File size: 2,257 Bytes
e4c29e1 |
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# Build arabic misspelling corpus
default: all
# Clean build files
#create all files
python scripts/ -f output/${DATA}.unq -o output/${DATA}.csv
# Publish to github
git push origin master
# generate suggestion for unkown words
#~ hunspell -d ar_DZ -a samples/${DATA} > output/${DATA}.1.tmp
# select mispelled words with suggestion only
grep "^& " output/${DATA}.1.tmp > output/${DATA}.tmp
sed "s/: /\t/g" -i output/${DATA}.tmp
# extract word input in colums to separate it
cut -f1 output/${DATA}.tmp > output/${DATA}.input.tmp
sed "s/&//g" -i output/${DATA}.input.tmp
sed "s/ /\t/g" -i output/${DATA}.input.tmp
# extract word suggestion in colums to separate it
cut -f2 output/${DATA}.tmp > output/${DATA}.suggest.tmp
sed "s/, /;/g" -i output/${DATA}.suggest.tmp
# join files
echo "word\tn1\tn2\tsuggest"| cat >output/${DATA}.csv
paste output/${DATA}.input.tmp output/${DATA}.suggest.tmp >> output/${DATA}.csv
rm output/*.tmp
python scripts/ -c join -f samples/${DATA} -f2 output/${DATA}.csv -o output/${DATA}.corpus.csv
#~ scripts/ tests/samples/abdnormal.txt > tests/output/abdnormal.tok
# generate suggestion for unkown words
#~ cd tests; hunspell -d ar_DZ -a output/abdnormal.tok > output/abd.1.tmp
# select mispelled words with suggestion only
#~ cd tests; grep "^& " output/abd.1.tmp > output/abd.tmp
cp tests/output/abd.1.tmp tests/output/abd.tmp
#~ sed "s/\*/\*\t/g" -i tests/output/abd.tmp
# remove first line
sed 1d -i tests/output/abd.tmp
# remove empty lines
sed -e '/^$$/d' -i tests/output/abd.tmp
sed "s/: /\t/g" -i tests/output/abd.tmp
# extract word input in colums to separate it
cut -f1 tests/output/abd.tmp >tests/output/input.tmp
#~ sed "s/&//g" -i tests/output/input.tmp
sed "s/ /\t/g" -i tests/output/input.tmp
# extract word suggestion in colums to separate it
cut -f2 tests/output/abd.tmp >tests/output/suggest.tmp
sed "s/, /;/g" -i tests/output/suggest.tmp
# join files
#paste tests/output/abdnormal.tok tests/output/input.tmp tests/output/suggest.tmp > tests/output/abdo.csv