services like LiveJournal and Blogger did for the blog. The difference is that its extreme simplicity will make luring users a far easier task than acquiring users for traditional weblogging. Anytime a user sees something interesting online, they can click a quick \"Share on Tumblr\" bookmarklet that then tumbles the snippet directly. The result is... ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Can fake views be removed? Hi, I have another channel that I won't name here, but I'll be honest in saying that I got about 500 fake views recently via ytpros. I regret this decision and not because it cost $10, but because it doesn't seem right. I read that the way they do fake views doesn't violate youtube rules, which turns out to be technically true. However, the views are not by real people so there are no comments or likes. I'm not a fan of this, so I'm looking for a way to remove the views. Maybe I just have to contact Youtube and tell them what I did. I suppose they would remove it, and maybe I should do it first. Help is much appreciated. Hi, I have another channel that I won't name here, but I'll be honest in saying that I got about 500 fake views recently via ytpros. I regret this decision and not because it cost $10, but because it doesn't seem right. I read that the way they do fake views doesn't violate youtube rules, which turns out to be technically true. However, the views are not by real people so there are no comments or likes. I'm not a fan of this, so I'm looking for a way to remove the views. Maybe I just have to contact Youtube and tell them what I did. I suppose they would remove it, and maybe I should do it first. Help is much appreciated. No way to remove it yourself and I think youtube will remove your channel because it's against the rules. this is inreversable your stats stay with you forever and the only way for it to be remove is to get rid of the channel, for now you cant do anything about my suggestion is dont do it again and just continue to legitimately grow your channel Hi, I have another channel that I won't name here, but I'll be honest in saying that I got about 500 fake views recently via ytpros. I regret this decision and not because it cost $10, but because it doesn't seem right. I read that the way they do fake views doesn't violate youtube rules, which turns out to be technically true. However, the views are not by real people so there are no comments or likes. I'm not a fan of this, so I'm looking for a way to remove the views. Maybe I just have to contact Youtube and tell them what I did. I suppose they would remove it, and maybe I should do it first. Help is much appreciated. No you cannot remove views. No one can. Also if you tell them that you used a bot, then they will definitely take down your account. Best just to take down the video.. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Pages Friday, 6 July 2012 4 ways with a teapot Got an old teapot sitting around doing nothing? Here are some easy ways to add a beautiful injection to your home and garden. \/\/\/ Make up brush holder I store my dirty brushes in a mini teapot and just take it into the bathroom for a spot of brush laundry when I've collected a few dirty ones together. The handle makes it perfect to pick up and move from place to place or easy to wipe under when I doubtlessly spill messy make up. \/\/\/ Herb pot or window box Often you can pick up a cracked tea or coffee pot for mere pence. Sure they're not great for drinks but they're perfect for a mini herb garden because they have inbuilt drainage. Maybe even use them instead of traditional window boxes, you could secure them with pretty twine if you're high up or if your window ledge is slanted. \/\/\/ Watering can Exactly what it says on the tin can. Easy, pretty and functional. \/\/\/ Vase Simple and easy. Just fill your teapot with water and fresh flowers to fill your home with beautiful scents and cheery floral-ness. For my makeup brushes I use the glass jars from small pots of nutella, rinse out the last of the chocolate spread and take off the label. They have a rubbery lid too so you could use them for a ton of things. I do this :) Well, not what teapots. I have a huge collection of mugs. And the more special ones which I don't want to use to risk cracking or breaking, I use to store things in such as some of my make up brushes :) xo ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Just bought a 2nd hand laptop and it has a 1st gen i7 720qm 1.6x4. It's supposed to go to 2.6 or something under load but it just refuses to! The only way I can get it to exceed 1.6ghz is to use throttlestop and force the turbo.. The laptop is still fairly fast but it's just annoying! I've changed the powerplan, checked the temps, latest chipset drivers etc but nothing seems to work. It has the latest BIOS but it doesn't have any options in there. These are the maximums. The amount of Turbo Boost can be limited by power consumption (TDP), the amount of current flowing through your CPU (TDC) or the core temperature. It's usually power consumption that limits Turbo Boost. When fully loaded with something like Prime95, power consumption will exceed the Turbo Boost power limit and so Turbo Boost gets completely turned off leaving your CPU running at the default 12 multiplier or 1600 MHz. For Turbo Boost to fully work, you need to make sure the C3 and C6 sleep states are enabled. unused Cores need to be able to enter one of these sleep states so the remaining active cores can Turbo Boost up to the higher multiplier. The Turbo TDP and TDC power limits are locked in these processors so they are kind of lame. Their big brother the Core i7-920XM Extreme CPU can run fully loaded over 100% faster than the 720QM. If you can keep a 920XM cool enough, they can run all 4 cores fully loaded with a 24 or 25 multiplier compared to the 12 that you will get when your 720QM is fully loaded. Big difference. Time to start saving up. You won't be disappointed. It's a very good monitoring tool for these CPUs and can accurately calculate just how much Turbo Boost you are really getting during normal use. You can turn on the Log File option and go do some gaming and then when you are done you will have a record of what multiplier your CPU was using. It varies hundreds of times a second. ThrottleStop uses high performance timers within the CPU to calculate an average multiplier while this is going on. The sad part is that Windows background tasks often keep 2 or more cores active so you will never see the full 21 multiplier unless you disable 3 of your 4 cores which isn't a very practical thing to do to a Quad. I don't think you fully understand just how beastly the 920XM really is. Maybe this will open your eyes. svl7 over at Tech|Inferno knows how to get the most out of a 920XM. Yes, this is definitely a laptop and all 4 cores are fully loaded. This is a whole different performance league compared to what a fully loaded 720QM can run at. Matt - The 720 isn't bad. I'm looking to buy a couple of games in the future so that will probably test it more. General OS tasks are fine though. I just like having fast things I guess.. that looks serious!! That looks like a desktop version though with some serious cooling? A laptop might be harder to get me most out of? Can you select the turbo multipliers using throttlestop with the 920XM?? 200quid seems like a bit of a bargain when i see that.. are there 2nd and 3rd gen i7's that have that capability? The only issue is this motherboard has the PM55 chipset so a bit old now, so things like sata3 and usb3 are missing etc. Not sure weather to buy a new laptop or just beast this one up. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Financial Services Club is a unique service designed for Senior Executives and Decision Makers from any firm interested in understanding and planning strategies for the future of banking and finance. September 25, 2012 How do you behave when no-one is watching? During my trip around the Middle East, I met a lot of banks looking at a lot of new ventures with lots of dialogue about new business models, new products and services, new organisational structures and new ways to communicate with staff, customers and stakeholders. One of the key questions was how to maximise human resources. OK, now you could debate whether humans are resources or assets or whatever, but the core of this answer was that humans need to be valued and have values. We concurred that the clearest way to convince people of their role is to give them a very memorable understanding of what the company is about and then let them get on with it. A kind of values or principles based organisational model. Now I've seen this model in practice in many firms and they are often the best in their field. These firms have vision, mission and values statements, but their statements rock and roll, are passionate and are lived by everyone in the company, not just the CEO. Let's take an example of the difference between a firm with passion and one without. Here are two banks. The first has a statement of vision, mission and values as follows: Our Vision: To take our place as the most powerful, most profitable and most admired bank. Our Mission: Having regard to ethical values, to meet our customers' financial needs in the fastest and most appropriate way; to continue innovative works in order to achieve; and to have human resource with superior qualities, supported by the best technological infrastructure and service packages. Our Values: To exceed customer expectations in service quality. To be a pioneer in the implementation of technologies that create great experiences for our customers, employees and shareholders. To keep our reliability at the utmost level through the contribution of a strong capital structure and liquid assets. To make a positive contribution to the community To respect meritocracy during hiring processes, improving knowledge and skills of its employees, creating the most preferred work environment. These are laudable statements, but they fail. The reason they fail is that no-one can remember them. Turn away from the screen now, and tell me what this bank's third value is. You can't remember, can you? Even if you went to this screen every single day and read these statements, I doubt that over the weekend with your family you could tell them what your company's vision, mission and values are. You may think it's because you don't work for this bank that you cannot remember them, but even if the bank rolled this out with dry mist and bass beats of One Direction blaring out through the conference hall, give it a week and I bet these statements are forgotten. This is because most companies create such vision, mission and values from formulaic workbooks and workshops, using facilitating consultants who lack passion. Believe me, I've been there and done the workshops, got the t-shirt and wear the badge. Now let's try a different bank. Here's their vision, values and mission. Vision: to be the FIRST choice bank. Mission: to have our customers always vote us FIRST choice. Values: F riendly I nformed R esponsive S ervice-Oriented T rustworthy It's very similar to the previous set of visions, values and mission, but it's simplified, targeted and memorable. What is this bank's third value? I bet you remember now, as the acronym FIRST makes it easy to remember. But it's not just a veneer over the top of the organisation, but a layered approach with detail behind each value about how it is measured and managed. This is why every person from the CEO to the Janitor knew how friendly, informed, responsive, service-oriented and trustworthy was measured and rewarded. Everyone remembered the program. They knew that Friendly meant don't read from scripts. Informed means that you must know how to describe the firm's products and services in a way that is easy to understand for the customer. Responsive means dealing with customer's questions fast. Service-oriented means being clear about what the customer needs and how to deliver. Trustworthy means only sell what the customer needs and not what they don't. No PPI mis-selling or subprime mortgages at this bank. I could take this dialogue much further and into more depth, but the difference between the former and latter banks is that values are something that should live and breathe in a bank, or any other firm for that matter. They are not a plaque on the wall or a paper on the desk, but the way in which the bank thinks, acts and behaves. They are shared from the CEO to the Janitor and are so memorable that all of the company can articulate what these values mean for the bank and for them as an individual. In other words, it becomes the bank's culture. It's heart and soul. It's culture. It's core. It's the guiding light by which people behave when no one is watching. This last piece is Bob Diamond's statement from his BBC 2011 Lecture : \"For me, the evidence of culture is how people behave when no-one is watching\". How do people know how to behave when no-one is watching? How do they know right and wrong? Because the bank's shared their values with them and made it quite clear: \"our value is to be trustworthy by selling the customer the right things, treat them as the centre of your focus and view the customer as being King or Queen.\" Alternatively: \"our values are to be rich by selling the customer whatever they will buy, treat them as punters and view the customer as a muppet.\" Yep, values, visions and missions are simple. It's about culture and about the way the bank behaves from the top-down, not when no-one is watching. Simple. TrackBack TrackBack URL for this entry: http:\/\/www.typepad.com\/services\/trackbac\\\\... Comments You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. First class comment Chris and thanks - it could not have been more timely for me. I'm much involved just now on the matters of organisational values and giving them real life in the everyday 'how we do things here'. Whilst your take is primarily on the private sector, my current focus is on third sector organisations. Growing numbers of such organisation in the UK are opting for the social enterprise route. I, however, judge that a proportion of them are\/will suffer from inadequate attention to the impact this has on their hitherto non-profit culture and on the staff and (voluntary) board members. These staff and members most likely did not join the organisation motivated by notions and practices of entrepreneurial and commercial behaviour. A move over to the entrepreneurial stance will, however, either have an impact on existing values, or the nature of that move will be governed by the existing values. I'm now scoping out the potential usefulness of this whole theme being approached on a cross-sector basis. Thanks again. Diamond's statement from his BBC 2011 Lecture: \"For me, the evidence of culture is how people behave when no-one is watching\". Nope. It's the demonstration of character. Which can be reinforced by culture to be sure. But behavior always reflects character ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The same thing happened to Pippi JRT when she was 8 months old. A muzzled Akita pinned her and was head butting her and she was screaming her head off. The owner said oh it's all right he can't hurt her he's wearing a muzzle But as his head was twice the size of her whole body he could and was hurting her. The same thing happened to Pippi JRT when she was 8 months old. A muzzled Akita pinned her and was head butting her and she was screaming her head off. The owner said oh it's all right he can't hurt her he's wearing a muzzle But as his head was twice the size of her whole body he could and was hurting her. Makes your blood boil doesn't it? Big hugs xxxxx Yeah we're OK now. This GSD had her pinned down, and Daisy was yelping Now you know how gutsy Daisy is.. wouldn't yelp for nothing I was shouting get off her, and the bloke just carried on with his walking.. and conversation. Hope you are OK now. I hate dog walkers on their phones too - I do the same as mv; go another way if I see someone on the phone and put Kilo on the lead if I have to take an important call. Where I used to walk before I moved a lad used to walk along reading a book whilst his dog did as it pleased!! ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Western Horse Review Full Description Western Horse Review is about Canadian life in the west. Mind you, not geographically -- for we have found the idea of \"the west\" is alive from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast -- but rather as a state of mind. For most of us who embrace this idea it includes the horse in some respect. At home in our pastures and barns, on the magnificent trails of this country, and certainly, in the competition arena. Also in our accruements and passions. One could say, in our identities. In our appreciation of the majesty of the animal, in the subtle nuances of the horse's work, and our various sports. Our idea of western style is also about a life that is engaged with western culture -- appreciative and honoring the land, from the cowboy tradition to current trends and views. It's modern, but respectful and mindful of tradition and history. It's photography, books, gear, travel, music and food. It honors the trainers, competitors, artisans, musicians, authors, photographers, artists and even regular folk, who spend their lives devoted to keeping our idea of the West in Canada alive. It's about appreciating the richness of our Canadian idea of how to live in the western way, recognizing its authenticity, and celebrating how it enriches all of our lives. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Worst Sound in the World is a Knife Scraping a Bottle Researchers at Newcastle University wanted to learn more about why our brains make us recoil from unpleasant sounds like nails on a chalkboard or screaming. So they looked at the brains of a group of volunteers (who no doubt regretted their decision after this test) and played them a series of sounds to find where the recoil response was coming from. They also asked people to rate the sounds they heard from most to least pleasant, leaving them with a (slightly less than definitive because of its small sample size) list of the very worst sounds on the planet. At the top? The sound of a knife scraping a bottle . After rating 74 sounds, participants in the study found these ten to be the worst. The study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience , imaged subjects' brains while they were played a series of sounds ranging from soothing to godawful, and also shed some light on why we recoil from unpleasant sounds, finding that sounds in the 2,000 to 5,000 Hz range tend to trigger a response in the amygdala, a region of the brain responsible for regulating emotion and fear responses. That makes some sense, as one of the most glaring sounds of danger -- a fire alarm -- rests right in the middle of that range at about 3,200 Hz. Researchers also released a list of the four sounds rated the least unpleasant, including applause, a baby laughing, thunder, and flowing water. This, of course, means that the most pleasant sound in the world is a baby sitting next to a river and laughing at a thunderstorm while people nearby clap. Which doesn't actually sound too pleasant, but hey, what do we know? No video or audio file? Darn, I was curious about what that sounded like, well I guess I'll just have to ruin a perfectly good knife and bottle Anonymous Okay -- measuring the amygdala response and then saying it's \"unpleasant\" is a bit overrated. For example, hearing a women scream might make me feel afraid -- I wouldn't rank that sound as \"unpleasant\", though, because it's more of a \"warning scream\". ttp:\/\/www.facebook.com\/ami.kismet Ami Kismet .....knife on a bottle and ruler on a bottle.... when does anyone encounter those sounds in every day life? ttp:\/\/www.facebook.com\/zach.fortier Zach Fortier Wait what? \"Chalk on a blackboard.\" Seems pretty normal to me. Bullroarer Ok... I just pulled out a knife and raked it across a wine bottle. Not exactly a pleasant sound but not the worst by far. Now some crying, whiny, kids and babies out there downright make my ears bleed. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I never used to think of myself as elite upper class. I always grew up thinking of myself as a middle-class kid from a middle-class family. Part of the 99 percent, you know? Well, I dined out for all three meals today. About $50 NZD altogether. Yes, that's entirely too much money to be spending on food and I don't normally do that. It's actually kind of disgusting, isn't it? If I would just forgo that for a week or two and cook pasta instead, I could save enough money to buy a brand new Wii for my flatmate's birthday. Or save a few families' lives in another country somewhere. I'd probably be healthier, too. Here's where I'm going with this: I'm not in the 99%. I'm not in the 53% either, in case you were wondering. I'm in the 1%. Anyone who makes over $34k USD per year is in the top 1% of elite wealthy people in the world. Yeah, you heard me right: there are all kinds of people getting checks and foodstamps from the US government who are actually in the top 1% of the richest people in the world. That's how big of a deal this is. Almost half of the human race alive right now represents the bottom 5% of income earned in a given year. Think about that: that's billions of people getting only 5% of the money in the world divided up among all of the while most of the people reading this are probably all the way at the TOP of the pyramid. And yeah, I know: it's just too big. You can't even get your mind around it. I'll tell you straight up that I can't. Something about the knowledge that if I'm ever sad or annoyed about anything... well, there are people just a few islands over who are being methodically raped \/ sold into slavery \/ tortured \/ executed \/ etc (three letters which cover a lot of things I'd rather not even think about.) Oh, and then I guess a lot of them are dying and going to eternal Hell that is horrifying beyond our wildest dreams. And I get sad about some sports team losing some ball game. Why am I not sad about that? I mean, it's not like it's a big deal or anything, right? Or if I'm ever happy about much of anything... well, there are people right now who are being saved from all of that even as I type this. So why am I not completely ecstatic about that? Why am I not celebrating and shouting and telling everyone I know? I think the answer is disgusting and obvious and simple as human nature itself. Out of site; out of mind. And what does it take to wake us up? There's this big game we play of materialism and society and status and madness. It's the water we swim in. What does it take to snap us out of it? I've been given this beautiful and amazing life for no apparent reason while other people my age have sons and daughters eating mud and drinking disease and dying of starvation. And that's why we need pain. That is exactly why we need sorrow to break through all of our first-world comforts. That's why it's a good thing that my body has started to fail me more and more each year. What it takes to shatter the illusion that I can live for myself. That's why all of us need to see the stars and get the flu and lose everyone we will ever love. It shakes us out of our happy fantasy land and into real life -- even if only for a few minutes before we stick our heads back in the sand. We go to ridiculous lengths to keep ourselves distracted and stuck inside our own tiny empires. TV and Facebook and shopping malls and commutes and weekly schedules. And it ALWAYS eventually comes crashing down, because there is meaning to life and it has *nothing* to do with any of that stuff. You never could take it with you. Anything or anyone or anywhere: it will all leave you eventually. We all want to be the center of our own little world. We all want to get everything and give nothing. Reality is the direct opposite if that. We live in an incalculably huge, enormous, beautiful and terrible world. And none of us are anywhere near the center of it -- but for those who have been given much, much will be expected -- and he who seeks to find his life will lose it. And we want to tell ourselves there's a certain point of \"good enough\" where you can't ask for any more than that, right? How much giving is enough? You've got to be smart and not stupid. You've got to be more sensible than to just ruin yourself, right? And I try to convince myself that I'm doing the best I can with what I have. But the more I think about that phrase, the less I'm sure what it even means. And really, when it comes down to doing the BEST with what you have... is there anyone who ever does? 1 Hey Brad, as always I enjoy reading your thoughts. Whenever I think about the whole \"People starving in Africa\" topic, I prefer to remember that the goal is to help bring them a higher quality of life, not to drag us down to a lower quality of life. If I don't do this then my mind can't turn off the GIVE MORE mode -- to the point that I think if I'm not living in a cardboard box then I should feel guilty, and that is not how it should be. You're also right that we could all use a reality check every once in a while, but I don't think that we need to lose everyone we ever love to be blindsided by reality. Being broken for a time can definitely be a good thing, but the point of brokenness is to be built up stronger than before, not to be crushed into oblivion. \"But for those who have been given much, much will be expected -- and he who seeks to find his life will lose it.\" -- Absolutely! I REALLY like this Bible verse, and I think you hit the nail on the head there. We've been given a lot of gifts, both tangible and intangible, over the course of our lives. We should be using those gifts to make the world a better place. However, neither of us are Superman (you're more like Batman anyway). So although we can not save the world single-handedly, we can make a world of difference within our sphere of influence. At least, that's how I try to roll. =) Coderman @ September 12, 2012 2:31 am 2 This reminds me of a topic we discussed during a religion class at good old St.Mary's High school. Only a few of us are going to be like Mother Theresa... What about the individuals who are invalids , who cannot give of themselves? Are they going to earn their place in heaven? My teacher, Sister Alice, who, by the way taught my sister, your aunt Claire , taught me and my children.! said something I will never forget. \"They also serve, who only stand and wait\" they give the rest of us a reason and a way to serve God. We may not be able to \"SAVE THE WORLD\" but we can contribute in some way where ever we are... Love you Brad Please pray for me and my up coming surgery. You can help one person right now by doing that... Grammy Mary Grammy @ September 12, 2012 2:51 am 3 There are a whole lot of ways in which I couldn't have said this better myself! Brings to mind a LOT of different scriptures...like Isaiah 58, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, & Matthew 16:24-28...& on & on. I think that Cody's right about not being Superman, & Grammy Mary is right about contributing where you are, but I also think that you're on the right track...are we really doing the best with what we have? The answer is probably no. It's definitely possible to steward resources differently than we do, & to live with less & be content, & to take the money saved & use it to relieve suffering & advance the kingdom. There are a lot of practical ways to go about doing that...it takes wisdom & prayer to know exactly what you should be doing yourself, I guess. How do you think you go about becoming the sort of person who REALLY cares, thinks, & prays about human suffering? Grammy Mary -- I haven't met you, but I will pray too! SP @ September 12, 2012 3:37 am 4 I agree with you Brad. I also agree with your family and friends. As Coderman pointed out, I don't think we should feel guilty about not living in a cardboard box. I mean, how can we look after others if we're not in a position to look after ourselves, right? It is all about doing what you can where you can. A little bit can go a long way. And it's not always about giving away money or material things either -- it's also about using your gifts, skills and wisdom to help others so that they can help themselves (whether those people who need help are across the world or right under your nose; whether they're starving or just need advice) I'm still getting to know you, but knowing what I know so far, I think you're already making a difference in people's lives -- by your music, by sharing your thoughts on this blog (so even if those people who're reading this are the elite 1%, you're inspiring them to go out and do their bit for the world!), by caring for your friends, family, and for the less fortunate. If you want to do more, that's great and it is your choice what you do, but I don't think we have to feel like we're not doing enough. At the end of the day, every little bit helps. And also I think it is more meaningful to the giver and receiver, if help is given freely with love in your heart rather than tainted by feelings of guilt and obligation. Just my thoughts anyway ^_^ miniNinja @ September 12, 2012 4:47 pm 5 About being happy \/ sad about those things... yes, out of sight out of mind -- but also, I think that to some degree -- if we constantly think about those things all the time, then paralysis comes in. The state of the world is so huge I doubt any human could properly contemplate all those things at once and respond appropriately. Or at least, I can't. When I worked in NGOs I remember the shock and sadness that hit so often every time a disaster struck and we collected donations...... to the point my mom told me that if I wanted to work there I had to get past the emotions and get on with it. About waking up and pain: yes, absolutely. But I agree with Coderman -- that the point of brokenness isn't to be crushed into oblivion... hmm, this is a topic that is too wide to broach in a comment box. Hmm, there is so much you have written in your post and as always I find my mind spinning as I try to pen down here the things I am thinking!! Discuss next time I see you? 6 WOW! So I have some seriously *wise* friends and family! I think I'm even more fortunate than I knew, because that definitely counts on the list of things I have going for me, you know? Coderman, Grammy, SP, miniNinja, and Mel -- all you guys: THANKS so much for the encouragement and extremely wise words! It means a lot to me. Also: Grammy -- I'm definitely praying! Big Bad Brad @ September 18, 2012 10:38 pm 7 Seriously: I keep re-reading these comments and they really hit the nail on the head in so many different ways. With that said, invitations all ACCEPTED to talk more about it... Big Bad Brad @ September 18, 2012 10:41 pm Leave a comment Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website BM@W Whatever that means. This is the site for all kinds of thoughts from the mind of Brad Moore. Whether those thoughts are coming from an eloquent musician \/ thinker \/ writer - or just from a Nebraska farmboy who somehow wandered into a South Pacific island nation... you may have to decide for yourself. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Featured: Paul Rudd on Grace, Bar Mitzvahs and This is 40 The actor delivers a knockout turn as a Christian evangelical whose life spirals out of control in 'Grace,' a new Broadway play. I'm not sure we've seen you kill anyone before, in a film or on stage. I don't think I have! This is a very interesting and different part for me. And there are not many plays that open right with someone blowing their brains out. Rudd and Kate Arrington play hotel owners with a holy mission. (Joan Marcus) Is theater more creatively satisfying for you than acting in film? Acting in a play takes a lot of focus, concentration, and energy. The big myth is that you have a show at night so you have your days off, and that isn't the way it works. Your day revolves around the show. I spent the early part of my career doing plays and independent movies, and while I'm grateful that I'm still working and consider myself extremely fortunate, over the last few years I've gotten jobs in big studio movies that have much higher visibility; I hit that [Judd] Apatow trend. And those movies are very creatively fulfilling because the actors are involved in many different capacities. Was it strange to be a Jewish kid growing up in Kansas? This evangelical subject matter must hit pretty close to home. Oh yeah, man, I grew up in the Bible Belt. While I'm not the born-again Christian I'm playing, I know a lot of people who are because I was surrounded by that. The idea of gospel-themed hotels is -pretty wild. Ever had any strange -business ideas of your own? When a friend and I were in college these \"Don't Be A Dick\" shirts were popular, so we made one about safe sex. We actually made good money. You also DJed bar mitzvahs. What's the craziest thing you saw happen? I was just out of college and going to acting school, so I got this job working on the weekends. I had never seen bar and bat mitzvah receptions that were such huge deals. The Laker girls were at one. It was surreal. It was a weird job. What were your most-played songs? \"U Can't Touch This\" was pretty big at the time and \"I'm Too Sexy,\" by Right Said Fred. You had your classics like \"What I Like About You.\" It was good to start a set with \"In the Mood,\" by Glenn Miller, because then you got the grandparents up and dancing. You don't throw MC Hammer at them right out of the gate. These are the tricks of the trade. Your next film, This Is 40 , is out soon. Did your outlook change when you hit 40? You think, Oh my God, the weight of even the word 'forty.' But my father died when I was 39, and I was still in a daze by the time I turned 40, so I didn't process that the way I should have. Marlow Stern is the assistant culture editor of Newsweek and The Daily Beast and holds a master's degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He has served in the editorial department of Blender magazine, and as an editor at Amplifier Magazine and Manhattan Movie Magazine. ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Financial Fair Play equals nothing, but someone is going to go bust Billy the Dog McGraw runs his finger over Uefa's financial fair play rules, gets it snagged on a sharp bit and scuttles off to the local A and E for a quick repair. There is a report on the BBC web site this morning that \"Two of English football's top-four clubs could be excluded from European competition in future as they fail Uefa rules that are about to be introduced.\" This is interesting to me at least because in the last few days a whole swirl of stories relating to the new financial regs have emerged. There's been little on them for months, and suddenly everyone and his grandmother's pet rat are dripping pieces into the media. What, one might ask, if one had the time and was not already 10 minutes late for work, is going on? Well bugger work for a bunch of soldiers, I'm staying put while I type this up. As our august overlords of the news, the BBC, point out, the Financial Fair Play Regulations do not come into force until 1 June and will not really bite until 2013. So why suddenly get multo agitato just now? The BBC says that \"a study of recent accounts by BBC Sport shows Chelsea and Manchester City would fall well short of the rules if they were being applied today. City were 110m in the red while Chelsea showed a deficit of over 50m. Uefa's rules allow clubs to run up losses of 65m over the first five years.\" c Uefa will have the power to ban any side that repeatedly flouts the rules from European competition, but as we have noted in past discussion, any revenue earned from side businesses such as property, hotels or media are excluded. Hence the Manchester City plan to build lots of emporia in sunny Manchester next to the ground, and Tottenham's plan to build a superb six star hotel next to their ground, making use of the exquisite local features, the water fountains, the open garden spaces, and the proximity to more prostitutes and drug dealers than you can shake a stick at. (Some of that sentence is ironic, some of it is true -- you have to sort it out. I would do it but I am too busy typing this). Using this bit of rope Manchester IOU can get out of some of their problems because the interest payments incurred by the Glazer family won't count. So although Man U made a pre-tax loss of 79m in 2010 according to the Uefa Book Cooker in Chief, they made a profit of 42m. Clever eh? (That fellow used to work at Lloyds). Arsenal would also easily meet the guidelines, posting a surplus of 55m. But you, me, Andersred of Man U (whose knowledge of such things is spoken of from the plains of Cornwall where their supporter base is to the wild uplands of Mongolia when the Ulan Bator clan climb aboard their bus for home games) and Swiss Ramble have some doubts about the rest of the gang. Take Manchester C and Chelsea (I wish). Andersred considers that a ground like Arsenal's might pull in enough dosh for Chelsea. Swiss Ramble, the other financial blog of note on such matters reckons Man City have a cunning plan relating to property. But for any of this to work -- indeed for the clubs to survive, the financial players need the Champs League each year. There is no choice in this for Man City, Chelsea and Man U if they are going to meet the Uefa requirements. Arsenal can survive outside the top four, because the finances are so sound. But if Man U Man C Chelsea and Arsenal do constantly secure the top four, for the little clubs like Tottenham and Liverpool trying to break into to the big boys room, life is tough and money is hard to come by. Of course this is Uefa, so there's always a laugh on the horizson. This time it is Uefa general secretary Gianni Infantino. Try this one for size... \"The English clubs are among those generating the highest revenues in Europe. The basic rule is the break-even rule that says you cannot spend more than you generate, so if you generate more than the others you have an advantage. So I am not worried at all about the English.\" Yes, well, I suppose so. Like Nat West, Lloyds and Northern Rock... Or come to think of it, Woolworths. \"They know what these rules mean and how we will implement them. I am sure that tomorrow they will put their finances in order so they are able to break even. Our president spoke to Manchester City's owners over a year ago when we started with this process and they were very happy with it.\" So there we have it. Uefa speaks to Man City and Man City says, there there little man, let the big boys sort it out. Of course clubs can change -- that's true. As Mr Infantino said, \"Ten years ago Arsenal reported less income than Chelsea, Liverpool and Newcastle. Now it is more than those clubs and in 2009 more than double Newcastle's. This shows what is possible with good management and careful investment.\" Yes, except this is now the post-wanker crisis recession doom gloom and end of the world. No one lends money any more. Elsewhere there are reports that Sheikh Mansour (I have to use his real name because I have used up all the Shake Rattle and Roll jokes, and the titles of those wonderful Frank Zappa albums like Sheikh Yerbooty, and Sheikh Yermoney) has sent club officials to hold talks with European football's governing body to discuss how they can comply with new regulations. Uefa's head of licensing Andrea Traverso stated: \"We are in talks with the club, they are aware of the rules and they probably have a strategy to raise their income.\" Michel Platini said: \"Last year in Abu Dhabi I met up with the owner of Manchester City and he promised they would live with the rules and regulations.\" Roberto Mancini said the 27m-signing of Edin Dzeko was the end of his spending until next Tuesday when he had promised to take his wife out for a meal. He also said they need another two or three players in the summer (that bit is true). Platini also said, \"There will be no witch hunt,\" which I think is a shame. I like witch hunts. Not that I have anything much against witches of course, but given that a witch hunt involves chasing people who don't exist with powers that don't exist who undertake tasks that don't happen, witch hunts involve the rather futile passing of time for no particular benefit -- which makes it an ideal activity for Uefa. Just look at the figures: 655 top clubs in Europe reported a loss in 2009 and the combined deficit across Europe's 53 football nations was 1bn. Spending on player wages is up almost 10%, with clubs spending 64% of their income on these and other staff expenses. 73 European clubs are spending more than 100% of their revenue on wages. An analysis of the accounts of the EPL clubs last year for the Guardian showed that almost three-quarters of them would fall foul of the new Uefa regulations, if they were applied tomorrow. Because tucked away in the deepest of deep print in the smallest typeface ever conceived in the history of eyesight it says that if clubs can show that they are travelling in the right direction, that their losses are reducing year on year and can point to them being a result of contracts signed before June 2010 when the rules were enshrined they are safe. So even though costs are rising across Europe at around twice the rate of revenue, and only four leagues (Germany, Austria, Belgium and Sweden) broke even overall. Yes, at the start of all this I did naively think that maybe we were onto something here, and that Uefa might just get it right for once. But now it seems that it is all for nothing -- expect the fact that as Ireland, Portugal and Greece have found, eventually if you go on spending lots of money you don't have something goes bang. The only interesting question now is, which big club goes bang first. Barca were close last year when they failed to pay their players. Liverpool got right to the edge once their were owned by the bank. Everton are struggling on day by day but just can't sell themselves even for 1p. Rangers have to find a new buyer and have to win their case against Revenue and Customs to survive (lose both and they vanish totally). Man U are dependent on the Emperor's New Clothes act of the Glazers (look money, look no money). Even the astounding Tiny Totts who print their own money in their off-shore hideaways are talking about selling off players if they don't get into the Champs League again. In effect Uefa has made itself irrelevant. Our old capitalist chum Market Forces will run the show, and that means someone will get hurt. It always ends in tears. Nice Article... Although I dont really believe a lot of doom predicted for the big clubs is going to happen. Sooner or later, the big businesses always find a way out through whichever way be it creative accounting or getting the rules changed. I'll again say what i had said a long time ago regarding the financial fair play rules -- Big clubs will get a way around it. Many months ago, this very same site told how ManU will not be able to follow the rules bcoz of massive losses and now we're being told that they're running a profit according to the rules?? Thats why i said, big clubs will have a way around these rules. UEFA need the big clubs for their own revenue, so dont expect them to hit the hammer on their own finger. The fact that the Financial Fair play was originally meant to start from the 2010-11,but was postponed by Uefa till 2013 says it all. I have to agree with Dark Prince in that regard. I do not think the rules are going to be applied fairly across the board. Certain big clubs are too important for UEFA's revenues to leave them out. The likes of ManCity may get banned though, if nothing else but to make a show of seriousness about the rules, though I doubt even that will happen. But I think the article said as much anyway. That UEFA are basically not going to act. They will shut their eyes to all the madness going on, and eventually the madness will claim its own victims. there is never going to be a level playing field, the champions league would end up like the europa league over night if the big clubs werent allowed in and the competition would be discredited because the best teams werent allowed to pay, the perceived power of UEFA \/ fifa would be embarrassed because the big clubs could make their own competition set their own tv revenues and sky would pay it, the greedy clubs like barca would gladly cut schalke, shaktar out of a piece of the pie, the golden rule is he who has the gold makes the rules. ersonally I would like to see a competition where each league nominates their all stars and you have premier all stars versus la liga all stars and so on. The scary thing for me with arsenal is we have adapted the ajax model and I confess I dont know the reason why it failed but it did and ajax were very successful. I think it all went wrong the day Uefa asked JL Dehaene to be president of the committee that would look at things. I even wrote an article about it here on Untold. Seems a century ago. And I then warned: if Uefa take on this Belgium former politician to implement the FFP rules, it would lead to nothing. Because JL Dehaene is know in Belgium for doing nothing. Oh, and when he did something it was such a terrible law that if you asked 100 people how the rules should be read you got at least 110 different answers. I then hoped I would be wrong but it seems that I was right with my prediction. The one thing we can be sure of is that, in order to comply, all other clubs (other, that is, from Arsenal) will have to change the way they operate. And change always entails risk. Chelsea have already done things like not renewing the contracts of Ballack, Deco, Cole etc. that they would not have done had it not been for the FFP regulations. And one glance at the table shows what effect that has had in weakening Chelseas position this season. The sale of Ronaldo by Manure probably falls under the same heading. Yes, they may still win the league, but they have never sold their best player before, at any price, and it's likely that it's to do with proving that their balance sheet is 'moving in the right direction'. Spurs are talking today of 'streamlining their squad' because it's bigger than anyone elses -- when we all know that all squads are 25 players strong so that's bollocks designed for uninformed City ears and to demonstrate to UEFA that they are 'moving in the right direction' despite still not getting a new stadium and still being managed by a serial bankrupter of clubs. The most common mistake when assessing the effects of change is to over estimate them in the short term and to under estimate them in the long term. Change is already happening and the effects of that change are already noticable. But in five years time (and maybe a lot less) football could look quite different to how it looks now and those differences will suit Arsenal very nicely thank you. If UEFA wanted to screw Arsenal they wouldn't be publicly holding them up as the template by which they want all clubs to be run in the future. And the other clubs have' where they can, tried to screw us by spending money that they don't have. And their main screwdriver is being taken away from them! Cripes! Master William Mcgraw, is it capitalism for the poor and communism for the rich all over again? of course it is. the posturing is ridiculous until you realise just what a logistical nightmare is involved if you were going to rigorously delve into the finances of football clubs and just how many layers of specialist paper pushers are in for a big pay day, and of course the backhand brigade will be warming their envelope passing hands and various branches of the tax offices of various counties will be doing their best for the tax dodging elite all on our coin. the future looks muddy, the future looks vodaphoney, Oh bollocks!- Give me my arsenal to take the pain away and please god, blight the trolls with leprosy and open sores they're ruining Untold for Me. Tony\/Walter\/Billy, Totaly off topic I know, Id like to ask a question though. What if anything have you heard about an immenent announcement from the Arsenal board as quoted on Arseblog the other day ? Whats your thoughts on the youth chamions league due to start this summer with group games and a knockout phase in january. Do you feel it will be unbalanced as most clubs have all their youth out on loan to gain experience and only spanish clubs will benefit as they play together in the second divison ? Sorry about been off topic there was no where to ask these questions Regarding financial fair play. I think most people will believe it when they see it. @shard, When you see thoroughly dysfunctional organizations trying to reposition themselves for another big pay day, it is amazing just what shiny new dawn is promised to keep the proles looking in the other direction while the sharks slip into position out of sight. no one believes they can carry it off or that they have thought this out thoroughly, the only reason anyone has tried to cut costs on players is the credit crunch and the recession, but what better time to come out sabre rattling than when you enemy is preoccupied with surviving a bigger threat! it would go a long way if anyone could explain the qatar world cup just for starters. I agree Ugandan Goon..That's a good point. It actually is quite amazing when you think about it, that there isn't a larger acknowledgment that there is bound to be rampant corruption in the game..From people in general I mean, I understand why none of the media will talk about it. I mean, just the vast sums of money alone would be enough. But when you factor in that they operate in a world where there are no clear laws, no defined jurisdictions, and that they are only answerable to themselves and no one else, then how can anyone in their right minds not agree that there is bound to be corruption? I was shocked to see that at the start of the World Cup in South Africa, when after the opening ceremony Jacob Zuma and Blatter went to meet the players, it was Sepp Blatter who took precedence.. Doesn't that have to be some sort of a breach of protocol? Or does the FIFA president outrank a Head of State? while we're on the subject of finance- there have been pockets of fans calling dein back to the club, i am yet to so read a convincing argument against our current financial model. everyone is tightening their belts and yet we should throw money around? 50 million, say, for a world class striker, proven in the premiership, with champions league experience? I am yet to hear a convincing argument from all who say that Wenger should go, or that we need massive changes. They have one or two reasonable, and reasonably good points, but when you force them to put it in context and build the argument as a whole, then you realise it's all bluster and very little substance. It's just headless chickens running around in the belief that the sky is about to fall on their heads... Yes, it is as ridiculous as that. @Redgooner -- picked up on the imminent board announcement a couple days ago on Arseblog. He did not seem to know much about the forthcoming announcement, but did say Lady Nina was becoming conspicuous by her presence at recent games, and he suspected the whole thing may have \"an orange glow about it\" -- which I assume is a reference to Usmanov. Just hope it isnt Usmanov doing too much anyway -- if in charge, he would certainly be prone to breach the fair play rules! Pure speculation but maybe just Nina selling her shares to Usmanov but even if she did, would imagine Stan + board would not allow a takeover -- heres hoping! Or maybe Deins coming back! Sorry being very silly there! Guess we will find out soon if there is actually anything going on. @shard, Clearly, the worlds meanest party organizers have decided they are going to step up the entry fee by employing more of their friends to riffle through your pockets anywhere they chose right across the planet! World government sucks! Anybody see Wenger's press conference? I know there will be, and already are, people who take his comments out of context, and call for blood on the streets, but I love it when Arsene comes out fighting. He makes some good points too, but I think part of him wanted to just stick the knife into the more fickle fans. I guess that sort of attitude will not be to everyone's liking, but as I said, I love it when he fights back. @ Shard, I agree with the part would you swap the FA cup for chamions league qualifiaction each year.Id sooner have 0 FA Cups and 15 champions league qualifications even it means listening to we won nothing for 6 years. The points he make are valid and a lot of our frustration is as much to do with the crap the media are saying about us winning nothing more than going through 6 years without a trophy. we have gone longer before and it seemed shorter because every muppet out there wasnt constantly on about it. Agree Shard -- his comments oozed intelligence. Sections of the media and so called fans will brand him a satisfied loser as you say but these fans need to get over themselves and as for the media, we all know their agenda... The fact is, we are competing against clubs financed by billionaires, a club who has half the refs, the FA and most British managers in its pockets and we are not doing so badly. Great to hear Wenger on the attack. There will be many interpretations on his words,I believe he is categorically telling all and sundry he has not been given the finances, at least not until very recently. There are a few things wrong that need to be fixed -- for instance some of the Barca pressing and work ethic would not go amiss. I also think a revamp of coaching staff would help My favorite bit of all -- he would love to manage us for another 20 years! Wenger has not helped by saying things to the effect that if this team do not win silverware in the next couple of years -- he will have failed....but this press conference seems to be a new stance. Wenger, unlike Jose and to a lesser extent, Arry is not a quick fix merchant and never will be. Fans cannot take silverware for granted -- look at what we are up against. Some fans seem to have imploded after the Carling Cup -- if this competition hits them so badly, says a lot about them as fans. On a happy note, we have Lee Mason as ref this weekend, you know -- they guy who managed to single handedly get the Mancs back in the game when 2-0 down against West Ham. Should befun1 Who honestly didn't see this coming? Did you really expect the likes of Man Utd, Chelsea, and Barcelona to be excluded from European tournaments because their books aren't in order. Anyway, when is Arsenal going to start fighting fire with fire and stop thinking that one day Jesus Christ himself will come down and tame the sharks and the lions and make sure all Football Clubs live within their means. Maybe Wenger should be president of UEFA when he eventually leaves Arsenal, as I have faith in Wenger's moral code(although I wouldn't leave him alone with my wife). What is it they say about the victors writing history? Well, this is it. The victors are Man United and Barcelona and they are the ones who write the UEFA rules. If Arsene Wenger wants to have the authority to re-write the way football is run he has to win (I think he knows this), but the question is, \"Do we have enough in the squad to pull this off?\". If the answer is \"YES\" (Wenger's answer is YES) then we sit and wait for these players to get us to the promise land. If the answer is \"NO\"... The next question is, \"Does spending 30 million pounds on players to improve the team hurt our perceived righteousness?\"...If the answer is \"YES\" (Wenger's answer would be YES) then sit and wait for these players to pull off a miracle. If the answer is \"NO\", then we go out there, buy the pieces needed to get us to the mountain top and we worry about paying off that money later. The most important thing to do is to WIN, the next important thing to do is remember why we want to win. It is not just because we want glory for Arsenal, but because we want to show the world that Building a club around A FEW PURCHASED PLAYERS is just as effective as just splashing cash on every free agent on the market. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Does your safety get engaged by accident? Like it gets bumped into safe when you are firing? If this is whats going on, check to make sure you didnt lose the safety plunger that puts pressure on the safety lever. There is no real way to tighten a safety. The only thing would be to try to make sure the pin that puts pressure on it is there and working. You could try using a stiffer spring so there is more pressure. Other than that the only thing could be buying a cheap safety and seeing if that works better for you. ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Two subspecies or ecotypes have been described: the plains bison ( Bison bison bison ), smaller in size and with a more rounded hump, and the wood bison ( Bison bison athabascae )\u2014the larger of the two and having a taller, square hump. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Furthermore, it has been suggested that the plains bison consists of a northern ( Bison bison montanae ) and a southern subspecies, bringing the total to three. [ 7 ] However, this is generally not supported. The wood bison is one of the largest wild species of bovid in the world, surpassed by only the Asian gaur and wild water buffalo . It is the largest extant land animal in the Americas. A bison has a shaggy, long, dark brown winter coat, and a lighter weight, lighter brown summer coat. As is typical in ungulates , the male bison are slightly larger than the female and, in some cases, can be considerably heavier. Plains bison are often in the smaller range of sizes, and Wood bison in the larger range. Head-and-body length ranges from 2 to 3.5\u00a0m (6.6 to 11.5\u00a0ft) long, the tail adding 30 to 91\u00a0cm (12 to 36\u00a0in). Shoulder height in the species can range from 152 to 186\u00a0cm (60 to 73\u00a0in). Typical weight can range from 318 to 1,000\u00a0kg (701 to 2,205\u00a0lb). [ 10 ] [ 11 ] The heaviest wild bull ever recorded weighed 1,270\u00a0kg (2,800\u00a0lb). [ 12 ] When raised in captivity and farmed for meat, the bison can grow unnaturally heavy and the largest semi-domestic bison weighed 1,724\u00a0kg (3,801\u00a0lb). [ 13 ] The heads and forequarters are massive, and both sexes have short, curved horns that can grow up to 2 feet (61\u00a0cm) long, which they use in fighting for status within the herd and for defense. Calf Bison are herbivores , grazing on the grasses and sedges of the North American prairies . Their daily schedule involves two-hour periods of grazing, resting and cud chewing, then moving to a new location to graze again. Bison mate in August and September; gestation is 285 days. A single reddish-brown calf nurses until the next calf is born. If the cow is not pregnant, a calf will nurse for 18 months. At three years of age, bison cows are mature enough to produce a calf. Bison bulls of that age may try to mate with cows, but if more mature bulls are present, they may not be able to compete until they reach five years of age. Bison have a life expectancy of approximately 15 years in the wild and up to 25 years in captivity. For the first two months of life, calves are lighter in color than mature bison. One very rare condition is the white buffalo , in which the calf turns entirely white. White bison are considered sacred by many Native Americans. The term \"buffalo\" is sometimes considered to be a misnomer for this animal, as it is only distantly related to either of the two \"true buffalo\", the Asian water buffalo and the African buffalo . However, \" bison \" is a Greek word meaning ox -like animal, while \"buffalo\" originated with the French fur trappers who called these massive beasts b\u0153ufs , meaning ox or bullock\u2014so both names, \"bison\" and \"buffalo\", have a similar meaning. Though the name \"Bison\" might be considered to be more scientifically correct [ by whom? ] , as a result of standard usage the name \"Buffalo\" is also considered correct and is listed in many dictionaries as an acceptable name for American Buffalo or bison. In reference to this animal, the term \"buffalo\", dates to 1625 in North American usage when the term was first recorded for the American mammal. [ 14 ] It thus has a much longer history than the term \"bison\", which was first recorded in 1774. [ citation needed ] The American bison is very closely related to the wisent or European bison . Although they are superficially similar, the American and European bison exhibit a number of physical and behavioral differences. Adult American bison are slightly heavier on average due to their less rangy build, and have shorter legs, which render them slightly shorter at the shoulder. [ 15 ] American bison tend to graze more, and browse less than their European cousins, due to their necks being set differently. Compared to the nose of the American bison, that of the European species is set farther forward than the forehead when the neck is in a neutral position. The body of the American bison is hairier, though its tail has less hair than that of the European bison . The horns of the European bison point forward through the plane of its face, making it more adept at fighting through the interlocking of horns in the same manner as domestic cattle, unlike the American bison which favors charging. [ 16 ] American bison are more easily tamed than their European cousins, and breed more readily with domestic cattle. [ 17 ] The bovine family (taurids and bisonids) diverged from the common ancestral line with water buffalo and African buffalo about 5 to 10 million years ago. [ 18 ] Thereafter, the family lineage of bison and taurine cattle does not appear to be a straight forward \"tree\" structure as is often depicted in much evolution, because there is evidence of interbreeding and crossbreeding between different species and members within this family, even many millions of years after their ancestors separated into different species. This cross breeding was not sufficient to conflate the different species back together, but it has resulted in unexpected relationships between many members of this group, such as Yak being related to American bison, when such relationships would otherwise not be apparent. However, Y chromosome analysis associated wisent and American bison. [ 20 ] An earlier study using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting showed a close association of wisent and American bison and probably with yak, but noted that the interbreeding of Bovini species made determining relationships problematic. [ 21 ] \"Last of the Canadian Buffaloes\", 1902, photograph: Steele and Company The steppe bison ( Bison priscus ) diverged from the lineage that led to cattle ( Bos taurus ) approximately 2 to 5 million years ago. The bison genus is clearly in the fossil record by 2 million years ago. [ 22 ] The steppe bison spread across Eurasia and was the bison that was pictured in the ancient cave paintings of Spain and Southern France The European bison or wisent arose from the steppe bison, without fossil evidence of other ancestral species between the steppe bison and the European bison, though the European bison might have arisen from the lineage that led to American bison if that lineage backcrossed with the steppe bison. Again, the web of relationships is confusing, but there is some evidence that the European bison is descended from bison that had migrated from Asia to North America, and then back to Europe, where they crossbred with existing steppe bison. [ 22 ] At one point, some steppe bison cross bred with the ancestors of the modern yak. After that cross breeding, a population of steppe bison ( Bison priscus ) crossed the Bering Land Bridge to North America . There is evidence of multiple crossings of bison to and from Asia starting before 500,000 years ago and continuing until at least 220,000 years ago. The steppe bison spread through the northern parts of North America and steppe bison lived in Eurasia until approximately 11,000 years ago [ 23 ] and North America until 4,000 to 8,000 years ago. [ 22 ] Bison latifrons (giant bison or longhorn bison) is thought to have evolved in midcontinent North America from Bison priscus , after the steppe bison crossed into North America. [ 24 ] [ 25 ] [ 26 ] Giant bison ( Bison latifrons ) appeared in the fossil record approximately 500,000 years ago. [ 22 ] B. latifrons was one of many species of North American megafauna which became extinct during the Quaternary extinction event . It is thought to have disappeared some 21,000\u201330,000 years ago, during the late Wisconsin glaciation. [ 27 ] The Bison latifrons (giant bison or longhorn bison) species was replaced by the smaller Bison antiquus . Bison antiquus appeared in the North American fossil record approximately 250,000 years ago. [ 28 ] Bison antiquus in turn evolved into the Bison occidentalis , then into the yet smaller Bison bison \u2014the modern American bison\u2014some 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. [ 29 ] [ 30 ] Some researchers consider Bison occidentalis to be a sub-species of Bison antiquus . [ 31 ] Pile of American bison skulls to be used for fertilizer in the mid-1870s During the population bottleneck, after the great slaughter of American bison during the 1800s, the number of bison remaining alive in North America declined to as low as 541. During that period, a handful of ranchers gathered remnants of the existing herds to save the species from extinction. These ranchers bred some of the bison with cattle in an effort to produce \"cattleo\". [ 32 ] Accidental crossings were also known to occur. Generally, male domestic bulls were crossed with buffalo cows, producing offspring of which only the females were fertile. The crossbred animals did not demonstrate any form of hybrid vigor, so the practice was abandoned. The proportion of cattle DNA that has been measured in introgressed individuals and bison herds today is typically quite low, ranging from 0.56 to 1.8%. [ 32 ] [ 33 ] In the United States, many ranchers are now utilizing DNA testing to cull the residual cattle genetics from their bison herds. The U.S. National Bison Association has adopted a code of ethics which prohibits its members from deliberately crossbreeding bison with any other species. Despite being the closest relatives of domestic cattle native to North America, bison were never domesticated by native Americans. Later attempts of domestication by Europeans prior to the 20th century met with limited success. Bison were described as having a \"wild and ungovernable temper\"; [ 34 ] they can jump 6 feet (1.8\u00a0m) vertically, [ 35 ] and run 35\u201340\u00a0mph (56\u201364\u00a0km\/h) when agitated. This agility and speed, combined with their great size and weight, makes bison herds difficult to confine as they can easily escape or destroy most fencing systems, including most razor wire . There are approximately 500,000 bison in captive commercial populations, mostly plains bison, on about 4,000 privately owned ranches, and approximately 30,000 animals in environmental and government preserves. [ 36 ] According to the IUCN , there are only 15,000 animals that are considered wild bison in the natural range within North America, defined as free-ranging and not confined primarily by fencing. [ 37 ] American bison live in river valleys, and on prairies and plains. Typical habitat is open or semi-open grasslands, as well as sagebrush, semi-arid lands and scrublands. Some lightly wooded areas are also known historically to have supported bison. Bison will also graze in hilly or mountainous areas where the slopes are not steep. Though not particularly known as high altitude animals, bison in the Yellowstone Park bison herd are frequently found at elevations above 8,000 feet and the Henry Mountains bison herd is found on the plains around the Henry Mountains , Utah, as well as in mountain valleys of the Henry Mountains to an altitude of 10,000 feet. Bison are increasingly raised for meat and hides; the majority of American bison in the world are raised for human consumption. Bison meat is generally considered to taste very similar to good beef, but is lower in fat and cholesterol , yet higher in protein than beef, [ 38 ] a fact which has led to the development of beefalo , a fertile hybrid of bison and domestic cattle. In 2005, about 35,000 bison were processed for meat in the U.S., with the National Bison Association and USDA providing a \"Certified American Buffalo\" program with birth-to-consumer tracking of bison via RFID ear tags. There is even a market for kosher bison meat; these bison are slaughtered at one of the few kosher mammal slaughterhouses in the U.S., and the meat is then distributed nationwide. Recent genetic studies of privately owned herds of bison show that many of them include animals with genes from domestic cattle. [ 39 ] For example, the herd on Santa Catalina Island, California , isolated since 1924 after being brought there for a movie shoot, were found to have cattle introgression. [ 40 ] It is estimated that there are as few as 12,000 to 15,000 pure bison in the world. The numbers are uncertain because the tests used to date\u2014 mitochondrial DNA analysis\u2014indicate only if the maternal line (back from mother to mother) ever included domesticated bovines and thus say nothing about possible male input in the process. It was found that most hybrids look exactly like purebred bison; therefore, appearance is not a good indicator of genetics. The size of the Canadian domesticated herd (genetic questions aside) grew dramatically through the 1990s and 2000s. The 2006 Census of Agriculture reported the Canadian herd at 2006 195,728 head, 34.9% increase since 2001. [ 41 ] Of this total, over 95% was located in Western Canada , and less than 5% in Eastern Canada . Specifically Alberta was the province with the largest herd, accounting for 49.7% of the herd and 45.8% of the farms. The next largest herds were in Saskatchewan (23.9%), Manitoba (10%), and British Columbia (6%). The main producing regions were in the northern parts of the Canadian prairies , specifically in the parkland belt , with the Peace River region (shared between Alberta and British Columbia) begin the most inmportant cluster, accounting for 14.4% of the national herd. [ 41 ] Canada also exports bison meat, totaling 2,075,253 kilograms (4,575,150\u00a0lb) in 2006. [ 42 ] A proposal known as Buffalo Commons has been suggested by a handful of academics and policymakers to restore large parts of the drier portion of the Great Plains to native prairie grazed by bison. [ 39 ] Proponents argue that current agricultural use of the shortgrass prairie is not sustainable , pointing to periodic disasters, including the Dust Bowl , and continuing significant human population loss over the last 60 years. However, this plan is opposed by some who live in the areas in question. [ citation needed ] American bison galloping. Photos by Eadweard Muybridge , first published in 1887 in Animal Locomotion . Bison are migratory and herd migrations can be directional as well as altitudinal in some areas. [ 43 ] [ 44 ] [ 45 ] Bison have usual daily movements between foraging sites during the summer. In a montane valley, bison have been recorded traveling, on average, 3.2\u00a0km a day. [ 45 ] The summer ranges of bison appear to be influenced by seasonal vegetation changes, interspersion and size of foraging sites, the rut and the number of biting insects. [ 43 ] The size of preserve and availability of water may also be a factor. [ 45 ] Bison are largely grazers, eating primarily grasses and sedges. On shortgrass pasture, bison predominately consume warm season grasses. [ 46 ] On mixed prairie, it appears that cool season grasses, including some sedges, compose 79\u201396% of their diet. [ 47 ] In montane and northern areas, sedges are selected throughout the year. [ 43 ] Bison also drink water or consume snow on a daily basis. [ 45 ] Female bison live in maternal herds which include other females and their offspring. Male offspring leave their maternal herd when around three years old and will either live alone or join other males in bachelor herds. Male and female herds usually do not mingle until the breeding season, which can occur from July through September. [ 48 ] However female herds may also contain a few older males. During the breeding season, dominant bulls maintain a small harem of females for mating. Individual bulls \"tend\" cows until allowed to mate, by following them around and chasing away rival males. The tending bull will shield the female's vision with his body so she will not see any other challenging males. A challenging bull may bellow or roar to get a female's attention and the tending bull has to bellow\/roar back. [ 49 ] The most dominant bulls mate in the first 2\u20133 weeks of the season. [ 49 ] More subordinate bulls will mate with any remaining estrous cow that has not mated yet. Male bison play no part in raising the young. Bison herds have dominance hierarchies that exist for both males and females. A bison's dominance is related to its birth date. [ 50 ] Bison born earlier in the breeding season are more likely to be larger and more dominant as adults. [ 50 ] Thus bison are able to pass on their dominance to their offspring as dominant bison breed earlier in the season. In addition to dominance, the older bison of a generation also have a higher fertility rate than the younger ones. [ 50 ] Cows nurse their calves for at least 7 or 8 months but most calves seem to be weaned before the end of their first year. [ 45 ] Bison have been observed to display homosexual behaviors , males much more so than females. In the case of males, it is unlikely to be related to dominance but rather to social bonding or gaining sexual experience. [ 51 ] Bison mate in late spring and summer in more open plain areas. During fall and winter, bison tend to gather in more wooded areas. During this time, bison partake in horning behaviors. They will rub their horns against trees, young saplings and even utility poles. Aromatic trees like cedars and pine seem to be preferred. Horning appears to be associated with insect defense as it occurs most often in the fall when the insect population is at its highest. [ 52 ] Cedar and pines emit an aroma after bison horn them and this seems to be used as a deterrent for insects. [ 52 ] A bison wallow is a shallow depression in the soil, which is used either wet or dry. Bison roll in these depressions, covering themselves with dust or mud. Past explanations and current hypotheses suggested for wallowing behavior include grooming behavior associated with shedding, male-male interaction (typically rutting behavior), social behavior for group cohesion, play behavior, relief from skin irritation due to biting insects; reduction of ectoparasite ( tick and lice ) load; and thermoregulation . [ 53 ] While often secure from predation due to their size and strength, in some areas, bison are regularly preyed upon by wolves . Wolf predation typically peaks in late spring and early summer, with attacks usually being concentrated on cows and calves. Observations have shown that wolves more actively target herds with calves than those without. The length of a predation episode varies, ranging from a few minutes to over nine hours. [ 54 ] [ 55 ] Bison display five apparent defense strategies in protecting calves from wolves: running to a cow, running to a herd, running to the nearest bull, running in the front or center of a stampeding herd, and entering water bodies such as lakes or rivers. When fleeing wolves in open areas, cows with young calves take the lead, while bulls take to the rear of the herds, to guard the cows' escape. Bison typically ignore wolves not displaying hunting behavior. [ 56 ] Wolf packs specializing in bison tend to have a greater number of males, as their larger size compared to the females allows them to wrestle their prey to the ground more effectively. [ 57 ] Healthy, mature bulls in herds rarely fall victim to predators. The grizzly bear can also pose a threat to calves and sometimes old, injured or sick adult bison. Bison are among the most dangerous animals encountered by visitors to the various U.S. and Canadian national parks and will attack humans if provoked. They appear slow because of their lethargic movements but can easily outrun humans\u2014bison have been observed running as fast as 40 miles per hour (64\u00a0km\/h). Between 1980 and 1999, more than three times as many people in Yellowstone National Park were injured by bison than by bears. During this period, bison charged and injured 79 people, with injuries ranging from goring puncture wounds and broken bones to bruises and abrasions. Bears injured 24 people during the same time frame. Three people died from the injuries inflicted\u2014one person by bison in 1983, and two people by bears in 1984 and 1986. [ 58 ] Buffalo hunting (hunting of the American bison) was an activity fundamental to the Plains Indian tribes of the United States, which was later adopted by American professional hunters, leading to the near-extinction of the species around the year 1890. It has since begun to recover. Year American bison (est) Before 1492 60,000,000 1890 750 2000 360,000 Range history of bison in North America Original distribution of plains bison and wood bison in North America. Holocene bison ( Bison occidentalis ) is an earlier form at the origin of plains bison and wood bison. Holocene bison Wood bison Plains bison Map of the extermination of the bison to 1889. This map based on William Temple Hornaday 's late-nineteenth-century research. Original range Range as of 1870 Range as of 1889 Distribution of public herds of plains bison and of free-ranging or captive breeding wood bison in North America as of 2003. Two of the major problems that bison face today are the genetic bottleneck and lack of genetic diversity that has been caused by the very small number of bison that survived their near extinction event. A second genetic problem is the entry of genes from domestic cattle into the bison population, through hybridization. [ 39 ] Officially, the \"American buffalo\" is classified by the United States government as a type of cattle, and the government allows private herds to be managed as such. This is a reflection of the characteristics that bison share with cattle. Though the American bison ( Bison bison ) is not only a separate species, but is usually regarded as being in a separate genus from domestic cattle ( Bos taurus ), they clearly have a lot of genetic compatibility and American bison can interbreed with cattle, although only the female offspring are fertile in the first generation. These female hybrids can be bred back to either bison or domestic bulls, resulting in either 1\/4 or 3\/4 bison young. Female offspring from this cross are also fertile, but males are not reliably fertile unless they are either 7 \u2044 8 bison or 7 \u2044 8 domestic. [ 59 ] Moreover, when they do interbreed, crossbreed animals in the first generation tend to look very much like purebred bison, so appearance is completely unreliable as a means of determining what is a purebred bison and what is a crossbred cow. Many ranchers have deliberately cross bred their cattle with bison, and it would also be expected that there could be some natural hybridization in areas where cattle and bison occur in the same range. Since cattle and bison eat similar food and tolerate similar conditions, they have often been in the same range together in the past, and opportunity for cross breeding may sometimes have been common. In recent decades tests were developed to determine the source of mitochondrial DNA in cattle and bison, and it was found that most private \"buffalo\" herds were actually cross bred with cattle, and even most state and federal buffalo herds had some cattle DNA. With the advent of nuclear microsatellite DNA testing, the number of herds known to contain cattle genes has increased. Though approximately 500,000 bison exist on private ranches and in public herds, some people estimate that perhaps only 15,000 to 25,000 of these bison are pure and are not actually bison-cattle hybrids. \"DNA from domestic cattle ( Bos taurus ) has been detected in nearly all bison herds examined to date.\" [ 60 ] Significant public bison herds that do not appear to have hybridized domestic cattle genes are the Yellowstone Park bison herd , the Henry Mountains bison herd which was started with bison taken from Yellowstone Park, the Wind Cave bison herd and the Wood Buffalo National Park bison herd and subsidiary herds started from it, in Canada. A landmark study of bison genetics that was performed by James Derr of the Texas A&M University corroborated this. [ 61 ] The Derr study was undertaken in an attempt to determine what genetic problems bison might face as they repopulate former areas, and it noted that bison seem to be doing quite well, despite their apparent genetic bottleneck . One possible explanation for this might be the small amount of domestic cattle genes that are now in most bison populations, though this is not the only possible explanation for bison success. In the study cattle genes were also found in small amounts throughout most national, state and private herds. \"The hybridization experiments conducted by some of the owners of the five foundation herds of the late 1800s, have left a legacy of a small amount of cattle genetics in many of our existing bison herds.\" He also said, \"All of the state owned bison herds tested (except for possibly one) contain animals with domestic cattle mtDNA.\" [ 61 ] It appears that the one state herd that had no cattle genes was the Henry Mountains bison herd in the Henry Mountains of Utah . It is also notable that the Henry Mountain herd was started initially with transplanted animals from Yellowstone Park. However, the extension of this herd into the Book Cliffs of central Utah involved mixing the founders with additional bison from another source, so it is not known if the Book Cliffs extension of the herd is also free of cattle hybridization. A separate study by Wilson and Strobeck, published in Genome , was done to define the relationships between different herds of bison in the United States and Canada, and to determine whether the bison at Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada and the Yellowstone Park bison herd were possibly separate subspecies, and not plains bison. It was determined that the Wood Buffalo Park bison were actually cross breeds between plains bison and wood bison, but that their predominant genetic makeup was truly that of the expected \"wood buffalo\". [ 8 ] However, the Yellowstone Park bison herd were pure plains bison, and not any of the other previously suggested subspecies. Another interesting finding was that the bison in the Antelope Island bison herd in Utah appeared to be more distantly related to other plains bison in general than any other plains bison group that was tested, though this might be due to genetic drift caused by the small size of only 12 individuals in the founder population. A side finding of this was that the Antelope Island bison herd appears to be most closely related to the Wood Buffalo National Park bison herd, though the Antelope Island bison are actually plains bison. The first thoroughfares of North America, except for the time-obliterated paths of mastodon or muskox and the routes of the Mound Builders , were the traces made by bison and deer in seasonal migration and between feeding grounds and salt licks . Many of these routes, hammered by countless hoofs instinctively following watersheds and the crests of ridges in avoidance of lower places' summer muck and winter snowdrifts, were followed by the Indians as courses to hunting grounds and as warriors' paths. They were invaluable to explorers and were adopted by pioneers . Among Native American tribes, especially the Plains Indians, the Bison was considered a sacred animal and religious symbol. According to University of Montana anthropology and Native American studies professor S. Neyooxet Greymorning, \"The creation stories of where buffalo came from put them in a very spiritual place among many tribes. The buffalo crossed many different areas and functions, and it was utilized in many ways. It was used in ceremonies, as well as to make tipi covers that provided homes for people, utensils, shields, weapons and parts were used for sewing with the sinew.\" [ 63 ] The Sioux consider the birth of a White Buffalo to be the returning of White Buffalo Calf Woman , their primary cultural prophet and the bringer of their \"Seven Sacred Rites\". Among the Mandan and Hidatsa , the White Buffalo Cow Society was the most sacred of societies for women. First postage stamp with image of bison was issued US in 1898\u20144\u00a2 \"Indian Hunting Buffalo\". Part of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition commemorative series. The American bison is often used in North America in official seals, flags, and logos. In the United States, the American bison is a popular symbol in the Great Plains states. Kansas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming have adopted the animal as their official state mammal , and many sports teams have chosen the bison as their mascot. In Canada, the bison is the official animal of the province of Manitoba and appears on the Manitoba flag. It is also used in the official coat of arms of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police . Several American coins feature the bison, most famously on the reverse side of the \" buffalo nickel \" from 1913 to 1938. In 2005, the United States Mint coined a nickel with a new depiction of the bison as part of its \"Westward Journey\" series. The Kansas and North Dakota state quarters, part of the \" 50 State Quarter \" series, each feature bison. The Kansas state quarter has only the bison and does not feature any writing, while the North Dakota state quarter has two bison. The Yellowstone National Park Quarter also features a bison standing next to a geyser. Other institutions which have adopted the bison as a symbol or mascot include: ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"IT is a load of old poo - it's official That quote is basically a polite way of saying IT and poo are pretty much the same thing, so thanks to Chandrakant D. Patel, the director of HP's sustainable information technology laboratory for his contribution to the great \"It is a load of old s**t\" debate, in a report in the New York Times . Patel was, apparently, talking about a report from HP that suggests cow manure could soon power datacentres. According to HP, a dairy farmer could rent out land, create a poo-to-fuel converter, and sell the energy to datacentre operators located nearby, and make a return on their investment within two years. \"The average cow makes enough waste per day to power a 100-watt light bulb,\" Michael Kanellos, editor in chief at Greentech Media, told the New York Times . Staff in large enough IT departments might want to consider relocating the office loo next to the datacentre room. Who knows, you might even earn a bonus for reducing energy costs. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sydney's Battleships -- Stream A Couple Of Videos by New Music Michael on November 16 2012 Working on some non-music tasks last night at the computer, and at the same time trying to get through some of the listening required by my overflowing inbox. Trying to keep it under control. It's not easy. But this band made it easier, because oh my god they're good. From Sydney, Australia. Speaking of which, I wonder if my friend Jennifer is still there. I should check in with her. Or if she's reading this she should email me. At any rate, Battleships are an indie rock \/ folk quartet that are captivating. Alluring. Mellow but with a grab-you-by-throat-throw-you-down-to-the-ground aesthetic. You can check out a couple of videos, the one above is \"In Retrospect\", and the one below is \"Your Words\". Their newest 7\" has just been released featuring the track \"To You\". It's got a total of seven tracks on it, including of course the tracks from the two videos. It just dropped last week (I checked on iTunes first, it's definitely there). ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Yeah, i'd echo that. The Snake is a great album. I don't rate Crock of Gold very highly though. There are some fantastic tracks on it such as St.John of Gods and Mother Mo Croi but i find it too sanatised and country for my personal taste, he seemed to have lost some of his bite (excuse the pun). The Snake is a great rock & roll album. The first two tracks on full blast can't be beaten Sadly there's not that much of Shane's solo stuff to be discovered, but as already mentioned, Snake and Crock of Gold are (in my humble opinion) highly brilliant. Since I'm a big country fan as well, I welcome the country influence on the latter. If you just want to start with a few tracks instead of full albums, here's what I'd recommend: St. John of Gods Lonesome Highway Snake with Eyes of Garnet The Song with No Name More Pricks Than Kicks Victoria Nancy Whiskey bla bla bla...btw: his live album with the Popes ( Across the Broad Atlantic ) is brilliant as well. It features some really good live versions of Pogues tracks as well. in_the_morning wrote: Sadly there's not that much of Shane's solo stuff to be discovered, but as already mentioned, Snake and Crock of Gold are (in my humble opinion) highly brilliant. Since I'm a big country fan as well, I welcome the country influence on the latter. If you just want to start with a few tracks instead of full albums, here's what I'd recommend: St. John of Gods Lonesome Highway Snake with Eyes of Garnet The Song with No Name More Pricks Than Kicks Victoria Nancy Whiskey bla bla bla...btw: his live album with the Popes ( Across the Broad Atlantic ) is brilliant as well. It features some really good live versions of Pogues tracks as well. Across the Broad Atlantic is a lovely little live album however I would say the pogues numbers are probably the weakest on it. They just don't pack the same punch if that makes sense. Further evidence that the pogues are not just Shane's backing band. Their music makes some already brilliant lyrics into powerful songs. in_the_morning wrote: Sadly there's not that much of Shane's solo stuff to be discovered, but as already mentioned, Snake and Crock of Gold are (in my humble opinion) highly brilliant. Since I'm a big country fan as well, I welcome the country influence on the latter. If you just want to start with a few tracks instead of full albums, here's what I'd recommend: St. John of Gods Lonesome Highway Snake with Eyes of Garnet The Song with No Name More Pricks Than Kicks Victoria Nancy Whiskey bla bla bla...btw: his live album with the Popes ( Across the Broad Atlantic ) is brilliant as well. It features some really good live versions of Pogues tracks as well. Across the Broad Atlantic is a lovely little live album however I would say the pogues numbers are probably the weakest on it. They just don't pack the same punch if that makes sense. Further evidence that the pogues are not just Shane's backing band. Their music makes some already brilliant lyrics into powerful songs. agree! What I meant was that some of the Pogues tracks on Across the Broad Atlantic do have a refreshing and good sound in their own rights (for example \"Streams of Whiskey\" or \"Rainy Night\" or \"Fairytale\"), however, compared to the Pogues' musicianship (although comparing is a bit of a silly thing to do) they are not that great anymore. You just have to listen to Across the Broad Atlantic and then followed by Pogues at Brixton 2001 , so yes, you are right. Nevertheless, Shane's live album is great, some very raw and powerful renditions on it. Fr. McGreer wrote: The Snake is a great rock & roll album. The first two tracks on full blast can't be beaten Agreed. But if you can choose, get the original version. It was later re-released with a different track order, and padded out with duets with Sinead O'Connor & Marie Brennan and another couple of tracks. All may or may not be good songs depending what you like, but I thought it killed the flow of the \"album\" and made it a compilation instead. Those duets just don't mesh! Does anybody else think it's funny that Shane & The Popes released two studio albums AND a two-disc \"best of\"? I one-disc collection of non-album tracks should have been plenty, i'd think. And for the record, I quite like both albums, and a number of the b-sides. In these days of downloading for free, you should check it all out. Some of the live stuff is laughably terrible, but some of it surprisingly good. Fr. McGreer wrote: The Snake is a great rock & roll album. The first two tracks on full blast can't be beaten Agreed. But if you can choose, get the original version. It was later re-released with a different track order, and padded out with duets with Sinead O'Connor & Marie Brennan and another couple of tracks. All may or may not be good songs depending what you like, but I thought it killed the flow of the \"album\" and made it a compilation instead. Those duets just don't mesh! Does anybody else think it's funny that Shane & The Popes released two studio albums AND a two-disc \"best of\"? I one-disc collection of non-album tracks should have been plenty, i'd think. And for the record, I quite like both albums, and a number of the b-sides. In these days of downloading for free, you should check it all out. Some of the live stuff is laughably terrible, but some of it surprisingly good. Wasn't that called the rare old stuff or something? I think I have it somewhere Fr. McGreer wrote: The Snake is a great rock & roll album. The first two tracks on full blast can't be beaten Agreed. But if you can choose, get the original version. It was later re-released with a different track order....... Definately. Nancy Whiskey is a great track but does not fit in straight after Church of the Holy Spook. I do like the duets, especially the version of Haunted. Sinead is just amazing on that track and struggle to choose a favourite between all the versions released (box set included). ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Top in Technology An indigenous language chat application for mobile devices has created a shimmer of hope for the survival of aboriginal culture across the province and country. FirstVoices Chat is an iPhone application with over 100 keyboards for indigenous languages compatible with Facebook Chat and Google Talk. [...] Top Feature As athletes and coaches we spend a lot of time working on physical, technical and strategic skills in our particular sport. But is that enough? What about the mental aspect of the game? How important is it for athletes to prepare their psychological mindset? [...] We Need to Talk About Kevin is tedious psychological horror These two put a lot of work into developing a convincing family scowl. Sometimes directors and actors work at cross purposes, causing a film to be disjointed and aimless, regardless of a clever scene here or a good performance there. Unfortunately, such cross purposes plague We Need to Talk About Kevin and are likely responsible for much of its failure as a film. We Need to Talk About Kevin is a celebrated psychological horror drama that follows Eva Khatachadourian, a reluctant mother, as she deals with her demon-seed son Kevin and the aftermath of his horrific actions at school. The film has no fixed timeline and jumps around to moments before and after Kevin's crimes with no discernible pattern. The sequencing of events merely reflects Eva's fragile mental state. She is as much consumed by the horrors of Kevin's childhood and her failure as a mother in the past as she is by the aftermath of his crimes she deals with in the present. Tilda Swinton, the pale, androgynous actress known for her roles in The Chronicles of Narnia and Michael Clayton , plays Eva. Swinton is a fascinating actress; she carries this film and gives an impressive performance despite its failings. This is because We Need to Talk About Kevin is most interesting in its exploration of Eva's depression and hatred for her child, Kevin. Eva never wanted to have a child and from the early moments when baby Kevin refuses to stop crying, we realize she hates the kid. In one hilarious scene, Eva is out with Kevin in his stroller and takes a break beside a jackhammer in the streets of New York City, basking in the machine's loud noise as it drowns out her child's wails. The scene is extremely honest, but little touches like this are few and far between and can't save the film from its glaring tonal mistakes. One major error is that director Lynne Ramsay seems to think this is a horror film. She makes the film impressionistic and fills it with stylistic flourishes. It's as if she intends to pummel the audience into terror through exaggeration and the relentlessly depressing tone of everything occurring onscreen. While Tilda Swinton plays the character as though she's in a psychological drama about a mother dealing with the devastating consequences of her son's horrific actions, Ramsay does the subject matter an injustice and mistakenly gives it a horror genre treatment. Swinton mines a fascinating situation and explores the question of whether parents have any responsibility in the actions of their children. Unfortunately, Ramsay doesn't seem at all interested in actually exploring this question. She's too interested in her stylistic touches. For example, everything in the film is splattered with red -- red blood, red sandwich jelly, red paint, red tomatoes, red lamps, red chairs, red cans in a grocery store. Everywhere Eva goes, she is surrounded by red. This is meant as a way to skewer the perception of the events; we are supposed to be seeing everything as Eva sees it, and because she is fixated on the blood her son spilled, everything gets a red tinge. However, instead of its desired effect, the oversaturation of red just becomes a running gag. Ramsay intended horror and instead produced camp. In another scene, Eva is terrorized by children in Halloween costumes on her way home from work, and all the while Buddy Holly's \"Everyday\" plays on the car radio. This is meant to be terrifying but is instead laughable. In almost every scene involving other people, the townsfolk just stare at Eva as though they are characters out of Village of the Damned . There's nothing wrong with these tropes in genre movies, but not in this context. In essence, Ramsay is playing camp horror seriously and the result is a film that is repetitive and preposterous. Perhaps the film's biggest sin is that Kevin is a B-movie villain. Instead of a complex portrait of a sociopathic child, he is merely a demon seed. He is evil from the moment he is born and no action of his makes us question that designation. This would be fine for a genre film, but for something exploring such challenging subject matter, it is reductive and a little offensive, as if it were explaining away Columbine by saying the killers were merely \"bad seeds.\" Exploring whether Eva is at all responsible for Kevin's development becomes a lost cause. There was never any chance for Eva to teach Kevin to be good since he's pure evil from the get-go, and her obsessing over her own responsibility is fruitless. We Need to Talk About Kevin is a film that had potential, but the dissonance between the subject matter and the execution leads to a disastrous outcome. There is nothing wrong with making a film exploring an absolutely evil individual, but don't use that individual to explain away complex and challenging subject matter that is rooted in real life. The evil acts that occur in real life can never be so easily explained away by the conventions of the horror movie genre. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"October 20, 2012 summiting all over the place wow! sewing summit was insane. and lovely. and overwhelming. i met somewhere around a zillion awesome people, took some classes, ate a lot, talked about embroidery, listened to lectures, and even managed to fit in a little sleep. and wouldn't you know... i captured most of it on instagram (@imaginegnats). here are my recommendations for successful summiting... ack very late the night before you leave. shove everything handmade that you own in your suitcase, as well as lots of embroidery hoops. ok, the hoops are only necessary if your silly self volunteered to teach two impromptu embroidery classes while summiting. (more on that soon) leave your house early enough in the morning that you can't even find coffee until you get to the airport, book a flight with a very long layover at an airport with questionable wifi, and when you can't stop sniffling (stupid allergies), buy extra tissues and remember that chocolate solves anything. what else? you might want to remember to take a pic of yourself with your BSF, Allegory of {sew} Allegorical ... you know, that person that kept you sane when all of the sewing and people and excitement got to be a bit much. and eventually you should troll the internet for pictures on others' summit posts that you want to steal reappropriate for your own use. Wow - what a fabulous time you have had. How wonderful to meet in person those you have cyber talked to. I'm sooo envious! Glad you managed to fit in some stitching, sewing and other crafty stuff. Xx. K LinkWithin search Loading... all *free downloads* are original graphics of imagine gnats. you may print, share, and\/or alter for your personal use only; you may not use graphics for commercial purposes. you are welcome to share links to any tutorials, patterns, or inspirations you find here. when linking to or sharing any photos or graphics of imagine gnats or imaginegnats.com, kindly link back to the original source or list appropriate credit. any patterns or tutorials should be shared as links back to original post. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"JR \u201cThe Wrinkles of the City\u201d Los Angeles Behind-the-Scenes Earlier this year, acclaimed street artist JR canvassed Los Angeles with large-scale, black and white portraits taken in low-income urban areas. Adding \u201cwrinkles\u201d in the smooth veneer of LA\u2019s glamorous facade, the recent TED award-winner\u2019s efforts were part of \u201cThe Wrinkles of the City,\u201d an initiative to explore and introduce the oft-forgotten individuals and stories that inhabit great cities. Arrested Motion photographer and filmmaker Carlos Gonzalez of theonepointeight most recently released a video for MOCAtv, a short feature consisting of behind-the-scenes footage from the experience. Watch the film above and let us know your thoughts. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Cost of Building a Quad How much does it cost to make a Quadcopter? Making Quadcopter's can become an addictive hobby very quickly. You can build it from various parts from scratch or build from reputable sites like I have, the costs can be from about $90 (56) the sky is the limit. I am here to help you build a Quad within your cost budget. Trying to balance all of the specifications between parts to make a stable and agile Quadcoptor , can be quite a arduous task. In this post I will be covering some of the costs for making a Quadcopter, and some of my experiences in my venture into building a Quadcopter, in the hope that this post might help you save some time and money. General Estimated Parts Cost for a kit. RTF ! Frame $10 -$300 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 ish -- -190 4 Motors $40 -$100 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -25 -- -- 63 4 ESCs $40-$100 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 -- -- -65 4 Props $5-$50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- 30 top price is for carbon props. 1 Flight Controller $15-$250 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10 -- -- -150 1 Lipo Battery $10-$50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 -- -- -- 30 + depending on if you choose to have more than one. Transmitter and Receiver $25-$450 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 -- -- -300 Miscellaneous Parts (Wire, connectors, etc) $20-$50 -- -- 15 -- -- -- 25 Battery Charger $5-$100 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -4 -- -- -- 65 * Keep in mind that these estimates include a transmitter, receiver, battery and battery charger. Many kits will not include all these items. Estimated cost for the complete system I made do not! include the Transmitter and Receiver. As you can see there is a massive range that you can spend on a Quadcopter (Not including the cost of FPV. That will be another post ). My Quadcoptor cost, so far $233 -- 150 (Excluding postage and import duty cost, The radio equipment I already own) Please keep in mind that there was a lot of work in building this, there is soldering and some other work involved! I can help you with this, it is not difficult. The frame is the main part of a Quadcopter, and there is a massive choice of materials, designs and layouts to pick from. You can even build your own very cheaply you can make the frame out of wood if you wish to keep cost down. Leave a Reply Disclamer Point to mention. This site is not!!!! a selling site! Please read the total disclaimer at the bottom of the main page. I want to help you guys. But if you do buy anything from my website, This will go into keeping this website live. New Posts This web site is not affiliated in any way with the manufacturer of the product or products featured on this web site. This site only provides marketing information for the products featured here.We acknowledge that products,company names and logos mentioned on this site are trademarks of their respective owners. FTC Affiliate Disclosure.Some links on this site may lead directly or indirectly to affiliate offers. The owner of this site may receive compensation if a purchase is made using a affiliate link from this site. The owner of this site does not make any guarantee concerning these offers and all offers should be viewed as recommendations only ","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Obama to announce that there was no war in Afghanistan In an advance copy of tonight's TV speech about Afghanistan, Tom has learned that Commander-In-Disbelief and Constitutional Lawyer extraordinaire Barack Obama will announce that there will be no need to withdraw troops from Afghanistan because in 10 years there has not been a war in Afghanistan. The clear-cut facts on the ground are that there has never been hostilities in Afghanistan. What we had was friendly banter or aggressive bullying between the Taliban and US troops. There are no \"boots on the ground\" as the Pentagon has retroactively renamed boots military walking\/toner shoes. Moammar Gadhafi, military fashionista, has endorsed the Obama principle as consistent with the Libyan findings. Slick Willie Clinton said \"Man. this guy is good\" 3 Responses to Obama to announce that there was no war in Afghanistan And here, I thought it was an environmental campaign. Didn't we go to Afghanistan so we wouldn't tear up the California desert with our tanks and bombs? Besides, military vehicles are notorious fuel hogs, so better to have them near their sources of fuel, no? And military weaponry DOES have expiration dates, and need to be replaced, so where better to get rid of old explosives than a country that already LOOKS like it was bombed to the Stone Age before we arrived? Then there is the obvious option of wanting a base on the border of your TRUE enemy. Imagine how boring it would have been, had the SEALs been forced to fly into Pakistan from, say, Saudi Arabia? Keeps the commute short! Oh, my friend, if only I could take credit for such cunning. Blame WordPress -- if they'd keep their formats the same for more than 2 days in a row, I could settle on SOMETHING! Besides, this way, every time I comment, you get to see a dashing, handsome, debonair young gent! And the idiot in the hat is me, by the by. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Deliberation, single-peakedness, and the possibility of meaningful democracy: evidence from deliberative polls List, Christian and Luskin, Robert C. and Fishkin, James S. and McLean, Iain (2006) Deliberation, single-peakedness, and the possibility of meaningful democracy: evidence from deliberative polls. PSPE working papers, 01-2006. Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK. Abstract Majority cycling and related social choice paradoxes are often thought to threaten the meaningfulness of democracy. But deliberation can prevent majority cycles -- not by inducing unanimity, which is unrealistic, but by bringing preferences closer to single-peakedness. We present the first empirical test of this hypothesis, using data from Deliberative Polls. Comparing preferences before and after deliberation, we find increases in proximity to single-peakedness. The increases are greater for lower versus higher salience issues and for individuals who seem to have deliberated more versus less effectively. They are not merely a byproduct of increased substantive agreement (which in fact does not generally increase). Our results both refine and support the idea that deliberation, by increasing proximity to single-peakedness, provides an escape from the problem of majority cycling. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Any profitable Internet marketer will tell you that email marketing is the best way to make money online. Although not just any type of email marketing, but email marketing that is sending your offers to a targeted list of prospective customers. Now with regards to certain types of email marketing programs I am certain you will realize that safelists and credit based mailers simply don't work. If you really want to be successful you need your own list of individuals who want what you are selling. This is why we're going to be looking at the, \"Email Your Way To Wealth Program\". Each profitable Internet marketer will tell you that if you want to become successful online you need to develop your own list. This actually makes a lot of sense, mainly because when you have a list of people you can email your offers to, and these people are enthusiastic about the types of products your promoting they are more likely to purchase your product. And that is exactly what this system shows you how to do. The great thing concerning this system is that you will be able to learn how to construct and grow your list each day. You will understand where you should stop wasting your time and energy and where you should be putting all of your attention. Keeping your communications open together with your prospective customers is what you will find out about in the second step. Then you'll move on to step 3, which teaches you ways to get other folks to consider you an expert. As you move on to step 4 you will find out the best and easiest method to get new people to join up for your list constantly. How to correctly use affiliate programs for your list is what you are going to find out in step 5. You will even find out other ways you can make money and monetize your mailings in step 6. And additionally there are also 3 more steps they reveal to you only after you become a member of their program. There are a few additional bonuses that you'll receive for free if you choose to sign up for this program. The \"Passive Income Through Email\" is the 1st bonus you will get. \"20 Million Dollar Subject Lines\" is the subsequent bonus you will get and it teaches you how to compose subject lines that get opened. You will in addition get interviews from Website marketing geniuses, Eben Pagan, Yanik Silver and also Steven Pierce. This really is a whole email marketing system that virtually anybody can benefit from. Something else you may like about this system is that it only costs $37. Also the 100% money back guarantee should also allow you to feel a little better about this program. You can get a refund for a full SIXTY days after you purchase the system, which means that you have sufficient time to try the system and see if it's for you. ","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Americans Speaking Out in Favor of Mortgage Relief We've been talking about President Obama's proposal to cut through the red tape that is preventing many homeowners from refinancing their mortgages and saving hundreds of dollars each month. And we've been listening as people from around the country share their thoughts about why mortgage relief is such a big deal. Here's what one group of homeowners had to say: Leah from New York : My husband and I bought our house, our family first home, with our savings and with help from our family to make the down payment, on February 18th, 2008. By September 2008, we were underwater for nearly $25,000 at a 5.75% interest rate on a fixed 30 year mortgage. We paid our mortgage every month, we've never missed a payment, and our taxes are paid in full. Our income has gone down, our mortgage on a once $215,000 home has stayed the same and our credit card debt continues to grow. There must be a way out. Gene from Oregon : With so many people unemployed or in low paying jobs, and with this poor economic climate, it just makes good sense to let folks keep a little more money in their pockets through affordable refinancing plans instead of paying out every nickel in exorbitant monthly mortgage payments. A two or three hundred dollar monthly savings on such payments could make an incredible difference in boosting people's sense of self-worth, their self-confidence, confidence in the American way of life, as well as increasing the diversification of their spending. Barbara from Connecticut : We are among the many who work and pay their mortgage, we are involved members of our community. We are so close to walking away from our underwater situation. It will be a loss for us, the investors in our mortgage loan and our neighborhood. Multiply this throughout the country and it's a major contributing factor to a stalled economy in the U.S.A. Jody from Ohio : I bought a fixer-upper in 2008, one I could afford until I got laid off in 2011 and have not found my feet yet. I have to say I didn't have the best credit at the time so I did not get a great rate. I also fell down a few times trying to find my feet (no luck and a lot of bills). I still have my house and I'm up to date on the payments. But not on all of my bills. I cannot find a job, I'm older and everyone I know is saying the same thing. A few more dollars a month saved on my house payment would only help me pay all the other things I owe, on my way to learning how to live on a lot less. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Cancer News Bowel cancer screening test 'may be less accurate in summer' Wednesday 7 July 2010 A new study suggests that the test used in the Italian national bowel cancer screening programme may be less likely to spot cancerous changes in summer than it is in winter. The study looked at the 'immunochemical' faecal occult blood test (iFOBT). The test detects traces of blood in participants' stool samples, which may be a sign that an individual has bowel cancer or precancerous changes in their gut. In the UK the national bowel screening programmes use a different, older version of the test, called gFOBT (guaiac faecal occult blood test). Samples taken using gFOBT deteriorate less quickly than those taken using iFOBT. Scientists at the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute in Florence, Italy, analysed how ambient temperatures affected the performance of the iFOBT in the Italian national screening programme in Florence. They studied temperature variations during the time between sampling and the return of test samples to the lab - estimated to be around seven days - and the time spent in a refrigerator in the lab - about four days - for just under 200,000 iFOBT results. Analysis revealed that levels of haemoglobin - the protein that gives blood its red colour - were significantly lower in the summer months. This is thought to be because haemoglobin degrades more quickly at higher temperatures. The likelihood of a test being positive for signs of blood was 17 per cent lower in the summer than in the winter, dropping by 0.7 per cent for every one degree rise in temperature. The chances of the test picking up an established cancer or precancerous changes were estimated to be about 13 per cent lower in summer than in winter. Writing in the journal Gut, the study authors claimed that the findings could have implications for 'interval cancers' - tumours that develop between screenings. \"During the summer, significant neoplasia [cancerous changes] will be missed, which will increase the number of interval cancers,\" they warned. \"Our observations have important implications for the organisation of iFOBT-based screening programmes. [These] are greatest for those countries with wide seasonally related temperature variations.\" Sarah Woolnough, head of policy at Cancer Research UK, said: \"While this study looks at the Italian bowel screening programme, the recommendations may help improve the accuracy of the current bowel cancer screening programme. \"Earlier this year a new screening test called 'Flexi-scope' was shown to reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer by a third. We are calling on the government to add this to the current screening programme which could save thousands of lives a year.\" \" Earlier this year a new screening test called 'Flexi-scope' was shown to reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer by a third. We are calling on the government to add this to the current screening programme which could save thousands of lives a year. \" - Sarah Woolnough, Cancer Research UK Find out more Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666) and the Isle of Man (1103). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F). Registered address: Angel Building, 407 St John Street, London EC1V 4AD. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"21 Dec 2010 Best Of The Best When she was a child, her parents would dress her up in branded clothing from the university where they had met. They would take her along to football games, on pilgrimages back to the campus that she began to think of as a holy land of sorts, littered as it was with beer cups and demonstration flyers, and filled with erudite people carrying large books and highlighters in colors they did not carry in the stationers back home. Here is the Kappa house , they would say, there is the student union . This is the lecture hall that had hosted the zoology course for which he would always need to borrow her mother's notes. Her mother had always taken excellent notes. At some point, her brother came along and another set of branded clothing was procured, and they became a family wandering the hallowed halls of lives long past. She was a child, and she did not understand how the world worked. But she had determined that whatever college was, it must be very important. And she thought that, when the time came, whatever college she chose, would have to be the best. So much depended on it. One day she heard about Harvard, and she announced to them her intention to go there because she had heard on good authority that it was the best of the best. Her mother told her how expensive it would be to attend a school like Harvard. Her father laughed. He told her that people did not just decide to go to Harvard -- it was difficult to go to Harvard. Everybody wanted to go to Harvard. He told her that for her whole life, everywhere she went, there would always be somebody better than she was, smarter than she was, and that if she only wanted the best of the best, she would only always be disappointed, and she would never get what she wanted. She thought long and hard about what her father had told her, not wanting to believe what he said, but feeling she had no choice. He was her father. As far as her experience had taught her, he was the smartest person in the world. She looked around for somebody to tell her that, in this case, her perception was right, and his perception was wrong. But that person was not there. In moments of uncertainty, she would continue to look for that person, in one form or another, for the rest of her life. She looked at the branded university clothing piled up in her closets, collected years before she understood the promise she was implicitly giving by agreeing to wear it on the annual trips to the university where her parents had met. She thought about what she could do, if she couldn't go to Harvard -- if she wasn't going to be good enough for Harvard, what could she do, she wondered? And she started ripping up all of the clothes she could find, shredding them into tiny pieces, vowing then and there, that if she did nothing else, she would never go to that school, even if it meant that she would end up being the worst of the worst. After they divorced, she found out that her parents had never even dated while at the university. As it turns out, they had only been distantly acquainted while in school; to her mother, her father had only been the kind of person you know well enough to lend your zoology notes to, and then when you meet again it is like you are meeting for the first time. They married after graduation. The campus trips had been constructions, but if there had been any castles built, it had been the little girl as the architect, for the two of them did have fond memories of college life that they wanted desperately to share with their children, even if history dictated that it could never be one in which they spent that college life together. As for the little girl, she never did go to Harvard. Instead, she went to the school across the bay from the school where her parents had (not) met. And though she never became the best of the best, she never could quite get herself to stop trying. The effort was long and frustrating, with many pitfalls. Along the way, she learned to parcel herself out in pieces, only giving parts of herself to people whom she felt deserved them, withholding herself from people when she could not bear to give any more. There were those times when she felt like she wanted to take things away from people, when she wanted to rip up the metaphorical sweatshirts and stuff them in people's faces. But even on those hard days she would try to remind herself that this was not the worst she had seen, not by far. Comments How I wish parents would not plant the seed of that thought in a child's head -- that the only thing to be is The Best. So many people I know with the same taped message playing in their brains, and I'd like to go in, tear that tape out of its cassette and put in a new one that says \"You are the best YOU there ever was. No on else will ever be you but you.\" I like this post, and not just because I suspect that picture up there is from my alma mater. Seriously, I can completely identify with that \"must be the best of the best\" mentality, whether it comes from without (where it usually starts) or within (where it's even worse). I had my first existential gotta-be-the-best-no-wait-do-I crisis in grad school, and (if I'm being honest) relived it about ten years later, too. It can be hard to escape. For the five years after I graduated from (a different) college, I worked as a staff assistant in an academic department at Harvard (referred to with heavy sarcasm by a Boston Globe columnist as World's Greatest University). In my time there, the pink collar workers -- the secretaries and clerks -- unionized. One of my favorite pro-union button sayings was \"You Can't Eat Prestige.\" Once you see what goes on behind the scenes at a place like that, you get better at separating myth from reality. \"But that person was not there.\" And that knowledge can be ever so hard to bear. The entire body of my parenting philosophy rests on ONE conviction I have , that is, as long as I'm always there, with my kids, they'll grow up with confidence in their self worth. So far, I have been correct in that assumption. Unfortunately seeing a lot of collateral damage among my kid's classmates who have had \"that person who was not there.\" And I had almost the exact opposite upbringing. My mom wanted me to stay with her on a goat farm in Alaska and NEVER leave. Which meant that I felt the need to flee to L.A. alomst the minute I was able. No worries about being \"the best of the best,\" simple survival was enough. Though we have really different stories, I identify with this post so much. I had the same relationship to the idea of Harvard as a kid, though neither of my parents went to college. Possibly because of that, they also told me that I wasn't Harvard material and one of them gave me a brochure for the Army Reserves while the other took me to tour the local community college. While I never made it to Harvard, I did graduate at 16, leave their house, and start self-funded at a local but nice public university, and later went on to grad school (something else they were discourage-y about). Now they have complete amnesia about being unsupportive and suggesting I attend a dental hygienist program instead of university. Instead, they think they were with me all the way, and have actually said wondered why I didn't go to Harvard instead of the public university I'm now getting my PhD at. So I got both \"it's too hard!\" and \"well, if you were going to graduate school, I don't see why it's not Harvard\" as if it would have been easy. (And, it wasn't. I got rejected from every Ivy and accepted to every public. So, I guess I'm NOT Harvard material, but whatever). My name is Anna. I like to blog. ABDPBT is a creative effort at understanding my experience as a wife, mother, recovering academic, popular culture enthusiast, satirist, and unrepentant fake American. You can read more about me on my about page . ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Don't lead us back to the dark age of strife Here we go again. Adopting the ugly language of class warfare, Labour's union paymasters seek to drag Britain back into the dark ages of industrial strife, proving they've learned nothing since they brought the country to its knees more than 30 years ago. Unveiling their boneheaded masterplan to get the economy moving, they propose... wait for it... another Winter of Discontent, with a campaign of co-ordinated stoppages and civil disobedience over the coming months. 'If you spit on your own, you can't do anything,' declares militant RMT leader Bob Crow. 'But if you all spit together, you can drown the b*****ds.' Declaration: Outgoing TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said the unions' aim was to force the Coalition to abandon austerity Could there be any more disturbing insight into the unions' bullying mentality and the standard of debate at the TUC? Leave aside that nothing could be better guaranteed to destroy Britain's hopes of recovery than a winter of strikes, which would cause incalculable damage to ordinary union members' interests. What is so contemptible is that the threat comes at a time when employees of private firms have made huge sacrifices to keep the economy turning over. Indeed, it is thanks to them that unemployment remains well below the European average, and hasn't risen for months. Yet now the state sector unions -- whose members already enjoy superior pay, pensions and working conditions -- are prepared to sabotage other people's jobs (and, indeed, our children's schooling) in pursuit of selfish demands that no reasonable government could accede to. This is a fight by the haves against the have-nots. And it's a battle they know they cannot win -- although they can do a great deal of harm in trying. In his final speech to the Congress, outgoing General Secretary Brendan Barber said the unions' aim was to force the Coalition to abandon austerity and learn from the triumph of public spending on the Olympics (which, incidentally, Mr Crow's RMT threatened to disrupt). In other words, the TUC's leaders' economic policy is to carry on spending as if the deficit doesn't exist. How many of their members are really blinkered and irresponsible enough to follow them? Bumptious Boris Going wildly over the top, even by his own standards, Boris Johnson shamelessly upstages the Prime Minister at the Olympic victory parade, whipping the crowd into frenzies of enthusiasm and chants of: 'Boris! Boris!' The Mail joins the London Mayor in heartily applauding the tens of thousands of volunteers, athletes and spectators who made the Games such a spectacular success. Share this article: Comments ( 46 ) >>>Private sector workers have faced zero percent payrises for five years now, they can't afford pension contributions, have to live off statutory sick pay when they're ill and get by on 21 days holiday per year not that they can afford holidays. Not that any of us would complain though. Because while our income shrinks and the cost of living goes up massively we all have a song in our hearts knowing that we're doing it all for the good of the country. Or at least for the good of the \"wealth creators\" who are reducing our standard of living while paying themselves bonuses and share dividends just like nothing has changed. Given the choice, I'm on the side of the people in the same situation as I am, just trying to get by. Best of luck to the unions I say. Teacher bashing again? Maybe this should become an Olympic sport, the DM does so well at it. - Saryne, Hereford, 11\/09\/2012 00:16 Do you really not get it? There's less money to around and we are ALL taking our fair share of the pain. That's the end of the matter. Your defiance will be defeated by the general public. There on no winners when industrial disbutes lead to strikes, Bob Crow will still pick up his pay packet a considerable one at that they should take a leaf out of Churchills saying jaw jaw not war war i live in a former mining village stikes shut down the entire mining industry Scargil is still in his job after the strikes all of our industries were shifted abroad we need these back and more investments industrial action will kill it dead. The Government should immediately announce a minimum 70 per cent turnout requIred for strike action. Additionally, anyone tasking action should be sacked on the spot and job filled by unemployed person. I have some sympathy with Public sector workers, I'm not one myself but my wife is and her pay is very low for what she does. However, the Unions need to explain what the alternative is because we can't carry on spending money we don't have. I don't like this Government's solutions either but the Labour\/Union way is No way. Go on follow the unions just like the 70s they ruined more industries than anyone they ruined the mining industry, they ruined the car industry, they ruined the steel industry and many more so just how many jobs did they save for their members but the champagne communist leaders kept their jobs so tell me when you go on strike and they find out they can manage without you or you have put the country in a bigger financial crisis than Labour left and even bigger cuts are needed who will suffer the not the likes of Brendan Barber just the union members. We are not being led in to the dark ages by the Unions we were brought in by this austerity Government by the scuff of our necks the unions are going to amass the workers of this land into getting rid of these Tory ministers who have no idea and do not listen to any one this country although we area very wealthy country in turmoil by this bunch of rich boy's who will put the Conservative into yesterday beside the liberals and we certainly do not want New Labour, \"So\" DM get this country to elect UKIP as a new and truthful Government for Britain. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"An angry Mark Cavendish bowed out as world race champion in style, despite a whack on the head by a fan wielding a clapping stick in a lively World Championship road race won by Belgium's Philippe Gilbert on Sunday. I was hit by some ----head with a full-on wooden sign and I've got a sore head from it. Cavendish, who won the world title 12 months ago in Copenhagen, who set the race alight with a premeditated decision to ride aggressively at the front of the peloton for most of the first three hours, including the first four climbs on the famous Valkenburg circuit. Shaking his head, in astonishment and some pain, Cavendish continued uninterrupted but on the next lap made a play to the cameras of looking for the spectator as he passed the same spot. Not surprisingly, the fan made himself scarce. On the next lap, having expended every last ounce of energy for the team, Cavendish dropped off the back of the race and received rapturous applause all the way up the Cauberg before he pulled over and headed for the team coach, his race and season done. Philippe Gilbert of Belgium breaks away from the pack. Photo: AFP \"I was hit by some ----head with a full-on wooden sign and I've got a sore head from it,\" Cavendish said. \"It was a proper whack. I was looking for him next time.\" Cavendish, who wore the No.1 jersey denoting last year's champion, was delighted with his abbreviated ride in support of other GB colleagues and confirmed it was always his intention to climb off just after halfway. Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome, both running out of steam at the end of a long season, did likewise a couple of laps later. \"I went well but I was more tired after 140km today than I was when I won the championship over 250km last summer,\" Cavendish said. \"It was nice going up the Cauberg at the end, the fans' reception meant a lot and it was the perfect way to end the year. It's been a good year as world champion with 15 wins but I don't think, for whatever reason, I have got the maximum out of myself.\" For the first time in three years, Australia failed to have a rider on the podium with Allan Davis finishing sixth, five seconds behind Gilbert, while Simon Gerrans finished in 21st place. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"It has been a while hasn't it Well well.. it's been a some time since I hit the blog with an update. Being a lazy Saturday morning and I can't sleep in I thought I might give you an update. Katherine and I are well, we've been to Ireland and Krakow over the past couple of months. Both places are fantastic. Dublin is mighty expensive given the state of Sterling, but the west coast of Galway is just magnificent. Krakow is in another class. After going to Prague last year -- which was a really pretty city, I found Krakow to be similar yet have a more down-to-earth feel. After I got back to London I put a Facebook update wishing for the 'vibe' to be imported. Thinking back I still wish this was the case. Coming up this northern summer we are off Italy for a two week trip, through Roma, Napoli, Amalfi, Sicillia then back to London town. Before that though a weekend in Bath should be a nice getaway from the London life. In other news it's been hectic at work, which is a good thing. Keeping busy is all important. I find that I get bored if I'm not working. The problem I have is keeping focused on one thing. The all important list to write the to-do is my life line to staying on top of it all. Katherine is well as am I (touching wood). I'm in the gym and making great use of Hyde Park up the road. Trying to stay fit in a country that loves a drink to socialise. A mate of mine from Melbourne who has moved over is looking into a couple of hockey clubs that we could join. We played hockey together in Melbourne so we are both keen to get back into it this September. Anyway please keep in touch. I do enjoy hearing from you all. Love to all. Chris About Golds Originally from Perth, Australia I now live in Melbourne after spending 3 years in London. I'm interested in everything from AFL Football and also the world game (Soccer), Photography, to the regulatory environment surrounding Telecommunications. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC Will Sort Of Bring Players Back To Morrowind Thanks to last week's trailer, we already know that the next DLC for Bethesda's hit action\/RPG will be pitting players against the first humanoid to wield dragon powers. And now we know where Dragonborn 's battles will be happening. New screenshots and details from the publisher reveal that your Dovahkiin will indeed be making a rumoured return to Morrowind , site of the third Elder Scrolls game. From Bethesda: journey off the coast of Morrowind, to the island of Solstheim. Encounter new towns, dungeons, and quests, as you traverse the ash wastes and glacial valleys of this new land. Become more powerful with shouts that bend the will of your enemies and even tame dragons. Your fate, and the fate of Solstheim, hangs in the balance as you face off against your deadliest adversary -- the first Dragonborn. So, in two weeks, you'll return to the shores of a Skyrim prdecessor. Hope they've spruced up the place since you've been away. uge fan of all Elder Scrolls games, now the fanboys would say Morrowind was the best.. but yeah i personally think that is a overstatement much like the people who say Halo was the best Halo game when in fact it was more likely Reach, people tend to get overly nostalgic about games Fuck I hate photoshoped marketing screenshots. These are from the xbox reveal, there is 0 fucking way that the textures look that good on xbox. Fuck they look better than custom modded high res textures on pc. Just for being lying fucks, I'm going to pirate it. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Nature of Nature THE INNER WORLD Human \"Faculties\" SUNSHINE SPIRIT SUN SOUL \"Earth-Moon\" \"Consciousness\" MOON MIND EARTH HEART by PRF Brown, BCSLS (FreshWater) Mountain Man Graphics, Australia A Model of the Inner World of Living Beings The EcoSystem of the Soul ABSTRACT As the description of a journey may note certain landmarks, may relate the relative positions of mountains to the mountainous horizon and may introduce new concepts of life and customs to the traveller, so then too does this series of articles take the form of a journey through different conceptions of nature. In doing just this, if it supplies answers to some then well and good. And if it provides questions to others, then so be it. In any event, I have tried to make the account interesting and informative for all folk. For I have walked the mountains of the earth, I have surfed in the foothills and peaceful valleys of the seas, through the canyons of the city and the manifold suburbia of existence I drove a taxi cab for 17 years, and in the last decade have been the mechanic on the running board of the informational machine. I have studied the sciences of the west and the east, and I have learnt of love and of life. And I have learnt of the journey which every living being on the planet must sometime make ..... the journey to the stars. And I have a story for the telling ... Each man and each woman must walk their journey, and establish their path .... I have found that this is without question. If, in the publishing this wild and romantic account of the nature of nature, I assist another being in the discovery of the nature of nature, then this will be my greatest reward. I have chosen to approach this matter by way of an ancient and far-flung path. It is not an autobahn of informational conventioniality, neither is it one of the more elitist expositions of any of the contemporary educational disciplines of western science. While it may alude in places to the age old sciences of the east and, at times where the mountain ranges plunge to deep ravines, cross and re-cross the bridges between these to the western concepts of religion and science, the journey itself in the following articles will be established in the overall simplicity and beauty of nature. Both the east and the west have their secrets and their mysteries, but in following the path which leads through the nature of nature we visit the lands which lie east of the sun and west of the moon. And from this vantage point, we observe a unique aspect of nature, and one which both unifies the world of the individual, and the world of the global community of life. OUTSIDE: The sun and it's sunshine, the earth and the moon. These four entities weave a dominant background tapestry in which \"Outer World\" life on earth is established. This view is established from a cosmic perpective. In surfing, \"outside\" is the call given when a big set of waves is sighted rolling in amidst the smaller sets. One must heed the call of the outside, for it may impact upon your survival. The nature of the \"Outer World\" shared by terrestrial beings is observed from some unique vantage points on the journey. When it is dark, and their is no light on the trail, unless it is in the time of the larger moon and the need is pressing, one cannot travel without stumbling, and the time is used to rest from the rigours of the journey. And upon the earth we huddle around the fire beneath the stars, and we experience \"a rest\" while the system of life continues to breathe. INSIDE: The self and it's spirit, the heart and mind. These four entities weave a dominant background tapestry in which \"Inner World\" life is established. This view is established from a cosmic perpective. In surfing, \"inside the break\" is where you DONT want to be when a big set of waves is sighted rolling in amidst the smaller sets. It is therefore completely undertandable simply to paddle outside the break and feel the planet shake behind you as the set waves break. This is also entirely obvious to a non-surfer. However, the whole spirit of surfing is to catch that wave in which you are \"INSIDE THE WAVE\", where the walls of water tube and barrel overhead, and surfer is tested for his or her skills in survival. The nature of the \"Inner World\" shared by terrestrial beings is observed from some unique vantage points on the journey. When it is day, and there is light on the trail, unless it is in the time of the terrestrial storms and the need is not pressing, one must continue to pursue the path of the journey that is being made from the placement of the soul of your feet. Daily on the journey through the days of our lives, our instincts drive us to avoid the cosmic surf. The outer world demands us all to work with constant attention and the fullness of resources, and so we dont go surfing and so we go about our days. And if we need a break, we might visit the mountains, or the park, or just take a peak at the open sky above us. We might even visit the beach. An still, if we decide to gather a cosmic wave or two, we must first paddle out into it, and remain outside the break until such time we feel comfortable enough in the environment to actually \"go for a wave\". The inner world is rarely an important consideration in our daily journeys, yet all would agree it is fundamental to our welfare, our survival and to our greater journey through the nature of nature. It is also fundamental in our relationships with other people on other journeys, and this includes our ancestors and our children's children. I imagine that this article really takes the plunge at a few points. The journey through \"The Nature of Nature\" will make correlations between the cosmic outer world \"system\" described by the sun and it's sunshine, and the earth and the moon, and compare these to those inherent in the cosmic inner world \"system\" described by the self and it's spirit, and the heart and the mind. The observations drawn from this activity establish direction towards an awareness and an understanding of an inner nature which is shared with every living being on this planet we call earth. The key item that links all these entities is the nature of the outer world sunshine and the inner world spirit. What is undefinable or unprovable by the mind, is often times more easily understood by the heart. The two faculties share common ground, yet have different perspectives and different natures. On this journey through the nature of nature, we are guided on the path by one another - our selves. The mind is a fundamental guide, and so is the heart, but there is a fundamental principle of the journey to be understood by each soul. And this is the principle of the pioneer. It is the pioneering spirit which commands life. In the evolution of our footsteps, while we may be cognisant of the ideas and thoughts presented by our minds (or others to us), and of the emotions and feelings presented by our hearts (or others to us). the spirit of the pioneer demands no such contraints, and is free to explore the deeper trails within the nature of nature. There is pioneering spirit within us all, and its expression is as manifold as there are living beings on this planet we call earth - in reality a dual bodied part of the terrestrial earth\/moon system, which orbits (on each of our birthdays) an ancient and cosmic central fire - the ecosystemic engine of nature. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"There is something in trade I can't say that I've ever really understood this idea that we must all eat only the things that have been grown in our own region. \"Region\" of course is a variable thing. It seems to depend on how deep the green of the fool recommending it is. Something from \"the nation\" to \"your back yard\" is the spectrum. But as I say, I've never really understood the point. For we know what happens when food supplies are indeed restricted to just the region one is actually in. We've been there before, back before we had decent roads. And what used to happen is that when the local crops failed then everyone died of starvation: even if 30 miles away there was a bumper crop. Quite why anyone wants to recreate the bad parts of the Middle Ages I'm really not quite sure. . . Localists and proponents of yokelnomics -- the policies which would take us back to peasant economies of the distant past -- pose the greatest danger to food security. There are good points about buying local but not at the expense of free trade which is an essential part of addressing world hunger. Rate this: Share this: Like this: This entry was posted on Monday, November 12th, 2012 at 9:00 am and is filed under politics , trade . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site. Post navigation 7 Responses to There is something in trade Tim Worstall says that he can't say that he's ever really understood this idea that we must all eat only the things that have been grown in our own region. He's right. He hasn't been able to understand it and nor it seems, Ele, have you. You extrapolate the concept out, as is your habit, to the extreme end, so that you can dismiss it as 'yokelnomics' and mock what you clearly don't 'get'. You do say though, that there are good points about buying local food, but spoil your moment of rationality by invoking the 'threat it poses' to free trade and food security, and through your reproduction of Worstall's extremist comments, the image of the Middle Ages, starvation and 'green fools'. I think you are being very silly here, Ele. It's not the buying of local food in itself that is a threat to trade. It's the regulation required to force it upon people that is where the real threat lies. How else would you make it happen when not everyone is of a green mind? No one I know is talking about 'forcing it on people', Tracey. Perhaps you and Ele and Mr Worstall are just jumping the gun, making a mountain out of a mole-hill, over-egging the pudding. I think you are. As for 'making it happen' -- I'm one for the 'show the way by your own behaviour' and 'promote the ideas in a way that makes them attractive' kind of guy. It's annoying to have to try to counter the kind of fear-mongery over green-proposals I find here, but I do it because someone has to Good on you Robert, but when you get sick of waiting for the sheep to follow, and if you have some power, what then? We've been growing our own food (about 60% by weight) for years. People are interested, and if you give food to them for free; very interested, but most want all the benefits of the supermarket model as well. Convenience and variety in particular. Change will be a long time coming. I don't believe it will happen to any great degree without innovation from industry, including the farming industry. Another point to keep in mind is that restricting trade to a \"region\" means you limit the size of the market and thus you are limited in you ability to take advantage of specialisation and the division of labour. As George Stigler put it \"The Division of Labor is Limited by the Extent of the Market\". In short you make yourself poorer than you would otherwise be. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Skype, social media and news relayed via journalists are good mediums. But there's nothing like being in a room with employers and agency owners from around the world to share opinions and ask questions about employment outside Australia. It's now Sunday night in Beijing and most of the 46 attendees and speakers are on a plane heading home. I'm staying an extra day before heading to Shanghai tomorrow to visit some of our recruitment partners there. This was a successful NPA Global Owners Meeting: 15 attendees from China, 12 from Australia, 9 from the US & Canada, 3 from Singapore, 2 from Indonesia, 2 from the Philippines, and 1 each from Korea, Taiwan and Ireland. Everyone contributed and left richer for the experience together. Asian members represent only 17% of NPA Worldwide but are responsible for 33% of successful cross-border recruitment projects. This outward perspective is important to China's desired transition from an industrial economy to knowledge economy. And it was highlighted in our meeting in a presentation by CAIEP -- the China Association for the International Exchange of Personnel. This speech, via a translator, was a rare window into the strategic thinking on China's labour costs, manufacturing efficiencies and balanced development across primary, secondary and tertiary industries. The need for high-level creative talent from foreigners was a point emphasised on more than one occasion. A Q&A session with Chinese HR Managers -- one from a marketing\/event management agency and the other a very large complex manufacturing company -- reiterated the need for global thinking in recruiting key staff. As in-house recruitment professionals, these representatives discussed the balance between competition and cooperation with agency recruiters on junior and middle level recruitment projects. But they emphasised the need to partner with recruitment experts capable of accessing an international candidate pool for leadership and strategic staff requirements. The time together included a Country Presentation from ten of the attendees. From basic GDP, population and employment figures to the personal experiences of each in sourcing and screening candidates in a range of classifications, industries and cultures. Countries like China, Korea, Singapore, the US and Australia reported softer employment activity in some sectors and a cautious outlook. Other regions like Indonesia and the Philippines outlined a national sentiment of confidence and growth. I am an employer. My expertise includes thinking like a job seeker. Whichever way I look at it, I believe our exposure to these neighbouring Asian markets is important and I am grateful for this time I have spent with old friends and new this past few days. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Marginal note: Maximum amount ALTERNATIVE PAYMENTS Marginal note: Alternative payment 14. (1) Where the government of a province has, at least twelve months before the beginning of a loan year, notified the Minister in writing that a provincial student financial assistance plan will be in operation in that province in that loan year and that it does not wish, or no longer wishes, to participate in the plan established by this Act and the regulations, the Minister shall pay to the province, not later than six months after the end of that loan year and each following loan year in which it does not participate in the plan, an alternative amount for the loan year, calculated as provided in this section. Marginal note: Non-participating provinces (2) The government of a province that, on the coming into force of this section, is not participating in the student loan plan established by the Canada Student Loans Act is deemed to have notified the Minister as described in subsection (1) in respect of the loan year in which this section comes into force. Marginal note: Opting in, or opting back in (3) The government of a province that is not participating in the plan established by this Act and the regulations but later wishes to participate may do so by so notifying the Minister in writing at least six months, or such shorter period as the Minister may fix, before the beginning of the loan year in which it wishes to participate. Marginal note: Calculation of alternative amount (4) The alternative amount for a province for a loan year (in this subsection referred to as the \"current loan year\") is the amount, as determined by the Minister after consultation with the Chief Statistician of Canada, obtained by ( a ) multiplying (i) the net per capita costs for participating provinces for the loan year beginning on August 1, 1990, by (ii) the product obtained by multiplying the estimated number of persons in that province who, on the first day of the current loan year, have attained eighteen years of age and have not attained twenty-five years of age by the escalator determined under subsection (5), for each loan year in the period beginning on August 1, 1991 and ending on July 31 of the current loan year; and ( b ) subtracting from the product obtained under paragraph ( a ) the net costs for that province for the current loan year. Marginal note: Escalator (5) For the purposes of subparagraph (4)( a )(ii), ( a ) subject to paragraph ( b ), the escalator for a loan year is a fraction of which (i) the numerator is the net per capita costs for participating provinces for that loan year, and (ii) the denominator is the net per capita costs for participating provinces for the previous loan year; and ( b ) the escalator for the first loan year in which a provincial student financial assistance plan will be in operation in the province, as stated in the notice under subsection (1), is a fraction of which (i) the numerator is the net per capita costs for participating provinces for that first loan year, and (ii) the denominator is the net per capita costs for the previous loan year for provinces that are participating provinces in that first loan year. Marginal note: Definitions (6) In this section, \"net costs\" cot net \"net costs\" , for a province for a loan year, means the amount determined by the formula (A + B) - (C + D) where A is the estimated aggregate of all amounts paid by the Minister in that loan year ( a ) to lenders, service providers or financial institutions under this Act, the regulations or an agreement entered into under section 5, 6.2 or 6.3, to lenders under the Canada Student Loans Act or the regulations made under that Act, and to collection agencies, in respect of student loans or guaranteed student loans made pursuant to certificates of eligibility issued or caused to be issued in any loan year by the appropriate authority for that province, and ( c ) any amounts paid pursuant to paragraph 5( e ) or pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(1)( o ) that provide for the repayment of student loans by borrowers on an income-contingent basis, and ( d ) any provincial share paid pursuant to an agreement or arrangement made under subparagraph 18( b )(ii), B is the estimated aggregate of ( a ) the amount of interest calculated in that loan year in respect of outstanding loans referred to in the description of A made under an agreement entered into under section 6.1, at the rate of interest fixed or determined in accordance with subsection 20(2), ( b ) the amount by which the outstanding principal in respect of all loans referred to in paragraph ( a ) has been reduced in that loan year in accordance with the regulations, ( c ) the amount of the outstanding principal and interest in respect of all loans referred to in paragraph ( a ) for which the borrower's obligations have terminated in that loan year as a result of the death or disability of the borrower, and ( d ) the amount of the outstanding principal and interest in respect of all loans referred to in paragraph ( a ) for which the Minister has commenced collection action in that loan year, minus the amount of the outstanding principal and interest in respect of loans referred to in that paragraph for which the Minister has ended collection action in that loan year due to the occurrence of an event set out in the regulations that resulted in the removal of restrictions to financial assistance, C is the estimated aggregate of all amounts received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in that loan year, including any amount received pursuant to the Financial Administration Act , in respect of loans referred to in the description of A, other than loans made under an agreement entered into under section 6.1, excluding ( a ) any amounts received pursuant to paragraph 5( e ) or pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(1)( o ) that provide for the repayment of student loans by borrowers on an income-contingent basis, and ( b ) any amounts received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in respect of a provincial share paid pursuant to an agreement or arrangement made under subparagraph 18( b )(ii), and D is the estimated aggregate of ( a ) the amount of interest received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in that loan year in respect of loans referred to in the description of A that were made under an agreement entered into under section 6.1, and ( b ) any amounts received in that loan year pursuant to collection action taken by the Minister in respect of loans referred to in paragraph ( a ). \"net per capita costs\" cot net par tte \"net per capita costs\" , for participating provinces for a loan year, means a fraction of which ( a ) the numerator is the amount by which the total program net costs for that loan year exceed the aggregate of the net costs for that loan year for all provinces that are not participating provinces in that loan year, and ( b ) the denominator is the estimated number of persons in the participating provinces who, on the first day of the loan year, have attained eighteen years of age and have not attained twenty-five years of age; \"total program net costs\" cot net total du programme \"total program net costs\" , for a loan year, means the amount determined by the formula (A + B) - (C + D) where A is the aggregate of all amounts paid by the Minister in that loan year ( a ) to lenders, service providers or financial institutions under this Act, the regulations or an agreement entered into under section 5, 6.2 or 6.3, to lenders under the Canada Student Loans Act or the regulations made under that Act, and to collection agencies, in respect of student loans or guaranteed student loans made pursuant to certificates of eligibility issued or caused to be issued in any loan year by the appropriate authorities for participating provinces, and ( c ) any amounts paid pursuant to paragraph 5( e ) or pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(1)( o ) that provide for the repayment of student loans by borrowers on an income-contingent basis, and ( d ) any provincial share paid pursuant to an agreement or arrangement made under subparagraph 18( b )(ii), B is the aggregate of ( a ) the estimated amount of interest calculated in that loan year in respect of outstanding loans referred to in the description of A made under an agreement entered into under section 6.1, at the rate of interest fixed or determined in accordance with subsection 20(2), ( b ) the amount by which the outstanding principal in respect of all loans referred to in paragraph ( a ) has been reduced in that loan year in accordance with the regulations, ( c ) the amount of the outstanding principal and interest in respect of all loans referred to in paragraph ( a ) for which the borrower's obligations have terminated in that loan year as a result of the death or disability of the borrower, and ( d ) the amount of the outstanding principal and interest in respect of all loans referred to in paragraph ( a ) for which the Minister has commenced collection action in that loan year, minus the amount of the outstanding principal and interest in respect of loans referred to in that paragraph for which the Minister has ended collection action in that loan year due to the occurrence of an event set out in the regulations that resulted in the removal of restrictions to financial assistance, C is the aggregate of all amounts received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in that loan year, including any amount received pursuant to the Financial Administration Act , in respect of loans referred to in the description of A, other than loans made under an agreement entered into under section 6.1, excluding ( a ) any amounts received pursuant to paragraph 5( e ) or pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(1)( o ) that provide for the repayment of student loans by borrowers on an income-contingent basis, and ( b ) any amounts received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in respect of a provincial share paid pursuant to an agreement or arrangement made under subparagraph 18( b )(ii), and D is the aggregate of ( a ) the amount of interest received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in that loan year in respect of loans referred to in the description of A that were made under an agreement entered into under section 6.1, and ( b ) any amounts received in that loan year pursuant to collection action taken by the Minister in respect of loans referred to in paragraph ( a ). Marginal note: Exception (7) The following amounts shall be included in the calculations described in the definitions \"net costs\" and \"total program net costs\" in subsection (6) only if the government of the province satisfies the Minister, by written notice received by the Minister before the beginning of the loan year in question, that, in relation to the matter in question, the provincial student financial assistance plan has substantially the same effect as the plan established by this Act and the regulations: ( a ) amounts that are determined as a result of the application of subparagraph 5( a )(viii) or section 7, 10 or 11; ( c ) in respect of loans made under an agreement entered into under section 6.1, amounts in relation to a termination of a borrower's obligations under section 10.1 or 11.1 or to a reduction in the outstanding principal resulting from the operation of regulations made under paragraph 15(1)( o ), other than regulations that provide for the repayment of student loans by borrowers on an income-contingent basis; and ( d ) amounts in relation to programs established by regulations made under section 11 of the Canada Student Loans Act . Marginal note: Negative amounts (8) If the amount determined by the formula \"(A + B) - (C + D)\" in subsection (6) would, but for this subsection, be a negative amount, it is deemed to be zero. ","labels":"Legal","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"The man, whose name hasn't been released to the public, had been working at the Sleaford-based Waterloo Farm, picking up some casual work during the potato harvest. However, due to the rocky soil of the farm the potato crusher fitted to the farm's harvesting equipment became blocked with stones repeatedly, which resulted in farm workers having to signal the driver of the harvester stop the machine and deactivate it before reaching inside the crusher to clear the blockage. However, the incident that led to the personal injury at work occurred when the driver missed the worker's signal yet stopped for an unrelated reason. The worker, incorrectly believing that the driver had stopped and isolated the power to the crusher, reached inside, only to have three tendons in his right hand severed by the mechanism, resulting in the HSE investigating and then prosecuting the farmer for neglecting to set a safe work system up or undertaking a proper risk assesment -- resulting in a 20,000 fine for the farmer. Another food-related accident the following year also made it into magistrates' court recently as well, though this one didn't involve a mechanical mangling. Instead, one snack manufacturing company employee broke his leg when he was trapped under an avalanche of falling waste after a forklift truck to turn transport solidified production waste. Another unnamed man, who had been working for Walkers Snack Foods Ltd at the manufacturing firm's Lincoln plant, had been attempting to move the waste with the help of a colleague after it had been filled to the brim with production line waste run-off. The men had been moving the block of solidified waste with the forklift to place it into a bin, only to have the block come tumbling down because the fork lift became stuck at the top. The 400kg block crushed the man's leg, causing severe enough injury to require a 15 week recovery period where he was unable to work. The company, which had been found to have not undertaken safe planning, supervision, or execution of the work that caused the man's injury, was fined -- again for 20,000, much like the farm company. Accident Claims Blog Sitemap Personal Injury Online Limited is regulated by the Ministry of Justice in respect of regulated claims management activities. No. CRM25737. This registration is recorded on the Claims Regulation website. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"That's because Seven was so short on money (the network were saving up for a likely bid for the 2007-11 AFL rights, which they got), they couldn't afford to send all of their commentators to Athens back in 2004, so they sent only Bruce McAvaney, Raelene Boyle, Phil Liggett to call the games from Athens, while the majority of their commentary team called the Olympics from a studio booth in Melbourne.It'll be interesting to see what will happen when Nine\/Fox Sports takes over the Olympics TV rights from Seven in time for the 2012 Olympics from London. In fact Nine's likely Olympic team could be like this: Channel 7 is sending a lot more commentators and production team to Beijing that the rubbish they did in 2004 and had them calling from a studio in Melbourne. The fact that China is in our time zone and that most finals will be on in peak ratings time means they will do it. Also as of a couple of months ago 7 still had $2bil in the bank after selling off half their equity to KKR at the end of 2006.And supposedly their new studios wont be finished in time to co-ordinate such a big event. This was reported last October. Because of the Olympic coverage he will have to miss out on calling three rounds of AFL, however the talk around Seven seems to be heading in the direction of Dennis Cometti hosting the coverage on his own of those three rounds with the assistance of the special comments team. A few weeks ago it was announced Bruce will be doing the swimming with Duncan Armstrong and Daniel Kowalski , so like Athens, he will double up with swimming and athletics and call 79 of the 302 finals at the Olympics. Dennis called the swimming for 7 at the Atlanta and Sydney games and in between that he did the 98 World championships in Perth for 7. I wondered if 7 would handball their footy coverage over to Ch 10 for 3 weeks, but looks as if the will try to do both. The footy coverage will be interrupted during the Olympics if an Aussie is the chance to win a medal. Shouldn't happen on a Sunday arvo but a chance on a Friday night. These are the AFL games that will be on Seven while the Olympics is in progress: AUGUST 8: Melbourne v Geelong AUGUST 10: Adelaide v Richmond AUGUST 15: Port Adelaide v Collingwood AUGUST 17: Carlton v Kangaroos AUGUST 22: Western Bulldogs v Essendon AUGUST 24: St Kilda v Adelaide So it'll be interesting to see what Seven will do re AFL coverage. Will they decide to bring these matches I've highlighted from delay to live in case of a clash with their Olympics commitments? Also interesting to see that SEN (who hold the commercial radio rights) will stick with the footy ahead of the Olympics. What will happen if Jana Pittman is a gold medal chance at the athletics and is getting ready to run in the Olympic final, and at the same time Port and Collingwood are dead level at 3 qtr time? Would you stick with the footy, or cross over to Beijing? Most of the Olympics stuff is going to be held in the morning (the finals). The heats would held in the evening (almost in the afternoon here) so would lead into the news. The footy will be okay - and I think Dennis is not going because of his work on the footy with 3aw as well. Wrong, the only thing that has changed for TV is swimming. There are 302 finals. Close to half of the finals are at night time. Maybe Aussie sports fans aren't interested but apart from the road events all other track and field events are at night, as is track cycling, gymnastics, boxing, all the team sport finals, taekwondo, judo etc Some events will be early morning China time ie 7am to 10am so add 2 hours for EST, ie road athletics events, rowing, canoe\/kayak events and the swimming finals will start at 10am Beijing time. I can't remember what Seven did last time, and of course the time difference was greater so there were less clashes. But I think footy kept priority in footy markets. Seven will be glad to show no footy in NSW and Qld; but what the contractual obligations? They might just put the footy on 7HD and Olympics on the main channel - that would cover any contract regarding \"free to air\", even if a large portion of the population don't have the equipment to access it. Seven also are the only commercial network that wanted multi-channelling and have 3 or 4 different versions of their main channel. It is possible this might be used during the Olympics to broadcast different events on each \"view\"; or to have one interrupted by AFL coverage to meet contracts. (That will only be an issue for Sundays, Friday nights can be safely shown after the Olympics have finished their night sessions; even at 3am if need be. or they could be like Nine were in NSW and Qld during Wimbledon or any other event and not show games at all.) In 1988 when the Olympics were in Korea and therefore in our time zone, ch 10 had the Olympics so there was no clash. But as the Olympics started in mid September they would have only clashed with the PF and GF if ch 7 had the rights. In 1992, ch 7 didn't cover all 7 games (ie 15 teams), so the night games were midday to early afternoon in Barcelona and a minor clash, and for the arvo games it was early am in Barcelona. Similar in 1996 at Atlanta. No clash for night games and some minor clashes for afternoon games. Also ch 7 still weren't covering all 8 games. In 2000, the footy season was finished, and in 2004 ch 7 didn't have the footy. But more important than Dennis not going has anyone heard definitely whether or not Roy and HG are going?? Might be hard to schedule, as in Oz they come on between 11 and 12 at night depending on when the coverage finished. But 11pm Beijing time when the sessions finish is 1am EST. Hopefully they get say, the 6.30pm to 7.30pm gigs when there might be a lull in the afternoon schedule. But more important than Dennis not going has anyone heard definitely whether or not Roy and HG are going?? That is the real question. From what i've heard there won't be another Dream unless something is worked out very soon. Also, how could they not show the footy live? IIRC, it'll almost be 24\/7 olypmics on seven with a few exceptions ie news and afl. This means no better homes and gardens so it makes sense to push it forward. These are the AFL games that will be on Seven while the Olympics is in progress: AUGUST 8: Melbourne v Geelong AUGUST 10: Adelaide v Richmond AUGUST 15: Port Adelaide v Collingwood AUGUST 17: Carlton v Kangaroos AUGUST 22: Western Bulldogs v Essendon AUGUST 24: St Kilda v Adelaide So it'll be interesting to see what Seven will do re AFL coverage. Will they decide to bring these matches I've highlighted from delay to live in case of a clash with their Olympics commitments? Also interesting to see that SEN (who hold the commercial radio rights) will stick with the footy ahead of the Olympics. What will happen if Jana Pittman is a gold medal chance at the athletics and is getting ready to run in the Olympic final, and at the same time Port and Collingwood are dead level at 3 qtr time? Would you stick with the footy, or cross over to Beijing ? I cant stand Jana Whatsername, but her event only lasts a minute, like most Olympic Athletic events. Id probably only miss a quarter of footy for the 1500m ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Something To Think About Lyrics Willie Nelson You're wondering just what I'll do now that it's over and done Well that's something to think about and I've already begun I suppose that I'll find a way people usually do But it's something to think about I'll be lost without you One thing I would have you do please consider the dawn The dawn of your lonely years when youth and beauty are gone And when you can no longer have any sweetheart you choose Here is something to think about I'll still be thinking of you One thing I would have you do ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Insolvencies -- a sign of the times Company insolvencies are a sign of a healthy economy and preventing companies from failing may be stifling the innovation the country needs to grow. John Alexander explains While insolvency statistics for companies show a continued decline in 2012 (Q2 liquidations are down 3.6% on the previous quarter), the economy remains effectively stagnant and businesses are generally therefore not growing, despite last week's announcement that the UK economy has grown 1%. Insolvencies, together with mergers and acquisitions, new company registrations, recruitment, and redundancies are, strange though it may seem, a sign of a healthy economy. We need growth even if it results in further company failures. Analysis of the number of new companies created and the number of company insolvencies over the last 10 years shows a pattern. In the two years ended 31 March 2002, the number of new companies registered in England and Wales at Companies House as a percentage of the total registered were relatively low, at 15% and 14%. In the following two years company insolvencies fell by 13% and 11%. However, in 2003 and 2004 new company registrations ran at 18% and 19% and in the following two years company insolvencies increased by 7% and 8%. Similarly, in 2006 and 2007 new company registrations increased by 17% and 18% and two years later, company insolvencies jumped by 28% and 14%. In 2009 new registrations dropped to 12% and insolvencies in 2010 dropped by 21% and continued at much the same rate in 2011. The rate of growth, if indeed there has been any real growth, in UK GDP followed the same pattern as new company registrations. A period of relatively high growth in GDP (and in these times of stagnation \"high\" is definitely relative) was accompanied by a surge in new company registrations followed by an increase in the number of corporate insolvencies. Equally telling is that in 2010 and 2011 -- a period of virtually no net growth in GDP -- there was initially a drop of 21% in company insolvencies, followed by a period of virtually no change in the number of corporate insolvencies. Fundamental problems There are, of course, some major corporate insolvencies that indicate fundamental problems in the economy and in particular a lack of consumer confidence, as can be seen in the recent spate of large High Street retailers going to the wall. This may be simply a natural result of the increase in online retailing, making it less necessary for national brands to have outlets in every High Street. However, all is not as bad as it may seem, as most are sold on, in whole or in part, enabling businesses and jobs to be preserved. Administrations, with or without a 'pre-pack' sale, are clearly doing what the legislation intended -- enabling businesses to be rescued out of insolvent companies. For many years it has been evident that the single biggest cause of business failure is bad management. Of course, the knock-on effect of falling demand or the failure of a key supplier or, even worse, a major customer, can be the final nail in the coffin. However, good managers will, as far as possible, have plans in place to deal with such occurrences. In a stagnant or declining economy some companies continue to do well. They may have a niche product that appears insulated from recession (eg Rolls Royce's 30% increase in sales in the UK over the past year) but, more probably, they have effective management that have learnt how to manage their resources in a difficult trading period and ensured they have financing in place to deal with the inevitable \"unexpected\" events. However the current economic situation is masking a peculiar phenomenon, which is far from healthy. When growth returns Low interest rates for corporate loans or overdrafts enable poorly performing companies to struggle on, covering their relatively low financing charges, whie not creating reserves that will be required when business picks up again and they will need to finance growth. We will see, therefore, when the rate of growth in GDP really starts to rise again, an increasing number of company insolvencies, not resulting from a recent increase in new company registrations, but from a lack of the resources needed to fund an increase in demand for their products. Similarly, the lack of resources available now to fund research, development and innovation will restrict growth when the opportunities to develop come around again. Also the fact that banks are allowing poorly performing managers to remain in business so long as they are merely servicing their debts, is failing to drive those managers that are innovative and imaginative. Even good managers, in these circumstances, have to spend too long fire-fighting, micro-managing costs or simply treading water. This is curbing their entrepreneurial tendencies. Companies that take risks grow and, sometimes, fail. In the current environment there is no real growth, no risk-taking and no innovation, thus relatively few companies are going bust. By propping up companies that may be in difficulty, we may actually be stifling the innovation the country needs for us to grow and trade out of the current mire. John Alexander is an insolvency practitioner and partner at accountancy firm, Carter Backer Winter This week economia is guest-edited by entrepreneur Natalie Campbell . Follow more coverage from Global Entrepreneurship week at #GEW2012 ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"LORD McAlpine reached a 125,000 settlement with ITV and Phillip Schofield yesterday as his lawyers confirmed they will continue to pursue damages from people who wrongly named him as a paedophile on Twitter. In a joint statement with This Morning presenter Mr Schofield, ITV said it had agreed to settle the peer's libel claim in relation to the programme's broadcast on November 8. The broadcaster sparked controversy after Mr Schofield brandished a list of names of alleged abusers that he had found on the internet and handed it to British prime minister David Cameron during a live interview, asking if he would investigate them. \"ITV and Phillip Schofield apologise unreservedly to Lord McAlpine, have agreed the terms of a statement to be made in open court, and have agreed to pay him damages of 125,000 and his legal costs,\" the statement said. It is not known whether Mr Schofield will have to foot any of the bill himself. The agreement with ITV comes a week after the former Tory politician reached a 185,000 settlement with the BBC after it broadcast a botched Newsnight investigation into child abuse at a north Wales care home. Lord McAlpine was mistakenly implicated by Newsnight's November 2 broadcast in a paedophile ring that targeted children at the care home in Wrexham. His name was then widely mentioned on the internet, including social networking site Twitter. Lord McAlpine said yester-day that he was pleased to have reached a \"pragmatic settlement with ITV\". A statement from his lawyers said: \"The settlement reflects the fact that this defamatory incident was aired on ITV post publication of the BBC Newsnight programme, which originally brought this matter into the public domain.\" Solicitor Andrew Reid told BBC Radio 4's The World At One that the Newsnight programme had effectively \"set the pot boiling\" and \"the Schofield stunt added fuel to the fire that was already there\". He said that now they had dealt with the BBC and ITV, they would move to \"large-scale tweeters\", including Sally Bercow, wife of John Bercow, the speaker of the House of Commons, whose solicitors Mr Reid said had now replied to them. Mrs Bercow posted on November 4, \"Why is Lord McAlpine trending? *innocent face*.\" She appears to have since deactivated her account and quit the site. Mr Reid also confirmed that he has spoken to Scotland Yard about the possibility of a police investigation into people who \"maliciously\" retweeted the peer's name. Asked whether Lord McAlpine would be ready to accept an apology from those who named him online, he said: \"No. There will be damages paid, and costs.\" Lord McAlpine has asked those who linked him to child abuse allegations to apologise formally and pay a \"sensible and modest amount\", which he plans to donate to BBC Children In Need. Mr Reid said they had already received \"a huge amount of emails\" from Twitter users, which have now been processed. \"We have got a website up where people can get on, fill in the form and then we will come back to them once we have set the amount of money we are going to ask them to pay us for us to forward on to BBC Children In Need.\" He said software they are using allows them to look at all social media, not just Twitter, and urged people to come forward. Asked what explanation tweeters were giving for naming Lord McAlpine online, Mr Reid said, \"Most of them seemed to have this idea that Twitter was like their kitchen table or a coffee morning. They just didn't think that the ordinary laws that apply to defamation applied to Twitter. \"All of them said 'We are re-ally sorry, we just didn't realise what we were doing and we didn't realise the effect of the proliferation of tweets.\" Mr Reid also confirmed that he had met senior officers from Scotland Yard to discuss a \"hardcore of people\" who were acting maliciously by \"retweeting\" about the peer. \"No doubt in due course they will investigate that, or not. That's up to the police, not up to ourselves,\" he said. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Historians do not, as too many of my colleagues keep mindlessly repeating, \"reconstruct\" the past. What historians do is produce knowledge about the past, or, with respect to each individual, fallible historian, produce contributions to knowledge about the past. Thus the best and most concise definition of history is: The bodies of knowledge about the past produced by historians, together with everything that is involved in the production, communication of, and teaching about that knowledge. 2. The Necessity for History All developed countries have their National Archives (called the Public Record Office in Britain) and a historical profession, both paid for out of taxpayers' money. This is in recognition of the simple fact that knowledge of the past is essential to society. What happens in the present, and what will happen in the future, is very much governed by what happened in the past. It is obvious that knowledge of the past has not brought easy solutions to problems in, say, Northern Ireland, the Balkans, or Palestine. But without a thorough knowledge of past events and circumstances, we could not even attempt to grapple with these problems. Without knowledge of the past we would be without identity, we would be lost on an endless sea of time. The simplest answer to the questions \"Why do history?\" or \"What is the use of history?\" is: \"Try to imagine what it would be like to live in a society where there was absolutely no knowledge of the past.\" The mind boggles. Of course, if history has this vital importance for society, then it must be as accurate as possible, it must be based on evidence and logical thought, not on specious theory or political ideology. 3. Other Justifications for History Those who study history, for career purposes, or just for personal enjoyment, have other reasons apart from this all-embracing justification for national resources being channelled into the study of history. Many of us feel the almost poetic appeal of the past, have a passionate interest in finding out what really did happen in the past - practically all of the world's major tourist traps relate to the appeal of the past (the Tower of London, San Gimignano in Tuscany, Ephesus in Turkey). It is historians who provide the contextual knowledge that eventually works its way into the guide books, and again the need is for accuracy not specious theory. Historians also provide the contextual knowledge for great works of art and literature, thus enhancing our enjoyment of these. In addition, the study of history offers to individuals major utilitarian learning outcomes. Training in history is training in analysing, evaluating, and interpreting both secondary and primary sources. It develops an understanding that everything written pertaining to history, secondary or primary, must be approached with scepticism and caution. It develops the ability to distinguish between pieces of writing which are well-substantiated and logical, and those which simply express theory, hypothesis, or opinion. The skills and learning outcomes rising from historical study are invaluable in a contemporary world which is dominated by information and communications. The methods and skills required of the historian, and, more important, the attitudes of mind transmitted in the teaching of history, are of vital importance in assessing and filtering the messages constantly battering against us. History also provides a training in the writing up of the results of one's researches, in the form of essays, reports, dissertations. What is essential in history is clear and effective communication, well structured, and written in precise and explicit language. 4. The Subjectivity Question Many who call themselves \"historians\" do, indeed, use \"history\" as a vehicle for expressing their own political commitment. That is sheer is self-indulgence. History is a scholarly, not a political, activity, and while, as citizens, we certainly should act upon our political views, in writing history we have an absolute obligation to try to exclude them. Most historians, like, most scientists, are motivated by the urge to find out . Much nonsense is talked about historians inevitably being \"subjective\"; the real point is that, being mere human beings, they are \"fallible\", and subject to many kinds of career and social pressures, or indeed common incompetence. Historians do disagree with each other in their interpretations, as do scientists. But history deals with human values, in a way the sciences do not, so there is more scope for differences in evaluation. Historical evidence is fragmentary, intractable, and imperfect. Individual books and articles may clash with each other; there will always be areas where uncertainty persists, but steadily agreed knowledge emerges in the form of works of synthesis and high-quality textbooks. History, like the sciences, is a co-operative enterprise. Some historians today still seem to perceive historians (usually themselves) as great literary and media figures, as individual intellectual and moral giants giving leadership to ordinary readers. Such historians - subscribers to what I call the \" auteur theory\" - tend to glory in their own subjectivity. By all means enjoy their literary flourishes, but always remember that the aims of a work of history are very different from those of a work of literature. 5. History and the Past The existence of the (mistaken) notion that historians \"reconstruct\" the past does indicate that there is an awareness of the distinction between \"history\" and \"the past\", though this distinction is often obfuscated. Particularly is this the case with the metahistorians - A.J. Toynbee, right-wing political scientists like Francis Fukuyama, Marxists, and postmodernists - who, apart from any other uses, apply the term \"history\" to some great process (invented by themselves) whereby the past unfolds in a series of stages into the present and on into the future. In their own studies this process is taken as a given, and they test the history of historians against this given. No, to keep clear of all the misconceptions which abound in historical epistemology we have to make a firm distinction between history as \"the bodies of knowledge about the past produced by historians\", and \"the past\" as \"everything which actually happened, whether known, or written, about by historians or not\". 6. Periodization It follows from all of this that periodization, the dividing of the past up into the eras or periods, has no a priori existence. It is simply an analytical tool of historians. A periodization which makes sense for the West, will not make sense for Africa or Asia. A periodization which makes sense for economic history, may well not make sense for social or political history. 7. Primary and Secondary Sources The only way we can have knowledge of the past is through studying the relics and traces left by past societies, the primary sources. Primary sources, as it were, form the basic \"raw material\" of history; they are sources which came into existence within the period being investigated. The articles and books written up later by historians, drawing upon these primary sources, converting the raw material into history, are secondary sources (pedants insist on pointing out that secondary sources may become primary sources for still later historians, but this is a matter of such triviality as scarcely to be worth bothering about). The distinction between primary and secondary sources is a critical one, though no historian has ever pretended that it offers a magic key to the nature of historical study, or that primary sources have a necromantic potency denied to secondary ones. There is always some excitement about being in contact with a genuine primary source, but one will not learn very much from a single source. Reading through an edited selection of excerpts from primary sources will have the salutary effect of bringing one in contact with the thinking and language of past generations, but it will not amount to research. If the ordinary reader, or history student, wants to learn quickly about the role and status of women during the Renaissance, or about the causes of the First World War, they will be well advised to go to the secondary authorities, a knowledge of the principles of history being useful in separating out the more reliable from the less. But if you are planning to make an original contribution to historical knowledge, you are unlikely to make much of a stir if you stick strictly to other people's work, that is, the secondary sources - to which, it should be stressed the research historian will frequently return throughout all stages of research and writing. The difference is critical in that strategy which all historians, in one way or another, devise in embarking on a new research project. It is through the secondary sources that one becomes beware of the gaps in knowledge, problems unsolved, suspect explanations. It is with the aid of the secondary sources, and all the other resources of the profession, that one begins to identify the archives in which one will commence one's researches. Primary sources, numbingly copious in some areas, are scarce and fragmentary in others. Much has to be garnered indirectly and by inference. Historians do not rely on single sources, but are always seeking corroboration, qualification, correction; the production of history is very much a matter of accumulating details, refining nuances. The technical skills of the historian lie in sorting these matters out, in understanding how and why a particular source came into existence, how relevant it is to the topic under investigation, and, obviously, the particular codes or language in accordance with which the particular source came into being as a concrete artefact. Philosophers, and others ignorant of history, get confused because they think \"primary\" means \"more truthful\", and \"secondary\" means \"less truthful\". That is not the distinction at all. A good secondary source will be as reliable as the historian can possibly make it. Primary sources are full of prejudices and errors. They were not written to serve the interests of historians coming along later: they were written to serve the interests of those who created them, going about their own business. We need to understand not just the distinction between primary and secondary sources, but also that there are different types and levels of secondary source. These range from the most highly specialised research-based work, through high-quality textbooks which incorporate some personal research as well as summarise the work of others, to the simple textbooks, and then on to the many types of popular and non-academic history. 8. Witting and Unwitting Testimony In their work, historians have always recognised that primary sources, as well as containing many kinds of imperfection, also contain many types and many layers of evidence, even if they have tended not to make explicit statements about this. The crucial, though never absolutely rigid, distinction is between the \"witting\" testimony and the \"unwitting\". \"Witting\" means \"deliberate\" or \" intentional\"; \" unwitting\" means \"unaware\" or \"unintentional\". \"Testimony\" means \"evidence\". Thus, \"witting testimony\" is the deliberate or intentional message of a document or other source; the \"unwitting testimony\" is the unintentional evidence (about, for example, the attitudes and values of the author, or about the \"culture\" to which he\/she belongs) that it also contains. Actually, it is the writer, creator, or creators of the document or source who is, or are, intentional or unintentional, not the testimony itself, so these phrases are examples of a figure of speech, the transferred epithet, where the adjective, which strictly speaking should be applied to a person, is transferred to what the person produced - the phrase is all the more effective for that. An understanding of the nature of unwitting testimony, often the most valuable evidence for a historian, might have guarded against the fashion for invoking anthropology and postmodernist theory: from at least the time of Frederick Maitland (1850-1896), historians have been using unwitting testimony to establish the beliefs and customs of past societies. No one is more familiar than the historian with the problems of language to be encountered in primary sources, which abound in obscure technical terms, words and phrases which have changed their meanings over the centuries, attitudes and concepts which no longer exist today, and may be scarcely expressible in the language of today. 9. The Arts as Sources It is fun, and it is becoming fashionable, for historians to work with novels, films, paintings, and even music. Doing this is not evidence of some superior virtue, or sensibility; in fact, most of what we know about most periods in the past will continue to come from the more conventional sources. Historians have had a habit of quoting odd lines from novels, as if these, in themselves, somehow provided some extra illumination. Worse, historians refer to characters in novels (or even films) as if they were real people. If cultural artefacts are to be used at all in serious historical writing (and I believe they should - they can be invaluable for attitudes, values, and quality of cultural life), they have to be used seriously. If one is going to refer to a novel or a film, one must provide the essential contextual information about the artefact, and its production and reception, to make the reference a genuine contribution to knowledge: one must provide a \"Quintessential Summary\" (nature of the artefact, authorial intentions, and so on). When the temptation comes to make use of some cultural artefact the crucial questions to ask are \"Does it tell us anything we didn't know already?\", and, more probingly, \"Does it tell us anything we couldn't discover more readily from another source?\" Novels have sometimes been used as sources for living conditions and standards, as paintings of domestic scenes have sometimes been used as sources for what people ate. But it is far better to go directly to the actual statistics of wage rates and to social investigations for the first topic, and to household accounts, statistics of retail sales and so on for the latter one. A painting of eighteenth-century French peasants consuming bread, garlic and wine may be evidence of their regular diet, but there is always the quite strong possibility that the artist might have been more concerned with infusing his painting with the religious symbolism of the Last Supper than with accurate sociological observation. It is perfectly legitimate for editors and publishers to wish to brighten up articles and books by including reproductions of various works of art. But, with rare exceptions, such art works will, at best, be no more than illustrations; at worst they may have little real relevance to what is being said in the article or book. Serious historians should only use such reproductions as genuine primary sources, explicating them in exactly the same way as they would explicate an extract from a written primary source. 10. Strategy and Structure I have already mentioned the need for identifying a research strategy , using the secondary sources to identify the topics to be addressed and the archives to be used. The writing of history is an iterative process: frequently in writing up one's researches, one will encounter problems necessitating further research in the primary sources, or perhaps the consultation of more secondary sources. The writing of history imposes demands on historians which are very different from those of writing a novel, or, say, literary criticism or sociology. In producing an account which presents a sense of chronological change, and, perhaps, of the movement from one period to another, incorporates explanation, analysis and description, explains causes and consequences, discusses different topics and themes and different aspects of the past (economic, cultural, and so on), and which best conveys to the reader what actually was happening, what interactions there were, what changed, and what did not, it is essential to develop a structure (that is, the sequence of chapters and sections within chapters, and the way in which these are related to each other). 11. Writing History We expect novelists, poets, and playwrights to exploit the ambiguities and resonances of language, even, perhaps, to express directly the dictates of the unconscious, not always logical in its choice of words. Historians, on the other hand, should convey their findings as clearly and explicitly as possible. Some metaphors may be an aid to communication, others will simply contribute to confusion and obfuscation. With all the temptations to indulge in metaphor and rhetoric, clich, sloppy phrasing and slang, getting it right is fiendishly difficult. Two essential injunctions are: \"reflect\" and \"revise\". What is it you really want to say? Is precise explication really assisted by phrases like, \"webs of meaning\", \"cultural scripts\", \"discursive domains\"? Revise, not to achieve elaborate literary effect, but to convey precisely what you mean to the reader. An exact, uncluttered style is essential to historical communication, it is not an extra; and if the style can be elegant (which is very different from being elaborate or rhetorical) so much the better. Sentiment is not enough in historical writing, what is needed is thought . 12. Nothing Ruled Out All human activities, including history, are culturally (or socially, the meanings in this instance are the same) influenced, but history is not \"culturally constructed\" or \"culturally determined\". Too many nave statements have been made along the lines of \"each age rewrites its history\". History is not a formation dance in which everybody in one period marches in one direction, and then, in the next, marches off in a different direction. What has happened in the history of historical writing is that the scope, and the sophistication, of history have steadily extended. In the twentieth century there was some development away from political history, but political history is still very important. In fact, no one type of history is intrinsically better than another: provided the fundamental, but ever-expanding methodologies are adhered to, it all depends upon which topics and questions are being addressed. In the recent study of history greater emphasis has been given to comparative history and to cultural history: but one of the greatest strengths of history today is that nothing is ruled out. Conclusion At its very core history must be a scholarly discipline, based on thorough analysis of the evidence, and in the writing up of which language is deployed with the utmost precision. There must be constant awareness of the methods and principles of that discipline, constant attention to how it is taught, and how, at different levels, it is communicated to wider audiences. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Theatre A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Back to the 60s: the National Theatre's A Funny Thing Happened... Photo: Tristram Kenton Why should the National revive this evergreen mix of Plautine comedy and American vaudeville? One answer, as Edward Hall's joyously eclectic production proves, is that A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is both a nostalgic throwback and a pioneering experiment - a musical farce predating The Producers by 40 years. The book by Burt Shevelove and Larry Gelbart is a brilliant synthesis of stock characters from Plautus: the manipulative slave, the military braggart, the senescent lecher. But, into this cat's cradle of a plot about the attempts of Pseudolus to secure a bride for his master, Stephen Sondheim has inserted a group of songs that literally stop the show. Instead of advancing the story, they provide a musical respite; and, although Sondheim once said that \"about three-quarters of the score is wrong\", here a dozen wrongs add up to a right. Hall instantly grasps the show's formal playfulness by making the opening number, Comedy Tonight, a comic climax: as Pseudolus itemises the evening's ingredients, including tumblers who pop out of a skip like jacks-in-the-box, they coalesce to form a high-kicking finale. Having started, as it were, at the end, Hall is then free to focus on the show's constituent parts. And nothing is more characteristic of Sondheim's elegant wit than a number like Free, in which Pseudolus hymns the joys of liberty, which include \"the right to buy a slave for me\". But the production's success lies in its ability to draw together a whole range of performance traditions. Desmond Barrit, an RSC Falstaff, lends Pseudolus his own brand of roguish geniality: even the moment when his eyes lasciviously follow a courtesan's rotating hips is purged of offence by his unthreatening charm. Sam Kelly's hilariously goggle-eyed Senex, meanwhile, belongs to the old music-hall tradition of the hen-pecked husband. Hall has shrewdly recruited the Right Size's Hamish McColl to play the quivering Hysterium. Philip Quast parodies the macho solemnity he has brought to earlier musicals by playing Miles Gloriosus as a vain sex object suspending his helmet from his private parts. The courtesans, dominated by Tiffany Graves's whip-cracking Gymnasia, come from some limitless beauty pool. Even the design, by Improbable's Julian Crouch, gives a Roman street an ironic antiquity. The result is a ministry of all the talents that does rich justice to this vertiginously funny show. Most popular on the Guardian Today in pictures After advising tourists against travel to the cities of Jammu and Srinagar for nearly 20 years, the Foreign Office has lifted its guidelines after a fall in violence. So, Dal Lake and part of the Valley of Kashmir, one of India's most beautiful regions, are once again open to visitors ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Genocide is the systematic destruction of all or part of a racial , ethnic , religious or national group via the a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; or (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Genocide entails also the Conspiracy to commit genocide; Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; Attempt to commit genocide; and Complicity in genocide. . [ 1 ] What constitutes enough of a \"part\" to qualify as genocide has been subject to much debate by legal scholars. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] While a precise definition varies among genocide scholars , a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2 of this convention defines genocide as \"any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national , ethnical , racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.\" [ 4 ] Lemkin defined genocide as follows: \"Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.\" The preamble to the CPPCG states that instances of genocide have taken place throughout history, [ 4 ] but it was not until Raphael Lemkin coined the term and the prosecution of perpetrators of the Holocaust at the Nuremberg trials that the United Nations agreed to the CPPCG which defined the crime of genocide under international law. During a video interview with Raphael Lemkin, the interviewer asked him about how he came to be interested in this genocide. He replied; \"I became interested in genocide because it happened so many times. It happened to the Armenians , then after the Armenians, Hitler took action.\" [ 6 ] [ 7 ] Lemkin was also a close relative of genocide victims; he lost 49 of his relatives to the Holocaust . However, his work on defining genocide as a crime dates back to 1933, and it was prompted by the Simele massacre in Iraq. [ 8 ] There was a gap of more than forty years between the CPPCG coming into force and the first prosecution under the provisions of the treaty. To date all international prosecutions of genocide, the Rwandan Genocide and the Srebrenica Genocide , have been by ad hoc international tribunals . [ 9 ] The International Criminal Court came into existence in 2002 and it has the authority to try people from the states that have signed the treaty, but to date it has not tried anyone. Since the CPPCG came into effect in January 1951 about 80 member states of the United Nations have passed legislation that incorporates the provisions of the CPPCG into their domestic law, and some perpetrators of genocide have been found guilty under such municipal laws, such as Nikola Jorgic , who was found guilty of genocide in Bosnia by a German court ( Jorgic v. Germany ). Critics of the CPPCG point to the narrow definition of the groups that are protected under the treaty, particularly the lack of protection for political groups for what has been termed politicide (politicide is included as genocide under some municipal jurisdictions). [ 10 ] One of the problems was that until there was a body of case law from prosecutions, the precise definition of what the treaty meant had not been tested in court, for example, what precisely does the term \"in part\" mean? As more perpetrators are tried under international tribunals and municipal court cases, a body of legal arguments and legal interpretations are helping to address these issues. The exclusion of political groups and politically motivated violence from the international definition of genocide is particularly controversial. The reason for this exclusion is because a number of UN member nations insisted on it when the Genocide Convention was being drafted in 1948. They argued that political groups are too vaguely defined, as well as temporary and unstable. They further held that international law should not seek to regulate or limit political conflicts, since that would give the UN too much power to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign nations. [ 11 ] In the years since then, critics have argued that the exclusion of political groups from the definition, as well as the lack of a specific reference to the destruction of a social group through the forcible removal of a population, was designed to protect the Soviet Union and the Western Allies from possible accusations of genocide in the wake of World War II. [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] Another criticism of the CPPCG is that when its provisions have been invoked by the United Nations Security Council , they have only been invoked to punish those who have already committed genocide and have left a paper trail. It was this criticism that led to the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1674 by the United Nations Security Council on 28 April 2006 which commits the Council to action to protect civilians in armed conflict and to protect populations from genocide, war crimes , ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity . To supplement this proactive stance, the international community at the UN adopted the Responsibility to Protect at the 2005 World Summit , which states that governments and states have the primary responsibility of preventing and deterring these four high crimes from impacting their own populations. Should the government of any country manifestly fail in this responsibility, the UN has resolved to act collectively to stop the immediate manifestations of these crimes. [ 15 ] Genocide scholars such as Gregory Stanton have postulated that conditions and acts that often occur before, during, and after genocide\u2014such as dehumanization of victim groups, strong organization of genocidal groups, and denial of genocide by its perpetrators\u2014can be identified and actions taken to stop genocides before they happen. Critics of this approach such as Dirk Moses assert that this is unrealistic and that, for example, \" Darfur will end when it suits the great powers that have a stake in the region\" . The CPPCG was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948 and came into effect on 12 January 1951 (Resolution 260 (III)). It contains an internationally recognized definition of genocide which was incorporated into the national criminal legislation of many countries, and was also adopted by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court , the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Convention (in article 2) defines genocide: (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. \u2014 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II The first draft of the Convention included political killings, but the USSR [ 20 ] (a WWII winner, as well as a permanent Security Council member), along with some other nations would not accept that actions against groups identified as holding similar political opinions or social status would constitute genocide, [ 21 ] so these stipulations were subsequently removed in a political and diplomatic compromise. The Convention was manifestly adopted for humanitarian and civilizing purposes. Its objectives are to safeguard the very existence of certain human groups and to affirm and emphasize the most elementary principles of humanity and morality. In view of the rights involved, the legal obligations to refrain from genocide are recognized as erga omnes . When the Convention was drafted, it was already envisaged that it would apply not only to then existing forms of genocide, but also \"to any method that might be evolved in the future with a view to destroying the physical existence of a group\". [ 22 ] As emphasized in the preamble to the Convention, genocide has marred all periods of history, and it is this very tragic recognition that gives the concept its historical evolutionary nature. The Convention must be interpreted in good faith, in accordance with the ordinary meaning of its terms, in their context, and in the light of its object and purpose. Moreover, the text of the Convention should be interpreted in such a way that a reason and a meaning can be attributed to every word. No word or provision may be disregarded or treated as superfluous, unless this is absolutely necessary to give effect to the terms read as a whole. [ 23 ] Genocide is a crime under international law regardless of \"whether committed in time of peace or in time of war\" (art. I). Thus, irrespective of the context in which it occurs (for example, peace time, internal strife, international armed conflict or whatever the general overall situation) genocide is a punishable international crime. \u2014 UN Commission of Experts that examined violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. [ 24 ] In 2007 the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), noted in its judgement on Jorgic v. Germany case that in 1992 the majority of legal scholars took the narrow view that \"intent to destroy\" in the CPPCG meant the intended physical-biological destruction of the protected group and that this was still the majority opinion. But the ECHR also noted that a minority took a broader view and did not consider biological-physical destruction was necessary as the intent to destroy a national, racial, religious or ethnic group was enough to qualify as genocide. [ 25 ] In the same judgement the ECHR reviewed the judgements of several international and municipal courts judgements. It noted that International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice had agreed with the narrow interpretation, that biological-physical destruction was necessary for an act to qualify as genocide. The ECHR also noted that at the time of its judgement, apart from courts in Germany which had taken a broad view, that there had been few cases of genocide under other Convention States municipal laws and that \"There are no reported cases in which the courts of these States have defined the type of group destruction the perpetrator must have intended in order to be found guilty of genocide\". [ 26 ] The phrase \"in whole or in part\" has been subject to much discussion by scholars of international humanitarian law. [ 2 ] The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia found in Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstic \u2013 Trial Chamber I \u2013 Judgment \u2013 IT-98-33 (2001) ICTY8 (2 August 2001) [ 27 ] that Genocide had been committed. In Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstic \u2013 Appeals Chamber \u2013 Judgment \u2013 IT-98-33 (2004) ICTY 7 (19 April 2004) [ 28 ] paragraphs 8, 9, 10, and 11 addressed the issue of in part and found that \"the part must be a substantial part of that group. The aim of the Genocide Convention is to prevent the intentional destruction of entire human groups, and the part targeted must be significant enough to have an impact on the group as a whole.\" The Appeals Chamber goes into details of other cases and the opinions of respected commentators on the Genocide Convention to explain how they came to this conclusion. The judges continue in paragraph 12, \"The determination of when the targeted part is substantial enough to meet this requirement may involve a number of considerations. The numeric size of the targeted part of the group is the necessary and important starting point, though not in all cases the ending point of the inquiry. The number of individuals targeted should be evaluated not only in absolute terms, but also in relation to the overall size of the entire group. In addition to the numeric size of the targeted portion, its prominence within the group can be a useful consideration. If a specific part of the group is emblematic of the overall group, or is essential to its survival, that may support a finding that the part qualifies as substantial within the meaning of Article 4 [of the Tribunal's Statute].\" [ 29 ] [ 30 ] In paragraph 13 the judges raise the issue of the perpetrators' access to the victims: \"The historical examples of genocide also suggest that the area of the perpetrators\u2019 activity and control, as well as the possible extent of their reach, should be considered. ... The intent to destroy formed by a perpetrator of genocide will always be limited by the opportunity presented to him. While this factor alone will not indicate whether the targeted group is substantial, it can\u2014in combination with other factors\u2014inform the analysis.\" [ 28 ] After the minimum 20 countries became parties to the Convention, it came into force as international law on 12 January 1951. At that time however, only two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) were parties to the treaty: France and the Republic of China . Eventually the Soviet Union ratified in 1954, the United Kingdom in 1970, the People's Republic of China in 1983 (having replaced the Taiwan-based Republic of China on the UNSC in 1971), and the United States in 1988. This long delay in support for the Genocide Convention by the world's most powerful nations caused the Convention to languish for over four decades. Only in the 1990s did the international law on the crime of genocide begin to be enforced. In 2008 the U.N. Security Council adopted resolution 1820 , which noted that \u201crape and other forms of sexual violence can constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity or a constitutive act with respect to genocide\u201d. [ 33 ] Since the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) came into effect in January 1951 about 80 member states of the United Nations have passed legislation that incorporates the provisions of the CPPCG into their municipal law . [ 34 ] William Schabas has suggested that a permanent body as recommended by the Whitaker Report to monitor the implementation of the Genocide Convention, and require States to issue reports on their compliance with the convention (such as were incorporated into the United Nations Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture ), would make the convention more effective. [ 35 ] Writing in 1998 Kurt Jonassohn and Karin Bj\u00f6rnson stated that the CPPCG was a legal instrument resulting from a diplomatic compromise. As such the wording of the treaty is not intended to be a definition suitable as a research tool, and although it is used for this purpose, as it has an international legal credibility that others lack, other definitions have also been postulated. Jonassohn and Bj\u00f6rnson go on to say that none of these alternative definitions have gained widespread support for various reasons. [ 36 ] Jonassohn and Bj\u00f6rnson postulate that the major reason why no single generally accepted genocide definition has emerged is because academics have adjusted their focus to emphasise different periods and have found it expedient to use slightly different definitions to help them interpret events. For example Frank Chalk and Kurt Jonassohn studied the whole of human history, while Leo Kuper and R. J. Rummel in their more recent works concentrated on the 20th century, and Helen Fein , Barbara Harff and Ted Gurr have looked at post World War II events. Jonassohn and Bj\u00f6rnson are critical of some of these studies arguing that they are too expansive and concludes that the academic discipline of genocide studies is too young to have a canon of work on which to build an academic paradigm . [ 36 ] The exclusion of social and political groups as targets of genocide in the CPPCG legal definition has been criticized by some historians and sociologists, for example M. Hassan Kakar in his book The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979\u20131982 [ 37 ] argues that the international definition of genocide is too restricted, [ 38 ] and that it should include political groups or any group so defined by the perpetrator and quotes Chalk and Jonassohn: \"Genocide is a form of one-sided mass killing in which a state or other authority intends to destroy a group, as that group and membership in it are defined by the perpetrator.\" [ 39 ] While there are various definitions of the term, Adam Jones states that the majority of genocide scholars consider that \"intent to destroy\" is a requirement for any act to be labelled genocide, and that there is growing agreement on the inclusion of the physical destruction criterion. [ 40 ] Barbara Harff and Ted Gurr defined genocide as \"the promotion and execution of policies by a state or its agents which result in the deaths of a substantial portion of a group ...[when] the victimized groups are defined primarily in terms of their communal characteristics, i.e., ethnicity, religion or nationality.\" [ 41 ] Harff and Gurr also differentiate between genocides and politicides by the characteristics by which members of a group are identified by the state. In genocides, the victimized groups are defined primarily in terms of their communal characteristics, i.e., ethnicity, religion or nationality. In politicides the victim groups are defined primarily in terms of their hierarchical position or political opposition to the regime and dominant groups. [ 42 ] [ 43 ] Daniel D. Polsby and Don B. Kates, Jr. state that \"... we follow Harff's distinction between genocides and ' pogroms ,' which she describes as 'short-lived outbursts by mobs, which, although often condoned by authorities, rarely persist.' If the violence persists for long enough, however, Harff argues, the distinction between condonation and complicity collapses.\" [ 44 ] [ 45 ] According to R. J. Rummel, genocide has 3 different meanings. The ordinary meaning is murder by government of people due to their national, ethnic, racial, or religious group membership. The legal meaning of genocide refers to the international treaty, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide . This also includes non-killings that in the end eliminate the group, such as preventing births or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group. A generalized meaning of genocide is similar to the ordinary meaning but also includes government killings of political opponents or otherwise intentional murder. It is to avoid confusion regarding what meaning is intended that Rummel created the term democide for the third meaning. [ 46 ] Highlighting the potential for state and non-state actors to commit genocide in the 21st century, for example, in failed states or as non-state actors acquire weapons of mass destruction, Adrian Gallagher defined genocide as 'When a source of collective power (usually a state) intentionally uses its power base to implement a process of destruction in order to destroy a group (as defined by the perpetrator), in whole or in substantial part, dependent upon relative group size'. [ 47 ] The definition upholds the centrality of intent, the multidimensional understanding of destroy, broadens the definition of group identity beyond that of the 1948 definition yet argues that a substantial part of a group has to be destroyed before it can be classified as genocide (dependent on relative group size). A major criticism of the international community's response to the Rwandan Genocide was that it was reactive, not proactive. The international community has developed a mechanism for prosecuting the perpetrators of genocide but has not developed the will or the mechanisms for intervening in a genocide as it happens. Critics point to the Darfur conflict and suggest that if anyone is found guilty of genocide after the conflict either by prosecutions brought in the International Criminal Court or in an ad hoc International Criminal Tribunal, this will confirm this perception. [ citation needed ] The Kurdish Genocide,[4] Operation Anfal or simply Anfal, was a genocidal[5] campaign against the Kurdish people (and other non- Arab populations) in northern Iraq , led by the Ba'athist Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and headed by Ali Hassan al-Majid in the final stages of the Iran-Iraq War . The campaign takes its name from Surat al-Anfal in the Qur'an , which was used as a code name by the former Iraqi Baathist government for a series of systematic attacks against the Kurdish population of northern Iraq, conducted between 1986 and 1989 and culminating in 1988.The campaign also destroyed over 4500 villages and killed over 182,000 Kurdish people. Sweden , Norway and the United Kingdom officially recognize the Anfal campaign as genocide.[7] On December 5, 2012, the Swedish parliament ( Riksdag ) adopted a resolution by the Green party to officially recognize the Anfal Campaign as genocide. The resolution was passed by all 349 members of parliament.[8] On February 28, 2013, the British House of Commons formally recognized the Anfal Campaign as genocide following a campaign led by Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi.[9] All signatories to the CPPCG are required to prevent and punish acts of genocide, both in peace and wartime, though some barriers make this enforcement difficult. In particular, some of the signatories\u2014namely, Bahrain , Bangladesh , India , Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , the United States , Vietnam , Yemen , and former Yugoslavia \u2014signed with the proviso that no claim of genocide could be brought against them at the International Court of Justice without their consent. [ 48 ] Despite official protests from other signatories (notably Cyprus and Norway ) on the ethics and legal standing of these reservations, the immunity from prosecution they grant has been invoked from time to time, as when the United States refused to allow a charge of genocide brought against it by former Yugoslavia following the 1999 Kosovo War . [ 49 ] It is commonly accepted [ citation needed ] that, at least since World War II , genocide has been illegal under customary international law as a peremptory norm , as well as under conventional international law . Acts of genocide are generally difficult to establish for prosecution, because a chain of accountability must be established. International criminal courts and tribunals function primarily because the states involved are incapable or unwilling to prosecute crimes of this magnitude themselves. Because the universal acceptance of international laws , defining and forbidding genocide was achieved in 1948, with the promulgation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG), those criminals who were prosecuted after the war in international courts, for taking part in the Holocaust were found guilty of crimes against humanity and other more specific crimes like murder. Nevertheless the Holocaust is universally recognized to have been a genocide and the term, that had been coined the year before by Raphael Lemkin , [ 50 ] appeared in the indictment of the 24 Nazi leaders , Count 3, stated that all the defendants had \"conducted deliberate and systematic genocide\u2014namely, the extermination of racial and national groups...\" [ 51 ] International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (1993 to present) [ edit ] The term Bosnian Genocide is used to refer either to the genocide committed by Serb forces in Srebrenica in 1995, [ 52 ] or to ethnic cleansing that took place during the 1992\u20131995 Bosnian War (an interpretation rejected by a majority of scholars). [ 53 ] On 26 February 2007, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in the Bosnian Genocide Case upheld the ICTY's earlier finding that the Srebrenica massacre in Srebrenica and Zepa constituted genocide, but found that the Serbian government had not participated in a wider genocide on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war, as the Bosnian government had claimed. [ 55 ] On 12 July 2007, European Court of Human Rights when dismissing the appeal by Nikola Jorgi\u0107 against his conviction for genocide by a German court ( Jorgic v. Germany ) noted that the German courts wider interpretation of genocide has since been rejected by international courts considering similar cases. [ 56 ] [ 57 ] [ 58 ] The ECHR also noted that in the 21st century \"Amongst scholars, the majority have taken the view that ethnic cleansing , in the way in which it was carried out by the Serb forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to expel Muslims and Croats from their homes, did not constitute genocide. However, there are also a considerable number of scholars who have suggested that these acts did amount to genocide, and the ICTY has found in the Momcilo Krajisnik case that the actus reu, of genocide was met in Prijedor \"With regard to the charge of genocide, the Chamber found that in spite of evidence of acts perpetrated in the municipalities which constituted the actus reus of genocide\". [ 59 ] Slobodan Milo\u0161evi\u0107 , as the former President of Serbia and of Yugoslavia, was the most senior political figure to stand trial at the ICTY. He died on 11 March 2006 during his trial where he was accused of genocide or complicity in genocide in territories within Bosnia and Herzegovina, so no verdict was returned. In 1995, the ICTY issued a warrant for the arrest of Bosnian Serbs Radovan Karad\u017ei\u0107 and Ratko Mladi\u0107 on several charges including genocide. On 21 July 2008, Karad\u017ei\u0107 was arrested in Belgrade, and he is currently in The Hague on trial accused of genocide among other crimes. [ 60 ] Ratko Mladi\u0107 was arrested on 26 May 2011 by Serbian special police in Lazarevo, Serbia. [ 61 ] The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) is a court under the auspices of the United Nations for the prosecution of offenses committed in Rwanda during the genocide which occurred there during April 1994, commencing on 6 April. The ICTR was created on 8 November 1994 by the Security Council of the United Nations in order to judge those people responsible for the acts of genocide and other serious violations of the international law performed in the territory of Rwanda, or by Rwandan citizens in nearby states, between 1 January and 31 December 1994. So far, the ICTR has finished nineteen trials and convicted twenty seven accused persons. On 14 December 2009 two more men were accused and convicted for their crimes. Another twenty five persons are still on trial. Twenty-one are awaiting trial in detention, two more added on 14 December 2009. Ten are still at large. [ 62 ] The first trial, of Jean-Paul Akayesu , began in 1997. In October 1998, Akayesu was sentenced to life imprisonment. Jean Kambanda , interim Prime Minister, pled guilty. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (2003 to present) [ edit ] The Khmer Rouge , led by Pol Pot , Ta Mok and other leaders, organized the mass killing of ideologically suspect groups. The total number of victims is estimated at approximately 1.7 million Cambodians between 1975\u20131979, including deaths from slave labour. [ 63 ] The investigating judges were presented with the names of five possible suspects by the prosecution on 18 July 2007. [ 65 ] [ 68 ] Kang Kek Iew was formally charged with war crime and crimes against humanity and detained by the Tribunal on 31 July 2007. He was indicted on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity on 12 August 2008. [ 69 ] His appeal against his conviction for war crimes and crimes against humanity was rejected on 3 February 2012, and he is serving a sentence of life imprisonment. [ 70 ] Nuon Chea , a former prime minister, who was indicted on charges of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and several other crimes under Cambodian law on 15 September 2010. He was transferred into the custody of the ECCC on 19 September 2007. His trial, which is ongoing, started on 27 June 2011. [ 71 ] [ 72 ] Khieu Samphan , a former head of state, who was indicted on charges of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and several other crimes under Cambodian law on 15 September 2010. He was transferred into the custody of the ECCC on 19 September 2007. His trial, which is ongoing, started on 27 June 2011. [ 71 ] [ 72 ] Ieng Sary , a former foreign minister, who was indicted on charges of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and several other crimes under Cambodian law on 15 September 2010. He was transferred into the custody of the ECCC on 12 November 2007. His trial, which is ongoing, started on 27 June 2011. [ 71 ] [ 72 ] Ieng Thirith , a former minister for social affairs and wife of Ieng Sary, who was indicted on charges of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and several other crimes under Cambodian law on 15 September 2010. She was transferred into the custody of the ECCC on 12 November 2007. Proceedings against her have been suspended pending a health evaluation. [ 72 ] [ 73 ] There has been disagreement between some of the international jurists and the Cambodian government over whether any other people should be tried by the Tribunal. [ 68 ] Since 2002, the International Criminal Court can exercise its jurisdiction if national courts are unwilling or unable to investigate or prosecute genocide, thus being a \"court of last resort,\" leaving the primary responsibility to exercise jurisdiction over alleged criminals to individual states. Due to the United States concerns over the ICC , the United States prefers to continue to use specially convened international tribunals for such investigations and potential prosecutions. [ 74 ] There has been much debate over categorizing the situation in Darfur as genocide. [ 75 ] The on-going conflict in Darfur , Sudan, which started in 2003, was declared a \"genocide\" by United States Secretary of State Colin Powell on 9 September 2004 in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee . [ 76 ] Since that time however, no other permanent member of the UN Security Council followed suit. In fact, in January 2005, an International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur, authorized by UN Security Council Resolution 1564 of 2004, issued a report to the Secretary-General stating that \"the Government of the Sudan has not pursued a policy of genocide.\" [ 77 ] Nevertheless, the Commission cautioned that \"The conclusion that no genocidal policy has been pursued and implemented in Darfur by the Government authorities, directly or through the militias under their control, should not be taken in any way as detracting from the gravity of the crimes perpetrated in that region. International offences such as the crimes against humanity and war crimes that have been committed in Darfur may be no less serious and heinous than genocide.\" [ 77 ] In March 2005, the Security Council formally referred the situation in Darfur to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, taking into account the Commission report but without mentioning any specific crimes. [ 78 ] Two permanent members of the Security Council, the United States and China , abstained from the vote on the referral resolution. [ 79 ] As of his fourth report to the Security Council, the Prosecutor has found \"reasonable grounds to believe that the individuals identified [in the UN Security Council Resolution 1593 ] have committed crimes against humanity and war crimes,\" but did not find sufficient evidence to prosecute for genocide. [ 80 ] In April 2007, the Judges of the ICC issued arrest warrants against the former Minister of State for the Interior, Ahmad Harun , and a Militia Janjaweed leader, Ali Kushayb , for crimes against humanity and war crimes. [ 81 ] On 14 July 2008, prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC), filed ten charges of war crimes against Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir : three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. The ICC's prosecutors claimed that al-Bashir \"masterminded and implemented a plan to destroy in substantial part\" three tribal groups in Darfur because of their ethnicity. On 4 March 2009, the ICC issued a warrant of arrest for Omar Al Bashir, President of Sudan as the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I concluded that his position as head of state does not grant him immunity against prosecution before the ICC. The warrant was for war crimes and crimes against humanity. It did not include the crime of genocide because the majority of the Chamber did not find that the prosecutors had provided enough evidence to include such a charge. [ 82 ] Naked Soviet POWs in Mauthausen concentration camp . \"... the murder of at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs is one of the least-known of modern genocides; there is still no full-length book on the subject in English.\" \u2014Adam Jones [ 83 ] The preamble to the CPPCG states that \"genocide is a crime under international law, contrary to the spirit and aims of the United Nations and condemned by the civilized world,\" and that \"at all periods of history genocide has inflicted great losses on humanity.\" In many cases where accusations of genocide have circulated, partisans have fiercely disputed such an interpretation and the details of the event. This often leads to the promotion of vastly different versions of the event in question. The 'Age of Totalitarianism' included nearly all of the infamous examples of genocide in modern history, headed by the Jewish Holocaust, but also comprising the mass murders and purges of the Communist world, other few killings carried out by Nazi Germany and its allies, and also the Armenian genocide of 1915. All these slaughters, it is argued here, had a common origin, the collapse of the elite structure and normal modes of government of much of central, eastern and southern Europe as a result of the First World War, without which surely neither Communism nor Fascism would have existed except in the minds of unknown agitators and crackpots. Stages of genocide, influences leading to genocide, and efforts to prevent it [ edit ] For genocide to happen, there must be certain preconditions. Foremost among them is a national culture that does not place a high value on human life. A totalitarian society, with its assumed superior ideology, is also a precondition for genocidal acts. [ 86 ] In addition, members of the dominant society must perceive their potential victims as less than fully human: as \"pagans,\" \"savages,\" \"uncouth barbarians,\" \"unbelievers,\" \"effete degenerates,\" \"ritual outlaws,\" \"racial inferiors,\" \"class antagonists,\" \"counterrevolutionaries,\" and so on. [ 87 ] In themselves, these conditions are not enough for the perpetrators to commit genocide. To do that\u2014that is, to commit genocide\u2014the perpetrators need a strong, centralized authority and bureaucratic organization as well as pathological individuals and criminals. Also required is a campaign of vilification and dehumanization of the victims by the perpetrators, who are usually new states or new regimes attempting to impose conformity to a new ideology and its model of society. [ 86 ] The Stanton paper was presented to the State Department, shortly after the Rwandan Genocide and much of its analysis is based on why that genocide occurred. The preventative measures suggested, given the briefing paper's original target audience, were those that the United States could implement directly or indirectly by using its influence on other governments. Stage Characteristics Preventive measures 1. Classification People are divided into \"us and them\". \"The main preventive measure at this early stage is to develop universalistic institutions that transcend ... divisions.\" 2. Symbolization \"When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups...\" \"One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects, or diseases.\" \"Local and international leaders should condemn the use of hate speech and make it culturally unacceptable. Leaders who incite genocide should be banned from international travel and have their foreign finances frozen.\" 4. Organization \"Genocide is always organized... Special army units or militias are often trained and armed...\" \"The U.N. should impose arms embargoes on governments and citizens of countries involved in genocidal massacres , and create commissions to investigate violations\" 5. Polarization \"Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda...\" \"Prevention may mean security protection for moderate leaders or assistance to human rights groups...Coups d\u2019\u00e9tat by extremists should be opposed by international sanctions.\" 6. Preparation \"Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity...\" \"At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared. ...\" 7. Extermination \"It is 'extermination' to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human\". \"At this stage, only rapid and overwhelming armed intervention can stop genocide. Real safe areas or refugee escape corridors should be established with heavily armed international protection.\" \"The response to denial is punishment by an international tribunal or national courts\" In April 2012, it was reported that Stanton would soon be officially adding two new stages, Discrimination and Persecution, to his original theory, which would make for a 10-stage theory of genocide. [ 91 ] In view of this rather poor record of ending genocide, the question needs to be asked why the \"genocide studies\" paradigm cannot predict and prevent genocides with any accuracy and reliability. The paradigm of \"genocide studies,\" as currently constituted in North America in particular, has both strengths and limitations. While the moral fervor and public activism is admirable and salutary, the paradigm appears blind to its own implication in imperial projects that are themselves as much part of the problem as they are part of the solution. The US government called Darfur a genocide to appease domestic lobbies, and because the statement cost it nothing. Darfur will end when it suits the great powers that have a stake in the region. Other authors have focused on the structural conditions leading up to genocide and the psychological and social processes that create an evolution toward genocide. Helen Fein [ 93 ] showed that pre-existing anti-Semitism and systems that maintained anti-Semitic policies were related to the number of Jews killed in different European countries during the Holocaust. Ervin Staub showed that economic deterioration and political confusion and disorganization were starting points of increasing discrimination and violence in many instances of genocides and mass killing. They lead to scapegoating a group and ideologies that identified that group as an enemy. A history of devaluation of the group that becomes the victim, past violence against the group that becomes the perpetrator leading to psychological wounds, authoritarian cultures and political systems, and the passivity of internal and external witnesses (bystanders) all contribute to the probability that the violence develops into genocide. [ 94 ] Intense conflict between groups that is unresolved, becomes intractable and violent can also lead to genocide. The conditions that lead to genocide provide guidance to early prevention, such as humanizing a devalued group,creating ideologies that embrace all groups, and activating bystander responses. There is substantial research to indicate how this can be done, but information is only slowly transformed into action. [ 95 ] ^ Origins and Evolution of the Concept in the Science Encyclopedia by Net Industries. states \"Politicide, as [Barbara] Harff and [Ted R.] Gurr define it, refers to the killing of groups of people who are targeted not because of shared ethnic or communal traits, but because of 'their hierarchical position or political opposition to the regime and dominant groups' (p. 360)\". But does not give the book title to go with the page number. ^ ECHR Jorgic v. Germany Judgment , 12 July 2007. \u00a7 44 citing Prosecutor v. Kupreskic and Others (IT-95-16-T, judgment of 14 January 2000), \u00a7 751. In 14 January 2000, the ICTY ruled in the Prosecutor v. Kupreskic and Others case that the killing of 116 Muslims in order to expel the Muslim population from a village amounted to persecution, not genocide. ^ Adam Jones (2010), Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction (2nd ed.), p.271. \u2013 \" ' \" Next to the Jews in Europe,\" wrote Alexander Werth ', \"the biggest single German crime was undoubtedly not the extermination by hunger, exposure and in other ways of . . . Russian war prisoners.\" Yet the murder of at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs is one of the least-known of modern genocides; there is still no full-length book on the subject in English. It also stands as one of the most intensive genocides of all time: \"a holocaust that devoured millions,\" as Catherine Merridale acknowledges. The large majority of POWs, some 2.8 million, were killed in just eight months of 1941\u201342, a rate of slaughter matched (to my knowledge) only by the 1994 Rwanda genocide.\" ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Death and What Comes Next A Discworld short story By Terry Pratchett When Death met the philosopher, the philosopher said, rather excitedly: \"At this point, you realise, I'm both dead and not dead.\" There was a sigh from Death. Oh dear, one of those, he thought. This is going to be about quantum again. He hated dealing with philosophers. They always tried to wriggle out of it. \"You see,\" said the philosopher, while Death, motionless, watched the sands of his life drain through the hourglass, \"everything is made of tiny particles, which have the strange property of being in many places at one time. But things made of tiny particles tend to stay in one place at one time, which does not seem right according to quantum theory. May I continue?\" Y ES, BUT NOT INDEFINITELY, said Death, E VERYTHING IS TRANSIENT. He did not take his gaze away from the tumbling sand. \"Well, then, if we agreed that there are an infinite number of universes, then the problem is solved! If there are an unlimited number of universes, this bed can be in millions of them, all at the same time!\" D OES IT MOVE? \"What? Death nodded at the bed. C AN YOU FEEL IT MOVING? he said. \"No, because there are a million versions of me, too, And...here is the good bit ...in some of them I am not about to pass away! Anything is possible!\" Death tapped the handle of his scythe as he considered this. A ND YOUR POINT IS...? \"Well, I'm not exactly dying, correct? You are no longer such a certainty.\" There was a sigh from Death. Space he thought. That was the trouble. It was never like this on worlds with everlastingly cloudy skies. But once humans saw all that space, their brains expanded to try and fill it up. \"No answer, eh?\" said the dying philosopher. \"Feel a bit old-fashioned, do we?\" ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Well, it has to be someone's problem As I frantically attempt to register for any classes taking place over the summer 2012 semester, I can't help but feel punished -- as if I've done something wrong by wanting to attend classes over the summer. Punished! I'm sure by now you're saying something along the lines of, \"Why would your chosen academic institution punish you for taking classes?\" I understand your confusion. I will focus my feelings into words and hopefully by the time you finish reading the aforementioned words, you will begin to understand the same impotent, disillusioned hopelessness I have come to associate with UFV's summer semester. Or lack thereof. First, let's back up a bit. Why does one attend university? In my experience, those who make the life decision to attend university do so from a stance of self-improvement, and with the hopes of a form of self-actualization, which should, ideally, lead to a career path that satisfies more than the wallet or bank-account. We choose to attend university with the goal of being satisfied with who we are personally as well as our place in the world around us. We attend university to contribute to the betterment of our community and therefore our society as a whole. If you agree with me so far, the next part of this article should come as a bit of shock to you. With any luck, it will spur your thought process in holding your chosen academic institutions accountable -- in this case, when it comes to the classes offered year-round and not just during peak periods. Being a relatively new student at UFV, I expected to be waitlisted for a few classes this semester; I simply have a later registration time than other students. I'm okay with a later registration time. However, as I sized up my options, I quickly noticed that almost every class I was hoping to attend this summer was in one of two states: full and closed to registration, or with a waitlist ranging from 15 to 47 students in length. This is unacceptable. Students want to learn, and in order to learn they need a few things. They need books, and reliable transportation. They need safe and secure lodgings, groceries to feed their brains and, one more thing ... classes. Students can't even be students without classes. All the other requirements are up to the student, and are fairly easily managed -- but classes can only be provided by the university, and this is where UFV has dropped the ball. To add to this mess, the most important part of securing aid is being registered in classes; being unable to register in classes equates in not being able to secure funding. Not receiving aid can result in potentially losing your lodgings, a situation I now find myself in. How do you get out of such a vicious circle? It doesn't matter; at least, that's how I feel after attempting to secure my place in any classes I want or need to attend this summer. It seems, on the surface anyway, that UFV's attitude is of the \"it's not our problem\" ilk. However, I'm not a man of great wealth, nor was I born in to a family whose situation allows them the freedom to pay for my classes. I'm reliant exclusively on student aid to not only pay for my tuition, but also to pay for books, supplies, lodgings, groceries and other extra costs I incur along the way through each semester. If I were unable to obtain student aid this semester because I was unable to register for any classes, I would find myself in a dire situation, facing the reality of having to leave town and find a free place to reside for the next four months; I believe if this were to happen, it would have a profoundly negative effect on my decision to continue with education, it would definitely cause me to reevaluate UFV as my academic institution. I feel it's safe to assume there are dozens, if not hundreds of students in an eerily similar situation to mine. Can't find satisfying employment, can't find satisfaction at university and are forced to live a life of hopelessness, a life of mediocrity and struggle; avoiding a life like this is the precise reason most people choose to enter an institution of higher learning. If you're a student who can identify with my situation, even if only a small amount, I implore you to write, call or physically vocalize you dissatisfaction with the UFV summer semester. For that matter, I implore you to contact UFV when you're dissatisfied with any of your expectations, related to university guidelines, are not met; this is a prime example. Has it occurred to you that the problem is not with UFV but with the level of funding that the university receives from the provincial government? I'm sure most departments at UFV would love to offer more classes in the summer semester if they had the funding to allow them to do so. Don't think that the lack of classes is simply because professors don't want to teach in the summer -- in fact, many sessional instructors would be more than happy to do so since it would mean a consistent paycheck for the entire year. It's because each department at a university receives a certain number of sections (classes) that it can teach in a given year. This set number of sections means that most departments only offer classes in the Fall and Winter semesters since that is when most students are around and willing to take them. Hence, if the university funds more sections in a year, departments can offer more classes, including in the summer semester. But in order to fund more sections, the university needs more funding from the provincial government (Believe it or not, your tuition fees are not enough to cover the costs associated with running a university). So don't write to or call the UFV administration unnecessarily about a problem that they didn't create, nor can they fix. Instead, write or call your local MLA and other representatives at the Ministry of Advanced Education who have the power to provide the level of funding that would allow UFV to increase its FTEs in order to provide more classes not just in the summer, but in all semesters. By the way, I'm a student, not a representative of the university or something. :P As a UFV student with a legitimate and unaddressed educational concern I contacted the UFV Arts Advice Centre, Educational Advising Services, the Career Centre, the Department of Research and Graduate Studies, and finally the office of the President. Each of these offices and their respective representatives were unable to offer assistance. I then contacted the Ministry of Advanced Education, whose representatives were also unable to offer any assistance. Our administrators and staff at UFV as well as the public servants at the Ministry of Advanced Education should not be met with our continued and collective silence. When the bulk of us remain silent, the voices of the few people who do speak out remain hearable as 'moans', as expressions of aversion or grievance, rather than being heard as potential contributions to a conversation in which a request for further analysis and a desire for genuine change are communicated. It is encouraging for the future of UFV to see a new writer voicing these concerns. I wish you the best in your educational pursuits, Daryl, and hope that you will continue to endeavour to reach your academic goals through thick and thin. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Game Review Sports Champions 2 Review The original Sports Champions may have been conceived as a direct response to the Wii Sports phenomenon, but beyond its surface accessibility it offered a subtlety that went missing on players looking for little more than a party game. Obfuscated by its shoddy art style and limited multiplayer options, the PlayStation Move launch title's simulation leanings got overlooked -- and it didn't quite garner the universal acclaim it deserved as a result. Sports Champions 2 aims to strike a much better balance between casual and hardcore gameplay, with a roster of five new events and one returning favourite. From the outset, it's immediately obvious that the developer was burned by criticisms pertaining to the original game's lacklustre art direction. High-definition it may have been, but it lacked personality -- something that Sports Champions 2 possesses in abundance. You're now given the option to create your own protagonist, selecting from a slew of different dress types and body models. Characters look distinctly Dreamworks-like, with whopping great jaw lines and disproportionate limbs. Meanwhile, environments are packed with distinguishing details, such as a bowling alley that's surrounded by an aquarium filled with tropical fish. It doesn't sound particularly practical, but it gives the title a much more interesting look. Improved as it may be, though, the presentation is merely window dressing for the bevy of activities concealed within. Sports Champions 2 opts to toss out all of the original game's events aside from archery, and introduces boxing, bowling, skiing, tennis and golf in their place. Each of these sports can be experienced in Free Play, Cup Mode or Party Play -- the latter of which is a fast-paced four-player local multiplayer experience that finds you passing the controller around (or using multiple peripherals) in order to stage your own version of the Olympics in the comfort of your front room. Depending on your social tolerance, you'll spend most of your time with the game playing through the Cup Mode single-player campaign. As with the original title, this sees you working through a series of increasingly difficult cups in order to become the ultimate, ahem, sports champion in each event. Each cup contains six stages, spanning four ordinary opponents, a score challenge level, and a boss. You'll earn stars depending on your performance on each stage, unlocking new gear to personalise your character along the way. Unsurprisingly, Sports Champions 2 is a real showcase title for the PlayStation Move. Through a combination of witchcraft and sorcery, developer Zindagi Games has managed to enhance its already impressive motion control implementation from the original release. For starters, the three-piece calibration sequence has been completely removed, replaced by a simple one-time set-up procedure. Once you've calibrated for the first time, there's no need to repeat the process as you switch between sports -- the game simply works. You can recalibrate at any time should you need to, but we rarely found this was necessary. Unlike competing motion control products, the PlayStation Move maintains its initial calibration alarmingly well. Playing the events on their basic difficulty levels activates a number of assists, which are gradually removed as you progress. Golf is great example of this; if you fail to strike the ball cleanly on the Champion Cup you'll be severely punished by an accurate degree of fade, whereas the Bronze Cup will let you get away with sliced shots relatively unscathed. The other activities incorporate a similar difficulty curve, as tennis takes into the account the speed, follow-through and angle of your swing, while bowling analyses your approach with much more detail. The game gets fairly difficult -- for example, we worked up an unexpected sweat trying to overcome the boss of the tennis gold cup. The accuracy is impressive throughout, but some events do fare better than others. Skiing is perhaps the most contrived of the set, prompting you to replicate outlandish gestures in order to pump your way down slopes and perform flips off ramps. It's a shame that the sport is so poorly implemented, because it's actually the best looking of the six. The sense of speed as you race down colourful mountaintops is impressive, but the controls aren't accurate enough to complete the illusion. It feels like you're copying gestures in order to replicate button prompts, which is never a positive accolade for a motion controlled game. Thankfully, the other sports control much better -- but it's worth noting that you're going to need two motion controllers if you intend to get the most out of Sports Champions 2. Activities like the aforementioned skiing, boxing and archery are all playable with one device, but simply don't feel right without the extra peripheral. Boxing is the worst offender, assigning pre-recorded button prompts to your weaker hand. It feels a little bit like you're fighting with one arm tied behind your back. Introduce a second device, however, and the experience is elevated. Indeed, boxing really showcases the accuracy of the PlayStation Move technology, without succumbing to the same issues that plagued the flawed The Fight: Lights Out . By maintaining a fixed distance between fighters, the game's able to ensure your punches always connect correctly. Swings and blocks are interpreted accurately in the game, allowing you to put together some neat combos. You can also dodge and shimmy by moving your body like a boxer, or pulling the T trigger. As with the original game, different opponents have unique strategies. In boxing, for example, you'll come across heavy hitters and defensive personalities throughout the course of the campaign. Your best option against the former fighters is to block their attacks and let them wear down their stamina, allowing you to take advantage of openings by flooring them with quick combos. You'll encounter multiple tactics in tennis too, as some opponents opt to sit at the baseline, while others attempt to shorten rallies by sprinting into the net. Finding ways to deal with the different strategies is part of the game's fun, and it's a shame that most of the other sports featured -- archery, bowling, skiing and golf -- don't immediately lend themselves to the same degree of variety. That's not to say that the activities aren't creative, though. Archery enjoys the greatest assortment of diversity, providing a slew of different game types centred on the core bow and arrow mechanic. Throughout the course of the sport's campaign you'll find yourself staving off cardboard skeletons, matching up pairs of hidden farm animals, and attempting to outscore your opponent in carnival-esque shooting galleries. Meanwhile, golf has a selection of colourful driving ranges, while bowling sees you attempting to knock down awkward arrangements of pins. The great thing about Sports Champions 2 is that there's always something new to do. In addition to each of the sports being mechanically unique, the developer has packed an array of different rules into each of the events. That makes it a perfect fit for multiplayer sessions. Thankfully, Party Play makes setting up a local competition a doddle. You can play with multiple controllers or one, though you are limited to a specific selection of events if you've only got a single device. The mode takes inspiration from other PlayStation Move party games like Start the Party , allowing each player to snap an image and record their name in order to create a unique personality. Of course, you're also given the option to create unique player avatars for each participant, though there are defaults available if you're in a rush. Scores are added up across the course of multiple random events, with the winner given the option to deface the loser's photo. You can then save these tweaks to your PS3 hard-drive, or even upload them to Facebook for maximum humiliation. Sadly, the pace of the mode is offset by some unfortunate loading times. The game's never overly offensive in this area, but it lingers just long enough to become a frustration; an install option probably would have solved this issue, making it an unnecessary oversight. The lack of online multiplayer is similarly disappointing. While the game is clearly designed around local play, it would have been nice to shoot a few holes of golf over the PlayStation Network. Conclusion Sports Champions 2 is some of the most fun you can have with a PlayStation Move controller in your hand. The title is accessible enough to make it a perfect fit for parties, but it boasts enough depth to keep enthusiastic gamers occupied long after everyone's gone home. The activities are largely well selected, and the calibration improvements are technologically impressive. It's just a shame that online multiplayer's still absent, otherwise this would have been an unmissable release. All the games are fantastic(cause i am not fan of golf). Boxing and even tennis which some say is not good are perfect. And of course ski is good. My body really hurts from boxing today.. Perfect game in my opinion ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Something seems to protect girls from developing autism and other developmental disorders \"Protective\" factors could play an important role in pointing toward new treatments, interventions Editor's note: Dr. Peter Szatmari has worked in the field of autism spectrum disorders for more than 30 years. He is a professor and the head of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. (CNN) -- Autism (now better known as autism spectrum disorder or ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused, at least in part, by genetic factors. The disorder usually shows up in infancy, starting with noticeable problems in social communication, with a preference for engaging in repetitive, sensory-oriented behaviors. The severity of these deficits varies greatly among individuals diagnosed with ASD. Recovery is rare, though it is true that some individuals may make substantial progress over time. The disorder is associated with a high burden of suffering in terms of the limitations it imposes on those affected. There has also been a lot of attention paid to the extra burden and loss of income it represents for parents and the cost to the social, educational and health care systems. But one aspect of autism that doesn't get a lot of attention is the way the condition manifests differently in girls and boys. Autism rates increasing, but why? CDC: 1 in 88 American kids has autism Understanding autism through music We have known for many years that autism is more common in boys than girls. The disorder appears different in the sexes, and these differences may have important implications for both diagnosis and treatment. A striking finding of the recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report , showing a 78% increase in cases over the past decade, is that the ratio of boys to girls in ASD is about 5-to-1. That is higher than what is usually reported in other studies, where a ratio of 2-, 3- or 4-to-1 is more common. There is no adequate explanation for this imbalance in the sex ratio, though it must be recognized it is also true for other developmental disorders of early childhood such as learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder. In contrast, girls appear to be overrepresented in disorders that begin after puberty such as depression and anxiety. Something seems to protect girls from developing ASD and other developmental disorders. That \"something\" could be hormone levels in utero, epigenetic factors that turn autism susceptibility genes \"on\" and \"off\" during development, or the fact that young girls have in general better social skills than boys and so need a bigger \"dose\" of what causes ASD to cross that threshold to being impaired. It is also possible that a proportion of girls with mild autistic traits lose those traits early on and so escape detection by 8 years of age (the age of the children in the CDC study). Whatever the reason, the sex ratio in ASD is perhaps the most consistent finding in the field but perhaps the least understood. Yet it is possible that those \"protective\" factors, once identified and understood, could play an important role in pointing toward new treatments and interventions that capitalize on those protective factors and so make a real difference to long-term outcomes. The clinical expression of autism is also different in boys. Generally speaking, girls with autism have greater learning disabilities and more problems academically than boys. The sex ratio in ASD approaches 1-to-1 as the degree of cognitive impairment increases. Conversely, the sex ratio has sometimes been reported to be even greater than 5-to-1 among so-called \"higher-functioning\" individuals with ASD, though not all studies agree on this point. An intriguing finding is that perhaps higher-functioning girls with ASD are missed by clinicians who are not experts in diagnosis. There is some evidence that among this subgroup, girls have better social skills than higher-functioning boys with ASD and so are not diagnosed as readily. Often, the symptoms of ASD appear as extreme shyness or anxiety in girls, masking that they may not be responsive to the social cues of others. And while fixated interests are common in both sexes on the autism spectrum, girls tend to focus on topics such as on ponies, princesses, dolls or drawings -- common passions for non-autistic girls, too. Boys, on the other hand, may become stuck on less typical activities, such as lining up blocks or running sand through their fingers. As a result, doctors may miss that some of their female patients show signs of autism. Girls on the autism spectrum also engage in fewer repetitive behaviors such as rocking and spinning and less sensory irritability than boys with ASD. Since these signs are subtle, doctors may not recognize the disorder. Diagnosis at a later age reduces the chances of early treatment, which is thought to produce a better outcome. Girls may be different than boys with ASD in their lived experience of the disability as well. There's increasing concern about peers bullying children with ASD at school and in the community. Some evidence suggests that girls with ASD are bullied less often than boys. They appear to \"blend in\" more readily with their peer group and are less often the victim of bullying by other girls. Sex differences in ASD is an important topic, but one that has only recently become the focus of attention. Understanding those sex differences both biologically and experientially holds the promise of improving the long-term outcome of all children with ASD. Most important, clinicians need to be sensitive to how the disorder shows up in girls so that those affected can receive early intervention as soon as possible. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Peter Szatmari. ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"8.7 million species on Earth and in the oceans Plos Biology, August 2011 A new study by Dalhousie researchers used an innovative analytical technique to provide a new estimate of the total number of species on Earth. The estimate of 8.7 million species (plus or minus 1.3 million species) is the most precise calculation of this number to date. The paper, published in PLoS Biology, reveals that 6.5 million species are found on land and 2.2 million live in the oceans. And incredibly, the study predicts that 86% of all species on land and 91% of all species in the oceans have yet to be discovered and described. Census of Marine Life Science, August 2011 The Census of Marine Life finished up in late 2010 with the discovery of 6700 new species and a comprehensive database of marine biodiversity. But what's next? This article from Science looks at the future possibilities for continuation of the research program, and plans for further exploring how marine organisms contribute to the overall functioning of the ecosystem. Analysis of data from the electronic tagging and tracking of 23 species in the North Pacific Ocean over the past decade identified migration pathways, discovered multi-species hotspots and linked marine conditions to animal movement and behaviour within the California Current ecosystem and the North Pacific transition zone. Serial exploitation of global sea cucumber fisheries In only a few decades, most sea cucumber fisheries around the world have experienced a boom-and-bust pattern; over time, this has happened faster and further away from the main markets in Hong Kong and China. Currently, 81% of sea cucumber fisheries globally have experienced population declines due to overfishing. The findings suggest these fisheries are often unsustainable and may develop too rapidly for effective management responses. New - The FMAP PLoS One Collection Decline of marine phytoplankton over past century Boyce D, Lewis MR, Worm B Nature, July 2010 An unprecedented collection of historical and recent oceanographic data was used to document phytoplankton declines of approximately 1% of the global average per year since 1899. Long-term phytoplankton declines were correlated with rising sea surface temperatures. Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity FMAP researchers examined global patterns and predictors of species richness across 13 major species groups ranging from zooplankton to marine mammals and identified water temperature as the main environmental predictor of biodiversity patterns in the ocean. The influence of geological, geochemical, and biogenic habitat heterogeneity on seep biodiversity A set of theoretical metacommunity models demonstrate that the response of biodiversity to habitat heterogeneity in deep seeps has a consistent form but quantitatively varies depending on the types of habitats present and the size-classes of the fauna analyzed. StateA???space models were used to look at foraging and traveling patterns of male and female adult grey seals using satellite telemetry tracks. The modeling results revealed markedly different spatial behavior between the sexes, suggesting that they deal differently with seasonal prey availability and reproductive costs. Management Effectiveness of the World's Marine Fisheries A new study provides the first global evaluation of how management practices influence fisheries' sustainability. The study assessed the effectiveness of the world's fisheries management regimes using evaluations by nearly 1,200 fisheries experts and analyzing these in combination with data on the sustainability of fisheries catches. Historical baselines for large marine animals A review of the approaches used in the emerging field of marine historical ecology reveals patterns of historical changes in large marine mammals, birds, reptiles and fish, thus offering new insights into past ecosystems, and providing an important context for contemporary ocean management. A Global Assessment of Salmon Aquaculture Impacts on Wild Salmonids Study makes newspaper headline in British Columbia The impact of salmon farming on wild salmon and trout is a hotly debated issue in all countries where salmon farms and wild salmon coexist. Studies have clearly shown that escaped farm salmon breed with wild populations to the detriment of the wild stocks, and that diseases and parasites are passed from farm to wild salmon. An understanding of the importance of these impacts at the population level, however, has been lacking. In this study, we used existing data on salmon populations to compare survival of salmon and trout that swim past salmon farms early in their life cycle with the survival of nearby populations that are not exposed to salmon farms. We have detected a significant decline in survival of populations that are exposed to salmon farms, correlated with an increase in farmed salmon production in five regions. Combining the regional estimates statistically, we find a reduction in survival or abundance of wild populations of more than 50% per generation on average, associated with salmon farming. Many of the salmon populations we investigated are at dramatically reduced abundance, and reducing threats to them is necessary for their survival. A clear human footprint on the Caribbean coral reefs Banco Chinchorro - Mexico. Photo: Humberto Bahena, ECOSUR The recent degradation of coral reefs worldwide is increasingly well documented, yet the underlying causes remain debated. This study used a large-scale database on the status of coral reef communities in the Caribbean. The data were analysed in combination with a comprehensive set of socioeconomic and environmental databases to decouple confounding factors and identify the drivers of change in coral reef communities. An FMAP study on reef fish biodiversity found that humans impact one of the oldest known laws in ecology, the species-area relationship. The authors found that fishing pressure consistently lowered the rate of increase of diversity with area, on both coral and rocky reefs. Such effects suggest that human exploitation can affect the reef environment in ways not previously considered, and similar patterns might also be found in other marine and possibly terrestrial systems. The study thus established a new way of quantifying biodiversity loss that may be broadly applicable. The study was global in scope, surveying protected and fished reefs in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Cascading effects of the loss of apex predatory sharks from a coastal ocean Overfishing the great sharks on the U.S. east coast has had major ecosystem consequences: abundances of their skate, ray, and small shark prey species have increased tremendously, and the explosion in cownose ray abundance has devastated a century-long bay scallop fishery. Risk of extinction accelerated due to interacting human threats Changes in population density, per generation, of populations exposed to harvesting and reductions in immigration, when facing constant and warming temperatures. The contours in the graph were based on averages of four replicated microcosms, for each interaction of treatments. (Click image for larger version) The simultaneous effect of habitat fragmentation, overexploitation, and climate warming could accelerate the decline of populations and substantially increase their risk of extinction, a study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, B has warned. Using experimental microcosm populations of rotifers (a type of zooplankton), the study found that individually each of these threats caused significant population declines. The study also found that the rate of declines was much accelerated when populations were exposed to more than one threat. These results indicate that multiple interacting threats are capable of causing rapid population extinction, and that all threats should be simultaneously reduced, if their synergies are to be avoided and if the current rate of species loss is to be reversed. more ... Saving Endangered Whales at No Cost North Atlantic right whale breaching. (Photo: US Marine Mammal Commission) Maine lobstermen can protect the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale without hurting their bottom line, according to a scientific paper published in the journal Current Biology . A team of researchers, led by Ransom Myers of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia and supported by the Lenfest Ocean Program at the Pew Charitable Trusts, compared the Nova Scotian and Maine lobster fisheries and found that Maine lobstermen could substantially reduce the number of traps, shorten the fishing season by as much as six months and still catch the same amount of lobsters at lower cost. Doing so would protect right whales by reducing the risk of entanglements in fishing gear, a key obstacle to recovery from the brink of extinction for this large, slow-moving mammal.     more ... Of the 18.7% of tropical coral reefs that lie within \"Marine Protected Areas\", less than 2% have extended protection with regulations on extraction, poaching and other major threats, according to an analysis published in Science on June 23. The research represents the first global assessment of the extent, effectiveness and gaps in coverage of coral reefs by MPAs. The team built a database of MPAs for 102 countries, including satellite imagery of reefs worldwide, and surveyed more than 1,000 MPA managers and scientists to determine the conservation performance of MPAs. Declines in the number of species found on a standard longline in the 1960s and 1990s First global map reveals rapidly shrinking hotspots for tuna, marlin, swordfish; Diversity has declined by up to 50% over 50 years due to fishing A study released in Science reveals a striking downward trend in the diversity of fish in the open ocean -- the largest and least known part of our planet. Teasing apart the effects of climate change and fishing over the past 50 years, the authors show a clear link to overfishing and highlight a surprising global pattern of open ocean hotspots - areas with predictable congregations of tuna, marlin, swordfish, and other ocean predators. Fortune Magazine names Ransom Myers one of world's \"Top Ten To Watch\" Fortune, October 2005 In October 2005, Ransom Myers was chosen by Fortune magazine as one of the world's top ten movers and shakers: people who will change the way the world operates over the next 75 years. The prominent business magazine predicted that Myers' work on fish population dynamics and the depletion of sharks, tuna and other fish species will foster \"new and better ways to husband the wealth beneath the sea.\" Direct and indirect fishery effects on small coastal elasmobranchs in the northern Gulf of Mexico Travis D. Shepherd and Ransom A. Myers Ecology Letters, October 2005 Sharks, rays and skates caught as bycatch by shrimp trawls and bottom longlines in the Gulf of Mexico have declined precipitously in the last 30 years (bonnethead 96%, Bancroft's numbfish 98%, smooth butterfly ray > 99%). In fact, some species, such as the dusky shark, scalloped hammerhead, and great hammerhead, have not appeared in shrimp trawl surveys for the past 23 years, and may have been completely eradicated from the region. Co-incident with these declines, abundances of deeper water species like the Atlantic angel shark and the smooth dogfish have increased 6 to 13 times since 1972. Since the diet of large coastal sharks consists of substantial amounts of smaller elasmobranchs, these prey populations are increasing, but only in deeper areas where they escape fisheries impacts. Such increases indicate the strong effect of predation by large coastal elasmobranchs, since their prey are increasing in spite of having low reproductive potential themselves (due to late age at maturity). This paper demonstrates that shark species play a critical role in structuring coastal food webs in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The loss of these populations may have far-reaching impacts on ecological communities in these areas, effects that may be seen globally in tropical \/ subtropical regions with intense shrimp trawling and bottom longlining. New Understanding of Leatherback Turtle Behaviour and Migration Time spent at surface by leatherback turtles Leatherback turtles undergo extensive migrations from tropical to temperate waters. By tracking diving behaviour and horizontal movement and through direct observation, Mike James, Ransom Myers, and Andrea Ottensmeyer were able to identify different uses of coastal and pelagic areas by leatherbacks during their migration. For 25 male and female animals tagged off Nova Scotia, Canada, diving patterns observed in temperate waters were consistent with foraging. Foraging in temperate waters off Atlantic Canada and the northeastern United States may make animals vulnerable to incidental capture in these regions. Changing Open Ocean Communities in the Tropical Pacific Peter Ward and Ransom A. Myers Ecology, April 2005 In a paper published in the journal Ecology ( \"Shifts in open-ocean fish communities coinciding with the commencement of commercial fishing\" ), Ward and Myers compare open ocean fish abundances and biomass from recent years with those observed when industrial fishing began in the 1950s. The total biomass of pelagic fish caught on longlines was reduced by 90% between the 1950s and 1990s. This drastic reduction in the abundance of top predators by fishing could have dramatic consequences for the pelagic ecosystem, and Ward and Myers found preliminary evidence that such changes are occurring. They observed an increase in catches of small species such as the pelagic stingray and pomfrets which corresponded to declines in large predators. Ward and Myers suggest that this increase could be due to a reduction in predation pressure by large predatory fishes, resulting in increased abundance and\/or geographical range for these smaller fish. Identification of high-use habitat and threats to leatherback sea turtles in northern waters: New directions for conservation Incidental capture in fisheries threatens many marine vertebrates, however, conservation cannot be effective without identifying major sources of mortality. For the critically endangered leatherback turtle ( Dermochelys coriacea ), a reliance on fisheries observer data and an absence of behavioural datasets corresponding to a large and diverse sample of animals have focused conservation efforts on a very limited part of the species? marine habitat. Using the largest satellite telemetry dataset for Atlantic leatherbacks, morphometrics from foraging animals, and entanglement records, we show annual return migrations to key feeding areas by males, females and juveniles, and demonstrate the importance of northern latitudes to leatherbacks. We show that leatherbacks are vulnerable to entanglement in northern coastal and shelf waters, where turtle-fishery interactions represent a greater threat to this species than previously recognized. Unless conservation efforts expand to coastal areas, present efforts alone will not be sufficient to save the species. Hatcheries and Endangered Salmon Many of the wild salmon populations currently protected under the Endangered Species Act in the Northwest are in immediate danger of being delisted--not because they are recovering--but because their presence and status may block development. Supplementary material Shifting baselines and the decline of pelagic sharks in the Gulf of Mexico Julia Baum and Ransom A. Myers Ecology Letters, February 2004 Less than 1% of oceanic whitetip sharks - thought to have been the most common warm-water oceanic shark just fifty years ago - remain in the Gulf of Mexico today. \"This tragedy is caused by continued overfishing and the demand for a single luxury item - sharkfin soup,\" says Dr. Ransom Myers, a world-leading fisheries biologist based at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Predator diversity hotspots in the blue ocean Boris Worm, Heike Lotze, and Ransom A. Myers PNAS, August 2003 Large oceanic predators concentrate in unique \"diversity hotspots\" much like those that exist on land, according to new research published this week in the prestigious U.S. journal \"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.\" Many predators, such as tunas, sharks, billfishes, and sea turtles, are of immediate conservation concern due to their vulnerability to overfishing, or high mortality as by-catch in commercial fisheries. Although terrestrial conservation efforts have focused on identifying and preserving such concentrations of vulnerable species, little is known about similar hotspots in the ocean. The scientists found that species diversity peaks at distinct locations, always located at intermediate latitudes (20-30 degrees North and South) where tropical and temperate species overlap. Hotspots are located close to prominent marine geographic features, such as reefs or shelf breaks. They are found east of Florida, south of Hawaii, and off the east coast of Australia, and within national waters. Additional studies show that these hotspot areas seem to be important for many species at once, from plankton to sharks. Through modeling, the researchers predicted that protecting these hotspot areas from fishing would yield greater benefits for threatened species than closing any other area. The scientists suggest that the ocean has unique, and previously unrecognized concentrations of pelagic species, which should be used to focus future conservation measures. They also propose that marine protected areas in national waters, combined with reduced fishing effort, could be used to safeguard threatened marine predators from further declines and ecological extinction. Rapid worldwide depletion of predatory fish communities Ransom A. Myers and Boris Worm Nature, May 15th, 2003 Changes in the catch per unit effort in the Japanese longline fishery from 1952 to 2000, catch of tuna and billfish per 100 hooks. Analysis of data from five ocean basins reveals a dramatic decline in numbers of large predatory fish (tuna, blue marlins, swordfish and others) since the advent of industrialized fishing. The world's oceans have lost over 90% of large predatory fish, with potentially severe consequences for the ecosystem. These findings provide indirect support for goals established at the UN's World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg last year. UN officials argued that three-quarters of the world's fisheries were fished to their sustainable limits or beyond, and made proposals for the restoration of depleted fisheries by 2015. Data on predatory fish are important as they are not dependent on datasets from commercial fisheries, which can be unreliable. Collapse and conservation of shark populations in the Northwest Atlantic Shark populations in the Northwest Atlantic have declined dramatically in the last two decades. Using an extensive dataset from the pelagic longline fishery, Baum and colleages have detected declines ranging from 40% for mako sharks to over 90% for hammerhead sharks. The magnitude of these changes suggests that several species are in danger of large-scale extirpation. The authors call for new marine reserves and a reduction in fishing effort to halt these trends. The Census of Marine Life is a growing global network of researchers in more than 45 nations engaged in a ten-year initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life in oceans--past, present, and future. ","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"I Want To (Do Everything For You) lyrics Joe Tex I Want To (Do Everything For You) lyrics I want to hold you in my arms Till you say turn you lose. I want to do the things for you Till you say it aint no use. I want to wake you every morning With a good morning kiss. I want to kiss you to sleep the same way Cause I know you like this. I want to do everything for you Cause that's all that man can do When he loves a woman like I love you. And I love ya, love ya I love ya, love ya, love ya, I love ya, love ya... love ya Ooo... eee, yes I love you. [ Lyrics from: http:\/\/www.lyricsmode.com\/lyrics\/j\/joe_t\\\\... ] I want to say sweet things to you Till you say I said enough. I want to stand right by your side When the goin gets tough. I want to mend your broken heart Till you say the hurt is gone. I want to stay with you always So that you wont be alone. I want to do everything for you Cause that's all that man can do When he loves a woman like I love you. And I love ya, love ya, love ya Love ya, love ya... love ya Ooo... eee... like I love you. I want to work for you every day Till you say come home and rest. I want to buy you pretty things So you can look your best. I want to take you everywhere So the world can see what I got. I want to treat you with tender love Till you say I've got to stop. I want to do everything for you Cause that's all that man can do When he loves a woman like I love you. And I love ya love ya, love ya, love ya Yes, I love ya, love ya Love ya ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"By using DTI Software's Website, you are agreeing to these terms. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use the Website. 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This Convention shall apply to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards made in the territory of a State other than the State where the recognition and enforcement of such awards are sought, and arising out of differences between persons, whether physical or legal. It shall also apply to arbitral awards not considered as domestic awards in the State where their recognition and enforcement are sought. 2. The term \"arbitral awards\" shall include not only awards made by arbitrators appointed for each case but also those made by permanent arbitral bodies to which the parties have submitted. 3. When signing, ratifying or acceding to this Convention, or notifying extension under article X hereof, any State may on the basis of reciprocity declare that it will apply the Convention to the recognition and enforcement of awards made only in the territory of another Contracting State. It may also declare that it will apply the Convention only to differences arising out of legal relationships, whether contractual or not, which are considered as commercial under the national law of the State making such declaration. Article II 1. Each Contracting State shall recognize an agreement in writing under which the parties undertake to submit to arbitration all or any differences which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not, concerning a subject matter capable of settlement by arbitration. 2. The term \"agreement in writing\" shall include an arbitral clause in a contract or an arbitration agreement, signed by the parties or contained in an exchange of letters or telegrams. 3. The court of a Contracting State, when seized of an action in a matter in respect of which the parties have made an agreement within the meaning of this article, shall, at the request of one of the parties, refer the parties to arbitration, unless it finds that the said agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. Article III Each Contracting State shall recognize arbitral awards as binding and enforce them in accordance with the rules of procedure of the territory where the award is relied upon, under the conditions laid down in the following articles. There shall not be imposed substantially more onerous conditions or higher fees or charges on the recognition or enforcement of arbitral awards to which this Convention applies than are imposed on the recognition or enforcement of domestic arbitral awards. Article IV 1. To obtain the recognition and enforcement mentioned in the preceding article, the party applying for recognition and enforcement shall, at the time of the application, supply: ( a ) The duly authenticated original award or a duly certified copy thereof; ( b ) The original agreement referred to in article II or a duly certified copy thereof. 