File size: 64,855 Bytes
  "language": "Solidity",
  "sources": {
    "contracts/EthboxMetadata.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed\r\n\r\npragma solidity 0.8.16;\r\n\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol\";\r\nimport \"./strings.sol\";\r\nimport \"./base64.sol\";\r\nimport \"./EthboxStructs.sol\";\r\n\r\nabstract contract ReverseRegistrar {\r\n    function node(address addr) public pure virtual returns (bytes32);\r\n}\r\n\r\nabstract contract ENS {\r\n    function resolver(bytes32 node) public view virtual returns (address);\r\n}\r\n\r\nabstract contract Resolver {\r\n    function name(bytes32 node) public view virtual returns (string memory);\r\n}\r\n\r\ncontract EthboxMetadata is Ownable {\r\n    using Address for address;\r\n    using Strings for uint256;\r\n    using strings for *;\r\n\r\n    ENS ens;\r\n    ReverseRegistrar reverseRegistrar;\r\n\r\n    string private desc;\r\n    string private externalUrl;\r\n    string private messageInsert;\r\n    string private ethboxInsert;\r\n    string private emptyInsert;\r\n\r\n    constructor() {\r\n        ens = ENS(0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e);\r\n        // reverseRegistrar = ReverseRegistrar(0x6F628b68b30Dc3c17f345c9dbBb1E483c2b7aE5c); //rinkeby\r\n        reverseRegistrar = ReverseRegistrar(0x084b1c3C81545d370f3634392De611CaaBFf8148);//mainnet\r\n        externalUrl = \"\";\r\n        desc = \"Ethbox is a fully on-chain Ethereum messaging protocol that enables any wallet to bid ETH to send messages to another wallet.\";\r\n        messageInsert = '<g id=\"message-${_INDEX}\" style=\"display:${_VISIBILITY}\" onclick=\"cycleMessage()\"><foreignObject x=\"5%\" y=\"5%\" width=\"97.1%\" height=\"14.2%\"><div class = \"plain-text\" xmlns=\"\" style=\"color:#00ff40;font-family:monospace;font-size:0.9em\">to  : ${_TO}</div></foreignObject><foreignObject x=\"5%\" y=\"10%\" width=\"97.1%\" height=\"14.2%\"><div class = \"plain-text\" xmlns=\"\" style=\"color:#00ff40;font-family:monospace;font-size:0.9em\">from: ${_FROM} </div></foreignObject><foreignObject x=\"5%\" y=\"15%\" width=\"97.1%\" height=\"90%\"><div class = \"plain-text\" xmlns=\"\" style=\"color:#00ff40;font-family:monospace;font-size:1.5em\"> ${_MESSAGE} </div></foreignObject><foreignObject x=\"5%\" y=\"85%\" width=\"90%\" height=\"80%\"><div class = \"plain-text\" xmlns=\"\" style=\"color:#00ff40;font-family:monospace;font-size:1.8em;text-align:left\"> Bid: ${_VALUE} ETH </div></foreignObject><foreignObject x=\"82%\" y=\"85%\" width=\"97.1%\" height=\"90%\"><div class = \"plain-text\" xmlns=\"\" style=\"color:#00ff40;font-family:monospace;font-size:1.5em;text-align:left\">(${_POSITION})</div></foreignObject></g>';\r\n        emptyInsert = '<g style=\"display:visible\"><foreignObject x=\"7.5%\" y=\"45%\" width=\"97.1%\" height=\"14.2%\"><div class = \"plain-text\" xmlns=\"\" style=\"color:white;font-family:monospace;font-size:0.9em\"> ${_TO}</div></foreignObject><foreignObject x=\"7.5%\" y=\"10%\" width=\"97.1%\" height=\"90%\"><div class = \"plain-text\" xmlns=\"\" style=\"color:#00ff40;font-family:monospace;font-size:1.5em\"> Empty Ethbox</div></foreignObject></g>';\r\n        ethboxInsert = '<svg id= \"wrapper\" width=\"350px\" height=\"350px\" viewbox=\"0 0 100% 100%\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink= \"\"><rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#0d140c\" /><text x=\"5%\" y=\"95%\" font-size=\"0.8em\" fill=\"#00ff40\" font-family=\"monospace\"> Click or tap to cycle messages </text>${_MESSAGES}<script>var current_message = 0;var messages = document.querySelectorAll(\\'[id^=\"message-\"]\\');document.getElementById(\"wrapper\").setAttribute(\"width\", \"100%\");document.getElementById(\"wrapper\").setAttribute(\"height\", \"100%\");function cycleMessage() {document.getElementById(\"message-\" + current_message).style.display =\"none\";current_message = (current_message + 1) % messages.length;document.getElementById(\"message-\" + current_message).style.display =\"block\";};</script></svg>';\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    //////////////////////////////////////\r\n    //////////////////////////////////////\r\n    // Display and metadata functions //\r\n    //todo : embed variables\r\n\r\n    function setDesc(string memory _desc) external onlyOwner {\r\n        desc = _desc;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function setExternalUrl(string memory _externalUrl) external onlyOwner {\r\n        externalUrl = _externalUrl;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function setMessageInsert(string memory _messageInsert) external onlyOwner {\r\n        messageInsert = _messageInsert;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function setEthboxInsert(string memory _ethboxInsert) external onlyOwner {\r\n        ethboxInsert = _ethboxInsert;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function setEmptyInsert(string memory _emtpyInsert) external onlyOwner {\r\n        emptyInsert = _emtpyInsert;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function valueToEthString(uint256 _value)\r\n        public\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (string memory)\r\n    {\r\n        if (_value == 0) return \"0\";\r\n        strings.slice memory eRep = Strings.toString(_value).toSlice();\r\n        strings.slice memory zero = \"0\".toSlice();\r\n        uint256 len = eRep.len();\r\n        if (len > 18) {\r\n            // more then 1eth, add a dot and remove trailing 0's\r\n            uint256 roundEth = _value / 1 ether;\r\n            strings.slice memory round = Strings.toString(roundEth).toSlice();\r\n            eRep.split(round);\r\n            while (eRep.endsWith(zero)) {\r\n                eRep.until(zero);\r\n            }\r\n            return\r\n                string(\r\n                    abi.encodePacked(round.toString(), \".\", eRep.toString())\r\n                );\r\n        } else {\r\n            uint256 diff = 18 - len;\r\n            strings.slice memory padding = \"0.\".toSlice();\r\n            for (diff; diff != 0; diff--) {\r\n                padding = padding.concat(zero).toSlice();\r\n            }\r\n            while (eRep.endsWith(zero)) {\r\n                eRep.until(zero);\r\n            }\r\n            return\r\n                string(abi.encodePacked(padding.toString(), eRep.toString()));\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function addressToENS(address _address)\r\n        public\r\n        view\r\n        returns (string memory)\r\n    {\r\n        bytes32 node = reverseRegistrar.node(_address);\r\n        address resolverAddress = ens.resolver(node);\r\n        if (resolverAddress == address(0))\r\n            return Strings.toHexString(uint160(_address), 20);\r\n        Resolver resolver = Resolver(resolverAddress);\r\n        string memory name =;\r\n        return \r\n            string(\r\n                abi.encodePacked(\r\n                    \"(maybe) \",\r\n                    name\r\n                ));\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function buildEthboxImage(\r\n        address owner,\r\n        EthboxStructs.UnpackedMessage[] memory messages\r\n    ) public view returns (string memory) {\r\n        string memory svg = buildSVG(owner, messages, messages.length);\r\n        return\r\n            string(\r\n                abi.encodePacked(\r\n                    \"data:image/svg+xml;base64,\",\r\n                    Base64.encode(bytes(svg))\r\n                )\r\n            );\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function buildEthboxHtml(\r\n        address owner,\r\n        EthboxStructs.UnpackedMessage[] memory messages\r\n    ) public view returns (string memory) {\r\n        string memory svg = buildSVG(owner, messages, messages.length);\r\n        