arXiv:1001.0041v2 [math.MG] 2 Jul 2010Almost-Euclidean subspaces of ℓN |
1via tensor |
products: a simple approach to randomness |
reduction |
Piotr Indyk1⋆and Stanislaw Szarek2⋆⋆ |
1MITindyk@mit.edu |
2CWRU & Paris 6 szarek@math.jussieu.fr |
Abstract. It has been known since 1970’s that the N-dimensional ℓ1- |
space contains nearly Euclidean subspaces whose dimension isΩ(N). |
However, proofs of existence of such subspaces were probabi listic, hence |
non-constructive, which made the results not-quite-suita ble for subse- |
quently discovered applications to high-dimensional near est neighbor |
search, error-correcting codes over the reals, compressiv e sensing and |
other computational problems. In this paper we present a “lo w-tech” |
scheme which, for any γ >0, allows us toexhibitnearly Euclidean Ω(N)- |
dimensional subspaces of ℓN |
1while using only Nγrandom bits. Our re- |
sults extend and complement (particularly) recent work by G uruswami- |
Lee-Wigderson. Characteristic features of our approach in clude (1) sim- |
plicity (we use only tensor products) and (2) yielding almos t Euclidean |
subspaces with arbitrarily small distortions. |
1 Introduction |
It is a well-known fact that for any vector x∈RN, itsℓ2andℓ1norms are |
related by the (optimal) inequality /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≤√ |
N/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2. However, classical |
results in geometric functional analysis show that for a “substant ial fraction” of |
vectors , the relation between its 1-norm and 2-norm can be made m uch tighter. |
Specifically, [FLM77,Kas77,GG84] show that there exists a subspace E⊂RNof |
dimensionm=αN, and a scaling constant Ssuch that for all x∈E |
1/D·√ |
N/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤S/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≤√ |
N/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 (1) |
whereα∈(0,1) andD=D(α), called the distortion ofE, are absolute (notably |
dimension-free) constants.Overthe last few years,such “almos t-Euclidean”sub- |
spaces ofℓN |
1have found numerous applications, to high-dimensional nearest |
neighbor search [Ind00], error-correcting codes over reals and c ompressive sens- |
ing [KT07,GLR08,GLW08], vector quantization [LV06], oblivious dimension ality |
⋆This research has been supported in part by David and Lucille Packard Fellowship, |
MADALGO (Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, funded by th e Danish National |
Research Association) and NSF grant CCF-0728645. |
⋆⋆Supported in part by grants from the National Science Founda tion (U.S.A.) and the |
U.S.-Israel BSF.reduction and ǫ-samples for high-dimensional half-spaces [KRS09], and to other |
problems. |
For the above applications, it is convenient and sometimes crucial th at the |
subspaceEis defined in an explicit manner3. However, the aforementioned re- |
sults do not providemuch guidance in this regard,since they use the probabilistic |
method. Specifically, either the vectors spanning E, or the vectors spanning the |
space dual to E, are i.i.d. random variables from some distribution. As a result, |
the constructionsrequire Ω(N2)independent randomvariablesasstartingpoint. |
Until recently, the largest explicitly constructible almost-Euclidean subspace of |
ℓN |
1, due to Rudin [Rud60] (cf. [LLR94]), had only a dimension of Θ(√ |
N). |
During the last few years, there has been a renewed interest in the prob- |
lem[AM06,Sza06,Ind07,LS07,GLR08,GLW08],withresearchersusingide asgained |
from the study of expanders, extractorsand error-correctin gcodes to obtain sev- |
eral explicit constructions. The work progressed on two fronts, focusing on (a) |
fully explicit constructions of subspaces attempting to maximize the dimension |
and minimize the distortion [Ind07,GLR08], as well as (b) construction s using |
limited randomness, with dimension and distortion matching (at least q ualita- |
tively)theexistentialdimensionanddistortionbounds[Ind00,AM06,L S07,GLW08]. |
The parameters of the constructions are depicted in Figure 1. Qua litatively, |
they show that in the fully explicit case, one can achieve either arbitr arily low |
distortion or arbitrarily high subspace dimension, but not (yet?) bo th. In the |