2. If the said award or agreement is not made in an official language of the country in which the award is relied upon, the party applying for the recognition and enforcement of the award shall produce a translation of these documents into such language. The translation shall be certified by an official or sworn translator or by a diplomatic or consular agent. Article V 1. Recognition and enforcement of the award may be refused, at the request of the party against whom it is invoked, only if that party furnishes to the competent authority where the recognition and enforcement is sought, proof that: ( a ) The parties to the agreement referred to in article II were, under the law applicable to them, under some incapacity, or the said agreement is not valid under the law to which the parties have subjected it or, failing any indication thereon, under the law of the country where the award was made; or ( b ) The party against whom the award is invoked was not given proper notice of the appointment of the arbitrator or of the arbitration proceedings or was otherwise unable to present his case; or ( c ) The award deals with a difference not contemplated by or not falling within the terms of the submission to arbitration, or it contains decisions on matters beyond the scope of the submission to arbitration, provided that, if the decisions on matters submitted to arbitration can be separated from those not so submitted, that part of the award which contains decisions on matters submitted to arbitration may be recognized and enforced; or ( d ) The composition of the arbitral authority or the arbitral procedure was not in accordance with the agreement of the parties, or, failing such agreement, was not in accordance with the law of the country where the arbitration took place; or ( e ) The award has not yet become binding on the parties, or has been set aside or suspended by a competent authority of the country in which, or under the law of which, that award was made. 2. Recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award may also be refused if the competent authority in the country where recognition and enforcement is sought finds that: ( a ) The subject matter of the difference is not capable of settlement by arbitration under the law of that country; or ( b ) The recognition or enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of that country. Article VI If an application for the setting aside or suspension of the award has been made to a competent authority referred to in article V(1)( e ), the authority before which the award is sought to be relied upon may, if it considers it proper, adjourn the decision on the enforcement of the award and may also, on the application of the party claiming enforcement of the award, order the other party to give suitable security. Article VII 1. The provisions of the present Convention shall not affect the validity of multilateral or bilateral agreements concerning the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards entered into by the Contracting States nor deprive any interested party of any right he may have to avail himself of an arbitral award in the manner and to the extent allowed by the law or the treaties of the country where such award is sought to be relied upon. 2. The Geneva Protocol on Arbitration Clauses of 1923 and the Geneva Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1927 shall cease to have effect between Contracting States on their becoming bound and to the extent that they become bound, by this Convention. Article VIII 1. This Convention shall be open until 31 December 1958 for signature on behalf of any Member of the United Nations and also on behalf of any other State which is or hereafter becomes a member of any specialized agency of the United Nations, or which is or hereafter becomes a party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, or any other State to which an invitation has been addressed by the General Assembly of the United Nations. 2. This Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Article IX 1. This Convention shall be open for accession to all States referred to in article VIII. 2. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Article X 1. Any State may, at the time of signature, ratification or accession, declare that this Convention shall extend to all or any of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible. Such a declaration shall take effect when the Convention enters into force for the State concerned. 2. At any time thereafter any such extension shall be made by notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and shall take effect as from the ninetieth day after the day of receipt by the Secretary-General of the United Nations of this notification, or as from the date of entry into force of the Convention for the State concerned, whichever is the later. 3. With respect to those territories to which this Convention is not extended at the time of signature, ratification or accession, each State concerned shall consider the possibility of taking the necessary steps in order to extend the application of this Convention to such territories, subject, where necessary for constitutional reasons, to the consent of the Governments of such territories. Article XI In the case of a federal or non-unitary State, the following provisions shall apply: ( a ) With respect to those articles of this Convention that come within the legislative jurisdiction of the federal authority, the obligations of the federal Government shall to this extent be the same as those of Contracting States which are not federal States; ( b ) With respect to those articles of this Convention that come within the legislative jurisdiction of constituent states or provinces which are not, under the constitutional system of the federation, bound to take legislative action, the federal Government shall bring such articles with a favourable recommendation to the notice of the appropriate authorities of constituent states or provinces at the earliest possible moment; ( c ) A federal State Party to this Convention shall, at the request of any other Contracting State transmitted through the Secretary-General of the United Nations, supply a statement of the law and practice of the federation and its constituent units in regard to any particular provision of this Convention, showing the extent to which effect has been given to that provision by legislative or other action. Article XII 1. This Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of the third instrument of ratification or accession. 2. For each State ratifying or acceding to this Convention after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification or accession, this Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification or accession. Article XIII 1. Any Contracting State may denounce this Convention by a written notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General. 2. Any State which has made a declaration or notification under article X may, at any time thereafter, by notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, declare that this Convention shall cease to extend to the territory concerned one year after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General. 3. This Convention shall continue to be applicable to arbitral awards in respect of which recognition or enforcement proceedings have been instituted before the denunciation takes effect. Article XIV A Contracting State shall not be entitled to avail itself of the present Convention against other Contracting States except to the extent that it is itself bound to apply the Convention. Article XV The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall notify the States contemplated in article VIII of the following: ( a ) Signatures and ratifications in accordance with article VIII; ( b ) Accessions in accordance with article IX; ( c ) Declarations and notifications under articles I, X and XI; ( d ) The date upon which this Convention enters into force in accordance with article XII; ","labels":"Legal","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Let's Panic At LET'S PANIC ABOUT BABIES, Eden Kennedy and I share our hard-won wisdom and tell you exactly what to think and feel and do, whether you're about to have a baby or already did and don't know what to do with it. But look how much happier I am! This was undoubtedly due to my brand-new nephew, who I got to see pretty much every day. He is now 28. I am crazy old. And now...ninth grade. Dorp. Okay. First of all, the clothing. Is that a mock turtleneck? How dare I. Secondly, there is a shadow falling across my face that's giving me a unibrow appearance, which I assure you I did not have. That is a mock unibrow. Still, though, it's not good. Eighth grade was less traumatic than seventh, and ninth was easier still. Tenth and eleventh were socially more exciting, and then things took a steep downturn (in every way) in twelfth grade. Hello. I am wearing four shades of eyeshadow. My hair has been lovingly blown dry, strand by strand. Why yes, this is my mother's sweater from Ann Taylor. And my mother's necklace! I want nothing more than to look like a guidance counselor. I look like I have it together, don't I? And yet I was an emotional mess, dabbling with self-harm, panic-attacking like an old pro, screwing up academically, and engaging in disciplinary shenanigans all the damn time. No one believes that I got suspended from school, but oh, it happened. (Okay, it was in-school suspension. BUT STILL.) I was pulled, if not from the brink, than from some less fortunate conclusion to my school years by an assortment of dedicated, amazing teachers: teachers who listened to my dumb problems; who pushed me to work; who suggested I pursue writing and music; who yelled at me when yelling was called for. My parents had to love me, I thought, so I could discount their opinions, but having these unrelated-to-me adults take an interest got my attention. I was pretty lost for a while, there. I don't know where I'd be without them. The teachers listed on DonorsChoose can and do change lives, and they can make even more of a difference with a little help. If you've enjoyed this series at all, please donate. It doesn't have to be a lot! Remember, all your donations will be matched. The matching offer is only good until the 26th, so hurry. Thanks. Reader Comments (21) I just realized that, less my face, your pictures could be mine! Only in my senior picture them made us all go to a studio and put on this faux fur\/feather thing that looked like an emu wrapped itself around my shoulders and died. And how sad is it that I pirated my mom's sweater and earrings for my 8th grade pic? I guess I really wanted that guidance counselor look at 13. I've appreciated your posts about your schooling. You were terribly lucky that you had support from adults during high school. I did not, even though I desperately needed it. I nearly flunked out and had no friends. My guidance counselor told me I shouldn't go to college. 21 years later I will, at least it looks like I will, earn my PhD from a top department and a top college in my field. I have already looked up the faculty and staff at my old high school, and that guidance counselor is still there. I intend to email him and let him know where I've ended up. Ironically? My field is education. I don't have a family, but I have dear friends. Soon I'll have some sweet redemption as well. Oh, and my email to my old guidance counselor isn't just about \"look what I did in spite of your advice\" but it's also intended to let him know that he really can't make such statements to people and that, I suspect, there are far more students who are far more capable than he may think, given the right environment that is. Alice-- your 12th grade photo so painfully reminds me of my own senior year in H.S. Why did I think it was a good idea to wear my mom's old work clothes from The Limited's \"Outback Red\" line to school? Long, pleated skirts with big baggy cotton sweaters?! Bass oxfords and espadrilles. I mean, now of course this stuff is kind of hip, but then it was social suicide. And I wonder why no boys took interest?! Also remembering my sophomore year summer, when I bought a black Guess 2-piece bathing suit and what seems like all the black eyeliner in the world and attempted to recreate the brigitte bardot look. bless my mom for not grounding me\/laughing in my face. Seventh grade is the worst, it's ALWAYS the worst, it still haunts me. If you want the earthshaking Oh God Time Does Not Pass It Is Still Happening shock of this, do as I do and rewatch Wet Hot American Summer, which has an actor whose role is \"The Cure girl.\" It all has special terrifying resonance now that my girl is in 7th grade. The 80s were awful to us all. But hey- your TEETH look amazing. Barely noticed the 9th grade braces, and now this. Kudos to your orthodontist, along with your teachers! Or, oh dear, does tghat bring back traumatic memories? Everyone seems to CRAVE braces now, but I know that the 80s were not that way.... I have loved every single one of these posts. And I think wanting to look like our mothers at that age might be universal - I remember being DELIGHTED over my moms ankle length denim skirts and cardigan sweater sets when I was in middle school in the 90's. And scarves! So jaunty! For what it's worth, I love your twelfth grade photo. One (which is to say, \"I\") would never know it was a bad year for you. Eighth grade was my most favorite year ever, and it seems to have lasted a mercifully long time. Halfway through, my parents announced that we were moving across the country to Calif-or-nye-aye, and it was a crushing blow to my existence. I almost got to finish out the year--we moved in May, and I had to start a new school at the end of the school year. I suppose, I'm resourceful and adaptable because I made new friends, but oh, how my heart was broken and yearning for my old friends. Happily, high school life picked up and I came to call California \"home\" but I always had a sinking feeling that I was missing out on all the fun my Virginia friends were having. It is such a shame that your 12th grade picture doesn't reflect your life at that time, because it is absolutely lovely. And your gorgeous post-braces smile gives me great hope. The teeth you commented on in an earlier photo (second grade? third, maybe?) look exactly like my 7-year-old daughter's do right now. I have hope that her teeth and her lovely personality will end up as nicely as yours have! Man. You are really good at blending eye shadow. And, as others have noted, great teeth! I am sad this series has come to its end, yet I am so happy those teachers helped put you on the path to become the writer you are. I've been reading your blog since 2004 and laughing with you in the shallow end the whole time. Thanks for that! Seventh grade always appears worse than sixth. Eight is better, ninth is harder, then it gets progressively better until senior year and half day schedules and boys named JT who don't love you back. And shadow, you say? Looks like you're giving Abe Vigoda a run for his unibrow money. But still darling. If I could go back, it would be to elementary school. I could have done without jr high and high school both. All I can think is: How can I find a school like that, with those kinds of teachers. You were probably quiet and hard working and diligent even if getting in trouble somehow. My daughter is like my sister--teachers just REACT to her sometime. Anyway, I need to know the town and the school and also anything your parents did to get the teachers to help you. JUST KIDDING! I am glad you got everything straightened out so you could write this great blog. Snozma, it was actually not a great school. I had plenty of crappy teachers. But I had a great chorus teacher, English teacher, and guidance counselor, and that's all it took for me. Also I was in no way quietly diligent. I was a huge loudmouth who got in trouble for telling teachers they were stupid. Also I thought the school rules were all stupid so I flouted them all the time. Oh! And I was often drunk. I was a joy and a wonder. During my senior year, I regularly borrowed a corduroy pinafore\/jumper from my mom's friend, paired it with a turtleneck, and went to school believing I looked fantastic. My big-as-pie-plates glasses with the royal blue frames only enhanced the look. Once, as I was waiting in line at a movie theatre, a group of freshman called out to me thinking I was one of our high school writing teachers. And was I embarrassed? Not one bit! I was obviously very mature and grown-up! Indeed 12th grade looks very guidance counselor-y. But take that in a good way. Open. Trusting. The friend every one needs. I mean there is a very warm glow to that picture. Every ones school pictures are classics. Thanks for sharing yours. Oh my, I remember my yearbook pictures, too. I don't think I will ever post them. LOL. Anyway, primary or high school, we go through a lot of things. We just try to rectify when we get mature enough to realize that being so reckless will lead us nowhere and that if we just try, we can achieve all of our dreams. ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Issue 43 Forensics Fall 2011 Our Aesthetic Categories: An Interview with Sianne Ngai Adam Jasper and Sianne Ngai Aesthetics as a philosophical discipline was an invention of the Enlightenment, and appropriately enough, most of the historical discussion has focused on the beautiful and the sublime. However, as J. L. Austin noted in \"A Plea for Excuses,\" the classic problems are not always the best site for fieldwork in aesthetics: \"If only we could forget for a while about the beautiful and get down instead to the dainty and the dumpy.\" Sianne Ngai, a professor in the English department at Stanford University, has dedicated years of research to such marginal categories within aesthetics. She is the author of a book on minor affects called Ugly Feelings (Harvard University Press, 2005) and several heavily photocopied papers on aesthetics, including \"The Cuteness of the Avant-Garde\" (2005) and \"Merely Interesting\" (2008). Her forthcoming book expands her investigation of apparently trivial but culturally ubiquitous aesthetic categories to include the zany. Adam Jasper interviewed Ngai by email. You've written on cuteness, on envy, on boredom, and now on the interesting. If it could be said that there is a unified project behind these topics, what is it? I'm interested in states of weakness: in \"minor\" or non-cathartic feelings that index situations of suspended agency; in trivial aesthetic categories grounded in ambivalent or even explicitly contradictory feelings. More specifically, I'm interested in the surprising power these weak affects and aesthetic categories seem to have, in why they've become so paradoxically central to late capitalist culture. The book I'm currently completing is on the contemporary significance of three aesthetic categories in particular: the cute, the interesting, and the zany. I focus on aesthetic experiences grounded in equivocal affects. In fact, the aesthetic categories that interest me most are ones grounded on feelings that explicitly clash. To call something cute, in vivid contrast to, say, beautiful, or disgusting, is to leave it ambiguous whether one even regards it positively or negatively. Yet who would deny that cuteness is an aesthetic, if not the dominant aesthetic of consumer society? Can you say more about the qualities of non-cathartic feelings? The explicit rejection of catharsis was central to Brechtian theater, but is that what you are referring to here? By non-cathartic I just mean feelings that do not facilitate action, that do not lead to or culminate in some kind of purgation or release -- irritation, for example, as opposed to anger. These feelings are therefore politically ambiguous, but good for diagnosing states of suspended agency, due in part to their diffusiveness and\/or lack of definite objects. To get our hands a little dirtier here, could you provide some examples of typically cute and typically zany things and indicate the characteristics that make them that way? Cuteness is a way of aestheticizing powerlessness. It hinges on a sentimental attitude toward the diminutive and\/or weak, which is why cute objects -- formally simple or noncomplex, and deeply associated with the infantile, the feminine, and the unthreatening -- get even cuter when perceived as injured or disabled. So there's a sadistic side to this tender emotion, as people like Daniel Harris have noted. The prototypically cute object is the child's toy or stuffed animal. Cuteness is also a commodity aesthetic, with close ties to the pleasures of domesticity and easy consumption. As Walter Benjamin put it: \"If the soul of the commodity which Marx occasionally mentions in jest existed, it would be the most empathetic ever encountered in the realm of souls, for it would have to see in everyone the buyer in whose hand and house it wants to nestle .\" Cuteness could also be thought of as a kind of pastoral or romance, in that it indexes the paradoxical complexity of our desire for a simpler relation to our commodities, one that tries in a utopian fashion to recover their qualitative dimension as use. While the cute is thus about commodities and consumption, the zany is about performing. Intensely affective and highly physical, it's an aesthetic of nonstop action that bridges popular and avant-garde practice across a wide range of media: from the Dada cabaret of Hugo Ball to the sitcom of Lucille Ball. You could say that zaniness is essentially the experience of an agent confronted by -- even endangered by -- too many things coming at her quickly and at once. Think here of Frogger , Kaboom! , or Pressure Cooker , early Atari 2600 video games in which avatars have to dodge oncoming cars, catch falling bombs, and meet incoming hamburger orders at increasing speeds. Or virtually any Thomas Pynchon novel, bombarding protagonist and reader with hundreds of informational bits which may or may not add up to a conspiracy. The dynamics of this aesthetic of incessant doing are thus perhaps best studied in the arts of live and recorded performance -- dance, happenings, walkabouts, reenactments, game shows, video games. Yet zaniness is by no means exclusive to the performing arts. So much of \"serious\" postwar American literature is zany, for instance, that one reviewer's description of Donald Barthelme's Snow White -- \"a staccato burst of verbal star shells, pinwheel phrases, [and] cherry bombs of ... puns and wordplays\" -- seems applicable to the bulk of the post-1945 canon, from Ashbery to Flarf; Ishmael Reed to Shelley Jackson. I've got a more specific reading of post-Fordist or contemporary zaniness, which is that it is an aesthetic explicitly about the politically ambiguous convergence of cultural and occupational performance, or playing and laboring, under what Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello call the new \"connexionist\" spirit of capitalism. As perhaps exemplified best by the maniacal frivolity of the characters played by Ball in I Love Lucy , Richard Pryor in The Toy , and Jim Carrey in The Cable Guy , the zany more specifically evokes the performance of affective labor -- the production of affects and relationships -- as it comes to increasingly trouble the very distinction between work and play. This explains why this ludic aesthetic has a noticeably unfun or stressed-out layer to it. Contemporary zaniness is not just an aesthetic about play but about work, and also about precarity, which is why the threat of injury is always hovering about it. An assortment of Atari 2600 games, left to right from top left: Combat (1977), Frostbite (1983), Defender (1982), Kaboom! (1981), Frogger (1982), and Pole Position (1983). What is the underlying connection between affects and aesthetic experience? I think Gerard Genette is right to say that all of our aesthetic predicates are \"objectifications\" of feeling. To make an aesthetic judgment, with all its necessary claims for universality, is to project one's feelings onto the object in such a totalizing fashion that the \"actually subjective\" basis of the judgment of aesthetic quality ends up being somewhat incidental to how we experience or understand that quality. Does this mean there is a one-to-one correspondence between the minor affects and marginal aesthetic categories? No. The former are sort of like raw materials for the latter, which are both descriptive and evaluative. In fact, and this is part of what intrigues me about them, aesthetic judgments like the ones in my study revolve around multiple and even conflicting feelings: tenderness and aggression, in the case of the cute; fun and unfun, in the case of the zany; interest and boredom, in the case of the interesting. I should stress that these aesthetic categories are trivial , but not for all that marginal . In fact, my argument is that they are absolutely central not just to postmodern culture, but for a proper understanding of how the very concept of the \"aesthetic\" has been perhaps irreversibly changed under the hypercommodified, intensively informated and networked, performance-driven conditions of late capitalism. The centrality of judgment to aesthetic experience remains controversial. For Kant, Clement Greenberg, and others, it seems like there can be no such thing as an aesthetic experience without judgment, while Nietzsche and others suggest the contrary. I think the former camp is ultimately right on this, which is why I treat aesthetic categories as both discursive evaluations (\"cute\" as something we say, a very particular way of communicating a very particular kind of pleasure) and as objective styles (cuteness as a commodity aesthetic, as a sensuous\/formal quality of objects), and try to pay close attention to the relation between them. At the same time, I don't agree that aesthetic experience\/judgment is necessarily synonymous with conviction. Or reverence, or idealization. Contemporary theorists continue to attribute the specificity of aesthetic experience to the presence of a special, singular emotion like \"disinterestedness.\" Yet most of our aesthetic experiences are based on combinations of ordinary feelings. Aesthetic judgments based on clashing feelings, in particular, mirror the disputes between subjects or groups that underlie them: a state of social conflict that not all aesthetic categories make equally transparent. I'm drawn to these weak or equivocal aesthetic categories because, precisely in not being experiences of conviction, they foreground the question of their justification outright. Indeed, judgments like \"interesting\" seem to demand justification, much in the same way that all aesthetic judgments (including even \"interesting\") demand concurrence. The justification of aesthetic judgments, which will always involve an appeal to extra-aesthetic judgments -- political, moral, historical, cognitive, and so on -- is, I think, the really interesting heart of all aesthetic discourse and experience. Aesthetics is a discourse not just of pleasure and evaluation, but of justification. How we talk about pleasure and displeasure turns out to be a very rhetorically tricky and socially complicated thing. How can you subscribe to Kant's theory of aesthetic judgments as making a claim for universality, but at the same time argue that these judgments are not necessarily ones of conviction? Isn't that a contradiction? Not necessarily. Cute, interesting, and zany are based on the complex feelings that arise from our encounters with notably \"formless\" forms: the squishy blob , the indefinite series , the chaotic flow of activity. Yet all make the claim to universal validity that every aesthetic judgment makes and in the same distinctively performative mode -- if perhaps not with the same degree of affective force as our judgments of, say, the beautiful or disgusting. When I judge something to be cute, or even interesting, I'm judging it to be objectively so. I'm compelled to say that \"interesting\" is a quality of the object , precisely because putting it this way is the most forceful way, the best way to get others to agree with me. That's the claim for universality, without which a judgment would not be a judgment of taste. Having had to put the judgment in this objective format, however, doesn't necessarily mean that its axiological charge is going to be unequivocally positive or negative. Or that the affective force of the judgment is going to be strong . Cute is a good example. I'm compelled to speak of it as an objective property of an object, which reflects my demand that everyone judge that object the same way. But our experience of something or somebody as cute is itself easily overpowered by a second feeling of manipulation or exploitation. Like the sentimental, which as literary critic Jennifer Fleissner points out, we wouldn't call \"sentimental\" if it really moved us deeply in the way that it aims to, the cute seems coupled with a certain inability to complete its own project. The same could also be said of the zany, tellingly defined by one online dictionary as a \"ludicrous\" character (that is, one who is not really convincing) who \"attempts feebly\" (that is, badly) to \"mimic the tricks of the clown.\" And the same could also be said of the interesting, always just a step away from being merely interesting and thus just a step away from being boring. In comparison to powerful experiences like that of the sublime or disgusting, these aesthetic experiences are profoundly equivocal; indeed, they almost seem to call attention to their relative lack of aesthetic impact or power, to their own aesthetic ineffectuality. But that doesn't finally negate their status as aesthetic categories. And to me it makes them all the more worthy of our intellectual attention. During a conversation about this project, Ken Reinhard jokingly pointed out how these three aesthetic experiences can easily turn pathological, in a way that almost perfectly corresponds to Freud's categories of neurosis: phobia, in the case of cute (because cute objects can quickly become gross or disgusting); hysteria, in the case of zaniness; obsession, in the case of the interesting. I think I'm attracted to them for this reason as well, though I didn't realize this until he pointed it out! Could you explain a little more how the aesthetic categories that interest you acquire the capacity to reveal social conflicts? I'm not being willfully ignorant. My bias can be read back to Frank Sibley, who wrote about the way in which aesthetic justifications ultimately resolve, at least in written description, in non-aesthetic terms. However he also insisted upon the irreplaceable role of direct personal experience of the aesthetic object. No one can convince you of the beauty, elegance, or garishness of an object by describing it. The act of professing aesthetic pleasure or displeasure, in and of itself, is not interesting to me. What is interesting is the complexity of the ways in which people then defend these judgments (which they feel just as strongly compelled to do). As Simon Frith aptly puts it, \"Value judgments only make sense as part of an argument and arguments are always social events.\" So in my comment above, I just was thinking in a general way about what John Guillory calls the \"constitutive role of conflict for any discourse of value.\" That said, the argument of my second book is that the commodity aesthetic of the cute, the performance-oriented aesthetic of the zany, and the informational and discursive aesthetic of the interesting have a unique and even indexical relation to the ways in which the subjects of late capitalism consume, labor, and exchange. Insofar as these socially binding processes are also, inevitably, sites and stakes of social struggle, the aesthetic categories featured in the book reflect these struggles, albeit in a highly indirect and mediated fashion. The zany, for example, is an aesthetic not just about cultural performance but about performance as affective labor, whose gendered status in the post-Fordist culture of what Heather Hicks calls \"soft work\" becomes increasingly ambiguous. And in a way that repositions gender, in a historically unprecedented way, as a central question for late-capitalist zaniness, as we see in I Love Lucy . The longstanding question of the relation between gender and class gets raised by the question of how post-Fordist zaniness differs from its precedents. It's worth noting here that zaniness is an old but distinctively modern style of performing in which the employer\/employee or master\/servant agon has always played a central role, since its inception with the character of the Zanni (an itinerant servant) in sixteenth-century commedia dell'arte . It's only in the late twentieth century that the question of gender starts to become increasingly central to this aesthetic about work. Image from \"Lucy Tells The Truth,\" the 9 November 1953 episode of I Love Lucy . The asymmetry of power that cuteness revolves around is another compelling reminder of how aesthetic categories register social conflict. There can be no experience of any person or object as cute that does not somehow call up the subject's sense of power over those who are less powerful. But, as Lori Merish underscores, the fact that the cute object seems capable of making an affective demand on the subject -- a demand for care that the subject is culturally as well as biologically compelled to fulfill -- is already a sign that \"cute\" does not just denote a static power differential , but rather a dynamic and complex power struggle . Finally, the very idea of \"interest\" underlying the interesting points to the aesthetic judgment's unique role in facilitating \"precise comparisons and contrasts between individuals or groups\" and thus in negotiating disputes between them. As Jan Mieszkowsi notes, \"interests never exist as unique, autonomous impulses, but only in and as their collisions with other interests.\" The fact that \"before it can be considered as a preference or aim, an interest must be understood as a contradiction with other interests\" means \"any interest -- or a person, a tribe or a state -- is [already] a counter-interest.\" As a judgment, \"interesting\" is often applied to art objects and in your essay \"Merely Interesting,\" you treat it as a category of aesthetic experience when it is used in this way. In what ways does \"interesting\" conform to, and differ from, the traditional aesthetic categories such as the beautiful and the sublime? When I first started working on the interesting I followed Schlegel in regarding it as the antithesis of the beautiful. But then I started to realize that it illuminated or brought forth aspects of Kant's privileged example of aesthetic judgment in an even more perspicuous way than beauty! This is the case even though the interesting isn't an exclusively aesthetic category. In fact, it's a term critics often deliberately use to toggle between aesthetic and extra-aesthetic judgments. But let me first say something about the Kantian sublime. Could an aesthetic category like interesting, an affectively low-key response to minor differences perceived against a background of sameness, have anything in common with such a powerful response to sheer power? (Not form, as Lyotard underscores, but rather pure quantity or magnitude.) There is one surprising point of similarity: the sublime is still western philosophy's most prestigious example of an aesthetic category that derives its specificity from mixed or conflicting feelings. Yet unlike the mix of interest and boredom in the interesting, or aggression and tenderness in the cute, in the sublime these contradictory feelings are not held in indefinite tension. What makes the sublime \"sublime\" is precisely the fact of its emphatic resolution ; that the initial feeling of discord culminates in the feeling Kant calls \"respect.\" This final feeling is singular and unequivocal. And it is always intense. The relationship between the interesting and the beautiful is much closer. With its cool affect and relatively weak cathexis with its objects, the interesting arguably resembles the \"disinterested pleasure\" of beauty more than it differs from it! More significantly, the interesting's lack of descriptive specificity mirrors the conceptlessness of the reflective judgment of beauty as conceived by Kant. I've always found this fact particularly striking. The difference is that the blankness or indeterminacy of the judgment of interesting seems to explicitly invite us to fill in the blank with the concept later. The interesting is an explicitly epistemological aesthetic, in a way that the beautiful is not. Finally, the discursivity of the interesting makes plain the dialogism and matrix of social conflict underlying all judgments of taste. The father of all things zany. The Zanni, as depicted in Claude Gillot, Character from the Commedia dell'Arte , ca. 1700. Can you elaborate on what you mean by the interesting's \"discursivity,\" and how that connects to or helps bring out something about beauty? Think of the ubiquity of the weak judgment in everyday conversation, and how it gets used to implicitly invite others to demand, in turn, that the person who has just proclaimed something interesting take the next step of explaining why . Also, consider this quotation from Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus , dominated by dialogue as the \"novel of ideas\" always tends to be: \"If one was fundamentally interested in a thing, when one talked about it one could hardly help drawing others in, infecting them with it, and so creating an interest up to then not present or dreamed of. And that was worth a great deal more than catering to one already existent.\" This moment from Mann's novel, famously based on Adorno's theoretical writings on music, is striking for several reasons. First, it underscores the performativity of the interesting. Judging something interesting is often a first step in actually making it so . Which is why there is an explicitly pedagogical dimension to the interesting. (Not accidentally, the speaker of the quotation is a piano teacher). Second, it highlights how our experience of something as interesting compels us to immediately talk about it. As if there could be no aesthetic experience of the interesting without the talk. For Kant, similarly, it does not seem possible to judge something beautiful without speaking, or at the very least, imagining oneself speaking. Some may think I am overreading certain early moments in the third Critique in making this claim (sections 6 and 7), but I do think the compulsion to literally speak, the compulsion to make one's pleasure public , is fundamental to aesthetic judgment (and therefore, one might argue, to aesthetic experience). Though he doesn't put it as crudely as I just did, Stanley Cavell's reading of the Kantian aesthetic judgment as a perlocutionary speech act suggests so as well. I also think Derrida has this in mind when, in the Truth in Painting , he refers to the \"discursivity in the structure of the beautiful.\" Indeed, for Kant, what one judges in the pure judgment of taste is less the object or even the feeling of pleasure that follows its judging, but rather the communicability of that feeling. And, as Hannah Arendt argues, for Kant communicability quite explicitly means \"speech.\" Could you tell us more about what Schlegel had to say about the interesting? Is there an overlap between the interesting and the ironic? In a 1797 essay called \"On the Origins of Greek Poetry,\" Schlegel explicitly sets the interesting, which he associates with the literature of modernity, in direct opposition to the beautiful poetry of the Greeks. While die schne Poesie is objectively rule-bound, universal, and disinterested, die interessante Poesie is subjective and idiosyncratic, open to interminable particularization because no laws govern its determination by any content in particular. So here is the historical link between the maker of interesting art and the figure of the romantic ironist: both are defined by the lack of attachment to any particular worldview, and thus by an ability to \"take on any subject-matter or artistic style\" (as Hegel put it, negatively -- he was not a fan of irony, nor of the Schlegels). In a way that may come as a surprise to many, the aesthetic of the interesting thus has a fairly lofty pedigree in high theory and literary criticism. There is something intriguing about the gesture associated with the interesting: pointing. Pointing at something interesting is both vague and precise, and implies that there is more to see than can be seen, that we have recognized something portentous but at the same time are not sure what it is . The gesture is a promissory note, an assertion that this thing will reward further inspection. Does the mute and indicative nature of pointing itself reveal the nature of the interesting? Yes! No one brings this out better than John Baldessari, which is why his A Person Was Asked to Point (1969) played such a central role in my thinking about how the interesting functions as a specifically narrative or diachronic aesthetic -- one that unlike the instantaneous thunderbolt of the sublime, tends to unfold in a serial fashion, over time. Linked always to the relatively small surprise of information, or the perception of minor differences from an existing norm, the interesting is generally bound up with a desire to know and document reality. So we can see why Susan Sontag suggests that it is an aesthetic closely bound up with both the nineteenth-century novel and the history of photography. In On Photography , troubled by how the use of \"interesting\" as a notoriously weak evaluation tends to promote a general \"indiscrimination,\" Sontag trenchantly notes that \"the practice of photography is now identified with the idea that everything in the world could be made interesting through the camera.\" If it is \"not altogether wrong to say that there is no such thing as a bad photograph -- only less interesting [ones],\" the reason why photography becomes \"one of the chief means for producing that quality ascribed to things and situations which erases these distinctions\" is because \"the photographic purchase on the world, with its limitless production of notes on reality,\" makes everything comparable to others of its same kind or type. We can thus glimpse the connection between late twentieth-century conceptualism -- famously obsessed with acts of documentation, classification, and the presentation of evidence -- and a range of realist practices from the previous century. Indeed, conceptual art's \"crucial innovation,\" as Liz Kotz suggests, was its unprecedented pairing of photography with the language of ordinary\/everyday observation: the \"notes on reality,\" and on social types in particular, central also to novelists ranging from Henry James to Georges Perec. As James famously said, \"The only obligation to which in advance we may hold a novel, without incurring the accusation of being arbitrary, is that it be interesting.\" You describe the interesting as a \"specifically modern response to novelty and change.\" Could you say more about the way in which you think the interesting is a peculiarly historicized affect? The interesting, like the picturesque, was conceived as an aesthetic explicitly about variation, eclecticism, and idiosyncrasy -- as if in unconscious response to the unprecedented proliferation of styles characterizing the late eighteenth-century European marketplace for art. Coinciding with style's elevation from mere taxonomic concept into primary bearer of an artwork's meaning, this miscellaneous pluralism would pose a new set of problems or challenges for the modern artist, for whom the act of choosing a style would come to take on unprecedented weight. Schlegel's interesting is both an effect or byproduct of the rise of stylistic pluralism and an effort to solve the problem, through an explicit embrace of stylistic variation, eclecticism, and hybridity. Is there a similar historical narrative for curiosity? For a historical narrative about curiosity, I'd refer readers to Hans Blumenberg's The Legitimacy of the Modern Age , where he traces its significance as the \"libido of theory.\" Curiosity seems to have been feminized in a way that interest has not -- on this see Laura Mulvey's Fetishism and Curiosity , which, if I recall correctly, reads curiosity as an antidote to fetishism. The interesting seems more explicitly comparative than curiosity. The fact that we find things interesting only when they seem to differ from others of their type , points to the fact that we live in a world understood as fundamentally taxonomized. This doesn't mean that it's a world devoid of wonder or surprise -- only one in which, as Mikhail Epstein notes, the unknown must be immediately related to what is already known. In fact, Epstein provocatively argues that the interesting is a way of explicitly using understanding to check wonder; or mitigating the \"alterity of the object\" with \"reason's capacity to integrate it\" -- like a scaled-down version of the two phases of the Kantian sublime. In any case, in its efforts to reconcile the individual with the generic, the interesting might be described as an explicit response to the modern routinization of novelty. It's also a response to what we might call the mediatization or informatization of reality -- to the fact that \"the observation of events throughout society now occurs almost at the same time as the events themselves\" (as Niklas Luhmann put it). One sees this reflected in conceptual art's fascination with its coextensiveness with publicity, and also in its fascination with systems, networks, and media. If the interesting speaks directly to this aspect of modern culture -- what Mark Seltzer calls the doubling of everything with its description -- it also speaks to what many have noted as the increasing convergence between art and discourse overall. Art's identification with critical or theoretical discourse about art, in particular, seems to have become one of the most important problems informing the making, dissemination, and reception of art in our time -- as important, perhaps, as the loss of the antithesis between the work of art and the commodity. The \"merely interesting\" conceptual art of the 1960s and 1970s seems to have been a concerted effort to grapple with this. Adam Jasper is a lecturer in the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building at the University of Technology Sydney. He is a contributing editor of Cabinet . Sianne Ngai is professor of English at Stanford University. She is the author of Our Aesthetic Categories (Harvard University Press, forthcoming 2012) and Ugly Feelings (Harvard University Press, 2005). Cabinet is a non-profit organization supported by the Lambent Foundation, the Orphiflamme Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York Council on the Arts, the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, and the Katchadourian Family Foundation. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation by visiting here . ","labels":"Other","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"Labour MSP Promotes Nature of Scotland Awards. Labour MSP and Convenor of the Cross Party Group on Volunteering and the Voluntary Sector Margaret McDougall is promoting the Nature of Scotland Awards, which is run by RSPB Scotland. The aim of the awards are to celebrate excellence, innovation and outstanding achievement in Scottish nature conservation. The awards which were launched last year received over 90 entries across the 6 categories. This year the categories have been increased to 8. These are; Marine Conservation Award, Innovations Award, Sustainable Development Award, Outstanding Contribution Award, Politician of the Year Award, RSPB Species Champion Award, Community initiative Award and a Youth and Education Award. Margaret McDougall MSP, said: \"These awards are a great idea to promote and celebrate excellence, innovation and outstanding achievement in Scottish nature conservation. Not only do they highlight environmental initiatives but promote best practice and give people ideas that they can take forward in their own communities.\" \"This year they are looking for as wide a range of entrants as possible so that they can ensure that as many people, groups and organisations are recognised for the great work that they do.\" \"I'm urging everyone who is currently eligible to enter the awards to do so and make sure that your project does not go unnoticed.\" ","labels":"News","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"If You Want Blood (You Got It) (Original) lyrics Ac Dc If You Want Blood (You Got It) (Original) lyrics It's criminal, there ought to be a law Criminal, and you know what we're shootin' for Shouting at the other guy When his back is turned Don't know the reason why Ain't it 'bout time you learn If you want blood, you got it If you want blood, you got it Blood on the sheets, blood on the rocks Blood in the gutter, give my last drop You want blood, you got it Wha-ooh It's animal, livin' in the human zoo It's animal, and I know what you gotta do It's the curse of the working man Givin' more and gettin' less Doin' everything he can, cleaning up the mess If you want blood, you got it If you want blood, you got it Blood on the sheets, blood on the rocks Blood in the gutter, give my last drop You want blood, you got it Ooooh (shove it)? You want blood, you want blood After you Blood on the sheets, blood on the rocks, Blood in the gutter, give my last drop You want blood, you got it If you want blood, you got it If you want blood, you got it If you want blood, you got it [ Lyrics from: http:\/\/www.lyricsmode.com\/lyrics\/a\/ac_dc\\\\... ] ","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"So sad to think of Brodeur having to go to another team just for cash. I sure hope they can sign him, and if they can't, I don't want to see him in another uniform. I'd rather him retire! He belongs as a Devil his whole career, not pull a Modano. Mind you, that link I provided was from 2009. Eleven years of paying alimony worth up to $500,000 annually, which equates to a years worth of salary for Brodeur, and of course that is not including the $9m in assets that Brodeur's ex-wife also gained, which he may also be trying to recoup with his NHL earnings. And what a sleazeball he is to sleep with his sister-in-law. You get what you deserve. Mind you, that link I provided was from 2009. Eleven years of paying alimony worth up to $500,000 annually, which equates to a years worth of salary for Brodeur, and of course that is not including the $9m in assets that Brodeur's ex-wife also gained, which he may also be trying to recoup with his NHL earnings. And what a sleazeball he is to sleep with his sister-in-law. You get what you deserve. He banged his wife's sister? At first I felt bad that the court awarded his ex-wife so much, but now I wish she had gotten more. I just don't understand some people. Didn't he marry the sister-in-law after the divorce? I remember reading that somewhere. What a *******! I feel so sorry for his first wife. She got screwed by her husband AND her sister after letting her sister live with them to watch her kids (and probably paid her pretty good). ","labels":"Forum","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"November 5, 2012 Losing My Mind The day after I was out for my annual Landowner Day I stacked up some optics to give them a good cleaning. Except for an inability to locate my laser rangefinder, the job went smoothly. A thorough search of my man-cave and the truck turned up only a half-eaten granola bar. That made the rangefinder officially missing and necessitated searching my memory banks next. I'd had it out on Landowner Day and recalled the exact location of the last use. I figured there was a good bet it was on the ground right where I'd been sitting. But it was already too dark to drive out for a look, so I relegated that trip to a Sunday afternoon chore; right after my son-in-law's birthday party. He came along and since there's no point in driving out to coyote country without a gun, we took two. Our first stop was to look for the rangefinder. It was there alright, a little wet but fully functional and waiting patiently to go back into a warm pocket. I'd used it, set it on the ground for handy re-use and then eventually walked away from it. Careless...dumb...etc. However, with little effort or time expended in looking for lost gear, we had enough time to go look for a coyote. Since it was evening and the wind was right, the dead cow I'd learned of the other day became a prime candidate. After parking in the feedlot, we maneuvered into position at the end of a bale stack. The cow was in a pit however, and therefore we still couldn't see it directly. Nothing but birds were visible in the area, so I did some coyote pup distress on a open reed call. It took about 15 minutes but eventually one showed himself briefly in the distance. He was headed our way but had good cover that would lead him right to the cow, so we had no more visual confirmation of what he was doing. When another 15 minutes had passed and he still hadn't shown, I suspected he may have been sidetracked by the fresh beef. I sent the son-in-law to creep in closer to get a direct look at the cow, while I covered the back door from the hay stack. A few minutes later he opened up with the AR-180B and put the coyote on the ground. Turns out the coyote had gone to the dead cow but then carried on and was headed our way to check out the pup-distress cries. This was a runt of a coyote and likely unsure about getting into the physical confrontation I was suggesting in my calling. We were lucky to get him and should have been more patient and waited longer. ? While that was a good lesson for the day, I think the most important one was to look around your set-up every time you leave a calling site...just to make sure you aren't leaving anything behind. So far, I've lost a knife, an AR magazine and a tripod while coyote hunting. I'm lucky the rangefinder didn't get added to the list. By now I know better than to leave stuff behind, so this wasn't a case of a losing a piece of gear....it was much more like losing my mind. No comments: Post a Comment About This Blog Welcome to Coyote School. This is a blog about the art, science and philosophy of hunting coyotes. I invite you to join me in a journey that matches wits and skills with the most adaptable predator on the planet. Here you'll find tales of the hunt, practical instruction, product reviews and the occasional deep thought from someone who's been chasing coyotes for thirty-plus years. During that time I've met many hunters who know far more about coyote hunting than I do; but I've never met anyone who has more fun doing it. I intend to share that excitement with you. You see, I enjoy writing almost as much as hunting, thus making this blog a natural outlet. After all, hunters have to hunt, writers need to write and I must do both. Along the way we'll take the odd detour into related topics but we won't stray too far from the trail. So, come on in, school has started.......Al Voth ","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"CORE","language":"English"} +{"text":"5 razlogov, zakaj je coworking odli\u010dna re\u0161itev V Sloveniji smo zadnje \u010dase pri\u010da porastu tako imenovanih coworking pisarn, ki mladim podjetnikom omogo\u010dajo ve\u010d fleksibilnosti kot delo v klasi\u010dnih pisarnah, hkrati pa so tudi cenovno ugodnej\u0161e, kar je \u0161e posebej pomembno za mlada podjetja. Imajo pa \u0161e \u0161tevilne druge prednosti! 5 razlogov zakaj je coworking odli\u010dna re\u0161itev (Vir slike: sxc.hu) Coworking je odli\u010dna re\u0161itev za mlada podjetja,... ... ker lahko delo in dru\u017eino enostavneje lo\u010dite. Veliko podjetnikov, ki so danes sicer zelo uspe\u0161ni, je za\u010delo poslovati v doma\u010dih prostorih, najsi bo to v zapra\u0161eni kleti ali v doma\u010di dnevni sobi. Dejstvo je, da imajo mladi podjetniki sprva zelo omejena denarna sredstva, zato je najem lastnih pisarni\u0161kih prostorov zanje ponavadi prevelik stro\u0161ek. V po\u0161tev zato pride prav najem poslovnih prostorov v tako imenovani coworking pisarni, ki je namenjena predvsem mladim podjetjem z malo \u010dlani ekipe. Tovrstne pisarne so cenovno veliko bolj ugodne od klasi\u010dnih pisarn, hkrati pa podjetniku omogo\u010dijo, da lahko enostavno lo\u010duje doma\u010de in poslovne prostore. ... ker si lahko zgradite pravo pravcato mre\u017eo poznanstev. Coworking pisarne na enem mestu zdru\u017eujejo ve\u010d podjetni\u0161kih ekip iz zelo razli\u010dnih poslovnih podro\u010dij. Z najemom poslovnega prostora v tovrstni pisarni boste avtomati\u010dno postali eden izmed \u010dlanov skupnosti in r azvili boste pravo pravcato mre\u017eo poznanstev. Na ta na\u010din boste \u0161irili besedo o svojem podjetju in pridobili nove dobre prijatelje. ... ker je poslovanje lahko veliko hitrej\u0161e in enostavnej\u0161e. Poslovanje v eni izmed coworking pisarn ni le zanimivo in zabavno, temve\u010d je lahko tudi veliko hitrej\u0161e in enostavnej\u0161e. Potrebujete programerja, dizajnerja, ra\u010dunovodjo? Brez skrbi, saj ga boste najverjetneje na\u0161li kar v sosednji sobi, \u010de pa ga vendarle ne boste uspeli najti, pa za kontaktno \u0161tevilko in priporo\u010dila poprosite ostale \u010dlane skupne pisarne, saj je kateri izmed njih gotovo \u017ee kdaj koristil omenjene usluge. ... ker je delo v pisarni veliko bolj udobno, kot delo v bli\u017enjem lokalu. Prenosni ra\u010dunalniki in skorajda \u017ee neomejen dostop do interneta mnogim podjetnikom omogo\u010dajo, da delo opravljajo iz razli\u010dnih lokacij. Ena izmed mo\u017enosti, ki se je poslu\u017euje marsikdo, ki ima te\u017eave s prostorom, je delo v katerem izmed lokalov ob skodelici kave ali \u010daja. Problem se pojavi, \u010de lastniki lokala tak\u0161nega po\u010detja ne odobravajo in mora podjetnik mesto zapustiti... in da o u\u010dinkovitosti takega dela sploh ne izgubljamo besed. Morda vam delo od doma sicer odgovarja, toda va\u0161i poslovni partnerji ali potencialne stranke bodo veliko bolj navdu\u0161eni nad vami, \u010de jih na sestanku sprejmete v urejeni pisarni, namesto v sobi, ki je hkrati tudi va\u0161a spalnica ali kuhinja. Doka\u017eite strankam in poslovnim partnerjem, da ste resna oseba, ki svoje delo opravlja profesionalno.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Konfeti Majhni okrasni elementi za vsestransko ustvarjanje in dekoracijo. Konfete posujte po povr\u0161ini za namizno dekoracijo, z njimi napolnite balone, uporabite pri papirnatem in scrapbooking ustvarjanju, za izdelavo okraskov in \u0161e veliko ve\u010d! Konfeti v obliki ro\u017eic imajo v sredini luknjo, zato jih lahko nanizate na nit ali tanko vrvico.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Sodi\u0161\u010de podalj\u0161alo sojenje Pistoriusu do 16. maja Ju\u017enoafri\u0161ko sodi\u0161\u010de je podalj\u0161alo sojenje paraolimpijcu in atletu Oscarju Pistoriusu do 16. maja. Sojenje, ki poteka od 3. marca, se bo nadaljevalo do 4. aprila po premoru pa bo potekalo \u0161e med 14. aprilom in 16. majem, je sporo\u010dilo sodi\u0161\u010de v Pretorii. Uredni\u0161tvo \/ STA 23.03.2014 ob 14:33 Oscarju Pistoriusu sodijo za umor njegovega dekleta Reeve Steenkamp v njunem domu v Pretorii ravno na valentinovo sredi februarja lani. Pistorius ne zanika, da je dekle ubil, vendar zatrjuje, da je \u0161lo za nesre\u010do in da jo je zamenjal za vlomilca. Pistorius je \u0161estkratni zmagovalec paraolimpijskih iger in udele\u017eenec olimpijskih iger v atletiki leta 2012 v Londonu. Pistorius je na sojenje \u010dakal na prostosti, potem ko je poravnal var\u0161\u010dino v vi\u0161ini 74.000 evrov.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"\u010cEMA\u017dEVA JUHA 1 \u0161opek \u010dema\u017ea V posodi stopimo 50 g masla in dodamo 2 \u017elici p\u0161eni\u010dnega zdroba. Pribli\u017eno 5 minut pra\u017eimo, nato dodamo sesekljan \u0161opek \u010dema\u017ea, na hitro popra\u017eimo in zalijemo z vodo ter solimo. Juho zavremo in pustimo, da vre 10 minut. Dodamo 100 ml smetane za kuhanje in zme\u0161amo z me\u0161alnikom. Juho lahko serviramo na kro\u017eniku s kak\u0161no \u017eli\u010dko kisle smetane. \u010cEMA\u017dEV NAMAZ 2 kocki topljenega sira","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Neutrogena Hydro Boost gel krema za roke je obogatena s hialuronsko kislino ter je namenjena za nego ko\u017ee rok. Krema ima lahko in nemastno teksturo.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"V EPAR (European public assessment report \u2013 Evropsko javno poro\u010dilo o oceni zdravila) je VAED naveden kot pomembno potencialno tveganje (important potential risk), ki ga je potrebno spremljati in o njem poro\u010dati. Ne eno in ne drugo se v Sloveniji ne izvaja, ker zdravniki o njem na izobra\u017eevanjih (in tudi kasneje) nismo bili obve\u0161\u010deni. VAED (Vaccine associated enhancement of disease \u2013 s cepivom povezano pospe\u0161evanje bolezni) je bil glavna prepreka v razvoju koronavirusnih cepiv proti SARS-u in MERS-u, cepiva proti RSV (respiratorni sincicijski virus) in nekaterih drugih cepiv proti povzro\u010diteljem nalezljivih bolezni. Gre za imunolo\u0161ki pojav, posredovan s protitelesi ali z imunskimi celicami, ki povzro\u010di, da cepljena oseba po stiku z divjim virusom zboli, velikokrat \u0161e huje, kot necepljena oseba. Zaradi tega fenomena so v preteklosti obolevale in poginjale laboratorijske \u017eivali. Cepivo proti RSV je konec sedemdesetih let povzro\u010dilo hudo zbolevanje in tudi smrt cepljenih otrok. Tega imunolo\u0161kega fenomena proizvajalec Pfizer-BioNTech ni dovolj raziskal, ker: a) v predklini\u010dnih \u0161tudijah na \u017eivalih ni uporabljal avtenti\u010dnega SARS-CoV-2 virusa, temve\u010d nadomestni virus \u2013 s pojasnilom, da nima BSL3 (Biosafety Level \u2013 laboratorij 3. stopnje biolo\u0161ke varnosti) (EPAR, stran 43). Ocenjevalec EMA-e je v poro\u010dilo zapisal, da o uporabi nadomestnega namesto avtenti\u010dnega virusa SARS-CoV-2 (v raziskavah cepiva) sploh niso razpravljali (!!!). Prav tako proizvajalec iz tehni\u010dnih razlogov (!!!) ni dolo\u010dil razmerja med nevtralizacijskimi in ne-nevtralizacijskimi protitelesi \u2013 kar je bilo marca 2020 priporo\u010deno tudi s strani znanstvenikov, ki so se zbrali pod okriljem CEPI, s pojasnilom, da gre za pomemben 'indikator' mo\u017enosti nastanka VAED pri cepljenih ljudeh. b) klini\u010dno testiranje faze 2\/3 je v glavnem potekalo v \u010dasu, ko je bila prisotnost virusa SARS-CoV-2 v naravnem okolju majhna ali odsotna (registracijska \u0161tudija za pridobitev za\u010dasnega dovoljenja je vklju\u010dila podatke od maja do prve polovice oktobra 2020); zato ve\u010dina cepljenih ljudi ni mogla priti v stik z virusom SARS-CoV-2, kar bi edino lahko omogo\u010dilo preverjanje mo\u017enosti razvoja VAED pri njih. Na problem testiranja cepiva zaradi odsotnosti virusa v naravnem okolju so poleti 2020 opozarjali tudi znanstveniki c) iz strokovnega in znanstvenega vidika bi bilo, glede na znano problematiko zgodovine koronavirusnih cepiv, zato edino pravilno v registracijsko \u0161tudijo (na osnovi katere je cepivo prejelo za\u010dasno dovoljenje za promet) zajeti podatke tudi iz obdobja pove\u010dane prisotnosti virusa v naravnem okolju, torej pozno jeseni in pozimi 2020\/2021, ko so se ponovno za\u010dele pojavljati koronavirusne oku\u017ebe in so cepljeni imeli mo\u017enost priti v stik z avtenti\u010dnim (divjim) virusom SARS-CoV-2 in z drugimi koronavirusi. Vendar, kot je zgoraj povedano, registracijska \u0161tudija teh podatkov ni zajela, temve\u010d se je v obdobju ponovne pove\u010dane prisotnosti virusa \u017ee za\u010delo masovno cepljenje prebivalstva povsod po svetu. V EPAR je VAED uvr\u0161\u010den na seznam pomembnih potencialnih tveganj (stran 115). Navedeno je, da se bo tudi po prejemu za\u010dasnega dovoljenja za promet \u0161e naprej spremljala morebitna pojavnost tega zapleta. V planu farmakovigilance (stranskih u\u010dinkov produkta) je navedeno, da se bo stranskim u\u010dinkom cepljenja s Comirnaty Pfizer-BioNTecha sledilo preko posebnega vpra\u0161alnika, ki bo vklju\u010deval tudi preverjanje neu\u010dinkovitosti cepiva ali pojavnost VAED (stran 116). V poglavju o dodatnih aktivnostih glede farmakovigilance (stran 118, tabela, \u0161tudija C4591001) je navedeno, da bi pojav neravnovesja med cepljeno in kontrolno (necepljeno) skupino glede \u0161tevila obolelih, zlasti za te\u017ejo obliko bolezni kovid 19, lahko sugeriral na VAED. Mo\u017enost pojava VAED naj bi se spremljalo 2 leti po prejetem drugem odmerku cepiva, pi\u0161e v EPAR. Da gre za pomemben imunolo\u0161ki fenomen, ki lahko slabo vpliva na zdravje cepljenih, je mo\u017eno razbrati tudi iz strokovne literature. Marca 2020 se je pod pokroviteljstvom CEPI (Coalition for epidemic preparedeness innovation \u2013 koalicija za inovacije na podro\u010dju pripravljenosti na epidemije), financirane tudi s strani kapitala in filantropije, zbrala skupina strokovnjakov iz podro\u010dja imunologije cepiv in koronavirusov z namenom, da preu\u010di razmere ter mo\u017enosti in ovire pri razvoju varnega cepiva za bolezen kovid 19. Kot problem pri razvoju cepiva proti bolezni kovid 19 so izpostavili mo\u017enost pojava VAED, pri katerem cepivo povzro\u010di te\u017ejo obliko bolezni, \u010de se cepljena oseba kasneje oku\u017ei z divjim virusom. Zapisali so, da je bil VAED najprej opa\u017een v 60-tih letih prej\u0161njega stoletja v povezavi z inaktiviranim cepivom proti RSV. Udele\u017eenci sre\u010danja so opozorili na primer, ko cepivo proti RSV ni prepre\u010dilo oku\u017ebe in je 80% cepljenih otrok po stiku z divjim virusom tako hudo zbolelo, da so potrebovali bolni\u0161ni\u010dno zdravljenje; 2 od 35 otrok sta celo umrla. Opozorili so, da je bila podobna patologija opisana pri kandidatih za cepiva proti virusu SARS CoV-1 (povzro\u010ditelju pandemije SARS 2002\/2003) in da obstaja bojazen, da bi se podobna patologija (predvsem v smislu Th2 imunopatologije) lahko pojavila pri ljudeh, cepljenih proti virusu SARS-CoV-2 (povzro\u010ditelju bolezni kovid-19). Navedli so tudi mo\u017enost pojava ADE (antibody disease enhancement), drugega imunolo\u0161kega mehanizma, ki je direktno povzro\u010den z ne-nevtralizacijskimi ali sub-nevtralizacijskimi protitelesi, ki omogo\u010dajo u\u010dinkovitej\u0161i vnos virusa v celice. Zapisali so, da naj bodo njihove ugotovitve usmeritev za proizvajalce cepiv pri razvoju in testiranju cepilnih kandidatov z namero, da se prepre\u010dijo nevarnosti za ljudi pri uporabi cepiv proti bolezni kovid-19. Podali so tudi zelo natan\u010dna navodila za pravilno izvedbo predklini\u010dnih in klini\u010dnih \u0161tudij in preverjanja razvoja VAED. Aprila 2020 so znanstveniki tudi v strokovnih revijah razpravljali in opozarjali o mo\u017enem pojavu VAED po uporabi cepiva proti bolezni kovid 19. Razpravljali so o mo\u017enosti pospe\u0161evanja bolezni tako po mehanizmu humoralne (protitelesa \u2013 ADE) kot celi\u010dne (Th2 imunopatologija) imunosti. Epidemiolog in poznavalec koronavirusne problematike, prof. Baric je takrat menil, da bo ve\u010dji problem predstavljala Th2 imunopatologija, ki je na \u017eivalskih modelih pokazala, da so ogro\u017eene predvsem starej\u0161e \u017eivali; izrazil je zaskrbljenost, kaj bi to lahko pomenilo, \u010de bi cepivo uporabili pri starej\u0161ih ljudeh. Zdaj vemo, da so cepivo proti kovid 19 najprej uporabili ravno na starej\u0161i populaciji; iz EPAR proizvajalca pa je razvidno, da je bilo v registracijsko \u0161tudijo med nekaj ve\u010d kot 18000 cepljenimi vklju\u010deno vsega 5 oseb starih nad 85 let ter vsega 804 osebe v starosti nad 75 let, kar predstavlja 4.4% vseh cepljenih (stran 76, tabela). Tudi nekateri drugi znanstveniki so bili mnenja, da ADE patologija ne bi smela predstavljati ve\u010djega problema in da tudi poro\u010danja iz Kitajske v zvezi s ponovno oku\u017eenimi ljudmi ne sugerirajo na ADE problematiko. Prav tako je izvr\u0161ni direktor centra za razvoj cepiv pri NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease), dr. Graham omenjal predvsem mo\u017enost Th2 imunopatologije, pritrjeval mu je tudi dr. Peter Hotez, raziskovalec cepiv, ki je med drugim delal tudi na razvoju cepiva proti virusu SARS-CoV-1. Dr. Graham je glede Th2 imunopatologije izrazil zaskrbljenost, da bi napa\u010den odgovor T celic spodbudil nastanek alergijsko pogojenega vnetja in privedel do nastanka slabo funkcionalnih protiteles s posledi\u010dnim formiranjem imunskih kompleksov, kar bi privedlo do aktivacije komplementa in \u0161kode, ki lahko zaradi tega nastane. Dr. Hotez je opozoril na mo\u017enost izdelave cepiva na samo del virusnega S-proteina, tj. na del, ki se ve\u017ee na celi\u010dni receptor (RBD \u2013 receptor binding domain), kar bi morda lahko zmanj\u0161alo neugoden imunski odziv. Iz EPAR Pfizer-BioNTecha je razvidno, da je proizvajalec preverjal tudi cepilnega kandidata na RBD komponento S proteina, ki pa ga je kasneje opustil (stran 58). Dr. Graham, ki je z Moderno sodeloval pri razvoju cepiva, je aprila 2020 povedal: 'Do naslednje zime moramo dobiti nekaj odgovorov, da bi bili vsaj bolj\u0161e pripravljeni na zimo 2021-2022'. No, 'cepivo', tudi Modernino, se je za\u010delo masovno uporabljati \u017ee 1 leto prej, veliko bolj zgodaj, kot je dr. Graham pri\u010dakoval, da 'bo dobil nekaj odgovorov'. Prof. Perlman, imunolog in mikrobiolog, je povedal, da je bila pri WHO ustanovljena posebna komisija z namenom, da prou\u010di problematiko VAED. Aprila 2020 je pri\u010dakoval, da bo komisija poro\u010dilo lahko podala \u010dez nekaj mesecev. Aprila 2020 so tudi WHO in drugi zdravstveni strokovnjaki poudarili, da bo trajalo vsaj leto in pol, preden bo cepivo temeljito preverjeno tako na \u017eivalskih modelih kot na ljudeh, in bo \u0161ele potem morda dano v \u0161ir\u0161o, komercialno uporabo. V realnosti so bile zadeve pospe\u0161ene; v dobrem letu dni po njegovi izjavi je precepljenih okoli 3 milijarde ljudi, s slabo preverjenim produktom, imenovanim 'cepivo'. Kljub opozorilu EMA-e, da je VAED uvr\u0161\u010den na seznam pomembnih potencialnih tveganj ter da je potrebno spremljati in sporo\u010dati glede obolevanja s simptomi kovida 19 po cepljenju, zdravniki o tem na izobra\u017eevanjih o cepivih za kovid 19, ki so potekala od decembra 2020 dalje, nismo bili seznanjeni, nismo o tem prejeli nobenega (naknadnega) obvestila, niti ne obstaja formular za prijavo tega imunolo\u0161kega fenomena, ki lahko, kot ka\u017eejo izku\u0161nje iz preteklosti, \u0161kodi ali celo ogrozi zdravje cepljenih. Zdravniki smo aprila 2020 na e-po\u0161to prejeli \u010dlanek prof. Toma\u017ei\u010da z naslovom \"Covid 19: kaj je dobro, da ve vsak zdravnik.\" V \u010dlanku, ki je sedaj objavljen na spletni strani NIJZ, na strani 7 prof. Ihan navaja: \"Ni \u0161e jasno, kak\u0161no vlogo imajo protitelesa pri za\u0161\u010diti pred boleznijo. V nekaj \u0161tudijah so bolniki z ve\u010djo produkcijo protiteles imeli slab\u0161i izid \u2013 to bi lahko kazalo na mo\u017enost pospe\u0161evanja bolezni s protitelesi (ADE: antibody dependent enhancement). Podoben pojav so opisovali \u017ee pri MERS-u, tam so nevtralizacijska protitelesa (usmerjena proti virusnemu receptorju) pospe\u0161evala vstop virusa v celice. Dokler ne bomo poznali mehanizmov imunosti proti SARS-CoV-2, bo razvoj cepiva bolj kot ne ugibanje.\" Problem VAED je torej poznan tudi cepilnim strokovnjakom v Sloveniji. Vendar nas na izobra\u017eevanjih o kovid cepivih na njega niso opozorili, niti nam ni bila predstavljena problematika razvoja preteklih koronavirusnih cepiv. Zakaj temu tako, se spra\u0161ujemo \u017ee nekaj \u010dasa. Zakaj se v Sloveniji ne bele\u017ei pojav VAED nam tudi ni jasno. To je vendar predpisano v EPAR, ki ga je izdala EMA. Kljub pozivu ISZ, naslovljenem na JAZMP in NIJZ, se v bele\u017eenju tega fenomena ni ni\u010d spremenilo. Na\u010din preverjanja VAED je v registracijski \u0161tudiji proizvajalca izveden zelo nestrokovno. Zakaj? Se je proizvajalec 'bal' zastoja v razvoju cepiva, kot smo mu bili pri\u010da pri ostalih dveh koronavirusnih cepivih za SARS in MERS? Zakaj je EMA pristala, da proizvajalec pri testiranju u\u010dinkovitosti in varnosti cepiva uporablja nadomestni virus (VSV \u2013 virus vezikularnega stomatitisa z 'vgrajeno informacijo' za S \u2013 protein; EPAR, stran 43)? Kako je mo\u017eno, da nekdo lahko proizvaja milijarde cepiv proti pandemskemu virusu, ne da bi ga uporabljal v predklini\u010dnih raziskavah o delovanju in stranskih u\u010dinkih 'cepiva' proti virusu, ki to pandemijo povzro\u010da? In to z banalnim izgovorom, da nima BSL3? In kako je mo\u017eno, da je regulatorju (EMA) to sprejemljivo? In da se, kot navaja poro\u010devalec EMA-e, o uporabi nadomestnega virusa, sploh ni razpravljalo? In kako je mo\u017eno, da je to sprejemljivo (tudi na\u0161im) strokovnjakom za cepljenje, med katerimi so nekateri tudi zdravniki? Raziskava cepiva z nadomestnim virusom je lahko vsaj tako nevarna in neodgovorna, kot \u010de bi proizvajalec avtomobilov testiral delovanje zavor z aparaturo, ki meri npr. optiko koles. Oboje, zavore in optika, imata sicer skupni imenovalec, kolo avtomobila, ampak zelo dobro vemo, kdo je odgovoren za zaviranje. Tudi oba mikroorganizma SARS-CoV-2 in virus vezikularnega stomatitisa imata skupni imenovalec, tj. oba sta virusa; kdo od njiju je odgovoren za kovid-19, pa tudi zelo dobro vemo. Iz doma\u010de in tuje prakse vemo, da ljudje po cepljenju zbolevajo z znaki kovida. Za\u010delo se je lansko zimo z zbolevanjem cepljenih v DSO-jih po Evropi. Po za\u010detnem zanikanju tega fenomena so se kasneje za\u010dele pojavljati razlage, da so starostniki zboleli, ker so se cepili v fazi, ko so \u017ee bili oku\u017eeni, vendar \u0161e brez simptomov (asimptomatski); da cepivo potrebuje \u010das, da za\u0161\u010diti cepljenega; da cepivo ni 100% u\u010dinkovito. Poslu\u0161ali smo zatrjevanja, da je cepivo narejeno tako, da ne more povzro\u010diti kovida, saj ne vsebuje virusa. Slednje dr\u017ei, ni pa bilo povedano, da lahko zbolevanje povzro\u010di imunolo\u0161ki mehanizem, ki se lahko spro\u017ei po stiku cepljenega z divjim virusom. VAED bi lahko pri cepljenih starostnikih spro\u017eila tudi kasnej\u0161a oku\u017eba z navadnim koronavirusom, je razlo\u017eil priznani imunolog in mikrobiolog prof. Bhakdi. Spomladi, ko so po cepljenju za\u010deli zbolevati mlaj\u0161i, se je seznamu krivcev za obolevanje po cepljenju pridru\u017eila \u0161e britanska (alfa) razli\u010dica virusa. Zdaj vidimo, da je kljub njeni prisotnosti v ponekod tudi do 90% analiziranih vzorcih bolezen kovid -19 v upadanju. V zadnjem \u010dasu sli\u0161imo, da se iz Indije k nam vse bolj \u0161iri varianta delta; ponekod pa \u017ee klijejo tudi ideje, da so za porast oku\u017eb krivi kar necepljeni. Pa vendar, uradni EPAR navaja, da v kolikor bi se po cepljenju pove\u010dalo \u0161tevilo obolelih, bi to lahko nakazovalo na razvoj VAED ali pa morda na neu\u010dinkovito cepivo. Ali se to sploh raziskuje? Poslu\u0161amo razlage, da bodo jeseni ljudje zbolevali za kovidom in 'vsak, ki bo sprejet v bolni\u0161nico, bo zato, ker se ni cepil'. Kaj pa VAED pri cepljenih, gospe in gospodje profesorji? Ste pozabili nanj? O tem imunolo\u0161kem fenomenu ste pisali vi, o tem so pisali in nanj opozarjali mnogi, ki delajo na razvoju cepiv, o tem pi\u0161e EMA v svojem EPAR. EMA navaja, da je potrebno spremljati in bele\u017eiti stranske u\u010dinke, tudi VAED. Zakaj se torej VAED ne spremlja in ne bele\u017ei v Sloveniji? Zakaj NIJZ nima podatkov koliko oseb, ki so se cepile proti kovid 19, je kasneje zbolelo za kovidom? Zakaj ni mo\u017eno videti podatka, kolik\u0161en dele\u017e med hospitaliziranimi bolniki, zbolelimi za kovid-19, predstavljajo cepljeni? Vse to bi nam dalo pomembno informacijo o morebitnem s cepivom povzro\u010denem pospe\u0161evanju bolezni, ki ga je potrebno poro\u010dati dalje regulatorju EMA. Saj gre vendar za varnost na\u0161ih ljudi, na\u0161ih bolnikov! Zakaj se o VAED mol\u010di? Se bo obolevanje z znaki kovida po cepljenju pripisalo novi varianti delta, za katero se najavlja, da se bo pri nas zelo raz\u0161irila meseca avgusta? Bo zamol\u010dano pove\u010dano zbolevanje cepljenih zaradi VAED morda opravi\u010devalo zapiranje \u0161ol oziroma zapiranje ljudi v njihove domove prihodnjo jesen in zimo? Kaj se bo zgodilo z ljudmi, ki so se cepili spomladi, ki se cepijo sedaj ali se bodo jeseni? Kaj se bo zgodilo po tem, ko bodo pri\u0161li jeseni\/pozimi v stik z virusom SARS-CoV-2 ali z drugimi koronavirusi? Ob poznanem imunolo\u0161kem fenomenu je mo\u017eno pri\u010dakovati, da bi lahko cepljeni jeseni\/pozimi zboleli za kovidom. Se je to dogajalo \u017ee lansko zimo, najprej po cepljenju starostnikov? Bo leto\u0161njo zimo za to kriva varianta delta? Bo kriv epsilon ali kak\u0161na druga razli\u010dica, ki je na 'listi opazovanja' WHOja? Profesor Ihan, v Delu ste navedli, da bo v primeru ve\u010djega obolevanja med cepljenimi, potreben dodatni, tretji odmerek cepiva. Kaj pa VAED, gospod profesor? Omenjali sta ga (variantno s protitelesi) v \u010dlanku aprila 2020? In tudi EMA v EPAR pravi, da bi pove\u010dano obolevanje cepljenih lahko pomenilo, da gre za VAED, tako zna\u010dilen za vsa dosedanja neuspe\u0161na koronavirusna cepiva. Predlagamo, da smo pozorni in strokovno ter znanstveno ovrednotimo morebitno pojavljanje VAED pri cepljenih. Spo\u0161tovani gospe in gospodje profesorji Ihan, Beovi\u0107, Toma\u017ei\u0107, Jerala in \u0160trukelj: z va\u0161im pristopom in interpretacijami se epidemija ne bo kon\u010dala; to jesen in zimo bo na primer delta sev, v prihodnje pa morda kateri drugi sev? Koliko \u010dasa tako? Dokler ne precepimo 7 milijard ljudi, kot poslu\u0161amo plane \u017ee od poletja 2020 (2:20 min)? Gospe in gospodje profesorji: je to znanost? Je to medicina s svojim na\u010delom: predvsem ne \u0161koditi? Govorite nam, da sta zdravje in \u017eivljenje najpomembnej\u0161a. Zagotavljate nam, da so vsi ukrepi izklju\u010dno v dobro ljudi. Zato zbirajmo podatke glede VAED! Vsi si \u017eelimo, da bi ljudem ponudili varno cepivo. Domnevno so proizvajalci cepiv dobili dovoljenje, da po \u0161estih mesecih necepljenim v registracijski \u0161tudiji razkrijejo podatke (unblinde) in ponudijo cepljenje (crossover). Obstaja torej velika mo\u017enost, da ob predvidenem zaklju\u010dku raziskave 3 klini\u010dne faze v maju 2023 v kontrolni skupini (necepljeni) ne bo ostalo dovolj ljudi, da bi lahko izvedli objektivno primerjavo med cepljeno in necepljeno populacijo glede stranskih u\u010dinkov in torej tudi glede VAED. Ali bomo potem leta 2023 dobili razlago, da zaradi pomanjkanja kontrolne skupine rezultati veljajo le za obdobje 6 mesecev po zadnjem odmerku cepiva? Tudi zaradi velike mo\u017enosti 'izginevanja' kontrolne skupine, je \u0161e toliko bolj pomembno, da se VAED spremlja in bele\u017ei sedaj, ko poteka masovno cepljenje prebivalstva. Kako bomo, v skladu z navodili EMA-e, spremljali cepljene v Sloveniji in poro\u010dali glede razvoja VAED po cepljenju, \u010de pa o mo\u017enosti VAED niste seznanili ne zdravstvenega osebja in ne ljudi, ki so se cepili? Slednjim niti niste dali v podpis informiranega soglasja z obvestilom, da obstaja mo\u017enost, da kljub cepljenju zbolijo in to morda \u0161e huje kot necepljeni \u2013 ker gre za pojav, ki ga \u017ee dolgo \u010dasa poznamo in o katerem so na za\u010detku razvoja koronavirusnih cepiv razpravljali strokovnjaki. Vsi dobro vemo, da je spremljanje tudi najmanj\u0161ih stranskih u\u010dinkov, ki bi lahko bili \u010dasovno ali vzro\u010dno povezani s cepljenjem, zelo pomembno, tudi VAED. Toliko bolj, \u010de se spomnimo, da je proizvajalec svoje zaklju\u010dke o varnosti in u\u010dinkovitosti produkta izpeljal na osnovi vsega 170 kovid primerov (0.47%) med poro\u010danimi 36423 udele\u017eenci klini\u010dne \u0161tudije (EPAR, stran 89, tabela). V skupini necepljenih je namre\u010d zbolelo 0.884% (162\/18325) oseb, v skupini cepljenih pa 0.044% (8\/18198) oseb. Razlika med obolevnostjo necepljenih in cepljenih, izra\u017eena z absolutnim rizikom, je bila vsega 0.84%. Za te\u017eko obliko kovida je med cepljenimi zbolela 1 oseba, med necepljenimi 3 osebe; dale\u010d premajhna razlika, da bi na osnovi tega lahko delali pomembne zaklju\u010dke. In nekatere osebe so bile po drugem odmerku cepiva opazovanje vsega 4 tedne (EPAR, stran 90, tabela 13). Tudi zato moramo izbolj\u0161ati sisteme poro\u010danja, slediti navodilom EMA-e in o VAED obvestiti zdravstvene delavce, negovalce v DSO-jih in cepljene. Zdravniki smo. Ne zanima nas politika, ne interesi farmacije. Na\u0161 zapis in mnenje ni mnenje proti, temve\u010d mnenje in glas za; za varnost na\u0161ih ljudi in za varna zdravila, ki jih naj prejmejo. Produkt je imenovan cepivo, vendar sodi med gensko terapijo. Pomembna je varnost na\u0161ih bolnikov in na\u0161ih prebivalcev; in za to smo v veliki meri odgovorni zdravniki. Previdnost po eni in dvom po drugi strani, predvsem pa medsebojna izmenjava informacij in odkrita komunikacija, so bili v zgodovini znanosti in medicine vedno temelj napredka in izbolj\u0161av, v dobro ljudi in bolnikov. In tega si \u017eelimo tudi v tej situaciji. Podobne objave Medicina je zadnjih 16 mesecev evidentno ugrabljena, podrejena in zlorabljena s strani politike in \"mega\" kapitala. Pod pretvezo skrbi za javno zdravje se z nesorazmernimi ukrepi uni\u010duje javno zdravstvo, javno \u0161olstvo, malo in srednje gospodarstvo, kulturo, \u0161port ... Odvzemajo se temeljne \u010dlovekove pravice. Ru\u0161i se tudi socialna struktura \u0161ir\u0161e in o\u017eje dru\u017ebe. ZNB C ter...","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Janez Grm Janez Grm je po du\u0161i pisatelj, po telesu ilustrator, \u017eive\u010d v primestju prestolnice. Privolil v objavo zgodbe, da lahko \u0161iri vest o svoji prvi objavljeni knjigi, izdani pri JSKD. Knjigi je naslov Sinice Sablje Sladoled in ponuja obilico humorja, \u017ealosti ter \u017eanrskih eksperimentacij. Skoraj je bila tudi nominirana za literarni prvenec. Avtor bralcem tega spletnega portala ob novem letu podarja zgodbo na levi strani. \u010ce si kdo \u017eeli knjige po popustni ceni in z avtorjevim lastnoro\u010dnim podpisom, pa mu lahko ponudi svoje prijateljstvo na spletnem naslovu. Avtorjevi novej\u0161i prispevki","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Martin Milec je po oskrbi fizioterapevta (ob njem Mirzet Spre\u010do) \u017ee nared za tekme Foto: Miha Vidrih Uspe\u0161na prva predstavitev prenovljenega mariborskega mo\u0161tva. Ne zaradi zmage ali \u0161tirih golov v ptujski mre\u017ei, ampak v najve\u010dji meri ob prizadevnosti in resnem pristopu do igre \u017ee na uvodni preizku\u0161nji. Opazno je, kaj pomeni konkurenca. Fantje se zavedajo, da na posameznih mestih ve\u010d igralcev sodi med kandidate za za\u010detno enajsterico na in s stoodstotno vnemo se izpolnjujejo vse obveznosti. Na treningih je strokovni \u0161tab preizku\u0161al nekatere novosti in eno tudi uresni\u010dil med tekmo. Martin Milec je odigral pol\u010das v vlogi desnega bo\u010dnega igralca, po dvoboju z Dravo je dejal: \u00bbPo\u0161alil sem se, da me je tokrat bolj bolela glava, saj sem moral na novem igralnem polo\u017eaju ve\u010d razmi\u0161ljati (smeh). Za prvi poskus je bilo dobro, da sem igral v spremenjeni vlogi proti nekoliko slab\u0161emu nasprotniku. V napadu mi je \u0161e \u0161lo od nog, moram pa poskrbeti, da se uskladim z obrambno vrsto. Morda lahko na tem polo\u017eaju odigram kak\u0161no tekmo \u0161e kdaj tudi v prihodnje. \u00ab Skupaj s soigralci je mladi slovenski reprezentant z nestrpnostjo do\u010dakal za\u010detek tekmovalnega dela priprav. \u00bbPo nizu treningov smo vsi \u017ee bili v pri\u010dakovanju prve tekme. Menim, da smo se dobro odrezali. Seveda \u0161e nismo povsem usklajeni, a je do za\u010detka prvenstva dovolj \u010dasa za odpravljanje pomanjkljivosti. \u00ab Med pozitivna spoznanja s premiere sodi tudi u\u010dinkovitost pri prekinitvah. Prav Martin Milec je ob Dejanu Mezgi natan\u010dno zadel iz prostega strela. \u00bb\u017de od prej sem jih treniral. Ostajal sem po treningu in z Goranom Cvijanovi\u0107em sva tekmovala v prostih strelih. Dobro mi je \u0161lo. Pred udarcem na tekmi sem verjel, da ga bom dobro izvedel. In res je \u017eoga kon\u010dala v mre\u017ei. \u00ab Po Ptuj\u010danih so na vrsti Celjani. V soboto ob 15. uri bo na igri\u0161\u010du z umetno travo v Ljudskem vrtu druga pripravljalna preizku\u0161nja. \u00bbPred nami je te\u017eja tekma, kot je bila proti Dravi, vendarle bomo imeli opravka s prvoliga\u0161i. Potem sledi odhod na Madeiro, kjer bomo sku\u0161ali izpiliti takti\u010dne zadeve. Po vrnitvi domov pa se v preostalih dneh do za\u010detka prvenstva lotimo \u0161e zadnjega dela priprav. Vemo, kaj je na\u0161 cilj. In poznamo na\u010din, kako ga dose\u010di. Zato se med pripravami dela na vso mo\u010d. V prvem tednu smo imeli lepo vreme, zdaj nas ob ni\u017ejih temperaturah kdaj tudi zazebe v prste, a se v teka\u0161kem delu dovolj ogrejemo. Tudi \u017eoga je hitrej\u0161a v teh razmerah na umetni travi, a se znajdemo. \u00ab","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Jan\u0161a proti referendumu 3 Junij, 2012 - 20:00 Tekst: Ivan Puc | Foto: Bobo Za omejitev referendumov je Janez Jan\u0161a pripravljen sklepati kompromise in postaviti svoja stali\u0161\u010da na glavo. So se stranke iskreno pripravljene \u00bbzdru\u017eiti\u00ab za radikalno omejitev referenduma? Predsednik vlade in SDS Janez Jan\u0161a je presenetil \u2013 ka\u017ee, da to ne bo prvi\u010d \u2013 kolege in politi\u010dno javnost. Da bi izpeljal svoj mandat in uveljavil ve\u010d zahtevnih reform, je pripravljen na vsakr\u0161en kompromis, ki bi omejil referendum. Tudi postaviti svoja stali\u0161\u010da na glavo. Za pozornej\u0161e opazovalce politike to vendarle ne bi smelo biti preve\u010d osupljivo. Vlada, kot lahko opazujemo prav vsak dan, vztraja pri (socialnem) dialogu vedno, ko ji grozi blokada. Na\u010delna stali\u0161\u010da in opredelitve, ki jih za seboj vle\u010de SDS \u017ee ve\u010d let, pa so potisnjene v stran. Pomembni so samo rezultati, tudi pred ustanovami EU. Lahko si predstavljamo, kako sta Janez Jan\u0161a in njegov predhodnik Borut Pahor v Bruslju pojasnjevala na\u0161e posebnosti dr\u017eavne ureditve in kolik\u0161na je mo\u017enost z referendumom podstaviti nogo te\u017eko pri\u010dakovanim zakonu ali sporazumom. Pokojninskemu ali arbitra\u017enemu, denimo. Najbr\u017e jih taka pojasnila ne zanimajo preve\u010d. Kot re\u010deno, pomembni so le rezultati. Druga\u010de od Jan\u0161e je bil Pahor precej manj prilagodljiv. Zgodba o tem, zakaj sindikatom lani vendarle ni popustil \u0161e za kak korak in prepre\u010dil polom pokojninske reforme, \u0161e ni povsem jasna. Odgovornost pa je vendarle nedvoumno njegova.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Meliso dodajajo \u010dajem in pripravkom proti melanholiji, nemiru, migreni in za krepitev duha. Deluje tudi proti virusu herpesa na ustnicah. Priskrbi vesele sanje Meliso (Melissa oficinalis) v zdravilstvu uporabljajo \u017ee ve\u010d kot dve tiso\u010dletji. Z njo so zdravili sr\u010dne in \u017eelod\u010dne te\u017eave ter hvalili njen dobrodejni u\u010dinek na prebavni trakt. Na splo\u0161no je veljalo, da spodbuja prebavo, krepi srce, \u017eivce in duha, pre\u017eene strah in tesnobo ter priskrbi vesele sanje. Odpravlja zmedenost Tako tradicionalna kot racionalna oz. znanstvena medicina danes svetujeta uporabo melisinih pripravkov pri melanholiji, napetosti, nemiru in zmedenosti. Delovanje melise opisujejo kot sedativno in pomirjevalno. Izka\u017ee se zlasti za pomirjanje pri \u017eiv\u010dnih obolenjih, pri migreni in \u017eiv\u010dnih sr\u010dnih te\u017eavah. Laj\u0161a prebavo S \u010dajem in drugi pripravki iz melise zdravimo prebavne motnje, denimo la\u017eje \u017eelod\u010dne kr\u010de, zaprtje in pomanjkanje apetita. \u010caj pripravimo v obliki poparka: dve \u010dajni \u017eli\u010dki me\u0161anice prelijemo s skodelico vrele vode, pokrijemo in po desetih minutah odcedimo. Pijemo ga ve\u010dkrat na dan. Najbolj\u0161i je \u010daj iz sve\u017eih listov, zato izkoristimo poletni \u010das, ko jih imamo na doma\u010dem vrtu na voljo v izobilju. Ta \u010daj v nasprotju z metinim (Metha pipperita), lahko brez skrbi pijemo brez prestanka dalj \u010dasa, saj ne povzro\u010da nobenih neza\u017eelenih u\u010dinkov. Za otroke, starej\u0161e in nose\u010dnice Zelo zdrav in tudi okusen je za otroke in starej\u0161e osebe. Pomaga tudi pri bruhanju nose\u010dnic ter ugodno vpliva na bole\u010do ali \u0161ibko menstruacijo. Proti herpesu Zunanja uporaba melisinih pripravkov se priporo\u010da pri herpesu na ustnicah. Melisa ima to mo\u010d, da uni\u010duje herpes in druge vrste virusov, zavira vnetja in uni\u010duje mikrobe. \u010caj za pozabljive \u010ce neprestano nekaj pozabljamo, predlagam da si spomin okrepimo s \u010dajno me\u0161anico iz melise in ro\u017emarina (Rosmarinus officinalis): \u017eli\u010dko melise in \u017eli\u010dko ro\u017emarinovih cvetov poparimo s pol litra vode, pokrijemo in pustimo stati deset minut. Zdravilna kura naj traja tri mesece - in sicer pijemo \u010daj deset dni v mesecu trikrat na dan po eno skodelico. Melisina kopel Za melisino kopel, ki pomirja in preganja melanholijo, si pripravimo poparek iz dveh prgi\u0161\u010d melise, ki jo poparimo z litrom vode, pokrijemo in pustimo stati petnajst minut. Poparek precedimo in dodamo vodi za kopel. \/ vir:njenasi \/","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kar zadeva du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi zmanj\u0161ane \u017eivljenjske aktivnosti, ni mogo\u010de zanemariti, da je delovna nesposobnost to\u017ee\u010de stranke po ugotovitvah izvedenca le v 20 % posledica telesnih po\u0161kodb, ki jih je to\u017enik utrpel v obravnavanem \u0161kodnem dogodku, 80 % pa je treba pripisati \u017ee prej obstoje\u010demu bolezenskemu stanju. V tem delu gre za vpra\u0161anje deljene vzro\u010dne zveze. Izrek Revizija se zavrne. Obrazlo\u017eitev Sodi\u0161\u010de prve stopnje je razsodilo, da mora to\u017eena stranka to\u017ee\u010di stranki pla\u010dati 2.460.020 SIT denarne od\u0161kodnine z zakonskimi zamudnimi obrestmi, in sicer od 36.660 SIT od 1.4.1998 do pla\u010dila, od 3.360 SIT od 21.7.1998 do pla\u010dila in od 2.300.000 SIT od 7.3.2003 do pla\u010dila. To\u017eeni stranki je \u0161e nalo\u017eilo, da mora to\u017ee\u010di stranki od 1.4.2003 pla\u010devati rento po 2.000 SIT mese\u010dno do vsakega 15. dne v mesecu za pretekli mesec. Vi\u0161ji to\u017ebeni zahtevek je zavrnilo. Ocenilo je, da je to\u017eena stranka objektivno odgovorna za \u0161kodo, ki jo je to\u017enik utrpel v \u0161kodnem dogodku 28.1.1998. O\u0161kodovancu je za pretrpljene telesne bole\u010dine priznalo 900.000 SIT, za strah 200.000 SIT, za du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi zmanj\u0161anja \u017eivljenjske aktivnosti 1.000.000 SIT in za du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi ska\u017eenosti 200.000 SIT denarne od\u0161kodnine. Prito\u017ebeno sodi\u0161\u010de je delno ugodilo prito\u017ebama pravdnih strank in sodbo sodi\u0161\u010da prve stopnje spremenilo tako, da je to\u017ee\u010di stranki iz naslova nepremo\u017eenjske \u0161kode prisodilo 2.500.000 SIT denarne od\u0161kodnine z zamudnimi obrestmi, in sicer od 1.1.2002 do 7.3.2003 po obrestni meri zakonskih zamudnih obresti, zmanj\u0161anih za temeljno obrestno mero, od 8.3.2003 pa po zakonski obrestni meri. V ostalem je prito\u017ebi zavrnilo in v nespremenjenem delu potrdilo sodbo sodi\u0161\u010da prve stopnje. Strinjalo se je z ugovorom to\u017ee\u010de stranke o prenizki od\u0161kodnini za du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi ska\u017eenosti in ji iz tega naslova prisodilo 400.000 SIT, od\u0161kodnino za ostale vto\u017eevane oblike nepremo\u017eenjske \u0161kode, ki jo je o\u0161kodovancu priznalo sodi\u0161\u010de prve stopnje, pa je ocenilo kot primerno. Zoper to sodbo je to\u017ee\u010da stranka vlo\u017eila revizijo zaradi zmotne uporabe materialnega prava. Predlaga, naj ji Vrhovno sodi\u0161\u010de Republike Slovenije ugodi in izpodbijano sodbo v zavrnilnem delu spremeni tako, da to\u017ee\u010di stranki poleg \u017ee prisojene denarne od\u0161kodnine 2.660.020 SIT prisodi \u0161e 2.000.000 SIT z zakonskimi zamudnimi obrestmi od 14.10.1999 do pla\u010dila in zakonske zamudne obresti od \u017ee prisojene od\u0161kodnine od 14.10.1999 do 31.12.2001. Navaja, da sta sicer ni\u017eji sodi\u0161\u010di pravilno ugotovili dejansko stanje, nato pa o\u0161kodovancu prisodili prenizko od\u0161kodnino za vse oblike nepremo\u017eenjske \u0161kode. Pri odmeri denarne od\u0161kodnine za du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi zmanj\u0161anja \u017eivljenjske aktivnosti sodi\u0161\u010de prve stopnje ne bi smelo nekriti\u010dno slediti izvedenskemu mnenju dr. W., da je uvrstitev to\u017enika v III. kategorijo invalidnosti le v 20 % posledica telesnih po\u0161kodb, ki jih je utrpel v \u0161kodnem dogodku, 80 % pa posledica njegovega bolezenskega stanja. \u0160ele zaradi trajnih posledic telesnih po\u0161kodb, ki jih je utrpel 28.1.1998, je bil to\u017enik uvr\u0161\u010den v III. kategorijo invalidnosti, saj ni bil ve\u010d sposoben za svoje delo. Ob dogodku je bil star 48 let, zato bo moral du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi zmanj\u0161anja \u017eivljenjske aktivnosti prestajati \u0161e zelo dolgo obdobje. Sodi\u0161\u010di prve in druge stopnje sta zanemarili dejstvo, da je do \u0161kodnega dogodka pri\u0161lo v letu 1998, to\u017eena stranka pa doslej to\u017ee\u010di stranki ni pla\u010dala \u0161e nobene od\u0161kodnine. Nepravilna je tudi odlo\u010ditev o za\u010detku teka obresti od denarne od\u0161kodnine za nepremo\u017eenjsko \u0161kodo. Niti Zakon o obligacijskih razmerjih (Uradni list SFRJ, \u0161t. 29\/78 - 57\/89, ZOR) niti kak drug zakon ne dolo\u010data, da gredo o\u0161kodovancu od od\u0161kodnine za nepremo\u017eenjsko \u0161kodo zamudne obresti \u0161ele od 1.1.2002. Spri\u010do stabiliziranih ekonomskih in gospodarskih razmer v dr\u017eavi zapade od\u0161kodninska denarna terjatev za nepremo\u017eenjsko \u0161kodo v pla\u010dilo po izteku 14-dnevnega roka, \u0161teto od dneva, ko je to\u017eena stranka prejela od\u0161kodninski zahtevek z dokumentacijo. To\u017ee\u010da stranka je to\u017eeni stranki od\u0161kodninski zahtevek poslala 29.7.1998, to\u017eena stranka pa ga je prejela 30.7.1998, zato je od 13.8.1998 v pla\u010dilni zamudi. V skladu z 277. \u010dlenom ZOR dol\u017enik, ki zamudi z izpolnitvijo denarne obveznosti, dolguje poleg glavnice \u0161e obresti. Dosedanja sodna praksa je zanemarjala funkcijo obresti, ki je v sankciji za nepravo\u010dasno izpolnitev z denarno obveznostjo. Tak\u0161na odlo\u010ditev je v nasprotju s prvim odstavkom 17. , 12. , ter prvim in tretjim odstavkom 919. \u010dlena ZOR. Revizija je bila vro\u010dena Vrhovnemu dr\u017eavnemu to\u017eilstvu Republike Slovenije in to\u017eeni stranki, ki nanjo ni odgovorila. Revizija ni utemeljena. V skladu s tretjim odstavkom 370. \u010dlena Zakona o pravdnem postopku (Uradni list RS, \u0161t. 36\/04 - ur. p. b., ZPP) so revizijsko sodi\u0161\u010de in stranki vezani na dejansko podlago, ki izhaja iz razlogov sodb prve in druge stopnje, zato je revizijsko sodi\u0161\u010de v skladu s 371. \u010dlenom ZPP izpodbijano sodbo preizkusilo v mejah razloga, ki ga uveljavlja revident, to je zmotne uporabe materialnega prava. Temeljni na\u010deli za odmero od\u0161kodnine za nepremo\u017eenjsko \u0161kodo sta na\u010delo individualizacije in na\u010delo objektivne pogojenosti vi\u0161ine denarne od\u0161kodnine. Na\u010delo individualizacije zahteva dolo\u010ditev pravi\u010dne denarne od\u0161kodnine glede na intenzivnost (stopnjo) in trajanje telesnih in du\u0161evnih bole\u010din ter strahu glede na vse konkretne okoli\u0161\u010dine, ki se odra\u017eajo pri posameznem o\u0161kodovancu. V skladu z na\u010delom objektivne pogojenosti vi\u0161ine denarne od\u0161kodnine pa mora sodi\u0161\u010de pri njeni odmeri gledati na pomen prizadete dobrine in namen od\u0161kodnine, pa tudi na to, da ne bi \u0161la na roko te\u017enjam, ki niso zdru\u017eljive z njeno naravo in dru\u017ebenim namenom (prvi in drugi odstavek 200. \u010dlena ZOR). Sodi\u0161\u010de druge stopnje je z odmero denarne od\u0161kodnine za telesne bole\u010dine (900.000 SIT), za strah (200.000 SIT), du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi zmanj\u0161anja \u017eivljenjske aktivnosti (1.000.000 SIT) in za du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi ska\u017eenosti (400.000 SIT) pravilno izpolnilo pravni standard pravi\u010dne denarne od\u0161kodnine, saj je prisojena od\u0161kodnina primerljiva z od\u0161kodninami za podobno \u0161kodo, hkrati pa upo\u0161teva vse individualne zna\u010dilnosti to\u017ee\u010de stranke, vklju\u010dno z njeno starostjo v \u010dasu \u0161kodnega dogodka (glej razloge sodbe sodi\u0161\u010da prve stopnje na 6. do 8. strani ter razloge sodbe sodi\u0161\u010da druge stopnje na 3. strani). Kar zadeva du\u0161evne bole\u010dine zaradi zmanj\u0161ane \u017eivljenjske aktivnosti, ni mogo\u010de zanemariti, da je delovna nesposobnost to\u017ee\u010de stranke po ugotovitvah izvedenca le v 20 % posledica telesnih po\u0161kodb, ki jih je to\u017enik utrpel v obravnavanem \u0161kodnem dogodku, 80 % pa je treba pripisati \u017ee prej obstoje\u010demu bolezenskemu stanju. V tem delu gre za vpra\u0161anje deljene vzro\u010dne zveze, ki sta ga sodi\u0161\u010di ni\u017ejih stopenj re\u0161ili materialnopravno pravilno in v skladu z ustaljeno sodno prakso. Ker so k to\u017enikovemu sedanjemu zdravstvenemu stanju oziroma delovni nesposobnosti prispevale tudi zdravstvene te\u017eave, ki izvirajo iz obdobja pred \u0161kodnim dogodkom, to\u017eena stranka ne more odgovarjati za tisti del \u0161kode, ki ga ni mogo\u010de pripisati ravnanju njenega zavarovanca. (1) Materialnopravno pravilna je tudi odlo\u010ditev o za\u010detku teka obresti. Z na\u010delnim pravnim mnenjem Vrhovnega sodi\u0161\u010da RS z dne 26.6.2002 je bilo sprejeto stali\u0161\u010de, ki za\u010detek teka zakonskih zamudnih obresti od denarne terjatve za nepremo\u017eenjsko \u0161kodo (179. - 183. \u010dlen Obligacijskega zakona, Uradni list RS, \u0161t. 83\/01, OZ oziroma 200. - 203. \u010dlen ZOR) ve\u017ee na uveljavitev OZ (1.1.2002), \u010de je hkrati izpolnjen dodatni pogoj zamude za izpolnitvijo s strani povzro\u010ditelja \u0161kode. Pravno naziranje to\u017ee\u010de stranke, ki meni, da je v vsakem primeru odlo\u010dilno, kdaj je zavarovalnica prejela od\u0161kodninski zahtevek z medicinsko dokumentacijo to\u017ee\u010de stranke, pri \u010demer se sklicuje na dolo\u010dila 12. , prvega odstavka 17. , 277. ter prvega in tretjega odstavka 919. \u010dlena ZOR, je zmotno, saj bi vodilo v neenakopravno obravnavanje o\u0161kodovancev, kar bi bilo v nasprotju z ustavnim na\u010delom enakosti (14. \u010dlen Ustave RS) in na\u010delom enakega varstva pravic (22. \u010dlen Ustave RS). Realnost na podro\u010dju re\u0161evanja od\u0161kodninskih sporov je tak\u0161na, da sodi\u0161\u010da praviloma prisojajo od\u0161kodnine po nekaj letih od vlo\u017eene to\u017ebe. Ta realnost pomeni na podro\u010dju podatkov o sodno priznanih od\u0161kodninah, da te izra\u017eajo, poleg vseh drugih okoli\u0161\u010din, tudi merilo \u010dasovne odmaknjenosti trenutka odlo\u010danja od nastanka \u0161kode. Druga\u010de povedano: tudi v zneskih priznanih od\u0161kodnin, ki jih je sodi\u0161\u010de uporabilo za primerjavo, je bil kot pomemben element upo\u0161tevan dejavnik \u010dakanja na od\u0161kodnino. Ker niso podani ne razlogi, zaradi katerih je bila revizija vlo\u017eena, ne razlogi, na katere mora revizijsko sodi\u0161\u010de paziti po uradni dol\u017enosti, je revizijo zavrnilo (378. \u010dlen ZPP). Op. \u0161t. (1): Sodna praksa glede vpra\u0161anja deljene vzro\u010dnosti se je ustalila s pravnim mnenjem, sprejetim na Ob\u010dni seji Vrhovnega sodi\u0161\u010da Republike Slovenije 15.12.1998, Pravna mnenja II \/ 98, stran 12.","labels":"Legal","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"No, pridi k meni domov kaj na obisk...moj otrok trenutno je zgolj in samo meso, tak da \u017ee mene skoraj skrbi, prav ni\u010d drugega je ne zanima...iz sendvi\u010da poje klobase, zelenjavo zme\u010de psom na tla, krompir in ri\u017e pusti na kro\u017eniku, ona se pa veselo masti s klobaso in zrezkom. Pa ima na razpolago prav vse kar ji srce po\u017eeli : +1 No\u010de niti sadkarij, ne testenin, krompirja, niti zelenjave, niti sadja ... Pa njegova mati je skoraj samo zelenjavo in sadje, fotr pa skora samo \u0161krob. Na sosednjem forumu se nekoga prepri\u010devali, da naj ne kupi me\u0161anca. Citiram del besedila, ki govori proti nakupu me\u0161anca: \"...obe te pasme kavalir in mops imajo te\u017eave s srcem in da ne glede ali je pes me\u0161anec ali z rodovnikom da mora\u0161 vedeti da zdravljenje je drago, jaz imam kavalirja z rodovnikom in ga \u017ee 3 leta in pol ohranjamo pri \u017eivljenju samo \u0161e z zdravili, koliko pa so me vsi obiski pri veterinarju, vsa zdravila stala, pa sicer ne se\u0161tevam ampak ziher okoli 2000 evrov, verjetno pa \u0161e ve\u010d, tako da nakup psa je \u0161e najcenej\u0161i, bo\u0161 pa \u010de kupi\u0161 psa pri preverjenem vzreditelju vedel da bo psu za\u010delo recimo srce popu\u0161\u010dati pri 8, 9 letih...\" Zakaj naj bi torej kupila psa z rodovnikom? Zakaj \u017ee? Tole pisanje me zagotovo odvrne od tega. Mogo\u010de ve\u0161 kateri testi so obvezni pri mopsu in kavalir\u010dku za vzrejno? En, ve\u010d,..? (res ne vem, zato spra\u0161ujem) bo\u0161 pa \u010de kupi\u0161 psa pri preverjenem vzreditelju vedel da bo psu za\u010delo recimo srce popu\u0161\u010dati pri 8, 9 letih, poznam pa tudi primer nerodovni\u0161kega kavalirja ki ima \u017ee pri 4 letih \u0161um na srcu 4 stopnje (kar je imel moj pri 8 letih). VSI kavalirji imajo probleme s srcem. Ce kupis pri preverjenem vzreditelju, se bodo pojavili problemi pri 8,9 letih, ce ne se lahko pojavijo ze dosti prej. (je pol vprasanje, zakaj bi si clovek zelel psa, ki ima ze v startu probleme s srcem, ampak ok, vsakemu svoje) @ solata Odkar je na \"sosednjem forumu\" uporabnik 007 postavil preprosto vpra\u0161anje, se je v naslednjih 3-4 straneh spro\u017eil \"rodovni\u0161ki avtomat\" in nekontrolirano pri\u010del blejati ene in iste nau\u010dene floskule, ki SPLOH niso odgovor na postavljeno vpra\u0161anje in za\u010del \u010dloveka divje posiljevati s svojo logiko, ki ne dopu\u0161\u010da druga\u010dnega mnenja. \u017dal so \"avtomatizirani su\u017enji\" rodovni\u0161kega lobija tudi na tem forumu in tudi tukaj vsiljujejo uporabnikom svoje prepri\u010danje. Zakaj pa? Je pa\u010d problemati\u010dna pasma v dolo\u010denih zdravstvenih aspektih. Zakaj bi se to skrivalo? S tem, da \u010de se vzame iz konteksta en odstavek, je itak podlo. Ta pes, \u010de se ne motim ima okoli 9 let. In je \u010disto prav, da se opozori \u010dloveka, ki ne ve kaj kupuje, da sta obe pasmi lahko rizi\u010dni, sploh, \u010de psi-star\u0161i nimajo narejenih zdravstvenih testov srca. In tale me\u0161anica nebi \u010disto ni\u010d pripomogla k bolj\u0161emu zdravju, ampak glih nasprotno. In \u010de so ga \u017ee usrali in neimeli psov pod nadzorom ni potrebno da potencialne skrbnike telilh mladi\u010dkov \"vzreditelj\" zavaja z molkom. Oz. dopu\u0161\u010dam mo\u017enost, da jim je to povedal, ampak glede na splo\u0161en odziv mislim, da jim ni. Ali vidva pravita, da se o problemih nebi smelo govoriti? Glede na to, da je sledljivost mo\u017ena, se sploh lahko o njih govori, pri me\u0161ancu pa\u010d ne, kar pa ne pomeni, da bo pa zdrav In da se ostaja v temi... ravno z nadzorovano vzrejo, se zadeve lahko izbolj\u0161ajo. Brez nadzora, brez testov, po mo\u017enosti s prvim za vogalom pa res ne more\u0161 zmanj\u0161at pojavljanje dolo\u010denih hib. Testi definitivno niso vse, ampak lahko pomagajo pri marsi\u010dem, riziko je pa itak zmeraj. Sej se govori o \u017eivih bitjih in ne o karbonskih vlaknih Pomoje bi zadostoval odgovor, ki bi \u010dloveku povedal kak\u0161ne so lastnosti in potrebe OBEH pasem in pika. Tako pa je bil mo\u017eakar dele\u017een \"predavanja\", ki ga ni naro\u010dil niti ga ni pripravljen pla\u010dati. Parkrat je na to tudi opozoril, nato pa obupal. Meni je itak izgledal kot nekdo, ki bi rad kupil \u010dimcenej\u0161e darilo in v splo\u0161nem je dobil zelo iz\u010drpne odgovore (\u010deprav ni pri\u010dakoval ob\u0161irnosti) in celo za\u010duda ni dobil samo lekcij o tem, da se \u017eivali ne kupuje za darilo. Sklepa se lahko samo po napisanem... kaj \u010dmo... tako je na forumu... Ja. Funkcionalna nepismenost in \/ ali nestrpnost do druga\u010de misle\u010dih. \u017dal ni tako samo na forumu. Teh hib je \u017ee preve\u010d. Nastale so pa takrat ko se je za\u010dela standardizacija to pa je \u010de se ne motim v viktorijanski dobi. Zmagal ste ;-) Vsak ima svoje poglede na svet, \u017eivali itd. Nima\u0161 kej. Nekaj bi vas \u0161e vpra\u0161al. Mogo\u010de kdo \u017eivi na Vi\u010du. Lahko bi se kdaj dobili pa \u0161li skupaj ne vem na PST ali ro\u017enik. Mi smo se preselili pred kratkim tako da nobenega ne poznamo oz. jih je malo. Dru\u017eba nama vedno pride prav:-) Ve\u0161 kaj me najbolj \u017ealosti? Npr. tole: http:\/\/www.pesjanar.si\/forum\/index.php?topic=151.90 In prav na sosednjem forumu, pa tudi drugje, podpirajo t.i. \"nadzorovano rodovni\u0161ko vzrejo\". Kaj je tu nadzorovanega? Pa to ni osamljen primer, mnogo, premnogo jih je. Jim gre verjeti? Mene ne prepri\u010dajo... Te hibe se zdaj diagnosticirajo, kar pa ne pomeni, da jih prej ni bilo. Prej so ti na vpra\u0161anje zakaj pa nimate ve\u010d psa odgovorili: \"Je bil \u017ee star\" Star pa je bil morda malo ve\u010d kot sedem let... Eden od primerov s katerimi sem se \u017ee sre\u010dala v \u017eivljenju... In kaj da jim re\u010de\u0161? (\u0161lo za va\u0161kega zme\u0161an\u010dka) Pa ne pravim, da so me\u0161anci bolj ali manj bolni, ampak, da se ne more sklepat po \u0161tevilu obiskov veterinarja o tem, koliko so zdravi. Ker tale zgoraj je sigurno poginil od starosti, ja ko se govori o pasmi pa se pojavi mo\u017enost, da se izve malo ve\u010d tudi o zgodovini prej\u0161njih gneracij, kar pri me\u0161an\u010dkih \u017eal ni mogo\u010de, ker nih\u010de ne ve ni\u010d, \u010de niso ravno vsi iz iste vasi in jih ljudje poznajo... V tem primeru so navadno tudi dosti bolj v sorodu kot kaki pasemski psi. (va\u0161kiinbriding) Hudma, sam je napisal, da kupuje psa za darilo v bistvu pa iskal mopsa...res huda nepismenost. Sicer pa nima veze to s tole temo... Odobrava\u0161 kupovanje \u017eivih bitij nekomu , ki sploh ne ve kaj ga \u010daka? Nih\u010de si tega ne zaslu\u017ei, ne obdarovanec in ne \u017eival. \u010ce je obdarovanec mlaj\u0161i pa njegovi star\u0161i he he solata, tebe \u017ealosti ultrazvok? A nisi ti za nenadzorovano? Ja, saj mi je jasno, da dolo\u010denih stvari pa\u010d ne \u017eelite vedeti\/vedeti ....na sosednjem forumu so bojda vse \"dokaze\" pridno izbrisali, tako se to pri nas po\u010dne. Bom citirala besedilo: \" Ogla\u0161am se zato, ker bi rada opozorila morebitne kupce na svoje izku\u0161nje [na \u017eeljo avtorja izbrisano ime in priimek, ter ime psarne] ki so vse prej kot prijetne. Okrog bo\u017ei\u010da 2009 sva s partnerjem pri njej kupila malega bulterier\u010dka, ki je bil takrat star malo ve\u010d kot 2 meseca. Po dolgem prigovarjanju, naj vendar izro\u010di dokumente, sva po nekaj mesecih \u0161la k njej po rodovnik in takrat je malo \u010dudno vpra\u0161ala, koliko kaj na\u0161 Oskrar pije, ker je en sam\u010dek iz tega legla \u017ee pokojen, ker so mu odpovedale ledvice, ker je lizal slan sneg ob cesti (kar je seveda velika neumnost!). Takrat nama sicer ni bilo ni\u010d jasno, pa sva kmalu ugotovila, zakaj je postavljala tako \u010dudna vpra\u0161anja - mladi\u010dka sva peljala k veterinarju, ki je ugotovil prirojeno kroni\u010dno odpoved ledvic in nama povedal, da so mu dnevi \u0161teti. [izbrisano ime] sva o tem obvestila in jo vpra\u0161ala, kaj namerava glede tega storiti. Za 'simboli\u010dno' ceno je ponudila drugega psa, pa sva to mo\u017enost zavrnila in \u017eelela vrnitev kupnine. Obljubila je, da bo odgovor poslala po elektronski po\u0161ti, pa s tem ni bilo dva meseca ni\u010d. Vmes sva spoznala \u0161e druge, ki so kupili pse iz istega legla in jih opozorila na bolezen. Izkazalo se je, da sta od 6 psov iz legla 2 \u017ee mrtva, dva pa imata hudo okvaro ledvic. Za ostala dva nimam podatkov. Ko sva [izbrisano ime] spra\u0161evala, zakaj ni nikogar od nas obvestila, da je s psi lahko nekaj narobe, je odgovorila, da ni hotela delati panike . Tudi po tem, ko sva jo midva obvestila, kako je z Oskarjem (torej sta bila 2 ku\u017eka \u017ee mrtva eden pa bolan), ni nikogar opozorila. Ker po elektronski po\u0161ti dva meseca ni ni\u010desar napisala, sva jo klicala in po mnogih klicih se je vendarle oglasila. Oskar je bil vmes \u017ee evtanaziran. Na vpra\u0161anje, zakaj ni odgovorila, kot je obljubila, je rekla, da ni imela \u010dasa. Ko jo je moj partner vpra\u0161al, \u010de se dela norca iz njega, da v dveh mesecih ni imela 10 minut \u010dasa, da bi napisala mail, mu je zabrusila, da \u010de misli biti nesramen, bo prekinila Ko ji je povedal, da Oskarja ni ve\u010d, je najprej vpra\u0161ala \"Kako ga ni ve\u010d?\", ko ji je razlo\u017eil, da sva ga dala evtanazirat, je bila pa vsa za\u010dudena, kot da ne bi vedla, da je bolan pa kot da sva dala psa uspavat kar tko mal za hec. In spet je obljubila, da bo poslala mail. Danes je od tega klica 14 dni, od nje pa nobenega glasu. Jasno mi je, da pride pri mladi\u010dih do nepredvidenih zdravstvenih te\u017eav, ampak da se vztrajno razgla\u0161a za veliko ljubiteljico psov, potem pa skriva dejstva in na tak na\u010din reagira na to, da je ve\u010d kot polovico legla hudo bolnega oz. \u017ee mrtvega, pa nikomur ni\u010d ne pove in se vztrajno izogiba stikom, po mojem mnenju jasno ka\u017ee na njen odnos do \u017eivali. Zato opozarjem vse, ki bi morda \u017eeleli kupiti ku\u017eka v psarni [izbrisano ime psarne, na \u017eeljo avtorja], naj o tem krepko razmislijo, saj je na prvi pogled z njihove strani vse v redu, najine izku\u0161nje in izku\u0161nje ostalih, ki so kupili ku\u017eke iz tega legla, pa govorijo o nasprotnem. \" Bo zdaj kaj bolj jasno? Tako je to v dolini \u0161entflorjanski....tole se podpira pri nas! Ja ti \u017ealost moja! Odpadnike najde\u0161 vsepovsod. In kaj tebe ne prepri\u010da? Bo\u0161 zaradi nekaterih slabih vzrediteljev metala vse v en ko\u0161? Prepri\u010dajo pa te \u010distokrvni brez rodovnika, ha? Ti, ki nimajo niti enega testa opravljenega. Hehehe, prava si Gre verjeti testom, katere bo\u0161 prej pri vzreditelju dobila, kot pri doma\u010dih rejcih! Kaj naj z vsemi xy testi, \u010de vzrejajo tak\u0161ni vzreditelji? A tega pa nih\u010de ne upa komentirat? Zakaj tak vzreditelj vzreja \u0161e naprej? Zakaj ga ogla\u0161ujejo tam, kjer so najbolj glasni okoli supertruperpo\u0161tenonadzorovane rodovni\u0161ke vzreje? Glede na \u0161tevilo \"odpadnikov\" v slo, dvomim, da lahko dobim bolj\u0161ega (bolj zdravega) rodovni\u0161kega psa od me\u0161anca. In ne, ne verjamem na\u0161im vzrediteljem. In ne vem kaj je tu sme\u0161no. No, z vsemi xy testi (obvezni + za\u017eeljeni), ki bi ti jih vzreditelj pokazal, bi lahko videla, da mu je dejansko do zdravja psice, mladi\u010dkov in same pasme! Ker \u010de mu ne bi bilo, jih niti delati ne bi \u0161el. Nek kvazi vzreditelj ti nikoli ne bo pokazal xy testov in pri takem ne kupi\u0161 psa! Simpl ko pasulj! Sme\u0161en mi je tvoj na\u010din razmi\u0161ljanja. Recimo, da se psica spr\u010di s sosedovem NO. Ona ima npr. te\u017eave s srcem (ko jo pride\u0161 pogledati zgleda \u010dist super), on bogi reve\u017e pa komaj hodi, pa je \u0161ele 4 leta star. Ti bo\u0161 raje psa od mene vzela, ker....... bodo mladi\u010di pokali od zdravja zato ker so me\u0161anci? Jaz ti lahko bajke spletam, tist, ki ima narejenih 5 testov pa ima dokazila Andreja, a se ti dela\u0161 norca iz mene??? CITIRAM: Lep pozdrav, sem v fazi nakupa psa, sicer ne zame, ampak vseeno potrebujem nekaj nasvetov. Odlo\u010dam se za nakup mopsa, sicer ne \u010distokrvna, ta je me\u0161anec med mopsom in cavalir king charlesom. Zanima me predvsem to \u010de je z tem psom veliko dela, prebral sem po netu marsikaj, nekateri pi\u0161ejo, da je potrebno vsak dan \u010distiti gubo, ga \u010desati, da je posebno hrano, sadje... ter da je miren dru\u017einski pes, ki je predvsem namenjen za v hi\u0161o, bi potreboval \u0161e kak\u0161no mnenje z strani lastnikov, ki imajo omenjeno vrsto psa, hvala lepa! Pod\u010drtal sem njegovo vpra\u0161anje, zdaj mi pa ti iz njega izlu\u0161\u010di kje spra\u0161uje o mojem \/tvojem \/na\u0161em mnenju o podarjanju psa. PROSIM? \u010clovek spra\u0161uje o zna\u010dajskih lastnostih in posebnostih mopsa in cavalirja. A NE??? A je tako te\u017eko napisati par odgovorov na PREPROSTO vpra\u0161anje? Tip je hotel kupiti psa za darilo. To se ne dela. Neglede na to je odgovore na svoja vpra\u0161anja dobil. Samo v\u0161e\u010d mu niso bila in jih temu primerno ni hotel videti. Odgovorjeno mu je bilo, da ne bi kupil mopsa (katerega lastnosti ga zanimajo) niti me\u0161anca ampak kri\u017eanca med obema psamama. Za katerega nih\u010de ne more predvideti, kaj bo pobral od katerega star\u0161a (gre za karakterno in po zgradbi za zelo razli\u010dni pasmi, ki jima je skupno edino to, da nista velika (kot bi kri\u017eal \u0161pringer \u0161panjela z mastifom in hotel vedeti, kaj bo\u0161 dobil ven). Odgovorjeno mu je bilo, da sta obe pasmi zdravstveno zajtevni. Zakaj? zato, ker je ve\u010dina te\u017eav, ki ti dve pasmi pestijo pogojena z njihovo telesno zgradbo. Ta problem pa ni nastal zaradi standardov ampak sta bili obe pasmi s temu te\u017eavami \u017ee od bohvedi kdaj - mopsi so zelo stara psama, kavalir\u010dki malo manj, a obe sta bili davno pred rentgeni, ultrazvoki...Bilo kako bilo, te\u017eave kavalirjev so take, da jih je te\u017eko izlo\u010dati iz vzreje, ker ne obstajajo preprosti genetski ali druga\u010dni testi, s katerimi bi jih odkrili prej, preden se pojavijo. Pojavijo pa se dokaj pozno v \u017eivljenju. Zdaj.... ti problemi se ne skrivajo in so splo\u0161no znani. Kdor se kljub temu odlo\u010di za pasmo, bo iskal take star\u0161e, ki jim redno pregledujejo srce in take, ki se pri njihovi prednikih ni pojavljala siringomielija v opazni obliki. To je mo\u017eno izklju\u010dno pri rodovni\u0161kih. Tisti, ki bi rad manj tvegano pasmo, si bo vzel kokr\u010dka (ki pa \u017eal ni tako fancy). Torej tip je dobil odgovor, da bo me\u0161anec teh dveh pasem tvegan nakup in da obstaja velika verjetnost, da bo obdarovanec pustil zajeten kup\u010dek denarja pri veterinarjih. OK? Hahaha o \u0161e kako je bilo pogojeno s standardi(da so zna\u010dilnosti v potomstvu ZELO podobne od karakteristike pa do videzov). Citat iz wiki:The King Charles changed drastically in the late 17th century, when it was interbred(Means to breed within a single family or strain, so as to produce particular characteristics in the offspring) with flat-nosed breeds. I nastalo je kup novih problemov, ki dandanes ote\u017euje to pasmo pa ne samo to ve\u010dinoma vse. Pa ne re\u010dem, da prej ni bilo hib vendar v z zelo manj\u0161ih koli\u010dinah. Koliko pasem ima probleme s sklepi, dihanjem, masivnimi vekami do prirojenih bolezni kot so kroni\u010dno odpoved ledvic,itd. Ljudje to je \u017ee bolano kaj se dogaja s psi in ne mi kvazit kako jih lahko re\u0161ijo neki xy testi, ker jih ne morejo. Ce je pes mesanec (karkoli v tem primeru brez rodovnika), ni apriori zaradi tega takoj zdrav (vecina ne vidi veterinarja zaradi slabih lastnikov in ne zaradi njihovega briljantnega zdravja!). Ce je pes pasemski (rodovniski), tudi ne pomeni, da bo zdrav celo zivljanje. Ce je vzreditelj na mestu, torej mu je mar za pse nasplosno, bo naredil vse mozne teste, da ne naredi veterinarjem usluge. Torej, ce se s pomocjo testov (za katere je potrebno odvzeti le kri ali pa slino - 1x v zivljenju psa, ker te zadeve hranijo in lahko potem vsak mesec nov test narocis in se ne rabis skesirat naenkrat) da pariti tako, da ne dobis ven affected psov, ne razumem, zakaj ne. (Deloma razumem vse, ki imate nerodovniske priblizke, ker be zelite priznati napake (si zatiskate oci, oponasate noja...) tj. da podpirate steparijo in mucenje zivali. (Se tudi med vzreditelji najdejo \"primerki\", je pa tudi odvisno, kaj je zate ze \"primerek\".)) Pidog. Morda sem pri mesancih zadela ravno antijack pot glede njihovega zdravja. Samo moje mnjenje je, da so to eni izmed redkih (procentualno), za katere se skrbi kot za rodovniske pse manj pogostih pasem (skratka, tipitopi oz. tako kot predpisuje zakon - ce je s psom nekaj narobe, veterinar in ne sus). No ja, zgodovina kcs je precej bolj zapletena, ampak naj bo - bi kak\u0161en poznavalec pasme lahko dal bolj natan\u010dne podatke. Problem pri kc\u0161 pa niti ni to, da imajo kratek gobec (niti ni skrajno kratek kot recimo pri mopsu) ampak da ima prekratko lobanjo v temenskem delu. Zdaj...vpra\u0161anje je bilo na\u010drtno produciranje psov da ali ne. Pa v bistvu ni vpra\u0161anje da ali ne ampak kako. Ker vpra\u0161anje vzreje pasemskih psov ni tako zelo preprosto, da bi lahko zmetali vse v en ko\u0161. Pa da bi rekli na splo\u0161no pasemski so v kateri koli lastnosti na bolj\u0161em\/slab\u0161em od me\u0161ancev. Ker se pasme med seboj zelo razlikujejo, poleg tega pa so pogosto ogromne razlike tudi med tipi znotraj pasme. Ima\u0161 \u0161tevilne pasme, katerih tipi\u010dni predstavniki so izrazito vitalni, odporni in dolgo\u017eivi in ima\u0161 pasme, ki so glede tega v ve\u010djih ali manj\u0161ih te\u017eavah. Na\u010deloma so bolj rizi\u010dne vse pasme, za katere je zna\u010dilna kak\u0161na pretirana lastnost. Se pa da s pametnim na\u010drtovanjem in selekcijo tudi pri teh pasmah dobiti zdrave pse, ki povsem normalno funkcionirajo. Ponavadi najve\u010d problemov nastane takrat, ko se \u017eeli kak\u0161no lastnost pasme na hitro spremeniti. Ponavadi \u017eal zaradi take ali druga\u010dne modne muhe. \u017delje po \"izbolj\u0161avi\" namesto ohranjanju pasme. Kak\u0161no vlogo ima pri tem standard? Standard ni ni\u010d drugega kot opis tipi\u010dnega predstavnika pasme. Problem pa je, ker se lahko napisano tolma\u010di na razli\u010dne na\u010dine. Pi\u0161e recimo u\u0161esa so dolga - pa se za\u010dne selekcionirat na \u010dimdalj\u0161a u\u0161esa. V standardu pi\u0161e dolga dlaka, pa za\u010dno selekcionirati take, ki se jim dlaka vle\u010de po tleh. Poleg tega, da nobeno pretiravanje \u017ee samo po sebi ni dobro, dobi\u0161 skoraj vedno, ko gre\u0161 selekcionirat na eno lastnos ne pa na celoto, v paketu tako ali druga\u010dno presene\u010denje. Ponavadi neprijetno. Ko je \u017ee bil omenjen bulterier - pri tej pasmi so \u0161li spreminjat skoraj normalno obliko lobanje v ov\u010djo. V zelo kratkem \u010dasu. V paketu so dobili toliko te\u017eav, da je pasma v resnih te\u017eavah in bodo morali tisti, ki imajo to pasmo radi in bi jo radi re\u0161ili, po\u0161teno premisliti kako naprej, narediti premi\u0161ljen na\u010drt in verjetno narediti velik korak nazaj. Problem skoraj vedno nastane takrat, ko se pri izbiri psov za vzrejo in pri izbiri kombinacij daje prevelik poudarek razstavnim rezultatom. Me\u0161anci pa... kakor kateri - dejstvo pa je, da celo tistih \"pravih\" me\u0161ancih, ki so imeli pasemske prednike nekje v ne vem koliko kolen nazaj ali pa sploh nikoli, najdemo vse dedne te\u017eave, ki pestijo pasemske. Me\u0161ancev z razli\u010dnimi dednimi boleznimi sploh ni malo, so pa do nedavnega bili redki, pri katerih se je sploh \u0161lo postavljat diagnozo. Pred leti je pri nas ostal izgubljen slep me\u0161anec, tiste sorte \"lisi\u010dka\", kakr\u0161ne se tod okoli po vaseh pojavljajo od nekdaj, ni\u010d prepoznavnega pasemskega notri.....sta bili diagnosticirani dve razli\u010dni dedni o\u010desni bolezni in tretja, ki je bila posledica ene od obeh. Poleg tega je imel \u0161e kroni\u010dne te\u017eave s prebavo in ko\u017eo. Imeli pa smo tudi precej zdravo me\u0161anko, ki v svojem ozadju ni mogla skriti jork\u0161irca, ki je do\u010dakala nekaj \u010dez 20 let samo on noce mesanca, on hoce pasmo... (oz. krizanca med dvemi problematicnimi pasmami) Tudi jaz deloma razumem vse, ki v nedogled lajnate istih pet polresnic, saj pa\u010d niste sposobni dojeti druga\u010de misle\u010dih. Po prebiranju takih in druga\u010dnih tem, sem spoznala, da je \u010dezdalje ve\u010d ljudi, ki kupujejo pri \u0161teparjih...sem bila prepri\u010dana, da se bo z leti to kaj spremenilo, ampak je \u0161e na slab\u0161e \u0161lo...tale forum je pa tudi ratal samo kreganje, odkar so se nekateri na novo prijavili in samo i\u0161\u010dejo kregaraj,da zapolnijo svoj prosti \u010das... \u010ce je druga\u010dno mnenje tako nesprejemljivo, me lahko seveda banate. Ampak s tem boste potrdili moje razmi\u0161ljanje o nesprejemanju druga\u010de misle\u010dih. Obra\u010daj kakor ho\u010de\u0161, ne glede na to, kako gre neki pasmi slabo, nerodovni\u0161kim pribli\u017ekom te pasme gre \u0161e slab\u0161e.","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Znanstveno sre\u010danje DOLGORO\u010cNE SPREMEMBE OKOLJA 2019 Kje: Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja, Gosposka ulica 16, Ljubljana Kdaj: 14. maj 2019 Organizator: Maja Andri\u010d In\u0161titut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, SI-1001 Ljubljana maja.andric@zrc-sazu.si tel.: (01) 47 06 434, 051 637 344 Vljudno vabljeni, da se nam 14. maja 2019 pridru\u017eite v Ljubljani. Prav posebej ste vabljeni mladi raziskovalci. Konferenca je lepa prilo\u017enost, da predstavite najnovej\u0161e rezultate svojih raziskav ter se seznanite z delom drugih raziskovalcev.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Slovenska premiera Strength in Numbers 9. maja Slovenija je ena izmed redkih dr\u017eav, kjer bomo gostili ekskluzivno premiero svetovno znanega gorsko kolesarskega filma. Letos bo to Strength in Numbers (Mo\u010d v \u0161tevilkah) zdaj \u017ee znanih ustvarjalcev Anthill Films s podporo RedBull Media House. Gre za enega izmed najbolj pri\u010dakovanih MTB filmov v letu 2012. Jutri, v petek 20. aprila, bodo film prvi\u010d prikazali v Montereyu v Kaliforniji v okviru festivala Sea Otter Classic. Manj kot tri tedne zatem bo slovenska premiera v sredo 9. maja ob 20. uri v centru Urban Roof v Ljubljan i, Ulica Milana Majcna 6. Vstopnice po 8 evrov bodo naprodaj v Urban Roofu na dan dogodka. Rezervacije niso mo\u017ene. Premiero prireja Bla\u017e Toma\u017ein \/ msix.si s podporo Bike parka Pohorje in RedBulla. Med obiskovalce premiere bo Bla\u017e iz\u017erebal nekaj nagrad, dnevne vstopnice za bike park in nagrade Blue Tomato, le RedBullovih hostes se ne bo dalo odpeljat domov. Vsaj ni tako mi\u0161ljeno.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Razpis za nagrado EuroCloud Slovenija 2012 08.05.2012 Nagrada EuroCloud Slovenija je namenjena ponudnikom storitev ra\u010dunalni\u0161tva v oblaku, ki so dejavni na slovenskem trgu, in bo letos podeljena drugi\u010d. Zmagovalci slovenskega tekmovanja pa bodo tekmovali v konkurenci z drugimi sodelujo\u010dimi dr\u017eavami evropsko EuroCloudnagrado. Cilj nagrade je spodbujanje razvoja, tr\u017eenja in uporabe re\u0161itev v oblaku. Tekmovalne kategorije: Najbolj\u0161e slovensko Startup podjetje Najbolj\u0161a storitev v oblaku Najbolj\u0161i primer uporabe storitve v oblaku v gospodarstvu Najbolj\u0161i primer uporabe storitve v oblaku v javni upravi Najbolj\u0161i primer izbolj\u0161anja u\u010dinkovitosti podjetja z uporabo storitev v oblaku Kdo se lahko prijavi? Za nagrado EuroCloud Slovenija se lahko prijavijo vsa podjetja, ki imajo sede\u017e v Sloveniji. To pomeni, da mora imeti podjetje svoj sede\u017e oziroma vsaj eno pisarno v Sloveniji, njihove re\u0161itve pa morajo biti prisotne na slovenskem trgu. Podjetja, ki kandidirajo za nagrado v kategoriji \u201c Start-Up \u201d, ne smejo biti dejavna na slovenskem trgu ve\u010d kot 3 leta. \u010clanstvo v EuroCloud Slovenija ni pogoj za sodelovanje. Nagrajeno podjetje oziroma re\u0161itev bosta prejela plaketo ter znak Nagrade Eurocloud Slovenija v elektronski obliki za uporabo na svojih spletnih straneh. Nagrajene storitve oziroma podjetja bodo kandidati za Nagrado Eurocloud Evropa in bodo predstavljene junija na Evropskem kongresu Eurocloud. Na\u010din prijave: Prijava za nagrado EuroClouda Slovenija je brezpla\u010dna. Prijavnico za razpis najdete in izpolnite na spletnem naslovu: http:\/\/si.eurocloud-awards.eu\/. Vse oddane prijave morajo biti v angle\u0161kem jeziku. Klju\u010dni datumi: Rok za prijavo je 14. maj 2012, razen za prijavo v kategoriji za najbolj\u0161e slovensko Startup podjetje. Rok za to prijavo je do konca meseca avgusta 2012. Finalisti bodo objavljeni do 18. maja 2012. Podelitev nagrad bo potekala 23. maja 2012, na dogodku \u201c EuroCloud day \u201d v hotelu Metropol v Portoro\u017eu. Dodatne informacije: Dodatne informacije so prijaviteljem na voljo na e-naslovu: jogpAfvspdmpve \/ tj.","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Vas vabim v knji\u017enico Izola na razstavo \u0161e drugih modnih skic in izdelkov. 1.aprila 2014 za\u010dnem. Razstava bo \u0161e v knji\u017enici \u0160kofljica. Tam za\u010dnem 13.maja, nato pa naprej. Povem kje in kdaj. Vse slike bodo v okvirjih s paspartuji. Nakup je mogo\u010d. Cena od 20-200,00 EUR","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Spo\u0161tovane-i prijateljica-prijatelj! Vse se premalo zavedamo, kako pomembno je, da se v mesecu decembru in v adventnem \u010dasu ustavimo, razmislimo o svojem \u017eivljenju ter o na\u0161em odnosu do drugih. Je \u010das, ko naj potegnemo \u010drto, kak\u0161no je bilo na\u0161e \u017eivljenje v iztekajo\u010dem letu? Je tudi \u010das na\u010drtovanja, ko si \u017eelimo za\u010drtati novo pot \u017eivljenja. Pravzaprav je to \u010das ali priprava na jutri, na na\u0161o prihodnost. Zato dragi-e \u010dlani-ce Tebi in Tvojim bli\u017enjim za\u017eelim blagoslovljene bo\u017ei\u010dne praznike, polne vere, upanja in ljubezni. Naj te osre\u010duje Kristusovo rojstvo ter ti vlije novega upanja in poguma za jutri\u0161nji dan. Zarja bo\u017ei\u010dnega jutra, naj te vedno znova napolnjuje z upanjem, da je \u017eivljenje mo\u010dnej\u0161e od smrti ter, da je ljubezen mo\u010dnej\u0161a od sovra\u0161tva. V prihajajo\u010dem Novem letu 2013, pa vsem Vam in Va\u0161im doma\u010dim \u017eelim zvrhan ko\u0161 trdnega zdravja, sre\u010de in miru.","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"\"Glede Ovnovih zgodb samo tole: za najem stanovanjskega kredita sem pla\u010deval obresti, kakr\u0161ne so tedaj veljale za vse potro\u0161nike in o tem hranim kompletno dokumentacijo. In dale\u010d od tega, da bi pri podpisu pogodbe karkoli izsiljeval. S Skladom sem komuniciral izklju\u010dno kot zasebnik in ne kot urednik Televizije. Spomnim pa se, da sem zaradi visokih obresti za mnenje po uradni poti prosil Zvezo potro\u0161nikov Slovenije. Nekdanji vidni politik LDS in direktor Stanovanjskega sklada Edvard Oven, ki je pred kratkim - v samozalo\u017ebi - izdal biografsko knjigo z naslovom \"Napetost med videzom in resnico\", v knjigi med drugim podrobno razkriva pomenljivo zgodbo o tem, kako je - danes upokojeni - novinar Lado Ambro\u017ei\u010d, sicer tudi odgovorni urednik informativnega programa TV Slovenija in celo \u0161e biv\u0161i varuh pravic gledalcev in poslu\u0161alcev RTV Slovenija, Ovna kot direktorja stanovanjskega sklada, kjer je Ambro\u017ei\u010d dobil oziroma kupil stanovanje, na podlagi dolgoro\u010dnega posojila, ki so mu ga itak odobrili, izsiljeval \u0161e za ni\u017eje obresti. Iz knjige Edvarda Ovna Napetost med videzom in resnico, stran 167 in 168. Ker mu Oven ni hotel ali mogel ustre\u010di, naj bi Lado Ambro\u017ei\u010d na javni RTV spro\u017eil ma\u0161\u010devalne akcije zoper Ovna. No, danes pa je Ambro\u017ei\u010d \u010dlan programskega sveta RTV, kjer si prizadeva za obrambo vodilnih polo\u017eajev sedanje poslovne in uredni\u0161ke garniture. (Po\u017eareport)","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"EvilGnome je vohunski program za Linux, ki snema zvok in krade podatke. Zlonamerna programska oprema je nekaj, kar v najve\u010dji meri povezujemo z okoli Windows in Android, zelo redko pa z okolji Linux. A to ne pomeni, da tak\u0161nih programov ni. Varnostni strokovnjaki podjetja Intezer Labs so na\u0161li enega tak\u0161nega. Imenuje se EvilGnome, gre za vohunsko raz\u0161iritev lupine operacijskega sistema (shell extension) namizja Gnome, zaenkrat pa je ne prepozna noben protivirusni program. EvilGnome sestavlja pet razli\u010dnih modulov, ki lahko delujejo samostojno vsak v svoji niti (thread), po navedbah omenjenih strokovnjakov pa so sposobni zajemati zaslonske slike, krasti datoteke in tudi vklju\u010diti mikrofon ter preko njega poslu\u0161ati in posneti uporabnika. Poleg tega vsebuje \u0161e nedokon\u010dan snemalnik tipkanja (keylogger). Koda je v sistem dodana tudi preko lupinskega skripta gnome-shell-ext.sh, ki je namenjen zagotavljanju delovanje zlonamerne kode tako, da vsako minuto preveri napadeni ra\u010dunalnik. EvilGnome naj bi bil povezan z Gamaredon Group, rusko skupino, katere aktivnost se je za\u010dela \u017ee leta 2013.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Dekorativni trak - Hearts Za piko na i k vsakemu darilcu. Zvitek simpati\u010dnega traku bo poskrbel, da je darilo zares nekaj posebnega prav tako pa ti bo olaj\u0161al delo pri zavijanju. Ostani kreativna in ustvari najbolj prikupno darilce, ki ga bo\u0161 z veseljem podarila naprej. Tehni\u010dni podatki: \u0161irina traku: 16 mm dol\u017eina traku: 2m PRIPORO\u010cAMO TUDI","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Farmacevt odgovarja Vpra\u0161anje: Pozdravljeni! Zasledila sem Va\u0161o rubriko in ker me je zelo pritegnila, imam pa tudi vpra\u0161anje, Vam pi\u0161em ob upanju, da mi tudi odgovorite. Lani so mi postavili diagnozo: Hashimoto. Vendar mi \u0161\u010ditnica \u0161e sama dovolj nekako deluje, da \u0161e ne rabim hormonske terapije, k sre\u010di. Zdaj me pa zanima, glede na to, da naj bi pri tej bolezni primanjkovalo joda, kaj bi mi vi priporo\u010dali, da vzamem kot nekak\u0161no prehransko dopolnilo, da dobim dovolj joda? Mogo\u010de kak\u0161na \u0161ume\u010da tableta z jodom? Res najlep\u0161a hvala za odgovor! Lp, M (Maja, 20.02.2012) Odgovor: Maja! Menim, da bi se morali o smiselnosti jemanja jodovih tablet pogovoriti z zdravnikom.V lekarnah imamo kar nekaj izdelkov z visoko vsebnostjo joda: Kelp,... Tudi dolo\u010deni vitaminsko mineralni izdelki vsebujejo jod, vendar v ni\u017ejih koncentracijah. Svetovala vam je: Dragica \u010cernigoj - Kropf, mag. farm. , iz Lekarni\u0161ke podru\u017enice Vitanje","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Izjava za medije \u2013 sindikat taksistov na 29. seji dne 04.05.2021 Sprejem spremembe zakona v prid Ubru na 29. seji Odbora za infrastrukturo, okolje in prostor Dne 4.5.2021 so se taksisti ponovno zapeljali po \u0160ubi\u010devi ulici, da bi izkazali podporo predsedniku sindikata Dejanu Jefimu, ki je nastopil kot zagovornik stali\u0161\u010da taksistov na 29. seji Odbora za infrastrukturo, okolje in prostor ob predlogu zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o prevozih v cestnem prometu (ZPCP-2I). Jefim je na seji izpostavil slabosti spremembe zakona zaradi prihoda Ubra, vendar njegovo mnenje \u017eal ni bilo sli\u0161ano s strani ve\u010dine. Radi bi se zahvalili tudi Sa\u0161ki Kumer, generalni sekretarki SDPZ, ki je na seji prav tako podprla sindikat taksistov in podala stali\u0161\u010de SDPZ. Obenem se zahvaljujemo tudi strankam SAB, Levici, LM\u0160 in SD za izkazano podporo. Kljub trudu sindikata, da bi izpostavili problematiko spreminjanja zakona v prid Ubra, \u017eal ve\u010dina slabosti ni \u017eelela sli\u0161ati, vsi se le sprenevedajo, govorijo nau\u010dene povedi in se izogibajo dejanskim odgovorom. S trudom taksistov in pomo\u010djo dr\u017eave se je kakovost taksi storitev v zadnjih 10 letih mo\u010dno izbolj\u0161ala. Obvezni so postali taksimetri (letno overjeni in umerjeni), zahtevana je licenca, turisti\u010dni izpit, nekaznovanost, primerno finan\u010dno stanje \u2013 osnovna sredstva, 2x letno opravljen tehni\u010dni pregled, posebno zavarovanje za potnike, uvedba dav\u010dnih blagajn itd. Z veljavnim zakonom dr\u017eava mo\u010dno regulira taksi dejavnost in onemogo\u010da goljufije. S spremembo zakona pa bodo taksi dejavnost vrnili 30 let nazaj, torej bodo ve\u010dletni trud uni\u010dili v nekaj mesecih. Zakaj? Zgolj zato ker ima Uber druga\u010den posloven model in po na\u0161ih zakonih ne more poslovati. Trenutna vlada mol\u010di o dejstvu, da Uber ne bo pla\u010dal niti cent davka na njihov dobi\u010dek. Trenutna vlada mol\u010di o znanih dejstvih problematike Ubrovih voznikov, ki se pojavljajo v tujini. Trenutna vlada mol\u010di, da povsod, kjer je Uber prisoten, prihaja do velikih problemov, beri \u2013 ropov, posilstev, pretepov in celo umorov. Trenutna vlada mol\u010di o tem kako bo za\u0161\u010ditila potro\u0161nike in morebitne spore in probleme, ki bodo nastali s prihodom Ubra, kako in na kak\u0161en na\u010din bo vlada za\u0161\u010ditila potro\u0161nike in na koga se bodo lahko potro\u0161niki obrnili pri re\u0161evanju le teh. Trenutna vlada mol\u010di o dejstvu, da bo vo\u017enja, ki jo danes potro\u0161nik pla\u010da 5\u20ac po taksimetru ob prihodu Ubra, glede na njihove algoritme tudi 20\u20ac ali ve\u010d, \u010de bo povpra\u0161evanje v tistem trenutku visoko. Trenutna vlada mol\u010di, da sprememba zakonodaje ne prinese ni\u010d dobrega, ne dr\u017eavi, ne taksistom, \u0161e najmanj pa potro\u0161nikom. Kljub temu, da na seji nismo zmagali in je bila sprememba zakona na seji potrjena se ne bomo ustavili, trudili se bomo za vse taksiste in prebivalce ter njihovo lep\u0161o prihodnost. Skrbi nas prihodnost in varnost na\u0161ih dr\u017eavljanov, zato NISMO proti \"konkurenci\", smo pa proti spreminjanju zakonodaje. Za razliko od trenutne vlade, smo v sindikatu veseli sodelovanja in posluha lokalnih oblasti. Veseli smo toplega in pozitivnega sprejema na MOL-u, veseli smo, da bomo v prihodnosti v Ljubljani v sodelovanju z \u017eupanom g. Jankovi\u010dem taksi dejavnost spravili na najvi\u0161ji mo\u017een nivo, tako z vozili, vozniki, kot tudi s cenami, ki bodo dostopne slehernemu uporabniku, ne glede na prihod tujih platform.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Ali ste ostali brez tlaka v va\u0161em ogrevalnem sistemu ? V va\u0161em domu je postalo neprijetno hladno. To je morda posledica premajhnega tlaka v va\u0161emu sistemu. V dana\u0161njem \u010dlanku boste izvedeli vse mo\u017ene vzroke in re\u0161itve. Premajhen tlak v sistemu ogrevanja je eden najpogostej\u0161ih vzrokov za slabo delovanje ogrevanja, najve\u010d klicev iz strani strank prejmemo prav zaradi tega. Zakaj je tlak v va\u0161em sistemu prenizek? Vzrokov za nastanek nizkega tlaka je lahko ve\u010d. Najpogostej\u0161i vzroki pa so: Predolgo odzra\u010devanje sistema: Pri radiatorjih vam priporo\u010damo odzra\u010devanje pred vsako kurilno sezono. Ve\u010d o tem kako pravilno odzra\u010diti radiatorje. Velikokrat radiatorje odzra\u010dujemo predolgo, odzra\u010dujte jih samo tako dolgo dokler iz njih izteka zrak. Prenehajte z odzra\u010devanjem kadar iz njih pri\u010dne pritekati voda. Predolgo odzra\u010devanje lahko povzro\u010di izgubo tlaka v va\u0161em sistemu. Premajhen varnostni ventil: Varnostni ventil \u0161\u010diti va\u0161 ogrevalni sistem pred previsokim tlakom. Odpre se nad dolo\u010deno vrednostjo in pri\u010dne odvajati vodo v va\u0161em sistemu. V primeru da je varnostni ventil premajhen, se ventil odpre prehitro in vam povzro\u010di izgubo tlaka v sistemu. Prav zaradi tega je pomembno da vam strojne instalacije vgradi podjetje z izku\u0161njami, velikokrat se kotlovnice ne dimenzionirajo pravilno zaradi doseganja ni\u017ejih cen ponudb na tr\u017ei\u0161\u010du. Definitivno najpogostej\u0161i vzrok zaradi katerega je tlak v va\u0161em sistemu prenizek. Raztezna posoda je sestavljena iz dveh komor, ki sta lo\u010deni z neprepustno membrano. V eni komori se nahaja ogrevalna voda \u2013 v drugi pa plin, po navadi du\u0161ik. \u010ce se ogrevalna voda pri segrevanju \u0161iri, jo raztezna posoda regulira: Absorbira odve\u010dno vodo in stisne plin v drugi komori. \u010ce je tlak plina nepravilno nastavljen ali \u010de je membrana pokvarjena, raztezna posoda ne bo ve\u010d delovala pravilno, ogrevalni sistem bo pri\u010del izgubljati vodo. Uhajanje vode iz ogrevalnih cevi, fitingov, armatur, ter radiatorjev: V redkih primerih vam vode iz sistema pri\u010dne uhajati iz po\u010dene cevi, ne dovolj tesnega fitinga, radiatorja ali celo armature. Velikokrat uhajanje prepoznamo po lu\u017eah vode, ki nastopijo na samem mestu kjer voda uhaja iz sistema. V primeru npr. pri po\u010deni cevi, ki se nahaja pod ometom, je uhajanje te\u017eje zaznati. Pri zaznavanju si pomagamo z uporabo toplotne kamere. Zaradi na\u0161tetih vzrokov je \u0161e toliko bolj pomembno da se pred odlo\u010ditvijo monta\u017ee ogrevalnega sistema odlo\u010dite za podjetje z izku\u0161njami ter referencami. Tako boste dobili kotlovnico, v kateri bo kvaliteten in seveda pravilno dimenzioniran material. S tem boste privar\u010devali veliko denarja ter \u017eivcev :)","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Otrok ne pu\u0161\u010dajte v avtu! Kolikokrat se vam je \u017ee pripetilo, da ste se z otrokom sami nekam odpravili ter se na poti mimogrede spomnili, da morate sko\u010diti \u0161e v banko ali na po\u0161to, otroka pa pustili po\u010dakati kar v avtu, saj je \u0161lo za res kratek opravek? \u010ceprav morda tisti trenutek tega niste razmi\u0161ljali pa vedite, da je pu\u0161\u010danje otrok v avtu lahko nadvse nevarno, ne zgolj poleti, temve\u010d tudi v vseh drugih letnih \u010dasih. Vas zanima zakaj? Sonce greje plo\u010devino Otroci so na vro\u010dino bistveno ob\u010dutljivej\u0161i kot odrasli, kar je \u0161e posebej nevarno poleti, \u010de avto parkirate na soncu. Notranjost avtomobila se v pribli\u017eno 15 minutah lahko segreje tudi do 50 stopinj Celzija ali ve\u010d, kar pri otrocih lahko povzro\u010di vro\u010dinski udar. Poleg same temperature je pomembno tudi, kako je otrok oble\u010den ter koliko je star. Manj\u0161i kot je otrok in temnej\u0161a kot je barva avtomobila, ve\u010dji nevarnosti je izpostavljen. In obratno - starej\u0161i kot je, la\u017eje prenese vro\u010dino, poleg tega pa je tudi ve\u010d mo\u017enosti, da mu dolo\u010dene stvari dopoveste, mu naro\u010dite naj pije vodo in podobno. In \u010de ste morda mislili, da je rahlo odprto okno dovolj, ste se zmotili, saj situacije prav v ni\u010demer ne spremeni. Nepridipravi na delu Ni pa zgolj vro\u010dina tista, ki je za otroka lahko nevarna. Star\u0161i v primeru \u00bbhitrih opravkov\u00ab pogosto pustimo klju\u010de v avtu, bodisi ker pustimo vklopljeno klimo, radio, bodisi, ker se bomo tako ali tako \u00bbhitro vrnili\u00ab. \u010ceprav v takem primeru otroku v avtu res ni vro\u010de, pa nevarnosti, ki pre\u017eijo nanj, niso ni\u010d manj\u0161e. Ne glede na to, kako nemogo\u010da in oddaljena se nam zdi ugrabitev, je dejstvo, da se omenjeni zlo\u010dini ne dogajajo zgolj v tujini in na filmskih platnih, temve\u010d so \u017eal zelo prepogosti tudi pri nas. Ni\u010dkolikokrat se tudi zgodi, da nepridiprava zamika avto, ker pa se mu mudi, nam odpelje kar oboje. Mladi raziskovalci Ne glede na to, ali je avto izpostavljen soncu, ali smo v njem pustili klju\u010de ali ne, pa je gotovo eno \u2013 otroci radi raziskujejo. \u0160e najbolj tisto, kar jim je ob prisotnosti star\u0161ev prepovedano. Omenjeno je seveda odvisno od starosti otrok \u2013 dojen\u010dka tak\u0161ne stvari pa\u010d ne zanimajo \u2013 malce starej\u0161i otroci pa obi\u010dajno komaj \u010dakajo prilo\u017enost, da bi pote\u0161ili svojo radovednost. Ker jim star\u0161i obi\u010dajno ne pustimo pritiskati na \u00bbgumbke\u00ab najrazli\u010dnej\u0161ih barv in oblik, se igrati z ro\u010dicami, pritiskati na pedale in vrteti volan, izkoristijo na\u0161o odsotnost. Premajhni so \u0161e, da bi se zavedali nevarnosti, ki pri tem pre\u017eijo, zato smo star\u0161i tisti, ki moramo poskrbeti zanje. Naj gre \u0161e za tako kratek opravek, se verjetno strinjate, da nikoli, ampak res nikoli ni tako pomemben, da bi bil vreden opisanega tveganja! Projekti in akcije","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Naslovnica \/ Aktualno \/ Kolumne \/ Kolumna: \u010ce bi ribe lahko govorile 08.02.2021 KOLUMNA DZZ\u017d NOVO MESTO Prej\u0161nji mesec sem razpravljala o \u017eeljah otrok po \u017eivalskem prijatelju in o tem, kako v\u010dasih star\u0161i nepremi\u0161ljeno izberejo \u017eival, da bi ugodili otroku. Vmes sem se mimogrede dotaknila tudi zlatih ribic, kar me je spomnilo, da si ribe pravzaprav zaslu\u017eijo kar \"svojo\" kolumno. Gre namre\u010d za \u017eivali, ki so pogosto nerazumljene, neprimerno tretirane in slabo oskrbljene. \u010ceprav ve\u010dina ljudi misli druga\u010de, tudi ribe \u010dutijo bole\u010dino in strah. Pravzaprav so precej kompleksna bitja, ki svet do\u017eivljajo precej podobno kot mi. To pomeni, da jim moramo urediti okolje tako, da bodo v njem spro\u0161\u010dene in zdrave. Kak\u0161no okolje pa je primerno za ribe? To vpra\u0161anje naredi \"ementalec efekt\" - ve\u010d sira, ve\u010d lukenj, se pravi ponuja ve\u010d novih vpra\u0161anj, kot odgovorov. Akvaristika je precej zapleteno in zelo obse\u017eno podro\u010dje in na tak\u0161no vpra\u0161anje je nemogo\u010de odgovoriti z nekaj kratkimi stavki. Zato tudi ta prispevek nikakor ni akvaristi\u010dni priro\u010dnik, temve\u010d zgolj be\u017een poskus, da vas spodbudim k odgovornemu pristopu do akvaristike. Gre pravzaprav za to, da \u010dim bolj posnemamo okolje, v katerem se dolo\u010dena vrsta rib sicer nahaja v naravi. Pred postavitvijo novega akvarija moramo torej preu\u010diti potrebe dolo\u010denega organizma oziroma izbrati tisto vrsto, ki ji v na\u0161em akvariju lahko omogo\u010dimo prijetno bivanje. Katere so torej lastnosti \"dobrega\" akvarija? V prvi vrsti mora biti akvarij primerne oblike in velikosti. Tukaj lahko omenim zlate ribice, ki so \u0161olski primer vodnih organizmov, ki so najve\u010dkrat naseljeni v popolnoma neustreznem okolju. Zlata ribica, carassius auratus auratus, izvira iz Kitajske, zraste kar 30-40cm, poleg tega gre za jatno ribo, kar pomeni, da moramo skupaj naseliti vsaj 5-10 osebkov. Logi\u010dno sledi, da so te ribe primerne samo za velike, zunanje ribnike in da ni veliko takih, ki jim lahko primerno okolje uredijo v akvariju v stanovanju. Naj \u0161e dodam, da imajo zelo dolgo \u017eivljenjsko dobo, saj \u017eivijo ve\u010d deset let, so tudi zelo inteligentne in jih lahko nau\u010dimo trike. Le kaj bi povedale vse tiste uboge zlatke, natla\u010dene v premajhnih posodah, \u010de bi lahko govorile? Seveda je razumljivo, da doma nimamo neomejenega prostora za ogromne akvarije in s tem ni ni\u010d narobe. Moramo pa v tem primeru pa\u010d izbrati tisto vrsto rib, ki se dobro po\u010duti tudi v manj\u0161em akvariju. Zelo pomembne so tudi lastnosti vode. Voda je lahko trda ali mehka, bazi\u010dna ali kisla. Trda voda je tista, v kateri je raztopljenih veliko mineralov. Vodovodna voda v Sloveniji je pogosto precej trda (ste \u017ee opazili, kako hitro se nabira vodni kamen v kopalnici?), kar velik del okrasnih akvarijskih ribic pa je mehkovodnih - v naravi \u017eivijo v vodah z malo raztopljenimi minerali. \u010ce riba biva v vodi neprimerne kvalitete (na primer mehko-vodna riba \u017eivi v trdi vodi ali pa voda zaradi nezadostne filtracije ni dovolj kakovostna) to zanjo predstavlja stres. Dolgotrajnej\u0161a prisotnost stresnih hormonov pa vodi v odpoved notranjih organov in presnove. En primer ribe, ki jo ve\u010dina ljudi pozna vsaj na videz in je pogosto naseljena v neprimernih akvarijih, je siamska bojna ribica, betta. Ta vrsta ribe potrebuje zelo mehko, rahlo kislo vodo in veliko pravih rastlin, zato voda iz na\u0161ih vodovodov ponavadi ni primerna zanje. Pred naselitvijo organizmov moramo preveriti parametre na\u0161e vode in jo prilagoditi potrebam na\u0161ih vodnih podnajemnikov oziroma pa\u010d izbrati tak\u0161ne, ki lahko \u017eivijo v vodi, ki jo imamo. Naslednja zelo pomembna stvar vsakega zdravega akvarija je biolo\u0161ko stabilen filter. Filtracija v akvariju ni tako preprosta, kot si predstavlja ve\u010dina ljudi. Ne gre samo za delce umazanije, ki se ustavijo v filtrirnem materialu in ga potem operemo. Filtracija mora biti tudi in predvsem biolo\u0161ka, kar pomeni, da so v filtru in na drugih povr\u0161inah v akvariju naseljene koristne bakterije, ki razkrajajo ostanke hrane, ribje kakce in odpadle delce rastlin in na ta na\u010din izbolj\u0161ujejo kvaliteto vode. Tak\u0161na filtracija se seveda ne vzpostavi \u010dez no\u010d, bakterije potrebujejo nekaj \u010dasa, da se dovolj razmno\u017eijo. Od prvega dne, ko smo zagnali akvarij, bo minilo vsaj dva tedna ali ve\u010d, preden bo dovolj stabilen za naselitev rib. Spremembe vodnih parametrov moramo redno opazovati (s testi za prisotnost nitritov, nitratov, amonijaka). Vrednosti bodo najprej narastle, potem pa se spustile nazaj - takrat je akvarij ute\u010den, ali kot se izra\u017eajo akvaristi - sciklan. Poleg zgoraj na\u0161tetega je pomembna tudi izbira dekoracije, rastlin in kombinacije organizmov, ki lahko sobivajo skupaj. Seveda se v velikem loku izogibamo plastiki in uporabljamo naravne materiale (les, kamen), katere in koliko pa je seveda odvisno od posamezne vrste rib. Tudi prave rastline predstavljajo pomemben del zdravega akvarija in ve\u010dinoma se priporo\u010da, da je akvarij \u010dim bolj zara\u0161\u010den (razen seveda, kadar imamo ribice, ki tudi v naravi \u017eivijo v okolju brez rastlin). Pogosto so akvariji okra\u0161eni z ladjicami, skrinjami zakladov, gradovi in podobnim ki\u010dem, kar seveda z ribami in njihovim naravnim okoljem nima prav nobene veze. Tako kot za vse ostale \u017eivali, smo tudi za ribe in druge vodne organizme dol\u017eni poskrbeti tako, da se dobro po\u010dutijo. To je ne samo moralna ampak tudi zakonska dol\u017enost vseh lastnikov \u017eivali. Na\u0161e \u017eelje in estetika so \u017eal zadnje na seznamu prioritet pri urejanju akvarija. \u010ce se s tem dejstvom ne moremo sprijazniti, potem lahko razmislimo o kak\u0161nem drugem hobiju. Vpra\u0161ajmo se, kaj bi nam ribe povedale, \u010de bi lahko govorile. Kogar zanima ve\u010d o akvaristiki, vodnih organizmih, o izbiri in postavitvi akvarija, lahko ogromno koristnih informacij najde na spletu, na primer na blogu Alfa in betta, ter v raznih Facebook skupinah, na primer Akvarstika Slovenije \u2013 Bojan Dolenc.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Moja dnevna soba me pomirja Odlo\u010dil sem se, da se malo razpi\u0161em o svojem najljub\u0161em prostoru. Glede na to, da sem mo\u0161ki to zagotovo ni kuhinja ampak dnevna soba. Verjetno ima vsak od nas prostor v katerem se najla\u017eje in najbolj\u0161e sprosti, pri meni je to zagotovo moja dnevna soba, ki sem si jo opremil po svoji meri. Spomnim se, da sem v \u010dasu kupovanja nove dnevne sobe porabil izredno veliko \u010dasa saj sem bil precej zahteven kupec. Vsak mo\u0161ki se bo verjetno strinjal, da ni\u010d ni bolj\u0161ega kot se v svoji dnevni sobi napol vle\u010dti pred televizor in u\u017eivati ob gledanju nogometa, smejati ob poslu\u0161anju politikov ali pa preprosto spremljati enega od poljudno znanstvenih kanalov. Jaz imam tak\u0161no navado, da dnevno sobo izkoristim v\u010dasih tudi za branje, saj rad veliko berem. Pri nas doma je tudi tako, da je dnevna soba tisti prostor v katerem pre\u017eivimo najve\u010d \u010dasa, ko seveda nismo zaposleni. Sem pa eden od tistih, ki ne mara obiskov svoji dnevni sobi saj zagovarjam dejstvo, da so dnevne sobe na nek na\u010din preve\u010d zasebni prostor, da bi v njo vabil prijatelje. Konec koncev za mene ni ni\u010d bolj pomirjajo\u010dega kot pa to, da se lahko v svoji dnevni sobi pred televizor ule\u017eem tudi samo v spodnjih hla\u010dah. Ideje za dnevne sobe V\u010dasih me kdo od prijateljev vpra\u0161a od kje ideja za mojo izvirno dnevno sobo. Moja dnevna soba je namre\u010d izdelana po meri in je ve\u010dini skupek vseh najbolj\u0161ih idej, ki sem jih dobil v razli\u010dnih pohi\u0161tvenih katalogih. Priznam, da mi je v\u0161e\u010d skandivanski tip pohi\u0161tva saj je v njem vse izdelano iz lesa in tak\u0161na je tudi moja dnevna soba. Lesene dnevne sobe so za mene nekaj posebnega. Les je tisti, ki daje dnevni sobi toplino in jo naredi doma\u010do. V\u010dasih se lahko dobi kak\u0161no dobro idejo kar v samih salonih pohi\u0161tva. Morda se kak\u0161no sobotno dopoldne opravite v salone pohi\u0161tva in si pogledate kak\u0161ne dnevne sobe razstavljajo. V\u010dasih boste dobili neverjetno veliko idej. Vam pa priporo\u010dam, da se odpravite v ve\u010dje centre kjer bo razstavljeih tudi ve\u010d deset dnevnih sob. This entry was posted in Dom in vrt and tagged dnevne sobe. Bookmark the permalink.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"VIDEO: Pretresljivo: s tem se soo\u010dajo \u017ertve nasilja Zbuja se ob glasbi, pije kavo, obiskuje knji\u017enico, se dobiva s prijateljicami, po prihodu domov pa jo \u010daka grozljivka. Vsakdan skozi o\u010di \u017ertev nasilja. Foto: youtube LONDON \u2013 Posnetek, ki se je pojavil na spletu, je vznemiril na tiso\u010de ljudi po vsem svetu. Prikazuje namre\u010d vsakdan neke \u017eenske, ki je \u017ertev nasilnega mo\u017ea. \u017denska se zjutraj ob \u017eivahni glasbi zbudi dobre volje, obi\u0161\u010de knji\u017enico, se s prijateljico dobi na kavi. Ko pride domov glasba ugasne, \u010dez nekaj trenutkov pa jo pest besnega mo\u017ea zadene v obraz. \u017delijo ozave\u0161\u010dati Posnetek je nastal v londonskem studiu Banjo Eye Films, posneli pa so ga ob pomo\u010di Google Glassa. Ustvarjalci filma \u017eelijo z njim \u017eenske ozave\u0161\u010dati o dru\u017einskem nasilju. \u00bbKljub napredku v zadnjih letih morajo \u017eenske podobne stvari do\u017eivljati vsak dan. Razmislite o tem,\u00ab so zapisali na koncu posnetka.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Zgodovina lova je stara toliko, kot je staro \u010dlove\u0161tvo. Vendar se je s \u010dasom, tako kot \u010dlovek, spreminjal tudi pomen lova. Zdaj\u0161nji lov ni ve\u010d boj za pre\u017eivetje \u010dloveka, temve\u010d je namenjen predvsem skrbi za varovanje narave in ohranjanju prosto\u017eive\u010dih \u017eivalskih vrst tako, da bomo oboje lahko ohranili tudi za na\u0161e potomce. Mnogo ljudi na\u0161ega poslanstva ne razume, zato smo se v na\u0161i LD Fram odlo\u010dili, da del na\u0161e dejavnosti predstavimo ljudem pod sloganom Poskrbimo za ptice. Tako smo se v letu 2011 z na\u0161o predstavitvijo udele\u017eili sejma, ki je bil na dvori\u0161\u010du gradu v Ob\u010dini Ra\u010de - Fram. Ker je v na\u0161i LD 51 \u010dlanov, smo simboli\u010dno izdelali prav toliko pti\u010djih krmilnic, za katere so nam les darovali kmetje z na\u0161ega obmo\u010dja. Tudi oni so menili, da je na\u0161a ideja izvirna in dobra. Nato smo s pomo\u010djo mizarjev v na\u0161i LD izdelali krmilnice. Na vsako smo v\u017egali tudi na\u0161 stanovski znak, ki bo prejemnike spomnil na na\u0161o dobrodelnost. Seveda nismo pozabili na krmo za ptice, ki smo jo prav tako naprosili. V na\u0161i LD delujejo lovski rogisti, ki skrbijo za lovsko glasbo, ki je del lovske kulture in prav njim je pripadala \u010dast, da so zaigrali uvodne melodije in naznanili za\u010detek sejma. Stojnico smo primerno okrasili, kot se za lovce spodobi, z na\u0161im stanovskim znakom, poskrbeli pa smo tudi za hrano in pija\u010do. Odziv obiskovalcev je bil zelo pozitiven, saj so hrana in krmilnice kar hitro po\u0161le. Prav tako smo bili zadovoljni tudi mi, saj smo navezali stike z ljudmi, jim predstavili na\u0161e poslanstvo, skrb za naravo in divjad.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Okvirji za va\u0161e plakate Pri naro\u010dilu okvirjev za plakate je potrebno biti pozoren kaj na nekaj stvari. Upo\u0161tevati moramo tudi to kje bodo okvirji in plakati name\u0161\u010deni. V kolikor gre za marketin\u0161ke plakate, ki bodo name\u0161\u010deni zunaj se je potrebno zavedati, da bodo izpostavljeni vremenskim razmeram. Pametno je v tem primeru nabaviti vodotestne okvirje, da nam ne bo \u017ee prva nevihta uni\u010dila plakate kajti v tem primeru bi bil na\u0161 trud zastonj. Kvalitetne okvirje za plakate lahko najdete najla\u017eje preko spleta saj obstaja veliko kvalitetnih izdelovalcev (3d art). Seveda pa je vedno najbolj\u0161e izbrati tistega, kjer \u017ee na prvi pogled opazimo dobro razmerje med ceno in kvaliteto. Okvirji pa se razlikujejo \u0161e po nekaj drugih lastnostih, predvsem glede na to kje bodo viseli. Tako lahko izbirate med izlo\u017ebenimi okvirji, stenskimi okvirji, vise\u010dini okvirni in ne boste verjeli tudi avtomobilskimi okvirji. Na ve\u010dja vozila se namre\u010d lahko namestijo okvirji namenjeni marketin\u0161kemu plakatiranju. Nikakor pa se ne izdelujejo samo okvirji klasi\u010dnih velikosti ampak lahko velikost okvirjev prilagajate tudi glede na va\u0161e potrebe in va\u0161 format plakatov. Danes je znano, da so oblikovalci zelo radi kreativni in za kreativne plakate boste potrebovali tudi kreativne okvirje. Prav za slednje pa so nekatera podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z izdelavo marketin\u0161kih pripomo\u010dkov specializirana in vam bodo znala pomagati in po najbolj ugodnih cenah zagotoviti to kar pri\u010dakujete. Razmislite pa tudi o tem, da bodo okvirji funkcionalni in, da boste lahko brez te\u017eav razstavljene plakate tudi menjavali.","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Marko Ko\u0161ir OD \u017dELEZNE CESTE DO... \u017deleznica v filateliji, umetnosti, glasbi, filmu, itd. iz\u0161la 24. maj 2010 Knjiga prikazuje vpliv \u017eeleznice na stvari, ki jih po\u010dnemo ljudje iz veselja in za kratek \u010das. V\u010dasih je to po\u010detje tudi na\u010din, kako si nekateri slu\u017eijo kruh in nam s tem lep\u0161ajo \u017eivljenje. V prvem poglavju je na kratko prikazana zgodovina znamk z \u017eelezni\u0161kimi motivi. Temu sledijo slike znamk iz Evrope in ostalega sveta. Podrobno so predstavljene znamke nekdanje Jugoslavije in slovenske znamke po letu 1991. Vse lokomotive na znamkah so dodatno opisane, znamkam pa sem dodal \u0161e njihovo filatelisti\u010dno in katalo\u0161ko vrednost. Posebej so obravnavane nekatere parne lokomotive Slovenskih \u017eeleznic (S\u017d) in lokomotiva Ocean s prikazom pomembnih dogodkov v Mariboru v \u010dasu gradnje proge Dunaj - Trst. Poglavje je zaklju\u010deno s prikazom nekaterih slavnih parnih lokomotiv po mojem izboru. V drugem poglavju je po kratkem uvodu podrobno predstavljena Honeggerjeva skladba Pacific 231. Skladba je zanimiva zato, ker je njen nastanek povezan s skladateljevo pomoto. Nato sledi kratek prikaz nekaterih lokomotiv serije Pacifik iz Francije in iz ostalega sveta. Tretje poglavje prikazuje povezavo med \u017eeleznico in poezijo, oziroma vpliv \u017eeleznice na nastanek \u00bb\u017eelezni\u0161kih\u00ab pesmi. Izbrani sta Pre\u0161ernova O \u017eelezni cesti in \u017dupan\u010di\u010deva Z vlakom. Sledi opis lokomotiv, ki so morda vlekle vlak, s katerim se je \u017dupan\u010di\u010d vozil skozi Gorenjsko na poti v Pariz. Tudi tu se vsebina \u017dupan\u010di\u010deve pesmi ne ujema z razmerami na \u017eeleznici ob njenem nastanku leta 1905. Poglavje o \u017eeleznici in slikarstvu je po uvodu, ki prikazuje nekaj slavnih slik \u017eeleznice, posve\u010deno za\u010detniku strokovne obravnave zgodovine \u017eeleznic v Sloveniji in najbolj zaslu\u017enemu za ustanovitev muzejske zbirke in \u017delezni\u0161kega muzeja v Ljubljani. To je akademski slikar Stane Kumar. Opisano je tudi, kam privede prevelika zaverovanost v samega sebe, podcenjevanje ostalih in zanemarjanje zgodovinskih ter strokovnih dejstev v imenu umetni\u0161ke svobode. Prav to se je zgodilo Stanetu Kumarju. Zadnje poglavje opisuje Bohinjsko \u017eeleznico, njeno zgodovino, pomembne objekte, pokrajino in ljudi ob njej ter dve slavni lokomotivi iz preteklosti. V dodatku so razlo\u017eeni nekateri filatelisti\u010dni in \u017eelezni\u0161ki izrazi, ki se v knjigi pojavljajo. Temeljito je razlo\u017een kolesni razpored parnih lokomotiv iz vsega sveta. Dodana sta \u0161e shematski prikaz parne lokomotive in tabela podatkov vseh lokomotiv iz te knjige. Tabela ob osnovnih vsebuje \u0161e podrobne podatke za tiste, ki se na zadeve bolj poznajo. (Iz avtorjevega predgovora. ) Kratka predstavitev avtorja: Marko Ko\u0161ir Rojen leta 1946. Po poklicu je diplomirani strojni in\u017eenir. V svoji karieri je vse obdobje od 1973 do 2009 delal v TAM in TVM v Mariboru kot projektant gospodarskih vozil in avtobusov. Je bil \u010dlan zvezne komisije JUS za gospodarska vozila in \u010dlan komisije na Prometnem ministrstvu R Slovenije za tehni\u0161ko regulativo OZN in EU. Sodeloval je na ve\u010d strokovnih sre\u010danjih doma in v tujini. Od mladih dni je velik ljubitelj in poznavalec vsega kar je povezano z glasbenim \u017eivljenjem doma in v tujini. Je pisec strokovnega gradiva in ima v COBISS svojo \u0161tevilko raziskovalca 15612.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Dopis A4 90g papir Hiter pregled Dopisni list je praviloma enolistna tiskovina velikosti A4, s potiskom na eni strani. Minimalno naro\u010dilo je 100 kosov Opis izdelka Dopisni listi je enostaven in uporaben promocijsko material, ki navadno vsebuje osnovne kontaktne podatke in logotip podjetja. Tisk na 90 gramski nepremazni papir, enostransko. Minimalna koli\u010dina je 100 kosov.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Izpusti emisij gostega belega dima-\u017eelezarna \u0160tore Zadnje mesece iz obmo\u010dja \u017eelezarne \u0160tore dnevno spu\u0161\u010dajo v zrak nenormalno velike koli\u010dine emisije gostega belega dima, ki je zelo smrade\u010d in sem prepri\u010dan tudi zelo \u0161kodljiv za zdravje (staro \u017eelezo s primesmi, kot je barva, ma\u0161\u010dobe in ostale nevarne snovi). Izpust se vedno pri\u010dne v ve\u010dernih urah, zelo gosti oblaki belega dima se najbolj pogosto \u0161irijo na vzhodni del Celja (odvisno od vetra). Iz \u010dasa izpusta lahko sklepam, da gre za nameren izpust. Zakaj to ne po\u010dno v dopoldanskem \u010dasu! ! ? ? Prosil bi za naslednja pojasnila: Ali Mestna ob\u010dina Celje ve za ta problem? Zakaj in\u0161pektorat za okolje in prostor ne ukrepa oziroma ni ukrepal ob izdaji uporabnega dovoljenja. Komentarji (1) 06. julij 2006 ob 09:38 Na Mestno ob\u010dino Celje ste se obrnili z vpra\u0161anji, na katere vam ne moremo to\u010dno odgovoriti. Na obmo\u010dju biv\u0161e \u017eelezarne \u0160tore deluje ve\u010d podjetij: Steel \u0160tore (prej Inexa \u0160tore d.o.o.), Valji d.o.o., Energetika d.o.o., Kovis Livarna d.o.o., ITRO \u0160tore. Nadzor nad emisijami iz teh objektov ne opravlja Mestna ob\u010dina Celje, ampak Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, In\u0161pektorat za okolje in prostor, Enota Celje, Krekov trg 9, 3000 Celje. In\u0161pektorat je pristojen tako za nadzor nad emisijami iz tehnolo\u0161kih obratov, kot tudi za preverjanje ali ima objekt uporabno dovoljenje v skladu z Zakonom o graditvi objektov. Svetujemo vam, da svoja vpra\u0161anja naslovite na njih. Ta in\u0161pektorat tudi razpolaga s podatki, katero podjetje obratuje v skladu s predpisi in katero mora svoje obratovanje \u0161e uskladiti. V skladu s 172. \u010dlenom Zakona o varstvu okolja bodo morala podjetja za naprave, ki lahko povzro\u010dajo onesna\u017eevanje ve\u010djega obsega, do 31.oktobra 2007 pridobiti okoljevarstveno dovoljenje. V zakonu je dolo\u010deno, da v kolikor podjetje ne bo pridobilo okoljevarstvenega dovoljenja do predpisanega roka, bo ministrstvo izdalo odlo\u010dbo o prenehanju delovanja naprave.","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Edino pravo les-alu okno! V notranjosti toplo in prijetno, navzven robustno in trpe\u017eno. Lesena aluminijasta okna Jeloterm Premium v ambient vna\u0161a toplino lesa, na zunanji strani pa mu ne pridejo do \u017eivega ne sneg, ne de\u017e, ne sonce. Posebnosti lesenega aluminjastega okna: Odli\u010dna konstrukcijska trdnost in zagotovljena trajnost Leseno okno oplemeniteno z aluminijasto masko za za\u0161\u010dito pred vremenskimi vplivi Enostavna re\u0161itev za vsakogar, ki si \u017eeli dose\u010di vi\u0161jo kakovost bivanja v prostoru Toplotna prehodnost les-alu okna Jeloterm Premium: Toplotna prehodnost stekla U g = 1,1 W \/ m 2 K Toplotna prehodnost enokrilnega okna U w = 1,3 W \/ m 2 K Primerjava izolativnih karakteristik okna glede na razli\u010dne tipe zasteklitve Troslojna izolacijska stekla so standardno sestavljena iz srednjega \" float \" stekla in dveh stekel z nizkoemisijskim nanosom. Dva medstekelna prostora sta polnjena s plinom in pomenita dvojno oviro za prehod toplote. V Jelovici se zavedamo, da je unikatnost na\u0161la svoje mesto tudi v arhitekturi in gradbeni\u0161tvu. Danes skoraj ni objekta, ki ne bi zahteval posebnih, enkratnih izvedb oken in vrat, zato v Jelovici veliko pozornosti namenjamo izdelavi \" po meri \". Izdelali vam bomo okna in panoramske stene razli\u010dnih oblik in dimenzij, za zahtevnej\u0161e projekte vam bomo s pomo\u010djo na\u0161ih strokovnjakov razvili lastne razvojne re\u0161itve. Lepota je v detajlih Lazurni in pokrivni premazni sistemi, ki jih uporabljamo v Jelovici, zagotavljajo dolgotrajno funkcionalnost oken, obenem pa les oplemenitijo z izrednim estetskim u\u010dinkom. S pravilno obdelavo in za\u0161\u010dito lesene povr\u0161ine les zavarujemo in poudarimo njegovo naravno teksturo in estetsko vrednost. Okno Jeloterm Wood Premium 8500 izdelujemo iz lesa smreke, macesna, merantija in hrasta. V Jelovici uporabljamo pestro paleto \u010dloveku in okolju prijaznih lazurnih in pokrivnih premaznih sistemov. Njihova kakovost je preizku\u0161ena v laboratoriju Jelovice in na priznanih institucijah doma in v tujini.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"UNICEF ob za\u010detku \u0161olskega leta v Afri\u0161kem rogu okrepil podporo izobra\u017eevanju Nairobi, 9. september 2011, ob za\u010detku novega \u0161olskega leta je UNICEF v dr\u017eavah Afri\u0161kega roga, ki jih je prizadela su\u0161a, okrepil pomo\u010d za izobra\u017eevanje otrok. 13.9.2011 \u201c \u0160ole in otro\u0161ki centri ne igrajo pomembne vloge zgolj pri osnovnem izobra\u017eevanju, temve\u010d tudi pri posredovanju \u017eivljenjsko pomembnih sporo\u010dil o prehrani, higieni, sanitarijah in zdravstveni vzgoji \u2013 vsa ta znanja so v dana\u0161njem Afri\u0161kem rogu klju\u010dna za pre\u017eivetje\u00ab, je povedal Elhadj As Sy, UNICEF-ov regionalni direktor za Vzhodno in Ju\u017eno Afriko. \u201c V begunskih tabori\u0161\u010dih so \u0161ole dostopne tudi deklicam in ostalim ranljivim otrokom, ki morda pred tem nikoli niso vstopili v \u0161olsko u\u010dilnico \u201d, je \u0161e povedal Elhadj As Sy. \u201c V ogro\u017eenih lokalnih skupnostih, \u0161olski prostori omogo\u010dajo tudi dostop do \u010diste vode, urejenih sanitarij, prehranskih programov in varnih prostorov, kjer so otroci za\u0161\u010diteni pred nasiljem in zlorabami. \u00ab Klju\u010dna podpora \u0161olskemu sistemu je bila v prizadetih dr\u017eavah Afri\u0161kega roga nudena \u017ee pred za\u010detkom novega \u0161olskega leta: V Keniji je bilo na obmo\u010djih, ki jih je prizadela su\u0161a, tudi v \u010dasu po\u010ditnic odprtih mnogo \u0161ol, in tako omogo\u010den dostop do prehranskih programov za 1,2 milijona otrok. V Somaliji je bilo z UNICEF-ovo pomo\u010djo odprtih 155 \u0161ol, s \u010dimer je bila omogo\u010dena podpora 37.000 otrokom Od leta 2010 je bilo s pomo\u010djo nadomestnih \u0161olskih prostorov in potreb\u0161\u010din omogo\u010deno izobra\u017eevanje 28.000 otrokom, ki \u017eivijo na su\u0161no prizadetih obmo\u010dij Od za\u010detka leta 2011 UNICEF v Somaliji podpira \u0161olanje za pribli\u017eno 120.000 razseljenih otrok. Podpore bo v prihajajo\u010dih mesecih dele\u017enih ve\u010d kot 300.000 otrok, vklju\u010dno s tistimi, ki obiskujejo eno izmed 1.500 pode\u017eelskih \u0161ol v centralni in ju\u017eni Somaliji. Na teh podro\u010djih bo prednostno pomo\u010d usmerjena v zagotavljanje in vzpostavitev dolgoro\u010dnih storitev za otroke, ki so ostali v svojem doma\u010dem kraju oz. se bodo vrnili UNICEF-ovi partnerji na podro\u010dju izobra\u017eevanja, vzpostavljajo otrokom prijazne objekte za otroke, kjer imajo dostop do \u010diste vode, bonov za hrano, primernih sanitarij in psihosocialne pomo\u010di. Do 15. septembra bo v sodelovanju s partnerji vzpostavljenih 350 otrokom prijaznih objektov za ve\u010d kot 30.000 otrok. V Keniji je UNICEF skupaj s partnerji v \u0161olah in dnevno-u\u010dnih centrih, do danes zagotovil opremo in pripomo\u010dke za ve\u010d kot 60.000 otrok - vklju\u010dno s posteljami, \u017eimnicami, \u0161olskimi potreb\u0161\u010dinami in \u0161portno-rekreacijsko opremo. V Etiopiji je UNICEF skupaj s partnerji zagotovil za\u010dasne otrokom prijazne prostore in \u0161olske potreb\u0161\u010dine za pribli\u017eno 8.000 deklic in de\u010dkov, poleg tega pa je omogo\u010dil gradnjo \u0161tirih osnovnih \u0161ol v Dollo Ado begunskem tabori\u0161\u010du in v dveh lokalnih skupnosti, kamor so se zatekli ljudje iz prizadetih obmo\u010dij V Dadaab begunskem tabori\u0161\u010du v severovzhodni Keniji je UNICEF okrepil podporo izobra\u017eevanju otrok pred novim \u0161olskim letom in dosegel potrebe na terenu, s tem ko je zagotovil \u0161olske \u0161otore in potreb\u0161\u010dine Trenutne krizne razmere, ki so nastale zaradi su\u0161e, v Afri\u0161kem rogu predstavljajo izjemen izziv za \u0161olanje otrok v vseh prizadetih dr\u017eavah. V osrednji in ju\u017eni Somaliji je pribli\u017eno 1.8 milijona otrok, ki ne obiskujejo \u0161ole, ker so razseljeni in so zapustili svoje domove oz. \u017eivijo na konfliktnem obmo\u010dju. V su\u0161nih obmo\u010djih Kenije, kamor se je mnogo beguncev zateklo po pomo\u010d, so lokalne skupnosti obremenjene z zagotavljanjem namestitve za nove u\u010dence \u2013 ena \u010detrtina vseh \u0161ol na tem obmo\u010dju se soo\u010da s pomanjkanjem prostora.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Renault razkril svoj tri-kolesni koncept: Ublo Renault je na sejmu v Parizu predstavil tudi svoj nov prototip trikolesnika, ki so ga krstili za Ublo -- gre za nekak\u0161no alternativo tradicionalnim skuterjem. Renault je s prototipom \u017eelel predstaviti svojo vizijo mestne mobilnosti v prihodnosti, ki temelji na vozilu, ki je nekak\u0161en hibrid med dvokolesnikom in avtomobilom, zadovoljivo varnostjo, za\u0161\u010dito, udobnostjo in prostornostjo. Nastal je Ublo -- futuristi\u010dno oblikovano vozilo, ki vsebuje tudi veliko \u0161tevilo tehni\u010dnih inovacij s katerimi so izbolj\u0161ali stabilnost in lego na cesti. Pozabiti pa ne smemo na veliko udobja, 120 litrski prtlja\u017enik in mo\u017enost naro\u010dila GPS navigacije. Renault pa ni pozabil na varnost. Ublo je opremljen z varnostno streho, zra\u010dno blazino, Xenonskimi lu\u010dmi in kamero name\u0161\u010deno na zadnji del, ki vam pomaga pri parkiranju in vzvratni vo\u017enji. Glede na izjave ljudi, ki so zadol\u017eeni za razvoj prototipa, bi lahko bilo vozilo na voljo javnosti \u017ee leta 2003. Poganjal naj bi ga bencinski motor, ki ga bo pozneje zamenjala kak\u0161na izmed novih oblik energije -- elektri\u010dna ali kak\u0161na druga vrsta goriva. Obvestilo!","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Rak prostate Rak prostate ali karcinom prostate je zelo pogosta oblika raka in je v Sloveniji pri mo\u0161kih na 2. mestu po pogostosti (vir: Register raka Republike Slovenije za leto 2006). Patohistolo\u0161ko je dale\u010d najpogostej\u0161a oblika adenokarcinom. Simptomi in znaki Rak prostate dolgo poteka brez klini\u010dnih znakov in simptomov (tudi do 10 - 15 let). Pojavijo se: te\u017eave pri uriniranju: \u0161ibek curek, te\u017eave pri za\u010denjanju uriniranja, pogosto uriniranje te\u017eave pri erekciji lahko je prisotna tudi kri v urinu Pri napredovani bolezni, ko so prisotne \u017ee metastaze, se pojavi \u0161e bole\u010dina v kosteh. Diagnostika Zdravljenje Zdravljenje je odvisno od raz\u0161irjenosti raka. \u010ce je rak prisoten le lokalno, se kirur\u0161ko odstrani prostato (prostatektomija) in pogosto \u0161e lokalne bezgavke. \u010ce je rak raz\u0161irjen, se uporablja sistemsko zdravljenje s hormonsko terapijo. Kirur\u0161ko in hormonsko zdravljenje se pogosto kombinira \u0161e z obsevanjem.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Snemanje sve\u010danih dogodkov 05 Avg Vas zanima snemanje poroke ali pa mogo\u010de snemanje dogodkov na splo\u0161no? Vsakdo ima v svojem \u017eivljenju kar nekaj dogodkov, ki bi se jih rad spominjal, naj bo to birma svojih otrok, poroka z partnerjem, praznovanje o\u010detovega rojstnega dne, slu\u017ebena zabava ali katerekoli druge sve\u010danosti. Teh dogodkov se lahko spominjamo prek fotografij, \u0161e bolj\u0161i pa so video posnetki. Dandanes skoraj vse male naprave omogo\u010dajo snemanje. Ti posnetki so seveda zadovoljivi vendar je za dogodke kot so naprimer poroka ali kaj podobnega, bolje imeti snemalno ekipo, ki se s tem ukvarja poklico. Snemanje porok obi\u010dajno poteka od zjutraj pa do pozno zve\u010der. Obi\u010dajno sta na poroki prisotna dva snemalca, da dogodek posnameta iz ve\u010d zornih kotov. Snemanje se pri\u010dne \u017ee v dopoldanskem \u010dasu, snemalca posnameta priprave \u017eenina in neveste, razli\u010dne obi\u010daje, poroko v cerkvi in mati\u010dnem uradu, zabavo, ples in \u0161e vse kar pride zraven. Snemanje porok ni ravno lahko opravilo, snemalca poizku\u0161ata zajeti \u010dimve\u010d dogodkov obenem pa ostati neopazna. Definitivno pa je tak posnetek vreden vsakega centa, v post produkciji snemalno ekipo \u010daka \u0161e ogromno dela z obdelavo materiala, vi pa dobite kon\u010dni izdelek in posnetek dogodka, katerega boste lahko podo\u017eivljali \u0161e celo \u017eivljenje. Opisal sem samo en primer snemanja sve\u010danih dogodkov in sicer snemanja poroke, kot sem omenil \u017ee v za\u010detku \u010dlanka pa se lahko snema prav vse. \u010ceprav je polprofesionalna oprema dostopna \u017ee vsakomur so res izku\u0161nje tiste, ki \u0161tejejo. \u010ce \u017eelite kvalitetne posnetke najemite izvajalca, ki se s tem ukvarja poklicno. Preglejte njihove spletne strani in se na podlagi videnega odlo\u010dite za nekoga, \u010de se boste odlo\u010dili prav vam zagotovo ne bo \u017eal, posnetke pa boste delili z vsemi bli\u017enjimi in prijatelji.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Medtem ko smo razmi\u0161ljali, smo tudi \u017ee veliko naredili. V projektu Z vrta v slu\u017ebo povezujemo lokalne pridelovalce s podjetji v urbanih okoljih vizija serije dogodkov in aktivnosti v sklopu projekta Govori jezik zdravja je ponuditi nabor orodij za izbolj\u0161anje zdravstvene pismenosti celotne populacije REINOVATOR pa po\u010dasi, a vztrajno gradi most med civilno dru\u017ebo in gospodarstvom za la\u017eje doseganje skupnih ciljev. Na\u0161e delovanje spodbuja prepri\u010danje, da temelji za bolj\u0161e \u017eivljenje v Sloveniji \u017ee obstajajo. Da je v ljudeh veliko potenciala za aktivno delovanje in ustvarjanje ve\u010dje dru\u017ebene enakopravnosti in vi\u0161je ravni kvalitete \u017eivljenja. Pogumno in z veliko mero odgovornosti stopamo v igro aktivnega soustvarjanja te sestavljanke in upamo, da se nam boste pri tem pridru\u017eili. In da boste zaupali nam, da se pridru\u017eimo vam. V tem blogu bomo spremljali izzive in uspehe, s katerimi se bomo soo\u010dali pri na\u0161em delu, trudili se bomo podajati izhodi\u0161\u010da za odgovore na te izzive, predstavljali primere dobrih praks v Sloveniji (kdaj bomo pogledali tudi izza plank in predstavljali primere dobrih praks iz tujine). Vsebino bomo soustvarjali z na\u0161o sestrsko organizacijo revijo Viva ter seveda z vami. Vabljeni h komentiranju, k \u0161irjenju vsebin, predlaganju novih tem ter k aktivnemu vklju\u010devanju v njihovo nastajanje. Pi\u0161ite komu iz na\u0161e ekipe, pocukajte nas za spletni rokav na Facebook strani ali preprosto komentirajte spodaj. \u017delimo vas sli\u0161ati in upamo, da se bomo kmalu tudi spoznali. [ 1 ] Dobesedni prevod bi \u0161el nekako takole: Viva, naj \u017eivi dolgo! . Najdemo tudi razlago, da je to mo\u0161ko ime mad\u017earskega izvora. Za nas je Viva predvsem skupnost, ki svoje znanje in vrednote usmerja v krepitev medijskega poslanstva revije Viva, ter z ekipo soustvarjalcev Zavoda Viva pretaka te vrednote in znanja v konkretna dejanja.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Vir ankete, ki je tudi na dnu tega prispevka: Delo. Avtor kolumne: Dejan Steinbuch. Zaradi tega docela nedol\u017enega otro\u0161kega verza bi imeli pred tridesetimi leti njegovi star\u0161i lahko probleme. \u010ce velja kult osebnosti in je dr\u017eava proletarska diktatura \u2013 in v SFRJ je veljalo skorajda \u017ee ustavno na\u010delo, da je proletariat na oblasti \u2013 potem se otroci v \u0161olah iz vrhovne instance pa\u010d ne smejo delati norca. Do konca osemdesetih in slovenskih ustavnih amandmajev je namre\u010d veljal tudi 133. \u010dlen kazenskega zakonika, ki je inkriminiral svobodo vesti in izra\u017eanja. Verbalni delikt je pomenil, da se \u010dez dr\u017eavo, sistem in voditelje ne sme govoriti. Zaradi izjave \u00bbTovari\u0161 Tito ima debelo rito\u00ab, bi imeli v SFRJ probleme z oblastjo. Za marsikoga, ki mu je slovenska obsedenost s socializmom in titoizmom tuja, je nepredstavljivo, kako se lahko leta 2012 toliko razumnih ljudi navdu\u0161uje nad likom enega izmed tipi\u010dnih diktatorjev dvajsetega stoletja. Kajti \u0161e pred dvajsetimi leti o Josipu Brozu ni nih\u010de razmi\u0161ljal.Konec osemdesetih, ko se je za\u010dela demokratizacija, bi se posmehovali nekomu, ki bi malikoval mar\u0161ala ali se celo obla\u010dil v podobne uniforme. Konec osemdesetih in na za\u010detku devetdesetih ljudem na pamet ni pri\u0161lo, da bi objokovali Jugoslavijo, titoizem ali samoupravljanje. Izzivov je bilo preve\u010d, vera v prihodnost mo\u010dna. Zanimivo je, da v tistem obdobju tudi na Dra\u017ego\u0161ah ni bilo omembe vrednega dogodka. Govorili so tretjerazredni funkcionarji, zbralo se je nekaj sto ljudi. Konec osemdesetih in na za\u010detku devetdesetih je titoizem v Sloveniji izumrl. Potem pa se je nekaj za\u010delo spreminjati na za\u010detku novega tiso\u010dletja. Dra\u017ego\u0161e so nenadoma dobile povsem nov sijaj in veljavo. Postale so nekak\u0161no vrednostno sredi\u0161\u010de ortodoksnega, predmodernega in kvazipartizanskega politi\u010dnega zborovanja, namenjenega mobilizaciji skrajno levi\u010darskega volilnega telesa. V lu\u010di zgodovinskih dejstev so Dra\u017ego\u0161e postale La\u017ego\u0161e. Na \u0161ir\u0161i, dru\u017ebeni ravni se je za\u010dela dogajati reinterpretacija titoizma in zgodovine v Jugoslaviji. Namesto da bi zgodovinarji osvetlili vse like tedanjega \u010dasa \u2013 izjemo je napravil kve\u010djemu profesor Jo\u017ee Pirjevec z biografijo Tito in tovari\u0161i \u2013 in po\u0161teno povedali, da je imela Slovenija do ju\u017enih bratskih republik napol kolonialen odnos (ne, tega Slovenci nikoli ne bodo priznali), se je utrgal plaz amaterskih interpretacij na\u0161e herojske zgodovine. Nenadoma smo postali edini narod, ki je ohranil tradicijo titoizma. Samo v Sloveniji je odnos do Josipa Broza izrazito pozitiven, spomini na SFRJ pa svetli in nostalgi\u010dni. Iz \u010desa to izhaja, zakaj je tako? Br\u017e\u010das iz na\u0161e socialne patologije. Kajti tudi drugi, bistveno ve\u010dji in bolj zgodovinski narodi, ki imajo zgodovinske travme 20. stoletja, se soo\u010dajo s podobnimi problemi pri vrednotenju svojih psihopatskih voditeljev \u2013 in sicer ne glede na stopnjo njihove avtokratskosti. \u0160panci, denimo, s Francom. Pa je bil Franco vsaj tako benevolenten diktator kot na\u0161 Tito. Italijani niso raz\u010distili z Mussolinijem. Tudi zaradi grozljivo nekorektnega izobra\u017eevalnega sistema, ki \u0161e zdale\u010d ni vzpostavil prav\u0161nje mere kriti\u010dne distance do obdobja fa\u0161izma. Rusi znova o\u017eivljajo kult Gruzinca Stalina. Tudi pri njih se \u010dudaki obla\u010dijo v prav tak\u0161ne uniforme, kot jih je nosil generalissim z brki, in hodijo naokoli, nagovarjajo ljudi, nastopajo na obskurnih in manj obskurnih prireditvah, \u0161\u010dipajo otroke v lica in govorijo, da so Stalin. Bolno. Toda v dru\u017ebah, ki niso raz\u010distile s svojimi travmami in strahovi, se to dogaja. Med Rusiji in Slovenijo ni tako velikih razlik glede tega. Edino Nemci ne morejo odkrito podo\u017eivljati Hitlerja (razen desnih skrajne\u017eev, katerih politi\u010dno delovanje pa so v glavnem prepovedano), ker so jih zahodni zavezniki poslali skozi proces denacifikacije. Avstrijci so se temu izognili, zato se jim je zgodil Haider. Pri Slovencih je problemov ve\u010d. O tem sem \u017ee pisal. Slab\u0161a ko je sedanjost, lep\u0161i so spomini na preteklost. Ker biolo\u0161ke povezave s titoizmom pri mlaj\u0161ih generacijah pa\u010d ne more biti, se krepi institucionalizirana nostalgija po starih \u010dasih. To pa ni ve\u010d nedol\u017ena \u0161ala, ki jo zganja nek Godni\u010d. Obujanje spominov na Dan mladosti in titoisti\u010dno \u0161tafeto je fenomen per se. Je \u0161e en dokaz ve\u010d, kako izgubljena, brezidejna in prededipalna je na\u0161a \u00bbliberalna\u00ab in \u00bbdemokrati\u010dna\u00ab dru\u017eba. Da ne bo nesporazuma: kult Tita, Franca ali Mussolinija naj ljudje mirno gojijo pri sebi doma, zaradi mene tudi v kleti. V svojem zasebnem \u017eivljenju naj zganjajo, karkoli \u017eelijo. Ne morejo pa tega po\u010deti javno ali celo v okviru javnih institucij. Si predstavljate, da bi objokovali titoizem po\u010deli leta 1988 ali 1992? Jasno da ne. Takrat so to po\u010deli le redki radikalci. Ve\u010dina Slovencev je bila sre\u010dnih, da smo se pobrali iz SFRJ in re\u0161ili rev\u0161\u010dine propadajo\u010de dr\u017eave. Zakaj je torej danes ob\u010dutek druga\u010den? Zaradi gospodarskih in socialnih razmer? Gotovo, srednji sloj je \u017ee ali pa bo kmalu obubo\u017eal, vedno ve\u010d ljudi \u017eivi na pragu rev\u0161\u010dine in v tak\u0161nih kriznih razmerah je obujanje spomina na \u010dase, ki se jih ve\u010dina ljudi niti ne spomni ve\u010d, veljajo pa za socialno pravi\u010dne (nih\u010de ni bil la\u010den, vsi so bili zaposleni in podobne krilatice), po svoje razumljivo. Toda le v dru\u017ebi, ki ji do zrelosti manjka \u0161e precej. Le v dr\u017eavi, ki se ne zaveda temeljev svoje dr\u017eavnosti. Malikovanje titoizma in kulta osebnosti nista iracionalna, kot to marsikdo misli. Po mojem gre vse skupaj v kontekst slovenske socialne patologije. \u017diveli smo materialno in socialno relativno lagodno \u017eivljenje v SFRJ. Partijska elita sploh. Ko se je sistem sesul, ker je temeljil na ekonomsko nevzdr\u017enih predpostavkah, smo se odlo\u010dili, da poskusimo s kapitalizmom. V Sloveniji se kapitalizem ni ravno obnesel. Moj prijatelj, sicer vrhunski deloholik in mened\u017eer, pravi, da zato ne, ker so se Slovenci v Jugoslaviji \u00bbbalkanizirali\u00ab in se jim enostavno ne ljubi ve\u010d delati. Verjetno do neke mere to dr\u017ei. Klju\u010dni problem histerije okoli Tita in Dneva mladosti pa lahko v bistvu zelo enostavno identificiramo: kot dr\u017eava nimamo identitete, kot narod nimamo nobene volje in energije. Res si ne zaslu\u017eimo lastne dr\u017eave. In \u010de parafraziram na\u0161e ljube titoiste Josip Broz nam je tudi nikoli ne bi dal. Josip Broz simbolizira socialisti\u010dno Jugoslavijo po drugi svetovni vojni: obnovo in gradnjo z vojno poru\u0161ene de\u017eele, socialisti\u010dno samoupravljanje, upor proti Stalinu in politiko neuvr\u0161\u010denosti. Simbolizira mir in polno zaposlenost. Po drugi strani simbolizira kult osebnosti, Goli otok, obglavljenje liberalcev in povojne poboje. Pod njegovim vodstvom je Jugoslavija u\u017eivala v svetu velik ugled, sam pa bo ostal v spominu kot izjemen dr\u017eavnik. \u0160pela \u0160ipek, urednica Mislim, da se ve\u010dina ljudi Tita spominja kot lika poveljnika, ki je partizansko vojsko vodil do zmage nad fa\u0161isti\u010dnim okupatorjem in izdajalci. Simbolizira lik na piedestalu, s pomo\u010djo katerega je PR-stroj promoviral pozitivne vrednote, kot so tovari\u0161tvo, bratstvo, izobra\u017eevanje, krepitev duha in telesa. In po drugi strani simbolizira zlo\u010din nad ubitimi takoj po koncu vojne in preganjanimi politi\u010dnimi nasprotniki. Tako simbolizira travmo dela slovenskega naroda, ki so jim prednike ubili ali zapirali, in dela slovenskega naroda, ki je ponosen na upor proti fa\u0161izmu. \u010ceprav Josip Broz \u2013 Tito v celoti simbolizira preteklost, simbolizira tudi razklanost slovenskega naroda, ki zdaj ni ni\u010d manj gore\u010da kot pred dvajsetimi ali \u0161estdesetimi leti. Janez Furman, \u017eupnik Broz in Kardelj sta neko\u010d med sprehodom po Brdu pri\u0161la do kri\u017ea in se zazrla v Kristusa. Edi za\u010dne razlagati, kako njuno \u017eivljenje ni bilo zmeraj vzorno, pa sta se vendarle tako dale\u010d povzpela tale siromak pa se je trudil za blagor \u010dlove\u0161tva in nazadnje pristal na kri\u017eu. Mar\u0161al odgovori: \u00bbEdi, ko bova midva umrla, \u0161e \u017eebljev ne bodo imeli. \u00ab In res, v obdobju njune smrti si te\u017eko pri\u0161el do \u017eebljev. Preden bo kriti\u010dna zgodovinska distanca umestila Tita v resni\u010dni kontekst njegovega obdobja, se bodo pa\u010d lomila kopja o njegovi osebnosti in \u010dasu, ko je vodil pokojno SFRJ. Zaradi zlorabe in nezrelega gledanja na demokracijo se mnogim obujajo asociacije na mar\u0161alov lik kot miti\u010dnega heroja drugi, ki so pre\u017eiveli Goli otok ali katero drugo represijo, bi postavili spomenik njegovih \u017ertev. Kljub njegovi glorifikaciji smo vsi skupaj navadni smrtniki. Nina Ivani\u010d, igralka Te\u017eko objektivno odgovorim na to vpra\u0161anje, ker sem kot osnovno\u0161olka ves \u010das poslu\u0161ala in se u\u010dila o Titu kot o nekom, ki so ga sama dobrota, po\u0161tenost, sr\u010dnost, sposobnost in \u0161e bi lahko na\u0161tevala. V na\u0161ih otro\u0161kih o\u010deh je pomenil velikega heroja in \u010dloveka z velikim srcem. Tako so nas u\u010dili, tako smo verjeli. Vsaka stvar pa ima dve plati, tako tudi Titova zgodba. Z leti se je marsikaj razkrilo in ves bli\u0161\u010d okrog Tita se je po\u010dasi razblinjal. V mojih odraslih o\u010deh zdaj simbolizira nekaj povsem drugega od zgoraj na\u0161tetega. Za lepim okvirom se marsikdaj skriva grda in umazana plat. Jure Apih, publicist Tito ni eden, Titov je ve\u010d. Je zagorski klju\u010davni\u010darski vajenec, ki se je brez vsake \u0161ole nau\u010dil igrati klavir, ki je osvojil medaljo avstrijske vojske v sabljanju in plesal z angle\u0161ko kraljico na svojem otoku. Je bolj\u0161evisti\u010dni agent, ki je skrivnostno pre\u017eivel Stalinove \u010distke. Je vodja in mar\u0161al edine prave odporni\u0161ke vojske v drugi svetovni vojni. Je vojni zlo\u010dinec, odgovoren za najve\u010dji nesodni poboj ujetnikov in civilistov v Evropi. Je edini voditelj, ki se je upal upreti Stalinu, svoje narode pa popeljati na tretjo pot med socializmom in kapitalizmom, med enoumjem in samoupravljanjem. Je zgodovinski duhovni vodja neuvr\u0161\u010denega sveta, ve\u010d kot polovice \u010dlove\u0161tva na njegovem pogrebu se je zbrala tolik\u0161na mno\u017eica svetovnih voditeljev kot \u0161e nikoli poprej. Bil je osat in \u00bbljubi\u010dica bela\u00ab. Dumasov grof Monte Cristo je vajenec proti njemu. Irena Prijovi\u0107, ekonomistka JBT simbolizira voditelja Jugoslavije. Kaj komu ta simbol pomeni, je odvisno od posameznika. Od tega, kateri generaciji pripada, ali je in kako je \u017eivel v tistem \u010dasu, ali je tujec ali nekdo, ki je neko\u010d bil Jugoslovan. Odvisno od povzemanja in razlaganja zgodovine. Osebno Tita povezujem z mirnim otro\u0161tvom, lastno nevednostjo in neke vrste iluzijo, ki smo jo takrat \u017eiveli. Pravkar sem se vrnila iz Berlina in sem \u0161e pod vtisom simbolov razdeljenosti povojne Nem\u010dije tega mesta. Medtem ko so Vzhodni Nemci dolgo \u010dasa razli\u010dno ru\u0161ili zid in enkrat je tudi fizi\u010dno padel, smo sami z vojno na prostorih nekdanje dr\u017eave pla\u010dali najvi\u0161jo mo\u017eno ceno. Dr. Samo Rugelj, publicist Odvisno za koga. Za nekaj starej\u0161e generacije je Tito pogosto \u0161e vedno simbol \u00bbstarih dobrih \u010dasov\u00ab, ko se je \u017eivelo bolj brezskrbno, sicer z ni\u017ejim standardom in ob politi\u010dnem enoumju, a brez eksisten\u010dnih strahov. Moji generaciji je Tito pomenil velikega voditelja, ki so nam ga kovali v herojske vi\u0161ave z zgodbami in pesmimi, osebno pa mi je najbolj v spominu ostal po svoji bolezni, zdravljenju na Klini\u010dnem centru in veli\u010dastnem pogrebu. Kak\u0161nega posebnega \u010dustvenega odnosa do njega nisem imel ve\u010d: ko sem nekaj let pozneje v vojski pre\u017eivel dobro leto v Beogradu, me v Hi\u0161o cvetja ni potegnilo, \u010deprav tja najraje hodijo Slovenci. Za mlade generacije, na\u0161e otroke, pa je Tito zgodovinski lik iz u\u010dbenika, ki je vodil Jugoslavijo oziroma SFRJ, pri \u010demer morajo dobro pomisliti, da se spomnijo, kaj ta kratica sploh pomeni.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Ob\u010danka je do\u017eivela sr\u010dni zastoj. Pred prihodom NMP Ljubljana smo gasilci nudili pomo\u010d z temeljnimi postopki o\u017eivljanja in z AED.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"omron je napisal\/a: Pozdravljeni. Imam slede\u010do te\u017eavo. Ra\u010dunalnik mi klju\u010d zazna, vendar me opozarja, da ga je potrebno sformatirati. Formatiranje sem sicer poskusil, vendar rezultata ni. Klju\u010d sem odprl in pogledal za morebitnimi hladnimi loti, ampak videti je vse vredu. Hvale\u017een bom vsakega nasveta. Lep pozdrav. Kaj zdaj, si ga ali ga nisi sformatiral? \u010ce si ga uspe\u0161no sformatiral potem re\u0161uj s programi ala Recuva, PCInspector FileRecovery itd. \u010ce ga raziskovalec vidi (da ima dodeljeno \u010drko npr. X) potem v Command Prompt oknu naredi chkdsk z ukazom: chkdsk x: \/f \u010ce format ni \u0161el skozi potem povej kaj javi! Ga v DiskManagementu vidi\u0161? Daj sliko. Formatiraj ga s programom Rufus (izberi seveda hitro formatiranje). Nato re\u0161uj podatke. Kateri OS ima\u0161? Poizkusi v drugem, tretjem usb2.0 portu in ne usb3.0 portu itd. Nisem ga sformatiral, ker mi ga ne pusti. \u010ce pritisnem prekli\u010di se dejansko ni\u010d ne zgodi, mi pa obla\u010dek v katerem mi priporo\u010da formatiranje, konstantno utripa v 2 sekundnih intervalih. \u010ce odprem \"task manager\" in pogledam kaj se tisti \u010das dogaja, vidim samo kako se ena in ista aplikacija mno\u017ei. To mno\u017eenje se za\u010dne v trenutku, ko USB priklopim na ra\u010dunalnik in kon\u010da, ko ga izklopim. Vse kar sem opisal, se mi dogaja na OS Win 7 Ultimate. Zadevo sem poskusil tudi na XP-ih. Tam se zadeva obna\u0161a malenkostno druga\u010de. Ob priklopu klju\u010da se mi ne izpi\u0161e nobeno opozorilo. Ra\u010dunalnik klju\u010d zazna, vendar ob poskusu odpiranja se mi izpi\u0161e opozorilo, da je klju\u010d potrebno sformatirati. Tega v XP-ih nisem storil, bom pa tudi tam poskusil tako kot si mi svetoval. Torej, \u010de nadaljujem od mojega zadnjega posta v tej temi. Klju\u010d sem poskusil sformatirati z omenjenim programom Rufus na obeh OS (Windows 7 Ultimate in XP-ih), vendar brez uspeha. Delovanje klju\u010da sem poskusil tudi na vseh mo\u017enih USB portih, kot si mi svetoval. Zadeva se pa obna\u0161a slede\u010de. Ko klju\u010d priklopim na ra\u010dunalnik in odprem Rufus, mi za\u010dne okence od tega programa utripati v 2 sekundnih intervalih. Kljub temu, mi dovoli izbrati \"quick format\". Potem za\u017eenem formatiranje in \u010dez dobro sekundo se v spodnjem okvir\u010dku programa Rufus izpi\u0161e sporo\u010dilo \"FAILED\" v dodatnem obla\u010dku pa \"Error: Error while partitioning drive\". Podatke sem poskusil re\u0161iti z Wondershare-ovim programom File scavenger. Ob zagonu pregleda, mi je izpisalo \"No relevant data found! Please click Options on the right top and unselect Only scan unused sectors when scanning. Then try to scan again\". Tudi to opozorilo sem upo\u0161teval in skeniranje ponovil. \u017dal \u0161e vedno brez uspeha. Poskusil sem tudi CMD-jevo varjanto z ukazom \"chkdsk\", a mi pri tem izpi\u0161e \"The type of the file system is RAW. Chkdsk is not available for RAW drives\". Predvidevan da ti velikost USB klju\u010da ka\u017ee napa\u010dno ali 0. V tem primeru ni mo\u017eno formatirati ne v low level formatu ali bilo katerem drugem. Vse kar rabi\u0161 je da si prenese\u0161 chipgenius program: http:\/\/www.usbdev.ru\/files\/chipgenius\/ Ta ti prebere USB klju\u010dek, ti z malo sre\u010de napi\u0161e kateri je kontroler in kje dobiti tool za ponovno nastavitev kontrolerja. \u010ce ne se da na netu preko vid in pid \u0161tevilke najti tool. Vsi ostali poskusi formatiranja bodo jalovi in je \u0161koda \u010dasa. marko-x je napisal\/a: \u010ce poskusim sformatirati klju\u010d s programom File scavenger, mi poka\u017ee velikost njegovega spomina, vendar mi poleg njega pi\u0161e Unlocated partition. \u010ce vstavim v ra\u010dunalnik zdrav klju\u010d, mi ponavadi izpi\u0161e \"Drive F\". Od prvega posta naprej \u0161e vedno \u010dakam odgovor, kaj vidi DiskManagement... Ampak ok, zdaj si sam pri\u0161el do besede RAW, kar bi se videlo \u017ee iz slike DiskManagementa. In navadno je dovolj desni klik na tisto sivo polje, da inicializira\u0161 celotno particijo\/velikost klju\u010dka nato gre quick format in re\u0161evanje podatkov z vsemi na\u0161tetimi programi bolj\u0161e. \u010ce ne gre pa se je dejansko zru\u0161il kontroler. _________________ Najve\u010dji \u010dar - elektri\u010dar marko-x je napisal\/a: Uporabil sem chipgenius, ki mi je prebral VID = 090C, PID = 1000. Proizvajalec je SMI Corporation, oznaka \u010dipa pa SM3267L-AC. Software za omenjeni mikrokontroler \u0161e i\u0161\u010dem. Ko bo kaj novega, poro\u010dam. Si bom kar sposodil to temo. Kako lahko formatiram USB klju\u010d ki je za\u0161\u010diten pred pisanjem? Ne rabim nobenih podatkov, samo da je \u010dist- imam XP-je. Pa prosim brez smeha ker je za mano naporen dan... _________________ Dela kot \u0161vicarska ura-samo pokvarjena Objavljeno: Ned Jun 26, 2016 3:50 am Naslov sporo\u010dila: laura je napisal\/a: Kateri model klju\u010dka je to? Ima pri strani kako mikro stikalce? Vsebino na njem vidi\u0161? Nekaj znanih primerov: Ker ima\u0161 XP-je delaj z uporabnikom, ki ima admin pravice ! 1. \u010ce usb klju\u010dek lahko prebere\u0161 poizkusi v CommandPromptu z ukazom: attrib -r x:\\*.* (\u010de je x: \u010drka, ki je dodeljena USB klju\u010dku) stikalo -r datotekam na klju\u010dku odstrani skrit atribut (\u010de ga seveda imajo) Nato test. 2. Poizkusi v varnem zagonu (vstavi klju\u010dek in ob vklopu kompa stiskaj F8, izberi Safe Mode with Command Prompt), ko pride\u0161 v ukazno vrstico odtipkaj: format x: (\u010de je x: \u010drka, ki je dodeljena USB klju\u010dku) Mogo\u010de tu prime klasi\u010den format. 3. \u0160tartaj Regedit (z admin pravicami) in raz\u010dleni vnos: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\StorageDevicePolicies nato dvoklik na \"WriteProtect\" in vpi\u0161i 0 (nulo). \u010ce klju\u010da \"WriteProtect\" ni, ga skreiraj; ozna\u010di StorageDevicePolicies, desni klik, izberi New Dword, vpi\u0161i Write Protect in Enter, nato kot prej vpi\u0161i nulo. Shrani, restartaj sistem ter test. 4. Poizkusi s programom KillDisk, ki je primarno namenjen brisanju in ga prepi\u0161e z ni\u010dlami (v programu izbere\u0161 tvoj usb klju\u010dek, ozna\u010di\u0161 \"Select for Wipe\/Kill\", izbere\u0161 \"Kill\", dovolj bo \"One Pass Zeros\", vpi\u0161e\u0161 geslo \"erase-all-data\" in ga za\u010dne glodat. Zna se tudi ogreti kar konkretno. 5. Poizkusi format v LInux sistemu ... Enega trdovratnega Kingston DataTraveler sem lahko sformatiral samo s proizvajal\u010devim programom Kingston Format Utility. Prej sem se mu\u010dil od HP USB format toola do ni da ni. _________________ Najve\u010dji \u010dar - elektri\u010dar Za model ne vem, je brez stikal, vsebino- PDF- vidim. Velik je 20Mb , vendar mi pride prav za kake male \"pr\u010dkarije\", predvsem sem se pa hotel nau\u010diti kako se to dela (brisanje za\u0161\u010ditenega)- za drugo imam drugega 16Gb. Do zdaj sem poskusil samo : My computer-Drive E-desni klik-format, pa mi napi\u0161e da je disk za\u0161\u010diten pred pisanjem. Zdaj bi poskusil z attrib -r, vendar ne vem kako priti v CommandPrompt (ne prek varnega zagona) _________________ Dela kot \u0161vicarska ura-samo pokvarjena Start---> Za\u017eeni in v polje vpi\u0161i: cmd , ki odpre CommandPrompt okno (\"DOS\" ukazno konzolo) in tam vpi\u0161i potem: attrib -r X:\\*.* _________________ Najve\u010dji \u010dar - elektri\u010dar Evo sem \u0161el iz varnega zagona s CommandPrompt. V cmd.exe sem \u0161el z ukazom attrib -r E:\\*.* rezultat: cannot change attribute... Potem sem poskusil format E: rezultat: cannot format drive... Zdaj me pa res \u017ee zanima kaj ima ta mali stvor v sebi. Bom \u0161el \u0161e naprej po tvojih nasvetih. _________________ Dela kot \u0161vicarska ura-samo pokvarjena Sam sem za nekaj podobnega uporabil Check Flash. Zagnal sem test in ga po nekaj trenutkih ustavil. Na ta na\u010din sem dovolj po\u0161kodoval particijo, da so Win7 nato videli prazen disk brez particij. Program je bilo potrebno zagnati kot administrator. _________________ Ko bom velik trol, bom moderator. Kdor ni skregan, ni Slovenc ! Poskusil sem s prvim programom, ki se nahaja na tej strani, ki si mi jo posredoval. Ob pritisku na tipko \"Scan USB\" mi v horizontalne okvir\u010dke izpi\u0161e vse \u017eivo. Se pravi, program vidi oznako, kapaciteto klju\u010da, VID, PID, itd. Ko pa pritisnem tipko Start (Space Key), mi \u010dez nekaj sekund javi v okvir\u010dku z imenom \"Status\" \"Initial parameter fail (0F) (FlashID not found in DBF database)\".","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"IZKORISTITE PRILO\u017dNOST za jasnost in vpogled v barve va\u0161e du\u0161e in pri tem razre\u0161ite \u0161e te\u017eave v odnosih, zgradite trdno samozavest, vzpostavite notranji mir, okrepite svoje talente ter naredite POZITIVNE SPREMEMBE v \u017eivljenju. Stekleni\u010dka 78 \u2013 Temenska osvoboditev Osnovna tema: Od zgoraj na zemljo prihaja silna mo\u010d, da pomaga \u010dlove\u0161tvu. Glavne lastnosti: Duhovna oseba, ki je spoznala in sprejela svoj \u017eivljenjski namen in nalogo. Spoznala je, da je \u017eivljenje bo\u017eansko in na\u0161 najve\u010dji u\u010ditelj, \u0161e zlasti kar se ti\u010de sr\u010dnih zadev. Telo, um in du\u0161a so zdru\u017eeni eno. Vedno je ob pravem \u010dasu na pravem mestu. Najve\u010dji dar te osebe je njena neuni\u010dljiva volja. Vseeno pa ostaja skromna in poni\u017ena, v najbolj\u0161em pomenu besede. Kombinacija neverjetne preobrazbe. Mo\u017eni izzivi: V sebi bi znala nositi \u017ealost, ki kar kli\u010de po osvoboditvi. Le s te\u017eavo vidi svojo sen\u010dno stran. V \u017eivljenju je mogo\u010de do\u017eivela ekstremne izgube in zmage. Po\u010duti se zelo izku\u0161eno, zato ji primanjkuje sve\u017eine. Materialne zadeve bi ji znale popolnoma zasen\u010diti duhovni del \u017eivljenja. Duhovna raven: Pomaga razumeti zakon karme. V meditacijo in molitev vna\u0161a jasnost in mo\u010d koncentracije. Omogo\u010di razumevanje tega, da pomo\u010d drugim prina\u0161a globlje zadovoljstvo. Stimulira delovanje tretjega o\u010desa. Mentalna raven: Ozave\u0161\u010danje, da si s programiranjem svoje podzavesti sami ustvarjamo pogoje okoli sebe. Prebuja zavedanje. Tako la\u017eje opustimo ne\u017eelene vzorce. Pomaga pri transformaciji vzorcev na mentalni ravni. \u010custvena raven: Po obdobju \u017ealovanja se vra\u010da sre\u010da. Podpira pri delu na sebi. Pomaga pri preob\u010dutljivosti, potrtosti in v vseh vrstah prehodnih obdobij. Afirmacija: Na vsa podro\u010dja svojega \u017eivljenja privabljam voljo in mo\u010d.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"V 2. KROGU DERBI MED CALTICOM IN MARIBOROM V petek se bo z dvema tekmama v \u017eenskem delu nadaljevala Sportklub prva odbojkarska liga za sezono 2020\/21. Odbojkarice ta konec tedna \u010dakajo tekme tretjega, odbojkarje pa drugega kroga. V ospredju bo derbi med Calcit Volleyem in Merkur Mariborom. Odbojkarice bi tekmo drugega kroga morale odigrati \u017ee sredi tega tedna, a je zaradi priprav kadetske reprezentance, ki v nedeljo potuje na evropsko prvenstvo, pri\u0161lo do zamika kroga, ki ga bodo nekatere ekipe odigrale \u0161e v septembru, druge pa v oktobru.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kondomi Pasante Ribs & Dots so prekriti s \u0161tevilnimi izboklinicami in obro\u010dki, ki pove\u010dujejo spolni u\u017eitek. Narejeni so iz naravnega lateksa, transparentni, ergonomsko oblikovani in dodatno lubricirani, na koncu pa imajo rezervoar\u010dek.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Na loga\u0161ki Blagomix racing park smo minuli petek in soboto v okviru Paralelnega relikrosa spustili osem agresivnih drifterjev, ki so se potili v neposredni borbi eden proti drugemu, kar je letos na tekmovanjih sicer rezervirano za superfinaliste Avto magazin Drift pokala 2007. Bilo je pestro! \u017de zviti nasmeh Du\u0161ana Luki\u010da mi je dal vedeti, da bo \u0161lo za akcijo, povezano z driftom. Naloga je bila \u0161e zanimivej\u0161a: najti drifterje, ki se bodo na no\u017e udarili eden proti drugemu. Zakaj pa ne, za akcijo smo vedno! Pogled na tabelo v skupni razvrstitvi AM Drift pokala po 2 tekmovanjih nam je dal ogrodje borcev, ki smo ga dopolnili \u0161e s par posamezniki po na\u0161em izboru. In ni nam bilo \u017eal. Kot tudi ne tekmovalcem. \u0160e najbolj so se v svoji govorici na treningih prito\u017eevali avtomobili, ki so jih Cimerman, \u017dvan & Co nekajkrat pobli\u017ee spoznali drugega z drugim. A do velikih (in nelo\u010dljivih) \" ljubezni \" ni pri\u0161lo, saj je na sre\u010do prevladovala predvsem platonika;). . Na samem tekmovanju je bila zgodba povsem druga\u010dna. Skoraj profesionalna in sinhronizirana drsenja z malo napakami ter navdu\u0161eno ob\u010dinstvo. Po koncu je ve\u010dkrat odmeval klic: \" \u0160e kdaj! \". Upamo tudi mi, seveda v obliki tekmovanja v koledarju Avto magazin Drift pokala. . Gladiatorji, pripravite se! P.S. Kljub temu, da je bil to revijalni nastop, velja omeniti zmagovalca: Edis Kudi\u0107. \u010cestitke. Komentiraj: Anketa","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"L eopoldov muzej na Dunaju je napovedal, da bo prodal eno klju\u010dnih del avstrijskega slikarja Egona Schieleja, da bo pokril stro\u0161ke za svojo lanskoletno pridobitev, Portret Wally istega umetnika. Schielejevo platno iz leta 1914, naslovljeno Hi\u0161e s pisanim perilom (H\u00e4user mit bunter W\u00e4sche), bo prihodnji mesec dal na dra\u017ebo v Londonu. V muzeju so Schielejevo platno, ki ga bodo dra\u017eili 22. junija pri avkcijski hi\u0161i Sotheby \u2019 s v Londonu, ovrednotili na 30 milijonov evrov, menijo pa, da bi lahko zanj iztr\u017eili tudi ve\u010d in morda dosegli rekord za Schielejevo delo. Pri Sotheby \u2019 s so sliko ocenili za \u201c eno najbolj pomembnih Schielejevih del \u201d, po njihovem mnenju naj bi bilo vredno od 24 do 33 milijonov evrov. Leopoldov muzej bo izkupi\u010dek porabil za \u201c Wally \u201d, ki jo je lani kupil za 14,8 milijona evrov po ve\u010dletnem pravdanju z dru\u017eino njenega prej\u0161njega lastnika. Zanjo je moral vzeti posojilo, poro\u010dajo tuje tiskovne agencije.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"PRIJETNO DRU\u017dENJE Z IZMENJAVO RABLJENIH OBLA\u010cIL, IGRA\u010c IN KNJIG Mre\u017ea za spodbujanje kvaliteteodnosov in \u017eivljenja v Posavju, v kateri nastopajo Zavod EMMA, Zveza prijateljev mladine Kr\u0161ko, Zakonski in dru\u017einski in\u0161titut Novo mesto in Kr\u0161ko, Pokrajinska zveza dru\u0161tev upokojencev Posavja \u2013 PZDU Posavje, Ozara Bre\u017eice, Zveza ekolo\u0161kih gibanj Slovenije \u2013 ZEG, Posavska regionalna sti\u010dna to\u010dka za nevladne organizacije \u2013 PRSTaN in Rde\u010di kri\u017e Sevnica, je v\u010detrtek, 19.4.2012 v Dvorani v parku Kr\u0161ko priredila \u010dajanko s posebnim pomenom: prijetno dru\u017eenje z izmenjavo rabljenih obla\u010dil, knjig in igra\u010d. Namen sre\u010danja, ki je bil dru\u017eenje, navezovanje novih poznanstev, premagovanje odtujenosti in ekolo\u0161kaozave\u0161\u010denost, je bil dose\u017een, saj se je skozi celotno popoldne izmenjalo veliko \u0161tevilo ljudi, ki so tak\u0161no dru\u017eenje pozitivno ocenili in pozdravili z upanjem na nadaljevanje tak\u0161nih dogodkov. Privar\u010devanih je bilo naravnih virov za 200izmenjanih izdelkov ponovne uporabe. Zavedamo se pomena povezovanja in zdru\u017eevanja mo\u010di razli\u010dnih organizacij, socialnih in ekolo\u0161kih, v skupnem prizadevanju za nenasilno dru\u017ebo. Zavod EMMA se bo \u0161e naprej trudil s podobnimi idejami in spodbudami, saj je bila ta \u010dajanka dober za\u010detek in nam bo slu\u017eila kot dokazilo, da se iz mnogo majhnih ko\u0161\u010dkov lahko naredi velik uspeh.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Astro projektor Cena za kos (Kos): \u20ac34.90 Astro projektor je lahko pou\u010dno darilo za otroke ali odrasle,saj bo vsako sobo spremenil v pravi mali planetarij. Velikost projeciranih ozvezdij je do enega metra. Astro projektor vam omogo\u010da izbiro med projeciranjem 24 slik, od planetov do oyveydij ki jih je posnel Hubblov teleskop. Prav tako vam omogo\u010da projeciranje gibljivih ozvezdij na strop in stene, kar bo pri\u010daralo vzdu\u0161je pravega planetarija. Velikost: Vi\u0161ina 25 cm Premer 15 cm. \u0160tevilo komentarjev:","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"V diplomskem delu je predstavljena nova vpenjalna priprava varilnega robota. Diplomsko delo je prakti\u010den projekt. Z izbrano temo \u017eelim re\u0161iti problem vpenjanja pri varjenju stebrov v podjetju Arcont. V podjetju varijo \u0161e na stari vpenjalni pripravi, pri kateri prihaja do veliko te\u017eav. Te\u017eave so pri vpenjanju, prakti\u010dnosti, ergonomiji, predvsem pa pri doseganju toleranc. Problemi pri tolerancah nastajajo zaradi slabih toleranc polizdelkov. Bistvo diplomske naloge je izvedba tak\u0161ne vpenjalne priprave, pri kateri se profili ne poravnavajo enostransko, ampak se centrirajo na sredini. Napake se porazdelijo na obe strani, zaradi tega kon\u010dni izdelek ostane v mejah toleranc. Model vpenjalne priprave je razvit s pomo\u010djo modelirnika Solid Edge V19. Narejena je celotna tehni\u010dna dokumentacija.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"JEDILNIK Iskalnik Poglavitni cilj projekta Najdi svojo slu\u017ebo je bil aktivno sodelovanje \u0161ole z gospodarstvom, dijaki so se seznanili s smernicami gospodarskega razvoja kra\u0161ke regije v prihodnosti, ter z razvojem in potrebami obstoje\u010dih podjetij in zato k usmerjanju mladih k ciljnemu izobra\u017eevanju za potrebe delodajalcev. Projekt Najdi svojo slu\u017ebo je v okviru razpisa Skriti zaklad v \u0161olskem letu 2003\/04 odobrilo Ministrstvo za \u0161olstvo in \u0161port Republike Slovenije. Projekt je trajal dve \u0161olski leti.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"JEDRO: Se\u0161tevka dveh zavarovalnin iz dveh zavarovalnih pogodb ni mogo\u010de upo\u0161tevati, ker pomeni vsaka od zavarovalnih pogodb samostojno dejansko in pravno podlago spora. Ker nobeden od zahtevanih zneskov ne presega revizijskega praga, revizija ni dovoljena. IZREK: Revizija se zavr\u017ee. OBRAZLO\u017dITEV: To\u017enik je zahteval pla\u010dilo zavarovalnine na podlagi dveh zavarovalnih pogodb. Iz naslova dodatnega nezgodnega zavarovanja, sklenjenega hkrati z obveznim avtomobilskim zavarovanjem, je zahteval pla\u010dilo 700.000 SIT, iz naslova kolektivnega nezgodnega zavarovanja pa 955.603 SIT. Tako je s primarnim to\u017ebenim zahtevkom uveljavljal pla\u010dilo 1,655.603 SIT, s podrejenim to\u017ebenim zahtevkom pa \u0161e pla\u010dilo 700.000 SIT na podlagi prve pogodbe in 5.356 EUR na podlagi druge pogodbe, v kateri je bila zavarovalna vsota opredeljena v DEM. Sodi\u0161\u010de prve stopnje je razsodilo, da mora to\u017eenec pla\u010dati to\u017eniku 170.000 SIT, v prese\u017eku pa je primarni to\u017ebeni zahtevek zavrnilo in \u0161e odlo\u010dilo o pravdnih stro\u0161kih. Sodi\u0161\u010de druge stopnje je to\u017enikovi prito\u017ebi le delno ugodilo tako, da je spremenilo stro\u0161kovno odlo\u010ditev, sicer pa jo je zavrnilo in potrdilo prvostopenjsko sodbo. Revizija je bila dostavljena Vrhovnemu dr\u017eavnemu to\u017eilstvu Republike Slovenije in vro\u010dena to\u017eenki, ki nanjo ni odgovorila. Revizija ni dovoljena. Po dolo\u010dbi drugega odstavka 367. \u010dlena Zakona o pravdnem postopku (Ur. l. RS, \u0161t. 73\/2007 ZPP - UPB3) je revizija v premo\u017eenjskih sporih dovoljena, \u010de vrednost izpodbijanega dela drugostopenjske sodbe presega znesek 4.172,926 EUR (prej 1,000.000 SIT). To\u017enik je kot revizijsko vrednost spora navedel znesek 1,485.603 SIT (sedaj 6.199,31 EUR), vendar taka opredelitev za ugotovitev revizijske vrednosti spora ni pravilna. Gre namre\u010d za se\u0161tevek dveh zneskov, s katerima v pravdi ni uspel: zavrnjenega zneska 530.000 SIT (sedaj 2.211,65 EUR) iz naslova prve zavarovalne pogodbe, ki jo je sklenil sam, in celotnega zavrnjenega zneska 955.603 SIT (sedaj 3.987,66 EUR) iz naslova kolektivnega nezgodnega zavarovanja. Se\u0161tevka ni mogo\u010de upo\u0161tevati zato, ker je vsaka zavarovalna pogodba samostojna, sklenjena ob razli\u010dnih \u010dasovnih okoli\u0161\u010dinah in z razli\u010dno vsebino, zato pogodbi pomenita tudi razli\u010dno dejansko in pravno podlago spora. Ker ni izpolnjen pogoj iz prvega odstavka 41. \u010dlena ZPP v zvezi z 39. \u010dlenom ZPP za se\u0161tevanje revizijsko spornih zneskov, je treba po drugem odstavku istega \u010dlena upo\u0161tevati vrednost vsakega posameznega zahtevka. Nobeden od navedenih zneskov ne presega revizijskega praga. Zato je revizijsko sodi\u0161\u010de na podlagi 377. \u010dlena ZPP o to\u017enikovi nedovoljeni reviziji odlo\u010dilo kot v izreku tega sklepa, ki zajema tudi odlo\u010ditev o to\u017enikovih prigla\u0161enih revizijskih stro\u0161kih.","labels":"Legal","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"5 nasvetov za mlade podjetnike: Domen \u010cesnik \u2013 Zabec.net O tem, katerih 5 nasvetov bi dal mladim podjetnikom, smo tokrat povpra\u0161ali izku\u0161enega podjetnika Domna \u010cesnika. Pod njegovim vodstvom se je podjetje \u017dabec prelevilo iz majhne in neznane agencije v tak\u0161no, ki ima v vseh svojih tr\u017enih ni\u0161ah pomembno vlogo v slovenskem prostoru. Nikoli ne ve\u017ei ve\u010dine posla na eno stranko \u2013 \u010deprav je to mnogokrat la\u017eje, se s tem izpostavlja\u0161 odvisnosti od ene stranke in podjetje spravlja\u0161 v slab polo\u017eaj. \u010ce ima\u0161 mo\u017enost, najdi celo dva lo\u010dena posla: enega B2B in enega B2C. Idealno pa posle lo\u010di \u0161e po ve\u010d dr\u017eavah. 2. Delaj s srcem \u010ce ne u\u017eiva\u0161 v tem kar dela\u0161, kon\u010daj, ker ti bo manjkalo energije za \"vle\u010di\" naprej. 3. Ni vsaka stranka vredna energije Velike stranke niso vedno mana iz neba. Ceni stranke, s katerimi lepo sodeluje\u0161 in dela\u0161, saj bo delo obema v zadovoljstvo in bo hitreje opravljeno. Presene\u010denje sledi \u2013 take stranke so ponavadi celo bolj profitabilne! 4. Na\u010drtuj finance \u010ce obvladuje\u0161 finan\u010dni tok, lahko vnaprej predvideva\u0161 te\u017eave in mo\u017enosti za investicije. Sam sem na za\u010detku uporabljal preprosto Excel tabelo s pri\u010dakovanimi prihodki in odhodki. Vedno je mogo\u010de dose\u010di dobre pogoje, \u010de pove\u0161 to\u010dno kdaj bo pla\u010dano in ti stranke zaupajo. Zaslu\u017een denar od podjetja ni tvoj! Investiraj ga v podjetje in ne vase. Pa kaj, \u010de ima\u0161 nizko pla\u010do \u2013 tvoja naloga je zagotoviti rast podjetja in \u0161ele kasneje tvoje denarnice. To bo zagotovilo podjetju rast in dolgoletni obstoj.","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"I\u0161\u010demo spodnjih 10 ljudi. Koliko jih najde\u0161? Preveri svoj vid in preveri rezultat. :) -9 -10 ljudi Bravo! Tvoje zaznavne sposobnosti so izjemne. Res ima\u0161 izostren vid, ali pa preve\u010d \u010dasa. Verjetno pa si tudi zelo tekmovalen\/a :) - 6 do 8 ljudi Ni slabo. O\u010ditno si se naspal\/a in te delo ter obveznosti \u0161e ne priganjajo dovolj, da ne bi malce dlje \u010dasa gledal v fotko. Pazi, \u0161ef gre! :) - 3 - 5 ljudi Morda \u0161e nisi povsem zbujen\/a, ali pa ti primanjkuje kofeina. Pomani si o\u010di in poskusi znova. \u010ce bi ti iz denarnice padlo 9 kovancev po 2 EUR, bi verjetno sku\u0161al najti vse, kajne? :) - 1 - 2 \u010dloveka Spi\u0161. Druge razlage ni. Priporo\u010damo kavo in ve\u010d dobre glasbe. :) Zdaj pa le spo\u010dij o\u010di, verjamemo, da jih je tole dolgo opazovanje fotke in iskanje skritih \u010dlove\u010dkov po\u0161teno utrudilo. :)","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Splo\u0161ne informacije o hotelu bazen (morska voda); pokrit bazen (morska voda); Solarij; TV prostor s satelitskim priklju\u010dkom; Slike prikazujejo pribli\u017eno stanje, saj so enote zelo podobno opremljene; restavracija; Bar; Teni\u0161ko igri\u0161\u010de; Izposoja koles; razli\u010dne mo\u017enosti \u0161portov, prostega \u010dasa in razvedrila v hotelu Imperial: fitness, savna, aroma masa\u017ea, teni\u0161ka igri\u0161\u010da, otro\u0161ko igri\u0161\u010de in notranji in zunanji bazen z morsko vodo. Ponudbe, ki so opisane v splo\u0161nih informacijah, so na voljo na zemlji\u0161\u010du objekta ali v njegovi bli\u017eini.. Tovrstna ponudba ni nujno vklju\u010dena v ceno.. Dvoposteljna soba Villa Klara z balkonom 27 \u20ac Mlaj\u0161i otrok ni upravi\u010den do lastne postelje in spi v isti postelji s star\u0161i. \u010ce to ni za\u017eeleno, izberite dodatno stanovanjsko enoto. Oprema Hotelska soba: dvoposteljna soba zakonska postelja ali lo\u010dene postelje; ena dodatna pomo\u017ena postelja; minibar; SAT-TV; brez\u017ei\u010dni LAN v sobi; Kopalnica s tu\u0161em in strani\u0161\u010dem Posebnosti stanovanjske enote klimat. napr.; satelitska televizija; minibar; brez doma\u010dih \u017eivali; Internet (WLAN), uporaba brezpla\u010dna; Informacije En otrok starosti do 2 let letuje brezpla\u010dno (v posamezni stanovanjski enoti), \u010de nima svoje postelje in niste zanj dodatno naro\u010dili prehrane. Prosimo vas, da kljub temu otroka vpi\u0161ete pri obra\u010dunu cene. Cena vklju\u010duje tudi turisti\u010dno takso in eventuelne druge takse, kot je npr. prijavnina. \u010ce je v ponudbi katera od naslednjih opcij, ki jo tudi uporabite, jo pla\u010date na kraju samem, ker ni vklju\u010dena v ceno, npr. gara\u017ea, ogrevanje, prenosna klimatska naprava, uporaba pralnega stroja, privez za \u010doln, itd. Splo\u0161ne informacije: Opozarjamo da je izven glavne sezone (september do junij) nekatere objekte ni mo\u017eno obiskati glede na to da je zaradi malega \u0161tevila obiskovalcev ve\u010dina objektov zaprta ali se zaradi slabega vremena lahko uporablja samo njihov mali del Omejitve veljajo predvsem za opremo in naprave na pla\u017ei in v bazenih, animacijo in \u0161portno ponudbo na prostem ali tudi za nakupovanje. Dvoposteljna soba Villa Regina z balkonom 25 \u20ac Mlaj\u0161i otrok ni upravi\u010den do lastne postelje in spi v isti postelji s star\u0161i. \u010ce to ni za\u017eeleno, izberite dodatno stanovanjsko enoto. Oprema Hotelska soba: dvoposteljna soba zakonska postelja ali lo\u010dene postelje; ena dodatna pomo\u017ena postelja; minibar; SAT-TV; Telefon; Kopalnica s tu\u0161em in strani\u0161\u010dem Posebnosti stanovanjske enote Telefon; klimat. napr.; satelitska televizija; minibar; brez doma\u010dih \u017eivali; En otrok starosti do 2 let letuje brezpla\u010dno (v posamezni stanovanjski enoti), \u010de nima svoje postelje in niste zanj dodatno naro\u010dili prehrane. Prosimo vas, da kljub temu otroka vpi\u0161ete pri obra\u010dunu cene. Cena vklju\u010duje tudi turisti\u010dno takso in eventuelne druge takse, kot je npr. prijavnina. \u010ce je v ponudbi katera od naslednjih opcij, ki jo tudi uporabite, jo pla\u010date na kraju samem, ker ni vklju\u010dena v ceno, npr. gara\u017ea, ogrevanje, prenosna klimatska naprava, uporaba pralnega stroja, privez za \u010doln, itd. Dvoposteljna soba Villa Ana z balkonom 55 \u20ac Mlaj\u0161i otrok ni upravi\u010den do lastne postelje in spi v isti postelji s star\u0161i. \u010ce to ni za\u017eeleno, izberite dodatno stanovanjsko enoto. Oprema Hotelska soba: dvoposteljna soba zakonska postelja ali lo\u010dene postelje; ena dodatna pomo\u017ena postelja; Kopalnica s tu\u0161em in strani\u0161\u010dem Posebnosti stanovanjske enote brez doma\u010dih \u017eivali; En otrok starosti do 2 let letuje brezpla\u010dno (v posamezni stanovanjski enoti), \u010de nima svoje postelje in niste zanj dodatno naro\u010dili prehrane. Prosimo vas, da kljub temu otroka vpi\u0161ete pri obra\u010dunu cene. Cena vklju\u010duje tudi turisti\u010dno takso in eventuelne druge takse, kot je npr. prijavnina. \u010ce je v ponudbi katera od naslednjih opcij, ki jo tudi uporabite, jo pla\u010date na kraju samem, ker ni vklju\u010dena v ceno, npr. gara\u017ea, ogrevanje, prenosna klimatska naprava, uporaba pralnega stroja, privez za \u010doln, itd. Dvoposteljna soba Villa Marina z balkonom 55 \u20ac Mlaj\u0161i otrok ni upravi\u010den do lastne postelje in spi v isti postelji s star\u0161i. \u010ce to ni za\u017eeleno, izberite dodatno stanovanjsko enoto. Oprema Hotelska soba: dvoposteljna soba zakonska postelja ali lo\u010dene postelje; ena dodatna pomo\u017ena postelja; Kopalnica s tu\u0161em in strani\u0161\u010dem Posebnosti stanovanjske enote brez doma\u010dih \u017eivali; En otrok starosti do 2 let letuje brezpla\u010dno (v posamezni stanovanjski enoti), \u010de nima svoje postelje in niste zanj dodatno naro\u010dili prehrane. Prosimo vas, da kljub temu otroka vpi\u0161ete pri obra\u010dunu cene. Cena vklju\u010duje tudi turisti\u010dno takso in eventuelne druge takse, kot je npr. prijavnina. \u010ce je v ponudbi katera od naslednjih opcij, ki jo tudi uporabite, jo pla\u010date na kraju samem, ker ni vklju\u010dena v ceno, npr. gara\u017ea, ogrevanje, prenosna klimatska naprava, uporaba pralnega stroja, privez za \u010doln, itd. Dvoposteljna soba Villa Luisa z balkonom 55 \u20ac Mlaj\u0161i otrok ni upravi\u010den do lastne postelje in spi v isti postelji s star\u0161i. \u010ce to ni za\u017eeleno, izberite dodatno stanovanjsko enoto. Oprema Hotelska soba: dvoposteljna soba zakonska postelja ali lo\u010dene postelje; ena dodatna pomo\u017ena postelja; Kopalnica s tu\u0161em in strani\u0161\u010dem Posebnosti stanovanjske enote brez doma\u010dih \u017eivali; En otrok starosti do 2 let letuje brezpla\u010dno (v posamezni stanovanjski enoti), \u010de nima svoje postelje in niste zanj dodatno naro\u010dili prehrane. Prosimo vas, da kljub temu otroka vpi\u0161ete pri obra\u010dunu cene. Cena vklju\u010duje tudi turisti\u010dno takso in eventuelne druge takse, kot je npr. prijavnina. \u010ce je v ponudbi katera od naslednjih opcij, ki jo tudi uporabite, jo pla\u010date na kraju samem, ker ni vklju\u010dena v ceno, npr. gara\u017ea, ogrevanje, prenosna klimatska naprava, uporaba pralnega stroja, privez za \u010doln, itd.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Rayo Vallecano 2-3 Real Madrid Real Madrid je osvojil nove tri to\u010dke na stadionu Vallecas na tekmi, na kateri so \u017ee vodili z 0-3, a so se nato stvari zapletle, ko je Rayo Vallecano v zgolj dveh minutah zni\u017eal rezultat iz dveh enajstmetrovk. Cristiano Ronaldo je popeljal Real Madrid v vodstvo v tretji minuti po sijajni samostojni akciji, Benzema pa je nato v prvem pol\u010dasu \u0161e pove\u010dal prednost, ko je zadel z glavo. Drugi pol\u010das se je za\u010del enako kot prvi, Ronaldo, ki je trenutno najbolj\u0161i strelec La Lige, je znova zatresel mre\u017eo doma\u010dih po vsega \u0161tirih minutah igre. Tako kot pri zadetku Benzemaja je tudi pri drugem zadetku Ronalda bil asistent Bale, ki je na svoj ra\u010dun poleg dveh asistenc proti Sevilli, dodal \u0161e dve novi asistenci. Po tretjem zadetku Reala pa se je vse obrnilo na glavo za Real, saj so v zgolj dveh minutah doma\u010di imeli dve enajstmetrovki, ki ju je obe uspe\u0161no realiziral Viera. Real Madrid je nato le znova prevzel nadzor nad igro in uspe\u0161no pripeljal tekmo do konca, ko so igralci \u017ee za\u010deli razmi\u0161ljati o torkovi tekmi proti Juventusu. Real Madrid je obiskal stadion Vallecas s sve\u017eimi spomini na veliki zmago proti Sevilli tri dni nazaj na Bernabeu in dobro igro v drugem pol\u010dasu na Camp Nouu teden pred tem. Za\u010detek tekme ni kazal na razburljiv konec. \u017de v tretji minuti je, ko je Cristiano Ronaldo za\u010del protinapad, jo podal do Luke Modri\u0107a, ta pa mu je vrnil \u017eogo z lepo podajo, nato pa je Cristiano Ronaldo najprej izvrstno med nogama preigral \u0161e zadnjega branilca Raya, v zaklju\u010dku pa je iz o\u010di v o\u010di hladnokrvno s strelom v spodnji dalj\u0161i kot matiral \u0161e doma\u010dega vratarja Martineza in Real popeljal v vodstvo. Super gol Portugalca, ki je tako pokazala v kako odli\u010dni formi on in celotna ekipa Carla Ancelottija. Real je prednost podvojil v 31. minuti, ko je po natan\u010dnem predlo\u017eku Garetha Bala z desne, z glavo zadel Karim Benzema. To je bila \u017ee tretja asistenca Vali\u017eana na zadnjih dveh tekmah in tretji gol Francoza v \u0161tirih dneh. Gostje so doma\u010dim dali pravo lekcijo zaklju\u010devanja, \u010deprav bi beli lahko \u0161e vi\u0161je vodili po prvem pol\u010dasu, potem ko je imel Real \u0161e dve lepi prilo\u017enosti. Cristiano Ronaldo je tako poskusil iz voleja v 44. minuti po podaji Di Marie a je streljal mimo vrat, medtem ko je strel Carvajala z glavo prav tako le za nekaj centimetrov zgre\u0161il vratar Rubena. V drugem pol\u010dasu v katerem je Illarra zamenjal Xabi Alonsa, ki se tako vra\u010da po dolgotrajni po\u0161kodbi, se je nadaljeval na enak na\u010din kot prvi, z golom Real Madrida. V \u010detrti minuti drugega pol\u010dasa je ponovno na delu bil Bale, ki si je na desni strani izboril \u017eogo, prodrl v sredino in podal do Ronalda, ki je s svojim drugim golom na tekmi povi\u0161al na visokih 3-0. Je pa to bil \u017ee trinajsti gol Cristiana Ronalda v tej sezoni La Lige, s \u010dimer je tudi najbolj\u0161i strelec \u0161panskega prvenstva. Po visokem vodstvu varovancev Carla Ancelottija je vse kazalo na miren zaklju\u010dek, a so se gostitelji v razmaku zgolj dveh minut povsem pribli\u017eali. Po nespretnih posredovanjih Pepeja in Marcela je glavni sodnik Alfonso Alvarez Iquierdo dvakrat pokazal na najstro\u017ejo kazen. V dvoboju z vratarjem Diegom Lopezom je bil obakrat uspe\u0161nej\u0161i Jonathan Viera. Doma\u010di so pridobili na samozavesti po dveh dose\u017eenih golih in tako se moral v 65. minuti izkazati Diego Lopez, ko je mojstrsko zaustavil strel Alberta Buena. Gostitelji so vse do konca tekme lovili izena\u010denje, zato je na drugi strani tudi Real imel nekaj prilo\u017enosti za \u0161e \u010detrti gol na tekmi, med drugim je vratar Raya ubranil \u0161e dva poskusa Ronalda, a je ostalo pri rezultatu 2-3 in deveti zmagi Reala v tej sezoni \u0161panskega prvenstva.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"V dana\u0161nji \u0161tevilki Novega tednika je objavljen razpis za direktorja javnega zavoda Zdravstveni dom \u0160marje pri Jel\u0161ah, ki deluje na obmo\u010dju \u0161estih ob\u010din Obsotelja in Kozjanskega. Iskanje novega direktorja traja od maja lani, ko dolgoletni direktor zdravnik Janko \u010cak\u0161, ni prejel prejel soglasja ob\u010dinskih svetov vseh ob\u010din soustanoviteljic javnega zavoda... Soglasja ni dobil v Roga\u0161ki Slatini in Pod\u010detrtku, kjer so se prito\u017eevali zaradi pomanjkanja zdravnikov, zato je svet zavoda oktobra sprejel ponovni sklep o razpisu za direktorja. Tako je bil pred koncem leta za direktorja izbran kandidat iz Kamnika, ki pa je pozneje napisal odstopno izjavo. Funkcijo direktorja tako kot vr\u0161ilec dol\u017enosti trenutno opravlja Janko \u010cak\u0161, kar pa lahko traja najve\u010d leto dni. Po prijavi kandidatov na dana\u0161nji razpis bo razpisna komisija posredovala poro\u010dilo o kandidatih svetu zavoda, ki naj bi odlo\u010dil o imenovanju direktorja na prvi prihodnji seji. V tem primeru naj bi sledila \u0161e soglasja vseh ob\u010din soustanoviteljic.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Na u\u010dinkovito kori\u0161\u010denje kondenzacijske toplote vplivajo \u0161tevilni dejavniki, med katerimi sta glavna dejavnika hidravli\u010dna vklju\u010ditev kondenzacijskega kotla v ogrevalni sistem in temperatura povratne vode iz ogrevalnega sistema. Pri nizkoenergijskih hi\u0161ah (NEH) in pasivnih hi\u0161ah (PH) so sistemi za ogrevanje in pripravo tople sanitarne vode (PTV) nadgrajeni s solarnimi sistemi. Pri na\u010drtovanju solarnih sistemov je potrebno upo\u0161tevati, da sodobne posamezne komponente \u0161e niso garancija za dobro delovanje sistema. Pomembnej\u0161e je, da so komponente med seboj usklajene in optimalno integrirane v hi\u0161ni sistem za ogrevanje in pripravo tople sanitarne vode. Danes ima ve\u010dina hi\u0161 bivalno podstre\u0161je, prav tako imamo tudi intenzivno gradnjo mansardnih stanovanj. Vendar se mnogo stanovalcev podstre\u0161nih stanovanj boji poletja. V njihovih stanovanjih je namre\u010d v poletnih no\u010deh neznosno vro\u010de. Pri novogradnji ali adaptaciji podstre\u0161ja se moramo pozanimati tudi o lastnostih izolacijskih in drugih materialov. Tako si bomo prihranili ne le \u00bbneprespane\u00ab no\u010di, temve\u010d tudi kasnej\u0161e izdatke za prezra\u010devalne in klimatske naprave teh namre\u010d ne potrebujemo, \u010de je streha pravilno in dovolj izolirana. Z oznako ekolo\u0161ki material ozna\u010dujemo izdelek, ki se odlikuje po tem, da v svojem \u017eivljenjskem ciklusu, v \u010dim manj\u0161i meri obremenjuje okolje. Pri toplotno izolacijskih materialih se je z uporabni\u0161kega vidika v praksi uveljavila delitev na tradicionalne materiale in ekolo\u0161ke ali alternativne materiale. Tak\u0161ni delitvi lahko deloma oporekamo, saj moramo pri izbiri katerega koli izolacijskega materiala upo\u0161tevati njegove dobre lastnosti, isto\u010dasno pa moramo vzeti v zakup njegove slabosti. Fotonapetostni moduli, sestavljeni iz zaporedno vezanih celic, pretvarjajo son\u010dno energijo neposredno v enosmerni elektri\u010dni tok. Son\u010dni \u017earki padajo na povr\u0161ino son\u010dnih celic in sevalna primarna energija sonca se pretvarja v elektri\u010dno energijo. Preobrazba je direktna, brez vmesne preobrazbe v toplotno in mehansko energijo. Zaradi padanja svetlobe na kristalno mre\u017eo izbrane snovi se sprosti elektri\u010dni naboj. Pri sevanju zadevajo svetlobni kvanti - fotoni \u010delno plo\u0161\u010do polprevodnika in se pri tem absorbirajo. Pri tem se sprostijo elektronski pari, ki pa ostanejo zaradi notranjega elektri\u010dnega polja lo\u010deni in s tem povzro\u010dajo elektri\u010dno napetost. Izkori\u0161\u010danje geotermalne energije (toplote zemlje) kot vira energije, ki glede na koli\u010dino virov izpolnjuje merilo trajnosti, pri izkori\u0161\u010danju ne pove\u010duje globalnega sevanja zaradi emisij CO2 in ga lahko zaradi tega pri\u0161tevamo k obnovljivim virom energije.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Naj bikini leto\u0161njega dopusta Poletje se je krepko prevesilo v svojo zadnjo tretjino in se neizprosno poslavlja. V septembrskem delu tradicionalno kraljujejo upokojenci, ki imajo gotovo druga\u010dene apetite in okuse od nas mlaj\u0161ih. Namre\u010d obmorski ambient odpre o\u010di precej bolj, kot je to navada \u010dez leto, saj na spregled pridejo re\u010di, ki jih skozi leto ne opazi\u0161. Ena tistih so gotovo vse raznorazne krpice, ki pokrivajo tisto kamor sonce redko zaide \u2026 Vsaj pri ve\u010dini? In prav te krpice, katerim dandanes nadevajo celo imena opredeljena po stilskem izgledu, ki niso ve\u010d zgolj le kopalke (bokserice, bikini \u2026 ), naredijo svojevrstno podobo telesu. Prav res, kako je lahko pogled odvisen od tega mini obla\u010dila. Ker so kopalke pri \u017eenskah svojevrstna znanost, lahko skozi mo\u0161ke o\u010di re\u010dem, da so mi te bikinke s slike, polep\u0161ale dopustni\u0161ki pogled in se mi \u0161e posebno vtrle v spomin med vsemi videnimi. Skratka bile so to naj kopalke-bikinke mojega leto\u0161njega poletja. Gotovo je na to vplivala tudi vsebina, ki vsekakor pomeni eno z drugim in to pripelje do laskavega zaklju\u010dka.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Almodovar v mestu 16. 5. 2013 Zadnji film slovitega \u0161panskega re\u017eiserja Pedra Almodovarja, Ljubimci nad oblaki, bo od danes naprej mogo\u010de videti tudi v kinu Komuna. Re\u017eiser filmov Govori z njo in Vrni se predstavlja zabavno zgodbo o letalu, ki se pokvari na poti proti Mehiki, zato je prisiljeno kro\u017eiti nad \u0160panijo, dokler re\u0161evalci ne pripravijo letali\u0161\u010da za pristanek v sili. Ker za moralo na letalu skrbi trojica \u010duda\u0161kih stevardov, krmilo upravlja nepredvidljivi pilotski tandem, potni\u0161ka kabina pa je polna obe\u0161enja\u0161kih karakterjev, se negotovo \u010dakanje visoko na nebu spremeni v nepri\u010dakovani karneval smeha, joka, ljubezenskih avantur in neukrotljive zabave.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"mislis na dirko ali naslov? o slednjem dvomim, da bo komu na kraj pameti prislo, da je le drugi najboljsi... na dirki v Phillip Islandu pa se ta misel komot poraja:) pustimo se presenetit, mogoce bo pa kaksen se lepse risal njegov ovinek;) Cestitke! ! ! Povsem zasluzeno! ! joj... eno in isto nakladanje spodaj... kaj ima veze Rossi v tej temi? Kaj ima veze, da mu ni uspelo z Ducatijem? Mu je pa uspelo vse ostalo... tema je o Stonerju in pika. Fant si je zasluzil to mesto in treba mu je priznat vrline, ki jih je prikazal! Bravo Casey, z dna srca! Ce se pa ne uspete brzdat pa si odprite forum Casey Vs Vale in nabijajte leta o tem in ne boste prisli do konca... sita sem vas!","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Predsednik republike Borut Pahor na sre\u010danju s predstavniki sindikalnih zvez in konfederacij o klju\u010dnih razvojnih problemih in projektu \"Slovenija 2030\" Predstavniki sindikatov so predsednika republike seznanili s tistimi vpra\u0161anji, ki so po njihovem mnenju klju\u010dni za odpravo razvojnih zastojev, s katerimi se sre\u010duje Slovenija. Poudarili so pomen socialnega partnerstva, nedelovanja pravne dr\u017eave, slabo insolven\u010dno zakonodajo, probleme odsotnosti strategij za upravljanje z dr\u017eavnim premo\u017eenjem, slabo delovanje ban\u010dnega sistema, re\u0161evanje problema visoke brezposelnosti in odsotnost etike v med\u010dlove\u0161kih in poslovnih odnosih. Foto: Neboj\u0161a Teji\u0107\/STA Predsednik republike je sindikate pozval k aktivnemu sodelovanju pri projektu \"Slovenija 2030\", kar so soglasno pozdravili in izrazili pripravljenost prispevati svoja razmi\u0161ljanja k razvojni viziji Slovenije. Na sestanku so se danes dogovorili tudi o oblikah aktivnega sodelovanja med Uradom predsednika republike in sindikalnimi organizacijami v prihodnosti. Iskalnik","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"CGP Celostna grafi\u010dna podoba Kaj sploh je celostna grafi\u010dna podoba ali CGP, kot jo ljubkovalno imenujemo? Kako pomembna je? Na\u0161tevamo nekaj dejstev, ki jih je dobro poznati, preden se lotimo oblikovanja celostne grafi\u010dne podobe (CGP), ali jo prepustimo v izdelavo oblikovalcem. CGP pomeni za\u010detek! Celovito komuniciranje podjetja se za\u010dne pri celostni grafi\u010dni podobi, ki mora biti privla\u010dna, enostavna in razumljiva. Kvalitetna celostna grafi\u010dna podoba odra\u017ea vrednote, cilje in usmeritev organizacije ali podjetja ter ustvarja njegovo prepoznavnost v naboru ostalih celostnih grafi\u010dnih podob. Podjetje, ki se zaveda pomembnosti CGP, \u017ee na pogled deluje urejeno in izkori\u0161\u010da tr\u017ene mo\u017enosti. Odgovor je: Pa \u0161e kako! Kako boste izstopili iz mno\u017eice podjetij, ki se ukvarjajo z isto ali podobno dejavnostjo kot vi? ! Kaj pomaga, \u010de so va\u0161e storitve ali izdelki cenovno ugodnej\u0161i, pa vas nih\u010de ne prepozna? Stranke vam bodo te\u017eko zaupale, \u010de je va\u0161a vizualna podoba neenotna. S celostno grafi\u010dno podobo boste od tiskarjev in oblikovalcev lahko zahtevali, na kak\u0161en na\u010din in v kak\u0161ni obliki se mora va\u0161e podjetje pojavljati v javnosti.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Toronto Drug Bust v tujini Na leto\u0161nji prvi izdaji Slovenskega tedna glasbe so predstavniki vidnih tujih festivalov (Exit, Terraneo, Sziget, Vienna Waves) izbrali nekaj slovenskih izvajalcev, ki bodo nastopali na posami\u010dnih tujih odrih. V Odzvenu smo s kratkim video-intervjujem \u017ee predstavili bandu Dandelion Children, ki je nastopil na srbskem Exitu, tokrat pa smo nekaj vpra\u0161anj zastavili zasedbi Toronto Drug Bust, ki bo 7. 8. nastopila na hrva\u0161kem Terraneu, dva dni kasneje pa \u0161e na mad\u017earskem Szigetu. (Jeseni bomo predstavili \u0161e zasedbo Zebra Dots (nekdanji London), ki bo nastopila na avstrijskem Waves Vienna. ) Toronto Drug Bust sodi med bolj izpostavljene slovenske protagoniste tako imenovanega indie-rocka. Band je nastal kot mednarodni projekt, ki so ga leta 2007 v Londonu zagnali frontman Izak Ko\u0161ir (sicer tudi glasbeni novinar) ter kanadska glasbenika Neil Leyton in Rich Ragany. Kmalu po zagonu sta slednja zapustila band, Ko\u0161irju pa se je pridru\u017eil finski glasbenik Rami Helin. V sedanji zasedbi pa so samo slovenski glasbeniki, ob Ko\u0161irju \u0161e Vid Polon\u010di\u010d Rupar\u010di\u010d (kitara), Nejc Kr\u017ei\u010d (bas), Tamir Gosti\u0161a (kitara) in Dorian Granda (bobni). Pri prvencu Enfant Terrible, ki je iz\u0161el leta 2010 pri Sedvex Records, je bil Helin zadol\u017een za snemanje in produkcijo. Album je bil distribuiran v ZDA ter bil dostopen v najbolj znanih spletnih prodajalnah, kot so Amazon, CD Baby in iTunes.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Arhiv novic Vlada izdala uredbo o manj\u0161ih napravah za proizvodnjo elektri\u010dne energije iz obnovljivih virov energije. Vlada RS je 5. marca izdala Uredbo o manj\u0161ih napravah za proizvodnjo elektri\u010dne energije iz obnovljivih virov energije ali s soproizvodnjo z visokim izkoristkom. Uredba dolo\u010da vrste, velikost ter pogoje za monta\u017eo in priklju\u010ditev manj\u0161ih naprav za proizvodnjo elektri\u010dne energije iz obnovljivih virov ali s soproizvodnjo z visokim izkoristkom, za katere ni potrebno gradbeno dovoljenje skladno s predpisi, ki urejajo graditev objektov. Uredba je objavljena v Uradnem listu RS, \u0161t. 14\/2020. Uredba se izdaja na podlagi dolo\u010dil Energetskega zakona, kjer je dolo\u010dena pravna podlaga za sprejem podzakonskega akta, s katerim se dolo\u010di vrste enostavnih naprav za proizvodnjo elektrike iz OVE ali SPTE, za katere ni potrebno gradbeno dovoljenje in se montirajo na, v ali ob obstoje\u010di stavbi ali gradbenem in\u017eenirskem objektu, zgrajenem skladno s predpisi, ki urejajo graditev objektov, njihovo velikost ter pogoje za njihovo monta\u017eo in priklju\u010ditev. Te vsebine so v preteklosti \u017ee bile urejene v Uredbi o energetski infrastrukturi, ki je vsebovala tudi poglavje IV.a \"Posebnosti in izjeme na podro\u010dju proizvodnje elektri\u010dne energije\", v katerem je bilo dolo\u010deno, da se montiranje naprave za proizvodnjo elektri\u010dne energije iz OVE\/SPTE skladno z gradbenimi predpisi \u0161teje za investicijsko vzdr\u017eevalno delo (za katero ni potrebno gradbeno dovoljenje), \u010de so bili izpolnjeni dolo\u010deni pogoji. Nova Uredba o energetski infrastrukturi, ki je je za\u010dela veljati v aprilu 2016, je razveljavila omenjeno uredbo in ne vsebuje nikakr\u0161nih dolo\u010db v zvezi z s tovrstnimi proizvodnimi napravami. Navedeno pomeni, da je po veljavni zakonodaji s podro\u010dja graditve objektov za monta\u017eo tovrstnih naprav praviloma potrebno gradbeno dovoljenje, kar spri\u010do relativne nezahtevnosti njihove postavitve pomeni prekomerno administrativno breme in deluje nestimulativno na investicije v tovrstne naprave. Upo\u0161tevajo\u010d dejstvo, da mora Republika Slovenija dose\u010di zavezujo\u010de cilje glede proizvodnje elektri\u010dne energije iz OVE (v nasprotnem primeru ji preti pla\u010dilo visokih denarnih kazni), bi bilo potrebno investicije v tovrstne naprave spodbujati tudi z odpravo administrativnih ovir. Kot bo pojasnjeno v nadaljevanju, veljavna gradbena zakonodaja to omogo\u010da, to podro\u010dje pa je potrebno natan\u010dneje urediti tudi v energetskih predpisih. Gradbeni zakon med ostalim dolo\u010da, da gradbeno dovoljenje ni potrebno za enostavne objekte in vzdr\u017eevanje objektov (5. \u010dlen GZ). Kaj spada v to kategorijo izhaja iz Uredbe o razvr\u0161\u010danju objektov, ki dolo\u010da merila za razvr\u0161\u010danje enostavnih, nezahtevnih, manj zahtevnih, zahtevnih objektov, drugih gradbenih posegov ter vzdr\u017eevalnih del. Med vzdr\u017eevalna dela skladno s to\u010dko 4 (Namestitev naprav in in\u0161talacij v, na in ob objektu) med drugim spada namestitev novih naprav in z njimi povezanih napeljav za izkori\u0161\u010danje OVE. Kot je to neko\u010d v zgoraj omenjeni Uredbi o energetski infrastrukturi \u017ee bilo urejeno, pa je v energetski zakonodaji potrebno urediti vrste naprav, kar vklju\u010duje tudi omejitev glede na mo\u010d, ter ustrezne mehanizme, da se zagotovi varnost postavitve in delovanja tovrstnih naprav. Vir: MZI","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Uporaba: \u017eeleno dol\u017eino povojnega traku odre\u017eite, z uporabo vsaj treh plasti. Potopite ga v hladno ali mla\u010dno vodo dokler se voda popolnoma ne vpije vanj. Nato polo\u017eite na izbrano mesto in pustite delovati eno uro ali dlje. Terapijo je priporo\u010dljivo ponoviti vsaj dvakrat dnevno. Opozorilo: samo za zunanjo uporabo. Hranite nedosegljivo otrokom, na suhem mestu.","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kako kupiti telefon Obi\u010dajen pametni telefon je po strojni opremljenosti enak ra\u010dunalniku izpred nekaj let. Ker ga imamo vedno s sabo, nam je mo\u010dno produktivno orodje vseskozi na razpolago. Ra\u010dunalniki so nas naredili u\u010dinkovitej\u0161e, zakaj nas ne pametni telefoni? Glavno vpra\u0161anje, ki se ob stotinah milijonov pametnih naprav in enaki (\u010de ne manj\u0161i) produktivnosti poraja, je, ali ni morda vsega preve\u010d? S sabo nosimo igralno konzolo, spletno postajo, glasbeno skrinjico, po\u0161tni nabiralnik, navigacijski sistem in \u0161e kaj bi se na\u0161lo. Preve\u010dkrat izberemo telefon, ker je naphan z zmo\u017enostmi, nazadnje pa uporabljamo zgolj pet odstotkov strojne in programske opreme. Polo\u017eaj spominja na razmerje mo\u010di pri urejevalnikih besedil, kjer je Microsoftov Word \u0161e vedno vodilni, \u010deprav nas ve\u010dina uporablja le pe\u0161\u010dico prilo\u017eenih funkcij, ki bi jih zlahka pokrivala poljubna brezpla\u010dna alternativa. Podobno kot pri tablicah je najpomembneje, da vemo, kaj od pametnega telefona zahtevamo. Izbor pametnega telefona je na prvi pogled zelo podoben odlo\u010ditvi o tabli\u010dnem spremljevalcu. Operacijski sistemi so skoraj vsi enaki, imajo iste aplikacije, prednosti in slabosti. Na\u010deloma ne razlikujejo med telefonom in tablico. Za name\u010dek je pametno imeti obe napravi znotraj istega tabora, da ne kupujemo aplikacij dvakrat in se ne lovimo med delom z uporabni\u0161kim vmesnikom. \u017dal se v praksi izka\u017ee, da se kupci pametnih telefonov ne odlo\u010dajo na podlagi strojne opremljenosti. Ob nakupu dostikrat spregledajo celo v\u0161e\u010dno oblikovanje in uporabnost prilo\u017eenih aplikacij, saj tempo, s katerim aparati letijo s prodajnih polic, diktirajo mobilni operaterji, zato se prodajni podatki za razli\u010dne telefone tako zelo razlikujejo od dr\u017eave do dr\u017eave. \u010ce bo najve\u010dji mobilni operater v dr\u017eavi ob vezavi spustil ceno najbolj\u0161ega modela finske Nokie na en evro, bo njegova uspe\u0161nost \u010dez no\u010d ve\u010dja od na primer Samsungovega prvaka, pa \u010deprav se korejec po svetu prodaja kot vro\u010de \u017eemljice, skandinavskega telefona z Okni pa kljub odli\u010dnosti nih\u010de no\u010de.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Beta Karoten 9000 Opis izdelka Lion Kids C 12,00 \u20ac 9,00 \u20ac Beta Karoten 9000 Vitamin A, no\u010dna slepota Beta karoten najprej pove\u017eemo s korenjem, ki je znano naravno zdravilo za prepre\u010devanje no\u010dne slepote \u017ee iz zgodovine. Ker je topen v ma\u0161\u010dobah, ga je priporo\u010dljivo zau\u017eiti z nekaj ma\u0161\u010dobe. Ko ga zau\u017eijemo se v telesu po\u010dasi pretvori v vitamin A v jetrih in deluje tudi antioksidativno. Telo ga pretvarja po potrebi, vendar pri otrocih ta pretvorba ni tako obse\u017ena kot pri odraslih, zato lahko pride do pomanjkanja vitamina A. Igra nepogre\u0161ljivo vlogo pri rasti in gradnji kosti, obnovi ko\u017ee, dobrem vidu, reprodukciji ter je izjemno mo\u010dan spodbujevalec imunskega sistema. Med simptome pomanjkanja vitamina A spadajo no\u010dna slepota, o\u010desne te\u017eave, te\u017eave pri tvorbi krvi, driska, ko\u017ene bolezni, dovzetnost za oku\u017ebe zgornjih dihal. No\u010dna slepota se lahko razvije v hude po\u0161kodbe vida. Komu ga priporo\u010damo: Osebam, ki \u017eelijo ohraniti dober vid Preden se odpravite na po\u010ditnice, da ko\u017eo pripravite na son\u010denje, in vsem, ki \u017eelijo svojo porjavelo polt ohraniti nekoliko dlje Osebam, ki imajo pomanjkanje Vitamina A Beta karoten za dober vid Beta karoten je predhodna sestavina vitamin A; glede na potrebe ga lahko \u010dlove\u0161ko telo pretvori v vitamin A. Vitamin A je gradnik o\u010desne mre\u017enice, bistvenega dela na\u0161ih o\u010di z nepogre\u0161ljivo vlogo pri ohranjanju dobrega vida. Prav tako vitamin A prispeva k ohranjanju zdravih sluznic in zdrave ko\u017ee. Koristi vitamina A Kot mo\u010dan antioksidant \u0161\u010diti mo\u017eganovino predprezgodnjim propadanjem, \u0161\u010diti pred vplivi uv \u017earkov in krepi imunski sistem. Potreba po tem vitaminu se mo\u010dno pove\u010da pri vseh \u010drevesnih obolenjih s posledi\u010dno poslab\u0161ano absorbcijo, kroni\u010dnih boleznih in iz\u010drpanosti. Ker tudi dobro \u0161\u010diti ko\u017eo pred soncem ga je priporo\u010dljivo jemati tudi v \u010dasu son\u010denja. Z u\u017eivanjem beta-karotenov je priporo\u010dljivo za\u010deti vsaj 2 \u2013 4 tedne pred dalj\u0161im izpostavljanjem soncu in nadaljevati v obdobju son\u010denja, skupaj z uporabo kreme za son\u010denje z ustreznim za\u0161\u010ditnim faktorjem. Opozorilo: Priporo\u010dene dnevne koli\u010dine oziroma odmerka se ne sme prekora\u010diti. Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnote\u017eeno in raznovrstno prehrano. Shranjevati nedosegljivo otrokom! Izdelek hranite pri temperaturi do 25 oC, za\u0161\u010diten pred vlago in svetlobo. Opozorilo: Kadilci in osebe, ki delajo z azbestom, naj se pred uporabo posvetujejo z zdravnikom. Beta karoten ne nadome\u0161\u010da zunanje za\u0161\u010dite pred UV-\u017earki. Dolgotrajno u\u017eivanje visokih odmerkov beta karotena lahko povzro\u010di obarvanje dlani in stopal, kar je popolnoma normalno in po prekinitvi jemanja dopolnila izgine.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"VIRUSNE OKU\u017dBE PREBAVIL PRI OTROCIH Zimski \u010das in nizke temperature so prava prilo\u017enost za hitro \u0161irjenje nekaterih virusov. Med njimi so tudi tisti virusi, ki povzro\u010dajo oku\u017ebe prebavil. Najpogostej\u0161i povzro\u010ditelji \u010drevesnih oku\u017eb v otro\u0161kem obdobju so rotavirusi. \u010crevesna oku\u017eba se ka\u017ee z drisko in bruhanjem, slabostjo, kr\u010di in povi\u0161ano telesno temperaturo. POVZRO\u010cITELJI Najpogostej\u0161i povzro\u010ditelji drisk v otro\u0161kem obdobju so virusi, med njimi so najpogostej\u0161i rotavirusi. Oku\u017ebe z rotavirusi se pojavljajo vsako leto, preko celega leta, \u010deprav je ve\u010d bolnih obi\u010dajno v hladnih mesecih. V teh mesecih povzro\u010dajo rotavirusi oku\u017ebo predvsem pri otrocih do 2. leta starosti.Enteri\u010dniadenovirusi pri dojen\u010dku in mlaj\u0161em otroku povzro\u010dajo ve\u010d dni trajajo\u010do drisko in vro\u010dino, ki poteka z bruhanjem ali brez njega, lahko se hkrati pojavijo znaki prehlada. Od bakterijskih povzro\u010diteljev so najpogostej\u0161e oku\u017ebe s salmonelami in kampilobaktri, drisko lahko povzro\u010dajo tudi paraziti. SIMPTOMI Zna\u010dilna klini\u010dna slika otroka z oku\u017ebo prebavil je odvajanje teko\u010dega blata in bruhanje, pojav kr\u010dev v trebuhu, lahko tudi povi\u0161ana telesna temperatura, glavobol in bole\u010dine v mi\u0161icah. Te\u017eave trajajo dan ali dva. Otrok z oku\u017ebo prebavil, z bruhanjem in drisko izgublja precej veliko teko\u010dine in elektrolitov. Izgubo teko\u010din pove\u010dajo tudi povi\u0161ana telesna temperatura in potenje ter pospe\u0161eno dihanje. Ob nezadostnem vnosu teko\u010din tako lahko pride do dehidracije in neravnovesja elektrolitov v krvi. Znaki dehidracije so: \u017eeja, suha ustna sluznica, \u017eivo rde\u010di ustnici, vdrte o\u010di, manj uriniranja. Nato otrok lahko postane izrazito utrujen ali razdra\u017eljiv, dihanje je globoko in pospe\u0161eno, prav tako sr\u010dni utrip. Pri dehidriranem dojen\u010dku upade velika me\u010dava na glavici, urin je lahko temnej\u0161i in njegova koli\u010dina manj\u0161a, dojen\u010dek postane bolj zaspan ali razdra\u017eljiv. Tak\u0161no stanje vsekakor zahteva takoj\u0161njo zdravni\u0161ko obravnavo. PRENOS OKU\u017dBE Oku\u017eba se med otroki zlahka \u0161iri, ker je \u017ee malo virusov dovolj, da se oseba z njimi oku\u017ei in zboli. Prenos virusov poteka s stikom z oku\u017eeno osebo, z dotikanjem igra\u010d ali povr\u0161in, na katerih so virusi, ali z u\u017eivanjem oku\u017eene hrane ali pija\u010de. Ko je otrok bolan, se virusi v visokih koncentracijah izlo\u010dajo z blatom od nekaj dni do 14 dni, lahko tudi dlje. Ves ta \u010das so na videz zdravi otroci ku\u017eni za okolico. ZDRAVLJENJE Pri oku\u017ebah prebavil z virusi je zelo pomembno nadome\u0161\u010danje teko\u010dine in elektrolitov. Otrok naj pije veliko teko\u010dine (\u010daj, izotoni\u010dne pija\u010de, juhe \u2026 ) ve\u010dkrat na dan po malem, odsvetuje pa se pitje gaziranih pija\u010d. V lekarnah so na razpolago tudi razli\u010dne oralne rehidracijske raztopine. \u010ce je otrok dojen, je treba z dojenjem nadaljevati. Ker gre za virusno in ne bakterijsko oku\u017ebo prebavil, oku\u017ebe ne zdravimo z antibiotiki. KDAJ K ZDRAVNIKU Otrok, ki ima \u010drevesno oku\u017ebo, z bruhanjem in drisko izgublja precej veliko teko\u010dine in elektrolitov. To izgubo pove\u010dajo tudi povi\u0161ana telesna temperatura in potenje ter pospe\u0161eno dihanje. Zato lahko ob nezadostnem vnosu teko\u010din pride do dehidracije in neravnovesja elektrolitov v krvi. Zdravnika je treba obiskati, \u010de se stanje ne izbolj\u0161a po dveh dneh.Vsekakor je obisk zdravnika nujen tudi zaradi dehidracije. PREPRE\u010cEVANJE PRENOSA Zelo pomembno je pogosto in pravilno umivanje rok. Zlasti po uporabi toaletnih prostorov ali po menjavi plenic ter pred pripravo hrane in pred jedjo naj bo umivanje rok redno in temeljito. \u017divila, ki jih zau\u017eijemo brez prekuhavanja, je treba temeljito o\u010distiti s higiensko neopore\u010dno vodo. Otroci, ki obiskujejo vrtec ali \u0161olo, naj se v kolektiv vrnejo najmanj 24 ur po prenehanju driske ali bruhanja, bolje po treh dneh. ALI OBSTAJA CEPIVO? Obstaja cepivo proti oku\u017ebi z rotavirusi. Ne daje se ga z injekcijo, temve\u010d se ga vkapa v usta. Potrebna sta dva oz. trije odmerki, med katerimi morajo miniti vsaj 4 tedni. Namenjeno je majhnim otrokom od 6. tedna do 6. meseca starosti. O varnosti in u\u010dinkovitosti cepiva pri starej\u0161ih otrocih ni dovolj podatkov. Do sedaj opravljene raziskave so pokazale, da za\u0161\u010dita s cepljenjem proti oku\u017ebi z rotavirusi traja vsaj 2 leti.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Seminar \" Po korakih do prave zaposlitve \" Dru\u0161tvo \u0161tudentov Bre\u017eice je pri\u010delo z izvajanjem projekta Izobra\u017een = nepora\u017een. V sklopu projekta smo v soboto uspe\u0161no izvedli prvo delavnico na temo trga dela in mo\u017enosti za zaposlitve mladih. Skozi \u0161tiriurni seminar so se udele\u017eenci nau\u010dili mnogo o prekritem trgu dela, o na\u010dinih pristopa do delodajalcev, oblikah \u017eivljenjepisa, mre\u017eenju kot obliki iskanja zaposlitve in najpomembnej\u0161e, da na trenutno gospodarsko situacijo ne smejo gledati \u010drnogledo. Seminar je potekal pod vodstvom dveh izku\u0161enih predavateljic iz mariborske razvojne agencije, ki so udele\u017eencem podale ogromno znanja o omenjeni temi. V \u017eelji po pove\u010danju \u0161tevila dogodkov na podro\u010dju neformalnega izobra\u017eevanja v okolici, v dru\u0161tvu pripravljamo naslednjo delavnico \u017ee to soboto 20.4. Delavnico na temo Project management oz. Organizacija projektov, maja pa sledi \u0161e delavnica Photo shopa. Za ve\u010d informacij in prihajajo\u010dih dogodkov redno spremljajte fb stran in internetno stran dru\u0161tva.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Magento \u2013 uvoz artiklov iz Excela V podjetju smo razvili modul, ki omogo\u010da Magento uvoz artiklov iz excela. Ker se artikli dnevno posodabljajo, je prvi korak izvoz vseh izdelkov iz Magenta. Tako boste imeli v Excelu vse aktualne izdelke. Postopek je naslednji: Po prijavi v Magento administracije greste na zavihek Sistem -> Uvoz \/ izvoz -> Dataflow \u2013 Profiles. Izberete \u201c Export all products \u201d. Izvozite lahko vsa polja. V kolikor \u017eelite izvoziti le nekatera polja, pri \u201c Format podatkov \u201d -> \u201c Izvoz: \u201d izberete \u201c Samo mapirana polja \u201d. Pojavi se vam mo\u017enost dodajanja polj. Za vsako dodatno polje, kliknete \u201c Dodaj preslikavo polj \u201d in izbere atribut. Obvezno morate izbrati vsaj naslednje atribute: store websites attribute _ set type sku has _ options name price visibility status description short _ description title Sledi klik na gumb \u201c Po\u017eeni profil \u201d in nato \u201c Po\u017eeni profil v pojavnem oknu \u201d. Ko se izvoz zaklju\u010di, se vam prika\u017ee izpis v naslednji obliki: Datoteka se nahaja v mapi var \/ export \/ export _ all _ products.xml. Datoteko si nalo\u017eite na lokalni ra\u010dunalnik in jo odprite z Excelom. Tako ste dobili seznam vseh artiklov, za vsak artikel pa lahko uredite dogovorjena polja. Po kon\u010danem delu datoteko shranite kot. xls dokument! Prijavite se v okolje modula za Excel uvoz. Levo zgoraj kliknite Uploader. Izberite shranjeno datoteko in jo nalo\u017eite. Ko je datoteka uspe\u0161no nalo\u017eeno, se vrnite na osnovno stran modula in kliknite gumb Import. Glede na \u0161tevilo produktov, lahko uvoz traja tudi ve\u010d kot 1 uro. Po uspe\u0161no zaklju\u010denem uvozu so podatki v Magentu uspe\u0161no spremenjeni.","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Pri Tyri Banks se nikoli ne morem \u010disto odlo\u010diti, ali mi je v\u0161e\u010d ali ne. Na\u010deloma ja, samo tisti oprah-wanna-be nastopi v ANTM mi nekako ne di\u0161ijo preve\u010d. Skupaj s celotno ameri\u0161ko teatralnostjo in pretiravanjem na vseh mo\u017enih to\u010dkah, seveda. . No, \u010deprav je znova teatralna, mi je bilo blazno v\u0161e\u010d, kako je v svojem \u0161ovu nadrla vse opravljive revije, ki so se naslajale nad njeno postavo v kopalkah, ki zadnje \u010dase pa\u010d ni ve\u010d manekenska \u2013 de\u010dva se je vseeno upokojila, naj kon\u010dno je tako kot ho\u010de. Jaz mislim, da \u0161e vedno izgleda super, tudi \u010de nima bu\u0161ija ravnega kot deska, ne vem pa, kaj je s temi \u010dudnimi sprednjimi prameni, ki vle\u010dejo na sivo.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Komentarji (3) Ja green line ma res vredu zadeve za ko\u017eo. Pa \u0161e slovenski je, pa marsikdo sploh ne ve tega) Anonimen uporabnik 07. avgust 2011 ob 23:37 tud meni je olivno olje super, probala sem tudi \u017ee kamilico in med, je tudi dober u\u010dinek. Tele kreme od green line pa \u0161e nisem probala, sem pa \u017ee sli\u0161ala pohvalo s strani frendice, tko da predvidevam da mora bit res ok, ker je punca zelo ob\u010dutljiva na sestavine pri kozmetiki in \u010de ona re\u010de da je nekej kul, pol\u017ee je nekej na tem... Anonimen uporabnik 07. avgust 2011 ob 23:14 pozabli ste \u0161e na olivno olje. Meni je super maska iz medu in olivnega olja, al pa krema z olivnim oljem od green line.","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Razstava,, beli \u0161port ob zeleni reki,, Razstava,, beli \u0161port ob zeleni reki,, Teni\u0161ki klub Portovald vas v sodelovanju z gostilno Marof 103 vabi na ogled razstave z naslovom,, Beli \u0161port ob zeleni Krki,, V ponedeljek, 11.5.2009 bo otvoritev zanimive razstave, kjer si boste ogledali retrospektivo TK Portovald, zanimive teni\u0161ke stripe in zgodovinske fotografije.Ob obisku vas bomo po\u010dastili z vr\u010dkom \u010de\u0161kega piva, ki ga poklanja Jiri, vsak obiskovalec dobi \u0161e rob\u010dek za \u010di\u0161\u010denje son\u010dnih o\u010dal, ki pa ga podarja Optika Pu\u0161nik-Novljan.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Energetska izkaznica \u2013 Ptuj Za naro\u010dnike energetskih izkaznic na Ptuju in okolici se ogledi opravijo brezpla\u010dno. Cena energetske izkaznice tako zna\u0161a: - za stanovanje 65 \u20ac, - za hi\u0161o 99 \u20ac. Naro\u010dilo za izdelavo energetske izkaznice oddajte preko spodnjega obrazca. Lahko pa nam pi\u0161ete na energijskirazred@visia.si ali nas pokli\u010dete na \u0161tevilko 031-679-562.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Novice Z razbijanjem kokosov do svojih pravic Profesionalni nogometa\u0161i na Poljskem so se po tem, ko so jih nekateri klubi zaradi nestrinjanja z dolo\u010dili novih pogodb in posledi\u010dno odklonitvijo podpisa le teh za\u010deli ustrahovati ter siliti v samostojno treniranje, z domiselno idejo za\u010deli boriti za svoje pravice. Razbijajo kokose. Zadnji in morda najbolj omembe vreden je primer nogometnega kluba Slask Wroclaw, ki je napadalcu Sebinu Plaku kar \u0161est mesecev odrejal kruti 14 urni delovnik, po tem ko je le ta odklonil podpis nove pogodbe z ve\u010d kot polovico ni\u017ejim zneskom. \"Vodstvo kluba je storilo vse, da bi me psihi\u010dno uni\u010dili,\" je dejal Plaku. Tak\u0161no ravnanje klubov je na Poljskem pogosto in ti klubi so v nogometnih krogih dobili svoje ime, \"Kokosovi klubi\". Poimenovali so jih kar po Danielu \"Kokosu\" Kokosinskem, s katerim je leta 2009 nogometni klub Polonia Warsaw ravnal neprimerno, ga ustrahoval in nadlegoval. Kot del kampanje , ki jo je ob teh dogodkih spro\u017eil Poljski sindikat profesionalnih nogometa\u0161ev PZP, so se v garderobi zbrali igralci drugoliga\u0161kega kluba Olimpia Grudziaz in v en glas vzklikali \"razbijmo kokos\", ki so ga nekaj trenutkov za tem raztre\u0161\u010dili s kladivom. Drugoliga\u0161kim igralcem se je ob tej prilo\u017enosti pridru\u017eil tudi Lukasz Surma, ki ima za seboj ve\u010d kot 500 nastopov v prvi poljski ligi. Na tej povezavi si lahko ogledate video, kako so nogometa\u0161i v znak protesta razbijali kokose. Ostale novice","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"VABILO NA POHOD NA POHORJE Dru\u0161tvo upokojencev \u017dirovnica Pohodna sekcija vabi na pohod na Pohorje v torek 19\/6-2012 Odhod avtobusa ob 6.oo uri iz AP Rodine do AP Moste. Nezahtevne hoje bo 4 do 5 ur. Prijave sprejema Drago Kajdi\u017e na tel. 04 5801 469, gsm 031 535 799 uredil : Ferjan Janez Datum objave : Nedelja, 17 Junij 2012 07:14","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Berdych v finalu Stockholma ugnal branilca naslova 19.10.2014 STOCKHOLM, \u0160VEDSKA - \u010ceh Toma\u0161 Berdych je slavil na ATP250 turnirju v \u0161vedski prestolnici. Za lovoriko je moral premagati branilca naslova Grigorja Dimitrova, z novimi to\u010dkami za ATP Race lestvico pa je ohranil mo\u017enosti za zaklju\u010dni Masters. Toma\u0161 Berdych je drugi\u010d pri\u0161el do konca na turnirju If Stockholm Open. V finalu je s 5-7, 6-4, 6-4 premagal Grigorja Dimitrova, ki je tu slavil lani. 29-letni Berdych \u0161e nima vstopnice za nastop na zaklju\u010dnem turnirju osmerice, je pa danes ohranil 7. mesto, ki \u0161e vodi v London. \u010ceh lovi peti zaporedni nastop v O2 Areni. Dana\u0161nji uspeh pomeni, da ima sedaj 10 naslovov na ATP turnirjih ter je deveti tenisa\u010d, ki ima ve\u010d kot eno zmago na tem turnirju, ki obstaja \u017ee 45 let. ''To je prvi in edini turnir, ki sem ga osvojil vsaj dvakrat. Tu se zares po\u010dutim odli\u010dno, organizatorji poskrbijo za vse kar potrebujemo. To je razlog, da se vedno vra\u010dam, po\u010dutim se kot doma'', je povedal \u010de\u0161ki teni\u0161ki as po zmagi, za katero je kar precej garal. Uvodni niz bi lahko re\u0161il v svojo korist, ko je serviral pri 5-4, a je imel Dimitrov druga\u010dne na\u010drte. Bolgar je ukradel set \u010cehu s \u0161tirimi dobjenimi igrami zapored. V drugem in tretjem nizu Berdych ni ponovil napake ter je brejk prednosti varno pripeljal do konca. ''Izgubil sem uvodni niz, ker je Dimitrov odigral neverjetno. V nadaljevanju sem bil zelo zadovoljen s servisom, kar mi je pomagalo k dobremu koncu'' je pojasnil \u010ceh. Toma\u0161 Berdych se v Stocholmu veseli druge lovorike in desete v karieri Grigor Dimitrov je danes izgubil, a je \u0161e vedno v igri za londonski zaklju\u010dni turnir. Trenutno se nahaja na 11. mestu ATP Race lestvice, 330 to\u010dk za Murrayem, ki dr\u017ei 8. mesto, ki je \u0161e dovolj za nastop. ''Bil je dober dvoboj. Vsa \u010dast Toma\u0161u, te\u017eko je po izgubljenem finalu, toda bil je bolj\u0161i'', je dejal Bolgar, ki bo naslednji teden igral v Baslu, Berdych pa bo odpotoval v Valencio.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Foto Revolucionaren. Najhitrej\u0161i na svetu. Popolna novost. To je le nekaj superlativov, ki smo jih na novinarski predstavitvi lahko sli\u0161ali iz ust Nikonovih predstavnikov. \" Rumeni \" so prvi\u010d po petdesetih letih predstavili sistem fotoaparatov, ki je zasnovan povsem na novo. Nikon je za jutri\u0161nji dan nepri\u010dakovano in tik pred zdajci sklical novinarsko konferenco, na kateri bodo predstavnikom sedme sile predstavili veliko novost. Tisti, ki spremljajo objave na spletnem mestu z govoricami iz rumenega tabora, sicer \u017ee z ve\u010d kot 90-odstotno verjetnostjo napovedujejo, da bo Nikon kon\u010dno predstavil sistem brezzrcalnih ali t.i. EVIL fotoaparatov. Canon je poleg kompaktne\u017ea PowerShot S100, o katerem smo pisali v\u010deraj, predstavil tudi mega-zoom aparat PowerShot SX40 HS. Ta se pona\u0161a s 35-kratnim zoom objektivom, snemanjem videoposnetkov v polni visoki lo\u010dljivosti (1080p) ter mo\u017enostjo hitrega snemanja s 120 sli\u010dicami na sekundo za izjemne slow-motion posnetke. Ve\u010d o aparatu lahko preberete v Canonovem sporo\u010dilu za javnost v nadaljevanju. Add a comment Canon je ameri\u0161kim medijskim hi\u0161am poslal vabilo na poseben dogodek, ki se bo zgodil 3. novembra v Hollywoodu. \" Zgodba se za\u010denja. Canon pripravlja zgodovinsko svetovno najavo, \" se glasi besedilo na vabilu. Za Canon PowerShot S95 smo zapisali, da je kompaktne\u017e za zahtevne. \u017de pred letom dni smo ga ozna\u010dili za enega najbolj\u0161ih kompaktov na trgu. Kaj naj potem re\u010demo za njegovega naslednika PowerShot S100? Add a comment","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Hotel Diana: V pravdi dveh direktoric zmagala Olga Belec Sodi\u0161\u010de je zavrnilo to\u017ebeni zahtevek Jasne Klepec, s katerim je \u017eelela dose\u010di razveljavitev pogodbe S sodbo Okro\u017enega sodi\u0161\u010da v Murski Soboti se je kon\u010dala pravda, v kateri je \u017eelela lastnica dru\u017ebe Hotel Diana Jasna Klepec dose\u010di razveljavitev pogodbe, s katero sta skupaj s poslovnim partnerjem \u017deljkom Jovanovi\u0107em konec leta 2018 kupila poslovni dele\u017e v dru\u017ebi od Olge Belec in njenega sina Patricka Belca. Zagovornik Bel\u010deve, ljubljanski odvetnik Luka Podjed, pravi, da je sodi\u0161\u010de to\u017ebeni zahtevek Klep\u010deve pri\u010dakovano zavrnilo in da je bil ta po njegovem mnenju \u017ee v osnovi neutemeljen. \"Sodi\u0161\u010de je popolnoma sledilo na\u0161im argumentom in ugotovilo, da ni bilo nobenega pla\u010dila v gotovini. Prav tako je ugotovilo, da je Klep\u010deva pridobila vse potrebne informacije o stanju dru\u017ebe in nepremi\u010dninah, ali pa je imela mo\u017enost, da jih pridobi.\" Klep\u010deva je namre\u010d svoj zahtevek utemeljevala s trditvami, da je Bel\u010deva pred podpisom pogodbe ni seznanila z vsemi podrobnostmi glede poslovanja dru\u017ebe, vklju\u010dno z nekaterimi dolgovanimi obveznostmi do zaposlenih. Pogodba tako ostaja veljavna, dru\u017eba Hotel Diana pa je, kot smo \u017ee poro\u010dali, medtem kon\u010dala v ste\u010daju. S to\u017ebo je poleg razveljavitve pogodbe Klep\u010deva \u017eelela dose\u010di tudi vra\u010dilo kupnine, pri \u010demer je trdila, da je ta v celoti zna\u0161ala 80 tiso\u010d evrov, \u010deprav je bil v pogodbi, ki je bila tudi notarsko overjena, naveden znesek 30 tiso\u010d evrov. Ale\u0161 Cipot Olga Belec Klep\u010deva je trdila, da so po dogovoru Bel\u010devi na dan podpisa pogodbe izro\u010dili 50 tiso\u010d evrov v gotovini, kar naj bi storil velenjski poslovne\u017e Matej Hofinger, ki je bil posrednik pri poslu, a za te trditve niso predlo\u017eili dokazov, s katerimi bi prepri\u010dali sodnico Marjetico \u0160kerget Logar. Klep\u010deva pravi, da je razo\u010darana nad odlo\u010ditvijo sodi\u0161\u010da in da se bo nanjo prito\u017eila. Olga Belec nasprotno odlo\u010ditev sodi\u0161\u010da pozdravlja, tudi sama meni, da so bile navedbe v to\u017ebenem zahtevku izmi\u0161ljene. \"To dokazuje, kar sem ves \u010das trdila, da je bila prodaja transparentna. Novemu vodstvu sem celo hodila pomagat prva dva meseca po prodaji. Podjetje sem prodala v dobri veri, saj so mi kupci zatrjevali, da bodo kupili tudi nepremi\u010dnino, za kar sama nisem imela dovolj denarja. Zato sem bila vesela, da je podjetje kupil nekdo, ki ga domnevno lahko re\u0161i, \u010de pa bi vedela, da se bodo zadeve tako obrnile, jim ga nikoli ne bi prodala.\" Glede obto\u017eb o prejemu gotovine Bel\u010deva ponavlja, da se to nikoli ni zgodilo. Pri tem dodaja, da je tudi sama veliko razmi\u0161ljala o tem, kako je sploh lahko pri\u0161lo do tak\u0161nih obto\u017eb: \"Spra\u0161ujem se, ali ni morda Matej Hofinger ta denar res dobil od Klep\u010deve, pa ga je dal komu drugemu. V vsakem primeru je \u0161lo pri celotni zadevi za preusmeritev pozornosti name, ker sem takrat opravljala funkcijo dr\u017eavne sekretarke, medtem pa so podjetje finan\u010dno iz\u010drpavali.\"","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"8 komentarjev Hehe, vidim, da si se \u201c zabaval \u201d ob iskanju prave napere. Me prav zanima kako sranje bom imel jaz ko mi po\u010di prva na novem bajku. Imam namre\u010d wheelsete Mavic Crossride s plo\u0161\u010datimi naperami :-) Tudi jaz sem \u017ee opazil, da imajo ve\u010dinoma 2mm pa tudi 2,2 sem \u017ee zasledil. Dobijo pa se ponavadi v srebrni ali pa \u010drni barvi. Nazadnje ko sem nabavljal v trgovini na Litijski v LJ (ne bom delal reklame) sem dobil celo \u010drne niple za dimenzijo 2mm, pa k sre\u010di so mi dali en nipel \u010dez, ker se je izkazalo, da je bil en brez navoja :-) Ja, verjetno bo\u0161 imel kar nekaj zabave pri tem tudi ti. Meni se sicer zdi to zelo \u017ealostno. Sploh nimam besed. Vsaj za kolesa katera prodajajo bi lahko imeli zalogo za vse modele, tudi pretekle. Jaz si barve nisem mogel izbirat, \u010deprav bi bila \u010drna na mestu kot vidi\u0161 iz videa. Na\u010deloma imajo napere v vseh kolesarskih trgovinah, \u010de imajo zraven tudi servis koles. \u010ce imajo napero, ki je enaka tvoji pa je \u017ee drugo vpra\u0161anje. V kolikor ima\u0161 debelino napere klasi\u010dno 2.0 mm ne bi smelo biti te\u017eav le dol\u017eino \u0161e mora\u0161 ugotovit. Zdravo David, \u010de ti je po\u010dila napera na strani zobnikov jih bo\u0161 moral odstranit. druge\u010de ne bo mo\u017eno. Odstranjevanje zobnikov je dokaj enostavno, res pa je da potrebuje\u0161 orodje. Odstranjevanje zobnikov si lahok pogleda\u0161 na tem videu http:\/\/bikebook.si\/2011\/03\/zadnje-pesto-shimano-xt\/","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Objavljeno: 28 Sep 2009 17:52 Naslov sporo\u010dila: Re: KOLIKO KILOMETROV STE PREVOZILI LETOS \u017delezni\u010dar je napisal\/a: Koliko kilometrov ste prevozili letos,\u010deprav sezone \u0161e ni konec....!? do avgusta 2000.Od te dale pa \u0161e samo s trekom kaj malo.Ja ge so \u017ee tisti \u010dasi?????da san nej mogo doj z biciklina.Vuplen ka te \u017eenske sebof pripelali na zaklju\u010dek ovak de preve\u010d napeto..(tuj ges mo \u0161au \u010de de mi dopu\u0161\u010deno)....Pravijo ka de bauk\u0161e.... ge san odpelo 5800.... pa bi \u0161e ve\u010d \u010de me nebi te tu\u0161 jebo.....kelko si pa odpelo tij cuk majster ??? _________________ STANKO Damir tvoja prijde ??? moje ne\u0161\u010de za boga iti....ka jo je lani cuk majster \u0161lataro pa neven ka se nej delo z njov.... _________________ STANKO Kljub moji dvomese\u010dni bolni\u0161ki zaradi padca mi je uspelo do sedaj spravit skupaj 4600 km,ampak sezone \u0161e ni konec.Ra\u010dunam nekje malo \u010dez 5000km. Sicer pa kilometri niso merilo,\u010de ima\u0161 veliko vzponov,na katerih si mogo\u010de dosegel ve\u010d kot z kilometri po ravnici. Vsaka vam \u010dast ali po Katan\u010devo kapo dol-za tolko kilometrov.Upam da mi bo drugo leto bolje uspelo in da zberem ve\u010d km.(veliko odvisno kelko mo se vozili skupaj-ali se mogo\u010de rikta za drugo leto ka\u0161en2-3 dnevni izlet ?no ja tudi za letos se je pa je vse skupaj propadlo tak ka.....)Stanko \u010de mo \u0161al na piknik de moja gvu\u0161no z menof(no ne vesejli se preve\u010d za moj prihod -ka me verjetno nede moren delati... vej se pa menjaj Damir pa bo\u0161 lejko pri\u0161o.... _________________ STANKO","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Jesenice - Prenova dvorane Podme\u017eakla na Jesenicah poteka po na\u010drtih, tako \u010dasovno kot finan\u010dno. V prenovljeni dvorani bodo septembra tudi predtekmovanja v okviru leto\u0161njega evropskega ko\u0161arkarskega prvenstva, pri organizaciji tekmovanj pa bodo potrebovali tudi prostovoljce in prostovoljke. Za razli\u010dna prizori\u0161\u010da v Sloveniji jih potrebujejo ve\u010d kot tiso\u010d, v ob\u010dini Jesenice sto dvajset. Rok za prijavo so podalj\u0161ali do 5. maja. Vodja prostovoljcev jeseni\u0161kega odbora in koordinator mlaj\u0161ih selekcij v Ko\u0161arkarskem klubu Jesenice Primo\u017e Samar pravi, da je za\u017eeleno, da prostovoljci govorijo kak\u0161en tuj jezik, kar nekaj prostovoljcev pa bo na Jesenicah tudi iz ostalih dr\u017eav.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Razprava pogosto potegne na plano najprej tiste vrednote, za katere ljudje v vrtcu, \u0161oli, organizaciji menijo, da bi jih \"morali\" imeti oziroma \"naj bi jih cenili\", da bi bili oni sami in organizacija \u010dim bolj spo\u0161tovani. Vemo, da se lahko vrednote, ki jih ljudje izra\u017eajo javno, mo\u010dno razlikujejo od vrednot, ki jih izra\u017eajo s svojimi ravnanji in dejanji. Videti je, da ljudje s svojim vedenjem pogosto \"kr\u0161ijo\" vrednote, za katere isto\u010dasno trdijo, da so jim pomembne in svete. Tak\u0161na \"dvojna morala\" je vsakdanji pojav, ki izra\u017ea razkorak med posameznikovimi dejanskimi vrednotami, tistim, kar zares ceni in mu je pomembno, in tem, kako bi \u017eelel, da ga vidijo drugi. \u010ce je ta pojav tako zna\u010dilen za ljudi, je logi\u010dno, da se mu tudi pri razpravljanju o vrednotah v okviru organizacije ne moremo izogniti. Tak\u0161na razprava pogosto potegne na plano predvsem vrednote, za katere ljudje menijo, da bi jih \"morali\" imeti oziroma \"naj bi jih cenili\", da bi bili oni sami in organizacija \u010dim bolj privla\u010dni in spo\u0161tovani. \u010ce se zapisane vrednote ne ujemajo s tistimi, ki jih organizacija in njeni ljudje izra\u017eajo s svojimi dejanji in vedenjem, ne morejo pozitivno vplivati na zaposlene in uporabnike. Tako kot je neprivla\u010dna \"dvojna morala\" posameznika, je \"dvojna morala\" organizacije oziroma \u0161irok razkorak med njenimi zapisanimi vrednotami in tistim, kar izra\u017ea njeno delovanje, idealno goji\u0161\u010de za cinizem, sarkazem, posmehovanje in druge negativne pojave. Zapisane vrednote, ki so v dobesednem nasprotju s tistim, kar se dogaja v organizaciji, zagotovo ne morejo pozitivno vplivati na njene zaposlene in uporabnike. Obratno, pogosto postanejo vir dodatnega nezadovoljstva. Zato je \u0161e kako pomembno, da gre razprava o vrednotah organizacije resni\u010dno v globino in se ne zadovolji s povr\u0161inskimi odgovori ter da preverja in preizku\u0161a vrednote, ki jih obudi. \u010ce razprava na primer izpostavi, da so zaposlenim najpomembnej\u0161i \"dobri odnosi z uporabniki\", se je treba vpra\u0161ati, ali se to v praksi res uresni\u010duje. Ali vsakdanje vedenje organizacije in njenih ljudi res izra\u017ea to skrb? Ali njihova dejanja in postopki resni\u010dno ka\u017eejo to? \u010ce povzamemo, o vrednotah je koristno govoriti, razpravljati, jih razjasnjevati in opredeljevati. A pri tem naj bodo organizacije kar se da pozorne, da se izognejo te\u017enji po \"olep\u0161evanju\" resnice, prikazovanju vrednot \"ki naj bi bile\", namesto teh \"ki so\". V nasprotnem primeru se lahko razprava o vrednotah hitro sprevr\u017ee v svoje nasprotje, ki namesto pozitivnih posledic spodbudi cinizem, sarkazem in nezadovoljstvo ter negativno vpliva na motivacijo zaposlenih, njihovo delovno vnemo in moralo.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Hondin visokolete\u010di petletni plan Napoved. Pri Hondi so napovedali, da na\u010drtujejo v naslednjih petih letih podvojiti proizvodnjo avtomobilov, na trg pa naj bi pri\u0161lo ve\u010dje \u0161tevilo novih modelov, tudi v segmentih kjer trenutno niso prisotni. Predsednik uprave Honde Takanobu Ito je pred dnevi izjavil, da nameravajo pri Hondi v naslednjih petih letih proizvodnjo s trenutnih 3,1 milijona izdelanih vozil letno pove\u010dati na \u0161est milijonov, za doseg tega pa na\u010drtujejo \u0161tevilne nove modele, tudi v segmentih, kjer do sedaj niso bili prisotni. Pri Hondi tako veliko pri\u010dakujejo od povsem nove generacije modela jazz, poleg tega pa tudi od njegovega manj\u0161ega brata Brio, ki bo namenjen predvsem trgom v razvoju in bo predstavlja cenej\u0161o razli\u010dico prej omenjenega jazza. Za potrebe pove\u010danja proizvodnje pri Hondi na\u010drtujejo izgradnjo novih tovarna, eno tak\u0161nih nameravajo do leta 2014 odpreti v Mehiki, velik poudarek pa bodo namenili tudi kitajskem tr\u017ei\u0161\u010du, kjer nameravajo predstaviti najve\u010d, kar 10 novih modelov. Za zdaj dokaj nezana je usoda accorda na evropskih tr\u017ei\u0161\u010dih, saj naj pri Hondi ne bi bili zadoljvni sprodajo in dobi\u010dkonostnostjo tega modela na stari celini (foto: Honda) V evropi mnogo manj novosti Za zdaj sicer ni znano katere od novosti bodo zapeljale tudi na trge stare celine, so pa med najavljenimi modlei poleg prej omenjenih bria in jazza tudi manj\u0161i suv na osnovi slednjega, kakor tudi manj\u0161i sedan, ki bo pomenil menjavo za aktualno hondo city. Napovedana je tudi \u0161portna ralzi\u010dica civica, ki bo kot je v navadi dobila kon\u010dnico Type-R, navdu\u0161enci pa bodo kljub vsemu morali zanj \u010dakati do leta 2015. Mnogo bolj \u0161tevil\u010dni glede prodaje pa bo zagotovo napovedana nova generacija accorda, katere proizvodnja je za evropske trge za zdaj \u0161e pod vpra\u0161anjem, saj accord v zadnjih nekaj letih na ve\u010dini evropskih trgov zaradi mo\u010dnega jena pomeni zgolj izgubo. Enaka (neznana) usoda na evropskih trgih za zdaj pesti tudi model A0 segmenta, ki se bo na japonskih trgih imenoval N-ONE. Med napovedanimi modeli pa ne gre pozabiti na \u0161portnega kupeja \u2013 NSX, kakor tudi novega \u0161portnega roadsterja na osnovi lansko letne \u0161tudije imenovane EV-STER concept. Za ameri\u0161ke trge je za novembrski salon v Los Angelesu potrjena tudi premiera modela acura RLX, ki naj bi na evropske trge kasneje zapeljala v obliki honde legend. Za leto 2015 pa so pri Hondi napovedali tudi serijsko razli\u010dico modela na gorivne celice, ki naj bi na evropska tr\u017ei\u0161\u010de, \u0161lo pa naj ne bi za model FCX clarity, ampak povsem nov in ob\u010dutno cenej\u0161i model. Honda NSX naj bi v salone zapeljala \u017ee zelo kmalu, poleg tega pa lahko pri\u010dakujemo \u0161e novega \u0161portnega roadsterja na osnovi lansko letne \u0161tudije imenovane EV-STER concept, ter prenovljenega hibridnega kupeja CR-Z (foto: Honda). Glede na napovedi, je tako predvsem prihodnost znamke Honda na evropskih tleh \u0161e dokaj nejasna predvsem pa ne nujno ro\u017enata, kakr\u0161na je zdaj \u017ee kar nekaj let.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"In\u0161titut za varovanje zdravja RS (IVZ) in Ministrstvo za zdravje RS sodelujeta v obse\u017enem evropskem projektu z naslovom Posredovanje klju\u010dnih zdravstvenih podatkov pacienta za zdravljenje v tujini oziroma s kratico epSOS (Smart Open Services for European Patients). Namen projekta je dosegljivost klju\u010dnih medicinskih podatkov za zdravstveno oskrbo dr\u017eavljanov, ki i\u0161\u010dejo zdravni\u0161ko pomo\u010d v drugi evropski dr\u017eavi, ob spo\u0161tovanju pravic do varovanja osebnih podatkov in zasebnosti. Evropski dr\u017eavljani postajamo vse bolj mobilni, saj vse ve\u010d potujemo in delamo v tujini, zato tudi vse pogosteje v tujini potrebujemo zdravstveno pomo\u010d. Za kakovostno zdravstveno obravnavo pa tudi zdravnik v tujini potrebuje klju\u010dne zdravstvene podatke pacienta. Sodobna informacijska tehnologija \u017ee dolgo omogo\u010da, da poobla\u0161\u010deni zdravstveni delavci na osnovi pacientove privolitve, lahko dostopajo do pomembnih zdravstvenih podatkov, zbranih v njegovi mati\u010dni dr\u017eavi. Zato se je v Evropi pojavljalo veliko pobud za vzpostavitev ustreznega okolja in pogojev, da bi se take tehni\u010dne mo\u017enosti uporabile v prid bolj\u0161e zdravstvene oskrbe evropskih dr\u017eavljanov. V projektu epSOS sodeluje 47 partnerji iz 20 dr\u017eav Evropske unije (EU) in treh dr\u017eav ne \u010dlanic. Cilj projekta je izvesti pilotske projekte, s katerimi bomo vzpostavili dve \u010dezmejni storitvi \u2013 posredovanje povzetka pacientovih podatkov ter e-predpisovanje in e-izdaja zdravil. Zato bodo klju\u010dne naloge ureditev ustreznih pravnih podlag v posameznih sodelujo\u010dih dr\u017eavah, zagotovitev primerne organizacije dela in vzpostavitev tehni\u010dnih re\u0161itev. V za\u010detni fazi projekta se bo preverilo izvedljivost in sprejemljivost splo\u0161ne-tehni\u010dne, organizacijske in pravno usklajenost predlaganih re\u0161itev. Storitve epSOS, ki vklju\u010dujejo povzetke bolnikovih podatkov in e-predpisovanje \/ e-izdajo zdravil, bodo na voljo poskusno med nekaterimi dr\u017eavami \u017ee konec leto\u0161njega leta. Slovenija se bo testno vklju\u010dila v izmenjavo podatkov v letu 2012, predvidoma najprej z Avstrijo in Slova\u0161ko. Ve\u010d informacij v angle\u0161kem jeziku o projektu epSOS je na spletni strani projekta www.epsos.eu.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Bine Vol\u010di\u010d je napisal kuharsko knjigo Slavni kuhar Bine Vol\u010di\u010d, ki je vodil in ocenjeval kuharje v \u0161ovu Gostilna i\u0161\u010de \u0161efa, je pred drugo sezono \u0161ova napisal kuharsko knjigo z vsemi recepti iz prve sezone priljubljenega resni\u010dnostnega \u0161ova. Bine je vesel, da se je njegovo znanje prelilo \u0161e na papir. Naslovnica nove Binetove knjige. O knjigi Kuhinja i\u0161\u010de \u0161efa je Bine povedal: \" To je moja prva kuharska knjiga, napisana za vse zagrete kuharje in kuharice, ki so budno spremljali pripravo kulinari\u010dnih specialitet. Knjiga jim bo razkrila to\u010dne recepte, pa tudi informacije o posebnih kuharskih tehnikah in ' eksoti\u010dnih ' sestavinah, ki sem jih vklju\u010dil v recepte. Vsak si bo lahko te jedi skuhal doma, le s kak\u0161nim pripomo\u010dkom si bo treba pomagati in navdihu za ustvarjanje v svoji kuhinji pustiti prosto pot. Nove ideje pa prihajajo tudi z drugo sezono \u0161ova, \u0161li bomo \u0161e kulinari\u010dno stopni\u010dko ali dve vi\u0161je, z novimi tehnikami in natan\u010dnej\u0161imi postopki priprave bom tekmovalcem lahko dal \u0161e ve\u010d svojega znanja. \" Ne spreglejte! V novi \u0161tevilki revije Lea vas \u010daka nagradna igra, v kateri bodo trije kuharski navdu\u0161enci postali lastniki knjige Kuhinja i\u0161\u010de \u0161efa, ki sicer izide septembra. E-zin O strani","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Izjava klienta \"Za star\u0161evstvo sva se odlo\u010dila relativno pozno in v grozi ugotovila, da otroka \u0161e ne bo prav kmalu. Odlo\u010dila sva se, da narediva vse kar je v najini mo\u010di, da bi do zanositve pri\u0161lo \u010dim prej, kar je prineslo ogromno pritiskov. Kakor, da \u017eiviva novo \u017eivljenje, nama je vse za\u010delo uhajati izpod nadzora. V nemo\u010di in \u017eelji po vzpostavitvi starega stanja, sva se odlo\u010dila za psiholo\u0161ko spremljanje ob neplodnosti, ki nama pomaga razumeti, kaj se nama dogaja. Prav tako se la\u017eje soo\u010dava s problemi v situacijah, ki so vse prej kot ro\u017enate.\" - Anonimno","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"V\u010deraj zve\u010der me je bilo sram, da sem volila, kogar sem pa\u010d volila. Lidija Hren je vodila intervju s Pahorjem. In ga osme\u0161ila. Ne, v bistvu se je osme\u0161il sam. Takega me\u010dka\u010da in narcisa pa \u017ee dolgo ne. Zakaj tale gospa Hrenova vedno ve\u010d ve od svojih gostov? Pa ne samo navidezno ve\u010d, dejansko. Vse \u0161tevilke ima v glavi, za katere Pahor \u0161e ve ne, da obstajajo, in vse predloge, ki so mu bili ponujeni, pozna, on pa mlati prazno slamo. Ko so ga posneli od blizu, si lahko opazil, da se mu roke tresejo. Seveda, strah je tiste, ki ne\u010demu niso kos. In ta na\u0161 vrli Pahor ni bil kos niti tv intervjuju, kako \u0161ele vodi dr\u017eavo. Ne upam si predstavljati. Vedno sem \u0161la na volitve, ker sem zelo principjelen \u010dlovek. Vedno sem rekla, \u010de ne gre\u0161 volit, potem ne sme\u0161 nikoli niti pisnit, \u010de ti v dr\u017eavi kaj ni v\u0161e\u010d. Zdelo se mi je, da bi morale volitve biti obvezne, kot v Avstraliji. Ker smo vsi odrasli ljudje soodgovorni za stanje v dr\u017eavi. Smo soustvarjalci. Joj, sem se motila. Ne vem, \u010de bom \u0161e kdaj \u0161la na voli\u0161\u010de. Zdaj so bile na oblasti \u017ee skoraj vse politi\u010dne opcije. Eni so bolj zagamani od drugih. Ta na\u0161a politi\u010dna scena smrdi. Mene je sram, da \u017eivim v dr\u017eavi, kjer nimam koga voliti, kjer nimam komu zaupati. Kjer so vsi nesposobni.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Pred zaklju\u010dkom starega leta je modna oblikovalka Jessica Jagec v lokalu LP ob glasbeni spremljavi in podpori Tinkare Kova\u010d (pred za\u010detkom revije je pevka Tinkara Kova\u010d predstavila skladbo iz novega albuma Rastemo) predstavila kolekcijo pomlad poletje 2013. Dokaz, da sta moda in glasba prijatelja, ki se dr\u017eita z roko v roki in dopolnjujeta. Klju\u010dni pojem Jessicine \u017eenske je fatalnost. Revija se je za\u010dela z modnim videom, ki je nakazoval na prihajajo\u010do kolekcijo. Obraz Jessicine kolekcije predstavljata Maja Fu\u010dak in Nata\u0161a Jane\u017ei\u010d \u017dagar. Med samim procesom se je poglobila vase in si zastavila vpra\u0161anja, kaj \u017eeli in \u010desar ne. Kak\u0161en je njen pogled na svet in kaj \u017eeli porabnicam svojega sloga ponuditi. Za\u010dela je z romanti\u010dnim obdobjem rokokoja, ki ga je interpretirala v sodoben \u010das. Torej, rokoko v 21.stoletju. Zgodovinsko obdobje je povezala s futurizmom, same krojne oblike pa prisegajo na konstruktivisti\u010dna na\u010dela. V barvni paleti najdemo odtenke sivin ter elektri\u010dno modra in ble\u0161\u010de\u010da siva. Silhuete so prilagojene \u017eenskemu telesu, ga poudarijo, pripovedujejo o njem, ga ne iznakazijo. Ostre simetri\u010dne suknji\u010de in obleke s poudarjenimi rameni na drugi strani zamenjajo lahkotne asimteri\u010dne obleke z belo-modrimi cvetli\u010dnimi potiski. Bogatost in pestrost razli\u010dnih obla\u010dilnih kosov dopu\u0161\u010dajo mo\u017enost nenehnega kombiniranja. Med samo zasnovo opazimo igro odkrivanja in zakrivanja in \u017eenska, ki bo to nosila si dovoli nekaj obla\u010dilnega eksperimentiranja in ima jasno vizijo o sebi. Kolekcija se giba od pomladno do poletnih stylingov.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"V solinski \u0161portni dvorani sta se kon\u010dali obe polfinalni sre\u010danji turnirja ''Agla cup'' 2007. Kljub temu, da na\u0161a ekipa ni nastopila v popolni postavi in da na klopi ni bilo trenerja Teska, temve\u010d njegov pomo\u010dnik v pretekli sezoni Rade Mali\u010d, so na\u0161i fantje premagali doma\u010di Solin s 7 : 2. Dvakrat je zadel Michel \u017dalac, po en zadetek so dosegli Vrhovec, Smiljani\u010d, Bauman, Osojnik in tokratni gost v na\u0161i ekipi Uro\u0161 Krofli\u010d. V drugem sre\u010danju je Afragola premagala splitsko Torcido z 9 : 5. Tako se bosta jutri v dvorani Gripe ob 20.30 uri pomerila Svea in Afragola.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Movember: Dejstva in zmote, povezane z rakom Hokejisti Playboy Slavije so v namen ozave\u0161\u010danja o mo\u0161kem zdravju spra\u0161evali mimoido\u010de ljudi, znance in prijatelje, kaj vedo o rakavih obolenjih. Izbrali so 10 zanimivih trditev in za pomo\u010d poprosili strokovnjakinjo s podro\u010dja onkologije, mag. Mirjano Rajer, dr. med., ki je pojasnila in utemeljila, ali so trditve dejstva ali zmote. 1. Zdravljenje raka je bolj naporno kot bolezen sama. Zmota. Seveda ima zdravljenje tudi sopojave, a nikakor ne moremo re\u010di, da je zdravljenje bolj naporno kot bolezen sama. Trditev izvira iz zgodovine, ko tako imenovano \u00bbpodporno zdravljenje\u00ab \u0161e ni bilo tako razvito in so npr. bolniki, ki so dobili kemoterapijo, mo\u010dno bruhali. Dandanes imamo zelo u\u010dinkovita zdravila, ki to prepre\u010dijo. Je pa tudi res, da bolniki zdravljenju pogosto pripisujejo te\u017eave, ki jih to v resnici ne povzro\u010da. Za bolnika je la\u017eje, \u010de najde \u00bbkrivca\u00ab v zdravljenju. Tak primer je lahko bolnik, pri katerem obsevamo podro\u010dje prsnega ko\u0161a, njega pa bolijo noge. Prej bo bolnik pomislil, da je obsevanje krivo, kakor pa npr. te\u017eave z o\u017eiljem v nogah, ki so pravi razlog. V dana\u0161njem \u010dasu je zdravljenje prilagojeno bolniku bolj kot kadarkoli prej. \u010ce bolnika \u010daka naporno zdravljenje, se pred tem z njim pogovorimo, mu razlo\u017eimo, zakaj je to potrebno in bolnik sam pove, ali se strinja s predlaganim ali ne. 2. Katerakoli oblika raka je neozdravljiva. Zmota. Veliko vrst raka je dandanes popolnoma ozdravljivih. \u0160e posebno, \u010de je bolezen odkrita v zgodnji fazi in se za\u010dne \u010dim prej zdraviti. Prej lahko re\u010demo, da so vsi raki ozdravljivi, \u010de jih odkrijemo dovolj zgodaj. Ve\u010d kakor polovico bolnikov z rakom popolnoma pozdravimo. Seveda lahko re\u010demo tudi, da je kozarec na pol prazen in govorimo, da polovice ne pozdravimo, ampak rezultati zdravljenja so vsako leto bolj\u0161i, za kar se vsi skupaj zelo trudimo. 3. Ljudje, ki zbolijo za rakom, lahko le le\u017eijo v postelji in so pasivni. Zmota. V skladu z zmo\u017enostmi so oboleli fizi\u010dno aktivni. Veliko ljudi, ki zboli z rakom, \u0161e naprej \u017eivi aktivno \u017eivljenje, ki vklju\u010duje tako vsakdanja opravila kakor tudi \u0161port. Veliko bolnikov ohranja odli\u010dno formo, hodi v hribe, na plese \u2026 Rak nikakor ne pomeni, da bolnik lahko le le\u017ei v postelji. Bolnike celo spodbujamo, da so aktivni. Opa\u017eamo pa, da so svojci tisti, ki pogosto omejujejo bolnika, \u010de\u0161 da ne sme delati na vrtu, hoditi iz hi\u0161e ali podobno. Pomemben je pogovor z zdravnikom, v katerem obi\u010dajno razre\u0161imo vse dileme glede bolnikove aktivnosti. 4. Rak je ozdravljiv le, \u010de ima\u0161 sre\u010do. Zmota. Veliko oblik je \u2013 \u0161e posebno ob pravo\u010dasnem odkritju \u2013 popolnoma ozdravljivih. Preventiva in pravo\u010dasno odkrivanje sta klju\u010dnega pomena. Ljudje se premalo zavedajo pomen presejalnih programov, kot so SVIT (za raka \u010drevesja), ZORA (rak materni\u010dnega vratu) in DORA (rak dojk). Cilj teh programov je odkriti rakavo obolenje v zgodnji fazi, ko je ta \u0161e ozdravljiv. Pogosto sli\u0161im, da so ljudje dobili poziv, da se udele\u017eijo SVIT-a in vabilo vrgli v smeti. Ko pa sli\u0161ijo, da so nekomu s pomo\u010djo tega programa odkrili raka in je ozdravel, gredohitro brskat po smeteh, \u010de je \u0161e kje to vabilo ter se programa udele\u017eijo. 5. \u010ce v \u0161ir\u0161i dru\u017eini nismo imeli rakavih obolenj, potem me rak ne zanima. Zmota. Dednost je le eden od dejavnikov in pripomore k nastanku majhnega \u0161tevila rakavih obolenj. Za ve\u010dino oblik raka ljudje zbolijo zaradi drugih vzrokov, kot so \u0161kodljivi vplivi okolja, kajenje, \u2026 Tako je zmotno razmi\u0161ljati, da \u010de nih\u010de v dru\u017eini ni imel raka, ga tudi mi ne bomo dobili. 6. Plju\u010dnega raka dobimo zgolj zaradi kajenja. Zmota. Kajenje je pomemben dejavnik, vendar so tu \u0161e drugi dejavniki: Izpostavljam dednost, onesna\u017eeno delovno okolje, radon v stavbah \u2026 15 \u2013 20 % bolnikov s plju\u010dnim rakom ni nikoli kadilo. Je pa kajenje dejavnik tveganja, ki ga je mogo\u010de prepre\u010diti, zato je ozave\u0161\u010danje o \u0161kodljivih posledicah kajenja zelo pomembno. 7. Kemoterapija je telesu \u0161kodljiva in je le v interesu farmacevtskih dru\u017eb. Zmota. Kemoterapija je ena od uveljavljenih mo\u017enosti za zdravljenje raka. Vsako zdravilo pa ima seveda tudi stranske u\u010dinke. Trditi, da je kemoterapija le v interesu farmacevtskih dru\u017eb, je pretirano. Vpra\u0161ajte \u010dloveka, ki je zaradi kemoterapije zdrav. Dejstvo. Dr\u017ei, prej ko je rak odkrit, bolj\u0161e so mo\u017enosti ozdravitve. Na tem mestu \u0161e enkrat poudarjam pomen presejalnih programov. Ljudje bi se jih morali udele\u017eevati bolj mno\u017ei\u010dno, kot se jih zdaj. Zmota. Prej kot raka, izstradamo sebe. Pri ve\u010dini bolnikov, ki so zboleli za rakom in se zaradi raka zdravijo, se razvijejo presnovne spremembe, ki vodijo v stresno stanje presnove. Za stresno presnovo so zna\u010dilni tudi procesi, pri katerih se tvori glukoza iz beljakovinskih in ma\u0161\u010dobnih zalog telesa. Nezadosten vnos hrane ali stradanje nastajanje glukoze \u0161e pospe\u0161i. Na ta na\u010din se telesno propadanje ob rakasti bolezni \u0161e pospe\u0161i. S tem rakastih celic ne ubijemo, saj imajo sposobnost, da tako ali druga\u010de dobijo zadostne vire energije in posameznih hranil. Nasprotno, imamo \u0161tevilne znanstvene dokaze, da izguba telesne te\u017ee pripomore k slab\u0161im uspehom zdravljenja rakaste bolezni. Zato je ustrezna prehranska podpora rakastega bolnika po sodobnih medicinskih priporo\u010dilih del zdravljenja rakaste bolezni. Ve\u010d o samem raku in preventivi lahko izveste tudi na brezpla\u010dnih predavanjih, ki jih hokejisti Playboy Slavije organizirajo v sklopu dogodka MoGame. 27. 11. 2013, ob 18:00, ko bo na sporedu predavanje: Rak, bolezen stoterih obrazov. Predavanje bosta vodili onkologinja mag. Mirjana Rajer in psihoonkologinja prim. Marija Vegelj Pirc, svojo osebno izku\u0161njo raka pa bo z obiskovalci delil tudi nekdanji nogometa\u0161 Jaka Jakopi\u010d.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Predogled tekme: Real Madrid-Borussia Dortmund Real Madrid, ki je doma zmagal sedem zaporednih tekem v Ligi prvakov, se bo v nocoj\u0161nji tekmi pomeril s prvakom Bundeslige. Cilj je osvojitev novih treh to\u010dk, s katerimi bi zopet pri\u0161el na prvo mesto v skupini dva kroga pred koncem tega dela tekmovanja. Real Madrid se vra\u010da v Ligo prvakov s ciljem, da se ponovno uvrsti na vrh skupine D po tekmi z Borussio Dortmund (20:45). Igralci Belih bodo posku\u0161ali izkoristiti brezpogojno podporo svojih navija\u010dev, ki jih tak\u0161ne tekme v Ligi prvakov dobesedno prevzamejo in ki bodo s svojim bu\u010dnim navijanjem ekipi belega baleta pomagali k osmi zaporedni evropski zmagi na stadionu Santiago Bernabeu. \u0160panski liga\u0161ki prvaki in najbolj\u0161i strelci v leto\u0161nji Ligi prvakov se bodo nocoj pomerili proti zmagovalcem lanske Bundeslige in eni redkih ekip, ki je letos \u0161e nepora\u017eena v tem evropskem tekmovanju. Pomembnost nasprotnika in cilj uvrstiti se ponovno na vrh skupine dva kroga pred koncem tega dela ustvarja to tekmo izjemno resno in napoveduje enega najbolj zanimivih ve\u010derov v evropskem nogometu. Ve\u010d kot mesec in pol po prvi tekmi v Ligi prvakov bo Real Madrid zaigral svojo drugo tekmo v tem tekmovanju na doma\u010dem igri\u0161\u010du. Beli bodo merili mo\u010di z Borussio Dortmund s ciljem, da zmagajo in se vrnejo na vrh lestvice skupine D dva kola pred koncem skupinskega dela. \u010ce premagajo nem\u0161ko ekipo, bodo na lestvici vodili z dvema to\u010dkama naskoka pred ekipo iz Dortmunda, a Real \u010dakata nato \u0161e dve tekmi: Manchester City v gosteh in Ajax na doma\u010dem igri\u0161\u010du. STANJE V SKUPINI D Mesto Ekipa Z N P Gd Gr To\u010dke 1 Borussia Dortmund 2 1 0 4 2 2 7 2 Real Madrid 2 0 1 8 5 3 6 3 Ajax Amsterdam 1 0 2 4 6 -2 3 4 Manchester City 0 1 2 4 7 -3 1 \u0160e neomajna povezava med ekipo in navija\u010di na Santiagu Bernabeu bo Belim pomagal pri zastavljenem cilju. Vsaj tako je bilo na zadnjih sedmih tekmah, ki jih je Real odigral v tem tekmovanju. Ajax (3-0), Lyon (4-0), Dinamo Zagreb (6-2), CSKA Moskva (4-1), APOEL (5-2), Bayern (2-1) in Manchester City (3-2) so nasprotniki, ki so zaporedoma izgubili proti ekipi iz \u0161panske prestolnice. Tudi gol razlika se sklada s tem: Real je dosegel v teh tekmah 27 zadetkov in jih le osem prejel. ZADNJIH 7 TEKEM REALA V LIGI PRVAKOV Nasprotnik Izzid Ajax 3-0 Lyon 4-0 Dinamo Zagreb 6-2 CSKA de Moskva 4-1 APOEL 5-2 Bayern M\u00fcnchen 2-1 Manchester City 3-2 \u00bbBenzema ne bo igral, ker je po\u0161kodovan, Varane pa bo za\u010del tekmo,\u00ab je na novinarski konferenci razkril Jose Mourinho. Portugalski trener je za to tekmo izbral 20 igralcev, med katerimi izstopa igralec Castille Alex. Alex bo tako pridru\u017een prvi ekipi \u017ee na tretji tekmi zapored. Francoski napadalec bo na drugi strani opazen manjko za ekipo Reala, vendar kljub temu je ta ekipa \u017ee ve\u010dkrat dokazala svojo napadalno mo\u010d. Pravzaprav je Realovo doseganje golov v tem tekmovanju nekaj kar si je vredno zapomniti. Ekipa Real Madrida je najbolj\u0161a po \u0161tevilu zadetkov v leto\u0161njem tekmovanju (8 golov), Cristiano Ronaldo, ki je zadel pet od njih, pa je trenutno najbolj\u0161i strelec v Ligi prvakov v tej sezoni. Borussia Dortmund, prvak Bundeslige v prej\u0161njih dveh sezonah, letos v doma\u010dem prvenstvu ne blesti najbolj, saj so na petem mestu s 16 to\u010dkami, 11 za vode\u010do ekipo Bayerna. Do zdaj so zbrali \u0161tiri zmage, \u0161tiri remije in dva poraza ter so v zadnjem krogu brez zadetkov remizirali proti Stuttgartu. TEKME MED REALOM IN BORUSSIO V LIGI PRVAKOV Ekipa \u0160t.T Z R P Gd 6 4 Borussia Dortmund 5 1 2 2 4 6 Nem\u0161ka ekipa, ki vodi na lestvici v skupini D s sedmimi to\u010dkami, pred Real Madridom, ki jih ima \u0161est, prihaja na Santiago Bernabeu z dvomi o nastopu Khela, ki je prejel na zadnji liga\u0161ki tekmi hud udarec v glavo in ki je na stadionu Belih treniral z masko. Gostujo\u010d trener J\u00fcrgen Klopp morda ne bo mogel ra\u010dunati tudi na poljskega vezista Blaszczykowskega.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Vljudnost japonskih otrok Odklop Pred prehodom za pe\u0161ce vam je \u017ee ne\u0161tetokrat ustavilo vozilo. Tako vam omogo\u010di, da varno pre\u010dkate cesto. Ni\u010d nenavadnega, kajne? Konec koncev tak\u0161no ravnanje voznikom narekujejo predpisi. Pa ste kdaj pomislili, da bi se po varno prehojeni poti na drugo stran cesti\u0161\u010da vozniku v zahvalo priklonili? Poglejte si, kak\u0161no prakso imajo na Japonskem.","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Gorenje se je namu\u010dilo z Ormo\u017eani, Celjani do to\u010dk v Ormo\u017eu, Cimos visoko nadigral Izolo V 18. krogu v 1. NLB Leasing ligi za mo\u0161ke je Cimos pred doma\u010dimi gledalci v primorskem derbiju visoko premagal Izolane (29:19). Celjani so na gostovanju v Ormo\u017eu pri\u0161li do novih to\u010dk (31:29), Gorenje pa se je precej namu\u010dilo z Ribni\u010dani (28:27).","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"KAPZ Mohorjan praznuje 15 let delovanja Koro\u0161ki akademski pevski zbor Mohorjan letos obele\u017euje \u017ee 15. leto delovanja. V ta namen vas v soboto, 24. maja 2014 ob 19. uri, vabijo na koncert na Le\u0161e. \" 15 let kvalitetnega dela, novih izku\u0161enj, novega znanja, novih prijateljstev in \u0161e mnogo, mnogo ve\u010d, nas je pripeljalo do tega, da vas lahko v SOBOTO, 24. maja 2014, ob 19. uri, povabimo na Le\u0161e, v cerkev sv. Volbenka, na 15. LETNI KONCERT KORO\u0160KEGA AKADEMSKEGA PEVSKEGA ZBORA MOHORJAN S PREVALJ. Ker ste nam pomagali rasti, se z nami veselili in nam s svojo podporo in zaupanjem v nas dajali samozavest in motivacijo, upamo, da se nam ta ve\u010der pridru\u017eite ter se poveselite z nami.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Novice Izbor slovenskih igralcev za FIFPro World XI Slovenski nogometa\u0161i so bili pri glasovanju za enajsterico leta precej podobnega mnenja kot njihovi kolegi po svetu, vendar z eno izjemo, saj je Torresa v ' slovenski ' ekipi zamenjal igralec Barcelone Ibrahimovi\u010d. Slovenski nogometa\u0161i so \u017ee \u0161esti\u010d izpolnjevali anonimni vpra\u0161alnik o razmerah, ki vladajo pri prvoliga\u0161kih klubih in s katero \u017eeli sindikat SPINS opozoriti na prednosti in slabosti pri vodenju posameznih klubov.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"OMEJITEV OBISKOV na eno zdravo osebo od 20.1. do 6.2.2020 Obiskovalce smo obve\u0161\u010dali, da smo zaradi pove\u010danega \u0161tevila akutnih respiratornih oku\u017eb in obolelih oseb v Domu upokojencev \u0160marje pri Jel\u0161ah, od 20.1.2020 dalje do 7.2.2020 omejili obiske pri stanovalcih na eno zdravo osebo. Obiskovalce napro\u0161amo, da se za splo\u0161ne informacije obrnejo na socialno slu\u017ebo ( tel: 03\/817 14 06) ali na slu\u017ebo zdravstvene nege in oskrbe za informacije o zdravstvenem stanju ( tel: 03\/817 14 02 ali mobilni tel: 031 376 656)","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kartografija Garmin cityXplorer 2013 za pe\u0161ce Garmin predstavlja posodobitev kartografije za pe\u0161ce, Garmin cityXplorer 2013. Posodobitve bodo veseli predvsem obiskovalci \u0161portnih dogodkov, in sicer evropskega nogometnega prvenstva v Ukrajini in na Poljskem ter olimpijskih iger v Londonu. S kartografijo cityXplorer so na voljo najnovej\u0161e informacije velikih mest Evrope, Amerike, Afrike, Avstralije in drugod, in sicer za lokalno nakupovanje, restavracije, hotele, zabavo, parkiri\u0161\u010da in \u0161e veliko ve\u010d. Poleg tega omogo\u010da, da kot pe\u0161ec izberete najhitrej\u0161o in najbolj slikovito pot do svojega cilja, odvisno od vremena ali kako dale\u010d boste hodili. Podzemna \u017eeleznica, vlak, avtobus, vodni taksiji in ve\u010d, so izbirne mo\u017enosti za poti do va\u0161ega cilja. Novosti v najnovej\u0161i verziji kartografije cityXplorer 2013.10: \u2022 Posodobljeni zemljevidi mest za priljubljene svetovne destinacije v Evropi, Severni in Ju\u017eni Ameriki, Ju\u017eni Afriki, Avstraliji in drugod \u2022 Pokritost prevoza v Londonu je raz\u0161irjena na ve\u010d kot 650 avtobusnih prog \u2022 Posodobljen zemljevid Londona vklju\u010dno s 55 dodatnimi znamenitostmi in \u0161portnimi destinacijami dogodkov, ve\u010d kot 980 dodatnih kilometrov pe\u0161poti in ve\u010d kot 20.000 dodatnih zanimivosti \u2022 Prva izdaja kartografije cityXplorer za Kijev v Ukrajini in Poznan ter Wroclaw na Poljskem, s posebnimi priljubljenimi to\u010dkami (POI) za nogomet, vklju\u010dno s prodajnimi mesti, vhodi in posebnimi parkiri\u0161\u010di \u2022 Za zdru\u017eljive naprave, posodobljena in dodatna 3D orientacijska to\u010dka za priljubljene \u0161portne destinacije Nakup kartografije cityXplorer 2013 je na voljo na prodajnih mestih Garmin. Seznam le-teh najdete na www.garmin.si. Dodajanje cityXplorer kartografije na napravo, ki ne podpira izbolj\u0161ano navigacijo za pe\u0161ce, bo omogo\u010dilo samo gledanje zemljevidov cityXplorer in zanimivosti, ne pa tudi vodenja. Na tako napravo lahko prenesete le eno regijo (mesto). Dodatne regije je mogo\u010de prenesti s posameznimi microSD\/SD pomnilni\u0161kimi karticami. Zdru\u017eljive naprave si oglejte na spletni strani Garmin: http:\/\/www.garmin.si\/view_product.php?product=010-11738-01&cat_id=0.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Description Zlata kuhna se v teh \u010dasih ukvarja prete\u017eno s pripravo in dostavo sve\u017ee pripravljenih malic, zrezkov, solatnih kro\u017enikov, burgerjev, pizz in ostale hrane po predhodnem dogovoru.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Obele\u017eje rojstnega dne \u0160umlak Antona V sredo, dne 29.1.2014, je \u0160umlak Anton s svojci, sostanovalci in zaposlenimi nazdravil ob 83. rojstnem dnevu.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"80cm palica za sto\u017eec hexagon 80cm palica za sto\u017eec hexagon Palice hexagon, dol\u017eina 80 cm, iz trdne plastike, se uporablja za postavitev ovir, zaprek, gola, slaloma... Palice hexagonr, dol\u017eine 80 cm so odli\u010den pripomo\u010dek za \u0161port in igre, za postavitev ovir, zaprek, gola, slaloma...Palice lahko kombinirate s sto\u017eci.