// This contract is part of Zellic’s smart contract dataset, which is a collection of publicly available contract code gathered as of March 2023. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.10; /* Signature Verification How to Sign and Verify # Signing 1. Create message to sign 2. Hash the message 3. Sign the hash (off chain, keep your private key secret) # Verify 1. Recreate hash from the original message 2. Recover signer from signature and hash 3. Compare recovered signer to claimed signer */ contract VerifySignature { /* 1. Unlock MetaMask account ethereum.enable() */ /* 2. Get message hash to sign getMessageHash( 0x14723A09ACff6D2A60DcdF7aA4AFf308FDDC160C, 123, "coffee and donuts", 1 ) hash = "0xcf36ac4f97dc10d91fc2cbb20d718e94a8cbfe0f82eaedc6a4aa38946fb797cd" */ function getMessageHash( address _to, uint _amount, string memory _message, uint _nonce ) public pure returns (bytes32) { return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_to, _amount, _message, _nonce)); } /* 3. Sign message hash # using browser account = "copy paste account of signer here" ethereum.request({ method: "personal_sign", params: [account, hash]}).then(console.log) # using web3 web3.personal.sign(hash, web3.eth.defaultAccount, console.log) Signature will be different for different accounts 0x993dab3dd91f5c6dc28e17439be475478f5635c92a56e17e82349d3fb2f166196f466c0b4e0c146f285204f0dcb13e5ae67bc33f4b888ec32dfe0a063e8f3f781b */ function getEthSignedMessageHash(bytes32 _messageHash) public pure returns (bytes32) { /* Signature is produced by signing a keccak256 hash with the following format: "\x19Ethereum Signed Message\n" + len(msg) + msg */ return keccak256( abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", _messageHash) ); } /* 4. Verify signature signer = 0xB273216C05A8c0D4F0a4Dd0d7Bae1D2EfFE636dd to = 0x14723A09ACff6D2A60DcdF7aA4AFf308FDDC160C amount = 123 message = "coffee and donuts" nonce = 1 signature = 0x993dab3dd91f5c6dc28e17439be475478f5635c92a56e17e82349d3fb2f166196f466c0b4e0c146f285204f0dcb13e5ae67bc33f4b888ec32dfe0a063e8f3f781b */ function verify( address _signer, address _to, uint _amount, string memory _message, uint _nonce, bytes memory signature ) public pure returns (bool) { bytes32 messageHash = getMessageHash(_to, _amount, _message, _nonce); bytes32 ethSignedMessageHash = getEthSignedMessageHash(messageHash); return recoverSigner(ethSignedMessageHash, signature) == _signer; } function recoverSigner(bytes32 _ethSignedMessageHash, bytes memory _signature) public pure returns (address) { (bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v) = splitSignature(_signature); return ecrecover(_ethSignedMessageHash, v, r, s); } function splitSignature(bytes memory sig) public pure returns ( bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v ) { require(sig.length == 65, "invalid signature length"); assembly { /* First 32 bytes stores the length of the signature add(sig, 32) = pointer of sig + 32 effectively, skips first 32 bytes of signature mload(p) loads next 32 bytes starting at the memory address p into memory */ // first 32 bytes, after the length prefix r := mload(add(sig, 32)) // second 32 bytes s := mload(add(sig, 64)) // final byte (first byte of the next 32 bytes) v := byte(0, mload(add(sig, 96))) } // implicitly return (r, s, v) } }