low-randomness case, one can achieve arbitrarily high subspace dim ension and |
constant distortion while using randomness that is sub-linear in N; achieving |
arbitrarily low distortion was possible as well, albeit at a price of (super )-linear |
randomness. |
Reference Distortion Subspace dimension Randomness |
[Ind07] 1+ǫ N1−oǫ(1)explicit |
[GLR08] (logN)Oη(logloglog N)(1−η)N explicit |
[Ind00] 1+ǫ Ω(ǫ2/log(1/ǫ))NO(Nlog2N) |
[AM06,LS07] Oη(1) (1−η)N O(N) |
[GLW08] 2Oη(1/γ)(1−η)N O(Nγ) |
This paper 1+ǫ (γǫ)O(1/γ)N O(Nγ) |
Fig.1.The best known results for constructing almost-Euclidean s ubspaces of ℓN |
1. The |
parameters ǫ,η,γ∈(0,1) are assumed to be constants, although we explicitly point |
out when the dependence on them is subsumed by the big-Oh nota tion. |
3For the purpose of this paper “explicit” means “the basis of Ecan be generated |
by a deterministic algorithm with running time polynomial i nN.” However, the |
individual constructions can be even “more explicit” than t hat.Our result In this paper we show that, using sub-linear randomness, one can |
constructasubspacewitharbitrarilysmalldistortionwhilekeepingit sdimension |
proportional to N. More precisely, we have: |
Theorem 1 Letǫ,γ∈(0,1). GivenN∈N, assume that we have at our dis- |
posal a sequence of random bits of length max{Nγ,C(ǫ,γ)}log(N/(ǫγ)). Then, |
in deterministic polynomial (in N) time, we can generate numbers M >0, |
m≥c(ǫ,γ)Nand anm-dimensional subspace of ℓN |
1E, for which we have |
∀x∈E,(1−ǫ)M/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≤(1+ǫ)M/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
with probability greater than 98%. |
In a sense, this complements the result of [GLW08], optimizing the dist ortion |
of the subspace at the expense of its dimension. Our approach also allows to |
retrieve – using a simpler and low-tech approach – the results of [GLW 08] (see |
the comments at the end of the Introduction). |
Overview of techniques The ideas behind many of the prior constructions as |
well as this work can be viewed as variants of the related developmen ts in the |
context of error-correcting codes. Specifically, the construct ion of [Ind07] resem- |
bles the approach of amplifying minimum distance of a code using expan ders |
developed in [ABN+92], while the constructions of [GLR08,GLW08] were in- |
spired by low-density parity check codes. The reason for this stat e of affairs is |
that a vector whose ℓ1norms and ℓ2norms are very different must be “well- |
spread”, i.e., a small subset of its coordinates cannot contain most of itsℓ2 |
mass (cf. [Ind07,GLR08]). This is akin to a property required from a g ood error- |
correcting code, where the weight (a.k.a. the ℓ0norm) of each codeword cannot |
be concentrated on a small subset of its coordinates. |
In this vein, our construction utilizes a tool frequently used for (lin ear) error- |
correcting codes, namely the tensor product . Recall that, for two linear codes |
C1⊂ {0,1}n1andC2⊂ {0,1}n2, their tensor product is a code C⊂ {0,1}n1n2, |
such that for any codeword c∈C(viewed as an n1×n2matrix), each column of |
cbelongs toC1and each row of cbelongs toC2. It is known that the dimension |
ofCis a product of the dimensions of C1andC2, and that the same holds |
for the minimum distance. This enables constructing a code of “large ” block- |
lengthNkby starting from a code of “small” block-length Nand tensoring it k |
times. Here, we roughly show that the tensor product of two subs paces yields a |
subspace whose distortion is a product of the distortions of the su bspaces. Thus, |
we can randomly choose an initial small low-distortion subspace, and tensor it |
with itself to yield the desired dimension. |
However, tensoring alone does not seem sufficient to give a subspac e with |
distortionarbitrarilycloseto1.Thisisbecausewecanonlyanalyzeth edistortion |
of the product space for the case when the scaling factor Sin Equation 1 is |
equal to 1 (technically, we only prove the left inequality, and rely on t he general |
relation between the ℓ2andℓ1for the upper bound). For S= 1, however, the |
best achievable distortion is strictly greater than 1, and tensoring can make itonly larger. To avoid this problem, instead of the ℓN |
1norm we use the ℓN/B |
1(ℓB |
2) |