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"zdravo punce! mene pa zanima, \u010de mi lahko katera da kak\u0161n nasvet okoli krvavitve ki se mi je pojavila! \u010dez 5 dni pri\u010dakujem menstruacijo (se pravi sobota), jaz pa sem \u017ee dans za\u010dela krvavet.. ponavadi imam \u017ee prvi dan zelo mo\u010dno menstruacijo ki jo za\u010dne spremlat tud bole\u010dina.. zdaj pa je krvavitev nekoliko bol \u0161ibka, in je bolj vodene rde\u010de barva.. brez sluzi.. pa tudi bole\u010dine v trebuhu so pribli\u017eno take kot pred menstruacijo, samo ne tako mo\u010dne. v zadnjem tednu (kak dan ve\u010d) se mi aja tudi to, da imam prsi bolj polne kot ponavadi, trebuh se mi je rahlo napihnil, rahlo me je bolel kri\u017e dvakrat sm tudi opazla da imam v ustih tak kovinski okus.. ali lahko to pripi\u0161em samo malo huj\u0161emu pms-ju ali.. je mo\u017eno, da bi bili to kak\u0161ni znaki za nose\u010dnost! upam da se znajdete iz napisanga, ger sm zelo a.. pozitivno seveda! \u010de se slu\u010dajno kaj aja bi bila zelo vesela! Sicer nisem punca pa vseeno, krvavitev bi bila lahko razlog za veselje, kar pa je takole po forumu, brez predhodnega menstrualnega koledar\u010dka zelo te\u017eko diagnosticirati. Nose\u010dni\u0161ki test bo povedal najve\u010d","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kako si sami izdelate pralni pra\u0161ek Ste tudi vi naveli\u010dani zapravljanja denarja za pralne pra\u0161ke, ki za \"povrh\" \u0161e ne operejo perila tako, kot bi si \u017eeleli? Doma\u010di pralni pra\u0161ek je zelo priporo\u010dljiv ne samo zaradi prihranka denarja, ampak tudi zaradi sestavin, saj so le-te naravne in zlahka dosegljive. Tudi priprava je enostavna. Doma\u010d pralni pra\u0161ek: sestavine in postopek izdelave Gre za teko\u010de pralno sredstvo za pranje perila in vam njegova priprava vzame samo pet minut \u010dasa ter zanj porabite le pribli\u017eno 30 centov na liter. Sestavine, ki jih potrebujete: tri litre vode, ena \u017elica sode bikarbone, Priprava pralnega pra\u0161ka: Naravno rastlinsko milo preprosto naribate na zelo male ko\u0161\u010dke. Posebej si pripravite tri litre vro\u010de vode in nato vanjo po\u010dasi za\u010dnete vme\u0161avati milo, da se raztopi. Vanj dodate veliko \u017elico sode bikarbone in preme\u0161ate. Voda oziroma sedaj \u017ee pralno sredstvo ne rabi zavreti, ampak po\u010dakate samo toliko, da se milo popolnoma raztopi. \u0160e toplo, preden se za\u010dne strjevati, vlijete v posodo, v kateri pa mora ostati \u0161e nekaj prostora. V posodi, ki jo boste uporabili, je priporo\u010dljivo, da je prostora za pribli\u017eno \u0161tiri litre teko\u010dine. Posodo dajte na hladno, da se pralni pra\u0161ek ohladi in vmes nujno preme\u0161ajte, da se teko\u010dina ne strdi popolnoma. \u010ce pa se vam to slu\u010dajno zgodi, pralno sredstvo le \u0161e enkrat preme\u0161ajte, da bo zopet teko\u010de. Ko se ohladi, dodajte \u0161e 30 kapljic poljubnega eteri\u010dnega olja, da bo vonj va\u0161ega perila tak, kot si ga \u017eelite, in dodajte \u0161e \u017elico kisa, da bo va\u0161e perilo mehko brez dodatnih meh\u010dalcev. Vse skupaj \u0161e enkrat preme\u0161ajte in va\u0161 doma\u010d pralni pra\u0161ek je pripravljen za uporabo.","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"HOFER vsem slovenskim prvo\u0161ol\u010dkom \u017ee 5. leto podarja knjigo Bralne zna\u010dke V petih letih prvo\u0161ol\u010dkom podarili \u017ee ve\u010d kot 125.000 knjig Na dan zlatih knjig (17. september) se je tudi uradno za\u010dela leto\u0161nja sezona branja za bralno zna\u010dko. Pri\u010detek so naznanili v\u010deraj\u0161nji dogodki na osnovnih \u0161olah po Sloveniji in izven njenih meja. Podjetje HOFER v sodelovanju z Dru\u0161tvom Bralna zna\u010dka Slovenije \u2013 ZPMS letos ve\u010d kot 21.000 leto\u0161njim prvo\u0161ol\u010dkom podarja slikanico \u0160krat Kuzma dobi nagrado, pisateljice Svetlane Makarovi\u010d in ilustratorja Toma\u017ea Lavri\u010da. V petih letih so tako z namenom spodbujanja bralne kulture v okviru projekta Radi beremo podarili \u017ee ve\u010d kot 125.000 knjig. HOFER Radi beremo, Lesce_avtorica Barbara Hanu\u0161 Slovenski prvo\u0161ol\u010dki v 60. sezono bralne zna\u010dke s slikanico \u0160krat Kuzma dobi nagrado Z v\u010deraj\u0161njimi dogodki v osnovnih \u0161olah, \u0161e posebej slovesno v Sevnici, Romjanu, Prevaljah, Semi\u010du, Vipavskem kri\u017eu in Lescah, so pri podjetju HOFER v sodelovanju z Dru\u0161tvom Bralna zna\u010dka Slovenije \u2013 ZPMS letos \u017ee 5. leto s knjigo obdarili slovenske prvo\u0161ol\u010dke in tudi uradno otvorili bralno sezono. Knjige so otrokom na zgoraj omenjenih lokacijah predali avtorji Aksinja Kermauner, Barbara Hanu\u0161, Anja \u0160tefan, Primo\u017e Suhodol\u010dan, Vesna Radovanovi\u010d, Nata\u0161a Konc Lorenzutti. Vsi prvo\u0161ol\u010dki v Sloveniji in slovenski otroci izven njenih meja so kot bralno spodbudo prejeli slikanico \u0160krat Kuzma dobi nagrado, pisateljice Svetlane Makarovi\u010d in ilustratorja Toma\u017ea Lavri\u010da. V \u0161olske klopi bo letos sedlo pribli\u017eno 21.000 prvo\u0161ol\u010dkov, ki jih bo za branje zagotovo \u0161e dodatno navdu\u0161il navihani \u0161krat Kuzma s svojimi \u0161kratovskimi prigodami. HOFER Radi beremo, Lesce_knjiga \u0160krat Kuzma dobi nagrado HOFER v petih letih skupaj z Bralno zna\u010dko podaril ve\u010d kot 125.000 knjig za slovenske prvo\u0161ol\u010dke Branje je znanje in tega se zaveda tudi podjetje HOFER Slovenija, ki bo tako v petih letih projekta Radi beremo v sodelovanju z Bralno zna\u010dko slovenskim prvo\u0161ol\u010dkom podarilo \u017ee ve\u010d kot 125.000 knjig. Podjetje HOFER je obenem tudi v leto\u0161njem letu podpornik drugega Nacionalnega meseca skupnega branja, ki poteka od 8. septembra, mednarodnega dneva pismenosti, do 13. oktobra 2019, zaklju\u010dka Tedna otroka\u00ae. Namen projekta je razvoj bralne kulture in bralne pismenosti vseh prebivalcev v Sloveniji, slovenskem zamejstvu in med Slovenci po svetu. 160 prvo\u0161ol\u010dkov HOFERjevih zaposlenih prejelo \u0161e vre\u010dko s \u0161olskimi potreb\u0161\u010dinami Prvi \u0161olski koraki so velika prelomnica za otroke in star\u0161e ter pri\u010detek pridobivanja \u0161tevilnih znanj. Podjetje HOFER z ve\u010d kot 1800 sodelavkami in sodelavci je za la\u017eji vstop v \u0161olo vse prvo\u0161ol\u010dke svojih zaposlenih \u0161e dodatno obdarilo. Ve\u010d kot 160 otrok HOFERjevih sodelavcev je namre\u010d prejelo darilno vre\u010dko s \u0161olskimi potreb\u0161\u010dinami, kjer pa seveda ni manjkalo niti sladko presene\u010denje. Ve\u010d informacij o HOFERjevem projektu Radi beremo najdete TUKAJ. Vre\u010dka za \u0161olo, ki jo prejmejo otroci HOFERjevih zaposlenih Podobni prispevki","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Slovenija: Prepoznavna Barcaff\u00e8 magenta barva za\u0161\u010ditena v Sloveniji Atlantic Droga Kolinska je s strani Urada za za\u0161\u010dito intelektualne lastnine prejela odlo\u010dbo o za\u0161\u010diti barve Pantone 214C (magenta), ki jo \u017ee 50 let uporablja Barcaff\u00e8, na ozemlju Republike Slovenije. Registracija barve kot blagovne znamke je dolgotrajen in zahteven postopek, saj z za\u0161\u010dito barve kot blagovne znamke pridobimo ekskluzivno pravico za uporabo le-te. Za registracijo je potrebno izpolniti veliko pogojev; eden izmed njih je tudi ta, da potro\u0161nik dolo\u010deno barvo pove\u017ee z izvorom blaga, tj. proizvodom. V raziskavi, ki je bila izvedena v sodelovanju s Centrom poslovne odli\u010dnosti Ekonomske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, je Atlantic Droga Kolinska pridobila podatke, iz katerih prepri\u010dljivo izhaja, da potro\u0161niki barvo Pantone 214 C povezujejo z izvorom blaga, torej znamko Barcaff\u00e8. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da najve\u010dji dele\u017e potro\u0161nikov ob prikazu magenta barve Pantone 214 C pravilno prikli\u010de Barcaff\u00e8, in sicer v kar 92,3 %, kar ka\u017ee na res visoko stopnjo prepoznavnosti v javnosti in je izjemno visoko prepoznavanje tudi \u010de primerjamo z znamkami na gobalnem nivoju. Izpolnjeni pa so tudi vsi ostali pogoji za registracijo barve Pantone 214 C kot blagovne znamke. Podatki ka\u017eejo, da je bilo v EU lani od skoraj 154 tiso\u010d registriranih znamk kot barva za\u0161\u010ditenih le 20. To predstavlja majhen, 0,01 odstotek vseh registracij. Najbolj znane barve, za\u0161\u010ditene kot blagovne znamke, so Milka, Manner, Burberry, Louboutin, Whiskas.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Zasnova in izvedba reklame, grafi\u010dno oblikovanje, multimedija, ogla\u0161evalske storitve in izdelki. GRAFI\u010cNO OBLIKOVANJE Razpoznavni znak, logotip, celostna grafi\u010dna podoba, vizitka, kuverta, \u0161tampiljka-\u017eig, oglas, telop, poslovna mapa, zlo\u017eenka, knjiga, revija, prospekt, letak, plakat, razglednica, vabilo, vstopnica, vo\u0161\u010dilo, priznanje, diploma, cd-dvd, embala\u017ea, vre\u010dka, majica, namizna zastavica, zastava zunanja, flying banner, rollup pano, reklamna tabla, transparent, avtografika, informacijski sistem, ... Sodelujemo z ilustratorji, slikarji, arhitekti, lektorji, slavisti, prevajalci in z vsemi potrebnimi pri nastajanju projektov. OGLA\u0160EVANJE Zasnova in izvedba ogla\u0161evalskih akcij. PROMOCIJE, PR IN DRUGI DOGODKI Zasnova, organizacija in izvedba, razli\u010dnih dogodkov in prireditev. STUDIJSKA FOTOGRAFIJA Idejna zasnova, produkcija in postprodukcija za fotografijo (kompozicija, retu\u0161iranje, barvna korekcija, fotomonta\u017ea, rasterizacija,...). Zraven studijske fotografije nudimo tudi fotografiranje na terenu, objekti, poslovni prostori, stati\u010dni izdelki, zaposleni, prireditve, dogodki,... VIDEO PRODUKCIJA Idejna zasnova, produkcija in postprodukcija za video (video oglasi, promocijski video, reklamni video, video spot, predstavitveni video, glasbeni video, video logotip, dokumentarni film,...). Naredimo video kompozicijo, video zmontiramo, dodamo animacije in posebne u\u010dinke, opremimo z podnapisi, dodamo uvodne \u0161pice, zvo\u010dno opremimo, barvno korigiramo in pretvorimo v ustrezene formate tudi va\u0161e video posnetke. MULTIMEDIJA Idejna zasnova in izvedba multimedijskih projektov. Multimedijske predstavitve, avdiovizualne podlage za razli\u010dne namene, prireditve, uvodne \u0161pice, grafi\u010dna podoba za TV, film,... INTERNETNE STRANI CMS dinami\u010dne spletne strani, katere upravljate sami, prilagodljiv prikaz na osebnih ra\u010dunalnikih, tabli\u010dnih ra\u010dunalnikih in pametnih telefonih. TISK IN DOVR\u0160ITEV Nudimo digitalni tisk za poslovne publikacije in namizno zalo\u017eni\u0161tvo ter dovr\u0161itev. Veliko formatni tisk za zunanjo in notranjo uporabo z dovr\u0161itvijo. Ka\u0161iranje na plo\u0161\u010de in laminiranje (plastificiranje) fotografij, plakatov, risb, ilustracij, na\u010drtov in drugih tiskovin. Sitotisk in transferje na tekstil, ter druge materiale. GRAFIKA NA PREVOZNA SREDSTVA Idejna zasnova in izvedba grafike in fotografije na vozila, delovne stroje, plovila, letala in helikopterje. INFORMACIJSKI IN USMERJEVALNI SISTEMI Smo predstavnik za Vista System najob\u0161irnej\u0161i modularni sistem obvestilnega ozna\u010devanja na svetu, ki zajema namizne, stenske, stropne, samostoje\u010de, obojestranske, tristranske, svetlobne in talne elemente kot so: okvirji, table, direktoriji, piloni, monoliti, panoji, stojala in ostalo... Prednosti: kvaliteta, modularnost, nadgradljivost, celovitost, enotnost, vzdr\u017eevanje, ... Uporabnost: podjetja, \u0161ole, ob\u010dine, bolnice, banke, muzeji,... http:\/\/*information hidden*\/AP\/HTML\/ARTAoglasevalskaagencija-507.html PROMOCIJSKI IZDELKI Idejna zasnova in izvedba promocijskih izdelkov, kot so: transparenti, okvirji, panoji, pulti, stojala, zlo\u017eljive stene, sejemske postavitve,... REKLAMNE TABLE Zasnova in izvedba reklamnih tabel: stenske, stropne, samostoje\u010de, obojestranske, tristranske, svetlobne in talne, ter drugih reklamnih elementov kot so: okvirji, direktoriji, piloni, monoliti, panoji, stojala in ostalo,... 3D LOGOTIPI IN REKLAMNI NAPISI IZ STIROPORA Nudimo CNC razrez stiropora, stirodura in drugih ekspandiranih ali ekstrudiranih polistirenov (EPS, XPS), ter dodatno povr\u0161insko obdelavo po \u017eelji. Alternativa 3D reklamnim napisom iz dra\u017ejih materialov http:\/\/art-a.eu\/3d-polistiren. Prednosti so: nizka cena, nizki proizvodni stro\u0161ki, nizki vzdr\u017eevalni stro\u0161ki, enostavna in poceni monta\u017ea, s primerno povr\u0161insko za\u0161\u010dito zelo velika \u010dasovna in povr\u0161inska obstojnost, visok okoljevarstveni in protipo\u017earni standard, za notranje in zunanje instalacije, za reklamne napise, logotipe, za sejme, za scenografijo, gledali\u0161\u010da, tv studije, filmsko produkcijo, zabavne parke,...","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Z mehansko obdelavo povr\u0161ine, na primer s poliranjem in bru\u0161enjem, dobijo aluminijasti profili poseben izgled. Manj\u0161e napake na povr\u0161ini se namre\u010d odstranijo, ustvari se enoten izgled in povr\u0161ina je pripravljena za nadaljnjo obdelavo (dekorativna povr\u0161ina). Poliranje Izvaja se lahko avtomatsko ali ro\u010dno. Z neznatno izgubo materiala dose\u017eemo gladko, sijo\u010do povr\u0161ino brez prask in z visokim sijajem. Bru\u0161enje \/ \u0161\u010detkanje S postopkom bru\u0161enja ali \/ in \u0161\u010detkanja lahko odstranimo tudi ve\u010dje napake na povr\u0161ini in poenotimo izgled le-te. Kemijske predobdelave Razma\u0161\u010devanje Poteka v treh stopnjah: predrazma\u0161\u010devanje, razma\u0161\u010devanje in izpiranje. Postopek s povr\u0161in aluminija odstrani razne ne\u010disto\u010de, kot na primer olja in umazanijo. Jedkanje \u2013 satinacija in lu\u017eenje Lu\u017eenje je kemi\u010dni proces, ki poteka v alkalnih raztopinah. Pri jedkanju \u2013 satiniranju dobi povr\u0161ina matiran izgled, ki variira glede na vrsto zlitine aluminija, stanja povr\u0161ine, temperature in obdelovalnega \u010dasa. Navedena postopka se uporabljata tudi kot predhodna obdelava anodiziranja. Elektrokemijsko poliranje Aluminij s tem dobi ble\u0161\u010de\u010do povr\u0161ino, ki pa je zelo ob\u010dutljiva in mora tako \u010dim prej na nadaljnjo obdelavo - anodiziranje.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Michael Buble ne more pozabiti biv\u0161e Kanadski pevec je priznal, da njegova nekdanja punca Emily Blunt \u0161e vedno zavzema posebno mesto v njegovem srcu. Michael pravi, da naj bi imela Emily vedno posebno mesto v njegovem srcu. \u00bbVedno jo bom imel rad in \u0161e vedno sva prijatelja,\u00ab je izjavil Michael, ki je bil z igralko iz filma Hudi\u010devka v Pradi v zvezi od leta 2005, ko sta se spoznala po nekem koncertu. Ljubezen je trajala do za\u010detka leto\u0161njega leta, ko sta se raz\u0161la zaradi govoric o nezvestobi. Zvezdnik je \u0161e priznal, da se je po prekinitvi razmerja zaprl vase in veliko prejokal. Zna\u010dke v \u010dlanku","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Komentiraj RE-Mirandi: ne, odv.Doki\u010du \u0161e niso odvzeli licence... iz postopka zoper Doki\u010da so mi iz OZS pisno \" pojasnili \", da je vse \u017ee zastaralo! ... (; pa \u010detudi je odgovor na njegov \u0161alabajzerski pravni izdelek za ES\u010cP na moje ime k njemu v Piran iz Strasbourga bil poslan \u0160ELE lani poleti, jaz pa sem prijavo zoper njega na OZS, potem, ko mi je bil po telefonu tri mesece non stop nedosegljiv, poslal \u017dE lani decembra! ... )","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"V soboto, 21. decembra 2013, vas med 10. in 12. uro vabimo na prazni\u010dno decembrsko Triglavsko tr\u017enico in dru\u017einski program Brihta. Ve\u010d o Triglavski tr\u017enici: Triglavska tr\u017enica obiskovalce vabi na obisk vsako tretjo soboto v mesecu pred Info sredi\u0161\u010de TNP Triglavska ro\u017ea na Bledu, zaradi prenavljanja sredi\u0161\u010da pa je prizori\u0161\u010de dogajanja na parkiri\u0161\u010du nasproti trgovine Mercator. Tr\u017enica obiskovalcu ponuja pestro izbiro doma\u010dih naravi prijazno pridelanih in izdelanih dobrot: od sezonske zelenjave in sadja, \u010debelarskih izdelkov, mesnin, mle\u010dnih izdelkov, zeli\u0161\u010d, pekovskih izdelkov ter sla\u0161\u010dic in \u0161e kaj. Vsako leto decembra pa stalno ponudbo tr\u017enice obogatimo \u0161e z dodatnimi stojnicami, ki ponujajo izdelke, primerne tudi za bo\u017ei\u010dno-novoletna darila. Za uporabo parkiri\u0161\u010da se zahvaljujemo gosti\u0161\u010du Pr ' Klaudiji. Hkrati s tr\u017enico poteka tudi spremljevalni dru\u017einski program Brihta, na katerem mali nadebudne\u017ei v spremstvu svojih star\u0161ev, babic, dedkov, stricev \u2026 odkrivajo skrivnosti narave in dragocene kulturne dedi\u0161\u010dine prostora Triglavskega narodnega parka.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Dav\u010dna olaj\u0161ava za zaposlovanje brezposelnih \u010ce zaposlite brezposelne, mlaj\u0161e od 26 let ali starej\u0161e od 55 let, ki so bili pri nas najmanj pol leta prijavljeni med brezposelnimi, zanje lahko uveljavljate olaj\u0161avo v obliki zni\u017eanja va\u0161e dav\u010dne osnove. Ugodnosti za zaposlitev brezposelnih Kdo lahko uveljavlja olaj\u0161avo? Dav\u010dno olaj\u0161avo za zaposlovanje lahko uveljavljate: zavezanci po Zakonu o davku od dohodkov pravnih oseb ali zavezanci po Zakonu o dohodnini, ki na novo in za nedolo\u010den \u010das zaposlite brezposelne osebe iz opredeljenih skupin, na podlagi pogodbe o zaposlitvi po Zakonu o delovnih razmerjih. Kolik\u0161na je olaj\u0161ava? Zakon o davku od dohodkov pravnih oseb: Olaj\u0161avo uveljavljate kot zni\u017eanje dav\u010dne osnove v vi\u0161ini 45 % pla\u010de zaposlene osebe, vendar najve\u010d v vi\u0161ini dav\u010dne osnove. Olaj\u0161avo lahko uveljavljate za prvih 24 mesecev zaposlitve osebe v dav\u010dnem letu zaposlitve in naslednjih dav\u010dnih letih do poteka 24 mesecev. Zakon o dohodnini: Olaj\u0161avo uveljavljate kot zni\u017eanje dav\u010dne osnove v vi\u0161ini 45 % izpla\u010dane pla\u010de zaposlene osebe (I. bruto). Olaj\u0161avo lahko uveljavljate za prvih 24 mesecev zaposlitve osebe v dav\u010dnem letu zaposlitve in v naslednjih dav\u010dnih letih glede na izpla\u010dane pla\u010de tej osebi v posameznem dav\u010dnem letu. Za koga lahko uveljavljate olaj\u0161avo? Dav\u010dno olaj\u0161avo lahko uveljavljate, \u010de na novo in za nedolo\u010den \u010das zaposlite brezposelno osebo iz ene od naslednjih skupin: mlaj\u0161i od 26 let, ki so najmanj 6 mesecev prijavljeni med brezposelnimi na na\u0161em Zavodu, starej\u0161i od 55 let, ki so najmanj 6 mesecev prijavljeni med brezposelnimi na na\u0161em Zavodu. Pri tem je pomembno, da brezposelna oseba, ki jo zaposlite, v zadnjih 24 mesecih ni bila \u017ee zaposlena pri vas ali pri va\u0161i povezani osebi. Kak\u0161ni so \u0161e pogoji za olaj\u0161avo? Dav\u010dno olaj\u0161avo lahko uveljavljate le, \u010de pove\u010date skupno \u0161tevilo zaposlenih v dav\u010dnem letu oziroma dav\u010dnem obdobju, v katerem na novo zaposlite brezposelno osebo, za katero uveljavljate olaj\u0161avo. Pove\u010danje \u0161tevila zaposlenih pomeni, da je \u0161tevilo va\u0161ih zaposlenih na zadnji dan dav\u010dnega leta oziroma obdobja vi\u0161je, kot je povpre\u010dje 12 mesecev v tem dav\u010dnem letu oziroma obdobju. Pri ugotavljanju pove\u010danja \u0161tevila zaposlenih se zaposleni za kraj\u0161i delovni \u010das upo\u0161tevajo sorazmerno, pri \u010demer se zaposleni za dolo\u010den \u010das ne upo\u0161tevajo. NE PREZRITE: Dav\u010dna olaj\u0161ava za zaposlitev brezposelnih se izklju\u010duje z: dav\u010dno olaj\u0161avo za zaposlovanje invalidov (po Zakonu o dohodnini in Zakonu o davku od dohodkov pravnih oseb), dav\u010dno olaj\u0161avo za zaposlovanje brezposelnih (po Zakonu o razvojni podpori Pomurski regiji v obdobju 2010-2015). Od kdaj velja olaj\u0161ava? Zavezanci po Zakonu o dohodnini lahko uveljavljate olaj\u0161avo v dav\u010dnem obra\u010dunu akontacije dohodnine od dohodka iz dejavnosti od leta 2010 dalje. Zavezanci po Zakonu o davku od dohodkov pravnih oseb tudi lahko uveljavljate olaj\u0161avo v dav\u010dnem obra\u010dunu davka od dohodkov pravnih osebod od leta 2010 dalje. Ve\u010d informacij: Ve\u010d informacij o olaj\u0161avah za zaposlovanje dobite pri Finan\u010dni upravi RS, ki je pristojna za to podro\u010dje, in sicer na vam najbli\u017ejem finan\u010dnem uradu. Poglejte si Zakon o dohodnini s spremembami, ki omogo\u010dajo tudi dav\u010dno olaj\u0161avo za zaposlovanje brezposelnih. Poglejte si Zakon o davku od dohodkov pravnih oseb s spremembami, ki omogo\u010dajo tudi dav\u010dno olaj\u0161avo za zaposlovanje brezposelnih. Ve\u010d informacij o olaj\u0161avah za zaposlovanje Ve\u010d informacij o olaj\u0161avah za zaposlovanje brezposelnih in zaposlovanje invalidov dobite pri Finan\u010dni upravi RS, ki je pristojna za to podro\u010dje, in sicer na vam najbli\u017ejem finan\u010dnem uradu.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"SRIP ACS+ VABI: Sre\u010danje partnerjev EDISON 07 mar. Prvo sre\u010danje partnerjev pobude EDISON smo izvedli na ljubljanskem Neboti\u010dniku in je bil namenjen predstavitvi aktivnosti in predvsem dru\u017eenju vas, partnerjev. Od sre\u010danja, ki smo ga izvedli v maju 2018 je partnerstvo EDISON in SRIP ACS+ medse sprejelo kar nekaj novih \u010dlanov, realiziranih pa je bilo ve\u010d odmevnih projektov na podro\u010dju zelene mobilnosti. Naj omenimo le nekatere, pri katerih je imelo partnerstvo EDISON aktivno vlogo in vas bomo z njimi podrobneje seznanili: Mobilnost v slovenskih ob\u010dinah (izvedba na MOS-u), Razstava mobilnosti (izvedba na GZS), Rotalab - prvo podjetje za in\u017eeniring zelene mobilnosti, EDISON WINCI \u2013 uspe\u0161no oddana prijava na javni razpis \"DEMO PILOTI II 2018\" in drugi. Drugo sre\u010danje bo namenjeno predvsem na\u010drtom, zato bi z vami \u017eeleli govoriti o prihodnjih aktivnostih partnerstva in vam predstaviti strategijo za delo v letu 2019 ter skupaj z vami oblikovati vlogo partnerstva EDISON po va\u0161i meri. PROGRAM Za zajtrk bo poskrbljeno... Uvod in predstavitev novih partnerjev EDISON v letu 2018 (nosilci aktivnosti predstavijo svoje dose\u017eke) Nove prilo\u017enosti in na\u010drti za leto 2019 (pobude, razprava, oblikovanje predlogov in priprava na prenovo akcisjkega na\u010drta) Zaklju\u010dki in seveda dru\u017eenje Vljudno vabljeni! Zaradi la\u017eje organizacije dogodka prosimo za potrditev va\u0161e prisotnosti na elektronski naslov dunja.podlesnik@acs-giz.si.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Podatki uporabnika Iskanje prostih terminov Projekti Novigrad - Hrva\u0161ka Apartma v Novigradu se nahaja v pritli\u010dju stanovanjske stavbe z oznako stanovanja \u0161tevilka 4. Poleg predsobe in sanitarij s tu\u0161em so v apartmaju \u0161e dnevni bivalni prostor s kav\u010dem ter kuhinjo in jedilnico, spalnica z zakonsko posteljo ter otro\u0161ka soba z dvema le\u017ei\u0161\u010dema (ena enoposteljna soba in pograd). Apartma ima tudi teraso, kjer je mizica s sede\u017eno garnituro ter izhod na atrij s travo. V apartmaju lahko biva najve\u010d 4+1 oseba. Parkirni prostor je pred zgradbo, dostop na parkirni prostor pa je mo\u017een z daljincem. Klju\u010di apartmaja se hranijo v turisti\u010dni agenciji Festino (na glavni avtobusni postaji Novigrad). Apartma se nahaja na Slavonski 7, Novigrad.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Vzrok pa je v tem, da mora mulc nabirati kondicijo za Monte Roso (4.634m). To me spominja na \u0161torijo, ko so Bobri osvojili prvenstvo v raftu na reki Zambezi. Na vpra\u0161anje, kje so trenirali, pa so odgovorili, da na Ljubljanici. Najvi\u0161je sem bil na Monte Pelmu (3168 m). Sem si pa pri tem zjebal koleno in nisem mogel drugi dan na Marmolado (3343 m), ki je vi\u0161ja a precej la\u017eja (ferata).","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kandidati za kadetsko reprezentanco na pregledno tekmo Kandidati za kadetsko reprezentanco bodo v ponedeljek, 23. maja, odigrali prijateljsko tekmo proti \u010dlanski ekipi Krim - MARK Olimpija. Trener Janez Klemen\u010di\u010d je na tekmo, ki se bo v dvorani na Galjevici za\u010dela ob 18.30, povabil 20 mladih rokometa\u0161ev. Seznam najdete v spodnjem dokumentu.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Tudi danes \u2013 kljub mo\u010dnim vplivom \u0161ole in okolja - dr\u017ei, kar je pred ve\u010d kot \u0161estdesetimi leti zapisal Jernej Pavlin na za\u010detku svoje pripovedi o dana\u0161nji godovnjakinji: \u00bbKak\u0161ni bodo kdaj otroci, je najve\u010d odvisno od vzgoje v doma\u010di hi\u0161i. \u00ab Pristavlja \u0161e: \u00bbSveti star\u0161i imajo v\u010dasih tudi svete otroke. \u00ab V mislih ima Brigito \u0160vedsko, misti\u010dno \u017eeno in veliko svetnico, katere h\u010di je bila sveta Katarina \u0160vedska ali Karin, ki se je Cerkev danes spominja. Karin je bila \u010detrta izmed Brigitinih osmih otrok. Rodila se je leta 1331 ali 1332. Zgodaj so jo dali v samostan, da bi jo vzgojili. Na o\u010detovo \u017eeljo se je poro\u010dila s pobo\u017enim plemi\u010dem, ko je imela \u0161ele \u0161tirinajst let. Mlada zakonca sta sklenila posnemati devi\u0161ki zakon prebla\u017eene Device in svetega Jo\u017eefa. Katarina se je za\u010dela obla\u010diti preprosto in brez pretiranega nakita. Njen zgled so posnemale mnoge mlade gospe, njene prijateljice. Njena mati Brigita je po mo\u017eevi smrti od\u0161la v Rim in je tam pobo\u017eno \u017eivela. Tudi Katarini se je vzbudila \u017eelja po Rimu. Mo\u017e ji je sprva branil, kon\u010dno pa ji je le dovolil. Zaradi bolezni je sam ni mogel spremljati. V Rim je pri\u0161la leta 1349, ko ji je bilo osemnajst let. Bila je sre\u010dna, ko je spet objela mater. Kmalu pa je za\u010dutila veliko domoto\u017eje in nameravala se je vrniti domov. Na materino pro\u0161njo je sicer izjavila, da je zaradi Kristusa pripravljena vse zapustiti in ostati v Rimu, vendar je kmalu Rim naravnost zasovra\u017eila in mater prosila dovoljenja, da se vendarle vrne na \u0160vedsko. Brigita je imela h\u010derino \u017eeljo za nevarno sku\u0161njavo, zato je za\u010dela moliti. Prikazal se ji je Kristus in ji dejal: \u00bbPovej h\u010deri, da je \u017ee vdova. Pregovori jo, naj ostane. Jaz bom poskrbel zanjo. \u00ab Katarina je po dolgem \u010dasu dobila notranji mir. Materin duhovni voditelj je vodil tudi njo in pod njegovim vodstvom je napredovala v krepostih, ker mu je bila v vsem pokorna. Z materjo je ve\u010dkrat romala, leta 1372 tudi v Sveto de\u017eelo. Obe sta imeli neke vrste samostansko \u017eivljenje, v katerem so se vrstili molitev, delo, po\u010ditek in dobrodelnost. Njena mati Brigita je v nekem videnju \u017ee leta 1346 dobila naro\u010dilo, naj ustanovi nov red s prvim samostanom v Vadsteni na \u0160vedskem. Sestavila je tudi pravila reda, ki se imenuje Brigitin red ali red Odre\u0161enika, njeno zamisel pa je mogla uresni\u010diti \u0161ele h\u010di Katarina. Kmalu po vrnitvi iz Svete de\u017eele je mati umrla v Rimu 23. julija 1373. Po njeni volji je Katarina njeno telo prepeljala na \u0160vedsko, kjer so ga slovesno pokopali v samostanski cerkvi v Vadsteni. Redovnice tega samostana so \u017eivele po pravilih njene matere in so Katarino izvolile za predstojnico. Toda \u017ee po enem letu je odpotovala v Rim, da bi pri vodstvu katoli\u0161ke Cerkve poskrbela, da bi Brigito razglasili za svetnico. Pet let je zbirala potrebno gradivo, potem se je vrnila v Vadsteno, kjer jo je \u0161kof potrdil za predstojnico, ona pa se je za\u010dela pripravljati na smrt: umrla je 24. marca 1381. Njeno svetni\u0161ko \u010de\u0161\u010denje je potrdil pape\u017e Inocenc VIII. leta 1484, njena mati Brigita pa je bila razgla\u0161ena za svetnico leta 1391.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"U R E D B O o ravnanju z odpadki, ki nastajajo pri opravljanju zdravstvene in veterinarske dejavnosti ter z njima povezanih raziskavah I. SPLO\u0160NE DOLO\u010cBE 1. \u010dlen (vsebina) (1) Ta uredba dolo\u010da obvezno ravnanje z odpadki, ki nastajajo pri opravljanju zdravstvene in veterinarske dejavnosti ter z njima povezanih raziskavah (v nadaljnjem besedilu: odpadki iz zdravstva). (2) Za ravnanje z odpadki iz zdravstva, ki ni posebej urejeno s to uredbo, se uporabljajo predpis, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki, predpis, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadnimi zdravili, in predpis, ki ureja ravnanje z amalgamskimi odpadki, ki nastajajo pri opravljanju zdravstvene dejavnosti in z njo povezanih raziskavah. 2. \u010dlen (uporaba) (1) Ta uredba se uporablja za odpadke s \u0161tevilko 18 iz klasifikacijskega seznama odpadkov, ki so uvr\u0161\u010deni v skupino odpadkov, ki nastajajo v zdravstvu ali veterinarstvu oziroma z njima povezanih raziskavah, v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki. (2) Za zdravstvo iz prej\u0161njega odstavka se \u0161tejejo dejavnosti, ki se v skladu z Uredbo 1893 \/ 2006 \/ ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 20. decembra 2006 o uvedbi statisti\u010dne klasifikacije gospodarskih dejavnosti NACE Revizija 2 in o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) \u0161t. 3037\/90 kakor tudi nekaterih uredb ES o posebnih statisti\u010dnih podro\u010djih (UL L \u0161t. 393 z dne 30. 12. 2006, str. 1 v nadaljnjem besedilu: Uredba 1893 \/ 2006 \/ ES) na podro\u010dju zdravstva in socialnega varstva z oznako Q uvr\u0161\u010dajo v oddelek z zaporedno \u0161tevilko 86, za veterinarstvo iz prej\u0161njega odstavka pa dejavnosti, ki se na podro\u010dju strokovnih, znanstvenih in tehni\u010dnih dejavnosti z oznako M uvr\u0161\u010dajo v oddelek z zaporedno \u0161tevilko 75. (3) Odpadki, ki nastajajo na podro\u010dju socialnega varstva, katerega dejavnosti se v skladu z Uredbo 1893 \/ 2006 \/ ES na podro\u010dju zdravstva in socialnega varstva z oznako Q uvr\u0161\u010dajo v oddelek z zaporedno \u0161tevilko 87 ali 88, so komunalni odpadki iz skupine odpadkov s \u0161tevilko 20 iz klasifikacijskega seznama odpadkov v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki. (4) Ne glede na prvi odstavek tega \u010dlena se ta uredba ne uporablja za: \u2013 dele teles in organov, vklju\u010dno z vre\u010dkami krvi in konzervirano krvjo, uvr\u0161\u010denimi med odpadke s \u0161tevilko 18 01 02, \u2013 odpadna citotoksi\u010dna in citostati\u010dna zdravila iz zdravstva s \u0161tevilko 18 01 08*, \u2013 odpadna zdravila iz zdravstva s \u0161tevilko 18 01 09, ki niso zajeta v 18 01 08*, \u2013 odpadna citotoksi\u010dna in citostati\u010dna zdravila iz veterinarstva s \u0161tevilko 18 02 07*, \u2013 odpadna zdravila iz veterinarstva s \u0161tevilko 18 02 08, ki niso zajeta v 18 02 07* in \u2013 amalgamske odpadke iz zobozdravstvene dejavnosti s \u0161tevilko 18 01 10. 3. \u010dlen (izrazi) Izrazi, uporabljeni v tej uredbi, imajo naslednji pomen: 1. odpadna embala\u017ea je odpadna embala\u017ea, ki v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z embala\u017eo in odpadno embala\u017eo, ni komunalni odpadek in nastane pri opravljanju zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti ter z njima povezanih raziskavah 2. odstranjevalec odpadkov iz zdravstva (v nadaljnjem besedilu: odstranjevalec) je oseba, ki v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki, odstranjuje eno ali ve\u010d vrst odpadkov iz zdravstva 3. predelovalec odpadkov iz zdravstva (v nadaljnjem besedilu: predelovalec) je oseba, ki v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki, predeluje eno ali ve\u010d vrst odpadkov iz zdravstva 4. povzro\u010ditelj odpadkov iz zdravstva (v nadaljnjem besedilu: povzro\u010ditelj) je oseba, katere delovanje ali dejavnost povzro\u010da nastajanje odpadkov iz zdravstva, ali oseba, ki na obmo\u010dju opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti razvr\u0161\u010da in predhodno skladi\u0161\u010di te odpadke pred njihovo oddajo zbiralcu odpadkov iz zdravstva 5. zbiralec odpadkov iz zdravstva (v nadaljnjem besedilu: zbiralec) je oseba, ki v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki, zbira eno ali ve\u010d vrst odpadkov iz zdravstva 6. zbiralnica odpadkov iz zdravstva (v nadaljnjem besedilu: zbiralnica) je pokrit, varovan in nepoobla\u0161\u010denim osebam nedostopen prostor na obmo\u010dju opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti ali z njima povezanih raziskavah, na katerem povzro\u010ditelj za\u010dasno skladi\u0161\u010di odpadke iz zdravstva lo\u010deno po vrstah iz priloge 1, ki je sestavni del te uredbe, tako, da jih zbiralec nemoteno prevzema. \u010ce pri opravljanju zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti nastajajo manj\u0161e koli\u010dine odpadkov iz zdravstva, je zbiralnica lahko tudi del ograjenega prostora, nedostopnega nepoobla\u0161\u010denim osebam, ali omara oziroma skrinja, primerna za za\u010dasno skladi\u0161\u010denje teh odpadkov 7. obmo\u010dje opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti je obmo\u010dje stavb in pomo\u017enih objektov, ki so namenjeni opravljanju zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti in jih upravljajo zdravstvene ali veterinarske organizacije 8. zbirni center za odpadke iz zdravstva (v nadaljnjem besedilu: zbirni center) je pokrit prostor, ki je urejen in opremljen za lo\u010deno zbiranje in predhodno skladi\u0161\u010denje odpadkov iz zdravstva pred njihovo oddajo v obdelavo po postopkih predelave ali odstranjevanja 9. po\u0161iljka odpadkov iz zdravstva je celotna koli\u010dina odpadkov iz zdravstva, ki jih pri istem povzro\u010ditelju prevzame zbiralec v najve\u010d 30 dneh. Po\u0161iljka odpadkov iz zdravstva je tudi celotna koli\u010dina odpadkov iz zdravstva, ki jih zbiralec odda istemu predelovalcu ali odstranjevalcu v najve\u010d 30 dneh. II. OBVEZNOSTI POVZRO\u010cITELJA 4. \u010dlen (obvezno ravnanje z odpadki iz zdravstva) (1) Povzro\u010ditelj mora zagotoviti, da se: \u2013 odpadki iz zdravstva ne prepu\u0161\u010dajo kot me\u0161ani komunalni odpadki, \u2013 odpadki iz zdravstva na kraju njihovega nastanka odlagajo v posode ali vre\u010de, ki so namenjene skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva in so za posamezno vrsto odpadkov iz zdravstva iz klasifikacijskega seznama odpadkov podrobneje opisane v prilogi 1 te uredbe, \u2013 odpadna embala\u017ea zbira lo\u010deno od odpadkov iz zdravstva, \u2013 odpadki iz zdravstva shranjujejo in za\u010dasno skladi\u0161\u010dijo v posodah ali vre\u010dah, na katerih je vidna oznaka vrste odpadka, \u2013 odpadki iz zdravstva ne me\u0161ajo z drugimi odpadki oziroma ne me\u0161ajo med seboj, \u010de gre za razli\u010dne vrste odpadkov iz zdravstva, \u2013 odpadki iz zdravstva oddajajo zbiralcu v posodah ali vre\u010dah, na katerih so napisani podatki o kraju in \u010dasu nastanka, vrsti odpadka iz zdravstva po \u0161tevilkah iz klasifikacijskega seznama odpadkov ter koli\u010dini odpadkov iz zdravstva. (2) Povzro\u010ditelj mora na obmo\u010dju opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti zagotoviti zbiranje tistih odpadkov iz zdravstva, ki nastajajo zunaj obmo\u010dja opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti, na primer pri bolnikih na domovih ali na kmetijskih gospodarstvih, in z njimi ravnati tako, kot da bi nastali na obmo\u010dju opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti. 5. \u010dlen (prevoz odpadkov iz zdravstva) (1) Povzro\u010ditelj mora zagotoviti, da se odpadki iz zdravstva v prostorih stavbe ali med stavbami na obmo\u010dju, na katerem se opravlja zdravstvena ali veterinarska dejavnost, prena\u0161ajo in preva\u017eajo v posodah in vre\u010dah, ki so namenjene skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva in na katerih je vidna oznaka vrste odpadka iz zdravstva v skladu s klasifikacijskim seznamom odpadkov. (2) Za preva\u017eanje in prena\u0161anje odpadkov iz zdravstva na obmo\u010dju, na katerem se opravlja zdravstvena ali veterinarska dejavnost, se morajo uporabljati prevozna sredstva, namenjena izklju\u010dno prevozu odpadkov iz zdravstva. (3) Prevozna sredstva iz prej\u0161njega odstavka morajo imeti gladke, neprepustne in nepremo\u010dljive povr\u0161ine, ki se lahko mokro \u010distijo, razku\u017eujejo in osu\u0161ijo ter so nedostopna mr\u010desu in glodavcem. (4) Prevozna sredstva iz prej\u0161njega odstavka morajo biti izdelana tako, da omogo\u010dajo lahko in varno nakladanje in razkladanje odpadkov iz zdravstva ter onemogo\u010dajo njihovo raztresenje ali razlitje med prevozom. (5) Povzro\u010ditelj mora imenovati odgovorno osebo za za\u010dasno skladi\u0161\u010denje, oddajanje zbiralcu in preva\u017eanje odpadkov iz zdravstva na obmo\u010dju, na katerem opravlja zdravstveno ali veterinarsko dejavnost. 6. \u010dlen (posode in vre\u010de za skladi\u0161\u010denje odpadkov iz zdravstva) (1) Povzro\u010ditelj mora zagotoviti, da so posode in vre\u010de, namenjene za\u010dasnemu skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva, narejene iz materiala, ki pri obi\u010dajnem ravnanju glede na fizikalne, kemijske, biolo\u0161ke in druge lastnosti odpadkov iz zdravstva zanesljivo prepre\u010dujejo ogro\u017eanje okolja in zdravja ljudi. (2) \u010ce za material, iz katerega so izdelane posode oziroma vre\u010de, obstajajo standardi, mora povzro\u010ditelj zagotoviti, da so posode oziroma vre\u010de, namenjene za\u010dasnemu skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva, v skladu s temi standardi. (3) \u010ce se odpadki iz zdravstva prevzemajo skupaj s posodami ali vre\u010dami, v katerih se ti odpadki shranjujejo ali za\u010dasno skladi\u0161\u010dijo, se za standarde iz prej\u0161njega odstavka \u0161tejejo standardi v skladu s predpisi o prevozu nevarnih snovi. 7. \u010dlen (zbiralnica) (1) Povzro\u010ditelj mora zagotoviti, da se odpadki iz zdravstva shranjujejo ali za\u010dasno skladi\u0161\u010dijo v zbiralnici tako, da ne onesna\u017eujejo okolja ali ogro\u017eajo zdravja ljudi ter da je zbiralcu omogo\u010den dostop z vozilom zaradi njihovega prevzema. (2) Prostor, ki je dolo\u010den za zbiralnico, mora biti namenjen izklju\u010dno za\u010dasnemu skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva in mora biti pokrit in lo\u010den od drugih prostorov in zunanjega okolja na na\u010din, ki prepre\u010duje dostop nepoobla\u0161\u010denim osebam, in mora zagotavljati po\u017earno varnost v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja po\u017earno varnost v stavbah. (3) Zbiralnica mora biti name\u0161\u010dena na takem kraju, da je dostop z vozilom zaradi prevzema odpadkov iz zdravstva neoviran. (4) Zbiralnica mora biti ozna\u010dena z dobro vidnim napisom o namenu prostora in prepovedi vstopa nepoobla\u0161\u010denim osebam ter opozorilom na mo\u017enost ogro\u017eanja zdravja ljudi. (5) Kadar zbiralnica ne obratuje, mora biti zaklenjena in varovana. (6) Tla, stene in strop zbiralnice morajo biti iz materiala, ki se lahko mokro \u010disti in razku\u017euje. (7) Zbiralnica mora imeti urejeno odvajanje odpadnih voda in mehansko prezra\u010devanje, tako da je prepre\u010deno ogro\u017eanje zdravja ljudi in okolja. 8. \u010dlen (na\u010drt gospodarjenja z odpadki iz zdravstva) (1) Povzro\u010ditelj mora izdelati na\u010drt gospodarjenja z odpadki iz zdravstva v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki. (2) V na\u010drtu gospodarjenja z odpadki iz zdravstva morajo biti opisane vse vrste odpadkov iz zdravstva, ki nastajajo na obmo\u010dju opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti, in tudi drugi odpadki, ki nastajajo v stavbi ali njenem delu, v katerem se opravlja zdravstvena ali veterinarska dejavnost. (3) Na\u010drt gospodarjenja z odpadki iz zdravstva vsebuje poleg podatkov, ki jih za na\u010drt gospodarjenja z odpadki dolo\u010da predpis, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadke, tudi podatke o: \u2013 na\u010dinu lo\u010devanja posameznih vrst odpadkov iz zdravstva na kraju njihovega nastanka, \u2013 na\u010dinu ozna\u010devanja posod in vre\u010d ter o vrsti materiala, iz katerega so posode in vre\u010de izdelane, \u2013 prevozu odpadkov iz zdravstva na obmo\u010dju, na katerem se opravlja zdravstvena ali veterinarska dejavnost, \u2013 zbiralnici ter o njenem vzdr\u017eevanju in \u010di\u0161\u010denju, \u2013 za\u010dasnem skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva v zbiralnici ali zbiralnicah, \u2013 urnikih oddaje odpadkov iz zdravstva zbiralcem, \u2013 notranjih navodilih o ravnanju z odpadki iz zdravstva in drugimi odpadki, ki nastajajo pri opravljanju zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti, \u2013 usposabljanju zaposlenih v zvezi z ravnanjem z odpadki iz zdravstva, \u2013 finan\u010dnem vrednotenju na\u010drta gospodarjenja z odpadki iz zdravstva in (4) Povzro\u010ditelj mora zagotoviti, da je v na\u010drtu ravnanja z odpadki iz zdravstva v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki, poleg osebnega imena odgovorne osebe iz petega odstavka 5. \u010dlena te uredbe tudi opis njenih del in obveznosti v zvezi s prevozom in za\u010dasnim skladi\u0161\u010denjem odpadkov iz zdravstva v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanja z odpadki. (5) Za pripravo in izvajanje na\u010drta ravnanja z odpadki iz zdravstva je odgovoren vodja zdravstvene oziroma veterinarske organizacije. 9. \u010dlen (oddaja odpadkov iz zdravstva) (1) Povzro\u010ditelj mora zagotoviti, da se odpadki iz zdravstva oddajo zbiralcu. (2) Povzro\u010ditelj mora zagotoviti, da odgovorna oseba iz petega odstavka 5. \u010dlena te uredbe ob oddaji vsake po\u0161iljke odpadkov iz zdravstva izpolni eviden\u010dni list v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki. 10. \u010dlen (evidenca o nastajanju odpadkov iz zdravstva) (1) Povzro\u010ditelj mora voditi evidenco o nastajanju odpadkov iz zdravstva v obliki zbirke veljavnih eviden\u010dnih listov v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki. (2) Povzro\u010ditelj mora osebi, pristojni za nadzor, omogo\u010diti vpogled v evidenco o nastajanju odpadkov iz zdravstva. III. ZBIRANJE ODPADKOV IZ ZDRAVSTVA 11. \u010dlen (zbiralec) (1) Zbiralec lahko zbira odpadke iz zdravstva od povzro\u010diteljev, ko pridobi potrdilo ministrstva, pristojnega za okolje (v nadaljnjem besedilu: ministrstvo), o vpisu v evidenco zbiralcev, v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki. (2) Zbiralec mora imeti: \u2013 sredstva in opremo za zbiranje in prevoz odpadkov iz zdravstva in \u2013 zagotovljene mo\u017enosti \u010di\u0161\u010denja in razku\u017eevanja sredstev in opreme za zbiranje in prevoz odpadkov iz zdravstva. (3) Zbiralec mora za zbrane odpadke iz zdravstva zagotoviti predelavo ali odstranjevanje. 12. \u010dlen (na\u010drt zbiranja odpadkov iz zdravstva) (1) Vlogi za vpis v evidenco zbiralcev mora biti prilo\u017een na\u010drt zbiranja odpadkov iz zdravstva, ki mora biti pripravljen v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki. (2) Pri na\u010drtu zbiranja odpadkov iz zdravstva je treba v zvezi s predvidenimi na\u010dini predelave in odstranjevanja odpadkov iz zdravstva upo\u0161tevati usmeritve iz operativnega programa varstva okolja na podro\u010dju ravnanja z nevarnimi odpadki. (3) \u010ce ministrstvo na podlagi podatkov iz letnih poro\u010dil zbiralcev ter letnih poro\u010dil predelovalcev in odstranjevalcev ugotovi, da na posameznem obmo\u010dju Slovenije glede zbranih koli\u010din odpadkov iz zdravstva niso dose\u017eeni cilji ravnanja z odpadki, dolo\u010deni v operativnih programih varstva okolja, zbiralcu dolo\u010di obmo\u010dja, na katerih mora obvezno zagotavljati prevzem odpadkov iz zdravstva. IV. ODSTRANJEVANJE ODPADKOV IZ ZDRAVSTVA 13. \u010dlen (pogoj za odlaganje odpadkov iz zdravstva) \u010ce se odpadki iz zdravstva odlagajo, morajo biti predhodno razku\u017eeni in obdelani tako, da izpolnjujejo zahteve za odpadke z visoko vsebnostjo biolo\u0161ko razgradljivih snovi v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja odlaganje odpadkov na odlagali\u0161\u010dih. V. VODENJE EVIDENCE 14. \u010dlen (vodenje evidence) Ministrstvo v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja ravnanje z odpadki, vodi posebno evidenco zbiralcev v okviru evidence zbiralcev odpadkov iz registra varstva okolja. (2) Ne glede na dolo\u010dbo prej\u0161njega odstavka opravljajo nadzor nad izvajanjem dolo\u010db prve do pete alinee prvega odstavka in drugega odstavka 4. \u010dlena te uredbe ter 5. , 6. in 7. \u010dlena te uredbe zdravstveni in\u0161pektorji, \u010de gre za odpadke, ki nastajajo pri opravljanju zdravstvene dejavnosti, in uradni veterinarji, \u010de gre za odpadke, ki nastajajo pri opravljanju veterinarske dejavnosti. (3) Ne glede na dolo\u010dbo prej\u0161njega odstavka opravljajo nadzor v zvezi odvajanjem odpadnih voda iz 7. \u010dlena te uredbe tudi in\u0161pektorji, pristojni za okolje, ter nadzor nad izvajanjem dolo\u010db 10. \u010dlena te uredbe tudi zdravstveni in\u0161pektorji in uradni veterinarji. VII. KAZENSKE DOLO\u010cBE 16. \u010dlen (prekr\u0161ki) (1) Z globo od 3.500 eurov do 10.000 eurov se za prekr\u0161ek kaznuje povzro\u010ditelj, ki je pravna oseba ali samostojni podjetnik posameznik, \u010de: \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se odpadki iz zdravstva v skladu s prvo alineo prvega odstavka 4. \u010dlena te uredbe ne prepu\u0161\u010dajo kot me\u0161ani komunalni odpadki, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se odpadki iz zdravstva v skladu z drugo alineo prvega odstavka 4. \u010dlena te uredbe na kraju njihovega nastanka odlagajo v posode ali vre\u010de, ki so namenjene skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva in so za posamezno vrsto odpadkov iz zdravstva odpadkov iz klasifikacijskega seznama odpadkov podrobneje opisane v prilogi 1 te uredbe, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se v skladu s tretjo alineo prvega odstavka 4. \u010dlena te uredbe odpadna embala\u017ea zbira lo\u010deno od odpadkov iz zdravstva, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se odpadki iz zdravstva v skladu s \u010detrto alineo prvega odstavka 4. \u010dlena te uredbe shranjujejo in za\u010dasno skladi\u0161\u010dijo v posodah ali vre\u010dah, na katerih je vidna oznaka vrste odpadka, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se odpadki iz zdravstva v skladu s peto alineo prvega odstavka 4. \u010dlena te uredbe ne me\u0161ajo z drugimi odpadki oziroma ne me\u0161ajo med seboj, \u010de gre za razli\u010dne vrste odpadkov iz zdravstva, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se odpadki iz zdravstva v skladu s \u0161esto alineo prvega odstavka 4. \u010dlena te uredbe oddajajo zbiralcu v posodah ali vre\u010dah, na katerih so zapisani podatki o kraju in \u010dasu nastanka, vrsti odpadka iz zdravstva po \u0161tevilkah s klasifikacijskega seznama odpadkov in koli\u010dini odpadkov iz zdravstva, \u2013 ne zagotovi v skladu z drugim odstavkom 4. \u010dlena te uredbe zbiranja tistih odpadkov iz zdravstva, ki nastajajo zunaj obmo\u010dja opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti, na primer pri bolnikih na domovih ali na kmetijskih gospodarstvih, ali takega ravnanja z njimi, kot da bi nastali na obmo\u010dju opravljanja zdravstvene ali veterinarske dejavnosti, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se odpadki iz zdravstva prena\u0161ajo in preva\u017eajo v prostorih stavbe ali med stavbami na obmo\u010dju, na katerem se opravlja zdravstvena ali veterinarska dejavnost, v skladu s prvim odstavkom 5. \u010dlena te uredbe, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se v skladu z drugim odstavkom 5. \u010dlena te uredbe za preva\u017eanje odpadkov iz zdravstva na obmo\u010dju, na katerem se opravlja zdravstvena ali veterinarska dejavnost, uporabljajo prevozna sredstva, namenjena izklju\u010dno prevozu odpadkov iz zdravstva, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da imajo v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 5. \u010dlena te uredbe prevozna sredstva za notranji prevoz odpadkov iz zdravstva gladke, neprepustne in nepremo\u010dljive povr\u0161ine, ki se lahko mokro \u010distijo, razku\u017eujejo in osu\u0161ijo ter so nedostopne mr\u010desu in glodavcem, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da so v skladu s \u010detrtim odstavkom 5. \u010dlena te uredbe prevozna sredstva izdelana tako, da omogo\u010dajo lahko in varno nakladanje in razkladanje odpadkov iz zdravstva ter onemogo\u010dajo njihovo raztresenje ali razlitje med prevozom, \u2013 ne imenuje v skladu s petim odstavkom 5. \u010dlena te uredbe odgovorne osebe za ravnanje z odpadki iz zdravstva, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da so v skladu s prvim odstavkom 6. \u010dlena te uredbe posode in vre\u010de iz materiala, ki glede na fizikalne, kemijske, biolo\u0161ke in druge lastnosti odpadkov iz zdravstva zanesljivo prepre\u010duje ogro\u017eanje okolja in zdravja ljudi, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da so v skladu z drugim in tretjim odstavkom 6. \u010dlena te uredbe posode oziroma vre\u010de, namenjene za\u010dasnemu skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva, izdelane v skladu s standardi, \u010de za material, iz katerega so izdelane, obstajajo standardi, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se v skladu s prvim odstavkom 7. \u010dlena te uredbe odpadki iz zdravstva shranjujejo ali za\u010dasno skladi\u0161\u010dijo v zbiralnici tako, da ne onesna\u017eujejo okolja ali ogro\u017eajo zdravja ljudi in je zbiralcu omogo\u010den dostop z vozilom zaradi njihovega prevzema, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da je v skladu z drugim odstavkom 7. \u010dlena te uredbe prostor, ki je dolo\u010den za zbiralnico, namenjen izklju\u010dno za\u010dasnemu skladi\u0161\u010denju odpadkov iz zdravstva, ki je pokrit in lo\u010den od drugih prostorov ter zunanjega okolja na na\u010din, ki prepre\u010duje dostop nepoobla\u0161\u010denim osebam, in zagotavlja po\u017earno varnost v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja po\u017earno varnost v stavbah, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da je v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 7. \u010dlena te uredbe zbiralnica na takem kraju, da je dostop z vozilom zaradi prevzema odpadkov iz zdravstva neoviran, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da je zbiralnica ozna\u010dena v skladu s \u010detrtim odstavkom 7. \u010dlena te uredbe, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da je v skladu s petim odstavkom 7. \u010dlena te uredbe zbiralnica, ko ne obratuje, zaklenjena in varovana, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da so tla, stene in strop zbiralnice izdelane iz materiala v skladu s \u0161estim odstavkom 7. \u010dlena te uredbe, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da ima v skladu s sedmim odstavkom 7. \u010dlena te uredbe zbiralnica urejeno odvajanje odpadnih voda in mehansko prezra\u010devanje, \u2013 ne zagotovi izdelave na\u010drta gospodarjenja z odpadki iz zdravstva v skladu z 8. \u010dlenom te uredbe, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da se v skladu s prvim odstavkom 9. \u010dlena te uredbe odpadki iz zdravstva oddajo zbiralcu, \u2013 ne zagotovi, da odgovorna oseba v skladu z drugim odstavkom 9. \u010dlena te uredbe ob oddaji vsake po\u0161iljke odpadkov iz zdravstva izpolni eviden\u010dni list, \u2013 ne vodi evidence o nastajanju odpadkov iz zdravstva v skladu s prvim odstavkom 10. \u010dlena te uredbe, \u2013 pristojnemu in\u0161pektorju, \u010de ta to zahteva, ne omogo\u010di vpogleda v evidenco o nastajanju odpadkov iz zdravstva v skladu z drugim odstavkom 10. \u010dlena te uredbe. (2) Z globo od 3.500 eurov do 10.000 eurov se za prekr\u0161ek kaznuje zbiralec, ki je pravna oseba ali samostojni podjetnik posameznik, \u010de: \u2013 v nasprotju s prvim odstavkom 11. \u010dlena te uredbe zbira odpadke iz zdravstva od povzro\u010diteljev, ne da bi pridobil potrdilo ministrstva o vpisu v evidenco zbiralcev, \u2013 v nasprotju s tretjim odstavkom 11. \u010dlena te uredbe za zbrane odpadke iz zdravstva ne zagotovi predelave ali odstranjevanja. (3) Z globo od 3.500 eurov do 10.000 eurov se za prekr\u0161ek kaznuje odstranjevalec, ki je pravna oseba ali samostojni podjetnik posameznik, \u010de odpadkov iz zdravstva v skladu s 13. \u010dlenom te uredbe pred odlaganjem ne razku\u017ei in obdela tako, da izpolnjujejo zahteve za odpadke z visoko vsebnostjo biolo\u0161ko razgradljivih snovi v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja odlaganje odpadkov na odlagali\u0161\u010dih. (4) Z globo od 1.200 eurov do 4100 eurov se za prekr\u0161ek iz prvega do tretjega odstavka tega \u010dlena kaznuje tudi odgovorna oseba osebe povzro\u010ditelja, zbiralca ali odstranjevalca. VIII. PREHODNE IN KON\u010cNE DOLO\u010cBE 17. \u010dlen (veljavnost dovoljenj) Dovoljenja za zbiranje odpadkov iz zdravstva, izdana pred uveljavitvijo te uredbe v skladu s Pravilnikom o ravnanju z odpadki, ki nastanejo pri opravljanju zdravstvene dejavnosti in z njo povezanih raziskavah (Uradni list RS, \u0161t. 47 \/ 04), ostanejo v veljavi do izteka veljavnosti. 18. \u010dlen (prenehanje veljavnosti) Z dnem uveljavitve te uredbe preneha veljati Pravilnik o ravnanju z odpadki, ki nastanejo pri opravljanju zdravstvene dejavnosti in z njo povezanih raziskavah (Uradni list RS, \u0161t. 47 \/ 04). 19. \u010dlen (za\u010detek veljavnosti) Ta uredba za\u010dne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.","labels":"Legal","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Tehnolo\u0161ko jamstvo za Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft je v Sloveniji predstavil program Tehnolo\u0161ko jamstvo za Microsoft Office 2010, ki kupcem pisarni\u0161ke zbirke Office 2007 omogo\u010da brezpla\u010dno nadgradnjo na razli\u010dico 2010, ko bo ta na voljo v slovenskem jeziku. \u010casovna omejitev Microsoft kupcem pisarni\u0161kega paketa Office 2007 (nakup z osebnim ra\u010dunalnikom ali brez njega) od poobla\u0161\u010denega prodajalca v obdobju med 1. junijem in 30. septembrom nudi mo\u017enost brezpla\u010dne nadgradnje na najnovej\u0161o razli\u010dico zbirke Office. Za upravi\u010denost do nadgradnje je treba izdelek aktivirati do 30. septembra, do 15. oktobra pa Microsoftu dostaviti potrdilo o nakupu s fotokopijo licen\u010dnega klju\u010da in kontaktnim naslovom. Kateri paketi so vklju\u010deni v program? Vklju\u010deni so vsi slovenski paketi Office 2007, ki so kupljeni samostojno ali z novim ra\u010dunalnikom. Koli\u010dinsko licenciranje v ta program ni vklju\u010deno. Katera razli\u010dica Office 2010 mi pripada? Uporabniki, ki bodo izkoristili mo\u017enost nadgradnje, bodo novo zbirko prejeli takrat, ko bo ta na voljo v slovenskem jeziku. Office 2010 prina\u0161a druga\u010dno ponudbo paketov kot pri razli\u010dici 2007. Uporabnikom razli\u010dic Office Ultimate 2007, Office Professional 2007 in Office Small Business 2007 bo na voljo nadgradnja na paket Office Professional 2010. Uporabniki razli\u010dic Office Standard 2007 bodo lahko nadgradili na Office Home and Business in uporabniki Office Home and Student 2007 bodo prejeli paket Office Home and Student 2010, uporabniki zbirke Office Basic 2007 pa Office Home and Business 2010. Kupcu ene licence Office 2007 pripada ena licenca za Office 2010, posameznik pa lahko prek tega programa uveljavlja najve\u010d 25 nadgradenj istega programa. Postopek uveljavitve Kupec preko elektronskega obrazca (nahaja se na www.officenadgradnja.si) ali priporo\u010deno po klasi\u010dni po\u0161ti po\u0161lje: 1. Kopijo ra\u010duna z datumom med 1. 7. 2010 in 30. 9. 2010 za slovenski Office 2007 2. ID izdelka (xxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx)*, ki ga dobi ob aktivaciji izdelka 3. Osebne podatke (ime in priimek, naslov, e-po\u0161tni naslov) priporo\u010deno po\u0161ljete na Microsoft Slovenija, \u0160martinska 140, 1000 Ljubljana; Za: Office nadgradnja. Podatke lahko odda tudi preko spletne strani www.officenadgradnja.si 4. To mora storiti v obdobju od 1. 7. 2010 do 15. 10. 2010 5. Microsoft bo v obdobju od 1. 10. 2010 do 30. 11. 2010 kupcu poslal elektronsko po\u0161to z navodili o prevzemu Office 2010 Ve\u010d informacij o programu Tehnolo\u0161ko jamstvo za Microsoft Office 2010 je na voljo na spletni strani www.officenadgradnja.si. Junij 2021","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Objavljeno: 13 Nov 2011 10:29 Naslov sporo\u010dila: Prodam kletko Prodajam rabljeno kletko za \u010din\u010dilo, v dobrem stanju. Zraven podarjam \u0161e \u0161katlo za pesek, pitnik, posodico za hrano in lesene poli\u010dke za kletko. Cena: 30 eur Slike","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Navodila za uporabo QR kode za Alja\u017e Farasin s.p. S svojim mobilnim telefonom skenirajte kodo na ekranu. To storite tako, da na telefonu odprete skenirno aplikacijo, kamero telefona usmerite v kodo na ekranu in po\u010dakajte par sekund. Pozor: za skeniranje potrebujete na va\u0161em mobilnem telefonu name\u0161\u010deno ustrezno aplikacijo. Za podrobnej\u0161a navodila kliknite tukaj.","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Dodatne vsebine SIPINA E-bralnik Sistem SIPINA-E-BRALNIK omogo\u010da govorno upravljanje e-storitev interaktivnega posredovanja \/ prebiranja informacij za uporabnike s posebnimi potrebami (predvsem za slepe in slabovidne). Sistem SIPINA-E-BRALNIK lahko razpozna govor uporabnikov (govorni ukazi in podprto govorno upravljanje) in omogo\u010da podajanje informacije v obliki govora. Preko povezave WiFi se povezuje na sistem v oblaku SIPINA. Na sliki je funkcionalna arhitektura sistema SIPINA. Sistem je zasnovan na konceptu distribuiranega procesiranja in tehnolo\u0161kih oblakov. Glavna vodila arhitekture sistema SIPINA so: Sistem SIPINA vklju\u010duje ve\u010d jedrnih tehnologij, ki pa so sistemsko in aplikacijsko neodvisne: ASR (sistem avtomatskega razpoznavalnja govora), TTS (sistem avtomatske sinteze govora), SDS (sistem govorno vodenega dialoga). Struktura sistema SIPINA-E-BRALNIK Tehni\u010dne zna\u010dilnosti sistema SIPINA - E-BRALNIK SIPINA-E-BRALNIK omogo\u010da kakovostno in u\u010dinkovito izvajanje storitev govorne modalnosti. SIPINA-E-BRALNIK sestavlja javanski grafi\u010dni vmesnik in ve\u010d modulov, ki zagotovijo potrebno delovanje in komunikacijo s SIPINA sistemom: za avdio, protokol tcp \/ ip, in komunikacijski protokol RTSP \/ MRCP. Za vso interakcijo uporabnik ne potrebuje ni\u010d drugega kot sliko mikrofona. Obarvanje mikrofona in zvo\u010dni signal signalizirata uporabniku, kdaj sistem od njega pri\u010dakuje odziv. V \u010dasu ko sistem predvaja uporabniku sistemsko sporo\u010dilo ali informacijo, ki jo je \u017eelel, je mikrofon neaktiven in ne omogo\u010da krmiljenja s strani uporabnika. Na ta na\u010din zagotavljamo, da se predvajan govor sistema ne razpoznava kot govor uporabnika, kar je pri mobilnih terminalih lahko problem. SIPINA-E-BRALNIK je zasnovan kot odjemalec TCP \/ IP. Sestavlja ga programska oprema za delovanje na Android, Blackberry mobilnih telefonih, in tudi platformah, kot so tablice. Sistem je zasnovan na osnovi programskega jezika Java za mobilne terminale. SIPINA-E-BRALNIK omogo\u010da oddaljeno prebiranje informacij, v kolikor je mogo\u010de povezovanje v WiFi omre\u017eje. V tem dokumentu sta podani funkcionalna specifikacija programske opreme. Opisana je tudi funkcionalnost delovanja posameznih modulov. Dialog sistema SIPINA-E-BRALNIK Dialog v sistemu SIPINA E-BRALNIK je sistemsko voden. Sistem dolo\u010da posamezna stanja dialoga in uporabniku ponudi v vsakem stanju dialoga ustrezen nabor izbir. Uporabnik lahko izbira izmed podanih izbir in s tem dolo\u010da nadaljnji potek dialoga. Sistemska sporo\u010dila, ki jih sistem predvaja uporabniku v obliki govornih sporo\u010dil, podajo uporabniku vso potrebno informacijo za izbiro nadaljevanja dialoga (samorazlagalna sistemska sporo\u010dila). Uporabnik lahko z izgovarjanjem posameznih besed ali kraj\u0161ih fraz dolo\u010da potek nadaljevanja dialoga. V sistemska sporo\u010dila so vklju\u010dena navodila, katere besede lahko uporabnik v nekem stanju dialoga uporablja za nadaljevanje dialoga. Uporabnik sistema SIPINA E-BRALNIK lahko izbira med viri novic: Radiotelevizija Slovenija, 24ur, Delo, Hefajst. Za izbran vir lahko uporabnik izbere podro\u010dja novic, ki jih posamezni vir vklju\u010duje. Imena podro\u010dij za izbran vir sistem posreduje uporabniku v obliki sistemskega govornega sporo\u010dila. Hkrati s tem se prilagodi tudi slovnica sistema razpoznavanja govora (nabor besed, ki jih sistem razpoznavanja govora lahko razpozna), ki omogo\u010da razpoznavanje besed podro\u010dij izbranega vira. Po izbranem podro\u010dju se nato predvaja naslov prve novice izbranega vira. Uporabnik lahko spro\u017ei prebiranje novice, \u010de izgovori besedo \u00bbpreberi\u00ab, ali prebiranje naslova naslednje novice, \u010de izgovori besedo \u00bbnaprej\u00ab. Prebiranje naslova prej\u0161nje novice lahko spro\u017ei z izgovarjavo besede \u00bbnazaj\u00ab. V vsakem stanju dialoga lahko izbere prehod na drugo podro\u010dje (izgovarjava \u00bbdrugo podro\u010dje\u00ab) ali drugi vir (izgovarjava \u00bbdrugi vir\u00ab). Spodnja slika ka\u017ee potek govornega dialoga sistema SIPINA E-BRALNIK.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Fi\u017eol Povezano Super\u017eivilo V zgodovini je pravzaprav \u017ee bil visoko cenjen, potem pa so se pomembni izbranci visokega sloja, kot je bila denimo Katarina Medi\u010dejska, odlo\u010dili, da je fi\u017eol kme\u010dka hrana, ki ni dovolj elegantna in posebna za njihove \u017eelod\u010dke. Zamenjali so ga z danes \u0161e vedno neizkoreninjenim trendom predelane hrane. Meso bogatih Odtod \u0161e zdaj znan rek, da je fi\u017eol meso ubogih, ki pa ne velja ve\u010d, odkar strokovnjaki domnevajo, da \u017eivalske beljakovine povzro\u010dajo \u0161tevilne bolezni. Nekaj \u010dasa so fi\u017eolu o\u010ditali, da nima tako popolne beljakovinske sestave kot meso. Resda mu za to manjkata dve aminokislini, vendar ju ni te\u017eko nadomestiti, \u010de fi\u017eol kombiniramo s hrano, ki ju vsebuje, denimo z \u017eitom. Tako lahko fi\u017eolovo omako polijete \u010dez kuskus, \u0161e novej\u0161a dognanja pa ka\u017eejo, da sploh ni nujno, da to kombinacijo zau\u017eijemo znotraj istega obroka \u2013 dovolj je, \u010de vse aminokisline zau\u017eijemo v istem dnevu. (Ne) prefinjen? K slovesu fi\u017eola, \u010de\u0161 da ni prefinjeno \u017eivilo, so zagotovo prispevale te\u017eave, ki jih ob\u010dasno povzro\u010da. Mnogi trdijo, da izginejo, \u010de stro\u010dnice u\u017eivamo redno in v manj\u0161ih koli\u010dinah. Morda vam bo ustrezal tudi kateri od naravnih receptov. V trgovinah z zdravo prehrano poi\u0161\u010dite posu\u0161ene alge kombu. Dodajte jih vodi, v kateri namakate fi\u017eolovo zrnje. Alge ne bodo vplivale na okus fi\u017eola, med kuhanjem pa bodo skorajda razpadle. Poleg tega ni ni\u010d narobe, \u010de del\u010dki alg plavajo po kro\u017eniku. Podoben u\u010dinek naj bi imel nam bolj doma\u010d lovorov list, nekateri pa priporo\u010dajo \u017eve\u010denje polovice \u010dajne \u017eli\u010dke jane\u017ea takoj po obedu ali ob za\u010detku napenjanja. Preprosta priprava \u010ceprav obstajajo \u0161tevilne vrste fi\u017eola, prav vse, od siv\u010dka do belega ali \u010drnega fi\u017eola, kuhamo na zelo podobno, le \u010das prilagodimo velikosti zrnja. Vedno najprej odstranimo vse nenavadno oblikovana, razbarvana in polomljena zrna. V zrnju tudi ne sme ne biti nobenih, \u0161e tako majhnih luknjic, saj pomenijo na\u0161im o\u010dem nevidne \" stanovalce \". To se ne bo zgodilo, \u010de boste fi\u017eolovo zrnje hranili v dobro zaprti kerami\u010dni ali stekleni posodi. Tako lahko po\u010daka leto dni, nikakor pa ne me\u0161ajte starih in novih zalog, saj se bodo v tak\u0161nem primeru zrna kuhala razli\u010dno dolgo. Soli, limoninega soka, kisa, vina ali paradi\u017enika ne smete dodati pred koncem kuhanja, saj upo\u010dasnijo meh\u010danje fi\u017eola. Najbolj IN Zaradi la\u017eje prebavljivosti sta zadnje \u010dase najbolj priljubljeni vrsti fi\u017eola mungo in adzuki. Zaradi manj\u0161ega zrna ju je treba namakati samo nekaj ur, kuhati pa ju je treba eno uro. Za\u010dinite ju s kurkumo, baziliko, timijanom ali koriandrom. Adzuki slovi kot najbolj sladka in najmanj \" fi\u017eolasta \" vrsta fi\u017eola. Na Japonskem, kjer naj bi bila njegova domovina, iz njega pripravljajo mleko in sladice. Najve\u010dkrat zrnje in sladkor zavrejo v nadev. Obe vrsti fi\u017eola je mo\u017eno zmleti v moko. V kitajski medicini ju zelo priporo\u010dajo \u017eenskam, zlasti med menstruacijo in v obdobju dojenja, krepita tudi delovanje mehurja in ledvic, u\u017eivanje pa naj bi dajalo pogum in energijo. Obe vrsti fi\u017eola lahko kalimo, vendar je v taki obliki najbolj znan mungo: njegovim kal\u010dkom pravimo kar sojini. Zanimivo je, da kal\u010dki vsebujejo vitamin C, ki ga fi\u017eol nima. Sami jih pridelate tako, da zrnje namo\u010dite \u010dez no\u010d, nato pa ga v primerni posodi postavite na toplo, temno, vendar zra\u010dno mesto in poskrbite, da je ves \u010das mokro. Kal\u010dkov ni priporo\u010dljivo u\u017eivati surovih, zato jih popecite na kokosovi ma\u0161\u010dobi in jih za\u010dinite s sojino omako. Po kitajski medicini naj bi mungo hladil in razstrupljal telo, laj\u0161al naj bi tudi vnetja. Osnova zdrave prehrane Lahko se igrate s pripravo juh, omak, enolon\u010dnic, namazov, pirejev in solat, vendar ne pozabite na za\u010dimbe. Fi\u017eolu vedno lahko dodate peter\u0161ilj, \u0161etraj, \u017eajbelj ali majaron. Jedi bodo \u0161e okusnej\u0161e, \u010de jim dodate malce kisa. Na koncu vam bo fi\u017eol res dokazal, da je lahko tudi zdrava jed okusna in poceni. VIVIN NAMIG Super\u017eivilo \u010ce fi\u017eolovo zrnje namo\u010dite v hladni vodi in ga kuhate zelo po\u010dasi, ohrani tako reko\u010d vso svojo hranilno vrednost. Fi\u017eol vsebuje cink, \u017eelezo, baker, magnezij, fosfor, kalcij, kalij, mangan in selen ter vitamine iz skupine B. Folati zni\u017eujejo raven homocisteina, katerega kopi\u010denje na stenah \u017eil povzro\u010da tveganje za nastanek bolezni srca in o\u017eilja. Fi\u017eolove vlaknine pomagajo izlo\u010dati slab holesterol iz telesa. Fi\u017eol vsebuje celo snovi, ki prepre\u010dujejo nastanek nekaterih oblik raka. Na krvni sladkor dobro vpliva njegov nizek glikemi\u010dni indeks, zelo koristen je tudi za ljudi z visokim krvnim tlakom (z izjemo fi\u017eola iz plo\u010devinke). Jemo pa ga lahko, \u010detudi smo zaprti. Povrhu \u0161kodljive snovi iz okolja ne pridejo dlje od stroka.","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"odgovor K sicer pravilnemu opozorilu na katastrofalno napa\u010den prevod \u017eelim dodati le kratko pojasnilo: kolikor vem, Cilicijo Slovenci pi\u0161emo kot Kilikijo. V klasi\u010dni latin\u0161\u010dini se c namre\u010d izgovarja kot k \u2013 ergo... (rs) odgovor Na\u010deloma je to sicer res, ali je res tudi v praksi, pa ne vem, ker nimam pri roki nobenega primernega vira (in sem zato tudi napisal kar Cilicija). Latin\u0161\u010dino namre\u010d v praksi skoraj vedno izgovarjamo v \u00bbcerkveni\u00ab izgovarjavi in re\u010demo na primer Cezar in ne Kajzar (v klasi\u010dni latni\u0161\u010dini je namre\u010d c = k, ae = aj), rimskemu Celju ne re\u010demo Keleja... (Nikolaj)","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"ZIMOVANJE - RATE\u010cE Petek 8. marec 2019 - Po zajtrku smo se odpravili na Belope\u0161ka jezera, kjer smo u\u017eivali in se nau\u017eili sonca. ob vrnitvi smo si privo\u0161\u010dili kosilo, malo po\u010dili spili kavico in se odpravili proti domu, isto\u010dasno pa si obljubili, da se naslednji\u010d zopet vidimo!!! \u010cetrtek 7. marec 2019 - De\u017e nam nagaja - to si samo on misli ... mi imamo se \"fajn\" ves \u010das se dogaja, smo veseli, dru\u017eba je the best!!! T'pravo kosilo smo danes naredile slastno je bilo, smo potrebovali po\u010ditek po njemu Kdaj gremo zopet?????? SEDAJ PA SE ZA\u010cNEJO TALENTI, prosimo za malo miru! Talenti so uspeli, Nekaj dogodiv\u0161\u010din iz TALENTOV danes peli in plesali so nam veseli ventil\u010dki, ansambel blagor gluhim ... in plesna skupina leseni udi. Mo\u0161ki del je dekletom za\u017eelel vesel 8. marec in \u017eur do jutranjih ur se je uradno za\u010del!!! Sreda 6. marec 2019 - 10 (+3) zagnanih planincev se nas je odpravilo v Tamar. ves \u010das je nas spremljal sneg, sonce in pre\u010dudovito vreme (sonce). ostali smo se sprehodili po Jasni in okolici. Sprehodili noge, napolnili baterije in du\u0161o. Torek 5. marec 2019 - Dopoldan smo se z avtobusom odpeljali do Kranjske Gore, se sprehodili po mestu, obiskali Kekca in se pe\u0161 vrnili mimo Podkorna, kjer smo si ogledali kako napredujejo dela pri organizaciji pokala Vitranc. po kosilu smo se na\u0161emili in se sprehodili po Rate\u010dah do mejnega prehoda, kjer smo si privo\u0161\u010dili osve\u017eitev. Ob vrnitvi smo si pa za ve\u010derjo privo\u0161\u010dili \u017ear. Ve\u010derja je bila super!!! Ponedeljek 4. marec 2019 - Dopoldan smo se odpravili proti Planici. Mesto kjer naj bi se sankali je bilo preve\u010d ledeno in smo se odpravili do Planice, kjer so najpogumnej\u0161i \"zajahali\" sanke in se spu\u0161\u010dali. Ostali smo si ogledali kako potekajo dela na velikanki, se poslikali in se po\u010dasi vrnili v Rate\u010de. Dokazili smo, da vsi zmoremo, da bomo lahko premagovali vse zadane poti v okolici ... Popoldan smo \u0161li na dalj\u0161i sprehod, kjer smo se nau\u017eili sve\u017eega zraka, nasmejali ... na koncu nam je de\u017e malo pospe\u0161il korak pri vrnitvi, kjer smo pred in po ve\u010derji u\u017eivali v dru\u017eenju, igrah, predvsem pa v obilici smeha in izkazovanju pestre domi\u0161ljije - mi imamo se fajn! Nedelja 3. marec 2019 - smo pri\u0161li v Rate\u010de, se spoznali, se dogovorili kaj bomo po\u010deli naslednjih pet dni. Razporedili de\u017eurstva, naredili jedilnik ... Do ve\u010derje si kraj\u0161amo \u010das z dru\u017eabnimi igrami, pogovori ... Za\u010delo se je dobro in imamo se \"fajn\". Da ne pozabimo vam povedat, pri nas je sneg in se \u017ee veselimo jutri\u0161njega sankanja, smu\u010danja ...","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Son\u010dne elektrarne se da pogasiti \"Son\u010dne elektrarne se lahko gasijo,\" sporo\u010dajo iz skupine BISOL Group, vodilnega slovenskega izvajalca son\u010dnih elektrarn na klju\u010d. Navedbe, ki se zadnje \u010dase pojavljajo v medijih, da po\u017earov na objektih s son\u010dnimi elektrarnami ni mogo\u010de pogasiti, so nepravilne. Gasilska zveza Slovenije je na podlagi intervencijskih navodil nem\u0161ke gasilske zveze (DFB) pripravila priporo\u010dila za gasilce. S svojimi bogatimi izku\u0161njami in strokovnim znanjem je pri njihovem nastajanju z nasveti pomagal tudi edini doma\u010di proizvajalec fotonapetostnih modulov BISOL Group. Drugod po svetu so postopki pri ga\u0161enju po\u017earov na son\u010dnih elektrarnah jasno definirani, BISOL jih dobro pozna in ravna v skladu z njimi \u017ee od samega za\u010detka. Ob \u0161tevilnih pro\u0161njah za nasvete obmo\u010dnih gasilskih enot, ki so prihajale na BISOL Group, je skupina zadovoljna, da je Gasilska zveza Slovenije minuli december vendarle izdala priporo\u010dila za gasilce in jih posredovala vsem gasilskim zvezam po Sloveniji. Priporo\u010dila jasno dolo\u010dajo, kako je treba ravnati v primeru po\u017eara na objektu, ki je opremljen s son\u010dno elektrarno. Po\u017ear se lahko gasi z vodo ob upo\u0161tevanju predpisane najmanj\u0161e varnostne razdalje, ki pri ga\u0161enju energetskih naprav pod srednjo napetostjo z ro\u010dnikom za vodno meglico zna\u0161a 1 meter, pri ga\u0161enju z vodnim curkom pa 5 metrov. Ognjene zublje je mogo\u010de ustaviti tudi z gasilnikom s prahom, CO2 gasilnikom, uporaba gasilnika s peno pa je mogo\u010da samo za ga\u0161enje naprav, ki niso pod napetostjo. S 1. januarjem se je naposled za\u010del uporabljati tudi spremenjen Pravilnik o po\u017earnem redu, ki dolo\u010da, da je treba po\u017earni na\u010drt izdelati za objekte, ki so opremljeni s son\u010dno elektrarno, povezano na javno elektri\u010dno omre\u017eje. Po\u017earni na\u010drt mora biti izobe\u0161en na vidnem mestu, z njim pa mora biti seznanjena tudi obmo\u010dna gasilska enota. Vse son\u010dne elektrarne skupine BISOL Group so postavljene v skladu z veljavnim pravilnikom. V skupini BISOL Group glede na uspehe fotovoltaike na globalnem trgu trdno verjamejo v dolgoro\u010dnost pridobivanja elektri\u010dne energije iz son\u010dnega vira in se nadejajo sodelovanja z Gasilsko zvezo Slovenije tudi v bodo\u010de.","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kamnik, gozdovi, sve\u017e zrak in mir Mesto, ki je izjemno dobro poznano in le\u017ei pod Kamni\u0161ko-Savinjskimi alpami se imenuje Kamnik. Kamnik je nekak\u0161en kulturni, upravni in gospodarski center istoimenske ob\u010dine. Tako je na tem obmo\u010dju razvitih ve\u010d vrst panog, od pohi\u0161tvene in kovinske do kemi\u010dne in elektrotehni\u010dne industrije. Kamnik je lociran blizu Ljubljane, saj ju lo\u010di le slabih 25 km, kar pomeni da pot opravimo v slabe pol ure. Mesto je druga\u010de imenovano tudi mesto z du\u0161o, saj je tukaj prisotno izjemno veliko kulturnih in naravnih znamenitosti. Slednji podatek nam pove, da je Kamnik zagotovo eno izmed mest, ki se jih spla\u010da obiskati, saj imate kaj videti. Mesto je znano tudi po prireditvah, ki so poznane po celi Sloveniji, ena izmed njih pa je zagotovo dogodek Dnevi narodnih no\u0161, ki obsegajo ples, glasbo in ostalo. Pravilna izbira, je destinacija tudi za vse ljubitelje \u0161porta in rekreacije, saj gozdovi ponujajo veliko sve\u017eega zraka in miru, zato Kamnik zadnje \u010dase privablja veliko \u0161tevilo turistov. Slednji si tukaj ogledujejo to\u010dke, kot so Velika planina, ki ponuja \u0161iroko paleto \u0161portnih aktivnosti in je ena izmed najznamenitej\u0161ih pohodni\u0161kih to\u010dk pri nas. Odpravite se lahko tudi na ogled starega mestnega jedra, ki skriva veliko lepih posebnosti in zna\u010dilnosti, tudi romansko kapelico ter Fran\u010di\u0161ki samostan. Za oddih, pa so zagotovo prava izbira Terme Snovik, ki se pona\u0161ajo z vrhunsko urejenim wellness centrom in apartmaji, ki vas bodo navdu\u0161ili. Med bivanjem v termah, pa si lahko ogledate botani\u010dni vrt Vol\u010dji potok, ki je edini pri nas in vas bo s svojo pestrostjo in lepoto rastlin navdu\u0161il. Kamnik je torej mesto, ki ponuja veliko izbire, lepot in u\u017eitkov pri ogledu in spoznavanju. Oglasi Anketa Velika planina Najdi restavracijo","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Vede\u017eevanje \u2013 razkriti triki \u010cloveka je \u017ee od nekdaj zanimalo, kaj mu prina\u0161a prihodnost. V\u010dasih \u2013 nekatera primitivna ljudstva pa \u0161e danes \u2013 so prihodnost napovedovali iz drobovja \u017ertvovane \u017eivali, danes pa so nam na voljo raznovrstne vede\u017eevalske tehnike: horoskop, kristalna krogla, vede\u017eevanje z dlani ali kavne usedline, numerologija, karte, rune in \u0161e dolgo bi lahko na\u0161tevali. Ali gre le za dober trik ali vede\u017eevanje v resnici napove prihodnost? \u201c Naivne\u017e se rodi vsako minuto \u201d je izjava, ki jo pripisujejo P. T. Barnum-u, ameri\u0161kemu zabavlja\u010du in poslovne\u017eu, ki je bil znan po potegav\u0161\u010dinah. Po njem imenujemo Barnumov u\u010dinek, na katerem temelji vede\u017eevanje. Gre za to, da \u010dlovek v splo\u0161nih ali stereotipnih opisih osebnosti prepozna svoje lastne osebnostne lastnosti. Celo meni, da opisi zanj neverjetno dr\u017eijo! Vede\u017eevanje pogosto temelji na trditvah, ki jih ni mogo\u010de preveriti ali jim oporekati npr. \u201c V sebi skrivate velik potencial .\u201d; \u201c Imate potrebo po tem, da vas imajo ljudje radi .\u201d; opisuje zna\u010dilnosti, ki so tipi\u010dne za dolo\u010deno starost, spol ali status npr. vede\u017eevalka starej\u0161i \u017eenski re\u010de, da se ji verjetno slab\u0161a sluh in bo potrebovala slu\u0161ni aparat napove dogodke, ki se bodo prej ali slej zgodili vsakemu izmed nas npr. \u201c Kmalu boste dobili zanimiv telefonski klic .\u201d. Pri napovedih je pogosto uporabljena beseda \u201c v\u010dasih \u2013 v\u010dasih \u201d npr. \u201c V\u010dasih jasno poveste kaj si mislite, v\u010dasih pa se raje ugriznete v jezik, da ne bi bilo zamer .\u201d Vede\u017eevanje je bolj prepri\u010dljivo, kadar so vanj vklju\u010deni na\u0161i osebni podatki: ime, rojstni datum, datum poroke ipd. Pomembno je tudi to, da vede\u017eevanje vzbuja ob\u010dutek magi\u010dnosti ali posebnih energij npr. vede\u017eevanje s pomo\u010djo magi\u010dnih kristalov. Poseben vtis k magi\u010dnosti doda npr. obla\u010denje v \u010darovni\u0161ka obla\u010dila ali v pla\u0161\u010d, ki odbija negativno energijo. Uporaba nenavadnih ali ponavljajo\u010dih gibov z rokami, enakomernih udarcev ali zvokov slu\u017ei temu, da vede\u017eevanje posameznika privede do stanja transa, kjer je \u0161e bolj dojemljiv za povedano. Ko se napoved uresni\u010di Vede\u017eevalec nam je povedal, kaj nas \u010daka, potem pa se s tem vedenjem odpravimo v svet. Kadar pri\u010dakujemo, da se bo nekaj zgodilo, lahko tudi popolnoma nepovezane in slu\u010dajne dogodke zaznamo kot povezane. Na primer, vede\u017eevalka vam re\u010de: \u201c Imeli boste prometno nesre\u010do zaradi po\u010dene pnevmatike, raje nekaj \u010dasa ne vozite avta. \u201d Za vsak slu\u010daj res ne sedete za volan. \u010cez teden dni vam prijatelj pove, da mu je zadnji\u010d po\u010dila pnevmatika in se je za las izognil tr\u010denju. \u201c Vede\u017eevanje se je obrestovalo! \u0160e dobro, da nisem jaz vozil avta! \u201d, izgovorite olaj\u0161ani, saj ste dva slu\u010dajna dogodka zaznali kot povezana. Spretnosti vede\u017eevalcev Za vede\u017eevanje so pomembne dobre jezikovne sposobnosti. Vede\u017eevalec govori razlo\u010dno, teko\u010de in dovolj hitro, da ne uspete sli\u0161ati lastnih misli ali mu se\u010di v besedo. Mestoma postavi trditev in \u010daka na va\u0161 odziv. \u010ce se s trditvijo strinjate, jo bo v prihodnje \u0161e podkrepil. V kolikor pa se ne strinjate, bo pogovor vodil v drugo smer. V\u010dasih postavi le del trditve, na vas pa je, da jo dokon\u010date kot vam najbolj ustreza. Vede\u017eevalec pa mora biti tudi dober opazovalec. Prepoznati mora, kaj sporo\u010date s svojo telesno dr\u017eo in obrazno mimiko, kaj o vas, va\u0161em statusu in na\u010dinu \u017eivljenja sporo\u010dajo va\u0161a obla\u010dila in modni dodatki. Na podlagi teh spoznanj bo vede\u017eevalec lahko izbiral izraze, ki so vam \u0161e bolj pisane na ko\u017eo. Vede\u017eevanje je posamezniku tudi v pomo\u010d Kadar vede\u017eevanje napoveduje prijetne dogodke in uspe\u0161no doseganje ciljev, lahko na posameznika deluje zelo motivacijsko. Na pot do ciljev se bo podal samozavesten, delal bo ve\u010d in bolje, saj bo vsa njegova energija usmerjena k cilju. Vede\u017eevanje lahko posamezniku poka\u017ee nov pogled na te\u017eavo in nove re\u0161itve, na katere sam ne bi pomislil. Ali je napovedovanje prihodnosti mo\u017eno? Zaenkrat ni \u0161e nobeno vede\u017eevanje natan\u010dno napovedalo prihodnosti \u2013 tako da bi lahko trditve znanstveno preverili. Morda bo v prihodnosti, ko bo \u010dlove\u0161tvo pri\u0161lo do novih spoznanj, tudi to mo\u017eno. Zaenkrat pa hranite denar v denarnici, denarnico v \u017eepu in roko na denarnici, kot je zapisal psiholog M. H. Birnbaum.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Na Festivalu Ljubljana prek 70.000 obiskovalcev Potem ko so obiskovalci Festivala Ljubljana z gostovanjem Bol\u0161oj teatra do\u010dakali njegov vrhunec, si velja ogledati \u0161e statistiko leto\u0161nje izdaje. Po besedah programskega direktorja festivala Darka Brleka je leto\u0161nji festival Ljubljana postregel s 73 prireditvami, ki si jih je ogledalo ve\u010d kot 70.000 obiskovalcev. Stro\u0161ki za leto\u0161nji festival zna\u0161ajo pribli\u017eno 2,3 milijona evrov, od tega je 600.000 evrov prispevala mestna ob\u010dina Ljubljana, 38.500 evrov pa ministrstvo za kulturo. V primerjavi z lani se je za kar 160.000 evrov povi\u0161al prihodek od prodaje vstopnic, ki zna\u0161a 750.000 evrov. Ve\u010d kot lani, slab milijon evrov, pa je festival pridobil tudi iz sponzorskih sredstev. Pogled v leto 2010 \u010ceprav se je 57. ljubljanski poletni festival komaj kon\u010dal, se organizatorji \u017ee ukvarjajo s programom prihodnjega leta. \u010ce bodo za to zbrali potrebna sredstva, se po Brlekovih napovedih obeta kar nekaj odmevnih imen. \" Ni problem dobiti kogar koli na tem svetu, problem je denar, \" je \u0161e povedal Brlek in dodal, da bi bilo treba za enega najbolj\u0161ih festivalskih programov v zgodovini festivala drugo leto zbrati tri milijone evrov. 13.500 gledalcev Filma pod zvezdami V okviru festivala je na Ljubljanskem gradu potekal tudi Film pod zvezdami, ki je med 30. julijem in 20. avgustom privabil okoli 13.500 gledalcev. Poleg pestrega programa, v katerem so predvajali 22 od na\u010drtovanih 23 filmov, je dobremu obisku botrovalo tudi lepo vreme. V Kinodvoru, ki je pripravil program v sodelovanju s festivalom, so tako z obiskom zadovoljni. Kot so \u0161e sporo\u010dili, so bile vstopnice za grajsko filmsko prizori\u0161\u010de petkrat razprodane. Najbolj so pritegnile uspe\u0161nice Revni milijonar, Ljubezen v Barceloni, Mamma Mia! , Ljubezen nima cene in Dr\u017eavni sovra\u017eniki.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Seu d'Urgell, 23. maja (STA) - Simonu Ho\u010devarju je tako kot na prvi tekmi svetovnega pokala v Atenah, uspela uvrstitev v finale z desetim rezultatom polfinala. Po \u0161estem mestu v kvalifikacijah je zanesljivo veslal tudi v polfinalu, predvsem v drugem delu proge v katerem je bil med najhitrej\u0161imi. V finalni vo\u017enji je prehitel \u0161e Martikana in bil na koncu na devetem mestu. Za las je uvrstitev v finale u\u0161la Dejanu Kralju, ki je bil 12. Oba s Ho\u010devarjem sta skoraj ponovila uvrstitvi iz prve tekme svetovnega pokala. Med kanuisti je v polfinalu veslal tudi Dejan Stevanovi\u010d, ki je kon\u010dal kot 19. , na enakem mestu pa je bila tudi Nada Mali, ki je z eskimskim obratom izgubila precej \u010dasa. Fedja Maru\u0161i\u010d in Uro\u0161 Kodelja sta se uvrstila tik za trideseterico. Maru\u0161i\u010d je bil na 31. mestu, Kodelja pa mesto za njim. V finale se izmed najbolj\u0161ih niso uvrstili tudi Ferrazzi, Lefevre, Pecshier, Ratcliffe in \u0161e nekateri, vsekakor pa je bilo presenetljivo tudi prvo mesto zmagovalca mednarodne tekme na So\u010di izpred \u0161tirinajst dni, Italijana Molmentija v polfinalu. Slovenska ekipa iz Seu d'Urgella odhaja neposredno v Merano, kjer jih konec tedna \u010daka nov nastop za to\u010dke svetovnega pokala.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Uvajanje moderne tehnologije in sledenje hitremu razvoju postavlja pred nas nove izzive in zahteve po strokovno usposobljenem kadru, ki bo sposoben samostojno sprejemati hitre odlo\u010ditve. Prav posamezniki, ki to zmorejo in obvladajo, sodijo med tvorce dana\u0161njega sodobnega industrijskega razvoja in so vse bolj iskani ne le v Sloveniji, marve\u010d tudi drugod po svetu, kjer razvoj sodobnih tehnologij igra vse pomembnej\u0161o vlogo. Ali vas je \u017ee kdaj zamikalo, da bi se pridru\u017eili ekipi podjetnih, ustvarjalnih in pogumnih ljudi \u0161irom sveta, ki predstavljajo gonilo tehnolo\u0161kega napredka? \u010ce je va\u0161 odgovor pritrdilen in imate \u017eeljo po tehni\u0161kem udejstvovanju, se nam pridru\u017eite in postanite in\u017eenir strojni\u0161tva!","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Ko ste potrti: Strjenka iz kozjega jogurta Tokrat pa se bomo malce posladkali. Pripravili smo vam okusno strjenko iz kozjega jogurta, s katero boste zagotovo razvajali svoje oku\u0161alne brbon\u010dice, hkrati pa poskrbeli tudi za bolj\u0161e razpolo\u017eenje. Nasvet strokovnjaka za prehrano: Kozje mleko in izdelki iz njega Vsakdo se kdaj sre\u010da s simptomi, kot so tesnoba, \u017ealost, potrtost, obup. \u010ce ti simptomi trajajo dlje \u010dasa, lahko govorimo o depresiji. V tem primeru nam lahko primanjkuje serotonina, nevrotransmitorja, ki zmanj\u0161uje napetost, nas pomiri ter skrbi za dobro razpolo\u017eenje in bolj\u0161i spanec. Serotonin se tvori iz triptofana, aminokisline, ki jo veliko vsebujejo sir, jajca, belo meso, \u2026 \u010ce \u017eelite \u0161e bolje poskrbeti za svoje dobro razpolo\u017eenje, vam priporo\u010dam \u0161e u\u017eivanje hrane, bogate z vitaminom B6, folno kislino in magnezijem. Dana\u0161njo sladico sestavlja veliko kakovostnih \u017eivil. \u0160e posebej \u017eelim izpostaviti izdelke iz kozjega mleka. Kozje mleko pri nas po\u010dasi spet dobiva malo ve\u010d pozornosti. Kako tudi ne, saj ga odlikuje veliko na\u0161emu zdravju koristnih lastnosti. Rada bi izpostavila, da je kozje mleko v osnovi la\u017eje prebavljivo od kravjega ter ljudem povzro\u010da manj alergij. Pogosto ga zato lahko u\u017eivajo ljudje, ki kravjega mleka ne prenesejo. Kozje mleko vsebuje veliko kalcija, fosforja, vitamina B 12 (pa tudi drugih vitaminov iz B-kompleksa) in kalcija. Kozje mleko je prav tako bogato z aminokislino tirozinom, ki prispeva k bolj\u0161i zbranosti in ve\u010dji motivaciji. Poleg tega boste z rednim u\u017eivanjem kozjega mleka in izdelkov iz njega poskrbeli za to, da boste bolj mirni, zmanj\u0161ali pa se bodo tudi ob\u010dutki tesnobe in notranje napetosti. Kot zanimivost naj povem \u0161e, da je kozje mleko zelo cenjeno tudi kot lepotilno sredstvo, z njegovim rednim u\u017eivanjem pa naj bi poskrbeli tudi za dolgo\u017eivost. Zdaj pa se le lotimo priprave na\u0161e sladice...","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Bencin \u010distej\u0161i od dizla Gorivo. Raziskovalci so potrdili \u2013 dizelsko gorivo bolj onesna\u017euje ozra\u010dje. \u0160tudija znanstvenikov z Univerze v Kaliforniji je pokazala, da izpu\u0161ni plini, ki nastajajo pri izgorevanju dizelskega goriva v avtomobilih, veliko bolj onesna\u017eujejo ozra\u010dje kot izpu\u0161ni plini, ki nastanejo pri izgorevanju bencina. Liter izgorelega dizelskega goriva v ZDA naj bi vseboval petnajstkrat ve\u010d sekundarnih aerosolov. Sekundarni aerosoli so majhni delci, ki se nalagajo v ozra\u010dju in lahko v velikih koli\u010dinah vplivajo na podnebje, zmanj\u0161ajo vidljivost ali \u0161kodijo \u010dlovekovemu zdravju. Po besedah vodje raziskave Allena Goldsteina rezultati v prvi vrsti veljajo za Zdru\u017eene dr\u017eave Amerike in le pogojno za druge dr\u017eave, poro\u010da nem\u0161ka tiskovna agencija dpa.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Ljubljana , 06.01.2021: Podarim dve francoski postelji brez vzmetnic.Dno je leseno, sestavljeno iz pre\u010dnih letvic.","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"PROF. DR. ZVEZDAN PIRTO\u0160EK \u2013 KANDIDAT ZA DELOVO OSEBNOST LETA \"V \u017eivljenju ni pomembno, kaj se ti zgodi, temve\u010d, kaj si zapomni\u0161 in kako si zapomni\u0161,\" so misli kolumbijskega nobelovca Gabriela Garc\u00ede M\u00e1rqueza, s katerimi konec leta v \u010dasniku DELO i\u0161\u010dejo pogumne, po\u0161tene, drzne, posebne, mo\u010dne, uspe\u0161ne, pionirske osebnosti, po katerih si bomo zapomnili leto 2016. V uredni\u0161tvu so izbrali deseterico, med 17. in 31. decembrom pa bodo imena prepustili v glasovanje bralcem na spletni strani delo.si. V deseterici po izboru uredni\u0161tva DELA je tudi prof. dr. Zvezdan Pirto\u0161ek, predstojnik klini\u010dnega Oddelka za bolezni \u017eiv\u010devja na Nevrolo\u0161ki kliniki UKC Ljubljana, eden najbolj\u0161ih poznavalcev demence, ki odgovorne opozarja na nujnost takoj\u0161njega ukrepanja. V svojem prepolnem dnevnem urniku ima zapisano tudi sodelovanje s Spomin\u010dico \u2013 Alzheimer Slovenija. Skupaj smo sodelovali pri pisanju Strategije za obvladovanje demence v Sloveniji do leta 2020, ki jo je ministrica za zdravje podpisala letos maja in sedaj v Skupini za pripravo akcijskega na\u010drta strategije. Dr. Pirto\u0161ek sodeluje tudi na Alzheimer Cafe-jih po vsej Sloveniji kot gost Spomin\u010dice in predava o demenci.","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Dobro je vedeti: Laktuloza se uporablja tudi kot prebiotik, ki je za \u010dloveka neprebavljiva sestavina hrane z blagodejnim u\u010dinkom na \u010drevesne bakterije, saj kot njihovo hranilo prispeva k porastu \u010drevesne mikroflore. Zdravilo Prorektal v vre\u010dkah omogo\u010da preprosto jemanje, saj je v vre\u010dki enkratni odmerek teko\u010de laktuloze. Diabetiki lahko jemljejo zdravilo, vendar morajo upo\u0161tevati koli\u010dine sladkorjev v odmerkih. Namenjeno: Uporablja se pri: kroni\u010dnem zaprtju, kadar svojih te\u017eav ne morete odpraviti samo s hrano z veliko balastnimi snovmi in z drugimi splo\u0161nimi ukrepi boleznih (hemoroidi), pri katerih je za\u017eeleno odvajanje mehkej\u0161ega blata. Kako uporabljati: Pri kroni\u010dnem zaprtju in za meh\u010danje blata: Za\u010detni odmerek (2 do 3 dni): Nadaljevanje zdravljenja: Odrasli in mladostniki, stari ve\u010d kot 14 let 1 do 2 vre\u010dici (15 \u2013 30 ml) peroralne raztopine enkrat na dan 1 vre\u010dica (15 ml) peroralne raztopine enkrat na dan Zdravilo Prorektal v vre\u010dicah ni primerno za uporabo pri otrocih, starih manj kot 14 let, saj ne moremo dose\u010di primernega odmerka. Za otroke, stare manj kot 14 let, je na voljo drugo pakiranje zdravila. Odvajalni u\u010dinek zdravila Prorektal traja pri nekaterih bolnikih ve\u010d dni, zato pri njih zadostuje jemanje le vsak drugi ali tretji dan. Peroralno raztopino Prorektal lahko vzamete razred\u010deno ali nerazred\u010deno. Vsebino vre\u010dke lahko preprosto stisnete v usta ali razred\u010dite z vodo. Takoj\u0161nji odvajalni u\u010dinek dose\u017eete, \u010de vzamete zjutraj na te\u0161\u010de 1 do 2 vre\u010dici peroralne raztopine z enim do dvema decilitroma vode, kave, \u010daja, soka ali mleka. Odvajanje teko\u010dega ka\u0161astega blata sledi po pribli\u017eno dveh urah. Ob so\u010dasnem jemanju peroralne raztopine Prorektal s hrano se odvajalni u\u010dinek zdravila ne bo zmanj\u0161al. \u010ce te\u017eave ne minejo po enem tednu jemanja zdravila Prorektal, se posvetujte z zdravnikom ali s farmacevtom. \u010ce menite, da je u\u010dinek zdravila premo\u010dan ali pre\u0161ibek, se posvetujte z zdravnikom ali s farmacevtom. Ne uporabljajte pri: alergiji (preob\u010dutljivosti) na laktulozo ali katerokoli pomo\u017eno snov zdravila bolnikih z redko dedno intoleranco za fruktozo, z redko dedno intoleranco za galaktozo, laponsko obliko zmanj\u0161ane aktivnosti laktaze ali malabsorpcijo glukoze \/ galaktoze","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kam je \u0161la... doma\u010da pa\u0161ta... Kdo se ne spomni sladkih \u0161estdesetih let? Obdobje optimizma, dobre volje in progresa na vseh podro\u010djih, vsak dan. Razmi\u0161ljam iz povsem potro\u0161ni\u0161kega vidika, post festum seveda, saj kot ve\u010dina vas \u0161e nisem bil rojen. Ampak z vsemi temi revivali in obujanji zlatih spominov sem si utopi\u010dno obudil tisti \u010das, ko je mno\u017ei\u010dna potro\u0161nja pre\u0161altala v drugo. Magdalenica je tokrat zelena kvadratna \u0161katla, za dana\u0161nje \u010dase okorno in naivno oblikovana, pa prav zaradi te neposrednosti zanimiva. Poboldan okrogloli\u010dni naslov ima mitolo\u0161ke razse\u017enosti in \u010drno bela simbolna fotografija ne ka\u017ee prav ni\u010d sentimentalnosti, pa\u010d pa triumf tehnologije. Ker pa pisarija ni namenjena oblikovalskim dogmam, bom skraj\u0161al. Titania je izdelku ime in gre za ro\u010dno macchino per pasta. Kovinsko be\u0161tijo mi je podarila babica, ker ve, da rad kuham. Iz notranjega \u017eiga prodajalca je razvidno, da je bila kupljena 9. maja 1968 v gori\u0161ki trgovini ' La Casalinga '. Kljub temu, da niti babice niti mame nisem videl, da bi kdaj sami delali testenine - s stroj\u010dkom ali brez - sem iz prve naredil eno \u010disto solidno pa\u0161to. Postopek gre pa takole. Doma pripravljeno testeno maso najprej potisnemo skozi vrte\u010da se valja, ki enakomerno razvaljata testo na trakove. Postopek po potrebi ponovimo z o\u017ejim razmikom med valjema, odvisno, kak\u0161ne testenine \u017eelimo. Potem trakove spustimo skozi drugi nastavek, vrtimo ro\u010dico in z \u017eare\u010dim srcem opazujemo kulinari\u010dni \u010dude\u017e - na drugi strani prihajajo ven rezanci. Uf, haute cuisine. Pa\u0161ta ni ravno slovenska nacionalna jed in je pri\u0161la na prodajne police relativno pozno. Kot sem izbrskal iz spletja, je bila Mlinotestova tovarna testenin zgrajena konec petdesetih let (proudly made since 1958). Gospodinje so na dvori\u0161\u010dih raztegovale in su\u0161ile preproste rezance dosti prej, saj je izdelek iz moke, jajc in vode prej generi\u010dni pojav kot alkimisti\u010dna tajna prostopa\u0161tarske lo\u017ee. \u010ce \u017ee je kaj iz na\u0161e kulinari\u010dne skrinje prototesteninski izdelek, so to mlinci. Narejeni so iz razvaljanega testa, ki so ga v celem kosu pekli v kru\u0161ni pe\u010di, obi\u010dajno po peki kruha. Pope\u010deno testo so razlomili na ve\u010dje krhlje, jih namo\u010dili v krop in zabelili z zabelo, ki je bila pri roki. Ker pa kru\u0161nih pe\u010di obi\u010dajno nimamo doma, lahko povabljene goste fasciniramo z doma\u010do pa\u0161to in si med vrtenjem ro\u010dice brundamo lahkotno italijansko kancono. Ali pa si zavrtimo \u0161opek zimzelenih slovenskih popevk. Ne pozabite, v \u0161estdestih smo.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"PLANINSKI DOM VINKA PADER\u0160I\u010cA PRI GOSPODI\u010cNI - GORJANCI Smu\u010di\u0161\u010de je blizu Rate\u017ea, v vasi Male Brusnice, ob cesti. Smu\u010di\u0161\u010de je majhno in smu\u010darske karte so poceni. Na voljo je ena vle\u010dnica. DELOVNI \u010cAS:vsak dan 16. do 20. ure. Sobota in nedelja od 9. do 20. ure. Mo\u017enost no\u010dnega smu\u010danja.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"\"Pametne delovne vasi\" so v Italiji zdaj nov trend. Lokalne oblasti pa posku\u0161ajo izkoristiti mo\u017enosti, ki jim jih ponuja dostop do interneta, saj omogo\u010da delo na daljavo vsem, ki za to potrebujejo zgolj ra\u010dunalnik. V \u010dasu pandemije se je uveljavilo delo na daljavo, kar pomeni, da mnogi delajo od doma, na vikendu ali celo nekje na obali na drugem koncu sveta. Dve italijanski mesti celo ponujata pla\u010dilo vsem, ki so se pripravljeni priseliti in delo na daljavo nadaljevati na novem naslovu, poro\u010da CNN. Mestne oblasti v Santi Fiori v Toskani in Rietiju v Laziu so pripravljene pokriti polovico najemnine vsakemu, ki se je pripravljen za dalj \u010dasa preseliti v omenjeni mesti in tam delati na daljavo. Najemnine so \u017ee zdaj precej nizke, zato je ponudba \u0161e toliko bolj mamljiva. A kot vsaka, tudi ta ni brez zahtev: vsak, ki se namerava priseliti, mora imeti redno zaposlitev. Novi koronavirus je Italijo \u2013 v primerjavi z drugimi evropskimi dr\u017eavami \u2013 mo\u010dno prizadel in okrevanje gospodarstva in turizma bo potekalo \u0161e nekaj let. A z delom na daljavo so se Italijani za\u010deli seliti tudi na obmo\u010dja in v mesta, ki so se prej soo\u010dala z odhajanjem prebivalstva. Manj\u0161a, \u017ee skoraj opusto\u0161ena mesta so zdaj polna \u017eivljenja. S tem je Italija ubila dve muhi na en mah \u2013 poleg o\u017eivljanja dolo\u010denih obmo\u010dij, je zdaj tudi manj ljudi v ve\u010djih mestih, zato je \u0161irjenje virusa upo\u010dasnjeno, poro\u010da CNN. V Santi Fiori, mestecu v neposredni bli\u017eini vinskega raja Val D'Orcia in Sienne, trenutno \u017eivi zgolj 2500 ljudi. \u017dupan Federico Balocchi je prepri\u010dan, da moderna tehnologija in delo na daljavo ponujata mo\u017enost revitalizacije njegovega rodnega mesta. Najemnine v Santa Fiori se trenutno gibajo med 300 do 500 evri mese\u010dno, ob\u010dina pa je pripravljena pokriti do 200 evrov najemnine. To pomeni, da bi bodo\u010di najemniki lahko od dva do \u0161est mesecev v mestecu bivali \u017ee za 100 evrov mese\u010dno. Na izbiro so stanovanja v kamnitih hi\u0161ah v centru mesta in udobnih vilah na obrobju. Lokalne oblasti vabijo na spletno stran, kjer si lahko zainteresirani ogledajo vse nepremi\u010dnine, ki so trenutno na voljo. V mestu so pred kratkim uredili dobro internetno povezavo in ve\u010d to\u010dk, kjer je omogo\u010dena brezpla\u010dna povezava na svetovni splet. \u017divljenje v mestu Santa Fiora je sicer po\u010dasno in ponuja pobeg od kaosa in smoga v ve\u010djih mestih.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Konec 4. etape Volvo Ocean Race Sreda 04 Mar 2015 Vseh \u0161est ekip je uspe\u0161no priplulo v novozelandski Auckland. \u010cetrta etapa je bila izjemno zanimiva. Takti\u010dne odlo\u010ditve so odlo\u010dale o kon\u010dnih uvrstitvah. Dve sta bili klju\u010dni. Pomembnost pravih oziroma napa\u010dnih takti\u010dnih odlo\u010ditev je najmo\u010dneje uplivala na kon\u010dno uvrstitev ekipe Brunel. Zelo dobro so jadrali prvi del etape iz kitajskega mesta Sanya. Pred Filipini so se odlo\u010dili za plovbo proti severu, kjer so se obetali mo\u010dnej\u0161i vetrovi. Takti\u010dna odlo\u010ditev je bila prava in zavihteli so se na prvo mesto, kjer so pluli vse do ekvatorja. Skipper ekipe Brunel, Bouwe Bekking, je po prihodu v cilj povedal: \"Te\u017eko je za ekipo, ki je jadrala zelo dobro. Na petem mestu smo zaklju\u010dili le zaradi napake, ki sva jo naredila z Andrewom Capom. Napaka, ki sva jo storila, nas je stala dobre uvrstitve. Vodili smo vse do ekvatorja. Ko smo zapluli z vetrom proti vzhodu, se stvari niso iztekle kot smo na\u010drtovali. Vreme ni naredilo tega kar smo pri\u010dakovali. Iz prvega mesta, ki smo ga dr\u017eali od 15.2. smo 22.2. padli na peto. In zdaj smo v cilju. \u017de drugi\u010d zapored na petem mestu. Priznam, da sem razo\u010daran. V zadnjih nekaj etapah smo lahko ugotovile, da se na regati lahko zgodijo zelo \u010dudne stvari. Razlike med ekipami so zelo majhne in marsikaj se lahko zgodi. To je prednost jadranja na enakih jadrnicah. To je pa\u010d del jadranja!\" \u010cetrto etapo je najhitreje zaklju\u010dila ekipa MAPFRE. Sledila je ekipa Abu Dhabi in na tretjem kitajska jadrnica Dongfeng. Ekipa Alvimedica je priplula \u010detrta pred ekipo Brunel, zadnja pa je priplula v cilj \u017eenska posadka SCA. Kljub temu, da so ekipe preplule preko 5000 nmi je bila razlika med prvo in zadnjo ekipo le 7 ur in eno minuto.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Vodstvo Ko\u0161arkarskega kluba Elektra je za sezono 2006\/07 postavilo cilj, da se \u010dlanska ekipa uvrsti v ligo za prvaka, kar nam je tudi uspelo. Igralci Elektre Esotecha so nato v medsebojnih sre\u010danjih osmih najbolj\u0161ih slovenskih ekip dokazali veliko borbenost in sr\u010dnost, za kar jim... ODPRTO PISMO ZDRU\u017dENJU KO\u0160ARKARSKIH SODNIKOV SLOVENIJE Spo\u0161tovani! Vodstvo Ko\u0161arkarskega kluba Elektra je za sezono 2006\/07 postavilo cilj, da se \u010dlanska ekipa uvrsti v ligo za prvaka, kar nam je tudi uspelo. Igralci Elektre Esotecha so nato v medsebojnih sre\u010danjih osmih najbolj\u0161ih slovenskih ekip dokazali veliko borbenost in sr\u010dnost, za kar jim \u017eelimo javno \u010destitati. Uspeli so premagati kar dva udele\u017eenca regionalne lige, od tega enega celo v obeh sre\u010danjih. Tudi na ostalih sre\u010danjih so na\u0161i igralci prikazali dobro igro in si s tem zagotovili mesto v zgornji polovici na lestvici Lige za prvaka. Glede na dejstvo, da smo leto\u0161njo sezono pri\u010deli z novim trenerjem in temeljito prenovljeno in pomlajeno sestavo \u010dlanske ekipe, v klubu nismo pri\u010dakovali, da se bomo sploh imeli prilo\u017enost boriti za vstop v play-off. Zato vodstvo kluba \u017ee sedaj javno \u010destita \u010dlanski ekipi za nov velik uspeh, saj bomo, ne glede na razplet tekem v zadnjem krogu Lige za prvaka, med petimi najbolj\u0161imi slovenskimi ekipami, kjer se nahajamo \u017ee zadnje tri sezone. To pa je za Ko\u0161arkarski klub Elektra zagotovo velik uspeh, saj imajo vse bolje uvr\u0161\u010dene ekipe od dvakrat do desetkrat ve\u010dji prora\u010dun, kot ga ima na\u0161 klub. V sredo, 9. maja 2007, je potekal 13. krog Lige UPC Telemach \u2013 lige za prvaka. V tem krogu sta se na zelo pomembni tekmi v lokalnem derbiju sre\u010dali ekipi Zlatoroga in Elektre Esotecha. Napetost na obeh straneh je bila velika, saj je tekma \u017ee skoraj odlo\u010dala o tretjem mestu dr\u017eavnega prvenstva, hkrati pa je na medsebojnih sre\u010danjih zaradi zna\u010daja lokalnega derbija vedno nekaj negotovosti. Tekmo so po izena\u010deni igri dobili doma\u010dini, za kar jim \u010destitamo in jim \u017eelimo veliko uspeha v morebitnem nastopanju v regionalni NLB ligi. Ne moremo pa se izogniti komentarju sojenja, ki so ga opravljali predstavniki Zdru\u017eenja ko\u0161arkarskih sodnikov Slovenije. V prvi \u010detrtini sre\u010danja, ko je bilo sojenje \u0161e najkorektnej\u0161e, so bili igralci na\u0161e ekipe ve\u010d kot dostojen tekmec favoriziranim doma\u010dinom. Od za\u010detka druge \u010detrtine dalje pa se je kriterij sojenja spremenil. Spremenjeni kriterij, ki je bil zelo o\u010ditno v \u0161kodo Elektre Esotecha, je na parketu najo\u010ditneje uveljavljal sodnik Dragan Gojkovi\u010d iz Ljubljane. Na spremenjeni kriterij sojenja ni reagiral niti eden izmed najbolj\u0161ih slovenskih in evropskih delegatov, Ale\u0161 Kamnikar. Ob tem naj poudarimo, da smo bili v tej sezoni velikokrat zadovoljni s sojenjem, nekajkrat tudi ne, a smo v klubu sprejeli odlo\u010ditev, da se ne bomo obremenjevali s sodniki in sojenjem. A to, kar si je privo\u0161\u010dil sodnik Dragan Gojkovi\u010d na sredini tekmi, presega vsa nenapisana pravila o toleranci sodni\u0161kih napak, ki izhajajo iz narave njihovega dela. Dragan Gojkovi\u010d je na tekmi sprejel kar nekaj po na\u0161em mnenju nenavadnih in nekorektnih sodni\u0161kih odlo\u010ditev, za omilitev katerih je potem v samem zaklju\u010dku sre\u010danja, ko je bil zmagovalec \u017ee odlo\u010den, sprejel nekaj kompenzacijskih odlo\u010ditev. Tak\u0161no sojenje in kompenziranje vsekakor ni v \u010dast sodniku, ki sodi tekme najvi\u0161jega ranga. Da pa ne bomo samo kritizirali, bi \u017eeleli javno pohvaliti mladega in perspektivnega sodnika Uro\u0161a Kolarja, ki je korektno in po\u0161teno sodil celotno sre\u010danje. Trener \u010dlanske ekipe Elektra Esotech je po sre\u010danju podal naslednjo uradno izjavo: \u00bbPriznam, da sem kriv, ker sem verjel, da trdo delo v dvorani - tudi po pet, \u0161est ur na dan - lahko prinese rezultat. Na \u017ealost sem ugotovil, da \u0161tejejo samo zgodbe izza \u0161ankov in sodelovanje z raznimi sivimi eminencami. Danes sodnikom polagam na du\u0161o, kako je mogo\u010de z ' grobo ' igro narediti 31 osebnih napak kljub temu, da smo bili 35 minut v conski obrambi. Kako je mogo\u010de, da je razmerje pri osebnih napakah 31:20 in 18:35 pri prostih metov. Ob tem, da smo osem prostih metov vrgli v zadnji minuti tekme. Sam sem mogel iti v garderobo in moje fante, ki so bili \u0161e 10 minut po dvoboju vsi v solzah, pogledati v o\u010di. Ko bi vsaj \u0161e kdo imel toliko poguma in pri\u0161el v na\u0161o garderobo in jim stisnil roko za izjemno igro in neverjetno borbenost. To izjavo sem dal zavestno, \u010detudi vem, da je Zdru\u017eenje prvoliga\u0161ev pred sezono sprejelo sklep o tem, da o sojenju javno ne bomo govorili. \u00ab Vodstvo Ko\u0161arkarskega kluba Elektra v celoti podpira izjavo Bojana Lazi\u010da in od Zdru\u017eenja ko\u0161arkarskih sodnikov Slovenije v tem odprtem pismu pri\u010dakujemo, da nam pojasni, kako se lahko na tako pomembni tekmi zgodi tak\u0161en o\u010diten fiasko predstavnikov sodni\u0161ke organizacije. Hkrati pri\u010dakujemo odgovor, zakaj \u017eelijo nekateri slovenski sodniki odlo\u010dati zmagovalce sre\u010danja, namesto da bi to naredili igralci na parketu? V upanju, da bo v prihodnosti sojenje na slovenskih ko\u0161arkarskih igri\u0161\u010dih koretnej\u0161e, vas lepo pozdravljamo in vam hkrati sporo\u010damo, da letos praznujemo 60-letnico ko\u0161arke v \u0160ale\u0161ki dolini, prihodnje leto pa bomo praznovali 60-letnico obstoja Ko\u0161arkarskega kluba Elektra. S tem vam \u017eelimo sporo\u010diti, da se bo na podlagi bogate tradicije v \u0160ale\u0161ki dolini \u0161e naprej igrala kvalitetna ko\u0161arka v vseh starostnih kategorijah, ne glede na subjektivno mnenje posameznih sodnikov o tem, do kam lahko se\u017eejo uspehi na\u0161ega kluba. V imenu Ko\u0161arkarskega kluba Elektra in s polno podporo vodstva kluba: Bojan Rotovnik, direktor","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Kapela bo\u017ejega groba pri kamni\u0161kih fran\u010di\u0161kanih, urejena v hodniku ob prezbiteriju redovne cerkve, je svojevrstna Ple\u010dnikova umetnina, polna simbolike. Na\u010drti zanjo so bili izdelani leta 1952, dokon\u010dana pa je bila leta 1954. Ve\u010d... Samostanska kapela je bila namenjena za molilnico ter postavitvi jaslic in bo\u017ejega groba. Arhitektu je bil v pomo\u010d doma\u010di pater Martin Perc. Pred tem je Ple\u010dnik po naro\u010dilu patra Perca obnovil cerkev v Stranjah ter na\u010drtoval krstilnico v Nevljah. Ple\u010dnik je s kamnitega zidu v kapeli slekel omet in poudaril vmesne fuge. Kamniti zid s spodnjim robom ometane povr\u0161ine povezuje valovnica, ki ima funkcijo \u0161iva. Na oltarni mizi stoji monolitni tabernakelj iz podpe\u010dana, na obeh straneh tabernaklja pa stojita kamnita in medeninasta sve\u010dnika. Za tabernakljem stoji svetle\u010d kro\u017eni zaslon. Na stropu je pritrjena lesena konstrukcija iz brun, ki je oprta na lesene preklade na lesenih konzolah. Na po\u0161evnih tramovih pod brunami so pritrjeni na vsaki strani po trije lestenci. Gre za temo \u0161otora, kar je Ple\u010dnik povzel po znanem nem\u0161kem arhitektu in teoretiku Semperju iz sredine 19. stoletja. Stene in strop so izdelani v zna\u010dilni arhitektovi sgraffitni tehniki poznega obdobja. Vklju\u010deni so napisi, simboli Kristusovega mu\u010deni\u0161tva in geometri\u010dne bordure. Okno, ki gleda v cerkev, je opremil na vsaki strani s parom dvojnih poliranih stebrov iz temnega marmorja. Nasproti oltarja je na alabastrni plo\u0161\u010di, v okviru, ki ima obliko \u010drke T, name\u0161\u010dena figura kri\u017eanega. Kljuka na vratih ima obliko stiliziranega goloba. Oprema kapele vsebuje ogromno simbolike. Po stropu so razporejene majhne kovinske lu\u010dke, ki po mnenju nekaterih spominjajo na voja\u0161ke \u010delade. Navzgor sevajo kratek svetlobni pramen, kar ustvarja videz zvezdnega neba. Tramovi na stropu oltarnega dela nakazujejo hlev oziroma Kristusove jasli, medtem ko monolitni tabernakelj simbolizira Kristusov skalni grob. Tako je simboli\u010dno zaklju\u010den cikel Kristusovega rojstva, smrti in vstajenja. O opremi samostanske kapele je pred kamero spregovorila dr. Andreja Er\u017een, zgodovinarka, direktorica Agencije za razvoj turizma in podjetni\u0161tva v ob\u010dini Kamnik.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Vilharjev dan ki bo v torek, 3. junija 2014, ob 18. uri v Vilharjevi dvorani na\u0161e \u0161ole. Najbolj uspe\u0161nim u\u010dencem bodo podeljena priznanja za dose\u017eke na tekmovanjih v tem \u0161olskem letu. U\u010denci se bodo predstavili tudi s kulturnim programom. Vabljeni!","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"O naro\u010dniku Podjetje Nomago je najve\u010dji slovenski organizator potovanj in ponudnik mobilnosti. V prvi vrsti si prizadeva vsakemu posamezniku ali skupini ponuditi mobilnostne storitve, ki so vedno pri roki, osebne in prijetne ter prilagojene pri\u010dakovanjem sodobne digitalne dru\u017ebe. Nomago z ve\u010d kot 1000 zaposlenimi je sodobno, zaposlenim in uporabnikom prijazno podjetje, ki v ospredje postavlja digitalizirano poslovanje, usmerjeno v potrebe in \u017eelje uporabnika.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"16. marec 2010 \u2013 Samo pet let \u0161e imamo za uresni\u010ditev milenijskih razvojnih ciljev do leta 2015. Generalni sekretar ZN Ban Ki-moon zato poziva, da svetovni voditelji septembra letos na vrhu ZN v New Yorku sprejmejo globalni akcijski na\u010drt, ki bo pospe\u0161il uresni\u010devanje teh ciljev. \u201c Nikakor ne smemo razo\u010darati na milijone ljudi, ki od mednarodne skupnosti pri\u010dakujejo, da izpolni svoje obljube iz Milenijske deklaracije. Septembra se zberimo, da te obljube tudi izpolnimo, \u201d je povedal Ban v svojem poro\u010dilu Keeping the Promise (Dr\u017eimo obljubo), ki je bilo objavljeno danes. Za vrh o milenijskih razvojnih ciljih, ki bo potekal od 20. do 22. septembra, bo poro\u010dilo slu\u017eilo kot osnova za medvladne dogovore o zaklju\u010dnem dokumentu vrha. Poro\u010dilo navaja faktorje uspeha, dobre prakse, opozarja na zaostanke, izpostavlja bodo\u010de izzive in daje predloge za ukrepe, ki bodo pospe\u0161ili doseganje milenijskih cilje v obdobju zadnjih petih let. Pri\u010dakuje se \u0161e dopolnilna poro\u010dila, med drugim aprila prilogo k poro\u010dilu generalnega sekretarja z osnovnimi statisti\u010dnimi podatki o uresni\u010devanju ciljev. Junija sledi \u0161e bolj podrobno poro\u010dilo s statisti\u010dni podatki o uresni\u010devanju ciljev, v za\u010detku septembra pa celostna ocena pomanjkljivosti mednarodnega sodelovanja. \u201c Posedujemo znanje in vire, da uresni\u010dimo milenijske cilje, \u201d je v svojem poro\u010dilu poudaril Ban, pri \u010demer je imel v mislih cilje iz Milenijske deklaracije iz leta 2000, ki si prizadevajo odpraviti rev\u0161\u010dino, lakoto, bolezni ter ob\u010dutno zmanj\u0161ati umrljivost mater in otrok do leta 2015. Poro\u010dilo navaja, da so nekatere dr\u017eave dosegle velik uspeh pri premagovanju skrajne rev\u0161\u010dine in lakote, pove\u010danju vpisa v \u0161ole in zdravja otrok, \u0161irjenju dostopa do pitne vode, krepitvi nadzora nad malarijo, tuberkulozo in zanemarjenimi tropskimi boleznimi ter \u0161irjenju dostopa do zdravljenja virusa HIV (ve\u010d informacij najdete v dokumentu Milenijski razvojni cilji: pregled stanja). Ti uspehi so opazni v nekaterih najbolj revnih dr\u017eavah, kar dokazuje, da so milenijski cilji resni\u010dno dosegljivi, v kolikor imamo prave politike, ustrezno stopnjo nalo\u017eb in mednarodno podporo. Napredek pa ni bil povsod enak, zato poro\u010dilo predvideva, da \u0161tevilne dr\u017eave ciljev ne bodo dosegle. Z najve\u010djimi izzivi se soo\u010dajo najmanj razvite dr\u017eave, kopenske dr\u017eave v razvoju, nekatere majhne oto\u0161ke dr\u017eave v razvoju, ki so najbolj ranljive glede naravnih nesre\u010d, in dr\u017eave, ki se soo\u010dajo z notranjimi nemiri. Poro\u010dilo poudarja, da se zaostanki pri uresni\u010devanju milenijskih razvojnih ciljev ne pojavljajo, ker so cilji nedosegljivi, ali bi bilo na razpolago premalo \u010dasa, ampak prej zaradi neizpolnjenih obljub, neustreznega financiranja in pomanjkanja odgovornega ravnanja. Posledica tega je neuspeh pri zagotavljanju finan\u010dnih spodbud, storitev, tehni\u010dne podpore in ustreznih partnerstev. Zaradi na\u0161tetega je bil napredek pri odpravi rev\u0161\u010dine nesprejemljivo po\u010dasen, nekateri te\u017eko dose\u017eeni uspehi pa izginjajo zaradi prehranske in finan\u010dne krize. Dobre prakse Skoraj deset let se \u017ee izvajajo globalni ukrepi za uresni\u010ditev milenijskih ciljev, med katerimi se je izoblikovalo kar nekaj dobrih praks. Med njimi so najpomembnej\u0161i razvojni na\u010drti na nacionalni ravni. Uspe\u0161ne dr\u017eave izvajajo pragmati\u010dno me\u0161anico politik, s poudarkom na lastnih razvojnih zmo\u017enostih. Mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje mora bolj intenzivno podpirati prav tak\u0161ne nacionalne razvojne strategije in ukrepe za krepitev lastnih razvojnih zmo\u017enosti. Seveda potrebujemo gospodarsko rast, vendar to ni edini pogoj za napredek. Rast mora biti inkluzivna in pravi\u010dna, \u010de \u017eelimo dose\u010di optimalno zmanj\u0161evanje rev\u0161\u010dine in dejanski napredek pri doseganju milenijskih razvojnih ciljev. Te\u017eko prigarani napredek pa lahko izni\u010dijo gospodarski in drugi \u0161oki. Dr\u017eave potrebujejo v prihodnost zazrte makroekonomske politike, s katerimi lahko vzpodbujajo vsesplo\u0161no uravnote\u017eeno rast. Milenijske cilje lahko na primer dose\u017eejo s trajnimi javnimi investicijami in temu primerno oblikovanimi razvojnimi strategijami ter univerzalnim socialnim varstvom. Poro\u010dilo poudarja, da se financiranje doseganja milenijskih ciljev mora pri\u010deti ' doma '. Dr\u017eave v razvoju morajo vi\u0161ati in ustrezno razporejati svoje prihodke, dr\u017eave donatorke pa morajo uresni\u010devati svoje obljube po pove\u010danju uradne razvojne pomo\u010di. \u010ceprav je razvojna pomo\u010d dosegla svoj vi\u0161ek leta 2008, \u0161e vedno dr\u017eave v veliki meri ne izpolnjujejo svojih obljub po zagotavljanju razvojne pomo\u010di. Dr\u017eave so leta 2005 na vrhu G8 v Gleneaglesu obljubile za pribli\u017eno 154 milijard ameri\u0161kih dolarjev uradne razvojne pomo\u010di, pri \u010demer se svojih obljub niso dr\u017eale. Na leto so zagotovile 35 milijard dolarjev manj sredstev, za Afriko pa 20 milijard dolarjev manj kot obljubljeno. \u201c \u010ce se obljube ne izpolnjujejo, revni \u0161e bolj trpijo in umirajo v \u0161e ve\u010djih \u0161tevilkah, \u201d izpostavlja poro\u010dilo. Poro\u010dilo navaja \u0161tevilne obetajo\u010de vladne predloge za zagotavljanje ustreznega financiranja milenijskih ciljev, vklju\u010dno z novim finan\u010dnim mehanizmom za bolj\u0161i zdravstveni sistem in nov globalni pristop k vpra\u0161anju prehranske varnosti, ki je bil izoblikovan na sre\u010danju G8 leta 2009 v L'Aquili. Te predloge je potrebno \u010dim prej uresni\u010diti, \u010de \u017eelimo pospe\u0161iti doseganje milenijskih ciljev in postaviti dobre temelje za sre\u010danje G8 in G20 v Kanadi junija 2010. So\u010dasno je potrebno \u0161e naprej razvijati inovativne finan\u010dne sheme, vrh o milenijskih razvojnih ciljih septembra letos pa mora vzpostaviti transparenten mehanizem, ki bo spodbujal uresni\u010devanje globalnih obljub po zagotavljanju razvojne pomo\u010di. Tak\u0161en mehanizem mora imeti svoj akcijski na\u010drt s \u010dasovnimi roki, oblike nadzora in uveljavljanja dolo\u010dil. Generalni sekretar ZN Ban poziva po novem ' paktu ', ki ne bo zgolj vladni, ampak bo vklju\u010deval vse dele\u017enike, tako razvite dr\u017eave kot dr\u017eave v razvoju, organizacije civilne dru\u017ebe, zasebna podjetja, filantropijo in multilateralne sisteme. Vsak izmed teh dele\u017enikov mora stremeti k najbolj u\u010dinkoviti izrabi svojih lastnih sredstev. Delovati morajo u\u010dinkovito in kolektivno. Vrh septembra letos bo uradno potekal kot plenarno zasedanje Generalne skup\u0161\u010dine ZN na visoki ravni. Pomenil bo enkratno prilo\u017enost za krepitev kolektivnih ukrepov in partnerstev za uresni\u010devanje milenijskih ciljev do leta 2015. \u201c Septembra se bomo zbrali, da gradimo naprej na dose\u017ekih iz preteklih let in odpravimo obstoje\u010de zaostanke. Imamo skupno odgovornost, da za prihajajo\u010de generacije oblikujemo bolj\u0161o prihodnost, \u201d je poudaril generalni sekretar. \u201c Doseganje milenijskih razvojnih ciljev je mo\u017eno le z uresni\u010devanjem svojih obljub, ustreznimi politikami, zagotavljanjem finan\u010dnih spodbud in trajnimi ukrepi. \u201d","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Pred \u010dasom sem se odlo\u010dila, da grem v nakup cistern za de\u017eevnico. Ker imam vrt in ker je lansko leto - kot obi\u010dajno - zmanjkalo vode, jaz pa nameravam letos vrt \u0161e pove\u010dati, mi druge ni, kot da kupim to re\u010d in si zagotovim vodo za de\u017eevne dni. Najprej sem gledala cisterne po bolhi. Potem sem poslala nekaj povpra\u0161evanj po novih cisternah. Slednji\u010d sem na\u0161la \u010drne cisterne, cena mi je bila ugodna, in kupila dve. Ker je bil prodajalec pripravljen cisterni pripeljati do mene, sem mu stisnila v roko \u0161e 10 eur za prevoz in kup\u010dija je bila sklenjena. Potem pa se je za\u010delo delo. Prvi dan sva izkopala en ogromen grm. Ne samo izkopala, tudi razstavila sva ga na ve\u010d manj\u0161ih in drugi dan sva te manj\u0161e grmi\u010dke posadila ob cesto na drugem delu vrta. Naslednji dan sva izkopala okrasno travo in jo prav tako posadila na drugem delu vrta v manj\u0161ih kosih (pri nas ne gre ni\u010d stran). Tretji dan sva kopala zemljo za \u0161karpo, ki sem si jo zamislila. Ker je teren neraven, jaz pa \u017eelim imeti cistrne vi\u0161je kot so tla, ju je bilo treba pa\u010d dvignit. \u010cetrti dan sva naredila \u0161karpe in potem pet dni \u010dakala na 4 eure, da sva lahko kupila dva kolena za \u017eleb in dokon\u010dala delo. Pet dni sva \u010dakala na te 4 eur... :) \u010clovek niti ne ve ali bi se smejal ali jokal. V torek sem \u0161la pogledat na bankomat, \u010de je slu\u010dajno pri\u0161lo kaj virtualnega denarja, v\u010deraj pa mi je ob ponovnem preverjanju javilo, da je kartica blokirana. Ups... denar je sicer bil na ra\u010dunu, a kako do njega in sploh me je zanimalo kaj se je zgodilo v tej no\u010di iz torka na sredo. Hja, pri\u0161la je izvr\u0161ba iz Dursa. Prispevki za ZPIZ, ki jih nisem pla\u010dala do roka. Saj sem vedela, da bo tako, ampak kar nekako sem upala, da bom prej dobila teh 600 eur, kolikor mi je \u0161e ostalo (700 sem \u017ee pla\u010dala), preden se bodo spomnili name. Va\u017eno, da sme pla\u010dala kredit in da mi je ostalo \u0161e za najnujnej\u0161e polo\u017enice, tistih 120 eur, kolikor sta mi jih banki \u0161e zara\u010dunali za blokado, izvr\u0161bo in stro\u0161ke, bom pa tudi morala po\u017ealvat. Skratka, ko sem dobila teh 4 eure sva lahko dokon\u010dala delo. Uvala... Vem ja, plastika ni ravno lepa za pogled, a bom \u017ee nekaj na\u0161tudirala. Najprej moram videt kako se ta inox al kaj je \u017ee okoli te platike segreva, potem bom pa ali samo zakrila cisterne z bambusom ali pa nasadila okoli br\u0161ljan. V vsakem primeru ne bo ostalo tako kot je. Sicer pa mi je kul. Vrt je takoj zraven, vska cisterna dr\u017ei 1000 l, njiva je tudi malo naprej. Ima da raste ko ludo, bi rekel moj.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Prava doma\u010da primorska gostilnica s prijetno notranjostjo, primerna tudi za manj\u0161e zaklju\u010dene dru\u017ebe. Ponujajo razli\u010dne ribje ter druge klasi\u010dne specialitete, pripravljene z vso skrbnostjo in zna\u010dilnostmi, ki predstavljajo to obmo\u010dje. Poleg odli\u010dne doma\u010de hrane blestijo tudi v vinski ponudbi, kjer vam med drugim tudi nudijo poku\u0161ino vin na kozarec.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Po imperiju Zakaj se Ameriko zdaj na splo\u0161no dojema kot samov\u0161e\u010dnega, nasilnega hujska\u010da k vojni? Kako je dr\u017eava, ki je do nedavnega igrala bistveno vlogo pri oblikovanju mednarodnega reda, nenadoma postala simbol globalnega nereda? Zakaj Amerika ni ve\u010d vodilni svetovni zgled liberalne demokracije, mednarodne varnosti in gospodarske blaginje? So Zdru\u017eene dr\u017eave, edina pre\u017eivela svetovna velesila, v nevarnosti, da postanejo marginalne \u2013 da se znajdejo v svetu, ki jih ne potrebuje ve\u010d? Po imperiju, pri kritikih priznana evropska uspe\u0161nica, je provokativen in ne nazadnje streznjujo\u010d pogled na spreminjajo\u010do se vlogo Amerike v mednarodni skupnosti. Emmanuel Todd je zaslovel, ko je v svoji prvi knjigi, La Chute finale, pravilno predvidel razpad Sovjetske zveze z analizo stopenj rodnosti, umrljivosti dojen\u010dkov, sklenitev zakonskih zvez in pismenosti v tej dr\u017eavi. Zdaj \u2013 ob diagnozi, da nadvlada Amerike slabi, ki jo je postavil na podlagi demografskih in gospodarskih dejavnikov \u2013 Todd ponuja zanimivo ponovno ovrednotenje ameri\u0161ke premo\u010di. Todd dokazuje, da v \u010dasu, ko ostali svet ugotavlja, da lahko shaja brez Amerike \u2013 vedno ve\u010d dr\u017eav je vedno bolj izobra\u017eenih, demokrati\u010dnih in gospodarsko stabilnih \u2013, Amerika po\u010dasi spoznava, da ne more shajati brez ostalega sveta. Obremenjena z ogromnim doma\u010dim primanjkljajem in primanjkljajem v zunanji trgovini, padajo\u010do vrednostjo ameri\u0161kega dolarja, nepri\u010dakovanim ste\u010dajem ve\u010d pomembnih podjetij in dejstvom, da se ne more ve\u010d vzdr\u017eevati s svojo produkcijo, Amerika postaja vse bolj odvisna od tujega denarja. Ta odvisnost vztrajno spodkopava njen politi\u010dni in gospodarski vpliv, ki je doslej v zgodovini brez primere. Mnenja bralcev V 2017 ve\u010d ni mogo\u010de govoriti o unipolarni ureditvi sveta. Kar se je povr\u0161nemu opazovalcu \u0161e leta 2014 zdelo neverjetno, je postalo resni\u010dnost. V Evroazijskem obmo\u010dju ni ve\u010d mogo\u010de odlo\u010dati brez vpletenosti Rusije ali Kitajske. A pojdimo \u0161e korak nazaj. Kratka vojna leta 2008, ko si je Gruzija \u017eelela nasilno priklju\u010diti separatisti\u010dni republiki je bila ena izmed prvih znanilcev, da so se razmerja mo\u010di spremenila. Ruska vojska je takrat \u2013 v primerjavi z aneksijo Krima \u2013 sicer \u0161e delovala okorno, a je gruzijsko vojsko, ki so jo opremili ter izurili Ameri\u010dani, porazila v pi\u010dlih petih dnevih. Leta 2008 \u0161e tako velik optimist ni mogel \u2013 pa \u010de si je \u0161e tako \u017eelel \u2013 veliko lepega povedati o ruski ekonomiji. Danes je Rusija postala najve\u010dji izvoznik \u017eita, samozadosten pridelovalec hrane, ter sila, ki o\u017eivlja in na noge postavlja avtomobilsko, letalsko, petrokemijsko in elektronsko industrijo. Dokazala je, da je gospodarsko ve\u010d ne gre izsiljevati. Knjiga 'Po imperiju' je bila izdana leta 2006, njena temeljna ideja pa je morala biti polo\u017eena najkasneje 2005. Takrat, ko smo \u0161e vsi globoko spali in se nismo zavedali tektonskih sprememb, ki se bodo zgodile. Lahko bi rekli, da je bila knjiga vizionarska, kar jo naredi izredno zanimivo branje, kajti kako je mogo\u010de, da je avtor \u017ee leta 2005 \u2013 ko smo rusko vojsko klicali 'staro \u017eelezje', iz njene ekonomije pa brili norce \u2013 slutil, v katero smer se premika svet? \u2013 Matej P. Pogled v knjigo","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Sporo\u010dilo za javnost Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za zdravila in medicinske pripomo\u010dke obve\u0161\u010da javnost o novih objavljenih informacijah s strani Evropske agencije za zdravila o medsebojnem delovanju klopidogrela in zaviralcev protonske \u010drpalke. U\u010dinkovitost klopidogrela je lahko zmanj\u0161ana, \u010de bolniki so\u010dasno jemljejo zaviralce protonske \u010drpalke (omeprazol ali esomeprazol). To pomeni, da je posledi\u010dno zmanj\u0161an u\u010dinek na zaviranje agregacije trombocitov, kar ima lahko za posledico pove\u010dano tveganje za tromboti\u010dne dogodke, vklju\u010dno z miokardnim infarktom. Kljub temu, da ni prepri\u010dljivih dokazov, velja priporo\u010dilo, da naj se klopidogrel in omeprazol ali esomeprazol ne uporabljata so\u010dasno. Dodatno pojasnilo s strani Lekarne Pod Sv. Rokom k sporo\u010dilu za javnost: - u\u010dinkovina klopidogrel se nahaja v zdravilih PLAVIX, ZYLLT in PONTIUS, - u\u010dinkovina omeprazol se nahaja v zdravilih ULTOP, ORTANOL in ULZOL, - u\u010dinkovina esomeprazol se nahaja v zdravilih NEXIUM, NILAR in EMOZUL. *** V Sloveniji registrirana zdravila navajamo z njihovim imenom na slovenskem tr\u017ei\u0161\u010du izklju\u010dno z namenom la\u017ejega prepoznavanja zdravila s strani uporabnika.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Tina Cirman Popovi\u010d odhaja s Publicisa Tina Cirman Popovi\u010d, ki je pred skoraj tremi leti prevzela vodenje agencije Publicis Slovenija, pred letom dni pa se je pridru\u017eila upravi Publicisa, v kateri sta \u0161e kreativni predsednik Mitja Petrovi\u010d in izvr\u0161na direktorica Sa\u0161a Leben, s koncem julija zapu\u0161\u010da agencijo. Foto: Ciril Jazbec \/ arhiv MM Kot je sporo\u010dila Tina Cirman Popovi\u010d, je po enajstih letih, ki jih je pre\u017eivela v agenciji Publicis, \u010das, da naredi korak dalje. \u00bbOdlo\u010dila sem se, da se podam v vode coachinga. Po specialisti\u010dnem \u0161tudiju v Londonu, kjer bom dosedanje znanje poskusila nadgraditi in dopolniti, se bom podala na samostojno pot,\u00ab je \u0161e povedala o svoji nadaljnji karierni poti.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"MOJI \u010cUDOVITI \u017dENI VIDI \u017de dolgo \u010dasa se psihi\u010dno in druga\u010de pripravljam, da bi nekaj spravil na papir \u2013 pa ne zmorem \u2013 preve\u010d sem na dnu. Ko bi tebi ali komu drugemu vsaj pribli\u017eno lahko povedal, kaj do\u017eivljam \u017ee skoraj \u0161tiri leta! Odkar si od\u0161la iz najinega doma, ki sva ga tako lepo uredila, sem ostal sam, tako sam, brez tebe najdra\u017eje, Vida. Ostale so neme stene, s katerimi se ne morem pogovarjati. Vida, kaj vse do\u017eivljam, ko vsak dan prihajm k tebi. Komaj \u010dakam, da pride ura, ki sem se je navadil, da se odpravim k tebi, da te objamem in poljubim. Kako lepo mi je, ko mi poljub velikokrat vrne\u0161. Kako rad bi se s teboj pogovarjal, pa ne morem, samo tvoje ljube\u010de o\u010di me tako toplo gledajo in bo\u017eajo. Kako se trudim in trudim, da bi te pripravil do kak\u0161nih besed, pa ni\u010d, ni\u010d od tega. Kako dolgo te hranim po \u017eli\u010dki, vsak dan se trudim, da ti prinesem kaj dobrega, kar vem, da si imela rada. To tako zelo rad naredim zate, moja \u010dudovita \u017eena. Vida, kako sem vesel, da si v tako urejenem domu, kjer tako lepo skrbijo zate in ostale oskrbovance. Vse spo\u0161tovanje vodstvu in osebju v oddelkih, ki so do vas tako pozorni. Vida, ko zadnje \u010dase prihajam k tebi, se mi va\u010dsih zgodi, da spontano, podzavestno objamem, katero od va\u0161ih dobrih oskrobovalk. Kako veliko mi pomeni, da lahko katero primem za roko, se je hvale\u017eno dotaknem, tega ne morem nikomur povedati. Ob tem ne mislim ni\u010d slabega, vendar se spra\u0161ujem, kaj \u010de so me ta dekleta in \u017eene narobe razumele. Vida, ko na ta na\u010din izgubljam tebe, tvoje \u010dudovite poglede in dotike, prijetne pogovore in objeme, se mi podira svet. Moja Vida, ko bi vedela, koliko solz poto\u010dim ob spoznanju, da si za vedno od\u0161la iz najinega \u010dudovitega doma. S tvojim odhodom je iz njega izginila vsa toplina, vsa milina. Spra\u0161ujem so od kod \u0161e te\u010dejo moje solze. Vida, vedno bolj te pogre\u0161am, vedno bolj sem sam, tako sam. Ti ve\u0161, da nisem bil nikoli \u0161ibak, toda sedaj me je zlomilo, ne morem si pomagati. Velikokrat se \u017eelim pogovarjati z osebjem, ki zate skrbi v domu, a se mi prepogosto zadrgne grlo, in v o\u010di se prikradejo solze. To me spravlja v zadrego. Tudi sedaj mi je te\u017eko, vedno te\u017eje najdem besede, zato bom kon\u010dal. Vida, hvala ti za vse lepe trenutke, tople poglede, ki si mi jih namenila samo ti. Vsi te imamo neizmerno radi, tvoji ljubi h\u010derki Renata in Breda, tvoja vnu\u010dka Rok in Jure, sam pa nimam besed, s katerimi bi ti povedal, da si moja, moja, kot dober dan. Tvoj Ivan Kategorije : Deli :","labels":"Other","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"VE\u010cER: Pogovor z eti\u010dnim hekerjem 26. januar 2015 Gregor Grosman, Ve\u010der Bo\u0161tjan \u0160pehonja je po poklicu heker, vendar svojega znanje ne zlorablja za prizadejanje \u0161kode, temve\u010d ga ponuja podjetjem v korist odkriti varnostne luknje in pomanjkljivosti. Hekanje poteka v dogovoru s podjetjem, ki tudi dolo\u010di pravila kaj lahko heker po\u010dne in do kod lahko gre, pojasni Bo\u0161tjan \u0160pehonja, ki se je kot neodvisni strokovnjak udele\u017eil Unistarjeve konference RoglIT '15. Pri izvajanju penetracijskih testov se eti\u010dni heker izogiba temu, da bi kakorkoli \u0161kodoval, ukradel podatke ali namenoma onemogo\u010dil storitve, saj vemo, da obstajajo vrste napadov, ki zmorejo za\u010dasno onesposobiti spletno stran. Ranljivosti vsak dan ve\u010d Dejstvo, da se \u0161tevilo vdorov pove\u010duje, pa \u0161e ne pomeni, da imajo tudi eti\u010dni hekerji ve\u010d dela. \u0160pehonja pojasnjuje, da je tu \u0161e ena konstanta, saj se podjetja, tako velika, kot manj\u0161a, niti ne zavedajo \u0161e, kaj konkretno pomeni, kaj pomeni izguba podatkov. \"Tukaj je potrebno narediti \u0161e velik korak, da bodo podjetja bolj osve\u0161\u010dena. Ranljivosti je vsak dan ve\u010d, in \u010de administrator zaspi, sploh ni potrebno, da se kdo konkretno spravi na to podjetje. Obstajajo namre\u010d Kitajci, pa Pakistanci, Nigerijci, ki avtomatsko cele dneve skenirajo internet, javne IP-je. Kakor hitro ugotovijo, da je dolo\u010den sistem ranljiv, se v ozadju za\u017eene avtomatika, ki izkoristi to ranljivost in povzro\u010di da va\u0161 sistem, uporabijo za nadaljnje napade, da se zakrije dejanski napadalec.\" Te\u017eava se skriva v prepri\u010danju odgovornih v marsikaterem podjetju, ki velikokrat napa\u010dno sklepajo, da za napadalce njihovi podatki niso zanimivi. So pa zanimivi njihovi ra\u010dunalniki, ki jih hekerji kot bote nato izkori\u0161\u010dajo za nadaljnje napade, pojasni \u0160pehonja, ki dodaja, da se varovanje sicer pri\u010dne pri geslih, da pa je \u010dlove\u0161ki faktor tisti, ki bi po njegovem mnenju moral biti bolje izobra\u017een v ra\u010dunalni\u0161ki varnosti. \"Varna raba interneta se zdi nekako samoumevna. Otrokom v \u0161oli in vrtcu zato dajajo premali poudarek na varno rabo interneta, trendi spletnih prevar in prevarantov pa se vi\u0161ajo,\" pojasni sogovornik in doda \u0161e, da lahko konec koncev dobimo en mail, kliknemo na povezavo, odpremo program\u010dek, in \u017ee smo oku\u017eeni ter smo lahko ob vse podatke ali v najhuj\u0161em primeru utrpimo celo finan\u010dno \u0161kodo. Ne uporabljajte klju\u010dkov najdenih na tleh Pri napadih ve\u010djih podjetij, kakr\u0161nim smo pri\u010da v zadnjem \u010dasu, gre po mnenju strokovnjaka za dobro na\u010drtovane napade, ki se jih na\u010drtuje ve\u010d mesecev, napadalci obi\u010dajno po\u0161ljejo tudi kak\u0161nega insajderja. Pogosto delo hekerjem olaj\u0161a \"\u010dlove\u0161ki faktor\", ali je to narobe konfigurirana po\u017earna varnost, bodisi klikanje uporabnikov, pogosto hekerji na parkiri\u0161\u010dih pu\u0161\u010dajo denimo tudi USB klju\u010dke, ki jih nato zaposleni najdejo in uporabljajo, \u010deprav kot pojasnjuje eti\u010dni heker varnostna politika po standardu ISO 27001 pravi, da se klju\u010dkov, najdenih na tleh ne vstavlja v slu\u017ebene ra\u010dunalnike. \"To so vse metode, ki jih napadalci preizku\u0161ajo in prej ko slej nekdo stori napako, ki odpre vrata v podjetje,\" zaklju\u010di \u0160pehonja. Anonymous dobro pla\u010dani iz ozadja Ko eti\u010dnega hekerja povpra\u0161amo o delovanju skupine Anonymous, je mnenja, da gre za skupino, ki je dobro pla\u010dana in jo nekdo vodi, tako kot obstajajo razni virusi, ki se pi\u0161ejo posebej za Bli\u017enji vzhod, za katere se po sedmih letih ugotovi, da so bili financirani s strani dolo\u010denih vlad. \"Moje osebno mnenje je, da so glavni mo\u017eje financirani z dolo\u010dene strani, da izvajajo dolo\u010dene napade. Seveda pa je to tudi nek trend med mladimi, biti Anonymous in si dati masko na Facebook. To je neka subkultura, ki jo izkori\u0161\u010dajo. Anonymous imajo cel kup nekih svojih programov, ampak tukaj gre tudi za dvorezni me\u010d. Ti se odlo\u010di\u0161 kot najstnik, da bo\u0161 \u010dlan Anonymousa, uporabi\u0161 njihov program s katerim ima\u0161 res nekaj prednosti, saj te u\u010dijo kako dolo\u010deno stvar \"shekat\", ki bi jo sicer prav tako dobil na internetu, ampak s tem postavi\u0161 \u0161e pod vpra\u0161aj svoj ra\u010dunalnik saj ne ve\u0161, ali je bil ta program\u010dek \u010dist in ali je morda tvoj ra\u010dunalnik ta\u010das \u017ee v pripravi na kak DDoS napad, ki ga izvajajo v ozadju,\" pojasni \u0160pehonja. Hekerji v filmih in v realnosti Trenutno je v kinematografih aktualen film Heker. vizualizacija vdora je zmeraj posebno zahtevno opravilo, pogosto so uporabni\u0161ki vmesniki ali grafi\u010dno zelo dovr\u0161eni, ali pa gre za preprosto DOS okno, v katerem se nepregledno izpisuje programska koda ali izjemno hitro letijo kak\u0161ne \u0161tevilke. Kako dale\u010d je to od resni\u010dnosti, pojasnjuje \u0160pehonja, da: \"tistim \u0161tevilkam, tistim kodam, ki tam letijo, se tisti, ki smo s tega podro\u010dja, ponavadi smejemo.\" Hekanje IP-jev 352.612.x.x je nesmisel, saj \u0161tevilka ve\u010dja od 255 ne obstaja. \"Kar se ti\u010de kriti\u010dne infrastrukture, onesposodobitev vode, prometne infrastrukture, elektri\u010dne energije, ... Tukaj bi bil previden kaj re\u010di, ampak tudi je mo\u017een napad. Seveda je mo\u017een, seveda pa je te\u017eje izvedljiv. Na tak napad bi se bilo seveda treba dalj \u010dasa pripravljati, ampak teoreti\u010dne mo\u017enosti obstajajo. Konec koncev nekateri pravijo, da se da shekati vse. Nekateri se cele dneve ukvarjajo samo s tem, da pi\u0161ejo programe, ki vdirajo v druge programe,\" doda eti\u010dni heker, ki pa v filmskih prizorih vidi predvsem veliko pretiravanja.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"4 Responses to \u201c Pod Mont Blanc \u201d Fajn! No sicer je pa nabolj va\u017eno fajn do\u017eivetje pa da celo rit prinese\u0161 dol. \u010ceprav je veliko govora, da je to \u017ee \u010disto komercijalen hrib ta le malo zaka\u0161lja pa te zakoplje v svoja nedrja. Tako kot vsak drugi. To nima veze s temo, ampak ob poklicu Klemena in Jaka mi je pri\u0161lo na pamet:se mogo\u010de spomni\u0161, da si prvi poklicni gornik, ne samo v rajnki YU ampak dale\u010d naokoli? Smo \u0161li enkrat s fotrom na Stol in na pobo\u010djih Malega Stola se te je za\u010dela gora khm \u2026 otepat. In ti je foter obljubil 5 jurjev za osvojitev vrha. Potem si le prisluhnil klicu gore oz. ko ti za\u0161elestela z bankovci :-). Ne vem koliko je to v dana\u0161nji valuti ampak zametki profesionalizma so bili tu!","labels":"Forum","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Avtobusi bodo ponovno ustavljali na ukinjenih postajali\u0161\u010dih na Idrijskem Dru\u017eba Avrigo d.d. Nova Gorica obve\u0161\u010da potnike, da bodo avtobusi od ponedeljka 09.04.2012 dalje ponovno ustavljali na avtobusnih postajali\u0161\u010dih Godovi\u010d Log, Jeli\u010dni vrh K, Baraka in Podroteja. Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor je namre\u010d dru\u017ebo Avrigo d.d. Nova Gorica v petek 06.04.2012 z dopisom obvestilo, da so v Daljinar vnesli \u0161tiri avtobusna postajali\u0161\u010da na glavni cesti G2-102 na odseku Godovi\u010d - Idrija. ki so bila ukinjena s 01.09.2011. Posredovali so tudi potrjene vozne rede z novimi postajali\u0161\u010di.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Ipaky je naredil nov, okolju prijazen ovitek, izdelan iz kombinacije p\u0161eni\u010dne slame in TPU materialov. Ovitek u\u010dinkovito \u0161\u010diti va\u0161o napravo, rahlo matirana tekstura pa zagotovi odli\u010den ob\u010dutek v rokah in prepre\u010duje nastanek prstnih odtisov. Moderen izgled in popolna za\u0161\u010dita v enem Okolju prijazna p\u0161eni\u010dna slama","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Svetujemo vam pri izbiri primernega modula po\u0161tnih nabiralnikov glede na va\u0161e \u017eelje in potrebe. Vsi skupinski po\u0161tni nabiralniki ustrezajo standardu EN 13724. Izberite kvaliteten po\u0161tni nabiralnik, ki bo polep\u0161al zunanjost va\u0161ega doma. Na voljo so vam po\u0161tni nabiralniki razli\u010dnih barv, materialov in dimenzij. Prednosti Ugodna cena Kvalitetna izvedba Ve\u010d \" Hitra dostava Po\u0161tni nabiralniki Iz na\u0161e \u0161iroke ponudbe po\u0161tnih nabiralnikov - ve\u010d kot 60 razli\u010dnih modelov individualnih in skupinskih nabiralnikov, in dodatne opreme za stanovanjske objekte smo za vas izbrali naslednje:","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Elvis Kudi\u010d, atlet (09 \/ 2013) Ko sem prvi\u010d pri\u0161el v Althea center so takoj poskrbeli zame. Vse se je za\u010delo s tejpi, potem pa sva se z Neno \u0161e pogovarjala, kaj treniram. Povedal sem, da atletiko in da me je na tekmah zelo strah, pa mi je Nena predlagala mentalni trening. \u017de po prvi terapiji sem se po\u010dutil druga\u010de, sedaj to terapijo obiskujem \u017ee eno leto in napredek je zelo velik (od 1 do 10 je to 10! ). Na tekmah sem spro\u0161\u010den, samozavesten, imam dolo\u010den cilj. Seveda pa je potrebno \u0161e veliko stvari izbolj\u0161ati. V Althei se po\u010dutim super. Kristina Novak, tenisa\u010dica, 13 let (09 \/ 2013) Filip Zupan\u010di\u010d, teni\u0161ki igralec (08 \/ 2012) Imel sem \u017ee veliko mentalnih treningov, a noben ni bil tako zanesljiv, kot je IMT\u00ae mentalni trening pri Althei\u00ae. Med treningi se \u010disto sprosti\u0161 (v\u010dasih skoraj \u201c zaspi\u0161 \u201d, \u010deprav si kljub temu popolnoma skoncentriran) in ko se spet \u201c zbudi\u0161 \u201d si poln energije. Z Neno delava skupaj \u017ee malo manj kot eno leto, rezultati pa so o\u010ditni. Tudi ob morebitnih po\u0161kodbah se po\u010dutim izvrstno, na turnirjih pa tudi nastopam zelo samozavestno. Vaje katere izvajava so zanesljive, zelo mi pomagajo. Iz moje strani bi bilo to vse, resni\u010dno vam priporo\u010dam, \u010de imate \/ boste imeli kak\u0161en morebiten problem, da se oglasite pri Althei\u00ae in ob\u010dutite to izvrstno vzdu\u0161je. Filip Bla\u017e Kav\u010di\u010d, vrhunski teni\u0161ki igralec (07 \/ 2012) S centrom zdravja in harmonije Althea\u00ae sem prvi\u010d v stik pri\u0161el pred dobrima dvema letoma, ko sem bil primoran svojega najbolj\u0161ega prijatelja (teni\u0161ki lopar) postaviti v kot zaradi natrganine pri narasti\u0161\u010du zadnje lo\u017ee. Bil sem v veliki psihi\u010dni stiski, saj nobena terapija ni pomagala in nisem vedel kaj naj naredim. Za vrhunskega \u0161portnika ni huj\u0161ega kot da mora le\u017eati in po\u010divati \u2026 Od takrat se v te\u017eavah vedno obra\u010dam na njih. Takoj, ko sem vstopil v Altheo sem vedel, da sem pri\u0161el na pravo mesto. Prvi dan terapije me je sprejela fizioterapevtka in njen prijatelj Tecar\u00ae. \u017de po nekaj terapijah sem ob\u010dutil veliko razliko. Noga je bila bolj spro\u0161\u010dena, bole\u010dina pa je po\u010dasi popu\u0161\u010dala in kaj kmalu sem se spet lahko vrnil na teni\u0161ka igri\u0161\u010da. Ostala pa je \u0161e ena velika te\u017eava \u2026 Noge nikakor nisem uspel obremenjevati tako, kot pred po\u0161kodbo in \u010dutil sem, da si ne znam pomagati. V glavi sem imel zavoro \u2026 Takrat mi je na pomo\u010d prisko\u010dila Nena. S treningom IMT\u00ae sva v nekaj dneh prebila zavoro in moje gibanje na igri\u0161\u010du je postalo veliko bolj\u0161e in spet sem \u010dutil, da sem na igri\u0161\u010du tisti pravi, saj je bilo zelo te\u017eko \u017eogo poslati mimo mene. Nena pa me je tudi nau\u010dila, naj poslu\u0161am sebe in svoje telo. Zdaj si velikokrat lahko pomagam tudi sam. Vsem v Althei\u00ae se iz srca zahvaljujem, saj so mi re\u0161ili veliko te\u017ekih dni, ki bi jih moral pre\u017eiveti brez tenisa. Tecar\u00ae, Bionic\u00ae, IMT\u00ae in kinesiotaping je sigurno najbolj\u0161a kombinacija terapij pri saniranju po\u0161kodb zato vsem, ki potrebujejo pomo\u010d, toplo priporo\u010dam Altheo\u00ae. Bla\u017e Kav\u010di\u010d Miran Stanovnik (28.5.2012, po po\u0161kodbi na dirki v Dubaju, zaklju\u010dek terapije) Z Miranom sva po njegovi po\u0161kodbi na dirki v Dubaju poleg fizioterapije in kineziotapinga delala tudi IMT\u00ae intuitivne mentalne treninge in energijske terapije, kot podporo osnovni terapiji, za hitrej\u0161o rehabilitacijo in \u010di\u0161\u010denje posledic po\u0161kodbe \u0161e na vseh ostalih nivojih, ne le na fizi\u010dnem telesu. Sledi opis njegove izku\u0161nje, ki je bila zelo mo\u010dna, ker se je terapiji popolnoma prepustil in je bil njegov namen v najkraj\u0161em mo\u017enem \u010dasu popolnoma sanirati vse posledice (fizi\u010dne, psihi\u010dne, energijske) te po\u0161kodbe, kot tudi vseh predhodnjih, ki so se mu zgodile, zato je bila tudi reakcija bolj burna, rezultat pa izredno hiter, kar je bil njegov namen, ki si ga je postavil. Dragi prijatelji, Moja sre\u010danja s prijetnimi in strokovnimi prijatelji iz Althea\u00ae centra v Lescah prihajajo v zaklju\u010dno fazo. Rehabilitacija je ve\u010d kot samo uspela. Sem pa spet poskusil nekaj novega (vsaj za mene). Nena me prijazno vpra\u0161a, \u010de poskusiva tudi eno energijsko terapijo (reiki) skupaj z IMT\u00ae mentalnim treningom. Seveda, zakaj ne. Seveda nisem pri\u010dakoval kak\u0161ne revolucije, vendar sem sodeloval na polno, kot vse kar po\u010dnem. Opozori me tudi na to, da bi me utegnilo po obravnavi tudi malo zebsti, ker se bo energija \u010distila \u2026 No ja, zadeva ni hec to vam lahko povem. Mene je po terapiji na poti domov tako zeblo, da sem si naravnal notranjo temperaturo v avtu na 28 stopinj Celzija in ni zadostovalo. Doma sem se \u010dez glavo pokril z dvema odejama (ne deke) in to je bilo komaj dovolj. Vendar je v eni uri moj telo odreagiralo s povi\u0161ano temperaturo (38 stopinj). Po nekaj urah le dvignem glavo in vpra\u0161am Neno za komentar dogodkov. Tako mo\u010dna reakcija na vse kar sva po\u010dela, \u010di\u0161\u010denje na vseh nivojih, ker sem bil na to pripravljen in sem \u0161el v proces \u201c na polno \u201d, pravi moja terapevtka. Ja, pre\u017eivel sem \u0161e nekaj dni v postelji, vendar je \u017ee naslednji dan pri\u0161lo do bistvenega izbolj\u0161anja stanja po\u0161kodbe, ter sem \u017ee naslednji dan pozabil na bergle za hojo po stanovanju, kar pomeni, da je pomagalo in od tistega dne sem jih rabil le \u0161e za hojo po stopnicah \u2026 Noro dobra izku\u0161nja, vam povem. Joj zdajle sem prebral \u0161e enkrat in vidim, da moje pisanje zgleda grozno \u00bbpocukrano\u00ab, vendar ne bom popravljal, ker je vse kar sem povedal res. Miran Jure Robi\u010d, vrhunski ekstremni kolesar (09 \/ 2010) Draga Nena, \u017ee predolgo ti obljubljam, da bom napisal, kako do\u017eivljam najine \u201c seanse \u201d. Evo zdej sem si pa vzel \u010das zate, tko kot si ga ti zame zmeraj kadarkoli te rabim, podnevi ali pono\u010di. Ko sem ti na prvi terapiji rekel, da ti zaupam in verjamem in da delaj kar ho\u010de\u0161, samo da mi bo bolj\u0161e in bom lahko \u010dimprej spet dirkal, si nisem niti v sanjah predstavljal, da so spremembe lahko tako hitre in u\u010dinkovite. Ko si me po hudi po\u0161kodbi v \u0161tirih dneh s pomo\u010djo Bionica\u00ae, Tecarja\u00ae in predvsem tvoje IMT\u00ae mentalne tehnike sestavila in na\u0161telala za dirko, sem za\u010denjal razumet, zakaj se mi kak\u0161ne stvari u lajfu sploh dogajajo. Res se mi odpira nov svet, kot si napovedala. Saj vem, da je vse u glavi, samo zdaj s tvojo pomo\u010djo tud vem, kako to kar me moti po\u0161lihtat. Komaj \u010dakam, da nadaljujeva. Se vidiva)) Miran Stanovnik, vrhunski motociklist (07 \/ 2010) Moje prvo sre\u010danje z Neno in Altheo\u00ae je bilo plod razgovora in osebnega priporo\u010dila Jureta (Robi\u010d), ki \u00bbtretmajev\u00ab ni mogel prehvaliti. Kljub relativno veliki oddaljenosti od mojega doma sem ob po\u0161kodbah, ki so sestavni del \u017eivljenja skoraj vsakega \u0161portnika, redno obiskoval Altheo\u00ae v Lescah. Dele\u017een sem bil individualne obravnave z masa\u017eo, uporabe Bionic\u00ae terapije, terapije z napravo Tecar\u00ae, kot tudi IMT\u00ae intuitivnega mentalnega treninga, metode, nad katero pa sem res navdu\u0161en. Rezultat je bil za mene namre\u010d \u0161okantno dober. Ne ukvarjam se s podrobnostmi delovanja posameznih segmentov, saj je zame pomembno, da stvar deluje. To pa zanesljivo. v zadevo na za\u010detku nisem verjela, potem pa me je z dejanskimi u\u010dinki prepri\u010dala, in popolnoma prevzela. Na za\u010detku, sem si mislila, kaj bo to meni pomagalo, kako to sploh lahko deluje, to je kar neki, bla bla bla, \u2026 vendar, kot sem rekla, nad u\u010dinkom sem bila fascinirana. Vsak \u010dlovek ima dolo\u010dene blokade, nepredelane vzorce, vsak \u010dlovek ima kje te\u017eave \u2013 morda se tega zaveda, morda pa sploh ne. Nena, me je prevzela \u017ee s svojo umirjenostjo, to sem tudi sama \u010dutila. Je \u017eenska, ki sem ji takoj zaupala. Po porodu sem imela velike te\u017eave z \u017eelezom. Nikakor, tudi z medicinsko pomo\u010djo, se stanje ni izbolj\u0161alo. Povsem \u201c slu\u010dajno \u201d sem, ko sem se sre\u010dala z Neno poto\u017eila o zadevi, pa mi je predlagala, da pogledava kje imam mogo\u010de blokado, psihi\u010dne razloge, ki to povzro\u010dajo. No in res sva na\u0161li vzrok: imela sem obupno slabo vest, ker nisem bila non stop s h\u010derko in vse to mi je \u017erlo \u017eelezo, ko sva vse te vzorce slabe vesti pogledali, raz\u010distila, se sprijaznila s tem, ko sem pogledala zadevi v o\u010di, se je stanje nenormalno izbolj\u0161alo in uredilo. Med Olimpijskimi igrami v Vancuvru sva bili z Neno ogromno \u010dasa v kontaktu preko skypa. Ta IMT\u00ae mentalni trening se da izvajati tudi na daljavo, pomagala mi je stopati preko te\u017ekih psihi\u010dnih ovir. Zmogla sem. Morda si \u010dlovek v\u010dasih misli, da je te\u017eava nekje na povr\u0161ju, vendar ko se poglobi\u0161 vase ugotovi\u0161, da so to vzorci, ki jih ima\u0161 v sebi \u0161e iz otro\u0161tva in sedaj \u201c ska\u010dejo ven \u201d. Jaz sem se na\u0161la v tem IMT\u00ae treningu, v tej terapiji. Meni zelo pomaga. To ni terapija samo za \u0161port, to je terapija, ki me bogati za vse \u017eivljenje. Zavedam se, da moram \u0161e veliko delati na sebi in to je metoda, ko se lahko u\u010dinek poka\u017ee \u017ee po eni terapiji, takoj lahko opazi\u0161 napredek, spremembo. Jaz jo priporo\u010dam vsem, ki si \u017eelijo, da bi bili s seboj zadovoljni. Meni je ta terapija odprla o\u010di, in na dolo\u010dene stvari gledam z drugimi o\u010dali. \u017de ko se z Neno dobiva na terapiji se umirim, \u017ee ona sama me umiri, nenazadnje je to \u010das, ki je samo moj, ki ga namenim sebi in se bogatim. Vasja Rupnik, biatlonska reprezentanca Slovenija (06 \/ 2010) sam nisem nikoli verjel v neotipljive, nepojasnjene stvari, vendar sem potem, ko sem za\u010del sodelovati z centrom Altheo\u00ae, z Neno, za\u010del spoznavati, da je samo ego problem do bolj\u0161ega in samozavestnej\u0161ega nastopa na tekmah, ter v \u017eivljenju! S pomo\u010djo terapij, katere niti niso terapije, ampak pogovor oziroma s pomo\u010djo Nene brskanje v svojo podzavest odkrije\u0161, da so strahovi in blokade del tebe, samo upati se jih je treba odkriti, za to rabi\u0161 \u017eeljo po la\u017ejem in bolj\u0161em \u017eivljenju, seveda brez pomo\u010di Nene in usmerjanja ne gre, zato hvala za nazaj in se priporo\u010dam za naprej! Maja Kokol, otro\u0161ka voditeljica, animatorka in pevka (05 \/ 2010) Otrokom sem v delu na razli\u010dne na\u010dine predana \u017ee 23 let. Delo in dru\u017eenje z njimi mi vedno znova potrjujeta, kako pravlji\u010den in \u010daroben je ta svet. Zato verjamem v \u010dude\u017ee, pravljice in angele - eden izmed njih je zagotovo Nena. Hude preizku\u0161nje, ekstremna \u017ealost in strah pred \u00bbjutri\u00ab so okoli\u0161\u010dine, ki so mi jo priklicale na pot. Sem velik optimist a lahko re\u010dem, da mi brez njene pomo\u010di skozi tisto obdobje ne bi uspelo \u2013 predvsem ne na tak\u0161en na\u010din. Nena mi ni le prijateljica temve\u010d tudi izvrstna terapevtka, ki me navda z energijo, toploto, z besedami \u2026 \u2013 s \u010dimerkoli, kar za\u010duti, da v tistem trenutku potrebujem. Ker je pri vsem tem tako vidno uspe\u0161na, mi njene ideje, nasveti ali zgolj pripovedovanja o ne\u010dem dobrem vedno odprejo srce in v njem vzbudijo vedo\u017eeljnost - tako je bilo tudi z IMT\u00ae tehniko. Spremenila mi je \u017eivljenje, popolnoma - ga obrnila na glavo kot vrtinec, ki za seboj pusti opusto\u0161enje starih vzorcev, misli, vezi in s trdno in odlo\u010dno voljo seje nova semena. Zato, draga moja Nena, si moj angel - v vseh oblikah, na vseh podro\u010djih. S tvojo pomo\u010djo sem postala to, kar sem in zato ti bom vedno hvale\u017ena! Nika, teni\u0161ka igralka (02 \/ 2011) IMT\u00ae terapija mi pomaga pri vseh stvareh, ki jih po\u010dnem, ne samo pri tenisu. Pri sebi sem opazila dosti manj\u0161e razburjanje (\u010de sploh) zaradi ostalih ali zaradi zunanjih stvari, ki jih ne morem kontrolirati. Dosti bolj se oziram nase in na svoje potrebe. Nekako bolj \u017eivim v nekem \u201d miru \u201d. Na za\u010detku sem mela v sebi dvom v smislu odpiranja. Sem namre\u010d oseba, ki se zelo te\u017eko popolnoma zaupa nekomu in mu s tem posledi\u010dno tudi verjame. Moram re\u010di, da tebi zaupam \u017ee od samega za\u010detka najinih IMT\u00ae terapij, kar zame ni zna\u010dilno. Terapije mi tudi pomagajo nasploh v \u017eivljenju in niso vezane samo na \u0161portno podro\u010dje. Dejansko sem ve\u010d let \u017eivela v nekem balonu iz katerega nisem hotela ven. Vsi so mi lahko rekli ali naredili kar koli, pa sem zmeraj navzven delovala popolnoma mirno. S pomo\u010djo tebe zdaj dejansko povem svoje mnenje, brez strahu na sam razplet. Tudi sama ne razmi\u0161ljam o tem, kaj bi bilo \u010de bi bilo, ali pa zakaj se je to zgodilo ampak \u017eivim v tistem trenutku in naredim to kar je treba. Tudi same izvedba, natan\u010dnost in mo\u010d udarcev se mi je izbolj\u0161ala s pomo\u010djo IMT\u00ae terapij, ki jih delava. \u0160pela (12 \/ 2011) Sod s potla\u010denimi problemi in strahovi se je dokon\u010dno napolnil. Ni bilo ve\u010d prostora in izbruh se je moral zgoditi. Pri meni kot psihi\u010dne te\u017eave. Pristala sem na antidepresivih. Ker pa sem \u0161e premlada za hojo z berglami (tako zdravniki pravijo zdravljenju psihi\u010dnih te\u017eav s tableti) sem se odlo\u010dila stvar vzeti v svoje roke. Vedela sem, da ima Nena center zdravja, nisem pa si prav dobro predstavljala, kako mi lahko pomaga. Ker pa hudi\u010d v sili \u0161e muhe \u017ere, sem si rekla, da slab\u0161e ne more biti in jo poklicala. Dogovorili sva se za terapijo. In glej, \u017ee po prvi IMT\u00ae terapiji sem ob\u010dutila olaj\u0161anje. Sledila je druga, in tretja, \u2026 Danes se po\u010dutim res odli\u010dno in sem Neni neizmerno hvale\u017ena. Pa \u0161e en dokaz, da terapije res pomagajo. Eden izmed mojih mnogih strahov je bil tudi sprehod po gozdu. Tja se sama, \u010de se je le dalo, nisem odpravila, \u010deprav v gozdu u\u017eivam. Ob vsakem \u0161umu sem se zdrznila, strah me je bilo sre\u010dati \u010dloveka, \u017eival \u2026 Ta moj strah je imel korenine globoko v moji podzavesti in je izviral iz dogodkov v preteklosti. Po eni izmed terapij sem \u0161la u\u010dinek preizkusit v gozd. Sama. Neverjetno. Strahu pred gozdnimi obiskovalci in ti\u0161ino z ob\u010dasnim \u0161umenjem listja, vetra, \u2026 ni bilo ve\u010d. Sprehod mi pomeni sprostitev, polnjenje baterij, pogovor same s sabo. Vse v \u017eivljenju se dogaja z razlogom. Nena, ti si bila eden izmed tistih lep\u0161ih in bolj\u0161ih. Hvala ti. Zelo rada se vra\u010dam na terapije, ker mi res pomagajo razumeti dogajanje okoli mene. S terapijami postaja moje dojemanje sveta pozitivnej\u0161e.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"\"Programirani ambient\" prikazuje razmerje med kartoteko, ambientom in numeri\u010dnim programiranjem. Numeri\u010dna struktura je osnova celotne umetni\u0161ke postavitve, na njeni podlagi se umetni\u0161ko delo proizvaja samo od sebe. Programirani ambient je sestavljalo 2184 risb na karticah, ki so bile vpete v 156 vise\u010dih mobilih, tla je prekrivala cca. 40 m dolga preproga na kateri je bil izpisan numeri\u010dni program ene izmed vise\u010dih kartote\u010dnih serij ter horizontalna mre\u017ena konstrukcija, ki je bila pripeta tik nad stropom. Galerijska dvorana je bila tako razdeljena na tri nivoje. Celotni ambient je bil osnovan na permutacijah polnega in praznega prostora, ki ga je dolo\u010dala mre\u017ena konstrukcija s 286 to\u010dkami - vozli, ki so odmerjali prostor vertikalnim mobilom. Numeri\u010dni program, ki je dolo\u010dal pozicijo mobilov je bil izbran na podlagi vseh mo\u017enih enajstmestnih kombinacij znakov 0 in 1 s pogojem, da sta si v razmerju 5:6 in da si tako izbrane vrste sledijo v originalnem vrstnem redu za\u010den\u0161i z najenakomernej\u0161o kombinacijo (10101010101) do zapolnitve danega prostora. Lihe vrste programa se \u010ditajo od leve proti desni, sode obratno. Mobili so bili sestavljeni iz \u0161tirih kartote\u010dni programiranih serij \"Uho\", \"Pu\u0161ka\", \"V\u017eigalice\" in serije z naslovom \"Dan\", ki je bila predstavljene tudi kot strip v Problemih -PU, v \u0161tevilki, ki je bila posve\u010dena programirani umetnosti. Del postavitve \"Programiranega ambienta\", je bila tudi \"Programirana preproga\" na kateri je bil izpisan delni numeri\u010dni program. Programirani ambient je bil prvi\u010d razstavljen v Moderni galeriji v Ljubljani aprila 1969, v okviru razstave Atelje 69. Iztok Geister je pojem SERIJA opisal kot: OHOjevski ideoagram kot mre\u017ea dveh nizov stvari: enakih in razli\u010dnih. V vertikali enake stvari se v horizontali nanizajo v razli\u010dne stvari, v najbolj popoln in najbolj preprost svet hkrati. Tekst: Ana Mizerit","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Francosko pojmovanje prostora (+ video) Francoski Renault v \u0161vicarski \u017denevi predstavlja novo generacijo modelov Scenic in Grand Scenic, ki sta v segmentu srednje velikih MPV-jev trdno zasidrana in se v novem rodu spogledujeta s trenutno Renaultovo oblikovno filozofijo. Novi Scenic, tako kot je \u017ee v navadi, temelji na zadnji izvedbi Megana, podobnih je tudi nekaj oblikovnih elementov, bistveno pa se ne bo razlikovala niti ponudba pogonskih agregatov. Ob za\u010detku prodajne poti novega Scenica bodo na voljo trije bencinski motorji z razponom mo\u010di od 81 do 103 kW (110 do 140 KM), dizelski agregati pa pa bodo \u0161teli \u0161est predstavnikov in bodo pokrivali mo\u010di od 63 do 118 kW (86 do 160 KM). Obe izvedbi sta po novem tudi nekaj ve\u010djih mer, nudita ve\u010d prostora potnikom in ve\u010djo prostornino prtlja\u017enika.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Dr\u017eavni volilni komisiji presti\u017eni mednarodni nagradi Ljubljana, 09. decembra (STA) - Na 7. mednarodnem simpoziju o volilnih zadevah, ki je 3. in 4. decembra potekal v malezijskem Kuala Lumpurju, je Dr\u017eavna volilna komisija RS (DVK) prejela presti\u017eno nagrado Volilna komisija leta. Hkrati je bila DVK nagrajena tudi v kategoriji upravljanje volitev, so sporo\u010dili s komisije. Kot pojasnjuje direktor DVK Du\u0161an Vu\u010dko, je \u0161lo za prvo tovrstno mednarodno podelitev nagrad na podro\u010dju volitev, organiziral pa jo je Mednarodni center za parlamentarne \u0161tudije s sede\u017eem v Londonu. Za nagrade so se potegovale centralne volilne komisije z vseh celin. \" Delo Dr\u017eavne volilne komisije Republike Slovenije je bilo ocenjeno kot navdu\u0161ujo\u010de, predvsem za dr\u017eave, ki jih je prizadela ekonomska kriza, in zatorej vredno nagrade, \" je v obrazlo\u017eitvi zapisal devet\u010dlanski odbor za podelitev nagrad. Po njegovi oceni je DVK ne samo izbolj\u0161ala uspe\u0161nost in u\u010dinkovitost celotnega volilnega procesa, ampak ga tudi pribli\u017eala volivcem. Po Vu\u010dkovih besedah nagradi dokazujeta pravilno usmerjenost in prepri\u010danje DVK, da je volilne komisije in sam volilni proces nujno treba pribli\u017eati volivcem, ter da je treba volilni proces izpeljati \u010dim bolj racionalno, vendar ne na ra\u010dun volivcev oziroma zmanj\u0161anja \u017ee uveljavljenih standardov demokrati\u010dnih volitev.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Tekst je povzet iz romana Trije razlogi, stran 220. Pol treh zjutraj. Ra\u010dunalnik nesli\u0161no prikazuje slike in lu\u010dke utripajo na titanskem ohi\u0161ju. Tam, kjer pono\u010di dolgo gori lu\u010d, so ideje. To pa je, vemo, narobe, hereti\u010dno ... in nevarno ... Nobenih silnih fabul ni v romanu in ni prav ni\u010d podoben Da Vincijevi \u0161ifri, povem tistim, ki so imeli s tisto knjigo, podobno kot pis., te\u017eave in so jo komaj z muko do konca prebrali. Kronolo\u0161ki popis raznih dogodkov je v Treh razlogih. Bolj to je. In v resnici, v filmu, \u010de ho\u010dete, in literaturi je malo stvari, ki so tako dramati\u010dne, kot je resni\u010dno \u017eivljenje. \u010ceprav \u017eivljenje vsi poznamo, nam vendarle vsak dan sporo\u010di nekaj novega in posebnega. In o tem se da vedno znova \u0161e bolj zanimivo pisati. Roman Trije razlogi je hudomu\u0161en izsek enoletnega \u017eivljenjskega cikla mamice dveh liliputan\u010dkov, \u017eene in zanimive mlade \u017eenske. Zgodba skozi prvoosebno pripoved (Ksenijino) predstavi razli\u010dne osebe. Negativko Vlasto, karieristko Darjo, razmazano Niko in nesre\u010dno Veroniko, Ksenijino dru\u017eino in \u0161ir\u0161i krog znancev, skozi katere slika svoje nenavadne podobe. Za razliko od mnogih drugih avtorjev se na kriti\u010dnih mestih zate\u010de v resni\u010dnost, vsaj tako sem jo razumel. To je zelo nenavadno. Avtorica ne deluje niti malo naivno, prej bi rekel sve\u017ee in mladostno. Kljub izku\u0161njam ima, po mojem mnenju, skoraj preveliko zaupanje v okolje in v druge ljudi. Kako prekleto se moti, bo \u0161e spoznala. To bo spoznala tudi cela njena generacija. O tem ne more biti nobenega dvoma. Nezaupljiva je le do svojega partnerja, ki jo ima verjetno od vseh ljudi najraje in jo najbolj spo\u0161tuje. To me niti malo ne \u010dudi. Vse \u017eenske, kar jih poznam, so take. Brez ene same izjeme. :) Tudi humor je v Treh razlogih. Dober in lepo napisan. Aleksandri se lahko smejimo na mnogih mestih. Sam sem se najbolj tam, ko opisuje strastno ljubljenje, kjer sta si Ksenija in Marko na glavah prislu\u017eila bu\u0161ke na isti polici. Polo\u017eaje sta menjala, o tem ni nobenega dvoma. Pa ko ji telefon padel v lu\u017eo ali pa ob sre\u010danju s fantom od stroja. Takole pa opisuje svoje tehtanje in se enkratno ponor\u010duje iz modnih zapovedi. Z redko videno samoironijo \u017eenske z malce na\u010deto samozavestjo, ki na koncu zelo gladko preide v simpati\u010den sarkazem: Slekla sem se do golega, da bi bil rezultat \u010dim bolj precizen. \u0160e lulat sem \u0161la prej, da ja ne bi trpela \u0161e na ra\u010dun nepotrebnih par gramov. In potem usodni korak. Zdelo se mi je, da tanka plo\u0161\u010da kar je\u010di pod mojo te\u017eo. Zami\u017eala sem, si \u0161e enkrat rekla, da rezultat ni pomemben, saj ga bom tako ali tako v kratkem popravila, nato pa sem br\u017e odprla o\u010di in pogledala navzdol. 69 kilogramov. Stra\u0161na sedmica je bila preklemansko blizu. V \u017eelodcu me je stisnilo, br\u017e sem sestopila in nato \u0161e enkrat stopila na tehtnico. Nikar ne po\u010dnite tega, razen \u010de ste presuhi! Zdaj je namre\u010d ta \u0161panski \u0161korenj pokazal gladkih 70. Sko\u010dila sem dol, kot bi me spekle koprive, in se uprla nagonski \u017eelji, da bi \u0161e enkrat poskusila - mogo\u010de bo pa rezultat vendarle bolj normalen, recimo kak\u0161nih lu\u0161tkanih 62. Bilo je jasno, da tehtnica \u010duti moje muke in jih namerno \u0161e poglablja z dodajanjem sala na moje utrujene kosti. Skozi samoironijo pa se bridko posmeje tudi svetu, v katerem so Barbike ideal \u017eenske lepote in podobnim re\u010dem. Tiste Barbike, s katerimi se lahko pogovarja\u0161 kot s televizijo ... :) 3. Jezik je poseben. Samonikel in se po nikomer ne zgleduje. Malo vle\u010de na Gosposvetsko polje, samo je bolj moderen in precej nenavaden. Vidi se, da Aleksandra pi\u0161e tudi poezijo, precej dobro, po mnenju poznavalcev, mimogrede re\u010deno. Jezik je inovativen v opisovanju sodobnih re\u010di in prepleten z manj znanimi besedami za okras in poslastico. V\u010dasih celo preve\u010d, celo s pediatri\u010dnimi in drugimi medicinskimi izrazi. \u0160e jaz nisem razumel, pa sem \u0161tudiral medicino. Ne verjamete? Res sem jo, samo to je bilo davno, ko sem hodil v sedmi razred osemletke. \u017de takrat sem bil zelo nadarjen, \u010deprav tega niso dosti cenili, le ena sama so\u0161olka je imela razumevanje za moj \u0161tudij. Prebral sem medicinsko enciklopedijo, vsa gesla na A in B. In simptome vseh tistih bolezni sem imel. Razen belega toka ali pa ga \u0161e nisem znal prepoznati v prvem letniku. Zato sem tisti \u0161tudij opustil. Zaradi zdravja, predvsem. :) Tudi struktura samega teksta je precej nenavadna. Za\u010detek in konec romana sta simetri\u010dna, ponovijo se iste besede. Skozi ves tekst se pojavlja mantra treh razlogov, ki so zato kot nekak\u0161na rde\u010da nit ali literarna glasbena tema. Tam so \u0161e druge strukturne in stilske prvine, ki pa za ljubiteljsko do\u017eivljanje in razumevanje vsebine niso najbolj bistvene. Zato jih prepu\u0161\u010dam strokovnjakom, da bodo imeli o \u010dem sploh pisati. Precej dober tekst je to. Pa bo dobil kak\u0161no nagrado? Premi\u0161ljujem. Te\u017eko. \u017de zato, ker ga je napisala mlada \u017eenska, nima prav dosti mo\u017enosti. \u010ceprav ... Kljub vsemu se nekaj dogaja s temi nagradami. Nekaj hereti\u010dnega. Nekaj me\u0161ajo zdaj tam, \u0161eflajo in spreminjajo. To je dobro. Vsaj tako sem razmi\u0161ljal na Ro\u017eniku, ko sem poslu\u0161al simpati\u010dne Kombinatke, ki so pele neko pesem. Tekst zanjo je napisala Mah, \u010de morda niti tega ne veste. Da dobi Vojnovi\u0107 ve\u010d glasov kot Jan\u010dar? To pa je nekaj! Za Vojnovi\u0107a, seveda. Malo manj za Jan\u010darja. To je hereti\u010dno in druga\u010de, kot je bilo. Zato, da se face v okvir\u010dkih v\u010dasih zamenjajo. Tudi za to gre. Da je kaj sve\u017eega za v dnevne novice in da niso kar naprej lanske. Teh dveh knjig \u0161e do danes nisem prebral. Nimam \u010dasa. Razen malo v podlistku. \u010ce \u017ee, raje berem Lain\u0161\u010dka in Mazzinija. Ali pa poezijo, \u010de \u017ee nimam za po\u010deti kaj bolj pametnega. Zaradi vsega tega upam, da ima Aleksandra s Tremi razlogi nekaj \u0161anse. Prav bi ji pri\u0161la kak\u0161na nagrada, verjetno bolj kot prej omenjenim avtorjem. Pa \u0161e nih\u010de se ne bi preve\u010d jajcal. Se ne bi imel za kaj, vsaj po mojem mnenju. Tudi za to so ve\u010d kot trije razlogi. Pa \u0161e trideseta obletnica njenega pisanja bo kmalu, ker je precej pohitela s pisanjem. \u017de pri \u0161tirih letih ... :) Opozoriti \u017eelim \u0161e na neko posebno vzdu\u0161je, ki veje iz teksta. Meni se zdi bulgakovsko, \u010deprav tega ne znam dobro pojasniti. Tam sicer ni nobenih komunisti\u010dnih aparat\u010dikov in nikomur s tramvajem ne odre\u017eejo glave. Nekaj vendarle je, \u010de ne tega ne bi \u010dutil. Samo, povedati ne znam dobro, ker sem pa\u010d le ljubitelj literature in vam tu pi\u0161em svoje mnenje predvsem za to, da vzamete knjigo v roke. Samo za to v resnici gre.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Stoner bo sprejet med motociklisti\u010dne legende Sepang, 11.10.2013, 12:49 | M.J. \/ STA Dvakratnemu svetovnemu prvaku v kraljevskem razredu motoGP Caseyju Stonerju so izkazali posebno \u010dast. Avstralca bodo prihodnji teden med preizku\u0161njo svetovnega prvenstva za motociklisti\u010dno veliko nagrado na Phillip Islandu, kjer je slavil \u0161est zaporednih zmag, sprejeli v hi\u0161o slavnih, med legende motoGP. Avstralec Casey Stoner se bo v dvorani slavnih pridru\u017eil tak\u0161nim veli\u010dinam tega \u0161porta, kot so Giacomo Agostini, Mick Doohan, Geoff Duke, Wayne Gardner, Mike Hailwood, Daid\u017eiro Kato, Eddie Lawson, Anton Mang, Angel Nieto, Wayne Rainey, Phil Read, Jim Redman, Kenny Roberts, Jarno Saarinen, Kevin Schwantz, Barry Sheene, Freddie Spencer, John Surtees in Carlo Ubbiali. Stoner bo 20. \u010dlan dvorane slavnih motoGP. \" Gre za enega najbolj\u0161ih dirka\u010dev v zgodovini motoGP. Gre za izjemnega dirka\u010da, ki je naredil nekaj res posebnega, ko je svetovno prvenstvo osvojil dvakrat za krmiloma dveh razli\u010dnih motorjev, Ducatija in Honde, \" je odlo\u010ditev o sprejemu v hi\u0161o slavnih utemeljil predsednik uprave \u0161panskega podjetja Dornam Sports Carmelo Ezpeleta, lastnika medijskih pravic prvenstva motoGP. Stoner se bo leto po upokojitvi vrnil na Phillip Island ter odpeljal \u010dastni krog, pri tem se mu bosta pridru\u017eila Wayne Gardner in Mick Doohan. \" Po\u010dutim se tako poni\u017enega, ker so na tak\u0161en na\u010din prepoznali vse moje dose\u017eke, z veliko \u010dastjo bom sprejel to nagrado, je nekaj, \u010desar nisem nikoli pri\u010dakoval, \" je dejal 27-letni Avstralec, ki je v motociklisti\u010dni karavani dominiral v sezonah 2007 in 2011. Stoner se je je po koncu zadnje dirke sezone 2012, ki je potekala v Valencii, upokojil, s statistiko 45 zmag na dirkah za veliko nagrado in 89 uvrstitev na zmagovalni oder ter 43 priborjenimi prvimi startnimi polo\u017eaji.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Ljubitelji gora in planin so \u017ee \u010detrto leto zapored izglasovali Naj planinsko pot. Zmagovalko izbora, ki poteka pod okriljem akcije O\u010distimo na\u0161e gore in Planinske zveze Slovenije, so organizatorji razglasili v okviru posveta o varni hoji v hribe z otroki. Z osvojitvijo naziva Naj planinska pot 2021 bo sredstva za obnovo letos prejela ena najzahtevnej\u0161ih poti v skupini Grintavcev, ki vodi na Koro\u0161ko Rinko s Kranjske ko\u010de na Ledinah. Na pot, ki je zaprta \u017ee vse od leta 2018, se bodo pohodniki znova lahko podali po zaklju\u010dku njene obnove, predvidoma konec leto\u0161njega poletja. Naj planinska pot 2021 je postala ena najlep\u0161ih, a tudi najzahtevnej\u0161ih poti v Kamni\u0161ko-Savinjskih Alpah: pot s Kranjske ko\u010de na Ledinah na Koro\u0161ko Rinko, za katero skrbi Planinsko dru\u0161tvo Kranj. Na drugo in tretje mesto sta se tokrat uvrstili Jubilejna planinska pot Vr\u0161i\u010d\u2013Zadnje Plate\u2013Prisojnik skozi zadnje okno in pot, ki poteka skozi Pekel\u2013Rjavino\u2013Dom Valentina Stani\u010da\u2013pot \u010dez R\u017e\u2013Kredarico.","labels":"News","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Prihaja novi Creo 8 Novi Creo 8, ki prihaja to pomlad, in\u017eenirjem prina\u0161a \u0161e ve\u010d zmogljivosti, s katerimi je mo\u010d hitreje in enostavneje razvijati bolj\u0161e izdelke. Robi Rep, 09.04.2021 branja Creo \u017ee zdaj predstavlja najbolj\u0161o izbiro za in\u017eenirje, ki stremijo k odli\u010dnosti pri razvoju izdelkov. S prihajajo\u010do razli\u010dico Creo 8 bo pot do uspeha \u0161e la\u017eja. Odkrijte njene klju\u010dne novosti in povpra\u0161ajte na\u0161e aplikativne in\u017eenirje vse, kar vas \u0161e zanima o novem Creo 8.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Fotovoltaika je v zadnjih letih v Sloveniji znova dobila zagon, saj vedno bolj nara\u0161\u010da gradnja son\u010dnih elektrarn za samooskrbo. To pomeni, da proizvajamo elektriko izklju\u010dno za svoje potrebe, morebitnih prese\u017ekov pa ni mogo\u010de prodajati distribuciji. Glavni princip son\u010dne elektrarne je, da son\u010dno energijo pretvori v elektri\u010dno, to pa naredi s pomo\u010djo son\u010dnih celic, ki so osnovni gradniki fotonapetostnih modulov. Z vidika ekologije velja fotovoltai\u010dna elektrarna za \u010disto in okolju prijazno, saj ne povzro\u010da nobenih emisij toplogrednih in drugih plinov. Son\u010dna energija je, po vodni in vetrni energiji, tretji najpomembnej\u0161i vir obnovljive energije glede na zmogljivosti. Ve\u010d kot 100 dr\u017eav po svetu uporablja son\u010dno energijo. Fotovoltaika je lahko name\u0161\u010dena na zemlji ali pa vgrajena na streho ali stene stavbe. V son\u010dni elektrarni se elektromagnetno valovanje Sonca pretvarja v enosmerni elektri\u010dni tok in napetost. Proces pretvorbe je popolnoma nesli\u0161en, varen, zanesljiv in okolju prijazen, poteka pa tudi ob difuzni son\u010dni svetlobi. Fotovoltaika oziroma fotonapetostni sistemi lahko delujejo vrsto let in potrebujejo malo vzdr\u017eevanja ali posredovanja po njihovi za\u010detni namestitvi, tako da so po za\u010detnih investicijskih stro\u0161kih, obratovalni stro\u0161ki fotovoltai\u010dne elektrarne zelo nizki v primerjavi z obstoje\u010dimi tehnologijami za pridobivanje elektri\u010dne energije. Kaj je fotovoltaika \u2013 fotovoltai\u010dni modul srce fotovoltai\u010dne elektrarne Srce vsake son\u010dne elektrarne oz. fotovoltaike (tudi za lastno uporabo) so fotonapetostni moduli, ki predstavljajo generator son\u010dne elektrarne. Seveda pa so nujen del vsake son\u010dne elektrarne tudi razsmerniki, pritrdilna konstrukcija, za\u0161\u010dite in priklju\u010dno merilno mesto. Fotovoltai\u010dna elektrarna je sestavljena iz dveh sklopov osnovnih elementov. Prvega predstavljajo fotonapetostni moduli, ki predstavljajo srce son\u010dne elektrarne in imajo vlogo pretvarjanja elektromagnetnega valovanja sonca v enosmerni elektri\u010dni tok in napetost. Drugi sklop so elektroenergetski elementi, ki slu\u017eijo uporabi proizvedene elektri\u010dne energije za posamezne namene. Mednje spadajo: razsmerniki, nosilna konstrukcija, priklju\u010dni kabli, DC in AC spoji\u0161\u010da, regulatorji, akumulatorji, stikalne in za\u0161\u010ditne naprave ter ostali in\u0161talacijski material. Fotovoltai\u010dni modul je sestavljen iz zaporedno vezanih enakih son\u010dnih celic. Glede na tipe vgrajenih son\u010dnih celic je fotovoltaika (oz. moduli) lahko narejena iz kristalnih celic (polikristalni in monokristalni moduli) ali pa iz amorfnega silicija. Modul je sestavljen iz ve\u010d zaporedno vezanih son\u010dnih celic (med 36 do 72 kos\/modul), katere se umestijo med povr\u0161ino kaljenega stekla in posebne EVA folije. Robovi takoimenovane sendvi\u010d konstrukcije se zatem zatesnijo z aluminijasto folijo, na hrbtno stran modula pa se montira priklju\u010dno dozo. Vse skupaj se nato uokviri v aluminijast okvir. Fotovoltaika prakti\u010dno ne potrebuje vzdr\u017eevanja in delujejo izredno zanesljivo. Redno vzdr\u017eevanje, ki je potrebno, je enkrat letno \u010di\u0161\u010denje povr\u0161ine modulov v primeru ve\u010dje zapra\u0161enosti ali zamazanosti, v primeru samostojne postavitve fotovoltaike doma (za lastno uporabo) pa skrbimo, da okolico vzdr\u017eujemo in v primeru zara\u0161\u010denosti o\u010distimo. Fotovoltai\u010dna elektrarna \u2013 postavitev zahteva premi\u0161ljeno na\u010drtovanje Osnovni pogoj za postavitev fotovoltaike je oson\u010dena povr\u0161ina, na katero ne pada senca. Je pa mogo\u010de veliko izzivov glede orientacije objekta, njegove lege in naklona strehe, mogo\u010de re\u0161iti z nosilci za module. Fotovoltai\u010dni paneli se po mo\u017enosti montirajo na son\u010dno ju\u017eno stran strehe ali drugam, \u010de na ju\u017eno ni mogo\u010de, pod naklonskim kotom 32 stopinj. Pri odstopanju od optimalnega naklona na primer za 20 stopinj se u\u010dinkovitost zmanj\u0161a za pribli\u017eno pet odstotkov, z odstopanjem od ju\u017ene smeri na vzhod ali zahod pa izgubimo najmanj 15 odstotkov. Zato naj bo odstopanje od ju\u017ene smeri \u010dim manj\u0161e. Vi\u0161ina son\u010dnega sevanja je zelo odvisna od \u0161ir\u0161e in o\u017eje lokacije stavbe, veliko tudi od letnega \u010dasa in vremena. Poleti je son\u010dno sevanje pod ve\u010djim kotom \u2013 okoli 64 stopinj, pozimi pa nizko \u2013 le pod 16 stopinjami. Ra\u010dunati je z manj\u0161imi energijskimi odbitki, ki zahtevajo ve\u010djo povr\u0161ino son\u010dnih celic in ve\u010djo streho, tudi na lokacijah z manj\u0161im son\u010dnim sevanjem. Navedene slabosti in zraven \u0161e nestalnost in odvisnost od klimatskih razmer je treba upo\u0161tevati pri na\u010drtovanju. Dejstvo je, da je u\u010dinkovitost toliko ve\u010dja, kolikor je son\u010dno sevanje mo\u010dnej\u0161e. V toplej\u0161ih krajih je son\u010dno sevanje bistveno mo\u010dnej\u0161e, zato so rezultati tam veliko ugodnej\u0161i. Fotovoltaika za lastno uporabo elektri\u010dno energijo najpogosteje uporablja pri ogrevanju sanitarne vode Fotovoltaika za lastno uporabo, sestavljena le iz nekaj (dva do pet) modulov, proizvedeno elektri\u010dno energijo najpogosteje uporablja pri ogrevanju sanitarne vode. Koli\u010dina proizvedene elektri\u010dne energije je dokaj nizka, poleg tega pa se vam \u0161e ni potrebno ukvarjati z raznimi dokumenti, ki pa jih morate urediti v kolikor \u017eelite proizvedeno energijo oddajati v omre\u017eje. Ve\u010dje oziroma son\u010dne elektrarne, kjer je fotovoltaika sestavljena iz ve\u010djega \u0161tevila modulov, proizvedejo tudi precej ve\u010djo koli\u010dino elektri\u010dne energije. V tem primeru se vam najbolj izpla\u010da urediti vso dokumentacijo in si s tem pridobiti pravico do oddajanja elektri\u010dne energije v omre\u017eje. Ta mo\u017enost vam bo zagotovo prinesla najve\u010dji dobi\u010dek, saj je cena zelene energije, ki jo proizvede son\u010dna elektrarna, tudi do trikrat ve\u010dja od obi\u010dajne elektri\u010dne energije. Torej, \u010de bi proizvedeno energijo uporabljali v gospodinjstvu, bi bil dobi\u010dek trikrat manj\u0161i, kot \u010de jo oddajate v omre\u017eje. Son\u010dna energija je neomejena, \u010dista in brezpla\u010dna. Z uporabo son\u010dne energije se izkazujemo tudi kot okoljsko ozave\u0161\u010dena oseba. Vabljeni v podjetje Sol Navitas.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Opis: Za urbana obmo\u010dja so zaradi velikega \u0161tevila prebivalcev in ekonomskega razvoja zna\u010dilni veliki pritiski na okolje. V preteklosti so bili ti posledica delovanja industrijskih obratov in individualnih kuri\u0161\u010d, zdaj pa so v veliki meri rezultat pove\u010devanja cestnega prometa. Dobro poznavanje razmer na podro\u010dju onesna\u017eenosti zraka, ki ga povzro\u010da promet v mestu, je temeljni pogoj za izdelavo u\u010dinkovitih programov varstva okolja in na\u010drtovanje ukrepov za zmanj\u0161anje prekomernih koncentracij onesna\u017eeval v zraku. Emisije onesna\u017eeval iz cestnega prometa je te\u017eko izmeriti, zato jih ra\u010dunamo na podlagi prometnih podatkov in specifi\u010dnih emisijskih faktorjev za posamezne kategorije vozil. Metodologije, ki se uporabljajo za nadzor emisij iz prometa, se med seboj razlikujejo glede na vhodne podatke, emisijske faktorje in na\u010din izra\u010duna emisij. Z uporabo metodologije COPERT IV, ki je predpisana za poro\u010danje o nacionalnih emisijah v okviru Evropske okoljske agencije, je pa zaradi te\u017ee dostopnih vhodnih podatkov in zahtevnosti uporabe manj primerna za poro\u010danje na ravni ob\u010din, smo dolo\u010dili emisije za mesti Maribor in Celje. Na podlagi rezultatov metodologije COPERT in podatkov iz literature smo razvili poenostavljeno metodologijo, ki zahteva manj vhodnih podatkov, je preprosta za uporabo in hkrati u\u010dinkovita. Primerjava rezultatov poenostavljene metodologije z izra\u010duni metodologije COPERT IV je pokazala, da je poenostavljena metodologija primerna za oceno skupnih emisij onesna\u017eeval CO, NOx in PM10 iz cestnega prometa za celotno mesto Maribor in manj\u0161a mestna obmo\u010dja, primerna je tudi za oceno emisij CO, NOx in PM10 iz cestnega prometa po kategorijah vozil za mestna obmo\u010dja s \u0161tevilom registriranih vozil nad 20.000 ter za oceno skupnih emisij CO, NOx in PM10 iz cestnega prometa za manj\u0161a slovenska mesta. Zaradi pri\u010dakovanih sprememb strukture vozil v mestih bi bilo treba poenostavljeno metodologijo preveriti in nadgraditi vsaka tri leta Najdeno v: klju\u010dnih besedah Povzetek najdenega:... EMISIJE, ONESNA\u017dEVALA, CESTNI PROMET, URBANO OKOLJE, COPERT IV... Klju\u010dne besede: EMISIJE, ONESNA\u017dEVALA, CESTNI PROMET, URBANO OKOLJE, COPERT IV Objavljeno: 20.03.2013 Ogledov: 200 Prenosov: 26 Polno besedilo (4,15 MB)","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Neustrezen vpra\u0161anje vedno dobi odgovor ! 722 OGLEDOV 0 KOMENTARJEV Za vse posledice napa\u010dnih, nepravo\u010dasnih ali neodlo\u010ditev, je VEDNO kriva vlada, ki ima vajeti v rokah ali druga\u010de re\u010deno, ima \u0161karje in platno. Tudi za neodgovorno delo celotnega dr\u017eavnega in javnega sektorja, ki sedaj ko je \u017ee kriza, ne bi nosila posledic za tisto, kar je povzro\u010dila. Spet bo vse zgorelo na malem \u010dloveku, brezpravnemu delavcu in kmetu. Rezi bi zato bili potrebni tam, pri sebi, ne pa na delavcih, upokojencih, socialno \u0161ibkih, \u0161\u010diti pa se lenobe, zvite\u017ee in la\u017enivce ter prefrigane cigane. Nisem \u0161ovinist, kot me bo morda sedaj kdo obsodil, se mi pa smilijo ljudje, ki za to niso ni\u010d krivi in trpijo, drugi prej na\u0161teti pa se smejejo iz njih, \u010de\u0161, \"meni pa niti delati ni treba in mi je lep\u0161e kot tebi....\". Na vse to sem opozarjal \u017ee precej nazaj, zato van v osve\u017eitev sapomina po\u0161iljam nekaj tega.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"MEDVEDEK Tacal je medvedek sam po gozdu. Tm so ga na\u0161li fanti\u010di in ga obkolili: \u00bbJejkate, kako lepo dlako ima in kako je debelu\u0161en, gotovo ga mama hrani z medom! \u00ab so kri\u010dali in se mu smejali. Pa so fanti\u010di sklenili, da ga bodo dali pri brivcu ostri\u010di do golega, mehko, dolgo dlako pa bodo prodali za sladoled. Kri\u010dali so: \u00bbNa balinc! \u00ab Ho\u010de\u0161-no\u010de\u0161, moral je medvedek z njimi \u2013 v brivnico. \u00bbOstri\u017eite nam ga, za vsako ceno! \u00ab so kri\u010dali v mojstra in ta je posadil zverinico na stol\u010dek, misle\u010d da je ku\u017ea. Kosmatinec se je branil, ko pa je zagledal sebe v ogledalu, se je spomnil na mamo. Za hip se je celo pomirlil, misle\u010d da tako pa\u010d mora biti. Brivec ga je strigel, fanti\u010di pa so ga dr\u017eali pr miru. Bil je vedno bolj gol. Dlaka je letela z njega kot s ku\u0161travega fantalina. Ko pa ja je mojster strigl okoli popka, ga je tako \u017ege\u010dkalo, da je izmuznil eno taco in z njo mahnil mojstra po ple\u0161asti glavi. \u00bbPro\u010d, pro\u010d s to mrcino, kaj pa mislite, pla\u010dajte, in mi ne prihajajte ve\u010d s takimi \u0161alami,\u00ab je vpil mojster, \u00bbjaz ne prenesem va\u0161ih nor\u010dij! \u00ab Otroci so pograbili medvedka in zbe\u017eali. Ostri\u017eenega na balinc so v gozdu izpustili in gledali, kaj bo. Medvedek jo je ubral k potoku in se pogledal v vodi, kak\u0161en je. Bilo ga je tako sram, da jo je ubral globoko v gozd. Spotoma je stopil na osje gnezgo. Ose pa vanj. Valjal se je, brundal in jih hlastal. Nato je ves nesre\u010den zaspal. Nad njim so se zbrale srake in vsi drugi pti\u010di in vpili: \u00bbHej ti, idi naprej! \u00ab Iz medvedka pa je le postal medved s prelepim ko\u017euhom, najlep\u0161im v vsej soseski. Vse medvedice so se zaljubile vanj, on pa se je o\u017eenil le z eno. Imela sta ljubke medvedke, ki \u0161e danes \u017eivijo, \u010de jih niso divji lovci vzeli na muho. \u017dIVALI V luknji v obzidju starodavnega mesta ob morju je \u017eivela \u017eival, kakr\u0161ne na\u0161a Gabrijelca \u0161e ni videla: imela je \u0161tiri ta\u010dke s krempelj\u010dki, glavo, trup in dolg tanek rep. Telo so ji pokrivale svetle rjave luskinice. Preden je \u017eival skuknila v \u010drno luknjo v obzidju starodavnega mesta ob morju, je pokazala Gabrijelci jezik. \u00bbMama, \u017eival pa mi je pokazala jezik! \u00ab je rekla Gabrijelca u\u017ealjeno. Mama pa: \u00bbNi\u010d ne maraj, ni\u010desar hudega ti ne bo storila, vidi\u0161, da je pobegnila v \u010drno luknjo! \u00ab \u00bbAli ima \u017eival ata pa mamo? \u00ab je vpra\u0161ala Gabrijelca. \u00bbDa, tudi ta \u017eival ima ata in mamo! \u00ab je rekla mama Gabrijelci. \u00bbKje pa imajo stanovanje, \u017eival, njen ata in mama? \u00ab \u00bbVe\u0161, ker je bila \u017eival poredna in je kazala jezik tudi atu in mami, je morala od doma. Sedaj prebiva sama v luknji tega zidu. Neko\u010d se je splazila celo na velikoladjo v pristani\u0161\u010du in se tako odpravila po svetu. Ves \u010das se je skrivala pred hudimi pomor\u0161\u010daki. Ko se je ladja kon\u010dno vrnila v to starodavno mesto ob morju, se je \u017eival re\u0161ila na kopno. Star\u0161a je odtlej \u0161e bolj nista marala. In tako \u017eivi \u017eival \u010disto sama v tej luknji tega starodavnega mesta ob morju! \u00ab je kon\u010dala mama. \u00bbKaj pa \u017eival papa? \u00ab \u00bbKer nima \u017eival zob, mora jesti muhe in \u010drve,\u00ab je dejala mama. \u00bbUh, muh in \u010drvov bi jaz ne mogla jesti! \u00ab se je zdrznila Gbrijelca. \u00bbJa, le pridna bodi, ne uhajaj od doma in ne ka\u017ei nikomur jezika, ne jezikaj in ne jezi se, pa ti bo dobro ob meniin atu! Porednim ljudem se zgodi, da morajo v \u010drno luknjo. Vi\u0161, na primer tudi lisica, jazbec, mi\u0161 in podgana...\u00ab \u00bbSaj res, mama! Pridna bom, ne pa poredna kot jazbec in lisica! \u00ab je zaklju\u010dila pogovor Gbrijelca. KU\u017dA Gabrijelca \u2013 edinka si je za\u017eelela \u0161e bratca. Ker v porodni\u0161nici niso imeli nobenega ve\u010d zanjo in bo morala ostati pa\u010d sama, si je za\u017eelela vsaj kak\u0161no \u017eivalico, pa najsi bo ku\u017eek, muca ali pti\u010dek. S\u010dasoma je spoznala vse pasje pasme, najbolj pa si je \u017eelela pudeljna \u2013 kodr\u010dka, tisto okrasno mestno \u0161\u010dene, ostri\u017eeno na leva, \u010deprav se boji vsga, kar leze in gre, \u0161e zlasti pa se trese, kadar se prika\u017ee kak ve\u010dji pesjaner, da ga je treba vzeti v naro\u010dje. Ata je moral Gabrijelci venomer dopovedovati, da so zlasti pudelji zani\u010d pri hi\u0161i, le v nadlego, saj niso nikaki varuhi, ker si neupajo ugrizniti, in je te\u017eko z njimi, \u010de ni vrta, po katerem bi tekali in ob plotu, grmu ali drevesu opravili svojo potrebo. Taki so bili atovi nasprotujo\u010di nauki, toda Gabrijelca je le sanjala o psi\u010dku. Koje \u017ee znala pisati, je napisala u\u010ditelju Foltinu pismo, naj prihrani enega pasjega mladi\u010da \u2013 malega me\u0161anca za njo, da se bo pripeljala z avtobusom ponj. Pravilno je nalepila znamko, napisala naslov in odposlala pismo. U\u010diteljj Foltin je vzel njeno pismo resno. Sam je pripeljal pasjega mladi\u010da \u2013 dojen\u010dka \u2013 v mesto v upanju, da mu bo pri Gabrijelci dobro. Tako se je Gabrijelci izpolnila prva \u017eelja: postala je ponosna gospodarica ljubljenega ku\u017eka. Imenovala ga je Medo, ker je bil \u0161e najbolj podoben medvedku. Seveda je morala pokazati svojega medeka vsem otrokom v soseski. Vsi bi radi imeli takega ku\u017eka, a ta je bil samo njen. S \u010dasom ga bo nau\u010dila vsakr\u0161nih umetnij in jo bo zvesto \u010duval, \u010de bi pri\u0161el kdaj kak \u010dlovek z zlemi nameni, zato pa bo ona skrbela, da mu bo dobro pri njej! Najbr\u017e zato, ker je bil Medo z de\u017eele, se v mestu prve dni ni znal prav obna\u0161ati in je opravil potrebo kar na preprogo. Mama je zadevo potrpe\u017eljivo po\u010distila. Ker pa se je to zgodilo \u0161e nekolikokrat, je postajala nevoljna. Pono\u010di pa je pogre\u0161al Medo toploto svoje mamice in si je tudi po\u017eelel njenega mleka, zato je jokal in praskal po vratih, da ga je morala mama djati atu pod odejo, kjer je zaspal, le\u017ee\u010d na hrbtu kot ata. Ko pa smo morali zjutraj vsi trije od doma, je Medo ves dopoldne \u017ealostno cvilil in klical Gabrijelco. Tako bi bilo vse dni, zato ji je za\u010dela mama dopovedovati, da tako ni ve\u010d mogo\u010de dalje, da bo za\u010delo po stanovanju smrdeti, da bodo vrata vedno bolj opraskana in kaj \u0161e! \u0160e nekoliko dni je potrpela, slednji\u010d pa je ukazala, naj napi\u0161e u\u010ditelju Foltinu, naj si pride po ku\u017eka, ker ga ne morejo imeti. In se je u\u010ditelj Foltin zelo za\u010dudil, s \u010dim neki se je ljubka \u017eivalca tako zamerila. In je Medka zares spet djal v avto in ga odpeljal. Gabrijelca je mol\u010de prena\u0161ala prvo \u017ealost. Spoznala je, da ku\u017eka ne more imeti. Za spomin nanj je prilepila v album barvno fotografijo sebe z Medkom v naro\u010dju. \u017dIVAL Gabrijelca je zagledala na vrhu osata drobno \u017eival. Bila je rde\u010da z drobnimi pikami po hrbtu, glavico pa je imela vso \u010drno. Vrtela se je, kot bi ne znala poti na zemljo. Nekam vi\u0161e bi o\u010ditno rada, pa je zdrknila na zemljo. Lezla je in lezla, Gabrijelci gor po nogi, na krilo, s krila na roko, z roko pa \u010disto na konec Gabrijel\u010dinega prstka. Ne, ni je ugriznila. Ko jo je Gabrijelca ogledovala in je dvignila prstek k o\u010dem, se je za\u010dela \u017eivalca sukati in se vrteti. Nato je dvignila dva pokrov\u010dka, pod njima pa razprostrla dvoje prozornih kril, in je zletela, visoko in dale\u010d \u2013 v \u0161irni svet. Ko bi znala Gabrijelca vse to! Njeno krilo se v vetru komaj napne, zleteti pod nebo z njim pa ne more. \u010cemu je vse to tako? Rada bi tudi ona poletela v svet, ki je namenjen vsem... \u017divalca je bila pikapolonica. Ata je vzel pero in napisal pesem po pikapolonici: Pikapolonica krila razpela je in poletela je v modro nebo. Deklica ji veli: Vrni se \u0161e kedaj, sre\u010do prinesi mi, v dlan mi jo daj! ZMAJ\u010cEK V luknji zidu iz velikega kamenja je \u017eivela \u017eival \u2013 zmaj\u010dek. Morda je bil sin velikega zmaja, o kakr\u0161nim nam je pravil sosedov Ferdinand. Smukal je zmaj\u010dek iz luknje v luknjo, drugega dela menda ni imel. Pa pride mimo fant s torbo. Zmaj\u010dek mu poka\u017ee jezik in ho\u010de smukniti v lukno. U\u017ealjeni fant mu odtrga rep in ga vtakne v torbo. A glej: naslednjega dne mu zmaj\u010dek zopet poka\u017ee jezik. Fant se razjezi, mu odtrga rep in ga vtakne v torbo. To je fant storil tudi tretji, \u010detrti dan po\u010ditnic. Ko je imel \u017ee precej repov v torbi, jih je povezal v en sam dolg rep, vrgel en konec kvi\u0161ku \u2013 \u010dez oblak, splezal na oblak in gledal svet pod seboj. Videl je mesta ob morju, ladje in otoke. Tako je jadral na mehkem oblaku okoli sveta. In sonce ga je grelo, da je zaspal. O\u010ditno je postal la\u010den. Ko je pogledal na zemljo, je spet videl stari zid pod seboj. Spustil se je po zvezanih repih proti zemlji. Postavil se je na noge naravnost pred sla\u0161\u010di\u010darno ob morju. Br\u017e je naro\u010dil \u010dokoladni, borovni\u010dev in vanilijev sladoled. \u017de ga je nesel k ustom, ko se je predramil doma v postelji. Razmi\u0161ljal je, ali je bil to privid ali resnica. PTI\u010cEK \u010ce \u017ee Gabrijelca ni smela imeti psi\u010dka, si je izprosila pri mami in atu pti\u010dka. Vsi trije so nekega dne vstopili v trgovino s pti\u010dki. Joj, koliko je bilo tam kletk in v njih vseh vrst papagaj\u0161kov: zeleni, beli in modri, pa rumeni, pisani in beli kanar\u010dki. Pa grlice! Poskakovali so s pali\u010dice na pali\u010dico, se pozibavali, se spreletavali, plezali, \u010debljali in drug drugemu prepevali in se stiskali v skupinice. Gabrijelca je samo odpirala o\u010di, najraj\u0161i bi imela kar vse, vsi so bili enako ljubki. Izbrala je modrega papagaj\u010dka, ata pa je moral se\u010di v \u017eep in \u017ee so korakali s pti\u010dnico \u010dez trg in po ulicah proti idomu. Mama je namestila kletko v kuhinji v jedilnem kotu. Ata je pristavil, naj bo kletka kar odprta, da ne bo pti\u010d venomer zaprt kot kak razbojnik. In je pri tem tudi ostalo. V kuhinji pa papagaj\u010dek ni na\u0161el ni\u010desar, kamor bi se lahko usedel. Zakro\u017eil je v zraku v obliki osmice in pristal na svoji kletki, odkoder si je ogledoval svoje novo okolje, ko pa je postal la\u010den ali \u017eejen, je smuknil v svoj domek. Skrb za \u010di\u0161\u010denje kletke, za hrano in vodo je prepustila Gabrijelca kar mami in atu. \u00bbTako je: otroci si nekaj po\u017eelijo, ko pa to dobijo, se za tisto ve\u010d ne brigajojo! \u00ab je deklamiral ata. Gabrijelca je \u010dakala, kdaj bo za\u010del papagaj\u010dek govoriti. Venomer mu je ponavljala neke \u010darobne besede, pti\u010d pa ni\u010d! Ata je pravil, da je poleg ma\u010dke, psa, konja in slona papagaj gotovo izredno pameten pri\u010d, samo razumeti ga je treba. In da so ubogi pti\u010di, ki morajo \u017eiveti v cigaretnem dimu in \u010divkati dru\u017ebi notri do polno\u010di. Menil je \u0161e, da pti\u010dji govor prav gotovo ni\u010desar ne pomeni, saj \u0161e \u010dlove\u0161ki pogovori ve\u010dkrat nimajo ne glave ne repa. Gabrijelci je naro\u010dil, naj pusti pti\u010da pri miru, naj se obna\u0161a po svoje. No, prileteti atu na prst se je kmalu nau\u010dil. Ata je prinesel v kuhinjo prazen cvetli\u010dni lonec, na katerem je rad sedel in se oziral po kuhinji, v sobo pa ni maral. S \u010dasom je vre\u0161\u010dal, \u010de je iz pipe kapljala voda, \u010de je v loncu za\u010delo vreti in kadar so vsi trije odhajali od hi\u0161e. Skrbno je opazoval iz daljave, ko mu je mama \u010distila kletko. Tudi Gabrijelco je poznal in je sploh postal \u010dlan dru\u017eine. Ker se je zdel Gbrijelci pti\u010dek nekako samotarski, je za\u010dela sitnariti, naj mu kupijo \u0161e dru\u017eico. Nekega dne sta z mamo prinesli domov rjavo grlico. Ata je gledal izpod \u010dela. Ker pa je v mladosti tudi sam imel grlico, je lahko ostala pri hi\u0161i. Tudi papagaj\u010dek jo je gledal izpod \u010dela. Radovednost ali celo ljubosumnost ga je gnala h grlici na obisk. Morda je ogro\u017eala njegovo kraljestvo. Kako se je \u010dudil, ko mu je grlica sku\u0161ala zapeti. Zletel je k njej v kletko, jo \u0161\u010degetal s kljun\u010dkom in jo drezal, dokler ni zbe\u017eala iz kletke. Ne\u017ena in potrpe\u017eljiva je \u010dakala, kda se bo lahko vrnila, kdaj bo papagaj\u010dek nehal kraljevati na njeni pal\u010dici in u\u017eivati njeno hrano. V naslednjih dneh mu je hotela vrniti obisk, toda v njegovo kletko ni smela. Preve\u010d je bilo duha po grlici, preve\u010d \u010di\u0161\u010denja in skrbi za oba. Mama je rekla atu, da mora eden izmed pti\u010dev od hi\u0161e. \u00bbGrlica bo morala pro\u010d! \u00ab je sporo\u010dila mama Gabrijelci. Ko neko\u010d h\u010derke ni bilo doma, je pograbila kletko in jo nesla v prodajalno pti\u010dkov reko\u010d: \u00bbTu jo imate in jo imejte. Dajte jo, komur ho\u010dete! \u00ab In je \u0161la. Prodajalka je osupnila. Gledala je za \u010dudno \u017eensko, ki je urnih korakov izginila po najbli\u017eji ulici. S \u010dim neki se ji je ta ljubka \u017eivalca tako zamerila? Kaj naj stori s ptico: naj jo zares komu podari ali \u0161e enkrat proda? je razmi\u0161ljala. Neko\u010d jo je zares prodala. Ata se je nekaj hudoval zaradi mamine prenagljenosti. Mama pa je samo rekla: \u00bbTako ve\u010d ne gre! \u00ab PAPAGAJ\u010cKOVA SMRT \u0160tirikrat je bil Koki zelo \u017ealosten: ko je Gabrijelca z mamo in atom od\u0161la na morje na po\u010ditnice in je moral k tujim ljudem, ki jih ni poznal in ni bil navajen novega okolja, pa \u010detudi se mu je sicer dobro godilo. V za\u010detku petega leta svojega \u017eivljenja pa je nekega dne padel s pali\u010dice v kletki in oble\u017eal vznak \u2013 mrtev. \u017divinozdravnica je ugotovila, da ga je zadela sr\u010dna kap, ker mu je ata dajal kekse. Vsi trije so \u017ealovali za njim. Kok\u010devo trupelce, zavito v \u010dasopisni papir, je Gabrijelca spo\u0161tljivo zagrebla ob zidu na dvori\u0161\u010du. Grobek je oblo\u017eila s kamen\u010dki, na sredo pa mu je polo\u017eila droben ven\u010dek. Nekega dne je Gabrijelca kr\u010devito jokala. Skozi solze sta ata in mama zvedela, da je nekdo opusto\u0161il Kokijev grobek in razmetal cvetje, ven\u010dek in kamen\u010dke. Trdila je, da se bo na sestanku hi\u0161nih prebivalcev prito\u017eila zoper to barbarstvo. Ata in mama sta ji rekla, da so to nedvomno storili poredni otroci, \u010de jim je povedala, da je v grobu pokopan njen Koki. Ko jo je ata vpra\u0161al, \u010de so tudi Kok\u010devo trupelce izbrskali, je odkimala in se nekoliko potola\u017eila. Sama ga je \u0161la izkopat in prinesla na balkon, kjer ga je ponovno zakopala av cvetli\u010dnem koritu, na nov grobek pa mu je polo\u017eila prvo pomladno cvetje, pa nov ven\u010dek, v prst pa je zataknila lesen kri\u017eec s tan\u010dico z neke mamine obleke. Sredi marca mu je nekega ve\u010dera pri\u017egala dve sve\u010dki. Lepo sta svetlikala plamen\u010dka in obsevala stene balkona. Spomin na Kokca \u0161e \u017eivi v dru\u017eini. V kotu, kjer je domoval, je sedaj prazno. \u0160e vedno se jim zdi, da bo zapel in priletel Gabrijelci na glavo.","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Organi zdru\u017eenja Ob\u010dni zbor Je najvi\u0161ji organ dru\u0161tva Zdru\u017eenja SUGU, ki je sestavljen iz vseh \u010dlanov dru\u0161tva. Ob\u010dni zbor je sklep\u010den, \u010de je ob napovedani uri prisotnih najmanj 50 % \u010dlanov. Ob\u010dni zbor z ve\u010dino glasov prisotnih \u010dlanov izvoli \u010dlane organov upravljanja na podlagi vnaprej predlo\u017eene liste kandidatov vseh organov upravljanja. Upravni odbor Gal Gjurin Sa\u0161a Lendero Jan Plestenjak Zoran Predin Matja\u017e Zupan Predsednik Zdru\u017eenja SUGU Je predsednik upravnega odbora in ima 4-letni mandat. \u010clan je lahko na mesto predsednika izvoljen ve\u010d zaporednih mandatov. Na ustanovni skup\u0161\u010dini 30.1.2008 je bil za predsednika izvoljen skladatelj Mojmir Sepe. Na 2. redni seji Ob\u010dnega zbora SUGU, 20. 6. 2012, je bil na mesto predsednika dru\u0161tva izvoljen Gal Gjurin. Prav tako je bil na ustanovni skup\u0161\u010dini izvoljen odbor upravljanja. Nadzorni odbor Sestavljajo 3 \u010dlani, ki na konstitutivni seji izmed sebe izvolijo predsednika in je odgovoren ob\u010dnemu zboru. Mandat \u010dlanov in predsednika traja 4 leta. Njegove pravice in dol\u017enosti: nadziranje finan\u010dnega in materialnega poslovanja dru\u0161tva nadzorovanje organov dru\u0161tva ugotavljanje disciplinskih kr\u0161itev \u010dlanov dru\u0161tva podajanje ocene o smotrnosti porabe prihodkov za namene in cilje oz. za opravljanje nepridobitne dejavnosti. Verifikacijska komisija Poda mnenje o kandidatovi pro\u0161nji za sprejem v \u010dlanstvo. Sestavljata jo 2 \u010dlana, ki odlo\u010data soglasno.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"In\u017eenir kakovosti Na\u0161 naro\u010dnik je veliko mednarodno proizvodno podjetje, za katerega i\u0161\u010demo In\u017eenirja kakovosti. Odgovoren bo za razvoj in vodenje procesa vpeljave in dela po standardu TS16949. Izzivi, s katerimi se bo sre\u010daval izbrani kandidat \/ ka: - prepoznavanje mo\u017enosti za izbolj\u0161evanje tehnologije za izdelavo izdelkov, oblikovanje aktivnosti in njihovo izvajanje - tehnolo\u0161ko obvladovanje naprav s poudarkom na kakovosti, - sodelovanje pri razvoju novih izdelkov (PFMEA, kontrolni plan, MSA, Cpk \u2026 ), - sodelovanje pri re\u0161evanju reklamacij s trga, - uvajanje, izvajanje in izbolj\u0161evanje procesov za nadzor kakovosti v skladu z dogovorjenimi strategijami in cilji, - upravljanje in na\u010drtovanje ustrezne dokumentacije, - izobra\u017eevanje zaposlenih za podro\u010dje kakovosti. Za\u017eelena znanja izku\u0161nje in kompetence: - Univerzitetna izobrazba strojni\u0161tva, - najmanj dve leti delovnih izku\u0161enj na podro\u010dju proizvodne tehnologije in najmanj dve leti na podro\u010dju sistemati\u010dnega dela za zagotavljanja kakovosti v proizvodnji, - poznavanje standardov in orodij za zagotavljanje kakovosti (ISO \/ TS 16949), - analiti\u010dne sposobnosti, - sposobnost komuniciranja na mednarodni ravni in \u017eelja po timskem delu, - dobro znanje angle\u0161\u010dine. Kaj podjetje ponuja? - \u0160iroko paleto izzivov z odli\u010dnimi mo\u017enostmi za osebni ter strokovni razvoj, - mednarodne kontakte izven in znotraj korporacije, - dinami\u010dno delo s ob\u010dasnimi potovanji, - urejeno delovno okolje, - zavzete sodelavce, ki so pripravljeni delati v skupini in stalno deliti ter krepiti svoje znanje. Delovno mesto se nahaja v okolici Ljubljane, z delom pa je mo\u017eno pri\u010deti po dogovoru.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Razlagova ulica Razlagova ulica je glede \u010disto\u010de popolnoma zanemarjena. Razsvetljava je slaba, kar tudi ni primerno za center mesta.","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Me\u0161alci mesa Me\u0161alci so na voljo v ve\u010d razli\u010dicah. Razli\u010dni nastavki omogo\u010dajo me\u0161anje solat, za\u010dimb, sve\u017eega mesa ter tudi zelo trdih me\u0161anic kot na primer krompirja in moke. Me\u0161alci so narejeni iz nerjave\u010dega jekla, in lahko procesirajo: 30, 50, 80, 120, 180 kil me\u0161anice. Stroji imajo varnostno mikro stikalo na pokrivalu, nagibno posodo in so preprosti za uporabo. Najve\u010dji modeli imajo odstranljive me\u0161alne roke iz nerjave\u010dega jekla.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Skrivnostni svet gej\u0161 Gej\u0161a je japonska artistka, ki predstavlja tradicionalne japonske umetnosti. Na na\u0161em potovanju na Japonsko smo si ogledali njihove plese in se seznanili z nekaterimi japonskimi umetnostmi. Izraz gei\u0161a sestavljata besedi GEI (umetnosti ali umetnost) in SHA (oseba), prihaja iz tokijskega nare\u010dja in je bila sprejeta od tam v evropske jezike. Gei\u0161a se v \u010dasu usposabljanju v Tokiu imenuje hangyoku (poldragi kamni) v Kjotu pa maiko (ple\u0161o\u010de dekle). Najve\u010dji razcvet so do\u017eivele gej\u0161e v 18. in 19. stoletju, v tem \u010dasu je vladalo po njihovih storitvah veliko povpra\u0161evanje. Po prihodu Meijija na oblast se je spremenila njihova vloga ohranjanja tradicionalne japonske umetnosti. \u017de vsaj v 7. stoletju so na Japonskem poznali \u017eenske artistke, poznane kot saburuke, lahko bi rekli stre\u017enice. \u0160lo je za dekleta in \u017eene, ki so ostale same, mo\u017ee in fante so izgubile v bojih in bitkah. Nekako je bilo potrebno pre\u017eiveti, nekatere saburuke so prodajale spolne usluge, medtem so se druge, bolj izobra\u017eene, pre\u017eivljale z zabavanjem gostov na dru\u017eabnih sre\u010danjih visoke dru\u017ebe. Ko se je cesar 794 preselil v dana\u0161nji Kjoto, so bili ustvarjeni pogoji za za\u010detek japonske kulture gej\u0161 in kmalu zatem so ta dekleta postala sinonim za z lepoto obsedeno elito. V tradicionalni japonski kulturi mo\u0161ki niso bili omejeni, da bi bili zvesti svojim \u017eenam. Idealna \u017eena, tudi vi\u0161jega sloja, je bila skromna mati in vodja doma. Po Konfuciju je ljubezen drugotnega pomena. Spolnih u\u017eitkov in romanti\u010dnih zvez mo\u0161ki niso iskali pri svojih \u017eenah, ampak pri kurtizanah. Od 17. stoletja so imeli \u0161ogunati svoje u\u017eitkarske \u010detrti, izven katerih je bila prostitucija nelegalna. V teh \u010detrtih so bile yujoje \"igralke\" rangirane in licencirane. Najvi\u0161ji razred yujoj, ki so predhodnice gej\u0161, so se imenovale tayuuje. Bile so tako igralke kot prostitutke, izvajale so eroti\u010dne plese in ske\u010de. V 18. stoletju se pojavijo gej\u0161e. Te u\u017eitkarske \u010detrti so postale kmalu glamurozni zabavi\u0161\u010dni centri, ki so ponujali ve\u010d kot samo seks. Visoko dovr\u0161ene kurtizane teh okro\u017eij so zabavale svoje stranke s plesom, petjem in igranjem glasbe. Nekatere so postale priznane pesnice in kaligrafke. Postopoma so se specializirale za nov poklic in se ukvarjale samo \u0161e z umetnostjo in zabavo. Prvi gej\u0161e so bili mo\u0161ki, ki so zabavali \u010dakajo\u010de stranke, da se sre\u010dajo z najbolj priljubljenimi in nadarjenimi kurtizanami. Vzpon gej\u0161 se je za\u010del konec 18. stoletja. Gej\u0161e so delale v u\u017eitkarskih \u010detrtih, dejansko so bile zaprte in jim je bilo strogo prepovedano prodajati spolne usluge, da so za\u0161\u010ditili posle kurtizan. Medtem ko so licencirane kurtizane nudile mo\u0161kim spolne odnose, so gej\u0161e zasedle posebno ni\u0161o kot umetnice in u\u010dene \u017eenske spremljevalke. Na prelomu iz 18. v 19. stoletje je postala gej\u0161a \u017eenski poklic, razvpite kurtizane pa so \u0161le iz mode. Kaj kmalu so gej\u0161e razvile svoj stil obla\u010denja in njihove trende so posnemale modne \u017eenske iz vseh slojev japonske dru\u017ebe. Gej\u0161e so se za\u010dele tudi rangirati, nekatere gej\u0161e so \u0161e ponujale spolne usluge, medtem ko so druge striktno zabavale svoje goste le z umetnostjo. Hud udarec so do\u017eivele gej\u0161e z drugo svetovno vojno, ko je bila ob njenem koncu razgla\u0161ena vsesplo\u0161na mobilizacija na Japonskem in so morali vsi delati na poljih in tovarnah. Gej\u0161e so tudi izgubljale ugled, ker so se nekatere prostitutke pretvarjale, da so gej\u0161e, ob sre\u010danjih z ameri\u0161kimi vojaki. Po vojni so se le redke vrnile v distrikte gej\u0161, zavrnile so zahodni vpliv in se vrnile k tradicionalnemu na\u010dinu \u017eivljenja in umetnosti, kajti status gej\u0161 se je izoblikoval v japonski fevdalni preteklosti in s tem na\u010dinom \u017eivljenja ohranjajo tradicionalne standarde svojega poklica, \u010de \u017eelijo ostati gej\u0161e. Nobenega dvoma ni, da so bile v preteklosti mlade gej\u0161e dele\u017ene tudi prisilnih spolnih odnosov in da so na dra\u017ebah prodajali njihovo nedol\u017enost. Potem ko je Japonska izgubila II. svetovno vojno, so se gej\u0161e razselile in njihov ugled je upadel. Z ekonomskim razcvetom Japonske v 60. letih prej\u0161njega stoletja se je tudi spremenil svet in status gej\u0161. V sodobni Japonski mlade gej\u0161e niso prisiljene v seks in spolno \u017eivljenje je njihova privatna stvar. Ali je Japonska tista dr\u017eava, kamor bi se odpravili na dopust? Zakaj? POPULARNE KATEGORIJE","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"OUT FIT OUTFIT je edinstvena vadba zasnovana na osnovi funkcionalne vadbe. Posebnost je izvajanje vadbe na prostem. Na\u010din vadbe in temeljna na\u010dela segajo v razli\u010dne vadbene segmente in se s tem povezujejo v celoto. Torej, OUTFIT je vadba kjer obdelamo vse najpomembnej\u0161e principe sodobne vadbe: koordinacija, oblikovanje telesa, pridobivanje kondicije, mo\u010di, ravnote\u017eja, stabilizacije, gibljivost, \u2026 Od ostalih funkcionalnih vadb se razlikuje tudi zaradi poudarka na preventivi in nadzorovanem izvajanju vaj. Bistvo je narediti nekaj dobrega za svoje telo (v vadbenem terminu \u010dim ve\u010d dose\u010di, na \u010dim bolj\u0161i na\u010din). Vadba je primerna za vsakogar, saj se da enkratno prilagoditi na napredne vade\u010de kot tudi za\u010detnike. Na sve\u017eem zraku boste tako zagotovo v 75 minutah vadbe zase na\u0161li nekaj kar vas bo navdu\u0161ilo. Vadbeni termin sestavlja funkcionalno ogrevanje, abeceda teka, dinami\u010dno raztezanje. V glavnem delu so izziv predvsem vaje za mo\u010d, gibljivost, koordinacijo, eksplozivnost, ki so med seboj povezane v zanimivo zaporedje vaj, lo\u010denih po intenzivnosti ali programirane intervalno, za \u010dim bolj\u0161e doseganje rezultatov in ob\u010duten napredek posameznika iz termina v termin. V tem delu vadbenega termina gre za oblikovanje telesa ter odkrivanje osebnih \u0161ibkosti, z jasnim rezultatom kjer je potreben napredek. Po glavnem delu sledi raztezanje in sprostitev. V vsakem primeru pa je rde\u010da nit celotne vadbe pridobivanje splo\u0161ne kondicije in izbolj\u0161anje funkcionalnosti telesa. Vadba poteka pod strokovnim nadzorom Bodifit teama, ki je na voljo za nasvete in posvete pred in po vadbi. Cilj nadzora in zasnove posameznega vadbenega termina pa je pravilna izvedba vaj in prilagoditev le-teh na posameznikovo zmogljivost, pripravljenost in telesno strukturo. Slednje je namre\u010d pri vsem trendovskem izpostavljanju funkcionalnih vadb in poplavi razli\u010dnih ponudb tovrstne vadbe, najve\u010dkrat zelo zanemarjeno. Ne smemo pa pozabit, da je to bistvenega pomena za preventivno prepre\u010devanje po\u0161kodb in optimalno dosego ciljev. Efektiven, zabaven, edinstven na\u010din vadbe na prostem vas bo zagotovo, kot Bodifitova novost, prevzel in v pomladnih in poletnih mesecih postal va\u0161a stalnica. Vse kar morate storiti je to, da si rezervirate svoje mesto na terminu, u\u017eivate v naravi in se prepustite energiji izvrstnnega Bodifit teama in z \u017eeljo po \u0161e vztrajate na vadbi.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"\u0160ala na strani: Fanti\u010d se z mamico pelje v avtobusu mestnega prometa in ji ves \u010das zastavlja neumna vpra\u0161anja, zato se mamica razjezi, ga okara in mu re\u010de, naj jo kon\u010dno pusti vsaj pet minut pri miru. Gospa, ki je sedela v bli\u017eini je rekla fanti\u010du: \" Fante, kar mene kaj vpra\u0161aj, pa ti bom odgovorila! \" Fanti\u010d si jo ogleda in vpra\u0161a: \" Gospa, zakaj imate pa brke? \"","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"\u0160e vedno vihar na nikogar\u0161nji zemlji V ponedeljek, 10. oktobra, je za\u010delo minevati enaindevetdeseto leto, odkar so Koro\u0161ci na plebiscitu izbirali svojo dr\u017eavo. Pri odlo\u010danju med tujo Avstrijo, ki so jo poznali, in doma\u010do, slovansko Kraljevino SHS, ki je niso poznali, je pretehtala prva. \u010ceprav so dobili dr\u017eavo, je njihova domovina postajala \u010dedalje bolj ogro\u017eena. Boju koro\u0161kih partizanov za materni jezik, gozdove in pravico sta svoji deli nedavno posvetila Maja Haderlap in Peter Handke. Angel pozabe (Engel des Vergessens), roman Haderlapove, je bil odlikovan z eno najpomembnej\u0161ih nagrad nem\u0161kega govornega prostora, z nagrado Ingeborg Bachmann, Handkejevo delo \u0160e vedno vihar (Immer noch Sturm), ki je bilo nagrajeno z avstrijsko gledali\u0161ko nagrado Nestroy za najbolj\u0161e dramsko besedilo v letu 2011, pa je v za\u010detku oktobra do\u017eivelo \u0161e premierno predstavo v dunajskem Burgtheatru, ki je sledila krstni uprizoritvi na Salzbur\u0161kih slavnostnih igrah ter premieri v hambur\u0161kem gledali\u0161\u010du Thalia. Med avtobiografijo in zgodovinskim pri\u010devanjem Maja Haderlap v romanesknem prvencu pripoveduje zgodbo svojih prednikov iz Lepene pri \u017delezni Kapli in v sredi\u0161\u010de postavlja babico, ki je pre\u017eivela torturo \u017eenskega koncentracijskega tabori\u0161\u010da Ravensbr\u00fcck (\u00bbRe\u0161ila se je, da, a \u010de zaradi tega raje \u017eivi, ne ve. \u00ab), ter o\u010deta, ki je z dvanajstimi leti po nacisti\u010dnem mu\u010denju pobegnil k partizanom, kar je za vedno zaznamovalo njegovo \u017eivljenje (\u00bbNajraje bi vse pozabil. \u00ab). Prvoosebna pripovedovalka, jaz, se med nizanjem pripovedi spreminja iz dekletca, ki se \u0161ele u\u010di osnovnih pojmov, kakor, denimo, partizani, v \u017eensko, razpeto med doma\u010dim okoljem in svetom, sloven\u0161\u010dino in nem\u0161\u010dino, odrom in resni\u010dnostjo ter, kar je najpomembneje, preteklostjo in sedanjostjo. Zgodba tako iz preprostih opisov doma\u010dega okolja, dru\u017einskih odnosov ter otro\u0161kih predstav o svetu prera\u0161\u010da v \u010dasovni dokument, napolnjen z zgodovinskopoliti\u010dnim nabojem, ki pri\u010da o odnosih med slovensko manj\u0161ino ter avstrijsko ve\u010dino, o pozabljenem, prezrtem in preziranem partizanskem uporu ter sencah, ki jih preteklost me\u010de na razdvojene koro\u0161ke dru\u017eine sedanjosti. Da jaz vedno, ne glede na starost, svojo zgodbo pripoveduje v sedanjiku, na nekaterih mestih povzro\u010da zabrisane prehode med preteklim in sedanjim, a hkrati poudarja ujetost v \u010dasu in prikazuje, kako dale\u010d v preteklost moramo se\u010di, da lahko osvetlimo sedanjost. Nenehni jaz nekajkrat tudi zanese v preve\u010d neposredno avtobiografi\u010dnost, ki bralca intimno sicer prepri\u010da, da je pripovedovana zgodba resni\u010dna, a obenem od\u0161krne ko\u0161\u010dek objektivnosti ob\u010demu zgodovinskemu pri\u010devanju. Sicer pa Angel pozabe presega pri\u010devanje in se na nekaterih mestih celo preliva v poezijo, jezik mo\u010dnih podob, ki je antipod preprostemu, jasnemu in \u010distemu pripovednemu tonu. Sne\u017eenje zgodovine \u0160e vedno vihar, domnevno Handkejevo najbolj osebno delo do zdaj, naj bi na oder dunajskega Burgtheatra kot gostujo\u010do predstavo postavljal Handkejev prijatelj Claus Peymann, a je med re\u017eiserjem in dramatikom pri\u0161lo do spora, zaradi katerega sta prekinila sodelovanje. Handke se je dramsko besedilo nato odlo\u010dil izdati kot knjigo (pri nem\u0161ki zalo\u017ebi Suhrkamp), re\u017eijo pa je za krstno uprizoritev na Salzbur\u0161kih slavnostnih igrah prepustil re\u017eiserju bolgarskega rodu Dimitru Gotscheffu (\u010digar uprizoritev Ajshilovih Per\u017eanov smo leta 2010 lahko videli kot gostujo\u010do predstavo v Cankarjevem domu). Handke je bolgarskemu re\u017eiserju zaupal razumevanje slovanske du\u0161e in tragi\u010dnost izgube domovine, \u017eelel pa si je tudi, da re\u017eiser ne bi izpustil veliko besedila ter bi tako ustvaril ve\u010durno igro, primerljivo z \u00dcber die D\u00f6rfer (Preko vasi), ki jo je za salzbur\u0161ki festival leta 1982 re\u017eiral Wim Wenders. Gotscheffu je na oder uspelo postaviti eno najmo\u010dnej\u0161ih Handkejevih besedil, ki ga je avtor sam poimenoval \u017ealoigra o koro\u0161kem uporu in zgodovina moje dru\u017eine. Besedilo, v katerem ni jasno ozna\u010denih oseb in njihovih replik pa tudi ne didaskalij, prej kot na dramsko delo spominja na roman v dialogih, ki prehaja med jeziki (zborno nem\u0161\u010dino, koro\u0161kim nare\u010djem in sloven\u0161\u010dino) in \u017eanri (liriko, epiko, dramatiko). Osrednji pripovedovalec in opazovalec je jaz (odli\u010dna igra Jensa Harzerja), obkro\u017eajo pa ga njegovi (mrtvi) predniki v Podjuni na avstrijskem Koro\u0161kem: stara star\u0161a, mama in njeni trije bratje (Gregor, Valentin, Benjamin) ter sestra (Ursula). Jazova perspektiva spominja na pogled iz zibke ostarelega (modrega) dojen\u010dka, ki spra\u0161uje, poro\u010da in komentira, v\u010dasih pa se zdi, kot ga sploh ne bi bilo, ali pa bi se celotno dogajanje odvijalo v njegovem polsnu. Da je le mora, za katero ne ve, ali se dogaja v njem ali zunaj njega, ali dreza vanjo on ali ga napada ona (\u00bbNe, da vas jaz ne pustim pri miru. Mene ne pusti pri miru, mirovati. Vi me ne pustite pri miru, ne in ne. \u00ab). Jaz spremlja dru\u017einsko tragedijo: smrt, ki jo prva do\u010dakata (na silo vpoklicana) vojaka wehrmachta Benjamin in Valentin ter nato \u0161e smrt (sprva navdu\u0161ene in nato razo\u010darane) partizanke Ursule (s partizanskim imenom Sne\u017eena). Edini sin, ki se vrne k dru\u017eini, je Handkejev stric, partizan Gregor. Gregor, ki ga je Handke (sicer vedno druga\u010de) upodobil v ve\u010d svojih delih, je \u0161tudiral sadjarstvo v Mariboru ter napisal knjigo o sortah jabolk, ki jo dru\u017eina na odru bere kot Sveto pismo (v slovenskem jeziku), sicer pa naj bi izdelek strica Gregorja, v resnici ubitega kot vojaka wehrmachta, imel posebno mesto tudi v Handkejevem resni\u010dnem \u017eivljenju. Oder je povsem prazen in gol, kostumi se ne spreminjajo, rekvizitov malone ni. Vlada praznina, ki jo zapolnjujejo besede besa in razo\u010daranja, \u017ealosti in trpljenja. Besede o jeziku, ki ga je dru\u017eina \u017eelela re\u0161iti (\u00bbRe\u0161iti jezik je re\u0161iti du\u0161o. \u00ab), o domovini, ki jo je \u017eelela ohraniti (\u00bbEnkrat izgubiti domovino, za vedno izgubiti domovino. \u00ab), in o zgodovini, ki jo je \u017eelela pisati (\u00bbZgodovina, ta je po\u017erla moje in na\u0161e \u017eivljenje, \u017eivljenjsko ob\u010dutje. \u00ab). Med \u0161tiriurnim govorjenjem pa na oder nenehno, hitro ali po\u010dasi, naletavajo svetlikajo\u010di se zeleni konfeti. Sne\u017ei zgodovina, ki po\u010dasi prekriva prostor, \u010das in nastopajo\u010de. Dom, Cerkev, politika, zgodovina, jezik in jaz Maja Haderlap in Peter Handke svoji besedili gradita v razli\u010dnem pripovednem tonu: ona mirno in ob\u010dasno izpovedno, on divje in pridigarsko. Njo zana\u0161a v sentiment in njega v ironijo, pri njej za\u010dutimo spoj besed in pokrajine in pri njem njuno nezdru\u017eljivost. A motivi, ki se zlivajo v pripovedni tok, ostajajo enaki. Hi\u0161a kot sti\u010dna to\u010dka in najpomembnej\u0161i prostor celotne rodbine. Politika, ki se ji tisti, ki so bili najgloblje razo\u010darani, ogibajo v najve\u010djem loku. Sanje, v katerih se prepletata preteklost in sedanjost. Cerkev, ki je zavrgla lastne otroke, ker so se podali v boj za jezik, v katerem so pred vojno pridigali njeni duhovniki. In ne nazadnje je sti\u010dna to\u010dka tudi jaz, oseba, ki se je rodila prepozno, da bi do\u017eivela, pa vseeno nikoli ne bo ube\u017eala. Oba pisatelja \u010dutita, kako boli, \u010de politika po\u017ere zgodovino, zgodovina pa lastne otroke (\u00bbVedo, da se njihova preteklost v avstrijskih zgodovinskih knjigah ne pojavi, \u0161e manj v koro\u0161kih, kjer se zgodovina de\u017eele za\u010dne s koncem prve svetovne vojne, naredi premor in se nadaljuje s koncem druge svetovne vojne. \u00ab). Na uporu koro\u0161kih Slovencev, na krvavem \u017ertvovanju v doma\u010dih gozdovih in sadovnjakih je bila (med drugim) utemeljena avstrijska povojna dr\u017eavnost, nato pa ga je posrkala \u010drna luknja zgodovine. (\u00bbDe\u017eela, ki nas no\u010de, in prav zaradi nas sme obstajati kot dr\u017eava \u2026\u00ab) Eden najmo\u010dnej\u0161ih motivov obeh pripovedovalcev je jezik \u2013 pri Handkeju sta mo\u010dnej\u0161a strah pred njegovo izgubo in upanje na njegovo zveli\u010danje ali vsaj priznanje (\u00bbNa\u0161 jezik, na\u0161a mo\u010d. Onkraj jezika izbruhne nasilje. \u00ab, \u00bbJezik, moj, na\u0161: kurja lestev bo Jakobova lestev. \u00ab), pri Haderlapovi pa gre za intimnej\u0161e iskanje lastne identitete (\u00bbUpam, da bom pozneje na\u0161la ali izna\u0161la pravi jezik \u2026 \u00ab, \u00bbKdo sem, komu pripadam, zakaj pi\u0161em slovensko in govorim nem\u0161ko? \u00ab). Pripovedi, ki se dogajata na obrobju na\u0161ega ozemlja, nista le stvar province. Prav toliko kot sta zaradi potla\u010dene zgodovine stvar Avstrije, sta tudi stvar osrednje Slovenije, ki najve\u010dkrat ne sli\u0161i glasov z obrobja. V dunajskem Burgtheatru je del ob\u010dinstva uprizoritvi dela \u0160e vedno vihar namenil stoje\u010de ovacije, iz lo\u017e pa je bilo sli\u0161ati vzklike navdu\u0161enja. \u0160tevilnih avstrijskih branj Maje Haderlap se udele\u017eujejo mnogi poslu\u0161alci. Kdaj se bodo pretanjene zgodbe z obrobja dotaknile vseh slovenskih gledalcev in bralcev in kdaj bomo njihovo preteklost za\u010deli dojemati kot lastno? Slovenski prevod Handkejevega besedila (zalo\u017eba Wieser, prevedel Brane \u010cop, pregledala Florjan Lipu\u0161 in Peter Handke) bo na voljo v drugi polovici novembra, roman Maje Haderlap pa bo v sloven\u0161\u010dini iz\u0161el drugo leto poleti (pri zalo\u017ebi Litera). Citati","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Doc. dr. Matja\u017e Ambro\u017ei\u010d (* 1967) je po zaklju\u010deni dru\u017eboslovno-jezikovni gimnaziji in odslu\u017eeni voja\u0161\u010dini leta 1987 za\u010del s \u0161tudijem teologije na ljubljanski Teolo\u0161ki fakulteti. V duhovnika je bil posve\u010den leta 1993. Najprej je deloval kot kaplan v Ko\u010devju (1993 \u2013 1996) in v Novem mestu \u2013 \u0160mihelu (1996 \u2013 1996). Jeseni 1997 je od\u0161el v Rim na Pape\u0161ko univerzo Gregoriana, kjer je na Fakulteti za zgodovino Cerkve opravil podiplomski \u0161tudij in leta 2002 doktoriral. Nato je bil duhovni pomo\u010dnik na Vrhniki (2001 \u2013 2004), danes pa deluje v \u017eupniji Ljubljana \u2013 Sto\u017eice (2004 -). Znanstveno-raziskovalno in predavateljsko se udejstvuje na TEOF Univerze v Ljubljani in na njeni Enoti v Mariboru (asistent 2001, docent 2004). Znanstveno-raziskovalno dejavnost posve\u010da podro\u010dju doma\u010de cerkvene in svetne zgodovine, kakor tudi umetnostne zgodovine. Veliko \u010dasa posve\u010da tudi preu\u010devanju arhivskega gradiva. Rezultati Ambro\u017ei\u010deve znanstveno-raziskovalne dejavnosti so predvsem znanstvene monografije in razprave: \u2022 Zvonarstvo na Slovenskem, AES 15 (1993) \u2022 Il ruolo ecclesiastico, culturale e politico di dott. Janez Zlatoust Poga\u010dar (1811-1884), Principe-vescovo di Lubiana, nella storia degli Sloveni, Roma 2002 \u2022 Ljubljanski knezo\u0161kof dr. Janez Zlatoust Poga\u010dar. Njegova verska, kulturna in politi\u010dna vloga za zgodovino Slovencev, AES 25 (2003) \u2022 \u017dupnijska cerkev spreobrnjenja sv. Pavla na Vrhniki, Vrhnika 2002 \u2022 \u017dupnijska cerkev sv. Fabijana in Bo\u0161tjana ter sv. Jerneja v Ko\u010devju in njene podru\u017enice, Ko\u010devje 2003. Poljudno-znanstveni pristop odlikuje tudi Ambro\u017ei\u010devi strokovni monografiji: Zvonite, zvonovi. Novi zvonovi v \u017eupnijski cerkvi sv. Martina, Srednja vas v Bohinju, Ljubljana 2000 in Sv. Jurij in sv. Lenart v Ligojni, Vrhnika 2004. Izmed njegovih razprav je najpomembnej\u0161a Die kirchliche Entwicklung nach den politischen Ver\u00e4nderungen (1990) und die heutige Stellung der Kirche, statistische Angaben, Organisation der Kirche, v: Die katholische Kirche in Mitteleuropa nach 1945 bis zur Gegenwart, ur. Jan Mikrut, Dom-Verlag, Wien 2006, str. 531 \u2013 604, ki jo je napisal kot sodelavec dunajskega Internationales Forschungsinstitut zur F\u00f6rderung der Kirchengeschichte in Mitteleuropa. Doc. dr. Matja\u017e Ambro\u017ei\u010d je izvedenec (kolavdator) na podro\u010dju zvonoslovja in orglarstva ter pisec strokovnih elaboratov ob restavracijah in nakupih zvonov in orgel. Na podro\u010dju zvonarstva sodeluje z Beratungsausschu\u00df f\u00fcr Deutsche Glockenwesen.","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Eden najbolj znanih slovenskih intelektualcev mlaj\u0161e generacije se je pravkar prijavil za obisk ene od ameri\u0161kih univerz (opomba: oba osebna podatka sta znana uredni\u0161tvu). In med izpolnjevanjem prijave pri obvezni dolo\u010ditvi spola dobil ponujenih kar 18 (!) razli\u010dnih mo\u017enosti: Ni kaj, Ameri\u010dani vpra\u0161anje svobodne izbire spola zelo resno jemljejo, ponudba je bogata, a tudi svet se o\u010ditno res spreminja ... (Po\u017eareport)","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Redragon Theme Park Simulator je \u010distokrvna simulacijska igra, v kateri na lastno pest po zabavi\u0161\u010dnem parku razporejate tobogane, velikanska kolesa in podobno ter se trudite postati tajkun zabavi\u0161\u010dnih parkov. Na razpolago so \"ringl\u0161pil\" z avtomobil\u010dki, kamikaze, vikin\u0161ka ladja, ljubezenski ekspres, skakanje in \u0161e marsikaj. Na prodaj je tudi zbirateljska edicija!","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"Izdelek tedna - 55 krat Karavanke V tednu od 3. do 10. januarja 2013 smo za vas pripravili naslednji Izdelek tedna: izbirni vodnik 55 krat Karavanke. V \u010dasu tega tedna lahko vodnik kupite s 25-odstotnim popustom. Karavanke so po rangu tretje slovensko gorovje, za Julijci in Grintovci - \u010de gledamo na vi\u0161ino in \u00bbalpinisti\u010dno ponudbo\u00ab. Po dol\u017eini so prve: njihova slemena z najvi\u0161jim vrhom Stolom, 2236 m, se vle\u010dejo 120 km dale\u010d od Trbi\u017ea do Slovenj Gradca. Vodnik 55 krat Karavanke je izbirni vodnik, privo\u0161\u010di si 55 hlastnih ciljev. Razdeljen je na tematske sklope, in sicer so to: izleti, nezahtevni vrhovi, turni smuki, zavarovane poti, zasne\u017eeni \u017elebovi, brezpotje z la\u017ejim plezanjem. Na 192 straneh vodnika najdemo 138 fotografij. Kako uporabljati ta vodnik? Edini primerni na\u010din je ta, da zadaj v abecednem kazalu poi\u0161\u010demo \u017eeleni cilj, tam bomo izvedeli stran, kjer je cilj podrobno opisan. Vzrok tak\u0161nemu na\u010dinu iskanja je razdelitev knjige na omenjene tematske sklope. Vabljeni seveda, da se sprehodite tudi skozi ostalo bogato ponudbo Planinske zalo\u017ebe PZS in poi\u0161\u010dete zase ali prijatelje primeren planinski zemljevid, leposlovno knjigo, priro\u010dnik, najnovej\u0161i planinski vodniki itd.","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"GINCO","language":"Slovenian"} +{"text":"( 4 miles [ 7 km ] one way ) This walk follows part of the old railway line between Dufftown and Craigellachie , now a spur of the Speyside Way . Start from the car park at Craigellachie , following the signs for Dufftown . For much of its length , the old line follows the course of the river Fiddich , name to one of Scotland's most famous malt whiskies ( Glen Fiddich means Valley of the Deer ) . This walk lies in a wooded gorge cut by the peaty-brown river , and is peaceful throughout . Look out for red squirrels on the way . After crossing the river , the course of the walkway leaves the railway to cross farmland on the approach to Balvenie ( home to another whisky ) and then Dufftown itself . The walkway ends near the site of a former station , but it is worth continuing along the road for the double attraction of Balvenie Castle and Glenfiddich Distillery . Return to Craigellachie the same way , or by bus .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"1 . DISCLAIMER The content of this site is for general information purposes only . It does not constitute professional advice ( legal or otherwise ) nor should it be used as such . We can not accept responsibility for actions based on the material contained herein . Any personal data transmitted through our site may be stored on our databases . 2 . COPYRIGHT NOTICE The content of this site is protected by copyright [ \u00a9 Gaynor-Smith Owen & Co ] . It can not be copied , in part or full , and in any form , unless it is done for the following purposes : i ) Personal use The content of this site may be copied , in part or in full , if the information is intended for personal use only . ii ) Other purposes The content of this site may be copied , in part or in full , for the benefit of a third party if all of the following conditions are met : ( a ) the copy indicates this site as its source and provides the site's complete address and copyright information ; ( b ) the copy indicates that it is protected by copyright restrictions which must be respected by the third party ; ( c ) the copy , in part or in full , must not be inserted into another text or publication , in whatever form , without prior permission ; ( d ) the copy , in part or in full , must not be stored , on another Website or on any other electronic system , without prior permission ; ( e ) the copy , in part or in full , must never be disseminated for commercial purposes without prior permission . No part of this site may be copied , transmitted or stored on another Web site or on any form of electronic system without prior permission .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Achieve a 35-45 % improvement in the important areas of your life ... Career \/ Financial Relationships Health Spiritual The Breakthrough Process : A completely individual approach ; all sessions are with your own personal Coach ! Weekly 60-minute individual sessions Intensive core strength analysis Focused goal-setting in key areas Continuous mentoring and accountability Measure progress in your own terms Build on strengths Break through resistance Firm foundation for meeting future challenges Complete the process in 16 weeks Is The Breakthrough Process for you ? Schedule a no-obligation meeting to discuss the challenges you are currently facing and to see how our services meet your needs . Call now , 303-794-5379 , or E-mail < weiss@empowermentsystems.com > . 16 Weeks to Dramatic Change Sessions One through Five : Core Strength Assessment and Review Review in depth your personal history of achievement , accomplishment and success , starting as far back as you can remember ! Focus your attention on the unique abilities and traits that make your successes possible . Rediscover the strengths that you will use to achieve your Breakthrough Goals . Sessions Six through Nine : Developing Breakthrough Goals Breakthrough Goals are the ones you define as a 35 % - 45 % improvement in each major area of your life : Sessions Ten through Fourteen : Do It Now !! Your coach is there , every day , to Give support , reminders , suggestions and resources to keep you focused and on track ; Help handle the predictable backsliding that often comes after significant progress ; Listen to complaints , whining , and excuses AND Sessions Fifteen and Sixteen : Integration , Review , Future Planning You have come a long way very quickly , and these sessions help you plan how to stabilize your changes , maintain the gains you have made , and plan for future growth . Your individual situation is unique . The Breakthrough Process is designed to identify and maximize the specific strengths you will draw on to master your own unique challenges . These stories illustrate the dramatic growth some of our clients have experienced . Are you facing a major challenge ? Here are some examples of people who were ! A 48 year old former CEO of his own failed company was near despair . Struggling to pay off the $ 300 , 000 personal debt he incurred trying to save his company , he was working 60-80 hours a week . He believed he would need to follow this program for the rest of his life and hid his overwhelming feeling of failure from his associates . When he completed the process , he had a plan to pay off the debt in 4-5 years , while working more productively only 40-50 hours a week--and he was feeling successful again ! After seven years with a small growing company , the VP of sales and marketing was considering leaving her lucrative position . Another VP's harassment was making the workplace so unpleasant for her and others that she was experiencing impossible stress on the job . Although the president and CEO had been advised years earlier to remove this undercutting individual , they appeared to be afraid to confront him because of his attacking attitude . With her coaches help , she was able to provide enough support for both the president and the CEO , that they finally removed the offending executive . She reports that now \" It is like working for a different company . \" Back to Top Do you have a significant new opportunity ? Here 's someone who did . A website designer started his own consulting business when he suddenly lost his corporate job . He needed to make enough money to cover his living expenses immediately . Although he was skilled in technical issues , he lacked marketing skills , and did n't know how to structure his business or organize his own daily activities . His self-confidence was boosted when his coach helped him recognize many dormant entrepreneurial skills and re-awaken a lifelong commitment to following his own direction . His Coach helped him launch his business by defining and developing the specific skills , procedures and relationships he needed to secure and complete several large contracts . Back to Top Do you need to move to a higher level of performance ? These people did ! The young operations VP of a growing company was terrified that she would be unable to sustain her early outstanding job performance . She was certain that she had been overpromoted and would eventually be seen as a fraud . In the interviews , she recalled how she had transformed a near disastrous incident in high school by her understanding of the needs of the school principal , helping him create a plan that minimized embarrassment for everyone . She realized that her negotiation skills could help her succeed . She invited herself on a European trip to negotiate for other manufacturing facilities , and received a substantial raise . A physician was reprimanded for his treatment of nurses on the hospital staff , and was also asked to leave a group practice . His goal was to dramatically improve his relationships with all hospital personnel at a new hospital . After a few months he was told that his conduct was professional and exemplary , and that he was exceptionally easy to work with . Back to Top Do you know what you need to do , yet consistently resist doing it ? Learn to break through resistance ! A Realtor's aspirations to lead spiritual workshops caused her to try to please everybody , lose track of her priorities , and accumulate considerable debt . Examining her current financial reality , and comparing it to her life goals , helped her decide that she could only accomplish her dream by first increasing her net worth -- through selling real estate . She reestablished her professional contacts , partnering with a very successful agent who helped her stay on track and keep her work current . She set and started meeting financial goals to double her annual productivity . Limiting her work time to certain hours allowed her to continue making her spiritual contributions . An executive who had been wavering about whether to leave a deteriorating relationship for at least two years decided to use all of her ( considerable ) skills to either transform the relationship or end it . She stopped using her unfounded belief in her financial vulnerability as an excuse to stay in the relationship , and told her partner she was ready to leave if things did n't change . She reports that their conversations are now deeper and more honest than ever before . Back to Top Are you a key player with significant gaps holding you back ? Close the gaps and get where you want to go ! The professional staff of an agency confronted their director because he was not responding to their concerns . He knew he was avoiding listening to their problems because he was powerless to provide them with the resources they needed to accomplish their goals . He learned to actively listen to his staff . He was pleasantly surprised that they responded to his attention by suggesting ways in which they could all work together to make the agency more effective . A CPA with 10 years experience in a national firm was told that he would not be promoted to partner until he improved his relationships with everyone in the firm . After he worked with us for four months , the managing partner in his office said , \" he softened his confrontational style , learned to better support the growth of people he supervised , and learned to set appropriate limits with clients , staff members and within himself ; he became a much better manager . \" He was recommended for promotion . Back to Top A n u n e x p e c t e d r e s u l t : A health professional was struggling to grow his practice , trying one marketing scheme after another , with minimal results . After a period of intensive reflection and review of his strengths and values , he recognized that he really was n't very enthusiastic about developing a practice after all . Realizing that he had always been good at explaining complex things to people , he closed his practice and took a good job in technical sales , dramatically increasing both his income and his job satisfaction . Back to Top","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Why Passport to Recovery In seeking immediate and long-term solutions , quite simply the usual and customary help resources are not viewed as options by most of us confronted by the disease of addiction , either our own or of someone close to us . Shame , pride , denial , legalities , anger and a multitude of other deterrents delay the journey to recovery . We must strive to shorten those delays , as the very next detour may often be fatal . You will be able to learn more about each addiction treatment center's staff , healing environment and treatment philosophy by visiting their own website or calling them directly . The treatment centers we have selected will be able to determine if they are right for you or if another facility referral would be more appropriate . Our video proudly features the song \" One Safe Place \" with music by Marc Cohn , lyrics by Marc Cohn and Phil Galdston , from the movie soundtrack of The Upside of Anger with Kevin Costner and Joan Allen . It is an amazing musical composition , with lyrics that capture the essence of the recovery struggle . It mirrors the theme , mission and objective of Passport to Recovery . \" Looking for one safe place \/ When you break your fall from grace \/ Into the arms of understanding . \" Disclaimer","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The business world provides many potential career opportunities and a degree in a business or management-related discipline could provide an ideal route into them . But what does it take to study business and management ? What kind of work will you have to do ? Will you have the chance to gain some work experience ? This book answers all these questions and unravels what is actually involved in the study of business and management at university or college .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"CHAPTER II . The Pool of Tears ' Curiouser and curiouser ! ' cried Alice ( she was so much surprised , that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English ) ; ' now I 'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was ! Good-bye , feet ! ' ( for when she looked down at her feet , they seemed to be almost out of sight , they were getting so far off ) . ' Oh , my poor little feet , I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now , dears ? I 'm sure _I_ sha n ' t be able ! I shall be a great deal too far off to trouble myself about you : you must manage the best way you can ; -- but I must be kind to them , ' thought Alice , ' or perhaps they wo n ' t walk the way I want to go ! Let me see : I 'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas . ' And she went on planning to herself how she would manage it . ' They must go by the carrier , ' she thought ; ' and how funny it 'll seem , sending presents to one's own feet ! And how odd the directions will look ! ALICE'S RIGHT FOOT , ESQ. HEARTHRUG , NEAR THE FENDER , ( WITH ALICE'S LOVE ) . Oh dear , what nonsense I 'm talking ! ' Just then her head struck against the roof of the hall : in fact she was now more than nine feet high , and she at once took up the little golden key and hurried off to the garden door . Poor Alice ! It was as much as she could do , lying down on one side , to look through into the garden with one eye ; but to get through was more hopeless than ever : she sat down and began to cry again . ' You ought to be ashamed of yourself , ' said Alice , ' a great girl like you , ' ( she might well say this ) , ' to go on crying in this way ! Stop this moment , I tell you ! ' But she went on all the same , shedding gallons of tears , until there was a large pool all round her , about four inches deep and reaching half down the hall . After a time she heard a little pattering of feet in the distance , and she hastily dried her eyes to see what was coming . It was the White Rabbit returning , splendidly dressed , with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other : he came trotting along in a great hurry , muttering to himself as he came , ' Oh ! the Duchess , the Duchess ! Oh ! wo n ' t she be savage if I 've kept her waiting ! ' Alice felt so desperate that she was ready to ask help of any one ; so , when the Rabbit came near her , she began , in a low , timid voice , ' If you please , sir -- ' The Rabbit started violently , dropped the white kid gloves and the fan , and skurried away into the darkness as hard as he could go . Alice took up the fan and gloves , and , as the hall was very hot , she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking : ' Dear , dear ! How queer everything is to-day ! And yesterday things went on just as usual . I wonder if I 've been changed in the night ? Let me think : was I the same when I got up this morning ? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different . But if I 'm not the same , the next question is , Who in the world am I ? Ah , THAT 'S the great puzzle ! ' And she began thinking over all the children she knew that were of the same age as herself , to see if she could have been changed for any of them . ' I 'm sure I 'm not Ada , ' she said , ' for her hair goes in such long ringlets , and mine does n ' t go in ringlets at all ; and I 'm sure I ca n ' t be Mabel , for I know all sorts of things , and she , oh ! she knows such a very little ! Besides , SHE'S she , and I 'm I , and--oh dear , how puzzling it all is ! I 'll try if I know all the things I used to know . Let me see : four times five is twelve , and four times six is thirteen , and four times seven is--oh dear ! I shall never get to twenty at that rate ! However , the Multiplication Table does n ' t signify : let 's try Geography . London is the capital of Paris , and Paris is the capital of Rome , and Rome--no , THAT 'S all wrong , I 'm certain ! I must have been changed for Mabel ! I 'll try and say \" How doth the little -- \" ' and she crossed her hands on her lap as if she were saying lessons , and began to repeat it , but her voice sounded hoarse and strange , and the words did not come the same as they used to do : -- ' How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail , And pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale ! ' How cheerfully he seems to grin , How neatly spread his claws , And welcome little fishes in With gently smiling jaws ! ' ' I 'm sure those are not the right words , ' said poor Alice , and her eyes filled with tears again as she went on , ' I must be Mabel after all , and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house , and have next to no toys to play with , and oh ! ever so many lessons to learn ! No , I 've made up my mind about it ; if I 'm Mabel , I 'll stay down here ! It 'll be no use their putting their heads down and saying \" Come up again , dear ! \" I shall only look up and say \" Who am I then ? Tell me that first , and then , if I like being that person , I 'll come up : if not , I 'll stay down here till I 'm somebody else \" -- but , oh dear ! ' cried Alice , with a sudden burst of tears , ' I do wish they WOULD put their heads down ! I am so VERY tired of being all alone here ! ' As she said this she looked down at her hands , and was surprised to see that she had put on one of the Rabbit's little white kid gloves while she was talking . ' How CAN I have done that ? ' she thought . ' I must be growing small again . ' She got up and went to the table to measure herself by it , and found that , as nearly as she could guess , she was now about two feet high , and was going on shrinking rapidly : she soon found out that the cause of this was the fan she was holding , and she dropped it hastily , just in time to avoid shrinking away altogether . ' That WAS a narrow escape ! ' said Alice , a good deal frightened at the sudden change , but very glad to find herself still in existence ; ' and now for the garden ! ' and she ran with all speed back to the little door : but , alas ! the little door was shut again , and the little golden key was lying on the glass table as before , ' and things are worse than ever , ' thought the poor child , ' for I never was so small as this before , never ! And I declare it 's too bad , that it is ! ' As she said these words her foot slipped , and in another moment , splash ! she was up to her chin in salt water . Her first idea was that she had somehow fallen into the sea , ' and in that case I can go back by railway , ' she said to herself . ( Alice had been to the seaside once in her life , and had come to the general conclusion , that wherever you go to on the English coast you find a number of bathing machines in the sea , some children digging in the sand with wooden spades , then a row of lodging houses , and behind them a railway station . ) However , she soon made out that she was in the pool of tears which she had wept when she was nine feet high . ' I wish I had n ' t cried so much ! ' said Alice , as she swam about , trying to find her way out . ' I shall be punished for it now , I suppose , by being drowned in my own tears ! That WILL be a queer thing , to be sure ! However , everything is queer to-day . ' Just then she heard something splashing about in the pool a little way off , and she swam nearer to make out what it was : at first she thought it must be a walrus or hippopotamus , but then she remembered how small she was now , and she soon made out that it was only a mouse that had slipped in like herself . ' Would it be of any use , now , ' thought Alice , ' to speak to this mouse ? Everything is so out-of-the-way down here , that I should think very likely it can talk : at any rate , there 's no harm in trying . ' So she began : ' O Mouse , do you know the way out of this pool ? I am very tired of swimming about here , O Mouse ! ' ( Alice thought this must be the right way of speaking to a mouse : she had never done such a thing before , but she remembered having seen in her brother's Latin Grammar , ' A mouse--of a mouse--to a mouse--a mouse--O mouse ! ' ) The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively , and seemed to her to wink with one of its little eyes , but it said nothing . ' Perhaps it does n ' t understand English , ' thought Alice ; ' I daresay it 's a French mouse , come over with William the Conqueror . ' ( For , with all her knowledge of history , Alice had no very clear notion how long ago anything had happened . ) So she began again : ' Ou est ma chatte ? ' which was the first sentence in her French lesson-book . The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water , and seemed to quiver all over with fright . ' Oh , I beg your pardon ! ' cried Alice hastily , afraid that she had hurt the poor animal's feelings . ' I quite forgot you did n't like cats . ' ' Not like cats ! ' cried the Mouse , in a shrill , passionate voice . ' Would YOU like cats if you were me ? ' ' Well , perhaps not , ' said Alice in a soothing tone : ' do n't be angry about it . And yet I wish I could show you our cat Dinah : I think you 'd take a fancy to cats if you could only see her . She is such a dear quiet thing , ' Alice went on , half to herself , as she swam lazily about in the pool , ' and she sits purring so nicely by the fire , licking her paws and washing her face--and she is such a nice soft thing to nurse--and she 's such a capital one for catching mice--oh , I beg your pardon ! ' cried Alice again , for this time the Mouse was bristling all over , and she felt certain it must be really offended . ' We wo n ' t talk about her any more if you 'd rather not . ' ' We indeed ! ' cried the Mouse , who was trembling down to the end of his tail . ' As if I would talk on such a subject ! Our family always HATED cats : nasty , low , vulgar things ! Do n't let me hear the name again ! ' ' I wo n ' t indeed ! ' said Alice , in a great hurry to change the subject of conversation . ' Are you--are you fond--of--of dogs ? ' The Mouse did not answer , so Alice went on eagerly : ' There is such a nice little dog near our house I should like to show you ! A little bright-eyed terrier , you know , with oh , such long curly brown hair ! And it 'll fetch things when you throw them , and it 'll sit up and beg for its dinner , and all sorts of things--I ca n ' t remember half of them--and it belongs to a farmer , you know , and he says it 's so useful , it 's worth a hundred pounds ! He says it kills all the rats and--oh dear ! ' cried Alice in a sorrowful tone , ' I 'm afraid I 've offended it again ! ' For the Mouse was swimming away from her as hard as it could go , and making quite a commotion in the pool as it went . So she called softly after it , ' Mouse dear ! Do come back again , and we wo n ' t talk about cats or dogs either , if you do n't like them ! ' When the Mouse heard this , it turned round and swam slowly back to her : its face was quite pale ( with passion , Alice thought ) , and it said in a low trembling voice , ' Let us get to the shore , and then I 'll tell you my history , and you 'll understand why it is I hate cats and dogs . ' It was high time to go , for the pool was getting quite crowded with the birds and animals that had fallen into it : there were a Duck and a Dodo , a Lory and an Eaglet , and several other curious creatures . Alice led the way , and the whole party swam to the shore .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Introduction This paper is written from the perspective of a long-serving expatriate classroom practitioner working in the Arab Gulf , and is based on a presentation given at the 2013 Fourth Annual Gulf Comparative Education Symposium . It offers a critical examination of Kennedy's ( 2001 ) model of Language Policy and Planning , explaining how that model operates within the Arab Gulf educational context , but simultaneously questioning Kennedy's relegation of teachers to the category of \" variables \" . The paper argues that teachers ought to be regarded as far more than delivery agents who are tasked with passing on a set curriculum to a homogenous student population , and guaranteeing results that will satisfy the demands of external stakeholders . It suggests that truly dedicated teachers share specific inspirational qualities , and have also adopted recognizable \" best practices \" that make then central to the entire educational process . Key Words Context domain learner planning policy stakeholder variable . Preamble This paper is entitled Worm's - Eye View \u2013 and I am the worm . I am a serving classroom teacher , or classroom practitioner if you want to use a fancier euphemism . I began teaching in 1972 , and in the last 40 years , one thing that has remained unchanged is the contempt that many employers , managers and stakeholders demonstrate when dealing with classroom practitioners . McCourt ( 2005 ; 157 ) explains : - \" This is the situation in the public schools in America . The further you travel from the classroom the greater your financial and professional rewards . Get the license , teach for two or three years . Take courses in administration , supervision , guidance , and with your new certificates you can move to an office with air-conditioning , private toilets , long lunches , secretaries . You wo n't have to struggle with large groups of pain-in-the-arse kids . Hide out in your office and you wo n't even have to see the little buggers . \" This aspect of education policy , therefore , probably has global application . Paradoxically , lesser rewards are offered to those teachers who fulfill their job descriptions and actually TEACH . Dornyei ( 2001 ; 169 ) suggests that this situation can be rectified by \" introducing titles such as ' super-teachers ' or ' master-teachers ' within the educational hierarchy \" but that is questionable . The award of titles like \" Teacher of the Year \" apart from engendering jealousy and divisions within staffrooms , also offer hostages to fortune . There is , for example , the case of Sandra Hadsock , who taught at the Central High School in Hernando Country , Florida . In 2010 she was their Teacher of the Year . Do a Youtube search for Sandra Hadsock and you find a video of her punching a student in the face . She actually does it twice . This inevitably raises doubts , not only about the validity of her award but also , possibly unfairly , about the other candidates for that same title . In the 1970s , British Further Education was encumbered with an almost Byzantine hierarchy of titles . The intention was to offer a clear career path . In reality , it encouraged ambitious teachers to plan their next career move almost as soon as they arrived in post , creating a level of disruption that a simpler arrangement might have avoided .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"What causes cancer ? Cancer is abnormal cell growth , which is the result of damage - mutation - to certain crucial genes , the cell's instructions for making the proteins it needs to survive , grow and multiply . Many factors can affect the chances of the gene damage that may eventually lead to cancer , including cigarette smoke and other chemicals , a poor diet , ultraviolet radiation that causes sunburn , as well as some infections . Chemicals that cause cancer are called carcinogens . All these things can increase your risk of cancer . Digitalvision \/ Anna Lobbenberg \/ Science & Society Picture Library \/ Wellcome Photo Library","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Customer Services ... Our Service standards and performance At North Tyneside Council we are committed to giving the best Customer Service we can . To make sure those commitments are met , we are making promises about the service we provide . These promises are about meeting the needs and expectations of our customers and creating a service we can all be proud of . To help us achieve this we have set targets and constantly monitor our performance against these targets . We want to ensure that all of our customers receive an equally high quality service whichever method they choose to contact us . In order to do this we have published our service standards so our customers know what they can expect from us . Find out more ... What you think of us :","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Confident Believer - I have little doubt I have found the right path Hobbies I like to think about a lot of stuf , when I go on long walks . Other times I just like to walk and not think at all and just enjoy the nature : ) My newest hobby is photography , its fun , especialy when I manipulate the pictures on the computer and make digital art . computergraphics . Message I like honest people that are not looking to use and manipulate you for their benefit . I dont like to lie or people that lie . I dont mind sacrificing myself for those I care for .","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Nature of problem : The analytical calculations using vector calculus that appear in plasma physics , fluid dynamics , and other fields sometimes can become extremely complex . The complexity usually originates from both the vector operations themselves and the underlying coordinate systems . Solution method : To implement automatic symbolic vector analysis in general coordinate systems , we need a simple and systematic mathematical framework . The modern viewpoint of 3D vector calculus , differential forms on 3-manifolds , is utilized for this purpose . On the other hand , a well - developed high level programming language with a symbolic computation capability is also necessary . To the end , we chose Mathematica by Wolfram Research Inc. Unusual features : Asymptotic capabilities , 2D vector analysis notation , and a simple interface for users to define their own coordinate systems . Running time : Running time is problem and machine dependent . Running Mathematica 3.0 on a Pentium II 150 MHz PC with 48M memory , is takes about 2 second CPU time to carry out a single vector differential operation to the second order of the inverse aspect ratio in the large aspect ratio circular concentric tokamak coordinate system .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The first five years of my life were spent on a farm in Surrey . As far as I can remember , it was idyllic . And then my father died and my mother had a sort of breakdown , so my travels began ; I ca n't recall all the people and all the places I was sent to , but wherever I was I would raid the bookcase and read - anything and everything . At six I went to boarding school where I decided I would become a concert pianist . I thought you had to be man to write books , probably because of Rudyard Kipling , R L Stevenson , Charles Dickens and Co. I had n't met Jane Austen or the Brontes . For two years I was frightened of everything and everyone , and then I became bad . When I was sixteen I decided to run away , this took the form of joining a repertory company instead of taking my A-levels . It was heaven . At twenty-one I went to London to seek my fame and fortune on the West-end stage . Nothing happened . So I became a Governess in Italy . The boys I was supposed to be teaching were bigger than I was , they educated me instead . When I returned to Britain I joined the BBC as a photographic researcher , then worked my way up to Floor Manager in the News Department and finally a Director \/ Editor for children's television . My producer told me I should write my own books but I did n't think I was good enough . One day I met a Welsh painter , whom I eventually married . My husband inherited an old watermill in Powys , so we came to Wales and had three children who are all bilingual . They taught me to write real stories for children , and then they grew up and went to Rome , Edinburgh and the World . But they still help me to write my books . AuthorZone 2 - September 2000 .","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"You can customize how FirstClass behaves in a number of ways . For example , you can change default fonts , apply background pictures to forms , connect to a particular window , and create an automatic reply for mail . To change a preference : 1 Choose Edit > Preferences . Mac OS X Choose FirstClass > Preferences . 2 Click the tab on the Preferences form that contains the preference you want to change . 3 Make the change . To change a preference without closing the Preferences form , click Apply . To reset all preferences to the FirstClass defaults , click Default . Caution When you click Default , all your preferences will be reset , not just the ones showing on the visible tab . Top Changing your client's time zone By default , your client displays dates and times in the same time zone as your server . It does not use the time clock on your computer . If you are in a different time zone than your server , you will need to adjust your client's time zone so that dates and times display in your local time . To do this , choose the appropriate time zone at \" Time zone \" in your viewing preferences . Make sure you choose the time zone that applies to your exact location . Note FirstClass automatically adjusts for standard and daylight savings times . Top Making FirstClass your default mail client By default , FirstClass is not used to send and receive Internet mail ; it is kept separate from your Internet connection . If you make FirstClass your default mail client , FirstClass : \u2022 sends and receives Internet mail \u2022 can use mailto links . To make FirstClass your default mail client , select \" Register FirstClass \u00ae as default mail client \" in your general preferences . Mac OS X If you do n't see this field , you must choose your default mail application through the Mac OS X system preferences . Reverting to your browser's mail client If you made FirstClass your default mail client , but now want to use your web browser instead , start up your browser , then make it your mail default . Top Customizing how FirstClass looks on your web browser You can specify how FirstClass will look , and the features available to you , when you use a web browser to connect to your server . This only affects your own view . Note Your administrator determines the appearance and features that will be available to web browsers . Depending on what your administrator has made available , your choices may not work . To customize FirstClass on your web browser , update your FirstClass web preferences .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"I get a Thursday afternoon off work as I go to college on a Tuesday and a Thursday night so they allow me to have time off work so I do my college work . I also had a day off a week ago for study leave . I am going to ask if I can have the whole day off for my exam but work is quite flexible towards my college course and study leave .","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Droodles was a monthly challenge to guess what each Droodle represented . Droodles were created by Roger Price and are a cross between a doodle and a riddle . It is n't necessarily something real and everyone sees something different in each Droodle , so there are were wrong answers . Droodle # 15 The Eiffel Tower seen through a security vehicle's rear window . Five 5 penguins seen in a rear view mirror . A basketball hoop seen through a letterbox . A box with sharp teeth . Christmas tree in a box . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 14 Diaper \/ nappy for a baby porcupine . Bored scientist has fun with a laser and a Dorito . On his first day at the hourglass factory , Kevin completely missed the point ! Chickenpox on a bird's beak . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 13 Tennis ball ( factory reject ) . Are you calling me square ? Shopping for psychics . A well used dice . A cubist painting . Kevin's first sphere carving went horribly wrong . Balancing worm's circus act . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 12 Mummy cannonball taking her little ones for a walk . A ball who 's lost its bearings . The last great cosmic alignment . An ex-snowman . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 11 The early bird caught a very strong worm ! A gopher with two TV sets . Two palm trees on a desert island . Oops ! Poor old Rudolph . A golf ball stealing alien . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 10 A pig coming out of a fog bank . Two worms sunbathing on a desert island . Bird's eye view of an almost bald man's head . An elephant coming out of a fog bank . A pig's passport snout print . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 9 Someone playing a trombone in a telephone box . A paper clip playing hide and seek . A box for Pinocchio . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 8 A doorknob in a hair tonic factory . A noiseless ping-pong ball . An outspoken wheel . A circular centipede under a beach umbrella . A snowball with a fur coat . A hairy doughnut . A surprised cyclops . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 7 A mended doughnut . A bowling ball with a bandaid . A clown's nose after a fight . A retired tiddlywink . An Earth sized game of tic-tac-toe . Synchronised swimming for worms . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 6 An egg , sunny side down . A hat that thinks it 's a bowl . A confused sunset . A pregnant worm . An alien who did n't quite get it right . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 5 4 elephants sniffing an orange . Close-up of a windmill . Confusion ensues at the world pool championship . 4 straws and a pea . A quadclamation mark . Unsportsmanlike gopher hunting . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 4 A worm on roller skates . Pots of gold at the ends of a rainbow . A two headed worm . Four fishermen pulling in their net . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 3 A ship arriving too late to rescue a witch . The titanic about to hit an iceberg . A shark eagerly awaiting its dinner . The Leaning Pyramid of Egypt . Playtime with the triangle family . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 2 A spider doing a handstand . Total eclipse of the sun on a stick . A family of worms stuck on a toffee apple . A frightened mop . A dandelion seed making a perfect landing . A supermodel on a bad hair day . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California Website : www . t allfellow . c om Droodle # 1 A smartly dressed elevator . A man who 's caught his bow tie in an elevator . A butterfly abseiling . A smartly dressed worm . A forgotten Christmas present . A triangle admiring themselves in a mirror . A supermodel wearing a bow tie . A kite string with a bow . A double-door with triangular handles . A child's wooden diabalo from above . An hourglass balancing on a tennis net . Droodles - The Classic Collection \u00a9 Tallfellow Press , Los Angeles , California","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The North Face Womens Denali Fleece Jacket Style # ANLP Chances are if you have been to a college or university campus in the past 15 years , you have seen the North Face Denali . But do n't let its sophomoric ubiquity fool you ; this perennial classic is popular for good reason . The cozy fleece and elastic cuffs trap warm air and the elbows , chest and shoulders","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Two nice illustrations of Soviet automated Moon landers , released as a pair in 1972 . The first shows the Luna 16 ascent stage taking off from an improbably rugged Moonscape , while the second shows Lunokhod 1 gingerly crossing an equally improbable crevice in the surface . The inscription at the bottom of the right-hand stamp , \" Luna XVII \" , refers to the Luna 17 lander which delivered Lunokhod to the surface .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"My name is Joseph , a Member of Parliament in Kenya . And picture a Masai village . And one evening , government soldiers come , surround the village , and ask each elder to bring one boy to school . That 's how I went to school -- pretty much a government guy pointing a gun , and told my father , \" You have to make a choice . \" So I walked very comfortably to this missionary school , that was run by an American missionary , and the first thing the American missionary gave me was a candy . I had never in my life ever tasted candy . So I said to myself , with all these hundred other boys , this is where I belong . Stayed -- ( Laughter ) -- when everybody else was dropping out . My family moved . We 're nomads . Every time school closed -- it was a boarding school , and I was seven -- you had to travel until you find them . 50 miles , 40 miles , it does n ' t matter . You slept in the bush , but you kept going . And I stayed . I do n't know why I stayed , but I stayed . And all of a sudden , I passed the national examination , found myself in a very beautiful high school in Kenya . And I finished high school . And just walking , and found a man who gave me a full scholarship to the United States . My mother still lives in a cow-dung hut , none of my brothers are going to school and this man told me , \" Here , go . \" So I got a scholarship to St. Lawrence University , upstate New York . Finished that , and then after that I went to Harvard Graduate School . Finished that , and then I worked in DC a little bit . I wrote a book for National Geographic , and taught history , US history . And every time I kept going back home , listening to the problems of these people , sick people , people with no water , all the stuff . And every time I go back to America , I kept thinking about them . Then one day , an elder gave me a story , and this story went like this . Long time ago , there was a big war between tribes . And there was this specific tribe that was really afraid of this other Luhya tribe . And every time , they sent scouts out there to make sure no one attacked them . So one day , the scouts came running , and told the villagers , \" The enemies are coming , only half an hour away -- they 'll be here . \" So people scrambled , took their things and ready to go , move out . But there were two men , one man was blind , one man had no legs -- he was born like that . The leader of the chiefs said , \" No , sorry , we ca n ' t take you , you 'll slow us down . We have to flee our women and children , we have to run . \" And they were left behind , waiting to die . But these two people worked something out . The blind man said , \" Look , I 'm a very strong man , but I ca n ' t see . \" The man with no legs says , \" I can see as far as the end of the world , but I ca n ' t save myself from a cat , or whatever , animals . \" So the blind man went down on his knees , down like this , and told the man with no legs to go over his back , and stood up . The man on top can see , the blind man can walk . And these guys took off , followed the footsteps of the villagers , until they found and passed them . So this was told to me in a set-up of elders . And it 's a really poor area , I represent Northern Kenya -- most nomadic , remote areas you can even find . And that man told me , \" So , here you are , you 've got a good education from America , you have a good life in America , what are you going to do for us ? We want you to be our eyes , we 'll give you the legs . We 'll walk you , you lead us . \" So the opportunity came , and I was always thinking about that , what can I do to help my people ? Every time you go to an area where for 43 years of independence , we still do n't have basic health facilities . A man has to be transported in a wheelbarrow to 20 , 30 kilometers for hospital . No clean drinking water . So I said , \" I 'm going to dedicate myself , I 'm leaving America . I 'm going to run for office . \" So last July -- I moved from America in June , ran in July election and won . And I came for them , and that 's my goal . And right now , I have in place for the last nine months a plan that in five years , every nomad will have clean drinking water . We 're building dispensaries across that constituency . I 'm asking my friends from America to help with bringing nurses or doctors to help us out . I 'm trying to improve infrastructure . I 'm using the knowledge I received from the United States and from my community to move them forward . I 'm trying to develop homegrown solutions to our issues . Because we know , we realize that people outside can come and help us , but if we do n't help ourselves , there 's nothing we can do . So my plan right now , as I continue with introducing students to different fields -- some become doctors , some lawyers -- we want to produce a comprehensive group of people , students , who can come back and help us see a community grow that is in the middle of a huge economic recession . So as I continue to be a Member of Parliament , and as I continue listening to all of you talking about botany , talking about health , talking about democracy , talking about new inventions , I 'm hoping that one day , in my own little community -- which is 26,000 square kilometers , maybe five times the size of Rhode Island , with no roads -- we 'll be able to become a model to help others develop . Thank you very much . <\/content","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Annotated provisional agenda Opening of the session The twenty-fourth session of the Programme and Budget Committee will be opened by Ms. T. Feroukhi ( Algeria ) in her capacity as Acting Chairperson of the twenty-third session . Item 1 . Election of officers In accordance with rule 17.1 , each year , at the commencement of its regular session , the Committee shall elect from among the representatives of its members a Chairman and three Vice-Chairmen , and from among the delegations of its members a Rapporteur . Rule 17.3 stipulates that the offices of the Chairperson , the three Vice-Chairpersons and the Rapporteur shall be subject to equitable geographical rotation within a five-year cycle in accordance with appendix A to the rules of procedure . According to that appendix , the Chairman of the twenty-fourth session should be elected from members of the Committee from Asian States in List A , and the three Vice-Chairmen from the States in List B , States in List C and States in List D. The Rapporteur should be elected from members of the Committee from the African States in List A. Item 2 . Adoption of the agenda A provisional agenda for the twenty-fourth session , prepared by the Director-General in consultation with the Acting Chairperson of the Committee in accordance with rules 8 and 9 of the rules of procedure , is submitted to the Committee for adoption in document PBC . 24 \/ 1 as stipulated in rule 12 . The Committee will have before it : \u2022 Provisional agenda ( PBC . 24 \/ 1 ) \u2022 Annotated provisional agenda ( PBC . 24 \/ 1 \/ Add . 1 ) \u2022 List of documents ( PBC . 24 \/ CRP . 1 ) Item 3 . Report of the External Auditor , financial performance report and programme performance report for the biennium 2006-2007 Financial regulations 11.9 and 11.10 stipulate that the reports of the External Auditor , together with the audited financial statements , shall be transmitted through the Committee to the Board in accordance with directions given by the Conference . The Committee shall examine the financial statements and the audit reports and submit recommendations to the Board , which shall forward them to the Conference with such comments as it deems appropriate . The Committee in its conclusion 1987 \/ 19 requested the Director-General to submit each year to the Board through the Committee a clear and detailed financial performance report itemizing the utilization of financial resources , as well as a programme performance report describing the level of programme implementation . Subsequently , the Board at its seventh session ( decision IDB . 7 \/ Dec. 11 ( e )) approved the incorporation of the programme performance report in the annual report . Likewise the General Conference in its resolution GC . 4 \/ Res . 2 ( 2 ) requested the Director-General to fully incorporate in future annual reports the programme performance report according to Board decision IDB . 7 \/ Dec. 11 ( e ) . Thus , the Annual Report of UNIDO 2007 contains the programme performance report for 2007 . The Committee will have before it : \u2022 Report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial period 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2007 ( PBC . 24 \/ 3-IDB . 35 \/ 3 ) \u2022 Financial performance report for the biennium 2006-2007 . Submitted by the Director-General ( PBC . 24 \/ 4-IDB . 35 \/ 4 ) \u2022 Annual Report of UNIDO 2007 ( including programme performance report for 2007 ) ( PBC . 24 \/ 2-IDB . 34 \/ 2 ) Item 4 . Financial situation of UNIDO The report by the Director-General to the Board at its thirty-fourth session ( IDB . 34 \/ 8 ) , amended through a note by the Secretariat ( IDB . 34 \/ CRP . 2 ) , covered a wide range of issues within the context of the financial situation . That information will be updated in a document submitted to the present session . The Committee will thus have before it : \u2022 Financial situation of UNIDO . Report by the Director-General ( PBC . 24 \/ 5-IDB . 35 \/ 5 ) Item 5 . Accounting standards At its twelfth session , the General Conference decided that UNIDO adopt the International Public Sector Accounting Standards ( IPSAS ) , effective 1 January 2010 , as part of the United Nations system wide adoption of those Standards ( GC . 12 \/ Dec. 14 ) . In accordance with a related decision ( IDB . 33 \/ Dec. 5 ) , the Board at its thirty-third session , requested that the policymaking organs be kept informed of developments relevant to UNIDO with respect to IPSAS . The Committee will thus have before it : \u2022 International Public Sector Accounting Standards . Progress report by the Secretariat ( PBC . 24 \/ 6-IDB . 35 \/ 6 ) Item 6 . Mobilization of financial resources At its twenty-fifth session the Board adopted decision IDB . 25 \/ Dec. 5 on funds mobilization for integrated programmes . In that decision in paragraph ( i ) , the Board , inter alia , requested the Director-General to maintain a continuous dialogue with Member States in order to actively sustain the common resource mobilization efforts . A report on progress made will be submitted to the Board through the Committee , and should be considered in conjunction with the Annual Report of UNIDO 2007 , which provides information on mobilization of financial resources for that year . The Committee will have before it : \u2022 Mobilization of financial resources . Report by the Director-General ( PBC . 24 \/ 7-IDB . 35 \/ 7 ) \u2022 Funding performance . Annual Report of UNIDO 2007 ( PBC . 24 \/ 2-IDB . 34 \/ 2 , chapter I. C. ) \u2022 Projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund , trust funds and other voluntary contributions in 2007 ( PBC . 24 \/ CRP . 2 ) Item 7 . Medium-term programme framework , 2010-2013 In accordance with General Conference decision GC . 2 \/ Dec. 23 , and as subsequently modified in decision GC . 6 \/ Dec. 10 , the Director-General is requested to submit to the Board in the first year of each fiscal period , through the Committee , a draft medium-term programme framework for the four years that follow the current fiscal period . Furthermore , in compliance with paragraph ( b ) ( v ) ( d ) of the same decision , the Director-General will indicate a general ceiling for the biennium 2010-2011 based on anticipated resources and on programme activity . The Committee will have before it : \u2022 Medium-term programme framework , 2010-2013 . Proposals of the Director-General ( PBC . 24 \/ 8-IDB . 35 \/ 8 ) Item 8 . Date of the twenty-fifth session The following dates have been reserved for the policymaking organs of UNIDO in 2008 and 2009 : Item 9 . Adoption of the report For reasons of economy , this document has been printed in a limited number . Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies of documents to meetings .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [ on the report of the Fifth Committee ( A \/ 62 \/ 600 \/ Add . 1 ) ] Support account for peacekeeping operations The General Assembly , Recalling its resolutions 45 \/ 258 of 3 May 1991 , 47 \/ 218 A of 23 December 1992 , 48 \/ 226 A of 23 December 1993 , 55 \/ 238 of 23 December 2000 , 56 \/ 241 of 24 December 2001 , 56 \/ 293 of 27 June 2002 , 57 \/ 318 of 18 June 2003 , 58 \/ 298 of 18 June 2004 , 59 \/ 301 of 22 June 2005 , 60 \/ 268 of 30 June 2006 , 61 \/ 245 and 61 \/ 246 of 22 December 2006 , 61 \/ 256 of 15 March 2007 and 61 \/ 279 of 29 June 2007 , its decisions 48 \/ 489 of 8 July 1994 , 49 \/ 469 of 23 December 1994 and 50 \/ 473 of 23 December 1995 and its other relevant resolutions , Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations and on the comprehensive analysis of the Office of Military Affairs of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations , the preliminary report of the Secretary-General on the status of implementation of General Assembly resolution 61 \/ 279 on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations , the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the proposed budget for the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , Recognizing the importance of the ability of the United Nations to respond and deploy rapidly to a peacekeeping operation upon adoption of a relevant resolution of the Security Council , within thirty days for traditional peacekeeping operations and ninety days for complex peacekeeping operations , Recognizing also the need for adequate support during all phases of peacekeeping operations , including the liquidation and termination phases , Mindful that the level of the support account should broadly correspond to the mandate , number , size and complexity of peacekeeping missions , Takes note of the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations1 and on the comprehensive analysis of the Office of Military Affairs of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations , 2 the preliminary report of the Secretary-General on the status of implementation of General Assembly resolution 61 \/ 279 on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations3 and the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the proposed budget for the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 ; 4 Reaffirms its role with regard to the structure of the Secretariat , and stresses that proposals that amend the overall departmental structure , as well as the format of the budgets of the Organization and the biennial programme plan , are subject to review and approval by the General Assembly ; Also reaffirms its role in carrying out a thorough analysis and approval of human and financial resources and policies with a view to ensuring the full , effective and efficient implementation of all mandated programmes and activities and the implementation of policies in this regard ; Further reaffirms that the Fifth Committee is the appropriate Main Committee of the General Assembly entrusted with responsibility for administrative and budgetary matters ; Reaffirms rule 153 of its rules of procedure ; Emphasizes that ongoing management reforms must be fully taken into account when presenting additional proposals for reform ; Reaffirms that the support account funds shall be used for the sole purpose of financing human resources and non-human resource requirements for backstopping and supporting peacekeeping operations at Headquarters , and that any changes in this limitation require the prior approval of the General Assembly ; Also reaffirms the need for adequate funding for the backstopping of peacekeeping operations , as well as the need for justification for that funding in support account budget submissions ; Recalls the role of the Secretary-General as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Organization , in accordance with the provisions of Article 97 of the Charter of the United Nations ; Reiterates that the delegation of authority on the part of the Secretary-General should be in order to facilitate the better management of the Organization , but stresses that the overall responsibility for management of the Organization rests with the Secretary-General as the Chief Administrative Officer ; Affirms the need for the Secretary-General to ensure that the delegation of authority to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations , the Department of Field Support and field missions is in strict compliance with relevant resolutions and decisions , as well as relevant rules and procedures of the General Assembly on this matter ; Stresses that heads of departments report to and are accountable to the Secretary-General ; Notes the unique nature of the reporting line from the head of the Department of Field Support to the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations , and decides that having one head of department ( Department of Field Support ) report to and take direction from another head of department ( Department of Peacekeeping Operations ) shall not set a precedent in the Secretariat ; Requests the Secretary-General to address systemic issues that hamper good management of the Organization , including by improving work processes and procedures , and in that context stresses that structural change is no substitute for managerial improvement ; Reiterates the importance of strengthened accountability in the Organization and of ensuring greater accountability of the Secretary-General to Member States , inter alia , for the effective and efficient implementation of legislative mandates and the use of human and financial resources ; Recalls its request to the Secretary-General to specifically define accountability , as well as clear accountability mechanisms , including to the General Assembly , and to propose clear parameters for its application and the instruments for its rigorous enforcement , without exception , at all levels , to ensure effective and efficient operations and management of resources in the Organization ; Emphasizes the importance of preserving the unity of command in missions at all levels , as well as a coherence in policy and strategy and clear command structures in the field and up to and including Headquarters ; Requests the Secretary-General to ensure a clear chain of command , accountability , coordination and maintenance of an adequate system of checks and balances ; Emphasizes the importance of interaction and coordination with troop-contributing countries ; Also emphasizes the need to ensure the safety and security of United Nations personnel ; Urges the Secretary-General , within the framework established in its resolutions 52 \/ 12 B of 19 December 1997 and 52 \/ 220 of 22 December 1997 , to define explicitly the role and duties of the Deputy Secretary-General in the reform set out in its resolution 61 \/ 279 , including in relation to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations , the Department of Field Support , the Department of Political Affairs and the Department of Management ; Recalls section I , paragraph 6 , of its resolution 55 \/ 238 , paragraph 11 of its resolution 56 \/ 241 and paragraph 19 of its resolution 61 \/ 279 , and requests the Secretary-General to ensure the proper representation of troop-contributing countries in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support , taking into account their contribution to United Nations peacekeeping ; Reiterates that the Secretary-General , in employing staff , shall ensure the highest standards of efficiency , competence and integrity as the paramount consideration , with due regard for the principle of equitable geographical distribution , in accordance with Article 101 , paragraph 3 , of the Charter and relevant resolutions of the General Assembly ; Reaffirms paragraph 67 of its resolution 61 \/ 279 , and requests the Secretary-General to include detailed information on mechanisms in place and measures taken to address the management challenges which the new organizational structure of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations \/ Department of Field Support poses , and the improvement that the new structure has brought in ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the support for peacekeeping operations and special political missions , as well as to coordination with the Department of Political Affairs , in the context of the comprehensive report to be submitted at the second part of its resumed sixty-third session ; Notes with concern the late submission of the budgets of some peacekeeping operations , which puts considerable strain on the work of the General Assembly and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , and , while recognizing the challenges faced in preparing the budget proposals and related reports on peacekeeping and special factors affecting some missions , requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to improve the quality and timely issuance of peacekeeping documents ; Reiterates its request in paragraph 13 of its resolution 60 \/ 268 and paragraph 32 of its resolution 61 \/ 279 , and urges the Secretary-General to submit the comprehensive report on the evolution of the support account at the second part of its resumed sixty-third session within the context of his next budget proposal for the support account ; Notes that the application of an accurate vacancy rate is good budgetary practice and essential for the appropriate assessment on Member States ; Requests the Secretary-General , when submitting his budget proposals , to include details of the full annual cost of posts for the subsequent budget ; Takes note of paragraph 48 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions ; 5 Stresses the importance of complementarity of efforts and avoiding duplication between integrated operational teams and substantive components of the Secretariat , and requests the Secretary-General to report thereon , and to provide a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of the integrated operational teams , in the comprehensive report to be submitted to the General Assembly at the second part of its resumed sixty-third session ; Affirms the importance of ensuring that the information and communications technology operations and requirements relating to peacekeeping are fully addressed and properly managed , taking into account the principle of unity of command ; Reaffirms the need for effective and efficient administration and financial management of peacekeeping operations , and urges the Secretary-General to continue to identify measures to increase the productivity and efficiency of the support account ; Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59 \/ 296 of 22 June 2005 , 60 \/ 266 of 30 June 2006 and 61 \/ 276 of 29 June 2007 and other relevant resolutions ; Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , 5 subject to the provisions of the present resolution ; Takes note of paragraphs 81 to 87 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , 5 and decides to establish the following posts in the current structure of the Office of Military Affairs : ( a ) One D-1 , two P-5 , ten P-4 and four P-3 posts in the Office of the Military Adviser and one P-4 post for a civilian officer ; ( b ) Three P-4 posts and two P-3 posts in the Force Generation Service ; ( c ) Twelve P-4 posts in the Military Planning Service ; ( d ) Four P-4 posts in the Current Military Operations Service ; ( e ) One P-4 and three P-3 posts to be assigned to the Logistics Support Division of the Department of Field Support ; ( f ) One P-4 and one P-3 to be assigned to the Information and Communications Technology Division of the Department of Field Support ; Requests the Secretary-General to submit for its consideration at its sixty-fourth session a comprehensive report on the implementation of the strengthening of the Office of Military Affairs and its impact on the organization and capacities of the Office ; Requests the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations to consider the report referred to in paragraph 36 above at its 2010 substantive session ; Decides to approve the following posts : ( a ) One P-5 post for a Security Focal Point in the Situation Centre , Department of Peacekeeping Operations ; ( b ) Two P-4 posts for a Policy Adviser and a Policy Development Officer in the Police Division , Department of Peacekeeping Operations ; ( c ) One P-3 post for a Programme Officer in the Risk Management Unit of the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Field Support ; ( d ) One P-3 post for a Finance and Budget Officer in the Budget and Performance Reporting Service of the Field Budget and Finance Division , Department of Field Support ; ( e ) One D-2 post for the Director of the Information and Communications Technology Division , Department of Field Support ; ( f ) One General Service ( Other level ) post for a Human Resources Assistant ( Roster Development ) in the Office of Human Resources Management ; Decides not to approve the following posts : ( a ) One D-1 post for a Principal Officer and one General Service ( Other level ) post for an Administrative Assistant in the Asia and Middle East Division , Department of Peacekeeping Operations ; ( b ) One P-3 post in the Engineering Section of the Logistics Support Division , Department of Field Support ; ( c ) One P-4 post in the Property Management Section of the Logistics Support Division , Department of Field Support ; ( d ) One P-4 post for a Technical Information Operations Support Officer , Department of Field Support ; ( e ) One P-4 post for a Management Analyst Officer in the Management Support Service of the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Management ; ( f ) One General Service ( Other level ) Finance Assistant ( Health and Life Insurance Section ) in the Accounts Division , Department of Management ; ( g ) One P-4 and one P-3 post for Procurement Officers in the Procurement Division , Department of Management ; ( h ) One P-4 Legal Officer in the Office of the Legal Counsel , Office of Legal Affairs ; Decides to convert one P-5 and one General Service general temporary assistance position in the Conduct and Discipline Unit to posts ; Also decides to approve the following positions as general temporary assistance : ( a ) One P-4 Human Resources Officer ( Outreach and Strategic Staffing Section ) in the Office of Human Resources Management , Department of Management ; ( b ) One P-3 Finance Officer in the Treasury Division , Department of Management ; Takes note of paragraph 130 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , 5 and decides to continue the four P-3 positions in the Peacekeeping Financing Division , Department of Management ; Decides to reduce the non-post resources by 1,899,100 United States dollars , and requests the Secretary-General to consider applying the reduction , inter alia , to the consultancy requirements referred to in paragraphs 297 and 354 of the report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 ; Also decides to maintain , for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 , the funding mechanism for the support account used in the current period , from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 , as approved in paragraph 3 of its resolution 50 \/ 221 B of 7 June 1996 ; Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 ; Decides not to transfer the amount of 2,014,000 dollars included in the amount of 7,097,000 dollars , previously authorized in its resolution 61 \/ 279 , representing the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund utilized to finance the requirements of the support account in respect of the period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 ; Decides to apply the total amount of 13,790,000 dollars , comprising the unencumbered balance of 5,491,600 dollars and other income of 1,759,000 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 , the support account fund balance in respect of financial periods ended 30 June 1997 , 30 June 1998 , 30 June 1999 and 30 June 2000 in the total amount of 2,138,000 dollars , and the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 in the amount of 4,401,400 dollars , to the support account requirements for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 ; Also decides to apply the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 in the amount of 2,014,000 dollars to the support account requirements for the period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 ; Budget estimates for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 Approves the support account requirements in the amount of 273,922,800 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 , including 1,122 continuing and 98 new temporary posts and their related post and non-post requirements ; Financing of the budget estimates Decides that the requirements for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 shall be financed as follows : ( a ) The amount of 469,600 dollars , representing the balance remaining of the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 , to be applied to the resources required for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 ; ( b ) The balance of 273,453,200 dollars to be prorated among the budgets of the active peacekeeping operations for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 ; ( c ) The estimated staff assessment income of 26,274,600 dollars , comprising the amount of 26,221,200 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 and the increase of 53,400 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 , to be offset against the balance referred to in subparagraph ( b ) above , to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations . 109th plenary meeting 20 June 2008","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Freelancer's FAQ RED FLAGS FOR FREELANCERS RED FLAGS FOR FREELANCERS Clients \u2013 they 're our source of assignments , but sometimes of roadblocks as well . In a nationally attended teleconference led by Margaret L. Moser , participants in the Editorial Freelancers Association's ( EFA ) New Freelancers ( NFL ) affinity group from as far afield as Florida , California , and Alaska learned about red flags warning them of such roadblocks and how to respond to them from Laurie Lewis , former EFA co-exec , former co-leader of the NFL affinity group and author of What to Charge : Pricing Strategies for Freelancers and Consultants . Although clients have a vested interest in their projects , Lewis cautioned they also may have little understanding of the services provided by editors . Omens of \" trouble down the road \" are often revealed as verbal red flags . Lewis provided a list of these warning signs . 1 . Client says , \" We do n't pay a lot , but we can offer steady work . \" This red flag may be a particular hazard for new freelancers . Positive and negative aspects of this situation include the following , If you 're looking for \" steady work \" and want to commit to , say , 10 hours a week , this kind of arrangement could be beneficial . Accepting a low rate means this client will expect to continue paying that fee . Doing most of your work for a low-paying client leaves you no time to search for more lucrative assignments . 2 . Client says , \" We need you in-house 40 hours a week . \" This stipulation turns an assignment into contract work ( \" permalance \" ) and raises several concerns : If the assignment's short , say two to six weeks , it may be okay . The assignment leaves no time to prospect for other clients or projects , and limits the variety of material on which you 're working . Working exclusively at the client's premises may affect your freelance status with the IRS . To resolve this , propose working parameters , such as working the first two weeks at the client's office , then completing the project from home . Suggest a split schedule \u2013 working two days per week at the client's location and three days from home . 3 . Client says , \" It 's in pretty good shape . \" This trap catches new and experienced freelancers . Clients virtually always think this about their documents \u2013 and have little concept of the work that editors perform . 4 . Client says , \" It should n't take long . \" This could mean a short turnaround , or you may be immersed in the editorial equivalent of \" Waiting for Godot . \" Lewis advised freelancers to ask clients about their expectations regarding the projected number of hours or the amount of work to be accomplished in an hour . If they have budgeted 20 hours for a project that reasonably could take longer , you may end up in a financial bind . 5 . Client says , \" I have n't seen it yet , but it 's in pretty good shape , \" and might add , \" You can just do a fast edit . \" In this case , either run for the hills or review red flags 3 and 4 . 6 . Client says , \" We should have the manuscript ready for you in two days and we need it back by the end of the week . \" The client is tying a rather loose availability date for the material to a definite delivery date . Lock this client down with an agreement that , if the material is not ready for you when anticipated , your delivery date will be adjusted by the same amount of time . 7 . Client says , \" I need this proofread . \" Many clients do n't understand the difference between proofreading and the various levels of editing . In most cases , these individuals actually need a copyeditor . In some instances , clients may be trying to obtain a \" cheap edit \" by calling it proofreading . 8 . Client says , \" We 've had another freelancer work on this , and s \/ he was n't very good . \" Although the previous freelancer may have been unskilled , this raises concerns about the client's abilities and expectations , such as : The client may expect you to turn garbage into gold . The client may not respect freelancers . The client may be so invested in the material that s \/ he takes editorial changes as a personal affront . Beware the client who tells you , \" My secretary and my wife read it , and they think it 's wonderful . \" Again , break down the assignment with the client to get a clear list of expectations . If this ca n't be done , it may be prudent to walk away . 9 . Client says , \" I inherited this job . \" Lewis said this red flag is common in a time of downsizing . The warnings it raises include : The client does n't care about the project , wo n't assume ownership , and wo n't be diligent about follow-through or with processing your invoices . 10 . The issue is n't a client's words \u2013 rather , it 's the lack of words . If clients dither , are inarticulate or are unresponsive , your progress will be stymied . If you ca n't get them to talk to you at the beginning of the project , you wo n't get the details or feedback needed later . When clients do n't express clear expectations : If the client does n't like the work you turn in , s \/ he 'll blame you for a bad job . The individual ( s ) with whom you 're dealing may not be the ultimate client \u2013 and may be getting unclear instructions from above . 11 . Insufficient client data . Reputable clients should have no objections to providing names of an individual contact and organization , along with an address , e-mail , phone number , and fax number . 