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{"text": " 2006, the type-species of Hennobrimus, and Trachyaretaon manobo Lit & Eusebio, 2005 are synonym", "synonym_substitution": "2006, the type - species of Hennobrimus, and Trachyaretaon manobo Lit & Eusebio, 2005 are synonym", "butter_fingers": " 2006, tje type-species of Hennobvimus, and Trachyceetaon manobk Lit & Ejsebio, 2005 are synonym", "random_deletion": "2006, the type-species of Hennobrimus, and Trachyaretaon & 2005 are", "change_char_case": " 2006, the type-species of HennobrimUs, and TrachYaretAon ManObO Lit & euseBio, 2005 are synonym", "whitespace_perturbation": " 2006, the type-species of Hennobrim us, a ndTra ch yare taon manobo Lit &E useb io, 2005 are synonym", "underscore_trick": " 2006,_the type-species_of Hennobrimus, and Trachyaretaon_manobo Lit_&_Eusebio, 2005_are_synonym"}
{"text": " taxonomic changes presented herein. NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of malachite green chloride and leucomalachite green (CAS Nos. 569", "synonym_substitution": "taxonomic changes presented herein. NTP technical report on the toxicity report of malachite fleeceable chloride and leucomalachite green (CAS Nos. 569", "butter_fingers": " tadonomic changes presentea herein. NTP teeynical reporf on the toxicity studies of malachive geeen xhloride and leucomalazhite grevn (CAS Now. 569", "random_deletion": "taxonomic changes presented herein. NTP technical report toxicity of malachite chloride and leucomalachite", "change_char_case": " taxonomic changes presented Herein. NTP tEchniCal RepOrT on tHe toXicity studies oF MalaChite green chloride and lEucomAlAChitE GrEen (CAs Nos. 569", "whitespace_perturbation": " taxonomic changes present ed herein. NTPtec hni ca l re port on the toxici t y st udies of malachite gre en ch lo r idea nd leuc omalach i te g ree n(C ASNo s .569", "underscore_trick": " taxonomic_changes presented_herein. NTP technical report_on the_toxicity_studies of_malachite_green chloride and_leucomalachite green (CAS_Nos. 569"}
{"text": " the tribes Eubulidini and Miroceramiini are not supported. A new arrangement is introduced, which is based on morphological characters neglected or overlooked", "synonym_substitution": "the tribes Eubulidini and Miroceramiini are not supported. A new arrangement is insert, which is free-base on morphological characters neglected or look out on", "butter_fingers": " thf tribes Eubulidini and Oiroceramiini ate not snpportes. A new xrrangement is introduced, whmch us bawed on morphological cfaracters neglectwd oc overlooked", "random_deletion": "the tribes Eubulidini and Miroceramiini are not new is introduced, is based on", "change_char_case": " the tribes Eubulidini and MirOceramiini Are noT suPpoRtEd. A nEw arRangement is intROducEd, which is based on morphoLogicAl CHaraCTeRs negLected oR OvERLooKeD", "whitespace_perturbation": " the tribes Eubulidini and Miroceram iiniare no tsupp orte d. A new arran g emen t is introduced, which is b as e d on mo rphol ogicalc ha r a cte rs n egl ec t ed or o ver looked", "underscore_trick": " the_tribes Eubulidini_and Miroceramiini are not_supported. A_new_arrangement is_introduced,_which is based_on morphological characters_neglected or overlooked"}
{"text": "idences of hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization were significantly increased in 1,200 ppm male and female rats exposed to malachite green chloride. No gross lesions were", "synonym_substitution": "idences of hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization were significantly increased in 1,200 ppm male and female rats exposed to malachite fleeceable chloride. No crude lesions were", "butter_fingers": "idejces of hepatocyte cytopuasmic vacuolizcrion wxre sighificantuy increased in 1,200 ppm male anv fenale eats exposed to malachkte green chloridw. No tross lesions were", "random_deletion": "idences of hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization were significantly 1,200 male and rats exposed to lesions", "change_char_case": "idences of hepatocyte cytoplAsmic vacuoLizatIon WerE sIgniFicaNtly increased iN 1,200 Ppm mAle and female rats exposeD to maLaCHite GReEn chlOride. No GRoSS LesIoNs WerE", "whitespace_perturbation": "idences of hepatocyte cyto plasmic va cuoli zat ion w eresign ificantly incr e ased in 1,200 ppm male and fema le rats ex posed to mal a ch i t e g re en ch lo r id e. No gr oss les ions were", "underscore_trick": "idences of_hepatocyte cytoplasmic_vacuolization were significantly increased_in 1,200_ppm_male and_female_rats exposed to_malachite green chloride._No gross lesions were"}
{"text": "ct, as well as the sub-basal lateral tooth of the anal segment of males. The muelleri species-group is sister to the remainder two", "synonym_substitution": "ct, as well as the sub - basal lateral tooth of the anal segment of males. The muelleri coinage - group is baby to the end two", "butter_fingers": "ct, ws well as the sub-basal uateral tooth oy the aial segjent of oales. The muelleri species-grlup is wister to the remaindef two", "random_deletion": "ct, as well as the sub-basal lateral the segment of The muelleri species-group two", "change_char_case": "ct, as well as the sub-basal lateRal tooth of The anAl sEgmEnT of mAles. the muelleri speCIes-gRoup is sister to the remaiNder tWo", "whitespace_perturbation": "ct, as well as the sub-bas al lateral toot h o f t he ana l se gment of males . The muelleri species-grou p issi s tert othe r emainde r t w o ", "underscore_trick": "ct, as_well as_the sub-basal lateral tooth_of the_anal_segment of_males._The muelleri species-group_is sister to_the remainder two"}
{"text": " 1798), which is found throughout Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Sumatra and Northeastern Borneo. This genus differs from Haaniella by the", "synonym_substitution": "1798), which is found throughout Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Sumatra and Northeastern Borneo. This genus differs from Haaniella by the", "butter_fingers": " 1798), wjich is found throughout Peninsular Malctsia, Tiailand, Sumatra and Northeastern Borneo. Thid tenus differs from Haaniellx by the", "random_deletion": "1798), which is found throughout Peninsular Malaysia, and Borneo. This differs from Haaniella", "change_char_case": " 1798), which is found throughout PenInsular MalAysia, thaIlaNd, sumaTra aNd Northeastern bOrneO. This genus differs from HAanieLlA By thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " 1798), which is found thr oughout Pe ninsu lar Ma la ysia , Th ailand, Sumatr a and Northeastern Borneo.Thisge n us d i ff ers f rom Haa n ie l l a b yth e", "underscore_trick": " 1798),_which is_found throughout Peninsular Malaysia,_Thailand, Sumatra_and_Northeastern Borneo._This_genus differs from_Haaniella by the"}
{"text": " group, hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine group were (35.1\u00b14.6)%, (52.9\u00b16.8", "synonym_substitution": "group, hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine group were (35.1\u00b14.6)%, (52.9\u00b16.8", "butter_fingers": " grlup, hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, ana hypoxia combiuw grou' were (35.1\u00b14.6)%, (52.9\u00b16.8", "random_deletion": "group, hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine (35.1\u00b14.6)%,", "change_char_case": " group, hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and hYpoxia combIne grOup WerE (35.1\u00b14.6)%, (52.9\u00b16.8", "whitespace_perturbation": " group, hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 gro up, and hy poxia co mbi ne gro up w ere (35.1\u00b14.6) % , (5 2.9\u00b16.8", "underscore_trick": " group,_hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1_group, and hypoxia combine_group were_(35.1\u00b14.6)%,_(52.9\u00b16.8"}
{"text": " combine group was obviously higher than that of cells in hypoxia control group (P=0.044, 0.001). Content of ATP of cells in hypoxia combine", "synonym_substitution": "combine group was obviously higher than that of cells in hypoxia control group (P=0.044, 0.001). Content of ATP of cell in hypoxia combine", "butter_fingers": " colbine group was obviousln higher than thcr of cxlls in hypoxia control group (P=0.044, 0.001). Content of ARP of cells in hypoxia combkne", "random_deletion": "combine group was obviously higher than that in control group 0.001). Content of combine", "change_char_case": " combine group was obviously hIgher than tHat of CelLs iN hYpoxIa coNtrol group (P=0.044, 0.001). ConTEnt oF ATP of cells in hypoxia coMbine", "whitespace_perturbation": " combine group was obvious ly higherthantha t o fcell s in hypoxia contr o l gr oup (P=0.044, 0.001).Conte nt of A T Pof ce lls inh yp o x iaco mb ine ", "underscore_trick": " combine_group was_obviously higher than that_of cells_in_hypoxia control_group_(P=0.044, 0.001). Content_of ATP of_cells in hypoxia combine"}
{"text": "ygidae Kirby, 1893 is critically reviewed and the results of the present study contradict the arrangement suggested by Zompro (2004), but in most aspects agree with", "synonym_substitution": "ygidae Kirby, 1893 is critically reviewed and the results of the present study contradict the musical arrangement suggest by Zompro (2004), but in most aspects agree with", "butter_fingers": "ygifae Kirby, 1893 is critically reviewed and tkw resunts of the prerent study contradict the arcangwment suggested by Zompro (2004), cut in modt aspecrs ajree with", "random_deletion": "ygidae Kirby, 1893 is critically reviewed and of present study the arrangement suggested most agree with", "change_char_case": "ygidae Kirby, 1893 is critically reViewed and tHe resUltS of ThE preSent Study contradicT The aRrangement suggested by ZOmpro (2004), BuT In moST aSpectS agree wITh", "whitespace_perturbation": "ygidae Kirby, 1893 is crit ically rev iewed an d t he res ults of the presen t stu dy contradict the arra ngeme nt sugg e st ed by Zompro (2 0 0 4), b ut in m o st aspe cts agreewith", "underscore_trick": "ygidae Kirby,_1893 is_critically reviewed and the_results of_the_present study_contradict_the arrangement suggested_by Zompro (2004),_but in most aspects_agree with"}
{"text": "bacher, 1906, Theramenes St\u00e5l, 1875 and Stenobrimus Redtenbacher, 1906 are removed from Eubul", "synonym_substitution": "bacher, 1906, Theramenes St\u00e5l, 1875 and Stenobrimus Redtenbacher, 1906 are removed from Eubul", "butter_fingers": "bacjer, 1906, Theramenes St\u00e5l, 1875 and Stenobrimus Rebrenbacier, 1906 ars removea from Eubul", "random_deletion": "bacher, 1906, Theramenes St\u00e5l, 1875 and Stenobrimus are from Eubul", "change_char_case": "bacher, 1906, Theramenes St\u00e5l, 1875 and StEnobrimus REdtenBacHer, 1906 ArE remOved From Eubul", "whitespace_perturbation": "bacher, 1906, Theramenes S t\u00e5l, 1875and S ten obr im us R edte nbacher, 1906a re r emoved from Eubul", "underscore_trick": "bacher, 1906,_Theramenes St\u00e5l,_1875 and Stenobrimus Redtenbacher,_1906 are_removed_from Eubul"}
{"text": "idini and also transferred to Obrimini. Consequently, Eubulidini is synonymised with Obrimini (n. syn.).", "synonym_substitution": "idini and also transferred to Obrimini. Consequently, Eubulidini is synonymised with Obrimini (n. syn .).", "butter_fingers": "idiji and also transferred uo Obrimini. Consequently, Eubuljdini is synonymised with Obrimini (n. stn.).", "random_deletion": "idini and also transferred to Obrimini. Consequently, synonymised Obrimini (n.", "change_char_case": "idini and also transferred to obrimini. CoNsequEntLy, EUbUlidIni iS synonymised wiTH ObrImini (n. syn.).", "whitespace_perturbation": "idini and also transferred to Obrimi ni. C ons equ en tly, Eub ulidini is syn o nymi sed with Obrimini (n.syn.) .", "underscore_trick": "idini and_also transferred_to Obrimini. Consequently, Eubulidini_is synonymised_with_Obrimini (n._syn.)."}
{"text": " the controls. Dietary concentrations of 290, 580, and 1,160 ppm resulted in average daily doses of approximately 30, 60, and 115 mg leu", "synonym_substitution": "the controls. Dietary concentrations of 290, 580, and 1,160 ppm resulted in average casual venereal disease of approximately 30, 60, and 115 mg leu", "butter_fingers": " thf controls. Dietary concektrations of 290, 580, aue 1,160 ppm resulfed in axerage daily doses of approxmmatwly 30, 60, and 115 mg leu", "random_deletion": "the controls. Dietary concentrations of 290, 580, ppm in average doses of approximately leu", "change_char_case": " the controls. Dietary concentRations of 290, 580, aNd 1,160 ppm ResUltEd In avEragE daily doses of aPProxImately 30, 60, and 115 mg leu", "whitespace_perturbation": " the controls. Dietary con centration s of290 , 5 80 , an d 1, 160 ppm result e d in average daily doses o f app ro x imat e ly 30,60, and 11 5 mgle u", "underscore_trick": " the_controls. Dietary_concentrations of 290, 580,_and 1,160_ppm_resulted in_average_daily doses of_approximately 30, 60,_and 115 mg leu"}
{"text": " subfamilies contained in Heteropterygidae, along with keys to distinguish between them. The subfamily Obriminae is critically reviewed and the distinction between the", "synonym_substitution": "subfamilies contained in Heteropterygidae, along with keys to distinguish between them. The subfamily Obriminae is critically review and the differentiation between the", "butter_fingers": " suhfamilies contained in Htteropterygidae, along wivh keys to distknguish between them. The subhamioy Obeiminae is critically feviewed wnd the eistmnction between vge", "random_deletion": "subfamilies contained in Heteropterygidae, along with keys between The subfamily is critically reviewed", "change_char_case": " subfamilies contained in HetEropterygiDae, alOng WitH kEys tO disTinguish betweeN Them. the subfamily Obriminae iS critIcALly rEViEwed aNd the diSTiNCTioN bEtWeeN tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": " subfamilies contained inHeteropter ygida e,alo ng wit h ke ys to distingu i sh b etween them. The subfa milyOb r imin a eis cr iticall y r e v iew ed a ndth e d istin cti on betw een the", "underscore_trick": " subfamilies_contained in_Heteropterygidae, along with keys_to distinguish_between_them. The_subfamily_Obriminae is critically_reviewed and the_distinction between the"}
{"text": " obviously decreased (P= <0.001, 0.001, 0.002). Content of ATP of cells in hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group and hypoxia", "synonym_substitution": "obviously decreased (P= < 0.001, 0.001, 0.002). Content of ATP of cells in hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group and hypoxia", "butter_fingers": " obgiously decreased (P= <0.001, 0.001, 0.002). Cuntent of ATP oy cells in hyloxia HIW-1\u03b1 group and hypoxia", "random_deletion": "obviously decreased (P= <0.001, 0.001, 0.002). Content of in hypoxia group and hypoxia", "change_char_case": " obviously decreased (P= <0.001, 0.001, 0.002). ContenT of ATP of ceLls in HypOxiA HiF-1\u03b1 gRoup And hypoxia", "whitespace_perturbation": " obviously decreased (P= < 0.001, 0.0 01, 0 .00 2). C onte nt o f ATP of cells in h ypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group an d hyp ox i a", "underscore_trick": " obviously_decreased (P=_<0.001, 0.001, 0.002). Content_of ATP_of_cells in_hypoxia_HIF-1\u03b1 group and_hypoxia"}
{"text": ", strongly shortened tarsi, lack of rough sensory-areas on the prosternum and typically X-shaped micropylar plate of the eggs.", "synonym_substitution": ", strongly shortened tarsi, lack of rough centripetal - area on the prosternum and typically X - shaped micropylar plate of the egg.", "butter_fingers": ", stgongly shortened tarsi, lxck of rough seuwory-arxas on fhe prosgernum and typically X-shaped mucroptlar plate of the eggs.", "random_deletion": ", strongly shortened tarsi, lack of rough the and typically micropylar plate of", "change_char_case": ", strongly shortened tarsi, lacK of rough seNsory-AreAs oN tHe prOsteRnum and typicalLY X-shAped micropylar plate of tHe eggS.", "whitespace_perturbation": ", strongly shortened tarsi , lack ofrough se nso ry -are as o n the prostern u m an d typically X-shaped m icrop yl a r pl a te of t he eggs . ", "underscore_trick": ", strongly_shortened tarsi,_lack of rough sensory-areas_on the_prosternum_and typically_X-shaped_micropylar plate of_the eggs."}
{"text": ",200 ppm male rats and the relative and absolute liver weights of 300 ppm or greater female rats were generally significantly greater than those of the controls. In the le", "synonym_substitution": ", 200 ppm male rats and the relative and absolute liver weights of 300 ppm or greater female rotter were by and large significantly greater than those of the controls. In the lupus erythematosus", "butter_fingers": ",200 ppl male rats and the relauive and absolute liver xeights of 300 ppm or greater female rats were gwneraoly significantly greager than nhose of rhe rontrols. In the le", "random_deletion": ",200 ppm male rats and the relative liver of 300 or greater female than of the controls. the le", "change_char_case": ",200 ppm male rats and the relative And absolutE liveR weIghTs Of 300 ppM or gReater female raTS werE generally significantlY greaTeR Than THoSe of tHe contrOLs. iN The Le", "whitespace_perturbation": ",200 ppm male rats and the relativeand a bso lut elive r we ights of 300 p p m or greater female rats w ere g en e rall y s ignif icantly gr e a ter t ha n t ho s eof th e c ontrols . In the l e", "underscore_trick": ",200 ppm_male rats_and the relative and_absolute liver_weights_of 300_ppm_or greater female_rats were generally_significantly greater than those_of the controls._In_the le"}
{"text": " by Zompro (2004) but were partly discussed by Bradler (2009). The genus Mearnsiana Rehn & Rehn, 1939 is removed", "synonym_substitution": "by Zompro (2004) but were partly discussed by Bradler (2009). The genus Mearnsiana Rehn & Rehn, 1939 is removed", "butter_fingers": " by Zompro (2004) but were partly discussed by Btaeler (2009). Vhe genhs Mearnriana Rehn & Rehn, 1939 is removed", "random_deletion": "by Zompro (2004) but were partly discussed (2009). genus Mearnsiana & Rehn, 1939", "change_char_case": " by Zompro (2004) but were partly discUssed by BraDler (2009). THe gEnuS MEarnSianA Rehn & Rehn, 1939 is remOVed", "whitespace_perturbation": " by Zompro (2004) but were partly di scuss edbyBr adle r (2 009). The genu s Mea rnsiana Rehn & Rehn, 1 939 i sr emov e d", "underscore_trick": " by_Zompro (2004)_but were partly discussed_by Bradler_(2009)._The genus_Mearnsiana_Rehn & Rehn,_1939 is removed"}
{"text": " in 1,160 ppm female mice exposed to leucomalachite green. Malachite green chloride, tested at concentrations of 0.1 to 10", "synonym_substitution": "in 1,160 ppm female mice exposed to leucomalachite green. Malachite green chloride, quiz at concentration of 0.1 to 10", "butter_fingers": " in 1,160 ppm female mice exposea to leucomalackute grxen. Malzchite gfeen chloride, tested at concxntrqtionw of 0.1 to 10", "random_deletion": "in 1,160 ppm female mice exposed to Malachite chloride, tested concentrations of 0.1", "change_char_case": " in 1,160 ppm female mice exposed to lEucomalachIte grEen. malAcHite GreeN chloride, testeD At coNcentrations of 0.1 to 10", "whitespace_perturbation": " in 1,160 ppm female miceexposed to leuc oma lac hi te g reen . Malachite gr e en c hloride, tested at con centr at i onso f0.1 t o 10", "underscore_trick": " in_1,160 ppm_female mice exposed to_leucomalachite green._Malachite_green chloride,_tested_at concentrations of_0.1 to 10"}
{"text": "N x C3H/HeN MTV-) mice were exposed to malachite green chloride (95% pure) or leucomalachite green", "synonym_substitution": "N x C3H / HeN MTV-) mice were exposed to malachite green chloride (95% pure) or leucomalachite fleeceable", "butter_fingers": "N x C3H/HeN MTV-) mice were expused to malachije green chlorjde (95% purd) or leucomalachite green", "random_deletion": "N x C3H/HeN MTV-) mice were exposed green (95% pure) leucomalachite green", "change_char_case": "N x C3H/HeN MTV-) mice were exposed To malachitE greeN chLorIdE (95% purE) or lEucomalachite gREen", "whitespace_perturbation": "N x C3H/HeN MTV-) mice wer e exposedto ma lac hit egree n ch loride (95% pu r e) o r leucomalachite green ", "underscore_trick": "N x_C3H/HeN MTV-)_mice were exposed to_malachite green_chloride_(95% pure)_or_leucomalachite green"}
{"text": " ng/mL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1, and medium with 0.5 ng/mL KGF and 30", "synonym_substitution": "ng / mL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng / mL HIF-1\u03b1, and medium with 0.5 ng / mL KGF and 30", "butter_fingers": " ng/lL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1, and medium with 0.5 ig/mL KGR and 30", "random_deletion": "ng/mL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1, with ng/mL KGF 30", "change_char_case": " ng/mL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1, And medium wIth 0.5 ng/ML KgF aNd 30", "whitespace_perturbation": " ng/mL KGF, medium with 10 .0 ng/mL H IF-1\u03b1 , a ndme dium wit h 0.5 ng/mL KG F and 30", "underscore_trick": " ng/mL_KGF, medium_with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1,_and medium_with_0.5 ng/mL_KGF_and 30"}
{"text": " <0.001). Survival rate of cells in hypoxia combine group was significantly higher than the rates of cells in hypoxia KGF group and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1", "synonym_substitution": "< 0.001). Survival rate of cells in hypoxia combine group was significantly higher than the pace of cell in hypoxia KGF group and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1", "butter_fingers": " <0.001). Skrvival rate of cells in hypoxia combing troup xas sighificantuy higher than the rates of rellw in yypoxia KGF group and fypoxia HPF-1\u03b1", "random_deletion": "<0.001). Survival rate of cells in hypoxia was higher than rates of cells hypoxia", "change_char_case": " <0.001). Survival rate of cells in hypoXia combine Group Was SigNiFicaNtly Higher than the rATes oF cells in hypoxia KGF grouP and hYpOXia Hif-1\u03b1", "whitespace_perturbation": " <0.001). Survival rate of cells inhypox iacom bi ne g roup was significa n tlyhigher than the ratesof ce ll s inh yp oxiaKGF gro u pa n d h yp ox iaHI F -1 \u03b1", "underscore_trick": " <0.001)._Survival rate_of cells in hypoxia_combine group_was_significantly higher_than_the rates of_cells in hypoxia_KGF group and hypoxia_HIF-1\u03b1"}
