File size: 83,358 Bytes
  "language": "Solidity",
  "sources": {
    "contracts/MarmottoshisIsERC1155.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\npragma solidity ^0.8.17;\r\n\r\nimport \"./IMarmottoshisIsERC1155.sol\";\r\nimport \"./ERC1155/ERC1155.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Base64.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/token/common/ERC2981.sol\";\r\n\r\ncontract MarmottoshisIsERC1155 is IMarmottoshisIsERC1155, ERC1155, ERC2981, Ownable, ReentrancyGuard {\r\n\r\n    string public name = \"Marmottoshis\";\r\n    string public symbol = \"WASAT\";\r\n\r\n    using Strings for uint;\r\n\r\n    Step public currentStep;\r\n\r\n    uint public constant maxToken = 21; // 21 different NFTs\r\n    uint public constant maxSupply = 37; // 37 copies of each NFT\r\n\r\n    uint public reservationPrice = 0.01727 ether; // Price of the reservation (21 USD ATM)\r\n    uint public reservationNFTPrice = 0.04663 ether; // Price of the NFT for reservation list (56.7 USD ATM)\r\n    uint public whitelistPrice = 0.0639 ether; // Price of whitelist mint (77.7 USD ATM)\r\n    uint public publicPrice = 0.0639 ether; // Price of public mint (77.7 USD ATM)\r\n\r\n    uint public balanceOfSatoshis = 0; // Balance of Satoshis (100000000 Satoshis = 1 Bitcoin)\r\n\r\n    uint public currentReservationNumber = 0; // Current number of reservations purchased\r\n\r\n    bytes32 public freeMintMerkleRoot; // Merkle root of the free mint\r\n    bytes32 public firstMerkleRoot; // Merkle root of the first whitelist\r\n    bytes32 public secondMerkleRoot; // Merkle root of the second whitelist\r\n\r\n    mapping(uint => Metadata) public metadataById; // Artist by ID\r\n    mapping(uint => uint) public supplyByID; // Number of NFTs minted by ID\r\n    mapping(address => bool) public reservationList; // List of addresses that reserved (true = reserved)\r\n\r\n    mapping(address => uint) public freeMintByWallet; // Number of NFTs minted by wallet for free mint\r\n    mapping(address => uint) public reservationMintByWallet; // Number of reserved NFT mint by wallet\r\n    mapping(address => uint) public firstWhitelistMintByWallet; // Number of first whitelist NFT mint by wallet\r\n    mapping(address => uint) public secondWhitelistMintByWallet; // Number of second whitelist NFT mint by wallet\r\n\r\n    mapping(uint => uint) public balanceOfSatoshiByID; // Balance of Satoshi by token ID\r\n\r\n    address public marmott; // Marmott's address\r\n\r\n    bool public isMetadataLocked = false; // Locks the metadata URI\r\n    bool public isRevealed = false; // Reveal the NFTs\r\n\r\n    constructor(address _marmott, string memory _uri) ERC1155(_uri) {\r\n        marmott = _marmott;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-mint}\r\n    function mint(uint idToMint, bytes32[] calldata _proof) public payable nonReentrant {\r\n        require(\r\n            currentStep == Step.FreeMint ||\r\n            currentStep == Step.ReservationMint ||\r\n            currentStep == Step.FirstWhitelistMint ||\r\n            currentStep == Step.SecondWhitelistMint ||\r\n            currentStep == Step.PublicMint\r\n        , \"Sale is not open\");\r\n        require(idToMint >= 1, \"Nonexistent id\");\r\n        require(idToMint <= maxToken, \"Nonexistent id\");\r\n        require(supplyByID[idToMint] + 1 <= maxSupply, \"Max supply exceeded for this id\");\r\n\r\n        if (currentStep == Step.FreeMint) {\r\n            require(isOnList(msg.sender, _proof, 0), \"Not on free mint list\");\r\n            require(totalSupply() + 1 <= 77, \"Max free mint supply exceeded\");\r\n            require(freeMintByWallet[msg.sender] + 1 <= 1, \"You already minted your free NFT\");\r\n            freeMintByWallet[msg.sender] += 1;\r\n            _mint(msg.sender, idToMint, 1, \"\");\r\n        } else if (currentStep == Step.ReservationMint) {\r\n            require(reservationList[msg.sender], \"Not on reservation list\");\r\n            require(msg.value >= reservationNFTPrice, \"Not enough ether\");\r\n            require(totalSupply() + 1 <= 477, \"Max reservation mint supply exceeded\");\r\n            require(reservationMintByWallet[msg.sender] + 1 <= 1, \"You already minted your reserved NFT\");\r\n            reservationMintByWallet[msg.sender] += 1;\r\n            _mint(msg.sender, idToMint, 1, \"\");\r\n        } else if (currentStep == Step.FirstWhitelistMint) {\r\n            require(isOnList(msg.sender, _proof, 1), \"Not on first whitelist\");\r\n            require(msg.value >= whitelistPrice, \"Not enough ether\");\r\n            require(totalSupply() + 1 <= 577, \"Max first whitelist mint supply exceeded\");\r\n            require(firstWhitelistMintByWallet[msg.sender] + 1 <= 1, \"You already minted your first whitelist NFT\");\r\n            firstWhitelistMintByWallet[msg.sender] += 1;\r\n            _mint(msg.sender, idToMint, 1, \"\");\r\n        } else if (currentStep == Step.SecondWhitelistMint) {\r\n            require(isOnList(msg.sender, _proof, 2), \"Not on second whitelist\");\r\n            require(msg.value >= whitelistPrice, \"Not enough ether\");\r\n            require(totalSupply() + 1 <= 777, \"Max second whitelist mint supply exceeded\");\r\n            require(secondWhitelistMintByWallet[msg.sender] + 1 <= 1, \"You already minted your second whitelist NFT\");\r\n            secondWhitelistMintByWallet[msg.sender] += 1;\r\n            _mint(msg.sender, idToMint, 1, \"\");\r\n        } else {\r\n            require(msg.value >= publicPrice, \"Not enough ether\");\r\n            require(totalSupply() + 1 <= 777, \"Sold out\");\r\n            _mint(msg.sender, idToMint, 1, \"\");\r\n        }\r\n        supplyByID[idToMint]++;\r\n        emit newMint(msg.sender, idToMint);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateStep}\r\n    function updateStep(Step _step) external onlyOwner {\r\n        currentStep = _step;\r\n        emit stepUpdated(currentStep);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateMarmott}\r\n    function updateMarmott(address _marmott) external {\r\n        require(msg.sender == marmott || msg.sender == owner(), \"Only Marmott or owner can update Marmott\");\r\n        marmott = _marmott;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-lockMetadata}\r\n    function lockMetadata() external onlyOwner {\r\n        isMetadataLocked = true;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-reveal}\r\n    function reveal() external onlyOwner {\r\n        isRevealed = true;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateURI}\r\n    function updateURI(string memory _newUri) external onlyOwner {\r\n        require(!isMetadataLocked, \"Metadata locked\");\r\n        _uri = _newUri;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-addSats}\r\n    function addSats(uint satoshis) external {\r\n        require(msg.sender == marmott, \"Only Marmott can add BTC\");\r\n        balanceOfSatoshis = balanceOfSatoshis + satoshis;\r\n        uint divedBy = getNumberOfIdLeft();\r\n        require(divedBy > 0, \"No NFT left\");\r\n        uint satoshisPerId = satoshis / divedBy;\r\n        for (uint i = 1; i <= maxToken; i++) {\r\n            if (supplyByID[i] > 0) {\r\n                balanceOfSatoshiByID[i] = balanceOfSatoshiByID[i] + satoshisPerId;\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-subSats}\r\n    function subSats(uint satoshis) external {\r\n        require(msg.sender == marmott, \"Only Marmott can sub BTC\");\r\n        require(balanceOfSatoshis >= satoshis, \"Not enough satoshis in balance to sub\");\r\n        balanceOfSatoshis = balanceOfSatoshis - satoshis;\r\n        uint divedBy = getNumberOfIdLeft();\r\n        require(divedBy > 0, \"No NFT left\");\r\n        uint satoshisPerId = satoshis / divedBy;\r\n        for (uint i = 1; i <= maxToken; i++) {\r\n            if (supplyByID[i] > 0) {\r\n                require(balanceOfSatoshiByID[i] >= satoshisPerId, \"Not enough satoshis in balance to sub (by id)\");\r\n                balanceOfSatoshiByID[i] = balanceOfSatoshiByID[i] - satoshisPerId;\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-burnAndRedeem}\r\n    function burnAndRedeem(uint _idToRedeem, string memory _btcAddress) public nonReentrant {\r\n        require(_idToRedeem >= 1, \"Nonexistent id\");\r\n        require(_idToRedeem <= maxToken, \"Nonexistent id\");\r\n        require(currentStep == Step.SoldOut, \"You can't redeem satoshis yet\");\r\n        require(balanceOf(msg.sender, _idToRedeem) >= 1, \"Not enough Marmottoshis to burn\");\r\n        _burn(msg.sender, _idToRedeem, 1);\r\n        uint satoshisToRedeem = redeemableById(_idToRedeem);\r\n        require(satoshisToRedeem > 0, \"No satoshi to redeem\");\r\n        balanceOfSatoshis = balanceOfSatoshis - satoshisToRedeem;\r\n        balanceOfSatoshiByID[_idToRedeem] = balanceOfSatoshiByID[_idToRedeem] - satoshisToRedeem;\r\n        supplyByID[_idToRedeem] = supplyByID[_idToRedeem] - 1;\r\n        emit newRedeemRequest(msg.sender, _idToRedeem, 1, _btcAddress, satoshisToRedeem);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-reservationForWhitelist}\r\n    function reservationForWhitelist() external payable nonReentrant {\r\n        require(currentStep == Step.WLReservation, \"Reservation for whitelist is not open\");\r\n        require(msg.value >= reservationPrice, \"Not enough ether\");\r\n        require(reservationList[msg.sender] == false, \"You are already in the pre-whitelist\");\r\n        require(currentReservationNumber + 1 <= 400, \"Max pre-whitelist reached\");\r\n        currentReservationNumber = currentReservationNumber + 1;\r\n        reservationList[msg.sender] = true;\r\n        emit newReservation(msg.sender);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-redeemableById}\r\n    function redeemableById(uint _id) public view returns (uint) {\r\n        if (supplyByID[_id] == 0) {\r\n            return 0;\r\n        } else {\r\n            return balanceOfSatoshiByID[_id] / supplyByID[_id];\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-getNumberOfIdLeft}\r\n    function getNumberOfIdLeft() public view returns (uint) {\r\n        uint numberOfIdLeft = 0;\r\n        for (uint i = 1; i <= maxToken; i++) {\r\n            if (supplyByID[i] > 0) {\r\n                numberOfIdLeft = numberOfIdLeft + 1;\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n        return numberOfIdLeft;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-addMetadata}\r\n    function addMetadata(uint[] memory _id, string[] memory _artists_names, string[] memory _marmot_name, string[] memory _links, string[] memory _uri) external onlyOwner {\r\n        require(!isMetadataLocked, \"Metadata locked\");\r\n        for (uint i = 0; i < _id.length; i++) {\r\n            metadataById[_id[i]] = Metadata({\r\n                id: _id[i],\r\n                artist_name: _artists_names[i],\r\n                marmot_name: _marmot_name[i],\r\n                link: _links[i],\r\n                uri: _uri[i]\r\n            });\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateFreeMintMerkleRoot}\r\n    function updateFreeMintMerkleRoot(bytes32 _merkleRoot) external onlyOwner {\r\n        freeMintMerkleRoot = _merkleRoot;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateFirstWhitelistMerkleRoot}\r\n    function updateFirstWhitelistMerkleRoot(bytes32 _merkleRoot) external onlyOwner {\r\n        firstMerkleRoot = _merkleRoot;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateSecondWhitelistMerkleRoot}\r\n    function updateSecondWhitelistMerkleRoot(bytes32 _merkleRoot) external onlyOwner {\r\n        secondMerkleRoot = _merkleRoot;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateReservationPrice}\r\n    function updateReservationPrice(uint _reservationPrice) external onlyOwner {\r\n        reservationPrice = _reservationPrice;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateReservationNFTPrice}\r\n    function updateReservationNFTPrice(uint _reservationNFTPrice) external onlyOwner {\r\n        reservationNFTPrice = _reservationNFTPrice;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updateWLPrice}\r\n    function updateWLPrice(uint _whitelistPrice) external onlyOwner {\r\n        whitelistPrice = _whitelistPrice;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-updatePublicPrice}\r\n    function updatePublicPrice(uint _publicPrice) external onlyOwner {\r\n        publicPrice = _publicPrice;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IERC1155MetadataURI-uri}\r\n    function uri(uint256 _tokenId) override public view returns (string memory) {\r\n        require(_tokenId >= 1, \"Nonexistent id\");\r\n        require(_tokenId <= maxToken, \"Nonexistent id\");\r\n        if (!isRevealed) {\r\n            return _uri;\r\n        }\r\n        string memory image = metadataById[_tokenId].uri;\r\n        string memory marmot_name = metadataById[_tokenId].marmot_name;\r\n        string memory json = Base64.encode(\r\n            bytes(\r\n                string(\r\n                    abi.encodePacked(\r\n                        '{\"name\": \"', marmot_name, '\", \"image\": \"', image, '\", \"description\": \"Realised by ', metadataById[_tokenId].artist_name, '. You can see more here : ', metadataById[_tokenId].link, ' .\", \"attributes\": [{\"trait_type\": \"Satoshis\", \"value\": \"', redeemableById(_tokenId).toString(), '\"}, {\"trait_type\": \"Remaining Copy\", \"value\": \"', supplyByID[_tokenId].toString(), '\"}]}'\r\n                    )\r\n                )\r\n            )\r\n        );\r\n\r\n        return string(abi.encodePacked('data:application/json;base64,', json));\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-totalSupply}\r\n    function totalSupply() public view returns (uint) {\r\n        uint supply = 0;\r\n        for (uint i = 1; i <= maxToken; i++) {\r\n            supply = supply + supplyByID[i];\r\n        }\r\n        return supply;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-withdraw}\r\n    function withdraw() external onlyOwner {\r\n        payable(msg.sender).transfer(address(this).balance);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-isOnList}\r\n    function isOnList(address _account, bytes32[] calldata _proof, uint _step) public view returns (bool) {\r\n        if (_step == 0) {\r\n            return _verify(_leaf(_account), _proof, freeMintMerkleRoot);\r\n        } else if (_step == 1) {\r\n            return _verify(_leaf(_account), _proof, firstMerkleRoot);\r\n        } else if (_step == 2) {\r\n            return _verify(_leaf(_account), _proof, secondMerkleRoot);\r\n        } else {\r\n            return false;\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function _leaf(address _account) internal pure returns (bytes32) {\r\n        return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_account));\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function _verify(bytes32 leaf, bytes32[] memory proof, bytes32 root) internal pure returns (bool) {\r\n        return MerkleProof.verify(proof, root, leaf);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IERC165-supportsInterface}.\r\n    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override(ERC1155, ERC2981) returns (bool) {\r\n        return super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    // @dev see {IMarmottoshisIsERC1155-setDefaultRoyalty}\r\n    function setDefaultRoyalty(address receiver, uint96 feeNumerator) external onlyOwner {\r\n        _setDefaultRoyalty(receiver, feeNumerator);\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n"
    "contracts/IMarmottoshisIsERC1155.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity ^0.8.17;\n\ninterface IMarmottoshisIsERC1155 {\n\n    // @notice Structure to store artist's infos (by token ID)\n    struct Metadata {\n        uint id;\n        string artist_name;\n        string marmot_name;\n        string link;\n        string uri;\n    }\n\n    // @notice Enum of different steps of the contract process\n    enum Step {\n        SaleNotStarted,\n        WLReservation,\n        FreeMint,\n        ReservationMint,\n        FirstWhitelistMint,\n        SecondWhitelistMint,\n        PublicMint,\n        SoldOut\n    }\n\n    event newReservation(address indexed sender); // New reservation\n    event newRedeemRequest(address indexed sender, uint256 nftIdRedeemed, uint256 burnAmount, string btcAddress, uint256 satoshisAmount); // Redeem event (user want to claim sats)\n    event newMint(address indexed sender, uint256 nftIdMinted); // New mint\n    event stepUpdated(Step currentStep); // Step updated\n\n    // @notice Returns the sum of all supplies for each NFT ID\n    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    // @notice return max supply of NFTs\n    function maxSupply() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    // @notice return max token by NFT Id\n    function maxToken() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice return supply by ID of NFT\n    * @param _tokenId : id of NFT\n    */\n    function supplyByID(uint256) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice get number of Satoshis redeemable by NFT ID\n    * @param uint : id of NFT\n    */\n    function redeemableById(uint256 _id) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice get number of NFT's ID with supply left\n    */\n    function getNumberOfIdLeft() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    // @notice return free mint merkle root\n    function freeMintMerkleRoot() external view returns (bytes32);\n\n    // @notice return first whitelist merkle root\n    function firstMerkleRoot() external view returns (bytes32);\n\n    // @notice return second whitelist merkle root\n    function secondMerkleRoot() external view returns (bytes32);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice return if a user is in reservation list (true/false)\n    * @param _account : address of user\n    */\n    function reservationList(address) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice return number of NFTs minted by user for reservation step\n    * @param _account : address of user\n    */\n    function reservationMintByWallet(address) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice return number of NFTs minted by user for free mint step\n    * @param _account : address of user\n    */\n    function freeMintByWallet(address) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice return number of NFTs minted by user for first whitelist step\n    * @param _account : address of user\n    */\n    function firstWhitelistMintByWallet(address) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice return number of NFTs minted by user for second whitelist step\n    * @param _account : address of user\n    */\n    function secondWhitelistMintByWallet(address) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice know if user is on a list\n    * @param _account : address of user\n    * @param _proof : Merkle proof\n    * @param _step : step of the list (0 = free mint, 1 = first whitelist, 2 = second whitelist)\n    */\n    function isOnList(address _account, bytes32[] calldata _proof, uint256 _step) external view returns (bool);\n\n    // @notice return reservation price\n    function reservationPrice() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    // @notice return reservation mint price\n    function reservationNFTPrice() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    // @notice return whitelist mint price (first and second)\n    function whitelistPrice() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    // @notice return public mint price\n    function publicPrice() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    // @notice return current reservation number\n    function currentReservationNumber() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    // @notice return balance of Satoshis of this contract\n    function balanceOfSatoshis() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice return balance infos by NFT Id\n    * @param _tokenId : id of NFT\n    */\n    function balanceOfSatoshiByID(uint256) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /*\n    * @notice return metadata infos by NFT Id\n    * @param _tokenId : id of NFT\n    */\n    function metadataById(uint256) external view returns (uint id, string memory artist_name, string memory marmot_name, string memory link, string memory uri);\n\n    // @notice return current step\n    function currentStep() external view returns (Step);\n\n    // @notice return if metadata are locked (true/false)\n    function isMetadataLocked() external view returns (bool);\n\n    // @notice return if NFT are revealed (true/false)\n    function isRevealed() external view returns (bool);\n\n    // @notice return marmott address\n    function marmott() external view returns (address);\n\n    ////////// Functions //////////\n    /// Setter functions ///\n\n    /*\n    * @notice Mints a new token to msg.sender\n    * @param uint : Id of NFT to mint.