stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
def count_increasing(ratings, n):
Only considering the increasing case
arr = [1] * n
cnt = 1
for i in range(1, n):
cnt = cnt + 1 if ratings[i - 1] < ratings[i] else 1
arr[i] = cnt
return arr | 9fe274527fbba505467a195bf555c77d2f3e6aed | 2,412 |
def decorate(rvecs):
"""Output range vectors into some desired string format"""
return ', '.join(['{%s}' % ','.join([str(x) for x in rvec]) for rvec in rvecs]) | 31a3d4414b0b88ffd92a5ddd8eb09aaf90ef3742 | 2,413 |
def get_color(card):
"""Returns the card's color
card (webelement): a visible card
str: card's color
color = card.find_element_by_xpath(".//div/*[name()='svg']/*[name()='use'][2]").get_attribute("stroke")
# both light and dark theme
if (color == "#ff0101" or color == "#ffb047"):
color = "red"
elif (color == "#800080" or color == "#ff47ff"):
color = "purple"
color = "green"
return color | 452266b81d70973149fed4ab2e6cbc9c93591180 | 2,414 |
def add_chr_prefix(band):
Return the band string with chr prefixed
return ''.join(['chr', band]) | 08a99220023f10d79bdacdb062a27efcb51086ce | 2,415 |
def disable_text_recog_aug_test(cfg, set_types=None):
"""Remove aug_test from test pipeline of text recognition.
cfg (mmcv.Config): Input config.
set_types (list[str]): Type of dataset source. Should be
None or sublist of ['test', 'val']
cfg (mmcv.Config): Output config removing
`MultiRotateAugOCR` in test pipeline.
assert set_types is None or isinstance(set_types, list)
if set_types is None:
set_types = ['val', 'test']
for set_type in set_types:
if[set_type].pipeline[1].type == 'MultiRotateAugOCR':[set_type].pipeline = [[set_type].pipeline[0],
return cfg | bda3a5420d32d55062b23a6af27cee3e203b878c | 2,416 |
def delta_in_ms(delta):
Convert a timedelta object to milliseconds.
return delta.seconds*1000.0+delta.microseconds/1000.0 | 4ed048155daf4a4891488e28c674e905e1bbe947 | 2,418 |
def selection_sort(data):
"""Sort a list of unique numbers in ascending order using selection sort. O(n^2).
The process includes repeatedly iterating through a list, finding the smallest element, and sorting that element.
data: data to sort (list of int)
sorted list
sorted_data = data[:]
for i, value in enumerate(sorted_data):
# find smallest value in unsorted subset
min_value = min(sorted_data[i:])
index_min = sorted_data.index(min_value)
# place smallest value at start of unsorted subset
sorted_data[i], sorted_data[index_min] = min_value, value
return sorted_data | 8b745be41c857669aedecb25b3006bbdc1ef04eb | 2,419 |
def player_count(conn, team_id):
"""Returns the number of players associated with a particular team"""
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT id FROM players WHERE team_id=?", (team_id,))
return len(c.fetchall()) | cfced6da6c8927db2ccf331dca7d23bba0ce67e5 | 2,420 |
import math
def format_timedelta(value,
time_format="{days} days, {hours2}:{minutes2}:{seconds2}"):
"""Format a datetie.timedelta. See """
if hasattr(value, 'seconds'):
seconds = value.seconds + value.days * 24 * 3600
seconds = int(value)
seconds_total = seconds
minutes = int(math.floor(seconds / 60))
minutes_total = minutes
seconds -= minutes * 60
hours = int(math.floor(minutes / 60))
hours_total = hours
minutes -= hours * 60
days = int(math.floor(hours / 24))
days_total = days
hours -= days * 24
years = int(math.floor(days / 365))
years_total = years
days -= years * 365
return time_format.format(
'seconds': seconds,
'seconds2': str(seconds).zfill(2),
'minutes': minutes,
'minutes2': str(minutes).zfill(2),
'hours': hours,
'hours2': str(hours).zfill(2),
'days': days,
'years': years,
'seconds_total': seconds_total,
'minutes_total': minutes_total,
'hours_total': hours_total,
'days_total': days_total,
'years_total': years_total,
}) | 19dc2b175beb1d030f14ae7fe96cb16d66f6c219 | 2,421 |
def max_delta(model, new_model):
"""Return the largest difference between any two corresponding
values in the models"""
return max( [(abs(model[i] - new_model[i])).max() for i in range(len(model))] ) | faf4a9fb2b24f7e7b4f357eef195e435950ea218 | 2,422 |
def child_is_flat(children, level=1):
Check if all children in section is in same level.
children - list of section children.
level - integer, current level of depth.
Returns True if all children in the same level, False otherwise.
return all(
len(child) <= level + 1 or child[(level + 1) :][0].isalpha()
for child in children
) | e14f9210a90b40b419d21fffa1542212429d80be | 2,423 |
import os
def is_processable(path: str, should_match_extension: str):
Process scandir entries, copying the file if necessary
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return False
filename = os.path.basename(path)
_, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
if extension.lower() != should_match_extension.lower():
return False
return True | 5d99b821d3653ff452acac1e5fe48cab559c509e | 2,424 |
import time
def timestamp():
"""Get the unix timestamp now and retuen it.
Attention: It's a floating point number."""
timestamp = time.time()
return timestamp | 8e56a61659da657da9d5dda364d4d9e8f3d58ed2 | 2,425 |
import itertools
def cycle(iterable):
"""Make an iterator returning elements from the iterable and saving a copy of each.
When the iterable is exhausted, return elements from the saved copy. Repeats indefinitely.
This function uses single dispatch.
