I0324 23:26:32.798868 22958218136960 data_model.py:84] Loading graph from out/data/wikipedia/v2/full/graph_depth_3.json I0324 23:26:34.262571 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:31] Splitting graph at depth 1, selecting 20/41 nodes I0324 23:26:34.433098 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:71] Depth 0: 100.00% nodes in train, 100.00% nodes in test. 100.00% shared nodes. Total 1 nodes. I0324 23:26:34.439970 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:87] Depth 0: 82.93% edges in train, 70.73% edges in test. 53.66% shared edges. 100.00% covered edges. Total 41 edges. I0324 23:26:34.440399 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:71] Depth 1: 82.93% nodes in train, 70.73% nodes in test. 53.66% shared nodes. Total 41 nodes. I0324 23:26:34.447596 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:87] Depth 1: 72.38% edges in train, 66.98% edges in test. 39.72% shared edges. 99.64% covered edges. Total 1372 edges. I0324 23:26:34.448522 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:71] Depth 2: 78.19% nodes in train, 72.99% nodes in test. 51.18% shared nodes. Total 1229 nodes. I0324 23:26:34.465967 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:87] Depth 2: 53.86% edges in train, 57.56% edges in test. 12.10% shared edges. 99.33% covered edges. Total 16461 edges. I0324 23:26:34.471139 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:71] Depth 3: 51.75% nodes in train, 58.51% nodes in test. 10.26% shared nodes. Total 12615 nodes. I0324 23:26:34.486358 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:87] Depth 3: 38.22% edges in train, 47.14% edges in test. 4.32% shared edges. 81.03% covered edges. Total 10501 edges. I0324 23:26:34.487262 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:97] Spliting graph of 13886 nodes into test 8308 (59.83%) and train 7524 (54.18%) nodes. 1946 shared nodes. I0324 23:26:34.502077 22958218136960 train_test_split.py:106] Spliting graph of 28375 edges into test 15373 (54.18%) and train 13906 (49.01%) edges. 3012 shared edges.