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4.52k classes
<TITLE> Hydrolysis of Leather-solid Waste by Two Collagenase <ABSTRACT> One twostep process was developed to treate shavings of wet salted hide(SWSH).In the first step ,SWSH was heated in a boiling water bath to extract gelatin and the gelatin was treated in the second step using two kinks of collagenase to produce a lower molecular weight protein hydrolysate - peptide.The suitable hydrolysis conditions of collagenase G are 55 ℃;pH 9;the usage being 2%.The suitable hydrolysis conditions of collagenase B are 50 ℃;pH 8;the usage being 4%.The results showed that collagenase G is better than the collagenase B.The molecular weight of hydrolysate by collagenase G is about 5000 Da.It can be widely applied in the high valueadded fields of foods, health care and cosmetic.
668Collagen Structure and Applications
<TITLE> Research Progress in Protection Role of C-peptide on Kidney in Diabetes and the Mechanisms <ABSTRACT> Diabetic nephropathy is a major chronic complication of type 1 diabetes,and it's found that the lack of C-peptide is one of the important reasons for the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy,and physiological dose of C-peptide has a variety of biological functions,which can activate intracellular signaling pathways. C-peptide can reduce urinary albumin excretion,and inhibit glomerular hyperfiltration state,glomerular essential matrix proliferation and basement membrane thickening in experimental diabetic animals and patients with type 1 diabetes by regulating glomerular afferent and efferent artery,and intracellular signals.
1,726Genetics and Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes
<TITLE> Visuelle Kulturen der Kontrollgesellschaft <ABSTRACT> Ausgangspunkt ist die Hypothese, dass Visualisierungen und ihre massenhafte Verbreitung uber Medien in den modernen Industriegesellschaften einen entscheidenden Anteil an der Bildung und Verbreitung soziokultureller Diskurse besitzen. Ausgehend von Konzepten der epistemologischen Wende von der Schrift zum Bild werden medienwissenschaftliche Ansatze der visuellen Kultur kritisch eingeordnet. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird eine historische, theoretische und methodische Perspektivierung des Gegenstands Fernsehen unternommen. In konkreten Einzelanalysen digitaler Animationen und videografischer Aufnahmen in dokumentarischen Formaten des Fernsehens werden die Verfahren und Methoden der Popularisierung von neuen Asthetiken im Fernsehen seit den 1980er Jahren thematisiert. Am Ende werden diese Analyseergebnisse auf das Konzept der Kontrollgesellschaft bei Gilles Deleuze bezogen und fur eine soziokulturelle Einordnung der Phanomene produktiv gemacht.
4,248Theory of Social Practices in Education and Society
<TITLE> Back Cover: Mechanical and electronic properties of stoichiometric silicene and germanene oxides from first-principles (Phys. Status Solidi RRL 6/2013) <ABSTRACT> Analogous to graphene, silicene and germanene have been predicted for Si and Ge elements, respectively. Due to their peculiar buckling structures, the foreign atoms bind strongly to the silicene/germanene sheets, which could form functional nanostructures with intriguing properties. In their Rapid Research Letter on pp. 410–413, Wang and Ding present a first-principles study on the stoichiometric silicene and germanene oxides. It is found that the zigzag ether-like conformation is the most energetically favorable structure for both silicene and germanene oxides. These nanosheets display pronounced mechanical anisotropy, and even exhibit unconventional auxetic behavior with negative Poisson ratio along certain directions. Comparing to the pristine counterparts, the oxidation transforms the semimetallic nanosheets into direct-band-gap semiconductors with anisotropic electronic structures. More interestingly, due to the anisotropic mechanical and electronic characteristics, these oxidized sheets possess axially high intrinsic charge mobilities, which are comparable to the graphene nanoribbons.
1,864Graphene: Properties, Synthesis, and Applications
<TITLE> Số liệu thống kê 1984 <ABSTRACT>
3,869Set Pair Analysis for Ecosystem Assessment
<TITLE> E. coli O157:H7 in Kansas, January 1993 to September 1994. <ABSTRACT>
1,787Global Burden of Foodborne Pathogens
<TITLE> Cybersecurity, Multilateral Export Control, and Standard Setting Arrangements <ABSTRACT> Abstract This chapter focuses on two trade mechanisms and their role in pursuing the policy imperatives of promoting international trade in information and communication technologies (ICTs) while seeking to mitigate cybersecurity risks. The first mechanism, international standard setting and certification efforts, aims to facilitate international trade by providing benchmarks and assurances for security features. In contrast, the second mechanism, international export controls, explicitly seeks to restrict the trade in certain ICT goods for national and international security purposes. The chapter begins by introducing the concepts of standards and certification, and surveying the landscape of cybersecurity standard setting before providing a discussion of the major intergovernmental certification scheme, the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement. It then looks at the Wassenaar Arrangement and examines its recent experience in bringing two types of technologies, intellectual property (IP) surveillance systems and intrusion software, under the purview of export controls.
1,812Global Governance of Cyber Security and Warfare
<TITLE> Polk County : comprehensive plan <ABSTRACT>
1,094Diversity and Applications of Cyperus Species
<TITLE> Principal of printing technology. <ABSTRACT> 内添紙力増強剤、スプンースターチ、表面サイズ剤、コーティングバインダーなど製紙工程のあらゆる分野に使用されるスターチ製品を取り揃え、高度な品質、豊富な技術サービスともども製紙各社からご愛顧を賜っています。
2,740Mechanics and Properties of Paper Materials
<TITLE> Regulation of cytokines by Tpl-2 in dendritic cells andmacrophages <ABSTRACT> Antigen presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells play an important role between the interface of the innate and adaptive immune responses. One property shared by dendritic cells and macrophages is that upon activation they secrete either pro- or anti-inflammatory cytokines dependent on the pathogen derived product and the T cell derived signal they encounter. The panel of cytokines they produce determines the class of the adaptive immune response. Tpl-2 was originally described as a proto-oncogene. It was later found to function as a Map-3 kinase leading to phosphorylation of MEK and ERK. Upon stimulation of dendritic cells and macrophages with Toll like receptor ligands (TLR) such as LPS and CpG, Tpl-2 phosphorylates MEK, which in turn phosphorylates ERK, leading to production of cytokines. In the Tpl-2 knockout mice, it has been shown that TNF production is decreased. We have confirmed this finding and shown that this is both at the transcriptional and post-transcription level. In the complete absence of Tpl-2 we have shown that production of the suppressive cytokine IL-10 is reduced in response to TLR stimulation in macrophages and dendritic cells. On the other hand, when macrophages and dendritic cells are stimulated with LPS or CpG in the absence of Tpl-2, production of IL-12 is increased. IFN-b is also upregulated in absence of Tpl-2. Tpl-2 can regulate IL-12 either directly via IL-10, but also independently of IL-10 via ERK. IL-10 is an important cytokine in regulating the immune response in order to inhibit immune pathology. We crossed the Tpl-2 knockout with an IL-10 knockout mouse in order to investigate whether Tpl-2 regulates IL-12 and IFN-b in the complete absence of IL-10. These studies are currently in progress. Preliminary results however, show that the Tpl-2/IL-10 double knockout develop diarrhoea and colitis around 8 weeks of age, leading to minimal weight gain and even weight loss compared to littermates. This is in contrast to the Tpl-2 knockout, which does not develop colitis and the IL-10 knockout, which only develops colitis at 4 months of age. These findings have important implications for treatment of autoimmune diseases with drugs that inhibit ERK, to inhibit TNF mediated pathology. The aim of this thesis was to investigate to role ERK has in regulating cytokine production in DC and macrophages. We used two different strategies to do this. Firstly we pharmacologically blocked ERK phosphorylation with an inhibitor. Secondly we used genetically modified mice lacking Tpl-2.
