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Very nice. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4OG5mM080Q1dUbkd6ZUtRSHg0M0hZdkZXeWoydHBkWWZzSEM1U3VzRk51aTdfM1ZKZllQeF95LWVzaWllOGxMV005RFY2aXRRbjRSbnRjd0U3TWEyanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5RUxtaXJINTlTSXpwaTlpYzRobEVJMnE4UGplUUhsbURBeUN5Yk4wVGtqejFhaHpPY0IteUd3X09LWmdDN3lFQjhlSkk4cE9tU0wxS2lwREsyVTlmNDY5bnAtN3lUOTNSTHdfLURsT2hNRjFHd2I2THk3U05IWE8tNXRnTEJmemtkT0ZRMXdfM29QU3lvb1FzU2pMNUhVRmx5UWQ2N1VTbzhoYzYxWE42YktBQnU3X0tPMFE4R1draFl2ZXNpak5NeEp0S0w5QVMtSjk0TU95aGtXbllSUT09 |
Officially done day trading. You can see there was a period of time where I previously quit, but some friends got me back into it and it only ended badly. This money was suppose to be used for college. Going to have to work even more now to make up for it. Strictly long term investing now. Have my 401k, Roth IRA, and personal investments. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4V3ZEb1BBTDh1Ym1aSUxTMTBQQ3NPWnBFbTIwRTRkNzMzN01keEFGYVBNcnBOVm9WalExbXYwZlZjWUpReUhwWC13SnptYTAwZHo5SVdLQlVPY3F5X05vM3Rva2x4bXVyQnJJVHZzRC00YW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5YkxUNGs0dDhybHNFSGo4WFJpU2UwTUxrUk5rX2MyN2dwWkxid2stbmI4bTk3azF2U2pEOWw4ckJUQjN1bTBmVmoyN0N5clVFSnJ3WmRjSWttUEd4NmpIOUM3NV9GSDBPVEVpbUtsaF9wSHFKVEVsZTZBSEZBcWpZcDZJcG5CdWpTclZNa21sVDVEQ1I1YUFnYnhScVZQVkdRczdSVllGSloxRi1WSTVPeGdnPQ== |
>Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has started showing signs of a bullish trajectory. Particularly, according to insights from CoinSignals, a prominent crypto analysis platform, Ethereum is poised for a significant price rally.
>The platform suggests that Ethereum could see its value rise to between $12,000 and $15,000 shortly.
[*Source*](https://www.newsbtc.com/news/ethereum/ethereum-breakout-moment-why-eth-skyrocket-to-15000-soon/?utm_source=coingecko&utm_content=coingecko&utm_campaign=coingecko&utm_medium=coingecko&utm_term=coingecko) | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4MHZ5RjhVY0laNFNFbVdDaXFuQWtKSkoyQ2paTUo1enFGdGl4XzlBTFhXQjdDZkpJeUJiNGZndmVUYThSZ0M4WHdueFRPR1I3ZmFFbTNKYnNXQm9PWFRrT0ZDV2NFWFNKOUEzbnJOd014eW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Tm9oVzRJcXM2Sno2ODNvMGxpZ2tXaHBFRm5mTVg1VHpQWHN1VWVUU1V0NTFsdVByYVNnLW9Bcmd4RlBabU5OUzRRV2o1bEs4UmNENEVmeV9JNXlMY0VVcDRpYnQ0X2ktWDVXNVJBRGpCRXRzc0dvZ1Z6YkJBX2FZU0FKSTNyZmN5VUZESjgxMC1vUVNESGYtbzdTc3hWMDZJLWhhRS10UFZTdW5oOUJMVE9hZDVGOEMxZDl5eTYyYkk1a1FvZzBJX1FxbWNCcC0zWUlMMnU5U1BqRWNjdz09 |
There is a stark difference in Monero and Bitcoin's utility compared with their price. Bitcoin is a public ledger, ASIC-mined, and reward-halving cryptocurrency. The public ledger heavily degrades fungibility and privacy; ASIC mining is bad for the environment and exacerbates centralization of the currency; and reward-halving will eventually lead to deflation of the currency, which is bad for the economy and has already resulted in significant increases in transaction fees. Monero is private ledger and privacy focused, CPU-mined, and utilizes a tail emission. Monero, therefore, does not suffer from many of the problems that Bitcoin does, having an extremely high and non-degrading degree of fungibility and privacy, a more democratic and decentralized mining protocol, and will never suffer from deflation due to lost wallets as Monero's supply is uncapped. Some argue that because Monero's value is uncapped, it is superfluous and down-trending. While it is true that the supply is uncapped, the inflation rate is lower than 1% and will continue to decrease, and the supply is technically limited to 0.3 XMR per minute. In the long run, this is superior for use as a currency rather than a purely speculative asset (which Bitcoin has largely become).
Monero does have some downsides. Its scaling is an issue, as each transaction's size is increased by cryptographic privacy technologies, and the proof-of-work algorithm demands that any full node have the complete blockchain stored locally. Currently, Monero's unpruned blockchain requires 150 GB of storage, while a pruned blockchain requires only 55 GB. Bitcoin's lightning nodes seem to partially subvert this issue, though archival nodes are still required to fully validate the entire network. Lightning nodes, though convenient, have been shown to spawn glaring cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Monero is also the subject of opposition by many governments, as the currency's privacy technologies serve to make it exceedingly impervious to censorship, regulation, tracking, or taxation. Many attempts have been and continue to be made to deanonymize Monero. For example, the IRS is currently offering up to $625,000 for anyone who can provably trace Monero. So far, all attempts to censor or trace Monero have been either unnoticeably disruptive or plainly unsuccessful.
While Monero has some downsides, its tremendous resistance to censorship and dedicated developers give reason for optimism both with regard to its usability as a currency, and its value as an investment. Many of its advantages are unrivaled in the cryptocurrency space. This applies principally to privacy, as many prevailing cryptocurrencies continue to yield to government regulation to remain listed on popular centralized exchanges. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4VnYyNklVdC1fX2NBRGJ1UkZfZ1lzRkdvbDNCQzFIOW95am5DSEloUFB1bllzMnlQQ3o5UW54U29qVC1wMzlsaWJaY01OWGlONDc4cEZoQURweWZndWdxTi1NZkRyOGFyMTRjZ2c0cWNFSnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5ZlZLQ2FTbUo1SHRGdXYwSzkxclEyNXpUWjdHaGM4aERlcHVoa1NyMlVkMUZiWUxhUEVpakZESmlobUlwOTIxLVdTZnNQUjdzTjNlS3lsOFkzU3otTF9nbHRfQWFHc2dPamJvX18xMXM2YzFSLW9zWVJBamJkUTQ3VFlpdk9tN0dWN21mOEdWckp3MXJaS2tPRlp2WmxpYXpPM0RLMDZtdU1JNGdSTkI0MnVfblIwNVVkYVp3cXVndzhOaDVFbVZa |
“We have only one real currency in the USA, and it is stronger than ever,” Trump wrote on Twitter in 2019. “It is called the United States Dollar!”
But on Saturday, Trump addressed the cryptocurrency industry’s largest annual gathering here in Nashville not as a cynic but as one of its best-known supporters | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4YWhXZlNZYmJYaHh3d0RIOEthOEZkQ0U1ZU00eThmRDlubFF5OEJtcmNQYkRHcWRLSDk3Wmt4Sm1HOTlJdTlmdkIwM3B0LUU2MVg0aW05SnlwTW9XelE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Zk1WLURDY1hRQ2RRTXFuQzk4ZkRobEJpZ3V0V2NDMW9mRDRKbk5IeWZ0ME4yc3ROaFJzMzFyVHdSaTlzdlBuRXlXcTk5R2pfbjI1UWNQNlFDakl6SUMxeHgyN0xWOVB0U3RmSElVb1JZbFFxak43VFVUS0s5bEtMa3BNdlg5WUVfeS0zNXFWM0E5MGcySmpaVGtmVXM1emlBVGk0WEpTa1BFV1JPcjB1STZDYzBMLVdzUW9sTGZQeEtJSEdXaTFuVnBua05uS1ZBMWdORG9QSXJLR2t5QT09 |
There was a recent discussion (Telegram /bchchannel/394356) about block times and I'd like to revive this topic. I was initially opposed to the idea of changing the blocktime just because I thought it would be too costly and complicated to implement, but what if it wouldn't? What if the costs would be worth it? I was skeptical about the benefits, too, but I changed my mind on that, too. I will lay it out below.
Obviously we'd proportionately adjust emission, DAA, and ABLA. My main concern was locktime and related Script opcodes, but those are solvable, too.
The main drawback of reducing blocktime would be a one-time setback to scalability, e.g. to keep orphan rates the same we can't just both reduce time & blocksize limit to 1/5, we'd have to reduce blocksize limit more, maybe to 1/8 or something. Eventually, with tech growth, we'd recover from there and continue growing our capacity beyond that. This is why I believe an alternative to simple blocktime reducrtion, [Tailstorm](https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1eec98b/tailstorm_what_if_we_could_have_faster_block/), is the most promising direction of research, because we could have faster blocks without this hit on scalability/orphan rates and we could go down to 10s (as opposed to 2min with just plain blocktime reduction).
I'll just copy [my BCR post](https://bitcoincashresearch.org/t/lets-talk-about-block-time/471/67) here:
# The 0-conf Adoption Problem
I love 0-conf, it works fantastic as long as you stay in the 0-conf zone. But as soon as you want to do something outside the zone, you'll be hit with the wait. If you could do everything inside the 0-conf zone, that would be great, but unfortunately for us - you can't.
How I see it, we can get widespread adoption of 0-conf in 2 ways:
1. Convince existing big players to adopt 0-conf. They're all multi-coin (likes of BitPay, Coinbase, Exodus, etc.) and, like it or not, BCH right now is too small for any of those to be convinced by our arguments pro 0-conf. Maybe if we give it 18-more-months™ they will start accepting 0-conf? /s
2. Grow 0-conf applications & services. This is viable and we have been in fact been growing it. However, growth on this path is constrained by human resources working on such apps. There's only so many builders, and they still have to compete for users with other cryptos, services from 1., and with fiat incumbents.
We want to grow the total number of people using BCH, right?
Do our potential new users have to first to go through 1. in order to even try 2.? How many potential users do we fail to convert if they enter through 1.? If user's first experience of BCH is through 1. then the UX suffers and maybe the users will just give up and go elsewhere, without bothering to try any of our apps from 2.
Is that the reason that, since '17, LTC's on-chain metrics grew more than BCH's?
In any case, changing the block time doesn't hamper 0-conf efforts, and if it would positively impact the user funnel from 1. to 2. then it would result in increase of 0-conf adoption, too!
# What about Avalanche, TailStorm, ZCEs, etc.?
Whatever finality improvements can be done on top of 10-minute block time base, the same can be done on top of 2-minue block time base.
Even if we shipped some improvement like that - we would still have to convince payment processors etc. to recognize it and reduce their confirmation requirements.
This is a problem similar to our 0-conf efforts. Would some new tech be more likely to gain recognition from same players who couldn't be convinced to support 0-conf?
How I see it, changing the block time is the only way to **improve UX all across and all at once**, without having to convince services 1 by 1 and having to depend on their good will.
# Main Benefits of Reducing Block Time to 2 minutes
## 1. Instant improvement in 1-conf experience
Think payment processors like BitPay, ATM operators, multi-coin wallets, etc. Some multi-coin wallets won't even show incoming TX until it has 1 conf! Imagine users waiting 20 minutes and thinking "Did something go wrong with my transfer?".
BCH reducing the block time would result in **automatic and immediate improvement of UX** for users whose first exposure to BCH is through these services.
With a random process like PoW mining is, there's a **14% chance you'll have to wait more than 2 times the target** ([Poisson distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution)) in order to get that 1-conf.
This means that with target block time of 2 minutes, a 14% outlier block would take 4 minutes which is still psychologically tolerable but with 10-minute target it would take 20 minutes which is intolerable. Ask yourself, after how many minutes of waiting do you start to get annoyed?
Specific studies for crypto UX haven't been done but maybe [this one](https://www.icmi.com/resources/2017/what-do-customers-really-think-about-long-wait-times) can give us an idea of where the tolerable / intolerable threshold is:
>A 2014 American Express survey found that the maximum amount of time customers are willing to wait is 13 minutes.
So 20 minutes are intolerable, and there's a 14% chance of experiencing that every time you use BCH outside the 0-conf zone!
With target of 144 blocks per day, there will be about 20 blocks longer than 20 minutes every day.
If you're using BCH once every day, after 1 week of use there's a 65% chance you'll have had at least one such slow experience.
If you're a newbie, you may decide to go and complain on some social media. Then you'll be met with old-timers with their usual arguments "Just use 0-conf!", "It's fixable if only X would do Y!". How will that look like from perspective of new users? Also, if we somehow grow the number of users, and % will complain, then the number of complainers will grow as well! Who will meet and greet all of them?
Or, you'll get on general crypto forum and people will just tell you "Bruh, BCH is slow, just go use something else."
**With 2-minute blocks, however, there'd be only a 0.2% chance of having to wait more than 12 minutes for 1-conf!** In other words, 99.8% blocks would fall into the tolerable zone, unlikely to trigger an user enough to go and complain.
## 2. Instant improvement in multi-conf experience
Assume that exchanges will have target wait time of 1 hour, i.e. require 6 x 10-min confirmations or 30 x 2-min confirmations. On average, nothing changes, right? Devil is in the details.
Users don't care about aggregate averages, they care about their individual experience, and they will have expectations about their individual experience:
1. The time until something happens (progress gets updated for +1) will be 1 hour / N.
2. The number of confirmations will smoothly increase from 0 / N to N / N
3. I will have to wait 1 hour in total
How does the individual UX differ depending on target block time?
1. See 1-conf above, with 10-min target the perception of something being stuck will occur more often than not.
2. Infrequent updating of progress state negatively impacts perception of smoothly increasing progress indicator.
3. Variance means that with 10-min blocks the 1 hour will be more often exceed by a lot than with 2-min blocks. Here are the numbers for this:
expected to wait | actually having to wait more than | probability with 10-minute blocks | probability with 2-minute blocks
-- | -- | -- | --
60 | 70 | 28.5% | 15%
60 | 80 | 15.1% | 2%
60 | 90 | 6.2% | 0.09%
60 | 100 | 1.7% | 0.0007%
Note that even when waiting 80 minutes, the experience will differ depending on target time: with 10 min the total wait may exceed 80 min just due to 1 extremely slow block, or 2 blocks getting "stuck" for 20 minutes each. With 2 min target, it will still regularly update, the slowdown will be experienced as a bunch of 3-5min blocks, with the "progress bar" still updating.
This "progress bar" effect has noticeable impact on making even a longer wait more tolerable:
[IMAGE - Tolerable Waiting Time](https://bitcoincashresearch.org/uploads/default/optimized/2X/8/850f1aea70069b2fb40e299e32e207c1c4e78f83_2_690x378.jpeg)
This study was for page loading times where expected waiting time is much lower so this is in seconds and can't directly apply to our case, but we can at least observe how the progress bar effect increases tolerable waiting time.
# 3. DeFi
While our current DeFi apps are all working smoothly with 0-conf, there's always a risk of 0-conf chains getting invalidated by some alternative TX or chain, either accidentally (concurrent use by many users) or intentionally (MEV).
# But Would We Lose on Scalability / Decentralization?
During the discussion on Telegram, someone linked to a [great past discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/chjwao/statement_on_the_discussion_of_shortening_block/) on Reddit, where @jtoomim said:
> The main concern I have about shortening the block time is that **shorter block times reduce the capacity of the network** , as they make the block propagation bottleneck worse. If you make blocks come 10x as fast, then you get a 10x higher orphan rate. To compensate and keep the network safe, we would need to reduce the block size limit, but decreasing block size by 10x would not be enough. To compensate for a 10x increase in block speed, we would need to reduce block size by about 20x. The reason for this is that block propagation time roughly follows the following equation:
> ```
> block_prop_time = first_byte_latency + block_size/effective_bandwidth
> ```
> If the block time becomes 10x lower, then block_prop_time needs to fall 10x as well to have the same orphan rate and safety level. But because of that constant `first_byte_latency` term, you need to reduce block_size by more than 10x to achieve that. If your first_byte_latency is about 1 second (i.e. if it takes 1 second for an empty block to be returned via stratum from mining hardware, assembled into a block by the pool, propagated to all other pools, packaged into a stratum job, and distributed back to the miners), and if the maximum tolerable orphan rate is 3%, then a 60 second block time will result in a 53% loss of safe capacity versus 600 seconds, and a 150 second block time will result in an 18% loss of capacity.
So yes, we'd lose something in technological capacity, but our blocksize limit floor is currently at 32 MB, while technological limit is at about 200 MB, so we still have headroom to do this.
If we changed block time to 2 minutes and blocksize limit floor to 6.4 MB in proportion - we'd keep our current capacity the same, but our technological limit would go down maybe to 150 MB.
However, technology will continue to improve at same rates, so from there it would still continue to improve as network technology improves, likely before our adoption and adaptive blocksize limit algorithm would get anywhere close to it.
## What About Costs of Implementing This?
In the same comment, J. Toomim gave a good summary:
>If we change the block time once, that change is probably going to be permanent. Changing the block time requires quite a bit of other code to be modified, such as block rewards, halving schedules, and the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It also requires modifying all SPV wallet code, which most other hard forks do not. Block time changes are much harder than block size changes. And each time we change the block time, we have to leave the code in for both block times, because nodes have to validate historical blocks as well as new blocks. Because of this, I think it is best to not rush this, and to make sure that if we change the block time, we pick a block time that will work for BCH forever.
These costs would be one-off and mostly contained to node software, and *some* external software.
Ongoing costs would somewhat increase because block headers would grow by 57.6 kB/day as opposed to 11.52kB/day now.
Benefits would pay off dividends in perpetuity: 1-conf would forever be within tolerable waiting time.
## But Could We Still Call Ourselves Bitcoin?
Who's to stop us? Did Bitcoin ever make this promise: "Bitcoin must be slow forever"? No, it didn't.
## But What Would BTC Maxis Say?
Complaining about BCH making an objective UX improvement that works good would just make them look like clowns, imagine this conversation:
A: "Oh but you changed something and it works good!"