\n    * @param bytes32[] : Proof of whitelist (could be empty []).\n    */\n    function mint(uint256 idToMint, bytes32[] calldata _proof) external payable;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update step\n    * @param _step step to update\n    */\n    function updateStep(Step _step) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update Marmott's address\n    * @param address : new Marmott's address\n    */\n    function updateMarmott(address _marmott) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice lock metadata\n    */\n    function lockMetadata() external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice reveal NFTs\n    */\n    function reveal() external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update URI\n    * @param string : new URI\n    */\n    function updateURI(string memory _newUri) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice create Metadata struct of an NFT and add it in metadataById mapping\n    * @param uint[] : array of NFT Ids\n    * @param string[] : array of artist names\n    * @param string[] : array of marmot names\n    * @param string[] : array of links\n    * @param string[] : array of URIs\n    */\n    function addMetadata(uint[] calldata _id, string[] calldata _artists_names, string[] calldata _marmot_name, string[] calldata _links, string[] calldata _uri) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice add satoshis to balanceOfSatoshis\n    * @param uint : amount of satoshis to add\n    */\n    function addSats(uint256 satoshis) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice remove satoshis from balanceOfSatoshis\n    * @param uint : amount of satoshis to remove\n    */\n    function subSats(uint256 satoshis) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice redeem satoshis and burn NFT\n    * @param uint : id of NFT to burn/redeem\n    * @param string : bitcoin address to send satoshis to\n    */\n    function burnAndRedeem(uint256 _idToRedeem, string memory _btcAddress) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice function for user to be preWhitelist\n    */\n    function reservationForWhitelist() external payable;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update first whitelist merkle root\n    * @param _merkleRoot : new merkle root\n    */\n    function updateFirstWhitelistMerkleRoot(bytes32 _merkleRoot) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update free mint merkle root\n    * @param _merkleRoot : new merkle root\n    */\n    function updateFreeMintMerkleRoot(bytes32 _merkleRoot) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update public price\n    * @param _publicPrice : new public price\n    */\n    function updatePublicPrice(uint256 _publicPrice) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update reservation NFT price\n    * @param _reservationNFTPrice : new reservation NFT price\n    */\n    function updateReservationNFTPrice(uint256 _reservationNFTPrice) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update reservation price\n    * @param _reservationPrice : new reservation price\n    */\n    function updateReservationPrice(uint256 _reservationPrice) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update second whitelist merkle root\n    * @param _merkleRoot : new merkle root\n    */\n    function updateSecondWhitelistMerkleRoot(bytes32 _merkleRoot) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice update whitelist price\n    * @param _whitelistPrice : new whitelist price\n    */\n    function updateWLPrice(uint256 _whitelistPrice) external;\n\n    /*\n    * @notice withdraw ether from contract\n    */\n    function withdraw() external;\n\n    // @notice EIP2981 royalties\n    function setDefaultRoyalty(address receiver, uint96 feeNumerator) external;\n}\n"
    "contracts/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol)\r\n\r\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\r\n\r\nimport \"./IERC1155.sol\";\r\nimport \"./extensions/IERC1155MetadataURI.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol\";\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/ERC165.sol\";\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * @dev Implementation of the basic standard multi-token.\r\n * See\r\n * Originally based on code by Enjin:\r\n *\r\n * _Available since v3.1._\r\n */\r\ncontract ERC1155 is Context, ERC165, IERC1155, IERC1155MetadataURI {\r\n    using Address for address;\r\n\r\n    // Mapping from token ID to account balances\r\n    mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) private _balances;\r\n\r\n    // Mapping from account to operator approvals\r\n    mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) private _operatorApprovals;\r\n\r\n    // Used as the URI for all token types by relying on ID substitution, e.g. https://token-cdn-domain/{id}.json\r\n    string internal _uri;\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {_setURI}.\r\n     */\r\n    constructor(string memory uri_) {\r\n        _setURI(uri_);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.\r\n     */\r\n    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override(ERC165, IERC165) returns (bool) {\r\n        return\r\n        interfaceId == type(IERC1155).interfaceId ||\r\n        interfaceId == type(IERC1155MetadataURI).interfaceId ||\r\n        super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {IERC1155MetadataURI-uri}.\r\n     *\r\n     * This implementation returns the same URI for *all* token types. It relies\r\n     * on the token type ID substitution mechanism\r\n     *[defined in the EIP].\r\n     *\r\n     * Clients calling this function must replace the `\\{id\\}` substring with the\r\n     * actual token type ID.\r\n     */\r\n    function uri(uint256) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {\r\n        return _uri;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {IERC1155-balanceOf}.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `account` cannot be the zero address.\r\n     */\r\n    function balanceOf(address account, uint256 id) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {\r\n        require(account != address(0), \"ERC1155: address zero is not a valid owner\");\r\n        return _balances[id][account];\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {IERC1155-balanceOfBatch}.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `accounts` and `ids` must have the same length.\r\n     */\r\n    function balanceOfBatch(address[] memory accounts, uint256[] memory ids)\r\n    public\r\n    view\r\n    virtual\r\n    override\r\n    returns (uint256[] memory)\r\n    {\r\n        require(accounts.length == ids.length, \"ERC1155: accounts and ids length mismatch\");\r\n\r\n        uint256[] memory batchBalances = new uint256[](accounts.length);\r\n\r\n        for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {\r\n            batchBalances[i] = balanceOf(accounts[i], ids[i]);\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        return batchBalances;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {IERC1155-setApprovalForAll}.\r\n     */\r\n    function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) public virtual override {\r\n        _setApprovalForAll(_msgSender(), operator, approved);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {IERC1155-isApprovedForAll}.\r\n     */\r\n    function isApprovedForAll(address account, address operator) public view virtual override returns (bool) {\r\n        return _operatorApprovals[account][operator];\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {IERC1155-safeTransferFrom}.\r\n     */\r\n    function safeTransferFrom(\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256 id,\r\n        uint256 amount,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) public virtual override {\r\n        require(\r\n            from == _msgSender() || isApprovedForAll(from, _msgSender()),\r\n            \"ERC1155: caller is not token owner or approved\"\r\n        );\r\n        _safeTransferFrom(from, to, id, amount, data);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev See {IERC1155-safeBatchTransferFrom}.\r\n     */\r\n    function safeBatchTransferFrom(\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256[] memory ids,\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) public virtual override {\r\n        require(\r\n            from == _msgSender() || isApprovedForAll(from, _msgSender()),\r\n            \"ERC1155: caller is not token owner or approved\"\r\n        );\r\n        _safeBatchTransferFrom(from, to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Transfers `amount` tokens of token type `id` from `from` to `to`.