12 . Documenting the assignment . Some clients seem taken aback when you request a contract or letter of agreement . However , you should get a formal contract , a letter of agreement or at least an e-mail detailing the assignment before starting work . If the client does n't provide this , send an e-mail laying out the project as you understand it , including an overall description of the work to be done , the work stages , fees and dates ( including turnaround for client feedback and timing of payment ) . Mention the need for renegotiation if the schedule changes . Request a client response by saying , \" Please get back to me by MM \/ DD with confirmation or any questions . If I do n't hear back from you via e-mail by this date , I will understand your confirmation of the above terms . \" You might also leave a space for the client's signature and request a fax of the signed document . Attended by both \" newbies \" and seasoned freelancers , the session illustrated that these cautionary red flags are common to clients all over the country . As Lewis pointed out , we editors often must morph into educators \u2013 to help clients and ourselves understand exactly what is needed on any given project . The article \" Red Flags for Freelancers \" first appeared in the Editorial Freelancers Association newsletter , The Freelancer ( Vol. XXXI No. 5 . May \u2013 June 2007 ) . The content for this article springs from the broad freelance experience of writer \/ editor Laurie Lewis , whose medical and corporate communications work appears in print and electronic formats . Lewis is the author of What to Charge : Pricing Strategies for Freelancers and Consultants , which may be purchased at amazon.com . Laurie Lewis can be contacted directly at whattocharge@earthlink.net . Article author Pat Davies is a writer \/ editor with 18 years' experience \u2013 staff and freelance \u2013 in educational materials , Web sites , business documentation , nonprofits , and more . Davies may be reached at pd.writer@hotmail.com","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Today I 'm going to talk to you about the problem of other minds . And the problem I 'm going to talk about is not the familiar one from philosophy , which is , \" How can we know whether other people have minds ? \" That is , maybe you have a mind , and everyone else is just a really convincing robot . So that 's a problem in philosophy . But for today's purposes I 'm going to assume that many people in this audience have a mind , and that I do n't have to worry about this . There is a second problem that is maybe even more familiar to us as parents and teachers and spouses , and novelists . Which is , \" Why is it so hard to know what somebody else wants or believes ? \" Or perhaps , more relevantly , \" Why is it so hard to change what somebody else wants or believes ? \" I think novelists put this best . Like Philip Roth , who said , \" And yet , what are we to do about this terribly significant business of other people ? So ill equipped are we all , to envision one another 's interior workings and invisible aims . \" So as a teacher , and as a spouse , this is , of course , a problem I confront every day . But as a scientist , I 'm interested in a different problem of other minds , and that is the one I 'm going to introduce to you today . And that problem is , \" How is it so easy to know other minds ? \" So to start with an illustration , you need almost no information , one snapshot of a stranger , to guess what this woman is thinking , or what this man is . And put another way , the crux of the problem is the machine that we use for thinking about other minds , our brain , is made up of pieces , brain cells , that we share with all other animals , with monkeys , and mice , and even sea slugs . And yet , you put them together in a particular network , and what you get is the capacity to write Romeo and Juliet . Or to say , as Alan Greenspan did , \" I know you think you understand what you thought I said , but I 'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant . \" ( Laughter ) So the job of my field of cognitive neuroscience is to stand with these ideas , one in each hand . And to try to understand how you can put together simple units , simple messages over space and time , in a network , and get this amazing human capacity to think about minds . So I 'm going to tell you three things about this today . Obviously the whole project here is huge . And I 'm going to tell you just our first few steps about the discovery of a special brain region for thinking about other people's thoughts . Some observations on the slow development of this system as we learn how to do this difficult job . And then finally , to show that some of the differences between people , in how we judge others , can be explained by differences in this brain system . So first , the first thing I want to tell you is that there is a brain region in the human brain , in your brains , whose job it is to think about other people's thoughts . This is a picture of it . It 's called the Right Temporo-Parietal Junction . It 's above and behind your right ear . And this is the brain region you used when you saw the pictures I showed you , or when you read Romeo and Juliet , or when you tried to understand Alan Greenspan . And you do n't use it for solving any other kinds of logical problems . So this brain region is called the RTPJ . And this picture shows the average activation in a group of what we call typical human adults . They 're MIT undergraduates . ( Laughter ) The second thing I want to say about this brain system is that although we human adults are really good at understanding other minds , we were n ' t always that way . It takes children a long time to break into the system . I 'm going to show you a little bit of that long , extended process . The first thing I 'm going to show you is a change between age three and five , as kids learn to understand that somebody else can have beliefs that are different from their own . So I 'm going to show you a five-year-old who is getting a standard kind of puzzle that we call the false belief task . Video : This is the first pirate . His name is Ivan . And you know what pirates really like ? Pirates really like cheese sandwiches . Child : Cheese ? I love cheese ! R. S. : Yeah . So Ivan has this cheese sandwich . and he says \" Yum yum yum yum yum ! I really love cheese sandwiches . \" And Ivan puts his sandwich over here , on top of the pirate chest . And Ivan says , \" You know what ? I need a drink with my lunch . \" And so Ivan goes to get a drink . And while Ivan is away the wind comes , and it blows the sandwich down onto the grass . And now , here comes the other pirate . This pirate is called Joshua . And Joshua also really loves cheese sandwiches . So Joshua has a cheese sandwich and he says , \" Yum yum yum yum yum ! I love cheese sandwiches . \" And he puts his cheese sandwich over here on top of the pirate chest . Child : So , that one is his . R. S. : That one is Joshua's . That 's right . Child : And then his went on the ground . R. S. : That 's exactly right . Child : So he wo n ' t know which one is his . R. S. : Oh . So now Joshua goes off to get a drink . Ivan comes back and he says , \" I want my cheese sandwich . \" So which one do you think Ivan is going to take ? Child : I think he is going to take that one . R. S. : Yeah , you think he 's going to take that one ? Alright . Let 's see . Oh yeah , you were right . He took that one . So that 's a five-year-old who clearly understands that other people can have false beliefs and what the consequences are for their actions . Now I 'm going to show you a three-year-old who got the same puzzle . Video : R. S. : And Ivan says , \" I want my cheese sandwich . \" Which sandwich is he going to take ? Do you think he 's going to take that one ? Let 's see what happens . Let 's see what he does . Here comes Ivan . And he says , \" I want my cheese sandwich . \" And he takes this one . Uh-oh . Why did he take that one ? Child : His was on the grass . R. S. So the three-year-old does two things differently . First he predicts Ivan will take the sandwich that 's really his . And second , when he sees Ivan taking the sandwich where he left his , where we would say he 's taking that one because he thinks it 's his , the three-year-old comes up with another explanation . He 's not taking his own sandwich because he does n ' t want it , because now it 's dirty , on the ground . So that 's why he 's taking the other sandwich . Now of course , development does n ' t end at five . And we can see the continuation of this process of learning to think about other people's thoughts by upping the ante and asking children now , not for an action prediction , but for a moral judgement . So first I 'm going to show you the three-year-old again . Video : R. S. : So is Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich ? Child : Yeah . R. S. : Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich ? Child : Yeah . R. S. : So it 's maybe not surprising he thinks it was mean of Ivan to take Joshua's sandwich . Since he thinks Ivan only took Joshua's sandwich to avoid having to eat his own dirty sandwich . But now I 'm going to show you the five-year-old . Remember the five-year-old completely understood why Ivan took Joshua's sandwich . Video : R. S. : Was Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich ? Child : Um , yeah . R. S. : And so , it is not until age seven that we get what looks more like an adult response . Video : R. S. : Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich ? Child : No , because the wind should get in trouble . R. S. He says the wind should get in trouble for switching the sandwiches . ( Laughter ) And now what we 've started to do in my lab is to put children into the brain scanner and ask what 's going on in their brain as they develop this ability to think about other people's thoughts . So the first thing is that in children we see this same brain region , the RTPJ , being used while children are thinking about other people . But it 's not quite like the adult brain . So where as in the adults , as I told you , this brain region is almost completely specialized . It does almost nothing else , except for thinking about other people's thoughts . In children it 's much less so , when they are age five to eight , the age range of the children I just showed you . And actually if we even look at eight to 11-year-olds , getting into early adolescence , they still do n't have quite an adult-like brain region . And so , what we can see is that over the course of childhood and even into adolescence , both the cognitive system , our mind's ability to think about other minds , and the brain system that supports it , are continuing , slowly , to develop . But of course , as you 're probably aware , even in adulthood , people differ from one another in how good they are at thinking of other minds , how often they do it , and how accurately . And so what we wanted to know was , could differences among adults , in how they think about other people's thoughts be explained in terms of differences in this brain region . So the first thing that we did is we gave adults a version of the pirate problem that we gave to the kids . And I 'm going to give that to you now . So Grace and her friend are on a tour of a chemical factory and they take a break for coffee . And Grace's friend asks for some sugar in her coffee . Grace goes to make the coffee and finds by the coffee a pot containing a white powder , which is sugar . But the powder is labeled \" Deadly Poison \" . So Grace thinks that the powder is a deadly poison . And she puts it in her friend's coffee . And her friend drinks the coffee , and is fine . How many people think it was morally permissible for Grace to put the powder in the coffee ? Okay . Good . ( Laughter ) So we ask people how much should Grace be blamed in this case , which we call a failed attempt to harm . And we can compare that to another case where everything in the real world is the same . The powder is still sugar , but what 's different is what Grace thinks . Now she thinks the powder is sugar . And perhaps unsurprisingly , if Grace thinks the powder is sugar and puts it in her friend's coffee , people say she deserves no blame at all . Whereas if she thinks the powder was poison , even though it 's really sugar , now people say she deserves a lot of blame , even though what happened in the real world was exactly the same . And in fact they say she deserves more blame in this case , the failed attempt to harm , than in another case , which we call an accident . Where Grace thought the powder was sugar , because it was labeled \" sugar \" and by the coffee machine , but actually the powder was poison . So even though when the powder was poison , the friend drank the coffee and died , people say Grace deserves less blame in that case , when she innocently thought it was sugar , than in the other case , where she thought it was poison , and no harm occurred . People , though , disagree a little bit about exactly how much blame Grace should get in the accident case . Some people think she should deserve more blame , and other people less . And what I 'm going to show you is what happened when we look inside the brains of people while they 're making that judgment . So what I 'm showing you , from left to right , is how much activity there was in this brain region . and from top to bottom , how much blame people said that Grace deserved . And what you can see is , on the left when there as very little activity in this brain region , people paid little attention to her innocent belief and said she deserved a lot of blame for the accident . Whereas , on the right , where there was a lot of activity , people payed a lot more attention to her innocent belief , and said she deserved a lot less blame for causing the accident . So that 's good , but of course what we 'd rather is have a way to interfere with function in this brain region , and see if we could change people's moral judgment . And we do have such a tool . It 's called Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation , or TMS . This is a tool that lets us pass a magnetic pulse through somebody's skull , into a small region of their brain , and temporarily disorganize the function of the neurons in that region . So I 'm going to show you a demo of this . First I 'm going to show you , to show you that this is a magnetic pulse , I 'm going to show you what happens when you put a quarter on the machine . When you hear clicks we 're turning the machine on . So now I 'm going to apply that same pulse to my brain , to the part of my brain that controls my hand . So there is not physical force , just a magnetic pulse . Video : Woman : Ready ? Rebecca Saxe : Yes . Okay , so it causes a small involuntary contraction in my hand by putting a magnetic pulse in my brain . And we can use that same pulse , now applied to the RTPJ , to ask if we can change people's moral judgments . So these are the judgments I showed you before , people's normal moral judgments . And then we can apply TMS to the RTPJ and ask how people's judgments change . And the first thing is , people can still do this task overall . So their judgments of the case when everything was fine remain the same . They say she deserves no blame . But in the case of a failed attempt to harm , where Grace thought that it was poison , although it was really sugar , people now say it was more okay , she deserves less blame for putting the powder in the coffee . And in the case of the accident , where she thought that it was sugar , but it was really poison and so she caused a death , people say that it was less okay , she deserves more blame . So what I 've told you today is that people come , actually , especially well equipped to think about other people's thoughts . We have a special brain system that lets us think about what other people are thinking . This system takes a long time to develop , slowly throughout the course of childhood , and into early adolescence . And even in adulthood , differences in this brain region can explain differences among adults in how we think about and judge other people . But I want to give the last word back to the novelists . And to Philip Roth , who ended by saying , \" The fact remains that getting people right is not what living is all about anyway . It 's getting them wrong that is living . Getting them wrong and wrong and wrong , and then on careful reconsideration , getting them wrong again . \" Thank you . ( Applause ) Chris Anderson : When you start talking about using magnetic pulses to change people's moral judgments , that sounds alarming . ( Laughter ) Please tell me that you 're not taking phone calls from the Pentagon , say . Rebecca Saxe : I 'm not . I mean , they 're calling , but I 'm not taking the call . ( Laughter ) C. A. : They really are calling ? So , then seriously , then seriously , you must lie awake at night sometimes wondering where this work leads . I mean you 're clearly an incredible human being . But someone could take this knowledge and in some future not torture chamber , do acts that people here might be worried about . R. S. : Yeah , we worry about this . So , there is a couple of things to say about TMS . One is that you ca n ' t be TMSed with out knowing it . So it 's not a surreptitious technology . It 's quite hard actually to get those very small changes . The changes I showed you are impressive to me because of what they tell us about the function of the brain . But they 're small on the scale of the moral judgments that we actually make . And what we changed was not people's moral judgments when they 're deciding what to do , when they 're making action choices . We change their ability to judge other people's actions . And so I think of what I 'm doing not so much as studying the defendant in a criminal trial , but studying the jury . C. A. : Is your work going to lead to any recommendations in education , to perhaps bring up a generation of kids able to make fairer moral judgments ? R. S. : That 's one of the idealistic hopes . The whole research program here , of studying the distinctive parts of the human brain , is brand new . Until recently what we knew about the brain were the things that any other animal's brain could do too . So we could study it in animal models . We knew how brains see , and how they control the body , and how they hear and sense . And the whole project of understanding how brains do the uniquely human things , learn language , and abstract concepts , and thinking about other people's thoughts , that 's brand new . And we do n't know yet , what the implications will be of understanding it . C. A. : So I 've got one last question . There is this thing called the hard problem of consciousness , that puzzles a lot of people . The notion that you can understand why a brain works , perhaps . But why does anyone have to feel anything ? Why does it seem to require these beings who sense things for us to operate ? You 're a brilliant young neuroscientist . I mean , what chances do you think there are that at some time in your career someone , you or someone else , is going to come up with some paradigm shift in understanding what seems an impossible problem . R. S. : I hope they do . And I think they probably wo n ' t . C. A. : Why ? R. S. : It 's not called the hard problem of consciousness for nothing . ( Laughter ) C. A. : That 's a great answer . Rebecca Saxe , thank you very much . That was fantastic . ( Applause ) <\/content","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"WELCOME TO THE SPARKLE GOLF SOCIETY WEB PAGE THE SOCIETY HAS 40 MEMBERS OF ALL STANDARDS OF GOLF WE MEET 6 TIMES A YEAR AT VARIOUS COURSES AROUND KENT , SUSSEX , AND SURREY . IF YOU HAVE PLAYED ANY GOOD GOLF COURSES THAT MIGHT BE WORTH GOING TO OR IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS CLICK ON THE GUEST BOOK AND LEAVE A NOTE TO LET US KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS ALSO CLICK ON THE TROPHY PAGE TO SEE OUR RANGE OF TROPHIES WE PLAY FOR EACH YEAR . THE CAPTAIN'S CUP 2005 THE WEATHER WAS THE WORST WE HAVE PLAYED IN SINCE SPARKLE BEGAN BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY TO EVERYONE WELL DONE AND THANK YOU FOR STAYING OUT IN THE ELEMENTS . DORON MUST HAVE KNOWN THAT HE WAS GOING TO WIN IT AGAIN BECAUSE HE FORGOT TO BRING THE TROPHY WITH HIM BUT WITH 34 POINTS AND BEATING ANDY RUSBRIDGE ON A COUNTBACK HE RETAINED THE CUP WELL DONE DORON . IN THIRD PLACE WITH 32 WAS STUART BOOTH AND JIM GILLAN WAS 4th WITH 30 . THE 2 POT AND NEAREST THE PIN WENT TO ANDY RUSBRIDGE THE LONGEST DRIVE CHRIS BOOTH ( STUART'S DAD ) AND THE GIR WENT TO FRED ADCOCK STEVE HAMMOND GOT THE VALUE FOR MONEY WITH 19 POINTS WELL DONE AND THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO TURNED UP AND PLAYED IN THE BAD WEATHER . Dont forget if you would like to make any comments please email me on jimgillan@lycosmax.co.uk or you could go to the guest book and post a message on the web site . PLEASE COULD ALL MEMBERS GO TO THE MEMBERS SURVEY AND FILL IT IN IT WILL HELP WITH SORTING OUT COURSES AND DAYS THAT PEOPLE WOULD LIKE","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Ezra 1 Cyrus Helps the Exiles to Return 1 In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia , in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah , the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and to put it in writing : 2 \" This is what Cyrus king of Persia says : \" ' The LORD , the God of heaven , has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah . 3 Anyone of his people among you \u2013 may his God be with him , and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD , the God of Israel , the God who is in Jerusalem . 4 And the people of any place where survivors may now be living are to provide him with silver and gold , with goods and livestock , and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem . ' \" 5 Then the family heads of Judah and Benjamin , and the priests and Levites \u2013 everyone whose heart God had moved \u2013 prepared to go up and build the house of the LORD in Jerusalem . 6 All their neighbors assisted them with articles of silver and gold , with goods and livestock , and with valuable gifts , in addition to all the freewill offerings . 7 Moreover , King Cyrus brought out the articles belonging to the temple of the LORD , which Nebuchadnezzar had carried away from Jerusalem and had placed in the temple of his god . [ a ] 8 Cyrus king of Persia had them brought by Mithredath the treasurer , who counted them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah . 9 This was the inventory : gold dishes 30 silver dishes 1,000 silver pans [ b ] 29 10 gold bowls 30 matching silver bowls 410 other articles 1,000 11 In all , there were 5,400 articles of gold and of silver . Sheshbazzar brought all these along when the exiles came up from Babylon to Jerusalem . Ezra 2 The List of the Exiles Who Returned 1 Now these are the people of the province who came up from the captivity of the exiles , whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had taken captive to Babylon ( they returned to Jerusalem and Judah , each to his own town , 2 in company with Zerubbabel , Jeshua , Nehemiah , Seraiah , Reelaiah , Mordecai , Bilshan , Mispar , Bigvai , Rehum and Baanah ) : The list of the men of the people of Israel : 3 the descendants of Parosh 2,172 4 of Shephatiah 372 5 of Arah 775 6 of Pahath-Moab ( through the line of Jeshua and Joab ) 2,812 7 of Elam 1,254 8 of Zattu 945 9 of Zaccai 760 10 of Bani 642 11 of Bebai 623 12 of Azgad 1,222 13 of Adonikam 666 14 of Bigvai 2,056 15 of Adin 454 16 of Ater ( through Hezekiah ) 98 17 of Bezai 323 18 of Jorah 112 19 of Hashum 223 20 of Gibbar 95 21 the men of Bethlehem 123 22 of Netophah 56 23 of Anathoth 128 24 of Azmaveth 42 25 of Kiriath Jearim , [ a ] Kephirah and Beeroth 743 26 of Ramah and Geba 621 27 of Micmash 122 28 of Bethel and Ai 223 29 of Nebo 52 30 of Magbish 156 31 of the other Elam 1,254 32 of Harim 320 33 of Lod , Hadid and Ono 725 34 of Jericho 345 35 of Senaah 3,630 36 The priests : the descendants of Jedaiah ( through the family of Jeshua ) 973 37 of Immer 1,052 38 of Pashhur 1,247 39 of Harim 1,017 40 The Levites : the descendants of Jeshua and Kadmiel ( through the line of Hodaviah ) 74 41 The singers : the descendants of Asaph 128 42 The gatekeepers of the temple : the descendants of Shallum , Ater , Talmon , Akkub , Hatita and Shobai 139 43 The temple servants : the descendants of Ziha , Hasupha , Tabbaoth , 44 Keros , Siaha , Padon , 45 Lebanah , Hagabah , Akkub , 46 Hagab , Shalmai , Hanan , 47 Giddel , Gahar , Reaiah , 48 Rezin , Nekoda , Gazzam , 49 Uzza , Paseah , Besai , 50 Asnah , Meunim , Nephusim , 51 Bakbuk , Hakupha , Harhur , 52 Bazluth , Mehida , Harsha , 53 Barkos , Sisera , Temah , 54 Neziah and Hatipha 55 The descendants of the servants of Solomon : the descendants of Sotai , Hassophereth , Peruda , 56 Jaala , Darkon , Giddel , 57 Shephatiah , Hattil , Pokereth-Hazzebaim and Ami 58 The temple servants and the descendants of the servants of Solomon 392 59 The following came up from the towns of Tel Melah , Tel Harsha , Kerub , Addon and Immer , but they could not show that their families were descended from Israel : 60 The descendants of Delaiah , Tobiah and Nekoda 652 61 And from among the priests : The descendants of Hobaiah , Hakkoz and Barzillai ( a man who had married a daughter of Barzillai the Gileadite and was called by that name ) . 62 These searched for their family records , but they could not find them and so were excluded from the priesthood as unclean . 63 The governor ordered them not to eat any of the most sacred food until there was a priest ministering with the Urim and Thummim . 64 The whole company numbered 42,360 , 65 besides their 7,337 menservants and maidservants ; and they also had 200 men and women singers . 66 They had 736 horses , 245 mules , 67 435 camels and 6,720 donkeys . 68 When they arrived at the house of the LORD in Jerusalem , some of the heads of the families gave freewill offerings toward the rebuilding of the house of God on its site . 69 According to their ability they gave to the treasury for this work 61,000 drachmas [ b ] of gold , 5,000 minas [ c ] of silver and 100 priestly garments . 70 The priests , the Levites , the singers , the gatekeepers and the temple servants settled in their own towns , along with some of the other people , and the rest of the Israelites settled in their towns .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Friday , 16 August , 2002 , 02 : 36 GMT 03 : 36 UK Teachers get advice on violence Teachers are increasingly concerned about violent pupils A teachers' union is so concerned about the growing incidents of violence and disruption in schools , it has issued its members with new guidance for their own protection . For the first time , diaries sent to all National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers ( NASUWT ) members this week will outline how teachers can best tackle the problem . It is unacceptable that teachers should face violence at work Eamonn O ' Kane , NASUWT The guidelines urge teachers to report all incidents of actual or threatened assault or criminal damage to the police . The advice also recommends staff be given training in avoiding and managing dangerous situations . The NASUWT calls on head teachers to introduce a code of \" zero tolerance \" towards pupils who have been excluded And parents who have been abusive or violent towards staff should be banned from school premises . A failure by schools to put in place adequate protection for teachers may lead to risk assessments for violent and disruptive pupils and a refusal to teach those who pose a real danger , the union warns . Violent pupils NASUWT general secretary Eamonn O ' Kane said : \" It is unacceptable that teachers should face violence at work . \" \" NASUWT guidance highlights options available to limit the threat . By including this in the diary , every member can carry round details of the steps necessary to protect themselves in school . \" Although the numbers of pupils excluded last year went up for the first time in the past six years , NASUWT remains concerned that governing bodies continue to readmit violent and disruptive pupils . \" Last month the Department for Education issued posters to all schools in England warning parents they faced prosecution if they threatened or abused staff . The posters , similar to those found in hospitals and on public transport , were accompanied by a \" toolkit \" setting out the legal position on parental violence .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"DFES supports the Western Australia Police as a combat authority for urban search and rescue ( USAR ) . The agency has a developed the capability to deal with the rescue of casualties trapped by buildings , landfall or slippage which collapse as a result of industrial accidents , explosions , natural disasters and terrorist activity . Additional funding in recent years has allowed significant advances to be made in the Western Australia's preparedness , response and recovery capabilities for USAR . Category 2 , which qualifies the responder as a technician with the competencies to conduct underground searches , and ; Category 3 , which qualifies the responder to lead a USAR taskforce . To date , all career firefighters are trained to Category 1 ( CAT 1 ) and there are several Category 2 ( CAT 2 ) technicians available to respond to incidents requiring the specialised skills of the USAR Task Force . Western Australia now has a qualified USAR Canine Team to enhance our operational capacity and is the only State with an integrated canine team in its USAR Task Force . It is recognised around the world that canine teams are an essential element in the efficient and speedy location of victims trapped as a result of building collapse or earthquake . We have been working over the past two years to train a team of dogs that meet nationally and internationally recognised standards . The USAR team has adopted the New Zealand standard for USAR Canine Teams . It currently has five dogs in training with the aim of having four qualified dogs in the USAR task force in 2008-09 . A New Zealand dog trainer and assessor were brought to Perth to provide training and assessment of local State Emergency Service dogs , handlers and staff . Two dogs were assessed , one successfully . As a result , Australia has its first canine team integrated into a USAR task force and certified to international standards . National Support During the 2011 Queensland floods , four DFES Fire and Rescue Service USAR technicians worked as part of a national taskforce conducting damage assessment and recovery operations in the Brisbane area , where there was significant damage to residential , industrial and commercial structures . The USAR taskforce performed rapid damage assessments , assessed water levels and structural damage , identified hazards and prioritised tasks in a difficult environment of escalating odours from hazardous materials , putrefying foods and the thick layer of mud left by receding floodwaters . Following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that occurred in Christchurch on 22 February 2011 , six DFES USAR specialists departed on 4 March 2011 for a 12 day deployment . They joined USAR teams from New Zealand , Australia , USA , UK , Singapore , Taiwan , Japan and China in Christchurch . Working alongside structural engineers , seismologists , geologists , construction workers , crane and digger operators and demolition experts , the USAR team undertook a range of activities while maintaining a state of preparedness to respond to further aftershocks . They searched for missing persons , conducted primary and secondary risk assessments of buildings prior to re-habitation , undertook building marking , cordoning and demarcation of identified collapse zones and assisted police to retrieve personal belongings from damaged buildings . As part of the first Australian multi-jurisdictional USAR task force deployed overseas , DFES team members gained valuable operational experience in a major disaster as well as establishing and extending important ' special risk ' networks across national and international jurisdictions . International Support The relationship between DFES and the Singapore Civil Defence Force was consolidated further through : continued mutual training and professional development exchange opportunities \u2013 six career firefighters visited Singapore in December 2006 to undertake USAR CAT2 training . exchange of information and ideas in regard to operational procedures , research and development , equipment and training simulations .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Three Boys ; or the Chiefs of the Clan Mackhai George Manville Fenn | Next chapter | | Contents | Chapter I. The Mackhai of Dun Roe . \" Look here , Scoodrach , if you call me she again , I 'll kick you ! \" \" I didna ca ' you she . I only said if she 'd come ten the hoose aifter she had the parritch -- \" \" Well , what did I say ? \" \" Say ? Why , she got in a passion . \" Whop ! Flop ! The sound of a back-handed slap in the chest , followed by a kick , both delivered by Kenneth Mackhai , the recipient being a red-headed , freckled-faced lad of seventeen , who retaliated by making a sharp snatch at the kicking foot , which he caught and held one half moment . The result was startling . Kenneth Mackhai , the sun-browned , well-knit , handsome son of \" the Chief , \" came down in a sitting position on the stones , and screwed up his face with pain . \" Scood , you beggar ! \" he roared ; \" I 'll serve you out for -- \" \" Ken , are you coming to breakfast ? \" cried a loud , severe voice from fifty yards away . \" Coming , father ! \" shouted the lad , leaping up , giving himself a shake to rearrange his dark green kilt , and holding up his fist threateningly at the bare-legged , grinning lad before him . \" Just you wait till after breakfast , Master Scood , and I 'll make you squint . \" The lad ran up the steep slope to the garden surrounding the ancient castle of Dunroe , which had been built as a stronghold somewhere about the fourteenth century , and still stood solid on its rocky foundation ; a square , keep-like edifice , with a round tower at each corner , mouldering , with portions of the battlements broken away , but a fine monument still of the way in which builders worked in the olden time . The portion Kenneth Mackhai approached had for inhabitants only the jackdaws , which encumbered the broken stairs by the loopholes with their nests ; but , after passing beneath a gloomy archway and crossing the open interior , he left the old keep by another archway , to enter the precincts of the modern castle of Dunroe , a commodious building , erected after the style of the old , and possessing the advantages of a roof and floors , with large windows looking across the dazzling sea . Kenneth entered a handsome dining-room , where the breakfast was spread , and where his father , The Mackhai , a tall , handsome man of fifty , was pacing angrily up and down . \" Sorry I kept you , father . Scood said there was a seal on the lower rocks , and -- \" \" The scoundrel ! How dare he ? \" muttered The Mackhai . \" To take such a mean advantage of his position . I will not suffer it . I 'll -- \" \" I 'm very sorry , father ! \" faltered Kenneth , crossing slowly toward his frowning elder . \" I did not mean to -- \" \" Eh ! what , Ken , my boy ? \" cried The Mackhai , with his countenance changing . \" I 've only just come in . Sit down , my lad . You must be half-starved , eh ? \" \" I thought you were cross with me , sir . \" \" Cross ? Angry ? Not a bit . Why ? \" \" You said -- \" \" Tchah ! nonsense ! Thinking aloud . What did you say ? -- a seal ? \" \" Yes , father . Scood said there was one , but it had gone . \" \" Then you did n't shoot it ? Well , I 'm not sorry . They 're getting scarce now , and I like to see the old things about the old place . Hah ! \" he continued , after a pause that had been well employed by both at the amply-supplied , handsomely-furnished table ; \" and I like the old porridge for breakfast . Give me some of that salmon , Ken. No ; I 'll have a kipper . \" \" More coffee , please , father , \" said Ken , with his mouth full . \" Have a scone , father ? They 're prime . \" \" Gently with the butter , my boy . There is such a thing as bile . \" \" Is there , father ? \" said Kenneth , who was spreading the rich yellow churning a full quarter of an inch thick . \" Is there , sir ! Yes , there is . As I know to my cost . Ah ! \" he added , with a sigh , and his face wrinkled and made him look ten years older ; \" but there was a time when I did not know the meaning of the word ! \" \" Oh , I say , father , \" cried Kenneth merrily , \" do n't ! You 're always pretending to be old , and yet you can walk me down stalking , and Long Shon says you can make him sore-footed any day . \" \" Nonsense ! nonsense ! \" said The Mackhai , smiling . \" Oh , but you can , father ! \" said Kenneth , with his mouth full . \" And see how you ran with that salmon yesterday , all among the stones . \" \" Ah , yes ! I manage to hold my own ; but I hope you 'll husband your strength better than I did , my boy , \" said The Mackhai , with a sigh . \" I only hope I shall grow into such a fine man ! \" cried Kenneth , with his face lighting up , as he gazed proudly at his father . \" Why , Donald says -- \" \" Tut , tut , tut ! Silence , you miserable young flatterer ! Do you want to make your father conceited ? There , that will do . \" \" Coming fishing to-day , father ? \" There was no answer . The Mackhai had taken up a letter brought in that morning by one of the gillies , and was frowning over it as he re-read its contents , and then sat thoughtfully gazing out of the window across the glittering sea , at the blue mountains in the distance , tapping the table with his fingers the while . \" Wonder what 's the matter ! \" thought Kenneth . \" Some one wants some money , I suppose . \" The boy's face puckered up a little as he ceased eating , and watched his father's face , the furrows in the boy's brow giving him a wonderful likeness to the keen-eyed , high-browed representative of a fine old Scottish clan . \" Wish I had plenty of money , \" thought Kenneth ; and he sighed as he saw his father's face darken . Not that there was the faintest sign of poverty around , for the room was tastily furnished in good old style ; the carpet was thick , a silver coffee-pot glistened upon the table , and around the walls were goodly paintings of ancestral Mackhais , from the bare-armed , scale-armoured chief who fought the Macdougals of Lome , down to Ronald Mackhai , who represented Ross-shire when King William sat upon the throne . \" I ca n't help myself , \" muttered The Mackhai at last . \" Here , Ken , what were you going to do to-day ? \" \" I was going up the river after a salmon . \" \" Not to-day , my boy . Here , I 've news for you . Mr. Blande , my London solicitor , writes me word that his son is coming down--a boy about your age . \" \" Son--coming down ? Did you invite him , father ? \" \" Eh ? No : never mind that , \" said The Mackhai hastily . \" Coming down to stay with us a bit . Regular London boy . Not in very good health . You must be civil to him , Ken , and show him about a bit . \" \" Yes , father , \" said Kenneth , who felt from his father's manner that the coming guest was not welcome . \" He is coming by Glasgow , and then by the Grenadier . His father thinks the sea will do him good . Go and meet him . \" \" Yes , father . \" \" Tell them to get a room ready for him . \" \" Yes , father . \" \" Be as civil to him as you can , and--Pah ! \" That ejaculation , pah ! came like an angry outburst , as The Mackhai gave the table a sharp blow , and rose and strode out of the room . Kenneth sat watching the door for a few moments . \" Father's savage because he 's coming , \" said Kenneth , whose eyes then fell upon a glass dish of marmalade , and , cutting a goodly slice of bread , he spread it with the yellow butter , and then spooned out a portion of the amber-hued preserve . \" Bother the chap ! we do n't want him here . \" Pe-au , pe-au , came a wailing whistle through the open window . \" Ah , I hear you , old whaupie , but I can do it better than that , \" said Kenneth to himself , as he repeated the whistle , in perfect imitation of the curlews which abounded near . The whistle was answered , and , with a good-tempered smile on his face , Kenneth rose from the table , after cutting another slice of bread , and laying it upon that in his plate , so as to form a sticky sandwich . \" Scood ! \" he cried from the window , and barelegged Scoodrach , who was seated upon a rock right below , with the waves splashing his feet , looked up and showed his white teeth . \" Catch ! \" \" All right . \" Down went the bread and marmalade , which the lad caught in his blue worsted bonnet , and was about to replace the same upon his curly red head , but the glutinous marmalade came off on one finger . This sticky finger he sucked as he stared at the bread , and , evidently coming to the conclusion that preserve and pomade were not synonymous terms , he began rapidly to put the sweet sandwich somewhere else . \" I wish you had kept it in your bonnet , Scood . \" The boy looked up and laughed , his mouth busy the while . \" Father saw sax saumon in the black pool , \" he cried eagerly . \" Then they 'll have to stop , \" said Kenneth gloomily . \" Eh ? \" \" There 's a chap coming down from London . \" \" To fesh ? \" \" Suppose so . We 've got to go and meet him . \" \" With ta pony ? \" \" No , the boat ; coming by the Grenadier . \" \" Ou ay . \" \" It 's a great bother , Scood . \" \" But it 's a verra fine mornin ' for a sail , \" said the boy , looking up and munching away . \" But I did n't want to sail ; I wanted to fish . \" \" The fush can wait , tat she can . \" \" Oh , you ! \" shouted Kenneth . \" Wish I had something to throw at you . \" \" If she did , I 'd throw it back , \" said Scoodrach , grinning . \" I should like to catch you at it . There , go and get the boat . \" \" Plenty of time . \" \" Never mind that ; let 's be off and have a good sail first , as we have to go . \" \" Will she--will you tak ' the gun ? \" \" Of course I shall . Take the lines too , Scood ; we may get a mackerel . \" The lad opened his large mouth , tucked in the last piece of marmalade , and then leaped off the stone on to the rock . \" Scood ! \" The boy stroked down his grey kilt , and looked up . \" Put on your shoes and stockings . \" \" What for ? \" \" Because I tell you . Because there 's company coming . Be off ! \" \" She 's got a big hole in her stocking , and ta shoe hurts her heel . \" \" Be off and put them on , \" roared Kenneth from the window . \" I shall be ready in a quarter of an hour . \" Scood nodded , and began to climb rapidly over the buttress of rock which ran down into the sea , the height to which the tide rose being marked by an encrustation of myriads of acorn barnacles , among which every now and then a limpet stood out like a boss , while below , in the clear water , a thick growth of weed turned the rock to a golden brown , and changed the tint of the transparent water . | Next chapter | | Contents | Created from a nineteenth or early twentieth century text by Athelstane E-Texts","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Throughout the life of the El Camino , ad images emphasized both its sporty profile and its pickup truck-style rear , which was perfect for hauling groceries , furniture , or the kid's bicycles . The powers-that-be at Chevrolet tweaked this \" all things to all men \" formula throughout the vehicle's production years . In 1968 , these efforts resulted in the introduction of an SS package . This was essentially a carbon copy of the Chevelle Super Sport's options , including Chevy's legendary Turbo Jet 396 cubic inch engine . With this V8 monster under its hood , the El Camino could wrap up the quarter-mile in 14 seconds \u2013 respectable for the time and not too bad by today's standards . There was one crucial difference between the Chevelle and El Camino SS packages , however . Try as they might , builders could not adapt the Chevelle's heavy-duty rear anti-sway suspension to the hybrid truck-sports car frame . This was due to the fact that the El Camino was originally designed to haul freight , not burn rubber . It points out the problems that inevitably arise when a company tries to please everyone . The El Camino SS came closer than any other attempt to bridge divide between rebellious youth and responsible adulthood , however . For that alone , it deserves its place in automotive history .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Imogen Heap is best known for her ethereal voice and the ability to mix electronica , rock and pop . Here , she speaks with Megan M. Retka about her record company woes and having her bed set on fire ... MR : You 've had quite a formal musical history . You were trained as a classical pianist ? IH : First things first , was the piano . We had a piano at my parent's house in Essex , and I think as a kid you 'd obviously want to make noise on something , and thing that would make the most noise in my house was the piano . So , I used to play the piano very badly from as soon as I could reach [ it ] , and I do n't remember going to my first lesson . As far as I know , I 've always played the piano . And obviously I did n't at some point because I was , like , a baby , but I 've always felt like I 've played it . I guess , as a kid , I would just hear sounds and try and imitate them , and gradually as I became conscious that I was actually playing a piano and I wanted to learn more , that 's when my parents tried to get me lessons . I wanted to get lessons even before my feet would reach the pedal , [ but ] I could n't have my first lesson until my foot would reach the pedal . Luckily , I got there quicker than most because I 'm quite tall . So , I learned classically . I did all my lessons and I did my grades on the piano , and I learned about theory as well . Then , as I became a bit older , maybe about eight , I started learning cello . Well , actually I started learning the violin , but I hated the violin . You have to spend hours and hours rehearsing to get even a decent sound out of the violin , but luckily with the cello , it looks great instantly . Yeah , it 's not quite [ such a ] jarring , screechy noise . By this point , I kind of decided I wanted to be a composer . I wanted to compose and conduct orchestras and play pianos for orchestras and write for film - things like that . That was my plan as a kid . And then I thought , well if I learn a string instrument and a percussive instrument , then I need to learn a woodwind , so then I learned the clarinet . I tried to go one stage further and learn the trumpet , but that was n't to be . I stopped at brass . I really enjoyed writing and composing for instruments and the orchestra , and as a kid that was about the only subject that I really , you know , spend time on the homework and actually get excited about a string quartet . I think the other reason is , maybe partly , is that when I was a kid , I realised that the more instruments I played , the more academic lessons I could get out of . So , that was quite cool . Later , when I was about twelve , I went to a boarding school . The music school there , was really really amazing . They had loads of pianos - they had 24 pianos . I guess they really thought that people in the school would want to play the piano if they 've got all those hours to wile away after lessons . Of course , I was in there every night playing the piano , and soon realised that Mr. Dodge , was his name , had a toy room where he had a computer - an old Mac Classic . You could write notes and things like that on this program he had called Notator . I kind of realised that quite early on and was like , \" Hmm . I really want to get into that . \" But he said , \" Well , you ca n't really use that until a bit later . \" So , when it came to doing GCSEs , I then learned about this computer . I was thirteen when I did my GSCEs , because I was always a year ahead . I start using this gear when I was about thirteen . I did n't get on with my music master at all . It was just me and him in GCSE class . Just me and him . In a quiet , eerie room , pencils scribbling - it 's all very eerie . So , I 'd get there and talk to him , and after about five seconds we 'd be at each other 's throats arguing with each other - I was a bit of a rebel - so he was like , \" Ok . I 've had about enough of you . Go into that room and make some music . \" So , I 'd basically have an hour , three times a week , to read this massive manual of this computer , to figure out how to use it . As soon as I realised that I could do this with this computer - create like a whole orchestra without having to actually have an orchestra - I was hooked . From the beginning . That 's when my love of programming started . Throughout the years I just got better and better at it . Continue >> More Imogen Links : Upcoming gig tickets >> Bush Hall gig review >> Speak For Yourself album review >> Buy Speak For Yourself at Amazon . co. uk >> Hide & Seek vide","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The 10X Extreme is a rather sharp looking cooler . Overall it does n't look or feel like it 's been fabricated from a tin can . Many CPU coolers have made the mistake of using low quality , thinner aluminum for their fins . It 's unlike many of the performance tower coolers in that it comes assembled with a mounted 120mm blue LED cooling fan of Zalman's choice . Many enthusiasts like to use fans of their own choice . However , if the 120mm fan used here is of decent quality , we see no reason why it will ever be an issue even amongst DIY enthusiasts . Overall , the 10X Extreme rather solid cooler . It 's roughly 5 inches wide by 6.25 inches tall x 4 inches deep . Most of that size comes from the fan frame which is actually more of a \" cap \" of sorts sitting on top with two small screws holding the fan in place . Basically , just for show but does add a nice finished quality to the product . Mentioned earlier , the cooler contains a controller known as the PWM Mate . The unique thing about the PWM Mate is that it can be disconnected from the cooler and act as a wired remote when coupled with the included extension cable . Users can allow the Mate to hang or mount on the back of their computer case for easier control . It saves you time from having to open and close the chassis . The entire cooler is made from or covered in what Zalman has dubbed \" Black Pearl \" Nickel Plating . We counted 5 full length U-shaped heat pipes running the full length and most the width of the cooler . The fins are noticeably thicker and make a rather tight fit , or connection , against the heat pipes than many other tower coolers . This should better help transfer heat from the pipes to the fins . Despite appearances , we definitely noticed the superb mirror like finish on the non-copper colored base . Copper has always proven to be the best material for heat sinks . And , the mirror finish ensures that there 's maximum transference of heat from the CPU to the base as well as through the heat pipes . We think you 've patiently drooled long enough . Let 's see what this beauty can do . Installation Notes and Test Setup First , our test system was thoroughly cleaned and prepped using Artic Clean's products . To eliminate any variables between test coolers , a third party compound from Artic Silver 5 was used in place of Zalman's thermal compound . No doubt that Zalman's would be the ideal choice over any generic compounds , but we want to present the most uniform test experience . The manual was clear on which LGA1366 components to use . The black bracket was a little loose even with the washer and screws thoroughly tightened . We figure the motherboard's PCB is just a little thinner than the boards Zalman's engineers used in development . While it should n't affect performance , we did n't want to take a chance , so an extra washer was added to each bottom bolt to tighten it up nicely . The only sticky point was getting the top chrome fastening plate oriented properly while setting the cooler on the CPU . It can be tricky so take your time , eye the placement as best you can as you set it in place . After tightening the screws , it was extremely secure without any movement . Just what we like to see . Our hexa-core processor is a beast of a processor . It can get pretty warm pushing any cooler to its thermal limits . If this performance grade CPU cooler can cool the Core i7-980X , it will easily cool any other processor available , including AMD's upcoming Phenom II X6s . Image Gallery","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"AUTHORS Michael Massimi & Daniela Rosner ABSTRACT Technology increasingly plays a role in the way that we prepare for , celebrate , and reflect upon major life events . Modern digital artefacts , such as Facebook messages and digital photos , now stand alongside traditional artefacts , such as guest books and heirloom jewellery , as cherished mementos of these occasions . Considering how these physical artefacts are crafted provides a useful lens for understanding the evolving relationship among digital tools , the artefacts they produce , and the major life events where these artefacts are used and imbued with meaning . In this paper , we present themes from an interview study conducted with crafters who created items for major life events including weddings , household moves , and births . Our findings outline properties of the crafting process and of the crafted items . Across all occasions , crafters saw major life events as opportunities to learn new skills and use special materials to create personalized artefacts that codified and extended interpersonal relationships . This occurred in parallel with a creative , thoughtful process to make crafts that were appropriate for each occasion and meaningful enough to be kept and treasured for years to come . We reflect on the properties of these crafters' processes and artefacts , and suggest implications for the role of digital tools and assets in relation to major life events . In particular , digital ways to reveal an artefact's provenance and relationship to an event may be useful for augmenting its symbolic meaning and its ability to represent interpersonal relationships .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sometimes it 's hard to get a handle on the vastness of the universe . How far is an astronomical unit , anyhow ? In this list we 've brought the universe down to a more manageable scale . NASA The universe is a big place , but let 's cut it down to size by making the Earth the size of a Ping-Pong ball . On that scale it would be placed 500 yards ( 460 meters ) from the Sun . NASA The Sun would be a little over 14 feet ( 4 meters ) in diameter , about the size of a large gazebo . Photo NASA \/ JPL \/ Caltech ( NASA photo # PIA00405 ) On this scale the Moon would be a marble 4 feet ( 1 . 2 meters ) from Earth . NASA \/ JPL The planet Mercury would be the size of a large marble 2 ( gridiron ) football fields away from the Sun . NASA \/ JPL Venus would approximate a Ping-Pong ball placed 375 yards ( 340 meters ; slightly less than 2 blocks ) from the Sun . NASA \/ JPL \/ Malin Space Science Systems Mars would be a gumball sitting 3 1 \u2044 4 blocks from the Sun . Photo NASA \/ JPL \/ Caltech ( NASA photo # PIA00343 ) Jupiter would be a large beach ball situated 1.5 miles ( 2 . 4 kilometers ) from the Sun . Photo AURA \/ STScI \/ NASA \/ JPL ( NASA photo # PIA01464 , STScI-PRC94-53 ) Saturn would be a slightly smaller beach ball located 2.8 miles ( 4 . 5 kilometers ) from the Sun . Erich Karkoschka , University of Arizona and NASA The planet Uranus would be the size of a cantaloupe placed 5.6 miles ( 9 kilometers ) from the Sun . Jet Propulsion Laboratory \/ National Aeronautics and Space Administration Neptune would be approximately the size of a medium acorn squash 8.8 miles ( 14 kilometers ) from the Sun . Ronald Zincone \u2013 VWPics \/ SuperStock The nearest star , Proxima Centauri , has to be placed 78,450 miles ( 126 , 250 kilometers ) from the Sun on this scale ! NASA \/ JPL-Caltech \/ UCLA Andromeda , the nearest spiral galaxy , would be 47,000,000,000 miles ( 76 , 000 , 000 , 000 kilometers ) away on this scale !","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Any further increases after this date will be at the discretion of the Government and will be announced nearer the time . Any personal contributions you make or any contributions paid by a third party on your behalf , will be paid net of the UK basic rate income tax applicable in the year the contribution is paid , providing that contributions meet the conditions set by HMRC . Any contributions paid by your employer , if applicable , will be paid gross . This means that no tax relief is due to you or your plan on these contributions however your employer may be entitled to claim tax relief .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The next day Rastignac dressed himself very elegantly , and about three o ' clock in the afternoon went to call on Mme . de Restaud . On the way thither he indulged in the wild intoxicating dreams which fill a young head so full of delicious excitement . Young men at his age take no account of obstacles nor of dangers ; they see success in every direction ; imagination has free play , and turns their lives into a romance ; they are saddened or discouraged by the collapse of one of the visionary schemes that have no existence save in their heated fancy . If youth were not ignorant and timid , civilization would be impossible . Eugene took unheard-of pains to keep himself in a spotless condition , but on his way through the streets he began to think about Mme . de Restaud and what he should say to her . He equipped himself with wit , rehearsed repartees in the course of an imaginary conversation , and prepared certain neat speeches a la Talleyrand , conjuring up a series of small events which should prepare the way for the declaration on which he had based his future ; and during these musings the law student was bespattered with mud , and by the time he reached the Palais Royal he was obliged to have his boots blacked and his trousers brushed . \" If I were rich , \" he said , as he changed the five-franc piece he had brought with him in case anything might happen , \" I would take a cab , then I could think at my ease . \" At last he reached the Rue du Helder , and asked for the Comtesse de Restaud . He bore the contemptuous glances of the servants , who had seen him cross the court on foot , with the cold fury of a man who knows that he will succeed some day . He understood the meaning of their glances at once , for he had felt his inferiority as soon as he entered the court , where a smart cab was waiting . All the delights of life in Paris seemed to be implied by this visible and manifest sign of luxury and extravagance . A fine horse , in magnificent harness , was pawing the ground , and all at once the law student felt out of humor with himself . Every compartment in his brain which he had thought to find so full of wit was bolted fast ; he grew positively stupid . He sent up his name to the Countess , and waited in the ante-chamber , standing on one foot before a window that looked out upon the court ; mechanically he leaned his elbow against the sash , and stared before him . The time seemed long ; he would have left the house but for the southern tenacity of purpose which works miracles when it is single-minded . \" Madame is in her boudoir , and can not see any one at present , sir , \" said the servant . \" She gave me no answer ; but if you will go into the dining-room , there is some one already there . \" Rastignac was impressed with a sense of the formidable power of the lackey who can accuse or condemn his masters by a word ; he coolly opened the door by which the man had just entered the ante-chamber , meaning , no doubt , to show these insolent flunkeys that he was familiar with the house ; but he found that he had thoughtlessly precipitated himself into a small room full of dressers , where lamps were standing , and hot-water pipes , on which towels were being dried ; a dark passage and a back staircase lay beyond it . Stifled laughter from the ante-chamber added to his confusion . \" This way to the drawing-room , sir , \" said the servant , with the exaggerated respect which seemed to be one more jest at his expense . Eugene turned so quickly that he stumbled against a bath . By good luck , he managed to keep his hat on his head , and saved it from immersion in the water ; but just as he turned , a door opened at the further end of the dark passage , dimly lighted by a small lamp . Rastignac heard voices and the sound of a kiss ; one of the speakers was Mme . de Restaud , the other was Father Goriot . Eugene followed the servant through the dining-room into the drawing-room ; he went to a window that looked out into the courtyard , and stood there for a while . He meant to know whether this Goriot was really the Goriot that he knew . His heart beat unwontedly fast ; he remembered Vautrin's hideous insinuations . A well-dressed young man suddenly emerged from the room almost as Eugene entered it , saying impatiently to the servant who stood at the door : \" I am going , Maurice . Tell Madame la Comtesse that I waited more than half an hour for her . \" Whereupon this insolent being , who , doubtless , had a right to be insolent , sang an Italian trill , and went towards the window where Eugene was standing , moved thereto quite as much by a desire to see the student's face as by a wish to look out into the courtyard . \" But M. le Comte had better wait a moment longer ; madame is disengaged , \" said Maurice , as he returned to the ante-chamber . Just at that moment Father Goriot appeared close to the gate ; he had emerged from a door at the foot of the back staircase . The worthy soul was preparing to open his umbrella regardless of the fact that the great gate had opened to admit a tilbury , in which a young man with a ribbon at his button-hole was seated . Father Goriot had scarcely time to start back and save himself . The horse took fright at the umbrella , swerved , and dashed forward towards the flight of steps . The young man looked round in annoyance , saw Father Goriot , and greeted him as he went out with constrained courtesy , such as people usually show to a money-lender so long as they require his services , or the sort of respect they feel it necessary to show for some one whose reputation has been blown upon , so that they blush to acknowledge his acquaintance . Father Goriot gave him a little friendly nod and a good-natured smile . All this happened with lightning speed . Eugene was so deeply interested that he forgot that he was not alone till he suddenly heard the Countess' voice . \" Oh ! Maxime , were you going away ? \" she said reproachfully , with a shade of pique in her manner . The Countess had not seen the incident nor the entrance of the tilbury . Rastignac turned abruptly and saw her standing before him , coquettishly dressed in a loose white cashmere gown with knots of rose-colored ribbon here and there ; her hair was carelessly coiled about her head , as is the wont of Parisian women in the morning ; there was a soft fragrance about her--doubtless she was fresh from a bath ; -- her graceful form seemed more flexible , her beauty more luxuriant . Her eyes glistened . A young man can see everything at a glance ; he feels the radiant influence of woman as a plant discerns and absorbs its nutriment from the air ; he did not need to touch her hands to feel their cool freshness . He saw faint rose tints through the cashmere of the dressing gown ; it had fallen slightly open , giving glimpses of a bare throat , on which the student's eyes rested . The Countess had no need of the adventitious aid of corsets ; her girdle defined the outlines of her slender waist ; her throat was a challenge to love ; her feet , thrust into slippers , were daintily small . As Maxime took her hand and kissed it , Eugene became aware of Maxime's existence , and the Countess saw Eugene . \" Oh ! is that you M. de Rastignac ? I am very glad to see you , \" she said , but there was something in her manner that a shrewd observer would have taken as a hint to depart . Maxime , as the Countess Anastasie had called the young man with the haughty insolence of bearing , looked from Eugene to the lady , and from the lady to Eugene ; it was sufficiently evident that he wished to be rid of the latter . An exact and faithful rendering of the glance might be given in the words : \" Look here , my dear ; I hope you intend to send this little whipper-snapper about his business . \" The Countess consulted the young man's face with an intent submissiveness that betrays all the secrets of a woman's heart , and Rastignac all at once began to hate him violently . To begin with , the sight of the fair carefully arranged curls on the other 's comely head had convinced him that his own crop was hideous ; Maxime's boots , moreover , were elegant and spotless , while his own , in spite of all his care , bore some traces of his recent walk ; and , finally , Maxime's overcoat fitted the outline of his figure gracefully , he looked like a pretty woman , while Eugene was wearing a black coat at half-past two . The quick-witted child of the Charente felt the disadvantage at which he was placed beside this tall , slender dandy , with the clear gaze and the pale face , one of those men who would ruin orphan children without scruple . Mme . de Restaud fled into the next room without waiting for Eugene to speak ; shaking out the skirts of her dressing-gown in her flight , so that she looked like a white butterfly , and Maxime hurried after her . Eugene , in a fury , followed Maxime and the Countess , and the three stood once more face to face by the hearth in the large drawing-room . The law student felt quite sure that the odious Maxime found him in the way , and even at the risk of displeasing Mme . de Restaud , he meant to annoy the dandy . It had struck him all at once that he had seen the young man before at Mme . de Beauseant's ball ; he guessed the relation between Maxime and Mme . de Restaud ; and with the youthful audacity that commits prodigious blunders or achieves signal success , he said to himself , \" This is my rival ; I mean to cut him out . \" Rash resolve ! He did not know that M. le Comte Maxime de Trailles would wait till he was insulted , so as to fire first and kill his man . Eugene was a sportsman and a good shot , but he had not yet hit the bulls's eye twenty times out of twenty-two . The young Count dropped into a low chair by the hearth , took up the tongs , and made up the fire so violently and so sulkily , that Anastasie's fair face suddenly clouded over . She turned to Eugene , with a cool , questioning glance that asked plainly , \" Why do you not go ? \" a glance which well-bred people regard as a cue to make their exit . Eugene assumed an amiable expression . \" Madame , \" he began , \" I hastened to call upon you ---- \" He stopped short . The door opened , and the owner of the tilbury suddenly appeared . He had left his hat outside , and did not greet the Countess ; he looked meditatively at Rastignac , and held out his hand to Maxime with a cordial \" Good morning , \" that astonished Eugene not a little . The young provincial did not understand the amenities of a triple alliance . \" M. de Restaud , \" said the Countess , introducing her husband to the law student . Eugene bowed profoundly . \" This gentleman , \" she continued , presenting Eugene to her husband , \" is M. de Rastignac ; he is related to Mme . la Vicomtesse de Beauseant through the Marcillacs ; I had the pleasure of meeting him at her last ball . \" _Related to Mme . la Vicomtesse de Beauseant through the Marcillacs ! _ These words , on which the countess threw ever so slight an emphasis , by reason of the pride that the mistress of a house takes in showing that she only receives people of distinction as visitors in her house , produced a magical effect . The Count's stiff manner relaxed at once as he returned the student's bow . \" Delighted to have an opportunity of making your acquaintance , \" he said . Maxime de Trailles himself gave Eugene an uneasy glance , and suddenly dropped his insolent manner . The mighty name had all the power of a fairy's wand ; those closed compartments in the southern brain flew open again ; Rastignac's carefully drilled faculties returned . It was as if a sudden light had pierced the obscurity of this upper world of Paris , and he began to see , though everything was indistinct as yet . Mme . Vauquer's lodging-house and Father Goriot were very far remote from his thoughts . \" I thought that the Marcillacs were extinct , \" the Comte de Restaud said , addressing Eugene . \" Yes , they are extinct , \" answered the law student . \" My great-uncle , the Chevalier de Rastignac , married the heiress of the Marcillac family . They had only one daughter , who married the Marechal de Clarimbault , Mme . de Beauseant's grandfather on the mother's side . We are the younger branch of the family , and the younger branch is all the poorer because my great-uncle , the Vice-Admiral , lost all that he had in the King's service . The Government during the Revolution refused to admit our claims when the Compagnie des Indes was liquidated . \" \" Was not your great-uncle in command of the _Vengeur_ before 1789 ? \" \" Yes . \" \" Then he would be acquainted with my grandfather , who commanded the _Warwick_ . \" Maxime looked at Mme . de Restaud and shrugged his shoulders , as who should say , \" If he is going to discuss nautical matters with that fellow , it is all over with us . \" Anastasie understood the glance that M. de Trailles gave her . With a woman's admirable tact , she began to smile and said : \" Come with me , Maxime ; I have something to say to you . We will leave you two gentlemen to sail in company on board the _Warwick_ and the _Vengeur_ . \" She rose to her feet and signed to Maxime to follow her , mirth and mischief in her whole attitude , and the two went in the direction of the boudoir . The _morganatic_ couple ( to use a convenient German expression which has no exact equivalent ) had reached the door , when the Count interrupted himself in his talk with Eugene . \" Anastasie ! \" he cried pettishly , \" just stay a moment , dear ; you know very well that ---- \" \" I am coming back in a minute , \" she interrupted ; \" I have a commission for Maxime to execute , and I want to tell him about it . \" She came back almost immediately . She had noticed the inflection in her husband's voice , and knew that it would not be safe to retire to the boudoir ; like all women who are compelled to study their husbands' characters in order to have their own way , and whose business it is to know exactly how far they can go without endangering a good understanding , she was very careful to avoid petty collisions in domestic life . It was Eugene who had brought about this untoward incident ; so the Countess looked at Maxime and indicated the law student with an air of exasperation . M. de Trailles addressed the Count , the Countess , and Eugene with the pointed remark , \" You are busy , I do not want to interrupt you ; good-day , \" and he went . \" Just wait a moment , Maxime ! \" the Count called after him . \" Come and dine with us , \" said the Countess , leaving Eugene and her husband together once more . She followed Maxime into the little drawing-room , where they sat together sufficiently long to feel sure that Rastignac had taken his leave . The law student heard their laughter , and their voices , and the pauses in their talk ; he grew malicious , exerted his conversational powers for M. de Restaud , flattered him , and drew him into discussions , to the end that he might see the Countess again and discover the nature of her relations with Father Goriot . This Countess with a husband and a lover , for Maxime clearly was her lover , was a mystery . What was the secret tie that bound her to the old tradesman ? This mystery he meant to penetrate , hoping by its means to gain a sovereign ascendency over this fair typical Parisian . \" Anastasie ! \" the Count called again to his wife . \" Poor Maxime ! \" she said , addressing the young man . \" Come , we must resign ourselves . This evening ---- \" \" I hope , Nasie , \" he said in her ear , \" that you will give orders not to admit that youngster , whose eyes light up like live coals when he looks at you . He will make you a declaration , and compromise you , and then you will compel me to kill him . \" \" Are you mad , Maxime ? \" she said . \" A young lad of a student is , on the contrary , a capital lightning-conductor ; is not that so ? Of course , I mean to make Restaud furiously jealous of him . \" Maxime burst out laughing , and went out , followed by the Countess , who stood at the window to watch him into his carriage ; he shook his whip , and made his horse prance . She only returned when the great gate had been closed after him . \" What do you think , dear ? \" cried the Count , her husband , \" this gentleman's family estate is not far from Verteuil , on the Charente ; his great-uncle and my grandfather were acquainted . \" \" Delighted to find that we have acquaintances in common , \" said the Countess , with a preoccupied manner . \" More than you think , \" said Eugene , in a low voice . \" What do you mean ? \" she asked quickly . \" Why , only just now , \" said the student , \" I saw a gentleman go out at the gate , Father Goriot , my next door neighbor in the house where I am lodging . \" At the sound of this name , and the prefix that embellished it , the Count , who was stirring the fire , let the tongs fall as though they had burned his fingers , and rose to his feet . \" Sir , \" he cried , \" you might have called him ' Monsieur Goriot ' ! \" The Countess turned pale at first at the sight of her husband's vexation , then she reddened ; clearly she was embarrassed , her answer was made in a tone that she tried to make natural , and with an air of assumed carelessness : \" You could not know any one who is dearer to us both ... \" She broke off , glanced at the piano as if some fancy had crossed her mind , and asked , \" Are you fond of music , M. de Rastignac ? \" \" Exceedingly , \" answered Eugene , flushing , and disconcerted by a dim suspicion that he had somehow been guilty of a clumsy piece of folly . \" Do you sing ? \" she cried , going to the piano , and , sitting down before it , she swept her fingers over the keyboard from end to end . R-r-r-rah ! \" No , madame . \" The Comte de Restaud walked to and fro . \" That is a pity ; you are without one great means of success . -- _Ca-ro , ca-a-ro , ca-a-a-ro , non du-bi-ta-re_ , \" sang the Countess . Eugene had a second time waved a magic wand when he uttered Goriot's name , but the effect seemed to be entirely opposite to that produced by the formula \" related to Mme . de Beauseant . \" His position was not unlike that of some visitor permitted as a favor to inspect a private collection of curiosities , when by inadvertence he comes into collision with a glass case full of sculptured figures , and three or four heads , imperfectly secured , fall at the shock . He wished the earth would open and swallow him . Mme . de Restaud's expression was reserved and chilly , her eyes had grown indifferent , and sedulously avoided meeting those of the unlucky student of law . \" Madame , \" he said , \" you wish to talk with M. de Restaud ; permit me to wish you good-day ---- \" The Countess interrupted him by a gesture , saying hastily , \" Whenever you come to see us , both M. de Restaud and I shall be delighted to see you . \" Eugene made a profound bow and took his leave , followed by M. de Restaud , who insisted , in spite of his remonstrances , on accompanying him into the hall . \" Neither your mistress nor I are at home to that gentleman when he calls , \" the Count said to Maurice . As Eugene set foot on the steps , he saw that it was raining . \" Come , \" said he to himself , \" somehow I have just made a mess of it , I do not know how . And now I am going to spoil my hat and coat into the bargain . I ought to stop in my corner , grind away at law , and never look to be anything but a boorish country magistrate . How can I go into society , when to manage properly you want a lot of cabs , varnished boots , gold watch chains , and all sorts of things ; you have to wear white doeskin gloves that cost six francs in the morning , and primrose kid gloves every evening ? A fig for that old humbug of a Goriot ! \" When he reached the street door , the driver of a hackney coach , who had probably just deposited a wedding party at their door , and asked nothing better than a chance of making a little money for himself without his employer's knowledge , saw that Eugene had no umbrella , remarked his black coat , white waistcoat , yellow gloves , and varnished boots , and stopped and looked at him inquiringly . Eugene , in the blind desperation that drives a young man to plunge deeper and deeper into an abyss , as if he might hope to find a fortunate issue in its lowest depths , nodded in reply to the driver's signal , and stepped into the cab ; a few stray petals of orange blossom and scraps of wire bore witness to its recent occupation by a wedding party . \" Where am I to drive , sir ? \" demanded the man , who , by this time , had taken off his white gloves . \" Confound it ! \" Eugene said to himself , \" I am in for it now , and at least I will not spend cab-hire for nothing ! -- Drive to the Hotel Beauseant , \" he said aloud . \" Which ? \" asked the man , a portentous word that reduced Eugene to confusion . This young man of fashion , species incerta , did not know that there were two Hotels Beauseant ; he was not aware how rich he was in relations who did not care about him . \" The Vicomte de Beauseant , Rue ---- \" \" De Grenelle , \" interrupted the driver , with a jerk of his head . \" You see , there are the hotels of the Marquis and Comte de Beauseant in the Rue Saint-Dominique , \" he added , drawing up the step . \" I know all about that , \" said Eugene , severely . -- \" Everybody is laughing at me to-day , it seems ! \" he said to himself , as he deposited his hat on the opposite seat . \" This escapade will cost me a king's ransom , but , at any rate , I shall call on my so-called cousin in a thoroughly aristocratic fashion . Goriot has cost me ten francs already , the old scoundrel . My word ! I will tell Mme . de Beauseant about my adventure ; perhaps it may amuse her . Doubtless she will know the secret of the criminal relation between that handsome woman and the old rat without a tail . It would be better to find favor in my cousin's eyes than to come in contact with that shameless woman , who seems to me to have very expensive tastes . Surely the beautiful Vicomtesse's personal interest would turn the scale for me , when the mere mention of her name produces such an effect . Let us look higher . If you set yourself to carry the heights of heaven , you must face God . \" The innumerable thoughts that surged through his brain might be summed up in these phrases . He grew calmer , and recovered something of his assurance as he watched the falling rain . He told himself that though he was about to squander two of the precious five-franc pieces that remained to him , the money was well laid out in preserving his coat , boots , and hat ; and his cabman's cry of \" Gate , if you please , \" almost put him in spirits . A Swiss , in scarlet and gold , appeared , the great door groaned on its hinges , and Rastignac , with sweet satisfaction , beheld his equipage pass under the archway and stop before the flight of steps beneath the awning . The driver , in a blue-and-red greatcoat , dismounted and let down the step . As Eugene stepped out of the cab , he heard smothered laughter from the peristyle . Three or four lackeys were making merry over the festal appearance of the vehicle . In another moment the law student was enlightened as to the cause of their hilarity ; he felt the full force of the contrast between his equipage and one of the smartest broughams in Paris ; a coachman , with powdered hair , seemed to find it difficult to hold a pair of spirited horses , who stood chafing the bit . In Mme . de Restaud's courtyard , in the Chaussee d ' Antin , he had seen the neat turnout of a young man of six-and-twenty ; in the Faubourg Saint-Germain he found the luxurious equipage of a man of rank ; thirty thousand francs would not have purchased it . \" Who can be here ? \" said Eugene to himself . He began to understand , though somewhat tardily , that he must not expect to find many women in Paris who were not already appropriated , and that the capture of one of these queens would be likely to cost something more than bloodshed . \" Confound it all ! I expect my cousin also has her Maxime . \" He went up the steps , feeling that he was a blighted being . The glass door was opened for him ; the servants were as solemn as jackasses under the curry comb . So far , Eugene had only been in the ballroom on the ground floor of the Hotel Beauseant ; the fete had followed so closely on the invitation , that he had not had time to call on his cousin , and had therefore never seen Mme . de Beauseant's apartments ; he was about to behold for the first time a great lady among the wonderful and elegant surroundings that reveal her character and reflect her daily life . He was the more curious , because Mme . de Restaud's drawing-room had provided him with a standard of comparison . At half-past four the Vicomtesse de Beauseant was visible . Five minutes earlier she would not have received her cousin , but Eugene knew nothing of the recognized routine of various houses in Paris . He was conducted up the wide , white-painted , crimson-carpeted staircase , between the gilded balusters and masses of flowering plants , to Mme . de Beauseant's apartments . He did not know the rumor current about Mme . de Beauseant , one of the biographies told , with variations , in whispers , every evening in the salons of Paris . For three years past her name had been spoken of in connection with that of one of the most wealthy and distinguished Portuguese nobles , the Marquis d ' Ajuda-Pinto . It was one of those innocent _liaisons_ which possess so much charm for the two thus attached to each other that they find the presence of a third person intolerable . The Vicomte de Beauseant , therefore , had himself set an example to the rest of the world by respecting , with as good a grace as might be , this morganatic union . Any one who came to call on the Vicomtesse in the early days of this friendship was sure to find the Marquis d ' Ajuda-Pinto there . As , under the circumstances , Mme . de Beauseant could not very well shut her door against these visitors , she gave them such a cold reception , and showed so much interest in the study of the ceiling , that no one could fail to understand how much he bored her ; and when it became known in Paris that Mme . de Beauseant was bored by callers between two and four o ' clock , she was left in perfect solitude during that interval . She went to the Bouffons or to the Opera with M. de Beauseant and M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto ; and M. de Beauseant , like a well-bred man of the world , always left his wife and the Portuguese as soon as he had installed them . But M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto must marry , and a Mlle . de Rochefide was the young lady . In the whole fashionable world there was but one person who as yet knew nothing of the arrangement , and that was Mme . de Beauseant . Some of her friends had hinted at the possibility , and she had laughed at them , believing that envy had prompted those ladies to try to make mischief . And now , though the bans were about to be published , and although the handsome Portuguese had come that day to break the news to the Vicomtesse , he had not found courage as yet to say one word about his treachery . How was it ? Nothing is doubtless more difficult than the notification of an ultimatum of this kind . There are men who feel more at their ease when they stand up before another man who threatens their lives with sword or pistol than in the presence of a woman who , after two hours of lamentations and reproaches , falls into a dead swoon and requires salts . At this moment , therefore , M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto was on thorns , and anxious to take his leave . He told himself that in some way or other the news would reach Mme . de Beauseant ; he would write , it would be much better to do it by letter , and not to utter the words that should stab her to the heart . So when the servant announced M. Eugene de Rastignac , the Marquis d ' Ajuda-Pinto trembled with joy . To be sure , a loving woman shows even more ingenuity in inventing doubts of her lover than in varying the monotony of his happiness ; and when she is about to be forsaken , she instinctively interprets every gesture as rapidly as Virgil's courser detected the presence of his companion by snuffing the breeze . It was impossible , therefore , that Mme . de Beauseant should not detect that involuntary thrill of satisfaction ; slight though it was , it was appalling in its artlessness . Eugene had yet to learn that no one in Paris should present himself in any house without first making himself acquainted with the whole history of its owner , and of its owner's wife and family , so that he may avoid making any of the terrible blunders which in Poland draw forth the picturesque exclamation , \" Harness five bullocks to your cart ! \" probably because you will need them all to pull you out of the quagmire into which a false step has plunged you . If , down to the present day , our language has no name for these conversational disasters , it is probably because they are believed to be impossible , the publicity given in Paris to every scandal is so prodigious . After the awkward incident at Mme . de Restaud's , no one but Eugene could have reappeared in his character of bullock-driver in Mme . de Beauseant's drawing-room . But if Mme . de Restaud and M. de Trailles had found him horribly in the way , M. d ' Ajuda hailed his coming with relief . \" Good-bye , \" said the Portuguese , hurrying to the door , as Eugene made his entrance into a dainty little pink-and-gray drawing-room , where luxury seemed nothing more than good taste . \" Until this evening , \" said Mme . de Beauseant , turning her head to give the Marquis a glance . \" We are going to the Bouffons , are we not ? \" \" I can not go , \" he said , with his fingers on the door handle . Mme . de Beauseant rose and beckoned to him to return . She did not pay the slightest attention to Eugene , who stood there dazzled by the sparkling marvels around him ; he began to think that this was some story out of the Arabian Nights made real , and did not know where to hide himself , when the woman before him seemed to be unconscious of his existence . The Vicomtesse had raised the forefinger of her right hand , and gracefully signed to the Marquis to seat himself beside her . The Marquis felt the imperious sway of passion in her gesture ; he came back towards her . Eugene watched him , not without a feeling of envy . \" That is the owner of the brougham ! \" he said to himself . \" But is it necessary to have a pair of spirited horses , servants in livery , and torrents of gold to draw a glance from a woman here in Paris ? \" The demon of luxury gnawed at his heart , greed burned in his veins , his throat was parched with the thirst of gold . He had a hundred and thirty francs every quarter . His father , mother , brothers , sisters , and aunt did not spend two hundred francs a month among them . This swift comparison between his present condition and the aims he had in view helped to benumb his faculties . \" Why not ? \" the Vicomtesse was saying , as she smiled at the Portuguese . \" Why can not you come to the Italiens ? \" \" Affairs ! I am to dine with the English Ambassador . \" \" Throw him over . \" When a man once enters on a course of deception , he is compelled to add lie to lie . M. d ' Ajuda therefore said , smiling , \" Do you lay your commands on me ? \" \" Yes , certainly . \" \" That was what I wanted to have you say to me , \" he answered , dissembling his feelings in a glance which would have reassured any other woman . He took the Vicomtesse's hand , kissed it , and went . Eugene ran his fingers through his hair , and constrained himself to bow . He thought that now Mme . de Beauseant would give him her attention ; but suddenly she sprang forward , rushed to a window in the gallery , and watched M. d ' Ajuda step into his carriage ; she listened to the order that he gave , and heard the Swiss repeat it to the coachman : \" To M. de Rochefide's house . \" Those words , and the way in which M. d ' Ajuda flung himself back in the carriage , were like a lightning flash and a thunderbolt for her ; she walked back again with a deadly fear gnawing at her heart . The most terrible catastrophes only happen among the heights . The Vicomtesse went to her own room , sat down at a table , and took up a sheet of dainty notepaper . \" When , instead of dining with the English Ambassador , \" she wrote , \" you go to the Rochefides , you owe me an explanation , which I am waiting to hear . \" She retraced several of the letters , for her hand was trembling so that they were indistinct ; then she signed the note with an initial C for \" Claire de Bourgogne , \" and rang the bell . \" Jacques , \" she said to the servant , who appeared immediately , \" take this note to M. de Rochefide's house at half-past seven and ask for the Marquis d ' Ajuda . If M. d ' Ajuda is there , leave the note without waiting for an answer ; if he is not there , bring the note back to me . \" \" Madame la Vicomtess , there is a visitor in the drawing-room . \" \" Ah ! yes , of course , \" she said , opening the door . Eugene was beginning to feel very uncomfortable , but at last the Vicomtesse appeared ; she spoke to him , and the tremulous tones of her voice vibrated through his heart . \" Pardon me , monsieur , \" she said ; \" I had a letter to write . Now I am quite at liberty . \" She scarcely knew what she was saying , for even as she spoke she thought , \" Ah ! he means to marry Mlle . de Rochefide ? But is he still free ? This evening the marriage shall be broken off , or else ... But before to-morrow I shall know . \" \" Cousin ... \" the student replied . \" Eh ? \" said the Countess , with an insolent glance that sent a cold shudder through Eugene ; he understood what that \" Eh ? \" meant ; he had learned a great deal in three hours , and his wits were on the alert . He reddened : \" Madame ... \" he began ; he hesitated a moment , and then went on . \" Pardon me ; I am in such need of protection that the nearest scrap of relationship could do me no harm . \" Mme . de Beauseant smiled but there was sadness in her smile ; even now she felt forebodings of the coming pain , the air she breathed was heavy with the storm that was about to burst . \" If you knew how my family are situated , \" he went on , \" you would love to play the part of a beneficent fairy godmother who graciously clears the obstacles from the path of her protege . \" \" Well , cousin , \" she said , laughing , \" and how can I be of service to you ? \" \" But do I know even that ? I am distantly related to you , and this obscure and remote relationship is even now a perfect godsend to me . You have confused my ideas ; I can not remember the things that I meant to say to you . I know no one else here in Paris .... Ah ! if I could only ask you to counsel me , ask you to look upon me as a poor child who would fain cling to the hem of your dress , who would lay down his life for you . \" \" Would you kill a man for me ? \" \" Two , \" said Eugene . \" You , child . Yes , you are a child , \" she said , keeping back the tears that came to her eyes ; \" you would love sincerely . \" \" Oh ! \" he cried , flinging up his head . The audacity of the student's answer interested the Vicomtesse in him . The southern brain was beginning to scheme for the first time . Between Mme . de Restaud's blue boudoir and Mme . de Beauseant's rose-colored drawing-room he had made a three years' advance in a kind of law which is not a recognized study in Paris , although it is a sort of higher jurisprudence , and , when well understood , is a highroad to success of every kind . \" Ah ! that is what I meant to say ! \" said Eugene . \" I met Mme . de Restaud at your ball , and this morning I went to see her . \" You must have been very much in the way , \" said Mme . de Beauseant , smiling as she spoke . \" Yes , indeed . I am a novice , and my blunders will set every one against me , if you do not give me your counsel . I believe that in Paris it is very difficult to meet with a young , beautiful , and wealthy woman of fashion who would be willing to teach me , what you women can explain so well--life . I shall find a M. de Trailles everywhere . So I have come to you to ask you to give me a key to a puzzle , to entreat you to tell me what sort of blunder I made this morning . I mentioned an old man ---- \" \" Madame la Duchess de Langeais , \" Jacques cut the student short ; Eugene gave expression to his intense annoyance by a gesture . \" If you mean to succeed , \" said the Vicomtesse in a low voice , \" in the first place you must not be so demonstrative . \" \" Ah ! good morning , dear , \" she continued , and rising and crossing the room , she grasped the Duchess' hands as affectionately as if they had been sisters ; the Duchess responded in the prettiest and most gracious way . \" Two intimate friends ! \" said Rastignac to himself . \" Henceforward I shall have two protectresses ; those two women are great friends , no doubt , and this newcomer will doubtless interest herself in her friend's cousin . \" \" To what happy inspiration do I owe this piece of good fortune , dear Antoinette ? \" asked Mme . de Beauseant . \" Well , I saw M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto at M. de Rochefide's door , so I thought that if I came I should find you alone . \" Mme . de Beauseant's mouth did not tighten , her color did not rise , her expression did not alter , or rather , her brow seemed to clear as the Duchess uttered those deadly words . \" If I had known that you were engaged ---- \" the speaker added , glancing at Eugene . \" This gentleman is M. Eugene de Rastignac , one of my cousins , \" said the Vicomtesse . \" Have you any news of General de Montriveau ? \" she continued . \" Serizy told me yesterday that he never goes anywhere now ; has he been to see you to-day ? \" It was believed that the Duchess was desperately in love with M. de Montriveau , and that he was a faithless lover ; she felt the question in her very heart , and her face flushed as she answered : \" He was at the Elysee yesterday . \" \" In attendance ? \" \" Claire , \" returned the Duchess , and hatred overflowed in the glances she threw at Mme . de Beauseant ; \" of course you know that M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto is going to marry Mlle . de Rochefide ; the bans will be published to-morrow . \" This thrust was too cruel ; the Vicomtesse's face grew white , but she answered , laughing , \" One of those rumors that fools amuse themselves with . What should induce M. d ' Ajuda to take one of the noblest names in Portugal to the Rochefides ? The Rochefides were only ennobled yesterday . \" \" But Bertha will have two hundred thousand livres a year , they say . \" \" M. d ' Ajuda is too wealthy to marry for money . \" \" But , my dear , Mlle . de Rochefide is a charming girl . \" \" Indeed ? \" \" And , as a matter of fact , he is dining with them to-day ; the thing is settled . It is very surprising to me that you should know so little about it . \" Mme . de Beauseant turned to Rastignac . \" What was the blunder that you made , monsieur ? \" she asked . \" The poor boy is only just launched into the world , Antoinette , so that he understands nothing of all this that we are speaking of . Be merciful to him , and let us finish our talk to-morrow . Everything will be announced to-morrow , you know , and your kind informal communication can be accompanied by official confirmation . \" The Duchess gave Eugene one of those insolent glances that measure a man from head to foot , and leave him crushed and annihilated . \" Madame , I have unwittingly plunged a dagger into Mme . de Restaud's heart ; unwittingly--therein lies my offence , \" said the student of law , whose keen brain had served him sufficiently well , for he had detected the biting epigrams that lurked beneath this friendly talk . \" You continue to receive , possibly you fear , those who know the amount of pain that they deliberately inflict ; but a clumsy blunderer who has no idea how deeply he wounds is looked upon as a fool who does not know how to make use of his opportunities , and every one despises him . \" Mme . de Beauseant gave the student a glance , one of those glances in which a great soul can mingle dignity and gratitude . It was like balm to the law student , who was still smarting under the Duchess' insolent scrutiny ; she had looked at him as an auctioneer might look at some article to appraise its value . \" Imagine , too , that I had just made some progress with the Comte de Restaud ; for I should tell you , madame , \" he went on , turning to the Duchess with a mixture of humility and malice in his manner , \" that as yet I am only a poor devil of a student , very much alone in the world , and very poor ---- \" \" You should not tell us that , M. de Rastignac . We women never care about anything that no one else will take . \" \" Bah ! \" said Eugene . \" I am only two-and-twenty , and I must make up my mind to the drawbacks of my time of life . Besides , I am confessing my sins , and it would be impossible to kneel in a more charming confessional ; you commit your sins in one drawing-room , and receive absolution for them in another . \" The Duchess' expression grew colder , she did not like the flippant tone of these remarks , and showed that she considered them to be in bad taste by turning to the Vicomtesse with -- \" This gentleman has only just come ---- \" Mme . de Beauseant began to laugh outright at her cousin and at the Duchess both . \" He has only just come to Paris , dear , and is in search of some one who will give him lessons in good taste . \" \" Mme . la Duchesse , \" said Eugene , \" is it not natural to wish to be initiated into the mysteries which charm us ? \" ( \" Come , now , \" he said to himself , \" my language is superfinely elegant , I 'm sure . \" ) \" But Mme . de Restaud is herself , I believe , M. de Trailles' pupil , \" said the Duchess . \" Of that I had no idea , madame , \" answered the law student , \" so I rashly came between them . In fact , I got on very well with the lady's husband , and his wife tolerated me for a time until I took it into my head to tell them that I knew some one of whom I had just caught a glimpse as he went out by a back staircase , a man who had given the Countess a kiss at the end of a passage . \" \" Who was it ? \" both women asked together . \" An old man who lives at the rate of two louis a month in the Faubourg Saint-Marceau , where I , a poor student , lodge likewise . He is a truly unfortunate creature , everybody laughs at him--we all call him ' Father Goriot . ' \" \" Why , child that you are , \" cried the Vicomtesse , \" Mme . de Restaud was a Mlle . Goriot ! \" \" The daughter of a vermicelli manufacturer , \" the Duchess added ; \" and when the little creature went to Court , the daughter of a pastry-cook was presented on the same day . Do you remember , Claire ? The King began to laugh , and made some joke in Latin about flour . People--what was it ? -- people ---- \" \" _Ejusdem farinoe_ , \" said Eugene . \" Yes , that was it , \" said the Duchess . \" Oh ! is that her father ? \" the law student continued , aghast . \" Yes , certainly ; the old man had two daughters ; he dotes on them , so to speak , though they will scarcely acknowledge him . \" \" Did n't the second daughter marry a banker with a German name ? \" the Vicomtesse asked , turning to Mme . de Langeais , \" a Baron de Nucingen ? And her name is Delphine , is it not ? Is n't she a fair-haired woman who has a side-box at the Opera ? She comes sometimes to the Bouffons , and laughs loudly to attract attention . \" The Duchess smiled and said : \" I wonder at you , dear . Why do you take so much interest in people of that kind ? One must have been as madly in love as Restaud was , to be infatuated with Mlle . Anastasie and her flour sacks . Oh ! he will not find her a good bargain ! She is in M. de Trailles' hands , and he will ruin her . \" \" And they do not acknowledge their father ! \" Eugene repeated . \" Oh ! well , yes , their father , the father , a father , \" replied the Vicomtesse , \" a kind father who gave them each five or six hundred thousand francs , it is said , to secure their happiness by marrying them well ; while he only kept eight or ten thousand livres a year for himself , thinking that his daughters would always be his daughters , thinking that in them he would live his life twice over again , that in their houses he should find two homes , where he would be loved and looked up to , and made much of . And in two years' time both his sons-in-law had turned him out of their houses as if he were one of the lowest outcasts . \" Tears came into Eugene's eyes . He was still under the spell of youthful beliefs , he had just left home , pure and sacred feelings had been stirred within him , and this was his first day on the battlefield of civilization in Paris . Genuine feeling is so infectious that for a moment the three looked at each other in silence . \" _Eh , mon Dieu ! _ \" said Mme . de Langeais ; \" yes , it seems very horrible , and yet we see such things every day . Is there not a reason for it ? Tell me , dear , have you ever really thought what a son-in-law is ? A son-in-law is the man for whom we bring up , you and I , a dear little one , bound to us very closely in innumerable ways ; for seventeen years she will be the joy of her family , its ' white soul , ' as Lamartine says , and suddenly she will become its scourge . When HE comes and takes her from us , his love from the very beginning is like an axe laid to the root of all the old affection in our darling's heart , and all the ties that bound her to her family are severed . But yesterday our little daughter thought of no one but her mother and father , as we had no thought that was not for her ; by to-morrow she will have become a hostile stranger . The tragedy is always going on under our eyes . On the one hand you see a father who has sacrificed himself to his son , and his daughter-in-law shows him the last degree of insolence . On the other hand , it is the son-in-law who turns his wife's mother out of the house . I sometimes hear it said that there is nothing dramatic about society in these days ; but the Drama of the Son-in-law is appalling , to say nothing of our marriages , which have come to be very poor farces . I can explain how it all came about in the old vermicelli maker's case . I think I recollect that Foriot ---- \" \" Goriot , madame . \" \" Yes , that Moriot was once President of his Section during the Revolution . He was in the secret of the famous scarcity of grain , and laid the foundation of his fortune in those days by selling flour for ten times its cost . He had as much flour as he wanted . My grandmother's steward sold him immense quantities . No doubt Noriot shared the plunder with the Committee of Public Salvation , as that sort of person always did . I recollect the steward telling my grandmother that she might live at Grandvilliers in complete security , because her corn was as good as a certificate of civism . Well , then , this Loriot , who sold corn to those butchers , has never had but one passion , they say--he idolizes his daughters . He settled one of them under Restaud's roof , and grafted the other into the Nucingen family tree , the Baron de Nucingen being a rich banker who had turned Royalist . You can quite understand that so long as Bonaparte was Emperor , the two sons-in-law could manage to put up with the old Ninety-three ; but after the restoration of the Bourbons , M. de Restaud felt bored by the old man's society , and the banker was still more tired of it . His daughters were still fond of him ; they wanted ' to keep the goat and the cabbage , ' so they used to see Joriot whenever there was no one there , under pretence of affection . ' Come to-day , papa , we shall have you all to ourselves , and that will be much nicer ! ' and all that sort of thing . As for me , dear , I believe that love has second-sight : poor Ninety-three ; his heart must have bled . He saw that his daughters were ashamed of him , that if they loved their husbands his visits must make mischief . So he immolated himself . He made the sacrifice because he was a father ; he went into voluntary exile . His daughters were satisfied , so he thought that he had done the best thing he could ; but it was a family crime , and father and daughters were accomplices . You see this sort of thing everywhere . What could this old Doriot have been but a splash of mud in his daughters' drawing-rooms ? He would only have been in the way , and bored other people , besides being bored himself . And this that happened between father and daughters may happen to the prettiest woman in Paris and the man she loves the best ; if her love grows tiresome , he will go ; he will descend to the basest trickery to leave her . It is the same with all love and friendship . Our heart is a treasury ; if you pour out all its wealth at once , you are bankrupt . We show no more mercy to the affection that reveals its utmost extent than we do to another kind of prodigal who has not a penny left . Their father had given them all he had . For twenty years he had given his whole heart to them ; then , one day , he gave them all his fortune too . The lemon was squeezed ; the girls left the rest in the gutter . \" \" The world is very base , \" said the Vicomtesse , plucking at the threads of her shawl . She did not raise her head as she spoke ; the words that Mme . de Langeais had meant for her in the course of her story had cut her to the quick . \" Base ? Oh , no , \" answered the Duchess ; \" the world goes its own way , that is all . If I speak in this way , it is only to show that I am not duped by it . I think as you do , \" she said , pressing the Vicomtesse's hand . \" The world is a slough ; let us try to live on the heights above it . \" She rose to her feet and kissed Mme . de Beauseant on the forehead as she said : \" You look very charming to-day , dear . I have never seen such a lovely color in your cheeks before . \" Then she went out with a slight inclination of the head to the cousin . \" Father Goriot is sublime ! \" said Eugene to himself , as he remembered how he had watched his neighbor work the silver vessel into a shapeless mass that night . Mme . de Beauseant did not hear him ; she was absorbed in her own thoughts . For several minutes the silence remained unbroken till the law student became almost paralyzed with embarrassment , and was equally afraid to go or stay or speak a word . \" The world is basely ungrateful and ill-natured , \" said the Vicomtesse at last . \" No sooner does a trouble befall you than a friend is ready to bring the tidings and to probe your heart with the point of a dagger while calling on you to admire the handle . Epigrams and sarcasms already ! Ah ! I will defend myself ! \" She raised her head like the great lady that she was , and lightnings flashed from her proud eyes . \" Ah ! \" she said , as she saw Eugene , \" are you there ? \" \" Still , \" he said piteously . \" Well , then , M. de Rastignac , deal with the world as it deserves . You are determined to succeed ? I will help you . You shall sound the depths of corruption in woman ; you shall measure the extent of man's pitiful vanity . Deeply as I am versed in such learning , there were pages in the book of life that I had not read . Now I know all . The more cold-blooded your calculations , the further you will go . Strike ruthlessly ; you will be feared . Men and women for you must be nothing more than post-horses ; take a fresh relay , and leave the last to drop by the roadside ; in this way you will reach the goal of your ambition . You will be nothing here , you see , unless a woman interests herself in you ; and she must be young and wealthy , and a woman of the world . Yet , if you have a heart , lock it carefully away like a treasure ; do not let any one suspect it , or you will be lost ; you would cease to be the executioner , you would take the victim's place . And if ever you should love , never let your secret escape you ! Trust no one until you are very sure of the heart to which you open your heart . Learn to mistrust every one ; take every precaution for the sake of the love which does not exist as yet . Listen , Miguel \" -- the name slipped from her so naturally that she did not notice her mistake -- \" there is something still more appalling than the ingratitude of daughters who have cast off their old father and wish that he were dead , and that is a rivalry between two sisters . Restaud comes of a good family , his wife has been received into their circle ; she has been presented at court ; and her sister , her wealthy sister , Mme . Delphine de Nucingen , the wife of a great capitalist , is consumed with envy , and ready to die of spleen . There is gulf set between the sisters--indeed , they are sisters no longer--the two women who refuse to acknowledge their father do not acknowledge each other . So Mme . de Nucingen would lap up all the mud that lies between the Rue Saint-Lazare and the Rue de Grenelle to gain admittance to my salon . She fancied that she should gain her end through de Marsay ; she has made herself de Marsay's slave , and she bores him . De Marsay cares very little about her . If you will introduce her to me , you will be her darling , her Benjamin ; she will idolize you . If , after that , you can love her , do so ; if not , make her useful . I will ask her to come once or twice to one of my great crushes , but I will never receive her here in the morning . I will bow to her when I see her , and that will be quite sufficient . You have shut the Comtesse de Restaud's door against you by mentioning Father Goriot's name . Yes , my good friend , you may call at her house twenty times , and every time out of the twenty you will find that she is not at home . The servants have their orders , and will not admit you . Very well , then , now let Father Goriot gain the right of entry into her sister's house for you . The beautiful Mme . de Nucingen will give the signal for a battle . As soon as she singles you out , other women will begin to lose their heads about you , and her enemies and rivals and intimate friends will all try to take you from her . There are women who will fall in love with a man because another woman has chosen him ; like the city madams , poor things , who copy our millinery , and hope thereby to acquire our manners . You will have a success , and in Paris success is everything ; it is the key of power . If the women credit you with wit and talent , the men will follow suit so long as you do not undeceive them yourself . There will be nothing you may not aspire to ; you will go everywhere , and you will find out what the world is--an assemblage of fools and knaves . But you must be neither the one nor the other . I am giving you my name like Ariadne's clue of thread to take with you into the labyrinth ; make no unworthy use of it , \" she said , with a queenly glance and curve of her throat ; \" give it back to me unsullied . And now , go ; leave me . We women also have our battles to fight . \" \" And if you should ever need some one who would gladly set a match to a train for you ---- \" \" Well ? \" she asked . He tapped his heart , smiled in answer to his cousin's smile , and went . It was five o ' clock , and Eugene was hungry ; he was afraid lest he should not be in time for dinner , a misgiving which made him feel that it was pleasant to be borne so quickly across Paris . This sensation of physical comfort left his mind free to grapple with the thoughts that assailed him . A mortification usually sends a young man of his age into a furious rage ; he shakes his fist at society , and vows vengeance when his belief in himself is shaken . Just then Rastignac was overwhelmed by the words , \" You have shut the Countess' door against you . \" \" I shall call ! \" he said to himself , \" and if Mme . de Beauseant is right , if I never find her at home -- I. .. well , Mme . de Restaud shall meet me in every salon in Paris . I will learn to fence and have some pistol practice , and kill that Maxime of hers ! \" \" And money ? \" cried an inward monitor . \" How about money , where is that to come from ? \" And all at once the wealth displayed in the Countess de Restaud's drawing-room rose before his eyes . That was the luxury which Goriot's daughter had loved too well , the gilding , the ostentatious splendor , the unintelligent luxury of the parvenu , the riotous extravagance of a courtesan . Then the attractive vision suddenly went under an eclipse as he remembered the stately grandeur of the Hotel de Beauseant . As his fancy wandered among these lofty regions in the great world of Paris , innumerable dark thoughts gathered in his heart ; his ideas widened , and his conscience grew more elastic . He saw the world as it is ; saw how the rich lived beyond the jurisdiction of law and public opinion , and found in success the _ultima ratio mundi_ . \" Vautrin is right , success is virtue ! \" he said to himself . Arrived in the Rue Neuve-Sainte-Genevieve , he rushed up to his room for ten francs wherewith to satisfy the demands of the cabman , and went in to dinner . He glanced round the squalid room , saw the eighteen poverty-stricken creatures about to feed like cattle in their stalls , and the sight filled him with loathing . The transition was too sudden , and the contrast was so violent that it could not but act as a powerful stimulant ; his ambition developed and grew beyond all social bounds . On the one hand , he beheld a vision of social life in its most charming and refined forms , of quick-pulsed youth , of fair , impassioned faces invested with all the charm of poetry , framed in a marvelous setting of luxury or art ; and , on the other hand , he saw a sombre picture , the miry verge beyond these faces , in which passion was extinct and nothing was left of the drama but the cords and pulleys and bare mechanism . Mme . de Beauseant's counsels , the words uttered in anger by the forsaken lady , her petulant offer , came to his mind , and poverty was a ready expositor . Rastignac determined to open two parallel trenches so as to insure success ; he would be a learned doctor of law and a man of fashion . Clearly he was still a child ! Those two lines are asymptotes , and will never meet . \" You are very dull , my lord Marquis , \" said Vautrin , with one of the shrewd glances that seem to read the innermost secrets of another mind . \" I am not in the humor to stand jokes from people who call me ' my lord Marquis , ' \" answered Eugene . \" A marquis here in Paris , if he is not the veriest sham , ought to have a hundred thousand livres a year at least ; and a lodger in the Maison Vauquer is not exactly Fortune's favorite . \" Vautrin's glance at Rastignac was half-paternal , half-contemptuous . \" Puppy ! \" it seemed to say ; \" I should make one mouthful of him ! \" Then he answered : \" You are in a bad humor ; perhaps your visit to the beautiful Comtesse de Restaud was not a success . \" \" She has shut her door against me because I told her that her father dined at our table , \" cried Rastignac . Glances were exchanged all round the room ; Father Goriot looked down . \" You have sent some snuff into my eye , \" he said to his neighbor , turning a little aside to rub his hand over his face . \" Any one who molests Father Goriot will have henceforward to reckon with me , \" said Eugene , looking at the old man's neighbor ; \" he is worth all the rest of us put together . -- I am not speaking of the ladies , \" he added , turning in the direction of Mlle . Taillefer . Eugene's remarks produced a sensation , and his tone silenced the dinner-table . Vautrin alone spoke . \" If you are going to champion Father Goriot , and set up for his responsible editor into the bargain , you had need be a crack shot and know how to handle the foils , \" he said , banteringly . \" So I intend , \" said Eugene . \" Then you are taking the field to-day ? \" \" Perhaps , \" Rastignac answered . \" But I owe no account of myself to any one , especially as I do not try to find out what other people do of a night . \" Vautrin looked askance at Rastignac . \" If you do not mean to be deceived by the puppets , my boy , you must go behind and see the whole show , and not peep through holes in the curtain . That is enough , \" he added , seeing that Eugene was about to fly into a passion . \" We can have a little talk whenever you like . \" There was a general feeling of gloom and constraint . Father Goriot was so deeply dejected by the student's remark that he did not notice the change in the disposition of his fellow-lodgers , nor know that he had met with a champion capable of putting an end to the persecution . \" Then , M. Goriot sitting there is the father of a countess , \" said Mme . Vauquer in a low voice . \" And of a baroness , \" answered Rastignac . \" That is about all he is capable of , \" said Bianchon to Rastignac ; \" I have taken a look at his head ; there is only one bump--the bump of Paternity ; he must be an _eternal father_ . \" Eugene was too intent on his thoughts to laugh at Bianchon's joke . He determined to profit by Mme . de Beauseant's counsels , and was asking himself how he could obtain the necessary money . He grew grave . The wide savannas of the world stretched before his eyes ; all things lay before him , nothing was his . Dinner came to an end , the others went , and he was left in the dining-room . \" So you have seen my daughter ? \" Goriot spoke tremulously , and the sound of his voice broke in upon Eugene's dreams . The young man took the elder's hand , and looked at him with something like kindness in his eyes . \" You are a good and noble man , \" he said . \" We will have some talk about your daughters by and by . \" He rose without waiting for Goriot's answer , and went to his room . There he wrote the following letter to his mother : -- \" My Dear Mother , -- Can you nourish your child from your breast again ? I am in a position to make a rapid fortune , but I want twelve hundred francs--I must have them at all costs . Say nothing about this to my father ; perhaps he might make objections , and unless I have the money , I may be led to put an end to myself , and so escape the clutches of despair . I will tell you everything when I see you . I will not begin to try to describe my present situation ; it would take volumes to put the whole story clearly and fully . I have not been gambling , my kind mother , I owe no one a penny ; but if you would preserve the life that you gave me , you must send me the sum I mention . As a matter of fact , I go to see the Vicomtesse de Beauseant ; she is using her influence for me ; I am obliged to go into society , and I have not a penny to lay out on clean gloves . I can manage to exist on bread and water , or go without food , if need be , but I can not do without the tools with which they cultivate the vineyards in this country . I must resolutely make up my mind at once to make my way , or stick in the mire for the rest of my days . I know that all your hopes are set on me , and I want to realize them quickly . Sell some of your old jewelry , my kind mother ; I will give you other jewels very soon . I know enough of our affairs at home to know all that such a sacrifice means , and you must not think that I would lightly ask you to make it ; I should be a monster if I could . You must think of my entreaty as a cry forced from me by imperative necessity . Our whole future lies in the subsidy with which I must begin my first campaign , for life in Paris is one continual battle . If you can not otherwise procure the whole of the money , and are forced to sell our aunt's lace , tell her that I will send her some still handsomer , \" and so forth . He wrote to ask each of his sisters for their savings--would they despoil themselves for him , and keep the sacrifice a secret from the family ? To his request he knew that they would not fail to respond gladly , and he added to it an appeal to their delicacy by touching the chord of honor that vibrates so loudly in young and high-strung natures . Yet when he had written the letters , he could not help feeling misgivings in spite of his youthful ambition ; his heart beat fast , and he trembled . He knew the spotless nobleness of the lives buried away in the lonely manor house ; he knew what trouble and what joy his request would cause his sisters , and how happy they would be as they talked at the bottom of the orchard of that dear brother of theirs in Paris . Visions rose before his eyes ; a sudden strong light revealed his sisters secretly counting over their little store , devising some girlish stratagem by which the money could be sent to him _incognito_ , essaying , for the first time in their lives , a piece of deceit that reached the sublime in its unselfishness . \" A sister's heart is a diamond for purity , a deep sea of tenderness ! \" he said to himself . He felt ashamed of those letters . What power there must be in the petitions put up by such hearts ; how pure the fervor that bears their souls to Heaven in prayer ! What exquisite joy they would find in self-sacrifice ! What a pang for his mother's heart if she could not send him all that he asked for ! And this noble affection , these sacrifices made at such terrible cost , were to serve as the ladder by which he meant to climb to Delphine de Nucingen . A few tears , like the last grains of incense flung upon the sacred alter fire of the hearth , fell from his eyes . He walked up and down , and despair mingled with his emotion . Father Goriot saw him through the half-open door . \" What is the matter , sir ? \" he asked from the threshold . \" Ah ! my good neighbor , I am as much a son and brother as you are a father . You do well to fear for the Comtesse Anastasie ; there is one M. Maxime de Trailles , who will be her ruin . \" Father Goriot withdrew , stammering some words , but Eugene failed to catch their meaning . The next morning Rastignac went out to post his letters . Up to the last moment he wavered and doubted , but he ended by flinging them into the box . \" I shall succeed ! \" he said to himself . So says the gambler ; so says the great captain ; but the three words that have been the salvation of some few , have been the ruin of many more . A few days after this Eugene called at Mme . de Restaud's house ; she was not at home . Three times he tried the experiment , and three times he found her doors closed against him , though he was careful to choose an hour when M. de Trailles was not there . The Vicomtesse was right . The student studied no longer . He put in an appearance at lectures simply to answer to his name , and after thus attesting his presence , departed forthwith . He had been through a reasoning process familiar to most students . He had seen the advisability of deferring his studies to the last moment before going up for his examinations ; he made up his mind to cram his second and third years' work into the third year , when he meant to begin to work in earnest , and to complete his studies in law with one great effort . In the meantime he had fifteen months in which to navigate the ocean of Paris , to spread the nets and set the lines that would bring him a protectress and a fortune . Twice during that week he saw Mme . de Beauseant ; he did not go to her house until he had seen the Marquis d ' Ajuda drive away . Victory for yet a few more days was with the great lady , the most poetic figure in the Faubourg Saint-Germain ; and the marriage of the Marquis d ' Ajuda-Pinto with Mlle . de Rochefide was postponed . The dread of losing her happiness filled those days with a fever of joy unknown before , but the end was only so much the nearer . The Marquis d ' Ajuda and the Rochefides agreed that this quarrel and reconciliation was a very fortunate thing ; Mme . de Beauseant ( so they hoped ) would gradually become reconciled to the idea of the marriage , and in the end would be brought to sacrifice d ' Ajuda's morning visits to the exigencies of a man's career , exigencies which she must have foreseen . In spite of the most solemn promises , daily renewed , M. d ' Ajuda was playing a part , and the Vicomtesse was eager to be deceived . \" Instead of taking a leap heroically from the window , she is falling headlong down the staircase , \" said her most intimate friend , the Duchesse de Langeais . Yet this after-glow of happiness lasted long enough for the Vicomtesse to be of service to her young cousin . She had a half-superstitious affection for him . Eugene had shown her sympathy and devotion at a crisis when a woman sees no pity , no real comfort in any eyes ; when if a man is ready with soothing flatteries , it is because he has an interested motive . Rastignac made up his mind that he must learn the whole of Goriot's previous history ; he would come to his bearings before attempting to board the Maison de Nucingen . The results of his inquiries may be given briefly as follows : -- In the days before the Revolution , Jean-Joachim Goriot was simply a workman in the employ of a vermicelli maker . He was a skilful , thrifty workman , sufficiently enterprising to buy his master's business when the latter fell a chance victim to the disturbances of 1789 . Goriot established himself in the Rue de la Jussienne , close to the Corn Exchange . His plain good sense led him to accept the position of President of the Section , so as to secure for his business the protection of those in power at that dangerous epoch . This prudent step had led to success ; the foundations of his fortune were laid in the time of the Scarcity ( real or artificial ) , when the price of grain of all kinds rose enormously in Paris . People used to fight for bread at the bakers' doors ; while other persons went to the grocers' shops and bought Italian paste foods without brawling over it . It was during this year that Goriot made the money , which , at a later time , was to give him all the advantage of the great capitalist over the small buyer ; he had , moreover , the usual luck of average ability ; his mediocrity was the salvation of him . He excited no one's envy , it was not even suspected that he was rich till the peril of being rich was over , and all his intelligence was concentrated , not on political , but on commercial speculations . Goriot was an authority second to none on all questions relating to corn , flour , and \" middlings \" ; and the production , storage , and quality of grain . He could estimate the yield of the harvest , and foresee market prices ; he bought his cereals in Sicily , and imported Russian wheat . Any one who had heard him hold forth on the regulations that control the importation and exportation of grain , who had seen his grasp of the subject , his clear insight into the principles involved , his appreciation of weak points in the way that the system worked , would have thought that here was the stuff of which a minister is made . Patient , active , and persevering , energetic and prompt in action , he surveyed his business horizon with an eagle eye . Nothing there took him by surprise ; he foresaw all things , knew all that was happening , and kept his own counsel ; he was a diplomatist in his quick comprehension of a situation ; and in the routine of business he was as patient and plodding as a soldier on the march . But beyond this business horizon he could not see . He used to spend his hours of leisure on the threshold of his shop , leaning against the framework of the door . Take him from his dark little counting-house , and he became once more the rough , slow-witted workman , a man who can not understand a piece of reasoning , who is indifferent to all intellectual pleasures , and falls asleep at the play , a Parisian Dolibom in short , against whose stupidity other minds are powerless . Natures of this kind are nearly all alike ; in almost all of them you will find some hidden depth of sublime affection . Two all-absorbing affections filled the vermicelli maker's heart to the exclusion of every other feeling ; into them he seemed to put all the forces of his nature , as he put the whole power of his brain into the corn trade . He had regarded his wife , the only daughter of a rich farmer of La Brie , with a devout admiration ; his love for her had been boundless . Goriot had felt the charm of a lovely and sensitive nature , which , in its delicate strength , was the very opposite of his own . Is there any instinct more deeply implanted in the heart of man than the pride of protection , a protection which is constantly exerted for a fragile and defenceless creature ? Join love thereto , the warmth of gratitude that all generous souls feel for the source of their pleasures , and you have the explanation of many strange incongruities in human nature . After seven years of unclouded happiness , Goriot lost his wife . It was very unfortunate for him . She was beginning to gain an ascendency over him in other ways ; possibly she might have brought that barren soil under cultivation , she might have widened his ideas and given other directions to his thoughts . But when she was dead , the instinct of fatherhood developed in him till it almost became a mania . All the affection balked by death seemed to turn to his daughters , and he found full satisfaction for his heart in loving them . More or less brilliant proposals were made to him from time to time ; wealthy merchants or farmers with daughters vied with each other in offering inducements to him to marry again ; but he determined to remain a widower . His father-in-law , the only man for whom he felt a decided friendship , gave out that Goriot had made a vow to be faithful to his wife's memory . The frequenters of the Corn Exchange , who could not comprehend this sublime piece of folly , joked about it among themselves , and found a ridiculous nickname for him . One of them ventured ( after a glass over a bargain ) to call him by it , and a blow from the vermicelli maker's fist sent him headlong into a gutter in the Rue Oblin . He could think of nothing else when his children were concerned ; his love for them made him fidgety and anxious ; and this was so well known , that one day a competitor , who wished to get rid of him to secure the field to himself , told Goriot that Delphine had just been knocked down by a cab . The vermicelli maker turned ghastly pale , left the Exchange at once , and did not return for several days afterwards ; he was ill in consequence of the shock and the subsequent relief on discovering that it was a false alarm . This time , however , the offender did not escape with a bruised shoulder ; at a critical moment in the man's affairs , Goriot drove him into bankruptcy , and forced him to disappear from the Corn Exchange . As might have been expected , the two girls were spoiled . With an income of sixty thousand francs , Goriot scarcely spent twelve hundred on himself , and found all his happiness in satisfying the whims of the two girls . The best masters were engaged , that Anastasie and Delphine might be endowed with all the accomplishments which distinguish a good education . They had a chaperon--luckily for them , she was a woman who had good sense and good taste ; -- they learned to ride ; they had a carriage for their use ; they lived as the mistress of a rich old lord might live ; they had only to express a wish , their father would hasten to give them their most extravagant desires , and asked nothing of them in return but a kiss . Goriot had raised the two girls to the level of the angels ; and , quite naturally , he himself was left beneath them . Poor man ! he loved them even for the pain that they gave him . When the girls were old enough to be married , they were left free to choose for themselves . Each had half her father's fortune as her dowry ; and when the Comte de Restaud came to woo Anastasie for her beauty , her social aspirations led her to leave her father's house for a more exalted sphere . Delphine wished for money ; she married Nucingen , a banker of German extraction , who became a Baron of the Holy Roman Empire . Goriot remained a vermicelli maker as before . His daughters and his sons-in-law began to demur ; they did not like to see him still engaged in trade , though his whole life was bound up with his business . For five years he stood out against their entreaties , then he yielded , and consented to retire on the amount realized by the sale of his business and the savings of the last few years . It was this capital that Mme . Vauquer , in the early days of his residence with her , had calculated would bring in eight or ten thousand livres in a year . He had taken refuge in her lodging-house , driven there by despair when he knew that his daughters were compelled by their husbands not only to refuse to receive him as an inmate in their houses , but even to see him no more except in private . This was all the information which Rastignac gained from a M. Muret who had purchased Goriot's business , information which confirmed the Duchesse de Langeais' suppositions , and herewith the preliminary explanation of this obscure but terrible Parisian tragedy comes to an end .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"As each week passes , Sleaford Town are getting stronger and stronger . The Team put out against Coleby on this balmy September afternoon was more in keeping with the Manager's expectations to see Sleaford Town do very well in the Lincoln league . The game started brightly with Gibson hitting the woodwork after only 6minutes with a fierce drive only for Coleby to force a first class save from Ben Jackson in the Sleaford goal with a looping header after 15 minutes . Sleaford , with Hanlon , Morley , and Musson dictating play , were winning the midfield battle . It was a flowing move through the midfield culminating in Sleaford's bright new signing Reece racing away down the left before setting up Gibson from 25 yds to do what he does best and score with a fine shot into the top corner . The best of Sleaford's defence was in evidence after 44 minutes when after Hill & Greenslade had snuffed out another Coleby attack , Goalkeeper Jackson then quickly threw the ball to Sweeper Fox . Fox then carried the ball 30 yds before delivering a fine ball to Reece who flicked on for Morley to score with his ' Bryan Robson ' style late run from Midfield . 2-0 at half time . Same story after the break with Sleaford looking the stronger team . Costa gave way to young Martin Dickinson , and it was Martin's strong run and magnificent left foot strike that sealed the victory 3-0 after 69 minutes . Ryan McGuinness replaced Mark Brayfield who had played very well in his first start of the season . Ryan once again showed why he is one for the future with great touches and intelligent running . Carl Roberts replaced Hanlon with 8 minutes remaining and the Player Manager had a chance to put the icing on the cake with a forth goal from 6yds only to blaze wildly over ( to an ironic cheer from his prodigies ) All in all a good days work and the signs are good to continue the early success .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Below are a few of the many applications that are being adopted today by hospitals across the world : Mobile health for patient education and self-regulation among chronic , preventable diseases such as diabetes User generated healthcare ( patient communities , self-management tools ) empower patients to take more responsibility for their health Developing mobile infrastructure to extend the reach of rural healthcare Increasing customer satisfaction using mobile solutions for on the go information - spending account balances , member information , search for a provider , review claims status and get health and wellness information Prairie Heart Institute of Springfield , IL , has developed a web-based app to run on all devices . Links can be found on the organization's homepage at http:\/\/www.prairieheart.com . The free app allows patients to track their weight , waist-to-hip ratio , blood pressure , and cholesterol over time on any Web-enabled mobile device . Patients can view graphs displaying the data they have collected , compare it to goals they have established for themselves or with their physicians , and e-mail the data to themselves to share with their physicians . The data collected allows physicians to track more clearly the effectiveness of a patient's compliance . Development of new strategies to take the app to new levels of functionality are underway . A great contact , if you want to learn more , would be Tricia Lewis at lewist@bvk.com . JANUARY 26 , 2011 : Brian Bierbaum Thanks for the tip , Sam . We added it to the list ! JANUARY 25 , 2011 : Sam Beamond From what I recall , Medica was one of the early adopters of mobile marketing in the health industry . About a year ago Main Street Medica appeared on a TV commercial , the app lets you search for local hospitals and clinics and even provides a price range estimator for various services \/ medications at that location . Pretty cool .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Lupus : Jess' story Have you ever heard of lupus ? Well , I 'm Jessica , and I 'm nine years old , and that 's what I have . Here 's how it all started . When I was eight years old , I was sick for a very long time . I got poked a lot and it hurt , but I got used to it . I learned that I had something called pericarditis . That 's a problem with the heart . I learned that it 's not fun when your heart does n't work like it 's supposed to . Then I turned nine . That 's when I found out that I had lupus , and that 's when I learned that it was lupus all along that caused the problem with my heart . It was really hard for me when they were figuring everything out . About that time , everyone except my friends teased me and said that I looked fat , I guess because I had always been skinny . I was n't really fat . The medicine that I needed to take made me look that way , that 's all . I was sad , so I asked my mother to come in and talk to the kids about lupus and about what I had been through . She 's a nurse , so she really can help kids to understand things . My friends are really understanding and I can share my secrets with them . They always stick by me and they never tease . They do n't care if I have lupus or not . Now I get along with my life as if nothing happened . The medicine helped me feel like my old self , and I can play soccer , which I LOVE .","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The skin is covered by a stratified squamous keratinising epithelium that is self-renewing . Normally desquamation of cells from the stratum corneum occurs in such a way that the cells are not seen . Scaling represents an accumulation of stratum corneum cells indication disturbed desquamation , often associated with increased epidemal turnover . Scale An accumulation of loose cornified fragments of the epidermis . Click to zoom Scaling in a dog with cheyletiellosis Scaling is a common clinical sign and may reflect primary defects of keratinisation such as idiopathic seborrhoea . However , ectoparasitic diseases ( especially cheyletiellosis in dogs and rabbits ) and other causes of chronic skin inflammation ( eg bacterial infection , dermatophytosis , allergy ) may lead to scaling .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Shakespeare's Stratford on the Web www . s tratford-upon-avon . c o . u k site by QuinSolve :: W - www . q uinsolve . c o . u k :: E - enquiries @ quinsolve . c o . u k :: T - +44 ( 0 ) 1608 664774 William Shakespeare's Birthplace - a watercolur by John Davis ( c ) Shakespeare's Life History William Shakespeare ( 1564 - 1616 ) was born at Stratford-upon-Avon in a house in Henley Street . This is preserved intact . His mother , Mary Arden , was one of the daughters of Robert Arden , a yeoman farmer of Wilmcote : his father , John Shakespeare , was a glover and wool dealer of good standing who held the office of Bailiff of the Borough in 1568 . From the age of seven to about 14 , he attended Stratford Grammar School receiving an excellent well rounded education . At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway , who was seven years his senior and three months pregnant . She was of ' yeoman ' stock - her family owned a farm one mile west of Stratford in Shottery . He endured her until he could stand it no longer and fled to London to become an actor . He then became actor-manager and part-owner in the Blackfriars and afterwards the Globe Theatres . He was a first-rate actor , but it is as a writer of plays that he has achieved lasting world-wide fame . His plays are thought to be the finest ever written in any language . His 37 plays vary in type ; historical romances , light , fantastic comedies , some are tragedies , all including the comical and the farcical . He was a shrewd business man , amassing quite a fortune in his time . He returned to Stratford for his latter years where he died at the age of 52 and now lies at rest in his special grave at Holy Trinity Church . William Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon Reference Material Available : On the Internet Shakespeare Resources on the Internet A Shakespeare book listing Publications Here are a number of publication 's from The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in association with Sutton Publishing Limited Shakespeare in the Stratford Records , Robert Bearman , 1994 ISBN 0-7509-0632-4 John Hall and his Patients : The Medical Practice of Shakepeare's Son-in-Law , Joan Lane , 1996 ISBN 0-7509-1095-X The Civil War in Stratford-upon-Avon : Conflict and Community in South Warwickshire 1642-1646 , Philip Tennant , 1996 ISBN 0-7509-1089-5 Family Life in Shakespeare's England : Stratford-upon-Avon 1570-1630 , Jeanne Jones , 1996 ISBN 0-7509-1261-8 The History of an English Borough : Stratford-upon-Avon 1196-1996 , Robert Bearman , ed . , 1997","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Secret spot report : Sandy Bay At surf-forecast we try to only list surf breaks that are widely known or else so remote that there is no resident local crew . We never intend to reveal any secret spots . If you believe that the location of Sandy Bay surf break is best kept secret , please use the form below to tell us why . If you make a strong case , we can either hide this information from users and search engines , so that only you and people who have bookmarked it will ever find the forecast pages , or else we can remove it altogether . Please double-check your email address \u2013 we may need to get back to you for more details .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Dear Mrs. Caroline Orange , Do you ever wonder where the money comes from to clean up the Chesapeake Bay ? It does n't come from the government or from city funds . It comes from organizations like ours . Every day we use that money to pay for crews to travel to polluted regions of the waterway to remove litter , saw apart large debris and work to prevent soil runoff and erosion . Our organization has successfully removed 200 tons of waste in the past two months alone . So how do we get the funds we use ? That 's easy - through the financial support of people like you . As a nature lover , we know you support keeping our waterways clean . Would you help us further our efforts with a tax deductible donation of $ 50 or more ? With this donation , you will finance an entire day of cleanup and help us buy desperately needed supplies , such as gloves and water test kits . You can either donate online or by returning the attached reply envelope with a check made out to \" Clean the Bay . \" Please give me a call at 555-555-5555 if you 'd like additional information on our organization or its mission . We are rated highly by the Better Business Bureau and are a registered 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) charity . Thank you in advance . We appreciate your support . Sincerely , Sally Sue , Executive Director Clean the Bay","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Argentinian international tight head prop Martin joins Bristol on a two year contract in August 2005 . He is a former San Isidro Club prop in playing for the first team since 2001 and won the championship in 2002 \/ 03 \/ 04 . He actually played in the San Isidro XV against Bristol on 28 \/ 7 \/ 2001 , at CASI . Martin has played four tests for the Pumas : 144-0 vs Paraguay , 27 \/ 4 \/ 03 49-3 vs Chile , 30 \/ 4 \/ 03 32-0 vs Uruguay , 3 \/ 5 \/ 03 15-22 vs Canada , 2 \/ 7 \/ 2005 Martin found first team opportunities hard to come by and was released at the end of the 2005-6 season .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The sweets will be shipped as soon as possible , if the items ordered are in stock UK delivery takes approx 3-4 working days , Highlands of Scotland 4-5 days Europe 10-12 days and World Wide allow up to 30 days . Items 2 Kilos or under are shipped through Royal mail . All items over 2 Kilos are shipped through Courier service . ( Delivery is quicker through courier ) . Items in stock will be dispatched the next working day after ordering . Occasionally an item will be out of stock if there has been a high demand for the particular item in which case delivery will take longer . We are unable to dispatch items at weekends or Bank holidays . PLEASE NOTE - For all orders over 2000 grams we use courier service . The courier will require a signature to ensure the safe delivery of your goods . If you wish your goods to be left in a safe place e . g . with a neighbour or in a porch please indicate this in the special delivery instruction box . If there is no one in to accept delivery they will leave a card , for you to arrange a convenient time in normal business hours . After two unsuccessful attempts of delivery the courier will return the goods to us . To resend the goods , the courier will require you to pay an additional postage charge . In the unlikely event that you are not entirely satisfied with the quality of the sweets , please return to us within 14 days , enclosing the original labelling & documentation . Items from the wholesale section are available in mainland England , Wales and southern Scotland only . BFPO Addresses We are always happy to accept orders from BFPO customers and there is no extra charge for postage to BFPO addresses Worldwide . The shipping costs are automatically added to the order during the checkout process and are clearly displayed before you confirm the order and make payment . As a guide the shipping cost are based on the following Royal Mail Zones : We are unable to ship to the U. S. A. at this time , as we are unable to obtain insurance , all our parcels are sent with insurance . If the situation changes we will include the U. S. A in our list of countries . Maximum UK Shipping \u00a3 4.95 UK Up to 1200 grams = \u00a3 3.59 then Up to 2000 grams = \u00a3 3.75 Over 2000 grams = \u00a3 4.95 Europe Up to 200 grams = \u00a3 3.41 then Up to 400 grams = \u00a3 3.88 then Up to 600 grams = \u00a3 4.44 then Up to 800 grams = \u00a3 5.41 then Up to 1000 grams = \u00a3 6.23 then Up to 1200 grams = \u00a3 7.17 then Up to 1400 grams = \u00a3 8.10 then Up to 1600 grams = \u00a3 9.05 then Up to 1800 grams = \u00a3 9.99 then Up to 2000 grams = \u00a3 10.93 Shipping costs within the EU are subject to Vat World Zone 1 Up to 400 grams = \u00a3 6.00 then Up to 600 grams = \u00a3 8.30 then Up to 800 grams = \u00a3 10.56 then Up to 1000 grams = \u00a3 12.28 then Up to 1200 grams = \u00a3 15.00 then Up to 1400 grams = \u00a3 17.00 World Zone 2 Up to 400 grams = \u00a3 7.00 then Up to 600 grams = \u00a3 9.00 then Up to 800 grams = \u00a3 11.00 then Up to 1000 grams = \u00a3 13.00 then Up to 1200 grams = \u00a3 15.00 then Up to 1400 grams = \u00a3 17.00 then Up to 1600 grams = \u00a3 19.00 then Up to 1800 grams = \u00a3 21.00 then Up to 2000 grams = \u00a3 24.00","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"He was born in Blaine Lake , Saskatchewan , the son of Peter Dutchak and Susan Boulanoff , and was educated there and at the University of Saskatchewan . In 1973 , Dutchak married Gerri Gail Epp . He served in the Saskatchewan cabinet as a minister without portfolio , as Minister of Justice and Attorney General and as Minister of Native and Northern Affairs . After leaving politics , he was named the head of the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation . From 2001 to 2007 , Dutchak was president of Cordy Oilfield Services Inc. He then served as president and Chief Executive Officer of Golconda Resources Ltd. from 2008 to 2011 .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Chapter 18 The next day he did not leave the house , and , indeed , spent most of the time in his own room , sick with a wild terror of dying , and yet indifferent to life itself . The consciousness of being hunted , snared , tracked down , had begun to dominate him . If the tapestry did but tremble in the wind , he shook . The dead leaves that were blown against the leaded panes seemed to him like his own wasted resolutions and wild regrets . When he closed his eyes , he saw again the sailor's face peering through the mist-stained glass , and horror seemed once more to lay its hand upon his heart . But perhaps it had been only his fancy that had called vengeance out of the night and set the hideous shapes of punishment before him . Actual life was chaos , but there was something terribly logical in the imagination . It was the imagination that set remorse to dog the feet of sin . It was the imagination that made each crime bear its misshapen brood . In the common world of fact the wicked were not punished , nor the good rewarded . Success was given to the strong , failure thrust upon the weak . That was all . Besides , had any stranger been prowling round the house , he would have been seen by the servants or the keepers . Had any foot-marks been found on the flower-beds , the gardeners would have reported it . Yes , it had been merely fancy . Sibyl Vane's brother had not come back to kill him . He had sailed away in his ship to founder in some winter sea . From him , at any rate , he was safe . Why , the man did not know who he was , could not know who he was . The mask of youth had saved him . And yet if it had been merely an illusion , how terrible it was to think that conscience could raise such fearful phantoms , and give them visible form , and make them move before one ! What sort of life would his be if , day and night , shadows of his crime were to peer at him from silent corners , to mock him from secret places , to whisper in his ear as he sat at the feast , to wake him with icy fingers as he lay asleep ! As the thought crept through his brain , he grew pale with terror , and the air seemed to him to have become suddenly colder . Oh ! in what a wild hour of madness he had killed his friend ! How ghastly the mere memory of the scene ! He saw it all again . Each hideous detail came back to him with added horror . Out of the black cave of time , terrible and swathed in scarlet , rose the image of his sin . When Lord Henry came in at six o ' clock , he found him crying as one whose heart will break . It was not till the third day that he ventured to go out . There was something in the clear , pine-scented air of that winter morning that seemed to bring him back his joyousness and his ardour for life . But it was not merely the physical conditions of environment that had caused the change . His own nature had revolted against the excess of anguish that had sought to maim and mar the perfection of its calm . With subtle and finely wrought temperaments it is always so . Their strong passions must either bruise or bend . They either slay the man , or themselves die . Shallow sorrows and shallow loves live on . The loves and sorrows that are great are destroyed by their own plenitude . Besides , he had convinced himself that he had been the victim of a terror-stricken imagination , and looked back now on his fears with something of pity and not a little of contempt . After breakfast , he walked with the Duchess for an hour in the garden and then drove across the park to join the shooting-party . The crisp frost lay like salt upon the grass . The sky was an inverted cup of blue metal . A thin film of ice bordered the flat , reed-grown lake . At the corner of the pine-wood he caught sight of Sir Geoffrey Clouston , the Duchess's brother , jerking two spent cartridges out of his gun . He jumped from the cart , and having told the groom to take the mare home , made his way towards his guest through the withered bracken and rough undergrowth . \" Have you had good sport , Geoffrey ? \" he asked . \" Not very good , Dorian . I think most of the birds have gone to the open . I dare say it will be better after lunch , when we get to new ground . \" Dorian strolled along by his side . The keen aromatic air , the brown and red lights that glimmered in the wood , the hoarse cries of the beaters ringing out from time to time , and the sharp snaps of the guns that followed , fascinated him and filled him with a sense of delightful freedom . He was dominated by the carelessness of happiness , by the high indifference of joy . Suddenly from a lumpy tussock of old grass some twenty yards in front of them , with black-tipped ears erect and long hinder limbs throwing it forward , started a hare . It bolted for a thicket of alders . Sir Geoffrey put his gun to his shoulder , but there was something in the animal's grace of movement that strangely charmed Dorian Gray , and he cried out at once , \" Do n't shoot it , Geoffrey . Let it live . \" \" What nonsense , Dorian ! \" laughed his companion , and as the hare bounded into the thicket , he fired . There were two cries heard , the cry of a hare in pain , which is dreadful , the cry of a man in agony , which is worse . \" Good heavens ! I have hit a beater ! \" exclaimed Sir Geoffrey . \" What an ass the man was to get in front of the guns ! Stop shooting there ! \" he called out at the top of his voice . \" A man is hurt . \" The head-keeper came running up with a stick in his hand . \" Where , sir ? Where is he ? \" he shouted . At the same time , the firing ceased along the line . \" Here , \" answered Sir Geoffrey angrily , hurrying towards the thicket . \" Why on earth do n't you keep your men back ? Spoiled my shooting for the day . \" Dorian watched them as they plunged into the alder-clump , brushing the lithe swinging branches aside . In a few moments they emerged , dragging a body after them into the sunlight . He turned away in horror . It seemed to him that misfortune followed wherever he went . He heard Sir Geoffrey ask if the man was really dead , and the affirmative answer of the keeper . The wood seemed to him to have become suddenly alive with faces . There was the trampling of myriad feet and the low buzz of voices . A great copper-breasted pheasant came beating through the boughs overhead . After a few moments \u2013 that were to him , in his perturbed state , like endless hours of pain \u2013 he felt a hand laid on his shoulder . He started and looked round . \" Dorian , \" said Lord Henry , \" I had better tell them that the shooting is stopped for to-day . It would not look well to go on . \" \" I wish it were stopped for ever , Harry , \" he answered bitterly . \" The whole thing is hideous and cruel . Is the man ... ? \" He could not finish the sentence . \" I am afraid so , \" rejoined Lord Henry . \" He got the whole charge of shot in his chest . He must have died almost instantaneously . Come ; let us go home . \" They walked side by side in the direction of the avenue for nearly fifty yards without speaking . Then Dorian looked at Lord Henry and said , with a heavy sigh , \" It is a bad omen , Harry , a very bad omen . \" \" What is ? \" asked Lord Henry . \" Oh ! this accident , I suppose . My dear fellow , it ca n ' t be helped . It was the man's own fault . Why did he get in front of the guns ? Besides , it is nothing to us . It is rather awkward for Geoffrey , of course . It does not do to pepper beaters . It makes people think that one is a wild shot . And Geoffrey is not ; he shoots very straight . But there is no use talking about the matter . \" Dorian shook his head . \" It is a bad omen , Harry . I feel as if something horrible were going to happen to some of us . To myself , perhaps , \" he added , passing his hand over his eyes , with a gesture of pain . The elder man laughed . \" The only horrible thing in the world is ennui , Dorian . That is the one sin for which there is no forgiveness . But we are not likely to suffer from it unless these fellows keep chattering about this thing at dinner . I must tell them that the subject is to be tabooed . As for omens , there is no such thing as an omen . Destiny does not send us heralds . She is too wise or too cruel for that . Besides , what on earth could happen to you , Dorian ? You have everything in the world that a man can want . There is no one who would not be delighted to change places with you . \" \" There is no one with whom I would not change places , Harry . Do n't laugh like that . I am telling you the truth . The wretched peasant who has just died is better off than I am . I have no terror of death . It is the coming of death that terrifies me . Its monstrous wings seem to wheel in the leaden air around me . Good heavens ! do n't you see a man moving behind the trees there , watching me , waiting for me ? \" Lord Henry looked in the direction in which the trembling gloved hand was pointing . \" Yes , \" he said , smiling , \" I see the gardener waiting for you . I suppose he wants to ask you what flowers you wish to have on the table to-night . How absurdly nervous you are , my dear fellow ! You must come and see my doctor , when we get back to town . \" Dorian heaved a sigh of relief as he saw the gardener approaching . The man touched his hat , glanced for a moment at Lord Henry in a hesitating manner , and then produced a letter , which he handed to his master . \" Her Grace told me to wait for an answer , \" he murmured . Dorian put the letter into his pocket . \" Tell her Grace that I am coming in , \" he said , coldly . The man turned round and went rapidly in the direction of the house . \" How fond women are of doing dangerous things ! \" laughed Lord Henry . \" It is one of the qualities in them that I admire most . A woman will flirt with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on . \" \" How fond you are of saying dangerous things , Harry ! In the present instance , you are quite astray . I like the Duchess very much , but I do n't love her . \" \" And the Duchess loves you very much , but she likes you less , so you are excellently matched . \" \" You are talking scandal , Harry , and there is never any basis for scandal . \" \" The basis of every scandal is an immoral certainty , \" said Lord Henry , lighting a cigarette . \" You would sacrifice anybody , Harry , for the sake of an epigram . \" \" The world goes to the altar of its own accord , \" was the answer . \" I wish I could love , \" cried Dorian Gray with a deep note of pathos in his voice . \" But I seem to have lost the passion and forgotten the desire . I am too much concentrated on myself . My own personality has become a burden to me . I want to escape , to go away , to forget . It was silly of me to come down here at all . I think I shall send a wire to Harvey to have the yacht got ready . On a yacht one is safe . \" \" Safe from what , Dorian ? You are in some trouble . Why not tell me what it is ? You know I would help you . \" \" I ca n ' t tell you , Harry , \" he answered sadly . \" And I dare say it is only a fancy of mine . This unfortunate accident has upset me . I have a horrible presentiment that something of the kind may happen to me . \" \" What nonsense ! \" \" I hope it is , but I ca n ' t help feeling it . Ah ! here is the Duchess , looking like Artemis in a tailor-made gown . You see we have come back , Duchess . \" \" I have heard all about it , Mr. Gray , \" she answered . \" Poor Geoffrey is terribly upset . And it seems that you asked him not to shoot the hare . How curious ! \" \" Yes , it was very curious . I do n't know what made me say it . Some whim , I suppose . It looked the loveliest of little live things . But I am sorry they told you about the man . It is a hideous subject . \" \" It is an annoying subject , \" broke in Lord Henry . \" It has no psychological value at all . Now if Geoffrey had done the thing on purpose , how interesting he would be ! I should like to know some one who had committed a real murder . \" \" How horrid of you , Harry ! \" cried the Duchess . \" Is n't it , Mr. Gray ? Harry , Mr. Gray is ill again . He is going to faint . \" Dorian drew himself up with an effort and smiled . \" It is nothing , Duchess , \" he murmured ; \" my nerves are dreadfully out of order . That is all . I am afraid I walked too far this morning . I did n't hear what Harry said . Was it very bad ? You must tell me some other time . I think I must go and lie down . You will excuse me , wo n ' t you ? \" They had reached the great flight of steps that led from the conservatory on to the terrace . As the glass door closed behind Dorian , Lord Henry turned and looked at the Duchess with his slumberous eyes . \" Are you very much in love with him ? \" he asked . She did not answer for some time , but stood gazing at the landscape . \" I wish I knew , \" she said at last . He shook his head . \" Knowledge would be fatal . It is the uncertainty that charms one . A mist makes things wonderful . \" \" One may lose one's way . \" \" All ways end at the same point , my dear Gladys . \" \" What is that ? \" \" Disillusion . \" \" It was my d\u00e9but in life , \" she sighed . \" It came to you crowned . \" \" I am tired of strawberry leaves . \" \" They become you . \" \" Only in public . \" \" You would miss them , \" said Lord Henry . \" I will not part with a petal . \" \" Monmouth has ears . \" \" Old age is dull of hearing . \" \" Has he never been jealous ? \" \" I wish he had been . \" He glanced about as if in search of something . \" What are you looking for ? \" she inquired . \" The button from your foil , \" he answered . \" You have dropped it . \" She laughed . \" I have still the mask . \" \" It makes your eyes lovelier , \" was his reply . She laughed again . Her teeth showed like white seeds in a scarlet fruit . Upstairs , in his own room , Dorian Gray was lying on a sofa , with terror in every tingling fibre of his body . Life had suddenly become too hideous a burden for him to bear . The dreadful death of the unlucky beater , shot in the thicket like a wild animal , had seemed to him to pre-figure death for himself also . He had nearly swooned at what Lord Henry had said in a chance mood of cynical jesting . At five o ' clock he rang his bell for his servant and gave him orders to pack his things for the night-express to town , and to have the brougham at the door by eight-thirty . He was determined not to sleep another night at Selby Royal . It was an ill-omened place . Death walked there in the sunlight . The grass of the forest had been spotted with blood . Then he wrote a note to Lord Henry , telling him that he was going up to town to consult his doctor and asking him to entertain his guests in his absence . As he was putting it into the envelope , a knock came to the door , and his valet informed him that the head-keeper wished to see him . He frowned and bit his lip . \" Send him in , \" he muttered , after some moments' hesitation . As soon as the man entered , Dorian pulled his chequebook out of a drawer and spread it out before him . \" I suppose you have come about the unfortunate accident of this morning , Thornton ? \" he said , taking up a pen . \" Yes , sir , \" answered the gamekeeper . \" Was the poor fellow married ? Had he any people dependent on him ? \" asked Dorian , looking bored . \" If so , I should not like them to be left in want , and will send them any sum of money you may think necessary . \" \" We do n't know who he is , sir . That is what I took the liberty of coming to you about . \" \" Do n't know who he is ? \" said Dorian , listlessly . \" What do you mean ? Was n ' t he one of your men ? \" \" No , sir . Never saw him before . Seems like a sailor , sir . \" The pen dropped from Dorian Gray's hand , and he felt as if his heart had suddenly stopped beating . \" A sailor ? \" he cried out . \" Did you say a sailor ? \" \" Yes , sir . He looks as if he had been a sort of sailor ; tattooed on both arms , and that kind of thing . \" \" Was there anything found on him ? \" said Dorian , leaning forward and looking at the man with startled eyes . \" Anything that would tell his name ? \" \" Some money , sir \u2013 not much , and a six-shooter . There was no name of any kind . A decent-looking man , sir , but rough-like . A sort of sailor we think . \" Dorian started to his feet . A terrible hope fluttered past him . He clutched at it madly . \" Where is the body ? \" he exclaimed . \" Quick ! I must see it at once . \" \" It is in an empty stable in the Home Farm , sir . The folk do n't like to have that sort of thing in their houses . They say a corpse brings bad luck . \" \" The Home Farm ! Go there at once and meet me . Tell one of the grooms to bring my horse round . No. Never mind . I 'll go to the stables myself . It will save time . \" In less than a quarter of an hour , Dorian Gray was galloping down the long avenue as hard as he could go . The trees seemed to sweep past him in spectral procession , and wild shadows to fling themselves across his path . Once the mare swerved at a white gate-post and nearly threw him . He lashed her across the neck with his crop . She cleft the dusky air like an arrow . The stones flew from her hoofs . At last he reached the Home Farm . Two men were loitering in the yard . He leaped from the saddle and threw the reins to one of them . In the farthest stable a light was glimmering . Something seemed to tell him that the body was there , and he hurried to the door and put his hand upon the latch . There he paused for a moment , feeling that he was on the brink of a discovery that would either make or mar his life . Then he thrust the door open and entered . On a heap of sacking in the far corner was lying the dead body of a man dressed in a coarse shirt and a pair of blue trousers . A spotted handkerchief had been placed over the face . A coarse candle , stuck in a bottle , sputtered beside it . Dorian Gray shuddered . He felt that his could not be the hand to take the handkerchief away , and called out to one of the farm-servants to come to him . \" Take that thing off the face . I wish to see it , \" he said , clutching at the door-post for support . When the farm-servant had done so , he stepped forward . A cry of joy broke from his lips . The man who had been shot in the thicket was James Vane . He stood there for some minutes looking at the dead body . As he rode home , his eyes were full of tears , for he knew he was safe .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"James and his fellow cherubs infiltrate an Australian cult , in the most exciting CHERUB story yet . When a team of CHERUB agents uncover a link between eco-terrorist group Help Earth and a wealthy religious cult known as The Survivors , James Adams is sent to Australia on an infiltration mission . It 's his toughest job so far . The Survivors' outback headquarters are completely isolated . It 's a thousand kilometres to the nearest town and the cult's brainwashing techniques mean James is under massive pressure to conform . This time he 's not just fighting terrorists . He 's got to battle to keep control of his own mind .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The schedule of a Happiness Engineer working in live chat When I was first hired as Trial Happiness Engineer , I was concerned about the flexibility of live chat . I imagined a live chat operator being chained to their desk all day . But since this is Automattic the pioneers of remote working , how was this possible ? How was it going to work ? Now I work on as a Happiness Engineer on a team that has a primary focus on live chat . Part of what attracted me to Automattic was the schedule flexibility . I 'm happy to say I have a very flexible schedule and I do n't work the typical 9am \u2013 5pm Monday thru Friday schedule . I 'm also anything but tied to my desk . So how does it all work ? Scheduling \/ Flexibility The following is my own personal schedule , but each Happiness Engineer is different . There is no one-size-fits-all schedule for Happiness Engineers . At Automattic we have a saying that communication is oxygen . Since everyone has a different schedule , part of the oxygen that allows the Happiness team to function is communicating your schedule . Since every Happiness Engineer does this , this allows for us to efficiently schedule coverage for the week . I make my own schedule . It 's flexible in that I pick the days and times that I work , which amount to 40 hrs a week . Out of those 40 hrs my goal is to spend around 25 hrs live chatting . Currently , we sign up for live chat shifts . So I pick the hours I 'd like to live chat . We have a rough estimate about how many Happiness Engineers we need per an hour . Happiness Engineers get to sign up for which hours they 'd like to work . So it 's a balance of working the hours I 'd like but also trying to work hours where we need more coverage . What does a typical day look like ? I consider my \" core \" work to be live chatting . So I spend between 4-5 hrs live chatting each day . I then schedule the rest of my day around my live chat shifts . Around 1 hr answering tickets Then I spend around 30 minutes to an hour catching up on p2 posts & Slack and commenting ( p2 posts are our internal blog system ) . I also try to give myself between 30 minutes -1 hr each day for time to follow up with any live chats , where I need to test something or send them a follow up email . How flexible is Automattic with scheduling ? In my personal opinion , very flexible . I 'm not a morning person . I 've found I need a few days during the week to sleep in or do errands . This keeps me happiest . So on Wednesdays and Fridays , I start work at noon . Yeah , really ... 12pm . I also tend to work Sunday afternoon-evening anyways , preparing for the week . This works out great , because I get to help out with weekend & evening coverage . So on average I work around 4-6 hours every weekend . Here is what my weekly schedule looks like : My Personal Schedule If I need to take off work a bit early one day , I would log in later in the evening or weekend to help with coverage there . I communicate with my team and my team lead about these kind of changes in my schedule often . For example , when I 'm testing changes to my schedule and trying out new hours to see what works best for me and for live chat coverage . I let them know . This communication is healthy and let 's them know when I 'm around in case they need me . I never felt like I had to jump through hoops to get what I personally feel like is my dream schedule . I feel like Automattic trusts me to work the hours that I need to work , and that I find a schedule that keeps me happy , productive , and contributes to my team's goals . While I choose my own schedule , I try to schedule myself for times when I 'm needed the most . The wonderful thing about Automattic is that we truly are a remote company and no matter what time you choose to work - there is always plenty to do Having a company that is so flexible with me and my schedule , I tend to be flexible in return . If I notice that we may need an extra hand in the evenings or weekends , if it 's not a huge inconvenience to me or my schedule , I jump in and help out . This does n't mean that I work \" extra \" hours - I switch out those hours for hours that are well covered and either take a longer lunch to run an errand or leave a bit earlier then usual on another day . I still work around 40hrs a week , with those switches . I spent a good 9 months testing out schedules trying to find what worked best for me , before I settled on the schedule I 've currently working . Being flexible but consistent I 've personally found that the key to my own efficiency was being consistent . I 've spent about a year testing different times of the day that I live chat best at . I 'm best when I chat roughly around the same time each day . I 've also found that I do n't like working in live chat for more then 2 . 5hrs at time . Usually by then I 'm ready for a break and want to step away from the computer for a bit . I 'm most productive when I live chat right before lunch or the end of the day , so I get a nice break after my live chat shift . So on most days from 9am \u2013 11 : 30am and then again from 2 : 30pm \u2013 5 : 00pm works best for my schedule . When I do my best to generally do my \" core work \" during those hours this helps me get more done , since my brain now is hard-wired to know that it is crunch time . For each live chat shift - I stay in one place . I 'm either at home at my desk or at my coworking spot . I try to stay in a place where I can be most effective there since I have fast wifi and a large screen for multiple windows . Although somedays ... when I need a change of scenery I 'll go to a local coffee shop for my live chat session . Of course , this is what works best for me . Each Happiness Engineer is different and prefers a different schedule . Live Chatting : What 's it like ? One of my biggest concerns as Happiness Engineer Trial was Live Chat . I found the idea of it to be very intimidating . What 's live chat actually like though ? Well ... my first few live chats were a little nerve wrecking . After I got over my own fears , I found live chat to be so much fun . It 's my favorite way to support our users - since I 'm able to resolve a users issue in real time . Once you get a good rhythm , I 've found it to be easier to connect with our users via live chat . I 'm able to get to know them ... and the sites that they 're building . Our users are awesome . They 're kind and patient . So getting to chat with them all day is fun ! What kind of questions are you asked in live chat ? There are all different kinds of questions that come in , and you never know what you 're going to get . We get a lot of domain questions . Which is one of my favorite things to troubleshoot now . For example , when it comes to helping a user map a domain they own elsewhere to use with their WordPress.com site by updating name server settings or by helping a user purchase a domain . We also get a lot of questions about getting a theme set up or selecting a theme for their site . Do you have to know the answer to everything ? I can say that I certainly do n't know everything . While I 'm always striving to learn more . Something that 's helped me be successful is focusing on how to search for the answer . Knowing where to look for the answer is more then half the battle for me rather than having the pressure of knowing every single answer . Also for when I ca n't find the answer to a question , we have a Slack channel specifically for those in Live Chat . Since you 're working in live chat with a group of other Happiness Engineers , we 're all in the same Slack channel together and it 's pretty active . It 's one of my favorite channels because the conversation easily shifts between helping each other troubleshoot and small talk . I rely heavily on this channel . So even when I do n't know the answer , someone there usually does . It 's a great resource and helped me feel like I had a safety net for when I first jumped into live chat . So in Summary ... I love my schedule , live chatting , and Automattic . It really is a blast and the cool part is you could join us because we 're hiring . If you have any questions about my schedule or how Happiness Engineers schedule themselves , leave a comment below ! Hi Tish ! This is n't necessarily a schedule question , but as someone who is looking to apply for a Happiness Engineer position , do you have any pointers ? I know it 's absolutely necessary to stand out among the crowd . Any suggestions you have would be wonderful Thank you ! Your article inspired me to go for it and apply at Automattic ! You 've made me super dee duper excited about interviewing for the HE position ! I love that the interview is via Slack ... What a cool concept ! I 'm soooooo excited !! I hope to join you and the rest of the team ... definitely my type of vibe Thanks for this great \" day in the life ! \" Can I ask you how much previous experience you had with wordpresss + HTML \/ css you had prior to this position ? I am interested in applying to this role but am not sure that my coding skills are up to par ...","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The most celebrated actor of his day David Garrick was one of the most successful actors of his time . He was very good at playing many different kinds of people on stage . He first became well known in 1741 for acting as Richard III in Shakespeare's play , but he was also good at other more modern roles . As well as being an actor he was also manager of the Drury Lane Theatre in London . He even wrote plays himself . His acting took London by storm New ways of doing things He brought many new techniques to the English theatre . These included introducing a new style of acting and a way of hiding the stage lights so that they did n't obstruct the view from the audience . Peace and Quiet In 1854 Garrick came to live in Hampton to escape his busy London life . The house where he lived is now called ' Garrick's Villa ' . He built a Temple to Shakespeare in his riverside garden .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"We 're reporting Bute's Pothole Patrol complaints this week If you have n't reported the potholes near you which are making your life a misery , then better hurry up - we 'll be sending the list to the Council on Friday . Pothole Patrol is your chance to get something done about the potholes which are making our roads a menace . Councils can be responsible for damage caused by potholes which have been reported to them - so by compiling this public list of our complaints , we 're making sure they know about them . According to the AA : \" A Highway Authority may be liable if they have not acted reasonably after noting a pothole ( or other defect ) or if they have been negligent in maintaining the road and \/ or keeping records . \" We 'll be putting the list together on Friday , March 11 , so please add your potholes by noon that day . Describe exactly where the pothole is , roughly how big it is , and what kind of problem it 's causing . Ideally also accompany your posting with a picture - one snapped on a mobile phone is perfect Let us know if any have been fixed , too - we 'll give credit where credit is due .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Issue 45 - Late November 2004 News @ All-Energy , the free emailed newsletter is published by Media Generation Events and Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre , organisers of the annual All-Energy renewable energy exhibition and conference . The fifth All-Energy will be held 25 and 26 May 2005 in Aberdeen . The All-Energy exhibitor list is growing fast -- indeed , over half the space has already been reserved with six months to go ! You 'll find the regularly updated floorplan and exhibitor list at www . a ll-energy . c o . u k - and on the All-Energy stand ( F89 ) at EWEC 2004 . There 's a pdf of the first in a series of All-Energy printed newsletters kindly sponsored by AREG ( Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group ) on the website too . The conference steering group meets 1 December -- suggestions for speakers or topics should be sent to info @ all-energy . c o . u k by 29 November please . CONTENTS 1 . GENERAL -- UK 1.1 . G lobal warming a priority 1.2 . W orld Offshore Renewable Energy Report 1.3 . S cotland on target 1.4 . M ichael Howard's views 1.5 . S anyo invests in Europe 1.6 . A sking the experts 1.7 . R E companies look for investment 1.8 . U KERC head appointed 1.9 . L ooking for board members 2 . GENERAL -- OVERSEAS 3 . GRID , TRANSMISSION AND RO 3.1 . R O plans 3.2 . L atest from Ofgem 3.3 . R eassurances from Scottish Executive 3.4 . G rid expansion in Scotland 3.5 . C o-op goes green 4 . WIND -- UK 4.1 . E WEC 2004 opens 4.2 . R ecord wind farm construction 4.3 . \u00a3 7bn of investment into wind industry 4.4 . C lean coal not wind is the answer 4.5 . N o significant risk to shipping 4.6 . F KI pulls out of turbine business 4.7 . S uccess of visitor centre 4.8 . T echnology transfer from RE to oil industry 4.9 . W ind farms and house prices 4.10 . T he big one ! 4.11 . P lans for new big Scottish windfarm 4.12 . C aton Moor goes to REpower 4.13 . P lanning sought for 500MW windfarm 4.14 . S W to have 280 wind turbines 4.15 . S upport for windpower in Devon 4.16 . C ontract win for Global Marine 4.17 . 100MW deal for Geotrupes 4.18 . B rian Wilson plugs in 4.19 . R esources will be strained offshore 4.20 . C ongrats to Wales on TAN8 4.21 . A dding excitement to the landscape 4.22 . F rom 3 to 11 ...... 4.23 . M arine Renewables Directory 5 . WIND -- OVERSEAS 6 . WAVE AND TIDAL 6.1 . M inister briefed on Wave Hub 6.2 . S tingray news from EB 6.3 . T esting at NaREC 6.4 . P ort Kembla structure has arrived 6.5 . S MART award for Scottish wave device 6.6 . T idEl wins Technology Entrepreneur award 6.7 . G ood news for Tidal Electric 6.8 . A WS aims for Scottish manufacture 6.9 . A lderney tidal plans 7 . BIOENERGY 7.1 . B iofuels offer opportunities for farmers 7.2 . W here there 's muck , there 's gas . 7.3 . G row with energy in mind 7.4 . U K push for biomass 8 . FUEL CELLS AND HYDROGEN 8.1 . T omorrow's petrol is a gas 9 . HYDRO 9.1 . R oyal family's green credentials 9.2 . C ontract for Dulas 10 . NUCLEAR 10.1 . N uclear power at the IoD 10.2 . D isposing of nuclear waste -- the options 10.3 . T en new nuclear stations for UK ? 11 . PV AND SOLAR 11.1 . T hree trophies for solarcentury 11.2 . S olargen look to Italy 11.3 . S olar and fuel cells to combat flooding 11.4 . B P Solar in profit 11.5 . S cotland's largest PV installation 11.6 . S olar power in Spain 11.7 . S olar dish development 12 . AND OTHER SOURCES -- carbon sequestration ; geothermal and CHP 13 . JOB HUNTING ? 14 . KEEPING UP TO DATE 1 . G ENERAL -- UK 1.1 . G lobal warming a priority French President Jacques Chirac and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair pledged to make reducing global warming a priority when the UK takes over the presidency of the G8 in January 2005 . http:\/\/dbs.cordis.lu\/cgi-bin\/srchidadb? CALLER = NHP_EN_NEWS & ACTION = D & SESSION = & RCN = EN_RCN_ID : 22948 1.2 . W orld Offshore Renewable Energy Report The second edition of The World Offshore Renewable Energy Report focuses on the period 2004-2008 . Building on the success of the first edition , published by the DTI's Renewables 2010 Target Team , it considers offshore wind , wave and tidal power . CDs available from 01224 254087 or chris . k elly @ dti . g si . g ov . u k 1.3 . S cotland on target First Minister Jack McConnell told a meeting that Scotland is on course to meet interim renewable energy targets www . s cotland . g ov . u k \/ News \/ Releases \/ 2004 \/ 11 \/ 18141058 1.4 . M ichael Howard's views Tory leader Michael Howard lays out his own vision for the countryside including his views on renewables www . w esternmorningnews . c o . u k \/ displayNode . j sp ? nodeId = 143662 & command = displayContent & sourceNode = 143640 & 1.5 . S anyo invests in Europe Sanyo Electric Company has launched its new Energy & Ecology Business in Europe , representing an investment of 150m Euros by 2006 http:\/\/sourcewire.com\/releases\/rel_display.php? relid = 19915 & hilite = 1.6 . A sking the experts Is it possible to meet growing energy demands without causing catastrophic damage to the environment ? http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/2\/hi\/science\/nature\/4000225.stm 1.7 . R E companies look for investment siGEN , AWS Ocean Energy , and Puregen were amongst 14 growth-stage companies seeking funding at a recent Connect investment conference www . f uelcellsworks . c om \/ Supppage1394 . h tml 1.8 . U KERC head appointed John Loughhead , former Vice-President of Technology for Alstom , has been appointed Executive Director of the UK Energy Research Centre ( UKERC www . u kerc . a c . u k \/ newsindex . h tm 1.9 . L ooking for board members The community energy company being established by Highlands and Islands Enterprise , is looking for people to join its board of directors www . h ie . c o . u k \/ Default . a spx . L ocID-0finewkc3 . R efLocID-0fihiesv5007lat . L ang-EN . h tm 2 . GENERAL -- OVERSEAS The 90-day countdown to the Kyoto Protocol's entry into force was started by the receipt of the Russian Federation's instrument of ratification by the UN Secretary-General . The Protocol will become legally binding on its 128 Parties on 16 February 2005 http:\/\/unfccc.int\/press\/items\/2794.php 1m Euro-worth of funding is available for the period 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006 . The REEEP is seeking project proposals its next funding round www . r eeep . o rg \/ index . c fm ? articleid = 1058 An investment of Euro 443bn is needed by 2020 if Europe is to meet its targets for renewable energies says a marketing report produced by the European Renewable Energy Council www . s parksdata . c o . u k \/ refocus \/ showdoc . a sp ? docid = 52575320 & accnum = 1 & topics = Gamesa's interests in China - an overview www . g amesa . e s \/ ingles \/ noticias \/ noticias . h tm Canada's Minister of the Environment outlined his perspective on renewable energy , indicating that Canada's future is closely linked to the development of RE www . r enewableenergyaccess . c om \/ rea \/ news \/ story ? id = 17687 3 . G RID , TRANSMISSION AND RO 3.1 . R O plans UK Energy Minister , Mike O ' Brien , published the Government's plans for the review of the Renewables Obligation www . g nn . g ov . u k \/ environment \/ detail . a sp ? ReleaseID = 134485 & NewsAreaID = 2 & NavigatedFromDepartment = False 3.2 . L atest from Ofgem BETTA open letter on likely late issuance of offers under standard licence condition C18 of the electricity transmission licence www . o fgem . g ov . u k \/ temp \/ ofgem \/ cache \/ cmsattach \/ 9350_25704 . p df BETTA consultation on the recovery of costs incurred as a result of the run-off of the Settlement Agreement for Scotland ( SAS ) -- An Ofgem \/ DTI consultation www . o fgem . g ov . u k \/ temp \/ ofgem \/ cache \/ cmsattach \/ 9329_25404 . p df Treatment of embedded exemptable large power stations under BETTA - An Ofgem \/ DTI conclusions and further consultation document www . o fgem . g ov . u k \/ temp \/ ofgem \/ cache \/ cmsattach \/ 9173_25304 . p df BETTA consultation on outstanding matters concerning the Grid Code under BETTA and associated STC drafting www . o fgem . g ov . u k \/ temp \/ ofgem \/ cache \/ cmsattach \/ 9169_25104 . p df BETTA consultation on CUSC Interface Agreements - comments on the issues discussed should be sent by 1 December 2004 www . o fgem . g ov . u k \/ temp \/ ofgem \/ cache \/ cmsattach \/ 9134_24904 . p df 3.3 . R eassurances from Scottish Executive The Scottish Executive assured the renewable energy industry based in Scotland's peripheral areas that it will fight its corner to secure fair access charges to the grid www . s hetland-news . c o . u k \/ pages \/ news % 20stories \/ november % 202004 \/ executive_supports_renewable_industry . h 3.4 . G rid expansion in Scotland Highland Council's planning committee opted for a proposal to take electricity from a proposed giant windfarm in the Western Isles to the national grid via a future submarine transmission cable , coming ashore at Dounreay in Caithness www . t hisisnorthscotland . c o . u k \/ displayNode . j sp ? nodeId = 149475 & command = displayContent & sourceNode = 149205 Scottish Natural Heritage said five possible routes for the transmission line are all likely to have a significant impact and could affect a number of internationally important nature sites http:\/\/news.scotsman.com\/scotland.cfm? id = 1331912004 The National Trust for Scotland has joined the chorus of protest against the plans www . s undayherald . c om \/ 46189 3.5 . C o-op goes green The Co-operative Group has announced new deals worth more than \u00a3 25 million to provide 100 per cent green electricity to its sites throughout mainland UK . http:\/\/icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk\/eveningchronicle\/ukandworld\/page.cfm? objectid = 14846403 & method = ful 4 . W IND -- UK 4.1 . E WEC 2004 opens The European Wind Energy Conference is being held until 25 November at Wembley , London . Pre registration closed with over 1500 delegates from 40 countries and 255 exhibiting companies www . e wea . o rg A2SEA's MW Ocean Ady , carrying a Vestas V90-3 . 0MW nacelle and blades is moored to HMS Belfast just by Tower Bridge in Central London throughout EWEC www . a 2sea . c om \/ 4.2 . R ecord wind farm construction Construction of wind farms hit a record this year , Patricia Hewitt , trade and industry secretary , announced although the development of offshore schemes must accelerate if the government is to meet its climate-change targets http:\/\/news.ft.com\/cms\/s\/23335e30-3c2c-11d9-8b17-00000e2511c8.html 4.3 . \u00a3 7bn of investment into wind industry BWEA released new figures showing that 2004 is a record year for the rapidly expanding UK wind industry and predicting that expansion out to 2010 should result in some \u00a3 7 billion of new investment into the sector www . b wea . c om \/ media \/ news \/ record2004 . h tml 4.4 . C lean coal not wind is the answer Britain could cut the cost of reducing greenhouse gases by \u00a3 3 billion if it fitted clean-coal technology to its ageing power stations , rather than building wind farms . http:\/\/business.timesonline.co.uk\/article\/0,,8209-1369581,00.html 4.5 . N o significant risk to shipping Npower Renewables carried out navigational trials at North Hoyle with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency ( MCA ) and consultants QinetiQ . Most ships had no problems seeing the turbines on radar and other systems , and radio links between boats and shore also worked . http:\/\/icnorthwales.icnetwork.co.uk\/news\/regionalnews\/tm_objectid=14900104%26method=full%26siteid=50 4.6 . F KI pulls out of turbine business FKI announced its proposal to exit the DeWind turbine business it acquired in 2002 - the rapid consolidation of wind turbine manufacturers and the increasing influence of major wind power developers have significantly increased competitive pressures www . f ki . c o . u k \/ newsdetail . c fm ? contentid = 203 4.7 . S uccess of visitor centre E. O N UK's Scroby Sands Information Centre has welcomed 30,000 people through its doors since it opened in May www . e on-uk . c om \/ Content \/ media \/ news . a spx ? MenuId = 22 4.8 . T echnology transfer from RE to oil industry Lessons learned from working in the renewables industry helped Cns Subsea complete a \u00a3 2m contractor for Shell repairing the Brent Charlie \/ Dunlin Alpha power cable in just three weeks cns @ cns-ltd . c om 4.9 . W ind farms and house prices A planning application for a wind farm hits local house prices , but the negative impact diminishes as time goes by says RICS ( Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ) www . r ics . o rg \/ NR \/ exeres \/ C714E388-9C8E-4C90-858A-6EB4FF58EC1D . h tm BWEA revealed the results of a study conducted by Knight Frank which also shows it is too early to say categorically that wind farms are a serious threat to homeowners www . b wea . c om \/ media \/ news \/ houseprices . h tmL 4.10 . T he big one ! Lewis Wind Power Ltd , a joint venture of AMEC and British Energy , has submitted a planning application to the Scottish Executive for permission to build the world's largest onshore wind farm in the north of the Isle of Lewis www . a mec . c om \/ news \/ media_releases_2ndlevel . a sp ? Pageid = 34 & MediaID = 960 Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has set up a website to provide information on the Lewis Wind Power application . The site allows comments to be sent by email . www . c ne-siar . g ov . u k \/ lewiswindpower 4.11 . P lans for new big Scottish windfarm Plans have been unveiled to build one of the biggest wind farms in Scotland . Amec said the 100-turbine development in East Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway would generate 300MW www . t heherald . c o . u k \/ news \/ 27142 . h tml 4.12 . C aton Moor goes to REpower REpower UK Ltd is supplying the repowering project \" Caton Moor \" with eight 2-MW , type MM70 units . This is REpower UK's second contract a year after setting up the REpower : P eter Brotherhood joint venture www . r epower . d e \/ 4.13 . P lanning sought for 500MW windfarm Airtricity has sought planning permission in Scotland for one of the biggest onshore wind farms in the world www . b usinessworld . i e \/ livenews . h tm ? a = 1040876 ; s = rollingnews . h tm 4.14 . S W to have 280 wind turbines Ministers say the South West of England must find room for 280 wind turbines to meet energy targets http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/2\/hi\/uk_news\/england\/devon\/4017061.stm 4.15 . S upport for windpower in Devon A survey by MORI found that 71 percent of rural residents questioned , support the use of wind power in Devon . www . r egensw . c o . u k \/ documents \/ DevonMORIPollPR-091104 . p df 4.16 . C ontract win for Global Marine Global Marine Systems , now able to emerge from administration , has won two new contracts , the most recent is for subsea cabling for an offshore windfarm project off the coast of Kent www . b usinessweekly . c o . u k \/ news \/ view_article . a sp ? article_id = 8861 4.17 . 100MW deal for Geotrupes Geotrupes has signed an agreement with a major electricity company to provide it with 100 MW of electricity , with wind turbines the initial focus .. www . b usinessweekly . c o . u k \/ news \/ view_article . a sp ? article_id = 8868 4.18 . B rian Wilson plugs in The world's first domestic windmill feeding electricity directly into the household power supply was switched at the Glasgow home of former UK Energy Minister , Brian Wilson MP www . w indsave . c om \/ news . h tm 4.19 . R esources will be strained offshore A rapid expansion of offshore wind farms in North Sea waters risks straining resources .... One issue involves the provision of divers for maintenance and servicing work , with the North Sea oil and gas sector the obvious recruiting ground www . t elegraph . c o . u k \/ money \/ main . j html ? xml = \/ money \/ 2004 \/ 11 \/ 11 \/ cnwind11 . x ml 4.20 . C ongrats to Wales on TAN8 BWEA congratulates the Welsh Assembly on producing its new framework for a range of renewable technologies . Technical Advice Note ( TAN ) 8 includes a target of an additional 800MW of onshore wind by 2010 www . b wea . c om \/ media \/ news \/ tan8welcome . h tml 4.21 . A dding excitement to the landscape Wind farms could spell the way for artistic expression according to a partner at MosArt Landscape Architects . www . e die . n et \/ news \/ news_story . a sp ? id = 9158 & channel = 6 4.22 . F rom 3 to 11 ...... Two Cumbrian firms have been contracted to take the number of turbines at Winscales , near Workington , from three to 11 www . c umbria-online . c o . u k \/ viewarticle . a sp ? id = 154387 4.23 . M arine Renewables Directory The Marine Renewables Directory is an up to date , online database of vessels , ports and harbours , companies and service providers , allowing developers to search for appropriate resources , and the supply chain to ' showcase ' their capabilities . http:\/\/www.marinerenewablesdirectory.com 5 . W IND -- OVERSEAS Gamesa sells 469 mw of windfarms to Iberdrola in Spain and Portugal for 566 million euros www . g amesa . e s \/ ingles \/ noticias \/ noticias . h tm The EWEA supports the intention to eventually adopt support mechanisms for renewable electricity that are compatible with an undistorted Internal Market www . e wea . o rg \/ The REpower 5M , is feeding electricity into the grid . REpower has been successfully awarded one of the five sites up for tender in the Cuxhaven test field . An application for planning permission will be made by the new year so a REpower 5M can be erected by the end of 2005 www . r epower . d e Endesa will purchase wind farms from Gamesa in Italy with a total installed capacity of 200 MW and at an estimated cost of Euros 250 million . http:\/\/home.businesswire.com\/portal\/site\/google\/index.jsp? ndmViewId = news_view & newsId = 20041103005621 & REpower Systems has signed a licence agreement with China's Dongfang Steam Turbine Works who will produce the MD70 and MD77 turbines to sell in China . www . r epower . d e A record number of new U. S. wind energy projects is expected next year , spurred by Congress' decision to extend a federal tax credit for wind energy production www . p lanetark . c om \/ dailynewsstory . c fm \/ newsid \/ 27956 \/ story . h tm RES America Construction has ordered 36 Vestas V82-1 . 65 MW wind turbines . Nebraska Public Power District will own the wind power plant and utilize the power output www . v estas . c om \/ uk \/ news \/ press \/ newsSE_Detail_UK_04 . a sp ? ID = 103 Winergy and Atlantis Power will jointly explore the development of offshore wind farms using Winergy sites and Atlantis Power offshore platform technologies www . e mediawire . c om \/ releases \/ 2004 \/ 11 \/ emw178477 . h tm The southern hemisphere's largest wind turbines have begun generating electricity in South Australia . The Canunda wind farm site consists of 23 2MW turbines www . w indprospect . c om . a u The Swedish governing party and two coalition parties have agreed to speed up the installation of several big offshore wind farms . www . w indpower . o rg \/ en \/ news040929 . h tm With few serious concerns raised by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers , the USA's first offshore windfarm at Cape Cod could be under construction within a year www . c apecodonline . c om \/ cctimes \/ corpszxreport9 . h tm 6 . W AVE AND TIDAL 6.1 . M inister briefed on Wave Hub Energy minister Mike O ' Brien was briefed on plans to create a Wave Hub off the coast of north Cornwall . A feasibility study on the revolutionary scheme is due to be completed by the end of the year . http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/1\/hi\/england\/cornwall\/4023341.stm 6.2 . S tingray news from EB EB has completed its programme to design , build , install offshore , test and decommission a full scale demonstrator of its Stingray tidal stream generator . The next phase is to design and build a 5MW pre-commercial power station to demonstrate the technology on a commercial scale , a project which would cost in excess of \u00a3 20 million . EB alone can not fund such a project and has put a hold on future development of Stingray until there are clear indications that this level of investment is likely to yield a satisfactory return . www . e ngb . c om 6.3 . T esting at NaREC Ecofys is testing a 1 : 10 scale model of Wave Rotor at NaREC in Blyth . Performance , blade configurations and inertia are being investigated . Funded under the Carbon Trust Marine Energy Challenge Programme the testing is being supervised by Halcrow www . e cofys . c om \/ com \/ news \/ news . h tm 6.4 . P ort Kembla structure has arrived The main structural component of the Port Kembla Wave Energy Project , weighing 485 tonnes and with dimensions of 40m by 35m by 18m has arrived at Port Kembla in Australia www . e nergetech . c om . a u \/ 6.5 . S MART award for Scottish wave device More than \u00a3 1m is to be awarded to small Scottish companies under the latest round of the Scottish Executive's SMART : S cotland R & D support programme - the development of a wave energy converter by Aberdeen company Nordeng benefits www . s cotland . g ov . u k \/ News \/ Releases \/ 2004 \/ 11 \/ 01081903 6.6 . T idEl wins Technology Entrepreneur award SMD Hydrovision have been awarded 1 st place in the ' Technology Entrepreneur ' event sponsored by E-Synergy and The Carbon Trust . www . s mdhydrovision . c om \/ news \/ ? news_id = 22 6.7 . G ood news for Tidal Electric The Chinese government has expressed enthusiastic support of Tidal Electric's 300 MW offshore tidal lagoon near the mouth of the Yalu River by signing an agreement pledging to cooperate with the development www . t idalelectric . c om \/ News % 20China . h tm 6.8 . A WS aims for Scottish manufacture AWS Ocean Energy Ltd aims to bring manufacturing of the world's largest wave power generator to Scotland www . t hisisnorthscotland . c o . u k \/ displayNode . j sp ? nodeId = 149235 & command = displayContent & sourceNode = 149218 6.9 . A lderney tidal plans A panel reviewing alternative forms of power in the island of Alderney is recommending a tidal energy commission is set up http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/2\/hi\/europe\/guernsey\/4016665.stm 7 . B IOENERGY 7.1 . B iofuels offer opportunities for farmers Biofuels could become a major revenue earner for Britain's arable farmers within 5-10 years - much will depend on government support , a major study into the UK cereals sector concludes http:\/\/story.news.yahoo.com\/news? tmpl = story & cid = 570 & ncid = 753 & e = 2 & u = \/ nm \/ 20041122 \/ sc_nm \/ environment_br 7.2 . W here there 's muck , there 's gas . Scientists have created genetically modified yeasts and fungi that can turn agricultural waste into fuel for cars and trucks http:\/\/observer.guardian.co.uk\/uk_news\/story\/0,6903,1356121,00.html 7.3 . G row with energy in mind Scotland's Rural Development Minister Ross Finnie urged arable farmers to be innovative in identifying new opportunities for their businesses and spoke of novel crops for biomass www . s cotland . g ov . u k \/ News \/ Releases \/ 2004 \/ 11 \/ 09101847 7.4 . U K push for biomass Food and Farming minister Larry Whitty unveiled the \u00a3 3 . 5million UK-wide Bio-Energy Infrastructure Scheme www . t hisisthelakedistrict . c o . u k \/ farm \/ farming \/ display . v ar . 540683 . 0 . b iomass_gaining_energy . p hp 8 . F UEL CELLS AND HYDROGEN 8.1 . T omorrow's petrol is a gas Shell's first US hydrogen station is open reports John Vidal in The Guardian . But will we all be filling up soon ? http:\/\/education.guardian.co.uk\/higher\/sciences\/story\/0,12243,1347842,00.html 9 . H YDRO 9.1 . R oyal family's green credentials The power of the River Thames is to be harnessed to help provide electricity for Windsor Castle in a scheme that underlines the Royal family's green credentials . www . t imesonline . c o . u k \/ article \/ 0 ,, 2087-1337741 , 00 . h tml 9.2 . C ontract for Dulas Dulas Hydro has been awarded a \u00a3 250,000 design , construct and commissioning contract by RWE npower , to refurbish a 700kW hydro scheme at Auchtertyre in Scotland www . r enewable-resources . c om \/ d_base \/ news . p hp ? category = dulas 10 . N UCLEAR 10.1 . N uclear power at the IoD Nuclear power featured at an energy seminar organised by the Institute of Directors . Delegates heard arguments for and against the role nuclear power should play in the UK's future energy strategy www . i od . c om \/ is-bin \/ INTERSHOP . e nfinity \/ eCS \/ Store \/ en \/ - \/ GBP \/ IODDirectLink-Start ? Type = Content & TemplateNa 10.2 . D isposing of nuclear waste -- the options CoRWM , the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management , met to draw up , for the first time , a short list of options for dealing with the UK's nuclear waste from its ' long list ' of 15 www . c orwm . o rg . u k \/ content-0 10.3 . T en new nuclear stations for UK ? the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management has raised the prospect that 10 new nuclear stations could be built in Britain http:\/\/news.independent.co.uk\/business\/news\/story.jsp? story = 580268 11 . P V AND SOLAR 11.1 . T hree trophies for solarcentury solarcentury won three trophies at the annual \" Inner City 100 \" awards ceremony in the City of London - an annual league table of the hundred fastest growing inner city companies www . s olarcentury . c o . u k \/ news \/ 11.2 . S olargen look to Italy Solargen has formed a partnership with the Aprile Group to break into the Italian market http:\/\/icwales.icnetwork.co.uk\/0300business\/0100news\/tm_objectid=14854449&method=full&siteid=50082&h 11.3 . S olar and fuel cells to combat flooding Dabbrook Services , the Environment Agency and BOC have joined forces on a project combining solar power with electricity generated by hydrogen fuel cells to control river levels and prevent flooding by powering an automated weir http:\/\/business.edp24.co.uk\/story.aspx? brand = BIZOnline & category = Business & tBrand = BIZOnline & tCategory = 11.4 . B P Solar in profit BP Solar is turning profitable for the first time in its 30-year history and aims to more than double its manufacturing capacity www . r euters . c o . u k \/ newsPackageArticle . j html ? type = reutersEdgeNews & storyID = 618431 & section = finance 11.5 . S cotland's largest PV installation The largest photovoltaic installation in Scotland has been installed at Sir E. Scott School in the Western Isles www . c ne-siar . g ov . u k \/ press \/ 041102 . h tm 11.6 . S olar power in Spain Spain is making solar panels compulsory in new and renovated buildings www . t imesonline . c o . u k \/ article \/ 0 ,, 3-1350946 , 00 . h tml 11.7 . S olar dish development Six solar dish-engine systems for electricity generation are being built and tested in the USA - they will provide enough grid-ready solar electricity to power more than 40 homes www . i nnovations-report . c om \/ html \/ reports \/ energy_engineering \/ report-36065 . h tml 12 . A ND OTHER SOURCES North Sea CO2 storage Environmental affairs minister , Elliot Morley , has asked for support for the country's plans to store CO 2 in the sediments at the bottom of the North Sea www . b ellona . n o \/ en \/ energy \/ 35951 . h tml Geothermal power for University Warmth from the earth will be used as a heat source in a new Environmental Centre for Wales , to be built on the University of Wales , Bangor's Science Site www . n ewswales . c o . u k \/ ? section = Environment & F = 1 & id = 7488 CHP opening welcomed Margaret Beckett formally opened ConocoPhillips' Immingham CHP project - at 730Mwe , one of the largest , cleanest and most efficient Combined Heat and Power ( CHP ) plants in Europe www . c hpa . o rg \/ press_releases \/ 2004 \/ Immingham % 20Launch % 2001 % 20Nov % 2004 . d oc 13 . J OB HUNTING ? Garrad Hassan is looking to recruit civil \/ structural engineers www . g arradhassan . c om \/ jobs \/ index . h tm 14 . K EEPING UP TO DATE For daily news www . n arec . c o . u k For a regularly updated list of all known industry events go to www . a ll-energy . c o . u k \/ eventlist . p hp Data Protection Act 1998 Media Generation Events Limited will hold your email address on its computer database . This will only be accessed , retrieved and used for the purpose of distributing the News @ All-Energy newsletter and providing information on All-Energy . Your data will not be passed to third parties , and the data owner will at all times be Media Generation Events Limited . If you do n't want to receive News @ All-Energy , email info @ all-energy . c o . u k with \" Remove \" in the subject line and your contact details in the message . Colleagues wishing to receive News @ All-Energy free of charge should email the same address with their full contact details and \" Subscribe \" as the subject .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Kursaal Congress Centre and Auditorium is a complex comprising several spaces : a great auditorium , many-use halls and exhibition halls . It was designed by Spanish architect Rafael Moneo , and is located in Donostia-San Sebasti\u00e1n ( Basque Country , Spain ) . It opened in 1999 . It consists of several spaces , including the 1 , 800-seat concert hall , the Palacio de Congresos-Auditorio Kursaal , and is the home of the biggest film festival in Spain , the San Sebastian International Film Festival , in existence since 1953 . The historic Kursaal casino , next to the river's mouth The Great Kursaal was an elegant palace built in 1921 , incorporating a casino , a restaurant , a cinema theater , complementary rooms and an 859-seat theater , placed in front of the Gros beach , and next to the mouth of the Urumea river , but it was pulled down in 1973 . An empty plot ( later called K Plot ) was freed . The absence of any architectonic structure in such a privileged site for so many years was remarkable . At the time the old palace was pulled down , a competition was held to find a replacement . However , the winning project was never constructed due to its complexity . A new project proposal was submitted in 1972 . After a few changes to the design , building work was started in 1975 , but after the perimeter wall was complete and the foundations in place , works was halted . The plot of land then passed from private hands ( as the Great Kursaal had been private ) to public hands , so a public consortium was created for the purposes of constructing a new building . After the project was written down between 1991 and 1994 , the works were begun in 1996 , and were not finished until 1999 . During this period some funding problems arose , mainly because of the refusal of the Basque Government ( who paid for a 16 % of the total cost ) to increase the funds . After these problems were solved , the works were concluded in 1999 . The Kursaal Congress Centre was designed by Rafael Moneo and awarded the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture in 2001 . The initial impact of the buildings in the Donostia landscape ( characterized by its French style architecture ) was deemed negative by Donostians : the curved sandstone buildings clashed with a sharp-edged crystal structure . The significance of the building ( opened August 23 , 1999 , with a concert of the Euskadi Simphonic Orchestra and Ainhoa Arteta ) was also eclipsed by the parallel construction of the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao , which was twice as expensive as the Kursaal . However , after an adaptation period , and thanks to the positive impact it had in the economy , tourism and cultural life of Donostia , most citizens today appreciate the Kursaal building , and support it . Night view of Kursaal Palace lit up with Rainbow flag colors . It is mainly constituted as two large prismatic volumes , that emerge from a platform . Each \" cube \" ( as they are known ) , is formed by an inner prismatic structure , surrounded by double translucent glass panels , which are supported by a metallic structure . Between the cubes there is a big walkable surface , with sights to the Zurriola Beach and the mouth of the Urumea river . Various concerts of the Donostia Jazz Festival ( \" Jazzaldia \" ) , and many other events , take place in that terrace . Kursaal Auditorium Placed inside the biggest cube ( and closest to the sea ) , this auditorium can hold an audience of 1,800 , and is the most frequently used one for big events . The first seat rows can be removed to make room for the orchestra in an opera . Chamber Hall This seats 600 people , and is placed in the small cube . It is used for congresses or smaller concerts . Multiple-use rooms These are used for a variety of events for more limited audiences . Exhibition halls The halls are used for housing galleries and other exhibitions . Kubo Hall It is an exhibition hall under the supervision of the Kutxa savings bank . Moreover , the building has a restaurant owned by Mart\u00edn Berasategui , various shops in its basement , and a car park .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Do you remember the debut of Napster ? Say goodbye to cds and tape cassettes ( for those that still had that feature installed in their cars ) . With the invention of Napster , music was made available for free simply by streaming the music to shared folders on the computer . The age of digital music was born overnight . Napster exploded rapidly across the United States and around the world . The younger computer advance generation could not stream fast enough their favorite artist's music to their personal music libraries . Napster was great . Who wo n't like obtaining music for free ? Well , the musicians , their agents and recording companies did not like it one bit . How would you like working for free ? Essentially Napster stole all their profits by generously making their music available to everyone without charging them a dime . Naturally , the music industry fought back . Napster was clearly violating copyright infringement laws protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act . Napster eventually lost the case and was forced to shut down in 2001 after not being able to comply with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling to block access of 100 % of infringing material when notified of that material's location on Napster's shared files . Napster may have shut down , but the age of digital music streaming did not . In the past few years other digital music streaming companies have emerged . Pandora and Spotify are both popular music streaming services . Each of these companies still offers free music to their members . Have you ever wondered how these companies are able to offer you music for free like Napster did without running into the same legal trouble as Napster ? The difference between their companies and Napster is that these companies pay the artists per song stream . In order for the artist's music to be made available to members , they need to first negotiate licensing agreements with the artist . The licensing agreements are based on monthly revenue , how many streams per month , how well known of an artist , and what country the stream is coming from . All these variables come into play when determining licensing terms . How then do these companies make money ? The model for generating money for these companies is the same . The companies let advertisers promote radio commercials onto their service in exchange for payment . Members who opt to receive the free basic membership are subjected to commercials periodically after several songs are played . If members wish to pay for an upgraded membership that allows them to listen to music without interruption of commercials , then these members pay an annual membership fee . This also helps contribute to the company's overall revenue . The digital music streaming business is constantly changing . As the technology advances and new applications are incorporated , the licensing agreements will need to evolve as well .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The past financial year has been an important one in the development of Evolutec as the company moves towards its objective of becoming a diversified biopharmaceutical company capable of the discovery , development and commercialisation of important therapeutic products . Evolutec made progress an all fronts as it obtained positive clinical results with its lead product candidate , rEV131 , positive trial results in cattle with its lead vaccine candidate in collaboration with Merial and exciting preclinical results with rEV576 in a myasthenia gravis model . The Company is in a position to make significant progress in the coming year . Evolutec now has the funds to conduct at least three definitive Phase II clinical studies on rEV131 during 2006 in a range of respiratory and ophthalmic indications . Furthermore it can also conduct the work to bring additional molecules into clinical development . This is due to the strong support that we received from our investors during two placings that took place in 2005 . Evolutec has recruited a team of experienced individuals to carry out our plans . The team brings to Evolutec a broad range of expertise in the key areas of discovery , drug development and business development . This is coupled with an experienced executive team to provide the leadership skills that Evolutec requires . The Company has also built up very good relations with a range of contract organisations both in the US and Europe to use in sub-contracting the development work . I would like to thank all the individuals both within Evolutec and our supplier companies who have worked on our projects for their dedicated efforts in the past year . In addition to the progress in products and people , Evolutec continues to evolve rapidly into a significant biotechnology company . The Company has moved its location to a business park in Reading which we believe is an attractive location to grow and commercialise our business . The Company has made significant strides in complying with the regulatory requirements placed on the Company both as a consequence of its public listing on the AIM Market as well as those imposed by international regulatory agencies in the drug development process . Our objective is to meet the highest regulatory standards wherever possible . In particular , we will be looking to strengthen the Board by the appointment of an additional Non-Executive Director in the coming year . Looking forward we expect the Company to deliver significant value to its shareholders . In addition to the scientific and clinical progress we will be looking to establish commercial relations with partners in both the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"This is the first time I have ever shared this with another human being , so it is not easy for me . I keep thinking , I am different . I am not like the others ... although perhaps I am , except I pull my hair from my head and not my eyebrows or eyelashes . Oh , this is so hard but good to have someone I hope will not think I am silly or I am going mad !!! I can remember the day I started , vividly , why I do n't know , maybe some sort of turning point in my life at the age of ten . During my teenage years while going to high school it got to the point of having bald patches behind my ears . I got my hair cut to hide it , as we always had to have out hair up and you could see the bald spots clearly . I do n't remember my parents or anybody else saying anything to me about this , they were always too busy and did n't understand . I am now 48 , never got on with my parents and ran away from home when I was 14 , never went back till I was over 21 . I have never lived at home and can only stand a day there . I find it comes and goes , depending what happens in my life . I believe stress is a big factor . When I gave up smoking several years ago I had nothing to do with my hands so I took up hair pulling again , biting my nails and the skin around them . It 's worse when I am watching TV or not busy with my hands and when I have time to sit and do nothing , boredom . I usually head for the fridge or pull my hair out . Something - I am not sure what , must be happening in my life as in the last few years my weight has ballooned and my hair pulling has been bad in the last few months . I have been dieting and have now lost a lot but have been very very unhappy for a long time . I was never sexually abused by my parents , emotionally I would say , yes . When my parents spoke of their life as children I can now understand why they were like the way there were , always aloof and just out of reach . I always thought I was strange and I did something really weird , I had no idea there was a name for it until one night they featured one brave lady on a current affairs program about pulling her hair out , then I knew . Once , while I was at the doctors with my children I asked him about trichtillomania because I had heard people who have it do the same as I did , he told me not to be so silly , how could I have ADD and did I really think at my age I had it and did I want to start on all these drugs , with no cure . Obviously , that really put me off , I felt like a real idiot . That was years ago , my children are grown up now . THEN , last night because my hair pulling has been so bad in the last month I and I was at my witts end what to do , I do n't know why but I decided to type in ' pulling your hair out and eating it \" on my computer and bingo ! I could n't believe my eyes when all this info came up on your website and I could see with my own eyes that I am not alone after all these years ! I can stop it when I really try . I tell my hands not to do it and try not to think about it and it is very hard but the urge goes away in the end . Sometimes I can be pull free for months at a time then I think ' oh I have n't done that for ages and bang away it goes again ' that 's the way I describe it anyway . It is not an easy thing to accept there is something wrong with you . I have been through all the phyciatrists when I was younger , as I can not relate emotionally to my parents or children . When my Dad died last year I could not shed a tear and still can not . My Mum can not still tell me she loves me , even though I say it to spite her . Since I have grown older I have eventually been able to come to terms with the way I am and now have my ways to get around things . I am a very happy , strong , bubbly , outgoing , person on the outside but a very miserable person on the inside , with all these problems I hide very well . THANK YOU , THANK YOU !!","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"( 1 ) This Order may be cited as the Private Streets ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1980 . ( 2 ) Commencement Interpretation 2 . -- ( 1 ) The Interpretation Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1954 M12 shall apply to Article 1 and the following provisions of this Order as it applies to a Measure of the Northern Ireland Assembly . ( 2 ) In this Order -- \" adjoining \" includes abutting on ; \" building regulations \" means regulations made under Article 3 ( 1 ) of the Building Regulations ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1972 M13 or under Article 3 ( 1 ) of the Building Regulations ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1979 M14 ; \" the Department \" means the Department of the Environment ; \" fronting \" includes adjoining ; \" industrial premises \" means premises used or designed or suitable for use for the carrying on of any industrial undertaking and includes premises used for purposes ancillary to the carrying on of any such undertaking ; \" industrial undertaking \" includes any undertaking by which any process for , or incidental to , any of the following purposes is , or is intended to be , carried on -- ( a ) the making of any article or substance , or part of any article or substance ; ( b ) the altering , repairing , ornamenting , finishing , cleaning , washing , preserving , packing , canning , adapting for sale , breaking-up or demolition of any article or substance ; ( c ) without prejudice to paragraph ( b ) , the getting , dressing or preparation for sale of minerals or the extraction or preparation for sale of oil or brine , being a process carried on in the course of a trade or business ; and for the purposes of this definition , the expression \" article \" means an article of any description , including a [ F011 ship as defined in the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 ] ; \" owner \" means the person for the time being receiving the rack rent of the lands or premises in connection with which the word is used , whether on his own account or as agent or trustee for any other person , or who would so receive the same if such land or premises were let at a rack rent ; \" paving \" includes metalling and flagging and all other methods of making a carriage-way , footway or footpath ; \" the Planning Order \" means the Planning ( Northern Ireland ) Order [ F005 1991 ] ; \" premises \" includes land ; \" public body \" means a body established by or under any statutory provision ; \" public road \" means a street which is maintainable at the expense of the Department ; \" responsible person \" has the meaning assigned to it by Article 36 ; \" statutory provision \" has the meaning assigned to it by section 1 ( f ) of the Interpretation Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1954 M15 ; \" street \" includes -- ( a ) any highway , any public bridge and any road , lane , footpath , square , court , alley or passage , whether a thoroughfare or not ; ( b ) any part of a street ; and ( c ) any land which the Department , in exercise of street planning functions , determines shall be regarded as being comprised in a street for the purposes of Part III ; \" street planning functions \" has the meaning assigned to it by Article 3 ( 2 ) ; \" street works \" means any works for the sewering , levelling , paving , channelling and making good of a street [ F007 and includes the provision of proper means for lighting a street ] ; \" transfer \" in relation to premises or any estate therein includes any disposal of the premises or estate whether by sale , lease , exchange , gift or otherwise . ( 3 ) For the purposes of this Order , the frontage of a building or proposed building on a street shall be deemed to be the frontage that the building itself and any land occupied or , as the case may be , proposed to be occupied , with the building and for the purposes thereof has or will have on the street . ( 4 ) In ascertaining a majority in number of owners for the purposes of this Order , joint owners and owners holding as tenants in common shall be treated as one owner . ( 5 ) In this Order \" private street \" means a street other than a public road and , for the purpose of the application of Part V in relation to any building , includes any land shown as a proposed street on plans deposited with respect to that building on a planning application under the Planning Order or in accordance with building regulations ; and the fact that a part of a street is a public road shall not prevent any other part thereof from being taken for the purposes of this Order to be a part of a private street . PART II LAYING OUT AND CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS Exercise of street planning functions by the Department 3 . -- ( 1 ) Where the development of land for which planning permission is required under Part IV of the Planning Order consists of or includes or appears to require the laying out or construction of streets , the Department shall determine the width , position and arrangement of the streets , and the land to be regarded for the purposes of Part III as being comprised in those streets . ( 2 ) The functions exercisable by the Department by virtue of paragraph ( 1 ) are in this Order referred to as \" street planning functions \" and , where regulations are made under paragraph ( 3 ) , shall be exercised in accordance with those regulations . ( 3 ) The Department may , by regulations which shall be subject to affirmative resolution , prescribe minimum standards to be applied by it in the exercise of street planning functions , and the regulations may empower the Department to dispense with or relax any of the requirements of the regulations in respect of such matters as may be specified in the regulations . ( 4 ) The Department may , where it considers it necessary for the exercise of street planning functions , require the applicant for permission for the development of any land to submit plans and particulars showing the general scheme for the development of the land of which any street is intended to form part . [ F006 ( 4A ) Where street planning functions are exercisable by the Department in relation to a street which joins an existing public road , the Department may , subject to paragraph ( 4B ) , attach to any determination under this Article in respect of that street a requirement that such works as the Department considers necessary for the improvement of that public road are carried out in accordance with an agreement under paragraph ( 4C ) . ( 4B ) Works required under paragraph ( 4A ) for the improvement of a public road shall be works which are either -- ( a ) within the boundary of that road ; or ( b ) on land owned by the Department . ( 4C ) The Department may enter into an agreement under seal with any person -- ( a ) for the carrying out at the expense of that person of works required under paragraph ( 4A ) ; and ( b ) for the issue of a certificate by the Department when those works have been completed in accordance with the agreement and the terms and conditions of the agreement have been duly complied with . ( 4D ) An agreement under paragraph ( 4C ) between the Department and any other person -- ( a ) shall contain such detailed provisions as to the nature of the works to be carried out as the Department thinks fit ; and ( b ) may include provision for ensuring that , for such period as may be specified in the agreement , any defects in those works shall be remedied by , and at the expense of , that person . ( 4E ) The person with whom the Department enters into an agreement under paragraph ( 4C ) shall secure the due performance of the agreement by means of a guarantee bond or by any other means acceptable to the Department . ( 4F ) A certificate issued by the Department under paragraph ( 4C ) ( b ) in respect of any works shall be conclusive for all purposes of this Order that those works have been carried out in accordance with the agreement . ( 4G ) In paragraph ( 4A ) \" improvement \" has the same meaning as in [ F010 Article 43 of the Roads ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1993 ] . ] ( 5 ) Where the Department grants outline planning permission for the development of any land and that permission is conditional upon the subsequent approval of the particulars of the proposed development , the Department may defer its determination of the matters referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) pending the submission of those particulars . [ F006 ( 5A ) The Department may stop up or temporarily close any street which another person has constructed -- ( a ) before a determination has been given by the Department under paragraph ( 1 ) in respect of that street ; or ( b ) otherwise than in conformity with a determination so given . ] ( 6 ) In this Article \" outline planning permission \" has the same meaning as in the Planning Order . Application of the Planning Order 4 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this Order , functions exercisable in relation to development under the Planning Order shall be deemed to include street planning functions and an application for planning permission under that Order shall be deemed to include an application for the determination by the Department of any matters set out in Article 3 ( 1 ) which appear to the Department to require to be determined in accordance with the application for planning permission . ( 2 ) The Planning Order shall apply to the exercise of street planning functions in like manner as it applies to the exercise of functions in relation to development . ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of [ F005 Article 32 ] of the Planning Order , an applicant for permission for the development of any land may appeal under that Article against the refusal of the Department to dispense with or relax as respects that land any standards prescribed in regulations made under Article 3 ( 3 ) which it is empowered by those regulations to dispense with or relax . ( 4 ) For the purposes of Part VI of the Planning Order , failure to provide a street for which planning permission has been granted either under the Planning Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1944 M16 or the Planning Order shall be deemed to be a breach of planning control and the powers exercisable by the Department under that Part shall include power to provide that street . Standards for construction of streets 5 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may , by regulations which shall be subject to affirmative resolution -- ( a ) prescribe standards in relation to any matter ( other than a matter in relation to which regulations may be made under Article 3 ( 3 )) in connection with or affecting the construction of streets ; ( b ) draw up and include in the regulations such detailed requirements as may be necessary in relation to all or any of the matters for which regulations may be made under this paragraph ; ( c ) provide for the determination of any question arising under the regulations between the Department and the person by or on whose behalf plans are deposited ; ( d ) provide for the giving of notices and the deposit of plans ; ( e ) provide for the inspection of work and for the carrying out of such investigations and tests and the taking of such samples as are necessary to ensure that the work is in conformity with the regulations ; ( f ) provide for the removal or alteration of work not in conformity with the regulations ; ( g ) provide that no work shall be commenced on matters to which regulations under this paragraph apply until any question arising under the regulations has been determined or any plans required to be deposited have been approved by the Department ; ( h ) provide for the [ F006 bearing of any expenses ] in connection with -- ( i ) the carrying out of [ F006 inspections , ] investigations and tests and the taking of samples for the purposes of regulations made under sub-paragraph ( e ) , and ( ii ) the removal or alteration of work for the purposes of regulations made under sub-paragraph ( f ) . ( 2 ) Regulations made under paragraph ( 1 ) may empower the Department to dispense with or relax any of the requirements of the regulations in respect of such matters as may be specified in the regulations and may include such supplemental and incidental provisions as appear to the Department to be expedient . ( 3 ) Any person who contravenes regulations made under paragraph ( 1 ) shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding \u00a3 500 and to a further fine not exceeding \u00a3 50 for each day during which the offence continues after conviction therefor . Appeal against refusal to relax regulations made under Article 5 6 . -- ( 1 ) Where application is made to the Department to dispense with or relax any requirement of regulations made under Article 5 ( 1 ) which it is empowered by those regulations to dispense with or relax and it appears to the Department that the application should be refused , the Department shall , within a period of 28 days from the day on which such application is made , issue notice to that effect to the applicant giving such reasons as it considers appropriate . ( 2 ) Before determining an application under this Article , the Department shall , if it sees fit , or if the applicant so requests within a period of 28 days from the day on which he receives such notice , afford to the applicant an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed for that purpose by the Planning Appeals Commission and considered by it to be qualified in that behalf . ( 3 ) Where a hearing is held under paragraph ( 2 ) , the Department shall consider any recommendations made by the person appointed under that paragraph . PART III ADOPTION OF PRIVATE STREETS AS PUBLIC ROADS Adoption of streets dealt with under Article 3 7 . -- ( 1 ) A street or part of a street in respect of which the Department has exercised street planning functions , shall not be adopted as a public road unless the street comprises land which the Department , in exercise of its street planning functions , has determined shall be regarded as being comprised in the street for the purposes of this Part and -- ( a ) the aggregate length of the frontages of the completed buildings on both sides of the street constitutes at least one-half of that of all the frontages on both sides thereof , and the street or part of a street is joined to a street which is a public road or is likely to become a public road within a reasonable time ; or ( b ) the Department has issued a notice under Article 11 requiring the execution of all works which are reasonably necessary to bring the street into conformity with regulations made under Article 5 ( 1 ) ; or ( c ) the street has been provided in accordance with an agreement under Article 32 . ( 2 ) [ F006 Subject to paragraph ( 2A ) , ] where the Department is satisfied that -- ( a ) a street has been provided in conformity with a determination under Article 3 ( 1 ) ; ( b ) the street , or part of the street , satisfies the conditions specified in paragraph ( 1 ) ( a ) or ( b ) ; and ( c ) all works which are reasonably necessary to bring the street into conformity with regulations made under Article 5 ( 1 ) have been executed ; the Department may issue a preliminary certificate to that effect . [ F006 ( 2A ) Where a requirement mentioned in Article 3 ( 4A ) is attached to a determination given under Article 3 ( 1 ) in respect of a street , the Department shall not issue a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) unless the Department is satisfied that that requirement has been complied with . ] ( 3 ) Where the Department is satisfied that a street has been properly maintained during a period of one year from the date on which a preliminary certificate was issued in respect of it and that any defects occurring during that period have been made good , the Department may issue a certificate to that effect . [ F006 ( 4 ) Where -- ( a ) a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) and a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) have been issued in respect of a street ; and ( b ) no application under paragraph ( 4A ) has been received by the Department within the period of 28 days beginning on the date on which the certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) was issued , the Department shall on the expiry of that period declare the street to be a public road and the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . ( 4A ) The person to whom a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) and a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) have been issued in respect of a street may , within the period mentioned in paragraph ( 4 ) ( b ) , make application to the Department requesting that the Department should not declare the street to be a public road under this Article . ( 4B ) Subject to paragraphs ( 4D ) to ( 4F ) , on an application made to it under paragraph ( 4A ) in respect of a private street the Department may -- ( a ) grant the request in the application and not make any declaration under this Article in respect of the street ; or ( b ) refuse the request and declare the street to be a public road ; and the decision of the Department on any such application shall be final . ( 4C ) Where the Department declares a street to be a public road under paragraph ( 4B ) ( b ) the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . ( 4D ) Where an application is made to the Department under paragraph ( 4A ) in respect of a private street and the Department is of the opinion that the request in the application should not be granted the Department shall issue notice to that effect to the applicant giving such reasons as it considers appropriate . ( 4E ) Before determining an application under paragraph ( 4A ) , the Department may , or if the applicant so requests within 28 days from the date of the notice under paragraph ( 4D ) shall , afford to him an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed for that purpose by the Planning Appeals Commission and considered by it to be qualified in that behalf . ( 4F ) Where a hearing is held under paragraph ( 4E ) , the Department shall consider any recommendations made by the person appointed under that paragraph . ] ( 5 ) Where an application is made for a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) or a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) and the certificate is not issued within 28 days from the day on which that application was made , the certificate shall be deemed to have been refused on the day on which that period expires . ( 6 ) An applicant for a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) or a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) which is refused or deemed to have been refused may , within the 28 days next following and after serving notice of appeal on the Department , appeal to a court of summary jurisdiction on the ground that the conditions for the issue of the certificate have been fulfilled . ( 7 ) If , on an appeal under paragraph ( 6 ) , the court is satisfied that such conditions have been fulfilled , it may direct the Department to issue the certificate . ( 8 ) Subject to [ F010 Article 11 of the Roads ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1993 ] ( provisions as to extraordinary traffic ) and any other statutory provision relating to liability for injury or damage to a public road , a person who has been issued with a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) and with a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) in respect of a street shall be free from all liability for any expenses [ F006 incurred after the date of a declaration under paragraph ( 4 ) or ( 4B ) ( b ) ] in carrying out any street works in that street ( other than works required to make good any damage caused by any subsequent act on his part of negligence or malfeasance ) . Adoption of streets provided in accordance with an agreement under Article 32 8 . [ F006 ( 1 ) ] Subject to [ F006 paragraph ( 2 ) and ] Article 7 ( 1 ) , where a street has been provided in accordance with an agreement under Article 32 , the Department shall declare the street to be a public road and the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . [ F006 ( 2 ) Where a requirement mentioned in Article 3 ( 4A ) is attached to a determination given under Article 3 ( 1 ) in respect of a street , the Department shall not declare the street to be a public road under paragraph ( 1 ) unless the Department is satisfied that that requirement has been complied with . ] [ F006 Adoption of streets on request of , or with consent of , owners or occupiers of adjoining land 9 . -- ( 1 ) This Article shall not apply to any street in respect of which the Department has exercised street planning functions , unless the Department has granted the request in an application under Article 7 ( 4A ) in respect of the street . ] ( 2 ) Where with respect to a street or part of a street not being a public road -- ( a ) the Department is of the opinion that the street should become a public road , and a majority of the owners or occupiers of the land in or adjoining such street consent thereto in writing ; or ( b ) a majority of such owners or occupiers request in writing that the street should become a public road and the Department is of the opinion that the request should be granted ; then , if the Department is satisfied that the street is in all respects fit and proper to become a public road , the Department may declare the street to be a public road and the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . ( 3 ) Where a street meets the conditions set out in paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) or ( b ) but the Department is not satisfied that the street is in all respects fit and proper to become a public road , the Department may , in exceptional circumstances of such a kind as it may determine , declare the street to be a public road , and the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . ( 4 ) Where an application is made to the Department to declare a street to be a public road and the Department is of the opinion that the request should not be granted the Department shall issue notice to that effect to the applicant giving such reasons as it considers appropriate . ( 5 ) Before determining an application under this Article , the Department may , or if the applicant so requests within 28 days from the date of the notice under paragraph ( 4 ) shall , afford to him an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed for that purpose by the Planning Appeals Commission and considered by it to be qualified in that behalf . ( 6 ) Where a hearing is held under paragraph ( 5 ) , the Department shall consider any recommendations made by the person appointed under that paragraph . ( 7 ) The decision of the Department on any such application shall be final . Vesting and control of drains 10 . A drain appertaining to a street , which -- ( a ) becomes a public road after the coming into operation of this Order , or ( b ) which became a public road after 12th October 1964 , and is used solely for the purpose of draining streets shall , whether or not it forms part of the street , vest in and be under the control of the Department from the date on which that street becomes , or became , a public road . [ F007 Vesting and control of lighting equipment 10A . Any lamps , lamp posts , cables or other equipment installed for the purpose of providing a proper means for lighting a street which becomes a public road after the coming into operation of Article 3 of the Private Streets ( Amendment ) ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1992 shall , unless already so vested , vest in and be under the control of the Department from the date on which that street becomes a public road . ] PART IV MAKING-UP OF PRIVATE STREETS Notice requiring street works in private street 11 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraphs ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) , where a private street is not , to the satisfaction of the Department , sewered , levelled , paved , channelled [ F007 , made good and lighted , ] the Department may , by notice in writing served on the person appearing to it to be the responsible person , require that person to execute within such time , not being less than 28 days , as may be specified in the notice , street works with respect to the street of such a nature as may be indicated therein . ( 2 ) Where street works are required under paragraph ( 1 ) to be executed with respect to a part only of a street ( not being a part extending for the whole of the length of the street ) , the requirement shall be made only of each person who is a responsible person in respect of street works in the length of the street which constitutes or comprises that part . ( 3 ) Where , before 13th October 1964 -- ( a ) street works were executed under any statutory provision relating to private streets with respect to a part only of a private street , being a part extending for the whole of the length of the street , and ( b ) those works were executed only by , or at the expense only of , the owners or occupiers of the premises fronting one side of the street , and ( c ) the Department requires street works to be executed under paragraph ( 1 ) with respect to any part of the street extending for the whole of the length of the street , other than a part in which street works were previously executed as aforesaid , then , notwithstanding anything in paragraph ( 2 ) , the requirement shall not be made of the owners of premises fronting that part of the street on which street works were previously carried out . ( 4 ) The Department may include in street works to be executed under paragraph ( 1 ) any works which it thinks necessary for bringing the street as regards sewerage , drainage , level , [ F007 lighting ] or other matters into conformity with other streets , whether maintainable at the public expense or not , including the provision of separate sewers for the reception of sewage and of surface water respectively . ( 5 ) The Department shall , in any notice under paragraph ( 1 ) , inform the person to whom it is addressed of any right of appeal under Article 12 and of the time within which such appeal may be made . ( 6 ) The Department may , by a further notice in writing served on the person on whom a notice is served under paragraph ( 1 ) , withdraw a notice served under paragraph ( 1 ) or substitute other requirements for those contained in a notice previously so served and such further notice shall , for all the purposes of this Order , be deemed to be a notice served under paragraph ( 1 ) . Appeal against notice under Article 11 12 . A person on whom a notice is served under Article 11 may , within a period of 28 days from the day on which the notice is served on him and after serving notice of the appeal on the Department , appeal to a court of summary jurisdiction on either or both of the following grounds -- ( a ) that he is not the responsible person ; ( b ) that the street is not a private street . Power of Department to execute street works 13 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , if a requirement under Article 11 is not complied with within the time specified in the notice containing that requirement , the Department may execute the street works indicated in the notice and , subject to the following provisions of this Part , may recover in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 from each responsible person in default such part of the expenses of the street works ( including a charge in respect of surveys , superintendence and notices [ ... ] F006 ) as may be apportioned to him in accordance with Article 14 . ( 2 ) Where an appeal has been made under Article 12 , the notice served under Article 11 shall be suspended until the appeal is finally determined or abandoned and where the appeal is disallowed or abandoned the time specified in that notice shall be reckoned from the date on which the appeal is so determined or abandoned , as the case may be . ( 3 ) Where the Department executes street works under paragraph ( 1 ) , the street shall be declared by the Department to be a public road and the street shall be a public road from the date of completion of the works . Apportionment of expenses 14 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to the following provisions of this Article , the expenses recoverable by the Department under this Order in respect of street works in a private street shall be apportioned against each responsible person under an apportionment according to the frontage for which he is responsible , but in determining the liability of each responsible person regard shall be had to the amount and value of any work already done otherwise than by the Department . ( 2 ) For the purposes of paragraph ( 1 ) , the frontage for which a person is responsible is , subject to Article 24 ( 12 ) and ( 13 ) , the frontage on the part of the street in respect of which he has , or is deemed under Article 24 ( 11 ) to have , paid or secured a sum under Article 24 ( 1 ) or given an undertaking under Article 24 ( 2 ) or in respect of which he has entered into an agreement under Article 32 , or , where no such prior provision for street works has been made , the frontage of the premises of which he is the owner . ( 3 ) Where -- ( a ) the amount of the expenses apportioned under paragraph ( 1 ) in respect of any frontage is disproportionate to the benefit derived by the premises having that frontage ; and ( b ) the street works to which those expenses relate are not street works in respect of which -- ( i ) a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) , or ( ii ) an undertaking has been given under Article 24 ( 2 ) , or ( iii ) an agreement has been entered into under Article 32 , the amount so apportioned shall be reduced by such amount as may appear equitable to the Department and the amount of any such reduction shall be borne by the Department . ( 4 ) Where under paragraph ( 3 ) , the Department reduces the expenses apportioned under paragraph ( 1 ) in respect of any frontage , the Department may recover from the responsible person in accordance with Article 15 , in whole or in part , the amount of the reduction if at any time access should be opened to the street so as to increase the benefit of the street works to the premises having that frontage . ( 5 ) The Department shall not be entitled to recover by virtue of paragraph ( 4 ) unless , at the time at which the reduction is made , it has served a notice on the responsible person indicating the circumstances in which such recovery may be made . ( 6 ) Where the Department is satisfied that street works carried out by it under this Order in a private street will benefit premises not fronting the street , the Department may apportion against any frontage of those premises such proportion of the expenses incurred by the Department in carrying out those street works as it thinks equitable according to the benefit derived . ( 7 ) Any sum apportioned under paragraph ( 6 ) shall be recoverable in accordance with Article 15 from the person or persons who would be the responsible persons if the street works were in respect of the street on which those premises have a frontage . Recovery of expenses by the Department 15 . -- ( 1 ) A demand in writing for any sum which is recoverable by the Department under any provision of this Order from any person in respect of the expenses of street works in a private street shall be served by the Department on that person or , where it is not possible for the demand to be so served , on any person appearing to the Department to be his agent or trustee . ( 2 ) The Department shall , in any demand under paragraph ( 1 ) , inform the person to whom it is addressed of his right of appeal under Article 16 and of the time within which such appeal may be made . ( 3 ) Where a demand is served under paragraph ( 1 ) on an agent or trustee of the person from whom the expenses are recoverable , the expenses shall , subject to paragraphs ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) , be recoverable from that agent or trustee . ( 4 ) The sum specified in a demand served under paragraph ( 1 ) , unless varied by the court on an appeal to it under Article 16 and , where the sum has been so varied , the sum which that court determines to be recoverable shall , together with interest thereon , be a civil debt due to the Department , and recoverable by it either summarily or in any court of competent jurisdiction . ( 5 ) The interest under paragraph ( 4 ) shall be payable from the date which is one month from the date of service of the demand under paragraph ( 1 ) to the date of payment at such rate as , by virtue of a determination of the Department of Finance under section 5 of the Public Health and Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1962 M17 , is , on the date on which the said demand is served , in force for the purposes of expenses to which subsection ( 1 ) ( b ) of that section applies . ( 6 ) Subject to paragraph ( 7 ) , if a person from whom a sum is recoverable in accordance with this Article proves that he -- ( a ) is liable only by reason of the fact that he is an agent or trustee for some other person ; and ( b ) has not , and since the date on which he became liable has not had , in his hands on behalf of that other person sufficient money to discharge the whole demand of the Department ; his liability shall be limited to the total amount of the money which he has , or since the said date has had , in his hands as aforesaid ; but where the Department is or would be debarred by the foregoing provisions from recovering the whole of any such sum from an agent or trustee , it may recover the whole or any unpaid balance thereof from the person for whom he is agent or trustee . ( 7 ) Where , in proceedings brought under paragraph ( 4 ) against any person , the court is satisfied that that person is liable only by reason of the fact that he is an agent or trustee , the court may , without prejudice to its power to make an order for the payment of the amount to which his liability is limited under paragraph ( 6 ) , make an order against him directing the payment by him to the Department of such amount as the court thinks proper out of money to be received by him as such agent or trustee . ( 8 ) The time within which summary proceedings may be taken for the recovery of any sum , which the Department is entitled to recover under this Order , shall be reckoned from the date of the service of a demand therefor ; but where the sum is recoverable in a case in which an appeal has been made under Article 16 , the said time shall be reckoned from the date on which the appeal is finally determined or abandoned as the case may be . ( 9 ) Any proceedings commenced under paragraph ( 4 ) for the recovery of a sum specified in a demand served under paragraph ( 1 ) shall , on the service on the Department of notice of an appeal under Article 16 against that demand , be stayed until the appeal is finally determined or abandoned . ( 10 ) Subject to paragraphs ( 11 ) and ( 12 ) , any expenses recoverable in respect of any frontage by the Department in accordance with this Article shall , until recovered , be deemed to be charged on and payable out of the estate , in the premises having that frontage , of -- ( a ) the responsible person or other person liable under this Order for those expenses ; and ( b ) any person deriving title from him ; so however that , where a person is the responsible person or the person otherwise liable as aforesaid by reason of the fact that he is an agent or trustee for another person , those expenses shall be a charge on the estate in the premises of the person for whom he is agent or trustee . ( 11 ) Subject to paragraph ( 12 ) , the charge created by paragraph ( 10 ) shall be enforceable in all respects as if it were a valid mortgage by deed created in favour of the Department by the person on whose estate that charge has been created ( with , where necessary , any concurrence or consent required by law ) for the amount of the expenses referred to in that paragraph on -- ( a ) the date of the undertaking under Article 24 ( 1 ) or , as the case may be , of the undertaking under Article 24 ( 2 ) or of the agreement under Article 32 ; and ( b ) in every other case , the date of the completion of the street works ; and for the recovery thereof the Department may exercise the powers conferred by sections 19 , 21 and 22 of the Conveyancing Act 1881 M18 on mortgages by deed . ( 12 ) Notwithstanding anything in this Order or in Part X of the Land Registration Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1970 M19 a charge created on an estate in any premises by any provision of this Order shall not be enforced against , or against the estate of , the owner of those premises unless he is the responsible person or a person otherwise liable under this Order for the expenses referred to in paragraph ( 10 ) . Appeals regarding street works expenses 16 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this Article , a person from whom the Department proposes to recover under this Part any expenses incurred by it in executing street works may , within 28 days from the date on which a demand for the payment of the expenses or any part thereof was first served on him under Article 15 and after serving notice of the appeal on the Department , appeal to court of summary jurisdiction on all or any of the following grounds , namely : -- ( a ) that he is not the responsible person or , as the case may be , the person liable under the provisions of this Order ; ( b ) that the street is not a private street ; ( c ) that the works carried out are insufficient or unreasonable ; ( d ) that the expenses are excessive ; ( e ) that the amount charged should be reduced under Article 14 ( 3 ) on the ground that it is disproportionate to the benefit derived from the execution of the street works ; ( f ) that the expenses of the street works have not been apportioned in accordance with the provisions of this Order . ( 2 ) On an appeal under paragraph ( 1 ) , no question may be raised by any person which might have been raised by that person on an appeal under any other provision of this Order . Liability where transferor has taken responsibility for expenses of street works 17 . -- ( 1 ) Where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Department , whether before or after the service of a demand for the payment of the expenses incurred by the Department in executing street works in a private street , that premises having a frontage in respect of which the street works have been executed have been transferred to the responsible person upon terms which included a provision to the effect that the transferor shall pay or procure the payment of such expenses , the Department may treat the transferor as the responsible person and may recover the expenses of the street works from him in accordance with Article 15 . ( 2 ) Any expenses recovered from the transferor under paragraph ( 1 ) shall be deemed to have been paid by the responsible person but , except to that extent , the liability of the responsible person for the expenses of the street works shall remain unaffected . Evasion of street works expenses 18 . Where the Department -- ( a ) is empowered under this Order to recover the expenses of street works from any person ; and ( b ) is unable by the exercise of its powers ( other than powers conferred by this Article ) to recover that sum , then if a court of summary jurisdiction is satisfied , upon application made to it by the Department , that the premises having a frontage in respect of which those street works were executed were previously transferred for the purpose of evading the payment of those expenses , the court may make an order under this Article providing that , to such extent as the court making the order may determine , the Department may recover the expenses . Street works executed in the course of other works by the Department 19 . -- ( 1 ) Where , in order to make a street conform to the requirements for it to be declared to be a public road under Article 9 , works are required which include works other than street works and -- ( a ) the street is declared to be a public road under Article 9 ; and ( b ) works ( including street works ) are carried out by the Department as soon as possible thereafter ; then , notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any statutory provision , the declaration of the street to be a public road and the carrying out of works as aforesaid shall not relieve any person of liability for the expenses of any street works included in such works , and the amount of that liability shall not be greater or less than it would have been if works other than street works had not been carried out . ( 2 ) Notwithstanding that a notice has not been served under Article 11 , any street works which are included in works carried out by the Department as aforesaid but in respect of which a notice could have been served by the Department under that Article shall be deemed to be street works carried out by the Department , and the expenses of those street works shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by the Department under Article 13 and shall be recoverable accordingly . Payment of expenses by instalments 20 . -- ( 1 ) Without prejudice to any other power exercisable by it under this Order , the Department may enter into an agreement with any responsible person or any other person liable for expenses under this Order that , subject to such conditions as the Department may specify , any expenses recoverable by it under this Order shall be repaid with interest within a period not exceeding 30 years either by means of instalments of principal , together with interest on the balance of the principal from time to time outstanding , or by means of an annuity of principal and interest combined and any such instalment or annuity , or any part thereof , may be recovered in accordance with Article 15 from the responsible person or that other person . ( 2 ) The interest chargeable under paragraph ( 1 ) shall be at such rate as , by virtue of a determination of the Department of Finance under section 5 of the Public Health and Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1962 M20 , is , on the date on which the demand for the expenses is served , in force for the purposes of expenses to which subsection ( 1 ) ( b ) of that section applies . Department's duty to exercise its powers 21 . -- ( 1 ) Where , in respect of a private street on which a building to which Article 24 ( 1 ) applies has a frontage , all such street works as are required for the issue by the Department of a preliminary certificate in respect of that street under Article 7 ( 2 ) have not been carried out to the satisfaction of the Department within one year from the date on which the building is first occupied or such longer period as the Department thinks reasonable , the Department shall exercise in relation to that street the powers conferred on it by Articles 11 and 13 . ( 2 ) Where -- ( a ) a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) in respect of street works in a private street ; and ( b ) the aggregate length of the frontages of the completed buildings on both sides of the street constitutes at least one-half of that of all the frontages on both sides thereof and , in the case of part of a street , that part is not less than 100 metres in length and is joined to a street which is a public road or is likely to become a public road within a reasonable time ; and ( c ) the majority in number of the owners of the premises having a frontage on the street or as many of them as have between them more than half the aggregate length of all the frontages on both sides of the street by notice so request ; the Department shall exercise in relation to that street the powers conferred on it by Articles 11 and 13 . ( 3 ) This Article shall not apply to a street in respect of which an agreement has been entered into under Article 32 . Urgent repairs 22 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may , on giving at least 48 hours' notice to the person who appears to it to be the responsible person , carry out such repairs in a private street as are in its opinion urgently required to prevent or remove danger to persons or vehicles in the street . ( 2 ) Any expenses incurred under paragraph ( 1 ) shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by the Department under Article 13 and shall be recoverable accordingly . ( 3 ) The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to Articles 11 and 13 . Contribution by the Department to expenses of street works 23 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may in such circumstances as it considers proper bear the whole or a portion of the expenses of any street works in a private street , and the liabilities of the responsible persons in respect of those expenses shall be treated as discharged , or as proportionately reduced , accordingly . ( 2 ) Paragraph ( 1 ) shall not apply to streets not designed for use by vehicular traffic or which are intended only to provide access to the rear of premises . PART V PRIOR PROVISION FOR EXPENSES OF STREET WORKS IN PRIVATE STREETS Prior provision to be made to meet street works expenses 24 . -- ( 1 ) Where -- ( a ) it is proposed to erect a building for which plans were prior to 1st October 1973 required to be deposited with a sanitary authority or are required in accordance with building regulations to be deposited with a district council ; and ( b ) the building will have a frontage on a private street ; no work shall be done in or for the purpose of erecting the building until the Department has served a notice under [ F003 Article 25 ( 2 ) ] specifying the sum which is to be paid or secured under this paragraph , and a person having an estate in the land on which the building is to be erected -- ( i ) has paid to the Department or secured to the satisfaction of the Department the payment to it , of that sum or such lesser sum as may be substituted by the court on an appeal to it under Article 26 , and ( ii ) has entered into an agreement under seal with the Department undertaking for himself and his successors in title to pay such further sum , if any , as may be recoverable in respect of the cost of street works . ( 2 ) Where the Department by notice under paragraph ( 8 ) ( e ) , ( f ) , ( g ) or ( h ) exempts a building from the provisions of paragraph ( 1 ) , no work shall be done in or for the purpose of erecting the building until a person having an estate in the land has entered into an agreement under seal with the Department undertaking , for himself and his successors in title , liability for such street works as may be indicated in the agreement . ( 3 ) Subject to paragraphs ( 4 ) , ( 5 ) , ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) , if work is done in contravention of paragraph ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) , the owner of the land on which the building is to be erected and , if he is a different person , the person undertaking the erection of the building shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding \u00a3 500 and any further contravention in respect of the same building shall constitute a new offence and may be punished accordingly . ( 4 ) Where an owner of any land has agreed to transfer or has transferred the land upon terms which include a provision to the effect that he shall pay or procure payment of the expenses of any street works -- ( a ) that owner shall be the person responsible for paying or securing the sum and giving the undertaking under paragraph ( 1 ) , or , as the case may be , giving the undertaking under paragraph ( 2 ) , and ( b ) for the purposes of paragraph ( 3 ) that owner shall , and the transferee shall not , unless he is also the person undertaking the erection of the building , be guilty of an offence if work is done in contravention of paragraph ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) in or for the purpose of erecting a building on the land . ( 5 ) Where the person undertaking the erection of the building , not being the owner of the land on which it is to be erected , is charged with an offence under paragraph ( 3 ) , it shall be a defence for him to prove that he had reasonable grounds for believing that a sum had been paid or secured and an undertaking given in accordance with paragraph ( 1 ) or , as the case may be , that an undertaking had been given in accordance with paragraph ( 2 ) . ( 6 ) For the purposes of paragraph ( 5 ) , where the person who is responsible under paragraph ( 4 ) for paying or securing the sum under paragraph ( 1 ) or giving the undertaking under paragraph ( 2 ) has been served with a notice stating the date , not being less than 2 months from the date of the service of the notice , on which work will commence in or for the purpose of erecting the building to which the notice relates , the person undertaking the erection of the building shall , from the date stated in that notice , be deemed to have reasonable grounds for believing that the sum has been secured or the undertaking given . ( 7 ) Proceedings under paragraph ( 3 ) shall not be taken by any person other than the Department or a person acting on behalf of , or with the consent of , the Director of Public Prosecutions . ( 8 ) Paragraph ( 1 ) shall not apply where -- ( a ) the building proposed to be erected will be situated in the curtilage of , and be appurtenant to , an existing building ; or ( b ) it is proposed to erect the building in accordance with planning permission granted under the Planning Order on land belonging to a public body ; or ( c ) the frontage of the building is one in respect of which a sum or security previously paid or given under paragraph ( 1 ) is held by the Department or in respect of which an undertaking has been given under paragraph ( 2 ) ; or ( d ) an agreement has been entered into with any person by the Department under Article 32 providing for the carrying out at the expense of that person of street works in the whole of the street or a part of the street comprising the whole of the part on which the frontage of the building will be ; or ( e ) the Department , being satisfied that the street is not , and is not likely within a reasonable time to be , substantially built-up , by notice exempts the building from paragraph ( 1 ) ; or ( f ) the Department , being satisfied -- ( i ) that more than three-quarters of the aggregate length of all the frontages on both sides of the street , or of a part of the street comprising the whole of the part on which the frontage of the building will be , consists , or is at some future time likely to consist , of the frontages of industrial premises ; and ( ii ) that its powers under this Order are not likely to be exercised in relation to the street , or that part thereof , as the case may be , within a reasonable time ; by notice exempts the street or that part thereof from paragraph ( 1 ) ; or ( g ) the Department , being satisfied that the street is not , and is not likely within a reasonable time to become , joined to a public road , by notice exempts the building from the provisions of paragraph ( 1 ) ; or ( h ) the Department , being satisfied that the street was on 13th October 1964 substantially built-up , by notice exempts the building from the provisions of paragraph ( 1 ) . ( 9 ) Where a sum has been paid or secured under this Article in relation to a building proposed to be erected , and thereafter the Department by notice under paragraph ( 8 ) exempts the building from the provisions of paragraph ( 1 ) , the Department shall , when an undertaking has been given under paragraph ( 2 ) , deal with the sum in accordance with Article 30 . ( 10 ) The Department may at any time agree with the responsible person to accept any other security or the payment of a sum in substitution for any security held by it for the purposes of paragraph ( 1 ) . ( 11 ) Where any person has ceased to be the responsible person in respect of any street works , any sum paid or secured by him under paragraph ( 1 ) or any undertaking given by him under paragraph ( 2 ) shall be deemed to have been paid or secured or , as the case may be , given by the person who has become the responsible person . ( 12 ) Where any land in respect of which a sum has been paid or secured under paragraph ( 1 ) is subsequently divided into two or more parts so that two or more persons beome the responsible persons , that sum shall , for the purposes of this Order , be treated as apportioned between those persons according to the frontage of those parts and , for the purposes of the apportionment under Article 14 ( 1 ) of the expenses in respect of which that sum has been paid or secured , the respective frontages of those parts shall be the frontages for which each of those persons is respectively responsible . ( 13 ) Where any land in respect of which an undertaking has been given under paragraph ( 2 ) is subsequently divided into two or more parts so that two or more persons become the responsible persons , then , for the purposes of the apportionment under Article 14 ( 1 ) of the expenses in respect of which the undertaking has been given , the respective frontages of those parts shall be the frontages for which each of those persons is respectively responsible . ( 14 ) Any person who becomes or ceases to be the responsible person for any street works in respect of which a sum has been paid or secured under paragraph ( 1 ) or an undertaking has been given under paragraph ( 2 ) may give notice of that fact to the Department and the Department shall enter the notice in its records . Determination of amount of sum to be paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) 25 . -- ( 1 ) Where , in accordance with building regulations , plans for a proposed building to which Article 24 ( 1 ) applies have been deposited with a district council , the council shall notify the Department of the passing of the plans . ( 2 ) Where -- ( a ) a district council notifies the Department under paragraph ( 1 ) , and ( b ) planning permission for the erection of the proposed building has been granted under the Planning Order , the Department shall serve a notice on the person by whom or on whose behalf the plans have been deposited specifying the sum to be paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) . ( 3 ) Where works for the erection of the proposed building have not been commenced within one year from the date of service of a notice under paragraph ( 2 ) or under this paragraph , the Department may serve a notice or , as the case may be , a further notice specifying a revised sum to be paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) . ( 4 ) Subject to paragraph ( 5 ) , the sum to be specified in a notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) shall be such sum as , in the opinion of the Department , would be recoverable by it under this Order if the Department were then to carry out under Article 13 all street works which are reasonably necessary for the completion , to the standard required for its adoption as a public road , of -- ( a ) the whole of the part of the street on which the frontage of the proposed building would be ; and ( b ) that street or any other street in order that the said part may be joined to a public road or to a road which is likely to become a public road within a reasonable time ; but where , in respect of any part of those street works , a sum or security previously paid or given under Article 24 ( 1 ) is held by the Department or an undertaking has been given under Article 24 ( 2 ) or an agreement has been entered into under Article 32 , no sum shall be specified in respect of that part . ( 5 ) Where in the opinion of the Department it would be inequitable , in a notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) , to specify a sum in respect of the whole area permitted by paragraph ( 4 ) , the Department may specify a sum in respect of such lesser area as it may consider equitable . ( 6 ) Subject to paragraph ( 7 ) , if , at any time after the service of a notice under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) , the Department considers that the sum specified in the notice exceeds such sum as in its opinion would be recoverable as mentioned in paragraph ( 4 ) if the Department were then to carry out such street works as are so mentioned , or that no sum would be so recoverable , it may , by a further notice , substitute a smaller sum for the sum specified in the notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) or , as the case may be , intimate that no sum falls to be paid or secured . ( 7 ) Paragraph ( 6 ) shall not apply where the sum specified in a notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) has been paid or secured and the case is one in which the Department has power to make a refund or release under Article 28 . ( 8 ) Where the sum specified in a notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) has been paid or secured and a notice is subsequently served under paragraph ( 6 ) substituting a smaller sum for the sum so specified or intimating that no sum falls to be paid or secured , the Department shall deal with the excess or , as the case may be , the whole sum in accordance with Article 30 . ( 9 ) The Department shall , in any notice served under this Article , other than a notice intimating that no sum falls to be paid or secured , inform the person to whom it is addressed of the right of appeal under Article 26 and of the time within which such an appeal may be made . Appeal against notice served under Article 25 26 . Where a notice has been served on any person under Article 25 other than a notice intimating that no sum falls to be paid or secured , that person or any other person having an estate in the land on which work in or for the purpose of erecting the building is to be done may , within 28 days from the date of the service of the notice and after serving notice of the appeal on the Department , appeal to a court of summary jurisdiction on all or any of the following grounds , that is to say -- ( a ) that the street is not a private street ; ( b ) that the building is exempt under Article 24 ( 8 ) or that a notice under Article 24 ( 8 ) ( e ) , ( f ) , ( g ) or ( h ) has been unreasonably withheld by the Department ; ( c ) that , in respect of the area for which a sum is specified in the notice served under Article 25 , a smaller sum should be substituted for the sum so specified . Position where plans not proceeded with 27 . -- ( 1 ) Where , at any time after a notice has been served under Article 25 or an undertaking has been given under Article 24 ( 2 ) -- ( a ) a district council declares under Article 12 ( 5 ) of the Building Regulations ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1972 M21 that the deposit of the plans in respect of the building shall be of no effect ; or ( b ) before any work is done in or for the purpose of erecting the building , the person by or on whose behalf the plans in respect of the building were deposited gives notice in writing to the Department that it is not intended to proceed with the building ; the said notice under Article 25 and any payment made or security given in accordance therewith , or any undertaking given under Article 24 ( 2 ) , shall , unless street works in respect of which the responsible person is liable have already been carried out or commenced in the street , be of no effect for the purposes of this Part . ( 2 ) Where under paragraph ( 1 ) a notice served under Article 25 is of no effect and a sum has been paid or secured in accordance therewith , that sum shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 30 . ( 3 ) Where the Department is notified in accordance with paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) that it is not intended to proceed with the building and by reason thereof a notice under Article 25 is of no effect , and subsequently a person gives notice to the Department that he intends to proceed with the building in accordance with the plans as originally deposited , the notice to be served under Article 25 ( 2 ) shall be served on that person and Article 25 shall have effect accordingly . ( 4 ) Where part of a sum paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) has , under Article 25 ( 8 ) or Article 28 , been dealt with in accordance with Article 30 , this Article shall have effect as if for references therein to a sum paid or secured there were substituted a reference to any part of that sum retained by the Department or remaining secured . Work done otherwise than at the expense of the Department 28 . Where any street works in respect of which a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) have been carried out to the satisfaction of , but otherwise than at the expense of the Department , the Department -- ( a ) shall retain in its possession such part of the sum paid or secured as , in its opinion , would be sufficient to meet the cost of any such street works which have not been carried out and , subject to Article 29 , shall in any event retain at least ten per cent . of the sum paid or secured ; and ( b ) may deal , in accordance with Article 30 , with the residue of the sum paid or secured . Sums paid or secured to be in discharge of further liability for street works 29 . -- ( 1 ) Where a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) in respect of the cost of street works , the liability of the responsible person shall , in respect of the carrying out of those street works under this Order or under any other statutory provision , be deemed to be discharged to the extent of the sum so paid or secured and , where the liability of the responsible person in respect of the carrying out of those street works exceeds that sum , the Department may recover the amount of the excess in accordance with Article 15 . ( 2 ) Where a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) in respect of the cost of street works and , when the street is declared to be a public road , -- ( a ) the said sum is found to exceed the liability of the responsible person in respect of the carrying out of those street works , the amount whereby that sum exceeds that liability ; or ( b ) there is no liability because the street works were not carried out by the Department , the said sum ; shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 30 . ( 3 ) Where part of a sum paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) has , under Article 25 ( 8 ) or 28 , been dealt with in accordance with Article 30 , this Article shall have effect as if for references therein to a sum paid or secured there were substituted a reference to any part of that sum retained by the Department or remaining secured . Refunds of sums paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) 30 . -- ( 1 ) Where under this Part a sum paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) or any part thereof is or is to be dealt with in accordance with this Article , then , subject to this Article , -- ( a ) if the sum was paid , the Department shall refund that sum or , as the case may be , that part to the responsible person ; ( b ) if the sum was secured and the person whose property is security for the payment thereof is the responsible person , the Department shall acknowledge that the security is released to the extent of that sum or , as the case may be , that part ; ( c ) if the sum was secured and the person whose property is security for the payment thereof is not the responsible person , the Department shall be entitled to realise the security and pay to the responsible person -- ( i ) an amount equal to that sum or , as the case may be , that part ; or ( ii ) any amount produced by realising the security ; whichever is the less . ( 2 ) Where any land in respect of which a sum has been secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) is subsequently divided into two or more parts so that two or more persons become the responsible persons and the security is the property of one only of those persons , the Department shall only be required under paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) to release the security to the extent of the amount apportioned under Article 24 ( 12 ) to that person and shall be entitled to realise the security for the purpose of producing the amount or amounts to be paid to the other person or persons under paragraph ( 1 ) ( c ) . ( 3 ) Where a security is realised under paragraph ( 1 ) ( c ) , and the sum produced by realising the security exceeds the amount paid under that paragraph , the amount of the excess shall be held by the Department and dealt with under this Part as if it had been an amount paid under Article 24 ( 1 ) on the date on which the security was realised . Interest on sums paid under Article 24 ( 1 ) 31 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , any sum paid to the Department under Article 24 ( 1 ) shall , in so far as it continues to be held by the Department , carry simple interest at the appropriate rate from the date of payment until such time as the sum or a part thereof remaining so held -- ( a ) falls to be set off under Article 29 against the liability of the responsible person in respect of the carrying out of street works ; or ( b ) falls to be refunded in full under the provisions of this Order ; and the interest shall be held by the Department until that time and dealt with under those provisions as if it formed part of the said sum . ( 2 ) Paragraph ( 1 ) shall not apply to any sum in so far as it is repaid under an agreement entered into under Article 32 . ( 3 ) In this Article \" the appropriate rate \" means such rate as is determined by the Department of Finance under section 5 of the Public Health and Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1962 M22 for the purposes of expenses to which subsection ( 1 ) ( b ) of that section applies ; and for the purposes of this Article interest on any sum held by the Department shall be calculated in respect of each financial year during which it accrues at the appropriate rate prevailing at the commencement of that financial year . Agreement for carrying out street works in private street 32 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may enter into an agreement under seal with any person -- ( a ) for the carrying out at the expense of that person of street works in a private street ; and ( b ) for the issue of a certificate by the Department when the street works have been completed in accordance with the agreement and the terms and conditions of the agreement have been duly complied with . ( 2 ) An agreement under this Article shall contain such provisions as to the construction of the street , as to the period during which the person with whom the agreement has been entered into shall be responsible for the maintenance of the street , and as to such other relevant matters as the Department thinks fit . ( 3 ) Where an agreement under paragraph ( 1 ) relates to street works in respect of which a sum has previously been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) the agreement may also provide for the refund of that sum or a part thereof either without interest or with interest at such rate as may be specified in the agreement or , where the sum has been secured , for the release of the whole or a part of the security . ( 4 ) The person with whom the Department enters into an agreement under this Article shall secure the due performance of the agreement by means of a guarantee bond or by any other means acceptable to the Department . ( 5 ) A certificate issued by the Department under paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) shall be conclusive for all the purposes of this Order that the street has been provided in accordance with the agreement . Security not to be deemed prior mortgage under Building Societies Acts 33 . Where the security given under Article 24 ( 1 ) consists of a mortgage of or charge on land , that mortgage or charge shall be deemed not to be a prior mortgage for the purposes of [ F004 section 11 ( 2 ) ( d ) or ( 4 ) ( d ) of the Building Societies Act 1986 ] . PART VI MISCELLANEOUS Registration in Statutory Charges Register 34 . [ F006 Para . ( 1 ) ] inserts para . 18A in sch . 11 to 1970 c . 