B: "Yes." | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Z2Rudzd2dkRyX1RpU3pYOGhsWjI3akcxS2NyS2R4QnpnRm1yTGFGbG5QdHRTc2ljVjBEVEozdW5XMURXQ3duLVg4UVNHaGkxblFzRjVEajY5RVNPOWdWX0UtTTNsbTRXbURETDBnaHFmZUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5LVdwekVTX3FkN0M5Y1ZveDVyNzBrMHBUZnBFM3VBdGlKWkxUaEFmME1vZTBlTkZ3SjRyZUhCTHpSeXBJYlBmcWhlc1puazZWMlZfZ216eHZ5ZFRPTVRvZ3otcWhhNUZnLVpmeEdVQ0hOdzZSOE1CWkVzcWJxTzNhaUFNczhwMmFlR2k2ZjRnV1R1UjNfV2k0THpUS01DX1BST2dRa29Sa04zMTNPTEd0UVc5cDg2X0l0NjllWGFscDBWTkxEd2Nj |
I left crypto for about a month recrntly as it was just getting too stressful, but i left some holdings; a couple "steady" longer term plays and a really really small ammount (.1-.5 SOL) in a couple absolutely degen shitcoins. I got telegram back and checked my wallet and lo and behold my .1 SOL holding had turned into 9.4 SOL. The liquidity on the token, however, was ridiculously low. I didnt understand how I had so much. Anyway, i immediately sold it, but as soon as i sold it all of it vanished and my bot laughed at me for selling at a 102% loss. What the hell happened?? I genuinely cannot sleep trying to figure it out. I just wanna figure out where i went wrong and then im going to get off crypto for good, the internet has other profitable side hustles. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4VURNSnNuWjdkVUV2QUdfMC15Q2ItTzctcUVINlFzM05iYS1VR2kxZEpQLWJpdTNPbUZHNnpUblZaRTlYOHkyREVuTzUxN3dWcFhtMFlMb093Q3g0QnZmQkJPLVVwZ21qSUJEYlBGbHdrWUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Mkk2WFI4SEZXWko3Tlloek1EWVJPSUhKOUdaU1I2UWFUMlEtcEdlb1ExV2pKTnJSeEZhV0lPOUV2LVRDS0FJWDQzdk1kQmktSUh3T3kxcTc4WkszOWdmdHRnSXNodS1lS2VXSFJ0MWh3QXdWMnlxZHNWdk5fdmk4d1R5Skx3MnQ0aU12cVFPNnlSVlJUVjNSNE9tZWRKYmFOX1lBNV9vVDdKQ3BldkQ4RnBURy1qVGlDenhuMGxnTUVJVlNnNW9RLU1xc3poS1BOSjFaZ2Iwa1ZsVTRYUT09 |
ROTFL. There are none so blind as those who will not see… | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4TmZDeTFYSVFOTzgzZDV1cmh3dXV6eHJFeHRZRTZfZjR3dGhyTjlpVUhzQ2tmRG9PcGpNWTRQMjZhdEE1MUowajFyU3ZrVGM1M2tkRFY1LVdGcklYeGVNZFp6OUhGakJUS0FFUjBaWTJxRmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5M0hvb1F0OWRYaXhFZFladTRaMGNjN1dYOFpHT0FMRUlZQURmelNfdU5qSlJDSnFIdnNqU2NLVnNMaHZfT0YwZjNZTmVLcTBJUDVHYmdHbHdWcElKY0k2MnFIWndjWUpmN3ZBd2g4V20zZlAtTVdFekJSTmJlTllzX1JxTHBrUm53LUw3d1RSNVRFUTBJM3dGT3Y0d3BHMzh5UWFoM1JEdDcyUmxMZVVhU3JLWVJFZ0RIaWNpY09NMTVqbUx5UjdL |
See also earlier post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoincash/comments/1edawu4/bch\_now\_accepted\_on\_nanogpt\_access\_the\_top\_text/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Bitcoincash/comments/1edawu4/bch_now_accepted_on_nanogpt_access_the_top_text/)
[BCH announcement video](https://reddit.com/link/1eft3zc/video/hxzp250nonfd1/player)
To those that want to try NanoGPT, reply here. I'll send you a prefunded account so you can try out our service with no strings attached - no need to even register. If you like it, you can deposit $0.10 - $10 worth of BCH to keep using it.
>Nano-GPT gives anyone access to the latest AI models like GPT-4o, Claude, Llama 3, Gemini, and a lot of other text models. It also allows image generation through DALL-E, Stable Diffusion 3, Realistic Vision, and many other image models.
>There's no need for any subscription - you can add funds at any time through Bitcoin Cash (from $0.10) or Nano and pay per prompt/image. It costs \~$0.02 per prompt and \~$0.02-$0.10 per image. Using NanoGPT is fully anonymous and private: chats and prompts are stored only locally on your device.
See also earlier post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1edayet/bch\_now\_accepted\_on\_nanogpt\_access\_the\_top\_text/](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1edayet/bch_now_accepted_on_nanogpt_access_the_top_text/)
[BCH announcement video](https://reddit.com/link/1eft41z/video/oqsn7q2cpnfd1/player)
To those that want to try NanoGPT, reply here. I'll send you a prefunded account so you can try out our service with no strings attached - no need to even register. If you like it, you can deposit $0.10 - $10 worth of BCH to keep using it.
>Nano-GPT gives anyone access to the latest AI models like GPT-4o, Claude, Llama 3, Gemini, and a lot of other text models. It also allows image generation through DALL-E, Stable Diffusion 3, Realistic Vision, and many other image models.
>There's no need for any subscription - you can add funds at any time through Bitcoin Cash (from $0.10) or Nano and pay per prompt/image. It costs \~$0.02 per prompt and \~$0.02-$0.10 per image. Using NanoGPT is fully anonymous and private: chats and prompts are stored only locally on your device.
​ | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4TTdvVEtENmZvVWlxQjVlelFtWEliRFhEY3F1anNEeHhKNnB3a2dvZ0h0Ukw5LTlFYWMyT3QzdWdVamRBcjBjdlFLenp6QU4yV3hQTlZpQzVnY3NjSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5UTA5d2FiWGJiUFdkR2g3YlREa05IV2QtWWhmbXFraHRVel8yTV9BaDdWa2Nia01RamY1cW1jT3liREZxcnZtRkNrcG1pWFdPZDNhRTI0amRaZkc1a1F2ZzU3Nm5lRDhZMWZHbnFrRnZtZHhqV3dvNE95a0ZMQmhVVEJvVS1ocVRucEhMRTJYcUZnQlRtMFYydXk2c1Q3ZnZ4V1dUa1RVOTdHSk1jaDlRbmdXdjNseUF1bTU5MnppZVVVZ0ZhOUct |
I'm having some problems with Haveno-reto, v. 1.0.8.
When starting it, I get this message :
And then I can't see any offer, and TOR isn't working, no green light at the bottom right and I see the message :
>No seed nodes available.
I wanted to update to 1.0.9 but didn't see any easy way to do it (I'm on Linux XFCE). Is it a bug on 1.0.8? Or is it because I use a VPN?
Any help?
BTW, is Haveno better than bitpapa or payxful?
Still trying to figure it out.
EDIT : Thanks to the people who tried to help me. Not easy for someone who is not tech-savvy. I uninstalled 1.0.8 and installed 1.0.9. After launching 1.0.9 and waiting like 35 minutes, I'm stuck there :
Should I do something or is it normal that it's taking so long? When I click on the TOR grey logo on the right, I see this :
Maybe it's not the place to ask, but I've yet to see a good manual for "normal" folks like me yet.
So... what should I do to make it work now? Thanks
EDIT2: I was finally able to get in. If someone else has the same problem, I installed 1.0.9, then I stop Monero GUI, and I tried to launch a couple of times and eventually it worked. I like the concept a lot and it seems promising. Will try some transaction later. Thanks to those who helped me. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4TzZXdHlMTWJaSUFuYnl1RUptUzF5QkgzUmRpRDloeTN0V1RFNzNWRUJTYmpxZjJPWkJxXzdIX0FoWi1SV05RRk02WHlNbDRsNEF5MnViRWF3NGFTd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Y3A4VXNZZWJ2N3V1SzJKRXgtanFqQWxxck9keVFJQUdnaVBJUzNGSHlCZWhkZEplcGdXNHBEWGNYOWZTUTJaWkdXSDFDRXhBWjViVFJmUE9mU1ZtZHhEbks3NW1PMFFPYUtDd2E1cnpxQlZCQjEteWl5aGlIN1BnX0hGT1RDaUk4UTg5d3M3ang4VThVUU1HUm5Wc3pTcXNyR2otV0dwbFBPdi1QOTF4MTJFPQ== |
# There are only hours left before the Filecoin x GetBlock Discord AMA Session! 🎙
Leading RPC node provider - GetBlock teamed up with Filecoin, a blockchain network designed to store humanity's most important data, to throw the most fascinating Web3 AMA session these days!
Join the **GetBlock's Community** to get to know all the exciting events and news first [https://discord.gg/getblock](https://discord.gg/getblock-686478398884675584) and don't forget to join us on **Filecoin's Discord Server**
**🗓 Today**
⏳ **at 2 PM EST (6 PM UTC)**
📍 [https://discord.com/invite/filecoin](https://discord.com/invite/filecoin)
See you on Discord! 😉
[GetBlock & Filecoin Discord AMA Session Tuesday, July 30 at PM EST](https://preview.redd.it/zlnd8fsdiofd1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=caf88733f80a23718a7f65016f4ed1e2933a80c4) | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Nkh4ODZCcU1sMjVzaWVBRkhZa29Md3FFekY3bTJFeThjaFdjSENkMGFleWQ1OTZtN2RHVkFncjFCak1FVFJKdmp6WUppRThKOVRoTGZoWllIQkZpaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5eFZQTEVWbnVUa0ZTdE42OTdTTFJ5LUk2dWZOR1VRY2czOVhvazZFSnJjcWhTR3ZFUjhyMEZjNmJJOTlXZ0FTelJUMGJLaFlreXlNbHp2SmhCQVVuRjNKXzRkeTZlcFNjeVJGcWhzem44QkZTUHA5MFItVmxOQjU4SVhvd25BT25NZmFsUFh4TS1sd0JZbUdwVTVHSFpsWjg0R1JhQXhlN254bzF3NUpFMzRZV1RpbWd0a1JKQmx5MHc4ckZXdnBPMlVyY1hNeXlHNW5KckdBOWtpWVZQdz09 |
I did not attend. I am curious if anyone went to the Bitcoin Nashville conference promoting Bitcoin (BCH) instead of BTC.
How were they received? or were they kicked out like r/Bitcoin.
what is that? | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4MlRkYWhvUTdqWkxIV3BCMVdJREtzbE13OHRaSGt1REtYVjJhWmFjWGtFT1A0QVpyMzc4c1IwdlJpbHo1T3V3X0pfS2ZIVnNKLWFBbWM4Z3FqLW52RkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5X1JueENGTVltZVpfNUYxUk5ZRHEtbUk3ek1wRGZTeThvcVhybzRKTUZSaFNST1k5Q1EtTG5DSVJvWGQ2WGVFZEdabWRtM1hzb2dLUHNKWGNRSTNBakhJSHFuWlBoQU1FMFFjYnFKbk80S281QVRVaUdMRVhjU1lHT0d0UVM2bjlaVXlITzJ1RHhUOU5vQm1UMWJXQndZdHhKLU5uS0NEZWlRWVo3aGxQZG9jVmVjMWdPWUpBZl9XZU1tdktwRnh6eS1LSlE5MDFZczNVRG5fbGJjcFM4Zz09 |
Read the whitepaper on tea-fi | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4aVU0Vm1STGhLcmxvTkpBMVVzZ1RnNVFFZXU4R3Q4bGNsN20tVmhUMzY3Q2piMXRmODN0SmRuOHNGZ2swXzZwVmNoaGtoeHpkNjVCemhIX3Y3a1FMaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5aDRZbEZMSVlLdFBmTElOejkxZjNzMFd0YXhld3NXOWVnN2tZalA0SVhINi1LczlCVG90bzN0MU04QnJzcUhRcE9nbUF1djIySFZIcVF0Z05oX0dBVC1SVFBISFhGb2hjY0VtUjczX18wZHJ5Y0NLMy1lOXVvSE5xbi1WUG5nS2ZOdkZlbHNMcTY0bkt1Tm1ZSEtGZThmVmJEdjlJVE5xQW5YOTh5cDBWWXV3WlVXSURqaXd4bDFrbDh4dGN4WXZSNUw3TzNRZWtJU3RZeXdiYjZWdzlkZz09 |
Investing in altcoins was fun from about 2013 - 2018. Finding 100 baggers was the pursuit of the day. Nowadays it's full of frogz, dogz and cats pumping and dumping in an hour. Rip Alts. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4U2VNeFlkMzFXN3lqM2R5NDNKa3VDSURiTlR1MWppUEt6UmFXZE1WYzZST3c1MzlzaFJqaW93NDJIazRXMGlrQ1Bfd0ZpTmpHaHZJTkxaOGdlbVdFVnFfOEMwNC1NLUFmRE40enJ3RXVUWVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5LWlxSEY5V2FLOWU1OGZ0cWpBYTZWTmk3d2kyV1VYclBRc21vRmRNeXAyQVdmYkpYdXhRYzVHVUVfQmxfczIwTHpCM1hzSTlhQW9OcjhtRjk3ck44eDNsU3RiZHlROFBEQU9HNmJKU0VXY2pwYXpodTNxQWVSbVprUmtSalUxa3dwcExXd2hoRFRTUVM0R2hvQWpUX2NiQzZrV0wzVy1qZVZuVjNzbUVJZnQwPQ== |
Hey I've returned to using monero after a break and was sad to find out that localmonero is no longer operating. Can someone recommend a similar alternative now? I've seen trocador recommended but I want to make sure it's trustworthy. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4LTluaENDVG9mYnBvOFVPUE1iQXVIWWlONDc2ckp4QUg3TFdnTW5fYlFyOWRWTDZCczV2WU1tMnV1Z2szYnhFREZTVUZiOUl1M1N6c0RpelB1V09ncEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5dWtYRW5FSTBRczBmM0k2Z0JCdVUzR3I5aExoWU0wZ0xtQWx2U256N1dVU2dmZFpUZmlJdkN0cFFPNVpUWDVHVmtOUUR2aU5CXzEtOXlha1pkYng0dk80UW0tWnpRR0UyRHViWjk1RURJblZ3cjlKbF8wU2dKcTBMRzlzMlp4bzItNERzV1o5aVcyRGkwVFRqZ0hzb09CV2VtTDVJakRONWx6RmotcjNyMlhha3VZZ0d0WmxIUnJTbDZJdi1kNlVF |
Last post about it here - https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/alfsEgS0Wy
Friend is happy. He got paid. 6-8 btc maybe more. Originally had 60+ at the time of Mt Gox collapse. First he got cash wired over, a ‘small amount’ compared to the btc that was coming next.
Now he plays pickup sports multiple days per week. He’s out traveling the country. He’s throwing a party when he gets back, providing all the food, drinks and more. The dude is a king. He’s single and quite a catch all of a sudden. 10+ years ago he declared bankruptcy. From rags to riches. God bless America. God bless Mt Gox.
How many others are out there like him? Know anyone personally? Is the selling pressing going to continue through September or longer with all the btc being distributed and changing peoples lives? | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4VjVmQnhsbDZFUE5yLUthTllybi1lakxMQWpZNjB6eEtWWFR4eC10TGU5RGFCcWRRVzFmejJkV3VCR0lPV2ZJZVVaUElDd0Q0eDR4b3BOczhIS1hUR0owckllYUEyWTBWeFc4TV92NGktc1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5eW1WWHV3WXhBLVdkaGYtdVk2WTNXczBXLW1HQkNmWjd2N2VRTVZHMkJYbDJTVDEtX3ZCS0xCV3FuT3ZNVEc4b3F2OE9wbkpUVWZOVG9KMmVwNXJxRzluV3dLaGF5SWlmVU1TcWVfd3NGaEVyYkZ6TGQ0U1VodTRvRHZaa3ZEMjluSDF2Q3ZzYXJSTXRRNTBsYnZJc3ZkUjRqY0JHTWFvdXJRSTJRa0JkZU5IdS1rcFF1MnJZVjhoQWtVVi1NUksz |
I bought Solana phone a few months ago... It was said I could get airdrops but never got any. Do I have to claim them or do they automatically apper in my wallet | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4dG93MXExajFRMU1jMXdJUzh2cVNKT2hHbU1zNk40czBMWnpfcDlrSUpJWWd1NURadmRQdVdIMnhUTWhIZWM4emdEVUdQeDlJM3VkUVI1cEtBMVRwVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5SFA4bnBPR3RoS0YyOGtPRHR6OG1WM29lWEl5N1lfOFo3UE9LVmJwTmlJUW96RmpSVm9tdEg3R3JFWjFYa2R0b1dlZ003TkdEZkNobUUzdC1zVWtqWGxER2dhTC01OHdVSXcyUTBmWkgzY09waUdMV2V2Ykl5TWh0d2ptTFp6M0RVVG10WXhpd0lfRHlXR0hxeEY4NUdibWt0OVlXTEkzaUlMbERDNDNPV1I4PQ== |
You can watch and mint the full trailer for free at:
https://ethereumfilm.xyz/ | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Ym0xcWZQZ3liT2txek5Hc3RocFlrTWh4MEI4eFRKNGFHUHpIV2dFT01FdXdGN09NSXZZX0JzUnc0eFJ2d0ZYNU1WOHAxb3REdDFITE5saW5DY2hFZVNmMDZlOEhiaU5XWU5JYTZ3RGJ0OGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5dHQ1TGdiODI3YldmdmE0X3VQZHhjOUR4OEdGUFZRMmk1N1hOTTQ5enVwY1JybEIyckFva21uOFB0cWtDSFU1V0NIMUZteWdrc1lHdEZjVFExV1hmOXZKYjZGN2ZHOWtLcWtuTFEzMTJCVDFiNW9IYlBmYVVhd1RCOFVzUXNLUzJ5dHhFRDJ1MFVoWHE5OEd6SFp4a1FlSU16N0RNRDQxWnBSZTNZTFE3R1JuRGJJejNiUTVkNGFLSjFzOXpsRk82 |
I'll get ahead of the commentators but absolutely NO, indicators cannot predict the future with great accuracy. Sense of then its help traders observe trends to gauge their direction and strength. Think of it like Newton’s physics: a price movement has momentum, and the bigger it is, the harder it is to stop (inertia). This concept is reflected in the saying: “The trend is your friend.”
To illustrate this, imagine there are 21 days left until Christmas, and a popular toy is flying off the shelves. If you’re a store owner considering stocking up on these toys, you might observe the sales trends of neighboring stores. If sales rise from 20,000 to 30,000 units a day, you might decide to stock up. However, if sales suddenly drop, you'd be cautious. Even with a good prediction, replicating the exact sales figures isn’t feasible.
Indicators work similarly by using formulas and charts to help traders visualize potential future movements of prices and market behavior. Here’s a look at some commonly used indicators:
# 1. Ishimoku Clouds
The **Ishimoku Clouds** indicator consists of five lines representing averages over different periods. When two lines cross, the area between them forms a "cloud." If the price is above the cloud, it indicates an uptrend; below the cloud suggests a downtrend. The direction and movement of the cloud help assess the strength of the trend.
# 2. Relative Strength Index (RSI)
The **RSI** is a simple yet powerful tool that shows whether an asset is overbought or oversold. It uses historical data to gauge demand. The RSI has two key levels: 30% (oversold) and 70% (overbought). Values above 70% might indicate a potential price drop, while values below 30% suggest a possible price rise.
# 3. Moving Averages
**MA** smooth out price data over a specific period to help identify trends. They are useful for spotting support and resistance levels. Short-term MAs react quickly to price changes, while long-term MAs provide a broader view. Support levels indicate where prices might stop falling, while resistance levels show where prices might struggle to rise.
# 4. Fibonacci Levels
**Fibonacci Levels** are another tool for predicting price dynamics. They are based on the Fibonacci sequence and provide standard levels (0, 23.6%, 38.1%, 50.0%, 61.8%, 76.4%, 100%) to track price movements. Although not complex, these levels can be useful for understanding potential price retracements and extensions.
# 5. Sales Volume
**Sales Volume** measures the number of assets traded over a period. It’s a crucial indicator as it helps validate price movements. High volume indicates strong market participation and momentum, while low volume suggests weaker momentum. For instance, if the price of Bitcoin spikes but the volume is low, it might signal that the price movement could reverse.