norm, for a “small” value of B. The latter norm (say, denoted by /⌊ar⌈⌊l · /⌊ar⌈⌊l) treats |
the vector as a sequence of N/B“blocks” of length B, and returns the sum of |
theℓ2norms of the blocks. We show that there exist subspaces E⊂ℓN/B |
1(ℓB |
2) |
such that for any x∈Ewe have |
1/D·/radicalbig |
N/B/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤/radicalbig |
N/B/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
forDthat is arbitrarily close to 1. Thus, we can construct almost-Euclide an |
subspaces of ℓ1(ℓ2) of desired dimensions using tensoring, and get rid of the |
“inner”ℓ2norm at the end of the process. |
We point out that if we do not insist on distortion arbitrarily close to 1, |
the “blocks” are not needed and the argument simplifies substantia lly. In par- |
ticular, to retrieve the results of [GLW08], it is enough to combine the scalar- |
valued version of Proposition 1 below with “off-the-shelf” random co nstructions |
[Kas77,GG84] yielding – in the notation of Equation 1 – a subspace E, for which |
the parameter αis close to 1. |
2 Tensoring subspaces of L1 |
We start by defining some basic notions and notation used in this sect ion. |
Norms and distortion In this section we adopt the “continuous” notation for |
vectorsand norms. Specifically, considera real Hilbert space Hand a probability |
measureµover [0,1]. Forp∈[1,∞] consider the space Lp(H) ofH-valuedp- |
integrable functions fendowed with the norm |
/⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊lp=/⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊lLp(H)=/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay |
/⌊ar⌈⌊lf(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊lp |
Hdµ(x)/parenrightbigg1/p |
In what follows we will omit µfrom the formulae since the measure will be |
clear from the context (and largely irrelevant). As our main result c oncerns |
finite dimensional spaces, it suffices to focus on the case where µis simply the |
normalizedcountingmeasureoverthe discreteset {0,1/n,...(n−1)/n}for some |
fixedn∈N(although the statements hold in full generality). In this setting, t he |
functionsffromLp(H) areequivalent to n-dimensional vectorswith coordinates |
inH.4The advantage of using the Lpnorms as opposed to the ℓpnorms that |
the relation between the 1-norm and the 2-norm does not involve sc aling factors |
that depend on dimension, i.e., we have /⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≥ /⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l1for allf∈L2(H) (note |
that, for the Lpnorms, the “trivial” inequality goes in the other direction than |
for theℓpnorms). This simplifies the notation considerably. |
4The values from Hroughly correspond to the finite-dimensional “blocks” in th e |
construction sketched in the introduction. Note that Hcan be discretized similarly |
as theLp-spaces; alternatively, functions that are constant on int ervals of the type/parenleftBig |
(k−1)/N,k/N/parenrightBig |
can be considered in lieu of discrete measures.We will be interested in lialmost subspaces E⊂L2(H) on which the 1-norm |
and 2-norm uniformly agree, i.e., for some c∈(0,1], |
/⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≥ /⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≥c/⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 (2) |
for allf∈E. The best (the largest) constant cthat works in (2) will be denoted |
Λ1(E). For completeness, we also define Λ1(E) = 0 if noc>0 works. |
Tensor products IfH,Kare Hilbert spaces, H⊗2Kis their (Hilbertian) tensor |
product, which may be (for example) described by the following prop erty: if (ej) |
is an orthonormal sequence in Hand (fk) is an orthonormal sequence in K, |
then (ej⊗fk) is an orthonormal sequence in H ⊗2K(a basis if ( ej) and (fk) |
were bases). Next, any element of L2(H)⊗ Kis canonically identified with a |
function in the space L2(H ⊗2K); note that such functions are H ⊗K-valued, |
but are defined on the same probability space as their counterpart s fromL2(H). |
IfE⊂L2(H) is a linear subspace, E⊗Kis – under this identification – a linear |
subspace of L2(H⊗2K). |
As hinted in the Introduction, our argument depends (roughly) on the fact |
that the property expressed by (1) or (2) “passes” to tensor p roducts of sub- |