2,047Immunobiology of Dendritic Cells
<TITLE> Wie verhält sich die Caritas in Hessen zu Tafeln und ähnlichen »Ergänzenden Armutsdiensten«? <ABSTRACT>
3,671Religious Education and Interreligious Relations
<TITLE> Refugees from militarism <ABSTRACT>
4,207The Responsibility to Protect in International Relations
<TITLE> La administración de la sexualidad y el control de las poblaciones: argumentos políticos y filosóficos para la despenalización del aborto <ABSTRACT> Documento seleccionado en el marco del Primer Congreso Juridico Latinoamericano sobre Derechos Reproductivos, Arequipa, Peru, 2009
347Bioethics and Patient Rights
<TITLE> [MRI for middle-ear cholesteatoma diagnostics]. <ABSTRACT> Non-echoplanar diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (non-EPI-DWMRI) for depicting middle-ear cholesteatoma has a sensitivity as well as specificity at around 90%. It is the accumulated keratin, which results in a high-intensity signal. The detection limit is 3 mm. When applying non-EPI-DWMRI as part of post-operative follow-up, first scan is recommended around one year post-operatively followed by annual scans, until a possible recidive is expected to have reached the detection limit. In children, a closer follow-up is suggested, as paediatric cholesteatomas are more aggressive.
999Diagnosis and Management of Otitis Media
<TITLE> Licitación de proyectos de infraestructura: pautas metodológicas <ABSTRACT>
2,526Legal and Environmental Studies in Latin America
<TITLE> [The study of pharmacy abroad and questions of modernizing the course of study. XII. Pharmacy education in Switzerland]. <ABSTRACT>
1,967History and Impact of Eugenics Movement
<TITLE> Permasalahan Di Kalangan Guru Pelatih Tahun 4 Pendidikan teknik Dan Kejuruteraan Semasa Menjalani Latihan Mengajar <ABSTRACT> Permasalahan di kalangan guru-guru pelatih di bawah Jabatan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruteraan (PTK) selepas menjalani latihan mengajar sering menjadi isu dan perbincangan terutamanya di kalangan pensyarah-pensyarah Fakulti Pendidikan. Kajian ini merupakan satu tinjauan untuk mengkaji permasalahan guruguru pelatih tahun 4 PTK semasa menjalani latihan mengajar di sekolah. Tinjauan deskriptif digunakan sebagai cara penyelesaian untuk mendapatkan keputusan. Seramai 88 orang pelajar dari Fakulti Pendidikan kursus SPA, SPE, SPJ dan SPH telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Kajian dijalankan dengan menggunakan satu set soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada guru pelatih berkenaan. Analisis data adalah dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Science for window version 12 (SPSS). Analisis data akan ditunjukkan dalam bentuk penjadualan dan graf yang mengandungi min dan peratus. Aspek-aspek yang dikaji adalah dari segi penyediaan rancangan pengajaran, pengendalian proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta personaliti guru pelatih. Hasil kajian didapati majoriti guru pelatih PTK tidak menghadapi masalah ketika menjalani latihan mengajar selama dua belas minggu berturut-turut. Namun demikian, ada sebilangan kecilnya masih menghadapi sedikit masalah ketika berada di sekolah masing-masing. Antara masalah yang dikenal pasti adalah dari segi penggunaan masa untuk menulis persediaan mengajar, guru pelatih tidak mampu menyampaikan pengajaran tanpa merujuk kepada buku dan guru pelatih jarang memberikan pendapat atau cadangan di dalam mesyuarat guru. Akhir sekali, cadangan yang bernas dikemukakan untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru-guru pelatih.
2,444Islamic Education and Pedagogy
<TITLE> “Control Access & Security by using Android Application” <ABSTRACT> Abstract – The concept Door locking and unlocking system uses GPRS to open and close the door. In addition to this the security will be provided using GSM in case of any unauthorized access. The main aim of this project is to provide security at homes, offices etc. The system automatically locks the door as soon as it receives predefined message from the user. The user will have to first register. His information will be stored in database. Whenever the message will be received for the registered number, the controller will accordingly give instruction to DC motor. DC motor will then perform action on door either locking or unlocking. In case of unauthorized access, the IR sensor will sense the action and send the alert message to the registered user using GSM.
4,483Wireless Home Automation Systems
<TITLE> [Research: poor standard in spite of adequate knowledge. Interview by Grethe Kjaergaard]. <ABSTRACT>
934Development and Evaluation of Clinical Guidelines
<TITLE> Kitap Tanıtımı: Bavul: belleğin derinlerine yolculuk <ABSTRACT>
1,063Digitizing and Virtualizing Folklore
<TITLE> Discussion of Findings <ABSTRACT> This doctoral project began with an investigation of a big problem suppliers are confronted with when marketing their innovations. They usually approach the value chain by dealing with their immediate customers and essentially pushing their innovations into a value chain. But immediate customers often have low incentives to adopt supplier innovations. To break through immediate customers’ resistance, suppliers rely more and more on VCM by enlarging their target group beyond their immediate customers and addressing their downstream customers as well. This doctoral thesis fosters the understanding of VCM. In order to minimize the limitations, the present work uses three different methods, namely a pilot study, a case study, and a simulation study. Based on the pilot study results, research propositions are developed and tested in the second step by conducting multiple case studies. The agent-based simulation study, in turn, tries to remedy the deficiencies of the case study research. The different studies and analyses have answered the question of how supplier innovations could be promoted and implemented more effectively and efficiently via VCM. The strong alignment of qualitative research and computational modeling ensures the validity of the simulation study.