.. seealso:: :func:`itertools.cycle`
return itertools.cycle(iterable) | 13f479fca709dffa77eeca3d32ff7265c81588bf | 2,427 |
def find_process_in_list( proclist, pid ):
Searches for the given 'pid' in 'proclist' (which should be the output
from get_process_list(). If not found, None is returned. Otherwise a
[ user, pid, ppid ]
for L in proclist:
if pid == L[1]:
return L
return None | 19eab54b4d04b40a54a39a44e50ae28fbff9457c | 2,428 |
import os
import random
def select_images(img_dir, sample_size=150, random_seed=42):
"""Selects a random sample of image paths."""
img_paths = []
for file in os.listdir(img_dir):
if file.lower().endswith('.jpeg'):
img_paths.append(os.path.join(img_dir, file))
if sample_size is not None:
if random_seed is not None:
img_paths = random.sample(img_paths, sample_size)
return img_paths | 999bf71eb6b8072bd91cbb98d9fe1b50d5e9b8ac | 2,429 |
def get_dp_logs(logs):
"""Get only the list of data point logs, filter out the rest."""
filtered = []
compute_bias_for_types = [
for log in logs:
if log["type"] in compute_bias_for_types:
return filtered | e0a7c579fa9218edbf942afdbdb8e6cf940d1a0c | 2,430 |
def subtraction(x, y):
Subtraction x and y
>>> subtraction(-20, 80)
assert isinstance(x, (int, float)), "The x value must be an int or float"
assert isinstance(y, (int, float)), "The y value must be an int or float"
return x - y | 203233897d31cb5bc79fca0f8c911b03d7deb5ba | 2,431 |
def apo(coalg):
Extending an anamorphism with the ability to halt.
In this version, a boolean is paired with the value that indicates halting.
def run(a):
stop, fa = coalg(a)
return fa if stop else
return run | a1e64d9ed49a8641095c8a8c20ae08c1cc6e9c19 | 2,432 |
def heap_sort(li):
""" [list of int] => [list of int]
Heap sort: divides its input into a sorted and an unsorted region,
and it iteratively shrinks the unsorted region by extracting the
largest element from it and inserting it into the sorted region.
It does not waste time with a linear-time scan of the unsorted region;
rather, heap sort maintains the unsorted region in a heap data structure
to more quickly find the largest element in each step.
To implement a heap using arrays, we will use the rule
li[k] >= li[2*k+1] and li[k] >= li[2*k+2] (left child and right child
More generally, the array must satisfy the heap quality:
For any given node C, if P is a parent node of C, then
the value of P is greater than or equal to the key of C
(for max heaps)
Graphically, this would look like:
1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
def heapify(lst, heap_size, root):
""" ([list of int], int, int) => [list of int]
Rearranges the list to satisfy the heap quality.
Root is index of the largest element in the lst.
# the largest node
largest = root
left_child = 2 * largest + 1
right_child = 2 * largest + 2
# check if left_child and root need to be swapped
if left_child < heap_size and lst[largest] < lst[left_child]:
largest = left_child
# check if right_child and root need to be swapped
if right_child < heap_size and lst[largest] < lst[right_child]:
largest = right_child
# change root, if needed
if largest != root:
lst[root], lst[largest] = lst[largest], lst[root]
# continue to heapify the root
heapify(lst, heap_size, largest)
# Build a maxheap by iterating through the list backwards
for i in range(len(li), -1, -1):
heapify(li, len(li), i)
# extract elements one by one
for i in range(len(li) - 1, 0, -1):
"""remember, heap sort differs from insertion sort in that
# it searches for the maximum, rather than minimum, element.
li[0:end] is a heap (like a tree, but elements are not guaranteed
to be sorted) and li[end:len(li)] is in sorted order."""
li[i], li[0] = li[0], li[i]
# return to heap, since the heap was messed up by swapping
heapify(li, i, 0)
return li | a72be31e5256c880c157636aa7a15df013ce651d | 2,434 |
def filter_rows(df, condition, reason):
:param reason:
:param df:
:param condition: boolean, true for row to keep
:return: filter country_city_codes df
n_dropped = (condition == False).sum()
f"\nexcluding {n_dropped} locations ({n_dropped / df.shape[0]:.1%}) due to {reason}"
return df[condition] | 7e5e6925bfb7d90bc90b42fda202d80e8ef5e3f6 | 2,435 |
import random
def attack(health, power, percent_to_hit):
"""Calculates health from percent to hit and power of hit
health - integer defining health of attackee
power - integer defining damage of attacker
percent to hit - float defining percent chance to hit of attacker
Returns: new health
random_number = random.random() # number between 0.0 and 1.0
# if our random number falls between 0 and percent to hit
if random_number <= percent_to_hit:
# then a hit occurred so we reduce health by power
health = health - power
# return the new health value
return health | 83a74908f76f389c798b28c5d3f9035d2d8aff6a | 2,436 |
import json
def load_data(path):
"""Load JSON data."""
with open(path) as inf:
return json.load(inf) | 531fc2b27a6ab9588b1f047e25758f359dc21b6d | 2,437 |
def time_pet(power,energy):
"""Usage: time_pet(power,energy)"""
return energy/power | 11e9c82b8c1be84995f9517e04ed5e1270801e27 | 2,442 |
def create_graph(edge_num: int, edge_list: list) -> dict:
Create a graph expressed with adjacency list
:dict_key : int (a vertex)
:dict_value : set (consisted of vertices adjacent to key vertex)
a_graph = {i: set() for i in range(edge_num)}
for a, b in edge_list:
a_graph[a - 1].add(b - 1) # All graphs always need this line
a_graph[b - 1].add(a - 1) # Only undirected graph needs this line
return a_graph | 6ec1a71cf82a3a669090df42ac7d53e1286fda2d | 2,443 |
import random
def seed_story(text_dict):
"""Generate random seed for story."""
story_seed = random.choice(list(text_dict.keys()))
return story_seed | 0c0f41186f6eaab84a1d197e9335b4c28fd83785 | 2,444 |
from pathlib import Path
import sys
def detect_conda_env():
"""Inspect whether `sys.executable` is within a conda environment and if it is,
return the environment name and Path of its prefix. Otherwise return None, None"""
prefix = Path(sys.prefix)
if not (prefix / 'conda-meta').is_dir():
# Not a conda env
return None, None
if (prefix / 'envs').is_dir():
# It's the base conda env:
return 'base', prefix
# Not the base env: its name is the directory basename:
return, prefix | 2cb88ebfbb8a2919300e1d0072540e448dcf35ad | 2,445 |
def same_datatypes(lst):
Überprüft für eine Liste, ob sie nur Daten vom selben Typ enthält. Dabei spielen Keys, Länge der Objekte etc. eine Rolle
:param lst: Liste, die überprüft werden soll
:type lst: list
:return: Boolean, je nach Ausgang der Überprüfung
datatype = type(lst[0]).__name__
for item in lst:
if type(item).__name__ != datatype: # return False, wenn die Liste verschiedene Datentypen enthält
return False
# Datentypen sind gleich, aber sind deren Strukturen auch gleich? (für komplexe Datentypen)
if datatype == "dict":
keys = lst[0].keys()
for item in lst:
if item.keys() != keys: # return False, wenn die Keys der Dictionaries verschieden sind
return False
elif datatype == "list":
if sum([len(x) for x in lst]) / len(lst) != len(lst[0]): # return False, falls die Listen in der Liste verschiedene Längen haben
return False
datatypes = list(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, lst[0]))
for item in lst:
if list(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, item)) != datatypes: # return False, falls die Elemente der inneren Listen verschiedene Datenytpen haben
return False
return True | 9c49376ec34ed0970171597f77de4c4c224350b4 | 2,446 |
def round_int(n, d):
"""Round a number (float/int) to the closest multiple of a divisor (int)."""