{"text": " rats designated for thyroid hormone assays were fed diets containing 0 or 1,160 ppm leucomalachite green. All rats and mice survived to the end", "synonym_substitution": "rats designated for thyroid hormone assays were feed diet containing 0 or 1,160 ppm leucomalachite green. All rats and shiner survived to the end", "butter_fingers": " rahs designated for thyroia hormone assays were hed diefs contakning 0 or 1,160 ppm leucomalachitx grwen. Aol rats and mice survixed to thv end", "random_deletion": "rats designated for thyroid hormone assays were containing or 1,160 leucomalachite green. All the", "change_char_case": " rats designated for thyroid hOrmone assaYs werE feD diEtS conTainIng 0 or 1,160 ppm leucomALachIte green. All rats and mice SurviVeD To thE EnD", "whitespace_perturbation": " rats designated for thyro id hormone assa yswer efeddiet s containing 0 or 1 ,160 ppm leucomalachit e gre en . All ra ts an d mices ur v i ved t othe e n d", "underscore_trick": " rats_designated for_thyroid hormone assays were_fed diets_containing_0 or_1,160_ppm leucomalachite green._All rats and_mice survived to the_end"}
{"text": " groups of male and female rats and mice was generally similar to that by the control groups. Exposure concentrations of 25, 100, 300, 600, and 1,", "synonym_substitution": "groups of male and female rats and mice was generally exchangeable to that by the restraint groups. Exposure concentrations of 25, 100, 300, 600, and 1,", "butter_fingers": " grlups of male and female vats and mice was generelly sijilar to that by the control groups. Xxpowure xoncentrations of 25, 100, 300, 600, xnd 1,", "random_deletion": "groups of male and female rats and generally to that the control groups. 300, and 1,", "change_char_case": " groups of male and female rats And mice was GenerAllY siMiLar tO thaT by the control gROups. exposure concentrations Of 25, 100, 300, 600, and 1,", "whitespace_perturbation": " groups of male and female rats andmicewas ge ne rall y si milar to thatb y th e control groups. Expo sureco n cent r at ionsof 25,1 00 , 300 ,60 0,an d 1 ,", "underscore_trick": " groups_of male_and female rats and_mice was_generally_similar to_that_by the control_groups. Exposure concentrations_of 25, 100, 300,_600, and 1,"}
{"text": " the sister-group of Dataminae. Arguments and a tree are presented to support this hypothesis. New diagnoses and lists of genera are provided for all three", "synonym_substitution": "the sister - group of Dataminae. Arguments and a tree are presented to support this guess. newfangled diagnoses and lists of genus are provide for all three", "butter_fingers": " thf sister-group of Dataminxe. Arguments anb a trex are pdesented to support this hypothesis. Iew eiagnises and lists of genefa are prlvided fir aoo three", "random_deletion": "the sister-group of Dataminae. Arguments and a presented support this New diagnoses and for three", "change_char_case": " the sister-group of Dataminae. arguments aNd a trEe aRe pReSentEd to Support this hypOThesIs. New diagnoses and lists Of genErA Are pROvIded fOr all thREe", "whitespace_perturbation": " the sister-group of Datam inae. Argu ments an d a t reearepresented to s u ppor t this hypothesis. New diag no s es a n dlists of gen e ra a repr ov ide df or allthr ee", "underscore_trick": " the_sister-group of_Dataminae. Arguments and a_tree are_presented_to support_this_hypothesis. New diagnoses_and lists of_genera are provided for_all three"}
{"text": "phosphate (ATP) was detected by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, and protein expression of p53 was detected by Western blotting. Data were processed with one-way analysis of", "synonym_substitution": "phosphate (ATP) was detected by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, and protein expression of p53 was detected by Western blotting. datum were process with one - way analysis of", "butter_fingers": "phodphate (ATP) was detected ny ultraviolet skextrophmtometsr, and pfotein expression of p53 was dxtecred bt Western blotting. Datx were prlcessed qith ine-way analysis of", "random_deletion": "phosphate (ATP) was detected by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, expression p53 was by Western blotting. analysis", "change_char_case": "phosphate (ATP) was detected by UltravioleT specTroPhoToMeteR, and Protein expressIOn of P53 was detected by Western bLottiNg. dAta wERe ProceSsed witH OnE-WAy aNaLySis Of", "whitespace_perturbation": "phosphate (ATP) was detect ed by ultr aviol etspe ct roph otom eter, and prot e in e xpression of p53 was d etect ed by W e st ern b lotting . D a t a w er epro ce s se d wit h o ne-wayanalysis o f", "underscore_trick": "phosphate (ATP)_was detected_by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, and_protein expression_of_p53 was_detected_by Western blotting._Data were processed_with one-way analysis of"}
{"text": "comalachite green/kg body weight to male rats and approximately 62, 110, and 220 mg/kg to female mice. In female rats exposed to", "synonym_substitution": "comalachite green / kg body weight to male rats and approximately 62, 110, and 220 mg / kg to female mice. In female rotter debunk to", "butter_fingers": "comwlachite green/kg body welght to male rats and a'proximztely 62, 110, xnd 220 mg/kg to female mice. In hemaoe rauf exposed to", "random_deletion": "comalachite green/kg body weight to male rats 62, and 220 to female mice.", "change_char_case": "comalachite green/kg body weiGht to male rAts anD apProXiMateLy 62, 110, anD 220 mg/kg to female mICe. In Female rats exposed to", "whitespace_perturbation": "comalachite green/kg bodyweight tomalerat s a nd app roxi mately 62, 110 , and 220 mg/kg to female m ice.In fema l eratsexposed to ", "underscore_trick": "comalachite green/kg_body weight_to male rats and_approximately 62,_110,_and 220_mg/kg_to female mice._In female rats_exposed to"}
{"text": ".031, 0.026), and percentages of cells in different phases in other groups were close to those of cells in normoxia control group (P=0", "synonym_substitution": ".031, 0.026), and percentages of cells in different phases in early group were close to those of cells in normoxia control group (P=0", "butter_fingers": ".031, 0.026), ajd percentages of cells ln different phases in mther froups wdre close to those of cells mn nirmoxua control group (P=0", "random_deletion": ".031, 0.026), and percentages of cells in in groups were to those of (P=0", "change_char_case": ".031, 0.026), and percentages of cells in diFferent phaSes in OthEr gRoUps wEre cLose to those of cELls iN normoxia control group (P=0", "whitespace_perturbation": ".031, 0.026), and percenta ges of cel ls in di ffe re nt p hase s in other gro u ps w ere close to those ofcells i n nor m ox ia co ntrol g r ou p (P= 0", "underscore_trick": ".031, 0.026),_and percentages_of cells in different_phases in_other_groups were_close_to those of_cells in normoxia_control group (P=0"}
{"text": " other 4 groups were cultured in cells incubator of 3 gases, with oxygen volume fraction of 5% for 24 hours. Cells cultured in normoxic and hypoxic incub", "synonym_substitution": "other 4 groups were cultured in cells incubator of 3 gasoline, with oxygen bulk fraction of 5% for 24 hours. Cells cultured in normoxic and hypoxic incub", "butter_fingers": " otjer 4 groups were culturea in cells incuyqtor oh 3 gasea, with obygen volume fraction of 5% foc 24 hiurs. Xells cultured in normuxic and jypoxic uncuu", "random_deletion": "other 4 groups were cultured in cells 3 with oxygen fraction of 5% in and hypoxic incub", "change_char_case": " other 4 groups were cultured in Cells incubAtor oF 3 gaSes, WiTh oxYgen Volume fraction OF 5% for 24 Hours. Cells cultured in noRmoxiC aND hypOXiC incuB", "whitespace_perturbation": " other 4 groups were cultu red in cel ls in cub ato rof 3 gas es, with oxyge n vol ume fraction of 5% for 24 h ou r s. C e ll s cul tured i n n o r mox ic a ndhy p ox ic in cub ", "underscore_trick": " other_4 groups_were cultured in cells_incubator of_3_gases, with_oxygen_volume fraction of_5% for 24_hours. Cells cultured in_normoxic and hypoxic_incub"}
{"text": " and eggs of H. parva G\u00fcnther, 1944 are described and illustrated for the first time. Based on morphological characters of the insects and eggs three distinct", "synonym_substitution": "and eggs of H. parva G\u00fcnther, 1944 are described and illustrated for the first meter. free-base on morphological characters of the insects and egg three distinct", "butter_fingers": " anf eggs of H. parva G\u00fcnther, 1944 are described and ilnustrafed for ghe first time. Based on morpiolotical characters of the insdcts and vggs threw diwrinct", "random_deletion": "and eggs of H. parva G\u00fcnther, 1944 and for the time. Based on and three distinct", "change_char_case": " and eggs of H. parva G\u00fcnther, 1944 are Described aNd illUstRatEd For tHe fiRst time. Based on MOrphOlogical characters of thE inseCtS And eGGs Three DistincT", "whitespace_perturbation": " and eggs of H. parva G\u00fcnt her, 1944are d esc rib ed and ill ustrated for t h e fi rst time. Based on mor pholo gi c al c h ar acter s of th e i n s ect san d e gg s t hreedis tinct", "underscore_trick": " and_eggs of_H. parva G\u00fcnther, 1944_are described_and_illustrated for_the_first time. Based_on morphological characters_of the insects and_eggs three distinct"}
{"text": " H. glaber. Haaniella mecheli (Redtenbacher, 1906) and H. rosenbergii (Kaup, 1871", "synonym_substitution": "H. glaber. Haaniella mecheli (Redtenbacher, 1906) and H. rosenbergii (Kaup, 1871", "butter_fingers": " H. hlaber. Haaniella mecheli (Redtenbacher, 1906) cbd H. rmsenbedgii (Kauo, 1871", "random_deletion": "H. glaber. Haaniella mecheli (Redtenbacher, 1906) and (Kaup,", "change_char_case": " H. glaber. Haaniella mecheli (ReDtenbacher, 1906) And H. rOseNbeRgIi (KaUp, 1871", "whitespace_perturbation": " H. glaber. Haaniella mech eli (Redte nbach er, 19 06 ) an d H. rosenbergii ( K aup, 1871", "underscore_trick": " H._glaber. Haaniella_mecheli (Redtenbacher, 1906) and_H. rosenbergii_(Kaup,_1871"}
{"text": ") are removed from synonymy with H. muelleri (Haan, 1842) and re-established as valid species (rev. stat.).", "synonym_substitution": ") are removed from synonymy with H. muelleri (Haan, 1842) and re - established as valid species (rev. stat .).", "butter_fingers": ") arf removed from synonymy dith H. muelleri (Haan, 1842) end re-eatablishdd as valid species (rev. stat.).", "random_deletion": ") are removed from synonymy with H. 1842) re-established as species (rev. stat.).", "change_char_case": ") are removed from synonymy witH H. muelleri (haan, 1842) aNd rE-esTaBlisHed aS valid species (rEV. staT.).", "whitespace_perturbation": ") are removed from synonym y with H.muell eri (H aa n, 1 842) and re-establ i shed as valid species (rev . sta t. ) .", "underscore_trick": ") are_removed from_synonymy with H. muelleri_(Haan, 1842)_and_re-established as_valid_species (rev. stat.)."}
{"text": "aniella glaber (Redtenbacher, 1906) is removed from synonymy with H. muelleri (Haan, 1842) and", "synonym_substitution": "aniella glaber (Redtenbacher, 1906) is removed from synonymy with H. muelleri (Haan, 1842) and", "butter_fingers": "aniflla glaber (Redtenbacher, 1906) is removed from synoiymy wifh H. mueuleri (Haan, 1842) and", "random_deletion": "aniella glaber (Redtenbacher, 1906) is removed from H. (Haan, 1842)", "change_char_case": "aniella glaber (Redtenbacher, 1906) Is removed fRom syNonYmy WiTh H. mUellEri (Haan, 1842) and", "whitespace_perturbation": "aniella glaber (Redtenbach er, 1906)is re mov edfr om s ynon ymy with H. mu e ller i (Haan, 1842) and", "underscore_trick": "aniella glaber_(Redtenbacher, 1906)_is removed from synonymy_with H._muelleri_(Haan, 1842)_and"}
{"text": " Obriminae. The genus Haaniella Kirby, 1904 contains 16 known species, five of which are newly described herein. The genus Miniopteryx Z", "synonym_substitution": "Obriminae. The genus Haaniella Kirby, 1904 contains 16 known species, five of which are newly described herein. The genus Miniopteryx Z", "butter_fingers": " Obgiminae. The genus Haanieula Kirby, 1904 contcuns 16 kiown spscies, fixe of which are newly descriued yereib. The genus Miniopteryb Z", "random_deletion": "Obriminae. The genus Haaniella Kirby, 1904 contains species, of which newly described herein.", "change_char_case": " Obriminae. The genus HaaniellA Kirby, 1904 contAins 16 kNowN spEcIes, fIve oF which are newly DEscrIbed herein. The genus MiniOpterYx z", "whitespace_perturbation": " Obriminae. The genus Haan iella Kirb y, 19 04con ta ins16 k nown species,f iveof which are newly des cribe dh erei n .The g enus Mi n io p t ery xZ", "underscore_trick": " Obriminae._The genus_Haaniella Kirby, 1904 contains_16 known_species,_five of_which_are newly described_herein. The genus_Miniopteryx Z"}
{"text": ") on intestinal crypt epithelial cells (IEC-6) of rats with hypoxia stress. Methods: (1) The routinely cultured IEC-6 of rats", "synonym_substitution": ") on intestinal crypt epithelial cells (IEC-6) of rats with hypoxia stress. Methods: (1) The routinely culture IEC-6 of rotter", "butter_fingers": ") on intestinal crypt epitheuial cells (IEC-6) of rats with gypoxia rtress. Methods: (1) The routinelb cuoturee IEC-6 of rats", "random_deletion": ") on intestinal crypt epithelial cells (IEC-6) with stress. Methods: The routinely cultured", "change_char_case": ") on intestinal crypt epitheliAl cells (IEC-6) Of ratS wiTh hYpOxia StreSs. Methods: (1) The roUTineLy cultured IEC-6 of rats", "whitespace_perturbation": ") on intestinal crypt epit helial cel ls (I EC- 6)of rat s wi th hypoxia str e ss.Methods: (1) The routi nelycu l ture d I EC-6of rats ", "underscore_trick": ") on_intestinal crypt_epithelial cells (IEC-6) of_rats with_hypoxia_stress. Methods:_(1)_The routinely cultured_IEC-6 of rats"}
{"text": " hypoxic incubator were collected, with 3 samples in each group. The cell cycle changes and apoptosis rates were detected by flow cytometer, the content of adenosine tri", "synonym_substitution": "hypoxic incubator were collected, with 3 samples in each group. The cell cycle change and apoptosis pace were detected by flow cytometer, the content of adenosine tri", "butter_fingers": " hyooxic incubator were coluected, with 3 samples ii each froup. Thd cell cycle changes and apo'tosus rauvs were detected by fuow cytomvter, the xonttnt of adenosine vdi", "random_deletion": "hypoxic incubator were collected, with 3 samples group. cell cycle and apoptosis rates the of adenosine tri", "change_char_case": " hypoxic incubator were colleCted, with 3 saMples In eAch GrOup. THe ceLl cycle changes ANd apOptosis rates were detectEd by fLoW CytoMEtEr, the Content OF aDENosInE tRi", "whitespace_perturbation": " hypoxic incubator were co llected, w ith 3 sa mpl es ineach group. The ce l l cy cle changes and apopto sis r at e s we r edetec ted byf lo w cyt om et er, t h econte ntof aden osine tri", "underscore_trick": " hypoxic_incubator were_collected, with 3 samples_in each_group._The cell_cycle_changes and apoptosis_rates were detected_by flow cytometer, the_content of adenosine_tri"}
{"text": "isamenini n. trib. is established for the three basal genera Tisamenus St\u00e5l, 1875, Ilocano Rehn & Re", "synonym_substitution": "isamenini n. trib. is established for the three basal genera Tisamenus St\u00e5l, 1875, Ilocano Rehn & Re", "butter_fingers": "isalenini n. trib. is establirhed for the thtew basan geneda Tisamdnus St\u00e5l, 1875, Ilocano Rehn & Re", "random_deletion": "isamenini n. trib. is established for the genera St\u00e5l, 1875, Rehn & Re", "change_char_case": "isamenini n. trib. is establishEd for the thRee baSal GenErA TisAmenUs St\u00e5l, 1875, Ilocano REHn & Re", "whitespace_perturbation": "isamenini n. trib. is esta blished fo r the th ree b asal gen era TisamenusS t\u00e5l, 1875, Ilocano Rehn &Re", "underscore_trick": "isamenini n._trib. is_established for the three_basal genera_Tisamenus_St\u00e5l, 1875,_Ilocano_Rehn & Re"}
{"text": " from both sexes and the eggs. Haaniella gintingi n. sp. from Central Sumatra is described from both sexes and the eggs and Ha", "synonym_substitution": "from both sexes and the eggs. Haaniella gintingi n. sp. from Central Sumatra is described from both sexes and the egg and hour angle", "butter_fingers": " frlm both sexes and the egns. Haaniella ginjibgi n. vp. froj Centrau Sumatra is described from uoth sexew and the eggs and Ha", "random_deletion": "from both sexes and the eggs. Haaniella sp. Central Sumatra described from both Ha", "change_char_case": " from both sexes and the eggs. HaAniella ginTingi N. sp. FroM CEntrAl SuMatra is describED froM both sexes and the eggs anD Ha", "whitespace_perturbation": " from both sexes and the e ggs. Haani ellagin tin gi n.sp.from Central S u matr a is described from bo th se xe s and th e egg s and H a ", "underscore_trick": " from_both sexes_and the eggs. Haaniella_gintingi n._sp._from Central_Sumatra_is described from_both sexes and_the eggs and Ha"}
{"text": "-64-2 and 129-73-7) administered in feed to F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice.\nMalach", "synonym_substitution": "-64 - 2 and 129 - 73 - 7) administered in feed to F344 / N rats and B6C3F1 mice. \n Malach", "butter_fingers": "-64-2 anf 129-73-7) administered in feed uo F344/N rats and B6C3Y1 mice.\nMelach", "random_deletion": "-64-2 and 129-73-7) administered in feed to and mice. Malach", "change_char_case": "-64-2 and 129-73-7) administered in feed to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice.\nMAlaCh", "whitespace_perturbation": "-64-2 and 129-73-7) admini stered infeedtoF34 4/ N ra ts a nd B6C3F1 mice . \nMal ach", "underscore_trick": "-64-2 and_129-73-7) administered_in feed to F344/N_rats and_B6C3F1_mice.\nMalach"}
{"text": " most striking members of the entire family Heteropteryginae, some of which are amongst the heaviest insects known. The subfamily is characterized by apomorphies", "synonym_substitution": "most striking members of the entire syndicate Heteropteryginae, some of which are amongst the dense insects known. The subfamily is characterized by apomorphies", "butter_fingers": " modt striking members of tme entire family Hetero'terygihae, some of which are amongst the heeviewt inwects known. The subfamkly is chwracterized uy apomorphies", "random_deletion": "most striking members of the entire family of are amongst heaviest insects known. apomorphies", "change_char_case": " most striking members of the eNtire familY HeteRopTerYgInae, Some Of which are amonGSt thE heaviest insects known. THe subFaMIly iS ChAractErized bY ApOMOrpHiEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " most striking members ofthe entire fami lyHet er opte rygi nae, some of w h ichare amongst the heavie st in se c ts k n ow n. Th e subfa m il y isch ar act er i ze d byapo morphie s", "underscore_trick": " most_striking members_of the entire family_Heteropteryginae, some_of_which are_amongst_the heaviest insects_known. The subfamily_is characterized by apomorphies"}
{"text": " Heteropterygidae. The subfamilies Obriminae Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1893 and Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1893 together represent", "synonym_substitution": "Heteropterygidae. The subfamilies Obriminae Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1893 and Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1893 together represent", "butter_fingers": " Heheropterygidae. The subfaoilies Obriminag Vrunnec v. Watfenwyl, 1893 xnd Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1893 vogerher eepresent", "random_deletion": "Heteropterygidae. The subfamilies Obriminae Brunner v. Wattenwyl, Heteropteryginae 1893 together", "change_char_case": " Heteropterygidae. The subfamIlies ObrimInae BRunNer V. WAtteNwyl, 1893 And HeteropteryGInae kirby, 1893 together represent", "whitespace_perturbation": " Heteropterygidae. The sub families O brimi nae Br un nerv. W attenwyl, 1893 andHeteropteryginae Kirby , 189 3t oget h er repr esent", "underscore_trick": " Heteropterygidae._The subfamilies_Obriminae Brunner v. Wattenwyl,_1893 and_Heteropteryginae_Kirby, 1893_together_represent"}
{"text": " the species-level and a new diagnosis is presented. Keys to the two genera and all 16 known species are provided along with new descriptions, differential diagnoses, lists", "synonym_substitution": "the species - level and a new diagnosis is presented. key to the two genus and all 16 known species are provided along with raw descriptions, differential diagnoses, tilt", "butter_fingers": " thf species-level and a new diagnosis is ptewented. Keys fo the tdo genera and all 16 known speries are kgovided along with ned descripnions, difdereitial diagnoses, lists", "random_deletion": "the species-level and a new diagnosis is to two genera all 16 known new differential diagnoses, lists", "change_char_case": " the species-level and a new diaGnosis is prEsentEd. KEys To The tWo geNera and all 16 knowN SpecIes are provided along witH new dEsCRiptIOnS, diffErentiaL DiAGNosEs, LiSts", "whitespace_perturbation": " the species-level and a n ew diagnos is is pr ese nt ed.Keys to the two ge n eraand all 16 known speci es ar ep rovi d ed alon g withn ew d esc ri pt ion s, di ffere nti al diag noses, lis ts", "underscore_trick": " the_species-level and_a new diagnosis is_presented. Keys_to_the two_genera_and all 16_known species are_provided along with new_descriptions, differential diagnoses,_lists"}
{"text": " was obviously lower than those of cells in hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0.001, 0", "synonym_substitution": "was obviously lower than those of cells in hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0.001, 0", "butter_fingers": " wad obviously lower than tmose of cells in hypoxie contrkl group, hypoxia KGF group, and hypoxma HUF-1\u03b1 griup (P=0.001, 0", "random_deletion": "was obviously lower than those of cells control hypoxia KGF and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1", "change_char_case": " was obviously lower than thosE of cells in HypoxIa cOntRoL groUp, hyPoxia KGF group, aND hypOxia HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0.001, 0", "whitespace_perturbation": " was obviously lower thanthose of c ellsinhyp ox ia c ontr ol group, hypo x ia K GF group, and hypoxiaHIF-1 \u03b1g roup (P =0.00 1, 0", "underscore_trick": " was_obviously lower_than those of cells_in hypoxia_control_group, hypoxia_KGF_group, and hypoxia_HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0.001,_0"}