\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits a {TransferSingle} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.\r\n     * - `from` must have a balance of tokens of type `id` of at least `amount`.\r\n     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155Received} and return the\r\n     * acceptance magic value.\r\n     */\r\n    function _safeTransferFrom(\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256 id,\r\n        uint256 amount,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) internal virtual {\r\n        require(to != address(0), \"ERC1155: transfer to the zero address\");\r\n        require(to != address(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD), \"You should use burnAndRedeem function\");\r\n\r\n        address operator = _msgSender();\r\n        uint256[] memory ids = _asSingletonArray(id);\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts = _asSingletonArray(amount);\r\n\r\n        _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n\r\n        uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];\r\n        require(fromBalance >= amount, \"ERC1155: insufficient balance for transfer\");\r\n    unchecked {\r\n        _balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;\r\n    }\r\n        _balances[id][to] += amount;\r\n\r\n        emit TransferSingle(operator, from, to, id, amount);\r\n\r\n        _afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n\r\n        _doSafeTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, from, to, id, amount, data);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {_safeTransferFrom}.\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits a {TransferBatch} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155BatchReceived} and return the\r\n     * acceptance magic value.\r\n     */\r\n    function _safeBatchTransferFrom(\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256[] memory ids,\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) internal virtual {\r\n        require(ids.length == amounts.length, \"ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch\");\r\n        require(to != address(0), \"ERC1155: transfer to the zero address\");\r\n        require(to != address(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD), \"You should use burnAndRedeem function\");\r\n\r\n        address operator = _msgSender();\r\n\r\n        _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n\r\n        for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {\r\n            uint256 id = ids[i];\r\n            uint256 amount = amounts[i];\r\n\r\n            uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];\r\n            require(fromBalance >= amount, \"ERC1155: insufficient balance for transfer\");\r\n        unchecked {\r\n            _balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;\r\n        }\r\n            _balances[id][to] += amount;\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        emit TransferBatch(operator, from, to, ids, amounts);\r\n\r\n        _afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n\r\n        _doSafeBatchTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Sets a new URI for all token types, by relying on the token type ID\r\n     * substitution mechanism\r\n     *[defined in the EIP].\r\n     *\r\n     * By this mechanism, any occurrence of the `\\{id\\}` substring in either the\r\n     * URI or any of the amounts in the JSON file at said URI will be replaced by\r\n     * clients with the token type ID.\r\n     *\r\n     * For example, the `https://token-cdn-domain/\\{id\\}.json` URI would be\r\n     * interpreted by clients as\r\n     * `https://token-cdn-domain/000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004cce0.json`\r\n     * for token type ID 0x4cce0.\r\n     *\r\n     * See {uri}.\r\n     *\r\n     * Because these URIs cannot be meaningfully represented by the {URI} event,\r\n     * this function emits no events.\r\n     */\r\n    function _setURI(string memory newuri) internal virtual {\r\n        _uri = newuri;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Creates `amount` tokens of token type `id`, and assigns them to `to`.\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits a {TransferSingle} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.\r\n     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155Received} and return the\r\n     * acceptance magic value.\r\n     */\r\n    function _mint(\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256 id,\r\n        uint256 amount,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) internal virtual {\r\n        require(to != address(0), \"ERC1155: mint to the zero address\");\r\n\r\n        address operator = _msgSender();\r\n        uint256[] memory ids = _asSingletonArray(id);\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts = _asSingletonArray(amount);\r\n\r\n        _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n\r\n        _balances[id][to] += amount;\r\n        emit TransferSingle(operator, address(0), to, id, amount);\r\n\r\n        _afterTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n\r\n        _doSafeTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, address(0), to, id, amount, data);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {_mint}.\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits a {TransferBatch} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `ids` and `amounts` must have the same length.\r\n     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155BatchReceived} and return the\r\n     * acceptance magic value.\r\n     */\r\n    function _mintBatch(\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256[] memory ids,\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) internal virtual {\r\n        require(to != address(0), \"ERC1155: mint to the zero address\");\r\n        require(ids.length == amounts.length, \"ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch\");\r\n\r\n        address operator = _msgSender();\r\n\r\n        _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n\r\n        for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {\r\n            _balances[ids[i]][to] += amounts[i];\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        emit TransferBatch(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts);\r\n\r\n        _afterTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n\r\n        _doSafeBatchTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens of token type `id` from `from`\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits a {TransferSingle} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.\r\n     * - `from` must have at least `amount` tokens of token type `id`.\r\n     */\r\n    function _burn(\r\n        address from,\r\n        uint256 id,\r\n        uint256 amount\r\n    ) internal virtual {\r\n        require(from != address(0), \"ERC1155: burn from the zero address\");\r\n\r\n        address operator = _msgSender();\r\n        uint256[] memory ids = _asSingletonArray(id);\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts = _asSingletonArray(amount);\r\n\r\n        _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts, \"\");\r\n\r\n        uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];\r\n        require(fromBalance >= amount, \"ERC1155: burn amount exceeds balance\");\r\n    unchecked {\r\n        _balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n        emit TransferSingle(operator, from, address(0), id, amount);\r\n\r\n        _afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts, \"\");\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {_burn}.\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits a {TransferBatch} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `ids` and `amounts` must have the same length.\r\n     */\r\n    function _burnBatch(\r\n        address from,\r\n        uint256[] memory ids,\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts\r\n    ) internal virtual {\r\n        require(from != address(0), \"ERC1155: burn from the zero address\");\r\n        require(ids.length == amounts.length, \"ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch\");\r\n\r\n        address operator = _msgSender();\r\n\r\n        _beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts, \"\");\r\n\r\n        for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {\r\n            uint256 id = ids[i];\r\n            uint256 amount = amounts[i];\r\n\r\n            uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];\r\n            require(fromBalance >= amount, \"ERC1155: burn amount exceeds balance\");\r\n        unchecked {\r\n            _balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;\r\n        }\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        emit TransferBatch(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts);\r\n\r\n        _afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts, \"\");\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Approve `operator` to operate on all of `owner` tokens\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event.\r\n     */\r\n    function _setApprovalForAll(\r\n        address owner,\r\n        address operator,\r\n        bool approved\r\n    ) internal virtual {\r\n        require(owner != operator, \"ERC1155: setting approval status for self\");\r\n        _operatorApprovals[owner][operator] = approved;\r\n        emit ApprovalForAll(owner, operator, approved);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Hook that is called before any token transfer. This includes minting\r\n     * and burning, as well as batched variants.