return round(n / float(d)) * d | 372c0f8845994aaa03f99ebb2f65243e6490b341 | 2,447 |
def check_hostgroup(zapi, region_name, cluster_id):
"""check hostgroup from region name if exists
:region_name: region name of hostgroup
:returns: true or false
return zapi.hostgroup.exists(name="Region [%s %s]" % (region_name, cluster_id)) | b237b544ac59331ce94dd1ac471187a60d527a1b | 2,448 |
def encode_mecab(tagger, string):
string을 mecab을 이용해서 형태소 분석
:param tagger: 형태소 분석기 객체
:param string: input text
:return tokens: 형태소 분석 결과
:return indexs: 띄어쓰기 위치
string = string.strip()
if len(string) == 0:
return [], []
words = string.split()
nodes = tagger.pos(" ".join(words))
tokens = []
for node in nodes:
surface = node[0].strip()
if 0 < len(surface):
for s in surface.split(): # mecab 출력 중 '영치기 영차' 처리
indexs = []
index, start, end = -1, 0, 100000
for i, token in enumerate(tokens): # 분류가 잘 되었는지 검증
if end < len(words[index]):
start = end
end += len(token)
index += 1
start = 0
end = len(token)
indexs.append(i) # values 중 실제 시작 위치 기록
assert words[index][start:end] == token, f"{words[index][start:end]} != {token}"
return tokens, indexs | 847278728ebe7790d8aef2a125a420d5779adc6b | 2,449 |
import subprocess
def run_cmd(cmd, cwd=None):
Runs the given command and return the output decoded as UTF-8.
return subprocess.check_output(cmd,
cwd=cwd, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") | 5d2f5b85878291efaa16dcb4bb8a8c72b3d22230 | 2,452 |
def refresh_wrapper(trynum, maxtries, *args, **kwargs):
"""A @retry argmod_func to refresh a Wrapper, which must be the first arg.
When using @retry to decorate a method which modifies a Wrapper, a common
cause of retry is etag mismatch. In this case, the retry should refresh
the wrapper before attempting the modifications again. This method may be
passed to @retry's argmod_func argument to effect such a refresh.
Note that the decorated method must be defined such that the wrapper is its
first argument.
arglist = list(args)
# If we get here, we *usually* have an etag mismatch, so specifying
# use_etag=False *should* be redundant. However, for scenarios where we're
# retrying for some other reason, we want to guarantee a fresh fetch to
# obliterate any local changes we made to the wrapper (because the retry
# should be making those changes again).
arglist[0] = arglist[0].refresh(use_etag=False)
return arglist, kwargs | 089b859964e89d54def0058abc9cc7536f5d8877 | 2,453 |
def pad_rect(rect, move):
"""Returns padded rectangles given specified padding"""
if rect['dx'] > 2:
rect['x'] += move[0]
rect['dx'] -= 1*move[0]
if rect['dy'] > 2:
rect['y'] += move[1]
rect['dy'] -= 1*move[1]
return rect | 48bdbdc9d4736e372afc983ab5966fc80a221d4d | 2,454 |
import math
def number_format(interp, num_args, number, decimals=0, dec_point='.',
"""Format a number with grouped thousands."""
if num_args == 3:
ino = int(number)
dec = abs(number - ino)
rest = ""
if decimals == 0 and dec >= 0.5:
if number > 0:
ino += 1
ino -= 1
elif decimals > 0:
s_dec = str(dec)
if decimals + 2 < len(s_dec):
if ord(s_dec[decimals + 2]) >= ord('5'):
dec += math.pow(10, -decimals)
if dec >= 1:
if number > 0:
ino += 1
ino -= 1
rest = "0" * decimals
s_dec = str(dec)
if not rest:
rest = s_dec[2:decimals + 2]
rest = s_dec[2:] + "0" * (decimals - len(s_dec) + 2)
s = str(ino)
res = []
i = 0
while i < len(s):
if s[i] != '-' and i != len(s) - 1 and (len(s) - i - 1) % 3 == 0:
for item in thousands_sep:
i += 1
if decimals > 0:
for item in dec_point:
return"".join(res) + rest) | 9d5ab0b9ed5dd6054ce4f356e6811c1b155e2062 | 2,455 |
def selectTopFive(sortedList):
:param sortedList:按值从大到小进行排序的authorDict
:return:size -- [commit数量]
labels -- [名字]
size = []
labels = []
for i in range(5):
return size, labels | 747ad379ed73aeb6ccb48487b48dc6150350204e | 2,456 |
def get_license(file):
"""Returns the license from the input file.
# Collect the license
lic = ''
for line in file:
if line.startswith('#include') or line.startswith('#ifndef'):
lic += line
return lic | 126fff2dd0464ef1987f3ab672f6b36b8fa962f7 | 2,457 |
async def user_has_pl(api, room_id, mxid, pl=100):
Determine if a user is admin in a given room.
pls = await api.get_power_levels(room_id)
users = pls["users"]
user_pl = users.get(mxid, 0)
return user_pl == pl | 5678af17469202e0b0a0232e066e7ed5c8212ee6 | 2,458 |
def sanitize_for_json(tag):
"""eugh the tags text is in comment strings"""
return tag.text.replace('<!--', '').replace('-->', '') | 211c07864af825ad29dfc806844927db977e6ce0 | 2,459 |
def custom_field_check(issue_in, attrib, name=None):
""" This method allows the user to get in the comments customfiled that are not common
to all the project, in case the customfiled does not existe the method returns an
empty string.