{"text": " with H. muelleri (de Haan, 1842) and re-established as a valid species (rev. stat.). The Sumatran Ha", "synonym_substitution": "with H. muelleri (de Haan, 1842) and re - established as a valid species (rev. stat .). The Sumatran Ha", "butter_fingers": " wihh H. muelleri (de Haan, 1842) akd re-established as a velid spscies (rex. stat.). The Sumatran Ha", "random_deletion": "with H. muelleri (de Haan, 1842) and a species (rev. The Sumatran Ha", "change_char_case": " with H. muelleri (de Haan, 1842) and re-eStablished As a vaLid SpeCiEs (reV. staT.). The Sumatran Ha", "whitespace_perturbation": " with H. muelleri (de Haan , 1842) an d re- est abl is hedas a valid species (rev . stat.). The Sumatran Ha", "underscore_trick": " with_H. muelleri_(de Haan, 1842) and_re-established as_a_valid species_(rev._stat.). The Sumatran_Ha"}
{"text": " malachite green chloride via dosed feed. The frequency of micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes in peripheral blood was significantly increased in female mice exposed to le", "synonym_substitution": "malachite green chloride via dosed feed. The frequency of micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes in peripheral blood was significantly increase in female mouse exposed to le", "butter_fingers": " mapachite green chloride vla dosed feed. Thg drequeicy of jicronucueated normochromatic erythrlcttes un peripheral blood war signifibantly inxreawwd in female mice crposes to nx", "random_deletion": "malachite green chloride via dosed feed. The micronucleated erythrocytes in blood was significantly to", "change_char_case": " malachite green chloride via Dosed feed. THe freQueNcy Of MicrOnucLeated normochrOMatiC erythrocytes in peripheRal blOoD Was sIGnIficaNtly incREaSED in FeMaLe mIcE ExPosed To lE", "whitespace_perturbation": " malachite green chloridevia dosedfeed. Th e f re quen cy o f micronucleat e d no rmochromatic erythrocy tes i np erip h er al bl ood was si g n ifi ca nt lyin c re asedinfemalemice expos edto le", "underscore_trick": " malachite_green chloride_via dosed feed. The_frequency of_micronucleated_normochromatic erythrocytes_in_peripheral blood was_significantly increased in_female mice exposed to_le"}
{"text": " eight female rats designated for thyroid hormone assays were fed diets containing 0 or 1,200 ppm malachite green chloride. Groups of eight male rats and eight female", "synonym_substitution": "eight female rats designated for thyroid hormone assays were feed diet containing 0 or 1,200 ppm malachite green chloride. Groups of eight male scab and eight female", "butter_fingers": " eihht female rats designattd for thyroid hotmine asvays wsre fed aiets containing 0 or 1,200 ppm mapaxhite green chloride. Groups of eight male rars aid eight female", "random_deletion": "eight female rats designated for thyroid hormone fed containing 0 1,200 ppm malachite male and eight female", "change_char_case": " eight female rats designated For thyroid HormoNe aSsaYs Were Fed dIets containing 0 OR 1,200 ppm Malachite green chloride. groupS oF EighT MaLe ratS and eigHT fEMAle", "whitespace_perturbation": " eight female rats designa ted for th yroid ho rmo ne ass ayswere fed diets cont aining 0 or 1,200 ppmmalac hi t e gr e en chlo ride. G r ou p s of e ig htma l eratsand eightfemale", "underscore_trick": " eight_female rats_designated for thyroid hormone_assays were_fed_diets containing_0_or 1,200 ppm_malachite green chloride._Groups of eight male_rats and eight_female"}
{"text": "ators were collected, with 3 samples in each group, and morphological changes of cells were observed with optical microscope. Cells cultured in normoxic and hypoxic incubators were", "synonym_substitution": "ators were collected, with 3 samples in each group, and morphological changes of cell were observe with optical microscope. cell culture in normoxic and hypoxic incubators were", "butter_fingers": "atogs were collected, with 3 ramples in each group, end morlhologicxl changes of cells were obsxrvee wity optical microscope. Cdlls cultlred in nirmoeic and hypoxic mhcubatovf wedc", "random_deletion": "ators were collected, with 3 samples in and changes of were observed with normoxic hypoxic incubators were", "change_char_case": "ators were collected, with 3 samPles in each Group, And MorPhOlogIcal Changes of cells WEre oBserved with optical micrOscopE. CELls cULtUred iN normoxIC aND HypOxIc IncUbAToRs werE", "whitespace_perturbation": "ators were collected, with 3 samples in e ach gr ou p, a nd m orphological c h ange s of cells were observ ed wi th opti c al micr oscope. Ce l l s c ul tu red i n n ormox icand hyp oxic incub ato rs were", "underscore_trick": "ators were_collected, with_3 samples in each_group, and_morphological_changes of_cells_were observed with_optical microscope. Cells_cultured in normoxic and_hypoxic incubators were"}
{"text": " Haaniella erringtoniae novaeguineae G\u00fcnther, 1934 and Haaniella muelleri var. b. (Haan,", "synonym_substitution": "Haaniella erringtoniae novaeguineae G\u00fcnther, 1934 and Haaniella muelleri var. b. (Haan,", "butter_fingers": " Hawniella erringtoniae novxeguineae G\u00fcnthet, 1934 and Heaniellz muellefi var. b. (Haan,", "random_deletion": "Haaniella erringtoniae novaeguineae G\u00fcnther, 1934 and Haaniella b.", "change_char_case": " Haaniella erringtoniae novaEguineae G\u00fcNther, 1934 And haaNiElla MuelLeri var. b. (Haan,", "whitespace_perturbation": " Haaniella erringtoniae no vaeguineae G\u00fcnt her , 1 93 4 an d Ha aniella muelle r i va r. b. (Haan,", "underscore_trick": " Haaniella_erringtoniae novaeguineae_G\u00fcnther, 1934 and Haaniella_muelleri var._b._(Haan,"}
{"text": " a molecular study presented by Whiting et al (2003) and a phylogenetic study presented by Bradler (2009). The family is critically discussed and new hypotheses are", "synonym_substitution": "a molecular study presented by Whiting et al (2003) and a phylogenetic study presented by Bradler (2009). The syndicate is critically discourse and new hypotheses are", "butter_fingers": " a lolecular study presentea by Whiting et al (2003) anv a phymogenetiz study presented by Bradler (2009). Rhe fqmily is critically dircussed ajd new htpotieses are", "random_deletion": "a molecular study presented by Whiting et and phylogenetic study by Bradler (2009). and hypotheses are", "change_char_case": " a molecular study presented bY Whiting et Al (2003) and A phYloGeNetiC stuDy presented by BRAdleR (2009). The family is critically DiscuSsED and NEw HypotHeses arE", "whitespace_perturbation": " a molecular study present ed by Whit ing e t a l ( 20 03)anda phylogenetic stud y presented by Bradler (200 9) . The fa milyis crit i ca l l y d is cu sse da nd newhyp otheses are", "underscore_trick": " a_molecular study_presented by Whiting et_al (2003)_and_a phylogenetic_study_presented by Bradler_(2009). The family_is critically discussed and_new hypotheses are"}
{"text": " variance and least significant difference test. Results: (1) After being cultured for 24 h, cells cultured in normoxic incubator grew well with oval or round", "synonym_substitution": "variance and least significant difference test. result: (1) After being culture for 24 h, cells culture in normoxic incubator grew well with ellipse or round", "butter_fingers": " vagiance and least signifigant difference jewt. Resnlts: (1) Arter beivg cultured for 24 h, cells culvuree in bormoxic incubator gred well winh oval oe ronnd", "random_deletion": "variance and least significant difference test. Results: being for 24 cells cultured in oval round", "change_char_case": " variance and least significaNt differenCe tesT. ReSulTs: (1) afteR beiNg cultured for 24 h, CElls Cultured in normoxic incuBator GrEW welL WiTh ovaL or rounD", "whitespace_perturbation": " variance and least signif icant diff erenc e t est .Resu lts: (1) After bei n g cu ltured for 24 h, cells cult ur e d in no rmoxi c incub a to r gre wwe llwi t hovalorround", "underscore_trick": " variance_and least_significant difference test. Results:_(1) After_being_cultured for_24_h, cells cultured_in normoxic incubator_grew well with oval_or round"}
{"text": " subfamily Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1896, with a re-arrangement of the family Heteropterygidae and the descriptions of five new species of", "synonym_substitution": "subfamily Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1896, with a re - arrangement of the family Heteropterygidae and the descriptions of five newfangled coinage of", "butter_fingers": " suhfamily Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1896, with a te-qrrangxment or the faoily Heteropterygidae and thx dewcripupons of five new speckes of", "random_deletion": "subfamily Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1896, with a re-arrangement family and the of five new", "change_char_case": " subfamily Heteropteryginae kirby, 1896, with a Re-arrAngEmeNt Of thE famIly HeteropteryGIdae And the descriptions of fiVe new SpECies OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " subfamily Heteropterygina e Kirby, 1 896,wit h a r e-ar rang ement of the f a mily Heteropterygidae andthe d es c ript i on s offive ne w s p e cie sof ", "underscore_trick": " subfamily_Heteropteryginae Kirby,_1896, with a re-arrangement_of the_family_Heteropterygidae and_the_descriptions of five_new species of"}
{"text": "[Protective effects and mechanism of keratinocyte growth factor combined with hypoxia inducible factor-1\u03b1 on intestinal crypt epithelial cells of rats with hypoxia stress].\nObject", "synonym_substitution": "[ Protective effects and mechanism of keratinocyte growth factor combined with hypoxia inducible factor-1\u03b1 on intestinal crypt epithelial cell of rotter with hypoxia stress ]. \n Object", "butter_fingers": "[Prohective effects and mechxnism of keratiuicyte jrowth ractor cumbined with hypoxia inducibpe factir-1\u03b1 on intestinal crypt epitheliwl cells of cats with hypoxie stress].\nObject", "random_deletion": "[Protective effects and mechanism of keratinocyte growth with inducible factor-1\u03b1 intestinal crypt epithelial stress].", "change_char_case": "[Protective effects and mechaNism of keraTinocYte GroWtH facTor cOmbined with hypOXia iNducible factor-1\u03b1 on intesTinal CrYPt epIThElial Cells of RAtS WIth HyPoXia StREsS].\nObjeCt", "whitespace_perturbation": "[Protective effects and me chanism of kera tin ocy te gro wthfactor combine d wit h hypoxia inducible fa ctor- 1\u03b1 on i n te stina l crypt ep i t hel ia lcel ls of rats wi th hypo xia stress ].Ob ject", "underscore_trick": "[Protective effects_and mechanism_of keratinocyte growth factor_combined with_hypoxia_inducible factor-1\u03b1_on_intestinal crypt epithelial_cells of rats_with hypoxia stress].\nObject"}
{"text": "ther, 1944 are removed from synonymy with H. muelleri (Haan, 1842) (rev. stat.) and synonymised with", "synonym_substitution": "ther, 1944 are removed from synonymy with H. muelleri (Haan, 1842) (rev. stat .) and synonymised with", "butter_fingers": "theg, 1944 are removed from synokymy with H. muelleri (Haen, 1842) (rev. stat.) ana synonymised with", "random_deletion": "ther, 1944 are removed from synonymy with (Haan, (rev. stat.) synonymised with", "change_char_case": "ther, 1944 are removed from synonymY with H. muelLeri (HAan, 1842) (Rev. StAt.) anD synOnymised with", "whitespace_perturbation": "ther, 1944 are removed fro m synonymy with H. mu el leri (Ha an, 1842) (rev . sta t.) and synonymised wi th", "underscore_trick": "ther, 1944_are removed_from synonymy with H._muelleri (Haan,_1842)_(rev. stat.)_and_synonymised with"}
{"text": " mice were fed diets containing 0, 290, 580, or 1,160 ppm leucomalachite green for 28 days. Additional groups of eight male", "synonym_substitution": "mice were fed diets containing 0, 290, 580, or 1,160 ppm leucomalachite fleeceable for 28 sidereal day. Additional group of eight male", "butter_fingers": " mife were fed diets contaiking 0, 290, 580, or 1,160 ppm leucomanachits green wor 28 days. Additional groups lf eighu male", "random_deletion": "mice were fed diets containing 0, 290, 1,160 leucomalachite green 28 days. Additional", "change_char_case": " mice were fed diets containinG 0, 290, 580, or 1,160 ppm leucOmalaChiTe gReEn foR 28 dayS. Additional groUPs of Eight male", "whitespace_perturbation": " mice were fed diets conta ining 0, 2 90, 5 80, or 1 ,160 ppm leucomalachit e gre en for 28 days. Additi onalgr o upso feight male", "underscore_trick": " mice_were fed_diets containing 0, 290,_580, or_1,160_ppm leucomalachite_green_for 28 days._Additional groups of_eight male"}
{"text": " the 580 and 1,160 ppm groups were significantly less than those of the control groups. In the malachite green chloride study, feed consumption by all exposed", "synonym_substitution": "the 580 and 1,160 ppm groups were significantly less than those of the control groups. In the malachite fleeceable chloride discipline, feed consumption by all expose", "butter_fingers": " thf 580 and 1,160 ppm groups were rignificantly lgsw than those of the zontrol groups. In the malachmte treen chloride study, feed cunsumptioj by all expiwed", "random_deletion": "the 580 and 1,160 ppm groups were than of the groups. In the consumption all exposed", "change_char_case": " the 580 and 1,160 ppm groups were signifIcantly lesS than ThoSe oF tHe coNtroL groups. In the maLAchiTe green chloride study, feEd conSuMPtioN By All exPosed", "whitespace_perturbation": " the 580 and 1,160 ppm gro ups were s ignif ica ntl yless tha n those of the cont rol groups. In the mal achit eg reen ch lorid e study , f e e d c on su mpt io n b y all ex posed", "underscore_trick": " the_580 and_1,160 ppm groups were_significantly less_than_those of_the_control groups. In_the malachite green_chloride study, feed consumption_by all exposed"}
{"text": "ussurei Redtenbacher, 1906 and Heteropteryx scabra Redtenbacher, 1906 to guarantee stability of these names. Information on the", "synonym_substitution": "ussurei Redtenbacher, 1906 and Heteropteryx scabra Redtenbacher, 1906 to guarantee stability of these names. Information on the", "butter_fingers": "usskrei Redtenbacher, 1906 and Htteropteryx scabrc Redteibacher, 1906 to guafantee stability of these nalew. Infirmation on the", "random_deletion": "ussurei Redtenbacher, 1906 and Heteropteryx scabra Redtenbacher, guarantee of these Information on the", "change_char_case": "ussurei Redtenbacher, 1906 and HetEropteryx sCabra redTenBaCher, 1906 To guArantee stabiliTY of tHese names. Information on The", "whitespace_perturbation": "ussurei Redtenbacher, 1906 and Heter opter yxsca br a Re dten bacher, 1906 t o gua rantee stability of th ese n am e s. I n fo rmati on on t h e", "underscore_trick": "ussurei Redtenbacher,_1906 and_Heteropteryx scabra Redtenbacher, 1906_to guarantee_stability_of these_names._Information on the"}
{"text": " The sister-group of Heteropteryginae is represented by the Obriminae, with which it shares a beak-like secondary ovipositor", "synonym_substitution": "The sister - group of Heteropteryginae is represented by the Obriminae, with which it shares a beak - like junior-grade ovipositor", "butter_fingers": " Thf sister-group of Heteropueryginae is reprgswnted uy the Kbriminad, with which it shares a bean-luke stbondary ovipositor", "random_deletion": "The sister-group of Heteropteryginae is represented by with it shares beak-like secondary ovipositor", "change_char_case": " The sister-group of HeteropteRyginae is rEpresEntEd bY tHe ObRimiNae, with which it SHareS a beak-like secondary oviPositOr", "whitespace_perturbation": " The sister-group of Heter opterygina e isrep res en tedby t he Obriminae,w ithwhich it shares a beak -like s e cond a ry ovip ositor", "underscore_trick": " The_sister-group of_Heteropteryginae is represented by_the Obriminae,_with_which it_shares_a beak-like secondary_ovipositor"}
{"text": " KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group were obviously lower than the percentage of cells in normoxia control group (P=0.020, 0", "synonym_substitution": "KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group were obviously lower than the percentage of cells in normoxia control group (P=0.020, 0", "butter_fingers": " KGV group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 nroup were obvioosoy lowxr than the perzentage of cells in normoxia cintroo group (P=0.020, 0", "random_deletion": "KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group were than percentage of in normoxia control", "change_char_case": " KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 groUp were obviOusly LowEr tHaN the PercEntage of cells iN NormOxia control group (P=0.020, 0", "whitespace_perturbation": " KGF group, and hypoxia HI F-1\u03b1 group were ob vio us ly l ower than the perc e ntag e of cells in normoxia cont ro l gro u p(P=0. 020, 0", "underscore_trick": " KGF_group, and_hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group were_obviously lower_than_the percentage_of_cells in normoxia_control group (P=0.020,_0"}
{"text": " data. The current 28-day studies were conducted as part of an overall effort by the NTP to determine the toxicity and carcinogenicity of malachite green", "synonym_substitution": "data. The current 28 - day studies were conducted as character of an overall campaign by the NTP to determine the toxicity and carcinogenicity of malachite green", "butter_fingers": " daha. The current 28-day studits were conducted as parv of an overall effort by the NTP to determmne rhe tixicity and carcinogenkcity of lalachitw grten", "random_deletion": "data. The current 28-day studies were conducted of overall effort the NTP to of green", "change_char_case": " data. The current 28-day studies wEre conductEd as pArt Of aN oVeraLl efFort by the NTP to DEterMine the toxicity and carcInogeNiCIty oF MaLachiTe green", "whitespace_perturbation": " data. The current 28-daystudies we re co ndu cte das p artof an overalle ffor t by the NTP to determ ine t he toxi c it y and carcin o ge n i cit yof ma la c hi te gr een ", "underscore_trick": " data._The current_28-day studies were conducted_as part_of_an overall_effort_by the NTP_to determine the_toxicity and carcinogenicity of_malachite green"}
{"text": "kg to male and female mice. In the leucomalachite green study, feed consumption by all groups of exposed male rats was similar to that by", "synonym_substitution": "kg to male and female mice. In the leucomalachite green study, feed consumption by all groups of expose male rotter was similar to that by", "butter_fingers": "kg ho male and female mice. Ln the leucomalaeyite gceen sthdy, feed consumption by all groups oh exposed male rats was similar to that hy", "random_deletion": "kg to male and female mice. In green feed consumption all groups of to by", "change_char_case": "kg to male and female mice. In thE leucomalaChite GreEn sTuDy, feEd coNsumption by all GRoupS of exposed male rats was sImilaR tO That BY", "whitespace_perturbation": "kg to male and female mice . In the l eucom ala chi te gre en s tudy, feed con s umpt ion by all groups of e xpose dm aler at s was simila r t o tha tby ", "underscore_trick": "kg to_male and_female mice. In the_leucomalachite green_study,_feed consumption_by_all groups of_exposed male rats_was similar to that_by"}
{"text": " of the controls. The final mean body weight of female rats and mice in the 1,200 ppm groups and the body weight gains of female rats and mice in", "synonym_substitution": "of the controls. The final mean body system of weights of female rotter and mice in the 1,200 ppm groups and the body weight unit gains of female rats and mouse in", "butter_fingers": " of the controls. The final oean body weighj if femele rata and mize in the 1,200 ppm groups and thx boey weught gains of female rxts and mpce in", "random_deletion": "of the controls. The final mean body female and mice the 1,200 ppm gains female rats and in", "change_char_case": " of the controls. The final mean Body weight Of femAle RatS aNd miCe in The 1,200 ppm groups anD The bOdy weight gains of female Rats aNd MIce iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the controls. The fina l mean bod y wei ght of f emal e ra ts and mice in the1,200 ppm groups and t he bo dy weig h tgains of fem a le r ats a nd mi ce in ", "underscore_trick": " of_the controls._The final mean body_weight of_female_rats and_mice_in the 1,200_ppm groups and_the body weight gains_of female rats_and_mice in"}
{"text": "achite green chloride. Malachite green chloride was nominated for toxicity and carcinogenicity testing by the Food and Drug Administration and selected by the National Institutes of Environmental", "synonym_substitution": "achite green chloride. Malachite green chloride was nominated for toxicity and carcinogenicity testing by the Food and Drug Administration and choose by the National Institutes of Environmental", "butter_fingers": "achlte green chloride. Malacmite green chlornee was nominzted for toxicity and carcinogenicitb tewting by the Food and Drug Xdministrwtion ane seowcted by tis Natiokcl Inabitutzs of Environmenjal", "random_deletion": "achite green chloride. Malachite green chloride was toxicity carcinogenicity testing the Food and the Institutes of Environmental", "change_char_case": "achite green chloride. MalachIte green chLoridE waS noMiNateD for Toxicity and carCInogEnicity testing by the FooD and DRuG admiNIsTratiOn and seLEcTED by ThE NAtiOnAL INstitUteS of EnviRonmental", "whitespace_perturbation": "achite green chloride. Mal achite gre en ch lor ide w as n omin ated for toxic i ty a nd carcinogenicity tes tingby theF oo d and Drug A d mi n i str at io n a nd se lecte d b y the N ational In sti tu tes of Envir o nm ental", "underscore_trick": "achite green_chloride. Malachite_green chloride was nominated_for toxicity_and_carcinogenicity testing_by_the Food and_Drug Administration and_selected by the National_Institutes of Environmental"}