2,725Measurement Invariance in Structural Equation Modeling
<TITLE> An Improper Profession: Women, Gender, and Journalism in Late Imperial Russia <ABSTRACT>
662Cold War Feminism and Transnational Activism
<TITLE> Picturebooks at play <ABSTRACT>
746Constructions of Masculinity and Men's Well-being
<TITLE> Dangerous drugs. <ABSTRACT>
2,662Management of Poisoning and Toxic Exposures
<TITLE> Störungen der Fettresorption im frühen Säuglingsalter. <ABSTRACT>
1,568Feeding Disorders in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
<TITLE> Simultaneous spectra of complete sample of sources from the PMN survey. <ABSTRACT>
204Applications of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Geoscience and Engineering
<TITLE> Psicanálise e conflito <ABSTRACT> This article highlights the different emphases given to cultural or constitutional determinants of psychic conflict in the works of Sigmund Freud and Wilhelm Reich. To this end, it revisits the development of Freudian drive theory and the extrapolation of the clash between Eros and Thanatos to the scope of life in society. As a counterpoint, it presents the main conjectures of Reich, such as the theory of character and the somatic bases of neuroses, which led him to understand the psychic conflict as a by-product of a modus vivendi that denies the basic needs of the biopsychological unit.
3,527Psychoanalysis and Mental Health Research
<TITLE> ANC the Output Circuit Design and the Simulation Analysis <ABSTRACT> On the basis of passive noise control technology,the active noise control technology is developed which can effectively attenuate the low-frequency noise,but it is not ideal for high-frequency noise.On the analysis of the real-time and uncontrollability of high-frequency noise,we designed an active filter output circuit adopting the bridge type amplifier circuit and current-following technologies.At last,we minutely simulated and analyzed this system on Matlab,and proved the system is realizable.
31Adaptive Filtering in Non-Gaussian Signal Processing
611Civil Engineering and Construction
<TITLE> LibGuides: Gannett-Tripp Library Home: Collections & Finding Aids <ABSTRACT>
4,401Usage and Impact of E-Books in Academic Settings
<TITLE> Hospital indicators: quarterly data show unit cost slowing. <ABSTRACT>
1,198Economics of Health Care Systems and Policies
<TITLE> CAYO POWER INSTRUMENTS <ABSTRACT> These instruments are intended to cover the entire field of bone surgery and to do it in such a manner that, from the standpoint of antisepsis, they need cause no more anxiety than would ordinary hand instruments. There is a set of these instruments, consisting of two cross cut saws (or reciprocators), an automatic chisel and a drill, or rotator; also several attachments and many tips, such as saw blades, drills and chisel blades. These instruments are driven through a flexible shaft and by means of a Universal Motor permanently housed in a carrying case. With these instruments any kind of sawing imaginable can be done, and done without danger, because the hand can be closed on the teeth of the saw when it is going at full speed and yet with no danger to the hand. That is why ribs may be severed without injuring the pleura, or bone flaps made in the
1,963History and Development of Neurosurgery as a Medical Field
<TITLE> Comparison of numerical differentiation based damping sensitivity method <ABSTRACT>
1,649Fundamentals and Applications of Finite Element Analysis
<TITLE> Development of Aloe Fermented Honey Beverage <ABSTRACT> Honey as raw materials,the double fermentation,with aloe and other deployment,make into aloe fermented honey beverage. On the basis of single factor experiment, for sensory evaluation indicators, orthogonal test to determine the best product formulations,as follows:100 mL beverage,add 20 mL aloe juice,honey 30 mL,sucrose 3 g,malic acid 0.1 g.The drinks made by unique flavor, delicate taste, has the obvious honey aroma and aloe tinge, to make full use of aloe resources,rich honey fermentation beverage product range provides a new way.
375Biological and Therapeutic Properties of Bee Products
<TITLE> Wet tundra polygon centers and distance between polygon centroids on Samoylov Island, Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia, with links to shape files <ABSTRACT>
231Arctic Permafrost Dynamics and Climate Change
<TITLE> A biomedical microelectronics challenge for electronics designers <ABSTRACT>
120Analog Circuit Design for Biomedical Applications
<TITLE> Structural Analysis on Preparation of LAMS from Laminarin by ~(13) C NMR <ABSTRACT> Objectives To sulfate the laminarin, then analyze the structure of polysaccharide sulfate, so as to make a foundation for the further research about its biological activity. Methods LAMS was prepared by chlorsulfonic acid - pyridine method ,and the structure of was analyzed by 13 C NMR. Results The most of the SO42- of LAMS were on 2-OH by 13C -NMR. Conclusion LAMS was prepared from laminarin by chlorsulfonic acid - pyridine method. The most of the SO42- of LAMS were on 2-OH by 13C -NMR.
2,854Microbial Production of Polyglutamic Acid
<TITLE> Related Device Identifier <ABSTRACT> Ope n Pe e r Re v ie w on Qe ios
4,483Wireless Home Automation Systems
<TITLE> GRANDES INTERVENÇÕES URBANAS E IMPACTOS SOCIOAMBIENTAIS: REFLEXÕES SOBRE O CASO DO ATERRO SANITÁRIO DE MARITUBA/PA <ABSTRACT> Objetiva-se neste trabalho apresentar considerações sobre alguns dos impactos socioambientais que o Aterro Sanitário instalado no município de Marituba, estado do Pará, causa neste espaço. Para tanto, a metodologia é qualitativa, por meio da análise de referências bibliográficas, matérias jornalísticas e documentos. Este estudo justifica-se por contribuir com considerações sobre as contradições sociais e reconfigurações territoriais que intervenções urbanas produzem. A principal conclusão alcançada é que enquanto vida tiver valor de troca e não valor de uso, violências como estas aqui descritas continuarão a se repetir em vários outros espaços e territórios.