if hasattr(issue_in.fields, attrib):
value = str(eval('issue_in.fields.%s'%str(attrib)))
if name != None:
return str("%s : %s"%(name,value))
return str(value)
return str("") | d9c051fa922f34242d3b5e94e8534b4dc8038f19 | 2,460 |
def arrangements(ns):
prime factors of 19208 lead to the "tribonacci" dict;
only needed up to trib(4)
trib = {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 4, 4: 7}
count = 1
one_seq = 0
for n in ns:
if n == 1:
one_seq += 1
if n == 3:
count *= trib[one_seq]
one_seq = 0
return count
# # one-liner...
# return reduce(lambda c, n: (c[0]*trib[c[1]], 0) if n == 3 else (c[0], c[1]+1), ns, (1,0))[0] | 01f3defb25624d7a801be87c7336ddf72479e489 | 2,462 |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def render_checkbox_list(soup_body: object) -> object:
"""As the chosen markdown processor does not support task lists (lists with checkboxes), this function post-processes
a bs4 object created from outputted HTML, replacing instances of '[ ]' (or '[]') at the beginning of a list item
with an unchecked box, and instances of '[x]' (or '[X]') at the beginning of a list item with a checked box.
soup_body: bs4 object input
modified bs4 object
if not isinstance(soup_body, BeautifulSoup):
raise TypeError('Input must be a bs4.BeautifulSoup object')
for ul in soup_body.find_all('ul'):
for li in ul.find_all('li', recursive=False):
if (li.contents[0].string[:2] == '[]') or (li.contents[0].string[:3] == '[ ]'):
unchecked = soup_body.new_tag("input", disabled="", type="checkbox")
li.contents[0].string.replace_with(li.contents[0].string.replace('[] ', u'\u2002'))
li.contents[0].string.replace_with(li.contents[0].string.replace('[ ] ', u'\u2002'))
li.find_parent('ul')['style'] = 'list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0.5em; margin-left: 0.25em;'
elif (li.contents[0].string[:3] == '[x]') or (li.contents[0].string[:3] == '[X]'):
checked = soup_body.new_tag("input", disabled="", checked="", type="checkbox")
li.contents[0].string.replace_with(li.contents[0].string.replace('[x] ', u'\u2002'))
li.contents[0].string.replace_with(li.contents[0].string.replace('[X] ', u'\u2002'))
li.find_parent('ul')['style'] = 'list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0.5em; margin-left: 0.25em;'
return soup_body | 640f00d726a1268eb71134e29dbde53ef0ec44f5 | 2,463 |
import numpy as np
def manualcropping(I, pointsfile):
"""This function crops a copy of image I according to points stored
in a text file (pointsfile) and corresponding to aponeuroses (see
Args section).
I (array): 3-canal image
pointsfile (text file): contains points' coordinates. Pointsfile must be
organized such that:
- column 0 is the ID of each point
- column 1 is the X coordinate of each point, that is the corresponding
column in I
- column 2 is the Y coordinate, that is the row in I
- row 0 is for txt columns' names
- rows 1 and 2 are for two points of the scale
- rows 3 to 13 are aponeuroses' points in panoramic images // raws 3
to 10 in simple images
- following rows are for muscle fascicles (and are optional for this
Other requirements: pointsfile's name must 1) include extension
2) indicates whether I is panoramic or simple by having 'p' or
's' just before the point of the extension.
I2 (array) : array of same type than I. It is the cropped image of I according
to the aponeuroses' points manually picked and stored in pointsfile.
point_of_intersect (tuple) : point at right
of the image; should correspond to the point of intersection of deep
and upper aponeuroses.
min_raw, max_raw, min_col, max_col: indices of the location of the cropped image
in the input raw image
data = open(pointsfile, 'r')
#finds whether the image is panoramic or simple
search_point = -1
while (pointsfile[search_point] != '.') and (search_point > (-len(pointsfile))):
search_point = search_point-1
if (search_point == -len(pointsfile)):
raise TypeError("Input pointsfile's name is not correct. Check extension.")
imagetype = pointsfile[search_point-1]
#extract points from the input file
picked_points = []
for line in data:
line = line.strip('\n')
x = line.split('\t')
picked_points.append((x[1], x[2]))
#keep aponeuroses points according to image type
if imagetype == 'p': #keep points 3 to 13 included
apos = np.asarray(picked_points[3:14], dtype=np.float64, order='C')
elif imagetype == 's': #keep points 3 to 10 included
apos = np.asarray(picked_points[3:11], dtype=np.float64, order='C')
raise ValueError("pointsfile's name does not fulfill conditions. See docstrings")
#find max and min indexes for columns and raws to crop image I
#with a margin of 10 pixels (5 pixels for min_raw).
#Coordinates are inverted in apos
min_raw = max(0, np.min(apos[:, 1])-10)
max_raw = min(I.shape[0], np.max(apos[:, 1])+20)
min_col = max(0, np.min(apos[:, 0])-10)
max_col = min(I.shape[1], np.max(apos[:, 0])+10)
i_cropped = np.copy(I[int(min_raw):int(max_raw), int(min_col):int(max_col), :])
index = np.argmax(apos[:, 0])
point_of_intersect = (apos[index][1] - min_raw, apos[index][0] - min_col)
#close file
return i_cropped, point_of_intersect, int(min_raw), int(max_raw), int(min_col), int(max_col) | eb3f49b5b46d1966946fc3d00bcae113f51c60d1 | 2,464 |
def num_from_bins(bins, cls, reg):
:param bins: list
The bins
:param cls: int
Classification result
:param reg:
Regression result
:return: computed value
bin_width = bins[0][1] - bins[0][0]
bin_center = float(bins[cls][0] + bins[cls][1]) / 2
return bin_center + reg * bin_width | 468e56075cf214f88d87298b259f7253d013a3f3 | 2,466 |
def rotate90(matrix: list) -> tuple:
"""return the matrix rotated by 90"""
return tuple(''.join(column)[::-1] for column in zip(*matrix)) | 770a8a69513c4f88c185778ad9203976d5ee6147 | 2,467 |
def get_event_details(event):
"""Extract event image and timestamp - image with no tag will be tagged as latest.
:param dict event: start container event dictionary.
:return tuple: (container image, last use timestamp).
image = str(event['from'] if ":" in event['from'] else event['from'] + ":latest")
timestamp = event['time']
return image, timestamp | c9b4ded7f343f0d9486c298b9a6f2d96dde58b8c | 2,468 |
import json
def copyJSONable(obj):
Creates a copy of obj and ensures it is JSONable.
:return: copy of obj.