return\r\n            string(\r\n                abi.encodePacked(\r\n                    \"data:text/html;base64,\",\r\n                    Base64.encode(\r\n                        bytes(\r\n                            string(\r\n                                abi.encodePacked(\r\n                                    \"<html><body>\",\r\n                                    svg,\r\n                                    \"</body></html>\"\r\n                                )\r\n                            )\r\n                        )\r\n                    )\r\n                )\r\n            );\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function buildSingleMessageSVG(EthboxStructs.MessageInfo memory _display)\r\n        private\r\n        view\r\n        returns (string memory)\r\n    {\r\n        strings.slice memory sliceMessage = messageInsert.toSlice();\r\n\r\n        string memory output = string(\r\n            abi.encodePacked(\r\n                sliceMessage.split(\"${_INDEX}\".toSlice()).toString(),\r\n                Strings.toString(_display.index),\r\n                sliceMessage.split(\"${_VISIBILITY}\".toSlice()).toString(),\r\n                _display.visibility,\r\n                sliceMessage.split(\"${_TO}\".toSlice()).toString(),\r\n                addressToENS(,\r\n                sliceMessage.split(\"${_FROM}\".toSlice()).toString(),\r\n                addressToENS(_display.message.from),\r\n                sliceMessage.split(\"${_MESSAGE}\".toSlice()).toString()\r\n            )\r\n        );\r\n\r\n        output = string(\r\n            abi.encodePacked(\r\n                output,\r\n                _display.message.message,\r\n                sliceMessage.split(\"${_VALUE}\".toSlice()).toString(),\r\n                valueToEthString(_display.message.originalValue),\r\n                sliceMessage.split(\"${_POSITION}\".toSlice()).toString(),\r\n                Strings.toString(_display.index + 1),\r\n                \"/\",\r\n                Strings.toString(_display.maxSize),\r\n                sliceMessage.toString()\r\n            )\r\n        );\r\n\r\n        return output;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function buildEmptyEthboxSVG(address _to)\r\n        private\r\n        view\r\n        returns (string memory)\r\n    {\r\n        strings.slice memory sliceMessage = emptyInsert.toSlice();\r\n\r\n        string memory output = string(\r\n            abi.encodePacked(\r\n                sliceMessage.split(\"${_TO}\".toSlice()).toString(),\r\n                addressToENS(_to),\r\n                sliceMessage.toString()\r\n            )\r\n        );\r\n\r\n        return output;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function buildSVG(\r\n        address _to,\r\n        EthboxStructs.UnpackedMessage[] memory _messages,\r\n        uint256 _maxSize\r\n    ) private view returns (string memory) {\r\n        strings.slice memory sliceEthbox = ethboxInsert.toSlice();\r\n        string memory output = sliceEthbox\r\n            .split(\"${_MESSAGES}\".toSlice())\r\n            .toString();\r\n        string memory visibility = \"visible\";\r\n        if (_messages.length == 0) {\r\n            output = string(abi.encodePacked(output, buildEmptyEthboxSVG(_to)));\r\n        } else {\r\n            for (uint256 i = 0; i < _messages.length; i++) {\r\n                if (i == 1) {\r\n                    visibility = \"none\";\r\n                }\r\n                EthboxStructs.MessageInfo memory display = EthboxStructs\r\n                    .MessageInfo(_to, visibility, _messages[i], i, _maxSize);\r\n                output = string(\r\n                    abi.encodePacked(output, buildSingleMessageSVG(display))\r\n                );\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return string(abi.encodePacked(output, sliceEthbox.toString()));\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function buildMetadata(\r\n        address owner,\r\n        EthboxStructs.UnpackedMessage[] memory messages,\r\n        uint256 ethboxSize,\r\n        uint256 ethboxDrip\r\n    ) public view returns (string memory) {\r\n        uint256 currentSize = messages.length;\r\n        string memory output = string(\r\n            abi.encodePacked(\r\n                '{\"name\":\"',\r\n                addressToENS(owner),\r\n                '\", \"description\":\"',\r\n                desc,\r\n                '\", \"external_url\":\"',\r\n                externalUrl,\r\n                addressToENS(owner),\r\n                '\", \"attributes\": '\r\n            )\r\n        );\r\n\r\n        string memory attributes = string(\r\n            abi.encodePacked(\r\n                '[{ \"trait_type\": \"Max Capacity\", \"value\": ',\r\n                Strings.toString(ethboxSize),\r\n                '},{ \"trait_type\": \"Message Count\", \"value\": ',\r\n                Strings.toString(currentSize),\r\n                '},{ \"trait_type\": \"Drip Time\", \"value\": ',\r\n                Strings.toString(ethboxDrip),\r\n                \"}]\"\r\n            )\r\n        );\r\n\r\n        output = string(abi.encodePacked(output, attributes, ', \"image\": \"'));\r\n        string memory svg = buildSVG(owner, messages, currentSize);\r\n        output = string(\r\n            abi.encodePacked(\r\n                output,\r\n                \"data:image/svg+xml;base64,\",\r\n                Base64.encode(bytes(svg)),\r\n                '\", \"animation_url\": \"data:text/html;base64,',\r\n                Base64.encode(\r\n                    bytes(\r\n                        string(\r\n                            abi.encodePacked(\r\n                                \"<html><body>\",\r\n                                svg,\r\n                                \"</body></html>\"\r\n                            )\r\n                        )\r\n                    )\r\n                ),\r\n                '\"}'\r\n            )\r\n        );\r\n        return\r\n            string(\r\n                abi.encodePacked(\r\n                    \"data:application/json;base64,\",\r\n                    Base64.encode(bytes(output))\r\n                )\r\n            );\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n"
    "contracts/EthboxStructs.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed\r\n\r\npragma solidity 0.8.16;\r\n\r\nlibrary EthboxStructs {\r\n    struct Message {\r\n        string message;\r\n        uint256 originalValue;\r\n        uint256 claimedValue;\r\n        uint256 data;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    struct MessageData {\r\n        address from;\r\n        uint64 timestamp;\r\n        uint8 index;\r\n        uint24 feeBPS;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    struct UnpackedMessage {\r\n        string message;\r\n        uint256 originalValue;\r\n        uint256 claimedValue;\r\n        address from;\r\n        uint64 timestamp;\r\n        uint8 index;\r\n        uint24 feeBPS;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    struct MessageInfo {\r\n        address to;\r\n        string visibility;\r\n        UnpackedMessage message;\r\n        uint256 index;\r\n        uint256 maxSize;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    struct EthboxInfo {\r\n        address recipient;\r\n        uint8 size;\r\n        bool locked;\r\n        uint64 drip;\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n"