EDIT: If you think I'm wrong, feel free to criticize me!!! Because I don't think so, but you can still make me understand.
EDIT 2 : And what i mean in automated Ta is something that really use algotrading for analyze of indIcators, not some sh\*tty trading bots.In more detail, we can generally analyze briefly MACD on this dashboard, at the moment the trend in BTC is clearly bullish, respectively, in a bull market you should sell what you have already bought before in a bearish trend.
This dashboard uses algorithms to calculate indicators and their score on their own buy/sell scale, where high scale mean buy. I hope you find it useful if you are learning or want to simplify your technical analysis as much as it helped me
BlackRock has decided not to launch a Solana ETF for now, citing Solana's lack of maturity and insufficient client demand compared to more established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Samara Cohen, BlackRock’s Chief Investment Officer, highlighted that Solana does not currently meet the necessary criteria for investability that have been satisfied by cryptocurrencies included in their existing ETF offerings.
[https://www.coinfeeds.io/daily/blackrock-rules-out-solana-etf-amid-focus-on-bitcoin-and-ethereum](https://www.coinfeeds.io/daily/blackrock-rules-out-solana-etf-amid-focus-on-bitcoin-and-ethereum) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4MF82RXdLUkoxNWpIdUNMM2pERnFBYmZqcXN5cjBmNmVELTFnVlpQOTNBeWJrb3FsLWUzc1pudzc5WTR3NWdvRTVub2FOcjBVeGFTVjE1RVk3Ym4wYVJ3WU82ZUREanEtbjdnZjBMdURyNk09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5WnJqYy14V2JnWjJRUTlGemNDZ3pjeVJ6Y3phbGxyaDJoWUR6eFBVSFc2UlJNUEV3dXpIdnl6OF9Ua0xmTTVhbENKdGQ2U0d1VHRPa3A3TXhRZFpUSTZvTVNHZDlyc2RWR1kzY0gwNjFndjJKdnpDSkV5bFk4TlZsTWZVbWU2MGNuODE4YVNWdTE1VkpFTGJvWjJpUzdJV01RREVoYlJuNzNmd2o0MTZGcjFZbDFtNS1MdGlRM1JCMUJuTmdydTlhUVRmNVhYLWdZVVBoRzhfN1d1b3FWQT09 |
Ethereum ETF market recorded a net inflow on July 30, amounting to $33.7 million, for the first time since July 23.
July 30, Bitcoin ETFs experienced an $18.3 million outflow, marking the first outflow since July 23 | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4YWsyd08wZTdDVkdici1odnNnamx2c3R0S1BicTdPTFNKdHN5SE14dGRrWkNCM2pPbmtYVV9wZDBHSGRjY3picU9ZNHRCVkVpckgyNE5aY21RdWNxZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5ZlBpZndNVXZuVGFNTm5EX0cwOFFrVjBnanAzc2YwVFl0WkRtaUZfUVB2SWpmdkg0QWhzcFdJejFiaUZ6aUVjTVhUem5fU2M2NEZpdHNtYkVqUlVHZldTTTJ2bEs3RFJKZUFtS0dEU1hHaVo4VkVSc0x6bDZWQlVuTnhORmVKVll3N1Q2TzBPRExqMkpXTUExUGJKLU10eGNiZHRJZ0drTG01TlU2aHJkdUNRei11UUhEcXNhTVhOdWxJdk10QWRlRk9Tb0dNQXRVenZ0VnRZVEJDQ0hhdz09 |
Reddit is for summaries, research is after you provide a summary. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4N09QYTNmSVkwTUtNR2Y2eTFyemF3RTNnV2l0UlM0b29IV1NSeWZYaENUanp4cGVjUVVfYWZfQnpWMHV0VUxYa0Yxa2VqeWpKZGc0Wk8yUWJQb2FQcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5NHFSUGxvb2llWi1XbF9PQlI5aHdqY2twc0J3TjhJbFRkM2Myc29rMXd1UFhuSzFiS1ZsMDZ0UGI2SjBrNEYtN3R4TjlLN1lZelVYTnB5bC1uVURnTlNJNm1jdEtEbHFSSXI5WG1DTW5ySHduUXZINnZqX0lUTmlaNkllLUhVMFRJSTVKRVh3eXNsMnhpYlcxSHA2c2NmUm9xSHZzNTZnNS1VQ0hHQUt6Z1otRXptbXpGWkx0cFZpeEt1aVUyaEtiRkdVV0hFeUVHMkdMWjZxcUJSSHJadz09 |
Maybe you meant tiktok. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4ak1NeWl0cWdENS05SmhNcEpvN0FzWEg1OVdLQXFidVlsWThmcnlBVUpvUHhzaFMtSjF5LTNKdG9NeEYxSU9EUUV4VVBuMEFlSlVsNU91a1pQQjk0WkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5ejdPUk9NYk5EVmhIMGd5NldEWmtMUVpCRlNXeG5DdjFCd0ZBd2U4UU14MG15MkNEbEs0NEJ6ZXdZYlNZeHdwSGR3d3VHLWNraHRrRHcyS1JVajBxT3gyaVY2UkU5R3JTSjUyV0ktR2h6Tk5KdGNMbTZIWHM4UjJLQ2xHX1JUX0VaYWhUNFQwQTlmcWFRSUg3VGRSX2RuX3pFeU0yZWRJUFdiazRENlU4RzdSUkEycnZzbmpoNXhlMXdUZWNGLVg3YUlnLTJpV2RsQk9CTzBxaE1ZN2lhdz09 |
I can set up a public node on my 24/7 server, but I’m concerned about the security implications. The server has important business information, which obviously has its backup scheduled, but of course, it is something to be aware of.
Does it have any security implications? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4RkJLOEE3LUdOdmRsMXQwYUtFVl9kTklBNVlzNkl5QzhmSVdCQzkwSHRlZ1MyYjVxZVJiQXAxVmhUU0tpdUhRN1NGcWdIT1JwYUJ3V1VFdU5YWmdLUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5ZzhrLThPbGRMZkxFem4yZXV3QmZFOVVHRXNhQnRDQTBPZEtyVnl6dHVWakplM2hjY01RZ3hSci16M2lwMW5yRTBnVTRlSVdHWms5TGZiZktobHhlQlZ2enR3VVcxblV2bXo1SVg5V2dpbmxwRE9ILVVFc1k1UlhCM3FwUjRaSndHX3VDakpUUEpmWXFkZnhtRmFvTXViTG1lMy10cnRXdDNnX1V4S1k2eWVVPQ== |
Hey Polkadot community!
Polkadot has some of the most unique features in the blockchain ecosystem, like its Ink! Smart Contracts and the upcoming JAM upgrade. How do you think we can use these features to better prevent scams and enhance security within our ecosystem? Whether it’s through improved consensus mechanisms, cross-chain verification, or other innovative ideas, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Let’s brainstorm ways to make Polkadot the safest blockchain out there!
| r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Nmw4Z0RMRXJSQ3NxcGNhR0lzTmVjbEc0UEhVbzVyTFRubnNIUU04Z1IxQURmLVlKSEhzWkNsUi1VUzdpZHNIdzBpaHdmOFd3Smw1YjktWWVyLVBpUGQ0QzVvdjQ0TzlTQkxuaU9NM2VnT0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5LTlnLWJiU0hxaWxSUGFSdlBWcnI4V0YwN09vamtERktTVDQwLW95cnFyb2NTb1N6RFhsTEZxNjh4TlZwTUd4YTVKclpPZnlSYVpiVjVYZExzQWllUHdidk4yalBCVTlTdTFDVHA3OXZ0ZzBHbWg2emtTZ0c0WGxROG9zcWdMVWstRXFkQ2Y0QnJOT3U3QjMwM3JndlhCMzhVUEZfYkkyNXFwOHVSSVAxdWh2VjNMajBJRkFNSDJrUWJpRi1qVktabDhjdEZGd05QanhnVGZBbHlVb2xGUT09 |
Rate cuts = cheap loans.
Cheap loans means more dollars available for investments.
More USD money becomes available but BCH supply stays the same.
So BCH stays scarce, and USD becomes more plentiful. Which may lead to BCH price going up.
eg. if we had 100 apples and 100 oranges, and the trade rate was 1 for 1. now if we suddenly get 1000 apples and we still only have 100 oranges, the rate may change to 10 apples for 1 orange. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4RDhEYWRqTG1EeVJBMEhhX3JYQmtxRzVvWjNZZ1NSOTduaGRIQURBQmFFbmU0dFhjWTAyUldqTzg1VkUzRXlMdDhmN29XaDdnTnZabUpNeEk2ZUNyWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5MWhoN1BKZUxTTEdPblBEaTBjR2FweFl1RnNhT09HQzFNS2VsSHlQTDZCeFJFTmNzMlEwS094RkYwb2szdEkzS2M4QWNWQm54bHNXMG5wZmZ5a29MYVdsWTZHUnN3X3dHZTRsVlpKMnZsSGd4TVYyd3dGdktlMmpRTVQwd0R3c0s0bmZzVlVCYnJvREdFMTBydFlra2oxSThxZW43VnhLQ1lDRV9uRk00M3BWOWwyQWNwaTVwbTRfNUhmSmxDTERM |
Celsius was devastating, it was a lot and I mean a lot of money lost. But I pushed through that. Made an oath that I will research a project only by myself and take no advice from anyone. And I found Solchat before it took off. It looked amazing, but I hesitated. In 2 days the price quadripled, so I went full FOMO and stockpiled on it. Result is -98% loss. I've decided to sell because of the obvious reasons - the network that uses Solana to work, thus making people pay for their messages has no perspective, because there is a huge competition that offers same for free. Second obvious reason is the developers selling it, aka slow rugpull. People, whatever the situation - never ever ever by green, even if your life depends on it. I've ruined my chance in this life - hopefully you, the one reading it, will be smarter and won't repeat my mistakes. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Xy04WEhuX3VQSUtvQWZiYjNxdm10Y2h3NDFZT1Z0WVo5RzlGTU1DWFU5NVAwNEFkSlNicEtjNDVtUHNHS3M0T3pzdC1Od1VreTFhSkY0c3ZUV1dva1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5UmJIZms2c1VUa1AydkpNQ3NJM1hxU191YUIyQjVLMEI0ei12a2Y4RHlmUVFxenpjdnRQNzN0Nmk1c1Nlc1hBakF2RG9DVTNCckdyRXRvMjF0VmFnT082U3gwR3llRXJ3eUUtQmRTa1ZTUlhFNmRnSUxGRUkyaFp2Qzc5a3dJNW9uaVBSdzZlWUJpTGFSMmpIYk1wdkN0alUzekt3aGtrUVcwbVJORzZqbF81OFp4NVdJWmNRM0E2dlFzWGQySlNyRklJMFBla29jWUZaMmJnWHpNd0phUT09 |
With BTC there's loads of newbie-friendly information on how to do something like this but when I try the gettxoutsetinfo command in the Bitcoin Cash Node console I get 'Node context not found...' - see pic attached.
What gives?
| r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4U1FPYV9SUzZ4dDMzZVVCeWRPTmFZX3VfRHhDUldhUFg2eDFNRXpCR3JIWVM1RzV0QUEzWlgwQXFzNS1ULWJRV29qallab2ZrbzlYQXAwakpPejRfOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5NGJpYV9jQjBLMk4zbWE5bFJiaWthQUdhZmhWazhhUWYzMU9iNmhkTWJXRkRoRHAybVBCZXFnSWxNS0lfNUFydTI3bUhrYUc1N3B2RjBqdU1oX0VJMGEyaUpFbkRQdV9aYUt1Vlh0TXRCZ2VpV3lkVUFLU2tzYmpIb0t0NWtuZDdiOHUyWTU3RjB0SGlpUENCM0V3VmtqLXBFT2xGQ1RiOXZXVWV0X01ndjFGckc0RzNHRzNqYzd5SGpQSFlSdEky |
Hi Reddit,
Today I had 2.86 Bitcoin (~$189,000) stolen from my Exodus Wallet. I have filed a complaint to Manhattan DA and the FBI. I’ll be working with them to try to retrieve the funds but they seem to be taking their time. In the meantime, I was hoping someone here could help with providing any information that can lead to the retrieval of the funds. If the information leads to the successful retrieval of the funds, I’m willing to award $25,000.
The funds were stolen from the following address:
The following two transaction hashes are associated with the movement of funds:
Txt hash 1: 731123b0e25ebeb8a1dc866122deb7c779380aba08bccbda4f0f68cbe78dc247
Txt hash 2: 5bf557f7ec5ce1db6e675580e287cd5048da21506e5b49b8a0c0515a81986e12
The BTC seem to have landed on this address and hasn’t moved:
If somehow the attacker is reading this, you can keep $25,000 from the stolen funds and return the rest to the original address (bc1qzdg0592yrhsdkc882dzxkqcutjc8vhx3qp2676 ). Additionally, I’m willing to retract my complaint with the FBI and Manhattan DA.
Thanks reddit! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4OFRja01BNnBkSjk4QzIzWUVOYVpuQWl4bWpRekgyT2RfekNWUlA4NkYxU2N6YXRvbENCWmlFaU1kZGE5MDFUOHo1WDdtT0pxbklVRjNwSm1FMTlhSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5bGZWOTkwM1p3TXk4ZTBNV3c1LTlacmtyNXFsbzFiUlFMcmgyMWF3WHoxc3kwWFppODZSQXJ4OXoyaWxhQW1Qa1FkT0FIaHRsYWxBMkFmdWU1T19RaVUtTEdEaTZKMzJ0SE56c2g2cDdvaDlpMjlQZFdpaVJ3SjBhRnJPZTYtUTNzbzloZlVpRVg4MnVDMXJUQlBYTEluWFlGYmVkWlUzMExIT3dicVBwRTI0c0hCNzF2QmpkVzk3NXNzQ0U2cWZqQmVfSVpaaDZzMjJLYkgtZDlUT1MyUT09 |
**Here is a text written by someone on Twitter:**
Dark Net Markets are the sole reason for Bitcoin's rise to prominence and foreshadow its downfall as a new money.
Bitcoin was once the main means of money on DNM’s for one sole reason:
People thought it was a novel peer-to-peer electronic cash system that would allow them a means of private, anonymous, and fungible financial exchange to make purchases of their choosing free of the scrutiny of authorities.
Because of this misunderstanding, people transacted, licitly or illicitly, under the false pretense of privacy and in turn were fined, arrested, or imprisoned for transactions that were fully transparent and incriminating.
As the vulnerability of Bitcoin being a transparent financial ledger that offers zero financial privacy, anonymity or fungibility became apparent to DNM users, its use dropped exponentially and is now rarely if ever intelligently used.
DNM’s are the purest testing ground for new technologies whether one likes that fact or not, for if the technology leads to incarceration it has to be abandoned for a superior alternative.
As DNM’s tinkered with new forms of peer-to-peer electronic cash to replace the fundamentally flawed Bitcoin, Bitcoin became mainstream through charismatic personalities and general zealotry.
Bitcoin failing to succeed in the most perfect test market for new money was either not understood by ignorant users or was swept under the rug from holders in order to make great sums of money from a simple currency arbitrage opportunity of fiat-Bitcoin, Bitcoin-fiat washing.
This combination of uneducated new Bitcoin enthusiasts and predatory currency arbitrage opportunists has created the present situation that is Bitcoin.
As the mainstream obsesses over the fundamentally flawed technology of Bitcoin under a type of hypnosis, DNM’s have adopted a technology in the wake of Bitcoin and its subsequent innovations:
Monero is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that is anonymous, private, and fungible.
Plain, simple and perfectly executed in its design of providing these features by default, Monero is now the prescribed method of transacting on the markets.
DNM forums have created user guides and “bibles” stating that it is all that should be used and more commonly has to be used.
Monero is what people Bitcoin is and is proving this empirically in real time on DNM’s as the main and trusted means of exchange.
Bitcoin has concurrently become a scheme with one goal:
Convince people it’s a peer-to-peer censorship resistant electronic cash system in order to siphon fiat from a simple form of arbitrage. Rinse and repeat.
In reality it’s not what it’s being sold as and is actually antithetical to such properties.
Monero on the other hand is a technological marvel in way of money fixing not only the flaws of old money but also Bitcoin, it’s just not commonly understood.
The same markets that made Bitcoin famous have abandoned Bitcoin and they’ve abandoned it for Monero. This is beyond significant, it is an empirical example of the superior technology taking over in real time.
Underbelly markets make surface markets and surface markets are a reflection of underbelly markets, but with a lag of time and most importantly, understanding.
As above, so below.
As below, so above.
[https://x.com/JAKETFISCHER/status/1818113530203447689](https://x.com/JAKETFISCHER/status/1818113530203447689) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4S19aOFlBdVo5TlZCUEhVSnlnemVsT3daYzRPSEo1bmN1SGNrVmQ5dDRQZk9Wc2NEVnRGOXdXTzVHQTVmY3JSOTJCS3pnT3JtNDNjeVgyNlBFN1B3SFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5YlE3SkxjQ2FmaURCQ1g0TEhzamZLbEtsZFI3Qjdqc2dneGxJVzlvRFg1WDhpQmcwYlhrc1lEWFludlpsd0VsX0tpTDNNQUt3czlLMGo2eTRhWld2MzIxbVBxOGFjVzZsSk9zeWltTk5zRGtqMmJKSEZGZ2VpZnZPMFFOQjlibms5UUF0djJnM0dyVHlCV0Y0SHVDTnR3Z0hQcUNCc2hCOGRaOXBaQzd6YmFjM2VYbDhOOFRweHc3WmRicE5HM2dpYnp3QTF1QjNRUlE2b25pc0gzWW1YQT09 |
Started with $60k got up to $190k with tsla puts during the April downturn. But then proceeded to lose a good chunk ending with $37k towards end of May. Say fukc it and Yolo the remaining $37k on nvda calls before q1 earnings. Made back what was lost and some. Turned the gains into 1k tsla shares. Bought more tsla puts for q2 earnings. Cashed out big. Now holding a sh!tload of tsla calls and nvda calls. Next goal to turn the calls into 1.5k nvda shares and another 500 tsla shares. Goal is to hit $1M EOY. Just lots of luck and good timing. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4amRoT0xCVTNES054WkdYazRGVE1MZTIzOFB6YmdWUS1BOXpwVEtjTlhmQW9kV2tmeEdQYUpURS1hQUZjMW5temc4U0tLQkY4THY0S3Y0TG5xNHNhZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5V2MxNGRUM1QwUjdKVDRxQmY2azI3dER2V21XOG1LX093R2pwdlZRWHpUcFNLcmxsbndvS3c2bmZzYXBIODRZVlQxamRNbFNJc0JzelNsZnpzVkdzSlVPSXBvSG9yNFpHZEZnOENnbVlsREFsUmF1b1B6bFdwVndhb2EyM0IxMWQyNXlYVXRWX2RtNG50VUQxLW9PNEpnSnlfV28tZUpTS2dtNGRBUy1JaTJjPQ== |
I'm currently implementing my first crypto gateway for my online business. Apart from Bitcoin cash, which other currencies have low transaction fees and are recommended to use or used by most shops that use crypto gateways? Most of my orders are 5-10 USD so I don't see much of a point to use ETH or BTC because of fees.