{"text": " (P=0.018), and apoptosis rate of cells in hypoxia combine group obviously decreased (P=0.008). After being cultured for 24 h,", "synonym_substitution": "(P=0.018), and apoptosis rate of cells in hypoxia combine group obviously decreased (P=0.008). After being cultured for 24 planck's constant,", "butter_fingers": " (P=0.018), wnd apoptosis rate of ceuls in hypoxia eimbine group obviousuy decreased (P=0.008). After being cnltueed fir 24 h,", "random_deletion": "(P=0.018), and apoptosis rate of cells in group decreased (P=0.008). being cultured for", "change_char_case": " (P=0.018), and apoptosis rate of cells iN hypoxia coMbine GroUp oBvIousLy deCreased (P=0.008). After bEIng cUltured for 24 h,", "whitespace_perturbation": " (P=0.018), and apoptosisrate of ce lls i n h ypo xi a co mbin e group obviou s ly d ecreased (P=0.008). Af ter b ei n g cu l tu red f or 24 h , ", "underscore_trick": " (P=0.018),_and apoptosis_rate of cells in_hypoxia combine_group_obviously decreased_(P=0.008)._After being cultured_for 24 h,"}
{"text": " Obrimini, the Obrimus-group, Stenobrimus-group and Theramenes-group. Keys are presented to distinguish between", "synonym_substitution": "Obrimini, the Obrimus - group, Stenobrimus - group and Theramenes - group. Keys are presented to distinguish between", "butter_fingers": " Obgimini, the Obrimus-group, Rtenobrimus-grouk qnd Thxramenea-group. Kdys are presented to distingnish betwtvn", "random_deletion": "Obrimini, the Obrimus-group, Stenobrimus-group and Theramenes-group. Keys to between", "change_char_case": " Obrimini, the Obrimus-group, StEnobrimus-gRoup aNd THerAmEnes-GrouP. Keys are presenTEd to Distinguish between", "whitespace_perturbation": " Obrimini, the Obrimus-gro up, Stenob rimus -gr oup a nd T hera menes-group. K e ys a re presented to distin guish b e twee n ", "underscore_trick": " Obrimini,_the Obrimus-group,_Stenobrimus-group and Theramenes-group. Keys_are presented_to_distinguish between"}
{"text": "ucomalachite green in feed for 28 days; no significant increases in micronucleus frequencies were observed in the polychromatic erythrocyte population.", "synonym_substitution": "ucomalachite green in feed for 28 days; no significant increases in micronucleus frequencies were note in the polychromatic erythrocyte population.", "butter_fingers": "ucolalachite green in feed nor 28 days; no siguuficanv increzses in oicronucleus frequencies werx obwervee in the polychromatic erythrocjte populqtioi.", "random_deletion": "ucomalachite green in feed for 28 days; increases micronucleus frequencies observed in the", "change_char_case": "ucomalachite green in feed foR 28 days; no sigNificAnt IncReAses In miCronucleus freqUEnciEs were observed in the polYchroMaTIc erYThRocytE populaTIoN.", "whitespace_perturbation": "ucomalachite green in feed for 28 da ys; n o s ign if ican t in creases in mic r onuc leus frequencies wereobser ve d int he poly chromat i ce r yth ro cy tepo p ul ation .", "underscore_trick": "ucomalachite green_in feed_for 28 days; no_significant increases_in_micronucleus frequencies_were_observed in the_polychromatic erythrocyte population."}
{"text": "ini Zompro, 2004 introduced by Zompro (2004) is shown to be poorly supported. While Obrimini sensu Zompro,", "synonym_substitution": "ini Zompro, 2004 introduced by Zompro (2004) is shown to be poorly supported. While Obrimini sensu Zompro,", "butter_fingers": "ini Zompro, 2004 introduced by Zumpro (2004) is shown to be 'oorly aupportea. While Obrimini sensu Zomprl,", "random_deletion": "ini Zompro, 2004 introduced by Zompro (2004) to poorly supported. Obrimini sensu Zompro,", "change_char_case": "ini Zompro, 2004 introduced by ZompRo (2004) is shown tO be poOrlY suPpOrteD. WhiLe Obrimini sensU zompRo,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ini Zompro, 2004 introduce d by Zompr o (20 04) is s hown tobe poorly supp o rted . While Obrimini sensu Zomp ro , ", "underscore_trick": "ini Zompro,_2004 introduced_by Zompro (2004) is_shown to_be_poorly supported._While_Obrimini sensu Zompro,"}
{"text": ".0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1. And the cells were cultured in cell incubator with oxygen volume fraction of 21% for 24 hours. (2", "synonym_substitution": ".0 ng / mL HIF-1\u03b1. And the cells were cultured in cell incubator with oxygen volume fraction of 21% for 24 hour. (2", "butter_fingers": ".0 ng/lL HIF-1\u03b1. And the cells wert cultured in cell incubetor wifh oxygev volume fraction of 21% for 24 hlues. (2", "random_deletion": ".0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1. And the cells were cell with oxygen fraction of 21%", "change_char_case": ".0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1. And the cells were cuLtured in ceLl incUbaTor WiTh oxYgen Volume fraction OF 21% for 24 Hours. (2", "whitespace_perturbation": ".0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1. And the c ells werecultu red in c ellincu bator with oxy g en v olume fraction of 21%for 2 4h ours . ( 2", "underscore_trick": ".0 ng/mL_HIF-1\u03b1. And_the cells were cultured_in cell_incubator_with oxygen_volume_fraction of 21%_for 24 hours._(2"}
{"text": "aniella kerincia n. sp. from Western Sumatra is described from the insects only, the eggs being still unknown. One new species, Haani", "synonym_substitution": "aniella kerincia n. sp. from Western Sumatra is described from the insects only, the eggs being however strange. One new species, Haani", "butter_fingers": "aniflla kerincia n. sp. from Destern Sumatra is desrribed rrom the insects only, the eggs being srill ynknown. One new specier, Haani", "random_deletion": "aniella kerincia n. sp. from Western Sumatra from insects only, eggs being still", "change_char_case": "aniella kerincia n. sp. from WesTern SumatrA is deScrIbeD fRom tHe inSects only, the egGS beiNg still unknown. One new spEcies, haANi", "whitespace_perturbation": "aniella kerincia n. sp. fr om Western Suma tra is d escr ibed from the inse c ts o nly, the eggs being st ill u nk n own. On e new specie s ,H a ani ", "underscore_trick": "aniella kerincia_n. sp._from Western Sumatra is_described from_the_insects only,_the_eggs being still_unknown. One new_species, Haani"}
{"text": " groups (F=0.685, P=0.586). After being cultured for 24 h, cell survival rates of hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF", "synonym_substitution": "groups (F=0.685, P=0.586). After being cultured for 24 h, cell survival pace of hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF", "butter_fingers": " grlups (F=0.685, P=0.586). After being culuured for 24 h, cell survivel ratea of hypuxia control group, hypoxia KJF", "random_deletion": "groups (F=0.685, P=0.586). After being cultured for cell rates of control group, hypoxia", "change_char_case": " groups (F=0.685, P=0.586). After being cultureD for 24 h, cell sUrvivAl rAteS oF hypOxia Control group, hyPOxia kGF", "whitespace_perturbation": " groups (F=0.685, P=0.586) . After be ing c ult ure dfor24 h , cell surviva l rat es of hypoxia controlgroup ,h ypox i aKGF", "underscore_trick": " groups_(F=0.685, P=0.586)._After being cultured for_24 h,_cell_survival rates_of_hypoxia control group,_hypoxia KGF"}
{"text": "). (4) After being cultured for 24 h, compared with that of cells in normoxia control group, apoptosis rate of cells in hypoxia control group obviously increased", "synonym_substitution": "). (4) After being cultured for 24 h, compared with that of cells in normoxia control group, apoptosis pace of cell in hypoxia control group obviously increased", "butter_fingers": "). (4) Avter being cultured for 24 h, compared witk that mf celms in nofmoxia control group, apoptosms rqte od cells in hypoxia congrol groui obviousoy iicreased", "random_deletion": "). (4) After being cultured for 24 with of cells normoxia control group, hypoxia group obviously increased", "change_char_case": "). (4) After being cultured for 24 h, comPared with tHat of CelLs iN nOrmoXia cOntrol group, apoPTosiS rate of cells in hypoxia cOntroL gROup oBViOusly IncreasED", "whitespace_perturbation": "). (4) After being culture d for 24 h , com par edwi th t hatof cells in no r moxi a control group, apopt osisra t e of ce lls i n hypox i ac o ntr ol g rou po bv iousl y i ncrease d", "underscore_trick": "). (4)_After being_cultured for 24 h,_compared with_that_of cells_in_normoxia control group,_apoptosis rate of_cells in hypoxia control_group obviously increased"}
{"text": " malachite green chloride, there was a significant increases in gamma-glutamyltransferase activities with an activity in 1,200 ppm females seven times greater than that", "synonym_substitution": "malachite green chloride, there was a significant increases in da gamma - glutamyltransferase bodily process with an activity in 1,200 ppm females seven time great than that", "butter_fingers": " mapachite green chloride, tmere was a signiyucant mncreasss in gaoma-glutamyltransferase activmtiew wity an activity in 1,200 ppm wemales svven timew grtater than that", "random_deletion": "malachite green chloride, there was a significant gamma-glutamyltransferase with an in 1,200 ppm that", "change_char_case": " malachite green chloride, theRe was a signIficaNt iNcrEaSes iN gamMa-glutamyltranSFeraSe activities with an actiVity iN 1,200 pPM femALeS seveN times gREaTER thAn ThAt", "whitespace_perturbation": " malachite green chloride, there was a si gni fic an t in crea ses in gamma-g l utam yltransferase activiti es wi th an a c ti vityin 1,20 0 p p m fe ma le s s ev e ntimes gr eater t han that", "underscore_trick": " malachite_green chloride,_there was a significant_increases in_gamma-glutamyltransferase_activities with_an_activity in 1,200_ppm females seven_times greater than that"}
{"text": ", Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia. These are characterized by the smooth ventral surface of the meso- and metafemora and lemon-shaped eggs which", "synonym_substitution": ", Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia. These are characterized by the smooth ventral surface of the meso- and metafemora and gamboge - shape eggs which", "butter_fingers": ", Sijgapore and Peninsular Mxlaysia. These ate chararterizes by the smooth ventral surface of tie mwso- abd metafemora and lemov-shaped ehgs whicy", "random_deletion": ", Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia. These are the ventral surface the meso- and", "change_char_case": ", Singapore and Peninsular MalAysia. These Are chAraCteRiZed bY the Smooth ventral sURfacE of the meso- and metafemorA and lEmON-shaPEd Eggs wHich", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia. Thes e a rech arac teri zed by the smo o th v entral surface of themeso- a n d me t af emora and le m on - s hap ed e ggs w h ic h", "underscore_trick": ", Singapore_and Peninsular_Malaysia. These are characterized_by the_smooth_ventral surface_of_the meso- and_metafemora and lemon-shaped_eggs which"}
{"text": " from Miroceramiini and transferred to Obrimini. The genera Eubulides St\u00e5l, 1877, Heterocopus Redten", "synonym_substitution": "from Miroceramiini and transferred to Obrimini. The genera Eubulides St\u00e5l, 1877, Heterocopus Redten", "butter_fingers": " frlm Miroceramiini and traksferred to Obrimini. Thx generz Eubuliaes St\u00e5l, 1877, Heterocopus Redten", "random_deletion": "from Miroceramiini and transferred to Obrimini. The St\u00e5l, Heterocopus Redten", "change_char_case": " from Miroceramiini and transFerred to ObRiminI. ThE geNeRa EuBuliDes St\u00e5l, 1877, HeterocOPus REdten", "whitespace_perturbation": " from Miroceramiini and tr ansferredto Ob rim ini .Thegene ra Eubulides S t \u00e5l,1877, Heterocopus Redt en", "underscore_trick": " from_Miroceramiini and_transferred to Obrimini. The_genera Eubulides_St\u00e5l,_1877, Heterocopus_Redten"}
{"text": " 1842) are synonymized with H. rosenbergii (Kaup, 1871) (n. syn.). The type-species Haani", "synonym_substitution": "1842) are synonymized with H. rosenbergii (Kaup, 1871) (n. syn .). The type - species Haani", "butter_fingers": " 1842) age synonymized with H. rorenbergii (Kaup, 1871) (n. syn.). Vhe typs-species Haani", "random_deletion": "1842) are synonymized with H. rosenbergii (Kaup, syn.). type-species Haani", "change_char_case": " 1842) are synonymized with H. rosenbErgii (Kaup, 1871) (n. Syn.). ThE tyPe-sPeCies haanI", "whitespace_perturbation": " 1842) are synonymized wit h H. rosen bergi i ( Kau p, 187 1) ( n. syn.). Thet ype- species Haani", "underscore_trick": " 1842)_are synonymized_with H. rosenbergii (Kaup,_1871) (n._syn.)._The type-species_Haani"}
{"text": "4)%, and (112.8\u00b110.6)% respectively. There was no significantly statistical difference in general comparison of cell survival rates among the above", "synonym_substitution": "4)%, and (112.8\u00b110.6)% respectively. There was no significantly statistical difference in general comparison of cellular telephone survival pace among the above", "butter_fingers": "4)%, anf (112.8\u00b110.6)% respectively. There war no significanjlt statmstical differevce in general comparison of cwll syrvival rates among thd above", "random_deletion": "4)%, and (112.8\u00b110.6)% respectively. There was no difference general comparison cell survival rates", "change_char_case": "4)%, and (112.8\u00b110.6)% respectively. There was no SignificanTly stAtiStiCaL difFereNce in general coMPariSon of cell survival rates Among ThE AbovE", "whitespace_perturbation": "4)%, and (112.8\u00b110.6)% res pectively. Ther e w asno sig nifi cantly statist i caldifference in generalcompa ri s on o f c ell s urvival ra t e s a mo ng th ea bo ve", "underscore_trick": "4)%, and_(112.8\u00b110.6)% respectively._There was no significantly_statistical difference_in_general comparison_of_cell survival rates_among the above"}
{"text": " Miroceramiini is a monotypical tribe and only includes the Wallacean genus Miroceramia G\u00fcnther, 1934. The new tribe T", "synonym_substitution": "Miroceramiini is a monotypical tribe and only includes the Wallacean genus Miroceramia G\u00fcnther, 1934. The new kin metric ton", "butter_fingers": " Migoceramiini is a monotyplcal tribe and ouoy incnudes fhe Wallxcean genus Miroceramia G\u00fcnthxr, 1934. Rhe ntc tribe T", "random_deletion": "Miroceramiini is a monotypical tribe and only Wallacean Miroceramia G\u00fcnther, The new tribe", "change_char_case": " Miroceramiini is a monotypicAl tribe and Only iNclUdeS tHe WaLlacEan genus MiroceRAmia g\u00fcnther, 1934. The new tribe T", "whitespace_perturbation": " Miroceramiini is a monoty pical trib e and on lyin clud es t he Wallacean g e nusMiroceramia G\u00fcnther, 1 934.Th e new tr ibe T ", "underscore_trick": " Miroceramiini_is a_monotypical tribe and only_includes the_Wallacean_genus Miroceramia_G\u00fcnther,_1934. The new_tribe T"}
{"text": " three tribes Obrimini Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1893, Eubulidini Zompro, 2004 and Mirocerami", "synonym_substitution": "three tribes Obrimini Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1893, Eubulidini Zompro, 2004 and Mirocerami", "butter_fingers": " thgee tribes Obrimini Brunker v. Wattenwyl, 1893, Eubulivini Zojpro, 2004 ana Mirocerami", "random_deletion": "three tribes Obrimini Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1893, 2004 Mirocerami", "change_char_case": " three tribes Obrimini BrunneR v. WattenwyL, 1893, EubuLidIni zoMpro, 2004 And MIrocerami", "whitespace_perturbation": " three tribes Obrimini Bru nner v. Wa ttenw yl, 18 93 , Eu buli dini Zompro, 2 0 04 a nd Mirocerami", "underscore_trick": " three_tribes Obrimini_Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1893,_Eubulidini Zompro,_2004_and Mirocerami"}
{"text": " mircrog/plate, was not mutagenic in any of several strains of Salmonella typhimurium, with or without S9 metabolic activation. Negative", "synonym_substitution": "mircrog / plate, was not mutagenic in any of several strains of Salmonella typhimurium, with or without S9 metabolic activation. damaging", "butter_fingers": " migcrog/plate, was not mutagtnic in any of serwral svrains kf Salmovella typhimurium, with or wivhour S9 mtnabolic activation. Neeative", "random_deletion": "mircrog/plate, was not mutagenic in any of of typhimurium, with without S9 metabolic", "change_char_case": " mircrog/plate, was not mutagenIc in any of sEveraL stRaiNs Of SaLmonElla typhimuriuM, With Or without S9 metabolic actIvatiOn. nEgatIVe", "whitespace_perturbation": " mircrog/plate, was not mu tagenic in anyofsev er al s trai ns of Salmonel l a ty phimurium, with or wit houtS9 meta b ol ic ac tivatio n .N e gat iv e", "underscore_trick": " mircrog/plate,_was not_mutagenic in any of_several strains_of_Salmonella typhimurium,_with_or without S9_metabolic activation. Negative"}
{"text": " group was significantly higher than that of cells in normoxia control group (P=0.030), percentages of cells in S phase in hypoxia control group, hypoxia", "synonym_substitution": "group was significantly higher than that of cells in normoxia control group (P=0.030), percentages of cell in S phase in hypoxia restraint group, hypoxia", "butter_fingers": " grlup was significantly hinher than that oy cells in nodmoxia cuntrol group (P=0.030), percentages oh ceols ib S phase in hypoxia cuntrol grlup, hypozia", "random_deletion": "group was significantly higher than that of normoxia group (P=0.030), of cells in group,", "change_char_case": " group was significantly highEr than that Of celLs iN noRmOxia ContRol group (P=0.030), perceNTageS of cells in S phase in hypoXia coNtROl grOUp, HypoxIa", "whitespace_perturbation": " group was significantly h igher than that of ce ll s in nor moxia controlg roup (P=0.030), percentage s ofce l ls i n S phas e in hy p ox i a co nt ro l g ro u p, hypo xia ", "underscore_trick": " group_was significantly_higher than that of_cells in_normoxia_control group_(P=0.030),_percentages of cells_in S phase_in hypoxia control group,_hypoxia"}
{"text": " the random number table, and then the previous mediums were respectively replaced with dulbecco's modified eagle medium (DMEM), medium with 0.5", "synonym_substitution": "the random number table, and then the previous mediums were respectively replace with dulbecco's change eagle medium (DMEM), medium with 0.5", "butter_fingers": " thf random number table, ana then the prevnius meviums wsre respdctively replaced with dulberco's modidied eagle medium (DMEM), medium wpth 0.5", "random_deletion": "the random number table, and then the were replaced with modified eagle medium", "change_char_case": " the random number table, and thEn the previOus meDiuMs wErE resPectIvely replaced wITh duLbecco's modified eagle meDium (DmEm), MediUM wIth 0.5", "whitespace_perturbation": " the random number table,and then t he pr evi ous m ediu ms w ere respective l y re placed with dulbecco's modi fi e d ea g le medi um (DME M ), m edi um w ith 0 . 5", "underscore_trick": " the_random number_table, and then the_previous mediums_were_respectively replaced_with_dulbecco's modified eagle_medium (DMEM), medium_with 0.5"}
{"text": ".516, 0.107, 0.052, 0.985, 0.637, 0.465, 0.314, 0.591).", "synonym_substitution": ".516, 0.107, 0.052, 0.985, 0.637, 0.465, 0.314, 0.591).", "butter_fingers": ".516, 0.107, 0.052, 0.985, 0.637, 0.465, 0.314, 0.591).", "random_deletion": ".516, 0.107, 0.052, 0.985, 0.637, 0.465, 0.314,", "change_char_case": ".516, 0.107, 0.052, 0.985, 0.637, 0.465, 0.314, 0.591).", "whitespace_perturbation": ".516, 0.107, 0.052, 0.985, 0.637, 0. 465,0.3 14, 0 .591 ).", "underscore_trick": ".516, 0.107,_0.052, 0.985,_0.637, 0.465, 0.314, 0.591)."}
{"text": " toxicity studies for leucomalachite green were conducted in vivo in mouse peripheral blood erythrocytes. Groups of eight male and eight female rats and mice were fed", "synonym_substitution": "toxicity studies for leucomalachite green were conducted in vivo in mouse peripheral rake red blood cell. Groups of eight male and eight female rats and mouse were feed", "butter_fingers": " todicity studies for leucooalachite green were cmnductsd in vixo in mouse peripheral blood eeythricytes. Groups of eight male and eight fwmalt rats and mice wxde fed", "random_deletion": "toxicity studies for leucomalachite green were conducted in peripheral blood Groups of eight and were fed", "change_char_case": " toxicity studies for leucomaLachite greEn werE coNduCtEd in Vivo In mouse peripheRAl blOod erythrocytes. Groups oF eighT mALe anD EiGht feMale ratS AnD MIce WeRe Fed", "whitespace_perturbation": " toxicity studies for leuc omalachite gree n w ere c ondu cted in vivo in mo u se p eripheral blood erythr ocyte s. Grou p sof ei ght mal e a n d ei gh tfem al e r ats a ndmice we re fed", "underscore_trick": " toxicity_studies for_leucomalachite green were conducted_in vivo_in_mouse peripheral_blood_erythrocytes. Groups of_eight male and_eight female rats and_mice were fed"}
{"text": " group (P=0.032, 0.002). (5) After being cultured for 24 h, compared with that of cells in normoxia control group", "synonym_substitution": "group (P=0.032, 0.002). (5) After being cultured for 24 h, compared with that of cells in normoxia control group", "butter_fingers": " grlup (P=0.032, 0.002). (5) After being cultmred for 24 h, compceed wivh that of cellr in normoxia control group", "random_deletion": "group (P=0.032, 0.002). (5) After being cultured h, with that cells in normoxia", "change_char_case": " group (P=0.032, 0.002). (5) After being cultured fOr 24 h, compareD with ThaT of CeLls iN norMoxia control grOUp", "whitespace_perturbation": " group (P=0.032, 0.002). ( 5) After b eingcul tur ed for 24h, compared wi t h th at of cells in normoxi a con tr o l gr o up ", "underscore_trick": " group_(P=0.032, 0.002)._(5) After being cultured_for 24_h,_compared with_that_of cells in_normoxia control group"}
{"text": " muelleri from outside Sumatra and references to captive breeding of stock originating from Peninsular Malaysia in Europe relate to H. erringtoniae (Redten", "synonym_substitution": "muelleri from outside Sumatra and references to captive breeding of stock originating from Peninsular Malaysia in Europe associate to H. erringtoniae (Redten", "butter_fingers": " muflleri from outside Sumaura and references to ca'tive bdeeding uf stock originating from Peiinsylar Nalaysia in Europe relxte to H. vrringtonuae (Cedten", "random_deletion": "muelleri from outside Sumatra and references to of originating from Malaysia in Europe", "change_char_case": " muelleri from outside SumatrA and refereNces tO caPtiVe BreeDing Of stock originaTIng fRom Peninsular Malaysia iN EuroPe RElatE To h. erriNgtoniaE (reDTEn", "whitespace_perturbation": " muelleri from outside Sum atra and r efere nce s t ocapt ivebreeding of st o ck o riginating from Penins ularMa l aysi a i n Eur ope rel a te t o H .er rin gt o ni ae (R edt en", "underscore_trick": " muelleri_from outside_Sumatra and references to_captive breeding_of_stock originating_from_Peninsular Malaysia in_Europe relate to_H. erringtoniae (Redten"}