4,388Urban Geography and Social Development in Brazil
<TITLE> Considerations in Selecting Teaching Materials for AP Chinese Courses <ABSTRACT>
2,719Mathematics Education in Higher Engineering and Science
<TITLE> P-23 Evaluating color and physical properties of yellow alkaline noodle made from wheat cultivar "Kitanokaori" grown in different environments <ABSTRACT>
1,037Dietary Fiber and Human Health
<TITLE> Проблемы реинжиниринга программных legacy-систем <ABSTRACT> В работе изложен подход к анализу программных систем с целью автоматизации разбора и отображения логики, лежащей в основе их функционирования. Главное внимание направлено на выделение бизнес-объектов и идентификации бизнес-терминов как элементарных составляющих, на которых базируется описание и построение логических схем и структур программных legacy-систем. Изложено обоснование предлагаемого подхода к реинжинирингу программных legacy-систем и определяются условия корректного построения комплекса бизнес-правил. Предложена методика и алгоритмы автоматизации определения паттернов в модулях legacy-систем, выделение которых позволяет решать проблемы обобщения, унификации и классификации создаваемых бизнес-правил в рамках конкретной legacy-системы или ряда legacy-систем, относящихся к одному типу, при проведении их реинжиниринга. Разработана общая технология построения БП в виде взаимосвязанных средств автоматизации построения БП (САПБП) для выполнения реинжиниринга программных legacy-систем. The article describes the approach to the analysis of software systems to automate the parsing and display logic that underlies their functioning. The main attention is directed to the provision of business objects and identification of business terms as the elementary constituents, which is based on the description and the construction of logic circuits and structures of software legacy-systems. Set out the rationale of the proposed approach to reengineering legacy-software systems and defines the conditions for constructing a correct set of business rules. The technique and algorithms for automation of certain patterns in the modules of legacy-systems, the allocation that solves the problems of consolidation, harmonization of classification and create business rules within a particular legacy-system or some legacy-systems belonging to the same type, during their re-engineering. A general technique for constructing BP in the form of interconnected building automation BP (SAPBP) for performing software reengineering legacy-systems.
2,903Modeling and Control of Multidimensional Systems
<TITLE> PREPARATION OF BRILLIANT CONGO R ("Vital Red") AND THE SUITABILITY OF VARIOUS SAMPLES OF VITAL RED FOR BLOOD VOLUME WORK <ABSTRACT> ADVERTISEMENT RETURN TO ISSUEPREVArticleNEXTPREPARATION OF BRILLIANT CONGO R ("Vital Red") AND THE SUITABILITY OF VARIOUS SAMPLES OF VITAL RED FOR BLOOD VOLUME WORKSamuel Palkin and Herbert M. EvansCite this: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1925, 47, 2, 429–434Publication Date (Print):February 1, 1925Publication History Published online1 May 2002Published inissue 1 February 1925 PublicationsRequest reuse permissionsArticle Views44Altmetric-Citations-LEARN ABOUT THESE METRICSArticle Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to reflect usage leading up to the last few days.Citations are the number of other articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily. Find more information about Crossref citation counts.The Altmetric Attention Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research article has received online. Clicking on the donut icon will load a page at with additional details about the score and the social media presence for the given article. Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. Share Add toView InAdd Full Text with ReferenceAdd Description ExportRISCitationCitation and abstractCitation and referencesMore Options Share onFacebookTwitterWechatLinked InRedditEmail Other access optionsGet e-Alertsclose Get e-Alerts
1,279Electrochemical Detection of Heavy Metal Ions
<TITLE> Foreign Indebtedness, Inflation and Exchange Rate Overshooting <ABSTRACT> Why are exchange rates more volatile than the nominal price level? Does the foreign debt increase or decline with national income? This chapter intends to give a theoretical answer to these two questions of international and monetary economic theory. The model setup in which these questions are treated is a standard representative agent utilitarian model, allowing for long-run growth due to constant returns to scale with respect to reproducible factors.
2,409International Finance and Capital Flows
<TITLE> Soroprevalência de zoonoses com importância em saúde pública em pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS <ABSTRACT>
364Biological Basis and Clinical Management of Syphilis
<TITLE> Whately, William, (died 18 Dec. 1937), a Master of the Supreme Court 1920–30 <ABSTRACT>
1,956Historical and Social Dynamics in Canada
<TITLE> Trh s realitami ve Středočeském regionu <ABSTRACT> Diplomova prace je zaměřena na realitni trh středoceskeho regionu. Prace popisuje, jak se pohybuji ceny nemovitosti a vysvětleni, k cemu slouži cenove mapy. Dale jsou zde popsany možnosti financovani nemovitosti, postupy nebo typy hypotecnich uvěrů. V prakticke casti se zaměřuji na aktualni přiciny pohybu cen nemovitosti na trhu. V soucasne době je třeba sem zahrnout i financni krizi, ktera zasahla v urcite miře i realitni trh. V posledni casti diplomove prace popisuji postup při prodeji nemovitosti. Jake smlouvy jsou potřeba a jak nejlepe postupovat při výběru vhodne realitni kancelaře.
1,185Economic Implications of Taxation Policies and Systems
<TITLE> Hyaluronan modulates cell proliferation and mRNA expression of adhesion-related procollagens and cytokines in glenohumeral synovial/capsular fibroblasts in adhesive capsulitis <ABSTRACT>
3,875Shoulder Pathology and Treatment Outcomes
<TITLE> Rebuilding the Nation: On Architecture and the Aesthetics of Constitutionalism in South African Literature <ABSTRACT> Abstract The South African Constitution is widely regarded as one of the world’s most progressive, and this essays looks to a series of novels concerned with the nation’s transition beyond apartheid in order to examine the challenges of transformative constitutionalism. Through readings of Nadine Gordimer’s None to Accompany Me , Zakes Mda’s Ways of Dying , and Ivan Vladislavic’s The Folly , 1 it explores the prevalence of the language and imagery of architecture in describing national rebuilding and South African constitutional jurisprudence alike. The essay ultimately argues, however, that the architectural metaphor casts post-apartheid recovery as a success story that belies political and economic reality.
3,868Service Delivery Protests in South Africa
<TITLE> Review of L. Trichet, La tonsure: Vie et mort d'une pratique ecclésiastique, Paris, 1990 <ABSTRACT>
3,146Occitan Language and Culture Studies
<TITLE> Διαχείρηση πληροφοριών κυβερνητικών δημοσιευμάτων: εφαρμογές στα φύλλα της εφημερίδας της κυβέρνησης <ABSTRACT> The Ionian University in cooperation with the National Documentation Centre has undertaken the task of indexing the Official Gazette using international coding and standards. The indexing process is prop up by a structured thesaurus. The indexing and thesaurus work secondary products are planned to be the following: 1. a of administrative terms 2. an administrative encyclopaedia correlated to the lexicon 3. an administrative atlas with statistical information connected to both the lexicon and the encyclopedia. The project today covers the early years of the Greek state (ruling of King Otto A'1833-1862). It is already a multifaceted information tool that serves research in the field of administrative science. At the same time, it is a product of information science's basic principles. The interdisciplinary character of information science lends itself to cooperation with other fields of science, hence the particular project can serve as a point of reference for similar works and further applications. The planning and the first stage of the project's implementation were a result of research in the following domains: a. information science b. administrative history c. administrative science Furthermore, the project is geared towards research in the area of information management of government publications.