    "contracts/base64.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\n\r\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\r\n\r\nlibrary Base64 {\r\n    string internal constant TABLE_ENCODE = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';\r\n    bytes  internal constant TABLE_DECODE = hex\"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\"\r\n                                            hex\"00000000000000000000003e0000003f3435363738393a3b3c3d000000000000\"\r\n                                            hex\"00000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718190000000000\"\r\n                                            hex\"001a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132330000000000\";\r\n\r\n    function encode(bytes memory data) internal pure returns (string memory) {\r\n        if (data.length == 0) return '';\r\n\r\n        // load the table into memory\r\n        string memory table = TABLE_ENCODE;\r\n\r\n        // multiply by 4/3 rounded up\r\n        uint256 encodedLen = 4 * ((data.length + 2) / 3);\r\n\r\n        // add some extra buffer at the end required for the writing\r\n        string memory result = new string(encodedLen + 32);\r\n\r\n        assembly {\r\n            // set the actual output length\r\n            mstore(result, encodedLen)\r\n\r\n            // prepare the lookup table\r\n            let tablePtr := add(table, 1)\r\n\r\n            // input ptr\r\n            let dataPtr := data\r\n            let endPtr := add(dataPtr, mload(data))\r\n\r\n            // result ptr, jump over length\r\n            let resultPtr := add(result, 32)\r\n\r\n            // run over the input, 3 bytes at a time\r\n            for {} lt(dataPtr, endPtr) {}\r\n            {\r\n                // read 3 bytes\r\n                dataPtr := add(dataPtr, 3)\r\n                let input := mload(dataPtr)\r\n\r\n                // write 4 characters\r\n                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(18, input), 0x3F))))\r\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)\r\n                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(12, input), 0x3F))))\r\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)\r\n                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr( 6, input), 0x3F))))\r\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)\r\n                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(        input,  0x3F))))\r\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)\r\n            }\r\n\r\n            // padding with '='\r\n            switch mod(mload(data), 3)\r\n            case 1 { mstore(sub(resultPtr, 2), shl(240, 0x3d3d)) }\r\n            case 2 { mstore(sub(resultPtr, 1), shl(248, 0x3d)) }\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return result;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function decode(string memory _data) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {\r\n        bytes memory data = bytes(_data);\r\n\r\n        if (data.length == 0) return new bytes(0);\r\n        require(data.length % 4 == 0, \"invalid base64 decoder input\");\r\n\r\n        // load the table into memory\r\n        bytes memory table = TABLE_DECODE;\r\n\r\n        // every 4 characters represent 3 bytes\r\n        uint256 decodedLen = (data.length / 4) * 3;\r\n\r\n        // add some extra buffer at the end required for the writing\r\n        bytes memory result = new bytes(decodedLen + 32);\r\n\r\n        assembly {\r\n            // padding with '='\r\n            let lastBytes := mload(add(data, mload(data)))\r\n            if eq(and(lastBytes, 0xFF), 0x3d) {\r\n                decodedLen := sub(decodedLen, 1)\r\n                if eq(and(lastBytes, 0xFFFF), 0x3d3d) {\r\n                    decodedLen := sub(decodedLen, 1)\r\n                }\r\n            }\r\n\r\n            // set the actual output length\r\n            mstore(result, decodedLen)\r\n\r\n            // prepare the lookup table\r\n            let tablePtr := add(table, 1)\r\n\r\n            // input ptr\r\n            let dataPtr := data\r\n            let endPtr := add(dataPtr, mload(data))\r\n\r\n            // result ptr, jump over length\r\n            let resultPtr := add(result, 32)\r\n\r\n            // run over the input, 4 characters at a time\r\n            for {} lt(dataPtr, endPtr) {}\r\n            {\r\n               // read 4 characters\r\n               dataPtr := add(dataPtr, 4)\r\n               let input := mload(dataPtr)\r\n\r\n               // write 3 bytes\r\n               let output := add(\r\n                   add(\r\n                       shl(18, and(mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(24, input), 0xFF))), 0xFF)),\r\n                       shl(12, and(mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(16, input), 0xFF))), 0xFF))),\r\n                   add(\r\n                       shl( 6, and(mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr( 8, input), 0xFF))), 0xFF)),\r\n                               and(mload(add(tablePtr, and(        input , 0xFF))), 0xFF)\r\n                    )\r\n                )\r\n                mstore(resultPtr, shl(232, output))\r\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 3)\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return result;\r\n    }\r\n}"
    "contracts/strings.sol": {
      "content": "/*\r\n * @title String & slice utility library for Solidity contracts.\r\n * @author Nick Johnson <>\r\n *\r\n * @dev Functionality in this library is largely implemented using an\r\n *      abstraction called a 'slice'. A slice represents a part of a string -\r\n *      anything from the entire string to a single character, or even no\r\n *      characters at all (a 0-length slice). Since a slice only has to specify\r\n *      an offset and a length, copying and manipulating slices is a lot less\r\n *      expensive than copying and manipulating the strings they reference.\r\n *\r\n *      To further reduce gas costs, most functions on slice that need to return\r\n *      a slice modify the original one instead of allocating a new one; for\r\n *      instance, `s.split(\".\")` will return the text up to the first '.',\r\n *      modifying s to only contain the remainder of the string after the '.'.\r\n *      In situations where you do not want to modify the original slice, you\r\n *      can make a copy first with `.copy()`, for example:\r\n *      `s.copy().split(\".\")`. Try and avoid using this idiom in loops; since\r\n *      Solidity has no memory management, it will result in allocating many\r\n *      short-lived slices that are later discarded.\r\n *\r\n *      Functions that return two slices come in two versions: a non-allocating\r\n *      version that takes the second slice as an argument, modifying it in\r\n *      place, and an allocating version that allocates and returns the second\r\n *      slice; see `nextRune` for example.\r\n *\r\n *      Functions that have to copy string data will return strings rather than\r\n *      slices; these can be cast back to slices for further processing if\r\n *      required.\r\n *\r\n *      For convenience, some functions are provided with non-modifying\r\n *      variants that create a new slice and return both; for instance,\r\n *      `s.splitNew('.')` leaves s unmodified, and returns two values\r\n *      corresponding to the left and right parts of the string.\r\n */\r\n\r\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\n\r\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\r\n\r\nlibrary strings {\r\n    struct slice {\r\n        uint256 _len;\r\n        uint256 _ptr;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function memcpy(\r\n        uint256 dest,\r\n        uint256 src,\r\n        uint256 length\r\n    ) private pure {\r\n        // Copy word-length chunks while possible\r\n        for (; length >= 32; length -= 32) {\r\n            assembly {\r\n                mstore(dest, mload(src))\r\n            }\r\n            dest += 32;\r\n            src += 32;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        // Copy remaining bytes\r\n        uint256 mask = type(uint256).max;\r\n        if (length > 0) {\r\n            mask = 256**(32 - length) - 1;\r\n        }\r\n        assembly {\r\n            let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask))\r\n            let destpart := and(mload(dest), mask)\r\n            mstore(dest, or(destpart, srcpart))\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns a slice containing the entire string.