\r\n     *\r\n     * The same hook is called on both single and batched variants. For single\r\n     * transfers, the length of the `ids` and `amounts` arrays will be 1.\r\n     *\r\n     * Calling conditions (for each `id` and `amount` pair):\r\n     *\r\n     * - When `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens\r\n     * of token type `id` will be  transferred to `to`.\r\n     * - When `from` is zero, `amount` tokens of token type `id` will be minted\r\n     * for `to`.\r\n     * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens of token type `id`\r\n     * will be burned.\r\n     * - `from` and `to` are never both zero.\r\n     * - `ids` and `amounts` have the same, non-zero length.\r\n     *\r\n     * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].\r\n     */\r\n    function _beforeTokenTransfer(\r\n        address operator,\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256[] memory ids,\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) internal virtual {}\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Hook that is called after any token transfer. This includes minting\r\n     * and burning, as well as batched variants.\r\n     *\r\n     * The same hook is called on both single and batched variants. For single\r\n     * transfers, the length of the `id` and `amount` arrays will be 1.\r\n     *\r\n     * Calling conditions (for each `id` and `amount` pair):\r\n     *\r\n     * - When `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens\r\n     * of token type `id` will be  transferred to `to`.\r\n     * - When `from` is zero, `amount` tokens of token type `id` will be minted\r\n     * for `to`.\r\n     * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens of token type `id`\r\n     * will be burned.\r\n     * - `from` and `to` are never both zero.\r\n     * - `ids` and `amounts` have the same, non-zero length.\r\n     *\r\n     * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].\r\n     */\r\n    function _afterTokenTransfer(\r\n        address operator,\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256[] memory ids,\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) internal virtual {}\r\n\r\n    function _doSafeTransferAcceptanceCheck(\r\n        address operator,\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256 id,\r\n        uint256 amount,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) private {\r\n        if (to.isContract()) {\r\n            try IERC1155Receiver(to).onERC1155Received(operator, from, id, amount, data) returns (bytes4 response) {\r\n                if (response != IERC1155Receiver.onERC1155Received.selector) {\r\n                    revert(\"ERC1155: ERC1155Receiver rejected tokens\");\r\n                }\r\n            } catch Error(string memory reason) {\r\n                revert(reason);\r\n            } catch {\r\n                revert(\"ERC1155: transfer to non-ERC1155Receiver implementer\");\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function _doSafeBatchTransferAcceptanceCheck(\r\n        address operator,\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256[] memory ids,\r\n        uint256[] memory amounts,\r\n        bytes memory data\r\n    ) private {\r\n        if (to.isContract()) {\r\n            try IERC1155Receiver(to).onERC1155BatchReceived(operator, from, ids, amounts, data) returns (\r\n                bytes4 response\r\n            ) {\r\n                if (response != IERC1155Receiver.onERC1155BatchReceived.selector) {\r\n                    revert(\"ERC1155: ERC1155Receiver rejected tokens\");\r\n                }\r\n            } catch Error(string memory reason) {\r\n                revert(reason);\r\n            } catch {\r\n                revert(\"ERC1155: transfer to non-ERC1155Receiver implementer\");\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    function _asSingletonArray(uint256 element) private pure returns (uint256[] memory) {\r\n        uint256[] memory array = new uint256[](1);\r\n        array[0] = element;\r\n\r\n        return array;\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (access/Ownable.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\nimport \"../utils/Context.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where\n * there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to\n * specific functions.\n *\n * By default, the owner account will be the one that deploys the contract. This\n * can later be changed with {transferOwnership}.\n *\n * This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifier\n * `onlyOwner`, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to\n * the owner.\n */\nabstract contract Ownable is Context {\n    address private _owner;\n\n    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner.\n     */\n    constructor() {\n        _transferOwnership(_msgSender());\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns the address of the current owner.\n     */\n    function owner() public view virtual returns (address) {\n        return _owner;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.\n     */\n    modifier onlyOwner() {\n        require(owner() == _msgSender(), \"Ownable: caller is not the owner\");\n        _;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call\n     * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner.\n     *\n     * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,\n     * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.\n     */\n    function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {\n        _transferOwnership(address(0));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).\n     * Can only be called by the current owner.\n     */\n    function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {\n        require(newOwner != address(0), \"Ownable: new owner is the zero address\");\n        _transferOwnership(newOwner);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).\n     * Internal function without access restriction.\n     */\n    function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal virtual {\n        address oldOwner = _owner;\n        _owner = newOwner;\n        emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner);\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\n/**\n * @dev These functions deal with verification of Merkle Trees proofs.\n *\n * The proofs can be generated using the JavaScript library\n *[merkletreejs].\n * Note: the hashing algorithm should be keccak256 and pair sorting should be enabled.\n *\n * See `test/utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.test.js` for some examples.\n *\n * WARNING: You should avoid using leaf values that are 64 bytes long prior to\n * hashing, or use a hash function other than keccak256 for hashing leaves.\n * This is because the concatenation of a sorted pair of internal nodes in\n * the merkle tree could be reinterpreted as a leaf value.\n */\nlibrary MerkleProof {\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns true if a `leaf` can be proved to be a part of a Merkle tree\n     * defined by `root`. For this, a `proof` must be provided, containing\n     * sibling hashes on the branch from the leaf to the root of the tree. Each\n     * pair of leaves and each pair of pre-images are assumed to be sorted.\n     */\n    function verify(\n        bytes32[] memory proof,\n        bytes32 root,\n        bytes32 leaf\n    ) internal pure returns (bool) {\n        return processProof(proof, leaf) == root;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns the rebuilt hash obtained by traversing a Merkle tree up\n     * from `leaf` using `proof`. A `proof` is valid if and only if the rebuilt\n     * hash matches the root of the tree. When processing the proof, the pairs\n     * of leafs & pre-images are assumed to be sorted.\n     *\n     * _Available since v4.4._\n     */\n    function processProof(bytes32[] memory proof, bytes32 leaf) internal pure returns (bytes32) {\n        bytes32 computedHash = leaf;\n        for (uint256 i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {\n            bytes32 proofElement = proof[i];\n            if (computedHash <= proofElement) {\n                // Hash(current computed hash + current element of the proof)\n                computedHash = _efficientHash(computedHash, proofElement);\n            } else {\n                // Hash(current element of the proof + current computed hash)\n                computedHash = _efficientHash(proofElement, computedHash);\n            }\n        }\n        return computedHash;\n    }\n\n    function _efficientHash(bytes32 a, bytes32 b) private pure returns (bytes32 value) {\n        assembly {\n            mstore(0x00, a)\n            mstore(0x20, b)\n            value := keccak256(0x00, 0x40)\n        }\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Strings.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\n/**\n * @dev String operations.\n */\nlibrary Strings {\n    bytes16 private constant _HEX_SYMBOLS = \"0123456789abcdef\";\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` decimal representation.\n     */\n    function toString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {\n        // Inspired by OraclizeAPI's implementation - MIT licence\n        //\n\n        if (value == 0) {\n            return \"0\";\n        }\n        uint256 temp = value;\n        uint256 digits;\n        while (temp != 0) {\n            digits++;\n            temp /= 10;\n        }\n        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(digits);\n        while (value != 0) {\n            digits -= 1;\n            buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));\n            value /= 10;\n        }\n        return string(buffer);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation.\n     */\n    function toHexString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {\n        if (value == 0) {\n            return \"0x00\";\n        }\n        uint256 temp = value;\n        uint256 length = 0;\n        while (temp != 0) {\n            length++;\n            temp >>= 8;\n        }\n        return toHexString(value, length);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation with fixed length.\n     */\n    function toHexString(uint256 value, uint256 length) internal pure returns (string memory) {\n        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(2 * length + 2);\n        buffer[0] = \"0\";\n        buffer[1] = \"x\";\n        for (uint256 i = 2 * length + 1; i > 1; --i) {\n            buffer[i] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[value & 0xf];\n            value >>= 4;\n        }\n        require(value == 0, \"Strings: hex length insufficient\");\n        return string(buffer);\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (security/ReentrancyGuard.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\n/**\n * @dev Contract module that helps prevent reentrant calls to a function.\n *\n * Inheriting from `ReentrancyGuard` will make the {nonReentrant} modifier\n * available, which can be applied to functions to make sure there are no nested\n * (reentrant) calls to them.\n *\n * Note that because there is a single `nonReentrant` guard, functions marked as\n * `nonReentrant` may not call one another. This can be worked around by making\n * those functions `private`, and then adding `external` `nonReentrant` entry\n * points to them.\n *\n * TIP: If you would like to learn more about reentrancy and alternative ways\n * to protect against it, check out our blog post\n *[Reentrancy After Istanbul].\n */\nabstract contract ReentrancyGuard {\n    // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full\n    // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the\n    // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write\n    // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and\n    // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled.\n\n    // The values being non-zero value makes deployment a bit more expensive,\n    // but in exchange the refund on every call to nonReentrant will be lower in\n    // amount. Since refunds are capped to a percentage of the total\n    // transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases like this one, to\n    // increase the likelihood of the full refund coming into effect.\n    uint256 private constant _NOT_ENTERED = 1;\n    uint256 private constant _ENTERED = 2;\n\n    uint256 private _status;\n\n    constructor() {\n        _status = _NOT_ENTERED;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly.\n     * Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant`\n     * function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening\n     * by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and making it call a\n     * `private` function that does the actual work.\n     */\n    modifier nonReentrant() {\n        // On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true\n        require(_status != _ENTERED, \"ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call\");\n\n        // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail\n        _status = _ENTERED;\n\n        _;\n\n        // By storing the original value once again, a refund is triggered (see\n        //\n        _status = _NOT_ENTERED;\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Base64.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.5.0) (utils/Base64.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\n/**\n * @dev Provides a set of functions to operate with Base64 strings.\n *\n * _Available since v4.5._\n */\nlibrary Base64 {\n    /**\n     * @dev Base64 Encoding/Decoding Table\n     */\n    string internal constant _TABLE = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\";\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Converts a `bytes` to its Bytes64 `string` representation.\n     */\n    function encode(bytes memory data) internal pure returns (string memory) {\n        /**\n         * Inspired by Brecht Devos (Brechtpd) implementation - MIT licence\n         *\n         */\n        if (data.length == 0) return \"\";\n\n        // Loads the table into memory\n        string memory table = _TABLE;\n\n        // Encoding takes 3 bytes chunks of binary data from `bytes` data parameter\n        // and split into 4 numbers of 6 bits.\n        // The final Base64 length should be `bytes` data length multiplied by 4/3 rounded up\n        // - `data.length + 2`  -> Round up\n        // - `/ 3`              -> Number of 3-bytes chunks\n        // - `4 *`              -> 4 characters for each chunk\n        string memory result = new string(4 * ((data.length + 2) / 3));\n\n        assembly {\n            // Prepare the lookup table (skip the first \"length\" byte)\n            let tablePtr := add(table, 1)\n\n            // Prepare result pointer, jump over length\n            let resultPtr := add(result, 32)\n\n            // Run over the input, 3 bytes at a time\n            for {\n                let dataPtr := data\n                let endPtr := add(data, mload(data))\n            } lt(dataPtr, endPtr) {\n\n            } {\n                // Advance 3 bytes\n                dataPtr := add(dataPtr, 3)\n                let input := mload(dataPtr)\n\n                // To write each character, shift the 3 bytes (18 bits) chunk\n                // 4 times in blocks of 6 bits for each character (18, 12, 6, 0)\n                // and apply logical AND with 0x3F which is the number of\n                // the previous character in the ASCII table prior to the Base64 Table\n                // The result is then added to the table to get the character to write,\n                // and finally write it in the result pointer but with a left shift\n                // of 256 (1 byte) - 8 (1 ASCII char) = 248 bits\n\n                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(18, input), 0x3F))))\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1) // Advance\n\n                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(12, input), 0x3F))))\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1) // Advance\n\n                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(6, input), 0x3F))))\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1) // Advance\n\n                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(input, 0x3F))))\n                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1) // Advance\n            }\n\n            // When data `bytes` is not exactly 3 bytes long\n            // it is padded with `=` characters at the end\n            switch mod(mload(data), 3)\n            case 1 {\n                mstore8(sub(resultPtr, 1), 0x3d)\n                mstore8(sub(resultPtr, 2), 0x3d)\n            }\n            case 2 {\n                mstore8(sub(resultPtr, 1), 0x3d)\n            }\n        }\n\n        return result;\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/common/ERC2981.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (token/common/ERC2981.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\nimport \"../../interfaces/IERC2981.sol\";\nimport \"../../utils/introspection/ERC165.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @dev Implementation of the NFT Royalty Standard, a standardized way to retrieve royalty payment information.\n *\n * Royalty information can be specified globally for all token ids via {_setDefaultRoyalty}, and/or individually for\n * specific token ids via {_setTokenRoyalty}. The latter takes precedence over the first.\n *\n * Royalty is specified as a fraction of sale price. {_feeDenominator} is overridable but defaults to 10000, meaning the\n * fee is specified in basis points by default.\n *\n * IMPORTANT: ERC-2981 only specifies a way to signal royalty information and does not enforce its payment. See\n *[Rationale] in the EIP. Marketplaces are expected to\n * voluntarily pay royalties together with sales, but note that this standard is not yet widely supported.\n *\n * _Available since v4.5._\n */\nabstract contract ERC2981 is IERC2981, ERC165 {\n    struct RoyaltyInfo {\n        address receiver;\n        uint96 royaltyFraction;\n    }\n\n    RoyaltyInfo private _defaultRoyaltyInfo;\n    mapping(uint256 => RoyaltyInfo) private _tokenRoyaltyInfo;\n\n    /**\n     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.\n     */\n    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override(IERC165, ERC165) returns (bool) {\n        return interfaceId == type(IERC2981).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @inheritdoc IERC2981\n     */\n    function royaltyInfo(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _salePrice) public view virtual override returns (address, uint256) {\n        RoyaltyInfo memory royalty = _tokenRoyaltyInfo[_tokenId];\n\n        if (royalty.receiver == address(0)) {\n            royalty = _defaultRoyaltyInfo;\n        }\n\n        uint256 royaltyAmount = (_salePrice * royalty.royaltyFraction) / _feeDenominator();\n\n        return (royalty.receiver, royaltyAmount);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev The denominator with which to interpret the fee set in {_setTokenRoyalty} and {_setDefaultRoyalty} as a\n     * fraction of the sale price. Defaults to 10000 so fees are expressed in basis points, but may be customized by an\n     * override.\n     */\n    function _feeDenominator() internal pure virtual returns (uint96) {\n        return 10000;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Sets the royalty information that all ids in this contract will default to.\n     *\n     * Requirements:\n     *\n     * - `receiver` cannot be the zero address.