I don't want to use more than five currencies either. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4NDZjRzRWeTVNRWUyOVNwMWxpWWVmdW1XM2VWUFFzakpkRTY3a254a09yemROQzVqbFZiUk1xRTg3MEpsbzhVZEV4bm92ZElOVnNjY3U2RV96RXdjYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5SDlia0RLX0tSVFZZQ3ZacHdGTFBNOW95eUNUYTh1TUxYTGZzaWFpZl9SY04zaURZaUhYYnVvcjNxVjJVb3NKeGhldVRsNHU0VTVpa3JzWWx3YWxMZTAxMTg0aDhqbVhIOFRZN3FQaFRuV2xyN3BGZmU4T3N4N012a2NMS0s5VGwwdjNMMFBad0tvd25QcXhMbVFMd2VzS2pkLUJBNi1GNXZ2RlFSSUc3S1FUQl9tRm1WRXV3V3BNMWhFamtjM1N4 |
Two market experts recently revised their predictions for Ethereum, with one claiming that the second-largest crypto token could rise to as high as $100,000. Interestingly, these ultra-bullish predictions align with some predictions made by financial institutions.
| r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4U09Na3Y2RzhJTnRZVkRmaXp4b1prLWxGUjhMRkdqZlcxODJaX3AzNW5HSlJNUG9YT3NDdFlpVWRLb2lkelFLLVpfUHBpUEhaVHU4TS1FWU5jMVlmc1VtejR6SDMtdHRmMW8zWDF2U0p6Rzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5d1JyU1duenM5M3VtVnY0eVpIQXVFeERFUzdlclJqeFc5RGUzZ3JpbW90bk00TGFNRGcwQlo4MXNyT3dvc2stXzI1RnR4Q2l1T2VmTmFSejJpWHFvdFVtR3E2QXBIMEpuTW5qdWxEelZsVFFnUmc3cURQb1F6YjFyZjNRY2d3VXVvLXFPNkotRGM3MjdGRmlPU2hJQ2VMWC00amN6eHZHcXM1dXhjMW5LVF9LUkQteWZMUUpuUVJRRHBGRE5sSGZQZG9nMjVlMElfVWxWNWR2eUNxYWRpQT09 |
? | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4U2IwQjV4U2J2aGdsWUJiUGI5YjRSckkyOFpENi1xSm9XOC1BRjBxSFdkRTdLYnhZVVlmOHlnUTFKdjJKM1pET3pjajZwbGZQZUNKOU1JSnpYUlh5a3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5b3c0V2wyVnRCQzIyVWJ1WThCa3BuRjFDZWVKQXh3emNwZ3NieHdXbUkwT3NSYkVDTXJlRlY2V3FNNi0zcklTT0lsZHlnQ3VqMW9MdVVhOVd0MkZQblJnZWJZNkxmbFJJcl9QQVJfT2RSXy1hRWFNcmgydWxySzNiS2R2aG1ESF91UFY5QWdIaVpEak9MNnE3dmo2OWtRR09pemxwVGtuRldMN0FQdEdJazdSbG9ESHFYWmEtcXpFVW0zdVNwaWUxZWw5UTZxS18wWDNSNzg5aWhlaERWQT09 |
ERROR: type should be string, got "https://preview.redd.it/83gh52szi2gd1.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=fba99bb67e4b11aa973fe830f535c775083bbc05\n\nTLDR: Grandma died 2 months ago. Left me $800k inheritance. I'm only a junior in college as a math major and I don't really have any use for the money, nor do I have any debt (I'm very fortunate that my parents are paying for my education). I always heard about people losing their inheritance by spending it on garbage instead of investing. So I told my parents I'm not going to spend a cent of this money and I'm going to invest all of it and they were proud of me. I put 100k into a high yield savings account and bought 700k worth of Intel stock at market open. I plan on holding this for a decade depending on how it performs. \n\nHere's why I like Intel: \n\n- 2024 Q1 up 9% YOY \n\n- Intel has been heavily investing and restructuring by building out the domestic foundry business to manufacture semiconductor chips for third party companies. \n\n- With Intel 3 in production, leading-edge semiconductors are being manufactured in the US for the first time in a decade. Intel will regain process leadership as the Intel Foundry continues to grow. \n\n- I think the fact that Intel is positioning itself to be the largest semiconductor manufacturer in the US is massive. The US Gov is heavily prioritizing domestic semiconductor production and thus is heavily supporting Intel as a company with R&D funding. \n\n- If NVIDIA or AMD are ever forced to change manufacturers due to rising tensions/war between China & Taiwan, Intel will likely be a sole or largest manufacturer for NVIDIA and AMD \n\n- Intel has been heavily investing in R&D. 5.9B out of 12.7B of Q124 revenue was invested in R&D. \n\n- Intel is on track to exceed its forecast of 40 million AI PCs shipped by the end of 2024\n\n- The Intel Gaudi 3AI accelerator is projected to deliver 50% faster inference and 40% greater inference power efficiency than NVIDIA H100 on leading AI models. \n\n- Trading at Forward PE of 17.05 \n\n- Geopolitical tensions will ultimately work in Intel's favor more than any other company in this industry \n\n- I like the stock and I think its really cheap rn :) \n\n\n\n \n" | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4enVXaVVQTUVZbjJCQ3M5aGJudE9YYmFXWEFSajU3QmVETWhtNlAzVHNWS3ZNWDk5b1F5Rm5fcHdtYTFFZjVLU0o0RGhJY204V3VRdUNNOHQxeVlCa3o2SFJuU2hzamNiZXBYVDNzek55dEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5TmJMaExYaE8tOFJRZVB5VWJ1Wjk5b0VuelozS3pieHkyVEI4QS1WSThaNXUyZ21zdzZqQUU5MVJxOHRRV2FISFJYZFI5MTlDd19EQUV4VWw4TmQxTGY1b21kcHhOd3pQT1BNYUF0V1RTcWNBMEY3U2Yzc25nN29MLW96N0xOR29Qb3dpVVJCUW04T3pLclc4alpZVDluWmVKN0ZoUDhESHprblI4YVhES2VQZDJqWmNScm1uTEh5ajFrWWxodjFMWmwwcTBLc3JLZkJoUFIyU3JhdElkdz09 |
One of the initiatives that had to stop was creating educational videos about Bitcoin Cash in Hausa. I started this after a successful Flipstarter campaign in 2023, where I created the content and launched a TikTok channel to upload the videos. Since then, my Bitcoin Cash content has reached a broader audience. For example, some of our videos have received 16,000 views, others 5,000 or 4,000 views, and so on. All the content on the channel is promotional material for Bitcoin Cash, and the total views now exceed 40,000.
However, the last video I posted was in May. These videos must continue to educate people about Bitcoin Cash, as we are seeing the impact: many Hausa speakers have learned about Bitcoin Cash through my videos.
I am launching a new Flipstarter campaign to raise 25 BCH to continue this work and onboard more people to Bitcoin Cash. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4ZEV3Wkk5b3BOYk5BRmN5eHVWMWJsZ1k2X3gzTnVfT3lTVW9MS09MSE1STjlTeHpQVTBPWWI3d2FMQ0lKQ1BIcFhGNDlqeHBqRmNmc21SbUwwUEdCbzE5bGFZZDE1bXJtSThWTGYtMDh6Ync9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5UFpCRVQ5c3owNC1xOXZKNkhmQ21HYnF3YVVhVlZxSVhOaFJPMFVJTHZSU1M3eDJxOXVZWlB2LUxxNzlsZk9xREo5RkRJcXdTdDZGdlFycFBGR2tJZGlzSUdhUTBTYk9Lc1BmM1VIY1A0MFJoZFlmSnFxNEZHekJVNTBBQjlSRWNDUlczeUdHdFlXaDRXTExIWUt2MXNBVHpab09mS1o0cUpkVHBlYVJnZVlKTWpGR3BCUWh0ZUEtMDc5bVVia1RD |
For a 'tyrant', it sure looks like Putin would seem more forward-thinking than the traditionally 'progressive' West.
Interesting times.
Russia, particularly Siberia, has some of the largest crypto mining activity in the world. Because - cheap electricity and cold.
"Lawmakers have approved legislation allowing the use of cryptocurrencies for international settlements, aiming to circumvent sanctions imposed by Western nations. Expected to be implemented by September, this law could facilitate the first crypto transactions by year-end....Initially, Russia had imposed a blanket ban on crypto payments at the start of the war. However, it later permitted financial services firms to trial crypto for specific use cases. Many countries facing heavy sanctions, including Venezuela, already employ crypto for international transactions...
Several firms have faced fines for assisting Russian banks in using crypto. Last month, Lithuania fined crypto firm Payeer 9.3 million Euros for allowing Russian customers to transfer money to EU-sanctioned Russian banks."
P.S. I want to know what coins they approve for payments, for some reason I don't think it'd be USDT/USDC.
YES! OH GOD YES!! The hype surrounding this is absolutely INSANE. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4SmxkRFhReFZMZTZjclpCeXdRelRzc2RORXBBaU5IZ0R2WkFuY3lKZFBzSDJNQy1rdE9fMWp4U0FVSTdZX3Y1bzk1ZVhhOTJsT3gxVURoNDduS2lleGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5N29iMTlzOHM1cjRDSWFSV04zalR5dk5PTXVQVDdPN3daek5IZWdJLWxwOG15NG5ENmgxRThsWWhRTkt4T1lFRVBkMGN4blRqVWFSWHp0WXZwZW5WejRmaGt6MGxELTBaR2VfbTE3MW5VMTZ4eURfUzF1Z0YtTm1sU0lEWkVtVlA0eDBUYTZuajV4NDJtWlNBcHo0X2ZBYkVhOHRzM0JxbHo3QzUwcEREQWpHcUtEQTA1aFROZ2lWT245eHBVOUpJOTVfTGhpMjJualdFNVNUQ0FTbGJyZz09 |
>$BNB: $1,000-$1,400
>$SOL: $450-$650
>$XRP: $3-$5
>$DOGE: $1
>$LINK: $250-$500
| r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4ejg4eE4xcE8wY3pUbW8xYUFzdURxOEFkQ25Wc3NLWThZdnI2Z0pIY1J0OGRWbll2N0dnSFViRnNkSlhGSXFpS0hFUVBTVGs5aDJWSlk5VHF6dGZPdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5YW16V2FJNGR4Y2o4WE5yU1MxMGVoWHctQW5Ga21YRVFfNWI5NDNQeG16REJoemoyMlNlSmdobU96cFJ1bHNSWnVVX0lqcWVBaDNaSVh3Ty1za0J2aEtHVTZXMXg2V090YktYcmp0dXJFS0Zja2stZjNKNVA1VEtqNEpBY3kzM2M4a0lPWDJvNEJTUUkteTQybklvVGpCR3MwbmF1bWJOR1lSTkJxNG1wSDZfR3V5X3lwWDVNcFZOUHZSeGhyMU15TGw2UmVtRkh4YVhhY2cxblV4RGpVQT09 |
I got into crypto in the 2017 bullrun. It's been an incredible experience, a tremendously fun hobby and given me countless hours of reading, entertainment, learning, and even new relationships. Some of you might recognize me in the sub by my Polkadot shenenigans.
The amount of wrong information and speculation on Reddit regarding the crypto market is painful to endure. Everyone obviously wants to see this market continue to evolve, and of course, price goes up.
In 2023 a lot of people said 2024 will be a great year with the BTC ETF and with the Halving event. We had a BTC ATH before the halving, which was against most predections. And right now we are far from a bullmarket.
The reality is that being a realist about crypto means admitting that you just have no clue whatsoever. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4cFlCTElCU1V1eWF5MVludEFDa21FSGQwOVdJclNUdkcycWdUSFVZMGNONkRkM24yWDlYbm5KZC1qZHpLdkc3bmdPdkRnaVlkcGk1T0N4SEtDTGRtamQtS3BTbk8xOVhKWThlbjlxbWJLUUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5R085WmtqZkVKRFY5T1ZWZzdhRzJ6UDFwWE5Xc2ZUcUFfbUEyMExGQmVBUy1QLVZrWHJDbjdVT3dfd0dnQlQtbWZEbURxcmxBUG9aTEJjUGxUYWZUcC13VFVyTWFJd2FPOGNUSEdZQW1UbVVzaHpDVW9OUlhJYUhOaXZ6RF9mc1c3LTBtQWQtWExJWDd1TWZGMXFtbzJSX2RNVTE1b3ZTcDNtYUVwMXZiRGNqcFVKbmt4ZTlGNDlWWE9kZXZRS19wUklFanF0eDRqRWh1aDg1NzhxZkZfQT09 |
Feel like dying | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4c3dILUNIRjVKQzZIWW1oNnByQnlYRUFSNW03VE1qMjNDNld2U3JmalFXeV9pZmxXbVQ2OFhzUDI2aGxuaHVxbEwycUV0bnhwY0VEMEtDNDQxbUhLUHQ1cFViU0Y3Y2kycUt4THdmVm9iUVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5UUtRX3M4VU9COUxqeUxWSUkzaHZCbWY5R0FZRTN0Tjcyb0poeTZtaWNJeEFZMDJFNUUyek9BbGpfUkVPQ0FiNTlCYVMzaHREdWhVRzJpWW9LTEpNWVg2aW95VWFhZHdBbDg0MzFvSlhvLTdQUklacmVYd3pac05sZW52NmlPODd0VDc1VkVCcXdZNjEwWnA2UnJkaWhocm5BckdKclJRbVdpaFJQaWhFUDVQbzJzNk5vbWdERy13RllaSHJmQ3Rv |
"[The Polkadot treasury is being depleted at an alarming rate, with nearly $40 million spent on marketing efforts with minimal returns.](https://medium.com/@polkadot_eri/what-if-polkadot-had-an-election-how-should-we-formulate-a-development-program-for-polkadot-8990371d6447)"
Almost 1/4 of that is because of Giotto.
On proposal [#692](https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/692) he drained 500k DOT from the treasure 19/04/2024 DOT at [7.234](https://www.investing.com/crypto/polkadot-new/historical-data) he drained 3,617k USD.
On proposal [#](https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/692)[596](https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/596) he drained 500k DOT from the treasure 21/03/2024 DOT at [8.925](https://www.investing.com/crypto/polkadot-new/historical-data) he drained 4,462k USD.
On proposal [#529](https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/529) he drained 250k DOT from the treasure in 27/02/2024 DOT at [8.345](https://www.investing.com/crypto/polkadot-new/historical-data) he drained 2,086k USD.
On proposal [#488](https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/488) he drained 100k DOT from the treasure in 11/02/2024 DOT at [7.338](https://www.investing.com/crypto/polkadot-new/historical-data) he drained 733.8k USD.
Total DOT drained is 1,350k DOT with a value of 10,899k USD. | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4V2tZQm9FLW9MSUdqYmlqMmdjRHdFQnplVUMxNmhNRzl1dVl0TVlTQ3BlOHFVblo3Q1dXVHMzZ3BQOW9sNW1YWVc5dTA5NkJkcUkydWNVZjVLd1pfMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5MVZkdnlPTV8tdElFUWJFYTJYeGVBSFhUZUc1NmM1cE90X3ZhLXdITWpEcGFpbWh5eW84VVRMSFJQVFBkeUZUTHpxWHRTU2NOZG5JRjd3QVU2ampyUlFVeTQwWUppQ1RwTVNWb3FSY2NEalFZek01RlFfRzBzRm1BR1N5NUFnNG4xcVRHclJFMnpvNzZrZDQxQmIwVHhRTG1QTjZzUWJ5cElDekIxUHZWOTBTRlIwRTZZRjducXFfTHNjQVAyNl9k |
Intel literally sucks ass. EPS of only $0.02 and suspending dividend not to mention job cuts. How far the mighty have fallen.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4MGNRYUg0WjBtLVFuRXphSTFGanZLUzdBcDAyT2pFRjRrR2g2NFZjWGdpc3MycXJVTEFGbjZ1N3lNOGNDQ2ctTWVjVDEtb09hb0xVZ0h6M01wMi1rNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Y3A0VGtyUzUyeDUyUk9hT0ZFV0djVkVncGxkQ3IyLWtDSmVMTjdZZTl6aVhzT3hQZmlET050STF3b1Nsb2NBazJxWlNxSHY2S1V3cS1WRWtBV2VGQURMRmV0aXhNUE1RdUlweU5rTEhxLUE5U3V3ZGE2UXFGWjI0cFFTRzR1QlVSSW0zZTNRaGl0N0l6enFmaTZLMVA3Y09GTTVNNTBTaU5ENFFxMm1CYXJZPQ== |
Is Bitcoin the New Petrodollar w/ Derrick Broze (MT 320)
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Derrick Broze, an investigative journalist, about his recent experience at the Bitcoin Nashville conference.
Derrick shares his concerns about the direction of the Bitcoin community, which he feels has strayed from its original vision of being an alternative currency free from government control. He expresses disappointment that privacy and projects like Monero are not given more attention, and that the focus has shifted towards mainstream investment opportunities.
Derrick also discusses his past interactions with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the potential co-option of Bitcoin by powerful entities, and the importance of opting out of centralized systems.
Use promo code derrickbroze24 to get 10% off of #MoneroTopia24 tickets today!
Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/LfLibFaXldQ
Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/is-bitcoin-the-new-petrodollar-w-derrick:d
Listen Here 🎧:https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-320
Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!
{Buy your MoneroTopia 24 Mexico City Confer tickets TODAY at MoneroTopia.com! }
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| r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4TkJuMzduR2NsQlZWRnAxTjdyd04ySnJCSnJOaGdOdS1TRkFVNDBNTzRwbjVUU1dmejFQYkRrYzNrYVpfLWxRbDE0bHJsT3NCLXpFcFpNUjhSSFotTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5OVMyYS1feFMxTjlCbzUzby1PQV9vNmJBVXZKOWVyem5aZk1wT3hsLUppTXk2S2FNS2xWR29yT1pyY1dqaXBXS3FhclJTSUNSZC1lVTlWWTJoQU53RTB4SWJnUmdYZFVUQmF1UlF5TkFVbEJaXzhmSFVRay12YjZLWTRrLW5Ec28zQlNYWjN0bVFxMENYMk5PTFotSnZvb0VjeTljRWZReU44T2ZCMXlMdUxTaGJqYTdoRlo2QWx1T2tfeEtKQko1Q291YjJza3BWaUFJcUYyTHl3ZWdqUT09 |
I started to experiment with Haveno-reto and even if the learning curve is steep and it was not easy to get in, I kind of like it. I would prefer if there were more trades going on, but maybe that'll come later on.
My question is : what could prevent any arbitrator, or some arbitrators together, to create fake accounts and steal the deposit money / XMR? From what I understand you need 2/3 keys, and I did some research and from 1.0.6 on you can't choose the arbitrator, but what would prevent a couple of arbitrators to wait for their moment and steal everything at once by pretending to buy / sell and using the second key to take the money?
Simply trying to understand how it works.
Because, seriously, Monero needs an alternative to Local Monero and it needs to be resilient as hell. If the 3 letter agencies were able to shut down LM in a couple of weeks, it seems to me Haveno must be as strong if not stronger. On the surface it is stronger as it is more anonymous, but again, I just don't get, yet, what could prevent arbitrators to wait for their moment and create a big rug pulling.