\r\n     * @param self The string to make a slice from.\r\n     * @return A newly allocated slice containing the entire string.\r\n     */\r\n    function toSlice(string memory self) internal pure returns (slice memory) {\r\n        uint256 ptr;\r\n        assembly {\r\n            ptr := add(self, 0x20)\r\n        }\r\n        return slice(bytes(self).length, ptr);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns the length of a null-terminated bytes32 string.\r\n     * @param self The value to find the length of.\r\n     * @return The length of the string, from 0 to 32.\r\n     */\r\n    function len(bytes32 self) internal pure returns (uint256) {\r\n        uint256 ret;\r\n        if (self == 0) return 0;\r\n        if (uint256(self) & type(uint128).max == 0) {\r\n            ret += 16;\r\n            self = bytes32(uint256(self) / 0x100000000000000000000000000000000);\r\n        }\r\n        if (uint256(self) & type(uint64).max == 0) {\r\n            ret += 8;\r\n            self = bytes32(uint256(self) / 0x10000000000000000);\r\n        }\r\n        if (uint256(self) & type(uint32).max == 0) {\r\n            ret += 4;\r\n            self = bytes32(uint256(self) / 0x100000000);\r\n        }\r\n        if (uint256(self) & type(uint16).max == 0) {\r\n            ret += 2;\r\n            self = bytes32(uint256(self) / 0x10000);\r\n        }\r\n        if (uint256(self) & type(uint8).max == 0) {\r\n            ret += 1;\r\n        }\r\n        return 32 - ret;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns a slice containing the entire bytes32, interpreted as a\r\n     *      null-terminated utf-8 string.\r\n     * @param self The bytes32 value to convert to a slice.\r\n     * @return A new slice containing the value of the input argument up to the\r\n     *         first null.\r\n     */\r\n    function toSliceB32(bytes32 self) internal pure returns (slice memory ret) {\r\n        // Allocate space for `self` in memory, copy it there, and point ret at it\r\n        assembly {\r\n            let ptr := mload(0x40)\r\n            mstore(0x40, add(ptr, 0x20))\r\n            mstore(ptr, self)\r\n            mstore(add(ret, 0x20), ptr)\r\n        }\r\n        ret._len = len(self);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns a new slice containing the same data as the current slice.\r\n     * @param self The slice to copy.\r\n     * @return A new slice containing the same data as `self`.\r\n     */\r\n    function copy(slice memory self) internal pure returns (slice memory) {\r\n        return slice(self._len, self._ptr);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Copies a slice to a new string.\r\n     * @param self The slice to copy.\r\n     * @return A newly allocated string containing the slice's text.\r\n     */\r\n    function toString(slice memory self) internal pure returns (string memory) {\r\n        string memory ret = new string(self._len);\r\n        uint256 retptr;\r\n        assembly {\r\n            retptr := add(ret, 32)\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        memcpy(retptr, self._ptr, self._len);\r\n        return ret;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns the length in runes of the slice. Note that this operation\r\n     *      takes time proportional to the length of the slice; avoid using it\r\n     *      in loops, and call `slice.empty()` if you only need to know whether\r\n     *      the slice is empty or not.\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @return The length of the slice in runes.\r\n     */\r\n    function len(slice memory self) internal pure returns (uint256 l) {\r\n        // Starting at ptr-31 means the LSB will be the byte we care about\r\n        uint256 ptr = self._ptr - 31;\r\n        uint256 end = ptr + self._len;\r\n        for (l = 0; ptr < end; l++) {\r\n            uint8 b;\r\n            assembly {\r\n                b := and(mload(ptr), 0xFF)\r\n            }\r\n            if (b < 0x80) {\r\n                ptr += 1;\r\n            } else if (b < 0xE0) {\r\n                ptr += 2;\r\n            } else if (b < 0xF0) {\r\n                ptr += 3;\r\n            } else if (b < 0xF8) {\r\n                ptr += 4;\r\n            } else if (b < 0xFC) {\r\n                ptr += 5;\r\n            } else {\r\n                ptr += 6;\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns true if the slice is empty (has a length of 0).\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @return True if the slice is empty, False otherwise.\r\n     */\r\n    function empty(slice memory self) internal pure returns (bool) {\r\n        return self._len == 0;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns a positive number if `other` comes lexicographically after\r\n     *      `self`, a negative number if it comes before, or zero if the\r\n     *      contents of the two slices are equal. Comparison is done per-rune,\r\n     *      on unicode codepoints.\r\n     * @param self The first slice to compare.\r\n     * @param other The second slice to compare.\r\n     * @return The result of the comparison.\r\n     */\r\n    function compare(slice memory self, slice memory other)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (int256)\r\n    {\r\n        uint256 shortest = self._len;\r\n        if (other._len < self._len) shortest = other._len;\r\n\r\n        uint256 selfptr = self._ptr;\r\n        uint256 otherptr = other._ptr;\r\n        for (uint256 idx = 0; idx < shortest; idx += 32) {\r\n            uint256 a;\r\n            uint256 b;\r\n            assembly {\r\n                a := mload(selfptr)\r\n                b := mload(otherptr)\r\n            }\r\n            if (a != b) {\r\n                // Mask out irrelevant bytes and check again\r\n                uint256 mask = type(uint256).max; // 0xffff...\r\n                if (shortest < 32) {\r\n                    mask = ~(2**(8 * (32 - shortest + idx)) - 1);\r\n                }\r\n                unchecked {\r\n                    uint256 diff = (a & mask) - (b & mask);\r\n                    if (diff != 0) return int256(diff);\r\n                }\r\n            }\r\n            selfptr += 32;\r\n            otherptr += 32;\r\n        }\r\n        return int256(self._len) - int256(other._len);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns true if the two slices contain the same text.\r\n     * @param self The first slice to compare.\r\n     * @param self The second slice to compare.\r\n     * @return True if the slices are equal, false otherwise.\r\n     */\r\n    function equals(slice memory self, slice memory other)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (bool)\r\n    {\r\n        return compare(self, other) == 0;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Extracts the first rune in the slice into `rune`, advancing the\r\n     *      slice to point to the next rune and returning `self`.\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @param rune The slice that will contain the first rune.\r\n     * @return `rune`.