TypeError: if the obj is not JSONable.
return json.loads(json.dumps(obj)) | 1cc3c63893c7716a4c3a8333e725bb518b925923 | 2,469 |
def min_max_two(first, second):
"""Pomocna funkce, vrati dvojici:
(mensi ze zadanych prvku, vetsi ze zadanych prvku).
K tomu potrebuje pouze jedno porovnani."""
return (first, second) if first < second else (second, first) | 7ddda1ad69056c22d9ba890e19e62464f56c08e1 | 2,470 |
import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def searchCVE(service, version):
"""Return a list of strings"""
url = ""+service+"+"+version
res = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, "lxml")
listCVE = []
for elt in soup.find_all('a', attrs={'href' : re.compile("^/cgi-bin/")}):
return url, listCVE | f9daf52e0c508496273c8a07b279051ebf662198 | 2,472 |
import argparse
def init_parser():
initialize argument parser for S1 processing utilities
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-t', '--transform', action='store_true', help='transform the final DEM to UTM coordinates')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--logfiles', action='store_true', help='create logfiles of the executed GAMMA commands')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--intermediates', action='store_true', help='keep intermediate files')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='suppress standard console prints')
parser.add_argument('-tr', '--targetresolution', default=20, help='the target resolution in meters for x and y',
parser.add_argument('-fg', '--func_geoback', default=2, help='backward geocoding interpolation function; '
'0 - Nearest Neighbor, 1 - Bicubic Spline, 2 - Bicubic Spline-Log; '
'method 1: negative values possible (e.g. in urban areas) - use method 2 to avoid this',
parser.add_argument('-fi', '--func_interp', default=0,
help='function for interpolation of layover/shadow/foreshortening/DEM gaps; '
'0 - set to 0, 1 - linear interpolation, 2 - actual value, 3 - nn-thinned', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-poe', '--poedir', default=None,
help='directory containing aux_poeorb (precise orbit ephemerides) orbit state vector files')
parser.add_argument('-res', '--resdir', default=None,
help='directory containing aux_resorb (restituted orbit) orbit state vector files')
parser.add_argument('zipfile', help='S1 zipped scene archive to be used')
parser.add_argument('tempdir', help='temporary directory for intermediate files')
parser.add_argument('outdir', help='output directory')
parser.add_argument('srtmdir', help='directory containing SRTM hgt tiles (subdirectories possible)')
return parser | 427eeff31ee83105afba1a9e22e8c789059efb23 | 2,473 |
def deco_inside_ctx_method_self(target):
"""decorator: wrap a class method inside a `with self: ...` context"""
def tgt(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self:
return target(self, *args, **kwargs)
return tgt | 6a29ad468840229c026e6abf87556018a3e16718 | 2,475 |
def validate_blacklist(password):
""" It does not contain the strings ab, cd, pq, or xy """
for blacklisted in ['ab', 'cd', 'pq', 'xy']:
if blacklisted in password:
return False
return True | 93ad092d5622e0567171f487522c2db824089eb9 | 2,477 |
import time
def f(x):
"""Squares something"""
return x * x | 6c1ab07ebaaeca6258601ec33f181e75086a355a | 2,478 |
def get_added_after(
fetch_full_feed, initial_interval, last_fetch_time=None, filter_args=None
Creates the added_after param, or extracts it from the filter_args
:param fetch_full_feed: when set to true, will limit added_after
:param initial_interval: initial_interval if no
:param last_fetch_time: last_fetch time value (str)
:param filter_args: set of filter_args defined by the user to be merged with added_after
:return: added_after
if fetch_full_feed:
return initial_interval
if not filter_args or "added_after" not in filter_args:
return last_fetch_time or initial_interval
return filter_args["added_after"] | 281cb7d7429071bf8dca0d04eedee9130a29b28d | 2,479 |
def _a_in_b(first, second):
"""Check if interval a is inside interval b."""
return first.start >= second.start and first.stop <= second.stop | e4ca21e1861b691510252eb3be53eed16c8bc8cf | 2,482 |
def get_password(config, name):
"""Read password"""
passfile = config.passstore / name
with open(passfile, 'r') as fd:
return | caae733030077eedc4428555eb0b106cfe586e50 | 2,483 |
def attribute_string(s):
"""return a python code string for a string variable"""
if s is None:
return "\"\""
# escape any ' characters
#s = s.replace("'", "\\'")
return "\"%s\"" % s | 9ed9d4f26e797119a339d2a3827772b945e29839 | 2,484 |
import os
def read_dfcpp_test_results(d4cpp_output_dir):
Returns test results
test_results = {}
for dir_name in os.listdir(d4cpp_output_dir):
path_to_dir = os.path.join(d4cpp_output_dir, dir_name)
if not os.path.isdir(path_to_dir):
case = dir_name.split('-')[-1]
result_path = os.path.join(path_to_dir, f"{case}.test")
with open(result_path, 'r') as f:
test_results[case] =
return test_results | d99f749dbf20179bc317a026d0e0112aea17ae12 | 2,485 |
async def ping_server():
Ping Server
Returns the message "The Optuna-server is alive!" if the server is running.
msg : str
A message witnessing that the server is running.
msg = 'The Optuna-server is alive!'
return msg | 2098f2167a14f08105824490824d62dd34b4c49e | 2,487 |
def test_from_rsid(rsids, start_rsid):
"""Continue collecting publications for rsids in list, beginning with start_rsid
rsids (list): list of rsids to collect publications on
start_rsid (str): rsid identifier to resume collecting publications on
runtime_rsids (list): [start_rsid, onward...]
start_rsid (str): starting rsid
start_idx (str): starting rsid index
rsids (list): [original list of ALL rsids]
start_idx = rsids.index(start_rsid) # start_rsid index
print(f"STARTING POINT SET TO: | INDEX: {start_idx} / {len(rsids)} | RSID: {rsids[start_idx]}")
runtime_rsids = rsids[start_idx:] # runtime rsids
return runtime_rsids, start_rsid, start_idx, rsids | bf2be86f28645addc08737e64f08695cd6b3a6d3 | 2,489 |
import os
def _abs_user_path(fpath):
"""don't overload the ap type"""
return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(fpath)) | c5ee29b13783afcd5c6ad99d9e751f7ed5db58be | 2,490 |
def get_base_url(host_name, customer_id):
:arg host_name: the host name of the IDNow gateway server
:arg customer_id: your customer id
:returns the base url of the IDNow API and the selected customer
return 'https://{0}/api/v1/{1}'.format(host_name, customer_id) | 5a24a87f597cf01c61ab6a01202b2e01e3b00bf8 | 2,491 |
import requests
def is_url_ok(url: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the given URL is down."""