The Haveno FAQ says that the colluding risk can be "solved" by "employing a small number of bonded arbitrators with strong operational security knowledge". Now, correct me if I am wrong, but since when a centralization problem is solved by... more centralization? Wouldn't that would be like saying, in 1917 after the Russian revolution, that there is a risk of a bloody dictatorship but it is "solved" because the Politburo is pretty "bonded" and they have "strong historical and political knowledge"? I mean : the fact that someone has "strong operational security knowledge" doesn't mean he could not pull the rug and steal deposit. Security knowledge says nothing about integrity, no more than political knowledge could have prevented Stalin from taking over the Politburo.
I like Haveno, really, but it seems to me this is a risk and I'd like to know what is the general opinion. It seems to me really weak to simply say that the colluding risk is "solved" because a couple of guys are bonded and work together. One could say that the less arbitrators there is and the more bonded they are, the bigger the risk of a major pull rugging event.
Not trying to make any FUD. I like Haveno. But I'd like to read what others have to say about this risk. I just don't see how having less arbitrators and having them more "bonded" lessen the risk. If Haveno becomes hugely popular then the risk would be huge as well because one could make a lot of money with a simple collusion scheme. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4U2FqNFBEWENITDF5U09iRWFvOXhHOGhkMDF4dDFDVFVPeW5iT3Z6cTNVZG1FS3M5d09XWUk2OVdzQkg5N1U0cVVVSWJQR2tKRTBVV0ZHRTgyZ1c3Z0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5UnJ2OFZKanJGZXFycDhUTWxDMHZqLU9yV0RUVlV6UlZ3MzNhWnRoU2J2S0x3RzIxMU5jVHNtVnpUTGZGOTE4bTBPVVBzcUhOcHhWU1V4cGFuV3ZuSEl0OGEyTG9LSlh5MlBINW1iNGd4bDB3em5kdi1lTko3QVV5VjVhelJMUjJvLVJmbnl1bm1VSnQ3NERHelNWeGk3dDFReEZIcU1Oa2s2OURLd0lKZVdVPQ== |
I understand that the goals in place right now already act as an effective lower limit, but it might be helpful to have another option where if a project gets at least 5BCH within 30days then it will proceed with a reduced scope, and if the project reaches 50BCH then funding will close off at that limit as the project creator won't have the time/resources to put any excess funds to proper use.
It would be somewhat equivalent to "flex funding" on a place like IndieGoGo for the lower limit with the upper limit acting as a "maximum stretch goal" equivalent. It would be a lot easier to set this kind of "goal range" rather than trying to guess exactly where the magic number should be somewhere in the middle of it.
Is this true? Michiko Watanabe is an HA and Giotto voted for this fake? Did he initially create this fake persona to gain power?
https://x.com/LeemoXD/status/1818617878905520628?t=UEJ-MQEEuWcI-9hj2Ri_zA&s=19 | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4cElJUC15Z1h6enc0eFphNDRzeXNRZG9ZcF9vdm0zcVZ0N2h1bG5zQ0NzMGFWVFNFRUIyMmFqdkYydlNrMERxenZZRHRFNDVZbmh4RG82SXkwaklqSUtOc0xiZWxsNkhyVHBRMHYyS3N3RDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5MFhya2lxTF81ekFfTjl1Nl9IUWZqV2tzTnpFVFdfdDJTZEMxN1dpMTNNQkNDeDFfM3NPakN3SGRKNGxobkFJWE1JYmJTSmVDSmc0eDMwVDdXNmNNS1M1c2N6OGY1bHZwQzNHVGdyX3VjRjI4VUZxWDY2cUlBYlFjeC0zaERmY3RoNGgxMXdnVVk1T3JfdDduWmdBNWdYNTdFWUVFcVdGc01IbF93d3hQR2FTTTQtaWdZc1pCdW1zajRiQmpOZWdD |
Hey everyone, I want to share a crazy crypto trade I made and hear about yours. I invested in a new coin that I thought would skyrocket, but it ended up crashing. I learned a lot from it, but I'm curious - what's the wildest trade you've ever made? Did you make a fortune or did you lose it all ? Let's talk about it. I want to hear about your experiences, good or bad. Maybe we can learn from each other and avoid making the same mistakes. Share your stories ! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4N3ZQaWMxSGVmVm5UQ3RCUzA5YzZ3bVpvS1VuUlc5QU5SU1FYRTd0NnpON1pXVUx0RUEyem5EY1lzdzE2VWE2YUZyaGFtQVdTZml3SDVQb000T0lfaUFRTUdtdnVrRkpVV0ZhMXJYZE9INDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5NGFobTRvS2Y3SENXaklLdllTTmdRTVpNbzJKRlFfV2E0bmxmNVhmOUF1R3ZsZnRfVUFqX2g2T2NGQjlvc085YzQ3SnJhNC1DWmFhWFJySEhXUlBNU08xN0JtSjdMTHF0clpoT0NMem5ma2JldU1aMnkxcWNCczNDc0VDRW9NTEl5WlAtclJGN3dtOER4bmEtSHNfVGxvT2pMcGVIdHI4eVRPczUtWUZ4RUdfS1BfckNRdU9fRXhoalpaYnFoWEhLWVAyaENpZTJjLXhkWkhIY2NHa25IUT09 |
Hey everyone, long-time crypto investor here with a bit of a dilemma.
I've been in the crypto space for years, starting as a Bitcoin maximalist during the Ethereum ICO when I was still a student. Now, I'm all in on Ethereum.
Over the past few years, I've made what I'd call life-changing money - about $2.3 million. That's an insane amount compared to the average salary in my country. Currently, 99% of it is still in crypto, specifically ETH.
Here's my issue: Despite this wealth, I've been living a stressful, penny-pinching life because I'm so focused on delayed gratification. I seriously struggle to spend anything over $100 without thinking, "If I invest this instead, it could double in a few years." This mindset is especially strong given the current high inflation.
Recently, I've been considering buying a house that would significantly improve my quality of life. It costs around $700k. Since I don't have a regular job, this means I'd need to sell some of my crypto. I've been waiting for the "next bull run" so ETH can get back to its all-time high before buying.
When the Bitcoin ETF happened and BTC surpassed its all-time high, I thought Ethereum would follow suit. But that hasn't happened, and now I'm back to waiting for the next catalyst. Some say it'll come by the end of the year, others think it might take several years.
So now I'm torn: should I wait longer, or is it time to bite the bullet, sell some ETH, and finally buy that house?
What would you do in my situation? Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm so glad to receive so many positive response and want to say that I'm super appreciate about it. I want to clarify the situation a little bit, to be honest deep down I understand money is no use if I do not get to enjoy it, some people think this is purely greed, which I think it's right to say that too, the thing about wanting more for me is, the money is enough for what I think I would need, but on the other hand, I am afraid what if I wanted more in future, etc.
There's a formula in my mind, it's like a bell curve, the peak of the curve is where you optimal happiness, longevity with less stress and sacrifices, but the formula is unsolvable as there's too many assumed variables like how long can I live, can I spend, etc.
But I did learn last year I would need to start enjoy life more and started DCA out since last year, prior to that I never DCA out, only invest everything into it, I have a DCA out strategy as well, it's like this:
I combine multiple risk model out there like the one from ben cowen, alphasquared, cbbi into 10 risk level, then every month I sell X% based on the risk level, for example if the risk level is 10, which mean multiple risk model assume we're at the market peak, then my sell percentage is actually as high as 80%, the percentage is like exponential, I ran multiple backtest to derive the percentage to sell based on these levels.
However market has been moving so slow and the risk (price) didn't go up much, so I'm basically selling only bare minimum to cover living cost. I guess in coming weeks I will going to revise the % I withdraw, so that I can withdraw enough earlier to buy my house.
People are curious if I have taken any action since posting this, specifically did I sold before the crash.
Yes, I did sold, sold $3k worth of it just fot this month of living lol, and I experienced about 20% haircut for my portfolio in last 24 hours.
BUT just for your info this was not the largest single day crash I've experienced, like I said I was here for many years experience multiple bull and bears, and the funny thing is, the more bull bear cycles you've been through, the less likely you'll feel anything even in a crash like this today. (Maybe it's also because my unhealthy expectations of the Ethereum will go up to $6-8k levels in 1 to 2 year so I wasn't bother by short term movement.) | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4cTg5VnhDQ18tSVNJcVB5RmViNDNSUjZkel9La252YUttMFRXVFJDaURuSDlpOFpWZEc2YzhqSnVYUnFGbmFqMEo1NmtZVnRJTFk4X04xbUltejJ2X1ZjeHRtcU1sbHR4b0Y1Umo1NFAzRlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5SkZPX0NmS01zZEpWTXJjc0QzWE9JM1ppeGdxeFRUYnNIa3NEcC1QelZ6eVBQeWxzSU91TXl0el81ci1Ka0Itc0k0aWVHQ0M4ZW1EdmI1UG9kc3RCemcxWkxVbnJiTFJ0MmFhQjJDcWJENVd6VEdRVXRCanZKTnBqeDROMmh1RzRvcFI0TGlRVXhNd1ZtWWZ0UnRBbm9CMmd1UXJUcFJjcWJFV0g2SERQckZUY2s3QUxxWURhUXYwaWM3MFAzNWlTSTg1SmhzZlNCbU44SlpwTGNoUTZPQT09 |
Smart. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4NlZHTkxHM01wNnF3ZzY2Rmc3bVFKS1V3eHVMTGRKLUR5bl81VGV0SDBvS1pfdE1SLXJncnRpSTZiYU5kSjNEZzZMM0FsVzlkaFNtNDVHcUxicmVHaWd4TWJxcmlFWlQxazFGakNVTmZ2cGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5S0REVWtfQzNNMU5iR0dicVVjbzEteFFIZ2I3UE93c1k5Wl9mN3YwXzkzLUFRN0NzVEV6N1dCZVJTT21McS1Scmd4anBnanFXWmJmdk8xNm54V2UwbmVWVEpRRkhYM2lyR3JybVVQcWZ5TnNsbFlSNVpPTmxfN045a091SVpoMkY3Tk1OYktvUlpCWVZWNWJkMGZLSW5XU2p3eVlpWS0ta0tGZC14RWt2YUJfa2ViVEo1ZEczcEs0a0ZVLVRTMU9q |
This is the weekly Monero market thread. This thread will be posted every Friday and is meant to help accelerate the adoption of Monero. Due to r/moneromarket having only a fraction of the subscribers of r/Monero, we have decided to create this thread to encourage more individuals to use Monero for product exchanges. Until the market matures, we recommend that the Monero community post their products both in this thread and on r/moneromarket (to ensure growth of that subreddit).
Selling items for Monero will boost your (and Monero's) reputation as a legitimate form of exchange of goods. This is necessary for the growth of Monero, our community, and privacy as a whole.
## Instructions
When you post your product or job listing here, please make sure to:
- Give a description of the item.
- Link to a photo of the item (if it's physical).
- Provide logistics information (such as, location and/or shipping availability).
- Optionally, provide an additional (private) form of communication outside of Reddit (e.g. Bitmessage, u/protonmail, u/tutanota, GPG key).
- Post the price in XMR terms.
Spamming will not be tolerated. Please make sure that listings are legitimate and do not break rule 2."
Finally, credits to cdotsubo for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4d01vM2ZwTUJ4YmJfRXZkdF9QVjBjczJVTEJQR3Nwd0ZsdUJhMEgyZHVOUmd0S0JlTDB4ZUctSC02SnllNW5CTlVuNU9yTXR4bDZ1ZGdnMVJCbWRhY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Q2pxV3BtZ3hwbURJaVQwSk94dU1uQWNPdHdDT0NZQi1xYmdYZXVnYzZXMEt6YWZKUDFWMW9IX1dDTWRQS0RoR2d6QlNyN3lheXoyai1valFYSFJSTDhyWkFhWUZOOFF2UlllTjNKeFhxVVVNRHZOcThYODc4bnBEdDZSeUQ0TkdGb1F4TkdzNGpBSmlNWmpka2NENnZLa0xBTlJIUk9CQmVnUmRRYlNTczhKemxIdGZoWnBjLTBqbEpxR2pDSEw1 |
I'm hoping for a nice, civil discussion - and a little bit of honesty. I'm talking to myself here as much as anyone, but sometimes it's good to question where we are and maybe even face some home-truths.
I started investing in crypto in 2019, got in pretty early during the last bull-run and made decent money. Of course, I never sold, apart from the few tokens where I got a nice 3-5x that I then put into some other coins. In the end, I made some money, but not life changing in any way. Now I'm mainly hanging around so that we can get back to previous all time highs and then look to exit.
I was totally convinced that crypto is the future of money and I had long discussions, arguments with family and friends who see it as just another tulip mania or criminal ponzi scheme. I was so convinced that they didn't get it. And gradually (very gradually) then I started to question it all and now I think, that maybe I'm the one who doesn't get it? Maybe I'm the moron!
I think that 99% of the people in crypto do not understand what they are buying. At all. They listen to some influencer, buy the narrative, and then buy the token. Then they blindly repeat the narratives that their favourite influencer has told them (this coin has a great community, this coin is about to get an ETF, this one is solving scalability...etc etc) without understanding any of it. For all we know, it's just numbers on a spreadsheet.
I think that 99% in crypto are young men, in the 18-35 bracket, who for the first time in their life have some spare cash and hope to get rich easy. Follow the conversation in any social media and the conversation is so juvenile and basic that I cannot take anyone serious. It's a clear signal that this a playground for infantile moon boys, not serious grownups who want to invest in something of value.
I think that 99% of us do not use any dapps, any defi, they do not make any payments in crypto beyond maybe transferring one token to another on metamask. Where's the utility?
So what is the point? For the absolute majority it's just about the number going up so that you can sell it back to USD and then spend it some trivial bullshit like a Lambo. Honestly, I'm reaching the conclusion that this is just a hype industry where young, gullible and greedy idiots (like myself) will give money away to people clever enough to generate a compelling narrative and create new trends for the TikTok generation to spend their money on. Someone, please tell me I'm wrong and tell me WHY I'm wrong.
If you disagree, please tell me in concrete terms why you believe that Crypto is a worthy industry, what dapps are you using, what real world utility are you getting? Why is it better than the non-crypto options that exist? I know that there are some good ideas for dapps to take over social media, entertainment, gaming, etc etc, but in my limited experience, they all suck.
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4NkNLQy03alhGMV95ajk5SVFfVll6YVhETURLcG45Q2FKbGVaR05sVnZIUmU2Nl9odmtYd01WX2x1WG5TT2JqSUt0eWhKUzVtTjdfOVhhQklwTFladUZxaXM4R1pwQVV4X1U1MHI1UC1QY1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5XzZtcG5laVJXc20xTmV4T0l6Tm1QN29SY0c3Y1I5ZXc1cWlaV2tMVWE2QjlTLVZvWndjZXNzOXNONUtUclNPT01BWV9ReGM5SjgtcUlabFBYSTJjaEZmT3hHa1lCbUZkNXZoRWRzRWlaVWhpdjJ6RjFub3NYbFowbEE3cTR5bVVzVEhlWkYwQ2hQbDZrZmJSczVIQmZGdW9VUjVRLUNjc0lOR2lGRkFuS1JYdTR6Mkk4cW9FTVlfek03MUptYnBG |
Hey, just wondering if anyone knows if Cash Fusion is on the road map for the Selene Wallet? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4SzgzNjcyWmdFTGVwQ0VXZy1RVTAyWmlTdkxOQTJfMkpyRnJXV3liTnRFcXpweTlLV3NmY1RsVkRsbW0tTG9KbWp1Uk90NzdCNzd6SFBveGhTdE1VWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5OXBYZnZPdjdwRldVaHhhLUJrUEZvU0ppS01Ja0pYcVBiSC12Z3lfWERDQVVrWmtPMl9HUDRmNHIzRWZ4cWRGVEI5cWdQbnJzUjctelA3RktkWVFlNkp2M010alYweFRaWXhhY3p2a0dPU1kxSG52dmxGUXltOG5iUGJ6S3l3WklmSHBHUzZ0VHk2N0F3WVhtYmhtYW1RZjEwVXVpb242VktMMFB1N1VGRnRubjBERnZlZlhYQnl3eXd6NFVqTlpL |
What will happen to BCH's price when, not if, the Tether pyramid collapses?
Share your opinion, will be fun to see who's right in the future.
My guess is that the price will collapse along with all other cryptos because whether we like it or not, BCH's price is still linked to btc and almost all the human cattle who believe in btc will be gone from the crypto market. That will make all cryptos tank and their prices won't recover anytime soon for a long time or never again.
That's just my guess, contrary to my wish to see BCH succeed and adopted by the world. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4MHYyanh6RjFDbFd5VjlHTll6Z1A5WnRuM3NMazB2U3lQSjZNeUYzY1gxYUtTRUlJN1ZwanhrY00ybThZNUtORkwxcDlpSWVZUnhYZU10S2d3eXZwQ3R4Y0JCaWpQckRNb3lZQkduYXh0QU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5ZXk1YlpJT282bktmTy00amVqRkVENlJkZ1dSLU1qZ1Vsakpkcnl5THhza0JHcWo1ZGpMSnN2cmxLY0NSN2UzVUVjVGpWZFhmczQ4N3JwdkowUG1kYzdIY3p6SUpSQ05aUkw2aDI0ZlZ0ZUNzSU9uejRCZ0IwamVqSXFXS2VxNzNtbU81Z0M5SnV2a0dlZk1ZZzVhYmUyWVZtRGRBR2k0Tnp5eGQ5MjZMRjRUQmlWTnlWUnJPRld2blE0a2JiblhC |
$488 To $48,566 = 99 bagger
DD: If NVDA can sink off of a good AMD beat, I couldn't wait to find out what they would think of Intel's numbers. I had no idea they would also cancel their dividend though. Once in a lifetime luck. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4dnZqa3ZPTzlpd1VsY1RfSnFzUkNzdzhfeXcwc1hWQjBrdjIzVzBOTHdhcXFnRWZSTmNkUWhWTmItNDQxOVRGN2hEWTNtSjA3emtkS2ItQW5ZcE1haTBqVFpudTk0UVRPdm02MUE4NlJ4b3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5RjlqeWNuVkhLdmt5VVd6a0tROWN2QW9nVndpeDNoRlJIZ0daRDVoTWhmeHpfZkYyUmZKLTBUWGQ2dEpqSDJjR3VQd0V0SWREQ1hsY0VRVWd1WU9aUHpGWXdUR3lnaFFzcE8yalBRTnNpQ3FxRG9ZbXJ3OVBMYlVQSFM4TVdteVpvX1REcERMR3pkcnJubWhHa1BhRFpBX21WX29acEpwd3BFZmZWZHZDeFhTSnZPWkxJLUJWTXZUaGZIQmFvclRXSUJPTk1QMEdYY01HTVFMbnJXUGROUT09 |
Intel put @27 8/9
Bought at .14c sold at 5.90
First decent gain with options, total luck but goddamn | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4T2w5M0xZMUV4LW95SlJkaTFBNktvYUJCQlJOcmJYSHVnSXZlR0RndHdZX283bjF2TjBwVTNXejUyRE1URTJiZ19aNWJWLUtGNTVTMWtfQlNZeWY2NVY5bHlkMENoX3hMTV80eGZPbzhNRlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5c2VjMXFNX0NPV0lqUklLY1RaeWxoNGJjU3RTOTQyY0VZaGlFZmdhXzlUc1FuRm9sMWVzNDRJOW1mSjBwVnlWRDNHOGhVUDl2RjhhT3pEY1ExX1F0Y1NFa25NOXFpLTRXdTJONlpjVTBHVGRncnhoUloxY2I3OF9vZEdXNDJqclpTa2tlY3ptZnJqWVlBWWJZUVJKUjlmQjlCdkp5RkJJRFZ4MlNhTUh6Y0UwRElzNEI3eGUtNHJHX3NhQ2ZTWEgy |
Does anyone know if there are currently any ongoing exploratory development initiatives to convert the monero network in the future into some kind of quantum-resistant algorithm instead of CryptoNote/RandomX?