762Cooperative Banking and Financial Regulation
<TITLE> FORMING AND DEVELOPMENT OF PEDAGOGY OF BEAUTY AS A THEORETICAL BASE OF AESTHETICAL EDUCATION OF YOUTH <ABSTRACT> It is viewed in the article the pedagogy of Beauty as a field of scientifically-pedagogical knowledge, connected with aesthetical education of youth, forming aesthetical culture of a personality, enriching of his/her spiritually-creative ties with art.
946Development of Educational Methods and Systems
<TITLE> La question des autoroutes en Wallonie dans les cadres belge et européen <ABSTRACT>
2,403Intergovernmental Relations in Multinational Federations
<TITLE> 중앙 개구부를 갖는 SWCNT로 보강된 적층 복합소재 원통형 쉘의 고유진동 특성 <ABSTRACT> Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs), epoxy resin and E-glass fibers were used for fabricating carbon nanotubes/fiber/polymer composite shells containing a central cutout. Modified Halpin-Tsai model and micro-mechanical approaches were used to evaluate the elastic properties of laminated composite cylindrical shells with different SWCNT weight ratios. The dynamic characteristics of shells were studied using the finite element program for the frequencies and mode shapes. The interactions between carbon nanotubes weight ratios, layup angles, cutout sizes, fundamental frequencies and mode shapes were carried out. The results were verified with those literatures which dealt with different curvature shapes with and without cutout. The study shows the importance of carbon nanotubes (CNT) reinforcement for higher frequency achievement.
2,703Materials Science and Technology
<TITLE> Discurso de género en la doctrina de la Falange y su vigencia en los primeros años de la Transición <ABSTRACT>
2,057Impact and Legacy of the Spanish Civil War
<TITLE> Detección de Mycobacterium tuberculosis por observación microscópica y susceptibilidad a las drogas para el diagnóstico rápido de la tuberculosis <ABSTRACT> En esta investigacion se identifica a Mycobacterium tuberculosis y su sensibilidad a drogas por el metodo de susceptibilidad directa a farmacos mediante observacion microscopica comparandose con los metodos tradicionales. Metodos: Se analizaron 100 muestras de esputo procedentes de dos grupos de pacientes: pacientes sintomaticos respiratorios y pacientes de alto riesgo con sospecha de tuberculosis. Se realizo baciloscopia, cultivo en medio Lowenstein-Jensen, metodo MODS, y susceptibilidad antimicrobiana por metodo de las proporciones. Resultados: De un total de 100 muestras procesadas, 22% resultaron positivos a la baciloscopia. 22 casos fueron positivos a Lowenstein-Jensen, y 23 casos positivos a MODS. La sensibilidad utilizando MODS fue del 100% y para el cultivo en Lowenstein-Jensen fue del 100%. La especificidad de MODS fue del 100% y LJ fue del 98.7%, (P < 0.05). El tiempo promedio o average para obtener resultados positivos con MODS y LJ fue de 7 y 34.17 dias respectivamente (P<0.05). De los 22 aislamientos determinados para hallar el patron de resistencia, la concordancia entre MODS y el metodo de las proporciones fue del 96% para INH y 100% para Rifampicina. Para ambos metodos resultaron 5 MDR y un caso monoresistente a isoniazida(P < 0.05). Conclusiones: El metodo MODS demuestra ser mas rapido, mas sensible y mas costo-efectivo que los metodos de referencia utilizados para detectar Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
<TITLE> Effect ofColdAcclimation on theIncidence ofTwoForms ofFreezing Injury inProtoplasts Isolated fromRyeLeaves1 <ABSTRACT> Thefreezing tolerance andincidence oftwoformsoffreezing injury (expansion-induced lysis andlossofosmotic responsiveness) weredetermined forprotoplasts isolated fromryeleaves (Secale cereale L.cvPuma)atvarious timesduring coldacclimation. During thefirst 4weeksofthecoldacclimation period, theLT50(i.e. theminimumtemperature atwhich50%ofthe protoplasts survived) decreased from-50Cto-250C. Inprotoplasts isolated fromnonacclimated leaves (NAprotoplasts), expansion-induced lysis (EIL) wasthepredominant formofinjury attheLT50. However, after onlyIweekofcoldacclimation, the incidence ofEILwasreduced tolessthan10%atanysubzero temperature; andlossofosmotic responsiveness wasthepredominant formofinjury, regardless ofthefreezing temperature. Fusion ofeither NA protoplasts orprotoplasts isolated from leaves ofseedlings coldacclimated for1week(1-week ACC protoplasts) withliposomes ofdilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine alsodecreased theincidence ofEILtolessthan10%.Fusion of protoplasts withdilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine diminished the incidence oflossofosmotic responsiveness, butonlyinNA protoplasts or1-week ACCprotoplasts that werefrozen totemperatures overtherangeof-5to-100C. Theseresults suggest that thecoldacclimation process, whichresults inaquantitative increase infreezing resistance, involves several different qualitative changes inthecryobehavior oftheplasma membrane. Coldacclimation ofryeseedlings isinduced byexposureto temperatures of2to5°C, withthemaximumfreezing toler
1,705Genetic Diversity and Breeding of Wheat
<TITLE> Building and Using Tabular Equations of State with Uncertainty Information. <ABSTRACT>
870Data Stream Management Systems and Techniques
3,991Speech Enhancement Techniques
<TITLE> In what settings do turbidites provide a record of major earthquakes <ABSTRACT>
3,852Seismicity and Tectonic Plate Interactions
<TITLE> A Brief Account of the Hu Zongnan Monument of Chinese Republic <ABSTRACT> Hu Zongnan Monument existing in Tianshui describes Hu Zongnan's related activities in Tianshui in 1933-1935. Although there is a lot of praise, it enriches related documents and helps to study Hu Zongnan and the social situation of Longnan.