\n     * - `feeNumerator` cannot be greater than the fee denominator.\n     */\n    function _setDefaultRoyalty(address receiver, uint96 feeNumerator) internal virtual {\n        require(feeNumerator <= _feeDenominator(), \"ERC2981: royalty fee will exceed salePrice\");\n        require(receiver != address(0), \"ERC2981: invalid receiver\");\n\n        _defaultRoyaltyInfo = RoyaltyInfo(receiver, feeNumerator);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Removes default royalty information.\n     */\n    function _deleteDefaultRoyalty() internal virtual {\n        delete _defaultRoyaltyInfo;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Sets the royalty information for a specific token id, overriding the global default.\n     *\n     * Requirements:\n     *\n     * - `tokenId` must be already minted.\n     * - `receiver` cannot be the zero address.\n     * - `feeNumerator` cannot be greater than the fee denominator.\n     */\n    function _setTokenRoyalty(\n        uint256 tokenId,\n        address receiver,\n        uint96 feeNumerator\n    ) internal virtual {\n        require(feeNumerator <= _feeDenominator(), \"ERC2981: royalty fee will exceed salePrice\");\n        require(receiver != address(0), \"ERC2981: Invalid parameters\");\n\n        _tokenRoyaltyInfo[tokenId] = RoyaltyInfo(receiver, feeNumerator);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Resets royalty information for the token id back to the global default.\n     */\n    function _resetTokenRoyalty(uint256 tokenId) internal virtual {\n        delete _tokenRoyaltyInfo[tokenId];\n    }\n}\n"
    "contracts/ERC1155/IERC1155.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (token/ERC1155/IERC1155.sol)\r\n\r\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\r\n\r\nimport \"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/IERC165.sol\";\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * @dev Required interface of an ERC1155 compliant contract, as defined in the\r\n *[EIP].\r\n *\r\n * _Available since v3.1._\r\n */\r\ninterface IERC1155 is IERC165 {\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens of token type `id` are transferred from `from` to `to` by `operator`.\r\n     */\r\n    event TransferSingle(address indexed operator, address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 id, uint256 value);\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Equivalent to multiple {TransferSingle} events, where `operator`, `from` and `to` are the same for all\r\n     * transfers.\r\n     */\r\n    event TransferBatch(\r\n        address indexed operator,\r\n        address indexed from,\r\n        address indexed to,\r\n        uint256[] ids,\r\n        uint256[] values\r\n    );\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Emitted when `account` grants or revokes permission to `operator` to transfer their tokens, according to\r\n     * `approved`.\r\n     */\r\n    event ApprovalForAll(address indexed account, address indexed operator, bool approved);\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Emitted when the URI for token type `id` changes to `value`, if it is a non-programmatic URI.\r\n     *\r\n     * If an {URI} event was emitted for `id`, the standard\r\n     *[guarantees] that `value` will equal the value\r\n     * returned by {IERC1155MetadataURI-uri}.\r\n     */\r\n    event URI(string value, uint256 indexed id);\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Returns the amount of tokens of token type `id` owned by `account`.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `account` cannot be the zero address.\r\n     */\r\n    function balanceOf(address account, uint256 id) external view returns (uint256);\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {balanceOf}.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `accounts` and `ids` must have the same length.\r\n     */\r\n    function balanceOfBatch(address[] calldata accounts, uint256[] calldata ids)\r\n    external\r\n    view\r\n    returns (uint256[] memory);\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Grants or revokes permission to `operator` to transfer the caller's tokens, according to `approved`,\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `operator` cannot be the caller.\r\n     */\r\n    function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) external;\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Returns true if `operator` is approved to transfer ``account``'s tokens.\r\n     *\r\n     * See {setApprovalForAll}.\r\n     */\r\n    function isApprovedForAll(address account, address operator) external view returns (bool);\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Transfers `amount` tokens of token type `id` from `from` to `to`.\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits a {TransferSingle} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.\r\n     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must have been approved to spend ``from``'s tokens via {setApprovalForAll}.\r\n     * - `from` must have a balance of tokens of type `id` of at least `amount`.\r\n     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155Received} and return the\r\n     * acceptance magic value.\r\n     */\r\n    function safeTransferFrom(\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256 id,\r\n        uint256 amount,\r\n        bytes calldata data\r\n    ) external;\r\n\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {safeTransferFrom}.\r\n     *\r\n     * Emits a {TransferBatch} event.\r\n     *\r\n     * Requirements:\r\n     *\r\n     * - `ids` and `amounts` must have the same length.\r\n     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155BatchReceived} and return the\r\n     * acceptance magic value.\r\n     */\r\n    function safeBatchTransferFrom(\r\n        address from,\r\n        address to,\r\n        uint256[] calldata ids,\r\n        uint256[] calldata amounts,\r\n        bytes calldata data\r\n    ) external;\r\n}\r\n"
    "contracts/ERC1155/extensions/IERC1155MetadataURI.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC1155/extensions/IERC1155MetadataURI.sol)\r\n\r\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\r\n\r\nimport \"../IERC1155.sol\";\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * @dev Interface of the optional ERC1155MetadataExtension interface, as defined\r\n * in the[EIP].\r\n *\r\n * _Available since v3.1._\r\n */\r\ninterface IERC1155MetadataURI is IERC1155 {\r\n    /**\r\n     * @dev Returns the URI for token type `id`.\r\n     *\r\n     * If the `\\{id\\}` substring is present in the URI, it must be replaced by\r\n     * clients with the actual token type ID.\r\n     */\r\n    function uri(uint256 id) external view returns (string memory);\r\n}\r\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.5.0) (token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\nimport \"../../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @dev _Available since v3.1._\n */\ninterface IERC1155Receiver is IERC165 {\n    /**\n     * @dev Handles the receipt of a single ERC1155 token type. This function is\n     * called at the end of a `safeTransferFrom` after the balance has been updated.\n     *\n     * NOTE: To accept the transfer, this must return\n     * `bytes4(keccak256(\"onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)\"))`\n     * (i.e. 0xf23a6e61, or its own function selector).\n     *\n     * @param operator The address which initiated the transfer (i.e. msg.sender)\n     * @param from The address which previously owned the token\n     * @param id The ID of the token being transferred\n     * @param value The amount of tokens being transferred\n     * @param data Additional data with no specified format\n     * @return `bytes4(keccak256(\"onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)\"))` if transfer is allowed\n     */\n    function onERC1155Received(\n        address operator,\n        address from,\n        uint256 id,\n        uint256 value,\n        bytes calldata data\n    ) external returns (bytes4);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Handles the receipt of a multiple ERC1155 token types. This function\n     * is called at the end of a `safeBatchTransferFrom` after the balances have\n     * been updated.\n     *\n     * NOTE: To accept the transfer(s), this must return\n     * `bytes4(keccak256(\"onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)\"))`\n     * (i.e. 0xbc197c81, or its own function selector).\n     *\n     * @param operator The address which initiated the batch transfer (i.e. msg.sender)\n     * @param from The address which previously owned the token\n     * @param ids An array containing ids of each token being transferred (order and length must match values array)\n     * @param values An array containing amounts of each token being transferred (order and length must match ids array)\n     * @param data Additional data with no specified format\n     * @return `bytes4(keccak256(\"onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)\"))` if transfer is allowed\n     */\n    function onERC1155BatchReceived(\n        address operator,\n        address from,\n        uint256[] calldata ids,\n        uint256[] calldata values,\n        bytes calldata data\n    ) external returns (bytes4);\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.5.0) (utils/Address.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.1;\n\n/**\n * @dev Collection of functions related to the address type\n */\nlibrary Address {\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract.\n     *\n     * [IMPORTANT]\n     * ====\n     * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns\n     * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract.\n     *\n     * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following\n     * types of addresses:\n     *\n     *  - an externally-owned account\n     *  - a contract in construction\n     *  - an address where a contract will be created\n     *  - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed\n     * ====\n     *\n     * [IMPORTANT]\n     * ====\n     * You shouldn't rely on `isContract` to protect against flash loan attacks!\n     *\n     * Preventing calls from contracts is highly discouraged. It breaks composability, breaks support for smart wallets\n     * like Gnosis Safe, and does not provide security since it can be circumvented by calling from a contract\n     * constructor.\n     * ====\n     */\n    function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {\n        // This method relies on extcodesize/address.code.length, which returns 0\n        // for contracts in construction, since the code is only stored at the end\n        // of the constructor execution.\n\n        return account.code.length > 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to\n     * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors.\n     *\n     *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost\n     * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit\n     * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via\n     * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation.\n     *\n     *[Learn more].\n     *\n     * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be\n     * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using\n     * {ReentrancyGuard} or the\n     *[checks-effects-interactions pattern].\n     */\n    function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {\n        require(address(this).balance >= amount, \"Address: insufficient balance\");\n\n        (bool success, ) ={value: amount}(\"\");\n        require(success, \"Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A\n     * plain `call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this\n     * function instead.\n     *\n     * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this\n     * function (like regular Solidity function calls).\n     *\n     * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value,\n     * use[`abi.decode`].\n     *\n     * Requirements:\n     *\n     * - `target` must be a contract.\n     * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.1._\n     */\n    function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionCall(target, data, \"Address: low-level call failed\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with\n     * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.1._\n     */\n    function functionCall(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`.\n     *\n     * Requirements:\n     *\n     * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`.\n     * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.1._\n     */\n    function functionCallWithValue(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        uint256 value\n    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, \"Address: low-level call with value failed\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but\n     * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.1._\n     */\n    function functionCallWithValue(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        uint256 value,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        require(address(this).balance >= value, \"Address: insufficient balance for call\");\n        require(isContract(target), \"Address: call to non-contract\");\n\n        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={value: value}(data);\n        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but performing a static call.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.3._\n     */\n    function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionStaticCall(target, data, \"Address: low-level static call failed\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but performing a static call.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.3._\n     */\n    function functionStaticCall(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal view returns (bytes memory) {\n        require(isContract(target), \"Address: static call to non-contract\");\n\n        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data);\n        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but performing a delegate call.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.4._\n     */\n    function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        return functionDelegateCall(target, data, \"Address: low-level delegate call failed\");\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],\n     * but performing a delegate call.\n     *\n     * _Available since v3.4._\n     */\n    function functionDelegateCall(\n        address target,\n        bytes memory data,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {\n        require(isContract(target), \"Address: delegate call to non-contract\");\n\n        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data);\n        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Tool to verifies that a low level call was successful, and revert if it wasn't, either by bubbling the\n     * revert reason using the provided one.\n     *\n     * _Available since v4.3._\n     */\n    function verifyCallResult(\n        bool success,\n        bytes memory returndata,\n        string memory errorMessage\n    ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {\n        if (success) {\n            return returndata;\n        } else {\n            // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present\n            if (returndata.length > 0) {\n                // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly\n\n                assembly {\n                    let returndata_size := mload(returndata)\n                    revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size)\n                }\n            } else {\n                revert(errorMessage);\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Context.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\n/**\n * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the\n * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available\n * via msg.sender and, they should not be accessed in such a direct\n * manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and\n * paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application\n * is concerned).\n *\n * This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.\n */\nabstract contract Context {\n    function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {\n        return msg.sender;\n    }\n\n    function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {\n        return;\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/ERC165.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/ERC165.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\nimport \"./IERC165.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @dev Implementation of the {IERC165} interface.\n *\n * Contracts that want to implement ERC165 should inherit from this contract and override {supportsInterface} to check\n * for the additional interface id that will be supported. For example:\n *\n * ```solidity\n * function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {\n *     return interfaceId == type(MyInterface).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Alternatively, {ERC165Storage} provides an easier to use but more expensive implementation.\n */\nabstract contract ERC165 is IERC165 {\n    /**\n     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.\n     */\n    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {\n        return interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;\n    }\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/IERC165.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/IERC165.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\n/**\n * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the\n *[EIP].\n *\n * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be\n * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).\n *\n * For an implementation, see {ERC165}.\n */\ninterface IERC165 {\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by\n     * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding\n     *[EIP section]\n     * to learn more about how these ids are created.\n     *\n     * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.\n     */\n    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);\n}\n"
    "@openzeppelin/contracts/interfaces/IERC2981.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\n// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (interfaces/IERC2981.sol)\n\npragma solidity ^0.8.0;\n\nimport \"../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @dev Interface for the NFT Royalty Standard.\n *\n * A standardized way to retrieve royalty payment information for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to enable universal\n * support for royalty payments across all NFT marketplaces and ecosystem participants.\n *\n * _Available since v4.5._\n */\ninterface IERC2981 is IERC165 {\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns how much royalty is owed and to whom, based on a sale price that may be denominated in any unit of\n     * exchange. The royalty amount is denominated and should be paid in that same unit of exchange.\n     */\n    function royaltyInfo(uint256 tokenId, uint256 salePrice)\n        external\n        view\n        returns (address receiver, uint256 royaltyAmount);\n}\n"
  "settings": {
    "optimizer": {
      "enabled": true,
      "runs": 200
    "outputSelection": {
      "*": {
        "*": [
    "libraries": {}