This is more than likely far off, but with big academic and corporate labs seemingly growing the size of their quantum computers daily, the monero network might be seen as a good proof of concept for breaking conventional encryption | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4ejZMOTJ0M3dHS19FSEowRDgyenNTQ2djOU5NcW1jYmlOWGc3Ujh2Q2ktTXEtdFZBWHN0ekNOMTVfd3MxMURRb3JNU001ekZKWG1UXzlPTmhqLUtBZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5cUMySnU3WjhuWDMwSlNDN25VRnlyUlRsaE1lYzNGWUtHU01VaUZfZDNOQi1JX2xCRlZWMkpzTVpDMTFkMEJoRzFOc0pvZG93S2dHbDgwREplR1hUZm90Nk5McURFZmNiYm5UZno2dE1Xa295d2gyQjJ3bVhPQVYxSHFQZkZBZTBXSEdBR052azFyT2tfb3pMRmdma1dNR09UeW5rdGJTazc3clc5a2hRWldlRjZBZVhIRDB5OVZHVmJqbDc5bXUt |
To a person who bought $700k worth of INTC... sell this stock now and split the remaining money between a high-yield savings account and VOO...
https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/02/intel-share-plunge-drags-down-global-chip-stocks-from-tsmc-to-samsung.html | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4SE9Rell2YjhzaVAxQWg5ckNRVy1HX2tZVmF3Q3RzdHZjemRvZ0hOQWptZnBaNE1USDlYUmQ1RWJDY3RrMDFicDdIRGhNMV9haV94dFF4MHJjbDdpUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5dF9uY1JxLXBIeDJsNlRiaW56bGN0QkNaSzFJQjBwWVZkX1U2ZXNxQ0pTVzRsMkR4bVZLekRqOWlWRVROQXF5ZVgyT0NpVjZJMHBNU0VGQXlIUW9hU3JfRURNUkhTcEhrOTRNZkdGTmdjWDBSMmxsUEZzdTlpTVZGaUNEN0Ztd0FEYnhxUzN4UGptcEU4V21RaDNHTERmQWMtZDN6Tl9YS0pheU9XTHVJMTg4UFZybUxvZUMzMWhXY1ZNODRpTDFnZm85Z0lFb181MHFyYXpTVXYxempudz09 |
Can someone explain CLASSIC vs normal Ethereum why is etc set out to reach 100$+ again ? I'm a noob looking for what to buy next, and it looks like this one is primed for another huge spike, at $20 per seems like a good entry | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4T0hQc1pMUjQ5MHc3bXhTV29lQUNVQkdmekoweGlUWFZ5ZmdwVFlCTzAtNlRMSlloNGdpNVIxSUhVaUM1RDdKUjd0WTBQSGE1MGVDWU8xLW80a1Jlb3hUNXNESmV3Uk9NblVnRWwycDZjNDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5bWlfMzBWTjNxQk4ycFo1YmZqcHZaWEw2S0hCS2RQMVB1NWJDSlVZUjJOMll0dEdkQ0lpaTRvNXdMLS1rM0owdHhfd2p0a3BfSXF3c3g1Q3k5cmpFVnZhUGpzckdTcFJkU0dqMTViaWYwSzl5SXpHQW5NYzZlcVpFRllCZ2dWNWgxcFFXdWJTOW5LOHdGaG1scHp0TWtIa3RtQ3c3Wll2MENyUlpaUGc0eDBJX19lZVB5Z3BLUjRtVWJJUUxwWDc5 |
So the Genius Donald Trump who likes to call himself the "Crypto President" has proven that he doesn't understand how crypto or bitcoin works when he promised to pay off the US national debt by writing them a little crypto check.
>Who Knows maybe we'll pay off our thirty five trillion dollar, hand them a little crypto check right. We'll hand them a little bitcoin and wipe out our thirty five trillion Dollars.
Maybe this guy isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
Clip of Trump proving he doesn't understand Crypto or bitcoin
[https://x.com/atrupar/status/1819379866732462375](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1819379866732462375) | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4WGxxODVhREtDVUROaGsteWFoU1ZVc1ZJdEM0LVEteDJxS2tYSVVfSHB5V3FVSnI2RnpuNEh5NTdnOTdISEhud0F0NF9aQmlKUXBYNktWM1lmSUxkbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5SEpkMzcyS0ZHQnpfbDJLTWhOdTI4ZjllXzljRVRMWmVDS3pjNHFmTjB1d0paNmtMbXQ4Vk5WRXlaLVNPOUtGb1lCdlRKM0I2cDhqdGNOeEVUMGFObm5HMXVuTTRxSTlvTmNYRjFZSGdFVzlRT29QTjRXNVJnMVFNRTBHSG9QWF9lRnNXTHBOS2hWN2ctVXRoZFZDcHdHS0R0M3psMzlBU1o4b2V6bFJsdVlORFdGRW11ODlYWDhyU2RqY00yUllaUy1NSFphLTE5dURxZFQtSTlXY1prZz09 |
Hi guys!
On Wednesday we completed the first version of the new app indexer (BCHC) intended to supersede BCHD.
We started integrating it into PayButton yesterday but will still require a bit more time to have that working + tested.
If you'd like to support the effort, we are still running a [small flipstarter](https://flipstarter.paybutton.org/) to cover the costs of having to hire a developer for this.
For those curious, here's a few areas that have been improved over the current pre-release of BCHD (in order of importance):
* **Much more stable** - no longer needing to periodically restart the indexer due to unrecoverable crashes
* **Faster** - for example, loading in addresses with lots of transactions is no problem; we plan on publishing some benchmarks that showcase the difference
* **Minimal maintenance** - simply upgrading the connected BCHN node is all that's required to stay in consensus; ABLA for example is already supported (and is not supported in BCHD)
* **Fallback Support** - it's trivial to connect multiple BCHC instances to a single app to better ensure 100% uptime if maintenance is needed
* **Easier to use** - includes a properly maintained JS library
There's more that we'd like to do but we think this is good for now given that the app usage on BCHD has been completely reset.
If you have other questions about the project, feel free to ask. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4MWtNUVY2bzdWTi1pQThhN2YwMUNHUW9RY2lsaVJxYUllTHUyQlZGVUsxVVh6eXc0QWZZeXVnOHdsTHZDclJ2MlJsX25MRzNkZkdPamtzWDcwTmVzVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5NXVnSXlhZ3cxLTdqdUJROXI2eXQ0cTBac3ZFMmF5MWU2OEVMcTBzT2pVTDJRV2d0RnBkbm5wQmhRV1pOcUlQd041aFZwUTJsUDNSU2xRTEJyRmJTanA1cWdaMHpVZ09KaWNuRUFUTUppSWFjVTQybWkxd0VhQ251NGMzTzBvcVR3TWUwZkxQYnJxb25rNkZDZjI0S281RWJrb1c0NzBIZk95aGgtMWc4QXZBPQ== |
From next week Wednesday, Morgan Stanely's army of financial advisors will be granted leeway to tell their clients about crypto. A story on Decrypt reads:
>Starting next Wednesday, the firm's vast network of approximately 15,000 financial advisors will be authorized to pitch shares in BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust and Fidelity's Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund to suitable investors.
My guess is that the advisors will tell their clients that crypto is a volatile asset, but the upside is highly rewarding so they should consider allocating just a small portion of their portfolio to crypto (most likely 1% - 3%). Some clients with higher risk appetite might want to go higher (maybe up to 10%). Note that other investment advisors will follow suit.
Basically, in the next weeks and months to come, we should expect a substantial portion of the trillions of dollars of assets under management (AUM) of the biggest investment advisors in the world to flow into Ethereum and Bitcoin ETFs.
| r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4T0QzbTdiWU0wVFlBdEJWQS1oV2xteW1EZjYtbTZ1Q3pLUW1qc2Y1QzB4d3pvTHBBV3ZXSmVaaDF6NHhKWXp4SjVELVNLQjNYaVhJQlRUd1lrUkVGd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5LTdBbmprUEF2VHhiZlk1c0JkLTZmcE9jRGRfZnVNNFp5WEd2dGZFSHg1ZnU5Wm9qblNxVHZiWjVQaFVPalhUMFVJVGxkTkFUQjNfaEEwNGxDZ1JWNnF2OERyYXJoYk9QS0dadTdxZy0td3o0U2hVMnEybV94M2tQYUdpWDZMaHpoeWkxUXdDc0ttaXBqUkdmcXNySG9EZ0JLTFhGeTVxbDdXNnZkcVVfZGNSV2xSX0FfbHFqNXlHbWZPYUFMYk5VbWlXdng2cGR2RHg3Mm1mUUNRbi1TUT09 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4YmFfajFUY2xaU09EX2FJWWtBeG9TZzhUUmx5elRLWTg0TlZPNi0wRG1aZkZrQk4xRHpjcHJhdVJiQjBFN1FlcC1sdWd5RU85WGtKREEwWmtvMEZSLVBWMXlLVjNoMlVBQVlZWU9jMkF3VXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5V2VBcVpmd2lzcHBiRG5xVk9FRDRudGx5MkRubnNWdlFSQlhfT25TLXZEZ2FUOG1UOURKSkNjVE5PN2R0NFZPQlE2Zll2dmQ2ZnoyRkI3YmRhcFJEMEptMjQwM2N1d3hWOWtjVGhNY0xLUjVDM0k3UEYzRTA2NklXMVZoaTJwTzlaTTI4RGpVUU1ySERxelJnTDJyNl9oQW90NVFwRkpwWG9aQVRWOW41WllkRFhNOU9hZmtfbWdLYUNsUzQwNzZ4YjBQcktkbEZwWjVyeVhUX2N1Z3hGdz09 |
I just read [this article](https://www.observers.com/iota-is-opening-up-to-retail-investors-with-six-new-hand-picked-projects/) and I'm pretty stoked. IOTA is launching a Layer 2 solution and an accelerator program specifically for retail-focused projects! This is huge news for anyone who's been waiting to get involved.
They're also talking about tokenizing real-world assets. Could this be the next big thing? I'm curious to see how this plays out. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Rkk3SkdXZXBHcTVydk9FYjkxeWpjWjVqZ2hlU3VtMUo4ZmhLME5uS2Z1REc5T01YcWtkM2Rudl9YTHVncUtmWkNjUnhheklrMW9aLUF5VHJ3eUlVYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5U3otS3Qwb25QLWN1bTJKVTg3TUdoUUplN0J4ZHVkMVFDS1FnRHNKbWFmRC14XzNYSElsdHgxVjhuWHh3Xzd2dmZtRW0xQUUtTlF2eTY1bzN6VTF5Z1VMWHFsNkRlMHhQS0tqTmVxQkRITkFDc0N5WGxXdkptbnhjTzdrUWdwdGlWc0duUm9LMzV0ODZWb29OeW00QUxXRndXbG9XZjZXSmN1UVVZQldTbC1JdThRVGNNTGFfM0xmNURTWGVaR1JSZzhIUmR6R1NIVUJwaF9UeWgwYWZWZz09 |
I just went to DCA a bit of SOL and saw that three Solana I didn't buy, or send myself landed in my Phantom wallet at around noon today...
I pre-ordered the Saga2 months ago but I know there's no way that's a SOL airdrop.
Can anyone tell me what they think happened?
Confused. Thanks. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Qnl4bkVnMUl2SzJQY3ZjN2JVV19nNWZvT29LaXdpU3RhaHAxSktjX3R3ZnJMcVZiSExydXduMFR4RWhKN2hXdHQxQ0l2c0N5RnpHZUh2c0k3eWJzSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5SXNiTjM3Y0RGNHlDUm00TWU2SHlVYXZ5MFdWemJqNDNCNWF5QWdRY2RxOTFLbi1jLWFMaEJOQ1g0YlNScXNBRkZwX1ZHQ04zWm1QeGItTUlRRHRSRGxrbEpILUZqTUNYQklBMU53R2hkc2tMWXVEc3RKa2FoZmZFeDlONDI2ZGdhOFNocnhfRkZ6Qzl4TklVbGRYMEFydEJQZmtfMXpZZ3JJSTRPWG5zRmNkdXFvYjhFQ2ZES19NUi14MWQySER2eTNST0tIY3ZfZlF3eVNCbHM1ei03Zz09 |
What are the pros and cons of sol/xrp which is the best Coons in your opinion ?? Which one should I buy ? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4ZVBhbXdKeTlBMWU5V3ZmdUNXY2tnc3pIWXMtRGNUaURzNE9qWHZBVVBSWFBSRVVzdW5nam5iVF9JT3JWbmNtU1JuY2ptWTZDVXZ1cEEwcDY0Y04zQ2tJWXZHaU9sZTBqQm1hWG5TZTZHakE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5NnBXS0J3VG5BVld0NU5Ma2V1TU9WMjFfTloxMmVGb3lJbkE1bXRiU0d3WmJkdFM5MkhCZGhfYk1LVTlIUW41TUxPUGpjaGZETE9wOVJfN1o0WmNmNlg3Yl9JUFo1Rm81SU5FYkx1eE4tNkR1T0FFVmRGS21MblNhNHVqTDdtRVNGM252NVlQbTZvMTQtTExVb1o2VV9XYmw2eHZsSTRwczlobGhuTEN3WVlrPQ== |
Hello everyone I am new to crypto, I thought I understood the basics but a few hours ago I noticed that around $100 that I had purchased of solana on CoinBase suddenly dropped to $67 in a minute but this whole time Solana has been at around $152 so why did it just tank down like this. ( it also goes up in a second bc i purchased $20 more of solana yesterday, but havent sold anything.
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4VFpLUWxINl94Wk5ZejZnX1FvT1RMSzU4Z2JCUTZKVExVTUlkRUxTNTJ3X1RQTGNMR3FsOWZBc1ZHWlZDbVBDUjFPeGY0bHpmRlZpYk9ZTFlFOE15QkNlS2ZXQ3M1N1d4ZlZaVWEydDM2T0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Y0pOVU1ha3Z4ZW5Wb083ZndIQ0FzY2ZjUklFUFFhaldmZE50Mjg3UE5ZR3EtWGdSQkpQY2NOam9pZEJoVE51X3pKNWlPeWUwZ0s4b0JQbzhDcHBLVEo5eWNxRlRGYm9ob2kzRklCVFhOVmVEUEM4UUZ6Y0RqRFlpdFhMODhKbWsyVnRuVDJubkJmY0pGdGZwX3BYbHNmUE5oQ3RXT3Z1YlAzNkdmV19rUkptTVJ5cGZmWHdpZWhGZ0tMWkJaNmVfTjRoeGNFRUFWTmt2djFEa0M2cGNoQT09 |
Hi all,
Tommy from [AllArk](http://allark.app) here with an exciting update!
Our flagship zero-KYC XMR to Cash service has expanded. We've added more cities to our list of supported locations, now including:
1. USA
2. UK
3. Europe
4. Middle East
5. New addition: Australia
Specifically, you can now access our service in Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth!
We have: $, £, €
We can cash out amounts ranging from a few thousand $ to $250k+ per transaction. You do not need to do anything after order is placed other than
1. Meet up at specified location.
2. Get cash.
3. That's it.
Our coverage area is adding new cities every day and we currently offer cashing out XMR to Cash in over 120 cities across the 4 regions listed above. 🙂
Just a short and sweet announcement for our Australian Monero community!
Hope this helps some of you.
Binance CEO CZ, who is in jail and has no access to a phone, followed an account sharing Solana news from his X account, which has not shown any activity for months.
[https://cryptomars.net/binance-ceo-cz-who-has-been-in-prison-for-months-followed-a-solana-related-news-account-on-x/](https://cryptomars.net/binance-ceo-cz-who-has-been-in-prison-for-months-followed-a-solana-related-news-account-on-x/) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4UnVVd0d0MU5CQzVQM2RUZnlsMFRMV1B4Sk9JQksybXNTa2VPcXZudFNDQ3Fmbm1oMElUdDFOM0hNYlcwM2RUejRMZzdoRnd4VWYxdXYxTW1VM1VMaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5c0tGbXVUdXVlcHYwRk84VWg5UzhxdEZtTkEwTWpLUlh3aW83RlpLWkExd3Y3dm43Y0M5NTlpc2RnZEtkaGd0MUYwTS1mSWs5cTYyLS1tRXJ4WW5GMnlPUzVjclV3TVpSWG9aaVZxeFZ0TjhkeDhUX09RY09HY2VzcmdKaDVwWU9HQk9tdzd3NW8zRWpWN2ZhTWxHT2dFTVRnVmxoNm9ha09sQXpnank0YnRDZ3BLQTRKTWVGUWF1cTA1QzJ4YmJk |
Found on LinkedIn | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4c0dIZUNrREVpOVVSWTRURjgwNUZqN1NNRzctTW5Bci1qZGQtTVhsR3NOY2tCM2U4Z0swZ3lvTlN6SUhkcXd2M2NkOFJjeGxsSkhEblVvRGZxVGR4cXdzcjhTRGxRc2ZHTE9SVkNscGhwTjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5ZVZ5cEpZSDRQZlNKb3ZmekliOTNjaVJIcUNkckItYXBkbVRmZDIxUFQ4MERuM2pGQjlXQWhOY043cDVfdm5HVFpKd3p2b2laRXF5MFRPbnpET1piaTB6MzZvVjB0eWVwWjhOZUJpNlZfN0diUWViUEt2emo2X0dtM3E0Q21FTGRBcWJGV280ODh0ZnhWYnh0ZHZldkhlT3RId2l4ZUJOd1NpbHFiWW1XZDRVPQ== |
I have been in crypto since February/March this year, honestly the worst time to have gotten into the market. I foolishly fomo’d some holdings, particularly Alts at the top and now some of my small cap selections are down 60%.
During this time I’ve properly studied the market and begun to build systems and the alt market isn’t looking great right now. Doesn’t seem to have reached a floor and there’s definitely more expectation of downside in my opinion.
50% of my portfolio is in btc and eth, the rest are in larger cap alts and small cap alts.
Overall my altcoin portfolio other day was break even and now is overall down 30%.
I am aware that btc and eth should perform well in q4 but I am mostly worried about my alt holdings. I want to follow my systems and also I worry that holdings onto some of these alts will only expose me to the end of the bull market and I might miss out a majority of the bullrun until money starts to flow out of btc into altcoins.
What would an experienced investor do? I want to cut these loss’s and move into btc and eth, a percentage leveraged over the next few weeks as my signals are bearish on btc at the moment but part of me doesn’t want to take these heavy Ls and just hodl until altseason begins.