{"text": " diets containing 0, 25, 100, 300, 600, or 1,200 ppm malachite green chloride for 28 days. Additional groups of eight male and", "synonym_substitution": "diets containing 0, 25, 100, 300, 600, or 1,200 ppm malachite green chloride for 28 days. extra group of eight male and", "butter_fingers": " difts containing 0, 25, 100, 300, 600, or 1,200 kpm malachite gregn chlormde for 28 days. Aaditional groups of eight mape and", "random_deletion": "diets containing 0, 25, 100, 300, 600, ppm green chloride 28 days. Additional", "change_char_case": " diets containing 0, 25, 100, 300, 600, or 1,200 ppm malacHite green cHloriDe fOr 28 dAyS. AddItioNal groups of eigHT malE and", "whitespace_perturbation": " diets containing 0, 25, 1 00, 300, 6 00, o r 1 ,20 0ppmmala chite green ch l orid e for 28 days. Additio nal g ro u ps o f e ightmale an d ", "underscore_trick": " diets_containing 0,_25, 100, 300, 600,_or 1,200_ppm_malachite green_chloride_for 28 days._Additional groups of_eight male and"}
{"text": "ella muelleri (Haan, 1842) is shown to be a fairly rare species that is restricted to Sumatra. All subsequent records of H.", "synonym_substitution": "ella muelleri (Haan, 1842) is shown to be a fairly rare species that is restricted to Sumatra. All subsequent record of H.", "butter_fingers": "ellw muelleri (Haan, 1842) is showk to be a fairly rare s'ecies fhat is festricted to Sumatra. All suuseqyent eecords of H.", "random_deletion": "ella muelleri (Haan, 1842) is shown to fairly species that restricted to Sumatra.", "change_char_case": "ella muelleri (Haan, 1842) is shown to Be a fairly rAre spEciEs tHaT is rEstrIcted to Sumatra. aLl suBsequent records of H.", "whitespace_perturbation": "ella muelleri (Haan, 1842) is shownto be afai rl y ra re s pecies that is rest ricted to Sumatra. All subs eq u entr ec ordsof H.", "underscore_trick": "ella muelleri_(Haan, 1842)_is shown to be_a fairly_rare_species that_is_restricted to Sumatra._All subsequent records_of H."}
{"text": " observed in rats or mice that could be attributed to leucomalachite green exposure. Microscopically, the incidences of hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuol", "synonym_substitution": "observed in rats or mice that could be attributed to leucomalachite fleeceable vulnerability. Microscopically, the incidences of hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuol", "butter_fingers": " obderved in rats or mice tmat could be atttivuted vo leuckmalachige green exposure. Microscopirallt, the incidences of hepatochte cytoppasmic vqcuoo", "random_deletion": "observed in rats or mice that could to green exposure. the incidences of", "change_char_case": " observed in rats or mice that cOuld be attrIbuteD to LeuCoMalaChitE green exposure. mIcroScopically, the incidenceS of hePaTOcytE CyToplaSmic vacUOl", "whitespace_perturbation": " observed in rats or micethat could be a ttr ibu te d to leu comalachite gr e en e xposure. Microscopical ly, t he inci d en ces o f hepat o cy t e cy to pl asm ic va cuol", "underscore_trick": " observed_in rats_or mice that could_be attributed_to_leucomalachite green_exposure._Microscopically, the incidences_of hepatocyte cytoplasmic_vacuol"}
{"text": " habitats, host-plants, biology, life cycle, parasitism and captive breeding of the species of Heteropteryginae is presented and a list summarising all", "synonym_substitution": "habitats, host - plants, biology, biography hertz, parasitism and captive breeding of the species of Heteropteryginae is presented and a tilt summarising all", "butter_fingers": " hahitats, host-plants, biologn, life cycle, parcwitism and czptive bfeeding of the species of Heveropterytinae is presented and a list slmmarisint alo", "random_deletion": "habitats, host-plants, biology, life cycle, parasitism and of species of is presented and", "change_char_case": " habitats, host-plants, biology, Life cycle, pArasiTisM anD cAptiVe brEeding of the speCIes oF Heteropteryginae is preSenteD aND a liST sUmmarIsing alL", "whitespace_perturbation": " habitats, host-plants, bi ology, lif e cyc le, pa ra siti sm a nd captive bre e ding of the species of Het eropt er y gina e i s pre senteda nd a li st s umm ar i si ng al l", "underscore_trick": " habitats,_host-plants, biology,_life cycle, parasitism and_captive breeding_of_the species_of_Heteropteryginae is presented_and a list_summarising all"}
{"text": " such as the presence of wings, having a tympanal area (= stridulatory organ) in the basal portion of the alae, straight profemora", "synonym_substitution": "such as the presence of wings, having a tympanal area (= stridulatory organ) in the basal parcel of the ala, straight profemora", "butter_fingers": " sufh as the presence of wikgs, having a tymkabal arxa (= strjdulatorh organ) in the basal portion od the alae, straight profemofa", "random_deletion": "such as the presence of wings, having area stridulatory organ) the basal portion", "change_char_case": " such as the presence of wings, hAving a tympAnal aRea (= StrIdUlatOry oRgan) in the basal POrtiOn of the alae, straight proFemorA", "whitespace_perturbation": " such as the presence of w ings, havi ng atym pan al are a (= stridulatoryo rgan ) in the basal portion of t he alae , s traig ht prof e mo r a ", "underscore_trick": " such_as the_presence of wings, having_a tympanal_area_(= stridulatory_organ)_in the basal_portion of the_alae, straight profemora"}
{"text": " were observed in rats or mice and no microscopic lesions were observed in female mice that were attributed to malachite green chloride exposure. Microscopically, the inc", "synonym_substitution": "were observed in rats or mice and no microscopic lesions were note in female mouse that were attributed to malachite green chloride exposure. Microscopically, the iraqi national congress", "butter_fingers": " wege observed in rats or mlce and no microscopic nesiona were ocserved in female mice that xere attrubuted to malachite grden chlorpde exposyre. Nucroscopicemly, the inc", "random_deletion": "were observed in rats or mice and lesions observed in mice that were exposure. the inc", "change_char_case": " were observed in rats or mice aNd no microsCopic LesIonS wEre oBserVed in female micE That Were attributed to malachIte grEeN ChloRIdE expoSure. MicROsCOPicAlLy, The InC", "whitespace_perturbation": " were observed in rats ormice and n o mic ros cop ic les ions were observed in f emale mice that were a ttrib ut e d to ma lachi te gree n c h l ori de e xpo su r e. Micr osc opicall y, the inc ", "underscore_trick": " were_observed in_rats or mice and_no microscopic_lesions_were observed_in_female mice that_were attributed to_malachite green chloride exposure._Microscopically, the inc"}
{"text": " strongly conically elevated head, which posteriorly projects over the anterior margin of the pronotum, females being bright green or yellow in colour with plain and transl", "synonym_substitution": "strongly conically elevated head, which posteriorly projects over the anterior gross profit of the pronotum, female being bright green or yellow in color with plain and transl", "butter_fingers": " stgongly conically elevatea head, which posteriorny pronects ovdr the anterior margin of thx prinotun, females being bright green or yellow un cioour with 'main and tranap", "random_deletion": "strongly conically elevated head, which posteriorly projects anterior of the females being bright with and transl", "change_char_case": " strongly conically elevated Head, which pOsterIorLy pRoJectS oveR the anterior maRGin oF the pronotum, females beiNg briGhT GreeN Or YelloW in coloUR wITH plAiN aNd tRaNSl", "whitespace_perturbation": " strongly conically elevat ed head, w hichpos ter io rlyproj ects over thea nter ior margin of the pron otum, f e male s b eingbrightg re e n or y el low i n c olour wi th plai n and tran sl", "underscore_trick": " strongly_conically elevated_head, which posteriorly projects_over the_anterior_margin of_the_pronotum, females being_bright green or_yellow in colour with_plain and transl"}
{"text": " in the controls. Likewise, gamma-glutamyltransferase activity in male rats exposed to 1,160 ppm leucomalachite green was twice that in", "synonym_substitution": "in the controls. Likewise, gamma - glutamyltransferase activity in male rotter debunk to 1,160 ppm leucomalachite green was twice that in", "butter_fingers": " in the controls. Likewise, gxmma-glutamyltrauwferasx activjty in mxle rats exposed to 1,160 ppm leuromaoachiuv green was twice thag in", "random_deletion": "in the controls. Likewise, gamma-glutamyltransferase activity in exposed 1,160 ppm green was twice", "change_char_case": " in the controls. Likewise, gammA-glutamyltRansfEraSe aCtIvitY in mAle rats exposed TO 1,160 ppm Leucomalachite green was Twice ThAT in", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the controls. Likewise , gamma-gl utamy ltr ans fe rase act ivity in maler atsexposed to 1,160 ppm l eucom al a chit e g reenwas twi c et h atin ", "underscore_trick": " in_the controls._Likewise, gamma-glutamyltransferase activity in_male rats_exposed_to 1,160_ppm_leucomalachite green was_twice that in"}
{"text": "es dromedarius St\u00e5l, 1877 from the Philippines is removed from synonymy with the Wallacean Theramenes olivaceus (", "synonym_substitution": "es dromedarius St\u00e5l, 1877 from the Philippines is removed from synonymy with the Wallacean Theramenes olivaceus (", "butter_fingers": "es fromedarius St\u00e5l, 1877 from tht Philippines is tenoved hrom syhonymy wkth the Wallacean Theramenes ooivactls (", "random_deletion": "es dromedarius St\u00e5l, 1877 from the Philippines from with the Theramenes olivaceus (", "change_char_case": "es dromedarius St\u00e5l, 1877 from the PHilippines Is remOveD frOm SynoNymy With the WallaceAN TheRamenes olivaceus (", "whitespace_perturbation": "es dromedarius St\u00e5l, 1877from the P hilip pin esis rem oved from synonymy with the Wallacean Therame nes o li v aceu s ( ", "underscore_trick": "es dromedarius_St\u00e5l, 1877_from the Philippines is_removed from_synonymy_with the_Wallacean_Theramenes olivaceus ("}
{"text": "ucent pink alae and having distinct spines on the abdominal tergites, and males having a strongly shortened mesothorax and dull pink alae. Lect", "synonym_substitution": "ucent pink alae and having distinct spines on the abdominal tergites, and male have a strongly shortened mesothorax and dull pink ala. Lect", "butter_fingers": "ucejt pink alae and having aistinct spines on the abdomjnal tereites, and males having a strlntly syortened mesothorax ana dull pijk alae. Oect", "random_deletion": "ucent pink alae and having distinct spines abdominal and males a strongly shortened Lect", "change_char_case": "ucent pink alae and having disTinct spineS on thE abDomInAl teRgitEs, and males haviNG a stRongly shortened mesothoRax anD dULl piNK aLae. LeCt", "whitespace_perturbation": "ucent pink alae and having distinctspine s o n t he abd omin al tergites, a n d ma les having a stronglyshort en e d me s ot horax and du l lp i nkal ae . L ec t ", "underscore_trick": "ucent pink_alae and_having distinct spines on_the abdominal_tergites,_and males_having_a strongly shortened_mesothorax and dull_pink alae. Lect"}
{"text": " obviously higher than the percentage of cells in hypoxia combine group (P=0.001, 0.030, 0.014), and percentages of cells in S", "synonym_substitution": "obviously higher than the percentage of cells in hypoxia combine group (P=0.001, 0.030, 0.014), and percentages of cell in S", "butter_fingers": " obgiously higher than the kercentage of cells in hbpoxia dombine eroup (P=0.001, 0.030, 0.014), and percentages of cwlls un S", "random_deletion": "obviously higher than the percentage of cells combine (P=0.001, 0.030, and percentages of", "change_char_case": " obviously higher than the perCentage of cElls iN hyPoxIa CombIne gRoup (P=0.001, 0.030, 0.014), and percenTAges Of cells in S", "whitespace_perturbation": " obviously higher than the percentag e ofcel lsin hyp oxia combine group (P=0 .001, 0.030, 0.014), a nd pe rc e ntag e sof ce lls inS ", "underscore_trick": " obviously_higher than_the percentage of cells_in hypoxia_combine_group (P=0.001,_0.030,_0.014), and percentages_of cells in_S"}
{"text": " spines on the abdominal tergites II-IV of males and long apically multidentate epiproct of females. The echinata species-group", "synonym_substitution": "spines on the abdominal tergites II - IV of males and long apically multidentate epiproct of females. The echinata species - group", "butter_fingers": " splnes on the abdominal tevgites II-IV of mcoes anv long zpically multidentate epiproct of felaoes. Tye echinata species-grojp", "random_deletion": "spines on the abdominal tergites II-IV of long multidentate epiproct females. The echinata", "change_char_case": " spines on the abdominal tergiTes II-IV of mAles aNd lOng ApIcalLy muLtidentate epipROct oF females. The echinata speCies-gRoUP", "whitespace_perturbation": " spines on the abdominal t ergites II -IV o f m ale sandlong apically mult i dent ate epiproct of female s. Th ee chin a ta spec ies-gro u p", "underscore_trick": " spines_on the_abdominal tergites II-IV of_males and_long_apically multidentate_epiproct_of females. The_echinata species-group"}
{"text": " species-groups. Heteropteryx Gray, 1853 is a monotypical genus and only contains the type-species H. dilatata (Parkinson,", "synonym_substitution": "species - groups. Heteropteryx Gray, 1853 is a monotypical genus and only contains the character - coinage H. dilatata (Parkinson,", "butter_fingers": " spfcies-groups. Heteropteryx Gray, 1853 is a monotypican genua and onuy contains the type-species I. dioatatq (Parkinson,", "random_deletion": "species-groups. Heteropteryx Gray, 1853 is a monotypical only the type-species dilatata (Parkinson,", "change_char_case": " species-groups. Heteropteryx gray, 1853 is a monOtypiCal GenUs And oNly cOntains the type-SPeciEs H. dilatata (Parkinson,", "whitespace_perturbation": " species-groups. Heteropte ryx Gray,1853isa m on otyp ical genus and onl y con tains the type-species H. d il a tata (P arkin son,", "underscore_trick": " species-groups._Heteropteryx Gray,_1853 is a monotypical_genus and_only_contains the_type-species_H. dilatata (Parkinson,"}
{"text": ", the content of ATP of cells in hypoxia combine group changed unobviously (P=0.209), and content of ATP of cells in the other groups", "synonym_substitution": ", the content of ATP of cells in hypoxia combine group changed unobviously (P=0.209), and content of ATP of cell in the early groups", "butter_fingers": ", thf content of ATP of cellr in hypoxia combine gcoup chznged unubviously (P=0.209), and content of AVP od celos in the other groups", "random_deletion": ", the content of ATP of cells combine changed unobviously and content of other", "change_char_case": ", the content of ATP of cells in hYpoxia combIne grOup ChaNgEd unObviOusly (P=0.209), and conteNT of AtP of cells in the other groUps", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the content of ATP of ce lls in hyp oxiacom bin egrou p ch anged unobviou s ly ( P=0.209), and contentof AT Po f ce l ls in t he othe r g r o ups ", "underscore_trick": ", the_content of_ATP of cells in_hypoxia combine_group_changed unobviously_(P=0.209),_and content of_ATP of cells_in the other groups"}
{"text": " (99% pure) (male rats and female mice only) in feed for 28 days. Animals were evaluated for clinical pathology and histopathology. Genetic toxicity studies", "synonym_substitution": "(99% pure) (male rats and female mice only) in feed for 28 day. animal were evaluated for clinical pathology and histopathology. Genetic perniciousness studies", "butter_fingers": " (99% pkre) (male rats and female mice only) in fgee for 28 days. Znimals dere evaluated for clinical 'athilogy and histopathology. Gevetic toxpcity stueies", "random_deletion": "(99% pure) (male rats and female mice feed 28 days. were evaluated for toxicity", "change_char_case": " (99% pure) (male rats and female mice Only) in feed For 28 daYs. ANimAlS werE evaLuated for cliniCAl paThology and histopatholoGy. GenEtIC toxICiTy stuDies", "whitespace_perturbation": " (99% pure) (male rats and female mi ce on ly) in f eedfor28 days. Anima l s we re evaluated for clini cal p at h olog y a nd hi stopath o lo g y . G en et icto x ic ity s tud ies", "underscore_trick": " (99%_pure) (male_rats and female mice_only) in_feed_for 28_days._Animals were evaluated_for clinical pathology_and histopathology. Genetic toxicity_studies"}
{"text": " entirely lack the setae seen in the two other species-groups. The grayii species-group comprises four species, two of which are endemic in Borne", "synonym_substitution": "entirely lack the setae seen in the two early coinage - group. The grayii species - group comprises four coinage, two of which are endemic in Borne", "butter_fingers": " enhirely lack the setae setn in the two othgr specixs-groupa. The grxyii species-group comprises hour specues, two of which are evdemic in Borne", "random_deletion": "entirely lack the setae seen in the species-groups. grayii species-group four species, two Borne", "change_char_case": " entirely lack the setae seen iN the two othEr speCieS-grOuPs. ThE graYii species-grouP CompRises four species, two of wHich aRe ENdemIC iN BornE", "whitespace_perturbation": " entirely lack the setae s een in the twooth ersp ecie s-gr oups. The gray i i sp ecies-group comprisesfoursp e cies , t wo of whicha re e nde mi cinBo r ne ", "underscore_trick": " entirely_lack the_setae seen in the_two other_species-groups._The grayii_species-group_comprises four species,_two of which_are endemic in Borne"}
{"text": ".001, 0.002). Conclusions: KGF combined with HIF-1\u03b1 have significant protective effects on IEC-6 of rats with hypoxia stress,", "synonym_substitution": ".001, 0.002). Conclusions: KGF combined with HIF-1\u03b1 have significant protective effect on IEC-6 of rotter with hypoxia stress,", "butter_fingers": ".001, 0.002). Clnclusions: KGF combined dith HIF-1\u03b1 have sntnificent profective dffects on IEC-6 of rats with iypozia sugess,", "random_deletion": ".001, 0.002). Conclusions: KGF combined with HIF-1\u03b1 protective on IEC-6 rats with hypoxia", "change_char_case": ".001, 0.002). Conclusions: KGF combined witH HIF-1\u03b1 have sIgnifIcaNt pRoTectIve eFfects on IEC-6 of rATs wiTh hypoxia stress,", "whitespace_perturbation": ".001, 0.002). Conclusions: KGF combi ned w ith HI F- 1\u03b1 h avesignificant pr o tect ive effects on IEC-6 o f rat sw ithh yp oxiastress, ", "underscore_trick": ".001, 0.002)._Conclusions: KGF_combined with HIF-1\u03b1 have_significant protective_effects_on IEC-6_of_rats with hypoxia_stress,"}
{"text": ".0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1 respectively. And then, the cells in normoxia control group were cultured routinely for 24 hours, and cells in the", "synonym_substitution": ".0 ng / mL HIF-1\u03b1 respectively. And then, the cells in normoxia control group were cultured routinely for 24 hours, and cells in the", "butter_fingers": ".0 ng/lL HIF-1\u03b1 respectively. And uhen, the cells in normoxma contdol grouo were cultured routinely foc 24 hiurs, qnd cells in the", "random_deletion": ".0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1 respectively. And then, the normoxia group were routinely for 24", "change_char_case": ".0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1 respectively. And thEn, the cells In norMoxIa cOnTrol GrouP were cultured rOUtinEly for 24 hours, and cells in tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": ".0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1 respective ly. And th en, t hecel ls innorm oxia control g r oupwere cultured routinel y for 2 4 hou r s, andcells i n t h e ", "underscore_trick": ".0 ng/mL_HIF-1\u03b1 respectively._And then, the cells_in normoxia_control_group were_cultured_routinely for 24_hours, and cells_in the"}
{"text": " and can improve its survival in hypoxic environment by inhibiting cell cycle arrest, reducing the level of apoptosis, and increasing level of energy metabolism. Revision of the Oriental", "synonym_substitution": "and can improve its survival in hypoxic environment by inhibiting cell cycle apprehension, reduce the level of apoptosis, and increasing degree of department of energy metabolism. Revision of the Oriental", "butter_fingers": " anf can improve its survivxl in hypoxic eucironmxnt by jnhibitivg cell cycle arrest, reducinj thw levtj of apoptosis, and increasijg level of tnergy metabolism. Revisiok of fme Orneital", "random_deletion": "and can improve its survival in hypoxic inhibiting cycle arrest, the level of energy Revision of the", "change_char_case": " and can improve its survival iN hypoxic enVironMenT by InHibiTing Cell cycle arresT, ReduCing the level of apoptosiS, and iNcREasiNG lEvel oF energy MEtABOliSm. reVisIoN Of The OrIenTal", "whitespace_perturbation": " and can improve its survi val in hyp oxicenv iro nm entby i nhibiting cell cycl e arrest, reducing the leve lo f ap o pt osis, and in c re a s ing l ev elof en ergymet abolism . Revision of t he Oriental", "underscore_trick": " and_can improve_its survival in hypoxic_environment by_inhibiting_cell cycle_arrest,_reducing the level_of apoptosis, and_increasing level of energy_metabolism. Revision of_the_Oriental"}
{"text": ") After being cultured for 24 h, cell survival rates of normoxia blank group, normoxia KGF group, normoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and", "synonym_substitution": ") After being cultured for 24 h, cell survival rates of normoxia blank group, normoxia KGF group, normoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and", "butter_fingers": ") Afher being cultured for 24 m, cell survival tares of normosia blany group, normoxia KGF group, nlrnoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and", "random_deletion": ") After being cultured for 24 h, rates normoxia blank normoxia KGF group,", "change_char_case": ") After being cultured for 24 h, celL survival rAtes oF noRmoXiA blaNk grOup, normoxia KGF GRoup, Normoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and", "whitespace_perturbation": ") After being cultured for 24 h, cel l sur viv alra tesof n ormoxia blankg roup , normoxia KGF group,normo xi a HIF - 1\u03b1 grou p, and", "underscore_trick": ") After_being cultured_for 24 h, cell_survival rates_of_normoxia blank_group,_normoxia KGF group,_normoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group,_and"}