\r\n     */\r\n    function nextRune(slice memory self, slice memory rune)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (slice memory)\r\n    {\r\n        rune._ptr = self._ptr;\r\n\r\n        if (self._len == 0) {\r\n            rune._len = 0;\r\n            return rune;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        uint256 l;\r\n        uint256 b;\r\n        // Load the first byte of the rune into the LSBs of b\r\n        assembly {\r\n            b := and(mload(sub(mload(add(self, 32)), 31)), 0xFF)\r\n        }\r\n        if (b < 0x80) {\r\n            l = 1;\r\n        } else if (b < 0xE0) {\r\n            l = 2;\r\n        } else if (b < 0xF0) {\r\n            l = 3;\r\n        } else {\r\n            l = 4;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        // Check for truncated codepoints\r\n        if (l > self._len) {\r\n            rune._len = self._len;\r\n            self._ptr += self._len;\r\n            self._len = 0;\r\n            return rune;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        self._ptr += l;\r\n        self._len -= l;\r\n        rune._len = l;\r\n        return rune;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns the first rune in the slice, advancing the slice to point\r\n     *      to the next rune.\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @return A slice containing only the first rune from `self`.\r\n     */\r\n    function nextRune(slice memory self)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (slice memory ret)\r\n    {\r\n        nextRune(self, ret);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns the number of the first codepoint in the slice.\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @return The number of the first codepoint in the slice.\r\n     */\r\n    function ord(slice memory self) internal pure returns (uint256 ret) {\r\n        if (self._len == 0) {\r\n            return 0;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        uint256 word;\r\n        uint256 length;\r\n        uint256 divisor = 2**248;\r\n\r\n        // Load the rune into the MSBs of b\r\n        assembly {\r\n            word := mload(mload(add(self, 32)))\r\n        }\r\n        uint256 b = word / divisor;\r\n        if (b < 0x80) {\r\n            ret = b;\r\n            length = 1;\r\n        } else if (b < 0xE0) {\r\n            ret = b & 0x1F;\r\n            length = 2;\r\n        } else if (b < 0xF0) {\r\n            ret = b & 0x0F;\r\n            length = 3;\r\n        } else {\r\n            ret = b & 0x07;\r\n            length = 4;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        // Check for truncated codepoints\r\n        if (length > self._len) {\r\n            return 0;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        for (uint256 i = 1; i < length; i++) {\r\n            divisor = divisor / 256;\r\n            b = (word / divisor) & 0xFF;\r\n            if (b & 0xC0 != 0x80) {\r\n                // Invalid UTF-8 sequence\r\n                return 0;\r\n            }\r\n            ret = (ret * 64) | (b & 0x3F);\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return ret;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns the keccak-256 hash of the slice.\r\n     * @param self The slice to hash.\r\n     * @return The hash of the slice.\r\n     */\r\n    function keccak(slice memory self) internal pure returns (bytes32 ret) {\r\n        assembly {\r\n            ret := keccak256(mload(add(self, 32)), mload(self))\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns true if `self` starts with `needle`.\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @param needle The slice to search for.\r\n     * @return True if the slice starts with the provided text, false otherwise.\r\n     */\r\n    function startsWith(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (bool)\r\n    {\r\n        if (self._len < needle._len) {\r\n            return false;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        if (self._ptr == needle._ptr) {\r\n            return true;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        bool equal;\r\n        assembly {\r\n            let length := mload(needle)\r\n            let selfptr := mload(add(self, 0x20))\r\n            let needleptr := mload(add(needle, 0x20))\r\n            equal := eq(\r\n                keccak256(selfptr, length),\r\n                keccak256(needleptr, length)\r\n            )\r\n        }\r\n        return equal;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev If `self` starts with `needle`, `needle` is removed from the\r\n     *      beginning of `self`. Otherwise, `self` is unmodified.\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @param needle The slice to search for.\r\n     * @return `self`\r\n     */\r\n    function beyond(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (slice memory)\r\n    {\r\n        if (self._len < needle._len) {\r\n            return self;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        bool equal = true;\r\n        if (self._ptr != needle._ptr) {\r\n            assembly {\r\n                let length := mload(needle)\r\n                let selfptr := mload(add(self, 0x20))\r\n                let needleptr := mload(add(needle, 0x20))\r\n                equal := eq(\r\n                    keccak256(selfptr, length),\r\n                    keccak256(needleptr, length)\r\n                )\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        if (equal) {\r\n            self._len -= needle._len;\r\n            self._ptr += needle._len;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return self;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns true if the slice ends with `needle`.\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @param needle The slice to search for.\r\n     * @return True if the slice starts with the provided text, false otherwise.\r\n     */\r\n    function endsWith(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (bool)\r\n    {\r\n        if (self._len < needle._len) {\r\n            return false;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        uint256 selfptr = self._ptr + self._len - needle._len;\r\n\r\n        if (selfptr == needle._ptr) {\r\n            return true;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        bool equal;\r\n        assembly {\r\n            let length := mload(needle)\r\n            let needleptr := mload(add(needle, 0x20))\r\n            equal := eq(\r\n                keccak256(selfptr, length),\r\n                keccak256(needleptr, length)\r\n            )\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return equal;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev If `self` ends with `needle`, `needle` is removed from the\r\n     *      end of `self`. Otherwise, `self` is unmodified.\r\n     * @param self The slice to operate on.\r\n     * @param needle The slice to search for.\r\n     * @return `self`\r\n     */\r\n    function until(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (slice memory)\r\n    {\r\n        if (self._len < needle._len) {\r\n            return self;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        uint256 selfptr = self._ptr + self._len - needle._len;\r\n        bool equal = true;\r\n        if (selfptr != needle._ptr) {\r\n            assembly {\r\n                let length := mload(needle)\r\n                let needleptr := mload(add(needle, 0x20))\r\n                equal := eq(\r\n                    keccak256(selfptr, length),\r\n                    keccak256(needleptr, length)\r\n                )\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        if (equal) {\r\n            self._len -= needle._len;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return self;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // Returns the memory address of the first byte of the first occurrence of\r\n    // `needle` in `self`, or the first byte after `self` if not found.