3,670Religious Diversity and Regulation in Chinese Society
<TITLE> The Use of Thematic Map to Improve Student’s Vocabulary Mastery (A Classroom Action Research of the Seventh Grade Students of SMP N 3 Juwana in the Academic Year 2011/ 2012). <ABSTRACT> Vocabulary is the language component that has to be mastered by the language learners because it is thought as one of the indicators to measure the success of learning language. In fact, people often think that teaching vocabulary is difficult. It is caused by good teaching vocabulary needs many aspects, they are: good method, good students attitude and good teaching media. On the other hand, teacher has limited teaching media. That condition is also happened in SMP N 3 Juwana. The other reason, the students cannot be focus and active. After analyze the problems, the writer assumes to use teaching media that is thematic map to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery. The objective of this research is used to find out our whether thematic map can improve vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Juwana in the academic year 2011/ 2012. In this research, the writer make three cycles. This research is conducted at the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Juwana in the academic year 2011/ 2012. The class consists of thirty four students. The approach that is used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). It is one of kind of research that is done by teacher in the class. It consist of four stages. These are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subject of the research is the seventh grade students of VII D class of SMP N 3 Juwana in academic year 2011/2012. In the result, the student’s vocabulary mastery improves from cycle I until cycle III. In cycle I, the average of the student’s achievement test score is 68.38, in the cycle II the average of the student’s achievement test score is 77.64, and in the cycle III the average of the student’s achievement test score is 83.67. Besides, the students and teacher’s activity are improved and the problem that faced by teacher are decreased in every cycle. Therefore, the writer can conclude that the use of thematic map can improve student’s vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Juwana in the academic year 2011/ 2012. Therefore, the writer recommends some suggestions. First, teacher should be clever in choosing the appropriate media that can both change the student’s attitude toward teaching media and improve the mastery of vocabulary of students. The second on e is the students should change their mindsets about the difficult of learning English.
2,135Impact of Instructional Interventions on Critical Thinking Skills
<TITLE> The Significance of the Practical Aesthetics in Our Times <ABSTRACT> The Practical Aesthetics belongs to our times. Having investigated the philosophical foundation, the basic concepts of the practical aesthetics, the developing course of Chinese modern aesthetics, and the whole history of aesthetics, we can find the out of date view of the post practical aesthetics is only misreading and misunderstanding the practical aesthetics.
2,310Innovations in Visual Communication Design and Technology
<TITLE> The Books of Samuel <ABSTRACT>
326Biblical Studies and Christian Theology
<TITLE> The ‘Hyporchema’ of Pratinas <ABSTRACT> Et. d'un chant de P. (Snell: Trag. Gr. Frag. I, p.82) qui apparait comme un exemple de style dithyrambique pre-pindarique, qui comporte egalement des elements de parodie metrique.
3,939Society and Economy in Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations
<TITLE> Noot onder Arbitragehof 14 juni 2006: geen twee gewichten, geen twee (straf)maten: Arbitragehof herleidt strafmaat <ABSTRACT>
1,849Globalization of Law and Legal Methodology
<TITLE> 33. Tutela <ABSTRACT>
2,234Indo-European Linguistic and Cultural Studies
<TITLE> CCDC 1574568: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination <ABSTRACT> An entry from the Cambridge Structural Database, the world’s repository for small molecule crystal structures. The entry contains experimental data from a crystal diffraction study. The deposited dataset for this entry is freely available from the CCDC and typically includes 3D coordinates, cell parameters, space group, experimental conditions and quality measures.
807Crystallization Processes and Control
<TITLE> [The distribution of oxygen pressure in the pial arterioles of the rat under normobaric hyperoxia]. <ABSTRACT> Breathing with air revealed that oxygen tension in arterioles practically does not depend on the diameter of vessels under study in rats. Whereas in breathing with oxygen, oxygen tension sharply decreased along the course of the microvessel bed. The above decrease seems to be due to exclusion of hemoglobin's dumping function and the effect of such factors as the ratio of arterioles surface's extension to the volume of their blood and the velocity of blood flow in pial arterioles.
1,720Genetic and Physiological Adaptations to High-Altitude Environments
<TITLE> Interleukin-13-Induced Mucous Cell Hyperplasia in Airway Epithelium <ABSTRACT>
2,076Impact of Child Care on Infectious Diseases
<TITLE> Studie van invertebraat-specifieke effecten van endocrien-verstorende stoffen in de estuariene aasgarnaal Neomysis integer (Leach, 1814) = Study of invertebrate-specific effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Leach, 1814) <ABSTRACT>
2,204Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Fisheries
<TITLE> Sketching the nebulae <ABSTRACT> In recent years, many historians of science have turned their attention to the visual culture of science. However, the value of images within the practice of science -- even within a highly visual discipline like astronomy -- remains incompletely understood. No one disputes that astronomers use images to communicate with their scientific peers and the broader public or that images can shape and influence the questions astronomers ask. But getting at precisely how visual representations contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and insight is a harder task. In his study of nineteenth-century drawings of nebulae and the procedures adopted by the observers who made them, Omar W. Nasim has done exactly this.Nasim's subject lends itself well to this issue. For nineteenth-century observers, the uncertainty of the nebulae created a vexing problem. These clouds of glowing light could not be measured and quantified in the manner of other celestial objects. Their history, structure, and makeup were all up for debate. As Nasim convincingly demonstrates, the act of drawing became a means to discern the very nature of the nebulae.To make his case, Nasim attends closely to a body of images that have not been carefully analysed: drawings in the observing books of scientists. Observing by hand reproduces numerous pages from these personal record books; the illustrations make evident Nasim's research skills and the pleasure he derives from archival discoveries. At first glance, it is easy to see why historians have largely looked past such sketches. Rough and often tiny, wedged between columns of numbers and scribbled notes, they appear rushed, insignificant, and idiosyncratic. But Nasim ably guides the reader to their salient features, reconstructs the processes used by the observers who made them, and reveals the epistemological value of these sketches both to their creators and to historians who strive to understand scientific practice.The first two chapters consider the work of Lord Rosse and his assistants using the Leviathan, as well as the broader response and interpretation of their observations. Nasim tells a new story about this famous reflector by focusing on the recording methods put into place, in particular, the practice of copying personal drawings into a shared ledger book as a means to synthesize and consolidate the diverse observations made by the many eyes and hands that used the Leviathan. This collection of drawings, made over many years, aided and enhanced the process through which observers became familiar with the nebulae. Nasim also introduces two terms to describe the qualities of the Rosse drawings. He argues that the project initially made portraits of the nebulae, drawings that concentrated on morphological features; later, due to pressure from the astronomical community, the project shifted its attention to descriptive maps, drawings that integrated the pictorial features of the nebulae with numeric data and that necessitated the development of a new procedure. …
936Development and Impact of Astronomy Throughout History
<TITLE> Wielkopolanin 1916.09.15 R.34 Nr211 <ABSTRACT>
1,972History and Politics of Poland
<TITLE> Mathematical Foundation of the Quantum Theory of Interacting Fields <ABSTRACT> Assuming that the interaction between two fields takes place in the primary system, we rewrite the interaction Hamiltonian density with primary operators. Then, it becomes a well-defined operator in the primary system, and the Schrödinger equation becomes mathematically meaningful. As the proper system, that is, the physical system in the usual sense, is contained in the extension of the primary system, this Schrödinger equation has a precise mathematical meaning in the proper system, too. It is proved also that the new interaction Hamiltonian is nothing but the renormalized one of the usual interaction Hamiltonian.