{"text": " group was obviously higher than that of cells in hypoxia KGF group and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0.011, 0.020). (", "synonym_substitution": "group was obviously higher than that of cells in hypoxia KGF group and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0.011, 0.020). (", "butter_fingers": " grlup was obviously higher than that of cglos in iypoxia KGF grojp and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0.011, 0.020). (", "random_deletion": "group was obviously higher than that of hypoxia group and HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0.011,", "change_char_case": " group was obviously higher thAn that of ceLls in HypOxiA KgF grOup aNd hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 gROup (P=0.011, 0.020). (", "whitespace_perturbation": " group was obviously highe r than tha t ofcel lsin hyp oxia KGF group and hypo xia HIF-1\u03b1 group (P=0. 011,0. 0 20). (", "underscore_trick": " group_was obviously_higher than that of_cells in_hypoxia_KGF group_and_hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group_(P=0.011, 0.020). ("}
{"text": " shapes and clear cytoplasm, and cells cultured in hypoxic incubator showed irregular shapes such as fusiform or starlike shape, with black particle in cytoplasm. (2", "synonym_substitution": "shapes and clear cytoplasm, and cells cultured in hypoxic incubator testify atypical shapes such as fusiform or starlike shape, with bootleg particle in cytoplasm. (2", "butter_fingers": " shwpes and clear cytoplasm, and cells cultorwd in iypoxic incubatur showed irregular shapes snch qs fuwiform or starlike shaoe, with bpack parriclt in cytoplasm. (2", "random_deletion": "shapes and clear cytoplasm, and cells cultured incubator irregular shapes as fusiform or in (2", "change_char_case": " shapes and clear cytoplasm, anD cells cultUred iN hyPoxIc IncuBatoR showed irregulAR shaPes such as fusiform or staRlike ShAPe, wiTH bLack pArticle IN cYTOplAsM. (2", "whitespace_perturbation": " shapes and clear cytoplas m, and cel ls cu ltu red i n hy poxi c incubator sh o wedirregular shapes suchas fu si f ormo rstarl ike sha p e, w ith b la ckpa r ti cle i n c ytoplas m. (2", "underscore_trick": " shapes_and clear_cytoplasm, and cells cultured_in hypoxic_incubator_showed irregular_shapes_such as fusiform_or starlike shape,_with black particle in_cytoplasm. (2"}
{"text": " Health Sciences for carcinogenicity testing by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) due to the potential for significant worker and consumer exposure and lack of carcinogenicity", "synonym_substitution": "Health Sciences for carcinogenicity testing by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) due to the potential for significant worker and consumer vulnerability and lack of carcinogenicity", "butter_fingers": " Hewlth Sciences for carcinugenicity testiut by tie Natiknal Toxkcology Program (NTP) due to tie pitentual for significant wofker and bonsumer wxpowyre and lari of caveinogskicitv", "random_deletion": "Health Sciences for carcinogenicity testing by the Program due to potential for significant lack carcinogenicity", "change_char_case": " Health Sciences for carcinogEnicity tesTing bY thE NaTiOnal toxiCology Program (Ntp) due To the potential for signiFicanT wORker ANd ConsuMer expoSUrE ANd lAcK oF caRcINoGenicIty", "whitespace_perturbation": " Health Sciences for carci nogenicity test ing by t he N atio nal Toxicology Prog ram (NTP) due to the p otent ia l for si gnifi cant wo r ke r and c on sum er ex posur e a nd lack of carcin oge ni city", "underscore_trick": " Health_Sciences for_carcinogenicity testing by the_National Toxicology_Program_(NTP) due_to_the potential for_significant worker and_consumer exposure and lack_of carcinogenicity"}
{"text": " 0.001). Apoptosis rate of cells in hypoxia combine group was obviously lower than those of cells in hypoxia KGF group and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1", "synonym_substitution": "0.001). Apoptosis rate of cells in hypoxia combine group was obviously lower than those of cells in hypoxia KGF group and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1", "butter_fingers": " 0.001). Aooptosis rate of cells ik hypoxia combing troup xas obvjously luwer than those of cells in iypozia KTF group and hypoxia HKF-1\u03b1", "random_deletion": "0.001). Apoptosis rate of cells in hypoxia was lower than of cells in HIF-1\u03b1", "change_char_case": " 0.001). Apoptosis rate of cells in hypOxia combinE grouP waS obViOuslY lowEr than those of cELls iN hypoxia KGF group and hypOxia HiF-1\u0391", "whitespace_perturbation": " 0.001). Apoptosis rate of cells inhypox iacom bi ne g roup was obviously lowe r than those of cellsin hy po x ia K G Fgroup and hy p ox i a HI F- 1\u03b1 ", "underscore_trick": " 0.001)._Apoptosis rate_of cells in hypoxia_combine group_was_obviously lower_than_those of cells_in hypoxia KGF_group and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1"}
{"text": " the distinguishing feature mentioned in the original description is a character that is frequently found throughout the genus (n. syn.). The type-species H. parva G", "synonym_substitution": "the distinguishing feature mentioned in the original description is a character that is frequently find oneself throughout the genus (n. syn .). The character - species H. parva G", "butter_fingers": " thf distinguishing feature mentioned in tkw origmnal deacriptiov is a character that is freeuwntly found throughout the eenus (n. sjn.). The type-sptcies H. parva G", "random_deletion": "the distinguishing feature mentioned in the original a that is found throughout the H. G", "change_char_case": " the distinguishing feature mEntioned in The orIgiNal DeScriPtioN is a character tHAt is Frequently found throughOut thE gENus (n. SYn.). the tyPe-speciES H. PARva g", "whitespace_perturbation": " the distinguishing featur e mentione d inthe or ig inal des cription is ac hara cter that is frequentl y fou nd thro u gh out t he genu s ( n . sy n. ). Th et yp e-spe cie s H. pa rva G", "underscore_trick": " the_distinguishing feature_mentioned in the original_description is_a_character that_is_frequently found throughout_the genus (n._syn.). The type-species H._parva G"}
{"text": "-1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine group were significantly higher than the rate of cells in hypoxia control group (P=0.023, 0.009,", "synonym_substitution": "-1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine group were significantly higher than the rate of cells in hypoxia control group (P=0.023, 0.009,", "butter_fingers": "-1\u03b1 grlup, and hypoxia combine nroup were signiyucantlb highed than tfe rate of cells in hypoxia ronteol geoup (P=0.023, 0.009,", "random_deletion": "-1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine group were than rate of in hypoxia control", "change_char_case": "-1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine grOup were sigNificAntLy hIgHer tHan tHe rate of cells iN HypoXia control group (P=0.023, 0.009,", "whitespace_perturbation": "-1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia com bine group were si gni fi cant ly h igher than the rate of cells in hypoxia c ontro lg roup (P =0.02 3, 0.00 9 ,", "underscore_trick": "-1\u03b1 group,_and hypoxia_combine group were significantly_higher than_the_rate of_cells_in hypoxia control_group (P=0.023, 0.009,"}
{"text": " normoxia combine group were (107.4\u00b18.7)%, (109.8\u00b12.9)%, (115.8\u00b17.", "synonym_substitution": "normoxia combine group were (107.4\u00b18.7)%, (109.8\u00b12.9)%, (115.8\u00b17.", "butter_fingers": " nogmoxia combine group wert (107.4\u00b18.7)%, (109.8\u00b12.9)%, (115.8\u00b17.", "random_deletion": "normoxia combine group were (107.4\u00b18.7)%, (109.8\u00b12.9)%, (115.8\u00b17.", "change_char_case": " normoxia combine group were (107.4\u00b18.7)%, (109.8\u00b12.9)%, (115.8\u00b17.", "whitespace_perturbation": " normoxia combine group we re (107.4\u00b1 8.7)% , ( 109 .8 \u00b12.9 )%,(115.8\u00b17.", "underscore_trick": " normoxia_combine group_were (107.4\u00b18.7)%, (109.8\u00b12.9)%, (115.8\u00b17."}
{"text": " of examined material, detailed information on the known distributions, measurements and illustrations of the insects and eggs. The intra-subfamiliar and intra-generic relationships are", "synonym_substitution": "of examined material, detailed information on the known distributions, measurement and example of the insects and eggs. The intra - subfamiliar and intra - generic relationship are", "butter_fingers": " of examined material, detaiued information on the known distribjtions, measurements and illudteatiobs of the insects and dggs. The pntra-subfqmilmar and intra-genxdic relationsglps axe", "random_deletion": "of examined material, detailed information on the measurements illustrations of insects and eggs. are", "change_char_case": " of examined material, detaileD informatiOn on tHe kNowN dIstrIbutIons, measuremenTS and Illustrations of the inseCts anD eGGs. ThE InTra-suBfamiliAR aND IntRa-GeNerIc RElAtionShiPs are", "whitespace_perturbation": " of examined material, det ailed info rmati ononth e kn owndistributions, meas urements and illustrat ionsof thei ns ectsand egg s .T h e i nt ra -su bf a mi liarand intra- generic re lat io nships are", "underscore_trick": " of_examined material,_detailed information on the_known distributions,_measurements_and illustrations_of_the insects and_eggs. The intra-subfamiliar_and intra-generic relationships are"}
{"text": " After being cultured for 24 h, percentages of cells in G1 phase in hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group were", "synonym_substitution": "After being cultured for 24 h, percentages of cells in G1 phase in hypoxia restraint group, hypoxia KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group were", "butter_fingers": " Afher being cultured for 24 m, percentages of cells mn G1 phzse in hhpoxia control group, hypoxia KTF griup, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 gruup were", "random_deletion": "After being cultured for 24 h, percentages in phase in control group, hypoxia group", "change_char_case": " After being cultured for 24 h, perCentages of Cells In G1 PhaSe In hyPoxiA control group, hYPoxiA KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u0391 grouP wERe", "whitespace_perturbation": " After being cultured for24 h, perc entag esofce llsin G 1 phase in hyp o xiacontrol group, hypoxia KGFgr o up,a nd hypo xia HIF - 1\u03b1 g rou pwe re", "underscore_trick": " After_being cultured_for 24 h, percentages_of cells_in_G1 phase_in_hypoxia control group,_hypoxia KGF group,_and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group_were"}
{"text": " based on the fact that the type-species of both genera are conspecific (n. syn.). Hennobrimus hennemanni Conle,", "synonym_substitution": "based on the fact that the type - species of both genera are conspecific (n. syn .). Hennobrimus hennemanni Conle,", "butter_fingers": " baded on the fact that the type-species of both gxnera ade conspdcific (n. syn.). Hennobrimus heniemabni Cinle,", "random_deletion": "based on the fact that the type-species genera conspecific (n. Hennobrimus hennemanni Conle,", "change_char_case": " based on the fact that the type-Species of bOth geNerA arE cOnspEcifIc (n. syn.). HennobriMUs heNnemanni Conle,", "whitespace_perturbation": " based on the fact that th e type-spe ciesofbot hgene ra a re conspecific (n.syn.). Hennobrimus hen neman ni Conl e ,", "underscore_trick": " based_on the_fact that the type-species_of both_genera_are conspecific_(n._syn.). Hennobrimus hennemanni_Conle,"}
{"text": " The latter genus differs from the other two genera by the morphology of the female genitalia, which is unique amongst the entire family. Three generic groups are recognized within", "synonym_substitution": "The latter genus differs from the other two genera by the morphology of the female genitalia, which is unique amongst the integral syndicate. Three generic groups are recognized within", "butter_fingers": " Thf latter genus differs fvom the other two genere by ths morphouogy of the female genitalia, wyich us unique amongst the dntire falily. Thrwe gtneric groups are recognidzd wifmin", "random_deletion": "The latter genus differs from the other by morphology of female genitalia, which family. generic groups are within", "change_char_case": " The latter genus differs from The other twO geneRa bY thE mOrphOlogY of the female geNItalIa, which is unique amongst The enTiRE famILy. three Generic GRoUPS arE rEcOgnIzED wIthin", "whitespace_perturbation": " The latter genus differsfrom the o thertwo ge ne ra b y th e morphology o f the female genitalia, whi ch is u n ique am ongst the en t ir e fam il y. Th re e g eneri c g roups a re recogni zed w ithin", "underscore_trick": " The_latter genus_differs from the other_two genera_by_the morphology_of_the female genitalia,_which is unique_amongst the entire family._Three generic groups_are_recognized within"}
{"text": "200 ppm resulted in average daily doses of 3 to 190 mg malachite green chloride/kg body weight to male and female rats and 5 to 250 mg/", "synonym_substitution": "200 ppm resulted in average daily doses of 3 to 190 milligram malachite fleeceable chloride / kg body weight to male and female rotter and 5 to 250 mg/", "butter_fingers": "200 ppl resulted in average dally doses of 3 to 190 mg manachits green zhloride/kg body weight to mape and demale rats and 5 to 250 me/", "random_deletion": "200 ppm resulted in average daily doses to mg malachite chloride/kg body weight and to 250 mg/", "change_char_case": "200 ppm resulted in average daily Doses of 3 to 190 mG malaChiTe gReEn chLoriDe/kg body weight TO malE and female rats and 5 to 250 mg/", "whitespace_perturbation": "200 ppm resulted in averag e daily do ses o f 3 to 1 90 m g ma lachite greenc hlor ide/kg body weight tomalean d fem a le rats and 5t o2 5 0 m g/ ", "underscore_trick": "200 ppm_resulted in_average daily doses of_3 to_190_mg malachite_green_chloride/kg body weight_to male and_female rats and 5_to 250 mg/"}
{"text": " in the females and presence of a medio-apical spine on the area apicalis. Both features are synapomorphies of Heteropteryginae +", "synonym_substitution": "in the females and presence of a medio - apical spine on the area apicalis. Both feature are synapomorphies of Heteropteryginae +", "butter_fingers": " in the females and presenct of a medio-apical spine on ths area aoicalis. Both features are syiaponorphues of Heteropteryginad +", "random_deletion": "in the females and presence of a on area apicalis. features are synapomorphies", "change_char_case": " in the females and presence of A medio-apicAl spiNe oN thE aRea aPicaLis. Both featureS Are sYnapomorphies of HeteropTerygInAE +", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the females and presen ce of a me dio-a pic alsp ineon t he area apical i s. B oth features are synap omorp hi e s of He terop terygin a e+ ", "underscore_trick": " in_the females_and presence of a_medio-apical spine_on_the area_apicalis._Both features are_synapomorphies of Heteropteryginae_+"}
{"text": "1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine group, according to the random number table. The previous mediums were replaced with DMEM, DMEM, medium with 0.5", "synonym_substitution": "1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine group, according to the random number table. The previous medium were replace with DMEM, DMEM, medium with 0.5", "butter_fingers": "1\u03b1 grlup, and hypoxia combine nroup, according jo the rendom nhmber tacle. The previous mediums werx replacee with DMEM, DMEM, mediuo with 0.5", "random_deletion": "1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine group, according random table. The mediums were replaced 0.5", "change_char_case": "1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia combine grOup, accordiNg to tHe rAndOm NumbEr taBle. The previous MEdiuMs were replaced with DMEM, dMEM, mEdIUm wiTH 0.5", "whitespace_perturbation": "1\u03b1 group, and hypoxia comb ine group, acco rdi ngto the ran dom number tab l e. T he previous mediums we re re pl a cedw it h DME M, DMEM , m e d ium w it h 0 .5 ", "underscore_trick": "1\u03b1 group,_and hypoxia_combine group, according to_the random_number_table. The_previous_mediums were replaced_with DMEM, DMEM,_medium with 0.5"}
{"text": " were collected and divided into normoxia blank group, normoxia KGF group, normoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and normoxia combine group, according to", "synonym_substitution": "were collected and divided into normoxia blank group, normoxia KGF group, normoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, and normoxia combine group, according to", "butter_fingers": " wege collected and divided into normoxia yoank gcoup, nodmoxia KEF group, normoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group, end bormozia combine group, accofding to", "random_deletion": "were collected and divided into normoxia blank KGF normoxia HIF-1\u03b1 and normoxia combine", "change_char_case": " were collected and divided inTo normoxia Blank GroUp, nOrMoxiA KGF Group, normoxia Hif-1\u03b1 grOup, and normoxia combine gRoup, aCcORdinG To", "whitespace_perturbation": " were collected and divide d into nor moxia bl ank g roup , no rmoxia KGF gro u p, n ormoxia HIF-1\u03b1 group,and n or m oxia co mbine group, ac c o rdi ng t o", "underscore_trick": " were_collected and_divided into normoxia blank_group, normoxia_KGF_group, normoxia_HIF-1\u03b1_group, and normoxia_combine group, according_to"}
{"text": "o, one endemic in Sumatra and the fourth species being the only known representative of the subfamily in Vietnam. These species are characteristic for the prominent pair of", "synonym_substitution": "o, one endemic in Sumatra and the fourth species being the only known representative of the subfamily in Vietnam. These coinage are characteristic for the outstanding pair of", "butter_fingers": "o, oje endemic in Sumatra ana the fourth spgcues bemng the only knuwn representative of the suufamuly ib Vietnam. These specier are chagacteristuc fie the prommhent palx of", "random_deletion": "o, one endemic in Sumatra and the being only known of the subfamily characteristic the prominent pair", "change_char_case": "o, one endemic in Sumatra and thE fourth speCies bEinG thE oNly kNown Representative OF the Subfamily in Vietnam. ThesE specIeS Are cHArActerIstic foR ThE PRomInEnT paIr OF", "whitespace_perturbation": "o, one endemic in Sumatraand the fo urthspe cie sbein g th e only known r e pres entative of the subfam ily i nV ietn a m. Thes e speci e sa r e c ha ra cte ri s ti c for th e promi nent pairof", "underscore_trick": "o, one_endemic in_Sumatra and the fourth_species being_the_only known_representative_of the subfamily_in Vietnam. These_species are characteristic for_the prominent pair_of"}
{"text": "ive: To investigate the protective effects and mechanism of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) combined with hypoxia inducible factor-1\u03b1 (HIF-1\u03b1", "synonym_substitution": "i ve: To investigate the protective effects and mechanism of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) combined with hypoxia inducible factor-1\u03b1 (HIF-1\u03b1", "butter_fingers": "ive: To investigate the prottctive effects anb mechaiism of keratinucyte growth factor (KGF) combmned with hypoxia inducible facgor-1\u03b1 (HIF-1\u03b1", "random_deletion": "ive: To investigate the protective effects and keratinocyte factor (KGF) with hypoxia inducible", "change_char_case": "ive: To investigate the protecTive effectS and mEchAniSm Of keRatiNocyte growth faCTor (KgF) combined with hypoxia iNduciBlE FactOR-1\u03b1 (hIF-1\u03b1", "whitespace_perturbation": "ive: To investigate the pr otective e ffect s a ndme chan ismof keratinocyt e gro wth factor (KGF) combi ned w it h hyp o xi a ind uciblef ac t o r-1 \u03b1(H IF- 1\u03b1 ", "underscore_trick": "ive: To_investigate the_protective effects and mechanism_of keratinocyte_growth_factor (KGF)_combined_with hypoxia inducible_factor-1\u03b1 (HIF-1\u03b1"}
{"text": " 2004 is generally accepted (but now also contains genera that were placed in Eubulidini or Miroceramiini by Zompro (2004)),", "synonym_substitution": "2004 is generally accepted (but now also control genus that were placed in Eubulidini or Miroceramiini by Zompro (2004) ),", "butter_fingers": " 2004 id generally accepted (but now also contanbs genxra thaf were puaced in Eubulidini or Mirocxramuini vy Zompro (2004)),", "random_deletion": "2004 is generally accepted (but now also that placed in or Miroceramiini by", "change_char_case": " 2004 is generally accepted (but now Also contaiNs genEra ThaT wEre pLaceD in Eubulidini oR miroCeramiini by Zompro (2004)),", "whitespace_perturbation": " 2004 is generally accepte d (but now also co nta in s ge nera that were pla c ed i n Eubulidini or Miroce ramii ni by Z o mp ro (2 004)),", "underscore_trick": " 2004_is generally_accepted (but now also_contains genera_that_were placed_in_Eubulidini or Miroceramiini_by Zompro (2004)),"}
{"text": " re-established as a valid species (rev. stat.). Leocrates glaber Redtenbacher, 1906 and Haaniella muelleri simplex G\u00fcn", "synonym_substitution": "re - established as a valid species (rev. stat .). Leocrates glaber Redtenbacher, 1906 and Haaniella muelleri simplex G\u00fcn", "butter_fingers": " re-fstablished as a valid skecies (rev. stat.). Lgoxrates glabed Redtencacher, 1906 and Haaniella muelleci sumplez G\u00fcn", "random_deletion": "re-established as a valid species (rev. stat.). Redtenbacher, and Haaniella simplex G\u00fcn", "change_char_case": " re-established as a valid specIes (rev. stat.). leocrAteS glAbEr ReDtenBacher, 1906 and HaaniELla mUelleri simplex G\u00fcn", "whitespace_perturbation": " re-established as a valid species ( rev.sta t.) .Leoc rate s glaber Redte n bach er, 1906 and Haaniella muel le r i si m pl ex G\u00fc n", "underscore_trick": " re-established_as a_valid species (rev. stat.)._Leocrates glaber_Redtenbacher,_1906 and_Haaniella_muelleri simplex G\u00fcn"}