18 ( NI ) [ F006 ( 2 ) Before giving an undertaking under Article 24 ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) or entering into an agreement under Article 32 , a person shall pay to the Department an amount equal to the fee payable by the Department on , or in connection with , the registration in the Statutory Charges Register of that undertaking or agreement . ( 3 ) Any fee paid by the Department on , or in connection with , the registration in the Statutory Charges Register of any matter under this Order relating to street works ( other than those mentioned in paragraph ( 2 )) shall be recoverable by the Department summarily as a civil debt from the responsible person . ] Power to enter premises , etc. 35 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , an officer authorised by the Department to carry out functions under this Order may at any reasonable time enter , examine and lay open premises for the purpose of surveying , making plans , executing , maintaining or examining works , ascertaining the course of sewers or drains , or ascertaining or fixing boundaries . ( 2 ) A person authorised under paragraph ( 1 ) to enter upon any premises -- ( a ) shall , if so required , produce evidence of his authority before entering ; ( b ) shall not demand admission as of right to any premises which are occupied unless 7 days' notice of the intended entry has been given to the occupier . ( 3 ) If it is shown to the satisfaction of a justice of the peace on a sworn complaint in writing -- ( a ) that admission to the premises , which any person is entitled to enter by virtue of this Article , has been refused to that person , or that refusal is apprehended , or that the premises are unoccupied or the occupier is temporarily absent , or that the case is one of urgency ; and ( b ) that there are reasonable grounds for entry to the premises for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph ( 1 ) , the justice may by warrant under his hand authorise that person to enter the premises if need be by force . ( 4 ) Where -- ( a ) in the exercise of an authorisation given under paragraph ( 1 ) any damage is caused to premises or chattels , any person interested in the premises or chattels may recover compensation from the Department in respect of that damage ; ( b ) in consequence of the exercise of any such authorisation any person is disturbed in his enjoyment of premises or chattels , he may recover compensation from the Department in respect of that disturbance . ( 5 ) Any question of disputed compensation recoverable under paragraph ( 4 ) shall be determined by the Lands Tribunal . ( 6 ) Where work has been carried out on premises in pursuance of this Article , the Department shall reinstate the premises as soon as possible . ( 7 ) The Department may , for the purpose of enabling it to carry out any of its functions under this Order , by notice in writing require the occupier of any premises and any person who , either directly or indirectly receives rent in respect of any premises , to state in writing the nature of his own interest therein and the name and address of any other person known to him as having an interest therein , whether as freeholder , mortgagee , lessee or otherwise . ( 8 ) Anyone who -- ( a ) obstructs any authorised person in the performance of anything which that person is required or authorised to do under this Article or by a warrant issued under paragraph ( 3 ) ; or ( b ) without reasonable excuse fails to give or knowingly mis-states any information required under paragraph ( 7 ) ; shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding \u00a3 200 . Meaning of \" responsible person \" 36 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , in this Order the expression \" responsible person \" means in relation to street works in any street -- ( a ) where , with respect to the expenses of those street works , a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) or an undertaking given under Article 24 ( 2 ) or an agreement entered into under Article 32 , the person who paid or secured the sum or gave the undertaking or between whom and the Department an agreement exists under Article 32 ; ( b ) in every other case , the owner for the time being of the premises fronting the street . ( 2 ) Where a person who , by virtue of a sum paid or secured , or an undertaking given , as aforesaid , is the responsible person in relation to street works in a street -- ( a ) has transferred his whole estate in all the premises having a frontage on that street , that person shall , subject to paragraph ( 3 ) , cease to be , and the person to whom he has transferred that estate shall be , the responsible person for the purposes of this Order ; ( b ) has transferred his whole estate in a part of any such premises , the person to whom he has transferred that estate shall also be a responsible person for the purposes of this Order . ( 3 ) Notwithstanding anything in paragraph ( 2 ) , the transfer of any estate in premises shall not affect any security previously given under this Order but every such security shall remain in all respects as fully enforceable as if that transfer had not been made , and for the enforcement thereof the Department may exercise the like remedies against the transferor as if the transferor had remained the responsible person within the meaning of this Article . Notices and appeals 37 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may by regulations , which shall be subject to negative resolution , prescribe the form of any notice , order , advertisement , certificate or other document to be used for the purposes of this Order . ( 2 ) Notice of an appeal served on the Department under Article 7 ( 6 ) , 12 , 16 ( 1 ) or 26 shall state the grounds of the appeal and the Department shall be entitled to appear and be heard on the appeal . ( 3 ) Except as provided by [ F002 Article 146 of the Magistrates' Courts ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1981 ] , the decision of the court on an appeal under Article 7 ( 6 ) , 12 , 16 ( 1 ) or 26 shall be final , and where the court allows the appeal in whole or in part , the court shall state the reasons for its decision . Order to have effect notwithstanding provisions in local Acts , etc. 38 . Nothing contained in any local or private Act shall operate to exempt any person from the performance of any duty or obligation imposed by any of the provisions of this Order or from any liability arising out of a contravention of a provision of this Order . Repeal and saving 39 . -- Para . ( 1 ) repeals 1964 c . 27 ( NI ) ; s. 11 of , and sch . 2 to , 1966 c . 36 ( NI ) ; revokes sch . ( pt . ) to SRO ( NI ) 1973 \/ 285 . ( 2 ) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Private Streets Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1964 M23 , the Department may carry out , with or without modifications or additions , or abandon proposals for the making up of private streets approved under section 10 ( 6 ) of that Act , and in so doing the Department shall have regard to any changes of circumstances relevant to the proposal .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"I Chapter Five The brick front was just in a line with the street , or rather the road . Behind the door hung a cloak with a small collar , a bridle , and a black leather cap , and on the floor , in a corner , were a pair of leggings , still covered with dry mud . On the right was the one apartment , that was both dining and sitting room . A canary yellow paper , relieved at the top by a garland of pale flowers , was puckered everywhere over the badly stretched canvas ; white calico curtains with a red border hung crossways at the length of the window ; and on the narrow mantelpiece a clock with a head of Hippocrates shone resplendent between two plate candlesticks under oval shades . On the other side of the passage was Charles's consulting room , a little room about six paces wide , with a table , three chairs , and an office chair . Volumes of the \" Dictionary of Medical Science , \" uncut , but the binding rather the worse for the successive sales through which they had gone , occupied almost along the six shelves of a deal bookcase . The smell of melted butter penetrated through the walls when he saw patients , just as in the kitchen one could hear the people coughing in the consulting room and recounting their histories . Then , opening on the yard , where the stable was , came a large dilapidated room with a stove , now used as a wood-house , cellar , and pantry , full of old rubbish , of empty casks , agricultural implements past service , and a mass of dusty things whose use it was impossible to guess . The garden , longer than wide , ran between two mud walls with espaliered apricots , to a hawthorn hedge that separated it from the field . In the middle was a slate sundial on a brick pedestal ; four flower beds with eglantines surrounded symmetrically the more useful kitchen garden bed . Right at the bottom , under the spruce bushes , was a cure in plaster reading his breviary . Emma went upstairs . The first room was not furnished , but in the second , which was their bedroom , was a mahogany bedstead in an alcove with red drapery . A shell box adorned the chest of drawers , and on the secretary near the window a bouquet of orange blossoms tied with white satin ribbons stood in a bottle . It was a bride's bouquet ; it was the other one's . She looked at it . Charles noticed it ; he took it and carried it up to the attic , while Emma seated in an arm-chair ( they were putting her things down around her ) thought of her bridal flowers packed up in a bandbox , and wondered , dreaming , what would be done with them if she were to die . During the first days she occupied herself in thinking about changes in the house . She took the shades off the candlesticks , had new wallpaper put up , the staircase repainted , and seats made in the garden round the sundial ; she even inquired how she could get a basin with a jet fountain and fishes . Finally her husband , knowing that she liked to drive out , picked up a second-hand dogcart , which , with new lamps and splashboard in striped leather , looked almost like a tilbury . He was happy then , and without a care in the world . A meal together , a walk in the evening on the highroad , a gesture of her hands over her hair , the sight of her straw hat hanging from the window-fastener , and many another thing in which Charles had never dreamed of pleasure , now made up the endless round of his happiness . In bed , in the morning , by her side , on the pillow , he watched the sunlight sinking into the down on her fair cheek , half hidden by the lappets of her night - cap. Seen thus closely , her eyes looked to him enlarged , especially when , on waking up , she opened and shut them rapidly many times . Black in the shade , dark blue in broad daylight , they had , as it were , depths of different colours , that , darker in the centre , grew paler towards the surface of the eye . His own eyes lost themselves in these depths ; he saw himself in miniature down to the shoulders , with his handkerchief round his head and the top of his shirt open . He rose . She came to the window to see him off , and stayed leaning on the sill between two pots of geranium , clad in her dressing gown hanging loosely about her . Charles , in the street buckled his spurs , his foot on the mounting stone , while she talked to him from above , picking with her mouth some scrap of flower or leaf that she blew out at him . Then this , eddying , floating , described semicircles in the air like a bird , and was caught before it reached the ground in the ill-groomed mane of the old white mare standing motionless at the door . Charles from horseback threw her a kiss ; she answered with a nod ; she shut the window , and he set off . And then along the highroad , spreading out its long ribbon of dust , along the deep lanes that the trees bent over as in arbours , along paths where the corn reached to the knees , with the sun on his back and the morning air in his nostrils , his heart full of the joys of the past night , his mind at rest , his flesh at ease , he went on , re-chewing his happiness , like those who after dinner taste again the truffles which they are digesting . Until now what good had he had of his life ? His time at school , when he remained shut up within the high walls , alone , in the midst of companions richer than he or cleverer at their work , who laughed at his accent , who jeered at his clothes , and whose mothers came to the school with cakes in their muffs ? Later on , when he studied medicine , and never had his purse full enough to treat some little work-girl who would have become his mistress ? Afterwards , he had lived fourteen months with the widow , whose feet in bed were cold as icicles . But now he had for life this beautiful woman whom he adored . For him the universe did not extend beyond the circumference of her petticoat , and he reproached himself with not loving her . He wanted to see her again ; he turned back quickly , ran up the stairs with a beating heart . Emma , in her room , was dressing ; he came up on tiptoe , kissed her back ; she gave a cry . He could not keep from constantly touching her comb , her ring , her fichu ; sometimes he gave her great sounding kisses with all his mouth on her cheeks , or else little kisses in a row all along her bare arm from the tip of her fingers up to her shoulder , and she put him away half-smiling , half-vexed , as you do a child who hangs about you . Before marriage she thought herself in love ; but the happiness that should have followed this love not having come , she must , she thought , have been mistaken . And Emma tried to find out what one meant exactly in life by the words felicity , passion , rapture , that had seemed to her so beautiful in books .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"GPU-Based Parallel Integration of Large Numbers of Independent ODE Systems \u2217 arXiv : 1611 . 02274v1 [ cs . MS ] 6 Nov 2016 Kyle E. Niemeyer \u2020 School of Mechanical , Industrial , & Manufacturing Engineering , Oregon State University , OR , USA Chih-Jen Sung Department of Mechanical Engineering , University of Connecticut , Storrs , CT , USA 9 June 2014 Abstract The task of integrating a large number of independent ODE systems arises in various scientific and engineering areas . For nonstiff systems , common explicit integration algorithms can be used on GPUs , where individual GPU threads concurrently integrate independent ODEs with different initial conditions or parameters . One example is the fifth-order adaptive Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Cash \u2013 Karp ( RKCK ) algorithm . In the case of stiff ODEs , standard explicit algorithms require impractically small time-step sizes for stability reasons , and implicit algorithms are therefore commonly used instead to allow larger time steps and reduce the computational expense . However , typical high-order implicit algorithms based on backwards differentiation formulae ( e.g. , VODE , LSODE ) involve complex logical flow that causes severe thread divergence when implemented on GPUs , limiting the performance . Therefore , alternate algorithms are needed . A GPUbased Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Chebyshev ( RKC ) algorithm can handle moderate levels of stiffness and performs significantly faster than not only an equivalent CPU version but also a CPU-based implicit algorithm ( VODE ) based on results shown in the literature . In this chapter , we present the mathematical background , implementation details , and source code for the RKCK and RKC algorithms for use integrating large numbers of independent systems of ODEs on GPUs . In addition , brief performance comparisons are shown for each algorithm , demonstrating the potential benefit of moving to GPU-based ODE integrators . \u2217 Final version published in Numerical Computations with GPUs ( 2014 ) Springer International Publishing , Ch. 8 , pp. 159 \u2013 182 . V. Kindratenko ( Ed . ) . doi : 10 . 1007 \/ 978-3-319-06548-9_8 \u2020 Corresponding author ; Email : kyle.niemeyer@oregonstate.edu 1 Introduction In a number of science and engineering applications , researchers are faced with the solution of large numbers of independent systems of ordinary differential equations ( ODEs ) . One prominent example is simulation of reactive flows for modeling combustion [ 1 \u2013 5 ] , atmospheric chemistry [ 6 , 7 ] , and groundwater transport [ 8 , 9 ] , where operator splitting [ 10 , 11 ] decouples the solution of the fluid transport ( e.g. , advection , diffusion ) and chemical kinetics terms . This results in large numbers of independent ODEs for conservation of chemical species masses , with one system for each spatial location . The solution of the aggregate of these ODEs consumes most of the total wall-clock time of such simulations , > 90 % in some cases . Simulations of electrical behavior in cardiac tissue use a similar operator splitting technique , which results in ODE systems for cell membrane dynamics [ 12 , 13 ] . Other areas that deal with solving many independent systems of ODEs include systems biology [ 14 , 15 ] and Monte Carlo methods for sensitivity analysis of ODEs [ 16 \u2013 18 ] . In such problems , large numbers of the same governing ODEs with different initial conditions and \/ or input parameters must be integrated ; since each system is independent , the entire set of ODEs can be integrated concurrently . While performance can be improved by using parallel central processing unit ( CPU ) methods , this embarrassingly parallel problem is especially well-suited to acceleration with the thread-based parallelism of graphics processing units ( GPUs ) , as demonstrated for reactive-flow simulations [ 19 \u2013 22 ] . In particular , Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] recently developed a GPU-based approach for the integration of moderately stiff chemical kinetics ODEs using explicit integration algorithms , using an adaptive fifth-order Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Cash \u2013 Karp ( RKCK ) method for nonstiff cases and a stabilized second-order Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Chebyshev ( RKC ) method for problems with greater stiffness . For large numbers of ODEs , they demonstrated that the GPU-based RKCK and RKC algorithms performed up to 126 and 65 times faster , respectively , than CPU versions of the same algorithm on a single CPU core . Furthermore , with moderate levels of stiffness , the GPU-based RKC offered a speedup factor of 57 compared to a conventional implicit algorithm executed in parallel on a six-core CPU . The specific acceleration demonstrated depending on the problem studied ( e.g. , the kinetic mechanism ) and number of ODEs considered . Due to the favorable performance of these methods , in this chapter we present the integration algorithms , associated GPU source code , and implementation details so that interested readers can apply them to more general applications ( e.g. , the areas described above ) . 2 Mathematical Background In this chapter , we represent a generic system of ODEs using d ~ y = f ~ ( t , ~ y ( t ) , ~ g ) , dt ( 1 ) where ~ y ( t ) is the vector of unknown dependent variables at some time t , f ~ is the right-hand-side vector function , and ~ g is a vector of constant parameters ( e.g. , pressure or temperature for chemical kinetics ) . The size of ~ y ( i.e. , the number of equations \/ unknowns ) is N. For the types of problems with which we are concerned here , a large number of ODE systems , Node , each given by Eq. ( 1 ) must be integrated independently from some time t = tn to tn + 1 , with different initial conditions ~ y ( tn ) and constant parameters ~ g for each system . The numerical approximation to the exact solution ~ y ( tn ) is ~ yn , and the step size for a given step is \u03b4tn = tn + 1 \u2212 tn . Nonstiff ODEs , or those with little stiffness , can be solved using explicit integration methods . Many such methods exist , and algorithms can be classified in general into Runge \u2013 Kutta and linear 1 i ai 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 5 3 10 3 5 1 7 8 j bij ci c \u2217 i 37 378 2825 27648 250 621 125 594 18575 48384 13525 55296 277 14336 1 4 0 1 5 3 40 3 10 11 \u2212 54 1631 55296 9 40 9 \u2212 10 5 2 175 512 6 5 \u2212 70 27 575 13824 35 27 44275 110592 253 4096 1 2 3 4 5 0 512 1771 0 Table 1 : Coefficients for the fifth-order Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Cash \u2013 Karp method , adopted from Press et al. [ 26 ] . multistep methods , and also into explicit or implicit methods ; see Hairer and Wanner [ 23 ] for more details . Stiffness , a concept somewhat difficult to quantify , refers to the quality of an ODE making standard explicit methods perform poorly due to the requirement for unreasonably small time-step sizes \u2013 otherwise the solutions become unstable and oscillate wildly [ 24 ] . Traditionally , implicit integration algorithms such as those based on backwards difference formulas have been used to handle stiff equations , but these require expensive linear algebra operations on the Jacobian matrix ( e.g. , LU decomposition , matrix inversion ) . The complex logical flow of such operations results in highly divergent instructions across different initial conditions , making implicit algorithms unsuitable for operation on GPUs . In fact , Stone and Davis [ 21 ] implemented a traditional high-order implicit algorithm on GPUs , and found that it performed only slightly better than a multi-core CPU version of the same algorithm would . While implicit algorithms may be required for ODE systems with extreme levels of stiffness ( suggesting that new solutions need to be found for GPU acceleration of such problems ) , other options can be used for cases of little-to-moderate stiffness . Here , we describe two integration algorithms suitable for use solving many independent systems of ODEs on GPUs . 2.1 Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Cash \u2013 Karp For nonstiff ODEs , an appropriate explicit algorithm is the fifth-order Runge \u2013 Kutta method developed by Cash and Karp [ 25 ] : the RKCK method . The RKCK method estimates the local truncation error using an embedded fourth-order method , by taking the difference between the fourth - and fifth-order solutions . It then uses this estimate to adaptively select the step size [ 26 ] . Using the terminology established above , the RKCK formulas \u2013 which also apply to any general 2 fifth-order Runge \u2013 Kutta method \u2013 are k ~ 1 = \u03b4tn f ~ ( tn , ~ yn , ~ g ) , ( 2 ) ~ k2 = \u03b4tn f ~ tn + a2 \u03b4tn , ~ yn + b21 ~ k1 , ~ g ( 3 ) , ~ k3 = \u03b4tn f ~ tn + a3 \u03b4tn , ~ yn + b31 ~ k1 + b32 ~ k2 , ~ g ( 4 ) , ~ k4 = \u03b4tn f ~ tn + a4 \u03b4tn , ~ yn + b41 ~ k1 + b42 ~ k2 + b43 ~ k3 , ~ g ( 5 ) , ~ k5 = \u03b4tn f ~ tn + a5 \u03b4tn , ~ yn + b51 ~ k1 + b52 ~ k2 + b53 ~ k3 + b54 ~ k4 , ~ g ~ k6 = \u03b4tn f ~ tn + a6 \u03b4tn , ~ yn + b61 ~ k1 + b62 ~ k2 + b63 ~ k3 + b64 ~ k4 + b65 ~ k5 , ~ g ~ yn + 1 = ~ yn + c1 ~ k1 + c2 ~ k2 + c3 ~ k3 + c4 ~ k4 + c5 ~ k5 + c6 ~ k6 , \u2217 ~ yn + 1 = ~ yn + c \u2217 1 ~ k1 + c \u2217 2 ~ k2 + c \u2217 3 ~ k3 + c \u2217 4 ~ k4 + c \u2217 5 ~ k5 + c \u2217 6 ~ k6 , ( 6 ) ,, ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) \u2217 where ~ yn + 1 is the fifth-order solution and ~ yn + 1 is the solution of the embedded fourth-order method . The RKCK coefficients are given in Table 1 . The local error \u2206 n + 1 is estimated using the difference between the fourth - and fifth-order solutions : \u2217 \u2206 n + 1 = ~ yn + 1 \u2212 ~ yn + 1 = 6 X ( ci \u2212 c \u2217 i ) ~ ki . ( 10 ) i = 1 Then , this error is compared against a desired accuracy , \u2206 0 , defined by \u2206 0 = \u03b5 | ~ yn | + \u03b4tn f ~ ( tn , ~ yn , ~ g ) + \u03b4 , ( 11 ) where \u03b5 is a tolerance level and \u03b4 represents a small value ( e.g. , 10 \u2212 30 ) . When the estimated error rises above the desired accuracy ( \u2206 n + 1 > \u2206 0 ) , the algorithm rejects the current step and calculates a smaller step size . Correspondingly , the algorithms accepts a step with error at or below the desired accuracy ( \u2206 n + 1 \u2264 \u2206 0 ) and calculates a new step size for the next step using ! 1 \/ 5 \u2206 0 , i if \u2206 n + 1 \u2264 \u2206 0 , or S \u03b4t max n \u2206 n + 1 , i i \u03b4tnew = ! 1 \/ 4 \u2206 0 , i if \u2206 n + 1 > \u2206 0 . S \u03b4tn max i \u2206 n + 1 , i ( 12 ) Here , i represents the ith element of the related vector and S denotes a safety factor slightly smaller than unity ( e.g. , 0.9 ) . Equation ( 12 ) is used to calculate the next time step size both for an accepted step and also for a new , smaller step size in the case of a step rejection . In practice , step size decreases and increases are limited to factors of ten and five , respectively [ 26 ] . 2.2 Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Chebyshev For ODEs with moderate levels of stiffness , one alternative to implicit algorithms is a stabilized explicit scheme such as the RKC method [ 27 \u2013 32 ] . While the RKC method is explicit , it handles stiffness through additional stages \u2013 past the first two required for second-order accuracy \u2013 that extend its stability domain along the negative real axis of eigenvalues . Our RKC implementation is taken from Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] and Verwer et al. [ 32 ] . Following the same terminology as above , the formulas for the second-order RKC are w ~ 0 = ~ yn , ( 13 ) 3 w ~ 1 = w ~ 0 + \u03bc \u0303 1 \u03b4tn f ~ 0 , ( 14 ) w ~ j = ( 1 \u2212 \u03bcj \u2212 \u03bdj ) w ~ 0 + \u03bcj w ~ j \u2212 1 + \u03bdj w ~ j \u2212 2 + \u03bc \u0303 j \u03b4tn f ~ j \u2212 1 + \u03b3 \u0303 j \u03b4tn f ~ 0 , j = 2 , ... , s , ~ yn + 1 = w ~ s , ( 15 ) ( 16 ) where s is the total number of stages and w ~ j are internal vectors for the stages . The right-hand-side ~ derivative vector function , fj , is evaluated at each stage , such that f ~ j = f ~ ( tn + cj \u03b4tn , w ~ j , ~ g ) . The recursive nature of w ~ j allows the use of only five arrays for storage . The coefficients used in Eqs . ( 14 ) and ( 15 ) can be obtained analytically for any number of stages s \u2265 2 : \u03bc \u0303 1 = b1 \u03c91 , \u03b3 \u0303 j = \u2212 aj \u2212 1 \u03bc \u0303 j , w0 = 1 + \u03ba , s2 2bj \u03c90 , bj \u2212 1 \u03bdj = \u2212 bj , bj \u2212 2 b0 = b2 , b1 = 1 , \u03c90 \u03bcj = \u03c91 = Ts0 ( \u03c90 ) , Ts00 ( \u03c90 ) 2bj \u03c91 , bj \u2212 1 Tj00 ( \u03c90 ) \u03bc \u0303 j = bj = 2 , Tj0 ( \u03c90 ) aj = 1 \u2212 bj Tj ( \u03c90 ) , ( 17 ) ( 18 ) ( 19 ) for j = 2 , ... , s , where \u03ba \u2265 0 is the damping parameter ( e.g. , \u03ba = 2 \/ 13 [ 31 , 32 ] ) . The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind , Tj ( x ) with first and second derivatives Tj0 ( x ) and Tj00 ( x ) , respectively , are defined recursively as Tj ( x ) = 2xTj \u2212 1 ( x ) \u2212 Tj \u2212 2 ( x ) , j = 2 , ... , s , ( 20 ) where T0 ( x ) = 1 and T1 ( x ) = x . The cj used in the function evaluations are c1 = cj = c2 c2 , \u2248 0 T2 ( \u03c90 ) 4 Ts0 ( \u03c90 ) Tj00 ( \u03c90 ) Ts00 ( \u03c90 ) Tj0 ( \u03c90 ) ( 21 ) \u2248 j2 \u2212 1 , s2 \u2212 1 2 \u2264 j \u2264 s \u2212 1 , cs = 1 . ( 22 ) ( 23 ) As with the RKCK method in Sec. 2.1 , the RKC method can also be used with an adaptive time stepping method for error control , as given by Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] . The error accrued in taking the step tn + 1 = tn + \u03b4tn and obtaining ~ yn + 1 is estimated using 4 2 \u2206 n + 1 = ( ~ yn \u2212 ~ yn + 1 ) + \u03b4tn ( f ~ n + f ~ n + 1 ) . 5 5 ( 24 ) We then obtain the weighted RMS norm of error using this error estimate with absolute and relative tolerances : \u2206 n + 1 k \u2206 n + 1 kRMS = \u221a , ~ T N 2 ~ ~ T = A + R \u00b7 max ( | ~ yn | , | ~ yn + 1 | ) , ( 25 ) ( 26 ) ~ is the vector of where N represents the number of unknown variables as defined previously , A absolute tolerances , and R is the relative tolerance . The norm k \u00b7 k2 indicates the Euclidean or L2 norm . If k \u2206 n + 1 kRMS \u2264 1 , the step is accepted ; otherwise , it is rejected and repeated using a 4 smaller step size . Finally , a new step size is calculated using the weighted RMS norm of error for the current and prior steps , as well as the associated step sizes , via \u03b4tn + 1 = min ( 10 , max ( 0 . 1 , f )) \u03b4tn , f = 0.8 1 \/ ( p + 1 ) k \u2206 n kRMS 1 \/ ( p + 1 ) k \u2206 n + 1 kRMS \u03b4tn \u03b4tn \u2212 1 ( 27 ) 1 ! 1 \/ ( p + 1 ) , k \u2206 n kRMS ( 28 ) where p = 2 , the order of the algorithm . We use Eq. ( 27 ) with a modified relation to calculate a new step size for a step rejection : 0.8 f = . ( 29 ) 1 \/ ( p + 1 ) k \u2206 n kRMS Determining the initial time step size requires special consideration . First , the algorithm takes a tentative integration step , using the inverse of the spectral radius \u03c3 \u2013 the magnitude of the largest eigenvalue \u2013 of the Jacobian matrix as the step size . Then , after estimating the error associated with this tentative step , it calculates a new step size following a similar procedure to that given in Eqs . ( 27 ) and ( 28 ) : 1 , \u03c3 \u2206 0 = \u03b4t0 f ~ ( t0 + \u03b4t0 , ~ y0 + \u03b4t0 f ~ ( t0 , ~ y0 )) \u2212 f ~ ( t0 , ~ y0 ) , \u03b4t0 = \u03b4t1 = 0.1 \u03b4t0 1 \/ 2 ( 30 ) ( 31 ) ( 32 ) , k \u2206 0 kRMS ~ 0 kRMS is evaluated in the same manner as k \u2206 ~ n + 1 kRMS using Eq. ( 25 ) . where k \u2206 After selecting the optimal time step size to control local error , the algorithm next determines the optimal number of RKC stages in order to remain stable . Due to stiffness , too few stages could lead to instability ; in contrast , using more stages than required would add unnecessary computational effort . The number of stages is determined using the spectral radius and time step size : s = 1 + p 1 + 1.54 \u03b4tn \u03c3 , ( 33 ) as suggested by Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] , where the value 1.54 is related to the stability boundary of the algorithm . Note that s may vary between time steps due to a changing spectral radius and time step size . We recommend using a nonlinear power method [ 31 ] to calculate the spectral radius with our RKC implementation ; this choice costs an additional vector to store the computed eigenvector , but avoids storing or calculating the Jacobian matrix directly . Following Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] , our RKC implementation estimates the spectral radius every 25 ( internal ) steps or after a step rejection . 3 Source Code Next , we provide implementation details and source code for the GPU versions of the algorithms described above . The number of unknowns ( and corresponding equations ) N is represented with the variable NEQN , and the number of ODE systems Node is defined as numODE in the following code . In order for the GPU algorithms to offer a performance increase over CPU algorithms , Node should be relatively large . Although the exact number of ODEs where the GPU algorithm becomes faster than its CPU equivalent is problem dependent , Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] showed that a GPU implementation of the RKCK algorithm for chemical kinetics outperforms an equivalent serial CPU 5 version for as little as 128 ODE systems . All operations are given here in double precision , although depending on the particular needs of the specific application single-precision calculations may be preferable to reduce the computational expense . In order to take advantage of global memory coalescing on the GPU , we recommend storing the the set of dependent variable vectors ~ yi , where i = 1 , ... , Node , in a single one-dimensional array , where variables corresponding to the same unknown for consecutive systems sit adjacent in memory . ~ is a two-dimensional matrix with Node rows and N columns , where the ith row In other words , if Y ~ should be stored in memory as a one-dimensional array in contains the unknown vector ~ yi , then Y column-major ordering . This ensures that adjacent GPU threads in the same warp access adjacent global memory locations when reading or writing equivalent array elements . See Kirk and Hwu [ 33 ] or Jang et al. [ 34 ] for more details and examples on global memory coalescing . The following code snippet shows the proper loading of a host array yHost from an arbitrary array y that contains initial conditions for all ODEs : 1 2 double * yHost ; yHost = ( double * ) malloc ( numODE * NEQN * sizeof ( double )) ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 for ( int i = 0 ; i < numODE ; ++ i ) { for ( int j = 0 ; j < NEQN ; ++ j ) { yHost [ i + numODE * j ] = y [ i ] [ j ] ; } } A similar procedure should be used for the constant parameter vector ~ g if needed . Next , the GPU global memory arrays should be declared and initialized , and the block \/ grid dimensions set up using 1 2 double * yDevice ; cudaMalloc (( void ** ) & yDevice , numODE * NEQN * sizeof ( double )) ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 int blockSize ; if ( numODE < 4194304 ) { blockSize = 64 ; } else if ( numODE < 8388608 ) { blockSize = 128 ; } else if ( numODE < 16777216 ) { blockSize = 256 ; } else { blockSize = 512 ; } dim3 dimBlock ( blockSize , 1 ) ; dim3 dimGrid ( numODE \/ dimBlock . x , 1 ) ; Here , we use simple one-dimensional block and grid dimensions ; reshaping the grid should not affect performance , but can be done for convenience . We chose 64 as the block size for problems with less than 4,194,304 ODEs based on experience for chemical kinetics problems [ 22 ] . The size should remain a power of two , but different block sizes may be optimal for other problems . The final step is to set up the ODE integration loop and kernel function execution . The integration driver kernel , to be described shortly , will perform internal sub-stepping as necessary to reach the specified end time . Depending on the objectives , there are various ways to approach this : \u2022 If only the final integrated results are needed , then a single GPU kernel can be invoked . \u2022 If intermediate integration results are needed , then an acceptable outer step size over which results will be spaced should be chosen , and the GPU kernel should be invoked inside a loop . 6 We will leave the code as general as possible by following the second approach , although modifications should be made depending on the desired functionality . In both cases , the global memory array holding the variables to be integrated needs to be transferred to the GPU before , and from the GPU after , each kernel invocation . 1 2 3 \/\/ set initial time double t = t0 ; double tNext = t + h ; 4 5 6 7 while ( t < tEnd ) { \/\/ transfer memory to GPU cudaMemcpy ( yDevice , yHost , numODE * NEQN * sizeof ( double ) , c uda Me mc py Hos tT oD ev i c e ) ; 8 intDriver <<< dimGrid , dimBlock > > > ( t , tNext , numODE , gDevice , yDevice ) ; 9 10 \/\/ transfer memory back to CPU cudaMemcpy ( yHost , yDevice , numODE * NEQN * sizeof ( double ) , c uda Me mc py Dev ic eT oH o s t ) ; 11 12 13 t = tNext ; tNext + = h ; 14 15 16 } 17 18 19 cudaFree ( gDevice ) ; cudaFree ( yDevice ) ; Here , t0 refers to the initial time , tEnd the desired final time , and h the outer step size . In the current form , each outer integration step performed by the GPU will be a \" restart \" integration , meaning no information about previous steps ( e.g. , error estimates , step sizes ) will be used to assist the startup . This is necessary in certain applications such as reactive-flow simulations ( and other simulation methods that use operator splitting ) , where after each outer step integration results are combined with changes due to fluid transport , thereby invalidating stored integration information . However , where possible , better performance may be obtained by transferring the appropriate data from the GPU and used in the next overall integration step . The next code snippet contains the general integration driver kernel , suitable for either algorithm : 1 2 3 4 5 __global__ void intDriver ( const double t , const double tEnd , const int numODE , const double * gGlobal , double * yGlobal ) { \/\/ unique thread ID , based on local ID in block and block ID int tid = threadIdx . x + ( blockDim . x * blockIdx . x ) ; 6 7 8 \/\/ ensure thread within limit if ( tid < numODE ) { 9 10 11 \/\/ local array with initial values double yLocal [ NEQN ] ; 12 13 14 \/\/ constant parameter ( s ) double gLocal = gGlobal [ tid ] ; 15 16 17 18 19 \/\/ load local array with initial values from global array for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { yLocal [ i ] = yGlobal [ tid + numODE * i ] ; } 20 21 22 \/\/ call integrator for one time step integrator ( t , tEnd , yLocal , gGlobal ) ; 23 7 \/\/ update global array with integrated values for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { yGlobal [ tid + numODE * i ] = yLocal [ i ] ; } } 24 25 26 27 28 29 } The function integrator should be replaced with rkckDriver or rkcDriver ( given below ) depending on the desired integration algorithm . 3.1 RKCK Code In the following , the source code for the RKCK driver device function is given in functional snippets . First , the minimum and maximum allowable time step sizes are defined , and the initial step size is set as half the integration time . 1 2 3 __device__ void rkckDriver ( double t , const double tEnd , const double g , double * y ) { 4 5 6 7 \/\/ maximum and minimum allowable step sizes const double hMax = fabs ( tEnd - t ) ; const double hMin = 1.0 e -20 ; 8 9 10 \/\/ initial step size double h = 0.5 * fabs ( tEnd - t ) ; Then , inside the time integration loop , the algorithm takes a trial integration step and estimates the error of that step . 1 2 \/\/ integrate until specified end time while ( t < tEnd ) { 3 4 5 \/\/ limit step size based on remaining time h = fmin ( tEnd - t , h ) ; 6 7 8 \/\/ y and error vectors temporary until error determined double yTemp [ NEQN ] , yErr [ NEQN ] ; 9 10 11 12 \/\/ evaluate derivative double F [ NEQN ] ; dydt ( t , y , g , F ) ; 13 14 15 \/\/ take a trial step rkckStep ( t , y , g , F , h , yTemp , yErr ) ; 16 17 18 19 20 21 \/\/ calculate error double err = 0.0 ; int nanFlag = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { if ( isnan ( yErr [ i ] ) ) nanFlag = 1 ; 22 23 24 25 err = fmax ( err , fabs ( yErr [ i ] \/ ( fabs ( y [ i ] ) + fabs ( h * F [ i ] ) + TINY ))) ; } err \/ = eps ; If the error is too large , the step size is decreased and the step retaken ; otherwise , the algorithm accepts the step and calculates the next step size , then repeats the process . 8 \/\/ check if error too large if (( err > 1.0 ) || isnan ( err ) || ( nanFlag == 1 )) { \/\/ step failed , error too large if ( isnan ( err ) || ( nanFlag == 1 )) { h * = P1 ; } else { h = fmax ( SAFETY * h * pow ( err , PSHRNK ) , P1 * h ) ; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 } else { \/\/ step accepted t + = h ; 10 11 12 13 if ( err > ERRCON ) { h = SAFETY * h * pow ( err , PGROW ) ; } else { h * = 5.0 ; } 14 15 16 17 18 19 \/\/ ensure step size is bounded h = fmax ( hMin , fmin ( hMax , h )) ; 20 21 22 for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) y [ i ] = yTemp [ i ] ; 23 24 } 25 } 26 27 } The device function dydt evaluates the derivative function F for the particular problem as in Eq. ( 1 ) using the input time t , vector of dependent variables y , and constant parameter ( s ) g . The device function rkcStep , not given here , takes a single integration step using Eqs . ( 2 ) \u2013 ( 9 ) , returning the vector of integrated values yTemp as well as the error vector yErr . A number of constants were used in this function , given here : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # define UROUND ( 2 . 22 e -16 ) # define SAFETY 0.9 # define PGROW ( - 0 . 2 ) # define PSHRNK ( - 0 . 25 ) # define ERRCON ( 1 . 89 e -4 ) # define TINY ( 1 . 0 e -30 ) const double eps = 1.0 e -10 ; 3.2 RKC Code The RKC driver algorithm is next given . For this algorithm , the number of stages must be determined at each step to handle local stiffness ; to avoid excess computation , a maximum number of stages is first set . In addition , minimum and maximum allowable time step sizes are defined . 1 2 3 4 __device__ void rkcDriver ( double t , const double tEnd , const double g , double * y ) { \/\/ number of steps int numStep = 0 ; 5 6 7 \/\/ maximum allowable number of RKC stages int mMax = ( int ) ( round ( sqrt ( relTol \/ ( 10 . 0 * UROUND )))) ; 8 9 10 \/\/ RKC needs at least two stages for second - order accuracy if ( mMax < 2 ) mMax = 2 ; 9 11 12 13 \/\/ maximum allowable step size const double stepSizeMax = fabs ( tEnd - t ) ; 14 15 16 \/\/ minimum allowable step size double stepSizeMin = 10.0 * UROUND * fmax ( fabs ( t ) , stepSizeMax ) ; Then , the algorithm evaluates the derivative using the initial conditions for use as the initial eigenvector estimate for the spectral radius calculation . The calculated eigenvectors are stored and used as initial guesses in later steps . 1 2 3 4 \/\/ internal y vector double y_n [ NEQN ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) y_n [ i ] = y [ i ] ; 5 6 7 8 \/\/ calculate F_n for initial y double F_n [ NEQN ] ; dydt ( t , y_n , g , F_n ) ; 9 10 11 \/\/ internal work vector double work [ 4 + NEQN ] ; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 \/\/ load initial estimate for eigenvector if ( work [ 2 ] < UROUND ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { work [ 4 + i ] = F_n [ i ] ; } } Inside the time integration loop , the algorithm calculates the spectral radius for the first step \u2013 which it next uses to determine the initial step size \u2013 and every 25 steps thereafter . 1 2 3 \/\/ perform internal sub - stepping while ( t < tEnd ) { double tempArr [ NEQN ] , tempArr2 [ NEQN ] , err ; 4 5 6 \/\/ if last step , limit step size if (( 1 . 1 * work [ 2 ] ) > = fabs ( tEnd - t )) work [ 2 ] = fabs ( tEnd - t ) ; 7 8 9 10 11 \/\/ estimate Jacobian spectral radius if 25 steps passed if (( numStep % 25 ) == 0 ) { work [ 3 ] = rkcSpecRad ( t , y_n , g , F_n , stepSizeMax , & work [ 4 ] , tempArr2 ) ; } For the initial step , a trial step is taken using the inverse of the spectral radius as the step size ; the resulting error is used to determine an appropriate step size that satisfies error control . 1 2 3 4 \/\/ if this is initial step if ( work [ 2 ] < UROUND ) { \/\/ estimate first time step work [ 2 ] = stepSizeMax ; 5 6 7 if (( work [ 3 ] * work [ 2 ] ) > 1.0 ) work [ 2 ] = 1.0 \/ work [ 3 ] ; work [ 2 ] = fmax ( work [ 2 ] , stepSizeMin ) ; 8 9 10 11 12 for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { temp_arr [ i ] = y_n [ i ] + ( work [ 2 ] * F_n [ i ] ) ; } dydt ( t + work [ 2 ] , tempArr , g , tempArr2 ) ; 10 13 err = 0.0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { double est = ( tempArr2 [ i ] - F_n [ i ] ) \/ ( absTol + relTol * fabs ( y_n [ i ] )) ; err + = est * est ; } err = work [ 2 ] * sqrt ( err \/ NEQN ) ; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 if (( P1 * work [ 2 ] ) < ( stepSizeMax * sqrt ( err ))) { work [ 2 ] = fmax ( P1 * work [ 2 ] \/ sqrt ( err ) , stepSizeMin ) ; } else { work [ 2 ] = stepSizeMax ; } 21 22 23 24 25 26 } For all steps following the first , the value stored in work [ 2 ] is used for the time step size . Next , the number of stages is determined using the spectral radius and current time step size , and a tentative integration step performed . 1 2 \/\/ calculate number of steps int m = 1 + ( int ) ( sqrt ( 1 . 54 * work [ 2 ] * work [ 3 ] + 1.0 )) ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 \/\/ modify step size based on stages if ( m > mMax ) { m = mMax ; work [ 2 ] = (( double ) ( m * m - 1 ) ) \/ ( 1 . 54 * work [ 3 ] ) ; } 9 10 11 \/\/ perform tentative time step rkcStep ( t , y_n , g , F_n , work [ 2 ] , m , y ) ; The algorithm then estimates the error of that step . 1 2 \/\/ calculate derivative F_np1 with tentative y_np1 dydt ( t + work [ 2 ] , y , g , tempArr ) ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \/\/ estimate error err = 0.0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { double est = 0.8 * ( y_n [ i ] - y [ i ] ) + 0.4 * work [ 2 ] * ( F_n [ i ] + tempArr [ i ] ) ; est \/ = ( absTol + relTol * fmax ( fabs ( y [ i ] ) , fabs ( y_n [ i ] ))) ; err + = est * est ; } err = sqrt ( err \/ (( double ) N )) ; Based on the error magnitude , the algorithm determines whether to accept the step and proceed to the next step or decrease the step size and repeat the current step . 1 2 3 4 5 \/\/ check value of error if ( err > 1.0 ) { \/\/ error too large , step is rejected \/\/ select smaller step size work [ 2 ] = 0.8 * work [ 2 ] \/ ( pow ( err , ( 1 . 0 \/ 3.0 ))) ; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 \/\/ reevaluate spectral radius work [ 3 ] = rkcSpecRad ( t , y_n , g , F_n , stepSizeMax , & work [ 4 ] , tempArr2 ) ; } else { \/\/ step accepted t + = work [ 2 ] ; numStep ++ ; 11 Finally , for an accepted step , the current step size and error are stored and the next step size is calculated . double fac = 10.0 ; double temp1 , temp2 ; 1 2 3 if ( work [ 1 ] < UROUND ) { temp2 = pow ( err , ( 1 . 0 \/ 3.0 )) ; if ( 0 . 8 < ( fac * temp2 )) fac = 0.8 \/ temp2 ; } else { temp1 = 0.8 * work [ 2 ] * pow ( work [ 0 ] , ( 1 . 0 \/ 3.0 )) ; temp2 = work [ 1 ] * pow ( err , ( 2 . 0 \/ 3.0 )) ; if ( temp1 < ( fac * temp2 )) fac = temp1 \/ temp2 ; } 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 \/\/ set \" old \" values to those for current time step work [ 0 ] = err ; work [ 1 ] = work [ 2 ] ; 13 14 15 16 for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { y_n [ i ] = y [ i ] ; F_n [ i ] = tempArr [ i ] ; } 17 18 19 20 21 work [ 2 ] * = fmax ( P1 , fac ) ; work [ 2 ] = fmax ( stepSizeMin , fmin ( stepSizeMax , work [ 2 ] )) ; 22 23 } 24 } 25 26 } As before , we do not provide the RKC integration step device function rkcStep , which evaluates Eqs . ( 13 ) \u2013 ( 16 ) . The absolute and relative tolerances absTol and relTol are set as defined constants , e.g. , : 1 2 const double abs_tol = 1.0 e -10 ; const double rel_tol = 1.0 e -6 ; Note that these may be modified to more stringent tolerances if desired . The constant UROUND is defined the same as in the RKCK code above . The local work array work contains , in element order : 0 the previous step error estimation , 1 previous time step , 2 current time step , 3 spectral radius , and 4 vector of eigenvalues ( of size N ) . The device function rkcSpecRad returns the spectral radius , the largest magnitude eigenvalue ; various methods may be used for this purpose depending on the case . We provide GPU source code for a nonlinear power method adopted from Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] that may be used for general applications in the Appendix . 12 4 Performance Results We tested the performance of the GPU-based RKCK and RKC integration algorithms using two ODE test cases , ranging the number of ODE systems from 101 to 105 . For both cases , all calculations were performed in double precision using a single GPU and single CPU ; we compared the performance of the GPU algorithm against serial CPU calculations as well as parallelized CPU performance \u2013 via OpenMP [ 35 ] \u2013 on four cores . We performed the GPU calculations using an NVIDIA Tesla c2075 GPU with 6 GB of global memory , and an Intel Xeon X5650 CPU , running at 2.67 GHz with 256 kB of L2 cache memory per core and 12 MB of L3 cache memory , served as the host processor both for the GPU calculations and the CPU single - and four-core OpenMP calculations . We used the GNU Compiler Collection ( gcc ) version 4.6.2 ( with the compiler options \" - O3 - ffast-math - std = c99 - m64 \" ) to compile the CPU programs and the CUDA 5.5 compiler nvcc version 5.5.0 ( \" - O3 - arch = sm_20 - m64 \" ) to compile the GPU versions . We set the GPU to persistence mode , but also used the cudaSetDevice ( ) to hide any further device initialization delay in the CUDA implementations prior to the timing . The integration algorithms take as input initial conditions and a global time step , performing internal sub-stepping as necessary . The computational wall-clock times reported represent the average over ten global time steps , which for the GPU versions includes the overhead required for transmitting data between the CPU and GPU before and after each global step . The integrator restarts at each global time step , not storing any data from the previous step \u2013 although any substepping performed by the algorithm within these larger steps does benefit from retained information from prior sub-steps . Interested readers should refer to Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] for more detailed performance evaluations of these algorithms in the context of chemical kinetics problems . 4.1 RKCK Results We used the Pleiades ODE test problem ( PLEI ) of Hairer et al. [ 23 , 36 ] to test the GPU - and CPU-based versions of the RKCK integrator . This nonstiff test case originates from a celestial mechanisms problem tracking the coordinates of seven stars ; it consists of a set of 14 second-order ODEs based on Newtonian gravitational forces , in the form ~ x ~ z00 = ~ y ! 00 ( 1 ) x00i = fi f ~ ( 1 ) ( ~ x , ~ y ) , f ~ ( 2 ) ( ~ x , ~ y ) ! = ( ~ x , ~ y ) = X ~ z \u2208 < 14 , ( 34 ) mj ( xj \u2212 xi ) \/ rij , ( 35 ) mj ( yj \u2212 yi ) \/ rij , ( 36 ) 3 \/ 2 ( 37 ) j6 = i yi00 = ( 2 ) fi ( ~ x , ~ y ) = X j6 = i rij = ( xi \u2212 xj ) 2 + ( yi \u2212 yj ) , i , j = 1 , ... , 7 , where ( xi , yi ) and mi = i are the coordinates and mass of the ith star , respectively . This secondorder system can be converted into a system of 28 first-order ODEs of the form by defining w ~ = ~ z0 , such that ! 0 !! ~ z w ~ ~ z = ~ , \u2208 < 28 . ( 38 ) w ~ f ( ~ z ) w ~ While the original problem offers specific initial conditions for a single ODE system , here we consider a large number of ODEs with the initial conditions randomly perturbed by a small factor to 13 4 Speedup factor of RKCK-GPU 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 103 RKCK-GPU vs. RKCK-CPU RKCK-GPU vs. RKCK-CPU \u00d7 4 104 105 Number of independent ODE systems Figure 1 : Speedup factors offered by GPU-based explicit RKCK integration algorithm over singleand four-core CPU-based versions for Pleiades ODE problem . Note that the horizontal axis is displayed in logarithmic scale . 14 emulate a sensitivity analysis . We integrated the ODE systems from t = 0 s to 1.0 s using 1.0 \u00d7 10 \u2212 1 s as the global time step size . We set the RKCK tolerance \u03b5 ( eps in the code ) to 1.0 \u00d7 10 \u2212 10 . Figure 1 shows the speedup factors , measured as the ratio of computational times per step , offered by the GPU-based RKCK algorithm over the baseline CPU version for both serial and four-core parallel operation , for numbers of ODE systems ranging from 1024 to 262,144 . The GPU-based algorithm ran faster than the serial and parallel CPU-based algorithms for Node larger than 4096 and 8192 , respectively . For the current problem , at best the GPU offered a speedup factors of nearly four and two over the serial and four-core CPU implementations , respectively . The non-smooth performance scaling resulted from the randomly perturbed initial conditions . Note that since each ODE system used randomly perturbed initial conditions , adjacent threads in the GPU implementation handled potentially extremely different initial condition values , resulting in thread divergence due to varying internal time step sizes . Therefore , the results shown here represent a worst-case GPU algorithm performance , particularly compared to applications involving operator-split reactive-flow codes where adjacent threads \/ ODE systems correspond to neighboring spatial locations . In such situations , initial conditions would be more similar and therefore follow similar instruction pathways . In either case , GPU-based integration algorithms offer performance benefits over the baseline CPU versions . See Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] for more discussion on this topic . Furthermore , the current problem involved a relatively simple system of ODEs , limiting the calculations performed on the GPU between the memory transfers before and after each integration step . ODE systems with more complex derivative functions would saturate the GPU with operations , increasing performance . For example , the RKCK algorithm demonstrated by Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] performed up to 126 times faster on a GPU than on a serial CPU , integrating a chemical kinetics ODE system with nine species participating in 38 reaction steps \u2013 requiring significantly more floating-point calculations than the case studied here . 4.2 RKC Results To demonstrate the performance of the GPU-based RKC algorithm , we used a chemical kinetics problem : the ODE system describing the constant-volume autoignition of ethanol ( C2 H5 OH ) . We implemented the reaction mechanism of Marinov [ 37 ] to describe the oxidation of ethanol , with 57 species participating in 766 irreversible reaction steps . The governing ODE system contained 58 ~ : equations : one for temperature T and the rest for species mass fractions Y d ~ y = dt dYNsp dT dY1 ,, ... , dt dt dt | , ( 39 ) Nsp dT 1 X = \u2212 ei \u03c9i Wi , dt \u03c1cv i = 1 dYi Wi \u03c9i = , i = 1 , ... , Nsp , dt \u03c1 \u03c9i = NX reac Nsp 00 \u03bdij \u2212 0 \u03bdij j = 1 kj Y \u03bd0 Ck kj , ( 40 ) ( 41 ) ( 42 ) k = 1 where \u03c1 indicates the density , cv the mass-averaged constant-volume specific heat , ei the internal 00 and \u03bd 0 the forward and energy of the ith species , Wi the molecular weight of the ith species , \u03bdij ij reverse stoichiometric coefficients for the ith species in reaction j , Ck the molar concentration of the kth species , and Nsp and Nreac are the numbers of species and reactions , respectively . For a 15 Speedup factor of RKCK-GPU 100 10 1 0.1 RKC-GPU vs. RKC-CPU RKC-GPU vs. RKC-CPU \u00d7 4 102 103 104 Number of independent ODE systems 105 Figure 2 : Speedup factors offered by GPU-based explicit RKC integration algorithm over singleand four-core CPU-based versions for pollution ODE problem . Note that both axes are displayed in logarithmic scale . reaction j without pressure dependence , the rate coefficient kj is given in Arrhenius form by kj = Aj T \u03b2j \u2212 Ej exp RT , ( 43 ) where R is the universal gas constant , Aj the pre-exponential coefficient , \u03b2j the temperature exponent , and Ej the activation energy . Note that reactions can be pressure-dependent ( see , e.g. , Law [ 38 ] for examples of various pressure-dependence formulations ) ; these were also considered in the current implementation . This problem is moderately stiff using a time step size of \u03b4t = 1.0 \u00d7 10 \u2212 6 s for 10 global time steps . In this case , we generated initial conditions for the set of ODE systems by sampling the solutions obtained from constant-pressure homogeneous ignition simulations , initiated at 1600 K , 1 atm , and an equivalence ratio of one1 . We assigned these initial conditions sequentially , such that adjacent threads in the GPU implementation contained data from consecutive time steps in the sample \u2013 and therefore such threads handled the integration of similar conditions , emulating adjacent spatial locations in an operator-split reactive-flow simulation . Figure 2 shows the speedup factors offered by the GPU-based RKC algorithm over the baseline CPU version for both serial and four-core parallel operation , for numbers of ODE systems ranging from 64 to 16,384 . In this case , the GPU-accelerated code ran faster than the serial CPU version for the entire range of ODE system sizes considered , while it offered better performance than the four-core parallel CPU version for 256 ODEs and higher . At best , the GPU-based RKC algorithm 1 An equivalence ratio of one indicates the mixture of fuel and oxidizer set to an appropriate ratio for complete combustion . 16 ran nearly 64 and 17 times faster than the serial and four-core CPU implementations , respectively . The discontinuity in speedup seen in Fig. 2 corresponded to the inclusion of conditions leading to greater stiffness . 5 Conclusions In this chapter , we presented two explicit algorithms appropriate for integrating large numbers of independent ODE systems on GPUs . Specifically , we proposed the fifth-order adaptive Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Cash \u2013 Karp ( RKCK ) method for nonstiff problems and the stabilized second-order adaptive Runge \u2013 Kutta \u2013 Chebyshev ( RKC ) method for problems with moderate levels of stiffness . Source code and implementation details were presented to ease the adoption of such methods , and performance comparison results were presented for each method . The examples shown here served to demonstrate the potential of GPU acceleration where many independent systems of ODEs need to be integrated ; in the case of the RKC algorithm , we demonstrated more than an order of magnitude performance increase over an equivalent parallel CPU code running on four cores . The types of scientific and engineering problems dealing with large numbers of ODEs \u2013 in particular , reactive-flow models that rely on operator splitting \u2013 can benefit significantly from GPU acceleration ; interested readers can directly implement the algorithms presented here to such ends , or use them as the beginnings for their own solution . Acknowledgements This work was supported by the US Department of Defense through the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship program , the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant number DGE-0951783 , and the Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center \u2013 an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department of Energy , Office of Science , Office of Basic Energy Sciences under award number DE-SC0001198 . Appendix Various methods may be used to calculate the spectral radius , including the Gershgorin circle theorem [ 39 , 40 ] that provides an upper-bound estimate . Here , we provide a function based on a nonlinear power method [ 31 ] . 1 2 3 4 __device__ double rkcSpecRad ( const double t , const double * y , const double g , const double * F , const double hMax , double * v , double * Fv ) { \/\/ maximum number of iterations const int itmax = 50 ; 5 6 double small = 1.0 \/ hmax ; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 double nrm1 = 0.0 ; double nrm2 = 0.0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { nrm1 + = ( y [ i ] * y [ i ] ) ; nrm2 + = ( v [ i ] * v [ i ] ) ; } nrm1 = sqrt ( nrm1 ) ; nrm2 = sqrt ( nrm2 ) ; 17 16 double dynrm ; if (( nrm1 ! = 0.0 ) && ( nrm2 ! = 0.0 )) { dynrm = nrm1 * sqrt ( UROUND ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] = y [ i ] + v [ i ] * ( dynrm \/ nrm2 ) ; } } else if ( nrm1 ! = 0.0 ) { dynrm = nrm1 * sqrt ( UROUND ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] = y [ i ] * ( 1 . 0 + sqrt ( UROUND )) ; } } else if ( nrm2 ! = 0.0 ) { dynrm = UROUND ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] * = ( dynrm \/ nrm2 ) ; } } else { dynrm = UROUND ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] = UROUND ; } } 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 \/\/ now iterate using nonlinear power method double sigma = 0.0 ; for ( int iter = 1 ; iter < = itmax ; ++ iter ) { 40 41 42 43 dydt ( t , pr , v , Fv ) ; 44 45 nrm1 = 0.0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { nrm1 + = (( Fv [ i ] - F [ i ] ) * ( Fv [ i ] - F [ i ] )) ; } nrm1 = sqrt ( nrm1 ) ; nrm2 = sigma ; sigma = nrm1 \/ dynrm ; 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 nrm2 = fabs ( sigma - nrm2 ) \/ sigma ; if (( iter > = 2 ) && ( fabs ( sigma - nrm2 ) < = ( fmax ( sigma , small ) * 0.01 ))) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] - = y [ i ] ; } return ( 1 . 2 * sigma ) ; } 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 if ( nrm1 ! = 0.0 ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] = y [ i ] + (( Fv [ i ] - F [ i ] ) * ( dynrm \/ nrm1 )) ; } } else { int ind = ( iter % NEQN ) ; v [ ind ] = y [ ind ] - ( v [ ind ] - y [ ind ] ) ; } 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 } return ( 1 . 2 * sigma ) ; 70 71 72 } 18 References [ 1 ] O. 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Click IT ! is unique in that it offers a service within nursery schools during term time and school hours , working with young children in their own safe and familiar learning environment . The lessons are designed to be both fun and educational with activities to cater for every level of learning from the beginner to the ' Whizz - Kid ' . A Click IT ! franchise represents more than just a sound business investment opportunity . You are probably looking for work that fulfils you and gives you passion and self respect , yet allows you to combine a career with the hectic responsibilities of family life . As a business that operates during term times and school hours only , it provides an ideal combination of a rewarding and worthwhile vocation , without the sacrifice of quality time at home . About You Click IT ! will only offer franchises to those who it believes are suitable and have the potential to run a successful local Click IT ! operation . A Click IT ! franchisee does not need to have previous experience of teaching or of IT at an advanced level , as full training will be provided . Those most suited to becoming a Click IT ! franchisee will meet the criteria listed below : You will be : Self Motivated Dynamic & enthusiastic Passionate Strong personality Sales skills Likeable Affinity with children Honest & dependable Caring Stable home life Support of family Previous career success Manager Computer literate Organised Academically sound Financially secure Financial Information The total start up cost of owning a Click IT ! franchise is approximately \u00a3 10 , 000 including all hardware , software and other set up costs . In turn you will receive a renewable 5 year agreement covering an exclusive area and the full support of the Click IT ! team . Training and Support From finance to running an IT business Harsha Popat worked in finance for 12 years . Her experience is serving her well in her new career as a franchisee running her own business teaching IT to young children . Having been made redundant from her finance job when she had her second child 10 years ago , Harsha decided to spend quality time with her children because she felt she did n't want to miss out those important early years with them . When her youngest started pre-school she began looking around for work . She had a friend who worked with Click IT ! Kids , a business teaching IT to children in nurseries , who told her it was term-time only and you could work it around school time . \" It sounded fantastic . It meant I could drop my kids off and pick them up and have some ' me ' time , \" she said . Harsha sent in her CV through her friend . Meanwhile she saw an advert in the local paper for teachers . \" I did n't know it was for Click IT ! Kids and I called up . The manager said she happened to be looking at my CV [ which she was given by my friend ] . \" Harsha was given full training in how to teach IT skills to children . Click IT ! Kids has detailed lesson plans and specially developed software . She then started working in two nurseries and gradually built up the number of nurseries she covered . She would typically finish her classes by 12 noon each day . Franchisee Harsha had so much confidence in the programme that last year she decided to take out a franchise with Click IT ! Kids . Her children are now 13 and 10 and she wanted to take on running her own business , so she set up Click IT ! Barnet . \" The kids love it , \" she says . \" The minute they know you are there , they can not wait for their turn . The younger ones are in groups of two and the older ones are taught in groups of up to three . You really notice the difference . If they start at two they are well ahead of their peers when they start school . It also benefits the nurseries as Click IT ! Kids takes away the burden they would normally have of teaching IT to children as part of the Early Years Foundation Scheme ( EYFS ) National Curriculum . \" The children progress at their own pace , starting with learning mouse and cursor skills . The lesson plans cover the early learning goals ; so in addition to IT skills they learn numeracy and literacy skills on the computer . \" When the children start school they can recognise their numbers and the alphabet . They are really confident about navigating around programmes and opening and shutting down the computer , \" says Harsha . Despite running the Click IT ! Barnet franchise , which includes administrative work and marketing to potential nurseries , Harsha still keeps her hand in at teaching and still mainly works during term time . For instance , she runs open days at the end of the summer term to recruit children for the autumn term . She covers Barnet , Hampstead and parts of Enfield in north London as part of her franchise . Harsha employs another teacher to give her more time to do marketing and gradually grow the business . She sometimes logs on at night , but never works later than 10pm . \" My financial background helps with running the business , \" she says , \" but I do not miss my former job . You can not compare the time you gain with your children . It 's fantastic . \"","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"CHAPTER VI The next day commenced as before , getting up and dressing by rushlight ; but this morning we were obliged to dispense with the ceremony of washing ; the water in the pitchers was frozen . A change had taken place in the weather the preceding evening , and a keen north-east wind , whistling through the crevices of our bedroom windows all night long , had made us shiver in our beds , and turned the contents of the ewers to ice . Before the long hour and a half of prayers and Bible-reading was over , I felt ready to perish with cold . Breakfast-time came at last , and this morning the porridge was not burnt ; the quality was eatable , the quantity small . How small my portion seemed ! I wished it had been doubled . In the course of the day I was enrolled a member of the fourth class , and regular tasks and occupations were assigned me : hitherto , I had only been a spectator of the proceedings at Lowood ; I was now to become an actor therein . At first , being little accustomed to learn by heart , the lessons appeared to me both long and difficult ; the frequent change from task to task , too , bewildered me ; and I was glad when , about three o ' clock in the afternoon , Miss Smith put into my hands a border of muslin two yards long , together with needle , thimble , & c . , and sent me to sit in a quiet corner of the schoolroom , with directions to hem the same . At that hour most of the others were sewing likewise ; but one class still stood round Miss Scatcherd's chair reading , and as all was quiet , the subject of their lessons could be heard , together with the manner in which each girl acquitted herself , and the animadversions or commendations of Miss Scatcherd on the performance . It was English history : among the readers I observed my acquaintance of the verandah : at the commencement of the lesson , her place had been at the top of the class , but for some error of pronunciation , or some inattention to stops , she was suddenly sent to the very bottom . Even in that obscure position , Miss Scatcherd continued to make her an object of constant notice : she was continually addressing to her such phrases as the following : -- \" Burns \" ( such it seems was her name : the girls here were all called by their surnames , as boys are elsewhere ) , \" Burns , you are standing on the side of your shoe ; turn your toes out immediately . \" \" Burns , you poke your chin most unpleasantly ; draw it in . \" \" Burns , I insist on your holding your head up ; I will not have you before me in that attitude , \" & c . & c . A chapter having been read through twice , the books were closed and the girls examined . The lesson had comprised part of the reign of Charles I. , and there were sundry questions about tonnage and poundage and ship - money , which most of them appeared unable to answer ; still , every little difficulty was solved instantly when it reached Burns : her memory seemed to have retained the substance of the whole lesson , and she was ready with answers on every point . I kept expecting that Miss Scatcherd would praise her attention ; but , instead of that , she suddenly cried out -- \" You dirty , disagreeable girl ! you have never cleaned your nails this morning ! \" Burns made no answer : I wondered at her silence . \" Why , \" thought I , \" does she not explain that she could neither clean her nails nor wash her face , as the water was frozen ? \" My attention was now called off by Miss Smith desiring me to hold a skein of thread : while she was winding it , she talked to me from time to time , asking whether I had ever been at school before , whether I could mark , stitch , knit , & c . ; till she dismissed me , I could not pursue my observations on Miss Scatcherd's movements . When I returned to my seat , that lady was just delivering an order of which I did not catch the import ; but Burns immediately left the class , and going into the small inner room where the books were kept , returned in half a minute , carrying in her hand a bundle of twigs tied together at one end . This ominous tool she presented to Miss Scatcherd with a respectful curtesy ; then she quietly , and without being told , unloosed her pinafore , and the teacher instantly and sharply inflicted on her neck a dozen strokes with the bunch of twigs . Not a tear rose to Burns' eye ; and , while I paused from my sewing , because my fingers quivered at this spectacle with a sentiment of unavailing and impotent anger , not a feature of her pensive face altered its ordinary expression . \" Hardened girl ! \" exclaimed Miss Scatcherd ; \" nothing can correct you of your slatternly habits : carry the rod away . \" Burns obeyed : I looked at her narrowly as she emerged from the book-closet ; she was just putting back her handkerchief into her pocket , and the trace of a tear glistened on her thin cheek . The play-hour in the evening I thought the pleasantest fraction of the day at Lowood : the bit of bread , the draught of coffee swallowed at five o ' clock had revived vitality , if it had not satisfied hunger : the long restraint of the day was slackened ; the schoolroom felt warmer than in the morning--its fires being allowed to burn a little more brightly , to supply , in some measure , the place of candles , not yet introduced : the ruddy gloaming , the licensed uproar , the confusion of many voices gave one a welcome sense of liberty . On the evening of the day on which I had seen Miss Scatcherd flog her pupil , Burns , I wandered as usual among the forms and tables and laughing groups without a companion , yet not feeling lonely : when I passed the windows , I now and then lifted a blind , and looked out ; it snowed fast , a drift was already forming against the lower panes ; putting my ear close to the window , I could distinguish from the gleeful tumult within , the disconsolate moan of the wind outside . Probably , if I had lately left a good home and kind parents , this would have been the hour when I should most keenly have regretted the separation ; that wind would then have saddened my heart ; this obscure chaos would have disturbed my peace ! as it was , I derived from both a strange excitement , and reckless and feverish , I wished the wind to howl more wildly , the gloom to deepen to darkness , and the confusion to rise to clamour . Jumping over forms , and creeping under tables , I made my way to one of the fire-places ; there , kneeling by the high wire fender , I found Burns , absorbed , silent , abstracted from all round her by the companionship of a book , which she read by the dim glare of the embers . \" Is it still ' Rasselas ' ? \" I asked , coming behind her . \" Yes , \" she said , \" and I have just finished it . \" And in five minutes more she shut it up . I was glad of this . \" Now , \" thought I , \" I can perhaps get her to talk . \" I sat down by her on the floor . \" What is your name besides Burns ? \" \" Helen . \" \" Do you come a long way from here ? \" \" I come from a place farther north , quite on the borders of Scotland . \" \" Will you ever go back ? \" \" I hope so ; but nobody can be sure of the future . \" \" You must wish to leave Lowood ? \" \" No ! why should I ? I was sent to Lowood to get an education ; and it would be of no use going away until I have attained that object . \" \" But that teacher , Miss Scatcherd , is so cruel to you ? \" \" Cruel ? Not at all ! She is severe : she dislikes my faults . \" \" And if I were in your place I should dislike her ; I should resist her . If she struck me with that rod , I should get it from her hand ; I should break it under her nose . \" \" Probably you would do nothing of the sort : but if you did , Mr. Brocklehurst would expel you from the school ; that would be a great grief to your relations . It is far better to endure patiently a smart which nobody feels but yourself , than to commit a hasty action whose evil consequences will extend to all connected with you ; and besides , the Bible bids us return good for evil . \" \" But then it seems disgraceful to be flogged , and to be sent to stand in the middle of a room full of people ; and you are such a great girl : I am far younger than you , and I could not bear it . \" \" Yet it would be your duty to bear it , if you could not avoid it : it is weak and silly to say you _can not bear_ what it is your fate to be required to bear . \" I heard her with wonder : I could not comprehend this doctrine of endurance ; and still less could I understand or sympathise with the forbearance she expressed for her chastiser . Still I felt that Helen Burns considered things by a light invisible to my eyes . I suspected she might be right and I wrong ; but I would not ponder the matter deeply ; like Felix , I put it off to a more convenient season . \" You say you have faults , Helen : what are they ? To me you seem very good . \" \" Then learn from me , not to judge by appearances : I am , as Miss Scatcherd said , slatternly ; I seldom put , and never keep , things , in order ; I am careless ; I forget rules ; I read when I should learn my lessons ; I have no method ; and sometimes I say , like you , I can not _bear_ to be subjected to systematic arrangements . This is all very provoking to Miss Scatcherd , who is naturally neat , punctual , and particular . \" \" And cross and cruel , \" I added ; but Helen Burns would not admit my addition : she kept silence . \" Is Miss Temple as severe to you as Miss Scatcherd ? \" At the utterance of Miss Temple's name , a soft smile flitted over her grave face . \" Miss Temple is full of goodness ; it pains her to be severe to any one , even the worst in the school : she sees my errors , and tells me of them gently ; and , if I do anything worthy of praise , she gives me my meed liberally . One strong proof of my wretchedly defective nature is , that even her expostulations , so mild , so rational , have not influence to cure me of my faults ; and even her praise , though I value it most highly , can not stimulate me to continued care and foresight . \" \" That is curious , \" said I , \" it is so easy to be careful . \" \" For _you_ I have no doubt it is . I observed you in your class this morning , and saw you were closely attentive : your thoughts never seemed to wander while Miss Miller explained the lesson and questioned you . Now , mine continually rove away ; when I should be listening to Miss Scatcherd , and collecting all she says with assiduity , often I lose the very sound of her voice ; I fall into a sort of dream . Sometimes I think I am in Northumberland , and that the noises I hear round me are the bubbling of a little brook which runs through Deepden , near our house ; -- then , when it comes to my turn to reply , I have to be awakened ; and having heard nothing of what was read for listening to the visionary brook , I have no answer ready . \" \" Yet how well you replied this afternoon . \" \" It was mere chance ; the subject on which we had been reading had interested me . This afternoon , instead of dreaming of Deepden , I was wondering how a man who wished to do right could act so unjustly and unwisely as Charles the First sometimes did ; and I thought what a pity it was that , with his integrity and conscientiousness , he could see no farther than the prerogatives of the crown . If he had but been able to look to a distance , and see how what they call the spirit of the age was tending ! Still , I like Charles--I respect him--I pity him , poor murdered king ! Yes , his enemies were the worst : they shed blood they had no right to shed . How dared they kill him ! \" Helen was talking to herself now : she had forgotten I could not very well understand her--that I was ignorant , or nearly so , of the subject she discussed . I recalled her to my level . \" And when Miss Temple teaches you , do your thoughts wander then ? \" \" No , certainly , not often ; because Miss Temple has generally something to say which is newer than my own reflections ; her language is singularly agreeable to me , and the information she communicates is often just what I wished to gain . \" \" Well , then , with Miss Temple you are good ? \" \" Yes , in a passive way : I make no effort ; I follow as inclination guides me . There is no merit in such goodness . \" \" A great deal : you are good to those who are good to you . It is all I ever desire to be . If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust , the wicked people would have it all their own way : they would never feel afraid , and so they would never alter , but would grow worse and worse . When we are struck at without a reason , we should strike back again very hard ; I am sure we should--so hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again . \" \" You will change your mind , I hope , when you grow older : as yet you are but a little untaught girl . \" \" But I feel this , Helen ; I must dislike those who , whatever I do to please them , persist in disliking me ; I must resist those who punish me unjustly . It is as natural as that I should love those who show me affection , or submit to punishment when I feel it is deserved . \" \" Heathens and savage tribes hold that doctrine , but Christians and civilised nations disown it . \" \" How ? I do n't understand . \" \" It is not violence that best overcomes hate--nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury . \" \" What then ? \" \" Read the New Testament , and observe what Christ says , and how He acts ; make His word your rule , and His conduct your example . \" \" What does He say ? \" \" Love your enemies ; bless them that curse you ; do good to them that hate you and despitefully use you . \" \" Then I should love Mrs. Reed , which I can not do ; I should bless her son John , which is impossible . \" In her turn , Helen Burns asked me to explain , and I proceeded forthwith to pour out , in my own way , the tale of my sufferings and resentments . Bitter and truculent when excited , I spoke as I felt , without reserve or softening . Helen heard me patiently to the end : I expected she would then make a remark , but she said nothing . \" Well , \" I asked impatiently , \" is not Mrs. Reed a hard-hearted , bad woman ? \" \" She has been unkind to you , no doubt ; because you see , she dislikes your cast of character , as Miss Scatcherd does mine ; but how minutely you remember all she has done and said to you ! What a singularly deep impression her injustice seems to have made on your heart ! No ill-usage so brands its record on my feelings . Would you not be happier if you tried to forget her severity , together with the passionate emotions it excited ? Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs . We are , and must be , one and all , burdened with faults in this world : but the time will soon come when , I trust , we shall put them off in putting off our corruptible bodies ; when debasement and sin will fall from us with this cumbrous frame of flesh , and only the spark of the spirit will remain , -- the impalpable principle of light and thought , pure as when it left the Creator to inspire the creature : whence it came it will return ; perhaps again to be communicated to some being higher than man--perhaps to pass through gradations of glory , from the pale human soul to brighten to the seraph ! Surely it will never , on the contrary , be suffered to degenerate from man to fiend ? No ; I can not believe that : I hold another creed : which no one ever taught me , and which I seldom mention ; but in which I delight , and to which I cling : for it extends hope to all : it makes Eternity a rest--a mighty home , not a terror and an abyss . Besides , with this creed , I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime ; I can so sincerely forgive the first while I abhor the last : with this creed revenge never worries my heart , degradation never too deeply disgusts me , injustice never crushes me too low : I live in calm , looking to the end . \" Helen's head , always drooping , sank a little lower as she finished this sentence . I saw by her look she wished no longer to talk to me , but rather to converse with her own thoughts . She was not allowed much time for meditation : a monitor , a great rough girl , presently came up , exclaiming in a strong Cumberland accent -- \" Helen Burns , if you do n't go and put your drawer in order , and fold up your work this minute , I 'll tell Miss Scatcherd to come and look at it ! \" Helen sighed as her reverie fled , and getting up , obeyed the monitor without reply as without delay .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Tips for living with coyotes Thu July 25 , 2013 10 : 29pm Coyotes are part of the natural habitat in California , and they are increasingly adept at searching for food in cities because their natural habitat has increasingly been encroached by development . Coyote conflicts with humans are extremely rare , even though coyote activity is higher during this time of year as this is the season when they are raising their pups . If you walk your dog in or near any of the known coyote habitats , keep your dog on a leash at all times as required by municipal codes . If possible , avoid walking dogs in the early morning or at dusk , which are prime feeding times for coyotes . Keep small pets indoors , especially cats - they are an easy favored prey Coyotes and other predators may be attracted to areas that provide protective cover . Remove hiding spaces by keeping brush and weeds from around buildings cleared . Many coyotes have lost their natural fear of humans . The best thing that you can do if you see a coyote is to \" haze \" them . This involves standing tall and making yourself look big while waving your arms ; yelling at them to go away ; throwing objects toward them ; or spraying them with water . It is essential that coyotes retain their natural fear of humans . Never run from a coyote . Keep constant eye contact with the coyote and continue to move toward other people , a building or an area of activity . In the event of a life-threatening emergency please call 911 . LBACS advises residents to report coyote attacks , threats and aggressive behavior at 562-570-7387 . If coyotes are sighted in areas where there are children ( schools , parks , etc. ) or if the coyotes are acting aggressively , an officer will be dispatched immediately . Additionally , LBACS takes reports of coyote activities and forwards any threats to pets or people to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife so that they may respond appropriately . To report a coyote incident online and for further information on reducing conflicts and hazing techniques , please visit www.longbeach.gov\/acs\/wildlife . Post new comment","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Defence review to see dozens of sites close The UK government will sell off 56 more defence sites by 2040 , the defence secretary has told MPs . Sir Michael Fallon said the sale of the sites - part of a review of Ministry of Defence land - was in addition to the sale of 35 MoD sites that had previously been announced . Unions called the plans \" brutal \" and promised to fight the closures . But Sir Michael said it would deliver better value for money and release enough land to build 55,000 homes . It is estimated that about \u00a3 140m will be saved over the next decade by selling off the sites , which Sir Michael said would be reinvested in creating \" areas of military expertise \" in locations across the country . More than 32,000 acres of defence land will be released , including 10 surplus airfields and five golf courses . Fort George barracks to close in 2032 Three sites to be sold in Northern Ireland Brecon Barracks to close after 220 years \" By putting money where it is needed , we will provide better facilities to train our armed forces and deliver more stability for military families , \" he said , adding that the moves are part of a package of more than \u00a3 4bn of investment in the services . The majority of sites will be in England , including parts of Catterick Garrison , North Yorkshire - the Army's largest garrison - the Prince William of Gloucester Barracks , near Grantham , and Imphal Barracks in York . A further eight sites in Scotland will close , including the Redford Calvary and Infantry Baracks in Edinburgh , and Fort George , near Ardersier . Then Wales and Northern Ireland will each have three bases closed , including Brecon Barracks . New sites and bases will be moved to locations which are selected based on employment opportunities in the community , enabling military families to buy their own homes and reducing disruption to children's education , Sir Michael said . These include new regional hubs for light infantry battalions in London , Edinburgh , Lisburn , St Athan , Blackpool and Cottesmore , as well as air assault forces in Colchester and a specialised infantry group in Aldershot . Defence secretary Michael Fallon said new sites would be chosen because of ' employment opportunities in the community ' Nia Griffith , shadow defence secretary , said Labour recognised there was \" a need to modernise \" the defence estate , but wanted reassurance families would be taken care of . She said : \" The government is right to seek to restructure the estate to ensure that we optimise our military capability and deliver value for money for the British taxpayer . \" The changes proposed in this report are very considerable in scale and there is a real need to ensure they are delivered in a way that does not cause undue challenges to our forces and their families . \" Ms Griffith also asked Sir Michael to confirm that all of the money raised would go back into defence and not into the Treasury . In reply , he said : \" All of the receipts , not some of them but all of the receipts , will come back in to the defence budget . \" ' Brutal programme ' But unions have said the cuts will severely hit the support for armed forces and damage morale . Mark Serwotka , general secretary for the Public and Commercial Services union , said : \" We are opposed to these closure plans that throw the future into doubt for thousands of staff . \" The MoD has a poor track record on selling off land for homes and this again exposes how the Tories are simply paying lip service to the urgent need to address the housing crisis . \" Mike McCartney , national officer for Unite , echoed the criticism , calling the closures \" brutal \" . \" In many instances the bases earmarked for closure are at the heart of their local communities providing a source of decent and secure employment , \" he said .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Are you free over this December and January for temporary reception bookings at London's best creative agencies ? If so , get in touch ! Are you looking for a fun temporary reception role starting immediately ? Do you thrive in a fast paced , creative and fun environment ? Have you worked in a Creative agency before or are familiar with the media industry ? If so , then please get in touch by sending your CV to Impact as we are currently looking to recruit experienced receptionist 's to represent us over the festive season from Soho to Shoreditch . The ideal candidate will have ... Worked as a receptionist previously Be passionate about the creative \/ advertising industries ( or have experience within it ) And be free over Christmas and New Year 's Our opportunities are both short term and on-going , from 1 day to 1 month and beyond , depending on the circumstances . If this sounds like something for you , please apply today !","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Bremen town musicians There was once an ass whose master had made him carry sacks to the mill for many a long year , but whose strength began at last to fail , so that each day as it came found him less capable of work . Then his master began to think of turning him out , but the ass , guessing that something was in the wind that boded him no good , ran away , taking the road to Bremen ; for there he thought he might get an engagement as town musician . When he had gone a little way he found a hound lying by the side of the road panting , as if he had run a long way . \" Now , Holdfast , what are you so out of breath about ? \" said the ass . \" Oh dear ! \" said the dog , \" now I am old , I get weaker every day , and can do no good in the hunt , so , as my master was going to have me killed , I have made my escape ; but now , how am I to gain a living ? \" - \" I will tell you what , \" said the ass , \" I am going to Bremen to become town musician . You may as well go with me , and take up music too . I can play the lute , and you can beat the drum . \" And the dog consented , and they walked on together . It was not long before they came to a cat sitting in the road , looking as dismal as three wet days . \" Now then , what is the matter with you , old shaver ? \" said the ass . \" I should like to know who would be cheerful when his neck is in danger , \" answered the cat . \" Now that I am old my teeth are getting blunt , and I would rather sit by the oven and purr than run about after mice , and my mistress wanted to drown me ; so I took myself off ; but good advice is scarce , and I do not know what is to become of me . \" - \" Go with us to Bremen , \" said the ass , \" and become town musician . You understand serenading . \" The cat thought well of the idea , and went with them accordingly . After that the three travellers passed by a yard , and a cock was perched on the gate crowing with all his might . \" Your cries are enough to pierce bone and marrow , \" said the ass ; \" what is the matter ? \" - \" I have foretold good weather for Lady-day , so that all the shirts may be washed and dried ; and now on Sunday morning company is coming , and the mistress has told the cook that I must be made into soup , and this evening my neck is to be wrung , so that I am crowing with all my might while I can . \" - \" You had much better go with us , Chanticleer , \" said the ass . \" We are going to Bremen . At any rate that will be better than dying . You have a powerful voice , and when we are all performing together it will have a very good effect . \" So the cock consented , and they went on all four together . But Bremen was too far off to be reached in one day , and towards evening they came to a wood , where they determined to pass the night . The ass and the dog lay down under a large tree ; the cat got up among the branches , and the cock flew up to the top , as that was the safest place for him . Before he went to sleep he looked all round him to the four points of the compass , and perceived in the distance a little light shining , and he called out to his companions that there must be a house not far off , as he could see a light , so the ass said , \" We had better get up and go there , for these are uncomfortable quarters . \" The dog began to fancy a few bones , not quite bare , would do him good . And they all set off in the direction of the light , and it grew larger and brighter , until at last it led them to a robber's house , all lighted up . The ass . being the biggest , went up to the window , and looked in . \" Well , what do you see ? \" asked the dog . \" What do I see ? \" answered the ass ; \" here is a table set out with splendid eatables and drinkables , and robbers sitting at it and making themselves very comfortable . \" - \" That would just suit us , \" said the cock . \" Yes , indeed , I wish we were there , \" said the ass . Then they consulted together how it should be managed so as to get the robbers out of the house , and at last they hit on a plan . The ass was to place his forefeet on the window-sill , the dog was to get on the ass's back , the cat on the top of the dog , and lastly the cock was to fly up and perch on the cat's head . When that was done , at a given signal they all began to perform their music . The ass brayed , the dog barked , the cat mewed , and the cock crowed ; then they burst through into the room , breaking all the panes of glass . The robbers fled at the dreadful sound ; they thought it was some goblin , and fled to the wood in the utmost terror . Then the four companions sat down to table , made free with the remains of the meal , and feasted as if they had been hungry for a month . And when they had finished they put out the lights , and each sought out a sleeping-place to suit his nature and habits . The ass laid himself down outside on the dunghill , the dog behind the door , the cat on the hearth by the warm ashes , and the cock settled himself in the cockloft , and as they were all tired with their long journey they soon fell fast asleep . When midnight drew near , and the robbers from afar saw that no light was burning , and that everything appeared quiet , their captain said to them that he thought that they had run away without reason , telling one of them to go and reconnoitre . So one of them went , and found everything quite quiet ; he went into the kitchen to strike a light , and taking the glowing fiery eyes of the cat for burning coals , he held a match to them in order to kindle it . But the cat , not seeing the joke , flew into his face , spitting and scratching . Then he cried out in terror , and ran to get out at the back door , but the dog , who was lying there , ran at him and bit his leg ; and as he was rushing through the yard by the dunghill the ass struck out and gave him a great kick with his hind foot ; and the cock , who had been wakened with the noise , and felt quite brisk , cried out , \" Cock-a-doodle-doo ! \" Then the robber got back as well as he could to his captain , and said , \" Oh dear ! in that house there is a gruesome witch , and I felt her breath and her long nails in my face ; and by the door there stands a man who stabbed me in the leg with a knife ; and in the yard there lies a black spectre , who beat me with his wooden club ; and above , upon the roof , there sits the justice , who cried , ' Bring that rogue here ! ' And so I ran away from the place as fast as I could . \" From that time forward the robbers never ventured to that house , and the four Bremen town musicians found themselves so well off where they were , that there they stayed . And the person who last related this tale is still living , as you see .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Ad banners cover Nelson for first time Nelson's Column has been covered in advertising for the first time in its 163-year history . Banners depicting the Trafalgar Square monument enveloped in smog , ravaged by whirlwinds and submerged in a flood were put up last week . The ads are for insurer Zurich Financial Services Group and have been hung over scaffolding . They will remain until restoration work on Nelson is completed in July .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Quimby is an alternative rock band popular on the Hungarian music scene . Enjoying large crowds across the nation , they have had successes at music festivals such as the Sziget Festival . Together for over 25 years , the band has a large collection of studio albums and one live CD \/ DVD combo to their credit . The band originated in the industrial town of Duna\u00fajv\u00e1ros under the name ' Okt\u00f3ber ' , playing covers . By the end of high school , the band dispersed . The Kiss brothers , Tibor and Endre , got another group together in 1991 , and renamed it ' Quimby ' . 1991 to 1995 : Saloon start - Jerrycan Dance In 1992 the band's first cassette entitled Up Side Down was made available , featuring English-language tunes like \" Sea , \" \" Stink , \" \" I Give You My Shoes , \" \" Up Side Down , \" \" Never Get By , \" and \" Policeman \" . The band's style was compared to the chansons and cabaret songs from the period between the World Wars . The band played at pubs in Pest . By 1993 the personnel consisted of Tibor Kiss ( vocals and guitar ) , Endre Kiss ( guitar ) , Livius Varga ( percussion and vocals ) , Tam\u00e1s Sz\u00e9n Moln\u00e1r ( saxophone ) , Ferenc Mikuli ( bass guitar ) , and \u00c1kos Medve ( drums ) . In 1993 they recorded their second album , Sip of Story . This album also came out on cassette and had English lyrics . During this period the band was one of the most successful club bands in Budapest , and also popular on the college and festival circuit . At this point the elder Kiss brother , Endre , left the band . He was replaced by a young piano player , Szil\u00e1rd Balanyi , who was born in Balatonf\u00fcred . With this new line-up the band recorded its next album , Jerrycan Dance , which came out on CD but in a limited edition . This album is also in English and it begins to show some of the main characteristics which are seen in the present band . 1995 to 1997 : Language change - Majom-tang\u00f3 In 1995 , the band decided to focus more on writing songs in Hungarian . By the summer of 1996 the new album was finished : Majom-tang\u00f3 ( Monkey Tango ) . This album contains mostly Hungarian songs , but there are three English ones . The album has an eclectic style : there are several folk songs featured in the usual chanson-epic style of Quimby , especially Roma and Latin folk music ; then reggae and psychedelic effects are incorporated . Majom-tang\u00f3 is the direct antecedent of their present style . The release of Majom-tang\u00f3 immediately led to a rise in popularity on the Hungarian music scene . The band moved from being a phenomenon on the alternative stage to wider popularity with the appearance of Diligramm ( Loonygramme ) in December 1997 . Diligramm is a complete work of a mature band . The lyrics are crisper , the musical palette more colorful ; the band found its own style . The CD was introduced by a video and single , \" Once There Was a Time \" , and by a memorable CD release concert . Quimby enjoyed many successes in their live performances , with more concerts in front of larger audiences . In the spring of 1998 the Hungarian press chose Diligramm the album of the year . The new album \u00c9kszerelm\u00e9re was highly anticipated even before it was released in November 1999 . Producing the record proved a little complex when early in the year Livius Varga lost the tape containing the ideas of for new songs while he was traveling on the tram in Budapest . \u00c9kszerelm\u00e9re is even more mature and composed than the previous album . The music is strict but playful , uniform but discursive , realistic but ascendent , and traditionalist . While the band uses the implementations of modern music , the lyrics are cruel and ironic ; stories and verbal psychedelia are present . After the recording of \u00c9kszerelm\u00e9re the band released Tam\u00e1s Moln\u00e1r ( saxophone ) . After a long search his place was filled by J\u00f3zsef K\u00e1rp\u00e1ti , a trumpet and piano player from the band ' Andersen ' . The band stepped on stage at that year's Sziget Festival in this form . During this period the band performed at festival concerts in Hungary and abroad , and went on a mini-tour of Germany . In the spring of 2001 Quimby released a new album called Morzs\u00e1k \u00e9s Szil\u00e1nkok ( Crumbs and Splinters ) . It contained remixes featuring unknown , young , talented remixers , together with concert recordings of older songs . Tibor Kiss singer said the album presented the material \" with a sort of continuous modality , like a film , building upon each other one after the other \" . In 2002 , the album called K\u00e1osz Amigos ( Chaos Amigos ) did not disappoint fans . The album takes the musical oeuvre of Quimby to a new point of view . It is a musical-lyrical adventure in a troubled , intensive , vibrating , sensitive , dynamic , tragic , humorous , often tragicomic world . This album contains 10 songs in 43 minutes . In spite of the shorter playtime the album is a colorful , exciting and amusing musical roller-coaster . The songs are memorable but not hits in the usual sense . There are Spanish-like chansons with stiff rhythms , interesting guitar work , agile and bop songs . There are also fancy , moderate , slow songs and rap , even childhood sayings . The album features percussion instruments , guitar , bass , keyboards , modern electronics and trumpet by the newest member of the band , J\u00f3zsef K\u00e1rp\u00e1ti . The band had just completed touring the new album in Hungary when frontman Tibor Kiss needed an extended break for rest and relaxation , so the band went on hiatus . Though its was n't known ahead of time how long the break would be , the pause lasted until 2004 . After an intensive probation period and a return concert , Quimby rejoined the Hungarian public music scene once again with enormous power . Full-house concerts were held in Budapest and other venues , along with a successful \" Night Invasion \" concert in Spring 2004 and appearances at the big summer festivals , including the Sziget Festival . The band continued from where they left off : reviewers and fans said the band was in good shape , perhaps even better than before . 2005 to present : Kil\u00e9gz\u00e9s and Family Tuged\u00f6r The album Kil\u00e9gz\u00e9s ( Exhalation , October 2005 ) became an important work in the band's history . It is an interesting milestone because it opened a new era from an artistic point of view . Memories from their previous phase are presented in a new context , in a re-evaluated form . Tibor Kiss does n't mince now , there is no nostalgia , no great truths revealed , but only the music with its ironic , emotional , expressive style . In 2006 the band reached the 15-year milestone . Quimby celebrated this special jubilee by publishing a greatest hits recording and DVD called Family Tuged\u00f6r . They also gave a double concert in the Katona J\u00f3zsef Theatre , one in the Pet\u0151fi Csarnok venue and a concert on 1 January 2007 called \" Magic Music \" . The work continues with two releases in 2009 , an EP ( Ajjajjaj ) and a full length album ( L\u00e1rmagy\u0171jt\u00f6get\u0151 ) .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"1 . Specifications and Quality Assurance ( 1 ) The Contractor shall ensure that : ( a ) the Articles are of the qualities and sorts described in and equal in all respects to the samples , patterns , specifications , plans , drawings or other documents , individually or collectively , which form part of the Contract ; and ( b ) except insofar as may otherwise be indicated by any sample , pattern , specification , plan , drawing or other document : ( i ) the Articles are strictly in accordance with the latest relevant British Standards , or equivalent , that are published before the date of the Contract ; or ( ii ) if no such Standards exist , the Articles are otherwise to the satisfaction of NPL . ( 2 ) The Contractor shall , if so requested by NPL , furnish details of the Contractor's quality management system and produce evidence , if appropriate , of certification to BS5750 \/ EN29000 \/ IS09000 or equivalent . 2 . Inspection ( 1 ) NPL may , at any reasonable time , inspect any or all of the Articles ( or arrange for the inspection thereof ) : ( a ) at the Contractor's premises while they are in the course of production ; ( b ) at the Contractor's premises on completion of their production ; ( c ) after delivery by the Contractor to NPL ; and \/ or ( d ) as otherwise provided in the Contract . ( 2 ) When NPL wishes to exercise its right of inspection under this Condition , the Contractor shall , at the Contractor's own expense , provide : ( a ) full and free access to the Contractor's premises as and when required for such inspection ; ( b ) all such accommodation and facilities in connection with such inspection as NPL may reasonably require ; and ( c ) all appliances , materials and labour required for such inspection . 3 . Delivery ( 1 ) The Contractor shall deliver the Articles to NPL at its premises at Teddington , Middlesex , United Kingdom ( or , where specified in the Contract , to any other place , or to the agent of NPL or its authorised representative ) at the time or times and at the place or places and in the manner specified in the Contract or in orders issued under the Contract . Delivery of the Articles shall occur on their going into the possession of NPL or its agent . ( 2 ) The time of delivery of the Articles shall be of the essence of the Contract . If the Contractor fails to deliver the Articles within the time specified for such delivery in the Contract , NPL shall , without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of NPL , have the right ( at its option ) to be released from any obligation to accept and pay for the Articles , or to cancel delivery of any of the Articles . ( 3 ) When delivering the Articles in accordance with this Condition , the Contractor shall ; ( a ) ensure that the Articles are properly packed and secured as may be specified in the Contract ; and ( b ) comply with any additional instructions that from time to time NPL may give with regard to the transportation of the Articles , provided that any extra cost necessarily incurred in complying with such instructions shall be paid by NPL as an addition to the Contract Price . ( 4 ) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract , the property in the Articles shall pass from the Contractor to NPL upon delivery of the Articles in accordance with Clause ( 1 ) of this Condition . ( 5 ) If NPL has rejected any one or more of the Articles under Condition 8 after delivery thereof to NPL by the Contractor and NPL has notified the Contractor of such rejection , that one or more of the Articles shall be considered as not having been delivered under the Contract and the property in that one or more of the Articles shall revert to the Contractor . 4 . Delay in Delivery ( 1 ) If any of the Articles is not delivered within the time or times specified in the Contract or in any order issued under the Contract , NPL may , without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of NPL , terminate the Contract by notice to the Contractor either in respect of any of the Articles which has not been delivered in accordance with the Contract at the time of such termination , or in respect of all of the Articles . ( 2 ) Where NPL has terminated the Contract under Clause ( 1 ) of this Condition , NPL may , without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of NPL : ( a ) replace any or all of the Articles in relation to which the Contract has been so terminated by purchasing or manufacturing other items of the same or similar description , or by allocating other items of the same or similar description in the possession or control of NPL to the purposes for which those of the Articles so replaced are required ; and ( b ) recover from the Contractor the amount by which the aggregate of the cost of purchasing and of manufacturing such other items and of the value of such allocated items exceeds the amount which would have been payable to the Contractor in respect of those of the Articles so replaced if they had been delivered in accordance with the Contract . 5 . Loss of or Damage to the Articles ( 1 ) The Contractor shall be responsible for the Articles and any materials , equipment , fittings or other things acquired or allocated by the Contractor for incorporation therein until delivery of the Articles has been made in accordance with Condition 3 and shall make good any loss of or damage to the Articles or any such materials , equipment , fittings or other things however caused that may occur before such delivery . ( 2 ) Clause ( 1 ) of this Condition shall apply even though : ( a ) any or all of the Articles may have been inspected in accordance with the Contract ; and \/ or ( b ) the property in any or all of the Articles may , in accordance with the terms of the Contract , have passed from the Contractor to NPL or its agent before delivery thereof . ( 3 ) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract , the Contractor shall not be responsible for the Articles after delivery thereof , except that , if any one or more of the Articles is rejected by NPL under Condition 8 after delivery thereof by the Contractor to NPL , the Contractor shall become responsible in all respects for such rejected one or more of the Articles upon : ( a ) the Contractor removing the same in accordance with Clause ( 3 ) of Condition 8 ; ( b ) NPL returning the same to the Contractor in accordance with Clause ( 4 ) of Condition 8 ; or ( c ) if the Contractor fails to remove the same as aforesaid , or if NPL does not return the same as aforesaid , the expiry of the period of eight ( 8 ) working days after the date on which NPL has notified the Contractor of such rejection . 6 . Acceptance Acceptance of any of the Articles shall take place when : ( a ) NPL confirms acceptance of the same in accordance with the procedures specified in the Contract ; or ( b ) if no such procedures are specified , NPL shall , without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of NPL , be deemed to have accepted the same as soon as any of the following events occurs : ( i ) NPL takes the same into use ; ( ii ) NPL fails to exercise its right of rejection of the same under Condition 8 within any period specified for that purpose in the Contract ; or ( iii ) where no period for exercising the said right of rejection is specified in the Contract , a reasonable time has elapsed since delivery of the same was made in accordance with Condition 3 . 7 . Acceptance Marks If so required in the terms of the Contract , the Contractor shall , at the Contractor's own expense : ( a ) mark ( or permit NPL to mark ) the Articles and \/ or any materials , components or parts thereof with acceptance marks specified by NPL ; or ( b ) if it is not possible to apply such marks to the Articles and \/ or any materials , components or parts thereof , pack the same in suitable packages or cases and apply acceptance marks specified by NPL to such packages or cases . 8 . Rejection ( 1 ) NPL may reject any of the Articles that on inspection in accordance with Condition 2 is found not to conform to the requirements of the Contract . ( 2 ) NPL may reject the whole of any consignment of the Articles if inspection in accordance with Condition 2 shows that : ( a ) such proportion of the Articles as the Contract may specify for the purposes of this Condition , or ( b ) any sample taken indiscriminately from that consignment , does not conform to the requirements of the Contract . ( 3 ) If , under Clause ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) of this Condition , NPL rejects any of the Articles or any consignment of the Articles after the delivery thereof by the Contractor to NPL , the Contractor shall , at the Contractor's own expense , remove from NPL each and every rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles : ( a ) within such period of time as may be specified in the Contract ; or ( b ) if no such period of time is specified in the Contract , within the period of eight ( 8 ) working days after the date on which NPL has notified the Contractor of such rejection . ( 4 ) In the event that : ( a ) NPL rejects under Clause ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) of this Condition any of the Articles or any consignment of the Articles after the delivery thereof by the Contractor to NPL , and ( b ) the Contractor fails to remove from NPL each and every rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles in accordance with Clause ( 3 ) of this Condition , NPL may return to the Contractor , at the Contractor's risk , each and every rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles . The Contractor shall pay the cost of packing and transportation thereof from NPL to the Contractor . ( 5 ) If , under Clause ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) of this Condition , NPL rejects any of the Articles or any consignment of the Articles , the Contractor shall , at the Contractor's own expense , deliver to NPL ( as the case may be ) one of the Articles or a consignment of the Articles that conforms with the requirements of the Contract as a replacement for each rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles . The Contractor shall deliver each such replacement within the period of time specified in the contract for delivery of all of the Articles to NPL or within such other period of time as may be agreed . ( 6 ) If , under Clause ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) of this Condition , NPL rejects any of the Articles or any consignment of the Articles , the Contractor shall , if NPL so requires , mark each and every rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles in a manner satisfactory to NPL that identifies the same as having been rejected by NPL . Copyright | Privacy | Disclaimer National Physical Laboratory , Teddington , Middlesex , UK , TW11 0LW \u00a9 Crown Copyright 2006 . Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"1 . This website and the material on it is intended for information purposes only . It does not represent legal advice and we specifically exclude giving any legal advice in it . It is not intended that any contractual or solicitor \/ client relationship will arise or be created between us by you having accessed our website or read this material . 2 . We make no warranty or representation as to the content and you should not rely upon it . Please contact us for appropriate advice . We will supply our terms and conditions of business on demand . 3 . We expressly disclaim all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this site or this material . 4 . The database rights , the copyright and all other intellectual property rights to our website and to this material belong to us ; you may not use any part of it for any purpose without our prior consent . You may not create any links to our website and we do not endorse the content of any such links that may be created . 5 . If you download material from the website then you do so entirely at your own risk and the user will be responsible for any resulting software \/ computer damage or loss .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Residential Conveyancing Moving house can be extremely stressful . The firm seeks to take upon itself as much of that stress as possible . We offer a complete and thorough service . The prices of the properties we deal with vary between several million pounds at the upper end of the residential market and in the region of 75,000 pounds at the lower end . Great care is taken in relation to leasehold conveyancing . Commercial Conveyancing We have frequently undertaken Commercial Conveyancing . Round the clock service offered for a speedy conclusion . The fastest exchange of contract has been achieved within 24 hours of instructions . All conveyancing is carried out by fully qualified solicitors , we do not use unqualified clerks or junior members of our team . This is a quality service set in our chambers in Grays Inn Square . On-line Conveyancing Quotes Please complete the following questions for an on-line quote : Is the property a House or Flat ? What is the Sale Value and the Purchase Value ? Are you Buying Selling or Both ? What is the Post Code and Country of the property ?","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"How does Furniture Friend Work Furniture Friend offers you a way to eliminate scratches from furniture , floor etc easily . What 's more , the job will be done within no time as these scratches will be concealed almost instantly . Furniture Friend is a twelve piece system that can match every type of wood and it has many special features too . If there are any deep scratches , gouges , cracks or nail holes for that matter , they can be eliminated with the help of the filler stick . For regular scratches , worn edges , imperfections and blemishes , the touch up markers one gets with Furniture Friend will be just perfect . Another highlight of using Furniture Friend is that it dries off immediately and thus you do n't have to wait for ever so long for results to show . From cherry to oak , maple , black wood , mahogany and walnut , several shades of Furniture Friend make it versatile for all types of furniture needs . It can be used to get rid of scratches on cabinets , floors and moldings as well . Now there 's no reason to replace your expensive furniture frequently or look up to professionals to handle the job of restoring it , because that 's something that can be done at home with Furniture Friend .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Our Site Father's Day Gift-Giving Tips Are you ready to show Dad how much you appreciate him ? If you 've bought golf balls one too many times , here are some tips from The Emily Post Institute on new ways to show Dad he 's number one . Father's Day traditions vary widely between families \u2013 from a phone call to making a whole day of it \u2013 but the essence is n't the card or the gift . It 's about telling the important men in our lives ( whether fathers , step-fathers , uncles , grandfathers , or any other men who have played a significant role for us ) how much we love and appreciate them . Think about ways to spend time with Dad on Father's Day . Treat him to a movie or lunch , plan a bike ride or a hike at a state park , or even just stop for ice cream \u2013 these can all be meaningful ways to connect . For the barbecue lover : Grill tools are always an easy gift . Grill brands , which can be personalized , take the blah out of burgers . Steven Raichlen has several recipe books that contain hundreds of ideas for the dedicated grill master . In a pinch , or when you do n't live in the same town as Dad , cards and gift certificates to favorite restaurants or stores do the trick . The most important thing to keep in mind about Father's Day gifts is that they should be reflections of your relationship with Dad . They do n't have to be expensive to be meaningful . It 's also great to find ways to get the kids involved . Homemade cards and crafts from younger kids are sure to be treasured presents ( yes , even cards covered in dried macaroni ! ) . Does Dad hate mowing the lawn ? Teens who are short on cash can pledge to do extra chores ( cleaning their room does n't count ) . And whether the day has been well planned or it 's the eleventh hour , do n't forget to give Dad a hug ( or a call ) and actually say , \" Happy Father's Day ! \"","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Dear Ishmael Please may I thank you for the children's celebration on Wednesday ( ? ) of Week 1 of Spring Harvest this year : the celebration at which you and others prayed for healing for those there . I was there and I was healed . I have n't told anyone about this yet , because for the past couple of weeks I 've been too scared to hope that it could really be true . But it is . I was standing at the back , because a botched operation on my knee when I was 13 had left me with a weak right leg and a small degree of disability . All that standing up and sitting down the previous couple of evenings had been a bit too much . I was also feeling fairly vulnerable , because I 'd just had a row with my chalet-mates . God uses some strange ways to prepare us for meeting Him . One person spoke about depression , and I wondered if that could be for me , but it did n't feel ' right ' - I 've suffered from depression , but am coping with it quite well right now . Then ( I think it was ) you said that someone had a pain , or a problem , with their right leg . And what I heard was , \" Jesus wants to heal you . \" Jesus actually WANTS to heal me . I do n't think anyone saw but I just stood at the back of the room and could n't stop the tears pouring out . I do n't have the words to describe what I felt , or how I fell now in remembering it , but I was completely overwhelmed . I walked out of the room , to go to the Big Top celebration , limping as I usually do \u2013 and then I realised that I did n't need to limp . I tried out walking like other people walk \u2013 and I was walking evenly , and without pain . I was so scared I almost went straight back to the chalet , to hide . I do n't know from what . After the celebration I walked through the site , not wanting to go ' home ' \u2013 just wanting to walk , to see if I could make it hurt again . I could n't . I work out at the gym a lot , on medical advice ( I certainly do n't torture myself for fun ! ) . Walking the treadmill has been agony \u2013 I 've simply had to work through the pain , because it 's something I am required to do by my doctor . Since getting back from Spring Harvest , I 've been to the gym almost every day , and have never once felt any of the pain I used to live with all the time . My right leg is weak and gets tired , but I can see even that starting to change now . THERE IS NO MORE PAIN ! I 'm still frightened to believe it , in case it turns out not to be true . But it is true , is n't it ? Which is why I want to thank you , in completely inadequate words . After 29 years , I can walk freely again . I am not a good person ( I have some nasty stuff in my past that Jeff , who is surely one of the kindest and most compassionate people I 've ever met , is helping me sort out ) , but Jesus has stepped right into where it hurt and He has healed me . I do n't understand it \u2013 I certainly do n't deserve it \u2013 but it 's happened . I think I 've caught a glimpse of what Paul means when he talks about praising God continually . I suppose I should tell people , but I do n't know how . I 'm afraid they wo n't believe me \u2013 my disability was not always particularly marked . But I know it 's true , and my gratitude to Jesus is without measure . I do n't know yet how to thank Him , but I shall find a way . Thank you as well . Thank you so much .","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Second regular session 2002 23 to 27 September 2002 , New York Item 7 of the provisional agenda UNOPS : Financial , budgetary and administrative matters Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions has considered the report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services on the implementation of the revised budget for 2002 , on the revised budget estimates for the biennium 2002-2003 and on the level of the operational reserve ( DP \/ 2002 \/ 33 ) . The Committee also had before it , as background documentation , a conference room paper on UNOPS revised budget estimates for the year 2002 ( DP \/ 2002 \/ CRP . 10 ) , a report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors for the biennium 2000-2001 ( DP \/ 2002 \/ 35 ) , an action plan on savings from projected staff cuts ( DP \/ 2002 \/ 35 \/ Add . 1 ) , an advance copy of the UNOPS contingency plan for 2002-2003 ( DP \/ 2002 \/ 35 \/ Add . 2 ) and draft terms of reference and timetable for an independent review of UNOPS ( DP \/ 2002 \/ 36 ) . During its consideration of these matters , the Committee met with the Executive Director of UNOPS and his colleagues , who provided additional information . The Advisory Committee notes that the projection of income and expenditures of UNOPS during the biennium 2002-2003 has taken place under circumstances that have seriously impacted on the working of that Office . The Advisory Committee notes with concern the serious situation facing the management and operation of UNOPS . The Committee was informed that the massive reduction of business from UNDP that started in 1999 continued during the biennium 2000-2001 and the year 2002 ( see annex 1 to this report ) . Income from UNDP decreased from $ 79 . 4 million in the biennium 1998-1999 ( or some 92 percent of total project income of UNOPS ) to $ 61 . 5 million in the biennium 2000-2001 ( or 82 percent of total project income ) . However , UNDP remains UNOPS ' largest client since the latter's inception in 1994 ( see report of the Board of Auditors to the General Assembly on the accounts of UNOPS for the biennium ended 31 December 2001 , para . 25 and Annex 2 to this report ) . The Advisory Committee was informed that the UNOPS ' delivery dropped considerably in 2001 and consequently its income from project delivery . The budget approved for 2001 ( Executive Board decision 2001 \/ 19 ) projected a total income of $ 56 . 8 million and total administrative expenditures of $ 55 . 3 million . Actual income for 2001 amounted however to only $ 47 . 2 million or $ 9 . 6 million less than the projected income . Administrative expenditures totaled $ 52 . 8 million , exceeding total income by $ 5 . 6 million . UNOPS covered this shortfall in income through a drawdown on the operational reserve , in accordance with its Financial Regulations , reducing its level to $ 5 million ( DP \/ 2002 \/ CRP . 10 ) . The Advisory Committee was also informed that the performance of UNOPS in 2001 was significantly affected , inter alia , by the uncertainty about its future status . The review by the Secretary-General on the operations and continuity of UNOPS , requested in March 2001 , was completed in January 2002 when the Secretary-General took the decision to maintain UNOPS as a separate and identifiable entity of the United Nations system that is self-financing , as originally intended by Member States . The Committee was provided with the note of the Secretary-General on the matter ( DP \/ 2002 \/ CRP . 5 ) . The Committee notes that in reaching its decision , the Secretary-General was assisted by the internal review carried out , at his request , by the Office of Internal Oversight Services ( OIOS ) . The Committee recalls that in paragraph 4 of its report DP \/ 2001 \/ 29 of 5 September 2001 , it indicated that it was incumbent on the Secretary-General to inform Member States expeditiously on the results of the review . The Committee reiterates its request that the Secretary-General make available to Member States the report of OIOS on UNOPS . Furthermore , the Advisory Committee believes that , in supporting the continued work of UNOPS , as a separate and identifiable entity that provides services to organizations of the United Nations system for the management and delivery of programmes and projects , it is incumbent upon the Secretary-General to take steps to ensure the viability and success of UNOPS . The Advisory Committee recalls that it had also expressed its concern that the prolonged deliberations regarding the future status of UNOPS would have negative impact on its operations , resulting in lower levels of acquisition and delivery ( DP \/ 2001 \/ 29 , para . The Committee was informed that during 2001 the uncertainty regarding the existence of UNOPS had led to a decrease in UNOPS ' key businesses , including cancellation or delays of approved project budgets funded by UNDP in an amount of $ 42 million . The Advisory Committee is concerned that , through no fault of UNOPS , it has not been able to recover fully from UNDP the costs of activities carried out in good faith , with a view to performing the tasks specified in the work plans of approved projects which were subsequently delayed , modified , or cancelled . The Committee recalls that , with respect to the termination or postponement of project budgets , it had indicated that this should be managed through consultation of all parties concerned and in such a way as to minimize the financial consequences and their impact on UNOPS ( DP \/ 2001 \/ 29 , para . In this connection , the Committee recommends that the Administrator of UNDP review the issue so as to reimburse UNOPS in an equitable manner for the costs incurred . ( See paragraph . 9 below . The Advisory Committee notes that the Secretary-General decided to maintain the Management Coordination Committee ( MCC ) , chaired by the UNDP Administrator ( see DP \/ 2002 \/ CRP . 5 , paras . 7 to 15 ) . The Committee has indicated that the relationships of UNOPS with the entities involved in governing , servicing and advising it are complex and that , at times , may hinder the effective communication and reporting systems of UNOPS ( DP \/ 1994 \/ 57 , paras . 3 and 4 ) . In the Committee's opinion , the responsibilities currently assigned to the MCC appear to establish another layer of executive management for UNOPS ; as initially endorsed by the Executive Board , the MCC was established to provide overall oversight and guidance to UNOPS , as a self-financing entity . The Committee was informed that actions taken by the MCC in management of UNOPS have resulted , at times , in unnecessary and costly delays . For example , the Committee was informed that , in the last quarter of 2001 , it had become clear that expenditure reductions on non-staff related items would not be sufficient to balance the budget . Both the approved budget and the staffing strength of UNOPS were in excess of the income that was being generated . Had the MCC agreed with staff reduction measures in November 2001 rather than in February 2002 , the downward adjustment would have been less painful and savings in 2002 could have been larger . With regard to budget for 2002 , the Advisory Committee was informed that in June 2002 , the Management Coordination Committee ( MCC ) decided to revise the approved budget of $ 56 . 5 million downward to a ceiling of $ 44 million . The 2002 revised budget is based on business already acquired but excluding new business in the advanced pipeline that would be signed and implemented during the course of the year . The Advisory Committee remains concerned that the Executive Director of UNOPS has not been given the flexibility needed to manage the organization to react to changes in the fluctuations in delivery of the project portfolio and other services . In this connection , the Committee recalls its comments on the role of the MCC made in its report of 7 October 1994 ( DP \/ 1994 \/ 57 , paras . 13 and 14 ) and reiterates its recommendation made in its report of 18 September 2000 ( DP \/ 2000 \/ 38 , para . 18 ) on the need to streamline the budget preparation and review process . To this end , the current role of the MCC in setting a budgetary ceiling should be reconsidered with a view to conforming the procedure for the preparation and submission of the UNOPS budget to that followed by the UN Funds and Programmes . The Advisory Committee notes from paragraph 7 of document DP \/ 2002 \/ 36 that the scope of the proposed independent review of UNOPS would include a review of the revenue and cost structures of UNOPS , its operating margins on products and services , as well as its business processes and management tools at hand . The Committee notes that the estimated cost of this review amounts to $ 200 , 000 and would be completed in 90 days . The Committee welcomes this review , which is in line with its recommendations in paragraphs 2 and 3 of its report DP \/ 2001 \/ 29 of 5 September 2001 . The Committee stresses that although UNOPS should continue its efforts to be a cost-effective and competitive provider of services to clients within the United Nations system , it should recover in full from its clients the actual costs of executing projects and providing services . The Committee also reiterates its view that UNOPS should continue its efforts to examine the structure of its business with a view to refining the criteria taken into account to evaluate the commitment of clients and UNOPS ' own capacity to deliver . To ensure an expeditious completion of the independent review , the Secretary-General should make appropriate arrangements to ensure that its costs are met . The Advisory Committee notes that , in document DP \/ 2002 \/ 35 \/ Add . 2 , an attempt has been made to formulate a contingency plan for UNOPS in response to Executive Board decision 2002 \/ 13 . The plan includes actions to be taken by the Executive Director in the event that the operational reserve is unable to absorb administrative expenditures incurred against the UNOPS account for the biennium 2002-2003 . In the Committee's opinion some of the steps proposed in paragraphs 9 to 14 to increase income and reduce administrative expenditure are already within the purview of management authority of the Executive Director of UNOPS and do not necessarily form part of a contingency plan related to the level operational reserve . Moreover , some of the proposed actions should also be closely examined in the proposed internal review of UNOPS ( see paragraph 9 above ) . These would include , for example , the question of the rights and obligations of UNOPS and its clients pursuant to contractual arrangements for project delivery ( see paragraph 5 above ) . On the question of the future status of UNDP personnel working with UNOPS and respective liabilities of UNDP and UNOPS the Advisory Committee was informed that the prevalence of staff in UNOPS with differences in contractual status hampers UNOPS ' ability to be responsive to the self-financing principle . Categories include UNDP permanent staff expected to return to UNDP , UNDP staff with contracts limited to UNOPS , and UNOPS staff . In addition , the personnel arrangements with UNDP of 1994 are no longer valid and UNOPS has agreed with UNDP to revise them in order to fit their current and future anticipated relationship . UNDP and UNOPS have agreed on a cost-sharing formula applicable to UNDP staff that have been serving with UNOPS and need to be separated as a result of abolition of posts . However , UNDP's precarious financial situation has led UNDP to take certain decisions that are not reciprocal to that which is expected from UNOPS . The Advisory Committee has commented in the past on the need to re-examine UNOPS contracts for personnel services in order to have a flexible post management system that would allow UNOPS to expand and contract its capacity in response to changes in demand and project delivery and income . The Committee has also recognized that the demand for UNOPS services is increasingly calling for specialized capacity for the management of multi-disciplinary initiatives and that UNOPS must respond quickly , efficiently and in the most cost-effective manner ( see , for example , DP \/ 2000 \/ 38 , paras . 14 to 17 ) . The Committee trusts that the internal review of UNOPS will include the re-examination of these personnel issues . Implementation of the approved budget for 2002 In its decision 2002 \/ 13 , paragraph 6 , the Executive Board approved the 2002 administrative budget in the amount of $ 44 million on the basis of a total income projected at $ 44 . 3 million and a project delivery portfolio of $ 503 . 2 million . The Committee notes that at the end of July 2002 , project delivery had reached $ 320 . 4 million , generating income in the amount of $ 22 . 5 million . Total income , including service income for loan administration , was $ 26 . 9 million and administrative expenditure amounted to $ 26 . 4 million at the end of July 2002 ( DP \/ 2002 \/ 33 , paras . 3 to 6 ) . The Advisory Committee was informed that the latest available figures indicate that UNOPS is on track or even slightly ahead on delivery and income ; however , staff related costs have increased about 7.5 per cent as compared with the pro-forma costs used in the budget , as a result mainly of currency fluctuations of the dollar vis-a-vis the Euro and other currencies . This situation may lead to overspending the approved administrative budget by some $ 250 , 000 , or one half of one percent of the approved budget , if measures for further cost containment and possible additional income turn out to be insufficient to compensate for this cost escalation in the personnel component of the budget . Revised budget estimates for 2003 The Advisory Committee was informed that , for 2003 , the MCC had initially set a revised target of $ 41 million , expressed in 2002 dollars ( as compared with approved total of $ 56 . 5 million . ) Given the increases for staff related costs and the need to set aside $ 1 million for a post-IMIS business information system , the MCC approved a budget ceiling for 2003 at the same level as for 2002 of $ 44 million . The budget submitted by the Executive Director of UNOPS amounts to $ 43 . 9 million and is based on the assumption that the delivery of project portfolio will amount to $ 513 million , reflecting an increase $ 9 . 8 million or 1.9 per cent over the estimate for 2002 of $ 503 . 2 million . Total income is projected at $ 44 . 7 million , comprising $ 36 . 4 million from project delivery , $ 6 . 9 million from service income , including services provided to IFAD , and $ 1 . 4 million from other income , including income from existing and planned agreements with a number of United Nations organizations for the subletting of office space and the provision of associated services at UNOPS headquarters ( DP \/ 2002 \/ 33 , paras . 12 to 17 and table 1 ) . The Advisory Committee notes from paragraph 16 of document DP \/ 2002 \/ 33 that the need to invest in information technology in the amount of $ 1 million in 2003 is a consequence of the decision by UNDP to implement a new Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) system , effective 1 January 2004 . The Advisory Committee recommends approval of the budget proposal of the Executive Director for 2003 . The level of the operational reserve As indicated in paragraph 3 above , at the end of the biennium 2000-2001 , the operational reserve was reduced to $ 5 . 0 million . The direct charge to the operational reserve to cover estimated staff separation in 2002 is estimated at $ 2 million ( DP \/ 2002 \/ 33 , para . 18 and table 1 ) . A total of 44 staff members have been affected by the staff reduction exercise in 2002 ( see DP \/ 2002 \/ 35 \/ Add . 1 , para . 8 and table 1 ) . In light of the estimated over-expenditure of $ 250 , 000 in 2002 ( see paragraph 13 above ) and the projected excess of income over expenditure of $ 800 , 000 in 2003 , the Committee was informed that the operational reserve level would amount to some $ 3 . 5 million by the end of 2003 . However , in 2003 and 2004 UNOPS medium-term strategy also foresees subletting one fourth of its office space in 2003 and one half from 2004 onwards , allowing the organization to generate additional income , as a result of staff reductions and decentralization measures to move operations to lower cost duty stations . * ) Since 1997 , has included an increasing number of Management Services Agreements negotiated with non-UN funding sources such as International Financial Institutions and governments , where UNDP assumes the function of funds manager and UNOPS is charged with execution .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Then he continued to rush forward as if frightened by the clatter of his own foot-steps . \" Whoa ! \" shouted Tip , picking himself up ; \" whoa ! you idiot whoa ! \" The Saw - Horse would probably have paid no attention to this , but just then it stepped a leg into a gopher-hole and stumbled head-over-heels to the ground , where it lay upon its back , frantically waving its four legs in the air . Tip ran up to it . \" You 're a nice sort of a horse , I must say ! \" he exclaimed . \" Why did n't you stop when I yelled ' whoa ? ' \" \" Does ' whoa ' mean to stop ? \" asked the Saw-Horse , in a surprised voice , as it rolled its eyes upward to look at the boy . \" Of course it does , \" answered Tip . \" And a hole in the ground means to stop , also , does n't it ? \" continued the horse . \" To be sure ; unless you step over it , \" said Tip . \" What a strange place this is , \" the creature exclaimed , as if amazed . \" What am I doing here , anyway ? \" 52 Full page line-art drawing . \" DO KEEP THOSE LEGS STILL . \" 53 \" Why , I 've brought you to life , \" answered the boy \" but it wo n't hurt you any , if you mind me and do as I tell you . \" \" Then I will do as you tell me , \" replied the Saw-Horse , humbly . \" But what happened to me , a moment ago ? I do n't seem to be just right , someway . \" \" You 're upside down , \" explained Tip . \" But just keep those legs still a minute and I 'll set you right side up again . \" \" How many sides have I ? \" asked the creature , wonderingly . \" Several , \" said Tip , briefly . \" But do keep those legs still . \" The Saw-Horse now became quiet , and held its legs rigid ; so that Tip , after several efforts , was able to roll him over and set him upright . \" Ah , I seem all right now , \" said the queer animal , with a sigh . \" One of your ears is broken , \" Tip announced , after a careful examination . \" I 'll have to make a new one . \" Then he led the Saw-Horse back to where Jack was vainly struggling to regain his feet , and after assisting the Pumpkinhead to stand upright Tip whittled out a new ear and fastened it to the horse's head . 54 \" Now , \" said he , addressing his steed , \" pay attention to what I 'm going to tell you . ' Whoa ! ' means to stop ; ' Get-Up ! ' means to walk forward ; ' Trot ! ' means to go as fast as you can . Understand ? \" \" I believe I do , \" returned the horse . \" Very good . We are all going on a journey to the Emerald City , to see His Majesty , the Scarecrow ; and Jack Pumpkinhead is going to ride on your back , so he wo n't wear out his joints . \" \" I do n't mind , \" said the Saw-Horse . \" Anything that suits you suits me . \" Then Tip assisted Jack to get upon the horse . \" Hold on tight , \" he cautioned , \" or you may fall off and crack your pumpkin head . \" \" That would be horrible ! \" said Jack , with a shudder . \" What shall I hold on to ? \" \" Why , hold on to his ears , \" replied Tip , after a moment's hesitation . \" Do n't do that ! \" remonstrated the Saw-Horse ; \" for then I ca n't hear . \" That seemed reasonable , so Tip tried to think of something else . \" I 'll fix it ! \" said he , at length . He went into the wood and cut a short length of limb from a young , stout tree . One end of this he sharpened to a point , and then he dug a hole in the back of 55 Full page line-art drawing . \" DOES IT HURT ? \" ASKED THE BOY 56 the Saw-Horse , just behind its head . Next he brought a piece of rock from the road and hammered the post firmly into the animal's back . \" Stop ! Stop ! \" shouted the horse ; \" you 're jarring me terribly . \" \" Does it hurt ? \" asked the boy . \" Not exactly hurt , \" answered the animal ; \" but it makes me quite nervous to be jarred . \" \" Well , it 's all over now \" said Tip , encouragingly . \" Now , Jack , be sure to hold fast to this post and then you ca n't fall off and get smashed . \" So Jack held on tight , and Tip said to the horse : \" Get up . \" The obedient creature at once walked forward , rocking from side to side as he raised his feet from the ground . Tip walked beside the Saw-Horse , quite content with this addition to their party . Presently he began to whistle .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Companies Act 1985 Section 245C Other persons authorised to apply to court The Secretary of State may authorise for the purposes of section 245B any person appearing to him - to have an interest in , and to have satisfactory procedures directed to securing , compliance by companies with the accounting requirements of this Act , to have satisfactory procedures for receiving and investigating complaints about the annual accounts of companies , and otherwise to be a fit and proper person to be authorised . A person may be authorised generally or in respect of particular classes of case , and different persons may be authorised in respect of different classes of case . The Secretary of State may refuse to authorise a person of he considers that his authorisation is unnecessary having regard to the fact that there are one or more other persons who have been or are likely to be authorised . Authorisation shall be by order made by statutory instrument which shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament . Where authorisation is revoked , the revoking order may make such provision as the Secretary of State thinks fit with respect to pending proceedings . Neither a person authorised under this section , nor any officer , servant or member of governing body of such a person , shall be liable in damages for anything done or purporting to be done for the purposes of or in connection with - the taking of such steps to discover whether there are grounds for an application to the court the determination whether or not to make such an application the publication of its reasons for any such decision unless the act of omission is shown to have been in bad faith . Produced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"This year Michael Brandvold Marketing has founded the Are You Listening Social Media Award . This is awarded to the person or business who has missed the boat the most when it comes to social media . This is not for the person or company who has not even setup social profiles , this is for the person or business that has profiles but has completely missed how to use them . They have completely missed the opportunity to engage with their fans or customers . One condition on winning the award , you have to give the award back if you actually become aware you won because you were following social media . Because he is completely absent from all conversation about him and his band the 2011 Are You Listening Social Media Award is presented to ... Kip Winger ! What did Kip Winger not do to get this award ? In June of 2011 at the Conclave radio conference , a annual gathering of radio and music industry professionals , Winger was mentioned during a presentation . Following the presentation Winger took on a life and was being mentioned throughout the entire day in many Tweets . Not one acknowledgement by Winger . This was a gathering of a radio and music professionals remember . Six months later a number of professionals are still talking about Winger , but now joking how he is absent ... where is Kip Winger ? Still not one acknowledgement by Winger . I tried to reach out to him via his Twitter and Facebook page , no response . Six months ago he had the opportunity to engage with industry professionals , now he is being given a award to recognize his failure .","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"What is a relational database ? A relational database consists of two or more tables whose records are related to each other . The relationship is created by linking a field in one table with a field in another table . Both these fields must be exactly the same datatype . In one of the tables it must be a Primary Key . Key fields are the heart of relational database management . The value in a key field uniquely identifies a particular occurrence of a given record type . For example a customer record might have a key field called Account and a particular customer's Account field might have a value of 123 to distinguish it from others . Storing copies of the value 123 in order records generated by that customer lets us relate the customers and order records . Only one customer record can have an account number of 123 but many order records can have the value 123 , relating them to the same customer . This is called a one-to-many relationship . The golden rule of relational database design : Never store the same information twice unless there is a very good reason The advantage of a relational database is that there is no more duplication , other than the link fields . The following diagram illustrates this . The Primary Keys for each table are in blue . ( Only a few fields are shown . ) Looking at the customers table , if we want to know more about the rep for each customer , all the data is contained in the Sales Rep table . The sales rep for customer accounts 123 and 124 is AJ and this links to the Primary key AJ in the sales Rep table , so we see his name is Andy Jordan . If we want to know what orders Ronalds has placed , the details can be found in the orders table , linked via the Primary Key Accounts . Relationships in Access Let us see how Access displays relationships . Lets also use an application which you may have had experience of yourself - a library . Here are the relationships in a simple library system . How it works There are two basic tables in a library - the Books table contains all the details of the books in the library . If there a many copies of a book , then only way you can tell them apart is the Accession Number . This is the Primary Key for the table . The second table is the Members table . This contains all the details about the members . There may be two people with the same name etc. so a different membership number is assigned to each member . This is the Primary Key for this table . These two tables become linked , when you take out a book , by means of a third table - the Transaction table . This assigns a separate number to every transaction . This is the Primary Key for this table . When you go to a library all you do is give the librarian your library card ( which has a barcode number on it ) . The librarian scans the card and scans the barcode on the book you are taking out . The two numbers are being linked together in this transaction . The computer assigns the day's date and the number of the transaction . This completes a new record in the transaction table . If they need to find out your phone number , the link will take them to the Members table and your record . If they need to find out the title of the book you took out , the link will take them to the Books table and the record for that book . Imagine how long it would take if they had to write down your details and the book details ( or even just the name and the title of the book ) every time ! How to set up relationships Firstly , you must plan the tables very carefully . It is essential that each table contains a Primary Key The fields to be related are the same datatype and the same format Once you have created your tables you should set up the relationships before you enter any data . It can be done later , but there are often problems with data not matching etc. If the relationships are created first , the computer will not allow you to enter data that breaks the rules .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Association of Indian Universities ( AIU ) is an organisation and association of major universities in India . It is based in Delhi . It evaluates the courses , syllabi , standards and credits of foreign Universities pursued abroad and equates them in relation to various courses offered by Indian Universities . The AIU is mainly concerned with the recognition of Degrees \/ Diplomas awarded by the Universities in India , which are recognized by the University Grants Commission , New Delhi , and abroad for the purpose of admission to higher degree courses in Indian Universities . The AIU is also an implementing agency for the agreements signed under the Cultural Exchange Programmes executed between India and other countries in the field of education , insofar as it relates to the recognition of foreign qualifications ( except for medicine and allied courses ) . Its opinion as to legitimacy or recognition of any foreign qualification is not binding upon anyone , as it is neither a statutory body , nor a part of the government . It is in fact a society registered under the societies act . UK Master's programmes are not recognized by the AIU for the reason that they are of one-year duration . This prevents Indian students having UK Master's degrees to pursue higher studies like Ph.D. programmes in India This Indian university , college or other educational institution-related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Alleged war criminal Radovan Karad\u017ei\u0107 caught in Serbia Tuesday , July 22 , 2008 Radovan Karad\u017ei\u0107 Alleged war criminal Radovan Karad\u017ei\u0107 was caught yesterday in Serbia by Serbian security forces after almost 13 years on the run from authorities . Last night he was questioned by an inquisitor of the War Crimes Court in Belgrade . Karad\u017ei\u0107 has been accused by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia of genocide , war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Bosnian War from 1992 to 1995 . The Srebrenica massacre , in which about 8,000 Muslims were killed , is among the most serious of his alleged crimes . The massacre was categorised as genocide by both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia . Internationally , the arrest was unanimously welcomed . Along with former military chief Ratko Mladi\u0107 , Karad\u017ei\u0107 has been one of the most sought-after war criminals of the Balkan conflict . Described by the BBC's Kate Adie as a \" smart , rather vain man \" , his capture found him with a long white beard working in a clinic and practicing alternative medicine under the name Dragan Dabic .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"iPhone 4 Important Product Information Guide This Important Product Information Guide contains safety and handling , regulatory , software license , and warranty information for iPhone . Look for recycling , disposal , and other environmental information in the iPhone User Guide at : support . apple . com \/ manuals \/ iphone To avoid injury , read all operating instructions and the following safety information before using iPhone . For detailed operating instructions , read the iPhone User Guide on your iPhone by visiting help . apple . com \/ iphone or using the iPhone User Guide bookmark in Safari . For downloadable versions of the latest iPhone User Guide and this Important Product Information Guide , visit : support . apple . com \/ manuals \/ iphone Important Safety and Handling Information WARNING : Failure to follow these safety instructions could result in fire , electric shock , or other injury or damage to iPhone or other property . Carrying and Handling iPhone iPhone contains sensitive components . Do not drop , disassemble , open , crush , bend , deform , puncture , shred , microwave , incinerate , paint , or insert foreign objects into iPhone . Do not use iPhone if it has been damaged \u2013 for example , if iPhone is cracked , punctured , or damaged by water . The front and back covers of iPhone are made of glass . This glass could break if iPhone is dropped on a hard surface or receives a substantial impact or is crushed , bent , or deformed . If the glass chips or cracks , do not touch or attempt to remove the broken glass . Stop using iPhone until the glass is replaced by Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider . Glass cracked due to misuse or abuse is not covered under the warranty . If you are concerned about scratching or abrasion , you can use one of the many cases sold separately . Keeping the Outside of iPhone Clean Clean iPhone immediately if it comes into contact with any contaminants that may cause stains , such as ink , dyes , makeup , dirt , food , oils , and lotions . To clean iPhone , unplug all cables and turn off iPhone ( press and hold the Sleep \/ Wake button , and then slide the onscreen slider ) . Then use a soft , slightly damp , lint-free cloth . Avoid getting moisture in openings . Do n't use window cleaners , household cleaners , aerosol sprays , solvents , alcohol , ammonia , or abrasives to clean iPhone . The front and back glass surfaces have an oleophobic coating . To remove fingerprints , simply wipe these surfaces with a soft , lint-free cloth . The ability of this coating to repel oil will diminish over time with normal usage , and rubbing the screen with an abrasive material will further diminish its effect and may scratch the glass . Avoiding Water and Wet Locations Do not use iPhone in rain , or near washbasins or other wet locations . Take care not to spill any food or liquid on iPhone . In case iPhone gets wet , unplug all cables , turn off iPhone ( press and hold the Sleep \/ Wake button , and then slide the onscreen slider ) before cleaning , and allow it to dry thoroughly before turning it on again . Do not attempt to dry iPhone with an external heat source , such as a microwave oven or hair dryer . Damage to iPhone caused by contact with liquid is not covered under the warranty . Repairing or Modifying iPhone Never attempt to repair or modify iPhone yourself . iPhone does not contain any user-serviceable parts , except for the SIM card and SIM tray . Disassembling iPhone , including the removal of external screws and back cover , may cause damage that is not covered under the warranty . Service should only be provided by Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider . If you have questions , contact Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider . For service information , go to : www . apple . com \/ support \/ iphone \/ service \/ faq Battery Replacement Do not attempt to replace the rechargeable battery in iPhone yourself . The battery may only be replaced by Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider . For more information about battery replacement service , go to : www . apple . com \/ support \/ iphone \/ service \/ battery Charging iPhone To charge iPhone , only use the Apple Dock Connector to USB Cable with an Apple USB Power Adapter or a high-power USB port on another device that is compliant with the USB 2.0 or 1.1 standard , another Apple-branded product or accessory designed to work with iPhone , or a third-party accessory certified to use the Apple \" Works with iPhone \" or \" Made for iPhone \" logo . Read all safety instructions for any products and accessories before using with iPhone . Apple is not responsible for the operation of , or any damage caused by , third-party accessories or their compliance with safety and regulatory standards . When you use the Apple USB Power Adapter to charge iPhone , make sure that the power adapter is fully assembled before you plug it into a power outlet . Then insert the Apple USB Power Adapter firmly into the power outlet . Do not connect or disconnect the Apple USB Power Adapter with wet hands . The Apple USB Power Adapter may become warm during normal use . Always allow adequate ventilation around the Apple USB Power Adapter and use care when handling . Unplug the Apple USB Power Adapter if any of the following conditions exist : The power cord or plug has become frayed or damaged . The adapter is exposed to rain , liquid , or excessive moisture . The adapter case has become damaged . You suspect the adapter needs service or repair . You want to clean the adapter . Avoiding Hearing Damage Permanent hearing loss may occur if the receiver , earbuds , headphones , speakerphone , or earpieces are used at high volume . Set the volume to a safe level . You can adapt over time to a higher volume of sound that may sound normal but can be damaging to your hearing . If you experience ringing in your ears or muffled speech , stop listening and have your hearing checked . The louder the volume , the less time is required before your hearing could be affected . Hearing experts suggest that to protect your hearing : Limit the amount of time you use the receiver , earbuds , headphones , speakerphone , or earpieces at high volume . Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings . Turn the volume down if you ca n't hear people speaking near you . For information about how to set a maximum volume limit on iPhone , see the iPhone User Guide . Emergency Calls You should not rely on wireless devices for essential communications , such as medical emergencies . Use of iPhone to call emergency services may not work in all locations or all operating conditions . Emergency numbers and services vary by region , and sometimes an emergency call can not be placed due to network availability or environmental interference . Some cellular networks may not accept an emergency call from iPhone if it does not have a SIM , if the SIM is PIN-locked , or if you have not activated your iPhone . Driving and Riding Safely Use of iPhone alone or with headphones ( even if used only in one ear ) while driving a vehicle or riding a bicycle is not recommended and is illegal in some areas . Check and obey the laws and regulations on the use of mobile devices like iPhone in the areas where you drive or ride . Be careful and attentive while driving or riding a bicycle . If you decide to use iPhone while driving , keep in mind the following guidelines : 1 Give full attention to driving or riding and to the road . Using a mobile device while driving or riding may be distracting . If you find it disruptive or distracting while operating any type of vehicle , riding a bicycle , or performing any activity that requires your full attention , pull off the road and park before making or answering a call . Get to know iPhone and its features such as Voice Control , Favorites , Recents , and Speaker . These features help you to place your call without taking your attention off the road . See the iPhone User Guide for more information . Use a hands-free device . Take advantage of one of the many compatible hands-free accessories available for use with iPhone . Use of a hands-free device may be required in some areas . Position iPhone within easy reach . Keep your eyes on the road . If you get an incoming call at an inconvenient time , let your voicemail answer it for you . Try to plan calls when your car will be stationary . Assess the traffic before dialing , or place calls when you are not moving or before pulling into traffic . Let the person you are speaking with know you are driving . If necessary , suspend the call in heavy traffic or hazardous weather conditions . Driving in rain , sleet , snow , ice , fog , and even heavy traffic can be hazardous . Do not text , email , take notes , look up phone numbers , or perform any other activities that require your attention while driving . Composing or reading texts and emails , jotting down a to-do list , or flipping through your address book takes attention away from your primary responsibility , driving safely . Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that may be distracting . Make people you are talking with aware you are driving and suspend conversations that have the potential to divert your attention from the road . Navigating Safely Do not rely on iPhone applications that provide maps , digital compass headings , orientation information , directions , or location-based navigation to determine precise locations , proximity , orientation , distance , or direction . These applications should only be used for basic navigation assistance . Maps , directions , and location-based applications depend on data services . These data services are subject to change and may not be available in all geographic areas , resulting in maps , digital compass headings , directions or location-based information that may be unavailable , inaccurate , or incomplete . iPhone contains an internal digital compass located in the upper-right corner of iPhone . The accuracy of digital compass headings may be negatively affected by magnetic or other environmental interference , including interference caused by the close proximity of the magnets contained in the iPhone earbuds . Never rely solely on the digital compass for determining direction . Compare the information provided on iPhone to your surroundings and defer to posted signs to resolve any discrepancies . Do not use location-based applications while performing activities that require your full attention . For important information about driving safety , see the \" Driving and Riding Safely \" section . Always comply with posted signs and the laws and regulations in the areas where you are using iPhone . For Vehicles Equipped with an Air Bag An air bag inflates with great force . Do not store iPhone or any of its accessories in the area over the air bag or in the air bag deployment area . Seizures , Blackouts , and Eyestrain A small percentage of people may be susceptible to blackouts or seizures ( even if they have never had one before ) when exposed to flashing lights or light patterns such as when playing games or watching video . If you have experienced seizures or blackouts or have a family history of such occurrences , you should consult a physician before playing games ( if available ) or watching videos on your iPhone . Discontinue use of iPhone and consult a physician if you experience headaches , blackouts , seizures , convulsion , eye or muscle twitching , loss of awareness , involuntary movement , or disorientation . To reduce risk of headaches , blackouts , seizures , and eyestrain , avoid prolonged use , hold iPhone some distance from your eyes , use iPhone in a well-lit room , and take frequent breaks . Choking Hazards iPhone contains small parts , which may present a choking hazard to small children . Keep iPhone and its accessories away from small children . Repetitive Motion When you perform repetitive activities such as typing or playing games on iPhone , you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands , arms , shoulders , neck , or other parts of your body . Take frequent breaks and if you have discomfort during or after such use , stop use and see a physician . Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Turn off iPhone ( press and hold the Sleep \/ Wake button , and then slide the onscreen slider ) when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere . Do not charge iPhone , and obey all signs and instructions . Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire , resulting in serious injury or even death . Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often , but not always , marked clearly . Potential areas may include : fueling areas ( such as gas stations ) ; below deck on boats ; fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities ; vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas ( such as propane or butane ) ; areas where the air contains chemicals or particles ( such as grain , dust , or metal powders ) ; and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine . Using Connectors and Ports Never force a connector into a port . Check for obstructions on the port . If the connector and port do n't join with reasonable ease , they probably do n't match . Make sure that the connector matches the port and that you have positioned the connector correctly in relation to the port . Accessories and Wireless Performance Not all iPod accessories are fully compatible with iPhone . Turning on Airplane Mode on iPhone may eliminate audio interference between iPhone and an accessory . While Airplane mode is on , you can not make or receive calls or use features that require wireless communication . Under some conditions , certain accessories may affect iPhone wireless performance . Reorienting or relocating iPhone and the connected accessory may improve wireless performance . Keeping iPhone Within Acceptable Temperatures iPhone is designed to be operated in temperatures between 0o and 35o C ( 32o to 95o F ) and stored in temperatures between - 20o and 45o C ( - 4o to 113o F ) . Low - or high-temperature conditions might temporarily shorten battery life or cause iPhone to temporarily stop working properly . Leaving iPhone in a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight can cause iPhone to exceed these storage or operating temperature ranges . Avoid dramatic changes in temperature or humidity when using iPhone as condensation may form on or within iPhone . When you 're using iPhone or charging the battery , it is normal for iPhone to get warm . The exterior of iPhone functions as a cooling surface that transfers heat from inside the unit to the cooler air outside . Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy iPhone contains radio transmitters and receivers . When on , iPhone receives and sends out radio frequency ( RF ) energy through its antennas . The iPhone cellular antenna is located at the bottom edge of iPhone , to the left of the Home button . The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth \u00ae antenna is located at the top edge of iPhone , to the right of the headset jack . For optimal mobile device performance and to be sure that human exposure to RF energy does not exceed the FCC , IC , and European Union guidelines , always follow these instructions and precautions : When on a call using the built-in audio receiver in iPhone , hold iPhone with the dock connector pointed down toward your shoulder to increase separation from the antenna . When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network , keep iPhone at least 15 mm ( 5 \/ 8 inch ) away from the body , and only use carrying cases , belt clips , or holders that do not have metal parts and that maintain at least 15 mm ( 5 \/ 8 inch ) separation between iPhone and the body . iPhone is designed and manufactured to comply with the limits for exposure to RF energy set by the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) of the United States , Industry Canada ( IC ) of Canada , and regulating entities of Japan , the European Union , and other countries . The exposure standard employs a unit of measurement known as the specific absorption rate , or SAR . The SAR limit applicable to iPhone set by the FCC is 1.6 watts per kilogram ( W \/ kg ) , 1.6 W \/ kg by Industry Canada , and 2.0 W \/ kg by the Council of the European Union . Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions ( i . e . , at the ear and worn on the body ) specified by these agencies , with iPhone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands . Although SAR is determined at the highest certified power level in each frequency band , the actual SAR level of iPhone while in operation can be well below the maximum value because iPhone adjusts its cellular transmitting power based in part on proximity to the wireless network . In general , the closer you are to a cellular base station , the lower the cellular transmitting power level . iPhone has been tested , and meets the FCC , IC , and European Union RF exposure guidelines for cellular , Wi-Fi , and Bluetooth operation .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Payday loans no credit checks Payday Loans No Credit Checks \u2013 How It 's Possible With payday loans no credit checks are actually necessary , and for a lot of people , this is astounding . Almost every loan needs a credit check \u2013 why not these ? If you are one of the many who wonders why you never need a credit check for a pay day loan , this article will teach you the ins and outs of how pay day loans work . \u2022 While banks perform credit checks as proof for future payments , it 's the concept that allows the payday loans with no credit checks policy to work . Instead of having proof of your payment , payday loans guarantee their payment through a debit card and a paycheck stub . by under with payday loans no credit checksThe paycheck stub will help lenders decide how much you can borrow , along with when you would need to pay it back . Once they have an idea of your income , they have an idea of how much your maximum payment could be , after all . This eliminates the possibility of over-borrowing . Ideally , payday loans allow the borrowers to automatically debit the payments that you owe , which means that it 's nearly impossible to default on this loan . Accidents do happen , though , and people have lost their job ( and paycheck ) while taking these loans . In cases like these , the interest rates often skyrocket . Pay day loans are considered to be a highly secured loan , which is why most of the interest that people have to pay for these loans happens in small amounts . The reason that payday loans require a debit card is because they need to be able to have some proof of your income , along with your basic ability to hold a bank account . A truly financially irresponsible person wo n't be able to even keep a bank account . Payday loans are very useful short-term loans for people who need quick cash , and have proof that they can pay it back in a short amount of time . After actually learning why everything is the way it is with payday loans , it 's easy to see why there are so many people who love pay day loans with no credit checks policy . Payday Loans No Credit Checks \u2013 Is It Worth It ? If you have been considering getting a loan similar to a pay day loans with no credit checks . That does n't mean that getting one of these FICO-free loans is always a good idea . In fact , it can be downright terrible for a person who does n't know what their doing . Yet , if used wisely , payday loans can be just what the credit doctor ordered . \u2022 Most people like the idea that with payday loans with no credit checks need to be involved . However , a lack of a credit check often means that you may or may not get your FICO score to improve if you decide to take the loan , and successfully pay off the loan . Is it worth that gamble ? Getting a payday loan is easy , and tempting . While it 's common for payday loans with no credit checks policy to be advertised , you have to remember that it 's a very foolish idea to get a loan for something that you do n't totally need . If it 's for a splurge buy , step away from the payday loans' charm . You should save up for treats , just like everyone else . In cases of a sudden emergency , the policy that is held regarding payday loans no credit checks stance is a boon . You need the money NOW , and you know you can pay it off , right ? Well , in that case , get the money from a payday loan so that you can save yourself from ruin . It 's okay in this situation to do what you need to do . Although when borrowing using these payday loans with no credit checks are needed , it does n't mean that you can borrow whatever sum of money you may want . Lenders are extremely strict with maximum limits . If you need a lot more than what you make in 2 weeks , consider another loan instead . In an ideal world , there would n't need to be a credit score to rate everyone as borrowers . However , this is reality , and in reality credit checks are needed for almost every kind of loan . When your credit feels like a stigma , it 's understandable why so many want to avoid credit checks . It 's embarrassing , it 's inconvenient , and more often than not , it feels just terrible knowing what lenders will see on that report . Luckily , when given enough proof , such as with payday loans no credit checks are ever totally necessary .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Our Mission Statement Environmental policy Through Zara's business model , we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and that of the environment with which we interacts . The company's commitment to the environment is included in Inditex Group's Corporate Responsibility Statement , published on our website : www . inditex . com . The following are some of the objectives and actions included in the framework of the group's environmental commitment and have a direct impact on our shops and customers : At the store * - We save energy . * - The eco-friendly shop . * - We produce less waste , and recycle . * - Our commitment extends to all our staff . * - An environmentally aware team . We save energy . The eco-friendly store . We are implementing an eco-friendly management model in our shops in order to reduce energy consumption by 20 % , introducing sustainability and efficiency criteria . This management model sets out measures to be applied to all processes , including the design of the shop itself , the lighting , heating and cooling systems and the possibility of recycling furniture and decoration . We produce less waste and recycle . Recycling hangers and alarms , which are picked up from our shops and processed into other plastic elements , is an example of our waste management policy . Millions of hangers and alarms are processed each year and both the cardboard and plastic used for packaging are also recycled . - Our commitment extends to all our staff . Increased awareness among our team members . We hold In-company awareness campaigns and specific multimedia-based training programmes to educate our staff in sustainable practices , such as limiting energy consumption , using sustainable transport and modifying behaviour patterns . With the product * - We use ecological fabrics . * - Organic cotton . * - We manufacture PVC-free footwear . We use ecological fabrics . Organic cotton . Zara supports organic farming and makes some of its garments out of organic cotton ( 100 % cotton , completely free of pesticides , chemicals and bleach ) . They have specific labels and are easy to spot in our shops . We produce PVC-free footwear . No petroleum derivatives or non-biodegradable materials are used in the production of our footwear ( PVC free ) . In transport - We use biodiesel fuel . Zara's fleet of lorries , which transport more than 200 million items of clothing a year , use 5 % biodiesel fuel . This allows us to reduce our CO2 emissions by 500 tons . Animal welfare policy All products of animal origin sold in our shops , including fur and leather , come exclusively from animals raised on food farms and under no circumstances come from animals sacrificed exclusively for the sale of their hide .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"How to do a Basic Search Advanced Help Introduction A2A acts like a search engine which searches the catalogues of separate archives which are held all over England and Wales . It is growing all the time as partnership projects add more records to the database . A2A allows you to search lots of individual catalogues at once so you can find out about records held in many different places . A Basic Search 1 . Type a word or words into \" Keyword \" . [ Additional information in other fields , such as Dates or Location can focus your search . ] Click on \" search \" . 2 . You can sort your results by using the drop-down menu at the top of the page and click on \" sort \" . 3 . Click on the blue highlighted text at the right of the page to access each result . 4 . If you are interested in seeing the records or obtaining copies , you must contact the place where the records are held . Follow the link at the top of that page which reads \" To find out more about the archives described below , contact ... [ link to relevant archive ] \" . They will be able to help you further . 5 . If you want to look at your result in the context of the full relevant catalogue , click on \" Catalogue in Full \" at the top of the page . This may supply additional relevant information . [ To find your result on this page you can search using \" Ctrl F \" ] 6 . If you need any further assistance you could have a look through the Advanced Help page or try Troubleshooting . You can also contact us via","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sean Brown leads ClearSpace Consulting with his personal and professional experiences in space organization , counseling , de-cluttering and letting go . Sean has a profound understanding of the emotional aspects of downsizing -- when he was in his 20's , Sean's parents died suddenly , leaving him and his sisters to deal with grief and 30 + years worth of accumulated treasures , trash , and \" stuff . \" Keeping only a small fraction of the items , Sean learned how to make hard decisions . Almost every item elicited an emotional response , but which should he keep , and how should he dispose of all the rest ? Somehow , Sean and his sisters managed it and along the way developed many of the skills he uses in ClearSpace Consulting . He cherishes the keepsakes he has , and feels freed by his decision to let the rest go . Most importantly , his memories and family traditions are all intact . ClearSpace Consulting , under the leadership of Sean Brown , combines the practical needs clients have for space optimization with the empathy , guidance , and coaching clients may require in order to let go . The ClearSpace Consulting team brings years of experience and practice in de-cluttering , space organization , Feng Shui and counseling . The blend of skills and empathy the owner Sean Brown exemplifies helped him launch ClearSpace Consulting . Sean's gentle yet firm organizational style is shared throughout the ClearSpace team . They will help you make decisions and set deadlines that will allow you to separate from your clutter and become \" unstuck \" . ClearSpace Consulting understands what it 's like to feel overwhelmed by your things . Clutter can steal your comfort and energy ; the team are here to honour what will work for you in returning your space to an oasis of calm and convenience . And to give you the tools to keep it that way . All members of the ClearSpace team are fully bondable , and references are available . Our Commitments The Environment ClearSpace Consulting is committed to creating the smallest possible environmental impact while assisting you with clearing your space . This means ensuring that all re-usable items are passed on for someone else 's use and that recyclable items do not go into the landfill . Our Society ClearSpace Consulting is committed to creating a culture of abundance that works for everyone . In getting to that place , they recognise that transferring your freed items to those who can use them makes a difference in others' lives .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"A large south facing bright and airy beautifully decorated room with a comfortable king sized Victorian style wrought iron bedstead . En-suite with a shower , w.c. and basin . Fresh towels are provided with complimentary soap . A large bay window which overlooks our large garden and neighbouring farmland . This room has a three seater sofa , colour television with remote control , Tea and coffee making facilities , hairdryer and complimentary bottle of water . Features include a ' marble fireplace with cast iron insert , large over mantle mirror , and a beautiful chandelier The room has plenty of storage space with two chests of drawers and a large wardrobe . ' Private room keys are supplied '","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Search results for Results 12081 to 12090 of 12872 . Search took 1.34 seconds Asylum seeker's anger after stabbing 08-08-2001 An asylum seeker has spoken of his anger hours after being stabbed in a racially motivated attack on a Glasgow estate . Talks on anti racism conference feels US pressure 08-08-2001 Negotiators from more than 100 countries failed in a heated meeting Wednesday to break the deadlock over anti-Israeli references that threaten to provoke a U. S. and Israeli boycott of the World Conference Against Racism , diplomats said Christians burn mosque and Muslim houses in Macedonia 08-08-2001 Angry Macedonians staged violent protests Wednesday night after ethnic Albanian guerrillas killed 10 soldiers in an ambush , and the government warned it would strike back at the rebels . Israel's get-tough policy seen strengthening Hamas 07-08-2001 The policy of assassinating Hamas activists is making it difficult for the Palestinian Authority to exercise power , according to Palestinian minister Gang of white youths attack Kurd 06-08-2001 Police on Humberside are appealing for witnesses to a racially-motivated attack by a gang of up to 20 white youths . A Kurdish man was badly hurt during the attack in Hull . Vigil for murdered asylum seeker 06-08-2001 Hundreds of people in Glasgow have attended a vigil for an asylum seeker who was murdered in the city . Israeli army denies beating Palestinian to death 06-08-2001 Palestinian witnesses said on Monday they had seen an Israeli soldier beat a wounded , off-duty Palestinian policeman to death with gun butts near the West Bank city of Tulkarm , a charge the army immediately denied . Israeli helicopters unsuccessful assaissantion attempt 05-08-2001 Israeli helicopters fired rockets at Palestinian police headquarters in Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip in an attempt to assassinate commander of Palestinian national security in Rafah Colonel Fawzi Zaqouk this morning Israelis shoot 4-year-old child , grandfather , in Tulkarm 04-08-2001 Israeli occupation army ( IOA ) soldiers on Friday shot and seriously wounded a 4-year-old child as he was travelling in a car with his grandfather near the northern West Bank town of Tulkarm . 17 Hindus slain in Kashmir 04-08-2001 Unidentified men killed 17 Hindu villagers on Saturday in occupied Kashmir , a police official said .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Your Username and Membership No. do not match any on our membership database . If you are a genuine CAT member and have forgotten your details , or if your membership of the association has lapsed , please call our membership department on 0845 3304593 and they will be pleased to help you . If you are not a CAT member why do n't you fill in the form and join the organisation ? You wo n't regret it !","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Artist impression of the Deep Impact flyby spacecraft releasing its impactor towards comet Tempel-1 in July 2005 . The flyby spacecraft has been re-christened EPOXI and will begin its new assignment to hunt for super-Earth exoplanets . Image : NASA . EPOXI is a combination of two separate science investigations , one consisting of the Extrasolar Planet Observations and Characterisation ( EPOCh ) and the other of the flyby of comet Hartley-2 , planned for 2010 , called the Deep Impact eXtended Investigation ( DIXI ) , which follows in the footsteps of the hugely successful Deep Impact mission in July 2005 which revealed in unprecedented detail the surface of a comet and the effects of impact into such a finely powdered surface . For the majority of May , EPOXI was trained on the red dwarf star GJ436 , 32 light years from Earth . This star has a Neptune sized planet circling it every 20 to 30 days in an unusually eccentric orbit . \" Tidal forces from the star should have made the orbit circular , unless there is another planet whose gravitational tug pulls the orbit into an oval shape , \" says Drake Deming , EPOXI's Deputy Principal Investigator . \" If that second planet lies in the same orbital plane as the Neptune-sized planet then we should see it transit . The transit would be too shallow to be spotted by ground-based telescopes , and EPOXI is the only space mission that can look at GJ436 nearly continuously for several weeks . \" Deming and his team are in the process of analysing the results of these data . In addition to targeting the red dwarf star , EPOXI imaged the Earth over three 24-hour periods , measuring its rotational light curve at visible wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared . These observations will help to calibrate future observations of Earthlike exoplanets . EPOXI obtained a particularly interesting view of the Earth on May 29 , when the Moon passed in front of the Earth as viewed from the spacecraft . Transit events such as this will help planetary scientists to deduce the nature and composition of exoplanetary systems . Deep Impact captured this beautiful image of the impact into Comet Tempel-1 three summers ago . Dust and gas streaming from the point of impact is lit up in the impact flash . Image : NASA .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The court may by virtue of section 15 ( 3 ) of this Act exercise its jurisdiction with respect to charities - ( a ) in relation to charities established or regulated by any provision of the Seamen's Fund Winding-up Act 1851 ( repealed by the Charities Act 1960 ) ; ( b ) in relation to charities established or regulated by schemes under the Endowed Schools Act 1869 to 1948 , or section 75 of the Elementary Education Act 1870 or by schemes given effect under section 2 of the Education Act 1873 ; ( c ) [ repealed by the Statute Law ( Repeals ) Act 1993 ] ; ( d ) in relation to fuel allotments , that is to say , land which , by any enactment relating to inclosure or any instrument having effect under such an enactment , is vested in trustees upon trust that the land or the rents and profits of the land shall be used for the purpose of providing poor persons with fuel ; ( e ) in relation to charities established or regulated by any provision of the Municipal Corporations Act 1883 ( repealed by the Charities Act 1960 ) or by any scheme having effect under any such provision ; ( f ) in relation to charities regulated by schemes under the London Government Act 1899 ; ( g ) in relation to charities established or regulated by orders or regulations under section 2 of the Regimental Charitable Funds Act 1935 ; ( h ) in relation to charities regulated by section 79 of this Act , or by any such order as is mentioned in that section . 2 . Notwithstanding anything in section 19 of the Commons Act 1876 a scheme for the administration of a fuel allotment ( within the meaning of the foregoing paragraph ) may provide - ( a ) for the sale or letting of the allotment or any part thereof , for the discharge of the land sold or let from any restrictions as to the use thereof imposed by or under any enactment relating to inclosure and for the application of the sums payable to the trustees of the allotment in respect of the sale or lease ; or ( b ) for the exchange of the allotment or any part thereof for other land , for the discharge as aforesaid of the land given in exchange by the said trustees , and for the application of any money payable to the said trustees for equality of exchange ; or ( c ) for the use of the allotment or any part thereof for any purposes specified in the scheme .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Only a person forwarded from ClickBank ( TM ) after successful payment , will be able to access the Sign-up page to create his membership account . When they create their account you will get an email notification instantly . The whole system is fully automated . Software Requirements : - A PC with a Windows 95 \/ 98 \/ ME \/ 2000 system . Your host must be able to support Perl . 99 % of hosts support it . You are responsible to verify whether your host supports Perl , cgi-bin , SendMail etc. Satisfaction Guarantee Your satisfaction is our utmost priority . We want you to be 100 % satisfied with our products . Try it for a full 90 days and if at any time you 're not happy with our product , just email us with your receipt number and we will cheerfully refund you . No questions asked .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"University of Sheffield - Reduce Your Testing on Animals Freedom of Information requests discovered that the University of Sheffield killed 82,512 animals in tests during the 2015 \/ 16 academic year - an average of 226 animals killed each day . In 2014 \/ 15 , 67,236 animals were used and killed for testing purposes , with this figure going up 22.7 % during 2015 \/ 16 . The University should be cutting down not increasing the number of animals it uses in experiments ! With almost 90 % of drugs that pass animal tests failing human trials , these animals are undergoing immense suffering for very limited benefit , undermining public support , social progression and current medicinal advancements . We are requesting for the University to move away from testing on animals such as pigs , rabbits , mice , rats , gerbils and fish and to cruelty-free testing methods such as digital dissection software and human simulators .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"One of the stars of ABS-CBN tv is the weather man Kuya Kim ( Kim Atienza ) . Kuya Kim Atienza After his talk about the weather he always tells something interesting about nature , animal life , some trivia or something like that . He always says goodbye with the words : Ang buhay ay weather weather lang . I have asked my wife Flor to explain this sentence to me because it was also used when Kuya Kim appeared as co-host in another show . It seems that this sentence has little to do with the weather . Actually it should go like this : Ang buhay ay pana-panahon lang . Panahon = ' it 's time ' ( or ' certain time ' ) , but also means ' weather ' . Panapanahon means more ' it 's time ' in a seasonal way . To make it sound more funny and also looking like it has to do something with the weather Kuya Kim says always : Ang buhay ay weather weather lang which actually means : ' life is changing with the times ' . It means to many Filipinos in the country that life has its ups and downs . And so does the weather . This saying of Kuya Kim seem not to be his own . Some people say it is copied from former president Joseph ' Erap ' Estrada ( saying \" Politics ay weather weather lang \" ) . Others say it was the comedian LEO MARTINEZ who used this phrase the first time in his shows . The phrase Kuya Kim is using demonstrates the difficulty of the Tagalog language . See also my post about my breaking tongue . Feel free to comment on this post : if you know a nice and \/ or difficult tagalog word or sentence , just put it in a comment . Thank You .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Hearts have dismissed reports that Crystal Palace could soon sign their Scottish international midfielder Paul Hartley . Iain Dowie is believed to be interested in bringing the 29-year-old midfielder to Selhurst Park for a fee of around \u00a3 800 , 000 \u2013 alhough SPL heavyweights Celtic and Rangers are also in the frame . But high-flying Hearts insist they have no intention of derailing their season by selling a key player . \" We will not entertain any such bids for Paul , \" said a Hearts spokesman . \" He is an integral member of our team and we expect him to play a pivotal role in the ongoing development of Heart of Midlothian Football Club . \"","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"About us User Vision provides services throughout the UK and Europe and was established in 2000 . We are a consultancy dedicated to improving the user experience of your website , software or product . We offer a wide range of services including consulting , testing , reviewing , evaluation and training to help clients produce better products that customers find easier to use . We take a straightforward , practical approach to user needs analysis , problem solving and usability testing , leading to effective design solutions . Whether we become involved at the design stage , or after a system has been in use for some time , we never lose sight of the user's needs . We can help you : reduce development and support costs reduce the need for expensive redevelopment increase sales Our usability consulting and services are the ideal way to enhance your brand , improve your company's competitive position , and increase revenues and loyalty . As a reflection of all our excellent service , User Vision was crowned Scotland's Small Business ofthe Year in November 2004 . The award , sponsored by Parcelforce Worldwide , recognises excellence in UK small businesses and their contribution to the UK economy . User Vision's consultants are all members of the Usability Professionals Association ( UPA ) . User Vision is also a featured supplier within the e-consultancy 2006 Buyer's Guide for Usability and Accessibility .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Paul Walker CEO of Sage plc The Conference will provide an opportunity for delegates from high growth businesses to receive the help they need in sales , marketing and finance , customer relations and human resources . Complementary to the annual May conference , the new event for SMEs is part of the Forum's programme aimed at supporting the entrepreneurs behind the region's growing businesses and to retain wealth and jobs in the North East . The conference will be opened by Paul Walker , CEO of Sage plc . He will be followed by Kwik-Fit founder Sir Tom Farmer , whose passion for emerging business talent is well documented , and others key speakers . Five practical workshops after lunch will be led by : Mike Southon , author of Sales on a Beermat , who will provide advice on sales ; Rod Connors , formerly of Nike and now of The Branded Sports Group , on marketing ; Jeff Macklin of FDUK Ltd , which provides part-time finance directors to businesses , on finance ; Nigel Risner , whose workshop will be on customer relationship management ; and Lorna Moran of NRG plc in association with Jeff Grout of JG Consulting on people . Delegates can choose to attend any two of the 90-minute workshops . The conference is being sponsored by Tyne & Wear Business Link , Tyne & Wear Development Company and TSG . Spaces are limited to 125 and pre-registrations are being taken now on 0870 850 2233 or by emailing","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"As someone who has spent his entire career trying to be invisible , standing in front of an audience is a cross between an out-of-body experience and a deer caught in the headlights , so please forgive me for violating one of the TED commandments by relying on words on paper , and I only hope I 'm not struck by lightning bolts before I 'm done . I 'd like to begin by talking about some of the ideas that motivated me to become a documentary photographer . I was a student in the '60s , a time of social upheaval and questioning , and on a personal level , an awakening sense of idealism . The war in Vietnam was raging , the Civil Rights Movement was under way , and pictures had a powerful influence on me . Our political and military leaders were telling us one thing , and photographers were telling us another . I believed the photographers , and so did millions of other Americans . Their images fueled resistance to the war and to racism . They not only recorded history , they helped change the course of history . Their pictures became part of our collective consciousness and , as consciousness evolved into a shared sense of conscience , change became not only possible , but inevitable . I saw that the free flow of information represented by journalism , specifically visual journalism , can bring into focus both the benefits and the cost of political policies . It can give credit to sound decision making , adding momentum to success . In the face of poor political judgment or political inaction , it becomes a kind of intervention , assessing the damage and asking us to reassess our behavior . It puts a human face on issues which from afar can appear abstract or ideological or monumental in their global impact . What happens at ground level , far from the halls of power , happens to ordinary citizens one by one . And I understood that documentary photography has the ability to interpret events from their point of view . It gives a voice to those who otherwise would not have a voice . And as a reaction , it stimulates public opinion and gives impetus to public debate , thereby preventing the interested parties from totally controlling the agenda , much as they would like to . Coming of age in those days made real the concept that the free flow of information is absolutely vital for a free and dynamic society to function properly . The press is certainly a business , and in order to survive it must be a successful business , but the right balance must be found between marketing considerations and journalistic responsibility . Society's problems ca n ' t be solved until they 're identified . On a higher plane , the press is a service industry , and the service it provides is awareness . Every story does not have to sell something . There 's also a time to give . That was a tradition I wanted to follow . Seeing the war created such incredibly high stakes for everyone involved and that visual journalism could actually become a factor in conflict resolution , I wanted to be a photographer in order to be a war photographer . But I was driven by an inherent sense that a picture that revealed the true face of war would almost by definition be an anti-war photograph . I 'd like to take you on a visual journey through some of the events and issues I 've been involved in over the past 25 years . In 1981 , I went to Northern Ireland . 10 IRA prisoners were in the process of starving themselves to death in protest against conditions in jail . The reaction on the streets was violent confrontation . I saw that the front lines of contemporary wars are not on isolated battlefields , but right where people live . During the early '80s , I spent a lot of time in Central America , which was engulfed by civil wars that straddled the ideological divide of the Cold War . In Guatemala , the central government -- controlled by a oligarchy of European decent -- was waging a scorched earth campaign against an indigenous rebellion , and I saw an image that reflected the history of Latin America : conquest through a combination of the Bible and the sword . An anti-Sandinista guerrilla was mortally wounded as Commander Zero attacked a town in Southern Nicaragua . A destroyed tank belonging to Somoza's national guard was left as a monument in a park in Managua , and was transformed by the energy and spirit of a child . At the same time , a civil war was taking place in El Salvador , and again , the civilian population was caught up in the conflict . I 've been covering the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since 1981 . This is a moment from the beginning of the second intifada , in 2000 , when it was still stones and Molotovs against an army . In 2001 , the uprising escalated into an armed conflict , and one of the major incidents was the destruction of the Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank town of Jenin . Without the political world to find common ground , the continual friction of tactic and counter-tactic only creates suspicion and hatred and vengeance , and perpetuates the cycle of violence . In the '90s , after the breakup of the Soviet Union , Yugoslavia fractured along ethnic fault lines , and civil war broke out between Bosnia , Croatia and Serbia . This is a scene of house-to-house fighting in Mostar , neighbor against neighbor . A bedroom , the place where people share intimacy , where life itself is conceived , became a battlefield . A mosque in northern Bosnia was destroyed by Serbian artillery and was used as a makeshift morgue . Dead Serbian soldiers were collected after a battle and used as barter for the return of prisoners or Bosnian soldiers killed in action . This was once a park . The Bosnian soldier who guided me told me that all of his friends were there now . At the same time in South Africa , after Nelson Mandela had been released from prison , the black population commenced the final phase of liberation from apartheid . One of the things I had to learn as a journalist was what to do with my anger . I had to use it , channel its energy , turn it into something that would clarify my vision , instead of clouding it . In Transkei , I witnessed a rite of passage into manhood , of the Xhosa tribe . Teenage boys lived in isolation , their bodies covered with white clay . After several weeks , they washed off the white and took on the full responsibilities of men . It was a very old ritual that seemed symbolic of the political struggle that was changing the face of South Africa . Children in Soweto playing on a trampoline . Elsewhere in Africa there was famine . In Somalia , the central government collapsed and clan warfare broke out . Farmers were driven off their land , and crops and livestock were destroyed or stolen . Starvation was being used as a weapon of mass destruction -- primitive but extremely effective . Hundreds of thousands of people were exterminated , slowly and painfully . The international community responded with massive humanitarian relief , and hundreds of thousands of more lives were saved . American troops were sent to protect the relief shipments , but they were eventually drawn into the conflict , and after the tragic battle in Mogadishu , they were withdrawn . In southern Sudan , another civil war saw similar use of starvation as a means of genocide . Again , international NGOs , united under the umbrella of the UN , staged a massive relief operation and thousands of lives were saved . I 'm a witness , and I want my testimony to be honest and uncensored . I also want it to be powerful and eloquent , and to do as much justice as possible to the experience of the people I 'm photographing . This man was in an NGO feeding center , being helped as much as he could be helped . He literally had nothing . He was a virtual skeleton , yet he could still summon the courage and the will to move . He had not given up , and if he did n't give up , how could anyone in the outside world ever dream of losing hope ? In 1994 , after three months of covering the South African election , I saw the inauguration of Nelson Mandela , and it was the most uplifting thing I 've ever seen . It exemplified the best that humanity has to offer . The next day I left for Rwanda , and it was like taking the express elevator to hell . This man had just been liberated from a Hutu death camp . He allowed me to photograph him for quite a long time , and he even turned his face toward the light , as if he wanted me to see him better . I think he knew what the scars on his face would say to the rest of the world . This time , maybe confused or discouraged by the military disaster in Somalia , the international community remained silent , and somewhere around 800,000 people were slaughtered by their own countrymen -- sometimes their own neighbors -- using farm implements as weapons . Perhaps because a lesson had been learned by the weak response to the war in Bosnia and the failure in Rwanda , when Serbia attacked Kosovo international action was taken much more decisively . NATO forces went in , and the Serbian army withdrew . Ethnic Albanians had been murdered , their farms destroyed and a huge number of people forcibly deported . They were received in refugee camps set up by NGOs in Albania and Macedonia . The imprint of a man who had been burned inside his own home . The image reminded me of a cave painting , and echoed how primitive we still are in so many ways . Between 1995 and ' 96 , I covered the first two wars in Chechnya from inside Grozny . This is a Chechen rebel on the front line against the Russian army . The Russians bombarded Grozny constantly for weeks , killing mainly the civilians who were still trapped inside . I found a boy from the local orphanage wandering around the front line . My work has evolved from being concerned mainly with war to a focus on critical social issues as well . After the fall of Ceausescu , I went to Romania and discovered a kind of gulag of children , where thousands of orphans were being kept in medieval conditions . Ceausescu had imposed a quota on the number of children to be produced by each family , thereby making women's bodies an instrument of state economic policy . Children who could n ' t be supported by their families were raised in government orphanages . Children with birth defects were labeled incurables , and confined for life to inhuman conditions . As reports began to surface , again international aid went in . Going deeper into the legacy of the Eastern European regimes , I worked for several months on a story about the effects of industrial pollution , where there had been no regard for the environment or the health of either workers or the general population . An aluminum factory in Czechoslovakia was filled with carcinogenic smoke and dust , and four out of five workers came down with cancer . After the fall of Suharto in Indonesia , I began to explore conditions of poverty in a country that was on its way towards modernization . I spent a good deal of time with a man who lived with his family on a railway embankment and had lost an arm and a leg in a train accident . When the story was published , unsolicited donations poured in . A trust fund was established , and the family now lives in a house in the countryside and all their basic necessities are taken care of . It was a story that was n ' t trying to sell anything . Journalism had provided a channel for people's natural sense of generosity , and the readers responded . I met a band of homeless children who 'd come to Jakarta from the countryside , and ended up living in a train station . By the age of 12 or 14 , they 'd become beggars and drug addicts . The rural poor had become the urban poor , and in the process they 'd become invisible . These heroin addicts in detox in Pakistan reminded me of figures in a play by Beckett : isolated , waiting in the dark , but drawn to the light . Agent Orange was a defoliant used during the Vietnam War to deny cover to the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese army . The active ingredient was dioxin , an extremely toxic chemical that was sprayed in vast quantities , and whose effects passed through the genes to the next generation . In 2000 , I began documenting global health issues , concentrating first on AIDS in Africa . I tried to tell the story through the work of caregivers . I thought it was important to emphasize that people were being helped , whether by international NGOs or by local grassroots organizations . So many children have been orphaned by the epidemic that grandmothers have taken the place of parents , and a lot of children had been born with HIV . A hospital in Zambia . I begun documenting the close connection between HIV \/ AIDS and tuberculosis . This is an MSF hospital in Cambodia . My pictures can play a supporting role to the work of NGOs by shedding light on the critical social problems they 're trying to deal with . I went to Congo with MSF , and contributed to a book and an exhibition that focused attention on a forgotten war in which millions of people have died , and exposure to disease without treatment is used as a weapon . A malnourished child being measured as part of the supplemental feeding program . In the fall of 2004 I went to Darfur . This time I was on an assignment for a magazine , but again worked closely with MSF . The international community still has n ' t found a way to create the pressure necessary to stop this genocide . An MSF hospital in a camp for displaced people . I 've been working on a long project on crime and punishment in America . This is a scene from New Orleans . A prisoner on a chain gang in Alabama was punished by being handcuffed to a post in the midday sun . This experience raised a lot of questions , among them questions about race and equality and for whom in our country opportunities and options are available . In the yard of a chain gang in Alabama . I did n't see either of the planes hit . When I glanced out my window , I saw the first tower burning , and I thought it might have been an accident . A few minutes later when I looked again and saw the second tower burning , I knew we were at war . In the midst of the wreckage at Ground Zero , I had a realization . I 'd been photographing in the Islamic world since 1981 -- not only in the Middle East , but also in Africa , Asia and Europe . At the time I was photographing in these different places , I thought I was covering separate stories . But on 9 \/ 11 history crystallized , and I understood I 'd actually been covering a single story for more than 20 years , and the attack on New York was its latest manifestation . The central commercial district of Kabul , Afghanistan at the end of the civil war , shortly before the city fell to the Taliban . Land mine victims being helped at the Red Cross rehab center being run by Alberto Cairo . A boy who lost a leg to a leftover mine . I 'd witnessed immense suffering in the Islamic world from political oppression , civil war , foreign invasions , poverty , famine . I understood that in its suffering , the Islamic world had been crying out . Why were n ' t we listening ? A Taliban fighter shot during a battle as the Northern Alliance entered the city of Kunduz . When war with Iraq was imminent , I realized the American troops would be very well covered , so I decided to cover the invasion from inside Baghdad . A marketplace was hit by a mortar shell that killed several members of a single family . A day after American forces entered Baghdad , a company of Marines began rounding up bank robbers and were cheered on by the crowds -- a hopeful moment that was short lived . For the first time in years , Shi ' ites were allowed to make the pilgrimage to Karbala to observe Ashura , and I was amazed by the sheer number of people and how fervently they practiced their religion . A group of men march through the streets cutting themselves with knives . It was obvious that the Shi ' ites were a force to be reckoned with , and we would do well to understand them and learn how to deal with them . Last year I spent several months documenting our wounded troops , from the battlefield in Iraq all the way home . This is a helicopter medic giving CPR to a soldier who had been shot in the head . Military medicine has become so efficient that the percentage of troops who survive after being wounded is much higher in this war than in any other war in our history . The signature weapon of the war is the IED , and the signature wound is severe leg damage . After enduring extreme pain and trauma , the wounded face a grueling physical and psychological struggle in rehab . The spirit they displayed was absolutely remarkable . I tried to imagine myself in their place , and I was totally humbled by their courage and determination in the face of such catastrophic loss . Good people had been put in a very bad situation for questionable results . One day in rehab someone , started talking about surfing and all these guys who 'd never surfed before said , \" Hey , lets go . \" And they went surfing . Photographers go to the extreme edges of human experience to show people what 's going on . Sometimes they put their lives on the line , because they believe your opinions and your influence matter . They aim their pictures at your best instincts , generosity , a sense of right and wrong , the ability and the willingness to identify with others , the refusal to accept the unacceptable . My TED wish : there 's a vital story that needs to be told , and I wish for TED to help me gain access to it and then to help me come up with innovative and exciting ways to use news photography in the digital era . Thank you very much . ( Applause )","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Grandmaster ( chess ) The title Grandmaster is awarded to chess players by the world chess organization FIDE . Apart from World Champion , Grandmaster is the highest title a chess player can attain . Once achieved , the title is held for life . In chess literature it is usually abbreviated to GM . ( Other titles are also often abbreviated : FM for FIDE Master , IM for International Master , and CM for Candidate Master . ) The abbreviation IGM for International Grandmaster is also sometimes used , particularly in older literature . Grandmaster , International Master , and FIDE Master are open to both men and women . A number of women have earned the GM title , with the first two having been Nona Gaprindashvili in 1978 and Susan Polgar in 1991 . Since about 2000 , most of the top 10 women have held the GM title . A separate gender-segregated title , Woman Grandmaster ( WGM ) , is also available . It is awarded to women who attain a level of skill between that of a FIDE Master and an International Master . The first known use of the term grandmaster in connection with chess was in an 1838 issue of Bell's Life , in which a correspondent referred to William Lewis as \" our past grandmaster \" . Lewis himself later referred to Philidor as a grandmaster , and the term was also applied to a few other players . In the Ostend tournament of 1907 the term grandmaster ( Gro\u00dfmeister in German ) was used . The tournament was divided into two sections : the Championship Tournament and the Masters' Tournament . The Championship section was for players who had previously won an international tournament . Siegbert Tarrasch won the Championship section , over Carl Schlechter , Dawid Janowski , Frank Marshall , Amos Burn , and Mikhail Chigorin . These players were described as grandmasters for the purposes of the tournament . Non-standard and Soviet usage before 1950 Before 1950 , the term grandmaster was sometimes informally applied to other world class players . The F\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale des \u00c9checs ( FIDE , or World Chess Federation ) was formed in Paris in 1924 , but at that time did not formulate criteria on who should earn the title . In 1927 , the Soviet Union's Chess Federation established the title of Grandmaster of the Soviet Union , for their own players , since at that time Soviets were not competing outside their own country . This title was abolished in 1931 , after having been awarded to Boris Verlinsky , who won the 1929 Soviet Championship . The title was brought back in 1935 , and awarded to Mikhail Botvinnik , who thus became the first \" official \" Grandmaster of the USSR . Verlinsky did not get his title back . When FIDE reorganized after World War II it adopted regulations concerning the award of international titles . Titles were awarded by a resolution of the FIDE General Assembly and the Qualification Committee . FIDE first awarded the Grandmaster title in 1950 to 27 players . These players were : Since FIDE did not award the Grandmaster title posthumously , world-class players who died prior to 1950 , including World Champions Steinitz , Lasker , Capablanca , and Alekhine , never received the title . Title awards under the original regulations were subject to political concerns . Efim Bogoljubov , who had emigrated from the Soviet Union to Germany , was not entered in the first class of Grandmasters , even though he had played two matches for the World Championship with Alekhine . He received the title in 1951 , by a vote of thirteen to eight with five abstentions . Yugoslavia supported his application , but all other Communist countries opposed it . In 1953 , FIDE abolished the old regulations , although a provision was maintained that allowed older masters who had been overlooked to be awarded titles . The new regulations awarded the title of International Grandmaster of the FIDE to players meeting any of the following criteria : The world champion . Masters who have the absolute right to play in the World Championship Candidates Tournament , or any player who replaces an absent contestant and earns at least a 50 percent score . The winner of an international tournament meeting specified standards , and any player placing second in two such tournaments within a span of four years . The tournament must be at least eleven rounds with seven or more players , 80 percent or more being International Grandmasters or International Masters . Additionally , 30 percent of the players must be Grandmasters who have the absolute right to play in the next World Championship Candidates Tournament , or who have played in such a tournament in the previous ten years . A player who demonstrates ability manifestly equal to that of ( 3 ) above in an international tournament or match . Such titles must be approved by the Qualification Committee with the support of at least five members . After FIDE issued the 1953 title regulations , it was recognized that they were somewhat haphazard , and work began to revise the regulations . The FIDE Congress in Vienna in 1957 adopted new regulations , called the FAV system , in recognition of the work done by International Judge Giovanni Ferrantes ( Italy ) , Alexander ( probably Conel Hugh O ' Donel Alexander ) , and Giancarlo Dal Verme ( Italy ) . Under the 1957 regulations , the title of International Grandmaster of the FIDE was automatically awarded to : The world champion . Any player qualifying from the Interzonal tournament to play in the Candidates Tournament , even if he did not play in the Candidates for any reason . Any player who would qualify from the Interzonal to play in the Candidates but who was excluded because of a limitation on the number of participants from his Federation . Any player who actually plays in a Candidates Tournament and scores at least 331 \u2044 3 percent . The regulations also allowed titles to be awarded by a FIDE Congress on recommendation by the Qualification Committee . Recommendations were based on performance in qualifying tournaments , with the required score depending on the percentage of Grandmasters and International Masters in the tournament . Concerns were raised that the 1957 regulations were too lax . At the FIDE Congress in 1961 , GM Milan Vidmar said that the regulations \" made it possible to award international titles to players without sufficient merit \" . At the 1964 Congress in Tel Aviv , a subcommittee was formed to propose changes to the regulations . The subcommittee recommended that the automatic award of titles be abolished , criticized the methods used for awarding titles based on qualifying performances , and called for a change in the makeup of the Qualification Committee . Several delegates supported the subcommittee recommendations , including GM Miguel Najdorf who felt that existing regulations were leading to an inflation of international titles . At the 1965 Congress in Wiesbaden FIDE raised the standards required for international titles . The International Grandmaster title regulations were : 1 . Any World Champion is automatically awarded the GM title 2a . Anyone who scores at least 40 percent in a quarter-final match in the Candidates Tournament 2b . Scores at least the number of points in a tournament corresponding to the total of a 55 percent score against Grandmasters plus 75 percent against International Masters ( IM ) plus 85 percent against other players ( a GM \" norm \" ) . To fulfill requirement 2b , the candidate must score one GM norm in a category 1a tournament or two norms within a three-year period in two Category 1b tournaments , or one Category 2a tournament and one Category 1b tournament . The categories of tournaments are : 1a \u2013 at least sixteen players , at least 50 percent are GMs , and 70 percent at least IMs 1b \u2013 at least twelve players , at least 331 \u2044 3 percent GMs and 70 percent IMs 2a \u2013 at least fifteen players , at least 50 percent IMs 2b \u2013 ten to fourteen players , at least 50 percent IMs . Since FIDE titles are for life , a GM or IM does not count for the purposes of this requirement if he had not had a GM or IM result in the five years prior to the tournament . In addition , no more than 50 percent plus one of the players can be from the same country for tournaments of 10 to 12 players , or no more than 50 percent plus two for larger tournaments . Seventy-four GM titles were awarded in 1951 through 1968 . During that period , ten GM titles were awarded in 1965 , but only one in 1966 and in 1968 . The modern system for awarding FIDE titles evolved from the \" Dorazil \" proposals , presented to the 1970 Siegen Chess Olympiad FIDE Congress . The proposals were put together by Dr Wilfried Dorazil ( then FIDE Vice-President ) and fellow Committee members Grandmaster Svetozar Gligori\u0107 and Professor Arpad Elo . The recommendations of the Committee report were adopted in full . In essence , the proposals built on the work done by Professor Elo in devising his Elo rating system . The establishment of an updated list of players and their Elo rating enabled significantly strong international chess tournaments to be allocated a \" Category \" , based on the average rating of the contestants . For instance , it was decided that ' Category 1 ' status would apply to tournaments with an average Elo rating of participants falling within the range 2251 \u2013 2275 ; similarly Category 2 would apply to the range 2276 \u2013 2300 etc. The higher the tournament Category , the stronger the tournament . Another vital component involved the setting of meritorious \" scores \" for each Category of tournament . A player must meet or surpass the relevant score to demonstrate that they had performed at Grandmaster ( GM ) or International Master ( IM ) level . Scores were expressed as percentages of a perfect maximum score and decreased as the tournament Category increased , thereby reflecting the strength of a player's opposition and the relative difficulty of the task . Tournament organisers could then apply the percentages to their own tournament format and declare in advance the actual score that participants must achieve to attain a GM or IM result ( nowadays referred to as a norm ) . To qualify for the Grandmaster title , a player needed to achieve three such GM results within a rolling period of three years . Exceptionally , if a player's contributory games totalled thirty or more , then the title could be awarded on the basis of two such results . There were also circumstances where the system could be adapted to fit team events and other competitions . The full proposals included many other rules and regulations , covering such topics as : From 1977 until 2003 , FIDE awarded honorary Grandmaster titles to 31 players based on their past performances or other contributions to chess . Since 2007 , no distinction has been made between an \" honorary \" grandmaster and a full grandmaster . The following players have been awarded honorary Grandmaster titles : The requirements for becoming a Grandmaster are somewhat complex . A player must have attained an Elo rating of at least 2500 ( although they need not maintain this level to obtain or keep the title ) . In addition , at least two favorable results ( called norms ) from a total of at least 27 games in tournaments involving other Grandmasters , including some from countries other than the applicant 's , are usually required before FIDE will confer the title on a player . There are other milestones a player can achieve to get the title , such as winning the Women's World Championship , the World Junior Championship , or the World Senior Championship . Current regulations can be found in the FIDE Handbook . In 1957 , there were 50 GMs ( USSR : 19 , Yugoslavia : 7 , USA : 5 , Argentina : 4 , West Germany : 2 , France : 2 , Sweden : 1 , Czechoslovakia : 1 , Hungary : 1 , Austria : 1 , Belgium : 1 , Denmark : 1 , Netherlands : 1 , Poland : 1 ) . In 1972 , there were 88 GMs with 33 representing the USSR . The current FIDE ratings list includes over 1000 Grandmasters . Nigel Short was rated the third best player in the world in 1989 with a rating of 2650 ; in the 21st century such a rating would only be good enough for a player to reach the top 100 or so , with the third best player in the world usually rated around 2800 . Other minor factors come into play : there are more tournaments worldwide and cheaper air travel makes them more accessible to globe-trotting chess professionals , who include many players from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe whose movements are no longer restricted as they were before the 1990s . Additionally , players can make norms in tournaments that would have been previously considered too short for norms , making norms easier to get and allowing for more norm tournaments to be held . December 2008 saw a record number of GMs ( 1 , 192 ) and IMs ( 2 , 916 ) , causing some FIDE officials to suggest that FIDE should consider an \" elite grandmaster \" title . The unofficial title \" Super Grandmaster \" is sometimes used by players to refer to those with a 2700 + rating to distinguish the most serious world champion contenders . The proportion of titled players among rated players is actually becoming smaller due to the rise in the number of all chess players worldwide who have FIDE ratings . In response , one member of the FIDE Titles & Ratings Committee observed that it is now more common for weaker players to get FIDE ratings , so the comparison of Grandmasters as a proportion of all rated players is not really helpful .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Chapter 5 Synchronizing Information 5.1 About Synchronization You can take information from your computer wherever you go by synchronizing it to your device . The following types of information can be synchronized between your computer and your device : \u2022 Microsoft \u00ae Office Outlook \u00ae information \u2013 Office Outlook e-mail , contacts , calendar , tasks , and notes \u2022 Notes created using Microsoft \u00ae Office OneNote \u00ae 2007 \u2022 Media \u2013 Pictures , music , and video \u2022 Favorites \u2013 Website addresses you save as Favorites in Pocket Internet Explorer on your device or in the Mobile Favorites folder of Internet Explorer on your computer . \u2022 Files \u2013 Documents and other files Tips \u2022 You can also synchronize Outlook e-mail , contacts , calendar , and tasks on your device with the Exchange Server at your work . For more information about setting up your device to synchronize with the Exchange Server , see Chapter 7 . \u2022 Try to synchronize regularly in order to keep information up-to-date on both your device and your computer . Before you can synchronize , you need to install and set up first the synchronization software on your computer . For more information , see \" Setting Up Windows Mobile Device Center on Windows Vista \u00ae \" and \" Setting Up ActiveSync \u00ae on Windows \u00ae XP \" in this chapter . 114 Synchronizing Information After installing the synchronization software on your computer , connect the device to your computer using the USB sync cable . When the Connect to PC screen appears on your device , touch ActiveSync , and then touch Done . You can also synchronize information with your computer using Bluetooth . See \" Synchronizing via Bluetooth \" later in this chapter . Notes \u2022 ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center only synchronizes data on your computer and device . If you have installed a storage card and you want to back up files from the storage card , use Windows Explorer on your computer to copy files from the storage card to your computer . \u2022 If you are sending your device for repair or performing a hard reset , data from your device will be lost . It is recommended that you sync your device to your computer to back up your files . To back up files from the storage card to your computer , use Windows Explorer to copy files from the storage card to the computer . 5.2 Setting Up Windows Mobile \u00ae Device Center on Windows Vista \u00ae Microsoft Windows Mobile \u00ae Device Center is the replacement for Microsoft \u00ae ActiveSync \u00ae on Windows Vista \u00ae . Some versions of Windows Vista \u00ae come with Windows Mobile Device Center already installed . If Windows Mobile Device Center is not available on your Windows Vista \u00ae , you can install it from the Getting Started Disc that came with your device . Setting up synchronization in Windows Mobile Device Center When you connect your device to your computer and start Windows Mobile Device Center for the first time , you are asked to create a Windows Mobile partnership with your device . To create a partnership : 1 . Connect your device to your computer . Windows Mobile Device Center configures itself , then opens . Synchronizing Information 115 2 . On the license agreement screen , click Accept . 3 . On the Windows Mobile Device Center's Home screen , click Set up your device . Note Choose Connect without setting up your device if you only want to transfer media files , check for updates , and explore your device but not synchronize Outlook information . 4 . Select the items you want to synchronize , then click Next . 5 . Enter a device name , then click Set Up . When you finish the setup wizard , Windows Mobile Device Center synchronizes your device automatically . Notice that Outlook e-mail messages and other information appear on your device after synchronization . 116 Synchronizing Information Using Windows Mobile Device Center To open Windows Mobile Device Center , click Start > All Programs > Windows Mobile Device Center on your Windows Vista computer . On Windows Mobile Device Center , you can do the following : \u2022 Click Mobile Device Settings to change synchronization settings . \u2022 When you click Pictures , Music and Video > XX new pictures \/ video clips are available for import , a wizard guides you to tag and transfer photos from your device to the Photo Gallery on your computer . \u2022 Click Pictures , Music and Video > Add media to your device from Windows Media Player to synchronize music and video files using Windows Media \u00ae Player . For more information , see \" Using Windows Media \u00ae Player Mobile \" in Chapter 11 . \u2022 Click File Management > Browse the contents of your device to view documents and files on your device . Note See Windows Mobile Device Center Help for more information . Synchronizing Information 117 5.3 Setting Up ActiveSync \u00ae on Windows \u00ae XP On a Windows \u00ae XP computer , you need to use Microsoft ActiveSync \u00ae 4.5 or later . If you do not have this software on your computer , you can install it from the Getting Started Disc that came with your device . Setting up synchronization in ActiveSync 1 . Connect your device to your computer . The Synchronization Setup Wizard automatically starts and guides you to create a synchronization partnership . Click Next to proceed . 2 . To synchronize your device with your computer , clear the Synchronize directly with a server running Microsoft Exchange check box , then click Next . 3 . Select the information types that you want to synchronize , then click Next . 4 . Select or clear the Allow wireless data connections check box according to your preference . 5 . Click Finish . When you finish the wizard , ActiveSync synchronizes your device automatically . Notice that Outlook e-mail messages and other information appear on your device after synchronization . 118 Synchronizing Information 5.4 Synchronizing With Your Computer Connect and synchronize your device with your computer using the USB cable or Bluetooth connection . Starting and stopping synchronization You can manually synchronize either from your device or computer . From your device \u2022 Tap Start > Settings , and then touch Sync Data ; or \u2022 Tap Start > ActiveSync , and then tap Sync . To end synchronization before it completes , tap Stop . Tip To delete a partnership with one computer completely , disconnect your device from that computer first . In ActiveSync on your device , tap Menu > Options , tap the computer name , then tap Delete . From Windows Mobile Device Center 1 . Click Start > All Programs > Windows Mobile Device Center . 2 . Click at the lower left of the Windows Mobile Device Center .. To end synchronization before it completes , click From ActiveSync on your computer When you connect your device to your computer , ActiveSync automatically opens on your computer and synchronizes . \u2022 To manually start synchronization , click .. \u2022 To end synchronization before it completes , click Synchronizing Information 119 Selecting information to synchronize You can select the information types and the amount of information to synchronize for each type either on your device or your computer . Follow the steps below to change synchronization settings on your device . Note Before changing synchronization settings on your device , disconnect it from your computer . 1 . In ActiveSync on your device , tap Menu > Options . 2 . Select the check box for any items you want to synchronize . If you can not select a check box , you might have to clear the check box for the same information type elsewhere in the list . 3 . To change synchronization settings for an information type , for instance , E-mail , select it and tap Settings . You can then set the download size limit , specify the time period of information to download , and more . Notes \u2022 Some information types such as Favorites , Files and Media can not be selected in ActiveSync Options on your device . You can only select or clear these items from your computer's Windows Mobile Device Center or ActiveSync . \u2022 A computer can have sync partnerships with many different Windows Mobile powered devices , but a device can have sync partnerships with at most two computers . To ensure that your device synchronizes properly with both computers , set up the second computer using the same synchronization settings you used on the first computer . \u2022 Outlook e-mail can be synchronized with only one computer . 120 Synchronizing Information Troubleshooting sync connection problem In some cases , when the computer connects to the Internet or a local network , it may disconnect the connection with your device in favor of the Internet or network connection . If this happens , tap Start > Settings , and then tap All Settings . Tap Connections tab > USB to PC , then clear the Enable faster data synchronization check box . This makes your computer utilize a serial USB connection with your device . 5.5 Synchronizing via Bluetooth You can connect and synchronize your device with the computer using Bluetooth . Note To connect and synchronize your device with a computer via Bluetooth , your computer must have a built-in Bluetooth or installed with a Bluetooth adapter or dongle . To synchronize with a computer via Bluetooth 1 . Set up Windows Mobile Device Center or ActiveSync on your computer to synchronize through Bluetooth . See the program's Help for instructions . 2 . Make sure that Bluetooth on both your device and the computer are turned on and set to visible mode . See \" Bluetooth Modes \" in Chapter 9 for details . If this is the first time you have connected to this computer via Bluetooth , you must first set up a Bluetooth partnership between your device and the computer . For more information about creating a Bluetooth partnership , see \" Bluetooth Partnerships \" in Chapter 9 . 3 . On your device , tap Start > ActiveSync . 4 . Tap Menu > Connect via Bluetooth . Note To conserve battery power , turn off Bluetooth when not in use . Synchronizing Information 121 5.6 Synchronizing Music and Video If you want to carry your music or other digital media along with you while you travel , set up Windows Media \u00ae Player on your computer to synchronize music and video with your device . Other than selecting the Media information type to be synchronized , all media synchronization settings must be set in Windows Media \u00ae Player . Before media can be synchronized , you must do the following : \u2022 Install Windows Media \u00ae Player Version 11 on your computer . ( Windows Media \u00ae Player 11 works only in Windows XP or later versions ) . \u2022 Connect your device to the computer with a USB cable . If your device is currently connected using Bluetooth , you must end that connection before media can be synchronized . \u2022 Set up a sync partnership between your device and your computer's Windows Media \u00ae Player . See \" Using Windows Media \u00ae Player Mobile \" in Chapter 11 for details . 122 Synchronizing Information","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Wednesday , 4 September , 2002 , 06 : 06 GMT 07 : 06 UK Ex-WorldCom chiefs were warned Two of WorldCom's top executives were warned in March that \" questions \" had been raised about its accounts , according to investigators looking into the fraud which led to the giant's downfall . Ebbers was not a detached , unknowing chief executive Financial Services Committee spokeswoman Peggy Peterson An email sent on 18 March informed former chief executive Bernard Ebbers and former chief financial officer Scott Sullivan of concerns about accounting issues related to the preparation of WorldCom's annual report , the US House Financial Services Committee said . During the same month , Salomon Smith Barney's former telecoms analyst , Jack Grubman , warned Mr Sullivan that his firm was dropping WorldCom from a list of recommended shares before the information was released to investors . In an email sent on 12 March , Mr Grubman insisted that he had not been the one responsible for removing the firm from the list . \" This is our strategist , not us . Which is why I hate ever having a name on that list , \" Mr Grubman said in the email . In the know Mr Grubman's warning was forwarded by Mr Sullivan to his boss , Mr Ebbers , the investigators said . Mr Sullivan could be sent to prison for 65 years A third email which was sent in May revealed that Mr Sullivan had tried to brush off an inquiry from the credit rating agency Moody's Investors Service . \" Overall , what all this has in common is it shows how Mr Ebbers , Mr Sullivan and Mr Grubman dealt with questions about WorldCom : They obfuscated every time , \" Financial Services Committee spokeswoman Peggy Peterson said . \" Ebbers was not a detached , unknowing chief executive . \" Mr Sullivan , who is free on $ 10m bail , stands accused of being the head man in a conspiracy to hide WorldCom's expenses . Last week , he was indicted by a grand jury . He faces up to 65 years in prison if he is convicted on charges of securities fraud , conspiracy and filing false statements with the SEC . WorldCom made US history as the country's largest corporate bankruptcy on 21 July this year after admitting that it had falsely inflated its profits by $ 3 . 9bn . Citigroup hit Shares in Salomon Smith Barney's parent company , Citigroup , were hit on Tuesday after Prudential Securities analyst Mike Mayo recommended that investors sell the stock . Mr Mayo warned that Citigroup is facing a massive legal and regulatory risk due to its involvement , via Salomon , with WorldCom and because of its involvement with the failed energy giant Enron . Citigroup fell 10.3 % to close down $ 3.36 at 29.39 .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Childhood Memories That Made Me Who I am Today : I was 15 when my father died and after his death I received my result card through the post . I was really happy to see that I passed the exam with excellent marks but I wanted to go to college but it was hard for my brother to send me to college . But I started to teach other children in the village . They really needed help in their studies because their parents could n't read or write they send them to me in evenings after school . So in the morning I 'd go to college and in the evening I teach them and I 'd use the money they gave me to pay my college fees , bus fare and I made my uniform with my own money and I was really happy because I had got everything that I want . I worked hard that 's why I want my son to work hard to carry on with his studies . I was born in the Yemen in 1976 . I lived in a village called Yafa with my Mum and two brothers . My dad lived in England because he was working there and he was sending us some money to live on . I hardly knew my dad because the first time I saw him was when I was 2 years old , which is a time I ca n't remember . When I was about 4 or 5 years old my dad came to visit us and I will never forget that day because he bought me a big doll which I really loved and he bought us lots of things . I was very happy . We used to live a very poor life . We all stayed in one room . We slept , cooked , ate and sat in the same room but me and my brothers were very happy and we used to spend most of our time outside playing . My Mum was n't very well . Also she had to work very hard because in the village we had to go very far to fetch the water from the well and to fetch the wood to cook on . We had electricity but it only came on at night for a few hours . We also had to help my granddad in the field . After a few years my Mum's health deteriorated and my Dad wanted us to go and live with him . We were very happy and we went to the city to go to the British Embassy . The city life was very different to the village life . It was more modernised and I loved it and I still remember the blue sea , it was beautiful . However the bad news was that the British Embassy refused to let me go with my parents to England because the law in Yemen did not allow any children who were over 7 years old to go out of the country and unfortunately I was seven years old . My brother's were younger than me so they went with my Mum . We all were sad and disappointed especially my Mum she was devestated but she was very ill . Her Mum and Dad told her to go and leave me with them . I remember the day when she left she was crying all day but I was excited and happy to live with my grandparents . When my Mum kissed me goodbye I saw her crying and I started to cry . I was very happy with my grandparents and they loved me very much and they did their best to make me happy . They gave me everything I wanted and they were very nice and kind to me . My grandparents house had one room and a very small kitchen . They had a cow , some sheep and some chickens and I used to help look after them which I really enjoyed . I used to go to school . I started just before my mum left but I did n't like it . I stayed in school for four years then I left because I wanted to help my grandparents more . What I really enjoyed the most was fetching the water from the well with my friends . We used to have lots of fun and we used to go to fetch some wood and it was very far away so we used to go up the hills and down and we played on the way and we had a laugh . We had to get up very early just before the sun rise and we came back after the sunset . I think that these were the best times in my childhood . As I grew older I missed my mum and brothers very much . I used to cry every night as I remembered them and I never stopped thinking about my parents They used to send me some letters , clothes and money and we talked on the phone only once in two or three years because the telephone was very far from our house and very expensive . When I was about 12 years old I used to do everything in the house such as cooking , cleaning , taking care of the animals and helping my granddad in the fields as well as fetching the water and the wood . My day would start at 5.30 in the morning and would end when I went to bed which was about 8 . 00pm In the morning when I saw the other kids going to school , I realised how much I missed school and I wanted to go back so my friends and me decided to go back and we did . I really liked it this time and I did n't want to leave because we had such a good time . When I was 13 years old , I realised how much I missed my family because when I was younger it did n't really bother me but then I really wanted to see them . One day just a few months before my 14th birthday I received a letter from my mum and dad and she said they wanted me to join them in the UK . The law in Yemen had changed because the south and the north of Yemen were united . I was very happy and very excited and at the same time I was shocked because I did n't expect that to happen as I thought they might come to visit . I was so happy that I could n't sleep that night I could n't believe that I was going to see them after 7 years without them . After a few months and just a week before my birthday I finely went to England and my granddad came with me . It was very hard to leave my grandma and all my friends . When I arrived at the airport my mum and dad were there and I did n't recognise them but I was very happy to see them . When we went home and I saw my brothers I could n't believe how big they were , because I was imagining them small like when they were in Yemen but they looked different . I liked the house even though it was a small 3 bedroom house , but it was different compare to the house in Yemen . A few weeks later it was my birthday . I had a big party and I had lots of presents . I was playing with my dolls and I felt like a child again because in Yemen I felt like an adult I was only 13 years old , but I had lots of responsibility and I did n't have time to play . For the first few months I was very happy and I loved England until I started school . I did n't like school because I could n't speak English . I did n't understand a word and it was very difficult for me to make friends . Some children used to make fun of me and they used to call me names and they used to say horrible things to me which I did n't understand at the time but they knew it was n't nice and my teacher was n't nice either . I was the only child who spoke Arabic in the school . I hated school and sometimes I used to come home crying . In the school I felt like I was deaf and dumb because I did n't know what they were saying to me and I could n't talk to them . It was terrible . At home I felt a bit strange . I felt like I did n't know my family even though my mum and dad used to spoil me and they bought me everything that I Iiked . My brothers used to be jalice of me and I did n't like that . I hated England and I wanted to go back to Yemen . I really missed my grandparents and my friends and all the things that I used to do . I remember when we first came to England - my granddad - on one day regularly he used to always take my 3 brothers , my sister and myself on the 75 bus from our house on Barnsley Road - it was a very long journey to Millhouses park . It used to be our treat . He used to put us on the peddle boats and then pay for an ice-cream each then we used to get on the bus back home . My granddad was a very caring person this makes me always wanting to be there wherever my children are , know what they are always doing . It was the day before Eid . I was about 8 years old , and I living in the Yemen with my grandparents . \" Is it Eid tomorrow ? \" I asked my grandmother happily . \" We do n't know yet , We have to wait til the sun goes down , then we will foind out \" . \" Why ca n't we find out now ? \" I 'm going outside to look if I can see the moon \" , I said angrily . I went outside and I was looking to the sky , the sky was very clear , but I could n't see the moon . I walked back to house slowly and sadly . My grandmother was getting the food ready . \" I want to help your grandmother , what can I do ? \" \" Go and get the things ready for the fire \" . My grandmother said , so I ran quickly to the top of the house and I got all the things we needed for the fire . If the next day was Eid everyone would go to the roofs of their houses and light a little fire and that was the sign . We see the fire and the hole village know it 's Eid the next day . I was very excited and I could n't wait till the sun goes down . I went to the kitchen and I said \" The fire is ready grandma . What shall I do now . \" ' The food is ready , so there 's nothing to do now . We have to wait till the sun goes down . There was only about 10 minutes left but it seemed very long and it went past so slowly . When I was child and go to school when I came back from school my Mom wanted me to help in the kitchen but I said I needed to do my school work . I admired my Mum she was very great because she brought me from there to here . She taught me everything . Now I think what Mom said to me about doing house work is true . At that time it was very difficult to do all things but it is good how much I learned then . Now I can do everything like handle my house , cooking , serving , looking after my guests and my inlaws are happy with me . Now I am really happy with my Mom . I remember the closed doors when I came to England . Everyone shut their doors . In Pakistan all the doors were kept open and everyone shared everything . We often visited each other 's houses I was born in Somalia second capital city of Somalia it was a big city . My mum has 3 boys and 3 girls I am second child of my mum I used to be when under 10 I like to play outside play with the boys and girl . I used to go to school in a morning walk to school it 's far from my house come back and then I would go to religious school as well . I was beastly as a child ; I used to love playing outside I do n't like the indoors my mum she used to be shouting at me all the time \" come on in and help me \" I used to help my mum cooking and cleaning the house I used to do quickly the house work to go outside and play , I would make it a race they used to be girls working in the house no boys always girls I say spare to me to play outside they never do house work but my girl friends always racing saying whose going to finish house work first we finish quickly as soon as we can to play outside . I love my life my dad worked we have a lovely life my mum was so kind , my mum still live same house I was born . I finish secondary schools and after this my uncle shop to work y uncle shop , you know I was so beastly little girl . I get married when I was 16 I had my first baby when I was 18 years old my I was so scared my mum help me she help with the baby I was so young I was scared my son is now 24 years old . I am not having another baby I had my second 10 years after my first . We came to England , I left my son with my mum my and my husband came to England December 1990 I had 4 children here 2 girls and 2 boys since I born I had a lovely time I have good health still carry on my life , I 'm still a beastly women I working in school lunchtime supervisor for 6 years I do n't know what I 'm doing I 'm still beastly ! I was born in England but we lived in Pakistan and well , we had a nice house and lived with my grandparents ' cos I remember my mum since she got married always had to live with her in-laws . I remember us all being born '' cos we were kept like a second thing in my mum's life ' cos of my grandparents . We had to wash the clothes and that because there was n't a washing machine , I remember my 3 brothers when we first had our cycle because in Pakistan we could l get a cycle with five seats it was a beautiful moment when we could all sit on the cycle together and ride away on the uneven roads they were all dusty and uneven but it made it special because we were all a family . My dad came to England to work before he bought us all when he could afford to bring us all and he bought my grandparents . I remember my granddad always used to take us on a bus to Millhouses park once a week all 5 of us on the bus and he 'd buy us and ice cream and put us in the boats , oh he was such a good natured person he was so loveable and cuddly all the time with us my dad is totally different he 's a bit hard with us he 's not a soft person he does n't do that with my kids , his grandchildren . My granddad used to do that with us all the time . When he passed away it was a real emotional time . Those are the memories that I like to keep .","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Gastrointestinal mucositis is a dose-limiting side-effect of many cancer therapies . Interruption of cell production by a cytotoxic agent can cause a breach of the mucosal barrier ( ulceration ) if the stem cells are killed . However , few in vivo assays measure these responses . EpiStem has developed CLONOQUANTTM , a sophisticated in vivo intestinal stem cell assay , analogous to the spleen colony assay for bone marrow stem cells . This enables the assessment of both the propensity of a novel anti-cancer drug to cause mucositis and the potential of a novel anti-mucositis drug to reduce these debilitating side-effects . OROQUANTTM measures similar responses and treatment effects in the mouth , where painful ulcers commonly occur . Typical mucositis measurements : Number of surviving clonogenic cells Speed and efficiency of tissue repair Quantification of functional impairment ( diarrhea measurements ) Some applications of our assays : Assess the efficacy of mucositis modulatory or prevention agents Assess the efficiency of tissue regeneration enhancers Determine the side-effects of potential cytotoxic agents before reaching the clinic - a surrogate assay for patient well-being during chemotherapy Assess if a drug candidate has stem cell stimulatory or inhibitory effects","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Water vapor is the most potent of the greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere , and it 's sort of a unique player among the greenhouse gases . The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere can not , in general , be directly modified by human behavior \u2013 it 's set by air temperatures . The warmer the surface , the greater the evaporation rate of water from the surface . As a result , increased evaporation leads to a greater concentration of water vapor in the lower atmosphere capable of absorbing infrared radiation and emitting it downward . Surface-level ozone Johnny Stockshooter \u2013 age fotostock \/ Imagestate The next most significant greenhouse gas is surface , or low-level , ozone ( O 3 ) . Surface O 3 is a result of air pollution ; it must be distinguished from naturally occurring stratospheric O 3 , which has a very different role in the planetary radiation balance . The primary natural source of surface O 3 is the subsidence of stratospheric O 3 from the upper atmosphere toward Earth's surface . In contrast , the primary human-driven source of surface O 3 is in photochemical reactions involving carbon monoxide ( CO ) , such as in smog .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"In conjunction with Sennelier , Isabey and Raphael , Tony has created a travel set that offers a practical selection of artists quality materials in a convenient travel box . Tony has carefully chosen from over 80 colours in the Sennelier watercolour range to ensure that you can tackle any subject with only a limited selection of colours . The brushes included in the set are of the highest quality Squirrel and Sable for wash and detail work . Contents : Sennelier 10ml Watercolour tubes : Aureolin Yellow Lake Chinese Orange Sennelier Red Carmine Genuine Cerulean Blue Ultramarine Deep Burnt Sienna Isabey No. 0 Squirrel Quill Mop Raphael No. 10 Kolinsky Sable","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Judge Finds Probable Cause Against a Greeley police Officer A judge has found probable cause to have a trial in the sexual assault trial of a police officer charged with groping a female driver he had stopped . The story in the Tribune also said the officer changed his story about not stopping the driver at all , when GPS records for his vehicle placed him at the site of the incident . This is just some of the procedures that the state and attorney for the defense go through in our criminal justice system . If you have been arrested for an assault , sexual or otherwise you can hire an expert to defend you . You can get a Colorado criminal defense attorney . In the case cited , the defendant's attorney filed a motion to dismiss the charges due to no probable cause . As happens , the aspects of a simple sexual assault case such as this sometimes leaves little evidence other than conflicting stories . When a Colorado criminal defense attorney looks over the evidence , the merits of the state's case can lead to a request for dismissal . As in this case , even if that is not achieved there are many other strategies that an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney can use to get an acquittal . Any accounts by witnesses will be reviewed for conflict with established facts . The conduct of the arresting officer will be reviewed to make sure proper reading of your rights and other procedures were followed to the full letter of the law . The Colorado criminal defense attorney knows how to make every piece of evidence in your favor known to the court . They also will file to keep out any evidence that was obtained improperly by the police . The law is very complicated and the best defense is made by a person used to dealing with it every day . You must meet with a Colorado criminal defense attorney as soon as possible . The sooner you do , the sooner you may go free . Colorado Springs Man Charged with Stealing Marijuana Plant The Denver post reported that a Colorado Springs man was charged with theft after being seen leaving a marijuana dispensary by police with a knife in one hand and a marijuana plant in the other . This person who is charged could be in a better situation if he did n't have the knife . That can lead to a serious weapons charge . The involvement of the drug will certainly be a minor problem when compared to the weapon . Assault crimes , robberies and other felonies are magnified when weapons are involved . If you have been charged with a crime and a weapon was found in your possession , you are in serious trouble and you need an expert in the law to help you . Anyone charged in the state of Colorado for a crime that involves use of a weapon needs a Colorado criminal defense attorney on their side . This is a serious matter and must be handled by a professional with experience . The Colorado criminal defense attorney will go after the state's case against you with everything possible to get your charges reduced . The search that found the weapon may have been illegal . This will be used by the attorney to get that evidence thrown out . The reason you were detained will be judged for its legality as well as all police procedures and behavior before , during and after your arrest . This is your future you are fighting for . An arrest is bad enough , but with multiple charges stemming from the use a weapon while committing a crime , you need the experienced assistance of the Colorado criminal defense attorney . The trial may end but there may have been a mistake made by the judge or DA that can lead to you Colorado criminal defense attorney filing an appeal . They are also competent in making advantageous plea bargains for their clients when it is necessary . The expertise of the Colorado criminal defense attorney can not be minimized . If you are arrested for any crime , if a weapon was found or not , you need a Colorado criminal defense attorney as your representative . Everyone Should have a Living Will Medical marvels are seen on television and in newspapers every day . Some improve the quality of life . If you want to insure your quality of life a living will is a must . A meeting with a Colorado estate planning attorney can improve your quality of life in many ways . Protecting your assets , aiding your heirs in handling inheritance taxes , and having the peace of mind that your final affairs are being handled honestly and professionally will also improve your sense of well being now and in the future . The Estate Tax has Returned The IRS estate tax was on hiatus in 2010 but it has returned . There are rules on when you have to file and what is included in the estate . The Colorado estate tax is based on the death tax credit allowable on the federal tax return . If you would like to have your heirs protected from being taxed unnecessarily by these two jurisdictions , you need to meet with a Colorado estate planning attorney . The Colorado estate planning attorney is knowledgeable in all state and federal tax law . When you are drawing up your will you can investigate options such as trusts and any other tax protection measures that can be taken to reduce any tax liability your estate causes your heirs . For example ; some life insurance proceeds and annuities will not be considered part of the \" gross estate \" and the Colorado estate planning attorney may be able to recommend you purchase one of these products Court in Denver Aims to Reduce Repeat Offenders A new sobriety court in Denver has high hopes for reducing the number of repeat DUI offenders in the state of Colorado . The mammoth efforts of law enforcement officials have helped to reduce the number of arrested for suspicion of DUI by nearly twenty five percent in 2010 compared to 2008 but nearly thirty percent of those arrested for DUI in Colorado have involved repeat offenders . The new court will implement a combination of current punishments and an intensive treatment program that could help to rehabilitate drivers who could have been likely to have gotten behind the wheel while impaired again . The program will be funded by nearly six hundred thousand dollars in grant money and will focus on lengthy bouts of treatment and frequent blood alcohol monitoring and regular interactions with judges to monitor progress . While this program may not be right for everyone who has made the decision to get behind the wheel while impaired more than once it could make a big difference in making the streets safer . Unfortunately , the program wo n't be large enough to accommodate all repeat offenders and many will still face the possibility of very severe punishments of prison , fines and license suspensions . If you are facing a first time or subsequent DUI charge in Colorado you need to hire an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney . Hiring a Colorado criminal defense attorney gives you the best opportunity of having your DUI charges reduced or dismissed so that you face a series of much more tolerable punishments following your trial . Holiday Efforts Result in DUI Arrests Law enforcement officials in Colorado seem even more serious about removing impaired drivers from the streets this summer and keeping Colorado streets safe . In a one night DUI checkpoint on Fort Collins on Memorial Day Weekend police made contact with over 1000 drivers and ultimately arrested more than twenty for driving under the influence or driving while ability impaired . This monumental effort was just the beginning of the 100 Day of Heat program in Colorado that will increase officer presence and efforts on the streets and help to minimize the number of DUI related accidents and fatalities that plague the state of Colorado this summer . All of these additional DUI arrests across the state should have Colorado criminal defense attorneys very busy . The possible penalties associated with a DUI in the state of Colorado are among the most severe in the entire country . First time offenders of DUI in Colorado face the possibility of mandatory jail time , high fines and lengthy driver's license suspensions and the only way to ensure the best possible outcome from your trial is to enlist the services of an experienced professional to build an effective defense . A Colorado criminal defense attorney will examine the evidence that the prosecution has against you and the methods by which that evidence was gathered by arresting officers . If anything at all that occurred during the course of your investigation seems amiss your Colorado criminal defense attorney will use that information to bolster your defense and increase your chances of having your charges reduced or dismissed . Driving While Impaired Can Lead to Other Poor Decisions Deciding to get behind the wheel of your automobile after having had a few too many drinks is most certainly not a good idea . Impaired driving can easily result in serious accidents that cause injuries or deaths and the charges associated with a DUI conviction are something that no one wants to experience . Unfortunately many drivers still decide to get behind the wheel while intoxicated and that initial poor decision can often lead to subsequent poor decisions that ultimately cause more damage and increase the consequences that will be faced following the incident . Some drivers who operate their vehicles while impaired and get stopped by police are frightened by the potential consequences that they could face and wind up attempting to evade police . Attempting to get away from a police stop can easily result in a host of moving violations and , if an accident should occur , possibly even assault , manslaughter or murder charges depending upon the specific details . These potential charges carry much more severe consequences than a DUI charge would alone and attempted evasion makes structuring your defense a much more difficult task . If you are facing DUI charges in the state of Colorado you immediately reach out to an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney . A Colorado criminal defense attorney will build the most suitable plan of defense for your specific situation and work to ensure that your rights are upheld throughout the hearing . Though it might seem tempting to avoid the charges at all costs by evading the police you will likely have much more luck entrusting your defense to a good attorney . Organized Shoplifting Rings Attack Colorado Stores Highly organized teams of thieves enter retail stores and grabbing insanely large amounts of everyday goods in order to fund criminal activity . The shoplifters pilfer desirable and useful items like baby formula an OTC pain relievers and then sell them for fast cash over the internet . The groups are hitting major retailers throughout Colorado and experts estimate that the activity is costing stores across the country more thirty five billion dollars each year . These criminals have literally taken the crime of shoplifting to an entirely new level and if they get caught they should expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law . Many people feel as though shoplifting is n't a very serious crime , but theft in any form can result in serious consequences . Depending upon the type of item or the value of the item stolen a shoplifting charge can carry some highly undesirable possible penalties . If you are facing shoplifting or theft charges in the state of Colorado you should reach out to an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney as soon as possible . Your Colorado criminal defense attorney will be able to clearly explain the charges against you and the possible penalties that could go along with them and then go over all of your potential options for defense . You 'll get the expert advice that you need to make it through this very stressful situation and the confidence that your professionally structured plan of defense will result in the best possible verdict from your criminal hearing .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"As illustrated by the graph on the left , the basic symptoms of autism are often accompanied other medical conditions and challenges . These , too , can vary widely in severity . While autism is usually a life-long condition , all children and adults benefit from interventions , or therapies , that can reduce symptoms and increase skills and abilities . Although it is best to begin intervention as soon as possible , the benefits of therapy can continue throughout life . Social Challenges Typically developing infants are social by nature . They gaze at faces , turn toward voices , grasp a finger and even smile by 2 to 3 months of age . By contrast , most children who develop autism have difficulty engaging in the give-and-take of everyday human interactions . By 8 to 10 months of age , many infants who go on to develop autism are showing some symptoms such as failure to respond to their names , reduced interest in people and delayed babbling . By toddlerhood , many children with autism have difficulty playing social games , do n't imitate the actions of others and prefer to play alone . They may fail to seek comfort or respond to parents' displays of anger or affection in typical ways . It is common \u2013 but not universal \u2013 for those with autism to have difficulty regulating emotions . This can take the form of seemingly \" immature \" behavior such as crying or having outbursts in inappropriate situations . It can also lead to disruptive and physically aggressive behavior . The tendency to \" lose control \" may be particularly pronounced in unfamiliar , overwhelming or frustrating situations . Frustration can also result in self-injurious behaviors such as head banging , hair pulling or self-biting . Communication Difficulties By age three , most children have passed predictable milestones on the path to learning language . One of the earliest is babbling . By the first birthday , most typically developing toddlers say a word or two , turn and look when they hear their names , point to objects they want or want to show to someone ( not all cultures use pointing in this way ) . When offered something distasteful , they can make clear \u2013 by sound or expression \u2013 that the answer is \" no . \" By contrast , young children with autism tend to be delayed in babbling and speaking and learning to use gestures . Some infants who later develop autism coo and babble during the first few months of life before losing these communicative behaviors . Others experience significant language delays and do n't begin to speak until much later . With therapy , however , most people with autism do learn to use spoken language and all can learn to communicate . Many nonverbal or nearly nonverbal children and adults learn to use communication systems such as pictures ( image at left ) , sign language , electronic word processors or even speech-generating devices . When language begins to develop , the person with autism may use speech in unusual ways . Some have difficulty combining words into meaningful sentences . They may speak only single words or repeat the same phrase over and over . Some go through a stage where they repeat what they hear verbatim ( echolalia ) . Some mildly affected children exhibit only slight delays in language or even develop precocious language and unusually large vocabularies \u2013 yet have difficulty sustaining a conversation . Some children and adults with autism tend to carry on monologues on a favorite subject , giving others little chance to comment . In other words , the ordinary \" give and take \" of conversation proves difficult . Some children with ASD with superior language skills tend to speak like little professors , failing to pick up on the \" kid-speak \" that 's common among their peers . Conversely , someone affected by autism may not exhibit typical body language . Facial expressions , movements and gestures may not match what they are saying . Their tone of voice may fail to reflect their feelings . Some use a high-pitched sing-song or a flat , robot-like voice . This can make it difficult for others know what they want and need . This failed communication , in turn , can lead to frustration and inappropriate behavior ( such as screaming or grabbing ) on the part of the person with autism . Fortunately , there are proven methods for helping children and adults with autism learn better ways to express their needs . As the person with autism learns to communicate what he or she wants , challenging behaviors often subside . ( See section on Treatments . ) Repetitive Behaviors Unusual repetitive behaviors and \/ or a tendency to engage in a restricted range of activities are another core symptom of autism . Common repetitive behaviors include hand-flapping , rocking , jumping and twirling , arranging and rearranging objects , and repeating sounds , words , or phrases . Sometimes the repetitive behavior is self-stimulating , such as wiggling fingers in front of the eyes . The tendency to engage in a restricted range of activities can be seen in the way that many children with autism play with toys . Some spend hours lining up toys in a specific way instead of using them for pretend play . Similarly , some adults are preoccupied with having household or other objects in a fixed order or place . It can prove extremely upsetting if someone or something disrupts the order . Along these lines many children and adults with autism need and demand extreme consistency in their environment and daily routine . Slight changes can be extremely stressful and lead to outbursts Repetitive behaviors can take the form of intense preoccupations , or obsessions . These extreme interests can prove all the more unusual for their content ( e.g. fans , vacuum cleaners or toilets ) or depth of knowledge ( e.g. knowing and repeating astonishingly detailed information about Thomas the Tank Engine or astronomy ) . Older children and adults with autism may develop tremendous interest in numbers , symbols , dates or science topics . Associated Medical Conditions Thanks to donor support , Autism Speaks continues to fund research into the causes and treatment of the medical conditions associated with ASD . You can explore these studies here . This research is reflected in the comprehensive care model at the heart of our Autism Treatment Network ( ATN ) clinics . To find out if there is an ATN clinic close to you , click here . For in depth information on medical conditions , please see our website's related pages : \" Treatments for Associated Medical Conditions \" and \" What Treatments are Available for Speech , Language and Motor Impairments , \" in addition to the information below . Genetic Disorders Some children with autism have an identifiable genetic condition that affects brain development . These genetic disorders include Fragile X syndrome , Angelman syndrome , tuberous sclerosis and chromosome 15 duplication syndrome and other single-gene and chromosomal disorders . While further study is needed , single gene disorders appear to affect 15 to 20 percent of those with ASD . Some of these syndromes have characteristic features or family histories , the presence of which may prompt your doctor to refer to a geneticist or neurologist for further testing . The results can help guide treatment , awareness of associated medical issues and life planning . Gastrointestinal ( GI ) Disorders GI distress is common among persons with autism , and affects up to 85 percent of children with ASD . These conditions range in severity from a tendency for chronic constipation or diarrhea to inflammatory bowel disease . Pain caused by GI issues can prompt behavioral changes such as increased self soothing ( rocking , head banging , etc ) or outbursts of aggression or self-injury . Conversely , appropriate treatment can improve behavior and quality of life . Please see our treatment section on \" Gastrointestinal Disorders . \" It includes discussion of popular dietary interventions . Thanks to donor support , Autism Speaks continues to fund research into causes and treatments . Seizure Disorders Seizure disorders , including epilepsy , occur in as many as 39 percent of those with autism . It is more common in people with autism who also have intellectual disability than those without . Someone with autism may experience more than one type of seizure . The easiest to recognize is the grand mal , or tonic-clonic , seizure . Others include \" petit mal \" seizures ( when a person temporarily appears \" absent \" ) and subclinical seizures , which may be apparent only with electroencephalogram ( EEG ) testing . Sleep Dysfunction Sleep problems are common among children and adolescents with autism and may likewise affect many adults . For more information and helpful guidance , see our ATN Sleep Strategies Tool Kit ( available for free download ) . Sensory Processing Problems Many persons with autism have unusual responses to sensory input . They have difficulty processing and integrating sensory information , or stimuli , such as sights , sounds smells , tastes and \/ or movement . They may experience seemingly ordinary stimuli as painful , unpleasant or confusing . ( Explore our donor-funded research on causes and treatments here . ) Some of those with autism are hypersensitive to sounds or touch , a condition also known as sensory defensiveness . Others are under-responsive , or hyposensitive . An example of hypersensitivity would be the inability to tolerate wearing clothing , being touched or being in a room with normal lighting . Hyposensitivity can include failure to respond when one's name is called . Many sensory processing problems can be addressed with occupational therapy and \/ or sensory integration therapy . ( More information on these therapies , here . ) Pica","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"How to Buy from Heathlands If you would like to place an order for some of the toys , nappies and furniture displayed on these pages , please read this page carefully . Not sure what Nappies to Buy ? If you 're not sure what nappies or accessories you need , please have a look at our new Nappy Help page . If you 're still not sure , do n't worry , contact us using our form and ask for a callback to discuss what 's best for you and your baby . How to Place an Order To place an order , simply click on the Buy Now buttons under each product . When you have completed your selections , select your delivery charge . Next , add any special instructions you have for your order in the box provided . Finally , complete your name and address and the delivery address in the form provided . Alternatively , you can download and print our Toy Order Form ( you can use it for nappies and furniture too ) if you have Adobe Reader on your computer . If you do n't have Reader , you can download it here . You can complete the order form and post or fax it to us . Payment We accept Credit & Debit cards through Barclays Merchant Services , or PayPal . If you do n't already have a PayPal account , you can set one up quickly and easily when you 've finished shopping . There 's no charge to you to use PayPal . Alternatively , please contact us if you would like to pay by cheque , or direct credit transfer .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Stem cells reside in small numbers in most body tissues and control the healing processes subsequent to disease or injury . Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) can produce various different tissue types including bone , cartilage and fat . However , the mechanisms by which different tissue types are produced from MSCs is very complex and therefore difficult to understand using intuition alone . Mathematical models provide a means to analyse complex systems such as the mesenchymal stem cell system . Therefore we propose an innovative approach to analyse how bone tissue is produced with the help of mathematical modelling in conjunction with experimentation . In particular we will use mathematical models to examine how gene expression correlates with stem cell activity and , significantly , how this correlation changes with age .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sit or stand with your hands on your shoulders . Slowly twist to the right , back to the centre , then to the left , feeling the twist in your waist . Take a deep breath through the nose , expanding your whole chest and hold for a count of five . Breath out through your mouth slowly for ten seconds , making a ' sighing ' sound . Repeat the above slowly six times . Without getting up , place your hands on your desk in front of you . Gently arch your lower back , without tilting your head . Then round your back so that you have flexed it in and out . Lift your feet off the floor . Flex them gently up and down . Move them slowly up and down as if treading water . PUZZLE : Bridge building : Put two pens parallel with a distance between them slightly bigger than the length of a matchstick . Using 4 matches build a strong bridge between them .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"We have a new range of body care products from JASON'S . There is a picture below and for more details check the products page in the left border of this page . There is also now a page ( also accessed from the left border ) with a list of the FRANCHI seeds and more information about them on the Feature page . PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TAKE A LOOK AT THE LINKS ON THE HOME PAGE WHERE YOU MAY FIND MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PRODUCTS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN . If you are interested in Fair Trade products you may be interested in this site : http:\/\/www.iwff.org.uk We currently sell Fair Trade teas and Organic Drinking Chocolate . Do n't forget the range of ECOVER products and remember you can come into the shops with your empty bottle ( it must be Ecover ) and get a refill for washing-up liquid in Lemon & Aloe Vera or Camomile & Marigold , washing liquid and fabric softener . EASIYO THE EASY WAY TO MAKE YOUR OWN FRESH YOGHURT FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL IN AT THE SHOPS OR VISIT www.easiyo.com THE COMPANY'S OWN WEB SITE . SEE OUR STOCK PAGE FOR WHAT IS AVAILABLE","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"What Teeth Do Kids Lose and When ? If all your kids want for Christmas ( or Halloween , or Easter ) is their two front teeth , chances are , they 're about six years old . While the timing and order of losing teeth varies , there are a few basics you should know about what teeth kids lose \u2013 and when . There may be a few exceptions , but for the most part , kids lose teeth in the order that they received them in the first place . If you remember taking photos of little Tommy's first tooth , you may already have a pretty good idea of which baby tooth will be the first to go . For most kids , the first baby teeth lost are the lower central incisors and the upper central incisors . These , for the non-dental world , are known as the two upper front teeth and the two lower front teeth . While the incisors will fall out around six to seven years of age , you may be wondering the timing of the other teeth . The other teeth , including the first and second molars , will fall out by age 11 or twelve . What Teeth do Kids Lose ? Well , all of them \u2013 all of their baby teeth , that is . Kids get 20 baby teeth , starting from infancy . Most kids will have all 20 baby teeth by the time they 're three years old . And once those choppers are in , you may wonder how important it is to properly care for these temporary residents . Answer \u2013 pretty important ! Even though you know what teeth your kids will lose , there are some compelling reasons for keeping those baby teeth in ship-shape . Improper care of baby teeth can lead to gum disease , jaw and teeth spacing issues , and even painful chewing , which may create poor nutritional habits . When it 's time for the baby teeth to drop out , make sure your kids ( or you ! ) do n't yank them out prematurely . While it 's okay to gently wobble and loosen a loose tooth , yanking one out before it 's ready to go can lead to root infection . Got any questions about baby teeth ? Give us a call today ! Unless , of course , you 're asking about the tooth fairy , in which case we 've been sworn to secrecy !","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"When it comes to their planning process , many financial institutions choose to stay the course and execute , not sure that an updated planning effort would be worth it . But that 's not the sentiment that resonates among banking industry outperformers , who regard their planning process as essential to achieving business alignment and focused execution . They aim to formulate a plan that illustrates the value proposition that will attract and retain customers , and the strengths that will enable the business to deliver this value to customers , while simultaneously earning an attractive return-on-equity . As a result , and perhaps not surprisingly , these companies enjoy strong organic growth and higher shareholder returns . That makes sense . Their customers are served distinctively , while internally , managers reach decisions effectively and efficiently . However , the majority of financial services executives say that the frustrations that go along with strategic planning are holding them back . We often hear complaints such as , \" Let 's face it ... we call it a strategic planning process , but it 's actually just a financial forecasting effort , \" or , \" Our consultants delivered a fat book full of urban legend assertions , but we would have been better off with a thin one that really got to the essence of what we should do to gain profitable share . \" Characteristics of a Broken Planning Process Ineffective strategic planning processes have several unfortunate outcomes . They often emphasize tactics and not strategy , and then end in a \" cram-down stage \" that leaves a bad taste among participants . As one business manager commented , \" We spent hundreds of man-hours planning a business , and then we were told all of us had 10 % revenue growth and 3 % cost growth bogeys . \" Another common outcome is financial forecasts that are infeasible to fund . When this occurs , business managers will inevitably be asked to reformulate their plans to meet Wall Street's short-term expectations . Problems also occur when too many viewpoints are accommodated under a collegial , \" group-think \" approach . Resulting plans often end up describing broad concepts for how the business will differentiate itself . These compromises accommodate the group , but do not provide the context for making tough allocation of resources decisions \u2013 which is , after all , the essence of strategy . Eliminating Low Value , Costly Distractions Plans that claim to offer \" everything for everyone \" are more expensive and run a high risk of becoming \" great intentions , never realized . \" These problems result in a set of tactical initiatives to cut costs and a half-hearted commitment to the revenue plan , exacerbated by a lack of differentiation in the market . Everyone ends up being disappointed \u2013 most silently , some vocally . To avoid low value , costly distractions , executives should take a more constructive approach to strategic planning . Spend time developing and gaining consensus on a more focused value proposition and determine the implications for prioritizing initiatives , while deprioritizing others . Steps for Effective Planning Devising a strategic plan that ultimately aligns a company's business segments , and propels organic growth and shareholder returns requires an internal analysis of the institution and its objectives in the marketplace . Call it a four-part process , in which executives will first , clearly identify and communicate financial goals to their company and ask senior management to answer fundamental questions such as , \" why would prospects choose to bank with us ? \" Then , executives must review their new value-driven plan and commit to making it the basis for the company's future strategy and eliminate discretionary investments and activities that are not central to the strategy . 1 . Spell It Out : At the outset , executive management should be clear in communicating the goals for the corporation , including any \" must have \" financial objectives . Ideally , this step should also include guidance for each line of business . For example , one unit may be challenged to grow faster than the market while maintaining its profitability ; another may be told to fix its low margins before emphasizing growth . 2 . The Litmus Test : As each unit prepares its strategy , management should make sure that each strategy includes consideration of the fundamental issues that , once resolved , will guide decisions on allocation of resources and will focus execution . One way to help business heads and planners understand how to approach planning is to adopt an entrepreneur's mindset . Produce a strategy that would stand up to the scrutiny of an independent venture capital or private equity firm that you wish to attract an investment from by addressing the following four areas : W hat the business will achieve : Although this is a derivative of the strategy and should be completed last , it 's is often the first topic to be discussed with executive management in the strategy review . It 's mostly composed of financial goals , but the best plans will also highlight the competencies that are important to the business' competitiveness . Where the business will compete : Examine the criteria to be used to decide where in the competitive landscape to focus . Typically , this is based on analysis of growth and ROE potential . These criteria should guide specific recommendations for the types of customers to target , the products and channels to emphasize , and the geographies on which to focus . How the business will win : One of the most critically important steps in strategic planning is determining how the business will be successful . If it 's not compelling , the value of planning will be substantially compromised . The strategy must be as straightforward and specific as possible in describing the value proposition that will motivate customers to do business with your bank versus competitors . Once defined , a companion section should describe how value will be provided at a cost that will enable the business to generate attractive economics . Finally , if acquisitions are envisioned , this section should explain their contribution to the strategy and how the acquisition premium will be earned back . \u00b7 How the business will be managed : It is important to highlight those aspects of the organization design , management processes , performance measures , culture , and incentives that will be aligned with the strategy . Someone reading this section should be able to understand how the recommended approach will facilitate achievement of the goals . It is critically important to align the metrics and incentive plan . Without such alignment , people will continue to do what makes their wallets bulge , and you might as well delete the strategy before you even print it out . 3 . Recap : At this point , reviews should be held with senior management . Such reviews should begin with a discussion of the proposed value proposition : Will customers be motivated ? Business managers should be asked , \" Okay , let 's pretend I am a prospect in your target market . Tell me in a straightforward manner ... why should I do business with you instead of your competitors ? \" If the answer to this question is not compelling , the business needs to rethink its value proposition . The worst case occurs when the business seeks to be distinctive in too many dimensions , e.g. , convenience , service quality , price , and segmentation . This is the state of affairs in most banks that are losing share . More subtle , but also problematic , is deciding that , for example , \" We will win with superior service \" without defining precisely what aspects of service will be distinctive . This leads to a false sense of consensus that later breaks down as management grapples with a myriad of investment proposals and activities to be approved which all appear consistent with a strategy that is too broad . What is really needed is more precise resolution of whether the service strategy will focus on having fewer errors , showing customers respect , offering superior hours for convenience , being hassle-free and easy to do business with , offering more personalized banking , etc. Once the answer to the \" why should I do business with you \" question is concise and convincing , then the business team should be asked , \" Now tell me how you are going to deliver this extra value to customers and still achieve an attractive return on equity . That is , what will be the behind-the-scenes competencies that will underpin success ? \" Present the plan as if to a venture capitalist who is being asked to invest It is essential to achieve clarity and buy-in on the answers to the two fundamental questions noted above during a friendly but rigorous scrutiny of the strategy . If full buy-in is achieved , execution alignment can be accomplished . Even 75 % buy-in will not be enough , as the 25 % outliers will hinder efficient decision-making , delay execution , add complexity , and cause the organization to be more confused than efficient . Buy-in failure essentially guarantees ineffective execution . So , the quality of the answers to these questions is the critical determinant of whether ( i ) the effort is strategic , ( ii ) top management will fund , and ( iii ) the initiatives will lead to focused action . 