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4TG5nWkdKejZCUXVsRkowaTNFQkRzR29VWXk2Sk4wTWkxOWtIUWxOakhKUEw5eEJfVHVYMFVnU3JESHRKeEtGTl81UHd4QngxNThHeFBoc1lIMjRCV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5LU41dkU2cHFfMEptZ0lZcm1mdkFRRTR3bExpV0N0RFVjZXdpSW9rRUVENVQwWlFOZUUxWlJSdU0xZEZaSTNKT2dJbWFXNlNZMHQtcWgyV1FGakhNUTVJeHRLbmVDMk9lVDEtZWtqSTV3Yk54V1pCNUFLdUtKTnM3bUdmdkZLcEtqaGJjZ2trcmJzbThJTWlNNEo5WlMwbVZaQVBCcXdpVXg4ZXJlajdHUG9JNjhrb3FCdGJNZ283UkRVUEF0dUha |
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway sold nearly half its stake in Apple https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/03/warren-buffetts-berkshire-hathaway-sold-nearly-half-its-stake-in-apple.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4clFNWmYySzY2NWhrN0ZWbDJ3NFFUYmU4bHdJNHZWM19lN1NoZHlPVkZWa0l2N3dvTHBUNzRyWGxieGlwR004SVBTalN6ak1IeXN6RnVWQUpDc2NFS2daTmlVckh6MFRIRm5pMldrUVdoQW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5UHJTMGVzNmFWYlNUUlpCanZJU2swbjlOX3YzRGROeEZmY3lwU3ZVNUplOTlWRmV1TmxweGlUYlFRdVhPRDFTVVJmS0RvVVVWSE04dHBVU2hsWGU4SnNIVWdUSmNaYnJQUFZxUDVFc01rQ1FjLXVDeG1oMHhhdWpuelBVODZUM2o2YW40eVRvS0M2RWt4Um53VkJpVlpCNXNHQTI4aFhEU1JWZDZpVmp5bmhMdm10NWtlZ2p1dTF3akZtYmx0OExVLU5RYWhrN1d3VS1IVWpBaUxKa29JUT09 |
Buffett obviously either sees another better opportunity or trouble on the horizon with this move. Interested to see how this plays out. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4RzByTk1URHd0bUlLTlR1X2xrWG54amNmZWJsZ1pHb1RRRWl1ZFZRYUs2UXA0bW43OGJCUW13QUxKYkJMLVFtNUhiTHdKNVZ6SFlhWXJ0ZXFwbnJpNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5aW5jTV9Ub05PMTFXU3NZR3h2a2dKVHhTZ3FaQ2Q2cmI0WXkzWVRtUU5xbzlJTEhnTnZmQmRvTjZUWnk4bG5rdGtQcnRKeTBDcHR1a1BMZ2xsSFd4di00UWM2RW1pNWprS0hSRmhIbG9WeThxYjRody05dzl0Tm5VTVVpa0Y2ZllGb3hNbGZTUEpfSjdsUDVrbXZUWmN6QUNuOVRvbWFIZnZ5dGlFSDlOOTRrcWVXaVhFVVZHeVQ1bnU2Z1Z2blNmTE9FalB3MzRRVzhsOTVPeEcxUU5OZz09 |
DEX volumes on the Solana network have surpassed Ethereum DEX volumes in the last week. Also in July, Solana's DEX volumes were $3 billion more than Ethereum's.
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4R0tNN1lpQWNTazgzcF8zNzQ2bWk3ZFFuQ3JlcnlMQmxyUEhhUnhLREdISlZNaXg0QllnRm8zVlEwXzE5b2dDYWQyWGVRcDlMdzVIRDFNRHJQVUdtM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5WThVdmh6Sk1zTkhZd0thdDdqMXp2TDZCLWRNVG5reVM5Znh2ZjAtVVdUNkdpRldsVFhzdXlMQ1VfZ21QLXVvbmk4VVlBbWlOWUJSYm5wUlhMQVc5WTNiTmRFSmtySkZ2QjJQRzgwamVrYmJueWx5MTU0cXZCSnJaekpjMWJBU2t3cDJPZkFzMi0xazJIUDlvV1M5eFpUWjZ0WjB3SzFibW1fcVV2TjhnTmxfQnNOU25RQUdJQ3FFaEVoUzhnTmttRWJEZzU0Rjlnb2RQWXYyekkxMW5Gdz09 |
I sent some XMR from Feather Wallet a few days ago and it shows the correct balance, but after opening Monero GUI and letting it sync, the balance it shows is about 2 XMR lower than it should be.
I imagine the difference is the change amount for the transaction that's returned to my wallet and for some reason Monero GUI doesn't recognise that this has been received. How do I fix this so it shows the correct balance? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4WTdQeEp3UTZQcXhXMXI4ZW1ERUhwOHJsZEVTY1dTSGVJQ09CWFdOQzVXSE1sclJuVmpzNUQwWk5KVUtBcjFIclNUMWlxTnNSNUdJY2ZndUgtYklJUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5WGlUYjlGU3AwWDBvUm9BY1ItSDBrUVJEcHVqb0NfZllIQ1Ixa2hONkRSU1cxZ0NJSlF3T3RrS1dfTVlmZ1ZBLXlVM2xLTnAyLUJQdWNTdDBFaVh4Sy1EdHY2dXNBX3lVOTVlc011RTlJb2p3NUFVVWgyakdoSXhkWUhfMHR6cFcxdURuS2tNYlBxbjFmdXNoQlNfbzhYZmJhTEhfdEd4bnpFMnFCQkhnUHh6Ym1WUDBoa1Mzd0p6ZHBHQ1NlektI |
Currently the transactions list in the GUI Wallet shows the date for each transaction as "x days ago" and it only shows the actual date if you hover the mouse over it, which is a pain when you need to tab between two windows to cross-reference the dates, for example between the GUI wallet and Feather Wallet (which lists the dates), or between the GUI wallet and an Excel spreadsheet of your transactions.
I guess some people prefer it that way and that's why this is the default, but it would be nice if an option could be added to the settings to make it default to showing the date and to show the "x days ago" when you hover the mouse over it. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4UU12aW5RS2UxQy1zRGVkUldWemtUZEEwV2JXUFZQVnhKdlBjZkx1V0RlSWFYS19lRllGQzl6SURuaGNINGE4YXA4b3JqZHlYYWNlN1RxTjNHeEpvb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5WENJNEtxRUxaUE5sblZrUzdOSG5oemc3Y3hsbTFWUTV1UmZqQlF4REJWN01hcUJ5LWhhakhkWG5EVjJpVmdHYkRiUmZNT29zTlBPS0k4aFUxZWRLMndTcWk1cXhvRnhHVDk4NGFLMGNzenpuaG44MGtxZ1VNUU96Vkh4ZHpoZjlpVUJDV1JyX1J0bVVCd0pNRnRUNDhzbGZyVUhYNFBwLUJBNHZfVERLc0hxMFltNHlYbTVlZm04TnpsRDBHeUNR |
Hijacking Bitcoin Core to transform it from an 'Medium of Exchange' into a 'Store of Value' was step 1. Pushing it aggressively in the media and Wall Street to make sure it was the first crypto asset in everyone's lexicon was step 2. And the final result was a Masterclass in social engineering.
To illustrate, consider the different way that the tax code treats currencies and commodities.
As explained by [deepai.org](http://deepai.org), purchases with foreign currencies are not subject to capital gains tax, even if they have appreciated in value since the time of purchase:
>**Question:** If an American citizen buys Canadian dollars and then uses those Canadian dollars to make a purchase in the open market, does he owe capital gains tax if the value of those Canadian dollars has appreciated?
>**DeepAI:** In the scenario where the citizen only uses the Canadian dollars for a purchase without converting them back to USD, he would not owe capital gains tax at that time.
However, assets, or commodities, such as gold coins, are subject to capital gains even if they are being used to make purchases:
>**Question:** If an American citizen uses a gold coin to make a purchase, does he owe capital gains tax if at the time of purchase the gold coin has appreciated in value?
>**DeepAI:** Yes, if an American citizen buys a gold coin and then uses it to make a purchase, they may owe capital gains tax if the coin has appreciated in value at the time of the transaction. **For tax purposes, using a gold coin (or any other asset) as a form of payment is treated as a sale of that asset.**
In this way, Bitcoin's hijacked core has helped the industry transform forever the idea of a crypto *currency* into a crypto *asset* that can be taxed, tracked, and controlled.
Cryto currencies are a threat to the global hegemony of the US dollar and the private banking cartel that controls it. Crypto assets are not.
This is why Bitcoin still has 1MB blocks, is slow and expensive to use, and why CNBC and Wall Street want you to believe it's "digital gold," despite the very first sentence of Satoshi's Whitepaper clearly describing it as electronic cash, to be used without intermediaries:
>**Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System**
>**Abstract.** A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.
And this, in my opinion, is probably why Satoshi has disappeared. Sometime during the hijacking of Core in the mid-2010s, he was either silenced, or worse.
*Edit: It turns out AI was wrong. Transacting in a foreign currency over the amount of $200 is potentially subject to capital gains tax if the currency conversion would result in a capital gain. It would appear, however, that this is extremely difficult for the IRS to enforce and likely only applies to very large foreign transactions. This would be nearly impossible to enforce with a Nation-sized volume of crypto transactions, so the point stands that The Establishment has an extreme personal interest in redefining and recategorizing crypto currencies as crypto assets in order to maintain the global hegemony of the dollar.* | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4MFRwQXRxYU5HOWd0ajhBSUFuMlRjWHJYZktjd0Vzamp4dnplc2xrRDRmcDRydy1DZDBJUE15ekloR3ZNM1dwZkhXZmwwbTdTQm91eGNVbUxacE5jMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5X2tqdVVmOFMydWtkRTlaejJlRzk4YjhUSXloTTllU0xkV3lkYml0dXpURlhpb1NnVC0yV3NwYmQ3Y052UmR3VWUwajlzZkRNSDEtOEFxRVVDVUhFOUFRNjRtZDlDdzRVaGlhc1o3ODBsVm9jTXRWUjhscDZaZ0tNbmVLX3cxTkUxaTMxQUZFRzFBV1FUcTlIRUNZaS1EUXFwZmtRRWl4LVRkQkkyQkJ0aU9SWk1kMzh0aW1qSEdRbTdSWEZ2akda |
If somehow you bought in and/or mined way early and now your coins are worth over a billion dollars total and you want to cash out, how do you accomplish this?
(In the event I wake up back in 2010) | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4NjlReWVhdzNyejY1Vkl3SXhlcEZ6aWpKZXczVWoyZ0lFZkRoTEE4UWJkeHBTMnUyYjgxakJCaVRoWG9lOTZtSXQtVkZfdllDWFJSa1ZSZEdXbDMzMENqU1ZOandpUG9VRWJkNVlrbW54dGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5MUxIUGpwU2FKZldPNjN4SHFoekZ4cDZOMnF0THV6RmlWZG9CSkdXdUZIejVKYUwxdVRlbWxuT3RXdG1veG1OXzhkX1FVTW84a1E0NTA0VzV5LXZkdXBRSHQ4bE9WU2lPc1oxVjViaFNweDE5bDZwTFVXLVB2M0VLR0pWX2NybG5KYW0tVTM2N0l5TkJGemNocVBENnNqNTBERDR3QnVXWG5aT0ZYaDhiWDRpSGl3Q3hKY09VNjM1QWNKYlZSNE5OS0FQeE5vYjBjWjFkZlBzN0ZELTlFQT09 |
Hijacking Bitcoin Core to transform it from an 'Medium of Exchange' into a 'Store of Value' was step 1. Pushing it aggressively in the media and Wall Street to make sure it was the first crypto asset in everyone's lexicon was step 2. And the final result was a Masterclass in social engineering.
To illustrate, consider the different way that the tax code treats currencies and commodities.
As explained by [deepai.org](http://deepai.org), purchases with foreign currencies are not subject to capital gains tax, even if they have appreciated in value since the time of purchase:
>**Question:** If an American citizen buys Canadian dollars and then uses those Canadian dollars to make a purchase in the open market, does he owe capital gains tax if the value of those Canadian dollars has appreciated?
>**DeepAI:** In the scenario where the citizen only uses the Canadian dollars for a purchase without converting them back to USD, he would not owe capital gains tax at that time.
However, assets, or commodities, such as gold coins, are subject to capital gains even if they are being used to make purchases:
>**Question:** If an American citizen uses a gold coin to make a purchase, does he owe capital gains tax if at the time of purchase the gold coin has appreciated in value?
>**DeepAI:** Yes, if an American citizen buys a gold coin and then uses it to make a purchase, they may owe capital gains tax if the coin has appreciated in value at the time of the transaction. **For tax purposes, using a gold coin (or any other asset) as a form of payment is treated as a sale of that asset.**
In this way, Bitcoin's hijacked core has helped the industry transform forever the idea of a crypto *currency* into a crypto *asset* that can be taxed, tracked, and controlled.
Cryto currencies are a threat to the global hegemony of the US dollar and the private banking cartel that controls it. Crypto assets are not.
This is why Bitcoin still has 1MB blocks, is slow and expensive to use, and why CNBC and Wall Street want you to believe it's "digital gold," despite the very first sentence of Satoshi's Whitepaper clearly describing it as electronic cash, to be used without intermediaries:
>**Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System**
>**Abstract.** A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.
And this, in my opinion, is probably why Satoshi has disappeared. Sometime during the hijacking of Core in the mid-2010s, he was either silenced, or worse.
*Edit: It turns out AI was wrong. Transacting in a foreign currency over the amount of $200 is potentially subject to capital gains tax if the currency conversion would result in a capital gain. It would appear, however, that this is extremely difficult for the IRS to enforce and likely only applies to very large foreign transactions. This would be nearly impossible to enforce with a Nation-sized volume of crypto transactions, so the point stands that The Establishment has an extreme personal interest in redefining and recategorizing crypto *currencies* as crypto *assets* in order to maintain the global hegemony of the dollar.* | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4cmZuQVNOUEx5UHFRYmxGWHNRNEhfelJOdFhIdVVXNlRYRlRJcmJhNTE5M09BS1RvVG1kbC1kclZtR1Y1NnkyUG0wWkRVZEkwc0VWYm1VRHdXWlluMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5XzVPVmF0RGp5eEdBYl9ZbUlzNzI4UVZGS3pLOXZzM1B5OHpHRGQzcHlWdGdWQkhGS2VKa2F3N0pnTmVwX3pTMTVxWGFWeUZNbFowVDEwN0htWklScFV5ZUU1Q3U4TjJta0c5TkRKRjg3MEpMckRMaFo4c3UxQV9kTjlHYmRfbXNCMmd3YmJMMW56SDhWMGFZMXpyTHdkQ3RybGZXdTAyaE9wSzcxV2M1dWpNWmxpeDRhM1IwVVZzQVcxNXMxZ2VIdjVVQUYtb3ZLRjNoTWZsTjBxZWRSdz09 |
Just been curious about USDC, I see that they have freeze authority and have been freezing certain accounts recently!
What is the purpose of this? Fight against money laundering? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Q2JkbEJZclNGTVB0T2tvSTdwZTNtTVhPWXZZN2NHQWpoVDBWN2dLT19la0s3VF8yNFVENU4xSnNxN0dvcXJQdGNPZnNZRUxQRG5xbUQzcnRDWGdGV0EyOF9VenhEdUQ0ZFdKb0hLaVM1R0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5VnQ2OUVxTEt3Zm5kdmpVaTRqZjFicFdnaHljaHBOWkRpQzhVLUlKWWxQSWVzUTJiYkMyTXU4TjBlQU5iWnFwNFJrUHItcDE2MHdQeUp4N1VUd1lXV3dqVjU4OGg3ZElpX3RQNlBwVHhybHNIeUs0OEl3bUw4ZVJQVTBnUDg2aDVJa0FKRUl4S09SQjhlc2RSMDVCSDNkaDI4WnFsaEp1SE5qckJSMU9vSk51dy1IbzRZRGxiNTRDNkZjV1Y3NW1T |
Bitcoin's rally failed, dropping from $65,000 and erasing $290M in liquidations.
US job report and delayed rate cut affected sentiment, pushing BTC below $62,000.
Major transfers by Genesis and external market pressures continue to strain crypto. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4blVmNW5mRER6dFhadGFlU09CUnlTaE04aktza3dteWxDc002SGlaVFIxRWpJc05KODZPZ3FIWVlIQU1LSjlLZk5YU3hmazdnT0VBVUYzczllNTN2bmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5YUN3bl94OUdzaXN1b1FDOUJmN0NZc0RoOXp6RnM1cGFCb05MbXZZV0tkbUR4OXRxLVVaVDFsUW9XQ3JSNmlMOUMtYWxHUFBUcmM0dHl0b3NSZDBRT0lrLXNyWDhZYWYwYThscUNHd0UyZlJ5YW9zX2kwdVhIbXNIRjhQdkxqUUFNTEtfdzNlS1duXzFXZzhFcWFsSTlXYnJLYjRZanBaN01wdWpmcnkycThlOExNSGh0cHp3YnRnaldXUDgwTXdUMkh0S1JqVXZsSUZzZDVYZjFCTi1oUT09 |
>an on-chain analytic firm lookonchain made a post on X that the smart trader with a 100% win rate purchased a notable 2,424 ETH worth $7.22 million.
> smart trader has added 19,436 ETH worth $68.25 million since May 29, 2024 | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4NFlNZWVEZ1hhV05jd3hqbHJITlJEdkJtSmt1Y1FQM1NDX0xUWERjbl9kRU9QVDNSSXREamtocVRBWXI5QmFKMTJqRjQ1RjIzOTdYN3dxMFNQTEp0Ymc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5VjFsdE5qOVAzSjRselo4ZEFPN1hMdWh1Uk52QmFPMDVnRWVKU0xrSjlUa1V6TV9SS0N2dUpZbnN5VFNOMk5TUUk5LTVoVzB2Yl9IeFEtWllxSk4wZDBKVTJ2SlFKQnllVHZWNVdkVGZpUXVfc2RMMkZpS2FRdkNNSG9ySXptTGxCNEdpa25leFdCM3hXRGtkLWFGeTlrVVJLX1czZUNtMHBVTm9YVkxOTzhkNEVUWDdQX3YzdGM4MnF4TDdjdXBmYW9QeEFWM0J1UWgzU1hSRVNrQWxZUT09 |
>At first glance, it may look like the entire US cryptocurrency community will be lining up to vote for Donald Trump in November’s presidential election.
>“You can’t be a real Bitcoiner and cast a vote for Trump,” said Kyle Olney, a California-based Bitcoiner at the event. “His values and political philosophies are the diametric opposite of what the values and political philosophies of the Bitcoin community actually are.”
>Yet for some long-time Bitcoin enthusiasts, Trump’s sudden embrace of the digital asset is seen not just as blowing smoke to pander to donors, it’s simply irrelevant.
>The loudest cheers during Trump’s speech came after his promise to fire Gensler, whose term isn’t up until 2026.
Meanwhile, Trump literally can't fire him.