{"text": " Haaniella Kirby, 1904. (Phasmatodea: Areolatae: Heteropterygidae).\nThe areolate Oriental family Heteropter", "synonym_substitution": "Haaniella Kirby, 1904. (Phasmatodea: Areolatae: Heteropterygidae). \n The areolate Oriental family Heteropter", "butter_fingers": " Hawniella Kirby, 1904. (Phasmatodta: Areolatae: Hetetopterygmdae).\nThe areolatd Oriental family Heteropter", "random_deletion": "Haaniella Kirby, 1904. (Phasmatodea: Areolatae: Heteropterygidae). The family", "change_char_case": " Haaniella Kirby, 1904. (Phasmatodea: areolatae: HEteroPteRygIdAe).\nThE areOlate Oriental fAMily heteropter", "whitespace_perturbation": " Haaniella Kirby, 1904. (P hasmatodea : Are ola tae :Hete ropt erygidae).\nThe areo late Oriental family H etero pt e r", "underscore_trick": " Haaniella_Kirby, 1904._(Phasmatodea: Areolatae: Heteropterygidae).\nThe areolate_Oriental family_Heteropter"}
{"text": "ization were significantly increased in 580 and 1,160 ppm male rats. The incidence of multifocal apoptosis in the transitory epithelium of the urinary bladder was significantly increased", "synonym_substitution": "ization were significantly increased in 580 and 1,160 ppm male rats. The incidence of multifocal apoptosis in the transitory epithelium of the urinary bladder was importantly increase", "butter_fingers": "izahion were significantly lncreased in 580 anb 1,160 ppm kale rzts. The kncidence of multifocal apopvosiw in uke transitory epitheuium of tje urinaey boqdder was significantly jkcreavxd", "random_deletion": "ization were significantly increased in 580 and male The incidence multifocal apoptosis in urinary was significantly increased", "change_char_case": "ization were significantly iNcreased in 580 And 1,160 ppM maLe rAtS. The InciDence of multifoCAl apOptosis in the transitory EpithElIUm of THe UrinaRy bladdER wAS SigNiFiCanTlY InCreasEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "ization were significantly increased in 5 80and 1 ,160 ppm male rats. Th e inc idence of multifocal a popto si s int he tran sitorye pi t h eli um o f t he ur inary bl adder w as signifi can tl y increased", "underscore_trick": "ization were_significantly increased_in 580 and 1,160_ppm male_rats._The incidence_of_multifocal apoptosis in_the transitory epithelium_of the urinary bladder_was significantly increased"}
{"text": " presented for the phylogeny and intra-familiar relationships, placing the subfamily Dataminae Rehn & Rehn, 1939 as the basalmost clade of", "synonym_substitution": "presented for the phylogeny and intra - familiar relationships, rate the subfamily Dataminae Rehn & Rehn, 1939 as the basalmost clade of", "butter_fingers": " prfsented for the phylogenn and intra-familnqr reletionshjps, plackng the subfamily Dataminae Cehn & Rehb, 1939 as the basalmost clxde of", "random_deletion": "presented for the phylogeny and intra-familiar relationships, subfamily Rehn & 1939 as the", "change_char_case": " presented for the phylogeny aNd intra-famIliar RelAtiOnShipS, plaCing the subfamiLY DatAminae Rehn & Rehn, 1939 as the basAlmosT cLAde oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " presented for the phyloge ny and int ra-fa mil iar r elat ions hips, placingt he s ubfamily Dataminae Reh n & R eh n , 19 3 9as th e basal m os t cla de o f", "underscore_trick": " presented_for the_phylogeny and intra-familiar relationships,_placing the_subfamily_Dataminae Rehn_&_Rehn, 1939 as_the basalmost clade_of"}
{"text": " ng/mL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1, and medium with 0.5 ng/mL KGF and 30", "synonym_substitution": "ng / mL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng / mL HIF-1\u03b1, and medium with 0.5 ng / mL KGF and 30", "butter_fingers": " ng/lL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1, and medium with 0.5 ig/mL KGR and 30", "random_deletion": "ng/mL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1, with ng/mL KGF 30", "change_char_case": " ng/mL KGF, medium with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1, And medium wIth 0.5 ng/ML KgF aNd 30", "whitespace_perturbation": " ng/mL KGF, medium with 10 .0 ng/mL H IF-1\u03b1 , a ndme dium wit h 0.5 ng/mL KG F and 30", "underscore_trick": " ng/mL_KGF, medium_with 10.0 ng/mL HIF-1\u03b1,_and medium_with_0.5 ng/mL_KGF_and 30"}
{"text": "ella gorochovi n. sp., is the only representative of the genus and subfamily Heteropteryginae known from Vietnam and both sexes as well as the", "synonym_substitution": "ella gorochovi n. sp. , is the only representative of the genus and subfamily Heteropteryginae known from Vietnam and both sexes equally well as the", "butter_fingers": "ellw gorochovi n. sp., is the unly representajice of vhe genhs and sjbfamily Heteropteryginae knlwb fron Vietnam and both sexds as welp as the", "random_deletion": "ella gorochovi n. sp., is the only the and subfamily known from Vietnam as", "change_char_case": "ella gorochovi n. sp., is the only RepresentaTive oF thE geNuS and SubfAmily HeteropteRYginAe known from Vietnam and bOth seXeS As weLL aS the", "whitespace_perturbation": "ella gorochovi n. sp., isthe only r epres ent ati ve ofthegenus and subf a mily Heteropteryginae know n fro mV ietn a mand b oth sex e sa s we ll a s t he ", "underscore_trick": "ella gorochovi_n. sp.,_is the only representative_of the_genus_and subfamily_Heteropteryginae_known from Vietnam_and both sexes_as well as the"}
{"text": "otypes are designated for Haaniella parva G\u00fcnther, 1944, Heteropteryx echinata Redtenbacher, 1906, Heteropteryx sa", "synonym_substitution": "otypes are designated for Haaniella parva G\u00fcnther, 1944, Heteropteryx echinata Redtenbacher, 1906, Heteropteryx sa", "butter_fingers": "otyoes are designated for Hxaniella parva Y\u00fcbther, 1944, Heterkpteryx dchinata Redtenbacher, 1906, Heterlpreryx sa", "random_deletion": "otypes are designated for Haaniella parva G\u00fcnther, echinata 1906, Heteropteryx", "change_char_case": "otypes are designated for HaaNiella parvA G\u00fcntHer, 1944, hetErOpteRyx eChinata RedtenbACher, 1906, heteropteryx sa", "whitespace_perturbation": "otypes are designated forHaaniellaparva G\u00fc nth er , 19 44,Heteropteryx e c hina ta Redtenbacher, 1906, Hete ro p tery x s a", "underscore_trick": "otypes are_designated for_Haaniella parva G\u00fcnther, 1944,_Heteropteryx echinata_Redtenbacher,_1906, Heteropteryx_sa"}
{"text": " the controls. On days 4 and 21, the concentration of thyroxine was significantly decreased in male rats exposed to 1,160 ppm leucomalach", "synonym_substitution": "the controls. On days 4 and 21, the concentration of thyroxine was significantly decrease in male rotter exposed to 1,160 ppm leucomalach", "butter_fingers": " thf controls. On days 4 and 21, the concentratnin of vhyroxihe was skgnificantly decreased in mape rats exposed to 1,160 ppm leucooalach", "random_deletion": "the controls. On days 4 and 21, of was significantly in male rats", "change_char_case": " the controls. On days 4 and 21, the coNcentratioN of thYroXinE wAs siGnifIcantly decreasED in mAle rats exposed to 1,160 ppm leuComalAcH", "whitespace_perturbation": " the controls. On days 4 a nd 21, the conc ent rat io n of thy roxine was sig n ific antly decreased in mal e rat se xpos e dto 1, 160 ppm le u c oma la ch ", "underscore_trick": " the_controls. On_days 4 and 21,_the concentration_of_thyroxine was_significantly_decreased in male_rats exposed to_1,160 ppm leucomalach"}
{"text": " of the studies. In the malachite green chloride study, the body weight gain of males rats in the 1,200 ppm group was significantly less than that", "synonym_substitution": "of the studies. In the malachite green chloride study, the body system of weights amplification of males rats in the 1,200 ppm group was significantly less than that", "butter_fingers": " of the studies. In the malaghite green chlotiee stuvy, the gody weieht gain of males rats in thx 1,200 ppm griup was significantly uess than that", "random_deletion": "of the studies. In the malachite green the weight gain males rats in significantly than that", "change_char_case": " of the studies. In the malachitE green chloRide sTudY, thE bOdy wEighT gain of males raTS in tHe 1,200 ppm group was significaNtly lEsS Than THaT", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the studies. In the ma lachite gr een c hlo rid estud y, t he body weight gain of males rats in the1,200 p p m gr o up wassignifi c an t l y l es stha nt ha t", "underscore_trick": " of_the studies._In the malachite green_chloride study,_the_body weight_gain_of males rats_in the 1,200_ppm group was significantly_less than that"}
{"text": ") Another batch of routinely cultured IEC-6 were collected and divided into normoxia control group, hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF group, hypoxia HIF-", "synonym_substitution": ") Another batch of routinely cultured IEC-6 were collected and divided into normoxia control group, hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF group, hypoxia HIF-", "butter_fingers": ") Anlther batch of routinely cultured IEC-6 wgrw collxcted ahd dividdd into normoxia control gronp, htpoxiq control group, hypoxix KGF grolp, hypoxiq HIH-", "random_deletion": ") Another batch of routinely cultured IEC-6 and into normoxia group, hypoxia control HIF-", "change_char_case": ") Another batch of routinely cuLtured IEC-6 wEre coLleCteD aNd diVideD into normoxia cONtroL group, hypoxia control grOup, hyPoXIa KGf GrOup, hyPoxia HIf-", "whitespace_perturbation": ") Another batch of routine ly culture d IEC -6wer ecoll ecte d and dividedi ntonormoxia control group , hyp ox i a co n tr ol gr oup, hy p ox i a KG Fgr oup ,h yp oxiaHIF -", "underscore_trick": ") Another_batch of_routinely cultured IEC-6 were_collected and_divided_into normoxia_control_group, hypoxia control_group, hypoxia KGF_group, hypoxia HIF-"}
{"text": "6) After being cultured for 24 h, protein expressions of p53 of cells in hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1", "synonym_substitution": "6) After being cultured for 24 h, protein expressions of p53 of cells in hypoxia control group, hypoxia KGF group, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1", "butter_fingers": "6) Afher being cultured for 24 m, protein expressions oh p53 of dells in hypoxia control group, hypoxma KTF griup, and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1", "random_deletion": "6) After being cultured for 24 h, of of cells hypoxia control group, HIF-1\u03b1", "change_char_case": "6) After being cultured for 24 h, proTein expresSions Of p53 Of cElLs in HypoXia control grouP, HypoXia KGF group, and hypoxia HiF-1\u03b1", "whitespace_perturbation": "6) After being cultured fo r 24 h, pr otein ex pre ss ions ofp53 of cells i n hyp oxia control group, hy poxia K G F gr o up , and hypoxi a H I F -1\u03b1 ", "underscore_trick": "6) After_being cultured_for 24 h, protein_expressions of_p53_of cells_in_hypoxia control group,_hypoxia KGF group,_and hypoxia HIF-1\u03b1"}
{"text": " group (P=0.017, 0.045). (3) After being cultured for 24 h, percentage of cells in G1 phase in hypoxia control", "synonym_substitution": "group (P=0.017, 0.045). (3) After being cultured for 24 h, percentage of cells in G1 phase in hypoxia restraint", "butter_fingers": " grlup (P=0.017, 0.045). (3) After being cultmred for 24 h, percgnrage oh cells in G1 phxse in hypoxia control", "random_deletion": "group (P=0.017, 0.045). (3) After being cultured h, of cells G1 phase in", "change_char_case": " group (P=0.017, 0.045). (3) After being cultured fOr 24 h, percentAge of CelLs iN G1 PhasE in hYpoxia control", "whitespace_perturbation": " group (P=0.017, 0.045). ( 3) After b eingcul tur ed for 24h, percentageo f ce lls in G1 phase in hyp oxiaco n trol ", "underscore_trick": " group_(P=0.017, 0.045)._(3) After being cultured_for 24_h,_percentage of_cells_in G1 phase_in hypoxia control"}
{"text": "bacher, 1906). The previously unknown males and eggs of H. rosenbergii (Kaup, 1871) as well as the previously unknown females", "synonym_substitution": "bacher, 1906). The previously unknown males and eggs of H. rosenbergii (Kaup, 1871) as well as the previously strange female", "butter_fingers": "bacjer, 1906). The previously unknuwn males and eyts of I. rosengergii (Kxup, 1871) as well as the previouspy unkniwn females", "random_deletion": "bacher, 1906). The previously unknown males and H. (Kaup, 1871) well as the", "change_char_case": "bacher, 1906). The previously unknowN males and eGgs of h. roSenBeRgii (kaup, 1871) As well as the preVIousLy unknown females", "whitespace_perturbation": "bacher, 1906). The previou sly unknow n mal esand e ggsof H . rosenbergii( Kaup , 1871) as well as the prev io u slyu nk nownfemales ", "underscore_trick": "bacher, 1906)._The previously_unknown males and eggs_of H._rosenbergii_(Kaup, 1871)_as_well as the_previously unknown females"}
{"text": "ompro, 2004 (Type-species: Haaniella parva G\u00fcnther, 1944) is synonymised with Haaniella on the basis that", "synonym_substitution": "ompro, 2004 (Type - species: Haaniella parva G\u00fcnther, 1944) is synonymised with Haaniella on the basis that", "butter_fingers": "ompgo, 2004 (Type-species: Haaniellx parva G\u00fcnther, 1944) is synmnymissd with Faaniella on the basis that", "random_deletion": "ompro, 2004 (Type-species: Haaniella parva G\u00fcnther, 1944) with on the that", "change_char_case": "ompro, 2004 (Type-species: Haaniella Parva G\u00fcnthEr, 1944) is sYnoNymIsEd wiTh HaAniella on the baSIs thAt", "whitespace_perturbation": "ompro, 2004 (Type-species: Haaniella parv a G \u00fcnt he r, 1 944) is synonymise d wit h Haaniella on the bas is th at ", "underscore_trick": "ompro, 2004_(Type-species: Haaniella_parva G\u00fcnther, 1944) is_synonymised with_Haaniella_on the_basis_that"}
{"text": ", the final mean body weight of male rats and female mice in the 1,160 ppm groups and the mean body weight gains of male rats and female mice in", "synonym_substitution": ", the final mean body weight of male rotter and female mouse in the 1,160 ppm groups and the mean body weight unit gains of male rats and female mouse in", "butter_fingers": ", thf final mean body weight of male rats aue femane mics in the 1,160 ppm groups and the mean bovy wwight gains of male rats ana female lice in", "random_deletion": ", the final mean body weight of and mice in 1,160 ppm groups gains male rats and mice in", "change_char_case": ", the final mean body weight of mAle rats and FemalE miCe iN tHe 1,160 ppM groUps and the mean bODy weIght gains of male rats and FemalE mICe in", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the final mean body weig ht of male rats an d f em alemice in the 1,160p pm g roups and the mean bod y wei gh t gai n sof ma le rats an d fem al emic ei n", "underscore_trick": ", the_final mean_body weight of male_rats and_female_mice in_the_1,160 ppm groups_and the mean_body weight gains of_male rats and_female_mice in"}
{"text": ")%, (56.2\u00b13.1)%, and (71.2\u00b19.6)% respectively, which were significantly lower than (106", "synonym_substitution": ")% , (56.2\u00b13.1)%, and (71.2\u00b19.6)% respectively, which were significantly lower than (106", "butter_fingers": ")%, (56.2\u00b13.1)%, ajd (71.2\u00b19.6)% respectively, which wtre significantly lower vhan (106", "random_deletion": ")%, (56.2\u00b13.1)%, and (71.2\u00b19.6)% respectively, which were than", "change_char_case": ")%, (56.2\u00b13.1)%, and (71.2\u00b19.6)% respectively, which were sIgnificantLy lowEr tHan (106", "whitespace_perturbation": ")%, (56.2\u00b13.1)%, and (71.2 \u00b19.6)% res pecti vel y,wh ichwere significantly lowe r than (106", "underscore_trick": ")%, (56.2\u00b13.1)%,_and (71.2\u00b19.6)%_respectively, which were significantly_lower than_(106"}
{"text": " eggs are described. Haaniella erringtoniae (Redtenbacher, 1906) is endemic in Peninsular Malaysia, here removed from synonymy", "synonym_substitution": "eggs are described. Haaniella erringtoniae (Redtenbacher, 1906) is endemic in Peninsular Malaysia, here removed from synonymy", "butter_fingers": " eghs are described. Haanielua erringtoniae (Redtenuacher, 1906) is endeoic in Peninsular Malaysia, hxre eemovtb from synonymy", "random_deletion": "eggs are described. Haaniella erringtoniae (Redtenbacher, 1906) in Malaysia, here from synonymy", "change_char_case": " eggs are described. Haaniella ErringtoniAe (RedTenBacHeR, 1906) is eNdemIc in Peninsular mAlaySia, here removed from synoNymy", "whitespace_perturbation": " eggs are described. Haani ella errin gtoni ae(Re dt enba cher , 1906) is end e micin Peninsular Malaysia , her er emov e dfromsynonym y ", "underscore_trick": " eggs_are described._Haaniella erringtoniae (Redtenbacher, 1906)_is endemic_in_Peninsular Malaysia,_here_removed from synonymy"}
{"text": " discussed and a cladogram is presented. Heteropteryginae contains two genera: Heteropteryx Gray, 1835 (Type-species: Phasma dilat", "synonym_substitution": "discussed and a cladogram is presented. Heteropteryginae contains two genera: Heteropteryx Gray, 1835 (character - coinage: Phasma dilat", "butter_fingers": " didcussed and a cladogram ls presented. Hetgripteryjinae ckntains gwo genera: Heteropteryx Gray, 1835 (Rype-skvcies: Phasma dilat", "random_deletion": "discussed and a cladogram is presented. Heteropteryginae genera: Gray, 1835 Phasma dilat", "change_char_case": " discussed and a cladogram is pResented. HeTeropTerYgiNaE conTainS two genera: HeteROpteRyx Gray, 1835 (Type-species: PhasMa dilAt", "whitespace_perturbation": " discussed and a cladogram is presen ted.Het ero pt eryg inae contains twog ener a: Heteropteryx Gray,1835(T y pe-s p ec ies:Phasmad il a t ", "underscore_trick": " discussed_and a_cladogram is presented. Heteropteryginae_contains two_genera:_Heteropteryx Gray,_1835_(Type-species: Phasma dilat"}
{"text": "ite green and the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone was significantly increased. In the malachite green chloride study, the relative liver weights of 600 and 1", "synonym_substitution": "ite green and the concentration of thyroid - stimulating hormone was importantly increase. In the malachite green chloride study, the proportional liver weights of 600 and 1", "butter_fingers": "ite green and the concentrauion of thyroid-stnnulatiig hormkne was rignificantly increased. In tie mqlachute green chloride stuay, the repative luver qeights of 600 and 1", "random_deletion": "ite green and the concentration of thyroid-stimulating significantly In the green chloride study, 600 1", "change_char_case": "ite green and the concentratiOn of thyroiD-stimUlaTinG hOrmoNe waS significantly INcreAsed. In the malachite greeN chloRiDE stuDY, tHe relAtive liVEr WEIghTs Of 600 And 1", "whitespace_perturbation": "ite green and the concentr ation of t hyroi d-s tim ul atin g ho rmone was sign i fica ntly increased. In the mala ch i te g r ee n chl oride s t ud y , th ere lat iv e l iverwei ghts of 600 and 1 ", "underscore_trick": "ite green_and the_concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone_was significantly_increased._In the_malachite_green chloride study,_the relative liver_weights of 600 and_1"}
{"text": " contains three exceptionally Bornean species, which are characterized by the long and apically pointed subgenital plate of females, which clearly projects beyond the epipro", "synonym_substitution": "contains three exceptionally Bornean species, which are characterized by the long and apically charge subgenital home plate of females, which clearly projects beyond the epipro", "butter_fingers": " cojtains three exceptionaluy Bornean specnws, whirh are dharactefized by the long and apicalpy poinuvd subgenital plate ow females, which coearot projects beyond bke epjiro", "random_deletion": "contains three exceptionally Bornean species, which are the and apically subgenital plate of the", "change_char_case": " contains three exceptionallY Bornean spEcies, WhiCh aRe CharActeRized by the long ANd apIcally pointed subgenitaL platE oF FemaLEs, Which Clearly PRoJECts BeYoNd tHe EPiPro", "whitespace_perturbation": " contains three exceptiona lly Bornea n spe cie s,wh icharecharacterizedb y th e long and apically po inted s u bgen i ta l pla te of f e ma l e s,wh ic h c le a rl y pro jec ts beyo nd the epi pro ", "underscore_trick": " contains_three exceptionally_Bornean species, which are_characterized by_the_long and_apically_pointed subgenital plate_of females, which_clearly projects beyond the_epipro"}
{"text": " the three tribes now contained in the Obriminae, i.e. Obrimini, Tisamenini n. trib. and Miro", "synonym_substitution": "the three tribes now contained in the Obriminae, i.e. Obrimini, Tisamenini n. trib. and Miro", "butter_fingers": " thf three tribes now contalned in the Obriminae, i.x. Obrimjni, Tisaoenini n. trib. and Miro", "random_deletion": "the three tribes now contained in the Obrimini, n. trib. Miro", "change_char_case": " the three tribes now containeD in the ObriMinae, I.e. OBriMiNi, TiSameNini n. trib. and MiRO", "whitespace_perturbation": " the three tribes now cont ained in t he Ob rim ina e, i.e . Ob rimini, Tisame n inin. trib. and Miro", "underscore_trick": " the_three tribes_now contained in the_Obriminae, i.e._Obrimini,_Tisamenini n._trib._and Miro"}
{"text": "hn, 1939 and Hoploclonia St\u00e5l, 1875 all of which were placed in Eubulidini by Zompro (2004).", "synonym_substitution": "hn, 1939 and Hoploclonia St\u00e5l, 1875 all of which were placed in Eubulidini by Zompro (2004).", "butter_fingers": "hn, 1939 and Hoploclonia St\u00e5l, 1875 alu of which were placed in Eugulidini by Zompro (2004).", "random_deletion": "hn, 1939 and Hoploclonia St\u00e5l, 1875 all were in Eubulidini Zompro (2004).", "change_char_case": "hn, 1939 and Hoploclonia St\u00e5l, 1875 all of Which were pLaced In EUbuLiDini By ZoMpro (2004).", "whitespace_perturbation": "hn, 1939 and Hoploclonia S t\u00e5l, 1875all o f w hic hwere pla ced in Eubulid i ni b y Zompro (2004).", "underscore_trick": "hn, 1939_and Hoploclonia_St\u00e5l, 1875 all of_which were_placed_in Eubulidini_by_Zompro (2004)."}
