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valid warehouse layouts: any two tiles of blue, pink, or orange color are connected through a path with non-black tiles 14x11.png
valid warehouse layouts: any two tiles of blue, pink, or orange color are connected through a path with non-black tiles 14x12.png
valid warehouse layouts: any two tiles of blue, pink, or orange color are connected through a path with non-black tiles 15x12.png
valid warehouse layouts: any two tiles of blue, pink, or orange color are connected through a path with non-black tiles 15x8.png
valid warehouse layouts: any two tiles of blue, pink, or orange color are connected through a path with non-black tiles_13x7.png
valid warehouse layouts: each black tile is adjacent to atleast two blue tiles 13x7.png
valid warehouse layouts: each black tile is adjacent to atleast two blue tiles 15x7.png
valid warehouse layouts: each black tile is adjacent to atleast two blue tiles 15x8.png
valid warehouse layouts: each blue tile is adjacent to atleast one black tile 13x7.png
valid warehouse layouts: each blue tile is adjacent to atleast one black tile 15x7.png