r = requests.get(url)
return r.status_code == 200
except Exception:
return False | 97e0ba4b609282ef0dc166f0f0407e4aacdf30b2 | 2,492 |
import math
def sort_by_value(front, values):
This function sorts the front list according to the values
:param front: List of indexes of elements in the value
:param values: List of values. Can be longer than the front list
copied_values = values.copy() # Copy so we can modify it
sorted_list = []
while len(sorted_list) != len(front):
min_value = copied_values.index(min(copied_values))
if min_value in front:
copied_values[min_value] = math.inf
return sorted_list | 2d259ebbc0117f9aa043d78394b6423e596f176e | 2,493 |
import re
def cigar_segment_bounds(cigar, start):
Determine the start and end positions on a chromosome of a non-no-matching part of an
RNA-seq read based on a read's cigar string.
cigar string meaning:
'50M25N50M' with start = 100 -> [100, 149, 175, 224]. Note that start and end integers
are inclusive, i.e. all positions at or between 100 and 149 and at or between 175 and 224
are covered by reads.
:param cigar: str a read's cigar string, e.g. "49M165N51M"
:param start: int a read's start position on a chromosome
:return: list of integers representing cigar match start, end points, in order of matching subsequences
# if CIGAR string is a single full match (i.e. "<positive integer>M")
# extract length of the match, return match segment.
full_match = re.match(r'(\d+)M$', cigar)
if full_match is not None:
extension = int(cigar[:(full_match.span()[-1] - 1)]) - 1
return [start, start + extension]
# break up cigar string into list of 2-tuples (letter indicative of match/no match, run length integer).
cigar_split = [(v, int(k)) for k, v in re.findall(r'(\d+)([A-Z]?)', cigar)]
# initialize parse params.
# Allow for "hard clipping" where aligned read can start with non-matching region (
augment = False
any_match = False
# output storage.
match_idx_list = list()
for idx in range(len(cigar_split)):
segment = cigar_split[idx]
if segment[0] == 'M':
any_match = True
extension = segment[1] - 1 # end of a match run is inclusive.
augment = True
match_idx_list += [start, start + extension] # append a match run to output.
if augment:
extension = segment[1] + 1
augment = False
extension = segment[1]
start += extension
# if no matching regions found, throw error.
if not any_match:
raise ValueError('CIGAR string {0} has no matching region.'.format(cigar))
return match_idx_list | c870dfb9b11e2fd1df9fb347528252f114b8d70f | 2,496 |
import functools
import asyncio
def no_block(func):
"""Turns a blocking function into a non-blocking coroutine function."""
async def no_blocking_handler(*args, **kwargs):
partial = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, partial)
return no_blocking_handler | 5681fe7275a89c522384b28f9473fded8bba846b | 2,497 |
def get_ua_list():
with open('zhihu_spider/misc/ua_list.txt', 'r') as f:
return [x.replace('\n', '') for x in f.readlines()] | 6ebcf5d85650ad6644ccdf48aafed0160bd52ec0 | 2,499 |
from typing import List
def load_numbers_sorted(txt: str) -> List[int]:
txt (str): ファイルのパス
List[int]: 番号のリスト
numbers = []
with open(txt) as f:
numbers = sorted(map(lambda e: int(e), f))
return numbers | 6f10badd417a2ceefefa9f28a5c40583ea077d43 | 2,501 |
def translate_pt(p, offset):
"""Translates point p=(x,y) by offset=(x,y)"""
return (p[0] + offset[0], p[1] + offset[1]) | 9fdc578d461219e9e5d1b557b9fde3d7a0946815 | 2,502 |
def truncate(sequence):
""" Do nothing. Just a placeholder. """
string = str(sequence)
return string.split()[0] | 2e8eeffb08d6d3d5d6ad5e6a83e596ec61a2eea2 | 2,503 |
import os
def get_files(dir="."):
""" Gets all the files recursivly from a given base directory.
dir (str): The base directory path.
list: A list that contains all files.
folder_queue = [dir]
files = set()
next_folder = folder_queue.pop(0)
with os.scandir(next_folder) as it:
for entry in it:
if entry.is_file():
files = list(files)
return files | 4c29efa262c2b1be04952beb9acb6a2d8b622a3a | 2,505 |
import os
import zipfile
import json
def load_project_resource(file_path: str):
Tries to load a resource:
1. directly
2. from the egg zip file
3. from the egg directory
This is necessary, because the files are bundled with the project.
:return: the file as json
if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
egg_path = __file__.split(".egg")[0] + ".egg"
if os.path.isfile(egg_path):
print(f"Try to load instances from ZIP at {egg_path}")
with zipfile.ZipFile(egg_path) as z:
f =
data = json.load(f)
print(f"Try to load instances from directory at {egg_path}")
with open(egg_path + '/' + file_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
except Exception:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find '{file_path}'. "
"Make sure you run the script from the correct directory.")
with open(file_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
return data | b9d46e1363fc1ca8b397b1512642b7795a8ea9c9 | 2,506 |
import torch
def hsic(k_x: torch.Tensor, k_y: torch.Tensor, centered: bool = False, unbiased: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compute Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criteron (HSIC)
:param k_x: n by n values of kernel applied to all pairs of x data
:param k_y: n by n values of kernel on y data
:param centered: whether or not at least one kernel is already centered
:param unbiased: if True, use unbiased HSIC estimator of Song et al (2007), else use original estimator of Gretton et al (2005)
:return: scalar score in [0*, inf) measuring dependence of x and y
* note that if unbiased=True, it is possible to get small values below 0.
if k_x.size() != k_y.size():
raise ValueError("RDMs must have the same size!")
n = k_x.size()[0]
if not centered:
h = torch.eye(n, device=k_y.device, dtype=k_y.dtype) - 1/n
k_y = h @ k_y @ h
if unbiased:
# Remove the diagonal
k_x = k_x * (1 - torch.eye(n, device=k_x.device, dtype=k_x.dtype))
k_y = k_y * (1 - torch.eye(n, device=k_y.device, dtype=k_y.dtype))
# Equation (4) from Song et al (2007)
return ((k_x *k_y).sum() - 2*(k_x.sum(dim=0)*k_y.sum(dim=0)).sum()/(n-2) + k_x.sum()*k_y.sum()/((n-1)*(n-2))) / (n*(n-3))
# The original estimator from Gretton et al (2005)
return torch.sum(k_x * k_y) / (n - 1)**2 | 7c91aa5991b90f396abbf835111a456208cbc50a | 2,509 |
def int_converter(value):
"""check for *int* value."""
return str(value) | ba1b780c7886fccf1203225de249ef129561fd36 | 2,510 |
from typing import Callable
def map_filter(filter_function: Callable) -> Callable:
returns a version of a function that automatically maps itself across all
elements of a collection
def mapped_filter(arrays, *args, **kwargs):
return [filter_function(array, *args, **kwargs) for array in arrays]
return mapped_filter | a5f9f97d1a0d4acdaa39b9fb72a73b95a81553bb | 2,511 |
import binascii
def generate_ngrams_and_hashit(tokens, n=3):
"""The function generates and hashes ngrams
which gets from the tokens sequence.
@param tokens - list of tokens
@param n - count of elements in sequences
return [binascii.crc32(bytearray(tokens[i:i + n]))
for i in range(len(tokens) - n + 1)] | eb627add56f51a533c773e0dfea029bfcdb808ee | 2,513 |
from datetime import datetime
def get_clip_name_from_unix_time(source_guid, current_clip_start_time):
# convert unix time to
readable_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(current_clip_start_time)).strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
clipname = source_guid + "_" + readable_datetime
return clipname, readable_datetime | 0a212a76a69507ae3020c1e05ec354a927ad3dae | 2,514 |
def normalize_sides(sides):
Description: Squares the sides of the rectangles and averages the points
so that they fit together
- sides - Six vertex sets representing the sides of a drawing
- norm_sides - Squared and fit sides list
sides_list = []
# Average side vertices and make perfect rectangles
def square_sides(sides):
# Find the min/max x and y values
x = []
y = []
for vert in sides:
minx = 0
miny = 0
maxx = max(x)-min(x)
maxy = max(y)-min(y)
# Construct new squared vertex set with format |1 2|
# |3 4|
squared_side = [[minx,miny],[maxx,miny],[maxx,maxy],[minx,maxy]]
#squared_side = [[minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy], [minx, miny], [maxx, miny]]
return squared_side
squared_right = square_sides(sides[0])
squared_left = square_sides(sides[1])
squared_top = square_sides(sides[2])
squared_back = square_sides(sides[3])
squared_front = square_sides(sides[4])
squared_bottom = square_sides(sides[5])
return squared_front,squared_left,squared_back,squared_right,squared_top,squared_bottom | 855fcc45d14db2eede9fd7ec2fa6bf2f6854950d | 2,516 |
def ratingRange(app):
""" Get the rating range of an app. """
rating = 'Unknown'
r = app['rating']
if r >= 0 and r <= 1:
rating = '0-1'
elif r > 1 and r <= 2:
rating = '1-2'
elif r > 2 and r <= 3:
rating = '2-3'
elif r > 3 and r <= 4:
rating = '3-4'
elif r > 4 and r <= 5:
rating = '4-5'
return rating | 69056c367a87e331cd3b606423540250b20f6485 | 2,517 |
import io
def generate_table_definition(schema_and_table, column_info,
primary_key=None, foreign_keys=None,
diststyle=None, distkey=None, sortkey=None):
"""Return a CREATE TABLE statement as a string."""
if not column_info:
raise Exception('No columns specified for {}'.format(schema_and_table))
out = io.StringIO()
out.write('CREATE TABLE {} (\n'.format(schema_and_table))
columns_count = len(column_info)
for i, (column, type_) in enumerate(column_info):
out.write(' "{}" {}'.format(column, type_))
if (i < columns_count - 1) or primary_key or foreign_keys:
if primary_key:
out.write(' PRIMARY KEY({})'.format(primary_key))
if foreign_keys:
foreign_keys = foreign_keys or []
foreign_keys_count = len(foreign_keys)
for i, (key, reftable, refcolumn) in enumerate(foreign_keys):
out.write(' FOREIGN KEY({}) REFERENCES {}({})'.format(
key, reftable, refcolumn
if i < foreign_keys_count - 1:
if diststyle:
out.write('DISTSTYLE {}\n'.format(diststyle))
if distkey:
if sortkey:
if isinstance(sortkey, str):
elif len(sortkey) == 1:
out.write('COMPOUND SORTKEY({})\n'.format(', '.join(sortkey)))
return out.getvalue() | 383cdc8ed13fbaa45adadec26f31ad0f5ac52fbc | 2,519 |
def gradient_descent_update(x, gradx, learning_rate):
Performs a gradient descent update.
# Return the new value for x
return x - learning_rate * gradx | db5ec512883352f473990eca124c8ad302ec3564 | 2,520 |
def next_line(grd_file):
Function returns the next line in the file
that is not a blank line, unless the line is
'', which is a typical EOF marker.
done = False
while not done:
line = grd_file.readline()
if line == '':
return line, False
elif line.strip():
return line, True | 337f188930a03142bae59cdb378b09f1ac5e2ecb | 2,522 |
from pathlib import Path
import hashlib
def file_md5_is_valid(fasta_file: Path, checksum: str) -> bool:
Checks if the FASTA file matches the MD5 checksum argument.
Returns True if it matches and False otherwise.
:param fasta_file: Path object for the FASTA file.
:param checksum: MD5 checksum string.