I just hope anyone truly on the fence isn't going to be swayed by Trumps pandering to the crypto crowd. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4M2IxUS15SGYyNTctOURRUWhTZEQwWnJQSnhKX2I1UExwaXl1ZldtVDBFeE83Wk5PaERDZVdaWXVoUXV2bnZjdGFWaXJfWUVVSlF1YUVvbTgteXNYVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Xy1GS0hUTmVwb0JrVXlpUHZ5NXNPTTZRV0ZaeHRnWXNoN0NJLXMyd1hzQTZwWE1kMU1CUnNZbS1DMWFIenVNMzdiQ0lZQWphblU0dFd0ekRmYjUzZVVxb1BENkZmTzczLTYxdDJlYUwyWUY3Wk11eEFMdDRoOEViSWNCVzNDRUZOZ19YSVV0bEtRbEQtaXV6LVJHOTVoMFJjamwyLVJheGpDam9YZ1JyUS1IUHNDY015X0dZMXlSX1lfc3dPckRpQnRkenZXRVBCRHdoZEt0NFpGS1pTQT09 |
Senator Lummis officially introduced the Bitcoin Strategic Reserve bill to the US Congress.
| r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4ZnktOWtWQ0laYjJSTU1nVWM4Z1ZHa19vMGtqYTR5d2NFVjI3WkxlTzJ0c1NOZi1adk1EQll4V25jeV82bFJtN2R2bF9NUll0V2Qyd1A3azBkbl9jTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Yll1cWxUS0FFMkd2QUxmTGlOcC01Sm9OMkdaY3o5U0hYeGhSZU1kZFh0a2FtUGJsSG5CM3VBR2ZEWHNHQmhhOF9VdkFqOVlaUFNnY20xbS1mdFdXdFE3dlFKeVF0N0I1a2hIelZXdjdYRjRlS2x1c0VoX3dlc3lPeW8zcnRKRkNYQTNqNEg0ZW5fc2U2LXF1TE12MV83SXRQSkE3cC1BRjZ0X1NUVXhZVGtCUXB1OTBSYzVMS0t1NjhBc1hld0NxZUxya1lCTlBtUkdxeGd4S2NERGhKQT09 |
The current profile of the Polkadot investor is of one that of a long term investors that trusts in the project and isn't affected by price swings. When he sees that the price of DOT dumps, he sees an opportunity to buy more, price drop's doesn't scare him but motivate him to buy more since he knows the project fundamentals are strong. They trust that DOT will recover its ATH so for them inflation is not important at all. They know what Polkadot 2.0 and JAM will bring to the ecosystem and they are extremelly bullish on the project.
If Polkadot reduces the staking by adjusting the inflation mechanics just to please the few speculators that want an easy and quick win, it will send a bad message to those that believed in the long term strategy in the project. These long term investors have set up their strategy so that they will hold DOT long term and just sell the interests to get a profit when it reaches ATH, that way preventing imbalances on the DOT dynamics. When DOT dips, they will buy more preventing it to dip further and when DOT goes ATH they will sell just their stakings, securing the network by their staking when others preffer to sell. They act as a buffer preventing new lows and new highs.
Changing this because the wishes of a few speculators would be catastrophic for the project. | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4aWFaT2F3Qkg1SkxQUEpXVFFkMVVUdXlIT3NuaUJaME9lb0Q1T0hzY1lrLTVIcE9Da08zOW9TU1A1VEtNUFV2SkZ1azZYVFN3dTNpck1wVVlwajhKbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5UXlDc1BoM3F2bXlaOHhHaUx1QnRUR2ptV2NVcWRPTEJ4cDRhQU1WdTRzNGpRMzN0cHdrN0xrOE1BU1BMR2dGVnBnRVBKT295ZVU4b3h2RnB6NkJrMC1DbU9DVTFZZkx3QnQza1NGNzE2SkxVQ18yTjFzUVJVSFgwTy1CUHQ0cFc4QmtVYjV2VWt2S0ZpT2FiS082ZHlIeUZ0LWZzZzRMV0ZfNlZSQk5Zdi1HVnFUX0FDSGo3YjI1czdFMnIzNC0x |
This is the simple fact. The whole Market is down and at the moment, the best thing is to buy more FIL of you have fiat or simply stake them. I'm staking mine on Parasail. Where are you staking yours? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4cENvMWhmdy1zMjRseHFVMlVoMG9yOEJfcnhTckt2YkVEN1QwckVvNmcwaXd6ZVUtOElHS3BvTnFzVWZ0aFdHSkNGY2JHNTQycmZfQUNOYzZ0V0N0OXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Zk5zYUJqaWdiWWVRQkxtQXZwVUJrWmRnWG9HemRiZG4wb2ZpUHh3Q2tjTjNud21weGpqWE1PUGxPWkNadjliOWwxSHBrczd5LXEydEF5dDY0V2Q0c3Bqa3VFUUZTRlA4YWNneXM3eE5IZ2tvM2xHcFdhRTZUdnVxamZMSENWeGJNazdfcGpPNVpmT3RqWmcyc0tCc2Z6QXpSZHV4WEdBbVppRldvOXNzUkhOdTJ1OWVpSUNWSU8walhzTlRsblRW |
I don't really understand your question mate. Are you staking your FIl? If yes, where are you staking it and what is the rewards like mate?
I saw parasail and I found it pretty interesting as it has better yield, rewards and future Airdrop for their stakers. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4V3VNTHVfQ1dkaE9qa0tIYVhBVUhkcWxOZER1ZGkzMjMyMVNtbnRvQVhhUXI3d3BkU2ktR2ozTmIyVGI2S1Z4YkhFTTZILTN0WWxINi1zbmVkMFU5Q3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5aG5wUC1hbkI1NEFiX0pUN1U1RHlGTkFSQmpiSExfd29RQnhrY0NrMFhFWC1YTmJONG1ZZ0hzZC1fb21SaFppLXBaemtuT28wbjk3RElwd19FaXl5eGRZOUQxRy1KSll6eEpndks1dFRma0tXUTBtelNRejhacjh4dVNtSjdRVkkwc1l3NHVFVHBhTWtEbVQ0TjJmREtDN3luUGxKNU0zZnZNei1Sd0lySzdsRXpSYURwZUJ4aW84cnAzRUtuVEFo |
Sorry mate, I wasn't clear. FIL holders have lost their tokens staking hence asked what are they doing about lost STFIL tokens | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4cmprUjBjaFZOLVRVNzk0dUJpbGtYUk1jTlc1RWVBQUc4M1lWbzY1TzV3MGdnSXZhVmVxeTlXd2kyeUZYaVlxVE0weTJ2eWNCOTh1ZlljTHYxRnhlWUR4OGRaemlUekVKN3daSU9DM2hfSEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5cHJ0aF9xdVQyZk9nT0V5ZVU1S21HdG5WSnUtWDBpM2xNT2kyUFBmaUFUWkRQbkhvclZEakVnMDl1aFYxendKX0I2RzkyUFhETXM4UmlvUnRJZjVvSGJXVHUtaDAxQTVVSnoxcEF5WjJ4NFM0UVdMRFVtbDJveVZySnhQaGtscDIwTzNJcTBEaEpfRWIzc0w0d3VPa0tMNlpFUXd3WnlJQ05OazdyYmhMbGM5NU5NZU5ZQU9Cc3lFNXJjeXBBSVNX |
Would this be a good time to start DCAing into altcoins?
It seems every week may be more and more of a deal.
This is assuming there will be an alt season again one day.
However, what are the chances that we might not get an alt season this time? Is that a possibility or is alt season highly likely?
And if so, Is there a economic mechanism that makes it likely? (Such as… maybe Bitcoin maxis sell small part of their holdings after huge gains to take a chance at outsized returns in alts with little risk?)
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4VnpTdElwYlU4X1V4SVp3a1A3aXpHbHFsQzVIbXVJd2k3dTlYel9CQXc5OFprck52VDZoaGFLZmNLOXBnQmttaF94eUYwM1BqU0tnRW5NYXZweXFhc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5S2dRYW1PZmFUVW5pS3JpVWs5MWxxa29fbFcyU2JhR2FIMVEybTJpNjNlWE5TbVlseGduWUNEaVFMYmVpWWplNHowaDNBTzg3RDM0TTRnVllyQXgxS2lVYk5lemtabkU1Rk5tQk1PNDJsaHNyRHVFYmFKQV81QUxZS21wWGNTQ3pNOVpXakF4WkpvQ3ZtaVlNNFhWbkxOQkg5N1l2TjJoRUNCVWZQYmZmTFFXbFc3MXFHOFV5ZTYwZHN3X2hId0I5aF9Vb0NIYnpWM282cm1vamlpbWFvUT09 |
I was listening to lot's of ct spaces at the start of the year. I was in one and the host was talking about FOMO and said that a lot of the time, rather than actually buy into a token, he would pretend he had bought into the token when the fomo kicked in, he'd place a marker on the chart but not actually buy in. He would check it 24 hrs later and assess if it would have been a good place to buy. I followed this rule for months and it saved me from a lot of potential losses. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4UGxzeHVZYTJjb2NkdU41YXVfNVdOWUlrOUVwY21uSE5BR29tdzgxWW5lR1JxVHo3LVVqSnllVGpQbEFVVk5UZ0xkcTJvYzZtX2w0ZXRsbnpmWnNVc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5Unc3REpfN0tCZElwQWxZM3djTFJ1RjRmbUlNSUlXM2t5cVNRV2Naa1FkQ1ZaSlNBb1FsbHdfeUp2NjRTMTNiSWQyZFVnMXdfcnRsV2NjdHo3TWZtcnBMa1hwNmprT3Y1bW5aMmVEa0s2ZDEwTnJoM2xwWHEyZTVXcmJpRnJvYUZHNkstbVI1b1pBbXJwZEt0VlRfcERzeHZ5Tk1rTUhwcUJUMkdSVFlhakRnQjJqc0xTUGgzSlAwV0VVUFJOTHNS |
Hey everyone,
I am currently building a scam check for Solana tokens, like rug check but more detailed.
So I am wondering what you guys check before you buy a coin on Pumpfun, Moonshot, Raydium, etc? Maybe I can automate and integrate a few of your checks.
It will be publicly available soon.
I already launched a Typescript Library that is giving you the same features as [rugcheck.xyz](http://rugcheck.xyz) without their extended liquidity pool check. I can only check for Raydium AMM pools at the moment. But there more sophisticated features I don't publish on github. [https://github.com/degenfrends/solana-rugchecker](https://github.com/degenfrends/solana-rugchecker) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4MmRmdmxfanYyNnh4RzlXR3AtcHRqVjdST2hlQ0V5a3FFaENXRDZnRWhZTXI3VXR5RGlXd1NTbjJIbnFvUlNTRzFqdlNzdWthYWk5QlA3d0lKYlNkV1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5ZjhNZlZ0RHF3NGhjMHJLMGJBUTRFQVNQZGY5VS1QQ1J1TGVLRmlXVjhmRHVTVmM4RGtRb01sUXQ4LWI4RU53RVMwOU1FY0RETTI1Y2pDZWlhWVJWSEw4VkNfYjBJQWFQY0pSZl9tOTBpLXNSbFlZekdIU1IwR1hjWldfN2UzSjQ2TTBSdm54bDlod2tyN0lQbG5NQ1hVbzZWekZhUDdweU5Cb0UwQUlJRWZjTkJMdHhra1lCYnhvU2FObTQ2b1k0 |
Please stay on topic: this post is only for comments discussing the uncertainties, shortcomings, and concerns some may have about Monero.
**NOT the positive aspects of it.**
Discussion can relate to the technology itself or economics.
Talk about community and price is not wanted, but some discussion about it maybe allowed if it relates well.
Be as respectful and nice as possible. This discussion has potential to be more emotionally charged as it may bring up issues that are extremely upsetting: many people are not only financially but emotionally invested in the ideas and tools around Monero.
It's better to keep it calm then to stir the pot, so don't talk down to people, insult them for spelling/grammar, personal insults, etc. This should only be calm rational discussion about the technical and economic aspects of Monero.
"Do unto others 20% better than you'd expect them to do unto you to correct subjective error." - Linus Pauling
**How it works:**
Post your concerns about Monero in reply to this main post.
If you can address these concerns, or add further details to them - reply to that comment. This will make it easily sortable
Upvote the comments that are the most valid criticisms of it that have few or no real honest solutions/answers to them.
The comment that mentions the biggest problems of Monero should have the most karma.
As a community, as developers, we need to know about them. Even if they make us feel bad, we got to upvote them.
To learn more about the idea behind Monero Skepticism Sunday, check out the first post about it:
https://np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/75w7wt/can_we_make_skepticism_sunday_a_part_of_the/ | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4SlFjS3F6R0JpcTEzcDhuNmdJU2pvWmxhR1J0NW1KSUJuVmoxYWVqZ2d0YnpXSzcybExWaG5RS09BeUNtNFN1bjUxX0pYYXZLdTdoNFRuQnBiSnd6YlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5b19UOG1FeTlsRkVDVTFDMGRELVpqMGRyZ1F2ak40UmluaU1tSnBuUk5pWjZkMEdYbHZzUHNHMlF2VkZGRkREV0pPT2VNZXpnZF9mUkdUV0h1cDFMVEF4WEFXRjdMa0RoX05MZUhZbXU4MUROVThTU01QQWI5MFpBY2otQnNVRU43ejlBQzllV21YdTlyTG0wOUxSa2M1SHV2QUF2YUFQSENocFFJaWUyYWFEVW1xbDVtYzNyaDJQck9VeGtGWmph |
I've noticed that when I make a tx and I have an output that is large enough the [monero.com](http://monero.com) wallet still uses 2 inputs. Is this standard across wallets and if so why?
It seems to me that the less inputs the better as there is no possibility to probabilistically link inputs when there is only one used. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Zjg3c2xVSFdSV2pac3RHQlp0bDdrazVMbnFWTkxaMnp5UzRHcnFrRDNhM3pmczlUaDVpY0RDSTVQQmJEWlF1LThhNGNpNTZjVVVFZm41VUtQTVBsZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5QjI4a0NvV3hzV1VFSTZ6WUhtdV9ONDdqZVljZ0hSTThPc3hoc0JKODg0TzZxc18yUS1uM0FMWWMydkZnNU4yRzdMdFg0UzFhZC1DQVprZERsTEZNS2lSbGdyWFd6NVZGZkNRQ1RUNkR0VGpXUG96WjVIRHVrRWxVSEVmLXFfdHd0WGdwcEI4eVlyazJzaHZBTDVsWnluSlEwbnNEZlRkSEZaa1owS251WE8xWktqZFpYR3pxLTVmenpfanZJTW0t |
I kinda also agree with you on this. What is the yield you get from staking your FIL?
I honestly think, Parasail looks more like EtherFi because it's the First restaking on DePIN and offering Sail points. | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4SllZSVNJQXFwNnBsVDhxbjY4bVA2TWQ4ZXlDM2w5MnJEdWprQ04xVl8wMVFQc1VNZm9JeFVpQmdpNW1pT0F0bkxJNG1DNDFHY1VfRjlPd09QcmZqWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5eVNDUllpQVROY1lBUGNQZXFwQm9xWXVidjd3YWhRVDNEMUdDRUdIRVdBLXZIRFdHUDBmWEtnQUV1WXYxYnpxMzltUkI4SF9lMnNBOTI4ZVZYOVJ6V3ItMVNPbUQ3cWxLRHNpZjFrUkpSRTJKSDdNQ2I2b21vNkZnV2ctT0Q3dDRnQ3k5Y3RnNHBBUk9jYkx2RTQ2ZlNkZlVRbVp5MHV2bGQzWXU3X3N5Z1lDQWtBczNhQV9hbm5HblVsVTNlZFZDU0w5N0VnS19IZUJQNk9sSDJGM0ZBUT09 |
[https://www.newsbtc.com/news/ethereum-crash-a-buying-opportunity-this-whale-thinks-so/](https://www.newsbtc.com/news/ethereum-crash-a-buying-opportunity-this-whale-thinks-so/) | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4ZjJUVU9yY214dlZKUGtSQ0RHU3hsS1VEekJ4bEVORkRPREFMeEczd3ZGcVVXTmx6ZjQ5T19QTXk4cjByV1pwQ0VmNmxFSVVGUUtET3RxWE1tU2ZqNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5MGJUc01nYmx4Z2RxWi1QSnQ2Zjg2bjI3bFg0ZnFGWlJIMTcyNUhXZ1oybG1ja3kyNGJPc2tuRWZyY0lqUDUtUWliY0FLUF91dmZCX0JSRkJYQjY0ZkpPZnpXNUNFeC1uclZDX3QtMUQ4Vm8wN3FHZFB0Rm9SNFJJV0JURWN3VVlTSE9lVWl1WExBa2xUaDEyOXlXZEZMeEFIVlRKR2hBeGpOTE93bXB4Z1E3WS1BZnpsbndpSDlyT1drREpvaFhwMVNDdjBkVGszUVZpWVVRdmlURnUxUT09 |
They want DOT to go up when we are currently in a bear market and all other cryptos are in the same situation. We haven't implemented Polkadot 2.0 nor JAM, Dapps haven't matured enough in terms of utilization, we need them to grow more in order to see what will be their effect on DOT. We are in an early phase, we haven't seen what are the effects of Polkadot 2.0 and JAM, and in this bear market they are pushing for it. Dapps need to mature, Polkadot needs to keep improving, yet they DEMAND instant results that will end harming the project.
If at least Polkadot 2.0 had been released as well as JAM and some years had passed and the bear market had ended to enter a bull market, it would be justified to have this discussion, but right now???
No one can irrevocably demonstrate that this change will improve basically anything, this is what essentially happened to the ATOM fiasco, an error Polkadot must not repeat.
The change of the inflation rate in ATOM happened [on 25 November of 2023](https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos/proposals/848) which was valued at [9.9110](https://www.investing.com/crypto/cosmos/atom-usd-historical-data) at the time, after the change all the investors dumped ATOM since their staking rewards got reduced as a consequence of the inflation rate reduction and now its valued at 4.9100, this is a dump of 49.54% of its value, was it worth it? Do you want this to happen to Polkadot?
I can only think this is being done with malicious intent. | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4aVdjUklfOWRRYlUwbVM0aGpMOHhfSnBEbk5ZUFU2eXpCTFNTbVE3MmRyWnpsQVAxUHd2R2pwQnBCNzcycmJTejBxQm1wZzNfV3g5RzhqeVJEMHVqWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5djlEUlh4cVoxek5HdkU0T0NQU0lfRU54S015eFJZOGdJWUJpTmxfRVoxYzNXU25YNzkzc3hHUXhvMVRvLXN4dFdreFpKZHdYckQzQmpXMHpMb1FkVC1vM3BHc09pSFFwRC01WG9hX0lRUGoxVGwyNG8wcFNDNVQ5VUpfa0pWVUd6clE3SWxVWE9leENUd3o2bThtc1ZUQnNuOUJWQ2NVd0RFT3NmOWJjd2FHRTBlMkVGR05FbnRDVUNtTlVYbVh1czRFX2hWeHpaM1BOT19TZzNtR0ZVQT09 |
I bought various altcoins at a not so good time this spring and I’m down a good bit. Do you think alt season will rebound this bull run. Or should I cut my losses and yolo the rest of my money into Btc/Eth? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B4Z0xESUszTndqeUVLNHNmZjZWeEZ1VDBXaFA4MkpQdElyU1pYN0Y4a2lwLTlnSUdkbG5FclcxNUtNSXpWaHo5cUdxemlUbHhCX1d1RjhEeTVqVHdwS1p5bmFVMHlNWVpEcVBSeGJ3MzNldWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Ha3B5S2NpS0dUR180TmZNYXBBSmUySm8zM3prWXFRaE5INGw5Y1ZDcUFXRENBbTB6dVhiLVJpeF9nakZHcHFzZ3psYm1udWJHOE9RcEFDakZPQkZERDRGV0dQTkYyeWl0RkNwZkF1VjhJWHJVX1lLT3BBeUlzS2JSM0dtWjF2b1dtOEtzTHBpeG4yMU1JSVN3dk9pbk55YVgwOS03UV91Ym12VTNXYzNuc0I5d0ZYaWlaWU5tS0ZpalBZM2E4eHIyMHpE |
Subsets and Splits