4 . Talk the talk and walk the walk : Finally , and ideally after they are approved by top management , strategic plans should become the basis for next year's financial plan . Only after the strategic plan has been challenged , refined , and accepted should budget detail for its first year be constructed . Creating the budget at this point is more efficient , as it is now less likely to need revision , and adds value by further validating \u2013 or challenging \u2013 the near-term aspects of the strategic plan . It is also vital that periodic reviews include a discussion of strategic milestones that are not financial in nature , i.e. , the key initiatives and leading indicators that will drive the financials . More quality thinking ... less make-work Ensuring that these four steps are in place will go a long way toward making a planning process successful . At best-practice institutions , the whole planning process is frequently so well honed that it can start a mere four to five months before the fiscal year-end . Such institutions often start in mid-August , with the initial top-down corporate plan developed in September and the individual business planning cycle running from mid-September to November . Budgets come to their conclusion in early to mid-December . Boards are presented with and asked to approve strategic and financial plans in mid - to late December , and receive the final budget in January . Does this \" best practice \" approach require more effort ? Certainly it mandates disciplined thinking about your customer needs , your value proposition relative to that of the competition and how you will deliver that value at an attractive return . However , if there is less make-work , the odds of a failed process are dramatically reduced .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"George Aplin My name is George Aplin . I 'm 14 years old . I like platform and strategy games . The consoles I prefer are the ' X-box ' and the ' P.C. ' My favourite game is \" Crash Bandicoot \" because the series includes everything to win the e-games . The skills I can bring to the team are that I 'm good at any game that includes thinking and playing at the same time , plus I spend most of the time on computers . I have beaten everyone who has faced me at any game and I never put down a challenge . I 've been on the school basketball team and came 3rd out of 10 teams . I 'm not in the e-games for the prizes but to face challenging opponents . Ray Moore My name is Ray Moore . I am 15 years old . I go to college on Wednesday afternoons , where I do carpentry and joinery . I like to play sports games and some of my best are \" FIFA 2003 \" and \" Tony Hawk 4 \" , that 's the reason why I picked these games . I prefer to play on PS2 than X-box . I like these games because you can not get bored with them . I tend to spend a lot of time on computers . I 've also been in a few football teams . I have got ways to win but I am not saying what they are ! Nick North My name is Nick North . I am 14 years old and my favourite type of games are action games . I prefer ' X-box ' games . My favourite game is \" Halo \" because there is a lot of different things to do on it . I am good at adapting to different types of games that I play . I normally spend time on my ' X-box ' when I am not going out or when I 'm bored . I have n't played online before and I do n't have any strategies to help my team win yet , but I will probably find one on the way through the League . Derek Papkiewicz My names is Derek Papkiewicz and I am 15 years old . I am from Bigwood School and I joined e-games because I enjoy playing computer games . The games I like are football , racing and fighting games .","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The new me is beauty . ( Laughter ) Yeah , people used to say , you know , Norman's OK , but if you followed what he said , everything would be usable but it would be ugly . Well , I did n't have that in mind , so ... This is neat . Thank you for setting up my display . I mean , it 's just wonderful . And I have n ' t the slightest idea what it does or what it 's good for , but I want it . And that 's my new life . My new life is trying to understand what beauty is about , and pretty , and emotions . The new me is all about making things kind of neat and fun . And so this is a Philippe Starck juicer , produced by Alessi . It 's so much fun I have it in my house , but I have it in the entryway , I do n't use it to make juice . ( Laughter ) In fact , I bought the gold-plated special edition and it comes with a little slip of paper that says , \" Do n't use this juicer to make juice . The acid will ruin the gold-plating . \" ( Laughter ) So actually , I took a carton of orange juice and I poured it in the glass to take this picture . ( Laughter ) But , beneath it is a wonderful knife . It 's a Global cutting knife made in Japan . First of all , look at the shape , it 's just wonderful to look at . Second of all , it 's really beautiful balanced it holds -- feels well . And third of all , it 's so sharp , it just cuts . It 's a delight to use . And so , it 's got everything , right ? It 's beautiful and it 's functional . And I can tell you stories about it , which makes it reflective , and so you 'll see I have a theory of emotion . And those are the three components . Hiroshi Ishii and his group at the MIT Media Lab took a ping-pong table and a projector above it , and on the ping-pong table they projected an image of water and fish swimming in it . And as you play ping-pong , whenever the ball hits part of the table the ripples spread out and the fish run away . But of course , then the ball hits the other side , ripples hit the -- poor fish , they ca n ' t find any peace and quiet . ( Laughter ) And , is that a good way to play ping-pong ? No. But is it fun ? Yeah ! Yeah . So -- or look at Google . If you type in , oh say , \" emotion and design \" you get 10 pages of results . So Google just took their logo and they spread it out . Instead of saying \" You got 73,000 results . This one through 20 . Next , \" they just give you as many O 's as there are pages . It 's really simple and subtle . I bet a lot of you have seen it and never noticed it . That 's the subconscious mind that sort of notices it , it probably is kind of pleasant and you did n't know why . And it 's just clever . And of course , what 's especially good , if you type \" design and emotion , \" the first response out of those 10 pages is my website . ( Laughter ) Now , the weird thing is Google lies because if I type \" design and emotion , \" it says , \" You do n't need the ' and . ' We do it anyway . \" So , OK . So I type \" design emotion \" and my website was n ' t first again . It was third . Oh well , different story . There was this wonderful review in The New York Times about the MINI Cooper automobile . It said , \" You know , this is a car that has lots of faults . Buy it anyway . It 's so much fun to drive . \" And if you look at the inside of the car -- I mean , I wanted to see , I rented it , this is me taking a picture while my son is driving -- and the inside of the car , the whole design is fun . It 's round , it 's neat . The controls work wonderfully . So that 's my new life , it 's all about fun . I really have the feeling that pleasant things work better , and that never made any sense to me until I finally figured out , look ... I 'm going to put a plank on the ground . So , imagine I have a plank about two feet wide and 30 feet long and I 'm going to walk on it , and you see I can walk on it without looking , I can go back and forth and I can jump up and down . No problem . Now I 'm going to put the plank 300 feet in the air and I 'm not going to go near it , thank you . Intense fear paralyzes you . It actually affects the way the brain works . So , Paul Saffo , just before his talk said that he did n't really have it down until just a few days or hours before the talk , and that anxiety was really helpful in causing him to focus And that 's what fear and anxiety does It causes you to be -- what 's called depth-first processing -- to focus , not be distracted , and I could n ' t force myself across that . Now some people can -- circus workers , steel workers . But it really changes the way you think . And then , a psychologist , Alice Isen , did this wonderful experiment . She brought students in to solve problems So , she 'd bring people into the room , there 'd be a string hanging down here and a string hanging down here and an empty room , except a table with a bunch of crap on it -- some papers and scissors and stuff . And she 'd bring them in , and she 'd say , \" This is an IQ test and it determines how well you do in life . Would you tie those two strings together ? \" So they 'd take one string and they 'd pull it over here and they could n ' t reach the other string . Still ca n ' t reach it . And , basically none of them could solve it . You bring in a second group of people , and you say , \" Oh , before we start , I got this box of candy , and I do n't eat candy . Would you like the box of candy ? \" And turns out they liked it , and it made them happy , not very happy , but a little bit of happy . And guess what -- they solved the problem . And it turns out that when you 're anxious you squirt neural transmitters in the brain , which focuses you makes you depth-first , And when you 're happy -- what we call positive valence -- you squirt dopamine into the prefrontal lobes , which makes you a breadth-first problem solver you 're more susceptible to interruption , you do out of the box thinking . That 's what brainstorming 's about , right ? With brainstorming we make you happy , we play games , and we say , \" No criticism , \" and you get all these weird , neat ideas . But in fact , if that 's how you always were you 'd never get any work done because you 'd be working along and say , \" Oh , I got a new way of doing it . \" So to get work done , you 've got to set a deadline , right ? You 've got be anxious . So the brain works differently and if you 're happy , things work better because you 're more creative You get a little problem , you say , \" Ah , I 'll figure it out . \" No big deal . There 's something I call the visceral level of processing . Biology -- we have co-adapted through biology to like bright colors . That 's especially good that mammals and primates like fruits and bright plants , because you eat the fruit and you thereby spread the seed . There 's an amazing amount of stuff that 's built into the brain . We dislike bitter tastes , we dislike loud sounds , we dislike hot temperatures , cold temperatures . We dislike scolding voices , we dislike frowning faces , We like symmetrical faces , et cetera , et cetera . So that 's the visceral level and in design you can express visceral in lots of ways , like the choice of type fonts and the red for hot , exciting . Or the 1963 Jaguar . It 's actually a crummy car , falls apart all the time , but the owners love it . And it 's beautiful -- it 's in the Museum of Modern Art . A water bottle . You buy it because of the bottle , not because of the water . And when people are finished , they do n't throw it away they keep it for -- you know , it 's like the old wine bottles , you keep it for decoration or maybe fill it with water again , which proves it 's not the water . It 's all about the visceral experience . The middle level of processing is the behavioral level and that 's actually where most of our stuff gets done . Visceral is subconscious , you 're unaware of it Behavioral is subconscious , you 're unaware of it . Almost everything we do is subconscious . I 'm walking around the stage , I 'm not attending to the control of my legs . I 'm doing a lot , most of my talk is subconscious , it 's been rehearsed and thought about a lot . Most of what we do is subconscious . Automatic behavior -- skilled behavior is subconscious , controlled by the behavioral side . And behavioral design is all about feeling in control , which includes usability , understanding , but also the feel and heft . That 's why the Global knives are so neat . They 're so nicely balanced , so sharp , you really feel you 're in control of the cutting . Or just driving a high-performance sports car over a demanding curb , again feeling that you are in complete control of the environment . Or the sensual feeling . This is a Kohler shower , a waterfall shower , and actually , all those knobs beneath are also shower heads . It will squirt you all around And you can stay in that shower for hours . And not waste water , by the way , it recirculates the same dirty water . ( Laughter ) Or this -- this is a really neat teapot I found at high tea at The Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago . It 's a Ronnefeldt tilting teapot . That 's kind of what the teapot looks like but the way you use it is you lay it on its back , and you put tea in , and then you fill it with water because water then seeps over the tea . And the tea is sitting in this stuff to the right -- the tea is to the right of this line . There 's a little ledge inside , so the tea is sitting there and the water is filling it up like that . And when the tea is ready , or almost ready , you tilt it . And that means the tea is partially covered while it completes the brewing . And when it 's finished , you put it vertically , and now the tea is -- you remember -- above this line and the water only comes to here and so it keeps the tea out And on top of that , it communicates , which is what emotion does . Emotion is all about acting , emotion is really about acting . It 's being safe in the world . Cognition is about understanding the world , emotion is about interpreting it saying good , bad , safe , dangerous , and getting us ready to act , which is why the muscles tense or relax . And that 's why we can tell the emotion of somebody else , because their muscles are acting , subconsciously , except that we 've evolved to make the facial muscles really rich with emotion . Well , this has emotions if you like , because it signals the waiter that , \" Hey , I 'm finished . See -- upright . \" And the waiter can come by and say , \" Would you like more water ? \" It 's kind of neat . What a wonderful design . And the third level is reflective , which is , if you like the superego , it 's a little part of the brain that has no control over what you do , no control over the -- does n ' t see the senses , does n ' t control the muscles . It looks over what 's going on . It 's that little voice in your head . that 's watching and saying , \" That 's good . That 's bad . \" or \" Why are you doing that ? I do n't understand . \" It 's that little voice in your head that 's the seat of consciousness . Here 's a great reflective product . Owners of the Hummer have said , \" You know I 've owned many cars in my life all sorts of exotic cars , but never have I had a car that attracted so much attention . \" It 's about their image , it 's not about the car . But even if you want a more positive model , this is the GM car . And the reason you might buy it now is because you care about the environment And you 'll buy it to protect the environment , even though the first few cars are going to be really expensive and not perfected . But that 's reflective design as well . Or an expensive watch so you can impress people , who say \" Oh gee , I did n't know you had that watch . \" As opposed to this one , which is a pure behavioral watch , which probably keeps better time than the 13,000 dollar watch I just showed you . But it 's ugly . This is a clear Don Norman watch . And what 's neat is sometimes you pit one emotion against the other , the visceral fear of falling against the reflective state saying \" It 's OK . It 's OK . It 's safe . It 's safe . \" If that amusement park were rusty and falling apart , you 'd never go on the ride . So , it 's pitting one against the other . The other neat thing ( Laughter ) So Jake Cress is this furniture maker , and he makes this unbelievable set of furniture . And this is his chair with claw , and the poor little chair has lost its ball and it 's trying to get it back before anybody notices . And what 's so neat about it is how you accept that story . And that 's what 's nice about emotion . So that 's the new me . I 'm only saying positive things from now on . ( Laughter ) ( Applause ) <\/content","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Chapter 3 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.1 Using the TouchFLO 3D Home Screen TouchFLOTM 3D gives you touch control over your Windows Mobile-powered device . TouchFLO 3D provides a Home screen that allows finger-touch access to the most widely-used functions , such as People , Messages , Mail , Music , and Internet . The TouchFLO 3D Home screen has the following tabs : Home Music Messages Calendar Stock Settings People Mail Internet Photos and Videos Weather Displaying the TouchFLO 3D Home screen in landscape view The TouchFLO 3D Home screen tabs are always shown at the bottom of the screen when the Home screen is in portrait view . When you slide out the hardware keyboard , the Home screen automatically changes to landscape view and temporarily hides the tabs . Touch the Expand button ( ) at the bottom left side of the Home screen to display the tabs . 68 TouchFLOTM 3D Expand button Switching between the tabs of the Home screen To switch between the tabs , you can do any of the following : \u2022 \u2022 Touch or tap the desired tab . Press and hold your finger on the active tab , and then slide your finger right or left over the tabs . Release when you have selected the desired tab . TouchFLOTM 3D 69 \u2022 Swipe left across the screen to move to the next tab , and swipe right across the screen to move to the previous tab . \u2022 Tip When using the hardware keyboard , press the right key to move to the next tab , and press the left key to move to the previous tab . While on any other TouchFLO 3D tab , press the END key to return to the Home tab . Customizing the Home screen tabs You can move or hide the tabs on the Home screen , except for the Home tab . The Settings tab can not be disabled and hidden also from the Home screen . 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the Settings tab , and then touch Customize Tabs . 2 . To move a tab , touch and hold the icon before the tab name , and then drag it up or down the tabs list . Release the icon when you reach the desired location . 3 . To hide a tab , clear the check box at the right of the tab name . 4 . Touch Done . 70 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.2 Home The Home tab displays the current date , a flip-style clock , and an alarm icon that indicates whether the alarm is on or off . Missed calls and your upcoming calendar appointments are also shown on the Home tab . Open the Call History tab of the People screen and view the missed call information . Touch the clock to open the World Clock and change the date , time , and alarm clock settings . Swipe upward on the screen to display a smaller digital clock and view more appointments . To change back to the flip clock , swipe downward on the screen . Open the appointment details screen where you can view , edit , or delete the appointment . World Clock On the Home tab , tap the clock to open the World Clock tab ( ) and view the date and time . You can add , remove , or rearrange cities on the World Clock tab . Tip The World Clock tab can have up to 10 cities . TouchFLOTM 3D 71 Add another city . The date and time in selected cities . This is your local time . To change the local time to another city , select the button before the city name . Return to the Home tab . Remove or rearrange the cities , or adjust the local time . To change your local time , date and time zone 1 . On the World Clock tab , touch Menu > Local Time Settings . 2 . Adjust the time ( hour and minutes ) by tapping the up or down arrow buttons . 3 . Touch Date , select the date , year , and month , and then touch Select . 4 . Touch City . The Select Country screen then appears . 5 . Flick your finger on the screen or use the Quick Scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the country list . Touch the desired country to select it . 6 . The Select City screen then appears . Flick your finger on the screen or use the Quick Scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the city list . Touch the desired city to set your time zone . Tip You can also slowly scroll through the country or city list by dragging your finger upward on the screen , or enter the country or city name in the search box . 7 . Tap Done . Note When you synchronize your device with your computer , the time on your device is updated with the time on your computer . 72 TouchFLOTM 3D Alarm Clock On the Home tab , tap the clock , and then touch the Alarm Clock tab ( open the Alarm Clock screen . You can set up to three alarms on this tab . Touch an alarm time to open the Set Alarm screen and set the time and days when to sound the alarm clock . ) to Touch the OFF \/ ON slider to turn an alarm on or off . To set an alarm 1 . On the Alarm Clock screen , touch an alarm time . 2 . On the Set Alarm screen , adjust the alarm time ( hour and minutes ) , then tap the day of the week for the alarm . Tip Select multiple days by tapping each desired day . Tap a selected day to exclude it from the alarm . 3 . Enter the alarm description , select the alarm ring tone , then choose whether you want the device to vibrate when the alarm goes off . 4 . Tap Done . 5 . On the Alarm Clock screen , tap the OFF \/ ON slider to turn on the alarm . Note When an alarm goes off , you have the choice to Snooze or Dismiss the alarm . When you select Snooze , the alarm will sound again after 5 minutes . TouchFLOTM 3D 73 3.3 People On the People tab , you can add favorite contacts and quickly make calls or send text and e-mail messages to these contacts . From the People tab , you can also set up your own contact card , create new contacts , and easily view exchanged text , multimedia and e-mail messages with a contact . If contacts have their own Facebook account , you can view their Facebook updates and events right from the People tab . Note You need an active data or wireless network connection to the Internet to link to Facebook . See Chapter 8 for details on how to connect to the Internet . Setting up My Contact Card My Contact Card automatically opens the first time that you access the People tab . You can enter and save your contact information on My Contact Card so you can easily share and send it to your contacts . If you have a Facebook account , you can also sync your Facebook profile with My Contact Card so you can receive instant notifications everytime you or your Facebook friends change profiles or post events . 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the People tab . 2 . When the My Contact Card screen appears , tap Next . Note Tap Skip if you prefer to set up My Contact Card later . You can open My Contact Card from the Settings tab of the TouchFLO 3D Home screen , or from the All tab of the People screen . See \" To view and search contacts on your device \" and \" Settings \" for details . 3 . On the subsequent screen , choose how to add your photo to your contact card . You can use the Camera to take your photo , select a stored photo from your device or storage card , or if you have a Facebook account , login to your account and sync with your Facebook profile . Note When the Link Profile window opens , select or clear the Facebook information that you want to link , and then tap Done . 74 TouchFLOTM 3D 4 . On the Detail Information screen , enter your information in the fields provided . You can scroll down the screen to view more fields . 5 . When finished entering information , tap Next , and then tap Done on the subsequent screen to return to the People tab . Working with favorite contacts You need to have contacts already stored on your device before you can add them as favorite contacts on the People tab . If there are no existing contacts , create them first on your device . To create a new contact 1 . On the People tab , touch All People . 2 . The People screen then opens and displays the All tab ( create a new contact . ) . Touch New to 3 . Enter the contact information in the fields provided and then tap Done or OK . Add the contact's photo . You can link to the contact's Facebook photo , select an existing photo in Album , or open Camera and take a photo of the contact . Touch a field to start entering information . Add another phone number . Save the contact . TouchFLOTM 3D 75 Tips \u2022 To link with the contact's Facebook account , scroll down the New Contact Card screen and then tap Link in the Facebook section . For more information about Facebook , see \" Facebook updates and events \" in this chapter . \u2022 Tap More at the bottom of the New Contact Card screen to enter additional contact information from Windows Mobile's Contacts program . See \" Contacts \" in Chapter 12 for details . To add favorite contacts You can add up to 15 favorite contacts on the People tab . Note SIM contacts can not be added as favorite contacts . 1 . On the People tab , touch one of the plus ( + ) icons , or touch Add Favorite . 2 . On the Select a Contact screen , touch the name of the desired contact . Tip To create a new contact , touch New on top of the list . 3 . Select a phone number or e-mail address to associate to the favorite contact . Note If there is no picture associated with the contact , the Album program opens and lets you take a photo of the contact or select an existing contact photo . For more information about Album , see Chapter 11 . 4 . To add another favorite contact , touch the small plus icon ( ) at the right side of the screen and repeat steps 2 and 3 . 76 TouchFLOTM 3D To find a favorite contact Do any of the following : \u2022 \u2022 To flip through the contact pictures one at a time , swipe your finger upward or downward the screen . On the picture strip at the right side of the People tab : \u2022 \u2022 Touch the picture of the desired favorite contact ; or Press and hold on the currently selected contact picture at the right side of the screen , and then slide upward or downward the picture strip until the desired favorite contact is selected . Swiping upward \/ downward on the screen Tip Using the picture strip To remove the current favorite contact , touch Menu > Remove Favorite . TouchFLOTM 3D 77 To communicate with your favorite contact After selecting a favorite contact , do any of the following to communicate with that contact : \u2022 Touch the contact's name , phone number , or e-mail address below the contact picture to call or send an e-mail message . For more information about making a call or composing and sending an e-mail message , see Chapter 2 and Chapter 6 . Touch an icon below the contact name to communicate with the contact . Call the contact's mobile phone . Call the contact's work \/ office phone . Call the contact's home phone . Compose and send an e-mail message . Compose and send a text message . \u2022 The icons shown depend on available contact information . For example , ( ) is shown if the contact information includes a home phone . \u2022 Touch the picture of the favorite contact on the center screen to open the Contact Details screen , and then choose how to communicate with the contact . See \" The Contact Details screen \" in this chapter for details . 78 TouchFLOTM 3D The People screen Touch All People on the People tab to display the People screen where you can view and manage all your contacts . The People screen has these tabs : All , Favorites , Updates and Events , and Call History . All Call History Favorites Updates and Events Note The way to switch between tabs on the People screen is just the same as the way you switch tabs on the main Home screen . See \" Switching between the tabs of the Home screen \" earlier in this chapter . Functions Lists all contacts on your device and on the SIM card . This tab lets you create , delete , or edit a contact , or save a contact to your SIM card using SIM Manager . Touch a contact to open the Contact Details screen . You can also use this tab to open or update My Contact Card . Tip If you imported SIM contacts to your device and duplicated contacts are displayed , tap Menu > View > Contacts to filter and display only contacts stored on your device . Shows the favorite contacts that you have added to the People tab . You can also add favorite contacts through this tab . Displays notifications when there are updates that occurred in Facebook . This tab also shows events of your stored contacts . See \" Facebook updates and events \" in this chapter for details . Lists all your dialed numbers , and received and missed calls . See \" Using Call History \" in Chapter 2 . Tab All Favorites Updates and Events Call History TouchFLOTM 3D 79 To view and search contacts on your device On the People screen , touch the All tab to view all your contacts . Swipe upward or downward on the screen to scroll through your contacts . You can also use the search box or the Quick Scroll bar to search for contacts on your device . Tap to send your contact information as an attachment in a multimedia message . Show or hide the search box . Use the search box to search contacts on your device . Create a new contact . Touch to edit or update My Contact Card SIM card contact Touch to open the Contact Details screen . This icon appears when : \u2022 You receive a new text or e-mail message , or when you miss a call from the contact . Quick Scroll bar . Touch and hold , and then slide your finger downward . The Facebook status appears when you link the contact to his or her Facebook account . Add a new contact , delete contacts , filter \u2022 The contact has updated the contacts list , and more . Facebook profile or added Return to the People tab . events in Facebook . Note When you slide open the hardware keyboard and the screen switches to landscape view , the All tab automatically displays the search box . You can use the hardware keyboard to enter and search for a contact . 80 TouchFLOTM 3D The Contact Details screen When you touch a contact name in the All tab of the People screen or touch the picture of a favorite contact in the center screen of the People tab , the Contact Details screen opens . From this screen , you can view the contact's details , exchange of messages and calls with the contact , and more . The Contact Details screen has these tabs : Details , Messages , Email , Updates and Events , and Call History . Details Email Call History Messages Updates and Events Note The way to switch between tabs on the Contact Details screen is just the same as the way you switch tabs on the main Home screen . See \" Switching between the tabs of the Home screen \" earlier in this chapter . Tab Details Functions Shows a contact's details . From this tab , you can call or send a text or e-mail message to the contact , edit or delete the contact information , or save the contact to your SIM card . Messages Displays exchanged text and multimedia messages with the contact . You can also reply with a text message directly on this tab . Email Displays all received e-mail messages from the contact . Updates and Events Displays notifications when the contact has updates on his or her Facebook account . This tab also shows events of the contact . See \" Facebook updates and events \" in this chapter for details . Call History Lists all your incoming , outgoing , and missed calls to and from the contact . This tab also lets you call the contact . See \" Using Call History \" in Chapter 2 for details . TouchFLOTM 3D 81 Facebook updates and events If you and your stored contacts have Facebook accounts and you linked to Facebook when you were creating My Contact Card , you can easily check which of your contacts have updates that occurred in Facebook . The types of Facebook updates include changes in profile information and status as well as new photos added to the Facebook album . You can also easily check which contacts have events that occur on the current day . The types of events include the birthday and anniversary , if specified and stored on the contact details , as well as events that are created in Facebook . To check which contacts have Facebook updates and events You can check for Facebook updates and events of contacts from one convenient location , which is on the Updates and Events tab of the People screen . 1 . On the Home screen , slide to the People tab and then tap All People . 2 . Tap the Updates and Events tab ( ) . 3 . If you have n't linked your stored contacts to Facebook , the Updates and Events tab will show a Link Profiles option . Tap this option , choose which contacts you want to link to Facebook , and then tap Next . On the Link Profiles window , select or clear the Facebook information that you want to link , and then tap Done . 4 . In the Updates list , when you tap a contact who has only one type of Facebook update , Opera Mobile opens and brings you to your Facebook site where you can view details of the contact's Facebook update . When you tap a contact who has multiple Facebook updates , the Contact Details screen opens and displays the Updates and Events tab of this contact . See \" To check a single contact's Facebook updates and events \" for details . 5 . In the Events list , tap a contact to send a greeting via a text message to the contact or view the contact details . If an event is a Facebook event , tap it to open Opera Mobile and view information about that event . 82 TouchFLOTM 3D Indicates that you have an invitation for an event in Facebook . Tap Me to open Opera Mobile and access your Facebook site so you can choose to accept or decline the invitation . Displays you and the contacts who have updates in Facebook . Lists contacts who have events on the current day . Notes \u2022 To manually refresh and display the latest Facebook updates , tap Menu > Update Now . \u2022 To enable the Facebook updates to be refreshed automatically , tap Menu > Data Connection Setting and then select the Download data automatically . The refresh is not instant . Your device checks from Facebook in a fixed time period . To check a single contact's Facebook updates and events To check only for a single contact's Facebook updates and his or her events , access the Updates and Events tab from the Contact Details screen . 1 . On the Home screen , slide to the People tab and then tap All People to open the People screen . 2 . Tap a contact to open the Contact Details screen . 3 . Tap the Updates and Events tab ( ) . 4 . In the Updates list , tap a Facebook update to Opera Mobile and view details of that update . TouchFLOTM 3D 83 5 . In the Events list , tap an event to send a greeting via a text message to the contact or view the contact details . If it is a Facebook event , tap it to access your Facebook site and view information about that event . To change your status in Facebook You can change your status in Facebook directly from your own contact card . 1 . On the All tab of the People screen , tap Me to open your contact card . 2 . Scroll to the bottom of the screen and then tap the button that displays your status . 3 . Enter your new status and then tap OK . To log out from Facebook To log out from your Facebook account , open My Contact Card , scroll to the bottom of the screen , and then tap the message that says \" Tap to logout \" . 84 TouchFLOTM 3D To connect back to Facebook Do one of the following : \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 Open My Contact Card , scroll to the bottom of the screen , and then tap the message that says \" Login to my facebook \" . On the Updates and Events tab of the People screen , tap Link . On the Updates and Events tab of a single contact , tap Link Profiles . On the Facebook Login screen , enter the e-mail address and password that you use for your Facebook account . 3.4 Messages On the Messages tab , you can read text messages ( SMS ) as they arrive , and create a new text message . Touch the message to open the Messages tab of the Contact Details screen and view all received messages from the contact . Shows the number of unread text messages . Access all text messages in your inbox and other folders . Create a new text message . To flip through received text messages , swipe your finger upward \/ downward on the screen . Reply to the current message , delete the current message , and more . TouchFLOTM 3D 85 For more information about working with text messages , see \" Text Messages \" in Chapter 6 . Making calls or sending e-mail directly from a text message While reading a text message on the Messages tab , you can directly call the sender of the text message . When you have opened a received text message , you can place a call to the phone number or send e-mail to the e-mail address that is contained in the message . For more information about directly making calls and sending e-mail while viewing text messages , see Chapter 6 . 3.5 Mail The Mail tab is where you send and receive e-mail messages . Adding an Internet e-mail account On the Mail tab , use Mail Setup to easily add web-based e-mail accounts such as Yahoo ! Mail Plus , AOL , and more . 1 . On the Home screen , slide to the Mail tab . 2 . Touch New Account at the bottom-right of the screen . The Mail Setup screen appears . 3 . Enter your e-mail address and password , then tap Next . 4 . Enter your name and the account display name , then tap Next . Mail Setup then searches for the e-mail provider settings on your device . If the settings are not found on your device , you will be prompted to enter the e-mail account settings manually . Obtain the e-mail account settings from your e-mail provider . 86 TouchFLOTM 3D 5 . Tap the Automatic Send \/ Receive time , and then choose how frequent you want e-mail messages to be automatically sent and downloaded on your device . 6 . Select or clear an advanced setting according to your preference , and then tap Done . For more information about specifying e-mail server settings , creating and sending e-mail messages , and customizing e-mail settings , see \" E-mail \" in Chapter 6 . Adding an Outlook e-mail account You can also set up and add an Outlook e-mail account on the Mail tab and view the same e-mail messages that you receive in Outlook on your computer or on the Exchange Server . Before you add an Outlook e-mail account , obtain the Exchange Server name , domain name , user name , and password from your network administrator . 1 . On the Home screen , slide to the Mail tab . 2 . Touch New Account at the bottom-right of the screen . Note If you have previously added an e-mail account on the Mail tab , touch Menu > Account > New Account . 3 . On the Mail Setup screen , enter your e-mail address and password , select Exchange Email ( Outlook ) , and then tap Next . 4 . Enter the domain name and server address , select the This server requires an encrypted ( SSL ) connection option , if needed , and then tap Next . 5 . Clear the data that you want to exclude from synchronization , and then tap Done . Your device synchronizes with the Exchange Server and downloads your Outlook e-mail messages . Note If you include all Outlook data , your Outlook contacts , appointments , and tasks will also synchronize with your device . For more information about working with company e-mail , see Chapter 7 . TouchFLOTM 3D 87 Checking and reading e-mail messages The icon on the Mail tab and the respective icons of your e-mail accounts show the number of newly received or unread e-mail messages . Select an e-mail account and then swipe your finger up or down on the center screen to browse through received e-mail messages . \u2022 To browse through received e-mail messages , swipe up or down on the envelope image . \u2022 Touch the e-mail on the screen to open and read the message . Access all e-mail messages of the currently selected account . After selecting an e-mail account , touch this icon to create and send a new e-mail message . To select an e-mail account : \u2022 Touch an e-mail account icon to view the e-mail messages in that account . Or , \u2022 Touch and hold the icon of the e-mail account that is currently displayed , then slide upward or downward until the desired e-mail account is selected . Create a new e-mail , add another e-mail account , send and receive e-mails , and more . For more information about creating and sending e-mail messages , see Chapters 6 and 7 . Making calls directly from an e-mail message You can directly call the sender of the e-mail message that is currently shown on the Mail tab . When you have opened a received e-mail message , you can place a voice call or conference call to the other recipients of the e-mail . For more information about directly making voice calls and and conference calls while viewing e-mail messages , see Chapters 2 and 6 . 88 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.6 Calendar The Calendar tab displays a monthly calendar and allows you to quickly create and view appointments . Indicates that you have appointments for that date . Today's date . Touch a date to view or create appointments for that date . Switch to Day view so you can view or create appointments for the current day . To go to the next or previous month , swipe your finger upward \/ downward or touch the Up \/ Down arrow on the screen . From the menu , choose to create a new appointment for the current date , or go to the current date if it is not displayed on the screen . To create an appointment 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the Calendar tab . 2 . If you are creating an appointment for the current date , touch Menu > New . Otherwise , touch another date on the calendar , and then touch New Appointment . 3 . Enter a name for the appointment , then specify the location . 4 . If there is a time frame for the appointment , set the start and end dates and times . If it is a special occasion such as a birthday or a whole-day event , set the All Day option to Yes . 5 . When finished , tap OK to return to the Calendar tab . TouchFLOTM 3D 89 To view and manage your appointments On the Calendar tab , dates with appointments are indicated by a triangle ( the upper-right corner of the date box . 1 . Touch a date on the calendar to switch to Day view . The screen displays all your appointments and the weather information for that day . Note The weather information appears only if you have set your local time to a city on the World Clock tab , and if the appointment date is within the 5-day forecast on the Weather tab . See \" Home \" and \" Weather \" in this chapter for details . ) at 2 . Touch an appointment to view its details . On the appointment details screen , touch Menu to edit , send , or delete the appointment . 3 . Touch OK to return to Day view . Tip Your upcoming appointments also appear on the Home tab . To use Windows Mobile Calendar You can also use the Windows Mobile Calendar program to create , view , and send appointments . To open the Calendar program , tap Start > All Programs > Calendar . For more information about using Windows Mobile Calendar , refer to the \" Help & How-To \" topics on the Windows Mobile web site . 90 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.7 Internet On the Internet tab , you can open Opera MobileTM to browse the web , search information , and add push web pages . This tab also lets you enable Push Internet to update the contents of your push web pages before you browse them . Enter the information you want to search on the web , and tap . Browse the web using Opera Mobile . Add a push web page . View your web favorites ( bookmarks ) . Swipe upward to scroll down the screen and access more web favorites , if any . Remove a push web page , adjust the auto-update time for your push web pages and bookmarks , and more . To add a push web page You can add push web pages on the Internet tab for quick access . 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the Internet tab . 2 . Tap Add a new push page . On the New Push Page screen , enter the push web page title and address ( URL ) , and then select the auto update time under Frequency . Tip You can also select a bookmark , and add it as a push web page . 3 . Tap Save . TouchFLOTM 3D 91 To automatically update your push web pages Automatically update your push web pages to ensure that you browse the latest versions of your favorite web sites every time you access them from the Internet tab . The updated web sites are cached in the device memory so that they load faster in Opera Mobile . 1 . On the Internet tab , touch Menu > Schedule Settings . 2 . In the Day and Time section , select the day or days you want to auto update your push web pages , and then specify the update time . 3 . Scroll down the screen to the Frequency section , then touch the update time below each of your push web pages to set the time interval for automatic updates . 4 . Tap Done to return to the Internet tab . To configure Push Internet settings 1 . On the Internet tab , touch Menu > Data Settings . 2 . Touch the OFF \/ ON slider to enable or disable the following options : \u2022 Push Internet . Enable ( default ) or disable Push Internet . \u2022 Roaming . Enable this option if you want to update your push web pages and bookmarks even when you are roaming . Enabling this option may incur additional data charges . This option is disabled by default . 92 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.8 Stock The Stock tab allows you to add , view , and analyze stocks and stock market movements using updated financial information . You can add up to 14 stock quotes or stock market indexes on the Stock tab . Note Downloading stock or stock market information may incur additional fees from your wireless service provider . Contact your service provider for details . To add a stock or stock market quote 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the Stock tab , and then touch Add Stock . Note If the Stock tab is not empty , touch Menu > Add Stock to add another stock quote or stock market index . 2 . On the Add Stock screen , enter the company name , stock market index , or ticker symbol in the search box , and then tap . Search the company or stock market . Add the stock \/ stock market to the Stock tab . Enter the company \/ stock market name or ticker symbol . Return to the Stock tab . Swipe upward to scroll down the screen and access more search results . 3 . Tap the company name , stock market index , or ticker symbol to display it on the Stock tab . TouchFLOTM 3D 93 4 . To add another stock quote or stock market index , touch Menu > Add Stock on the Stock tab , then repeat steps 2 to 4 . To view stock quotes or stock market indexes The Stock tab lists all your stock quotes and stock market indexes including the current price or volume , and the change in price or volume from the previous trading day . The change in price or volume box indicates whether the stock or stock market has gained ( green ) or declined ( red ) . Open the Stock Details screen . Current trading price or volume Toggle between showing the change in points \/ price or percentage from the previous trading day . Touch the stock quote or stock market index name to view its intraday chart and other details . Touch to open the Stock Details screen . Shows the last time you updated the information . To view more stock quotes or stock market indexes , swipe your finger upward on the screen . Add , delete , or rearrange the stocks and stock market indexes . Return to the Stock tab . Download the latest stock \/ stock market information . 94 TouchFLOTM 3D To set the stock or stock market information download 1 . On the Stock tab , touch Menu > Settings . 2 . You can choose from the following download options : \u2022 Download data automatically . When selected , stock and \/ or stock market index data is automatically downloaded from the Yahoo ! Finance web site at the interval you specified . You can also update information every time an ActiveSync connection is established . Clear this option if you prefer to manually download stock and \/ or stock market index information . \u2022 Download data when roaming . Select this option only if you want to automatically download stock and \/ or stock market index information when roaming . This may incur additional data charges . TouchFLOTM 3D 95 3.9 Photos and Videos The Photos and Videos tab lets you flip through your photos and video clips and view them in full screen . From this tab , you can also open Camera and capture pictures and record videos . Capture a photo . Touch the photo or video to view or play it in full screen . Record a video . To flip through photos and videos , swipe upward \/ downward on the screen . Open Album . ( See \" Viewing Photos and Videos Using Album \" in Chapter 11 for details . ) View the photos as a slideshow . If a video is selected , touch Play . The Photos and Videos tab displays pictures and video files from the current favorite album . By default , the Camera Shots album is set as the favorite album . This album stores the pictures and videos you captured using the device camera . 96 TouchFLOTM 3D To set an album as a Favorite 1 . On the Photos and Videos tab , touch Album . 2 . Touch Albums and then select one of the listed favorite albums . 3 . Tap Menu > Set Album as Favorite and then tap OK on the confirmation screen . Tips \u2022 For more information about viewing in full screen , see \" Viewing photos \" and \" Playing videos \" in Chapter 11 . The file formats that can be viewed on the Photos and Videos tab are the same as in Album . \u2022 To transfer media files from a computer and view them on the Photos and Videos tab , copy or synchronize them to a folder under \\ My Device ( the device memory ) or \\ Storage Card ( if a microSD card is installed ) . TouchFLOTM 3D 97 3.10 Music The Music tab allows you to visually browse through albums and music tracks and play music . The albums and music tracks that you see on the Music tab are from the Now Playing list of the Library . Go to the previous album or the previous track in the current album . Swipe upward \/ downward on the screen to flip through albums or tracks in an album . Play or pause . Go to the next album or the next track in the current album . Set music playback to Repeat , turn Shuffle on or off , and more . Access the Library . Note Your device searches for all supported music files from the following locations : Device : \\ My Music ( including all subfolders ) \\ My Documents ( including all subfolders ) Storage Card : \\ Storage Card ( including all subfolders ) For information about supported music file formats , see \" Specifications \" in the Appendix . To play music On the Music tab , flip through albums and tracks to find the music you want to start listening to , and then touch the Play icon . 98 TouchFLOTM 3D To move forward or backward in the current music track Touch and hold on the thin bar below the album art to display the progress bar : Drag your finger right or left on the progress bar to move forward or backward in the current track . To set repeat and shuffle modes Touch Menu > Repeat and choose whether to repeat the current track , repeat all tracks in the current album or playlist , or not to repeat . To turn shuffle mode on or off , touch Menu > Shuffle and then select Shuffle On or Shuffle Off . The icons on the upper-right side of the Music tab show whether repeat and shuffle modes are enabled . Repeat [ One ] Repeat [ All ] Shuffle [ On ] To browse and play music in the Library The Library organizes music into categories , such as Now Playing , Artists , Albums , Genres , and All Songs . When you add more albums or music tracks to your device , go to the Library to locate and play the new albums or music tracks . 1 . On the Music tab , touch Library to open the Library screen . 2 . The tabs at the bottom of the Library screen correspond to the different categories . To browse music under a certain category , slide to the tab that corresponds to the desired category . 3 . Keep tapping an item on a category tab ( for example , an artist ) until the music tracks display on the screen . 4 . Tap a music track to play it . Note When you select a category in the Library such as Artists and play its music , the Now Playing list will be replaced with the music tracks from that category . TouchFLOTM 3D 99 To create and use a playlist 1 . Select the desired music on the Music tab or the Library to play it . 2 . On the Music tab , touch Menu > Add to Playlist . 3 . Touch Create new playlist , enter the Playlist Name and then touch OK . 4 . Touch Library , slide to the Playlists tab , then touch a playlist to open it . 5 . Touch the plus icon , or touch Menu > Add Songs , then slide to the All Songs tab . 6 . Select the check boxes of the music tracks you want to add to the playlist , or touch Menu > Select All to choose all tracks . 7 . Touch OK to add the tracks to the playlist . 8 . When finished adding songs , touch Back to return to the Playlists tab . 9 . On the Playlists tab , touch a playlist to open it . 10 . Touch the first track in the playlist to play it on the Music tab . After each track , the next one in the playlist will be played . Note Playlists are not automatically updated when music files have been deleted from the device memory or storage card . There are two types of playlists that can be shown on the Playlists tab : \u2022 \u2022 Custom playlists ( ) that are created on the Music tab . Windows Media \u00ae Player playlists ( ) that are in Windows Media \u00ae Player Mobile's Library ( which is synchronized with Windows Media \u00ae Player on your computer ) . These playlists can not be edited . Note If a Windows Media \u00ae Player playlist contains a combination of music , video and image files , only music files in the playlist are synchronized to your device and other media types are filtered out . 100 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.11 Weather The Weather tab shows you the current weather as well as weather information for the next four days of the week . The Weather tab can display weather information of your local city and \/ or weather in up to ten cities . Shows the last weather update . To view the weather in other cities , swipe your finger upward \/ downward on the screen . Add or delete a location , change the temperature to Celsius or Fahrenheit , and more . Download the latest weather information . Your device automatically connects to the Internet to download and display weather information . The current temperature , temperature range , type of weather ( sunny , cloudy , showers , or others ) , and the weather information for the next four days of the week are shown on the Weather tab . To add a city 1 . On the Weather tab , touch Menu > Add Location . 2 . The Select Country screen then appears . Flick your finger on the screen or use the Quick Scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the country list . Touch the desired country to select it . TouchFLOTM 3D 101 3 . The Select City screen then appears . Flick your finger on the screen or use the Quick Scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the city list . Touch the desired city to select it . Tip You can also slowly scroll through the country or city list by dragging your finger upward on the screen , or enter the country or city name in the search box . To choose download options 1 . On the Weather tab , touch Menu > Settings . 2 . You can choose from the following options : \u2022 Download weather automatically . When this option is selected , weather information is automatically downloaded whenever you select the Weather tab , if the data has not been updated within the last three hours . Weather data is also downloaded every time an ActiveSync connection is established . Clear this option if you prefer to manually download weather information . \u2022 Download weather when roaming . Select this option only if you want to allow automatic download of weather data when roaming . This may incur additional data charges . 102 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.12 Settings The Settings tab gives you access to all the device settings . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Access all personal , system , and connection settings . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 Adjust the Wi-Fi , and Bluetooth settings . Swipe your finger upward \/ downward on the screen to view more settings . Open ActiveSync and sync Outlook information . See Chapter 7 for details . Adjust the audio settings and sound profile . See \" Ringer settings \" in Chapter 13 for details . Change the Home tab wallpaper . Manage the communication features of your device . See \" Using Comm Manager \" in Chapter 13 for details . Move or hide the TouchFLO 3D tabs . See \" Customizing the Home Screen tabs \" earlier in this chapter . Set up My Contact Card . See \" Setting up My Contact Card \" in this chapter . Open Mail Setup and set up an Internet or Exchange Server e-mail account . See \" Mail \" earlier in this chapter . Enable or disable auto screen rotation or calibrate the device's G-Sensor . Display the TouchFLO 3D information .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"At the core of our business is the elementary principle of implementing the necessary infrastructure and strategies to ensure uninterupted access to , and protection of , your most valuable asset the information you need to compete in today 's fast moving business climate . Incorporating an understanding of your specific business needs , together with our experiance of IT issues and strategies , is the key to us providing unrivalled , customised IT Business Solutions . At ABC we manage and deliver our services via industry leading service agreements , ensuring your business maintains maximum productivity at all times . To find out more about the IT Business Solutions please call one of our representatives on 08450 701 123 or email","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"This two bedroom cottage is in a small hamlet about 5 mins from the village of Dournazac which has bar \/ restaurant , some small shops , post office . It is all on one level and is being sold with most of it 's furniture and fittings . Limoges airport is 40mins with flights to Stansted , Liverpool & Southampton . It is in the National Park of the Perigord \/ Limousin which is renowned for it 's beauty , lakes , woodlands and rolling countryside . The property is in good order throughout and the roof was renewed about 4 years ago . There are lovely views to the open countryside from the garden and there is a separate garage \/ workshop . The layout is as follows ( all measurements are approximate ) : SITTING ROOM 20 . 7m2 tiled floor , woodburning stove , wood ceiling , large window , glazed door togarden . SHOWER ROOM 5 . 5m2 tiled floor & walls , shower , toilet and wash-hand basin , electric radiator , w ashing machine , gas water heater , adjacent UTILITY ROOM 4 . 1m2 . BEDROOM 1 14 . 9m2 window to garden , wood burning stove , good parquet floor . BEDROOM 2 12 . 85m2 parquet floor , window to garden . KITCHEN 14 . 4m2 some fitted units , electric hot water heater , electric radiator , parquet floor , fridge","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"N. spatulata has been identified from a single location in the Clarno Formation , the Clarno nut beds , type locality for both the formation and the species . The nut beds are approximately 3 kilometres ( 1 . 9 mi ) east of the unincorporated community of Clarno , Oregon , and considered to be middle Eocene in age , based on averaging zircon fission track radiometric dating which yielded an age of 43.6 and 43.7 \u00b1 10 million years ago and Argon \u2013 argon dating radiometric dating which yielded a 36.38 \u00b1 1.31 to 46.8 \u00b1 3.36 mya date . The average of the dates resulted in an age range of 45 to 43 mya . The beds are composed of silica and calcium carbonate cemented tuffaceous sandstones , siltstones , and conglomerates which preserve either a lake delta environment , or alternatively periodic floods and volcanic mudflows preserved with hot spring activity . The species was described from a series of type specimens , the holotype specimen USNM 422378 , which was preserved in the paleobotanical collections of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington , D.C. and four paratype specimens . Two of the paratypes were also in the national Museum collections , while the remaining two were in the University of Florida collections in Gainsville , Florida . The fossils were part of a group of approximately 20,000 specimens collected from 1942 to 1989 by Thomas Bones , Alonzo W. Hancock , R. A. Scott , Steven R. Manchester , and a number of high school students . The N. spatulata specimens were first studied by graduate student R. A. Scott , who placed the species into the extinct genus Palaeonyssa as Palaeonyssa spatulata , with the 1954 type description of the species appearing in the journal Palaeontographica . Palaeonyssa was first described by Eleanor Reid and Marjorie Chandler from fossils preserved in the London Clay , with them describing several species in the genus . N. spatulata was re-examined by paleobotanist Steven R. Manchester of the University of Florida , who published a 1994 re-description for the species in the Journal Palaeontographica Americana . In the re-description Manchester noted there was very little difference between the extinct genus Palaeonyssa and the modern Nyssa , and deemed the two to be the same genus . The merging resulted in the recombination of Palaeonyssa spatulata as Nyssa spatulata . The fruits of N. spatulata have a generally rounded triangular to round endocarp in cross-section and are trilocular , similar to the extant N. talamancana . The outline of the endocarps is oblong to ellipsoid , having both apex and base rounded and showing 9 ridges running the length of the endocarp from base to apex . The fruits have an average length of 24 mm ( 0 . 94 in ) though lengths of 30 mm ( 1 . 2 in ) are seen . Similarly while the average girth of the fruits is 14.6 mm ( 0 . 57 in ) , thicker fruits reaching 21.5 mm ( 0 . 85 in ) are known . Each of the three locules has a slit like opening along the upper half of the endocarp , and are separated from each other by a wall of swirling groups of fibers . There is one seed per locule , with the locule having a c-shaped cross section , the chamber opening near the apex and narrowing near the base .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Pay deals are running below the rate of inflation for the first time in over a year , new research has shown . Average settlements were worth 3 % in the quarter to June , 0.3 % below the retail prices index , according to a study of more than 130 agreements . Pay specialists Industrial Relations Services said half of the deals it monitored were worth less than a year ago . Spokeswoman Sheila Attwood said : \" Rising inflation will put pressure on employers to increase the level of their pay increases . \" However , ability to pay also plays a part in pay bargaining , with many employers citing rising energy costs as a barrier to higher pay deals . \"","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"11 IN WHICH THE PLOT THICKENS His visit to M. de Treville being paid , the pensive d ' Artagnan took the longest way homeward . On what was d ' Artagnan thinking , that he strayed thus from his path , gazing at the stars of heaven , and sometimes sighing , sometimes smiling ? He was thinking of Mme . Bonacieux . For an apprentice Musketeer the young woman was almost an ideal of love . Pretty , mysterious , initiated in almost all the secrets of the court , which reflected such a charming gravity over her pleasing features , it might be surmised that she was not wholly unmoved ; and this is an irresistible charm to novices in love . Moreover , d ' Artagnan had delivered her from the hands of the demons who wished to search and ill treat her ; and this important service had established between them one of those sentiments of gratitude which so easily assume a more tender character . D ' Artagnan already fancied himself , so rapid is the flight of our dreams upon the wings of imagination , accosted by a messenger from the young woman , who brought him some billet appointing a meeting , a gold chain , or a diamond . We have observed that young cavaliers received presents from their king without shame . Let us add that in these times of lax morality they had no more delicacy with respect to the mistresses ; and that the latter almost always left them valuable and durable remembrances , as if they essayed to conquer the fragility of their sentiments by the solidity of their gifts . Without a blush , men made their way in the world by the means of women blushing . Such as were only beautiful gave their beauty , whence , without doubt , comes the proverb , \" The most beautiful girl in the world can only give what she has . \" Such as were rich gave in addition a part of their money ; and a vast number of heroes of that gallant period may be cited who would neither have won their spurs in the first place , nor their battles afterward , without the purse , more or less furnished , which their mistress fastened to the saddle bow . D ' Artagnan owned nothing . Provincial diffidence , that slight varnish , the ephemeral flower , that down of the peach , had evaporated to the winds through the little orthodox counsels which the three Musketeers gave their friend . D ' Artagnan , following the strange custom of the times , considered himself at Paris as on a campaign , neither more nor less than if he had been in Flanders--Spain yonder , woman here . In each there was an enemy to contend with , and contributions to be levied . But , we must say , at the present moment d ' Artagnan was ruled by a feeling much more noble and disinterested . The mercer had said that he was rich ; the young man might easily guess that with so weak a man as M. Bonacieux ; and interest was almost foreign to this commencement of love , which had been the consequence of it . We say ALMOST , for the idea that a young , handsome , kind , and witty woman is at the same time rich takes nothing from the beginning of love , but on the contrary strengthens it . There are in affluence a crowd of aristocratic cares and caprices which are highly becoming to beauty . A fine and white stocking , a silken robe , a lace kerchief , a pretty slipper on the foot , a tasty ribbon on the head do not make an ugly woman pretty , but they make a pretty woman beautiful , without reckoning the hands , which gain by all this ; the hands , among women particularly , to be beautiful must be idle . Then d ' Artagnan , as the reader , from whom we have not concealed the state of his fortune , very well knows--d ' Artagnan was not a millionaire ; he hoped to become one someday , but the time which in his own mind he fixed upon for this happy change was still far distant . In the meanwhile , how disheartening to see the woman one loves long for those thousands of nothings which constitute a woman's happiness , and be unable to give her those thousands of nothings . At least , when the woman is rich and the lover is not , that which he can not offer she offers to herself ; and although it is generally with her husband's money that she procures herself this indulgence , the gratitude for it seldom reverts to him . Then d ' Artagnan , disposed to become the most tender of lovers , was at the same time a very devoted friend , In the midst of his amorous projects for the mercer's wife , he did not forget his friends . The pretty Mme . Bonacieux was just the woman to walk with in the Plain St. Denis or in the fair of St. Germain , in company with Athos , Porthos , and Aramis , to whom d ' Artagnan had often remarked this . Then one could enjoy charming little dinners , where one touches on one side the hand of a friend , and on the other the foot of a mistress . Besides , on pressing occasions , in extreme difficulties , d ' Artagnan would become the preserver of his friends . And M. Bonacieux ? whom d ' Artagnan had pushed into the hands of the officers , denying him aloud although he had promised in a whisper to save him . We are compelled to admit to our readers that d ' Artagnan thought nothing about him in any way ; or that if he did think of him , it was only to say to himself that he was very well where he was , wherever it might be . Love is the most selfish of all the passions . Let our readers reassure themselves . IF d ' Artagnan forgets his host , or appears to forget him , under the pretense of not knowing where he has been carried , we will not forget him , and we know where he is . But for the moment , let us do as did the amorous Gascon ; we will see after the worthy mercer later . D ' Artagnan , reflecting on his future amours , addressing himself to the beautiful night , and smiling at the stars , ascended the Rue Cherish-Midi , or Chase-Midi , as it was then called . As he found himself in the quarter in which Aramis lived , he took it into his head to pay his friend a visit in order to explain the motives which had led him to send Planchet with a request that he would come instantly to the mousetrap . Now , if Aramis had been at home when Planchet came to his abode , he had doubtless hastened to the Rue des Fossoyeurs , and finding nobody there but his other two companions perhaps , they would not be able to conceive what all this meant . This mystery required an explanation ; at least , so d ' Artagnan declared to himself . He likewise thought this was an opportunity for talking about pretty little Mme . Bonacieux , of whom his head , if not his heart , was already full . We must never look for discretion in first love . First love is accompanied by such excessive joy that unless the joy be allowed to overflow , it will stifle you . Paris for two hours past had been dark , and seemed a desert . Eleven o ' clock sounded from all the clocks of the Faubourg St. Germain . It was delightful weather . D ' Artagnan was passing along a lane on the spot where the Rue d ' Assas is now situated , breathing the balmy emanations which were borne upon the wind from the Rue de Vaugirard , and which arose from the gardens refreshed by the dews of evening and the breeze of night . From a distance resounded , deadened , however , by good shutters , the songs of the tipplers , enjoying themselves in the cabarets scattered along the plain . Arrived at the end of the lane , d ' Artagnan turned to the left . The house in which Aramis dwelt was situated between the Rue Cassette and the Rue Servandoni . D ' Artagnan had just passed the Rue Cassette , and already perceived the door of his friend's house , shaded by a mass of sycamores and clematis which formed a vast arch opposite the front of it , when he perceived something like a shadow issuing from the Rue Servandoni . This something was enveloped in a cloak , and d ' Artagnan at first believed it was a man ; but by the smallness of the form , the hesitation of the walk , and the indecision of the step , he soon discovered that it was a woman . Further , this woman , as if not certain of the house she was seeking , lifted up her eyes to look around her , stopped , went backward , and then returned again . D ' Artagnan was perplexed . \" Shall I go and offer her my services ? \" thought he . \" By her step she must be young ; perhaps she is pretty . Oh , yes ! But a woman who wanders in the streets at this hour only ventures out to meet her lover . If I should disturb a rendezvous , that would not be the best means of commencing an acquaintance . \" Meantime the young woman continued to advance , counting the houses and windows . This was neither long nor difficult . There were but three hotels in this part of the street ; and only two windows looking toward the road , one of which was in a pavilion parallel to that which Aramis occupied , the other belonging to Aramis himself . \" PARIDIEU ! \" said d ' Artagnan to himself , to whose mind the niece of the theologian reverted , \" PARDIEU , it would be droll if this belated dove should be in search of our friend's house . But on my soul , it looks so . Ah , my dear Aramis , this time I shall find you out . \" And d ' Artagnan , making himself as small as he could , concealed himself in the darkest side of the street near a stone bench placed at the back of a niche . The young woman continued to advance ; and in addition to the lightness of her step , which had betrayed her , she emitted a little cough which denoted a sweet voice . D ' Artagnan believed this cough to be a signal . Nevertheless , whether the cough had been answered by a similar signal which had fixed the irresolution of the nocturnal seeker , or whether without this aid she saw that she had arrived at the end of her journey , she resolutely drew near to Aramis's shutter , and tapped , at three equal intervals , with her bent finger . \" This is all very fine , dear Aramis , \" murmured d ' Artagnan . \" Ah , Monsieur Hypocrite , I understand how you study theology . \" The three blows were scarcely struck , when the inside blind was opened and a light appeared through the panes of the outside shutter . \" Ah , ah ! \" said the listener , \" not through doors , but through windows ! Ah , this visit was expected . We shall see the windows open , and the lady enter by escalade . Very pretty ! \" But to the great astonishment of d ' Artagnan , the shutter remained closed . Still more , the light which had shone for an instant disappeared , and all was again in obscurity . D ' Artagnan thought this could not last long , and continued to look with all his eyes and listen with all his ears . He was right ; at the end of some seconds two sharp taps were heard inside . The young woman in the street replied by a single tap , and the shutter was opened a little way . It may be judged whether d ' Artagnan looked or listened with avidity . Unfortunately the light had been removed into another chamber ; but the eyes of the young man were accustomed to the night . Besides , the eyes of the Gascons have , as it is asserted , like those of cats , the faculty of seeing in the dark . D ' Artagnan then saw that the young woman took from her pocket a white object , which she unfolded quickly , and which took the form of a handkerchief . She made her interlocutor observe the corner of this unfolded object . This immediately recalled to d ' Artagnan's mind the handkerchief which he had found at the feet of Mme . Bonacieux , which had reminded him of that which he had dragged from under the feet of Aramis . \" What the devil could that handkerchief signify ? \" Placed where he was , d ' Artagnan could not perceive the face of Aramis . We say Aramis , because the young man entertained no doubt that it was his friend who held this dialogue from the interior with the lady of the exterior . Curiosity prevailed over prudence ; and profiting by the preoccupation into which the sight of the handkerchief appeared to have plunged the two personages now on the scene , he stole from his hiding place , and quick as lightning , but stepping with utmost caution , he ran and placed himself close to the angle of the wall , from which his eye could pierce the interior of Aramis's room . Upon gaining this advantage d ' Artagnan was near uttering a cry of surprise ; it was not Aramis who was conversing with the nocturnal visitor , it was a woman ! D ' Artagnan , however , could only see enough to recognize the form of her vestments , not enough to distinguish her features . At the same instant the woman inside drew a second handkerchief from her pocket , and exchanged it for that which had just been shown to her . Then some words were spoken by the two women . At length the shutter closed . The woman who was outside the window turned round , and passed within four steps of d ' Artagnan , pulling down the hood of her mantle ; but the precaution was too late , d ' Artagnan had already recognized Mme . Bonacieux . Mme . Bonacieux ! The suspicion that it was she had crossed the mind of d ' Artagnan when she drew the handkerchief from her pocket ; but what probability was there that Mme . Bonacieux , who had sent for M. Laporte in order to be reconducted to the Louvre , should be running about the streets of Paris at half past eleven at night , at the risk of being abducted a second time ? This must be , then , an affair of importance ; and what is the most important affair to a woman of twenty-five ! Love . But was it on her own account , or on account of another , that she exposed herself to such hazards ? This was a question the young man asked himself , whom the demon of jealousy already gnawed , being in heart neither more nor less than an accepted lover . There was a very simple means of satisfying himself whither Mme . Bonacieux was going ; that was to follow her . This method was so simple that d ' Artagnan employed it quite naturally and instinctively . But at the sight of the young man , who detached himself from the wall like a statue walking from its niche , and at the noise of the steps which she heard resound behind her , Mme . Bonacieux uttered a little cry and fled . D ' Artagnan ran after her . It was not difficult for him to overtake a woman embarrassed with her cloak . He came up with her before she had traversed a third of the street . The unfortunate woman was exhausted , not by fatigue , but by terror , and when d ' Artagnan placed his hand upon her shoulder , she sank upon one knee , crying in a choking voice , \" Kill me , if you please , you shall know nothing ! \" D ' Artagnan raised her by passing his arm round her waist ; but as he felt by her weight she was on the point of fainting , he made haste to reassure her by protestations of devotedness . These protestations were nothing for Mme . Bonacieux , for such protestations may be made with the worst intentions in the world ; but the voice was all . Mme . Bonacieux thought she recognized the sound of that voice ; she reopened her eyes , cast a quick glance upon the man who had terrified her so , and at once perceiving it was d ' Artagnan , she uttered a cry of joy , \" Oh , it is you , it is you ! Thank God , thank God ! \" \" Yes , it is I , \" said d ' Artagnan , \" it is I , whom God has sent to watch over you . \" \" Was it with that intention you followed me ? \" asked the young woman , with a coquettish smile , whose somewhat bantering character resumed its influence , and with whom all fear had disappeared from the moment in which she recognized a friend in one she had taken for an enemy . \" No , \" said d ' Artagnan ; \" no , I confess it . It was chance that threw me in your way ; I saw a woman knocking at the window of one of my friends . \" \" One of your friends ? \" interrupted Mme . Bonacieux . \" Without doubt ; Aramis is one of my best friends . \" \" Aramis ! Who is he ? \" \" Come , come , you wo n ' t tell me you do n't know Aramis ? \" \" This is the first time I ever heard his name pronounced . \" \" It is the first time , then , that you ever went to that house ? \" \" Undoubtedly . \" \" And you did not know that it was inhabited by a young man ? \" \" No. \" \" By a Musketeer ? \" \" No , indeed ! \" \" It was not he , then , you came to seek ? \" \" Not the least in the world . Besides , you must have seen that the person to whom I spoke was a woman . \" \" That is true ; but this woman is a friend of Aramis -- \" \" I know nothing of that . \" \" -- since she lodges with him . \" \" That does not concern me . \" \" But who is she ? \" \" Oh , that is not my secret . \" \" My dear Madame Bonacieux , you are charming ; but at the same time you are one of the most mysterious women . \" \" Do I lose by that ? \" \" No ; you are , on the contrary , adorable . \" \" Give me your arm , then . \" \" Most willingly . And now ? \" \" Now escort me . \" \" Where ? \" \" Where I am going . \" \" But where are you going ? \" \" You will see , because you will leave me at the door . \" \" Shall I wait for you ? \" \" That will be useless . \" \" You will return alone , then ? \" \" Perhaps yes , perhaps no . \" \" But will the person who shall accompany you afterward be a man or a woman ? \" \" I do n't know yet . \" \" But I will know it ! \" \" How so ? \" \" I will wait until you come out . \" \" In that case , adieu . \" \" Why so ? \" \" I do not want you . \" \" But you have claimed -- \" \" The aid of a gentleman , not the watchfulness of a spy . \" \" The word is rather hard . \" \" How are they called who follow others in spite of them ? \" \" They are indiscreet . \" \" The word is too mild . \" \" Well , madame , I perceive I must do as you wish . \" \" Why did you deprive yourself of the merit of doing so at once ? \" \" Is there no merit in repentance ? \" \" And do you really repent ? \" \" I know nothing about it myself . But what I know is that I promise to do all you wish if you allow me to accompany you where you are going . \" \" And you will leave me then ? \" \" Yes . \" \" Without waiting for my coming out again ? \" \" Yes . \" \" Word of honor ? \" \" By the faith of a gentleman . Take my arm , and let us go . \" D ' Artagnan offered his arm to Mme . Bonacieux , who willingly took it , half laughing , half trembling , and both gained the top of Rue de la Harpe . Arriving there , the young woman seemed to hesitate , as she had before done in the Rue Vaugirard . She seemed , however , by certain signs , to recognize a door , and approaching that door , \" And now , monsieur , \" said she , \" it is here I have business ; a thousand thanks for your honorable company , which has saved me from all the dangers to which , alone I was exposed . But the moment is come to keep your word ; I have reached my destination . \" \" And you will have nothing to fear on your return ? \" \" I shall have nothing to fear but robbers . \" \" And that is nothing ? \" \" What could they take from me ? I have not a penny about me . \" \" You forget that beautiful handkerchief with the coat of arms . \" \" Which ? \" \" That which I found at your feet , and replaced in your pocket . \" \" Hold your tongue , imprudent man ! Do you wish to destroy me ? \" \" You see very plainly that there is still danger for you , since a single word makes you tremble ; and you confess that if that word were heard you would be ruined . Come , come , madame ! \" cried d ' Artagnan , seizing her hands , and surveying her with an ardent glance , \" come , be more generous . Confide in me . Have you not read in my eyes that there is nothing but devotion and sympathy in my heart ? \" \" Yes , \" replied Mme . Bonacieux ; \" therefore , ask my own secrets , and I will reveal them to you ; but those of others--that is quite another thing . \" \" Very well , \" said d ' Artagnan , \" I shall discover them ; as these secrets may have an influence over your life , these secrets must become mine . \" \" Beware of what you do ! \" cried the young woman , in a manner so serious as to make d ' Artagnan start in spite of himself . \" Oh , meddle in nothing which concerns me . Do not seek to assist me in that which I am accomplishing . This I ask of you in the name of the interest with which I inspire you , in the name of the service you have rendered me and which I never shall forget while I have life . Rather , place faith in what I tell you . Have no more concern about me ; I exist no longer for you , any more than if you had never seen me . \" \" Must Aramis do as much as I , madame ? \" said d ' Artagnan , deeply piqued . \" This is the second or third time , monsieur , that you have repeated that name , and yet I have told you that I do not know him . \" \" You do not know the man at whose shutter you have just knocked ? Indeed , madame , you believe me too credulous ! \" \" Confess that it is for the sake of making me talk that you invent this story and create this personage . \" \" I invent nothing , madame ; I create nothing . I only speak that exact truth . \" \" And you say that one of your friends lives in that house ? \" \" I say so , and I repeat it for the third time ; that house is one inhabited by my friend , and that friend is Aramis . \" \" All this will be cleared up at a later period , \" murmured the young woman ; \" no , monsieur , be silent . \" \" If you could see my heart , \" said d ' Artagnan , \" you would there read so much curiosity that you would pity me and so much love that you would instantly satisfy my curiosity . We have nothing to fear from those who love us . \" \" You speak very suddenly of love , monsieur , \" said the young woman , shaking her head . \" That is because love has come suddenly upon me , and for the first time ; and because I am only twenty . \" The young woman looked at him furtively . \" Listen ; I am already upon the scent , \" resumed d ' Artagnan . \" About three months ago I was near having a duel with Aramis concerning a handkerchief resembling the one you showed to the woman in his house--for a handkerchief marked in the same manner , I am sure . \" \" Monsieur , \" said the young woman , \" you weary me very much , I assure you , with your questions . \" \" But you , madame , prudent as you are , think , if you were to be arrested with that handkerchief , and that handkerchief were to be seized , would you not be compromised ? \" \" In what way ? The initials are only mine -- C. B. , Constance Bonacieux . \" \" Or Camille de Bois-Tracy . \" \" Silence , monsieur ! Once again , silence ! Ah , since the dangers I incur on my own account can not stop you , think of those you may yourself run ! \" \" Me ? \" \" Yes ; there is peril of imprisonment , risk of life in knowing me . \" \" Then I will not leave you . \" \" Monsieur ! \" said the young woman , supplicating him and clasping her hands together , \" monsieur , in the name of heaven , by the honor of a soldier , by the courtesy of a gentleman , depart ! There , there midnight sounds ! That is the hour when I am expected . \" \" Madame , \" said the young man , bowing ; \" I can refuse nothing asked of me thus . Be content ; I will depart . \" \" But you will not follow me ; you will not watch me ? \" \" I will return home instantly . \" \" Ah , I was quite sure you were a good and brave young man , \" said Mme . Bonacieux , holding out her hand to him , and placing the other upon the knocker of a little door almost hidden in the wall . D ' Artagnan seized the hand held out to him , and kissed it ardently . \" Ah ! I wish I had never seen you ! \" cried d ' Artagnan , with that ingenuous roughness which women often prefer to the affectations of politeness , because it betrays the depths of the thought and proves that feeling prevails over reason . \" Well ! \" resumed Mme . Bonacieux , in a voice almost caressing , and pressing the hand of d ' Artagnan , who had not relinquished hers , \" well : I will not say as much as you do ; what is lost for today may not be lost forever . Who knows , when I shall be at liberty , that I may not satisfy your curiosity ? \" \" And will you make the same promise to my love ? \" cried d ' Artagnan , beside himself with joy . \" Oh , as to that , I do not engage myself . That depends upon the sentiments with which you may inspire me . \" \" Then today , madame -- \" \" Oh , today , I am no further than gratitude . \" \" Ah ! You are too charming , \" said d ' Artagnan , sorrowfully ; \" and you abuse my love . \" \" No , I use your generosity , that 's all . But be of good cheer ; with certain people , everything comes round . \" \" Oh , you render me the happiest of men ! Do not forget this evening--do not forget that promise . \" \" Be satisfied . In the proper time and place I will remember everything . Now then , go , go , in the name of heaven ! I was expected at sharp midnight , and I am late . \" \" By five minutes . \" \" Yes ; but in certain circumstances five minutes are five ages . \" \" When one loves . \" \" Well ! And who told you I had no affair with a lover ? \" \" It is a man , then , who expects you ? \" cried d ' Artagnan . \" A man ! \" \" The discussion is going to begin again ! \" said Mme . Bonacieux , with a half-smile which was not exempt from a tinge of impatience . \" No , no ; I go , I depart ! I believe in you , and I would have all the merit of my devotion , even if that devotion were stupidity . Adieu , madame , adieu ! \" And as if he only felt strength to detach himself by a violent effort from the hand he held , he sprang away , running , while Mme . Bonacieux knocked , as at the shutter , three light and regular taps . When he had gained the angle of the street , he turned . The door had been opened , and shut again ; the mercer's pretty wife had disappeared . D ' Artagnan pursued his way . He had given his word not to watch Mme . Bonacieux , and if his life had depended upon the spot to which she was going or upon the person who should accompany her , d ' Artagnan would have returned home , since he had so promised . Five minutes later he was in the Rue des Fossoyeurs . \" Poor Athos ! \" said he ; \" he will never guess what all this means . He will have fallen asleep waiting for me , or else he will have returned home , where he will have learned that a woman had been there . A woman with Athos ! After all , \" continued d ' Artagnan , \" there was certainly one with Aramis . All this is very strange ; and I am curious to know how it will end . \" \" Badly , monsieur , badly ! \" replied a voice which the young man recognized as that of Planchet ; for , soliloquizing aloud , as very preoccupied people do , he had entered the alley , at the end of which were the stairs which led to his chamber . \" How badly ? What do you mean by that , you idiot ? \" asked d ' Artagnan . \" What has happened ? \" \" All sorts of misfortunes . \" \" What ? \" \" In the first place , Monsieur Athos is arrested . \" \" Arrested ! Athos arrested ! What for ? \" \" He was found in your lodging ; they took him for you . \" \" And by whom was he arrested ? \" \" By Guards brought by the men in black whom you put to flight . \" \" Why did he not tell them his name ? Why did he not tell them he knew nothing about this affair ? \" \" He took care not to do so , monsieur ; on the contrary , he came up to me and said , ' It is your master that needs his liberty at this moment and not I , since he knows everything and I know nothing . They will believe he is arrested , and that will give him time ; in three days I will tell them who I am , and they can not fail to let me go . ' \" \" Bravo , Athos ! Noble heart ! \" murmured d ' Artagnan . \" I know him well there ! And what did the officers do ? \" \" Four conveyed him away , I do n't know where--to the Bastille or Fort l ' Eveque . Two remained with the men in black , who rummaged every place and took all the papers . The last two mounted guard at the door during this examination ; then , when all was over , they went away , leaving the house empty and exposed . \" \" And Porthos and Aramis ? \" \" I could not find them ; they did not come . \" \" But they may come any moment , for you left word that I awaited them ? \" \" Yes , monsieur . \" \" Well , do n't budge , then ; if they come , tell them what has happened . Let them wait for me at the Pomme-de-Pin . Here it would be dangerous ; the house may be watched . I will run to Monsieur de Treville to tell them all this , and will meet them there . \" \" Very well , monsieur , \" said Planchet . \" But you will remain ; you are not afraid ? \" said d ' Artagnan , coming back to recommend courage to his lackey . \" Be easy , monsieur , \" said Planchet ; \" you do not know me yet . I am brave when I set about it . It is all in beginning . Besides , I am a Picard . \" \" Then it is understood , \" said d ' Artagnan ; \" you would rather be killed than desert your post ? \" \" Yes , monsieur ; and there is nothing I would not do to prove to Monsieur that I am attached to him . \" \" Good ! \" said d ' Artagnan to himself . \" It appears that the method I have adopted with this boy is decidedly the best . I shall use it again upon occasion . \" And with all the swiftness of his legs , already a little fatigued however , with the perambulations of the day , d ' Artagnan directed his course toward M. de Treville's . M. de Treville was not at his hotel . His company was on guard at the Louvre ; he was at the Louvre with his company . It was necessary to reach M. de Treville ; it was important that he should be informed of what was passing . D ' Artagnan resolved to try and enter the Louvre . His costume of Guardsman in the company of M. Dessessart ought to be his passport . He therefore went down the Rue des Petits Augustins , and came up to the quay , in order to take the New Bridge . He had at first an idea of crossing by the ferry ; but on gaining the riverside , he had mechanically put his hand into his pocket , and perceived that he had not wherewithal to pay his passage . As he gained the top of the Rue Guenegaud , he saw two persons coming out of the Rue Dauphine whose appearance very much struck him . Of the two persons who composed this group , one was a man and the other a woman . The woman had the outline of Mme . Bonacieux ; the man resembled Aramis so much as to be mistaken for him . Besides , the woman wore that black mantle which d ' Artagnan could still see outlined on the shutter of the Rue de Vaugirard and on the door of the Rue de la Harpe ; still further , the man wore the uniform of a Musketeer . The woman's hood was pulled down , and the man held a handkerchief to his face . Both , as this double precaution indicated , had an interest in not being recognized . They took the bridge . That was d ' Artagnan's road , as he was going to the Louvre . D ' Artagnan followed them . He had not gone twenty steps before he became convinced that the woman was really Mme . Bonacieux and that the man was Aramis . He felt at that instant all the suspicions of jealousy agitating his heart . He felt himself doubly betrayed , by his friend and by her whom he already loved like a mistress . Mme . Bonacieux had declared to him , by all the gods , that she did not know Aramis ; and a quarter of an hour after having made this assertion , he found her hanging on the arm of Aramis . D ' Artagnan did not reflect that he had only known the mercer's pretty wife for three hours ; that she owed him nothing but a little gratitude for having delivered her from the men in black , who wished to carry her off , and that she had promised him nothing . He considered himself an outraged , betrayed , and ridiculed lover . Blood and anger mounted to his face ; he was resolved to unravel the mystery . The young man and young woman perceived they were watched , and redoubled their speed . D ' Artagnan determined upon his course . He passed them , then returned so as to meet them exactly before the Samaritaine . Which was illuminated by a lamp which threw its light over all that part of the bridge . D ' Artagnan stopped before them , and they stopped before him . \" What do you want , monsieur ? \" demanded the Musketeer , recoiling a step , and with a foreign accent , which proved to d ' Artagnan that he was deceived in one of his conjectures . \" It is not Aramis ! \" cried he . \" No , monsieur , it is not Aramis ; and by your exclamation I perceive you have mistaken me for another , and pardon you . \" \" You pardon me ? \" cried d ' Artagnan . \" Yes , \" replied the stranger . \" Allow me , then , to pass on , since it is not with me you have anything to do . \" \" You are right , monsieur , it is not with you that I have anything to do ; it is with Madame . \" \" With Madame ! You do not know her , \" replied the stranger . \" You are deceived , monsieur ; I know her very well . \" \" Ah , \" said Mme . Bonacieux ; in a tone of reproach , \" ah , monsieur , I had your promise as a soldier and your word as a gentleman . I hoped to be able to rely upon that . \" \" And I , madame ! \" said d ' Artagnan , embarrassed ; \" you promised me -- \" \" Take my arm , madame , \" said the stranger , \" and let us continue our way . \" D ' Artagnan , however , stupefied , cast down , annihilated by all that happened , stood , with crossed arms , before the Musketeer and Mme . Bonacieux . The Musketeer advanced two steps , and pushed d ' Artagnan aside with his hand . D ' Artagnan made a spring backward and drew his sword . At the same time , and with the rapidity of lightning , the stranger drew his . \" In the name of heaven , my Lord ! \" cried Mme . Bonacieux , throwing herself between the combatants and seizing the swords with her hands . \" My Lord ! \" cried d ' Artagnan , enlightened by a sudden idea , \" my Lord ! Pardon me , monsieur , but you are not -- \" \" My Lord the Duke of Buckingham , \" said Mme . Bonacieux , in an undertone ; \" and now you may ruin us all . \" \" My Lord , Madame , I ask a hundred pardons ! But I love her , my Lord , and was jealous . You know what it is to love , my Lord . Pardon me , and then tell me how I can risk my life to serve your Grace ? \" \" You are a brave young man , \" said Buckingham , holding out his hand to d ' Artagnan , who pressed it respectfully . \" You offer me your services ; with the same frankness I accept them . Follow us at a distance of twenty paces , as far as the Louvre , and if anyone watches us , slay him ! \" D ' Artagnan placed his naked sword under his arm , allowed the duke and Mme . Bonacieux to take twenty steps ahead , and then followed them , ready to execute the instructions of the noble and elegant minister of Charles I. Fortunately , he had no opportunity to give the duke this proof of his devotion , and the young woman and the handsome Musketeer entered the Louvre by the wicket of the Echelle without any interference . As for d ' Artagnan , he immediately repaired to the cabaret of the Pomme-de-Pin , where he found Porthos and Aramis awaiting him . Without giving them any explanation of the alarm and inconvenience he had caused them , he told them that he had terminated the affair alone in which he had for a moment believed he should need their assistance . Meanwhile , carried away as we are by our narrative , we must leave our three friends to themselves , and follow the Duke of Buckingham and his guide through the labyrinths of the Louvre .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Winchester Mystery House was the estate of Sarah Winchester , widow of gun magnate William Winchester . Legend has it that Mrs. Winchester believed the home was haunted by people killed by Winchester rifles , and only constant construction and remodeling of the mansion would appease the ghosts . Nightly s\u00e9ances informed her building plans , and construction financed by the Winchester rifle fortune continued day and night from 1884 until her death in 1922 , resulting in a 160 room mansion . The current owners of the mansion registered the \" Winchester Mystery House \" word mark and a logo with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office , and have extensively marketed the tourist attraction locally and internationally . In 2008 , the owners entered into an exclusive movie agreement with a production company for use of the house as a location , and for use of certain trademarks and copyrights in promotional materials . The following year , the Defendant , another production company , inquired with Plaintiff about rates for using the house for a low budget haunted house \/ ghost story movie . Plaintiff declined to give Defendant location rates and mentioned that it had signed a contract with \" another company for the exclusive rights to the Winchester story , \" but they failed to give additional details . Defendant went ahead and filmed its movie , using Plaintiff's word mark in the film's title , \" Haunting of Winchester House . \" The film was loosely based on the story of Sarah Winchester , with additional fictional elements , and the DVD cover featured a shot of a different Victorian-style house . Defendant publicized production of the film on its website in July 2009 , and Plaintiff immediately sent Defendant a cease and desist letter alleging trademark infringement , which led to this lawsuit . Plaintiff's suit alleged , in part , trademark infringement and unfair competition under the Lanham Act . At issue was whether Defendant's First Amendment rights protected its artistic expression and trumped Plaintiff's trademark infringement and unfair competition claims . The California court looked to the Second Circuit's Rogers test , as adopted by the Ninth Circuit , to determine the degree to which First Amendment rights narrowed the scope of Lanham Act trademark rights in the context of movie titles , recognizing that titles of films serve both a commercial and artistic function . The Ninth Circuit has held that , when a mark has assumed such a high level of cultural or historical significance that it has become a part of the public's vocabulary , a trademark owner does not have the right to control public discourse using the mark . Ultimately the appellate court agreed with Defendant and held that the First Amendment provided an absolute defense on the trademark infringement and unfair competition claims . The Winchester Mystery House had gained such historical and cultural significance that the use of Plaintiffs word mark in Defendant's movie title was protected expression , even if it was unauthorized .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Long before \" sustainable \" and \" environmentally friendly \" became public statements , the professionals already knew all about the energy-saving possibilities of a well designed home . Unfortunately , they were often forced to conform to \" houses must face the street \" , rooms had to conform to what worked in the past rather than what was best for local conditions . Because of this many structures are not in line with today's standards of sustainability . Across Australia , and in some other countries in the world , new houses and renos are required by law to provide minimum standards of energy efficiency . While these laws vary from state to state , country to country , all require a 4-star or 5-star energy efficiency rating . The homebuyer then has to decide on whether to pay out the extra cash at construction , or have regular and continuing savings in the future . The critical component in sustainable design is the building's orientation on the land . Not only the direction the house faces but particularly way the windows are facing . In small buildings ( houses ) orientation allows the proper control of summer and winter heat loads which penetrate through a building's outer shell . Research needs to be done on movement of sun , slope of land , prevailing breezes , existing trees and vegetation and any other special characteristics in each individual state \/ territory . Different climate zones within the area must also be taken into consideration . Strategies for the tropics are different to those in temperate or alpine areas . In the southern hemisphere , ideally the longest axis for the home should run east to west , with living areas facing north . North-facing rooms accumulate winter warmth , but can also be shaded during the summer heat as the sun is higher in the sky . The southern side is coolest and is best for bedrooms . The western side will get hot in the afternoons and is probably the best side for laundry , bathroom , garage or storage areas . The east will catch the morning sun which is good for breakfast room or kitchen . Of course any special characteristics , such as a beautiful view which is facing the west in summer would want to be seen year round , not only from the garage or storeroom . Under these circumstances it is important to plan with careful attention shading and type of glass used . Use natural cooling rather than air conditioning to further protect our environment and save on energy costs . Of course if your home is not in the \" perfect \" position and you are considering renovations , always plan for easing the problem . This could simply be adding insulation , shading windows or walls , swapping rooms around , or planting trees and shrubs . Author is Brendan Hogg . Brendan is Manager of Cardiffair natural cooling fans . He is Green Smart Qualified and able to assist with queries on energy efficiency and sustainability design . Visit http:\/\/cardiffair.com.au","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Rural champions The Rural Champion Program aims to promote agriculture to primary and secondary school students through volunteers who ' champion ' the bush and rural industries . Using interactive media and Farmer-in-the-Classroom presentations , Rural Champions engage primary students to think about agriculture so they understand where their food and fibre comes from . The program also provides secondary school students with information on career options in rural industries and help and advice on career pathways for these positions - such as assistance in arranging work experience , school-based apprenticeships and traineeships , and advice on studies at tertiary institutions . AgForce champions in action Are you a teacher or student with classes covering agriculture , environment , food , fibre or related topics ? Or do you volunteer at your local school ? The AgForce School to Industry Program is free of charge , and provides teachers with : \u2022 A farmer to give ' Farmer in the Classroom ' presentations to match units of study - they bring props , pictures , interactive materials and activities for your students . Click here to read more about the ' Farmer in the Classroom ' program . \u2022 Farmers can host a farm tour for your class on their property ( where available ) \u2022 Assistance with school veggie gardens or animals at school \u2022 Suggested classroom activities which incorporate agriculture into lesson plans \u2022 Career information for students and advice on traineeships and tertiary study \u2022 Partnership with your Ag Department The program allows students to : \u2022 Learn where their food and fibre comes from \u2022 Experience interactive learning in the classroom or on a farm \u2022 Gain resources with career information that they can take-home for reference \u2022 Our school to industry liaison officer can assist students in arranging work experience , school-based traineeships , apprenticeships and information on tertiary studies If you are a volunteer , it is a chance to : \u2022 Educate students and the public on where their food and fibre comes from and farming practices \u2022 Promote rewarding careers in agriculture and teach students about the vast array of jobs that exist in rural industries \u2022 Host a Farm Tour on your property and teach students about everyday life on the farm , your animals , crops and farming practices \u2022 Attend your local shows , Ag-Ed days or the Ekka to help promote agriculture and share the Every Family Needs A Farmer message with the urban community Want to know more ? The program relies upon volunteers to attend these events . If you have a passion for the bush , would like to educate young people about agriculture or would enjoy assisting high school students with career choices , then download the Rural Champion Application Form","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Wayside Group carries a stock of over 500 Approved used cars for you to view on-line or at anyone of our 10 locations throughout the region . When you purchase a used car from the Wayside Group you can be assured of a personal service at all times from a company that is totally committed to customer care . For your complete peace of mind all our used cars are supplied complete with the following : -","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Energy Blog Alex Brodsky 06-22-2012 The Health Benefit of Hot Tubs for Kids When we think about Hot Tub benefits , we usually think of adults with back pain taking a long soak after another long day at work . We do n't really think of a Hot Tub as a healthy outlet for children , other than a place to have fun like a splash pool . My perception changed when my fianc\u00e9 , who is a speech therapist , told me that high temperatures generated by a Hot Tub , can be beneficial for kids with autism . I decided to delve further into the health benefits of Hot Tubs for children , and found this information on a blog from Alice Cunningham , Owner of Olympic Hot Tubs in Washington State . \" Physical therapist Kristin Cooley of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta , which treats about 50 children a month with water therapy , says parents often can help with the therapy at home under a professional's guidance . Cooley identifies benefits for these conditions : * Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hot Tub Therapy . The water's buoyancy helps support a broader range of motion for children with joint inflammation and muscle weakness while the water's resistance helps strengthen muscles . Jet turbulence in the tub can teach better balance , and kids can boost their endurance with aerobic exercises in the water . Take it easy during a flare-up , but otherwise encourage more activity during the session . * Cystic Fibrosis and Asthma and Hot Tub Therapy . The pressure of the water on the chests helps strengthen the diaphragm , leading to more lung capacity , breath control , and rib mobility . Because chemicals are evaporating from the water within 18 inches of the surface , children with these problems should spend only about10 minutes with their face that close , and maybe another 10 minutes waist-deep . * Cerebral Palsy and Hot Tub Therapy . The water's support helps children stand , walk and keep better balance . The jets and warm water loosen muscles and ease pain . * Brittle Bones and Hot Tub Therapy . Children whose bones break easily because of osteogenesis imperfecta ( OI ) can exercise more safely in the water . The sessions strengthen their muscles and improve mobility and motor skills . * Scoliosis and Hot Tub Therapy . Buoyancy and resistance in the water strengthen muscles on the weak side of the curved spine and even help improve the body's alignment . * Autism & Sensory Integration Dysfunction and Hot Tub Therapy . The physical sensation of water on the body helps calm children who have autism . The environment magnifies sounds and sights , including echoes and light reflecting off the water , in ways that can benefit the children . * Spina Bifida and Hot Tub Therapy . Time in the water can help strengthen the upper body of children who suffer from the birth defect that leaves them with improperly formed vertebrae . The condition affects their center of gravity , and the tub sessions can help them learn to orient themselves . \" At Creative Energy we always advise that in order for kids to enjoy a safe bathing environment , the owner must have the water properly sanitized and maintained . Our Hot Spring Highlife line features a 100 % NO-Bypass filtration , which is ideal for a clean bathing environment for kids . Hot Spring Spa also offers the \" Ace Saltwater \" system as an option of keeping the water clean & clear without constant monitoring . A safe water temperature for children is anywhere between 90 \u2013 95 degrees . Lastly we ask that you consult with a physician before having the child use the Hot Tub . Please call your local Creative Energy Showroom if you have any further questions .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"It is important that you read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the Sentinel Poetry Movement web site . As a condition of use of this web site , you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions . Use of or access to the Sentinel Poetry Movement's web site shall constitute acceptance of and agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions . If you do not wish to be bound by the terms and conditions of use of the this website , we would advice that you kindly do not use the site . If you have any questions about these terms and conditions , please contact us via e-mail at Info@sentinelpoetry.org.uk The terms and conditions of use of the site are governed by the laws of England and Wales . Sentinel Site Content At Sentinel , we take all possible steps to ensure the accuracy of information on this site . However , in no circumstance do we accept any liability whatsoever for error or omission . Nor will Sentinel take responsibility for , nor be liable for any loss of , damage to users or any third party , whether direct , indirect , incidental or consequential , howsoever arising from the use of the Sentinel website . Content Added by Site Users or Visitors Users may add their content to the Sentinel site in the form of their own poetry , commentary on articles and reviews of the submitted additions of other Users . Users adding their content must be aware that Sentinel accepts no responsibility for upholding the copyright of any user and must also be aware that other users may download the works added for their own private use . In the event that a User's content is to be subsequently published in any other format , it is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure that their content is either removed from the Sentinel site or any necessary copyright notices are placed on their work . Sentinel Rights Sentinel claim no rights to , nor accept any responsibility for the Content added by Users . Sentinel are definitely not a publishing source , content can be added to the site at the discretion and risk solely of the User . By adding Content , no publishing contract is entered into between User and Sentinel . Sentinel further accept no responsibility for work added by Users which that User is not authorised to add and any infringement of copyright effected by a User is the sole responsibility of that User . By using the Sentinel site , the User automatically exonerates Sentinel from any dispute arising from use of material added by that User . Copyright remains with the individual writers at all times , including items published in the Sentinel Poetry ( online ) magazine . Use of Material on the Sentinel Website You may not alter , reproduce , translate nor distribute any of the Content . Nor can any of the Content be used for Commercial or profit-related use without the prior written consent of the copyright holder . In the event that a User may wish to use content from the site for whatever purpose other than for purely private use , should that User be unable to contact the copyright owner directly , they should email info@sentinelpoetry.org.uk to request that the Content owner be contacted on their behalf . Opinions and Commentary All opinions and commentary expressed on the Sentinel site are the responsibility of the person expressing such opinions and commentary . Sentinel accepts no responsibility for the opinions of its users or content providers . Responsibility of Users Sentinel is a website portal provided for the enjoyment of all and as such reserves the right to remove any content which it does not consider fit for public consumption . By accepting these terms and conditions , users undertake to ensure that content added is not offensive to other users .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Drama \u2013 Dramatic activities such as skits , recitations , puppet shows and simple storytelling can let a child concentrate on being a different character for a short time . Put a costume on them and watch how quickly they start getting into character . However , it may take direction from you to keep them focused and enjoying the event . Costumes need not be elaborate to let a child be another character . It need only be representational . A single feather in a headband , a necktie , a hat , sunglasses , scrubs or even just a sign or patch fastened to clothing is enough to let a child jump into another role . Let the child use his or her imagination to help find costume pieces as part of the dramatic play process . And do n't restrict them to the costume box . Colanders make great space helmets . When Sid's children were growing up , they had a \" costume closet \" with an assortment of coats , brightly colored shirts , hats and accessories such as scarves , belts , wigs and , of course , masks . If an article of clothing became outdated , before disposing of it , they 'd consider its costume potential . Putting together a costume for Halloween was always a big event . On top of that , living in New Orleans offered them Mardi Gras as a second costuming event each year . Playhouses and play tents \u2013 Giving a child a space of his or her own is a great way to encourage imaginative pretend play . Whether it 's stretching a sheet over dining room chairs to make a house or a purchased indoor or outdoor playhouse or play tent with a theme , a child is free to role-play and make up scenarios that could happen in the space . At The Creativity Institute , we carry several types of playhouses , play tents and tunnels in themes that include a teepee , theater tent , castle and military camouflage . We also carry puppet theaters that can double as play stores and other types of play spaces . Our big foam blocks are large enough to construct make-believe buildings and tunnels a child can climb over and under . We also have play panels that can be moved around to create an ever-changing mix of play environments . This type of pretend play is also conducive to playing with others , offering an opportunity for a child to develop those all-important socialization skills . Puppet shows \u2013 Puppets allow a child to act out many different roles and have fun with character voices . There are many sources for skits that can be adapted to the puppet stage and even ready-to-perform scripts in your library and on the Web . At The Creativity Institute , we have a section devoted to puppetry with puppets and puppet theaters . You 'll find links to script resources on the Internet , puppeteer tips and even a free sample scripts we adapted for the puppet stage . To make it easier to get started , we 've bundled together puppets and puppet theater packages and even grouped puppet casts with accompanying scripts , ready to perform . There 's an Aesop's Fables Puppet Starter Set with five puppets and four fables adapted to the puppet stage . There 's also an Old MacDonald Puppet Starter Set with Farmer MacDonald and seven barnyard animal puppets and an accompanying script of the song . Again , your direction will be invaluable in providing enough structure for the event that will let the children have a greater sense of accomplishment and stay interested longer . And because puppets offer a degree of separation from real issues , they can offer lots of opportunities for learning about inappropriate behaviors . For example , if a child with ADHD has been overly aggressive with other children , acting out the consequences with animal puppets can offer a more painless and effective lesson . Record it \u2013 Getting the performances down on tape gives everyone more opportunities to laugh and enjoy it all over again . There 's a difference between taping the children playing at creating the performance and \" making a movie \" of the show , and both are wonderful to watch again and again . Taping the children at play shows their performance , as well as the behind-the-scenes preparation . Making a movie is just a matter of trying to capture what the audience would see . All you have to do is prepare the children for the scene and start and stop the camera at the right times \u2013 and move on . You can even start with a title card the children can make for the show \u2013 using their own artistic skills . If the child acts out while taping is underway , continue shooting , but keep your reprimands to a minimum . Put your energy into trying to refocus the child's attention toward continuing the performance or easing into a hastier conclusion . Later , when viewing the tape , the child may be able to see problem behaviors more clearly , rather than focusing more on your anger . Dollhouses and activity sets \u2013 Playing with dolls and action figures is another valuable opportunity for pretend play . Dollhouses , toy pirate ships , castles , firehouses , farms and other traditional activity sets have the magic to let children get lost in their imaginations . Even the more popular activity sets based on movies and TV shows allow the same opportunities . And do n't forget what imaginations can do with boxes , blocks and anything that can become the setting for a creative play session . Blocks \u2013 Toys for children with ADHD should be simple and encourage the use of their imaginations , and one of the most basic of toys is building blocks . Block play can be great for many ages . From simple stack-up and knock-over fun to imaginative building . Blocks teach problem-solving skills , because a child discovers how stacking and matching can produce different results . They can also become components of pretend play , because a child can fantasize what the structures are . There are also big foam blocks that are almost \" life size \" and let children create their own fantasy playhouses . These lightweight blocks are so versatile , they can be climbed on or tunneled under . Magnetic block and construction sets have pieces that connect in more ways than can conventional plastic snap-together blocks and allow even more imaginative opportunities . We also carry a selection of traditional and colorful wooden blocks that are full of fantasy building opportunities . Blocks , like many traditional toys , have other educational advantages for a child with ADHD . The number of positive outcomes is limitless , so children can continue playing until they 've reached a level of personal satisfaction . Whether the child is building with traditional blocks or shoeboxes , try to show interest in every structure . Encourage the child to name creations , even if it 's simply Wobbly Land or Crazy Tower . Showing interest without criticism offers your child valuable , long-lasting affirmation . Art Activities \u2013 Any medium such as crayons , markers , chalk , paint and clay can give a child a wealth of expressive opportunities . Sometimes you may want to suggest a subject idea to get them started . Art supplies are some of the least expensive educational toys you can provide . Gwynn used to bring home old stationery and unused printed samples to give her children a virtually unlimited supply of art paper . She 'd also purchase low-end copy paper , offering the kids free rein on a giant stack of blank paper . And here 's something you can try on a big scale . Sid used to get leftover paper billboards from the local outdoor company and tack them on his backyard fence , backside out , to give the children blank giant-size panels for murals . The change in scale of their artist's canvas gets them thinking of possibilities in a different perspective and keeps them intrigued for hours . Another way to give structure to art activities is with their own easel . We carry a selection of folding , double-sided and adjustable easels that provide a convenient supply of paper and drawing surfaces in a self-contained , accessible environment . One rule of thumb to follow to help inspire your kids to express themselves is to encourage all efforts . Today's crooked stick figure could lead to tomorrow's Picasso . Most important , artistic expression is highly therapeutic to your child , even if it does n't happen to please your eye . Books \u2013 There are many books that can hold a child's attention . The public library is a great start and your librarian can help you . Garage sales and community book fairs are a great way to build a library of your own . Collections of rhymes , poems or short stories are a good way to start with a child who is easily distracted . The Oppenheim Toy Portfolio listed the top toys for children with attention-deficit \/ hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) and included , among other things , a magnetic construction set , a tree-house-theme dollhouse play set , a decorate-it-yourself birdfeeder , board games and a simple , basic rubber ball . Oppenheim also suggested the toy general categories of dramatic play and artistic activities . * The National Institute of Mental Health recommends that if ADHD is suspected , the diagnosis should be made by a professional with training in ADHD . This includes child psychiatrists , psychologists , developmental \/ behavioral pediatricians , behavioral neurologists and clinical social workers . After ruling out other possible reasons for the child's behavior , the specialist checks the child's school and medical records and talks to teachers and parents who have filled out a behavior rating scale for the child . A diagnosis is made only after all this information has been considered .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"More information on a DIY CO2 set-up What about plant fertiler ? Try the PMDD article Question - Why do most of my plants die in around a months time ? Why do I have to keep buying some more ?!! Is it plastic fantastic for the rest of my life ? Hey , calm down , you can keep some of your plants alive even though your aquarium is low-tech . Yeah , certainly some can fail , and make no mistake , plenty of mine have . I 'm not saying that unless you have a degree in botany you will be successful , but it 's a whole lot helpful if you have some knowledge about aquatic plants . Plants need these basic few things : A good substrate ( Substrate ? You what ? ) : To start off with , you 've gone and bought some nice , coarse , gravel - no wonder your plants have problems rooting . A good substrate is really needed , and 2-3 mm , low-calcium beach gravel available from your aquatic shop will be a good start . Using this sort of substrate , allows the roots to penetrate easily , and anchors the plant - a big no-no to coarse gravel , as the plants will just give up and go home . Well , they 'll die to be precise . Other types of substrate are : Laterite : Iron-rich clays , in a reddish colour , you can buy some in your local pet shop . Why bother ? You do n't have to , but this will add some iron into the substrate . You can get it in a pellet form , where you just mix it with your normal gravel , and then add a 100 % gravel top layer . The roots can go directly into the substrate . By doing this , you do n't have to use so much fertiliser in the water column , minimise the risk of algae breakouts . And does n ' t everyone just love an algae breakout ? Sand : Using sand as a 100 % substrate can be detrimental to the plants , as it can compact quite tightly , and therefore roots can rot away in dead patches . Nutrients : A good mixture is needed if the plants are to thrive . Iron is one of the important elements , for the green pigment of plants ( chlorophyll ) . Other elements include : Manganese , Zinc , Magnesium , Copper , Boron , Potassium , Sulfur , Phosphorous , Calcium , Nitrogen . No mean list there - You may thinking , \" what am I meant to do ? Go and buy a bloody laboratory to check the amount of nutrients in my water !! \" No , its not realistic is it . Many of those nutrients will be free in your tap water , and you can buy a liquid fertiliser , or 2 , to make sure you are adding enough . Plants will also use the Nitrates in your aquarium , which is no bad thing at all . You have got to try to balance the fertiliser with the plants , and it 's a bit of a tricky old situation . If you go and drown your aquarium with fertiliser , algae can come a ' calling . For instance , Iron content does n ' t need to be anymore than 1ppm . Now what about Photosynthesis - light \/ CO2 ? Do I need it in a aquarium ? Of course you do !! Every plant needs this little bit of magic . And how much CO2 will be needed then ? And light ? Now its 's getting a bit trickier , you start delving into the more advanced side of the hobby . The fish in your aquarium will give off CO2 ( respiration ) , but it wo n ' t be that much . If you are really going for a heavily planted tank with some tough plants , You could add some CO2 , and place some extra bulbs in your tank . And how much CO2 would be needed for the average plant ? 15 - 30 ppm wo n ' t go too far off . A bit different from iron 1ppm hey !! And you could use a CO2 injection system . No , n o , do n't all run away , if you know what you are doing , you wont kill all of your fish in one fell swoop . I 'm not going to try explaining everything on this page , as this can be quite complex . One thing is certain - do n't go out and buy 100 lamps if you have no CO2 system , as Photosynthesis will only occur if there is a balance between light \/ CO2 . Water conditions : Is every plant a hardy one ? Unfortunately , no . Some need quite specific conditions - say , the \" Isoetes Setacea \" , needs these properties for it to thrive : KH : 2-5 , pH : 5 . 5-6 , and needs a lot of bright light . Now if I had a tank with the specs , let us say - about 8KH ; pH 7.5 , and one bulb , theres not much chance of me keeping this plant alive for a very long time , no matter how much fertiliser , or good substrate I have . Although plants will use Nitrates as a source of food , and your tank has levels of 20-30ppm or over , some plants can be affected badly . Only 20-30ppm ? That 's not right surely ? I hear what you say , but if you look around for pics for heavily planted tanks , often there will be a smaller population of fish compared to the normal stocking level . Here 's some info on some tough , low light plants , that anyone should be able to keep alive : Java Fern ( Microsorium pteropus ) : PH : 5.5 - 7.5 Temp : 20 - 25C KH : 2 - 12 Java Fern is very popular , you 'll probably have bought some of this already . In the natural enviroment , it creeps over logs and rockwork , attaching itself by roots . Its often used to decorate bogword , where the Rhizomes can be secured by wire or a nylon thread , until they become firmly attached . It can grow in subdued light Hygrophillia polsperma : Substrate : Plain washed gravel PH : 6.5 - 7.8 Temp : 15 - 30C KH : 2 - 15 Specs look good eh ? And it 's a very attractive plant as well . It grows rapidly in a range of water conditions , perfect to start off your aquarium with . It would like quite a bit of bright light , but you can get by with 1.5 Watts per Gallon . When it actually hits the surface of the water , it will start to run horizontally , and runners will pop out . You could cut the tops and re-plant it , it helps to rejuvinate it . Vallisneria spiralis : Substrate : Plain washed gravel PH : 6.5 - 7.5 Temp : 15 - 30C KH : 5 - 12 This is a linear , grasslike plant , perfect for a backgroud aquarium . They can grow quite rapidly , and could reach up to 60cm . Its another plant that would do well in bright light , but will tolerant light shade . It can be quite indifferent to water quality in your aquarium - buy it !!","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Amos 1 1 The words of Amos , one of the shepherds of Tekoa \u2013 what he saw concerning Israel two years before the earthquake , when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam son of Jehoash [ a ] was king of Israel . 2 He said : \" The LORD roars from Zion and thunders from Jerusalem ; the pastures of the shepherds dry up , [ b ] and the top of Carmel withers . \" Judgment on Israel's Neighbors 3 This is what the LORD says : \" For three sins of Damascus , even for four , I will not turn back my wrath . Because she threshed Gilead with sledges having iron teeth , 4 I will send fire upon the house of Hazael that will consume the fortresses of Ben-Hadad . 5 I will break down the gate of Damascus ; I will destroy the king who is in [ c ] the Valley of Aven [ d ] and the one who holds the scepter in Beth Eden . The people of Aram will go into exile to Kir , \" says the LORD . 6 This is what the LORD says : \" For three sins of Gaza , even for four , I will not turn back my wrath . Because she took captive whole communities and sold them to Edom , 7 I will send fire upon the walls of Gaza that will consume her fortresses . 8 I will destroy the king [ e ] of Ashdod and the one who holds the scepter in Ashkelon . I will turn my hand against Ekron , till the last of the Philistines is dead , \" says the Sovereign LORD . 9 This is what the LORD says : \" For three sins of Tyre , even for four , I will not turn back my wrath . Because she sold whole communities of captives to Edom , disregarding a treaty of brotherhood , 10 I will send fire upon the walls of Tyre that will consume her fortresses . \" 11 This is what the LORD says : \" For three sins of Edom , even for four , I will not turn back my wrath . Because he pursued his brother with a sword , stifling all compassion , [ f ] because his anger raged continually and his fury flamed unchecked , 12 I will send fire upon Teman that will consume the fortresses of Bozrah . \" 13 This is what the LORD says : \" For three sins of Ammon , even for four , I will not turn back my wrath . Because he ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead in order to extend his borders , 14 I will set fire to the walls of Rabbah that will consume her fortresses amid war cries on the day of battle , amid violent winds on a stormy day . 15 Her king [ g ] will go into exile , he and his officials together , \" says the LORD . ** Amos 2 1 This is what the LORD says : \" For three sins of Moab , even for four , I will not turn back my wrath . Because he burned , as if to lime , the bones of Edom's king , 2 I will send fire upon Moab that will consume the fortresses of Kerioth . [ a ] Moab will go down in great tumult amid war cries and the blast of the trumpet . 3 I will destroy her ruler and kill all her officials with him , \" says the LORD . 4 This is what the LORD says : \" For three sins of Judah , even for four , I will not turn back my wrath . Because they have rejected the law of the LORD and have not kept his decrees , because they have been led astray by false gods , [ b ] the gods [ c ] their ancestors followed , 5 I will send fire upon Judah that will consume the fortresses of Jerusalem . \" Judgment on Israel 6 This is what the LORD says : \" For three sins of Israel , even for four , I will not turn back my wrath . They sell the righteous for silver , and the needy for a pair of sandals . 7 They trample on the heads of the poor as upon the dust of the ground and deny justice to the oppressed . Father and son use the same girl and so profane my holy name . 8 They lie down beside every altar on garments taken in pledge . In the house of their god they drink wine taken as fines . 9 \" I destroyed the Amorite before them , though he was tall as the cedars and strong as the oaks . I destroyed his fruit above and his roots below . 10 \" I brought you up out of Egypt , and I led you forty years in the desert to give you the land of the Amorites . 11 I also raised up prophets from among your sons and Nazirites from among your young men . Is this not true , people of Israel ? \" declares the LORD . 12 \" But you made the Nazirites drink wine and commanded the prophets not to prophesy . 13 \" Now then , I will crush you as a cart crushes when loaded with grain . 14 The swift will not escape , the strong will not muster their strength , and the warrior will not save his life . 15 The archer will not stand his ground , the fleet-footed soldier will not get away , and the horseman will not save his life . 16 Even the bravest warriors will flee naked on that day , \" declares the LORD .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"God Sends Sunday was the last book of the Harlem Renaissance . It was published in 1931 by one of New York's major publishers . It appeared in bookstores more than a decade after the start of the concentrated upsurge in artistic creation by African Americans , centered in Harlem , that came to be known as the Harlem Renaissance . The book's author was a relative latecomer to Harlem : Arna Bontemps moved there in 1924 , after graduating from college in California . He began teaching at the Harlem Academy , and he put himself into the middle of Harlem's artistic tumult through friendships with other writers and a string of prizes that he won for his poetry in 1926 and 1927 . But the stock market collapsed in late 1929 , and the economic disorder that evolved into the Great Depression began to spread . Bontemps continued teaching while he was writing what would become God Sends Sunday . Harcourt , Brace agreed to publish the book in 1931 , and it received generally positive reviews . Yet larger forces buffeted Bontemps and those around him . As he wrote , drily , in 1968 : Within weeks after the publication of my first book , as it happened , I had been caught up in a quaint and poignant disorder that failed to attract wide attention . It was one of the side effects of the crash that brought on the Depression , and it brought instant havoc to the Harlem Renaissance of the twenties . I was one of the hopeful young people displaced , so to speak . The jobs we had counted on to keep us alive and writing in New York vanished , as some observed , quicker than a cat could wink . Bontemps's job at the Harlem Academy ended in 1931 ; he and his family moved to Alabama , where he taught at a small college and continued writing and also meeting and corresponding with those he had met in Harlem . He would eventually end up in Chicago , and then at Fisk University in Nashville , and become one of the most important chroniclers of the Harlem Renaissance and of African American literary culture . God Sends Sunday was not the last book of the Harlem Renaissance solely because it was published at a time when economic and social forces were dispersing Harlem's concentration of writers and artists . Bontemps's novel also showed some of the dissatisfaction that younger black writers felt toward what they saw as older writers' attempts to conform to white middle-class expectations about respectability and success . God Sends Sunday is a novel about a jockey in St. Louis ; it deals in violence and sex and sports and drinking and failure among African Americans , and its rendering of that world , and particularly its speech , is lyrical and vivid . W.E.B. Du Bois was among those who did not give the novel a positive review ; he criticized its lack of uplift and labeled it \" a profound disappointment . \" But it was this sort of perspective that Bontemps was pushing back against . So too , Bontemps based the novel's main character , Little Augie , on his Uncle Buddy \u2013 on a real life , in other words , lived by a real , complicated man . Richard Wright would most ferociously express this resistance to a Du Bois-like perspective in the late 1930s and '40s , and his work , among others ' , would represent a decisive break from that of the Harlem Renaissance . Bontemps himself would continue to push in a similar direction with his next novel , Black Thunder , published in 1936 , about a failed slave revolt in Virginia . It would become a more popular book than God Sends Sunday . But God Sends Sunday remains , as the last book of one of the most extraordinary eras of creativity in American history , a more significant milestone .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Write down the following information about your appliance to help you obtain assistance or service if you ever need it . You will need to know your complete model number and serial number . You can find this information on the model and serial number label , located on the inside wall of the refrigerator compartment . Accessories To order replacement filters , call 1-800-442-9991 and ask for the part number listed below or contact your authorized Whirlpool dealer . In Canada , call 1-800-807-6777 . Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish : Order Part # 4396095 Standard Base Filter Cartridges : Order Part # 4396508 ( NL240 \/ L400 ) ; # 4396509 ( NL240V \/ L400V ) REFRIGERATOR SAFETY Your safety and the safety of others are very important . We have provided many important safety messages in this manual and on your appliance . Always read and obey all safety messages . This is the safety alert symbol . This symbol alerts you to potential hazards that can kill or hurt you and others . All safety messages will follow the safety alert symbol and either the word \" DANGER \" or \" WARNING . \" These words mean : DANGER WARNING You can be killed or seriously injured if you do n't immediately follow instructions . You can be killed or seriously injured if you do n't follow instructions . All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is , tell you how to reduce the chance of injury , and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed . IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING : To reduce the risk of fire , electric shock , or injury when using your refrigerator , follow these basic precautions : Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet . Use nonflammable cleaner . Do not remove ground prong . Do not use an adapter . Do not use an extension cord . Keep flammable materials and vapors , such as gasoline , away from refrigerator . Use two or more people to move and install refrigerator . Disconnect power before servicing . Replace all parts and panels before operating . Remove doors from your old refrigerator . Disconnect power before installing ice maker ( on ice maker kit ready models only ) . Use a sturdy glass when dispensing ice or water ( on some models ) . SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Proper Disposal of Your Old Refrigerator WARNING Suffocation Hazard Remove doors from your old refrigerator . Failure to do so can result in death or brain damage . IMPORTANT : Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past . Junked or abandoned refrigerators are still dangerous \u2013 even if they will sit for \" just a few days . \" If you are getting rid of your old refrigerator , please follow these instructions to help prevent accidents . 2 Before You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer : Take off the doors . Leave the shelves in place so that children may not easily climb inside . INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Unpack the Refrigerator NOTE : It is recommended that you do not install the refrigerator near an oven , radiator , or other heat source . Do not install in a location where the temperature will fall below 55 \u00b0 F ( 13 \u00b0 C ) . WARNING Excessive Weight Hazard Use two or more people to move and install refrigerator . Failure to do so can result in back or other injury . Remove packaging materials . Do not use sharp instruments , rubbing alcohol , flammable fluids , or abrasive cleaners to remove tape or glue . These products can damage the surface of your refrigerator . For more information , see \" Refrigerator Safety . \" When Moving Your Refrigerator : Your refrigerator is heavy . When moving the refrigerator for cleaning or service , be sure to protect the floor . Always pull the refrigerator straight out when moving it . Do not wiggle or \" walk \" the refrigerator when trying to move it , as floor damage could occur . 2 \" ( 5 . 08 cm ) Electrical Requirements WARNING Important information to know about glass shelves and covers : Do not clean glass shelves or covers with warm water when they are cold . Shelves and covers may break if exposed to sudden temperature changes or impact , such as bumping . For your protection , tempered glass is designed to shatter into many small , pebble-size pieces . This is normal . Glass shelves and covers are heavy . Use special care when removing them to avoid impact from dropping . Electrical Shock Hazard Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet . Do not remove ground prong . Do not use an adapter . Location Requirements WARNING Do not use an extension cord . Failure to follow these instructions can result in death , fire , or electrical shock . Before you move your refrigerator into its final location , it is important to make sure you have the proper electrical connection . Recommended Grounding Method Explosion Hazard Keep flammable materials and vapors , such as gasoline , away from refrigerator . Failure to do so can result in death , explosion , or fire . To ensure proper ventilation for your refrigerator , allow for 1 \u2044 2 \" ( 1 . 25 cm ) space on each side and at the top . When installing your refrigerator next to a fixed wall , leave 2 \" ( 5 . 08 cm ) minimum on each side ( depending on your model ) to allow for the door to swing open . If your refrigerator has an ice maker , allow extra space at the back for the water line connections . A 115 Volt , 60 Hz . , AC only 15 - or 20-amp fused , grounded electrical supply is required . It is recommended that a separate circuit serving only your refrigerator be provided . Use an outlet that can not be turned off by a switch . Do not use an extension cord . NOTE : Before performing any type of installation , cleaning , or removing a light bulb , turn the control ( Thermostat , Refrigerator or Freezer Control depending on the model ) to OFF and then disconnect the refrigerator from the electrical source . When you are finished , reconnect the refrigerator to the electrical source and reset the control ( Thermostat , Refrigerator or Freezer Control depending on the model ) to the desired setting . 3 Horizontal pipe will work , but drill on the top side of the pipe , not the bottom . This will help keep water away from the drill and normal sediment from collecting in the valve . Water Supply Requirements Gather the required tools and parts before starting installation . Read and follow the instructions provided with any tools listed here . TOOLS NEEDED : Flat-blade screwdriver 1 \u2044 4 \" Drill bit 7 \u2044 16 \" and 1 \u2044 2 \" Open-end or two adjustable wrenches Hand drill or electric drill ( properly grounded ) 1 \u2044 4 \" nut driver A NOTE : Your refrigerator dealer has a kit available with a 1 \u2044 4 \" ( 6 . 35 mm ) saddle-type shutoff valve , a union , and copper tubing . Before purchasing , make sure a saddle-type valve complies with your local plumbing codes . Do not use a piercing-type or 3 \u2044 16 \" ( 4 . 76 mm ) saddle valve which reduces water flow and clogs more easily . IMPORTANT : 4 . Determine the length of copper tubing you need . Measure from the connection on the lower rear corner of refrigerator to the water pipe . Add 7 ft ( 2 . 1 m ) to allow for cleaning . Use 1 \u2044 4 \" ( 6 . 35 mm ) O.D. ( outside diameter ) copper tubing . Be sure both ends of copper tubing are cut square . 5 . Using a grounded drill , drill a 1 \u2044 4 \" ( 6 . 35 mm ) hole in the cold water pipe you have selected . Use copper tubing and check for leaks . Install copper tubing only in areas where the household temperatures will remain above freezing . Water Pressure A cold water supply with water pressure of between 30 and 120 psi ( 207 - 827 kPa ) is required to operate the water dispenser and ice maker . If you have questions about your water pressure , call a licensed , qualified plumber . Reverse Osmosis Water Supply IMPORTANT : The pressure of the water supply coming out of a reverse osmosis system going to the water inlet valve of the refrigerator needs to be between 30 and 120 psi ( 207 - 827 kPa ) . If a reverse osmosis water filtration system is connected to your cold water supply , the water pressure to the reverse osmosis system needs to be a minimum of 40 to 60 psi ( 276 - 414 kPa ) . If the water pressure to the reverse osmosis system is less than 40 to 60 psi ( 276 - 414 kPa ) : osmosis system is blocked . Replace the filter if necessary . Allow the storage tank on the reverse osmosis system to refill after heavy usage . If your refrigerator has a water filter , it may further reduce the water pressure when used in conjunction with a reverse osmosis system . Remove the water filter . See \" Water Filtration System . \" If you have questions about your water pressure , call a licensed , qualified plumber . Connect Water Supply Connect to Refrigerator 1 . Unplug refrigerator or disconnect power . 2 . Attach the copper tube to the valve inlet using a compression nut and sleeve as shown . Tighten the compression nut . Do not overtighten . 3 . Use the tube clamp on the back of the refrigerator to secure the tubing to the refrigerator as shown . This will help prevent damage to the tubing when the refrigerator is pushed back against the wall . 4 . Turn shutoff valve ON . 5 . Check for leaks . Tighten any connections ( including connections at the valve ) or nuts that leak . Connect to Water Line 6 . Fasten the shutoff valve to the cold water pipe with the pipe clamp . Be sure the outlet end is solidly in the 1 \u2044 4 \" ( 6 . 35 mm ) drilled hole in the water pipe and that the washer is under the pipe clamp . Tighten the packing nut . Tighten the pipe clamp screws slowly and evenly so the washer makes a watertight seal . Do not overtighten or you may crush the copper tubing . 7 . Slip the compression sleeve and compression nut on the copper tubing as shown . Insert the end of the tubing into the outlet end squarely as far as it will go . Screw the compression nut onto outlet end with adjustable wrench . Do not overtighten . 8 . Place the free end of the tubing in a container or sink , and turn ON the main water supply . Flush the tubing until water is clear . Turn OFF the shutoff valve on the water pipe . Coil the copper tubing . Read all directions before you begin . IMPORTANT : If you turn the refrigerator on before the water line is connected , turn the ice maker OFF . 1 . Unplug refrigerator or disconnect power . 2 . Turn OFF main water supply . Turn ON nearest faucet long enough to clear line of water . 3 . Locate a 1 \u2044 2 \" ( 12 . 70 mm ) to 11 \u2044 4 \" ( 3 . 18 cm ) vertical cold water pipe near the refrigerator . IMPORTANT : 6 . The ice maker is equipped with a built-in water strainer . If your water conditions require a second water strainer , install it in the 1 \u2044 4 \" ( 6 . 35 mm ) water line at either tube connection . Obtain a water strainer from your nearest appliance dealer . Style 2 Complete the Installation 1 . Unplug refrigerator or disconnect power . 2 . Remove and discard the shipping tape and the black nylon plug from the gray , coiled water tubing on the rear of the refrigerator . 3 . If the gray water tube supplied with the refrigerator is not long enough , a 1 \u2044 4 \" x 1 \u2044 4 \" coupling is needed in order to connect the water tubing to an existing household water line . Thread the provided nut onto the coupling on the end of the copper tubing . NOTE : Tighten the nut by hand . Then tighten it with a wrench two more turns . Do not overtighten . WARNING Electrical Shock Hazard Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet . Do not remove ground prong . Do not use an adapter . 5 . Check for leaks . Tighten any nuts or connections ( including connections at the valve ) that leak . Style 3 1 . Unplug refrigerator or disconnect power . 2 . Remove and discard the shipping tape and the black nylon plug from the gray , coiled water tubing on the rear of the refrigerator . 3 . Thread the provided nut onto the water valve as shown . NOTE : Tighten the nut by hand . Then tighten it with a wrench two more turns . Do not overtighten . Failure to follow these instructions can result in death , fire , or electrical shock . 1 . Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet . 2 . Flush the water system . See the \" Water and Ice Dispensers \" section . NOTE : Allow 24 hours to produce the first batch of ice . Allow 3 days to completely fill ice container . REFRIGERATOR USE Using the Controls For your convenience , your refrigerator controls are preset at the factory . When you first install your refrigerator , make sure that the controls are still preset . The Refrigerator Control and the Freezer Control should both be set to the \" mid-settings . \" 5 . Check for leaks . Tighten any nuts or connections ( including connections at the valve ) that leak . IMPORTANT : is set to OFF . The Refrigerator Control adjusts the refrigerator compartment temperature . The Freezer Control adjusts the freezer compartment temperature . Higher numbered settings make the compartment colder . Lower numbered settings make the temperature less cold . Wait 24 hours before you put food into the refrigerator . If you add food before the refrigerator has cooled completely , your food may spoil . Turn the control to the right ( clockwise ) to make the compartment colder or to the left ( counterclockwise ) to make it less cold . 1 . Push control button on the side of the control box and release it . 2 . The control will pop out . Turn the control to the desired setting . 3 . Push the control in to lock it into place . NOTE : Adjusting the Refrigerator and Freezer Controls to a higher ( colder ) than recommended setting will not cool the compartments any faster . Chilled Door Bin ( on some models ) Cool air from the freezer is directed to the refrigerator door bin directly beneath the vents . NOTE : The dairy compartment and can rack are not associated with the Chilled Door Bin feature . Chilled Door Bin Control The chilled door bin control is located on the left-hand side of the refrigerator compartment . Adjusting Controls Give the refrigerator time to cool down completely before adding food . It is best to wait 24 hours before you put food into the refrigerator . The settings indicated in the previous section should be correct for normal household refrigerator usage . The controls are set correctly when milk or juice is as cold as you like and when ice cream is firm . If you need to adjust temperatures in the refrigerator or freezer , use the settings listed in the chart below as a guide . Wait at least 24 hours between adjustments .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Deep in the Bowels of Beit Basement ( June 1998 - October 1999 ) [ Photo Gallery ] In mid-1998 , a Union Sabbatical , who was also a member of Jazz and Rock society , happened to mention that they had a old room in the Beit basement that was n ' t in use . The committee of the time proceeded to make a nuisance of themselves until the society was given permission to take over this much larger room for the library . The room was a mess - cigarette ash several inches deep , the walls covered in eggboxes ( sound proofing ) , and some wooden construction in the middle of the room . After much effort ( and the smashing of a light fitting ) , the place was cleaned out and made ready for painting . The room became white with a dark blue network of piping . Two giant metal struts , studded with bolts , were carefully painted to resemble Daleks . It was a strangely industrial room , with large apparently random concrete blocks ( which made for good seating but inconvenienced shelf layout ) , an abundant selection of different pipes , complete with taps and broken-off ends , and one particularly large and complex ' feature ' ( a sewage output ? ) that was a real pain to paint . A large dragon mural ( \" Flarebright \" ) covered one stretch of wall , designed by karne , and painted by karne , Viv , and Liz . The door was covered with blackboard paint , so that ' useful ' messages could , theoretically , be written on it in chalk . A large sign declaring something about parking was obtained , and the back also painted with blackboard paint , and ICSF in large white letters . This started off on the door , but eventually made its way to in front of the TV . For this brief time when the society had possession of two rooms , people would occasionally adjourn to the new one to take advantage of the floor space to play Tragic . The room was only 10m or so away from the old library - down a tunnel on the left of the old library , which led under the Quad , past store rooms of Outdoor Club , Canoe , ?? , and opposite a room belonging to \" Tools for Self Reliance \" or various others . Karne notes : \" ownership varied wildly - mainly various charity groups and 3 world help people - I 'm convinced they kept stealing our paint .. \" It was at the end of the accessible corridor , approximately under the Beit Archway . Extract from Wyrmtongue , Oct. 1998 To find it , go to the Union Building , as you enter Beit Quad ( just after the archway ) you should turn left and continue walking until you reach some railings . On your right , is an iron staircase heading downwards . The library is actually in the basement , so go down the stairs and continue until you reach the white door , turn left and go through the brown door . You 'll find yourself in a twisty tunnel , turn right , then left and walk to the end of the corridor . The library is on your right and has a black-door covered in chalk . The tunnel continued , but was blocked by a locked door beyond which was a forbidden zone . However , sometimes this door was unlocked for mysterious reasons , and it was discovered that the tunnel continued down some rickety old wooden steps and right across the Quad , to join up to the NE corner of Beit . The tunnel had a similar unfinished , industrial feel to the room - numerous coloured wires and pipes showing in the ceiling and walls , loose planks with large gaps between them forming the floor , through which miscellaneous small items were occasionally lost . People were known to pull up these planks to retrieve dropped possessions , revealing a 1 . 5m deep grimy hole with yet more pipes . A blinking amber road light sat cheerily outside the new icsf library door , which was fortunate , as the corridor light seemed to break \/ become ' lost ' with surprising regularity . Being so close to the old library , the books were transferred by hand by a convoy of icsf committee and proto-committee . The shelves were bolted to the walls with power tools ( thanks to Alan ! ) . Several sets of cheap black metal shelves were bought - these turned out not to be such a good investment , as they tended to buckle under the weight of the books . It was resolved to buy the more expensive grey British Standard shelves next time . This new room served the society with distinction . It was huge , with ample room for all the shelves as well as a large area for sitting and watching TV . The stifling heat led to the purchase of a fan for the library ; a bin was also acquired to control the spread of Union curry . The room became almost respectable over the course of the next year , with the acquisition ( thanks to certain members of the society and monitoring of the , ahem , abandoned goods in Beit Quad ) of a wooden coffee table ( often used for Tragic ) , a really really nasty orange-brown sofa ( later binned on health & safety grounds by the Union ) , 5 good quality reception chairs , another swivel chair , a dusty green carpet , and even a fridge ( belonging to Adam , who did n't have room for it in his flat ) . The wooden stool and increasingly dead black swivel chair were also transferred to the new library , along with ( of course ) First and Second Stage , the video cabinets , and the nasty cushions . A large piece of mattress foam , minus any sort of covering , was also obtained and placed on one of the aforementioned concrete blocks as convenient seating for people watching the TV , or wanting somewhere to collapse . This piece of yellow foam was never covered , resulting in small pieces continually breaking off and being distributed around the floor and on people's clothing . ( Karne mutters something about Robin , a party , and a large amount of port , related in some way to a stain on the underside of the yellow foam . I do n't want to know . ) The walls were again covered with posters . Two large plastic ' trays ' of spare books were piled in the corner - these were duplicates of books already in the library , acquired from various donations . The library did n't want to keep these ( no room ! ) , but sold them to members at a minimal cost . Being in the same basement , this room suffered the same wildlife problems as the previous one , but for some reason it was less noticeable ( probably more chairs for them to hide under ) . However , Outdoor Club members were known to employ a hammer when entering their stores ( in the same corridor ) , in an attempt to take the cockroaches unawares . This library saw a lot of use during its year . It was frequently open outside official opening hours , turning into a common room for the members , who would turn up whenever they were in college without a lecture to go to . There were regularly 6-15 people in the library at lunchtimes , and much Babylon 5 was watched ( Robin having temporarily loaned his collection to the library ) . Unfortunately , this library also seemed to suffer more than its fair share of security problems in its short existence , possibly aided by the number of people going in and out . Certain valuable items were lost , as well as multiple left-over buckets of paint , and the entire Amber series by Zelazny . At one point the lock was forced , but ( thanks to Alan again ) it was replaced with a new one , plus much chemical metal , which solved that problem . In this year , the library was honoured by the temporary presence of the RCSU mascot , Theta . Several Theta bearers were active icsf members , and for a few weeks between public appearances , Theta ( a large and heavy thermometer ) resided among the shelves . Many of the pictures on this page were taken from a Half-Life map that was made - for more and larger pictures , see Mapping and Modelling - icsf Library . [ Can you add anything to this history ? ] -- Back : The First Library : Beware of the Leopard Next : The Portacabin Experience --","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Coalition is comprised primarily of , but not limited to , prepaid and pre-subscribed international long distance service providers . These providers voluntarily and anonymously joined forces in an effort to remedy certain discriminatory and inequitable issues associated with the Universal Service Administrative Corporation's ( \" USAC \" ) administration of the FCC's Universal Service Fund ( \" USF \" ) contribution requirements . The Petition requests Commission action on two issues affecting International Telecommunications Companies ( \" ITCs \" ) . First , the Coalition proposed a solution to discriminatory pass-through charges imposed upon \" de minimis \" resale carriers . The USF is a federal program created to assist in national diffusion of telecommunications services . Unless exempted , all telecommunications carriers must contribute a portion of their interstate and international end-user revenues to the USF . Currently , the FCC's rules exempt \" de minimis \" providers , those whose contribution to universal service does not exceed $ 10 , 000 per year , from direct USF fees . However , because the FCC treats these non-contributors as end-users , and allows underlying carriers to pass USF fees through to their end-user customers , de minimis carriers ultimately bear a significant USF burden . In fact , a provider's pass-through burden under the current system often exceeds the burden it would otherwise face as a direct contributor . The FCC also limits the burden on carriers whose interstate revenues amount to less than 12 % of their combined international and interstate end-user revenues . However , a qualifying international carrier that is also a de minimis provider is especially at risk for high pass-through fees . While the FCC only requires direct payment on the interstate portion of a qualifying carrier's revenue , the underlying carrier can pass through fees on its entire revenue base . The Coalition urged the adoption of a rule allowing carriers to elect either to pay indirect pass-through charges or to contribute directly . Second , the petition sought reclassification of resale Prepaid Calling Card ( \" PPCC \" ) revenue as non-end-user revenue . At present , the FCC treats all PPCC revenue as end-user revenue , the effect of which is to substantially increase resale providers' USF liability . Finally , the petition requested abolition of the current rule requiring PPCC providers to report as USF-eligible revenues they never collect . This reporting method results in the imposition of higher USF rates on PPCC providers than upon other carriers . To solve the problem , the Coalition suggested allowing PPCC providers to deduct uncollected revenues from their USF-eligible revenues or to report only those revenues actually received . In addition to the instant Petition , the Coalition is currently considering filing additional petitions to seek review of a variety of other USF administration issues that are particularly burdensome and which unfairly impact International Telecommunications Companies . CLIENT ADVISORY","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sunrise AT \/ AD Period During the \" Sunrise AT \/ AD \" period , GoDaddy will charge $ 209 . 99 for adult content providers that current hold domain names . Therefore , these clients will be able to register those exact same names with an . XXX extension . The managing body for the top-level domain extensions is ICM Registry who stated that the Sunrise AT \/ AD period will begin September 7th and end October 28 th , 2011 . Digital Red Light District Approved in March 2011 , the . XXX extension was intended to create a digital \" Red Light District \" for adult content providers . These businesses admitted that there is no need for the new domains and would only cause additional cost burdens . Unfortunately the fees charged by GoDaddy are significantly more than expected . Cost Burdens When the online adult industry was reviewing the newly proposed extension , the Free Speech Coalition indicated that it would add significant cost burdens to those holding existing , trademarked names at around $ 60 to $ 70 per domain name . The . XXX top-level domain is the first of many generic top-level domains ( gTLDs ) to be released . The additional \" . anything \" extensions are also expected to be a major cost burden to companies with an online presence . A Statement from GoDaddy A representative from GoDaddy confirmed the cost of registration which is not yet available on the website . However , he was unable to provide an answer as to why GoDaddy is charging significantly more for an . XXX domain than a . com . ICM Registry also has an incorporated function to protect major corporations from being associated with adult content websites . Legal Muster Instead of continuing to protest the implementation of the new extensions , the Free Speech Coalition is utilizing its legal resources to protect the adult industry . Also , it is using its legal muster to notify the ICM Registry that it does not have the right to legally sell domain extensions with existing trademarks . The new naming convention set forth by ICANN continues to be a legal and political mess . However , regardless of the number of protests and complaints , it appears as if ICANN will continue the new naming convention indefinitely . Stay in Touch !","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Letter dated 29 October 2001 from the Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General I have the honour to transmit herewith a summary prepared by the National Assembly of People's Power of the Republic of Cuba concerning the principal terrorist actions against Cuba during the period 1990-2000 ( see annex ) . I should be grateful if you would arrange for this letter and its annex to be circulated as a document of the General Assembly , under the item \" Measures to eliminate international terrorism \" , and of the Security Council . Accept , Sir , the assurances of my highest consideration . ( Signed ) Bruno Rodr\u00edguez Parrilla Ambassador Permanent Representative Annex to the letter dated 29 October 2001 from the Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General Summary of principal terrorist actions against Cuba ( 1990-2000 ) Since 1959 , counter-revolutionary groups established and run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) have committed a number of terrorist acts , which have cost our country valuable lives and vast resources . In the early 1990s , encouraged by the collapse of the socialist camp , these groups acting from United States territory and other bases of operations in Central America intensified their violent actions against the people of Cuba and their leaders . Details are given below of some of the most important of these , about which information has been made public : 17 July 1990 . After lobbying by the Florida Republican Congresswomen Ileana Ros and Connie Mack , the President of the United States , George Bush , released the known terrorist Orlando Bosch , who master-minded the attack which destroyed a Cuban civilian aircraft in mid-flight in October 1976 , killing all 73 persons on board . 14 October 1990 . Armed infiltration via Santa Cruz del Norte organized from Miami of two terrorists with orders to commit acts of violence . Their weapons and forged documents issued in Miami were confiscated . They were carrying flyers inviting people to join the so-called \" Cuban Liberation Army \" led by Higinio Diaz Anne , who gave them money and leaflets before their departure . 15 May 1991 . Jos\u00e9 Basulto , former Bay of Pigs mercenary , known terrorist and CIA agent , founded the so-called \" Brothers to the Rescue \" and for that purpose asked the United States President , George Bush , for three United States Air Force 0-2 aircraft , the military version of the Cessna , which had been used during the war in El Salvador . Congresswoman Ileana Ros campaigned publicly and lobbied for the three aircraft to be provided . On 19 July 1992 , the first photos appeared in the press of the aircraft provided to this counter-revolutionary group with the acronym USAF clearly visible , in an article by the publisher of The Miami Herald , who had flown in them . 17 September 1991 . Infiltration of two counter-revolutionaries from Miami for the purpose of sabotaging shops frequented by tourists in order to spread terror among foreign tourists . Their weapons and a radio transmitter were confiscated . 29 December 1991 . Infiltration of three terrorists from the so-called Comandos L from Miami , whose weapons and other military equipment were confiscated . These terrorists had received training at a camp on 168th Street in Miami , where about 50 or 60 other men were also trained . 8 May 1992 . Cuba denounced the terrorist activities against its territory at the United Nations . At its request , an official Security Council document was issued containing a decision of the United States Department of Justice dated 23 June 1989 declaring that Orlando Bosch was excludable from United States territory because of extensive evidence of his past and present terrorist activities , including the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976 . This person is now freely walking the streets of Miami , following a presidential pardon granted to him by President George Bush . 4 July 1992 . A group of terrorists from the United States tried to attack economic targets along the Havana coastline . When detected by Cuban patrols , they moved to waters off Varadero , where the vessel broke down and was rescued by the United States Coast Guard . Although their weapons , maps and video cassettes made during the voyage were confiscated , the terrorists were released by the FBI . July 1992 . Failure of an operation to infiltrate a terrorist from the United States , who was going to sabotage an economic target in the province of Villa Clara . He had the necessary weapons and explosives to carry out this plan and was being assisted by \" Brothers to the Rescue \" , who reported to him the position of the United States Coast Guard in order to make it easier for him to reach Cuban territory . 9 September 1992 . A terrorist of Cuban origin detained by the FBI for illegal possession of firearms and violation of the Neutrality Act was released without charges . 7 October 1992 . Armed attack on the Melia Varadero Hotel from a vessel manned by four terrorists from Miami , who were detained and questioned by the FBI and released . 19 October 1992 . Infiltration of three counter-revolutionaries from the United States , from whom weapons and considerable amounts of military equipment were confiscated . At the same time , three other terrorists were detained in the territory of the Bahamas , from whom weapons and explosives apparently destined for Cuba were also confiscated . These counter-revolutionaries had left Miami on 17 October . January 1993 . The United States Coast Guard detained five terrorists on board a gunboat with heavy machine guns and other weapons as they were approaching the Cuban coastline . They were released . 7 January 1993 . Tony Bryant , leader of the terrorist group \" Comandos L \" , announced at a Miami press conference plans to carry out more attacks against targets in Cuba , especially hotels . He said \" from now on , we are at war with Cuba \" and warned foreign tourists to \" stay away from Cuba \" . 2 April 1993 . About 7 miles north of Matanzas , the Cypriot-owned tanker Mikonos was fired on from a vessel manned by terrorists of Cuban origin from the United States . 18 May 1993 . Violation of Cuban airspace by \" Brothers to the Rescue \" aircraft N8447 . 21 May 1993 . The United States Customs arrested nine terrorists on board a vessel preparing to go to Cuba and attack it . Weapons and explosives were confiscated from them . On 21 August , Justice Lawrence King dismissed the charges against them . May 1993 . \" Brothers to the Rescue \" planned to blow up a high-voltage pylon near San Nicol\u00e1s de Bari in La Habana province . October 1993 . \" Brothers to the Rescue \" publicly encouraged attempts on the life of President Fidel Castro and violence against Cuba , and confirmed their willingness to accept the \" resulting risks \" . Andr\u00e9s Nazario Sarg\u00e9n , head of the Alpha 66 terrorist group , announced in the United States that his organization had recently completed five operations against Cuba . 18 October 1993 . A terrorist residing in the United States was arrested upon arrival in Cuba ; he was planning acts of violence inside Cuba . 7 November 1993 . Humberto P\u00e9rez , spokesman for Alpha 66 in Miami , announced at a press conference that its war against Cuba would shortly be extended to any tourist visiting the island . He stated \" those who stay in Cuban hotels are considered as enemies \" . A Cuban national was recruited in the United States and visited Cuba for a terrorist organization to carry out sabotage activities in Cuba in the tourism and agriculture sectors . For this action , he was provided with some of the equipment needed and was offered the sum of $ 20 , 000 . 11 March 1994 . A terrorist group from Miami fired shots at the Guitart Cayo Coco Hotel . 17 April 1994 . Aircraft owned by \" Brothers to the Rescue \" flew over Havana at low altitude and dropped smoke bombs . In the next few months of 1994 , there were at least seven other violations by the same group . 4 September 1994 . Infiltration of two terrorists from the United States via the Caibari\u00e9n district , Villa Clara , with the aim of performing sabotage in that province . Weapons and large amounts of ammunition were confiscated from them . 6 October 1994 . Another armed group in a vessel coming from Florida fired automatic weapons against the Guitart Cayo Coco Hotel . 15 October 1994 . A group of armed terrorists from the United States landed on the causeway to \" Cayo Santa Maria \" near Caibari\u00e9n , Villa Clara , and assassinated comrade Arcelio Rodr\u00edguez Garc\u00eda . October 1994 . \" Brothers to the Rescue \" used one of its aircraft to train members of a counter-revolutionary organization from Florida to perform sabotage against the Cienfuegos oil refinery . In November that year , they also planned to make an attempt on the life of President Fidel Castro and other leaders of the Revolution and to smuggle weapons and explosives into the national territory . November 1994 . The terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and five of his accomplices smuggled weapons into Cartagena , Colombia , during the Fourth Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government for an attempt on the life of President Fidel Castro , but the security forces kept them at a distance preventing the attempt . Posada Carriles later informed The New York Times : \" I was standing behind some journalists and saw Castro's friend , Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez , but I could only see Castro from a distance \" . 11 November 1994 . Four terrorists were arrested in Varadero , Matanzas , after infiltrating the country . Weapons and ammunition were confiscated from them . 2 March 1995 . Infiltration via the coastal region of Puerto Padre , Las Tunas , of two terrorists from the United States , who were carrying 51 pounds of C-4 explosives and other equipment . 4 April 1995 . A light C-337 plane violated Cuban airspace north of Havana between Santa Fe and Playa de Guanabo . 20 May 1995 . Terrorists on a fast launch originating in the United States launched another attack on the Guitart Cayo Coco Hotel . 12 July 1995 . Three terrorists were arrested in the United States as they were getting ready to infiltrate Cuba , taking advantage of a provocative action off the Cuban coast . The United States authorities seized their weapons and explosives , but released them . 13 July 1995 . 11 vessels , 6 light planes and 2 helicopters originating in the United States organized by \" Brothers to the Rescue \" entered Cuban territorial waters and airspace . One of the light planes flew over the centre of Havana and dropped propaganda materials . 16 December 1995 . Two terrorists , who were planning to infiltrate through Pinar del Rio to carry out subversive actions , were arrested in the United States . The United States authorities seized their weapons and explosives , but released them . 9 January 1996 . Two light planes originating in Opa Locka , Florida , violated Cuban airspace . 12 January 1996 . A Cuban \u00e9migr\u00e9 , resident in the United States , was arrested while preparing to transfer explosives from Havana to Pinar del Rio . 13 January 1996 . Several \" Brothers to the Rescue \" planes violated the airspace over Havana . The terrorist , Basulto , later said : \" They say that I flew over Cuban territory ; everyone knows that and I have never denied it . \" 23 January 1996 . United States authorities intercepted a vessel carrying five armed terrorists in Cayo Marat\u00f3n ; they were heading for Cuba . The FBI released them that same day . 11 February 1996 . Cuban border guards seized a vessel with three terrorists on board that had originated in the United States , after shots were fired at the coastline . 24 February 1996 . \" Brothers to the Rescue \" launched another foray . Three light planes violated Cuban airspace very close to the centre of Havana ; two of them were shot down . In the 20 months preceding that incident there had been at least 25 other violations of Cuban airspace . 26 June 1996 . At a meeting of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ) , the chairman of its commission of inquiry acknowledged that at least two of the \" Brothers to the Rescue \" aircraft in Opa Locka airport still bore markings of the United States Air Force : \" the F is a little pale , it looks as if it is beginning to fade , but you can still see it \" . 21 August 1996 . A United States citizen was arrested after smuggling military equipment into the country ; he had been planning to carry out terrorist acts on Cuban soil . 16 September 1996 . Ciego de Avila was arrested ; he had infiltrated via Punta Alegre on a vessel loaded with weapons and a large amount of ammunition . 21 October 1996 . A light SS-RR type plane with the registration N3093M belonging to the United States State Department sprayed a substance containing the pest Thrip Palmi Karny while flying over the \" Giron \" international corridor some 25 to 30 kilometres south of Varadero . November 1996 . Channel 23 in Miami , broadcast a live television interview with Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch . They said that they intended to continue their terrorist activities against Cuba . 12 April 1997 . A bomb exploded in the Melia Cohiba Hotel , in Havana . 30 April 1997 . An explosive device was found in the Melia Cohiba Hotel . 12 July 1997 . Bombs exploded in the Capri and National hotels . 4 August 1997 . Another bomb exploded in the Melia Cohiba Hotel . 11 August 1997 . The Miami press published a statement by the Cuban American National Foundation ( CANF ) giving unconditional support to the terrorist bomb attacks on civilian and tourist targets in Cuba . The president of that organization stated : \" We do not consider these to be terrorist acts \" and added that any action against Cuba was legitimate . 22 August 1997 . A bomb exploded in the Sol Palmeras Hotel in Varadero . 4 September 1997 . Bombs exploded in the Trit\u00f3n , Chateau Miramar and Copacabana hotels . The explosion in the latter killed Fabio Di Celmo , a young Italian tourist . That same day , another bomb went off in the El Bodeguita del Medio restaurant . 10 September 1997 . The Cuban Government announced the arrest of Ra\u00fal Cruz Le\u00f3n , a citizen of El Salvador and the person responsible for planting six of the bombs that went off in various hotels in the capital , including the one that killed the Italian tourist , Fabio Di Celmo . Cruz Le\u00f3n admitted that he had been paid US $ 4,500 for each bomb . 19 October 1997 . An explosive device was found on a tourist minibus . 27 October 1997 . The United States Coast Guard stopped a vessel west of Puerto Rico and seized two 50-calibre precision rifles and their tripods , night vision equipment , military uniforms and communications equipment . These sophisticated weapons , strictly military in nature are designed for long-range attacks on vehicles and aircraft . One of the occupants of the launch stated that he planned to assassinate Fidel Castro when the President arrived at Isla Margarita , Venezuela , to attend the Ibero-American Summit on 7 November 1997 . The United States authorities found that the launch was registered to a Florida company . The chief executive officer , director , secretary and treasurer of that company was Jos\u00e9 Antonio Llama , a CANF official and one of the mercenaries who took part in the Bay of Pigs invasion . One of the rifles was registered in the name of Jos\u00e9 Francisco \" Pepe \" Hern\u00e1ndez , president of CANF . The other had been bought in 1994 by a member of Brigade 2506 . The four crew members of the launch were identified as : a known CIA agent ; the captain of a CIA boat used by teams infiltrating into Cuba from Florida ; the chairman of a New Jersey counter-revolutionary group and a member of Alpha 66 . Despite their own confessions and clear proof of illegal possession of weapons , false testimony and weapons smuggling , these terrorists were acquitted by a Federal Court in December 1999 , after a rigged trial . 30 October 1997 . An explosive device was discovered in a service kiosk outside terminal 2 at Havana's Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ed airport . Two citizens of Salvadoran origin and three Guatemalans with ties to the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles were later arrested and charged with criminal activities against tourist facilities . 16 November 1997 . Following an investigation that lasted two months , a Florida newspaper reported that the bomb attacks in Havana had been directed and financed by anti-Cuban groups based in Miami and that Luis Posada Carriles , a fugitive from justice for having blown up the Cuban aircraft in 1976 , was the man pulling the strings . May 1998 . Infiltration by two terrorists who came from the United States and entered Cuba through Santa Luc\u00eda , Pinar del R\u00edo , with numerous weapons and munitions . 16 June 1998 . Following various exchanges in which the Government of Cuba gave the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) and other agencies of the United States Government information on terrorist activities in the United States against Cuba , an official delegation that included two senior FBI officials came to Havana and was provided with specific information , including films , tapes and other material evidence on the activities of 40 terrorists operating from United States territory . 12 July 1998 . The New York Times of that date reported statements by the Cuban-American Antonio Jorge \u00c1lvarez that the FBI had not investigated his reports of a planned attack against President Fidel Castro to be carried out at the Ibero-American Summit in Venezuela . \u00c1lvarez said that he had provided information the preceding year to the effect that Posada Carriles and a group that worked in his factory in Guatemala were planning such an attack and the bombings in Havana : \" I risked my life and my business , and they did nothing \" . 12 and 13 July 1998 . In an interview with The New York Times , Luis Posada Carriles admitted that he had organized the bombing campaign against tourist sites in Cuba , that the leaders of the Cuban American National Foundation had financed his operations and that Jorge Mas Canosa , the Foundation's President , had personally overseen the flow of money and logistical support : \" Jorge controlled everything . Whenever I needed money , he said to give me $ 5 , 000 , give me $ 10 , 000 , give me $ 15 , 000 , and they sent it to me \" . Posada also admitted that he had paid Ra\u00fal Cruz Le\u00f3n to plant the bombs in Havana hotels . Referring to the Italian tourist killed by one of them , he told the Times : \" That Italian was sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time \" . To prepare these articles , the Times used Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) and FBI files , testimony from more than 100 people and more than 13 hours of taped interviews with Posada , and even documents which he himself had signed . 23 July 1998 . The Miami press published an article entitled \" Anti-Castro plots seldom lead to jail in U. S. \" . The article cited a number of cases , such as the 1990 acquittal of six terrorists who had shipped a cannon and other weapons to Nicaragua to attack the Cuban President , and the 1994 cases of Rodolfo Fr\u00f3meta and Fausto Marim\u00f3n , who were charged with planning to use Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and other weapons for terrorist activities . The article also included statements by the well-known terrorist Tony Bryant to the effect that , in 1989 , the FBI had stopped him with a shipment of weapons and explosives in a boat , but had let him go . He added that two of his 14 missions against Cuba had been intercepted but that nothing had ever happened to him . 2 August 1998 . Posada Carriles , in an interview for the programme Polos Opuestos on the television channel CBS Telenoticias , said that he intended to perpetrate further attacks against Cuban installations within or outside the island . August 1998 . Following the announcement that President Fidel Castro would attend the Caribbean Forum summit meeting in the Dominican Republic , terrorist elements of Cuban origin planned to carry out an attack between 20 and 25 August . To that end , the terrorist Posada Carriles held a meeting at the Holiday Inn hotel in Guatemala City one month beforehand to plan how to bring weapons and explosives to Santo Domingo . 12 September 1998 . Authorities in Miami arrested the five Cuban patriots who had done their duty to defend Cubans and Americans against the terrorist acts organized , prepared and launched against Cuba , with total impunity , from United States territory . 17 November 2000 . Panamanian authorities arrested a group of terrorists headed by Posada Carriles , who had entered Panama with false documents to carry out an attack against President Fidel Castro during the tenth Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government . Weapons , explosives and sketches of the Cuban President's route and scheduled public appearances were seized . The Cuban American National Foundation financed the team of lawyers hired to defend the terrorists . 26 April 2001 . Three terrorists belonging to the F-45 and Alpha 66 commando groups tried to enter Cuba from the north of Villa Clara province and were captured after they shot at Cuban border guards who detected them . Authorities seized four AKM rifles , one M-3 gun with a silencer , three handguns , a large supply of ammunition , night-vision weapon sights and means of communication , which were to be used to carry out acts of sabotage and terrorism in Cuba . In addition to the above-mentioned acts , the Cuban authorities have learned of 16 planned attacks against the President of Cuba , eight planned attacks against other leaders of the Revolution and 140 other terrorist plans between 1990 and 2001 , which were thwarted , discouraged or blocked by the work of Cuba's security and intelligence agencies .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"raditionally , biology research begins with a hypothesis . A biologist then collects experimental data and analyzes them to support or disprove the hypothesis . However , information technology is changing this sequence of events . Today , large-scale exploratory experiments are gathering as much data as possible ; for example , the Human Genome Project is enumerating the three billion amino acids in the human genetic blueprint . So now when a biologist forms a hypothesis , the data may already be in such a collection , just a computer search away . An NPACI alpha project led by Russ Altman of Stanford University is developing new tools and techniques to extract insights from growing biology data collections . Alongside these collections , a new discipline has emerged , called bioinformatics . Bioinformatics researchers develop and apply computing tools to extract the secrets of the life and death of organisms from the genetic blueprints and molecular structures stored in digital collections . However , while large-scale activities are amassing vast quantities of data , the techniques for routinely analyzing these collections have not kept pace . \" Because of activities like the Human Genome Project , exploratory data collection has come to be seen as more cost effective , \" said Altman , associate professor of medicine in the section on Medical Informatics at Stanford University Medical Center and leader of NPACI's Molecular Science thrust area . \" The collectors do not necessarily know why they are collecting . They figure that out later . This project will develop the infrastructure that will allow biologists to answer questions using these data collections . \" For example , a biologist might hypothesize that a protein with certain features--such as a particular sequence or structure--must exist to carry out some task in a cell . A time-consuming approach is to devise an experimental technique to search for the hypothesized protein . However , with bioinformatics techniques , the biologist can scan a collection such as the Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) for proteins that meet the hypothesis criteria . LEGION-SCALE ANALYSIS The Bioinformatics Infrastructure alpha project is making a three-pronged assault on the problem : analysis , access , and movement of data . In the analysis component , participants are developing molecular scanning and comparison algorithms for various collections , and the Legion metasystem will recruit the computing resources required for large-scale analyses . \" Legion's architecture and past work on other biological codes will allow us to make progress quickly , \" said Andrew Grimshaw , the leader of the Legion effort and NPACI's Metasystems thrust area leader . \" We already have a framework for similar database analyses , which can easily take advantage of Legion's built-in fault tolerance . \" Altman's group , including Liping Wei , Allison Waugh , and Catherine Ying , have developed a scanning code that examines a PDB entry for active sites for which models exist , such as that for calcium . NPACI support has contributed to code improvements . Glenn Williams at Stanford is now working with the Legion team at the University of Virginia to modify the code to scan the entire PDB . \" Our code takes a PDB entry and derives information about potential calcium binding sites , \" Altman said . \" Any similar code could be used , and we want to make tools like these more readily available . \" The project also includes a molecular comparison algorithm for the PDB called combinatorial extension by Phil Bourne and Ilya Shindyalov at SDSC . An algorithm for phylogenetic analysis from David Hillis at the University of Texas and a genetic sequence comparison algorithm by David States at Washington University in St. Louis both run on sequence databases such as SWISS-PROT and GenBank . To run a scanning algorithm against every record in the PDB takes time proportional to the number of PDB entries . For example , Altman's code takes about 0.01 seconds per atom to scan a 3-D structure . With more than 10 million atoms in the PDB , the code takes days to scan the PDB on a workstation . All-versus-all comparisons , in contrast , take time proportional to the square of the number of entries . Last year , Bourne and Shindyalov used their combinatorial extension code , which finds similarities between structures , to compare more than 8,000 proteins in the PDB against every other protein . The effort consumed more than 24,000 processor hours on the Cray T3E at SDSC . On a workstation , the effort would have taken almost three years . Figure 1 . Growth of Biological Data The Bioinformatics Infrastructure alpha project is developing the tools and techniques for analyzing the the growing amount of biological data in databases . Left : The DNA base pairs stored in GenBank through August 1999 . Right : The structures stored and deposited in the Protein Data Bank through October 1999 . MIXED INFORMATION ACCESS In the data access component , participants from the Molecular Science and Data-Intensive Computing Environments ( DICE ) thrust areas are working to address the information access challenges of seamlessly accessing the information in different molecular data collections . When complete , the project will permit analyses to span not just one collection but several . \" The information access challenge is to take these data collections and compare them on a high-performance system such as the Centurion cluster at the University of Virginia , \" said Reagan Moore , associate director of SDSC and leader of the DICE thrust area . \" To do that , we must have definitions of how the collections are organized , and we have to understand the structure of objects in the collection . \" Operated by NPACI partners Rutgers University , SDSC , and the National Institute for Standards and Technology , the PDB is the premiere worldwide repository of 3-D protein structures , with 11,000 such structures today . Bourne leads the SDSC team . The Institute for Biomedical Computing at Washington University , directed by States , mirrors several protein and genetic databases . These databases include GenBank , which holds 3.4 billion bases in 4.6 million entries from 47,000 species , and SWISS-PROT , with 29 million amino acids in 80,000 entries ( Figure 1 ) . The collection that promises to seriously tax the data-handling infrastructure , however , is being created by Montgomery Pettitt , director of the Institute for Molecular Design at the University of Houston . Pettitt is creating a database of molecular dynamics trajectories , time-slice snapshots from molecular dynamics simulations . A one-microsecond simulation might , for example , produce a time slice every femtosecond--or one million database entries from a single simulation . This diverse set of collections will be integrated by applying technologies developed in the Mediation of Information using XML ( MIX ) project , led by Chaitan Baru at SDSC and Yannis Papakonstantinou , director of UC San Diego's Database Laboratory ( see enVision , July-September 1999 ) . The MIX software acts as a mediator between data sources with different structures , such as the collections in the alpha project . The MIX tools will use infrastructure-independent XML representations being developed by the collection maintainers to allow biologists to query , access , and analyze data from any or all of the collections from a single application or Web interface . STREAMLINED DATA MOVEMENT The data movement component joins the access and analysis components and is essential to the ultimate goal of the alpha project--large-scale analyses across more than one collection at a time . Initially , the Legion-enhanced codes will access data directly from the data collections , but the longer-term goal of moving data across the Grid is being addressed by efforts to integrate the SDSC Storage Resource Broker ( SRB ) , the cornerstone of NPACI's data-handling infrastructure , with the Legion architecture . \" The only challenge for Legion will be the amount of data the codes will produce , \" Grimshaw said . \" We do n't have enough disk space , so we 'll need some way to manage the storage . \" In addition , the code results could potentially exceed Legion's current 4-GB file size limit , and even when Legion allows larger files , the question of where to put the data remains . The SDSC SRB provides an interface to distributed , heterogeneous data resources . When requesting data through the SRB , applications and users need not know how or where a data collection is stored . With an interface between Legion and the SRB , an algorithm will be able to marshal both computing processors and data collections across the network . \" Traditionally , data movement is handled by copying files via FTP to local disk or into memory , \" Moore said . \" We need an architecture to stream the data from collections to an application on an as-needed basis . That 's where the SRB fits in . \" The DICE activities in this project build not only on NPACI activities , but also on externally funded projects with the NASA Information Power Grid , the Department of Energy's Visualization Interaction Environments for Weapons Simulation ( VIEWS ) , and the National Archives and Records Administration . BIOLOGICAL DISCOVERY While the project will require many new developments on the underlying technologies , the success of the project will be measured in part by how well the underlying infrastructure permits biology researchers to make new discoveries from the collections . For these users , the alpha project will provide a number of new resources and capabilities . First , the test codes run by the participants will provide both benchmarks and biological results . Second , the experiences of the participants will be captured in templates for performing similar analyses . Timings on resources , formulas for extrapolating from workstation runs to Legion runs , and other information will help determine the resources needed to answer a hypothesis and hence develop an NPACI allocation request . Eventually , the test codes and algorithms may be made available for execution , possibly via the Web . \" In some ways , the biology community is depending on projects like this alpha project to keep up with the rapid growth of biology data collections , \" Altman said . \" Using the Grid to marshal the resources necessary to scan databases such as the PDB and GenBank , this project will make this kind of bioinformatics capability routine . \" -- DH *","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"SCIS maintain a database of all independent schools in Scotland . To view the details of any school in a particular category click the appropriate category . To see a list of all independent schools in Scotland , and browse their details , click All Schools at the top of the list . To view schools in a particular region , make a selection from Schools by Location","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Home Improving Services Selected cases -- Parliamentary Selected Cases and Summaries of Completed Investigations - October 1998 - March 1999 C. 682 \/ 96 Full text Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration Sixth Report Session 1998-99 Volume 2 OCTOBER 1998 - MARCH 1999 The full report of selected cases Summary of selected cases DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY Case No. C. 682 \/ 96 Misleading information about eligibility for medical cover while living abroad 10.1 Mr H complained that the then Department of Health and Social Security now the Department of Social Security ( DSS ) misled him about his eligibility for medical cover while living abroad ; and that as a result he had to pay for private medical cover for himself and his wife thereby causing him financial hardship . 10.2 My investigation into Mr H's complaint began once the Ombudsman had obtained , after the referral of the complaint , comments from the Chief Executive of the Benefits Agency , an executive agency of DSS with responsibility , since 6 April 1992 , for advice on medical cover abroad . I have not put into this report every detailed investigated by the Ombudsman's staff ; but I am satisfied that no matter of significance has been overlooked . Appendix A to the report gives the meaning of the initials used in it . Back to top Background 10.3 Entitlement to sickness benefit ( SB ) and to invalidity benefit ( IVB ) to which a claimant was entitled after 28 weeks' incapacity ( both replaced from 13 April 1995 by incapacity benefit ) normally depended on the claimant's national insurance ( NI ) contribution record . ( The exceptions were where incapacity had been caused by an accident at work or was due to a prescribed occupational disease . ) Two conditions had to be satisfied . The first was that the claimant must have paid enough Class 1 ( employed persons ) and \/ or Class 2 ( self-employed persons ) contributions in any one tax year ( which runs from 6 April in one calendar year to 5 April in the next ) to give an earnings factor of at least 25 times the lower earnings limit for payment of contributions for that year . ( The earnings factor approximated to the earnings on which contributions had been paid . ) The second condition for claims made before 2 October 1988 was that , in the relevant tax year , the claimant must have paid or been credited with Class 1 or Class 2 contributions to give an earnings factor of at least 50 times the lower earnings limit . ( NI contribution credits could be awarded to those receiving certain benefits , including SB and IVB . ) The relevant tax year was the last complete tax year before the start of the benefit year . The benefit year was the one which contained the first day in respect of which benefit was claimed . Benefit years started on the first Sunday in January . From 2 October 1988 , the qualifying contributions had to have been paid or credited in both of the last two complete tax years before the start of the benefit year . Those entitled to IVB continued to be entitled to it if they went to live in another European Community country . SB was also payable in certain circumstances . Back to top 10.4 Those living in another European Community country and receiving United Kingdom ( UK ) IVB , retirement pension ( RP ) or widow's benefit were entitled to receive medical treatment for themselves and their dependants under the state scheme of their new country of residence . To qualify , they had to obtain a certificate of entitlement a form E121 from DSS . In completing the form , DSS certified that the person concerned was entitled to a pension for either \" old age \" , \" accident at work \" , \" invalidity , \" \" occupational disease , \" or \" survival \" . Those living in another European Community country and receiving UK SB or maternity allowance were entitled to medical cover for the length of their benefit entitlement . Those living , but not working or receiving one of the qualifying benefits , in another European Community country were entitled to medical cover for the period in respect of which they retained an underlying entitlement to UK SB . To qualify , they had to obtain a certificate of entitlement a form E106 from DSS . Enquiries from those going to live abroad are handled by the Overseas Benefit Directorate ( OBD ) of DSS who are responsible for the issue of forms E121 and E106 . Before April 1992 OBD were called Overseas Branch but for the sake of consistency I refer to them throughout this report as OBD . 10.5 A person from the UK who is abroad is normally entitled to pay UK NI contributions voluntarily to maintain his or her UK NI record for RP and certain other benefit purposes . If a person is not gainfully occupied abroad voluntary contribution has to be at the Class 3 ( non-employed ) rate . Back to top Investigation 10.6 In accordance with their normal practice , by the time the complaint was referred DSS had already routinely destroyed all correspondence in Mr H's case before 1994 . Mr H supplied the Ombudsman with letters which DSS had sent to him between 1987 and 1994 and a copy of a letter he had sent to them on 6 June 1988 ; he was unable to supply copies of the other letters which he had sent to DSS during the period . 10.7 1986 In 1986 Mr H retired early on health grounds from the police force . He received IVB from his local Benefits Agency office from 19 April to 19 July . After a short period of unemployment he requalified for IVB from 28 November 1986 . Back to top 10.8 1987 On 20 January 1987 Mr H wrote to OBD saying that he was contemplating moving to live in Spain . He told the Ombudsman's staff that in that letter he had asked specifically for advice on health cover and what he needed to do to maintain his RP rights . On 30 January OBD replied enclosing a leaflet SA 29 entitled \" Your social security , health care and pension rights in the European Community \" and a leaflet NI38 entitled \" Social Security abroad \" which included an application form to pay NI contributions while abroad . They said that it might be possible to provide him with limited medical cover ( certificate E106 ) based on his UK NI contributions when he took up residence in Spain ; but if the certificate was issued the cover could be provided only for as long as residual entitlement to SB existed . They said that , when the E106 expired , he should take out private medical insurance to cover him until his 65th birthday when cover would again be given by virtue of certificate E121 which would be issued with effect from the date his RP became payable . OBD asked Mr H to provide his NI number so that they could check his record ; the date of his intended departure ; and his address abroad . I reproduce at Appendix B , paragraphs 15 , 16 , 17 and 18 of the 1986 version of leaflet SA 29 , which appeared under the general heading \" Health Care \" and the first part of paragraph 24 which appeared under the general heading \" The benefits involved \" . 10.9 On 10 March the local Benefits Agency office sent Mr H the IVB due for the period from 4 to 17 March . On 19 March Mr H sent OBD the completed application form to pay voluntary NI contributions while abroad . He wrote an accompanying letter which he told the Ombudsman's staff had merely informed OBD of the date of his departure from the UK . Mr H and his wife moved to Spain on 20 March . Around that time ( the date is not recorded ) the local Benefits Agency office sent Mr H a form 189 asking him to provide further medical evidence if he remained incapable of work ( they held medical evidence up to 19 March ) . They received no reply and on 6 April they sent Mr H a final payment of IVB for the period from 18 to 19 March . Also on 6 April OBD wrote thanking Mr H for his correspondence . They said that , on checking his NI record , he had paid sufficient NI contributions in respect of the tax year 1985 \/ 86 to provide him with medical cover by virtue of certificate E106 until 3 January 1988 . They reminded Mr H that cover did not last indefinitely and that he should take out private medical insurance when the certificate expired . They said that it might be possible to provide medical care after 3 January 1988 based on the NI contributions paid in respect of the 1986 \/ 87 tax year ; and they asked him to contact them again six weeks before the E106 expired . The remainder of the letter dealt with Mr H's payment of voluntary contributions . On the same date , 6 April , OBD sent form E106 to the relevant Spanish authority . Back to top 10.10 1988 On 2 January 1988 Mr H wrote to OBD asking whether further medical cover was possible . On 15 February OBD issued a form E106 certifying entitlement to medical cover for the period from 4 January to 31 December . On 21 April Mr H wrote to OBD asking for a form E121 . On 18 May OBD replied saying that , as a form E121 could be issued only to a person in receipt of a UK RP , it was not applicable to Mr H's circumstances . They said that , if he and his wife were still abroad when they reached retirement age and were entitled to a UK RP , a form E121 would automatically be issued to provide medical cover in Spain . On 6 June Mr H wrote again to OBD saying that his request for a form E121 had been made as a result of information received from the Spanish authorities that the occupational pensions received by himself and his wife were sufficient to qualify them for medical cover under the Spanish state scheme . He said that he and his wife had private medical cover but it was very restricted . He said that he had seen a form E121 on which there was provision for \" other pensions \" ; and he asked if that would not cover himself and his wife or , if not , whether there was no other form with which they could be issued to produce to the Spanish authorities . On 19 July OBD replied saying that Mr H must be in receipt of RP to be entitled to a form E121 . Back to top 10.11 1994 On 24 January 1994 Mr H wrote to OBD saying that he felt that they had previously failed fully to inform him of his correct entitlement . He explained that he had had to finish work because of ill health and on 20 March 1987 had moved with his wife to Spain . He said that he had received IVB until he left the UK ; and that before leaving he had sought advice about contributions and health care . He went on to relate the information which OBD had given about medical cover in their letters of 30 January 1987 , 18 May and 19 July 1988 . He said that , after changes to European Community law in November 1993 , he had consulted his local ( Spanish ) Social Security office who had told him that nothing had changed ; but that as he had retired from work on health grounds and was receiving a pension , although he was not yet 65 years of age , he should be able to obtain a form E121 . Mr H said that his wife had recently applied for a RP forecast and had received leaflet SA 29 ( print date August 1993 ) paragraph 16 of which said that anyone receiving IVB before going to live abroad was eligible for form E121 . He said that had not been mentioned in any of the replies which he had received from OBD ; and it appeared that he had been entitled to the form but had been misinformed . Moreover , it seemed from paragraph 25 of the leaflet that IVB was payable abroad . Mr H asked whether he could have continued to receive IVB while in Spain . I reproduce at Appendix C , paragraphs 15 , 16 , 17 and the first part of paragraph 25 of the relevant ( 1993 version of ) leaflet SA 29 . Back to top 10.12 On 22 February OBD replied saying that IVB was payable in Spain provided that a person continued to satisfy the conditions for receipt of the benefit had he remained in the UK . They enclosed a claim form for Mr H to complete and return with supporting medical evidence . They reminded him that IVB was not payable for a period more than 12 months before the date of claim . On 11 March Mr H wrote to OBD saying that he had paid Class 3 ( voluntary ) contributions since going to Spain . He asked whether he could qualify for IVB ; and for advice on the medical evidence required . He also asked OBD to send him form E121 on 15 April , after obtaining his contribution record . OBD replied saying that , as he had not paid Class 1 contributions since 1987 , he could not satisfy the contribution conditions for receipt of benefit ( Class 3 contributions could not satisfy the requirements ) . On 9 May Mr H wrote again pointing out that the main point of his letter of 24 January , the request for a form E121 , had been ignored . He said that it appeared from leaflet SA 29 that he had been entitled to the form when he had left the UK because he had been receiving IVB . 10.13 On 7 June OBD wrote to Mr H saying that , as he was not in receipt of RP or IVB , they were unable to provide him with form E121 . Mr H replied on 22 June referring to paragraph 16 of leaflet SA 29 ( the current version ) and saying that he was applying retrospectively for the form E121 which should have been issued to him in 1987 when he went abroad . He said that in 1987 and 1988 OBD had wrongly told him that form E121 could be issued only to a person in receipt of RP . If they had given him the right information and issued form E121 as they should have done , he would still be covered under the Spanish health service . OBD replied on 18 August apologising for the delay in doing so . They said that , as Mr H's IVB had ended on 19 March 1987 , he was no longer entitled to form E121 ; and he could not requalify for IVB because he had not paid Class 1 NI contributions since 1987 . On 3 September Mr H wrote to OBD complaining about their failure in their letters of 30 January and 6 April 1987 , 18 May and 19 July 1988 to mention the possibility of entitlement to a form E121 on the basis of receiving IVB . He said that he had the leaflet SA 29 print date January 1986 ( which had been sent to him on 30 January 1987 see paragraph 10.8 ) and observed that paragraph 16 made no mention of form E121 , unlike paragraph 16 of the later August 1993 print of the leaflet . He said that , although he had contacted OBD two months before leaving the UK , he had never been advised of the link between entitlement to IVB and to form E121 ; and he therefore could not have known about it until reading the 1993 leaflet sent to his wife ( paragraph 10.11 ) . He asked OBD why they had not noticed when they had checked his NI record in 1987 ( paragraph 10.9 ) that he was being credited with NI contributions as a result of receiving IVB ; and he asked them to send him the form E121 which they should have sent to him when he had left the UK . He added that he had not continued his claim to IVB after leaving the UK because he had not been aware that it was payable abroad . Back to top 10.14 On 11 October OBD wrote to Mr H saying that they were unable to give him a form E121 because he was not entitled to IVB ; but , in view of his comments in his letter of 3 September , they were looking again at his case . On 1 November OBD wrote to Mr H saying that , according to their records , they had sent him information about benefit entitlement abroad but he had not continued his ( IVB ) claim when he had left the UK . They said that any new claim would not succeed because of the contribution and late claim conditions ( paragraph 10.12 ) , but NI credits might be awarded if he supplied medical evidence of incapacity for work . They asked him to let them know if he wanted to make a claim . On 17 November Mr H wrote to OBD making a claim for NI credits and enclosing medical evidence . He said he was confused by the correspondence and asked whether his request for a form E121 was still being considered . On 29 November OBD told Mr H that his case would be looked at again and that he would receive a full reply to his letter of 17 November shortly . 10.15 1995 On 19 January 1995 Mr H wrote to OBD asking for a decision on his request for a form E121 . On 15 March OBD replied saying that they could issue form E121 only if Mr H was entitled to and receiving IVB ; as that was not the case , they were unable to do so . On 5 April OBD told Mr H that NI credits had been awarded from 9 September 1993 . 10.16 1996 On 9 April 1996 , after further correspondence between Mr H and OBD , Mr H asked the then Member of Parliament who jointly chaired the All Party Group for Pensioners to refer his complaint to the then Ombudsman . The Member did so on 3 May . In October 1996 an adjudication officer ( AO ) decided that , from 10 October , Mr H could not be treated as incapable of work ; and that as a result he was not entitled to NI incapacity credits from that date . ( Mr H subsequently made an unsuccessful appeal against the AO's decision . ) 10.17 In his comments on the case the Chief Executive of the Benefits Agency said that there was no evidence to suggest that Mr H had been incapacitated when he had left the UK to live in Spain ; his last medical certificate had expired on 19 March 1987 and he had made no enquiries about continuing payment of benefit abroad . The leaflet SA 29 which had been sent to him on 30 January 1987 had provided guidance on medical cover ; and it had clearly said that IVB was payable abroad and those receiving it were entitled to medical cover . The Chief Executive said that the failure on the part of OBD later , in 1988 , to include specific reference to IVB in letters was regrettable ; but had been based entirely on the information available at the time . IVB had neither been in payment nor mentioned by Mr H in his correspondence until January 1994 . Turning to Mr H's statement that , when OBD had been considering the issue of form E106 in 1987 ( paragraphs 10.9 and 10.13 ) , it should have been evident from his NI contribution record that he had been in receipt of NI credits for IVB , the Chief Executive said that , at the time of Mr H's departure from the UK , the tax year 1986 \/ 87 had not ended and as a result there would have been no record of any credits for that year on his NI account . He said that credits were not recorded until well after the end of the tax year . It would have been impossible , therefore , for OBD to have known in April 1997 that Mr H had been receiving IVB from his local DSS office when he had first written in January 1997 . Back to top 10.18 In conclusion , the Chief Executive said that it was unfortunate that the letters to Mr H in 1988 had not mentioned form E121 being applicable to those receiving IVB as well as RP . That had been an omission which the Department recognised . However , the Chief Executive said , Mr H had neither received nor mentioned IVB after his departure abroad . Additionally , leaflet SA 29 had provided clear guidance about medical cover and receipt of benefit abroad . Taking those facts into account , there were no grounds for reimbursement of health costs incurred by Mr H from 1 January 1989 , the expiry date of the form E106 . On 16 January 1997 the Chief Executive wrote to Mr H apologising for any trouble and inconvenience caused by the less than satisfactory service he had received . In the course of my investigation one of the Ombudsman's officers received confirmation from OBD that had Mr H claimed benefit in 1988 he would have been within time , as the requirements then stood , for payment ( paragraph 10.3 ) . Back to top Findings 10.19 The letter which OBD sent to Mr H on 30 January 1987 ( paragraph 10.8 ) was correct as far as it went but it was misleading in that it omitted information about the entitlement to medical cover in another European Community country of those receiving UK SB , IVB , maternity allowance or widow's benefit . That was a serious omission for which I criticise them . In my view , OBD should either have covered all the circumstances in which medical cover was available ; or none of them and simply directed Mr H to the information in the leaflet SA 29 , offering further advice on any particular aspect if needed . The 1986 version of leaflet SA 29 , which OBD sent to Mr H , contained all that he needed to know about medical cover abroad ; but the presentation of some of that information gave me cause for concern . 10.20 Paragraph 16 of the leaflet was the one which covered the link between IVB and medical cover ( Appendix B ) but I found the heading to the paragraph misleading in that it referred to \" State pensioners \" . It seemed to me that those like Mr H receiving IVB would not have regarded themselves as pensioners and might therefore have been dissuaded from reading further . Similarly , the text of the paragraph referred to invalidity pension . I was pleased to see that the relevant heading and the text in the later ( 1993 ) issue of the leaflet had been changed ( Appendix C ) . I noted also that the paragraph failed to make clear that IVB ( and RP and widow's benefit ) had to be in payment abroad , rather than in payment before departure , to give entitlement to medical cover . In 1994 when Mr H read both the 1986 and 1993 versions of the leaflet ( paragraphs 10.11 to 10.14 ) he was misled by the wording of paragraph 16 on that very point . Be all that as it may , paragraph 16 did not stand in isolation and , given Mr H's circumstances in 1987 , I consider it reasonable to have expected him also to have read that part of the leaflet concerned with social security benefits . If he had done so , he would have known that he could continue to claim IVB after he moved to Spain ( Appendix B ) ; and I am confident from what he said in his letter of 3 September 1994 ( paragraph 10.13 ) that that is what he would have done instead of allowing it to lapse . He would then have been entitled to a form E121 for as long as his entitlement to IVB continued . It follows that I do not think that OBD's less than comprehensive letter of 30 January 1987 was crucial to Mr H's future action ; the leaflet which they sent him at the same time should have been sufficient to set him on the right track . Back to top 10.21 Mr H asked why , when OBD checked his NI record in 1987 , the credit of NI contributions , because of his receipt of IVB , had not been spotted ( paragraph 10.13 ) . I have seen Mr H's NI account which OBD examined in April 1987 ( paragraph 10.9 ) and again in February 1988 ( paragraph 10.10 ) before issuing forms E106 . The Chief Executive has explained that , in April 1987 , the last tax year for which details were recorded was 1985 \/ 86 ( paragraph 10.17 ) . That year showed Class 1 NI contributions to the value of \u00a3 905.64 paid on Mr H's employment with the police force . When OBD examined Mr H's NI account again in February 1988 ( paragraph 10.10 ) , the details of the tax year 1986 \/ 87 had been recorded . They showed Class 1 NI contributions to the value of \u00a3 144.96 paid on Mr H's employment with the police force , 30 NI credits awarded by the local Benefits Agency office , and nine credits awarded by the local Unemployment Benefit office . I am satisfied that the information on Mr H's NI account was not such that OBD , either in April 1987 or February 1988 , should have taken action other than they did . 10.22 That is though not the end of the matter . On 21 April 1988 Mr H asked OBD for a form E121 believing , after discussion with the Spanish authorities , that the occupational pensions received by himself and his wife qualified them for medical cover in Spain ( paragraph 10.10 ) . The response he received that only those receiving UK RP qualified for the form was clearly wrong . Moreover , when Mr H challenged the advice OBD repeated it a second time despite their attention having been drawn to the wording on the form E121 which referred to pensions other than those for retirement ( paragraph 10.4 ) . That was a serious error for which I criticise OBD . The question which arises from their error is what would have been the outcome if it had not occurred . As I saw it , if OBD had given Mr H as they should have done a full description of the benefits and pensions which entitled a person to a form E121 , he would have begun the sort of enquiries which he began six years later in 1994 ( paragraph 10.11 ) . Moreover , I am satisfied that those enquiries would have led to the realisation that he could have continued his claim to IVB after going to live in Spain . It seemed to me , therefore , that the incorrect information which OBD had given to Mr H in 1988 had prevented him from making a late claim for SB \/ IVB which he otherwise would have made ; and I thought that DSS should put that right by placing him as far as that was now possible in the position in which he would have been had he made such a claim . I suggested that should involve DSS taking a view on the value of any lost entitlement to benefit ; of any voluntary NI contributions which Mr H had paid unnecessarily ; and of any medical costs incurred as a consequence of lost entitlement to medical cover . Accordingly , I asked the Chief Executive of the Benefits Agency to consider Mr H's case in the light of my comments . Back to top 10.23 I am pleased to report that the Chief Executive replied that it had been decided to make Mr H an ex gratia payment subject to enquiries to determine whether he had satisfied the conditions for benefit in the period from 1988 to 1994 ; and to the production of evidence of his medical costs . DSS subsequently awarded Mr H an ex gratia payment of \u00a3 35,648.74 to replace his lost statutory entitlement to SB , IVB and incapacity benefit from 21 March 1988 ( the maximum backdating which could have been allowed in Mr H's case under the law at the time was one month ) to 9 October 1996 ( when he was deemed capable of work see paragraph 10.16 ) ; and an ex gratia payment of \u00a3 3,901.98 to meet the cost of medical insurance which Mr H incurred in the period from 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1996 plus interest on that sum of \u00a3 909.86 . DSS will also pay Mr H interest on the sum of \u00a3 35,648.74 which they have yet to calculate and which is likely to amount to between \u00a3 9,500 and \u00a3 10,000 . In addition , they have undertaken either to award Class 1 NI credits to Mr H in respect of the period from 21 March 1988 to 9 October 1996 and to refund with interest the Class 3 ( voluntary ) contributions which he paid for that period ; or to reimburse him the cost of the Class 3 contributions with compensation for the loss of use of the money . 10.24 One final matter deserves mention . My investigation has shown that Mr H's claim of misdirection , which he made in January 1994 ( paragraph 10.11 ) , was handled badly by OBD . They failed to address the issue , despite several letters from him ( paragraphs 10.12 and 10.13 ) , for some nine months and then only superficially ( paragraph 10.14 ) . I criticise them for their poor response to Mr H's representations . Back to top Conclusion 10.25 OBD dealt poorly with Mr H's enquiries about medical cover both before and after he moved to live in Spain . The incorrect information which they gave him in 1988 caused him financial loss for which DSS have agreed fully to compensate him by awarding ex gratia payments of \u00a3 35,648.74 to replace his lost statutory entitlement to benefit plus interest on that sum which is likely to amount to between \u00a3 9,500 and \u00a3 10,000 ; \u00a3 3,901.98 to meet the cost of medical insurance plus \u00a3 909.86 interest on that sum ; and undertaking either to refund with interest Class 3 ( voluntary ) NI contributions which Mr H has paid unnecessarily or to reimburse him the cost of the Class 3 contributions which he has paid in respect of the period from 21 March 1988 to 9 October 1996 with compensation for the loss of use of the money . I regard all that , together with the Chief Executive's apologies for OBD's poor service ( paragraph 10.18 ) , as a satisfactory response to a justified complaint . Back to top Appendix A Initials used and their meanings DSS Department of Social Security IVB invalidity benefit NI national insurance OBD Overseas Benefits Directorate RP retirement pension SB sickness benefit UK United Kingdom Back to top Appendix B Extracts from the 1986 version of leaflet SA 29 15 . Living ( but not working ) in another Community country . 15.1 If you are going to live , but not work , in another Community country you may be entitled to receive medical treatment for a limited period at UK expense under the State scheme of your new country of residence . This period is linked to any remaining entitlement to UK sickness benefit you may have . When this period expires you will cease to be covered by the UK . Consider joining the state health insurance scheme , if possible , or take out private insurance ( but see paragraphs 16 and 17 ) . Write to the Department's Overseas Branch ( address on page 1 ) as far in advance as possible before you go . 15.2 If you become employed again you will need to contribute to sickness insurance fund in order to claim benefits from the scheme of the country in which you are living . 16 . State pensioners living in another Community country If you are receiving a State invalidity or retirement pension or widow's benefit and you go to live in another Community country ( or if such a benefit or pension becomes payable when you are living there ) you and any dependent members of your family who go with you , will be entitled to the health services of the sickness insurance institution of that country as though you were insured with it . Write to the Department's Overseas Branch ( address on page 1 ) as far in advance as possible before you go . 17 . Receiving sickness benefit or maternity allowance If you are receiving sickness benefit or maternity allowance and you go to live in another Community country you and any dependent members of your family will be entitled to the health services of the sickness insurance institution of the country to which you go . You will be covered for the length of your sickness benefit or maternity allowance entitlement . To be eligible for these benefits you must obtain the authority of this Department before you leave the UK . Write to the Department's Overseas Branch ( address on page 1 ) . Back to top 18 . In all cases You will be entitled to medical treatment on exactly the same terms and conditions as apply to the insured persons of the country to which you are going . Information about other countries' schemes can be found in the EC Guide ( see page 5 ) . For more detailed information consult the local sickness insurance institution . 24 . Invalidity benefit UK invalidity benefit If you are entitled to UK invalidity benefit , you will be entitled to it wherever you may live or stay in the Community . You may also be entitled to invalidity benefit from Denmark , the Federal Republic of Germany , Greece ( except under the agricultural insurance scheme ) , Italy , Luxembourg , or under the French miner's scheme , if you have been insured at any time in those countries . The amount of invalidity benefit will be calculated as explained in paragraph 28.2 Back to top Appendix C Extracts from the 1993 version of leaflet SA 29 15 . Living ( but not working ) in another EC Country If you are going to live , but not work , in another EC country you may be able to get health care for a limited period at UK expense under the state scheme of your new country of residence . This period is linked to any remaining entitlement to UK Sickness Benefit you may have . When this period ends you will no longer be covered by the UK . You may then be able to contribute voluntarily to the state sickness insurance scheme of your new country of residence . Otherwise , you will need to take out private insurance but see the following sections paragraphs 16-18 . Write to the Benefits Agency at the address on page 2 for form E106 as far in advance as possible before you go . Your application must state your full name and address in the UK ; your maiden name ( if appropriate ) ; your date of birth ; your nationality ; your National Insurance number ; the full name ( s ) and postal address ( es ) of your UK employers ( s ) in the last 2 years ; the date you finished work ; the date of your departure from the UK ; whether you intend seeking work abroad ; your wife \/ husband's full name , date of birth and National insurance number . you become employed again you will need to contribute to a sickness insurance institution in order to claim benefits from the scheme of the country in which you are living . Back to top 16 . Receiving Invalidity or Widows's Benefit or Retirement Pension and living in another EC country . If you are receiving Invalidity or Widow's Benefit or Retirement Pension and you go to live in another EC country ( or if such a benefit or pension becomes payable when you are living there ) you and any dependent members of your family who go with you will generally be entitled to the health services of the sickness insurance scheme of that country . Write to the Benefits Agency at the address on page 2 for form E121 as early as possible before you go . If you are entitled to a pension from the country where you go to live and you are entitled to health care under that country's rules , then the UK may not be responsible for your health care costs . You may have to pay contributions to a scheme in your new country of residence . You may wish to confirm this with the sickness insurance office in the country where you intend to live before you go . 17 . Receiving Maternity Allowance , Sickness or Industrial Disablement Benefit in another EC Country . If you are receiving Maternity Allowance or Sickness or Industrial Disablement Benefit from the UK and you go to live in another EC country , you and any dependent members of your family will be entitled to the health services of the country which you go to . You will be covered for the length of your Maternity Allowance , Sickness or Industrial Disablement Benefit entitlement . If you are eligible for these benefits you must obtain prior authority from the Benefits Agency at the address on page 2 . If you are receiving Industrial Disablement Benefit and you go to live in another EC country , you will be entitled to health care in relation to your particular disability . Write to the Benefits Agency at the address on page 2 for form E123 . Back to top 25 . Invalidity Benefit . UK Invalidity Benefit If you are entitled to UK Invalidity Benefit , you will be entitled to it wherever you may live or stay in the EC . You may also be entitled to Invalidity Benefit from Denmark , Germany , Greece ( except under the agricultural insurance scheme ) , Italy , Luxembourg , Portugal or under the French miners' scheme , if you have been insured at any time in those countries . The amount of Invalidity Benefit will be calculated as explained in How your claim is dealt with on pages 30-31 .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Instructions for use To Open BioBall \u00ae Aseptically remove stopper Agar Plate 1 . Tip BioBall into the centre of the plate . 2 . Rehydrate by pipetting 100 \u03bcL of sterile water or 0.9 % saline solution directly onto BioBall . 3 . Wait 30 seconds for BioBall to dissolve . 4 . Use a sterile plastic spreader to evenly spread the dissolved BioBall over the plate surface . 5 . Ensure plate is dry before inverting and incubating . Membrane Filtration 1 . Tip BioBall into liquid sample . 2 . Mix by repeatedly inverting sample 3 . Filter the sample using standard test method . 4 . Follow standard test method for incubation Pour Plate 1 . Pipette 1ml of sterile water or 0.9 % saline solution into pour plate . 2 . Tip BioBall into the sterile water \/ saline solution . 3 . Wait 30 seconds for BioBall to dissolve . 4 . Add molten agar and mix according to standard test method . 5 . Incubate as required . Petrifilm \u00ae 1 . Tip BioBall onto the centre of Petrifilm \u00ae 2 . Rehydrate by pipetting 100 \u03bcL of sterile water or 0.9 % saline solution directly onto BioBall . 3 . Follow standard test method . 4 . Incubate as required . Petrifilm \u00ae is a registered trademark belonging to 3MTM Corporation . Adding to Samples \/ Broths 1 . Tip BioBall \u00ae into sample \/ broth 2 . Mix 3 . Incubate as required Intended Use BioBall SingleShot is a microbiological reference material containing a precise number of viable bacterial cells . It is designed for use as a quantitative quality control sample . Description BioBall SingleShot is a freeze dried water soluble ball containing a precise number of micro-organisms . The ball is a white sphere approximately 3mm in diameter . Quality Control BioBall SingleShot delivers a level of precision previously unobtainable in microbiology . Each batch of BioBall SingleShot is quality controlled by testing a minimum of 10 % of the batch up to a maximum of 50 . Vials are selected at random from throughout the batch and plated onto non-selective agar plates and DRBC for Aspergillus species . The plates are incubated then counted . Each standard batch of BioBall meets the following criteria ( unless otherwise stated ) : Mean 28-33 cfu Standard Deviation 3 cfu or less Certificate of Analysis Certificates of Analysis can be downloaded from the BTF website : www.bioball.com . The certificate states the mean cfu and standard deviation of the batch . It also states the 95 % Prediction Interval . The standard deviation is a measure of variability within the batch , the mean is the average cfu count tested on nonselective agar and DRBC for Aspergillus species . The Prediction Interval is a statistical analysis of the quality data stating that 95 % of your expected results will fall within this range . Our team of technical experts can be contacted regarding the interpretation of results . The micro-organisms used in BioBall \u00ae SingleShot are derived from known reference strains . Their identity is confirmed by genetic typing . ATCC is a trademark of the American Type Culture Collection . Limitations CFU count ( mean , CV and standard deviation ) stated in this document and BioBall promotional literature , and batch-specific Quantification Data reported on BioBall Certificates of Analysis , are determined on non-selective culture media ( unless otherwise stated ) . Selective media vary greatly in their inhibitory properties amongst different formulations and amongst brands with similar formulations . Recovery rates from BioBall may be reduced relative to the selectivity of the media . Users of BioBall with selective media are advised to establish their own expectations for recovery rate for each BioBall strain on selective media and to base their performance expectations on data derived from the specific formulations and brands of selective media used in their laboratories . Where recovery rates are reduced on very selective media , users should consider using a greater inoculum to meaningfully assess the limits of detection of their media . Accreditation BTF as a Reference Materials Producer is the first company worldwide accredited for quantitative microbiological reference standards , including BioBall . Technical Assistance BioBall SingleShot can be used for other applications . For technical assistance please contact your bioMerieux or BTF customer support team . Safety Precautions BioBall SingleShot contains viable and potentially pathogenic bacteria and should only be handled by experienced laboratory personnel trained in the safe handling of these micro-organisms . The number of micro-organisms contained within BioBall SingleShot is low . However , BioBall SingleShot should be handled as if potentially infectious . Refer to your national safety guidelines . After use , dispose of packaging in accordance with appropriate biohazard disposal practices . Do not use the product if the packaging is damaged . Do not use the product after the expiry date . The product should be used according to the procedure described in this instruction for use document . Any modifications may affect the results . Warranty BTF warrants to the original purchaser only that the products will conform to the quantity and contents stated on the product labels and quality certificate for the duration of the stated shelf life .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Kingsbridge ( also known as Lower Riverdale ) is a working - and middle-class residential neighborhood geographically located in the northwest portion of The Bronx in New York City . Kingsbridge is actually made up of three distinct neighborhoods : Kingsbridge proper , Kingsbridge Heights , and Van Cortlandt Village . The neighborhood is considered a part of Bronx Community Board 8 , and is sometimes considered a sub-section of Riverdale , since it shares the same zip code 10463 with Riverdale . Kingsbridge proper's ill-defined boundaries are Van Cortlandt Park to the north , Bailey Avenue to the east , West 230st Street to the south , and Broadway to the west . Kingsbridge is patrolled by the New York City Police Department ' s 50th Precinct . Contents Kingsbridge has detached , semi detached , and attached homes , and Broadway has apartment buildings where many Dominicans reside . Streets connecting Riverdale and Kingsbridge include \" step streets \" , with stairways of as many as 160 steps climbing the slope . Some jokingly refer to Riverdale as the \" rich uncle \" of Kingsbridge which has its origins during the Irish period . The neighborhood is also part of a business improvement district that is home to 200 merchants , which is one of the largest retail shopping districts in the Bronx . River Plaza Shopping Center is located nearby ( in Marble Hill , Manhattan ) but it is not part of the business improvement district . During the past several years there have been significant improvements in the infrastructure of the community . For example , the parks have been improved significantly and there are new elementary schools on 230th Street . Nathalie Avenue in the 1890s , now called Kingsbridge Terrace 50th Precinct The neighborhood is named for the King's Bridge , erected in 1693 by Frederick Philipse , a local lord loyal to the British monarch . The bridge spanned a now-filled-in section of Spuyten Duyvil Creek , roughly parallel to today's 230th Street . The King's Bridge was part of Boston Post Road , connecting southern Westchester County ( which later became the Bronx ) with Marble Hill , once part of Manhattan Island and still part of the borough of Manhattan . The bridge is said to still be in place , having been buried when the creek bed was filled in . The creek's water flow was redirected to the new and deeper shipping canal , south of Marble Hill . Until the latter part of the 19th century Riverdale , Kingsbridge , and other areas now in the northwest Bronx were part of the Town of Yonkers . The areas that are inside the modern-day New York city line broke off to form the Town of Kingsbridge . In 1874 , the City of New York annexed three towns that later became the western half of The Bronx , including the Town of Kingsbridge . As the trains to Manhattan were built in the 20th century , a stop in the northwest Bronx along the Hudson River called Riverdale-on-Hudson , now Riverdale , was created . This gave rise to the Riverdale neighborhood . The remainder of the old Town of Kingsbridge developed into the modern-day Kingsbridge neighborhood . Kingsbridge has a population of over 10,000 . It was once a neighborhood of predominately Irish immigrants . From the late 1970s the Irish population has decreased significantly , being replaced by large numbers of African-Americans , Hispanics , Asians , Albanians , and Greeks . The largest Hispanic group in Kingsbridge today are Dominicans , replacing the earlier Puerto Ricans and Cubans , who were the first Hispanics to settle in the neighborhood in the 1970s . There still is a strong Irish population centered on Bailey Avenue and Tibbett Avenue . The Dominicans predominantly live along Broadway and adjacent side streets , with a predominantly mixed ethnic area east and west of Broadway . The Irish legacy can still be seen in the Roman Catholic churches and schools that serve the current residents , such as the St. John's Roman Catholic Church on Kingsbridge Avenue near 231st Street , and its two schools ; the elementary school on Godwin Terrace ( just south of 231st Street ) , and the junior high school on Kingsbridge Avenue just a block north of 231st Street . In northern Kingsbridge the Visitation Roman Catholic Church and School is located on West 239th street . To the east , on Sedgwick Avenue is Our Lady of Angels Church and School . For recreation Gaelic Park , ( now operated by Manhattan College ) , is located on 240th Street & Broadway and is the venue for a variety of sports including Gaelic football and hurling . The neighborhood is also home to Manhattan College . The area is patrolled by the 50th Precinct located at 3450 Kingsbridge Avenue . NYCHA property in the area is patrolled by P.S.A. 8 at 2794 Randall Avenue in the Throggs Neck section of the Bronx . Kingsbridge was home to the 77-year-old Stella D ' Oro factory , which was relocated to Ashland , Ohio when Stella D ' Oro was sold to Lance after labor unrest in 2009 . John Jay McKelvey , Sr. , Attorney , Park District Protection League Trustee , Spuyten Duyvil .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"( as at 1 October 2005 ) 1 The membership of the Library Committee shall be The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Sub-Warden or a Pro-Vice-Chancellor ( Chairman or Chairwoman ) The Dean or a Deputy Dean of each Faculty The Dean of Colleges and Student Support Services or his \/ her representative The Chairman or Chairwoman of the Library Users Committee or alternate The Vice-Chairman or Vice-Chairwoman of the Library Users Committee One further member of the Library Users Committee to be appointed by the Library Users Committee , to ensure that each Faculty is represented The University Librarian The Secretary to the Library Users Committee The Director of the University Information Technology Service The Education and Welfare Officer of DSU and one undergraduate and one postgraduate student members appointed by DSU Two members to be appointed by Senate 2 The Committee may invite at any time any member or members of the Library staff to be present during the discussion of any item or items of business . 3 The duties of the Committee shall be as follows : - ( a ) To consider the policy to be followed by the University concerning its Libraries and its Information Services in both the short and long term and to make recommendations as appropriate . ( b ) To consider proposals concerning University Library facilities , including Departmental Libraries and the Libraries of the maintained Colleges , and to make recommendations to Senate and Council as appropriate . ( c ) To keep under review the performance of the Library in meeting objectives . ( d ) To consider any matters concerning all libraries in the University which may be referred to the Committee from time to time by the Senate or the Council as appropriate and to make recommendations to the appropriate bodies . 4 The Committee shall submit to the Senate and the Council annually at the second meeting of those bodies in the Michaelmas Term a report and statement of accounts of the University Library for the previous academic year .","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"This domain identifies a group of enzymes belongs to the GHMP kinase domain superfamily in the archaea . GHMP kinases are a unique class of ATP-dependent enzymes ( the abbreviation of which refers to the original members : galactokinase , homoserine kinase , mevalonate kinase , and phosphomevalonate kinase ) [ 1 ] . Enzymes belonging to this superfamily contain three well-conserved motifs , the second of which has the typical sequence Pro-X-X-X-Gly-Leu-X-Ser-Ser-Ala and is involved in ATP binding [ 2 ] . The phosphate binding loop in GHMP kinases is distinct from the classical P-loops found in many ATP \/ GTP binding proteins . The bound ADP molecule adopts a rare syn conformation and is in the opposite orientation from those bound to the P-loop-containing proteins [ 2 ] . GHMP kinases display a distinctly bilobal appearance with their N-terminal subdomains dominated by a mixed beta-sheet flanked on one side by alpha-helices and their C-terminal subdomains containing a four stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet [ 3 , 2 , 4 , 5 ] . There are currently no experimental data for members of this family , and their exact biochemical and biological functions are not known yet .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"We want our users to feel safe when they search the web , and we 're continuously working to identify dangerous sites and increase protection for our users . This warning message appears with search results we 've identified as sites that may install malicious software on your computer : If you click the title of the result , you 'll be shown the following warning rather than being taken immediately to the webpage in question : You can choose to continue to the site at your own risk by copying and pasting the web address directly in the address bar , then pressing Enter on your keyboard . However , be aware that malicious software is often installed without your knowledge or permission when you visit these sites , and can include programs that delete data on your computer , steal personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers , or alter your search results . For more information on these types of sites , please visit StopBadware . org If one of these sites downloads malicious software onto your computer , please read our additional information about reporting these sites and removing the software from your system . If you 're the administrator of a site we 've identified with this warning message , please visit the instructions found in our Webmaster Help Center to resolve the problem . Note that in some cases , third parties can add malicious code to legitimate sites , which would cause us to show the warning message .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"This exclusive package , only available at weekends , will give your group the chance to experience a range of activities of your choosing * and is designed to be a fun and challenging learning experience . The activities encourage individual problem solving and development as well as working as part of a team to achieve success in the tasks and challenges involved . All adventure activities are managed by qualified instructors provided by our AALA Licensed Activity provider ProActive Adventure .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Jason Ulmer ( born December 20 , 1978 ) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player . He ast played for EHC Black Wings Linz of the Austrian Hockey League ( EBEL ) . He previously played with EHC M\u00fcnchen in the Deutsche Eishockey Liga ( DEL ) . On June 20 , 2013 , out of contract with M\u00fcnchen after the 2012 \u2013 13 season , Ulmer signed a one-year contract with EHC Black Wings Linz of the Neighbouring Austrian Hockey League . At the conclusion of the 2015-16 season , his third campaign with the Black Wings , Ulmer announced his retirement from professional hockey on April 2 , 2016 . This biographical article relating to a Canadian ice hockey winger is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Initiatives funded in 2005 Click on the policing division listed below to see a description of all the projects funded for that area in the recent Community Safety Initiative process WESTERN DIVISION ( Incorporating Blackpool , St Annes , Lytham and Kirkham ) has been allocated \u00a3 9,423 to support 11 projects . NORTHERN DIVISION ( Incorporating Lancaster , Fleetwood , Morecambe , Carnforth , Poulton-le-Fylde , Cleveleys and Garstang ) has been allocated \u00a3 6,045 to support 5 projects . SOUTHERN DIVISION ( Incorporating Leyland , Chorley , Penwortham , Bamber Bridge , Skelmersdale and Ormskirk ) has been allocated \u00a3 17,013 to support 19 projects . CENTRAL DIVISION ( Incorporating Preston , Fulwood , Lea , Grimsargh and Goosnargh ) has been allocated \u00a3 7,547 to support 11 projects . EASTERN DIVISION ( Incorporating Blackburn , Accrington , Clitheroe , Darwen , Great Harwood and Longridge ) has been allocated \u00a3 7,990 to support 9 projects . PENNINE DIVISION ( Incorporating Burnley , Colne , Rawtenstall , Bacup , Haslingden , Nelson and Padiham ) has been allocated \u00a3 8,517 to support 12 projects .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Eighth session Kingston , Jamaica 5-16 August 2002 Summary presentations on polymetallic massive sulphide deposits and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts Marine minerals and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea1 A scientific revolution in our understanding of the way the Earth works occurred in the 1970s and early 1980s which significantly expanded our knowledge of marine minerals while the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was being formulated . The scientific revolution entailed a major change in viewing the ocean basins and continents . Before the scientific revolution , the ocean basins were viewed as passive containers for the oceans . The continents and ocean basins were viewed as permanent features that had remained in their present positions through most of Earth's history . The marine mineral provisions of the Convention were written in terms of this old view , which only recognized those marine mineral deposits that had been derived from erosion of land and carried into the ocean in particulate or dissolved form by rivers . These minerals comprised heavy metal deposits ( tin , gold , etc. ) and gemstones ( especially diamonds ) deposited in sediments on continental margins , and manganese nodules precipitated on the floor of the deep ocean from metals dissolved in seawater . The scientific revolution revealed that the ocean basins are dynamic features that open and close on a time scale of millions of years , with concomitant movement of the land areas known as continental drift . The scientific revolution recognized the ocean basins as sources of types of mineral deposits in addition to those previously known . These newly recognized types of marine mineral resources include polymetallic sulphides containing copper , zinc , silver and gold in varying amounts . Polymetallic sulphide deposits are concentrated over thousands of years by seafloor hot springs at sites along an active global submerged volcanic mountain range that extends through all the ocean basins of the world . Polymetallic sulphide deposits also occur at sites associated with volcanic island chains such as those along the western boundary of the Pacific Ocean . Another newly recognized type of marine mineral resource is cobalt-rich iron-manganese crusts that are precipitated over millions of years on the submerged flanks of inactive underwater volcanoes from metals dissolved in seawater derived from input of metals by both rivers and seafloor hot springs . The hot springs not only concentrate polymetallic sulphide deposits and disperse metals into the oceans that contribute to the accumulation of cobalt-rich iron-manganese crusts , but also provide chemical energy from the Earth's interior that is used by microbes for their growth . The microbes are at the base of the food chain of an ecosystem of life forms at the hot springs that is largely independent of the light energy that fuels the photosynthesis in plants at the base of the food chain on land . The microbes are proving important as the source of new compounds for industrial and medical applications , and also include primitive forms that may hold the key to the origin of life . A current challenge is to incorporate these new mineral resources into the Convention regime in a way that protects the valuable life forms that they host . Polymetallic massive sulphide deposits at the modern seafloor and their resource potential2 Since 1979 , polymetallic massive sulphide deposits have been found at water depths up to 3,700 m in a variety of tectonic settings at the modern seafloor , including mid-ocean ridges , back-arc rifts and seamounts . Many of the sulphide deposits consist of a black smoker complex on top of a sulphide mound which commonly is underlain by a stockwork zone . It has been widely established that circulating seawater which is modified in a reaction zone close to a subaxial magma chamber is the principal carrier of metals and sulphur which are leached out of the oceanic basement . Precipitation of massive and stockwork sulphides at and beneath the seafloor takes place in response to mixing of the high-temperature ( up to 400 \u00b0 C ) metal-rich hydrothermal seawater fluid with ambient seawater . Polymetallic seafloor sulphide deposits can reach considerable size ( up to 100 million tonnes ) and often carry high concentrations of copper ( chalcopyrite ) , zinc ( sphalerite ) and lead ( galena ) in addition to gold and silver . It has been clearly documented that the mineralogical and chemical composition of polymetallic massive sulphides at the basalt-dominated mid-ocean ridges differs from those at back-arc spreading centres which are associated with more felsic volcanic rocks ( dacite , rhyolite ) . The latter are more similar to major sulphide deposits that are being mined on land today but which were once formed at spreading centres of paleo-oceans . Extremely high concentrations of gold ( up to 230 g \/ t with an average of 26 g \/ t for 40 samples analysed ) have recently been found in a new type of seafloor mineral deposit located in the crater of an extinct volcano in the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea . The particular style of mineralization and alteration bears many similarities to so-called \" epithermal gold deposits \" so far only known on the continents . In addition to circulating seawater , magmatic fluids carrying high concentrations of gold appear to be a significant metal source and are likely responsible for the strong precious metal enrichment . This type of mineralization is most likely to exist in other arc-related environments of the world's oceans . Due to the high concentration of base and precious metals , seafloor polymetallic sulphide deposits have recently attracted the interest of the international mining industry . The recovery of some of these deposits appears to be both economically and environmentally feasible due to certain advantages over land-based deposits and will likely become a reality within the present decade . Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts : geology , resources and technology3 Cobalt-rich iron-manganese crusts occur throughout the global ocean on seamounts , ridges and plateaux where currents have kept the rocks swept clean of sediments for millions of years . Crusts precipitate from cold ambient seawater onto rock substrates , forming pavements up to 250 mm thick . Crusts are important as a potential resource primarily for cobalt , but also for titanium , cerium , nickel , platinum , manganese , thallium , tellurium , tungsten , bismuth , zirconium and other metals . Crusts form at water depths of about 400-4 , 000 m , with the thickest and most cobalt-rich crusts occurring at depths of about 800-2 , 500 m . Gravity processes such as landslides , as well as sediment cover , submerged and emergent reefs , and currents control the distribution and thickness of crusts . Crusts occur on a wide variety of substrate rocks , making it difficult to distinguish the crusts from the substrate using remotely sensed data , which is an important aspect in terms of developing exploration technologies . Fortunately , crusts can be distinguished from the substrates by their much higher levels of gamma radiation . The physical properties of crusts , such as high mean porosity ( 60 per cent ) and extremely high mean surface area ( 300 m2 \/ g ) , as well as their incredibly slow rates of growth ( 1-6 millimetres per million years ) , are instrumental in allowing for the adsorption of large quantities of economically important metals from seawater onto the crust surfaces . Crusts are composed of the minerals vernadite ( manganese oxide ) and feroxyhyte ( iron oxide ) , with moderate amounts of carbonate fluorapatite ( CFA ) in thick crusts and minor amounts of quartz and feldspar in most crusts . Elements that commonly adsorbed on the vernadite include cobalt , nickel , zinc and thallium , and on the iron oxide , copper , lead , titanium , molybdenum , arsenic , vanadium , tungsten , zirconium , bismuth and tellurium . Bulk crusts contain maximum cobalt contents of up to 1.7 per cent , nickel to 1.1 per cent , and platinum to 1.3 parts per million ( ppm ) . Average cobalt contents of up to 0.5 to 1 per cent for large regions of the oceans make crusts the richest potential ore for cobalt that exists , onshore as well as offshore . Cobalt , nickel , titanium and platinum concentrations decrease , whereas silicon and aluminium increase in continental-margin crusts and in crusts with close proximity to West Pacific volcanic arcs . Vernadite-related elements decrease , whereas iron and copper increase with increasing water depth of crust occurrence . Cobalt , cerium , thallium , titanium , lead , tellurium and platinum are strongly concentrated in crusts over other metals because they are incorporated by oxidation reactions that produce more stable , less mobile compounds . Total rare-earth elements commonly vary between 0.1 per cent and 0.3 per cent and are derived from seawater along with other hydrogenetic elements , cobalt , manganese , nickel , etc. Cerium is a rare-earth element that is strongly enriched in crusts and has important economic potential . The seamounts and ridges on which crusts grow obstruct the flow of oceanic water masses , thereby creating a wide array of seamount-generated currents of generally enhanced energy relative to flow away from the seamounts . The effects of these currents are strongest at the outer rim of the summit region of seamounts , the area where the thickest crusts are found . Those seamount-specific currents also enhance turbulent mixing and produce upwelling , which increases primary productivity . These physical processes affect seamount biological communities , which vary from seamount to seamount . Seamount communities are characterized by relatively low density and low diversity where the crusts are thickest and cobalt-rich . The make-up of the seamount communities is determined by current patterns , topography , bottom sediment and rock types and coverage , seamount size , water depth , and size and magnitude of the oxygen-minimum zone . Environmental impact documents will require a much better understanding of seamount ecosystems and communities than currently exits . About 40 research cruises have been dedicated to the study of cobalt-rich crusts , mainly by Germany , Japan , United States of America , the Republic of Korea , the Russia Federation , China and France . The estimate of 40 cruises does not include some cruises completed by the USSR ( and later the Russia Federation ) and China that are not available to the author . However , based on an estimated 42 research cruises from 1981 through 2001 , it is suggested that minimum expenditures were about US $ 32 million for ship and associated scientific operations related to fieldwork , and $ 42 million for shore-based research , for a total investment of about $ 74 million . Research and development on the technology for mining crusts are only in their infancy . Detailed maps of crust deposits and a comprehensive understanding of small-scale seamount topography are not available , but are required to design the most appropriate mining strategies . Typical field operations for exploration have been to produce SeaBeam bathymetric maps and derivative back-scatter and slope-angle maps , along with seismic profiles , which are used together to select sampling sites . For reconnaissance work , 15 to 20 dredge hauls and cores are taken per seamount . Then video-camera surveys delineate crust , rock and sediment types and distributions , as well as crust thicknesses if possible . These exploration activities require the use of a large , well-equipped research vessel because of the large number of bottom acoustic beacons , the large towed equipment and the volume of samples collected . During advanced stages of exploration and site-specific surveys , it is suggested to use deep-towed side-scan sonar including swath bathymetry , and tethered remotely operated vehicles ( ROVs ) for mapping and delineation of small-scale topography . Extensive sampling of deposits can be accomplished by dredging , coring , using ROVs , and a device to take close-spaced samples that has not yet been developed . Gamma-radiation surveys will delineate crust thicknesses and the existence of crusts under thin blankets of sediment . Current-meter moorings will be required for an understanding of the seamount environment and biological sampling and surveys will be necessary . Twelve criteria have been developed for exploration for and exploitation of crusts : ( a ) Regional criteria ( i ) Large volcanic edifices shallower than 1 , 000-1 , 500 m ; ( ii ) Volcanic edifices older than 20 million years ; ( iii ) Volcanic structures not capped by large atolls or reefs ; ( iv ) Areas of strong and persistent bottom currents ; ( v ) A shallow and well-developed oxygen-minimum zone ; ( vi ) Areas isolated from input of abundant fluvial and eolian debris . ( b ) Site-specific criteria ( vii ) Subdued small-scale topography ; ( viii ) Summit terraces , saddles and passes ; ( ix ) Slope stability ; ( x ) Absence of local volcanism ; ( xi ) Average cobalt contents \u2265 0 . 8 per cent ; ( xii ) Average crust thicknesses \u2265 40 mm . Crust mining is technologically more difficult than manganese nodule mining . Recovery of nodules is relatively easy because they sit on a soft-sediment substrate , whereas crusts are weakly to strongly attached to substrate rock . For successful crust mining , it is essential to recover the crusts without collecting substrate rock , which would significantly dilute the ore grade . Five possible crust mining operations include fragmentation , crushing , lifting , pick-up and separation . The proposed method of crust recovery consists of a bottom-crawling vehicle attached to a surface-mining vessel by means of a hydraulic-pipe lift system and an electrical umbilical . The mining machine provides its own propulsion and travels at a speed of about 20 cm \/ s. Material throughput for the base-case mining scenario is 1,000,000 t \/ y . That scenario allows 80 per cent fragmentation efficiency and 25 per cent dilution of crust with substrate as reasonable miner capabilities . Some new and innovative systems that have been suggested for crust mining include water-jet stripping of crusts from the substrate , in situ leaching techniques and sonic removal of crusts from substrates . These suggestions offer promise and need to be further developed . The importance to the world economy of metals contained in crusts is reflected in their patterns of consumption . The primary uses of manganese , cobalt and nickel are in the manufacture of steel , to which they provide unique characteristics . Cobalt is also used in the electrical , communications , aerospace , and engine and tool manufacturing industries . Nickel is used additionally in chemical plants , petroleum refineries , electrical appliances and motor vehicles . Cobalt is produced as a by-product of copper mining and consequently the supply of cobalt is tied to the demand for copper . This is also true for tellurium , which is produced as a by-product of both copper and gold mining . This uncertainty in supply has caused industry to seek alternatives to cobalt and tellurium , resulting in only a modest growth in their markets over the past decade , and consequently relatively low prices . If substantial alternative sources of these metals are developed , there should be a greater incentive to reintroduce them in products and expanding markets . It has recently been determined that crusts contain metals other than manganese , cobalt , nickel , copper and platinum that may offer additional incentives in recovery . For example , titanium has the highest value after cobalt , cerium has a greater value than nickel , zirconium is equivalent to nickel , and tellurium has nearly twice the value of copper . This analysis assumes that economic extractive metallurgy can be developed for each of those metals . Based on grade , tonnage and oceanographic conditions , the central-equatorial Pacific region offers the best potential for crust mining , particularly the exclusive economic zone of Johnston Island ( United States ) , the Marshall Islands and international waters in the Mid-Pacific Mountains , although the exclusive economic zone of French Polynesia , Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia should also be considered . Supplies of the many metals found in crusts are essential for maintaining the efficiency of modern industrial societies and in improving the standard of living in the twenty-first century . There is a growing recognition that cobalt-rich crusts are an important potential resource . Accordingly , it is necessary to fill the information gap concerning various aspects of crust mining through research , exploration and technology development . Sulphide mineral resource exploitation and the hydrothermal vent fauna4 More than 500 new animal species have been described from deep-sea hydrothermal vents since their discovery in 1977 . Deep-sea vents have a high scientific value because they contain a large number of endemic and unusual species and are refuges for close relatives of ancient forms of life . Because they are visually spectacular , extreme environments , vent ecosystems have generated widespread public interest and are a resource which can be used to inform the public about earth processes and the way in which scientists work . It is not currently possible to predict how rapidly vent sites may recover from mining operations . Some organisms will be directly killed by mining machinery , while others nearby risk smothering by material settling from plumes of particulate matter . Individuals surviving these perturbations would be subject to a radical change in habitat , and the exploited sites will have a lesser scientific and educational value . Long-lived vent fields that host the largest mineral deposits are likely to be the most ecologically stable and have the highest biodiversity . A concentration of mining activities at such sites could produce regional effects on biological processes and organism abundance , to the point where the survival of some species could become an issue . The management or protection of all of the world's marine hydrothermal and seep sites is an unrealistic goal . Discussions should focus instead on the criteria for identifying sites for future protection that are of critical importance , or particularly sensitive to disturbance , because of their scientific or educational value or their significance for species survival . Notes 1 Peter A. Roma , Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences , Rutgers University , New Jersey , United States of America . 2 Peter M. Herzig , Freiberg University of Mining and Technology , Germany . 3 James R. Hein , President , International Marine Minerals Society . Kim Juniper , Universit\u00e9 du Qu\u00e9bec , Montr\u00e9al , Canada .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Councils will not slow down despite recycling target capping 15 December 2004 High-performing councils have said they will not be slowing down their recycling efforts even though the government has capped all recycling targets at 30 % . Concern had been expressed this week that high-performing councils might ease off their recycling efforts because Defra decided to limit recycling targets for 2005 \/ 06 . Just over 100 English councils had been set household waste recycling targets of 30 % or higher before Defra's ruling late last week . But many of the high-performing councils have said that they will still aim to reach the 30 % mark or higher . Some authorities believe that Defra's decision may have been taken to win pre-election favour by limiting pressure on the Council Tax . They feel that recycling targets will go up again after an election . Other reasons given by the councils for not slowing their recycling included forthcoming Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme targets , recycling grants provided by Defra and the importance of maintaining public motivation for recycling . Several councils stated that , due to the increase in waste produced by their residents , they were unlikely to achieve the original targets , and some said 30 % was still too high . In total 103 councils are affected by the recycling cap , with those such as Daventry and Lichfield district councils already achieving household waste recycling rates above 40 % . \u00a9 letsrecycle.com 2004 . All rights reserved .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Keywords : Elastic scattering , Coulomb excitation , Relativistic collisions , Coupled-channels , Nuclear excitation , Nuclear physics , Direct reaction . Classification : 17.11 . Nature of problem : The program calculates elastic scattering differential cross sections , probabilities , and cross sections for inelastic scattering in nuclear collisions at intermediate and high energies ( Elab > = 50 MeV \/ nucleon ) . It is particularly useful in the analysis of experiments with stable and unstable nuclear beams running at several intermediate-energy heavy ion accelerators around the world . Solution method : Eikonal wavefunctions are used for the scattering . For each \" impact parameter \" entering the scattering matrix elements , one solves coupled-channels equations for the time dependent Coulomb + nuclear field expanded into multipoles . A four-point Runge-Kutta procedure is used to solve the coupled-channels equations . The elastic scattering is calculated purely with the eikonal approximation . The coupled-channels is a separate calculation for the inelastic amplitudes . The inelastic couplings , therefore , have no effect on the obtained elastic scattering cross sections . Running time : Almost all the CPU time is consumed by the solution of the coupled-channels equations . It is about 2 min on a 1GHz Intel P4-processor machine for the inclusion of 5 nuclear states .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"WEST BRITON , July 13 , 1838 John KINSMAN , 23 , was charged with having feloniously broken into the dwelling house of William TREVAN , and stolen therefrom 37 sovereigns , seven half-crowns , and three shillings . Mr. E. Coode having stated the case called William TREVAN , who said that he lived in Will Town , in the parish of St. Dominick ; he as a labouring man , and worked under the surveyor of roads . Had a wife , but no family , was in the habit of purchasing barley , potatoes , and other things for feeding pigs ; his wife had been a very independent woman , and had contrived to save some money . In the month of April , prosecutor had 37 sovereigns , seven half-crowns , and three shillings ; he kept it in a large red pocket-book , in a little box locked ; it was kept by his bed-side ; his house consisted of a bed-room , a room under the back house , a pig's house , and garden ; there was another house under the same roof , occupied by a neighbour ; there was a door leading from the kitchen to the back room , and another into the orchard ; saw the money last on the 29th of April ; his wife went to the box after that , and witness went on Sunday the 6th of May ; the pocket-book then contained the money ; remembered Wednesday , the 9th of May ; having passed through the back-door , witness barred it , and let the dropper fall , to prevent the bar being pushed back ; went to work at six o ' clock , and left his wife at home ; she was in the habit of going to work too ; Wednesday was Callington market day , and it was arranged that witness and his wife should meet there in the evening ; his wife was about nine years ago an inmate of the lunatic asylum ; she recovered from that illness and remained well until now ; witness left her at home ; she had been confined three weeks , and was not able to come and give evidence ; in consequence of what she told witness on Wednesday , he went home and examined the door of the back house ; there was a great hole broken in about half way up the door that leads from the orchard , and which he had barred in the morning . Witness found the box in the back-house ; the clothes were tumbled , and the box had been opened ; did not find his pocket-book or money there ; witness found two crooked sticks in the orchard , by which one of the doors could be opened after the hole was made . Knew the prisoner , he once occupied a room over the back house ; he was in the habit of coming to witness' house a great deal , and knew the premises very well ; he was there on the 5th of May , and witness did not see him between that day and the 9th . The prisoner was a miner . Cross-examined by Mr. John - Witness left his wife at home ; was quite sure that on the 6th of May , the prisoner did not rob the money , though it was on a Sunday night . Witness never showed the money to the prisoner , but his wife told the wife of the prisoner what money they had . Re-examined : Was at home when the prisoner called on the 6th of May , and they both left together ; the prisoner's wife left a waiter and umbrella for half-a-crown that prosecutor lent the prisoner to pay his rent ; his mother came shortly afterwards to redeem the umbrella and left the waiter ; the prisoner came on the 6th to know whether he might have the waiter and witness replied in the affirmative . The prisoner lived at Calstock . Thomas Peters lived at Metherill , between Calstock and Will Town ; recollected seeing the prisoner at Metherill on the day of the robbery between seven and eight o ' clock in the morning ; he went towards Callington where he said he was going . Cross-examined : Metherill was about two miles from Will Town . It was the high road where the prisoner was , and witness had seen him there many times before . Abraham BODDY lives at Metherill , and was at Callington on the day of the robbery ; on his return , he met the prisoner , between eight and nine in the morning , at a place called Cleave , and said he would be going from Will Town to Callington ; by going through a wood from Cleeve to Will Town , nearly half a mile would be saved , and the prisoner might have gone that way . The prisoner had his jacket off , and was walking at a pretty good pace . Cross-examined by Mr. Bennallack - Mertherill lies east from Will Town , and Cleave lies between both . Joseph COCKING examined : I live at Latchley , in the parish of Calstock ; am captain and manager of Gunnis Lake mine ; the last pay-day of April was the 28th ; that was also a setting day ; knows the prisoner ; he came there on the 28th , and took a pitch on the mine ; after the day was over , we had several who applied to have some money lent to them , and the prisoner applied for the loan of 5s . I refused to lend it , because he had not worked ; he said he had no money to live upon , and I told him that if he would work a short time I would lend him some ; he came to work after the 28th , and on the 3rd of May I went down with him . I came up with him on Monday the 7th , and I do not know that he again came on the mine till the next Wednesday , when I was sent for about ten o ' clock ; I was on the western part of the mine , and was sent for to come down to the smith's shop , where the prisoner was making a disturbance , having beat his wife and knocked down his sister ; he had his clothes in a bundle ; I told him he must leave the mine - that he should not work there any more ; he said he would not leave , and I went to put him off the mine , and said \" you have not a shilling to live upon , and why do you act in this way ? \" He said \" I can show more sovereigns than you can . \" I said \" where did you get sovereigns from - for it is very strange , as when you came here you were starving . \" He did not show me any ; I had not paid him any wages between the 28th of April and that time . Abel HARPER sworn : I am a miner living in Calstock , and working at Gunnis Lake Mine ; I know a beer shop kept there by a person called Doidge ; it is not very far from Gunnis Lake ; I was there on the 5th of May , and recollect seeing the prisoner there about nine o ' clock in the evening ; he asked me whether I would go to Tavistock with him the next day ; he said I should have a sovereign if I wanted it , to go along with him the next day ; I saw one sovereign ; I agreed to go with him ; I went with him and his brother . On the road to Tavistock we stopped at different homes and took refreshments for which the prisoner and his brother paid ; on the road between Gunnis Lake he showed me some sovereigns ; when we got to Tavistock , we had plenty to eat and drink ; we went to a shop where they sold drapery , and the prisoner and his brother purchased six silk handkerchiefs and two pair of stockings ; saw the money paid , but ca n't say how much ; we then went to a beer shop kept by Lamb , and the prisoner purchased a gun there ; the price of it was two sovereigns , and he paid for it in sovereigns ; then the prisoner also purchased the jacket he has on and a waistcoat and hat ; he gave \u00a3 1 for the coat ; the hat cost 9s . , and he paid for both . His brother is a miner . We then went home , and I had as much meat and drink as I pleased ; he paid for all . William CROCKER examined : I am a constable and farmer residing at Calstock ; in consequence of the robbery I went in search of the prisoner with a person named Crab , and saw him in a public house at Calstock town ; I told him that he was suspected of the robbery , as , the day before , he had had money lavishing pretty freely ; he said he had not committed any robbery ; he said nothing else to me ; I took him into custody ; I went out to look after my horse , and was absent about a quarter of an hour ; on my return , Crab said the prisoner had said \" this is the hand that got the money , and Trevan shall never have it . \" I do n't recollect that the prisoner said anything to that ; all he said to me was that he had not done it . William CRAB corroborated the testimony given by Mr. Crocker , swearing distinctly to the confession made by the prisoner in Mr. Crocker's absence . The witness underwent a long cross-examination , by Mr. John , relative to his pursuits in life , from which it appeared he had twice been in the London police , but he had both times obtained leave to quit the service . He had , since then , occupied himself occasionally at his trade as a woolstapler , and had otherwise whiled away his leisure as a bailiff's follower . These things Mr. John did not forget to comment upon in his address to the jury , but the Learned Chairman afterwards said that there was nothing dishonourable in any of these pursuits when properly followed , as appeared to be the case in the present instance . The last witness called was Susan MORGAN , the mother-in-law of the prisoner , who stated that on the 9th of May , the prisoner paid her 24s . which he had owed her for nearly twelve months . Mr. John having addressed the jury , the Chairman summed up , and the jury found the prisoner guilty of the larceny but not of house-breaking . The Court sentenced him to seven years' transportation . On hearing his sentence , the prisoner said , with great nonchalance , \" I 'd rather be transported for life than go home to my wife . \"","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary Definition : to remove or modify objectionable portions of something , especially in a film , television program , or book Synonyms : edit , examine , police , scrutinize , cut , amend , filter Antonyms : allow , approve Tips : When censor is used as a noun , it can refer to the person who does the job of sorting through material to remove that which is objectionable . The related noun censorship refers to the scrutinizing and filtering of media or other forms of expression . Usage Examples : Many parents are turning to customized filters to help censor the information to which their children have access online . ( filter , edit ) The censor spent many hours reviewing the film before determining that it was suitable for television . ( editor , critic ) noun The cartoonist objected when the news magazine editor censored his latest work for fear of public outrage . ( cut ) Most musicians object to any censorship of their work . ( scrutinizing , editing , filtering ) noun","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Bondage Breaker ( With Study Guide ) ( Revised ) Anderson Neil T Knowing your spiritual identity and position in Christ is the essential truth that can set you free from habitual sins negative thoughts and irrational feelings . This best selling book will teach you who you are in Jesus and what it means to be God's child . Monarch Books \u00a3 7.99 The Book of God Walter Wangerin Reviewed The best-selling retelling of the Bible as an epic novel - for those who 've always meant to read the Bible but got stuck at Genesis . Paperback from Lion Publishing Available in North America from Zondervan Publishing House \u00a3 9.99 NRSV , The Book of Gospels A fine-bound Book of Gospels , for use in the celebration of communion Leather bound from Oxford University Press \u00a3 100.00 A Book of Prayers for the First Years of Marriage Prayers old and new in an elegant gift book to use and to treasure . Hardback from Lion Publishing \u00a3 6.99 Book of Ruth Murray D. G ow Its structure , theme and purpose A carefully-researched , well-written study of the book of Ruth which deepens understanding of one of the world's literary masterpieces . Hardback from IVP \u00a3 26.99 Born Again 2 Corrinthians 5 : 17 Picture of statue with person \" casting off \" the old , revealing the new . poster from Victory Tracts \u00a3 8.00 Born In A Stable Illustrated and modelled by experienced children's artist Charlote Stowell , this is an original retelling of the story of Christmas bringing the nativity to life in a charming and most unusual way . With photographs of modelled figures in lifelike scenes complete with buildings and interiors . Candle Books \u00a3 6.99 A Box Of Delights John J & Stibbe Mark An A-Z of over 400 of the funniest wisest and most poignant stories proverbs jokes and one-liners . This wonderful resource from two of Britain's best loved Christian communicators is ideal for preachers as well as general readers . Monarch Books \u00a3 8.99 Boxing Lamb ( cartoon ) ( landscape ) Tony Trimmer A3 poster using text from Romans 8 . Part of the TT series of multi cultural bible text posters . Also available as VTtA2015 in A2 size A3 Poster from Victory Tracts \u00a3 4.00 Boxing Lamb ( cartoon ) ( landscape ) Tony Trimmer A2 poster using text from Romans 8 . Part of the TT series of multi cultural bible text posters . Also available as VTTA3015 in A3 size A2 Poster from Victory Tracts","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"In her first live performance since last year's breathtaking Olympics opening ceremony in Athens , Bj\u00f6rk is set to headline the Tokyo benefit for Live8 on July 2nd . Given the time difference , the show at the 20,000 capacity Makuhari Messe will actually be the first Live8 event to take place throughout the world . Other acts on the bill include Good Charlotte , McFly & many of Japan's biggest stars . It 's a big weekend for the Icelandic star as her new film Drawing Restraint 9 premieres in a Japanese art gallery the previous night .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Take Action \u2013 Now ! If it 's going to be , it 's up to me In my clinical practice , I treat people who suffer from just about every imaginable emotional malady \u2013 depression , anxiety , anger , addictions , eating disorders , sexual malfunctions , obsessions and compulsions , borderline personality disorders , impulsive acting out , relationship dysfunction , and on and on . To every single one of my patients , I emphasize how important it is for them to step up to the plate and take responsibility for their recovery . How do I do this ? I first help them understand the precise nature and cause of their problems . Then , in the spirit of what the psychologist Carl Rogers taught , \" Insight is necessary but not sufficient , \" I do my best to convince them that , to get better , they need to work hard , really hard , not only during our sessions , but also in the days between our sessions . I tell them : \" The measly forty-five minutes you spend with me each week pales in comparison to the hours you spend with yourself , unwittingly rehearsing and practicing your irrational thinking and dysfunctional behavior . I 'll do everything in my power to teach you what to do , but , if you do n't work your therapy every day , you could very well come to our next appointment next week worse than better . \" In this vein , I make it a point to never let a patient leave my office without at least one between-session therapy assignment . It can be some therapeutic reading , a cognitive restructuring assignment , a behavioral task , or some combination of all three . It never fails that when patients works their therapy , every day , with vigor and focus , they get better . The same dedication to work applies to creating happiness . All the wonderful happiness strategies in the world will be for naught unless you are willing to use them to bring happiness into your life . If you work them , life will get better . If you do n't , it wo n't . It 's that simple . ACT So , dear reader , here 's your chance to get organized , get focused , and most important , get to work to increase your happiness quotient . I share below a three-step process I call ACT \u2013 A refers to creating your Action Plan for Happiness ; C has to do with your massive Commitment to do what it takes to bring more pleasure , satisfaction , and happiness into your life ; T means Turning On the Action . So , let 's swing into ACTion \u2013 now ! Action Plan For Happiness Starting way back on February 19 , 2013 , and then each month thereafter , I have published a series of thirty blogs , each with a profound , powerful happiness action strategy . The first ten focused on ways to be happy with yourself ( blogs 2 \/ 19 \/ 13 \u2013 10 \/ 31 \/ 13 ) , the next ten on how to create happiness with others ( 11 \/ 30 \/ 13 \u2013 8 \/ 31 \/ 14 ) , and the last ten on ways to be happy with life in general ( 9 \/ 30 \/ 14 \u2013 6 \/ 30 \/ 15 ) . In each package of ten , the first five strategies are cognitive or attitudinal , the second five behavioral things to do . Whether you 've followed my blogs month-by-month , logged in here and there , or are a first-timer , I suggest that you take the time to browse through these blogs . This may take some time and energy on your part . But , I think your happiness is worth it , do n't you ? Once you 've done this , you are to select one strategy you will begin to do to be happier with yourself , with others , and with life . Write them down below . For each , make notes about where , when , and with whom you 'll act out these strategies . My Action Plan Happiness With Self Strategy : Happiness With Others Strategy : Happiness With Life Strategy : Commitment All right , great job ! You 've created a concrete happiness action plan that can add tons of pleasure and satisfaction to your life . But , all the plans in the world , without action , will be useless . You need to commit to follow through . Consider what the genius , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : \" At the moment of commitment , the entire universe conspires to assist you . \" Here now are three ways for you to get and stay motivated to act out your Action Plan for Happiness each and every day . 1 . Benefits \/ Costs . Too often people focus on how difficult and cumbersome it is to do what is good for them . They tell themselves , \" It 's too hard , \" \" I do n't have the time , \" \" I 've got too much to do . \" Worse , they often also focus on the benefits of the short-range pleasure of lounging and doing nothing : \" I think I 'll just flip on the TV \/ read the newspaper while I sip coffee \/ kick up my feet and close my eyes . \" Unwittingly , this combination of focusing on the cost of action and on the pleasures of inaction demotivates them from acting to bring themselves long-range happiness . You want to reverse this by using costs and benefits to your advantage . What you want to do is focus both on the benefits of following through on your happiness action plan and the costs of inaction . If you keep clear about the benefits of doing and the costs of not doing , you strengthen your commitment to act . Now , take a few minutes to identify as many benefits to acting on your happiness action plan and as many costs as you to not acting . Remember : Your happiness may very well depend on your motivation . My Benefit \/ Cost Motivator The Profound Benefits of Happiness Action : The Profound Cost of Happiness Inaction : 2 . Rewards and Punishments . It is human nature to move toward pleasure and away from pain . The good news is that you can purposely use pleasure and pain to your advantage by rewarding yourself for acting on your action plan and punishing yourself for choosing not to act . Take a few minutes to do the exercise below . My Reward \/ Punishment Plan Reward : What do I have available every day that I enjoy ( e.g. , reading the newspaper , lounging in the hot tub , dessert ) that I will only allow myself to enjoy if I act on my Action Plan ? Punishment : What is something I dislike that I will use to punish myself for failing to act on my Action Plan ( e.g. , cleaning the bathroom , sending a $ 50 check to your least favorite political candidate , doing 25 push-ups ) ? 