spaces, and that it “survives” replacing scalar-valued functions b y ones that |
have values in a Hilbert space. Statements to similar effect of various degrees |
of generality and precision are widely available in the mathematical liter ature, |
see for example [MZ39,Bec75,And80,FJ80]. However, we are not awar e of a ref- |
erence that subsumes all the facts needed here and so we presen t an elementary |
self-contained proof. |
We start with two preliminary lemmas. |
Lemma 1 Ifg1,g2,...∈E⊂L2(H), then |
/integraldisplay/parenleftbig/summationdisplay |
k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
H/parenrightbig1/2dx≥Λ1(E)/parenleftBig/integraldisplay/summationdisplay |
k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
Hdx/parenrightBig1/2 |
. |
ProofLetKbe an auxiliary Hilbert space and ( ek) an orthonormal sequence |
(O.N.S.) in K. We will apply Minkowski inequality – a continuous version of |
the triangle inequality, which says that for vector valued functions /⌊ar⌈⌊l/integraltext |
h/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤/integraltext/⌊ar⌈⌊lh/⌊ar⌈⌊l– to the K-valued function h(x) =/summationtext |
k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊lHek. As is easily seen, |
/⌊ar⌈⌊l/integraltext |
h/⌊ar⌈⌊lK=/⌊ar⌈⌊l/summationtext |
k/parenleftbig/integraltext |
/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊lHdx/parenrightbig |
ek/⌊ar⌈⌊lK=/parenleftbig/summationtext |
k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
L1(H)/parenrightbig1/2. Given that gk∈ |
E,/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H)≥Λ1(E)/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H)and so |
/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/integraldisplay |
h/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble |
K≥Λ1(E)/parenleftBig/integraldisplay/summationdisplay |
k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
Hdx/parenrightBig1/2 |
On the other hand, the left hand side of the inequality in Lemma 1 is exa ctly/integraltext |
/⌊ar⌈⌊lh/⌊ar⌈⌊lK, so the Minkowski inequality yields the required estimate. |
We are now ready to state the next lemma. Recall that Eis a linear subspace |
ofL2(H), andKis a Hilbert space.Lemma 2 Λ1(E⊗K) =Λ1(E) |
IfE⊂L2=L2(R), the lemma says that any estimate of type (2) for scalar |
functionsf∈Ecarries overto their linear combinations with vector coefficients, |
namely to functions of the type/summationtext |
jvjfj,fj∈E,vj∈ K. In the general case, |
any estimate for H-valued functions f∈E⊂L2(H) carries over to functions of |
the form/summationtext |
jfj⊗vj∈L2(H⊗2K), withfj∈E,vj∈ K. |
Proof of Lemma 2 Let (ek) be an orthonormalbasis of K. In fact w.l.o.g. we may |
assume that K=ℓ2and that (ek) is the canonical orthonormal basis. Consider |
g=/summationtext |
jfj⊗vj, wherefj∈Eandvj∈ K. Then also g=/summationtext |
kgk⊗ekfor some |
gk∈Eand hence (pointwise) /⌊ar⌈⌊lg(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊lH⊗2K=/parenleftbig/summationtext |
k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
H/parenrightbig1/2. Accordingly, |
/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H⊗2K)=/parenleftbig/integraltext/summationtext |
k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
Hdx/parenrightbig1/2,while/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H⊗2K)=/integraltext/parenleftbig/summationtext |
k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 |
H/parenrightbig1/2dx. |
Comparing such quantities is exactly the object of Lemma 1, which imp lies that |
/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H⊗2K)≥Λ1(E)/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H⊗2K).Sinceg∈E⊗Kwasarbitrary,it follows that |
Λ1(E⊗K)≥Λ1(E). The reverse inequality is automatic (except in the trivial |
case dim K= 0, which we will ignore). |
IfE⊂L2(H) andF⊂L2(K) are subspaces, E⊗Fis the subspace of |
L2(H ⊗2K) spanned by f⊗gwithf∈E,g∈F. (For clarity, f⊗gis a |
function on the product of the underlying probability spaces and is defined by |
(x,y)→f(x)⊗g(y)∈ H⊗K .) |
The next proposition shows the key property of tensoring almost- Euclidean |
spaces. |
Proposition 1. Λ1(E⊗F)≥Λ1(E)Λ1(F) |
ProofLet (ϕj) and (ψk) be orthonormal bases of respectively EandFand let |
g=/summationtext |