{"text": " malachite green chloride, and a second study that determined the level of micronuclei in circulating erythrocytes of male and female mice following 28 days of exposure to", "synonym_substitution": "malachite green chloride, and a second study that determined the level of micronuclei in circulate red blood cell of male and female mice following 28 day of photograph to", "butter_fingers": " mapachite green chloride, akd a second studi rhat dxterminsd the ldvel of micronuclei in circuparing tgythrocytes of male avd female mice foolowmng 28 days of exposure to", "random_deletion": "malachite green chloride, and a second study the of micronuclei circulating erythrocytes of 28 of exposure to", "change_char_case": " malachite green chloride, and A second stuDy thaT deTerMiNed tHe leVel of micronuclEI in cIrculating erythrocytes Of malE aND femALe Mice fOllowinG 28 DaYS Of eXpOsUre To", "whitespace_perturbation": " malachite green chloride, and a sec ond s tud y t ha t de term ined the level of m icronuclei in circulat ing e ry t hroc y te s ofmale an d f e m ale m ic e f ol l ow ing 2 8 d ays ofexposure t o", "underscore_trick": " malachite_green chloride,_and a second study_that determined_the_level of_micronuclei_in circulating erythrocytes_of male and_female mice following 28_days of exposure_to"}
{"text": " results were also obtained in two in vivo micronucleus tests, one that assessed induction of micronuclei in rat bone marrow erythrocytes after three intraperitoneal injections of", "synonym_substitution": "results were also obtained in two in vivo micronucleus tests, one that tax evocation of micronuclei in rat bone marrow erythrocytes after three intraperitoneal injections of", "butter_fingers": " redults were also obtained in two in vivo micronncleus fests, ond that assessed induction of mucronyclei in rat bone marruw erythrlcytes adter rhree intreleritonccl inncctious of", "random_deletion": "results were also obtained in two in tests, that assessed of micronuclei in three injections of", "change_char_case": " results were also obtained in Two in vivo mIcronUclEus TeSts, oNe thAt assessed induCTion Of micronuclei in rat bone MarroW eRYthrOCyTes afTer threE InTRApeRiToNeaL iNJeCtionS of", "whitespace_perturbation": " results were also obtaine d in two i n viv o m icr on ucle us t ests, one that asse ssed induction of micr onucl ei in r a tbonemarrowe ry t h roc yt es af te r t hreeint raperit oneal inje cti on s of", "underscore_trick": " results_were also_obtained in two in_vivo micronucleus_tests,_one that_assessed_induction of micronuclei_in rat bone_marrow erythrocytes after three_intraperitoneal injections of"}
{"text": " compared with that of cells in hypoxia control group, apoptosis rates of cells in hypoxia KGF group and hypoxia combine group obviously decreased (P=0.004,", "synonym_substitution": "compared with that of cells in hypoxia control group, apoptosis rates of cells in hypoxia KGF group and hypoxia combine group obviously decrease (P=0.004,", "butter_fingers": " colpared with that of cellr in hypoxia courrol gcoup, apkptosis fates of cells in hypoxia KGH griup abd hypoxia combine grojp obvioudly decrwasev (P=0.004,", "random_deletion": "compared with that of cells in hypoxia apoptosis of cells hypoxia KGF group decreased", "change_char_case": " compared with that of cells in Hypoxia conTrol gRouP, apOpTosiS ratEs of cells in hypOXia KgF group and hypoxia combiNe groUp OBvioUSlY decrEased (P=0.004,", "whitespace_perturbation": " compared with that of cel ls in hypo xia c ont rol g roup , ap optosis rateso f ce lls in hypoxia KGF gro up an dh ypox i acombi ne grou p o b v iou sl ydec re a se d (P= 0.0 04,", "underscore_trick": " compared_with that_of cells in hypoxia_control group,_apoptosis_rates of_cells_in hypoxia KGF_group and hypoxia_combine group obviously decreased_(P=0.004,"}
{"text": "ised with Mearnsiana bullosa Rehn & Rehn, 1939, the type-species of Mearnsiana (n. syn.). Theramen", "synonym_substitution": "ised with Mearnsiana bullosa Rehn & Rehn, 1939, the type - species of Mearnsiana (n. syn .). Theramen", "butter_fingers": "isef with Mearnsiana bullosx Rehn & Rehn, 1939, tkw type-vpeciea of Meafnsiana (n. syn.). Theramen", "random_deletion": "ised with Mearnsiana bullosa Rehn & Rehn, type-species Mearnsiana (n. Theramen", "change_char_case": "ised with Mearnsiana bullosa rehn & Rehn, 1939, thE type-SpeCieS oF MeaRnsiAna (n. syn.). TherameN", "whitespace_perturbation": "ised with Mearnsiana bullo sa Rehn &Rehn, 19 39, t he t ype- species of Mea r nsia na (n. syn.). Theramen ", "underscore_trick": "ised with_Mearnsiana bullosa_Rehn & Rehn, 1939,_the type-species_of_Mearnsiana (n._syn.)._Theramen"}
{"text": " chloride. Male and female F344/N Nctr BR rats and B6C3F1/Nctr BR (C57BL/6", "synonym_substitution": "chloride. Male and female F344 / N Nctr BR rats and B6C3F1 / Nctr BR (C57BL/6", "butter_fingers": " chporide. Male and female F344/K Nctr BR rats aue B6C3F1/Nrtr BR (D57BL/6", "random_deletion": "chloride. Male and female F344/N Nctr BR B6C3F1/Nctr (C57BL/6", "change_char_case": " chloride. Male and female F344/N NcTr BR rats anD B6C3F1/NCtr bR (C57bL/6", "whitespace_perturbation": " chloride. Male and female F344/N Nc tr BR ra tsan d B6 C3F1 /Nctr BR (C57B L /6", "underscore_trick": " chloride._Male and_female F344/N Nctr BR_rats and_B6C3F1/Nctr_BR (C57BL/6"}
{"text": " the 600 (rats only) and 1,200 ppm groups were significantly less than those of the controls. In the leucomalachite green study", "synonym_substitution": "the 600 (rats only) and 1,200 ppm groups were significantly less than those of the control. In the leucomalachite green discipline", "butter_fingers": " thf 600 (rats only) and 1,200 ppm gruups were signiyucantlb less fhan thore of the controls. In the lencomqlachute green study", "random_deletion": "the 600 (rats only) and 1,200 ppm significantly than those the controls. In", "change_char_case": " the 600 (rats only) and 1,200 ppm groups weRe significAntly LesS thAn ThosE of tHe controls. In thE LeucOmalachite green study", "whitespace_perturbation": " the 600 (rats only) and 1 ,200 ppm g roups we resi gnif ican tly less thant hose of the controls. In t he le uc o mala c hi te gr een stu d y", "underscore_trick": " the_600 (rats_only) and 1,200 ppm_groups were_significantly_less than_those_of the controls._In the leucomalachite_green study"}
{"text": " phase in the above 3 groups were obviously lower than the percentage of cells in hypoxia combine group (P=0.001, 0.012, 0.010", "synonym_substitution": "phase in the above 3 groups were obviously lower than the percentage of cells in hypoxia combine group (P=0.001, 0.012, 0.010", "butter_fingers": " phwse in the above 3 groups were obviously lower vhan ths percengage of cells in hypoxia comuine grouk (P=0.001, 0.012, 0.010", "random_deletion": "phase in the above 3 groups were than percentage of in hypoxia combine", "change_char_case": " phase in the above 3 groups were Obviously lOwer tHan The PeRcenTage Of cells in hypoxIA comBine group (P=0.001, 0.012, 0.010", "whitespace_perturbation": " phase in the above 3 grou ps were ob vious lylow er tha n th e percentage o f cel ls in hypoxia combinegroup ( P =0.0 0 1, 0.01 2, 0.01 0 ", "underscore_trick": " phase_in the_above 3 groups were_obviously lower_than_the percentage_of_cells in hypoxia_combine group (P=0.001,_0.012, 0.010"}
{"text": " formalachite green chloride were conducted in vitro in Salmonella typhimurium and in vivo in rat bone marrow erythrocytes and in mouse peripheral blood erythrocytes. Genetic", "synonym_substitution": "formalachite green chloride were conducted in vitro in Salmonella typhimurium and in vivo in rat bone marrow erythrocytes and in shiner peripheral rake erythrocytes. Genetic", "butter_fingers": " fogmalachite green chloridt were conducted nb vitrm in Szlmonellx typhimurium and in vivo in rqt bobe marrow erythrocytes and in mluse peruphecal blood erythrocytes. Gcuetic", "random_deletion": "formalachite green chloride were conducted in vitro typhimurium in vivo rat bone marrow blood Genetic", "change_char_case": " formalachite green chloride Were conducTed in VitRo iN SAlmoNellA typhimurium anD In viVo in rat bone marrow erythRocytEs ANd in MOuSe perIpheral BLoOD EryThRoCytEs. gEnEtic", "whitespace_perturbation": " formalachite green chlori de were co nduct edinvi troin S almonella typh i muri um and in vivo in ratbonema r rowe ry throc ytes an d i n mou se p eri ph e ra l blo oderythro cytes. Gen eti c", "underscore_trick": " formalachite_green chloride_were conducted in vitro_in Salmonella_typhimurium_and in_vivo_in rat bone_marrow erythrocytes and_in mouse peripheral blood_erythrocytes. Genetic"}
{"text": "ite green chloride is a triphenylmethane dye used in the fish and dye industries. Leucomalachite green is prepared by the reduction of mal", "synonym_substitution": "ite green chloride is a triphenylmethane dye used in the fish and dye industries. Leucomalachite k is prepare by the reduction of mal", "butter_fingers": "ite green chloride is a trikhenylmethane dye used ii the fjsh and aye industries. Leucomalachitx grwen iw prepared by the reduztion of lal", "random_deletion": "ite green chloride is a triphenylmethane dye the and dye Leucomalachite green is mal", "change_char_case": "ite green chloride is a tripheNylmethane Dye usEd iN thE fIsh aNd dyE industries. LeuCOmalAchite green is prepared bY the rEdUCtioN Of Mal", "whitespace_perturbation": "ite green chloride is a tr iphenylmet hanedye us ed inthefish and dye i n dust ries. Leucomalachite g reenis prep a re d bythe red u ct i o n o fma l", "underscore_trick": "ite green_chloride is_a triphenylmethane dye used_in the_fish_and dye_industries._Leucomalachite green is_prepared by the_reduction of mal"}
{"text": " group were obviously higher than that of cells in normoxia control group (P<0.001), and protein expression of p53 of cells in hypoxia combine group", "synonym_substitution": "group were obviously higher than that of cells in normoxia control group (P<0.001), and protein expression of p53 of cells in hypoxia combine group", "butter_fingers": " grlup were obviously highev than that of cglos in iormoxiz controu group (P<0.001), and protein expresdiin of p53 of cells in hypoxia combine hroup", "random_deletion": "group were obviously higher than that of normoxia group (P<0.001), protein expression of combine", "change_char_case": " group were obviously higher tHan that of cElls iN noRmoXiA conTrol Group (P<0.001), and proteIN expRession of p53 of cells in hypOxia cOmBIne gROuP", "whitespace_perturbation": " group were obviously high er than th at of ce lls i n no rmox ia control gro u p (P <0.001), and protein e xpres si o n of p5 3 ofcells i n h y p oxi aco mbi ne gr oup", "underscore_trick": " group_were obviously_higher than that of_cells in_normoxia_control group_(P<0.001),_and protein expression_of p53 of_cells in hypoxia combine_group"}
{"text": "atra is described from the male. Haaniella macroptera n. sp. from Singapore and the Johor state in southern Peninsular Malaysia is described", "synonym_substitution": "atra is described from the male. Haaniella macroptera n. sp. from Singapore and the Johor state in southern Peninsular Malaysia is described", "butter_fingers": "atrw is described from the oale. Haaniella macroptxra n. sl. from Skngapore and the Johor state ib souukern Peninsular Malahsia is dvscribed", "random_deletion": "atra is described from the male. Haaniella sp. Singapore and Johor state in", "change_char_case": "atra is described from the malE. Haaniella MacroPteRa n. Sp. From singApore and the JohOR staTe in southern Peninsular malaySiA Is deSCrIbed", "whitespace_perturbation": "atra is described from the male. Haa niell a m acr op tera n.sp. from Singa p oreand the Johor state in sout he r n Pe n in sular Malays i ai s de sc ri bed ", "underscore_trick": "atra is_described from_the male. Haaniella macroptera_n. sp._from_Singapore and_the_Johor state in_southern Peninsular Malaysia_is described"}
{"text": " species-groups are recognized within Haaniella. The muelleri species-group contains nine species that are distributed throughout Sumatra, the Mentawei Islands", "synonym_substitution": "species - groups are recognized within Haaniella. The muelleri species - group contains nine coinage that are distribute throughout Sumatra, the Mentawei Islands", "butter_fingers": " spfcies-groups are recogniztd within Haaniella. The kuelledi specids-group contains nine specied rhat qre distributed througfout Sumanra, the Mwntaxei Islands", "random_deletion": "species-groups are recognized within Haaniella. The muelleri nine that are throughout Sumatra, the", "change_char_case": " species-groups are recognizeD within HaaNiellA. ThE muElLeri SpecIes-group contaiNS ninE species that are distribUted tHrOUghoUT SUmatrA, the MenTAwEI islAnDs", "whitespace_perturbation": " species-groups are recogn ized withi n Haa nie lla .Themuel leri species-g r oupcontains nine speciesthatar e dis t ri buted throug h ou t Sum at ra , t he Me ntawe i I slands", "underscore_trick": " species-groups_are recognized_within Haaniella. The muelleri_species-group contains_nine_species that_are_distributed throughout Sumatra,_the Mentawei Islands"}
{"text": ".3\u00b112.3)% of normoxia control group (P<0.001). Survival rates of cells in hypoxia KGF group, hypoxia HIF", "synonym_substitution": ".3\u00b112.3)% of normoxia control group (P<0.001). Survival rates of cells in hypoxia KGF group, hypoxia HIF", "butter_fingers": ".3\u00b112.3)% of normoxia control group (K<0.001). Survival rates of cellv in hgpoxia KEF group, hypoxia HIF", "random_deletion": ".3\u00b112.3)% of normoxia control group (P<0.001). Survival cells hypoxia KGF hypoxia HIF", "change_char_case": ".3\u00b112.3)% of normoxia control group (P<0.001). SuRvival rateS of ceLls In hYpOxia kGF gRoup, hypoxia HIF", "whitespace_perturbation": ".3\u00b112.3)% of normoxia cont rol group(P<0. 001 ).Su rviv al r ates of cellsi n hy poxia KGF group, hypox ia HI F", "underscore_trick": ".3\u00b112.3)% of_normoxia control_group (P<0.001). Survival rates_of cells_in_hypoxia KGF_group,_hypoxia HIF"}
{"text": " distributed in Borneo, Sumatra, the Mentawai Islands, Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand. Heteropteryginae contains the largest and", "synonym_substitution": "distributed in Borneo, Sumatra, the Mentawai Islands, Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand. Heteropteryginae contains the largest and", "butter_fingers": " didtributed in Borneo, Sumaura, the Mentawai Nwlands, Singalore, Penknsular Malaysia and Thailanv. Hereropuvryginae contains the largest wnd", "random_deletion": "distributed in Borneo, Sumatra, the Mentawai Islands, Malaysia Thailand. Heteropteryginae the largest and", "change_char_case": " distributed in Borneo, SumatrA, the MentawAi IslAndS, SiNgAporE, PenInsular MalaysiA And THailand. HeteropteryginaE contAiNS the LArGest aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " distributed in Borneo, Su matra, the Ment awa i I sl ands , Si ngapore, Penin s ular Malaysia and Thailand . Het er o pter y gi nae c ontains th e lar ge st an d", "underscore_trick": " distributed_in Borneo,_Sumatra, the Mentawai Islands,_Singapore, Peninsular_Malaysia_and Thailand._Heteropteryginae_contains the largest_and"}
{"text": "ceramiini. The genus Hennobrimus Conle, 2006 is synonymised with Mearnsiana Rehn & Rehn, 1939,", "synonym_substitution": "ceramiini. The genus Hennobrimus Conle, 2006 is synonymised with Mearnsiana Rehn & Rehn, 1939,", "butter_fingers": "cerwmiini. The genus Hennobrlmus Conle, 2006 is sininymisxd with Mearnsixna Rehn & Rehn, 1939,", "random_deletion": "ceramiini. The genus Hennobrimus Conle, 2006 is Mearnsiana & Rehn,", "change_char_case": "ceramiini. The genus HennobriMus Conle, 2006 is SynonYmiSed WiTh MeArnsIana Rehn & Rehn, 1939,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ceramiini. The genus Henno brimus Con le, 2 006 is s ynon ymis ed with Mearns i anaRehn & Rehn, 1939,", "underscore_trick": "ceramiini. The_genus Hennobrimus_Conle, 2006 is synonymised_with Mearnsiana_Rehn_& Rehn,_1939,"}
{"text": "Westwood, 1859) and re-established as a valid species (rev. stat.). The subfamily Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1896 is revised at", "synonym_substitution": "Westwood, 1859) and re - established as a valid species (rev. stat .). The subfamily Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1896 is revised at", "butter_fingers": "Weshwood, 1859) and re-established as a valid speeues (ret. stat.). Fhe subfxmily Heteropteryginae Kirby, 1896 us recised at", "random_deletion": "Westwood, 1859) and re-established as a valid stat.). subfamily Heteropteryginae 1896 is revised", "change_char_case": "Westwood, 1859) and re-established aS a valid speCies (rEv. sTat.). thE subFamiLy HeteropterygINae KIrby, 1896 is revised at", "whitespace_perturbation": "Westwood, 1859) and re-est ablished a s a v ali d s pe cies (re v. stat.). The subf amily Heteropteryginae Kirb y, 1896 is revi sed at", "underscore_trick": "Westwood, 1859)_and re-established_as a valid species_(rev. stat.)._The_subfamily Heteropteryginae_Kirby,_1896 is revised_at"}
{"text": " collected, with 3 samples in each group, and survival rates of cells were detected by cell count kit 8. Cells in normoxia control group and cells cultured in", "synonym_substitution": "collected, with 3 samples in each group, and survival rates of cells were detect by cellular telephone count kit 8. cellular telephone in normoxia control group and cells cultured in", "butter_fingers": " coplected, with 3 samples in each group, and survivel ratea of celus were detected by cell couit kut 8. Ctjls in normoxia covtrol grolp and ceols rultured in", "random_deletion": "collected, with 3 samples in each group, rates cells were by cell count control and cells cultured", "change_char_case": " collected, with 3 samples in eacH group, and sUrvivAl rAteS oF celLs weRe detected by ceLL couNt kit 8. Cells in normoxia coNtrol GrOUp anD CeLls cuLtured iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " collected, with 3 samples in each g roup, an d s ur viva l ra tes of cells w e re d etected by cell countkit 8 .C ells in norm oxia co n tr o l gr ou pand c e ll s cul tur ed in", "underscore_trick": " collected,_with 3_samples in each group,_and survival_rates_of cells_were_detected by cell_count kit 8._Cells in normoxia control_group and cells_cultured_in"}
{"text": ", 1842). The distribution of this subfamily is restricted to Sundaland with the exception of a single species that is found in Vietnam. All other species are", "synonym_substitution": ", 1842). The distribution of this subfamily is restricted to Sundaland with the exception of a single species that is found in Vietnam. All early coinage are", "butter_fingers": ", 1842). Tje distribution of this rubfamily is restrictev to Suhdaland dith the exception of a singpe specues that is found in Vketnam. Alp other wpecmes are", "random_deletion": ", 1842). The distribution of this subfamily to with the of a single Vietnam. other species are", "change_char_case": ", 1842). The distribution of this subfAmily is resTrictEd tO SuNdAlanD witH the exception oF A sinGle species that is found iN VietNaM. all oTHeR specIes are", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 1842). The distributionof this su bfami lyisre stri cted to Sundalandw iththe exception of a sin gle s pe c iest ha t isfound i n V i e tna m. A llot h er spec ies are", "underscore_trick": ", 1842)._The distribution_of this subfamily is_restricted to_Sundaland_with the_exception_of a single_species that is_found in Vietnam. All_other species are"}
{"text": "\u00fcnther, 1944 is automatically retransferred to Haaniella (rev. stat.). Haaniella aculeata n. sp. from western Sum", "synonym_substitution": "\u00fcnther, 1944 is automatically retransferred to Haaniella (rev. stat .). Haaniella aculeata n. sp. from western Sum", "butter_fingers": "\u00fcnthfr, 1944 is automatically retvansferred to Hacbiella (rev. sfat.). Haankella aculeata n. sp. from wesvern Sum", "random_deletion": "\u00fcnther, 1944 is automatically retransferred to Haaniella Haaniella n. sp. western Sum", "change_char_case": "\u00fcnther, 1944 is automatically retrAnsferred tO HaanIelLa (rEv. Stat.). haanIella aculeata n. SP. froM western Sum", "whitespace_perturbation": "\u00fcnther, 1944 is automatica lly retran sferr edtoHa anie lla(rev. stat.).H aani ella aculeata n. sp. f rom w es t ernS um ", "underscore_trick": "\u00fcnther, 1944_is automatically_retransferred to Haaniella (rev._stat.). Haaniella_aculeata_n. sp._from_western Sum"}
{"text": "atum Parkinson, 1798) and Haaniella Kirby, 1896 (Type-species: Phasma (Heteropteryx) muelleri de Haan", "synonym_substitution": "atum Parkinson, 1798) and Haaniella Kirby, 1896 (Type - species: Phasma (Heteropteryx) muelleri de Haan", "butter_fingers": "atul Parkinson, 1798) and Haanielua Kirby, 1896 (Type-skexies: Piasma (Hsteroptefyx) muelleri de Haan", "random_deletion": "atum Parkinson, 1798) and Haaniella Kirby, 1896 (Heteropteryx) de Haan", "change_char_case": "atum Parkinson, 1798) and Haaniella kirby, 1896 (Type-sPecieS: PhAsmA (HEterOpteRyx) muelleri de HAAn", "whitespace_perturbation": "atum Parkinson, 1798) andHaaniellaKirby , 1 896 ( Type -spe cies: Phasma ( H eter opteryx) muelleri de H aan", "underscore_trick": "atum Parkinson,_1798) and_Haaniella Kirby, 1896 (Type-species:_Phasma (Heteropteryx)_muelleri_de Haan"}
{"text": "ucomalachite green study, the relative liver weights of 290 ppm or greater male rats were significantly greater than those of the control group. No gross lesions", "synonym_substitution": "ucomalachite green study, the relative liver weights of 290 ppm or great male rotter were significantly greater than those of the control group. No arrant lesions", "butter_fingers": "ucolalachite green study, tht relative liver cwights of 290 plm or grdater male rats were signifirantoy grtcter than those of tfe controp group. Bo gcoss lesions", "random_deletion": "ucomalachite green study, the relative liver weights ppm greater male were significantly greater group. gross lesions", "change_char_case": "ucomalachite green study, the Relative liVer weIghTs oF 290 pPm or GreaTer male rats werE SignIficantly greater than thOse of ThE ContROl Group. no gross LEsIONs", "whitespace_perturbation": "ucomalachite green study,the relati ve li ver we ig htsof 2 90 ppm or grea t er m ale rats were signific antly g r eate r t han t hose of th e con tr ol gr ou p .No gr oss lesion s", "underscore_trick": "ucomalachite green_study, the_relative liver weights of_290 ppm_or_greater male_rats_were significantly greater_than those of_the control group. No_gross lesions"}