:return: boolean indicating if the file validates.
md5_hash = hashlib.md5()
with"rb") as fh:
# Read in small chunks to avoid memory overflow with large files.
while chunk :=
return md5_hash.hexdigest() == checksum | ec400afbe29d940d0638a581da7f2ee001b9e985 | 2,523 |
def combine_to_int(values):
"""Combine several byte values to an integer"""
multibyte_value = 0
for byte_id, byte in enumerate(values):
multibyte_value += 2**(4 * byte_id) * byte
return multibyte_value | 58ff7cbee356cdcbe5b26e973de16c5b1cc40afc | 2,524 |
def error_response(error, message):
returns error response
data = {
"status": "error",
"error": error,
"message": message
return data | f3e52ea42cb48378f08ecb65f58d2291960e6488 | 2,525 |
def getFBA(fba):
"""AC factory.
reads a fileobject and creates a dictionary for easy insertation
into a postgresdatabase. Uses Ohlbergs routines to read the files (ACfile)
word = fba.getSpectrumHead()
while word is not None:
stw = fba.stw
mech = fba.Type(word)
datadict = {
'stw': stw,
'mech_type': mech,
return datadict
raise EOFError | e5c5f52fe831938400eec5ae15c043ecbf8cf7d1 | 2,526 |
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_soup(page_url):
""" Returns BeautifulSoup object of the url provided """
req = requests.get(page_url)
except Exception:
print('Failed to establish a connection with the website')
if req.status_code == 404:
print('Page not found')
content = req.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
return soup | d837e3b6aa6184285857428b2c796172379f3a1f | 2,527 |
def foreign_key_constraint_sql(table):
"""Return the SQL to add foreign key constraints to a given table"""
sql = ''
fk_names = list(table.foreign_keys.keys())
for fk_name in sorted(fk_names):
foreign_key = table.foreign_keys[fk_name]
sql += "FOREIGN KEY({fn}) REFERENCES {tn}({kc}), ".format(
return sql | 0883050d2b9d302ab9099ef27abd400e4d4fe69e | 2,528 |
from pathlib import Path
def get_world_paths() -> list:
Returns a list of paths to the worlds on the server.
server_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1]
world_paths = []
for p in server_dir.iterdir():
if p.is_dir and (p / "level.dat").is_file():
return world_paths | bf1c23c6a1c928dc66470db2e11b49ad2fc9e5d9 | 2,529 |
import hmac
import hashlib
def is_valid_webhook_request(webhook_token: str, request_body: str, webhook_signature_header: str) -> bool:
"""This method verifies that requests to your Webhook URL are genuine and from Buycoins.
webhook_token: your webhook token
request_body: the body of the request
webhook_signature_header: the X-Webhook-Signature header from BuyCoins
a Boolean stating whether the request is valid or not
hmac_request_body =, request_body.encode(), hashlib.sha1)
return hmac.compare_digest(hmac_request_body.hexdigest(), webhook_signature_header) | 1ce1ef0a9e1386ebbea7773d8cd9d40df2544792 | 2,530 |
def is_even(x):
""" True if obj is even. """
return (x % 2) == 0 | f19563063515eb4d39b8b607cf68f6f188af409e | 2,531 |
def _preprocess_stored_query(query_text, config):
"""Inject some default code into each stored query."""
ws_id_text = " LET ws_ids = @ws_ids " if 'ws_ids' in query_text else ""
return '\n'.join([
config.get('query_prefix', ''),
]) | bc63391724773cd4a60f3dc9686d243d6d733b40 | 2,532 |
import numpy
def get_object_ratio(obj):
"""Calculate the ratio of the object's size in comparison to the whole image
:param obj: the binarized object image
:type obj: numpy.ndarray
:returns: float -- the ratio
return numpy.count_nonzero(obj) / float(obj.size) | fd18e460be32037c73fe75c8fa5eef5ba6c1c217 | 2,533 |
def get_region(ds, region):
""" Return a region from a provided DataArray or Dataset
region_mask: xarray DataArray or list
Boolean mask of the region to keep
return ds.where(region, drop=True) | 102b672f8040b722ec346435775cba1056485ae2 | 2,534 |
def print_scale(skill, points):
"""Return TeX lines for a skill scale."""
lines = ['\\cvskill{']
lines[0] += skill
lines[0] += '}{'
lines[0] += str(points)
lines[0] += '}\n'
return lines | c88de0c6db9e7b92dbcee025f42f56817a4aa033 | 2,536 |
import operator
def device_sort (device_set):
"""Sort a set of devices by self_id. Can't be used with PendingDevices!"""
return sorted(device_set, key = operator.attrgetter ('self_id')) | 92a22a87b5b923771cd86588180a8c6eb15b9fdf | 2,537 |
def _ontology_value(curie):
"""Get the id component of the curie, 0000001 from CL:0000001 for example."""
return curie.split(":")[1] | 7ef1f0874e698c498ccef16294c0469f67cd5233 | 2,538 |
import re
def parse_IS(reply: bytes, device: str):
"""Parses the reply to the shutter IS command."""
match ="\x00\x07IS=([0-1])([0-1])[0-1]{6}\r$", reply)
if match is None:
return False
if match.groups() == (b"1", b"0"):
if device in ["shutter", "hartmann_right"]:
return "open"
return "closed"
elif match.groups() == (b"0", b"1"):
if device in ["shutter", "hartmann_right"]:
return "closed"
return "open"
return False | 827b5ebf5c98bcc65b823276d5ab5b8086a2c069 | 2,539 |
import os
def generate_s3_strings(path):
"""Generates s3 bucket name, s3 key and s3 path with an endpoint from a path
with path (string): s3://BUCKETNAME/KEY
x --> path.find(start) returns index 0 + len(start) returns 5 --> 0 + 5 = 5
Y --> path[len(start):] = BUCKENAME/KEY --> .find(end) looking for forward slash in BUCKENAME/KEY --> returns 10
Y --> now we have to add len(start) to 10 because the index was relating to BUCKENAME/KEY and not to s3://BUCKETNAME/KEY
bucket_name = path[X:Y]
Prefix is the string behind the slash that is behind the bucket_name
- so path.find(bucket_name) find the index of the bucket_name, add len(bucket_name) to get the index to the end of the bucket name
- add 1 because we do not want the slash in the Key
path (string): s3://BUCKETNAME/KEY
strings: path = s3://endpoint@BUCKETNAME/KEY
prefix = KEY
bucket_name = BUCKETNAME
start = 's3://'
end = '/'
bucket_name = path[path.find(start)+len(start):path[len(start):].find(end)+len(start)]
prefix = path[path.find(bucket_name)+len(bucket_name)+1:]
if not prefix.endswith('/'):
prefix = prefix+'/'
path = 's3://'+os.environ['S3_ENDPOINT']+'@'+bucket_name+'/'+prefix
return bucket_name, prefix, path | 601b20514c93e2159f9d5747063ce70d265d6e6e | 2,540 |
def only_t1t2(src, names):
This function...
:param src:
:param names:
if src.endswith("TissueClassify"):
# print "Keeping T1/T2!"
except ValueError:
except ValueError:
# print "Ignoring these files..."
# for name in names:
# print "\t" + name
return names | 60116fbc602bbe03f7c18776b623ef3680b9dfc1 | 2,541 |