# Enriched Topical-Chat: A Dialogue Act and Knowledge Sentence annotated version of Topical-Chat |
This README describes Enriched Topical-Chat, an augmentation of Topical-Chat that contains dialogue act and knowledge sentence annotations for each turn in the dataset. Each annotation is automatically annotated using off-the-shelf models. |
## Knowledge Sentence Annoations |
Each conversation in Topical-Chat has a pair of reading sets which consists of a set of knowledge sentences. For every turn and knowledge sentence in the Topical-Chat dataset, we computed a TFIDF vector. We then computed the cosine similarity between a turn in the conversation and selected the top-1 knowledge sentence. In the new data release, for each conversation turn, we will present the knowledge sentences selected along with the similarity score. |
## Dialogue Act Annoations |
We obtain the dialogue acts for each turn by running an off-the-shelf SVM dialogue act tagger released by (https: |
This tagger was trained on five datasets (Switchboard, Oasis BT, Maptask, VerbMobil2, AMI). |
## Prerequisites |
After cloning the repo you must first follow the instructions in https: |
### Conversations: |
The data is hosted on s3. To pull the data run these commands: |
``` |
wget https: |
wget https: |
wget https: |
wget https: |
wget https: |
``` |
Each .json file has the specified format: |
``` |
, |
}, |
, |
} |
], |
"gt_turn_ks": |
}, |
``` |
``` |
The additional fields are: |
message: a list containing the segments of each turn |
segmented_annotations: a list of annotations for each segment within a turn each. |
da: ground truth dialog act associated with segmented response |
gt_ks: ground truth knowledge sentence associated with segmented response |
ds: data source knowledge retrieved from. wiki, fun_facts or article |
fun_facts: |
section: which section containing the fun facts i.e. FS1 |
index: which element in the list of fun facts |
wiki: |
section: which section containing the wikipedia sentence i.e. FS2 |
start_index: index of beginning character of sentence in article |
end_index: index of end character |
article: |
section: which section of article. i.e. AS4 |
start_index: index of beginning character of sentence in article |
end_index: index of end character |
gt_turn_ks: ground truth knowlege sentence associated with turn |
``` |
## Citation |
If you use this dataset, please cite the following two papers: |
### Enriched Topical-Chat |
``` |
@article |
, |
author=, |
journal=, |
year= |
} |
``` |
### Topical-Chat |
``` |
@inproceedings |
, |
title=}, |
year=, |
booktitle= |
} |
``` |