j,ktjkϕj⊗ψk.Weneedtoshowthat /⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H⊗2K)≥Λ1(E)Λ1(F)/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H⊗2K), |
where thep-norms refer to the product probability space, for example |
/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H⊗2K)=/integraldisplay /integraldisplay/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay |
j,ktjkϕj(x)⊗ψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble |
H⊗2Kdxdy. |
Rewriting the expression under the sum and subsequently applying L emma 2 to |
the inner integral for fixed ygives |
/integraldisplay/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay |
j,ktjkϕj(x)⊗ψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble |
H⊗2Kdx=/integraldisplay/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay |
jϕj(x)⊗/parenleftBig/summationdisplay |
ktjkψk(y)/parenrightBig/vextenddouble/vextenddouble |
H⊗2Kdx |
≥Λ1(E)/parenleftBig/integraldisplay/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay |
jϕj(x)⊗/parenleftBig/summationdisplay |
ktjkψk(y)/parenrightBig/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 |
H⊗2Kdx/parenrightBig1/2 |
=Λ1(E)/parenleftBig/summationdisplay |
j/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay |
ktjkψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 |
K/parenrightBig1/2In turn,/summationtext |
ktjkψk∈F(for allj) and so, by Lemma 1, |
/integraldisplay/parenleftBig/summationdisplay |
j/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay |
ktjkψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 |
K/parenrightBig1/2 |
dy≥Λ1(F)/parenleftBig/integraldisplay/summationdisplay |
j/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay |
ktjkψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 |
Kdy/parenrightBig1/2 |
=Λ1(F)/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H⊗2K). |
Combining the above formulae yields the conclusion of the Proposition . |
3 The construction |
In this section we describe our low-randomness construction. We s tart from a |
recap of the probabilistic construction, since we use it as a building blo ck. |
3.1 Dvoretzky’s theorem, and its “tangible” version |
For general normed spaces, the following is one possible statement of the well- |
known Dvoretzky’s theorem [Dvo61]: |
Givenm∈Nandε>0there isN=N(m,ε)such that, for any norm on RN |
there is an m-dimensional subspace on which the ratio of ℓ1andℓ2norms is |
(approximately) constant, up to a multiplicative factor 1+ε. |
For specific norms this statement can be made more precise, both in describing |
the dependence N=N(m,ε) and in identifying the constant of (approximate) |
proportionality of norms. The following version is (essentially) due to Milman |
[Mil71]. |
Dvoretzky’s theorem (Tangible version) Consider the N-dimensional Eu- |
clidean space (real orcomplex) endowed with the Euclidean norm /⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l2and some |
other norm /⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊lsuch that, for some b>0,/⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤b/⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l2. LetM=E/⌊ar⌈⌊lX/⌊ar⌈⌊l, whereX |
is a random variable uniformly distributed on the unit Euclidean sphere . Then |
there exists a computable universal constant c >0, so that if 0< ε <1and |
m≤cε2(M/b)2N, then for more than 99% (with respect to the Haar measure) |
m-dimensional subspaces Ewe have |
∀x∈E,(1−ε)M/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤(1+ε)M/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2. (3) |
Alternative good expositions of the theorem are in, e.g., [FLM77], [MS8 6] and |
[Pis89]. We point out that standard and most elementary proofs yield m≤ |
cε2/log(1/ε)(M/b)2N; the dependence on εof orderε2was obtained in the |
important papers [Gor85,Sch89], see also [ASW10]. |
3.2 The case of ℓn |
1(ℓB |
2) |
OurobjectivenowistoapplyDvoretzky’stheoremandsubsequent lyProposition |
1 to spaces of the form ℓn |
1(ℓB |
2) for some n,B∈N, so from now on we set/⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l:=/⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊lℓn |
1(ℓB |
2)To that end, we need to determine the values of the parameter |
Mthat appears in the theorem. (The optimal value of bis clearly√n, as in |