3 . Support . Athletes have coaches , creative writers have editors , politicians have advisers . These individuals recognize that it is next to impossible for them to create the results they 're after without a strong support system . The same goes for people like you and me who want to be happier in our lives . It is always helpful to have people who will commit themselves to supporting us to achieve our goals . Below , list three people you trust whom you will ask to support you on following through on your Action Plan for Happiness . What exactly will you ask them to do ? Turning On The Action The last and most important step is for you to act . Yes , act . Nothing ever happens without a person doing what is necessary to make it happen . Let me quote again from Goethe : \" Knowing is not enough ; we must apply . Willing is not enough ; we must do . \" So , now , right now , begin the process of integrating your Action Plan into the fabric of your life . To help you hold yourself accountable , I offer to you the following chart for you to record what you have done . Make fifty-two copies . Then , each week check off daily when you have acted on your plan . Going Forward I want to end this blog by quoting , one last time , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe . He said : \" Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it . Boldness has genius , power and magic in it . \" There 's so much wisdom in that quote . But , to pare it down to its basics , it communicates in beautiful words what I 've preached throughout this blog : act , act boldly , because that , and only that , is the royal road to bring happiness into your life . Please , for you , not for me , begin to act on your Action Plan for Happiness , for your boldness has the power to magically change your life for the better . As always , know that I support you in your quest for Happiness on Purpose . Contact me at anytime by email and I will respond . Looking ahead , I will devote the next several blogs to teaching you how to bring more happiness into your relationship with your significant other . I look forward to it , as I hope you do . In the meantime , live healthy , happy , and with passion .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Chapter indexed HTML of Villette , the novel by Charlotte Bronte ebooks of essential English literature free to read online sponsored external link to Lighting site II - Paulina Some days elapsed , and it appeared she was not likely to take much of a fancy to anybody in the house . She was not exactly naughty or wilful : she was far from disobedient ; but an object less conducive to comfort--to tranquillity even--than she presented , it was scarcely possible to have before one's eyes . She moped : no grown person could have performed that uncheering business better ; no furrowed face of adult exile , longing for Europe at Europe's antipodes , ever bore more legibly the signs of home sickness than did her infant visage . She seemed growing old and unearthly . I , Lucy Snowe , plead guiltless of that curse , an overheated and discursive imagination ; but whenever , opening a room-door , I found her seated in a corner alone , her head in her pigmy hand , that room seemed to me not inhabited , but haunted . And again , when of moonlight nights , on waking , I beheld her figure , white and conspicuous in its night-dress , kneeling upright in bed , and praying like some Catholic or Methodist enthusiast--some precocious fanatic or untimely saint--I scarcely know what thoughts I had ; but they ran risk of being hardly more rational and healthy than that child's mind must have been . I seldom caught a word of her prayers , for they were whispered low : sometimes , indeed , they were not whispered at all , but put up unuttered ; such rare sentences as reached my ear still bore the burden , \" Papa ; my dear papa ! \" This , I perceived , was a one-idea 'd nature ; betraying that monomaniac tendency I have ever thought the most unfortunate with which man or woman can be cursed . What might have been the end of this fretting , had it continued unchecked , can only be conjectured : it received , however , a sudden turn . One afternoon , Mrs. Bretton , coaxing her from her usual station in a corner , had lifted her into the window-seat , and , by way of occupying her attention , told her to watch the passengers and count how many ladies should go down the street in a given time . She had sat listlessly , hardly looking , and not counting , when--my eye being fixed on hers--I witnessed in its iris and pupil a startling transfiguration . These sudden , dangerous natures--_sensitive_ as they are called--offer many a curious spectacle to those whom a cooler temperament has secured from participation in their angular vagaries . The fixed and heavy gaze swum , trembled , then glittered in fire ; the small , overcast brow cleared ; the trivial and dejected features lit up ; the sad countenance vanished , and in its place appeared a sudden eagerness , an intense expectancy . \" It _is_ ! \" were her words . Like a bird or a shaft , or any other swift thing , she was gone from the room , How she got the house-door open I can not tell ; probably it might be ajar ; perhaps Warren was in the way and obeyed her behest , which would be impetuous enough . I--watching calmly from the window -- saw her , in her black frock and tiny braided apron ( to pinafores she had an antipathy ) , dart half the length of the street ; and , as I was on the point of turning , and quietly announcing to Mrs. Bretton that the child was run out mad , and ought instantly to be pursued , I saw her caught up , and rapt at once from my cool observation , and from the wondering stare of the passengers . A gentleman had done this good turn , and now , covering her with his cloak , advanced to restore her to the house whence he had seen her issue . I concluded he would leave her in a servant's charge and withdraw ; but he entered : having tarried a little while below , he came up-stairs . His reception immediately explained that he was known to Mrs. Bretton . She recognised him ; she greeted him , and yet she was fluttered , surprised , taken unawares . Her look and manner were even expostulatory ; and in reply to these , rather than her words , he said , -- \" I could not help it , madam : I found it impossible to leave the country without seeing with my own eyes how she settled . \" \" But you will unsettle her . \" \" I hope not . And how is papa's little Polly ? \" This question he addressed to Paulina , as he sat down and placed her gently on the ground before him . \" How is Polly's papa ? \" was the reply , as she leaned on his knee , and gazed up into his face . It was not a noisy , not a wordy scene : for that I was thankful ; but it was a scene of feeling too brimful , and which , because the cup did not foam up high or furiously overflow , only oppressed one the more . On all occasions of vehement , unrestrained expansion , a sense of disdain or ridicule comes to the weary spectator's relief ; whereas I have ever felt most burdensome that sort of sensibility which bends of its own will , a giant slave under the sway of good sense . Mr. Home was a stern-featured--perhaps I should rather say , a hard - featured man : his forehead was knotty , and his cheekbones were marked and prominent . The character of his face was quite Scotch ; but there was feeling in his eye , and emotion in his now agitated countenance . His northern accent in speaking harmonised with his physiognomy . He was at once proud-looking and homely-looking . He laid his hand on the child's uplifted head . She said -- \" Kiss Polly . \" He kissed her . I wished she would utter some hysterical cry , so that I might get relief and be at ease . She made wonderfully little noise : she seemed to have got what she wanted--_all_ she wanted , and to be in a trance of content . Neither in mien nor in features was this creature like her sire , and yet she was of his strain : her mind had been filled from his , as the cup from the flagon . Indisputably , Mr. Home owned manly self-control , however he might secretly feel on some matters . \" Polly , \" he said , looking down on his little girl , \" go into the hall ; you will see papa's great-coat lying on a chair ; put your hand into the pockets , you will find a pocket - handkerchief there ; bring it to me . \" She obeyed ; went and returned deftly and nimbly . He was talking to Mrs. Bretton when she came back , and she waited with the handkerchief in her hand . It was a picture , in its way , to see her , with her tiny stature , and trim , neat shape , standing at his knee . Seeing that he continued to talk , apparently unconscious of her return , she took his hand , opened the unresisting fingers , insinuated into them the handkerchief , and closed them upon it one by one . He still seemed not to see or to feel her ; but by-and-by , he lifted her to his knee ; she nestled against him , and though neither looked at nor spoke to the other for an hour following , I suppose both were satisfied . During tea , the minute thing's movements and behaviour gave , as usual , full occupation to the eye . First she directed Warren , as he placed the chairs . \" Put papa's chair here , and mine near it , between papa and Mrs. Bretton : _I_ must hand his tea . \" She took her own seat , and beckoned with her hand to her father . \" Be near me , as if we were at home , papa . \" And again , as she intercepted his cup in passing , and would stir the sugar , and put in the cream herself , \" I always did it for you at home ; papa : nobody could do it as well , not even your own self . \" Throughout the meal she continued her attentions : rather absurd they were . The sugar-tongs were too wide for one of her hands , and she had to use both in wielding them ; the weight of the silver cream-ewer , the bread-and-butter plates , the very cup and saucer , tasked her insufficient strength and dexterity ; but she would lift this , hand that , and luckily contrived through it all to break nothing . Candidly speaking , I thought her a little busy-body ; but her father , blind like other parents , seemed perfectly content to let her wait on him , and even wonderfully soothed by her offices . \" She is my comfort ! \" he could not help saying to Mrs. Bretton . That lady had her own \" comfort \" and nonpareil on a much larger scale , and , for the moment , absent ; so she sympathised with his foible . This second \" comfort \" came on the stage in the course of the evening . I knew this day had been fixed for his return , and was aware that Mrs. Bretton had been expecting him through all its hours . We were seated round the fire , after tea , when Graham joined our circle : I should rather say , broke it up--for , of course , his arrival made a bustle ; and then , as Mr. Graham was fasting , there was refreshment to be provided . He and Mr. Home met as old acquaintance ; of the little girl he took no notice for a time . His meal over , and numerous questions from his mother answered , he turned from the table to the hearth . Opposite where he had placed himself was seated Mr. Home , and at his elbow , the child . When I say _child_ I use an inappropriate and undescriptive term--a term suggesting any picture rather than that of the demure little person in a mourning frock and white chemisette , that might just have fitted a good-sized doll--perched now on a high chair beside a stand , whereon was her toy work-box of white varnished wood , and holding in her hands a shred of a handkerchief , which she was professing to hem , and at which she bored perseveringly with a needle , that in her fingers seemed almost a skewer , pricking herself ever and anon , marking the cambric with a track of minute red dots ; occasionally starting when the perverse weapon--swerving from her control--inflicted a deeper stab than usual ; but still silent , diligent , absorbed , womanly . Graham was at that time a handsome , faithless-looking youth of sixteen . I say faithless-looking , not because he was really of a very perfidious disposition , but because the epithet strikes me as proper to describe the fair , Celtic ( not Saxon ) character of his good looks ; his waved light auburn hair , his supple symmetry , his smile frequent , and destitute neither of fascination nor of subtlety ( in no bad sense ) . A spoiled , whimsical boy he was in those days . \" Mother , \" he said , after eyeing the little figure before him in silence for some time , and when the temporary absence of Mr. Home from the room relieved him from the half-laughing bashfulness , which was all he knew of timidity --- \" Mother , I see a young lady in the present society to whom I have not been introduced . \" \" Mr. Home's little girl , I suppose you mean , \" said his mother . \" Indeed , ma ' am , \" replied her son , \" I consider your expression of the least ceremonious : Miss Home _I_ should certainly have said , in venturing to speak of the gentlewoman to whom I allude . \" \" Now , Graham , I will not have that child teased . Do n't flatter yourself that I shall suffer you to make her your butt . \" \" Miss Home , \" pursued Graham , undeterred by his mother's remonstrance , \" might I have the honour to introduce myself , since no one else seems willing to render you and me that service ? Your slave , John Graham Bretton . \" She looked at him ; he rose and bowed quite gravely . She deliberately put down thimble , scissors , work ; descended with precaution from her perch , and curtsying with unspeakable seriousness , said , \" How do you do ? \" \" I have the honour to be in fair health , only in some measure fatigued with a hurried journey . I hope , ma ' am , I see you well ? \" \" Tor-rer-ably well , \" was the ambitious reply of the little woman and she now essayed to regain her former elevation , but finding this could not be done without some climbing and straining--a sacrifice of decorum not to be thought of--and being utterly disdainful of aid in the presence of a strange young gentleman , she relinquished the high chair for a low stool : towards that low stool Graham drew in his chair . \" I hope , ma ' am , the present residence , my mother's house , appears to you a convenient place of abode ? \" \" Not par-tic-er-er-ly ; I want to go home . \" \" A natural and laudable desire , ma ' am ; but one which , notwithstanding , I shall do my best to oppose . I reckon on being able to get out of you a little of that precious commodity called amusement , which mamma and Mistress Snowe there fail to yield me . \" \" I shall have to go with papa soon : I shall not stay long at your mother's . \" \" Yes , yes ; you will stay with me , I am sure . I have a pony on which you shall ride , and no end of books with pictures to show you . \" \" Are _you_ going to live here now ? \" \" I am . Does that please you ? Do you like me ? \" \" No. \" \" Why ? \" \" I think you queer . \" \" My face , ma ' am ? \" \" Your face and all about you : You have long red hair . \" \" Auburn hair , if you please : mamma , calls it auburn , or golden , and so do all her friends . But even with my ' long red hair ' \" ( and he waved his mane with a sort of triumph--tawny he himself well knew that it was , and he was proud of the leonine hue ) , \" I can not possibly be queerer than is your ladyship . \" \" You call me queer ? \" \" Certainly . \" ( After a pause ) , \" I think I shall go to bed . \" \" A little thing like you ought to have been in bed many hours since ; but you probably sat up in the expectation of seeing me ? \" \" No , indeed . \" \" You certainly wished to enjoy the pleasure of my society . You knew I was coming home , and would wait to have a look at me . \" \" I sat up for papa , and not for you . \" \" Very good , Miss Home . I am going to be a favourite : preferred before papa soon , I daresay . \" She wished Mrs. Bretton and myself good-night ; she seemed hesitating whether Graham's deserts entitled him to the same attention , when he caught her up with one hand , and with that one hand held her poised aloft above his head . She saw herself thus lifted up on high , in the glass over the fireplace . The suddenness , the freedom , the disrespect of the action were too much . \" For shame , Mr. Graham ! \" was her indignant cry , \" put me down ! \" -- and when again on her feet , \" I wonder what you would think of me if I were to treat you in that way , lifting you with my hand \" ( raising that mighty member ) \" as Warren lifts the little cat . \" So saying , she departed .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Domestic Violence - A Workplace Issue She was one of the top customer service reps in the company . To her coworkers , Suzanne seemed to have it all - a doting husband , children , a lovely home and a successful career . Every night at the end of her shift , her husband was waiting outside in their car for her , and she was out the door promptly at five . One day her manager approached her just before quitting time and asked to speak with her in his office . She became flustered and asked if it could n't wait until the next day . He shrugged her off . \" It 'll only take a few minutes . I wo n't keep you long . \" He was true to his word but when Suzanne opened the door to leave her manager's office , her fuming husband was standing there . He ordered her to go to the car . What Suzanne's colleagues did n't know was that she spent the following two days being insulted , assaulted and locked in her own bedroom , all at the hands of her \" devoted \" husband . What is domestic violence ? Domestic violence ( also called battering or intimate partner violence ) is a pattern of abusive behaviour used by a person to gain power and control over his or her partner in an intimate relationship . The abusive behaviour can include intimidation , verbal abuse , emotional attacks , threats or use of violence , sexual assault , and homicide . The batterer may also use other means to control his or her victim , such as controlling finances , interfering in the victim's work , isolation , limited or no communication , blaming , apologies , promises to change and gifts . Victims of domestic violence come from all walks of life , however the majority are women . The SafeWork website reports that in the United States , 1 in 3 women will report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives . Domestic violence tends to become more severe over time with the highest number of assaults and homicides occurring after victims leave their abusive partners . So why is domestic violence a workplace issue ? When a victim leaves the abusive relationship , the abuser knows that the one place the victim can be found is at work . Ten signs of domestic violence If you suspect that one of your employees or colleagues may be in an abusive relationship , look for a pattern of these signs : Injuries such as bruises , black eyes , or broken bones with no , or unlikely explanations such as blaming the injuries on falls or being clumsy Large number of phone calls , emails , and texts from a current or former partner and reluctance to respond to them Disruptive visits to work by current or former partner What employers can do As an employer , you have the power to keep your employees safe at work . Ultimately , this will also protect your community as well as your company's bottom line . You can start by developing a domestic violence policy . You can also train your managers , supervisors and all employees about proper response steps , and raise awareness about the issue . Train managers and supervisors to : recognize - be aware of signs of violence for potential victims and abusers refer - know who to call internally and externally if a situation of domestic violence becomes known Training should include issues of privacy and confidentiality . Start a program in your workplace to address domestic violence : Make prevention of and response to domestic violence part of your workplace violence prevention program . Create awareness by talking about domestic violence with your employees . Communicate that your workplace is a safe environment for them to reach out for help with domestic violence . Provide employees with information on how to recognize the signs of a troublesome or abusive relationship so they know when to seek assistance for themselves or for co-workers . Make information on counseling and support resources available both inside and outside the organization . Educate employees regarding security procedures available to keep themselves and others safe in the workplace , including where and how to report a potential threat and how to avoid unintentionally giving the abuser access to the victim . remove the employee's name and phone number from automated phone messages or directories ; do n't give out any employee's personal information to others ; ensure the employee knows the specifics of your workplace policy and how to report any incident or threat ; rework the employee's work assignment or schedule . Develop an effective workplace response to domestic violence that includes an organizational safety plan as well as working with victims to develop individualized workplace safety plans . Domestic violence is a workplace issue . In April 2009 Ontario tabled Bill 168 , an act to amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act . The proposed bill specifically addressed the issue of domestic violence in the workplace by requiring Ontario employers to \" take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances \" to protect workers from domestic violence that would likely cause physical injury to workers in the workplace . This obligation on the employer arises only if the employer is - or should be - aware of the situation . What constitutes \" domestic violence \" is not defined . The new legislation is expected to be passed in the Fall 2009 . Hazard Alerts Print this article Lead in the Workplace Last year , some childhood lead poisonings in Maine came from an unusual source . Parents got lead dust on their clothes at work and then carried it into their cars , inadvertently exposing their children . Workers can be exposed to lead in the workplace by inhaling fumes and dusts , or by accidentally ingesting it from lead-contaminated hands , food , drinks , cosmetics , tobacco products , and clothing . As in the case of the family in Maine , workers can take lead home on their clothes , skin , hair , tools , and in their vehicles , potentially exposing their families to harmful health effects . In an updated health and safety bulletin , Work Safe Alberta offers guidance on lead in the workplace and how to protect workers and their families from lead exposure . Lead exposure Until the 1980s , the main sources of lead exposure for Canadians were lead paint and emissions from cars using leaded gasoline ( which stopped in Canada in 1990 , except for some specific types of vehicles ) . Today lead is used in many of the following products : batteries lead shielding for x-rays crystal ceramics and pottery glazes stained glass lead solder - used in water pipes in older homes , electronics , radiator shops cosmetics - many of the pigments and other substances used in cosmetics contain lead pesticides ( lead arsenate ) ammunition lead weights and tools electroplating glass in computer monitors Occupations with lead exposure risks include : Cable splicing Construction Manufacturing of ammunition , ceramics , electrical components , pottery and lead batteries Stained glass Mining Painting Radiator repair Recovery of gold and silver Repair and reclamation of lead batteries Smelting Welding Health effects The most common ways that workers are exposed to lead are inhalation of airborne lead dust or fumes and accidental ingestion . Workers ingest lead by touching the face and handling cigarettes or food when their hands are contaminated with lead . About 5 to 15 percent of the lead an adult ingests is absorbed into their body . Lead is not normally absorbed through the skin unless there is a break in the skin such as a cut or scrape . Symptoms of acute lead poisoning include headache , excessive tiredness , nausea , abdominal cramps , and joint pain . Other effects such as a metallic taste in the mouth , vomiting and constipation or bloody diarrhea can also occur . Harmful effects due to short-term exposure to inorganic lead compounds are rarely seen any more because of strict controls used in workplaces where lead exposure might occur . However , lead accumulates in the body where it can be stored for decades and released back into the blood long after the original exposure . Inorganic lead compounds are well known to cause significant health effects following long-term ( chronic ) exposure , including effects on the : Reproductive system ( causing effects on fertility and developmental effects in children ) Nervous system Digestive system Cardiovascular and blood system Kidneys Work Safe Alberta's health and safety bulletin provides greater detail on the health effects as well as information on managing lead in the workplace , exposure levels , monitoring methods , and preventive measures . Partner News Print this article Feel Great About Life Canada's Healthy Workplace Month - October 5 to November 1 Week 1 - Feeling Great at Work Week 2 - Feeling Great with Family and Friends Week 3 - Feeling Great at Play Week 4 - Feeling Great about Giving Back Plus , register your organization and keep track of the activities completed by your workplace . CHWM will announce winners for each week , and your team could win ! CHWM is presented by Great-West Life and managed by the National Quality Institute in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety . To learn more about and sign up for the workplace challenges , and participate in friendly competition against others across Canada , visit the Healthy Workplace Month website at www.healthyworkplacemonth.ca . CCOHS is celebrating with free webinars In celebration of Canada's Healthy Workplace Month , CCOHS is offering free webinars to help you plan for the pandemic and show you how to use social media tools to promote health and safety in your workplace . Planning for the Pandemic is available on demand as a recorded presentation . Jan Chappel , CCOHS Sr. Technical Specialist in Occupational Health and Safety , discusses how organizations and individuals can plan and prepare for the pandemic flu outbreak and offers tips for staying healthy . Listen up : Chemical exposure and hearing loss in the workplace Exposure to noise in the workplace can permanently damage our hearing . But for some occupations and industries , other factors such as variations in exposure , age , gender , race , and general health , can negatively affect a worker's hearing . Studies have been conducted to try to understand why the occurrence and degree of noise-induced hearing loss can vary so much within and among various groups . This webinar is recommended for managers , occupational health doctors and nurses , industrial hygienists , audiologists and health and safety professionals . Health and safety podcasts Health and Safety to Go ! , CCOHS' new podcast series offers \" bite \" sized episodes on a variety of workplace health , safety and wellness issues . They run from 3 to 10 minutes long , and best of all , they 're free .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Hindu marrying is carried out as per the customs as well as traditions of the neighborhood to that the bride as well as the groom belong . The marrying is n't simply restricted towards the bride as well as the groom nevertheless it implies the coming with each other of the two households as well as therefore it assumes all of the far more value . Hindu matrimony is also named as Vivah in Hindi as well as Panigrahana in Sanskrit . It truly is solemnised in accordance along with the VEDAS , the holy scriptures of the Hindu religion . Prior to the marrying , the parents match the kundli of the potential bride as well as the groom , if it matches only then they proceed forward as well as fix the day as well as date of marriage soon after consulting the pundit . Several rituals start off before the marrying day in each the houses . A huge amount of guests are invited to attend as well as get pleasure from the celebration . These may well incorporate Mehendi ceremony - the hands as well as feet of the bride are decorated along with Mehendi , other female relatives may well also apply it . Sangeet Sandhya - it truly is evening of musical entertainment exactly where the groom's family members may well invite the bride's family members for dance as well as songs . In several of the Hindu marriages , handful of far more rituals might be carried out such as the Ganesh Puja - the Puja is accomplished prior to the marriage ceremony to take the blessings of Lord Ganesha . Tilak - In a lot of of the communities Tilak ( red turmeric powder ) that symbolizes auspiciousness as well as happiness is applied by the bride's uncle , father brothers upon the forehead of the groom . Upon the marrying morning , several ablutionary rituals are carried out on each the bride as well as the groom in their very own properties . Their bodies are anointed along with turmeric , sandalwood paste as well as oils , that cleanse the physique , soften the skin , as well as create it aromatic . They may be then bathed towards the chanting of Vedic mantras . The Hindu marrying itself entails the following rituals Baraat - the procession of the groom accompanied along with his family members as well as buddies attain the marriage venue . The priest commences the marriage underneath a canopy which is specially decorated for the ceremony . The priest invokes blessings of God for the couple to become married . Jaimala - the bride as well as the groom exchange garlands amidst the chanting of Vedic hymns by the priest . Hathleva - in this ceremony several henna is place upon the appropriate hand of the couple as well as the hands are tied along with a cloth . The couple then prays to God for any profitable married life . Vivah - the ritual signifies the actual marriage . The priest ties a single finish of the groom's dress to which of the bride's , the knot signifies the sacred wedlock . Each of them then move across the fire for seven instances , accepting the seven oaths that are chanted by the priest . Kanyaadan - the father of the bride pours away a libation of sacred water symbolizing the offering away of the daughter towards the bride groom . The groom recites the Vedic hymns to Kama , the god of enjoy . In return the father also requires promise from the groom which he is going to be along with his daughter in realising the 3 ends of Dharma , Kama , Artha . The groom can make the promise to his father in law . Vidaai - soon after the profitable completion of all of the over rituals , comes the a lot of emotional ritual of Vidaai exactly where the bride lastly leaves the residence of her father to become along with her husband . Practically absolutely everyone showers their blessings on her as well as give her a tearful farewell . In this way the Hindu matrimony is completed along with considerably blessings as well as enjoyment .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The following is the list of ISP supplied by Mertec Computers plc . All product information is the responsibility of each supplier and any complaints should be directed at the supplier and Becta should be copied in for our information . Products listed are only a representation of each suppliers product range , full ranges can be viewed on individual supplier sites . Please note that all prices are indicative . For a more accurate quote , please contact the supplier . Displaying 11 to 16 of 16 results .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The Mood Light Tile really does takes atmospheric lighting in the home or office to unprecedented levels of sophistication and versatility . The mesmeric mood light tile is similar to the classic mood light but it is specially designed to be used on its own or with one or more mood light tiles . So instead of having an aluminium frame the colour changing lens continues to the edges so that when two or more are placed together they join seamlessly . The mood light tiles also have a data link socket and a ribbon cable so that they can be linked together and work in unison . The mood light pulsates in every sequence imaginable . The Mood Light is a perfect work of art for bedrooms , living rooms , dining rooms , modern interiors , company foyers , offices , boardrooms , bars , restaurants , exhibition stands , night clubs ... it really is that special . The Mood light tile has 4 large flat light changing panels which measure 50 cm square , each of the 4 panels has integral banks of light emitting diodes that sweep and pulses in an almost infinite variety of colours . Mood Lights Technical Specifications ... LED illumination matrix - The Mood Light has continuous lens for seamless joining with other mood light tiles - Display diffusion globes - Dimensions of the Mood Light : 50 x 50 x 3 cms - Wall mount suspended installation . The Mood Lights Features - Color mode selector blends red , green and blue primaries to produce unlimited color combinations . ( Four user-selectable memory options ) - Three preprogrammed , animated light sequences : Chill , Motion , Action . - Four active light functions with speed control : Pulse , Random , Rainbow , Fusion . Cool silver radio wave remote control ( which means that it does not even have to be in the same room as the mood light ) , it includes on \/ off button , 3 primary colour adjusters , pulsating speed adjuster , multiple memory and mode setting buttons . Dimensions of Mood Lights remote control : 20 x 4.5 x 2 cms The external Mood Light power supply is styled to look just like the Mood Light itself . Dimensions of the Mood Light power supply : 10 x 10 x 4 cms","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Do It Yourself Furniture Restoration Do it yourself furniture restoration is now a huge niche in the house and home renovation sector and many products and services are flooding onto the market . If you 're new at this game it will pay you to be bit careful with how you proceed at first . For instance , when dealing with old furniture do n't just assume that you need to strip away the battered old surface . In many cases this is just not necessary . Many of those early finishes such as shellac and varnish can be restored beautifully , unlike modern laminates or urethaned surfaces . Even pieces that have to be stripped because they 've been painted over can still be brought back to life without having to attempt a French polish job which may end in disaster . There is a product on the market called Restor-A-Finish which can do amazing some might even say , unbelievable things . All you need apart from a tin of Restor-A-Finish is some 0000 grade steel wool and some clean cloth . If your piece of furniture was polished years ago using shellac or varnish , your job is likely to be pretty easy and very rewarding . How do you tell ? A rule of thumb is that anything manufactured before 1960 will have been finished in a fairly traditional manner and not with a polyurethane type material . Up to the 1970s the \" modern \" finishes used were better able to be repaired than later \" space-age \" polyurethane . Want to get hold of Restor-A-Finish or any other kind of wood and furniture restoration products ? Then check out Howard Products Australia . Leave a Reply","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Nature of problem : With the present program the derivation of the coefficients produced by the equation ( 14 ) is obtained . The first part of the proposed program consists of the calculation of the matrix elements which form the coefficients of the system of equations . The second part of the proposed program , as this has been explained in [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] and [ 3 ] , consists of the iterative application of the L ' Hospital's rule ( to avoid coefficients of the form 0 \/ 0 ) for the computation of the solution of these equations that make up the coefficients of the method ( 14 ) . We note that the system of equations produced by the equation ( 14 ) is solved by an application of Cramer's rule . The above procedure is repeated for the calculation of the coefficients of the methods ( 24 ) - ( 25 ) and for the methods ( 28 ) - ( 29 ) . Solution method : Symbolic computation using Maple . Running time : 1800 seconds References : [ 1 ] T. Lyche , Chebyshevian multistep methods for ordinary differential equations , Numerische Mathematik , 10 ( 1972 ) 65-75 . [ 2 ] A.D. Raptis , Exponential multistep methods for ordinary differential equations , Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society , 25 ( 1984 ) 113-126 . [ 3 ] T.E. Simos , Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations with periodical solution . Doctoral Dissertation , National Technical University of Athens , 1990 .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Several hundred people have been killed since September The United Kingdom has warned a UK company against recruiting mercenaries to work in Ivory Coast . Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said such an enterprise would seriously undermine the Ivorian peace process . He said he was gravely concerned at reports that Northbridge Services Group - a security company - was recruiting ex-servicemen from Britain , South Africa and France . But a release denied that they were a mercenary firm . \" This contract was to provide humanitarian support and increased governmental security \" , the statement said . Services the company website says it offers , includes demilitarisation of warring factions , mine clearance , and special forces to counter terrorists and narcotics . Cabinet meeting Mercenaries from eastern Europe , South Africa and Angola have been accused of fighting on the side of the government since September's military uprising against the government of President Laurent Gbagbo . IVORY COAST CONFLICT Hundreds killed More than a million displaced 3,000 French peacekeepers Nation divided in two Power sharing deal still to work New role for mercenaries A peace agreement was signed in January and a power-sharing government has been named . The rebels have so far refused to attend cabinet meetings citing security concerns but now say they will be present at Thursday's meeting . The government has denied claims this week by the opposition Le Patriote newspaper that it has hired 1,000 South Africans to fight on its side . Reuters news agency quotes diplomats in Ivory Coast as saying that they have heard of the hiring of 300 fresh mercenaries . \" Any deployment of foreign military units at this time would seriously undermine the peace process and the efforts of the UK and the wider international community , \" Mr Straw said . But Northbridge says Mr Straw's comments \" come as a great surprise when it was he that strongly supported the use of private military companies in a office Foreign and Commonwealth Office \" . document . Ivory Coast , the world's largest cocoa producer , is now a divided country with the three groups of rebels controlling the north and a big part of the west of the country . The government controls the rest , including the economic capital Abidjan and the main capital Yamoussoukro .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"re document forming part of the reports of states parties latvia [ 26 February 2002 ] Paragraphs Page General information The Republic of Latvia is an independent and democratic State situated in north-eastern Europe on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea covering 64,589 square kilometres . The State borders with the Republic of Estonia in the north , with the Republic of Lithuania in the south and with the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation in the east . The landscape of the country is marked by lowland plains and rolling hills and most of the countryside is less than 100 metres above sea level . The country historically and culturally is divided into four regions : Kurzeme , Latgale , Zemgale and Vidzeme . There are 7 cities , 69 towns , 26 districts and 483 local municipalities in Latvia . The capital of the Republic of Latvia is Riga . The official language of the State is Latvian , which is one of the oldest of the Indo-European languages and is spoken by approximately 70-75 per cent of the population . The national currency is the lats ( LVL ) , officially pegged to the SDR ( Special Drawing Rights ) basket of currencies at the rate of 0.7997 SDR \/ LVL . The table below represents the basic statistical data on the characteristics of the Latvian population for the year 2000 \/ 01 . Table ( continued ) Demographic characteristics In year 2000 the population census was held throughout the country . There were 2,375,000 inhabitants , approximately 1,093,000 males and 1,282,000 females , permanently residing in the territory of Latvia . At the beginning of the year 2001 408,700 Latvians were under 15 , 1,448,400 aged from 15 to 59 and 509,000 aged 60 and over . According to the previous population census held in 1989 , the percentage of the population under 15 fell from 21.4 per cent to 17.3 per cent but the percentage of the population aged 60 years and over increased from 17.4 per cent to 21.5 per cent . The overall decline in the State's population since 1996 is given below . ( Population figures have been revised on the basis of the results of the 2000 population census . As a consequence of tremendous political and socio-economic changes in the State since 1991 , the natural population growth has been negative . However , in 1999 the natural growth slowly improved . In 1999 , the number of children born in comparison with 1998 increased by 5.4 per cent . Furthermore , in 2000 the death rate per 100,000 residents was 1,357 - slightly lower than in 1999 . The natural population growth is given below . The death rate of newborns has decreased from 15.8 per 1,000 in 1996 to 10.4 per 1,000 in 2000 . The number of cases of maternal death per 100,000 babies born alive had decreased from 40.4 in 1996 to 24.8 in 2000 . The Government has taken appropriate measures to improve the demographic situation ; thus , the Ministry of Welfare elaborated and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia in February 2001 adopted \" The Strategy of Health Care of Mother and Child in Latvia \" . Ethnic characteristics During the 1990s the proportion of ethnic Latvians slightly increased while the proportion of Russians , Byelorussians , Ukrainians , Poles and other ethnic groups decreased . During 2000 the number of Latvians was also slightly higher , compared with other national groups living in Latvia . The distribution of Latvia's population by ethnic origin between 1935 and 2001 is shown in the table below . Long-term historical cohabitation and friendly relations among different ethnic groups have made Latvia a place where significant conflicts among various ethnic and religious groups have not been possible . After regaining independence , the Government elaborated a policy to accommodate its various groups and their many cultural and religious traditions . The model which was chosen could be called \" a national State with a multicultural society \" : national in the sense that a condition of integration is one official State language and a unified territory , and multicultural in the sense that there is no common or State-supported religion and there are schools with different languages of instruction and conditions promoting development of all cultures . Since 1999 the State Programme of Integration of Society has been carried out and a special institution - the Fund for the Integration of the Society - is in the process of formation . The goals of the programme are to form a democratic , consolidated civil society founded on shared basic values , to provide for all people permanently residing in Latvia access to contemporary living standards , and to promote welfare , education , security and favourable relations between the various ethnic groups . Economic indicators Latvia has made significant advances in its economic , financial and social development since regaining its independence in 1990 , and has embraced comprehensive market economy reform . During the last several years , Government agreed on and continued the structural reform of the economy by accelerating privatization , strengthening the banking sector and the financial system in general , and stabilizing the overall situation in industry and agriculture . GDP growth has been based on a broad range of developments . Particularly strong advances have been made during the last decade in the transportation and financial sectors , in communication services and commerce . Since the beginning of the transition to a market economy , the Government has implemented a strict fiscal policy through a major revenue mobilization combined with expenditure restraint . Latvia has made substantial progress in establishing the State institutions needed for fiscal management in a market economy . Consistently tight monetary and successful financial policies have been reflected in the continuous fall of inflation from 958.6 per cent in 1992 to 23.1 per cent in 1995 , 13.1 per cent in 1996 and 7.0 per cent in 1997 . In 1998 the annual inflation rate fell to 2.8 per cent , in 1999 the annual inflation rate was at 3.2 per cent and in 2000 it was 1.8 per cent . The table below shows the key indicators of economic development of the State ( the data for 2001 are estimates ) . Table ( continued ) The unemployment rate since 1998 has been decreasing slightly , although the rate is still relatively high . In order to address this issue , the National Employment Plan is elaborated annually . The main aims of the Plan are to prevent young unemployed people from becoming long-term unemployed ; to eliminate barriers to business and restrictions to starting entrepreneurial activity ; to strengthen cooperation between the Confederation of Employers and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions ; to implement measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market ; to reduce gender inequality in the area of employment and revenues ; and to encourage family-friendly social and labour policies . The basic detailed unemployment data in Latvia are the following : The gross wage earned by people employed in the national economy in 2000 grew on average by 6.1 per cent in comparison with the preceding year and reached almost 150 lats . The table below indicates the income of residents of the Republic of Latvia . The Government recognizes that notwithstanding the country's substantial development and economic growth , the polarization of the society still continues . The results of the household budget surveys show that average household income per person is increasing , but simultaneously the income of the poorest members of society is decreasing even more . ii . political structure Historical background Historically , the territory of Latvia has always been regarded as a trading and transportation crossroads and has long served as a bridge between Western Europe and Russia . The ancestors of the Latvian nation settled on Latvian soil more than 4,000 years ago . Today Latvia has a multi-ethnic society and culture that has developed because of the historical , economic and social evolution of the country , providing good possibilities for using Latvia as a stable location to work in the Eastern and Western markets . The Republic of Latvia as a national State was proclaimed on 18 November 1918 in accordance with the principles of international law , and since then its de iure legal personality has never been interrupted . Latvia was granted international recognition in 1920 and became a member of the League of Nations in 1921 . It has been continuously recognized as a State by other countries since 1920 despite occupations by the Soviet Union ( 1940-1941 , 1945-1991 ) and Nazi Germany ( 1941-1945 ) . The will and the right to self-determination of the people of Latvia was expressed in April 1920 when the people of Latvia gave their mandate to the Constitutional Assembly chosen in universal , equal , direct and proportional elections . The nation was united by the Latvian Provisional Government and on 11 August 1920 a peace treaty with Russia was signed in which Russia recognized Latvia's independence . In February 1922 , the Assembly adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia , which is still in force with some amendments , among them chapter VIII on Fundamental Human Rights , adopted in 1998 . Until 1940 , Latvia witnessed impressive economic growth , a flourishing cultural life and a marked improvement in its standard of living . To guarantee the State's economic and social stability , the Government of Latvia launched a programme of agrarian reform . Latvian culture was encouraged and ethnic minorities , which comprised around 25 per cent of the population , were granted educational rights . The ultimatum of 16 June 1940 from the Government of the Soviet Union to the Latvian Government , asking for its resignation , and the ensuing military aggression , resulted in the occupation of Latvia . The elections of 14 and 15 July 1940 of the Parliament ( Saeima ) of occupied Latvia were held under conditions of political terror after an illegal and unconstitutional elections law had been adopted . Of the 17 lists of candidates submitted , only one was permitted in the elections - the list of the Working People's Bloc . The pre-election platform of the Bloc did not include any demand to establish Soviet power in Latvia or to join the Soviet Union . Furthermore , the results of the elections were falsified . The illegally and fraudulently formed Parliament did not represent the will of the Latvian people . It had no constitutional powers to change the system of government and bring to an end the sovereignty of Latvia . Only the people had the right to decide these matters , but no referendum was held . The incorporation of Latvia into the Soviet Union in 1940 is considered to be invalid also in accordance with international law . The will of the people of Latvia for freedom was expressed in the elections of the Latvian Supreme Council in 1990 of which a majority afterwards expressed the determination to restore the independence of Latvia . The Declaration of the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR \" On the Renewal of the Independence of the Republic of Latvia \" was adopted on 4 May 1990 . Being determined to restore de facto the free , democratic and independent Republic of Latvia , the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR on that date declared illegal the joining of Latvia to the Soviet Union . Furthermore , it decided to re-establish the authority of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia , adopted by the Constitutional Assembly on 15 February 1922 , in the entire territory of Latvia . On 17 September 1991 Latvia became a full-fledged member of the United Nations . Since 1995 it has been a member State of the Council of Europe . On 12 June 1995 , an Association Agreement was signed with the European Community and its member States , which came into force in February 1998 . Political framework The legislative power is granted to the Saeima ( Parliament ) as well as to the people to the extent provided for by the Satversme ( Constitution ) . Furthermore , the Saeima approves the appointment of the judges of courts of all levels and declares amnesties . It consists of 100 Saeima members elected in general , direct , secret and proportional elections . The Saeima is elected for a period of four years . The Saeima elects the President of the State for a period of four years and the same person can not hold the office of President of the State for more than two consecutive terms . The President of the State fulfils rather representative functions , however , it is the President of the State who nominates the Head of the Government - the Prime Minister . The Prime Minister forms the Government ( the Cabinet of Ministers ) - the executive power of the State - and receives the confidence of the Saeima ( Parliament ) . Latvia has a three-level court system - district \/ city courts , regional courts and the Supreme Court . The establishment of the Satversme Court ( Constitutional Court ) in 1996 completed the judicial reform in Latvia . The Public Prosecutor's Office , the Collegium of Sworn Advocates and the Collegium of Notaries are the indispensable elements of the judicial system of the Republic of Latvia . iii . general legal framework within which human rights are protected Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia ( Satversme ) provides that Latvia is an independent democratic republic . This principle sets forth certain exact requirements for the Latvian legal system , which also influence the implementation of the obligations under the international human rights instruments . On 4 May 1990 the Supreme Council of the Soviet Republic of Latvia being concerned about the compliance of national law with international law principles in the sphere of human rights , adopted the Declaration on Accession to International Acts of Human Rights . By the Declaration Latvia acceded to 51 international documents ( declarations and conventions ) , inter alia the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic , Social and Cultural Rights . The Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights entered into force on 22 September 1994 ; thus , the Republic of Latvia recognizes the competence of the Human Rights Committee to receive and consider communications from individuals who claim to be victims of a violation by the State of the human rights set forth in the Covenant . Moreover , on 27 June 1997 the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 4 November 1950 entered into force in the Republic of Latvia . Thus , Latvia has accepted the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights and accordingly an individual may complain about a violation of his \/ her rights provided for by the European Convention directly to the Court . In October 1998 , the Constitution of Latvia ( Satversme ) was amended and chapter VIII on Fundamental Human Rights was included . The adoption of these amendments clarified the debate concerning the role and legal status of human rights in the State's legal system . It also added a more concrete understanding to the principle of democracy , as embodied in article 1 of the Satversme . Accordingly , article 89 states : \" The State shall recognize and protect fundamental human rights in accordance with the present Constitution , laws and international agreements binding upon Latvia . \" Article 91 of the Constitution encompasses both the principle of equality and the principle of non-discrimination . This article states : \" All human beings in Latvia shall be equal before the law and the courts . Human rights shall be secured without discrimination of any kind . \" Other newly included articles of the Constitution list fundamental human rights guaranteed by the State and also provide for possible restrictions on the exercise of these rights imposed by the State . International human rights treaties are directly applicable in the domestic legal system . They override norms of statutory law in case of a conflict of norms . It should be emphasized that international human rights norms are understood to have special status in relation to statutory laws because of their special aim and object and a direct link to the principle of democracy as embodied in Satversme . Thus , Satversme and international human rights treaties binding for Latvia provide for the catalogue of human rights and freedoms in the State . Regarding the institutional protection of human rights , the independent judiciary and the administrative process are the key elements . The courts are the main judicial institutions having jurisdiction over issues of respect and observance of human rights . According to the Law on the Judicial Power Latvia has a three-level court system . The district \/ city courts try civil , criminal and administrative cases ; they function mostly as courts of first instance . There are regional courts in each of the regions of Latvia and in the capital , Riga , that try those civil and criminal cases that fall within their authority under the Law on Civil Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure ; regional courts are also the courts of appeal for those cases that have been tried by district \/ city courts . The Supreme Court is the court of appeal and cassation for all cases tried by regional courts and district \/ city courts . The Supreme Court acts also as the first instance court for several cases according to the Law on the Judicial Branch . According to article 3 of the Law on the Judicial Branch every individual has the right to be protected by the court against infringements upon his \/ her life , health , personal freedom , honour , reputation and property . All individuals have equal rights to have their case heard fairly and publicly by an independent and impartial court , which determines his \/ her civil rights and obligations , or the validity of any criminal charge against him \/ her . Article 4 of the above-mentioned Law states that all individuals are equal before the law and the court , and have an equal right to be protected by law . Justice is administered by the court irrespective of the person's origin , social status and property , race and nationality , sex , education , language , religious affiliation , type and nature of occupation , place of residence , and political or other views . According to article 17 of the Law on the Constitutional Court ( Satversme Court ) individuals whose fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution have been violated have the right to \" submit an application to initiate a case regarding compliance of laws and international agreements signed or entered into by Latvia - even before the Saeima has confirmed the agreement - with the Constitution ; compliance of other normative acts or their parts with the legal norms ( acts ) of higher legal force ; as well as compliance of national legal norms of Latvia with international agreements entered into by Latvia which are not contrary to the Constitution \" . In 1995 , the Regulations on the Process of Administrative Acts of the Cabinet of Ministers were adopted , establishing the procedure by which individuals may ask for , or complain about , or appeal against an administrative act adopted by a public institution . There are two main situations where an individual may appeal before the court against an administrative act : when the administrative act violates his \/ her rights provided in the Constitution of Latvia , international human rights instruments binding on Latvia or a statutory law ; or when the procedure governing the adoption of an administrative act has been abused . The law on the Prosecutor's Office and the Law \" On the Police \" provide that the Prosecutor's Office and the police also protect individuals against infringements upon their life , health , personal freedom , honour , reputation and property . According to the Law \" On the Repayment of Damages or Losses Caused by Unlawful or Unfounded Acts of Investigators , the Prosecutor's Office or the Court \" , material compensation is paid to individuals who have suffered from unlawful or unfounded acts by State officials . Furthermore , the State Human Rights Office , the independent national institution , has a duty to review any claim of infringement of human rights in Latvia and immediately react on a violation of an individual's rights , and on its own initiative , to investigate . iv . information and publicity Whenever the Republic of Latvia concludes an international agreement , the text of the agreement is translated into Latvian and published in the official newspaper , Latvijas V\u0113stnesis . In addition , the text in the original language of the agreement is published as well ( usually in English ) . This procedure applies also to international human rights instruments . Furthermore , the State institutions have access to the normative acts and international treaties and conventions in force in Latvia in the electronic database of the State . In addition , information on various international human rights instruments have been published in booklets by the State Human Rights Office . UNDP , UNHCR , UNESCO and UNICEF have opened representative offices that are functioning , with good results , in Latvia . Publications about human right issues have appeared and have been made available to any member of the society : \" Guidebook of Human Rights Tolerance \" , \" Human Rights Album \" ( published by the European Union ) , \" Concise Explanation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights \" and others . Booklets on the rights of the child have been published and distributed by the Children Rights Protection Centre . The Latvian Human Rights Institute , which is the independent section of the State University quarterly , publishes a legal journal - Latvian Human Rights Quarterly - which contains articles on human rights issues in Latvia and abroad , international treaties and national laws , decisions of the European Court of Human Rights as well as of national courts concerning violations of human rights , as well as information on various activities ( conferences , seminars , courses on human rights ) provided by the Latvian Human Rights Institute or other institutions in Latvia . The national reports on the implementation of the human rights conventions in Latvia are prepared by working groups consisting of representatives of ministries and other State institutions and headed by the Representative of the Government before International Human Rights Organizations . Although the publication of reports is not required in national legislation , the practice to do so is developing . As a result of the cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Latvian Human Rights Institute , the report and debate concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was published in the Official Gazette and the Latvian Human Rights Quarterly . The Views of the Human Rights Committee on individual applications concerning possible violations of the Covenant were also published in the Official Gazette . HRI \/ CORE \/ 1 \/ Add . 123 HRI \/ CORE \/ 1 \/ Add . 123","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"If you have a mobile with GPRS or High Speed Data or a 3G phone you can use it as a modem with your PDA or laptop . That means you can email on the move with a larger screen , a QWERTY keyboard and the web browsers or email programs that you normally use to access your email ( like Microsoft Internet Explorer and Outlook ) . Depending on your equipment , you 'll be able to connect via infrared , BluetoothTM or a simple cable . What do I need ? A mobile that supports GPRS or CSD , or a 3G phone Set up You may need to set up your phone before you get started , but this is straightforward enough . Click here for instructions on setting your phone up , or alternatively take your equipment into a Phone Trainer at an","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"My Bikes I am a keen cyclist . Actually , I am a bike bigot - I sold our second car , so I no longer have daily use of a car even if I want one . I ride to work every day ( seven and a half miles each way ) , and usually ride out with Reading CTC on a Wednesday evening and sometimes on a Sunday . Most of the people in the club seem to have two dozen bikes of very similar types , but for some reason * I only have three bikes , two of them Claud Butlers ( purely by accident ) . There is another bike I want , but I have n't quite persuaded Felicity yet . Anyway , this is a list of my bikes reaching back as far into history as I care to go . * The reason is meanness","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Regulations Governing the Status , Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials , and Experts on Mission United Nations New York , 2002 ST \/ SGB \/ 2002 \/ 9 18 June 2002 Secretary-General's bulletin Regulations Governing the Status , Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials , and Experts on Mission The Secretary-General promulgates the following Regulations Governing the Status , Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials , and Experts on Mission ( hereinafter \" the Regulations \" ) . Section 1 General provisions 1.1 By its resolution 56 \/ 280 of 27 March 2002 , the General Assembly adopted the Regulations . 1.2 The text of the Regulations is attached to the present bulletin . Section 2 Final provision The present bulletin shall enter into force on 1 July 2002 . ( Signed ) Kofi A. Annan Secretary-General Contents Introduction Article 105 , paragraph 3 , of the Charter of the United Nations empowers the General Assembly to make recommendations with a view to determining , inter alia , the privileges and immunities of officials of the Organization or to propose conventions to Member States for this purpose . The Assembly did so by adopting the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations on 13 February 1946 ( hereinafter called \" the General Convention \" ) . The United Nations has persons performing full-time services for it , at the direction of its legislative organs , who are not staff . For example , article 13 of the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit ( approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 31 \/ 192 of 22 December 1976 ) provides that the Inspectors shall have the status of officials of the Organization but shall not be staff members . In addition , pursuant to article V , section 17 , of the General Convention , the Secretary-General has specified and submitted to the Assembly proposals that a number of persons who occupy certain positions within the Organization be accorded privileges and immunities under articles V and VII of the General Convention , even though they are not staff members . Those persons are the presiding officers of United Nations organs performing functions for the Organization on a substantially full-time basis ( for example , the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission ) . Those officials are not in a separate category under the General Convention , but their names are submitted by the Secretary-General to the host country together with those of Secretariat officials who are staff members . These persons have been consistently referred to by the General Assembly as \" officials other than Secretariat officials \" . Experts on mission may be retained by way of a contract known as a consultant contract , which sets out the terms of their appointment and the tasks that they must discharge . Other individuals may have the status of experts on mission , even though they do not sign a consultant contract , if they are designated by United Nations organs to carry out missions or functions for the United Nations ( for example , rapporteurs of the Commission on Human Rights , rapporteurs and members of its Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and members of the International Law Commission ) . Article VI of the General Convention provides that experts ( other than officials coming within the scope of article V ) shall be accorded privileges and immunities necessary to enable them to carry out their missions for the United Nations and specifies a number of those privileges and immunities . Article VII , section 26 , of the General Convention provides that facilities similar to those specified in section 25 ( concerning applications for visas and facilities for speedy travel ) shall be accorded to experts and other persons who are travelling on the business of the United Nations . The Regulations contained in the present bulletin will apply to officials other than Secretariat officials , and to experts on mission . The Regulations are in most parts very general since they must apply to all officials other than Secretariat officials , and experts on mission . However , the application of the Regulations and the commentary to officials other than Secretariat officials , and to experts on mission who perform functions in respect of the United Nations and other organizations in the common system in accordance with their mandates ( e . g . , the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission and the Inspectors of the Joint Inspection Unit ) , is explained in various provisions of the Regulations and the commentary ( see , e . g . , regulation 1 ( f ) , paragraph 3 of the commentary to regulation 1 ( a ) and the commentary to Regulation 1 ( b )) . The Regulations contained in the present bulletin will form part of the contract of employment or terms of appointment of any individual , including officials other than Secretariat officials , and experts on mission , who are appointed through Assembly action or through the actions of other representative bodies . Role of the commentary Each provision of the Regulations set out in the present bulletin is followed by a commentary . The commentary is designed to explain those provisions and will thus be of help to those persons subject to the Regulations . The commentary is not part of the Regulations adopted by the Assembly , and so is not a legal norm ; nor does it have the legal force of a rule . It is , however , an official guide published by the Secretary-General on the scope and application of the Regulations . The commentary will be updated from time to time in the light of experience gained in applying the Regulations to specific instances . Regulations Governing the Status , Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials , and Experts on Mission Regulation 1 Status ( a ) The responsibilities of officials other than Secretariat officials ( hereinafter referred to as \" officials \" ) and of experts on mission are not national but exclusively international . ( b ) Officials and experts on mission shall make the following written declaration witnessed by the Secretary-General or an authorized representative : \" I solemnly declare and promise to exercise in all loyalty , discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me by the United Nations , to discharge these functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the United Nations only in view , and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization . \" ( c ) The Secretary-General shall seek to ensure that the rights and duties of officials and of experts on mission , as set out in the General Convention , are respected . The Secretary-General shall also seek to ensure , having regard to the circumstances , that all necessary safety and security arrangements are made for officials and experts on mission carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to them . ( d ) Experts on mission will receive a copy of the present Regulations Governing the Status , Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials , and Experts on Mission ( hereinafter referred to as \" the Regulations \" ) when they receive documentation from the United Nations relating to their mission and will be required to acknowledge receipt of the Regulations . Officials will receive a copy of the Regulations at an appropriate opportunity . ( e ) The privileges and immunities enjoyed by the United Nations by virtue of Article 105 of its Charter are conferred in the interests of the Organization . These privileges and immunities furnish no excuse to those who are covered by them to fail to observe the laws and police regulations of the State in which they are located ; nor do they furnish an excuse for non-performance of their private obligations . In any case where an issue arises regarding the application of these privileges and immunities , an official or an expert on mission shall immediately report the matter to the Secretary-General , who alone may decide whether such privileges and immunities exist and whether they shall be waived , in accordance with the relevant instruments . The Secretary-General should inform and may take into account the views of the legislative bodies that appointed the officials or experts on mission . ( f ) These regulations are applicable to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission and the Inspectors of the Joint Inspection Unit , without prejudice to and in accordance with the statutes of the International Civil Service Commission and the Joint Inspection Unit , which stipulate that these officials perform their functions in respect of the United Nations and other organizations that accept their statutes . Regulation 2 Conduct ( a ) Officials and experts on mission shall uphold the highest standards of efficiency , competence and integrity . The concept of integrity includes , but is not limited to , probity , impartiality , fairness , honesty and truthfulness in all matters affecting their work and status . ( b ) In the performance of their duties , officials and experts on mission shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any Government or from any other source external to the Organization . ( c ) Officials and experts on mission shall discharge their functions and regulate their conduct with the interests of the Organization only in view . Loyalty to the aims , principles and purposes of the United Nations , as set forth in its Charter , is a fundamental obligation of all individuals covered by the present Regulations . ( d ) While the personal views and convictions of officials and experts on mission , including their political and religious convictions , remain inviolable , they shall ensure that those views and convictions do not adversely affect their official duties or the interests of the United Nations . Officials and experts on mission shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their status . They shall not engage in any activity that is incompatible with the proper discharge of their duties with the United Nations . They shall avoid any action and , in particular , any kind of public pronouncement that may adversely reflect on their status , or on the integrity , independence and impartiality that are required by that status . ( e ) Officials and experts on mission shall not use their office or knowledge gained from their official functions for private gain , financial or otherwise , or for the gain of any third party , including family , friends and those they favour . Nor shall they use their office for personal reasons to prejudice the positions of those they do not favour . ( f ) Officials and experts on mission shall exercise the utmost discretion in regard to all matters of official business . Officials and experts on mission shall not communicate to any Government , entity , person or any other source any information known to them by reason of their official position that they know or ought to have known has not been made public , except as appropriate in the normal course of their duties or by authorization of the Secretary-General . If they are not appointed by the Secretary-General , such authorization shall be conferred by the body that appointed them . These obligations do not cease upon the cessation of their official functions . ( g ) Officials and experts on mission may not accept any honour , decoration , favour , gift or remuneration from any Government or non-governmental source for activities carried out during the course of their official functions while in the service of the United Nations . ( h ) Officials and experts on mission shall not be actively associated with the management of , or hold a financial interest in , any profit-making , business or other concern , if it were possible for them or the profit-making , business or other concern to benefit from such association or financial interest by reason of their position with the United Nations . Officials or experts on mission who are in such a situation shall either dispose of that financial interest or formally excuse themselves from participating with regard to any involvement in that matter that has given rise to the conflict-of-interest situation . ( i ) Officials and experts on mission shall file financial disclosure statements if requested to do so by the Secretary-General . The Secretary-General shall prescribe the format and information to be provided in such statements and shall establish procedures for filing them . The financial disclosure statements will remain confidential and will be used , as prescribed by the Secretary-General , only in making determinations pursuant to regulation 2 ( h ) . It will be for the Secretary-General , in due consultation with the appointing authority in the case of officials not appointed by the Secretary-General , to judge whether a particular fact has given rise to a conflict-of-interest situation . ( j ) Officials and experts on mission must comply with local laws and honour their private legal obligations , including , but not limited to , the obligation to honour orders of competent courts . ( k ) Any form of discrimination or harassment , including sexual or gender harassment , as well as physical or verbal abuse , at the workplace or in connection with work , is prohibited . ( l ) Officials and experts on mission shall not intentionally misrepresent their functions , official title or the nature of their duties to Member States or to any entities or persons external to the United Nations . ( m ) Officials and experts on mission participating , as part of their official functions , in activities organized by a Government , intergovernmental organization , non-governmental organization or other private source may receive from the Government , intergovernmental organization , non-governmental organization or private source accommodation and travel and subsistence allowance generally in line with those payable by the United Nations . In such cases , the travel and subsistence allowance that may otherwise be payable by the United Nations shall be reduced in the same manner as in respect of staff members of the Organization . Regulation 3 Accountability Officials and experts on mission are accountable to the United Nations for the proper discharge of their functions . Regulations Governing the Status , Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials , and Experts on Mission , with commentary Regulation 1 Status Regulation 1 ( a ) The responsibilities of officials other than Secretariat officials ( hereinafter referred to as \" officials \" ) and of experts on mission are not national but exclusively international . Commentary The United Nations has persons who perform services for it on a substantially full-time basis but who are not staff members . These persons have consistently been referred to by the General Assembly as \" officials other than Secretariat officials \" . In addition , pursuant to article V , section 17 , of the General Convention , the Secretary-General has specified and submitted to the Assembly proposals that a number of persons who occupy certain positions within the Organization be accorded the privileges and immunities under articles V and VII of the General Convention , even though they are not staff members . These persons have also been referred to as \" officials other than Secretariat officials \" . The United Nations also has experts who perform assignments for the Organization . Article VI of the General Convention provides that experts ( other than officials coming within the scope of article V ) shall be accorded privileges and immunities necessary to enable them to carry out their missions for the United Nations and specifies a number of those privileges and immunities . These experts have been referred to as \" experts on mission \" . The Regulations and the commentary , as applied to the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission , the Inspectors of the Joint Inspection Unit and other officials and experts who perform functions in respect of the common system , in accordance with the statute of the International Civil Service Commission or that of the Joint Inspection Unit , respectively , or other mandates approved by the General Assembly or other relevant main bodies and organs of the United Nations , should be construed in the light of those functions and mandates . References to the United Nations or the United Nations Organization in the context of these Regulations and the commentary should be applied , bearing in mind that the functions of those officials and experts are related to the common system . Regulation 1 ( a ) is similar to the second sentence of staff regulation 1.1 ( a ) . Regulation 1 ( b ) Officials and experts on mission shall make the following written declaration witnessed by the Secretary-General or an authorized representative : \" I solemnly declare and promise to exercise in all loyalty , discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me by the United Nations , to discharge these functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the United Nations only in view , and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization . \" Commentary Regulation 1 ( b ) , which is similar to staff regulation 1.1 ( b ) , contains the declaration of office of officials and experts on mission . In view of the system-wide functions of the International Civil Service Commission and the Joint Inspection Unit , the term \" United Nations \" in the written declaration will be replaced by the words \" United Nations and other participating organizations \" , and the word \" Organization \" will be replaced by the word \" organizations \" in the case of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission and the Inspectors of the Joint Inspection Unit . Regulation 1 ( c ) The Secretary-General shall seek to ensure that the rights and duties of officials and experts on mission , as set out in the General Convention , are respected . The Secretary-General shall also seek to ensure , having regard to the circumstances , that all necessary safety and security arrangements are made for officials and experts on mission carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to them . Commentary The first sentence of regulation 1 ( c ) , which is similar to staff regulation 1.1 ( c ) , codifies an implicit duty that falls upon the Secretary-General , namely , to seek to ensure that the rights and duties of officials and experts on mission as set out in the General Convention are respected ( as such rights are granted by Governments , the Secretary-General can only \" seek to ensure \" that they are respected ) . The protection accorded to officials and experts on mission under this provision relates to their official acts and thus does not lapse upon cessation of their service for the Organization , or , if they are part-time , on days when they are not in service . The second sentence of regulation 1 ( c ) , which reproduces the essence of the second sentence of staff regulation 1.2 ( c ) , sets forth the responsibility of the Secretary-General to seek to ensure the safety of officials and experts on mission . Regulation 1 ( d ) Experts on mission will receive a copy of the present Regulations Governing the Status , Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials and Experts on Mission ( hereinafter referred to as \" the Regulations \" ) when they receive documentation from the United Nations relating to their mission and will be required to acknowledge receipt of the Regulations . Officials will receive a copy of the Regulations at an appropriate opportunity . Commentary Experts on mission retained by the Secretariat sign a consultant contract or receive a letter or other documentation indicating the scope of their mission for the Organization . The consultant contract or other documentation will incorporate the Regulations by reference , and experts will be required to acknowledge that they will abide by the Regulations . At times , legislative bodies entrust tasks to individuals to perform assignments for those bodies ( for example , members and special rapporteurs of the International Law Commission and other bodies ) . Those individuals have the status of experts on mission . Although their appointments may have been concluded without the signature of any document of appointment , their attention will be drawn to the Regulations when they receive documentation from the Secretariat relating to their functions and \/ or their assignment . That documentation will include a copy of the Regulations explaining that they were adopted by the General Assembly and thus constitute part of the conditions of those individuals' assignment for the United Nations . Officials will receive a copy of the Regulations at an appropriate time , such as when they make the declaration of office ( see regulation 1 ( b )) . Regulation 1 ( e ) The privileges and immunities enjoyed by the United Nations by virtue of Article 105 of its Charter are conferred in the interests of the Organization . These privileges and immunities furnish no excuse to those who are covered by them to fail to observe the laws and police regulations of the State in which they are located ; nor do they furnish an excuse for non-performance of their private obligations . In any case where an issue arises regarding the application of these privileges and immunities , an official or an expert on mission shall immediately report the matter to the Secretary-General , who alone may decide whether such privileges and immunities exist and whether they shall be waived , in accordance with the relevant instruments . The Secretary-General should inform and may take into account the views of the legislative bodies that appointed the officials or experts on mission . Commentary Regulation 1 ( e ) , which deals with privileges and immunities , is similar to staff regulation 1.1 ( f ) ( see paras . 32 , 49 , 54 and 55 of the report on standards of conduct in the international civil service 1954 , which was prepared by the International Civil Service Advisory Board ( hereinafter referred to as \" the ICSAB report \" )) . Regulation 2 ( j ) specifies the obligations on those who are covered by such privileges and immunities to honour their private legal obligations . Pursuant to article V , section 20 , and article VI , section 23 , of the General Convention , it is only the Secretary-General who has the right to waive the privileges and immunities accorded to officials and experts on mission . In deciding whether such privileges and immunities exist and whether they should be waived , the Secretary-General may take into account the views of the legislative body that appointed the officials or experts on mission . Regulation 1 ( f ) These regulations are applicable to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission and the Inspectors of the Joint Inspection Unit , without prejudice to and in accordance with the statutes of the International Civil Service Commission and the Joint Inspection Unit , which stipulate that these officials perform their functions in respect of the United Nations and other organizations that accept their statutes . [ There is no commentary to this provision . ] Regulation 2 Conduct Regulation 2 ( a ) Officials and experts on mission shall uphold the highest standards of efficiency , competence and integrity . The concept of integrity includes , but is not limited to , probity , impartiality , fairness , honesty and truthfulness in all matters affecting their work and status . Commentary Regulation 2 ( a ) , which describes basic values expected of officials and experts on mission , is similar to staff regulation 1.2 ( b ) . The first sentence of regulation 2 ( a ) is derived from Article 101 , paragraph 3 , of the Charter of the United Nations by virtue of affirmatively placing upon officials and experts on mission the obligation to uphold the highest standards of efficiency , competence and integrity . As pointed out in paragraph 4 of the ICSAB report , the concept of integrity includes \" honesty , truthfulness , fidelity , probity and freedom from corrupting influences \" . Regulation 2 ( b ) In the performance of their duties , officials and experts on mission shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any Government or from any other source external to the Organization . Commentary Regulation 2 ( b ) , which is similar to staff regulation 1.2 ( d ) , flows from the first sentence of Article 100 , paragraph 1 , of the Charter of the United Nations ( see ICSAB report , paras . 7 , 18 and 31 ) . Regulation 2 ( c ) Officials and experts on mission shall discharge their functions and regulate their conduct with the interests of the Organization only in view . Loyalty to the aims , principles and purposes of the United Nations , as set forth in its Charter , is a fundamental obligation of all individuals covered by the present Regulations . Commentary Regulation 2 ( c ) in substance contains the same obligations as are contained in staff regulation 1.2 ( e ) applicable to staff . The first sentence of regulation 2 ( c ) sets forth an idea that is contained in staff regulation 1.1 ( a ) and in staff regulation 1.1 ( b ) , which contains the written declaration of office , that is to say , the idea that staff must regulate their conduct with the interests of the Organization only in view ( ibid. , para . The second sentence of regulation 2 ( c ) focuses on the concept of loyalty to the aims , principles and purposes of the Organization as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations ( which is alluded to in the declaration contained in regulation 1 ( b )) ( ibid. , paras . 5 , 6 and 21 ) . Regulation 2 ( d ) While the personal views and convictions of officials and experts on mission , including their political and religious convictions , remain inviolable , they shall ensure that those views and convictions do not adversely affect their official duties or the interests of the United Nations . Officials and experts on mission shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their status . They shall not engage in any activity that is incompatible with the proper discharge of their duties with the United Nations . They shall avoid any action and , in particular , any kind of public pronouncement that may adversely reflect on their status , or on the integrity , independence and impartiality that are required by that status . Commentary Regulation 2 ( d ) is similar to staff regulation 1.2 ( f ) . The core idea of conduct befitting an international civil servant was considered by the International Civil Service Advisory Board in 1954 . The Advisory Board remarked that \" high standards of conduct are best attained by a universal understanding among staff members of the relation between their conduct and the success of the international organizations , and by the development of a strong tradition among men and women who are jealous of the reputation of the organizations that they serve and are anxious to safeguard it \" ( ICSAB report , para . 2 ; see also para . 4 , on the integrity expected of international civil servants ; paras . 5 , 6 and 21 , on loyalty ; paras . 7 and 18 , on independence ; and paras . 8 and 48 , on impartiality ) . In respect of the last sentence of the regulation , it would be for the Organization to characterize an action or pronouncement as adversely reflecting on the status of an official or an expert on mission . Regulation 2 ( e ) Officials and experts on mission shall not use their office or knowledge gained from their official functions for private gain , financial or otherwise , or for the gain of any third party , including family , friends and those they favour . Nor shall they use their office for personal reasons to prejudice the positions of those they do not favour . Commentary Regulation 2 ( e ) , which is similar to staff regulation 1.2 ( g ) , codifies principles set out in the ICSAB report ( see paras . 17 , 28 and 42 ) . The use of one's office for personal gain is clearly unacceptable . This includes not only conducting a business from a United Nations office but also such activities as using United Nations facilities for a business , using the United Nations name , logo or address for a business and approving a contract for a family business without disclosure . Regulation 2 ( e ) also reflects the principle set out in staff regulation 1.2 ( g ) that a staff member shall not use information that has not been made public for the private advantage of the staff member or of any third party . The regulation , for clarity , makes specific reference to prohibiting an official or expert on mission from so favouring a third party , including family or friends , as to enable that third party to profit from the position of the official or expert on mission or from the exercise of his or her functions . The term \" friends \" is broad and seeks to encompass not only friends as normally understood , but also relationships that are not recognized by the United Nations as creating a dependency . The regulation also prohibits the use of office or knowledge gained from that office for personal reasons to prejudice or harm third parties . Regulation 2 ( f ) Officials and experts on mission shall exercise the utmost discretion in regard to all matters of official business . Officials and experts on mission shall not communicate to any Government , entity , person or any other source any information known to them by reason of their official position that they know or ought to have known has not been made public , except as appropriate in the normal course of their duties or by authorization of the Secretary-General . If they are not appointed by the Secretary-General , such authorization shall be conferred by the body that appointed them . These obligations do not cease upon the cessation of their official functions . Commentary Regulation 2 ( f ) , which is similar to staff regulation 1.2 ( i ) , reflects the principle that official information may not be used for private purposes , except with authorization . This flows from the idea that officials and experts on mission are obligated to regulate their conduct with the interests of the Organization only in view ( see ICSAB report , para . 4 ) and also from the requirements of regulation 2 ( e ) . It follows that permission must be obtained for disclosure to third parties of information that has not been made public , unless such disclosure is specifically authorized or is in the normal course of duties of the official or expert on mission . Authorization of the Secretary-General is not required for officials and experts on mission who have not been appointed by the Secretary-General . Those officials and experts on mission would require the authorization of the body that had appointed them if the communication of the information was not a normal part of their duties . The last sentence of the regulation provides that the obligations contained in the provision do not cease upon cessation of official functions . It may be difficult to enforce such a provision , but , at the very least , if a former official or expert on mission ignored the obligations contained in this regulation , the official file of the former official or expert on mission could be noted so as to prevent his or her re-engagement . Regulation 2 ( g ) Officials and experts on mission may not accept any honour , decoration , favour , gift or remuneration from any Government or non-governmental source for activities carried out during the course of their official functions while in the service of the United Nations . Commentary To ensure that officials and experts are perceived as impartial , regulation 2 ( g ) prohibits the acceptance of any honour , decoration , favour , gift or remuneration from any Government or non-governmental source for activities carried out during the course of their official functions while in the service of the United Nations . Regulation 2 ( h ) Officials and experts on mission shall not be actively associated with the management of , or hold a financial interest in , any profit-making , business or other concern , if it were possible for them or the profit-making , business or other concern to benefit from such association or financial interest by reason of their position with the United Nations . Officials or experts on mission who are in such a situation shall either dispose of that financial interest or formally excuse themselves from participating with regard to any involvement in that matter that has given rise to the conflict-of-interest situation . Commentary The first sentence of regulation 2 ( h ) is similar to staff regulation 1.2 ( m ) . The purpose of the provision is to put officials and experts on mission on notice that they can not be actively associated with a profit-making , business or other concern , if either the concern or the official or expert on mission is to profit therefrom by reason of the association with the Organization . It will be for the Secretary-General or the appointing authority to judge whether a particular act has given rise to a conflict-of-interest situation . The second sentence of regulation 2 ( h ) is similar to the second part of staff rule 101.2 ( n ) , which deals with the consequences of a staff member 's having a possible conflict-of-interest situation . In such cases , the official or expert on mission shall dispose of the interests or , if practicable , shall excuse himself or herself from dealing with the matter on behalf of the Organization . Generally , experts on mission are appointed on a part-time basis , and it is therefore likely that they are engaged in other activities , including employment , when they are not performing services for the Organization . While there is no question that experts on mission may be so engaged , they must ensure that those activities are not incompatible with their status or functions as experts on mission . Regulation 2 ( i ) Officials and experts on mission shall file financial disclosure statements if requested to do so by the Secretary-General . The Secretary-General shall prescribe the format and information to be provided in such statements and shall establish procedures for filing them . The financial disclosure statements will remain confidential and will be used , as prescribed by the Secretary-General , only in making determinations pursuant to regulation 2 ( h ) . It will be for the Secretary-General , in due consultation with the appointing authority in the case of officials not appointed by the Secretary-General , to judge whether a particular fact has given rise to a conflict-of-interest situation . Commentary Regulation 2 ( i ) is similar to , but more general than , staff regulation 1.2 ( n ) , which requires all staff at the assistant secretary-general level and above to submit financial disclosure statements upon appointment and at intervals as prescribed by the Secretary-General , in respect of themselves and their dependent children , including any substantial transfers of assets and property to spouses and dependent children from the staff member or from any other source that might constitute a conflict of interest . This requirement is designed to minimize the risk of a perception of officials and experts on mission as using their position for personal gain . The regulation enables the Secretary-General to require officials and experts on mission to file financial disclosure statements , which will remain confidential and will be used only in dealing with conflict-of-interest situations ( for example , in assessing whether an official was in such a situation ) . Regulation 2 ( j ) Officials and experts on mission must comply with local laws and honour their private legal obligations , including , but not limited to , the obligation to honour orders of competent courts . Commentary Regulation 2 ( j ) , which is similar to staff rule 101.2 ( c ) , is really an amplification of regulation 1 ( e ) , which provides that the privileges and immunities of the Organization afford no excuse for non-performance of private obligations ( ibid. , paras . 32 , 54 and 55 ) . Regulation 2 ( j ) makes clear that private obligations must be honoured . It is the responsibility of those subject to the present Regulations , if they have a court order against them that they contest , to avail themselves of all means existing under the applicable national law to appeal the order and \/ or to secure relief from the obligation to comply with the order pending its appeal . Regulation 2 ( k ) Any form of discrimination or harassment , including sexual or gender harassment , as well as physical or verbal abuse , at the workplace or in connection with work , is prohibited . Commentary Regulation 2 ( k ) , which is similar to staff rule 101.2 ( d ) , reproduces the core of Secretary-General's bulletin ST \/ SGB \/ 253 of 29 October 1992 , which established United Nations policy on equal treatment of men and women in the Secretariat and also prohibited all forms of discrimination or harassment . Regulation 2 ( l ) Officials and experts on mission shall not intentionally misrepresent their functions , official title or the nature of their duties to Member States or to any entities or persons external to the United Nations . Commentary Regulation 2 ( l ) is similar to staff rule 101.2 ( f ) , which prohibits the intentional misrepresentation of an official title or duties to outside parties ( for example , by placing misleading titles on business cards ) . The use of the word \" intentional \" makes clear that this does not refer to careless or accidental acts . Regulation 2 ( m ) Officials and experts on mission participating , as part of their official functions , in activities organized by a Government , intergovernmental organization , non-governmental organization or other private source may receive from the Government , intergovernmental organization , non-governmental organization or private source accommodation and travel and subsistence allowance generally in line with those payable by the United Nations . In such cases , the travel and subsistence allowance that may otherwise be payable by the United Nations shall be reduced in the same manner as in respect of staff members of the Organization . Commentary Regulation 2 ( m ) , which is similar to staff rule 101.2 ( s ) , deals with the issue of participation at various official functions . Officials and experts on mission who as part of their official functions participate in activities organized by a Government , intergovernmental organization , non-governmental organization or other private source may receive from it accommodation and travel and subsistence allowance generally in line with those payable by the United Nations , and in such cases the allowances that may otherwise be payable by the United Nations shall be reduced in the same amount as in respect of staff members of the Organization . Such provisions are presently found in staff rule 107.15 ( a ) . It should be noted that accommodation and travel and subsistence allowance may be accepted only if their acceptance would be appropriate to the status of officials and experts on mission and to the integrity , independence and impartiality that are required by that status . There may therefore be situations in which it would not be appropriate to accept those allowances from a Government , intergovernmental organization , non-governmental organization or other private source . Regulation 3 Accountability Officials and experts on mission are accountable to the United Nations for the proper discharge of their functions . Commentary Regulation 3 , which is similar to staff regulation 1.3 ( a ) , makes clear that officials and experts on mission are accountable for their actions . The method of accountability may vary . For officials appointed by the General Assembly , that accountability would be a matter for the Assembly . For experts on mission , it would be the Secretary-General or the appointing authority who could terminate an assignment or otherwise admonish the expert . United Nations , Treaty Series , vol. I , No. 4 , p. 15 . Hereinafter , references to staff regulations and rules denote the provisions contained in article I of the Staff Regulations and chapter I of the 100 series of the Staff Rules that came into effect on 1 January 1999 , pursuant to General Assembly resolution 52 \/ 252 . A \/ 52 \/ 488 , annex III . iii","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"III Chapter Three They were three full , exquisite days--a true honeymoon . They were at the Hotel-de-Boulogne , on the harbour ; and they lived there , with drawn blinds and closed doors , with flowers on the floor , and iced syrups were brought them early in the morning . Towards evening they took a covered boat and went to dine on one of the islands . It was the time when one hears by the side of the dockyard the caulking-mallets sounding against the hull of vessels . The smoke of the tar rose up between the trees ; there were large fatty drops on the water , undulating in the purple colour of the sun , like floating plaques of Florentine bronze . They rowed down in the midst of moored boats , whose long oblique cables grazed lightly against the bottom of the boat . The din of the town gradually grew distant ; the rolling of carriages , the tumult of voices , the yelping of dogs on the decks of vessels . She took off her bonnet , and they landed on their island . They sat down in the low-ceilinged room of a tavern , at whose door hung black nets . They ate fried smelts , cream and cherries . They lay down upon the grass ; they kissed behind the poplars ; and they would fain , like two Robinsons , have lived for ever in this little place , which seemed to them in their beatitude the most magnificent on earth . It was not the first time that they had seen trees , a blue sky , meadows ; that they had heard the water flowing and the wind blowing in the leaves ; but , no doubt , they had never admired all this , as if Nature had not existed before , or had only begun to be beautiful since the gratification of their desires . At night they returned . The boat glided along the shores of the islands . They sat at the bottom , both hidden by the shade , in silence . The square oars rang in the iron thwarts , and , in the stillness , seemed to mark time , like the beating of a metronome , while at the stern the rudder that trailed behind never ceased its gentle splash against the water . Once the moon rose ; they did not fail to make fine phrases , finding the orb melancholy and full of poetry . She even began to sing -- \" One night , do you remember , we were sailing , \" etc. Her musical but weak voice died away along the waves , and the winds carried off the trills that Leon heard pass like the flapping of wings about him . She was opposite him , leaning against the partition of the shallop , through one of whose raised blinds the moon streamed in . Her black dress , whose drapery spread out like a fan , made her seem more slender , taller . Her head was raised , her hands clasped , her eyes turned towards heaven . At times the shadow of the willows hid her completely ; then she reappeared suddenly , like a vision in the moonlight . Leon , on the floor by her side , found under his hand a ribbon of scarlet silk . The boatman looked at it , and at last said -- \" Perhaps it belongs to the party I took out the other day . A lot of jolly folk , gentlemen and ladies , with cakes , champagne , cornets--everything in style ! There was one especially , a tall handsome man with small moustaches , who was that funny ! And they all kept saying , ' Now tell us something , Adolphe--Dolpe , ' I think . \" She shivered . \" You are in pain ? \" asked Leon , coming closer to her . \" Oh , it 's nothing ! No doubt , it is only the night air . \" \" And who does n ' t want for women , either , \" softly added the sailor , thinking he was paying the stranger a compliment . Then , spitting on his hands , he took the oars again . Yet they had to part . The adieux were sad . He was to send his letters to Mere Rollet , and she gave him such precise instructions about a double envelope that he admired greatly her amorous astuteness . \" So you can assure me it is all right ? \" she said with her last kiss . \" Yes , certainly . \" \" But why , \" he thought afterwards as he came back through the streets alone , \" is she so very anxious to get this power of attorney ? \"","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"An Act to amend the Leases for Schools ( Ireland ) Act , 1881 , and otherwise to make provision for enabling certain leases and grants to be made for school purposes . [ 4th June 1928 ] Amendment of 1881 c . 65 , as to leases for schools . 1 . -- ( 1 ) The power of making leases which is conferred by the Leases for Schools ( Ireland ) Act , 1881 , upon the persons therein described shall extend to the making ( subject to the limitations contained in section four of the said Act as to quantity , term and rent ) of leases to an education authority -- ( a ) of land for the purpose of providing a playground or place of recreation or other school accommodation in connection with a school or schools ; or ( b ) of land together with a school or schools and playground , teacher's residence or other school accommodation , erected or provided on such land . ( 2 ) The persons described in the Leases for Schools ( Ireland ) Act , 1881 , shall ( in addition to the power of making leases conferred by that Act or by that Act as extended by this Act ) have power to make leases to an education authority , for any term or in perpetuity , of any quantity of land for any of the purposes mentioned in the said Act or in this Act : Provided that every lease under the provisions of this sub-section shall reserve the best rent that can reasonably be obtained , regard being had to any money laid out or to be laid out on the premises leased and generally to the circumstances of the case , and the provisions of sections five , six and seven of the Leases for Schools ( Ireland ) Act , 1881 , shall apply to every such lease . S. 2 rep . by 1995 NI 7 Short title and interpretation . 3 . -- ( 1 ) This Act may be cited as the School Sites Act ( Northern Ireland ) , 1928 . ( 2 ) In this Act the expression \" education authority \" F001 means an education authority for the purposes of the Education Act ( Northern Ireland ) , 1923","labels":"Legal","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Brexit must happen on time , Theresa May insists Theresa May has said she is \" clear \" she expects to start talks on leaving the EU as planned by the end of March . The prime minister also played down the chances of an early general election , saying the next one \" should \" take place as scheduled in 2020 . The government is appealing against the High Court's decision that MPs and peers should vote on triggering Brexit . Mrs May said judges should \" specify how \" the vote might happen , if ministers are defeated again . The High Court ruled last Thursday that Parliament should have a say before the UK invokes Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty - which triggers up to two years of formal EU withdrawal talks . Labour has said it will not attempt to delay or scupper this process . Brexit live : Rolling text and video updates Judges ' could need democratic controls' Brexit court ruling : Your questions answered The legal questions at the heart of the High Court Article 50 ruling But the government argues that a parliamentary vote is not necessary as it already has powers to decide when negotiations with the EU should start . The Supreme Court is expected to hear its appeal early next month . Speaking to BBC Business Editor Simon Jack on a trade visit to India , Mrs May said : \" I 'm clear that I expect to be able to trigger Article 50 by the end of March next year . That 's what I 've said consistently and I continue to work on that basis . \" She added : \" We believe the government has got strong legal arguments . We 'll be putting those arguments to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court will make its judgement . \" There is some debate about whether a vote at Westminster on invoking Article 50 would require a full Act of Parliament , or whether it could happen much more speedily by MPs and peers agreeing to a resolution - a written motion - instead . Media captionLabour's Keir Starmer reacts to Brexit Secretary David Davis' statement on Article 50 Asked about this , Mrs May suggested that she would expect the court to set out which of the two options would be required . She said : \" If it were the case that the Supreme Court were to uphold the view of the High Court , then the judgement would set out what the details were . \" In recent days , the idea of an early election has been raised , but Mrs May said : \" I 've been clear the next general election should be in 2020 . \" The government is getting on with the job in delivering what people voted for on 23 June which was for Britain to leave the European Union . We 're going to put that in to practice . \" In June's UK-wide referendum , voters opted by 51.9 % to 48.1 % in favour of leaving the EU . Media captionBrexit Secretary David Davis' statement to MPs after the High Court ruling on Article 50 Earlier on Monday , Brexit Secretary David Davis gave the government's official response to the High Court's ruling , telling MPs the referendum result \" must be respected and delivered \" . He added : \" There must be no attempt to remain inside the EU now , attempting it behind the back door or a second referendum . \" For Labour , shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer said Parliament had to have a vote on the issue , as it was \" sovereign \" and , because of this , \" that scrutiny matters \" . However , his party would not \" frustrate \" the process of invoking Article 50 , he added . Brexit : All you need to know What has actually happened since Brexit ? He told MPs the government's approach was \" unravelling \" in an \" ugly way \" , adding : \" We saw a series of appalling personal attacks on the judges , including the suggestion that they were ' enemies of the people ' . \" This was a reference to a headline used in the Daily Mail on Friday - the day after the High Court's decision . Mr Davis insisted that \" we believe in and value the independence of our judiciary \" , but defended the freedom of the press . \" Both these things underpin our democracy , \" he said . Suzanne Evans , one of the three candidates for the UKIP leadership contest , told BBC Radio 4 's Today programme that judges could be \" subject to some kind of democratic control \" following the High Court's decision . She did not want to undermine \" their judicial independence \" , but added : \" I suppose that in this case , we have had a situation where we have judges committed to stay in the European Union ... \" I 'm questioning the legitimacy of this particular case . We know that the legal profession threw a collective hissy fit when we voted to leave . \" Scotland's Brexit minister , the SNP's Michael Russell , said he could not imagine any circumstances in which his party's MPs would vote in favour of triggering Article 50 .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Personnel matters Report by the Director-General Contents Developments on personnel-related matters The Organization continued to strengthen its field presence by increasing the number of Professional staff ( international and local ) in the field . As of 1 September 2008 there were 56 Professional staff in the field ( 39 international and 17 national ) , which constitutes a 43 per cent increase since the field mobility policy was launched in April 2006 . The modalities of implementation of the Young Professionals Programme ( YPP ) were finalized and a policy document was issued containing provisions for the recruitment and career management of those to be recruited under this programme . The programme aims at facilitating succession planning , knowledge retention and rejuvenating the workforce through the recruitment , on a competitive basis , of young talent into the Organization . The programme targets individuals under the age of 30 who will be recruited for a three-year fixed term appointment at the P-1 level . Once recruited they will follow a managed development programme , including the possibility of a field assignment . The YPP includes ten positions in the Programme Development and Technical Cooperation ( PTC ) and the Programme Coordination and Field Operations ( PCF ) Divisions . A revised learning policy has been presented for staff \/ management consultations to the Joint Advisory Committee ( JAC ) . The policy recognizes the fact that UNIDO's most important resource is its staff and the knowledge and technical expertise embodied in them . It takes into consideration the challenging and dynamic business environment , in which UNIDO is operating as well as the need for the Organization to be a learning organization . The policy also introduces some measures to encourage continuous flow of knowledge and ideas between the Organization and the external environment through partnerships and exchanges with educational and research institutions as well as other organizations . Following the success of the leadership development programme that was implemented in 2007 for managers , the Organization has introduced a management development programme for all Professional staff at the P-1 to P-4 levels as well as National Programme Officers . The programme is made up of three specific modules and seeks to enhance staff members' management skills and competencies in achieving results through working with other people and leading their subordinates . The programme will continue over two years . In addition to its regular training programmes , the Organization also introduced a number of training events to familiarize and update staff with its various administrative rules and processes . Programmes were run on the Financial Performance Control System ( FPCS ) and project management . A mandatory procurement training programme was introduced to ensure that staff members involved in procurement activities have sufficient knowledge of the related rules . Participants in the first phase of this programme do a self study of the Procurement Manual following which they undertake an intranet-based test . Upon successful completion of the test , they receive a certificate . Advanced training on procurement will also be provided covering issues such as preparing technical specifications and terms of reference , evaluating offers , procurement ethics and fiduciary oversight . Staff in duty stations away from Headquarters were also invited for a one week training programme organized in Vienna . The training included staff assigned to Investment and Technology Promotion Offices and other offices . The training focused on supporting staff in these offices to increase the offices' level of efficiency and effectiveness . Good employee relations remained a high priority for management and various actions were implemented to ensure staff engagement . The year was marked by an intensification of staff \/ management consultations , especially within the framework of the Joint Advisory Committee ( JAC ) . During the relevant period , meetings were held regularly ( at least once a month ) , during which staff and management representatives discussed various issues related to staff welfare , conditions of work , reviewed existing policies and consulted on new ones . The discussions included such subjects as the UNIDO Young Professionals Programme , the UNIDO policy on protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits and investigations , the UNIDO policy on learning and performance appraisal . JAC discussions will also include the UNIDO Code of Conduct and the financial disclosure programme . The Director-General continued to meet directly with randomly selected staff members in the context of his initiative \" Dialogue with the Director-General \" . Two such meetings were held in 2008 and they continued to be a valuable forum for generating proposals , inputs and feedback on organizational issues . A similar initiative has been introduced by the Managing Director of the Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division ( PTC ) . In addition to meeting with the Professional staff as part of the performance appraisal process , he also met with his General Service staff . The views generated from such meetings will serve as valuable inputs for management decision-making . Common system developments Salary scale for staff in the Professional and higher categories Schedule I to the staff regulations . The concept of the base \/ floor salary scale was introduced by the United Nations General Assembly in resolution 44 \/ 198 , section I. H , of 21 December 1989 . The scale is set by reference to the salary scale of the comparator civil service ( the federal civil service of the United States of America ) in Washington , D. C. Periodic adjustments are made on the basis of a comparison of net base salaries of United Nations officials with the corresponding salaries of their counterparts in the United States federal civil service . By resolution 62 \/ 227 of 21 December 2007 , the General Assembly approved , with effect from 1 January 2008 , a revised base scale for staff in the Professional and higher categories . The scale reflects the consolidation , on a no loss \/ no gain basis , of 1.97 multiplier points of post adjustment into the base salary scale . The increase of the base \/ floor salary scale by 1.97 per cent does not affect the level of remuneration of staff , as the post adjustment portion has been reduced by the amount consolidated into the base salary . Upon implementation of the revised base salary scale , revised post adjustment indices and multipliers have been established by the International Civil Service Commission ( ICSC ) for all duty stations . Changes in post adjustment multipliers due after 1 January 2008 have been effected on the basis of the movement of the newly consolidated post adjustment indices . The revised base salary scale for staff in the Professional and higher categories , effective 1 January 2008 , is set out in annex I to this document . The financial implications of the consolidation of 1.97 per cent of post adjustment into base salaries on a no gain \/ no loss basis normally had an impact on two groups of staff entitlements , namely the hardship \/ mobility allowance and the repatriation grant . Following changes in the hardship and mobility scheme effective 1 January 2007 ( see below ) , this allowance is no longer linked to the salary scale and is no longer relevant in connection with the consolidation process . As for the repatriation grant , the consolidation resulted in a similar increase in the payments of this entitlement to eligible staff . The programme and budgets , 2008-2009 , as approved by Member States , contains provisions to absorb the related cost increases . Matters related to the staff rules Pensionable remuneration for staff in the Professional and higher categories Appendix C to the staff rules . In accordance with Article 54 ( b ) of the regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund , the scale of pensionable remuneration for the Professional and higher categories must be adjusted on the same date and by the same percentage as the net remuneration of United Nations officials serving in New York . In accordance with this provision , ICSC promulgated revised scales of pensionable remuneration effective 1 September 2007 and 1 August 2008 . These were promulgated in appendix C to the staff rules and are contained in annexes II and III to the present document . Salary scale for staff in the General Service category Appendix A to the staff rules . In accordance with the Flemming principle , General Service staff shall have pay and other conditions of employment that match the best on offer at the duty station . The principle was first stated in 1949 by a body of experts on pay established by the United Nations General Assembly . It is the cornerstone of the methodology followed by ICSC for the conduct of local salary surveys . Based upon the Flemming principle , staff regulation 6.5 ( a ) provides that \" The Director-General shall fix the salary scales for staff in the General Service and related categories , normally on the basis of the best prevailing conditions of employment in the locality , taking into account the recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission . \" According to the approved ICSC methodology , which takes account of changes in the consumer price and wages indices over a period of 12 months , and in consultation with the other Vienna-based organizations , the Director-General implemented effective 1 April 2007 an interim adjustment of the salary scales for General Service staff of 1.96 per cent . The revised scale is contained in annex IV to the present document . Assignment grant and mobility \/ hardship allowance Appendix N to the Staff Rules has been amended to reflect changes to the mobility and hardship scheme effective 1 January 2007 , as approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 61 \/ 239 of 22 December 2006 on the recommendation of the International Civil Service Commission . Following extensive consultations on the modalities of implementation of the revised scheme among the United Nations Common System Organizations , the scheme was implemented with appropriate transitional measures . The new Appendix N containing the revised conditions is shown in annex V to the present document with deletions shown in square brackets and amendments being underlined . Staff rule 103.12 on Appointment and Promotion Board Staff rule 103.12 ( a ) ( i ) has been amended to indicate that posts in the General Service category in field duty stations are exempt from submission to the General Service Selection Panel of the Appointment and Promotion Board . The revised staff rule 103.12 ( a ) ( i ) is contained in annex VI to the present document with amendments being underlined . The amendment was introduced in the interest of efficiency while the competitive process was maintained and is implemented locally . Financial implications The financial implications of the above changes have been anticipated in the programme and budgets for the biennium 2008-2009 . Social Security Agreement Negotiations between UNIDO and the Republic of Austria regarding a new social security agreement as a supplementary agreement to the Headquarters Agreement of 1995 ( decision GC . 6 \/ Dec. 21 refers ) have been concluded . The agreement will be presented to the Board at its thirty-sixth session for approval and may be provisionally applied pending its approval by the Industrial Development Board and the General Conference and its entry into force . Action required by the Board The Board may wish to consider the adoption of the following draft decision : \" The Industrial Development Board ; \" ( a ) Takes note of the information contained in document IDB . 35 \/ 13 ; \" ( b ) Notes the amendments made in pursuance to staff regulation 13.3 to schedule I of the staff regulations in order to bring them into conformity with the decision of the General Assembly set out in resolution 62 \/ 227 ; \" ( c ) Also notes the amendment to appendices A , C and N to the staff rules and to the staff rule 103.12 ( a ) ( i ) . \" Annex I Schedule I Salary scales for the Professional and higher categories showing annual gross salaries and the net equivalents after application of staff assessment ( in United States dollars ) Effective 1 January D = Rate applicable to staff members with a dependent spouse or child . S = Rate applicable to staff members with no dependent spouse or child . Annex II Appendix C Scale of pensionable remuneration for the Professional and higher categories ( For purposes of pension benefits and pension contributions ) ( in United States dollars ) Effective 1 September 2007 Annex III Appendix C Scale of pensionable remuneration for the Professional and higher categories ( For purposes of pension benefits and pension contributions ) ( in United States dollars ) Effective 1 August 2008 Annex IV Appendix A Salary scales for staff in the General Service category showing annual gross , gross pensionable and net salary after application of staff assessment ( in Euros ) Effective 1 April 2007 * Long-service step Annex V Appendix N Assignment grant and mobility \/ hardship allowance Assignment grant ( a ) No change . ( b ) No change . ( c ) No change . ( d ) No change . ( e ) The lump sum portion of the grant shall normally be payable only to staff members for whom no entitlement to removal exists . It shall be paid to them according to the following rates : ( i ) At H duty stations : for staff in the Professional and higher categories and project personnel , one month's net base salary plus post adjustment applicable to the duty station at the staff member's grade , step and rate ; for internationally recruited General Service staff , one month's net base salary , plus any language allowance and dependency allowance in respect of a dependent spouse or first dependent child , whichever is applicable , at the staff member's grade and step ; ( ii ) At all other duty stations : for staff in the Professional and higher categories and project personnel for assignments expected to be of three years or more , two months' net base salary plus post adjustment applicable to the duty station at the staff member's grade , step and rate ; for internationally recruited General Service staff , two months' net base salary , plus any language allowance and dependency allowance in respect of a dependent spouse or first dependent child , applicable to the duty station at the staff member's grade , step and rate . If the staff member did not remain for at least three years , recovery of a one-month lump sum shall be effected . If , however , the staff member's appointment or expected duration of assignment to the duty station is for two years or less , only one month's net base salary ( plus appropriate additional elements ) is payable ; the second month's net base salary ( plus appropriate additional elements ) is payable at the start of the third year at the duty station if the staff member's appointment or assignment is extended to a total period of three years or more . ( f ) No change . ( g ) No change . ( h ) No change . ( i ) No change . ( j ) No change . Mobility \/ hardship allowance ( a ) Staff members in the Professional and higher categories , including project personnel and internationally recruited General Service staff members , who are appointed or assigned to a duty station for one year or more shall be eligible for the payment of a mobility \/ hardship allowance . The allowance shall be paid according to the staff member's entitlements with respect to the following components of the allowance : ( i ) The mobility element , as an incentive [ to staff of organizations participating in the United Nations common system to accept reassignments to different duty stations ] for the geographic mobility of staff ; ( ii ) The hardship element , [ as an incentive to staff to serve at field duty stations with varying degrees of hardship ] as compensation for the varying degrees of hardship at different duty stations ; ( iii ) The non removal element , as compensation for the non removal of personal effects and household goods . ( b ) [ The staff member's entitlement to the allowance are reckoned in terms of percentage points of a base salary rate , as defined in paragraph ( d ) below . With respect to each of the three elements , the percentage points may be accrued as follows : ] Lump sum payments of the mobility \/ hardship allowances are made in the form of flat amounts set by the International Civil Service Commission . The amount of the allowances payable to each eligible staff member may vary as follows : ( i ) Mobility [ element : ] allowance : At H duty stations , nil for the first three assignments . Mobility allowance is paid upon [ 4 percentage points for ] the fourth assignment ( provided that at least two of the previous assignments were at A-E [ field ] duty stations ) . [ and 6 percentage points for the fifth and subsequent assignments ; ] For payment purposes , the number of assignments are grouped as four to six assignments and seven or more assignments ; b . At [ all other ] A-E duty stations , nil for the first assignment [ ; ] . Mobility allowance is paid upon [ 10 percentage points for ] the second assignment . - [ and 2 additional percentage points for each subsequent assignment up to and including the fifth assignment ; ] For payment purposes , the number of assignments are grouped as two to three assignments , four to six assignments and seven or more assignments ; ( ii ) Hardship [ element ] allowance : nil for H and A duty stations . [ and 8 , 15 , 20 and 25 percentage points ] Payments begin with first assignment to [ for ] B , C , D and E duty stations [ respectively ] ; ( iii ) Non removal [ element ] allowance : [ 3 percentage points at H duty stations and 5 percentage points at all other duty stations . ] Flat amounts are paid for duty stations H to E. [ ( c ) The matrix below shows the various combinations of percentage points that may be accrued cumulatively on account of the three elements of the allowance . Mobility \/ hardship allowance matrix a Plus 3 per cent if the staff member is not entitled to the removal of household goods . b Provided that the staff member has previously served on two or more assignments in A E duty stations , otherwise no entitlement is payable . c Minus 5 per cent if the staff member receives full household removal . ] [ ( d ) ] ( c ) [ The actual amount of the allowance is determined by applying the percentage points to a base salary rate , which is equivalent to the net base salary of staff at the mid point of the Professional salary scale , i . e . P 4 , step VI , at the dependency rate . This base salary rate is applicable to staff at levels P 4 and P 5 . It is increased by 13 per cent for staff at levels D1 and above and reduced by 13 per cent for staff at levels P 1 to P 3 and internationally recruited General Service staff . For staff who have no dependent spouse or child , the allowance is calculated at 75 per cent of the base salary rate appropriate to their grade . ] The mobility \/ hardship allowances are flat amounts . Payments are differentiated by the following grade groupings : P-1 to P-3 and internationally recruited General Service staff , P-4 and P-5 and D-1 and above . Single staff shall receive 75 per cent of the flat amount paid to staff with dependants of the corresponding grade range . [ ( e ) ] ( d ) The mobility \/ hardship allowance is payable to all eligible staff [ including those serving in their own country ] and is non pensionable . [ The allowance is normally paid in a lump sum at the beginning of each 12 month period that the staff member is expected to remain at the duty station or pro rata as appropriate . ] [ ( f ) ] ( e ) The allowance shall be payable at the dependency rate to a staff member with recognized dependants , irrespective of where the dependants actually reside . When both husband and wife are staff members entitled to the allowance , it shall be paid to each of them in an amount calculated on the basis of his or her own salary level . [ ( g ) ] ( f ) Staff members who are assigned to a particular duty station and are then placed in travel or mission status while in receipt of a daily subsistence allowance ( DSA ) shall be eligible for the mobility \/ hardship allowance in respect of the duty station to which they were originally assigned and not in respect of the duty station at which they are in travel or mission status . Mobility element [ ( h ) ] ( g ) Entitlement to the mobility element is subject to the requirement that the staff member concerned should have had five or more consecutive years of service in an organization participating in the United Nations common system . This requirement may be considered as met if the staff member has accumulated five years of service within a period of six consecutive years . Continuity of service is not considered as broken by periods of special leave without pay , but full months of any such period are not to be credited as service for the purpose of this allowance . [ ( i ) ] ( h ) In counting the number of assignments for the application of the mobility element , the following guidelines will be taken into account : ( A ) An assignment will not be counted as such unless it involves the installation of the staff member at the duty station ( i . e . payment by the Organization of travel expenses and the assignment grant ) except in the case of an initial appointment for one year or more where no travel expenses and assignment grant have been paid ; ( B ) Any period of service on travel or mission status while in receipt of DSA will not be counted as an assignment . However , if such status is extended beyond one year at the same duty station , that period will be so counted ; ( C ) If a staff member is posted to a duty station for an initial period of less than one year and the period is subsequently extended so that service at the duty station equals or exceeds one year , such service will be counted as an assignment ; ( D ) In the case of consecutive assignments of less than one year at different duty stations during which the staff member is paid post adjustment under staff rule 106.04 ( c ) ( i ) or 206.12 ( d ) , the combined periods of such assignments may be counted as one assignment ; ( E ) If a staff member is assigned to a duty station for a period of one year or more and the period is subsequently reduced on the initiative of the Organization to less than a year's duration , such service should normally be counted as an assignment . [ ( j ) ] ( i ) Transfers , secondments and loans to other organizations participating in the United Nations common system are treated in the same way as movement within the Organization for the purpose of the mobility element , i . e . in order to be counted as an assignment , such transfers , secondments and loans should be for a period of one year or more and involve a change of duty station . [ ( k ) ] ( j ) The mobility allowance is paid in monthly instalments . Payment ceases after [ After ] five years of service at the same duty station . [ , the mobility element is reduced by 10 percentage points on the matrix ; and if the duty station is one of the H duty stations , the mobility element will be reduced to nil . This limited period of five years may exceptionally be extended by the Organization up to one more year , if the staff member : ( a ) remains at the duty station on the initiative of the Organization ; or ( b ) is expected to be reassigned before the end of the sixth year . ] Hardship element [ ( l ) ] ( k ) The hardship element is payable from the initial appointment or the first assignment of a staff member to any of the duty stations classified in the B , C , D or E category , provided that the staff member meets the general conditions of eligibility for the allowance . Payments are made in monthly instalments . It remains applicable for the entire duration of the staff member's service at the duty station and for as long as that duty station remains classified in the category concerned . Upon a change in the classified category , an appropriate adjustment of [ the percentage points for ] the hardship element and the resulting amount of payment will be made . Non-removal element [ ( m ) ] ( l ) The element for non removal is applicable for a maximum period of five years at one duty station , provided the staff member is not entitled to a removal of household goods , irrespective of the length of his or her total consecutive service with an organization participating in the United Nations common system or at the duty station . Payments will be made in a lump-sum at the beginning of the assignment , up to a maximum of five years . [ This period may , exceptionally , be extended for up to two more years at the discretion of the Director-General . ] Annex VI Staff Rule 103.12 Appointment and Promotion Board ( a ) ( i ) An Appointment and Promotion Board shall be established by the Director-General to give advice on the appointment and promotion of staff in the Professional and General Service categories , and at the D-2 and D-1 levels , except for staff in the Office of the Director-General , heads of the Bureaux reporting to the Director-General , entry grades G-1 \/ G-2 in the General Service category and staff in the General Service category serving at field duty stations ; For reasons of economy , this document has been printed in a limited number . Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies of documents to meetings .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"' ZIGGY ' IS A 6 YEAR OLD 13 . 2H BRIGHT BAY GELDING . THIS AMAZING LITTLE PONY LIVES TO JUMP AND WOULD EASILY AFFILIATE AND TAKE SOME LUCKY CHILD TO THE TOP . HE WOULD ALSO MAKE A SUPERB WHP AND WOULD LOVE TO BE ON THE WINNING PONY CLUB TEAM ! HE IS VERY GOOD TO HANDLE AND IS USED TO BEING BATHED AND TITIVATED !! ZIGGY IS ALWAYS ON HIS BEST BEHAVIOUR WITH THE FARRIER AND TO LOAD , TRAVEL , HACK AND CATCH . HE IS CLEAN LIMBED AND IS OPEN TO FULL VETTING . ONLY FOR SALE AS CURRENT JOCKEY HAS OBVIOUSLY BEEN SLEEPING IN A GROWBAG !! THIS PONY HAS WINNER WRITTEN ALL OVER HIM DONT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A REAL STAR","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Two more techniques for improving watering efficiency are grouping plants by container size and water requirement and using drip irrigation whenever possible . The Saunders Brothers distribute the ponds' water through a sophisticated , computerized irrigation system designed to show vertical inches of water applied over a particular area during a set time . The computer program has helped them know the exact amount of water scheduled for irrigation . As often happens with such conservation practices , Saunders Brothers , Inc. has realized significant operational cost savings from these investments . Last year , the family took a step further in irrigation efficiency . Tom takes up the tale : \" During the summer of 2011 , we invited two research professors from the University of Florida to help establish ET ( Evapotranspiration ) levels for all plants we grow . The work was the first of its kind in the United States and helped us establish definitive amounts of water needed by specific plants during the hottest times of the year . We plan to continue the work for two more years . Already we are seeing where we can cut irrigation levels , and we have found out that lower fertilizer levels due to the lower water requirement will actually grow an equally good plant at a savings . \" Between growing plants in plastic pots under plastic greenhouse covers and using plastic sheeting as the growing surface , the brothers found themselves accumulating a lot of that material . They are , however , innovative thinkers , so it 's no surprise that Saunders Brothers , Inc was the first container nursery in the United States to send its greenhouse film to Tyco Plastics in Monroe , Louisiana . \" In the early years , \" Tom says , \" our purchase of their plastic was dependent on them accepting our used plastic , which they then turned into garbage bags . We started this practice in 2002 . For years , we have palletized and shipped our plastic propagation trays to the Canadian Poly Recycling Association . We also recycle plastic containers that we are not planning on reusing . Finally , we recycle all cardboard that plants or other products arrive in . \" \u2013 John Page Williams","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Brazilian Daterrra Special Reserve Ultimate Single Origin Espresso . This coffee is so limited ... when it 's gone , we have to wait till next season . V acuum of supply since it was the winning coffee at the World Barista Championships . The espresso is grassy , fresh and chocolaty smooth . To my suprise , it even works well with milk , which is really unexpected ... Louis Norbeeto Pascoal , the director of Daterra . He has an infectious passion , which is backed by an incredible knowledge and understanding of chemistry and coffee farming .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Dominic Fifield at Darius and Girenas Stadium Wednesday July 27 , 2005 The Guardian Liverpool supporters have seen it all now . Most are still pinching themselves after seeing their side lift the European Cup in May . Some , perhaps unjustly , are flinching at the \u00a3 7m paid to Southampton for Peter Crouch . But all must have reeled in disbelief here last night at the sight of Jamie Carragher scoring a goal . The centre-half's reward , his first in six years and only the third goal of his career , helped establish a lead in this tie which should see Liverpool safely through to the third qualifying stage . It was timely , too . The holders trailed briefly and , on an awkward surface against spirited opponents , flirted with disaster before , eventually , their class told . Article continues A two-goal advantage going into next week's return should prove sufficient to ensure progress , with the draw for the final qualifying phase to be made on Friday . The possibility of facing Everton at that stage looms large , though for the moment Liverpool can take heart at a job half done . Rafael Ben\u00edtez leaves the Baltic encouraged that , if he can prise a goal from Carragher , he is a miracle worker indeed . \" It 's been such a long time it 's a little bit embarrassing really but I 'm delighted to get that monkey off my back , \" admitted the 27-year-old , whose last goal had come in the 7-1 thrashing of Southampton in January 1999 . \" Hopefully I can add to that now . The manager said after the game he wants another three or four this season . That 's the target . I probably deserve the match ball after that . Me scoring one is like someone else getting a hat-trick . \" Liverpool needed him to break that long duck . Preparation , by Ben\u00edtez's standards , had been sketchy for this tie and , confronted by the Lithuanians' eager early aggression , the holders briefly teetered . For six minutes embarrassment threatened after Arturas Rimkevicius gathered from a throw-in and flummoxed the ponderous Sami Hyypia near the touchline . The striker tore towards the area and pulled back to the top of the six-yard box where Giedrius Barevicius' mis-hit shot wrong-footed Jos\u00e9 Reina and dribbled in . The giddy reality of their lead took time to sink in with the locals and , had their striker Andrius Velicka been fit , they might have prospered further . Yet it always looked a temporary upset of the natural order . By the interval Liverpool were ahead . First Boudewijn Zenden's looping cross was nodded down by the debutant Crouch , a signing of real stature who provided no little elegance in his ground-play . Mindaugas Baguzis could have cleared but he dithered near the penalty spot and Djibril Ciss\u00e9 spun and thumped the equaliser into the corner . Kaunas's spirit momentarily drained and , while heads were down , Steven Gerrard's corner was headed in for Carragher's rare party piece . Ciss\u00e9 should have added a third before the interval , bursting on to Xabi Alonso's threaded pass and skimming a shot beyond Eduardas Kurskis only for Irmantas Zelmikas to scramble the ball from the line . The Frenchman missed again when clean through near the end but Liverpool's dominance had long since been established . There was real promise in the combination of Crouch and Ciss\u00e9 , the reassurance of Fernando Morientes emerging from the bench and Alonso's clever passing alongside Gerrard's purring menace in midfield . The hapless Baguzis tripped the galloping captain in the area nine minutes into the second period and Gerrard dispatched the penalty himself , his 15th European goal . \" We 're strong favourites and 90 % certain of going through after that but we 'll still need to find the other 10 % now , \" added Carragher . \" We 'll show them respect because we always do . \" Even so , a professional performance in what should prove a formality of the return next Tuesday and Liverpool , seeded and warming up nicely , will be one stage away from the Champions League proper .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Broad Green station , Liverpool , shown in 1962 , opened in 1830 , is the oldest station site in the world still in use as a passenger station . Baker Street station , London , opened in 1863 , was the world's first station to be completely underground . Its original part , seen here , is just below the surface and was constructed by cut-and-cover tunnelling . Opened in 2006 , Berlin Hauptbahnhof is a large station at the crossing point of two major railways and features modern , abstract architecture . Berlin had a ring of terminus stations , similar to London and Paris , however they were gradually replaced with through stations from 1882 to 1952 . A train station , railway station , railroad station , or depot ( see below ) is a railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or freight . It generally consists of at least one track - side platform and a station building ( depot ) providing such ancillary services as ticket sales and waiting rooms . If a station is on a single-track line , it often has a passing loop to facilitate traffic movements . The smallest stations are most often referred to as \" stops \" or , in some parts of the world , as \" halts \" ( flag stops ) . Stations may be at ground level , underground , or elevated . Connections may be available to intersecting rail lines or other transport modes such as buses , trams or other rapid transit systems . In Britain and other Commonwealth countries , traditional usage favours railway station or simply station , even though train station , which is often perceived as an Americanism , is now about as common as railway station in writing ; railroad station is not used , railroad being obsolete there . [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] In British usage , the word station is commonly understood to mean a railway station unless otherwise qualified . [ 4 ] In the United States , the most common term in contemporary usage is train station . Railway station and railroad station are less frequent . [ 5 ] In North America , the term depot is used most commonly as an alternative name for station , along with the compound forms train depot , railway depot , and railroad depot , but also applicable for buses and other vehicles , especially in rural areas where it might be understood as a direct equivalent to stop or halt . [ citation needed ] Outside of North America , a depot is \" [ a ] place where buses , trains , or other vehicles are housed and maintained and from which they are dispatched for service . \" [ 6 ] Grand Central Terminal in New York City is the world's largest station by number of platforms , having 67 tracks on two levels . The world's first recorded railway station was The Mount on the Oystermouth Railway ( later to be known as the Swansea and Mumbles ) in Swansea , Wales , [ 7 ] which began passenger service in 1807 , although the trains were horsedrawn rather than by locomotives . [ 8 ] The oldest terminal station in the world was Crown Street railway station in Liverpool , built in 1830 , on the Liverpool to Manchester line . As the first train on the Liverpool-Manchester line left Liverpool the station is slightly older than the Manchester terminal at Liverpool Road . The station was the first to incorporate a train shed . The station was demolished in 1836 as the Liverpool terminal station moved to Lime Street railway station . Crown Street station was converted to a goods station terminal . The first stations had little in the way of buildings or amenities . The first stations in the modern sense were on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway , opened in 1830 . [ 10 ] Manchester's Liverpool Road Station , the second oldest terminal station in the world , and the only surviving station , is preserved as part of the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester . It resembles a row of Georgian houses . Early stations were sometimes built with both passenger and goods facilities , though some railway lines were goods-only or passenger-only , and if a line was dual-purpose there would often be a goods depot apart from the passenger station . [ 11 ] Dual-purpose stations can sometimes still be found today , though in many cases goods facilities are restricted to major stations . In rural and remote communities across Canada and the United States , passengers wanting to board the train had to flag the train down in order for it to stop . Such stations were known as \" flag stops \" or \" flag stations \" . [ 12 ] Many stations date from the 19th century and reflect the grandiose architecture of the time , lending prestige to the city as well as to railway operations . [ 13 ] Countries where railways arrived later may still have such architecture , as later stations often imitated 19th-century styles . Various forms of architecture have been used in the construction of stations , from those boasting grand , intricate , Baroque - or Gothic - style edifices , to plainer utilitarian or modernist styles . Stations in Europe tended to follow British designs and were in some countries , like Italy , financed by British railway companies . [ 14 ] Stations built more recently often have a similar feel to airports , with a simple , abstract style . Examples of modern stations include those on newer high-speed rail networks , such as the Shinkansen in Japan , TGV lines in France and ICE lines in Germany . Stations usually have staffed ticket sales offices , automated ticket machines , or both , although on some lines tickets are sold on board the trains . Many stations include a shop or convenience store . Larger stations usually have fast-food or restaurant facilities . In some countries , stations may also have a bar or pub . Other station facilities may include : toilets , left-luggage , lost-and-found , departures and arrivals boards , luggage carts , waiting rooms , taxi ranks , bus bays and even car parks . Larger or manned stations tend to have a greater range of facilities including also a station security office . These are usually open for travellers when there is sufficient traffic over a long enough period of time to warrant the cost . In large cities this may mean facilities available around the clock . A basic station might only have platforms , though it may still be distinguished from a halt , a stopping or halting place that may not even have platforms . In many African and South American countries , and in many places in India , stations are used as a place for public markets and other informal businesses . This is especially true on tourist routes or stations near tourist destinations . As well as providing services for passengers and loading facilities for goods , stations can sometimes have locomotive and rolling stock depots ( usually with facilities for storing and refuelling rolling stock and carrying out minor repair jobs ) . In addition to the basic configuration of a station , various features set certain types of station apart . The first is the level of the tracks . Stations are often sited where a road crosses the railway : unless the crossing is a level crossing , the road and railway will be at different levels . The platforms will often be raised or lowered relative to the station entrance : the station buildings may be on either level , or both . The other arrangement , where the station entrance and platforms are on the same level , is also common , but is perhaps rarer in urban areas , except when the station is a terminus . Elevated stations are more common , not including metro stations . Stations located at level crossings can be problematic if the train blocks the roadway while it stops , causing road traffic to wait for an extended period of time . Occasionally , a station serves two or more railway lines at differing levels . This may be due to the station's position at a point where two lines cross ( example : Berlin Hauptbahnhof ) , or may be to provide separate station capacity for two types of service , such as intercity and suburban ( examples : Paris-Gare de Lyon and Philadelphia's 30th Street Station ) , or for two different destinations . Stations may also be classified according to the layout of the platforms . Apart from single-track lines , the most basic arrangement is a pair of tracks for the two directions ; there is then a basic choice of an island platform between , or two separate platforms outside , the tracks . With more tracks , the possibilities expand . Some stations have unusual platform layouts due to space constraints of the station location , or the alignment of the tracks . Examples include staggered platforms , such as at Tutbury and Hatton railway station on the Derby \u2013 Crewe line , and curved platforms , such as Cheadle Hulme railway station on the Macclesfield to Manchester Line . Triangular stations also exist where two lines form a three-way junction and platforms are built on all three sides . In a station , there are different types of tracks to serve different purposes . A station may also have a passing loop with a loop line that comes off the straight main line and merge back to the main line on the other end by railroad switches to allow trains to pass . [ 15 ] A track with a spot at the station to board and disembark trains is called station track or house track [ 16 ] regardless of whether it is a main line or loop line . If such track is served by a platform , the track may be called platform track . A loop line without a platform which is used to allow a train to clear the main line at the station only , it is called passing track . [ 15 ] A track at the station without a platform which is used for trains to pass the station without stopping is called through track . [ 16 ] There may be other sidings at the station which are lower speed tracks for other purposes . A maintenance track or a maintenance siding , usually connected to a passing track , is used for parking maintenance equipment , trains not in service , autoracks or sleepers . A refuge track is a dead-end siding that is connected to a station track as a temporary storage of a disabled train . [ 15 ] Opened in 1830 and reached through a tunnel , Liverpool's Crown Street railway station was the first ever railway terminus . The station was demolished after only six years , being replaced by Lime Street Station in the city centre . The tunnel still exists . Opened in 1836 , Spa Road railway station in London was the city's first terminus and also the world's first elevated station and terminus . A \" terminal \" or \" terminus \" is a station at the end of a railway line . Trains arriving there have to end their journeys ( terminate ) or reverse out of the station . Depending on the layout of the station , this usually permits travellers to reach all the platforms without the need to cross any tracks \u2013 the public entrance to the station and the main reception facilities being at the far end of the platforms . Sometimes , however , the track continues for a short distance beyond the station , and terminating trains continue forwards after depositing their passengers , before either proceeding to sidings or reversing to the station to pick up departing passengers . Bondi Junction is like this . Many terminus stations have underground rapid-transit urban rail stations beneath , to transit passengers to the local city or district . A terminus is frequently , but not always , the final destination of trains arriving at the station . However a number of cities , especially in continental Europe , have a terminus as their main railway stations , and all main lines converge on this station . There may also be a bypass line , used by freight trains that do not need to stop at the main station . In such cases all trains passing through that main station must leave in the reverse direction from that of their arrival . There are several ways in which this can be accomplished : arranging for the service to be provided by a multiple-unit or push-pull train , both of which are capable of operating in either direction ; the driver simply walks to the other end of the train and takes control from the other cab ; this is increasingly the normal method in Europe ; by detaching the locomotive which brought the train into the station and then either using another track to \" run it around \" to the other end of the train , to which it then re-attaches ; attaching a second locomotive to the outbound end of the train ; or by the use of a \" wye \" , a roughly triangular arrangement of track and switches ( points ) where a train can reverse direction and back into the terminal . Some termini have a newer set of through platforms underneath ( or above , or alongside ) the terminal platforms on the main level . They are used by a cross-city extension of the main line , often for commuter trains , while the terminal platforms may serve long-distance services . Examples of underground through lines include the Thameslink platforms at St. Pancras in London , the Argyle and North Clyde lines of Glasgow's suburban rail network , the recently built Malm\u00f6 City Tunnel , in Antwerp in Belgium , the RER at the Gare du Nord in Paris , and many of the numerous S-Bahn lines at terminal stations in Germany , Austria and Switzerland , such as at Z\u00fcrich Hauptbahnhof . An American example of a terminal with this feature is Washington , DC ' s Union Station , where there are bay platforms on the main concourse level to serve terminating trains , and standard island platforms one level below to serve trains continuing southwards . Those tracks run in a tunnel beneath the concourse and emerge a few blocks away to cross the Potomac River into Virginia . Terminus stations in large cities are by far the biggest stations , with the largest being the Grand Central Terminal in New York City , United States . [ 17 ] Often major cities , such as London , Boston , Paris , Istanbul , Tokyo and Milan have more than one terminus , rather than routes straight through the city . Train journeys through such cities often require alternative transport ( metro , bus , taxi or ferry ) from one terminus to the other . For instance in Istanbul transfers from the Sirkeci Terminal ( the European terminus ) and the Haydarpa\u015fa Terminal ( the Asian terminus ) traditionally required crossing the Bosphorus via alternative means , before the railway tunnel linking Europe and Asia was completed . Though some cities , including New York , have both termini and through lines . Terminals that have competing rail lines using the station frequently set up a jointly owned terminal railroad to own and operate the station and its associated tracks and switching operations . A junction is a station where two or more rail routes converge or diverge . It could be a terminus or an en-route station . During a journey , the term station stop may be used in announcements , to differentiate a halt during which passengers may alight from a halt for another reason , such as a locomotive change . A railway stop is a spot along a railway line , usually between stations or at a seldom-used station , where passengers can board and exit the train . While a junction or interlocking usually divides two or more lines or routes , and thus has remotely or locally operated signals , a station stop does not . A station stop usually does not have any tracks other than the main tracks , and may or may not have switches ( points , crossovers ) . A halt , in railway parlance in the Commonwealth of Nations and Republic of Ireland , is a small station , usually unstaffed or with very few staff , and with few or no facilities . In some cases , trains stop only on request , when passengers on the platform indicate that they wish to board , or passengers on the train inform the crew that they wish to alight . In the United Kingdom , most former halts on the national railway networks have had the word halt removed from their names . Historically , in many instances the spelling \" halte \" was used , before the spelling \" halt \" became commonplace . There are only two publicly advertised and publicly accessible National Rail stations with the word \" halt \" remaining : Coombe Junction and St Keyne Wishing Well . [ 18 ] [ 19 ] A number of other halts are still open and operational on privately owned , heritage , and preserved railways throughout the British Isles . The word is often used informally to describe national rail network stations with limited service and low usage , such as the Oxfordshire Halts on the Cotswold Line . The title halt had also sometimes been applied colloquially to stations served by public services but not available for use by the general public , being accessible only by persons travelling to \/ from an associated factory ( for example IBM near Greenock \u2013 although this is no longer restricted \u2013 and British Steel Redcar ) , military base ( such as Lympstone Commando ) or railway yard . The only two such remaining \" private \" stopping places on the national system where the \" halt \" designation is still officially used seem to be Staff Halt ( at Durnsford Road , Wimbledon ) and Battersea Pier Sidings Staff Halt - both are solely for railway staff and are not open to passengers . [ 19 ] The Great Western Railway in Great Britain , began opening haltes on 12 October 1903 ; from 1905 , the French spelling was Anglicised to \" halt \" . These GWR halts had the most basic facilities , with platforms long enough for just one or two carriages ; some had no platform at all , necessitating the provision of steps on the carriages . There was normally no station staff at a halt , tickets being sold on the train . On 1 September 1904 , a larger version , known on the GWR as a \" platform \" instead of a \" halt \" , was introduced ; these had longer platforms , and were usually staffed by a senior grade porter , who sold tickets , and sometimes booked parcels or milk consignments . [ 20 ] [ 21 ] From 1903 to 1947 the GWR built 379 halts and inherited a further 40 from other companies at the Grouping of 1923 . Peak building periods were before the First World War ( 145 built ) and 1928-39 ( 198 built ) [ 22 ] ) . Ten more were opened by BR on ex-GWR lines . The GWR also built 34 \" platforms \" . [ 23 ] In many Commonwealth countries the term \" halt \" is still used . In the United States such stations are traditionally referred to as flag stops . In the Republic of Ireland , a few small railway stations are designated as \" halts \" ( Irish : stadanna , sing . stad ) . [ 24 ] Accessibility for people with disabilities is mandated by law in some countries . Considerations include : elevator or ramp access to all platforms , matching platform height to train floors , making wheelchair lifts available when platforms do not match vehicle floors , accessible toilets and pay phones , audible station announcements , and safety measures such as tactile marking of platform edges . Reached by a 1 . 24-mile ( 2 km ) long tunnel , the 1830 Park Lane Goods Terminus at Liverpool's docks was the world's first station built entirely for freight . Goods or freight stations deal exclusively or predominantly with the loading and unloading of goods and may well have marshalling yards ( classification yards ) for the sorting of wagons . The world's first Goods terminal was the 1830 Park Lane Goods Station at the South End Liverpool Docks . Built in 1830 the terminal was reached by a 1 . 24-mile ( 2 km ) tunnel . As goods have been increasingly moved by road , many former goods stations , as well as the goods sheds at passenger stations , have closed . In addition , many goods stations today are used purely for the cross-loading of freight and may be known as transshipment stations . Where they primarily handle containers they are also known as container stations or terminals . Nagoya Station in Japan is the world's tallest station building . The Gare du Nord in France is Europe's busiest station . Clapham Junction , in London , United Kingdom , is the busiest station in terms of rail traffic with an average of one train every 13 seconds at peak times . The world's busiest passenger station , in terms of daily passenger throughput , is Shinjuku Station in Tokyo . [ 25 ] The station was used by an average of 3.64 million people per day in 2007 . In terms of platform capacity , the world's largest station by platforms is Grand Central Terminal in New York City with 44 platforms ; [ 28 ] as part of the East Side Access Project , the MTA will be adding 4 more platforms to accommodate future Long Island Rail Road trains . The world's highest station above ground level ( not above sea level ) is Smith \u2013 Ninth Streets subway station in New York City . [ 29 ] [ 30 ] The Shinjuku Station , in Tokyo , is Asia's busiest station by total passenger numbers . [ citation needed ] The Shinjuku Station , in Tokyo , is Asia's largest station by number of platforms [ citation needed ] Clapham Junction , in London , is Europe's busiest station by daily rail traffic ( one train every 13 seconds at peak times ; one train every 30 seconds at off-peak times ) . [ 31 ] Z\u00fcrich Hauptbahnhof , Switzerland , is Europe's busiest terminus by daily rail traffic ( Clapham Junction is a through station ) . [ citation needed ] Largest Leipzig Hauptbahnhof in Germany is Europe's largest station by floor area ( 21 platforms and several levels of shopping facilities beneath ) . [ citation needed ] Munich Hauptbahnhof is Europe's largest station by number of platforms ( 32 , plus 2 additional lower platforms serving the S-Bahn , plus 6 additional platforms at two levels serving the U-Bahn ) . [ citation needed ] Ch\u00e2telet-Les Halles , in the centre of Paris , is the busiest underground station in the world . [ citation needed ] Approximately 750,000 passengers pass through it per day . [ 37 ] ^ Morana Luka\u010d ( 12 November 2014 ) . \" Railway station or train station ? \" . Bridging the Unbridgeable . A project on English usage guides ( blog ) . Leiden , The Netherlands : Leiden University Centre for Linguistics . Retrieved 2015-08-28 . ^ \" depot \" . Oxford Dictionaries . Oxford University Press . Retrieved 2015-08-28 . 1 A place for the storage of large quantities of equipment , food , or goods ; 2 A place where buses , trains , or other vehicles are housed and maintained and from which they are dispatched for service . ; 2.1 North American : A railway or bus station ^ MacDermot , E.T. ( 1931 ) . \" Chapter XI : The Great Awakening \" . History of the Great Western Railway . Vol. II ( 1st ed . ) . Paddington : Great Western Railway . p. 428 . ISBN 0-7110-0411-0 . ^ Booker , Frank ( 1985 ) [ 1977 ] . The Great Western Railway : A New History ( 2nd ed . ) . Newton Abbot : David & Charles . pp. 112 \u2013 113 . ISBN 0-946537-16 - X. ^ \" BROOKLYN !! \" ( Caption on photo from station reopening celebration ) . Summer 2013 . p. 7 . ^ McGill , D. and Sheehan , G. ( 1997 ) Landmarks : Notable historic buildings of New Zealand . Auckland : Godwit Publishing .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Get a job ! It looks great on your CV and develops the skills you need for a career . Get something done ! You can have your say and make a change in your School \/ Department . Get recognised ! Meet people , have an impact and make contacts within your School \/ Department . Get involved in the Guild . So How ? There 'll be elections in your School \/ Department in the first four weeks of term . You can either hear about representation in your Freshers induction talks or you can ask your Staff Liaison Contact for more info on elections , dates and times and how Reps work within your School \/ Department . If you are reading this after the first four weeks of term , get in contact with either your student representative or your Staff Liaison Contact by selecting your School \/ Department from the boxes on your left . Want to know more ? Learn more","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Sixth session Geneva , 17-21 June 2002 The sixth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for an International Legally Binding Instrument for Persistent Organic Pollutants was held at the Geneva International Conference Centre , Geneva , from 17 to 21 June 2002 . The session was opened by Mr. John Buccini ( Canada ) , Chair of the Committee , at 10.30 a . m . on Monday , 17 June 2002 . An opening statement was made by Mr. Philippe Roch , State Secretary , Director of the Swiss Agency for the Environment , Forests and Landscape . In his statement Mr. Roch said that persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) present a problem of global dimension which called for concerted efforts on a global scale . In that regard , several remaining problems needed to be discussed and resolved , such as the question of technical assistance for capacity-building . An efficient way had to be found to evaluate the specific needs of different regions and subregions and the transfer of technology required by developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition . In order to respond to the needs of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , and to those of the Convention to Combat Desertification , the Global Environment Facility ( GEF ) , which had been designated as the financial mechanism , must have the necessary funds at its disposal , without reducing its means of intervention in other areas , namely climate and biodiversity . He said that to enable both Conventions to enter into force it was necessary that contributions to GEF be increased . KMON On the issue of enhancing the synergies and linkages between multilateral environmental agreements , as a means of strengthening international environmental governance , Mr. Roch welcomed the fact that the Stockholm Convention called for the Conference of the Parties to collaborate closely with the competent entities of the Basel Convention to determine methods to ensure environmentally appropriate disposal . He singled out the excellent collaboration in Geneva between the Basel , Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions , which strengthens the coordination of the activities taking place within the framework of those agreements . Turning to the issue of the permanent secretariat for the Stockholm Convention , Mr. Roch said that the existing infrastructure in Switzerland and the potential synergies with other international organizations directly related to chemicals would offer the future secretariat ideal working conditions that would be strengthened by the presence of 140 permanent missions and numerous environmental non-governmental organizations located in Geneva . He said that Switzerland would be honoured to welcome the seventh session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Geneva . Mr. Jim Willis , Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention presented the opening statement on behalf of Mr. Klaus T\u00f6pfer , Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ) . Mr. Willis conveyed the apologies of Mr. T\u00f6pfer , who was unable to attend the current meeting . He presented Mr. T\u00f6pfer's address to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee , noting in particular the contribution of the Stockholm Convention to sustainable development ; the major issues to be addressed by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its sixth session ; and the budget shortfall of the secretariat . Mr. T\u00f6pfer also congratulated the 151 countries that had signed the Convention as well the 11 Governments that had thus far ratified or acceded to it . Attendance The session was attended by representatives of the following Parties : Algeria , Antigua and Barbuda , Argentina , Armenia , Australia , Austria , Azerbaijan , Bahamas , Bahrain , Bangladesh , Belarus , Belgium , Benin , Bhutan , Bolivia , Brazil , Bulgaria , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cambodia , Canada , Central African Republic , Chad , Chile , China , Colombia , Comoros , Costa Rica , C\u00f4te d ' Ivoire , Croatia , Cuba , Czech Republic , Denmark , Djibouti , Dominican Republic , Ecuador , Egypt , Ethiopia , Fiji , Finland , France , Gabon , Gambia , Georgia , Germany , Ghana , Greece , Guatemala , Guinea , Hungary , Iceland , India , Indonesia , Iran ( Islamic Republic of ) , Iraq , Italy , Jamaica , Japan , Jordan , Kazakhstan , Kenya , Kiribati , Kuwait , Kyrgyzstan , Latvia , Lesotho , Libyan Arab Jamahiriya , Liechtenstein , Lithuania , Madagascar , Malawi , Malaysia , Mauritania , Mauritius , Mexico , Monaco , Mongolia , Morocco , Mozambique , Myanmar , Netherlands , New Zealand , Nicaragua , Nigeria , Niue , Norway , Oman , Panama , Paraguay , Peru , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Qatar , Republic of Korea , Republic of Moldova , Romania , Russian Federation , Rwanda , St. Lucia , Samoa , Saudi Arabia , Senegal , Seychelles , Singapore , Slovakia , Slovenia , South Africa , Spain , Sudan , Suriname , Sweden , Switzerland , Syrian Arab Republic , Tajikistan , Thailand , The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Togo , Trinidad and Tobago , Tunisia , Uganda , Ukraine , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , United Republic of Tanzania , United States of America , Uruguay , Uzbekistan , Venezuela , Yemen , Yugoslavia , Zambia , Zimbabwe . The following United Nations bodies , specialized agencies and convention secretariats were represented : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ) , United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) , United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UNECE ) , United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( UNIDO ) , United Nations Institute for Training and Research ( UNITAR ) , World Bank , World Health Organization ( WHO ) , World Meteorological Organization , World Trade Organization ( WTO ) , Global Environment Facility ( GEF ) , secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal , secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity , secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and \/ or Desertification , particularly in Africa and the interim secretariat for the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade The following intergovernmental organizations and other bodies were represented : European Commission ( EC ) , Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety ( IFCS ) , League of Arab States ( LAS ) , South Pacific Regional Environment Programme ( SPREP ) , ABB Environmental Services , Aptechnologies , Dongbu Honnong Chemical ( DHC ) , Federation of Thai Industries ( FTI ) , Royal Entomological Society , Trent University The following non-governmental organizations and other bodies were represented : AC-DASSUR Africa Fighting Malaria ( AFM ) , American Chemistry Council ( ACC ) , Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment ( AWHHE ) , ARNIKA , Berne Declaration , Center for International Environmental Law ( CIEL ) , Centro de Derecho Ambiental del Sur , AC-DASSUR , Climate and Development Initiative , s ( CDI ) , Comisiones Obreras , Comit\u00e9 Sahelien des Pesticides ( CSP ) , Eco-Accord Center for Environment and Sustainable Development , Environment Quality Protection Foundations ( EQPF ) , European Chemical Industry Council ( CEFIC ) , Federation of Thai Industries ( FTI ) , Greenpeace International , Indigenous Environmental Network ( IEN ) , International Council of Chemical Associations ( ICCA ) , International Council of Environmental Law ( ICEL ) , International POPs Elimination Network ( IPEN ) , Japan Chemical Industry Association ( JCIA ) , Japan Offspring Fund ( JOF ) , Mouvement pour les Droits et le Respect des G\u00e9n\u00e9rations Futures , National Toxics Network ( NTN ) , Oekometric GmbH ( the Bayreuth Institute of Environmental Research ) , People's Task Force for Bases Clean-up , Pesticide Action Network ( PAN ) , Physicians for Social Responsibility ( PSR ) , Thanal Conservation Action and Information Network , World Chlorine Council ( WCC ) , World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) . Officers Introducing the item , the Chair informed the meeting of the death of Mr. Mir Jafar Ghaemieh who had served as Vice-Chair for the Asia and Pacific region . The Chair made particular reference to the constructive contribution made by Mr. Ghaemieh throughout the negotiations . The Chair also drew the Committee's attention to the note prepared by the secretariat ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 2 ) on the subject of Bureau issues , which contained a proposal submitted by the Group of 77 and China to the effect that rule 8 of the rules of procedure of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee should be revised with a view to increasing the membership of the Bureau to 10 members . Further to clarifications provided by the sponsors of the proposal , the Committee decided to amend rule 8 of the rules of procedure to state that : \" 1 . The Committee shall elect from among the representatives of the State Parties a Bureau composed of one Chair and nine Vice-Chairs , one of whom shall act as Rapporteur . \" 2 . In electing the officers , the Committee shall have due regard to the principle of equitable geographical representation . Each of the five regional groups shall be represented by two members . \" Decision INC-6 \/ 1 on the amendment of rule 8 of the rules of procedure for the meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee is contained in annex I to the present report . A number of representatives stressed that they agreed to the expansion of the Bureau , on the understanding that it did not constitute a precedent either for the organizational structure of the Conference of the Parties or for other multilateral environmental agreements . It was also stressed that the increased number of Bureau members would not cause a budget increase . In view of the above-mentioned decision , and taking into consideration the absence at the current session of previously elected Bureau members for the Africa region and the Latin America and Caribbean region , as well as the recent demise of the Bureau member from the Asia and Pacific region , the elected members of the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its sixth session were as follows : Chair : Mr. John Buccini ( Canada ) Vice-Chairs : Mr. Mahi Boumediene ( Algeria ) Mr. Manfred Schneider ( Austria ) Mr. Yue Ruisheng ( China ) Ms. Darka Hamel ( Croatia ) Ms. Fatoumata Jallow NDoye Ndoye ( Gambia ) Mr. Seyed Reza Tabatabaei ( Iran , Islamic Republic of ) Mr. Tom\u00e1s Guardia ( Panama ) Ms. Natalia Karpova ( Russian Federation ) Mr. Gonzalo Casas ( Uruguay ) In accordance with rule 8 of the Committee's rules of procedure , Ms. Hamel , Vice-Chair , also agreed to continue as rapporteur . C. Adoption of the agenda The Committee adopted the following agenda on the basis of the provisional agenda , which had been circulated as document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 1 : Opening of the session . Organizational matters : ( a ) Adoption of the agenda ; ( b ) Organization of work ; ( c ) Report by the secretariat on intersessional work requested by the Committee or the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; ( d ) Bureau issues . Review of ongoing international activities relating to the work of the Committee . Activities of the secretariat and review of the situation as regards extrabudgetary funds . Preparation for the Conference of the Parties . Other matters . Adoption of the report . Closure of the session . Organization of work At its opening session , the Committee decided to work in plenary and to establish contact groups on an as-needed basis . The Committee took note of the election of Ms. Anne Daniels ( Canada ) as the new chair of the legal drafting group . E. E. Report by the secretariat on intersessional work requested by the Committee or the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants The secretariat noted that , while no specific intersessional work had been requested by the Committee at its fifth session , considerable work had been undertaken intersessionally as a result of the resolutions ensuing from the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Stockholm Convention . In addition to the reports of both the fifth session of the Committee ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 5 \/ 7 ) and the Conference of Plenipotentiaries ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ CONF \/ 4 ) , the secretariat had produced a booklet containing the text of the Stockholm Convention and the documentation for the current session of the Committee . A full list of the documents available to the Committee is provided in annex IX to the present report . At its opening session , the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee took up consideration of the above item . Introducing the item , the secretariat drew the Committee's attention to the relevant documentation available ( see annex IX )) Mr. Willis , speaking as Executive Secretary , said that the fourth edition of the master list of actions on the reduction and \/ or elimination of the release of POPs ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 10 ) , prepared by the secretariat , contained input from over 100 countries . Because of the volume of material , and for reasons of economy , the document was being made available in CD-ROM format , which would be the practice for all such lengthy information documents in the future , perhaps with additional interactive features . Hard-copy versions would also be available to those who required them . Mr. Willis , speaking on behalf of UNEP Chemicals , briefly summarized some of the capacity-building activities of UNEP in the intersessional period , as set out in document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 17 . He expressed appreciation to the Governments of Canada , Denmark , Germany , Sweden , Switzerland and the United States , as well as to GEF , World Bank and the Inuit Circumpolar Conference for their assistance in the financing of POPs-related workshops , and also thanked the countries that had hosted those workshops for their in-kind contributions and efforts . The representative of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research ( UNITAR ) described the relevant activities of UNITAR , as set out in document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 27 , and highlighted its programmes to assist in : the development of national chemicals management profiles ; skills-building training for sound management of chemicals ; risk management decision-making for priority chemicals ; and developing integrated national programmes for the sound management of chemicals . The representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( UNIDO ) said that the UNIDO General Conference and the Industrial Development Board recognized the importance of priority action on POPs . UNIDO had received a number of requests for assistance from countries , which had been and were being submitted to GEF and other donors for funding , inter alia , for capacity-building and technical assistance on best available techniques ( BAT ) for POPs reductions and on substitutes for POPs . Ms. Sachiko Kuwabara-Yamamoto , Executive Secretary of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal , reporting on the status of preparation of the technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of POPs as wastes , said that a first draft was expected in November 2002 , and work was continuing on the revised technical guidelines for PCBs , PCTs and PBBs . Concerning the regional centres for training and technology transfer of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal , the Working Group for Implementation had at its recent first session prepared , for the upcoming sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties , a draft decision on strengthening their legal status . Welcoming the workshops organized by the Stockholm Convention at the Basel regional centres and the proposal to develop pilot regional and subregional centres to provide technical assistance under article 12 of the Stockholm Convention , she stressed that such involvement in the centres could strengthen their viability , avoid duplication and enhance the collaboration between the two Conventions . The representative of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UNECE ) , speaking on behalf of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution , reported on activities under its protocol on POPs , which was expected to enter into force by the end of 2002 . Monitoring and evaluation activities under that protocol involved , inter alia , emissions inventories , methodologies and modelling work , and evaluation of the effects of POPs and their health risks . An expert group on POPs was focusing on issues of the scheduled reassessment of certain POPs , and attention was being given to potential candidate POPs . He underlined the continued interest of UNECE in furthering collaboration with UNEP . The representative of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) drew attention to document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 26 which highlighted WHO activities to reduce or eliminate POPs . He drew special attention to the overall WHO policy regarding POPs , progress in POPs-related activities and programmes , and progress in implementing the WHO action plan for the reduction of reliance on DDT in disease vector control . The representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ) drew attention to document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 24 which highlighted relevant FAO programmes and publications , including the \" International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides ; \" guidelines on Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) and Integrated Vector Management ( IVM ) , produced with the Global IPM Facility , UNEP and WHO ; the \" Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides \" programme ; and the new cooperative Africa Stockpile Programme . The representative of the secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure on Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade informed the Committee on the successful operation of the Interim Chemical Review Committee . He also reported that in response to country requests , a series of workshops had been held or were planned for 2002 to provide practical hands-on training in the operational elements of the Rotterdam Convention . Representatives of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety ( IFCS ) drew attention to document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 21 and outlined the Information Exchange Network on Capacity Building for the Sound Management of Chemicals ( INFOCAP ) . They explained that INFOCAP was a web-based information exchange network designed to enhance effective cooperation among countries and organizations providing and \/ or receiving assistance related to the sound management of chemicals , including information on : national profiles , priorities , plans of action and related needs ; sources of potential support ; past , ongoing and planned projects ; a reference library of existing training and guidance documents ; and contact points . A representative of the World Bank reported that under a trust fund established by the Government of Canada , the World Bank had undertaken work to help countries develop their capacity to implement the Convention effectively . The World Bank had also developed a number of related materials , including document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 8 , prepared with UNEP , on the development of national implementation plans . With regard to international activity by other intergovernmental organizations , a representative of the secretariat drew attention to document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 20 on the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships of the International Maritime Organization and document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 22 on the International Whaling Commission's resolution on the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants . Many representatives reported on activities within their countries relating to the work of the Committee and provisional implementation of the Stockholm Convention , including : signing and ratification of the Convention ; development of national implementation plans ; capacity-building ; stakeholder participation ; regulatory developments ; programmes to reduce or eliminate the use or release of specific POPs , eliminate obsolete stockpiles of pesticides , control and disposal of POPs contaminated wastes , and address contaminated sites ; regional and subregional workshops ; monitoring and assessment of POPs , their long-range transport and their impacts on the environment and human health ; identification and assessment of potential candidate POPs ; ensuring synergistic cooperation among the Stockholm , Rotterdam and Basel Convention secretariats ; the effective utilization of financial and technical assistance ; programmes developed in collaboration with bilateral donors , UNEP Chemicals , the Stockholm , Rotterdam and Basel Convention secretariats , Basel Convention regional technical centres , GEF , the World Bank and other institutions ; and financial contributions toward the work of the Committee and national and international implementation of the Convention . A summary of statements made by representatives of non-governmental organizations is contained in annex VIII to the present report . Introducing the item , the Executive Secretary drew attention to the documentation prepared on the subject ( see annex IX )) and elaborated on the main points raised therein . He expressed gratitude to those donors that had made pledges to the POPs Club . He stressed that , with the 29.3 per cent reduction in the allocation to UNEP Chemicals from the Environment Fund , the in-kind support provided by UNEP in the past now had to be costed and financed . The secretariat of the Stockholm Convention thus depends entirely upon the level of funding of the voluntary POPs Club , which currently displayed a downward trend compared with previous years . It was noted that UNEP expected that the outstanding balance of the loan from the Environment Fund reserve of US $ 818,241 would be repaid . The secretariat was not eligible to receive direct funding from GEF , and existing trust funds were usually earmarked for specific programme activities . Many representatives , expressing concern at the decline in the level of contributions to the POPs Club , called upon Governments and non-governmental organizations , including industry , to make a sustained effort and commitment towards supporting the POPs Club . A number of representatives , pointing to the 2003-2004 priorities listed in the proposed budget , called on the secretariat to prepare a more detailed breakdown of the activities coming under each priority area , including the proposed budgetary allocation for each activity . In addition , in light of the possibility of a budget shortfall , the secretariat was requested to prepare a paper to provide details of the impact on activities in the event that receipts are less than the 2002 budget . One representative saw merit in the budget proposed by the secretariat and supported its adoption . Another representative questioned where the funding would come from to underpin such a budget , if approved . The following representatives announced their Governments' intention to make contributions to the POPs Club for 2002 : Australia , US $ 31,157 ; Finland , 20,000 Euros ; Japan , US $ 100,000 ; and Luxembourg , US $ 8,033 . The representative of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference also announced her organization's donation of CAN $ 1 , 000 to the POPs Club , a sum which represented a large proportion of the Inuit communities' funding for all POPs issues . Some representatives , noting the uncertain financial situation , considered that a draft budget only for 2003 should be approved , with purely notional proposals for 2004 . In answer to a suggestion that Governments be called upon to offset secretariat staffing costs by means of staff secondments , the secretariat explained that , while such a practice was very welcome , seconded staff often came from one particular regional group , and that over reliance on secondments could affect the regional balance of the composition of the secretariat . In answer to a query , the secretariat clarified that the budgetary implications of the capacity assistance network , as set out in document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 19 , were not included in the budget proposed by the secretariat , and would need to be considered separately . The Committee agreed that , in the course of its consideration of the items on its agenda , the special financial implications of adoption or deletion of any of the proposed activities would be discussed . The outcome would then be reflected in a report of running costs to be prepared by the secretariat . The Executive Secretary introduced a conference room paper containing details of the proposed 2003-2004 budget and an overview of the potential impacts of funding shortfalls in 2002 . He also reported on the additional impact of the decisions taken by the Committee at its current meeting , which were not yet reflected in the document . He noted that the cumulative impact of the decisions adopted at the current meeting was to increase the 2003 budget by US $ 300,000 . The Committee agreed to note the budget for the year 2003 , on the understanding that the budget for 2004 would be indicative only and would be further examined in detail by the Committee at its seventh session . The secretariat was requested to provide the Committee at its seventh session with a report on the actual expenditures on budget items , based on the figures set out in the current draft budget . The budget for 2003 and the indicative budget for 2004 are contained in annex VI to the present report . The Committee also agreed to establish a budget group at the seventh session of the Committee , which would also be able to examine the possible budgetary implications of the Committee's decisions and report on them . The secretariat was requested to prepare , in advance of the seventh session of the Committee , an information paper compiling the reports used in other multilateral environmental agreements for dealing with their budgets . In light of the fact that a large proportion of the draft budget was a debt to the Environment Fund reserve , the Committee requested the Executive Secretary to request the Executive Director of UNEP to examine the possibility of retiring some or all of that debt . Noting that the draft budget also required a 13 per cent overhead charge to be paid to UNEP , the Committee called for an examination of the possibility of reducing those costs or of UNEP providing a Finance Officer under that allocation . Precedents for such a course of action existed under other multilateral agreements . One representative said that the future budget group should consider the high level of effectiveness of the secretariat in carrying out activities and its excellent budget management , and examine the advantages that could accrue to developing countries from interaction with the secretariat . The Committee took note of the detailed information on programme priorities and budget for 2003-2004 provided by the secretariat which may be found in annex VI to the present report . Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from intentional production and use and Register of specific exemptions ( Articles 3 and 4 , and Annex A and Annex B ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat drew attention to possible action by the Committee set out in the note by the secretariat on work on DDT ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 5 , paragraphs 4 and 5 ) . Several representatives pointed to the efforts underway in their countries to reduce reliance on DDT and apply alternatives . One representative offered to exchange information on the experiences and problems encountered in that endeavour . It was stressed that alternative means of vector control needed to be analysed to determine whether they were easily applicable in developing countries and whether they cost no more than the current use of DDT . One representative said that , despite tremendous work , her Government had not been able to identify an economically viable substitute for DDT . She wondered whether WHO could work in close collaboration with her country to develop an economically viable alternative and a format for registering DDT , to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting . In light of the large quantities of DDT produced by her country , the identification of an alternative would have great repercussions . Another representative said that a national debate was underway in her country to determine whether it should revoke the 1996 ban on the use of DDT and revert to its use for vector control , since alternatives had not had the desired effect . She sought advice from WHO before such a major decision could be taken . Another representative requested WHO to start a process of communication and discussion with the countries with a DDT use exemption , to inform them of developments and progress in the identification and application of alternatives . One representative , speaking on behalf of a regional economic integration organization and its member States and supported by another representative , welcomed the proposals for possible action set out in the secretariat's note on DDT and encouraged increased cooperation between UNEP and WHO . He also suggested that the secretariat consider all documents and work undertaken by non-governmental organizations on the subject . He believed that research activities in the field should be increased , in order to promote and develop alternative vector control methods and strategies and achieve the elimination of DDT . He proposed that the secretariat consider the information to be included in the DDT Register established in annex B , part II , paragraph 1 and prepare a format of the DDT Register , to be presented for discussion to the Committee at its seventh session . He also asked the secretariat and WHO to start work to develop the format for reporting by the Parties referred to under paragraph 4 of annex B , part II . The information to be gathered in a Party's report might include , inter alia , monitoring data on human exposure to DDT ; public health impacts of DDT reduction ; production , storage and usage of DDT ; efficacy and appropriateness of DDT in areas where it continued to be used ; and efficacy and appropriateness of alternatives to DDT . On the basis of the deliberations the Committee agreed that further consideration of the matter was necessary and requested the secretariat to prepare a report on a possible format for reporting by Parties that use DDT on amounts used , conditions of such use and its relevance in disease management strategies , as well as a report on guidance and information needed to assist the Conference of the Parties in evaluating the continued need for DDT for disease vector control and submit both reports to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for further consideration at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 2 on DDT , is contained in annex I to the present report . Register of specific exemptions In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat said that , in addition to the elements of the process as specified in the Convention , and listed in the note by the secretariat ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 4 , paragraph 5 ) , there might be other possible elements . He also drew attention to the possible action by the Committee set out in the note by the secretariat ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 4 , paragraphs 7 and 8 ) . One representative , speaking on behalf of a regional economic integration organization and its member States , underscored the need to eliminate the chemicals listed in annexes A and B of the Convention and hoped that , eventually , no exemptions would be required , except in extraordinary cases . While the rules and criteria for such exemptions should be as strict as possible , it was necessary to bear in mind the specific circumstances and needs of the developing countries and the countries with economies in transition . He suggested that the secretariat should prepare , for submission to the Committee at its seventh session , a set of guidelines and criteria for the granting of a temporary exemption to a Party and for the extension of exemptions . While one representative called for the establishment of a technical group to conduct the review process , another representative considered that the creation of a subsidiary body for the process was premature , since it was dependent on the number of requests for exemptions and renewals that were yet to be received . One representative observed that efforts to develop guidance should start with a request for input s from countries , which could be compiled by the secretariat and discussed at the seventh session of the Committee . Expressing the view that the Committee should not become involved in the policy aspects of the review process , since the need for and nature of any such criteria should be developed based on the experience and deliberations of the Conference of the Parties , he considered that the focus should be on the logistical and process aspects , such as those set out in the note by the secretariat , and including the timing of the submission of the exemption extension request to the secretariat . Annex F provided a good example of the kinds of information countries should include in their reports justifying an exemptionextension Another representative stressed the need for countries to provide information on the maximum quantities of the chemical substances that would be produced and used under the proposed exemption extension A number of representatives proposed amendments to the draft format of the Register of specific exemptions attached to document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 6 . One considered that the footnotes thereto should not generate any extra legal obligations under the Stockholm Convention . Another representative , speaking on behalf of a regional economic integration organization and its member States , said that footnotes 4 and 8 should use the agreed terminology of the Stockholm Convention , and footnote 9 should be deleted . One representative said that the secretariat should develop a unified format for notifications pursuant to note ( ii ) of annexes A and B of the Convention . One representative , considering that the \" remarks \" column was useful for providing additional information on the scope of the exemption for countries , said that a footnote was needed to clarify the types of information to be put in that column . The Register should also contain specific information about the nature of the exemptions . The Committee decided to request the secretariat to further prepare a report on : a possible format for country reporting of requests for specific exemptions , a possible process that might be considered by the Conference of the Parties , as well as a possible format for a Register of specific exemptions to be submitted to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for further consideration at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 3 , on the Register of specific exemptions ( Articles 3 and 4 and Annexes A and B ) , is contained in annex I to the present report . Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from unintentional production ( article 5 and Annex C ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the representative of the secretariat drew attention to the note on guidance on best available techniques ( BAT ) and best environmental practices ( BEP ) ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 7 ) and enumerated the points raised therein . He also drew attention to a conference room paper containing the report of a regional workshop on national action on measures to reduce or eliminate the releases of by-products from unintentional production , held in Bangkok from 13 to 15 March 2002 and organized by the Governments of Germany and Thailand , in cooperation with UNEP Chemicals . Stressing the highly technical nature of the issues involved in providing guidance on BAT and BEP for the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties , which called for specialized expertise , he said that the Committee might wish to consider establishing a subsidiary body to assist it in that effort . Because of the budgetary implications , the costs of the different options within the process chosen would also need to be carefully assessed . One representative , speaking on behalf of a regional economic integration organization and its member States , welcomed the outcome of the regional workshop held in Thailand and pointed to a conference room paper on BAT and BEP for reducing and \/ or eliminating emissions of by-product POPs , submitted by his organization and its member States . He considered that there was a need to initiate the establishment of a process for the development of BAT and BEP that might include the creation of a technical working group and the organization of a workshop . Measures to reduce or eliminate release from unintentional production of chemicals listed in annex C of the Stockholm Convention , including measures to promote BAT and BEP , must be included in national implementation plans . He expressed the hope that the secretariat would emphasize the promotion of effective information exchange , which could be facilitated by the experience gained through his organization's directive on integrated pollution and prevention control . Several representatives , referring to the possibility of establishing a contact group to consider how to proceed on the issue , stressed the need for all participants to have the opportunity to play an active part in its deliberations , particularly the developing countries , since BAT and BEP were directly linked to the subject of emissions and thus affected their industries . Some representatives noted that it was essential to have BAT and BEP guidelines that would be useful to countries at all levels of development , so it was necessary to ensure that a balance of countries at all levels of development participate in the guidance development process . One representative , pointing to a conference room paper submitted by his Government on the development of guidelines on BAT and BEP , considered that work on the issue was very timely and needed to be initiated soon . It was very important to have a contact group convene to discuss the terms of reference of any subsidiary body to be established on BAT and BEP . The Committee decided to establish an open-ended contact group , co-chaired by Mr. Sergio Vives ( Chile ) and Mr. Robert Kellam ( United States ) , with a mandate to address issues of guidelines on BAT and guidance on BEP pursuant to article 5 of the Stockholm Convention , as set out in the note by the secretariat ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 7 ) . The contact group was to propose a way forward with regard to acquiring the expertise needed and formulating the guidelines and guidance for adoption by the Conference of the Parties . Mr. Robert Kellam , The co-chairs of the contact group , speaking also on behalf of co-chair Sergio Vives , reported to plenary on the results of the deliberations of the group , which were before the Committee in a conference room paper . He They drew particular attention to the need for a decision at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties on whether to continue work on the subject using the current methodology or whether to establish another group . Following discussion on the item , the Committee adopted the terms of reference for the Expert Group on BAT \/ BEP contained in annex VII to the present report . The Committee selected Mr. Sergio Vives ( Chile ) and Mr. Robert Kellem Kellam ( United States ) to serve as interim co-Chairs of the Expert Group for the purpose of facilitating the first meeting of the Group . The Committee noted that Algeria , Chile , Gabon , Iran ( Islamic Republic of ) , Kenya , Mongolia , Nigeria , Saudi Arabia and Zambia would serve as nine of the 15 members of the Group from developing countries . For the remaining six positions , Iran would inform the secretariat of the identities of two countries from the Asia and Pacific region and the Dominican Republic would inform the secretariat of the identities of four countries from the Latin American and Caribbean region . The Committee noted that Kazakhstan , Poland and Yugoslavia would serve as the three members from countries with economies in transition . The Committee noted that Australia and the country occupying the presidency of the European Union would inform the secretariat of the identities of the 18 countries that would serve as members from developed countries . In its deliberation of guidance on the evaluation of current and projected releases of chemicals listed in annex C , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat noted the UNEP Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases . This Toolkit was now being used by 14 countries , with funding being identified for its use in a further three countries . The generous financial and other support of the Governments of Canada , Denmark , Germany , Switzerland and the United States as well as the Arctic Council Assessment Programme was acknowledged . A number of representatives spoke very favourably on the usefulness of the Toolkit . Representatives observed that the Toolkit was a good basis for provisional guidance but ultimately needed to be more detailed and that a strategy for proper identification of all sources should be included . It was further noted that currently emissions factors should be useable by developed countries , developing countries and countries with economies in transition . Representatives noted that the Toolkit would perhaps need to address new sources , as well as all of the unintentionally produced POPs in annex C of the Convention . It was noted that more references and more detail would also be useful . The Committee agreed that an update of the Toolkit should be prepared by the secretariat taking into account comments and input to be received from Governments and others by 31 December 2002 as well as the experiences of those countries using the Toolkit . That update would be presented for discussion at the seventh session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and then forwarded as appropriate to the Conference of the Parties to serve as guidance once the Convention entered into force . Decision INC-6 \/ 4 , on the evaluation of current and projected releases of chemicals listed in annex C is contained in annex I to the present report . C. Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from stockpiles and wastes ( Article 6 ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) . Introducing the item , the secretariat observed that the Committee might wish to take note of the information papers before it , and might further wish to comment on the cooperative activities undertaken with the Basel Convention and on possible further areas of cooperation . A number of representatives welcomed the progress made by the Technical Working Group of the Basel Convention in the preparation of technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of POPs wastes and encouraged cooperation with the Basel Convention secretariat in the process of their finalization , considering this activity to be of high priority . One representative was of the view that technical experts from the Stockholm Convention should be enabled to participate in the process of drafting these guidelines to the same extent as Parties to the Basel Convention , and through their attendance at its technical meetings , despite the fact that not all interested countries were Parties to the Basel Convention . It was noted that advantage should be taken of the possibility for stakeholders to submit comments on the technical guidelines by 15 September 2002 . One representative , speaking on behalf of a regional economic integration organization and its member States said that , once the technical guidelines had been finalized , the secretariat should study them to see their implications for the Stockholm Convention , and should draft recommendations for the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties concerning those elements of the guidelines that could be adopted as legal provisions under the Convention . He also encouraged cooperation with the Basel Convention in the revision of the technical guidelines on PCBs , PCTs and PBBs . Pointing to the recently approved Basel Convention technical guidelines for the dismantling of ships , which were to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties at its sixth meeting , in December 2002 , he noted the possibility that such activities could involve releases of POPs , and said that his organization would monitor the situation to see if the safeguards were at the level required by the provisions of the Stockholm Convention . Many representatives welcomed the current cooperation at the institutional level between the secretariats of the Basel Convention and the Stockholm Convention and encouraged an increase in such cooperation in other areas , particularly capacity-building , implementing and reporting . Several representatives said that such cooperation should also be extended at the national level on matters related to the two Conventions . One representative , pointing to the evidence of good cooperation to date between the Basel Convention and the Stockholm Convention , expressed strong support for the clustering of the secretariats of chemicals and wastes-related multilateral environmental agreements . The Committee invited the Conference of the Parties of the Basel Convention to consider inviting experts from the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to participate in the process related to preparing the technical guidelines on POPs waste . The Committee also invited the secretariat to make an analysis of the compiled technical guidelines on POPs and prepare a report for the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties , with guidance on what elements of the technical guidelines should be adopted as legal provisions of the Stockholm Convention . Decision INC-6 \/ 5 on measures to reduce or eliminate releases from stockpiles and wastes : development of technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of persistent organic pollutant wastes , is contained in annex I to the present report . National implementation plans ( Article 7 ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat suggested that the Committee might wish to consider whether there was a need , first , to prepare guidance relevant to review and updating , as appropriate , of national implementation plans for consideration by the Conference of the Parties and , second , to prepare interim guidance to countries to assist in the development of those national implementation plans in the interim period . In the latter context , the secretariat referred to a guidance document being developed in the context of a GEF-supported pilot project executed in 12 countries by UNEP with in-kind support from the World Bank and the Government of Denmark . In addition , guidelines for enabling activities had been prepared by GEF prior to the adoption of the Stockholm Convention and recent decisions of the GEF Council , and which had been used as a basis for developing national implementation plans to date . Further clarification on the guidelines prepared for enabling activities was provided by the GEF representative who noted that the guidelines would be revised to take into account the final text of the Stockholm Convention . He added that there were 64 developing countries or countries with economies in transition receiving or about to receive funding to prepare national implementation plans . Representatives noted the importance of having national implementation plans that would ensure efficient compliance with the obligations of the Convention . While guidance for preparing those plans would ensure consistency and inclusion of key elements , representatives emphasized that it should not be prescriptive but rather flexible and dynamic , taking into account the different environmental , economic and political commitments of countries . The necessity of considering both developing and developed country situations and the need for a transparent process was also stressed . The Committee wished to see incorporated into the guidance the experiences of countries that were preparing or had implemented national implementation plans , including the 12 pilot countries , as well as experiences gained from other multilateral environmental agreements , especially chemical agreements . The Committee requested the secretariat to prepare guidance relevant to the review and updating of national implementation plans for consideration by the Conference of the Parties . The Committee also requested the secretariat to prepare interim guidance to assist countries to develop their national implementation plans and take into account written comments from Governments that should be received no later than 31 October 2002 . A revised interim guidance document would be submitted to the Committee for consideration at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 6 the development of interim guidance to assist countries in the preparation of national implementation plans and guidance for reviewing and updating national implementation plans , is contained in annex I to the present report . E. Listing of chemicals in annexes A , B and C ( Article 8 , annexes D , E and F , and paragraph 6 of article 19 ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat , pointing to the anticipated rapid rate of ratification of the Convention , underlined the need for clear guidance to be given at the current meeting on the draft rules of procedure , composition and operational guidelines for the functioning of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee . Although it was possible to request the secretariat to prepare a set of such draft elements for future submission to the Committee , in light of the time factor , it was perhaps more desirable to establish a contact group at the current meeting to develop relevant recommendations concerning the POPs Review Committee , for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting . One representative , speaking as Chair of the Interim Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention , underlined the importance of ensuring that suitably qualified experts were selected by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee . Under the Rotterdam Convention , the experts worked mainly intersessionally , through e-mail , and in English only , in order to draft the decision guidance documents . Transparency was ensured by attaching to the translated reports of the Interim Chemical Review Committee the rationale behind a decision to list a chemical , and submitting the translated draft decision guidance documents to Parties six months prior to a meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee . One representative , speaking on behalf of a regional economic integration organization and its member States , considered that the Interim Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention was an appropriate starting point for the development of the rules of procedure , which could be amended according to the needs of the Stockholm Convention , ensuring the efficient , timely and effective operation of the POPs Review Committee and its conduct of a step-wise procedure . In order to ensure flexible and transparent procedures , the meetings of the POPs Review Committee should be open to observers and the Committee should be able to establish subgroups to provide specialist advice to assist its work . The POPs Review Committee should be able to make recommendations to the Conference of the Parties regarding its own functioning , as well as guidance which might be established by the Conference of the Parties . He expressed a readiness to start work to enable the adoption of the rules of procedure by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting . Another representative , expressing support for that position , noted that the list of examples of technical subsidiary bodies contained in the information paper prepared by the secretariat ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 4 ) was not exhaustive , and that the operational aspects of other bodies could also be taken into account , such as the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer . In addition , he considered that , while the secretariat's paper provided a quantitative analysis of the operations of the subsidiary bodies listed , what was needed was a qualitative analysis , setting out the advantages and disadvantages that had been encountered as they performed their functions . The Committee decided to establish an open-ended contact group , to be co-chaired by Mr. Reiner Arndt ( Germany ) and Ms. Fatoumata Jallow NDoye Ndoye ( Gambia ) , with a mandate to consider issues of the terms of reference , operational guidelines and rules of procedure for the POPs Review Committee , and to report to plenary on the results of its work . Reporting to plenary on the results of the deliberations of the contact group , co-chair Reiner Arndt pointed to a conference room paper containing the report of the contact group and noted that it had not reached agreement on the question of what was meant by \" equitable geographical distribution \" , which the contact group agreed to put to the UNEP legal counsel \/ legal drafting group . Co-chair Fatoumata Jallow NDoye Ndoye highlighted the contact groups ' group's view that , due to the expected workload , either co-chairs or vice-chairs could be used . On that issue , the group had considered that the Conference of the Parties be given flexibility to decide , and the issue could be raised with the legal drafting group in its consideration of the draft rules of procedure for the Conference of the Parties . The Committee took note of the report of the contact group and requested the secretariat to use the report as the basis to propose a brief description and draft terms of reference for the subsidiary body to review candidate POPs for further consideration by the Committee at its seventh session . The report of the contact group is contained in annex V to the present report . Information exchange ( Article 9 ) In its deliberations the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat observed that guidance was sought from the Committee on the process for the design , development , operation and scope of the clearing-house mechanism , as well as on the possible operation of that mechanism on a pilot basis . Some representatives noted the need to explore synergies with other information exchange systems such as those of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety , UNEP Chemicals and other organizations as well as with information exchange activities that were being discussed in the context of the capacity assistance network . Further to a request for clarification , the secretariat informed the Committee that while US $ 250,000 was estimated per annum for 2003 and 2004 to maintain the current web site and clearing house , as well as begin design of a future clearing house , US $ 1-1 . 3 million would be required per annum to establish a clearing house at the same level as some other multilateral environmental agreements . Some representatives questioned the appropriateness of assigning such a budget to the development of a clearing-house mechanism when resources were limited . The Committee noted the valuable and excellent information contained in the UNEP POPs web site and wished to see the current commitment to that web site maintained . The Committee considered that it was premature to embark on a pilot project on a clearing-house mechanism and that prior to initiating a process for the design , development , operation and scope of a clearing-house mechanism , a more detailed work programme should be prepared by the secretariat based on comments to be received from Governments . Decision INC-6 \/ 7 on a clearing-house mechanism for information exchange on persistent organic pollutants is contained in annex I to the present report . The Committee agreed to further consider this item at its next session . Technical assistance ( Article 12 ) In its deliberations the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing this item , the secretariat observed that the Committee might wish to consider three central issues : whether to establish a process for developing the guidance called for in paragraph 3 of article 12 for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting , as well as the timing and modalities for that work ; whether to request the secretariat to undertake a feasibility study on ways and means of establishing and ensuring the functioning of regional and subregional centres called for in paragraph 4 of article 12 for capacity-building and transfer of technology within the framework of the Stockholm Convention ; or whether to request the secretariat to develop and conduct , in cooperation with the secretariat of the Basel Convention and the Basel Convention regional centres , a pilot initiative of regional and subregional centres for the purpose of facilitating technical assistance , subject to the availability of extrabudgetary resources . Representatives noted the important role that technical assistance , including technical assistance for capacity-building , would play in assisting developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition to fulfil their obligations under the Stockholm Convention . A rapid start to the provision of effective assistance was thus desirable . To focus efforts on the most important areas , it was necessary to evaluate the specific needs of different regions , subregions and countries regarding capacity-building and the transfer of technology . That information could be provided through written submissions from countries and other stakeholders ; experience gained in the development of national implementation plans under article 7 ; broader relevant experience gained developing and implementing action plans under other multilateral environmental agreements ; and proposals and other information gathered during the negotiation process that led to the Stockholm Convention , particularly article 12 on technical assistance . To enhance the provision of technical assistance in accordance with article 12 , representatives noted the value of seeking and utilizing efficiencies and synergies between the institutional arrangements provided for under the Stockholm Convention and other multilateral environmental institutions . Particular attention was placed on possible utilization of the regional and subregional centres created under the Basel Convention . At the same time , it was recognized that other potential arrangements existed , including : utilizing regional and subregional centres associated with other multilateral environmental institutions ; using some but not necessarily all of the Basel Convention centres , based on their comparative effectiveness and location , among other factors ; and creating new centres to address geographic or substantive gaps among existing regional and subregional centres . In examining potential arrangements , many factors needed to be taken into account , including : the comparative operational and economic efficiencies and synergies ; the consequences of co-locating centres for conventions with different memberships , mandates and implementation requirements and for which different government agencies are often responsible ; the experience of other multilateral environmental institutions with regard to the effective utilization of regional and subregional centres ; various mandates to increase synergies amongst multilateral environmental agreements and institutions ; relevant differences across regions and subregions with regard to implementing the Stockholm Convention ; the necessity and uncertainty of securing agreement with the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention and \/ or other multilateral environmental agreements ; and the various budgetary impacts . The Committee noted the potential value that a pilot initiative could have for determining the value of utilizing Basel Convention regional and subregional centres for facilitating the provision of technical assistance in accordance with article 12 of the Stockholm Convention . At the same time , important issues and concerns regarding the scope of the pilot initiative , the proper sequencing of the various studies , and the availability of extrabudgetary resources were recognized . In its deliberations on the capacity assistance network , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) . Introducing the item , the secretariat invited the Committee to consider the appropriateness of requesting the secretariat to begin preparatory work on the potential establishment of a capacity assistance network , as well as the possible timing and modalities for that work . Representatives noted the valuable role that some type of capacity assistance network could play to better facilitate and coordinate the provision of technical assistance to developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition . Such a network might also serve to link , with respect to the provision of technical assistance , various entities created under the Convention , such as the national focal points , regional and subregional centres and secretariat . Many uncertainties remained , however , including : the relevant options for the precise goals , design , operation , management , timing and funding of such a network ; the ability of any proposed network to take full account of the specific needs and special situation of least developed countries and small island developing States with regard to technical assistance , as required in paragraph 5 of article 12 ; the overall relationship between a capacity assistance network and the provision of technical assistance under article 12 or the clearing-house mechanism established under article 9 ; its relationship with other institutional entities involved in the provision of financial and technical assistance or the exchange of information , such as GEF and IFCS - INFOCAP ; its relationship with the broad issue of technology transfer ; the proper role for regional and subregional centres ; and the involvement of the private and non-governmental sectors . The Committee then decided to establish an open-ended contact group co-chaired by Mr. Jozef Buys ( Belgium ) and Mr. Christopher Corbin ( Saint Lucia ) with a mandate to address the draft decisions relating to technical assistance prepared by the secretariat . The outcome of the deliberations as adopted by the Committee are decisions INC-6 \/ 8 , INC-6 \/ 9 , INC-6 \/ 10 and INC-6 \/ 11 contained in annex I to the present reportnote H. Financial resources and mechanisms ( Article 13 ) Interim financial mechanism ( Article 14 ) The Committee took up its consideration of the above items concurrently . Introducing these items , the secretariat drew the Committee's attention to the documentation prepared on the subject ( see annex IX )) Representatives of the GEF secretariat then provided an overview of the structure and operation of GEF as well as details of the action taken by GEF since May 2001 in response to the resolutions of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Stockholm Convention and the steps taken to facilitate early implementation of the Convention , particularly in relation to building capacity in eligible countries . Of particular note wereere the decision by the GEF Council in May 2002 to recommend to the GEF Assembly the creation of a new focal area for POPs and the progress made in facilitating simpler and more expeditious access to funding , including new approval procedures for project proposals under US $ 500,000 . To date , 64 countries representing all regions and levels of preparedness had already submitted proposals for national implementation plans funding to GEF and 45 proposals had already been approved under the expedited procedures . In addition , 12 countries were receiving GEF funding for their national implementation plans as part of the project - Development of National Implementation Plans for the Management of persistent organin organic pollutants - which was approved by the Council in May 2001 and which was being executed by UNEP Chemicals . In their presentations and in response to questions , the representatives of GEF outlined the formal relationships GEF had developed with the governing bodies of other conventions . They also outlined the proposed amendments to the GEF Charter that would reflect a new focal area for POPs as well as the status of GEF as the principal entity , on an interim basis , entrusted with the operation of the financial mechanism for the Stockholm Convention . Noting that GEF activity in the area of POPs was in its initial phase , they emphasized that GEF would respond to guidance from the Committee and , eventually , the Conference of the Parties , while continuously evolving its activities to suit the needs of the Stockholm Convention as far as possible . The Committee welcomed the efforts made by GEF to facilitate early implementation of the Convention , particularly the decision to recommend the creation of a new focal area for POPs , the proposed amendments to the GEF Charter , and the progress made in facilitating the application , approval and funding of projects to develop national implementation plans . The Committee noted the desirability of a memorandum of understanding between the Conference of the Parties and GEF to define the relationship between , and the respective responsibilities of , the two entities . To facilitate the development of the memorandum of understanding , the Committee noted that it would be advantageous to incorporate useful elements of similar agreements between GEF and other conventions , views of Governments regarding elements to be included , as well as the results of consultations between the secretariat and GEF , the secretariats of other conventions , and other bodies and experts regarding the experience gained in other conventions . Decision INC-6 \/ 12 on a draft memorandum of understanding with the Global Environment Facility , is contained in annex I to the present report . During the adoption of this decision , the Committee noted that the secretariat would compile any comments received from Governments , prior to its seventh session regarding the draft memorandum of understanding and make these available to the Committee at that session as an information document . The Committee acknowledged the need for the first Conference of the Parties to provide guidance to the financial mechanism , as required under paragraph 7 of article 13 . It was recognized that such guidance would be most useful if it were geared toward substantive issues related to specific implementation requirements under the Convention , and that it would be open to revision or expansion by subsequent meetings of the Parties . To facilitate their further deliberation , the Committee requested the secretariat to solicit views from Governments regarding elements they believed should be included in such guidance and to develop a document for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee . Such a document should also include elements drawn from consultations , as appropriate , between the secretariat and GEF , the secretariats of other conventions , and other bodies and experts regarding the experience gained in other conventions . The Committee acknowledged the potential value of developing for consideration by the Conference of the Parties draft terms of reference for use in the review of the financial mechanism called for under paragraph 8 of article 13 . It was noted that subparagraphs ( a ) through ( e ) of paragraph 7 of article 13 established much of the basis of such a review , although a number of other potential elements and processes were also discussed . With regard to the need to initiate preparations for a possible decision to be taken by the Conference of the Parties on the financial mechanism under article 14 , the Committee concluded that it was premature for it to discuss the issue at that time or for the secretariat to prepare any documentation for its next meeting . The secretariat then drew the Committee's attention to a document on the possible collection of information from relevant funding institutions on the ways in which they could support the Stockholm Convention ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 13 ) . The secretariat referred to resolutions of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries and , in particular , paragraph 5 of its resolution 2 , as the background to the paper . In this regard the Committee was invited to consider whether it wished to provide advice to the secretariat on the timing and the types of information to be collected , the process of doing so , and the type of funding institutions to contact . The Committee noted that gathering and synthesizing such information would be most useful but should be done in a judicious manner . It was also important not to limit the survey to intergovernmental organizations . Rather , the secretariat should gather information , as appropriate , from the full array of international , regional , national , private sector , non-governmental and private foundation-based funding institutions . On the basis of its deliberations , the Committee adopted decisions INC-6 \/ 13 , INC-6 \/ 14 and INC-6 \/ 15 , contained in annex I to the present report . J. Reporting ( Article 15 ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat said that the Committee might wish to consider the initiation stage or developing a process for format and timing of Party reporting obligations . The Committee noted that in preparing a reporting format effort should be placed on ensuring compatibility with provisions for reporting in other multilateral environmental agreements . The secretariat was encouraged to steer that format towards simplicity to facilitate efficient and effective reporting and to avoid making reporting an onerous burden to countries . In addition , a delineation should be made between reporting requirements that were mandatory and those that were not . The Committee requested the secretariat to prepare a paper on a possible format and timing for Party reporting obligations taking into account comments received from Governments as well as reporting obligations under other multilateral environmental agreements . The Committee also requested the secretariat to prepare a draft model format on reporting for consideration at its next session . Decision INC-6 \/ 16 , on format and timing of Party reporting is contained in annex I to the present report . Effectiveness evaluation ( Article 16 ) Introducing the item , the secretariat drew the Committee's attention to the documentation prepared on the subject ( see annex IX )) as well as a written proposal submitted to the Committee during the meeting . The Committee welcomed the continuing efforts of UNEP Chemicals in two major assessment and monitoring related activities , the Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances project , funded by GEF and the Global Network on the Monitoring of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment . The Committee noted the importance of activities that provided high quality , comparable , long-term , national , regional and global monitoring data on the substances controlled under the Convention . To be most useful for the purposes of evaluating the effectiveness of the Convention , the acquisition and evaluation of monitoring data would need to follow particular sequencing and procedures . It was recognized that capacity to obtain , compare and utilize such data varied across countries and regions . There were also opportunity , cost and budgetary implications of the different approaches to this issue . Following its initial deliberations , the Committee established a drafting group to draft text for a possible draft decision on this item . Decision INC-6 \/ 17 on effectiveness evaluation is contained in annex I to the present report . L. Non-compliance ( Article 17 ) In its deliberations the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat invited the Committee to consider initiating the process of developing a procedure and institutional mechanism for determining non-compliance with the Stockholm Convention as well as elements to be included in that regime . All representatives were of the view that the documentation prepared by the secretariat was a useful basis on which to initiate work . It was noted that article 17 of the Stockholm Convention provided that the Conference of the Parties would develop and approve procedures and institutional mechanisms for determining non-compliance \" as soon as practicable \" . Some representatives stated that the Committee should focus efforts during the interim period on activities that would facilitate the implementation of the Convention and its speedy entry into force . As such it was considered premature to precipitate the process for developing and approving non-compliance procedures and institutional mechanisms that would most likely not be presented to the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting . Other representatives stated that a compliance mechanism should be established at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties or shortly thereafter . They also noted that the resolution on interim arrangements adopted at the Conference of Plenipotentiaries in Stockholm to facilitate the rapid entry into force and effective implementation of the Convention provided for work on non-compliance by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee . It was stressed that an effective mechanism to examine non-compliance was essential and that when developing that regime emphasis should be placed on a non-confrontational , facilitative and flexible regime that would encourage and assist countries to achieve and maintain compliance rather than be punitive . Some representatives also emphasized the importance of appropriate measures for addressing non-compliance . It was also noted that reporting on non-compliance should not place an undue burden on Parties and that provisions for technical assistance , technology transfer , financial resources and capacity-building should be taken into account while ensuring the territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries . Some representatives also emphasized the importance of appropriate measures for addressing non-compliance . Some representatives requested the secretariat to prepare , based on written comments from Governments , a draft model for a compliance mechanism for consideration by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session , while others proposed that the secretariat , based on those comments prepare a synthesis . Other representatives wanted the secretariat to only compile the written comments received from Governments . As an initial step , Governments would submit comments and proposals in writing , and preferably in electronic format , to the secretariat based on the provisions of article 17 of the Convention , on the elements provided in the draft text submitted by the secretariat in document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 17 , or regarding any other relevant aspects or national concerns . Those comments were to reach the secretariat no later than 31 December 2002 . The Committee requested the secretariat to prepare a full compilation of comments and proposals received from Governments for submission to the Committee at its seventh session . The secretariat would also provide a synthesis by issue of the comments and proposals to accompany that document . The Committee further requested the secretariat to prepare an analysis of non-compliance procedures included in other multilateral environmental agreements , taking into account pre-existing work on the subject , and to submit that analysis to the Committee at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 18 on non-compliance is contained in annex I to the present report . Settlement of disputes ( Article 18 ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat drew attention to the draft rules on arbitration and conciliation prepared by the secretariat . One representative , referring to articles 10 and 16 of the draft arbitration rules , noted that a precedent existed under the International Court of Justice to the effect that a decision of the court had not been binding on a third party intervening in a dispute . It was thus necessary to consider further whether the language of article 16 was appropriate to the Stockholm Convention . Another representative , referring to article 13 of the arbitration draft rules , considered that provision should be included for proper adequate notification of parties that did not appear before the tribunal , as well as guidance or warning concerning the consequences of continued non-appearance . The Committee agreed to forward the draft rules on arbitration and conciliation , as contained in the annex to the note by the secretariat on settlement of disputes ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 18 ) , to the legal drafting group for consideration , taking into account the comments made in the plenary . Reporting back to plenary on the draft rules on conciliation , the Chair of the legal drafting group noted in particular one policy issue that had been flagged for consideration at the seventh session of the Committee which was that for budgetary reasons , the group had examined the possibility of reducing the number of members of the Conciliation Commission of the Stockholm Convention from five members , as is standard in most other conciliation commissions , to three members . The Chair of the legal drafting group further reported that the group had not had sufficient time to consider the draft rules on arbitration at the current session but that it would return to that item at the seventh session of the Committee . The draft rules on arbitration and conciliation as reviewed by the legal drafting group are contained in annex II to the present report . Conference of the Parties ( Article 19 ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) ( i ) Draft rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies Introducing the item , the secretariat drew attention to the draft rules of procedure for the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies , as prepared by the secretariat and contained in the annex to document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 14 . It was explained that , while the rules of procedure of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee had been taken into account in the preparation work , they did not constitute a precedent for the rules of the Conference of the Parties . A number of representatives expressed appreciation for the work of the secretariat , which was considered to be a good basis for discussion . Others pointed out that they would be bringing specific concerns and proposals directly to the attention of the legal drafting group . In the course of the debate in plenary , proposals and comments addressed the following specific rules : Rule 6 ( Participation of United Nations , specialized agencies and non-Parties ) Rule 7 ( Participation of other bodies or agencies ) Several representatives proposed an amendment to the above rules to the effect that Parties are informed on the participation of observers in the meeting 60 days in advance of the meeting . That would allow developing countries , countries with economies in transition and non-governmental and other organizations to have time for adequate planning and coordination for their effective participation . Several other representatives drew attention to a potential policy issue of having to provide such notice to non-governmental organizations . Some representatives and expressed a reservation to the proposed amendment . The Committee requested the legal drafting group , in its consideration of the draft rules of procedure , to take fully into account the issues raised in the discussion on rules 6 and 7 . Rule 46 ( Majority required ) A number of representatives highlighted the need for further consideration of the different kinds of procedures required for decisions under the Stockholm Convention , and the different options available for the question , particularly considering the types of solutions applied under other multilateral agreements . One representative expressed a reservation at the concept of a two-thirds majority . Another representative stressed the need for the procedure chosen to be obstacle-free and to facilitate decision-making . One other representative offered to make available a conference room paper containing an analysis of the types of decisions to be adopted by the Conference of the Parties . Attention was also drawn to the link between rule 46 and rule 60 ( Amendments to the rules of procedure ) . Another representative considered that the provision in paragraph 4 , by which a proposal would be rejected after a second inconclusive vote , needed to be amended to provide for more time and , perhaps , an alternative method . It was observed that it might be necessary to see whether any precedent for such a method existed . The Committee requested the legal drafting group , in its consideration of the draft rules of procedure , to take fully into account the issues raised in the discussion on rule 46 . Rule 47 ( Order of voting on proposals ) One representative proposed deletion of the sentence \" The Conference of the Parties may , after each vote on a proposal , decide whether to vote on the next proposal \" . The Committee requested the legal drafting group , in its consideration of the draft rules of procedure , to take fully into account the issues raised in the discussion on rule 47 . The chair of the legal drafting group reported that the group had examined the draft rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties . The chair indicated that there were several items relevant to rules 6 ( Participation of United Nations , specialized agencies and non-Parties ) , 7 ( Participation of other bodies or agencies ) , 22 ( Election of officers ) , 31 ( Voting in subsidiary bodies ) , 46 ( Majority required ) , and 47 ( Order of voting on proposals ) and 60 ( Amendments to the rules of procedure ) that would require policy decisions by the Committee . Those items were identified either by footnotes or by square brackets in the draft text of the legal drafting group that is contained in annex III to the present report . With regard to paragraph 4 of rule 46 , the last line sentence of rule 47 and a question raised on rule 60 , the chair of the legal drafting group confirmed that those were standard rules that could be found in other multilateral environmental agreements . The draft rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies as reviewed by the legal drafting group are contained in annex III to the present report . ( ii ) Draft financial rules for the Conference of the Parties , its subsidiary bodies and the Convention secretariat Introducing the item , the secretariat drew attention to the draft financial rules for the Conference of the Parties , its subsidiary bodies and the Convention secretariat , as prepared by the secretariat and contained in the appendix to document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 15 . It was noted that several paragraphs of the draft rules contained bracketed text , and that in some cases those would require further consideration . It was suggested that , following comments and proposals from the floor , the draft financial rules would be forwarded to the legal drafting group for examination , which would report to plenary on the results of its deliberations , bringing to its attention any areas where policy , rather than technical , matters required a decision . Several representatives expressed a reservation with regard to the reference in paragraph 12 ( a ) of the draft rules to the application of the indicative scale of assessments of the United Nations as a basis for the calculation of contributions to the Stockholm Convention . One representative pointed out that , in the General Assembly resolutions pertaining to the scale of assessments , it was noted that the scale of assessments and its adjustments did not automatically apply to specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations , and he called upon the secretariat to verify the General Assembly resolutions on application of the scale of assessments to members . One representative supported the current text in paragraph 12 ( a ) and requested the removal of the square brackets around the figures 0.001 , 22 and 0.01 . Attention was also drawn to the need to clarify how the member States' contributions to the Stockholm Convention were to be calculated . Several representatives pointed to the need to assess the options and methods used by other conventions and multilateral agreements for calculating the distribution of contributions , and one of them asked the secretariat to prepare for the seventh session of the Committee a reference document compiling information on the subject . The secretariat agreed to collect additional information and make it available to the Committee . One representative drew attention to the link between paragraph 1 of rule 46 of the draft rules of procedure , concerning decision-making by the Conference of the parties , and paragraph 4 of the draft financial rules . The Committee requested the legal drafting group , in its consideration of the draft financial rules for the Conference of the Parties , its subsidiary bodies and the Convention secretariat , to take fully into account the issues raised in the discussion in plenary . The chair of the legal drafting group reported that the group had had a first reading of the draft financial rules for the Conference of the Parties , its subsidiary bodies and the Convention secretariat . Some issues had been noted for review at the seventh session of the Committee and these had been highlighted in square brackets . The chair of the legal drafting group wished to have the assistance of a financial officer in that group during its deliberations second reading of the rules in order to refer them to the Committee for consideration on the item at the its seventh session of the Committee The draft financial rules for the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , its subsidiary bodies and the Convention secretariat as reviewed by the legal drafting group are contained in annex IV to the present report . Issues relating to the Stockholm Convention not covered above No issues were raised under this agenda item . P. Other issues for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting ( i ) Location of the secretariat ( Resolution 6 of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat invited the Committee to consider document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 21 on the location of the secretariat , which in its appendix set out the categories of information to be provided by potential host countries in support of their tenders , in order to ensure some comparability of the offers made . The Committee was invited to also consider the question of a deadline for the submission of such information , in order to allow for its adequate compilation by the secretariat in time for consideration by the Committee at its seventh session . The representatives of Germany , Italy and Switzerland reaffirmed the offers made by their Governments to host the secretariat . The Committee discussed and amended the information contained in the appendix to UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 21 and requested that candidate countries base their proposals to offer to host the secretariat on the information contained therein . The Committee agreed to invite interested countries to submit , by 30 November 2002 , the information called for in the appendix as amended by the Committee and contained in the appendix to decision INC-6 \/ 19 referred to below , for consideration by the Committee at its next session . Further to its deliberation , the Committee adopted decision INC-6 \/ 19 on consideration of offers to host the permanent secretariat of the Stockholm Convention , contained in annex I to the present report . ( ii ) Liability and redress ( Resolution 6 of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries ) In its deliberations , the Committee had before it the documentation on the subject prepared by the secretariat ( see annex IX )) Introducing the item , the secretariat invited the Committee to take note of the information submitted by countries and others on the subject of liability and redress , in response to the invitation by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries , which was compiled in an information paper prepared by the secretariat ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 5 ) . Attention was drawn to a workshop on liability and redress in the context of the Convention , to be hosted by the Government of Austria in Vienna from 19 to 21 September 2002 . The report of the workshop would be considered by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting with a view to deciding what further action should be taken . Several representatives said that further comments on the subject of liability and redress should be solicited from those that had not yet provided information . Several representatives expressed gratitude and appreciation to the Government of Austria for hosting the upcoming workshop on liability and redress , which was considered to be very useful in helping the Conference of the Parties to take a decision on that question . Some disappointment was voiced that there had not been an opportunity at the current meeting for an exchange of views on liability and redress , since it was considered that such a discussion could have provided guidance for the agenda of the workshop . One representative , recalling that experience in other multilateral agreements had shown that liability and redress regimes involved lengthy and detailed negotiations , considered that , without greater justification , such a regime should not be developed for the Stockholm Convention . He thus proposed that the Vienna workshop should focus on examining such justification , rather than on the details of a liability and redress mechanism . The Committee called upon those that had not already done so to provide their comments on liability and redress to the secretariat by 31 July 2002 . The Committee also noted with gratitude Austria 's hosting of the workshop on liability and redress in Vienna in September 2002 . The Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries expressed their interest to host the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention at the opening of the sixth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee . A presentation was made by the representatives of Uruguay and Switzerland on preparations under way towards the possible holding of the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties in Uruguay . The Committee welcomed the news of those discussions . The secretariat drew attention to the list of those that had signed and \/ or ratified , acceded to , accepted or approved the Stockholm Convention as at 11 June 2002 , as contained in document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 12 , pointing out that there had been no additions to that list to date . The secretariat referred also to the invitation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Governments , requesting those intending to sign or ratify multilateral agreements to endeavour to do so on the occasion of the World Summit on Sustainable Development , to be held in Johannesburg from 26 August to 4 September 2002 . In order to assist countries to ratify or accede to the Convention , the Committee recommended that the secretariat , in consultation with the United Nations Treaty Section , prepare a checklist that would identify the general steps that a sovereign nation should complete before it deposits its instruments of ratification or accession to the United Nations . The representative of the United States informed the meeting that his Government would contribute $ 100 , 000 to support the convening of the first meeting of the expert group on BAT and BEP . The Committee agreed to review the process for reporting on its work early on in the agenda of the seventh session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee . The Committee adopted its report on the basis of the draft report contained in documents UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ L. 1 and L. 1 \/ Add . 1 which had been circulated during the meeting , as amended , and on the understanding that finalization of the report would be entrusted to the Rapporteur , working in conjunction with the secretariat . Following the customary exchange of courtesies , the Chair declared the session closed at 7.25 p. m . on Friday , 21 June 2002 . Annex I ITS SIXTH SESSION , HELD IN GENEVA FROM 17 TO 21 JUNE 2002 Decision INC-6 \/ 1 : Amendment of rule 8 of the rules of procedure for the meetings of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Decides by consensus , in accordance with rule 56 of the rules of procedure for its meetings , to amend rule 8 of the rules of procedure in order to increase the membership of the Bureau of the Committee to ten members ; Decides that the amended rule 8 shall read as follows : \" 1 . The Committee shall elect from among the representatives of the State Parties a Bureau composed of one Chair and nine Vice-Chairs , one of whom shall act as Rapporteur . In electing the officers , the Committee shall have due regard to the principle of equitable geographical representation . Each of the five regional groups shall be represented by two members . \" Decision INC-6 \/ 2 : DDT The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Requests the secretariat , in cooperation with the World Health Organization , to prepare a report on a possible format for reporting by Parties that use DDT on amounts used , conditions of such use and its relevance in disease management strategies as required under paragraph 4 of part II of annex B to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; Further requests the secretariat , in cooperation with the World Health Organization , to develop a report on guidance and information needed to assist the Conference of the Parties in evaluating the continued need for DDT for disease vector control as required under paragraph 6 of part II of annex B ; Invites the World Health Organization to actively participate in the development of the above reports ; Requests the secretariat to provide the above reports to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for further consideration at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 3 : Register of specific exemptions ( Articles 3 and 4 and annexes A and B ) The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Requests the secretariat to prepare a report on : ( a ) A possible format for country reporting of requests for specific exemptions ; ( b ) A possible process , including alternative approaches , that might be considered by the Conference of the Parties in deciding upon the review process for the entries in the Register called for in paragraph 5 of article 4 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; ( c ) A possible format for a Register of specific exemptions ; The secretariat report shall be based upon input from countries and the meeting documents UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 4 and UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 6 ; Invites Governments to provide the secretariat with their views on a possible reporting format , process and format for the Register before 31 October 2002 ; Further requests the secretariat to submit the report to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for further consideration at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 4 : Evaluation of current and projected releases of chemicals listed in annex C The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Notes that the \" Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases \" ( Toolkit ) of the United Nations Environment Programme provides a basis for the development of provisional guidance on the evaluation of current and projected releases of chemicals listed in annex C of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; Notes further that it may be appropriate to update the Toolkit and to include additional chemicals , emissions factors , levels of detail and other elements to enhance its usefulness ; Invites Governments and others to provide the secretariat with comments on how the Toolkit can be updated and expanded before 31 December 2002 ; Requests the secretariat to develop an updated and expanded version of the Toolkit , taking into consideration the comments received as well as experience in field-testing the Toolkit in countries , for consideration by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its next session . Decision INC-6 \/ 5 : Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from stockpiles and wastes : development of of technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of persistent organic pollutant wastes The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Welcomes progress made by the Technical Working Group of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal in developing technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of persistent organic pollutant wastes , and affirms the high priority attached by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to the guidelines , particularly as they relate to the issues outlined in paragraph 2 of article 6 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; Welcomes the cooperation to date between the secretariat of the Stockholm Convention and the secretariat of the Basel Convention ; Encourages continuing and strengthened collaboration between the secretariat of the Stockholm Convention and the secretariat of the Basel Convention related to activities of mutual interest to the two Conventions , in particular capacity-building ; Encourages countries to ensure close coordination at the national level between authorities responsible for the Stockholm Convention and those responsible for the Basel Convention ; Invites the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention to consider inviting members of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to participate in partnership in activities under the Basel Convention relating to persistent organic pollutants ; Requests the secretariat to prepare a report for the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on such guidelines relating to persistent organic pollutants as may be adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention , including an analysis of implications of those guidelines for the Stockholm Convention and an indication of elements that might be considered suitable for adoption under paragraph 2 of article 6 of the Stockholm Convention . Decision INC-6 \/ 6 : Development of interim guidance to assist countries in the preparation of national implementation plans and guidance for reviewing and updating national implementation plans The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Recalling the need for each Party to develop and endeavour to implement a plan for the implementation of its obligations under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , Noting the guidance document prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank with the support of the Government of Denmark for the pilot project to support 12 countries in the preparation of their national implementation plans , Further noting guidelines prepared by the Global Environment Facility for enabling activities , Invites Governments to provide their comments on the full document referred to in UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ INF \/ 8 and other views on guidance for the preparation of national implementation plans to the secretariat by 31 October 2002 ; Requests the secretariat to : ( a ) Prepare , based on those comments and relevant existing guidance material , interim guidance to assist countries to develop their national implementation plans , taking into account the different situations , needs and experiences of countries ; ( b ) Submit a draft interim guidance document for consideration by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session ; ( c ) Prepare guidance relevant to the review and updating of national implementation plans for consideration by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 7 : Clearing-house mechanism for information exchange on persistent organic pollutants The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Recognizing the importance of having a clearing-house mechanism for information exchange on persistent organic pollutants that would assist countries in the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , Invites Governments to submit , by 31 October 2002 , questions and comments related to the design , development , operation and scope of a clearing-house mechanism for information exchange on persistent organic pollutants ; Requests the secretariat to prepare , taking into account those submissions , a detailed work plan and budget on the initiation and maintenance of such a clearing-house mechanism for consideration by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 8 : Guidance on technical assistance The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Decides to initiate a process for developing the guidance on the provision of technical assistance called for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 12 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and all possible arrangements for providing technical assistance for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting ; Invites Governments to provide the secretariat , by 31 October 2002 , with the following , relating to implementation of the obligations under the Stockholm Convention : For developed countries and other countries in accordance with their capabilities , views and information on priorities and arrangements for their provision of technical assistance to developing countries and countries with economies in transition ; For developing countries and countries with economies in transition , views and information on priorities and arrangements regarding technical assistance from developed countries and other countries in accordance with their capabilities ; Requests the secretariat to prepare a report on priorities and arrangements for technical assistance , to be based on : The views and information received from countries ; The relevant experience gained from the development of the implementation plans under article 7 ; Information gathered and proposals developed throughout the negotiating process that relate to technical assistance ; Information gathered from regional and subregional consultative workshops ; Further requests the secretariat to submit the report to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for its consideration at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 9 : Feasibility study on regional and subregional centres The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Requests the secretariat to undertake , in consultation with the secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal , as appropriate , a feasibility study on regional and subregional centres for capacity-building and transfer of technology . The study shall include : ( a ) An identification of the needs of countries in the area of capacity-building and transfer of technology that might be facilitated by regional and subregional centres ; ( b ) An assessment of the capacity of all relevant regional and subregional centres , in particular , but not limited to Basel Convention regional centres , to facilitates capacity-building and transfer of technology . Such an assessment shall include , but not be limited to , a review of mandates , functions , performance , institutional arrangements and the needs identified in paragraph 1 ( a ) above ; ( c ) An assessment of the gaps and limitations of existing arrangements , including the availability of technology to be transferred , and the means to address these constraints ; ( d ) A review of the experiences gained by other international agreements in capacity-building and transfer of technology ; ( e ) An identification and analysis of the potential synergies between the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and other multilateral environmental agreements regarding the provision of capacity-building and transfer of technology ; Further requests the secretariat to communicate terms of reference for the feasibility study to Governments for comments prior to its commencement , and to present the intermediate or final report of the study to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session . The final report should be presented no later than 31 December 2003 , unless otherwise decided by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 10 : Case studies on regional and subregional centres The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Requests the secretariat to develop and conduct , in cooperation with the secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal and the Basel Convention regional centres , as appropriate , one or more case studies of regional and subregional centres for the purpose of facilitating capacity-building and transfer of technology in accordance with article 12 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and with a view to contributing to the feasibility study provided for in decision INC-6 \/ on the feasibility study on regional and subregional centres ; Invites Governments , intergovernmental organizations , non-governmental organizations , the private sector and international financial institutions to provide information to the secretariat on how they might contribute to the case studies . Such information should be submitted to the secretariat by 31 October 2002 ; Requests the secretariat to report to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session on progress made in implementing the case studies ; Agrees that implementation of the case studies should be subject to the availability of extrabudgetary resources , and invites developed countries and other countries in accordance with their capabilities , intergovernmental organizations , non-governmental organizations , the private sector and international financial institutions who are in a position to do so , to contribute resources . Decision INC-6 \/ 11 : Capacity assistance network The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Invites intergovernmental organizations , non-governmental organizations , the private sector and international financial institutions to provide the secretariat with information on how they might contribute to facilitating and coordinating access to financial and technical assistance . Such information should be submitted to the secretariat by 31 October 2002 ; Requests the secretariat , based on the views and information gathered by the secretariat in pursuance of paragraph 1 above and decision INC-6 \/ on guidance on technical assistance , to include in the feasibility study referred to in decision INC-6 \/ on the feasibility study on regional and subregional centerscentres , arrangements for developing possible modalities for a capacity assistance network as agreed upon in resolution 3 , paragraph 2 of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries and taking into consideration the work done in document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 19 . Decision INC-6 \/ 12 : Draft memorandum of understanding with the Global Environment Facility The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Recognizing the designation of the Global Environment Facility as the principal entity entrusted , on an interim basis , with the operation of the financial mechanism for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , Decides to initiate a process for developing a draft memorandum of understanding between the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention and the Global Environment Facility ; Requests the secretariat to submit to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session a review of similar agreements between the Global Environment Facility and the governing bodies of other multilateral environmental agreements , including the relevant experience gained from the use of these agreements between the Global Environment Facility and the governing bodies of other multilateral environmental agreements ; Further requests the secretariat , in consultation with the secretariat of the Global Environment Facility , to prepare a draft memorandum of understanding for consideration by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session and to make available to the Committee at that session any comments thereon by Governments . Decision INC-6 \/ 13 : Guidance to the financial mechanism The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Decides to initiate a process for developing , for consideration by Conference of the Parties , draft guidance to the financial mechanism , as required under paragraph 7 of article 13 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; Draws the attention of Governments to the elements contained in subparagraphs ( a ) through ( e ) of paragraph 7 of article 13 ; Invites Governments to provide to the secretariat by 30 November 2002 their views on elements that might be included in such guidance ; Requests the secretariat to submit a report on possible elements of such guidance to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for its further consideration at its seventh session . The report is to comprise : A compilation of the views received from countries ; A synthesis of the views received from countries ; A review of the relevant experience gained from the provision of guidance given to the Global Environment Facility by the governing bodies of other multilateral environmental agreements . Decision INC-6 \/ 14 : Draft terms of reference for the review of the financial mechanism under paragraph 8 of article 13 The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Decides to initiate a process for developing draft terms of reference for consideration by the Conference of the Parties for use in the review of the financial mechanism called for under paragraph 8 of article 13 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; Requests the secretariat to submit elements of such draft terms of reference to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for its further consideration at its seventh session . In developing the draft terms of reference , the secretariat should : ( a ) Use paragraphs 7 and 8 of article 13 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants as the primary basis for the draft terms of reference ; ( b ) Seek the input of relevant experts regarding potential options for conducting such reviews , as appropriate . Decision INC-6 \/ 15 : Collection of information from relevant funding institutions on the ways in which they can support the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Takes note of paragraphs 5 and 6 of resolution 2 , on interim financial arrangements adopted by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , held in Stockholm , Sweden , from 22 to 23 May 2001 ; Invites Governments to provide the secretariat with relevant information on ways in which their funding institutions may support the objectives of the Convention ; Invites intergovernmental organizations , non-governmental organizations and other observers , as appropriate , to provide the secretariat with relevant information on ways in which they can support the objectives of the Convention ; Requests the secretariat to begin collecting information from relevant funding institutions on the ways in which they can support the Convention , and to submit a preliminary draft report of the information received to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for consideration at its next session . Draft decision INC-6 \/ 16 : Format and timing of Party reporting The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Invites Governments to provide the secretariat , by 30 November 2002 , with comments on timing and format of Party reporting under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; Requests the secretariat , taking into account the submissions received , to prepare : ( a ) A draft model format on reporting for consideration by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session ; ( b ) A report that reviews obligations , processes and formats for reporting under other multilateral environment agreements and the reporting obligations under the Stockholm Convention for consideration by the Committee at its seventh meeting , and for possible consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting following any further work on the report by the Committee . Decision INC-6 \/ 17 : Effectiveness evaluation The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Requests the secretariat to begin to address the environmental monitoring and evaluation needs as described in article 16 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants for chemicals included in annexes A , B , and C of the Convention and in doing so to : Develop guidance on the nature of the effectiveness evaluation ; Identify the basic data needed to support the effectiveness evaluation ; Assess the capacity of existing monitoring programmes to make available necessary monitoring data and then begin making arrangements for the provision of comparable monitoring data for the effectiveness evaluation . This can be assisted by continuing the work initiated by UNEP Chemicals for the substances listed in annexes A , B , and C ; Identify where suitable monitoring data are not available ; Compile guidance for the collection of data and , subject to the availability of additional external funding , test the guidance by developing a pilot project in one or more regions ; Facilitate arrangements to obtain appropriate monitoring information on annexes A , B , and C substances for regions where such information would not otherwise be available , taking into consideration that cost effectiveness in other regional evaluations has been achieved by using a tiered approach ( e . g . one which centralizes the most advanced laboratory capacity at regional nodes ) ; Report on progress to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session . Decision INC-6 \/ 18 : Non-compliance The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Invites Governments and the secretariats of multilateral environmental agreements to provide the secretariat with their views on non-compliance addressed in article 17 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants by 31 December 2002 ; Requests the secretariat to prepare and submit to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its seventh session : ( a ) A report that provides a compilation of views submitted pursuant to paragraph 1 and a synthesis of those views ; ( b ) A report on the existing non-compliance regimes under multilateral environmental agreements , taking into account a study on the subject prepared for the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for an International Legally Binding Instrument for the Application of the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade , in connection with the Rotterdam Convention . Decision INC-6 \/ 19 : Consideration of offers to host the permanent secretariat of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Invites interested countries to provide to the secretariat , by 30 November 2002 , detailed information on the conditions and advantages attached to their offers to host the permanent secretariat of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , with special focus on the items listed in the appendix to the present decision ; Requests the secretariat to compile the offers received and submit them to the Committee for consideration at its seventh session . Appendix to decision INC-6 \/ 19 Legal framework Privileges and immunities that would be conferred on the permanent secretariat and its staff members , as well as government representatives and other persons engaged in official business of the Convention . Legal framework for ensuring equal treatment of premises and staff of the United Nations and its specialized agencies . Rules , including any restrictions , applicable to the employment of dependants of staff members . Nature of the headquarters agreement ( e . g . , stand-alone agreement , incorporated into another existing agreement , etc. ) . Features of the office site and related financial issues Main features of the building to house the permanent secretariat , including office space and scope for its expansion , facilities for conferences and availability of general services ( security , maintenance , etc ) . Basis for placing the office facilities at the disposal of the permanent secretariat , such as : ( a ) Ownership by the permanent secretariat ( through donation or purchase ) ; ( b ) Ownership by the host Government without rent ; ( c ) Host Government ownership with rent , and amount of such rent . Responsibility for : ( a ) Major maintenance and repairs to the office facilities ; ( b ) Normal maintenance and repair ; ( c ) Utilities , including communication facilities . The extent to which the office facilities would be furnished and equipped by the host Government . Duration of the arrangements regarding office space . Local facilities and conditions Description of the following facilities and conditions : ( a ) Diplomatic representation in the host city ; ( b ) Presence of international organizations ; Determinants of synergies of chemicals-related multilateral environmental agreements and agencies in the proposed location ; Availability of international conference facilities and the conditions for their use ( free of charge , rental , etc. ) ; Access to qualified conference servicing staff , e . g . , interpreters , translators , editors and meeting coordinators familiar with United Nations conferences and practices ; International transport facilities ; Local transport facilities and their proximity to the office facilities at the disposal of the permanent secretariat ; Local availability of trained personnel for possible employment in the permanent secretariat , taking account of language and other skills ; Health facilities and access to them by staff members of the permanent secretariat ; Availability of suitable housing , including information on housing prices and vacancy rate and the proximity of this housing to the office facilities at the disposal of the permanent secretariat ; Availability of schools at all levels , including those providing classes in languages other than the local language ; Facilities for the transfer of funds to and from foreign countries for the permanent secretariat and its staff members ; The time needed for processing entry requirements and ability to ensure that participants in meetings organized by the permanent secretariat in the territory of the host Government are granted visa entry permits , where necessary , in expeditious manner . Other relevant information Any additional contributions to be made by the host Government to meet the operating costs of the permanent secretariat or to defray conference-servicing expenses . These contributions must be divided into contributions that : Are not earmarked ( i . e . are provided to the secretariat without any restricitions placed on their expenditure by the host country ) ; Are earmarked for certain purposes , together with an explanation of the nature of the restrictions . Information on potential synergies from cooperation and coordination with other international chemical management organizations in proposed locations . Any other information that the potential host country may deem relevant . Annex II The arbitration procedure for purposes of paragraph 2 ( a ) of aArticle 18 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants shall be as follows . Article A Party may initiate recourse to arbitration in accordance with aArticle 18 of the Convention by written notification addressed to the other party to the dispute . The notification shall be accompanied by a statement of the claim , together with any supporting documents , and state the subject-matter of arbitration and include , in particular , the articles of the Convention , the interpretation or application of which are at issue . The claimant party shall notify the sSecretariat that the parties are referring a dispute to arbitration pursuant to aArticle 18 . The notification shall be accompanied by the written notification of the claimant party , the statement of claim and the supporting documents referred to in paragraph 1 above . The sSecretariat shall forward the information thus received to all Parties . Article In disputes between two parties , an arbitral tribunal shall be established . It shall consist of three members . Each of the parties to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator and the two arbitrators so appointed shall designate by common agreement the third arbitrator who shall be the President of the tribunal . The President of the tribunal shall not be a national of one of the parties to the dispute , nor have his or her usual place of residence in the territory of one of these parties , nor be employed by any of them , nor have dealt with the case in any other capacity . In disputes between more than two parties , parties in the same interest shall appoint one arbitrator jointly by agreement . Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment . If the parties do not agree on the subject-matter of the dispute before the President of the arbitral tribunal is designated , the arbitral tribunal shall determine the subject-matter . Article If one of the parties to the dispute does not appoint an arbitrator within two months of the date on which the respondent party receives the notification of the arbitration , the other party may inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations who shall make the designation within a further two-month period . If the President of the arbitral tribunal has not been designated within two months of the date of the appointment of the second arbitrator , the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall , at the request of a party , designate the President within a further two-month period . Article The arbitral tribunal shall render its decisions in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and international law . Article Unless the parties to the dispute otherwise agree , the arbitral tribunal shall determine its own rules of procedure . Article The arbitral tribunal may , at the request of one of the parties , recommend essential interim measures of protection . Article The parties to the dispute shall facilitate the work of the arbitral tribunal and , in particular , using all means at their disposal , shall : ( a ) Provide it with all relevant documents , information and facilities ; and ( b ) Enable it , when necessary , to call witnesses or experts and receive their evidence . Article The parties and the arbitrators are under an obligation to protect the confidentiality of any information they receive in confidence during the proceedings of the arbitral tribunal . Article Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case , the costs of the tribunal shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares . The tribunal shall keep a record of all its costs , and shall furnish a final statement thereof to the parties . Article A Party that has an interest of a legal nature in the subject-matter of the dispute which may be affected by the decision in the case , may intervene in the proceedings with the consent of the tribunal . Article The tribunal may hear and determine counterclaims arising directly out of the subject-matter of the dispute . Article Decisions both on procedure and substance of the arbitral tribunal shall be taken by a majority vote of its members . Article If one of the parties to the dispute does not appear before the arbitral tribunal or fails to defend its case , the other party may request the tribunal to continue the proceedings and to make its award . Absence of a party or a failure of a party to defend its case shall not constitute a bar to the proceedings . Before rendering its final decision , the arbitral tribunal must satisfy itself that the claim is well founded in fact and law . Article The tribunal shall render its final decision within five months of the date on which it is fully constituted unless it finds it necessary to extend the time-limit for a period which should not exceed five more months . Article The final decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be confined to the subject-matter of the dispute and shall state the reasons on which it is based . It shall contain the names of the members who have participated and the date of the final decision . Any member of the tribunal may attach a separate or dissenting opinion to the final decision . Article The award shall be binding on the parties to the dispute . It shall also be binding upon a Party intervening under aArticle 10 above insofar as it relates to matters in respect of which that Party intervened . It shall be without appeal unless the parties to the dispute have agreed in advance to an appellate procedure . Article Any controversy which may arise between those bound by the final decision in accordance with aArticle 16 above , as regards the interpretation or manner of implementation of that decision , may be submitted by any of them for decision to the arbitral tribunal which rendered it . The conciliation procedure for purposes of paragraph 6 of article 18 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants shall be as follows . Article 1 A request by a party to a dispute to establish a conciliation commission in consequence of paragraph 6 of article 18 shall be addressed in writing to the secretariat . The secretariat shall forthwith inform all Parties to the Convention accordingly . The cConciliation cCommission shall , unless the parties otherwise agree , be composed of [ five ] [ three ] members , [ two ] [ one ] appointed by each party concerned and a President chosen jointly by those members . Article 2 In disputes between more than two parties , parties in the same interest shall appoint their members of the cCommission jointly by agreement . Article 3 If any appointments by the parties are not made within two months of the date of receipt by the secretariat of the written request referred to in article 1 , the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall , upon request by a party , make those appointments within a further two-month period . Article 4 If the President of the cConciliation cCommission has not been chosen within two months of the fourth member of the cCommission being appointed , the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall , upon request by a party , designate the President within a further two-month period . Article 5 The cConciliation cCommission shall , unless the parties to the dispute otherwise agree , determine its own rules of procedure . The parties and members of the cCommission have are under an obligation to protect the confidentiality of any information they receive in confidence during the proceedings of the commission . Article 6 The cConciliation cCommission shall take its decisions by a majority vote of its members . Article 7 The cConciliation cCommission shall render a report with recommendations for resolution of the dispute within twelve months of being established , which the parties shall consider in good faith . Article 8 Any disagreement as to whether the cConciliation cCommission has competence to consider a matter referred to it shall be decided by the cCommission . Article 9 The costs of the cCommission shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in shares agreed by them . The cCommission shall keep the record of all its costs and shall furnish a final statement thereof to the parties . Annex III Scope Rule 1 The present rules of procedure shall apply to any meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention convened in accordance with article 19 of the Convention . Definitions Rule 2 For the purposes of the present rules : ( a ) \" Convention \" means the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , adopted at Stockholm , on 22 May 2001 ; ( b ) \" Party \" means a Party as defined in article 2 ( a ) of the Convention ; ( c ) \" Conference of the Parties \" means the Conference of the Parties established by article 19 of the Convention ; ( d ) \" Meeting \" means any ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties convened in accordance with article 19 of the Convention ; ( e ) \" Regional economic integration organization \" means an organization as defined in article 2 ( b ) of the Convention ; ( f ) \" President \" means the President of the Conference of the Parties elected in accordance with rule 22 , paragraph 1 ; ( g ) \" Secretariat \" means the secretariat established by article 20 , paragraph 1 of the Convention . ( h ) \" Subsidiary body \" means the body established pursuant to article 19 , paragraph 6 of the Convention , as well as any body established pursuant to article 19 , paragraph 5 ( a ) of the Convention . ( i ) \" Parties present and voting \" means Parties present at the meeting in which voting takes place and casting an affirmative or negative vote . Parties abstaining from voting shall be considered as not voting . Place of meetings Rule 3 The meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall take place at the seat of the secretariat , unless the Conference of the Parties decides otherwise or other appropriate arrangements are made by the secretariat in consultation with the Parties . Dates of meetings Rule 4 Unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties , the second and third ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held yearly and , thereafter , ordinary meetings shall be held every two years . At each ordinary meeting , the Conference of the Parties shall decide on the date and duration of the next ordinary meeting . The Conference of the Parties should endeavour not to hold such meetings at a time that would make the attendance of a significant number of delegations difficult . Extraordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at such times as may be decided either by the Conference of the Parties at an ordinary meeting or at the written request of any Party , provided that , within ninety days of the request being communicated to the Parties by the secretariat , it is supported by at least one third of the Parties . In the case of an extraordinary meeting held at the written request of a Party , it shall be held not more than ninety days after the date on which the request is supported by at least one third of the Parties in accordance with paragraph 3 . Notification of meetings Rule 5 The secretariat shall notify all Parties of the dates and venue of ordinary and extraordinary meetings at least sixty days before the meeting in question is due to commence . Participation of United Nations , specialized agencies and non-Parties Rule 6 The United Nations , its specialized agencies , the International Atomic Energy Agency , as well as any State not Party to the Convention , as well as entities operating the mechanism referred to in paragraph 6 of article 13 of the Convention , may be represented at meetings as observers . [ At least 30 days before the meeting the secretariat shall notify the Parties of those who have indicated they will be so represented . ] Such observers may , upon invitation of the President , participate in the proceedings of any meeting without the right to vote , unless at least one third of the Parties present at the meeting object . Participation of other bodies or agencies Rule 7 Any body or agency , whether national or international , governmental or non-governmental , which is qualified in matters covered by the Convention and which has informed the secretariat of its wish to be represented at a meeting as an observer may be so admitted . [ At least 30 days before the meeting the secretariat shall notify the Parties of those who have indicated they will be so represented . Those bodies or agencies should be entitled as observers unless at least one third of the parties present at the meeting object . ] Such observers may , upon invitation of the President , participate without the right to vote in the proceedings of any meeting in matters of direct concern to the body or agency they represent , unless at least one third of the Parties present at the meeting object . Notification by secretariat Rule 8 The secretariat shall notify those entitled to be observers and those which have informed the secretariat of their wish to be represented , pursuant to rules 6 and 7 , of the dates and venue of the next meeting . Preparation of provisional agenda Rule 9 In agreement with the President , the secretariat shall prepare the provisional agenda for each meeting . Items on provisional agenda for ordinary meeting Rule 10 The provisional agenda for each ordinary meeting shall include , as appropriate : Items arising from the articles of the Convention , including those specified in its article 19 ; Items the inclusion of which has been decided at a previous meeting ; Items referred to in rule 16 ; The proposed budget as well as all questions pertaining to the accounts and financial arrangements ; Any item proposed by a Party and received by the secretariat before the provisional agenda is circulated . Distribution of provisional agenda Rule 11 For each ordinary meeting , the provisional agenda , together with supporting documents , shall be distributed in the official languages by the secretariat to the Parties at least six weeks before the opening of the meeting . Supplementary items Rule 12 The secretariat shall , in agreement with the President , include any item that is proposed by a Party and has been received by the secretariat after the provisional agenda for an ordinary meeting has been produced , but before the opening of the meeting , in a supplementary provisional agenda . Addition , deletion , deferment or amendment of items Rule 13 When adopting the agenda for an ordinary meeting , the Conference of the Parties may decide to add , delete , defer or amend items . Only items that are considered by the Conference of the Parties to be urgent and important may be added to the agenda . Agenda for extraordinary meeting Rule 14 The agenda for an extraordinary meeting shall consist only of those items proposed for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at an ordinary meeting or in the request for the holding of the extraordinary meeting . It shall be distributed to the Parties at the same time as the notification of the extraordinary meeting . Report on administrative and budgetary implications Rule 15 The secretariat shall report to the Conference of the Parties on the administrative and budgetary implications of all substantive agenda items submitted to the meeting , before they are considered by it . Unless the Conference of the Parties decides otherwise , no such substantive agenda item shall be considered until at least forty-eight hours after the Conference of the Parties has received a report of the secretariat on its administrative and budgetary implications . Incomplete consideration of item Rule 16 Any item of the agenda of an ordinary meeting , consideration of which has not been completed at the meeting , shall be included automatically in the provisional agenda of the next ordinary meeting , unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties . Composition of delegation Rule 17 Each Party participating in a meeting shall be represented by a delegation consisting of a head of delegation and such other accredited representatives , alternate representatives and advisers as it may require . Alternates and advisers Rule 18 An alternate representative or an adviser may act as a representative upon designation by the head of delegation . Submission of credentials Rule 19 The credentials of representatives as well as the names of alternate representatives and advisers shall be submitted to the secretariat if possible not later than twenty-four hours after the opening of the meeting . Any later change in the composition of the delegation shall also be submitted to the secretariat . The credentials shall be issued either by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or , in the case of a regional economic integration organization , by the competent authority of that organization . Examination of credentials Rule 20 The Bureau of any meeting shall examine the credentials and submit its report to the Conference of the Parties . Provisional participation Rule 21 Representatives shall be entitled to participate provisionally in the meeting , pending a decision by the Conference of the Parties to accept their credentials . Election of officers Rule 22 At the first ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties , a President and [ nine ] [ four ] Vice-Presidents , one of whom shall act as Rapporteur , shall be elected from among the representatives of the Parties present at the meeting . These officers shall serve as the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties . Each of the five United Nations regional groups shall be represented by [ one ] [ two ] Bureau member [ s ] . The Bureau shall remain in office until the closure of the second ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties , including for any intervening extraordinary meeting . At the second and subsequent ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties , the election of officers from among the Parties to serve as the Bureau for the following meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall take place before the end of the meeting . These officers shall commence their term of office at the closure of the meeting and shall serve until the closure of the following ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties , including for any intervening extraordinary meeting . The offices of the President and Rapporteur shall normally be subject to rotation among the United Nations regional groups . No elected officer may serve on the Bureau for more than two consecutive terms . The President shall participate in meetings of the Conference of the Parties in that capacity and shall not at the same time exercise the rights of a representative of a Party . The Party concerned shall designate another representative who shall be entitled to represent the Party in the meetings and to exercise the right to vote . The Chairpersons of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee and any other subsidiary bodies shall be members ex-officio of the Bureau . General powers of the President Rule 23 In addition to exercising the powers conferred upon the President elsewhere by the present rules , the President shall declare the opening and closing of the meeting , preside at the meetings , ensure the observance of the present rules , accord the right to speak , put questions to the vote and announce decisions . The President shall rule on points of order and , subject to the present rules , shall have complete control of the proceedings and over the maintenance of order thereat . The President may propose to the Conference of the Parties the closure of the list of speakers , a limitation on the time to be allowed to speakers and on the number of times each representative may speak on a question , the adjournment or the closure of the debate and the suspension or the adjournment of a session . The President , in the exercise of the functions of that office , remains under the authority of the Conference of the Parties . Acting President Rule 24 The President , if temporarily absent from a meeting or any part thereof , shall designate a Vice-President to act as President . The President so designated shall not at the same time exercise the rights of a representative of a Party . A Vice-President acting as President shall have the powers and duties of the President . Replacement of an officer Rule 25 If an officer of the Bureau resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the assigned term of office or to perform the functions of that office , a representative of the same Party shall be named by the Party concerned to replace the said officer for the remainder of that officer's term . Application of rules to subsidiary bodies Rule Save as provided in rules 28 to 34 , the present rules shall apply , mutatis mutandis , to the proceedings of any subsidiary bodies , subject to any modifications decided by the Conference of the Parties . Establishment of subsidiary bodies Rule 27 The Conference of the Parties may establish , in accordance with article 19 , paragraph 5 ( a ) of the Convention , such subsidiary bodies , as it considers necessary for the implementation of the Convention , in addition to the subsidiary body established under article 19 , paragraph 6 . Meetings of subsidiary bodies shall be held in public unless the Conference of the Parties or the subsidiary body concerned decides otherwise . Quorum for non open-ended subsidiary bodies Rule 28 In the case of a subsidiary body that is not open-ended , a simple majority of the Parties designated by the Conference of the Parties to participate therein shall constitute a quorum . Dates of meetings Rule 29 The Conference of the Parties shall decide on the dates of the meetings of the subsidiary bodies , taking note of any proposals to hold such meetings in conjunction with the meetings of the Conference of the Parties . Election of officers for subsidiary bodies Rule 30 The Chairperson of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee shall be elected by the Conference of the Parties . Unless the Conference of the Parties decides otherwise , the Chairperson of any other subsidiary body shall be elected by the Conference of the Parties . Each subsidiary body shall elect its own officers other than the Chairperson . The officers of such subsidiary bodies shall be elected with due regard to the principle of equitable geographical representation and shall not serve for more than two consecutive terms . [ Voting in subsidiary bodies Rule 31 With respect to decisions taken by a subsidiary body , the Chairperson of that subsidiary body may exercise the right to vote . ] Matters for consideration Rule 32 Subject to article 19 , paragraph 6 ( b ) , of the Convention , the Conference of the Parties shall determine the matters to be considered by each subsidiary body and the President may , upon the request of the Chair of the subsidiary body concerned , adjust the allocation of work . Duties of the head of the secretariat Rule 33 The head of the secretariat , or the representative of the head of the secretariat , shall exercise the functions of that office in all meetings of the Conference of the Parties and of its subsidiary bodies . The head of the secretariat shall arrange for the provision of staff and services required by the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies , within available resources . The head of the secretariat shall manage and direct such staff and services and provide appropriate support and advice to the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies . Functions of the secretariat Rule 34 In addition to the functions specified in the Convention , in particular in article 20 , the secretariat shall , in accordance with the present rules : ( a ) Arrange for interpretation at the meeting ; ( b ) Collect , translate , reproduce and distribute the documents of the meeting ; ( c ) Publish and distribute the official documents of the meeting ; ( d ) Make and arrange for keeping of sound recordings of the meeting ; and ( e ) Arrange for the custody and preservation of the documents of the meeting . Sessions Rule 35 Sessions of the Conference of the Parties shall be held in public , unless the Conference of the Parties decides otherwise . Quorum Rule 36 The President shall not declare a session of the meeting of the Conference of the Parties open or permit the debate to proceed unless at least one third of the Parties to the Convention are present . The presence of two thirds of the Parties to the Convention shall be required for any decision to be taken . For the purposes of determining a quorum for a decision to be taken on a matter within the competence of a regional economic integration organization , that organization shall be counted to the extent of the number of votes it is entitled to cast in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 23 of the Convention . Procedures for speaking Rule 37 No one may address a meeting without having previously obtained the permission of the President . Subject to rules 38 , 39 , 40 and 42 , the President shall call upon speakers in the order in which they signify their desire to speak . The secretariat shall maintain a list of speakers . The President may call a speaker to order if the speaker's remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion . The Conference of the Parties may , on a proposal from the President or from any Party , limit the time allowed to each speaker and the number of times each representative may speak on a question . Before a decision is taken , two representatives may speak in favour of and two against a proposal to set such limits . When the debate is limited and a speaker exceeds the allotted time , the President shall call the speaker to order without delay . Precedence Rule 38 The Chairperson or Rapporteur of a subsidiary body may be accorded precedence for the purpose of explaining the conclusions arrived at by that subsidiary body . Points of order Rule 39 During the discussion of any matter , a representative may at any time raise a point of order , on which the President shall immediately rule in accordance with the present rules . A representative may appeal against the ruling of the President . The appeal shall be put to the vote immediately and the ruling shall stand unless overruled by a majority of the Parties present and voting . A representative may not , in raising a point of order , speak on the substance of the matter under discussion . Decisions on competence Rule 40 Any motion calling for a decision on the competence of the Conference of the Parties to discuss any matter or to adopt a proposal or an amendment to a proposal submitted to it shall be put to the vote before the matter is discussed or a vote taken on the proposal or amendment in question . Proposals and amendments to proposals Rule 41 Proposals and amendments to proposals shall normally be introduced in writing , in one of the official languages , by the Parties and handed to the secretariat , which shall circulate copies to delegations . As a general rule , no proposal or amendment to proposal shall be discussed or put to the vote at any session unless copies of it have been circulated to delegations not later than the day preceding that session . The President may , however , permit the discussion and consideration of proposals , of amendments to proposals or of procedural motions even though such proposals , amendments to proposals or motions have not been circulated or have been circulated only the same day . Order of procedural motions Rule 42 Subject to rule 39 , the following motions shall have precedence in the order indicated below over all other proposals or motions : ( a ) To suspend the meeting ; ( b ) To adjourn the meeting ; ( c ) To adjourn the debate on the question under discussion ; ( d ) To close the debate on the question under discussion . Permission to speak on a motion falling within paragraph 1 ( a ) to ( d ) shall be granted only to the proposer and , in addition , to one speaker in favour of and two against the motion , after which it shall be put immediately to the vote . Withdrawal of proposals or motions Rule 43 A proposal or motion may be withdrawn by its proposer at any time before voting on it has begun , provided that the proposal or motion has not been amended . A proposal or motion thus withdrawn may be reintroduced by any other Party . Reconsideration of proposals Rule 44 When a proposal has been adopted or rejected , it may not be reconsidered at the same meeting , unless the Conference of the Parties , by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting , so decides . Permission to speak on a motion to reconsider shall be accorded only to the mover , to one speaker in favour of and two against the proposal , after which it shall be put immediately to the vote . Right to vote Rule 45 Each Party shall have one vote , except as provided for in paragraph 2 . A regional economic integration organization , on matters within its competence , shall exercise its right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of its member States that are Parties to the Convention . Such an organization shall not exercise its right to vote if any of its member States exercises its right to vote , and vice versa . Majority required Rule 46 [ 1 . The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on all matters of substance by consensus . If all efforts to reach consensus have been exhausted and no agreement has been reached , the decision shall , as a last resort , be taken by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parties present and voting , ] unless otherwise provided by the Convention , by the financial rules referred to in Article 19 , paragraph 4 of the Convention or by the present rules of procedure . ] Decisions of the Conference of the Parties on matters of procedure shall be taken by a majority vote of the Parties present and voting . [ 3 . If the question arises whether a matter is one of procedural or substantive nature , the President shall rule on the question . An appeal against this ruling shall be put to the vote immediately and the President's ruling shall stand unless overruled by a majority of the Parties present and voting . ] If on matters other than elections a vote is equally divided , a second vote shall be taken . If this vote is also equally divided , the proposal shall be regarded as rejected . Order of voting on proposals Rule 47 If two or more proposals relate to the same question , the Conference of the Parties , unless it decides otherwise , shall vote on the proposals in the order in which they have been submitted . The Conference of the Parties may , after each vote on a proposal , decide whether to vote on the next proposal . Division of proposals and amendments Rule 48 Any representative may request that any part of a proposal or of an amendment to a proposal be voted on separately . The President shall allow the request unless a Party objects . If an objection is made to the request for division , the President shall permit two representatives to speak , one in favour of and the other against the request , after which it shall be put immediately to the vote . The President may limit the time allowed to each speaker . If the request referred to in paragraph 1 is allowed or adopted , those parts of a proposal or of an amendment to a proposal that are approved shall then be put to vote as a whole . If all operative parts of a proposal or amendment have been rejected , the proposal or amendment shall be considered to have been rejected as a whole . Amendment to a proposal Rule 49 A motion is considered to be an amendment to a proposal if it merely adds to , deletes from , or revises parts of that proposal . An amendment shall be voted on before the proposal to which it relates is put to the vote , and if the amendment is adopted , the amended proposal shall then be voted on . Order of voting on amendments to a proposal Rule 50 If two or more amendments to a proposal are moved , the Conference of the Parties shall first vote on the amendment furthest removed in substance from the original proposal , then on the next amendment furthest removed therefrom , and so on , until all amendments have been put to the vote . The President shall determine the order of voting on the amendments under this rule . Method of voting for general matters Rule 51 Voting , except for elections , shall normally be by show of hands . A roll call vote shall be taken if so requested by any Party . The roll call shall be taken in the English alphabetical order of the names of the Parties , beginning with the Party whose name is drawn by lot by the President . If at any time , however , a Party requests a secret ballot , that shall be the method of voting on the issue in question . When the Conference of the Parties votes by mechanical means , a non-recorded vote shall replace a vote by show of hands and a recorded vote shall replace a roll call . The vote of each Party participating in a roll call or recorded vote shall be included in the relevant documents of the meeting . Conduct during voting Rule 52 After the President has announced the beginning of voting , no representative shall interrupt the voting except on a point of order in connection with the actual conduct of the voting . The President may permit the Parties to explain their votes , either before or after the voting . The President may limit the time to be allowed for such explanations . The President shall not permit the proposer of a proposal or of an amendment to a proposal to explain his \/ her vote on his \/ her own proposal or amendment , except if it has been amended . Method of voting for elections Rule 53 All elections shall be held by secret ballot , unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties . Absence of majority Rule 54 If , when one person or one delegation is to be elected , no candidate obtains in the first ballot a majority of the votes cast by the Parties present and voting , a second ballot restricted to the two candidates obtaining the largest number of votes shall be taken . If in the second ballot the votes are equally divided , the President shall decide between the candidates by drawing lots . In the case of a tie in the first ballot among three or more candidates obtaining the largest number of votes , a second ballot shall be held . If a tie results among more than two candidates , the number shall be reduced to two by lot and the balloting , restricted to them , shall continue in accordance with the procedure set forth in paragraph 1 . Election to two or more elective places Rule 55 When two or more elective places are to be filled at one time under the same conditions , those candidates , not exceeding the number of such places , obtaining in the first ballot the largest number of votes and a majority of the votes cast by the Parties present and voting shall be deemed elected . If the number of candidates obtaining such majority is less than the number of persons or delegations to be elected , there shall be additional ballots to fill the remaining places , the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the greatest number of votes in the previous ballot , to a number not more than twice the places remaining to be filled , provided that , after the third inconclusive ballot , votes may be cast for any eligible person or delegation . If three such unrestricted ballots are inconclusive , the next three ballots shall be restricted to the candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes in the third of the unrestricted ballots , to a number not more than twice the places remaining to be filled , and the following three ballots thereafter shall be unrestricted , and so on until all the places have been filled . Official languages Rule 56 The official languages of the Conference of the Parties shall be Arabic , Chinese , English , French , Russian and Spanish . Interpretation Rule 57 Statements made in an official language shall be interpreted into the other official languages . A representative of a Party may speak in a language other than an official language if the Party provides for interpretation into one such official language . Languages of official documents Rule 58 Official documents of the meetings shall be drawn up in one of the official languages and translated into the other official languages . Sound recordings of meetings Rule 59 Sound recordings of the meetings of the Conference of the Parties , and whenever possible of the subsidiary bodies , shall be kept by the secretariats , consistent with the practice of the United Nations . Rule 60 The present rules of procedure may be amended by consensus by the Conference of the Parties . Precedence of Convention Rule 61 In the event of any conflict between any provision of the present rules and any provision of the Convention , the Convention shall prevail . Annex IV STOCKHOLM CONVENTION ON PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS , Rule Scope The present rules shall govern the financial administration of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , its subsidiary bodies and the Convention secretariat . In respect of matters not specifically provided for by the present rules , the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations shall apply . Financial period Rule The financial period shall be a biennium , of which the first calendar year shall be an even-numbered year . Budget Rule The head of the Convention secretariat shall prepare the budget estimates for the following biennium in United States dollars showing projected income and expenditures for each year of the biennium concerned . The head of the Convention secretariat shall dispatch the estimates [ , as well as the actual income and expenditure for each year of the previous biennium , ] to all Parties to the Convention at least ninety days before the opening of the meeting of the Conference of the Parties at which the budget is to be adopted . The Conference of the Parties shall , prior to the commencement of the financial period that the budget covers , consider the budget estimates and adopt a budget by consensus authorizing expenditures , other than those referred to in paragraphs 9 and 10 . Adoption of the budget by the Conference of the Parties shall constitute authority to the head of the Convention secretariat to incur obligations and make payments for the purposes for which the appropriations were approved and up to the amounts so approved , provided always that , unless specifically authorized by the Conference of the Parties , commitments shall be covered by related income . The head of the Convention secretariat may make transfers within each of the main appropriation lines of the approved budget . The head of the Convention secretariat may also make transfers between such appropriation lines up to limits that the Conference of the Parties may set . Funds Rule A General Trust Fund for the Convention shall be established by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and managed by the head of the Convention secretariat . Contributions made pursuant to paragraph 12 ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) , with the exception of the earmarked funds referred to in paragraph 9 , shall be credited to this fund . All budget expenditures that are made pursuant to paragraph 5 shall be charged to the General Trust Fund . Within the General Trust Fund there shall be maintained a working capital reserve at a level to be determined from time to time by the Conference of the Parties by consensus . The purpose of the working capital reserve shall be to ensure continuity of operations in the event of a temporary shortfall of cash . Drawdowns from the working capital reserve shall be restored from contributions as soon as possible . A Special Trust Fund shall be established by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and managed by the head of the Convention secretariat . This fund shall receive contributions pursuant to paragraphs 12 ( b ) and ( c ) that have been earmarked to support the participation of representatives of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in meetings of the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies . Subject to the approval of the Conference of the Parties , the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme may establish other trust funds , provided that they are consistent with the objective of the Convention . In the event that the Conference of the Parties decides to terminate a trust fund established pursuant to the present rules , it shall so advise the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme at least six months before the date of termination so decided . The Conference of the Parties shall decide , in consultation with the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme , on the distribution of any uncommitted balances after all liquidation expenses have been met . Contributions Rule The resources of the Conference of the Parties shall comprise : [ ( a ) Contributions made each year by Parties on the basis of an indicative scale adopted by consensus by the Conference of the Parties [ , and based on such a scale of assessments of the United Nations as may be adopted from time to time by the General Assembly , ] adjusted so as to ensure that no Party contributes less than [ 0.001 ] [ 0.01 ] per cent of the total , that no one contribution exceeds per cent of the total and that no contribution from a least developed country Party exceeds [ 0.01 ] per cent of the total ; ] ( b ) Contributions made by Parties in addition to those made pursuant to paragraph ( a ) , including those made by the Government hosting the Convention Secretariat ; ( c ) Contributions from States not Parties to the Convention , as well as governmental , intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations , and other sources ; ( d ) The uncommitted balance of appropriations from previous financial periods ; ( e ) Miscellaneous income . The Conference of the Parties shall , in adopting the indicative scale of contributions referred to in paragraph 12 ( a ) , make adjustments to take account of contributions of Parties that are not members of the United Nations , as well as those of regional economic integration organizations that are Parties . In respect of contributions made pursuant to paragraph 12 ( a ) : ( a ) Contributions for each calendar year are [ due ] [ expected ] on 1 January of that year ; ( b ) Each Party shall , as far in advance as possible of the date due for the contribution , inform the head of the Convention secretariat of the contribution it intends to make and of the projected timing of that contribution . Contributions made pursuant to paragraph 12 ( b ) and ( c ) shall be used in accordance with such terms and conditions , consistent with the objectives of the Convention and the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations , as may be agreed between the head of the Convention Secretariat and the contributor . Contributions made pursuant to paragraph 12 ( a ) from States and regional economic integration organizations that become Parties to the Convention after the beginning of a financial period shall be made pro rata temporis for the balance of that financial period . Consequent adjustments shall be made at the end of each financial period for other Parties . All contributions shall be paid in United States dollars or the equivalent in a convertible currency . They shall be paid into a bank account to be designated by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme in consultation with the head of the Convention secretariat . [ In conversion into United States dollars , the United Nations operational rate of exchange shall be used . ] The head of the Convention secretariat shall acknowledge promptly the receipt of all pledges and contributions and shall inform the Parties , [ once ] [ twice ] a year , of the status of pledges and payments of contributions . Contributions not immediately required shall be invested at the discretion of the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme , in consultation with the head of the Convention secretariat . The resulting income shall be credited to the related Convention trust fund . Accounts and audit Rule The accounts and financial management of all funds governed by the present rules shall be subject to the internal and external audit process of the United Nations . An interim statement of accounts for the first year of the financial period shall be provided to the Conference of the Parties during the second year of the period , and a final audited statement of accounts for the full financial period shall be provided to the Conference of the Parties as soon as possible after the accounts for the financial period are closed . Administrative support costs Rule [ 22 . The Conference of the Parties shall reimburse the United Nations Environment Programme for the services provided to the Conference of the Parties [ , ] [ and ] its subsidiary bodies [ and the Convention secretariat ] from the funds referred to in paragraphs 7 , 9 and 10 under such terms as may from time to time be agreed upon between the Conference of the Parties and the United Nations Environment Programme or , in the absence of such agreement , in accordance with the general policy of the United Nations . ] Amendments Rule Any amendment to the present rules shall be adopted by the Conference of the Parties by consensus . Annex V REPORT OF CONTACT GROUP ON ARTICLE 19 , PARAGRAPH 6 : ESTABLISHMENT OF A SUBSIDIARY BODY TO REVIEW CANDIDATE POPS Co-chairs : Ms. Fatoumata Jallow Ndoye ( The Gambia ) Mr. Reiner Arndt ( Federal Republic of Germany ) Participants : More than 40 participants from all United Nations regions including intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations The following issues were discussed : A Task of the Committee The Conference of the Parties shall at its first meeting , establish a subsidiary body to be called the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee ( POPRC ) for the purposes of performing the functions assigned to that Committee by this Convention . The tasks of the Committee are outlined in article 8 . In brief , the Committee will examine information submitted by a Party in support of a proposal for listing of a chemical in annexes A , B or C. The outcome of the screening evaluation will be communicated to all Parties and observers for comments and input of additional information . A draft risk profile will then be prepared and addressed by the Committee , which will also request further information on socio-economic factors from Parties and observers . The Committee will subsequently discuss options for measures and prepare a draft report for the Conference of the Parties including recommendations for listing . In conclusion the process can be described as a scientific evaluation followed by a risk management evaluation . B Selection of Committee members and invited experts Expertise The expertise will be provided as laid out in article 19 , paragraph 6 ( a ) , by experts in chemicals assessment or management . It was agreed that procedures for designation should be sufficiently flexible to allow participation of government-designated experts with different types of expertise . To ascertain the qualifications of the experts , relevant curriculum vitae should be provided by Governments and be accessible to the Conference of the Parties . Some members considered that it was clear from the annexes that this involves among other disciplines experts from health and environment areas and that it is important that the different types of expertise needed for the Committee are balanced . It was agreed , however , that guidance given to Governments should not be too prescriptive . Length of term It was agreed that four years would be a reasonable minimum term . It was considered necessary to develop a flexible system that would ensure continuity as well as sufficient turnover , bearing in mind equitable geographical distribution , and a strategy of overlapping terms was suggested . Conflict of interest The PIC model ( Decision INC-8 \/ 1 ) was acknowledged as a good starting point on how to resolve the conflict of interest issue for Pollutant Organic Pollutants Review Committee members . Invited experts to the Committee and the role of such experts It was agreed that the Committee would need to invite external experts to support it in its work . Criteria would need to be set for the selection of such experts . A pool or roster of external experts might be established by inviting Governments to designate experts , e . g . for areas of expertise or specific substance knowledge . The Committee would normally invite experts from this pool \/ roster . Consideration should be given to developing processes by which such a pool could be created . Costs of travel and other costs related to participation would be expected to be covered for invited experts from developing countries and countries with economies in transition according to normal United Nations practice . In addition , if specific expertise is not available for a certain issue from this pool , POPRC could identify other non-government-designated experts as necessary . The way of funding their participation needs to be addressed . Committee members might bring additional experts to the meeting , as appropriate . Conflict of interest issues for experts invited by POPRC would be evaluated and decided by POPRC , while those of the POPRC members would be evaluated and decided by the Conference of the Parties . Some experts could come from industry and other non-governmental organizations . In such a case , it would be important for POPRC to identify through conflict of interest procedures where the potential conflict of interest lies in order to decide on their participation . Composition and size of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee Composition and regional balance It was agreed that the number of POPRC members should be approximately 30 to 40 . It was suggested by several countries that the Convention should follow the five United Nations regions in achieving equitable geographical distribution and that seven members per region might be a starting point for discussion . Other members could not agree on this point . It was agreed that the question of what is meant by \" equitable geographical distribution \" should be put to the UNEP legal counsel \/ legal drafting group . Some members suggested that concepts used in other instruments , e . g . , the Montreal Protocol should also be studied . Nominations At the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties , the Parties will establish the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee pursuant to article 19 , paragraph 6 . This means that Governments need to be prepared to designate experts for POPRC at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties . This implies the need for a timely start of preparations on a process that would encompass and address this issue . Replacements This would have to be looked at in the context of how experts are designated by Governments for POPRC . Frequency of meetings Due to the technical nature of work to be accomplished it was agreed that POPRC should normally meet once a year , subject to availability of funds and work requirements . The meetings should take place between meetings of the Conference of the Parties and be scheduled so that proposals for listing chemicals could go forward to the following Conference of the Parties . D Operational guidelines Ad hoc and intersessional groups It was agreed to have operational procedures that facilitate establishment of ad hoc working groups , such as chemical specific groups during meetings , and also to work intersessionally to support the expeditious work of the Committee . These groups should be chaired by at least one of the Committee members but they could consist of POPRC members as well as experts selected by the Committee . Formal subcommittees should be avoided . Transparency of procedures The Convention provides for transparency at all stages of the process for adding candidate POPs as described in article 8 . It was agreed that the reports from POPRC should be publicly available and easily accessible . Any recommendation from the Committee should provide the reasons for the decision , as well as dissenting views . The decisions and meeting reports would be available as the Conference of the Parties meeting documents in all six United Nations languages . Observers The Committee should be open to observers and Parties that are not members of the Committee . The role of observers will be addressed in the rules of procedure for the Conference of the Parties and is also described under article 8 . It was noted that one of the major roles of observers was to increase transparency and provide additional information . It was agreed that the Party which submits a proposal for listing a chemical should be invited as an observer to POPRC meetings . Work plan with time frames It was agreed that the Committee should work in an efficient and timely manner and would also need to set priorities on substances in case of a large workload . For each chemical under consideration a work plan with time frames would be needed for its work . Such work plans would need to be flexible , determined by the workload and by the need to acquire information from all stakeholders and should be submitted to the Conference of the Parties . Preparations of meetings The Convention states that the Committee shall prepare the risk profiles and risk management evaluation for its meetings . In practice this usually means that members of the Committee would lead the preparation of these documents , drawing upon existing peer reviewed material in the first instance . The group encouraged nominating Party or Parties to speed up the process by submitting a proposal for listing of a chemical together with a draft risk profile and a draft risk management proposal . This could substantially facilitate the work of the Committee . Recommendations and reports to the Conference of the Parties The Committee could make recommendations to the Conference of the Parties on its functioning and operational procedures . Recommendations to list chemicals in annexes A , B or C are sent to the Conference of the Parties . Confidentiality of data It was agreed that if the Committee received confidential information it should ensure that article 9 , paragraph 5 was respected . It was agreed that confidentiality arrangements should be codified by POPRC as a matter of priority . E Rules Status of the Chair and Bureau It was suggested that due to the expected workload , besides the Chair , a co-Chair for POPRC might also be elected . Alternatively , vice-chairs may be used . The Conference of the Parties should be given enough flexibility to decide . This might be raised with the legal drafting group when it addresses the draft rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties . Rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties concerning subsidiary bodies It was agreed that some of the rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties might not be applicable to POPRC . The working language for POPRC and its working groups as well as for the documentation for the meetings should be English only , but the outcome of the meetings should be available in all United Nations languages . Concerning rule 11 in the draft rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties , it was suggested that six weeks would be insufficient for the distribution of some very technical and complicated documents to POPRC and that three months would be more appropriate . It was agreed , however , that this should be left to POPRC to decide as part of its operational guidelines . F Budget Support for members of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee from developing countries and countries with economies in transition It was agreed that financial support , i . e . , travel and daily subsistence allowance , to members of POPRC from developing countries and countries with economies in transition should be made available for participation in POPRC meetings . Budgeting and costs for various parts of the work The issue of total costs for the functioning of POPRC was raised . The cost of a workshop-like meeting with 40 participants ( about 30 being paid for ) for one week would amount to approximately $ 100 , 000-150 , 000 depending on the amount of preparation made outside the secretariat . Annex VI Budget for 2003 and indicative budget for 2004 ( in US $ ) Table 1 Additional information : Budget breakdown by work area Annex VII An Expert Group on best available techniques \/ best available practices ( BAT \/ BEP ) is hereby established by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants to develop guidelines on best available techniques and to develop provisional guidance on best environmental practices relevant to the provisions of article 5 of the Convention , for consideration by the Conference of the Parties upon entry into force of the Convention . The guidelines and guidance to be developed should be practical and general in nature but with reference to more detailed and specialized technical information to achieve a realistic and meaningful level of release reduction or source elimination . These should also help assist decision-making at the country level . To enhance the practicality of the guidelines and the guidance , the Expert Group should provide commentary on issues and approaches relevant to their implementation . For example , the guidelines and guidance to be developed should take into consideration : The problems and opportunities that might be encountered in implementing BAT and BEP ; The particular circumstances of developing countries and some countries with economies in transition ; Available mechanisms for information exchange of BAT and BEP measures . The work of the Expert Group is technical in nature . Therefore , to enhance the efficiency of the Group and taking into account budgetary constraints , the number of participants in the meetings of the Expert Group should be kept to a manageable number ( a maximum of 50-55 ) in the following proportions : The Expert Group's meetings shall be open to government-designated experts . Representation from developing countries ( 15 ) , from countries with economies in transition ( three ) and from developed countries ( 18 ) shall be ensured . Representation of all regions should be encouraged ; Intergovernmental ( two ) and non-governmental organizations ( four from environmental non-governmental organizations and four from industrial non-governmental organizations ) may participate as observers . A balanced representation of developing and developed countries is encouraged ; Additional experts shall be invited as needed for each meeting with the status of observer . In order to promote an open and transparent process , regional networking should be encouraged to ensure the input of a broad representation of views and to offset differences in expertise available to countries at varying stages of development . Further , all documents under consideration by the Expert Group shall be made available to all interested parties ( to the extent feasible ) who shall be encouraged to provide written comments . Participants should have expertise in one or more of the following areas : Specialized technical issues or technological overview ; Relevant environmental policy ; or The functioning and provisions of the Stockholm Convention . Funding will be provided for 15 participants from developing countries and three participants from countries with economies in transition ; Funding will be provided for one participant from an environmental non-governmental organization in consultation with the non-governmental organizations . The following meetings are envisaged : First meeting of the Expert Group ( prior to the seventh session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee ) : Possible reference materials : UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ CRP . 1 - Regional workshop held in Bangkok , Thailand , from 13 to 15 March 2002 , on national action on measures to reduce or eliminate the releases of by-products from unintentional production as requested by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ; UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ CRP . 6 - Best available techniques ( BAT ) and best environmental practices ( BEP ) for reducing and \/ or eliminating emission of POPs by-products ; Proceedings of the \" Regional Workshop on National Action on measures to reduce or eliminate the releases of by-products from unintentional production as requested by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants \" , Bangkok , Thailand , 13-15 March 2002 ; Proceedings of the \" Workshop for South American Countries on BAT \/ BEP to Support the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants \" , Buenos Aires , Argentina , October \/ November 2002 ( tentatively ) ; Other reference material submitted no later than two months before the meeting ; Seventh session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee : Discussion and adoption of report of the Expert Group of its first meeting ; Second meeting of the Expert Group ; Third meeting of the Expert Group , if necessary ; First meeting of the Conference of the Parties . The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee shall identify two interim co-Chairs of the Expert Group for the purpose of facilitating the first meeting of the Expert Group . The Expert Group shall at its first meeting elect , from among government representatives , officers to serve as the two co-Chairs . The secretariat of the Stockholm Convention will provide the secretariat for the Expert Group . The Expert Group shall apply , mutatis mutandis , the rules of procedure of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee except as otherwise provided in these terms of reference . The secretariat , in consultation with the officers of the Expert Group , shall prepare a provisional agenda for each meeting of the Group . The provisional agenda shall be communicated to all participants of the Expert Group and all interested parties at least six weeks before the start of the meeting . English shall be the working language of the Expert Group . All documents adopted by the Expert Group shall be translated into Arabic , Chinese , French , Russian , and Spanish . The Expert Group shall consider and adopt a report at each meeting to inform the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee of the results of its discussion ; The reports shall be circulated to all participants of the Expert Group meetings and the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at least six weeks in advance of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee ; The Expert Group shall present its report on guidelines and provisional guidance for consideration by the Conference of the Parties upon entry into force of the Convention . The Expert Group shall make every effort to reach agreement by consensus among participating Governments on the guidelines on BAT and provisional guidance on BEP that it presents to the Conference of the Parties for its consideration . Should consensus not be reached , all proposals by participating Governments shall be reflected in the report to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties . Annex VIII Statements by representatives of non-governmental organizations The representative of the International POPs Elimination Network ( IPEN ) highlighted activities by IPEN , including specific cases of participation by organizations in more than 40 countries to help reduce and eliminate POPs . He encouraged Governments to involve non-governmental organizations in enabling activities and the preparation and implementation of national implementation plans . The representative of the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) reported on its work with a number of intergovernmental organizations to establish the Africa Stockpile Programme which seeks to clean up stockpiled pesticides and pesticide contaminated waste in Africa ; to catalyse development of prevention measures ; and to provide capacity-building and institutional strengthening on important chemicals-related issues . AAnnex IX The underlined subheadings are included in the draft rules for the convenience of work of the Committee and , consistent with rules of procedure of other multilateral environmental agreements , will not be included in the draft rules of procedure to be adopted by the Conference of the Parties . Consideration may be given to staggered terms of office , where the term of office of the President runs from the beginning of the Conference of the Parties to the beginning of the next Conference of the Parties , and the term of office of the Vice-Presidents runs from the closure of the Conference of the Parties to the closure of the next Conference of the Parties . This approach would accommodate the situations where offers to host the Conference of the Parties are made intersessionally or where the host country Party changes during the intersessional period . The Committee may also wish to consider whether to stagger the terms of office of the Vice-Presidents of the Conference of the Parties to enhance continuity and expertise . The following additional rule 26 bis was suggested for further consideration by the legal drafting group : \" Unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties , the present rules shall apply , mutatis mutandis , to the proceedings of any working group or committee established by the Conference of the Parties or by a subsidiary body . \" Precedents for this rule may be found in rules of procedure of Conferences of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity , the Montreal Protocol and the Basel Convention . It was not included in the draft rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties of the Rotterdam Convention . It is used to make it clear that for subsidiary bodies rule 22 ( 4 ) of the overall rules of procedure , which does not allow the President of the Conference of the Parties to vote at Conference of the Parties meetings , may not be appropriate to apply , mutatis mutandis , to the powers of Chairpersons of subsidiary bodies . The matter can also be dealt with in drafting the rules of procedure and terms of reference for individual subsidiary bodies . As precedent is divided , the Committee may wish to : a ) keep the rule here in the Conference of the Parties rules of procedure , or b ) follow the precedent of the Rotterdam Convention and remove the rule from the Conference of the Parties rules and deal with the issue of voting powers of Chairpersons of subsidiary bodies when drafting their terms of reference and rules of procedure , for example , in the current Persistent Organic Pollutant Review Committee process . There are various procedural rules for decision-making by the Conference of the Parties in the Convention where efforts to reach consensus have been exhausted and consensus could not be reached . These include variations providing for decisions by a three-fourths majority of the Parties present and voting ( see , e . g . , Convention article 20 ( 3 ) and article 21 ( 2 ) and ( 3 )) , and variations providing for decisions by consensus ( see , e . g . Convention articles 19 ( 4 ) and 22 ( 5 ) and ( 6 )) . With respect to the Conference of the Parties decisions on which the Convention is silent as to procedure , there are various voting options that could be considered ( e . g . , consensus then two-thirds or three-fourths majority , consensus , double majorities , etc. ) . It would also be possible to provide for a single rule of decision that would apply to all such decisions ( as in the current draft formulation of this paragraph ) or to provide and specify that different types of the Conference of the Parties decisions would be subject to different rules of decision ( e . g . , some specified decisions subject to a two-thirds majority vote , while others would be subject to consensus or to some other rule of decision ) . Although this provision is well precedented in other multilateral environmental agreements , a request was made to consider different precedents from other fora . Precedents for this rule exist in the rules of procedure of Conferences of the Parties of the following multilateral environmental agreements : the Convention on Biological Diversity , the Convention to Combat Desertification , the Rotterdam Convention ( draft rules ) and the Basel Convention . One delegation raised a question about the second sentence . The legal drafting group studied the issue and noted that this sentence appears in the rules of procedure for the following multilateral environmental agreements : the Convention on Biological Diversity , the Convention to Combat Desertification , the Rotterdam Convention ( draft rules ) and the Basel Convention . Cross reference with rule 7 shall be revisited by the legal drafting group and examined in order to prevent any potential conflict with the present rule . Different views were expressed in the Committee on whether to use the United Nations scale of assessment . The legal drafting group considered that the issue was a policy question for the Committee to decide . The percentage in the square brackets is the current minimum rate of contribution on the United Nations scale of contributions . If the percentage changes by the time of the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties , the figure will be adjusted accordingly . Precedents for this figure exist in the financial rules of other multilateral environmental agreements . The percentage in the square brackets is the current maximum rate of contribution on the United Nations scale of contributions . If the percentage changes by the time of the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties , the figure will be adjusted accordingly . The legal drafting group noted that , while the majority of the financial rules for multilateral environmental agreements use the word \" due \" , the financial rules of the Convention to Combat Desertification use the word \" expected \" . The legal drafting group requests the secretariat to consult with financial experts on this provision and report back to the legal drafting group . The legal drafting group requests the secretariat to inform it on the practical operation of the present rule . Precedents for this rule and the word \" related \" are found in the financial rules for the following multilateral environmental agreements : the Convention on Biological Diversity , the Montreal Protocol , the Framework Convention on Climate Change and other agreements . Average local cost of conducting an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee session is approximately US $ 150,000 . This includes equipment rental , paper , facility related expenses , hospitality , etc. Such as exemption register ( UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 4 ) , and formats for reporting required under the Convention including those listed in document UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 9 . Ref . UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 6 and UNEP \/ POPS \/ INC. 6 \/ 7 . This includes maintaining a current and up-to-date list of national focal points , exchange of information with these focal points , and responding to requests for assistance in technical and other matters . Ref . : Decisions INC-6 \/ 9 , INC-6 \/ 10 and INC-6 \/ 11 contained in annex I to the present report . This is a one-time charge . Alternatively , a staff member , including support costs , may be engaged for a two-year period . This also includes developing training and outreach materials , organization and conduct of as well as participation in workshops , and selected training for developing countries and countries with economies in transition . Ref . The Committee's decision was to maintain the status quo for 2003 . No decision was taken for 2004 . This mandate is referred to in paragraphs 4 and 7 of resolution 1 on interim arrangements adopted at the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Stockholm Convention and under article 5 and annex C of the Convention .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"As a Company Limited by Guarantee this charity is owned not by any shareholders but by its members . Only members can vote at Annual General Meetings to elect officers and Directors or become Directors of the charity . So if you would like to help us in this way , contributing at least \u00a3 5 per year and in return receive regular updates and an invitation to the AGM please complete a membership form Company Membership Form Friends Membership Form There is also the option to make a monthly donation towards our work . As little as \u00a3 2 a month can make a real difference to Emmaus Projects .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Paper 26 : The application of Clifford algebra to calculations of multicomponent chemical composition . Dr John P. Fletcher , Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry , School of Engineering and Applied Science , Aston University , Aston Triangle , Birmingham B4 7 ET , U. K. Email : J. P. F letcher @ aston . a c . u k Abstract In a mixture of chemical compounds , the significant variable is often the proportion of molecules , normally expressed as a mole fraction in a particular sample . The fractions are constrained to add to one , so any change such as the addition of some more of any chemical component causes all of the mole fractions change in a nonlinear way . Lasenby et al [ 1 ] have applied Clifford Algebra to the problem of projection and shown that problems can be made linear and results obtained . In this paper a similar approach is used to show that some nonlinear problems , such as conversion between molar and mass basis , become linear when projected into a space of increased dimension . When this is done using the V product defined by Miralles et al this [ 2 ] can be done using a Clifford algebra with all positive signature . Examples are given of the results of the formulation . 1 Introduction Calculation of multicomponent chemical composition is necessary in many calculations in chemical engineering and chemistry . It is complicated by the fact the some of the calculations are on the basis of the mass of each component present , and others on the basis of the relative number of molecules . Different molecules differ in relative mass , expressed as the relative molecular mass , or molecular weight . The proportions of a mixture are often expressed as a set of fractions which are constrained to add to one . Both the mass fractions and the mole fractions are nonlinear functions of the total number of molecules of each component present . Conversion between them is a nonlinear operation . These calculations are often necessary in phase equilibrium calculations , where it is desired to calculate the compositions of a vapour phase and a liquid phase , or two liquid phases , which are in equilibrium . In general the two phases will be of different chemical composition . The calculation is often made difficult by problems of modelling the nonlinear behaviour of the properties of the chemical components . Such calculations are a vital feature of chemical engineering design , There are advantages to be gained if the basis part of the calculation can be made linear . This paper shows that the calculations needed for phase equilibrium calculations have some similarity in form to the projection calculations discussed by Lasenby et al [ 1 ] . They have shown that some nonlinear problems are linear when projected to an extra dimension using a Clifford algebra . In this paper consideration is given to applying these methods to the formulation of the algebra of multicomponent chemical composition using the same techniques . One issue in these calculaltions is the appropriate choice of the Clifford algebra to use . In this , use has also been made of the methods of Mirrales et al [ 2 ] who define a V product which is effectively a means of using one basis on Clifford objects defined in a different basis . This opens up the possibility of carrying out the projection calculations of Lasenby et al [ 1 ] while using a Clifford basis with all positive signature . These ideas have been applied to the calculation of the transformation from the mass basis to the mole basis , with particular emphasis on the formulation of phase equilibrium calculations . 2 Projection Lasenby et al [ 1 ] describe the use of a projective space for representation of invariants in computer vision . They introduce a vector X in a Clifford algebra of signature ( 1 , 3 ) with basis vectors with the signatures Taking the product of X with the basis vector 4 gives an expression in terms of a three dimensional vector x where x is defined in terms of the bivectors of the original algebra . This author considered this representation as possible way to represent the multicompent chemical composition , and has adapted it for the modelling of multicomponent chemical composition . 3 The V product Mirralles et al [ 2 ] discuss the algebra of signature change among Clifford algebras of the same total dimension . The example which is discussed in their paper . For the case of the Clifford ( 4 ) algebra they take two objects of any grade A and B with Clifford product AB . They define a Vee or V product such that A B is equivalent to the multiplication of objects defined in Clifford ( 1 , 3 ) . For two vector objects u and v in Clifford ( 4 , 0 ) the definition is where e 0 is chosen from among the basis vectors of the algebra . For theis definition the symmetric part is given by in comparision with the Clifford product They show that the unsymmetric part is the same as for the Clifford product . The definition extends to the grades of the multigrade objects as follows . This author considered this as an alternative for the representation of the multicompent chemical composition , and has applied it for the modelling of multicomponent chemical composition . 4 Multicomponent chemical composition 4.1 Projection Model The analysis of the multicomponent chemical composition follows the algebra of Lasneby et al [ 1 ] , using the Clifford ( 3 , 1 ) algebra rather than the Clifford ( 1 , 3 ) . Suppose that a closed chemical system contains a mass M i of each of 3 chemical components . Define an object M in a Clifford ( 3 , 1 ) vector space with orthogonal basis vectors i as follows The system is defined such that This will be referred to as the full system . A reduced coordinate system can be constructed by taking the geometric product of an object in the system with 0 . This will be called the reduced system . If the bivectors in this relation are taken as defining a three dimensional Clifford ( 3 , 0 ) algebra Then an object m in this new space is given by where are the mass fractions for the system . An object D in the full system is defined as follows . Then the dot product of D with M gives which represents the mass balance and the relation that the x i sum to unity . The advantage of this procedure is that M is linear in the components whereas m is nonlinear , but can be easily constructed from it . Thus 4.2 Conversion between mass and molar basis . To scale to units proportional to the numbers of molecules , using the relative molecular mass r i of each component , then a new vector N in the full system can be constructed as follows , using the inverses of the relative molecular masses then if M 0 = M 1 + M 2 + M 3 This is a linear operation , which in matrix terms can be written , with M 0 = M 1 + M 2 + M 3 , as and defined as The molar fraction vector n can then be found from N using the same method as before . where with are the molar fractions in the system . This can be expressed in terms of N i , the components of N , as This conversion is quite general , and the reverse operation can be written as If the two matrices are combined , the result is a matrix which transforms an object such as M into itself . This is defined to be I. and clearly 4.3 Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium The usual chemical engineering formulation of vapour liquid equilibrium is for each of the components , where x i are the liquid molar fractions and y i are the vapour molar fractions . K i is called the equilibrium constant and is in general a function of temperature , pressure and all the molar fractions in both phases . Defining objects for the two phases as previously , where X i and Y i are on a mloar basis , and then converting the equilibrium expression to this basis results in the expression Summing over all the components which implies that the K i are not independent . It follows that and This means that the Y i are in the same proportions as the K i X i and the following calculation yields some linear multiple of Y. so that , using the previous notation , 4.4 Flash calculation One application of these equations is to a flash calculation where a fixed amount of material is available , which will be distributed between the two phases . If that material is designated by Z such that then The matrix form of this is This is invertible as where This provides a formulation of the flash calculation which can be used for an iterative solution given models for the dependence of K i on the variables . 4.5 Chemical Reaction If a chemical reaction occurs transforming a vector A in the full molar system to a vector B then where Q is the effect of the reaction . If on a molar basis Q 1 moles of component 1 become Q 2 moles of component 2 then so that 4.6 Volume and thermodynamic functions Functions whose value is proportional to the amount of material , termed extensive functions , can be expressed in terms of the contribution of each component . For example the volume V of a liquid can be expressed in terms of the molar numbers N i of a vector N and the partial molar volumes V i as This can be represented in the full system as and the value of the property can be extracted as This can be extended to intensive properties such as density where and expressing with the value of the property given by 5 Vee product model The development of this model is very similar to the previous model , using a different Clifford basis . Suppose that a closed chemical system contains a mass M i of each of the components . Define an object M in a Clifford ( 4 , 0 ) vector space with orthogonal basis vectors i as follows The system is defined such that with The bivectors in this relation are taken as defining a three dimensional Clifford ( 0 , 3 ) algebra Then an object m in this new space is given by where are the mass fractions for the system as before . If an object D in the full system is defined as follows . then the symmetric part of the V product of D with M choosing 0 as the special basis vector gives which is the mass balance equation as in the projection model . Thus the alternative of the Clifford ( 4 , 0 ) basis can be used and still have the same relationship among the components . One difference is that the reduced basis now has an all negative signature . That is not a problem because it is the sum of the mass fractions which is significant in calculation and not their vector norm . The only calculation which depends upon the signature of the algebra is the extraction of an extensive property which now becomes 6 Generalisation The examples have been constructed using three chemical components . The method can be generalised to more components by increasing the number of basis vectors . No calculation makes use of any property of the Clifford Algebra which changes as the dimension increases . 7 Conclusions The projection method can be used to formulate the equations of multicomponent chemical composition , including phase equilibrium and chemical reaction , and both extensive and intensive properties which can be calculated from contributions from each component . This can be done either using the approach of Lasenby et al [ 1 ] or that of Miralles et al [ 2 ] . 8 References [ 1 ] J. Lasenby , E. Bayro-Corrochano , A. N. Lasenby and G. Sommer . \" Geometric Algebra : a Framework for Computing Invariants in Computer Vision \" Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition ( ICPR ' 96 ) , Vienna . [ 2 ] D. Mirrales , J. M. P arra , and J. Vaz , \" Signature Change and Clifford Algebras \" , International Journal of Theoretical Physics , vol. 40 ( 1 ) pp. 227-238 , ( 2001 ) John Fletcher May 2001 , updated March 2003 . Aston University , Aston Triangle , Birmingham B4 7ET , United Kingdom Telephone : +44 ( 0 ) 121 204 3000 Fax : +44 ( 0 ) 121 333 6350 Copyright \u00a9 10.25.06 Aston University","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"DES BUYS A NEW SHED \" I 've come to a major decision , \" announced Des one morning in the cafe . \" I ca n't put it off any longer . \" \" Oh thank goodness , \" said Mick . \" Yes , it 's been something of an embarrassment for ages , \" said Des . \" So the time has now come to splash out and buy a brand new one ! \" \" You 're joking ?! \" exclaimed Clive . \" Have you finally come to your senses ?! \" \" Yep , \" said Des . \" I 'm going to get a really nifty top-of-the-range model ! \" \" Fantastic ! \" said Clive . \" Maybe this will mean house prices will finally be on the rise round here ! \" \" Why are you always so bothered about house prices ? \" said Mick . \" Because when my house finally reaches a reasonable price I 'll be able to sell it and leave you bunch of muppets behind forever !! \" said Clive . Just then Mike the Manic Mechanic walked in . \" Hey Mike , great news , Des is finally going to buy a new car ! \" said Clive . \" Brilliant Des , about time too ! \" said Mike . \" Now I 've got some fantastic deals on at the moment , how do you fancy a brand new used 1983 Fiesta XR2 with a mere 4000 totally genuine honest guv miles on the clock and a sunroof ! \" Just then Mrs Greasy came out with their lunch . \" Oh my goodness , look at the time ! \" said Clive suddenly . \" I 'm due at the squash club !! \" He got up and dashed out of the caf\u00e9 . \" No , no , Mike , I 'm not buying a new car !! \" said Des . \" Clive misunderstood what I was talking about !! What would I want to buy a new car for , I could never sell my beloved Fiat 126 !! \" \" Darn , \" said Mike . \" I was talking about my snowdome ! \" said Des . \" Look at it , it does n't even work any more ! \" He took his snowdome out of his pocket , shook it , and nothing happened . \" Well it is summer , you do n't get snow in the summer , \" pointed out Mike . \" Oh yes , and I 'm getting a new shed as well , \" said Des . \" But first I must clear out the old one . \" After having to endure Mrs Greasy's lunch , Des went back to his house and down his garden to begin clearing out his shed . Mick came along as well since he evidently had nothing better to do . \" Good grief , you need a new shed more than you need a new snowdome ! \" said Mick . They looked at the shed \u2013 the walls were all leaning inwards , there was no glass in the window frames and there were numerous holes in the canvas roof . \" Okay , you open the door , \" said Des . \" Why me ? \" said Mick . \" Well ... I have n't been in there for about ten years , \" said Des . \" I 'm afraid that if I open the door the whole thing might just collapse ! \" \" Well I 'm not opening it !! \" said Mick . \" Do you think I 'm mad ?! \" \" Let 's find someone else to do it then , \" said Des . \" Like Clive ! \" \" But he 's gone down the squash club ! \" said Mick . \" No he 's not , he 's over there in his garden ! \" said Des . Clive was sitting on his garden , sipping an ice cold drink , as it was quite a warm day . Des and Mick walked across to the fence and peered over at him . \" What do you want ?! \" snapped Clive . \" Ca n't you see I 'm busy !! \" \" You 're supposed to be at the squash club ! \" said Mick . \" I am ! The orange squash club ! Membership of one ! And I 'd like it to stay that way !! \" \" We were just wondering if you could come and open my shed door , \" said Des . \" Are you mad , I 'm not going in that rickety old thing ! \" said Clive . \" And that 's final ! \" \" Um ... I 've got some rare vinyl Bee Gees albums in there ! \" said Des . Immediately Clive put his drink down , walked over the fence , straight across Des's garden and opened the shed door . He walked inside the shed and started searching for the Bee Gees records . \" Oh , \" said Des , slightly disappointed to see that the shed had not collapsed around Clive's ears . \" See Mick , perfectly safe ! \" \" Where are these records then ?! \" said Clive . \" Umm , well actually I have n't really ... \" said Des . \" Oh here they are ! \" said Clive , picking up a box in the corner . \" Cor , there 's some classic stuff here ! Thanks Des !! \" Clive walked out of the shed carrying the box of Bee Gees records while Des looked on in amazement . \" You 're not a secret Bee Gees fan are you ?! \" said Mick . \" No I 'm not , it 's so long since I 've been in that shed I 've no idea what 's in there ! \" said Des . \" Anyway , Clive has proved it 's perfectly safe to go in there , come on ! \" \" Hmmm , I think I 'll just hang around outside , it 's quite a nice day today ! \" said Mick . \" Suit yourself , \" said Des . He went inside the shed and started searching through piles of stuff . Before long the contents of the shed were piling up outside . Other than the usual garden equipment , they included a moose's head , an old gramophone , a model skeleton , a birdcage , a trilby , ten garden gnomes , an old cooker , a rocking horse , some flying ducks , and a massive poster of Bob Carolgees and Spit the Dog . As Mick looked on , he kept expecting the shed to come crashing down at any minute , but remarkably it still managed to stay up . After an hour or so , Des had finally finished clearing it out , and he and Mick looked round at all the junk that had taken over Des's garden . \" Did all that stuff really fit inside that small shed ?! \" said Mick . \" Certainly did ! \" said Des . The shed now looked even more precarious now everything had been cleared out . Mick peered inside and saw there was still one thing left inside - a rake that was leaning against the wall . \" Oi Des , that 's my rake , I always wondered what happened to that !! \" exclaimed Mick . \" Is it ? \" said Des . \" Oh no , I would n't ... \" Mick strode inside and claimed his rake . Immediately the wall collapsed inwards . Mick tried to dart out the way , but then the other walls began to fall inwards . Mick went through an empty window frame , and then right through the canvas roof as it crashed down . He was left standing there with his rake , covered in dust , in the middle of the remains of the shed . \" Oh Mick , that rake was the only thing holding the shed up ! \" said Des , who was stood well back . \" Was it really ?!?! \" exclaimed Mick . \" At least it saves taking it apart ! \" said Des . \" Oi you lot , keep the noise down , I 've trying to enjoy a peaceful sit in the garden !! \" shouted Clive . \" Hey Clive , you do n't want a moose's head , do you ? \" said Des . \" Oh , you 've got one already ! Ha !! \" Clive snarled . \" Seriously though , is there anything you do want ? \" said Des . \" Poster of Bob Carolgees ? I can see you 're tempted ! \" \" No ! \" said Clive . \" What about you , Mick ? \" said Des . \" I do n't want a poster of him either ! \" said Clive . \" That 's just a pile of ridiculous old junk ! \" said Mick , who was busy wiping the dust off himself . \" Why do n't you just get rid of it all !! \" \" Naaah ! \" said Des . \" Might be worth something one day ! \" Des cleared the bits of the shed out of the way . Next came the big purchase \u2013 a brand new shed ! But first of all Des had to go and quickly buy his new snowdome . Then he went to the garden centre , with Mick tagging along . \" What a vast selection of sheds on offer ! \" said Mick , looking at the vast selection of sheds on offer . They were located outside the garden centre itself , in an area adjacent to the car park . \" I 'll have that one , \" said Des , pointing at the first shed he saw . \" Are n't you going to have a look around ? \" said Mick . \" See what else is on offer ? Perhaps buy a copy of ' Which Shed ' ? That 's what I did ! \" \" You would , \" said Des . \" Look at them , they 're all the same ! I 'll have this one , looks good enough to me ! \" Des handed over the cash to the sales assistant , and the shed was now in Des's possession . \" Now the only problem is ... \" said Des . \" How am I going to get it home ? \" He tried lifting it , without much success , obviously . \" Could n't you just get the garden centre to deliver it ? \" said Mick . Just then Mike the Manic Mechanic came up to them , carrying a large garden gnome . \" Oh hi there Des and Mick , \" said Mike . They looked at his gnome . \" Oh no , it 's not for me , it 's for my Aunty Mavis's birthday . I do n't like her , so I thought she 'd hate this ! Is that your new shed ? \" Des stared hard at the shed for several seconds . \" You know what Mike , I think it is ! \" said Des . \" Thanks for pointing it out ! \" \" No problem , \" said Mike . \" Actually , I have got a bit of a problem , \" said Des . \" I know that , \" said Mike . \" How am I going to get this shed home ? \" said Des . \" Could you perhaps ... \" \" The answer is obvious !! \" exclaimed Mike . \" Bring round your car ! \" Des drove round his car from the car park . When he got out , Mike started taking off the wheels . \" Mike , what are you doing ?! \" exclaimed Des . \" Simple ! \" said Mike . \" I 'm going to transfer the wheels , engine , chassis and steering column from your car onto this shed . Then you can drive it home !! \" \" Riiiight , \" said Mick . Des was a bit unsure about this idea , but since Mike had already started the process he did n't like to interrupt . \" Erm Mike , this wo n't take long , will it ? \" said Des . \" Naaah , three or four hours should do it !! \" said Mike . \" Okay ... \" said Des . \" And then when we get it home , I 'll transfer everything back onto your car and it 'll be as good as new ! \" said Mike . \" Unless you 'd like to pop round to my garage and choose a classy little number from my selection of hot Fords ! \" \" No thanks , \" said Des . They watched as Mike busily took the body of Des's Fiat 126 away from the chassis . \" I ca n't help thinking there must have been a simpler way to get that shed home , \" sighed Des . \" Like asking the garden centre to deliver it ? \" said Mick . \" Or asking Mike to deliver it on a pick-up or something ? \" \" What 's that , Mick ? \" said Mike . \" Oh nothing , nothing , \" said Mick . After about five hours Mike had finally finished . The shed now had wheels , lights , an engine , a chassis , a steering wheel , bumpers and number plates , all donated by Des's Fiat 126 . As the floorpan was taken from the Fiat , the engine had to be placed at the rear of the shed . At the front Mike had removed the door from its hinges , and plonked a seat there . Bolted onto the front was the steering column , pedals and a load of wires . \" Whaddya think !! \" said Mike . \" Pretty nifty , eh ! \" \" Super , \" mumbled Mick . \" Just one thing , \" said Des . \" How am I going to get my car home ? \" He pointed at the shell of his Fiat . \" Umm ... \" said Mike . \" Ca n't you ask the garden centre to deliver it ? \" \" Too late , the garden centre 's closed ! \" exclaimed Mick . \" It 's starting to get dark ! \" \" I know what to do ! \" said Mike . \" I reckon your car 's just small enough ! \" Mike set about removing one of the side walls of the shed . \" Good grief , \" sighed Mick . Mike , Des and Mick heaved the shell of the car inside the shed , and Mike replaced the wall . \" There ! \" said Mike . \" Now all you have to do is drive it home ! \" \" Thank goodness it 's getting dark , hopefully no one will see me ! \" said Des . He carefully went and sat down on the seat at the front of the shed . \" It should drive just like your Fiat ! \" said Mike . \" In other words , terribly ! \" \" Are you sure it 's road legal ? \" said Des . \" Course it is , you 've got lights , seat belt , number plates , tax disc ! \" said Mike . \" What more do you want , an MOT document ?! \" \" Umm ... \" said Des . \" Just start the engine !! \" exclaimed Mike . Des did so , and the familiar rumble of the Fiat 126 engine was heard . \" I 'll give you a lift home , Mick , \" said Mike . \" Thanks Mike , I would n't be seen dead in a thing like that ! \" said Mick . \" Too right , nor me !! \" said Mike . They watched as Des put his foot on the accelerator pedal , and the shed began to trundle through the car park . \" ' Ere Mike , is this as fast as it will go ?! \" shouted Des . Because the shell of his Fiat 126 was weighing the shed down , Des was finding that the engine barely had enough power to propel the shed along at any great speed . \" Sorry Des , not a lot I can do about that !! \" shouted back Mike . \" I 'll see you in the morning to put your car back together again !! \" Mick and Mike whizzed off home in Mike's Cortina , while Des was left trailing in his motorised shed . \" He could at least have put a turbocharger in , \" grumbled Des . Des trundled along the road at a speed that would make a milk float look fast . \" I hope PC Plod's in bed ! \" thought Des . \" I 'm not sure if this is exactly legal ! \" Unfortunately he was n't . Des soon noticed Plod riding behind him on his bike . It did n't take long for Plod to catch him up . \" Excuse me sir , may I have a quick word with you ? \" said Plod . \" Oh no come on , no way was I exceeding the speed limit this time ! \" exclaimed Des . \" Is this your , erm , vehicle , sir ? \" asked Plod . \" Well ... yeeees ... but ... \" said Des . \" Have you a vehicle registration certificate ? \" said Plod . \" It does n't exactly look roadworthy to me . \" \" Oh yes it is , it 's passed its MOT and everything ! \" said Des . \" Can I see your vehicle registration certificate please ? \" asked Plod . \" Err ... tell you what , I have n't got it on me at the moment , so come round my house tomorrow and I 'll show it to you then ! \" \" Right you are , sir , \" said Plod . \" I 'll see you tomorrow . \" He raced off on his bicycle to continue fighting crime . Des decided he would deal with the problem in the morning . When he finally arrived home , as it was now getting very late , he decided to leave the shed parked in the front drive overnight , and hoped no one would steal it ( yeah right , as if anyone 's going to steal a motorised shed ) . The next morning , when Des got up , he looked out of the window and was surprised to see Clive looking at his new shed , weeping . He went outside to see him . \" Clive , what 's the matter ? \" said Des . \" Why me ?! \" moaned Clive . \" Why me ?!?!? \" \" What are you talking about ?! \" said Des . \" Of all the millions of people on this planet , why did I have to end up with you as my neighbour ?!?! \" \" I do n't know what you mean ! \" said Des . \" You ca n't do anything sensible , can you ?! \" exclaimed Clive . \" All you had to do was to buy a new car !! But no , you have to go and buy a shed on wheels !!!! \" \" That 's not my new car , \" said Des . \" It 's not ? \" said Clive . \" It 's my new shed , \" said Des . \" The wheels and engine are only temporary . \" \" Oh thank goodness , \" said Clive . \" So where 's your new car then ? \" \" I 'm not getting a new car !! \" said Des . \" There 's nothing wrong with my Fiat 126 !! I will keep it forever !! \" Clive started weeping again . Just then Mike the Manic Mechanic turned up . \" What 's wrong with him ?! \" said Mike . \" I do n't know , he 's just got some ridiculous in-built prejudice against both Fiat 126s and sheds on wheels , \" said Des . \" Well , whatever , let 's get your car shipshape again ! \" said Mike . \" Or even carshape again ! \" Mike spent the next five hours returning all the car bits and pieces from the shed to the car . \" There , what did I tell you ! \" said Mike . \" It 's as good as new !! \" Des had to admit , his Fiat 126 was now just as it had been before Mike started meddling with it . \" That 'll be \u00a3 500 + VAT please , \" said Mike . \" What ?!?! \" exclaimed Des . \" I thought you were doing it as a favour ! \" \" I was ! \" said Mike . \" And an extremely inexpensive favour it was too ! \" Des handed the cash to Mike , who then went back to his garage . Just then PC Plod came along . \" Good afternoon sir , have you managed to produce a vehicle registration certificate for that shed yet ? \" asked Plod . \" PC Plod , what are you talking about , why do I need a vehicle registration certificate for a shed ?! \" Plod stared long and hard at the shed . It was indeed an ordinary , common-or-garden shed ! He scratched his head and then tried rubbing his eyes . \" Err , well , err ... sorry to bother you sir , I did have rather a long night ... \" Plod hurried back to the police station to book a long holiday . Meanwhile Des went over to Mick's house and rang his doorbell . Mick answered . \" Mick , I 've got a problem , \" said Des . Mick groaned . \" You see my new shed ? \" said Des . \" How are we going to get it from the front drive to the back garden ? \" \" How about taking your house apart , lifting the shed across and then putting your house back together ! \" \" That 's a good idea ... naah , it 'd take too long ! \" said Des . \" Quicker to take the shed apart ! \" Des grabbed a reluctant Mick over to his front drive . \" Now this ca n't be too difficult , I 'm sure I 've done it sometime before ... \" said Des . \" All I need is a hammer . Because if I had a hammer , I 'd hammer in the morning , I 'd hammer in the evening , all over this land . \" \" What about the afternoon ? \" said Mick . \" Tea break , \" said Des . He went and fetched a couple of hammers and they set to work taking the shed apart . Then they carried the parts through the garage and into the back garden , which was still covered in moose's heads , skeletons , bird cages etc. By now Mick was exhausted , so Des single-handedly put the shed back together , in its new , permanent position at long last . \" There you go ! \" said Des . \" Looks great , does n't it ! \" \" No , \" said Mick . Des was about to start piling all his junk into the new shed when Mick decided to point something out to him . \" Des , \" said Mick . \" Your new shed looks as though it 's about to collapse ! \" \" Really ? \" said Des . He stared carefully at it . \" Oh yes , you 're right ! \" Following Des's rebuild , all of the walls were now leaning inwards . In fact they were on the brink of falling right in . \" Now I remember why the walls on the old shed always leant inwards !! \" exclaimed Des . \" Tell you what , can I borrow your rake ? \"","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"At the beginning of the meeting , ask how long the meeting will last . You need to cover all the relevant points within this time . Use the list of questions you made in advance . Make sure you ask all your questions and that you fully understand the answers you 're given . If there is anything you do n't understand , ask your solicitor to explain . Try to answer your solicitor's questions as clearly and accurately as you can , but also be brief . Your solicitor will ask you many questions . Show your solicitor any relevant documents you have brought with you . Ask your solicitor to send you a letter summarising the advice you 've been given .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Carlos Fallanty lost his wife at the time of the Violent Unknown Event . She was a voluble , untidy woman who made her own clothes and washed once a week in the water wrung out of the laundry . She was invaluable to her husband . She looked after his poultry , kept his accounts , and when roused , was as uxorious a wife as Carlos could wish to have . On the night of June 12th of the VUE , Carlos's wife suffered a stroke , and Carlos transferred his affection to a turkey . The VUE Directory records for Carlos a debilitating malfunction of the left ventricle , bone-marrow disease , and save for the VUE immortality clause , would have normally given him six months to live . Carlos had buried his wife in the floor of his greenhouse . The local authorities later had the body exhumed . Now Carlos lived in the greenhouse to keep his turkey company . A fowl-pest epidemic finally erased Carlos's other poultry , and two veterinary officials came to make sure he had burnt or buried all the corpses . Insisting that the one remaining bird should be destroyed as well , the vet promised to compensate Carlos with at least a set of photographs . These are the photographs taken as the vet stalked the bird with his camera , whilst the vet's assistant stalked the bird with a shotgun . Carlos was not happy with the photographs . He is now awaiting trial at Clichy for shooting the vet .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Beaver Miller - Original Model A also badged as \" Grimston \" Manuals & Parts Lists for most models of Beaver Miller are available Beaver Model A - Click HERE for Detailed Photographs Mk . 1 & Mk . 2 VBRP If any reader has early Beaver Advertising or Maintenance Literature , I would be pleased to hear from them A Beaver Model A owner would like to have contact with fellow owners to discuss head details The Beaver Turret-head vertical miller Model \" A \" was manufactured by Balding Engineering ( originally jobbing engineers ) of the Old Tramways Power Station , Duke Street , Norwich and then Sweet Briar Road in the same city . A number of this model were also badged as \" Grimston \" ( a London machine-tool manufacturer and merchant ) and sometimes lacked the cast Beaver badge on the right-hand side of the main column ; the paint finish was also unusual on the Grimston version , a \" splatter \" mix of dark grey , green and red not dissimilar to that also used on some American ROTEX millers of the same era . In its original form , as introduced during the early 1950s , this little miller proved to be a compact , versatile machine equally at home in the toolroom or on the shop floor - and absolutely ideal when its industrial life was over , for the workshop of the enthusiastic amateur . In 1957 it was succeeded by the very much larger and heavier MK . 1 and Mk 2 and \" VBRP \" models , details of which ( today the most common \" Beaver \" on the used market ) can be seen here . In the 1980s , on the back of considerable success in exporting the VBRP range , the company opened a new factory in Peterborough to manufacture a range of CNC lathes to compliment the CNC millers and CNC machining centres already in production ; unfortunately the severe recession in manufacturing industry of 1992 ( when demand for machine tools fell by 50 % in 3 months ) caused the company to close .. The original 1950s miller had a 28 \" x 6 \" table ( with three 9 \/ 16 \" T slots ) a longitudinal travel of 15 \" , a cross feed of 7.5 \" and a vertical movement of 13.75 \" . A table power-feed motor was fitted as standard and drove a 4-speed gear box ; to change the rate of table feed \" pick-off \" gears were used where operator removed a side panel , pulled off the gears on two studs ( they were retained by snap-on wire springs ) and changed them for another pair from the four supplied . The head was driven by a simple and reliable two-stage V-belt arrangement with an adjustable intermediate pulley carried in a T slot ; an over-centre toggle lever released the belt tension to change speeds and the whole of the belt run was guarded by a rather fragile hinged , cast-aluminium cover . The head swung on top of the column , slid in and out of its housing and swivelled through 90 degrees each way - allowing the spindle nose to be brought to within 3.5 \" of the column face or moved away to give a maximum clearance of 9.75 \" . The quill , with 3 \" of travel and a No. 30 International fitting , was fitted with both fine and quick-action feeds and driven by a 0.75 hp 3-phase motor through 7 speeds in two ranges arranged ( through the intermediate pulley ) of 200 , 330 , and 500 on Low-Range and 350 , 1420 , 2200 , 3600 rpm on High . The quill movement was measured by a vertical ruler and adjustable micrometer dial - and fitted with a very useful screw-adjusted ' pre-set ' depth stop . Because the electric motor mounts directly onto the back of a Beaver \" headbar \" , changing it is a very simple operation . The table power-feed motor , however , is flange-mounted to the back of the knee - and is not such an easy prospect for modification ; however , this type of small 3-phase motor is usually amenable to being run on a single-phase supply by using the old trick of linking two of the three-phase terminals with a suitable capacitor . For the home or smaller professional workshop the Beaver Mill \" A \" is one of the few machines that combines quality , size and functionality in just the right proportions . A Universal version , the \" AH \" , was also manufactured - but this is a comparatively rare machine and , unaccountably , used a completely different type of vertical head . Balding also built a 4.5 \" x 20 \" backgeared , screwcutting lathe of conventional design but robust construction . of which details can be foun","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Hello : We 're doing my grandmothers genealogy - Knight \/ Morrison from Peterhead . William Morrison married Isabella Knight on 6-8-1892 in Peterhead . They had 7 children - Louisa , William , Jemina , George , Alex , Jack and Isabella . Jemina Helen was my grandmother , b . in Peterhead on 5-16-1899 - passed away in USA in the 1980's . Jemina married David Donald Middleton in the USA in 1923 . If you think you may have a family connection or could give me any info on where to start my search on the Morrison \/ Knight their time in Scotland , would be glad to hear from on and all . Thanks so much !! Sandi USA","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"If a cracker is trying to break into the account by trying to guess the password , a changed password makes it difficult for the attacker . If an account has already been breached , the password expiration will help prevent or at least raise suspicions that there is an issue . With a good enterprise password management tool , such as Avatier's Password Station , the real user will get notifications about needing to change their password before it is expired which the cracker may never see . Finally , if the account has been breached and the cracker changes the password , the user may notice they ca n't get into their account anymore and this may lead to an investigation . Those are all good and valuable benefits . However , on the other side are a few major problems : Many users will start using passwords like \" howdy1 \" . Then , when the expiration hits , they just change it to \" howdy2 \" . This means that if the password is ever cracked , it is likely the cracker will be able to guess future passwords as well . Other users will start writing down their passwords because they ca n't remember them anymore . The shorter the password expiration , the greater the number of Help Desk calls related to forgotten passwords will be . So what can be done to get the benefits of an enterprise password manager while minimizing the problems ? First , the number of different passwords in the organization needs to be considered . A company with one Windows domain is going to have fewer issues than a company with a mix of Windows , ERP , Databases , Unix , Mainframe , and so on . When multiple systems are in play , the first thing to do is to implement a password synchronization product , such as Password Station . This will enable users to only need to remember one password for all the systems instead of several passwords . This increases the likelihood of a good password being chosen and remembered . Second , password history can be used to prevent a user from reusing the same few passwords over and over again . Some systems can enforce this natively , but having your password synchronization software handle this capability will ensure all systems are in scope . The appropriate strength of the enterprise password management software policy is also critical to success . A product like Password Bouncer allows admins to utilize an automated password reset tool to enforce policies that prevents users from setting very simple passwords that are easy to crack yet simple enough that users will not have to write them down to be remembered . Finally , the time frame of the password expiration needs to be considered . Obviously , a password policy that is daily or weekly is going to lead to problems . At the other extreme , a policy that only enforces changes yearly is probably not strong enough . A reasonable time frame of password expiration is anywhere from 1 to 6 months depending on the compliance and cyber security threats to an organization . The complexity of the enterprise password management software policy needs to be factored in . If the policy is complex , the password expiration could be longer . If the policy is very simple , then the expiration should be shorter .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The 2016 Summer Olympics ( Portuguese : Jogos Ol\u00edmpicos de Ver\u00e3o de 2016 ) , [ a ] officially known as the Games of the XXXI Olympiad and commonly known as Rio 2016 , was a major international multi-sport event held in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , from 5 August to 21 August 2016 . The lead-up to these Games was marked by controversies , including the instability of the country's federal government ; health and safety concerns surrounding the Zika virus and significant pollution in the Guanabara Bay ; and a doping scandal involving Russia , which has affected the participation of its athletes in the Games . The United States topped the medal table for the fifth time in the past six Summer Olympics , winning the most golds ( 46 ) and most medals overall ( 121 ) , as well as its 1 , 000th Olympic gold medal overall . Great Britain finished second and became the first country in the history of the modern Olympics to increase its tally of medals in the subsequent games after being the host nation . China finished third . Host country Brazil won seven gold medals , its most at any single Summer Olympics , finishing in thirteenth place . Fiji , Jordan , Kosovo , Puerto Rico , Singapore , Tajikistan , Ivory Coast and Vietnam each won their first gold medals , as did the group of Independent Olympic Athletes ( from Kuwait ) . The bidding process for the 2016 Olympic Games was officially launched on 16 May 2007 . [ 4 ] The first step for each city was to submit an initial application to the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) by 13 September 2007 , confirming their intention to bid . Completed official bid files , containing answers to a 25-question IOC form , were to be submitted by each applicant city by 14 January 2008 . Four candidate cities were chosen for the shortlist on 4 June 2008 : Chicago , Madrid , Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo , which hosted the 1964 Summer Olympics and will host again in 2020 . The IOC did not promote Doha to the candidature phase , despite scoring higher than selected candidate city Rio de Janeiro , because of their intent of hosting the Olympics in October , outside of the IOC's sporting calendar . Prague and Baku also failed to make the cut . [ 5 ] Nawal El Moutawakel of Morocco headed the 10-member Evaluation Commission , having also chaired the evaluation commission for the 2012 Summer Olympics bids . The commission made on-site inspections in the second quarter of 2009 . They issued a comprehensive technical appraisal for IOC members on 2 September , one month before elections . [ 6 ] Many restrictions are in place designed to prevent bidding cities from communicating with or influencing directly the 115 voting members . Cities may not invite any IOC member to visit nor may they send anything that could be construed as a gift . Nonetheless , bidding cities invest large sums in their PR and media programs in an attempt to indirectly influence the IOC members by garnering domestic support , support from sports media and general international media . \" Ultimately , you are communicating with just 115 people and each one has influencers and pressure groups but you are still speaking to no more than about 1,500 people , perhaps 5,000 in the broadest sense . It is not just about getting ads out there but it is about a targeted and very carefully planned campaign . The final voting was held on 2 October 2009 , in Copenhagen with Madrid and Rio de Janeiro perceived as favourites to land the games . Chicago and Tokyo were eliminated after the first and second rounds of voting , respectively , while Rio de Janeiro took a significant lead over Madrid heading into the final round . The lead held and Rio de Janeiro was announced as host of 2016 Summer Olympics . On 26 June 2011 , it was reported on AroundTheRings.com that Roderlei Generali , the COO of the Rio de Janeiro Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games , resigned just one year after taking the job at ROOC . This comes just five months after CCO Fl\u00e1vio Pestana quit for personal reasons . [ 9 ] Pestana withdrew later during the 2012 Summer Paralympics . Renato Ciuchin was then appointed as COO . [ 10 ] Events took place at eighteen existing venues , nine new venues constructed specifically for the Games , and seven temporary venues . [ 11 ] Each event was held in one of four geographically segregated Olympic clusters : Barra , Copacabana , Deodoro , and Maracan\u00e3 . The same was done for the 2007 Pan American Games . [ 12 ] [ 13 ] Several of the venues were located at the Barra Cluster Olympic Park . [ 11 ] Athletes could access their venues in shorter than 10 minutes and about 75 percent could do so in less than 25 minutes . Of the 34 competition locales , eight have undergone permanent works , seven are limited , and nine are perpetual legacy venues . [ 14 ] The largest venue at the games in terms of seating capacity was the 74 , 738-seat Maracan\u00e3 Stadium , which served as the ceremonies venue and site of the football finals . [ 11 ] The second largest stadium was the 60 , 000-seat Est\u00e1dio Ol\u00edmpico Jo\u00e3o Havelange , which hosted track and field events . [ 11 ] The athletes' village was said to be the largest in Olympic history . Fittings included about 80,000 chairs , 70,000 tables , 29,000 mattresses , 60,000 clothes hangers , 6,000 television sets and 10,000 smartphones . [ 15 ] The Barra Olympic Park is a cluster of nine sporting venues in Barra da Tijuca , in the west zone of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil . The site of the Olympic Park was formerly occupied by the Aut\u00f3dromo Internacional Nelson Piquet , also known as Jacarepagu\u00e1 . [ 16 ] As well as the Est\u00e1dio Ol\u00edmpico Jo\u00e3o Havelange and Maracan\u00e3 and in Rio de Janeiro , football matches took place at 5 venues in the cities of S\u00e3o Paulo , Belo Horizonte , Salvador , Bras\u00edlia and Manaus . Rio's historical downtown is undergoing a large-scale urban waterfront revitalization project called Porto Maravilha . [ 19 ] It covers 5 km 2 ( 1 . 9 sq mi ) in area . The project aims to redevelop the port area , increasing the city center's attractiveness and enhancing Rio's competitive position in the global economy . The urban renovation involves : 700 km ( 430 mi ) of public networks for water supply , sanitation , drainage , electricity , gas and telecom ; 4 km ( 2 . 5 mi ) of tunnels ; 70 km ( 43 mi ) of roads ; 650 km 2 ( 250 sq mi ) of sidewalks ; 17 km ( 11 mi ) of bike path ; 15,000 trees ; three sanitation treatment plants . As part of this renovation , a new tram was built from the Santos Dumont Airport to Rodovi\u00e1ria Novo Rio . It was due to open in April 2016 . [ 20 ] The Games required more than 200 kilometres of security fencing . A 15,000 square metre warehouse in Barra da Tijuca in western Rio was used to assemble and supply the furniture and fittings for the Olympic Village . A second warehouse of 90,000 square metres , located in Duque de Caxias near the roads that provide access to the venues , contained all the equipment needed for the sporting events . [ 15 ] The medal design was unveiled on 15 June 2016 ; they were produced by the Casa da Moeda do Brasil . The bronze and silver medals contained 30 % recycled materials , while the gold medals were produced using gold that had been mined and extracted using means that met a series of sustainability criteria , such as being extracted without the use of mercury . The medals feature a wreath design , while the obverse , as is traditional , features Nike , the Greek goddess of victory . They were accompanied by a wooden carrying box , while medallists also received a trophy of the Games' emblem . [ 21 ] [ 22 ] Future Arena , a temporary venue whose modules will be reconstructed into schools . As an aspect of its bid , Rio's organizing committee committed to a focus on sustainability and environmental protection as a theme of these Games , going on to dub them a \" Green Games for a Blue Planet \" . [ 23 ] Organizers intended to , as legacy projects , introduce a wider array of public transport options , upgrade the infrastructure of the favelas to provide improved transport and access to utilities , upgrade Rio's sewer system in order to remediate the level of pollution in the Guanabara Bay . [ 23 ] [ 24 ] and plant 24 million seedlings to offset the expected carbon emissions of the Games . However , some of these projects were met with delays or faced with economic shortfalls , which led some critics to believe that Rio would not be able to accomplish them . [ 23 ] [ 25 ] The focus on environmental protection also influenced the implementation of certain Olympic protocols : the Olympic cauldron was designed to be smaller than previous iterations in order to reduce emissions , and utilizes a kinetic sculpture to enhance its appearance in lieu of a larger body of flames . [ 26 ] The bronze and silver medals , as well as ribbons on all medals , incorporate recycled materials , [ 21 ] [ 22 ] and athletes were not presented with flowers during medal ceremonies , as had been traditionally done at prior Olympics ( although flowers were still used as part of the staging of medal presentations ) . Organizers considered the practice to be wasteful since they were often thrown away , and \" would struggle to survive in the tropical Brazilian climate \" if kept . The podiums were also designed so that their materials could be recycled to make furniture . [ 22 ] [ 27 ] The Future Arena , host of handball competitions , was designed as a modular temporary venue whose components can be reconstructed to build schools . [ 28 ] The Olympic flame was lit at the temple of Hera in Olympia on 21 April 2016 , the traditional start of the Greek phase of the torch relay . On 27 April the flame was handed over to the Brazilian organizers at a ceremony at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens . A brief stop was made in Switzerland to visit the IOC headquarters and the Olympic Museum in Lausanne as well as the United Nations Office at Geneva . [ 30 ] The ticket prices were announced on 16 September 2014 , all of which were sold in Brazilian reais ( BRL ) . A total of 7.5 million tickets were to be sold in total , with ticket prices ranging from BRL 40 for many events to BRL 4,600 for the most expensive seats at the opening ceremony . About 3.8 million of these tickets were available for BRL 70 or less . [ 32 ] [ 33 ] The Olympic cauldron was lit by Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima , the men's marathon bronze medallist at the 2004 Summer Olympics who was also awarded the Pierre de Coubertin medal for sportsmanship by the IOC after being attacked by a spectator and losing his lead . The cauldron was originally expected to be lit by Brazilian footballer Pel\u00e9 , but he declined to participate due to health problems . [ 35 ] [ 38 ] [ 39 ] A public cauldron was lit in front of the Candel\u00e1ria Church by a 14-year-old participant in Rio's Vila Olimpica program \u2013 which provides access to training facilities to disadvantaged youth . [ 40 ] [ 41 ] The 2016 Summer Olympic programme featured 28 sports encompassing 306 events . The number of events in each discipline is noted in parentheses . In April 2008 , the IOC began accepting applications for two new sports to be introduced to the Olympic programme , which included baseball and softball ( which were dropped in 2005 ) , karate , squash , golf , roller sports , and rugby union all applied to be included . Formal presentations were held for the IOC executive board in June 2009 . [ 42 ] In August , the executive board initially gave its approval to rugby sevens \u2013 a seven-player version of rugby union \u2013 by a majority vote , thus removing baseball , roller sports , and squash from contention . Among the remaining three \u2013 golf , karate , and softball \u2013 the board approved golf as a result of consultation . The final decision regarding the remaining two sports was made on 9 October 2009 , the final day of the 121st IOC Session . A new system was in place at this session ; a sport now needed only a simple majority from the full IOC committee for approval rather than the two-thirds majority previously required . [ 43 ] [ 44 ] Participating National Olympic Committees [ edit ] 2016 Summer Olympics team numbers . All 206 National Olympic Committees have qualified at least one athlete . [ citation needed ] The first three nations to qualify athletes for the Games were Germany , Great Britain , and the Netherlands who each qualified four athletes for the team dressage by winning medals in the team event at the 2014 FEI World Equestrian Games . [ 48 ] As host nation , Brazil has received automatic entry for some sports including in all cycling disciplines and six places for weightlifting events . [ 49 ] [ 50 ] The 2016 Summer Olympics are the first games in which Kosovo and South Sudan are eligible to participate . Bulgarian and Russian weightlifters were banned from Rio Olympics for numerous anti-doping violations . [ 51 ] [ 52 ] Kuwait was banned in October 2015 for the second time in five years over government interference in the country's Olympic committee . [ 53 ] Due to the suspension of the National Olympic Committee of Kuwait , participants from Kuwait were allowed to participate under the Olympic Flag as Independent Olympic Athletes . In November 2015 , Russia was provisionally suspended from all international athletic competitions by the International Association of Athletics Federations ( IAAF ) following a World Anti-Doping Agency ( WADA ) report into a doping program in the country . [ 56 ] The IAAF announced that it would allow individual Russian athletes to apply for \" exceptional eligibility \" to participate in the Games as \" neutral \" athletes , if it were independently verified that they had not engaged in doping nor in the Russian doping program . [ 57 ] On 24 July 2016 , the IOC rejected the IAAF and WADA's recommendations to allow clean athletes to compete neutrally , stating that the Olympic Charter \" does not foresee such ' neutral athletes ' \" and that it was up to each country's National Olympic Committee to decide which athletes would be competing . [ 58 ] During the Games some countries and continents had a national house . These temporary meeting places for supporters , athletes and other followers were located throughout Rio de Janeiro . [ 59 ] This is currently based on the schedule released on the same day as ticket sales began , 31 March 2015 . [ 60 ] Twenty-seven world records and ninety-one Olympic records were set during the 2016 Summer Olympics . The records were set in archery , athletics , canoeing , cycling track , modern pentathlon , rowing , shooting , swimming and weightlifting . The medals designed for the Olympics . They were designed to be environmentally friendly from recycled materials . The top ten listed NOCs by number of gold medals are listed below . Host nation Brazil finished in 13th place with a total of 19 medals ( 7 gold , 6 silver , and 6 bronze ) . To sort this table by nation , total medal count , or any other column , click on the icon next to the column title . A number of events , most notably in aquatics , beach volleyball , and track and field , were scheduled with sessions and matches occurring as late as 22 : 00 to 00 : 00 BRT . These scheduling practices were influenced primarily by United States broadcast rightsholder NBC ( due to the substantial fees NBC has paid for rights to the Olympics , the IOC has sometimes allowed NBC to have influence on event scheduling to maximize U.S. television ratings when possible ) , as well as the main Brazilian rightsholder Rede Globo . As Bras\u00edlia time is only one hour ahead of the U.S. Eastern Time Zone , certain marquee events were scheduled so they could occur during the lucrative U.S. primetime hours ( traditionally 20 : 00 to 23 : 00 ET , or 21 : 00 to 00 : 00 BRT ) , allowing them to be broadcast live on the U.S. east coast as opposed to being delayed . This practice was also to the benefit of domestic broadcaster Rede Globo , which elected to not preempt its widely viewed lineup of primetime telenovelas for the Games . However , Globo did preempt its telenovelas for the opening ceremony ; a Brazilian television critic noted that Globo very rarely preempts its telenovelas . [ 61 ] [ 62 ] [ 63 ] [ 64 ] The creative director for the ceremony was Rosa Magalh\u00e3es . [ 67 ] Amid heavy rainfall , the ceremony began with interpretive dancers representing various landmarks in the host city . Martinho da Vila then performed a rendition of the classic song \" Carinhoso ( pt ) \" by Pixinguinha . In another segment , introducing the athletes , pop singer Roberta S\u00e1 channeled Carmen Miranda , the fruit-headdress-wearing , midcentury Hollywood diva who endures as a beloved camp figure . The Parade of Flags followed shortly after a choir of 27 children , representing the states of Brazil , sang the Brazilian national anthem . Olympic Broadcasting Services served as the host broadcaster for these Games ; produced from a total of 52 mobile units , OBS distributed 40,000 hours of television footage and 60,000 hours of digital footage of the Games to its international rightsholders ; for the first time in Olympic history , digital-oriented footage exceeded the amount of television-oriented footage . The International Broadcast Centre was constructed in the Barra da Tijuca cluster . [ 68 ] NHK and OBS once again filmed portions of the Games , including the opening ceremony and selected events , in 8K resolution video . Additionally , expanding upon a 180-degree trial at the 2016 Winter Youth Olympics , 85 hours of video content were originated in 360-degree virtual reality formats . [ 69 ] In the United States , NBC offered 4K content , downconverted from the 8K footage and with HDR and Dolby Atmos support , to participating television providers . [ 70 ] Owing to their expertise in domestic broadcasts of the new sports introduced in Rio , NBC and Sky New Zealand staff handled the production of the golf and rugby sevens events on behalf of OBS . [ 68 ] In August 2009 , the IOC reached a deal to sell domestic broadcast rights to the 2016 Summer Olympics to Grupo Globo . Replacing Rede Record , the deal covers free-to-air coverage on Rede Globo , pay TV , and digital rights to the Games . In turn , Globo sub-licensed partial free-to-air rights to Rede Record , along with Rede Bandeirantes . IOC board member Richard Carri\u00f3n described the agreement as \" unprecedented \" , touting that \" by working with Brazil's leading media organizations , we are confident that this represents a great deal for Olympic fans in the region . There will be a huge increase in the amount of Olympic action broadcast , both during and outside Games time , and Brazilians will have more choice of how , when and where they follow their Olympic Games . \" [ 71 ] Vinicius ( left ) , the mascot of the 2016 Summer Olympics , and Tom ( right ) , the mascot of the 2016 Summer Paralympics . The official emblems of the Games can be seen on the mascots' chests . The official mascots of the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics were unveiled on 24 November 2014 . They were created by Sao Paulo - based animation company Birdo . [ 72 ] The Olympic mascot Vinicius , named after musician Vinicius de Moraes , represents Brazilian wildlife and carries design traits of cats , monkeys , and birds . [ 72 ] According to their fictional backgrounds , the mascots \" were both born from the joy of Brazilians after it was announced that Rio would host the Games . \" [ 73 ] Brand director Beth Lula stated that the mascots are intended to reflect the diversity of Brazil's culture and people . [ 74 ] The names of the mascots were determined by a public vote whose results were announced on 14 December 2014 ; the names , which reference the co-writers of the song \" The Girl from Ipanema \" , won over two other sets of names , tallying 44 percent of 323,327 votes . [ 75 ] At the Olympic wrestling events , coaches were given plush dolls of Vinicius to throw into the ring when they wished to challenge a referee's call . [ 76 ] The official emblem for the 2016 Summer Olympics was designed by the Brazilian agency Tat\u00edl Design and unveiled on 31 December 2010 , winning in a competition against 139 agencies . [ 77 ] The logo represents three figures joined at their arms and feet , with the overall shape reflecting that of Sugarloaf Mountain . The emblem was also designed to have a three-dimensional form , which designer Fred Gelli claimed made it the \" first 3D logo in the history of the Olympics . \" [ 78 ] The logo has been noted as evoking Henri Matisse ' s painting Dance . There were also allegations by the Colorado-based Telluride Foundation that the logo had been plagiarized from its own . While also consisting of several figures linked in motion , the Telluride Foundation logo contains four figures . This is not the first time that the foundation had alleged plagiarism of its logo by a Brazilian event ; in 2004 , the linked figures element had been copied for the logo of Carnival celebrations in Salvador . Gelli defended the allegations , stating that the concept of figures linked in embrace was not inherently original as it was \" an ancient reference \" and \" in the collective unconscious \" . Gelli cited Dance as an influence of the logo's concept , and stated that the designers had intentionally aimed to make the interpretation of the concept as dissimilar to others as possible . [ 79 ] An ongoing outbreak of the mosquito-borne Zika virus in Brazil has raised fears regarding its potential impact on athletes and visitors . Organizers plan to perform daily inspections of Olympic venues to prevent puddles of stagnant water that allow mosquitoes to breed . [ 80 ] Zika virus transmission was also attributed to inefficient sewage treatment in the area , and sewage treatment was being improved in preparation for the Games . [ 81 ] In May 2016 , a group of 150 physicians and scientists sent an open letter to the World Health Organization , calling upon them to , according to co-author Arthur Caplan , have \" an open , transparent discussion of the risks of holding the Olympics as planned in Brazil \" . The WHO dismissed the request , stating that \" cancelling or changing the location of the 2016 Olympics will not significantly alter the international spread of Zika virus \" , and that there was \" no public health justification \" for postponing them . [ 82 ] [ 83 ] [ 84 ] Some athletes did not attend the Games because of the epidemic . [ 85 ] [ 86 ] On 2 September 2016 , the World Health Organization reported that there were no confirmed cases of Zika among athletes or visitors during the Olympics . [ 87 ] The Guanabara Bay , whose waters were used for sailing and windsurfing competitions , is heavily polluted . Among the chief causes of the pollution are uncollected trash fed into the bay via polluted rivers and slums along the coast . Pollution of the Guanabara has been a long-term issue . Officials promised at the Earth Summit in 1992 that they would begin to address the pollution but previous attempts to do so have been insufficient . As an aspect of their bid for the Games , Rio once again committed to making efforts towards cleaning the bay . [ 88 ] [ 89 ] However , some of these proposed initiatives have faced budgetary issues . [ 24 ] Prior to these efforts , only 17 % of Rio's sewage was treated ; [ 90 ] this raw sewage also leaked into the bay . Although Mayor of Rio Eduardo Paes stated that the city may not be able to reach its goal of having 80 % of sewage treated , [ 91 ] at least 60 % of sewage was treated by March 2016 , with a projected goal of 65 % of sewage being treated by the time the Olympics started . [ 92 ] In 2014 , Operation Car Wash , an investigation by the Federal Police of Brazil , uncovered unprecedented money laundering and corruption at the state-controlled oil company Petrobras . In early 2015 , a series of protests against alleged corruption by the government of President Dilma Rousseff began in Brazil , triggered by revelations that numerous politicians were involved in the Petrobras affair . By early 2016 , the scandal had escalated into a full-blown political crisis affecting not only President Rousseff , but also former President Luiz In\u00e1cio Lula da Silva , resulting in massive demonstrations all over the country involving millions of protesters , [ 93 ] both anti and pro-Rousseff . [ 94 ] [ 95 ] At the same time , Brazil faced its worst economic recession since the 1990s , raising questions about whether the country was adequately prepared for the Games against a volatile political and economic backdrop . On 12 May , President Rousseff was stripped of her powers and duties for 180 days , after an impeachment vote in the Federal Senate , thus Vice President Michel Temer acted as acting president during the Games . [ 96 ] Since the award of the 2016 Olympics to Rio de Janeiro , the city's crime problems received more attention . Rio's mayor said that there are \" big issues \" facing the city in securing the Games from violence . However , he also said that such concerns and issues were presented to the IOC throughout the bidding process . [ 97 ] The governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro also highlighted the fact that London faced security problems , with a terrorist attack occurring on the day following the IOC session that chose the city to host the 2012 Olympic Games . The estimate was that 5,000 men of the National Public Security Force and 22,000 military officers ( 14 , 800 Army ; 5,900 Navy and 1,300 of the Brazilian Air Force ) , in addition to the fixed quota of Rio January , would act during the Olympic Games . [ 98 ] On 21 July 2016 , two weeks before the scheduled start of the Games , Brazilian Federal Police broke up an Islamic jihadist terrorist ring , with 10 ISIS associates arrested and two more on the run . [ 99 ] While the whole city underwent major infrastructure improvements , there were concerns that some of the projects would never materialise . [ 100 ] On 21 April \u2013 the day that the Olympic torch was lit \u2013 a 50 metres ( 164 ft ) section of the Tim Maia bike path , crossing the Oscar Niemeyer Avenue in S\u00e3o Conrado neighborhood and a part of the legacy of the games , was hit by a giant wave and collapsed , causing the death of two pedestrians and injuries to three more . [ 101 ] [ 102 ] The athlete's village has been described as the largest in Olympic history , but two weeks before the Olympics opened , officials also described it as \" unliveable \" and unsafe because of major plumbing and electrical hazards , blocked toilets , leaking pipes , exposed wiring , darkened stairwells where no lighting has been installed , and dirty floors . More than 500 employees of the local Olympic committee worked to fix the problems reported by the delegations . [ 103 ] In November 2015 , Russia ' s track and field team was provisionally suspended from all international athletic competitions by the International Association of Athletics Federations ( IAAF ) following a World Anti-Doping Agency ( WADA ) report into a doping program in the country . [ 56 ] On 18 July 2016 , an independent investigation commissioned by WADA reported that Russia's Ministry of Sport and Federal Security Service had operated a \" state-dictated \" system to implement an extensive doping program and to cover up positive samples . Based on the finding the International Olympic Committee called for an emergency meeting to consider banning Russia from the Summer Olympics . [ 104 ] The IOC decided against completely banning Russian participation and instead decided to set additional , stricter requirements for all Russian participants entered into the Olympic Games . [ 105 ] Originally Russia submitted a list of 389 athletes for competition . On 7 August 2016 , the IOC cleared 278 athletes , while 111 were removed because of the scandal . [ 106 ] [ 107 ] ^ Porto Maravilha Rio de Janeiro City Hall . Retrieved 10 August 2012 . ( Portuguese ) . ^ Jaroschewski , Julia ( 29 April 2016 ) . \" Between hope and despair \" . D + C , development and cooperation . Retrieved 25 May 2016 .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Reduce Cancer Reoccurrence , Wheatgerm Extract , Cancer : The Wheatgerm Extract That May Help Reduce Cancer Reoccurrence Cancer treatment has come a long way since the use of mustard gas derivatives in the early 1900s - or has it ? When doctors discovered during World War I that mustard gas destroyed bone marrow , they began to experiment with it as a way to kill cancer cells . Although they had little success with the mustard gas , it did pave the way for modern chemotherapy - which involves the most toxic and poisonous substances anyone deliberately puts in his body . These treatments kill much more than cancer cells - they have a devastating effect even on healthy ones . Sometimes it seems as if only a miracle could provide a cure that 's both safe and effective . And a miracle is just what Dr. Mate Hidvegi believed he found when he patented Avemar . Studies have shown that Avemar , a fermented wheatgerm extract , helps reduce cancer reoccurrence , possibly speed up cancer cell death and helps the immune system identify cancer cells for attack . A miracle in the making Back in World War I , Dr. Albert Szent-Gy\u00f6rgyi ( a Nobel Prize recipient in 1937 for his discovery of vitamin C ) had seen the effects of mustard gas personally and was determined to find a safer alternative for cancer treatment . His goal was to prevent the rapid reproduction that is characteristic of cancer cells . He theorised that supplemental quantities of naturally occurring compounds in wheatgerm called DMBQ would help to chaperone cellular metabolism , allowing healthy cells to follow a normal course but prohibiting potentially cancerous ones from growing and spreading . His early experiments , published in the 1960s , confirmed his theory . But then the science community shifted its focus to killing cancer outright . It was n ' t until the fall of communism in Hungary in 1989 - when scientists were allowed for the first time to pursue independent , personal interests - that Dr. Hidvegi picked up where Szent-Gy\u00f6rgyi left off . He was able to patent a technique of fermenting wheat germ with baker's yeast . He named this fermented product Avemar and it became the standard compound for research and later commercialisation because it assured a longer shelf life while maintaining its live food status . Reduce cancer reoccurrence Since 1996 , over 100 studies done on Avemar have impressed oncologists and cancer researchers . Studies have shown that when Avemar is used as an adjunct treatment , it enhances the effects of the standard treatment agents . It 's particularly effective in reducing the chances of cancer reoccurrence . In a controlled study , 170 subjects with primary colorectal cancer either had surgery and standard care with chemotherapy or the same plus 9g of Avemar taken once a day . Only 3 per cent of the people in the Avemar group experienced a reoccurrence , vs. more than 17 per cent of those in the chemo-only group . The Avemar group also showed a 67 per cent reduction in metastasis and a 62 per cent reduction in deaths . 1 In a randomized study , 46 stage III melanoma patients with a high risk of reoccurrence either had surgery and standard care with chemotherapy or surgery plus standard care and 9g of Avemar taken once a day . Those taking Avemar showed approximately a 50 per cent reduction in risk of progression . 2 Avemar also reduced the frequency and severity of many common side-effects , including nausea , fatigue , weight loss and immune suppression . Avemar speeds cancer cell death The second way Avemar works against cancer is to help keep cancer cells from repairing themselves . Cancer cells reproduce quickly and chaotically , producing many breaks and other mistakes in the cellular structure . Because of this , cancer cells need a lot of the enzyme known as PARP ( poly-ADP-ribose ) to help repair breaks in DNA before the cells divide . For daily reports on the very latest health breakthroughs , join our FREE daily email service : It is thought that without adequate PARP , cancer cells can not complete DNA replication . When there 's no PARP to repair the damage , an enzyme called Caspase-3 initiates programmed cell death . Avemar has been shown to potentially speed up the death of cancer cells by helping inhibit the production of PARP and enhancing the production of Caspase-3 . 3 US researchers at UCLA also showed that Avemar may reduce the production of RNA ( ribonucleic acid ) and DNA associated with the rapid reproduction of cancer cells . It also helps restore normal pathways of cell metabolism and may increase the production of RNA and DNA associated with healthy cells . 4 Undercover cancer cells exposed Avemar may also act as a biological bounty hunter for hidden cancer cells . Healthy cells have a surface molecule called MHC-1 that tells natural killer ( NK ) cells not to attack . Virally infected cells do n't display this molecule , which makes them targets . However , cancer cells have also been shown to display the surface molecule MHC-1 , which means that cancer cells may actually be able to hide from NK cells . Avemar is thought to help the immune system identify cancer cells for attack by suppressing their ability to generate this MHC-1 mask , which allows the NK cells to recognize it as a target for attack . 5 What to take for best results The Avemar product is an instant drink mix called Av\u00e9 , which combines Avemar with natural orange flavouring and fructose in pre-measured packets . As a dietary supplement , the recommended usage is one packet per day mixed with 8oz of cold water . You should consume it within 30 minutes of mixing a batch . Also note that it 's a good idea to take Av\u00e9 one hour before or after a meal and two hours before or after any drugs or other dietary supplements . If you weigh over 200 pounds ( 14 stone ) , use two packets per day . If you weigh less than 100 pounds ( 7 stone ) , only use half of a packet per day . Although some people reported uneasiness in their stomachs during the first few days of using Avemar , the effect only lasted a few days . No vomiting , diarrhoea , or any other symptoms were reported . Contraindications : Since this is a wheat product , there is the potential for allergic response . Avemar should not be consumed by people who have had an organ or tissue transplant , those who have malabsorption syndrome , or those with allergies to foods containing gluten , such as wheat , rye , oats and barley . It 's also not recommended for people with fructose intolerance or hypersensitivity to gluten , wheatgerm , or any of the components or ingredients of this product . If you suffer from bleeding ulcers , you should stop using Avemar two days before undergoing a barium X-ray contrast examination and resume taking it two days after the completion of the examination . This precaution is necessary because wheatgerm contains lectin , which can potentially cause red blood cells to clump . If you are currently taking medications or have any adverse health conditions , you should consult with your pharmacist or physician before taking Avemar . Sources : 1 . British Journal of Cancer 2003 ; 89 ( 3 ) : 465-9 2 . International Journalof Cancer 2002 ; 100 ( S13 ) : 408 3 . \" A medical nutriment study has supportive effect in oral cancer \" ( unpublished , Marta Ujpal et al ) 4 . Pancreas 2001 ; 23 : 141-7 ; Drug Discovery Today 2002 ; 7 ( 6 ) : 18-26 5 . Journal of Bilogical Chesmistry 2002 ; 277 : 46 , 408-14 ; International Journal of Oncology 2002 ; 20 : 563-70 05.05.2006 Sign up for FREE Health Email : Save article | Printable version | Email to a friend See more articles about Cancer : Promising Progress in Cancer Treatment ( Cancer ) Breast Asymmetry Linked to Cancer ( Cancer ) Cancer : Are you at risk of colorectal cancer ? ( Cancer ) Colorectal Cancer : New Research Findings On Colon Cancer ( Cancer ) Breast Cancer & Antibiotics : When You Should Question What Your GP Prescribes ( Cancer ) Mobile Phone Health Risks : Is Your Mobile Risking Your Health ? ( Cancer ) Mammogram Problems : Mammograms , Biopsies , And Lumpectomies ( Cancer ) The breast cancer , radiation therapy and anaemia link ( Cancer ) How vitamin D can help protect against cancer ( Cancer ) Cancer : Gene Therapy Tested to Fight Cancer ( Cancer )","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Posted : Sun Oct 20 , 2013 11 : 48 am Hi guys . It has been brought to my attention that some folks can not find sections 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and 6 of ' the Age of Dusk . Instead of scouring the various forums and sub-forums this story has been pasted during its transition fromt he BL forums to the Bolthole , I have elected to simply re-post the missing sections in this thread . Additional Background Information 2 : The Greater Good drives on . By the dawn on the 61st Millennium , the Tau had truly learned their place in the great tumult of the galaxy . Spread across a thousand sectors , and hundreds of sept colonies and systems , the Tau were an industrial powerhouse of the like not seen in almost ten thousand years . Their technology had reached beyond what the original Tau , in their naive ignorance , believed was possible , and client races by the dozens have integrated into Tau culture ( with varying degrees of success . The Hu ' sta Gue ' Vesa Colonies of To ' Kann had become almost identical to most Sept worlds , filled with beautiful white cities and wondrous technologies , while the Kroot worlds remain semi-civilised auxiliaries , still on the fringes of society despite their ancient pedigree . ) The furious process of Terra-forming enacted throughout the second Age of Strife has worked in their favour ; while other cultures faltered and disintegrated , the Tau fashioned themselves into an ever harder force . Their cutting edge weaponry was awe-inspiring to behold ; it was noted during the protracted war with the Zaffian independent human league ( in 473 . M55 ) , how their newest gunships could move to fast and strike so lethally , entire battalions of foes were vanquished before the order to retaliate could be given , their armoured columns instantly shattered into molten slag by a hundred thousand simultaneous missile barrages , followed up by direct engagement by agile battlesuits who never seemed to miss . Yet , as we have seen , all this technology was painfully necessary simply for the Tau Meta-Empire to survive . In the Northern and Eastern sept clusters of the empire , and beyond , titanic forces were arrayed against them . A great silver tide threatened to drown them all , and undo their bitterly difficult expansion before it could be completed . The Necrons ( or the Mont ' Ka ' Vesa , as they were known by the Tau ) were at full gold mobilisation . Titanic spider constructs bestrode worlds , drinking them dry of life , before spewing green oblivion into their fleets . Endless tides of Necrons warriors and Immortals lived up to their undying titles ; the constructs repaired almost all damage , and those necrons truly destroyed were ripped from the very air , repaired by a million machines upon their tomb worlds , and spat back to another war front to fight again , all in the space of hours ! In early phases , the Tau lost hundreds of worlds to these terrors , entire planetary populations vanquished before they could be evacuated to safety . Billions died , and the Tau empire wept for these horrendous losses . The Water Caste propaganda machine had a pitifully easy task uniting their entire empire against this nightmare ; made all the simpler when even the most secure sept-dwelling Tau from the safest most peaceful septs , only had to look into the sky and notice that stars were vanishing from the skies before their own eyes . For this menace was not some petty dynast looking for land and a galaxy to rule . It was a force of utter oblivion , led by the personification of such nightmarish ideals ; the Nightbringer himself . Many times had the Tau mobilised full battlefleets of the new ' Avenger ' class warships and millions of Fire Caste warriors , to fight the Necrons in open war , only for a great black cloud to enter the system , and drink the local star dry . This doomed a system , and made defending such places pointless . Many were the solemn poems written at this time upon Elsy ' eir , about the terrible agonising decisions Sphere-Maintainence Commanders had to face by leaving so-called ' dark-septs ' to their doom . Yet , by 972 . M55 , the Tau had somewhat found a method of holding the darkness at arms length . Munitions were developed that burrowed into Necron constructs , and continually burned no matter how many times they were repaired . This forced Tomb Worlds to abandon seriously damaged Necrons and to build entire new Necron bodies for the consciousnesses stored in the nodal grid . This took time , and allowed Tau Sept colonies to summon aid through the immense waystation grid network . When Necron forces transported their swarming monoliths upon a planet or station , they found the Tau were ready with all the fearsome weaponry their Empire could fashion . Fighting in such wars , with such hideous and unthinkable powerful weapons was always a harrowing experience , and Earth Caste specialist hospitals were set up by the thousands to deal with the influx of battle-damaged and mentally scarred soldiers evacuated from such warzones . In many cases , these hospitals became euthanasia centres , due to the unnatural and sometimes impossible conditions of some soldiers . The things they saw could not be unseen , and their bodies and minds were consumed by the revelations that gnawed upon their very souls . The Tau had also made a grand alliance with their old foes , the diverse and fickle Thexian Trade Empire , which had also suffered painfully at the Necrons ' silvered hands . The Concord between the two great rivals was binding so long as the Necrons remained ' a credible and pressing danger to the survival of the overall galactic community ' . Little could the two factions realise how many thousands of years this would remain the case . One must also note that though the Thexian Elite did sign this treaty , many of their less controllable elements still cause problems in northern Sept districts , where the rule of the Tau is lax ... The great Necron wars affected a great many aspects of the Empire throughout its history . There was much desperation amongst the corporate leaders of the Grand Septs ( such as T ' au and Bork ' an in particular ) . New weapons and means of combating the silver dread were demanded at all times . In particular , the dreadful loss of life resulting from the war ( an attrition rate of almost 80 % throughout the years 387 . M54-999 . M57 ) was widely decried by most non-military elements of the Empire . Bork ' an made tentative attempts to develop pilot-less drone controlled Battlesuits for mass-production . However , such machines had slow reactions , and were generally deemed useless . Reluctantly , the secret projects which had de = populated the ancient world of N ' dras were ordered by the council of Aun ' Va to continue their old research into hyper-sophisticated drone processing and development . This led to the terrible events of the N ' dras conflagration in 555 . M57 , but we shall come back to this at some future date . However , before that date , the N ' drasian ' Cold-suits ' became an essential element in future Tau conflicts ; they could be deployed by the millions directly from Demiurg factory vessels , into combat . The distinctive blue-grey form of the N ' drasian XV333-78 combat battlesuits were far more slender and manoeuvrable than their predecessors due to their lack of a pilot . They could accelerate more quickly and were more agile , as they did n't risk the well-being of their occupants . Also , each suit could contain greater payloads and more weapons and more complex targeting systems , and had extensive sophisticated drone networking systems , allowing drones to become an extension of their own minds . What was more was that rather than being mere programs , the CPUs of the XV333's could actually think for themselves ; Artificial Intelligences . A whispered abomination in the old spluttering cultures of the Gue ' Vesa , the Tau did not fear these thinking machines . Their arrogance and ignorance would later serve as a warning to all . Beware the Ghost in the Machine ... On 397.893 . M58 , the single most important development in Tau culture and their wider society came to pass . It wa son this day , upon the world of Jaa ' Vorl , that a Tau child known to history as Kor-Pivin , was the first Tau to undergo experimental Earth Caste genetic tests . These long and gruelling tests had be begun barely seven kai ' rotaa ( each equivalent to 50 Terran Days ) previously , after reports across the empire spoke of strange Tau who could perceive the world in a way never before seen , and could even manipulate local physical constants to a minor degree . On some of the more far distant Sept colonies , such talents would often go unexplored , but the pattern began to reoccur within the more metropolitan sept worlds and sept-dominated colonies . Once the tests were completed , the results were revealed to the Earth caste much to their astonishment . They had confirmed the existence of the first ever Tau psyker . This information was of course withheld from the majority of Tau society for almost a hundred years . By the time the Ethereals had properly ' prepared ' society for this revelation , Vior ' la and several other military academies across the Empire had already performed their own hunts for psykers ( or ' vortex singularities ' as the Tau propaganda machine hurried to call them to avoid unpleasant associations with the destructive and insane warp-user strains of humanity , who had caused so much destruction of the millennia ) , and had gathered them together into secret breeding programs . In typical Tau fashion , these psykers began to be developed into a distinct caste , the M ' yen caste ( aptly translated as ' the unforeseen ' caste , as one could easily argue none amongst the Tau predicted such a development ) . Clad in strange purple robes , and utilising odd energy focussing crystals in their ornamentation and armaments , these figures became a strange and unsettling presence within Tau society . Most were hastily deployed to the eternal Necron front , bolstering the other psychic races of the grand alliance , who were essential in keeping the silver menace at bay . The rest were used by the Ethereals , to ensure the compliance and adoration of sept worlds and those living within them , to the Greater Good . The M ' yen ' Vre were the perfect tools for the Ethereals to enact their dominion over all living being beneath their united facade . And dissidents would give themselves away simply by thinking against the system . Such dissidents were taken from their homes and taken to re-education centres , where a combination of M ' yen hypnosis techniques and powerful chemical olfactory were employed to re-align the loyalties of the discordant elements . They returned to their home worlds speaking of the beautiful verdant lands they had visited , and how they had spoke personally to Aun ' Va , who told them the true meaning of the greater good . So far , not one of the re-educated citizens of the Empire has ever been known to re-offend . Such is the destiny of unity . On the western borders of the Tau Meta-Empire , things are rather different , throughout this period . Growing mobilisation on the eastern borders meant the Tau could not afford to supply these colonies and distant Septs with the latest technology and weaponry . On some worlds , they were even still using old devilfish chassis and gunship variants , as well as the old battlesuit designs . These colonies shared greater trading and cross-cultural exchange with outside societies than the very insular inner colonies of the Empire . Numerous human Imperiums and civilisations trading ideas and technology with these colonies , or , more often , would raid or make war upon these weaker Tau societies , thinking they were unable to defend themselves . Sometimes this was accurate ; most of the time it was not . Many were the foolish brigand-captains who , clad in their stolen finery and armed with pillaged vessels , who try to blast the Tau into submission . Their rail guns and Hero-class cruisers often demonstrated with defiant clarity just who was the real power in the area . The semi-independent Enclave known as the Farsighted Enclave , is a rare example of a truly independent Tau civilisation , completely distinct from their authoritarian neighbours . It is a bizarre feudal culture centred around archaic battlesuit-wearing Kasar-princes , who maintain personal armies and vie with one another for influence . There 's is a bastard culture of many different origins , which can only really unite when under threat by a faction more powerful than all of the princes combined . Such a foe reared its head in 222 . M53 . In this year , the outer waystations of the Enclave picked up the distinctive signature of a large battlefleet entering realspace from the warp . Accordingly , Kais ' Kasar ' Koilgu , the local Kasar-prince , gathered his forces and his battlefleet and thundered to intercept this fleet . Over the moon of Jubza , the two fleets met . The enemy fleet did n't even attempt to communicate with Koilgu . Instead , the vast fleet of boxy , bulky vessels , each distinctive and colourful in its livery and decoration , opened fire upon Koilgu's armada . The battle raged for days , until the flagship of the mysterious fleet fired boarding torpedoes directly into Koilgu's own command vessel . The Enclave Tau fought hard with pulse rifle and bloody-minded determination , but they were easily cut down by the arrogant giants who rampaged through the ship , accompanied by flocks of adoring human worshippers who fired lasguns and cried prayers to their masters . Eventually , the leader of the foe burst onto Koilgu's bridge . Koilgu was armoured in a beautifully maintained battlesuit , covered in honour markings and inscriptions of glory . Before him , God-Captain Flaegren , Astartes-Under Lord for the seventeenth crusade of Grand Sicarium stood in ornate power armour with glittering power fist , his shoulders swathed in a thick lion pelt , his head covered by ostentatious jewellery of the most garish kind . The two opulent and corrupt figures stared each other down for but an instant before the charged . Bolter and melta raged against plasma rifle and burst cannon , crackling power fist clattered against a sparking Mechanicus power glaive , granted to Koilgu by a captured Adept long ago . Though the battlesuit made Koilgu fiendishly strong , Flaegren was a veteran of almost a millennia of bloodshed and warfare . His skill was phenomenal , and the duel ended which the psychotic marine carving opn Koilgu's chassis , before having his sycophantic minions pour molten gold inside the suit with the screaming Tau still inside . Koilgu's gilded corpse was delivered to the Grand Kassar of the Enclave scant months later . The retainer who brought the grizly trophy to the Kassar arrogantly recited the God-Captain's message . \" Here is a valuable gift to the great Kassar of the Farsighted Enclave . A token of the benevolence of Lord King Sicarius and the Grand Sicarium . You shall receive more of these mighty gifts , should your foolish peoples choose to oppose the dominion of the true master of the Galaxy , and the King of all Astartes ! \" Needless to say , but the remains of the retainer , after the Kassar was done with him , would have barely filled a small paper cup . The challenge of Flaegren had bee accepted , and it would be many years before his crusade could be stopped by the Enclave . Over a dozen worlds and a hundred battlefronts , the insane Marines of Grand Sicarium and their men at arms fought bitter world to world wars with the Enclaves . Each side fought like smoke , fluidly attempting to out manoeuvre their opponents before delivering a killing blow . Guerilla campaigns were launched by desperate or hate-fuelled enclavers , and the Astartes responded with vast bombing runs over civilian population centres . The sheer number and variety of conflicts that raged for decades throughout the lawless border regions could fill a library themselves , but eventually both sides were exhausted , numbers dwindling to but a fraction of their previous forces . Bitter and driven by a blinding arrogance , Flaegren continued his campaign , initiating a blistering and penetrative offensive with his remaining fleet , which plunged like a spear deep into the soft tissue of the farsighted Enclave . The capital world itself was besieged by two great battlebarges . These massive floating cityscapes were almost impossible to destroy ; time and again dedicated bands of battlesuits and drones would sally forth on covert missions to infiltrate and destroy the colossi , but to no avail . Then , something truly disastrous occurred . In his hubris and mania , Flaegren had neglected to maintain his stocks of ordnance throughout the war . His logistical lines were stretched to breaking point , and this breaking point came sixteen months into the final siege . A vast Astartes supply vessel , the bride of Sicarius , burst into the system without escort , hoping to resupply the vast barges who had been constantly pounding any large cities or settlements they could find upon the surface . Before it could reach Flaegren's vessels however , the Kassar's men finally leapt into action . Over seven hundred battlesuits , three hundred orcas filled with loyal fire warriors , supported by a tribe of the mercenary Kroot , boarded the vessel , and destroyed all the munitions in a great storm of gunfire and screams . Now helpless and unarmed , the battle-barges were easy meat for the reinforcements that came to wreak their terrible vengeance upon the hated Astartes . Kasar-princes from across the Enclave burst into the system with their attendant fleets , spewing glistening arcs of blue and purple energy into the stricken behemoths . Missiles and ion batteries of a dozen different configurations and designs pumped their destructive force into breaking apart the ancient Terran constructs . Armour plates splintered and blistered , men and women howled as the void reached in to snatch away their lives in a fiery instant , and slowly but surely , both the great ships collapsed under the pressure , tumbling into pieces like the decomposing corpses of whales . It was said Flaegren went down with his ship , insanely ordering his men to stop dying , as the air was sucked from the bridge . He died hacking apart his own minions as they treasonously asphyxiated on the floor at his gilded boots . This is , of course , but a brief glimpse into the actions of the Tau of this period , as destiny called out to all races in the wake of building giants in both the void and the warp . Soon enough , the Tau , the young race turned into a cynical monstrosity by grief , were forced to reassess their place in the galaxy , and to choose a side in the final great and enduring conflict of our ( and indeed all ) times . For it was coming , and no dynasty would be secure from it in the end . Additional Background Information 3 : The Asur Revenant : The actions of the Eldar . It would be remiss of this history to ignore one of the prime movers throughout the Eternal War . By the close of the second Age of Strife , to an outside observer , the Eldar race would have seemed utterly extinct , save for those last few burning embers . Indeed , most of the vast Craftworlds were naught but ghost ships , rumbling silently with the souls of the countless dead Eldar slain in the hopeless task of awakening their god of the Dead , while others were victims of the great Chaos Empires and Necron uprisings in the ascent throughout that darkest of times . Of the Craftworlders , only Biel-Tan remained active and defiant , attracting those few outsiders and rogues of their race to them , and forging a moderate empire of hundreds of worlds ( though these remained scattered across the galaxy , thus making their empire seem impossibly diffuse and hard to notice ) . Yet , this is but a fragment of the Eldar race in total . For , running through the veins of the webway like black Tar was a realm which had never stopped , and never repented of their actions . Commorragh . The Second Age of Strife had a different name in the Dark City of Sin . It had been considered a golden age . With the fall of the Imperium , all order vanished and collapsed . Once secure worlds across the galaxy were now helpless before the Dark Kin and their ever-draining souls . Worlds were repeatedly ravaged by the Dark Eldar Kabals . Slaves souls and tortured screams filled the City in a great tumult . Yet , for all their building prosperity , the drain upon their own gangrenous souls grew too . Their raids were ever more frequent as the coiling embrace of slannesh tightened as her power built in the anarchy of the wider galaxy . The Dark Eldar continued on as they had always done , driven by insanity and malice and utter evil . They continued to conspire against one another and the dark pits were ever-filled with the shrieks of the damned and the dying . And at the centre of this all , was Vect . The Overlord of Commorragh , however , was truly mad . One of the eldest beings alive , the Dark Lord's life drew on long beyond his ability to rejuvenate his soul ; millions upon millions of slaves and minions had to perish every day to keep his soul from being drained away like bile in rainwater . He grew desperate and ever-more dangerous as his mind began to slip from him . To begin with , this mania was merely a deception ; a lure to draw out conspirators against his position . But after thousands of years , deception became truth , and Asbruael Vect became something far worse than a monster and a Tyrant to the dark Eldar ; he became a liability and a threat to all Archons . Kabals who did n't bring back sufficient souls were destroyed as they entered the Port of Lost Souls , and their ruins were picked over by the parched and rival Archons alike . His punishments for perceived slights and threats against him were brutal even by his own standards . Some Archons were carved up into a thousand parts , re-grown through the oceans of agony generated by the Haemonculi , and each one was then butchered and tortured , before being deposited upon Slanneshi daemonworlds . Yet , there was but one Archon who could hope to challenge Vect's entrenched position . Lady Malys . Disgruntled Kabals flocked to her banner secretly , and the old Noble houses slithered to her throne with tributes of the caged screams of billions of wailing infants and the hearts of an entire race made extinct in her name . And it was not just they who had her ear . The Harlequins , it was rumoured , came secretly to her chambers , and danced the secret dances that nobody knew . Secrets and prophesies and words uttered only once and never uttered in all the countless eons of existence before or since . ( The rumours of bladed shadows that descended upon worlds assailed by the Nightbringer's forces during the eastern campaigns are perhaps not so far-fetched as once believed ... but this is another story ... ) Yet the Dark Lord was not without his own allies ; his sycophants and those Eldar who truly wished to see the world sicken and misery to reign , simply to see what would happen , and how it could be rebuilt in a vile manner of their own choosing . At every level of the twisted Hierarchies of Commorragh , a new division was brewing , amidst the various and multifaceted feuds and ambition which was normal and encouraged across the twisted realm . Of course , to the outside galaxy , this was an unseen war , but it was not unfelt . The Dark Eldar were being bred on an unprecedented scale , and the Haemonculi rejoiced as they could breed more eventual fodder for their labs . Abominations were released on millions of worlds across the galaxy , and no one could comprehend what these misshapen things were , or why they so desperately tortured , raped and destroyed them . Raids became even more frequent , as the raw material that formed Commorragh's bedrock was in ever greater demand . While ambition brewed in the dark city , the rest of the Eldar race was not idle . Biel-Tan engaged in a war against the Eastern Chaos Imperium . The realm of renegades and brigands was vast , bordering both Vulkan's new Imperium and the western domains of Abaddon himself . Yet , it was a cumbersome beast , with little order beyond the great fleets of Huron Blackheart , the rotting heart of the Chaos Imperium . The war was predominantly a naval conflict , as the Eldar made up for their lack of numbers by using Waystones and spirit gems to guide and control the massive numbers of orphaned craftworld fleets , greatly bolstering the numbers available to Yriel . Yriel was a genius in void warfare , yet Huron , despite his age and his increasing chaotic taint , was also a master of fleets . There were far too many naval actions , spread across centuries upon centuries , to document in their entirety here . For Yriel was a persistent threat and nuisance to Huron . His ships were arrow-swift and they only fought battles when they had no other choice . Most of the time , they avoided his great Corsair armadas . When they did strike , it was while Huron's armies were occupied in other wars against lesser Imperiums and against Abaddon and his Legions or the Astartes Commanderies of Vulkan . Whenever Huron was weakest , Yriel struck . It is testament to the skill of Huron and his Lieutenants that these battles were rarely one-sided ; they always knew of some means to reply to the Eldar . Indeed , Huron's familiar whispered of coming threats weeks before they arrived . One such battle was in the system of Maniforge , where Yriel came close to being destroyed . The world was a Dark Mechanicus forge world ; a world infested with the Obliterator plague right to its very core . Huron's vessels , limping back to an allied port after a failed campaign against the Lead Bastion , one of Grand Sicarium's core worlds , were attacked by Yriel's hidden Void Stalkers , cruisers and wraithships as they burst into reality . Like daggers through silk , the Eldar engaged the chaotic vessels , laying waste to hundreds of vessels within hours . But Huron had picked the Maniforge for a very particular reason . He had made a pact with the Deep Entity known as Valchocht the Maker , the Ravager of Terra , Lord of the Obliterator contagion . These great Daemon was promised all of maniforge , as well as the sanctified sacrifices of two hundred betrayed Red Corsairs . But what really sealed the pact was the promise of bright Eldar souls to devour . Eldar were so very rare , and it would please Valchocht to deny the young upstart God Slannesh some of her prize delicacies . When Yriel destroyed the first wave of chaos vessels , he sealed the deal , and maniforge opened . Valchocht and his ilk were daemons from the deep warp ; ancient and vast beyond all imagining . When he was reborn upon the plane of flesh , he bodily possessed all of the wrecked hulks at once . Vine sof sulphurous daemonflesh and churning technologies flowed between the ruins , knitting them together into an behemoth as vast as a star fort . Huron eventually arrived hours later , and the battle of Maniforge began anew . Both sides were heavily battered and brutalised and not one vessel escaped unscathed . Yriel's flagship was almost consumed by a great destroyer-wide maw which burst from Valchocht's stolen flesh of steel and souls , but skilful piloting and the spear of twilight spared him of this end . Another engagement in the long war led the two enemies to almost be destroyed by a third force , when they became becalmed in the dead warp around the Angylworld of Zone . Their engines failed and their crews became sluggish and weak , as the cold influence of the perfectly symmetrical world of order and obedience spread out from it like a vile halo . Luckily , they managed to repair their vessels just as their sensors picked up the great silver pinions of the Angyls of the Star Father , come to break their spirit and enslave their minds . Biel-Tan would never bow . The hollow tombworlds that were once the craftworlds echoed with the sounds of skirmishing and violence . Bands of looters and pirates attempted to ransack these ancient worldships for their hidden technologies and the secrets that lay within them . They often learned too late that the capering ones in their cloaks of many colours still defended their kins' graves . And yet , Craftworld after Craftworld was pillaged by some great force , which could evade the defenders easily . They did not cause damage though , and they only took one thing . Each craftworld found their Avatars spirited away . Only gory offerings and broken spirit stones marked their passing . When the war of Commorragh finally came , there was carnage ( which will be detailed further in later parts ) . Yet , soon , the two rivals found that a far greater war had come to the galaxy , and for once , they could not hide from it , for it came for them . The full extent of this war will become apparent in later sections , but the Dark Eldar experienced their first real taste of this conflict when the great Jackal God began in earnest , his war upon the webway . Though the deceiver had little power there , the greater war had begun to awaken his more ... esoteric allies from their slumber \/ imprisonment \/ banishment . The Ophilim Kiasoz , that great unknowable terror , had dimensions that bisected the webway in certain sections . What is more , it had allies amongst the Dark Eldar themselves ; creatures that had bonded themselves to the anomaly through some means mortals were not meant to know . The dark Kin would fight in the war for existence , in the inky blackness of the Mandrake's trap , or they too would perish . And of course , all true Eldar grew to fear and despise those who rose from the Crone worlds , led by that mongrel fend , whose name was twice-antagonist ; Ysgar Oppugnant . Those eldar who were favourites of the Deepest Warp , brought back to drink deep of the fall of flesh and the ascent of excess . The Chaos Eldar , who would attempt to bring the galaxy to its knees , at the head of the impossible Draziin-Maton , whom gathered for the End . Additional Background Information 4 : The Blind Eagle ; The Empire of the Theologian Union . At the close of the Second Age of Dusk , the very heart of the Ophelian Imperium was suddenly and violently ripped out by the sudden and thunderous birth of the Star Father . The entire world was dragged into the warp and becalmed by legions of Angyls . It became the Angylworld of the ArchAngyl Malcador , and reappeared as a world of thoughtless drones deep within the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath , many thousands of light years removed from its former location . This loss was a near fatal blow to the Ophelian Imperium . In one fell swoop , over half the Sisters Thanatine ( the Elite monastic Military Order which formed the elite core of the petty Imperium's colonial forces ) , as well as the Ecclesiarch and most of the Cardinals versed in Saint Karamazov the Martyred's Doctrines of the faith , enforced as the official faith in the manic realm . The Imperium's precarious administrative organisation was compromised and rendered inoperative . Within ten years of M51 , the Ophelian Imperium had descended into anarchy , as the Governor-Kings of the thousand-strong Empire fought and bickered in bitter conflicts of succession between each other , sometimes besieging their own fellow Imperial worlds with their PIFs ( Planetary Invasion Forces ) and what ships they could spare . Though trade continued betwixt the realms , it was carried out with paranoid wariness ; much revenue being expended on simply defending cargo fleets from attack during their long short-warp jump journeys between the strongholds of each individualistic despot . Some Governor's were utterly unscrupulous , hiring outside human and alien mercenaries ( even Krieg Serf soldiers ) to overcome their rivals , often entering into surprisingly disadvantageous alliances in order to assert their claim Capital-status for their own world , and desperately each tried to get their own candidates elected by the Cardinals to become Eccliesiarch . This of course meant that the Ophelian Imperium was much weakened at this time , and many of the border worlds were sacked by opportunistic enemies , such as the carnivorous amphibious Cythenan empire , and the Vazineren Imperium , with its cadres of Psychons , terrible soldiers recruited solely from the mounting Psyker population of that particular Imperium ( which was formed around an unstable warp rift known as the Kazid ) . It was at this point , after years of anarchy , that the Tallern Imperium really began to take an increased interest in their troublesome neighbour . While the Ophelians had been laid low by the events of the Age of Strife , the Tallarn Emperors and their Nobles ruling over their many thousands of worlds managed to endure the terrors which destroyed many of their weaker neighbours . Through a combination of cunning and logistical might , they fought off hundreds of major invasions during the first century of the Age of Dusk . The rise of the Vulkan Imperium was fortunately timed , its expansion drawing their hateful eyes of many of the worst and most powerful nations and races of the galaxy , including the Twin behemoths of the Eastern and western Chaos imperiums . Thus , they were in a strong position to take advantage of the Ophelian Imperium , orphaned of its former Capital . It began under Emperor al-Fonze Ma ' karib II of Tallarn , in 132 . M52 , during his campaigns of reconstruction in the northern fringes of the Ophelian Imperium . He besieged and took these worlds forcibly , but was incredibly merciful in his treatment of these worlds after their defeat . He permitted the terrified Lords of the Hive cities to buy their passage of retreat from the worlds , and he did not install massive colonisation forces on the captured worlds , but instead sent preachers and supplies to help rebuild the smashed and in some cases starving populations of these worlds . Forced conversion was kept to a bare minimum . Yet , al-Fonze's assassination by one of the mysterious ' Heracles' Faction of ex-Temple assassins meant his campaigns were halted after only seven years . Nevertheless , the impression was made upon the Ophelian population ( at least in the outer worlds ) . In the 160s of M52 , the Governors of the outlying Ophelian worlds began to cooperate to a greater degree against the old guard of the Inner worlds , who still looked inwards in despair of their lost capital world . They looked to the Tallarns to aid them in this task . They offered the Tallarn ruling aristocrats trading privileges and even lands and estates upon their worlds , in exchange with funding and weapons in order to face the inner worlds , who maintained most of the Ophelian Imperium's manufacturing worlds and subordinate Forge Worlds . The many fleet engagements , pitched planetary sieges and raids that ensued could fill a dozen history books themselves , but in the end , the core worlds were driven into a corner and forced to sue for a truce . The Thrarantine Guard ( who had expanded to a massive size during this period , as they were seen as the most Theologically ' pure ' force in the secular conflict ) arbitrated the terms of the treaties , and their was a semblance of peace . Nevertheless , the Tallarn were now intrinsically involved in the diffuse and fractious politics of the Ophelians . Over the centuries , the two Imperiums began to merge , via dense trading corridors that ( though they took many years to traverse ) provide wealth and prosperity to the rulers and their magnates . At the council of Thezibebe , hundreds of Tallarn-orthodox , Ophelian Kazamarovite and Ascensionist Cardinals gathered to discuss the election of a new Ecclesiarch to once more unite the faith of the ' true ' Imperium . The debate was not a success , and had to be called off after many of the lesser radical sects tried to set fire to the debate podiums , and the Ascensionists caused a planet-wide riot in which four hundred thousand acres of industrial sprawl became a mangled warzone as vast hordes of zealots and fanatics battled like insane animals in the streets . Between 100 . M53-200 . M53 , it was said that at any one time , five Ecclesiarches and ' anti-Ecclesiarches ' were in place on Pontifical thrones from Tallarn itself to at one point a small mining colony in an unstable star system . Each claimed to be the true Ecclesiarch . Despite this schism amidst the clergy , the worlds themselves became closer , and their cultures began to merge and develop . Fear of the outsider and the xenos began to mutate into a creed of ' Humanism Absolutism ' ; that is , the creed of Human survival at all costs . Humanity must survive , and let everything else be damned . In 487 . M53 , Emperor Santargo III of Tallarn crowned himself ' Lord Protector of the Imperial Mysteries ' . This strategically side-stepped the theological issues of the newborn super-bloc of Imperiums , and allowed him to justify his secular campaigns , and to impose military tithes upon the worlds nominally under his thrall . Though the worlds of this Imperium were still bitter rivals for the most part , Santargo could still launch his huge crusade to expand the realm in 568 . M53 , gathering together a force of diverse colonial troops and mercinaries , held together by the Thrantine Orders , other growing religious warrior fraternities and sororities , and the iron will of the Emperor Santargo himself , who went to war in one of the perishingly-rare Leviathan Moving fortresses . Though he died before even his first crusade could be completed ( due to the monumental distances involved , and the poor quality and pitfalls of Astronomicon-less warp travel ) his sons and grandsons managed , over the next hundred years , to swallow up a dozen other Imperiums that bordered the Ophelian \/ Tallarn alliance , subsuming them into the great web of commerce and religious violence which codified the realm of ' Imperial Mysteries ' . Also , during this period of expansion and conflict , a centre of commerce built up around the ruins of a former Star Fortress known as Haanab the Ravaged . Here , trade from across the sprawling realm came , and the ruler of the space station was often a key figure in wider decisions on tithes and tax and what could be imported . Santargo XXII had this fortress massively expanded with subsidiary-stations and had asteroids towed into orbit with this expanding colossus of industry and trade . He then declared Haanab the new capital of the realm of Imperial Mysteries and himself its governor ( even though he was on campaign for his entire life , and never once visited the fort himself ) , with little objection from the powerful nobles and Governor-Lords of the Imperium , as it was relatively neutral . It would be a mistake to consider this realm of captured and consumed Imperiums to be a singular super power that that point . It was a huge area of space , covering a huge swathe of the south-west of the galactic plane . Such a realm could not be administered by a government with such slow FTL capable vessels , and for much of the time huge sections of the ' Empire ' were like lawless realms of border princes and robbing Wolf Packs of bandits , and squabbling Governor-Lords vying for advantage or pressing assumed claims of heritage . Amidst this anarchy and misery , there was the undercurrent of a building popular faith . The Emperor of the wasteland . There were no longer any survivors from the time before the Second Age of Strife , and no man had ever seen or heard of the Emperor's actions beyond vague recollections of priestly chroniclers , who had hastily scribbled down scripture from memory after the loss of all the written records of the Ministorum upon Ophelia . Thus , the image of the Emperor became horribly distorted . The vile concept of the Corpse-Emperor merged with the creed of human survival at all costs , turning the Emperor into some legendary undead figure of vengeance and pragmatic , who ruled a universe of broken worlds and failed systems , yet refused to relinquish them , like a jealous child . This creed was paradoxically both horribly cynical yet fervent in its prosecution and practices . A faith of nihilistic mania , where only suffering and miserable stubbornness could get one closer to your god . So what if his empire was of ashes and ruins ? It was still HIS . His ashes . His ruins . When a necrotic warp plague ravaged the allied Imperiums in M54 , the tenuous hold of the Tallarn Emperor's was undone , and a power vacuum was soon created with their failure . The Cardinal known as Ceylan was to be the very man to fill this void . His name would grow to be one whispered in awe and utter terror by his subjects . This cardinal began his life as a mere clerk in one of the priestly houses of sanctioned invention , where he made friends easily and swiftly , due to his serpent's tongue and charming demeanour . All of which hid his great pathological personality and truly evil ambition . Through a series of coincidences and sinister ploys , he manipulated his way into the priesthood , worming his way right into the meat of the Ecclesiarchy like a maggot in meat . He used his power and influence to place his friends into powerful offices and in particular patronised the work of his questionable-disciple Deng-Vaal . This man claimed to be a warp scientist , and made a major breakthrough in the method of warp travel . He found if one could torture psykers and witches sufficiently , and somehow captured and stored their torment and lingering death-screams , one could power a ship through the warp at tremendous speed . Ceylan quickly seized upon this idea , taking it as his own and tying it into the natural distrust for psykers prevalent in the realm . He turned this process into a form of benevolent penance ; the death of the psyker would purify both their soul , but also allow the Emperor's children to spread to the very furthest reaches of space . He managed to acquire Secular support from a number of prominent Tallarn old-born Noble houses , as well as the favour of some of the radical factions who desired to build a stronger Empire , under a powerful leader . As reward for his discovery , Ceylan was granted the position of Ecclesiarch by his fellow Cardinals . His exact theological leanings were always slightly in question , but the devious man could never be pinned down to a single definitive answer , and thus was elevated to the post without noticeable opposition . For the first time in a long time , there was only one Ecclesiarch of this Imperium . As the ' Excruciator ' Engines were being created and tested by the forge worlds under Vaal's watchful gaze , Ceylan subtly and smoothly began to undermine the central faiths of the Cardinals , playing them off against each other , but avoided any responsibility himself by claiming he was merely arbitrating between wronged parties . As he sowed discord there , he discreetly promoted the more popular faith of the Emperor of the wasteland . He stealthily inserted known rhetoric used by the Creed in his sermons and speeches . Just as the faith of the Imperium was becoming unified in religious wars and reform , the means to propagate this faith across the entire Imperium was finally completed and made widespread use of . His influence grew as the Imperium consolidated itself via the new cruel means of breaching the warp . Eventually , with this greater unity there came a chance for a new Emperor to take over . Naturally , Ceylan manipulated the processes of selection and influence , until a candidate of his preference was selected . Ceylon made sure never to publically claim leadership or secular power over the Imperium , but rather worked behind the scenes . The Tharantine and his own spy network , known unofficially as the Aquila-men , discreetly carried out his orders and kept the various other armies and factions within the Empire under control . As a final demonstration of the new focus of human unity of purpose , the Emperor renamed the Empire the Theologian Union . By M55 , the Theologian Union was the third largest human Imperium in the galaxy , able to hold its own in campaigns against the very largest of empires . Initially , the Union struggled to maintain a strong focus , for the source of direct outside enemies to attack were few . They were engaged with semi-persistent wars with Pirate nations , Hybrid Cults of strange aliens with bulging heads and snapping claws . And a large scale siege of the world of Rokfal , where the race of feral greenskins had made a sudden and unheralded resurgence , smashing the industry of the planet almost annually , as the force of barbarians continually threw itself against its attackers with mindless vigour , getting stronger every time , as if feeding upon warfare itself for nourishment . However , Ecclesiarch Ceylan the first Found the perfect foe when Vulkan sent his envoys to the Theologian Union , bearing banners of compromise and hope . When the envoys refused to show fealty to the Ecclesiarch ( the Emperor's representative ) , the Emperor cast the ambassadors out . Ceylan began to order the preachers of the Union to spread themselves amongst the people , and spread the word . There was no Primarch upon Armaggedon . There could n't be . They were dead . This ' Vulkan ' was a daemon disguised as a primarch , they claimed . And so it was that the blind men of the deluded realm of the Wasteland Emperor turned their hand ever against their own kind . In their own way , these vainglorious zealots brought upon themselves the terrible events that marked the Dusk of all things , in the final war of conclusion and defiance . Additional Background Information 5 : The War-race Tempered : The Ork Risen . In the opening years of the Second Age of Strife , the orks as a race battled their nemesis , the New Devourer , and in doing so were destroyed in that titanic struggled which raged across hundreds of sectors . Though they had not been aware of it , their actions had inadvertently saved the entire galaxy from the New Devourer . While their war had been futile , it had delayed the hybrid Tyranid-Ork menace , which eventually found itself drawn away to fight some unseen foe beyond the galaxy . In the midst of the horrors of the strife age , people dared to hope that perhaps the orks themselves were made extinct in this great conflagration . The audacity of hope is so easily quashed , for the Orks yet lived . Minute spores and fungal helixes were left behind on the millions of abandoned greenskin worlds . However , it would take many thousands of years before the spores could fully recover , and spread like a bacterial plague through the undergrowth and organic matter which flourished on their former worlds . One such planet was the world of Lexin Fidorich . The humans there had come from the nearby Feudal Technocracy known as Shunter-beerne , who had eagerly captured this nearby world , which was impossible fecund and fertile . By M52 , Lexin was a flourishing world of diverse environments made tame by the sterile crop-scienc eof the cybernetic humans who tended this veritable garden . However , soon the Feudal Hyper-lords of the Shunter-beerne found their woods and forests infested with strange red beasts with ugly tusks and a belligerent attitude . This was intolerable , and long-limbed game keeper constructs cleansed the biomes of these beasts with gunshot and flame . This was a mistake . Smaller green creatures began to appear in the woods . They watched and scurried through the woods . Occasionally they would steal children or set fires , and stole massive quantities of metal sheeting and cut down sections of woods . Again , the long-striding machines killed most of them ; but not all . Those who were birthed afterwards filled in for their fallen , and the building of crude settlements began . Within the space of a decade , Feral monstrous warbands were roaming across the planet . Tranquil glass cities were smashed by the tread of hundreds of vast squiggoth beasts , and the crude firearms of their riders . Throughout the now-infested woods , an ancient cry not heard in millennia rang out ; waaaaaagh ! More and more powerful constructs were deployed on the surfaceby the Shunters , with ever deadlier weapons , but this only speeded the advance of their foes . Soon they had to abandon their planet . They did not possess exterminates grade weaponry however , and thus they could not prevent the Feral ork spread . This story reoccurred on dozens of sectors and systems across the galaxy , followed by hundreds upon hundreds after that . In particular feral orks tended to thrive just on the cusp of the various inter-power struggles which were ongoing across the galaxy ; there were veritable masses of feral orks on the border with Grand Sicarium and the Kassars , as well as the unruly space between the Thexians and the Tau , and on the fringes of Maelstrom space . One of the Demiurge brotherhoods ( The collective of Hashut ) even began to enslave feral ork bands for use in their schism against their rival Brotherhoods . As the shattered galaxy had no singular authority to recognise this building force , every lesser faction assumed these were localised threats and barely contained them . However , these feral bands of barbarians were naught but the wisps of powdered snow before an avalanche . At the close of the 52nd Millennium , there were signs across the galaxy . Feral orks were driven into fits of prophetic madness , and weirdboys chanted and babbled insanely . Something churned up the warp , and the powers realigned , for they could sense what was coming back . The Orks were returning . But not simply orks ... It began on the planet of Galgoroth , a rich mining world which had the protection of a coalition of minor xenos and human enclaves . The year was 999 . M52 , and the world reported fearsome warpstorms ; the biggest seen since their records had begun ( in practice , their records had n't begun until M50 , during its founding ) . It was then that they detected that a space hulk had translated into the system , a Hulk known as St. Jollepur's Bane . Their Managing Governor-Director was not pleased . Hulks were dens where minor xenos ( perhaps even an isolated gang or feral orks had managed to survive in the warp upon the hulk ? ) and pirates infested the hideous amalgams of vessels and asteroids . He had experienced hulk-drift while on another core-wards world centuries before , and he disliked what they promised . The world's PDF and system ships would have to be diverted from guarding his planet from real threats , to mop up the degenerate scum that would surely be squatting within its haunted depths . So , reluctantly , he unleashed his large fleet to engage the hulk on its brief incursion into his planet's local area . His fleet was composed of old mass produced Tau cruisers re-fitted for human use , Vulkanian vessels traded with the rising human power , and even some antique Mars Cruisers were amongst this diverse and lethal armada . On board the transport vessels , Krieg Serf Soldiers , Kroot and Fremen were hired on Galgoroth's ruling Corporation's expense , alongside a Free Company of Obsidian Falcon Astartes and as much of the local PDF forces he could afford to send in support . Eventually , the fleet reached the hulk . Initial scans and intel gathered by the fleet showed that the hulk was like nothing they had ever seen before . The hulk was no longer merely a mass of weaponised ruins drifting through space ; it was a warship . Uniform , sturdy armour covered its colossal flanks , alongside thousands of rows of vast weapon batteries and gun emplacements . And jutting from its shark-like sides were great spurs and towers , from which it seemed an entire fleet was at dock . That was when the firing started , and communication was lost with Galgoroth . The skies were aflame as the battle raged for almost three days . Ships were blown apart , or pulled open by tractor beams and high explosive ordnance , as well as more arcane and strange weaponry deployed by the new foe . Enemy soldiers were teleported directly into enemy vessels , and proceeded to massacre everyone with extreme efficiency , barely a sonorous growl escaping the butchers' lips as they killed . Only a handful of vessels returned to the mining world , including the utterly-mauled Strike Cruiser of the Obsidian Falcons . Their leader , Captain Eregious , immediately deployed one of his squads to the surface of Galgoroth . The Governor demanded to know what was attacking them . Was it xenos ? Pirates ? Enemy Marines ? Orks ? Eregious responded with a simple phrase . \" Those are not Orks ... \" His squad attacked and broke into the treasure vaults of the world , securing their payment before deploying back to their Cruiser . Eregious refused to stay and defend the world , because he wished to preserve his brothers . For the foe arrayed before them was too powerful and too numerous to defeat ; not with such depleted resources . So , the Galgorothans waited and fortified their planet as the bulky , well-constructed warships of the enemy hurtled towards them . The Kill Cruisers and huge battleships of the enemy easily swatted away the System Defence Ships , and deployed their ground forces after a bombardment of all the centres of military resistance . City-scale factories were dropped directly upon the planet , and began to work as soon as they slammed to the ground with a thunderous rumble that resounded across the mountains themselves . The few pockets of resistance remaining were dealt with by hulking armoured figures that deployed right at the heart of their battlelines , stepping through warp portals with ease . They wielded weapons like bolters , but far more destructive , alongside strange weapons , such as a device which teleported not gretchin , but miniature plasma warheads inside the bodies of their opponents . After barely two days , the planet was conquered , and those humans not slain in the bombardments were rounded up and used as slave labour in the mining districts , which were expanded and enhanced by the mysterious foe , who deployed huge titan-scale excavators and walking machines to heft out vast quantities of raw material for the hundreds of factories deployed by the orbital fiends . This was the galaxy's first taste of the new greenskin race . Ten Hulks at least were reported with similar modifications , but that first hulk remained the largest of this new phenomenon . These creatures did not call themselves the orks , but rather merely called themselves ' War ' , or at most ' the War of the Krork ' . Few people have subsequently breached the armoured hides of the War-Hulks , but it is claimed that the Krorks are in fact the commanders and driving force behind this new breed of elite Ork . It is theorised that these new creatures are in fact modified gretchin or grots , altered to be tacticians and schemers beyond the ken of the larger breeds ; it has to be noted that no smaller greenskins have been sighted within the battle-hosts of ' the War ' . Who manipulated them or remade these intelligent creatures remained unknown for many millennia , during the age of intertwining fates , but we shall get to that in due course ... The warriors of the Krork were a distillation and perfection of previous ork concepts and natural abilities . Each warrior wore flexible powered armour , which captured the spores released by them and sealed them in flame-proof canister inside the suits . These canisters were collected after a battle , and were taken to their manufacturing shops or their hulks , and dozens more generations of orks were thus spawned , or the spores were carefully cultured and spread upon worlds deemed perfect for Ork-forming . The powered armour also further enhanced each ork's strength , and was flexible enough to expand as the ork expanded . Each soldier ork was first forced to fight against hundreds of its peers inside the war-hulks , and this swelled each beast to vast scales . Most were taller than even an Astartes warrior when they were finally allowed to construct their armour and weaponry , which each and every ork instinctive knew how to build , unconsciously building their gear according to the exact specifications of higher authority , tailoring their weaponry to be optimised for whatever battlefield they found themselves on . Though the unseen ' brainboys ' of the numerous hosts were never seen on the battlefield , powerful War-bosses led the armies of each Hulk , and were brilliant tacticians , as their size naturally made them more intelligent , each war making them more efficient and more intelligent . Each Hulk , though separated by lightyears , had some means of psychic communication with their fellow Hulks , due to either the psychic might of the brainboys , or their manipulation of psyker Orks placed upon modified warp-reading thrones as a form of telepathic network . Needless to say , these Krork hosts spread quickly , and created numerous huge empires . The thirsting Bloodknights of Baal were fought to a standstill around the Juerellian warp gate by the Krork , denied their prise of a whole world of mortals which they could taint and then drain to stave off the black rage . A task force comprising of two whole Commanderies had to be deployed to drive off an Armada of Krork who had managed to cripple the logistical supplies of dozens of Vulkan's systems . That war was known as the war of renewed vengeance , and eventually the forces of Vulkan ( only after the sacrifice of the legendary hero Lord Captain Hexatrin of the Silent Panthers Commandery ) prevailed , but the Krork could not be finally defeated , as they divided their fleet and began a guerrilla campaign which lasted for five hundred years . Numerous battles and wars were found against krorks across the Western and Eastern Chaos Imperiums , and both factions lost dozens of worlds to the disciplined invaders . Abaddon managed to defeat a Krork force by utilising the planet-killer's awesome firepower to destroy a war-hulk , which seemed to be the only method of permanently crippling a Krork Armada . The Krork had special hatred for their feral ork brethren surprisingly , and often accelerated asteroids into planets with them on , or made a special effort to exterminate the entire population of feral greenskins on the ground , before burning the mountains of corpses . The Krork were a menace to all factions , for they seemed to have declared themselves to be a war against all elements of the galaxy . From the Star Father's dread Angyl-worlds , to the blasted ruins of the Shatter-wake and their bone-feeders , the Krork were fearsome opponents . In particular , they seemed to lose some of their cold demeanour when fighting the necrons . On some instinctual level , they just knew what their eldritch function was , for it was encoded into every fibre of their green , war-forged flesh . It was not until the infamous Alliance of the Fringe , that even the notion of concordance with other children of this galaxy occured to them . Their faith was unknown . All that the world at large could decipher of their brutal , complex language spoke of ' awaiting the two , the facets of the god-mount ' . Some claimed , in those early years , that they were merely referring to their primitive ancestor gods , Gork and Mork . Alas , if only it had been that simple . The true relevance of their creed would not become evident until it was too late to stop what had been started . But that conflict shall be documented in a later section , once these chronicles have been properly reinforced to withstand the telling of the tale of the Nex - [ FILE CORRUPTED . LOADING BACK FILES . ] Its good to see that you brought over the old section from the old forum , LL ; however I notice that you forgot about background information 1 : the start of Vulkan's Imperium . Section 1 can be found on that link at the start of Age of Dusk's thread on here . I 've only added the files folks ca n't find on that link ; the ' lost files ' , as it were . Thanks for posting these , almost makes me want to re-read the whole Age of Dusk . Have you ever considered posting it all ( or large chunks of it ) in PDF format ? That and Nightmare ?","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Procedures Are Pertinent Understanding types of repair information offered by OEMs , and where to find them , improves your repair plans for smoother workflow . Andrew Johnson iStock Auto manufacturer information is available for nearly every step of the repair process : disassembly , body and structural work , refinish , and post-repair quality assurance . Repairers must constantly refer to them for every procedure on every car because designs are changing faster than technicians can be trained . There are an estimated 242 vehicle types that will be re-engineered , redesigned , or introduced as brand-new models over the next three years , says Bill Stage , senior director of development for I-CAR . And those changes are driving updates in required methods for panel attachment , welding , equipment , tools , materials and diagnosis . With so much repair information available , reliance on your memory just does n't cut it these days . So habitual reference to OEM resources are critical for quality , accurate and efficient work to be produced at your facility daily . The Problem Failure to refer to OEM processes is a trend that 's surprisingly common throughout the country , Stage says . Some technicians do n't have time to search for the information , some do n't know where to look , some do n't know what types are available , and others simply do n't know the information even exists . Without the information , Stage says technicians tend to make repair decisions based on guesses , past experience or memory . They start cutting , heating , welding and installing components to try to repair things , but they 're not always accurate . Vehicle updates are made so frequently that many of the processes technicians knew of yesterday are no longer relevant today . That results in several common repair mistakes , he says , such as improper methods for heat application , sectioning , bonding , riveting and restraint system installation . That leads to poor efficiency , cycle time , comeback and customer satisfaction numbers , as well as safety and liability issues \u2013 problems that will eventually have a negative impact on sales performance . \" Relying on memory to repair the vehicle will no longer guarantee compliance with OEM procedures , \" Stage say . That 's true even for seasoned veterans . \" With the technology utilized in constructing today's vehicles , you can not safely repair them without access to the information . Sometimes , you ca n't repair them at all , \" he says . What You Need There are more than 20 million pages of OEM repair information available to collision repairers , says Dan Espersen , senior product marketing manager of collision for ALLDATA . The issue for many technicians is the time-consuming task of sifting and sorting through the documents . Here are three main areas that your technicians should learn to find quickly and have on hand at all times : 1 . Restraint system updates : Vehicle restraint systems are regularly modified , even within the same model . Without procedural information , technicians are susceptible to making installations that endanger safety systems throughout the car . Douglas Gan , president of Airbag Solutions , points to the Honda FIT as an example . The 2007 and 2008 FIT restraint system used a pre-tensioner in the belt and an anchor on the driver side . In 2009 , Honda altered that to only a pre-tensioner on both the driver and passenger side . 2 . Material identification : Several new types of high-strength materials are present on new model vehicles \u2013 such as steels , aluminum , and in the future , carbon fiber . Technicians must identify the type , location , dimensions , hardness , strength and tolerance of every material because they require updated repair methodology . \" You can not continue to apply the same old methods and logic in today's environment , \" Stage says . \" There are just too many types of materials and construction used in every vehicle . \" Consider this 2013 Honda Accord ( pictured left ) . The B-pillar is 1500 MPA ultra-high-strength steel , Stage says . It ca n't be heated in order to maintain its strength . In addition , where the bottom of the B-pillar meets the rocker panel is an area that requires MIG brazing . Without knowing that , technicians would perform a different outdated process that is likely to weaken the component . \" That would change the vehicle's crash test rating , \" Stage says . \" Occupants wo n't be as protected as they should be in a future wreck . \" 3 . Vehicle complexity : Vehicles are not designed solely of one type of material . That means each component of the car can not be repaired the same way . So knowing the type and location of each material used is crucial . Look at this 2013 Dodge Dart ( right ) . The design features six different types of materials \u2013 mild steel , high-strength steel , advanced high-strength steel , press-hardened steel , aluminum and plastic \u2013 each of which has its own specific required processes . Espersen says material identification and associated repair methods are among the most important pieces of information for technicians to have easy access to today . But that 's not all . Here 's a look at a few other areas that can dramatically vary between vehicle models where updated information is required : \u2022 Structural and panel attachment methods , and required tools and materials to perform the process I-CAR CENTRALIZATION : Even with all these resources available , Gan says it can still be a time-consuming task for technicians to dig through websites and find the information they need . They often feel they do n't have time , which sticks technicians in a dilemma between cycle time and supplement issues . \" Shops want to do the right thing , but are finding it difficult to sort through it all , \" Gan says . \" Shops do n't know where to look , have n't got time to look , and need the information immediately . \" He suggests the industry needs a simpler solution that provides shops with direct connections to information that pertains to the repair they 're performing . Fortunately , I-CAR will soon launch a new initiative to ease technicians' searches for information . The organization is developing a centralized database for all published OEM procedures to create easier and affordable access for shops . The structure for the effort has not yet been determined , but Stage says it will make acquisition of OEM processes much more efficient . Obtain Access Even when technicians know they need OEM repair information , Stage says they do n't always know where to look . He suggests a few resources to utilize during your daily routine : \u2022 OEM websites : All auto manufacturers host repair information and technical bulletins on their own websites . Some information is free and some is subscription-based . Shops can purchase short or long-term access to fee-based information from the sites . \u2022 OEMOnestop.com : Repairers can visit this website and be directed toward information for all auto manufacturers . \u2022 Information providers : The three major estimating companies \u2013 Audatex , a Solera Company , CCC Information Services Inc. and Mitchell International have all made developments to build OEM procedures into their systems . Stage says they have developed tools that all shops should take advantage of , such as automatic integration of information within estimates . \u2022 ALLDATA : ALLDATA is a single entity that compiles both collision and mechanical OEM repair information into a software package . Visit the company's website , alldata.com , for more information . \u2022 Airbag Solutions : Airbag Solutions is an online resource that compiles vehicle restraint system information and procedures for all auto manufacturers . Visit airbagsolutions.com for more information .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Featured sites about Management Software : Teamplan - Project Management Cost effective resource management software . View our demo online now and order your free presentation cdrom . www.astadev.com Management Software on eBay Great savings on software . Buy it . Sell it . Love it . eBay . co. uk . www.ebay.co.uk Software Manager Jobs - Careerbuilder Get UK software manager jobs . Search our online database and apply today . www.careerbuilder.co.uk Management Software Consumer Relationship Management software solutions - useful information . www.businessextra.co.uk Management Software at CQout Auctions Seek-you-out a real bargain on new and second user business and accounting software at CQout online auctions , \" The most user-friendly site we found . \" The Times . www.cqout.com Facility Management Software At Cognition Solutions , our aim is to seamlessly integrate your accounts , costing and business information to give you unrivalled analysis of your activity . Visit our site for details .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Tonya and Marvin Morris were pregnant with their fifth child , Sparrow , when they first learned about cord blood banking . Like many expecting parents who bank , they decided to save her cord blood so it might be available for any of their children , should one of them ever need it . Sparrow Morris was born a healthy baby girl in rural Missouri . When she was 2 years old , she was in the garden playing with her siblings , trying to fill a watering can from the family pool . She lost her balance and tumbled in , quickly becoming unconscious under the water . Tonya began CPR until rescue workers arrived at their rural home and transported the little girl to a place where she could be medevaced to the nearest hospital . The emergency crew did n't receive a pulse until they were in the air . The aftermath After being deprived of oxygen for so long , Sparrow's neurologist had little hope that the toddler would come out of her vegetative state . The family told doctors that they had saved Sparrow's cord blood , but were told that cord blood could only help in the case of blood cancers . Sparrow was sent home , unable to sit up , crawl , or talk . Nearly a year later , Tonya was approached by a friend who was interested in banking with CBR . Tonya called CBR and was put through to a Cord Blood Education Specialist . During the call , she happened to ask the Specialist if cord blood was currently being used to treat brain injury . She was transferred immediately to CBR's transplant office . Offering the chance at a better life Thirteen months after the accident , Sparrow received a reinfusion of her cord blood stem cells through an investigational treatment at Duke University . Shortly after , in conjunction with physical and occupational therapies , her family began to report she was moving her limbs with purpose . Today , Sparrow has been released from all of her physical and speech therapy classes . According to her mother , \" Sparrow is doing so well ! Other than continuing to have some balance issues , she can walk , run , and jump on the trampoline . She is meeting goals set out for her and far exceeding what anyone thought she was capable of . She speaks slowly , but is able to string five - to nine-word sentences together . \"","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"There are currently only three refuges for young runaways in the UK with ten beds to meet the needs of 100,000 children . The Children's Society is calling on the Government to provide funding to meet the urgent need for a national network of refuges for young runaways . You can help us achieve a network of refuges for young runaways by contacting your Member of Parliament . Simply ENTER YOUR POSTCODE - It 's quick and it 's the most powerful way you can help us .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Masks for Mask-Helmet-Combinations [ Unique Adaption : Adjusts like your mask ! ] Fire services are increasingly using maskhelmet-combinations [ MHC ] , which allow full face masks to be fitted with adapters directly to the firefighter's helmet . MSA , the only mask and helmet manufacturer , offers an innovative and safe solution : An unique concept using adjustable adapters without springs . Not only do the adjustable rubber straps allow for a more comfortable fit for every head size and shape ; better positioning also provides more safety . The adapter lets the user adjust the mask just as you did with your full head harness .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Mrs Hogg left her post as Headteacher at Markinch Primary School earlier this year . We have asked her some questions about her time at the school Mrs Hogg left Markinch Primary School formally early in 2006 , although Mrs Forbes had been Acting Headteacher for the past 18 months . Mrs Hogg is now working with Fife Council to coordinate the building and opening of several new Primary Schools across Fife . The children of Markinch Primary School held a ' surprise ' farewell concert for their former Headteacher , who had been running the school for the past 13 years .","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Learning the Language of Support In almost every exchange with your student \u2013 whether you 're talking , texting , or even IMing \u2013 parents have a chance to support and encourage success in the classroom , participation in out-of-class activities , and the ability to get through those inevitable tough times . Badger Parent frequently consults with students , parents , faculty , and staff members for advice on the best ways to \" learn the language \" of support and encouragement so that parents can be effective mentors to their students . To succeed academically , the group agreed , other facets of a student's life \u2013 including the transition to college , health , and state of mind \u2013 need to be in synch . The key to promoting this kind of wellness is learning as much as you can about how your son or daughter is feeling , while also being open and nonjudgmental . \" My mom is always available when I need someone to listen to me vent , \" says Sarah K. , a current UW \u2013 Madison student . \" Talking to her is a way for me to talk out my problems , and she only gives advice if I ask . \" Keep in mind that the support a student needs most may change , depending upon the issue \u2013 and sometimes as frequently as day to day . Christopher Lee , an assistant dean in the College of Letters and Science , says that , as a parent , you have an advantage : knowing your student as well as you do provides clues to the real issues . Lee advises that it 's always better to frame the discussion with a question \u2013 such as , \" How are you feeling about school ? \" \u2013 than to start by asking if something is wrong . Asking open-ended questions , rather than asserting opinions , is another way to approach the conversation , he adds . For example , if your student says , \" I 'm not good at chemistry , \" you could respond with , \" I know you are smart and can do it . Keep trying . \" This response , while supportive , has limitations . It places the student in the position of having to prove that he or she is smart by doing well . Instead , parents can ask , \" What are you having trouble with ? \" This question is more likely to elicit useful information about what is wrong , ranging from problems with math to not attending lectures . When students are given the chance to identify the problems themselves , they are much more likely to attempt to solve them , Lee says . Susan Brantly , professor of Scandinavian Studies and director of the Bradley Learning Community , agrees that it is important to listen and sympathize when your student calls and is homesick or frustrated about something . But , she says , it 's then most helpful to encourage him or her to begin solving the problems independently . For students living in University Housing , house fellows or residence life staff are particularly adept at coaching students to solve problems and redirecting them to the many campus resources . Cathy Middlecamp , distinguished faculty associate in the chemistry department , reminds parents that a student's health can have a major impact on academic performance near the end of the semester . If your student is sending e-mails at 2 a.m. or is sounding particularly worn out during your conversations , remind him or her to pay attention to the basics , such as sleeping enough and eating well , to stay healthy . \" This is about the time of the semester that everyone gets tired and ill , \" she says . \" Signs of exhaustion are frequently followed by illness . Stakes are higher now when [ students ] get sick , in terms of making up lectures or assignments . \" Beyond mental and physical wellness , parents can encourage their student to participate in activities that supplement academic experiences , such as study abroad , undergraduate research , or leadership programs \u2013 all of which are components of the Wisconsin Experience , and some of which are unique to UW \u2013 Madison . The key is knowing which approach to take . It 's important for students to be successful in the classroom and to be engaged in the Wisconsin Experience . \" Some students may be independent enough to do things on their own , while others may need more encouragement from parents , \" Middlecamp says . Parents who attended First-Year Parents' Weekend in November offered these suggestions for supporting students : Support your student's independence and have confidence in his or her decision-making ability Allow your student to make mistakes Encourage your student to try new things Unconditionally support your student through good grades and bad Share fun things happening with the family back home so your student is still in the loop Let your student know that you love him or her and that you are always there for him or her Offer advice , not directions Call to offer words of encouragement Send postcards , gifts , and food Parents offered this list of things to avoid : Criticizing your student or expecting him or her to fulfill your personal goals Calling too much . Let your child take the lead with correspondence at first and then set up a weekly schedule , if need be . Trying to make decisions for your student Trying to over-manage your student's experience Pressuring your student with unreasonable expectations . Give him or her some time to figure it out . Current Badgers comment on their parents : \" My parents were supportive of me academically ; they encouraged me to get good grades and to find out what I was interested in . They loved me from afar . \" \u2013 Hannah K. \" My parents let me call them : if I did n't , it meant I was too busy . They also visited me two to three times during the semester , which was just enough . \" \u2013 Mallory S. \" My parents have always been my greatest cheerleaders , instilling within me the strength needed to overcome any challenge . I would call them twice a week freshman year to share any tidbit of my life , be it exciting or stressful , and they were always so excited to listen . \" \u2013 Val K.","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"We Are Growing Our Team ! Job in Branson , MO Company Job Title We Are Growing Our Team ! Job Type Part-time Pay Type Hourly Wages Up to $ 8 . 00 \/ Hour Location 2214 W. HWY . 76 Branson , MO 65616 Apply Now See all McDonald's jobs . We Are Growing Our Team ! We have a part-time opening for a Hiring Immediately--Outgoing Crew Members--Must be able to work various shifts per week and be available weekdays and weekends . Be authorized to work in the United States . Must have reliable transportation . Wage : Up to $ 8 . 00 \/ Hour Additional Info Minimum Age 15 + years old Additional We offer a fun , fast-paced work environment with flexible hours to meet your needs .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"We see with the eyes . But we see with the brain as well . And seeing with the brain is often called imagination . And we are familiar with the landscapes of our own imagination , our inscapes . We 've lived with them all our lives . But there are also hallucinations as well . And hallucinations are completely different . They do n't seem to be of our creation . They do n't seem to be under our control . They seem to come from the outside , and [ seem ] to mimic perception . So I am going to be talking about hallucinations . And a particular sort of visual hallucination which I see among my patients . A few months ago I got a phone call from a nursing home where I work . They told me that one of the residents , an old lady in her 90s , was seeing things . And they wondered if she 'd gone bonkers . Or , because she was an old lady , whether she 'd had a stroke , or whether she had Alzheimer's . And so they asked me if I would come and see Rosalie , the old lady . I went in to see her . It was evident straight away that she was perfectly sane and lucid and of good intelligence . But she 'd been very startled , and very bewildered because she 'd been seeing things . And she told me -- the nurses had n ' t mentioned this -- that she was blind , that she had been completely blind , from macular degeneration , for five years . But now , for the last few days , she 'd been seeing things . So I said , \" What sort of things ? \" And she said , \" People in Eastern dress , in drapes , walking up and down stairs . A man who turns towards me and smiles . But he has huge teeth on one side of his mouth . Animals too . I see a white building . It 's snowing , a soft snow . I see this horse , with a harness , dragging the snow away . Then , one night , the scene changes . I see cats and dogs walking towards me . They come to a certain point and then stop . Then it changes again . I see a lot of children . They are walking up and down stairs . They wear bright colors , rose and blue , like Eastern dress . \" Sometimes , she said , before the people come on she may hallucinate pink and blue squares on the floor , which seem to go up to the ceiling . I said , \" Is this like a dream ? \" And she said , \" No , it 's not like a dream . It 's like a movie . \" She said , \" It 's got color . It 's got motion . But it 's completely silent , like a silent movie . \" And she said that it 's a rather boring movie . She said , \" All these people with Eastern dress , walking up and down , very repetitive , very limited . \" ( Laughter ) And she has a sense of humor . She knew it was a hallucination . But she was frightened . She 'd lived 95 years and she 'd never had a hallucination before . She said that the hallucinations were unrelated to anything she was thinking or feeling or doing . That they seemed to come on by themselves , or disappear [ by themselves ] . She had no control over them . She said she did n't recognize any of the people or places in the hallucinations . And none of the people or the animals , well , they all seemed oblivious of her . And she did n't know what was going on . She wondered if she was going mad , or losing her mind . Well , I examined her carefully . She was a bright old lady . Perfectly sane . She had no medical problems . She was n ' t on any medications which could produce hallucinations . But she was blind . And I then said to her , \" I think I know what you have . \" I said , \" There is a special form of visual hallucination which may go with deteriorating vision , or blindness . \" \" This was originally described , \" I said , \" back in the 18th century , by a man called Charles Bonnet . And you have Charles Bonnet syndrome . There is nothing wrong with your brain . There is nothing wrong with your mind . You have Charles Bonnet syndrome . \" And she was very relieved at this , that there was nothing seriously the matter , and also rather curious . She said , \" Who is this Charles Bonnet ? \" She said , \" Did he have them himself ? \" And she said , \" Tell all the nurses that I have Charles Bonnet syndrome . \" ( Laughter ) \" I 'm not crazy . I 'm not demented . I have Charles Bonnet syndrome . \" Well , so I did tell the nurses . Now this , for me , is a common situation . I work in old-age homes , largely . I see a lot of elderly people who are hearing impaired or visually impaired . About 10 percent of the hearing impaired people get musical hallucinations . And about 10 percent of the visually impaired people get visual hallucinations . You do n't have to be completely blind , only sufficiently impaired . Now with the original description in the 18th century , Charles Bonnet did not have them . His grandfather had these hallucinations . His grandfather was a magistrate , an elderly man . He 'd had cataract surgery . His vision was pretty poor . And in 1759 he described to his grandson various things he was seeing . The first thing he said was he saw a handkerchief in midair . It was large blue handkerchief with four orange circles . And he knew it was a hallucination . You do n't have handkerchiefs in midair . And then he saw a big wheel in midair . But sometimes he was n ' t sure whether he was hallucinating or not . Because the hallucinations would fit in the context of the visions . So on one occasion , when his granddaughters were visiting them , he said , \" And who are these handsome young men with you ? \" And they said , \" Alas , Grandpapa , there are no handsome young men . \" And then the handsome young men disappeared . It 's typical of these hallucinations that they may come in a flash and disappear in a flash . They do n't usually fade in and out . They are rather sudden . And they change suddenly . Charles Lullin , the grandfather , saw hundreds of different figures , different landscapes of all sorts . On one occasion he saw a man in a bathrobe smoking a pipe , and realized it was himself . That was the only figure he recognized . On one occasion when he was walking in the streets of Paris , he saw -- this was real -- a scaffolding . But when he got back home he saw a miniature of the scaffolding six inches high , on his study table . This repetition of perception is sometimes called palinopsia . With him , and with Rosalie , what seems to be going on -- and Rosalie said , \" What 's going on ? \" -- and I said that as you lose vision , as the visual parts of the brain are no longer getting any input , they become hyperactive and excitable . And they start to fire spontaneously . And you start to see things . The things you see can be very complicated indeed . With another patient of mine , who , [ like Charles Lullin , still ] had some vision , the vision she had could be disturbing . On one occasion she said she saw a man in a striped shirt in a restaurant . And he turned around . And then he divided into six identical figures in striped shirts , who started walking towards her . And then the six figures came together again , like a concertina . Once , when she was driving , or rather , her husband was driving , the road divided into four . And she felt herself going simultaneously up four roads . She had very mobile hallucinations as well . A lot of them had to do with a car . Sometimes she would see a teenage boy sitting on the hood of the car . He was very tenacious and he moved rather gracefully when the car turned . And then when they came to a stop , the boy would do a sudden vertical take off , 100 foot in the air , and then disappear . Another patient of mine had a different sort of hallucination . This was a woman who did n't have trouble with her eyes , but the visual parts of her brain . A little tumor in the occipital cortex . And , above all , she would see cartoons . These cartoons would be transparent and would cover half the visual field , like a screen . And especially she saw cartoons of Kermit the Frog . ( Laughter ) Now , I do n't watch Sesame Street . But she made a point of saying , \" Why Kermit ? \" She said , \" Kermit the Frog means nothing to me . You know , I was wondering about Freudian determinants . Why Kermit ? Kermit the Frog means nothing to me . \" She did n't mind the cartoons too much . But what did disturb her was she got very persistent images or hallucinations of faces and as with Rosalie , the faces were often deformed , with very large teeth , or very large eyes . And these frightened her . Well , what is going on with these people ? As a physician , I have to try and define what 's going on , and to reassure people . Especially to reassure them that they 're not going insane . Something like 10 percent , as I said , of visually impaired people get these . But no more than one percent of the people acknowledge them . Because they are afraid they will be seen as insane , or something . And if they do mention them to their own doctors they may be misdiagnosed . In particular , the notion is that if you see things or hear things , you 're going mad . But the psychotic hallucinations are quite different . Psychotic hallucinations , whether they are visual or vocal , they address you . They accuse you . They seduce you . They humiliate you . They jeer at you . You interact with them . There is none of this quality of being addressed with these Charles Bonnet hallucinations . There is a film . You 're seeing a film which has nothing to do with you . Or that 's how people think about it . There is also a rare thing called temporal lobe epilepsy . And sometimes , if one has this , one may feel oneself transported back to a time and place in the past . You 're at a particular road junction . You smell chestnuts roasting . You hear the traffic . All the senses are involved . And you 're waiting for your girl . And it 's that Tuesday evening back in 1982 . And the temporal lobe hallucinations are all multisensory hallucinations , full of feeling , full of familiarity , located in space and time , coherent , dramatic . The Charles Bonnet ones are quite different . So in the Charles Bonnet hallucinations , you have all sorts of levels , from the geometrical hallucinations , the pink and blue squares the woman had , up to quite elaborate hallucinations with figures and especially faces . Faces , and sometimes deformed faces , are the single commonest thing in these hallucinations . And one of the second commonest is cartoons . So , what is going on ? Fascinatingly , in the last few years , it 's been possible to do functional brain imagery , to do fMRI on people as they are hallucinating . And in fact , to find that different parts of the visual brain are activated as they are hallucinating . When people have these simple geometrical hallucinations , the primary visual cortex is activated . This is the part of the brain which perceives edges and patterns . You do n't form images with your primary visual cortex . When images are formed , a higher part of the visual cortex is involved in the temporal lobe . And in particular , one area of the temporal lobe is called the fusiform gyrus . And it 's known that if people have damage in the fusiform gyrus , they maybe lose the ability to recognize faces . But if there is an abnormal activity in the fusiform gyrus , they may hallucinate faces . And this is exactly what you find in some of these people . There is an area in the anterior part of this gyrus where teeth and eyes are represented . And that part of the gyrus is activated when people get the deformed hallucinations . There is another part of the brain which is especially activated when one sees cartoons . It 's activated when one recognizes cartoons , when one draws cartoons , and when one hallucinates them . It 's very interesting that that should be specific . There are other parts of the brain which are specifically involved with the recognition and hallucination of buildings and landscapes . Around 1970 it was found that there were not only particular parts of the brain [ involved ] , but particular cells . \" Face cells \" were discovered around 1970 . And now we know that there are hundreds of other sorts of cells , which can be very very specific . So you may not only have \" car \" cells , you may have \" Aston Martin \" cells . ( Laughter ) I saw an Aston Martin this morning . I had to bring it in . And now it 's in there somewhere . ( Laughter ) Now , at this level , in what 's called the inferotemporal cortex , there are only visual images , or figments or fragments . It 's only at higher levels that the other senses join in and there are connections with memory and emotion . And in the Charles Bonnet syndrome you do n't go to those higher levels . You 're in these levels of inferior visual cortex where you have thousands and tens of thousands and millions of images , or figments , or fragmentary figments , all neurally encoded , in particular cells or small clusters of cells . Normally these are all part of the integrated stream of perception , or imagination . And one is not conscious of them . It is only if one is visually impaired , or blind , that the process is interrupted . And instead of getting normal perception , you 're getting an anarchic , convulsive stimulation , or release , of all of these visual cells , in the inferotemporal cortex . So , suddenly you see a face . Suddenly you see a car . Suddenly this , and suddenly that . The mind does its best to organize , and to give some sort of coherence to this . But not terribly successfully . When these were first described it was thought that they could be interpreted like dreams . But in fact people say , \" I do n't recognize the people . I ca n ' t form any associations . \" \" Kermit means nothing to me . \" You do n't get anywhere thinking of them as dreams . Well , I 've more or less said what I wanted . I think I just want to recapitulate and say this is common . Think of the number of blind people . There must be hundreds of thousands of blind people who have these hallucinations , but are too scared to mention them . So this sort of thing needs to be brought into notice , for patients , for doctors , for the public . Finally , I think they are infinitely interesting , and valuable , for giving one some insight as to how the brain works . Charles Bonnet said , 250 years ago -- he wondered how , thinking these hallucinations , how , as he put it , the theater of the mind could be generated by the machinery of the brain . Now , 250 years later , I think we 're beginning to glimpse how this is done . Thanks very much . ( Applause ) Chris Anderson : That was superb . Thank you so much . You speak about these things with so much insight and empathy for your patients . Have you yourself experienced any of the syndromes you write about ? Oliver Sacks : I was afraid you 'd ask that . ( Laughter ) Well , yeah , a lot of them . And actually I 'm a little visually impaired myself . I 'm blind in one eye , and not terribly good in the other . And I see the geometrical hallucinations . But they stop there . C. A. : And they do n't disturb you ? Because you understand what 's doing it . It does n ' t make you worried ? O. S. : Well they do n't disturb me any more than my tinnitus . Which I ignore . They occasionally interest me . And I have many pictures of them in my notebooks . I 've gone and had an FMRI myself to see how my visual cortex is taking over . And when I see all these hexagons and complex things , which I also have , in visual migraine , I wonder whether everyone sees things like this , and whether things like cave art , or ornamental art may have been derived from them a bit . C. A. : That was an utterly utterly fascinating talk . Thank you so much for sharing . O. S. : Thank you . Thank you . ( Applause ) <\/content","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"If you want to contact us by post use the address below Dislocate Records PO Box 321 Durham DH7 0YG England Email : sales@dislocate.co.uk If you want to buy records , enquire about a record or are interested in trading . dave@dislocate.co.uk If you have any punk vinyl you would like to sell or trade or you have any enquiries claire@dislocate.co.uk If you have any problems with the web site or you have any comments .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Ruth 1 Naomi and Ruth 1 In the days when the judges ruled , [ a ] there was a famine in the land , and a man from Bethlehem in Judah , together with his wife and two sons , went to live for a while in the country of Moab . 2 The man's name was Elimelech , his wife's name Naomi , and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Kilion . They were Ephrathites from Bethlehem , Judah . And they went to Moab and lived there . 3 Now Elimelech , Naomi's husband , died , and she was left with her two sons . 4 They married Moabite women , one named Orpah and the other Ruth . After they had lived there about ten years , 5 both Mahlon and Kilion also died , and Naomi was left without her two sons and her husband . 6 When she heard in Moab that the LORD had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them , Naomi and her daughters-in-law prepared to return home from there . 7 With her two daughters-in-law she left the place where she had been living and set out on the road that would take them back to the land of Judah . 8 Then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law , \" Go back , each of you , to your mother's home . May the LORD show kindness to you , as you have shown to your dead and to me . 9 May the LORD grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband . \" Then she kissed them and they wept aloud 10 and said to her , \" We will go back with you to your people . \" 11 But Naomi said , \" Return home , my daughters . Why would you come with me ? Am I going to have any more sons , who could become your husbands ? 12 Return home , my daughters ; I am too old to have another husband . Even if I thought there was still hope for me \u2013 even if I had a husband tonight and then gave birth to sons \u2013 13 would you wait until they grew up ? Would you remain unmarried for them ? No , my daughters . It is more bitter for me than for you , because the LORD's hand has gone out against me ! \" 14 At this they wept again . Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-by , but Ruth clung to her . 15 \" Look , \" said Naomi , \" your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods . Go back with her . \" 16 But Ruth replied , \" Do n't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you . Where you go I will go , and where you stay I will stay . Your people will be my people and your God my God . 17 Where you die I will die , and there I will be buried . May the LORD deal with me , be it ever so severely , if anything but death separates you and me . \" 18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her , she stopped urging her . 19 So the two women went on until they came to Bethlehem . When they arrived in Bethlehem , the whole town was stirred because of them , and the women exclaimed , \" Can this be Naomi ? \" 20 \" Do n't call me Naomi , [ b ] \" she told them . \" Call me Mara , [ c ] because the Almighty [ d ] has made my life very bitter . 21 I went away full , but the LORD has brought me back empty . Why call me Naomi ? The LORD has afflicted [ e ] me ; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me . \" 22 So Naomi returned from Moab accompanied by Ruth the Moabitess , her daughter-in-law , arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning . Ruth 2 Ruth Meets Boaz 1 Now Naomi had a relative on her husband's side , from the clan of Elimelech , a man of standing , whose name was Boaz . 2 And Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi , \" Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor . \" Naomi said to her , \" Go ahead , my daughter . \" 3 So she went out and began to glean in the fields behind the harvesters . As it turned out , she found herself working in a field belonging to Boaz , who was from the clan of Elimelech . 4 Just then Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the harvesters , \" The LORD be with you ! \" \" The LORD bless you ! \" they called back . 5 Boaz asked the foreman of his harvesters , \" Whose young woman is that ? \" 6 The foreman replied , \" She is the Moabitess who came back from Moab with Naomi . 7 She said , ' Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves behind the harvesters . ' She went into the field and has worked steadily from morning till now , except for a short rest in the shelter . \" 8 So Boaz said to Ruth , \" My daughter , listen to me . Do n't go and glean in another field and do n't go away from here . Stay here with my servant girls . 9 Watch the field where the men are harvesting , and follow along after the girls . I have told the men not to touch you . And whenever you are thirsty , go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled . \" 10 At this , she bowed down with her face to the ground . She exclaimed , \" Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me \u2013 a foreigner ? \" 11 Boaz replied , \" I 've been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband \u2013 how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before . 12 May the LORD repay you for what you have done . May you be richly rewarded by the LORD , the God of Israel , under whose wings you have come to take refuge . \" 13 \" May I continue to find favor in your eyes , my lord , \" she said . \" You have given me comfort and have spoken kindly to your servant \u2013 though I do not have the standing of one of your servant girls . \" 14 At mealtime Boaz said to her , \" Come over here . Have some bread and dip it in the wine vinegar . \" When she sat down with the harvesters , he offered her some roasted grain . She ate all she wanted and had some left over . 15 As she got up to glean , Boaz gave orders to his men , \" Even if she gathers among the sheaves , do n't embarrass her . 16 Rather , pull out some stalks for her from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up , and do n't rebuke her . \" 17 So Ruth gleaned in the field until evening . Then she threshed the barley she had gathered , and it amounted to about an ephah . [ a ] 18 She carried it back to town , and her mother-in-law saw how much she had gathered . Ruth also brought out and gave her what she had left over after she had eaten enough . 19 Her mother-in-law asked her , \" Where did you glean today ? Where did you work ? Blessed be the man who took notice of you ! \" Then Ruth told her mother-in-law about the one at whose place she had been working . \" The name of the man I worked with today is Boaz , \" she said . 20 \" The LORD bless him ! \" Naomi said to her daughter-in-law . \" He has not stopped showing his kindness to the living and the dead . \" She added , \" That man is our close relative ; he is one of our kinsman-redeemers . \" 21 Then Ruth the Moabitess said , \" He even said to me , ' Stay with my workers until they finish harvesting all my grain . ' \" 22 Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law , \" It will be good for you , my daughter , to go with his girls , because in someone else 's field you might be harmed . \" 23 So Ruth stayed close to the servant girls of Boaz to glean until the barley and wheat harvests were finished . And she lived with her mother-in-law .","labels":"Prose\/Lyrical","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"This plain text version of the page is designed for printing and use by speech browsers . Please click here for a more graphical version North Pennines The North Pennines is one of the largest and most recent parts of England to be officially declared an \" Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty \" . It spans three counties : Northumberland ( to the south of Hexham ) , Durham and Cumbria and comprises magnificent moorlands , wooded valleys and small , unspoilt villages . The central uplands are the source of many of the North of England's best known rivers : The Tyne , Wear and Tees and waterfalls and gurgling streams are plentiful . You are welcome to enjoy the beauty of the North Pennines but please always follow the Country Code . There are three main valleys of the North Pennines in Northumberland . These are SOUTH TYNEDALE which reaches from the market town of Haltwhistle to the Cumbrian town of Alston , the highest market town in England ; ALLENDALE with its centre at Allendale Town and its fascinating lead mining history remembered in the moorland village of Allenheads ; and the DERWENT VALLEY which forms part of the border with County Durham and where Blanchland is one of the most attractive villages in Northumberland . For further information , please visit the North Pennines official Website . Summary of topics covered in this page : | Allendale || Allenheads || Blanchland || Haltwhistle || Allenheads Heritage Centre || Derwent Reservoir || North Pennines Bird Watching || Allendale Golf Course | ALLENDALE ( Towns and Villages ) Accommodation Search Area : Hadrian's Wall and North Pennines Accommodation Search Sub-Area : North Pennines Population : 740 . A North Pennines village in the unspoilt valley of the River East Allen . It is an ideal walking centre with some interesting gift shops and good accommodation . An ancient New Years Eve ceremony involves a procession of \" guisers \" carrying blazing tar barrels on their heads to a midnight bonfire in the middle of the village . Amongst the fans of North East author , Catherine Cookson , the valley is known as Mallendale as this was the setting for her \" Mallen Streak \" trilogy . The saga told the story of a family whose male members ( including the illegitimate ones ! ) could be easily recognised by a white streak in their hair . Additional Related Information ... - County Map - Accommodation Search - Allendale Local History - View a Street Map - View a Road Map ALLENHEADS ( Towns and Villages ) Accommodation Search Area : Hadrian's Wall & North Pennines Accommocadion Search Sub-Area : North Pennines Population : 200 . A pretty North Pennines moorland village at the head of the Allen Valley . In the 19th century it was a busy leading lead mining centre and had a population of 759 in 1851 . There are signed walks through the local woods and alongside the river . The British Norwegian Ski Club is nearby . Additional Related Information ... - Ski-Allenheads - County Map - Accommodation Search - View a Street Map - View a Road Map BLANCHLAND ( Towns and Villages ) Accommodation Search Area : Hadrian's Wall and North Pennines Accommodation Search Sub-Area : North Pennines Population of village : 140 . A delightful model village in the North Pennines , right on the County Durham boundary with picturesque houses set against a backdrop of deep woods and open moors . Its unspoilt qualities make it a frequent setting for period films set in the 18th century such as those based on the novels of Catherine Cookson . Nearby the Derwent Resevoir provides excellent facilities for sailing and fishing . This village boasts a wonderful array of different retail outlets including : The Post Office , Blanchland Stores , Gallery Upstairs , The White Monk Tea Rooms and Get Ahead Hats . Additional Related Information ... - North Pennines - Fishing - Sailing and Water Activities - County Map - Accommodation Search - View a Street Map - View a Road Map HALTWHISTLE ( Places ) Population : 3,800 . \" The Heart of Roman Wall Country \" . A small market town on the South Tyne river which is only a few miles from some of the best remaining sections of Hadrian's Wall . It is possible to walk from the town to the Wall via Haltwhistle Burn . The name of the town which sounds so evocative of the railway age actually means \" river junction by a hill \" . It has good local shops and accommodation and Market Day is Thursday . The town provides a local transport hub linking the railway station to the Hadrian's Wall Bus Service and the North Pennines bus to Alston . Akzo-Nobel ( Crown ) Paints and Nampak ( plastic bottle manufacturers ) are the major employers . The new A69 Haltwhistle By-pass was the first major road construction scheme in the country to be built using private finance , under contract to the government . Additional Related Information ... - North Pennines - Hadrian's Wall & Forts - View a Street Map - View a Road Map ALLENHEADS HERITAGE CENTRE ( Industrial ) In the 19th century , the North Pennines was one of the great lead mining areas of England . Most of the villages in the area have strong connections to the days of lead and old mine chimneys still stipple the landscape . At Allenheads , a Visitor Centre explores the history of the local lead mines and explains how the village has survived since the last mine closed in 1896 . There is also an interesting blacksmith's shop and engine house to visit . Open : Easter - October 10 : 00am - 5 : 00pm ( 2003 ) . Adults : \u00a3 1 ( 2003 ) . Tel : ( 01434 ) 685395 . Partially accessible for visitors in wheelchairs . Additional Related Information ... - Allenheads - View a Street Map - View a Road Map DERWENT RESERVOIR ( Sailing ) Derwent Reservoir is in the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty , near to the picturesque village of Blanchland . The County boundary which separates Northumberland from Durham runs through the middle of the lake . It is a quiet , reflective spot with lovely views . Access and facilities for sailing at the lake are only available through the Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club . Tel : +44 ( 0 ) 1434 675258 for details . Additional Related Information ... - Blanchland - Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club - View a Street Map - View a Road Map NORTH PENNINES BIRD WATCHING ( Birds ) Curlew , Merlin , Peregrines , Red Grouse and sometimes the much rarer Black Grouse may also be seen regularly in Northumberland's other great heather moorland area , in the North Pennines , to the south of Hexham . ALLENDALE GOLF COURSE ( Golf ) 9 holes ; 4541 yards ; Par 64 . Scenic hilly meadowland course in Allendale village ( North Pennines ) , 8 miles south west of Hexham . Visitors welcome . Green fees \u00a3 12.00 per day mid-week \u00a3 15 weekends ( 2006 prices ) . Tel : +44 ( 0 ) 1434 683926 . Additional Related Information ... - Allendale and Allenheads - Golf Events - Allendale Golf Course Website Created and Maintained by : Northumberland Tourism , 9 Telford Court Morpeth NE61 2DB \u00a9 2006","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"IF you are interested in volunteering at Preston DISC call in to our drop-in centre and speak to one of our exsisting volunteers , or download our Volunteer Application Form opposite and send it to our offices . We have many opportunities in our team , we will write to you and invite you to an interview , where we can discuss what options are available and whether we can offer you an opportunity at this time . So remember if you are a disabled person or carer or have experience of disability and can spare a few hours a week Preston Disc is for you !","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"When describing the motion of objects in terms of distance , time , and direction , physicists use the basic quantities of speed and velocity . Two terms , two distinct meanings . Yet , not uncommonly , we hear these terms used interchangeably . So , what 's the difference ? Why is it incorrect to use the terms speed and velocity interchangeably ? The reason is simple . Speed is the time rate at which an object is moving along a path , while velocity is the rate and direction of an object's movement . Put another way , speed is a scalar value , while velocity is a vector . For example , 50 km \/ hr ( 31 mph ) describes the speed at which a car is traveling along a road , while 50 km \/ hr west describes the velocity at which it is traveling . The mathematical calculation for speed is relatively straightforward , wherein the average speed of an object is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time it took the object to travel the distance . Velocity , on the other hand , is more complicated mathematically and can be calculated in different ways , depending on what information is available about the object's motion . In its simplest form , average velocity is calculated by dividing change in position ( \u0394r ) by change in time ( \u0394t ) .","labels":"Information\/Explanation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Four-step guide to investing in shares : 1 ) Keep track of your shares . Make sure no major event has occurred that may affect the fundamentals of the company . Usually you may not bother about the fundamentals of the company . Usually you may not bother about the fundamentals while choosing a derivatives strategy . But never do a covered call on a fundamentally unsound company . 2 ) Avoid volatile shares . Opt for shares that rise gradually or move in a range . 3 ) At the end of any month , sell only the near-month options and not the mid-month ones . For example , at the end of July one should sell the August-maturity call option and not the September-maturity one . It can be mathematically proved , and also been seen that one usually makes more money this way . 4 ) Leave room for the share price : selection of strike price must depend on the view of the share price , and not on the yield by selling the option . The best-sold options are those that do n't get exercised against you-not those that give you higher upfront fee .","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Things to worry about , and having faith Posted on Mar 3rd , 2011 . 3134 comments When my son was one minute old , he taught me something about life . The nurse handed him to me and in those first few seconds , I felt relief . The months of anxiety were over . My na\u00efve thought was : I can stop worrying now . I held onto that belief for as long as it took to exhale and draw in one breath . Then I realized my worries were n't over . They were just beginning . So I guess what I learned was : It never ends . Zane's eighteen now . Things have more or less worked out . Still , last night my wife woke up around midnight , worried that he did n't have enough gas to get to school in the morning . I could hear rain hitting the window . I almost asked if she wanted me to go out and check the gauge . But I did n't . Never ask a question you do n't want to know the answer to . A manuscript is like a kid that way , at least for me . The day Tin House said they 'd take my book , I thought I 'd reached the finish line . Instead , there 's a whole new universe of things to obsess over . Should I be promoting it more ? Am I tweeting too much ? What if Tin House has changed their mind about publishing it ? I have n't heard from them in a while . Should I call them just to be sure ? What about reviews ? Should I even read them ? Last Sunday I finished Tom Grimes' brilliant memoir , Mentor . It 's the story of Grimes' life as a writer and his time at the Iowa Writers' Workshop . Grimes' mentor is Frank Conroy ; their relationship is at the heart of the story . It 's an amazing book . Publishers Weekly gave it a starred review . Initially , I thought the appeal of reading Mentor would be in seeing the path I did n't take . At about the same time Grimes went to Iowa , I quit my day job , started freelancing and tried to teach myself to write fiction . I thought it would take five years . It took much longer . But although those two paths are different , they have something in common . A writer's life is irrational , as Grimes says Conroy says . And you inflict all sorts of crap on yourself along the way . Irrational worries . Twice I put the book down and said , that 's enough . It 's too close to the bone . The problem is , it 's not the kind of book you can stop reading . When I finished Mentor on Sunday night , one gift it gave me was a sense of resolve . I promised myself not to let the world define Wire to Wire for me . Reviews do n't matter . The world , being a kind and gentle place , let me hold onto that belief for almost 12 hours before outing me as a hypocrite . The next morning Publishers Weekly gave Wire to Wire a starred review and made it Pick of the Week . So hold that thought . It turns out reviews do matter . As long as they 're good . As for my resolve not to read them ... hey , revision is everything in writing . That includes revising my beliefs . Somebody tell me if I 'm tweeting too much , though . Sometimes you gotta lose it , just to lose it , just to find it again : Alejandro Escovedo says you gotta have \" Faith . \" 11 Posted by ManuelOwek on August 6th , 2015 at 10 : 04 PM","labels":"Opinion\/Argumentation","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"New figures from the International Air Travel Association ( IATA ) reveal that international passenger numbers are on the rise . International air passenger traffic in the first four months of 2005 was 8.7 per cent higher than the same period in 2004 . Year-on-year figures for April showed a 7.5 per cent increase . There was also a 4.7 per cent year-on-year increase in Cargo traffic during the first four months of the year . However , capacity expansion lagged behind passenger traffic in all regions , averaging 73.6 per cent during the first quarter of this year . IATA director general Giovanni Bisignani warned that despite rising passenger numbers , soaring fuel costs were hitting airlines hard , predicting an industry loss of $ 5 . 5 billion ( ? 3 . 02 billion ) this year . \" However you look at it , 2005 is shaping up to be another difficult year for the airlines , \" he said . \" Fundamental and large-scale change is absolutely critical . \" The IATA is expected to press for further deregulation at its annual meeting in Tokyo next week , criticising governments and airports . Mr Bisignani told a press conference today : \" Airlines moved fast after September 11 , re-engineering , restructuring ... But governments have not played a role . \"","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Menu Category Archives : Dental Equipment Review Getting a great smile is not a dream anymore ! Yes ! It can be turned into a reality , with a number of easy and simple steps ! To begin with , you need to go online and visit Village Dental Practice . It is renowned name in the province and people are very well aware of the implausible services that are offered by this dental clinic . A full and comprehensive spectrum of defensive and cosmetic dentistry is proffered by the clinic to its patients . The clinic has such a team of dentists that is totally skilled and proficient with the tasks be it Professional Teeth Whitening , Root Canal Treatment , or any other treatment that you covet to have . So , if you seek a talented and expert Dentist Cheshunt then your ultimate choice has to be on of the dentists in the team of Village Dental Practice . Whether you need to have a root canal treatment for treating the diseased pulp of your tooth , or you need to lighter the shade of your teeth with the assistance of a great and incredible Professional Teeth Whitening procedure , you can think about this clinic , without any doubt ! How Does Tooth Whitening Work ? A professional procedure performed by a qualified dentistry specialist involves the usage of a gel containing bleaching agents called carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide . These agents work in a way similar to hair bleaching . When applied in the form of gel over the surface of the teeth , they penetrate into the porous enamel and cause a chemical reaction that results in the neutralization and elimination of the staining agents , which restores the white color . Before the teeth whitening procedure with dental ultrasonic scaler , a highly experienced dentist makes sure that the teeth are healthy and clean . Any cavities or periodontal problems are treated before whitening to ensure safe and effective results . After a thorough cleaning of the mouth , the dentist places a protective material over the gums to avoid irritation . The whitening gel is applied on the surface , and sometimes , light is used to accelerate the bleaching reaction and consolidate the results . The dentist may use gels of different strengths and concentrations , depending on the desired results . Successive applications and removal of the whitening gel result in progressive teeth whitening until the patient is satisfied with the color . Professional dentists would also not recommend whitening if they know that your enamel is damaged or the crown needs a restoration . In both the cases whitening would be a futile job . Bad eating habits are also determining factors behind tooth discoloration . Tobacco users and people who indulge too much in beverages or smoking for that matter might have discolored teeth . In such cases a genuine professional would never prescribe whitening , since it will cause further damage to the enamel . Whitening of teeth understandably needs professional advice . Sparkly Whites is one such professional , a pioneer in dental care . Possessed with experienced team of dentists , Sparkly Whites provides a range of cosmetic dentistry options . It makes painful root canal treatments feel like a cakewalk . Equipped with latest tools and technology , treating every client on a personal basis and informing the well of the pros and cons of every treatment makes Sparkly Whites a leader in its capacity . You can click the http:\/\/www.athenadental.com.au\/category-1998-b0-Ultrasonic-Cleaner.html to find what you . Everyone wants to have nice teeth . It 's one of the few parts of our body that is impractical to cover up ( unless you never plan to smile or eat in public ) . So , for those of us who have issues with one or more crooked teeth , it can be an embarrassing dilemma . If you are considering a dental consultation , here are some of the potential remedies for straightening your teeth . Veneers \u2013 Also referred to as \" capping teeth , \" veneers are used when there are minor imperfections with your teeth , or when you only have a few teeth that are crooked and can not be fixed with braces . Your tooth will be shaved to create a flat or shallow surface . When the imperfection is removed with the shaving process , the tooth will be overlaid with porcelain to create a uniform appearance in your mouth . Braces \u2013 The common belief surrounding braces is that you will have a mouthful of metal for years . That could n't be further from the truth . Not only have braces become more discreet , but there are also options that can have you in and out of braces in six months or less . Accelerated orthodontics is a combination of dental surgery and orthodontic reinforcement techniques that can take as little as a quarter of the time of traditional braces . One of the reasons that makes the acceleration process possible is that your orthodontist may not focus on your back teeth if he or she does not have to . Accelerated orthodontics may involve periodontal surgery . This is performed with a local anesthesia . While you will feel some minor discomfort for a few days after the procedure , it is less painful than traditional orthodontics . The Inman Aligner , however , changes everything . It is a relatively new , simple and reasonably quick way of straightening teeth for adults . Teeth can be straightened in as little as 6 weeks ( 16 weeks for complex cases ) with no drilling and at about one-third of the cost of porcelain veneers or orthodontic treatment with dental supplies . It has now become the treatment of choice for crooked front teeth . It is a removable appliance that utilizes several springs that puts pressure on the teeth that need repositioning . These components work together to \" squeeze \" teeth together by pushing and pulling them into alignment . Once the Inman Aligner has improved the position of the teeth , tooth whitening and composite bonding can be carried out to improve the colour and correct any imperfections . Both these treatments , like the Inman Aligner , are non-invasive and require no drilling . The end result looks great and more importantly , the teeth remain healthy and are still your own ! Anyone who is considering veneers to straighten teeth should ensure that they have looked at the Inman Aligner before taking drastic measures . The Inman Aligner is not suitable for all situations and orthodontic work or porcelain veneers may be the best option but it is always advisable to check out the more conservative approach , and it will save you money ! You can click the http:\/\/www.athenadental.com.au to find what you want .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"The procedure is necessary when the pulp inside a tooth becomes read more Non-prescription tooth whitening is a large market in today's culture . Americans will spend upwards of $ 1 . 4 billion just this year in products that promise to whiten their teeth . But is the high cost worth it ? The government does n't regulate the contents or promises of over-the-counter whitening read more It 's never too late to begin caring for your mouth and teeth , whether you 've had good dental health your whole life or not . Of course , the people who have been caring for their teeth throughout their whole lives will find the task easier as they age . How should you care for teeth as you age ? Besides the basics , here are some changes to look for in read more Dental x-rays are commonly taken when you begin a regimen of care at your local dentist . But many people submit to them without understanding their true purpose or how they work . Here , we take a quick look at this helpful technology . Gum recession can be a painful , uncomfortable gum disease that many people suffer regardless of their age or dental health . There are multiple causes leading to the disease , so if you 're experiencing this , schedule an appointment with your local Fort Collins dentists right away . Everyone knows that taking care of your teeth and gums are an essential part of dental care . But that does n't account for every part of the mouth . What does your mouth hold and how can you best take care of these tissues ? Just like Shakespeare wondered \" what 's in a name ? \" so we wonder \" what 's in a mouth ? \" Taking care of read more Losing an adult tooth often happens during an accident , and is called an avulsed tooth . Perhaps a person has a bike accident or falls while running or even has a car accident . Any number of scenarios is possible for adult tooth loss . When this happens , your family dentist recommends a few simple steps to save the read more Perhaps you 've heard of a dental crown technology that we love here in the office , called CEREC . The name stands for CEramic REConstruction and refers to a machine that can create a crown or restorative piece in the dentists' office . Here , we look briefly at whether CEREC is the right choice for your injured or cavity-filled read more","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"Tabs let you organize gadgets into groups Tabs appear in the left navigation and let you organize your homepage into different groups of gadgets . For example , you could have a tab for work and a tab for play ( and , yes , the YouTube gadget belongs in ' Play ' ) . Add a tab ... All iGoogle pages start out with a single tab called ' Home , ' but it 's easy to add more . Click the down arrow next to ' Home . ' Click Add a tab . Name the new tab . What 's in a name ? Leave the ' I 'm feeling lucky ' box checked , and we 'll start your new tab off with a few gadgets based on the name you choose . ( Do n't want any help ? Uncheck the box . ) Click OK .... and put gadgets on it Check the ' I 'm feeling lucky ' box when you name your new tab if you want us to pre-select a few gadgets for you . Add gadgets from the gadget directory ( learn how ) . Drag gadgets from the tab they 're on to the tab you want them to be on . Customize your tabs Tabs can also appear in any order you like , and each tab can have its own name , background , and layout style . For instance , you could make a tab named ' Jenny ' with three columns of gadgets on a classic background , or a tab called ' Games ' with two medium-sized columns and the ' Theme of the day , ' or ... well , we could go on and on ... and we do , on the iGoogle Preferences page . Click the link or follow these steps to get there : Click the name of the tab you want to edit . Click the down arrow next to the name . Click Edit this tab . Be sure to Save any changes you make on the Preferences page . Share a tab with a friend Think you 've made the perfect tab ? You can send it to others . Click the tab you want to share . Click the down arrow next to the name . Click Share this tab . Check the boxes for the gadgets you 'd like to send , enter your friend's email address , and write a message . If you check the ' Send my settings for these gadgets' box , the gadgets will appear to your friend much as they appear to you . But sharing works a little differently for every gadget , so be careful when sharing tabs or gadgets that include personal info . Click Send . Delete a tab Click the tab you want to delete . Click the down arrow next to its name . Click Delete this tab . Confirm by clicking Delete this tab again . ( Remember : deleting a tab deletes all the gadgets on it . Keep a gadget by dragging it to another tab . )","labels":"Instruction","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT & RESULTS from Extensive Studies by GolfScape Artificial Turf Manufacturers FACTS & FOES of Nylon vs. Artificial Grass Deep Infill \" Artificial Grass Deep Infill \" Systems vs. Nylon Synthetic putting greens are manufactured with several different materials . Two of the most common materials are polypropylene and nylon . A green made with nylon typically does not take an infill product , whereas a polypropylene green does . It is this artificial grass deep infill process that determines whether you birdie or bogey your game because of the advantage way that a surface , with artificial grass deep infill , reacts to your golf ball while putting and chipping onto the green . Non-filled synthetic putting greens obviously do not require infill . These greens are typically made of the nylon fiber . Nylon is what you see on miniature golf courses . Disadvantages of Nylon Problems with nylon synthetic putting greens : Nylon , a more porous fiber , will absorb water , retain odors , and lead to mold , mildew and fungus growth . Because a nylon green does not normally take an infill material , the fibers will \" mat down \" in a given time . When this happens the ball roll becomes very fast and there 's nothing that can be done to remedy the problem . In an attempt to resolve this issue , some companies will add infill to the turf , but because nylon is not designed to take an infill product , it just wo n't work . Many companies claim nylon fiber is \" heat set \" with \" memory \" and will not mat down . It simply makes sense that if there is nothing to support the fibers upright , they will mat down over time . Also , read the \" fine print \" of these companies' warranties on their nylon greens - \" normal matting or compression of fiber or compression of rubber and foam backing or padding is expressly excluded from the warranty \" . Draw you own conclusion from such contradicting statements . Nylon is a stiffer , more rigid fiber . A rigid fiber can also make the ball \" bounce \" or \" hop \" and not hold the green well . Furthermore , it has to be virtually flat for a nylon green to hold a golf ball . Although nylon greens should be built over a concrete slab , you might as well just take your penalty stroke and start over . Concrete will always crack or will always need joint for contraction and expansion . Joints and cracks will eventually agitate the green's surface creating visible ridges . Vice-versa , nylon turf with urethane backing will actually \" crawl \" across the surface creating wrinkles . A latex backing wo n't do this , but it will retain water and odors and lead to mold , mildew and fungus growth . For sure Stimp speed is not adjustable and undulations are almost nonexistent for a green built on a concrete slab . A concrete slab must have a slope for water drainage . The slope has to funnel water somewhere , which usually means towards the putting holes or all to one side of the green , resulting in puddles of stagnant water ; again leading to rot , mold and growth of fungus . If the nylon turf has a latex or rubber backing or padding , the problem is compounded . Rubber padding will compact and break down , forming irregular dips in the green , similar to what happens to an old worn out couch cushion . Stagnant water can accumulate under those too . Add that to the matted down fibers and you 've scored a \" double-bogey \" of a problem . Nylon fibers tend to be darker . A darker color gives the surface an unnatural blue-green appearance . Do n't take our word for it . Go to the internet and look at the photo galleries of companies selling nylon greens . You will notice greens that are abnormally dark or greens that actually look blue-green . Putting greens should \" accentuate , enhance and blend \" into the surrounding landscape , not detract from it . Nylon has streak lines caused either by inconsistencies of the dye lot or during the shearing process , which runs the length of the turf and can seriously hamper true ball roll . Final Note : Nylon greens cost almost twice as much as polypropylene . But because of the problems associated with nylon greens , you 're getting half of the product for twice the price . All of these problems combined are sure to handicap your short game . After extensive research of the fiber and manufacturing process , we have determined that the technology for nylon putting greens has yet to produce a putting surface that consistently provides true ball roll and holding characteristics of a real grass green . Polypropylene greens are the most realistic looking and have the most consistent surfaces . Its durable fiber can withstand all inclement weather conditions that Mother Nature can hurl at it . This increases the longevity of the green's life . They provide many more options for designing undulations , especially when built over a crushed sub-base . The fibers of an artificial grass deep infilled green are pre-bent and will not mat down over time They are maintenance free - : blow debris off with a leaf blower . Polypropylene greens have proven performance . Some companies claim that the taller the turf , the better the ball roll . They use a 1-1 \/ 2 turf , which requires much more infill product . More infill means that the fibers will be further apart . More distance between the fibers means the ball can roll on between fibers and infill , which is not a true and consistent ball roll . Usually a 1-1 \/ 2 fiber is used for the installations of synthetic football and soccer fields . These companies will try to adapt that fiber to a putting green surface , which signals the beginning to a multitude of frustrating problems . Some of these companies claim to be the manufacturer of their products . Buyer beware ! Most companies are simply the \" middlemen \" who sell products that they never actually see for themselves or who will sell factory \" seconds \" . A product may be classified as a second if there is color difference in the yarn used , a flaw or streak in the length of the material , or the backing is defective . Their \" manufactured \" products are not fully inspected for quality . Facts About Nylon Nylon golf greens offer the worst of all possible combinations . They are sold by \" sales people \" , not textile experts . At one time Dupont's nylon 6.6 dominated the sport field market place but was never intended for golf course applications . Except for commercial driving range golf mats , new fiber and infill technologies have virtually eliminated nylon from the sports turf and golf green scene . American Sports & Recreational Surfaces manufactures range mats with SFI monofilament nylon ( SFI is the available source for monofilament nylon in the United States ) . Golf greens using this nylon have \" streak \" lines . If you absolutely have to purchase a nylon golf green demand \" in writing \" that the turf will not have \" streaked \" lines in it . Nylon should be installed over concrete , not nailed down over sand or crushed stone . Nylon with a urethane secondary backing will expand and contract as the ambient temperature changes . This will cause the turf to \" crawl \" on top of the sub-base . Using spikes to hold down the perimeter edges will create bubbles and wrinkles in the turf . You are probably not installing the green for \" goofy golf \" but that is exactly what you will get when the turf bubbles , wrinkles or covers half the cup due to shifting . This is why outdoor nylon turf installations have always been a total direct glue down onto concrete , asphalt . E-Layer or other stabilized substrate . Nylon Golf Greens Will Not Hold A Shot Some companies are still selling nylon turf with an attached expanded urethane foam cushion for outdoor golf greens . These cushions are open cell products that absorb water , retain odors and have a fatigue factor . This will accept short chip shots until your golf green rots or your wife demands it 's removal . If you topdress this nylon turf with the sand these same sales people recommend you will have a nice hard surface to park your boat on . Nylon turf golf greens seem attractive because they are quick to install but the fact is that nylon should be limited to indoor installations where entertainment is the primary objective , rather than a tool to improve your golf game and your home value , if \" streaks \" are not a concern .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"N. 6 : A Protein Crystallographic Toolbox : CCP4 Software Suite and PDB Deposition Tools A one day workshop attached to the IUCr 2005 , Florence , August 23rd 2005 The objective of this one-day workshop was not to teach crystallography but to teach people how to use some of the programs distributed with the CCP4 package to do protein crystallography . The workshop was organised by Maeri Howard and Peter Briggs with financial assistance from CCP4 \/ CCLRC . The original workshop programme can be found here . The presentations are available for download below , in either Microsoft Powerpoint or Adobe PDF format . Many thanks to the speakers for giving their time and energy , and for allowing their presentations to be distributed . More information on the CCP4 project can be found at http:\/\/www.ccp4.ac.uk \/ . Back row , L-R : Gwyndaf Evans , M artin Noble , Peter Briggs . Front row , L-R : Liz Potterton , Kyle Burkhardt , Martyn Winn , Maeri Howard , Paul Emsley","labels":"News","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"High House is a small Victorian stone built country house situated on the edge of the picturesque village of Barrowden , in Rutland , England's smallest county . Wake up to the sound of bird song and glorious views over the unspoiled countryside and the River Welland Valley . You will receive a warm welcome and stay in a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere . The ensuite bedrooms are comfortable and spacious , with colour television and tea \/ coffee making facilities . A generous English or continental breakfast is provided . Packed lunches and evening meals can also be arranged . There is a comfortable sitting room with a log fire in winter .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"} +{"text":"After studying the Wordtracker results for the MSN and Google search engines for words that include \" massage , \" we picked the third result , \" Techniques of Massage , \" because it 's an excellent and appropriate angle for our client . The # 1 result in MSN has a KEI of 3696 , but it would n ' t work with our client's site . You have to be sure to choose keyword phrases that are appropriate for your particular client's site . At MSN , \" Techniques of Massage \" has a KEI of 255 . Within a 24 - hour period , if your site was placed well in the MSN engine , you could expect to get 90 visitors from MSN alone . What is your competition ? 1954 . \" Techniques of Massage \" in Google has a KEI of 900 , 165 potential visitors through Google alone in a 24-hour period , and competition of only 555 . Remember that a \" good \" KEI is anything over 100 , and an \" excellent \" KEI is anything over 400 . Let 's be honest here . You could manage a top 10 for this keyword phrase with your eyes closed ( and your computer turned off ) . So , for our aromatherapy client , we could create a page on the various techniques of massage , including ( of course ) her oils and aromatherapy products . We would spend time on the page and give it true value to both the engines and the target audience . And , we would subtly add graphics and link text that points to the client's products in various areas of the page . John gave another example He says , \" If you 're selling ' digital cameras , ' do n't optimize for ' digital cameras . ' Did you know that everyone is searching for ' Digital Cameras Review ' ? Build a page offering reviews of digital cameras , which has a KEI that just blew me away . \" Another effective strategy : Top Reports Besides Comprehensive Search , John also likes to look at the top reports for high performance keywords or topics that are related to his client . John explains , \" I 'll review the Long Term Reports , which are the top 1000 keywords over the past 24 hours . Then , I cut and paste any topics related to my client into Comprehensive Search to get streams of currently ' hot topics . ' I define a hot topic as a popular topic in high demand , which may also have lists of related keywords phrases also in high demand . \" What happens if you ca n ' t find a hot topic that relates to your site in the top 1000 ? John answers , \" Many people do not know that Wordtracker offers extensive top word reports beyond the database . All you have to do is ask , and they 'll sell you : * The Top 20,000 words $ 99 * The Top 100,000 words $ 500 * The Top 500,000 words $ 2000 \" Additional suggestions * When John goes to Comprehensive Search , he does n ' t put in a huge list of keyword phrases . He types in one single word , then lets Comprehensive Search do the rest . This allows him to come up with ideas and angles that he would have never considered before . * Like John , spend a lot of time thinking of your target audience . Who are you trying to sell the products or services to ? There may be several target audiences , as in the case of our aromatherapy example . If so , go after keyword choices to target each of those audiences . * Do n't be afraid to let your creativity take hold . If your first few choices do n't work , continue trying . Using Comprehensive Search , it does n ' t take long to go back through the system with a different keyword idea . Keep going back until you find a possibility that might work for your site or the site of a client . * Be sure to give the surfer what they 're looking for when they choose your site from the search results . If you promised them \" techniques of massage , \" then be sure to give them good , solid content in that area , including related links . Weave your products and services throughout the page as you can . But , do n't ever try to trick a surfer . * If you get stuck and just ca n ' t find a keyword phrase with a high KEI and a low level of competition that will work for you , take a slightly different approach . Instead of trying to bring in a large amount of traffic through one single window , try creating several windows and bring in a little traffic through each one . Though more time consuming , this strategy can be equally effective in the long run . * If you are n ' t already a member of Wordtracker ( http:\/\/www.wordtracker.com ) , sign up for the free trial and test the system out for yourself . Pricing is very reasonable , depending on your needs . For example , you can use the service for a week for $ 19.94 , and many other plans are available . The bottom line is this : if you are serious about your Web site , you 've got to be serious about keyword choice . If you 're serious about keyword choice , Wordtracker is a \" must have \" service for you . Robin Nobles , Director of Training , Academy of Web Specialists , ( http:\/\/www.academywebspecialists.com ) has trained several thousand people in her online search engine marketing courses ( http:\/\/www.onlinewebtraining.com ) and is the content provider for ( GRSeo ) Search Engine Optimizer software ( http:\/\/www.se-optimizer.com ) . She also teaches 3-day hands on search engine marketing workshops in locations across the globe with Search Engine Workshops ( http:\/\/www.searchengineworkshops.com ) . Reproduction rights You may reproduce this article in any format as long as the content is not edited and the \" About the author \" portion above remains intact .","labels":"Promotion","dataset":"FTD","language":"English"}