4,029Stochastic Thermodynamics and Fluctuation Theorems
<TITLE> Local strain analysis for CMOS technology by Raman and Nano-Raman spectroscopy <ABSTRACT>
1,554Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits
<TITLE> Neue Ansätze für biotechnologische Anwendungen der Mais Ac/Ds Transposonfamilie in heterologen Wirtspflanzen <ABSTRACT> Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zum einen ein neuartiges Aktivierungstagging-System untersucht, bei dem das Ac/Ds-Transposonsystem mit einem System zur regulierten Transkriptionsaktivierung kombiniert wurde. Nach Ac-vermittelter Transposition von Ds, bindet der Transkriptionsaktivator LhG4 an eine Operatorsequenz innerhalb des Ds-Elements und initiiert die Transkription aus dem Ds-Element heraus. Die Transkripte bzw. Proteinprodukte konnen zu phanotypischen Veranderungen fuhren, nach denen gescreent werden kann. Die Starke der Transkriptionsaktivierung kann chemisch durch IPTG reguliert werden. Die Aktivierung der Genexpression mit LhG4 sowie die konzentrationsabhangige Regulation durch IPTG wurden mittels GUS-Reportergenaktivitat in Tabakkeimlingen bestatigt. In mehreren Screenings von Tabakkeimlingen, in die alle Komponenten des Aktivierungstagging-Systems eingebracht wurden, konnten morphologisch auffallige Pflanzen detektiert werden. Aus vier Pflanzen, die fusionierte Kotyledonen nach der Keimung aufwiesen, wurden aktivierte Ds-getaggte Transkripte isoliert. Eine weitere Anwendungsmoglichkeit, die mit dem Ac/Ds-System erschlossen wurde, ist die Markergeneliminierung bei Nutzpflanzen. Hierfur wurden Transformationsvektoren erstellt, die alle Komponenten fur die Herstellung von transgenen Pflanzen ohne Markergene enthalten. Bei diesem System wird das Zielgen von den beiden Ds-Enden flankiert. Ein stabiles Ac-Element vermittelt die Transposition der Ds-Zielgen Kassette. Nach erfolgter Exzision wird ein ihp-Element aktiviert, welches uber RNAi die Transposaseaktivitat silencen kann, um in der Pflanze Sekundartranspositionen zu verhindern. Durch Integration der Ds-Zielgen-Kassette an einen nicht mit der T-DNA donor site gekoppelten Lokus, kann in der Folgegeneration die T-DNA ausgekreuzt werden. Experimentell wurde in planta gezeigt, dass durch die ihp-Elemente die Ac-Transkriptmenge stark reduziert wird und somit die Sekundartransposition unterbunden werden sollte.
1,729Genome Evolution and Polyploidy in Plants
<TITLE> Legislative Ethics in Indiana: AMatter of Perception — and PerceptionMatters <ABSTRACT>
2,454Judicial Politics and Legal Consciousness
<TITLE> The Ayios Vasilios Survey Project: diagnostic samples versus total samples and their biases <ABSTRACT>
225Archaeological Studies of Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations
<TITLE> Election of Regional Directors-at-Large and Members-at-Large [Society News] <ABSTRACT>
3,657Regulatory Competition in European Company Law
<TITLE> [Introductory report: bonded dentistry. Composites and restorations]. <ABSTRACT>
897Dental Restorative Materials
<TITLE> REMOTE ID AIDS AUTOMATION <ABSTRACT> BMW in Munich has realized a future-oriented scheme for high degree automation in automobile manufacture. In this scheme, a remote identification (ID) system replaces complicated processor structures to control the flow of body parts, initiate individual spot welding operations and to take care of body and drivetrain unification. The system consists of a small battery-backed escort memory, a programming/reading device (the communicator), a data concentrator and a central computer.
213Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
<TITLE> Empirical and Theoretical Background <ABSTRACT> In this chapter I discuss the empirical and theoretical issues that inform this study. Several questions and intellectual problems guided this research. First, I was skeptical of the claim that African Americans do not participate in any of the large-scale vowel rotations in American English (e.g. Labov 1994, 2001; Bailey and Thomas 1998; Thomas 2001). Wolfram (2007) characterizes the assumption that "… regionality in African American English is invariably trumped by the trans-regional, common core of shared vernacular traits" as a myth and also labels this assumption as the "exotic variety syndrome." It is important to investigate the extent to which speakers of AAE do or do not participate in contemporary vowel changes in American English. To this end, I investigated the patterning of /u/ and /Ʊ/ for the Southern migrant participants in this study. Fronting of these vowels is widespread in American English (see Section 2.1.5). I also examine a more local change for the African American participants in this study, the glide-weakening of /ai/ in the pre-voiceless context, a change that—until recently—was associated with progressive Southern White, but not African American, varieties. Second, I wanted to employ a framework which used local categories relevant to speakers rather than categories imposed by the researcher. Third, I investigate the relationship between internal constraints on and external motivations for language change in a framework that is sensitive to the influences of coarticulation. Socioacoustic work that considers context effects such as coarticulation is also rare.
3,946Sociolinguistic Variation and Language Change
<TITLE> Special Features of Extractive Industries <ABSTRACT>
1,653Future Development of China's Coal Industry
<TITLE> ‘Leading from the Middle’: Qadi al-Nu man on Female Prayer Leadership <ABSTRACT>
2,444Islamic Education and Pedagogy
<TITLE> Review of Book: Female Monasticism in Early Modern Europe <ABSTRACT>
3,639Reformation Studies in Early Modern Europe
<TITLE> Teacher Education Changes, Transitions, and Substitutions: Technology to the Rescue! <ABSTRACT>
1,677Gender Differences in Information and Communication Technology
2,832Metastatic Carcinomas from Lung and Breast
<TITLE> University and Educational Intelligence <ABSTRACT> CAMBRIDGE.—The following lectures on natural science are being given this term;—
509Challenges and Innovations in Bioinformatics Education
<TITLE> :The Reconstruction of Southern Debtors: Bankruptcy after the Civil War.<i>(Studies in the Legal History of the South.)</i> <ABSTRACT> The story of the federal government's efforts to reconstruct the society and economy of the devastated South is well known to most historians. Elizabeth Lee Thompson's book adds an interesting and new dimension to this familiar story. Her discussion of the 1867 Bankruptcy Act and its consequences sheds light on the persistence of southern landholders after the war, attitudes toward federal power, and gender relations in the postwar South. Most southern legislators originally perceived the law as a possible extension of federal power, but they tempered their opposition for a number of reasons. They understood that the law would benefit individual southerners and, more importantly, viewed the law as separate from Reconstruction and therefore not punitive. In short, southerners finessed their typical protection of state authority and supported the bill. Southern citizens were quick to take advantage of the law's provisions. Approximately thirty-six percent of the cases were filed in the South, at a time when southerners comprised about one quarter of the population. Most of those filing came soon after the war and many of them were intended to remove debts incurred to northern merchants.
