# Code copied from: https://github.com/pytorch/data/blob/d9bbbecf64d0149795dc65ba390b50bc9e176e95/torchdata/datapipes/iter/util/tfrecordloader.py import struct from functools import partial from io import BufferedIOBase from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast import numpy as np try: from math import prod except ImportError: import operator from functools import reduce def prod(xs): return reduce(operator.mul, xs, 1) U = Union[bytes, bytearray, str] TFRecordFeatureSpec = Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], Union[str, np.dtype]] TFRecordExampleSpec = Dict[str, TFRecordFeatureSpec] # Note, reccursive types not supported by mypy at the moment # TODO(640): uncomment as soon as it becomes supported # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/731 # BinaryData = Union[str, List['BinaryData']] TFRecordBinaryData = Union[str, List[str], List[List[str]], List[List[List[Any]]]] TFRecordExampleFeature = Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray], TFRecordBinaryData] TFRecordExample = Dict[str, TFRecordExampleFeature] class SequenceExampleSpec(NamedTuple): context: TFRecordExampleSpec feature_lists: TFRecordExampleSpec def iterate_tfrecord_file(data: BufferedIOBase) -> Iterator[memoryview]: length_bytes = bytearray(8) crc_bytes = bytearray(4) data_bytes = bytearray(1024) while True: bytes_read = data.readinto(length_bytes) if bytes_read == 0: break elif bytes_read != 8: raise RuntimeError("Invalid tfrecord file: failed to read the record size.") if data.readinto(crc_bytes) != 4: raise RuntimeError("Invalid tfrecord file: failed to read the start token.") (length,) = struct.unpack("<Q", length_bytes) if length > len(data_bytes): data_bytes = data_bytes.zfill(int(length * 1.5)) data_bytes_view = memoryview(data_bytes)[:length] if data.readinto(data_bytes_view) != length: raise RuntimeError("Invalid tfrecord file: failed to read the record.") if data.readinto(crc_bytes) != 4: raise RuntimeError("Invalid tfrecord file: failed to read the end token.") # TODO(641): check CRC yield data_bytes_view def process_feature(feature) -> np.ndarray: # NOTE: We assume that each key in the example has only one field # (either "bytes_list", "float_list", or "int64_list")! field = feature.ListFields()[0] inferred_typename, value = field[0].name, field[1].value if inferred_typename == "bytes_list": pass elif inferred_typename == "float_list": value = np.array(value, dtype=np.float32) elif inferred_typename == "int64_list": value = np.array(value, dtype=np.int64) return value def _reshape_list(value, shape): # Flatten list flat_list = [] def flatten(value): if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)): flat_list.append(value) else: for x in value: flatten(x) flatten(value) # Compute correct shape common_divisor = prod(x for x in shape if x != -1) if sum(1 for x in shape if x == -1) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Shape can contain at most one dynamic dimension (-1).") if len(flat_list) % max(common_divisor, 1) != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot reshape {len(flat_list)} values into shape {shape}") shape = [x if x != -1 else (len(flat_list) // common_divisor) for x in shape] # Reshape list into the correct shape def _reshape(value, shape): if len(shape) == 0: assert len(value) == 1 return value[0] elif len(shape) == 1: # To make the reccursion faster assert len(value) == shape[0] return value dim_size = len(value) // shape[0] return [_reshape(value[i * dim_size : (i + 1) * dim_size], shape[1:]) for i in range(dim_size)] return _reshape(flat_list, shape) def _apply_feature_spec(value, feature_spec): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if feature_spec is not None: shape, dtype = feature_spec if isinstance(dtype, (str, np.dtype)): if shape: value = value.reshape(shape) value = value.astype(dtype) elif shape: # Manual list reshape value = _reshape_list(value, shape) return value def _parse_tfrecord_features(features, spec: Optional[TFRecordExampleSpec]) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: result = {} features = features.feature for key in features.keys(): if spec is not None and key not in spec: continue feature_spec = None if spec is None else spec[key] feature = features[key] result[key] = _apply_feature_spec(process_feature(feature), feature_spec) return result def parse_tfrecord_sequence_example(example, spec: Optional[TFRecordExampleSpec]) -> TFRecordExample: # Parse context features result = cast(TFRecordExample, _parse_tfrecord_features(example.context, spec)) # Parse feature lists feature_lists_keys = None if spec is None else set(spec.keys()) - set(result.keys()) features = example.feature_lists.feature_list for key in features.keys(): if feature_lists_keys is not None and key not in feature_lists_keys: continue feature_spec = None if spec is None else spec[key] feature = features[key].feature if key in result: raise RuntimeError( "TFRecord example's key {key} is contained in both the context and feature lists. This is not supported." ) value: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]] = list(map(partial(process_feature), feature)) # For known numpy dtypes, we stack the list features if feature_spec is not None and isinstance(feature_spec[1], (str, np.dtype)): value = np.stack(cast(List[np.ndarray], value), 0) value = _apply_feature_spec(value, feature_spec) result[key] = value if spec is not None and len(result.keys()) != len(spec.keys()): raise RuntimeError(f"Example is missing some required keys: {sorted(result.keys())} != {sorted(spec.keys())}") return result