Agregar sección dataset
Browse files
@@ -34,6 +34,240 @@ task_ids:
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En esta actividad intentaremos resolver un problema de clasificación multimodal. En un problema de clasificación multimodal, cada pieza de información viene en diferentes representaciones (imágenes, texto, audios, etc) y la idea es determinar cómo usar esos datos para un problema de clasificación.
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En este caso trabajaremos con un dataset que contiene datos sobre especies de pájaros.
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## Problema
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El problema consiste en entrenar un modelo que clasifique instancias del dataset CUB de la mejor manera posible. Algunas preguntas que podrían guiar nuestro desarrollo son:
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En esta actividad intentaremos resolver un problema de clasificación multimodal. En un problema de clasificación multimodal, cada pieza de información viene en diferentes representaciones (imágenes, texto, audios, etc) y la idea es determinar cómo usar esos datos para un problema de clasificación.
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En este caso trabajaremos con un dataset que contiene datos sobre especies de pájaros.
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## Dataset
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### Data Instances
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Una muestra del _dataset_ se encuentra a continuación:
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{'image': <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=334x500 at 0x7F59DE348AF0>,
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'description': 'this bird has a short orange bill, white breast and body and white eyes.\na medium sized bird with a orange bill and a black crown and white eyes\nthis white-breasted bird has a short, squat, orange bill, a black head and wings, and small white eyes above a white stripe.\nthis bird has a white breast, a black head, a short red beak, and webbed feet.\nthis bird is white with black on its neck and has a long, pointy beak.\nthis bird has wings that are black and has a white belly\nthis bird has wings that are black and has a long bill\nthis is a medium sized bird, with a white belly, and a grey head and wings, with a short yellow bill.\nthis bird is white and gray in color, and has a bright orange beak.\nthis bird has a blunt orange beak with mostly black above the neck, the belly is solid white.\n',
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'label': 6,
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'file_name': 'Parakeet_Auklet_0048_795980.jpg'}
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### Data Fields
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Cada instancia de datos tiene los siguientes campos:
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55 |
- `image`: imagen RGB de un pájaro
56 |
- `description`: texto con 10 descripciones del pájaro en la foto, cada descripción esta separado por un salto de linea (i.e. `\n`)
57 |
- `label`: un número entero que representa el id de la especie a la que pertenece el pájaro