\r\n    function findPtr(\r\n        uint256 selflen,\r\n        uint256 selfptr,\r\n        uint256 needlelen,\r\n        uint256 needleptr\r\n    ) private pure returns (uint256) {\r\n        uint256 ptr = selfptr;\r\n        uint256 idx;\r\n\r\n        if (needlelen <= selflen) {\r\n            if (needlelen <= 32) {\r\n                bytes32 mask;\r\n                if (needlelen > 0) {\r\n                    mask = bytes32(~(2**(8 * (32 - needlelen)) - 1));\r\n                }\r\n\r\n                bytes32 needledata;\r\n                assembly {\r\n                    needledata := and(mload(needleptr), mask)\r\n                }\r\n\r\n                uint256 end = selfptr + selflen - needlelen;\r\n                bytes32 ptrdata;\r\n                assembly {\r\n                    ptrdata := and(mload(ptr), mask)\r\n                }\r\n\r\n                while (ptrdata != needledata) {\r\n                    if (ptr >= end) return selfptr + selflen;\r\n                    ptr++;\r\n                    assembly {\r\n                        ptrdata := and(mload(ptr), mask)\r\n                    }\r\n                }\r\n                return ptr;\r\n            } else {\r\n                // For long needles, use hashing\r\n                bytes32 hash;\r\n                assembly {\r\n                    hash := keccak256(needleptr, needlelen)\r\n                }\r\n\r\n                for (idx = 0; idx <= selflen - needlelen; idx++) {\r\n                    bytes32 testHash;\r\n                    assembly {\r\n                        testHash := keccak256(ptr, needlelen)\r\n                    }\r\n                    if (hash == testHash) return ptr;\r\n                    ptr += 1;\r\n                }\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n        return selfptr + selflen;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // Returns the memory address of the first byte after the last occurrence of\r\n    // `needle` in `self`, or the address of `self` if not found.\r\n    function rfindPtr(\r\n        uint256 selflen,\r\n        uint256 selfptr,\r\n        uint256 needlelen,\r\n        uint256 needleptr\r\n    ) private pure returns (uint256) {\r\n        uint256 ptr;\r\n\r\n        if (needlelen <= selflen) {\r\n            if (needlelen <= 32) {\r\n                bytes32 mask;\r\n                if (needlelen > 0) {\r\n                    mask = bytes32(~(2**(8 * (32 - needlelen)) - 1));\r\n                }\r\n\r\n                bytes32 needledata;\r\n                assembly {\r\n                    needledata := and(mload(needleptr), mask)\r\n                }\r\n\r\n                ptr = selfptr + selflen - needlelen;\r\n                bytes32 ptrdata;\r\n                assembly {\r\n                    ptrdata := and(mload(ptr), mask)\r\n                }\r\n\r\n                while (ptrdata != needledata) {\r\n                    if (ptr <= selfptr) return selfptr;\r\n                    ptr--;\r\n                    assembly {\r\n                        ptrdata := and(mload(ptr), mask)\r\n                    }\r\n                }\r\n                return ptr + needlelen;\r\n            } else {\r\n                // For long needles, use hashing\r\n                bytes32 hash;\r\n                assembly {\r\n                    hash := keccak256(needleptr, needlelen)\r\n                }\r\n                ptr = selfptr + (selflen - needlelen);\r\n                while (ptr >= selfptr) {\r\n                    bytes32 testHash;\r\n                    assembly {\r\n                        testHash := keccak256(ptr, needlelen)\r\n                    }\r\n                    if (hash == testHash) return ptr + needlelen;\r\n                    ptr -= 1;\r\n                }\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n        return selfptr;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Modifies `self` to contain everything from the first occurrence of\r\n     *      `needle` to the end of the slice. `self` is set to the empty slice\r\n     *      if `needle` is not found.\r\n     * @param self The slice to search and modify.\r\n     * @param needle The text to search for.\r\n     * @return `self`.\r\n     */\r\n    function find(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (slice memory)\r\n    {\r\n        uint256 ptr = findPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr);\r\n        self._len -= ptr - self._ptr;\r\n        self._ptr = ptr;\r\n        return self;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Modifies `self` to contain the part of the string from the start of\r\n     *      `self` to the end of the first occurrence of `needle`. If `needle`\r\n     *      is not found, `self` is set to the empty slice.\r\n     * @param self The slice to search and modify.\r\n     * @param needle The text to search for.\r\n     * @return `self`.\r\n     */\r\n    function rfind(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (slice memory)\r\n    {\r\n        uint256 ptr = rfindPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr);\r\n        self._len = ptr - self._ptr;\r\n        return self;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Splits the slice, setting `self` to everything after the first\r\n     *      occurrence of `needle`, and `token` to everything before it. If\r\n     *      `needle` does not occur in `self`, `self` is set to the empty slice,\r\n     *      and `token` is set to the entirety of `self`.\r\n     * @param self The slice to split.\r\n     * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.\r\n     * @param token An output parameter to which the first token is written.\r\n     * @return `token`.\r\n     */\r\n    function split(\r\n        slice memory self,\r\n        slice memory needle,\r\n        slice memory token\r\n    ) internal pure returns (slice memory) {\r\n        uint256 ptr = findPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr);\r\n        token._ptr = self._ptr;\r\n        token._len = ptr - self._ptr;\r\n        if (ptr == self._ptr + self._len) {\r\n            // Not found\r\n            self._len = 0;\r\n        } else {\r\n            self._len -= token._len + needle._len;\r\n            self._ptr = ptr + needle._len;\r\n        }\r\n        return token;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Splits the slice, setting `self` to everything after the first\r\n     *      occurrence of `needle`, and returning everything before it. If\r\n     *      `needle` does not occur in `self`, `self` is set to the empty slice,\r\n     *      and the entirety of `self` is returned.\r\n     * @param self The slice to split.\r\n     * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.\r\n     * @return The part of `self` up to the first occurrence of `delim`.\r\n     */\r\n    function split(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (slice memory token)\r\n    {\r\n        split(self, needle, token);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Splits the slice, setting `self` to everything before the last\r\n     *      occurrence of `needle`, and `token` to everything after it. If\r\n     *      `needle` does not occur in `self`, `self` is set to the empty slice,\r\n     *      and `token` is set to the entirety of `self`.\r\n     * @param self The slice to split.\r\n     * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.\r\n     * @param token An output parameter to which the first token is written.\r\n     * @return `token`.\r\n     */\r\n    function rsplit(\r\n        slice memory self,\r\n        slice memory needle,\r\n        slice memory token\r\n    ) internal pure returns (slice memory) {\r\n        uint256 ptr = rfindPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr);\r\n        token._ptr = ptr;\r\n        token._len = self._len - (ptr - self._ptr);\r\n        if (ptr == self._ptr) {\r\n            // Not found\r\n            self._len = 0;\r\n        } else {\r\n            self._len -= token._len + needle._len;\r\n        }\r\n        return token;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Splits the slice, setting `self` to everything before the last\r\n     *      occurrence of `needle`, and returning everything after it. If\r\n     *      `needle` does not occur in `self`, `self` is set to the empty slice,\r\n     *      and the entirety of `self` is returned.