112American Political Thought and History
<TITLE> Rescue of calcineurin A alpha null mice reveals a role for calcineurin in salivary gland function <ABSTRACT> Calcineurin is a calcium‐dependent enzyme that functions in many cells including the immune system, neurons, musculature and kidney. The phenotype of mice lacking the αisoform of the catalytic subunit (CnAα‐/‐) is notable for failure to thrive and early lethality; a cause for which has yet to be identified. In this study we report the rescue of CnAα‐/‐ mice to adulthood by feeding of a modified diet. The success of this approach suggested a defect in salivary gland function. Accordingly, while the rate of salivary production was normal, there was a significant decline in salivary amylase and peroxidase activity and lower amounts of sialic acid, indicating a defect in exocrine vesicle formation. Consistent with this finding, salivary glands from null mice demonstrated a marked attenuation of secretory vesicles and granular content of serosal acinar cells in submandibular glands. Subcellular fractionation of wildtype salivary glands revealed endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and trans‐Golgi network expression and activity of the αisoform. Loss of CnAα leads to retention of secretory vesicles in these fractions. Moreover, calcineurin activity in fractions containing the αisoform can be upregulated by acetylcholine and blocked by xestospongin, demonstrating a requirement for the IP3R. In conclusion, we find a critical role for CnAα downstream of the IP3R that is required for post‐ ER trafficking of secretory vesicles.
458Calcineurin-NFAT Signaling in Transcriptional Regulation
<TITLE> Gay men and the internet <ABSTRACT> This chapter explores how gay men use new media technologies and how these emergent media have, in turn, helped shape the contours of the gay community. By providing a historical overview of online spaces that have attracted gay audiences, it traces the changing uses of digital technologies including the Internet and social media apps to both challenge and recreate notions of gay community in the offline environment. While bisexuals, lesbian women, transgender individuals, intersexed individuals, the questioning and many other variants of 'sexual minorities' all have their own unique relationship with the Internet, the chapter specifically focuses on gay men because all of these histories and relationships while interrelated are, in fact, ultimately unique. Since 1998, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has served as a private, not-for-profit organisation subcontracted by the US government that has managed most aspects of Internet governance.
2,427Intersectionality in LGBTQ+ Mental Health
<TITLE> The Impacts of Urbanization on Archaeological Site Preservation in Afghanistan <ABSTRACT>
731Conflict Reconstruction and State-Building in Central Asia
<TITLE> State officials tout public-private partnerships as way to stretch limited available funding <ABSTRACT>
3,557Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Development
<TITLE> Optimal pruning of Riesling X Sylvaner vines by Lake Zurich. <ABSTRACT>
1,715Genetic and Environmental Factors in Grapevine Cultivation
<TITLE> 2. Stahl-Symposium: Neue Entwicklungen bei Stahlverbundbrücken <ABSTRACT> StahlbauVolume 71, Issue 5 p. 378-380 Berichte 2. Stahl-Symposium: Neue Entwicklungen bei Stahlverbundbrücken H. Trumpf, H. TrumpfSearch for more papers by this author H. Trumpf, H. TrumpfSearch for more papers by this author First published: 28 March 2013 ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat No abstract is available for this article. Volume71, Issue5May 2002Pages 378-380 RelatedInformation
611Civil Engineering and Construction
<TITLE> Faculty Opinions recommendation of Leptin receptor signaling in midbrain dopamine neurons regulates feeding. <ABSTRACT>
3,091Neuroendocrine Regulation of Appetite and Body Weight
<TITLE> Relationship between Calpain-10 Gene Polymorphism and Insulin Resistance Phenotypes in Chinese <ABSTRACT> In order to determine whether the variations in the calpain-10 gene constitutes risk of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in Chinese, the frequency of UCSNP-43, 44 in 268 adults newly diagnosed with T2DM (according to the 1999 ADA criteria) and 153 non-diabetic control subjects was investigated. For all subjects, the height, weight, waist-to-hip ratio (W/H) and blood pressure, as well as following parameters were measured: (1) 75-g oral glucose tolerance test with insulin, C-peptide, HbA1c and blood lipid profiles; (2) Genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood lymphocytes was genotyped for UCSNP-43 (calpain-10-g. 4852 G/A) and UCSNP-44 (calpain-10-g.4841T/C) by sequencing a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified fragment. PCR product was selected by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and then sequenced. The results showed that there was significant difference between T2DM group and normal control group in allele frequencies, haplotype frequencies, or haplotype combinations of UCSNP-43 and -44 either.But in newly diagnosed T2DM group, it was found that the individuals with the genotype UCSNP44 T/C+C/C had significantly increased fasting and post-challenge insulin levels (FIns and P2hIns), consistent with reduced insulin sensitivity. In the BMI>25 subgroup, the differences were even more significant. It was demonstrated that the Calpain-10 gene polymorphism UCSNP-44was associated with insulin sensitivity and FIns and P2hIns in newly diagnosed T2DM, although Calpain-10 doesn't appear as a major diabetes susceptible gene in this population.
3,728Role of Calpain in Cellular Processes and Diseases
848Customer Relationships, Behavior, and Loyalty
<TITLE> Climate change work runs into stormy weather <ABSTRACT>
4,091Sustainability Transitions and Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems
<TITLE> Functions and Emergence ofNew Work Organizations at Toyota A Case 0/EmergentSocio-Technical Designs on the Assembly Line <ABSTRACT> This chapter ' examines Toyota's new assembly work organization that emerged from the late 1980s to early 1990s. The chapter describes and analyzes the structures, functions, and patterns of its emergence. Through this analysis, the chapter argues that the new system, when realized, significantly resembled so called work organizations in terms of its structural and funct ional characteristics, but that Toyota did not intend the former to be a direct application of the socio-technical theory . The new system, instead, resulted from a complex emergent process that consisted of both intended and unintended actions by the company and the union in response to the changes in the product-labor markets. In this sense, Toyota's new assembly system may be regarded as an emergent (i.e., unintended but realized) socio-technical system in a broad sense, if not a deliberately planned one (Minzberg & Waters, 1985). The chapter explores this evolutionary logic behind the recent trend ofwork organizations at the Japanese automaker.
2,469Knowledge Management and Organizational Innovation