the scalar case, i.e., when B= 1.) We have the following standard (cf. [Bal97], |
Lecture 9) |
Lemma 3 |
M(n,B) :=Ex∈SnB−1/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l=Γ(B+1 |
2) |
Γ(B |
2)Γ(nB |
2) |
Γ(nB+1 |
2)n. |
In particular,/radicalBig |
1+1 |
n−1/radicalBig |
2 |
π√n>M(n,1)>/radicalBig |
2 |
π√nfor alln∈N(the scalar |
case) andM(n,B)>/radicalBig |
1−1 |
B√nfor alln,B∈N. |
The equality is shown by relating (via passing to polar coordinates) sp heri- |
cal averages of norms to Gaussian means: if Xis a random variable uniformly |
distributed on the Euclidean sphere SN−1andYhas the standard Gaussian |
distribution on RN, then, for any norm /⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l, |
E/⌊ar⌈⌊lY/⌊ar⌈⌊l=√ |
2Γ(N+1 |
2) |
Γ(N |
2)E/⌊ar⌈⌊lX/⌊ar⌈⌊l |
The inequalities follow from the estimates/radicalBig |
x−1 |
2<Γ(x+1 |
2) |
Γ(x)<√x(forx≥1 |
2), |
which in turn are consequences of log-convexity of Γand its functional equation |
Γ(y+1) =yΓ(y). (Alternatively, Stirling’s formula may be used to arrive at a |
similar conclusion.) |
Combining Dvoretzky’s theorem with Lemma 3 yields |
Corollary 1 If0< ε <1andm≤c1ε2n, then for more than 99%of the |
m-dimensional subspaces E⊂ℓn |
1we have |
∀x∈E(1−ε)/radicalbigg |
2 |
π√n/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≤(1+ε)/radicalbigg |
1+1 |
n−1/radicalbigg |
2 |
π√n/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2(4) |
Similarly, if B >1andm≤c2ε2nB, then for more than 99%of them- |
dimensional subspaces E⊂ℓn |
1(ℓB |
2)we have |
∀x∈E(1−ε)/radicalbigg |
1−1 |
B√n/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤√n/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 (5) |
We point out that the upper estimate on /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊lin the second inequality is valid |
for allx∈ℓn |
1(ℓB |
2) and, like the estimate M(n,B)≤√n, follows just from the |
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. |
Since a random subspace chosen uniformly according to the Haar me asure |
on the manifold of m-dimensional subspaces of RN(orCN) can be constructed |
from anN×mrandom Gaussian matrix, we may apply standard discretization |
techniques to obtain the followingCorollary 2 There is a deterministic algorithm that, given ε,B,m,n as in |
Corollary 1 and a sequence of O(mnlog(mn/ǫ))random bits, generates sub- |
spacesEas in Corollary 1 with probability greater than 98%, in time polynomial |
in1/ε+B+m+n. |
We point out that in the literature on the “randomness-reduction” , one typ- |
ically uses Bernoulli matrices in lieu of Gaussian ones. This enables avoid ing the |
discretization issue, since the problem is phrased directly in terms of random |
bits. Still, since proofs of Dvoretzky type theorems for Bernoulli m atrices are |
often much harder than for their Gaussian counterparts, we pre fer to appeal in- |
stead to a simple discretization ofGaussian random variables.We not e, however, |
that the early approach of [Kas77] was based on Bernoulli matrices . |
We are now ready to conclude the proof of Theorem 1. Given ε∈(0,1) |
andn∈N, chooseB=⌈ε−1⌉andm=⌊cε2(1−1 |
B)nB⌋ ≥c0ε2nB. Corollary |
2 (Equation 5) and repeated application of Proposition 1 give us a sub space |
F⊂ℓν |
1(ℓβ |
2) (whereν=nkandβ=Bk) of dimension mk≥(c0ε2)kνβsuch that |
∀x∈F(1−ε)3k/2nk/2/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤nk/2/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2. |
Moreover,F=E⊗E⊗...⊗E, whereE⊂ℓn |
1(ℓB |
2) is a typical m-dimensional |
subspace.Thusin ordertoproduce E, henceF,weonlyneed togeneratea“typi- |
cal”m≈c0ε2(νβ))1/ksubspace of the nB= (νβ))1/k-dimensional space ℓn |
1(ℓB |
2). |
Note that for fixed εandk >1,nBandmare asymptotically (substantially) |
smaller than dim F. Further, in order to efficiently represent Fas a subspace of |
anℓ1-space, we only need to find a good embedding of ℓβ |
2intoℓ1. This can be |
done using Corollary 2 (Equation 4); note that βdepends only on εandk. Thus |
we reduced the problem of finding “large” almost Euclidean subspace s ofℓN |
1to |
similar problems for much smaller dimensions. |
Theorem 1 now follows from the above discussion. The argument give s, e.g., |
c(ε,γ) = (cεγ)3/γandC(ε,γ) =c(ε,γ)−1. |
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