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
1 001.Black_footed_Albatross
62 |
2 002.Laysan_Albatross
63 |
3 003.Sooty_Albatross
64 |
4 004.Groove_billed_Ani
65 |
5 005.Crested_Auklet
66 |
6 006.Least_Auklet
67 |
7 007.Parakeet_Auklet
68 |
8 008.Rhinoceros_Auklet
69 |
9 009.Brewer_Blackbird
70 |
10 010.Red_winged_Blackbird
71 |
11 011.Rusty_Blackbird
72 |
12 012.Yellow_headed_Blackbird
73 |
13 013.Bobolink
74 |
14 014.Indigo_Bunting
75 |
15 015.Lazuli_Bunting
76 |
16 016.Painted_Bunting
77 |
17 017.Cardinal
78 |
18 018.Spotted_Catbird
79 |
19 019.Gray_Catbird
80 |
20 020.Yellow_breasted_Chat
81 |
21 021.Eastern_Towhee
82 |
22 022.Chuck_will_Widow
83 |
23 023.Brandt_Cormorant
84 |
24 024.Red_faced_Cormorant
85 |
25 025.Pelagic_Cormorant
86 |
26 026.Bronzed_Cowbird
87 |
27 027.Shiny_Cowbird
88 |
28 028.Brown_Creeper
89 |
29 029.American_Crow
90 |
30 030.Fish_Crow
91 |
31 031.Black_billed_Cuckoo
92 |
32 032.Mangrove_Cuckoo
93 |
33 033.Yellow_billed_Cuckoo
94 |
34 034.Gray_crowned_Rosy_Finch
95 |
35 035.Purple_Finch
96 |
36 036.Northern_Flicker
97 |
37 037.Acadian_Flycatcher
98 |
38 038.Great_Crested_Flycatcher
99 |
39 039.Least_Flycatcher
100 |
40 040.Olive_sided_Flycatcher
101 |
41 041.Scissor_tailed_Flycatcher
102 |
42 042.Vermilion_Flycatcher
103 |
43 043.Yellow_bellied_Flycatcher
104 |
44 044.Frigatebird
105 |
45 045.Northern_Fulmar
106 |
46 046.Gadwall
107 |
47 047.American_Goldfinch
108 |
48 048.European_Goldfinch
109 |
49 049.Boat_tailed_Grackle
110 |
50 050.Eared_Grebe
111 |
51 051.Horned_Grebe
112 |
52 052.Pied_billed_Grebe
113 |
53 053.Western_Grebe
114 |
54 054.Blue_Grosbeak
115 |
55 055.Evening_Grosbeak
116 |
56 056.Pine_Grosbeak
117 |
57 057.Rose_breasted_Grosbeak
118 |
58 058.Pigeon_Guillemot
119 |
59 059.California_Gull
120 |
60 060.Glaucous_winged_Gull
121 |
61 061.Heermann_Gull
122 |
62 062.Herring_Gull
123 |
63 063.Ivory_Gull
124 |
64 064.Ring_billed_Gull
125 |
65 065.Slaty_backed_Gull
126 |
66 066.Western_Gull
127 |
67 067.Anna_Hummingbird
128 |
68 068.Ruby_throated_Hummingbird
129 |
69 069.Rufous_Hummingbird
130 |
70 070.Green_Violetear
131 |
71 071.Long_tailed_Jaeger
132 |
72 072.Pomarine_Jaeger
133 |
73 073.Blue_Jay
134 |
74 074.Florida_Jay
135 |
75 075.Green_Jay
136 |
76 076.Dark_eyed_Junco
137 |
77 077.Tropical_Kingbird
138 |
78 078.Gray_Kingbird
139 |
79 079.Belted_Kingfisher
140 |
80 080.Green_Kingfisher
141 |
81 081.Pied_Kingfisher
142 |
82 082.Ringed_Kingfisher
143 |
83 083.White_breasted_Kingfisher
144 |
84 084.Red_legged_Kittiwake
145 |
85 085.Horned_Lark
146 |
86 086.Pacific_Loon
147 |
87 087.Mallard
148 |
88 088.Western_Meadowlark
149 |
89 089.Hooded_Merganser
150 |
90 090.Red_breasted_Merganser
151 |
91 091.Mockingbird
152 |
92 092.Nighthawk
153 |
93 093.Clark_Nutcracker
154 |
94 094.White_breasted_Nuthatch
155 |
95 095.Baltimore_Oriole
156 |
96 096.Hooded_Oriole
157 |
97 097.Orchard_Oriole
158 |
98 098.Scott_Oriole
159 |
99 099.Ovenbird
160 |
100 100.Brown_Pelican
161 |
101 101.White_Pelican
162 |
102 102.Western_Wood_Pewee
163 |
103 103.Sayornis
164 |
104 104.American_Pipit
165 |
105 105.Whip_poor_Will
166 |
106 106.Horned_Puffin
167 |
107 107.Common_Raven
168 |
108 108.White_necked_Raven
169 |
109 109.American_Redstart
170 |
110 110.Geococcyx
171 |
111 111.Loggerhead_Shrike
172 |
112 112.Great_Grey_Shrike
173 |