\r\n     * @param self The slice to split.\r\n     * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.\r\n     * @return The part of `self` after the last occurrence of `delim`.\r\n     */\r\n    function rsplit(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (slice memory token)\r\n    {\r\n        rsplit(self, needle, token);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Counts the number of nonoverlapping occurrences of `needle` in `self`.\r\n     * @param self The slice to search.\r\n     * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.\r\n     * @return The number of occurrences of `needle` found in `self`.\r\n     */\r\n    function count(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (uint256 cnt)\r\n    {\r\n        uint256 ptr = findPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr) +\r\n            needle._len;\r\n        while (ptr <= self._ptr + self._len) {\r\n            cnt++;\r\n            ptr =\r\n                findPtr(\r\n                    self._len - (ptr - self._ptr),\r\n                    ptr,\r\n                    needle._len,\r\n                    needle._ptr\r\n                ) +\r\n                needle._len;\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns True if `self` contains `needle`.\r\n     * @param self The slice to search.\r\n     * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.\r\n     * @return True if `needle` is found in `self`, false otherwise.\r\n     */\r\n    function contains(slice memory self, slice memory needle)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (bool)\r\n    {\r\n        return\r\n            rfindPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr) !=\r\n            self._ptr;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Returns a newly allocated string containing the concatenation of\r\n     *      `self` and `other`.\r\n     * @param self The first slice to concatenate.\r\n     * @param other The second slice to concatenate.\r\n     * @return The concatenation of the two strings.\r\n     */\r\n    function concat(slice memory self, slice memory other)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (string memory)\r\n    {\r\n        string memory ret = new string(self._len + other._len);\r\n        uint256 retptr;\r\n        assembly {\r\n            retptr := add(ret, 32)\r\n        }\r\n        memcpy(retptr, self._ptr, self._len);\r\n        memcpy(retptr + self._len, other._ptr, other._len);\r\n        return ret;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /*\r\n     * @dev Joins an array of slices, using `self` as a delimiter, returning a\r\n     *      newly allocated string.\r\n     * @param self The delimiter to use.\r\n     * @param parts A list of slices to join.\r\n     * @return A newly allocated string containing all the slices in `parts`,\r\n     *         joined with `self`.\r\n     */\r\n    function join(slice memory self, slice[] memory parts)\r\n        internal\r\n        pure\r\n        returns (string memory)\r\n    {\r\n        if (parts.length == 0) return \"\";\r\n\r\n        uint256 length = self._len * (parts.length - 1);\r\n        for (uint256 i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) length += parts[i]._len;\r\n\r\n        string memory ret = new string(length);\r\n        uint256 retptr;\r\n        assembly {\r\n            retptr := add(ret, 32)\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        for (uint256 i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {\r\n            memcpy(retptr, parts[i]._ptr, parts[i]._len);\r\n            retptr += parts[i]._len;\r\n            if (i < parts.length - 1) {\r\n                memcpy(retptr, self._ptr, self._len);\r\n                retptr += self._len;\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return ret;\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Strings.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\n/**\n * @dev String operations.\n */\nlibrary Strings {\n    bytes16 private constant _HEX_SYMBOLS = \"0123456789abcdef\";\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` decimal representation.\n     */\n    function toString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {\n        // Inspired by OraclizeAPI's implementation - MIT licence\n        //\n\n        if (value == 0) {\n            return \"0\";\n        }\n        uint256 temp = value;\n        uint256 digits;\n        while (temp != 0) {\n            digits++;\n            temp /= 10;\n        }\n        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(digits);\n        while (value != 0) {\n            digits -= 1;\n            buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));\n            value /= 10;\n        }\n        return string(buffer);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation.\n     */\n    function toHexString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {\n        if (value == 0) {\n            return \"0x00\";\n        }\n        uint256 temp = value;\n        uint256 length = 0;\n        while (temp != 0) {\n            length++;\n            temp >>= 8;\n        }\n        return toHexString(value, length);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation with fixed length.\n     */\n    function toHexString(uint256 value, uint256 length) internal pure returns (string memory) {\n        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(2 * length + 2);\n        buffer[0] = \"0\";\n        buffer[1] = \"x\";\n        for (uint256 i = 2 * length + 1; i > 1; --i) {\n            buffer[i] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[value & 0xf];\n            value >>= 4;\n        }\n        require(value == 0, \"Strings: hex length insufficient\");\n        return string(buffer);\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.5.0) (utils/Address.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.1;\n\n/**\n * @dev Collection of functions related to the address type\n */\nlibrary Address {\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract.\n     *\n     * [IMPORTANT]\n     * ====\n     * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns\n     * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract.\n     *\n     * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following\n     * types of addresses:\n     *\n     *  - an externally-owned account\n     *  - a contract in construction\n     *  - an address where a contract will be created\n     *  - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed\n     * ====\n     *\n     * [IMPORTANT]\n     * ====\n     * You shouldn't rely on `isContract` to protect against flash loan attacks!\n     *\n     * Preventing calls from contracts is highly discouraged. It breaks composability, breaks support for smart wallets\n     * like Gnosis Safe, and does not provide security since it can be circumvented by calling from a contract\n     * constructor.\n     * ====\n     */\n    function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {\n        // This method relies on extcodesize/address.code.length, which returns 0\n        // for contracts in construction, since the code is only stored at the end\n        // of the constructor execution.\n\n        return account.code.length > 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to\n     * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors.\n     *\n     *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost\n     * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit\n     * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via\n     * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation.\n     *\n     *[Learn more].\n     *\n     * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be\n     * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using\n     * {ReentrancyGuard} or the\n     *[checks-effects-interactions pattern].\n     */\n    function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {\n        require(address(this).balance >= amount, \"Address: insufficient balance\");\n\n        (bool success, ) ={value: amount}(\"\");\n        require(success, \"Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A\n     * plain `call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this\n     * function instead.\n     *\n     * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this\n     * function (like regular Solidity function calls).\n     *\n     * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value,\n     * use[`abi.decode`].\n     *\n     * Requirements:\n     *\n     * - `target` must be a contract.\n     * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.1._\n     */\n    function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionCall(target, data, \"Address: low-level call failed\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with\n     * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.1._\n     */\n    function functionCall(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`.\n     *\n     * Requirements:\n     *\n     * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`.\n     * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.1._\n     */\n    function functionCallWithValue(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        uint256 value\n    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, \"Address: low-level call with value failed\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but\n     * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.1._\n     */\n    function functionCallWithValue(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        uint256 value,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        require(address(this).balance >= value, \"Address: insufficient balance for call\");\n        require(isContract(target), \"Address: call to non-contract\");\n\n        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={value: value}(data);\n        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but performing a static call.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.3._\n     */\n    function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionStaticCall(target, data, \"Address: low-level static call failed\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but performing a static call.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.3._\n     */\n    function functionStaticCall(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal view returns (bytes memory) {\n        require(isContract(target), \"Address: static call to non-contract\");\n\n        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data);\n        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but performing a delegate call.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.4._\n     */\n    function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionDelegateCall(target, data, \"Address: low-level delegate call failed\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but performing a delegate call.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.4._\n     */\n    function functionDelegateCall(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        require(isContract(target), \"Address: delegate call to non-contract\");\n\n        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data);\n        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Tool to verifies that a low level call was successful, and revert if it wasn't, either by bubbling the\n     * revert reason using the provided one.\n     *\n     * _Available since v4.3._\n     */\n    function verifyCallResult(\n        bool success,\n        bytes memory returndata,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {\n        if (success) {\n            return returndata;\n        } else {\n            // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present\n            if (returndata.length > 0) {\n                // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly\n\n                assembly {\n                    let returndata_size := mload(returndata)\n                    revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size)\n                }\n            } else {\n                revert(errorMessage);\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (access/Ownable.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\nimport \"../utils/Context.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where\n * there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to\n * specific functions.\n *\n * By default, the owner account will be the one that deploys the contract. This\n * can later be changed with {transferOwnership}.\n *\n * This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifier\n * `onlyOwner`, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to\n * the owner.\n */\nabstract contract Ownable is Context {\n    address private _owner;\n\n    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner.\n     */\n    constructor() {\n        _transferOwnership(_msgSender());\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns the address of the current owner.\n     */\n    function owner() public view virtual returns (address) {\n        return _owner;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.\n     */\n    modifier onlyOwner() {\n        require(owner() == _msgSender(), \"Ownable: caller is not the owner\");\n        _;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call\n     * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner.\n     *\n     * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,\n     * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.\n     */\n    function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {\n        _transferOwnership(address(0));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).\n     * Can only be called by the current owner.\n     */\n    function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {\n        require(newOwner != address(0), \"Ownable: new owner is the zero address\");\n        _transferOwnership(newOwner);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).\n     * Internal function without access restriction.\n     */\n    function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal virtual {\n        address oldOwner = _owner;\n        _owner = newOwner;\n        emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner);\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Context.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\n/**\n * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the\n * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available\n * via msg.sender and, they should not be accessed in such a direct\n * manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and\n * paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application\n * is concerned).\n *\n * This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.\n */\nabstract contract Context {\n    function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {\n        return msg.sender;\n    }\n\n    function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {\n        return;\n    }\n}\n"
  "settings": {
    "optimizer": {
      "enabled": true,
      "runs": 200
    "outputSelection": {
      "*": {
        "*": [