113 113.Baird_Sparrow
174 |
114 114.Black_throated_Sparrow
175 |
115 115.Brewer_Sparrow
176 |
116 116.Chipping_Sparrow
177 |
117 117.Clay_colored_Sparrow
178 |
118 118.House_Sparrow
179 |
119 119.Field_Sparrow
180 |
120 120.Fox_Sparrow
181 |
121 121.Grasshopper_Sparrow
182 |
122 122.Harris_Sparrow
183 |
123 123.Henslow_Sparrow
184 |
124 124.Le_Conte_Sparrow
185 |
125 125.Lincoln_Sparrow
186 |
126 126.Nelson_Sharp_tailed_Sparrow
187 |
127 127.Savannah_Sparrow
188 |
128 128.Seaside_Sparrow
189 |
129 129.Song_Sparrow
190 |
130 130.Tree_Sparrow
191 |
131 131.Vesper_Sparrow
192 |
132 132.White_crowned_Sparrow
193 |
133 133.White_throated_Sparrow
194 |
134 134.Cape_Glossy_Starling
195 |
135 135.Bank_Swallow
196 |
136 136.Barn_Swallow
197 |
137 137.Cliff_Swallow
198 |
138 138.Tree_Swallow
199 |
139 139.Scarlet_Tanager
200 |
140 140.Summer_Tanager
201 |
141 141.Artic_Tern
202 |
142 142.Black_Tern
203 |
143 143.Caspian_Tern
204 |
144 144.Common_Tern
205 |
145 145.Elegant_Tern
206 |
146 146.Forsters_Tern
207 |
147 147.Least_Tern
208 |
148 148.Green_tailed_Towhee
209 |
149 149.Brown_Thrasher
210 |
150 150.Sage_Thrasher
211 |
151 151.Black_capped_Vireo
212 |
152 152.Blue_headed_Vireo
213 |
153 153.Philadelphia_Vireo
214 |
154 154.Red_eyed_Vireo
215 |
155 155.Warbling_Vireo
216 |
156 156.White_eyed_Vireo
217 |
157 157.Yellow_throated_Vireo
218 |
158 158.Bay_breasted_Warbler
219 |
159 159.Black_and_white_Warbler
220 |
160 160.Black_throated_Blue_Warbler
221 |
161 161.Blue_winged_Warbler
222 |
162 162.Canada_Warbler
223 |
163 163.Cape_May_Warbler
224 |
164 164.Cerulean_Warbler
225 |
165 165.Chestnut_sided_Warbler
226 |
166 166.Golden_winged_Warbler
227 |
167 167.Hooded_Warbler
228 |
168 168.Kentucky_Warbler
229 |
169 169.Magnolia_Warbler
230 |
170 170.Mourning_Warbler
231 |
171 171.Myrtle_Warbler
232 |
172 172.Nashville_Warbler
233 |
173 173.Orange_crowned_Warbler
234 |
174 174.Palm_Warbler
235 |
175 175.Pine_Warbler
236 |
176 176.Prairie_Warbler
237 |
177 177.Prothonotary_Warbler
238 |
178 178.Swainson_Warbler
239 |
179 179.Tennessee_Warbler
240 |
180 180.Wilson_Warbler
241 |
181 181.Worm_eating_Warbler
242 |
182 182.Yellow_Warbler
243 |
183 183.Northern_Waterthrush
244 |
184 184.Louisiana_Waterthrush
245 |
185 185.Bohemian_Waxwing
246 |
186 186.Cedar_Waxwing
247 |
187 187.American_Three_toed_Woodpecker
248 |
188 188.Pileated_Woodpecker
249 |
189 189.Red_bellied_Woodpecker
250 |
190 190.Red_cockaded_Woodpecker
251 |
191 191.Red_headed_Woodpecker
252 |
192 192.Downy_Woodpecker
253 |
193 193.Bewick_Wren
254 |
194 194.Cactus_Wren
255 |
195 195.Carolina_Wren
256 |
196 196.House_Wren
257 |
197 197.Marsh_Wren
258 |
198 198.Rock_Wren
259 |
199 199.Winter_Wren
260 |
200 200.Common_Yellowthroat
261 |
262 |
263 |
- `file_name`: nombre del archivo que tiene la imagen
264 |
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### Data Splits
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| |train| test|
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|# of examples|5994|5794|
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## Problema
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El problema consiste en entrenar un modelo que clasifique instancias del dataset CUB de la mejor manera posible. Algunas preguntas que podrían guiar nuestro desarrollo son: